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Unravelling the transcriptome of the human tuberculosis lesion and its clinical implications
Tuberculosis (TB) disease causes up to 1.5 million deaths every year and represents an important problem of public health at worldwide level. Here, we quantified the gene expression signatures of granuloma biopsies across human TB pulmonary lesions, and validated the best gene candidates using NanoString technology, profiling 157 samples from 40 TB patients who underwent surgery. We characterised the transcriptional profile of the TB granuloma in comparison to healthy tissue, described an 11-gene signature and measured 7 proteins in plasma associated with it. We demonstrated a gradient of immune-related transcript abundance across the granuloma substructure and evidenced metabolically-active Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the lesions. Patients who converted to sputum negative after two months of starting treatment, showed enriched inflammatory pathways in the lesion several months after, supporting use of sputum culture conversion (SCC) as a prognostic biomarker during clinical management and as a factor to prioritise patients when considering lung surgery.
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The Framework of Ecological Law
Environmental law has always been hampered by its reductionist approach to the natural environment or more precisely, to the human-nature relationship. In contrast, ecological law would encourage us to think about the law from an Earth-centered perspective. But even more than thinking about the legal issues, ecological law reflects and advocates a changed mindset. We need to develop a mindset that is conscious of what has worked in the past and what promises to work in the future. This could be addressed through development of eco-centric law, inclusion of eco-centric grundnorm, transforming law and governance, and institutionalizing trusteeship governance. At the end, it is proposed that ecological law would frame our thinking in a way that reflects not only the traditional values of connectedness with nature, but equally leading cutting-edge sciences of today such as ecology, earth system science and health sciences.
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Description of COVID-19 hospitalized health worker cases in the first nine weeks of the pandemic, Brazil, 2020/ Descrição dos casos hospitalizados pela COVID-19 em profissionais de saúde nas primeiras nove semanas da pandemia, Brasil, 2020/ Descripción de los casos hospitalizados por COVID-19 en profesionales de salud en las primeras nueve semanas de la pandemia, Brasil, 2020
Resumo Objetivo: Descrever os casos hospitalizados pela COVID-19 em profissionais de saúde no Brasil. Métodos: Estudo descritivo de tipo série de casos; foram incluídos aqueles com adoecimento entre 21 de fevereiro e 15 de abril de 2020, registrados no Sistema de Informação de Vigilância da Gripe (SIVEP-Gripe). Resultados: Dos 184 casos, 110 (59,8%) eram do sexo feminino, com mediana de idade de 44 anos (mínima-máxima: 23-85); 89 (48,4%) eram profissionais da enfermagem e 50 (27,2%) eram médicos. Ainda, 92 (50,0%) apresentavam comorbidade, predominando cardiopatias (n=37; 40,2%). Dos 112 profissionais com registro de evolução, 85 (75,9%) alcançaram cura e 27 (24,1%) foram a óbito, 18 destes do sexo masculino. Conclusão: O perfil dos profissionais de saúde hospitalizados por COVID-19 é semelhante ao da população quanto à idade e comorbidades; porém, diferente quanto ao sexo. As áreas profissionais mais acometidas foram a enfermagem e a medicina.
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The Reliability of the Microsoft Kinect and Ambulatory Sensor-Based Motion Tracking Devices to Measure Shoulder Range-of-Motion: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
Advancements in motion sensing technology can potentially allow clinicians to make more accurate range-of-motion (ROM) measurements and informed decisions regarding patient management. The aim of this study was to systematically review and appraise the literature on the reliability of the Kinect, inertial sensors, smartphone applications and digital inclinometers/goniometers to measure shoulder ROM. Eleven databases were screened (MEDLINE, EMBASE, EMCARE, CINAHL, SPORTSDiscus, Compendex, IEEE Xplore, Web of Science, Proquest Science and Technology, Scopus, and PubMed). The methodological quality of the studies was assessed using the consensus-based standards for the selection of health Measurement Instruments (COSMIN) checklist. Reliability assessment used intra-class correlation coefficients (ICCs) and the criteria from Swinkels et al. (2005). Thirty-two studies were included. A total of 24 studies scored "adequate" and 2 scored "very good" for the reliability standards. Only one study scored "very good" and just over half of the studies (18/32) scored "adequate" for the measurement error standards. Good intra-rater reliability (ICC > 0.85) and inter-rater reliability (ICC > 0.80) was demonstrated with the Kinect, smartphone applications and digital inclinometers. Overall, the Kinect and ambulatory sensor-based human motion tracking devices demonstrate moderate-good levels of intra- and inter-rater reliability to measure shoulder ROM. Future reliability studies should focus on improving study design with larger sample sizes and recommended time intervals between repeated measurements.
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adipoSIGHT in Therapeutic Response: Consequences in Osteosarcoma Treatment
Chemotherapeutic resistance is a major problem in effective cancer treatment. Cancer cells engage various cells or mechanisms to resist anti-cancer therapeutics, which results in metastasis and the recurrence of disease. Considering the cellular heterogeneity of cancer stroma, the involvement of stem cells is reported to affect the proliferation and metastasis of osteosarcoma. Hence, the duo (osteosarcoma: Saos 2 and human adipose-derived stem cells: ASCs) is co-cultured in present study to investigate the therapeutic response using a nonadherent, concave surface. Staining with a cell tracker allows real-time microscopic monitoring of the cell arrangement within the sphere. Cell–cell interaction is investigated by means of E-cadherin expression. Comparatively high expression of E-cadherin and compact organization is observed in heterotypic tumorspheres (Saos 2–ASCs) compared to homotypic ones (ASCs), limiting the infiltration of chemotherapeutic compound doxorubicin into the heterotypic tumorsphere, which in turn protects cells from the toxic effect of the chemotherapeutic. In addition, genes known to be associated with drug resistance, such as SOX2, OCT4, and CD44 are overexpressed in heterotypic tumorspheres post-chemotherapy, indicating that the duo collectively repels the effect of doxorubicin. The interaction between ASCs and Saos 2 in the present study points toward the growing oncological risk of using ASC-based regenerative therapy in cancer patients and warrants further investigation.
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May omega-3 fatty acid dietary supplementation help reduce severe complications in Covid-19 patients?
In around 10% of SARS-CoV-2 infected patients, coronavirus disease-2019 (Covid-19) symptoms are complicated with a severe lung damage called Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS), which is often lethal. ARDS is mainly associated with an uncontrolled overproduction of immune cells and cytokines, called "cytokine storm syndrome"; it appears 7-15 days following the onset of symptoms, leading to systemic inflammation and multiple organ failure. Because they are well-known metabolic precursors of specialized pro-resolving lipid mediators (SPMs), omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3 LC-PUFAs) could help improve the resolution of the inflammatory balance, limiting therefore the level and duration of the critical inflammatory period. Omega-3 LC-PUFAs may also interact at different stages of the viral infection, notably on the virus entry and replication. In the absence of demonstrated treatment and while waiting for vaccine possibility, the use of omega-3 LC-PUFAs deserve therefore to be considered, based on previous clinical studies suggesting that omega-3 supplementation could improve clinical outcomes of critically ill patients at the acute phase of ARDS. In this context, it is crucial to remind that the omega-3 PUFA dietary intake levels in Western countries remains largely below the current recommendations, considering both the omega-3 precursor α-linolenic acid (ALA) and long chain derivatives such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). An optimized omega-3 PUFAs status could be helpful to prevent infectious diseases, including Covid-19.
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Impact of the Strategies Adopted to Face the COVID-19 Pandemic in a Brazilian Reference Institute for High Complexity Surgery in Orthopedics and Traumatology/ Impacto das estratégias adotadas para enfrentar a pandemia de COVID-19 em um Instituto Brasileiro de referência em cirurgia de alta complexidade em Ortopedia e Traumatologia
Abstract COVID-19 pandemics required substantial reorganization and adaptation of healthcare services all over the world. This study aims to analyze the effect of operational strategies implemented in Brazil to manage the extra strain placed on healthcare services by the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020. In particular, this investigation examines the strategy to convert an institute specialized in elective orthopedic procedures of high complexity into a trauma unit for all musculoskeletal trauma patients of an entire federative unit. A retrospective study was conducted comparing hospital variables at the peak period of the pandemic (from March 16, 2020 to June 30, 2020) with the same period in 2019 as a comparative baseline. The variables analyzed included number of professionals away from work, surgeries performed, outpatient care, transfers, length of stay, number of patients diagnosed with COVID-19 and patient mortality. During the COVID-19 peak period, there was a 48.5% reduction in surgical productivity and 72.4% reduction in outpatient care compared with the same period in 2019. The number of transfers increased substantially (124.5%), while 94 confirmed cases and 77 suspected cases of COVID-19 were reported. The mortality rate increased by 245%. The present study highlighted the effect of COVID-19 on a tertiary orthopedic hospital. Despite the dramatic changes in hospital operations, due to the implementation of protocols to manage the pandemic, the results demonstrated the feasibility and efficiency of such protocols in prioritizing quality and safety for patients and the healthcare workforce.
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SARS-CoV-2 can infect and propagate in human placenta explants
The ongoing SARS-CoV-2 pandemic continues to lead to high morbidity and mortality. During pregnancy, severe maternal and neonatal outcomes and placental pathological changes have been described. We evaluate SARS-CoV-2 infection at the maternal-fetal interface using precision-cut slices (PCSs) of human placenta. Remarkably, exposure of placenta PCSs to SARS-CoV-2 leads to a full replication cycle with infectious virus release. Moreover, the susceptibility of placental tissue to SARS-CoV-2 replication relates to the expression levels of ACE2. Viral proteins and/or RNA are detected in syncytiotrophoblast, cytotrophoblasts, villous stroma, and possibly Hofbauer cells. While SARS-CoV-2 infection of placenta PCSs does not cause a detectable cytotoxicity nor a pro-inflammatory cytokine response, an upregulation of one order of magnitude of interferon type III transcripts is measured. In conclusion, our data demonstrate the capacity of SARS-CoV-2 to infect and propagate in human placenta and constitute a basis for further investigation of SARS-CoV-2 biology at the maternal-fetal interface.
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Stepwise frontal analysis coupled with cell membrane chromatography for affinity screening and characterization analysis of bioactive constituent from the mature fruits of schisandra chinensis.
Cell membrane chromatography (CMC) is effective and widely used in drug screening, especially for the analysis of complex matrixes. However, it is time-consuming and costly given that cells or animals are employed for activity confirmation, which leads to a large amount of waste being produced if the result is negative. Stepwise frontal analysis is employed to saturate the affinity stationary phase, by using a series of low- to high-concentration solutions which resultantly form a staircase pattern. In doing so, the waste of samples, caused by the balancing process, can be avoided. In this study, stepwise frontal analysis coupled with a CMC system was performed for screening and characterizing the affinity of an active compound from wuweizi. Schizandrin A was screened and identified by α1A AR /CMC coupled with UHPLC-MS/MS. By comparing the values obtained with those related to the equilibrium dissociation constant (Kd) calculated by zonal elution, the accuracy of the stepwise frontal analysis was verified. Subsequently, the type of affinity force between Schizandrin A and α1A AR was studied by thermodynamic parameters. Moreover, schizandrin A showed an antagonistic effect on phenylephrine-induced contractions, which relax prostate muscle strips in a non-competitive antagonism manner. It has already suggested that the active compound, schizandrin A, could be used as a lead compound for the treatment of benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) and should be further studied. Thus, the findings of this study are significant given that they could result in an online screening and affinity analysis method being utilized for the discovery of medicinal compounds as well as clarify the interaction characteristics between a drug and a receptor.
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[Estimating the basic reproduction number of COVID-19 in Wuhan, China].
Objective: The number of confirmed and suspected cases of the COVID-19 in Hubei province is still increasing. However, the estimations of the basic reproduction number of COVID-19 varied greatly across studies. The objectives of this study are 1) to estimate the basic reproduction number (R(0)) of COVID-19 reflecting the infectiousness of the virus and 2) to assess the effectiveness of a range of controlling intervention. Method: The reported number of daily confirmed cases from January 17 to February 8, 2020 in Hubei province were collected and used for model fit. Four methods, the exponential growth (EG), maximum likelihood estimation (ML), sequential Bayesian method (SB) and time dependent reproduction numbers (TD), were applied to estimate the R(0). Result: Among the four methods, the EG method fitted the data best. The estimated R(0) was 3.49 (95% CI: 3.42-3.58) by using EG method. The R(0) was estimated to be 2.95 (95%CI: 2.86-3.03) after taking control measures. Conclusion: In the early stage of the epidemic, it is appropriate to estimate R(0) using the EG method. Meanwhile, timely and effective control measures were warranted to further reduce the spread of COVID-19.
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Implementing a Review Process to Facilitate and Prioritize COVID-19 Research: Staying One Step Ahead of the Pandemic
The first coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patient in the state of New Jersey (NJ) was admitted on March 2, 2020. With the number of hospitalized patients increasing exponentially in the following days and no established treatment approaches, research was to play a significant role in this fight. To facilitate review of all COVID-19 research proposals in a large health care network in NJ, we established the COVID-19 Research Review Committee (RRC) and implemented a peer-review process prior to the Institutional Review Board submission. The RRC was tasked with processing, soliciting, reviewing, and prioritizing research proposals and was comprised of a multidisciplinary group of reviewers. Within a 9-week period, three network-wide requests for proposals were released with 238 proposals submitted and 93 approved, an approval rate of 39%. The establishment of the RRC helped ensure scientific merit, better utilization of resources, collaborations across disciplines and network hospitals, and compliance with applicable regulatory and ethical standard.
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Effects of pre-bedtime blue-light exposure on ratio of deep sleep in healthy young men.
This study aimed to investigate the effects of pre-bedtime blue-light exposure on ratio of deep sleep and sleep quality. In this study, 11 healthy young men were exposed to three conditions for 1 h before bedtime: 1) incandescent light, 2) blue-light, or 3) blue light-blocking glasses on. The following morning, subjective sleep quality was measured using the Oguri-Shirakawa-Azumi Sleep Inventory. Sleep time, ratio of sleep, ratio of deep sleep, and body movements during sleep were measured using a mat sleep-scan (sleep scan, SL- 504; TANITA Corp., Japan) and an ambulatory portable sleep study system (LS-140; Fukuda Denshi Co. Ltd., Japan). Ratio of deep sleep was significantly decreased in the blue-light exposure group compared to the groups with incandescent light and blue light-blocking glasses (p < 0.01), There were no differences noted in sleep time or body movements among the three groups. These results suggest that blue-light exposure to affects sleep quality by reducing the ratio of deep sleep.
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Faculty perspectives on transitioning public health nursing clinical to virtual in response to COVID‐19
The COVID‐19 pandemic has highlighted the need for public health nursing as an integral part of a strong public health workforce. However, it has also created challenges in preparing future nurses as much of nursing instruction, including clinical experiences, needed to urgently transition learning to a virtual environment. This paper describes the process faculty experienced during spring 2020 to quickly transition public health nursing clinicals from in‐person to virtual learning in response to COVID‐19. Further, faculty lessons learned are shared and include the importance of creating a supportive team dynamic, embracing innovation, continuing to engage with community partners, and adapting to meet emerging student needs during the evolving pandemic. The process and lessons learned may act as a guide for other nursing programs as we continue to navigate nursing education during this and future pandemics.
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Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19): A Survey of Analysis, Modeling and Recommendations
COVID-19 has created anxiety not only in individuals but also in health organizations, and countries worldwide. Not a single industry is left un-influenced and loss is being estimated in billions of dollars. The widespread of this pandemic disease has challenged researchers all over the world. Some of the researchers are working to invent its cure while, others are applying computing technologies to stop its spread, by analyzing and identifying patterns for prediction and forecasting. This is by no doubt the hottest area of research for the last 100 years. This survey has targeted the research published in computing sub-domains to combat the pandemic. The survey has clustered the scientific efforts into logical groups: surveillance, metrological effects, social media analytics, image processing and business and economy, analysis and modeling. It will serve as a leading source for the followings: researchers who want to identify what has been achieved in different computing sub-domains, those who need fresh authenticated datasets openly accessible for different research contexts and what are future directions in this area of research. The findings of analysis and modeling can be also useful for government agencies who want to set priorities and formulate policies.
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Companion Animal Ownership and Mood States of University Students Majoring in Animal Sciences during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Japan
SIMPLE SUMMARY: People have experienced great difficulties in their daily lives from the COVID-19 pandemic. This study examines whether living with companion animals and attachment to companion animals influence the moods of university students in Japan. In this study, students answered a questionnaire regarding their demographic data, companion animal ownership, attachment to their companion animals, perceived difficulties from COVID-19, and mood states. The results indicated that companion animal ownership with high attachment to their companion animals would relate to a positive mood in university students majoring in animal sciences during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, because of the limited population in size and by the students’ major, the results need to be interpreted as a possible effect of companion animals, and not as conclusive evidence to support the effects of animals. ABSTRACT: COVID-19 caused great difficulties in many people’s daily lives, including university students in Japan. This study examined whether living with companion animals and attachment to companion animals influence the moods of university students. Students answered a questionnaire, including demographic data, companion animal ownership, attachment to their companion animals, perceived difficulties from COVID-19, and Profile of Mood States 2 (POMS2) results. A total of 180 students answered the questionnaire. Stepwise multiple regression analyses were conducted to identify factors related to the total mood disturbance (TMD) score of the POMS2. In the regression model, perceived difficulties from COVID-19 and having a companion animal and a strong attachment to their companion animals were significantly correlated with TMD and served as the predictor variables. The first variable was positively related to TMD, whereas companion animal ownership with high attachment to their companion animals was negatively related to TMD. This finding indicated that companion animal ownership with high attachment to their companion animals would relate to a positive mood in university students majoring in animal sciences during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, because of the limited population in size and by the students’ major, the results need to be interpreted as a possible effect of companion animals, and not as conclusive evidence to support the effects of animals.
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Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) Strategy 2021 - Executive summary and rationale for key changes.
The Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) Strategy Report provides clinicians with an annually updated evidence-based strategy for asthma management and prevention, which can be adapted for local circumstances (e.g., medication availability). This article summarizes key recommendations from GINA 2021, and the evidence underpinning recent changes. GINA recommends that asthma in adults and adolescents should not be treated solely with short-acting beta2-agonist (SABA), because of the risks of SABA-only treatment and SABA overuse, and evidence for benefit of inhaled corticosteroids (ICS). Large trials show that as- needed combination ICS-formoterol reduces severe exacerbations by ≥60% in mild asthma compared with SABA alone, with similar exacerbation, symptom, lung function and inflammatory outcomes as daily ICS plus as-needed SABA. Key changes in GINA 2021 include division of the treatment figure for adults and adolescents into two tracks. Track 1 (preferred) has low-dose ICS-formoterol as the reliever at all steps: as-needed only in Steps 1-2 (mild asthma), and with daily maintenance ICS-formoterol (maintenance-and-reliever therapy, MART) in Steps 3-5. Track 2 (alternative) has as-needed SABA across all steps, plus regular ICS (Step 2) or ICS-long-acting beta2-agonist (LABA) (Steps 3-5). For adults with moderate-to-severe asthma, GINA makes additional recommendations in Step 5 for add-on long-acting muscarinic antagonists and azithromycin, with add-on biologic therapies for severe asthma. For children 6-11 years, new treatment options are added at Steps 3-4. Across all age-groups and levels of severity, regular personalized assessment, treatment of modifiable risk factors, self-management education, skills training, appropriate medication adjustment and review remain essential to optimize asthma outcomes. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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Comparison of prevalence and risk factors of somatization between Chinese health care workers and non-health care workers during COVID-19 outbreak
Background: This study aimed to compare prevalence and risk factors of somatization (SOM) between health care workers and non-health care workers during COVID-19 outbreak in China. Methods: : From 14 February to 29 March 2020, an online survey was performed in both 605 health care workers and 1151 non-health care workers. Based on the somatization dimension score of the Symptom Checklist-90, participants were divided into non-SOM group and SOM group. Results: : Health care workers had higher prevalence rate of SOM ( p < 0.001) than non-health care workers, with an OR of 1.70 (95% CI: 1.22–2.36, p = 0.002). Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that in non-health care workers, the risk factors of SOM included other ethnicities, insomnia, and suicide, while in health care workers, the risk factors included working 6-8 hours per day, and working ≥10 hours per day during COVID-19 outbreak. Conclusions: : Our research suggests that both non-health care workers and health care workers have a relatively high prevalence of somatization. However, the related factors for somatization in both groups are significantly different, showing that medical service-related factors are associated with somatization in health care workers, while demographic and clinical factors are associated with somatization in non-health care workers.
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COVID-19 Stress and Addictive Social Media Use (SMU): Mediating Role of Active Use and Social Media Flow
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is likely to enhance the risk of addictive social media use (SMU) as people spend more time online maintaining connectivity when face-to-face communication is limited Stress is assumed to be a critical predictor of addictive SMU However, the mechanisms underlying the association between stress and addictive SMU in crises like the current COVID-19 situation remain unclear The present study aimed to understand the relationship between COVID-19 stress and addictive SMU by examining the mediating role of active use and social media flow (i e , an intensive, enjoyable experience generated by SMU that perpetuates media use behaviors) A sample of 512 Chinese college students (M age = 22 12 years, SD = 2 47;62 5% women) provided self-report data on COVID-19 stress and SMU variables (i e , time, active use, flow, addictive behavior) via an online survey from March 24 to April 1, 2020 The results showed that COVID-19 stress was positively associated with tendencies toward addictive SMU Path analyses revealed that this relationship was significantly serially mediated by active use and social media flow, with SMU time being controlled Our findings suggest that individuals who experience more COVID-19 stress are at increased risk of addictive SMU that may be fostered by active use and flow experience Specific attention should be paid to these high-risk populations and future interventions to reduce addictive SMU could consider targeting factors of both active use and social media flow
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'It's literally giving them a solution in their hands': the views of young Australians towards patient-delivered partner therapy for treating chlamydia.
OBJECTIVES Patient-delivered partner therapy (PDPT) is a method for providing antibiotic treatment for the sexual partners of an index patient with an STI by means of a prescription or medication that the index patient gives to their sexual partner(s). Qualitative research regarding barriers and enablers to PDPT has largely focused on the views of healthcare providers. In this study, we sought to investigate the views of young people (as potential health consumers) regarding PDPT for chlamydia. METHODS Semi-structured telephone interviews were conducted with young Australian men and women. Participants were asked to provide their views regarding PDPT from the perspective of both an index patient and partner. Purposive and snowball sampling was used. Data were analysed thematically. RESULTS We interviewed 22 people (13 women, 9 men) aged 18-30 years, 15 of whom had previously been tested for chlamydia. Despite none having previous knowledge of or experience using PDPT, all viewed it positively and thought it should be widely available. Participants reported that they would be willing to give PDPT to their sexual partners in situations where trust and comfort had been established, regardless of the relationship type. Protecting their partners' privacy was essential, with participants expressing reluctance to provide their partners' contact details to a doctor without consent. Beyond logistical benefits, PDPT was viewed as a facilitator to partner notification conversations by offering partners a potential solution. However, most interviewees indicated a preference to consult with a healthcare provider (GP or pharmacist) before taking PDPT medication. Participants indicated that legitimacy of information when navigating a chlamydia diagnosis was crucial and was preferably offered by healthcare providers. CONCLUSIONS Though PDPT is unlikely to fully replace partners' interactions with healthcare providers, it may facilitate partner notification conversations and provide partners greater choice on how, when and where they are treated.
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Trials and Tribulations: mHealth Clinical Trials in the COVID-19 Pandemic
Introduction : Mobile phone-based interventions in cardiovascular disease are growing in popularity. A randomised control trial (RCT) for a novel smartphone app-based model of care, named TeleClinical Care - Cardiac (TCC-Cardiac), commenced in February 2019, targeted at patients being discharged after care for an acute coronary syndrome or episode of decompensated heart failure. The app was paired to a digital sphygmomanometer, weighing scale and a wearable fitness band, all loaned to the patient, and allowed clinicians to respond to abnormal readings. The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic necessitated several modifications to the trial in order to protect participants from potential exposure to infection. The use of TCC-Cardiac during the pandemic inspired the development of a similar model of care (TCC-COVID), targeted at patients being managed at home with a diagnosis of COVID-19. Methods : Recruitment for the TCC-Cardiac trial was terminated shortly after the World Health Organization announced COVID-19 as a global pandemic. Telephone follow-up was commenced, in order to protect patients from unnecessary exposure to hospital staff and patients. Equipment was returned or collected by a ‘no-contact’ method. The TCC-COVID app and model of care had similar functionality to the original TCC-Cardiac app. Participants were enrolled exclusively by remote methods. Oxygen saturation and pulse rate were measured by a pulse oximeter, and symptomatology measured by questionnaire. Measurement results were manually entered into the app and transmitted to an online server for medical staff to review. Results : A total of 164 patients were involved in the TCC-Cardiac trial, with 102 patients involved after the onset of the pandemic. There were no hospitalisations due to COVID-19 in this cohort. The study was successfully completed, with only three participants lost to follow-up. During the pandemic, 5 of 49 (10%) of patients in the intervention arm were readmitted compared to 12 of 53 (23%) in the control arm. Also, in this period, 28 of 29 (97%) of all clinically significant alerts received by the monitoring team were managed successfully in the outpatient setting, avoiding hospitalisation. Patients found the user experience largely positive, with the average rating for the app being 4.56 out of 5. 26 patients have currently been enrolled for TCC-COVID. Recruitment is ongoing. All patients have been safely and effectively monitored, with no major adverse clinical events or technical malfunctions. Patient satisfaction has been high. Conclusion : The TCC-Cardiac RCT was successfully completed despite the challenges posed by COVID-19. Use of the app had an added benefit during the pandemic as participants could be monitored safely from home. The model of care inspired the development of an app with similar functionality designed for use with patients diagnosed with COVID-19.
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LHSPred: A web based application for predicting lung health severity
Background and objectives The computed tomography (CT) scan facilities are crucial for diagnosis of pulmonary diseases and are overburdened during the current pandemic of novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). LHSPred (Lung Health Severity Prediction) is a web based tool that enables users to determine a score that evaluates CT scans, without radiologist intervention, and predict risk of pneumonia with features of blood examination and age of patient. It can help in early assessment of lung health severity of patients without CT-scan results and also enable monitoring of post-COVID lung health for recovered patients. Methods This tool uses Support Vector Regression (SVR) and Multi-Layer Perceptron Regression (MLPR), trained on COVID-19 patient data reported in the literature. It allows to compute a score (CT severity score) that evaluates the involvement of lesions in lung lobes and to predict risk of pneumonia. A web application was implemented that uses the trained regression models. Results The application has proven to be effective and user friendly in a clinical setting for pulmonary disease treatment. The SVR model achieved Pearson correlation coefficient (PCC) of 0.77 and mean absolute error (MAE) of 2.239 while determining the computed tomography (CT) severity score. The MLPR model achieved PCC of 0.77 and MAE of 2.309. Thus, it can be applied as a useful tool in predicting pneumonia in the post COVID-19 era. Conclusion LHSPred can be used as a decision support system by the clinicians and as a tool for self-assessment by the patients with only six blood test input features.
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Coronavirus Disease-Induced Acute Myocarditis: Two Clinical Presentations with Different Electrocardiographic Findings
Background: In this report, we present two cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19)-related acute myocarditis (AM) with different clinical presentations and electrocardiographic (ECG) findings. Case Report: The first case was a 33-year-old male patient who presented with chest pain to the emergency department (ED). The ECG result suggested an acute coronary syndrome (ACS). However, coronary angiography (CAG) results showed normal coronary arteries, and the cardiac magnetic resonance imaging findings were compatible with COVID-19-induced AM. The ECG revealed a normalization of the T-wave negativity in the anterolateral precordial leads. The second case was a 41-year-old female patient who presented with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) to the ED. CAG revealed normal coronary arteries, and the reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction test result for COVID-19 was positive. The patient was diagnosed as having COVID-19-induced AM. Conclusion: Our cases demonstrate that clinicians should be aware that some patients with COVID-19-induced AM can present with ECG findings mimicking ACS, including STEMI.
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Pandemics in human history: A study of origin, enormity, mortality rate and controlling strategies
With the advent of time, the human population has augmented and so have the transmittable diseases, but not every disease can be branded with the title of being a pandemic A pandemic is principally an outbreak of a disease affecting a significantly large geographical area and marks the destruction of all life forms Throughout history, mankind has been afflicted with, and endured several pandemics These pandemics had various underlying impacts on both social as well as the economic aspects of the affected nations From devastatingly high death toll to economic collapses, a pandemic causes a plethora of unpropitious effects But sometimes, the aftermath of a pandemic can also have a positive outcome e like breakthroughs in the field of medicine, immunization and antimicrobial cures, the fact that, the concept of a vaccine was conceived as a repercussion of the smallpox pandemic, is the best example to reinforce this statement In previous research papers different authors have inculcated distinct methodologies and although these papers were structured immaculately, they lack in terms of information as these papers focus on specific diseases and discuss parameters like death rate, mode of transmission etc pertaining to those particular pandemics only This paper on the other hand outlines the most prominent and noteworthy outbreaks (in terms of destruction to life, property and economy) and will help the reader to attain a comprehensive and unobstructed idea about the major pandemics, which have occurred throughout the history It also provides an in-depth understanding about their timeline, origins, mortality rate and coping strategies as well
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Asymptomatic COVID-19 Infection Detected on (18)F-FDG PET/CT Scan Done for Multiple Myeloma
A 69-year-old woman with multiple myeloma came to our department for (18)F-FDG PET/CT scan for routine surveillance. The patient denied any history of fever, cough, shortness of breath, or body aches. (18)F-FDG PET/CT scan from vertex to knees was performed. PET/CT images revealed extensive peripheral ground-glass opacities showing intense FDG uptake (SUVmax 12) involving bilateral lower lobes. Possibility of an infective etiology including novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infection was raised. The patient’s oropharyngeal swab for COVID-19 by polymerase chain reaction amplification test came back positive for COVID-19 infection. The patient and her husband were advised home quarantine for 14 days.
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University students’ perceptions on e-Learning: Cross-study in Portugal and Italy
The COVID-19 pandemic imposed dramatic changes on educational practices worldwide. This study aims to evaluate the distance learning experience of students during the COVID-19 pandemic by comparing results obtained in two countries: Italy and Portugal. A cross-sectional survey was used to analyse a survey questionnaire focused on two domains: digital skills and motivation to engage in distance learning. The results from Italian and Portuguese students indicated that majority showed a positive attitude towards online learning and the digital hybrid pedagogy. The recent e-learning experience created complex challenges and a variety of opportunities at the same time. Students and university staffs’ need for training was highly associated with motivation, engagement and connection with colleagues rather than with the infrastructures offered or the development of computer literacy. ©2021 Birlesik Dunya Yenilik Arastirma ve Yayincilik Merkezi. All rights reserved.
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COVID-19 - an urgent need for strategies for prophylaxis
Preventive strategies are needed to be considered more due to the rising tide of COVID-19 cases. A number of preventive strategies have been advocated by international agencies such as the World Health Organization (WHO), Centre for Disease Control (CDC) and implemented by governments across the world. These include various protective measures such as the use of masks, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) kits, hand washing, test and contact tracing, selfisolation, home quarantine, admission and many other measures. One of the most pragmatic strategies would be to re-examine what drugs are available in the market that may have a prophylactic role against COVID-19. A great many of the drugs considered were antivirals, including Anti-HIV drugs, ivermectin9 anti-rheumatic drugs, such as hydroxychloroquine (HCQ). In conclusion, it would therefore be important for policymakers to take note of these findings and from other relevant studies done in India regarding repurposing such drugs.
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Safety of Beach Chair Position Shoulder Surgery: A Review of the Current Literature.
Although uncommon, severe neurological events have been reported in patients undergoing shoulder surgery in the beach chair position. The presumed etiology of central nervous system injury is hypotension and subsequent cerebral hypoperfusion that occurs after alterations in positioning under general anesthesia. Most clinical trials have demonstrated that beach chair positioning results in reductions in regional brain oxygenation, cerebral blood flow, and jugular bulb oxygenation, as well as impairment in cerebral autoregulation and electroencephalographic/processed electroencephalographic variables. Further studies are needed to define the incidence of adverse neurological adverse events in the beach chair position, identify the best intraoperative neurological monitors that are predictive of neurocognitive outcomes, the lowest "safe" acceptable blood pressure during surgery for individual patients, and the optimal interventions to treat intraoperative hypotension.
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Cuidados enfermeros en el paciente adulto ingresado en unidades de hospitalización por COVID-19./ Cuidados enfermeros en el paciente adulto ingresado en unidades de hospitalización por COVID-19./ Nursing care for hospitalized patients in COVID-19 units
Since the SARS-CoV-2 was announced on March 11 in 2020, most of people, professional healthcare, scientists, technical personnel and managers included, have been developing protocols, procedures, guides, technical reports to orient an adequate attention in this health emergency due to the COVID-19. The shortage bibliography about nursing care in this pandemic is the reason to develop a useful clinical protocol to attend to the higher number of adult patients who were admitted at Hospitalization Units adapted to patient with COVID-19. For that reason, the aim of this document is to provide recommendations to the clinical practice and that way, helping to protocolize the care in adult patients admitted in COVID-19 Hospitalization Units, based in standards of the literature or the most current experience in front of this new pandemic.
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Clinical Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience Rotations During COVID-19: Evaluation of a Transition to Virtual Learning
BACKGROUND: All Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE) pharmacy rotations at a large academic medical center were converted to virtual experiences during the beginning of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to describe information obtained through pre- and post-rotation surveys, implemented to improve experiences for future students who may be required to complete virtual APPE pharmacy rotations. METHODS: A single-center, descriptive study was conducted at a 1382-bed academic medical center. A pre- and post-rotation survey was sent to 32 students, and a post-rotation survey was sent to 38 preceptors via email to assess newly implemented virtual rotations. RESULTS: Students’ response rate for pre- and post-rotation surveys was 59% and 41%, respectively, and the preceptors’ response rate for the post-rotation survey was 37%. A statistically significant improvement in videoconferencing abilities after the rotation was found for students but no differences in other skills were noted. In the post-rotation survey, students rated all of the following areas as being “effective”: rotation as a whole, virtual topic and patient discussions; but were “neutral” regarding the utility of the introductory training guide. In the post-rotation survey, preceptors rated all of the following areas as being “effective”: rotation as a whole, virtual topic and patient discussions. CONCLUSION: Abrupt shifts to virtual pharmacy clinical rotations due to COVID-19 have led to many challenges. Both students and preceptors felt that virtual rotations were an effective alternative to in-person experiences; however, further studies are warranted to evaluate actual performance compared to perceived effectiveness.
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Socioeconomic Effects on Psychosocial Factors Among Low-Income Older Adults
Objectives: Older adults have been disproportionately affected by COVID-19. The primary goal of this study is to determine the socioeconomic effects on psychosocial factors among low-income independent-living older adults, in an urban setting, during the COVID-pandemic. Methods: Participants were recruited through Virginia Commonwealth University’s Richmond Health and Wellness Program. Telephone surveys (n=100) were conducted using the Epidemic – Pandemic Impacts Inventory Geriatric with the Racial/Ethnic Discrimination addendum. Responses were analyzed for income and education effects across seven domains: home life, social activities/isolation, economic, emotional health-wellbeing, physical health, COVID-infection history, and positive change behaviors/experiences. Results: The sample population was between 51 and 87 years of age, 88% were Black, 57% reported incomes of $10,000/year or less, and 60% reported a high-school education or less. There were income effects for social activities/isolation (f = 3.69, p<.05) and positive change (f = 8.40, p<.01), and education effects for COVID History (f = 4.20, p <.04). Discussion: Overall results highlight the social patterns for a diverse sample of low-income urban older adults;education and income are identified as risk factors for social losses, COVID-infection experiences, racial/ethnic discrimination during the COVID-pandemic, and positive change behaviors.
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The Many Merits and Some Limits of Social Accounting: Why Disclosure Is Not Enough
This chapter explores the potential and limitations of Social Accounting, a much relevant discussion in the context of a book about Ethics in Finance. This chapter intends to introduce some of the ongoing discussions around Social Accounting to scholars from other disciplines. There is no intention of presenting an exhaustive picture of Social Accounting, and the choice of literature has been narrowed to those issues more relevant for Ethics in Finance. The chapter presents a short introduction to Social Accounting and its recent history. Then, there is an exploration of five issues that may interest a general academic audience: first, the reasons and purpose of corporate disclosure of social and environmental information, being that this kind of disclosure is usually not mandatory; second, the current discussion about regulation in this field, whether regulation of Social Accounting contributes to Sustainability or not; third, an introduction to the use of Social Accounting for internal purposes, that is, information not disclosed to external parties but used instead by management for decision-making; fourth, the link between Social Accounting and financial performance; and finally, the promise of Social Accounting to contribute to Sustainability. Some of the main ideas are as follows. There is a tension between companies, which possibly do not share all social and environmental information, and stakeholders, who would expect higher transparency. Thus, we should not assume that companies naively disclose social and environmental information. Then, regulation for social reports could help to increase the quality of reports, but some studies show that regulation by itself will not automatically improve disclosure. Additionally, studies in managerial accounting emphasize the complexity of working with social and environmental indicators. Thus, it is possible that managers struggle to collect and make sense of information about all the social and environmental impacts of their firm. Furthermore, the link between sustainability and financial performance remains elusive. Finally, we should be aware of what Social Accounting can deliver (and what it cannot do) in terms of organizational change. Consequently, practitioners should not refrain from using complementary tools from other disciplines. Overall, Social Accounting can contribute in a consistent way to the improvement of corporate sustainability. In that sense, Social Accounting is an increasingly important tool for both managers and stakeholders.
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How the US Sanctions Are Affecting the Health Research System in Iran?
BACKGROUND In November 2018, the United States withdrew from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), known commonly as the Iran nuclear deal, and imposed severe sanctions on Iran. This study explores the impact of US sanctions in Iran's health research system. METHODS This phenomenological study interviewed 24 Iranian health science scholars through purposeful sampling to learn about their experiences and thoughts regarding the impact of US sanctions on Iran's health research system. RESULTS The impact of sanctions on Iran's health research system were classified into five categories: (a) financial issues, (b) difficulty in supplying laboratory materials and (c) equipment, (d) disruption in international research collaboration and activities, and (e) other issues (e.g., increased stress and workload). CONCLUSION This study indicated that since research centers in Iran are highly dependent on governmental budgets, sanctions have greatly affected the health research system in Iran. Financial and economic problems, restrictions in transferring funds, and the disruption in political and international relations have created many challenges for supplying medical laboratory materials and equipment for medical and health research centers in Iran.
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Risk Management and Treatment of Coagulation Disorders Related to COVID-19 Infection
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an emerging infectious disease. Bilateral pneumonia, acute respiratory failure, systemic inflammation, endothelial dysfunction and coagulation activation are key features of severe COVID-19. Fibrinogen and D-dimer levels are typically increased. The risk for venous thromboembolism is markedly increased, especially in patients in the intensive care unit despite prophylactic dose anticoagulation. Pulmonary microvascular thrombosis has also been described and the risk for arterial thrombotic diseases also appears to be increased while bleeding is less common than thrombosis, but it can occur. Evaluation for venous thromboembolism may be challenging because symptoms of pulmonary embolism overlap with COVID-19, and imaging studies may not be feasible in all cases. The threshold for evaluation or diagnosis of thromboembolism should be low given the high frequency of these events. Management and treatment are new challenges due to the paucity of high-quality evidence regarding efficacy and safety of different approaches to prevent or treat thromboembolic complications of the disease. All inpatients should receive thromboprophylaxis unless contraindicated. Some institutional protocols provide more aggressive anticoagulation with intermediate or even therapeutic dose anticoagulation for COVID-19 patients admitted to ICU. Therapeutic dose anticoagulation is always appropriate to treat deep venous thrombosis or pulmonary embolism, unless contraindicated. This article reviews evaluation and management of coagulation abnormalities in individuals with COVID-19.
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Association between Smokeless Tobacco Use and Risk of Periodontitis in Asian Countries: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
BACKGROUND Individual studies conducted in Asian countries have reported higher risk of periodontitis among smokeless tobacco (SLT) users in comparison to non-users. Therefore, a systematic review was conducted to summarize the available evidence on this topic. METHODS Prominent electronic databases were searched using pre-decided MeSH terms and keywords. Screening of titles and abstracts, full text reading, quality assessment and data extraction was done by two investigators independently. The Newcastle-Ottawa scale was used for risk of bias assessment of eligible studies. Meta-analysis was performed for four periodontal outcomes (periodontal pocket depth, loss of attachment, clinical attachment level and gingival recession). A sensitivity analysis was also performed. RESULTS Of the 546 citations, 367 were screened for eligibility. Finally, 89 studies were shortlisted for full text reading, of which, 36 were found eligible for qualitative analysis. Most of the studies were conducted in India (n=22), were of cross-sectional design (n=33), utilized purposive sampling and 24 studies were included for meta-analysis (n=28) and done on hospital-based population (n=26). Only 13 (37.1%) studies achieved a score of more than 50% (5/10 stars) on quality assessment scale. SLT users had higher odds of greater periodontal pocket depth greater than 4 mm (OR=3.64), gingival recession (OR=1.71) and loss of attachment 4-5 mm (OR=2.83) and mean difference of 1.7 mm for Clinical Attachment Level compared to non-users. CONCLUSION The studies included in this review suggests that SLT users have poorer periodontal health in comparison to non-users. But most of this evidence comes from cross-sectional studies. Longitudinal studies with rigorous methodology are required to support this elucidation. Registration: This systematic review protocol has been registered in PROSPERO (CRD42019122964).
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Kesiapan perawat unit hemodialisa dalam menghadapi adaptasi kebiasaan baru pandemi COVID-19
A Healthcare worker has a significant role as well as plays a frontline in providing health intervention in relation to recent COVID-19 pandemic. He/she is vulnerably exposed to hazards such as psychological pressure physical and mental exhaustion and the stigma imposed by society. Among other health care duties, a nurse possesses a responsibility as a care giver in which he/she needs to provide helps for patient physically and psychologically while also upholds the clients dignity. Awareness is a state-condition where a person is ready to respond or answer challenges in a certain way to a particular situation. A nurse who has the duty in Hemodialysis Unit who is in charge of caring for patients with Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) with routine hemodialysis therapy are potentially at risk of being exposed to the COVID-19 virus during this pandemic. For this situation a nurse needs to have awareness to remain able to carry out hemodialysis to CRF patients. Objectives: This study aims to determine the awareness of a nurse in facing the adaptation of new normal in the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: This research was a quantitative survey applying in-depth interviews. This research used qualitative phenomenology approach by analyzing the results of interviews with coding determining categories and determining the theme of the interview results. Results: The results of in-depth interviews with 6 hemodialysis unit nurses in a private hospital in the Yogyakarta region obtained 65 codes 18 categories and 5 themes. Conclusion: The awareness of the adaptation of new normal in the COVID-19 pandemic possesses by each nurse in Hemodialysis Unit is vary. However, the nurses aware that to be able to continuously provide nursing care to CRF patients with routine hemodialysis therapy they need to be mindful to their physical and psychological self-awareness;to well-prepare any Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and to conform PPE standards used in HD units. They generate a commitment to remain on duty during a pandemic COVID-19. Keywords: nurse awareness;hemodialysis;COVID-19 pandemic;new normal Tenaga kesehatan memiliki peran yang sangat penting dan berperan sebagai garda terdepan dalam memberikan tindakan terhadap wabah COVID-19. Petugas kesehatan dapat terpapar bahaya seperti tekanan psikologis kelelahan fisik serta mental dan stigma yang diberikan oleh masyarakat. Salah satu tugas perawat yaitu sebagai pemberi perawatan (care giver) yang merupakan tindakan membantu klien secara fisik maupun psikologis sambil memelihara martabat klien. Kesiapan (awareness) merupakan kondisi seseorang yang membuatnya siap untuk memberikan respon atau Jawaban dalam cara tertentu terhadap suatu situasi. Perawat yang bertugas di Unit Hemodialisa yang bertugas merawat pasien dengan Gagal ginjal Kronik (GGK) dengan terapi rutin hemodialysis sangat beresiko terpapar virus COVID-19 pada masa pandemi ini dan kesiapan perawat sangat diperlukan untuk tetap mampu melaksanakan hemodialisis kepada pasien GGK. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui kesiapan perawat dalam menghadapi adaptasi kebiasaan baru pandemi COVID-19. Metode: Penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian survei kualitatif dengan wawancara mendalam. Pendekatan yang dilakukan adalah kualitatif phenomenology dengan menganalisis hasil wawancara dengan koding menentukan kategori dan menentukan tema dari hasil wawancara. Hasil: Hasil wawancara mendalam kepada 6 perawat unit hemodialisis di rumah Sakit swasta di wilayah Yogyakarta didapatkan 65 kode 18 kategori dan 5 tema. Kesimpulan: Kesiapan perawat unit hemodialisa dalam menghadapi adaptasi kebiasaan baru pada masa pandemi COVID-19 sangat beragam. Kesiapan yang dilakukan perawat untuk tetap dapat melakukan asuhan keperawatan pada pasien GGK dengan terapi rutin hemodialisa meliputi kesiapan diri secara fisik dan psikologis kesiapan Alat Pelindung Diri (APD) dan standar APD yang digunakan di unit HD sehingga menimbulkan komitmen untuk tetap bertugas dalam masa pandemi COVID-19 menuju era adaptasi kebiasaan baru. Kata kunci: kesiapan perawat: hemodialisa;pandemi COVID-19;adaptasi kebiasaan baru
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Low expression of EXOSC2 protects against clinical COVID-19 and impedes SARS-CoV-2 replication
New therapeutic targets are a valuable resource in the struggle to reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified risk loci, but some loci are associated with co-morbidities and are not specific to host-virus interactions. Here, we identify and experimentally validate a link between reduced expression of EXOSC2 and reduced SARS-CoV-2 replication. EXOSC2 was one of 332 host proteins examined, all of which interact directly with SARS-CoV-2 proteins; EXOSC2 interacts with Nsp8 which forms part of the viral RNA polymerase. Lung-specific eQTLs were identified from GTEx (v7) for each of the 332 host proteins. Aggregating COVID-19 GWAS statistics for gene-specific eQTLs revealed an association between increased expression of EXOSC2 and higher risk of clinical COVID-19 which survived stringent multiple testing correction. EXOSC2 is a component of the RNA exosome and indeed, LC-MS/MS analysis of protein pulldowns demonstrated an interaction between the SARS-CoV-2 RNA polymerase and the majority of human RNA exosome components. CRISPR/Cas9 introduction of nonsense mutations within EXOSC2 in Calu-3 cells reduced EXOSC2 protein expression, impeded SARS-CoV-2 replication and upregulated oligoadenylate synthase (OAS) genes, which have been linked to a successful immune response against SARS-CoV-2. Reduced EXOSC2 expression did not reduce cellular viability. OAS gene expression changes occurred independent of infection and in the absence of significant upregulation of other interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs). Targeted depletion or functional inhibition of EXOSC2 may be a safe and effective strategy to protect at-risk individuals against clinical COVID-19.
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Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Academic Conferences: The Example of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
We calculated carbon emissions associated with air travel of 4,834 participants at the 2019 annual conference of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH). Together, participants traveled a total of 27.7 million miles or 44.6 million kilometers. This equates to 58 return trips to the moon. Estimated carbon dioxide equivalent (CO(2)e) emissions were 8,646 metric tons or the total weekly carbon footprint of approximately 9,366 average American households. These emissions contribute to climate change and thus may exacerbate many of the global diseases that conference attendees seek to combat. Options to reduce conference travel–associated emissions include 1) alternating in-person and online conferences, 2) offering a hybrid in-person/online conference, and 3) decentralizing the conference with multiple conference venues. Decentralized ASTMH conferences may allow for up to 64% reduction in travel distance and 58% reduction in CO(2)e emissions. Given the urgency of the climate crisis and the clear association between global warming and global health, ways to reduce carbon emissions should be considered.
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Three-dimensional human alveolar stem cell culture models reveal infection response to SARS-CoV-2
Severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which is the cause of a present global pandemic, infects human lung alveolar type 2 (hAT2) cells. Characterizing pathogenesis is crucial for developing vaccines and therapeutics. However, the lack of models mirroring the cellular physiology and pathology of hAT2 cells limits the study. Here, we develop a feeder-free, long-term three-dimensional (3D) culture technique for hAT2 cells derived from primary human lung tissue, and investigate infection response to SARS-CoV-2. By imaging-based analysis and single-cell transcriptome profiling, we reveal rapid viral replication and the increased expression of interferon-associated genes and pro-inflammatory genes in infected hAT2 cells, indicating robust endogenous innate immune response. Further tracing of viral mutations acquired during transmission identifies full infection of individual cells effectively from a single viral entry. Our study provides deep insights into the pathogenesis of SARS-CoV-2, and the application of defined 3D hAT2 cultures as models for respiratory diseases.
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Pairing Co-Creation with Food and Wine Experiences—A Holistic Perspective of Tourist Experiences in Dão, a Portuguese Wine Region
The literature increasingly recognises the value of food and wine tourism for destinations’ competitiveness. Given the scarcity of conceptual and empirical studies on co-creation within this field of special interest tourism, this paper aims to enhance the understanding of how visitors and supply agents co-create value in food and wine experiences, by analysing such experiences in the Portuguese wine region Dão. For this purpose, a qualitative study was undertaken, analysing visitors’ and tourism agents’ perceptions regarding five food and wine experiences: food and wine pairing, wine tasting with food pairing, harvesting, a culinary workshop and a wine workshop. The discourse obtained via in-depth semi-structured interviews from sixteen visitors and three supply agents was content analysed, supported by QSR NVivo 12. The results show that dimensions of the conceptually defined co-creation experience were, indeed, perceived in the visitors’ discourse, namely interaction (the most prominent in wine tasting and harvesting), active participation, engagement and personalization (the latter least reported). Sensorial engagement emerged from the discourse as an additional dimension that deserved attention. The agents’ perspective confirmed the importance of these dimensions in experience design. This paper identifies theoretical and managerial contributions for destination management organisations, wine tourism agents and marketers, as well as relevant paths for future research in this field.
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Interpretation of exercise-induced changes in human skeletal muscle mRNA expression depends on the timing of the post-exercise biopsies
Background: Exercise elicits a range of adaptive responses in skeletal muscle, which include changes in mRNA expression. To better understand the health benefits of exercise training, it is important to investigate the underlying molecular mechanisms of skeletal muscle adaptation to exercise. However, most studies have assessed the molecular events at only a few time-points within a short time frame post-exercise, and the variations of gene expression kinetics have not been addressed systematically. Methods: We assessed the mRNA expression of 23 gene isoforms implicated in the adaptive response to exercise at six time-points (0, 3, 9, 24, 48, and 72 h post exercise) over a 3-day period following a single session of high-intensity interval exercise. Results: The temporal patterns of target gene expression were highly variable and the expression of mRNA transcripts detected was largely dependent on the timing of muscle sampling. The largest fold change in mRNA expression of each tested target gene was observed between 3 and 72 h post-exercise. Discussion and Conclusions: Our findings highlight an important gap in knowledge regarding the molecular response to exercise, where the use of limited time-points within a short period post-exercise has led to an incomplete understanding of the molecular response to exercise. Muscle sampling timing for individual studies needs to be carefully chosen based on existing literature and preliminary analysis of the molecular targets of interest. We propose that a comprehensive time-course analysis on the exercise-induced transcriptional response in humans will significantly benefit the field of exercise molecular biology.
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Efficient Classification Approach Based on COVID-19 CT Images Analysis with Deep Features
Currently, a new coronavirus(COVID-19) has affected millions of people worldwide. For this reason, it's not sufficient that radiologists can slow down the virus spreading manually. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) can be utilized as a tool to aid radiologists in diagnosing COVID-19 images, which consequently can save efforts and time. In this work, a dataset of CT images of confirmed and negative COVID-19 was used for the screening of COVID-19. Some preprocessing operations were applied to enhance the COVID-19 CT images which aim at including only the Area of Interest (AOI). This was accomplished in three stages. First, a conversion of the CT images to the binary scale was performed by applying a global threshold algorithm. Then, the median filter algorithm was applied to remove random noise. Then, we include only the ROI (the lung) and exclude other parts of the images. Finally, we applied VGGNet 19 to extract features from the preprocessed CT images, which is a popular CNN architecture, trained previously on ImageNet. The proposed pipeline showed high performance by achieving 98.31%, 100%, 98.19% and 98.64% of accuracy, recall, precision and f1-score, respectively. To the best of our knowledge, these results are the best published on this dataset when compared to a set of recently published works. Also, the proposed model overcomes several popular CNNs architectures. © 2021 IEEE.
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Government support to airlines in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic
This paper assesses government support measures to the air transport sector following the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic from two points of view. First, it explores the factors that shape governments’ willingness to support airlines. This is followed by a discussion on the various types of support that may be provided and how country-specific parameters influence the choice of measures. Second, it analyses the implications of government support in three dimensions relevant to air transport policy: competition and liberalisation, airline ownership and control, and environmental sustainability. The analysis suggests that most governments give a high priority to maintaining air transport connectivity in order to protect economic activity and jobs, in aviation itself and in related sectors such as tourism. The trade-off between ensuring connectivity and maintaining competition after the COVID-19 pandemic is a challenge with several political and economic dimensions. The re-orientation of public policy in the aftermath of the pandemic may limit the relative importance of the policy priorities that shaped the evolution of the air transport sector before the crisis, especially those related to climate change and the environment. The role of government and public authorities at all levels – especially the type and duration of measures affecting transport operations – will be crucial for the future development of the aviation industry.
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Sistem pendukung keputusan penerima bantuan COVID-19 menggunakan metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) (studi kasus: Desa Sundawenang)
Upaya Pemerintah memberikan bantuan sosial agar terpenuhinya semua kebutuhan ekonomi bagi masyarakat yang terkena dampak virus COVID-19 ternyata masih dirasa belum optimal. Sehingga banyak masyarakat yang berpikir bahwasannya bantuan sosial yang dilakukan tidak dan belum tepat sasaran dan Pemerintah Pun mengakui masalah tersebut sampai saat ini kemensos dan pihak pemda masih memperbaharui data agar tepat sasaran. Kasus tersebut diduga karena pengumpulan data yang tidak sesuai fakta dan tidak real time di setiap daerah. Penginputan data secara manual di Desa Sundawenang beresiko tidak tepat sasaran adanya penerima ganda serta terdapat oknum-oknum yang memanfaatkan keadaan tersebut. Oleh karena itu, metode Simple Additive Weight (SAW) diharapkan dapat menentukan kriteria masyarakat yang berhak menerima bantuan sosial COVID-19. Metode SAW merupakan metode yang menggunakan perhitungan atau yang menyediakan jenis-jenis kriteria tertentu yang memiliki bobot hingga nilai akhir yang berbobot akan menjadi keputusan akhir. Perhitungan Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) mengacu pada kriteria masyarakat yang layak menerima sesuai data yang relevan. Dari hasil perhitungan yang sudah dinormalisasi nilai yang tertinggi berhak menerima bantuan sosial 1,525 yaitu 5%, 1,425 yaitu 15%, dan 1,375 yaitu 35%. Kemudian yang tidak berhak menerima dengan nilai <1,375 yaitu 45%. Sistem pendukung keputusan penerima bantuan sosial COVID-19 ini diharapkan bisa menentukan keputusan akhir agar mempermudah penyaluran penerima yang sesuai sasaran.
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Maternal and neonatal outcomes associated with induction of labor after one previous cesarean delivery: A French retrospective study.
BACKGROUND The safety of methods of labor induction in women with previous cesarean deliveries is still debated. We investigated perinatal outcomes associated with labor induction among women with a trial of labor after one cesarean delivery. METHODS This retrospective study included 339 women with a trial of labor after one prior cesarean and a singleton term fetus in cephalic presentation in 2013-2016 in a French maternity unit. Labor induction was performed with oxytocin, artificial rupture of membranes and/or prostaglandin E2, according to the Bishop score. The primary outcome was a composite of uterine rupture, low Apgar score, neonatal resuscitation or admission to a neonatal unit. The secondary outcomes included cesarean delivery after onset of labor, postpartum hemorrhage and maternal hospital stay after delivery. We used logistic regression to estimate odds ratios adjusted (aOR) for potential confounders. RESULTS In our sample, 67.3% of women had spontaneous labor and 32.7% were induced. More than half of the women received oxytocin during labor regardless of the mode of labor. The proportions of the composite outcome and of cesarean after onset of labor were higher in the induced group compared to the spontaneous group (26.1% vs 15.8%, p = 0.02 and 45.0% vs 27.6%, p<0.01, respectively). There were 9 uterine ruptures (2.6%) and this proportion was higher in the induced group compared to the spontaneous group, although this difference was not statistically significant (3.6% vs 2.2%, p = 0.48). After adjustment, labor induction was associated with higher risks of the composite outcome (aOR = 2.45, 95% CI: 1.29-4.65), cesarean after onset of labor (aOR = 2.06, 95% CI: 1.15-3.68) and maternal hospital stay after delivery ≥6 days (aOR = 6.20, 95% CI: 3.25-11.81). No association was found with postpartum hemorrhage. CONCLUSION Labor induction after one prior cesarean was associated with a higher risk of adverse perinatal outcome. Nevertheless, the higher proportion of uterine rupture did not differ significantly from that in the spontaneous labor group.
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Microbiological evaluation of different reprocessing methods for cuffed and un-cuffed tracheostomy tubes in home-care and hospital setting.
BACKGROUND Manufacturers' recommendations on cleaning of tracheostomy tubes focus on general warning information and non-specific manual cleaning procedures. The aim of this experimental study was to evaluate different reprocessing methods and to determine the mechanical integrity and functionality of tracheostomy tubes following reprocessing. METHODS Sixteen cuffed or un-cuffed tracheostomy tubes obtained from hospital in-patients were reprocessed using one of the following reprocessing methods: a) manual brushing and rinsing with tap water, b) manual brushing followed by disinfection with a glutaraldehyde solution, c) manual brushing followed machine-based cleaning in a dishwasher, and d) manual brushing followed by ultrasound cleaning in a commercially available ultrasound device. Microbial burden of the tubes before and after reprocessing was assessed by measurement of microbial colony-forming units per mL (CFU/mL) of rinsing fluid. After cleaning, tracheostomy tubes were investigated for loss of functionality. FINDINGS Manual brushing and rinsing with tap water reduced microbial colonization in average by 10(2) CFU/mL, but with poor reproducibility and reliability. Complete microbial reduction was achieved only with additional chemical or machine-based thermal disinfection. Ultrasound sonification yielded no further microbial reduction after manual brushing. CONCLUSION Manual brushing alone will not result in complete eradication of microorganism colonising cuffed or un-cuffed tracheostomy tubes. However, manual cleaning followed by chemical or thermal disinfection may be regarded as safe and reproducible reprocessing method. If a machine-based reprocessing method is used for cuffed tubes, the cuffs' ventilation hose must be secured in a safe position prior to thermal disinfection.
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Aging out-quality improvement in transitions of care foradolescents leaving the foster care system
Background: Adolescents placed in the foster care system are a vulnerable population where socialdeterminants lead to health disparities that greatly impact their health and wellbeing into adulthood Betweenthe ages of 18 and 21, these young adults age out of the foster care system and must also transition frompediatric to adult models of care Unstructured transitions lead to poor health outcomes, however only 14-17% of youth meet health care transition performance measures Objective: To assess transition readinessamong adolescents in foster care and use that data to incorporate a structured transition using the Six CoreElements into our Children in Foster and Kinship Care Clinic Methods: We are currently performing a needsassessment among adolescents in foster care, aged 12 - 18, who receive care at a medical home for youth infoster care in a large, western US city from 3/1/2020 - 4/30/2020 To date, 12 adolescents have completed theTransition Readiness Assessment (TRA)-part of the Six Core Elements that have been validated using QImethodologies in a variety of care settings Initially, participants completed the TRA in person;however,responses were collected by phone after COVID-19 physical distancing measures became mandatory Results:The Mean age of patients that completed the TRA was 15 3 years (SD 2 0) Importance in preparing andconfidence in ability to change to an adult doctor were moderate overall However, adolescents age16-18 hadsimilar importance (mean 5 8, SD 1 6, 95% CI 4 0 - 7 4), but much lower confidence measures (mean 2 5, SD2 7, 95% CI -0 4 - 5 4) The majority of our patients indicated they knew their personal health information,however their understanding of health care privacy and decision-making were much lower Similarly, ourpatients have a perceived inability to manage the logistics of accessing health care Alarmingly, a very smallportion of our patients have a plan to keep health insurance after age 18 despite the ACA's expansion ofMedicaid to this population until age 26 Conclusions: Our results suggest that our adolescent patients haveinsufficient education regarding changes in health care privacy and decision-making and perceived inability tomanage their own health care Together, these indicate a strong need for a structured transition to adultmodels of care for adolescents in out of home care Going forward, we plan to incorporate transitions into theworkflow of our clinic using a tool within the EMR, therefore consistently addressing transitions for all ouradolescent patients For patients greater than 18 years, we have developed a Transition of Care clinicspecifically for young adults leaving foster care led by an internal medicine-pediatrics trained physician, thusimproving continuity for young adults who have aged out of foster care
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Hybrid DNA virus in Chinese patients with seronegative hepatitis discovered by deep sequencing.
Seronegative hepatitis--non-A, non-B, non-C, non-D, non-E hepatitis--is poorly characterized but strongly associated with serious complications. We collected 92 sera specimens from patients with non-A-E hepatitis in Chongqing, China between 1999 and 2007. Ten sera pools were screened by Solexa deep sequencing. We discovered a 3,780-bp contig present in all 10 pools that yielded BLASTx E scores of 7e-05-0.008 against parvoviruses. The complete sequence of the in silico-assembled 3,780-bp contig was confirmed by gene amplification of overlapping regions over almost the entire genome, and the virus was provisionally designated NIH-CQV. Further analysis revealed that the contig was composed of two major ORFs. By protein BLAST, ORF1 and ORF2 were most homologous to the replication-associated protein of bat circovirus and the capsid protein of porcine parvovirus, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that NIH-CQV is located at the interface of Parvoviridae and Circoviridae. Prevalence of NIH-CQV in patients was determined by quantitative PCR. Sixty-three of 90 patient samples (70%) were positive, but all those from 45 healthy controls were negative. Average virus titer in the patient specimens was 1.05 e4 copies/µL. Specific antibodies against NIH-CQV were sought by immunoblotting. Eighty-four percent of patients were positive for IgG, and 31% were positive for IgM; in contrast, 78% of healthy controls were positive for IgG, but all were negative for IgM. Although more work is needed to determine the etiologic role of NIH-CQV in human disease, our data indicate that a parvovirus-like virus is highly prevalent in a cohort of patients with non-A-E hepatitis.
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Serological survey of antibodies against SARS‐CoV‐2 in dogs and cats, Thailand
Coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID‐19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome virus type 2 (SARS‐CoV‐2) is an emerging severe acute respiratory disease affecting global human health. In this study, a large‐scale serological survey of antibodies against SARS‐CoV‐2 in dogs and cats was conducted during the first and second waves of COVID‐19 outbreaks in Thailand, from April to December 2020. A total of 3215 serum samples were collected from dogs (n = 2102) and cats (n = 1113) living in Bangkok and in the vicinities. Serum samples were tested for SARS‐CoV‐2 antibodies by using an indirect multispecies enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Positive and suspected samples were additionally tested for neutralizing antibodies by the surrogate virus neutralization test (sVNT). The indirect ELISA results showed that 1.66% (35 out of 2103) of dogs and 0.36% (four out of 1112) of cats were positive for SARS‐CoV‐2 antibodies. The sVNT results showed that all ELISA‐positive and suspected samples were negative for neutralizing antibodies. Positive serum samples (35 dogs and four cats) were obtained from clinically healthy animals and animals with mild respiratory signs aged <1–13 years living in Bangkok and Samutprakarn Provinces. In summary, a serological survey revealed evidence of anti‐N‐IgG antibodies suggesting SARS‐CoV‐2 exposure in both dogs and cats during the first and second COVID‐19 outbreaks in Thailand.
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The Association between Influenza Vaccination and COVID-19 and Its Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies
Influenza could circulate in parallel with COVID-19 In the context of COVID-19, some studies observed inverse associations between influenza vaccination and SARS-CoV-2 infection and clinical outcomes, while others did not We conducted a meta-analysis to assess the association between influenza vaccination and SARS-CoV-2 infection and clinical outcomes, aiming to provide evidence for COVID-19 prevention and vaccination promotion We searched four databases from inception to 10 March, 2021 Random effects and fixed effects models were used to pool odds ratios (ORs) and adjusted estimates with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) We used funnel plots to evaluate the publication bias, I2 statistics to evaluate the heterogeneity, and conducted subgroup analyses Sixteen observational studies involving 290,327 participants were included Influenza vaccination was associated with a lower risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection (pooled adjusted OR: 0 86, 95%CI: 0 81–0 91), while not significantly associated with adverse outcomes (intensive care: adjusted OR 0 63, 95%CI: 0 22–1 81;hospitalization: adjusted OR 0 74, 95%CI: 0 51–1 06;mortality: adjusted OR 0 89, 95%CI: 0 73–1 09) Our findings suggest that influenza vaccination is associated with a lower risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection It is crucial for policy makers to implement strategies on influenza vaccination, for it may also have benefits for COVID-19 prevention
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“I enjoy thinking critically, and I'm in control”: Examining the influences of media literacy factors on misperceptions amidst the COVID-19 infodemic
Misinformation circulation has arguably reached a peak during the COVID-19 pandemic, creating an “infodemic” that severely endangers public health and well-being. Using a moderated mediation model, a survey of 712 respondents from China reveals that social media information seeking is positively associated with COVID-19 misperceptions, while need for cognition (NFC) is negatively associated with it. Both relationships became more significant while mediating through individuals' general misperceptions. Moreover, it is found that among those with greater locus of control over media, the association between social media information seeking and COVID-19 misperceptions became more positive, while the association between NFC and COVID-19 misperceptions became more negative among those with greater media locus of control. Findings provide insights into the misperception research and have practical implications regarding infodemic management.
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Comparative Effectiveness of Famotidine in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients.
INTRODUCTION Famotidine has been posited as a potential treatment for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). We compared the incidence of COVID-19 outcomes (i.e., death and death or intensive services use) among hospitalized famotidine users vs proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) users, hydroxychloroquine users, or famotidine nonusers separately. METHODS We constructed a retrospective cohort study using data from COVID-19 Premier Hospital electronic health records. The study population was COVID-19 hospitalized patients aged 18 years or older. Famotidine, PPI, and hydroxychloroquine exposure groups were defined as patients dispensed any medication containing 1 of the 3 drugs on the day of admission. The famotidine nonuser group was derived from the same source population with no history of exposure to any drug with famotidine as an active ingredient before or on the day of admission. Time at risk was defined based on the intention-to-treat principle starting 1 day after admission to 30 days after admission. For each study comparison group, we fit a propensity score model through large-scale regularized logistic regression. The outcome was modeled using a survival model. RESULTS We identified 2,193 users of PPI, 5,950 users of the hydroxychloroquine, 1,816 users of famotidine, and 26,820 nonfamotidine users. After propensity score stratification, the hazard ratios (HRs) for death were as follows: famotidine vs no famotidine HR 1.03 (0.89-1.18), vs PPIs: HR 1.14 (0.94-1.39), and vs hydroxychloroquine: 1.03 (0.85-1.24). Similar results were observed for the risk of death or intensive services use. DISCUSSION We found no evidence of a reduced risk of COVID-19 outcomes among hospitalized COVID-19 patients who used famotidine compared with those who did not or compared with PPI or hydroxychloroquine users.
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What are the Latent Topics Associated with Experience in Flipped Learning? An Empirical Investigation of University Students' Interview Responses
With the advancement of ICT in the 21st century, ICT adopted education environment and teaching approaches are introduced in higher education setting globally. In the year of 2020 when global education sector encountered unprecedent difficult phenomena in Covid-19 Pandemic, teachers, students, and education administrators had to familiar with the terminology of online platform, hybrid learning and Flipped Learning (FL). With this strong intervention of ICT into the Education setting, this study aims to explore the students' experience and perception toward the FL by analyzing and interpreting interview data from the qualitative studies on FL between 2014 and 2020. This study conducted text mining analysis, and topic modeling method from the selected 102 SSCI and Scopus level research articles on FL. The result of the study categorized the findings from the pure text analysis into three latent topics for the FL which were 'teacher and classroom', 'motivation and students' growth', 'educational needs and difficulties. From the result, the study confirmed the other two topics which are related to student' experience and characteristics such as growth of motivation, practical challenges, and difficulties from the FL experience. The result indicates that teachers need to give attentive attention and observation to the challenges that students are encountering during the classroom activities in FL setting.
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Potential Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic through Changes in Outbound Tourism on Water Demand: The Case of Liège (Belgium)
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to many countries closing their borders, and numerous people spending their holidays at home instead of traveling abroad This sudden reduction in travel activities, and other &lsquo;new normals&rsquo;, might have influenced people&rsquo;s water usage Hence, using Li&egrave;ge as a case study, this study aims to address the potential effect of outbound tourism on water consumption and how the current situation might affect the total water demand Statistical models were developed and validated using the total daily volume of 23 municipalities in the Li&egrave;ge conurbation, the monthly total number of outbound trips, and other meteorological data Results suggest significantly lower water demand in the months with high numbers of outbound travel activities Though the projected risk of increased water needs due to fewer people traveling is moderate, the threat becomes much higher during long periods of dry and hot weather
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Short term and long term results after open vs. laparoscopic appendectomy in childhood and adolescence: a subgroup analysis.
BACKGROUND A comparative study was performed to compare quality of life after laparoscopic and open appendectomy in children and adolescents in a German General Hospital. The same study population was re-evaluated regarding their quality of life several years after operation. METHODS Children and adolescents (n = 158) who underwent appendectomy for acute appendicitis between 1999 and 2001 were retrospectively analysed. Seven years after surgery those patients were interviewed applying a SF-36 questionnaire regarding their quality of life. RESULTS For short term outcomes there was a trend towards reduced specific postoperative complications in the laparoscopically operated group (9.3 vs. 10.7%). Significantly more patients in the laparoscopic group would recommend the operation procedure to family members or friends than in the open group. Among the evaluated patients there was a significantly higher satisfaction concerning size and appearance of their scars in the laparoscopic group. The results of the evaluation in the eight categories of the SF-36 showed similar results in both groups. CONCLUSIONS More patients with laparoscopic appendectomy appeared to be satisfied with their operation method as becomes evident by a higher recommendation rate and a higher satisfaction concerning their scars.
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In New York zijn de verschillen extreem
Tandartsen in de stedelijke gebieden van de Verenigde Staten werken gespecialiseerder dan in Nederland. Dat is fijn voor zowel patiënt als behandelaar, vindt de Nederlands-Amerikaanse Ruth Dieleman-Levine. ‘Ze krijgen in New York “De beste wortelkanaalbehandeling ever !’’’
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How and why do French medical students choose the specialty of infectious and tropical diseases? A national cross-sectional study
BACKGROUND: Infectious and tropical diseases (ID) physicians are needed now more than ever to tackle existing and emerging global threats. However, in many countries, ID is not recognized as a qualifying specialty. The creation of ID residency in 2017 in France offers the opportunity to know how and why the specialty is chosen by medical students. METHODS: We first analyzed the choice of specialty of all French medical students in 2017 and 2018 according to their rank at the national exam that ends medical studies. A web questionnaire was then sent in January 2019 to all ID residents in France (n = 100) to assess the factors influencing their choice of specialty and their career plan. RESULTS: We analyzed the choice of 17,087 medical students. ID was the first-chosen specialty with a median national rank of 526/8539, followed by plastic surgery and ophthalmology. The questionnaire was completed by 90% of the French ID residents (n = 100). The most encouraging factors to choose ID were the multi-system approach of the specialty, the importance of diagnostic medicine and having done an internship in ID during medical school. The potential deterrents were the work-life balance, the workload and the salary. CONCLUSIONS: The recent recognition of ID as a qualifying specialty in France can be considered a success insofar as the specialty is the most popular among all medical and surgical specialties. Individuals who choose ID are attracted by the intellectual stimulation of the specialty but express concerns about the working conditions and salaries. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s12909-020-02317-9.
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Droplet Cas12a Assay Enables DNA Quantification from Unamplified Samples at the Single-Molecule Level.
DNA quantification is important for biomedical research, but the routinely used techniques rely on nucleic acid amplification which have inherent issues like cross-contamination risk and quantification bias. Here, we report a CRISPR-Cas12a-based molecular diagnostic technique for amplification-free and absolute quantification of DNA at the single-molecule level. To achieve this, we first screened out the optimal reaction parameters for high-efficient Cas12a assay, yielding over 50-fold improvement in sensitivity compared with the reported Cas12a assays. We further leveraged the microdroplet-enabled confinement effect to perform an ultralocalized droplet Cas12a assay, obtaining excellent specificity and single-molecule sensitivity. Moreover, we demonstrated its versatility and quantification capability by direct counting of diverse virus's DNAs (African swine fever virus, Epstein-Barr virus, and Hepatitis B virus) from clinical serum samples with a wide range of viral titers. Given the flexible programmability of crRNA, we envision this amplification-free technique as a versatile and quantitative platform for molecular diagnosis.
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The impact of the COVID-19 associated shutdown on orthopedic patient care
BACKGROUND: Due to the surge of COVID-19 cases in the US in early March 2020, health care facilities temporarily suspended elective and non-urgent medical procedures such as joint replacement surgeries. The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of the COVID-19 associated shutdown on orthopedic patient care at a specialized orthopedic hospital located at the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic. METHODS: Patient volume of outpatient visits and joint replacement surgeries were analyzed and compared for 2019 and 2020. The volumes were further aligned with the timeline of governmental and institutional COVID-19 associated restrictions. RESULTS: The annual surgery volume was reduced by 20.2% in 2020 and did not make up for the reduction experienced during the shutdown. The total number of patient visits decreased by 25.5% and new patient visits remained 25% lower at the end of 2020. Patient care and surgery volume recovered with declining SARS-CoV-2-cases but did not return to levels prior to the shutdown. During the second quarter of 2020, 28.5% of all patient visits were telehealth appointments. By the end of the year it dropped to 7.6%. There was a shift towards patient appointments at outpatient satellite offices. CONCLUSION: Orthopedic providers faced a substantial disruption in outpatient and surgical volume. Telemedicine appointments were crucial for maintaining follow-up patient care and will be an important sector in future patient care. There has been a major push to utilize satellite offices outside the city center.
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Clinical evaluation of Miller class I and II recessions treatment with the use of modified coronally advanced tunnel technique with either collagen matrix or subepithelial connective tissue graft: A randomized clinical study.
AIM To compare outcomes of modified coronally advanced tunnel technique (MCAT) combined with either collagen matrix (CM) or subepithelial connective tissue graft (SCTG) in the treatment of Miller class I and II multiple gingival recessions in the mandible. MATERIALS AND METHODS The study encompassed 91 recessions in 29 patients for whom MCAT was combined with CM on one side of the mandible and SCTG on the contralateral one. The following clinical parameters were measured: gingival recession height (GR) and width (RW), probing depth (PD), clinical attachment level (CAL), width of keratinized tissue (KT), gingival thickness (GT), mean (MRC) and complete root coverage (CRC) and Root Coverage Esthetic Score (RES). RESULTS The MRC proportions on the CM- and SCTG-treated sides were 53.20% and 83.10%, respectively. CRC was achieved in 9 out of 45 (20%) gingival defects treated with CM and 31 out of 46 (67%) treated with SCTG. There were statistically significant differences in MRC, CRC, GR, RW, KT, GT and RES between CM- and CTG-treated sides. CONCLUSIONS Modified coronally advanced tunnel technique leads to reduction in gingival recession both when combined CM and SCTG, of which the latter is more efficient as far as root coverage and aesthetic parameters are concerned.
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Role of respiratory intermediate care units during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
RATIONALE: The SARS-CoV2 pandemic increased exponentially the need for both Intensive (ICU) and Intermediate Care Units (RICU). The latter are of particular importance because they can play a dual role in critical and post-critical care of COVID-19 patients. Here, we describe the setup of 2 new RICUs in our institution to face the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and discuss the clinical characteristics and outcomes of the patients attended. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of the characteristics and outcomes of COVID-19 patients admitted to 2 new RICUs built specifically in our institution to face the first wave of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, from April 1 until May 30, 2020. RESULTS: During this period, 106 COVID-19 patients were admitted to these 2 RICUs, 65 of them (61%) transferred from an ICU (step-down) and 41 (39%) from the ward or emergency room (step-up). Most of them (72%) were male and mean age was 66 ± 12 years. 31% of them required support with oxygen therapy via high-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) and 14% non-invasive ventilation (NIV). 42 of the 65 patients stepping down (65%) had a previous tracheostomy performed and most of them (74%) were successfully decannulated during their stay in the RICU. Length of stay was 7 [4-11] days. 90-day mortality was 19% being significantly higher in stepping up patients than in those transferred from the ICU (25 vs. 10% respectively; p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: RICUs are a valuable hospital resource to respond to the challenges of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic both to treat deteriorating and recovering COVID-19 patients.
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Primary care-based health surveillance actions in response to the COVID-19 pandemic: contributions to the debate.
We conducted an integrated literature review aimed at reflecting on the challenges related to primary care-based health surveillance actions in response to the COVID-19 pandemic in selected countries. The study included countries with different PHC models that adopted surveillance as an approach to control the transmission of COVID-19. We performed a search in October 2020 for relevant literature and norms and guidelines related to the organization of primary health care (PHC) in response to the pandemic on official government websites and the databases Web of Science and Science Direct. The integrated health surveillance actions demonstrated that efforts were more focused on risks, with some countries adopting innovative and effective measures to respond to COVID-19, considering emerging needs within PHC. However, in addition to ethical controversies and operational difficulties, access to technology was a challenge in actions developed by some countries due to social inequalities.
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Monitoring and forecasting the number of reported and unreported cases of the COVID-19 epidemic in Brazil using Particle Filter
In this paper, we combine algorithm of Liu & West for the Particle Filter (PF) with SIRU-type epidemic model to monitor and forecast cases of Covid-19 in Brazil from February up to September. We filter the number of cumulative reported cases and estimate model parameters and more importantly unreported infectious cases (asymptomatic and symptomatic infectious individuals). The parameters under study are related to the attenuation factor of the transmission rate and the fraction of asymptomatic infectious becoming reported as symptomatic infectious. Initially, the problem is analysed through Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) based simulations to provide initial guesses, which are then refined by means of PF simulations. Subsequently, two additional steps are performed to verify the capability of the adjusted model to predict and forecast new cases. According to the results, the pandemic peak is expected to take place in mid-June 2020 with about 25,000 news cases per day. As medical and hospital resources are limited, this result shows that public health interventions are essential and should not be relaxed prematurely, so that the coronavirus pandemic is controlled and conditions are available for the treatment of the most severe cases.
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Measuring advance care planning behavior in Dutch adults: translation, cultural adaptation and validation of the Advance Care Planning Engagement Survey
BACKGROUND: Advance care planning (ACP) enables people to define, discuss, and record preferences for treatment and care. Measures of ACP behavior are lacking in the Netherlands. We aimed to translate, culturally adapt and validate the 34-item ACP Engagement Survey into Dutch. METHODS: Following validation guidelines, we tested content validity, internal consistency, reproducibility, construct validity, interpretability and criterion validity among persons with and without chronic disease. RESULTS: Forward-backward translation indicated the need of only minor adaptations. Two hundred thirty-two persons completed baseline and retest surveys; 121 were aged ≥60 years. Persons with chronic disease (n = 151) considered the survey more valuable than those without (66 vs. 59, p < 0.001, scale of 20–100), indicating good content validity. Internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha: 0.97) and reproducibility (intraclass correlation: 0.88) were good. Total ACP Engagement was higher among persons with chronic disease than those without (2.9 vs. 2.4, p < 0.01, scale of 1 to 5), indicating good psychometric support for construct validity and interpretability. Positive correlations of the ACP Engagement Survey and the General Self-Efficacy survey indicated good criterion validity (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: This study provided good psychometric support for the validity and reliability of the Dutch 34-item ACP Engagement Survey. This instrument can be used to assess involvement in ACP in adults with and without chronic disease. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s12874-021-01389-5.
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Effects of Virtual Reality Simulation Program Regarding High-risk Neonatal Infection Control on Nursing Students
PURPOSE: Virtual reality simulation can give nursing students a safe clinical experience involving high-risk infants where access to neonatal intensive care units is limited. This study aimed to examine the effects of a virtual reality simulation program on Korean nursing students' knowledge, performance self-efficacy and learner satisfaction. METHODS: A nonequivalent control group design was applied. Senior nursing students were divided into an experimental group (n = 25) experiencing virtual reality simulation and routine neonatal intensive care unit practice and a control group (n = 25) having routine neonatal intensive care unit practice. The program consisted of three scenarios: basic care, feeding management and skin care and environmental management for prevention of neonatal infection. The total execution time for the three scenarios was 40 minutes. The simulation created immersive virtual reality experiences using a head-mounted display with hand-tracking technology. Data were collected from December 9, 2019, to January 17, 2020, and were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the t-test, paired t-tests, Mann-Whitney test and Wilcoxon signed-ranks test. RESULTS: Compared to the control group, the experimental group showed significantly greater improvements in high-risk neonatal infection control performance self-efficacy (t = -2.16, p = .018) and learner satisfaction (t = -5.59, p < .001). CONCLUSION: The virtual reality simulation program can expand the nursing students' practice experience in safe virtual spaces and enhance their performance self-efficacy and learning satisfaction.
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Mental Health and Well-Being Among Individuals With a Sensory Loss During COVID-19 Lockdown Measures
Hearing and vision impairment are highly prevalent chronic conditions and are associated with poorer mental health and well-being. Mental health problems may be exacerbated by COVID-19-related lockdown measures and limitations of in-person contacts may affect those with sensory impairments more severely. We aimed to determine whether hearing and/or visual impairment were associated with worse mental health and psychological well-being during lockdown measures in Spring/Summer 2020 in Wisconsin. We included 1341 (64% women, aged 20-92 years) Survey of the Health of Wisconsin participants of a COVID-19 survey (May-June, 2020). We assessed self-reported current mental health and psychological well-being and vision and hearing impairment. Logistic regression models with vision and hearing impairments as determinants and multiple mental health and well-being outcomes were used and adjusted for age, gender, race, education, heart disease, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and diabetes. In preliminary analyses, we found associations of vision impairment with increased odds of generalized anxiety disorder (odds ratio=2.10; 95% confidence interval=1.32-3.29) and depression (2.57; 1.58-4.11). Individuals with a vision impairment were more likely to be taking medication for depression (1.75; 1.13-2.68), report being lonely (1.65; 1.00-2.64) and report hopelessness (1.45; 1.01-2.08). Individuals with a hearing impairment were more likely to be taking depression medications (1.72; 1.07-2.73) and to report being lonely (1.80; 1.05-2.98). Sensory impairment was not associated with stress levels or sense of purpose in life. Individuals with sensory impairment may represent a particularly vulnerable population during the COVID-19 pandemic. Future research should determine underlying reasons and interventions to mitigate this populations’ disadvantages.
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A Text Mining Approach to Discovering COVID-19 Relevant Factors
This paper describes a text mining approach that utilises the PyLucene search engine and the GrapeNLP grammar engine for extracting links between temperature, humidity and the spread of COVID-19, from a vast collection of scientific publications The approach was developed in response to a Kaggle challenge from a consortium of research groups to develop text and data mining techniques that can assist the medical community in finding answers to a series of important questions on COVID-19 For this challenge, a large corpus of scientific publications known as the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19) was provided by the consortium The approach presented in this paper was winner of the competition task of extracting key insights and building summary tables of COVID-19 relevant factors such as temperature and humidity © 2020 IEEE
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Population Disequilibrium as Promoter of Adaptive Explorations in Hepatitis C Virus
Replication of RNA viruses is characterized by exploration of sequence space which facilitates their adaptation to changing environments. It is generally accepted that such exploration takes place mainly in response to positive selection, and that further diversification is boosted by modifications of virus population size, particularly bottleneck events. Our recent results with hepatitis C virus (HCV) have shown that the expansion in sequence space of a viral clone continues despite prolonged replication in a stable cell culture environment. Diagnosis of the expansion was based on the quantification of diversity indices, the occurrence of intra-population mutational waves (variations in mutant frequencies), and greater individual residue variations in mutant spectra than those anticipated from sequence alignments in data banks. In the present report, we review our previous results, and show additionally that mutational waves in amplicons from the NS5A-NS5B-coding region are equally prominent during HCV passage in the absence or presence of the mutagenic nucleotide analogues favipiravir or ribavirin. In addition, by extending our previous analysis to amplicons of the NS3- and NS5A-coding region, we provide further evidence of the incongruence between amino acid conservation scores in mutant spectra from infected patients and in the Los Alamos National Laboratory HCV data banks. We hypothesize that these observations have as a common origin a permanent state of HCV population disequilibrium even upon extensive viral replication in the absence of external selective constraints or changes in population size. Such a persistent disequilibrium—revealed by the changing composition of the mutant spectrum—may facilitate finding alternative mutational pathways for HCV antiviral resistance. The possible significance of our model for other genetically variable viruses is discussed.
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A single-dose ChAdOx1-vectored vaccine provides complete protection against Nipah Bangladesh and Malaysia in Syrian golden hamsters
Nipah virus (NiV) is a highly pathogenic re-emerging virus that causes outbreaks in South East Asia. Currently, no approved and licensed vaccine or antivirals exist. Here, we investigated the efficacy of ChAdOx1 NiV(B), a simian adenovirus-based vaccine encoding NiV glycoprotein (G) Bangladesh, in Syrian hamsters. Prime-only as well as prime-boost vaccination resulted in uniform protection against a lethal challenge with NiV Bangladesh: all animals survived challenge and we were unable to find infectious virus either in oral swabs, lung or brain tissue. Furthermore, no pathological lung damage was observed. A single-dose of ChAdOx1 NiV(B) also prevented disease and lethality from heterologous challenge with NiV Malaysia. While we were unable to detect infectious virus in swabs or tissue of animals challenged with the heterologous strain, a very limited amount of viral RNA could be found in lung tissue by in situ hybridization. A single dose of ChAdOx1 NiV(B) also provided partial protection against Hendra virus and passive transfer of antibodies elicited by ChAdOx1 NiV(B) vaccination partially protected Syrian hamsters against NiV Bangladesh. From these data, we conclude that ChAdOx1 NiV(B) is a suitable candidate for further NiV vaccine pre-clinical development.
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Revision Multidisciplinar Del Tratamiento En Pacientes Mayores Institucionalizados En El Contexto De La Covid-19
Objective: having a general practitioner in nursing homes (NHs) during the pandemic by COVID-19 has allowed a multidisciplinary intervention to systematically review medication in institutionalized elderly patients; the objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of this intervention in reducing the number of drugs/patient. Methods: a prospective multicenter study before-after of an intervention involving general practitioner and primare care pharmacists (PCP) in 4 NHs of less than 50 residents. A review algorithm was used to identify Drug-Related Problems (DRPs) that were part of the PCP recommendations. The degree of acceptance by the physician of these recommendations was measured. Results: 121 patients reviewed with a mean age of 86.1 years (SD:7.2); 87.6% were women. Of 98 patients analyzed, had an average of 9.4 (SD:4.0) drugs/patient, was reduced by -1.6 [CI 95% -1.3 to -1.9] p<0.001 after the intervention, the different was statistically significant. 409 DRPs were identified, an average of 4.2 per patient, who were part of a recommendation of which 316 (77.3%) were accepted. Most of the recommendations concerned deprescription or dose adjustment. Psycholeptics, antihypertensives and analgesics were the therapeutic groups most commonly involved in the detected DRPs. Conclusions: a statistically significant reduction in the mean number of drugs/patient following intervention has been observed. Many DRPs have been identified through the PCP review, which have mostly been accepted by the physician.
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The Influence of Bioisosteres in Drug Design: Tactical Applications to Address Developability Problems
The application of bioisosteres in drug discovery is a well-established design concept that has demonstrated utility as an approach to solving a range of problems that affect candidate optimization, progression, and durability. In this chapter, the application of isosteric substitution is explored in a fashion that focuses on the development of practical solutions to problems that are encountered in typical optimization campaigns. The role of bioisosteres to affect intrinsic potency and selectivity, influence conformation, solve problems associated with drug developability, including P-glycoprotein recognition, modulating basicity, solubility, and lipophilicity, and to address issues associated with metabolism and toxicity is used as the underlying theme to capture a spectrum of creative applications of structural emulation in the design of drug candidates.
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Concussion in para sport: the first position statement of the Concussion in Para Sport (CIPS) Group
Concussion is a frequent injury in many sports and is also common in para athletes. However, there is a paucity of concussion research related to para sport, and prior International Concussion in Sport (CIS) consensus papers have not substantively addressed this population. To remedy this and to improve concussion care provided to para athletes, the concussion in para sport (CIPS) multidisciplinary expert group was created. This group analysed and discussed in-depth para athlete-specific issues within the established key clinical domains of the current (2017) consensus statement on CIS. Due to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the group held all meetings by video conferencing. The existing Sport Concussion Assessment Tool 5 (SCAT5) for the immediate on-field and office-based off-field assessment of concussion was evaluated as part of this process, to identify any para athlete-specific concerns. Regular preparticipation and periodic health examinations are essential to determine a baseline reference point for concussion symptoms but pose additional challenges for the interpreting clinician. Further considerations for concussion management for the para athlete are required within the remove, rest, reconsider and refer consensus statement framework. Considering return to sport (RTS), the 2017 CIS consensus statement has limitations when considering the RTS of the para athlete. Case-by-case decision making related to RTS following concussion is imperative for para athletes. Additional challenges exist for the evaluation and management of concussion in para athletes. There is a need for greater understanding of existing knowledge gaps and attitudes towards concussion among athlete medical staff, coaches and para athletes. Future research should investigate the use and performance of common assessment tools in the para athlete population to better guide their clinical application and inform potential modifications. Concussion prevention strategies and sport-specific rule changes, such as in Para Alpine Skiing and Cerebral Palsy Football, also should be carefully considered to reduce the occurrence of concussion in para athletes.
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The potential mechanism of N-acetylcysteine in treating COVID-19.
N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) has been proposed and used to treat coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). By reviewing the existing pathological studies of COVID-19, it was found that abundant mucus secretion, formation of a hyaline membrane (supportive of acute respiratory distress syndrome), and interstitial fibrous exudation may be important characteristics of COVID-19 and may be pathological targets of drug therapy. In addition, multiple extrapulmonary organ injuries in COVID-19 may be associated with cytokine storm. NAC is an important antioxidant and anti-inflammatory drug. NAC has been demonstrated to have mucolytic effects in bronchitis, relieve respiratory failure in acute respiratory distress syndrome, and inhibit fibrous exudation in interstitial lung disease in clinical studies. These findings suggest that NAC may have a therapeutic effect on the pathological targets of COVID-19. Furthermore, NAC decreases TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, and IL-17 serum levels in patients with sepsis, severe burns, acute liver failure, or peritoneal dialysis and may also reduce cytokine storm in COVID-19. The antiviral effect of NAC on other respiratory viruses may also benefit COVID-19 patients. Summarizing the potential mechanisms of NAC in treating COVID-19 suggests that the role of NAC in COVID-19 treatment is worthy of further research.
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The Care of Children With Cancer During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has considerably changed health services for children with cancer worldwide by creating barriers throughout the care continuum. Reports available at this time suggest that asymptomatic and mild upper and lower respiratory tract syndromes are the most common presentation of COVID-19 in children with cancer. Nonetheless, severe cases of COVID-19 and deaths secondary to the infection have been reported. In addition to the direct effects of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, children with cancer have suffered from the collateral consequences of the pandemic, including decreased access to diagnosis and cancer-directed therapy. The COVID-19 pandemic has presented unprecedented challenges to safe and effective care of children with cancer, including their enrollment in therapeutic clinical trials. Data from the Children's Oncology Group and Cancer Research U.K. Clinical Trials Unit show variability in the enrollment of children with cancer in clinical trials during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the overall effects on outcomes for children with cancer undergoing care during the pandemic remain largely unknown. In this article, we review the current knowledge about the direct and collateral effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, including on clinical trial enrollment and operations.
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How Right Now? Supporting Mental Health and Resilience Amid COVID-19.
The How Right Now communication initiative (HRN) was developed to facilitate resilience amid the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. HRN was designed as a conduit for promoting mental health and addressing feelings of grief, worry, and stress experienced during this time. This article provides an overview of the rapid, mixed-method, culturally responsive formative research process undertaken to inform the development of HRN. Specifically, it describes how HRN's disproportionately affected audiences (adults aged 65 and older and their caregivers, adults with preexisting physical and mental health conditions, adults experiencing violence, and adults experiencing economic distress) describe and discuss emotional resilience, what they need to be resilient, and what factors contribute to the perceptions of their ability to "bounce back" from the conditions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Data collection methods included an environmental scan (n ≥ 700 publications), social listening (n ≥ 1 million social media posts), partner needs-assessment calls (n = 16), partner-convened listening sessions with community members (n = 29), online focus groups (n = 58), and a national probability survey (n = 731), all in English and Spanish. Results revealed that HRN's audiences have diverse perceptions of what constitutes resilience. However, common factors were identified across populations to support resilience amid the COVID-19 pandemic, including informal and formal social support and access to services to meet basic needs, including food and housing resources. Stress, anxiety, depression, and experience with stigma and discrimination were also linked to resilience. Understanding the perspectives and experiences of disproportionately affected populations is vital to identifying supports and services, including the engagement of community stakeholders.
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Health outcomes of gastric bypass patients compared to nonsurgical, nonintervened severely obese.
Favorable health outcomes at 2 years postbariatric surgery have been reported. With exception of the Swedish Obesity Subjects (SOS) study, these studies have been surgical case series, comparison of surgery types, or surgery patients compared to subjects enrolled in planned nonsurgical intervention. This study measured gastric bypass effectiveness when compared to two separate severely obese groups not participating in designed weight-loss intervention. Three groups of severely obese subjects (N = 1,156, BMI >or= 35 kg/m(2)) were studied: gastric bypass subjects (n = 420), subjects seeking gastric bypass but did not have surgery (n = 415), and population-based subjects not seeking surgery (n = 321). Participants were studied at baseline and 2 years. Quantitative outcome measures as well as prevalence, incidence, and resolution rates of categorical health outcome variables were determined. All quantitative variables (BMI, blood pressure, lipids, diabetes-related variables, resting metabolic rate (RMR), sleep apnea, and health-related quality of life) improved significantly in the gastric bypass group compared with each comparative group (all P < 0.0001, except for diastolic blood pressure and the short form (SF-36) health survey mental component score at P < 0.01). Diabetes, dyslipidemia, and hypertension resolved much more frequently in the gastric bypass group than in the comparative groups (all P < 0.001). In the surgical group, beneficial changes of almost all quantitative variables correlated significantly with the decrease in BMI. We conclude that Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery when compared to severely obese groups not enrolled in planned weight-loss intervention was highly effective for weight loss, improved health-related quality of life, and resolution of major obesity-associated complications measured at 2 years.
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Can immunity during pregnancy influence SARS-CoV-2 infection? - A systematic review
BACKGROUND: During pregnancy, the maternal immune system must create and sustain tolerance to the allogeneic fetus while maintaining the ability to protect against microbial assaults. OBJECTIVES: Ascertain the immunological differences in immune cells of pregnant women that may influence SARS-CoV-2 infection. STUDY DESIGN: Systematic review conducted in accordance with PRISMA guidelines and registered within PROSPERO CRD42020189735. A systematic search was undertaken across ISI, PubMed, Scopus, Embase, Cochrane Library and clinical trials.gov from January 2019 up until June 2020. Eligibility criteria included COVID-19 infection, pregnancy, and availability of immune characteristics for the pregnant women. Two authors independently screened for the suitability of inclusion. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Information was manually extracted from full-text articles and efforts were made to identify overlapping data. Variables extracted and analysed included the quantification of white blood cells (WBC), lymphocytes, and C-reactive protein (CRP). RESULTS: The literature search yielded 162 studies, of which 11 were considered appropriate for selection. Only four were used in this systematic review. Our research showed that pregnant women with COVID-19 only differ from other pregnant women in their lower WBC count. The proportion of reduced lymphocyte cases is similar in both groups, as is the case of C-reactive protein levels. CONCLUSIONS: In line with previous coronavirus infections, severe maternal morbidity and perinatal death with COVID-19 infection were more likely to be expected in pregnancy. Our research showed that pregnant women with COVID-19 in terms of immunity only differ from other pregnant women in their lower WBC count.
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Exploring the determinants of students’ academic performance at university level: The mediating role of internet usage continuance intention
This study investigates the impact of integrating essential factors on academic performance in university students’ context. The proposed model examines the influence of continuance intention, satisfaction, information value, and Internet addiction on academic performance. Additionally, it investigates the mediating role of continuance intention on the relationship of satisfaction and information value on academic performance among university students. A survey questionnaire method was adopted to collect data from university students in Jordan. Data was collected from 476 voluntary participants, and the analysis was conducted using SPSS and AMOS. The analysis results show that continuance intention, satisfaction, information value have a significant positive influence on academic performance. Besides, the results show that satisfaction and information value positively and significantly influence continuance intention. While continuance intention full mediation the relationship between satisfaction and academic performance, it partial mediation the relationship between information value and academic performance. This study is the first to examine the integrating of continuance intention, satisfaction, information value, and Internet addiction on students’ academic performance. Furthermore, this study is also distinguished from other studies by investigating the mediating role of continuance intention gap.
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Perceived Changes in Sexuality during the COVID-19 Pandemic among Adults in the United States
In the United States, the COVID-19 pandemic has decreased partnered sexual behavior and increased the use of enhancement (e.g., toys). This has been partly attributed to reduced social interactions and stress. However, individuals’ perceptions of changes are missing in research. This study aims to examine how adults perceive changes in their sexuality during the pandemic. We conducted a nationwide survey of US adults from April–June 2020 (N = 326). This qualitative study examines the open-ended responses using thematic analyses. The following themes emerged from the data: (1) changes in the purpose of sex;(2) changes in sexual identity;(3) decreases in sex drive and desire;(4) increases in sex drive and desire;(5) fluctuations in sex drive and desire;(6) increased sexual experimentation and reflection. The stress, changes in home responsibilities and living situations, and time spent with partners (more or less) has affected individuals by increasing or decreasing their sex drive and desire. Participants responded to changes with self-reflection and awareness, and incorporating new practices (e.g., technology, kink). The purpose of sex has shifted in order to gain intimacy or connect, or to pass time. These changes were perceived as both positive and negative, and more research is needed to determine the durability of these changes.
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Hyperpolarization of Nitrile Compounds Using Signal Amplification by Reversible Exchange
Signal Amplification by Reversible Exchange (SABRE), a hyperpolarization technique, has been harnessed as a powerful tool to achieve useful hyperpolarized materials by polarization transfer from parahydrogen. In this study, we systemically applied SABRE to a series of nitrile compounds, which have been rarely investigated. By performing SABRE in various magnetic fields and concentrations on nitrile compounds, we unveiled its hyperpolarization properties to maximize the spin polarization and its transfer to the next spins. Through this sequential study, we obtained a ~130-fold enhancement for several nitrile compounds, which is the highest number ever reported for the nitrile compounds. Our study revealed that the spin polarization on hydrogens decreases with longer distances from the nitrile group, and its maximum polarization is found to be approximately 70 G with 5 μL of substrates in all structures. Interestingly, more branched structures in the ligand showed less effective polarization transfer mechanisms than the structural isomers of butyronitrile and isobutyronitrile. These first systematic SABRE studies on a series of nitrile compounds will provide new opportunities for further research on the hyperpolarization of various useful nitrile materials.
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Acute lower limb ischemia in an ICU admitted patient diagnosed with covid 19: a case report
Thromboembolic events have been reported in hospitalized patient since beginning of the covid 19 pandemic. This study reports an ICU admitted patient with lower extremity arterial thrombosis diagnosed with covid 19.
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Functionalization of carrageenan based edible film using Aloe vera for improved lipid oxidative and microbial stability of frozen dairy products
The aim of the present study was to standardize, characterize and evaluate the efficacy of an A. vera-based edible film developed for improved microbial and lipid oxidative stability of frozen dairy products. Kulfi, a popular Indian ice cream, was used as a model system. The film was standardized using different levels of carrageenan (1.0, 1.5 and 2.0%), glycerol (12, 14 and 18%) and A. vera extract (9, 12 and 15%). Addition of A. vera increased the thickness (mm) and density (g/ml) whereas decreased the water vapor transmission rate (mg/m2t), transmittance (%) and lightness (L*) values of the film. A. vera extract increased the antioxidant capacity of the film and imparted antimicrobial properties against E. coli. The film containing optimum level of carrageenan (1.5%), glycerol (14%) and A. vera (15%) showed highest antioxidant and antimicrobial potential. Products packaged in AE (15%) film containing 15% A. vera extract showed significantly (p < 0.05) lower values for microbial counts (total plate, psychrophilic and yeast/mould, log10 cfu/g), free fatty acids (% oleic acid) and TBARS (mg malondialdehyde/kg) compared to control samples during six-month storage at −18 ± 1 °C. The developed film significantly improved the microbial and lipid oxidative stability of kulfi during storage and can be commercially used for improving storage stability of frozen dairy products. A. vera-based products can have a special health importance during pandemic of SARS-CoV-2 due to its strong immune boosting and antiviral properties.
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Modified Proline Metabolism and Prolidase Enzyme in COVID-19
OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to evaluate proline metabolism in patients affected by COVID-19. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This case-control study consisted of 116 patients with COVID-19 and 46 healthy individuals. Tests related to proline metabolism (prolidase, proline, hydroxyproline, glutamic acid, manganese) and copper and zinc tests were analyzed. RESULTS: The levels of proline and hydroxyproline amino acids and the prolidase enzyme were found to be lower and glutamic acid was found to be higher in the COVID-19 group compared to the healthy group (P = .012, P < .001, P < .001, and P < .001, respectively). The copper/zinc ratio was higher in patients with COVID-19 than in healthy individuals (P < .001). Significant correlations were found between proline metabolism tests and inflammatory and hemostatic markers commonly used in COVID-19. CONCLUSION: The proline metabolic pathway was affected in COVID-19. Relationships between proline pathway–related tests and inflammatory/hemostatic markers supported the roles of proline metabolism in proinflammatory and immune response processes.
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Overcoming the unprecedented: Micro, small and medium hospitality enterprises under COVID-19
The sudden irruption of COVID-19 has paralysed, even devastated, numerous industries. Academic and industry publications also convey the destructive impacts of this phenomenon on hospitality and tourism businesses. While business owners and managers are still constrained by unpredictability, restrictions, and ongoing uncertainty, those vying to continue will need to build their adaptive skill repertoire to cope with the crisis-related regime. This study is primarily concerned with businesses’ adaptation phase from owners/managers’ viewpoints, including how they manage and envision a future coexistence with COVID-19 threats. Drawing on an international sample of owners/managers of hospitality and tourism businesses, and considering the foundations of the dynamic capabilities framework, eight dimensions emerged from the findings. Five of these, persevering, dynamic, austere restrictions, business environment, and stakeholder, strongly suggest the relevance of reconfiguring, a cluster of dynamic capabilities. Together, the dimensions demonstrate participants’ strong commitment to navigate through the threat while pursuing socioeconomic sustainability.
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[Excess mortality risk in nursing care homes before and during the COVID-19 outbreak in Mantua and Cremona provinces (Lombardy Region, Northern Italy)]
OBJECTIVES: 1 to evaluate mortality risk excess in the population residing in nursing care homes (NCHs) compared to non-NCHs before the COVID-19 outbreak;2 to verify if the outbreak modified risk excess;3 to estimate the COVID-19 impact;4 to ascertain incidence-mortality relationship DESIGN: cohort study SETTING AND POPULATION: Mantua and Cremona provinces (Lombardy Region, Northern Italy) - included in ATS Val Padana - with COVID-19 incidence rate 7 5 and 16 9, respectively Inhabitants aged &gt;= 75 years as of 1st January 2018, 2019, and 2020 (three cohorts), stratified in NCH or not The indicators calculated were: 1 rate ratio (RR) for NCH vs non-NCH, adjusted by gender, age, chronic diseases number, at least 1 hospitalisation, at least 1 Emergency room access in the previous year, for 2018, 2019, and 2020;2 adjusted RR, 2019 and 2020 vs 2018, both sub-cohorts (i e , NCH and non-NCH) MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: first four-month period mortality of the considered years RESULTS: aproximately 100,000 inhabitants by year, 7% in NCH In the 2020 first four-month period, 4,343 deaths occurred of which 45% in NCH RR in NCH population vs non-NCH for the year 2018 was 2 13 (95%CI 1 94-2 34);for the year 2019 was 2 70 (95%CI 2 43-3 00);for the year 2020 was 6 98 (95%CI 6,49-7,50) Adjusted RR for NCH population in 2020 vs 2018 was 2 22 (95%CI 2 05-2 42) in the whole ATS Val Padana;1 58 (95%CI 1 40-1 77) in Mantua Province;2 93 (2 62-3 27) in Cremona Province Adjusted RR in non-NCH population in the year 2020 vs 2018 was 1 59 (95%CI 1 48-1 70) in the whole ATS;1 34 (95%CI 1 23-1 46) in Mantua Province;1 89 (95%CI 1 73-2 07) in Cremona Province CONCLUSIONS: the NCH population experienced an excess risk mortality compared to non-NCH before the COVID-19;this excess increased during the outbreak In 2020, in NCHs the risk was more than double compared to the 2018 risk, while in non-NCHs it rose approximately by 60% The gap between NCHs/non-NCHs COVID-19 impact was higher in Cremona than in Mantua
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Physikalischer Schutz vor respiratorischen Viren
Durch die Bildung eines Films auf den Zellen der Nasenschleimhaut kann ein Spray dabei helfen, sich vor Erkältungsviren zu schützen Der aus Rotalgen gewonnene Wirkstoff Carragelose bildet eine physikalische Barriere auf der Nasenschleimhaut, in der sich respiratorische Viren - darunter auch humane Coronaviren - verfangen So wird der Kontakt zwischen ihnen und menschlichen Zellen weitestgehend unterbunden und der weitere Infektionsweg deutlich erschwert In klinischen Studien an Patienten mit viral bedingten grippalen Infekten konnte gezeigt werden, dass Carragelose-haltige Sprays zur Anwendung in der Nase (wie algovir Effekt) die Viruslast nach drei bis vier Behandlungstagen um mehr als 90% reduzieren können Getestet wurde die Wirksamkeit des Wirkstoffs unter anderem an verschiedenen Typen humaner Coronaviren - jedoch nicht an dem Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 Daher können derzeit keine endgültigen Rückschlüsse zur Aktivität und Effektivität des Wirkstoffs gegen 2SARS-CoV-2 gezogen werden Allerdings haben Carragelose-Erkältungssprays ein ausgezeichnetes Sicherheitsprofil, weshalb sie durchaus ergänzend zu den gängigen Maßnahmen zum Schutz vor respiratorischen Viren wie Händedesinfektion und Mundschutz angewendet und den Apothekenkunden empfohlen werden können AU - API, Redaktion
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Identification of Novel Candidate CD8+ T Cell Epitopes of the SARS-CoV2 with Homology to Other Seasonal Coronaviruses
Cross-reactive T cell immunity to seasonal coronaviruses (HCoVs) may lead to immunopathology or protection during SARS-CoV2 infection To understand the influence of cross-reactive T cell responses, we used IEDB (Immune epitope database) and NetMHCpan (ver 4 1) to identify candidate CD8+ T cell epitopes, restricted through HLA-A and B alleles Conservation analysis was carried out for these epitopes with HCoVs, OC43, HKU1, and NL63 12/18 the candidate CD8+ T cell epitopes (binding score of ≥0 90), which had a high degree of homology (&gt;75%) with the other three HCoVs were within the NSP12 and NSP13 proteins They were predicted to be restricted through HLA-A*2402, HLA-A*201, HLA-A*206, and HLA-B alleles B*3501 Thirty-one candidate CD8+ T cell epitopes that were specific to SARS-CoV2 virus (&lt;25% homology with other HCoVs) were predominantly identified within the structural proteins (spike, envelop, membrane, and nucleocapsid) and the NSP1, NSP2, and NSP3 They were predominantly restricted through HLA-B*3501 (6/31), HLA-B*4001 (6/31), HLA-B*4403 (7/31), and HLA-A*2402 (8/31) It would be crucial to understand T cell responses that associate with protection, and the differences in the functionality and phenotype of epitope specific T cell responses, presented through different HLA alleles common in different geographical groups, to understand disease pathogenesis
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Estimation of planning organ at risk volumes for ocular structures in dogs undergoing three-dimensional image-guided periocular radiotherapy with rigid bite block immobilization.
Planning organ at risk volume (PRV) estimates have been reported as methods for sparing organs at risk (OARs) during radiation therapy, especially for hypofractioned and/or dose-escalated protocols. The objectives of this retrospective, analytical, observational study were to evaluate peri-ocular OAR shifts and derive PRVs in a sample of dogs undergoing radiation therapy for periocular tumors. Inclusion criteria were as follows: dogs irradiated for periocular tumors, with 3D-image-guidance and at least four cone-beam CTs (CBCTs) used for position verification, and positioning in a rigid bite block immobilization device. Peri-ocular OARs were contoured on each CBCT and the systematic and random error of the shifts in relation to the planning CT position computed. The formula 1.3×Σ+0.5xσ was used to generate a PRV of each OAR in the dorsoventral, mediolateral, and craniocaudal axis. A total of 30 dogs were sampled, with 450 OARs contoured, and 2145 shifts assessed. The PRV expansion was qualitatively different for each organ (1-4 mm for the dorsoventral and 1-2 mm for the mediolateral and craniocaudal axes). Maximal PRV expansion was ≤4 mm and directional for the majority; most pronounced for corneas and retinas. Findings from the current study may help improve awareness of and minimization of radiation dose in peri-ocular OARs for future canine patients. Because some OARs were difficult to visualize on CBCTs and/ or to delineate on the planning CT, authors recommend that PRV estimates be institution-specific and applied with caution.
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Public Sentiment Analysis on Twitter Data during COVID-19 Outbreak
The COVID-19 pandemic, is also known as the coronavirus pandemic, is an ongoing serious global problem all over the world The outbreak first came to light in December 2019 in Wuhan, China This was declared pandemic by the World Health Organization on 11th March 2020 COVID-19 virus infected on people and killed hundreds of thousands of people in the United States, Brazil, Russia, India and several other countries Since this pandemic continues to affect millions of lives, and a number of countries have resorted to either partial or full lockdown People took social media platforms to share their emotions, and opinions during this lockdown to find a way to relax and calm down In this research work, sentiment analysis on the tweets of people from top ten infected countries has been conducted The experiments have been conducted on the collected data related to the tweets of people from top ten infected countries with the addition of one more country chosen from Gulf region, i e Sultanate of Oman A dataset of more than 50,000 tweets with hashtags like #covid-19, #COVID19, #CORONAVIRUS, #CORONA, # StayHomeStaySafe, #Stay Home, #Covid_19, #CovidPandemic, #covid19, #Corona Virus, #Lockdown, #Qurantine, #qurantine, #Coronavirus Outbreak, #COVID etc posted between June 21, 2020 till July 20, 2020 was considered in this research Based on the tweets posted in English a sentiment analysis was performed This research was conducted to understand how people from different infected countries cope with the situation The tweets were collected, pre-processed and then text mining algorithms used and finally sentiment analysis have been done and presented with the results The purpose of this research paper to know about the sentiments of people from COVID-19 infected countries
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Shared Determinants for Human Papillomavirus and COVID-19 Vaccination Intention: An Opportunity for Resource Consolidation
PURPOSE: This study aimed at targeting shared factors that influence the prevention of multiple diseases, which can help address various health problems simultaneously. We identified correlates of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination that overlap with COVID-19 vaccination. DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey data. SETTING: Online Qualtrics recruitment panel. SUBJECT: Religious parents of 342 adolescents who were unvaccinated for HPV (response rate was 68.1%). MEASURES: Outcome variables were COVID-19 vaccination intention for (1) self, (2) child, and (3) HPV vaccination intention for child. Independent variables were psychological factors. Covariates were sociodemographic and socioeconomic factors. ANALYSIS: We conducted multivariate linear regressions on each outcome variable after controlling for covariates. RESULT: Some psychological correlates of HPV overlapped as protective factors for all three outcomes. Higher perceived vulnerability of child to HPV was associated with higher vaccination intention against COVID-19 for self (β = .37, 95% confidence interval [CI] = .25–.48), child (β = .32, .21–.44), and HPV for child (β = .38, .27–.49). Higher perceived response efficacy of HPV vaccine was associated with greater vaccination intention against COVID-19 for self (β = .46, .33–.59), child (β = .41, .28–.53), and HPV for child (β = .75, .64–.85). CONCLUSION: Given the overlap in HPV and COVID-19 vaccination correlates, interventions should target shared factors that address both diseases to maximize public health efforts. A major limitation of this study is the inability to measure the actual vaccination behavior.
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Organizing experience in an epidemiological service in the context of urgent conversion of a general hospital to manage patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection
February 11, 2020, World Health Organization (WHO) declared a pandemic of the new coronavirus and assigned the official name of the infection caused by the new coronavirus-COVID-19 («Coronavirus disease 2019») On February 11, 2020, the International Committee on Virus Taxonomy gave the official name to the infectious agent as SARS-CoV-2 À new coronavirus infection caused by SARS-CoV-2 has become a challenge for the healthcare system as in Russia as over the world The medical community has focused its efforts on fighting the pandemic On March 20, 2020, there the O M Filatov Municipal clinical hospital was decided to be redesigned, and this general hospital, including maternity wards, became an infection hospital One of the main reasons for redesigning was multidisciplinary medical care, including working with patients with a new coronavirus infection, the presence of a maternity home with boxes and own reanimation, the presence of a transition connecting for all three buildings, a large area, with ability to organize routes and placements additional temporary buildings In the first place there were solved problems as a device of sanitary systems with the gateway, division to the «red» and «green» zones in all buildings of the clinics, development of detailed routing the patients including infectious requirements, navigation inside buildings and on hospital territories for the separation of medical personal, transport, the realization of a plan with the requirements, submitted by Federal Service for Oversight of Consumer Protection and Welfare to medical institutions, working with a new coronavirus infection, in terms of sanitary standards: Disinfection of areas and surfaces and transport, creation inventory curative diagnostic (including reanimation) equipment, sufficient number of oxygen points, medicines, disinfection products and personal protective equipment One of the scale tasks were about care for the health safety of medical personal Changes to the work concerned various aspects: Legal regulation, ethical problems, features practical work and education, interaction with all of them structural departments of the hospital Within a week task, which put the Department of health of the city of Moscow, was resolved by management of hospital, and on March 27, 2020, the hospital accepted the first patients as an infectious disease hospital © 2020 Izdatel'stvo Meditsina All rights reserved
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Histopathological Evaluation of Deceased Persons in Lusaka, Zambia With or Without Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Infection: Results Obtained From Minimally Invasive Tissue Sampling
BACKGROUND: Although much has been learned about the pathophysiology of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infections, pathology data from patients who have died of COVID-19 in low- and middle-income country settings remain sparse. We integrated minimally invasive tissue sampling (MITS) into an ongoing postmortem surveillance study of COVID-19 in deceased individuals of all ages in Lusaka, Zambia. METHODS: We enrolled deceased subjects from the University Teaching Hospital Morgue in Lusaka, Zambia within 48 hours of death. We collected clinical and demographic information, a nasopharyngeal swab, and core tissue biopsies from the lung, liver, and kidneys for pathologic analysis. Individuals were considered eligible for MITS if they had a respiratory syndrome prior to death or a COVID-19+ polymerase chain reaction (PCR) nasopharyngeal swab specimen. Samples were retested using quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR. RESULTS: From June to September 2020 we performed MITS on 29 deceased individuals. PCR results were available for 28/29 (96.5%) cases. Three had a COVID-19+ diagnosis antemortem, and 5 more were identified postmortem using the recommended cycle threshold cut-point <40. When expanding the PCR threshold to 40 ≤ cycle threshold (Ct) ≤ 45, we identified 1 additional case. Most cases were male and occurred in the community The median age at death was 47 years (range 40–64). Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/AIDS, tuberculosis, and diabetes were more common among the COVID-19+ cases. Diffuse alveolar damage and interstitial pneumonitis were common among COVID-19+ cases; nonspecific findings of hepatic steatosis and acute kidney injury were also prevalent in the COVID-19+ group. Vascular thrombi were rarely detected. CONCLUSIONS: Lung abnormalities typical of viral pneumonias were common among deceased COVID-19+ individuals, as were nonspecific findings in the liver and kidneys. Pulmonary vascular thrombi were rarely detected, which could be a limitation of the MITS technique. Nonetheless, MITS offers a valuable alternative to open autopsy for understanding pathological changes due to COVID-19.
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Power in a Pandemic: Teachers’ Unions and Their Responses to School Reopening
Drawing on Bachrach and Baratz’s first and second faces of interest group power, we explore the relationship between teachers’ union power and reopening decisions during the fall 2020 semester in 250 large districts around the United States. We leverage a self-collected panel data set of reopening decisions coupled with measures of teachers’ union first face power (drawn from social media postings on teachers’ unions’ Facebook pages) and second face power (operationalized as district size, whether the school district negotiates a collective bargaining agreement with the teachers’ union, the length of the collective bargaining agreement, and the amount of revenue raised by the union). We found that school districts where teachers’ unions exhibit strong second face power (but not first face power) were less likely to start the school year with in-person instruction, were less likely to ever open during fall semester with in-person instruction and spent fewer weeks in in-person learning. © The Author(s) 2022.
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Infection and mortality of healthcare workers worldwide from COVID-19: a scoping review
Objectives To estimate COVID-19 infections and deaths in healthcare workers (HCWs) from a global perspective. Design Scoping review. Methods Two parallel searches of academic bibliographic databases and grey literature were undertaken. Governments were also contacted for further information where possible. Due to the time-sensitive nature of the review and the need to report the most up-to-date information for an ever-evolving situation, there were no restrictions on language, information sources utilised, publication status, and types of sources of evidence. The AACODS checklist was used to appraise each source of evidence. Outcome measures Publication characteristics, country-specific data points, COVID-19 specific data, demographics of affected HCWs, and public health measures employed Results A total of 152,888 infections and 1413 deaths were reported. Infections were mainly in women (71.6%) and nurses (38.6%), but deaths were mainly in men (70.8%) and doctors (51.4%). Limited data suggested that general practitioners and mental health nurses were the highest risk specialities for deaths. There were 37.17 deaths reported per 100 infections for healthcare workers aged over 70. Europe had the highest absolute numbers of reported infections (119628) and deaths (712), but the Eastern Mediterranean region had the highest number of reported deaths per 100 infections (5.7). Conclusions HCW COVID-19 infections and deaths follow that of the general world population. The reasons for gender and speciality differences require further exploration, as do the low rates reported from Africa and India. Although physicians working in certain specialities may be considered high-risk due to exposure to oronasal secretions, the risk to other specialities must not be underestimated. Elderly HCWs may require assigning to less risky settings such as telemedicine, or administrative positions. Our pragmatic approach provides general trends, and highlights the need for universal guidelines for testing and reporting of infections in HCWs.
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Brain Injury and Neurologic Outcome in Patients Undergoing Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
OBJECTIVES Extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation has shown survival benefit in select patients with refractory cardiac arrest but there is insufficient data on the frequency of different types of brain injury. We aimed to systematically review the prevalence, predictors of and survival from neurologic complications in patients who have undergone extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation. DATA SOURCES MEDLINE (PubMed) and six other databases (EMBASE, Cochrane Library, CINAHL Plus, Web of Science, and Scopus) from inception to August 2019. STUDY SELECTION Randomized controlled trials and observational studies in patients greater than 18 years old. DATA EXTRACTION Two independent reviewers extracted the data. Study quality was assessed by the Cochrane Risk of Bias tool for randomized controlled trials, the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale for cohort and case-control studies, and the Murad tool for case series. Random-effects meta-analyses were used to pool data. DATA SYNTHESIS The 78 studies included in our analysis encompassed 50,049 patients, of which 6,261 (12.5%) received extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Among extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation patients, the median age was 56 years (interquartile range, 52-59 yr), 3,933 were male (63%), 3,019 had out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (48%), and 2,289 had initial shockable heart rhythm (37%). The most common etiology of cardiac arrest was acute coronary syndrome (n = 1,657, 50% of reported). The median extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation duration was 3.2 days (interquartile range, 2.1-4.9 d). Overall, 27% (95% CI, 0.17-0.39%) had at least one neurologic complication, 23% (95% CI, 0.14-0.32%) hypoxic-ischemic brain injury, 6% (95% CI, 0.02-0.11%) ischemic stroke, 6% (95% CI, 0.01-0.16%) seizures, and 4% (95% CI, 0.01-0.1%) intracerebral hemorrhage. Seventeen percent (95% CI, 0.12-0.23%) developed brain death. The overall survival rate after extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation was 29% (95% CI, 0.26-0.33%) and good neurologic outcome was achieved in 24% (95% CI, 0.21-0.28%). CONCLUSIONS One in four patients developed acute brain injury after extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the most common type was hypoxic-ischemic brain injury. One in four extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation patients achieved good neurologic outcome. Further research on assessing predictors of extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation-associated brain injury is necessary.
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Global cargo gravitation model: airports matter for forecasts
The reliability of forecast models in the aviation sector is an important factor for industry and policy makers likewise. Expanding airports and fleets usually is a cost and time intensive process, and in order to maintain efficient market behavior, accurate anticipation of future demand and structural changes is attempted. We present a new quantitative approach to air cargo forecasts utilizing global airport-dyadic ICAO CASS data in general linearized airport fixed effects gravity models. While the strong explanatory power of our time invariant constant model has its natural difficulties predicting a variety of smaller indicators from previous models found in literature, we achieve very good results for selected time variant variables as gross domestic product per capita or kerosene prices. This makes our model a perfect tool for forecast simulations: extrapolating general economic forecast data provided by IHS Markit yield similar results to Boeing cargo forecasts (2020), with a slight decrease in the long run. Additionally, we do not need to split or control our sample in regional groups due to airport fixed effects, which makes the model on the other hand suitable for country- and airport level forecasts as well. The utilization of a large unique bilateral freight data set also helps answering classical gravity model questions in aviation: we track the distance effect to a matter of sample selection, finding no significant interaction following state of the art gravity econometrics.
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A Synchronized Action Framework for Responsible Detection of Coordination on Social Media
The study of coordinated manipulation of conversations on social media has become more prevalent as social media's role in amplifying misinformation, hate, and polarization has come under scrutiny. We discuss the implications of successful coordination detection algorithms based on shifts of power, and consider how responsible coordination detection may be carried out through synchronized action. We then propose a Synchronized Action Framework for detection of automated coordination through construction and analysis of multi-view networks. We validate our framework by examining the Reopen America conversation on Twitter, discovering three coordinated campaigns. We further investigate covert coordination surrounding the protests and find the task to be far more complex than examples seen in prior work, demonstrating the need for our multi-view approach. A cluster of suspicious users is identified and the activity of three members is detailed. These users amplify protest messages using the same hashtags at very similar times, though they all focus on different states. Through this analysis, we emphasize both the potential usefulness of coordination detection algorithms in investigating amplification, and the need for careful and responsible deployment of such tools.
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Implementasi sistem internet of things sebagai input data realtime pada Smart Security COVID-19
COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) melanda seluruh dunia termasuk Indonesia. Masyarakat dianjurkan pemerintah menjalankan protokol kesehatan guna menurunkan tingkat penyebaran virus Corona. Meski mobilitas sangat dibatasi masih banyak masyarakat yang melakukan aktifitas di luar rumah. Sehingga untuk menghindari angka kenaikan kasus positif COVID-19 diperlukan peningkatan protokol pengamanan terhadap COVID-19 di tempat-tempat pelayanan umum. Selain itu masyarakat perlu dibekali informasi mengenai perkembangan penyebaran hingga edukasi dalam mengatasi COVID-19. Hal ini diperlukan karena masih banyak masyarakat yang bersikap tidak peduli dengan tidak mematuhi protokol kesehatan atau bersikap panik berlebihan seperti membeli masker dan desinfektan dengan jumlah banyak hanya untuk kepentingan pribadi. Hal ini tidak hanya merugikan diri sendiri tetapi juga orang lain salah satunya para medis yang lebih membutuhkan APD (Alat Pelindung Diri) justru kesulitan mendapatkannya karena habis di pasaran akibat kesalahan masyarakat dalam menyikapi pandemik karena kurangnya edukasi yang kemudian dimanfaatkan oleh orang-orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab demi memperoleh keuntungan pribadi. Oleh Karena itu untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut dibuat sebuah produk Smart Security COVID-19 yang dapat melakukan pengecekan suhu dan penyemprotan desinfektan secara otomatis. Sistem pengecekan suhu dibuat terhubung dengan Internet of Things untuk memonitoring data suhu pengunjung secara realtime serta dapat memberikan edukasi mengenai COVID-19. Data dari device akan dikirim ke NodeMCU ESP8266 yang merupakan mikrokontroler yang dilengkapi dengan WIFI ESP8266 sebagai platform IoT. Kemudian setelah data diterima oleh NodeMCU ESP8266 maka data akan dikirim kembali pada sebuah website untuk divisualisasikan dalam bentuk grafik sebagai analisis perkembangan COVID-19 pada suatu area. COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019) has hit the whole world, including Indonesia. The public is advised by the government to implement health protocols to reduce the level of spread of the Coronavirus. Although mobility is very limited, there are still many people who carry out activities outside the home. So to avoid the increase in the number of positive cases of COVID-19, it is necessary to increase the security protocol against COVID-19 in public service places. In addition, the public needs to be provided with information about the development of the spread to education in dealing with COVID19. This is necessary because there are still many people who don't care by not complying with health protocols or acting in excessive panic such as buying masks and disinfectants in large quantities only for personal interests. This is not only detrimental to themselves but also to others, one of which is the medical staff who need PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) more difficult to get it because it is sold out in the market due to people's mistakes in responding to the pandemic due to lack of education which is then used by people who are not aware of it responsible for personal gain. Therefore, to overcome this problem, a COVID-19 Smart Security product was created that can check temperature and spray disinfectants automatically. The temperature checking system is connected to the Internet of Things to monitor visitor temperature data in real time and can provide education about COVID-19. Data from the device will be sent to the NodeMCU ESP8266 which is a microcontroller equipped with WIFI ESP8266 as an IoT platform. Then after the data is received by the NodeMCU ESP8266, the data will be sent back to a website to be visualized in graphic form as an analysis of the development of COVID-19 in an area.
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Salvia miltiorrhiza in Breast Cancer Treatment: A Review of Its Phytochemistry, Derivatives, Nanoparticles, and Potential Mechanisms
Breast cancer is one of the most deadly malignancies in women worldwide. Salvia miltiorrhiza, a perennial plant that belongs to the genus Salvia, has long been used in the management of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. The main anti-breast cancer constituents in S. miltiorrhiza are liposoluble tanshinones including dihydrotanshinone I, tanshinone I, tanshinone IIA, and cryptotanshinone, and water-soluble phenolic acids represented by salvianolic acid A, salvianolic acid B, salvianolic acid C, and rosmarinic acid. These active components have potent efficacy on breast cancer in vitro and in vivo. The mechanisms mainly include induction of apoptosis, autophagy and cell cycle arrest, anti-metastasis, formation of cancer stem cells, and potentiation of antitumor immunity. This review summarized the main bioactive constituents of S. miltiorrhiza and their derivatives or nanoparticles that possess anti-breast cancer activity. Besides, the synergistic combination with other drugs and the underlying molecular mechanisms were also summarized to provide a reference for future research on S. miltiorrhiza for breast cancer treatment.
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Exploration of multi teaching methods reform in medical immunology online course education
Impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, Chinese universities postponed reopening and has relied on internet platforms to provide teaching courses Faced with the teaching of Medical Immunology under this special circumstance, the Teaching and Research Department of Immunology at Basic Medical School has used a variety of pedagogical methodologies and resources to fully meet the regular curriculum schedule for medical students of clinic-related majors The department shifted to online courses and remote guidance from the traditional face-to-face pedagogy, in an attempt to meet the students' need to continue learning in spite of suspended classes
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Design, synthesis, in vitro and in vivo anti-respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) activity of novel oxizine fused benzimidazole derivatives.
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) causes serious lower respiratory tract infections. Currently, the only clinical anti-RSV drug is ribavirin, but ribavirin has serious toxic side effect and can only be used by critically ill patients. A series of benzimidazole derivatives were synthesized starting from 1,4:3,6-dianhydro-d-fructose and a variety of o-phenylenediamines. Evaluation of their antiviral activity showed that compound a27 had the highest antiviral activity with a half maximal effective concentration (EC50) of 9.49 μM. Investigation of the antiviral mechanism of compound a27 indicated that it can inhibit the replication of RSV by inhibiting apoptosis and autophagy pathways. Retinoic acid-inducible gene (RIG)-I, TNF receptor associated factor (TRAF)-3, TANK binding kinase (TBK)-1, interferon regulatory factor (IRF)-3, nuclear factor Kappa-B (NF-κB), interferon (IFN)-β, Toll-like receptor (TLR)-3, interleukin (IL)-6 were suppressed at the cellular level. Mouse lung tissue was subjected to hematoxylin and eosin (HE) staining and immunohistochemistry, which showed that RSV antigen and M gene expression could be reduced by compound a27. Decreased expression of RIG-I, IRF-3, IFN-β, TLR-3, IL-6, interleukin (IL)-8, interleukin (IL)-10, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α was also found in vivo.
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