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(五个月后的1968年3月,美军进行了美莱村大屠杀。 | (Five months later, in March of 1968, American troops committed the massacre at My Lai.) | zh-en |
降低儿童吸烟将会主要在2050年后挽救性命。戒烟是有成效的。 | Reduced uptake of smoking by children would save lives chiefly after 2050. | zh-en |
欧盟可以开放其市场、提供关键领域的资金和技术援助,从而起到重要作用。 | The EU can play an important role by opening its market and providing funding and technical assistance in crucial areas. | zh-en |
各国中央银行可以随意买卖美国债券,而不会影响本国市场的波动。 | Central banks can buy and sell dollar securities without moving those markets. | zh-en |
各国中央银行已经在视情况降低利率了。 | Central banks are already cutting interest rates left and right. | zh-en |
特别是,它们的技术功能必须与政治角色明确区分。 | In particular, their technical functions must be clearly distinguished from their political roles. | zh-en |
但对国际清算银行分析的猛烈反应似乎既不合理,也不公平。 | But the harsh reactions to the BIS’s analysis seem misplaced and unfair. | zh-en |
如果欧洲央行购买它们的债券,各国政府就可以无视市场压力。 | If the ECB purchases their bonds, governments will be able to ignore market pressure. | zh-en |
因此,墨西哥生活水平落后于美国和大部分新兴市场经济体。 | As a result, living standards in Mexico have fallen further behind the US and most emerging-market economies. | zh-en |
不论是个人还是社会,我们从与他人的信息共享中都能获益良多。 | We have much to gain individually and as a society from sharing information with each other. | zh-en |
新的IMF应该在全球金融系统稳定的问题上有更大的发言权。 | The new IMF needs to become more vocal on global financial stability issues. | zh-en |
中国显然令人对那些多党制民主和经济增长之间的强相关关系产生了怀疑。 | The Chinese example certainly calls into question a strong correlation between multi-party democracy and economic growth. | zh-en |
2008年金融危机爆发后,我们迎来的是大衰退。 | After the financial crisis of 2008 erupted, we got the Great Recession instead. | zh-en |
尽管爆发了2008年金融危机,美国仍是全球金融无可争议的领袖。 | Despite the 2008 financial crisis, the US remains the undisputed leader in global finance. | zh-en |
当2008年危机爆发时,大规模财政和货币扩张防止了美国消费出现崩溃。 | When the crash came in 2008, massive fiscal and monetary expansion prevented US consumption from collapsing. | zh-en |
东欧民主革命的领袖在新环境中迅速消失得无影无踪。 | The leaders of the democratic revolutions in Eastern Europe quickly faded in the new environment. | zh-en |
技术的进步可以让我们从这一桎梏中摆脱出来,但前提是我们必须未雨绸缪。 | Improved technologies can offer a way out of this bind, but only if we think and act ahead. | zh-en |
只有朝鲜才会出现在最高政治和军事领导层中刻意安插首脑亲信的状况。 | Systemic nepotism in the top political and military leadership exists only in North Korea. | zh-en |
基因时代远远没有结束,只不过升级成了发育遗传学时代。 | The age of the gene is far from over; it has simply progressed into the age of epigenetics. | zh-en |
奥巴马的“红线”是不容许使用化学武器。 | Obama has his “red line” on the use of chemical weapons. | zh-en |
此外,伊朗对黎巴嫩真主党等恐怖组织的支持可能给别的国家带来暴力侵害。 | Moreover, Iran’s support of terrorist organizations, such as Hezbollah, could bring violence to other countries. | zh-en |
因此,伊朗急需在2020年以前发展2万兆瓦的核电。 | Thus, Iran urgently needs to produce 20,000 megawatts of nuclear power by 2020. | zh-en |
年GDP增长率接近5%,只有中国和印度能超过这里。 | Annual GDP growth was close to 5%, just behind China and India. | zh-en |
中国饱经上千年动乱,因此今天的中国领导人将竭尽全力保证稳定。 | Given centuries of turmoil in China, today’s leaders will do everything in their power to preserve stability. | zh-en |
当美国的油价达到每桶120美元的时候,欧洲的油价每桶只有76欧元。 | When Americans paid $120 per barrel, Europeans paid only about €76 per barrel. | zh-en |
不管俄罗斯自1917年以来的历史是怎样的,一党独大是任何人所不愿意看到的。 | Despite Russia’s history after 1917, one dominant political party is preferable to none at all. | zh-en |
如果德国能够提供此类领导力,其他国家就会马上跟进。 | If Germany provided this kind of leadership, other countries would be quick to follow. | zh-en |
自2011年以来,150多名阿尔及利亚人甚至不惜自焚——地点多在政府大楼前。 | More than 150 Algerians have even set themselves on fire since 2011, usually in front of public services buildings. | zh-en |
传统政党领导人会对支持者说,“你们可以信任我。 | A traditional party leader says to his followers, “You can trust me. ” | zh-en |
美国政府明确表示:美国绝不容许土耳其对伊北部实行军事干预。 | The American administration made it clear that military intervention by Turkey in Northern Iraq would not be tolerated. | zh-en |
大问题是政府是否认识到这一发展趋势的潜在力量。 | The big question is whether governments are aware of the potential power of this development. | zh-en |
担心主权违约会让债券市场要求政府为其借款支付极高利率。 | Fearing sovereign defaults, bond markets would charge governments punitive interest rates on their borrowing. | zh-en |
白俄罗斯已经拥有了一个据报年纯收入达3亿美元的新生软件工业。 | Belarus already has a budding software industry that reports net annual revenues of $300 million. | zh-en |
根据皮尤研究中心的全球民意调查项目显示,仅仅30%的意大利人对欧元持正面态度。 | According to the Pew Research Global Attitudes Project, only 30% of Italians view the euro positively. | zh-en |
20世纪80年代,权衡直接外资利弊的天平在发达国家的引导下开始发生倾斜。 | Led by the developed countries, the pendulum began to swing in the 1980’s. | zh-en |
但自20世纪80年代以来,实质步骤一开始逐渐将体系推向正确的方向。 | But incremental steps had been slowly moving the system in the right direction since the 1980s. | zh-en |
事实上,这就是Urkrise——让20世纪变得面目狰狞的事件。 | Indeed, this was the Urkrise – the event that made the twentieth century so terrible. | zh-en |
20世纪80年代,DNA重组技术带来了乙肝和人乳头瘤病毒疫苗的发展。 | In the 1980’s, recombinant DNA technology led to the development of vaccines against hepatitis B and human papillomavirus. | zh-en |
1997-1998年亚洲金融危机期间,中国官员并未允许人民币参与竞争性贬值。 | During the Asian financial crisis of 1997-1998, Chinese officials did not engage in competitive devaluation of the renminbi. | zh-en |
2011年12月,俄罗斯议会选举引爆了公民抗议。 | In December 2011, the country’s parliamentary election triggered a civic explosion. | zh-en |
即使2015年某一时刻美联储开始提高利率,它的加息举措也会非常谨慎。 | Even when the Fed starts to raise interest rates (some time in 2015), it will proceed slowly. | zh-en |
若全球经济环境恶化,这类关系将更加关键。 | Such relationships will be all the more crucial if global economic conditions deteriorate. | zh-en |
美国要为全球贸易谈判多哈回合的失败负主要责任。 | The US is largely responsible for the failure of the Doha Round of global trade talks. | zh-en |
作为曾是马克思列宁主义发源地的俄罗斯,其领导人似乎仍然不明白辩证法。 | In the former mother country of Marxism-Leninism, the leaders still don’t seem to understand dialectics. | zh-en |
影响不仅仅局限于经济表现和金融市场走势。 | The impact is not limited to economic performance and financial-market movements. | zh-en |
自由市场思想常常忽略一点,即政治最终会让一切决策者都沾上点凯恩斯主义风格。 | What free-market ideologues often fail to grasp is that politics eventually makes all policymakers Keynesian to some degree. | zh-en |
它们影响相对议价力,对日益严重的全球性问题——不平等形成重要影响。 | They affect relative bargaining power, with important implications for inequality, a growing problem around the world. | zh-en |
让我们对金融市场进行监管以使其不会损害外部投资人的利益。 | Let us regulate our financial markets so that outsiders who invest are not sheared. | zh-en |
根据这一方法,本国市场较小的小国总是比大国呈现出更大的互联性。 | According to these measures, smaller countries with smaller domestic markets appear to be more interconnected than larger ones. | zh-en |
金融市场将不得不进行扩容,从而使个人和公司都能更好的规避风险。 | Financial markets will have to be broadened, so that people and businesses can better hedge their risks. | zh-en |
希腊仍然是主权国家(country)而不是次主权的邦国(state)。 | Greece remains very much a sovereign country, not a sub-sovereign state. | zh-en |
有一种提案呼吁对国内和国际的金融交易征税。 | One proposal calls for taxing national and international financial transactions. | zh-en |
交易所计划今年夏天进行研究,并最早在2008年开始进行交易。 | The exchange will undertake a study this summer, with trading to begin as early as 2008. | zh-en |
伊拉克国民会议在这一任务上大体获得成功。 | Concerning the pre-referendum phase, the National Assembly largely succeeded in this task. | zh-en |
政府不愿承认有偿债能力问题,因为害怕这样会引发资本外流、金融恐慌和经济危机。 | Governments are reluctant to acknowledge solvency problems for fear of triggering capital outflows, financial panics, and economic crises. | zh-en |
过去十年中东地区发生了巨大的变化。 | The Middle East has changed dramatically in the last ten years. | zh-en |
中国对乌克兰危机的反应很能说明问题。 | China’s response to the crisis in Ukraine was particularly revealing. | zh-en |
惟其如此,中国中小企业才能获得茁壮成长所需要的资金。 | Only then can Chinese SMEs finally gain access to the funding they need to thrive. | zh-en |
其他经济学家认为,欧洲强大的工会势力是欧洲人对待工作态度的一项重要决定因素。 | Other economists see Europe’s powerful labor unions as an important determinant in European attitudes towards work. | zh-en |
它JP摩根大通带来的压力微不足道,根本无法引起重大变化。 | The pressure brought to bear on JPMorgan Chase was completely inconsequential – nothing significant will change. | zh-en |
向司法部和国家律师协会的正式投诉甚至没有被确认收悉,更别提什么回复了。 | Formal complaints to the justice ministry and the national bar association weren’t even acknowledged, let alone answered. | zh-en |
德国替代方案党将吸引更多的支持,情绪将会发生改变。 | The new German political party would attract much more support, and sentiment might shift. | zh-en |
2011年,中国公司耗资80亿人民币(合13亿美元)用以购置工业机器人。 | In 2011, Chinese companies spent ¥8 billion ($1.3 billion) on industrial robots. | zh-en |
新加坡很快就沦陷了,至今仍被广泛视为丘吉尔首相最难堪的军事失败。 | Singapore quickly fell, in what is widely considered Prime Minister Winston Churchill’s most ignominious military defeat. | zh-en |
至于尤科斯事件,司法程序完成前我没法干预。 | As to the Yukos affair, my office cannot intervene in any legal process until it is completed. | zh-en |
许多学术研究发现这一收敛速率大约在每年2%。 | Many academic studies have found that the rate of convergence tends to be about 2% per year. | zh-en |
一些现代艺术家和他们的顾客明确指出了当代艺术和金融新产品之间的相似之处。 | Some modern artists and their patrons explicitly point to the parallel between contemporary art and new financial products. | zh-en |
在由大脑控制的假肢设备中,由设备的内置电脑负责解码来自大脑的信号。 | In brain-controlled prosthetic devices, a computer that sits in the device decodes signals from the brain. | zh-en |
这些投资将直接强化德国的公共部门资产负债表。 | Such investments would directly strengthen Germany’s public-sector balance sheet. | zh-en |
它从本质上也是资产负债表问题,其基础是大气中的二氧化碳存量。 | It, too, is essentially a balance-sheet problem, based on the stock of CO2 in the atmosphere | zh-en |
自1990年代以来,中国和印度都从其估值偏低的货币中获益良多。 | Since the 1990’s, both China and India have received a huge boost from their undervalued currencies. | zh-en |
即使原定目标是击落乌克兰运输机,上述行为仍有可能属于战争罪的范畴。 | Even if the objective was to strike a Ukrainian transport aircraft, the act likely constitutes a war crime. | zh-en |
约旦河西岸的一部分要么被以色列彻底吞并,要么被以色列定居点占领。 | Part of the West Bank has been annexed outright by Israel or seized by Israeli settlers. | zh-en |
在这一全球市场的竞争中,欧洲不能光在价格上竞争。 | In the contest for this global market, Europe cannot compete on price alone. | zh-en |
TPP日程可分为三个方面:核心问题、跨境问题和新兴问题。 | The TPP’s agenda is divided into three categories: core, cross-cutting, and emerging issues. | zh-en |
从某种程度上说,性选择是自然选择的心理延伸。 | In a sense, sexual selection is the psychological extension of natural selection. | zh-en |
沃尔芬森放弃了辉煌的商业生涯,转而领导这场对抗贫困的全球性战役。 | Wolfensohn left a successful business career to lead the global campaign against poverty. | zh-en |
意大利人已经放弃了他们的防守战术。就连德国也加入了依靠天赋和想象力的传球比赛。 | Even the Germans play the passing game with flair and imagination. | zh-en |
即使有女性移民在东道国找到了工作,也决不轻松。 | Even when women migrants find a job in a host country, it is rarely easy for them. | zh-en |
决策者将只需负责保证扩张的系统的安全性。 | Policymakers would be responsible only for guaranteeing the expanding system’s safety. | zh-en |
联网爆炸的难度不在于能力建设,而在于管理事务。 | The hard part of the connectivity explosion is not building capacity, but how it should be managed. | zh-en |
十六世纪英格兰的新气象彻底改变了人类体验。 | Several new phenomena appeared in sixteenth-century England that revolutionized human experience. | zh-en |
不久前发生的暴力事件再次证明加沙存在爆发全面地区性冲突的危险。 | Here, the recent violence in Gaza has once again demonstrated the risk of an all-out regional conflict. | zh-en |
白宫新闻秘书杰伊·卡尼在下午举行的发布会上证实奥巴马其实安然无恙。 | At his afternoon briefing, White House press secretary Jay Carney confirmed that Obama was indeed unharmed. | zh-en |
在2001年,72%的机构投资者和74%的个人投资者选择了“上涨”。 | In 2001, 72% of institutional investors and 74% of individual investors chose “increase.” | zh-en |
世界银行虽然挂着一个“银行”的名字,但其主要职责是国际发展机构。 | Despite its name, the Bank is primarily an international development institution. | zh-en |
不仅如此,政府尊重少数族裔的语言文化权利并促进社会包容是至关重要的。 | Moreover, it is essential that the state respects national minorities’ linguistic and cultural rights and promotes social inclusion. | zh-en |
曾几何时,美国也有可能推行基于IMF技术分析的政策变化。 | Once upon a time, the US might have pushed through policy changes based on the IMF’s technical analysis. | zh-en |
特别是在最高领袖哈梅内伊的阴影笼罩下,这位总统的实权要比表面上看起来小。 | The president has fewer powers than it seems, overshadowed particularly by Supreme Guide Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. | zh-en |
无论怎样,伊朗最高领袖哈梅内伊仍然掌握着最终权力。 | Either way, ultimate power in Iran still rests with Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. | zh-en |
好的公共服务、公共投资和公共政策管理至关重要。 | It is critically important that public services, public investment, and public policy are well managed. | zh-en |
随着工资增长放缓,产品价格的高通胀也变得不可能。 | With little wage inflation, high goods inflation is unlikely. | zh-en |
1986年,波兰政府开始释放政治犯——这是和反对派会谈的前提条件。 | In 1986, the government released political prisoners – a precondition for talks with the opposition. | zh-en |
但是如果伊朗仅仅是在拖延时间,那么其行为就是短视和愚蠢的。 | But if Iran is playing for time, its behavior is shortsighted and foolish. | zh-en |
联合国环保署已经邀请了国际劳工组织和国际工会联盟一起来参与这些讨论。 | UNEP has invited the International Labour Organization and the International Trade Union Confederation to contribute to these discussions. | zh-en |
在现实中,非民主政权永远不可能接受的一件事情是独立劳工组织。 | In reality, the one thing that non-democratic regimes can never tolerate is independent workers’ organizations. | zh-en |
从这个角度讲,现代央行官员与1942年新加坡战役中的英军十分相似。 | In this sense, modern central bankers resemble the British army in the Battle of Singapore in 1942. | zh-en |
而另一方面,美国则在经济实力萎缩的同时继续在军事上占据主导地位。 | The US, on the other hand, continues to dominate militarily, while its economic influence is waning. | zh-en |
新形式的货币听上去就像汽车的电动车窗,或是电视的遥控装置。 | These new forms of money sound like power windows on cars, or remote control for TV sets. | zh-en |
用这种电力驱动的电动汽车,将比汽油动力汽车多排放21%的二氧化碳。 | An electric car powered with that electricity will emit 21% more CO2 than a gasoline-powered car. | zh-en |