# ***************************************************************************** # © Copyright IBM Corp. 2018. All Rights Reserved. # # This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Apache V2.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # # # ***************************************************************************** import datetime as dt import importlib import json import logging import time import warnings from collections import OrderedDict import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, DateTime, Float from sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes import TIMESTAMP, VARCHAR, FLOAT, INTEGER import iotfunctions from . import db as db_module from .automation import (TimeSeriesGenerator, DateGenerator, MetricGenerator, CategoricalGenerator) from .exceptions import StageException from .pipeline import (CalcPipeline, DropNull, JobController, JobLogNull, Trace, AggregateItems) from .stages import (DataReader, DataWriter, DataWriterFile) from .util import (MemoryOptimizer, build_grouper, categorize_args, reset_df_index) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def retrieve_entity_type_metadata(raise_error=True, **kwargs): """ Get server metadata for entity type """ db = kwargs['_db'] # get kpi functions metadata meta = db.http_request(object_type='engineInput', object_name=kwargs['logical_name'], request='GET', raise_error=raise_error) try: meta = json.loads(meta) except (TypeError, json.JSONDecodeError): meta = None if meta is None or 'exception' in meta: raise RuntimeError(('API call to server did not retrieve valid entity ' ' type properties for %s.' % kwargs['logical_name'])) if meta['kpiDeclarations'] is None: meta['kpiDeclarations'] = [] logger.warning(('This entity type has no calculated kpis')) # cache function catalog metadata in the db object function_list = [x['functionName'] for x in meta['kpiDeclarations']] db.load_catalog(install_missing=True, function_list=function_list) # map server properties params = {} params['_entity_type_id'] = meta['entityTypeId'] params['_db_schema'] = meta['schemaName'] params['name'] = meta['metricsTableName'] params['_timestamp'] = meta['metricTimestampColumn'] params['_dimension_table_name'] = meta['dimensionsTable'] params['_data_items'] = meta['dataItems'] # constants c_meta = db.http_request(object_type='constants', object_name=kwargs['logical_name'], request='GET') try: c_meta = json.loads(c_meta) except (TypeError, json.JSONDecodeError): logger.debug(('API call to server did not retrieve valid entity type' ' properties. No properties set.')) else: for p in c_meta: key = p['name'] if isinstance(p['value'], dict): params[key] = p['value'].get('value', p['value']) else: params[key] = p['value'] logger.debug('Retrieved server constant %s with value %s', key, params[key]) params = {**kwargs, **params} return (params, meta) class EntityType(object): """ Data is organised around Entity Types. Entity Types have one or more physical database object for their data. When creating a new Entity Type, it will attempt to connect itself to a table of the same name in the database. If no table exists the Entity Type will create one. Entity types describe the payload of an AS job. A job is built by a JobController using functions metadata prepared by the Entity Type. Metadata prepared is: _functions: List of function objects _data_items: List of data items and all of their metadata such as their datatype. _granularities_dict: Dictionary keyed on granularity name. Contains a granularity object that provides access to granularity metadata such as the time level and other dimensions involved in the aggregation. _schedules_dict: Dictionary keyed on a schedule frequency containing other metadata about the operations to be run at this frequency, e.g. how many days should be backtracked when retrieving daat. Entity types may be initialized as client objects for local testing or may be loaded from the server. After initialization all of the above instance variables will be populated. The metadata looks the same regardless of whether the entity type was loaded from the server or initialized on the client. The logic to build the metadata is different though. Parameters ---------- name: str Name of the entity type. Use lower case. Will be used as the physical database table name so don't use database reserved works of special characters. db: Database object Contains the connection info for the database *args: Additional positional arguments are used to add the list of SQL Alchemy Column objects contained within this table. Similar to the style of a CREATE TABLE sql statement. There is no need to specify column names if you are using an existing database table as an entity type. **kwargs Additional keywork args. _timestamp: str Overide the timestamp column name from the default of 'evt_timestamp' """ is_entity_type = True is_local = False auto_create_table = True aggregate_complete_periods = True # align data for aggregation with time grain to avoid partial periods log_table = 'KPI_LOGGING' # deprecated, to be removed checkpoint_table = 'KPI_CHECKPOINT' # deprecated,to be removed chunk_size = None # use job controller default chunk default_backtrack = None trace_df_changes = True drop_existing = False # These two columns will be available in the dataframe of a pipeline _entity_id = 'deviceid' # identify the instance _timestamp_col = '_timestamp' # copy of the event timestamp from the index # This column will identify an instance in the index _df_index_entity_id = 'id' # when automatically creating a new dimension, use this suffix _auto_dim_suffix = '_auto_dim' # when looking for an automatically created numeric index it should be named: auto_index_name = '_auto_index_' # constants declared as part of an entity type definition ui_constants = None _functions = None # generator _scd_frequency = '2D' # deprecated. Use parameters on EntityDataGenerator _activity_frequency = '3D' # deprecated. Use parameters on EntityDataGenerator _start_entity_id = 73000 # deprecated. Use parameters on EntityDataGenerator _auto_entity_count = 5 # deprecated. Use parameters on EntityDataGenerator # pipeline work variables stages _dimension_table = None _scd_stages = None _custom_calendar = None # variabes that will be set when loading from the server _entity_type_id = None logical_name = None _timestamp = 'evt_timestamp' _dimension_table_name = None _db_connection_dbi = None _db_schema = None _data_items = None tenant_id = None _entity_filter_list = None _start_ts_override = None _end_ts_override = None _stages = None _schedules_dict = None _granularities_dict = None _input_set = None _output_list = None _invalid_stages = None _disabled_stages = None # processing defaults _pre_aggregate_time_grain = None # aggregate incoming data before processing _auto_read_from_ts_table = True # read new data from designated time series table for the entity _pre_agg_rules = None # pandas agg dictionary containing list of aggregates to apply for each item _pre_agg_outputs = None # dictionary containing list of output items names for each item _data_reader = DataReader _abort_on_fail = False _auto_save_trace = 30 save_trace_to_file = False drop_null_class = DropNull enable_downcast = False allow_projection_list_trim = True _write_usage = False # deprecated class variables (to be removed) _checkpoint_by_entity = True # manage a separate checkpoint for each entity instance _is_initial_transform = True _is_preload_complete = False def __init__(self, name, db, *args, **kwargs): logger.debug('Initializing new entity type using iotfunctions %s', iotfunctions.__version__) try: self.logical_name = kwargs.get('logical_name', None) if self.logical_name is None: self.logical_name = name except AttributeError: self.logical_name = name if db == None: name = 'None' elif db.db_type == 'db2': name = name.upper() else: name = name.lower() = name self.description = kwargs.get('description', None) if self.description is None: self.description = '' else: del (kwargs['description']) self.activity_tables = {} self.scd = {} self.db = db if self.db is not None: self.tenant_id = self.db.tenant_id self._system_columns = [self._entity_id, self._timestamp_col, 'logicalinterface_id', 'devicetype', 'format', 'updated_utc', self._timestamp] self._stage_type_map = self.default_stage_type_map() self._custom_exclude_col_from_auto_drop_nulls = [] self._drop_all_null_rows = True if self._scd_stages is None: self._scd_stages = [] if self._data_items is None: self._data_items = [] if self._granularities_dict is None: self._granularities_dict = {} # additional params set from kwargs self.set_params(**kwargs) # Start a trace to record activity on the entity type self._trace = Trace(object_name=None, parent=self, db=db) if self._disabled_stages is None: self._disabled_stages = [] if self._invalid_stages is None: self._invalid_stages = [] if len(self._disabled_stages) > 0 or len(self._invalid_stages) > 0: self.trace_append(created_by=self, msg='Skipping disabled and invalid stages',, **{'skipped_disabled_stages': [s['functionName'] for s in self._disabled_stages], 'skipped_disabled_data_items': [s['output'] for s in self._disabled_stages], 'skipped_invalid_stages': [s['functionName'] for s in self._invalid_stages], 'skipped_invalid_data_items': [s['output'] for s in self._invalid_stages]}) # attach to time series table if self._db_schema is None: logger.warning(('No _db_schema specified in **kwargs. Using' 'default database schema.')) self._mandatory_columns = [self._timestamp, self._entity_id] # separate args into categories categories = [('constant', 'is_ui_control', None), ('granularity', 'is_granularity', None), ('function', 'is_function', None), ('column', None, Column)] categorized = categorize_args(categories, 'functions', *args) cols = list(categorized.get('column', [])) functions = list(categorized.get('function', [])) constants = list(categorized.get('constant', [])) grains = list(categorized.get('granularity', [])) if self.drop_existing and db is not None and not self.is_local: self.drop_tables() # create a database table if needed using cols if name is not None and db is not None and not self.is_local: try: self.table = self.db.get_table(, self._db_schema) except KeyError: if self.auto_create_table: ts = db_module.TimeSeriesTable(, self.db, *cols, **kwargs) self.table = ts.table # self.db.create() msg = 'Create table %s' % else: msg = ('Database table %s not found. Unable to create' ' entity type instance. Provide a valid table name' ' or use the auto_create_table = True keyword arg' ' to create a table. ' % ( raise ValueError(msg) # populate the data items metadata from the supplied columns if isinstance(self._data_items, list) and len(self._data_items) == 0: self._data_items = self.build_item_metadata(self.table) else: logger.warning(( 'Created a logical entity type. It is not connected to a real database table, so it cannot perform any database operations.')) # add granularities for g in grains: logger.debug('Adding granularity to entity type: %s', self._granularities_dict[] = g # add constants self.ui_constants = constants self.build_ui_constants() # _functions # functions may have been provided as kwarg and may be includes as args # compbine all if self._functions is None: self._functions = [] self._functions.extend(functions) if name is not None and db is not None and not self.is_local: db.entity_type_metadata[self.logical_name] = self logger.debug(('Initialized entity type %s'), str(self)) def add_activity_table(self, name, activities, *args, **kwargs): """ add an activity table for this entity type. parameters ---------- name: str table name activities: list of strs activity type codes: these identify the nature of the activity, e.g. PM is Preventative Maintenance *args: Column objects other columns describing the activity, e.g. materials_cost """ if self.db is None: msg = ('Entity type has no db connection. Local entity types' ' are not allowed to add activity tables ') raise ValueError(msg) kwargs['_activities'] = activities kwargs['schema'] = self._db_schema # name = name.lower() if self.db.db_type == 'db2': name = name.upper() else: name = name.lower() table = db_module.ActivityTable(name, self.db, *args, **kwargs) try: sqltable = self.db.get_table(name, self._db_schema) except KeyError: table.create() self.activity_tables[name] = table def add_slowly_changing_dimension(self, property_name, datatype, **kwargs): """ add a slowly changing dimension table containing a single property for this entity type parameters ---------- property_name : str name of property, e.g. firmware_version (lower case, no database reserved words) datatype: sqlalchemy datatype """ if self.db is None: msg = ('Entity type has no db connection. Local entity types' ' are not allowed to add slowly changing dimensions ') raise ValueError(msg) property_name = property_name.lower() name = '%s_scd_%s' % (, property_name) kwargs['schema'] = self._db_schema if self.db.db_type == 'db2': name = name.upper() else: name = name.lower() table = db_module.SlowlyChangingDimension(name=name, database=self.db, property_name=property_name, datatype=datatype, **kwargs) try: self.db.get_table(name, self._db_schema) except KeyError: table.create() self.scd[property_name] = table def _add_scd_pipeline_stage(self, scd_lookup): self._scd_stages.append(scd_lookup) def build_agg_dict_from_meta_list(self, meta_list): agg_dict = OrderedDict() input_items = set() output_items = [] for f in meta_list: input_item = f['input'].get('source') output_item = f['output'].get('name') aggregate = f['functionName'] try: agg_dict[input_item].append(aggregate) except KeyError: agg_dict[input_item] = [aggregate] input_items.add(input_item) output_items.append(output_item) return (agg_dict, input_items, output_items) def build_arg_metadata(self, obj): """ Examine the metadata provided by build_ui() to understand more about the arguments to a function. Place the values of inputs and outputs into 2 dicts Return these two dicts in a tuple along with an output_meta dict that contains argument values and types Build the _input_set and _output list. These describe the set of data items required as inputs to a function and the list of data items produced by the function. """ name = obj.__class__.__name__ try: (inputs, outputs) = obj.build_ui() except (AttributeError, NotImplementedError) as e: try: fn_metadata = obj.metadata() inputs = fn_metadata.get('input', None) outputs = fn_metadata.get('output', None) except (AttributeError, KeyError) as ex: msg = ('Can\'t get metadata for function %s. Implement the' ' build_ui() method for this function. %s' % (name, str(e))) raise NotImplementedError(msg) input_args = {} # this is not used. Included only to maintain compatibility of return signature output_args = {} # this is not used. Included only to maintain compatibility of return signature output_meta = {} # this is not used. Included only to maintain compatibility of return signature output_list = [] # There are two ways to gather inputs to a function. # 1) from the arguments of the function # 2) from the an explicit list of items returned by the get_input_items # method try: input_set = set(obj.get_input_items()) except AttributeError: input_set = set() else: if len(input_set) > 0: logger.debug(('Function %s has explicit required input items ' ' delivered by the get_input_items() method: %s'), name, input_set) if not isinstance(inputs, list): raise TypeError(('Function registration metadata must be defined', ' using a list of objects derived from iotfunctions', ' BaseUIControl. Check metadata for %s' ' %s ' % (name, inputs))) if not isinstance(outputs, list): raise TypeError(('Function registration metadata must be defined', ' using a list of objects derived from iotfunctions', ' BaseUIControl. Check metadata for %s' ' %s ' % (name, outputs))) args = [] args.extend(inputs) args.extend(outputs) for a in args: try: # get arg name and type from UI object type_ = a.type_ arg = except AttributeError as e: try: # get arg name and type from legacy dict type_ = a.get('type', None) arg = a.get('name', None) except AttributeError: type_ = None arg = None if type_ is None or arg is None: msg = ('Error while getting metadata from function. The inputs' ' and outputs of the function are not described correctly' ' using UIcontrols with a type_ %s and name %s' % (type_, arg)) raise TypeError(msg) arg_value = getattr(obj, arg) out_arg = None out_arg_value = None if type_ == 'DATA_ITEM': # the argument is an input that contains a data item or # list of data items if isinstance(arg_value, list): input_set |= set(arg_value) else: input_set.add(arg_value) logger.debug('Using input items %s for %s', arg_value, arg) elif type_ == 'OUTPUT_DATA_ITEM': # the arg is an output item or list of them out_arg = arg out_arg_value = arg_value # some inputs implicitly describe outputs try: out_arg = a.output_item except AttributeError: pass # no need to check legacy dict for this property as it was not supported in the legacy dict else: if out_arg is not None: out_arg_value = getattr(obj, out_arg) # process output args if out_arg is not None: if isinstance(out_arg_value, list): output_list.extend(out_arg_value) else: output_list.append(out_arg_value) logger.debug('Using output items %s for %s', out_arg_value, out_arg) # output_meta is present in the AS metadata structure, but not # currently produced for local functions return (input_args, output_args, output_meta, input_set, output_list) def build_ui_constants(self): """ Build attributes for each ui constants declared with the entity type """ if self.ui_constants is None: logger.debug('No constants declared in entity definition') self.ui_constants = [] params = {} for c in self.ui_constants: try: params[] = c.default except AttributeError: logger.warning(('Cannot set value of parameter %s as it does' ' not have a default value'), self.set_params(**params) def build_flat_stage_list(self): """ Build a flat list of all function objects defined for entity type """ stages = [] for stage in self._functions: try: is_system = stage.is_system_function except AttributeError: is_system = False logger.warning(('Function %s has no is_system_function property.' ' This means it was not inherited from ' ' an iotfunctions base class. AS authors are' ' strongly encouraged to always inherit ' ' from iotfunctions base classes'), stage.__class__.__name__) if not is_system: stages.append(stage) return stages def build_granularities(self, grain_meta, freq_lookup): """ Convert AS granularity metadata to granularity objects. """ out = {} for g in grain_meta: grouper = [] freq = None entity_id = None if g['entityFirst']: grouper.append(pd.Grouper(key=self._entity_id)) entity_id = self._entity_id if g['frequency'] is not None: freq = (self.get_grain_freq(g['frequency'], freq_lookup, None)) if freq is None: raise ValueError(('Invalid frequency name %s. The frequency name' ' must exist in the frequency lookup %s' % (g['frequency'], freq_lookup))) # add a number to the frequency to make it compatible with pd.Timedelta if freq[0] not in ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']: freq = '1' + freq grouper.append(pd.Grouper(key=self._timestamp, freq=freq)) custom_calendar = None custom_calendar_keys = [] dimensions = [] # differentiate between dimensions and custom calendar items for d in g['dataItems']: grouper.append(pd.Grouper(key=d)) if self._custom_calendar is not None: if d in self._custom_calendar._output_list: custom_calendar_keys.append(d) dimensions.append(d) granularity = Granularity(name=g['name'], grouper=grouper, dimensions=dimensions, entity_name=self.logical_name, timestamp=self._timestamp, entity_id=entity_id, custom_calendar_keys=custom_calendar_keys, freq=freq, custom_calendar=custom_calendar) out[g['name']] = granularity return out def build_item_metadata(self, table): """ Build a client generated version of AS server metadata from a sql alachemy table object. """ if self.db is None: msg = ('Entity type has no db connection. Local entity types' ' cannot build item metadata from tables ') raise ValueError(msg) for col_name, col in list(table.c.items()): item = {} if col_name not in self.get_excluded_cols(): item['name'] = col_name item['type'] = 'METRIC' item['parentDataItem'] = None item['kpiFunctionDto'] = None item['columnName'] = item['columnType'] = self.db.get_as_datatype(col) item['sourceTableName'] = item['tags'] = [] item['transient'] = False self._data_items.append(item) return self._data_items def build_schedules(self, metadata): """ Build a dictionary of schedule metadata from the schedules contained within function definitions. The schedule dictionary is keyed on a pandas freq string. This frequency denotes the schedule interval. The dictionary contains a tuple (start_hour,start_minute,backtrack_days) Returns ------- tuple containing updated metadata and a dict of schedules Example ------- { '5min': [16,3,7] } 5 minute schedule interval with a start time of 4:03pm and backtrack of 7 days. """ freqs = {} for f in metadata: if f['schedule'] is not None: freq = f['schedule']['every'] start = time.strptime(f['schedule']['starting_at'], '%H:%M:%S') start_hour = start[3] start_min = start[4] backtrack = f['backtrack'] if backtrack is not None: backtrack_days = backtrack.get('days', 0) + (backtrack.get('hours', 0) / 24) + ( backtrack.get('minutes', 0) / 1440) else: backtrack_days = None existing_schedule = freqs.get(freq, None) if existing_schedule is None: f[freq] = (start_hour, start_min, backtrack_days) else: corrected_schedule = list(existing_schedule) if existing_schedule[0] > start_hour: corrected_schedule[0] = start_hour logger.warning(('There is a conflict in the schedule metadata.' ' Picked the earlier start hour of %s instead of %s' ' for schedule %s.' % (start_hour, corrected_schedule[0], freq))) if existing_schedule[1] > start_min: corrected_schedule[1] = start_min logger.warning(('There is a conflict in the schedule metadata.' ' Picked the earlier start minute of %s instead of %s' ' for schedule %s.' % (start_min, existing_schedule[1], freq))) if backtrack_days is not None: if existing_schedule[2] is None or existing_schedule[2] < backtrack_days: corrected_schedule[2] = backtrack_days logger.warning(('There is a conflict in the schedule metadata.' ' Picked the longer backtrack of %s instead of %s' ' for schedule %s.' % (backtrack_days, existing_schedule[2], freq))) f[freq] = tuple(corrected_schedule) freqs[freq] = f[freq] f['schedule'] = freq return freqs def classify_stages(self): """ Create a dictionary of stage objects. Dictionary is keyed by stage type and a granularity obj. It contains a list of stage objects. Stages are classified by timing of execution, ie: preload, get_data, transform, aggregate """ logger.debug('Classifying stages by timing of execution, ie: preload, get_data, transform, aggregate') stage_metadata = dict() active_granularities = set() # Add a data_reader stage. This will read entity data. if self._auto_read_from_ts_table: auto_reader = self._data_reader(name='read_entity_data', obj=self) stage_type = self.get_stage_type(auto_reader) granularity = None # input level stage_metadata[(stage_type, granularity)] = [auto_reader] auto_reader.schedule = None auto_reader._entity_type = self else: logger.debug(('Skipped auto read of payload data as' ' payload does not have _auto_read_from_ts_table' ' set to True')) # Build a stage for each function. for s in self._functions: # replace deprecated function obj = self.get_replacement(s) # add metadata to stage try: except AttributeError: = obj.__class__.__name__ try: obj._schedule except AttributeError: obj._schedule = None try: obj.granularity except AttributeError: obj.granularity = None # the stage needs to know what entity type it belongs to obj._entity_type = self # classify stage stage_type = self.get_stage_type(obj) granularity = obj.granularity if granularity is not None and isinstance(granularity, str): granularity = self._granularities_dict.get(granularity, False) if not granularity: msg = ('Cannot build stage metdata. The granularity metadata' ' is invalid. Granularity of function is %s. Valid ' ' granularities are %s' % (granularity, list(self._granularities_dict.keys()))) raise StageException(msg, elif isinstance(granularity, Granularity): pass else: granularity = None try: # add to stage_type / granularity stage_metadata[(stage_type, granularity)].append(obj) except KeyError: # start a new stage_type / granularity stage_metadata[(stage_type, granularity)] = [obj] # Remember all active granularities if granularity is not None: active_granularities.add(granularity) # add metadata derived from function registration and function args # input set and output list are critical metadata for the dependency model # there are three ways to set them # 1) using the instance variables _input_set and _output_list # 2) using the methods get_input_set and get_output_list # 3) using the function's registration metadata if obj._input_set is not None: logger.debug('Input set was preset for function %s', input_set = obj._input_set else: try: input_set = obj.get_input_set() except AttributeError: input_set = None if obj._output_list is not None: logger.debug('Output list set was preset for function %s', output_list = obj._output_list else: try: output_list = obj.get_output_list() except AttributeError: output_list = None if input_set is None or output_list is None: # get the input set and output list from the function argument metadata (in_, out, out_meta, reg_input_set, reg_output_list) = self.build_arg_metadata(obj) if input_set is None: input_set = reg_input_set if output_list is None: output_list = reg_output_list # set the _input_set and _output_list obj._input_set = input_set obj._output_list = output_list # The stage may have metadata parameters that need to be # copied onto the entity type try: entity_metadata = obj._metadata_params except AttributeError: entity_metadata = {} logger.debug(('Function %s has no _metadata_params' ' property. This property allows the stage' ' to add properties to the entity type.' ' Using default of %s'),, entity_metadata) if entity_metadata is not None and entity_metadata: self.set_params(**entity_metadata) self.trace_append(created_by=obj, msg='Adding entity type properties from function', log_method=logger.debug, **entity_metadata) # The stage may be a special stage that should be added to # a special stages list, e.g. stages that have # the property is_scd_lookup = True should be added to the # _scd_stages list specials = {'is_scd_lookup': self._scd_stages} for function_prop, list_obj in list(specials.items()): try: is_function_prop = getattr(obj, function_prop) except AttributeError: is_function_prop = False if is_function_prop: list_obj.append(obj) # Add for each granularity without frequency two AggregateItem stages. The result columns of these stages # are used in the DataWriter when the aggregation results are pushed to the database for gran in active_granularities: if gran.freq is None: for func_name, output_name in {('max', DataWriter.ITEM_NAME_TIMESTAMP_MAX), ('min', DataWriter.ITEM_NAME_TIMESTAMP_MIN)}: new_stage = AggregateItems(input_items=[self._timestamp], aggregation_function=func_name, output_items=[output_name]) new_stage._entity_type = self = new_stage.__class__.__name__ new_stage._schedule = None new_stage.granularity = gran new_stage._input_set = {self._timestamp} new_stage._output_list = [output_name] stage_type = self.get_stage_type(new_stage) stage_metadata[(stage_type, gran)].append(new_stage) return stage_metadata def build_stage_metadata(self, *args): """ Make a new JobController payload from a list of function objects """ metadata = [] for f in args: # if function is deprecated it may have a replacement f = self.get_replacement(f) fn = {} try: name = except AttributeError: name = f.__class__.__name__ fn['name'] = name fn['object_instance'] = f fn['description'] = f.__doc__ fn['functionName'] = f.__class__.__name__ fn['enabled'] = True fn['execStatus'] = False fn['schedule'] = None fn['backtrack'] = None fn['granularity'] = f.granularity (fn['input'], fn['output'], fn['outputMeta'], fn['input_set'], fn['output_list']) = self.build_arg_metadata( f) fn['inputMeta'] = None metadata.append(fn) logger.debug(('Added local function instance as job stage: %s'), fn) self._stages = self.build_stages(function_meta=metadata, granularities_dict=self._granularities_dict) return metadata def index_df(self, df): """ Create an index on the deviceid and the timestamp """ if self._df_index_entity_id is None: self._df_index_entity_id = self._entity_id if self._timestamp_col is None: self._timestamp_col = self._timestamp if df.index.names != [self._df_index_entity_id, self._timestamp]: try: df = df.set_index([self._df_index_entity_id, self._timestamp]) except KeyError: df = reset_df_index(df, auto_index_name=self.auto_index_name) try: df = df.set_index([self._df_index_entity_id, self._timestamp]) except KeyError: try: df[self._df_index_entity_id] = df[self._entity_id] df = df.set_index([self._df_index_entity_id, self._timestamp]) except KeyError: raise KeyError(('Error attempting to index time series' ' dataframe. Unable to locate index' ' columns: %s or %s, %s') % ( self._df_index_entity_id, self._entity_id, self._timestamp)) logger.debug(('Indexed dataframe on %s, %s'), self._df_index_entity_id, self._timestamp) else: logger.debug(('Found existing index on %s, %s.' 'No need to recreate index'), self._df_index_entity_id, self._timestamp) # create a dummy column for _entity_id if self._entity_id != self._df_index_entity_id: df[self._entity_id] = df.index.get_level_values(self._df_index_entity_id) # create a dummy column for _timestamp if self._timestamp != self._timestamp_col: df[self._timestamp_col] = df.index.get_level_values(self._timestamp) return df def cos_save(self): if self.db is None: msg = ('Entity type has no db connection. Local entity types' ' are not allowed to save to cloud object storage ') raise ValueError(msg) name = ['entity_type',] name = '.'.join(name) self.db.cos_save(self, name) @classmethod def default_stage_type_map(cls): """ Configure how properties of stages are used to set the stage type that is used by the job controller to decide how to process a stage """ return [('preload', 'is_preload'), ('get_data', 'is_data_source'), ('transform', 'is_transformer'), ('aggregate', 'is_data_aggregator'), ('simple_aggregate', 'is_simple_aggregator'), ('complex_aggregate', 'is_complex_aggregator'), ] def df_sort_timestamp(self, df): """ Sort a dataframe on the timestamp column. Returns a tuple containing the sorted dataframe and a column_name for the timestamp column. """ ts_col_name = self._timestamp # timestamp may be column or in index try: df.sort_values([ts_col_name], inplace=True) except KeyError: try: # legacy check for a redundant _timestamp alternative column df.sort_values([self._timestamp_col], inplace=True) ts_col_name = self._timestamp_col except KeyError: try: df.sort_index(level=[ts_col_name], inplace=True) except: raise return (df, ts_col_name) def drop_tables(self, recreate=False): """ Drop tables known to be associated with this entity type """ self.db.drop_table(, schema=self._db_schema, recreate=recreate) self.drop_child_tables(recreate=recreate) def drop_child_tables(self, recreate=False): """ Drop all child tables """ if self.db is None: msg = ('Entity type has no db connection. Local entity types' ' are not allowed to drop child tables ') raise ValueError(msg) if self._dimension_table_name is None: tables = [] else: tables = [self._dimension_table_name] tables.extend(self.activity_tables.values()) tables.extend(self.scd.values()) [self.db.drop_table(x, self._db_schema, recreate=recreate) for x in tables] msg = 'dropped tables %s' % tables def exec_local_pipeline(self, start_ts=None, end_ts=None, entities=None, **kw): """ Test the functions on an entity type Test will be run on local metadata. It will not use the server job log. Results will be written to file. """ params = {'data_writer': DataWriterFile, 'keep_alive_duration': None, 'save_trace_to_file': True, 'default_backtrack': 'checkpoint', 'trace_df_changes': True, '_abort_on_fail': True, 'job_log_class': JobLogNull, '_auto_save_trace': None, '_start_ts_override': start_ts, '_end_ts_override': end_ts, '_entity_filter_list': entities, '_production_mode': False} kw = {**params, **kw} job = JobController(payload=self, **kw) # propagate parameters to functions for f in self._functions: for key, value in list(kw.items()): setattr(f, key, value) job.execute() def get_attributes_dict(self): """ Produce a dictionary containing all attributes """ c = {} for att in dir(self): value = getattr(self, att) if not callable(value): c[att] = value return c def get_calc_pipeline(self, stages=None): """ Make a new CalcPipeline object. Reset processing variables. """ warnings.warn('get_calc_pipeline() is deprecated. Use build_job()', DeprecationWarning) self._scd_stages = [] self._custom_calendar = None self._is_initial_transform = True return CalcPipeline(stages=stages, entity_type=self) def get_function_replacement_metadata(self, meta): """ replace incoming function metadata for aggregate functions with metadata that will be used to build a DataAggregator """ replacement = {'Sum': 'sum', 'Minimum': 'min', 'Maximum': 'max', 'Mean': 'mean', 'Median': 'median', 'Count': 'count', 'DistinctCount': 'count_distinct', 'StandardDeviation': 'std', 'Variance': 'var', 'Product': 'product', 'First': 'first', 'Last': 'last'} name = meta.get('functionName', None) replacement_name = replacement.get(name, None) if replacement_name is not None: meta['functionName'] = replacement_name return (meta.get('granularity', None), meta) else: return (None, None) def get_local_column_lists_by_type(self, columns, known_categoricals_set=None): """ Examine a list of columns and poduce a tuple containing names of metric,dates,categoricals and others """ if known_categoricals_set is None: known_categoricals_set = set() metrics = [] dates = [] categoricals = [] others = [] if columns is None: columns = [] all_cols = set([ for x in columns]) # exclude known categoricals that are not present in table known_categoricals_set = known_categoricals_set.intersection(all_cols) for c in columns: data_type = c.type if isinstance(data_type, (FLOAT, Float, INTEGER, Integer)): metrics.append( elif db_module.DB2_DOUBLE is not None and isinstance(data_type, db_module.DB2_DOUBLE): metrics.append( elif isinstance(data_type, (VARCHAR, String)): categoricals.append( elif isinstance(data_type, (TIMESTAMP, DateTime)): dates.append( else: others.append( msg = 'Found column %s of unknown data type %s' % (c, data_type.__class__.__name__) logger.warning(msg) # reclassify categoricals that did were not correctly classified based on data type for c in known_categoricals_set: if c not in categoricals: categoricals.append(c) metrics = [x for x in metrics if x != c] dates = [x for x in dates if x != c] others = [x for x in others if x != c] return (metrics, dates, categoricals, others) def get_custom_calendar(self): return self._custom_calendar def get_data(self, start_ts=None, end_ts=None, entities=None, columns=None): """ Retrieve entity data at input grain or preaggregated """ if self.db is None: msg = ('Entity type has no db connection. Local entity types' ' are not allowed to retrieve database data ') raise ValueError(msg) tw = {} # info to add to trace if entities is None: tw['entity_filter'] = 'all' else: tw['entity_filter'] = '%s entities' % len(entities) if self._pre_aggregate_time_grain is None: df = self.db.read_table(, schema=self._db_schema, timestamp_col=self._timestamp, parse_dates=None, columns=columns, start_ts=start_ts, end_ts=end_ts, entities=entities, dimension=self._dimension_table_name) tw['pre-aggregeted'] = None else: (metrics, dates, categoricals, others) = self.db.get_column_lists_by_type(, self._db_schema) if self._dimension_table_name is not None: categoricals.extend(self.db.get_column_names(self._dimension_table_name, self._db_schema)) if columns is None: columns = [] columns.extend(metrics) columns.extend(dates) columns.extend(categoricals) columns.extend(others) # make sure each column is in the aggregate dictionary # apply a default aggregate for each column not specified in the aggregation metadata if self._pre_agg_rules is None: self._pre_agg_rules = {} self._pre_agg_outputs = {} for c in columns: try: self._pre_agg_rules[c] except KeyError: if c not in [self._timestamp, self._entity_id]: if c in metrics: self._pre_agg_rules[c] = 'mean' self._pre_agg_outputs[c] = 'mean_%s' % c else: self._pre_agg_rules[c] = 'max' self._pre_agg_outputs[c] = 'max_%s' % c else: pass df = self.db.read_agg(, schema=self._db_schema, groupby=[self._entity_id], timestamp=self._timestamp, time_grain=self._pre_aggregate_time_grain, agg_dict=self._pre_agg_rules, agg_outputs=self._pre_agg_outputs, start_ts=start_ts, end_ts=end_ts, entities=entities, dimension=self._dimension_table_name) tw['pre-aggregeted'] = self._pre_aggregate_time_grain tw['rows_retrieved'] = len(df.index) tw['start_ts'] = start_ts tw['end_ts'] = end_ts self.trace_append(created_by=self, msg='Retrieved entity timeseries data for %s' %, **tw) # Optimizing the data frame size using downcasting if self.enable_downcast: memo = MemoryOptimizer() df = memo.downcastNumeric(df) try: df = self.index_df(df) except (AttributeError, KeyError): pass return df def get_data_items(self): """ Get the list of data items defined :return: list of dicts containting data item metadata """ return self._data_items def get_excluded_cols(self): """ Return a list of physical columns that should be excluded when returning the list of data items """ return ['logicalinterface_id', 'format', 'updated_utc', 'devicetype', 'eventtype'] def get_grain_freq(self, grain_name, lookup, default): """ Lookup a pandas frequency string from an AS granularity name """ for l in lookup: if grain_name == l['name']: return l['alias'] return default def get_output_items(self): """ Get a list of non calculated items: outputs from the time series table """ items = [x.get('columnName') for x in self._data_items if x.get('type') == 'METRIC' or x.get('type') == 'DIMENSION'] return items def get_log(self, rows=100): """ Get KPI execution log info. Returns a dataframe. """ if self.db is None: msg = ('Entity type has no db connection. Local entity types' ' are not allowed to get log data ') raise ValueError(msg) query, log = self.db.query(self.log_table, self._db_schema) query = query.filter(log.c.entity_type == df = self.db.read_sql_query(query) return df def get_latest_log_entry(self): """ Get the most recent log entry. Returns dict. """ last = self.get_log(rows=1) last = last.to_dict('records')[0] return last def get_param(self, param, default=None): try: out = getattr(self, param) except AttributeError: out = default return out def get_end_ts_override(self): if self._end_ts_override is not None: if isinstance(self._end_ts_override, dt.datetime): return self._end_ts_override date_time_obj = dt.datetime.strptime(self._end_ts_override[0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') return date_time_obj return None def get_stage_type(self, stage): """ Examine the stage object to determine how it should be processed by the JobController Sets the stage type to the first valid entry in the stage map the stage map is a list of tuples containing a stage type and a boolean property name: example: [('get_data','is_data_source'), ('simple_aggregate','is_simple_aggregate')] if a stage has both an is_data_source = True and a is_simple_aggregate = True, the stage type will be returned as 'get_data' """ for (stage_type, prop) in self._stage_type_map: try: prop_value = getattr(stage, prop) except AttributeError: pass else: if prop_value: return stage_type raise TypeError(('Could not identify stage type for stage' ' %s from the stage map. Adjust the stage map' ' for the entity type or define an appropriate' ' is_<something> property on the class of the ' ' stage. Stage map is %s' % (, self._stage_type_map))) def get_start_ts_override(self): if self._start_ts_override is not None: if isinstance(self._start_ts_override, dt.datetime): date_time_obj = self._start_ts_override else: date_time_obj = dt.datetime.strptime(self._start_ts_override[0], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') return date_time_obj return None def get_replacement(self, obj): """ Get replacement for deprecated function """ try: is_deprecated = obj.is_deprecated except AttributeError: is_deprecated = False if is_deprecated: try: obj = obj.get_replacement() except AttributeError: msg = ('Skipped deprecated function. The function' ' %s has no designated replacement. Provide a' ' replacement by implementing the get_replacement()' ' method or rework entity type to remove the reference' ' to the deprecated function' % obj.__class__.__name__) raise StageException(msg, obj.__class__.__name__) else: logger.debug('Entity Type has a reference to a deprecated' ' function. This function was automatically' ' replaced by %s', obj.__class__.__name__) return obj def generate_data(self, entities=None, days=0, seconds=300, freq='1min', scd_freq='1D', write=True, drop_existing=False, data_item_mean=None, data_item_sd=None, data_item_domain=None, columns=None, start_entity_id=None, auto_entity_count=None, datasource=None, datasourcemetrics=None): """ Generate random time series data for entities Parameters ---------- entities: list List of entity ids to genenerate data for days: number Number of days worth of data to generate (back from system date) seconds: number Number of seconds of worth of data to generate (back from system date) freq: str Pandas frequency string - interval of time between subsequent rows of data write: bool write generated data back to table with same name as entity drop_existing: bool drop existing time series, dimension, activity and scd table data_item_mean: dict mean values for generated data items. dict is keyed on data item name data_item_sd: dict std values for generated data items. dict is keyed on data item name data_item_domain: dict domains of values for categorical data items. dict is keyed on data item name datasource: dataframe dataframe as data source datasourcemetrics : list of strings list of relevant column for datasource """ if entities is None: if start_entity_id is None: start_entity_id = self._start_entity_id if auto_entity_count is None: auto_entity_count = self._auto_entity_count entities = [str(start_entity_id + x) for x in list(range(auto_entity_count))] if data_item_mean is None: data_item_mean = {} if data_item_sd is None: data_item_sd = {} if data_item_domain is None: data_item_domain = {} if drop_existing and self.db is not None: self.drop_tables(recreate=True) known_categoricals = set(data_item_domain.keys()) exclude_cols = ['deviceid', 'devicetype', 'format', 'updated_utc', 'logicalinterface_id', self._timestamp] if self.db is None or self.is_local: write = False msg = 'This is a local entity or entity with no database connection, test data will not be written' logger.debug(msg) (metrics, dates, categoricals, others) = self.get_local_column_lists_by_type(columns, known_categoricals_set=known_categoricals) else: (metrics, dates, categoricals, others) = self.db.get_column_lists_by_type(self.table, self._db_schema, exclude_cols=exclude_cols, known_categoricals_set=known_categoricals) msg = 'Generating data for %s with metrics %s and dimensions %s and dates %s' % (, metrics, categoricals, dates) logger.debug(msg) ts = TimeSeriesGenerator(metrics=metrics, ids=entities, days=days, seconds=seconds, freq=freq, categoricals=categoricals, dates=dates, timestamp=self._timestamp, domains=data_item_domain, datasource=datasource, datasourcemetrics=datasourcemetrics) ts.data_item_mean = data_item_mean ts.data_item_sd = data_item_sd ts.data_item_domain = data_item_domain df = ts.execute() dimension_table_exists = False try: dimension_table_exists = self.db.if_exists(table_name=self._dimension_table_name, schema=self._db_schema) except Exception: pass if self._dimension_table_name is not None and dimension_table_exists: self.generate_dimension_data(entities, write=write, data_item_mean=data_item_mean, data_item_sd=data_item_sd, data_item_domain=data_item_domain) if write and self.db is not None: for o in others: if o not in df.columns: df[o] = None df['logicalinterface_id'] = '' df['devicetype'] = self.logical_name df['format'] = '' df['updated_utc'] = dt.datetime.utcnow() self.db.write_frame(, df=df, schema=self._db_schema, timestamp_col=self._timestamp) for (at_name, at_table) in list(self.activity_tables.items()): adf = self.generate_activity_data(table_name=at_name, activities=at_table._activities, entities=entities, days=days, seconds=seconds, write=write) msg = 'generated data for activity table %s' % at_name logger.debug(msg) for scd in list(self.scd.values()): sdf = self.generate_scd_data(scd_obj=scd, entities=entities, days=days, seconds=seconds, write=write, freq=scd_freq, domains=data_item_domain) msg = 'generated data for scd table %s' % logger.debug(msg) return df def generate_activity_data(self, table_name, activities, entities, days, seconds, write=True): if self.db is None: msg = ('Entity type has no db connection. Local entity types' ' are not allowed to generate activity data ') raise ValueError(msg) try: (metrics, dates, categoricals, others) = self.db.get_column_lists_by_type(table_name, self._db_schema, exclude_cols=[self._entity_id, 'start_date', 'end_date']) except KeyError: metrics = [] dates = [] categoricals = [] others = [] metrics.append('duration') categoricals.append('activity') ts = TimeSeriesGenerator(metrics=metrics, dates=dates, categoricals=categoricals, ids=entities, days=days, seconds=seconds, freq=self._activity_frequency) ts.set_domain('activity', activities) df = ts.execute() df['start_date'] = df[self._timestamp] duration = df['duration'].abs() df['end_date'] = df['start_date'] + pd.to_timedelta(duration, unit='h') # probability that an activity took place in the interval p_activity = (days * 60 * 60 * 24 + seconds) / pd.to_timedelta(self._activity_frequency).total_seconds() is_activity = p_activity >= np.random.uniform(0, 1, len(df.index)) df = df[is_activity] cols = [x for x in df.columns if x not in ['duration', self._timestamp]] df = df[cols] if write: msg = 'Generated %s rows of data and inserted into %s' % (len(df.index), table_name) logger.debug(msg) self.db.write_frame(table_name=table_name, df=df, schema=self._db_schema) return df def generate_dimension_data(self, entities, write=True, data_item_mean=None, data_item_sd=None, data_item_domain=None): if self.db is None: msg = ('Entity type has no db connection. Local entity types' ' are not allowed to generate dimension data ') raise ValueError(msg) # check for existing dimension data df_existing = self.db.read_dimension(self._dimension_table_name, schema=self._db_schema, entities=entities) existing_entities = set(df_existing[self._entity_id]) # do not generate data for existing entities entities = list(set(entities) - existing_entities) if len(entities) > 0: if data_item_mean is None: data_item_mean = {} if data_item_sd is None: data_item_sd = {} if data_item_domain is None: data_item_domain = {} known_categoricals = set(data_item_domain.keys()) (metrics, dates, categoricals, others) = self.db.get_column_lists_by_type(self._dimension_table_name, self._db_schema, exclude_cols=[self._entity_id], known_categoricals_set=known_categoricals) rows = len(entities) data = {} for m in metrics: mean = data_item_mean.get(m, 0) sd = data_item_sd.get(m, 1) data[m] = MetricGenerator(m, mean=mean, sd=sd).get_data(rows=rows) for c in categoricals: categories = data_item_domain.get(c, None) data[c] = CategoricalGenerator(c, categories).get_data(rows=rows) data[self._entity_id] = entities df = pd.DataFrame(data=data) for d in dates: df[d] = DateGenerator(d).get_data(rows=rows) df[d] = pd.to_datetime(df[d]) if write: if self.db.db_type == 'db2': self._dimension_table_name = self._dimension_table_name.upper() else: self._dimension_table_name = self._dimension_table_name.lower() self.db.write_frame(df, table_name=self._dimension_table_name, if_exists='append', schema=self._db_schema) else: logger.debug('No new entities. Did not generate dimension data.') def get_entity_filter(self): """ Get the list of entity ids that are valid for pipeline processing. """ return self._entity_filter_list def get_last_checkpoint(self): """ Get the last checkpoint recorded for entity type """ if self.db is None: msg = ('Entity type has no db connection. Local entity' ' types do not have a checkpoint') logger.debug(msg) return None (query, table) = self.db.query_column_aggregate(table_name=self.checkpoint_table, schema=self._db_schema, column='TIMESTAMP', aggregate='max') query.filter(table.c.entity_type_id == self._entity_type_id) return query.scalar() def generate_scd_data(self, scd_obj, entities, days, seconds, freq, write=True, domains=None): if self.db is None: msg = ('Entity type has no db connection. Local entity types' ' are not allowed to generate scd data ') raise ValueError(msg) if domains is None: domains = {} table_name = msg = 'generating data for %s for %s days and %s seconds' % (table_name, days, seconds) try: (metrics, dates, categoricals, others) = self.db.get_column_lists_by_type(table_name, self._db_schema, exclude_cols=[self._entity_id, 'start_date', 'end_date']) except KeyError: metrics = [] dates = [] categoricals = [] others = [] msg = msg + ' with metrics %s, dates %s, categorials %s and others %s' % (metrics, dates, categoricals, others) logger.debug(msg) ts = TimeSeriesGenerator(metrics=metrics, dates=dates, categoricals=categoricals, ids=entities, days=days, seconds=seconds, freq=freq, domains=domains) df = ts.execute() df['start_date'] = df[self._timestamp] # probability that a change took place in the interval p_activity = (days * 60 * 60 * 24 + seconds) / pd.to_timedelta(freq).total_seconds() is_activity = p_activity >= np.random.uniform(0, 1, len(df.index)) df = df[is_activity] cols = [x for x in df.columns if x not in [self._timestamp]] df = df[cols] df['end_date'] = None if len(df.index) > 0: df = df.groupby([self._entity_id]).apply(self._set_end_date) try: self.db.truncate(table_name, schema=self._db_schema) except KeyError: pass if write: msg = 'Generated %s rows of data and inserted into %s' % (len(df.index), table_name) logger.debug(msg) self.db.write_frame(table_name=table_name, df=df, schema=self._db_schema, if_exists='append') return df def _get_scd_list(self): return [(s.output_item, s.table_name) for s in self._scd_stages] def is_base_item(self, item_name): """ Base items are non calculated data items. """ item_type = self._data_items[item_name]['columnType'] if item_type == 'METRIC': return True else: return False def is_data_item(self, name): """ Determine whether an item is a data item """ if name in [ for x in self._data_items]: return True else: return False def make_dimension(self, name=None, *args, **kw): """ Add dimension table by specifying additional columns Parameters ---------- name: str dimension table name *args: sql alchemchy Column objects * kw: : schema """ if self.db is None: msg = ('Entity type has no db connection. Local entity types' ' are not allowed to make dimensions ') raise ValueError(msg) kw['schema'] = self._db_schema if name is None: name = '%s_dimension' % # name = name.lower() # self._dimension_table_name = name if self.db.db_type == 'db2': self._dimension_table_name = name.upper() else: self._dimension_table_name = name.lower() try: self._dimension_table = self.db.get_table(self._dimension_table_name, self._db_schema) except KeyError: dim = db_module.Dimension(self._dimension_table_name, self.db, *args, **kw) self._dimension_table = dim.table # dim.create() # msg = 'Created dimension table %s' % self._dimension_table_name msg = 'Dimension table not created' logger.debug(msg) def publish_kpis(self, raise_error=True): warnings.warn(('publish_kpis() is deprecated for EntityType. Instead' ' use an EntityType inherited from BaseCustomEntityType'), DeprecationWarning) """ Publish the stages assigned to this entity type to the AS Server """ export = [] stages = self.build_flat_stage_list() self.db.register_functions(stages) for s in stages: try: name = except AttributeError: name = s.__class__.__name__ logger.debug(('Function class %s has no name property.' ' Using the class name'), name) try: args = s._get_arg_metadata() except AttributeError: msg = ('Attempting to publish kpis for an entity type.' ' Function %s has no _get_arg_spec() method.' ' It cannot be published') % name raise NotImplementedError(msg) metadata = {'name': name, 'args': args} export.append(metadata) logger.debug('Published kpis to entity type') logger.debug(export) response = self.db.http_request(object_type='kpiFunctions', object_name=self.logical_name, request='POST', payload=export, raise_error=raise_error) logger.debug(response) return response def raise_error(self, exception, msg=None, abort_on_fail=False, stage_name=None): """ Raise an exception. Append a message and the current trace to the stacktrace. """ err_info = {'AttributeError': 'The function %s makes reference to an object property that does not exist.', 'SyntaxError': 'The function %s contains a syntax error. If the function includes a type-in expression, make sure this is correct.', 'ValueError': 'The function %s is operating on a data that has an unexpected value for its data type.', 'TypeError': 'The function %s is operating on a data that has an unexpected data type.', 'KeyError': 'The function %s is refering to a dictionary key or dataframe column name that doesnt exist.', 'NameError': 'The function %s is refering to an object that doesnt exist. If refering to data items in a pandas dataframe, ensure that you quote them, e.g. df["temperature"].', } if msg is None: msg = err_info.get(exception.__class__.__name__, 'The function %s failed to execute.') % stage_name if abort_on_fail: raise StageException(error_message=msg, stage_name=stage_name, exception=exception) else: logger.warning(msg) return msg def create_sample_data(self, drop_existing, generate_days, generate_entities=None, populate_dm_wiot_entity_list=False): if generate_days > 0: # classify stages is adds entity metdata to the stages # need to run it before executing any stage self.classify_stages() generators = [x for x in self._functions if x.is_data_generator] start = dt.datetime.utcnow() - dt.timedelta(days=generate_days) for g in generators: logger.debug(('Running generator %s with start date %s.' ' Drop existing %s'), g.__class__.__name__, start, drop_existing) g.execute(df=None, start_ts=start, entities=generate_entities) if populate_dm_wiot_entity_list: self.populate_entity_list_table() def populate_entity_list_table(self): entity_list_table_name = 'dm_wiot_entity_list' try: if self.db.db_type == 'db2': entity_list_table_name = entity_list_table_name.upper() else: entity_list_table_name = entity_list_table_name.lower() entities = [str(self._start_entity_id + x) for x in list(range(self._auto_entity_count))] self.db.start_session() table = self.db.get_table(entity_list_table_name, self._db_schema) for entity_id in entities: stmt = table.insert().values({'entity_type_id': self._entity_type_id, 'entity_id': entity_id}) self.db.connection.execute(stmt) self.db.commit() except Exception: logger.debug('Error populating dm_wiot_entity_list table.') def register(self, publish_kpis=False, raise_error=False, sample_entity_type=False): """ Register entity type so that it appears in the UI. Create a table for input data. Parameters ---------- credentials: dict credentials for the ICS metadata service """ if self.db is None: msg = ('Entity type has no db connection. Local entity types' ' may not be registered ') raise ValueError(msg) cols = [] columns = [] metric_column_names = [] table = {} table['name'] = self.logical_name table['metricTableName'] = table['metricTimestampColumn'] = self._timestamp table['description'] = self.description table['origin'] = 'AS_SAMPLE' for c in self.db.get_column_names(self.table, schema=self._db_schema): cols.append((self.table, c, 'METRIC')) metric_column_names.append(c) if self._dimension_table is not None: table['dimensionTableName'] = self._dimension_table_name for c in self.db.get_column_names(self._dimension_table, schema=self._db_schema): if c not in metric_column_names: cols.append((self._dimension_table, c, 'DIMENSION')) for (table_obj, column_name, col_type) in cols: msg = 'found %s column %s' % (col_type, column_name) logger.debug(msg) # if column_name not in self.get_excluded_cols(): data_type = table_obj.c[column_name].type if isinstance(data_type, (FLOAT, Float, INTEGER, Integer)): data_type = 'NUMBER' elif db_module.DB2_DOUBLE is not None and isinstance(data_type, db_module.DB2_DOUBLE): data_type = 'NUMBER' elif isinstance(data_type, (VARCHAR, String)): data_type = 'LITERAL' elif isinstance(data_type, (TIMESTAMP, DateTime)): data_type = 'TIMESTAMP' else: data_type = str(data_type) logger.warning('Unknown datatype %s for column %s' % (data_type, column_name)) columns.append({'name': column_name, 'type': col_type, 'columnName': column_name, 'columnType': data_type, 'tags': None, 'transient': False}) table['dataItemDto'] = columns if self._db_schema is not None: table['schemaName'] = self._db_schema else: try: table['schemaName'] = self.db.credentials['db2']['username'] except KeyError: try: username = self.db.credentials["postgresql"]['username'] table["schemaName"] = "public" except KeyError: raise KeyError('No database credentials found. Unable to register table.') payload = [table] response = self.db.http_request(request='POST', object_type='entityType',, payload=payload, raise_error=raise_error, sample_entity_type=sample_entity_type) msg = 'Metadata registered for table %s ' % logger.debug(msg) if publish_kpis: self.publish_kpis(raise_error=raise_error) self.db.register_constants(self.ui_constants) return response def trace_append(self, created_by, msg, log_method=None, df=None, **kwargs): """ Write to entity type trace """ self._trace.write(created_by=created_by, log_method=log_method, text=msg, df=df, **kwargs) def set_custom_calendar(self, custom_calendar): """ Set a custom calendar for the entity type. """ if custom_calendar is not None: self._custom_calendar = custom_calendar def get_server_params(self): """ Retrieve the set of properties assigned through the UI Assign to instance variables """ if self.db is None: msg = ('Entity type has no db connection. Local entity types' ' are not able to get server params ') logger.debug(msg) return {} meta = self.db.http_request(object_type='constants', object_name=self.logical_name, request='GET') try: meta = json.loads(meta) except (TypeError, json.JSONDecodeError): params = {} logger.debug('API call to server did not retrieve valid entity type properties. No properties set.') else: params = {} for p in meta: key = p['name'] if isinstance(p['value'], dict): params[key] = p['value'].get('value', p['value']) else: params[key] = p['value'] logger.debug('Adding server property %s with value %s to entity type', key, params[key]) self.set_params(**params) return params def _set_end_date(self, df): df['end_date'] = df['start_date'].shift(-1) df['end_date'] = df['end_date'] -
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """HAR_Opportunity.ipynb Automatically generated by Colaboratory. Original file is located at # Introduction This notebook presents the several machine learning models using CNN and LSTM for HAR. To obtain a detailed description of the architecture, please refer to the dissertation, **"RECOGNISING HUMAN ACTIVITIES AUTONOMOUSLY THROUGH FUSION OF SENSOR DATA"**. ## Dataset As a dataset, the [OPPORTUNITY Activity Recognition Data Set]( is used. To prepare this dataset for the program, the following code is uncommented and executed. """ # Download dataset zip file and place data files in training and test set directries zipfile_dataset_opportunity = "" url_dataset_opportunity = "" #!wget $url_dataset_opportunity #!unzip $zipfile_dataset_opportunity #!ls OpportunityUCIDataset/dataset/ # Deploy dataset files into training and test directories #!mkdir -p ../data/test #!mkdir ../data/train #%cd OpportunityUCIDataset/dataset/ #!cp S[1-3]-Drill.dat S1-ADL[1-5].dat S2-ADL[1-3].dat S3-ADL[1-3].dat ../../../data/train/ #!cp S[23]-ADL[23].dat ../../../data/test/ #%cd ../../ #!ls ../data/train/ #!ls ../data/test/ """# 1.Parameters Adjustable flags and parameters are listed. Hyperparameters for each ML model are in "[F] ML models" section. |Name|Type|Explanation| |-|-|-| |flag_delete_null|Flag|Whether delete the Null class or not| |flag_label|Flag|Activity type (gesture or locomotion)| |flag_(ML model name)|Flag|Whether execute the model or not| |flag_experiment|Flag|Whether run repeated evaluation for summary statistics or not| |flag_model_load|Flag|Whether load the model from the file or not| |flag_model_save|Flag|Whether save the model to the file after training or not| |flag_EarlyStopping|Flag|Enable Early stopping| |flag_es_monitor|Flag|Monitor type for Early stopping| |ratio_train|Parameter|The ratio between training and validation sets| |seed|Parameter|Fix the seed for reproducibility| |flag_scale|Flag|Scaling technique| |window_size|Parameter|The length of the sliding window| |window_step|Parameter|The step of the sliding window| |flag_sw_label|Flag|Class label of the sliding window| |flag_balance_*|Flag|Enable data balancing| |flag_data_dist|Flag|Display dataset distribution| |flag_interpolate|Flag|Enable interpolation| |flag_plot_model|Flag|Whether plot model graphs or not| |flag_save_fig|Flag|Whether save graphs or not| |flag_summary|Flag|Show summary of the dataset| |flag_cm_norm|Flag|Whether normalise confusion matrix or not| |flag_TensorBoard|Flag|Whether save the Tensorboard data or not| """ ### [Note] # # Hyperparameters for each ML model are in "[F] ML models" section # ### ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ### Flags flag_delete_null = False # Label flag_label = "ML_Both_Arms" #flag_label = "Locomotion" # ML flag_CNN_1d = True flag_LSTM_Mto1 = True flag_CNN1D_LSTM = True flag_ConvLSTM = True flag_Ensemble = True flag_experiment = True flag_model_load = False flag_model_save = True flag_EarlyStopping = True flag_es_monitor = "val_loss" #flag_es_monitor = "val_accuracy" ### ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ### Pre-processing # Ratio of training dataset to be split ratio_train = 0.85 # Randam seed for reproducibility seed = 7 # scaling flag_scaling = "Std" # for Gaussian #flag_scaling = "Norm" # (0 - 1) # Sliding window window_size = 15 window_step = 8 flag_sw_label = "last" #flag_sw_label = "mode" # Data balancing flag_balance_under1 = False flag_balance_under2 = False flag_balance_under3 = False flag_balance_over1 = False flag_balance_over2 = False flag_balance_over3 = False ### ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ### Evaluation flag_data_dist = False flag_interpolate = True flag_plot_model = True flag_savefig = True flag_summary = True flag_cm_norm = True flag_TensorBoard = False ### ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ### Directories dir_log = 'log' dir_model = 'model' ### ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ### Names # models modelname_cnn_1d = 'CNN_1D' modelname_lstm_Mto1 = 'LSTM_Mto1' modelname_cnn1d_lstm = 'CNN1D_LSTM' modelname_convlstm = 'ConvLSTM' modelname_ensemble = 'Ensemble' modelname_lstm_Mto1_null = 'LSTM_Mto1_null' # Label list labels_Loco = ['(Null)', 'Stand', 'Walk', 'Sit', 'Lie'] labels_ML = ['(Null)', 'Open Door 1', 'Open Door 2', 'Close Door 1', 'Close Door 2', 'Open Fridge', 'Close Fridge', 'Open Dishwasher', 'Close Dishwasher', 'Open Drawer 1', 'Close Drawer 1', 'Open Drawer 2', 'Close Drawer 2', 'Open Drawer 3', 'Close Drawer 3', 'Clean Table', 'Drink from Cup', 'Toggle Switch'] ### ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- """# 2.Setup ## Import libraries """ # Pre-process import os import glob import numpy as np import random as rn import pandas as pd from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler, MinMaxScaler from tensorflow.keras.utils import to_categorical import collections # Evaluation from sklearn.metrics import f1_score, classification_report, confusion_matrix import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import time from datetime import datetime from numpy import mean, std from matplotlib import pyplot import seaborn as sns sns.set() # NNs from tensorflow.keras.models import load_model from tensorflow.keras.utils import plot_model from tensorflow.keras.callbacks import EarlyStopping, TensorBoard # CNN import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow import keras from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential, Model from tensorflow.keras.layers import Conv1D, MaxPool1D from tensorflow.keras.layers import Activation, Dropout, Flatten, Dense from tensorflow.keras.layers import Input, BatchNormalization from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam # LSTM from tensorflow.keras.layers import LSTM, TimeDistributed from tensorflow.keras import regularizers # ConvLSTM from tensorflow.keras.layers import ConvLSTM2D # Ensemble from tensorflow.keras.models import Model from tensorflow.keras.layers import Input, Concatenate # Set random seed (for reproducibility) # Hash seed os.environ["PYTHONHASHSEED"] = str(seed) # Built-in random rn.seed(seed) # Numpy.random np.random.seed(seed) # Tensorflow tf.random.set_seed(seed) """## [F] Pre-processing""" def read_files(files): for i, file in enumerate(files): print(f'[{i+1}] Reading file: {file}') d = pd.read_csv(file, header=None, sep=' ') # Truncate last residual records for sliding window mod = (len(d) - window_size) % window_step d = d[:len(d)-mod] # Count records with NaN d_nan = d.isnull().sum() # Convert NaN # Linear interpolation if flag_interpolate: d.interpolate(inplace=True) # Convert remaining NaNs into 0 if flag_interpolate: d.replace(np.nan, 0, inplace=True) if i == 0: dataset = d dataset_nan = d_nan else: dataset = pd.concat([dataset, d]) dataset_nan = dataset_nan + d_nan return dataset, dataset_nan # Adjust label values (0 to num_classes) def adjust_idx_labels(data_y): if flag_label == 'Locomotion': data_y[data_y == 4] = 3 data_y[data_y == 5] = 4 elif flag_label == 'ML_Both_Arms': data_y[data_y == 406516] = 1 data_y[data_y == 406517] = 2 data_y[data_y == 404516] = 3 data_y[data_y == 404517] = 4 data_y[data_y == 406520] = 5 data_y[data_y == 404520] = 6 data_y[data_y == 406505] = 7 data_y[data_y == 404505] = 8 data_y[data_y == 406519] = 9 data_y[data_y == 404519] = 10 data_y[data_y == 406511] = 11 data_y[data_y == 404511] = 12 data_y[data_y == 406508] = 13 data_y[data_y == 404508] = 14 data_y[data_y == 408512] = 15 data_y[data_y == 407521] = 16 data_y[data_y == 405506] = 17 return data_y def sliding_window(data, w_size, w_step): shape = np.array(data.shape) # Compute new shape & strides based on window size & step newshape = ((shape - w_size) // w_step) + 1 newshape = np.append(newshape, [w_size[0], data.shape[1]]) # Original strides * window step newstrides = np.array(data.strides) * w_step # For window size & features, set original strides newstrides = np.append(newstrides, data.strides) # Create a view for new shape & stride data_strided = as_strided(data, shape=newshape, strides=newstrides) # Flatten strided shape newshape_flatten = [i for i in newshape if i != 1] return data_strided.reshape(newshape_flatten) def opp_sliding_window(X, Y): X = sliding_window(X, (window_size, X.shape[1]), (window_step, 1)) Y = sliding_window(Y, (window_size, Y.shape[1]), (window_step, 1)) return X, Y """## [F] ML models""" # Train epochs = 100 batch_size = 100 repeats = 10 # EarlyStopping es_patience = 5 """### CNN""" # Layer cnn_padding ='same' cnn_activation = 'relu' cnn_units = 128 cnn_dropout = 0.5 cnn_pool_size = 2 ## 1D Conv cnn_1d_filters = 64 cnn_1d_kernel_size = 5 def build_model_cnn_1d(): model = Sequential(name=modelname_cnn_1d) # Conv layer 1 model.add(Conv1D( input_shape = cnn_1d_input_shape, filters = cnn_1d_filters, kernel_size = cnn_1d_kernel_size, padding = cnn_padding, activation = cnn_activation)) # Conv layer 2 model.add(Conv1D( filters = cnn_1d_filters, kernel_size = cnn_1d_kernel_size, padding = cnn_padding, activation = cnn_activation)) # Conv layer 3 model.add(Conv1D( filters = cnn_1d_filters, kernel_size = cnn_1d_kernel_size, padding = cnn_padding, activation = cnn_activation)) # Conv layer 4 model.add(Conv1D( filters = cnn_1d_filters, kernel_size = cnn_1d_kernel_size, padding = cnn_padding, activation = cnn_activation)) # Maxpool layer # model.add(MaxPool1D( # pool_size = cnn_pool_size)) model.add(Flatten()) # Dense layer 1 model.add(Dense( units = cnn_units, activation = 'relu')) # Dropout model.add(Dropout(cnn_dropout)) # Dense layer 2 model.add(Dense( units = cnn_units, activation = 'relu')) # Dropout model.add(Dropout(cnn_dropout)) # Output layer model.add(Dense( units = num_classes, activation = 'softmax')) model.compile( loss = 'categorical_crossentropy', optimizer = 'adam', metrics = ['accuracy']) return model """### LSTM""" # Layer lstm_units = 128 lstm_dropout = 0.5 lstm_weight_decay = 1e-4 # LSTM (Many-to-One, stateless) def build_model_lstm_Mto1(): model = Sequential(name=modelname_lstm_Mto1) # LSTM layer model.add(LSTM( input_shape = lstm_input_shape, units = lstm_units, # kernel_regularizer = regularizers.l2(lstm_weight_decay), return_sequences = False)) # final layer of LSTM (only final output) # Dropout model.add(Dropout(lstm_dropout)) # Dense layer model.add(Dense( units = lstm_units, activation = 'relu')) # Dropout model.add(Dropout(lstm_dropout)) # Output layer model.add(Dense( units = num_classes, activation = 'softmax')) model.compile( loss = 'categorical_crossentropy', optimizer = 'adam', metrics = ['accuracy']) return model """### CNN-LSTM""" # Data cnn_lstm_steps = 3 cnn_lstm_length = int(window_size / cnn_lstm_steps) # Layer cnn_lstm_padding = 'same' cnn_lstm_activation = 'relu' cnn_lstm_dropout = 0.5 cnn_lstm_pool_size = 2 ## CNN cnn_lstm_filters = 64 cnn1d_lstm_kernel_size = 3 # LSTM cnn_lstm_units = 128 def build_model_cnn1d_lstm(): model = Sequential(name=modelname_cnn1d_lstm) ## CNN (with TimeDistributed) # Conv layer 1 model.add(TimeDistributed(Conv1D( filters = cnn_lstm_filters, kernel_size = cnn1d_lstm_kernel_size, padding = cnn_lstm_padding, activation = cnn_lstm_activation), input_shape = cnn1d_lstm_input_shape)) # Conv layer 2 model.add(TimeDistributed(Conv1D( filters = cnn_lstm_filters, kernel_size = cnn1d_lstm_kernel_size, padding = cnn_lstm_padding, activation = cnn_lstm_activation))) # Conv layer 3 model.add(TimeDistributed(Conv1D( filters = cnn_lstm_filters, kernel_size = cnn1d_lstm_kernel_size, padding = cnn_lstm_padding, activation = cnn_lstm_activation))) # Conv layer 4 model.add(TimeDistributed(Conv1D( filters = cnn_lstm_filters, kernel_size = cnn1d_lstm_kernel_size, padding = cnn_lstm_padding, activation = cnn_lstm_activation))) # Dropout model.add(TimeDistributed(Dropout(cnn_lstm_dropout))) # Maxpool layer model.add(TimeDistributed(MaxPool1D( pool_size = cnn_lstm_pool_size))) model.add(TimeDistributed(Flatten())) ## LSTM # LSTM layer 1 model.add(LSTM( units = cnn_lstm_units, return_sequences = True)) # Dropout model.add(Dropout(cnn_lstm_dropout)) # LSTM layer 2 model.add(LSTM( units = cnn_lstm_units, return_sequences = False)) # Dropout model.add(Dropout(cnn_lstm_dropout)) # Output layer model.add(Dense( units = num_classes, activation = 'softmax')) model.compile( loss = 'categorical_crossentropy', optimizer = 'adam', metrics = ['accuracy']) return model """### ConvLSTM""" # Data convlstm_steps = 3 convlstm_length = int(window_size / convlstm_steps) # Layer convlstm_padding = 'same' convlstm_activation = 'relu' convlstm_dropout = 0.5 convlstm_pool_size = 2 ## CNN convlstm_filters = 64 convlstm_kernel_size = (1, 3) convlstm_units = 128 def build_model_convlstm(): model = Sequential(name=modelname_convlstm) # Conv LSTM layer 1 model.add(ConvLSTM2D( filters = convlstm_filters, kernel_size = convlstm_kernel_size, padding = convlstm_padding, activation = convlstm_activation, input_shape = convlstm_input_shape, return_sequences = True)) # return_sequences = False)) # final layer of LSTM (only final output) # Conv LSTM layer 2 model.add(ConvLSTM2D( filters = convlstm_filters, kernel_size = convlstm_kernel_size, padding = convlstm_padding, activation = convlstm_activation, return_sequences = True)) # Conv LSTM layer 3 model.add(ConvLSTM2D( filters = convlstm_filters, kernel_size = convlstm_kernel_size, padding = convlstm_padding, activation = convlstm_activation, return_sequences = True)) # Conv LSTM layer 4 model.add(ConvLSTM2D( filters = convlstm_filters, kernel_size = convlstm_kernel_size, padding = convlstm_padding, activation = convlstm_activation, return_sequences = False)) # Dropout model.add(Dropout(convlstm_dropout)) model.add(Flatten()) # Dense layer model.add(Dense( units = convlstm_units, activation = convlstm_activation)) # Output layer model.add(Dense( units = num_classes, activation = 'softmax')) model.compile( loss = 'categorical_crossentropy', optimizer = 'adam', metrics = ['accuracy']) return model """### Ensemble""" # Layer ensemble_units = 10 ensemble_activation = 'relu' def build_model_ensemble(inputs, outputs): ensemble_merge = Concatenate(axis=1)(outputs) # Dense layer ensemble_hidden = Dense( units = ensemble_units, activation = ensemble_activation)(ensemble_merge) # Output layer ensemble_output = Dense( units = num_classes, activation = 'softmax')(ensemble_hidden) model = Model( inputs = inputs, outputs = ensemble_output, name = modelname_ensemble) model.compile( loss = 'categorical_crossentropy', optimizer = 'adam', metrics = ['accuracy']) return model """## [F] Evaluation""" # Train and evaluate a model (once) def evaluate_model(model_name, X_train, y_train, X_val, y_val, X_test, y_test): # Build model if model_name == modelname_cnn_1d: model = build_model_cnn_1d() elif model_name == modelname_lstm_Mto1: model = build_model_lstm_Mto1() elif model_name == modelname_cnn1d_lstm: model = build_model_cnn1d_lstm() elif model_name == modelname_convlstm: model = build_model_convlstm() else: print("Error: specify correct model name") return -1 # Train history = x = X_train, y = y_train, batch_size = batch_size, epochs = epochs, verbose = 0, callbacks = [cb], validation_data = (X_val, y_val) ) num_epochs = len(history.history['loss']) ## Evaluate # Accuracy _, accuracy = model.evaluate(X_test, y_test, batch_size=batch_size, verbose=0) # F1 y_pred = model.predict(X_test) f1 = f1_score(y_test.argmax(axis=-1), y_pred.argmax(axis=-1), average='weighted') return accuracy, f1, num_epochs # Repeat experiment def run_experiment(model_name, X_train, X_val, X_test, y_train, y_val, y_test, repeats=10): print(f'Model: {model_name}') scores_acc = [] scores_f1 = [] scores_epoch = [] for r in range(repeats): acc, f1, epoch = evaluate_model(model_name, X_train, y_train, X_val, y_val, X_test, y_test) print(f'[#{r+1:>2d}] Accuracy: {acc:.3f}, F1 score(weighted): {f1:.3f}, epoch: {epoch}') scores_acc.append(acc) scores_f1.append(f1) scores_epoch.append(epoch) # Summarise mean and standard deviation print(f'Accuracy: {mean(scores_acc):.3f} (+/- {std(scores_acc):.3f})') print(f'F1 score(weighted): {mean(scores_f1):.3f} (+/- {std(scores_f1):.3f})') print(f'epoch: {mean(scores_epoch):.1f} (+/- {std(scores_epoch):.3f})') # Boxplot of scores metrics_list = ['Accuracy', 'F1 score'] all_scores = [] all_scores.append(scores_acc) all_scores.append(scores_f1) plt.boxplot(all_scores, labels=metrics_list) if flag_savefig: plt.savefig("boxplot_" + model_name + ".png") # Plot a histogram of each variable in the dataset def plot_variable_distributions(X, start=0, end=None, xlim=None): if end is None: end = X.shape[1]-1 print(X.shape) num_features = end - start +1 print(f'# of plots: {num_features} ({start} - {end})') plt.figure(figsize=(10, 2*num_features), tight_layout=True) xaxis = None for i, f in enumerate(range(start, end+1)): print(i) if xlim is None: ax = plt.subplot(num_features, 1, i+1, title='Feature: ' + str(f)) else: ax = plt.subplot(num_features, 1, i+1, sharex=xaxis, title='Feature: ' + str(f)) ax.set_xlim(xlim) if i == 0: xaxis = ax plt.hist(X[:, f], bins=100) # Plot graphs for loss and accuracy def plot_acc_graph(history): # Set figure size fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 6)) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.2) # Loss plt.subplot(1,2,1) plt.plot(history.history['loss'], label='Train', color='black') plt.plot(history.history['val_loss'], label='Val', color='red') #plt.ylim(0, 1) plt.legend() plt.grid(True) plt.xlabel('Epoch') plt.ylabel('Loss') # Accuracy plt.subplot(1,2,2) plt.plot(history.history['accuracy'], label='Train', color='black') plt.plot(history.history['val_accuracy'], label='Val', color='red') plt.ylim(0, 1) plt.legend() plt.grid(True) plt.xlabel('Epoch') plt.ylabel('Accuracy') if flag_savefig: plt.savefig("acc_graph_" + + ".png") # Print execution time def print_execution_time(time_start): time_elapsed = time.perf_counter() - time_start min, sec = divmod(time_elapsed, 60) hour, min = divmod(min, 60) print(f"Execution time: {hour:.0f} hour {min:.0f} min {sec:.0f} sec") """# 3.Pre-processing""" # For CSF3 (UoM) setting import platform system_name = platform.system() print('system_name: ' + system_name) if system_name == "Linux": flag_summary = False flag_cm_norm = False flag_plot_model = False """## Read files""" # dataset files (train & test) files_train = glob.glob('../data/train/*.dat') files_test = glob.glob('../data/test/*.dat') # Read datafiles (if not yet) if not 'R_dataset_train' in locals(): R_dataset_train, nan_train = read_files(files_train) R_dataset_test, nan_test = read_files(files_test) # Discard null action records if flag_delete_null: if flag_label == 'Locomotion': dataset_train = R_dataset_train[R_dataset_train.iloc[:, 243] != 0] dataset_test = R_dataset_test[R_dataset_test.iloc[:, 243] != 0] elif flag_label == 'ML_Both_Arms': dataset_train = R_dataset_train[R_dataset_train.iloc[:, 249] != 0] dataset_test = R_dataset_test[R_dataset_test.iloc[:, 249] != 0] else: dataset_train = R_dataset_train dataset_test = R_dataset_test # Balancing data 1 (After reading files) if flag_balance_under1: if flag_label == 'Locomotion': idx_label = 243 elif flag_label == 'ML_Both_Arms': idx_label = 249 min_train = dataset_train.iloc[:, idx_label].value_counts().min() dataset_train_np = dataset_train.to_numpy() for i in dataset_train.iloc[:, idx_label].unique(): dataset_train_np = np.delete(dataset_train_np, np.where(dataset_train_np[:, idx_label] == i)[0][min_train:], axis=0) dataset_train = pd.DataFrame(dataset_train_np) """## Divide X / Y (features and labels) """ ## Features (X) # Strip unnecessay columns # (following opportunity challenge specification) X_train = pd.concat([ dataset_train.iloc[:, 1:46], # (included:excluded) dataset_train.iloc[:, 50:59], dataset_train.iloc[:, 63:72], dataset_train.iloc[:, 76:85], dataset_train.iloc[:, 89:98], dataset_train.iloc[:, 102:134]], axis=1) X_test = pd.concat([ dataset_test.iloc[:, 1:46], dataset_test.iloc[:, 50:59], dataset_test.iloc[:, 63:72], dataset_test.iloc[:, 76:85], dataset_test.iloc[:, 89:98], dataset_test.iloc[:, 102:134]], axis=1) ## Labels (Y) # from last 7 columns if flag_label == 'Locomotion': y_train = dataset_train.iloc[:,243] y_test = dataset_test.iloc[:,243] elif flag_label == 'ML_Both_Arms': y_train = dataset_train.iloc[:,249] y_test = dataset_test.iloc[:,249] y_train = y_train.rename('Label') y_test = y_test.rename('Label') num_features = len(X_train.columns) # Input shape of NNs cnn_1d_input_shape = (window_size, num_features) lstm_input_shape = (window_size, num_features) cnn1d_lstm_input_shape = (None, cnn_lstm_length, num_features) convlstm_input_shape = (convlstm_steps, 1, convlstm_length, num_features) """## (Distributions)""" if flag_data_dist: plot_variable_distributions(X_train.to_numpy(), start=0, end=29) plot_variable_distributions(X_train.to_numpy(), start=30, end=59) plot_variable_distributions(X_train.to_numpy(), start=60, end=89) plot_variable_distributions(X_train.to_numpy(), start=90, end=112) """## Encode labels""" ## Encode label (one-hot) # Adjust label values for to_categorical() y_train = adjust_idx_labels(y_train) y_test = adjust_idx_labels(y_test) # Convert class vector (int) to one-hot vector y_train = to_categorical(y_train) y_test = to_categorical(y_test) y_train = pd.DataFrame(y_train) y_test = pd.DataFrame(y_test) """## Split train / val""" # Split into train and val (No shuffle) X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val = \ train_test_split(X_train, y_train, train_size=ratio_train, random_state=seed, shuffle=False) # Balancing data 2 (After splitting train, val, and test) if flag_balance_under2: min_train = y_train.value_counts().min() X_train = X_train.to_numpy() y_train = y_train.to_numpy() y_train_n = y_train.argmax(axis=-1) for i in range(len(np.unique(y_train_n))): X_train = np.delete(X_train, np.where(y_train_n == i)[0][min_train:], axis=0) y_train_n = np.delete(y_train_n, np.where(y_train_n == i)[0][min_train:], axis=0) y_train = to_categorical(y_train_n) X_train = pd.DataFrame(X_train) y_train = pd.DataFrame(y_train) # The number of classes num_classes = len(y_train.columns) # label list (for classification_report, confusion_matrix) if flag_label == 'Locomotion': labels_cr = labels_Loco labels_cm = labels_Loco elif flag_label == 'ML_Both_Arms': labels_cr = labels_ML labels_cm = labels_ML if flag_delete_null: labels_cr = np.delete(labels_cr, 0) # labels_cm = np.delete(labels_cm, 0) # confusion_matrix labels = np.arange(0, num_classes) """## Scaling """ if flag_scaling == "Norm": scaler = MinMaxScaler() elif flag_scaling == "Std": scaler = StandardScaler() # Fit the scaler on the training data (to avoid data leakage) # Scale (to numpy) X_train = scaler.transform(X_train) X_val = scaler.transform(X_val) X_test = scaler.transform(X_test) # Convert to numpy y_train = y_train.to_numpy() y_val = y_val.to_numpy() y_test = y_test.to_numpy() """## (Distributions)""" if flag_data_dist: plot_variable_distributions(X_train, start=0, end=29) plot_variable_distributions(X_train, start=30, end=59) plot_variable_distributions(X_train, start=60, end=89) plot_variable_distributions(X_train, start=90, end=112) """## Sliding window""" X_train_sw, y_train_sw = opp_sliding_window(X_train, y_train) X_val_sw, y_val_sw = opp_sliding_window(X_val, y_val) X_test_sw, y_test_sw = opp_sliding_window(X_test, y_test) if flag_sw_label == "last": # last class of each sliding window y_train_sw_label = np.asarray([[i[-1]] for i in y_train_sw]).reshape(-1, y_train_sw.shape[-1]) y_val_sw_label = np.asarray([[i[-1]] for i in y_val_sw]).reshape(-1, y_val_sw.shape[-1]) y_test_sw_label = np.asarray([[i[-1]] for i in y_test_sw]).reshape(-1, y_test_sw.shape[-1]) elif flag_sw_label == "mode": # mode in each sliding window y_train_sw_mode = np.asarray([collections.Counter(i.argmax(axis=-1)).most_common()[0][0] for i in y_train_sw]) y_train_sw_label = to_categorical(y_train_sw_mode) y_val_sw_mode = np.asarray([collections.Counter(i.argmax(axis=-1)).most_common()[0][0] for i in y_val_sw]) y_val_sw_label = to_categorical(y_val_sw_mode) y_test_sw_mode = np.asarray([collections.Counter(i.argmax(axis=-1)).most_common()[0][0] for i in y_test_sw]) y_test_sw_label = to_categorical(y_test_sw_mode) # For evaluation y_test_classes_sw_label = y_test_sw_label.argmax(axis=-1) # Blancing data 3 (After sliding window) if flag_balance_under3: y_train_sw_n = y_train_sw_label.argmax(axis=-1) min_train = pd.DataFrame(y_train_sw_label).value_counts().min() for i in range(num_classes): X_train_sw = np.delete(X_train_sw, np.where(y_train_sw_n == i)[0][min_train:], axis=0) y_train_sw_n = np.delete(y_train_sw_n, np.where(y_train_sw_n == i)[0][min_train:], axis=0) y_train_sw_label = to_categorical(y_train_sw_n) elif flag_balance_over3: y_train_sw_n = y_train_sw_label.argmax(axis=-1) max_train = pd.DataFrame(y_train_sw_n)[0].value_counts().max() num_labels = np.unique(y_train_sw_n).size X_train_sw_balanced = np.empty((num_labels * max_train, X_train_sw.shape[1], X_train_sw.shape[2])) y_train_sw_balanced = np.empty((num_labels * max_train, y_train_sw.shape[1], y_train_sw.shape[2])) y_train_sw_label_balanced = np.empty((num_labels * max_train, y_train_sw_label.shape[1])) X_train_sw_balanced[:X_train_sw.shape[0]] = X_train_sw y_train_sw_balanced[:y_train_sw.shape[0]] = y_train_sw y_train_sw_label_balanced[:y_train_sw_label.shape[0]] = y_train_sw_label l = X_train_sw.shape[0] for c in np.unique(y_train_sw_n): num = np.count_nonzero(y_train_sw_n == c) if max_train > num: num_diff = max_train - num idx_c = np.where(y_train_sw_n == c)[0] idx_add = np.random.choice(idx_c, num_diff, replace=True) for i in idx_add: X_train_sw_balanced[l] = X_train_sw[i] y_train_sw_balanced[l] = y_train_sw[i] y_train_sw_label_balanced[l] = y_train_sw_label[i] l += 1 X_train_sw = X_train_sw_balanced y_train_sw = y_train_sw_balanced y_train_sw_label = y_train_sw_label_balanced """## [Summary]""" if flag_summary: # The number of samples (train, val, test) num_samples = len(X_train) + len(X_val) + len(X_test) num_train = X_train.shape[0] num_val = X_val.shape[0] num_test = X_test.shape[0] num_classes_train = y_train.shape[-1] num_classes_val = y_val.shape[-1] num_classes_test = y_test.shape[-1] y_counts = pd.concat([np.flip(
import pandas as pd import pytest # Wawa on toy YSDA @pytest.fixture def toy_labels_result_zbs(): return pd.Series( ['no', 'yes', 'no', 'yes', 'no'], index=
pd.Index(['t1', 't2', 't3', 't4', 't5'], name='task')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import json import logging from typing import Tuple, List from docopt import docopt from munch import Munch import pandas as pd from wetterdienst import ( __version__, metadata_for_climate_observations, get_nearby_stations, ) from wetterdienst.additionals.geo_location import stations_to_geojson from wetterdienst.additionals.time_handling import mktimerange, parse_datetime from wetterdienst.additionals.util import normalize_options, setup_logging, read_list from wetterdienst.api import DWDStationRequest from wetterdienst.enumerations.column_names_enumeration import DWDMetaColumns from wetterdienst.enumerations.parameter_enumeration import Parameter from wetterdienst.enumerations.period_type_enumeration import PeriodType from wetterdienst.enumerations.time_resolution_enumeration import TimeResolution log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def run(): """ Usage: wetterdienst stations --parameter=<parameter> --resolution=<resolution> --period=<period> [--station=] [--latitude=] [--longitude=] [--count=] [--distance=] [--persist] [--format=<format>] # noqa:E501 wetterdienst readings --parameter=<parameter> --resolution=<resolution> --period=<period> --station=<station> [--persist] [--date=<date>] [--format=<format>] # noqa:E501 wetterdienst readings --parameter=<parameter> --resolution=<resolution> --period=<period> --latitude= --longitude= [--count=] [--distance=] [--persist] [--date=<date>] [--format=<format>] # noqa:E501 wetterdienst about [parameters] [resolutions] [periods] wetterdienst --version wetterdienst (-h | --help) Options: --parameter=<parameter> Parameter/variable, e.g. "kl", "air_temperature", "precipitation", etc. # noqa:E501 --resolution=<resolution> Dataset resolution: "annual", "monthly", "daily", "hourly", "minute_10", "minute_1" # noqa:E501 --period=<period> Dataset period: "historical", "recent", "now" --station=<station> Comma-separated list of station identifiers --latitude=<latitude> Latitude for filtering by geoposition. --longitude=<longitude> Longitude for filtering by geoposition. --count=<count> Number of nearby stations when filtering by geoposition. # noqa:E501 --distance=<distance> Maximum distance in km when filtering by geoposition. # noqa:E501 --persist Save and restore data to filesystem w/o going to the network # noqa:E501 --date=<date> Date for filtering data. Can be either a single date(time) or # noqa:E501 an ISO-8601 time interval, see # noqa:E501 --format=<format> Output format. [Default: json] --version Show version information --debug Enable debug messages -h --help Show this screen Examples requesting stations: # Get list of all stations for daily climate summary data in JSON format wetterdienst stations --parameter=kl --resolution=daily --period=recent # Get list of all stations in CSV format wetterdienst stations --parameter=kl --resolution=daily --period=recent --format=csv # noqa:E501 # Get list of specific stations wetterdienst stations --resolution=daily --parameter=kl --period=recent --station=1,1048,2667 # noqa:E501 # Get list of specific stations in GeoJSON format wetterdienst stations --resolution=daily --parameter=kl --period=recent --station=1,1048,2667 --format=geojson # noqa:E501 Examples requesting readings: # Get daily climate summary data for stations 44 and 1048 wetterdienst readings --station=44,1048 --parameter=kl --resolution=daily --period=recent # noqa:E501 # Optionally save/restore to/from disk in order to avoid asking upstream servers each time # noqa:E501 wetterdienst readings --station=44,1048 --parameter=kl --resolution=daily --period=recent --persist # noqa:E501 # Limit output to specific date wetterdienst readings --station=44,1048 --parameter=kl --resolution=daily --period=recent --date=2020-05-01 # noqa:E501 # Limit output to specified date range in ISO-8601 time interval format wetterdienst readings --station=44,1048 --parameter=kl --resolution=daily --period=recent --date=2020-05-01/2020-05-05 # noqa:E501 # The real power horse: Acquire data across historical+recent data sets wetterdienst readings --station=44,1048 --parameter=kl --resolution=daily --period=historical,recent --date=1969-01-01/2020-06-11 # noqa:E501 # Acquire monthly data for 2020-05 wetterdienst readings --station=44,1048 --parameter=kl --resolution=monthly --period=recent,historical --date=2020-05 # noqa:E501 # Acquire monthly data from 2017-01 to 2019-12 wetterdienst readings --station=44,1048 --parameter=kl --resolution=monthly --period=recent,historical --date=2017-01/2019-12 # noqa:E501 # Acquire annual data for 2019 wetterdienst readings --station=44,1048 --parameter=kl --resolution=annual --period=recent,historical --date=2019 # noqa:E501 # Acquire annual data from 2010 to 2020 wetterdienst readings --station=44,1048 --parameter=kl --resolution=annual --period=recent,historical --date=2010/2020 # noqa:E501 # Acquire hourly data wetterdienst readings --station=44,1048 --parameter=air_temperature --resolution=hourly --period=recent --date=2020-06-15T12 # noqa:E501 Examples using geospatial features: # Acquire stations and readings by geoposition, request specific number of nearby stations. # noqa:E501 wetterdienst stations --resolution=daily --parameter=kl --period=recent --lat=50.2 --lon=10.3 --count=10 # noqa:E501 wetterdienst readings --resolution=daily --parameter=kl --period=recent --lat=50.2 --lon=10.3 --count=10 --date=2020-06-30 # noqa:E501 # Acquire stations and readings by geoposition, request stations within specific radius. # noqa:E501 wetterdienst stations --resolution=daily --parameter=kl --period=recent --lat=50.2 --lon=10.3 --distance=20 # noqa:E501 wetterdienst readings --resolution=daily --parameter=kl --period=recent --lat=50.2 --lon=10.3 --distance=20 --date=2020-06-30 # noqa:E501 """ # Read command line options. options = normalize_options( docopt(run.__doc__, version=f"wetterdienst {__version__}") ) # Setup logging. debug = options.get("debug") log_level = logging.INFO if debug: log_level = logging.DEBUG setup_logging(log_level) if options.about: about(options) return if options.stations: df = metadata_for_climate_observations( parameter=options.parameter, time_resolution=options.resolution, period_type=options.period, ) if options.station: station_ids = read_list(options.station) df = df[df.STATION_ID.isin(station_ids)] elif options.latitude and options.longitude: nearby_stations, distances = get_nearby(options) df = df[df.STATION_ID.isin(nearby_stations)] if df.empty: log.error("No data available for given constraints") sys.exit(1) elif options.readings: if options.station: station_ids = read_list(options.station) elif options.latitude and options.longitude: nearby_stations, distances = get_nearby(options) station_ids = nearby_stations else: raise KeyError("Either --station or --lat, --lon required") request = DWDStationRequest( station_ids=station_ids, parameter=read_list(options.parameter), time_resolution=options.resolution, period_type=read_list(options.period), write_file=options.persist, prefer_local=options.persist, humanize_column_names=True, tidy_data=True, ) data = list(request.collect_data()) if not data: log.error("No data available for given constraints") sys.exit(1) df =
import pandas as pd import os import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import matplotlib.dates as mdates from pandas.plotting import register_matplotlib_converters register_matplotlib_converters() root = '/Users/Gabe/Downloads/thesis spreadies' # sg_1k_1k = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root,'we_depletions_sg_SWHC1000_INIDEP1000_timeseries.csv'), parse_dates=True) # sg_600_600 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root, 'we_depletions_sg_SWHC600_INIDEP600_timeseries.csv'), parse_dates=True) # sg_600_300 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root,'we_depletions_sg_SWHC600_INIDEP300_timeseries.csv'), parse_dates=True) # sg_600_150 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root, 'we_depletions_sg_SWHC600_INIDEP150_timeseries.csv'), parse_dates=True) # # sg_300_300 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root, 'we_depletions_sg_SWHC300_INIDEP300_timeseries.csv'), parse_dates=True) # sg_300_150 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root,'we_depletions_sg_SWHC300_INIDEP150_timeseries.csv'), parse_dates=True) # sg_300_0 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root, 'we_depletions_sg_SWHC300_INIDEP0_timeseries.csv'), parse_dates=True) # # sg_150_150 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root, 'we_depletions_sg_SWHC150_INIDEP150_timeseries.csv'), parse_dates=True) # sg_150_75 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root,'we_depletions_sg_SWHC150_INIDEP75_timeseries.csv'), parse_dates=True) # sg_150_0 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root, 'we_depletions_sg_SWHC150_INIDEP0_timeseries.csv'), parse_dates=True) # # print sg_1k_1k.head() # # vcm_600_600 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root,'we_depletions_vcm_SWHC600_INIDEP600_timeseries.csv'), parse_dates=True) # vcm_600_300 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root,'we_depletions_vcm_SWHC600_INIDEP300_timeseries.csv'), parse_dates=True) # vcm_600_150 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root,'we_depletions_vcm_SWHC600_INIDEP150_timeseries.csv'), parse_dates=True) # vcm_300_300 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root, 'ext_we_depletions_vcm_SWHC300_INIDEP300.csv'), parse_dates=True) # vcm_300_150 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root,'ext_we_depletions_vcm_SWHC300_INIDEP150.csv'), parse_dates=True) # vcm_300_0 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root, 'ext_we_depletions_vcm_SWHC300_INIDEP0.csv'), parse_dates=True) # plt.plot([1,2,3], [3, 5,7]) # vcm_600_600 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root, 'ext_we_depletions_vcm_SWHC600_INIDEP600.csv'), parse_dates=True) vcm_600_300 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root, 'ext_we_depletions_vcm_SWHC600_INIDEP300.csv'), parse_dates=True) vcm_600_000 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root, 'ext_we_depletions_vcm_SWHC600_INIDEP0.csv'), parse_dates=True) vcm_300_300 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root, 'ext_we_depletions_vcm_SWHC300_INIDEP300.csv'), parse_dates=True) vcm_300_150 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root, 'ext_we_depletions_vcm_SWHC300_INIDEP150.csv'), parse_dates=True) vcm_300_000 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root, 'ext_we_depletions_vcm_SWHC300_INIDEP0.csv'), parse_dates=True) sg_600_600 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root, 'ext_we_depletions_sg_SWHC600_INIDEP600.csv'), parse_dates=True) sg_600_300 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root, 'ext_we_depletions_sg_SWHC600_INIDEP300.csv'), parse_dates=True) sg_600_000 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root, 'ext_we_depletions_sg_SWHC600_INIDEP0.csv'), parse_dates=True) sg_300_300 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root, 'ext_we_depletions_sg_SWHC300_INIDEP300.csv'), parse_dates=True) sg_300_150 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root, 'ext_we_depletions_sg_SWHC300_INIDEP150.csv'), parse_dates=True) sg_300_000 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root, 'ext_we_depletions_sg_SWHC300_INIDEP0.csv'), parse_dates=True) sg_150_150 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root, 'ext_we_depletions_sg_SWHC150_INIDEP150.csv'), parse_dates=True) sg_150_075 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root,'ext_we_depletions_sg_SWHC150_INIDEP75.csv'), parse_dates=True) sg_150_000 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root, 'ext_we_depletions_sg_SWHC150_INIDEP0.csv'), parse_dates=True) sg_50_050 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root, 'ext_we_depletions_sg_SWHC50_INIDEP50.csv'), parse_dates=True) sg_50_025 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root,'ext_we_depletions_sg_SWHC50_INIDEP25.csv'), parse_dates=True) sg_50_000 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root, 'ext_we_depletions_sg_SWHC50_INIDEP0.csv'), parse_dates=True) vcm_150_150 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root, 'ext_we_depletions_sg_SWHC150_INIDEP150.csv'), parse_dates=True) vcm_150_075 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root,'ext_we_depletions_sg_SWHC150_INIDEP75.csv'), parse_dates=True) vcm_150_000 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root, 'ext_we_depletions_sg_SWHC150_INIDEP0.csv'), parse_dates=True) # # plt.plot([1,2,3], [3, 5,7]) # # # # vcm_600_600 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root,'we_depletions_vcm_SWHC600_INIDEP600_timeseries.csv'), parse_dates=True) # vcm_600_300 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root,'we_depletions_vcm_SWHC600_INIDEP300_timeseries.csv'), parse_dates=True) # vcm_600_150 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root,'we_depletions_vcm_SWHC600_INIDEP150_timeseries.csv'), parse_dates=True) # # vcm_300_300 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root, 'we_depletions_vcm_SWHC300_INIDEP300_timeseries.csv'), parse_dates=True) # vcm_300_150 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root,'we_depletions_vcm_SWHC300_INIDEP150_timeseries.csv'), parse_dates=True) # vcm_300_0 = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(root, 'we_depletions_vcm_SWHC300_INIDEP0_timeseries.csv'), parse_dates=True) # print(sg_600_600['date']) # # plt.plot(sg_600_150['date'], sg_600_150['depletion'], label='sg') # # plt.grid() # plt.legend() # # # plt.savefig(os.path.join(root, 'testfig.png')) years = mdates.YearLocator() months = mdates.MonthLocator() years_fmt = mdates.DateFormatter('%Y') ### ===== SG 50 ====== fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, sharey=False, sharex=True) ax1.plot(pd.to_datetime(sg_50_000['date']), sg_50_000['depletion'], color='r', label='swhc_50_inidep_000', linewidth=5) ax1.plot(pd.to_datetime(sg_50_025['date']), sg_50_025['depletion'], color='b', label='swhc_50_inidep_025', linewidth=3) ax1.plot(pd.to_datetime(sg_50_050['date']), sg_50_050['depletion'], color='g', label='swhc_50_inidep_050', linewidth=1) ax1.set_xlabel('Date') ax1.set_ylabel('Depletion (mm)') ax1.set_title('Depletion with Given SWHC and Initial Depletion - Sevilleta') ax1.legend() ax1.grid() ax2.plot(pd.to_datetime(sg_50_000['date']), sg_50_000['recharge_ro'], color='r', label='swhc_50_inidep_000', linewidth=3) ax2.plot(pd.to_datetime(sg_50_025['date']), sg_50_025['recharge_ro'], color='b', label='swhc_50_inidep_025', linewidth=2) ax2.plot(pd.to_datetime(sg_50_050['date']), sg_50_050['recharge_ro'], color='g', label='swhc_50_inidep_050', linewidth=1) ax2.set_xlabel('Date') ax2.set_ylabel('Recharge (mm)') ax2.legend() ax2.grid() ax2.set_title('Recharge with Given SWHC and Initial Depletion - Sevilleta') plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=1) ### ===== vcm 150 ====== fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=2, sharey=False, sharex=True) ax1.plot(pd.to_datetime(vcm_150_000['date']), vcm_150_000['depletion'], color='r', label='swhc_150_inidep_000', linewidth=5) ax1.plot(pd.to_datetime(vcm_150_075['date']), vcm_150_075['depletion'], color='b', label='swhc_150_inidep_075', linewidth=3) ax1.plot(pd.to_datetime(vcm_150_150['date']), vcm_150_150['depletion'], color='g', label='swhc_600_inidep_150', linewidth=1) ax1.set_title('Depletion with Given SWHC and Initial Depletion - <NAME>') ax1.grid() ax1.legend() ax2.plot(pd.to_datetime(vcm_150_000['date']), vcm_150_000['recharge_ro'], color='r', label='swhc_150_inidep_000', linewidth=5) ax2.plot(pd.to_datetime(vcm_150_075['date']), vcm_150_075['recharge_ro'], color='b', label='swhc_150_inidep_075', linewidth=3) ax2.plot(
# flask imports from datetime import datetime from eve.auth import requires_auth from eve.render import send_response from flask import request, abort, Blueprint, g, Response from flask import current_app as app # utils imports import numpy as np import pandas as pd from auth.authentication import EVETokenAuth edinet_methods = Blueprint('edinet_methods', __name__) """ EVE docs has been modified to add desired blueprints function to the "API DOC". To use it: 1. The method's name must start with "api_" 2. Docstring to the function with the json: { "doc": { "title": "title", "body": "body", }, #for each method i.e GET (optional, if not provided, default from the function signature will be used) "GET": { "label": "information of GET method", "params" [{"name": "first_param", "type": "type", "required":"false", "doc":"aditional_info", "**kwargs": "more_inofo"},..] } } """ @edinet_methods.route("/league_table_summarised/<leagueTableId>", methods=['GET']) @requires_auth(EVETokenAuth) def api_get_league_table_summarised(leagueTableId): """ { "doc": { "title": "league table summarised help", "body": "<p> Obtain the sumarized of the league table </p>" }, "GET": { "label": "Obtain the league_table sumarized", "params":[{"name": "leagueTableId", "type":"string", "required":"true", "doc":"id of the leage_table"}, {"name": "period", "type":"string", "required":"false", "info":"the period to sumarize", "values": ["D", "W", "M", "Y"]}, {"name": "type", "type":"list", "required":"false", "info":"the field to sumarize"}] } } """ companyId = g.get("auth_value") # params from url period = request.args.get('period', 'M') type = request.args.get('type', ['savings', 'smileys']) if not isinstance(type, list): type = type.split(',') # type=savings,smileys in the url periodsAllowed = ['D', 'W', 'M', 'Y'] # Weekly means Monday to Sunday period = period[0].upper() # recupero la info de mongo query = {'companyId': companyId, 'leagueTableId': leagueTableId} doc =['league_table'].find_one(query, {'_id': 0}, timeout=False) try: reporting_Units = doc['reporting_Units'] except: reporting_Units = [] # recupero la info de mongo de baseline i creo el resultat per cadascu res_report = {} for reportingUnit in reporting_Units: query_reporting = {'companyId': companyId, 'reportingUnitId': reportingUnit} doc_reporting =['reporting_units'].find_one(query_reporting, timeout=False) if doc_reporting: modelling_Units = doc_reporting['modelling_Units'] res_report[reportingUnit] = [] for modelUnit in modelling_Units: # update_baseline(companyId, modellingUnitId) # TO DO query_baseline = {'companyId': companyId, 'modellingUnitId': modelUnit} doc_baseline =['baselines'].find_one(query_baseline, {'prediction': 1, 'values': 1, 'smileys': 1, 'timestamps': 1}, timeout=False) if doc_baseline: res_parcial = {} # creo el dataframe df = pd.DataFrame.from_records( {'values': doc_baseline['values'], 'smileys': doc_baseline['smileys'], 'prediction': doc_baseline['prediction'], 'timestamps': doc_baseline['timestamps']}) df = df.set_index(pd.DatetimeIndex(df['timestamps'])) if df.empty != True and period in periodsAllowed: for typ in type: if typ in doc_baseline.keys() or typ == 'savings': if typ in ['savings', 'values', 'prediction']: df_grouped = df.groupby(pd.TimeGrouper(freq=period)).sum() else: df_grouped = df.groupby(pd.TimeGrouper(freq=period)).mean() if typ == 'savings': res_parcial[typ] = df_grouped['prediction'] - df_grouped['values'] else: res_parcial[typ] = df_grouped[typ] res_parcial[typ] = res_parcial[typ].where((
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Tue Mar 26 14:02:03 2019 @author: <NAME> """ import pandas as pd from pandas import ExcelWriter from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz from fuzzywuzzy import process def match2Lists(list1,list2): """ Loops over a list and returns fuzzy matches found in a second list. Inputs: list1 - list of terms to search for in the master list list2 - master list that is searched for matches over and over """ TopMatch = [] TopScore = [] TopRowIdx = [] for member in list1: x=process.extractOne(member, list2) TopMatch.append(x[0]) TopScore.append(x[1]) TopRowIdx.append(x[2]) return TopMatch, TopScore, TopRowIdx def createRUID_List(rowIdxList, headerStr): """ Loops over a series containing row indices and returns a list of RUID strings. Inputs: rowIdxList - collection of row index values headerStr - DataFrame header string value for column containing RUIDs Outputs: new list containing RUID strings """ RUID_List = [] for aRowIdx in rowIdxList: workingRUID=df[headerStr].iloc[aRowIdx] RUID_List.append(workingRUID) return RUID_List df = pd.read_excel("abcd_rucdr_master_forPython.xlsx") print ('Finished reading in input file.') #blackList=['NDAR_INV'] #for pattern in blackList: # df['pGUID_Rutgers'] = df['pGUID_Rutgers'].replace(pattern, '') #datasets Mismatch_DAIC_IDs = df.iloc[1949:2201,0].dropna() print (Mismatch_DAIC_IDs) Mismatch_Rutgers_IDs = df.iloc[1949:2201,1].dropna() print (Mismatch_Rutgers_IDs) Unique_DAIC_IDs = df.iloc[1403:1948,0].dropna() print (Unique_DAIC_IDs) Unique_Rutgers_IDs = df.iloc[0:1403,1].dropna() print (Unique_Rutgers_IDs) AllRutgersIDs = df['rucdr.SUBCODE'].dropna() AllDAIC_IDs = df['abcd.id_redcap'].dropna() print ('About to start first match2collections.') BestMatch_Mismatch_DtoR, BestScore_Mismatch_DtoR, BestRowIdx_Mismatch_DtoR = match2Lists(Mismatch_DAIC_IDs,AllRutgersIDs) print ('Just finished first match2collections.') print ('About to start second match2collections.') BestMatch_Mismatch_RtoD, BestScore__Mismatch_RtoD, BestRowIdx_Mismatch_RtoD = match2Lists(Mismatch_Rutgers_IDs, AllDAIC_IDs) print ('Just finished second match2collections.') print ('About to start third match2collections.') BestMatch_Unique_DtoR, BestScore_Unique_DtoR, BestRowIdx_Unique_DtoR = match2Lists(Unique_DAIC_IDs, AllRutgersIDs) print ('Just finished third match2collections.') print ('About to start fourth match2collections.') BestMatch_Unique_RtoD, BestScore_Unique_RtoD, BestRowIdx_Unique_RtoD = match2Lists(Unique_Rutgers_IDs, AllDAIC_IDs) print ('Just finished fourth match2collections.') df['BestMatchdf_Mismatch_DtoR']=pd.Series(BestMatch_Mismatch_DtoR) df['BestScoredf_Mismatch_DtoR']=pd.Series(BestScore_Mismatch_DtoR) df['BestRowIdxdf_Mismatch_DtoR']=pd.Series(BestRowIdx_Mismatch_DtoR) df['BestMatchdf_Mismatch_RtoD']=pd.Series(BestMatch_Mismatch_RtoD) df['BestScoredf_Mismatch_RtoD']=pd.Series(BestScore__Mismatch_RtoD) df['BestRowIdxdf_Mismatch_RtoD']=pd.Series(BestRowIdx_Mismatch_RtoD) df['BestMatchdf_Unique_DtoR']=
# coding=utf-8 # Author: <NAME> & <NAME> # Date: Jan 06, 2021 # # Description: Parse Epilepsy Foundation Forums and extract dictionary matches # import os import sys # #include_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, os.pardir, 'include')) include_path = '/nfs/nfs7/home/rionbr/myaura/include' sys.path.insert(0, include_path) # import pandas as pd pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 100) pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 500)
pd.set_option('display.width', 1000)
"""A module to store some results that are parsed from .txt files.""" import os from configparser import ConfigParser from types import SimpleNamespace import pandas as pd import numpy as np from skm_pyutils.py_table import list_to_df from dictances.bhattacharyya import bhattacharyya from .main import main as ctrl_main here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) def parse_cfg(name): """Parse the configs at configs/name.""" cfg_path = os.path.join(here, "..", "configs", name) cfg = ConfigParser() return cfg def df_from_dict(dict, cols): """Form a dataframe from a dictionary with cols, keys are considered an entry.""" vals = [] for k, v in dict.items(): vals.append([k, v]) df = pd.DataFrame(vals, columns=cols) return df def store_region_results(): np.random.seed(42) vals = [] names = [ "Tetrode CA3 CA1", "MOp to SSp-ll", "Figure 1 E", "Max distance 3", "Figure 1 A", ] mean_vals = [ 0.4248 / 5.0, 6.7371 / 79.0, 8.512 / 20.0, 8.86 / 25.0, 0.7340 / 3.0, ] stats_vals = [ 0.4117 / 5.0, 6.20478 / 79.0, 8.511 / 20.0, 9.27 / 25.0, 0.7346 / 3.0, ] for i in range(len(names)): vals.append([names[i], mean_vals[i], "Monte Carlo simulation"]) vals.append([names[i], stats_vals[i], "Statistical estimation"]) cols = ["Connectivity", "Expected proportion connected", "Calculation"] df =
pd.DataFrame(vals, columns=cols)
from aggregate.decennial_census.decennial_census_001020 import decennial_census_001020 from aggregate.aggregation_helpers import order_aggregated_columns import pandas as pd from internal_review.set_internal_review_file import set_internal_review_files from utils.PUMA_helpers import clean_PUMAs, puma_to_borough dcp_pop_races = ["anh", "bnh", "hsp", "onh", "wnh"] race_labels = ["", "_wnh", "_bnh", "_hsp", "_anh", "_onh"] pop_labels = ["Total Population", "White", "Black", "Hispanic", "Asian", "Other"] def nycha_tenants(geography: str, write_to_internal_review=False): assert geography in ["citywide", "borough", "puma"] clean_data = load_clean_nycha_data() census20 = decennial_census_001020( geography=geography, year="1519" ) # this is in fact pulling 2020 census but design has it mapped from 1519 to 2020 if geography == "puma": final = get_percentage(
pd.concat([census20, clean_data], axis=1)
""" Contains the machine learning code for Taxonomist Authors: <NAME> (1), <NAME> (1), <NAME> (1), <NAME> (2), <NAME> (2), <NAME> (1), <NAME> (1) Affiliations: (1) Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Boston University (2) Sandia National Laboratories This work has been partially funded by Sandia National Laboratories. Sandia National Laboratories is a multimission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC., a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International, Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under Contract DENA0003525. """ import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler from sklearn.multiclass import OneVsRestClassifier from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted def generate_features(timeseries, feature_tuples, trim=60): """ Generate features from timeseries Parameters ---------- timeseries : pd.DataFrame[time, metric] DataFrame of metrics over time. feature_tuples : Iterable[(feature_name, feature_function)] List of feature name strings and feature functions. trim : int The amount of time to trim from both ends to remove startup and finalization steps. Returns ------- features : Array[metric * feature_types] The calculated list of features. """ if trim != 0: timeseries = timeseries[trim:-trim] features = [] for col in timeseries.columns: for name, func in feature_tuples: features.append(pd.Series( name=name + '_' + col, data=func(timeseries[col]) )) return pd.concat(features, axis=1) class Taxonomist(OneVsRestClassifier): """ The main class implementing Taxonomist Parameters ---------- estimator : estimator object The main estimator that the classifier is going to use. n_jobs : int Number of parallel processes to use. threshold : float The confidence threshold. """ def __init__(self, estimator, n_jobs=1, threshold=0.9): self.threshold = threshold self.scaler = MinMaxScaler() super().__init__(estimator, n_jobs) def fit(self, X, y): norm_X = self.scaler.fit_transform(X) super().fit(norm_X, y) def decision_function(self, X): """ Reports the distance from the decision boundary for classifiers that support it. We need to override the `decision_function` from scikit-learn because we need a likelihood estimate for classifiers that only report `predict_proba`. After pull request [#10612]( is merged, we can use the normal `decision_function` from sklearn. """ check_is_fitted(self, 'estimators_') if len(X) == 0: return pd.DataFrame(data=[], index=X.index, columns=self.classes_) try: T = np.array([est.decision_function(X).ravel() for est in self.estimators_]).T except AttributeError: T = np.array([e.predict_proba(X)[:, 1] * 2 - 1 for e in self.estimators_]).T if len(self.estimators_) == 1: T = T.ravel() return
pd.DataFrame(data=T, columns=self.classes_, index=X.index)
# python3 # coding: utf-8 # import threading import openpyxl as px import pandas as pd from helper_Word import helper_Word from Docx_to_pdf import Docx_to_PDF from PDF_Combiner import Combine_PDF from shutil import copyfile import os # from collections import OrderedDict import time import json_helper # import Excel_to_Word_in_arbeit # from helper_Word import helper_Word as hw __version__ = "0.0.16" __author__ = "<NAME>" __repo__ = r"" __config_json__ = "config.json" __Anleitung__ = "SchoolReport Excel2Word2PDF.pdf" # rebuild_GUI = True rebuild_GUI = False # # ToDo: Add certificate # # Could not find a suitable TLS CA certificate bundle, invalid path # # used_Qt_Version = 0 try: from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMainWindow, QInputDialog, QMessageBox from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QWidget, QComboBox, QCheckBox, QLineEdit, QFileDialog, QTableWidgetItem from PyQt5.QtGui import QFont, QIcon, QPixmap from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QTableView, QAbstractItemView, QCompleter, QLineEdit, QHeaderView from PyQt5.QtCore import QAbstractTableModel, Qt used_Qt_Version = 5 except Exception as e: print(e) exit() pass def compile_GUI(): if used_Qt_Version == 4: print("Compile QUI for Qt Version: " + str(used_Qt_Version)) os.system("pyuic4 -o GUI\ GUI\Converter.ui") elif used_Qt_Version == 5: print("Compile QUI for Qt Version: " + str(used_Qt_Version)) os.system("pyuic5 -o GUI\ GUI\Converter.ui") if rebuild_GUI: compile_GUI() from GUI.Converter_ui import Ui_MainWindow import logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING) class PandasModel(QAbstractTableModel): """ Class to populate a table view with a pandas dataframe """ def __init__(self, data, parent=None): QAbstractTableModel.__init__(self, parent) self._data = data logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.debug("init Pandas Model") def rowCount(self, parent=None): return self._data.shape[0] def columnCount(self, parent=None): return self._data.shape[1] def data(self, index, role=Qt.DisplayRole): if index.isValid(): if role == Qt.DisplayRole: return str(self._data.iloc[index.row(), index.column()]) return None def headerData(self, col, orientation, role): if orientation == Qt.Horizontal and role == Qt.DisplayRole: return self._data.columns[col] return None class create_letter_of_reference(): def __init__(self): self.logger = logging.getLogger("SR_E2W2P.create_letter_of_reference")"init create_letter_of_reference") self.Array_CheckBox_Namen = None self.Text_Feld_Namen = None self.wb = None self.df = None self.srcFileName = "" self.destination_Folder = "" self.Excel_Filename = "" self.wichtige_meldung = "" def read_word_information_fields(self, srcFileName): self.srcFileName = srcFileName"read_word_information_fields") word_doc = helper_Word() word_doc.init_file(srcFileName, False)"get_all_fieldnames_from_word") word_doc.get_all_fieldnames_from_word()"find_arrays_and_text_field_names") word_doc.find_arrays_and_text_field_names()"find_arrays_and_text_field_names: done") self.Array_CheckBox_Namen = word_doc.Text_FieldArray_Row_Names self.Text_Feld_Namen = word_doc.Text_Field_Names"Array_CheckBox_Namen:")"Text_Feld_Namen:") try: word_doc.doc.Close()"Word Document Closed") except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e) return self.Array_CheckBox_Namen, self.Text_Feld_Namen def read_excel_file_to_pandas(self, Excel_Filename): self.logger.debug("read_excel_file_to_pandas") # print("Excel_Filename") self.Excel_Filename = Excel_Filename # print("self.Excel_Filename: ", self.Excel_Filename) self.wb = px.load_workbook(self.Excel_Filename, data_only=True)"loaded Excel File: {}".format(Excel_Filename))"Array_CheckBox_Namen\n{}".format(self.Array_CheckBox_Namen)) self.df = self.create_dataframe_for_InputFields(self.Array_CheckBox_Namen, self.Text_Feld_Namen) # print("self.df", self.df) self.df = self.remove_empty_data(self.df) self.logger.debug("self.df {}".format(self.df)) return self.df def get_values_By_range_name(self, range_name): value_array = [] self.logger.debug("check: {}".format(range_name)) try: address = list(self.wb.defined_names[range_name].destinations) # address for sheetname, cellAddress in address: cellAddress = cellAddress.replace('$', '') cellAddress worksheet = self.wb[sheetname] for i in range(0, len(worksheet[cellAddress])): for item in worksheet[cellAddress][i]: # print(item.value) value_array.append(item.value) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Error: Textfeld {} ist in Worddokument definiert,".format(range_name) + "kann aber nicht im Exceldokument gefunden werden.\n{}".format(e)) self.wichtige_meldung = ("Warnung: Textfeld {} ist in Worddokument definiert,".format(range_name) + "kann aber nicht im Exceldokument gefunden werden.\n{}\n".format(e) + "Vorlagen überprüfen!\nDie entsprechenden Daten werden nicht übertragen.\n") return value_array def create_folder_if_not_exist(self, folder): if not os.path.exists(folder): os.mkdir(folder) def ExtractFileName(self, mypath): name = mypath.split(os.path.sep) return name[len(name) - 1] def zahl_zu_bewertung(self, value): if str(value) == "1": return "sehr gut" if str(value) == "2": return "gut" if str(value) == "3": return "schlecht" if str(value) == "4": return "sehr schlecht" def Copy_word_file_and_write_data(self, df, targetname, df_index): # copy File and create target file object self.create_folder_if_not_exist(self.destination_Folder) FileName = self.srcFileName.replace(".docx", "_-_" + (df["Name"].iloc[df_index]).replace(" ", "_") + ".docx") FileName = self.ExtractFileName( self.srcFileName.replace(".docx", "_-_" + (df["Name"].iloc[df_index]).replace(" ", "_") + ".docx")) # dstFileName = srcFileName.replace(".docx", "_-_" + (df["Name"].iloc[df_index]).replace(" ", "_") + ".docx") dstFileName = self.destination_Folder + os.path.sep + FileName # print(srcFileName,"\n"+ dstFileName) copyfile(self.srcFileName, dstFileName) # wordFile.doc.Close() wordFile = helper_Word() wordFile.init_file(dstFileName, False) for ColumnName in df: # print(df["Name"].iloc[df_index], ":\t",ColumnName , "\t", df[ColumnName].iloc[df_index]) # ToDo: Call Input Function here SchülerName = df["Name"].iloc[df_index] ZellenNameOderArray = ColumnName Cellen_Oder_Array_Wert = df[ColumnName].iloc[df_index]"Name: {} \t {} \t {}".format(SchülerName, ColumnName, Cellen_Oder_Array_Wert)) # ToDo: Call Input Function here try: counter = 0 for TextElement in self.Text_Feld_Namen: # print(counter) # print(TextElement) counter += 1 outputText = df[TextElement].iloc[df_index] try: try:"int: TextElement {} {}".format(TextElement, int(outputText))) outputText = int(outputText) except Exception as e:"str: TextElement {} {}".format(TextElement, str(outputText))) outputText = str(outputText) # print(e, str(outputText), str(TextElement)) wordFile.set_WordField_Text(TextElement, str(outputText))"TextElement {} {}".format(TextElement, wordFile.get_WordField_Text(TextElement))) except Exception as e: self.logger.debug("{} {} {}".format(e, str(outputText), str(TextElement))) # print(e, str(outputText), str(TextElement)) counter = 0 for ArrayElement in self.Array_CheckBox_Namen: # print(counter) counter += 1 outputText = df[ArrayElement].iloc[df_index] ######################################################################### # Noten CheckBox und Text # korrigieren ######################################################################### SetCheckBox = False realerror = True error_message = "" try: outputText = int(outputText) self.logger.debug("int: ArrayElement {} {}".format(outputText, ArrayElement)) self.logger.debug(str(ArrayElement) + " = " + self.zahl_zu_bewertung(outputText)) realerror = False except Exception as e: try: outputText = str(outputText) self.logger.debug("str: ArrayElement {} {}".format(outputText, ArrayElement)) self.logger.debug(str(ArrayElement) + " = " + self.zahl_zu_bewertung(outputText)) realerror = False except Exception as e: realerror = True self.logger.debug("{} try of try outputText: {} {}".format(e, ArrayElement, outputText)) error_message = "{}: try of try outputText: {}, {}".format(e, ArrayElement, outputText) # print(e, ArrayElement, outputText) pass try: if not (outputText is None): CheckBox = ArrayElement + str(outputText - 1) SetCheckBox = True realerror = False else: self.logger.debug("Skip Checkbox: {} {}".format(outputText, ArrayElement)) pass except Exception as e: realerror = True self.logger.debug("tryexcept 2: {} {} {}".format(e, outputText, ArrayElement)) error_message = "warning: nichts in checkbox eingetragen {}, {}, {}".format(e, outputText, ArrayElement) SetCheckBox = False # print(CheckBox) if SetCheckBox: realerror = False wordFile.check_checkbox(CheckBox) # save & close target file here if realerror: self.logger.debug("Hinweis: {}".format(error_message)) except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Fehler hier: {}".format(e)) finally: try: wordFile.save_and_close() except Exception as e: print(e) return FileName def create_wordDocxs_from_dataframe(self, df): # print(df.head()) if True: start_time = time.time() file_name_list = [] for index in range(len(df)): # print(index) # #ToDo: Call Input Function here self.logger.debug(str(df["Name"].iloc[index])) file_name = self.Copy_word_file_and_write_data(df, df["Name"].iloc[index], index) file_name_list.append(file_name) if True:"Creation takes %.2f seconds" % (time.time() - start_time)) # print("create_wordDocxs_from_dataframe", file_name_list) return file_name_list def create_dataframe_for_InputFields(self, Array_CheckBox_Namen, Text_Feld_Namen): self.logger.debug("create_dataframe_for_InputFields") df =
import os import time import pickle import numpy as np import pandas as pd from scipy import stats from IPython.display import display # Base classes from sklearn.base import ClassifierMixin, TransformerMixin # Random search & splitting from sklearn.model_selection import RandomizedSearchCV, train_test_split # Classifiers from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.svm import SVC from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from sklearn.ensemble import BaggingClassifier from xgboost import XGBClassifier # Transformers from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler, StandardScaler from sklearn.preprocessing import FunctionTransformer # Metrics from sklearn.metrics import make_scorer, accuracy_score, f1_score, roc_auc_score # transformers from twitter_utils import twitter_feature_generation_transformer, twitter_feature_selection_transformer # custom scorer def afr(y_true, y_pred, **kwargs): """The afr scoring function gives a weighted average of accuracy, balanced F1 and roc_auc scores, with .2, .3 and .5 respectively. """ accuracy = accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred) f1 = f1_score(y_true, y_pred, average="weighted") roc_auc = roc_auc_score(y_true, y_pred, average="weighted") return (accuracy * .2) + (f1 * .3) + (roc_auc * .5) afr_scorer = make_scorer(afr, greater_is_better=True) = 'afr' def passthrough(df): return df.copy() passthrough_transformer = FunctionTransformer(passthrough) # Base class for pipeline class BinaryClassifierPipelineStep(TransformerMixin, ClassifierMixin): def __init__(self, context={}): self._context = context def set_context(self, context): self._context = context return self def get_fitted_classifiers(self): return self._context._clfs def get_best_classifier(self): return self._context._best def get_info(self): return self._context._info class DataSplitStep(BinaryClassifierPipelineStep): """ """ def __init__(self, training_size=.64, validation_size=.16, splitting=None): self._training = training_size self._validation = validation_size if callable(splitting): self._splitter = splitting else: self._splitter = train_test_split def transform(self, X, y): t_size = self._training if isinstance(self._training, int) else int(len(X)*self._training) X_tv, X_train, y_tv, y_train = self._splitter(X, y, test_size=t_size, random_state=42) # Split remaing data into training and validation t_size = self._validation if isinstance(self._validation, int) else int(len(X)*self._validation) X_val, X_test, y_val, y_test = self._splitter(X_tv, y_tv, test_size=t_size, random_state=42) return X_train, X_val, X_test, y_train, y_val, y_test class FeatureEngineeringStep(BinaryClassifierPipelineStep): """ """ def __init__(self, feature_generation=None, feature_selection=None, feature_scaling=None, context={}): self._context = context # Define the trasnformer to be used for feature generation if callable(getattr(feature_generation, "transform", None)): self._feature_generation = feature_generation else: self._feature_generation = twitter_feature_generation_transformer # Define the trasnformer to be used for feature selection if callable(getattr(feature_selection, "transform", None)): self._feature_selection = feature_selection else: self._feature_selection = twitter_feature_selection_transformer # The transformer used for feature scaling will be defined after the # pipeline context is set self._scaling = feature_scaling def _setup(self): # Define the transformer to be used for feature scaling self._context._scaling = self._scaling if self._scaling == 'min-max': self._context._scaler = MinMaxScaler() elif self._scaling == 'standard': self._context._scaler = StandardScaler() elif callable(getattr(self._scaling, "transform", None)): self._context._scaling = getattr(self._scaling, "name", type(self._scaling)) self._context._scaler = self._scaling else: self._context._scaling = 'none' self._context._scaler = passthrough_transformer def fit_transform(self, X): # Setup scaler on the pipeline context self._setup() # Run feature generation transform X_t = self._feature_generation.transform(X) # Run feature selection transform X_t = self._feature_selection.transform(X_t) # run feature scaling transform return self._context._scaler.fit_transform(X_t) def transform(self, X): X_t = self._feature_generation.transform(X) X_t = self._feature_selection.transform(X_t) return self._context._scaler.transform(X_t) class ModelTuningStep(BinaryClassifierPipelineStep): def __init__(self, scoring=None, n_iter=20): # Define number of iteractions for random search self._n_iter = n_iter # the scoring will be setup after context is set self._scoring = scoring # Setup must run after pipeline context is set def _setup(self): # Define the scoring function used in cross-validation self._context._scoring = self._scoring if self._scoring == 'roc_auc': self._context._scorer = make_scorer(roc_auc_score) elif self._scoring == 'f1': self._context._scorer = make_scorer(f1_score) elif self._scoring == 'accuracy': self._context._scorer = make_scorer(accuracy_score) elif callable(self._scoring): self._context._scoring = getattr(self._scoring, "name", type(self._scoring)) self._context._scorer = self._scoring else: self._context._scoring = 'roc_auc' self._context._scorer = make_scorer(roc_auc_score) # Define the classifier's hyper-parameters search space used in # the training and tuning step self._context._clfs = { 'knn': { 'name': 'K-Nearest Neighbors', 'base': KNeighborsClassifier(), 'param_distributions': { 'n_neighbors': [int(x) for x in np.linspace(2, 50, num=20)], 'weights': ['uniform', 'distance'], 'algorithm': ['auto', 'ball_tree', 'kd_tree', 'brute'] } }, 'log_reg': { 'name': 'Logistic Regression', 'base': LogisticRegression(random_state=42), 'param_distributions': { 'penalty': ['l1', 'l2', 'elasticnet'], 'fit_intercept': [True, False], 'max_iter': [int(x) for x in np.linspace(100, 1000, num=20)] } }, 'svm': { 'name': 'Support Vector Machines', 'base': SVC(random_state=42), 'param_distributions': { 'C': [round(x, 3) for x in np.linspace(0.1, 5, num=10)], 'kernel': ['linear', 'poly', 'rbf', 'sigmoid'], 'gamma': ['scale', 'auto'] } }, 'tree': { 'name': 'Decision Tree', 'base': DecisionTreeClassifier(random_state=42), 'param_distributions': { "max_depth": [int(x) for x in np.linspace(1, 12, num=5)], "max_features": [int(x) for x in np.linspace(1, 20, num=5)], "min_samples_leaf": [int(x) for x in np.linspace(1, 200, num=20)], "criterion": ["gini", "entropy"] } }, 'rf': { 'name': 'Random Forest', 'base': RandomForestClassifier(random_state=42), 'param_distributions': { 'n_estimators': [int(x) for x in np.linspace(start=100, stop=1500, num=10)], 'max_features': [.5, 'sqrt', 'log2'], 'max_depth': [None] + [int(x) for x in np.linspace(5, 50, num=10)], 'min_samples_split': [2, 5, 10], 'min_samples_leaf': [1, 2, 4], 'bootstrap': [True, False] } }, 'bagging': { 'name': 'Baggin', 'base': BaggingClassifier(random_state=42), 'param_distributions': { "n_estimators": [int(x) for x in np.linspace(start=100, stop=1500, num=10)], "max_samples": np.arange(start=0.1, stop=1.0, step=0.1) } }, 'xgboost': { 'name': 'XGBoost', 'base': XGBClassifier(random_state=42, objective='binary:logistic'), 'param_distributions': { 'n_estimators': stats.randint(150, 1000), 'learning_rate': stats.uniform(0.01, 0.6), 'max_depth': [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] } } } return self def fit(self, X_training, y_training): # setup context objects self._setup() self._context._X_training = X_training self._context._y_training = y_training for clf in self._context._clfs: # Load a previously fitted model if self._context._save and os.path.isfile(f'output/models/{self._context._name}/{clf}.model'): self._context._clfs[clf]['sclf'] = pickle.load(open(f'output/models/{self._context._name}/{clf}.model', 'rb')) # or fit the model and save it for future use else: t = time.process_time() sclf = RandomizedSearchCV( self._context._clfs[clf]['base'], self._context._clfs[clf]['param_distributions'], random_state=42, n_iter=self._n_iter, cv=None,#self._cv, scoring=self._context._scorer, n_jobs=-1 ).fit(X_training, y_training) sclf.run_time = time.process_time() - t if self._context._save: if not os.path.exists(f'output/models/{self._context._name}'): os.makedirs(f'output/models/{self._context._name}') pickle.dump(sclf, open(f'output/models/{self._context._name}/{clf}.model', 'wb')) self._context._clfs[clf]['sclf'] = sclf return self class ModelSelectionStep(BinaryClassifierPipelineStep): def __init__(self, scoring=None): self._scoring_p = scoring def _setup(self): # Define the scoring function used in cross-validation and model selection self._scoring = self._scoring_p if self._scoring_p == 'roc_auc': self._scorer = make_scorer(roc_auc_score) elif self._scoring_p == 'f1': self._scorer = make_scorer(f1_score) elif self._scoring_p == 'accuracy': self._scorer = make_scorer(accuracy_score) elif callable(self._scoring_p): self._scoring = getattr(self._scoring_p, "name", type(self._scoring_p)) self._scorer = self._scoring_p else: self._scoring = self._context._scoring self._scorer = self._context._scorer def fit(self, X_valid, y_valid): # setup scorer, after context is set self._setup() info =
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # EDA and Modeling Employee Attrition # In[ ]: # make sure we have the latest seaborb package print() # In[ ]: # should be version 11 import seaborn as sns sns.__version__ # In[ ]: import numpy as np # linear algebra import pandas as pd # data processing, CSV file I/O (e.g. pd.read_csv) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import os for dirname, _, filenames in os.walk("../../../input/patelprashant_employee-attrition"): for filename in filenames: print(os.path.join(dirname, filename)) # In[ ]: df =
""" PTC --- Data handling for turn-by-turn measurement files from the ``PTC`` code, which can be obtained by performing particle tracking of your machine through the ``MAD-X PTC`` interface. The files are very close in structure to **TFS** files, with the difference that the data part is split into "segments" relating containing data for a given observation point. """ import copy import logging from collections import namedtuple from datetime import datetime from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Dict, List, Sequence, Tuple, Union import numpy as np import pandas as pd from dateutil import tz from turn_by_turn.constants import ( COLPARTICLE, COLTURN, COLX, COLY, DATE, HEADER, NAMES, PLANES, SEGMENT_MARKER, SEGMENTS, TIME, TIME_FORMAT, TYPES, ) from turn_by_turn.errors import PTCFormatError from turn_by_turn.structures import TbtData, TransverseData LOGGER = logging.getLogger() Segment = namedtuple("Segment", ["number", "turns", "particles", "element", "name"]) def read_tbt(file_path: Union[str, Path]) -> TbtData: """ Reads turn-by-turn data from the ``PTC`` **trackone** format file. Args: file_path (Union[str, Path]): path to the turn-by-turn measurement file. Returns: A ``TbTData`` object with the loaded data. """ file_path = Path(file_path) LOGGER.debug(f"Reading PTC trackone file at path: '{file_path.absolute()}'") lines: List[str] = file_path.read_text().splitlines() LOGGER.debug("Reading header from file") date, header_length = _read_header(lines) lines = lines[header_length:] # parameters bpms, particles, column_indices, n_turns, n_particles = _read_from_first_turn(lines) # read into dict first for speed then convert to DFs matrices = [{p: {bpm: np.zeros(n_turns) for bpm in bpms} for p in PLANES} for _ in range(n_particles)] matrices = _read_data(lines, matrices, column_indices) for bunch in range(n_particles): matrices[bunch] = TransverseData( X=
import logging import random import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import torch import torch.nn as nn from torch.nn import functional as F from tqdm import tqdm from beam_search import beam_decode logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def set_seed(seed): random.seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) torch.manual_seed(seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed) def top_k_logits(logits, k): v, ix = torch.topk(logits, k) out = logits.clone() out[out < v[:, [-1]]] = -float('inf') return out def convert_weights(model: nn.Module): """Convert applicable model parameters to fp16""" def _convert_weights_to_fp16(l): if isinstance(l, (nn.Conv1d, nn.Conv2d, nn.Linear)): = if l.bias is not None: = if isinstance(l, nn.MultiheadAttention): for attr in [*[f"{s}_proj_weight" for s in ["in", "q", "k", "v"]], "in_proj_bias", "bias_k", "bias_v"]: tensor = getattr(l, attr) if tensor is not None: = for name in ["text_projection", "proj"]: if hasattr(l, name): attr = getattr(l, name) if attr is not None: = model.apply(_convert_weights_to_fp16) def get_model_attr(mconf, tconf): n_head = mconf.n_head n_block = mconf.n_layer nembd = mconf.n_embd data = tconf.dataset[-20:-4] model_attr = f"Head:{n_head}_Block{n_block}_nembd:{nembd}_data:{data}" return model_attr def set_plot_params(): ## fonts plt.rcParams[''] = 'serif' plt.rcParams['font.serif'] = 'Ubuntu' plt.rcParams['font.monospace'] = 'Ubuntu mono' plt.rcParams['axes.labelweight'] = 'bold' # # font sizes # plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 16 # plt.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 12 # plt.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 10 # plt.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 10 # plt.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 14 # plt.rcParams['figure.titlesize'] = 16 ## colors plt.rcParams['text.color'] = 'white' plt.rcParams['axes.labelcolor'] = 'white' plt.rcParams['xtick.color'] = 'white' plt.rcParams['ytick.color'] = 'white' plt.rcParams["figure.facecolor"] = '202020' plt.rcParams['axes.facecolor']= '202020' plt.rcParams['savefig.facecolor']= '202020' def set_plot_white(): # Set the global font to be DejaVu Sans, size 10 (or any other sans-serif font of your choice!) plt.rc('font',**{'family':'sans-serif','sans-serif':['DejaVu Sans'],'size':10}) # Set the font used for MathJax - more on this later plt.rc('mathtext',**{'default':'regular'}) plt.rcParams['text.color'] = 'black' plt.rcParams['axes.labelcolor'] = 'black' plt.rcParams['xtick.color'] = 'black' plt.rcParams['ytick.color'] = 'black' plt.rcParams["figure.facecolor"] = 'white' plt.rcParams['axes.facecolor']= 'white' plt.rcParams['savefig.facecolor']= 'white' def set_plot_black(): plt.rcParams['text.color'] = 'white' plt.rcParams['axes.labelcolor'] = 'white' plt.rcParams['xtick.color'] = 'white' plt.rcParams['ytick.color'] = 'white' plt.rcParams["figure.facecolor"] = '202020' plt.rcParams['axes.facecolor']= '202020' plt.rcParams['savefig.facecolor']= '202020' def plot_losses(trainer): plt.figure(figsize=(20,5)) # plotting train losses plt.subplot(1,2,1) plt.title('%s training losses' % str(trainer)[1:8]) for i, losses in enumerate(trainer.train_losses): plt.plot(losses, label=i) plt.legend(title="epoch") # plotting testing losses plt.subplot(1,2,2) plt.title('%s testing losses' % str(trainer)[1:8]) for i, losses in enumerate(trainer.test_losses): plt.plot(losses, label=i) plt.legend(title="epoch") def plot_losses_wattr(trainer, model_attr): plt.figure(figsize=(20,5)) # plotting train losses plt.subplot(1,2,1) plt.title('%s training losses' % model_attr) for i, losses in enumerate(trainer.train_losses): plt.plot(losses, label=i) plt.legend(title="epoch") # plotting testing losses plt.subplot(1,2,2) plt.title('%s testing losses' % model_attr) for i, losses in enumerate(trainer.test_losses): plt.plot(losses, label=i) plt.legend(title="epoch") def print_full(df, length=None): length = len(df) if length is None else len(df) print(length) pd.set_option('display.max_rows', length) torch.set_printoptions(threshold=1e3) print(df) pd.reset_option('display.max_rows') torch.set_printoptions(threshold=1e3) # results = predict_raster_recursive_time_auto(model, loader, window, stoi, itos_dt, sample=True, top_p=0.95, top_p_t=0.95, frame_end=0, get_dt=True, gpu=False) def process_predictions(results, stoi, window): pred_keys = ['ID', 'dt', 'Trial', 'Interval'] predicted_dict = {k: results[k] for k in results if k in pred_keys} df_pred =
# Copyright 2020 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import math from random import shuffle from pathlib import Path from functools import partial from typing import Any, Dict, List import numpy from pandas import DataFrame, Series, read_csv, concat from lib.cast import safe_int_cast from lib.concurrent import thread_map from lib.data_source import DataSource from import download_snapshot from lib.utils import URL_OUTPUTS_PROD, combine_tables _COLUMN_MAPPING = { "DATE": "date", "STATION": "noaa_station", "TMIN": "minimum_temperature", "TMAX": "maximum_temperature", "PRCP": "rainfall", "SNOW": "snowfall", } _OUTPUT_COLUMNS = [ "date", "key", "noaa_station", "noaa_distance", "minimum_temperature", "maximum_temperature", "rainfall", "snowfall", ] _DISTANCE_THRESHOLD = 300 _INVENTORY_URL = "" _STATION_URL_TPL = "{}.csv" # _INVENTORY_URL = "" # _STATION_URL_TPL = ( # "{}.csv" # ) class NoaaGhcnDataSource(DataSource): # A bit of a circular dependency but we need the latitude and longitude to compute weather def fetch( self, output_folder: Path, cache: Dict[str, str], fetch_opts: List[Dict[str, Any]] ) -> Dict[str, str]: geo_url = f"{URL_OUTPUTS_PROD}/geography.csv" download_opts = (fetch_opts or [{}])[0].get("opts", {}) return {0: download_snapshot(geo_url, output_folder, **download_opts)} @staticmethod def haversine_distance( stations: DataFrame, lat: float, lon: float, radius: float = 6373.0 ) -> Series: """ Compute the distance between two <latitude, longitude> pairs in kilometers """ # Compute the pairwise deltas lat_diff = - lat lon_diff = stations.lon - lon # Apply Haversine formula a = numpy.sin(lat_diff / 2) ** 2 a += math.cos(lat) * numpy.cos( * numpy.sin(lon_diff / 2) ** 2 c = numpy.arctan2(numpy.sqrt(a), numpy.sqrt(1 - a)) * 2 return radius * c @staticmethod def fix_temp(value: int): value = safe_int_cast(value) return None if value is None else "%.1f" % (value / 10.0) @staticmethod def station_records(station_cache: Dict[str, DataFrame], stations: DataFrame, location: Series): nearest = stations.copy() nearest["key"] = location.key # Get the nearest stations from our list of stations given lat and lon nearest["distance"] = NoaaGhcnDataSource.haversine_distance( nearest,, location.lon ) # Filter out the 10 nearest stations nearest = nearest[nearest.distance < _DISTANCE_THRESHOLD].sort_values("distance").iloc[:20] # Early exit: no stations found within distance threshold if len(nearest) == 0: return DataFrame(columns=_OUTPUT_COLUMNS) # Query the cache and pull data only if not already cached for station_id in filter(lambda x: x not in station_cache, # Read the records from the nearest station # Use our mirror since NOAA's website is very flaky station_url = _STATION_URL_TPL.format(station_id) data = read_csv(station_url, usecols=lambda column: column in _COLUMN_MAPPING.keys()) data = data.rename(columns=_COLUMN_MAPPING) # Convert temperature to correct values data["minimum_temperature"] = data["minimum_temperature"].apply( NoaaGhcnDataSource.fix_temp ) data["maximum_temperature"] = data["maximum_temperature"].apply( NoaaGhcnDataSource.fix_temp ) # Get only data for 2020 and add location values data = data[ > "2019-12-31"] # Save into the cache station_cache[station_id] = data # Get station records from the cache nearest = nearest.rename(columns={"id": "noaa_station", "distance": "noaa_distance"}) station_tables = [station_cache[station_id] for station_id in nearest.noaa_station.values] station_tables = [table.merge(nearest) for table in station_tables] data = combine_tables(reversed(station_tables), ["date", "key"]) # Return all the available data from the records return data[[col for col in _OUTPUT_COLUMNS if col in data.columns]] def parse_dataframes( self, dataframes: List[DataFrame], aux: Dict[str, DataFrame], **parse_opts ): # Get all the weather stations with data up until 2020 stations = read_csv( _INVENTORY_URL, sep=r"\s+", names=("id", "lat", "lon", "measurement", "year_start", "year_end"), ) stations = stations[stations.year_end == 2020][["id", "lat", "lon", "measurement"]] # Filter stations that at least provide max and min temps measurements = ["TMIN", "TMAX"] stations = stations.groupby(["id", "lat", "lon"]).agg(lambda x: "|".join(x)) stations = stations[stations.measurement.apply(lambda x: all(m in x for m in measurements))] stations = stations.reset_index() # Get all the POI from metadata and go through each key keep_columns = ["key", "latitude", "longitude"] metadata = dataframes[0][keep_columns].dropna() # Only use keys present in the metadata table metadata = metadata.merge(aux["metadata"])[keep_columns] # Convert all coordinates to radians stations["lat"] = stations["lon"] = stations.lon.apply(math.radians) metadata["lat"] = metadata.latitude.apply(math.radians) metadata["lon"] = metadata.longitude.apply(math.radians) # Use a cache to avoid having to query the same station multiple times station_cache: Dict[str, DataFrame] = {} # Make sure the stations and the cache are sent to each function call map_func = partial(NoaaGhcnDataSource.station_records, station_cache, stations) # We don't care about the index while iterating over each metadata item map_iter = [record for _, record in metadata.iterrows()] # Shuffle the iterables to try to make better use of the caching shuffle(map_iter) # Bottleneck is network so we can use lots of threads in parallel records = thread_map(map_func, map_iter, total=len(metadata)) return
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ This module contains the ReadSets class that is in charge of reading the sets files, reshaping them to be used in the build class, creating and reading the parameter files and checking the errors in the definition of the sets and parameters """ import itertools as it from openpyxl import load_workbook import pandas as pd from hypatia.error_log.Checks import ( check_nan, check_index, check_index_data, check_table_name, check_mapping_values, check_mapping_ctgry, check_sheet_name, check_tech_category, check_carrier_type, check_years_mode_consistency, ) from hypatia.error_log.Exceptions import WrongInputMode import numpy as np from hypatia.utility.constants import ( global_set_ids, regional_set_ids, technology_categories, carrier_types, ) from hypatia.utility.constants import take_trade_ids, take_ids, take_global_ids MODES = ["Planning", "Operation"] class ReadSets: """ Class that reads the sets of the model, creates the parameter files with default values and reads the filled parameter files Attributes ------------ mode: The mode of optimization including the operation and planning mode path: The path of the set files given by the user glob_mapping : dict A dictionary of the global set tables given by the user in the global.xlsx file mapping : dict A dictionary of the regional set tables given by the user in the regional set files connection_sheet_ids: dict A nested dictionary that defines the sheet names of the parameter file of the inter-regional links with their default values, indices and columns global_sheet_ids : dict A nested dictionary that defines the sheet names of the global parameter file with their default values, indices and columns regional_sheets_ids : dict A nested dictionary that defines the sheet names of the regional parameter files with their default values, indices and columns trade_data : dict A nested dictionary for storing the inter-regional link data global_data : dict A nested dictionary for storing the global data data : dict A nested dictionary for storing the regional data """ def __init__(self, path, mode="Planning"): self.mode = mode self.path = path self._init_by_xlsx() def _init_by_xlsx(self,): """ Reads and organizes the global and regional sets """ glob_mapping = {} wb_glob = load_workbook(r"{}/global.xlsx".format(self.path)) sets_glob = wb_glob["Sets"] set_glob_category = {key: value for key, value in sets_glob.tables.items()} for entry, data_boundary in sets_glob.tables.items(): data_glob = sets_glob[data_boundary] content = [[cell.value for cell in ent] for ent in data_glob] header = content[0] rest = content[1:] df = pd.DataFrame(rest, columns=header) glob_mapping[entry] = df self.glob_mapping = glob_mapping check_years_mode_consistency( mode=self.mode, main_years=list(self.glob_mapping["Years"]["Year"]) ) for key, value in self.glob_mapping.items(): check_table_name( file_name="global", allowed_names=list(global_set_ids.keys()), table_name=key, ) check_index(value.columns, key, "global", pd.Index(global_set_ids[key])) check_nan(key, value, "global") if key == "Technologies": check_tech_category(value, technology_categories, "global") if key == "Carriers": check_carrier_type(value, carrier_types, "global") self.regions = list(self.glob_mapping["Regions"]["Region"]) self.main_years = list(self.glob_mapping["Years"]["Year"]) if "Timesteps" in self.glob_mapping.keys(): self.time_steps = list(self.glob_mapping["Timesteps"]["Timeslice"]) self.timeslice_fraction = self.glob_mapping["Timesteps"][ "Timeslice_fraction" ].values else: self.time_steps = ["Annual"] self.timeslice_fraction = np.ones((1, 1)) # possible connections among the regions if len(self.regions) > 1: lines_obj = it.permutations(self.regions, r=2) self.lines_list = [] for item in lines_obj: if item[0] < item[1]: self.lines_list.append("{}-{}".format(item[0], item[1])) mapping = {} for reg in self.regions: wb = load_workbook(r"{}/{}.xlsx".format(self.path, reg)) sets = wb["Sets"] self._setbase_reg = [ "Technologies", "Carriers", "Carrier_input", "Carrier_output", ] set_category = {key: value for key, value in sets.tables.items()} reg_mapping = {} for entry, data_boundary in sets.tables.items(): data = sets[data_boundary] content = [[cell.value for cell in ent] for ent in data] header = content[0] rest = content[1:] df = pd.DataFrame(rest, columns=header) reg_mapping[entry] = df mapping[reg] = reg_mapping for key, value in mapping[reg].items(): check_table_name( file_name=reg, allowed_names=list(regional_set_ids.keys()), table_name=key, ) check_index(value.columns, key, reg, pd.Index(regional_set_ids[key])) check_nan(key, value, reg) if key == "Technologies": check_tech_category(value, technology_categories, reg) if key == "Carriers": check_carrier_type(value, carrier_types, reg) if key == "Carrier_input" or key == "Carrier_output": check_mapping_values( value, key, mapping[reg]["Technologies"], "Technologies", "Technology", "Technology", reg, ) check_mapping_values( mapping[reg]["Carrier_input"], "Carrier_input", mapping[reg]["Carriers"], "Carriers", "Carrier_in", "Carrier", reg, ) check_mapping_values( mapping[reg]["Carrier_output"], "Carrier_output", mapping[reg]["Carriers"], "Carriers", "Carrier_out", "Carrier", reg, ) check_mapping_ctgry( mapping[reg]["Carrier_input"], "Carrier_input", mapping[reg]["Technologies"], "Supply", reg, ) check_mapping_ctgry( mapping[reg]["Carrier_output"], "Carrier_output", mapping[reg]["Technologies"], "Demand", reg, ) self.mapping = mapping Technologies = {} for reg in self.regions: regional_tech = {} for key in list(self.mapping[reg]["Technologies"]["Tech_category"]): regional_tech[key] = list( self.mapping[reg]["Technologies"].loc[ self.mapping[reg]["Technologies"]["Tech_category"] == key ]["Technology"] ) Technologies[reg] = regional_tech self.Technologies = Technologies self._create_input_data() def _create_input_data(self): """ Defines the sheets, indices and columns of the parameter files """ if len(self.regions) > 1: # Create the columns of inter-regional links as a multi-index of the # pairs of regions and the transmitted carriers indexer = pd.MultiIndex.from_product( [self.lines_list, self.glob_mapping["Carriers_glob"]["Carrier"]], names=["Line", "Transmitted Carrier"], ) self.connection_sheet_ids = { "F_OM": { "value": 0, "index": pd.Index(self.main_years, name="Years"), "columns": indexer, }, "V_OM": { "value": 0, "index": pd.Index(self.main_years, name="Years"), "columns": indexer, }, "Residual_capacity": { "value": 0, "index": pd.Index(self.main_years, name="Years"), "columns": indexer, }, "Capacity_factor_line": { "value": 1, "index": pd.Index(self.main_years, name="Years"), "columns": indexer, }, "Line_efficiency": { "value": 1, "index": pd.Index(self.main_years, name="Years"), "columns": indexer, }, "AnnualProd_perunit_capacity": { "value": 1, "index": pd.Index( ["AnnualProd_Per_UnitCapacity"], name="Performance Parameter" ), "columns": indexer, }, } self.global_sheet_ids = { "Max_production_global": { "value": 1e30, "index": pd.Index(self.main_years, name="Years"), "columns": self.glob_mapping["Technologies_glob"].loc[ ( self.glob_mapping["Technologies_glob"]["Tech_category"] != "Demand" ) & ( self.glob_mapping["Technologies_glob"]["Tech_category"] != "Storage" ) ]["Technology"], }, "Min_production_global": { "value": 0, "index": pd.Index(self.main_years, name="Years"), "columns": self.glob_mapping["Technologies_glob"].loc[ ( self.glob_mapping["Technologies_glob"]["Tech_category"] != "Demand" ) & ( self.glob_mapping["Technologies_glob"]["Tech_category"] != "Storage" ) ]["Technology"], }, "Glob_emission_cap_annual": { "value": 1e30, "index": pd.Index(self.main_years, name="Years"), "columns": ["Global Emission Cap"], }, } if self.mode == "Planning": self.connection_sheet_ids.update( { "INV": { "value": 0, "index": pd.Index(self.main_years, name="Years"), "columns": indexer, }, "Decom_cost": { "value": 0, "index": pd.Index(self.main_years, name="Years"), "columns": indexer, }, "Min_totalcap": { "value": 0, "index": pd.Index(self.main_years, name="Years"), "columns": indexer, }, "Max_totalcap": { "value": 1e10, "index": pd.Index(self.main_years, name="Years"), "columns": indexer, }, "Min_newcap": { "value": 0, "index": pd.Index(self.main_years, name="Years"), "columns": indexer, }, "Max_newcap": { "value": 1e10, "index": pd.Index(self.main_years, name="Years"), "columns": indexer, }, "Line_lifetime": { "value": 1, "index": pd.Index( ["Technical Life Time"], name="Performance Parameter" ), "columns": indexer, }, "Line_Economic_life": { "value": 1, "index": pd.Index( ["Economic Life time"], name="Performance Parameter" ), "columns": indexer, }, "Interest_rate": { "value": 0.05, "index": pd.Index( ["Interest Rate"], name="Performance Parameter" ), "columns": indexer, }, } ) self.global_sheet_ids.update( { "Min_totalcap_global": { "value": 0, "index": pd.Index(self.main_years, name="Years"), "columns": self.glob_mapping["Technologies_glob"].loc[ self.glob_mapping["Technologies_glob"]["Tech_category"] != "Demand" ]["Technology"], }, "Max_totalcap_global": { "value": 1e10, "index": pd.Index(self.main_years, name="Years"), "columns": self.glob_mapping["Technologies_glob"].loc[ self.glob_mapping["Technologies_glob"]["Tech_category"] != "Demand" ]["Technology"], }, "Min_newcap_global": { "value": 0, "index": pd.Index(self.main_years, name="Years"), "columns": self.glob_mapping["Technologies_glob"].loc[ self.glob_mapping["Technologies_glob"]["Tech_category"] != "Demand" ]["Technology"], }, "Max_newcap_global": { "value": 1e10, "index": pd.Index(self.main_years, name="Years"), "columns": self.glob_mapping["Technologies_glob"].loc[ self.glob_mapping["Technologies_glob"]["Tech_category"] != "Demand" ]["Technology"], }, "Discount_rate": { "value": 0.05, "index": pd.Index(self.main_years, name="Years"), "columns": ["Annual Discount Rate"], }, } ) self.regional_sheets_ids = {} indexer_reg = {} indexer_reg_drop1 = {} indexer_reg_drop2 = {} add_indexer = {} conversion_plus_indexin = {} conversion_plus_indexout = {} # Creates the columns of the carrier_ratio_in and carrier_ratio_out sheets # by finding the conversion plus technologies and their input and output carriers for reg in self.regions: if "Conversion_plus" in self.Technologies[reg].keys(): take_carrierin = [ self.mapping[reg]["Carrier_input"] .loc[self.mapping[reg]["Carrier_input"]["Technology"] == tech][ "Carrier_in" ] .values for tech in self.Technologies[reg]["Conversion_plus"] ] take_carrierin_ = [ carr for index, value in enumerate(take_carrierin) for carr in take_carrierin[index] ] take_technologyin = [ self.mapping[reg]["Carrier_input"] .loc[self.mapping[reg]["Carrier_input"]["Technology"] == tech][ "Technology" ] .values for tech in self.Technologies[reg]["Conversion_plus"] ] take_technologyin_ = [ tech for index, value in enumerate(take_technologyin) for tech in take_technologyin[index] ] take_carrierout = [ self.mapping[reg]["Carrier_output"] .loc[self.mapping[reg]["Carrier_output"]["Technology"] == tech][ "Carrier_out" ] .values for tech in self.Technologies[reg]["Conversion_plus"] ] take_carrierout_ = [ carr for index, value in enumerate(take_carrierout) for carr in take_carrierout[index] ] take_technologyout = [ self.mapping[reg]["Carrier_output"] .loc[self.mapping[reg]["Carrier_output"]["Technology"] == tech][ "Technology" ] .values for tech in self.Technologies[reg]["Conversion_plus"] ] take_technologyout_ = [ tech for index, value in enumerate(take_technologyout) for tech in take_technologyout[index] ] conversion_plus_indexin[reg] = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [take_technologyin_, take_carrierin_], names=["Tech_category", "Technology"], ) conversion_plus_indexout[reg] = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [take_technologyout_, take_carrierout_], names=["Tech_category", "Technology"], ) # Creates the columns of the technology-specific parameter files # based on the technology categories and the technologies within each # caregory dict_ = self.Technologies[reg] level1 = [] level2 = [] for key, values in dict_.items(): if key != "Demand": for value in values: level1.append(key) level2.append(value) indexer_reg[reg] = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [level1, level2], names=["Tech_category", "Technology"] ) if "Storage" in self.Technologies[reg].keys(): indexer_reg_drop1[reg] = indexer_reg[reg].drop("Storage", level=0) else: indexer_reg_drop1[reg] = indexer_reg[reg] if "Transmission" in self.Technologies[reg].keys(): indexer_reg_drop2[reg] = indexer_reg_drop1[reg].drop( "Transmission", level=0 ) else: indexer_reg_drop2[reg] = indexer_reg_drop1[reg] level1_ = level1 * 2 level2_ = level2 * 2 tax = [] sub = [] for tech in level2: tax.append("Tax") sub.append("Sub") taxsub = tax + sub add_indexer[reg] = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [taxsub, level1_, level2_], names=["Taxes or Subsidies", "Tech_category", "Technology"], ) self.regional_sheets_ids[reg] = { "F_OM": { "value": 0, "index": pd.Index(self.main_years, name="Years"), "columns": indexer_reg[reg], }, "V_OM": { "value": 0, "index": pd.Index(self.main_years, name="Years"), "columns": indexer_reg[reg], }, "Residual_capacity": { "value": 0, "index": pd.Index(self.main_years, name="Years"), "columns": indexer_reg[reg], }, "Max_production": { "value": 1e20, "index": pd.Index(self.main_years, name="Years"), "columns": indexer_reg_drop2[reg], }, "Min_production": { "value": 0, "index": pd.Index(self.main_years, name="Years"), "columns": indexer_reg_drop2[reg], }, "Capacity_factor_tech": { "value": 1, "index": pd.Index(self.main_years, name="Years"), "columns": indexer_reg[reg], }, "Tech_efficiency": { "value": 1, "index": pd.Index(self.main_years, name="Years"), "columns": indexer_reg_drop1[reg], }, "Specific_emission": { "value": 0, "index": pd.Index(self.main_years, name="Years"), "columns": indexer_reg_drop2[reg], }, "Carbon_tax": { "value": 0, "index": pd.Index(self.main_years, name="Years"), "columns": indexer_reg_drop2[reg], }, "Fix_taxsub": { "value": 0, "index": pd.Index(self.main_years, name="Years"), "columns": add_indexer[reg], }, "Emission_cap_annual": { "value": 1e10, "index":
pd.Index(self.main_years, name="Years")
# Copyright (c) 2016-2018 <NAME> <<EMAIL>> # # This module is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the MIT License, see the file COPYING included with this # distribution. """Class implementing the maelstrom method (Bruse & van Heeringen, 2018) Examples -------- run_maelstrom(input, "hg38", outdir) mr = MaelstromResult(outdir) """ import glob import os import re import subprocess as sp import shutil import sys from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile import logging from functools import partial import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sklearn.preprocessing import scale from scipy.cluster import hierarchy from scipy.spatial import distance # Plotting import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns sns.set_style('white') from gimmemotifs.background import RandomGenomicFasta from gimmemotifs.config import MotifConfig from gimmemotifs.moap import moap, Moap from gimmemotifs.rank import rankagg from gimmemotifs.motif import read_motifs from gimmemotifs.scanner import Scanner from import maelstrom_html_report from gimmemotifs.utils import join_max, pwmfile_location from multiprocessing import Pool BG_LENGTH = 200 BG_NUMBER = 10000 FPR = 0.01 logger = logging.getLogger("gimme.maelstrom") def scan_to_table(input_table, genome, scoring, pwmfile=None, ncpus=None): """Scan regions in input table with motifs. Parameters ---------- input_table : str Filename of input table. Can be either a text-separated tab file or a feather file. genome : str Genome name. Can be either the name of a FASTA-formatted file or a genomepy genome name. scoring : str "count" or "score" pwmfile : str, optional Specify a PFM file for scanning. ncpus : int, optional If defined this specifies the number of cores to use. Returns ------- table : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame with motif ids as column names and regions as index. Values are either counts or scores depending on the 'scoring' parameter.s """ config = MotifConfig() if pwmfile is None: pwmfile = config.get_default_params().get("motif_db", None) if pwmfile is not None: pwmfile = os.path.join(config.get_motif_dir(), pwmfile) if pwmfile is None: raise ValueError("no pwmfile given and no default database specified")"reading table") if input_table.endswith("feather"): df = pd.read_feather(input_table) idx = df.iloc[:,0].values else: df =
pd.read_table(input_table, index_col=0, comment="#")
from datetime import datetime from unittest import TestCase from unittest.mock import Mock from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo from etl.src.extractor import TimeSeriesExtractor, Clock import pandas as pd from pandas.testing import assert_series_equal def to_milliseconds(ts: datetime) -> int: return int(ts.timestamp() * 1000) class TestExtractor(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.mock_api = Mock() tz = ZoneInfo("Europe/Berlin") ts_1 = datetime(2021, 4, 11, hour=5, tzinfo=tz) ts_2 = datetime(2021, 4, 11, hour=10, tzinfo=tz) ts_3 = datetime(2021, 4, 11, hour=22, tzinfo=tz) self.ts_1 = to_milliseconds(ts_1) self.ts_2 = to_milliseconds(ts_2) self.ts_3 = to_milliseconds(ts_3) self.mock_api.query.return_value = { "results": [ { "statement_id": 0, "series": [ { "name": "ppm", "columns": ["time", "value"], "values": [ [self.ts_1, 500], [self.ts_2, 502], [self.ts_3, 535], ], } ], } ] } clock = Mock() = datetime(2021, 4, 11, hour=23, tzinfo=tz) self.extractor = TimeSeriesExtractor( home_api=self.mock_api, day_start_hour=6, clock=clock ) def test_has_extract_accepts_query(self): self.extractor.extract(query="query") def test_returns_time_series(self): index =
pd.to_datetime([self.ts_2, self.ts_3], unit="ms")
import streamlit as st import pandas as pd from import Network import networkx as nx import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import bz2 import pickle import _pickle as cPickle import pydot import math import numpy as num def decompress_pickle(file): data = bz2.BZ2File(file, 'rb') data = cPickle.load(data) return data uploaded_files = st.sidebar.file_uploader("Choose files", accept_multiple_files=True) # sidebar for navigating pages page_nav = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select view:",('Document overviews','Focus concepts','Path views','Active Study view','Study phenomena','Study sets')) @st.cache def do_this_first(uploaded_files): #st.write(st.__version__) # Load any compressed pickle file # for uploaded_file in uploaded_files: # concepts = decompress_pickle(uploaded_file) # st.write("filename:", filenames = [ for file in uploaded_files] # return this import pandas as pd Agg_Conceptdata = pd.DataFrame() All_Conceptdata = pd.DataFrame() Agg_np_to_sent = dict() Agg_sent_to_npflat = dict() Agg_sent_to_phen = dict() Agg_phen_to_sent = dict() Agg_att_to_sent = dict() Agg_sent_to_att = dict() Agg_ins_to_sent = dict() Agg_sent_to_ins = dict() Agg_set_to_sent = dict() Agg_sent_to_set = dict() Agg_np_to_forms = dict() doc_to_np = dict() np_to_doc = dict() Agg_df = pd.DataFrame() Agg_df = pd.DataFrame() Agg_np_to_roles = dict() Agg_sent_to_clt = dict() Agg_sents = dict() #Agg_sents_df = pd.DataFrame() #Agg_docs_df = pd.DataFrame() All_df = pd.DataFrame() for uploaded_file in uploaded_files: concepts = decompress_pickle(uploaded_file) filename = #st.write("filename:", Conceptdata = concepts['Conceptdata'] sent_to_npflat = concepts['sent_to_npflat'] np_to_sent = concepts['np_to_sent'] np_to_forms = concepts['np_to_forms'] sent_to_phen = concepts['sent_to_phen'] phen_to_sent = concepts['phen_to_sent'] sent_to_att = concepts['sent_to_att'] att_to_sent = concepts['att_to_sent'] att_to_sent = concepts['att_to_sent'] ins_to_sent = concepts['ins_to_sent'] sent_to_ins = concepts['sent_to_ins'] set_to_sent = concepts['set_to_sent'] sent_to_set = concepts['sent_to_set'] np_to_roles = concepts['np_to_roles'] sent_to_clt = concepts['sent_to_clt'] sents = concepts['sents'] df = concepts['df'] Conceptdata['docname'] = filename Agg_Conceptdata = Agg_Conceptdata.append(Conceptdata,ignore_index=True) Agg_sent_to_clt[filename.replace(".pbz2","")] = sent_to_clt Agg_np_to_sent[filename.replace(".pbz2","")] = np_to_sent Agg_sents[filename.replace(".pbz2","")] = sents Agg_sent_to_npflat[filename.replace(".pbz2","")] = sent_to_npflat Agg_sent_to_set[filename.replace(".pbz2","")] = sent_to_set Agg_sent_to_att[filename.replace(".pbz2","")] = sent_to_att Agg_sent_to_phen[filename.replace(".pbz2","")] = sent_to_phen Agg_sent_to_ins[filename.replace(".pbz2","")] = sent_to_ins Agg_df = Agg_df.append(df,ignore_index=True) doc_to_np[filename] = list(np_to_sent.keys()) # return this for np in np_to_sent: # if np in Agg_np_to_sent: # Agg_np_to_sent[np] = Agg_np_to_sent[np] + [(filename,s) for s in np_to_sent[np]] # else: # Agg_np_to_sent[np] = [(filename,s) for s in np_to_sent[np]] if np in np_to_doc: np_to_doc[np] = np_to_doc[np] + [filename] else: np_to_doc[np] = [filename] for np in np_to_forms: if np in Agg_np_to_forms: Agg_np_to_forms[np] = Agg_np_to_forms[np] + np_to_forms[np] else: Agg_np_to_forms[np] = np_to_forms[np] for np in np_to_roles: if np in Agg_np_to_roles: Agg_np_to_roles[np] = Agg_np_to_roles[np] + np_to_roles[np] else: Agg_np_to_roles[np] = np_to_roles[np] for np in phen_to_sent: if np in Agg_phen_to_sent: Agg_phen_to_sent[np] = Agg_phen_to_sent[np] + [(filename,s) for s in phen_to_sent[np]] else: Agg_phen_to_sent[np] = [(filename,s) for s in phen_to_sent[np]] for np in att_to_sent: if np in Agg_att_to_sent: Agg_att_to_sent[np] = Agg_att_to_sent[np] + [(filename,s) for s in att_to_sent[np]] else: Agg_att_to_sent[np] = [(filename,s) for s in att_to_sent[np]] for np in set_to_sent: if np in Agg_set_to_sent: Agg_set_to_sent[np] = Agg_set_to_sent[np] + [(filename,s) for s in set_to_sent[np]] else: Agg_set_to_sent[np] = [(filename,s) for s in set_to_sent[np]] for np in ins_to_sent: if np in Agg_ins_to_sent: Agg_ins_to_sent[np] = Agg_ins_to_sent[np] + [(filename,s) for s in ins_to_sent[np]] else: Agg_ins_to_sent[np] = [(filename,s) for s in ins_to_sent[np]] #st.write(Agg_Conceptdata.columns) All_Conceptdata = pd.DataFrame() def most_common_form(np): return pd.Series(Agg_np_to_forms[np]).value_counts().sort_values(ascending=False).index[0] Agg_np_to_mcform = dict() for np in Agg_np_to_forms: Agg_np_to_mcform[np] = most_common_form(np) All_Conceptdata = Agg_Conceptdata.groupby('Concept').agg(doc_Occurence = pd.NamedAgg('docname',lambda x: list(x)), doc_Frequency = pd.NamedAgg('docname',lambda x: x.shape[0]), Raw_Frequency = pd.NamedAgg('Frequency','sum'), Mean = pd.NamedAgg('Mean','mean'), Median = pd.NamedAgg('Median','mean'), Sdev = pd.NamedAgg('Sdev','mean'), Ext_IDF = pd.NamedAgg('IDF',num.nanmin)) All_Conceptdata['Mean_Frequency'] = All_Conceptdata['Raw_Frequency']/All_Conceptdata['doc_Frequency'] All_Conceptdata['normalized_RawFreq'] = All_Conceptdata['Raw_Frequency']/All_Conceptdata['Raw_Frequency'].max() All_Conceptdata['normalized_MeanFreq'] = All_Conceptdata['Mean_Frequency']/All_Conceptdata['Mean_Frequency'].max() All_Conceptdata['intIDF'] = All_Conceptdata['doc_Frequency'].apply(lambda x: math.log(len(filenames),2)-abs(math.log(1+x,2))) All_Conceptdata['intmeanTFIDF'] = All_Conceptdata['normalized_MeanFreq']*All_Conceptdata['intIDF'] for filename in filenames: colname = filename.replace(".pbz2","") All_Conceptdata = pd.merge(left = All_Conceptdata, right = Agg_Conceptdata.loc[Agg_Conceptdata['docname']==filename,['Concept','Frequency']], how='left', left_on = 'Concept', right_on = 'Concept') All_Conceptdata[colname+'_TF'] = All_Conceptdata['Frequency'] del All_Conceptdata['Frequency'] All_Conceptdata[colname+'_TF'].fillna(0,inplace=True) All_Conceptdata[colname+'_IntTFIDF'] = All_Conceptdata[colname+'_TF']*All_Conceptdata['intIDF'] All_Conceptdata['MCForm'] = All_Conceptdata['Concept'].apply(lambda x: Agg_np_to_mcform[x]) All_Conceptdata['role_frac'] = All_Conceptdata['Concept'].apply(lambda x: dict(pd.Series(Agg_np_to_roles[x]).value_counts(normalize=True))) All_Conceptdata['phen_frac'] = All_Conceptdata['role_frac'].apply(lambda x: x.get('phen',0)) All_Conceptdata['att_frac'] = All_Conceptdata['role_frac'].apply(lambda x: x.get('att',0)) All_Conceptdata['set_frac'] = All_Conceptdata['role_frac'].apply(lambda x: x.get('set',0)) All_Conceptdata['ins_frac'] = All_Conceptdata['role_frac'].apply(lambda x: x.get('ins',0)) del All_Conceptdata['role_frac'] All_df = pd.DataFrame() Agg_df['tuple'] = Agg_df[['Concept1','Concept2']].apply(lambda x:tuple(x),axis=1) All_df = Agg_df.groupby('tuple').agg(Concept1 = pd.NamedAgg('Concept1',lambda x: list(x)[0]), Concept2 = pd.NamedAgg('Concept2',lambda x: list(x)[0]), Bondstrength = pd.NamedAgg('Bondstrength','sum'), mean_dAB = pd.NamedAgg('dAB',num.nanmean), mean_dBA = pd.NamedAgg('dBA',num.nanmean), ExtIDFA = pd.NamedAgg('IDFA',num.nanmean), ExtIDFB = pd.NamedAgg('IDFB',num.nanmean), SdevA = pd.NamedAgg('SdevA',num.nanmean), SdevB = pd.NamedAgg('SdevB',num.nanmean), ) All_df =
pd.merge(left = All_df,right = All_Conceptdata.loc[:,['Concept','Raw_Frequency']],how="left",left_on = 'Concept1',right_on='Concept')
import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as pl import os from scipy import stats from tqdm import tqdm import mdtraj as md ######################################################## def get_3drobot_native(data_flag): root_dir = '/home/hyang/bio/erf/data/decoys/3DRobot_set' pdb_list =
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Tue Jul 21 10:48:15 2020 @author: <NAME> OK TODO: make it work from the command line OK TODO get json file OK TODO get all json variables OK TODO checks all JSON variables OK TODO try except error management with setting file OK TODO add test to see if file exists OK TODO add test for filepath OK TODO: change CFD mesh OK TODO: inject the framat setting file to the wrapper OK TODO: Compute the error OK TODO: File management with csv deformation OK TODO do a better job with the settings files workflow OK TODO: get CFD forces for csv file OK TODO: compute CFD moments OK TODO: Verify that the displacements do not add up TODO: checks folder structure and prints the potential errors TODO: In deformation from csv mode the program should read a logfile where there is the results of the previous simulations TODO: set the logging level from the command line TODO: add gravity in Pytornado and SU2 TODO: add motor push WARNING the table accepted names is not supported in all classes """ import logging import json import aeroframe_2.deformation.functions as aeroDef import aeroframe_2.deformation.framatNormalVecConverter as normalVecFramat import aeroframe_2.csdImportGeometry.importGeomerty as importGeomerty import aeroframe_2.informationTransfer.mapping as mapping import aeroframe_2.informationTransfer.mappingSU2 as mappingSU2 import aeroframe_2.wrappers.framatWrapper as framatWrapper # import aeroframe_2.wrappers.framatWrapperSU2 as framatWrapperSU2 import as cfd import ceasiompy.SU2Run.su2run as SU2_fsi import numpy as np # import pickle import sys import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import copy # import pandas as pd import os from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D import pandas as pd # from ceasiompy.SU2Run.func.extractloads import extract_loads # import SU2_CFD # TODO take the information from the args parameters logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) __prog_name__ = "aeroframe_2" logger = logging.getLogger(__prog_name__+"."+__name__) def getSettings(inputFileAndPath): """ Reads the json input file. This files contains the user input choices. If there is no file, the function throws an error. Parameters ---------- inputFileAndPath : string Contains the path to the user input JSON file. Raises ------ FileNotFoundError If the file is not found the function throws that error Returns ------- settings : Dictionay Returns a dictionaly with all the user input settings like which CFD solver should be used, which CSD solver, wings mechanical properties, materials, etc.. """ try: with open(inputFileAndPath) as f: settings = json.load(f) f.close() except FileNotFoundError: logger.error("<setting file>.json not found for aeroframe") raise FileNotFoundError return settings def pytornadoMeshing(args, aeroframeSettings): """ Calls pytornado functions to build up a lattice (which is basically the mesh and our point of interest for aeroelasticity) and all other variables/instances needed by pytornado. Parameters ---------- args : sys.argv Unser input from the command line. aeroframeSettings : Dicitonary Contains all the information that there is in the input JSON file, i.e. the which solver to use and mechanical properties of the wing Returns ------- pytornadoSttings : string Contains the equivalent of a command line input command for pytornado. With this variable we are tricking pytornado into thinking that he is called from the command line which is not the case. pytornadoVariables : list Variables containing the mesh, the results and some other information, necessary to run a pytornado simulation. """ # Virtual command line setting file input path. the "args" contains the # rest of the needed information pytornadoSttings = args.cwd + "/CFD/settings/" + aeroframeSettings["CFD_settings_file"] # Buids CFD mesh lattice,vlmdata,settings,aircraft,cur_state,state = cfd.meshing(args,pytornadoSttings) # Join all the variables for ease of use. pytornadoVariables = [lattice, vlmdata, settings, aircraft, cur_state, state]"Pytornado meshing done") return pytornadoSttings, pytornadoVariables def csvDeformation(args,pytornadoSettings,aeroframeSettings,pytornadoVariables): """ Deforms the VLM mesh from a csv file, by calling the aeroDef class and the method Mesh_Def. Parameters ---------- args : sys.argv Unser input from the command line. pytornadoSettings : TYPE Settings variables files needed to run pytornado aeroframeSettings : Dicitonary Contains all the information that there is in the input JSON file, i.e. the which solver to use and mechanical properties of the wing pytornadoVariables : list Variables containing the mesh, the results and some other information, necessary to run a pytornado simulation. Returns ------- pytornadoVariables : list Variables containing the mesh, the results and some other information, necessary to run a pytornado simulation. """ # Extract the vlm mesh lattice = pytornadoVariables[0] # Feeds all the needed settings in order to read the .csv deformation file # and then be able to deform the mesh (basically compute the new normnal # vector). mesh_def = aeroDef.Mesh_Def(args,aeroframeSettings,lattice) # Calls the deformation function that computes the new points positions if aeroframeSettings['deformation_from_file']: mesh_def.deformation() # Feeds the result back to an understandable pytornado mesh. The idea is # not to touch any unwanted variable, hence the action of feeding back the # new point to the old lattice variable. lattice.p = mesh_def.f_p lattice.v = mesh_def.f_v lattice.c = mesh_def.f_c lattice.bound_leg_midpoints = mesh_def.f_b lattice.n = mesh_def.f_n lattice.a = mesh_def.f_a # For ease of use and code readability pytornadoVariables[0] = lattice return pytornadoVariables def feeder(pytornadoVariables,meshDeformation): """ Transfers the deformed mesh points to pytornadoVariables. Parameters ---------- pytornadoVariables : list Variables containing the mesh, the results and some other information, necessary to run a pytornado simulation. meshDeformation : aeroDef Vairalbe of class aeroDef that contains all the necessary mesh points to run pytornado. Returns ------- pytornadoVariables : list Variables containing the mesh, the results and some other information, necessary to run a pytornado simulation. """ pytornadoVariables[0].p = meshDeformation.f_p pytornadoVariables[0].v = meshDeformation.f_v pytornadoVariables[0].c = meshDeformation.f_c pytornadoVariables[0].a = meshDeformation.f_a pytornadoVariables[0].bound_leg_midpoints = meshDeformation.f_b pytornadoVariables[0].n = meshDeformation.f_n return pytornadoVariables def forcesToCsv(args,pytornadoVariables,results): """ Writes the results to a csv file. WARNING at the moment (19.08.20) there is another function doing the same in CEASIOMpy but that function extracts the loads at the boundleg midpoint which not what the FEM mesh needs. Parameters ---------- args : sys.argv Unser input from the command line. pytornadoVariables : list Variables containing the mesh, the results and some other information, necessary to run a pytornado simulation. results : pytornado result class Variable containg all the panelwise results, hence airspeed, forces, etc. Returns ------- None. """ # assembless the path path = args.cwd + "/CSD/results/panelwiseForces.csv" headers = "x;y;z;fx;fy;fz" # Gets simulation values panelCoordinates = pytornadoVariables[0].c panelFx = results["vlmdata"].panelwise['fx'] panelFy = results["vlmdata"].panelwise['fy'] panelFz = results["vlmdata"].panelwise['fz'] # panelMx = results["vlmdata"].panelwise['mx'] # panelMy = results["vlmdata"].panelwise['my'] # panelMz = results["vlmdata"].panelwise['mz'] results = np.array([panelCoordinates[:,0], panelCoordinates[:,1], panelCoordinates[:,2], panelFx, panelFy, panelFz, # panelMx, # panelMy, # panelMz ]) np.savetxt(path, results.T, delimiter=';', header=headers)"Simulation finised") def solverPytornadoCSV(args, aeroframeSettings, acceptedNames): """ The workflow is as follows: 1) The function builds CFD mesh. 2) Then it deforms the CFD mesh. 3) Solves the CFD problem. (basically calls the solver) 4) Extract panelwise forces and saves them into a csv file. Parameters ---------- args : sys.argv Unser input from the command line. aeroframeSettings : Dicitonary Contains all the information that there is in the input JSON file, i.e. the which solver to use and mechanical properties of the wing acceptedNames : list List containing all the implemented solvers. If the user asks a solver which is not implemented the program will throw an error and close itself. Returns ------- None. """ # Step 1) pytornado meshing pytornadoSettings, pytornadoVariables = pytornadoMeshing(args, aeroframeSettings) # Step 2) Deforms CFD mesh if necessary if aeroframeSettings['deformation_from_file']: lattice = pytornadoVariables[0] meshDeformation = aeroDef.Mesh_Def(args,aeroframeSettings,lattice) meshDeformation.deformation(acceptedNames) pytornadoVariables = feeder(pytornadoVariables,meshDeformation) # Step 3) Computes the CFD problem pytornadoVariables, results = cfd.solver(pytornadoVariables) # Step 4) Saves panelwise forces results forcesToCsv(args,pytornadoVariables,results)"End of simulation") sys.exit() def solverPytornadoFramat(args, aeroframeSettings, acceptedNames): """ Function called when the user desires to do a simulation with the VLM solver Pytornado and the structure solver FramAT. The workflow is as follows: 1) Builds CFD mesh. 2) Reads CPACS files and computes the nodes of pseudo 1D structural mesh. 3) Builds CSD instance in FramAT. 4) Computes the transformation matrices 5) Computes CFD problem. 6) Enters the aeroelastic loop. 7) Projects the loads on CSD instance. 8) Computes CSD solution 9) Deforms the CFD mesh. 10) Computes the norm of the displacement error 11) Computes new CFD problem. 12) loops back to point 6) if simulation has not converged. 13) Saves the results to a CSV file Parameters ---------- args : sys.argv Unser input from the command line. aeroframeSettings : Dicitonary Contains all the information that there is in the input JSON file, i.e. the which solver to use and mechanical properties of the wing acceptedNames : list List containing all the implemented solvers. If the user asks a solver which is not implemented the program will throw an error and close itself. Returns ------- None. """ # Step 1) pytornado meshing pytornadoSettings, pytornadoVariables = pytornadoMeshing(args, aeroframeSettings) # Step 2) Reads CPACS files and computes the nodes of beam model structural # mesh. Aeroframe function pre-meshes the aircraft to get each # structure node. preMeshedStructre = importGeomerty.CsdGeometryImport(args,aeroframeSettings) preMeshedStructre.getAllPoints() # Step 3) feeds the computed nodes to the structure solver and builds a # structure mesh csdSolverClassVar = framatWrapper.framat(preMeshedStructre) csdSolverClassVar.mesh() # Step 4) feeds the computed nodes to a mapping function which computes the # tranformation matrices (based on RBF) logger.debug(pytornadoVariables[0].c) # sys.exit() transform = mapping.mapper(pytornadoVariables,preMeshedStructre,csdSolverClassVar) transform.computesTransformationsMatrices() # Step 5) Computes CFD problem. cfd.solver(pytornadoVariables) pytornadoVariablesInit = copy.deepcopy(pytornadoVariables) # Setp 6) Aeroelastic loop. N = aeroframeSettings["MaxIterationsNumber"] i = 0 maxDisplacement = np.array([0]) error = [] absoluteDisplacement = [] aeroFx = [] aeroFy = [] aeroFz = [] aeroMx = [] aeroMy = [] aeroMz = [] structFx = [] structFy = [] structFz = [] structMx = [] structMy = [] structMz = [] pVold = pytornadoVariables tol = aeroframeSettings["ConvergeanceTolerence"] while (i < N): # basic user comminication logger.debug("aeroelastic loop number: "+str(i)) # Saves the aerodynamic results points = pVold[0].bound_leg_midpoints Fx = pVold[1].panelwise['fx'] Fy = pVold[1].panelwise['fy'] Fz = pVold[1].panelwise['fz'] Mx = pVold[1].panelwise['mx'] My = pVold[1].panelwise['my'] Mz = pVold[1].panelwise['mz'] df = pd.DataFrame(points) df['Fx'] = Fx df['Fy'] = Fy df['Fz'] = Fz df['Mx'] = Mx df['My'] = My df['Mz'] = Mz df.columns = ['x', 'y', 'z', 'Fx', 'Fy', 'Fz', 'Mx', 'My', 'Mz'] df.to_csv(args.cwd + '/CFD/_results/forces' + str(i) + '.csv') # Step 7) Projects the loads on CSD instance. transform.aeroToStructure(args,i) logger.debug(transform) # Step 8) Compute structure solution # Step 9) deforms the CFD mesh. Computes beam deformation latticeCurrent = pytornadoVariablesInit[0] meshDeformation = aeroDef.Mesh_Def(args,aeroframeSettings,latticeCurrent) # Step 10) computes new aerodynamic points transform.structureToAero(args,i) meshDeformation.deformation(acceptedNames,transform) pytornadoVariables = feeder(pytornadoVariables,meshDeformation) # Step 11) Computes the norm of the displacement error # Max structure displacement form one aeroelastic iteration to the next maxDisplacement = np.append(maxDisplacement, np.max(np.abs(transform.suz))) error.append(np.abs(maxDisplacement[-1] - maxDisplacement[-2])) # Max structure displacement from undeformed state absoluteDisplacement.append(np.abs(maxDisplacement[-1] - maxDisplacement[0])) aeroFx.append(transform.totalAerodynamicFx) aeroFy.append(transform.totalAerodynamicFy) aeroFz.append(transform.totalAerodynamicFz) aeroMx.append(transform.totalAerodynamicMx) aeroMy.append(transform.totalAerodynamicMy) aeroMz.append(transform.totalAerodynamicMz) structFx.append(transform.totalStructureFx) structFy.append(transform.totalStructureFy) structFz.append(transform.totalStructureFz) structMx.append(transform.totalStructureMx) structMy.append(transform.totalStructureMy) structMz.append(transform.totalStructureMz)"Max error between two iteration: "+str(error))"Max displacement between two iteration: "+str(absoluteDisplacement)) #'G load: '+str(transform.G)) # Step 12) Deforms the CFD mesh. pytornadoVariables, results = cfd.solver(pytornadoVariables) # logger.debug(pytornadoVariables[0].bound_leg_midpoints) # sys.exit() del(csdSolverClassVar) csdSolverClassVar = framatWrapper.framat(preMeshedStructre) csdSolverClassVar.mesh() # del(transform) transform = mapping.mapper(pytornadoVariables,preMeshedStructre,csdSolverClassVar) transform.computesTransformationsMatrices() # sys.exit() i += 1 if i == N-1: logger.warning("Simulation has reached max number of step,") logger.warning("convergeance is yet to determine!") if error[-1] <= tol:"Simulation has converged") i = N # Writes a file which contains the error for each timestep N = len(error) path = args.cwd + "/results.csv" MyFile = open(path,"w") MyFile.write("Relative error; max displacement;"\ " aero Fx; aero Fy; aero Fz; aero Mx; aero My; aero Mz;"\ " struct Fx; struct Fy; struct Fz; struct Mx; struct My; struct Mz"\ ) MyFile.write("\n") for i in range(N): MyFile.write(str(error[i]) + ";" + \ str(absoluteDisplacement[i]) + ";" + \ str(aeroFx[i]) + ";" + \ str(aeroFy[i]) + ";" + \ str(aeroFz[i]) + ";" + \ str(aeroMx[i]) + ";" + \ str(aeroMy[i]) + ";" + \ str(aeroMz[i]) + ";" + \ str(structFx[i]) + ";" + \ str(structFy[i]) + ";" + \ str(structFz[i]) + ";" + \ str(structMx[i]) + ";" + \ str(structMy[i]) + ";" + \ str(structMz[i]) + ";" ) MyFile.write("\n") MyFile.close() # Writes the forces and points at which they apply sys.exit() def solverSU2Framat(args, aeroframeSettings, acceptedNames): """ Function called when the user desires to couple the CFD solver SU2 and the structure solver FramAT. Parameters ---------- args : sys.argv Unser input from the command line. aeroframeSettings : Dicitonary Contains all the information that there is in the input JSON file, i.e. the which solver to use and mechanical properties of the wing acceptedNames : list List containing all the implemented solvers. If the user asks a solver which is not implemented the program will throw an error and close itself. Returns ------- None. """ # TODO Step ) Checks the entry data. # Step 1) Initialization of the loop # Creation of the current loop directory done by the file. # Case s2etup iteration = 0 wkdir = args.cwd # TODO: read it form the config file nb_proc = aeroframeSettings["SU2_Nproc"] logger.debug("Configuration path: \n"+str(aeroframeSettings)) logger.debug("nb of proc: \n"+str(nb_proc)) logger.debug("WKDIR: \n"+str(wkdir)) # Step 2) Runs a single SU2 simulation case = '/Case/' ### # WARNING ### SU2_fsi.run_SU2_fsi(aeroframeSettings, wkdir, case, iteration) # Step 3) Reads CPACS files and computes the nodes of 3D beam structural # mesh. Aeroframe_2 function 'importGeomerty' pre-meshes the # aircraft to get each structure node. preMeshedStructre = importGeomerty.CsdGeometryImport(args,aeroframeSettings) preMeshedStructre.getAllPoints()"Structure mesh points computed") # Step 4) feeds the computed nodes to the structure solver and builds a # structure mesh csdSolverClassVar = framatWrapper.framat(preMeshedStructre) csdSolverClassVar.mesh()"FramAT mesh computed") # Step 5) feeds the computed nodes to a mapping function which computes the # tranformation matrices (based on RBF) logger.debug("Next step is transformation") forceFile = '/CFD/Case/' + str(iteration) + '/force.csv' logger.debug(wkdir) logger.debug(forceFile) forceInitFilePath = wkdir + forceFile transform = mappingSU2.mapper(forceInitFilePath,preMeshedStructre,csdSolverClassVar) transform.computesTransformationsMatrices(forceInitFilePath) # Setp 6) Aeroelastic loop. N = aeroframeSettings["MaxIterationsNumber"] maxDisplacement = np.array([0]) error = [] absoluteDisplacement = [] Gloads = [] tol = aeroframeSettings["ConvergeanceTolerence"] while (iteration < N): # basic user comminication logger.debug("aeroelastic loop number: "+str(iteration)) forceFilePath = wkdir + '/CFD/Case/' + str(iteration) + '/force.csv' # Makes a copy to avoid memory linked mistakes transformCurrent = transform csdSolverClassVarCurrent = csdSolverClassVar # Step 7) Projects the loads on CSD instance. transformCurrent.aeroToStructure(args,forceFilePath,iteration) # Step 8) Compute structure solution transformCurrent.structureToAero(args,iteration,forceInitFilePath,forceFilePath) # Step 9) Computes convergence maxDisplacement = np.append(maxDisplacement, np.max(np.abs(transform.displacements))) error.append(np.abs(maxDisplacement[-1] - maxDisplacement[-2])) absoluteDisplacement.append(np.abs(maxDisplacement[-1] - maxDisplacement[0])) Gloads.append(transform.G)"Max error between two iteration: "+str(error))"Max displacement between two iteration: "+str(absoluteDisplacement))'G load: '+str(Gloads[iteration])) # WARNING do not change it's place unless you know what you are doing iteration += 1 # Step 10) computes new CFD solution SU2_fsi.run_SU2_fsi(aeroframeSettings, wkdir, case, iteration) # Step 11) frees memory in order to avoir piling displacements in FramAT del(csdSolverClassVar) csdSolverClassVar = framatWrapper.framat(preMeshedStructre) csdSolverClassVar.mesh() # del(transform) transform = mappingSU2.mapper(forceInitFilePath,preMeshedStructre,csdSolverClassVar) transform.computesTransformationsMatrices(forceInitFilePath) if iteration == N-1: logger.warning("Simulation has reached max number of step,") logger.warning("convergeance is yet to determine!") if error[-1] <= tol:"Simulation has converged") iteration = N # Writes a file which contains the error for each timestep N = len(error) path = args.cwd + "/results.csv" MyFile = open(path,"w") MyFile.write("Relative error; max displacement") MyFile.write("\n") for i in range(N): MyFile.write(str(error[i]) + ";" + \ str(absoluteDisplacement[i]) + ";" + \ str(Gloads[i])) MyFile.write("\n") MyFile.close() sys.exit() def solverSU2CSV(args, aeroframeSettings, acceptedNames): iteration = aeroframeSettings['SU2_iteration'] wkdir = args.cwd # TODO: read it form the config file nb_proc = aeroframeSettings["SU2_Nproc"] logger.debug("Configuration path: \n"+str(aeroframeSettings)) logger.debug("nb of proc: \n"+str(nb_proc)) logger.debug("WKDIR: \n"+str(wkdir)) # Step 2) Runs a single SU2 simulation case = '/Case00_alt0_mach0.3_aoa2.0_aos0.0/' if iteration > 0: SU2_deformationConverter(aeroframeSettings, wkdir, case, iteration) SU2_fsi.run_SU2_fsi(aeroframeSettings, wkdir, case, iteration) def SU2_deformationConverter(aeroframeSettings, wkdir, case, iteration): defFilePath = wkdir + aeroframeSettings['deformation_file'] defData =
# %% imports import numpy as np import pandas as pd import config as cfg from src.utils.data_processing import hours_in_year, medea_path # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # %% settings and initializing # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # STATIC_FNAME = medea_path('data', 'processed', 'data_static.xlsx') idx = pd.IndexSlice # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # %% read in data # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # static_data = { 'CAP_R': pd.read_excel(STATIC_FNAME, 'INITIAL_CAP_R', header=[0], index_col=[0, 1]), 'CAPCOST_R': pd.read_excel(STATIC_FNAME, 'CAPITALCOST_R', header=[0], index_col=[0, 1]), 'potentials': pd.read_excel(STATIC_FNAME, 'potentials', header=[0], index_col=[0]), 'tec': pd.read_excel(STATIC_FNAME, 'parameters_G'), 'feasops': pd.read_excel(STATIC_FNAME, 'FEASIBLE_INPUT-OUTPUT'), 'cost_transport': pd.read_excel(STATIC_FNAME, 'COST_TRANSPORT', header=[0], index_col=[0]), 'CAPCOST_K': pd.read_excel(STATIC_FNAME, 'CAPITALCOST_S', header=[0], index_col=[0, 1]), 'CAP_X': pd.read_excel(STATIC_FNAME, 'ATC', index_col=[0]), 'DISTANCE': pd.read_excel(STATIC_FNAME, 'KM', index_col=[0]), 'AIR_POLLUTION': pd.read_excel(STATIC_FNAME, 'AIR_POLLUTION', index_col=[0]) } # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- plant_data = { 'hydro': pd.read_excel(medea_path('data', 'processed', 'plant-list_hydro.xlsx'), 'opsd_hydro'), 'conventional': pd.read_excel(medea_path('data', 'processed', 'power_plant_db.xlsx')) } ts_data = { 'timeseries': pd.read_csv(medea_path('data', 'processed', 'medea_regional_timeseries.csv')) } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # %% prepare set data # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # dict_sets = { 'f': { 'Nuclear': [10], 'Lignite': [20], 'Coal': [30], 'Gas': [40], 'Oil': [50], 'Hydro': [60], 'Biomass': [70], 'Solar': [80], 'Wind': [90], 'Power': [100], 'Heat': [110], 'Syngas': [120] }, 'l': {f'l{x}': [True] for x in range(1, 5)}, 'm': { 'el': True, 'ht': True }, 'n': { 'pv': [True], 'ror': [True], 'wind_on': [True], 'wind_off': [True] }, 'k': { 'psp_day': [True], 'psp_week': [True], 'psp_season': [True], 'res_day': [True], 'res_week': [True], 'res_season': [True], 'battery': [True] }, 't': {f't{hour}': [True] for hour in range(1, hours_in_year(cfg.year) + 1)}, 'z': {zone: [True] for zone in cfg.zones} } # convert to DataFrames for key, value in dict_sets.items(): dict_sets.update({key: pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict_sets[key], orient='index', columns=['Value'])}) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # %% prepare static data # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Source 'CO2_INTENSITY': CO2 Emission Factors for Fossil Fuels, UBA, 2016 dict_static = { 'CO2_INTENSITY': { 'Nuclear': [0], 'Lignite': [0.399], 'Coal': [0.337], 'Gas': [0.201], 'Oil': [0.266], 'Hydro': [0], 'Biomass': [0], 'Solar': [0], 'Wind': [0], 'Power': [0], 'Heat': [0], 'Syngas': [0] }, 'eta': { 'nuc': [0.34], 'lig_stm': [0.31], 'lig_stm_chp': [0.31], 'lig_boa': [0.43], 'lig_boa_chp': [0.43], 'coal_sub': [0.32], 'coal_sub_chp': [0.32], 'coal_sc': [0.41], 'coal_sc_chp': [0.41], 'coal_usc': [0.44], 'coal_usc_chp': [0.44], 'coal_igcc': [0.55], 'ng_stm': [0.40], 'ng_stm_chp': [0.40], 'ng_cbt_lo': [0.34], 'ng_cbt_lo_chp': [0.34], 'ng_cbt_hi': [0.40], 'ng_cbt_hi_chp': [0.40], 'ng_cc_lo': [0.38], 'ng_cc_lo_chp': [0.38], 'ng_cc_hi': [0.55], 'ng_cc_hi_chp': [0.55], 'ng_mtr': [0.40], 'ng_mtr_chp': [0.40], 'ng_boiler_chp': [0.90], 'oil_stm': [0.31], 'oil_stm_chp': [0.31], 'oil_cbt': [0.35], 'oil_cbt_chp': [0.35], 'oil_cc': [0.42], 'oil_cc_chp': [0.42], 'bio': [0.35], 'bio_chp': [0.35], 'heatpump_pth': [3.0] }, 'map_name2fuel': { 'nuc': 'Nuclear', 'lig': 'Lignite', 'coal': 'Coal', 'ng': 'Gas', 'oil': 'Oil', 'bio': 'Biomass', 'heatpump': 'Power' }, 'CAPCOST_X': { 'AT': [1250], 'DE': [1250] }, 'VALUE_NSE': { 'AT': [12500], 'DE': [12500] }, 'LAMBDA': [0.125], 'SIGMA': [0.175] } dict_additions = { 'boilers': { # 'medea_type': [49.5], 'set_element': 'ng_boiler_chp', ('cap', 'AT'): [4.5], ('cap', 'DE'): [25.5], ('eta', 'AT'): [0.9], ('eta', 'DE'): [0.9] # ('count', 'AT'): [15], # ('count', 'DE'): [85], # ('num', 'AT'): [85], # ('num', 'DE'): [255] }, 'heatpumps': { # 'medea_type': [100], 'set_element': 'heatpump_pth', ('cap', 'AT'): [0.1], ('cap', 'DE'): [0.1], ('eta', 'AT'): [3.0], ('eta', 'DE'): [3.0] # ('count', 'AT'): [1], # ('count', 'DE'): [1], # ('num', 'AT'): [1], # ('num', 'DE'): [1] }, 'batteries': { 'power_in': [0], 'power_out': [0], 'energy_max': [0], 'efficiency_in': [0.96], 'efficiency_out': [0.96], 'cost_power': [static_data['CAPCOST_K'].loc[('AT', 'battery'), 'annuity-power'].round(4)], 'cost_energy': [static_data['CAPCOST_K'].loc[('AT', 'battery'), 'annuity-energy'].round(4)], 'inflow_factor': [0] } } dict_instantiate = {'CO2_INTENSITY': pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict_static['CO2_INTENSITY'], orient='index', columns=['Value'])} dict_instantiate.update({'efficiency': pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict_static['eta'], orient='index', columns=['l1'])}) dict_instantiate['efficiency']['product'] = 'el' dict_instantiate['efficiency'].loc[dict_instantiate['efficiency'].index.str.contains('pth'), 'product'] = 'ht' dict_instantiate['efficiency'].loc['ng_boiler_chp', 'product'] = 'ht' dict_instantiate['efficiency']['fuel'] = dict_instantiate['efficiency'].index.to_series().str.split('_').str.get( 0).replace(dict_static['map_name2fuel']) dict_instantiate['efficiency'].set_index(['product', 'fuel'], append=True, inplace=True) dict_instantiate['efficiency'].index.set_names(['medea_type', 'product', 'fuel_name'], inplace=True) for i in range(1, 6): dict_instantiate['efficiency'][f'l{i}'] = dict_instantiate['efficiency']['l1'] dict_instantiate.update({'CAP_R': static_data['CAP_R'].loc[idx[:, cfg.year], :]}) dict_instantiate.update({'CAP_X': static_data['CAP_X'].loc[ static_data['CAP_X'].index.str.contains('|'.join(cfg.zones)), static_data['CAP_X'].columns.str.contains('|'.join(cfg.zones))] / 1000}) dict_instantiate.update({'DISTANCE': static_data['DISTANCE'].loc[static_data['DISTANCE'].index.str.contains( '|'.join(cfg.zones)), static_data['DISTANCE'].columns.str.contains('|'.join(cfg.zones))]}) static_data.update({'CAPCOST_X': pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict_static['CAPCOST_X'], orient='index', columns=['Value'])}) static_data.update({'VALUE_NSE': pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict_static['VALUE_NSE'], orient='index', columns=['Value'])}) static_data.update({'LAMBDA': pd.DataFrame(dict_static['LAMBDA'], columns=['Value'])}) static_data.update({'SIGMA': pd.DataFrame(dict_static['SIGMA'], columns=['Value'])}) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # %% preprocessing plant data # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # dispatchable (thermal) plants # filter active thermal plants plant_data.update({'active': plant_data['conventional'].loc[ (plant_data['conventional']['UnitOperOnlineDate'] < pd.Timestamp(cfg.year, 1, 1)) & (plant_data['conventional']['UnitOperRetireDate'] > pd.Timestamp(cfg.year, 12, 31)) | np.isnat(plant_data['conventional']['UnitOperRetireDate'])]}) # exclude hydro power plant plant_data['active'] = plant_data['active'].loc[(plant_data['active']['MedeaType'] < 60) | (plant_data['active']['MedeaType'] >= 70)] # capacities by country in GW prop_g = plant_data['active'].groupby(['MedeaType', 'PlantCountry'])['UnitNameplate'].sum().to_frame() / 1000 prop_g['eta'] = plant_data['active'].groupby(['MedeaType', 'PlantCountry'])['Eta'].mean().to_frame() # prop_g['count'] = plant_data['active'].groupby(['MedeaType'])['PlantCountry'].value_counts().to_frame(name='count') # prop_g['num'] = (prop_g['UnitNameplate'].round(decimals=1) * 10).astype(int) prop_g.rename(index={'Germany': 'DE', 'Austria': 'AT'}, columns={'UnitNameplate': 'cap'}, inplace=True) prop_g = prop_g.unstack(-1) prop_g.drop(0.0, axis=0, inplace=True) # index by plant element names instead of medea_type-numbers prop_g.index =['tec']['set_element'].values, index=static_data['tec']['medea_type'].values).to_dict()) # update 'empirical' efficiencies with generic efficiencies for zone in cfg.zones: prop_g.loc[:, idx['eta', zone]].update(pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict_static['eta'], orient='index', columns=['eta']).iloc[:, 0]) # add data for heat boilers prop_g = prop_g.append(pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict_additions['boilers']).set_index('set_element')) # add data for heatpumps prop_g = prop_g.append(pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict_additions['heatpumps']).set_index('set_element')) # remove non-existent plant prop_g = prop_g.stack(-1).swaplevel(axis=0) prop_g = prop_g.dropna() # update instantiation dictionary dict_instantiate.update({'tec_props': prop_g}) # add 'tec'-set to dict_sets dict_sets.update({'i': pd.DataFrame(data=True, index=prop_g.index.get_level_values(1).unique().values, columns=['Value'])}) static_data['feasops']['fuel_name'] = (static_data['feasops']['medea_type'] / 10).apply(np.floor) * 10 static_data['feasops']['fuel_name'].replace({y: x for x, y in dict_sets['f'].itertuples()}, inplace=True) static_data['feasops']['set_element'] = static_data['feasops']['medea_type'] static_data['feasops']['set_element'].replace( {x: y for x, y in static_data['tec'][['medea_type', 'set_element']].values}, inplace=True) static_data['feasops'].dropna(inplace=True) static_data['feasops'].set_index(['set_element', 'l', 'fuel_name'], inplace=True) # following line produces memory error (0xC00000FD) --> workaround with element-wise division # df_feasops['fuel_need'] = df_feasops['fuel']/ df_eff # TODO: PerformanceWarning: indexing past lexsort depth may impact performance (3 times) static_data['feasops']['fuel_need'] = np.nan for typ in static_data['feasops'].index.get_level_values(0).unique(): for lim in static_data['feasops'].index.get_level_values(1).unique(): static_data['feasops'].loc[idx[typ, lim], 'fuel_need'] = static_data['feasops'].loc[ idx[typ, lim], 'fuel'].mean() / \ dict_static['eta'][typ][0] # adjust static_data['tec'] to reflect modelled power plants static_data['tec'].set_index('set_element', inplace=True) static_data['tec'] = static_data['tec'].loc[static_data['tec'].index.isin(dict_sets['i'].index), :] dict_instantiate['efficiency'] = \ dict_instantiate['efficiency'].loc[ dict_instantiate['efficiency'].index.get_level_values(0).isin(dict_sets['i'].index), :] static_data['feasops'] = \ static_data['feasops'].loc[static_data['feasops'].index.get_level_values(0).isin(dict_sets['i'].index), :] # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # hydro storage data # drop all ror data plant_data['hydro'].drop(plant_data['hydro'][plant_data['hydro'].technology == 'Run-of-river'].index, inplace=True) # filter out data without reservoir size in GWh plant_data['hydro'].dropna(subset=['energy_max', 'power_in'], inplace=True) # calculate duration of generation from full reservoir plant_data['hydro']['max_duration'] = plant_data['hydro']['energy_max'] / plant_data['hydro']['power_out'] * 1000 / 24 plant_data['hydro']['count'] = 1 plant_data.update({'hydro_clusters': plant_data['hydro'].groupby(['technology', 'country', pd.cut(plant_data['hydro']['max_duration'], [0, 2, 7, 75])]).sum()}) plant_data['hydro_clusters']['efficiency_in'] = plant_data['hydro_clusters']['efficiency_in'] / \ plant_data['hydro_clusters']['count'] plant_data['hydro_clusters']['efficiency_out'] = plant_data['hydro_clusters']['efficiency_out'] / \ plant_data['hydro_clusters']['count'] plant_data['hydro_clusters']['cost_power'] = np.nan plant_data['hydro_clusters']['cost_energy'] = np.nan # assign technology and zone index to rows plant_data['hydro_clusters']['country'] = plant_data['hydro_clusters'].index.get_level_values(1) plant_data['hydro_clusters']['category'] = plant_data['hydro_clusters'].index.get_level_values(2).rename_categories( ['day', 'week', 'season']).astype(str) plant_data['hydro_clusters']['tech'] = plant_data['hydro_clusters'].index.get_level_values(0) plant_data['hydro_clusters']['tech'] = plant_data['hydro_clusters']['tech'].replace(['Pumped Storage', 'Reservoir'], ['psp', 'res']) plant_data['hydro_clusters']['set_elem'] = plant_data['hydro_clusters']['tech'] + '_' + plant_data['hydro_clusters'][ 'category'] plant_data['hydro_clusters'] = plant_data['hydro_clusters'].set_index(['set_elem', 'country']) plant_data['hydro_clusters'].fillna(0, inplace=True) plant_data['hydro_clusters']['power_out'] = plant_data['hydro_clusters']['power_out'] / 1000 # conversion from MW to GW plant_data['hydro_clusters']['power_in'] = plant_data['hydro_clusters']['power_in'] / 1000 # conversion from MW to GW plant_data['hydro_clusters']['inflow_factor'] = ( plant_data['hydro_clusters']['energy_max'] / plant_data['hydro_clusters']['energy_max'].sum()) plant_data['hydro_clusters'] = plant_data['hydro_clusters'].loc[:, ['power_in', 'power_out', 'energy_max', 'efficiency_in', 'efficiency_out', 'cost_power', 'cost_energy', 'inflow_factor']].copy() # append battery data bat_idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['battery'], list(cfg.zones)]) df_battery = pd.DataFrame(np.nan, bat_idx, dict_additions['batteries'].keys()) for zone in list(cfg.zones): for key in dict_additions['batteries'].keys(): df_battery.loc[('battery', zone), key] = dict_additions['batteries'][key][0] plant_data['storage_clusters'] = plant_data['hydro_clusters'].append(df_battery) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # %% process time series data # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ts_data['timeseries']['DateTime'] = pd.to_datetime(ts_data['timeseries']['DateTime']) ts_data['timeseries'].set_index('DateTime', inplace=True) # constrain data to scenario year ts_data['timeseries'] = ts_data['timeseries'].loc[ (pd.Timestamp(cfg.year, 1, 1, 0, 0).tz_localize('UTC') <= ts_data['timeseries'].index) & ( ts_data['timeseries'].index <= pd.Timestamp(cfg.year, 12, 31, 23, 0).tz_localize('UTC'))] # drop index and set index of df_time instead if len(ts_data['timeseries']) == len(dict_sets['t']): ts_data['timeseries'].set_index(dict_sets['t'].index, inplace=True) else: raise ValueError('Mismatch of time series data and model time resolution. Is cfg.year wrong?') ts_data['timeseries']['DE-power-load'] = ts_data['timeseries']['DE-power-load'] / 0.91 # for 0.91 scaling factor see # # create price time series incl transport cost ts_data['timeseries']['Nuclear'] = 3.5 ts_data['timeseries']['Lignite'] = 4.5 ts_data['timeseries']['Biomass'] = 6.5 # subset of zonal time series ts_data['zonal'] = ts_data['timeseries'].loc[:, ts_data['timeseries'].columns.str.startswith(('AT', 'DE'))].copy() ts_data['zonal'].columns = ts_data['zonal'].columns.str.split('-', expand=True) # adjust column naming to reflect proper product names ('el' and 'ht') ts_data['zonal'] = ts_data['zonal'].rename(columns={'power': 'el', 'heat': 'ht'}) model_prices = ['Coal', 'Oil', 'Gas', 'EUA', 'Nuclear', 'Lignite', 'Biomass', 'price_day_ahead'] ts_data['price'] = pd.DataFrame(index=ts_data['timeseries'].index, columns=pd.MultiIndex.from_product([model_prices, cfg.zones])) for zone in cfg.zones: for fuel in model_prices: if fuel in static_data['cost_transport'].index: ts_data['price'][(fuel, zone)] = ts_data['timeseries'][fuel] + static_data['cost_transport'].loc[fuel, zone] else: ts_data['price'][(fuel, zone)] = ts_data['timeseries'][fuel] ts_inflows = pd.DataFrame(index=list(ts_data['zonal'].index), columns=pd.MultiIndex.from_product([cfg.zones, dict_sets['k'].index])) for zone in list(cfg.zones): for strg in dict_sets['k'].index: if 'battery' not in strg: ts_inflows.loc[:, (zone, strg)] = ts_data['zonal'].loc[:, idx[zone, 'inflows', 'reservoir']] * \ plant_data['storage_clusters'].loc[(strg, zone), 'inflow_factor'] ts_data.update({'inflows': ts_inflows}) dict_instantiate.update({'ancil': ts_data['zonal'].loc[:, idx[:, 'el', 'load']].max().unstack((1, 2)).squeeze() * 0.125 + dict_instantiate['CAP_R'].unstack(1).drop('ror', axis=1).sum(axis=1) * 0.075}) dict_instantiate.update({'PEAK_LOAD': ts_data['zonal'].loc[:, idx[:, 'el', 'load']].max().unstack((1, 2)).squeeze()}) dict_instantiate.update({'PEAK_PROFILE': ts_data['zonal'].loc[:, idx[:, :, 'profile']].max().unstack(2).drop( 'ror', axis=0, level=1)}) # drop rows with all zeros plant_data['storage_clusters'] = \ plant_data['storage_clusters'].loc[~(plant_data['storage_clusters'] == 0).all(axis=1), :].copy() # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # %% limits on investment - long-run vs short-run & # TODO: potentials # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # invest_limits = {} lim_invest_thermal = pd.DataFrame([0]) if cfg.invest_conventionals: lim_invest_thermal = pd.DataFrame([float('inf')]) invest_limits.update({'thermal': lim_invest_thermal}) # dimension lim_invest_itm[r, tec_itm] lim_invest_itm = pd.DataFrame(data=0, index=cfg.zones, columns=dict_sets['n'].index) if cfg.invest_renewables: for zone in cfg.zones: for itm in lim_invest_itm.columns: lim_invest_itm.loc[zone, itm] = float(static_data['potentials'].loc[itm, zone]) invest_limits.update({'intermittent': lim_invest_itm}) # dimension lim_invest_storage[r, tec_strg] lim_invest_storage = pd.DataFrame(data=0, index=cfg.zones, columns=dict_sets['k'].index) if cfg.invest_storage: for zone in cfg.zones: for strg in lim_invest_storage.columns: lim_invest_storage.loc[zone, strg] = float(static_data['potentials'].loc[strg, zone]) invest_limits.update({'storage': lim_invest_storage}) # dimension lim_invest_atc[r,rr] lim_invest_atc =
pd.DataFrame(data=0, index=cfg.zones, columns=cfg.zones)
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # =========================================================================== # # Project : Data Mining # # File : \ # # Python : 3.9.1 # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Author : <NAME> # # Company : # # Email : <EMAIL> # # URL : # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Created : Tuesday, March 9th 2021, 12:24:24 am # # Last Modified : Tuesday, March 9th 2021, 12:24:24 am # # Modified By : <NAME> (<EMAIL>) # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # License : BSD # # Copyright (c) 2021 # # =========================================================================== # # =========================================================================== # # 1. LIBRARIES # # =========================================================================== # #%% # System and python libraries from abc import ABC, abstractmethod import datetime import glob import itertools from joblib import dump, load import os import pickle import time import uuid # Manipulating, analyzing and processing data from collections import OrderedDict import numpy as np import pandas as pd import scipy as sp from scipy.stats.stats import pearsonr, f_oneway from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer from sklearn.experimental import enable_iterative_imputer from sklearn.impute import IterativeImputer, SimpleImputer from sklearn.neighbors import LocalOutlierFactor from sklearn.preprocessing import FunctionTransformer, StandardScaler from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder, PowerTransformer from category_encoders import TargetEncoder, LeaveOneOutEncoder # Feature and model selection and evaluation from sklearn.feature_selection import RFECV, SelectKBest from sklearn.feature_selection import VarianceThreshold, f_regression from sklearn.metrics import make_scorer, mean_squared_error from sklearn.model_selection import KFold from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline, Pipeline, FeatureUnion from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV # Regression based estimators from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression, Lasso, Ridge, ElasticNet # Tree-based estimators from sklearn.experimental import enable_hist_gradient_boosting from sklearn.ensemble import AdaBoostRegressor, BaggingRegressor, ExtraTreesRegressor from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor, RandomForestRegressor from sklearn.ensemble import HistGradientBoostingRegressor from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor # Visualizing data import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from tabulate import tabulate # Utilities from utils import notify, PersistEstimator, comment, print_dict, print_dict_keys # Data Source from data import AmesData pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
import pandas as pd import pathlib import yaml from cooler.util import binnify, read_chromsizes import numpy as np import time from statsmodels.stats.multitest import multipletests from scipy.stats import norm import subprocess import pybedtools from concurrent.futures import as_completed, ProcessPoolExecutor import cemba_data PACKAGE_DIR = pathlib.Path(cemba_data.__path__[0]) DSS_TWO_GROUP_TEMPLATE = PACKAGE_DIR / 'dmr/dss/DSS.TwoGroup.SingleRegionDML.ipynb' def prepare_snakemake(allc_table_path, output_dir, chrom_sizes_path, template_path, chroms=None, smoothing=True, chunk_size=50000000): output_dir = pathlib.Path(output_dir).absolute() output_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) allc_table = pd.read_csv(allc_table_path, sep='\t') allc_table.columns = ['allc_path', 'sample', 'group'] if allc_table['group'].unique().size != 2: raise ValueError( f"There must be two and only two different groups, got {allc_table['group'].unique().size}." ) group1, group2 = allc_table['group'].unique() group1_allc = allc_table.loc[allc_table['group'] == group1, 'allc_path'].tolist() group2_allc = allc_table.loc[allc_table['group'] == group2, 'allc_path'].tolist() group1_id = allc_table.loc[allc_table['group'] == group1, 'sample'].tolist() group2_id = allc_table.loc[allc_table['group'] == group2, 'sample'].tolist() chrom_sizes = read_chromsizes(chrom_sizes_path).reindex(chroms) if chroms is None: chroms = chrom_sizes.index.tolist() bins = binnify(chrom_sizes.loc[chroms], binsize=chunk_size) regions = [] for _, (chrom, start, end) in bins.iterrows(): region = f'{chrom}:{start}-{end}' regions.append(region) for region in regions: config_path = f'{output_dir}/{region}.yaml' parameters = dict(region=region, allc_paths=group1_allc + group2_allc, group1=group1_id, group2=group2_id, smoothing=smoothing) with open(config_path, 'w') as f: f.write(yaml.dump(parameters)) snakefile = f""" regions = {regions} rule main: input: expand('{{region}}.DSS.DML.hdf', region=regions) rule papermill: input: nb='{template_path}', config='{{region}}.yaml' output: nb='{{region}}.ipynb', data='{{region}}.DSS.DML.hdf' shell: 'papermill {{input.nb}} {{output.nb}} -f {{input.config}} && sleep 10' """ snakefile_path = f'{output_dir}/Snakefile' with open(snakefile_path, 'w') as f: f.write(snakefile) return snakefile_path def _parse_dml_ids(string): ids = np.array(string.split(',')).astype(int) start = min(ids) end = max(ids) result = pd.Series({ 'idx_start': start, 'idx_end': end, 'n_sig': ids.size, 'total_dml': end - start + 1, 'sig_ratio': ids.size / (end - start + 1) }) return result def call_dmr_single_chromosome(output_dir, chrom, p_threshold, min_cg, min_len, sig_ratio, delta, chrom_sizes_path): # read DML for one chromosome print(f'Reading DML tables for {chrom}') dss_paths = list(pathlib.Path(output_dir).glob(f'{chrom}:*DSS.DML.hdf')) dmls = [] for path in dss_paths: try: df = pd.read_hdf(path) if df.shape[0] > 0: dmls.append(df) except ValueError: # this happens when the HDF5 is empty pass dmls = pd.concat(dmls) dmls.sort_values('pos', inplace=True) dmls.dropna(subset=['pval'], inplace=True) dmls.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) print('Selecting significant DMLs to merge DMRs') # Select sig # recalculate FDR _, fdr, *_ = multipletests(dmls['pval'], method='fdr_bh') dmls['fdr'] = fdr # Calculate delta significance Pr(diff.abs() > delta) delta_p = 1 - norm.cdf(dmls['diff'].abs() - delta, scale=dmls['']) # select sig DML to merge DMR dmls['sig'] = (dmls['fdr'] < p_threshold) & (delta_p < p_threshold) dmls.to_hdf(f'{output_dir}/{chrom}.DML.hdf', key='data', format="table") sig_dmls = dmls[dmls['sig']] # Merge DMR print('Merge DMRs') dml_bed = sig_dmls[['chr', 'pos', 'pos']].reset_index() dml_bed.columns = ['id', 'chr', 'start', 'end'] dml_bed['end'] += 1 dml_bed = dml_bed.iloc[:, [1, 2, 3, 0]] dml_bed = pybedtools.BedTool.from_dataframe(dml_bed) try: dmr_bed = dml_bed.sort(g=chrom_sizes_path).merge( d=250, c='4', o='collapse').to_dataframe() except pybedtools.helpers.BEDToolsError: return False # Annotate DMR print('Annotating DMRs') name = dmr_bed.pop('name') dmr_bed = pd.concat([dmr_bed, name.apply(_parse_dml_ids)], axis=1) dmr_bed = dmr_bed.astype({ 'idx_start': int, 'idx_end': int, 'n_sig': int, 'total_dml': int }) def _region_stat(row): idx_start = row['idx_start'] idx_end = row['idx_end'] return dmls.iloc[idx_start:idx_end + 1].agg({ 'mu1': 'mean', 'mu2': 'mean', 'stat': 'sum' }) dmr_stats = dmr_bed.apply(_region_stat, axis=1) dmr_bed = pd.concat([dmr_bed, dmr_stats], axis=1) dmr_bed['diff'] = dmr_bed['mu1'] - dmr_bed['mu2'] dmr_bed['length'] = dmr_bed['end'] - dmr_bed['start'] # final DMR filter judge = (dmr_bed['n_sig'] >= min_cg) & ( dmr_bed['sig_ratio'] > sig_ratio) & (dmr_bed['length'] >= min_len) & ( dmr_bed['diff'].abs() > delta) dmr_bed['selected_dmr'] = judge dmr_bed.to_hdf(f'{output_dir}/{chrom}.DMR.hdf', key='data') return True def run_dss_two_group(allc_table_path, output_dir, study_name, chrom_sizes_path, chroms=None, smoothing=True, p_threshold=0.001, min_cg=1, min_len=1, sig_ratio=0.5, delta=0.1, cpu=10, save_dml=False, template_path='default', chunk_size=50000000): # prepare template if template_path == 'default': template_path = DSS_TWO_GROUP_TEMPLATE # prepare snakemake output_dir = pathlib.Path(output_dir).absolute() this_study_dir = output_dir / f'{study_name}_DSS' prepare_snakemake(allc_table_path=allc_table_path, output_dir=this_study_dir, chrom_sizes_path=chrom_sizes_path, chroms=chroms, smoothing=smoothing, template_path=template_path, chunk_size=chunk_size) # the ipykernel package raise "zmq.error.ZMQError: Address already in use" due to parallel execution, # restart likely solve the problem. snakemake_cmd = f'snakemake -d {this_study_dir} --snakefile {this_study_dir}/Snakefile ' \ f'-j {cpu} --default-resources mem_mb=100 --resources mem_mb={int(5000 * cpu)} ' \ f'--restart-times 3', shell=True, check=True) with ProcessPoolExecutor(cpu) as exe: futures = {} for chrom in chroms: f = exe.submit(call_dmr_single_chromosome, output_dir=this_study_dir, chrom=chrom, p_threshold=p_threshold, min_cg=min_cg, min_len=min_len, sig_ratio=sig_ratio, delta=delta, chrom_sizes_path=chrom_sizes_path) futures[f] = chrom time.sleep(1) total_dmrs = [] for future in as_completed(futures): chrom = futures[future] print(f'{chrom} finished') success_flag = future.result() if success_flag: total_dmrs.append(
# Data Worker # %% import os import pandas as pd import as px from pypinyin import lazy_pinyin locations_url = '' filename = 'locations.json' sync_folder = os.environ.get('Sync', '.') mapbox = dict( mapbox_accesstoken=open(os.path.join( os.environ['onedrive'], '.mapbox_token')).read(), mapbox_style='light' ) def fetch_locations(): locations =
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Sun Feb 24 19:08:39 2019 @author: <NAME> et al. - "Evaluation of machine learning models for automatic detection of DNA double strand breaks after irradiation using a gH2AX foci assay", PLOS One, 2020 """ # main file for training machine learning models using previously labeled data ############################################################################### # Parameters and file path that have to be set manually: # Parameters: # min area of nucleus min_area = 4000 # color channel of nucleus. 0 = red, 1 = grenn, 2 = blue. for grayscale images # this value is ignored. nuc_chan = 2 # color channel of foci. 0 = red, 1 = grenn, 2 = blue. for grayscale images # this value is ignored. foci_chan = 1 # color channel of marked image. 0 = red, 1 = grenn, 2 = blue. corresponds to # the color of the markings in the manually labeled foci images mark_chan = 0 # adjust image size - might be usefull to save calculation time. needs to be # identical for foci and nucleus images # image rescale factor: rescale_factor = 1.0 # take only those PCA components cumulatively explaining var_max of the variance # 0<var_max<=1. var_max = 0.95 # randomly sample a proportion of the training data from each image (0<sampling<=1). # speeds up training process if smaller than 1 sampling = 1 # used filter sizes filt_range = [2,3,4,5,8,10,15,20,25,30,35] # scaling range for frangi filter sc_range = list(range(2,11)) #frequency range for gabor filter freq = [0.08,0.10,0.13,0.16,0.2] # Name used for saving the trained model and related images: model_name = "MLP" # directory containing the foci images: im_path_foci = "D:\\Sample Images\\foci" # directory containing the manually labeled foci images: im_path_foci_marked = "D:\\Sample Images\\foci_marked" # directory containing the nucleus images: im_path_dapi = "D:\\Sample Images\\dapi" ############################################################################### ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # turn of warnings, this is especially annoying with sklearn stuff def warn(*args, **kwargs): pass import warnings warnings.warn = warn # Get packages: # For directory, file handling etc. import os import sys # import pandas: import pandas as pd # import numpy import numpy as np # For image analysis: from import imread, imshow from import imsave from skimage.transform import rescale # import packages related to (pre-) processing of data and model results: from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV # import model packages: from sklearn.naive_bayes import ComplementNB from sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifier from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier, AdaBoostClassifier, BaggingClassifier, VotingClassifier from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC from sklearn.metrics import precision_score, recall_score sys.path.append(os.getcwd()) main_file_path = os.getcwd() # self written functions: from FociDetectImgAnalysis import get_nuclei, GoToFiles from GetFociData import get_labeled_data from GetBestParams import image_pipeline ############################################################################### # Start analysis of dapi images # go to nucleus folder: os.chdir(im_path_dapi) print("Analyzing nucleus images ...") # go to the directory containing the foci images: #im_path = os.getcwd()+"\Sample Images\foci" #os.chdir(im_path) # start reading in image files: stats = [] # get file names save_path = "Single Nuclei" files = GoToFiles(im_path_dapi,save_path) for file_num in range(len(files)): file_name, extension = os.path.splitext(files[file_num]) # print(file_name + " " + extension) if extension in [".png",".tif",".jpg",".bmp"]: # read image: image = imread(files[file_num]) image = rescale(image, rescale_factor, order=1,preserve_range = True) image = np.uint8(image) #imshow(image) # get region props of the blue channel: if(len(image.shape)<3): stats.append(get_nuclei(image[:,:],file_name)) else: stats.append(get_nuclei(image[:,:,nuc_chan],file_name)) # Get x and y data for model training and the coordinate for each image: # y_data is boolean with True were pixel was marked as foci and false otherwise x_data, y_data, coords = get_labeled_data(im_path_foci,stats,im_path_foci_marked,filt_range,freq,sc_range,rescale_factor,foci_chan, mark_chan) # When done with everything go back to the main folder: os.chdir(main_file_path) ############################################################################### # This part is for model training assuming "get_labeled_data" was ran successfully # get trainingsdata: x_train_transformed, y_train, idx, s1, s2, p, mnmx = image_pipeline(x_data,y_data,removed_im = [],var_max = var_max, sampling = sampling) # Chose the model to train: # neural network: model = MLPClassifier(alpha=0.1, batch_size = 2000, learning_rate = "adaptive", learning_rate_init = 0.1, max_iter = 300, tol = 10**-4, early_stopping = True) parameters = {'batch_size':[100,500,1000,2000,3000,4000,5000],'alpha':[10**-4,10**-3,10**-2,10**-1,1]} # random forest: # clf = RandomForestClassifier(criterion = "entropy",min_weight_fraction_leaf = 0.005, n_estimators = 15,max_depth = 50, min_samples_leaf = 10,min_samples_split = 100, n_jobs = -1) # model = AdaBoostClassifier(base_estimator = clf, n_estimators=5) # parameters = {'base_estimator__min_weight_fraction_leaf':[0.0001,0.001,0.005],'base_estimator__n_estimators':[5,10,15,20],'base_estimator__min_samples_leaf':[10,20,100]} # complement naive bayes: # clf = ComplementNB(alpha = 0.0, norm = True) # model = AdaBoostClassifier(base_estimator = clf, n_estimators=15) # parameters = {'base_estimator__alpha': [0,0.01,0.02,0.03,0.04,0.05,0.06], 'base_estimator__norm': [True, False]} # support vector machine: # linear svm # clf = LinearSVC(penalty = "l2", loss = "hinge", C = 2, class_weight = "balanced", max_iter = 5000) # model = AdaBoostClassifier(base_estimator = clf, n_estimators=5,algorithm='SAMME') # parameters = {"base_estimator__C": [0.1,0.3,0.6,1,2,3]} print("Performing grid search ...") # get best model parameters: clf = GridSearchCV(model, parameters, cv = 3), y_train) ############################################################################### # train models based on on all but one of the images and test on the remaining # one. Do this for all combinations of images. # Save images and some resulting statistics. # save path: save_path = im_path_foci + "\Results Model Validation" # set model: # neural network: # model = MLPClassifier(alpha=0.1, batch_size = 2000, learning_rate = "adaptive", learning_rate_init = 0.1, max_iter = 300, tol = 10**-4, early_stopping = True) model = clf.best_estimator_ im_stats = [] # create data sets leaving out one image: print("Training model (leave one out) ...") for im in range(len(x_data)): print("Current Image:" + str(im+1)) removed_im = [im] x_train_transformed, y_train, idx, s1, s2, p, mnmx = image_pipeline(x_data,y_data,removed_im,var_max = 0.95, sampling = 1) # use some defined model and train it with the x-featues:, y_train) # create variables for test image: x_vals_im =
import sklearn.ensemble as ek from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn import tree from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression import pickle import pandas as pd import numpy as np import pyprind import re from collections import Counter import math import traceback model_dir = r'C:\Users\86151\Desktop\Data Mining Homework\Wee 8\ML-for-SQL-Injection\ML_for_SQL\data\models\model.model' def entropy(s): p, lns = Counter(s), float(len(s)) return -sum(count / lns * math.log(count / lns, 2) for count in p.values()) def getFeatures(url,label): result = [] url = str(url) result.append(url) num_len=0 capital_len=0 key_num=0 feature3=0 num_len=len(re.compile(r'\d').findall(url)) try: if len(url)!=0: num_f=num_len/len(url)#数字字符频率 capital_len=len(re.compile(r'[A-Z]').findall(url)) if len(url)!=0: capital_f=capital_len/len(url)#大写字母频率 url=url.lower() key_num=url.count('and%20')+url.count('or%20')+url.count('xor%20')+url.count('sysobjects%20')+url.count('version%20')+url.count('substr%20')+url.count('len%20')+url.count('substring%20')+url.count('exists%20') key_num=key_num+url.count('mid%20')+url.count('asc%20')+url.count('inner join%20')+url.count('xp_cmdshell%20')+url.count('version%20')+url.count('exec%20')+url.count('having%20')+url.count('unnion%20')+url.count('order%20')+url.count('information schema') key_num=key_num+url.count('load_file%20')+url.count('load data infile%20')+url.count('into outfile%20')+url.count('into dumpfile%20') if len(url)!=0: space_f=(url.count(" ")+url.count("%20"))/len(url)#空格百分比 special_f=(url.count("{")*2+url.count('28%')*2+url.count('NULL')+url.count('[')+url.count('=')+url.count('?'))/len(url) prefix_f=(url.count('\\x')+url.count('&')+url.count('\\u')+url.count('%'))/len(url) result.append(len(url)) result.append(key_num) result.append(capital_f) result.append(num_f) result.append(space_f) result.append(special_f) result.append(prefix_f) result.append(entropy(url)) result.append(str(label)) return result except: traceback.print_exc() exit(-1) def plot_feature_importances(feature_importances,title,feature_names): # 将重要性值标准化 feature_importances = 100.0*(feature_importances/max(feature_importances)) # 将得分从高到低排序 index_sorted = np.flipud(np.argsort(feature_importances)) # 让X坐标轴上的标签居中显示 pos = np.arange(index_sorted.shape[0])+0.5 # plt.figure(figsize=(16,4)) #,feature_importances[index_sorted],align='center') # plt.xticks(pos,feature_names[index_sorted]) # plt.ylabel('Relative Importance') # plt.title(title) # if __name__ == '__main__': # 提取特征 df =
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd import math import scipy.stats as stats from matplotlib import gridspec from matplotlib.lines import Line2D from .util import * import seaborn as sns from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter import matplotlib.pylab as pl import matplotlib.dates as mdates from matplotlib.patches import Patch from matplotlib.lines import Line2D import matplotlib.patheffects as pe from .sanker import Sanker import imageio class Visualizer(): def __init__(self, district_list, private_list, city_list, contract_list, bank_list, leiu_list): self.district_list = district_list.copy() self.private_list = private_list.copy() for x in city_list: self.private_list.append(x) self.contract_list = contract_list self.bank_list = bank_list self.leiu_list = leiu_list self.private_districts = {} for x in self.private_list: self.private_districts[] = [] for xx in x.district_list: self.private_districts[].append(xx) inflow_inputs = pd.read_csv('calfews_src/data/input/calfews_src-data.csv', index_col=0, parse_dates=True) x2_results = pd.read_csv('calfews_src/data/input/x2DAYFLOW.csv', index_col=0, parse_dates=True) self.observations = inflow_inputs.join(x2_results) self.observations['delta_outflow'] = self.observations['delta_inflow'] + self.observations['delta_depletions'] - self.observations['HRO_pump'] - self.observations['TRP_pump'] self.index_o = self.observations.index self.T_o = len(self.observations) self.day_month_o = self.month_o = self.index_o.month self.year_o = self.index_o.year kern_bank_observations = pd.read_csv('calfews_src/data/input/kern_water_bank_historical.csv') kern_bank_observations = kern_bank_observations.set_index('Year') semitropic_bank_observations = pd.read_csv('calfews_src/data/input/semitropic_bank_historical.csv') semitropic_bank_observations = semitropic_bank_observations.set_index('Year') total_bank_kwb = np.zeros(self.T_o) total_bank_smi = np.zeros(self.T_o) for x in range(0, self.T_o): if self.month_o[x] > 9: year_str = self.year_o[x] else: year_str = self.year_o[x] - 1 if self.month_o[x] == 9 and self.day_month_o[x] == 30: year_str = self.year_o[x] total_bank_kwb[x] = kern_bank_observations.loc[year_str, 'Ag'] + kern_bank_observations.loc[year_str, 'Mixed Purpose'] deposit_history = semitropic_bank_observations[semitropic_bank_observations.index <= year_str] total_bank_smi[x] = deposit_history['Metropolitan'].sum() + deposit_history['South Bay'].sum() self.observations['kwb_accounts'] = pd.Series(total_bank_kwb, index=self.observations.index) self.observations['smi_accounts'] = pd.Series(total_bank_smi, index=self.observations.index) def get_results_sensitivity_number(self, results_file, sensitivity_number, start_month, start_year, start_day): self.values = {} numdays_index = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31] with h5py.File(results_file, 'r') as f: data = f['s' + sensitivity_number] names = data.attrs['columns'] names = list(map(lambda x: str(x).split("'")[1], names)) df_data = pd.DataFrame(data[:], columns=names) for x in df_data: self.values[x] = df_data[x] datetime_index = [] monthcount = start_month yearcount = start_year daycount = start_day leapcount = np.remainder(start_year, 4) for t in range(0, len(self.values[x])): datetime_index.append(str(yearcount) + '-' + str(monthcount) + '-' + str(daycount)) daycount += 1 if leapcount == 0 and monthcount == 2: numdays_month = numdays_index[monthcount - 1] + 1 else: numdays_month = numdays_index[monthcount - 1] if daycount > numdays_month: daycount = 1 monthcount += 1 if monthcount == 13: monthcount = 1 yearcount += 1 leapcount += 1 if leapcount == 4: leapcount = 0 self.values['Datetime'] = pd.to_datetime(datetime_index) self.values = pd.DataFrame(self.values) self.values = self.values.set_index('Datetime') self.index = self.values.index self.T = len(self.values.index) self.day_year = self.index.dayofyear self.day_month = self.month = self.index.month self.year = self.index.year self.starting_year = self.index.year[0] self.ending_year = self.index.year[-1] self.number_years = self.ending_year - self.starting_year total_kwb_sim = np.zeros(len(self.values)) total_smi_sim = np.zeros(len(self.values)) for district_partner in ['DLR', 'KCWA', 'ID4', 'SMI', 'TJC', 'WON', 'WRM']: total_kwb_sim += self.values['kwb_' + district_partner] self.values['kwb_total'] = pd.Series(total_kwb_sim, index = self.values.index) for district_partner in ['SOB', 'MET']: total_smi_sim += self.values['semitropic_' + district_partner] self.values['smi_total'] = pd.Series(total_smi_sim, index = self.values.index) def set_figure_params(self): self.figure_params = {} self.figure_params['delta_pumping'] = {} self.figure_params['delta_pumping']['extended_simulation'] = {} self.figure_params['delta_pumping']['extended_simulation']['outflow_list'] = ['delta_outflow', 'delta_outflow'] self.figure_params['delta_pumping']['extended_simulation']['pump1_list'] = ['delta_HRO_pump', 'HRO_pump'] self.figure_params['delta_pumping']['extended_simulation']['pump2_list'] = ['delta_TRP_pump', 'TRP_pump'] self.figure_params['delta_pumping']['extended_simulation']['scenario_labels'] = ['Model Validation', 'Extended Simulation'] self.figure_params['delta_pumping']['extended_simulation']['simulation_labels'] = ['delta_HRO_pump', 'delta_TRP_pump', 'delta_outflow'] self.figure_params['delta_pumping']['extended_simulation']['observation_labels'] = ['HRO_pump', 'TRP_pump', 'delta_outflow'] self.figure_params['delta_pumping']['extended_simulation']['agg_list'] = ['AS-OCT', 'AS-OCT', 'D'] self.figure_params['delta_pumping']['extended_simulation']['unit_mult'] = [1.0, 1.0, cfs_tafd] self.figure_params['delta_pumping']['extended_simulation']['max_value_list'] = [5000, 5000, 15] self.figure_params['delta_pumping']['extended_simulation']['use_log_list'] = [False, False, True] self.figure_params['delta_pumping']['extended_simulation']['use_cdf_list'] = [False, False, True] self.figure_params['delta_pumping']['extended_simulation']['scenario_type_list'] = ['observation', 'validation', 'scenario'] self.figure_params['delta_pumping']['extended_simulation']['x_label_list'] = ['Total Pumping, SWP Delta Pumps (tAF/year)', 'Total Pumping, CVP Delta Pumps (tAF/year)', 'Daily Exceedence Probability', ''] self.figure_params['delta_pumping']['extended_simulation']['y_label_list'] = ['Probability Density', 'Probability Density', 'Daily Delta Outflow (tAF)', 'Relative Frequency of Water-year Types within Simulation'] self.figure_params['delta_pumping']['extended_simulation']['legend_label_names1'] = ['Historical (1996-2016) Observations', 'Historical (1996-2016) Model Validation', 'Extended Simulation'] self.figure_params['delta_pumping']['extended_simulation']['legend_label_names2'] = ['Critical', 'Dry', 'Below Normal', 'Above Normal', 'Wet'] self.figure_params['state_estimation'] = {} for x in ['publication', 'sacramento', 'sanjoaquin', 'tulare']: self.figure_params['state_estimation'][x] = {} self.figure_params['state_estimation'][x]['non_log'] = ['Snowpack (SWE)',] self.figure_params['state_estimation'][x]['predictor values'] = ['Mean Inflow, Prior 30 Days (tAF/day)','Snowpack (SWE)'] self.figure_params['state_estimation'][x]['colorbar_label_index'] = [0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180] self.figure_params['state_estimation'][x]['colorbar_label_list'] = ['Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec', 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr'] self.figure_params['state_estimation'][x]['subplot_annotations'] = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'] self.figure_params['state_estimation'][x]['forecast_periods'] = [30,'SNOWMELT'] self.figure_params['state_estimation'][x]['all_cols'] = ['DOWY', 'Snowpack', '30MA'] self.figure_params['state_estimation'][x]['forecast_values'] = [] for forecast_days in self.figure_params['state_estimation'][x]['forecast_periods']: if forecast_days == 'SNOWMELT': self.figure_params['state_estimation'][x]['forecast_values'].append('Flow Estimation, Snowmelt Season (tAF)') self.figure_params['state_estimation'][x]['all_cols'].append('Snowmelt Flow') else: self.figure_params['state_estimation'][x]['forecast_values'].append('Flow Estimation, Next ' + str(forecast_days) + ' Days (tAF)') self.figure_params['state_estimation'][x]['all_cols'].append(str(forecast_days) + ' Day Flow') self.figure_params['state_estimation']['publication']['watershed_keys'] = ['SHA', 'ORO', 'MIL', 'ISB'] self.figure_params['state_estimation']['publication']['watershed_labels'] = ['Shasta', 'Oroville', 'Millerton', 'Isabella'] self.figure_params['state_estimation']['sacramento']['watershed_keys'] = ['SHA', 'ORO', 'FOL', 'YRS'] self.figure_params['state_estimation']['sacramento']['watershed_labels'] = ['Shasta', 'Oroville', 'Folsom', 'New Bullards Bar'] self.figure_params['state_estimation']['sanjoaquin']['watershed_keys'] = ['NML', 'DNP', 'EXC', 'MIL'] self.figure_params['state_estimation']['sanjoaquin']['watershed_labels'] = ['New Melones', '<NAME>', 'Exchequer', 'Millerton'] self.figure_params['state_estimation']['tulare']['watershed_keys'] = ['PFT', 'KWH', 'SUC', 'ISB'] self.figure_params['state_estimation']['tulare']['watershed_labels'] = ['Pine Flat', 'Kaweah', 'Success', 'Isabella'] self.figure_params['model_validation'] = {} for x in ['delta', 'sierra', 'sanluis', 'bank']: self.figure_params['model_validation'][x] = {} self.figure_params['model_validation']['delta']['title_labels'] = ['State Water Project Pumping', 'Central Valley Project Pumping', 'Delta X2 Location'] num_subplots = len(self.figure_params['model_validation']['delta']['title_labels']) self.figure_params['model_validation']['delta']['label_name_1'] = ['delta_HRO_pump', 'delta_TRP_pump', 'delta_x2'] self.figure_params['model_validation']['delta']['label_name_2'] = ['HRO_pump', 'TRP_pump', 'DAY_X2'] self.figure_params['model_validation']['delta']['unit_converstion_1'] = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] self.figure_params['model_validation']['delta']['unit_converstion_2'] = [cfs_tafd, cfs_tafd, 1.0] self.figure_params['model_validation']['delta']['y_label_timeseries'] = ['Pumping (tAF/week)', 'Pumping (tAF/week)', 'X2 inland distance (km)'] self.figure_params['model_validation']['delta']['y_label_scatter'] = ['(tAF/yr)', '(tAF/yr)', '(km)'] self.figure_params['model_validation']['delta']['timeseries_timestep'] = ['W', 'W', 'W'] self.figure_params['model_validation']['delta']['scatter_timestep'] = ['AS-OCT', 'AS-OCT', 'M'] self.figure_params['model_validation']['delta']['aggregation_methods'] = ['sum', 'sum', 'mean'] self.figure_params['model_validation']['delta']['notation_location'] = ['top'] * num_subplots self.figure_params['model_validation']['delta']['show_legend'] = [True] * num_subplots self.figure_params['model_validation']['sierra']['title_labels'] = ['Shasta', 'Oroville', 'Folsom', 'New Bullards Bar', 'New Melones', '<NAME>', 'Exchequer', 'Millerton', 'Pine Flat', 'Kaweah', 'Success', 'Isabella'] num_subplots = len(self.figure_params['model_validation']['sierra']['title_labels']) self.figure_params['model_validation']['sierra']['label_name_1'] = ['shasta_S', 'oroville_S', 'folsom_S', 'yuba_S', 'newmelones_S', 'donpedro_S', 'exchequer_S', 'millerton_S', 'pineflat_S', 'kaweah_S', 'success_S', 'isabella_S'] self.figure_params['model_validation']['sierra']['label_name_2'] = ['SHA_storage', 'ORO_storage', 'FOL_storage', 'YRS_storage', 'NML_storage', 'DNP_storage', 'EXC_storage', 'MIL_storage', 'PFT_storage', 'KWH_storage', 'SUC_storage', 'ISB_storage'] self.figure_params['model_validation']['sierra']['unit_converstion_1'] = [1.0/1000.0] * num_subplots self.figure_params['model_validation']['sierra']['unit_converstion_2'] = [1.0/1000000.0] * num_subplots self.figure_params['model_validation']['sierra']['y_label_timeseries'] = ['Storage (mAF)'] * num_subplots self.figure_params['model_validation']['sierra']['y_label_scatter'] = [] self.figure_params['model_validation']['sierra']['timeseries_timestep'] = ['W'] * num_subplots self.figure_params['model_validation']['sierra']['scatter_timestep'] = [] self.figure_params['model_validation']['sierra']['aggregation_methods'] = ['mean'] * num_subplots self.figure_params['model_validation']['sierra']['notation_location'] = ['bottom'] * num_subplots self.figure_params['model_validation']['sierra']['show_legend'] = [False] * num_subplots counter_kaweah = self.figure_params['model_validation']['sierra']['title_labels'].index('Kaweah') counter_success = self.figure_params['model_validation']['sierra']['title_labels'].index('Success') counter_isabella = self.figure_params['model_validation']['sierra']['title_labels'].index('Isabella') self.figure_params['model_validation']['sierra']['notation_location'][counter_kaweah] = 'top' self.figure_params['model_validation']['sierra']['notation_location'][counter_success] = 'topright' self.figure_params['model_validation']['sierra']['show_legend'][counter_isabella] = True self.figure_params['model_validation']['sanluis']['title_labels'] = ['State (SWP) Portion, San Luis Reservoir', 'Federal (CVP) Portion, San Luis Reservoir'] num_subplots = len(self.figure_params['model_validation']['sanluis']['title_labels']) self.figure_params['model_validation']['sanluis']['label_name_1'] = ['sanluisstate_S', 'sanluisfederal_S'] self.figure_params['model_validation']['sanluis']['label_name_2'] = ['SLS_storage', 'SLF_storage'] self.figure_params['model_validation']['sanluis']['unit_converstion_1'] = [1.0/1000.0] * num_subplots self.figure_params['model_validation']['sanluis']['unit_converstion_2'] = [1.0/1000000.0] * num_subplots self.figure_params['model_validation']['sanluis']['y_label_timeseries'] = ['Storage (mAF)'] * num_subplots self.figure_params['model_validation']['sanluis']['y_label_scatter'] = ['(mAF)'] * num_subplots self.figure_params['model_validation']['sanluis']['timeseries_timestep'] = ['W'] * num_subplots self.figure_params['model_validation']['sanluis']['scatter_timestep'] = ['M'] * num_subplots self.figure_params['model_validation']['sanluis']['aggregation_methods'] = ['point'] * num_subplots self.figure_params['model_validation']['sanluis']['notation_location'] = ['top'] * num_subplots self.figure_params['model_validation']['sanluis']['show_legend'] = [True] * num_subplots self.figure_params['model_validation']['bank']['title_labels'] = ['Kern Water Bank Accounts', 'Semitropic Water Bank Accounts'] num_subplots = len(self.figure_params['model_validation']['bank']['title_labels']) self.figure_params['model_validation']['bank']['label_name_1'] = ['kwb_total', 'smi_total'] self.figure_params['model_validation']['bank']['label_name_2'] = ['kwb_accounts', 'smi_accounts'] self.figure_params['model_validation']['bank']['unit_converstion_1'] = [1.0/1000.0] * num_subplots self.figure_params['model_validation']['bank']['unit_converstion_2'] = [1.0/1000000.0, 1.0/1000.0] self.figure_params['model_validation']['bank']['y_label_timeseries'] = ['Storage (mAF)'] * num_subplots self.figure_params['model_validation']['bank']['y_label_scatter'] = ['(mAF)'] * num_subplots self.figure_params['model_validation']['bank']['timeseries_timestep'] = ['W'] * num_subplots self.figure_params['model_validation']['bank']['scatter_timestep'] = ['AS-OCT'] * num_subplots self.figure_params['model_validation']['bank']['aggregation_methods'] = ['change'] * num_subplots self.figure_params['model_validation']['bank']['notation_location'] = ['top'] * num_subplots self.figure_params['model_validation']['bank']['show_legend'] = [False] * num_subplots self.figure_params['model_validation']['bank']['show_legend'][0] = True self.figure_params['state_response'] = {} self.figure_params['state_response']['sanluisstate_losthills'] = {} self.figure_params['state_response']['sanluisstate_losthills']['contract_list'] = ['swpdelta',] self.figure_params['state_response']['sanluisstate_losthills']['contributing_reservoirs'] = ['delta_uncontrolled_swp', 'oroville', 'yuba'] self.figure_params['state_response']['sanluisstate_losthills']['groundwater_account_names'] = ['LHL','WON'] self.figure_params['state_response']['sanluisstate_losthills']['reservoir_features'] = ['S', 'days_til_full', 'flood_deliveries'] self.figure_params['state_response']['sanluisstate_losthills']['reservoir_feature_colors'] = ['teal', '#3A506B', '#74B3CE', 'steelblue'] self.figure_params['state_response']['sanluisstate_losthills']['district_contracts'] = ['tableA',] self.figure_params['state_response']['sanluisstate_losthills']['subplot_titles'] = ['State Water Project Delta Operations', 'Lost Hills Drought Management', 'San Luis Reservoir Operations', 'Lost Hills Flood Management'] self.figure_params['state_response']['sanluisstate_losthills']['legend_list_1'] = ['Y.T.D Delta Pumping', 'Projected Unstored Exports', 'Projected Stored Exports, Oroville', 'Projected Stored Exports, New Bullards'] self.figure_params['state_response']['sanluisstate_losthills']['legend_list_2'] = ['Storage', 'Projected Days to Fill', 'Flood Release Deliveries'] self.figure_params['state_response']['sanluisstate_losthills']['legend_list_3'] = ['Remaining SW Allocation', 'SW Deliveries', 'Private GW Pumping', 'District GW Bank Recovery', 'Remaining GW Bank Recovery Capacity'] self.figure_params['state_response']['sanluisstate_losthills']['legend_list_4'] = ['Carryover Recharge Capacity', 'Recharged from Contract Allocation' 'Recharge of Uncontrolled Flood Spills'] self.figure_params['state_response'] = {} self.figure_params['state_response']['sanluisstate_wheeler'] = {} self.figure_params['state_response']['sanluisstate_wheeler']['contract_list'] = ['swpdelta',] self.figure_params['state_response']['sanluisstate_wheeler']['contributing_reservoirs'] = ['delta_uncontrolled_swp', 'oroville', 'yuba'] self.figure_params['state_response']['sanluisstate_wheeler']['groundwater_account_names'] = ['WRM'] self.figure_params['state_response']['sanluisstate_wheeler']['reservoir_features'] = ['S', 'days_til_full', 'flood_deliveries'] self.figure_params['state_response']['sanluisstate_wheeler']['reservoir_feature_colors'] = ['teal', '#3A506B', '#74B3CE', 'lightsteelblue'] self.figure_params['state_response']['sanluisstate_wheeler']['district_contracts'] = ['tableA',] self.figure_params['state_response']['sanluisstate_wheeler']['subplot_titles'] = ['State Water Project Delta Operations', 'Wheeler Ridge Drought Management', 'San Luis Reservoir Operations', 'Wheeler Ridge Flood Management'] self.figure_params['state_response']['sanluisstate_wheeler']['legend_list_1'] = ['Y.T.D Delta Pumping', 'Projected Unstored Exports', 'Projected Stored Exports, Oroville', 'Projected Stored Exports, New Bullards'] self.figure_params['state_response']['sanluisstate_wheeler']['legend_list_2'] = ['Storage', 'Projected Days to Fill', 'Flood Release Deliveries'] self.figure_params['state_response']['sanluisstate_wheeler']['legend_list_3'] = ['Remaining SW Allocation', 'SW Deliveries', 'Private GW Pumping', 'District GW Bank Recovery', 'Remaining GW Bank Recovery Capacity'] self.figure_params['state_response']['sanluisstate_wheeler']['legend_list_4'] = ['Carryover Recharge Capacity', 'Recharge of Uncontrolled Flood Spills', 'Recharged from Contract Allocation'] self.figure_params['district_water_use'] = {} self.figure_params['district_water_use']['physical'] = {} self.figure_params['district_water_use']['physical']['district_groups'] = ['Municipal Districts', 'Kern County Water Agency', 'CVP - Friant Contractors', 'CVP - San Luis Contractors', 'Groundwater Banks'] self.figure_params['district_water_use']['physical']['Municipal Districts'] = ['bakersfield', 'ID4', 'fresno', 'southbay', 'socal', 'centralcoast'] self.figure_params['district_water_use']['physical']['Kern County Water Agency'] = ['berrenda', 'belridge', 'buenavista', 'cawelo', 'henrymiller', 'losthills', 'rosedale', 'semitropic', 'tehachapi', 'tejon', 'westkern', 'wheeler', 'northkern', 'kerntulare'] self.figure_params['district_water_use']['physical']['CVP - Friant Contractors'] = ['arvin', 'delano', 'pixley', 'exeter', 'kerntulare', 'lindmore', 'lindsay', 'lowertule', 'porterville', 'saucelito', 'shaffer', 'sosanjoaquin', 'teapot', 'terra', 'chowchilla', 'maderairr', 'tulare', 'fresnoid'] self.figure_params['district_water_use']['physical']['CVP - San Luis Contractors'] = ['westlands', 'panoche', 'sanluiswater', 'delpuerto'] self.figure_params['district_water_use']['physical']['Groundwater Banks'] = ['stockdale', 'kernriverbed', 'poso', 'pioneer', 'kwb', 'b2800', 'irvineranch', 'northkernwb'] self.figure_params['district_water_use']['physical']['subplot columns'] = 2 self.figure_params['district_water_use']['physical']['color map'] = 'YlGbBu_r' self.figure_params['district_water_use']['physical']['write file'] = True self.figure_params['district_water_use']['annual'] = {} self.figure_params['district_water_use']['annual']['district_groups'] = ['Municipal Districts', 'Kern County Water Agency', 'CVP - Friant Contractors', 'CVP - San Luis Contractors'] self.figure_params['district_water_use']['annual']['Municipal Districts'] = ['bakersfield', 'ID4', 'fresno', 'southbay', 'socal', 'centralcoast'] self.figure_params['district_water_use']['annual']['Kern County Water Agency'] = ['berrenda', 'belridge', 'buenavista', 'cawelo', 'henrymiller', 'losthills', 'rosedale', 'semitropic', 'tehachapi', 'tejon', 'westkern', 'wheeler'] self.figure_params['district_water_use']['annual']['CVP - Friant Contractors'] = ['arvin', 'delano', 'pixley', 'exeter', 'kerntulare', 'lindmore', 'lindsay', 'lowertule', 'porterville', 'saucelito', 'shaffer', 'sosanjoaquin', 'teapot', 'terra', 'chowchilla', 'maderairr', 'tulare', 'fresnoid'] self.figure_params['district_water_use']['annual']['CVP - San Luis Contractors'] = ['westlands', 'panoche', 'sanluiswater', 'delpuerto'] self.figure_params['district_water_use']['annual']['subplot columns'] = 2 self.figure_params['district_water_use']['annual']['color map'] = 'BrBG_r' self.figure_params['district_water_use']['annual']['write file'] = True self.figure_params['flow_diagram'] = {} self.figure_params['flow_diagram']['tulare'] = {} self.figure_params['flow_diagram']['tulare']['column1'] = ['Shasta', 'Folsom', 'Oroville', 'New Bullards', 'Uncontrolled'] self.figure_params['flow_diagram']['tulare']['row1'] = ['Delta Outflow', 'Carryover',] self.figure_params['flow_diagram']['tulare']['column2'] = ['San Luis (Fed)', 'San Luis (State)', 'Millerton', 'Isabella', 'Pine Flat', 'Kaweah', 'Success'] self.figure_params['flow_diagram']['tulare']['row2'] = ['Carryover',] self.figure_params['flow_diagram']['tulare']['column3'] = ['Exchange', 'CVP-Delta', 'Cross Valley', 'State Water Project', 'Friant Class 1','Friant Class 2', 'Kern River', 'Kings River', 'Kaweah River', 'Tule River', 'Flood'] self.figure_params['flow_diagram']['tulare']['row3'] = ['Private Pumping', 'GW Banks'] self.figure_params['flow_diagram']['tulare']['column4'] = ['Exchange', 'CVP-Delta', 'Urban', 'KCWA', 'CVP-Friant','Other'] self.figure_params['flow_diagram']['tulare']['row4'] = ['Carryover',] self.figure_params['flow_diagram']['tulare']['column5'] = ['Irrigation', 'Urban', 'In-Lieu Recharge', 'Direct Recharge'] self.figure_params['flow_diagram']['tulare']['titles'] = ['Sacramento Basin\nSupplies', 'Tulare Basin\nSupplies', 'Surface Water\nContract Allocations', 'Contractor Groups', 'Water Use Type'] def scenario_compare(self, folder_name, figure_name, plot_name, validation_values, show_plot): outflow_list = self.figure_params[figure_name][plot_name]['outflow_list'] pump1_list = self.figure_params[figure_name][plot_name]['pump1_list'] pump2_list = self.figure_params[figure_name][plot_name]['pump2_list'] scenario_labels = self.figure_params[figure_name][plot_name]['scenario_labels'] simulation_labels = self.figure_params[figure_name][plot_name]['simulation_labels'] observation_labels = self.figure_params[figure_name][plot_name]['observation_labels'] agg_list = self.figure_params[figure_name][plot_name]['agg_list'] unit_mult = self.figure_params[figure_name][plot_name]['unit_mult'] max_value_list = self.figure_params[figure_name][plot_name]['max_value_list'] use_log_list = self.figure_params[figure_name][plot_name]['use_log_list'] use_cdf_list = self.figure_params[figure_name][plot_name]['use_cdf_list'] scenario_type_list = self.figure_params[figure_name][plot_name]['scenario_type_list'] x_label_list = self.figure_params[figure_name][plot_name]['x_label_list'] y_label_list = self.figure_params[figure_name][plot_name]['y_label_list'] legend_label_names1 = self.figure_params[figure_name][plot_name]['legend_label_names1'] legend_label_names2 = self.figure_params[figure_name][plot_name]['legend_label_names2'] color1 = sns.color_palette('spring', n_colors = 3) color2 = sns.color_palette('summer', n_colors = 3) color_list = np.array([color1[0], color1[2], color2[0]]) max_y_val = np.zeros(len(simulation_labels)) fig = plt.figure(figsize = (20, 16)) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3,2, width_ratios=[3,1], figure = fig) ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0, 0]) ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[1, 0]) ax3 = plt.subplot(gs[2, 0]) ax4 = plt.subplot(gs[:, 1]) axes_list = [ax1, ax2, ax3] counter = 0 for sim_label, obs_label, agg, max_value, use_log, use_cdf, ax_loop in zip(simulation_labels, observation_labels, agg_list, max_value_list, use_log_list, use_cdf_list, axes_list): data_type_dict = {} data_type_dict['scenario'] = self.values[sim_label].resample(agg).sum() * unit_mult[0] data_type_dict['validation'] = validation_values[sim_label].resample(agg).sum() * unit_mult[1] data_type_dict['observation'] = self.observations[obs_label].resample(agg).sum() * unit_mult[2] if use_log: for scen_type in scenario_type_list: values_int = data_type_dict[scen_type] data_type_dict[scen_type] = np.log(values_int[values_int > 0]) for scen_type in scenario_type_list: max_y_val[counter] = max([max(data_type_dict[scen_type]), max_y_val[counter]]) counter += 1 if use_cdf: for scen_type, color_loop in zip(scenario_type_list, color_list): cdf_values = np.zeros(100) values_int = data_type_dict[scen_type] for x in range(0, 100): x_val = int(np.ceil(max_value)) * (x/100) cdf_values[x] = len(values_int[values_int > x_val])/len(values_int) ax_loop.plot(cdf_values, np.arange(0, int(np.ceil(max_value)), int(np.ceil(max_value))/100), linewidth = 3, color = color_loop) else: pos = np.linspace(0, max_value, 101) for scen_type, color_loop in zip(scenario_type_list, color_list): kde_est = stats.gaussian_kde(data_type_dict[scen_type]) ax_loop.fill_between(pos, kde_est(pos), edgecolor = 'black', alpha = 0.6, facecolor = color_loop) sri_dict = {} sri_dict['validation'] = validation_values['delta_forecastSRI'] sri_dict['scenario'] = self.values['delta_forecastSRI'] sri_cutoffs = {} sri_cutoffs['W'] = [9.2, 100] sri_cutoffs['AN'] = [7.8, 9.2] sri_cutoffs['BN'] = [6.6, 7.8] sri_cutoffs['D'] = [5.4, 6.6] sri_cutoffs['C'] = [0.0, 5.4] wyt_list = ['W', 'AN', 'BN', 'D', 'C'] scenario_type_list = ['validation', 'scenario'] colors = sns.color_palette('RdBu_r', n_colors = 5) percent_years = {} for wyt in wyt_list: percent_years[wyt] = np.zeros(len(scenario_type_list)) for scen_cnt, scen_type in enumerate(scenario_type_list): ann_sri = [] for x_cnt, x in enumerate(sri_dict[scen_type]): if sri_dict[scen_type].index.month[x_cnt] == 9 and sri_dict[scen_type][x_cnt] == 30: ann_sri.append(x) ann_sri = np.array(ann_sri) for x_cnt, wyt in enumerate(wyt_list): mask_value = (ann_sri >= sri_cutoffs[wyt][0]) & (ann_sri < sri_cutoffs[wyt][1]) percent_years[wyt][scen_cnt] = len(ann_sri[mask_value])/len(ann_sri) colors = sns.color_palette('RdBu_r', n_colors = 5) last_type = np.zeros(len(scenario_type_list)) for cnt, x in enumerate(wyt_list):['Validated Period\n(1997-2016)', 'Extended Simulation\n(1906-2016)'], percent_years[x], alpha = 1.0, label = wyt, facecolor = colors[cnt], edgecolor = 'black', bottom = last_type) last_type += percent_years[x] ax1.set_xlim([0.0, 500.0* np.ceil(max_y_val[0]/500.0)]) ax2.set_xlim([0.0, 500.0* np.ceil(max_y_val[1]/500.0)]) ax3.set_xlim([0.0, 1.0]) ax4.set_ylim([0, 1.15]) ax1.set_yticklabels('') ax2.set_yticklabels('') label_list = [] loc_list = [] for value_x in range(0, 120, 20): label_list.append(str(value_x) + ' %') loc_list.append(value_x/100.0) ax4.set_yticklabels(label_list) ax4.set_yticks(loc_list) ax3.set_xticklabels(label_list) ax3.set_xticks(loc_list) ax3.set_yticklabels(['4', '8', '16', '32', '64', '125', '250', '500', '1000', '2000', '4000']) ax3.set_yticks([np.log(4), np.log(8), np.log(16), np.log(32), np.log(64), np.log(125), np.log(250), np.log(500), np.log(1000), np.log(2000), np.log(4000)]) ax3.set_ylim([np.log(4), np.log(4000)]) for ax, x_lab, y_lab in zip([ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4], x_label_list, y_label_list): ax.set_xlabel(x_lab, fontsize = 16, fontname = 'Gill Sans MT', fontweight = 'bold') ax.set_ylabel(y_lab, fontsize = 16, fontname = 'Gill Sans MT', fontweight = 'bold') ax.grid(False) for tick in ax.get_xticklabels(): tick.set_fontname('Gill Sans MT') tick.set_fontsize(14) for tick in ax.get_yticklabels(): tick.set_fontname('Gill Sans MT') tick.set_fontsize(14) legend_elements = [] for x_cnt, x in enumerate(legend_label_names1): legend_elements.append(Patch(facecolor = color_list[x_cnt], edgecolor = 'black', label = x)) ax1.legend(handles = legend_elements, loc = 'upper left', framealpha = 0.7, shadow = True, prop={'family':'Gill Sans MT','weight':'bold','size':14}) legend_elements_2 = [] for x_cnt, x in enumerate(legend_label_names2): legend_elements_2.append(Patch(facecolor = colors[x_cnt], edgecolor = 'black', label = x)) ax4.legend(handles = legend_elements_2, loc = 'upper left', framealpha = 0.7, shadow = True, prop={'family':'Gill Sans MT','weight':'bold','size':14}) plt.savefig(folder_name + figure_name + '_' + plot_name + '.png', dpi = 150, bbox_inches = 'tight', pad_inches = 0.0) if show_plot: plt.close() def make_deliveries_by_district(self, folder_name, figure_name, plot_name, scenario_name, show_plot): if plot_name == 'annual': name_bridge = {} name_bridge['semitropic'] = 'KER01' name_bridge['westkern'] = 'KER02' name_bridge['wheeler'] = 'KER03' name_bridge['kerndelta'] = 'KER04' name_bridge['arvin'] = 'KER05' name_bridge['belridge'] = 'KER06' name_bridge['losthills'] = 'KER07' name_bridge['northkern'] = 'KER08' name_bridge['northkernwb'] = 'KER08' name_bridge['ID4'] = 'KER09' name_bridge['sosanjoaquin'] = 'KER10' name_bridge['berrenda'] = 'KER11' name_bridge['buenavista'] = 'KER12' name_bridge['cawelo'] = 'KER13' name_bridge['rosedale'] = 'KER14' name_bridge['shaffer'] = 'KER15' name_bridge['henrymiller'] = 'KER16' name_bridge['kwb'] = 'KER17' name_bridge['b2800'] = 'KER17' name_bridge['pioneer'] = 'KER17' name_bridge['irvineranch'] = 'KER17' name_bridge['kernriverbed'] = 'KER17' name_bridge['poso'] = 'KER17' name_bridge['stockdale'] = 'KER17' name_bridge['delano'] = 'KeT01' name_bridge['kerntulare'] = 'KeT02' name_bridge['lowertule'] = 'TUL01' name_bridge['tulare'] = 'TUL02' name_bridge['lindmore'] = 'TUL03' name_bridge['saucelito'] = 'TUL04' name_bridge['porterville'] = 'TUL05' name_bridge['lindsay'] = 'TUL06' name_bridge['exeter'] = 'TUL07' name_bridge['terra'] = 'TUL08' name_bridge['teapot'] = 'TUL09' name_bridge['bakersfield'] = 'BAK' name_bridge['fresno'] = 'FRE' name_bridge['southbay'] = 'SOB' name_bridge['socal'] = 'SOC' name_bridge['tehachapi'] = 'TEH' name_bridge['tejon'] = 'TEJ' name_bridge['centralcoast'] = 'SLO' name_bridge['pixley'] = 'PIX' name_bridge['chowchilla'] = 'CHW' name_bridge['maderairr'] = 'MAD' name_bridge['fresnoid'] = 'FSI' name_bridge['westlands'] = 'WTL' name_bridge['panoche'] = 'PAN' name_bridge['sanluiswater'] = 'SLW' name_bridge['delpuerto'] = 'DEL' elif plot_name == 'monthly': name_bridge = {} name_bridge['semitropic'] = 'Semitropic Water Storage District' name_bridge['westkern'] = 'West Kern Water District' name_bridge['wheeler'] = 'Wheeler Ridge-Maricopa Water Storage District' name_bridge['kerndelta'] = 'Kern Delta Water District' name_bridge['arvin'] = 'Arvin-Edison Water Storage District' name_bridge['belridge'] = 'Belridge Water Storage District' name_bridge['losthills'] = 'Lost Hills Water District' name_bridge['northkern'] = 'North Kern Water Storage District' name_bridge['northkernwb'] = 'North Kern Water Storage District' name_bridge['ID4'] = 'Urban' name_bridge['sosanjoaquin'] = 'Southern San Joaquin Municipal Utility District' name_bridge['berrenda'] = 'Berrenda Mesa Water District' name_bridge['buenavista'] = 'Buena Vista Water Storage District' name_bridge['cawelo'] = 'Cawelo Water District' name_bridge['rosedale'] = 'Rosedale-Rio Bravo Water Storage District' name_bridge['shaffer'] = 'Shafter-Wasco Irrigation District' name_bridge['henrymiller'] = 'Henry Miller Water District' name_bridge['kwb'] = 'Kern Water Bank Authority' name_bridge['b2800'] = 'Kern Water Bank Authority' name_bridge['pioneer'] = 'Kern Water Bank Authority' name_bridge['irvineranch'] = 'Kern Water Bank Authority' name_bridge['kernriverbed'] = 'Kern Water Bank Authority' name_bridge['poso'] = 'Kern Water Bank Authority' name_bridge['stockdale'] = 'Kern Water Bank Authority' name_bridge['delano'] = 'Delano-Earlimart Irrigation District' name_bridge['kerntulare'] = 'Kern-Tulare Water District' name_bridge['lowertule'] = 'Lower Tule River Irrigation District' name_bridge['tulare'] = 'Tulare Irrigation District' name_bridge['lindmore'] = 'Lindmore Irrigation District' name_bridge['saucelito'] = 'Saucelito Irrigation District' name_bridge['porterville'] = 'Porterville Irrigation District' name_bridge['lindsay'] = 'Lindsay-Strathmore Irrigation District' name_bridge['exeter'] = 'Exeter Irrigation District' name_bridge['terra'] = 'Terra Bella Irrigation District' name_bridge['teapot'] = 'Tea Pot Dome Water District' name_bridge['bakersfield'] = 'Urban' name_bridge['fresno'] = 'Urban' name_bridge['southbay'] = 'Urban' name_bridge['socal'] = 'Urban' name_bridge['tehachapi'] = 'Tehachapi - Cummings County Water District' name_bridge['tejon'] = 'Tejon-Castac Water District' name_bridge['centralcoast'] = 'SLO' name_bridge['pixley'] = 'Pixley Irrigation District' name_bridge['chowchilla'] = 'Chowchilla Water District' name_bridge['maderairr'] = 'Madera Irrigation District' name_bridge['fresnoid'] = 'Fresno Irrigation District' name_bridge['westlands'] = 'Westlands Water District' name_bridge['panoche'] = 'Panoche Water District' name_bridge['sanluiswater'] = 'San Luis Water District' name_bridge['delpuerto'] = 'Del Puerto Water District' name_bridge['alta'] = 'Alta Irrigation District' name_bridge['consolidated'] = 'Consolidated Irrigation District' location_type = plot_name self.total_irrigation = {} self.total_recharge = {} self.total_pumping = {} self.total_flood_purchases = {} self.total_recovery_rebate = {} self.total_recharge_sales = {} self.total_recharge_purchases = {} self.total_recovery_sales = {} self.total_recovery_purchases = {} for bank in self.bank_list: self.total_irrigation[] = np.zeros(self.number_years*12) self.total_recharge[] = np.zeros(self.number_years*12) self.total_pumping[] = np.zeros(self.number_years*12) self.total_flood_purchases[] = np.zeros(self.number_years*12) self.total_recovery_rebate[] = np.zeros(self.number_years*12) self.total_recharge_sales[] = np.zeros(self.number_years*12) self.total_recharge_purchases[] = np.zeros(self.number_years*12) self.total_recovery_sales[] = np.zeros(self.number_years*12) self.total_recovery_purchases[] = np.zeros(self.number_years*12) for district in self.district_list: self.total_irrigation[] = np.zeros(self.number_years*12) self.total_recharge[] = np.zeros(self.number_years*12) self.total_pumping[] = np.zeros(self.number_years*12) self.total_flood_purchases[] = np.zeros(self.number_years*12) self.total_recovery_rebate[] = np.zeros(self.number_years*12) self.total_recharge_sales[] = np.zeros(self.number_years*12) self.total_recharge_purchases[] = np.zeros(self.number_years*12) self.total_recovery_sales[] = np.zeros(self.number_years*12) self.total_recovery_purchases[] = np.zeros(self.number_years*12) date_list_labels = [] for year_num in range(self.starting_year, 2017): start_month = 1 end_month = 13 if year_num == self.starting_year: start_month = 10 if year_num == 2016: end_month = 10 for month_num in range(start_month, end_month): date_string_start = str(year_num) + '-' + str(month_num) + '-01' date_list_labels.append(date_string_start) for district in self.district_list: inleiu_name = + '_inleiu_irrigation' inleiu_recharge_name = + '_inleiu_recharge' direct_recover_name = + '_recover_banked' indirect_surface_name = + '_exchanged_SW' indirect_ground_name = + '_exchanged_GW' inleiu_pumping_name = + '_leiupumping' pumping_name = + '_pumping' recharge_name = + '_' + district.key + '_recharged' numdays_month = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 29, 31, 30, 31] for year_num in range(0, self.number_years+1): year_str = str(year_num + self.starting_year) start_month = 1 end_month = 13 if year_num == 0: start_month = 10 if year_num == self.number_years: end_month = 10 for month_num in range(start_month, end_month): if month_num == 1: month_num_prev = '12' year_str_prior = str(year_num + self.starting_year - 1) end_day_prior = str(numdays_month[11]) else: month_num_prev = str(month_num - 1) year_str_prior = str(year_num + self.starting_year) end_day_prior = str(numdays_month[month_num-2]) date_string_current = year_str + '-' + str(month_num) + '-' + str(numdays_month[month_num-1]) date_string_prior = year_str_prior + '-' + month_num_prev + '-' + end_day_prior ###GW/SW exchanges, if indirect_surface_name in self.values: if month_num == 10: total_delivery = self.values.loc[pd.DatetimeIndex([date_string_current]), indirect_surface_name].values[0] else: total_delivery = self.values.loc[pd.DatetimeIndex([date_string_current]), indirect_surface_name].values[0] - self.values.loc[pd.DatetimeIndex([date_string_prior]), indirect_surface_name].values[0] #count irrigation deliveries for district that gave up SW (for GW in canal) self.total_irrigation[][year_num*12 + month_num - 10] += total_delivery ###GW/SW exchanges, if indirect_ground_name in self.values: if month_num == 10: total_delivery = self.values.loc[pd.DatetimeIndex([date_string_current]), indirect_ground_name].values[0] else: total_delivery = self.values.loc[pd.DatetimeIndex([date_string_current]), indirect_ground_name].values[0] - self.values.loc[pd.DatetimeIndex([date_string_prior]), indirect_ground_name].values[0] self.total_recovery_purchases[][year_num*12 + month_num - 10] += total_delivery ##In leiu deliveries for irrigation if inleiu_name in self.values: if month_num == 10: total_delivery = self.values.loc[pd.DatetimeIndex([date_string_current]), inleiu_name].values[0] else: total_delivery = self.values.loc[pd.DatetimeIndex([date_string_current]), inleiu_name].values[0] - self.values.loc[pd.DatetimeIndex([date_string_prior]), inleiu_name].values[0] #attibute inleiu deliveries for irrigation to district operating the bank self.total_irrigation[][year_num*12 + month_num - 10] += total_delivery self.total_recharge_sales[][year_num*12 + month_num - 10] += total_delivery if inleiu_recharge_name in self.values: if month_num == 10: total_recharge = self.values.loc[pd.DatetimeIndex([date_string_current]), inleiu_recharge_name].values[0] else: total_recharge = self.values.loc[pd.DatetimeIndex([date_string_current]), inleiu_recharge_name].values[0] - self.values.loc[pd.DatetimeIndex([date_string_prior]), inleiu_recharge_name].values[0] #attibute inleiu deliveries for irrigation to district operating the bank self.total_recharge[][year_num*12 + month_num - 10] += total_recharge self.total_recharge_sales[][year_num*12 + month_num - 10] += total_recharge #GW recovery if direct_recover_name in self.values: if month_num == 10: total_delivery = self.values.loc[pd.DatetimeIndex([date_string_current]), direct_recover_name].values[0] else: total_delivery = self.values.loc[pd.DatetimeIndex([date_string_current]), direct_recover_name].values[0] - self.values.loc[pd.DatetimeIndex([date_string_prior]), direct_recover_name].values[0] #if classifying by physical location, attribute to district recieving water (as irrigation) self.total_irrigation[][year_num*12 + month_num - 10] += total_delivery self.total_recovery_purchases[][year_num*12 + month_num - 10] += total_delivery ##Pumnping for inleiu recovery if inleiu_pumping_name in self.values: if month_num == 10: total_leiupumping = self.values.loc[pd.DatetimeIndex([date_string_current]), inleiu_pumping_name].values[0] else: total_leiupumping = self.values.loc[pd.DatetimeIndex([date_string_current]), inleiu_pumping_name].values[0] - self.values.loc[pd.DatetimeIndex([date_string_prior]), inleiu_pumping_name].values[0] #if classifying by physical location, to district operating the bank self.total_pumping[][year_num*12 + month_num - 10] += total_leiupumping self.total_recovery_sales[][year_num*12 + month_num - 10] += total_leiupumping self.total_recovery_rebate[][year_num*12 + month_num - 10] += total_leiupumping #Recharge, in- and out- of district if recharge_name in self.values: if month_num == 10: total_recharge = self.values.loc[pd.DatetimeIndex([date_string_current]), recharge_name].values[0] else: total_recharge = self.values.loc[pd.DatetimeIndex([date_string_current]), recharge_name].values[0] - self.values.loc[pd.DatetimeIndex([date_string_prior]), recharge_name].values[0] self.total_recharge[][year_num*12 + month_num - 10] += total_recharge for bank_name in self.bank_list: bank_recharge_name = + '_' + bank_name.key + '_recharged' if bank_recharge_name in self.values: if month_num == 10: total_recharge = self.values.loc[pd.DatetimeIndex([date_string_current]), bank_recharge_name].values[0] else: total_recharge = self.values.loc[pd.DatetimeIndex([date_string_current]), bank_recharge_name].values[0] - self.values.loc[pd.DatetimeIndex([date_string_prior]), bank_recharge_name].values[0] self.total_recharge[][year_num*12 + month_num - 10] += total_recharge self.total_recharge_purchases[][year_num*12 + month_num - 10] += total_recharge for bank_name in self.leiu_list: bank_recharge_name = + '_' + bank_name.key + '_recharged' if bank_recharge_name in self.values: if month_num == 10: total_recharge = self.values.loc[pd.DatetimeIndex([date_string_current]), bank_recharge_name].values[0] else: total_recharge = self.values.loc[pd.DatetimeIndex([date_string_current]), bank_recharge_name].values[0] - self.values.loc[pd.DatetimeIndex([date_string_prior]), bank_recharge_name].values[0] self.total_recharge_purchases[][year_num*12 + month_num - 10] += total_recharge #Contract deliveries for contract in self.contract_list: delivery_name = + '_' + + '_delivery' recharge_contract_name = + '_' + + '_recharged' flood_irr_name = + '_' + + '_flood_irrigation' flood_name = + '_' + + '_flood' ###All deliveries made from a district's contract if delivery_name in self.values: if month_num == 10: total_delivery = self.values.loc[pd.DatetimeIndex([date_string_current]), delivery_name].values[0] else: total_delivery = self.values.loc[pd.DatetimeIndex([date_string_current]), delivery_name].values[0] - self.values.loc[pd.DatetimeIndex([date_string_prior]), delivery_name].values[0] self.total_irrigation[][year_num*12 + month_num - 10] += total_delivery ##Deliveries made for recharge are subtracted from the overall contract deliveries if recharge_contract_name in self.values: if month_num == 10: total_recharge = self.values.loc[pd.DatetimeIndex([date_string_current]), recharge_contract_name].values[0] else: total_recharge = self.values.loc[pd.DatetimeIndex([date_string_current]), recharge_contract_name].values[0] - self.values.loc[pd.DatetimeIndex([date_string_prior]), recharge_contract_name].values[0] self.total_irrigation[][year_num*12 + month_num - 10] -= total_recharge #flood water used for irrigation - always attribute as irrigation if flood_irr_name in self.values: if month_num == 10: total_delivery = self.values.loc[
import pandas as pd import numpy as np import requests from fake_useragent import UserAgent import io import os import time import json import demjson from datetime import datetime import ssl ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context # Main Economic Indicators: url = { "fred_econ": "", "philfed": "", "chicagofed": "", "OECD": "" } def date_transform(df, format_origin, format_after): return_list = [] for i in range(0, len(df)): return_list.append(datetime.strptime(df[i], format_origin).strftime(format_after)) return return_list def gdp_quarterly(startdate="1947-01-01", enddate="2021-01-01"): """ Full Name: <NAME>omestic Product Description: Billions of Dollars, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate Return: pd.DataFrame """ tmp_url = url["fred_econ"] ua = UserAgent(verify_ssl=False) request_header = {"User-Agent": ua.random} request_params = { "id": "GDP", "cosd": "{}".format(startdate), "coed": "{}".format(enddate) } r = requests.get(tmp_url, params=request_params, headers=request_header) data_text = r.content df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(data_text.decode('utf-8'))) df.columns = ["Date", "GDP"] df["Date"] = pd.to_datetime(df["Date"], format = "%Y-%m-%d") df["GDP"] = df["GDP"].astype(float) return df def gdpc1_quarterly(startdate="1947-01-01", enddate="2021-01-01"): """ Full Name: Real Gross Domestic Product Description: Billions of Chained 2012 Dollars, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate Return: pd.DataFrame """ tmp_url = url["fred_econ"] ua = UserAgent(verify_ssl=False) request_header = {"User-Agent": ua.random} request_params = { "id": "GDPC1", "cosd": "{}".format(startdate), "coed": "{}".format(enddate) } r = requests.get(tmp_url, params=request_params, headers=request_header) data_text = r.content df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(data_text.decode('utf-8'))) return df def oecd_gdp_monthly(startdate="1947-01-01", enddate="2021-01-01"): """ Full Name: Real Gross Domestic Product Description: Billions of Chained 2012 Dollars, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate Return: pd.DataFrame """ tmp_url = url["fred_econ"] ua = UserAgent(verify_ssl=False) request_header = {"User-Agent": ua.random} request_params = { "id": "USALORSGPNOSTSAM", "cosd": "{}".format(startdate), "coed": "{}".format(enddate) } r = requests.get(tmp_url, params=request_params, headers=request_header) data_text = r.content df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(data_text.decode('utf-8'))) return df def payems_monthly(startdate="1939-01-01", enddate="2021-01-01"): """ Full Name: All Employees, Total Nonfarm Description: Thousands of Persons,Seasonally Adjusted, Monthly Return: pd.DataFrame """ tmp_url = url["fred_econ"] ua = UserAgent(verify_ssl=False) request_header = {"User-Agent": ua.random} request_params = { "id": "PAYEMS", "cosd": "{}".format(startdate), "coed": "{}".format(enddate) } r = requests.get(tmp_url, params=request_params, headers=request_header) data_text = r.content df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(data_text.decode('utf-8'))) df.columns = ["Date", "Payems"] df["Date"] = pd.to_datetime(df["Date"], format = "%Y-%m-%d") df["Payems"] = df["Payems"].astype(float) return df def ppi(): tmp_url = url["fred_econ"] + "bgcolor=%23e1e9f0&chart_type=line&drp=0&fo=open%20sans&graph_bgcolor=%23ffffff&height=450&mode=fred&recession_bars=on&txtcolor=%23444444&ts=12&tts=12&width=968&nt=0&thu=0&trc=0&show_legend=yes&show_axis_titles=yes&show_tooltip=yes&id=PPIACO,PCUOMFGOMFG&scale=left,left&cosd=1913-01-01,1984-12-01&coed=2021-04-01,2021-04-01&line_color=%234572a7,%23aa4643&link_values=false,false&line_style=solid,solid&mark_type=none,none&mw=3,3&lw=2,2&ost=-99999,-99999&oet=99999,99999&mma=0,0&fml=a,a&fq=Monthly,Monthly&fam=avg,avg&fgst=lin,lin&fgsnd=2020-02-01,2020-02-01&line_index=1,2&transformation=lin,lin&vintage_date=2021-06-10,2021-06-10&revision_date=2021-06-10,2021-06-10&nd=1913-01-01,1984-12-01" ua = UserAgent(verify_ssl=False) request_header = {"User-Agent": ua.random} r = requests.get(tmp_url, headers=request_header) data_text = r.content df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(data_text.decode('utf-8'))) df["DATE"] = pd.to_datetime(df["DATE"], format="%Y-%m-%d") #df = df[list(df.columns[1:])].replace(".", np.nan).astype(float) name_list = { "PPIACO": "Producer Price Index by Commodity: All Commodities", "PCUOMFGOMFG": "Producer Price Index by Industry: Total Manufacturing Industries" } df.replace(".", np.nan, inplace = True) df.columns = ["Date", "PPI_C", "PPI_I"] df["Date"] = pd.to_datetime(df["Date"], format = "%Y-%m-%d") df[["PPI_C", "PPI_I"]] = df[["PPI_C", "PPI_I"]].astype(float) return df def pmi(): t = time.time() res = requests.get( f"{str(int(round(t * 1000))), str(int(round(t * 1000)) + 90)}" ) json_data = json.loads(res.text[res.text.find("{"): res.text.rfind("}") + 1]) date_list = [item["date"] for item in json_data["list"]] value_list = [item["datas"]["美国ISM制造业PMI报告"] for item in json_data["list"]] value_df = pd.DataFrame(value_list) value_df.columns = json_data["kinds"] value_df.index = pd.to_datetime(date_list) temp_df = value_df["今值"] url = "" params = { "max_date": "", "category": "ec", "attr_id": "28", "_": str(int(round(t * 1000))), } headers = { "accept": "*/*", "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate, br", "accept-language": "zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en;q=0.8", "cache-control": "no-cache", "origin": "", "pragma": "no-cache", "referer": "", "sec-fetch-dest": "empty", "sec-fetch-mode": "cors", "sec-fetch-site": "same-site", "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.149 Safari/537.36", "x-app-id": "rU6QIu7JHe2gOUeR", "x-csrf-token": "", "x-version": "1.0.0", } r = requests.get(url, params=params, headers=headers) temp_se = pd.DataFrame(r.json()["data"]["values"]).iloc[:, :2] temp_se.index = pd.to_datetime(temp_se.iloc[:, 0]) temp_se = temp_se.iloc[:, 1] temp_df = temp_df.append(temp_se) temp_df.dropna(inplace=True) temp_df.sort_index(inplace=True) temp_df = temp_df.reset_index() temp_df.drop_duplicates(subset="index", inplace=True) temp_df.set_index("index", inplace=True) temp_df = temp_df.squeeze() = None = "usa_ism_pmi" temp_df = temp_df.astype("float") PMI_I = pd.DataFrame() PMI_I["Date"] = pd.to_datetime(temp_df.index, format = "%Y-%m-%d") PMI_I["ISM_PMI_I"] = np.array(temp_df).astype(float) t = time.time() res = requests.get( f"{str(int(round(t * 1000))), str(int(round(t * 1000)) + 90)}" ) json_data = json.loads(res.text[res.text.find("{"): res.text.rfind("}") + 1]) date_list = [item["date"] for item in json_data["list"]] value_list = [item["datas"]["美国ISM非制造业PMI报告"] for item in json_data["list"]] value_df = pd.DataFrame(value_list) value_df.columns = json_data["kinds"] value_df.index = pd.to_datetime(date_list) temp_df = value_df["今值"] url = "" params = { "max_date": "", "category": "ec", "attr_id": "29", "_": str(int(round(t * 1000))), } headers = { "accept": "*/*", "accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate, br", "accept-language": "zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en;q=0.8", "cache-control": "no-cache", "origin": "", "pragma": "no-cache", "referer": "", "sec-fetch-dest": "empty", "sec-fetch-mode": "cors", "sec-fetch-site": "same-site", "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.149 Safari/537.36", "x-app-id": "rU6QIu7JHe2gOUeR", "x-csrf-token": "", "x-version": "1.0.0", } r = requests.get(url, params=params, headers=headers) temp_se = pd.DataFrame(r.json()["data"]["values"]).iloc[:, :2] temp_se.index = pd.to_datetime(temp_se.iloc[:, 0]) temp_se = temp_se.iloc[:, 1] temp_df = temp_df.append(temp_se) temp_df.dropna(inplace=True) temp_df.sort_index(inplace=True) temp_df = temp_df.reset_index() temp_df.drop_duplicates(subset="index", inplace=True) temp_df.set_index("index", inplace=True) temp_df = temp_df.squeeze() = None = "usa_ism_non_pmi" temp_df = temp_df.astype("float") PMI_NI = pd.DataFrame() PMI_NI["Date"] = pd.to_datetime(temp_df.index, format = "%Y-%m-%d") PMI_NI["ISM_PMI_NI"] = np.array(temp_df).astype(float) PMI = pd.merge_asof(PMI_I, PMI_NI, on = "Date") return PMI def unrate(startdate="1948-01-01", enddate="2021-01-01"): """ Full Name: Unemployment Rate: Aged 15-64: All Persons for the United States Description: Percent, Seasonally Adjusted, Monthly, Quarterly and Annually Return: pd.DataFrame """ tmp_url = url["fred_econ"] ua = UserAgent(verify_ssl=False) request_header = {"User-Agent": ua.random} request_params = { "id": "LRUN64TTUSM156S", "cosd": "{}".format(startdate), "coed": "{}".format(enddate) } r = requests.get(tmp_url, params=request_params, headers=request_header) data_text = r.content df_monthly = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(data_text.decode('utf-8'))) df_monthly["DATE"] = pd.to_datetime(df_monthly["DATE"], format="%Y-%m-%d") ua = UserAgent(verify_ssl=False) request_header = {"User-Agent": ua.random} request_params = { "id": "LRUN64TTUSQ156S", "cosd": "{}".format(startdate), "coed": "{}".format(enddate) } r = requests.get(tmp_url, params=request_params, headers=request_header) data_text = r.content df_quarterly = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(data_text.decode('utf-8'))) df_quarterly["DATE"] = pd.to_datetime( df_quarterly["DATE"], format="%Y-%m-%d") ua = UserAgent(verify_ssl=False) request_header = {"User-Agent": ua.random} request_params = { "id": "LRUN64TTUSA156S", "cosd": "{}".format(startdate), "coed": "{}".format(enddate) } r = requests.get(tmp_url, params=request_params, headers=request_header) data_text = r.content df_annually = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(data_text.decode('utf-8'))) df_annually["DATE"] = pd.to_datetime( df_annually["DATE"], format="%Y-%m-%d") df = pd.merge_asof( df_monthly, df_quarterly, on="DATE", direction="backward") df = pd.merge_asof(df, df_annually, on="DATE", direction="backward") df.columns = ["Date", "UR_Monthly", "UR_Quarterly", "UR_Annually"] return df def erate(startdate="1955-01-01", enddate="2021-01-01"): """ Full Name: Employment Rate: Aged 25-54: All Persons for the United States Description: Percent,Seasonally Adjusted, Monthly, Quarterly and Annually Return: pd.DataFrame """ tmp_url = url["fred_econ"] ua = UserAgent(verify_ssl=False) request_header = {"User-Agent": ua.random} request_params = { "id": "LREM25TTUSM156S", "cosd": "{}".format(startdate), "coed": "{}".format(enddate) } r = requests.get(tmp_url, params=request_params, headers=request_header) data_text = r.content df_monthly = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(data_text.decode('utf-8'))) df_monthly["DATE"] = pd.to_datetime(df_monthly["DATE"], format="%Y-%m-%d") ua = UserAgent(verify_ssl=False) request_header = {"User-Agent": ua.random} request_params = { "id": "LREM25TTUSQ156S", "cosd": "{}".format(startdate), "coed": "{}".format(enddate) } r = requests.get(tmp_url, params=request_params, headers=request_header) data_text = r.content df_quarterly = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(data_text.decode('utf-8'))) df_quarterly["DATE"] = pd.to_datetime( df_quarterly["DATE"], format="%Y-%m-%d") ua = UserAgent(verify_ssl=False) request_header = {"User-Agent": ua.random} request_params = { "id": "LREM25TTUSA156S", "cosd": "{}".format(startdate), "coed": "{}".format(enddate) } r = requests.get(tmp_url, params=request_params, headers=request_header) data_text = r.content df_annually = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(data_text.decode('utf-8'))) df_annually["DATE"] = pd.to_datetime( df_annually["DATE"], format="%Y-%m-%d") df = pd.merge_asof( df_monthly, df_quarterly, on="DATE", direction="backward") df = pd.merge_asof(df, df_annually, on="DATE", direction="backward") df.columns = ["Date", "ER_Monthly", "ER_Quarterly", "ER_Annually"] def pce_monthly(startdate="1959-01-01", enddate="2021-01-01"): """ Full Name: PCE Description: Percent, Monthly, Seasonally Adjusted Return: pd.DataFrame """ tmp_url = url["fred_econ"] ua = UserAgent(verify_ssl=False) request_header = {"User-Agent": ua.random} request_params = { "id": "PCE", "cosd": "{}".format(startdate), "coed": "{}".format(enddate) } r = requests.get(tmp_url, params=request_params, headers=request_header) data_text = r.content df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(data_text.decode('utf-8'))) return df def cpi(startdate="1960-01-01", enddate="2021-01-01"): """ Full Name: Consumer Price Index: Total All Items for the United States Description: Percent, Monthly, Quarterly and Annually, Seasonally Adjusted Return: pd.DataFrame """ tmp_url = url["fred_econ"] ua = UserAgent(verify_ssl=False) request_header = {"User-Agent": ua.random} request_params = { "id": "CPALTT01USM661S", "cosd": "{}".format(startdate), "coed": "{}".format(enddate) } r = requests.get(tmp_url, params=request_params, headers=request_header) data_text = r.content df_monthly = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(data_text.decode('utf-8'))) df_monthly["DATE"] = pd.to_datetime(df_monthly["DATE"], format="%Y-%m-%d") ua = UserAgent(verify_ssl=False) request_header = {"User-Agent": ua.random} request_params = { "id": "CPALTT01USQ661S", "cosd": "{}".format(startdate), "coed": "{}".format(enddate) } r = requests.get(tmp_url, params=request_params, headers=request_header) data_text = r.content df_quarterly = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(data_text.decode('utf-8'))) df_quarterly["DATE"] = pd.to_datetime( df_quarterly["DATE"], format="%Y-%m-%d") ua = UserAgent(verify_ssl=False) request_header = {"User-Agent": ua.random} request_params = { "id": "CPALTT01USA661S", "cosd": "{}".format(startdate), "coed": "{}".format(enddate) } r = requests.get(tmp_url, params=request_params, headers=request_header) data_text = r.content df_annually = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(data_text.decode('utf-8'))) df_annually["DATE"] = pd.to_datetime( df_annually["DATE"], format="%Y-%m-%d") df = pd.merge_asof( df_monthly, df_quarterly, on="DATE", direction="backward") df = pd.merge_asof(df, df_annually, on="DATE", direction="backward") df.columns = ["Date", "CPI_Monthly", "CPI_Quarterly", "CPI_Annually"] df["Date"] = pd.to_datetime(df["Date"], format = "%Y-%m-%d") df[["CPI_Monthly", "CPI_Quarterly", "CPI_Annually"]] = df[["CPI_Monthly", "CPI_Quarterly", "CPI_Annually"]].astype(float) return df def m1(startdate="1960-01-01", enddate="2021-01-01"): """ Full Name: Consumer Price Index: M3 for the United States Description: Growth Rate Previous Period, Monthly, Quarterly and Annually, Seasonally Adjusted Return: pd.DataFrame """ tmp_url = url["fred_econ"] ua = UserAgent(verify_ssl=False) request_header = {"User-Agent": ua.random} request_params = { "id": "WM1NS", "cosd": "{}".format(startdate), "coed": "{}".format(enddate) } r = requests.get(tmp_url, params=request_params, headers=request_header) data_text = r.content df_weekly = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(data_text.decode('utf-8'))) df_weekly["DATE"] = pd.to_datetime(df_weekly["DATE"], format="%Y-%m-%d") ua = UserAgent(verify_ssl=False) request_header = {"User-Agent": ua.random} request_params = { "id": "MANMM101USM657S", "cosd": "{}".format(startdate), "coed": "{}".format(enddate) } r = requests.get(tmp_url, params=request_params, headers=request_header) data_text = r.content df_monthly = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(data_text.decode('utf-8'))) df_monthly["DATE"] = pd.to_datetime(df_monthly["DATE"], format="%Y-%m-%d") ua = UserAgent(verify_ssl=False) request_header = {"User-Agent": ua.random} request_params = { "id": "MANMM101USQ657S", "cosd": "{}".format(startdate), "coed": "{}".format(enddate) } r = requests.get(tmp_url, params=request_params, headers=request_header) data_text = r.content df_quarterly = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(data_text.decode('utf-8'))) df_quarterly["DATE"] = pd.to_datetime( df_quarterly["DATE"], format="%Y-%m-%d") ua = UserAgent(verify_ssl=False) request_header = {"User-Agent": ua.random} request_params = { "id": "MANMM101USA657S", "cosd": "{}".format(startdate), "coed": "{}".format(enddate) } r = requests.get(tmp_url, params=request_params, headers=request_header) data_text = r.content df_annually = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(data_text.decode('utf-8'))) df_annually["DATE"] = pd.to_datetime( df_annually["DATE"], format="%Y-%m-%d") df = pd.merge_asof(df_weekly, df_monthly, on="DATE", direction="backward") df = pd.merge_asof(df, df_quarterly, on="DATE", direction="backward") df = pd.merge_asof(df, df_annually, on="DATE", direction="backward") df.columns = [ "Date", "M1_Weekly", "M1_Monthly", "M1_Quarterly", "M1_Annually"] return df def m2(startdate="1960-01-01", enddate="2021-01-01"): """ Full Name: <NAME> Description: Seasonally Adjusted, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly and Annually, Seasonally Adjusted Return: pd.DataFrame """ tmp_url = url["fred_econ"] ua = UserAgent(verify_ssl=False) request_header = {"User-Agent": ua.random} request_params = { "id": "WM2NS", "cosd": "{}".format(startdate), "coed": "{}".format(enddate) } r = requests.get(tmp_url, params=request_params, headers=request_header) data_text = r.content df_weekly = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(data_text.decode('utf-8'))) df_weekly["DATE"] = pd.to_datetime(df_weekly["DATE"], format="%Y-%m-%d") ua = UserAgent(verify_ssl=False) request_header = {"User-Agent": ua.random} request_params = { "id": "M2SL", "cosd": "{}".format(startdate), "coed": "{}".format(enddate) } r = requests.get(tmp_url, params=request_params, headers=request_header) data_text = r.content df_monthly = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(data_text.decode('utf-8'))) df_monthly["DATE"] = pd.to_datetime(df_monthly["DATE"], format="%Y-%m-%d") df = pd.merge_asof(df_weekly, df_monthly, on="DATE", direction="backward") df.columns = ["Date", "M2_Weekly", "M2_Monthly"] return df def m3(startdate="1960-01-01", enddate="2021-01-01"): """ Full Name: Consumer Price Index: M3 for the United States Description: Growth Rate Previous Period, Monthly, Quarterly and Annually, Seasonally Adjusted Return: pd.DataFrame """ tmp_url = url["fred_econ"] ua = UserAgent(verify_ssl=False) request_header = {"User-Agent": ua.random} request_params = { "id": "MABMM301USM657S", "cosd": "{}".format(startdate), "coed": "{}".format(enddate) } r = requests.get(tmp_url, params=request_params, headers=request_header) data_text = r.content df_monthly = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(data_text.decode('utf-8'))) df_monthly["DATE"] = pd.to_datetime(df_monthly["DATE"], format="%Y-%m-%d") ua = UserAgent(verify_ssl=False) request_header = {"User-Agent": ua.random} request_params = { "id": "MABMM301USQ657S", "cosd": "{}".format(startdate), "coed": "{}".format(enddate) } r = requests.get(tmp_url, params=request_params, headers=request_header) data_text = r.content df_quarterly = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(data_text.decode('utf-8'))) df_quarterly["DATE"] = pd.to_datetime( df_quarterly["DATE"], format="%Y-%m-%d") ua = UserAgent(verify_ssl=False) request_header = {"User-Agent": ua.random} request_params = { "id": "MABMM301USA657S", "cosd": "{}".format(startdate), "coed": "{}".format(enddate) } r = requests.get(tmp_url, params=request_params, headers=request_header) data_text = r.content df_annually = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(data_text.decode('utf-8'))) df_annually["DATE"] = pd.to_datetime( df_annually["DATE"], format="%Y-%m-%d") df = pd.merge_asof( df_monthly, df_quarterly, on="DATE", direction="backward") df = pd.merge_asof(df, df_annually, on="DATE", direction="backward") df.columns = ["Date", "M3_Monthly", "M3_Quarterly", "M3_Annually"] return df def ltgby_10(startdate="1955-01-01", enddate="2021-01-01"): """ Full Name: Long-Term Government Bond Yields: 10-year: Main (Including Benchmark) for the United States Description: Percent,Not Seasonally Adjusted, Monthly, Quarterly and Annually Return: pd.DataFrame """ tmp_url = url["fred_econ"] ua = UserAgent(verify_ssl=False) request_header = {"User-Agent": ua.random} request_params = { "id": "IRLTLT01USM156N", "cosd": "{}".format(startdate), "coed": "{}".format(enddate) } r = requests.get(tmp_url, params=request_params, headers=request_header) data_text = r.content df_monthly = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(data_text.decode('utf-8'))) df_monthly["DATE"] =
pd.to_datetime(df_monthly["DATE"], format="%Y-%m-%d")
#!/usr/bin/python import sys from collections import defaultdict from os import listdir, path import pandas import json PIPELINE_NAME = "neoANT-HILL" LOG_FILE = "/params.log" PICARD = "/home/biodocker/picard.jar" GATK = "/home/biodocker/gatk-" SNPEFF = "/home/biodocker/snpEff/snpEff.jar" SNPSIFT = "/home/biodocker/snpEff/SnpSift.jar" QUANTISEQ = "Rscript /home/biodocker/quantiseq/deconvolution/quanTIseq_decon.R " ABSOLUTE_PATH = "/home/biodocker/neoanthill/" OUTPUT_PATH = "/home/biodocker/output/" INPUT_PATH = "/home/biodocker/input/" #FUNCTIONS ADD_PROCESS = ["aprediction", "equantification", "linfiltrates"] APREDICTION_PROCESS = 0 EQUANTIFICATION_PROCESS = 1 LINFILTRATES_PROCESS = 2 # GENERIC OPTIONS ABSOLUTE_PATH_OPTION = "absolute_path" ADD_PROCESSING_OPTION = "aprocessing" INPUT_OPTION = "input" FASTQ_INPUT_OPTION = "fastq" OUTPUT_OPTION = "output" # BP OPTIONS TYPE_OPTION = "type" CLASS_OPTION = "class" METHOD_OPTION = "method" PARALLEL_OPTION = "parallel" LENGTH_OPTION = "length" ALLELE_OPTION = "allele" # DIRECTORIES MUTATION_DIRECTORY = "/mutations/" PREDICTION_FILTERED_DIRECTORY = "predictions/filtered/" PREDICTION_NOT_FILTERED_DIRECTORY = "predictions/not_filtered/" PREDICTION_RAW_DIRECTORY = "predictions/raw/" ALLELE_DIRECTORY = "/allele_prediction/" VARIANT_CALLING_DIRECTORY = "/variant_calling/" GENE_EXPRESSION = "/gene_expression/" IMMUNE_INFILTRATING = "/immune_infiltrating/" # MUTATIONS MUTATION_MISSENSE = "missense_variant" MUTATION_FRAMESHIFT = "frameshift_variant" MUTATION_INFRAME = ["conservative_inframe_insertion", "disruptive_inframe_insertion", "conservative_inframe_deletion", "disruptive_inframe_deletion"] # TASKS TASK_ANALYZE_PARAMETERS = "analysing parameters" TASK_EXTRACT_VCF_INFO = "extracting vcf info" TASK_LOAD_PROTEIN_FILE = "loading protein refseqs" TASK_LOAD_TRANSCRIPT_FILE = "loading transcript refseqs" TASK_PROCESS_MUTATION = "processing mutations" TASK_WRITE_REPORT_FILE = "writting report files" TASK_PREDICT_BINDING = "predicting bindings" TASK_FILTER_BINDING = "filtering predictions" TASK_GENE_EXPRESSION = "quantifying transcript expression" TASK_ANNOTATING_VCF = "annotating vcf" TASK_VARIANT_CALLING = "calling variants" TASK_TUMOR_IMMUNE_PROFILE = "profiling tumor-immune cells" TASK_ALLELE_TYPING = "typing HLA alleles" # TASK STATUS TASK_ERROR = "er" TASK_SUCCESS = "ok" # DATA DBSNP = ABSOLUTE_PATH + "data/dbsnp_138.b37.vcf.gz" MILLS = ABSOLUTE_PATH + "data/Mills_and_1000G_gold_standard.indels.b37.vcf.gz" KNOWN = ABSOLUTE_PATH + "data/1000G_phase1.indels.b37.vcf.gz" GENOME_FASTA_FILE = ABSOLUTE_PATH + "data/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.fa" REFSEQ_TRANSCRIPTS_FASTA = ABSOLUTE_PATH + "data/transcript_refseq.fasta" REFSEQ_HUMAN_FASTA = ABSOLUTE_PATH + "data/protein_refseq.fasta" HUMAN_TRANSCRIPTS_INDEX = ABSOLUTE_PATH +"data/human_transcript_index" DEFAULT_ALLELE_LIST = [0, ABSOLUTE_PATH + "data/hla_class_i.alleles", ABSOLUTE_PATH + "data/hla_class_ii.alleles"] # PREDICT METHODS PREDIC_METHODS = [0, ["IEDB_recommended", "ann", "comblib_sidney2008", "consensus", "netmhcstabpan", "netmhcpan", "smm", "smmpmbec", "pickpocket", "netmhccons"], ["IEDB_recommended", "comblib", "consensus3", "NetMHCIIpan", "nn_align", "smm_align", "sturniolo"] ] # FILTERS FILTER_LIST = {"percentile_rank": 7, "ann_ic50": 8, "smm_ic50": 10, "comblib_sidney2008_score": 12, "netmhcpan_ic50": 14, "ic50": 6, } REPORT = "report: " GENERAL_USAGE = "general usage: ./main [-opt] [arg] [inputfile]" AMINO = {'Ala': 'a', 'Arg': 'r', 'Asn': 'n', 'Asp': 'd', 'Cys': 'c', 'Gln': 'q', 'Glu': 'e', 'Gly': 'g', 'His': 'h', 'Ile': 'i', 'Leu': 'l', 'Lys': 'k', 'Met': 'm', 'Phe': 'f', 'Pro': 'p', 'Ser': 's', 'Thr': 't', 'Trp': 'w', 'Tyr': 'y', 'Val': 'v', 'Ter': '*'} CODON = {'TTT': 'F', 'TTC': 'F', 'TTA': 'L', 'TTG': 'L', 'CTT': 'L', 'CTC': 'L', 'CTA': 'L', 'CTG': 'L', 'ATT': 'I', 'ATC': 'I', 'ATA': 'I', 'ATG': 'M', 'GTT': 'V', 'GTC': 'V', 'GTA': 'V', 'GTG': 'V', 'TCT': 'S', 'TCC': 'S', 'TCA': 'S', 'TCG': 'S', 'CCT': 'P', 'CCC': 'P', 'CCA': 'P', 'CCG': 'P', 'ACT': 'T', 'ACC': 'T', 'ACA': 'T', 'ACG': 'T', 'GCT': 'A', 'GCC': 'A', 'GCA': 'A', 'GCG': 'A', 'TAT': 'Y', 'TAC': 'Y', 'CAT': 'H', 'CAC': 'H', 'CAA': 'Q', 'CAG': 'Q', 'AAT': 'N', 'AAC': 'N', 'AAA': 'K', 'AAG': 'K', 'GAT': 'D', 'GAC': 'D', 'GAA': 'E', 'GAG': 'E', 'TGT': 'C', 'TGC': 'C', 'TGG': 'W', 'CGT': 'R', 'CGC': 'R', 'CGA': 'R', 'CGG': 'R', 'AGT': 'S', 'AGC': 'S', 'AGA': 'R', 'AGG': 'R', 'GGT': 'G', 'GGC': 'G', 'GGA': 'G', 'GGG': 'G', 'TAA': 'STOP', 'TAG': 'STOP', 'TGA': 'STOP'} DEFAULT_METHOD = "IEDB_recommended" PREDICTION_CLASS_COMMAND = [0, "/home/biodocker/iedb/mhc_i/src/ ", "/home/biodocker/iedb/mhc_ii/ "] def print_task(task): repetition = 40 - len(task) print ("[ -> " + task + " " + ("." * repetition)), sys.stdout.flush() def print_status(status): if status == TASK_SUCCESS: print (status + " ]") else: print (status + " ]") def save_log(ops): output = ops[OUTPUT_OPTION] if CLASS_OPTION in ops.keys(): p_class = str(ops[CLASS_OPTION]) ops[p_class + METHOD_OPTION] = ops[METHOD_OPTION] ops[p_class + ALLELE_OPTION] = ops[ALLELE_OPTION] ops[p_class + LENGTH_OPTION] = ops[LENGTH_OPTION] ops.pop(METHOD_OPTION, None) ops.pop(ALLELE_OPTION, None) ops.pop(LENGTH_OPTION, None) if path.isfile(output + LOG_FILE): with open(output + LOG_FILE, "r") as f: dic = json.load(f) dic.update(ops) ops = dic with open(output + LOG_FILE, "w") as f: json.dump(ops, f) def read_log(out): params = None with open(OUTPUT_PATH + out + LOG_FILE, "r") as f: params = json.load(f) return params def read_list(filepath): elements = [] with open(filepath, "r") as f: for row in f: row = row.strip("\r") row = row.strip("\n") elements.append(row) return elements def read_predicted_alleles(outpath): outpath += ALLELE_DIRECTORY files = [f for f in listdir(outpath) if path.isfile(path.join(outpath, f))] p_allele = defaultdict(list) str_result = "" for file in files: if file.endswith(".tsv"): sample = file.split(".tsv")[0] with open(outpath + file, "r") as f: f.readline() for line in f: p_allele[line.rstrip()].append(sample) else: continue for allele in sorted(p_allele.keys()): str_result += allele + " (" for sample in p_allele[allele]: str_result += sample + ", " str_result = str_result[0:-2] + ")\n" return str_result def read_c1_binding_results(out, sample): result_path = OUTPUT_PATH + out + "/c1_predictions/not_filtered/" + sample + ".txt" try: c1_lines = pandas.read_csv(result_path, sep='\t') except: c1_lines = pandas.DataFrame() return c1_lines def read_c2_binding_results(out, sample): result_path = OUTPUT_PATH + out + "/c2_predictions/not_filtered/" + sample + ".txt" try: c2_lines = pandas.read_csv(result_path, sep='\t') except: c2_lines = pandas.DataFrame() return c2_lines def read_gene_exp(out, sample): result_path = OUTPUT_PATH + out + "/gene_expression/" + sample + ".tsv" try: gene_exp =
pandas.read_csv(result_path, sep='\t')
import argparse from email.mime import image import os from tqdm import tqdm import pandas as pd import logging from src.utils.common import read_yaml, create_directories from src.stage_01_get_data import main as loader_main from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, f1_score import numpy as np import warnings import torch STAGE = "STAGE_NAME" ## <<< change stage name logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter("[%(asctime)s: %(levelname)s: %(module)s]: %(message)s") file_handler = logging.FileHandler(os.path.join("logs", "running_logs.log")) file_handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(file_handler) warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') def main(config_path): ## read config files config = read_yaml(config_path) train_data_loader, test_data_loader, labels_dict = loader_main(config_path) pred = np.array([]) target = np.array([]) prediction_data_dir = config['data']['PRED_DATA_DIR'] create_directories([prediction_data_dir]) prediction_data_file_name = config['data']['PRED_DATA_FILE_NAME'] prediction_data_file_path = os.path.join(prediction_data_dir, prediction_data_file_name) model_dir = config['artifacts']['model_dir'] trained_model_name = config['artifacts']['trained_model_name'] trained_model_path = os.path.join(model_dir, trained_model_name) model = torch.load(trained_model_path)"trained model loaded") DEVICE = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu""trained model loaded into {DEVICE}") with torch.no_grad(): for batch, data in enumerate(test_data_loader): images = data[0].to(DEVICE) labels = data[1].to(DEVICE) y_pred = model(images) pred = np.concatenate((pred, torch.argmax(y_pred, 1).cpu().numpy())) target = np.concatenate((target, labels.cpu().numpy()))"prediction for test data finished") df =
pd.DataFrame({"Actual":target, "Prediction":pred})
from import BaseCommand, CommandError from etldjango.settings import GCP_PROJECT_ID, BUCKET_NAME, BUCKET_ROOT from import Bucket_handler, GetBucketData from .utils.extractor import Data_Extractor from datetime import datetime, timedelta from .utils.unicodenorm import normalizer_str from etldata.models import DB_minsa_muertes, DB_positividad_salida, DB_capacidad_hosp, DB_minsa_muertes, DB_rt, DB_epidemiologico, DB_vacunas from django.contrib.gis.geos import Point # from django.utils import timezone from django.db.models import F, Sum, Avg, Count, StdDev, Max, Q from tqdm import tqdm import pandas as pd import numpy as np import os import time # # you can use this value #db = DB_epidemiologico.objects.filter(fecha="2021-05-17") #db.delete() class Command(BaseCommand): help = "Epidemiolog: Command for create the resumen using the current date in the DB" bucket = Bucket_handler(project_id=GCP_PROJECT_ID) filename = 'poblacion.csv' def add_arguments(self, parser): """ Example: - for initialize the database using the last three weeks $python worker_t_epidem full --w 3 - for append the last three weeks $python worker_t_epidem last --w 3 """ parser.add_argument( 'mode', type=str, help="full/last , full: load the last 5 weeks, last: load the last week") parser.add_argument( '--w', type=int, help="reset the database and load the #w last weeks") def print_shell(self, text): self.stdout.write( def save_table(self, table, db, mode): if mode == 'full': records = table.to_dict(orient='records') records = [db(**record) for record in tqdm(records)] _ = db.objects.all().delete() _ = db.objects.bulk_create(records) elif mode == 'last': # this is posible because the table is sorter by "-fecha" last_record = db.objects.all()[:1] last_record = list(last_record) if len(last_record) > 0: last_date = str(last_record[0] else: last_date = '2021-01-01' table = table.loc[table.fecha > last_date] if len(table): self.print_shell("Storing new records") records = table.to_dict(orient='records') records = [db(**record) for record in tqdm(records)] _ = db.objects.bulk_create(records) else: self.print_shell("No new data was found to store") def handle(self, *args, **options): mode = options["mode"] w = options["w"] assert mode in ['full', 'last'], "Error in --mode argument" weeks = self.get_weeks_from_args(mode, w) self.print_shell("Computing epidemiology score") # Downloading data from bucket self.downloading_source_csv() self.load_poblacion_table_popu() table_vacc = self.query_vacunados(DB_vacunas, weeks) # table_pos = self.query_test_positivos(DB_positividad_salida, weeks) table_pos = self.normalizer_100k_population(table_pos, ['total', 'total_pos']) table_uci = self.query_uci_status(DB_capacidad_hosp, weeks) table_minsa = self.query_deaths_minsa(DB_minsa_muertes, weeks) table_minsa = self.normalizer_100k_population(table_minsa, ['n_muertes']) table_rt = self.query_rt_score(DB_rt, weeks) table = self.merge_tables( table_pos, table_uci, table_minsa, table_rt, table_vacc) table = self.aggregate_avg_by_week(table) table = self.calc_vacc_progress(table) table = self.scoring_variables(table) table = self.last_week_comparation(table) self.save_table(table, DB_epidemiologico, mode) self.print_shell('Work Done!') def get_weeks_from_args(self, mode, weeks): if weeks: return weeks + 2 elif mode == 'full': return 6 elif mode == 'last': return 4 def downloading_source_csv(self): """ Function to download the csv file which contain all the url and standar names for the the data from the goberment, then read that file and download all the files form source. """ self.print_shell('Downloading poblacion.csv ... ') self.bucket.download_blob(bucket_name=BUCKET_NAME, source_blob_name="data_source/"+self.filename, destination_file_name="temp/"+self.filename) def load_poblacion_table_popu(self): table = pd.read_csv('temp/'+self.filename) table.rename(columns={ 'Region': 'region', 'total': 'poblacion' }, inplace=True) table.region = table.region.apply(lambda x: normalizer_str(x)) print(table) self.table_popu = table def get_fecha_max(self, db, fecha='fecha'): query = db.objects.values(fecha) query = query.aggregate(Max(fecha)) query = query[fecha+'__max'].date() print(query) return query def query_test_positivos(self, db, weeks): fecha_max = self.get_fecha_max(db) fecha_min = fecha_max - timedelta(days=8*weeks) query = db.objects.values('fecha', 'region', 'total_test', 'total_pos') query = query.filter(fecha__gt=fecha_min) query = query.annotate(positividad=( F('total_pos') / F('total_test')*100)) query = query.order_by('region') query = pd.DataFrame.from_records(query) query.rename(columns={ 'total_test': 'total' }, inplace=True) print(query) return query def query_uci_status(self, db, weeks): fecha_max = self.get_fecha_max(db, 'fecha_corte') fecha_min = fecha_max - timedelta(days=8*weeks) query = db.objects.values('fecha_corte', 'region', ) query = query.filter(fecha_corte__gt=fecha_min) query = query.exclude(region='PERU') query = query.annotate(uci_p=F('uci_zc_cama_ocup') / F('uci_zc_cama_total')*100, camas_p=F('uci_znc_cama_ocup') / F('uci_znc_cama_total')*100 ) query = pd.DataFrame.from_records(query) query.rename(columns={'fecha_corte': 'fecha'}, inplace=True) print(query) return query def query_deaths_minsa(self, db, weeks): columns = ['fecha', 'region', 'n_muertes', ] fecha_max = self.get_fecha_max(db,) fecha_min = fecha_max - timedelta(days=8*weeks) query = db.objects query = query.filter(fecha__gt=fecha_min) query = query.exclude(region='PERU') query = query.order_by('region') query = query.values(*columns) query = pd.DataFrame.from_records(query) print(query.loc[query.region == 'PUNO'].n_muertes.mean()) print(query.loc[query.region == 'PUNO']) return query def query_rt_score(self, db, weeks): fecha_max = self.get_fecha_max(db, 'date') fecha_min = fecha_max - timedelta(days=8*weeks) query = db.objects query = query.values('date', 'region', 'ml') query = query.filter(date__gt=fecha_min) query = query.exclude(region='PERU') query = query.order_by('region') query = pd.DataFrame.from_records(query) query.rename(columns={'date': 'fecha'}, inplace=True) print(query) return query def normalizer_100k_population(self, table, columns): def change_normal(x, column): if x['region'] == 'LIMA': x['region'] = 'LIMA METROPOLITANA' n_pp = self.table_popu.loc[self.table_popu.region == x['region']] n_pp = n_pp['poblacion'].tolist()[0] return x[column]/n_pp*100000 for column in columns: table[column] = table.apply(change_normal, args=(column,), axis=1) print(table.isnull().sum()) print( return table @ staticmethod def rename_total_table_columns(table): table.rename(columns={ 'total': 'avg_test', 'total_pos': 'incid_100', 'n_muertes': 'fall_100', 'ml': 'rt', 'uci_p': 'uci', 'camas_p': 'camas_covid', 'vacc_acum': 'vacc_acum', }, inplace=True) return table def merge_tables(self, posit, uci, minsa, rt, table_vacc): total = posit.merge(uci, on=["fecha", "region"], how="outer") total = total.merge(minsa, on=["fecha", "region"], how="outer") total = total.merge(rt, on=["fecha", "region"], how="outer") total = total.merge(table_vacc, on=["fecha", "region"], how="outer") total = total.merge(self.table_popu, on=['region'], how='outer') total['n_week'] = total.fecha.apply(lambda x: (x).isocalendar()[1]) # total['n_week'] = total.fecha.apply( # lambda x: (x+timedelta(days=1)).isocalendar()[1]) # total['n_week'] = # the current week never process curr_week = ([1] print('current week ', curr_week) total = total.loc[(total['n_week'] > total['n_week'].min()) & (total['n_week'] < curr_week) ] total = self.rename_total_table_columns(total) print(total.isnull().sum()) cols = total.columns.tolist() cols.remove('fecha') total[cols] = total[cols].apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='ignore') # print(total.sort_values(by='fecha').tail(50)) # print(total.loc[total.region == 'LIMA METROPOLITANA']) # print(posit.loc[posit.region == # 'LIMA METROPOLITANA'].sort_values(by='fecha')) return total def scoring_variables(self, table): print( print(table.head()) print(table.isnull().sum()) table = table.fillna(0) cut_fall = [-0.01, 2, 5, 7, 1e7] cut_uci = [-0.01, 70, 90, 98, 100] cut_incid = [-0.01, 80, 100, 120, 1e7] cut_rt = [-0.01, .7, 1.1, 1.6, 1e7] cut_pos = [-0.01, 11, 15, 20, 1e7] cut_test = [-1e7, 34*7, 60*7, 100*7, 1e7] color = [1, 2, 3, 4] table['fall_score'] = pd.cut(table.fall_100, cut_fall, labels=color).astype(int) table['uci_score'] = pd.cut(table.uci, cut_uci, labels=color).astype(int) table['incid_score'] = pd.cut(table.incid_100, cut_incid, labels=color).astype(int) table['rt_score'] = pd.cut(table.rt, cut_rt, labels=color).astype(int) table['posit_score'] = pd.cut(table.positividad, cut_pos, labels=color).astype(int) table['test_score'] = pd.cut(table.avg_test, cut_test, labels=color[::-1]).astype(int) table['score'], table['val_score'] = self.calculate_score(table) print(table.describe()) return table @ staticmethod def calculate_score(table): cut_score = [0, 31, 38, 43, 1e7] color = [1, 2, 3, 4] w = [4, 3, 2.5, 2, 1.5, 1] result = table['fall_score']*w[0] + table['uci_score']*w[1] + \ table['incid_score'] * w[2] + table['rt_score']*w[3] + \ table['posit_score'] * w[4] + table['test_score']*w[5] return pd.cut(result, cut_score, labels=color).astype(int), result def date_table_factory(self, fechas_orig, region_name): min_ = fechas_orig.min() max_ = fechas_orig.max() totaldatelist = pd.date_range(start=min_, end=max_).tolist() totaldatelist = pd.DataFrame(data={"fecha": totaldatelist}) totaldatelist['region'] = region_name return totaldatelist def aggregate_avg_by_week(self, table): table = table.groupby(["region", ]) table_acum = pd.DataFrame() for region in table: region_name = region[0] temp = region[1].sort_values(by="fecha") totaldatelist = self.date_table_factory(temp.fecha, region_name) temp = totaldatelist.merge(temp, on=["fecha", 'region'], how="outer", ) temp = temp.sort_values(by="fecha") temp = temp.reset_index(drop=True) temp = temp.fillna(method="ffill") temp = temp.fillna(method="bfill") temp = temp.dropna() temp = temp.groupby(["n_week", "region"]).agg({ 'fecha': 'first', 'avg_test': 'sum', 'incid_100': 'sum', 'positividad': 'mean', 'uci': 'last', 'camas_covid': 'last', 'fall_100': 'sum', 'rt': 'mean', 'vacc_acum': 'max', 'poblacion': 'last', }) temp = temp.reset_index() # temp.fecha = temp.fecha.apply(lambda x: table_acum = table_acum.append(temp, ignore_index=True) # print( table_acum['rt'] = table_acum['rt'].astype(float) # print(table_acum.head()) # print(table_acum.tail(12)) # print(table_acum.head(12)) return table_acum def calc_vacc_progress(self, table): table['vacc_prog'] = table.vacc_acum/table.poblacion*100 return table def query_vacunados(self, db, weeks): fecha_max = self.get_fecha_max(db,) fecha_min = fecha_max - timedelta(days=8*weeks) # Records diarios por region query = db.objects query = query.filter(dosis=1) histo = query.values('fecha', 'region') histo = histo.annotate(vacc_acum=Sum('cantidad')) histo = histo.order_by('fecha', 'region') histo =
import pandas as pd import numpy as np from texttable import Texttable from cape_privacy.pandas import dtypes from cape_privacy.pandas.transformations import NumericPerturbation from cape_privacy.pandas.transformations import DatePerturbation from cape_privacy.pandas.transformations import NumericRounding from cape_privacy.pandas.transformations import Tokenizer from faker import Faker from anonympy.pandas import utils_pandas as _utils from sklearn.decomposition import PCA class dfAnonymizer(object): """ Initializes pandas DataFrame as a dfAnonymizer object. Parameters: ---------- df: pandas DataFrame Returns: ---------- dfAnonymizer object Raises ---------- Exception: * If ``df`` is not a DataFrame See also ---------- dfAnonymizer.to_df : Return a DataFrame Examples ---------- >>> from anonympy.pandas import dfAnonymizer >>> from anonympy.pandas.utils_pandas import load_dataset Contructing dfAnonymizer object: >>> df = load_dataset() >>> anonym = dfAnonymizer(df) >>> anonym.to_df() name age ... email ssn 0 Bruce 33 ... <EMAIL> 343554334 1 Tony 48 ... <EMAIL> 656564664 """ def __init__(self, df: pd.DataFrame): if df.__class__.__name__ != "DataFrame": raise Exception(f"{df} is not a pandas DataFrame.") # Private Attributes self._df = df.copy() self._df2 = df.copy() self._methods_applied = {} self._synthetic_data = 'Synthetic Data' self._tokenization = 'Tokenization' self._numeric_perturbation = 'Numeric Perturbation' self._datetime_perturbation = 'Datetime Perturbation' self._round = 'Generalization - Rounding' self._bin = 'Generalization - Binning' self._drop = 'Column Suppression' self._sample = 'Resampling' self._PCA = 'PCA Masking' self._email = 'Partial Masking' # Public Attributes self.anonymized_columns = [] self.columns = self._df.columns.tolist() self.unanonymized_columns = self.columns.copy() self.numeric_columns = _utils.get_numeric_columns(self._df) self.categorical_columns = _utils.get_categorical_columns(self._df) self.datetime_columns = _utils.get_datetime_columns(self._df) self._available_methods = _utils.av_methods self._fake_methods = _utils.faker_methods def __str__(self): return self._info().draw() def __repr__(self): return self._info().draw() def _dtype_checker(self, column: str): ''' Returns the dtype of the column Parameters ---------- column: str Returns ---------- dtype: numpy dtype ''' dtype = self._df[column].dtype if dtype == np.float32: return dtypes.Float elif dtype == np.float64: return dtypes.Double elif dtype == np.byte: return dtypes.Byte elif dtype == np.short: return dtypes.Short elif dtype == np.int32: return dtypes.Integer elif dtype == np.int64: return dtypes.Long else: return None def anonymize(self, methods=None, locale=['en_US'], seed=None, inplace=True): ''' Anonymize all columns using different methods for each dtype. If dictionary is not provided, for numerical columns ``numeric_rounding`` is applied. ``categorical_fake`` and ``categorical_tokenization`` for categorical columns and ``datetime_noise`` or ``datetime_fake`` are applied for columns of datetime type. Parameters ---------- methods : Optional[Dict[str, str]], default None {column_name: anonympy_method}. Call ``available_methods`` for list of all methods. locale : str or List[str], default ['en_US'] See for all faker's locales. inplace : bool, default True If True the changes will be applied to `dfAnonymizer` obejct, else output is returned. seed : Optional[int], default None Pass an integer for reproducible output across multiple function calls. Returns ---------- If inplace is False, pandas Series or DataFrame is returned See Also -------- dfAnonymizer.categorical_fake_auto : Replace values with synthetically generated ones Examples ---------- >>> from anonympy.pandas import dfAnonymizer >>> from anonympy.pandas.utils_pandas import load_dataset, \ available_methods >>> df = load_dataset() >>> anonym = dfAnonymizer(df) If methods None: >>> anonym.anonymize(inplace = False) name age ... email ssn 0 <NAME> 30 ... <EMAIL> 718-51-5290 1 <NAME> 50 ... <EMAIL> 684-81-8137 Passing a dict for specifying which methods to apply: >>> available_methods('numeric') numeric_noise numeric_binning numeric_masking numeric_rounding >>> anonym.anonymize({'name':'categorical_fake', ... 'age':'numeric_noise', ... 'email':'categorical_email_masking', ... 'salary': 'numeric_rounding'}, inplace = False) name age email salary 0 <NAME> 37 <EMAIL> 60000.0 1 <NAME> 52 <EMAIL> 50000.0 ''' if not methods: if inplace: # try synthetic data self.categorical_fake_auto(locale=locale, seed=seed) # if there are still columns left unanonymized if self.unanonymized_columns: for column in self.unanonymized_columns.copy(): if column in self.numeric_columns: self.numeric_rounding(column) elif column in self.categorical_columns: self.categorical_tokenization(column, key=str(seed)) elif column in self.datetime_columns: self.datetime_noise(column, seed=seed) else: # try synthetic data temp = self.categorical_fake_auto(locale=locale, inplace=False, seed=seed) unanonymized = self.unanonymized_columns.copy() if isinstance(temp, pd.DataFrame): unanonymized = [column for column in unanonymized if column not in temp.columns.to_list()] elif isinstance(temp, pd.Series): unanonymized.remove( temp =
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D import talib pd.set_option('display.max_rows', 500) pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 30) pd.set_option('precision', 7) pd.options.display.float_format = '{:,.3f}'.format import warnings warnings.simplefilter(action = "ignore", category = FutureWarning) from sklearn import preprocessing, svm, cross_validation, metrics, pipeline, grid_search from scipy.stats import sem from sklearn.decomposition import PCA, KernelPCA from sklearn.metrics import matthews_corrcoef ''' 读入一支股票指定年份的ohlcv数据 输入:baseDir,stockCode为字符, startYear,yearNum为整数, 输出:dataframe ''' def readWSDFile(baseDir, stockCode, startYear, yearNum=1): # 解析日期 dateparse = lambda x:
pd.datetime.strptime(x, '%Y-%m-%d')
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- """ Date: 2021/11/8 17:48 Desc: 同花顺-板块-行业板块 """ import os from datetime import datetime import pandas as pd import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from py_mini_racer import py_mini_racer from tqdm import tqdm from mssdk.utils import demjson def _get_js_path_ths(name: str = None, module_file: str = None) -> str: """ 获取 JS 文件的路径(从模块所在目录查找) :param name: 文件名 :type name: str :param module_file: 模块路径 :type module_file: str :return: 路径 :rtype: str """ module_folder = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(module_file))) module_json_path = os.path.join(module_folder, "stock_feature", name) return module_json_path def _get_file_content_ths(file_name: str = "ase.min.js") -> str: """ 获取 JS 文件的内容 :param file_name: JS 文件名 :type file_name: str :return: 文件内容 :rtype: str """ setting_file_name = file_name setting_file_path = _get_js_path_ths(setting_file_name, __file__) with open(setting_file_path) as f: file_data = return file_data def stock_board_industry_name_ths() -> pd.DataFrame: """ 同花顺-板块-行业板块-行业 :return: 所有行业板块的名称和链接 :rtype: pandas.DataFrame """ code_name_ths_map = {'881101': '种植业与林业', '881102': '养殖业', '881103': '农产品加工', '881104': '农业服务', '881105': '煤炭开采加工', '881107': '油气开采及服务', '881108': '化学原料', '881109': '化学制品', '881110': '化工合成材料', '881112': '钢铁', '881114': '金属新材料', '881115': '建筑材料', '881116': '建筑装饰', '881117': '通用设备', '881118': '专用设备', '881119': '仪器仪表', '881120': '电力设备', '881121': '半导体及元件', '881122': '光学光电子', '881123': '其他电子', '881124': '消费电子', '881125': '汽车整车', '881126': '汽车零部件', '881127': '非汽车交运', '881128': '汽车服务', '881129': '通信设备', '881130': '计算机设备', '881131': '白色家电', '881132': '黑色家电', '881133': '饮料制造', '881134': '食品加工制造', '881135': '纺织制造', '881136': '服装家纺', '881137': '造纸', '881138': '包装印刷', '881139': '家用轻工', '881140': '化学制药', '881141': '中药', '881142': '生物制品', '881143': '医药商业', '881144': '医疗器械', '881145': '电力', '881146': '燃气', '881148': '港口航运', '881149': '公路铁路运输', '881151': '机场航运', '881152': '物流', '881153': '房地产开发', '881155': '银行', '881156': '保险及其他', '881157': '证券', '881158': '零售', '881159': '贸易', '881160': '景点及旅游', '881161': '酒店及餐饮', '881162': '通信服务', '881163': '计算机应用', '881164': '传媒', '881165': '综合', '881166': '国防军工', '881167': '非金属材料', '881168': '工业金属', '881169': '贵金属', '881170': '小金属', '881171': '自动化设备', '881172': '电子化学品', '881173': '小家电', '881174': '厨卫电器', '881175': '医疗服务', '881176': '房地产服务', '881177': '互联网电商', '881178': '教育', '881179': '其他社会服务', '881180': '石油加工贸易', '881181': '环保', '881182': '美容护理', '884001': '种子生产', '884002': '粮食种植', '884003': '其他种植业', '884004': '林业', '884005': '海洋捕捞', '884006': '水产养殖', '884007': '畜禽养殖', '884008': '饲料', '884009': '果蔬加工', '884010': '粮油加工', '884011': '其他农产品加工', '884012': '农业综合', '884013': '动物保健', '884014': '煤炭开采', '884015': '焦炭加工', '884016': '油气开采', '884018': '油服工程', '884020': '石油加工', '884021': '油品石化贸易', '884022': '纯碱', '884023': '氯碱', '884024': '无机盐', '884025': '其他化学原料', '884026': '氮肥', '884027': '磷肥及磷化工', '884028': '农药', '884030': '涂料油墨', '884031': '钾肥', '884032': '民爆用品', '884033': '纺织化学用品', '884034': '其他化学制品', '884035': '复合肥', '884036': '氟化工', '884039': '聚氨酯', '884041': '涤纶', '884043': '粘胶', '884044': '其他纤维', '884045': '氨纶', '884046': '其他塑料制品', '884048': '改性塑料', '884050': '其他橡胶制品', '884051': '炭黑', '884052': '普钢', '884053': '铝', '884054': '铜', '884055': '铅锌', '884056': '其他金属新材料', '884057': '磁性材料', '884058': '非金属材料Ⅲ', '884059': '玻璃玻纤', '884060': '水泥', '884062': '其他建材', '884063': '耐火材料', '884064': '管材', '884065': '装饰园林', '884066': '房屋建设', '884067': '基础建设', '884068': '专业工程', '884069': '机床工具', '884071': '磨具磨料', '884073': '制冷空调设备', '884074': '其他通用设备', '884075': '金属制品', '884076': '纺织服装设备', '884077': '工程机械', '884078': '农用机械', '884080': '能源及重型设备', '884081': '印刷包装机械', '884082': '其他专用设备', '884083': '楼宇设备', '884084': '环保设备', '884085': '电机', '884086': '电气自控设备', '884088': '输变电设备', '884089': '线缆部件及其他', '884090': '分立器件', '884091': '半导体材料', '884092': '印制电路板', '884093': '被动元件', '884094': '面板', '884095': 'LED', '884096': '光学元件', '884098': '消费电子零部件及组装', '884099': '乘用车', '884100': '商用载货车', '884101': '商用载客车', '884105': '轨交设备', '884106': '其他交运设备', '884107': '汽车服务Ⅲ', '884112': '冰洗', '884113': '空调', '884115': '小家电Ⅲ', '884116': '其他白色家电', '884117': '彩电', '884118': '其他黑色家电', '884119': '其他酒类', '884120': '软饮料', '884123': '肉制品', '884124': '调味发酵品', '884125': '乳品', '884126': '其他食品', '884128': '棉纺', '884130': '印染', '884131': '辅料', '884132': '其他纺织', '884136': '鞋帽及其他', '884137': '家纺', '884139': '家具', '884140': '其他家用轻工', '884141': '饰品', '884142': '文娱用品', '884143': '原料药', '884144': '化学制剂', '884145': '医疗设备', '884146': '火电', '884147': '水电', '884149': '热力', '884150': '新能源发电', '884152': '燃气Ⅲ', '884153': '港口', '884154': '高速公路', '884155': '铁路运输', '884156': '机场', '884157': '航空运输', '884158': '多元金融', '884159': '保险', '884160': '百货零售', '884161': '专业连锁', '884162': '商业物业经营', '884163': '人工景点', '884164': '自然景点', '884165': '旅游综合', '884167': '酒店', '884168': '餐饮', '884172': '有线电视网络', '884173': '通信服务Ⅲ', '884174': '软件开发', '884176': '出版', '884177': '影视院线', '884178': '广告营销', '884179': '其他传媒', '884180': '航天装备', '884181': '航空装备', '884182': '地面兵装', '884183': '航海装备', '884184': '特钢', '884185': '贵金属Ⅲ', '884186': '其他小金属', '884188': '白酒', '884189': '啤酒', '884191': '航运', '884192': '仪器仪表Ⅲ', '884193': '其他电子Ⅲ', '884194': '汽车零部件Ⅲ', '884195': '造纸Ⅲ', '884197': '中药Ⅲ', '884199': '医药商业Ⅲ', '884200': '公交', '884201': '物流Ⅲ', '884202': '住宅开发', '884203': '产业地产', '884205': '证券Ⅲ', '884206': '贸易Ⅲ', '884207': '计算机设备Ⅲ', '884208': '综合Ⅲ', '884209': '钛白粉', '884210': '食品及饲料添加剂', '884211': '有机硅', '884212': '合成树脂', '884213': '膜材料', '884214': '冶钢原料', '884215': '稀土', '884216': '能源金属', '884217': '工程咨询服务', '884218': '机器人', '884219': '工控设备', '884220': '激光设备', '884221': '其他自动化设备', '884222': '光伏设备', '884223': '风电设备', '884224': '电池', '884225': '其他电源设备', '884226': '集成电路设计', '884227': '集成电路制造', '884228': '集成电路封测', '884229': '半导体设备', '884230': '品牌消费电子', '884231': '电子化学品Ⅲ', '884232': '厨卫电器Ⅲ', '884233': '休闲食品', '884234': '服装', '884235': '印刷', '884236': '包装', '884237': '瓷砖地板', '884238': '血液制品', '884239': '疫苗', '884240': '其他生物制品', '884242': '医疗耗材', '884243': '体外诊断', '884244': '医疗研发外包', '884245': '其他医疗服务', '884246': '电能综合服务', '884247': '商业地产', '884248': '房地产服务Ⅲ', '884249': '国有大型银行', '884250': '股份制银行', '884251': '城商行', '884252': '农商行', '884253': '其他银行', '884254': '旅游零售', '884255': '互联网电商Ⅲ', '884256': '教育Ⅲ', '884257': '专业服务', '884258': '体育', '884259': '其他社会服务Ⅲ', '884260': '游戏', '884261': '数字媒体', '884262': '通信网络设备及器件', '884263': '通信线缆及配套', '884264': '通信终端及配件', '884265': '其他通信设备', '884266': '军工电子', '884267': '大气治理', '884268': '水务及水治理', '884269': '固废治理', '884270': '综合环境治理', '884271': '个护用品', '884272': '化妆品', '884273': '医疗美容', '884274': 'IT服务'} temp_df =
pd.DataFrame.from_dict(code_name_ths_map, orient="index")
import pandas as pd import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt matplotlib.use("Qt5Agg") # 声明使用QT5 from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt5agg import FigureCanvasQTAgg as FigureCanvas from matplotlib.figure import Figure import mpl_finance as mpf from matplotlib.pylab import date2num class Figure_Canvas(FigureCanvas): def __init__(self, parent=None, width=30, height=4, dpi=100): plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei'] # 用来正常显示中文标签 plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False # 用来正常显示负号 fig = Figure(figsize=(width, height), dpi=100) # 创建一个Figure FigureCanvas.__init__(self, fig) # 初始化父类 self.setParent(parent) self.axes = fig.add_subplot(111) # 调用figure下面的add_subplot方法 def pricePlot(self, date, start, end, high, low): """ Draw k-line chart. :param date: stock date, a pd series type :param start: open price, a pd series type :param end: closed price, a pd series type :param high: the highest price, a pd series type :param low: the lowest price, a pd series type :return: None """ date = pd.to_datetime(date) date1 = date.apply(lambda x: date2num(x)) data =
pd.concat([date1, start, end, high, low], axis=1)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # pylint: disable=W0612,E1101 from datetime import datetime import operator import nose from functools import wraps import numpy as np import pandas as pd from pandas import Series, DataFrame, Index, isnull, notnull, pivot, MultiIndex from pandas.core.datetools import bday from pandas.core.nanops import nanall, nanany from pandas.core.panel import Panel from pandas.core.series import remove_na import pandas.core.common as com from pandas import compat from pandas.compat import range, lrange, StringIO, OrderedDict, signature from pandas import SparsePanel from pandas.util.testing import (assert_panel_equal, assert_frame_equal, assert_series_equal, assert_almost_equal, assert_produces_warning, ensure_clean, assertRaisesRegexp, makeCustomDataframe as mkdf, makeMixedDataFrame) import pandas.core.panel as panelm import pandas.util.testing as tm def ignore_sparse_panel_future_warning(func): """ decorator to ignore FutureWarning if we have a SparsePanel can be removed when SparsePanel is fully removed """ @wraps(func) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if isinstance(self.panel, SparsePanel): with assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning, check_stacklevel=False): return func(self, *args, **kwargs) else: return func(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper class PanelTests(object): panel = None def test_pickle(self): unpickled = self.round_trip_pickle(self.panel) assert_frame_equal(unpickled['ItemA'], self.panel['ItemA']) def test_rank(self): self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, lambda: self.panel.rank()) def test_cumsum(self): cumsum = self.panel.cumsum() assert_frame_equal(cumsum['ItemA'], self.panel['ItemA'].cumsum()) def not_hashable(self): c_empty = Panel() c = Panel(Panel([[[1]]])) self.assertRaises(TypeError, hash, c_empty) self.assertRaises(TypeError, hash, c) class SafeForLongAndSparse(object): _multiprocess_can_split_ = True def test_repr(self): repr(self.panel) @ignore_sparse_panel_future_warning def test_copy_names(self): for attr in ('major_axis', 'minor_axis'): getattr(self.panel, attr).name = None cp = self.panel.copy() getattr(cp, attr).name = 'foo' self.assertIsNone(getattr(self.panel, attr).name) def test_iter(self): tm.equalContents(list(self.panel), self.panel.items) def test_count(self): f = lambda s: notnull(s).sum() self._check_stat_op('count', f, obj=self.panel, has_skipna=False) def test_sum(self): self._check_stat_op('sum', np.sum) def test_mean(self): self._check_stat_op('mean', np.mean) def test_prod(self): self._check_stat_op('prod', def test_median(self): def wrapper(x): if isnull(x).any(): return np.nan return np.median(x) self._check_stat_op('median', wrapper) def test_min(self): self._check_stat_op('min', np.min) def test_max(self): self._check_stat_op('max', np.max) def test_skew(self): try: from scipy.stats import skew except ImportError: raise nose.SkipTest("no scipy.stats.skew") def this_skew(x): if len(x) < 3: return np.nan return skew(x, bias=False) self._check_stat_op('skew', this_skew) # def test_mad(self): # f = lambda x: np.abs(x - x.mean()).mean() # self._check_stat_op('mad', f) def test_var(self): def alt(x): if len(x) < 2: return np.nan return np.var(x, ddof=1) self._check_stat_op('var', alt) def test_std(self): def alt(x): if len(x) < 2: return np.nan return np.std(x, ddof=1) self._check_stat_op('std', alt) def test_sem(self): def alt(x): if len(x) < 2: return np.nan return np.std(x, ddof=1) / np.sqrt(len(x)) self._check_stat_op('sem', alt) # def test_skew(self): # from scipy.stats import skew # def alt(x): # if len(x) < 3: # return np.nan # return skew(x, bias=False) # self._check_stat_op('skew', alt) def _check_stat_op(self, name, alternative, obj=None, has_skipna=True): if obj is None: obj = self.panel # # set some NAs # obj.ix[5:10] = np.nan # obj.ix[15:20, -2:] = np.nan f = getattr(obj, name) if has_skipna: def skipna_wrapper(x): nona = remove_na(x) if len(nona) == 0: return np.nan return alternative(nona) def wrapper(x): return alternative(np.asarray(x)) for i in range(obj.ndim): result = f(axis=i, skipna=False) assert_frame_equal(result, obj.apply(wrapper, axis=i)) else: skipna_wrapper = alternative wrapper = alternative for i in range(obj.ndim): result = f(axis=i) if not tm._incompat_bottleneck_version(name): assert_frame_equal(result, obj.apply(skipna_wrapper, axis=i)) self.assertRaises(Exception, f, axis=obj.ndim) # Unimplemented numeric_only parameter. if 'numeric_only' in signature(f).args: self.assertRaisesRegexp(NotImplementedError, name, f, numeric_only=True) class SafeForSparse(object): _multiprocess_can_split_ = True @classmethod def assert_panel_equal(cls, x, y): assert_panel_equal(x, y) def test_get_axis(self): assert (self.panel._get_axis(0) is self.panel.items) assert (self.panel._get_axis(1) is self.panel.major_axis) assert (self.panel._get_axis(2) is self.panel.minor_axis) def test_set_axis(self): new_items = Index(np.arange(len(self.panel.items))) new_major = Index(np.arange(len(self.panel.major_axis))) new_minor = Index(np.arange(len(self.panel.minor_axis))) # ensure propagate to potentially prior-cached items too item = self.panel['ItemA'] self.panel.items = new_items if hasattr(self.panel, '_item_cache'): self.assertNotIn('ItemA', self.panel._item_cache) self.assertIs(self.panel.items, new_items) # TODO: unused? item = self.panel[0] # noqa self.panel.major_axis = new_major self.assertIs(self.panel[0].index, new_major) self.assertIs(self.panel.major_axis, new_major) # TODO: unused? item = self.panel[0] # noqa self.panel.minor_axis = new_minor self.assertIs(self.panel[0].columns, new_minor) self.assertIs(self.panel.minor_axis, new_minor) def test_get_axis_number(self): self.assertEqual(self.panel._get_axis_number('items'), 0) self.assertEqual(self.panel._get_axis_number('major'), 1) self.assertEqual(self.panel._get_axis_number('minor'), 2) def test_get_axis_name(self): self.assertEqual(self.panel._get_axis_name(0), 'items') self.assertEqual(self.panel._get_axis_name(1), 'major_axis') self.assertEqual(self.panel._get_axis_name(2), 'minor_axis') def test_get_plane_axes(self): # what to do here? index, columns = self.panel._get_plane_axes('items') index, columns = self.panel._get_plane_axes('major_axis') index, columns = self.panel._get_plane_axes('minor_axis') index, columns = self.panel._get_plane_axes(0) @ignore_sparse_panel_future_warning def test_truncate(self): dates = self.panel.major_axis start, end = dates[1], dates[5] trunced = self.panel.truncate(start, end, axis='major') expected = self.panel['ItemA'].truncate(start, end) assert_frame_equal(trunced['ItemA'], expected) trunced = self.panel.truncate(before=start, axis='major') expected = self.panel['ItemA'].truncate(before=start) assert_frame_equal(trunced['ItemA'], expected) trunced = self.panel.truncate(after=end, axis='major') expected = self.panel['ItemA'].truncate(after=end) assert_frame_equal(trunced['ItemA'], expected) # XXX test other axes def test_arith(self): self._test_op(self.panel, operator.add) self._test_op(self.panel, operator.sub) self._test_op(self.panel, operator.mul) self._test_op(self.panel, operator.truediv) self._test_op(self.panel, operator.floordiv) self._test_op(self.panel, operator.pow) self._test_op(self.panel, lambda x, y: y + x) self._test_op(self.panel, lambda x, y: y - x) self._test_op(self.panel, lambda x, y: y * x) self._test_op(self.panel, lambda x, y: y / x) self._test_op(self.panel, lambda x, y: y ** x) self._test_op(self.panel, lambda x, y: x + y) # panel + 1 self._test_op(self.panel, lambda x, y: x - y) # panel - 1 self._test_op(self.panel, lambda x, y: x * y) # panel * 1 self._test_op(self.panel, lambda x, y: x / y) # panel / 1 self._test_op(self.panel, lambda x, y: x ** y) # panel ** 1 self.assertRaises(Exception, self.panel.__add__, self.panel['ItemA']) @staticmethod def _test_op(panel, op): result = op(panel, 1) assert_frame_equal(result['ItemA'], op(panel['ItemA'], 1)) def test_keys(self): tm.equalContents(list(self.panel.keys()), self.panel.items) def test_iteritems(self): # Test panel.iteritems(), aka panel.iteritems() # just test that it works for k, v in self.panel.iteritems(): pass self.assertEqual(len(list(self.panel.iteritems())), len(self.panel.items)) @ignore_sparse_panel_future_warning def test_combineFrame(self): def check_op(op, name): # items df = self.panel['ItemA'] func = getattr(self.panel, name) result = func(df, axis='items') assert_frame_equal(result['ItemB'], op(self.panel['ItemB'], df)) # major xs = self.panel.major_xs(self.panel.major_axis[0]) result = func(xs, axis='major') idx = self.panel.major_axis[1] assert_frame_equal(result.major_xs(idx), op(self.panel.major_xs(idx), xs)) # minor xs = self.panel.minor_xs(self.panel.minor_axis[0]) result = func(xs, axis='minor') idx = self.panel.minor_axis[1] assert_frame_equal(result.minor_xs(idx), op(self.panel.minor_xs(idx), xs)) ops = ['add', 'sub', 'mul', 'truediv', 'floordiv'] if not compat.PY3: ops.append('div') # pow, mod not supported for SparsePanel as flex ops (for now) if not isinstance(self.panel, SparsePanel): ops.extend(['pow', 'mod']) else: idx = self.panel.minor_axis[1] with assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, "Simple arithmetic.*scalar"): self.panel.pow(self.panel.minor_xs(idx), axis='minor') with assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, "Simple arithmetic.*scalar"): self.panel.mod(self.panel.minor_xs(idx), axis='minor') for op in ops: try: check_op(getattr(operator, op), op) except: com.pprint_thing("Failing operation: %r" % op) raise if compat.PY3: try: check_op(operator.truediv, 'div') except: com.pprint_thing("Failing operation: %r" % 'div') raise @ignore_sparse_panel_future_warning def test_combinePanel(self): result = self.panel.add(self.panel) self.assert_panel_equal(result, self.panel * 2) @ignore_sparse_panel_future_warning def test_neg(self): self.assert_panel_equal(-self.panel, self.panel * -1) # issue 7692 def test_raise_when_not_implemented(self): p = Panel(np.arange(3 * 4 * 5).reshape(3, 4, 5), items=['ItemA', 'ItemB', 'ItemC'], major_axis=pd.date_range('20130101', periods=4), minor_axis=list('ABCDE')) d = p.sum(axis=1).ix[0] ops = ['add', 'sub', 'mul', 'truediv', 'floordiv', 'div', 'mod', 'pow'] for op in ops: with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError): getattr(p, op)(d, axis=0) @ignore_sparse_panel_future_warning def test_select(self): p = self.panel # select items result = x: x in ('ItemA', 'ItemC'), axis='items') expected = p.reindex(items=['ItemA', 'ItemC']) self.assert_panel_equal(result, expected) # select major_axis result = x: x >= datetime(2000, 1, 15), axis='major') new_major = p.major_axis[p.major_axis >= datetime(2000, 1, 15)] expected = p.reindex(major=new_major) self.assert_panel_equal(result, expected) # select minor_axis result = x: x in ('D', 'A'), axis=2) expected = p.reindex(minor=['A', 'D']) self.assert_panel_equal(result, expected) # corner case, empty thing result = x: x in ('foo', ), axis='items') self.assert_panel_equal(result, p.reindex(items=[])) def test_get_value(self): for item in self.panel.items: for mjr in self.panel.major_axis[::2]: for mnr in self.panel.minor_axis: result = self.panel.get_value(item, mjr, mnr) expected = self.panel[item][mnr][mjr] assert_almost_equal(result, expected) @ignore_sparse_panel_future_warning def test_abs(self): result = self.panel.abs() result2 = abs(self.panel) expected = np.abs(self.panel) self.assert_panel_equal(result, expected) self.assert_panel_equal(result2, expected) df = self.panel['ItemA'] result = df.abs() result2 = abs(df) expected = np.abs(df) assert_frame_equal(result, expected) assert_frame_equal(result2, expected) s = df['A'] result = s.abs() result2 = abs(s) expected = np.abs(s) assert_series_equal(result, expected) assert_series_equal(result2, expected) self.assertEqual(, 'A') self.assertEqual(, 'A') class CheckIndexing(object): _multiprocess_can_split_ = True def test_getitem(self): self.assertRaises(Exception, self.panel.__getitem__, 'ItemQ') def test_delitem_and_pop(self): expected = self.panel['ItemA'] result = self.panel.pop('ItemA') assert_frame_equal(expected, result) self.assertNotIn('ItemA', self.panel.items) del self.panel['ItemB'] self.assertNotIn('ItemB', self.panel.items) self.assertRaises(Exception, self.panel.__delitem__, 'ItemB') values = np.empty((3, 3, 3)) values[0] = 0 values[1] = 1 values[2] = 2 panel = Panel(values, lrange(3), lrange(3), lrange(3)) # did we delete the right row? panelc = panel.copy() del panelc[0] assert_frame_equal(panelc[1], panel[1]) assert_frame_equal(panelc[2], panel[2]) panelc = panel.copy() del panelc[1] assert_frame_equal(panelc[0], panel[0]) assert_frame_equal(panelc[2], panel[2]) panelc = panel.copy() del panelc[2] assert_frame_equal(panelc[1], panel[1]) assert_frame_equal(panelc[0], panel[0]) def test_setitem(self): # LongPanel with one item lp = self.panel.filter(['ItemA', 'ItemB']).to_frame() with tm.assertRaises(ValueError): self.panel['ItemE'] = lp # DataFrame df = self.panel['ItemA'][2:].filter(items=['A', 'B']) self.panel['ItemF'] = df self.panel['ItemE'] = df df2 = self.panel['ItemF'] assert_frame_equal(df, df2.reindex(index=df.index, columns=df.columns)) # scalar self.panel['ItemG'] = 1 self.panel['ItemE'] = True self.assertEqual(self.panel['ItemG'].values.dtype, np.int64) self.assertEqual(self.panel['ItemE'].values.dtype, np.bool_) # object dtype self.panel['ItemQ'] = 'foo' self.assertEqual(self.panel['ItemQ'].values.dtype, np.object_) # boolean dtype self.panel['ItemP'] = self.panel['ItemA'] > 0 self.assertEqual(self.panel['ItemP'].values.dtype, np.bool_) self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.panel.__setitem__, 'foo', self.panel.ix[['ItemP']]) # bad shape p = Panel(np.random.randn(4, 3, 2)) with tm.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, "shape of value must be \(3, 2\), " "shape of given object was \(4, 2\)"): p[0] = np.random.randn(4, 2) def test_setitem_ndarray(self): from pandas import date_range, datetools timeidx = date_range(start=datetime(2009, 1, 1), end=datetime(2009, 12, 31), freq=datetools.MonthEnd()) lons_coarse = np.linspace(-177.5, 177.5, 72) lats_coarse = np.linspace(-87.5, 87.5, 36) P = Panel(items=timeidx, major_axis=lons_coarse, minor_axis=lats_coarse) data = np.random.randn(72 * 36).reshape((72, 36)) key = datetime(2009, 2, 28) P[key] = data assert_almost_equal(P[key].values, data) def test_set_minor_major(self): # GH 11014 df1 = DataFrame(['a', 'a', 'a', np.nan, 'a', np.nan]) df2 =
DataFrame([1.0, np.nan, 1.0, np.nan, 1.0, 1.0])
import datetime as dt import gc import json import logging import os import pickle from glob import glob from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union import h5py import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.dates as mdates import matplotlib.gridspec as gs import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pyproj import rasterio as rio import simplekml from import gliImage, ngrdiImage, osaviImage from fluidml.common import Task #from PIL import Image from pycpd import RigidRegistration from pykml import parser from rasterio.enums import Resampling from rasterio.transform import rowcol, xy from import Window from scipy.ndimage import distance_transform_edt from scipy.optimize import curve_fit from scipy.signal import find_peaks #from skimage.exposure import equalize_adapthist from skimage.feature import peak_local_max from skimage.filters import gaussian, threshold_otsu from skimage.measure import label, regionprops from skimage.segmentation import watershed from skimage.transform import hough_line, hough_line_peaks, resize from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # suppress pickle 'error' from rasterio logging.Logger.manager.loggerDict['rasterio'].setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) logging.Logger.manager.loggerDict['matplotlib'].setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") mpl.use('Agg') def read_raster( image_path: str, all_channels: np.array, channels: List[str] ): ch = [np.argmax(all_channels == c)+1 for c in channels] raster = if raster.dtypes[0] == "float32": data =, fill_value=np.nan) data /= np.nanmax(data) elif raster.dtypes[0] == "uint8": if "alpha" in all_channels: data = alpha_ch = == "alpha")+1)) for d in data[:,:]: d[alpha_ch == 0] = np.nan else: data =, fill_value=0).astype(np.float32) else: raise NotImplementedError() return np.transpose(data, axes=(1,2,0)) def write_onechannel_raster( image_path: str, image: np.array, meta: Dict, dtype: str ): if dtype == 'float32': meta.update({ 'dtype': 'float32', 'height': image.shape[0],'count': 1,'nodata': -32767, 'width': image.shape[1]}) elif dtype == 'uint8': meta.update({ 'dtype': 'uint8', 'height': image.shape[0],'count': 1,'nodata': 0, 'width': image.shape[1]}) else: raise NotImplementedError() with, "w", **meta) as dest: dest.write(image,1) def calc_m_per_px( raster_meta: Dict ) -> float: # read CRS of rasterio data proj_crs =["crs"]) # GPS coordinates of anchor point lon0, lat0 = xy(raster_meta["transform"],0,0) # calculate UTM zone utm_zone = int(np.floor((lon0/360)*60+31)) utm = pyproj.Proj(proj='utm', zone=utm_zone, ellps='WGS84') UTM0_x, UTM0_y = utm(*xy(raster_meta["transform"],0,0)) UTM1_x, UTM1_y = utm(*xy(raster_meta["transform"],0,1)) UTM2_x, UTM2_y = utm(*xy(raster_meta["transform"],1,0)) # calculate unit pixel distances pxx = abs(UTM1_x - UTM0_x) pxy = abs(UTM2_y - UTM0_y) # take mean (assume quadratic pixels) m_per_px = np.mean([pxx, pxy]) return m_per_px def px_to_utm( point_cloud: np.ndarray, raster_meta: Dict ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, pyproj.proj.Proj]: # read CRS of rasterio data proj_crs =["crs"]) # GPS coordinates of point cloud lon, lat = np.asarray(xy(raster_meta["transform"],*point_cloud.T)) # calculate UTM zone utm_zone = int(np.floor((lon.mean()/360)*60+31)) utm_transform = pyproj.Proj(proj='utm', zone=utm_zone, ellps='WGS84') utm = np.asarray(utm_transform(lon, lat)).T return utm, utm_transform def readCoordsFromKml( filename: str ) -> np.ndarray: with open(filename, "r") as kmlfile: root = parser.parse(kmlfile).getroot() lonlat = [] for c in root.Document.iterchildren(): lonlat.append([float(x) for x in c.Point.coordinates.text.split(",")[:2]]) lonlat = np.asarray(lonlat) return lonlat def growFunction( x: float, g: float, lg: float, xg: float, d: float, ld: float, xd: float ) -> float: if d > 0: return (g/(1+np.exp(-lg*(x-xg)))) - d/(1+np.exp(-ld*(x-xd))) else: return (g/(1+np.exp(-lg*(x-xg)))) def cumDays( observation_dates: Union[List[float],np.array] ) -> np.array: cum_days = np.cumsum([d.days for d in np.diff(np.sort(observation_dates))]).astype(float) cum_days = np.hstack((0, cum_days)) return cum_days def growScaling( cum_days: np.array, bounds: Tuple, grow_func_params: np.array ) -> np.array: earliest, latest = bounds grow_func = growFunction(cum_days, *grow_func_params) maxgrow_val = np.max(grow_func) grow_func = (grow_func - grow_func[0]) / (maxgrow_val - grow_func[0]) scaled = grow_func * (latest - earliest) + earliest return scaled def makeDirectory( directory: str ) -> None: if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) def group_points( points: np.array, layers: np.array, max_dist: float ) -> Tuple[np.array, np.array]: nn = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=1, n_jobs=-1) # initialization # -> all labels to -1 labels = -np.ones_like(layers) # all given layers uni_layers = np.unique(layers) # -> give points of first layer individual group labels labels[layers == uni_layers[0]] = np.arange(np.sum(layers == uni_layers[0])) # -> first evaluation point cloud: first layer centroids = points[layers == uni_layers[0]] ind = np.arange(len(points)) for i in range(1, len(uni_layers)): # fit nearest neighbor model # evaluate on next layer dist, ass_group = nn.kneighbors(points[layers == uni_layers[i]]) dist = dist.flatten() ass_group = ass_group.flatten() # exclude points that have more than max_dist distance to a neighbor # new_member array: # 1 = valid member candidate for existing group # 0 = valid member candidate for new group # -1 = excluded due to multiple candidates for a single group new_member = (dist <= max_dist).astype(int) # if multiple (valid!) points are assigned to the same group, take the nearest valid = np.copy(new_member).astype(bool) valid_ind = np.arange(len(valid))[valid] for j, counts in enumerate(np.bincount(ass_group[valid])): if counts > 1: ass_group_ind = valid_ind[ass_group[valid] == j] best_ind = ass_group_ind[np.argsort(dist[ass_group_ind])] new_member[best_ind[1:]] = -1 # assign the group labels to the new members layer_ind = ind[layers == uni_layers[i]] old_layer_ind = layer_ind[new_member == 1] labels[old_layer_ind] = ass_group[new_member == 1] # give new group labels to points not registered so far new_layer_ind = layer_ind[new_member == 0] labels[new_layer_ind] = np.arange(labels.max()+1, labels.max()+1+len(new_layer_ind)) # new reference cloud are the centroids of the so far accumulated clusters centroids = np.stack([np.mean(points[labels == label], axis=0) for label in range(labels.max()+1)]) return labels, centroids def inverse_transform( xy_centered_aligned, xy_center, transform_coeffs ): s = transform_coeffs[0] rot = np.deg2rad(transform_coeffs[1]) t = transform_coeffs[2:] rot_inv = np.array([[np.cos(rot), np.sin(rot)], [-np.sin(rot), np.cos(rot)]]) return rot_inv@(xy_centered_aligned-t).T/s + xy_center def add_non_detected( df_less: pd.DataFrame, df_meta: pd.DataFrame ) -> pd.DataFrame: dates = np.unique(df_meta["date"]) xy_center = df_meta["xy_center"].iloc[0] df_add = pd.DataFrame() for g_id in np.unique(df_less["group_id"]): df_group = df_less[df_less["group_id"] == g_id] missing_dates = dates[np.isin(dates, df_group["date"], invert=True)] for d in missing_dates: xy_centered_aligned = df_group["xy_centered_aligned_cm"].mean(axis=0) # group centroid [cm (UTM)] cropline_y = df_group["y_cropline_rotated_cm"].iloc[0] align_transform = df_meta[df_meta["date"] == d]["align_transform"].iloc[0] gps_transform = df_meta[df_meta["date"] == d]["gps_transform"].iloc[0] utm_transform = df_meta[df_meta["date"] == d]["utm_transform"].iloc[0] #cr = df_meta[df_meta["date"] == d]["cover_ratio"].values #mc = df_meta[df_meta["date"] == d]["align_median_confidence"].values xy_backtrans = inverse_transform(xy_centered_aligned, xy_center, align_transform) lonlat_backtrans = utm_transform(*xy_backtrans/100., inverse=True) df_add = df_add.append( dict([("field_id" , df_group["field_id"].iloc[0]), ("date" , d), ("group_id" , g_id), ("group_size" , df_group["group_size"].iloc[0]), ("group_cropline_id" , df_group["group_cropline_id"].iloc[0]), ("xy_cm" , xy_backtrans), ("xy_px" , list(rowcol(gps_transform, *lonlat_backtrans))), ("lonlat" , lonlat_backtrans), ("xy_centered_aligned_cm" , xy_centered_aligned), ("xy_centroid_centered_aligned_cm" , xy_centered_aligned), ("y_cropline_rotated_cm" , cropline_y), ("centroid_dist_cm" , 0.), ("detected" , False)]), ignore_index=True) return df_add def filterGoodPlantsByPercDet( plants_df: pd.DataFrame, meta_df: pd.DataFrame, filter_coverratio: float, perc_min_det: float ) -> pd.DataFrame: plants_meta_df = plants_df.merge(meta_df, on=["date", "field_id"], how="left") n_dates = len(np.unique(meta_df["date"])) # good plant group := at least perc_min_det direct detection ratio up to certain given cover ratio good_idx = [] for f_id in np.unique(meta_df["field_id"]): n_counts_below_cr_thres = np.sum(np.unique(plants_meta_df[plants_meta_df["field_id"]==f_id]["cover_ratio"]) <= filter_coverratio) groups, counts = np.unique(plants_meta_df[(plants_meta_df["field_id"]==f_id) & (plants_meta_df["cover_ratio"] <= filter_coverratio) & (plants_meta_df["detected"] == True)]["group_id"], return_counts=True) interest_groups = groups[counts/float(n_counts_below_cr_thres) >= perc_min_det] candidates = plants_meta_df[(plants_meta_df["field_id"]==f_id) & (np.isin(plants_meta_df["group_id"], interest_groups))] for g_id in interest_groups: cand_group = candidates[candidates["group_id"]==g_id] if len(cand_group)==n_dates: good_idx.extend(cand_group.index) good_df = plants_meta_df.loc[good_idx].sort_values(["field_id", "group_id", "date"]) return good_df class SegmentSoilPlants(Task): def __init__( self, image_path: str, image_channels: List[str], veg_index: str, use_watershed: bool, max_coverratio: float, make_orthoimage: bool, orthoimage_dir: str, plot_result: bool, plot_dir: str, plot_format: str, plot_dpi: int, plot_cmap: str ): super().__init__() self.image_path = image_path self.image_channels = np.asarray(image_channels) self.veg_index = veg_index self.use_watershed = use_watershed self.max_coverratio = max_coverratio self.make_orthoimage = make_orthoimage self.orthoimage_dir = orthoimage_dir self.plot_result = plot_result self.plot_dir = plot_dir self.plot_format = plot_format self.plot_dpi = plot_dpi self.plot_cmap = plot_cmap def plot_raw( self ):"{}-{} -> Plot raw image.") if len(self.image_channels) < 4: n_rows, n_cols = 1, len(self.image_channels) else: n_rows, n_cols = 2, len(self.image_channels)//2 fig, ax = plt.subplots(n_rows, n_cols, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(self.width/500*n_cols, self.height/800*n_rows)) data = read_raster(self.image_path, self.image_channels, self.image_channels) for (i, (a, c)) in enumerate(zip(ax.ravel(), self.image_channels)): im = a.imshow(data[:,:,i], cmap=self.plot_cmap) try: fig.colorbar(im, ax=a) except: pass a.set(xlabel='x', ylabel='y', title = c, aspect='equal') fig.suptitle("raw image data") fig.savefig(os.path.join(self.plot_dir, f"{self.field_id}_{}_01_channels"+self.plot_format), dpi=self.plot_dpi, bbox_inches='tight') fig.clf() del data, fig, ax, im plt.close("all") gc.collect() def plot_segmentation( self ):"{}-{} -> Plot segmentation image.") fig = plt.figure(figsize=(3*self.width/500, self.height/500), tight_layout=True) gridspec = gs.GridSpec(1,3,width_ratios=[2,1,2], figure=fig) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gridspec[0]) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gridspec[1]) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gridspec[2]) m = ax1.imshow(self.vi_image.astype(float), cmap=self.plot_cmap, vmin=-1, vmax=1) cb = fig.colorbar(m, ax=ax1) cb.set_label("VI") ax1.set(title=f"{self.veg_index} image", xlabel="px", ylabel="px") ax2.hist(self.vi_image[np.isfinite(self.vi_image)], bins=256, orientation="horizontal", color="C0") ax2.set(title=f"{self.veg_index} value distribution", ylim=(-1,1), xlabel="counts", xscale="log") if self.cover_ratio_est < 0.01: ax2.axhline(self.thres, c='r', label=f"Threshold (99-percentile): {self.thres:.2f}") else: ax2.axhline(self.thres, c='r', label=f"Threshold (Otsu): {self.thres:.2f}") ax2.legend() ax3.imshow(self.seg_mask, cmap=self.plot_cmap) ax3.set(title=f"Segmented plant area (cover ratio: {100.*self.cover_ratio:.2f} %)", xlabel="px", ylabel="px") fig.savefig(os.path.join(self.plot_dir, f"{self.field_id}_{}_02_segmentation"+self.plot_format), dpi=self.plot_dpi, bbox_inches='tight') fig.clf() plt.close("all") del fig, ax1, ax2, ax3 gc.collect() def run( self ): try: self.field_id, d = os.path.basename(self.image_path).replace(".tif", "").split("_")[:2] year = int(d[:4]) month = int(d[4:6]) day = int(d[6:8]) = dt.datetime(year, month, day) except: logger.error(f"Wrong image path or no files found: {self.image_path}")"{}-{} -> Load image.") raster = raster_meta = raster.meta self.height, self.width = raster.shape px_res = calc_m_per_px(raster_meta)*100. # cm/px"{}-{} -> Calculated resolution: {px_res:.4f} cm/px.") del raster gc.collect() # calculate Vegetation Index which has values in [-1,1] if self.veg_index == "NGRDI": channels = read_raster(self.image_path, self.image_channels, ["R", "G"]) self.vi_image = ngrdiImage(R = channels[:,:,0], G = channels[:,:,1]) est_thres = 0 elif self.veg_index == "GLI": channels = read_raster(self.image_path, self.image_channels, ["R", "G", "B"]) self.vi_image = gliImage(R = channels[:,:,0], G = channels[:,:,1], B = channels[:,:,2]) est_thres = 0.2 elif self.veg_index == "OSAVI": channels = read_raster(self.image_path, self.image_channels, ["R", "NIR"]) self.vi_image = osaviImage(R = channels[:,:,0], NIR = channels[:,:,1], y_osavi = 0.6) est_thres = 0.25 del channels gc.collect() # cover ratio estimation self.cover_ratio_est = np.nansum(self.vi_image >= est_thres)/np.sum(np.isfinite(self.vi_image))"{}-{} -> Use {self.veg_index} Vegetation Index. Cover ratio estimation: {self.cover_ratio_est*100.:.2f} %") if self.cover_ratio_est <= self.max_coverratio: # calculate threshold with Otsu's method if self.cover_ratio_est < 0.01: self.thres = np.percentile(self.vi_image[np.isfinite(self.vi_image)], 99) logger.warn(f"{}-{} -> Estimated cover ratio below 1 % -> Take 99-percentile as threshold: {self.thres:.2f}") else: self.thres = threshold_otsu(self.vi_image[np.isfinite(self.vi_image)])"{}-{} -> Otsu threshold: {self.thres:.2f}") # segmentation if self.use_watershed:"{}-{} -> Segment soil and plants with watershed method.") markers = np.zeros_like(self.vi_image, dtype=np.uint8) markers[self.vi_image <= self.thres] = 1 # soil markers[self.vi_image > self.thres] = 2 # plant self.seg_mask = (watershed(self.vi_image, markers) - 1).astype(bool) # True -> plant, False -> soil del markers else:"{}-{} -> Segment soil and plants without watershed method.") self.seg_mask = np.zeros_like(self.vi_image, dtype=bool) # True -> plant, False -> soil self.seg_mask[self.vi_image > self.thres] = True # plant self.cover_ratio = np.sum(self.seg_mask)/np.sum(np.isfinite(self.vi_image))"{}-{} -> Cover ratio recalculated: {self.cover_ratio*100.:.2f} %") if self.plot_result: makeDirectory(self.plot_dir) self.plot_segmentation() gc.collect() else: logger.warn(f"{}-{} -> Estimated cover ratio ({self.cover_ratio_est*100.:.2f} %) is too high to extract plants -> Skip plot.") self.seg_mask = [] self.cover_ratio = self.cover_ratio_est, name="segmentation_mask", type_='pickle'), name="cover_ratio", type_='json'), name="field_id", type_='json'), name="date", type_='pickle'), name="raster_meta", type_='pickle'), name="px_resolution", type_='json') if (self.make_orthoimage) and (self.seg_mask != []): makeDirectory(self.orthoimage_dir)"{}-{} -> Save segmentation mask as orthoimage.") write_onechannel_raster(os.path.join(self.orthoimage_dir, f"{self.field_id}_{}_segmentation.tif"), np.uint8(self.seg_mask*255), raster_meta, "uint8") # plot raw channel information if self.plot_result: makeDirectory(self.plot_dir) self.plot_raw() gc.collect() class FitGrowFunction(Task): def __init__( self, plot_result: bool, plot_dir: str, plot_format: str, plot_dpi: int ): super().__init__() self.plot_result = plot_result self.plot_dir = plot_dir self.plot_format = plot_format self.plot_dpi = plot_dpi def plot( self ):"{} -> Plot Grow function.") g, lg, xg, d, ld, xd = cd = np.linspace(0, self.cum_days[-1], 1000) cal_days = [self.observation_dates[0] + dt.timedelta(days=x) for x in self.cum_days] fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.scatter(self.cum_days, self.cover_ratios, label="observations") if d > 0: label = r"grow function fit: $f(x)=\frac{g}{1+e^{-\lambda_g(x-x_g)}}-\frac{d}{1+e^{-\lambda_d(x-x_d)}}$"+f"\n$g$={g:.4g}, $\\lambda_g$={lg:.4g}, $x_g$={xg:.4g}\n$d$={d:.4g}, $\\lambda_d$={ld:.4g}, $x_d$={xd:.4g}" else: label = r"grow function fit: $f(x)=\frac{g}{1+e^{-\lambda_g(x-x_g)}}$"+f"\n$g$={g:.4g}, $\\lambda_g$={lg:.4g}, $x_g$={xg:.4g}" ax.plot(cd, growFunction(cd, *, c="r", label=label) ax.format_xdata = mdates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d') ax.set(xlabel="days", ylabel="cover ratio") ax.legend() ax.grid() ax_dt = ax.twiny() ax_dt.set_xlim(map(lambda cd: self.observation_dates[0] + dt.timedelta(days=cd), ax.get_xlim())) ax_dt.set_xlabel("calendar date") ax_dt.set_xticks(cal_days) ax_dt.tick_params(axis='x', labelrotation=90) ax.set(title=f"{self.field_id}: grow function fit") savename = os.path.join(self.plot_dir, f"{self.field_id}_grow_function"+self.plot_format) fig.savefig(savename, dpi=self.plot_dpi, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close("all") del fig, ax, ax_dt def run( self, reduced_results: List[Dict[str, Dict]] ): cover_ratios = [] observation_dates = [] for r in reduced_results: cover_ratios.append(r["result"]["cover_ratio"]) observation_dates.append(r["result"]["date"]) observation_dates = np.asarray(observation_dates) cover_ratios = np.asarray(cover_ratios) sort = np.argsort(observation_dates) self.observation_dates = observation_dates[sort] self.cover_ratios = cover_ratios[sort] self.cum_days = cumDays(self.observation_dates) self.field_id = reduced_results[0]["result"]["field_id"] try:, self.cov = curve_fit(growFunction, self.cum_days, self.cover_ratios, p0=[0.8, 0.1, self.cum_days[-1]/3, 0.3, 0.1, 2*self.cum_days[-1]/3], maxfev=1000000) # calculate corrected cover ratios with grow function #gf_cover_ratio = growFunction(self.cum_days, *, name="grow_function_cover_ratios", type_='pickle'), name="dates", type_='pickle')"{} -> Grow function fitted") if self.plot_result: makeDirectory(self.plot_dir) self.plot() gc.collect() except Exception as e: = np.nan self.cov = np.nan logger.warning(f"{} -> Grow function could not be fitted. Error: {e}"), name="grow_function_fit_params", type_='pickle'), name="grow_function_cov_matrix", type_='pickle') class ExtractPlantPositions(Task): def __init__( self, min_peak_distance: float, peak_threshold: float, gauss_sigma_bounds: Tuple[float, float], use_growfunction: bool, make_orthoimage: bool, orthoimage_dir: str, plot_result: bool, plot_dir: str, plot_format: str, plot_dpi: int, plot_cmap: str ): super().__init__() self.min_peak_distance = min_peak_distance self.peak_threshold = peak_threshold self.gauss_sigma_bounds = gauss_sigma_bounds self.use_growfunction = use_growfunction self.make_orthoimage = make_orthoimage self.orthoimage_dir = orthoimage_dir self.plot_result = plot_result self.plot_dir = plot_dir self.plot_format = plot_format self.plot_dpi = plot_dpi self.plot_cmap = plot_cmap def plot_gauss_blur( self ):"{}-{} -> Plot Gaussian blur image.") fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(self.width/500, self.height/500)) im = ax.imshow(self.blurred, cmap='gray') ax.set(title=f"Gaussian blur ($\sigma$ = {self.sigma:.2f} px)", aspect='equal', xlabel='x [cm]', ylabel='y [cm]') fig.savefig(os.path.join(self.plot_dir, f"{self.field_id}_{}_03_gauss_blur"+self.plot_format), dpi=self.plot_dpi, bbox_inches='tight') fig.clf() plt.close("all") del fig, ax def plot_peaks( self ):"{}-{} -> Plot peak position image.") fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(self.width/500, self.height/500)) ax.scatter(*self.peaks.T[::-1], color='red', s=2, label=f"{len(self.peaks)} peaks") ax.imshow(self.blurred, cmap=self.plot_cmap) ax.set(title=f"Peaks (min. distance = {self.min_peak_distance} cm = {self.min_peak_distance/self.px_res:.2f} px)", aspect='equal', xlabel='x [px]', ylabel='y [px]') ax.legend() fig.savefig(os.path.join(self.plot_dir, f"{self.field_id}_{}_04_peaks"+self.plot_format), dpi=self.plot_dpi, bbox_inches='tight') fig.clf() plt.close("all") del fig, ax def run( self, segmentation_mask: np.ndarray, #grow_function_cover_ratios: np.array, #dates: np.array, px_resolution: float, cover_ratio: float, date: dt.datetime, field_id: str, raster_meta: Dict ): = date self.field_id = field_id self.px_res = px_resolution if len(segmentation_mask) > 0: # apply gaussian filter with scaled sigma if self.use_growfunction: raise NotImplementedError() #cover_ratio = grow_function_cover_ratios[dates == date]"{}-{} -> Use cover ratio from grow function fit. ({100.*cover_ratio:.2f} %)") else:"{}-{} -> Use standard cover ratio. ({100.*cover_ratio:.2f} %)") self.sigma = (self.gauss_sigma_bounds[0] + cover_ratio*np.diff(self.gauss_sigma_bounds)[0]) / self.px_res"{}-{} -> Blurring with sigma = {self.sigma*px_resolution:.2f} cm = {self.sigma:.2f} px.") self.blurred = gaussian(segmentation_mask.astype(np.float32), sigma=self.sigma) # detect peaks"{}-{} -> Detect peaks with threshold {self.peak_threshold} and min. distance = {self.min_peak_distance} cm = {self.min_peak_distance/self.px_res:.2f} px.") self.peaks = peak_local_max(self.blurred, min_distance=int(np.round(self.min_peak_distance/self.px_res)), threshold_abs=self.peak_threshold, exclude_border=False) # convert peak position from pixel to cm coordinates with UTM coordinate transformation utm_peaks, utm_transform = px_to_utm(point_cloud=self.peaks, raster_meta=raster_meta) utm_peaks *= 100 # m * 100 = cm n_peaks = len(self.peaks) self.height, self.width = self.blurred.shape"{}-{} -> {n_peaks} peaks detected.") if (self.make_orthoimage): makeDirectory(self.orthoimage_dir)"{}-{} -> Save Gauss blurred orthoimage.") write_onechannel_raster(os.path.join(self.orthoimage_dir, f"{self.field_id}_{}_blurred.tif"), self.blurred, raster_meta, "float32")"{}-{} -> Export found peak positions as KML file.") kml = simplekml.Kml() for (lon, lat) in np.asarray(xy(raster_meta["transform"], *self.peaks.T)).T: kml.newpoint(coords=[(lon, lat)]), f"{self.field_id}_{}_peaks.kml")) else: logger.warn(f"{}-{} -> No segmentation mask due to large cover ratio -> Skip plot.") utm_peaks = np.array([]) # calculate UTM zone lon, lat = np.asarray(xy(raster_meta["transform"], raster_meta["height"]//2, raster_meta["width"]//2)) utm_zone = int(np.floor((lon/360)*60+31)) utm_transform = pyproj.Proj(proj='utm', zone=utm_zone, ellps='WGS84'), name="plant_positions", type_="pickle"), name="utm_transform", type_="pickle") # plot blurred image and contrast image with peak positions if (len(segmentation_mask) > 0) and self.plot_result: makeDirectory(self.plot_dir) self.plot_gauss_blur() self.plot_peaks() gc.collect() class LoadPeaks(Task): def __init__( self, field_id: str, plot_result: bool, plot_dir: str, plot_format: str, plot_dpi: int, plot_cmap: str ): super().__init__() self.field_id = field_id self.plot_result = plot_result self.plot_dir = plot_dir self.plot_format = plot_format self.plot_dpi = plot_dpi self.plot_cmap = plot_cmap def plot( self ):"{} -> Plot raw peaks image.") fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.scatter(*self.C.T, s=2, alpha=0.8, c=self.layers, cmap=self.plot_cmap) ax.set(title=f"{self.field_id}\nraw points", xlabel='x [cm]', ylabel='y [cm]', aspect='equal') fig.savefig(os.path.join(self.plot_dir, f"{self.field_id}_01_raw"+self.plot_format), dpi=self.plot_dpi, bbox_inches='tight') fig.clf() plt.close("all") del fig, ax def run( self, reduced_results: List[Dict[str, Dict]] ): cover_ratios, dates, gps_transforms, px_resolutions, field_ids, peaks, utm_transforms, segmentation_masks = [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] for r in reduced_results: try: if len(r["config"].keys()) == 1: cover_ratios.append(r["result"]["cover_ratio"]) dates.append(r["result"]["date"]) gps_transforms.append(r["result"]["raster_meta"]["transform"]) px_resolutions.append(r["result"]["px_resolution"]) field_ids.append(r["result"]["field_id"]) segmentation_masks.append(r["result"]["segmentation_mask"]) else: peaks.append(r["result"]["plant_positions"]) utm_transforms.append(r["result"]["utm_transform"]) except: logger.error(r) assert len(np.unique(field_ids)) == 1, logger.error(f"{} -> Multiple field IDs!") assert np.unique(field_ids)[0] == self.field_id, logger.error(f"{} -> Wrong field ID!") cover_ratios = np.asarray(cover_ratios) px_resolutions = np.asarray(px_resolutions) dates =
"""Perform classifications using landsat, sentinel-1 or both.""" import os import rasterio import rasterio.features import numpy as np import pandas as pd import geopandas as gpd from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from sklearn.decomposition import PCA from sklearn.metrics import ( f1_score, precision_score, recall_score, accuracy_score ) from tqdm import tqdm from imblearn.over_sampling import RandomOverSampler from scipy.ndimage import uniform_filter from metadata import CASE_STUDIES, DATA_DIR def list_available_features(data_dir): """List all available images in a given directory and its subdirectories. Parameters ---------- data_dir : str Path to the directory where images are stored. Returns ------- features : list of tuple Available features as a list of tuples (label, path). """ features = [] for directory, _, files in os.walk(data_dir): files = [f for f in files if f.endswith('.tif')] for f in files: path = os.path.join(directory, f) label = f.replace('.tif', '') features.append((label, path)) return features def ndarray_from_images(images, mask): """Construct X ndarray from an iterable of images and according to a provided binary raster mask. Parameters ---------- images : iterable of numpy 2d arrays Images as an iterable of numpy 2d arrays. mask : binary numpy 2d array Raster mask ; true pixels will be excluded. Returns ------- X : numpy array Array of shape (n_samples, n_images). """ # Initialize the X array of shape (n_samples, n_images) out_shape = (images[0][~mask].ravel().shape[0], len(images)) X = np.empty(shape=out_shape, dtype=np.float64) # Populate with image data for i, img in enumerate(images): X[:, i] = img[~mask].ravel() return X def get_train_test(data_dir, case_study, test_size=0.3, seed=111): """Construct train and test rasters from reference land cover shapefiles. Train and test samples are randomly splitted at the polygon-level. Parameters ---------- data_dir : str Path to the directory where reference shapefiles are stored. case_study : Metadata Metadata object corresponding to a given case study. Used to retrieve rasterization parameters. test_size : float Size of the test sample (between 0 and 1). seed : int Random seed for reproducibility. Returns ------- train : 2d array Training samples as a 2d numpy array. test : 2d array Testing samples as a 2d numpy array. """ # Get built-up train and test samples bu = gpd.read_file(os.path.join(reference_dir, 'builtup.shp')) if != bu = bu.to_crs( bu_train, bu_test = train_test_split( bu, test_size=test_size, random_state=seed) train = rasterio.features.rasterize( shapes=((geom, 1) for geom in bu_train.geometry), out_shape=(case_study.height, case_study.width), transform=case_study.affine, dtype=np.uint8) test = rasterio.features.rasterize( shapes=((geom, 1) for geom in bu_test.geometry), out_shape=(case_study.height, case_study.width), transform=case_study.affine, dtype=np.uint8) # Get non-built-up train and test samples # Each land cover is splitted individually at the polygon-level # Legend: so=2, lv=3, hv=4 NB_LAND_COVERS = ['baresoil', 'lowveg', 'highveg'] for i, land_cover in enumerate(NB_LAND_COVERS): lc = gpd.read_file(os.path.join(reference_dir, land_cover + '.shp')) if != lc = lc.to_crs( lc_train, lc_test = train_test_split( lc, test_size=test_size, random_state=seed) lc_train_raster = rasterio.features.rasterize( shapes=((geom, 1) for geom in lc_train.geometry), out_shape=(case_study.height, case_study.width), transform=case_study.affine, dtype=np.uint8) lc_test_raster = rasterio.features.rasterize( shapes=((geom, 1) for geom in lc_test.geometry), out_shape=(case_study.height, case_study.width), transform=case_study.affine, dtype=np.uint8) train[lc_train_raster == 1] = i + 2 test[lc_test_raster == 1] = i + 2 return train, test def dim_reduction(X, n_components=6): """Perform dimensionality reduction on input data using PCA. Parameters ---------- X : array Input data as an array of shape (n_samples, n_features). n_components : int PCA components. Returns ------- X_reduced : array Output reduced data array of shape (n_samples, n_components). """ pca = PCA(n_components=6) return pca.transform(X) def random_forest(X, train, mask, seed=111, **kwargs): """Classify image data based on a given training dataset with the Random Forest classifier. Parameters ---------- X : array Image data to classify. Array of shape (n_samples, n_features). train : 2d array Training samples as a 2d numpy array. mask : 2d array Pixels to exclude from the analysis. seed : int Random seed for reproducibility. **kwargs : args Parameters to pass to the RF classifier. Returns ------- probabilities : 2d array RF probabilistic output as a 2d image. importances : array RF feature importances as an array of shape (n_features). """ # Construct training dataset from X based on `train` X_train = X[train[~mask].ravel() > 0, :] y_train = train[~mask].ravel()[train[~mask].ravel() > 0] y_train[y_train > 1] = 2 # Oversampling to handle class imbalance ros = RandomOverSampler(random_state=seed) X_train, y_train = ros.fit_sample(X_train, y_train) # Classification with RF rf = RandomForestClassifier(random_state=seed, **kwargs), y_train) X_pred = rf.predict_proba(X)[:, 0] # Reconstruct probabilities raster with original shape probabilities = np.zeros(shape=mask.shape, dtype=np.float64) probabilities[~mask] = X_pred return probabilities, rf.feature_importances_ def assess(probabilities, test, mask, prob_threshold=0.75): """Compute assessment metrics based on the provided test samples. Metrics computed: F1-score, precision, recall, and accuracy in each land cover. Parameters ---------- probabilities : 2d array RF probabilistic output. test : 2d array Test samples. mask : 2d array Pixels excluded from the analysis. prob_threshold : float RF probabilities binary threshold. Returns ------- metrics : pandas Serie Assessment metrics. """ metrics =
# import matplotlib matplotlib.rcParams = matplotlib.rc_params_from_file('../../matplotlibrc') import numpy as np import pandas as pd from matplotlib import pyplot as plt def randomWalk(): """Creates plot of symmetric one-D random lattice walk""" N = 1000 #length of random walk s = np.zeros(N) s[1:] = np.random.binomial(1, .5, size=(N-1,))*2-1 #coin flips s = pd.Series(s) s = s.cumsum() #random walk s.plot() plt.ylim([-50,50]) plt.savefig("randomWalk.pdf") #randomWalk() def biasedRandomWalk(): """Create plots of biased random walk of different lengths.""" N = 100 #length of random walk s1 = np.zeros(N) s1[1:] = np.random.binomial(1, .51, size=(N-1,))*2-1 #coin flips s1 = pd.Series(s1) s1 = s1.cumsum() #random walk plt.subplot(211) s1.plot() N = 10000 #length of random walk s1 = np.zeros(N) s1[1:] = np.random.binomial(1, .51, size=(N-1,))*2-1 #coin flips s1 = pd.Series(s1) s1 = s1.cumsum() #random walk plt.subplot(212) s1.plot() plt.savefig("biasedRandomWalk.pdf") #biasedRandomWalk() def dfPlot(): """Plot columns of DataFrame against each other.""" xvals = pd.Series(np.sqrt(np.arange(1000))) yvals = pd.Series(np.random.randn(1000).cumsum()) df =
#!/usr/bin/env python """ BSD 2-Clause License Copyright (c) 2021 (<EMAIL>) All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """ from __future__ import division import argparse import itertools import json import operator import os import re import sys import pickle import math from distutils.util import strtobool import numpy as np import pysam import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.ticker as ticker from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages from polyleven import levenshtein from Bio import SeqIO import seaborn as sns import pandas as pd from scipy import stats ###### Usage #python -i basecaller1/norm_unaligned_assembly_polished basecaller2/norm_unaligned_assembly_polished basecaller3/norm_unaligned_assembly_polished -l basecaller1 basecaller2 basecaller3 -o outfolder -p appendix_outputname # def safe_div(x, y): if y == 0: return None return x / y plt.rcParams["patch.force_edgecolor"] = False def plot_error_identity(df, pdf=None): sns.set(font_scale=1) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(13,2)) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0, right=1, bottom=0, top=2, hspace=0.2, wspace=0.2) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1) sns.barplot(x="basecaller", hue="genome", y="error", data=df, linewidth=0, ax=ax) plt.xlabel("Basecallers") plt.ylabel("Error") plt.title("Error rate of aligned reads to reference genome") ax.get_legend().remove() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2) sns.barplot(x="basecaller", hue="genome", y="identity", data=df, linewidth=0, ax=ax) plt.xlabel("Basecallers") plt.ylabel("Identity") plt.title("Identity rate of aligned reads to reference genome") ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., fontsize=10) if pdf is not None: pdf.savefig(fig, bbox_inches="tight") plt.close("all") def plot_match_mismatch_indels(df, pdf=None, stacked=True): sns.set(font_scale=1) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,5)) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0, right=1, bottom=0, top=2, hspace=0.2, wspace=0.2) if stacked: ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 1) ax2 = ax.twiny() #sns.barplot(x="basecaller", hue="genome", y="match", data=df, linewidth=0, ax=ax) #plt.xlabel("Basecallers") #plt.ylabel("%Matches") #plt.title("Matches") df0 = df[['basecaller', 'genome', 'mismatch', 'deletion', 'insertion', 'unaligned']] cols = df0.columns u, idx = np.unique(df.basecaller.tolist(), return_index=True) order = u[np.argsort(idx)] #[u[index] for index in sorted(idx)] df0['basecaller'] = pd.Categorical(df0.basecaller, categories=order, ordered=True) # ['f', 'a', 'w', 'h'] # prevent sorting df0.set_index(['basecaller', 'genome'], inplace=True) colors = df1 = df0.unstack(level=-1) # unstack the 'Context' column (df1['mismatch']+df1['deletion']+df1['insertion']+df1['unaligned']).plot(kind='bar', color=[colors[1], colors[0]], rot=0, ax=ax, linewidth=0) print(df1['mismatch']+df1['deletion']+df1['insertion']+df1['unaligned']) (df1['deletion']+df1['insertion']+df1['unaligned']).plot(kind='bar', color=[colors[3], colors[2]], rot=0, ax=ax, linewidth=0) (df1['insertion']+df1['unaligned']).plot(kind='bar', color=[colors[5], colors[4]], rot=0, ax=ax, linewidth=0) df1['unaligned'].plot(kind='bar', color=[colors[7], colors[6]], rot=0, ax=ax, linewidth=0) #legend_labels = [f'{val} ({context})' for val, context in df1.columns] ticks = [] for r in range(df.shape[0]//2): ticks.append(r - 0.25) ticks.append(r + 0.05) ax.set_xticks(ticks) ax.set_xticklabels(['lambda', 'ecoli'] * (df.shape[0]//2), rotation=45, fontsize=8) ax.grid(axis="x") legend_labels = [] labels = ["mismatch", "", "deletion", "", "insertion", "", "unaligned", ""] #for val in labels: # if val in legend_labels: # legend_labels.append("") # else: # legend_labels.append(val) #legend_labels = [f'{val} ({context})' for val, context in df1.columns]3 ax.legend(labels, bbox_to_anchor=(-0.08, 1.2), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., ncol=4, fontsize=10) #(1.05, 1) ax.set_ylabel("mean error in %") ax.set_xlabel("species") ax.set_yscale('log') #,base=20) #ax.text(0.02, -0.2, ' '.join(order), transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=11) #horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center' ax2.set_xlim(ax.get_xlim()) ax2.set_xticks([0.02, 1, 2, 3]) ax2.set_xticklabels(order, fontsize=10) ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('none') #ax2.xaxis.set_ticks_position('none') ax2.grid(axis="x") #ax.legend(legend_labels, bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.) plt.ylabel("Proportion of errors") else: ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 1) sns.barplot(x="basecaller", hue="genome", y="mismatch", data=df, linewidth=0, ax=ax) plt.xlabel("Basecallers") plt.ylabel("Mismatches") plt.title("Mismatches") ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.) plt.xticks(fontsize=8) #ax._legend.remove() ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 3) sns.barplot(x="basecaller", hue="genome", y="deletion", data=df, linewidth=0, ax=ax) plt.xlabel("Basecallers") plt.ylabel("Deletion") plt.title("Deletion") ax.get_legend().remove() plt.xticks(fontsize=8) #ax._legend.remove() ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, 4) sns.barplot(x="basecaller", hue="genome", y="insertion", data=df, linewidth=0, ax=ax) plt.xlabel("Basecallers") plt.ylabel("Insertion") plt.title("Insertion") ax.get_legend().remove() plt.xticks(fontsize=8) #ax._legend.remove() if pdf is not None: pdf.savefig(fig, bbox_inches="tight") plt.close("all") def plot_boxplot(data, labels, pdf=None, title="relative read length", ylabel="read length / reference length in %", reference=None): sns.set(font_scale=1) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,2)) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0, right=1, bottom=0, top=2, hspace=0.2, wspace=0.2) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) box = plt.boxplot(data, patch_artist=True) ticks = np.arange(1, len(labels)+1) plt.xticks(ticks, labels, rotation=45, ha="right") plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.xlabel("Basecaller") plt.title(title) #plt.yscale('log') #,base=20) if reference is not None: plt.axhline(reference, c='r') colors = len(labels[-3:]) * ['#EAEAF2'] + 3* ["#88888C"] #colors2 = len(labels[-3:]) * ['#DD8655'] + 3* ["#181819"] for patch, color in zip(box['boxes'], colors): patch.set_facecolor(color) #med.set_facecolor(color2) if pdf is not None: pdf.savefig(fig, bbox_inches="tight") plt.close("all") def make_argparser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Prints summary about alignment of basecalled reads.') parser.add_argument('-i', '--fastq', nargs="*", help='FASTA/Q files with basecalled reads.') parser.add_argument('-l', '--labels', nargs="*", help='list of labels. same order as list with fastq/a files') parser.add_argument('-o', '--out', help='out path.') parser.add_argument('-p', '--prefix', default="basecalled", help='out path.') parser.add_argument('--stacked', type=lambda x:bool(strtobool(x)), nargs='?', const=True, default=True, help='stack error rates in plot.') return parser def median_abs_dev(x): return(stats.median_absolute_deviation(x)) def report_errors(argv): parser = make_argparser() args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) fastq = args.fastq basecallers = args.labels out = args.out prefix = args.prefix stacked = args.stacked with PdfPages(out + "/{}_error_alignment_rates.pdf".format(prefix)) as pdf: lambd = [] ecoli = [] df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['basecaller', 'genome', 'match', 'mismatch', 'deletion', 'insertion', 'unaligned', 'identity', 'error', 'mqual', 'relative read length', 'aligned \% of read']) df_std = pd.DataFrame(columns=['basecaller', 'genome', 'match', 'mismatch', 'deletion', 'insertion', 'unaligned','identity', 'error', 'mqual', 'relative read length', 'aligned \% of read']) df_all = pd.DataFrame(columns=['basecaller', 'genome', 'match', 'mismatch', 'deletion', 'insertion', 'unaligned', 'identity', 'error', 'mqual', 'relative read length', 'aligned \% of read']) df_all_std = pd.DataFrame(columns=['basecaller', 'genome', 'match', 'mismatch', 'deletion', 'insertion', 'unaligned','identity', 'error', 'mqual', 'relative read length', 'aligned \% of read']) df_median =
pd.DataFrame(columns=['basecaller', 'genome', 'match', 'mismatch', 'deletion', 'insertion', 'unaligned', 'identity', 'error', 'mqual', 'relative read length', 'aligned \% of read'])
import logging from collections import defaultdict import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sklearn.cluster import MiniBatchKMeans from sklearn.cluster._kmeans import _mini_batch_convergence from sklearn.utils.validation import check_random_state from progressivis import ProgressiveError, SlotDescriptor from progressivis.core.utils import indices_len from ..table.module import TableModule from ..table import Table, TableSelectedView from ..table.dshape import dshape_from_dtype, dshape_from_columns from import DynVar from ..utils.psdict import PsDict from ..core.decorators import process_slot, run_if_any from ..table.filtermod import FilterMod from ..stats import Var logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class MBKMeans(TableModule): """ Mini-batch k-means using the sklearn implementation. """ parameters = [('samples', np.dtype(int), 50)] inputs = [ SlotDescriptor('table', type=Table, required=True), SlotDescriptor('var', type=Table, required=True), SlotDescriptor('moved_center', type=PsDict, required=False) ] outputs = [ SlotDescriptor('labels', type=Table, required=False), SlotDescriptor('conv', type=PsDict, required=False) ] def __init__(self, n_clusters, columns=None, batch_size=100, tol=0.01, is_input=True, is_greedy=True, random_state=None, **kwds): super().__init__(**kwds) self.mbk = MiniBatchKMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters, batch_size=batch_size, verbose=True, tol=tol, random_state=random_state) self.columns = columns self.n_clusters = n_clusters self.default_step_size = 100 self._labels = None self._remaining_inits = 10 self._initialization_steps = 0 self._is_input = is_input self._tol = tol self._conv_out = PsDict({'convergence': 'unknown'}) self.params.samples = n_clusters self._is_greedy = is_greedy self._arrays = None self.convergence_context = {} def predict_step_size(self, duration): p = super().predict_step_size(duration) return max(p, self.n_clusters) def reset(self, init='k-means++'): self.mbk = MiniBatchKMeans(n_clusters=self.mbk.n_clusters, batch_size=self.mbk.batch_size, init=init, # tol=self._rel_tol, random_state=self.mbk.random_state) dfslot = self.get_input_slot('table') dfslot.reset() self.set_state(self.state_ready) self.convergence_context = {} # do not resize result to zero # it contains 1 row per centroid if self._labels is not None: self._labels.truncate() def starting(self): super().starting() opt_slot = self.get_output_slot('labels') if opt_slot: logger.debug('Maintaining labels') self.maintain_labels(True) else: logger.debug('Not maintaining labels') self.maintain_labels(False) def maintain_labels(self, yes=True): if yes and self._labels is None: self._labels = Table(self.generate_table_name('labels'), dshape="{labels: int64}", create=True) elif not yes: self._labels = None def labels(self): return self._labels def get_data(self, name): if name == 'labels': return self.labels() if name == 'conv': return self._conv_out return super().get_data(name) def is_greedy(self): return self._is_greedy def _process_labels(self, locs): labels = self.mbk.labels_ u_locs = locs & self._labels.index # ids to update if not u_locs: # shortcut self._labels.append({'labels': labels}, indices=locs) return a_locs = locs - u_locs # ids to append if not a_locs: # 2nd shortcut self._labels.loc[locs, 'labels'] = labels return df =
pd.DataFrame({'labels': labels}, index=locs)
import pathlib import pandas as pd import pytest from pytest import approx import process_improve.batch.features as features # General @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def batch_data(): """Returns a small example of a batch data set.""" folder = ( pathlib.Path(__file__).parents[2] / "process_improve" / "datasets" / "batch" ) return pd.read_csv( folder / "batch-fake-data.csv", index_col=1, header=0, ) # return def test_verify_file(batch_data): df = batch_data assert df.shape[0] == 501 assert df.shape[1] == 5 def test_corner_cases(batch_data): """ Certain corner cases: to ensure coverage in """ df = batch_data data = df.set_index(pd.to_datetime(df["DateTime"])).drop("DateTime", axis=1) step1 = features.f_mean(data).reset_index() # Tests removal of internal columns. _, tags, *_ = features._prepare_data(step1) assert "__phase_grouper__" not in tags assert "__batch_grouper__" not in tags # Test calling a single tag name assert features.f_mean(data, tags="Temp1").loc[:, "Temp1_mean"].values[0] == approx( -19.482056, rel=1e-7 ) def test_age_col_specification(batch_data): """ Some features, like slopes, need to know a value from the x-axis. Often this is a column representing the time since start of the batch: age_col """ df = batch_data df = df.drop("DateTime", axis=1) # Check that the index is currently the time-tag assert == "UCI_minutes" # This test is for the case when the time_tag is NOT the index. So reset that: df = df.reset_index() slopes = features.f_slope( df, x_axis_tag="UCI_minutes", tags=["Temp1", "Temp2"], age_col="UCI_minutes" ) assert slopes.shape == (1, 2) def test_data_preprocessing(batch_data): """Simple tests regarding the mean, median, etc. Location-based features.""" df = batch_data df = df.set_index(
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import pandas import decimal class Response(object): def __init__(self, data=None): self.__data__ = data def data(self): return
from pymongo import MongoClient import pandas as pd pd.set_option("display.max_rows",None,"display.max_columns",None) pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None import datetime from datetime import datetime server = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017') db=server['salesfokuz_lead'] leadsactivity = db['lead_log'] dadb = server['da'] meeting_time_users= dadb['meetingtime_user_id'] meeting_time_organizations= dadb['meetingtime_organization_id'] livepipeline = [ { "$addFields": { "punch_status": { "$toString": "$data.punch_status" }} }, { "$addFields": { "punch_in": { "$toString": "$data.punch_in_datetime" }} }, { "$addFields": { "punch_out": { "$toString": "$data.punch_out_datetime" }} }, { "$addFields": { "organization_id": { "$toString": "$data.organization_id" } } }, { '$project': { '_id': 0, 'user_id': 1, "module": 1, "action": 1, "lead_id":1, "punch_in":1, "organization_id":1, "punch_out": 1, "punch_status": 1, } } ] ################## END ####################### ################## aggregating data from mongodb using the pipeline ############# leadlogdata = list(leadsactivity.aggregate(livepipeline)) # print(leadlogdata) ################## END ####################### leaddf = pd.DataFrame(leadlogdata) # print(leaddf) leaddf.fillna(0, inplace = True) leaddf=leaddf.replace('', 0) leaddf=leaddf.drop(leaddf[leaddf.punch_in == 0].index) leaddf=leaddf.drop(leaddf[leaddf.punch_out == 0].index) leaddf=leaddf.drop(leaddf[leaddf.action == 'Cancelled the'].index) leaddf=leaddf[leaddf.module == 'meeting'] # print(leaddf) ################################################ leaddf['punch_in']=pd.to_datetime(leaddf['punch_in']) leaddf['punch_out']=
# Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except # in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License # is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express # or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. import numpy as np import itertools import json import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix import google.datalab.bigquery as bq from . import _util class ConfusionMatrix(object): """Represents a confusion matrix.""" def __init__(self, cm, labels): """ Args: cm: a 2-dimensional matrix with row index being target, column index being predicted, and values being count. labels: the labels whose order matches the row/column indexes. """ self._cm = cm self._labels = labels @staticmethod def from_csv(input_csv, headers=None, schema_file=None): """Create a ConfusionMatrix from a csv file. Args: input_csv: Path to a Csv file (with no header). Can be local or GCS path. headers: Csv headers. If present, it must include 'target' and 'predicted'. schema_file: Path to a JSON file containing BigQuery schema. Used if "headers" is None. If present, it must include 'target' and 'predicted' columns. Returns: A ConfusionMatrix that can be plotted. Raises: ValueError if both headers and schema_file are None, or it does not include 'target' or 'predicted' columns. """ if headers is not None: names = headers elif schema_file is not None: with _util.open_local_or_gcs(schema_file, mode='r') as f: schema = json.load(f) names = [x['name'] for x in schema] else: raise ValueError('Either headers or schema_file is needed') all_files = _util.glob_files(input_csv) all_df = [] for file_name in all_files: with _util.open_local_or_gcs(file_name, mode='r') as f: all_df.append(pd.read_csv(f, names=names)) df =
pd.concat(all_df, ignore_index=True)
import numpy as np import pandas as pd from typing import Mapping, List, Tuple from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib as mpl from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression, Lasso from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor from sklearn.datasets import load_boston, load_iris, load_wine, load_digits, \ load_breast_cancer, load_diabetes, fetch_mldata from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection import time from pandas.api.types import is_string_dtype, is_object_dtype, is_categorical_dtype, \ is_bool_dtype from sklearn.ensemble.partial_dependence import partial_dependence, \ plot_partial_dependence from sklearn import svm from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsRegressor from pdpbox import pdp from rfpimp import * from scipy.integrate import cumtrapz from stratx.partdep import * from import * import inspect import statsmodels.api as sm from sklearn.datasets import load_boston from stratx.partdep import * def df_string_to_cat(df: pd.DataFrame) -> dict: catencoders = {} for colname in df.columns: if is_string_dtype(df[colname]) or is_object_dtype(df[colname]): df[colname] = df[colname].astype('category').cat.as_ordered() catencoders[colname] = df[colname].cat.categories return catencoders def toy_weather_data(): def temp(x): return np.sin((x + 365 / 2) * (2 * np.pi) / 365) def noise(state): return np.random.normal(-5, 5, sum(df['state'] == state)) df = pd.DataFrame() df['dayofyear'] = range(1, 365 + 1) df['state'] = np.random.choice(['CA', 'CO', 'AZ', 'WA'], len(df)) df['temperature'] = temp(df['dayofyear']) df.loc[df['state'] == 'CA', 'temperature'] = 70 + df.loc[ df['state'] == 'CA', 'temperature'] * noise('CA') df.loc[df['state'] == 'CO', 'temperature'] = 40 + df.loc[ df['state'] == 'CO', 'temperature'] * noise('CO') df.loc[df['state'] == 'AZ', 'temperature'] = 90 + df.loc[ df['state'] == 'AZ', 'temperature'] * noise('AZ') df.loc[df['state'] == 'WA', 'temperature'] = 60 + df.loc[ df['state'] == 'WA', 'temperature'] * noise('WA') return df def weather(): df_yr1 = toy_weather_data() df_yr1['year'] = 1980 df_yr2 = toy_weather_data() df_yr2['year'] = 1981 df_yr3 = toy_weather_data() df_yr3['year'] = 1982 df_raw = pd.concat([df_yr1, df_yr2, df_yr3], axis=0) df = df_raw.copy() catencoders = df_string_to_cat(df_raw.copy()) # states = catencoders['state'] # print(states) # # df_cat_to_catcode(df) names = {'CO': 5, 'CA': 10, 'AZ': 15, 'WA': 20} df['state'] = df['state'].map(names) catnames = OrderedDict() for k,v in names.items(): catnames[v] = k X = df.drop('temperature', axis=1) y = df['temperature'] # leaf_xranges, leaf_slopes, slope_counts_at_x, dx, slope_at_x, pdpx, pdpy, ignored_ = \ # partial_dependence(X=X, y=y, colname='dayofyear', # verbose=True) # print(pdpx) # print(pdpy) plot_catstratpd(X, y, 'state', 'temperature', catnames=catnames, # min_samples_leaf=30, n_trials=10, min_y_shifted_to_zero=True, show_x_counts=False, bootstrap=True, yrange=(-2, 60), figsize=(2.1,2.5) ) def bigX_data(n): x1 = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=n) x2 = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=n) x3 = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=n) y = 0.2 * x1 - 5 * x2 + 10 * x2 * np.where(x3 >= 0, 1, 0) + np.random.normal(0, 1, size=n) df = pd.DataFrame() df['x1'] = x1 df['x2'] = x2 df['x3'] = x3 df['y'] = y return df def bigX(): print(f"----------- {inspect.stack()[0][3]} -----------") n = 1000 df = bigX_data(n=n) X = df.drop('y', axis=1) y = df['y'] # plot_stratpd_gridsearch(X, y, 'x2', 'y', # min_samples_leaf_values=[2,5,10,20,30], # # nbins_values=[1,3,5,6,10], # yrange=(-4,4)) # # plt.tight_layout() # # return # Partial deriv is just 0.2 so this is correct. flat deriv curve, net effect line at slope .2 # ICE is way too shallow and not line at n=1000 even fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(4, 4), sharey=True) # Partial deriv wrt x2 is -5 plus 10 about half the time so about 0 # Should not expect a criss-cross like ICE since deriv of 1_x3>=0 is 0 everywhere # wrt to any x, even x3. x2 *is* affecting y BUT the net effect at any spot # is what we care about and that's 0. Just because marginal x2 vs y shows non- # random plot doesn't mean that x2's net effect is nonzero. We are trying to # strip away x1/x3's effect upon y. When we do, x2 has no effect on y. # Ask what is net effect at every x2? 0. plot_stratpd(X, y, 'x2', 'y', ax=axes[0, 0], yrange=(-4, 4), show_slope_lines=True, n_trials=1, min_samples_leaf=20, pdp_marker_size=2) # Partial deriv wrt x3 of 1_x3>=0 is 0 everywhere so result must be 0 plot_stratpd(X, y, 'x3', 'y', ax=axes[1, 0], yrange=(-4, 4), show_slope_lines=True, n_trials=1, min_samples_leaf=20, pdp_marker_size=2) rf = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=100, min_samples_leaf=1, oob_score=True), y) print(f"RF OOB {rf.oob_score_}") ice = predict_ice(rf, X, 'x2', 'y', numx=100) plot_ice(ice, 'x2', 'y', ax=axes[0, 1], yrange=(-4, 4)) ice = predict_ice(rf, X, 'x3', 'y', numx=100) plot_ice(ice, 'x3', 'y', ax=axes[1, 1], yrange=(-4, 4)) axes[0, 1].get_yaxis().set_visible(False) axes[1, 1].get_yaxis().set_visible(False) axes[0, 0].set_title("StratPD", fontsize=10) axes[0, 1].set_title("PD/ICE", fontsize=10) def boston(): boston = load_boston() df = pd.DataFrame(, columns=boston.feature_names) df['MEDV'] = X = df.drop('MEDV', axis=1) y = df['MEDV'] # WORKS ONLY WITH DATAFRAMES AT MOMENT plt.figure(figsize=(3.5,3.5)) plot_stratpd(X, y, 'LSTAT', 'MEDV', yrange=(-20, 5), n_trials=10) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig("../../images/boston_LSTAT.svg") def diabetes(): diabetes = load_diabetes() df =
pd.DataFrame(, columns=diabetes.feature_names)
import sys, os, time, datetime, warnings, configparser import pandas as pd import numpy as np import talib import concurrent.futures import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from tqdm import tqdm cur_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) for _ in range(2): root_path = cur_path[0:cur_path.rfind('/', 0, len(cur_path))] cur_path = root_path sys.path.append(root_path + "/" + 'Source/FetchData/') sys.path.append(root_path + "/" + 'Source/DataBase/') from Fetch_Data_Stock_US_StockList import getStocksList_US from Fetch_Data_Stock_US_Daily import updateStockData_US_Daily from Fetch_Data_Stock_US_Weekly import updateStockData_US_Weekly from Fetch_Data_Stock_US_Monthly import updateStockData_US_Monthly from DB_API import queryStock def get_single_stock_data_daily(root_path, symbol): ''' All data is from quandl wiki dataset Feature set: [Open High Low Close Volume Ex-Dividend Split Ratio Adj. Open Adj. High Adj. Low Adj. Close Adj. Volume] ''' df, lastUpdateTime = queryStock(root_path, "DB_STOCK", "SHEET_US", "_DAILY", symbol, "daily_update") df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index) if df.empty: print("daily empty df", symbol) return df if 'adj_close' in df: df = df.drop('close', 1) df = df.rename(columns = {'adj_close':'close'}) return df def get_single_stock_data_weekly(root_path, symbol): ''' All data is from quandl wiki dataset Feature set: [Open High Low Close Volume Ex-Dividend Split Ratio Adj. Open Adj. High Adj. Low Adj. Close Adj. Volume] ''' df, lastUpdateTime = queryStock(root_path, "DB_STOCK", "SHEET_US", "_WEEKLY", symbol, "weekly_update") df.index =
from pathlib import Path import logging import numpy as np import pandas as pd from pytest import approx, mark from lenskit.algorithms.user_knn import UserUser from lenskit.algorithms.item_knn import ItemItem from lenskit.algorithms.basic import PopScore from lenskit.algorithms.ranking import PlackettLuce from lenskit.algorithms import Recommender from lenskit.util.test import ml_test, demo_recs from lenskit.metrics.topn import _dcg, precision, recall from lenskit import topn, batch, crossfold as xf _log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def test_split_keys(): rla = topn.RecListAnalysis() recs, truth = topn._df_keys(['algorithm', 'user', 'item', 'rank', 'score'], ['user', 'item', 'rating']) assert truth == ['user'] assert recs == ['algorithm', 'user'] def test_split_keys_gcol(): recs, truth = topn._df_keys(['algorithm', 'user', 'item', 'rank', 'score', 'fishtank'], ['user', 'item', 'rating'], ['algorithm', 'fishtank', 'user']) assert truth == ['user'] assert recs == ['algorithm', 'fishtank', 'user'] def test_run_one(): rla = topn.RecListAnalysis() rla.add_metric(topn.precision) rla.add_metric(topn.recall) recs =
pd.DataFrame({'user': 1, 'item': [2]})
import sys import glob import pandas as pd from flask import Flask from flask import jsonify # list of dataframes dfs = [] # Read the CSV files for f in glob.glob("Firewall*.csv"): print("Reading file: [%s]" % f) local_df = pd.read_csv(f, low_memory=False) dfs.append(local_df) full_df =
import gc as _gc import pandas as _pd import numpy as _np from . import databases as _databases from . import profiles as _profiles class Columns(_databases.Columns): """ Container for the columns names defined in this module. """ SPLIT_SUF = '_SPLIT' REF = 'REF' QRY = 'QRY' REF_SPLIT = '{}{}'.format(REF, SPLIT_SUF) QRY_SPLIT = '{}{}'.format(QRY, SPLIT_SUF) PROF_Q = _databases.Columns.PROF_Q PROF_A = _databases.Columns.PROF_A STR_SEP = '|' def get_IDs_names( species, ): """ Returns dict of KEGG Organism IDs as keys and biological names as values. Parameters ------- species: list of str List of full biological names to convert into KEGG Organism IDs. Returns ------ dict """ kegg_db = _databases.KEGG('Orthology') kegg_db.parse_organism_info( organism=None, reference_species=species, IDs=None, X_ref=None, KOs=None, IDs_only=True, ) return {k.lower(): v for k, v in kegg_db.ID_name.items()} def profilize_organism(*args, **kwargs): """ Returns pandas.DataFrame with Phylogenetic Profile for each ORF name of an organism. Parameters ------- organism: str Full biological name of the organism. reference_species: list of str List of full biological names to build the Phylogenetic Profile. IDs: str, path Filename of the KEGG Organism IDs. Downloaded to a temporary file if <None>. X_ref: str, path Filename of the ORF-KEGG Orthology Group cross-reference. Downloaded to a temporary file if <None>. KOs: str, path Filename of the KEGG Orthology Group-Organism cross-reference. Downloaded to a temporary file if <None>. threads: int Number of threads to utilize when downloading from KEGG. More means faster but can make KEGG block the download temporarily. Default: <2> Returns ------ pandas.DataFrame """ kegg_db = _databases.KEGG('Orthology') kegg_db.parse_organism_info(*args, **kwargs) return kegg_db.organism_info.drop(columns=_databases.Columns.KEGG_ID) def read_sga( filename, version=2, ): """ Returns pandas.DataFrame with Genetic Interaction Network from the Costanzo's SGA experiment either version 1 or 2. Parameters ------- filename: str, path Filename of the SGA. version: int Version number of the Costanzo's SGA experiment. 1 or 2 available. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame """ if version == 1: sga = _databases.SGA1() elif version == 2: sga = _databases.SGA2() else: raise errors.ParserError("Only versions 1 and 2 of Costanzo's SGA experiment are supported.") sga.parse(filename=filename) return sga.sga def read_profiles( filename, **kwargs ): """ Returns pandas.Series with prwlr.profiles.Profile objects from CSV file. Together with prwlr.core.save_profiles provides a convenient way of saving/reading-in prwlr.profiles.Profile objects to/from a flat text file. Parameters ------- filename: str, path CSV file name. Returns ------ pandas.Series """ ref_qry_df =
_pd.read_csv(filename, **kwargs)
import _io import random import numpy as np import pandas as pd import networkx as nx from pandas.core.indexing import IndexingError from recommenders.lod_reordering import LODPersonalizedReordering import evaluation_utils as eval class PathReordering(LODPersonalizedReordering): def __init__(self, train_file: str, output_rec_file: str, prop_path: str, prop_cols: list, cols_used: list, n_reorder: int, policy: str, p_items: float, hybrid=False, n_sentences=3): """ Path Reordering class: this algorithm will reorder the output of other recommendation algorithm based on the best path from an historic item and a recommended one. The best paths are extracted based on the value for each object of the LOD with the semantic profile :param train_file: train file in which the recommendations of where computed :param output_rec_file: output file of the recommendation algorithm :param prop_path: path to the properties on dbpedia or wikidata :param prop_cols: columns of the property set :param cols_used: columns used from the test and train set :param policy: the policy to get the historic items to get the best paths. Possible values: 'all' for all items 'last' for the last interacted items, 'first' for the first interacted items and 'random' for the random interacted items :param p_items: percentage from 0 to 1 of items to consider in the policy. E.g. policy last and p_items = 0.1, then the paths will consider only the last 0.1 * len(items inteacted). If p_items is bigger than 1 it will use the policy of the p_items of the user historic :param hybrid: if the reorder of the recommendations should [True] or not consider the score from the recommender :param n_sentences: number of paths to generate the sentence of explanation """ self.policy = policy self.p_items = p_items self.output_name = 'path[policy=' + str(policy) + "_items=" + str(p_items).replace('.', '') + "_reorder=" + str( n_reorder) + "]" if self.policy == 'random': random.seed(42) if hybrid: self.output_name = self.output_name[:-1] + "_hybrid]" super().__init__(train_file, output_rec_file, self.output_name, prop_path, prop_cols, cols_used, n_reorder, hybrid, n_sentences) def reorder(self): """ Function that reorders the recommendations made by the recommendation algorithm based on an adapted TF-IDF to the LOD, where the words of a document are the values of properties of the items the user iteracted and all the documents are all items properties :return: file with recommendations for every user reordered """ reorder = pd.DataFrame({'user_id': pd.Series([], dtype=int), 'item_id':
pd.Series([], dtype=int)
import copy import time import numpy as np import pandas as pd import torch from import Dataset, IterableDataset class Column(object): """A column. Data is write-once, immutable-after. Typical usage: col = Column('myCol').Fill(data).SetDistribution(domain_vals) "data" and "domain_vals" are NOT copied. """ def __init__(self, name, distribution_size=None, pg_name=None): = name # Data related fields. = None self.all_distinct_values = None self.distribution_size = distribution_size # pg_name is the name of the corresponding column in Postgres. This is # put here since, e.g., PG disallows whitespaces in names. self.pg_name = pg_name if pg_name else name self._val_to_bin_cache = {} def Name(self): """Name of this column.""" return def DistributionSize(self): """This column will take on discrete values in [0, N). Used to dictionary-encode values to this discretized range. """ return self.distribution_size def BinToVal(self, bin_id): assert bin_id >= 0 and bin_id < self.distribution_size, bin_id return self.all_distinct_values[bin_id] def ValToBin(self, val): if val in self._val_to_bin_cache: return self._val_to_bin_cache[val] if isinstance(self.all_distinct_values, list): return self.all_distinct_values.index(val) inds = np.where(self.all_distinct_values == val) if len(inds[0]) <= 0: raise IndexError("Value not found") res = inds[0][0] self._val_to_bin_cache[val] = res return res def SetDistribution(self, distinct_values): """This is all the values this column will ever see.""" assert self.all_distinct_values is None # pd.isnull returns true for both np.nan and np.datetime64('NaT'). is_nan = pd.isnull(distinct_values) contains_nan = np.any(is_nan) dv_no_nan = distinct_values[~is_nan] # IMPORTANT: np.sort puts NaT values at beginning, and NaN values at # end for our purposes we always add any null value to the beginning. vs = np.sort(np.unique(dv_no_nan)) if contains_nan and np.issubdtype(distinct_values.dtype, np.datetime64): vs = np.insert(vs, 0, np.datetime64('NaT')) elif contains_nan: vs = np.insert(vs, 0, np.nan) if self.distribution_size is not None: assert len(vs) == self.distribution_size self.all_distinct_values = vs self.distribution_size = len(vs) return self def Fill(self, data_instance, infer_dist=False): assert is None = data_instance # If no distribution is currently specified, then infer distinct values # from data. if infer_dist: self.SetDistribution( return self def __repr__(self): return 'Column({}, distribution_size={})'.format(, self.distribution_size) class Table(object): """A collection of Columns.""" def __init__(self, name, columns, pg_name=None, validate_cardinality=True): """Creates a Table. Args: name: Name of this table object. columns: List of Column instances to populate this table. pg_name: name of the corresponding table in Postgres. """ = name if validate_cardinality: self.cardinality = self._validate_cardinality(columns) else: # Used as a wrapper, not a real table. self.cardinality = None self.columns = columns # Bin to val funcs useful for sampling. Takes # (col 1's bin id, ..., col N's bin id) # and converts it to # (col 1's val, ..., col N's val). self.column_bin_to_val_funcs = [c.BinToVal for c in columns] self.val_to_bin_funcs = [c.ValToBin for c in columns] self.name_to_index = {c.Name(): i for i, c in enumerate(self.columns)} if pg_name: self.pg_name = pg_name else: self.pg_name = name def __repr__(self): return '{}({})'.format(, self.columns) def _validate_cardinality(self, columns): """Checks that all the columns have same the number of rows.""" cards = [len( for c in columns] c = np.unique(cards) assert len(c) == 1, c return c[0] def to_df(self): return pd.DataFrame({ for c in self.columns}) def Name(self): """Name of this table.""" return def Columns(self): """Return the list of Columns under this table.""" return self.columns def ColumnIndex(self, name): """Returns index of column with the specified name.""" assert name in self.name_to_index return self.name_to_index[name] class CsvTable(Table): def __init__(self, name, filename_or_df, cols, type_casts, pg_name=None, pg_cols=None, dropna=False, is_str_col=False, order_seed=None, char_limit=200, tie_cols=False, **kwargs): """Accepts same arguments as pd.read_csv(). Args: filename_or_df: pass in str to reload; otherwise accepts a loaded pd.Dataframe. """ = name self.pg_name = pg_name self.tie_cols = tie_cols if isinstance(filename_or_df, str): = self._load(filename_or_df, cols, **kwargs) else: assert (isinstance(filename_or_df, pd.DataFrame)) = filename_or_df if is_str_col: = self._separate_characters(, cols, char_limit) if order_seed is not None: ordering = rng = np.random.RandomState(order_seed) rng.shuffle(ordering) print( "Rearranging columns from",, "to", ordering, "seed", order_seed) =[ordering] self.dropna = dropna if dropna: # NOTE: this might make the resulting dataframe much smaller. = cols = self.columns = self._build_columns(, cols, type_casts, pg_cols) super(CsvTable, self).__init__(name, self.columns, pg_name) def _load(self, filename, cols, **kwargs): print('Loading csv...', end=' ') s = time.time() # Use [cols] here anyway to reorder columns by 'cols'. df = pd.read_csv(filename, usecols=cols, **kwargs)[cols] print('done, took {:.1f}s'.format(time.time() - s)) return df def _build_columns(self, data, cols, type_casts, pg_cols): """Example args: cols = ['Model Year', 'Reg Valid Date', 'Reg Expiration Date'] type_casts = {'Model Year': int} Returns: a list of Columns. """ print('Parsing...', end=' ') s = time.time() for col, typ in type_casts.items(): if col not in data: continue if typ != np.datetime64: data[col] = data[col].astype(typ, copy=False) else: # Both infer_datetime_format and cache are critical for perf. data[col] = pd.to_datetime(data[col], infer_datetime_format=True, cache=True) # Discretize & create Columns. columns = [] if pg_cols is None: pg_cols = [None] * len(cols) if self.tie_cols: vocab = np.concatenate([ data[c].value_counts(dropna=False).index.values for c in cols ]) vocab = np.sort(np.unique(vocab)) else: vocab = None for c, p in zip(cols, pg_cols): col = Column(c, pg_name=p) col.Fill(data[c]) # dropna=False so that if NA/NaN is present in data, # all_distinct_values will capture it. # # For numeric: np.nan # For datetime: np.datetime64('NaT') # For strings: ?? (haven't encountered yet) # # To test for former, use np.isnan(...).any() # To test for latter, use np.isnat(...).any() if vocab is not None: col.SetDistribution(vocab) else: col.SetDistribution(data[c].value_counts(dropna=False).index.values) columns.append(col) print('done, took {:.1f}s'.format(time.time() - s)) return columns def _separate_characters(self, data, cols, limit): assert len(cols) == 1, "should only have 1 str col" str_col = data[cols[0]] return pd.DataFrame(str_col.apply(lambda x: list(x[:limit])).tolist()).fillna(value="$") class TableDataset(Dataset): """Wraps a Table and yields each row as a Dataset element.""" def __init__(self, table, input_encoding=None): """Wraps a Table. Args: table: the Table. """ super(TableDataset, self).__init__() self.table = copy.deepcopy(table) print('Discretizing table...', end=' ') s = time.time() # [cardianlity, num cols]. self.tuples_np = np.stack( [self.Discretize(c) for c in self.table.Columns()], axis=1) self.tuples = torch.as_tensor( self.tuples_np.astype(np.float32, copy=False)) print('done, took {:.1f}s'.format(time.time() - s)) def Discretize(self, col): """Discretize values into its Column's bins. Args: col: the Column. Returns: col_data: discretized version; an np.ndarray of type np.int32. """ return Discretize(col) def size(self): return len(self.tuples) def __len__(self): return len(self.tuples) def __getitem__(self, idx): return self.tuples[idx] def Discretize(col, data=None): """Transforms data values into integers using a Column's vocab. Args: col: the Column. data: list-like data to be discretized. If None, defaults to Returns: col_data: discretized version; an np.ndarray of type np.int32. """ # pd.Categorical() does not allow categories be passed in an array # containing np.nan. It makes it a special case to return code -1 # for NaN values. if data is None: data = # pd.isnull returns true for both np.nan and np.datetime64('NaT'). isnan = pd.isnull(col.all_distinct_values) if isnan.any(): # We always add nan or nat to the beginning. assert isnan.sum() == 1, isnan assert isnan[0], isnan dvs = col.all_distinct_values[1:] bin_ids =
pd.Categorical(data, categories=dvs)
from flask import Flask, redirect, request, url_for,render_template from application import app, db from application.models import Products,Orders,Customers #,SummaryOrder,OrdersSummary,ItemTable,OrdersTable,,CustomersTable import sqlalchemy as sql import pandas as pd from datetime import datetime @app.route('/') def home(): return render_template('home.html',title='home') # create customers @app.route('/customers/add', methods=['GET','POST']) def add_customer(): return ('<h1>Add New Customer</h1><br>' + render_template('customerform.html',title='add_customer') +('<br><br> <a href="/customers" type="button">Return to Customers home</a> </br>') + ('<br> <a href="/customers/update2" type="button">Update customer records</a> </br>') + ('<br> <a href="/" type="button">Return to home</a> </br>')) @app.route('/customers/add/customer',methods=['GET','POST']) def add_customers(): connect_string ="mysql+pymysql://root:[email protected]/Tuckshop" sql_engine = sql.create_engine(connect_string) df = pd.read_sql_table('customers', sql_engine) if request.method=='POST': if len(df.loc[(df.first_name == request.form['first_name']) & (df.last_name == request.form['last_name']) & ((df.customer_dob == request.form['customer_dob'])|(df.customer_address == request.form['customer_address']))]) == 0: new_first_name = request.form['first_name'] new_last_name = request.form['last_name'] new_customer_address = request.form['customer_address'] new_customer_dob = request.form['customer_dob'] new_customer = Customers(first_name=new_first_name,last_name=new_last_name,customer_address=new_customer_address,customer_dob=new_customer_dob)#,prepaid_balance=new_prepaid_balance) db.session.add(new_customer) db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for('read_customers')) else: return ("<h4><br>"+"It looks like " + str(request.form['first_name']) + " " + str(request.form['last_name'])+ " already exists in the system." + "</h4>" + '<a href="/customers/add" type="button">Try again?</a> </br>' + ('<br><br> <a href="/customers/update2" type="button">Update customer records</a> </br>')+('<br> <a href="/customers" type="button">Return to Customers home</a> </br>')) # read customers @app.route('/customers') def read_customers(): connect_string ="mysql+pymysql://root:[email protected]/Tuckshop" sql_engine = sql.create_engine(connect_string) df = pd.read_sql_table('customers', sql_engine) df.rename(columns={'id':'Customer ID','first_name':'First Name','last_name':'Surname','customer_address':'Address','customer_dob':'Date of Birth'},inplace=True) html = df.to_html() return ('<h1>Customers</h1><br>')+html+('<br> <a href="/customers/add" type="button">Add new customer</a> </br>')+('<br> <a href="/customers/update2" type="button">Edit customer records (Update/Delete)</a> </br>')+('<br><br><br> <a href="/products">Navigate to Products</a><br><br>')+('<a href="/orders">Navigate to Orders</a>')+('<br><br> <a href="/" type="button">Return to Home</a> </br>') # update customers @app.route('/customers/update2') def customer_update_page(): connect_string ="mysql+pymysql://root:[email protected]/Tuckshop" sql_engine = sql.create_engine(connect_string) df = pd.read_sql_table('customers', sql_engine) df1 = df.copy() df1['Update'] = 'update' df1['Delete'] = 'delete' for n in range(len(df1)): df1.iloc[n,-1] = "<a href=/customers/delete/"+ str(df1.loc[n,'id']) + ">delete</a>" df1.iloc[n,-2] = "<a href=/customers/update/"+ str(df1.loc[n,'id']) + ">update</a>" df1.rename(columns={'id':'Customer ID','first_name':'First Name','last_name':'Surname','customer_address':'Address','customer_dob':'Date of Birth'},inplace=True) html = df1.to_html(render_links=True,escape=False) return ('<h1>Update Customers</h1><br>')+ html + ('<br> <a href="/customers">Back to Customers</a> </br>') + ('<br> <a href="/products">Navigate to Products</a> </br>') + ('<br> <a href="/orders">Navigate to Orders</a> </br>') @app.route('/customers/update', methods = ['GET','POST']) def update_customer(): update_record = Customers.query.filter_by(id=request.form['entry']).first() if request.method=='POST': update_record = Customers.query.filter_by(id=request.form['entry']).first() update_record.first_name = request.form['first_name'] update_record.last_name = request.form['last_name'] update_record.customer_address = request.form['customer_address'] update_record.customer_dob = request.form['customer_dob'] db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for('read_customers')) @app.route('/customers/update/<int:customer_record>',methods=['GET','POST']) def customer_update1(customer_record): people = str(customer_record) connect_string ="mysql+pymysql://root:[email protected]/Tuckshop" sql_engine = sql.create_engine(connect_string) df = pd.read_sql_table('customers', sql_engine) df1 = df.loc[,:] df1.rename(columns={'id':'Customer ID','first_name':'<NAME>','last_name':'Surname','customer_address':'Address','customer_dob':'Date of Birth'},inplace=True) html = df1.to_html(escape=False) record_no = customer_record return ('<h1>Update Customers</h1><br>')+ html + "<br><br>" + render_template('customer_update.html',value=record_no) +('<br> <a href="/customers">Back to Customers</a> </br>')+('<br> <a href="/products">Navigate to Products</a> </br>')+('<br> <a href="/orders">Navigate to Orders</a> </br>') # delete customers @app.route('/customers/delete/<int:customer_>') def delete_customers(customer_): if Orders.query.filter_by(fk_customer_id=customer_).count() == 0: customer_to_delete = Customers.query.filter_by(id=customer_).first() db.session.delete(customer_to_delete) db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for('read_customers')) else: return "Oops! The customer you tried to delete has already placed an order. Please update the orders records if you need to remove this customer." +('<br> <a href="/customers">Return to Customers?</a> </br>') # create products @app.route('/products/add', methods=['GET','POST']) def add_product(): if request.method == 'POST': page = '' return '<h1>Add New Product</h1><br>'+ render_template('stockform.html',title='add_item')+('<br><br> <a href="/products" type="button">Return to Products home</a> </br>')+ ('<br> <a href="/products/update2" type="button">Update product records</a> </br>') @app.route('/products/add/item',methods=['GET','POST']) def add_products(): connect_string ="mysql+pymysql://root:[email protected]/Tuckshop" sql_engine = sql.create_engine(connect_string) df = pd.read_sql_table('products', sql_engine) if request.method=='POST': if len(df.loc[(df.product_name == request.form['product_name']) & (df.product_brand == request.form['brand'])]) == 0: new_product_name = request.form['product_name'] new_product_brand = request.form['brand'] new_product_quantity = request.form['quantity'] new_product_itemcost = request.form['itemcost'] new_product_price = request.form['price'] new_product = Products(product_name=new_product_name,product_brand=new_product_brand,quantity_in_stock=new_product_quantity,cost_per_item=new_product_itemcost,price=new_product_price) db.session.add(new_product) db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for('read_products')) else: return ("<h4><br>"+"It looks like " + str(request.form['brand']) + " " + str(request.form['product_name'])+ " already exists in the system." + "</h4>" + '<a href="/products/add" type="button">Try again?</a> </br>' + ('<br><br> <a href="/products/update2" type="button">Update products records</a> </br>')+('<br> <a href="/products" type="button">Return to Products home</a> </br>')+('<br> <br><a href="/" type="button">Return to Home</a> </br>')) # read products @app.route('/products') def read_products(): connect_string ="mysql+pymysql://root:[email protected]/Tuckshop" sql_engine = sql.create_engine(connect_string) df = pd.read_sql_table('products', sql_engine) df.price = ('£'+df.price.astype('str')).str.ljust(5,'0') df.cost_per_item = ('£'+df.cost_per_item.astype('str')).str.ljust(5,'0') df.rename(columns={'id':'Product ID','product_name':'Product','product_brand':'Brand','quantity_in_stock':'Quantity in stock','cost_per_item':'Individual Cost','price':'Price'},inplace=True) html = df.to_html() return ('<h1>Products</h1><br>')+html+('<br> <a href="/products/add">Add new item to stocklist</a> </br>')+('<br> <a href="/products/update2">Edit stocklist (Update/Delete)</a> </br><br>')+('<br><br> <a href="/orders">Navigate to Orders</a> </br>')+('<br> <a href="/customers">Navigate to Customers</a> </br>') +('<br><br> <a href="/" type="button">Return to Home</a> </br>') # update products @app.route('/products/update2') def products_update_page(): connect_string ="mysql+pymysql://root:[email protected]/Tuckshop" sql_engine = sql.create_engine(connect_string) df = pd.read_sql_table('products', sql_engine) df1 = df.copy() df1['Update'] = 'update' df1['Delete'] = 'delete' for n in range(len(df1)): df1.iloc[n,-1] = "<a href=/products/delete/"+ str(df1.loc[n,'id']) + ">delete</a>" df1.iloc[n,-2] = "<a href=/products/update/"+ str(df1.loc[n,'id']) + ">update</a>" df1.price = ('£' + df1.price.astype('str')).str.ljust(5,'0') df1.cost_per_item = ('£' + df1.cost_per_item.astype('str')).str.ljust(5,'0') df1.rename(columns={'id':'Product ID','product_name':'Product','product_brand':'Brand','quantity_in_stock':'Quantity in stock','cost_per_item':'Individual Cost','price':'Price'},inplace=True) html = df1.to_html(render_links=True,escape=False) return ('<h1>Update Product List</h1><br>')+ html +('<br> <a href="/products">Back to Products home</a> </br>')+('<br> <br><a href="/customers">Navigate to Customers</a> </br>')+('<br> <a href="/orders">Navigate to Orders</a> </br>')+('<br> <br><a href="/" type="button">Return to Home</a> </br>') @app.route('/products/update', methods = ['GET','POST']) def update_product(): if request.method=='POST': update_record = Products.query.filter_by(id=request.form['entry']).first() update_record.product_name = request.form['product_name'] update_record.product_brand = request.form['product_brand'] update_record.price = request.form['price'] update_record.quantity_in_stock = request.form['quantity_in_stock'] update_record.cost_per_item = request.form['cost_per_item'] db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for('products_update_page')) @app.route('/products/update/<int:product_record>',methods=['GET','POST']) def product_update1(product_record): connect_string ="mysql+pymysql://root:[email protected]/Tuckshop" sql_engine = sql.create_engine(connect_string) df = pd.read_sql_table('products', sql_engine) df1 = df.loc[,:] df1.rename(columns={'id':'Product ID','product_name':'Product','product_brand':'Brand','quantity_in_stock':'Quantity in stock','cost_per_item':'Individual Cost','price':'Price'},inplace=True) html = df1.to_html(escape=False) record_no = product_record return ('<h1>Update Products List</h1><br>')+html + "<br><br>" + render_template('product_update.html', value1 = record_no) + ('<br> <a href="/products">Back to Products</a> </br>')+('<br> <a href="/customers">Navigate to Customers</a> </br>')+('<br> <a href="/orders">Navigate to Orders</a> </br>')+('<br> <a href="/products" type="button">Return to Products home</a> </br>')+('<br> <br><a href="/" type="button">Return to Home</a> </br>') # delete products @app.route('/products/delete/<int:product_>',methods=['GET','POST']) def delete_products(product_): if Orders.query.filter_by(fk_product_id=product_).count() == 0: product_to_delete = Products.query.filter_by(id=product_).first() db.session.delete(product_to_delete) db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for('read_products')) else: return "Oops! You tried to delete a product that has already been purchased"+('<br> <br><a href="/products/update2">Try Again?</a> </br>')+('<br> <br><br><a href="/products">Return to Products</a> </br>') +('<br> <a href="/products" type="button">Return to Products home</a> </br>')+('<br> <br><a href="/" type="button">Return to Home</a> </br>') # create orders @app.route('/orders/add', methods = ['GET','POST']) def add_order(): connect_string ="mysql+pymysql://root:[email protected]/Tuckshop" sql_engine = sql.create_engine(connect_string) df =
pd.read_sql_table('products', sql_engine)
# coding=utf-8 # pylint: disable-msg=E1101,W0612 from datetime import datetime, timedelta from numpy import nan import numpy as np import pandas as pd from pandas.types.common import is_integer, is_scalar from pandas import Index, Series, DataFrame, isnull, date_range from pandas.core.index import MultiIndex from pandas.core.indexing import IndexingError from pandas.tseries.index import Timestamp from pandas.tseries.offsets import BDay from pandas.tseries.tdi import Timedelta from pandas.compat import lrange, range from pandas import compat from pandas.util.testing import assert_series_equal, assert_almost_equal import pandas.util.testing as tm from pandas.tests.series.common import TestData JOIN_TYPES = ['inner', 'outer', 'left', 'right'] class TestSeriesIndexing(TestData, tm.TestCase): _multiprocess_can_split_ = True def test_get(self): # GH 6383 s = Series(np.array([43, 48, 60, 48, 50, 51, 50, 45, 57, 48, 56, 45, 51, 39, 55, 43, 54, 52, 51, 54])) result = s.get(25, 0) expected = 0 self.assertEqual(result, expected) s = Series(np.array([43, 48, 60, 48, 50, 51, 50, 45, 57, 48, 56, 45, 51, 39, 55, 43, 54, 52, 51, 54]), index=pd.Float64Index( [25.0, 36.0, 49.0, 64.0, 81.0, 100.0, 121.0, 144.0, 169.0, 196.0, 1225.0, 1296.0, 1369.0, 1444.0, 1521.0, 1600.0, 1681.0, 1764.0, 1849.0, 1936.0], dtype='object')) result = s.get(25, 0) expected = 43 self.assertEqual(result, expected) # GH 7407 # with a boolean accessor df = pd.DataFrame({'i': [0] * 3, 'b': [False] * 3}) vc = df.i.value_counts() result = vc.get(99, default='Missing') self.assertEqual(result, 'Missing') vc = df.b.value_counts() result = vc.get(False, default='Missing') self.assertEqual(result, 3) result = vc.get(True, default='Missing') self.assertEqual(result, 'Missing') def test_delitem(self): # GH 5542 # should delete the item inplace s = Series(lrange(5)) del s[0] expected = Series(lrange(1, 5), index=lrange(1, 5)) assert_series_equal(s, expected) del s[1] expected = Series(lrange(2, 5), index=lrange(2, 5)) assert_series_equal(s, expected) # empty s = Series() def f(): del s[0] self.assertRaises(KeyError, f) # only 1 left, del, add, del s = Series(1) del s[0] assert_series_equal(s, Series(dtype='int64', index=Index( [], dtype='int64'))) s[0] = 1 assert_series_equal(s, Series(1)) del s[0] assert_series_equal(s, Series(dtype='int64', index=Index( [], dtype='int64'))) # Index(dtype=object) s = Series(1, index=['a']) del s['a'] assert_series_equal(s, Series(dtype='int64', index=Index( [], dtype='object'))) s['a'] = 1 assert_series_equal(s, Series(1, index=['a'])) del s['a'] assert_series_equal(s, Series(dtype='int64', index=Index( [], dtype='object'))) def test_getitem_setitem_ellipsis(self): s = Series(np.random.randn(10)) np.fix(s) result = s[...] assert_series_equal(result, s) s[...] = 5 self.assertTrue((result == 5).all()) def test_getitem_negative_out_of_bounds(self): s = Series(tm.rands_array(5, 10), index=tm.rands_array(10, 10)) self.assertRaises(IndexError, s.__getitem__, -11) self.assertRaises(IndexError, s.__setitem__, -11, 'foo') def test_pop(self): # GH 6600 df = DataFrame({'A': 0, 'B': np.arange(5, dtype='int64'), 'C': 0, }) k = df.iloc[4] result = k.pop('B') self.assertEqual(result, 4) expected = Series([0, 0], index=['A', 'C'], name=4) assert_series_equal(k, expected) def test_getitem_get(self): idx1 = self.series.index[5] idx2 = self.objSeries.index[5] self.assertEqual(self.series[idx1], self.series.get(idx1)) self.assertEqual(self.objSeries[idx2], self.objSeries.get(idx2)) self.assertEqual(self.series[idx1], self.series[5]) self.assertEqual(self.objSeries[idx2], self.objSeries[5]) self.assertEqual( self.series.get(-1), self.series.get(self.series.index[-1])) self.assertEqual(self.series[5], self.series.get(self.series.index[5])) # missing d = self.ts.index[0] - BDay() self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.ts.__getitem__, d) # None # GH 5652 for s in [Series(), Series(index=list('abc'))]: result = s.get(None) self.assertIsNone(result) def test_iget(self): s = Series(np.random.randn(10), index=lrange(0, 20, 2)) # 10711, deprecated with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning): s.iget(1) # 10711, deprecated with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning): s.irow(1) # 10711, deprecated with tm.assert_produces_warning(FutureWarning): s.iget_value(1) for i in range(len(s)): result = s.iloc[i] exp = s[s.index[i]] assert_almost_equal(result, exp) # pass a slice result = s.iloc[slice(1, 3)] expected = s.ix[2:4] assert_series_equal(result, expected) # test slice is a view result[:] = 0 self.assertTrue((s[1:3] == 0).all()) # list of integers result = s.iloc[[0, 2, 3, 4, 5]] expected = s.reindex(s.index[[0, 2, 3, 4, 5]]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_iget_nonunique(self): s = Series([0, 1, 2], index=[0, 1, 0]) self.assertEqual(s.iloc[2], 2) def test_getitem_regression(self): s = Series(lrange(5), index=lrange(5)) result = s[lrange(5)] assert_series_equal(result, s) def test_getitem_setitem_slice_bug(self): s = Series(lrange(10), lrange(10)) result = s[-12:] assert_series_equal(result, s) result = s[-7:] assert_series_equal(result, s[3:]) result = s[:-12] assert_series_equal(result, s[:0]) s = Series(lrange(10), lrange(10)) s[-12:] = 0 self.assertTrue((s == 0).all()) s[:-12] = 5 self.assertTrue((s == 0).all()) def test_getitem_int64(self): idx = np.int64(5) self.assertEqual(self.ts[idx], self.ts[5]) def test_getitem_fancy(self): slice1 = self.series[[1, 2, 3]] slice2 = self.objSeries[[1, 2, 3]] self.assertEqual(self.series.index[2], slice1.index[1]) self.assertEqual(self.objSeries.index[2], slice2.index[1]) self.assertEqual(self.series[2], slice1[1]) self.assertEqual(self.objSeries[2], slice2[1]) def test_getitem_boolean(self): s = self.series mask = s > s.median() # passing list is OK result = s[list(mask)] expected = s[mask] assert_series_equal(result, expected) self.assert_index_equal(result.index, s.index[mask]) def test_getitem_boolean_empty(self): s = Series([], dtype=np.int64) = 'index_name' s = s[s.isnull()] self.assertEqual(, 'index_name') self.assertEqual(s.dtype, np.int64) # GH5877 # indexing with empty series s = Series(['A', 'B']) expected = Series(np.nan, index=['C'], dtype=object) result = s[Series(['C'], dtype=object)] assert_series_equal(result, expected) s = Series(['A', 'B']) expected = Series(dtype=object, index=Index([], dtype='int64')) result = s[Series([], dtype=object)] assert_series_equal(result, expected) # invalid because of the boolean indexer # that's empty or not-aligned def f(): s[Series([], dtype=bool)] self.assertRaises(IndexingError, f) def f(): s[Series([True], dtype=bool)] self.assertRaises(IndexingError, f) def test_getitem_generator(self): gen = (x > 0 for x in self.series) result = self.series[gen] result2 = self.series[iter(self.series > 0)] expected = self.series[self.series > 0] assert_series_equal(result, expected) assert_series_equal(result2, expected) def test_type_promotion(self): # GH12599 s = pd.Series() s["a"] = pd.Timestamp("2016-01-01") s["b"] = 3.0 s["c"] = "foo" expected = Series([pd.Timestamp("2016-01-01"), 3.0, "foo"], index=["a", "b", "c"]) assert_series_equal(s, expected) def test_getitem_boolean_object(self): # using column from DataFrame s = self.series mask = s > s.median() omask = mask.astype(object) # getitem result = s[omask] expected = s[mask] assert_series_equal(result, expected) # setitem s2 = s.copy() cop = s.copy() cop[omask] = 5 s2[mask] = 5 assert_series_equal(cop, s2) # nans raise exception omask[5:10] = np.nan self.assertRaises(Exception, s.__getitem__, omask) self.assertRaises(Exception, s.__setitem__, omask, 5) def test_getitem_setitem_boolean_corner(self): ts = self.ts mask_shifted = ts.shift(1, freq=BDay()) > ts.median() # these used to raise...?? self.assertRaises(Exception, ts.__getitem__, mask_shifted) self.assertRaises(Exception, ts.__setitem__, mask_shifted, 1) # ts[mask_shifted] # ts[mask_shifted] = 1 self.assertRaises(Exception, ts.ix.__getitem__, mask_shifted) self.assertRaises(Exception, ts.ix.__setitem__, mask_shifted, 1) # ts.ix[mask_shifted] # ts.ix[mask_shifted] = 2 def test_getitem_setitem_slice_integers(self): s = Series(np.random.randn(8), index=[2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16]) result = s[:4] expected = s.reindex([2, 4, 6, 8]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) s[:4] = 0 self.assertTrue((s[:4] == 0).all()) self.assertTrue(not (s[4:] == 0).any()) def test_getitem_out_of_bounds(self): # don't segfault, GH #495 self.assertRaises(IndexError, self.ts.__getitem__, len(self.ts)) # GH #917 s = Series([]) self.assertRaises(IndexError, s.__getitem__, -1) def test_getitem_setitem_integers(self): # caused bug without test s = Series([1, 2, 3], ['a', 'b', 'c']) self.assertEqual(s.ix[0], s['a']) s.ix[0] = 5 self.assertAlmostEqual(s['a'], 5) def test_getitem_box_float64(self): value = self.ts[5] tm.assertIsInstance(value, np.float64) def test_getitem_ambiguous_keyerror(self): s = Series(lrange(10), index=lrange(0, 20, 2)) self.assertRaises(KeyError, s.__getitem__, 1) self.assertRaises(KeyError, s.ix.__getitem__, 1) def test_getitem_unordered_dup(self): obj = Series(lrange(5), index=['c', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'b']) self.assertTrue(is_scalar(obj['c'])) self.assertEqual(obj['c'], 0) def test_getitem_dups_with_missing(self): # breaks reindex, so need to use .ix internally # GH 4246 s = Series([1, 2, 3, 4], ['foo', 'bar', 'foo', 'bah']) expected = s.ix[['foo', 'bar', 'bah', 'bam']] result = s[['foo', 'bar', 'bah', 'bam']] assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_getitem_dups(self): s = Series(range(5), index=['A', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'C'], dtype=np.int64) expected = Series([3, 4], index=['C', 'C'], dtype=np.int64) result = s['C'] assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_getitem_dataframe(self): rng = list(range(10)) s = pd.Series(10, index=rng) df = pd.DataFrame(rng, index=rng) self.assertRaises(TypeError, s.__getitem__, df > 5) def test_getitem_callable(self): # GH 12533 s = pd.Series(4, index=list('ABCD')) result = s[lambda x: 'A'] self.assertEqual(result, s.loc['A']) result = s[lambda x: ['A', 'B']] tm.assert_series_equal(result, s.loc[['A', 'B']]) result = s[lambda x: [True, False, True, True]] tm.assert_series_equal(result, s.iloc[[0, 2, 3]]) def test_setitem_ambiguous_keyerror(self): s = Series(lrange(10), index=lrange(0, 20, 2)) # equivalent of an append s2 = s.copy() s2[1] = 5 expected = s.append(Series([5], index=[1])) assert_series_equal(s2, expected) s2 = s.copy() s2.ix[1] = 5 expected = s.append(Series([5], index=[1])) assert_series_equal(s2, expected) def test_setitem_float_labels(self): # note labels are floats s = Series(['a', 'b', 'c'], index=[0, 0.5, 1]) tmp = s.copy() s.ix[1] = 'zoo' tmp.iloc[2] = 'zoo' assert_series_equal(s, tmp) def test_setitem_callable(self): # GH 12533 s = pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4], index=list('ABCD')) s[lambda x: 'A'] = -1 tm.assert_series_equal(s, pd.Series([-1, 2, 3, 4], index=list('ABCD'))) def test_setitem_other_callable(self): # GH 13299 inc = lambda x: x + 1 s = pd.Series([1, 2, -1, 4]) s[s < 0] = inc expected = pd.Series([1, 2, inc, 4]) tm.assert_series_equal(s, expected) def test_slice(self): numSlice = self.series[10:20] numSliceEnd = self.series[-10:] objSlice = self.objSeries[10:20] self.assertNotIn(self.series.index[9], numSlice.index) self.assertNotIn(self.objSeries.index[9], objSlice.index) self.assertEqual(len(numSlice), len(numSlice.index)) self.assertEqual(self.series[numSlice.index[0]], numSlice[numSlice.index[0]]) self.assertEqual(numSlice.index[1], self.series.index[11]) self.assertTrue(tm.equalContents(numSliceEnd, np.array(self.series)[ -10:])) # test return view sl = self.series[10:20] sl[:] = 0 self.assertTrue((self.series[10:20] == 0).all()) def test_slice_can_reorder_not_uniquely_indexed(self): s = Series(1, index=['a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'c']) s[::-1] # it works! def test_slice_float_get_set(self): self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: self.ts[4.0:10.0]) def f(): self.ts[4.0:10.0] = 0 self.assertRaises(TypeError, f) self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.ts.__getitem__, slice(4.5, 10.0)) self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.ts.__setitem__, slice(4.5, 10.0), 0) def test_slice_floats2(self): s = Series(np.random.rand(10), index=np.arange(10, 20, dtype=float)) self.assertEqual(len(s.ix[12.0:]), 8) self.assertEqual(len(s.ix[12.5:]), 7) i = np.arange(10, 20, dtype=float) i[2] = 12.2 s.index = i self.assertEqual(len(s.ix[12.0:]), 8) self.assertEqual(len(s.ix[12.5:]), 7) def test_slice_float64(self): values = np.arange(10., 50., 2) index = Index(values) start, end = values[[5, 15]] s = Series(np.random.randn(20), index=index) result = s[start:end] expected = s.iloc[5:16] assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = s.loc[start:end] assert_series_equal(result, expected) df = DataFrame(np.random.randn(20, 3), index=index) result = df[start:end] expected = df.iloc[5:16] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) result = df.loc[start:end] tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_setitem(self): self.ts[self.ts.index[5]] = np.NaN self.ts[[1, 2, 17]] = np.NaN self.ts[6] = np.NaN self.assertTrue(np.isnan(self.ts[6])) self.assertTrue(np.isnan(self.ts[2])) self.ts[np.isnan(self.ts)] = 5 self.assertFalse(np.isnan(self.ts[2])) # caught this bug when writing tests series = Series(tm.makeIntIndex(20).astype(float), index=tm.makeIntIndex(20)) series[::2] = 0 self.assertTrue((series[::2] == 0).all()) # set item that's not contained s = self.series.copy() s['foobar'] = 1 app = Series([1], index=['foobar'], name='series') expected = self.series.append(app) assert_series_equal(s, expected) # Test for issue #10193 key = pd.Timestamp('2012-01-01') series = pd.Series() series[key] = 47 expected = pd.Series(47, [key]) assert_series_equal(series, expected) series = pd.Series([], pd.DatetimeIndex([], freq='D')) series[key] = 47 expected = pd.Series(47, pd.DatetimeIndex([key], freq='D')) assert_series_equal(series, expected) def test_setitem_dtypes(self): # change dtypes # GH 4463 expected = Series([np.nan, 2, 3]) s = Series([1, 2, 3]) s.iloc[0] = np.nan assert_series_equal(s, expected) s = Series([1, 2, 3]) s.loc[0] = np.nan assert_series_equal(s, expected) s = Series([1, 2, 3]) s[0] = np.nan assert_series_equal(s, expected) s = Series([False]) s.loc[0] = np.nan assert_series_equal(s, Series([np.nan])) s = Series([False, True]) s.loc[0] = np.nan assert_series_equal(s, Series([np.nan, 1.0])) def test_set_value(self): idx = self.ts.index[10] res = self.ts.set_value(idx, 0) self.assertIs(res, self.ts) self.assertEqual(self.ts[idx], 0) # equiv s = self.series.copy() res = s.set_value('foobar', 0) self.assertIs(res, s) self.assertEqual(res.index[-1], 'foobar') self.assertEqual(res['foobar'], 0) s = self.series.copy() s.loc['foobar'] = 0 self.assertEqual(s.index[-1], 'foobar') self.assertEqual(s['foobar'], 0) def test_setslice(self): sl = self.ts[5:20] self.assertEqual(len(sl), len(sl.index)) self.assertTrue(sl.index.is_unique) def test_basic_getitem_setitem_corner(self): # invalid tuples, e.g. self.ts[:, None] vs. self.ts[:, 2] with tm.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, 'tuple-index'): self.ts[:, 2] with tm.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, 'tuple-index'): self.ts[:, 2] = 2 # weird lists. [slice(0, 5)] will work but not two slices result = self.ts[[slice(None, 5)]] expected = self.ts[:5] assert_series_equal(result, expected) # OK self.assertRaises(Exception, self.ts.__getitem__, [5, slice(None, None)]) self.assertRaises(Exception, self.ts.__setitem__, [5, slice(None, None)], 2) def test_basic_getitem_with_labels(self): indices = self.ts.index[[5, 10, 15]] result = self.ts[indices] expected = self.ts.reindex(indices) assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = self.ts[indices[0]:indices[2]] expected = self.ts.ix[indices[0]:indices[2]] assert_series_equal(result, expected) # integer indexes, be careful s = Series(np.random.randn(10), index=lrange(0, 20, 2)) inds = [0, 2, 5, 7, 8] arr_inds = np.array([0, 2, 5, 7, 8]) result = s[inds] expected = s.reindex(inds) assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = s[arr_inds] expected = s.reindex(arr_inds) assert_series_equal(result, expected) # GH12089 # with tz for values s = Series(pd.date_range("2011-01-01", periods=3, tz="US/Eastern"), index=['a', 'b', 'c']) expected = Timestamp('2011-01-01', tz='US/Eastern') result = s.loc['a'] self.assertEqual(result, expected) result = s.iloc[0] self.assertEqual(result, expected) result = s['a'] self.assertEqual(result, expected) def test_basic_setitem_with_labels(self): indices = self.ts.index[[5, 10, 15]] cp = self.ts.copy() exp = self.ts.copy() cp[indices] = 0 exp.ix[indices] = 0 assert_series_equal(cp, exp) cp = self.ts.copy() exp = self.ts.copy() cp[indices[0]:indices[2]] = 0 exp.ix[indices[0]:indices[2]] = 0 assert_series_equal(cp, exp) # integer indexes, be careful s = Series(np.random.randn(10), index=lrange(0, 20, 2)) inds = [0, 4, 6] arr_inds = np.array([0, 4, 6]) cp = s.copy() exp = s.copy() s[inds] = 0 s.ix[inds] = 0 assert_series_equal(cp, exp) cp = s.copy() exp = s.copy() s[arr_inds] = 0 s.ix[arr_inds] = 0 assert_series_equal(cp, exp) inds_notfound = [0, 4, 5, 6] arr_inds_notfound = np.array([0, 4, 5, 6]) self.assertRaises(Exception, s.__setitem__, inds_notfound, 0) self.assertRaises(Exception, s.__setitem__, arr_inds_notfound, 0) # GH12089 # with tz for values s = Series(pd.date_range("2011-01-01", periods=3, tz="US/Eastern"), index=['a', 'b', 'c']) s2 = s.copy() expected = Timestamp('2011-01-03', tz='US/Eastern') s2.loc['a'] = expected result = s2.loc['a'] self.assertEqual(result, expected) s2 = s.copy() s2.iloc[0] = expected result = s2.iloc[0] self.assertEqual(result, expected) s2 = s.copy() s2['a'] = expected result = s2['a'] self.assertEqual(result, expected) def test_ix_getitem(self): inds = self.series.index[[3, 4, 7]] assert_series_equal(self.series.ix[inds], self.series.reindex(inds)) assert_series_equal(self.series.ix[5::2], self.series[5::2]) # slice with indices d1, d2 = self.ts.index[[5, 15]] result = self.ts.ix[d1:d2] expected = self.ts.truncate(d1, d2) assert_series_equal(result, expected) # boolean mask = self.series > self.series.median() assert_series_equal(self.series.ix[mask], self.series[mask]) # ask for index value self.assertEqual(self.ts.ix[d1], self.ts[d1]) self.assertEqual(self.ts.ix[d2], self.ts[d2]) def test_ix_getitem_not_monotonic(self): d1, d2 = self.ts.index[[5, 15]] ts2 = self.ts[::2][[1, 2, 0]] self.assertRaises(KeyError, ts2.ix.__getitem__, slice(d1, d2)) self.assertRaises(KeyError, ts2.ix.__setitem__, slice(d1, d2), 0) def test_ix_getitem_setitem_integer_slice_keyerrors(self): s = Series(np.random.randn(10), index=lrange(0, 20, 2)) # this is OK cp = s.copy() cp.ix[4:10] = 0 self.assertTrue((cp.ix[4:10] == 0).all()) # so is this cp = s.copy() cp.ix[3:11] = 0 self.assertTrue((cp.ix[3:11] == 0).values.all()) result = s.ix[4:10] result2 = s.ix[3:11] expected = s.reindex([4, 6, 8, 10]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) assert_series_equal(result2, expected) # non-monotonic, raise KeyError s2 = s.iloc[lrange(5) + lrange(5, 10)[::-1]] self.assertRaises(KeyError, s2.ix.__getitem__, slice(3, 11)) self.assertRaises(KeyError, s2.ix.__setitem__, slice(3, 11), 0) def test_ix_getitem_iterator(self): idx = iter(self.series.index[:10]) result = self.series.ix[idx] assert_series_equal(result, self.series[:10]) def test_setitem_with_tz(self): for tz in ['US/Eastern', 'UTC', 'Asia/Tokyo']: orig = pd.Series(pd.date_range('2016-01-01', freq='H', periods=3, tz=tz)) self.assertEqual(orig.dtype, 'datetime64[ns, {0}]'.format(tz)) # scalar s = orig.copy() s[1] = pd.Timestamp('2011-01-01', tz=tz) exp = pd.Series([pd.Timestamp('2016-01-01 00:00', tz=tz), pd.Timestamp('2011-01-01 00:00', tz=tz), pd.Timestamp('2016-01-01 02:00', tz=tz)]) tm.assert_series_equal(s, exp) s = orig.copy() s.loc[1] = pd.Timestamp('2011-01-01', tz=tz) tm.assert_series_equal(s, exp) s = orig.copy() s.iloc[1] = pd.Timestamp('2011-01-01', tz=tz) tm.assert_series_equal(s, exp) # vector vals = pd.Series([pd.Timestamp('2011-01-01', tz=tz), pd.Timestamp('2012-01-01', tz=tz)], index=[1, 2]) self.assertEqual(vals.dtype, 'datetime64[ns, {0}]'.format(tz)) s[[1, 2]] = vals exp = pd.Series([pd.Timestamp('2016-01-01 00:00', tz=tz), pd.Timestamp('2011-01-01 00:00', tz=tz), pd.Timestamp('2012-01-01 00:00', tz=tz)]) tm.assert_series_equal(s, exp) s = orig.copy() s.loc[[1, 2]] = vals tm.assert_series_equal(s, exp) s = orig.copy() s.iloc[[1, 2]] = vals tm.assert_series_equal(s, exp) def test_setitem_with_tz_dst(self): # GH XXX tz = 'US/Eastern' orig = pd.Series(pd.date_range('2016-11-06', freq='H', periods=3, tz=tz)) self.assertEqual(orig.dtype, 'datetime64[ns, {0}]'.format(tz)) # scalar s = orig.copy() s[1] = pd.Timestamp('2011-01-01', tz=tz) exp = pd.Series([pd.Timestamp('2016-11-06 00:00', tz=tz), pd.Timestamp('2011-01-01 00:00', tz=tz), pd.Timestamp('2016-11-06 02:00', tz=tz)]) tm.assert_series_equal(s, exp) s = orig.copy() s.loc[1] = pd.Timestamp('2011-01-01', tz=tz) tm.assert_series_equal(s, exp) s = orig.copy() s.iloc[1] = pd.Timestamp('2011-01-01', tz=tz) tm.assert_series_equal(s, exp) # vector vals = pd.Series([pd.Timestamp('2011-01-01', tz=tz), pd.Timestamp('2012-01-01', tz=tz)], index=[1, 2]) self.assertEqual(vals.dtype, 'datetime64[ns, {0}]'.format(tz)) s[[1, 2]] = vals exp = pd.Series([pd.Timestamp('2016-11-06 00:00', tz=tz), pd.Timestamp('2011-01-01 00:00', tz=tz), pd.Timestamp('2012-01-01 00:00', tz=tz)]) tm.assert_series_equal(s, exp) s = orig.copy() s.loc[[1, 2]] = vals tm.assert_series_equal(s, exp) s = orig.copy() s.iloc[[1, 2]] = vals tm.assert_series_equal(s, exp) def test_where(self): s = Series(np.random.randn(5)) cond = s > 0 rs = s.where(cond).dropna() rs2 = s[cond] assert_series_equal(rs, rs2) rs = s.where(cond, -s) assert_series_equal(rs, s.abs()) rs = s.where(cond) assert (s.shape == rs.shape) assert (rs is not s) # test alignment cond = Series([True, False, False, True, False], index=s.index) s2 = -(s.abs()) expected = s2[cond].reindex(s2.index[:3]).reindex(s2.index) rs = s2.where(cond[:3]) assert_series_equal(rs, expected) expected = s2.abs() expected.ix[0] = s2[0] rs = s2.where(cond[:3], -s2) assert_series_equal(rs, expected) self.assertRaises(ValueError, s.where, 1) self.assertRaises(ValueError, s.where, cond[:3].values, -s) # GH 2745 s = Series([1, 2]) s[[True, False]] = [0, 1] expected = Series([0, 2]) assert_series_equal(s, expected) # failures self.assertRaises(ValueError, s.__setitem__, tuple([[[True, False]]]), [0, 2, 3]) self.assertRaises(ValueError, s.__setitem__, tuple([[[True, False]]]), []) # unsafe dtype changes for dtype in [np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64, np.float16, np.float32, np.float64]: s = Series(np.arange(10), dtype=dtype) mask = s < 5 s[mask] = lrange(2, 7) expected = Series(lrange(2, 7) + lrange(5, 10), dtype=dtype) assert_series_equal(s, expected) self.assertEqual(s.dtype, expected.dtype) # these are allowed operations, but are upcasted for dtype in [np.int64, np.float64]: s = Series(np.arange(10), dtype=dtype) mask = s < 5 values = [2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5] s[mask] = values expected = Series(values + lrange(5, 10), dtype='float64') assert_series_equal(s, expected) self.assertEqual(s.dtype, expected.dtype) # GH 9731 s = Series(np.arange(10), dtype='int64') mask = s > 5 values = [2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5] s[mask] = values expected = Series(lrange(6) + values, dtype='float64') assert_series_equal(s, expected) # can't do these as we are forced to change the itemsize of the input # to something we cannot for dtype in [np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.float16, np.float32]: s = Series(np.arange(10), dtype=dtype) mask = s < 5 values = [2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5] self.assertRaises(Exception, s.__setitem__, tuple(mask), values) # GH3235 s = Series(np.arange(10), dtype='int64') mask = s < 5 s[mask] = lrange(2, 7) expected = Series(lrange(2, 7) + lrange(5, 10), dtype='int64') assert_series_equal(s, expected) self.assertEqual(s.dtype, expected.dtype) s = Series(np.arange(10), dtype='int64') mask = s > 5 s[mask] = [0] * 4 expected = Series([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] + [0] * 4, dtype='int64') assert_series_equal(s, expected) s = Series(np.arange(10)) mask = s > 5 def f(): s[mask] = [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] self.assertRaises(ValueError, f) def f(): s[mask] = [0] * 5 self.assertRaises(ValueError, f) # dtype changes s = Series([1, 2, 3, 4]) result = s.where(s > 2, np.nan) expected = Series([np.nan, np.nan, 3, 4]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) # GH 4667 # setting with None changes dtype s = Series(range(10)).astype(float) s[8] = None result = s[8] self.assertTrue(isnull(result)) s = Series(range(10)).astype(float) s[s > 8] = None result = s[isnull(s)] expected = Series(np.nan, index=[9]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_where_setitem_invalid(self): # GH 2702 # make sure correct exceptions are raised on invalid list assignment # slice s = Series(list('abc')) def f(): s[0:3] = list(range(27)) self.assertRaises(ValueError, f) s[0:3] = list(range(3)) expected = Series([0, 1, 2]) assert_series_equal(s.astype(np.int64), expected, ) # slice with step s = Series(list('abcdef')) def f(): s[0:4:2] = list(range(27)) self.assertRaises(ValueError, f) s = Series(list('abcdef')) s[0:4:2] = list(range(2)) expected = Series([0, 'b', 1, 'd', 'e', 'f']) assert_series_equal(s, expected) # neg slices s = Series(list('abcdef')) def f(): s[:-1] = list(range(27)) self.assertRaises(ValueError, f) s[-3:-1] = list(range(2)) expected = Series(['a', 'b', 'c', 0, 1, 'f']) assert_series_equal(s, expected) # list s = Series(list('abc')) def f(): s[[0, 1, 2]] = list(range(27)) self.assertRaises(ValueError, f) s = Series(list('abc')) def f(): s[[0, 1, 2]] = list(range(2)) self.assertRaises(ValueError, f) # scalar s = Series(list('abc')) s[0] = list(range(10)) expected = Series([list(range(10)), 'b', 'c']) assert_series_equal(s, expected) def test_where_broadcast(self): # Test a variety of differently sized series for size in range(2, 6): # Test a variety of boolean indices for selection in [ # First element should be set np.resize([True, False, False, False, False], size), # Set alternating elements] np.resize([True, False], size), # No element should be set np.resize([False], size)]: # Test a variety of different numbers as content for item in [2.0, np.nan, np.finfo(np.float).max, np.finfo(np.float).min]: # Test numpy arrays, lists and tuples as the input to be # broadcast for arr in [np.array([item]), [item], (item, )]: data = np.arange(size, dtype=float) s = Series(data) s[selection] = arr # Construct the expected series by taking the source # data or item based on the selection expected = Series([item if use_item else data[ i] for i, use_item in enumerate(selection)]) assert_series_equal(s, expected) s = Series(data) result = s.where(~selection, arr) assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_where_inplace(self): s = Series(np.random.randn(5)) cond = s > 0 rs = s.copy() rs.where(cond, inplace=True) assert_series_equal(rs.dropna(), s[cond]) assert_series_equal(rs, s.where(cond)) rs = s.copy() rs.where(cond, -s, inplace=True) assert_series_equal(rs, s.where(cond, -s)) def test_where_dups(self): # GH 4550 # where crashes with dups in index s1 = Series(list(range(3))) s2 = Series(list(range(3))) comb = pd.concat([s1, s2]) result = comb.where(comb < 2) expected = Series([0, 1, np.nan, 0, 1, np.nan], index=[0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) # GH 4548 # inplace updating not working with dups comb[comb < 1] = 5 expected = Series([5, 1, 2, 5, 1, 2], index=[0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2]) assert_series_equal(comb, expected) comb[comb < 2] += 10 expected = Series([5, 11, 2, 5, 11, 2], index=[0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2]) assert_series_equal(comb, expected) def test_where_datetime(self): s = Series(date_range('20130102', periods=2)) expected = Series([10, 10], dtype='datetime64[ns]') mask = np.array([False, False]) rs = s.where(mask, [10, 10]) assert_series_equal(rs, expected) rs = s.where(mask, 10) assert_series_equal(rs, expected) rs = s.where(mask, 10.0) assert_series_equal(rs, expected) rs = s.where(mask, [10.0, 10.0]) assert_series_equal(rs, expected) rs = s.where(mask, [10.0, np.nan]) expected = Series([10, None], dtype='datetime64[ns]') assert_series_equal(rs, expected) def test_where_timedelta(self): s = Series([1, 2], dtype='timedelta64[ns]') expected = Series([10, 10], dtype='timedelta64[ns]') mask = np.array([False, False]) rs = s.where(mask, [10, 10]) assert_series_equal(rs, expected) rs = s.where(mask, 10) assert_series_equal(rs, expected) rs = s.where(mask, 10.0) assert_series_equal(rs, expected) rs = s.where(mask, [10.0, 10.0]) assert_series_equal(rs, expected) rs = s.where(mask, [10.0, np.nan]) expected = Series([10, None], dtype='timedelta64[ns]') assert_series_equal(rs, expected) def test_mask(self): # compare with tested results in test_where s = Series(np.random.randn(5)) cond = s > 0 rs = s.where(~cond, np.nan) assert_series_equal(rs, s.mask(cond)) rs = s.where(~cond) rs2 = s.mask(cond) assert_series_equal(rs, rs2) rs = s.where(~cond, -s) rs2 = s.mask(cond, -s) assert_series_equal(rs, rs2) cond = Series([True, False, False, True, False], index=s.index) s2 = -(s.abs()) rs = s2.where(~cond[:3]) rs2 = s2.mask(cond[:3]) assert_series_equal(rs, rs2) rs = s2.where(~cond[:3], -s2) rs2 = s2.mask(cond[:3], -s2) assert_series_equal(rs, rs2) self.assertRaises(ValueError, s.mask, 1) self.assertRaises(ValueError, s.mask, cond[:3].values, -s) # dtype changes s = Series([1, 2, 3, 4]) result = s.mask(s > 2, np.nan) expected = Series([1, 2, np.nan, np.nan]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_mask_broadcast(self): # GH 8801 # copied from test_where_broadcast for size in range(2, 6): for selection in [ # First element should be set np.resize([True, False, False, False, False], size), # Set alternating elements] np.resize([True, False], size), # No element should be set np.resize([False], size)]: for item in [2.0, np.nan, np.finfo(np.float).max, np.finfo(np.float).min]: for arr in [np.array([item]), [item], (item, )]: data = np.arange(size, dtype=float) s = Series(data) result = s.mask(selection, arr) expected = Series([item if use_item else data[ i] for i, use_item in enumerate(selection)]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_mask_inplace(self): s = Series(np.random.randn(5)) cond = s > 0 rs = s.copy() rs.mask(cond, inplace=True) assert_series_equal(rs.dropna(), s[~cond]) assert_series_equal(rs, s.mask(cond)) rs = s.copy() rs.mask(cond, -s, inplace=True) assert_series_equal(rs, s.mask(cond, -s)) def test_ix_setitem(self): inds = self.series.index[[3, 4, 7]] result = self.series.copy() result.ix[inds] = 5 expected = self.series.copy() expected[[3, 4, 7]] = 5 assert_series_equal(result, expected) result.ix[5:10] = 10 expected[5:10] = 10 assert_series_equal(result, expected) # set slice with indices d1, d2 = self.series.index[[5, 15]] result.ix[d1:d2] = 6 expected[5:16] = 6 # because it's inclusive assert_series_equal(result, expected) # set index value self.series.ix[d1] = 4 self.series.ix[d2] = 6 self.assertEqual(self.series[d1], 4) self.assertEqual(self.series[d2], 6) def test_where_numeric_with_string(self): # GH 9280 s = pd.Series([1, 2, 3]) w = s.where(s > 1, 'X') self.assertFalse(is_integer(w[0])) self.assertTrue(is_integer(w[1])) self.assertTrue(is_integer(w[2])) self.assertTrue(isinstance(w[0], str)) self.assertTrue(w.dtype == 'object') w = s.where(s > 1, ['X', 'Y', 'Z']) self.assertFalse(is_integer(w[0])) self.assertTrue(is_integer(w[1])) self.assertTrue(is_integer(w[2])) self.assertTrue(isinstance(w[0], str)) self.assertTrue(w.dtype == 'object') w = s.where(s > 1, np.array(['X', 'Y', 'Z'])) self.assertFalse(is_integer(w[0])) self.assertTrue(is_integer(w[1])) self.assertTrue(is_integer(w[2])) self.assertTrue(isinstance(w[0], str)) self.assertTrue(w.dtype == 'object') def test_setitem_boolean(self): mask = self.series > self.series.median() # similiar indexed series result = self.series.copy() result[mask] = self.series * 2 expected = self.series * 2 assert_series_equal(result[mask], expected[mask]) # needs alignment result = self.series.copy() result[mask] = (self.series * 2)[0:5] expected = (self.series * 2)[0:5].reindex_like(self.series) expected[-mask] = self.series[mask] assert_series_equal(result[mask], expected[mask]) def test_ix_setitem_boolean(self): mask = self.series > self.series.median() result = self.series.copy() result.ix[mask] = 0 expected = self.series expected[mask] = 0 assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_ix_setitem_corner(self): inds = list(self.series.index[[5, 8, 12]]) self.series.ix[inds] = 5 self.assertRaises(Exception, self.series.ix.__setitem__, inds + ['foo'], 5) def test_get_set_boolean_different_order(self): ordered = self.series.sort_values() # setting copy = self.series.copy() copy[ordered > 0] = 0 expected = self.series.copy() expected[expected > 0] = 0 assert_series_equal(copy, expected) # getting sel = self.series[ordered > 0] exp = self.series[self.series > 0] assert_series_equal(sel, exp) def test_setitem_na(self): # these induce dtype changes expected = Series([np.nan, 3, np.nan, 5, np.nan, 7, np.nan, 9, np.nan]) s = Series([2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]) s[::2] = np.nan assert_series_equal(s, expected) # get's coerced to float, right? expected = Series([np.nan, 1, np.nan, 0]) s = Series([True, True, False, False]) s[::2] = np.nan assert_series_equal(s, expected) expected = Series([np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]) s = Series(np.arange(10)) s[:5] = np.nan assert_series_equal(s, expected) def test_basic_indexing(self): s = Series(np.random.randn(5), index=['a', 'b', 'a', 'a', 'b']) self.assertRaises(IndexError, s.__getitem__, 5) self.assertRaises(IndexError, s.__setitem__, 5, 0) self.assertRaises(KeyError, s.__getitem__, 'c') s = s.sort_index() self.assertRaises(IndexError, s.__getitem__, 5) self.assertRaises(IndexError, s.__setitem__, 5, 0) def test_int_indexing(self): s = Series(np.random.randn(6), index=[0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2]) self.assertRaises(KeyError, s.__getitem__, 5) self.assertRaises(KeyError, s.__getitem__, 'c') # not monotonic s = Series(np.random.randn(6), index=[2, 2, 0, 0, 1, 1]) self.assertRaises(KeyError, s.__getitem__, 5) self.assertRaises(KeyError, s.__getitem__, 'c') def test_datetime_indexing(self): from pandas import date_range index = date_range('1/1/2000', '1/7/2000') index = index.repeat(3) s = Series(len(index), index=index) stamp = Timestamp('1/8/2000') self.assertRaises(KeyError, s.__getitem__, stamp) s[stamp] = 0 self.assertEqual(s[stamp], 0) # not monotonic s = Series(len(index), index=index) s = s[::-1] self.assertRaises(KeyError, s.__getitem__, stamp) s[stamp] = 0 self.assertEqual(s[stamp], 0) def test_timedelta_assignment(self): # GH 8209 s = Series([]) s.loc['B'] = timedelta(1) tm.assert_series_equal(s, Series(Timedelta('1 days'), index=['B'])) s = s.reindex(s.index.insert(0, 'A')) tm.assert_series_equal(s, Series( [np.nan, Timedelta('1 days')], index=['A', 'B'])) result = s.fillna(timedelta(1)) expected = Series(Timedelta('1 days'), index=['A', 'B']) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) s.loc['A'] = timedelta(1) tm.assert_series_equal(s, expected) # GH 14155 s = Series(10 * [np.timedelta64(10, 'm')]) s.loc[[1, 2, 3]] = np.timedelta64(20, 'm') expected = pd.Series(10 * [np.timedelta64(10, 'm')]) expected.loc[[1, 2, 3]] = pd.Timedelta(np.timedelta64(20, 'm')) tm.assert_series_equal(s, expected) def test_underlying_data_conversion(self): # GH 4080 df = DataFrame(dict((c, [1, 2, 3]) for c in ['a', 'b', 'c'])) df.set_index(['a', 'b', 'c'], inplace=True) s = Series([1], index=[(2, 2, 2)]) df['val'] = 0 df df['val'].update(s) expected = DataFrame( dict(a=[1, 2, 3], b=[1, 2, 3], c=[1, 2, 3], val=[0, 1, 0])) expected.set_index(['a', 'b', 'c'], inplace=True) tm.assert_frame_equal(df, expected) # GH 3970 # these are chained assignments as well pd.set_option('chained_assignment', None) df = DataFrame({"aa": range(5), "bb": [2.2] * 5}) df["cc"] = 0.0 ck = [True] * len(df) df["bb"].iloc[0] = .13 # TODO: unused df_tmp = df.iloc[ck] # noqa df["bb"].iloc[0] = .15 self.assertEqual(df['bb'].iloc[0], 0.15) pd.set_option('chained_assignment', 'raise') # GH 3217 df = DataFrame(dict(a=[1, 3], b=[np.nan, 2])) df['c'] = np.nan df['c'].update(pd.Series(['foo'], index=[0])) expected = DataFrame(dict(a=[1, 3], b=[np.nan, 2], c=['foo', np.nan])) tm.assert_frame_equal(df, expected) def test_preserveRefs(self): seq = self.ts[[5, 10, 15]] seq[1] = np.NaN self.assertFalse(np.isnan(self.ts[10])) def test_drop(self): # unique s = Series([1, 2], index=['one', 'two']) expected = Series([1], index=['one']) result = s.drop(['two']) assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = s.drop('two', axis='rows') assert_series_equal(result, expected) # non-unique # GH 5248 s = Series([1, 1, 2], index=['one', 'two', 'one']) expected = Series([1, 2], index=['one', 'one']) result = s.drop(['two'], axis=0) assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = s.drop('two') assert_series_equal(result, expected) expected = Series([1], index=['two']) result = s.drop(['one']) assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = s.drop('one') assert_series_equal(result, expected) # single string/tuple-like s = Series(range(3), index=list('abc')) self.assertRaises(ValueError, s.drop, 'bc') self.assertRaises(ValueError, s.drop, ('a', )) # errors='ignore' s = Series(range(3), index=list('abc')) result = s.drop('bc', errors='ignore') assert_series_equal(result, s) result = s.drop(['a', 'd'], errors='ignore') expected = s.ix[1:] assert_series_equal(result, expected) # bad axis self.assertRaises(ValueError, s.drop, 'one', axis='columns') # GH 8522 s = Series([2, 3], index=[True, False]) self.assertTrue(s.index.is_object()) result = s.drop(True) expected = Series([3], index=[False]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_align(self): def _check_align(a, b, how='left', fill=None): aa, ab = a.align(b, join=how, fill_value=fill) join_index = a.index.join(b.index, how=how) if fill is not None: diff_a = aa.index.difference(join_index) diff_b = ab.index.difference(join_index) if len(diff_a) > 0: self.assertTrue((aa.reindex(diff_a) == fill).all()) if len(diff_b) > 0: self.assertTrue((ab.reindex(diff_b) == fill).all()) ea = a.reindex(join_index) eb = b.reindex(join_index) if fill is not None: ea = ea.fillna(fill) eb = eb.fillna(fill) assert_series_equal(aa, ea) assert_series_equal(ab, eb) self.assertEqual(, 'ts') self.assertEqual(, 'ts') self.assertEqual(, 'ts') self.assertEqual(, 'ts') for kind in JOIN_TYPES: _check_align(self.ts[2:], self.ts[:-5], how=kind) _check_align(self.ts[2:], self.ts[:-5], how=kind, fill=-1) # empty left _check_align(self.ts[:0], self.ts[:-5], how=kind) _check_align(self.ts[:0], self.ts[:-5], how=kind, fill=-1) # empty right _check_align(self.ts[:-5], self.ts[:0], how=kind) _check_align(self.ts[:-5], self.ts[:0], how=kind, fill=-1) # both empty _check_align(self.ts[:0], self.ts[:0], how=kind) _check_align(self.ts[:0], self.ts[:0], how=kind, fill=-1) def test_align_fill_method(self): def _check_align(a, b, how='left', method='pad', limit=None): aa, ab = a.align(b, join=how, method=method, limit=limit) join_index = a.index.join(b.index, how=how) ea = a.reindex(join_index) eb = b.reindex(join_index) ea = ea.fillna(method=method, limit=limit) eb = eb.fillna(method=method, limit=limit) assert_series_equal(aa, ea) assert_series_equal(ab, eb) for kind in JOIN_TYPES: for meth in ['pad', 'bfill']: _check_align(self.ts[2:], self.ts[:-5], how=kind, method=meth) _check_align(self.ts[2:], self.ts[:-5], how=kind, method=meth, limit=1) # empty left _check_align(self.ts[:0], self.ts[:-5], how=kind, method=meth) _check_align(self.ts[:0], self.ts[:-5], how=kind, method=meth, limit=1) # empty right _check_align(self.ts[:-5], self.ts[:0], how=kind, method=meth) _check_align(self.ts[:-5], self.ts[:0], how=kind, method=meth, limit=1) # both empty _check_align(self.ts[:0], self.ts[:0], how=kind, method=meth) _check_align(self.ts[:0], self.ts[:0], how=kind, method=meth, limit=1) def test_align_nocopy(self): b = self.ts[:5].copy() # do copy a = self.ts.copy() ra, _ = a.align(b, join='left') ra[:5] = 5 self.assertFalse((a[:5] == 5).any()) # do not copy a = self.ts.copy() ra, _ = a.align(b, join='left', copy=False) ra[:5] = 5 self.assertTrue((a[:5] == 5).all()) # do copy a = self.ts.copy() b = self.ts[:5].copy() _, rb = a.align(b, join='right') rb[:3] = 5 self.assertFalse((b[:3] == 5).any()) # do not copy a = self.ts.copy() b = self.ts[:5].copy() _, rb = a.align(b, join='right', copy=False) rb[:2] = 5 self.assertTrue((b[:2] == 5).all()) def test_align_sameindex(self): a, b = self.ts.align(self.ts, copy=False) self.assertIs(a.index, self.ts.index) self.assertIs(b.index, self.ts.index) # a, b = self.ts.align(self.ts, copy=True) # self.assertIsNot(a.index, self.ts.index) # self.assertIsNot(b.index, self.ts.index) def test_align_multiindex(self): # GH 10665 midx = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([range(2), range(3), range(2)], names=('a', 'b', 'c')) idx = pd.Index(range(2), name='b') s1 = pd.Series(np.arange(12, dtype='int64'), index=midx) s2 = pd.Series(np.arange(2, dtype='int64'), index=idx) # these must be the same results (but flipped) res1l, res1r = s1.align(s2, join='left') res2l, res2r = s2.align(s1, join='right') expl = s1 tm.assert_series_equal(expl, res1l) tm.assert_series_equal(expl, res2r) expr = pd.Series([0, 0, 1, 1, np.nan, np.nan] * 2, index=midx) tm.assert_series_equal(expr, res1r) tm.assert_series_equal(expr, res2l) res1l, res1r = s1.align(s2, join='right') res2l, res2r = s2.align(s1, join='left') exp_idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([range(2), range(2), range(2)], names=('a', 'b', 'c')) expl = pd.Series([0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9], index=exp_idx) tm.assert_series_equal(expl, res1l) tm.assert_series_equal(expl, res2r) expr = pd.Series([0, 0, 1, 1] * 2, index=exp_idx) tm.assert_series_equal(expr, res1r) tm.assert_series_equal(expr, res2l) def test_reindex(self): identity = self.series.reindex(self.series.index) # __array_interface__ is not defined for older numpies # and on some pythons try: self.assertTrue(np.may_share_memory(self.series.index, identity.index)) except (AttributeError): pass self.assertTrue(identity.index.is_(self.series.index)) self.assertTrue(identity.index.identical(self.series.index)) subIndex = self.series.index[10:20] subSeries = self.series.reindex(subIndex) for idx, val in compat.iteritems(subSeries): self.assertEqual(val, self.series[idx]) subIndex2 = self.ts.index[10:20] subTS = self.ts.reindex(subIndex2) for idx, val in compat.iteritems(subTS): self.assertEqual(val, self.ts[idx]) stuffSeries = self.ts.reindex(subIndex) self.assertTrue(np.isnan(stuffSeries).all()) # This is extremely important for the Cython code to not screw up nonContigIndex = self.ts.index[::2] subNonContig = self.ts.reindex(nonContigIndex) for idx, val in compat.iteritems(subNonContig): self.assertEqual(val, self.ts[idx]) # return a copy the same index here result = self.ts.reindex() self.assertFalse((result is self.ts)) def test_reindex_nan(self): ts = Series([2, 3, 5, 7], index=[1, 4, nan, 8]) i, j = [nan, 1, nan, 8, 4, nan], [2, 0, 2, 3, 1, 2] assert_series_equal(ts.reindex(i), ts.iloc[j]) ts.index = ts.index.astype('object') # reindex coerces index.dtype to float, loc/iloc doesn't assert_series_equal(ts.reindex(i), ts.iloc[j], check_index_type=False) def test_reindex_corner(self): # (don't forget to fix this) I think it's fixed self.empty.reindex(self.ts.index, method='pad') # it works # corner case: pad empty series reindexed = self.empty.reindex(self.ts.index, method='pad') # pass non-Index reindexed = self.ts.reindex(list(self.ts.index)) assert_series_equal(self.ts, reindexed) # bad fill method ts = self.ts[::2] self.assertRaises(Exception, ts.reindex, self.ts.index, method='foo') def test_reindex_pad(self): s = Series(np.arange(10), dtype='int64') s2 = s[::2] reindexed = s2.reindex(s.index, method='pad') reindexed2 = s2.reindex(s.index, method='ffill') assert_series_equal(reindexed, reindexed2) expected = Series([0, 0, 2, 2, 4, 4, 6, 6, 8, 8], index=np.arange(10)) assert_series_equal(reindexed, expected) # GH4604 s = Series([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']) new_index = ['a', 'g', 'c', 'f'] expected = Series([1, 1, 3, 3], index=new_index) # this changes dtype because the ffill happens after result = s.reindex(new_index).ffill() assert_series_equal(result, expected.astype('float64')) result = s.reindex(new_index).ffill(downcast='infer') assert_series_equal(result, expected) expected = Series([1, 5, 3, 5], index=new_index) result = s.reindex(new_index, method='ffill') assert_series_equal(result, expected) # inferrence of new dtype s = Series([True, False, False, True], index=list('abcd')) new_index = 'agc' result = s.reindex(list(new_index)).ffill() expected = Series([True, True, False], index=list(new_index)) assert_series_equal(result, expected) # GH4618 shifted series downcasting s = Series(False, index=lrange(0, 5)) result = s.shift(1).fillna(method='bfill') expected = Series(False, index=lrange(0, 5)) assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_reindex_nearest(self): s = Series(np.arange(10, dtype='int64')) target = [0.1, 0.9, 1.5, 2.0] actual = s.reindex(target, method='nearest') expected = Series(np.around(target).astype('int64'), target) assert_series_equal(expected, actual) actual = s.reindex_like(actual, method='nearest') assert_series_equal(expected, actual) actual = s.reindex_like(actual, method='nearest', tolerance=1) assert_series_equal(expected, actual) actual = s.reindex(target, method='nearest', tolerance=0.2) expected = Series([0, 1, np.nan, 2], target) assert_series_equal(expected, actual) def test_reindex_backfill(self): pass def test_reindex_int(self): ts = self.ts[::2] int_ts = Series(np.zeros(len(ts), dtype=int), index=ts.index) # this should work fine reindexed_int = int_ts.reindex(self.ts.index) # if NaNs introduced self.assertEqual(reindexed_int.dtype, np.float_) # NO NaNs introduced reindexed_int = int_ts.reindex(int_ts.index[::2]) self.assertEqual(reindexed_int.dtype, np.int_) def test_reindex_bool(self): # A series other than float, int, string, or object ts = self.ts[::2] bool_ts = Series(np.zeros(len(ts), dtype=bool), index=ts.index) # this should work fine reindexed_bool = bool_ts.reindex(self.ts.index) # if NaNs introduced self.assertEqual(reindexed_bool.dtype, np.object_) # NO NaNs introduced reindexed_bool = bool_ts.reindex(bool_ts.index[::2]) self.assertEqual(reindexed_bool.dtype, np.bool_) def test_reindex_bool_pad(self): # fail ts = self.ts[5:] bool_ts = Series(np.zeros(len(ts), dtype=bool), index=ts.index) filled_bool = bool_ts.reindex(self.ts.index, method='pad') self.assertTrue(isnull(filled_bool[:5]).all()) def test_reindex_like(self): other = self.ts[::2] assert_series_equal(self.ts.reindex(other.index), self.ts.reindex_like(other)) # GH 7179 day1 = datetime(2013, 3, 5) day2 = datetime(2013, 5, 5) day3 = datetime(2014, 3, 5) series1 = Series([5, None, None], [day1, day2, day3]) series2 = Series([None, None], [day1, day3]) result = series1.reindex_like(series2, method='pad') expected = Series([5, np.nan], index=[day1, day3]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_reindex_fill_value(self): # ----------------------------------------------------------- # floats floats = Series([1., 2., 3.]) result = floats.reindex([1, 2, 3]) expected = Series([2., 3., np.nan], index=[1, 2, 3]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = floats.reindex([1, 2, 3], fill_value=0) expected = Series([2., 3., 0], index=[1, 2, 3]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) # ----------------------------------------------------------- # ints ints = Series([1, 2, 3]) result = ints.reindex([1, 2, 3]) expected = Series([2., 3., np.nan], index=[1, 2, 3]) assert_series_equal(result, expected) # don't upcast result = ints.reindex([1, 2, 3], fill_value=0) expected = Series([2, 3, 0], index=[1, 2, 3]) self.assertTrue(issubclass(result.dtype.type, np.integer)) assert_series_equal(result, expected) # ----------------------------------------------------------- # objects objects = Series([1, 2, 3], dtype=object) result = objects.reindex([1, 2, 3]) expected = Series([2, 3, np.nan], index=[1, 2, 3], dtype=object) assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = objects.reindex([1, 2, 3], fill_value='foo') expected = Series([2, 3, 'foo'], index=[1, 2, 3], dtype=object) assert_series_equal(result, expected) # ------------------------------------------------------------ # bools bools = Series([True, False, True]) result = bools.reindex([1, 2, 3]) expected = Series([False, True, np.nan], index=[1, 2, 3], dtype=object) assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = bools.reindex([1, 2, 3], fill_value=False) expected =
Series([False, True, False], index=[1, 2, 3])
import numpy as np import pandas as pd def fetch_students(): ''' Fetches the two dataset csv files and merges it ''' student_mat = pd.read_csv("dataset/student-mat.csv") student_por = pd.read_csv("dataset/student-por.csv") students = pd.concat([student_mat, student_por]) return students def create_data_for_nn(students_dataframe): input_data = pd.DataFrame() output_data = pd.DataFrame() # Input data # Numerical # Age input_data['age'] = pd.Series( data=students_dataframe['age'].values, index=students_dataframe.index) # Absences count input_data['absences'] = pd.Series( data=students_dataframe['absences'].values, index=students_dataframe.index) # Family relationship status [bad to good -> 0-1] input_data['famrel'] = pd.Series( data=((students_dataframe['famrel'].values - 1) / 4), index=students_dataframe.index) # Health status [bad to good -> 0-1] input_data['health'] = pd.Series( data=((students_dataframe['health'].values - 1) / 4), index=students_dataframe.index) # Free time after school [0-1] input_data['freetime'] = pd.Series( data=((students_dataframe['freetime'].values - 1) / 4), index=students_dataframe.index) # Going out with friends [0-1] input_data['goout'] = pd.Series( data=((students_dataframe['goout'].values - 1) / 4), index=students_dataframe.index) # Travel time in minutes [0 to 60+ minutes -> 0 to 1] input_data['traveltime'] = pd.Series( data=((students_dataframe['traveltime'].values) / 4), index=students_dataframe.index) # Weekly study time in hours [0 to 10+ hours -> 0 to 1] input_data['studytime'] = pd.Series( data=((students_dataframe['studytime'].values) / 4), index=students_dataframe.index) # Number of past class failures [0 to 4+ failures -> 0 to 1] input_data['failures'] = pd.Series( data=((students_dataframe['failures'].values) / 4), index=students_dataframe.index) # School success [Bad to good -> 0-1] # Rounded average of the G1, G2 and G3 divided by 20 will be used as school success from 0 to 1 input_data['success'] = pd.Series(data=(students_dataframe['G1'] + students_dataframe['G2'] + students_dataframe['G3']) / 3 / 20, index=students_dataframe.index) # Mother education status # [None, Primary education (4th grade), 5th to 9th grade, Secondary education, Higher education] input_data['Medu_none'] = pd.Series(data=0, index=students_dataframe.index) input_data['Medu_primary'] = pd.Series( data=0, index=students_dataframe.index) input_data['Medu_fivenine'] = pd.Series( data=0, index=students_dataframe.index) input_data['Medu_secondary'] = pd.Series( data=0, index=students_dataframe.index) input_data['Medu_higher'] = pd.Series( data=0, index=students_dataframe.index) input_data.loc[students_dataframe['Medu'] == 0, 'Medu_none'] = 1 input_data.loc[students_dataframe['Medu'] == 1, 'Medu_primary'] = 1 input_data.loc[students_dataframe['Medu'] == 2, 'Medu_fivenine'] = 1 input_data.loc[students_dataframe['Medu'] == 3, 'Medu_secondary'] = 1 input_data.loc[students_dataframe['Medu'] == 4, 'Medu_higher'] = 1 # Father education status # [None, Primary education (4th grade), 5th to 9th grade, Secondary education, Higher education] input_data['Fedu_none'] = pd.Series(data=0, index=students_dataframe.index) input_data['Fedu_primary'] = pd.Series( data=0, index=students_dataframe.index) input_data['Fedu_fivenine'] = pd.Series( data=0, index=students_dataframe.index) input_data['Fedu_secondary'] = pd.Series( data=0, index=students_dataframe.index) input_data['Fedu_higher'] = pd.Series( data=0, index=students_dataframe.index) input_data.loc[students_dataframe['Fedu'] == 0, 'Fedu_none'] = 1 input_data.loc[students_dataframe['Fedu'] == 1, 'Fedu_primary'] = 1 input_data.loc[students_dataframe['Fedu'] == 2, 'Fedu_fivenine'] = 1 input_data.loc[students_dataframe['Fedu'] == 3, 'Fedu_secondary'] = 1 input_data.loc[students_dataframe['Fedu'] == 4, 'Fedu_higher'] = 1 # Mother's job # [Teacher, Health care related, Civil services, At home, Other] input_data['Mjob_teacher'] = pd.Series( data=0, index=students_dataframe.index) input_data['Mjob_health'] = pd.Series( data=0, index=students_dataframe.index) input_data['Mjob_civilser'] = pd.Series( data=0, index=students_dataframe.index) input_data['Mjob_athome'] = pd.Series( data=0, index=students_dataframe.index) input_data['Mjob_other'] = pd.Series( data=0, index=students_dataframe.index) input_data.loc[students_dataframe['Mjob'] == 'teacher', 'Mjob_teacher'] = 1 input_data.loc[students_dataframe['Mjob'] == 'health', 'Mjob_health'] = 1 input_data.loc[students_dataframe['Mjob'] == 'services', 'Mjob_civilser'] = 1 input_data.loc[students_dataframe['Mjob'] == 'at_home', 'Mjob_athome'] = 1 input_data.loc[students_dataframe['Mjob'] == 'other', 'Mjob_other'] = 1 # Father's job # [Teacher, Health care related, Civil services, At home, Other] input_data['Fjob_teacher'] = pd.Series( data=0, index=students_dataframe.index) input_data['Fjob_health'] = pd.Series( data=0, index=students_dataframe.index) input_data['Fjob_civilser'] = pd.Series( data=0, index=students_dataframe.index) input_data['Fjob_athome'] = pd.Series( data=0, index=students_dataframe.index) input_data['Fjob_other'] = pd.Series( data=0, index=students_dataframe.index) input_data.loc[students_dataframe['Fjob'] == 'teacher', 'Fjob_teacher'] = 1 input_data.loc[students_dataframe['Fjob'] == 'health', 'Fjob_health'] = 1 input_data.loc[students_dataframe['Fjob'] == 'services', 'Fjob_civilser'] = 1 input_data.loc[students_dataframe['Fjob'] == 'at_home', 'Fjob_athome'] = 1 input_data.loc[students_dataframe['Fjob'] == 'other', 'Fjob_other'] = 1 # Reason to chose this school # [ Close to home, School reputation, Course preference, Other ] input_data['reason_closehome'] = pd.Series( data=0, index=students_dataframe.index) input_data['reason_rep'] = pd.Series( data=0, index=students_dataframe.index) input_data['reason_pref'] = pd.Series( data=0, index=students_dataframe.index) input_data['reason_other'] = pd.Series( data=0, index=students_dataframe.index) input_data.loc[students_dataframe['reason'] == 'home', 'reason_closehome'] = 1 input_data.loc[students_dataframe['reason'] == 'reputation', 'reason_rep'] = 1 input_data.loc[students_dataframe['reason'] == 'course', 'reason_pref'] = 1 input_data.loc[students_dataframe['reason'] == 'other', 'reason_other'] = 1 # One hot # Sex [M(Male) = 0, F(Female) = 1] input_data['sex'] = pd.Series(data=0, index=students_dataframe.index) input_data.loc[students_dataframe['sex'] == 'F', 'sex'] = 1 # Address [R(Rural) = 0, U(Urban) = 1] input_data['address'] =
pd.Series(data=0, index=students_dataframe.index)
""" This module will include the guessing advantage implementation. """ from math import log, exp, sqrt, inf from statistics import median import time from enum import Enum from statsmodels.distributions.empirical_distribution import ECDF import multiprocessing as mp # import swifter import numpy as np import pandas as pd from itertools import repeat import os import glob import pickle import gc from scipy.stats import laplace # import amun.multiprocessing_helper_functions # import concurrent.futures import math class AggregateType(Enum): SUM = 1 AVG = 2 MIN = 3 MAX = 4 FREQ= 5 def calculate_epsilon_from_delta(dfg, delta): # we will eventually have different epsilons for frequency and for time # we can output two epsilons, or have two different functions # in any case, it is safe to take the minimum of these epsilons if DP interface takes only one # for frequencies, we have r = 1 r = 1 # need to learn how to compute these things from dfg format # for times, we need to compute r as the maximum possible time between two subsequent events # we can get even better results if: # 1) we have event log instead of dfg # 2) we compute a diffrent epsilon for different edges of dfg # r = .... p = (1 - delta) / 2 epsilon = - log(p / (1 - p) * (1 / (delta + p) - 1)) / log(exp(1)) * (1 / r) return epsilon def calculate_epsilon_freq(dfg, delta): sens = 1.0 p = (1.0 - delta) / 2.0 R_ij = 1.0 # from the discussion with Alisa epsilon = - log(p / (1.0 - p) * (1.0 / (delta + p) - 1)) / log(exp(1.0)) * (1.0 / R_ij) return epsilon, sens def calculate_epsilon_time(dfg, delta, precision, aggregate_type): epsilon = {} sens = 1 n = 1 # length of the database """ calculating sensitivity based on type of aggregate""" if aggregate_type == AggregateType.AVG: sens = 1 / n elif aggregate_type == AggregateType.MAX or aggregate_type == AggregateType.MIN or aggregate_type == AggregateType.SUM: sens = 1 else: assert "Wrong aggregate type" """************parallel by edge******************""" p = mp.Pool(mp.cpu_count()) result = p.starmap(calculate_epsilon_per_pair, zip(dfg.values(), repeat(delta), repeat(precision))) p.close() p.join() epsilon = dict(zip(list(dfg.keys()), result)) return epsilon, sens def calculate_epsilon_time_parallel(dfg, delta, precision, aggregate_type): epsilon = {} sens = 1 n = 1 # length of the database """ calculating sensitivity based on type of aggregate""" if aggregate_type == AggregateType.AVG: sens = 1 / n elif aggregate_type == AggregateType.MAX or aggregate_type == AggregateType.MIN or aggregate_type == AggregateType.SUM: sens = 1 else: assert "Wrong aggregate type" """************parallel by edge******************""" p = mp.Pool(mp.cpu_count()) result = p.starmap(calculate_epsilon_per_pair_parallel, zip(dfg.values(), repeat(delta), repeat(precision))) epsilon = dict(zip(list(dfg.keys()), list(result))) p.close() p.join() return epsilon, sens def calculate_epsilon_per_pair(values, delta, precision): # values = [0.0, 0.2, .4, .6, .7, 10, 20, 100, 400, 500, 1000, 2000] values =list(map(abs, values)) values = sorted(values) R_ij = max(values) epsilons = [] r_ij = R_ij * precision cdf = ECDF(values) epsilon = inf flag = 1 prev = values[0] for i in values: if i != prev: flag = 0 prev = i if not flag: for t_k in values: p_k = calculate_cdf(cdf, t_k + r_ij) - calculate_cdf(cdf, t_k - r_ij) # covering the case with risk less than or equal 1-p_k if not (round(1 - p_k, 2) <= delta): # the round is for very small differences, like 0.050000000000000044 eps = - log(p_k / (1.0 - p_k) * (1.0 / (delta + p_k) - 1.0)) / log(exp(1.0)) * (1.0 / R_ij) # eps= -(log( (1-p_k)/p_k * (1/(delta*p_k) -1) )) /(R_ij) epsilons.append(eps) else: epsilons.append(inf) if len(epsilons) > 0: epsilon = min(epsilons) else: # fix the ECDF when all the values are equal. # after the discussion, we decided to let the user know about that issue and maybe has can handle it on his own. # epsilon=-inf epsilon = inf return epsilon def calculate_epsilon_per_pair_parallel(values, delta, precision): # values = [0.0, 0.2, .4, .6, .7, 10, 20, 100, 400, 500, 1000, 2000] values =list(map(abs, values)) values = sorted(values) R_ij = max(values) epsilons = [] r_ij = R_ij * precision cdf = ECDF(values) epsilon = inf flag = 1 prev = values[0] for i in values: if i != prev: flag = 0 prev = i if not flag: for t_k in values: p_k = calculate_cdf(cdf, t_k + r_ij) - calculate_cdf(cdf, t_k - r_ij) # covering the case with risk less than or equal 1-p_k if not (round(1 - p_k, 2) <= delta): # the round is for very small differences, like 0.050000000000000044 eps = - log(p_k / (1.0 - p_k) * (1.0 / (delta + p_k) - 1.0)) / log(exp(1.0)) * (1.0 / R_ij) epsilons.append(eps) else: epsilons.append(inf) if len(epsilons) > 0: epsilon = min(epsilons) else: # fix the ECDF when all the values are equal. # after the discussion, we decided to let the user know about that issue and maybe has can handle it on his own. # epsilon=-inf epsilon = inf return epsilon def calculate_epsilon_from_distance_time(dfg_time, distance, precision, aggregate_type=AggregateType.SUM): beta = 0.05 # reflect the new equation of delta for the time per time instance. Then take the maximum delta from all the instances. sens_time = 1 """ calculating sensitivity based on type of aggregate""" if aggregate_type == AggregateType.AVG: sens_time = 1 / len(dfg_time[0]) elif aggregate_type == AggregateType.MAX or aggregate_type == AggregateType.MIN or aggregate_type == AggregateType.SUM: sens_time = 1 else: assert "Wrong aggregate type" # calculate epsilon # the equation to be calculated per instance first as p is different from frequency. epsilon_time = sens_time / distance * log(1 / beta) # Calculate delta ( the risk) from guessing advantage equation delta_time = [] delta_dfg = {} for x in dfg_time.keys(): delta_edge = [] R_ij = max(dfg_time[x]) r_ij = R_ij * precision # fix the case of time is fixed flag = 1 prev = dfg_time[x][0] current = dfg_time[x] for t_k in dfg_time[x]: # fix the case of time is fixed if t_k != prev: flag = 0 prev = t_k cdf = ECDF(dfg_time[x]) # p_k is calculated for every instance. cdf1 = calculate_cdf(cdf, t_k + r_ij) cdf2 = calculate_cdf(cdf, t_k - r_ij) p_k = cdf1 - cdf2 # current_delta = p_k*( 1/( (1-p_k) * exp(-R_ij * epsilon_time) +p_k) -1) current_delta = (p_k / ((1 - p_k) * exp(-R_ij * epsilon_time) + p_k)) - p_k # eps = - log(p_k / (1.0 - p_k) * (1.0 / (current_delta + p_k) - 1.0)) / log(exp(1.0)) * (1.0 / R_ij) # we append the deltas and take the maximum delta out of them # if current_delta != float.nan: delta_edge.append(current_delta) if current_delta != 0: delta_time.append(current_delta) delta_dfg[x] = max(delta_edge) if len(delta_time) > 0: delta_time = median(delta_time) delta_time = median(delta_dfg.values()) return epsilon_time, delta_time, delta_dfg def calculate_cdf(cdf, val): cur_idx = 0 for idx, i in enumerate(cdf.x[:-1]): if val > i: cur_idx += 1 if val < cdf.x[idx + 1]: cur_idx -= 1 break return cdf.y[cur_idx] def calculate_epsilon_from_distance_time_percentage_distance(dfg_time, distance, precision, aggregate_type=AggregateType.SUM): beta = 0.05 # reflect the new equation of delta for the time per time instance. Then take the maximum delta from all the # instances. sens_time = 1 """ calculating sensitivity based on type of aggregate""" if aggregate_type == AggregateType.AVG: sens_time = 1 / len(dfg_time.keys()) elif aggregate_type == AggregateType.MAX or aggregate_type == AggregateType.MIN or aggregate_type == AggregateType.SUM: sens_time = 1 else: assert "Wrong aggregate type" # m is the number of edges m = len(dfg_time.keys()) # calculating R among all the edges R = 0 for x in dfg_time.keys(): R = R + max(dfg_time[x]) # Calculate delta ( the risk) from guessing advantage equation delta_time = [] delta_dfg = {} epsilon_time = {} delta_per_event=[] """************parallel by edge******************""" """ Current slurm Bottleneck""" p = mp.Pool(mp.cpu_count()) result = p.starmap(epsilon_time_from_distance, zip(dfg_time.values(), repeat(aggregate_type), repeat(beta), repeat(distance), repeat(precision), repeat(sens_time))) p.close() p.join() delta_dfg = dict(zip(list(dfg_time.keys()), [x[0] for x in result])) keys = list(dfg_time.keys()) for idx, res in enumerate(result): delta_edge, delta_per_event_inner, delta_time_inner, epsilon_time_inner = res key = keys[idx] epsilon_time[key] = epsilon_time_inner delta_time = delta_time + delta_time_inner delta_per_event_inner = list(map(lambda i: [key, i], delta_per_event_inner)) delta_per_event = delta_per_event + delta_per_event_inner delta_dfg[key] = max(delta_edge) if len(delta_time) > 0: delta_time = max(delta_time) delta_time = median(delta_dfg.values()) return epsilon_time, delta_time, delta_dfg, delta_per_event def epsilon_time_from_distance(dfg_time_inner, aggregate_type, beta, distance, precision, sens_time): delta_time_inner = [] delta_edge = [] delta_per_event = [] R_ij = max(dfg_time_inner) r_ij = R_ij * precision accurate_result = 0 # calculating the accurate result if aggregate_type == AggregateType.AVG: accurate_result = sum(dfg_time_inner) * 1.0 / len(dfg_time_inner) elif aggregate_type == AggregateType.SUM: accurate_result = sum(dfg_time_inner) * 1.0 elif aggregate_type == AggregateType.MIN: accurate_result = min(dfg_time_inner) * 1.0 elif aggregate_type == AggregateType.MAX: accurate_result = max(dfg_time_inner) * 1.0 # in case of the time is instant, we set epsilon to avoid the error of division by zero if accurate_result == 0: epsilon_time_ij = 1 else: distance_ij = accurate_result * distance # hence distance is between 0 and 1 # calculate epsilon epsilon_time_ij = sens_time / distance_ij * log(1 / beta) epsilon_time_inner = epsilon_time_ij # fix the case of time is fixed flag = 1 prev = dfg_time_inner[0] current = dfg_time_inner for t_k in dfg_time_inner: # fix the case of time is fixed if t_k != prev: flag = 0 prev = t_k cdf = ECDF(dfg_time_inner) # p_k is calculated for every instance. cdf1 = calculate_cdf(cdf, t_k + r_ij) cdf2 = calculate_cdf(cdf, t_k - r_ij) p_k = cdf1 - cdf2 # current_delta = p_k*( 1/( (1-p_k) * exp(-R_ij * epsilon_time) +p_k) -1) current_delta = (p_k / ((1 - p_k) * exp(-R_ij * epsilon_time_ij) + p_k)) - p_k # eps = - log(p_k / (1.0 - p_k) * (1.0 / (current_delta + p_k) - 1.0)) / log(exp(1.0)) * (1.0 / R_ij) # we append the deltas and take the maximum delta out of them # if current_delta != float.nan: delta_edge.append(current_delta) # delta_per_event.append([x, current_delta]) delta_per_event.append(current_delta) # *****************!!!!!!!!!!!! changed if current_delta != 0: delta_time_inner.append(current_delta) return delta_edge, delta_per_event, delta_time_inner, epsilon_time_inner def calculate_epsilon_from_distance_freq_percentage_distances(dfg_freq, distance_percentage): beta = 0.01 sens_freq = 1 # for frequencies, we have r = 1 r_freq = 1 delta_dfg = {} epsilon_dfg = {} p = mp.Pool(mp.cpu_count()) result = p.starmap(epsilon_freq_from_distance, zip(dfg_freq.values(), repeat(beta), repeat(distance_percentage), repeat(sens_freq))) p.close() p.join() delta_dfg = dict(zip(list(dfg_freq.keys()), [x[0] for x in result])) epsilon_dfg = dict(zip(list(dfg_freq.keys()), [x[1] for x in result])) delta_freq = max(list(delta_dfg.values())) return epsilon_dfg, delta_dfg, delta_freq def epsilon_freq_from_distance(dfg_freq_inner, beta, distance_percentage, sens_freq): distance = distance_percentage * dfg_freq_inner epsilon_freq = sens_freq / distance * log(1 / beta) epsilon_dfg_inner = epsilon_freq # Calculate delta ( the risk) from guessing advantage equation # the following equation is validated by calculations delta_freq = (1 - sqrt(exp(- epsilon_freq))) / (1 + sqrt(exp(- epsilon_freq))) return delta_freq, epsilon_dfg_inner def calculate_cdf_vectorized(data): cdf, val=data.relative_time_ecdf,data.val_plus cur_idx = 0 for idx, i in enumerate(cdf.x[:-1]): if val > i: cur_idx += 1 if val < cdf.x[idx + 1]: cur_idx -= 1 break return cdf.y[cur_idx] def estimate_epsilon_risk_vectorized(data, delta, precision,tmp_dir): # NOTE: in the current version, there are no fixed time values. # Becuase the starting time now is being anonymized. data_state_max = data.groupby('state').relative_time.max() data_state_max['state'] = data_state_max.index # data= pd.merge(data, data_cdf, on=['state'], suffixes=("","_ecdf")) data = pd.merge(data, data_state_max, on=['state'], suffixes=("", "_max")) #calculate cdfs in vectorized manner data['r_ij']=data['relative_time_max']*precision data['val_plus']=data['relative_time'] + data['r_ij'] data['val_minus'] = data['relative_time'] - data['r_ij'] data.drop(['r_ij'], inplace=True, axis=1) # data['cdf_plus']=np.vectorize(calculate_cdf)(data.relative_time_ecdf,data.val_plus) # data['cdf_minus'] = np.vectorize(calculate_cdf)(data.relative_time_ecdf, data.val_minus) #optimize calculate cdf function """ CDF calculation using pandas """ # data['cdf_plus'] = data[['relative_time_ecdf','val_plus']].swifter.apply(lambda x: calculate_cdf(x.relative_time_ecdf,x.val_plus),axis=1) # data['cdf_minus'] = data[['relative_time_ecdf', 'val_minus']].swifter.apply( # lambda x: calculate_cdf(x.relative_time_ecdf, x.val_minus), axis=1) #state, relative_time stats_df = data.groupby(['state', 'relative_time'])['relative_time'].agg('count').pipe(pd.DataFrame).rename( columns={'relative_time': 'frequency'}) # PDF stats_df['pdf'] = stats_df['frequency'] / stats_df.groupby(['state']).frequency.sum() # CDF stats_df['cdf'] = stats_df['pdf'].groupby(['state']).cumsum() stats_df = stats_df.reset_index() stats_df.drop(['pdf'], inplace=True, axis=1) #the plus_and_minus works like a value lookup plus_and_minus=data.groupby(['state', 'relative_time','val_plus','val_minus']).state.agg('count').pipe(pd.DataFrame)\ .drop('state',axis=1)\ .reset_index() #calculating CDF of the value + r_ij # temp = stats_df[['state', 'relative_time', 'cdf']].merge(plus_and_minus[['state', 'val_plus']], how='cross', # suffixes=("", "_right")) # temp = temp.loc[ # (temp.state == temp.state_right) & (temp.val_plus >= temp.relative_time), ['state','relative_time', 'val_plus', 'cdf']]\ # .groupby(['state', 'val_plus']).cdf.max().reset_index() stats_df=stats_df[['state', 'relative_time', 'cdf']] # print("fix memory part") #fixing memory issues data.to_pickle('data.p') del(data) # stats_df.to_pickle('stats_df.p') """ ********* Performing chunking join **********""" # we use chunks to avoid running out of memory for large event logs # stats_df.to_csv('stats_df.csv',index=False, header=True, float_format='%.15f', compression='gzip', encoding='utf-8') # stats_df_cols=stats_df.columns chunk_size=10000 # number of states per chunk #the problem is the first state all cases go through it. no_of_chunks, max_large_state=partitioning_df(stats_df,plus_and_minus,tmp_dir,chunk_size) # print("Partitioning Done") del(stats_df) del(plus_and_minus) gc.collect() chunck_join(no_of_chunks,max_large_state,tmp_dir) # del(plus_and_minus) #loading data back from hard disk data=pd.read_pickle('data.p') #appending cdf cdf=append_cdf(tmp_dir,1) # add the first cdf values to the dataframe data = data.merge(cdf, how='left', on=['state', 'relative_time'], suffixes=("", "_right")) data.drop(['val_plus'], inplace=True, axis=1) del(cdf) #appending cdf2 cdf2=append_cdf(tmp_dir,2) # add the values to the dataframe data = data.merge(cdf2, how='left', on=['state', 'relative_time'], suffixes=("", "_right")) del(cdf2) # the minimum value of each distirubtion drops due to the condition "temp.val_minus >= temp.relative_time" # to fix that, we perform left join and replace the nans with zeros which means that the CDF of a value that is lower than # the minimum is zero data.cdf_minus=data.cdf_minus.fillna(0) # and the maximum is 1 data.cdf_plus = data.cdf_plus.fillna(1) # print("Second CDF done") # data= data.merge(cdf, how='left', on=['state','relative_time'], suffixes=("","_right")) # print(cdf[['state','relative_time']]) # print(data.loc[data.cdf_plus.isna(), ['state','relative_time']]) # data['cdf_minus'] = data[['relative_time_ecdf', 'val_minus']].swifter.apply(calculate_cdf_vectorized,axis=1) #calculate p_k in a vectorized manner data['p_k'] = data.cdf_plus - data.cdf_minus #calculate epsilon in a vectorized manner # data['eps'] = - np.log(data.p_k / (1.0 - data.p_k) * (1.0 / (delta + data.p_k) - 1.0))/ log(exp(1.0))* (1.0 / data.relative_time_max) data['eps'] = - np.log(data.p_k / (1.0 - data.p_k) * (1.0 / (delta + data.p_k) - 1.0)) data['eps']=data['eps']/ log(exp(1.0)) data['eps'] = data['eps']* (1.0 / data.relative_time_max.replace(0,-inf)) #drop unused columns data.drop(['p_k','cdf_plus','cdf_minus','val_minus','relative_time_max'], inplace=True, axis=1) # data.drop('case:concept:name_linker',inplace=True,axis=1) # data['eps'] = data.swifter.apply( # lambda x: estimate_epsilon_risk_dataframe(x['relative_time'], x['relative_time_ecdf'], x['relative_time_max'], # delta, precision), axis=1) return data def get_noise_case_variant(delta): p=(1-delta)/2.0 eps=- np.log(p / (1.0 - p) * (1.0 / (delta + p) - 1.0)) sens_time = 1 noise = laplace.rvs(loc=0, scale=sens_time / eps, size=1)[0] noise = int(math.ceil(abs(noise))) print("case variant noise: %s"%(noise)) return noise,eps def normalize_relative_time(data): if data['relative_time_min']==data['relative_time_max']: #return 1 in case of equal values, that will help to extract the noise value later return 1 return (data['relative_time']-data['relative_time_min'])/(data['relative_time_max']-data['relative_time_min']) def match_vals(row, cumsum): # cdf=float(cumsum[cumsum.index==row['relative_time']]) #cdf plus # val_plus= row['relative_time']+precision # group_cdf=cumsum.loc[(row['prev_state'], row['concept:name'], row['state']),['relative_time','cdf']] group_cdf = cumsum.loc[(row['prev_state'], row['concept:name'], row['state']),['cdf']] # t1 = group_cdf.loc[group_cdf.index <= row['val_plus']] # cdf_plus=float(t1.iloc[-1][0]) if row['val_plus']>=1: cdf_plus=1.0 else: cdf_plus=group_cdf.loc[group_cdf.index <= row['val_plus']] cdf_plus = float(cdf_plus.iloc[-1][0]) # cdf_plus=float(group_cdf[group_cdf.relative_time <= row['val_plus']].cdf.max()) #cdf minus # val_minus = row['relative_time'] - precision if row['val_minus'] <= 0: cdf_minus = 0.0 else: # query=group_cdf[group_cdf.relative_time <= row['val_minus']] query=group_cdf.loc[group_cdf.index <= row['val_minus']] if query.shape[0]==0: #in case the val_minus is lower than the minimum value but greater than zero cdf_minus=0 else: cdf_minus = float(query.iloc[-1][0]) # cdf_minus = float(query.cdf.max()) # if cdf_minus==nan: # cdf_minus===0 return [ cdf_plus, cdf_minus] def estimate_epsilon_risk_vectorized_with_normalization(data,mode, delta, tmp_dir): # NOTE: in the current version, there are no fixed time values. # Becuase the starting time now is being anonymized. # We estimate the min and max values for the normalization data['relative_time_max'] = data.groupby(['prev_state','concept:name','state'])['relative_time'].transform('max') data['relative_time_min'] = data.groupby(['prev_state','concept:name','state'])['relative_time'].transform('min') # perform normalization (scaling the values between 0 and 1, we use min max method data['relative_time_original']=data['relative_time'] data['relative_time']= data[['relative_time','relative_time_min', 'relative_time_max']].apply(normalize_relative_time, axis=1) data=estimate_P_k(data, delta,tmp_dir) #calculate epsilon in a vectorized manner # handle p_k+delta >1 if mode=='filtering': """**************** Filtering ****************""" '''delete records with prior knowledge + delta >=1''' # cases_to_delete = data.loc[data.p_k==1]['case:concept:name'].unique() cases_to_delete = data.loc[data.p_k+delta >= 1]['case:concept:name'].unique() #if the resulted event log is empty filter only p_k==1 # this case happens only in the Credit Requirement. if data['case:concept:name'].unique().shape[0]== cases_to_delete.shape[0]: cases_to_delete = data.loc[data.p_k == 1]['case:concept:name'].unique() data = data[~data['case:concept:name'].isin(cases_to_delete)] data = data.reset_index(drop=True) data = estimate_P_k(data, delta, tmp_dir) """******************************************""" data['eps'] =data.apply(epsilon_vectorized_internal,delta=delta, axis=1) #drop unused columns # we keep the max and min to denormalize the values data.drop([ 'cdf_plus', 'cdf_minus', 'val_minus','val_plus'], inplace=True, axis=1) return data def estimate_P_k(data, delta,tmp_dir): # calculate cdfs in vectorized manner """for the normalized input, the r_ij equals 1""" # The range became +/- precision as r_ij =1 # data['val_plus']=data['relative_time'] + precision # data['val_minus'] = data['relative_time'] - precision """Estimate precision as one per unit time""" # precision = 10 * 1 *(data['relative_time_max'] - data['relative_time_min'])/ ( # data['relative_time_max'] - data['relative_time_min'])**2 # within 10 minutes and time unit is in minutes # #nans happens when max=min # precision = precision.fillna(0) data['precision'] = 10 * 1* (data['relative_time_max'] - data['relative_time_min']) / (data['relative_time_max'] - data['relative_time_min'])**2 data.precision = data.precision.fillna(0) # precision >max becomes 1 data['precision'].loc[data.precision > 1] = 1 # normalize precision # precision = (precision - data['relative_time_min']) / (data['relative_time_max'] - data['relative_time_min']) # precision = (precision ) / (data['relative_time_max'] - data['relative_time_min']) data['val_plus'] = data['relative_time'] + data['precision'] data['val_plus']=data.val_plus.replace(inf,1) data['val_plus'].loc[data.val_plus > 1] = 1 data['val_minus'] = data['relative_time'] - data['precision'] data['val_minus'] = data.val_minus.replace(-inf, 0) data['val_minus'].loc[data.val_minus<0]=0 # #no cdf below zero, so we replace -ve values with zeros # # no cdf greater than 1, so we replace values >1 with 1 # optimize calculate cdf function # start partitioning here data=estimate_CDF_paritioned(data, tmp_dir) # calculate p_k in a vectorized manner data['p_k'] = 0 # adding a fix to the case of fixed distrubtion data['p_k'] = data.apply(estimate_P_k_vectorized, delta=delta, axis=1) data.drop('original_index',inplace=True, axis=1) return data def estimate_CDF_paritioned(data, tmp_dir, chunk_size = 1000): """ the first state for large files is very large. We split the first state in a separate file. Then all the other states are splitted into several files. """ # stats_df.to_csv('stats_df.csv', index=False, header=True, float_format='%.15f', compression='gzip', # encoding='utf-8') data=data.reset_index() data=data.rename(columns={'index': 'original_index'}) data.to_pickle(os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'data_df_all')) no_of_chunks, max_large_state = partition_eventlog(chunk_size, data, tmp_dir) del data # iterate over every partition cdf_plus, cdf_minus=estimate_CDF_with_partitioning(no_of_chunks, max_large_state, tmp_dir) # read data back from the pickle file data=pd.read_pickle(os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'data_df_all')) data['cdf_plus'] = cdf_plus data['cdf_minus'] = cdf_minus # return len(list(range(0, unique_states.shape[0], chunk_size))) #number of chunks return data # number of chunks , max largest state def partition_eventlog(chunk_size, data, tmp_dir): large_state_size=1000 data.sort_values(['prev_state', 'concept:name', 'state'], ascending=True, inplace=True) # unique_states = stats_df.state.unique() # unique_states = data.groupby(['prev_state', 'concept:name', 'state']).size().reset_index().rename( # columns={0: 'count'}).drop('count', axis=1) unique_states = data.groupby(['prev_state', 'concept:name', 'state']).original_index.apply(list) large_states = data.groupby(['prev_state', 'concept:name', 'state']).relative_time.count() # separating large states from the others small_states = list(large_states.loc[large_states <= large_state_size].index) large_states = large_states.reset_index().rename(columns={'relative_time': 'counts'}) large_states = large_states[large_states.counts > large_state_size].reset_index() unique_states = unique_states.loc[small_states] # unique_states = unique_states.reset_index() # unique_states = unique_states.loc[small_states] unique_states=unique_states.reset_index() # ['prev_state', 'concept:name', 'state'] curr_dir = os.getcwd() idx = 0 """large state separately""" for index, row in large_states.iterrows(): res = data.loc[(data.state == row['state']) & (data.prev_state == row['prev_state']) & ( data['concept:name'] == row['concept:name']), :] res.to_pickle(os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'data_df_%s' % (idx))) # row_id = unique_states.index[ # (unique_states.state == row['state']) & (unique_states.prev_state == row['prev_state']) & ( # unique_states['concept:name'] == row['concept:name'])].tolist()[0] # unique_states.drop(row_id, axis=0, inplace=True) idx += 1 """ splitting other states regularly""" max_index_of_large_states = idx # print("partition of large states is %s"%(max_index_of_large_states-1)) for i in range(0, unique_states.shape[0], chunk_size): # print("Current Chunck is: %s" % (i)) current_states = unique_states.loc[i:i + chunk_size-1,'original_index'] current_states = current_states.apply(pd.Series).stack().reset_index(drop=True) # res = stats_df.loc[stats_df.state.isin(current_states), :] # res = data.iloc[current_states.index] current_states = current_states.astype('int32') res = data.loc[current_states] # res = data.iloc[current_states] res.to_pickle(os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'data_df_%s' % (idx))) # plus_and_minus.loc[plus_and_minus.state.isin(current_states), :]\ # .to_pickle(os.path.join( tmp_dir,'plus_and_minus_%s'%(idx))) idx += 1 return idx, max_index_of_large_states def estimate_CDF_with_partitioning(num_of_chunks, max_large_state, tmp_dir): cdf_plus_combined=pd.Series() cdf_minus_combined = pd.Series() cdf_plus_lst=[] for i in range(0,num_of_chunks): data=pd.read_pickle(os.path.join( tmp_dir, 'data_df_%s' % (i))) data=data[['original_index','prev_state', 'concept:name', 'state', 'relative_time','val_plus','val_minus']] #the first state is large, so we separate it from the others if i<max_large_state: #single state partitions cdf_minus, cdf_plus = estimate_CDF_per_partition_single_transition(data) # print("*") # chunk_merge_plus_single_large_state(stats_df,plus_and_minus,i,tmp_dir) else: #multiple states partitions cdf_minus, cdf_plus = estimate_CDF_per_partition(data) # chunk_merge_plus(stats_df,plus_and_minus,i,tmp_dir) # store the cdf and keep the same index as the the orignial data cdf_plus_combined= cdf_plus_combined.append(cdf_plus) cdf_minus_combined= cdf_minus_combined.append(cdf_minus) cdf_plus_lst.append(cdf_plus) return cdf_plus_combined, cdf_minus_combined def estimate_CDF_per_partition(data): stats_df = data.groupby(['prev_state', 'concept:name', 'state', 'relative_time'])['relative_time'].agg( 'count').pipe(pd.DataFrame).rename( columns={'relative_time': 'frequency'}) # PDF stats_df['pdf'] = stats_df['frequency'] / stats_df.groupby(['prev_state', 'concept:name', 'state']).frequency.sum() """ CDF plus""" stats_df['cdf'] = stats_df['pdf'].groupby(['prev_state', 'concept:name', 'state']).cumsum() temp = data[['prev_state', 'concept:name', 'state', 'relative_time', 'val_plus']] stats_df = stats_df[['cdf']] stats_df = stats_df.reset_index() temp = temp.merge(stats_df, how='inner', on=['prev_state', 'concept:name', 'state'], suffixes=("", "_right")) temp = temp.loc[temp.val_plus >= temp.relative_time_right] temp = temp.groupby(['prev_state', 'concept:name', 'state', 'relative_time', 'val_plus']).cdf.max().reset_index() #reseting the data index to keep it the same after merge data=data.reset_index() t_join = data.merge(temp, on=['prev_state', 'concept:name', 'state', 'relative_time'], how='left') #reindexing the t_join dataframe with the original data index t_join=t_join.set_index('index') cdf_plus = t_join.cdf """CDF minus""" temp = data[['prev_state', 'concept:name', 'state', 'relative_time', 'val_minus']] temp = temp.merge(stats_df, how='inner', on=['prev_state', 'concept:name', 'state'], suffixes=("", "_right")) # negative values temp.loc[temp.val_minus < 0, 'val_minus'] = 0 temp = temp.loc[temp.val_minus >= temp.relative_time_right] temp = temp.groupby(['prev_state', 'concept:name', 'state', 'relative_time', 'val_minus']).cdf.max().reset_index() #reseting the data index to keep it the same after merge data=data.reset_index() t_join = data.merge(temp, on=['prev_state', 'concept:name', 'state', 'relative_time'], how='left') # reindexing the t_join dataframe with the original data index t_join = t_join.set_index('index') cdf_minus = t_join.cdf cdf_minus = cdf_minus.fillna(0) return cdf_minus, cdf_plus # def estimate_CDF_per_partition_single_transition(data): # stats_df = data.groupby(['prev_state', 'concept:name', 'state', 'relative_time'])['relative_time'].agg( # 'count').pipe(pd.DataFrame).rename( # columns={'relative_time': 'frequency'}) # # stats_df = data.groupby(['relative_time'])['relative_time'].agg( # # 'count').pipe(pd.DataFrame).rename( # # columns={'relative_time': 'frequency'}) # # PDF # stats_df['pdf'] = stats_df['frequency'] / stats_df.groupby(['prev_state', 'concept:name', 'state']).frequency.sum() # # stats_df['pdf'] = stats_df['frequency'] / stats_df.frequency.sum() # """ CDF plus""" # # stats_df['cdf'] = stats_df['pdf'].groupby(['prev_state', 'concept:name', 'state']).cumsum() # stats_df['cdf'] = stats_df['pdf'].cumsum() # # temp = data[['prev_state', 'concept:name', 'state', 'relative_time', 'val_plus']] # stats_df = stats_df[['cdf']] # stats_df = stats_df.reset_index() # # # fix the below error (memory) # temp = temp.merge(stats_df, how='inner', on=['prev_state', 'concept:name', 'state'], # suffixes=("", "_right")) # temp = temp.loc[temp.val_plus >= temp.relative_time_right] # temp = temp.groupby(['prev_state', 'concept:name', 'state', 'relative_time', 'val_plus']).cdf.max().reset_index() # # #reseting the data index to keep it the same after merge # data=data.reset_index() # t_join = data.merge(temp, on=['prev_state', 'concept:name', 'state', 'relative_time'], how='left') # #reindexing the t_join dataframe with the original data index # t_join=t_join.set_index('index') # # cdf_plus = t_join.cdf # # """CDF minus""" # temp = data[['prev_state', 'concept:name', 'state', 'relative_time', 'val_minus']] # temp = temp.merge(stats_df, how='inner', on=['prev_state', 'concept:name', 'state'], # suffixes=("", "_right")) # # negative values # temp.loc[temp.val_minus < 0, 'val_minus'] = 0 # temp = temp.loc[temp.val_minus >= temp.relative_time_right] # temp = temp.groupby(['prev_state', 'concept:name', 'state', 'relative_time', 'val_minus']).cdf.max().reset_index() # # #reseting the data index to keep it the same after merge # data=data.reset_index() # # t_join = data.merge(temp, on=['prev_state', 'concept:name', 'state', 'relative_time'], how='left') # # # reindexing the t_join dataframe with the original data index # t_join = t_join.set_index('index') # # cdf_minus = t_join.cdf # cdf_minus = cdf_minus.fillna(0) # # return cdf_minus, cdf_plus def estimate_CDF_per_partition_single_transition(data): #here we don't need to group by 'prev_state', 'concept:name', 'state' stats_df = data.groupby(['prev_state', 'concept:name', 'state', 'relative_time'])['relative_time'].agg( 'count').pipe(pd.DataFrame).rename( columns={'relative_time': 'frequency'}) # PDF stats_df['pdf'] = stats_df['frequency'] / stats_df.groupby(['prev_state', 'concept:name', 'state']).frequency.sum() stats_df['cdf'] = stats_df['pdf'].groupby(['prev_state', 'concept:name', 'state']).cumsum() stats_df = stats_df[['cdf']] stats_df = stats_df.reset_index() cdf_plus = cdf_plus_single_state(data, stats_df) cdf_minus = cdf_minus_single_state(data, stats_df) return cdf_minus, cdf_plus def cdf_minus_single_state(data, stats_df): """CDF minus""" temp = data[['original_index','prev_state', 'concept:name', 'state', 'relative_time', 'val_minus']] # negative values temp.loc[temp.val_minus < 0, 'val_minus'] = 0 #todo: replicate the above. # temp = temp.merge(stats_df, how='inner', on=['prev_state', 'concept:name', 'state'], # suffixes=("", "_right")) # temp = temp.loc[temp.val_minus >= temp.relative_time_right] stats_df.state = stats_df.state.astype('int32') stats_df.prev_state = stats_df.prev_state.astype('int32') temp.sort_values('val_minus', inplace=True) stats_df.sort_values('relative_time', inplace=True) temp = pd.merge_asof(temp, stats_df, left_on='val_minus', right_on='relative_time', # by=['prev_state', 'concept:name', 'state', 'relative_time'], # direction="backward", tolerance=None, suffixes=("", "_right")) temp = temp.groupby(['prev_state', 'concept:name', 'state', 'relative_time', 'val_minus']).cdf.max().reset_index() # reseting the data index to keep it the same after merge data = data.reset_index() t_join = data.merge(temp, on=['prev_state', 'concept:name', 'state', 'relative_time'], how='left') # reindexing the t_join dataframe with the original data index t_join = t_join.set_index('original_index') cdf_minus = t_join.cdf cdf_minus = cdf_minus.fillna(0) return cdf_minus def cdf_plus_single_state(data, stats_df): """ CDF plus""" temp = data[['original_index','prev_state', 'concept:name', 'state', 'relative_time', 'val_plus']] # TODO: reduce the size used by the following merge # temp = temp.merge(stats_df, how='inner', on=['prev_state', 'concept:name', 'state'], # suffixes=("", "_right")) # temp = temp.loc[temp.val_plus >= temp.relative_time_right] stats_df.state = stats_df.state.astype('int32') stats_df.prev_state = stats_df.prev_state.astype('int32') temp.sort_values('val_plus', inplace=True) stats_df.sort_values('relative_time', inplace=True) temp=pd.merge_asof(temp,stats_df,left_on='val_plus', right_on='relative_time', #by=['prev_state', 'concept:name', 'state', 'relative_time'], # direction="backward", tolerance=None, suffixes=("", "_right")) temp = temp.groupby(['prev_state', 'concept:name', 'state', 'relative_time', 'val_plus']).cdf.max().reset_index() # reseting the data index to keep it the same after merge data = data.reset_index() t_join = data.merge(temp, on=['prev_state', 'concept:name', 'state', 'relative_time'], how='left') # reindexing the t_join dataframe with the original data index t_join = t_join.set_index('original_index') cdf_plus = t_join.cdf return cdf_plus def estimate_P_k_vectorized(data,delta): if data.relative_time_max==data.relative_time_min: #in case of fixed distribution, use the worst case scenario return (1-delta)/2 elif data.prev_state==0: #start time return 0 return data.cdf_plus - data.cdf_minus def epsilon_vectorized_internal(data, delta): if data.p_k+delta >=1: #in case p_k+delta>1, set epsilon = 0.5 return 0.7 if data.p_k==0: #in case of cdf_plus == cdf_minus, the epsilon will be inf # we set epsilon to 10 at that case. return 10 # r =1 because of normalization return (- np.log(data.p_k / (1.0 - data.p_k) * (1.0 / (delta + data.p_k) - 1.0))) def partitioning_df(stats_df,plus_and_minus,tmp_dir,chunk_size = 1000): """ the first state for large files is very large. We split the first state in a separate file. Then all the other states are splitted into several files. """ # stats_df.to_csv('stats_df.csv', index=False, header=True, float_format='%.15f', compression='gzip', # encoding='utf-8') stats_df.sort_values(['prev_state','concept:name','state'], ascending=True, inplace=True) plus_and_minus.sort_values(['prev_state','concept:name','state'], ascending=True, inplace=True) # unique_states = stats_df.state.unique() unique_states = stats_df.groupby(['prev_state','concept:name','state']).size().reset_index().rename(columns={0:'count'}).drop('count',axis=1) large_states=stats_df.groupby(['prev_state','concept:name','state']).relative_time.count() #separating large states from the others large_states=large_states[large_states>1000].reset_index() #['prev_state', 'concept:name', 'state'] curr_dir = os.getcwd() idx=0 """large state separately""" for index,row in large_states.iterrows(): res = stats_df.loc[(stats_df.state==row['state']) & (stats_df.prev_state==row['prev_state']) & (stats_df['concept:name']==row['concept:name']), :] res.to_pickle(os.path.join( tmp_dir, 'stats_df_%s' % (idx))) plus_and_minus.loc[ (plus_and_minus.state==row['state']) & (plus_and_minus.prev_state==row['prev_state']) & (plus_and_minus['concept:name']==row['concept:name']), :] \ .to_pickle(os.path.join( tmp_dir, 'plus_and_minus_%s' % (idx))) # unique_states=unique_states[unique_states!=current_state] row_id=unique_states.index[ (unique_states.state==row['state'] )& (unique_states.prev_state==row['prev_state']) & (unique_states['concept:name']==row['concept:name'])].tolist()[0] unique_states.drop(row_id, axis=0,inplace=True) idx += 1 """ splitting other states regularly""" max_index_of_large_states=idx # print("partition of large states is %s"%(max_index_of_large_states-1)) for i in range(0, unique_states.shape[0], chunk_size): # print("Current Chunck is: %s" % (i)) current_states = unique_states[i:i + chunk_size] # res = stats_df.loc[stats_df.state.isin(current_states), :] res = stats_df.iloc[current_states.index] res.to_pickle(os.path.join( tmp_dir,'stats_df_%s'%(idx))) # plus_and_minus.loc[plus_and_minus.state.isin(current_states), :]\ # .to_pickle(os.path.join( tmp_dir,'plus_and_minus_%s'%(idx))) plus_and_minus.iloc[current_states.index] \ .to_pickle(os.path.join( tmp_dir, 'plus_and_minus_%s' % (idx))) idx+=1 # return len(list(range(0, unique_states.shape[0], chunk_size))) #number of chunks return idx , max_index_of_large_states # number of chunks , max largest state def append_cdf(tmp_dir,num=1): cdf_name=0 if num==1: cdf_name='cdf_*' else: cdf_name='cdf2_*' curr_dir = os.getcwd() # dir_path=os.path.join( tmp_dir,cdf_name) list_of_files = glob.glob(os.path.join( tmp_dir,cdf_name)) cdf=[] for i in list_of_files: with open(i,'rb') as handle: cdf.append(pickle.load(handle)) cdf=
from wf_core_data_dashboard import core import wf_core_data import mefs_utils import pandas as pd import inflection import urllib.parse import os def generate_mefs_table_data( test_events_path, student_info_path, student_assignments_path ): test_events = pd.read_pickle(test_events_path) student_info = pd.read_pickle(student_info_path) student_assignments = pd.read_pickle(student_assignments_path) students = mefs_utils.summarize_by_student( test_events=test_events, student_info=student_info, student_assignments=student_assignments ) groups = mefs_utils.summarize_by_group( students=students, grouping_variables=[ 'school_year', 'group_name_mefs' ] ) return students, groups def groups_page_html( groups, school_year=None, group_name_mefs=None, title=None, subtitle=None, include_details_link=True ): if title is None: title = 'MEFS results' if subtitle is None: subtitle = ':'.join(filter( lambda x: x is not None, [ school_year, group_name_mefs ] )).replace('/', ':') table_html = groups_table_html( groups, school_year=school_year, group_name_mefs=group_name_mefs, include_details_link=include_details_link ) template = core.get_template("groups_table.html") return template.render( title=title, subtitle=subtitle, table_html=table_html ) def students_page_html( students, school_year=None, group_name_mefs=None, title=None, subtitle=None ): if title is None: title = 'MEFS results' if subtitle is None: subtitle = ':'.join(filter( lambda x: x is not None, [ school_year, group_name_mefs ] )).replace('/', ':') table_html = students_table_html( students=students, school_year=school_year, group_name_mefs=group_name_mefs ) template = core.get_template("students_table.html") return template.render( title=title, subtitle=subtitle, table_html=table_html ) def groups_table_html( groups, school_year=None, group_name_mefs=None, include_details_link=True ): groups = groups.copy() groups['mean_ending_total_score_sem_range'] = groups.apply( lambda row: '{:.1f} &ndash; {:.1f}'.format( row['mean_ending_total_score'] - row['mean_ending_total_score_sem'], row['mean_ending_total_score'] + row['mean_ending_total_score_sem'], ) if not pd.isna(row['mean_ending_total_score']) and not pd.isna(row['mean_ending_total_score_sem']) else '', axis=1 ) groups['mean_total_score_growth_sem_range'] = groups.apply( lambda row: '{:+.1f} &ndash; {:+.1f}'.format( row['mean_total_score_growth'] - row['mean_total_score_growth_sem'], row['mean_total_score_growth'] + row['mean_total_score_growth_sem'], ) if not pd.isna(row['mean_total_score_growth']) and not pd.isna(row['mean_total_score_growth_sem']) else '', axis=1 ) groups['mean_total_score_growth_per_school_year_sem_range'] = groups.apply( lambda row: '{:+.1f} &ndash; {:+.1f}'.format( row['mean_total_score_growth_per_school_year'] - row['mean_total_score_growth_per_school_year_sem'], row['mean_total_score_growth_per_school_year'] + row['mean_total_score_growth_per_school_year_sem'], ) if not pd.isna(row['mean_total_score_growth_per_school_year']) and not pd.isna(row['mean_total_score_growth_per_school_year_sem']) else '', axis=1 ) groups['mean_ending_percentile_sem_range'] = groups.apply( lambda row: '{:.1f} &ndash; {:.1f}'.format( row['mean_ending_percentile'] - row['mean_ending_percentile_sem'], row['mean_ending_percentile'] + row['mean_ending_percentile_sem'], ) if not pd.isna(row['mean_ending_percentile']) and not pd.isna(row['mean_ending_percentile_sem']) else '', axis=1 ) groups['mean_percentile_growth_sem_range'] = groups.apply( lambda row: '{:+.1f} &ndash; {:+.1f}'.format( row['mean_percentile_growth'] - row['mean_percentile_growth_sem'], row['mean_percentile_growth'] + row['mean_percentile_growth_sem'], ) if not pd.isna(row['mean_percentile_growth']) and not pd.isna(row['mean_percentile_growth_sem']) else '', axis=1 ) groups['mean_percentile_growth_per_school_year_sem_range'] = groups.apply( lambda row: '{:+.1f} &ndash; {:+.1f}'.format( row['mean_percentile_growth_per_school_year'] - row['mean_percentile_growth_per_school_year_sem'], row['mean_percentile_growth_per_school_year'] + row['mean_percentile_growth_per_school_year_sem'], ) if not pd.isna(row['mean_percentile_growth_per_school_year']) and not pd.isna(row['mean_percentile_growth_per_school_year_sem']) else '', axis=1 ) groups['mean_ending_total_score'] = groups['mean_ending_total_score'].apply( lambda x: '{:.1f}'.format(x) if not pd.isna(x) else '' ) groups['ending_total_score_sd'] = groups['ending_total_score_sd'].apply( lambda x: '{:.1f}'.format(x) if not pd.isna(x) else '' ) groups['mean_ending_total_score_sem'] = groups['mean_ending_total_score_sem'].apply( lambda x: '{:.1f}'.format(x) if not pd.isna(x) else '' ) groups['mean_ending_percentile'] = groups['mean_ending_percentile'].apply( lambda x: '{:.1f}'.format(x) if not pd.isna(x) else '' ) groups['ending_percentile_sd'] = groups['ending_percentile_sd'].apply( lambda x: '{:.1f}'.format(x) if not pd.isna(x) else '' ) groups['mean_ending_percentile_sem'] = groups['mean_ending_percentile_sem'].apply( lambda x: '{:.1f}'.format(x) if not pd.isna(x) else '' ) groups['mean_total_score_growth'] = groups['mean_total_score_growth'].apply( lambda x: '{:+.1f}'.format(x) if not pd.isna(x) else '' ) groups['total_score_growth_sd'] = groups['total_score_growth_sd'].apply( lambda x: '{:.1f}'.format(x) if not pd.isna(x) else '' ) groups['mean_total_score_growth_sem'] = groups['mean_total_score_growth_sem'].apply( lambda x: '{:.1f}'.format(x) if not pd.isna(x) else '' ) groups['mean_total_score_growth_per_school_year'] = groups['mean_total_score_growth_per_school_year'].apply( lambda x: '{:+.1f}'.format(x) if not pd.isna(x) else '' ) groups['total_score_growth_per_school_year_sd'] = groups['total_score_growth_per_school_year_sd'].apply( lambda x: '{:.1f}'.format(x) if not pd.isna(x) else '' ) groups['mean_total_score_growth_per_school_year_sem'] = groups['mean_total_score_growth_per_school_year_sem'].apply( lambda x: '{:.1f}'.format(x) if not pd.isna(x) else '' ) groups['mean_percentile_growth'] = groups['mean_percentile_growth'].apply( lambda x: '{:+.1f}'.format(x) if not pd.isna(x) else '' ) groups['percentile_growth_sd'] = groups['percentile_growth_sd'].apply( lambda x: '{:.1f}'.format(x) if not pd.isna(x) else '' ) groups['mean_percentile_growth_sem'] = groups['mean_percentile_growth_sem'].apply( lambda x: '{:.1f}'.format(x) if not pd.isna(x) else '' ) groups['mean_percentile_growth_per_school_year'] = groups['mean_percentile_growth_per_school_year'].apply( lambda x: '{:+.1f}'.format(x) if not
# Arithmetic tests for DataFrame/Series/Index/Array classes that should # behave identically. # Specifically for datetime64 and datetime64tz dtypes from datetime import ( datetime, time, timedelta, ) from itertools import ( product, starmap, ) import operator import warnings import numpy as np import pytest import pytz from pandas._libs.tslibs.conversion import localize_pydatetime from pandas._libs.tslibs.offsets import shift_months from pandas.errors import PerformanceWarning import pandas as pd from pandas import ( DateOffset, DatetimeIndex, NaT, Period, Series, Timedelta, TimedeltaIndex, Timestamp, date_range, ) import pandas._testing as tm from pandas.core.arrays import ( DatetimeArray, TimedeltaArray, ) from pandas.core.ops import roperator from pandas.tests.arithmetic.common import ( assert_cannot_add, assert_invalid_addsub_type, assert_invalid_comparison, get_upcast_box, ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Comparisons class TestDatetime64ArrayLikeComparisons: # Comparison tests for datetime64 vectors fully parametrized over # DataFrame/Series/DatetimeIndex/DatetimeArray. Ideally all comparison # tests will eventually end up here. def test_compare_zerodim(self, tz_naive_fixture, box_with_array): # Test comparison with zero-dimensional array is unboxed tz = tz_naive_fixture box = box_with_array dti = date_range("20130101", periods=3, tz=tz) other = np.array(dti.to_numpy()[0]) dtarr = tm.box_expected(dti, box) xbox = get_upcast_box(dtarr, other, True) result = dtarr <= other expected = np.array([True, False, False]) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, xbox) tm.assert_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "other", [ "foo", -1, 99, 4.0, object(), timedelta(days=2), # GH#19800, GH#19301 comparison raises to # match DatetimeIndex/Timestamp. This also matches the behavior # of stdlib datetime.datetime datetime(2001, 1, 1).date(), # GH#19301 None and NaN are *not* cast to NaT for comparisons None, np.nan, ], ) def test_dt64arr_cmp_scalar_invalid(self, other, tz_naive_fixture, box_with_array): # GH#22074, GH#15966 tz = tz_naive_fixture rng = date_range("1/1/2000", periods=10, tz=tz) dtarr = tm.box_expected(rng, box_with_array) assert_invalid_comparison(dtarr, other, box_with_array) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "other", [ # GH#4968 invalid date/int comparisons list(range(10)), np.arange(10), np.arange(10).astype(np.float32), np.arange(10).astype(object), pd.timedelta_range("1ns", periods=10).array, np.array(pd.timedelta_range("1ns", periods=10)), list(pd.timedelta_range("1ns", periods=10)), pd.timedelta_range("1 Day", periods=10).astype(object), pd.period_range("1971-01-01", freq="D", periods=10).array, pd.period_range("1971-01-01", freq="D", periods=10).astype(object), ], ) def test_dt64arr_cmp_arraylike_invalid( self, other, tz_naive_fixture, box_with_array ): tz = tz_naive_fixture dta = date_range("1970-01-01", freq="ns", periods=10, tz=tz)._data obj = tm.box_expected(dta, box_with_array) assert_invalid_comparison(obj, other, box_with_array) def test_dt64arr_cmp_mixed_invalid(self, tz_naive_fixture): tz = tz_naive_fixture dta = date_range("1970-01-01", freq="h", periods=5, tz=tz)._data other = np.array([0, 1, 2, dta[3], Timedelta(days=1)]) result = dta == other expected = np.array([False, False, False, True, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = dta != other tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, ~expected) msg = "Invalid comparison between|Cannot compare type|not supported between" with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): dta < other with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): dta > other with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): dta <= other with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): dta >= other def test_dt64arr_nat_comparison(self, tz_naive_fixture, box_with_array): # GH#22242, GH#22163 DataFrame considered NaT == ts incorrectly tz = tz_naive_fixture box = box_with_array ts = Timestamp("2021-01-01", tz=tz) ser = Series([ts, NaT]) obj = tm.box_expected(ser, box) xbox = get_upcast_box(obj, ts, True) expected = Series([True, False], dtype=np.bool_) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, xbox) result = obj == ts tm.assert_equal(result, expected) class TestDatetime64SeriesComparison: # TODO: moved from tests.series.test_operators; needs cleanup @pytest.mark.parametrize( "pair", [ ( [Timestamp("2011-01-01"), NaT, Timestamp("2011-01-03")], [NaT, NaT, Timestamp("2011-01-03")], ), ( [Timedelta("1 days"), NaT, Timedelta("3 days")], [NaT, NaT, Timedelta("3 days")], ), ( [Period("2011-01", freq="M"), NaT, Period("2011-03", freq="M")], [NaT, NaT, Period("2011-03", freq="M")], ), ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("reverse", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [None, object]) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "op, expected", [ (operator.eq, Series([False, False, True])), (, Series([True, True, False])), (, Series([False, False, False])), (, Series([False, False, False])), (, Series([False, False, True])), (operator.le, Series([False, False, True])), ], ) def test_nat_comparisons( self, dtype, index_or_series, reverse, pair, op, expected, ): box = index_or_series l, r = pair if reverse: # add lhs / rhs switched data l, r = r, l left = Series(l, dtype=dtype) right = box(r, dtype=dtype) result = op(left, right) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "data", [ [Timestamp("2011-01-01"), NaT, Timestamp("2011-01-03")], [Timedelta("1 days"), NaT, Timedelta("3 days")], [Period("2011-01", freq="M"), NaT, Period("2011-03", freq="M")], ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [None, object]) def test_nat_comparisons_scalar(self, dtype, data, box_with_array): box = box_with_array left = Series(data, dtype=dtype) left = tm.box_expected(left, box) xbox = get_upcast_box(left, NaT, True) expected = [False, False, False] expected = tm.box_expected(expected, xbox) if box is pd.array and dtype is object: expected = pd.array(expected, dtype="bool") tm.assert_equal(left == NaT, expected) tm.assert_equal(NaT == left, expected) expected = [True, True, True] expected = tm.box_expected(expected, xbox) if box is pd.array and dtype is object: expected = pd.array(expected, dtype="bool") tm.assert_equal(left != NaT, expected) tm.assert_equal(NaT != left, expected) expected = [False, False, False] expected = tm.box_expected(expected, xbox) if box is pd.array and dtype is object: expected = pd.array(expected, dtype="bool") tm.assert_equal(left < NaT, expected) tm.assert_equal(NaT > left, expected) tm.assert_equal(left <= NaT, expected) tm.assert_equal(NaT >= left, expected) tm.assert_equal(left > NaT, expected) tm.assert_equal(NaT < left, expected) tm.assert_equal(left >= NaT, expected) tm.assert_equal(NaT <= left, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize("val", [datetime(2000, 1, 4), datetime(2000, 1, 5)]) def test_series_comparison_scalars(self, val): series = Series(date_range("1/1/2000", periods=10)) result = series > val expected = Series([x > val for x in series]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "left,right", [("lt", "gt"), ("le", "ge"), ("eq", "eq"), ("ne", "ne")] ) def test_timestamp_compare_series(self, left, right): # see gh-4982 # Make sure we can compare Timestamps on the right AND left hand side. ser = Series(date_range("20010101", periods=10), name="dates") s_nat = ser.copy(deep=True) ser[0] = Timestamp("nat") ser[3] = Timestamp("nat") left_f = getattr(operator, left) right_f = getattr(operator, right) # No NaT expected = left_f(ser, Timestamp("20010109")) result = right_f(Timestamp("20010109"), ser) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) # NaT expected = left_f(ser, Timestamp("nat")) result = right_f(Timestamp("nat"), ser) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) # Compare to Timestamp with series containing NaT expected = left_f(s_nat, Timestamp("20010109")) result = right_f(Timestamp("20010109"), s_nat) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) # Compare to NaT with series containing NaT expected = left_f(s_nat, NaT) result = right_f(NaT, s_nat) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_dt64arr_timestamp_equality(self, box_with_array): # GH#11034 ser = Series([Timestamp("2000-01-29 01:59:00"), Timestamp("2000-01-30"), NaT]) ser = tm.box_expected(ser, box_with_array) xbox = get_upcast_box(ser, ser, True) result = ser != ser expected = tm.box_expected([False, False, True], xbox) tm.assert_equal(result, expected) warn = FutureWarning if box_with_array is pd.DataFrame else None with tm.assert_produces_warning(warn): # alignment for frame vs series comparisons deprecated result = ser != ser[0] expected = tm.box_expected([False, True, True], xbox) tm.assert_equal(result, expected) with tm.assert_produces_warning(warn): # alignment for frame vs series comparisons deprecated result = ser != ser[2] expected = tm.box_expected([True, True, True], xbox) tm.assert_equal(result, expected) result = ser == ser expected = tm.box_expected([True, True, False], xbox) tm.assert_equal(result, expected) with tm.assert_produces_warning(warn): # alignment for frame vs series comparisons deprecated result = ser == ser[0] expected = tm.box_expected([True, False, False], xbox) tm.assert_equal(result, expected) with tm.assert_produces_warning(warn): # alignment for frame vs series comparisons deprecated result = ser == ser[2] expected = tm.box_expected([False, False, False], xbox) tm.assert_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "datetimelike", [ Timestamp("20130101"), datetime(2013, 1, 1), np.datetime64("2013-01-01T00:00", "ns"), ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "op,expected", [ (, [True, False, False, False]), (operator.le, [True, True, False, False]), (operator.eq, [False, True, False, False]), (, [False, False, False, True]), ], ) def test_dt64_compare_datetime_scalar(self, datetimelike, op, expected): # GH#17965, test for ability to compare datetime64[ns] columns # to datetimelike ser = Series( [ Timestamp("20120101"), Timestamp("20130101"), np.nan, Timestamp("20130103"), ], name="A", ) result = op(ser, datetimelike) expected = Series(expected, name="A") tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) class TestDatetimeIndexComparisons: # TODO: moved from tests.indexes.test_base; parametrize and de-duplicate def test_comparators(self, comparison_op): index = tm.makeDateIndex(100) element = index[len(index) // 2] element = Timestamp(element).to_datetime64() arr = np.array(index) arr_result = comparison_op(arr, element) index_result = comparison_op(index, element) assert isinstance(index_result, np.ndarray) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(arr_result, index_result) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "other", [datetime(2016, 1, 1), Timestamp("2016-01-01"), np.datetime64("2016-01-01")], ) def test_dti_cmp_datetimelike(self, other, tz_naive_fixture): tz = tz_naive_fixture dti = date_range("2016-01-01", periods=2, tz=tz) if tz is not None: if isinstance(other, np.datetime64): # no tzaware version available return other = localize_pydatetime(other, dti.tzinfo) result = dti == other expected = np.array([True, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = dti > other expected = np.array([False, True]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = dti >= other expected = np.array([True, True]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = dti < other expected = np.array([False, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = dti <= other expected = np.array([True, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", [None, object]) def test_dti_cmp_nat(self, dtype, box_with_array): left = DatetimeIndex([Timestamp("2011-01-01"), NaT, Timestamp("2011-01-03")]) right = DatetimeIndex([NaT, NaT, Timestamp("2011-01-03")]) left = tm.box_expected(left, box_with_array) right = tm.box_expected(right, box_with_array) xbox = get_upcast_box(left, right, True) lhs, rhs = left, right if dtype is object: lhs, rhs = left.astype(object), right.astype(object) result = rhs == lhs expected = np.array([False, False, True]) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, xbox) tm.assert_equal(result, expected) result = lhs != rhs expected = np.array([True, True, False]) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, xbox) tm.assert_equal(result, expected) expected = np.array([False, False, False]) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, xbox) tm.assert_equal(lhs == NaT, expected) tm.assert_equal(NaT == rhs, expected) expected = np.array([True, True, True]) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, xbox) tm.assert_equal(lhs != NaT, expected) tm.assert_equal(NaT != lhs, expected) expected = np.array([False, False, False]) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, xbox) tm.assert_equal(lhs < NaT, expected) tm.assert_equal(NaT > lhs, expected) def test_dti_cmp_nat_behaves_like_float_cmp_nan(self): fidx1 = pd.Index([1.0, np.nan, 3.0, np.nan, 5.0, 7.0]) fidx2 = pd.Index([2.0, 3.0, np.nan, np.nan, 6.0, 7.0]) didx1 = DatetimeIndex( ["2014-01-01", NaT, "2014-03-01", NaT, "2014-05-01", "2014-07-01"] ) didx2 = DatetimeIndex( ["2014-02-01", "2014-03-01", NaT, NaT, "2014-06-01", "2014-07-01"] ) darr = np.array( [ np.datetime64("2014-02-01 00:00"), np.datetime64("2014-03-01 00:00"), np.datetime64("nat"), np.datetime64("nat"), np.datetime64("2014-06-01 00:00"), np.datetime64("2014-07-01 00:00"), ] ) cases = [(fidx1, fidx2), (didx1, didx2), (didx1, darr)] # Check pd.NaT is handles as the same as np.nan with tm.assert_produces_warning(None): for idx1, idx2 in cases: result = idx1 < idx2 expected = np.array([True, False, False, False, True, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = idx2 > idx1 expected = np.array([True, False, False, False, True, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = idx1 <= idx2 expected = np.array([True, False, False, False, True, True]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = idx2 >= idx1 expected = np.array([True, False, False, False, True, True]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = idx1 == idx2 expected = np.array([False, False, False, False, False, True]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = idx1 != idx2 expected = np.array([True, True, True, True, True, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) with tm.assert_produces_warning(None): for idx1, val in [(fidx1, np.nan), (didx1, NaT)]: result = idx1 < val expected = np.array([False, False, False, False, False, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = idx1 > val tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = idx1 <= val tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = idx1 >= val tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = idx1 == val tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = idx1 != val expected = np.array([True, True, True, True, True, True]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) # Check pd.NaT is handles as the same as np.nan with tm.assert_produces_warning(None): for idx1, val in [(fidx1, 3), (didx1, datetime(2014, 3, 1))]: result = idx1 < val expected = np.array([True, False, False, False, False, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = idx1 > val expected = np.array([False, False, False, False, True, True]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = idx1 <= val expected = np.array([True, False, True, False, False, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = idx1 >= val expected = np.array([False, False, True, False, True, True]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = idx1 == val expected = np.array([False, False, True, False, False, False]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = idx1 != val expected = np.array([True, True, False, True, True, True]) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) def test_comparison_tzawareness_compat(self, comparison_op, box_with_array): # GH#18162 op = comparison_op box = box_with_array dr = date_range("2016-01-01", periods=6) dz = dr.tz_localize("US/Pacific") dr = tm.box_expected(dr, box) dz = tm.box_expected(dz, box) if box is pd.DataFrame: tolist = lambda x: x.astype(object).values.tolist()[0] else: tolist = list if op not in [operator.eq,]: msg = ( r"Invalid comparison between dtype=datetime64\[ns.*\] " "and (Timestamp|DatetimeArray|list|ndarray)" ) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): op(dr, dz) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): op(dr, tolist(dz)) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): op(dr, np.array(tolist(dz), dtype=object)) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): op(dz, dr) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): op(dz, tolist(dr)) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): op(dz, np.array(tolist(dr), dtype=object)) # The aware==aware and naive==naive comparisons should *not* raise assert np.all(dr == dr) assert np.all(dr == tolist(dr)) assert np.all(tolist(dr) == dr) assert np.all(np.array(tolist(dr), dtype=object) == dr) assert np.all(dr == np.array(tolist(dr), dtype=object)) assert np.all(dz == dz) assert np.all(dz == tolist(dz)) assert np.all(tolist(dz) == dz) assert np.all(np.array(tolist(dz), dtype=object) == dz) assert np.all(dz == np.array(tolist(dz), dtype=object)) def test_comparison_tzawareness_compat_scalars(self, comparison_op, box_with_array): # GH#18162 op = comparison_op dr = date_range("2016-01-01", periods=6) dz = dr.tz_localize("US/Pacific") dr = tm.box_expected(dr, box_with_array) dz = tm.box_expected(dz, box_with_array) # Check comparisons against scalar Timestamps ts = Timestamp("2000-03-14 01:59") ts_tz = Timestamp("2000-03-14 01:59", tz="Europe/Amsterdam") assert np.all(dr > ts) msg = r"Invalid comparison between dtype=datetime64\[ns.*\] and Timestamp" if op not in [operator.eq,]: with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): op(dr, ts_tz) assert np.all(dz > ts_tz) if op not in [operator.eq,]: with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): op(dz, ts) if op not in [operator.eq,]: # GH#12601: Check comparison against Timestamps and DatetimeIndex with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): op(ts, dz) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "other", [datetime(2016, 1, 1), Timestamp("2016-01-01"), np.datetime64("2016-01-01")], ) # Bug in NumPy? # Raising in __eq__ will fallback to NumPy, which warns, fails, # then re-raises the original exception. So we just need to ignore. @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:elementwise comp:DeprecationWarning") @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Converting timezone-aware:FutureWarning") def test_scalar_comparison_tzawareness( self, comparison_op, other, tz_aware_fixture, box_with_array ): op = comparison_op tz = tz_aware_fixture dti = date_range("2016-01-01", periods=2, tz=tz) dtarr = tm.box_expected(dti, box_with_array) xbox = get_upcast_box(dtarr, other, True) if op in [operator.eq,]: exbool = op is expected = np.array([exbool, exbool], dtype=bool) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, xbox) result = op(dtarr, other) tm.assert_equal(result, expected) result = op(other, dtarr) tm.assert_equal(result, expected) else: msg = ( r"Invalid comparison between dtype=datetime64\[ns, .*\] " f"and {type(other).__name__}" ) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): op(dtarr, other) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): op(other, dtarr) def test_nat_comparison_tzawareness(self, comparison_op): # GH#19276 # tzaware DatetimeIndex should not raise when compared to NaT op = comparison_op dti = DatetimeIndex( ["2014-01-01", NaT, "2014-03-01", NaT, "2014-05-01", "2014-07-01"] ) expected = np.array([op ==] * len(dti)) result = op(dti, NaT) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = op(dti.tz_localize("US/Pacific"), NaT) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) def test_dti_cmp_str(self, tz_naive_fixture): # GH#22074 # regardless of tz, we expect these comparisons are valid tz = tz_naive_fixture rng = date_range("1/1/2000", periods=10, tz=tz) other = "1/1/2000" result = rng == other expected = np.array([True] + [False] * 9) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = rng != other expected = np.array([False] + [True] * 9) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = rng < other expected = np.array([False] * 10) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = rng <= other expected = np.array([True] + [False] * 9) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = rng > other expected = np.array([False] + [True] * 9) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = rng >= other expected = np.array([True] * 10) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) def test_dti_cmp_list(self): rng = date_range("1/1/2000", periods=10) result = rng == list(rng) expected = rng == rng tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "other", [ pd.timedelta_range("1D", periods=10), pd.timedelta_range("1D", periods=10).to_series(), pd.timedelta_range("1D", periods=10).asi8.view("m8[ns]"), ], ids=lambda x: type(x).__name__, ) def test_dti_cmp_tdi_tzawareness(self, other): # GH#22074 # reversion test that we _don't_ call _assert_tzawareness_compat # when comparing against TimedeltaIndex dti = date_range("2000-01-01", periods=10, tz="Asia/Tokyo") result = dti == other expected = np.array([False] * 10) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) result = dti != other expected = np.array([True] * 10) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) msg = "Invalid comparison between" with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): dti < other with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): dti <= other with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): dti > other with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): dti >= other def test_dti_cmp_object_dtype(self): # GH#22074 dti = date_range("2000-01-01", periods=10, tz="Asia/Tokyo") other = dti.astype("O") result = dti == other expected = np.array([True] * 10) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) other = dti.tz_localize(None) result = dti != other tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) other = np.array(list(dti[:5]) + [Timedelta(days=1)] * 5) result = dti == other expected = np.array([True] * 5 + [False] * 5) tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected) msg = ">=' not supported between instances of 'Timestamp' and 'Timedelta'" with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): dti >= other # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # Arithmetic class TestDatetime64Arithmetic: # This class is intended for "finished" tests that are fully parametrized # over DataFrame/Series/Index/DatetimeArray # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Addition/Subtraction of timedelta-like @pytest.mark.arm_slow def test_dt64arr_add_timedeltalike_scalar( self, tz_naive_fixture, two_hours, box_with_array ): # GH#22005, GH#22163 check DataFrame doesn't raise TypeError tz = tz_naive_fixture rng = date_range("2000-01-01", "2000-02-01", tz=tz) expected = date_range("2000-01-01 02:00", "2000-02-01 02:00", tz=tz) rng = tm.box_expected(rng, box_with_array) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) result = rng + two_hours tm.assert_equal(result, expected) rng += two_hours tm.assert_equal(rng, expected) def test_dt64arr_sub_timedeltalike_scalar( self, tz_naive_fixture, two_hours, box_with_array ): tz = tz_naive_fixture rng = date_range("2000-01-01", "2000-02-01", tz=tz) expected = date_range("1999-12-31 22:00", "2000-01-31 22:00", tz=tz) rng = tm.box_expected(rng, box_with_array) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) result = rng - two_hours tm.assert_equal(result, expected) rng -= two_hours tm.assert_equal(rng, expected) # TODO: redundant with test_dt64arr_add_timedeltalike_scalar def test_dt64arr_add_td64_scalar(self, box_with_array): # scalar timedeltas/np.timedelta64 objects # operate with np.timedelta64 correctly ser = Series([Timestamp("20130101 9:01"), Timestamp("20130101 9:02")]) expected = Series( [Timestamp("20130101 9:01:01"), Timestamp("20130101 9:02:01")] ) dtarr = tm.box_expected(ser, box_with_array) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) result = dtarr + np.timedelta64(1, "s") tm.assert_equal(result, expected) result = np.timedelta64(1, "s") + dtarr tm.assert_equal(result, expected) expected = Series( [Timestamp("20130101 9:01:00.005"), Timestamp("20130101 9:02:00.005")] ) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) result = dtarr + np.timedelta64(5, "ms") tm.assert_equal(result, expected) result = np.timedelta64(5, "ms") + dtarr tm.assert_equal(result, expected) def test_dt64arr_add_sub_td64_nat(self, box_with_array, tz_naive_fixture): # GH#23320 special handling for timedelta64("NaT") tz = tz_naive_fixture dti = date_range("1994-04-01", periods=9, tz=tz, freq="QS") other = np.timedelta64("NaT") expected = DatetimeIndex(["NaT"] * 9, tz=tz) obj = tm.box_expected(dti, box_with_array) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) result = obj + other tm.assert_equal(result, expected) result = other + obj tm.assert_equal(result, expected) result = obj - other tm.assert_equal(result, expected) msg = "cannot subtract" with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): other - obj def test_dt64arr_add_sub_td64ndarray(self, tz_naive_fixture, box_with_array): tz = tz_naive_fixture dti = date_range("2016-01-01", periods=3, tz=tz) tdi = TimedeltaIndex(["-1 Day", "-1 Day", "-1 Day"]) tdarr = tdi.values expected = date_range("2015-12-31", "2016-01-02", periods=3, tz=tz) dtarr = tm.box_expected(dti, box_with_array) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) result = dtarr + tdarr tm.assert_equal(result, expected) result = tdarr + dtarr tm.assert_equal(result, expected) expected = date_range("2016-01-02", "2016-01-04", periods=3, tz=tz) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) result = dtarr - tdarr tm.assert_equal(result, expected) msg = "cannot subtract|(bad|unsupported) operand type for unary" with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): tdarr - dtarr # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Subtraction of datetime-like scalars @pytest.mark.parametrize( "ts", [ Timestamp("2013-01-01"), Timestamp("2013-01-01").to_pydatetime(), Timestamp("2013-01-01").to_datetime64(), ], ) def test_dt64arr_sub_dtscalar(self, box_with_array, ts): # GH#8554, GH#22163 DataFrame op should _not_ return dt64 dtype idx = date_range("2013-01-01", periods=3)._with_freq(None) idx = tm.box_expected(idx, box_with_array) expected = TimedeltaIndex(["0 Days", "1 Day", "2 Days"]) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) result = idx - ts tm.assert_equal(result, expected) def test_dt64arr_sub_datetime64_not_ns(self, box_with_array): # GH#7996, GH#22163 ensure non-nano datetime64 is converted to nano # for DataFrame operation dt64 = np.datetime64("2013-01-01") assert dt64.dtype == "datetime64[D]" dti = date_range("20130101", periods=3)._with_freq(None) dtarr = tm.box_expected(dti, box_with_array) expected = TimedeltaIndex(["0 Days", "1 Day", "2 Days"]) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) result = dtarr - dt64 tm.assert_equal(result, expected) result = dt64 - dtarr tm.assert_equal(result, -expected) def test_dt64arr_sub_timestamp(self, box_with_array): ser = date_range("2014-03-17", periods=2, freq="D", tz="US/Eastern") ser = ser._with_freq(None) ts = ser[0] ser = tm.box_expected(ser, box_with_array) delta_series = Series([np.timedelta64(0, "D"), np.timedelta64(1, "D")]) expected = tm.box_expected(delta_series, box_with_array) tm.assert_equal(ser - ts, expected) tm.assert_equal(ts - ser, -expected) def test_dt64arr_sub_NaT(self, box_with_array): # GH#18808 dti = DatetimeIndex([NaT, Timestamp("19900315")]) ser = tm.box_expected(dti, box_with_array) result = ser - NaT expected = Series([NaT, NaT], dtype="timedelta64[ns]") expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) tm.assert_equal(result, expected) dti_tz = dti.tz_localize("Asia/Tokyo") ser_tz = tm.box_expected(dti_tz, box_with_array) result = ser_tz - NaT expected = Series([NaT, NaT], dtype="timedelta64[ns]") expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) tm.assert_equal(result, expected) # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Subtraction of datetime-like array-like def test_dt64arr_sub_dt64object_array(self, box_with_array, tz_naive_fixture): dti = date_range("2016-01-01", periods=3, tz=tz_naive_fixture) expected = dti - dti obj = tm.box_expected(dti, box_with_array) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) with tm.assert_produces_warning(PerformanceWarning): result = obj - obj.astype(object) tm.assert_equal(result, expected) def test_dt64arr_naive_sub_dt64ndarray(self, box_with_array): dti = date_range("2016-01-01", periods=3, tz=None) dt64vals = dti.values dtarr = tm.box_expected(dti, box_with_array) expected = dtarr - dtarr result = dtarr - dt64vals tm.assert_equal(result, expected) result = dt64vals - dtarr tm.assert_equal(result, expected) def test_dt64arr_aware_sub_dt64ndarray_raises( self, tz_aware_fixture, box_with_array ): tz = tz_aware_fixture dti = date_range("2016-01-01", periods=3, tz=tz) dt64vals = dti.values dtarr = tm.box_expected(dti, box_with_array) msg = "subtraction must have the same timezones or" with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): dtarr - dt64vals with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): dt64vals - dtarr # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Addition of datetime-like others (invalid) def test_dt64arr_add_dt64ndarray_raises(self, tz_naive_fixture, box_with_array): tz = tz_naive_fixture dti = date_range("2016-01-01", periods=3, tz=tz) dt64vals = dti.values dtarr = tm.box_expected(dti, box_with_array) assert_cannot_add(dtarr, dt64vals) def test_dt64arr_add_timestamp_raises(self, box_with_array): # GH#22163 ensure DataFrame doesn't cast Timestamp to i8 idx = DatetimeIndex(["2011-01-01", "2011-01-02"]) ts = idx[0] idx = tm.box_expected(idx, box_with_array) assert_cannot_add(idx, ts) # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Other Invalid Addition/Subtraction @pytest.mark.parametrize( "other", [ 3.14, np.array([2.0, 3.0]), # GH#13078 datetime +/- Period is invalid Period("2011-01-01", freq="D"), # time(1, 2, 3), ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dti_freq", [None, "D"]) def test_dt64arr_add_sub_invalid(self, dti_freq, other, box_with_array): dti = DatetimeIndex(["2011-01-01", "2011-01-02"], freq=dti_freq) dtarr = tm.box_expected(dti, box_with_array) msg = "|".join( [ "unsupported operand type", "cannot (add|subtract)", "cannot use operands with types", "ufunc '?(add|subtract)'? cannot use operands with types", "Concatenation operation is not implemented for NumPy arrays", ] ) assert_invalid_addsub_type(dtarr, other, msg) @pytest.mark.parametrize("pi_freq", ["D", "W", "Q", "H"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("dti_freq", [None, "D"]) def test_dt64arr_add_sub_parr( self, dti_freq, pi_freq, box_with_array, box_with_array2 ): # GH#20049 subtracting PeriodIndex should raise TypeError dti = DatetimeIndex(["2011-01-01", "2011-01-02"], freq=dti_freq) pi = dti.to_period(pi_freq) dtarr = tm.box_expected(dti, box_with_array) parr = tm.box_expected(pi, box_with_array2) msg = "|".join( [ "cannot (add|subtract)", "unsupported operand", "descriptor.*requires", "ufunc.*cannot use operands", ] ) assert_invalid_addsub_type(dtarr, parr, msg) def test_dt64arr_addsub_time_objects_raises(self, box_with_array, tz_naive_fixture): # tz = tz_naive_fixture obj1 = date_range("2012-01-01", periods=3, tz=tz) obj2 = [time(i, i, i) for i in range(3)] obj1 = tm.box_expected(obj1, box_with_array) obj2 = tm.box_expected(obj2, box_with_array) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): # pandas.errors.PerformanceWarning: Non-vectorized DateOffset being # applied to Series or DatetimeIndex # we aren't testing that here, so ignore. warnings.simplefilter("ignore", PerformanceWarning) # If `x + y` raises, then `y + x` should raise here as well msg = ( r"unsupported operand type\(s\) for -: " "'(Timestamp|DatetimeArray)' and 'datetime.time'" ) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): obj1 - obj2 msg = "|".join( [ "cannot subtract DatetimeArray from ndarray", "ufunc (subtract|'subtract') cannot use operands with types " r"dtype\('O'\) and dtype\('<M8\[ns\]'\)", ] ) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): obj2 - obj1 msg = ( r"unsupported operand type\(s\) for \+: " "'(Timestamp|DatetimeArray)' and 'datetime.time'" ) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): obj1 + obj2 msg = "|".join( [ r"unsupported operand type\(s\) for \+: " "'(Timestamp|DatetimeArray)' and 'datetime.time'", "ufunc (add|'add') cannot use operands with types " r"dtype\('O'\) and dtype\('<M8\[ns\]'\)", ] ) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): obj2 + obj1 class TestDatetime64DateOffsetArithmetic: # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Tick DateOffsets # TODO: parametrize over timezone? def test_dt64arr_series_add_tick_DateOffset(self, box_with_array): # GH#4532 # operate with pd.offsets ser = Series([Timestamp("20130101 9:01"), Timestamp("20130101 9:02")]) expected = Series( [Timestamp("20130101 9:01:05"), Timestamp("20130101 9:02:05")] ) ser = tm.box_expected(ser, box_with_array) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) result = ser + pd.offsets.Second(5) tm.assert_equal(result, expected) result2 = pd.offsets.Second(5) + ser tm.assert_equal(result2, expected) def test_dt64arr_series_sub_tick_DateOffset(self, box_with_array): # GH#4532 # operate with pd.offsets ser = Series([Timestamp("20130101 9:01"), Timestamp("20130101 9:02")]) expected = Series( [Timestamp("20130101 9:00:55"), Timestamp("20130101 9:01:55")] ) ser = tm.box_expected(ser, box_with_array) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) result = ser - pd.offsets.Second(5) tm.assert_equal(result, expected) result2 = -pd.offsets.Second(5) + ser tm.assert_equal(result2, expected) msg = "(bad|unsupported) operand type for unary" with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): pd.offsets.Second(5) - ser @pytest.mark.parametrize( "cls_name", ["Day", "Hour", "Minute", "Second", "Milli", "Micro", "Nano"] ) def test_dt64arr_add_sub_tick_DateOffset_smoke(self, cls_name, box_with_array): # GH#4532 # smoke tests for valid DateOffsets ser = Series([Timestamp("20130101 9:01"), Timestamp("20130101 9:02")]) ser = tm.box_expected(ser, box_with_array) offset_cls = getattr(pd.offsets, cls_name) ser + offset_cls(5) offset_cls(5) + ser ser - offset_cls(5) def test_dti_add_tick_tzaware(self, tz_aware_fixture, box_with_array): # GH#21610, GH#22163 ensure DataFrame doesn't return object-dtype tz = tz_aware_fixture if tz == "US/Pacific": dates = date_range("2012-11-01", periods=3, tz=tz) offset = dates + pd.offsets.Hour(5) assert dates[0] + pd.offsets.Hour(5) == offset[0] dates = date_range("2010-11-01 00:00", periods=3, tz=tz, freq="H") expected = DatetimeIndex( ["2010-11-01 05:00", "2010-11-01 06:00", "2010-11-01 07:00"], freq="H", tz=tz, ) dates = tm.box_expected(dates, box_with_array) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) # TODO: sub? for scalar in [pd.offsets.Hour(5), np.timedelta64(5, "h"), timedelta(hours=5)]: offset = dates + scalar tm.assert_equal(offset, expected) offset = scalar + dates tm.assert_equal(offset, expected) # ------------------------------------------------------------- # RelativeDelta DateOffsets def test_dt64arr_add_sub_relativedelta_offsets(self, box_with_array): # GH#10699 vec = DatetimeIndex( [ Timestamp("2000-01-05 00:15:00"), Timestamp("2000-01-31 00:23:00"), Timestamp("2000-01-01"), Timestamp("2000-03-31"), Timestamp("2000-02-29"), Timestamp("2000-12-31"), Timestamp("2000-05-15"), Timestamp("2001-06-15"), ] ) vec = tm.box_expected(vec, box_with_array) vec_items = vec.iloc[0] if box_with_array is pd.DataFrame else vec # DateOffset relativedelta fastpath relative_kwargs = [ ("years", 2), ("months", 5), ("days", 3), ("hours", 5), ("minutes", 10), ("seconds", 2), ("microseconds", 5), ] for i, (unit, value) in enumerate(relative_kwargs): off = DateOffset(**{unit: value}) expected = DatetimeIndex([x + off for x in vec_items]) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) tm.assert_equal(expected, vec + off) expected = DatetimeIndex([x - off for x in vec_items]) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) tm.assert_equal(expected, vec - off) off = DateOffset(**dict(relative_kwargs[: i + 1])) expected = DatetimeIndex([x + off for x in vec_items]) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) tm.assert_equal(expected, vec + off) expected = DatetimeIndex([x - off for x in vec_items]) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) tm.assert_equal(expected, vec - off) msg = "(bad|unsupported) operand type for unary" with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): off - vec # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Non-Tick, Non-RelativeDelta DateOffsets # TODO: redundant with test_dt64arr_add_sub_DateOffset? that includes # tz-aware cases which this does not @pytest.mark.parametrize( "cls_and_kwargs", [ "YearBegin", ("YearBegin", {"month": 5}), "YearEnd", ("YearEnd", {"month": 5}), "MonthBegin", "MonthEnd", "SemiMonthEnd", "SemiMonthBegin", "Week", ("Week", {"weekday": 3}), "Week", ("Week", {"weekday": 6}), "BusinessDay", "BDay", "QuarterEnd", "QuarterBegin", "CustomBusinessDay", "CDay", "CBMonthEnd", "CBMonthBegin", "BMonthBegin", "BMonthEnd", "BusinessHour", "BYearBegin", "BYearEnd", "BQuarterBegin", ("LastWeekOfMonth", {"weekday": 2}), ( "FY5253Quarter", { "qtr_with_extra_week": 1, "startingMonth": 1, "weekday": 2, "variation": "nearest", }, ), ("FY5253", {"weekday": 0, "startingMonth": 2, "variation": "nearest"}), ("WeekOfMonth", {"weekday": 2, "week": 2}), "Easter", ("DateOffset", {"day": 4}), ("DateOffset", {"month": 5}), ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("normalize", [True, False]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("n", [0, 5]) def test_dt64arr_add_sub_DateOffsets( self, box_with_array, n, normalize, cls_and_kwargs ): # GH#10699 # assert vectorized operation matches pointwise operations if isinstance(cls_and_kwargs, tuple): # If cls_name param is a tuple, then 2nd entry is kwargs for # the offset constructor cls_name, kwargs = cls_and_kwargs else: cls_name = cls_and_kwargs kwargs = {} if n == 0 and cls_name in [ "WeekOfMonth", "LastWeekOfMonth", "FY5253Quarter", "FY5253", ]: # passing n = 0 is invalid for these offset classes return vec = DatetimeIndex( [ Timestamp("2000-01-05 00:15:00"), Timestamp("2000-01-31 00:23:00"), Timestamp("2000-01-01"), Timestamp("2000-03-31"), Timestamp("2000-02-29"), Timestamp("2000-12-31"), Timestamp("2000-05-15"), Timestamp("2001-06-15"), ] ) vec = tm.box_expected(vec, box_with_array) vec_items = vec.iloc[0] if box_with_array is pd.DataFrame else vec offset_cls = getattr(pd.offsets, cls_name) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): # pandas.errors.PerformanceWarning: Non-vectorized DateOffset being # applied to Series or DatetimeIndex # we aren't testing that here, so ignore. warnings.simplefilter("ignore", PerformanceWarning) offset = offset_cls(n, normalize=normalize, **kwargs) expected = DatetimeIndex([x + offset for x in vec_items]) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) tm.assert_equal(expected, vec + offset) expected = DatetimeIndex([x - offset for x in vec_items]) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) tm.assert_equal(expected, vec - offset) expected = DatetimeIndex([offset + x for x in vec_items]) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) tm.assert_equal(expected, offset + vec) msg = "(bad|unsupported) operand type for unary" with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): offset - vec def test_dt64arr_add_sub_DateOffset(self, box_with_array): # GH#10699 s = date_range("2000-01-01", "2000-01-31", name="a") s = tm.box_expected(s, box_with_array) result = s + DateOffset(years=1) result2 = DateOffset(years=1) + s exp = date_range("2001-01-01", "2001-01-31", name="a")._with_freq(None) exp = tm.box_expected(exp, box_with_array) tm.assert_equal(result, exp) tm.assert_equal(result2, exp) result = s - DateOffset(years=1) exp = date_range("1999-01-01", "1999-01-31", name="a")._with_freq(None) exp = tm.box_expected(exp, box_with_array) tm.assert_equal(result, exp) s = DatetimeIndex( [ Timestamp("2000-01-15 00:15:00", tz="US/Central"), Timestamp("2000-02-15", tz="US/Central"), ], name="a", ) s = tm.box_expected(s, box_with_array) result = s + pd.offsets.Day() result2 = pd.offsets.Day() + s exp = DatetimeIndex( [ Timestamp("2000-01-16 00:15:00", tz="US/Central"), Timestamp("2000-02-16", tz="US/Central"), ], name="a", ) exp = tm.box_expected(exp, box_with_array) tm.assert_equal(result, exp) tm.assert_equal(result2, exp) s = DatetimeIndex( [ Timestamp("2000-01-15 00:15:00", tz="US/Central"), Timestamp("2000-02-15", tz="US/Central"), ], name="a", ) s = tm.box_expected(s, box_with_array) result = s + pd.offsets.MonthEnd() result2 = pd.offsets.MonthEnd() + s exp = DatetimeIndex( [ Timestamp("2000-01-31 00:15:00", tz="US/Central"), Timestamp("2000-02-29", tz="US/Central"), ], name="a", ) exp = tm.box_expected(exp, box_with_array) tm.assert_equal(result, exp) tm.assert_equal(result2, exp) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "other", [ np.array([pd.offsets.MonthEnd(), pd.offsets.Day(n=2)]), np.array([pd.offsets.DateOffset(years=1), pd.offsets.MonthEnd()]), np.array( # matching offsets [pd.offsets.DateOffset(years=1), pd.offsets.DateOffset(years=1)] ), ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("op", [operator.add, roperator.radd, operator.sub]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("box_other", [True, False]) def test_dt64arr_add_sub_offset_array( self, tz_naive_fixture, box_with_array, box_other, op, other ): # GH#18849 # GH#10699 array of offsets tz = tz_naive_fixture dti = date_range("2017-01-01", periods=2, tz=tz) dtarr = tm.box_expected(dti, box_with_array) other = np.array([pd.offsets.MonthEnd(), pd.offsets.Day(n=2)]) expected = DatetimeIndex([op(dti[n], other[n]) for n in range(len(dti))]) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) if box_other: other = tm.box_expected(other, box_with_array) with tm.assert_produces_warning(PerformanceWarning): res = op(dtarr, other) tm.assert_equal(res, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "op, offset, exp, exp_freq", [ ( "__add__", DateOffset(months=3, days=10), [ Timestamp("2014-04-11"), Timestamp("2015-04-11"), Timestamp("2016-04-11"), Timestamp("2017-04-11"), ], None, ), ( "__add__", DateOffset(months=3), [ Timestamp("2014-04-01"), Timestamp("2015-04-01"), Timestamp("2016-04-01"), Timestamp("2017-04-01"), ], "AS-APR", ), ( "__sub__", DateOffset(months=3, days=10), [ Timestamp("2013-09-21"), Timestamp("2014-09-21"), Timestamp("2015-09-21"), Timestamp("2016-09-21"), ], None, ), ( "__sub__", DateOffset(months=3), [ Timestamp("2013-10-01"), Timestamp("2014-10-01"), Timestamp("2015-10-01"), Timestamp("2016-10-01"), ], "AS-OCT", ), ], ) def test_dti_add_sub_nonzero_mth_offset( self, op, offset, exp, exp_freq, tz_aware_fixture, box_with_array ): # GH 26258 tz = tz_aware_fixture date = date_range(start="01 Jan 2014", end="01 Jan 2017", freq="AS", tz=tz) date = tm.box_expected(date, box_with_array, False) mth = getattr(date, op) result = mth(offset) expected = DatetimeIndex(exp, tz=tz) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array, False) tm.assert_equal(result, expected) class TestDatetime64OverflowHandling: # TODO: box + de-duplicate def test_dt64_overflow_masking(self, box_with_array): # GH#25317 left = Series([Timestamp("1969-12-31")]) right = Series([NaT]) left = tm.box_expected(left, box_with_array) right = tm.box_expected(right, box_with_array) expected = TimedeltaIndex([NaT]) expected = tm.box_expected(expected, box_with_array) result = left - right tm.assert_equal(result, expected) def test_dt64_series_arith_overflow(self): # GH#12534, fixed by GH#19024 dt = Timestamp("1700-01-31") td = Timedelta("20000 Days") dti = date_range("1949-09-30", freq="100Y", periods=4) ser = Series(dti) msg = "Overflow in int64 addition" with pytest.raises(OverflowError, match=msg): ser - dt with pytest.raises(OverflowError, match=msg): dt - ser with pytest.raises(OverflowError, match=msg): ser + td with pytest.raises(OverflowError, match=msg): td + ser ser.iloc[-1] = NaT expected = Series( ["2004-10-03", "2104-10-04", "2204-10-04", "NaT"], dtype="datetime64[ns]" ) res = ser + td tm.assert_series_equal(res, expected) res = td + ser tm.assert_series_equal(res, expected) ser.iloc[1:] = NaT expected = Series(["91279 Days", "NaT", "NaT", "NaT"], dtype="timedelta64[ns]") res = ser - dt tm.assert_series_equal(res, expected) res = dt - ser tm.assert_series_equal(res, -expected) def test_datetimeindex_sub_timestamp_overflow(self): dtimax = pd.to_datetime(["now", Timestamp.max]) dtimin = pd.to_datetime(["now", Timestamp.min]) tsneg = Timestamp("1950-01-01") ts_neg_variants = [ tsneg, tsneg.to_pydatetime(), tsneg.to_datetime64().astype("datetime64[ns]"), tsneg.to_datetime64().astype("datetime64[D]"), ] tspos = Timestamp("1980-01-01") ts_pos_variants = [ tspos, tspos.to_pydatetime(), tspos.to_datetime64().astype("datetime64[ns]"), tspos.to_datetime64().astype("datetime64[D]"), ] msg = "Overflow in int64 addition" for variant in ts_neg_variants: with pytest.raises(OverflowError, match=msg): dtimax - variant expected = Timestamp.max.value - tspos.value for variant in ts_pos_variants: res = dtimax - variant assert res[1].value == expected expected = Timestamp.min.value - tsneg.value for variant in ts_neg_variants: res = dtimin - variant assert res[1].value == expected for variant in ts_pos_variants: with pytest.raises(OverflowError, match=msg): dtimin - variant def test_datetimeindex_sub_datetimeindex_overflow(self): # GH#22492, GH#22508 dtimax = pd.to_datetime(["now", Timestamp.max]) dtimin = pd.to_datetime(["now", Timestamp.min]) ts_neg = pd.to_datetime(["1950-01-01", "1950-01-01"]) ts_pos = pd.to_datetime(["1980-01-01", "1980-01-01"]) # General tests expected = Timestamp.max.value - ts_pos[1].value result = dtimax - ts_pos assert result[1].value == expected expected = Timestamp.min.value - ts_neg[1].value result = dtimin - ts_neg assert result[1].value == expected msg = "Overflow in int64 addition" with pytest.raises(OverflowError, match=msg): dtimax - ts_neg with pytest.raises(OverflowError, match=msg): dtimin - ts_pos # Edge cases tmin = pd.to_datetime([Timestamp.min]) t1 = tmin + Timedelta.max + Timedelta("1us") with pytest.raises(OverflowError, match=msg): t1 - tmin tmax = pd.to_datetime([Timestamp.max]) t2 = tmax + Timedelta.min - Timedelta("1us") with pytest.raises(OverflowError, match=msg): tmax - t2 class TestTimestampSeriesArithmetic: def test_empty_series_add_sub(self): # GH#13844 a = Series(dtype="M8[ns]") b = Series(dtype="m8[ns]") tm.assert_series_equal(a, a + b) tm.assert_series_equal(a, a - b) tm.assert_series_equal(a, b + a) msg = "cannot subtract" with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): b - a def test_operators_datetimelike(self): # ## timedelta64 ### td1 = Series([timedelta(minutes=5, seconds=3)] * 3) td1.iloc[2] = np.nan # ## datetime64 ### dt1 = Series( [ Timestamp("20111230"), Timestamp("20120101"), Timestamp("20120103"), ] ) dt1.iloc[2] = np.nan dt2 = Series( [ Timestamp("20111231"), Timestamp("20120102"), Timestamp("20120104"), ] ) dt1 - dt2 dt2 - dt1 # datetime64 with timetimedelta dt1 + td1 td1 + dt1 dt1 - td1 # timetimedelta with datetime64 td1 + dt1 dt1 + td1 def test_dt64ser_sub_datetime_dtype(self): ts = Timestamp(datetime(1993, 1, 7, 13, 30, 00)) dt = datetime(1993, 6, 22, 13, 30) ser = Series([ts]) result = pd.to_timedelta(np.abs(ser - dt)) assert result.dtype == "timedelta64[ns]" # ------------------------------------------------------------- # TODO: This next block of tests came from tests.series.test_operators, # needs to be de-duplicated and parametrized over `box` classes def test_operators_datetimelike_invalid(self, all_arithmetic_operators): # these are all TypeEror ops op_str = all_arithmetic_operators def check(get_ser, test_ser): # check that we are getting a TypeError # with 'operate' (from core/ for the ops that are not # defined op = getattr(get_ser, op_str, None) # Previously, _validate_for_numeric_binop in core/indexes/ # did this for us. with pytest.raises( TypeError, match="operate|[cC]annot|unsupported operand" ): op(test_ser) # ## timedelta64 ### td1 = Series([timedelta(minutes=5, seconds=3)] * 3) td1.iloc[2] = np.nan # ## datetime64 ### dt1 = Series( [Timestamp("20111230"), Timestamp("20120101"), Timestamp("20120103")] ) dt1.iloc[2] = np.nan dt2 = Series( [Timestamp("20111231"), Timestamp("20120102"), Timestamp("20120104")] ) if op_str not in ["__sub__", "__rsub__"]: check(dt1, dt2) # ## datetime64 with timetimedelta ### # TODO(jreback) __rsub__ should raise? if op_str not in ["__add__", "__radd__", "__sub__"]: check(dt1, td1) # 8260, 10763 # datetime64 with tz tz = "US/Eastern" dt1 = Series(date_range("2000-01-01 09:00:00", periods=5, tz=tz), name="foo") dt2 = dt1.copy() dt2.iloc[2] = np.nan td1 = Series(pd.timedelta_range("1 days 1 min", periods=5, freq="H")) td2 = td1.copy() td2.iloc[1] = np.nan if op_str not in ["__add__", "__radd__", "__sub__", "__rsub__"]: check(dt2, td2) def test_sub_single_tz(self): # GH#12290 s1 = Series([Timestamp("2016-02-10", tz="America/Sao_Paulo")]) s2 = Series([Timestamp("2016-02-08", tz="America/Sao_Paulo")]) result = s1 - s2 expected = Series([Timedelta("2days")]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) result = s2 - s1 expected = Series([Timedelta("-2days")]) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_dt64tz_series_sub_dtitz(self): # GH#19071 subtracting tzaware DatetimeIndex from tzaware Series # (with same tz) raises, fixed by #19024 dti = date_range("1999-09-30", periods=10, tz="US/Pacific") ser = Series(dti) expected = Series(TimedeltaIndex(["0days"] * 10)) res = dti - ser tm.assert_series_equal(res, expected) res = ser - dti tm.assert_series_equal(res, expected) def test_sub_datetime_compat(self): # see GH#14088 s = Series([datetime(2016, 8, 23, 12, tzinfo=pytz.utc), NaT]) dt = datetime(2016, 8, 22, 12, tzinfo=pytz.utc) exp = Series([Timedelta("1 days"), NaT]) tm.assert_series_equal(s - dt, exp) tm.assert_series_equal(s - Timestamp(dt), exp) def test_dt64_series_add_mixed_tick_DateOffset(self): # GH#4532 # operate with pd.offsets s = Series([Timestamp("20130101 9:01"), Timestamp("20130101 9:02")]) result = s + pd.offsets.Milli(5) result2 = pd.offsets.Milli(5) + s expected = Series( [Timestamp("20130101 9:01:00.005"), Timestamp("20130101 9:02:00.005")] ) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) tm.assert_series_equal(result2, expected) result = s + pd.offsets.Minute(5) + pd.offsets.Milli(5) expected = Series( [Timestamp("20130101 9:06:00.005"), Timestamp("20130101 9:07:00.005")] ) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_datetime64_ops_nat(self): # GH#11349 datetime_series = Series([NaT, Timestamp("19900315")]) nat_series_dtype_timestamp = Series([NaT, NaT], dtype="datetime64[ns]") single_nat_dtype_datetime = Series([NaT], dtype="datetime64[ns]") # subtraction tm.assert_series_equal(-NaT + datetime_series, nat_series_dtype_timestamp) msg = "bad operand type for unary -: 'DatetimeArray'" with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): -single_nat_dtype_datetime + datetime_series tm.assert_series_equal( -NaT + nat_series_dtype_timestamp, nat_series_dtype_timestamp ) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): -single_nat_dtype_datetime + nat_series_dtype_timestamp # addition tm.assert_series_equal( nat_series_dtype_timestamp + NaT, nat_series_dtype_timestamp ) tm.assert_series_equal( NaT + nat_series_dtype_timestamp, nat_series_dtype_timestamp ) tm.assert_series_equal( nat_series_dtype_timestamp + NaT, nat_series_dtype_timestamp ) tm.assert_series_equal( NaT + nat_series_dtype_timestamp, nat_series_dtype_timestamp ) # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Invalid Operations # TODO: this block also needs to be de-duplicated and parametrized @pytest.mark.parametrize( "dt64_series", [ Series([Timestamp("19900315"), Timestamp("19900315")]), Series([NaT, Timestamp("19900315")]), Series([NaT, NaT], dtype="datetime64[ns]"), ], ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("one", [1, 1.0, np.array(1)]) def test_dt64_mul_div_numeric_invalid(self, one, dt64_series): # multiplication msg = "cannot perform .* with this index type" with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): dt64_series * one with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): one * dt64_series # division with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): dt64_series / one with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): one / dt64_series # TODO: parametrize over box def test_dt64_series_add_intlike(self, tz_naive_fixture): # GH#19123 tz = tz_naive_fixture dti = DatetimeIndex(["2016-01-02", "2016-02-03", "NaT"], tz=tz) ser = Series(dti) other = Series([20, 30, 40], dtype="uint8") msg = "|".join( [ "Addition/subtraction of integers and integer-arrays", "cannot subtract .* from ndarray", ] ) assert_invalid_addsub_type(ser, 1, msg) assert_invalid_addsub_type(ser, other, msg) assert_invalid_addsub_type(ser, np.array(other), msg) assert_invalid_addsub_type(ser, pd.Index(other), msg) # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Timezone-Centric Tests def test_operators_datetimelike_with_timezones(self): tz = "US/Eastern" dt1 = Series(date_range("2000-01-01 09:00:00", periods=5, tz=tz), name="foo") dt2 = dt1.copy() dt2.iloc[2] = np.nan td1 = Series(pd.timedelta_range("1 days 1 min", periods=5, freq="H")) td2 = td1.copy() td2.iloc[1] = np.nan assert td2._values.freq is None result = dt1 + td1[0] exp = (dt1.dt.tz_localize(None) + td1[0]).dt.tz_localize(tz) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) result = dt2 + td2[0] exp = (dt2.dt.tz_localize(None) + td2[0]).dt.tz_localize(tz) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) # odd numpy behavior with scalar timedeltas result = td1[0] + dt1 exp = (dt1.dt.tz_localize(None) + td1[0]).dt.tz_localize(tz) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) result = td2[0] + dt2 exp = (dt2.dt.tz_localize(None) + td2[0]).dt.tz_localize(tz) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) result = dt1 - td1[0] exp = (dt1.dt.tz_localize(None) - td1[0]).dt.tz_localize(tz) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) msg = "(bad|unsupported) operand type for unary" with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): td1[0] - dt1 result = dt2 - td2[0] exp = (dt2.dt.tz_localize(None) - td2[0]).dt.tz_localize(tz) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): td2[0] - dt2 result = dt1 + td1 exp = (dt1.dt.tz_localize(None) + td1).dt.tz_localize(tz) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) result = dt2 + td2 exp = (dt2.dt.tz_localize(None) + td2).dt.tz_localize(tz) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) result = dt1 - td1 exp = (dt1.dt.tz_localize(None) - td1).dt.tz_localize(tz) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) result = dt2 - td2 exp = (dt2.dt.tz_localize(None) - td2).dt.tz_localize(tz) tm.assert_series_equal(result, exp) msg = "cannot (add|subtract)" with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): td1 - dt1 with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): td2 - dt2 class TestDatetimeIndexArithmetic: # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Binary operations DatetimeIndex and int def test_dti_addsub_int(self, tz_naive_fixture, one): # Variants of `one` for #19012 tz = tz_naive_fixture rng = date_range("2000-01-01 09:00", freq="H", periods=10, tz=tz) msg = "Addition/subtraction of integers" with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): rng + one with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): rng += one with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): rng - one with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): rng -= one # ------------------------------------------------------------- # __add__/__sub__ with integer arrays @pytest.mark.parametrize("freq", ["H", "D"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("int_holder", [np.array, pd.Index]) def test_dti_add_intarray_tick(self, int_holder, freq): # GH#19959 dti = date_range("2016-01-01", periods=2, freq=freq) other = int_holder([4, -1]) msg = "|".join( ["Addition/subtraction of integers", "cannot subtract DatetimeArray from"] ) assert_invalid_addsub_type(dti, other, msg) @pytest.mark.parametrize("freq", ["W", "M", "MS", "Q"]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("int_holder", [np.array, pd.Index]) def test_dti_add_intarray_non_tick(self, int_holder, freq): # GH#19959 dti = date_range("2016-01-01", periods=2, freq=freq) other = int_holder([4, -1]) msg = "|".join( ["Addition/subtraction of integers", "cannot subtract DatetimeArray from"] ) assert_invalid_addsub_type(dti, other, msg) @pytest.mark.parametrize("int_holder", [np.array, pd.Index]) def test_dti_add_intarray_no_freq(self, int_holder): # GH#19959 dti = DatetimeIndex(["2016-01-01", "NaT", "2017-04-05 06:07:08"]) other = int_holder([9, 4, -1]) msg = "|".join( ["cannot subtract DatetimeArray from", "Addition/subtraction of integers"] ) assert_invalid_addsub_type(dti, other, msg) # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Binary operations DatetimeIndex and TimedeltaIndex/array def test_dti_add_tdi(self, tz_naive_fixture): # GH#17558 tz = tz_naive_fixture dti = DatetimeIndex([Timestamp("2017-01-01", tz=tz)] * 10) tdi = pd.timedelta_range("0 days", periods=10) expected = date_range("2017-01-01", periods=10, tz=tz) expected = expected._with_freq(None) # add with TimdeltaIndex result = dti + tdi tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) result = tdi + dti tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) # add with timedelta64 array result = dti + tdi.values tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) result = tdi.values + dti tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) def test_dti_iadd_tdi(self, tz_naive_fixture): # GH#17558 tz = tz_naive_fixture dti = DatetimeIndex([Timestamp("2017-01-01", tz=tz)] * 10) tdi = pd.timedelta_range("0 days", periods=10) expected = date_range("2017-01-01", periods=10, tz=tz) expected = expected._with_freq(None) # iadd with TimdeltaIndex result = DatetimeIndex([Timestamp("2017-01-01", tz=tz)] * 10) result += tdi tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) result = pd.timedelta_range("0 days", periods=10) result += dti tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) # iadd with timedelta64 array result = DatetimeIndex([Timestamp("2017-01-01", tz=tz)] * 10) result += tdi.values tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) result = pd.timedelta_range("0 days", periods=10) result += dti tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) def test_dti_sub_tdi(self, tz_naive_fixture): # GH#17558 tz = tz_naive_fixture dti = DatetimeIndex([Timestamp("2017-01-01", tz=tz)] * 10) tdi = pd.timedelta_range("0 days", periods=10) expected = date_range("2017-01-01", periods=10, tz=tz, freq="-1D") expected = expected._with_freq(None) # sub with TimedeltaIndex result = dti - tdi tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) msg = "cannot subtract .*TimedeltaArray" with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): tdi - dti # sub with timedelta64 array result = dti - tdi.values tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) msg = "cannot subtract a datelike from a TimedeltaArray" with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): tdi.values - dti def test_dti_isub_tdi(self, tz_naive_fixture): # GH#17558 tz = tz_naive_fixture dti = DatetimeIndex([Timestamp("2017-01-01", tz=tz)] * 10) tdi = pd.timedelta_range("0 days", periods=10) expected = date_range("2017-01-01", periods=10, tz=tz, freq="-1D") expected = expected._with_freq(None) # isub with TimedeltaIndex result = DatetimeIndex([Timestamp("2017-01-01", tz=tz)] * 10) result -= tdi tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected) # DTA.__isub__ GH#43904 dta = dti._data.copy() dta -= tdi tm.assert_datetime_array_equal(dta, expected._data) out = dti._data.copy() np.subtract(out, tdi, out=out) tm.assert_datetime_array_equal(out, expected._data) msg = "cannot subtract .* from a TimedeltaArray" with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): tdi -= dti # isub with timedelta64 array result = DatetimeIndex([Timestamp("2017-01-01", tz=tz)] * 10) result -= tdi.values
tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Generator capacity factor plots . This module contain methods that are related to the capacity factor of generators and average output plots """ import logging import numpy as np import pandas as pd import marmot.config.mconfig as mconfig from marmot.plottingmodules.plotutils.plot_data_helper import PlotDataHelper from marmot.plottingmodules.plotutils.plot_library import PlotLibrary from marmot.plottingmodules.plotutils.plot_exceptions import (MissingInputData, MissingZoneData) class MPlot(PlotDataHelper): """capacity_factor MPlot class. All the plotting modules use this same class name. This class contains plotting methods that are grouped based on the current module name. The module contain methods that are related to the capacity factor of generators. MPlot inherits from the PlotDataHelper class to assist in creating figures. """ def __init__(self, argument_dict: dict): """ Args: argument_dict (dict): Dictionary containing all arguments passed from MarmotPlot. """ # iterate over items in argument_dict and set as properties of class # see key_list in Marmot_plot_main for list of properties for prop in argument_dict: self.__setattr__(prop, argument_dict[prop]) # Instantiation of MPlotHelperFunctions super().__init__(self.Marmot_Solutions_folder, self.AGG_BY, self.ordered_gen, self.PLEXOS_color_dict, self.Scenarios, self.ylabels, self.xlabels, self.gen_names_dict, self.TECH_SUBSET, Region_Mapping=self.Region_Mapping) self.logger = logging.getLogger('marmot_plot.'+__name__) self.x = mconfig.parser("figure_size","xdimension") self.y = mconfig.parser("figure_size","ydimension") def avg_output_when_committed(self, start_date_range: str = None, end_date_range: str = None, **_): """Creates barplots of the percentage average generation output when committed by technology type. Each scenario is plotted by a different colored grouped bar. Args: start_date_range (str, optional): Defines a start date at which to represent data from. Defaults to None. end_date_range (str, optional): Defines a end date at which to represent data to. Defaults to None. Returns: dict: dictionary containing the created plot and its data table. """ outputs = {} # List of properties needed by the plot, properties are a set of tuples and contain 3 parts: # required True/False, property name and scenarios required, scenarios must be a list. properties = [(True,"generator_Generation",self.Scenarios), (True,"generator_Installed_Capacity",self.Scenarios)] # Runs get_formatted_data within PlotDataHelper to populate PlotDataHelper dictionary # with all required properties, returns a 1 if required data is missing check_input_data = self.get_formatted_data(properties) if 1 in check_input_data: return MissingInputData() for zone_input in self.Zones: CF_all_scenarios =
from define_collection_wave import folder from helpers import create_folder, headers import requests from datetime import date import json import pandas as pd path_greggs = create_folder('4_Greggs',folder) request_url = '' product_list = requests.get(request_url, headers=headers).json() with open(path_greggs + '/greggs.json', 'w') as f: json.dump(product_list, f) greggs = [] category_map = requests.get('<KEY>').json().get('datasource_entries') lookup = {cat.get('value'): cat.get('name')for cat in category_map} for product in product_list: cat_id = product.get('articleCategoryId') product_dict = { 'collection_date'"%b-%d-%Y"), 'rest_name': 'Greggs', 'menu_id': product.get('articleCode'), 'item_name': product.get('articleName'), 'servingsize': product.get('articleSize').get('size'), 'servingsizeunit': product.get('articleSize').get('unitOfMeasure'), 'item_description': product.get('customerDescription').strip(), 'category': lookup[str(cat_id)], 'allergens': [allergen.get('name') for allergen in product.get('ingredients')]} nutrient_dict = product.get('nutritionalValues') for nutrient in nutrient_dict: product_dict.update({nutrient.get('name'):nutrient.get('value'), nutrient.get('name')+'_100': nutrient.get('valuePerHundredArticleSizeUnit')}) greggs.append(product_dict) greggs =
""" Main interface module to use pyEPR. Contains code to conenct to ansys and to analyze hfss files using the EPR method. Further contains code to be able to do autogenerated reports, analysis, and such. Copyright <NAME>, <NAME>, and the pyEPR tea 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 """ from __future__ import print_function # Python 2.7 and 3 compatibility import os import sys import time import pickle import shutil import warnings import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Standard imports from numpy import pi from numpy.linalg import inv from stat import S_ISREG, ST_CTIME, ST_MODE from pandas import Series, DataFrame from collections import OrderedDict from pathlib import Path # pyEPR custom imports from . import ansys from . import logger from . import config from . import Dict from .ansys import ureg, CalcObject, ConstantVecCalcObject, set_property from .toolbox.pythonic import print_NoNewLine, print_color, deprecated, fact, nck, \ divide_diagonal_by_2, print_matrix, DataFrame_col_diff, get_instance_vars,\ sort_df_col, sort_Series_idx from .calcs.constants import epsilon_0, hbar, Planck, fluxQ from .calcs.basic import CalcsBasic from .calcs.back_box_numeric import bbq_hmt, make_dispersive from .toolbox.plotting import cmap_discrete, legend_translucent from .reports import plot_convergence_f_vspass, plot_convergence_max_df,\ plot_convergence_solved_elem, plot_convergence_maxdf_vs_sol class Project_Info(object): """ Class containing options and information about the manipulation and analysis in HFSS. Junction info: ----------------------- self.junctions : OrderedDict() A Josephson tunnel junction has to have its parameters specified here for the analysis. Each junction is given a name and is specified by a dictionary. It has the following properties: `Lj_variable`: Name of HFSS variable that specifies junction inductance Lj defined on the boundary condition in HFSS. DO NOT USE Global names that start with $. `rect`: Name of HFSS rectangle on which lumped boundary condition is specified. `line`: Name of HFSS polyline which spans the length of the recntalge. Used to define the voltage across the junction. Used to define the current orientation for each junction. Used to define sign of ZPF. `length`: Length in HFSS of the junction rectangle and line (specified in meters). You can use epr.parse_units('100um') Example definition: ..code-block python # Define a single junction pinfo = Project_Info('') pinfo.junctions['j1'] = {'Lj_variable' : 'Lj1', 'rect' : 'JJrect1', 'line' : 'JJline1', 'length' : parse_units('50um')} # Length is in meters # Specify multiple junctions in HFSS model n_junctions = 5 for i in range(1, 1+n_junctions): pinfo.junctions[f'j{i}'] = {'Lj_variable' : f'Lj{i}', 'rect' : f'JJrect{i}', 'line' : f'JJline{i}', 'length' : parse_units('50um')} HFSS app connection settings ----------------------- project_path : str Directory path to the hfss project file. Should be the directory, not the file. default = None: Assumes the project is open, and thus gets the project based on `project_name` project_name : str, None Name of the project within the project_path. "None" will get the current active one. design_name : str, None Name of the design within the project. "None" will get the current active one. setup_name : str, None Name of the setup within the design. "None" will get the current active one. Additional init setting: ----------------------- do_connect : True by default. Connect to HFSS HFSS desgin settings ----------------------- describe junction parameters junc_rects = None Name of junction rectangles in HFSS junc_lines = None Name of lines in HFSS used to define the current orientation for each junction junc_LJ_names = None Name of junction inductance variables in HFSS. Note, DO NOT USE Global names that start with $. junc_lens = None Junciton rect. length, measured in meters. """ class _Dissipative: #TODO: remove and turn to dict def __init__(self): self.dielectrics_bulk = None self.dielectric_surfaces = None self.resistive_surfaces = None self.seams = None def __init__(self, project_path=None, project_name=None, design_name=None, setup_name=None, do_connect=True): # Path: format path correctly to system convention self.project_path = str(Path(project_path)) \ if not (project_path is None) else None self.project_name = project_name self.design_name = design_name self.setup_name = setup_name ## HFSS desgin: describe junction parameters # TODO: introduce modal labels self.junctions = Dict() # See above for help self.ports = Dict() ## Dissipative HFSS volumes and surfaces self.dissipative = self._Dissipative() self.options = config.ansys # Conected to HFSS variable = None self.desktop = None self.project = None = None self.setup = None if do_connect: self.connect() _Forbidden = ['app', 'design', 'desktop', 'project', 'dissipative', 'setup', '_Forbidden', 'junctions'] def save(self): ''' Return a dicitonary to save ''' return dict( pinfo=pd.Series(get_instance_vars(self, self._Forbidden)), dissip=pd.Series(get_instance_vars(self.dissipative)), options=pd.Series(get_instance_vars(self.options)), junctions=
import pandas as pd from pandas import Period, offsets from pandas.util import testing as tm from pandas.tseries.frequencies import _period_code_map class TestFreqConversion(tm.TestCase): "Test frequency conversion of date objects" def test_asfreq_corner(self): val = Period(freq='A', year=2007) result1 = val.asfreq('5t') result2 = val.asfreq('t') expected = Period('2007-12-31 23:59', freq='t') self.assertEqual(result1.ordinal, expected.ordinal) self.assertEqual(result1.freqstr, '5T') self.assertEqual(result2.ordinal, expected.ordinal) self.assertEqual(result2.freqstr, 'T') def test_conv_annual(self): # frequency conversion tests: from Annual Frequency ival_A = Period(freq='A', year=2007) ival_AJAN = Period(freq="A-JAN", year=2007) ival_AJUN = Period(freq="A-JUN", year=2007) ival_ANOV = Period(freq="A-NOV", year=2007) ival_A_to_Q_start = Period(freq='Q', year=2007, quarter=1) ival_A_to_Q_end = Period(freq='Q', year=2007, quarter=4) ival_A_to_M_start = Period(freq='M', year=2007, month=1) ival_A_to_M_end = Period(freq='M', year=2007, month=12) ival_A_to_W_start = Period(freq='W', year=2007, month=1, day=1) ival_A_to_W_end = Period(freq='W', year=2007, month=12, day=31) ival_A_to_B_start = Period(freq='B', year=2007, month=1, day=1) ival_A_to_B_end = Period(freq='B', year=2007, month=12, day=31) ival_A_to_D_start = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=1, day=1) ival_A_to_D_end = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=12, day=31) ival_A_to_H_start = Period(freq='H', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0) ival_A_to_H_end = Period(freq='H', year=2007, month=12, day=31, hour=23) ival_A_to_T_start = Period(freq='Min', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0) ival_A_to_T_end = Period(freq='Min', year=2007, month=12, day=31, hour=23, minute=59) ival_A_to_S_start = Period(freq='S', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0) ival_A_to_S_end = Period(freq='S', year=2007, month=12, day=31, hour=23, minute=59, second=59) ival_AJAN_to_D_end = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=1, day=31) ival_AJAN_to_D_start = Period(freq='D', year=2006, month=2, day=1) ival_AJUN_to_D_end = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=6, day=30) ival_AJUN_to_D_start = Period(freq='D', year=2006, month=7, day=1) ival_ANOV_to_D_end = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=11, day=30) ival_ANOV_to_D_start = Period(freq='D', year=2006, month=12, day=1) self.assertEqual(ival_A.asfreq('Q', 'S'), ival_A_to_Q_start) self.assertEqual(ival_A.asfreq('Q', 'e'), ival_A_to_Q_end) self.assertEqual(ival_A.asfreq('M', 's'), ival_A_to_M_start) self.assertEqual(ival_A.asfreq('M', 'E'), ival_A_to_M_end) self.assertEqual(ival_A.asfreq('W', 'S'), ival_A_to_W_start) self.assertEqual(ival_A.asfreq('W', 'E'), ival_A_to_W_end) self.assertEqual(ival_A.asfreq('B', 'S'), ival_A_to_B_start) self.assertEqual(ival_A.asfreq('B', 'E'), ival_A_to_B_end) self.assertEqual(ival_A.asfreq('D', 'S'), ival_A_to_D_start) self.assertEqual(ival_A.asfreq('D', 'E'), ival_A_to_D_end) self.assertEqual(ival_A.asfreq('H', 'S'), ival_A_to_H_start) self.assertEqual(ival_A.asfreq('H', 'E'), ival_A_to_H_end) self.assertEqual(ival_A.asfreq('min', 'S'), ival_A_to_T_start) self.assertEqual(ival_A.asfreq('min', 'E'), ival_A_to_T_end) self.assertEqual(ival_A.asfreq('T', 'S'), ival_A_to_T_start) self.assertEqual(ival_A.asfreq('T', 'E'), ival_A_to_T_end) self.assertEqual(ival_A.asfreq('S', 'S'), ival_A_to_S_start) self.assertEqual(ival_A.asfreq('S', 'E'), ival_A_to_S_end) self.assertEqual(ival_AJAN.asfreq('D', 'S'), ival_AJAN_to_D_start) self.assertEqual(ival_AJAN.asfreq('D', 'E'), ival_AJAN_to_D_end) self.assertEqual(ival_AJUN.asfreq('D', 'S'), ival_AJUN_to_D_start) self.assertEqual(ival_AJUN.asfreq('D', 'E'), ival_AJUN_to_D_end) self.assertEqual(ival_ANOV.asfreq('D', 'S'), ival_ANOV_to_D_start) self.assertEqual(ival_ANOV.asfreq('D', 'E'), ival_ANOV_to_D_end) self.assertEqual(ival_A.asfreq('A'), ival_A) def test_conv_quarterly(self): # frequency conversion tests: from Quarterly Frequency ival_Q = Period(freq='Q', year=2007, quarter=1) ival_Q_end_of_year = Period(freq='Q', year=2007, quarter=4) ival_QEJAN = Period(freq="Q-JAN", year=2007, quarter=1) ival_QEJUN = Period(freq="Q-JUN", year=2007, quarter=1) ival_Q_to_A = Period(freq='A', year=2007) ival_Q_to_M_start = Period(freq='M', year=2007, month=1) ival_Q_to_M_end = Period(freq='M', year=2007, month=3) ival_Q_to_W_start = Period(freq='W', year=2007, month=1, day=1) ival_Q_to_W_end = Period(freq='W', year=2007, month=3, day=31) ival_Q_to_B_start = Period(freq='B', year=2007, month=1, day=1) ival_Q_to_B_end = Period(freq='B', year=2007, month=3, day=30) ival_Q_to_D_start = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=1, day=1) ival_Q_to_D_end = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=3, day=31) ival_Q_to_H_start = Period(freq='H', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0) ival_Q_to_H_end = Period(freq='H', year=2007, month=3, day=31, hour=23) ival_Q_to_T_start = Period(freq='Min', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0) ival_Q_to_T_end = Period(freq='Min', year=2007, month=3, day=31, hour=23, minute=59) ival_Q_to_S_start = Period(freq='S', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0) ival_Q_to_S_end = Period(freq='S', year=2007, month=3, day=31, hour=23, minute=59, second=59) ival_QEJAN_to_D_start = Period(freq='D', year=2006, month=2, day=1) ival_QEJAN_to_D_end = Period(freq='D', year=2006, month=4, day=30) ival_QEJUN_to_D_start = Period(freq='D', year=2006, month=7, day=1) ival_QEJUN_to_D_end = Period(freq='D', year=2006, month=9, day=30) self.assertEqual(ival_Q.asfreq('A'), ival_Q_to_A) self.assertEqual(ival_Q_end_of_year.asfreq('A'), ival_Q_to_A) self.assertEqual(ival_Q.asfreq('M', 'S'), ival_Q_to_M_start) self.assertEqual(ival_Q.asfreq('M', 'E'), ival_Q_to_M_end) self.assertEqual(ival_Q.asfreq('W', 'S'), ival_Q_to_W_start) self.assertEqual(ival_Q.asfreq('W', 'E'), ival_Q_to_W_end) self.assertEqual(ival_Q.asfreq('B', 'S'), ival_Q_to_B_start) self.assertEqual(ival_Q.asfreq('B', 'E'), ival_Q_to_B_end) self.assertEqual(ival_Q.asfreq('D', 'S'), ival_Q_to_D_start) self.assertEqual(ival_Q.asfreq('D', 'E'), ival_Q_to_D_end) self.assertEqual(ival_Q.asfreq('H', 'S'), ival_Q_to_H_start) self.assertEqual(ival_Q.asfreq('H', 'E'), ival_Q_to_H_end) self.assertEqual(ival_Q.asfreq('Min', 'S'), ival_Q_to_T_start) self.assertEqual(ival_Q.asfreq('Min', 'E'), ival_Q_to_T_end) self.assertEqual(ival_Q.asfreq('S', 'S'), ival_Q_to_S_start) self.assertEqual(ival_Q.asfreq('S', 'E'), ival_Q_to_S_end) self.assertEqual(ival_QEJAN.asfreq('D', 'S'), ival_QEJAN_to_D_start) self.assertEqual(ival_QEJAN.asfreq('D', 'E'), ival_QEJAN_to_D_end) self.assertEqual(ival_QEJUN.asfreq('D', 'S'), ival_QEJUN_to_D_start) self.assertEqual(ival_QEJUN.asfreq('D', 'E'), ival_QEJUN_to_D_end) self.assertEqual(ival_Q.asfreq('Q'), ival_Q) def test_conv_monthly(self): # frequency conversion tests: from Monthly Frequency ival_M = Period(freq='M', year=2007, month=1) ival_M_end_of_year = Period(freq='M', year=2007, month=12) ival_M_end_of_quarter = Period(freq='M', year=2007, month=3) ival_M_to_A = Period(freq='A', year=2007) ival_M_to_Q = Period(freq='Q', year=2007, quarter=1) ival_M_to_W_start = Period(freq='W', year=2007, month=1, day=1) ival_M_to_W_end = Period(freq='W', year=2007, month=1, day=31) ival_M_to_B_start = Period(freq='B', year=2007, month=1, day=1) ival_M_to_B_end = Period(freq='B', year=2007, month=1, day=31) ival_M_to_D_start = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=1, day=1) ival_M_to_D_end = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=1, day=31) ival_M_to_H_start = Period(freq='H', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0) ival_M_to_H_end = Period(freq='H', year=2007, month=1, day=31, hour=23) ival_M_to_T_start = Period(freq='Min', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0) ival_M_to_T_end = Period(freq='Min', year=2007, month=1, day=31, hour=23, minute=59) ival_M_to_S_start = Period(freq='S', year=2007, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0) ival_M_to_S_end = Period(freq='S', year=2007, month=1, day=31, hour=23, minute=59, second=59) self.assertEqual(ival_M.asfreq('A'), ival_M_to_A) self.assertEqual(ival_M_end_of_year.asfreq('A'), ival_M_to_A) self.assertEqual(ival_M.asfreq('Q'), ival_M_to_Q) self.assertEqual(ival_M_end_of_quarter.asfreq('Q'), ival_M_to_Q) self.assertEqual(ival_M.asfreq('W', 'S'), ival_M_to_W_start) self.assertEqual(ival_M.asfreq('W', 'E'), ival_M_to_W_end) self.assertEqual(ival_M.asfreq('B', 'S'), ival_M_to_B_start) self.assertEqual(ival_M.asfreq('B', 'E'), ival_M_to_B_end) self.assertEqual(ival_M.asfreq('D', 'S'), ival_M_to_D_start) self.assertEqual(ival_M.asfreq('D', 'E'), ival_M_to_D_end) self.assertEqual(ival_M.asfreq('H', 'S'), ival_M_to_H_start) self.assertEqual(ival_M.asfreq('H', 'E'), ival_M_to_H_end) self.assertEqual(ival_M.asfreq('Min', 'S'), ival_M_to_T_start) self.assertEqual(ival_M.asfreq('Min', 'E'), ival_M_to_T_end) self.assertEqual(ival_M.asfreq('S', 'S'), ival_M_to_S_start) self.assertEqual(ival_M.asfreq('S', 'E'), ival_M_to_S_end) self.assertEqual(ival_M.asfreq('M'), ival_M) def test_conv_weekly(self): # frequency conversion tests: from Weekly Frequency ival_W = Period(freq='W', year=2007, month=1, day=1) ival_WSUN = Period(freq='W', year=2007, month=1, day=7) ival_WSAT = Period(freq='W-SAT', year=2007, month=1, day=6) ival_WFRI = Period(freq='W-FRI', year=2007, month=1, day=5) ival_WTHU = Period(freq='W-THU', year=2007, month=1, day=4) ival_WWED = Period(freq='W-WED', year=2007, month=1, day=3) ival_WTUE = Period(freq='W-TUE', year=2007, month=1, day=2) ival_WMON = Period(freq='W-MON', year=2007, month=1, day=1) ival_WSUN_to_D_start = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=1, day=1) ival_WSUN_to_D_end = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=1, day=7) ival_WSAT_to_D_start = Period(freq='D', year=2006, month=12, day=31) ival_WSAT_to_D_end = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=1, day=6) ival_WFRI_to_D_start = Period(freq='D', year=2006, month=12, day=30) ival_WFRI_to_D_end = Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=1, day=5) ival_WTHU_to_D_start = Period(freq='D', year=2006, month=12, day=29) ival_WTHU_to_D_end =
Period(freq='D', year=2007, month=1, day=4)
from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import pandas from pandas.api.types import is_scalar from pandas.compat import to_str, string_types, numpy as numpy_compat, cPickle as pkl import pandas.core.common as com from pandas.core.dtypes.common import ( _get_dtype_from_object, is_list_like, is_numeric_dtype, is_datetime_or_timedelta_dtype, is_dtype_equal, is_object_dtype, is_integer_dtype, ) from pandas.core.index import _ensure_index_from_sequences from pandas.core.indexing import check_bool_indexer, convert_to_index_sliceable from pandas.util._validators import validate_bool_kwarg import itertools import functools import numpy as np import re import sys import warnings from modin.error_message import ErrorMessage from .utils import from_pandas, to_pandas, _inherit_docstrings from .iterator import PartitionIterator from .series import SeriesView @_inherit_docstrings( pandas.DataFrame, excluded=[pandas.DataFrame, pandas.DataFrame.__init__] ) class DataFrame(object): def __init__( self, data=None, index=None, columns=None, dtype=None, copy=False, query_compiler=None, ): """Distributed DataFrame object backed by Pandas dataframes. Args: data (numpy ndarray (structured or homogeneous) or dict): Dict can contain Series, arrays, constants, or list-like objects. index (pandas.Index, list, ObjectID): The row index for this DataFrame. columns (pandas.Index): The column names for this DataFrame, in pandas Index object. dtype: Data type to force. Only a single dtype is allowed. If None, infer copy (boolean): Copy data from inputs. Only affects DataFrame / 2d ndarray input. query_compiler: A query compiler object to manage distributed computation. """ if isinstance(data, DataFrame): self._query_compiler = data._query_compiler return # Check type of data and use appropriate constructor if data is not None or query_compiler is None: pandas_df = pandas.DataFrame( data=data, index=index, columns=columns, dtype=dtype, copy=copy ) self._query_compiler = from_pandas(pandas_df)._query_compiler else: self._query_compiler = query_compiler def __str__(self): return repr(self) def _build_repr_df(self, num_rows, num_cols): # Add one here so that pandas automatically adds the dots # It turns out to be faster to extract 2 extra rows and columns than to # build the dots ourselves. num_rows_for_head = num_rows // 2 + 1 num_cols_for_front = num_cols // 2 + 1 if len(self.index) <= num_rows: head = self._query_compiler tail = None else: head = self._query_compiler.head(num_rows_for_head) tail = self._query_compiler.tail(num_rows_for_head) if len(self.columns) <= num_cols: head_front = head.to_pandas() # Creating these empty to make the concat logic simpler head_back = pandas.DataFrame() tail_back = pandas.DataFrame() if tail is not None: tail_front = tail.to_pandas() else: tail_front = pandas.DataFrame() else: head_front = head.front(num_cols_for_front).to_pandas() head_back = head.back(num_cols_for_front).to_pandas() if tail is not None: tail_front = tail.front(num_cols_for_front).to_pandas() tail_back = tail.back(num_cols_for_front).to_pandas() else: tail_front = tail_back = pandas.DataFrame() head_for_repr = pandas.concat([head_front, head_back], axis=1) tail_for_repr = pandas.concat([tail_front, tail_back], axis=1) return pandas.concat([head_for_repr, tail_for_repr]) def __repr__(self): # In the future, we can have this be configurable, just like Pandas. num_rows = 60 num_cols = 30 result = repr(self._build_repr_df(num_rows, num_cols)) if len(self.index) > num_rows or len(self.columns) > num_cols: # The split here is so that we don't repr pandas row lengths. return result.rsplit("\n\n", 1)[0] + "\n\n[{0} rows x {1} columns]".format( len(self.index), len(self.columns) ) else: return result def _repr_html_(self): """repr function for rendering in Jupyter Notebooks like Pandas Dataframes. Returns: The HTML representation of a Dataframe. """ # In the future, we can have this be configurable, just like Pandas. num_rows = 60 num_cols = 20 # We use pandas _repr_html_ to get a string of the HTML representation # of the dataframe. result = self._build_repr_df(num_rows, num_cols)._repr_html_() if len(self.index) > num_rows or len(self.columns) > num_cols: # We split so that we insert our correct dataframe dimensions. return result.split("<p>")[ 0 ] + "<p>{0} rows x {1} columns</p>\n</div>".format( len(self.index), len(self.columns) ) else: return result def _get_index(self): """Get the index for this DataFrame. Returns: The union of all indexes across the partitions. """ return self._query_compiler.index def _get_columns(self): """Get the columns for this DataFrame. Returns: The union of all indexes across the partitions. """ return self._query_compiler.columns def _set_index(self, new_index): """Set the index for this DataFrame. Args: new_index: The new index to set this """ self._query_compiler.index = new_index def _set_columns(self, new_columns): """Set the columns for this DataFrame. Args: new_index: The new index to set this """ self._query_compiler.columns = new_columns index = property(_get_index, _set_index) columns = property(_get_columns, _set_columns) def _validate_eval_query(self, expr, **kwargs): """Helper function to check the arguments to eval() and query() Args: expr: The expression to evaluate. This string cannot contain any Python statements, only Python expressions. """ if isinstance(expr, str) and expr is "": raise ValueError("expr cannot be an empty string") if isinstance(expr, str) and "@" in expr: ErrorMessage.not_implemented("Local variables not yet supported in eval.") if isinstance(expr, str) and "not" in expr: if "parser" in kwargs and kwargs["parser"] == "python": ErrorMessage.not_implemented("'Not' nodes are not implemented.") @property def size(self): """Get the number of elements in the DataFrame. Returns: The number of elements in the DataFrame. """ return len(self.index) * len(self.columns) @property def ndim(self): """Get the number of dimensions for this DataFrame. Returns: The number of dimensions for this DataFrame. """ # DataFrames have an invariant that requires they be 2 dimensions. return 2 @property def ftypes(self): """Get the ftypes for this DataFrame. Returns: The ftypes for this DataFrame. """ # The ftypes are common across all partitions. # The first partition will be enough. dtypes = self.dtypes.copy() ftypes = ["{0}:dense".format(str(dtype)) for dtype in dtypes.values] result = pandas.Series(ftypes, index=self.columns) return result @property def dtypes(self): """Get the dtypes for this DataFrame. Returns: The dtypes for this DataFrame. """ return self._query_compiler.dtypes @property def empty(self): """Determines if the DataFrame is empty. Returns: True if the DataFrame is empty. False otherwise. """ return len(self.columns) == 0 or len(self.index) == 0 @property def values(self): """Create a numpy array with the values from this DataFrame. Returns: The numpy representation of this DataFrame. """ return to_pandas(self).values @property def axes(self): """Get the axes for the DataFrame. Returns: The axes for the DataFrame. """ return [self.index, self.columns] @property def shape(self): """Get the size of each of the dimensions in the DataFrame. Returns: A tuple with the size of each dimension as they appear in axes(). """ return len(self.index), len(self.columns) def _update_inplace(self, new_query_compiler): """Updates the current DataFrame inplace. Args: new_query_compiler: The new QueryCompiler to use to manage the data """ old_query_compiler = self._query_compiler self._query_compiler = new_query_compiler def add_prefix(self, prefix): """Add a prefix to each of the column names. Returns: A new DataFrame containing the new column names. """ return DataFrame(query_compiler=self._query_compiler.add_prefix(prefix)) def add_suffix(self, suffix): """Add a suffix to each of the column names. Returns: A new DataFrame containing the new column names. """ return DataFrame(query_compiler=self._query_compiler.add_suffix(suffix)) def applymap(self, func): """Apply a function to a DataFrame elementwise. Args: func (callable): The function to apply. """ if not callable(func): raise ValueError("'{0}' object is not callable".format(type(func))) ErrorMessage.non_verified_udf() return DataFrame(query_compiler=self._query_compiler.applymap(func)) def copy(self, deep=True): """Creates a shallow copy of the DataFrame. Returns: A new DataFrame pointing to the same partitions as this one. """ return DataFrame(query_compiler=self._query_compiler.copy()) def groupby( self, by=None, axis=0, level=None, as_index=True, sort=True, group_keys=True, squeeze=False, **kwargs ): """Apply a groupby to this DataFrame. See _groupby() remote task. Args: by: The value to groupby. axis: The axis to groupby. level: The level of the groupby. as_index: Whether or not to store result as index. sort: Whether or not to sort the result by the index. group_keys: Whether or not to group the keys. squeeze: Whether or not to squeeze. Returns: A new DataFrame resulting from the groupby. """ axis = pandas.DataFrame()._get_axis_number(axis) idx_name = "" if callable(by): by = by(self.index) elif isinstance(by, string_types): idx_name = by by = self.__getitem__(by).values.tolist() elif is_list_like(by): if isinstance(by, pandas.Series): by = by.values.tolist() mismatch = ( len(by) != len(self) if axis == 0 else len(by) != len(self.columns) ) if all(obj in self for obj in by) and mismatch: # In the future, we will need to add logic to handle this, but for now # we default to pandas in this case. pass elif mismatch: raise KeyError(next(x for x in by if x not in self)) from .groupby import DataFrameGroupBy return DataFrameGroupBy( self, by, axis, level, as_index, sort, group_keys, squeeze, idx_name, **kwargs ) def sum( self, axis=None, skipna=True, level=None, numeric_only=None, min_count=0, **kwargs ): """Perform a sum across the DataFrame. Args: axis (int): The axis to sum on. skipna (bool): True to skip NA values, false otherwise. Returns: The sum of the DataFrame. """ axis = pandas.DataFrame()._get_axis_number(axis) if axis is not None else 0 self._validate_dtypes_sum_prod_mean(axis, numeric_only, ignore_axis=False) return self._query_compiler.sum( axis=axis, skipna=skipna, level=level, numeric_only=numeric_only, min_count=min_count, **kwargs ) def abs(self): """Apply an absolute value function to all numeric columns. Returns: A new DataFrame with the applied absolute value. """ self._validate_dtypes(numeric_only=True) return DataFrame(query_compiler=self._query_compiler.abs()) def isin(self, values): """Fill a DataFrame with booleans for cells contained in values. Args: values (iterable, DataFrame, Series, or dict): The values to find. Returns: A new DataFrame with booleans representing whether or not a cell is in values. True: cell is contained in values. False: otherwise """ return DataFrame(query_compiler=self._query_compiler.isin(values=values)) def isna(self): """Fill a DataFrame with booleans for cells containing NA. Returns: A new DataFrame with booleans representing whether or not a cell is NA. True: cell contains NA. False: otherwise. """ return DataFrame(query_compiler=self._query_compiler.isna()) def isnull(self): """Fill a DataFrame with booleans for cells containing a null value. Returns: A new DataFrame with booleans representing whether or not a cell is null. True: cell contains null. False: otherwise. """ return DataFrame(query_compiler=self._query_compiler.isnull()) def keys(self): """Get the info axis for the DataFrame. Returns: A pandas Index for this DataFrame. """ return self.columns def transpose(self, *args, **kwargs): """Transpose columns and rows for the DataFrame. Returns: A new DataFrame transposed from this DataFrame. """ return DataFrame(query_compiler=self._query_compiler.transpose(*args, **kwargs)) T = property(transpose) def dropna(self, axis=0, how="any", thresh=None, subset=None, inplace=False): """Create a new DataFrame from the removed NA values from this one. Args: axis (int, tuple, or list): The axis to apply the drop. how (str): How to drop the NA values. 'all': drop the label if all values are NA. 'any': drop the label if any values are NA. thresh (int): The minimum number of NAs to require. subset ([label]): Labels to consider from other axis. inplace (bool): Change this DataFrame or return a new DataFrame. True: Modify the data for this DataFrame, return None. False: Create a new DataFrame and return it. Returns: If inplace is set to True, returns None, otherwise returns a new DataFrame with the dropna applied. """ inplace = validate_bool_kwarg(inplace, "inplace") if is_list_like(axis): axis = [pandas.DataFrame()._get_axis_number(ax) for ax in axis] result = self for ax in axis: result = result.dropna(axis=ax, how=how, thresh=thresh, subset=subset) return self._create_dataframe_from_compiler(result._query_compiler, inplace) axis = pandas.DataFrame()._get_axis_number(axis) if how is not None and how not in ["any", "all"]: raise ValueError("invalid how option: %s" % how) if how is None and thresh is None: raise TypeError("must specify how or thresh") if subset is not None: if axis == 1: indices = self.index.get_indexer_for(subset) check = indices == -1 if check.any(): raise KeyError(list(np.compress(check, subset))) else: indices = self.columns.get_indexer_for(subset) check = indices == -1 if check.any(): raise KeyError(list(np.compress(check, subset))) new_query_compiler = self._query_compiler.dropna( axis=axis, how=how, thresh=thresh, subset=subset ) return self._create_dataframe_from_compiler(new_query_compiler, inplace) def add(self, other, axis="columns", level=None, fill_value=None): """Add this DataFrame to another or a scalar/list. Args: other: What to add this this DataFrame. axis: The axis to apply addition over. Only applicaable to Series or list 'other'. level: A level in the multilevel axis to add over. fill_value: The value to fill NaN. Returns: A new DataFrame with the applied addition. """ axis = pandas.DataFrame()._get_axis_number(axis) if level is not None: if isinstance(other, DataFrame): other = other._query_compiler.to_pandas() return self._default_to_pandas( pandas.DataFrame.add, other, axis=axis, level=level, fill_value=fill_value, ) other = self._validate_other(other, axis, numeric_or_object_only=True) new_query_compiler = self._query_compiler.add( other=other, axis=axis, level=level, fill_value=fill_value ) return self._create_dataframe_from_compiler(new_query_compiler) def agg(self, func, axis=0, *args, **kwargs): return self.aggregate(func, axis, *args, **kwargs) def aggregate(self, func, axis=0, *args, **kwargs): axis = pandas.DataFrame()._get_axis_number(axis) result = None if axis == 0: try: result = self._aggregate(func, axis=axis, *args, **kwargs) except TypeError: pass if result is None: kwargs.pop("is_transform", None) return self.apply(func, axis=axis, args=args, **kwargs) return result def _aggregate(self, arg, *args, **kwargs): _axis = kwargs.pop("_axis", None) if _axis is None: _axis = getattr(self, "axis", 0) kwargs.pop("_level", None) if isinstance(arg, string_types): return self._string_function(arg, *args, **kwargs) # Dictionaries have complex behavior because they can be renamed here. elif isinstance(arg, dict): return self._default_to_pandas(pandas.DataFrame.agg, arg, *args, **kwargs) elif is_list_like(arg) or callable(arg): return self.apply(arg, axis=_axis, args=args, **kwargs) else: # TODO Make pandas error raise ValueError("type {} is not callable".format(type(arg))) def _string_function(self, func, *args, **kwargs): assert isinstance(func, string_types) f = getattr(self, func, None) if f is not None: if callable(f): return f(*args, **kwargs) assert len(args) == 0 assert ( len([kwarg for kwarg in kwargs if kwarg not in ["axis", "_level"]]) == 0 ) return f f = getattr(np, func, None) if f is not None: return self._default_to_pandas(pandas.DataFrame.agg, func, *args, **kwargs) raise ValueError("{} is an unknown string function".format(func)) def align( self, other, join="outer", axis=None, level=None, copy=True, fill_value=None, method=None, limit=None, fill_axis=0, broadcast_axis=None, ): if isinstance(other, DataFrame): other = other._query_compiler.to_pandas() return self._default_to_pandas( pandas.DataFrame.align, other, join=join, axis=axis, level=level, copy=copy, fill_value=fill_value, method=method, limit=limit, fill_axis=fill_axis, broadcast_axis=broadcast_axis, ) def all(self, axis=0, bool_only=None, skipna=None, level=None, **kwargs): """Return whether all elements are True over requested axis Note: If axis=None or axis=0, this call applies df.all(axis=1) to the transpose of df. """ if axis is not None: axis = pandas.DataFrame()._get_axis_number(axis) else: if bool_only: raise ValueError("Axis must be 0 or 1 (got {})".format(axis)) return self._query_compiler.all( axis=axis, bool_only=bool_only, skipna=skipna, level=level, **kwargs ) def any(self, axis=0, bool_only=None, skipna=None, level=None, **kwargs): """Return whether any elements are True over requested axis Note: If axis=None or axis=0, this call applies on the column partitions, otherwise operates on row partitions """ if axis is not None: axis = pandas.DataFrame()._get_axis_number(axis) else: if bool_only: raise ValueError("Axis must be 0 or 1 (got {})".format(axis)) return self._query_compiler.any( axis=axis, bool_only=bool_only, skipna=skipna, level=level, **kwargs ) def append(self, other, ignore_index=False, verify_integrity=False, sort=None): """Append another DataFrame/list/Series to this one. Args: other: The object to append to this. ignore_index: Ignore the index on appending. verify_integrity: Verify the integrity of the index on completion. Returns: A new DataFrame containing the concatenated values. """ if isinstance(other, (pandas.Series, dict)): if isinstance(other, dict): other =
''' - wrap various differential expression tools =========================================================== :Tags: Python Purpose ------- This module provides tools for differential expression analysis for a variety of methods. Methods implemented are: DESeq EdgeR ttest The aim of this module is to run these individual tools and output a table in a common format. Usage ----- Documentation ------------- Requirements: * DESeq >= 1.17 * DESeq2 >= 1.5.62 * edgeR >= 3.7.16 * gplots >= 2.14.2 * ggplot2 >= 1.0.0 * reshape >= 0.8.5 * RColorBrewer >= 1.0.5 * grid >= 3.1.1 * limma >= 3.21.18 * samr >= 2.0 (optional) * siggenes >= 1.39.0 (optional) Code ---- To do: --check contrasts against design model ''' import os import math import numpy import sys import collections import itertools import re import pandas import copy import numpy as np from scipy.stats import ttest_ind import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import rpy2 from rpy2.robjects import r from rpy2.robjects import r as R import rpy2.robjects as ro from rpy2.robjects import pandas2ri from rpy2.robjects.packages import importr from rpy2.robjects.vectors import FloatVector try: from rpy2.rinterface import RRuntimeError except ImportError: from rpy2.rinterface_lib.embedded import RRuntimeError try: import cgatcore.experiment as E import cgatcore.iotools as iotools import cgat.Stats as Stats except ImportError: import experiment as E import iotools import Stats # activate pandas/rpy conversion # pandas2ri.activate() # AH: Only do this on demand, module might not be # be able to be imported if there are any issues. # grdevices = importr('grDevices') def runDETest(raw_DataFrame, design_file, outfile, de_caller, **kwargs): ''' provide higher level API to run tools with default setting ''' if de_caller.lower() == "deseq": pass else: raise ValueError("Unknown caller") def splitModel(model): '''returns the terms in the model''' return [x for x in re.split("[\.:,~+\s*]", re.sub("~(\s*)?", "", model)) if len(x) > 0] def adjustPvalues(p_values): '''return a list of BH adjusted pvalues''' # import r stats module to adjust pvalues stats = importr('stats') adj_pvalues = list(stats.p_adjust(FloatVector(p_values), method='BH')) return adj_pvalues def pvaluesToSignficant(p_values, fdr): '''return a list of bools for significance''' return [int(x < fdr) for x in p_values] class ExperimentalDesign(object): """Objects representing experimental designs. This class takes an experimental design in tabular form and exports several convenience functions and attributes. `filename_or_table` can be a filename of a tab-separated table with the following columns. track the sample name include whether or not this sample should be included in the design groups a label grouping several samples into a group pair for paired tests, a numeric identifier linking samples that are paired. An example of an experimtal design with two groups and paired samples is below:: track include group pair sample1 1 treatment 1 sample2 1 treatment 2 sample3 1 control 1 sample4 1 control 2 When providing `filename_or_table`, the `include` column is used to directly filter the design to remove any non-included samples. Additional columns will be added as factors to the design. Alternatively, `filename_or_table` can be a pandas DataFrame with sample names as row index and the appropriate columns. Attributes ----------- table : pandas DataFrame dataframe object describing the design groups : list list of groups in the design conditions : list group for each sample pairs : list pair status for each sample samples: list sample names factors: list factors for each sample has_replicates : bool True if at least one group has multiple samples has_pairs : bool True if design is a paired design """ def __init__(self, filename_or_table): # read in table in the constructor for ExpDesign # e.g design = ExpDesign(pd.read_csv(...)) if isinstance(filename_or_table, str): self.table = pandas.read_csv(filename_or_table, sep="\t", index_col=0) elif isinstance(filename_or_table, pandas.core.frame.DataFrame): self.table = filename_or_table else: raise ValueError("Type needs to be string or pandas data frame." "Type = %s", type(filename_or_table)) assert self.table.shape, "design table is empty" # parse the design table. Users probably expect this # to happen once data is uploaded. self._update() def _update(self): """parse design file and fill class attributes. Call this function whenever self.table changes. """ # remove all entries that should not be included self.table = self.table[self.table["include"] != 0] # define attributes self.conditions = self.table['group'].tolist() self.pairs = self.table['pair'].tolist() # TS - use OrderedDict to retain order in unique self.groups = (list(collections.OrderedDict.fromkeys( self.conditions))) self.samples = self.table.index.tolist() # Test if replicates exist, i.e at least one group has multiple samples # TS - does this need to be extended to check whether replicates exist # for each group? max_per_group = max([self.conditions.count(x) for x in self.groups]) self.has_replicates = max_per_group >= 2 # Test if pairs exist: npairs = len(set(self.pairs)) has_pairs = npairs == 2 # ..if so, at least two samples are required per pair if has_pairs: min_per_pair = min([self.pairs.count(x) for x in set(self.pairs)]) self.has_pairs = min_per_pair >= 2 else: self.has_pairs = False # all columns except "include" may be considered as factors self.factors = self.table.drop(["include"], axis=1) # remove "pair" from factor if design does not include pairs if not self.has_pairs: self.factors.drop("pair", inplace=True, axis=1) def validate(self, counts=None, model=None): if counts is not None: missing = set(self.samples).difference(set(counts.table.columns)) if len(missing) > 0: raise ValueError( "following samples in design table are missing" " from counts table: %s" % ", ".join(missing)) if model is not None: # check all model terms exist model_terms = splitModel(model) missing = set(model_terms).difference( set(self.table.columns.tolist())) if len(missing) > 0: raise ValueError("following terms in the model are missing" " from the design table: %s" % ", ".join(missing)) # check there are at least two values for each level for term in model_terms: levels = set(self.table.ix[:, term]) if len(levels) < 2: raise ValueError("term '%s' in the model has less " "than two levels (%s) in the " " design table" % (term, ", ".join(levels))) def restrict(self, counts): ''' return design with samples not in counts table removed ''' self.table = self.table.ix[counts.table.columns, :] def revalidate(self, counts, model=None): ''' re-validate, i.e post filtering of counts table ''' if len(set(self.samples).symmetric_difference( set(counts.table.columns))) > 0: self.restrict(counts) self._update() self.validate(counts, model) else: pass def firstPairOnly(self): '''restrict the design table to the first pair only. If unpaired will retain whole design table ''' if not self.pairs: self.pairs = self.table['pair'].tolist() self.table = self.table.ix[self.table['pair'] == min(self.pairs), ] def getSamplesInGroup(self, group): """return list of sample names belonging to group.""" if group not in self.groups: raise KeyError("group '%s' not present") return self.table[self.table["group"] == group].index.tolist() def getGroupForSample(self, sample): """return group a sample belongs to""" return self.table.loc[sample]["group"] def getGroups2Samples(self): """return a dictionary mapping a group to samples within the group. Returns ------- dict with groups as keys and list of samples within a group as values. """ groups_to_tracks = {} for group in self.groups: match_group = (self.table['group'] == group).tolist() subset = self.table.iloc[match_group, ] groups_to_tracks[group] = subset.index.tolist() return groups_to_tracks def mapGroupsSuffix(self, shuffle_suffix, keep_suffix): '''use suffixes supplied to extract groups from the design table and return dictionaries mapping each group to tracks for keeping with tracks which should be shuffled ''' groups_to_keep_tracks = {} groups_to_spike_tracks = {} keep_suffix = keep_suffix.split(",") for group in self.groups: match_group = (self.table['group'] == group).tolist() tmp_design = self.table.iloc[match_group, ] groups_to_spike_tracks[group] = [ x + shuffle_suffix for x in tmp_design.index.tolist()] groups_to_keep_tracks[group] = copy.copy( groups_to_spike_tracks[group]) groups_to_keep_tracks[group].extend( [x + y for x in tmp_design.index.tolist() for y in keep_suffix]) return groups_to_keep_tracks, groups_to_spike_tracks class DEExperiment(object): ''' base clase for DE experiments ''' def __init__(self): pass def run(self): ''' Custom DE functions return a DEResult object''' class DEResult(object): ''' base class for DE result ''' def __init__(self, testTable=None): self.table = testTable def getResults(self): ''' post-process results into generic output columns are: - contrast - treatment_name - control_name - test_id - control_mean - treatment_mean - control_std - treatment_std - p_value - p_value_adj - significant - l2fold - transformed_l2fold - fold - status ''' def calculateIHW(self, alpha=0.1): ''' Use the Independent Hypothesis Weighting method from IGNATIADIS et al (2016) to perform weighted FDR''' if not ('control_mean' in self.table.columns and 'treatment_mean' in self.table.columns and 'p_value' in self.table.columns): E.error("IHW requires control_mean, treatment_mean and p_value " "columns, have you first run the getResults method?") runIHW = r('''function(df){ library(IHW) mean_expression = (df$control_mean + df$treatment_mean)/2 ihw_res = ihw(df$p_value ~ mean_expression, alpha = %(alpha)s) df$p_value_adj = adj_pvalues(ihw_res) return(df) }''' % locals()) self.table = pandas2ri.ri2py(runIHW(pandas2ri.py2ri(self.table))) self.table["significant"] = pvaluesToSignficant( self.table["p_value_adj"], alpha) def summariseDEResults(self): ''' summarise DE results. Counts instances of possible outcomes''' # TS: the summarising is now split by the comparison being made and a # dict returned with keys=comparisons, value=E.Counter per comparison self.Summary = {} control_names = set(self.table['control_name']) treatment_names = set(self.table['treatment_name']) for control, treatment in itertools.product(control_names, treatment_names): tmp_table = self.table[self.table['control_name'] == control] tmp_table = tmp_table[tmp_table['treatment_name'] == treatment] tmp_table.reset_index(inplace=True) # check control, treatment combination exists n_rows = tmp_table.shape[0] if n_rows > 0: if control != treatment: label = control + "_" + treatment else: label = control label = re.sub(":", "_int_", label) counts = E.Counter() counts.signficant = sum(tmp_table['significant']) counts.insignficant = (len(tmp_table['significant']) - counts.signficant) counts.all_over = sum([x > 0 for x in tmp_table['l2fold']]) counts.all_under = sum([x < 0 for x in tmp_table['l2fold']]) counts.signficant_over = sum( [tmp_table['significant'][x] == 1 and tmp_table['l2fold'][x] > 0 for x in range(0, n_rows)]) counts.signficant_under = sum( [tmp_table['significant'][x] == 1 and tmp_table['l2fold'][x] < 0 for x in range(0, n_rows)]) self.Summary[label] = counts def plotMA(self, contrast=None, outfile_prefix=None, point_alpha=1, point_size=1, R=None): ''' base function for making a MA plot ''' if not R: R = rpy2.robjects.r ro.globalenv['tmp_df'] = pandas2ri.py2ri(self.table) R(''' suppressMessages(library(ggplot2)) suppressMessages(library(grid)) l_txt = element_text(size=20) tmp_df = tmp_df[tmp_df$contrast=="%(contrast)s",] tmp_df = tmp_df[order(-tmp_df$p_value_adj),] p = ggplot(tmp_df, aes(log((control_mean+treatment_mean)/2,2), transformed_l2fold, colour=as.factor(significant))) + geom_point(size=%(point_size)f, alpha=%(point_alpha)f) + xlab("log2 mean expression") + ylab("log2 fold change")+ ggtitle("%(contrast)s") + scale_colour_manual(name="Significant", values=c("black", "red")) + guides(colour = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size=10)))+ theme_bw() + theme(axis.text.x = l_txt, axis.text.y = l_txt, axis.title.x = l_txt, axis.title.y = l_txt, legend.title = l_txt, legend.text = l_txt, title=l_txt, legend.key.size=unit(1, "cm"), aspect.ratio=1) suppressMessages( ggsave(file="%(outfile_prefix)s_%(contrast)s_MA_plot.png", width=10, height=10))''' % locals()) def plotVolcano(self, contrast=None, outfile_prefix=None, R=None): ''' base function for Volcano plotting''' if not R: R = rpy2.robjects.r ro.globalenv['tmp_df'] = pandas2ri.py2ri(self.table) R(''' suppressMessages(library(ggplot2)) suppressMessages(library(grid)) l_txt = element_text(size=20) tmp_df = tmp_df[tmp_df$contrast=="%(contrast)s",] p = ggplot(tmp_df, aes(transformed_l2fold, -log(p_value,10), colour=as.factor(significant))) + geom_point() + xlab("log2 fold change") + ylab("p-value (-log10)") + ggtitle("%(contrast)s") + scale_colour_manual(name="Significant", values=c("black", "#619CFF")) + guides(colour = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size=10))) + theme_bw() + theme(axis.text.x = l_txt, axis.text.y = l_txt, axis.title.x = l_txt, axis.title.y = l_txt, legend.title = l_txt, legend.text = l_txt, title=l_txt, legend.key.size=unit(1, "cm")) suppressMessages( ggsave(file="%(outfile_prefix)s_%(contrast)s_volcano_plot.png", width=10, height=10))''' % locals()) def plotPvalueHist(self, contrast=None, outfile_prefix=None, R=None): ''' base function for Volcano plotting''' if not R: R = rpy2.robjects.r ro.globalenv['tmp_df'] = pandas2ri.py2ri(self.table) R(''' suppressMessages(library(ggplot2)) suppressMessages(library(grid)) l_txt = element_text(size=20) tmp_df = tmp_df[tmp_df$contrast=="%(contrast)s",] p = ggplot(tmp_df, aes(p_value)) + geom_histogram(fill="dodgerblue4") + xlab("p-value") + ylab("count") + ggtitle("p-value histogram - %(contrast)s") + theme_bw() + theme(axis.text.x = l_txt, axis.text.y = l_txt, axis.title.x = l_txt, axis.title.y = l_txt, title=l_txt) suppressMessages( ggsave(file="%(outfile_prefix)s_%(contrast)s_p_value_histogram.png", width=10, height=10))''' % locals()) def plotPvalueQQ(self, contrast=None, outfile_prefix=None, R=None): ''' base function for Volcano plotting''' if not R: R = rpy2.robjects.r ro.globalenv['tmp_df'] = pandas2ri.py2ri(self.table) R(''' log_obs_pvalues = sort(-log10(tmp_df[['p_value']])) uni_pvalues=runif(length(log_obs_pvalues)) log_uni_pvalues= -log10(uni_pvalues) log_uni_pvalues = sort(log_uni_pvalues) png(file="%(outfile_prefix)s_%(contrast)s_p_value_qq_plot.png") plot(log_uni_pvalues,log_obs_pvalues, xlab=expression(Theoretical~~-log[10](italic(p))), ylab=expression(Observed~~-log[10](italic(p))), main="P-value QQ-plot", pch=20) abline(0,1)''' % locals()) class DEExperiment_TTest(DEExperiment): '''DECaller object to run TTest on counts data''' # TS: to do: deal with genes/regions with zero counts def run(self, counts, design, normalise=True, normalise_method="deseq-size-factors"): # TS: normalisation performed here rather than earlier as # the method of normalisation is dependent upon the DE test if normalise is True: counts.normalise(method=normalise_method) df_dict = collections.defaultdict(list) for combination in itertools.combinations(design.groups, 2): control, treatment = combination n_rows = counts.table.shape[0] df_dict["control_name"].extend((control,)*n_rows) df_dict["treatment_name"].extend((treatment,)*n_rows) df_dict["test_id"].extend(counts.table.index.tolist()) # set all status values to "OK" df_dict["status"].extend(("OK",)*n_rows) # subset counts table for each combination c_keep = [x == control for x in design.conditions] control_counts = counts.table.iloc[:, c_keep] t_keep = [x == treatment for x in design.conditions] treatment_counts = counts.table.iloc[:, t_keep] c_mean = control_counts.mean(axis=1) df_dict["control_mean"].extend(c_mean) df_dict["control_std"].extend(control_counts.std(axis=1)) t_mean = treatment_counts.mean(axis=1) df_dict["treatment_mean"].extend(t_mean) df_dict["treatment_std"].extend(treatment_counts.std(axis=1)) t, prob = ttest_ind(control_counts, treatment_counts, axis=1) df_dict["p_value"].extend(prob) result = DEResult_TTest(testTable=pandas.DataFrame(df_dict)) result.table.set_index("test_id", inplace=True) return result class DEResult_TTest(DEResult): def getResults(self, fdr): ''' post-process test results table into generic results output ''' # TS - what about zero values?! self.table["fold"] = ( self.table["treatment_mean"] / self.table["control_mean"]) self.table["p_value_adj"] = adjustPvalues(self.table["p_value"]) self.table["significant"] = pvaluesToSignficant( self.table["p_value_adj"], fdr) self.table["l2fold"] = list(numpy.log2(self.table["fold"])) # note: the transformed log2 fold change is not transformed for TTest self.table["transformed_l2fold"] = self.table["l2fold"] self.table["contrast"] = "_vs_".join((self.table['control_name'], self.table['treatment_name'])) class DEExperiment_edgeR(DEExperiment): '''DEExperiment object to run edgeR on counts data See page 13 of the EdgeR user guide:: 2. Simply pick a reasonable dispersion value, based on your experience with similar data, and use that. Although subjective, this is still more defensible than assuming Poisson variation. Typical values are dispersion=0.4 for human data, dispersion=0.1 for data on genetically identical model organisms or dispersion=0.01 for technical replicates. ''' def run(self, counts, design, model=None, contrast=None, outfile_prefix=None, ref_group=None, fdr=0.1, dispersion=None): if not design.has_replicates and dispersion is None: raise ValueError("no replicates and no dispersion") # create r objects r_counts = pandas2ri.py2ri(counts.table) r_groups = ro.StrVector(design.conditions) r_pairs = ro.StrVector(design.pairs) r_has_pairs = ro.BoolVector([design.has_pairs]) r_has_replicates = ro.BoolVector([design.has_replicates]) if model is not None: r_factors_df = pandas2ri.py2ri(design.factors) else: r_factors_df = ro.default_py2ri(False)'running edgeR: groups=%s, replicates=%s, pairs=%s, ' 'additional_factors:%s' % (design.groups, design.has_replicates, design.has_pairs, design.factors)) levels = set(design.table[contrast]) if len(levels) > 2: E.warn( "There are more than 2 levels for the " "contrast specified" "(%s:%s). The log2fold changes in the " "results table and MA plots will be for the first two " "levels in the contrast. The p-value will be the p-value " "for the overall significance of the contrast. Hence, some " "genes will have a signficant p-value but 0-fold change " "between the first two levels" % (contrast, levels)) # build DGEList object buildDGEList = r(''' suppressMessages(library('edgeR')) function(counts){ countsTable = DGEList(counts) countsTable = calcNormFactors(countsTable) return(countsTable)}''' % locals()) r_countsTable = buildDGEList(r_counts) # build design matrix buildDesign = r(''' function(factors_df){ for (level in colnames(factors_df)){ factors_df[[level]] <- factor(factors_df[[level]]) } factors_df$%(contrast)s <- relevel( factors_df$%(contrast)s, ref="%(ref_group)s") design <- model.matrix(%(model)s, data=factors_df) return(design)}''' % locals()) r_design = buildDesign(r_factors_df) # fit model fitModel = r(''' function(countsTable, design, has_replicates){ if (has_replicates[1] == TRUE) { # estimate common dispersion countsTable = estimateGLMCommonDisp( countsTable, design ) # estimate trended dispersion countsTable <- estimateGLMTrendedDisp( countsTable, design) # estimate tagwise dispersion countsTable = estimateGLMTagwiseDisp( countsTable, design ) # fitting model to each tag fit = glmFit( countsTable, design ) } else { # fitting model to each tag fit = glmFit(countsTable, design, dispersion=%(dispersion)s) } return(fit)}''' % locals()) r_fit = fitModel(r_countsTable, r_design, r_has_replicates)"Conducting likelihood ratio tests") lrtTest = r(''' function(fit, design, factors_df, countsTable){ suppressMessages(library(reshape2)) lrt = glmLRT(fit) lrt_table =$table) lrt_table$contrast <- "%(contrast)s" for (level in colnames(factors_df)){ factors_df[[level]] <- factor(factors_df[[level]]) } factors_df$%(contrast)s <- relevel( factors_df$%(contrast)s, ref="%(ref_group)s") contrast_levels = as.vector(levels(factor(factors_df[["%(contrast)s"]]))) lrt_table$control_name <- contrast_levels[1] lrt_table$treatment_name <- contrast_levels[2] dt <- decideTestsDGE(lrt, adjust.method="BH", p.value=%(fdr)s) isDE <- as.logical(dt) DEnames <- rownames(fit)[isDE] png(paste0(c("%(outfile_prefix)s", "MA.png"), collapse="_")) plotSmear(lrt, de.tags=DEnames, cex=0.35, main="%(contrast)s") abline(h=c(-1,1), col="blue") return(lrt_table)}''' % locals()) r_lrt_table = lrtTest(r_fit, r_design, r_factors_df, r_countsTable) result = DEResult_edgeR(testTable=pandas2ri.ri2py(r_lrt_table)) return result class DEResult_edgeR(DEResult): def getResults(self, fdr, DEtype="GLM"): ''' post-process test results table into generic results output '''"Generating output - results table") df_dict = collections.defaultdict() n_rows = self.table.shape[0] df_dict["treatment_name"] = self.table['treatment_name'] df_dict["control_name"] = self.table['control_name'] df_dict["contrast"] = self.table['contrast'] df_dict["test_id"] = self.table.index df_dict["control_mean"] = self.table['logCPM'] df_dict["treatment_mean"] = self.table['logCPM'] df_dict["control_std"] = (0,)*n_rows df_dict["treatment_std"] = (0,)*n_rows df_dict["p_value"] = self.table['PValue'] df_dict["p_value_adj"] = adjustPvalues(self.table['PValue']) df_dict["significant"] = pvaluesToSignficant( df_dict["p_value_adj"], fdr) df_dict["l2fold"] = (self.table['logFC']) # TS: the transformed log2 fold change is not transformed! df_dict["transformed_l2fold"] = df_dict["l2fold"] # TS: check what happens when no fold change is available # TS: may need an if/else in list comprehension. Raise E.warn too? df_dict["fold"] = [math.pow(2, float(x)) for x in self.table['logFC']] # set all status values to "OK" # TS: again, may need an if/else to check... df_dict["status"] = ("OK",)*n_rows self.table = pandas.DataFrame(df_dict) class DEExperiment_DESeq2(DEExperiment): '''DEExperiment object to run DESeq2 on counts data''' def run(self, counts, design, fdr=0.1, fit_type="parametric", model=None, outfile_prefix=None, ref_group=None, contrast=None, DEtest="Wald", R=None): if not R: R = rpy2.robjects.r pandas2ri.activate() # R will replace any "-" with "." in rownames. # Here, we make sure the design and counts samples are the same design.table.index = [x.replace("-", ".") for x in design.table.index] design.factors.index = [x.replace("-", ".") for x in design.factors.index] counts.table.columns = [x.replace("-", ".") for x in counts.table.columns] # create r objects ro.globalenv['counts'] = pandas2ri.py2ri(counts.table) ro.globalenv['design'] = pandas2ri.py2ri(design.table) ro.globalenv['factors_df'] = pandas2ri.py2ri(design.factors) model_terms = [x for x in re.split("[\+~ ]+", model)[1:] if x != "0"]'running DESeq2: groups=%s, replicates=%s, pairs=%s, ' 'DE test: %s, additional_factors:%s, ' % (design.groups, design.has_replicates, design.has_pairs, DEtest, design.factors)) # load DESeq R('''suppressMessages(library('DESeq2'))''') # build DESeq2 Datasets (dds) assert contrast, ("must supply a contrast for wald or LRT " "(for LRT, contrast is used to derive reduced model") if DEtest == "wald": assert ref_group, "Must supply a ref_group to perform Wald test" if ref_group: R(''' for(column in colnames(factors_df)){ factors_df[[column]] = factor(factors_df[[column]]) } full_model <- formula("%(model)s") factors_df$%(contrast)s <- relevel( factors_df$%(contrast)s, ref="%(ref_group)s") dds <- suppressMessages(DESeqDataSetFromMatrix( countData= counts, colData = factors_df, design = full_model)) ''' % locals()) else: R(''' for(column in colnames(factors_df)){ factors_df[[column]] = factor(factors_df[[column]]) } full_model <- formula("%(model)s") dds <- suppressMessages(DESeqDataSetFromMatrix( countData= counts, colData = factors_df, design = full_model)) ''' % locals()) if DEtest == "wald": levels = set(design.table[contrast]) if len(levels) > 2: E.warn('''Using Wald test for factor with more than 2 levels (%s:%s), Consider LRT''' % (contrast, levels)) contrast = model_terms[-1] contrast_levels = set(design.factors[contrast]) # performDifferentialTesting R(''' dds = suppressMessages( DESeq(dds, test="Wald", fitType="%(fit_type)s")) contrast_levels = as.vector(levels(dds@colData$%(contrast)s)) png("%(outfile_prefix)s_dispersion.png") plotDispEsts(dds) res = suppressMessages(results(dds)) png(paste0(c("%(outfile_prefix)s", "MA.png"), collapse="_")) plotMA(res, alpha=%(fdr)s) res = c = counts(dds, normalized = TRUE) res$contrast = "%(contrast)s" contrast_levels = levels(dds@colData$%(contrast)s) res$control = contrast_levels[1] res$treatment = contrast_levels[2] res['test_id'] = rownames(res) ''' % locals()) results = pandas2ri.ri2py(ro.globalenv['res']) # liklihood ratio test # Note that if there are more than 3 levels for the contrast, # the results table will include a log2-fold change from the # first two levels only, however, MA plots will be generated # for each combination of levels elif DEtest == "lrt": levels = set(design.table[contrast]) if len(levels) > 2: E.warn('''There are more than 2 levels for the contrast specified" "(%s:%s). The log2fold changes in the results table and MA plots will be for the first two levels in the contrast. The p-value will be the p-value for the overall significance of the contrast. Hence, some genes may have a signficant p-value but ~0-fold change between the first two levels''' % (contrast, levels)) n = 0 reduced_model = [x for x in model_terms if x != contrast] if len(reduced_model) > 0: reduced_model = "~" + "+".join(reduced_model) else: reduced_model = "~1" print(''' ddsLRT <- suppressMessages( DESeq(dds, test="LRT", reduced=formula("%(reduced_model)s"), betaPrior=TRUE, fitType="%(fit_type)s")) png("%(outfile_prefix)s_dispersion.png") plotDispEsts(ddsLRT) contrast_levels = as.vector(levels(dds@colData$%(contrast)s)) res = suppressMessages(results(ddsLRT, addMLE=TRUE, contrast=c("%(contrast)s", contrast_levels[2], contrast_levels[1]))) png(paste0(c("%(outfile_prefix)s", "MA.png"), collapse="_")) plotMA(res, alpha=%(fdr)s) res = res$contrast = "%(contrast)s" if(length(contrast_levels)==2){ res$control = contrast_levels[1] res$treatment = contrast_levels[2] } else{ res$control = "%(contrast)s" res$treatment = "%(contrast)s" } res['test_id'] = rownames(res) ''' % locals()) R(''' ddsLRT <- suppressMessages( DESeq(dds, test="LRT", reduced=formula("%(reduced_model)s"), betaPrior=TRUE, fitType="%(fit_type)s")) png("%(outfile_prefix)s_dispersion.png") plotDispEsts(ddsLRT) contrast_levels = as.vector(levels(dds@colData$%(contrast)s)) res = suppressMessages(results(ddsLRT, addMLE=TRUE, contrast=c("%(contrast)s", contrast_levels[2], contrast_levels[1]))) png(paste0(c("%(outfile_prefix)s", "MA.png"), collapse="_")) plotMA(res, alpha=%(fdr)s) res = res$contrast = "%(contrast)s" if(length(contrast_levels)==2) { res$control = contrast_levels[1] res$treatment = contrast_levels[2] } else { res$control = "%(contrast)s" res$treatment = "%(contrast)s" } res['test_id'] = rownames(res) ''' % locals()) results = pandas2ri.ri2py(ro.globalenv['res']) else: raise ValueError("DEtest must be 'wald' or 'lrt'") final_result = DEResult_DESeq2(testTable=results) return final_result class DEResult_DESeq2(DEResult): def getResults(self, fdr): ''' post-process test results table into generic results output '''"Generating output - results table") df_dict = collections.defaultdict() n_rows = self.table.shape[0] df_dict["treatment_name"] = self.table['treatment'] df_dict["control_name"] = self.table['control'] df_dict["test_id"] = self.table['test_id'] df_dict["contrast"] = self.table['contrast'] df_dict["control_mean"] = self.table['baseMean'] df_dict["treatment_mean"] = self.table['baseMean'] df_dict["control_std"] = (0,)*n_rows df_dict["treatment_std"] = (0,)*n_rows df_dict["p_value"] = self.table['pvalue'] df_dict["p_value_adj"] = adjustPvalues(self.table['pvalue']) df_dict["significant"] = pvaluesToSignficant( df_dict["p_value_adj"], fdr) df_dict["l2fold"] = self.table['log2FoldChange'] # Transformed l2fold is the shrunken values df_dict["transformed_l2fold"] = self.table['log2FoldChange'] # TS: check what happens when no fold change is available # TS: may need an if/else in list comprehension. Raise E.warn too? df_dict["fold"] = [math.pow(2, float(x)) for x in df_dict["l2fold"]] # set all status values to "OK" # TS: again, may need an if/else to check... df_dict["status"] = ("OK",)*n_rows self.table = pandas.DataFrame(df_dict) # causes errors if multiple instance of same test_id exist, for example # if multiple constrasts have been tested # self.table.set_index("test_id", inplace=True) class DEExperiment_DEXSeq(DEExperiment): '''DEExperiment object to run DEXSeq on counts data''' def run(self, design, base_dir, model=None, flattenedfile=None, outfile_prefix=None, ref_group=None, contrast=None, fdr=0.1): pandas2ri.activate() # create r objects'running DEXSeq: groups=%s, pairs=%s, replicates=%s, pairs=%s,' ' additional_factors:' % (design.groups, design.pairs, design.has_replicates, design.has_pairs)) # load DEXSeq R('''suppressMessages(library('DEXSeq'))''') sampleTable = design.table allfiles = [file for file in os.listdir(base_dir)] countfiles = [] for item in list(design.table.index): countfiles += [base_dir+"/"+x for x in allfiles if item in x]"Processing Samples. Sample table:")"%s" % sampleTable) buildCountDataSet = R(''' function(countFiles, gff, sampleTable, model){ full_model <- formula("%(model)s") dxd <- suppressMessages(DEXSeqDataSetFromHTSeq( countFiles, sampleData=sampleTable, flattenedfile=gff, design=full_model)) contrast_levels = as.vector(levels(dxd@colData$%(contrast)s)) dxd = estimateSizeFactors(dxd) dxd = estimateDispersions(dxd) png("%(outfile_prefix)s_dispersion.png") plotDispEsts(dxd) dxd = testForDEU(dxd) dxd = estimateExonFoldChanges( dxd, fitExpToVar="%(contrast)s") result = DEXSeqResults(dxd) result = result$contrast = "%(contrast)s" result$log2FoldChange = result$log2fold if(length(contrast_levels)==2) { result$control = contrast_levels[1] result$treatment = contrast_levels[2] } else { result$control = "%(contrast)s" result$treatment = "%(contrast)s" } return(result) }''' % locals()) result = pandas2ri.ri2py( buildCountDataSet(countfiles, flattenedfile, sampleTable, model)) result['test_id'] = result.index result['contrast'] = contrast final_result = DEResult_DEXSeq(result) return final_result class DEResult_DEXSeq(DEResult): def getResults(self, fdr): ''' post-process test results table into generic results output '''"Generating output - results table") df_dict = collections.defaultdict() n_rows = self.table.shape[0] df_dict["treatment_name"] = self.table['treatment'] df_dict["control_name"] = self.table['control'] df_dict["test_id"] = self.table['test_id'] df_dict["contrast"] = self.table['contrast'] df_dict["control_mean"] = self.table['exonBaseMean'] df_dict["treatment_mean"] = self.table['exonBaseMean'] df_dict["control_std"] = (0,)*n_rows df_dict["treatment_std"] = (0,)*n_rows df_dict["p_value"] = self.table['pvalue'] df_dict["p_value_adj"] = adjustPvalues(self.table['pvalue']) df_dict["significant"] = pvaluesToSignficant( df_dict["p_value_adj"], fdr) df_dict["l2fold"] = ("NA",)*n_rows # Transformed l2fold is the shrunken values df_dict["transformed_l2fold"] = self.table['log2FoldChange'] df_dict["fold"] = ("NA",)*n_rows df_dict["status"] = ("OK",)*n_rows self.table = pandas.DataFrame(df_dict) # causes errors if multiple instance of same test_id exist, for example # if multiple constrasts have been tested # self.table.set_index("test_id", inplace=True) def plotMAplot(self, design, outfile_prefix): # need to implement DEXSeq specific MA plot raise ValueError("MA plotting is not yet implemented for DESeq") class DEExperiment_Sleuth(DEExperiment): '''DEExperiment object to run sleuth on kallisto bootstrap files Unlike the other DEExperiment instances, this does not operate on a Counts.Counts object but instead reads the bootstrap hd5 files from kallisto into memory in R and then performs the differential testing The run method expects all kallisto abundance.h5 files to be under a single directory with a subdirectory for each sample Note: LRT does not generate fold change estimates (see DEResult_Sleuth) use dummy_run = True if you don't want to perform differential testing but want the counts/tpm outfiles ''' def run(self, design, base_dir, model=None, contrast=None, outfile_prefix=None, counts=None, tpm=None, fdr=0.1, DE_test="wald", reduced_model=None, dummy_run=False, genewise=False, gene_biomart=None, ref_group=None): if DE_test == "lrt":"Note: LRT will not generate fold changes") assert reduced_model is not None, ("need to provide a reduced " "model to use LRT") # Design table needs a "sample" column design.table['sample'] = design.table.index r_design_df = pandas2ri.py2ri(design.table)'running sleuth: groups=%s, pairs=%s, replicates=%s, pairs=%s, ' 'additional_factors:' % (design.groups, design.pairs, design.has_replicates, design.has_pairs)) # load sleuth r('''suppressMessages(library('sleuth'))''') # make variates string to ensure all model terms are in the # design dataframe for sleuth model_terms = [x for x in re.split("[\+~ ]+", model)[1:] if x != "0"] variates = "c(%s)" % ",".join(model_terms) # need to code in option to not use a reference group (e.g for LRT) if genewise: assert gene_biomart, ("for genewise analysis, " "must provide a 'gene_biomart'") createSleuthObject = r(''' function(design_df){ library(biomaRt) sample_id = design_df$sample kal_dirs <- sapply(sample_id, function(id) file.path('%(base_dir)s', id)) design_df <- dplyr::select(design_df, sample = sample, %(variates)s) design_df <- dplyr::mutate(design_df, path = kal_dirs) %(contrast)s <- factor(design_df$%(contrast)s) %(contrast)s <- relevel(%(contrast)s,ref='%(ref_group)s') md <- model.matrix(%(model)s, design_df) colnames(md)[grep("%(contrast)s", colnames(md))] <- '%(contrast)s%(ref_group)s' mart <- biomaRt::useMart(biomart = "ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL", #dataset = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl", dataset = "%(gene_biomart)s", host="") t2g <- biomaRt::getBM( attributes = c("ensembl_transcript_id","ensembl_gene_id", "external_gene_name"), mart = mart) t2g <- dplyr::rename(t2g, target_id = ensembl_transcript_id, ens_gene = ensembl_gene_id, ext_gene = external_gene_name) so <- sleuth_prep(design_df, md, target_mapping = t2g, aggregation_column = 'ens_gene') so <- suppressMessages(sleuth_fit(so)) return(so) }''' % locals()) else: createSleuthObject = r(''' function(design_df){ sample_id = design_df$sample kal_dirs <- sapply(sample_id, function(id) file.path('%(base_dir)s', id)) design_df <- dplyr::select(design_df, sample = sample, %(variates)s) design_df <- dplyr::mutate(design_df, path = kal_dirs) %(contrast)s <- factor(design_df$%(contrast)s) %(contrast)s <- relevel(%(contrast)s,ref='%(ref_group)s') md <- model.matrix(%(model)s, design_df) colnames(md)[grep("%(contrast)s", colnames(md))] <- '%(contrast)s%(ref_group)s' so <- sleuth_prep(design_df, md) so <- sleuth_fit(so) return(so) }''' % locals()) so = createSleuthObject(r_design_df) # write out counts and tpm tables if required if counts: makeCountsTable = r(''' function(so){ library('reshape') df = cast(so$obs_raw, target_id~sample, value = "est_counts") colnames(df)[1] <- "transcript_id" write.table(df, "%(counts)s", sep="\t", row.names=F, quote=F) }''' % locals()) makeCountsTable(so) if tpm: makeTPMTable = r(''' function(so){ library('reshape') df = cast(so$obs_raw, target_id~sample, value = "tpm") colnames(df)[1] <- "transcript_id" write.table(df, "%(tpm)s", sep="\t", row.names=F, quote=F) }''' % locals()) makeTPMTable(so) if dummy_run: return None if DE_test == "lrt": differentialTesting = r(''' function(so){ so <- suppressMessages(sleuth_fit(so, formula = %(reduced_model)s, fit_name = "reduced")) so <- suppressMessages(sleuth_lrt(so, "reduced", "full")) results_table <- sleuth_results(so, test = 'reduced:full', test_type = 'lrt') return(results_table) } ''' % locals()) final_result = DEResult_Sleuth(pandas2ri.ri2py( differentialTesting(so))) elif DE_test == "wald": differentialTesting = r(''' function(so){ so <- sleuth_wt(so, which_beta = '%(contrast)s%(ref_group)s') p_ma = plot_ma(so, '%(contrast)s%(ref_group)s') ggsave("%(outfile_prefix)s_%(contrast)s_sleuth_ma.png", width=15, height=15, units="cm") p_vars = plot_vars(so, '%(contrast)s%(ref_group)s') ggsave("%(outfile_prefix)s_%(contrast)s_sleuth_vars.png", width=15, height=15, units="cm") p_mean_var = plot_mean_var(so) ggsave("%(outfile_prefix)s_%(contrast)s_sleuth_mean_var.png", width=15, height=15, units="cm") results_table <- sleuth_results(so, test = '%(contrast)s%(ref_group)s') return(results_table) } ''' % locals()) results = pandas2ri.ri2py(differentialTesting(so)) results['contrast'] = contrast else: raise ValueError("unknown DE test type, use 'wald' or 'lrt'") final_result = DEResult_Sleuth(results) return final_result class DEResult_Sleuth(DEResult): def getResults(self, fdr): ''' post-process test results table into generic results output expression and fold changes from Sleuth are natural logs'''"Generating output - results table") df_dict = collections.defaultdict() n_rows = self.table.shape[0] df_dict["treatment_name"] = ("NA",)*n_rows df_dict["control_name"] = ("NA",)*n_rows df_dict["test_id"] = self.table['target_id'] df_dict["contrast"] = self.table['contrast'] df_dict["control_mean"] = [math.exp(float(x)) for x in self.table['mean_obs']] df_dict["treatment_mean"] = df_dict["control_mean"] df_dict["control_std"] = (0,)*n_rows df_dict["treatment_std"] = (0,)*n_rows df_dict["p_value"] = self.table['pval'] df_dict["p_value_adj"] = adjustPvalues(self.table['pval']) df_dict["significant"] = pvaluesToSignficant(df_dict["p_value_adj"], fdr) df_dict["fold"] = [math.exp(float(x)) for x in self.table['b']] df_dict["l2fold"] = [math.log(float(x), 2) for x in df_dict['fold']] df_dict["transformed_l2fold"] = df_dict["l2fold"] # set all status values to "OK" # TS: again, may need an if/else to check... df_dict["status"] = ("OK",)*n_rows self.table = pandas.DataFrame(df_dict) # causes errors if multiple instance of same test_id exist, for example # if multiple constrasts have been tested # self.table.set_index("test_id", inplace=True) ############################################################################### def buildProbeset2Gene(infile, outfile, database="hgu133plus2.db", mapping="hgu133plus2ENSEMBL"): '''build map relating a probeset to an ENSEMBL gene_id''' R.library(database) # map is a Bimap object m = r(mapping) result = R.toTable(m) outf = open(outfile, "w") outf.write("probe_id\tgene_id\n") for probeset_id, gene_id in zip(result["probe_id"], result["ensembl_id"]): outf.write("%s\t%s\n" % (probeset_id, gene_id)) outf.close()"written %i mappings to %s: probes=%i, genes=%i" % (len(result), outfile, len(set(result["probe_id"])), len(set(result["ensembl_id"])))) GeneExpressionResult = collections.namedtuple( "GeneExpressionResult", "test_id treatment_name treatment_mean treatment_std " "control_name control_mean control_std " "pvalue qvalue l2fold fold transformed_l2fold " "significant status") def writeExpressionResults(outfile, result): '''output expression results table.''' if outfile == sys.stdout: outf = outfile else: outf = iotools.open_file(outfile, "w") outf.write("%s\n" % "\t".join(GeneExpressionResult._fields)) for x in sorted(result): outf.write("%s\n" % "\t".join(map(str, x))) if outf != sys.stdout: outf.close() class WelchsTTest(object): '''base class for computing expression differences. ''' def __call__(self, probesets, treatments, controls): assert len(probesets) == len(treatments[0]) assert len(probesets) == len(controls[0]) nskipped = 0 results = [] for probeset, treatment, control in zip( probesets, zip(*treatments), zip(*controls)): nval1, nval2 = len(treatment), len(control) mean1, mean2 = numpy.mean(treatment), numpy.mean(control) stddev1, stddev2 = numpy.std(treatment), numpy.std(control) try: s = Stats.doWelchsTTest(nval1, mean1, stddev1, nval2, mean2, stddev2, alpha=0.05) except ValueError: E.warn( "expressionDifferences: standard deviations are 0 for " "probeset %s - skipped" % probeset) nskipped += 1 continue s.mProbeset = probeset results.append(s) qvalues = Stats.doFDR([x.mPValue for x in results]).mQValues for s, qvalue in zip(results, qvalues): s.mQValue = qvalue return results, nskipped class SAMR(object): '''SAM analysis of microarray data. Use the Two-Class Unpaired Case Assuming Unequal Variances. This uses the samr library. Significant genes are either called at *fdr* or the top *ngenes* are returned. *treatments* and *control* are arrays of arrays of expression values. See for an explanation of the differences between siggens SAM and Excel SAM. This version is parameterised to reproduce Excel SAM by setting:: var.equal = TRUE med = TRUE .. note:: SAM requires log2 scaled expression levels. ''' def __call__(self, probesets, treatments, controls, pattern=None, fdr=0.10, ngenes=None, npermutations=1000, ndelta=10, method="ttest"): if ngenes and fdr: raise ValueError("either supply ngenes or fdr, but not both.") R.library("samr") m = numpy.matrix(treatments + controls) m = numpy.transpose(m) labels = numpy.array([1] * len(treatments) + [2] * len(controls)) R.assign("x", numpy.array(m)) R.assign("y", labels) R.assign("probesets", probesets) data = r( '''data=list( x=x, y=y, geneid=1:length(probesets), genenames=probesets, logged2=TRUE)''') result = r( '''samr.obj<-samr(data, resp.type="Two class unpaired", nperms=100)''') r('''plot(samr.obj, delta=.4)''') class SAM(object): '''SAM analysis of microarray data. Use the Two-Class Unpaired Case Assuming Unequal Variances. This uses the siggenes library. Note that there is also an rsam package at: Significant genes are either called at *fdr* or the top *ngenes* are returned. *treatments* and *control* are arrays of arrays of expression values. See for an explanation of the differences between siggens SAM and Excel SAM. To parameterize the FDR to excel sam, set the flag *use_excel_sam*. .. note:: SAM requires log2 scaled expression levels. I ran into trouble using this library. I was not able to reproduce the same results from the original SAM study getting differences in d and in the fdr. fold change is treatment / control. ''' def __call__(self, probesets, treatments, controls, pattern=None, fdr=0.10, ngenes=None, npermutations=1000, ndelta=10, method="ttest", use_excel_sam=False, treatment_label="treatment", control_label="control"): if ngenes and fdr: raise ValueError("either supply ngenes or fdr, but not both.") R.library("siggenes") m = numpy.matrix(treatments + controls) m = numpy.transpose(m) E.debug("build expression matrix: %i x %i" % m.shape) labels = numpy.array([1] * len(treatments) + [0] * len(controls)) # 1000 permutations for P-Values of down to 0.0001. Setting this # to a high value improved reproducibility of results. kwargs = {} # kwargs set to replicate excel SAM if use_excel_sam: kwargs.update( {"control": r('''samControl( lambda = 0.5, = %(ndelta)s) ''' % locals()), "med": True, "var.equal": True}) else: kwargs.update({"control": r('''samControl( = %(ndelta)s ) ''' % locals())},) # the option B needs to be not set if wilc.stat is chosen if method == "ttest": kwargs["method"] = r('''d.stat''') kwargs["B"] = npermutations elif method == "wilc": kwargs["method"] = r('''wilc.stat''') elif method == "cat": kwargs["method"] = r('''cat.stat''') else: raise ValueError("unknown statistic `%s`" % method)"running sam with the following options: %s" % str(kwargs)) a = R.sam(numpy.array(m), labels, gene_names=numpy.array(probesets), **kwargs) # E.debug("%s" % str(a)) R.assign("a", a) fdr_data = collections.namedtuple("sam_fdr", ( "delta", "p0", "false", "significant", "fdr", "cutlow", "cutup", "j2", "j1")) cutoff_data = collections.namedtuple( "sam_cutoff", ("delta", "significant", "fdr")) gene_data = collections.namedtuple( "sam_fdr", ("row", "dvalue", "stddev", "rawp", "qvalue", "rfold")) def _totable(robj): '''convert robj to a row-wise table.''' s = numpy.matrix(robj) t = [numpy.array(x).reshape(-1,) for x in s] return t # extract the fdr values # returns R matrix t = _totable(a.do_slot('mat.fdr')) assert len(t[0]) == len(fdr_data._fields) # for x in t: E.debug( "x=%s" % str(x)) fdr_values = [fdr_data(*x) for x in t] # find d cutoff if fdr is not None and fdr > 0: s = numpy.matrix(R.findDelta(a, fdr)) try: cutoffs = [cutoff_data(*numpy.array(x).reshape(-1,)) for x in s] E.debug("sam cutoffs for fdr %f: %s" % (fdr, str(cutoffs))) cutoff = cutoffs[-1] except TypeError: E.debug("could not get cutoff") cutoff = None elif ngenes: s = numpy.matrix(R.findDelta(a, ngenes)) try: cutoffs = [cutoff_data(*numpy.array(x).reshape(-1,)) for x in s] E.debug("sam cutoffs for fdr %f: %s" % (fdr, str(cutoffs))) cutoff = cutoffs[-1] except TypeError: E.debug("could not get cutoff") cutoff = None else: raise ValueError("either supply ngenes or fdr") # collect (unadjusted) p-values and qvalues for all probesets pvalues = dict(zip(probesets, r('''<EMAIL>'''))) qvalues = dict(zip(probesets, r('''a<EMAIL>'''))) if pattern: outfile = pattern % "sam.pdf" R.pdf(outfile) if cutoff: R.plot(a, else: R.plot(a) r['']() siggenes = {} significant_genes = set() if cutoff is not None: E.debug("using cutoff %s" % str(cutoff)) summary = r('''summary( a, %f )''' % # summary = R.summary( a, ) R.assign("summary", summary) significant_genes = set( [probesets[int(x) - 1] for x in r('''<EMAIL>''')]) # E.debug( "significant genes=%s" % str(significant_genes)) r_result = zip(*_totable(summary.do_slot('mat.sig'))) if len(r_result) > 0: assert len(r_result[0]) == 6, \ "expected six columns from siggenes module, got: %s" % \ len(r_result[0]) for x in r_result: if x[4] > fdr: E.warn("%s has qvalue (%f) larger than cutoff, but " "is significant significant." % (str(x), x[4])) # except TypeError: # only a single value # x = [r_result[y] for y in ("Row", "d.value", "stdev", "rawp", "q.value", "R.fold") ] # if x[4] > fdr: # E.warn( "%s has qvalue (%f) larger than cutoff, but is called significant." % (str(x), x[4])) siggenes[probesets[int(x[0]) - 1]] = gene_data(*x) else: E.debug("no cutoff found - no significant genes.") genes = [] for probeset, treatment, control in zip( probesets, zip(*treatments), zip(*controls)): mean1, mean2 = numpy.mean(treatment), numpy.mean(control) if probeset in siggenes: s = siggenes[probeset] pvalue = s.rawp qvalue = s.qvalue else: pvalue = pvalues[probeset] qvalue = qvalues[probeset] significant = (0, 1)[probeset in significant_genes] genes.append(GeneExpressionResult._make((probeset, treatment_label, mean1, numpy.std(treatment), control_label, mean2, numpy.std(control), pvalue, qvalue, mean1 - mean2, math.pow( 2, mean1 - mean2), math.pow( 2, mean1 - mean2), significant, "OK"))) return genes, cutoff, fdr_values ######################################################################### ######################################################################### ######################################################################### def loadTagData(tags_filename, design_filename): '''load tag data for deseq/edger analysis. *tags_file* is a tab-separated file with counts. *design_file* is a tab-separated file with the experimental design with a minimum of four columns:: track include group pair CW-CD14-R1 0 CD14 1 CW-CD14-R2 0 CD14 1 CW-CD14-R3 1 CD14 1 CW-CD4-R1 1 CD4 1 FM-CD14-R1 1 CD14 2 FM-CD4-R2 0 CD4 2 FM-CD4-R3 0 CD4 2 FM-CD4-R4 0 CD4 2 track name of track - should correspond to column header in *infile* include flag to indicate whether or not to include this data group group indicator - experimental group pair pair that sample belongs to (for paired tests) Additional columns in design file are taken to contain levels for additional factors and may be included for tests that allow multi-factor model designs. This method creates various R objects: countsTable : data frame with counts. groups : vector with groups pairs : vector with pairs factors : df of additional factors for more complex model designs ''' # Load counts table"loading tag data from %s" % tags_filename) r('''counts_table = read.table('%(tags_filename)s', header=TRUE, row.names=1, stringsAsFactors=TRUE, comment.char='#')''' % locals())"read data: %i observations for %i samples" % tuple(r('''dim(counts_table)'''))) E.debug("sample names: %s" % r('''colnames(counts_table)''')) # Load comparisons from file r('''pheno = read.delim( '%(design_filename)s', header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=TRUE, comment.char='#')''' % locals()) # Make sample names R-like - substitute - for . r('''pheno[,1] = gsub('-', '.', pheno[,1]) ''') E.debug("design names: %s" % r('''pheno[,1]''')) # Ensure pheno rows match count columns pheno = r( '''pheno2 = pheno[match(colnames(counts_table),pheno[,1]),,drop=FALSE]''') missing = r('''colnames(counts_table)[][1]''') if missing: E.warn("missing samples from design file are ignored: %s" % missing) # subset data & set conditions r('''includedSamples <- !($include) | pheno2$include == '0') ''') E.debug("included samples: %s" % r('''colnames(counts_table)[includedSamples]''')) r('''countsTable <- counts_table[ , includedSamples ]''') r('''groups <- factor(pheno2$group[ includedSamples ])''') r('''conds <- pheno2$group[ includedSamples ]''') r('''pairs <- factor(pheno2$pair[ includedSamples ])''') # if additional columns present, pass to 'factors' r('''if (length(names(pheno2)) > 4) { factors <- data.frame(pheno2[includedSamples,5:length(names(pheno2))]) } else { factors <- NA }''')"filtered data: %i observations for %i samples" % tuple(r('''dim(countsTable)'''))) def filterTagData(filter_min_counts_per_row=1, filter_min_counts_per_sample=10, filter_percentile_rowsums=0): '''filter tag data. * remove rows with fewer than x counts in most highly expressed sample * remove samples with fewer than x counts in most highly expressed row * remove the lowest percentile of rows in the table, sorted by total tags per row ''' # Remove windows with no data r('''max_counts = apply(countsTable,1,max)''') r('''countsTable = countsTable[max_counts>=%i,]''' % filter_min_counts_per_row)"removed %i empty rows" % tuple(r('''sum(max_counts == 0)'''))) observations, samples = tuple(r('''dim(countsTable)'''))"trimmed data: %i observations for %i samples" % (observations, samples)) # remove samples without data r('''max_counts = apply(countsTable,2,max)''') empty_samples = tuple( r('''max_counts < %i''' % filter_min_counts_per_sample)) sample_names = r('''colnames(countsTable)''') nempty_samples = sum(empty_samples) if nempty_samples: E.warn("%i empty samples are being removed: %s" % (nempty_samples, ",".join([sample_names[x] for x, y in enumerate(empty_samples) if y]))) r('''countsTable <- countsTable[, max_counts >= %i]''' % filter_min_counts_per_sample) r('''groups <- groups[max_counts >= %i]''' % filter_min_counts_per_sample) r('''pairs <- pairs[max_counts >= %i]''' % filter_min_counts_per_sample) r('''if (! {factors <- factors[max_counts >= %i,]}''' % filter_min_counts_per_sample) observations, samples = tuple(r('''dim(countsTable)''')) # percentile filtering if filter_percentile_rowsums > 0: percentile = float(filter_percentile_rowsums) / 100.0 r('''sum_counts = rowSums( countsTable )''') r('''take = (sum_counts > quantile(sum_counts, probs = %(percentile)f))''' % locals()) discard, keep = r('''table( take )''')"percentile filtering at level %f: keep=%i, discard=%i" % (filter_percentile_rowsums, keep, discard)) r('''countsTable = countsTable[take,]''') observations, samples = tuple(r('''dim(countsTable)''')) return observations, samples def groupTagData(ref_group=None, ref_regex=None): '''compute groups and pairs from tag data table.''' if ref_regex is not None and ref_group is None: groups = r('''levels(groups)''') for g in groups: rx = re.compile(ref_regex) if ref_group = g # Relevel the groups so that the reference comes first if ref_group is not None:"reference group (control) is '%s'" % ref_group) r('''groups <- relevel(groups, ref="%s")''' % ref_group) groups = r('''levels(groups)''') pairs = r('''levels(pairs)''') factors = r('''factors''') # JJ - check whether there are additional factors in design file... # warning... isintance(df, rpy.robjects.vectors.Vector) returns True if isinstance(factors, rpy2.robjects.vectors.DataFrame): E.warn("There are additional factors in design file that are ignored" " by groupTagData: %s" % factors.r_repr()) # AH: uncommented as it causes an issue with rpy2 2.7.7 # else: # # Hack... must be a better way to evaluate r NA instance in python? # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # assert len(list(factors)) == 1 and bool(list(factors)[0]) is False, \ # "factors must either be DataFrame or NA in R global namespace" # Test if replicates exist - at least one group must have multiple samples max_per_group = r('''max(table(groups)) ''')[0] has_replicates = max_per_group >= 2 # Test if pairs exist: npairs = r('''length(table(pairs)) ''')[0] has_pairs = npairs == 2 # at least two samples per pair if has_pairs: min_per_pair = r('''min(table(pairs)) ''')[0] has_pairs = min_per_pair >= 2 return groups, pairs, has_replicates, has_pairs def plotCorrelationHeatmap(method="correlation"): '''plot a heatmap of correlations derived from countsTable. ''' if method == "correlation": r('''dists <- dist( (1 - cor(countsTable)) / 2 )''') else: r('''dists <- dist( t(as.matrix(countsTable)), method = '%s' )''' % method) r('''heatmap( as.matrix( dists ), symm=TRUE )''') def plotPairs(): '''requires counts table''' # Plot pairs r('''panel.pearson <- function(x, y, digits=2, prefix="", cex.cor, ...) { usr <- par("usr"); on.exit(par(usr)) par(usr = c(0, 1, 0, 1)) r <- abs(cor(x, y)) txt <- format(c(r, 0.123456789), digits=digits)[1] txt <- paste(prefix, txt, sep="") if(missing(cex.cor)) cex <- 0.6/strwidth(txt) x = 0.5; y = 0.5; if (par("xlog")) { x = 10^x }; if (par("ylog")) { y = 10^y }; text(x, y, txt, cex = cex); } ''') try: r('''pairs(countsTable, lower.panel = panel.pearson, pch=".", labels=colnames(countsTable), log="xy")''') except RRuntimeError: E.warn("can not plot pairwise scatter plot") def plotPCA(groups=True): '''plot a PCA plot from countsTable using ggplot. If groups is *True*, the variable ``groups`` is used for colouring. If *False*, the groups are determined by sample labels. ''' r('''suppressMessages(library(ggplot2))''') r('''pca = prcomp(t(countsTable))''') # Build factor groups by splitting labels at "." r('''colour=groups''') r('''shape=0''') r('''size=1''') if groups is False: r('''mm = matrix( unlist(sapply(colnames(countsTable),strsplit,'[.]')), nrow=length(colnames(countsTable)), byrow=T)''') nrows, nlevels = r('''dim(mm)''') if nlevels > 1: r('''colour=mm[,1]''') if nlevels > 2: r('''shape=mm[,2]''') try: r('''p1 = ggplot($x), aes(x=PC1, y=PC2, colour=colour, shape=shape, label=rownames(pca$x))) \ + geom_text(size=4, vjust=1) \ + geom_point()''') r('''p2 = qplot(x=PC1, y=PC3, data =$x), label=rownames(pca$x), shape=shape, colour=colour)''') r('''p3 = qplot(x=PC2, y=PC3, data =$x), label=rownames(pca$x), shape=shape, colour=colour)''') # TODO: plot all in a multi-plot with proper scale # the following squishes the plots # r('''source('%s')''' % # os.path.join(os.path.dirname(E.__file__), # "../R", # "multiplot.R")) # r('''multiplot(p1, p2, p3, cols=2)''') r('''plot(p1)''') except RRuntimeError as msg: E.warn("could not plot in plotPCA(): %s" % msg) def runEdgeR(outfile, outfile_prefix="edger.", fdr=0.1, prefix="", dispersion=None, ref_group=None, ref_regex=None, ): '''run EdgeR on countsTable. Results are stored in *outfile* and files prefixed by *outfile_prefix*. The dispersion is usually measuered from replicates. If there are no replicates, you need to set the *dispersion* explicitely. See page 13 of the EdgeR user guide:: 2. Simply pick a reasonable dispersion value, based on your experience with similar data, and use that. Although subjective, this is still more defensible than assuming Poisson variation. Typical values are dispersion=0.4 for human data, dispersion=0.1 for data on genetically identical model organisms or dispersion=0.01 for technical replicates. ''' # load library r('''suppressMessages(library('edgeR'))''') groups, pairs, has_replicates, has_pairs = groupTagData(ref_group, ref_regex) # output heatmap plot fn = '%(outfile_prefix)sheatmap.png' % locals()"outputing heatmap to {}".format(fn)) R.png(fn) plotCorrelationHeatmap() r['']()'running EdgeR: groups=%s, pairs=%s, replicates=%s, pairs=%s' % (groups, pairs, has_replicates, has_pairs)) if has_pairs: # output difference between groups R.png('''%(outfile_prefix)sbalance_groups.png''' % locals()) first = True for g1, g2 in itertools.combinations(groups, 2): r('''a = rowSums( countsTable[groups == '%s'] ) ''' % g1) r('''b = rowSums( countsTable[groups == '%s'] ) ''' % g2) if first: r('''plot(cumsum(sort(a - b)), type = 'l') ''') first = False else: r('''lines(cumsum(sort(a - b))) ''') r['']() r('''suppressMessages(library('ggplot2'))''') r('''suppressMessages(library('reshape'))''') # output difference between pairs within groups first = True legend = [] for pair in pairs: for g1, g2 in itertools.combinations(groups, 2): key = re.sub("-", "_", "pair_%s_%s_vs_%s" % (pair, g1, g2)) legend.append(key) # print r('''colnames( countsTable) ''') # print r(''' pairs=='%s' ''' % pair) # print r(''' groups=='%s' ''' % g1) r('''a = rowSums( countsTable[pairs == '%s' & groups == '%s'])''' % ( pair, g1)) r('''b = rowSums( countsTable[pairs == '%s' & groups == '%s'])''' % ( pair, g2)) r('''c = cumsum( sort(a - b) )''') r('''c = c - min(c)''') if first: data = r('''d = data.frame( %s = c)''' % key) first = False else: r('''d$%s = c''' % key) # remove row names (gene idenitifiers) r('''row.names(d) = NULL''') # add numbers of genes (x-axis) r('''d$genes=1:nrow(d)''') # merge data for ggplot r('''d = melt( d, 'genes', variable_name = 'comparison' )''') # plot r('''gp = ggplot(d)''') r('''pp = gp + \ geom_line(aes(x=genes,y=value,group=comparison,color=comparison))''') try: R.ggsave('''%(outfile_prefix)sbalance_pairs.png''' % locals()) r['']() except RRuntimeError: E.warn("could not plot") # build DGEList object # ignore message: "Calculating library sizes from column totals" r('''countsTable = suppressMessages(DGEList(countsTable, group=groups))''') # Relevel groups to make the results predictable - IMS if ref_group is not None: r('''countsTable$samples$group <- relevel(countsTable$samples$group, ref = "%s")''' % ref_group) else: # if no ref_group provided use first group in groups r('''countsTable$sample$group <- relevel(countsTable$samples$group, ref = "%s")''' % groups[0]) # calculate normalisation factors"calculating normalization factors") r('''countsTable = calcNormFactors( countsTable )''')"output") # output MDS plot R.png('''%(outfile_prefix)smds.png''' % locals()) try: r('''plotMDS( countsTable )''') except RRuntimeError: E.warn("can not plot mds") r['']() # build design matrix if has_pairs: r('''design = model.matrix(~pairs + countsTable$samples$group)''') else: r('''design = model.matrix(~countsTable$samples$group)''') # r('''rownames(design) = rownames( countsTable$samples )''') # r('''colnames(design)[length(colnames(design))] = "CD4" ''' ) # fitting model to each tag if has_replicates: # estimate common dispersion r('''countsTable = estimateGLMCommonDisp(countsTable, design)''') # estimate tagwise dispersion r('''countsTable = estimateGLMTagwiseDisp(countsTable, design)''') # fitting model to each tag r('''fit = glmFit(countsTable, design)''') else: # fitting model to each tag if dispersion is None: raise ValueError("no replicates and no dispersion") E.warn("no replicates - using a fixed dispersion value") r('''fit = glmFit(countsTable, design, dispersion=%f)''' % dispersion) # perform LR test r('''lrt = glmLRT(fit)''')"Generating output") # output cpm table r('''suppressMessages(library(reshape2))''') r('''countsTable.cpm <- cpm(countsTable, normalized.lib.sizes=TRUE)''') r('''melted <- melt(countsTable.cpm)''') r('''names(melted) <- c("test_id", "sample", "ncpm")''') # melt columns are factors - convert to string for sorting r('''melted$test_id = levels(melted$test_id)[as.numeric(melted$test_id)]''') r('''melted$sample = levels(melted$sample)[as.numeric(melted$sample)]''') # sort cpm table by test_id and sample r('''sorted = melted[with(melted, order(test_id, sample)),]''') r('''gz = gzfile("%(outfile_prefix)scpm.tsv.gz", "w" )''' % locals()) r('''write.table(sorted, file=gz, sep = "\t", row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)''') r('''close(gz)''') # compute adjusted P-Values r('''padj = p.adjust(lrt$table$PValue, 'BH')''') rtype = collections.namedtuple("rtype", "lfold logCPM LR pvalue") # output differences between pairs if len(groups) == 2: R.png('''%(outfile_prefix)smaplot.png''' % locals()) r('''plotSmear(countsTable, pair=c('%s'))''' % "','".join(groups)) r('''abline(h=c(-2, 2), col='dodgerblue') ''') r['']() # I am assuming that logFC is the base 2 logarithm foldchange. # Parse results and parse to file results = [] counts = E.Counter() df = r('''lrt$table''') df["padj"] = r('''padj''') counts.significant = sum(df.padj <= fdr) counts.insignificant = sum(df.padj > fdr) counts.significant_over = sum((df.padj <= fdr) & (df.logFC > 0)) counts.significant_under = sum((df.padj <= fdr) & (df.logFC < 0)) counts.input = len(df) counts.all_over = sum(df.logFC > 0) counts.all_under = sum(df.logFC < 0) = sum(df.PValue.isnull()) counts.ok = counts.input - df["fold"] = df.logFC.pow(2.0) df["significant"] = df.padj <= fdr # TODO: use pandas throughout for interval, d in df.iterrows(): # fold change is determined by the alphabetical order of the factors. # Is the following correct? results.append(GeneExpressionResult._make(( interval, groups[1], d.logCPM, 0, groups[0], d.logCPM, 0, d.PValue, d.padj, d.logFC, d.fold, d.logFC, # no transform of lfold str(int(d.significant)), "OK"))) writeExpressionResults(outfile, results) outf = iotools.open_file("%(outfile_prefix)ssummary.tsv" % locals(), "w") outf.write("category\tcounts\n%s\n" % counts.asTable()) outf.close() # needs to put into class ## def deseqPlotSizeFactors(outfile): '''plot size factors - requires cds object.''' R.png(outfile) r('''par(mar=c(8,4,4,2))''') r('''barplot( sizeFactors( cds ), main="size factors", las=2)''') r['']() def deseqOutputSizeFactors(outfile): '''output size factors - requires cds object.''' size_factors = r('''sizeFactors( cds )''') samples = r('''names(sizeFactors(cds))''') with iotools.open_file(outfile, "w") as outf: outf.write("sample\tfactor\n") for name, x in zip(samples, size_factors): outf.write("%s\t%s\n" % (name, str(x))) def deseqPlotCorrelationHeatmap(outfile, vsd): '''plot a heatmap Use variance stabilized data in object vsd. Should be 'blind', as then the transform is not informed by the experimental design. ''' # rpy2.4.2 - passing of arrays seems to be broken - do it in R # dists = r['as.matrix'](R.dist(R.t(R.exprs(vsd)))) dists = r('''as.matrix(dist(t(exprs(vsd))))''') R.png(outfile) r['heatmap.2']( dists, trace='none', margin=ro.IntVector((10, 10))) r['']() def deseqPlotGeneHeatmap(outfile, data, Rowv=False, Colv=False): '''plot a heatmap of all genes Use variance stabilized data in object vsd. Should be 'blind', as then the transform is not informed by the experimental design. ''' if len(data) == 0: return # do not print if not enough values in one # direction (single row or column) if min(R.dim(data)) < 2: return R.png(outfile, width=500, height=2000) hmcol = R.colorRampPalette(r['brewer.pal'](9, "GnBu"))(100) r['heatmap.2']( data, col=hmcol, trace="none", dendrogram="none", Rowv=Rowv, Colv=Colv, labRow=False, margin=ro.IntVector((5, 5)), lhei=ro.IntVector((1, 10)), key=False) r['']() def deseqPlotPCA(outfile, vsd, max_genes=500): '''plot a PCA Use variance stabilized data in object vsd. Should be 'blind', as then the transform is not informed by the experimental design. ''' R.png(outfile) # if there are more than 500 genes (after filtering) # use the 500 most variable in the PCA # else use the number of genes r('''ntop = ifelse(as.integer(dim(vsd))[1] >= %(max_genes)i, %(max_genes)i, as.integer(dim(vsd))[1])''' % locals()) try: r('''plotPCA(vsd)''') except RRuntimeError as msg: E.warn("can not plot PCA: %s" % msg) r['']() def deseqPlotPairs(outfile): '''requires counts table''' # Plot pairs R.png(outfile, width=960, height=960) plotPairs() r['']() def deseqPlotPvaluesAgainstRowsums(outfile): '''plot pvalues against row sum rank. This plot is useful to see if quantile filtering could be applied. ''' r('''counts_sum = rowSums( countsTable )''') R.png(outfile) r('''plot( rank( counts_sum)/length(counts_sum), -log10( res$pval), pch = 16, cex= 0.1)''') r('''abline( a=3, b=0, col='red')''') r['']() def deseqParseResults(control_name, treatment_name, fdr, vsd=False): '''parse deseq output. retrieve deseq results from object 'res' in R namespace. The 'res' object is a dataframe with the following columns (from the DESeq manual): id: The ID of the observable, taken from the row names of the counts slots. baseMean: The base mean (i.e., mean of the counts divided by the size factors) for the counts for both conditions baseMeanA: The base mean (i.e., mean of the counts divided by the size factors) for the counts for condition A baseMeanB: The base mean for condition B foldChange: The ratio meanB/meanA log2FoldChange: The log2 of the fold change pval: The p value for rejecting the null hypothesis 'meanA==meanB' padj: The adjusted p values (adjusted with 'p.adjust( pval, method="BH")') vsd_log2FoldChange: The log2 fold change after variance stabilization. This data field is not part of DESeq proper, but has been added in this module in the runDESeq() method. Here, 'conditionA' is 'control' and 'conditionB' is 'treatment' such that a foldChange of 2 means that treatment is twice upregulated compared to control. Returns a list of results. If vsd is True, the log fold change will be computed from the variance stabilized data. ''' results = [] counts = E.Counter() res_df = pandas2ri.ri2py(r["res"]) for index, data in res_df.iterrows(): counts.input += 1 # set significant flag if data['padj'] <= fdr: signif = 1 counts.significant += 1 if data['log2FoldChange'] > 0: counts.significant_over += 1 else: counts.significant_under += 1 else: signif = 0 counts.insignificant += 1 if data['log2FoldChange'] > 0: counts.all_over += 1 else: counts.all_under += 1 # set lfold change to 0 if both are not expressed if data['baseMeanA'] == 0.0 and data['baseMeanB'] == 0.0: data['foldChange'] = 0 data['log2FoldChange'] = 0 if data['pval'] != r('''NA'''): status = "OK" else: status = "FAIL" counts[status] += 1 counts.output += 1 # check if our assumptions about the direction of fold change # are correct assert (data['foldChange'] > 1) == (data['baseMeanB'] > data['baseMeanA']) # note that fold change is computed as second group (B) divided by # first (A) results.append(GeneExpressionResult._make(( data['id'], treatment_name, data['baseMeanB'], 0, control_name, data['baseMeanA'], 0, data['pval'], data['padj'], data['log2FoldChange'], data['foldChange'], data['transformed_log2FoldChange'], str(signif), status))) return results, counts def deseq2ParseResults(treatment_name, control_name, fdr, vsd=False): ''' Standardises the output format from deseq2. Deseq2 has the following output columns: baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE stat pvalue padj described in vignettes/DESeq2/inst/doc/DESeq2.pdf Standardised columns are generated from this output as follows: test_id - the gene or region tested, row names from raw output treatment_name - the first group in this differential expression comparison (from the design file) treatment_mean - the mean expression value for this treatment from the normalised count table generated by deseq2 treatment_std - the standard deviation of experssion for this treatment from the normalised count table generated by deseq2 control_name - the second group in this differential expression comparison (from the design file) control_mean - the mean expression value for this treatment from the normalised count table generated by deseq2 control_std - the standard deviation of experssion for this treatment from the normalised count table generated by deseq2 pvalue - the pvalue generated by deseq2 (from the pvalue column) qvalue - the adjusted pvalue generated by deseq2 (from the padj column) l2fold - the log2fold change between normalised counts generated by deseq2 (log2FoldChange column). If betaPrior is set to TRUE, this is the shrunken log2 fold change. If set to FALSE, no shrinkage. fold - control mean / treatment mean transformed_l2fold - not applicable, set to 0 (see deseq2 manual, "The variance stabilizing and rlog transformations are provided for applications other than differential testing, for example clustering of samples or other machine learning applications. For differential testing we recommend the DESeqfunction applied to raw counts" signif = True if the qvalue is less than the FDR set in `term`PARAMS. status = OK if a pvalue has been generated, else FAIL ''' r(''' fdr=%s ''' % fdr) # assign standard column names r('''cols = c("test_id", "treatment_name", "treatment_mean", "treatment_std", "control_name", "control_mean", "control_std", "pvalue", "qvalue", "l2fold", "fold", "transformed_l2fold", "signif", "status") ''') # extract normalised counts r('''normalcounts = counts(dds, normalized=T)''') # build empty dataframe r('''res2 = data.frame(matrix(nrow=nrow(res), ncol=length(cols)))''') r('''colnames(res2) = cols''') # fill columns with values described above r('''res2['test_id'] = rownames(res)''') r('''g = unique(groups[groups == "%s" | groups == "%s"])''' % (treatment_name, control_name)) r('''g1 = which(groups == g[1])''') r('''g2 = which(groups == g[2])''') r('''res2['treatment_name'] = g[1]''') r('''res2['treatment_mean'] = rowMeans(normalcounts[,g1])''') r('''res2['treatment_std'] = apply(normalcounts[,g1], 1, sd)''') r('''res2['control_name'] = g[2]''') r('''res2['control_mean'] = rowMeans(normalcounts[,g2])''') r('''res2['control_std'] = apply(normalcounts[,g2], 1, sd)''') r('''res2['pvalue'] = res$pvalue''') r('''res2['qvalue'] = res$padj''') r('''res2['l2fold'] = res$log2FoldChange''') # Fold change here does not reflect the shrinkage applied to # log2fold changes r('''res2['fold'] = res2$control_mean / res2$treatment_mean''') r('''res2['signif'] = as.integer(res2$qvalue <= fdr)''') r('''res2['status'] = ifelse($pvalue), "FAIL", "OK")''') # replace l2fold change and fold for expression levels of 0 in treatment # and control with 0 r('''z1 = which(res2$treatment_mean == 0)''') r('''z2 = which(res2$control_mean == 0)''') r('''zeros = intersect(z1, z2)''') r('''res2$l2fold[zeros] = 0''') r('''res2$fold[zeros] = 0''') # occupy transformed l2fold with 0s r('''res2$transformed_l2fold = 0''') D = r('res2') D.index = D['test_id'] D = D.drop('test_id', 1) return D def runDESeq(outfile, outfile_prefix="deseq.", fdr=0.1, prefix="", fit_type="parametric", dispersion_method="pooled", sharing_mode="maximum", ref_group=None, ref_regex=None, ): '''run DESeq on countsTable. Results are stored in *outfile* and files prefixed by *outfile_prefix*. The current analysis follows the analysis as outlined in version 1.14.0 DESeq ignores any pair information in the design matrix. The output is treatment and control. Fold change values are computed as treatment divided by control. ''' # load library r('''suppressMessages(library('DESeq'))''') r('''suppressMessages(library('gplots'))''') r('''suppressMessages(library('RColorBrewer'))''') groups, pairs, has_replicates, has_pairs = groupTagData(ref_group, ref_regex) # Run DESeq # Create Count data object"running DESeq: replicates=%s" % (has_replicates)) r('''cds <-newCountDataSet( countsTable, groups) ''') # Estimate size factors r('''cds <- estimateSizeFactors( cds )''') no_size_factors = r('''''')[0] if no_size_factors: E.warn("no size factors - can not estimate - no output") return # estimate variance if has_replicates:"replicates - estimating variance from replicates") else:"no replicates - estimating variance with method='blind'") dispersion_method = "blind""dispersion_method=%s, fit_type=%s, sharing_mode=%s" % (dispersion_method, fit_type, sharing_mode)) r('''cds <- estimateDispersions( cds, method='%(dispersion_method)s', fitType='%(fit_type)s', sharingMode='%(sharing_mode)s')''' % locals()) # bring into python namespace cds = r('''cds''') # plot fit - if method == "pooled": if dispersion_method == "pooled": R.png('%sdispersion_estimates_pooled.png' % outfile_prefix) R.plotDispEsts(cds) r['']() elif not has_replicates: # without replicates the following error appears # in the rpy2.py2ri conversion: # 'dims' cannot be of length 0 pass else: dispersions = r('''ls(cds@fitInfo)''') for dispersion in dispersions: R.png('%sdispersion_estimates_%s.png' % (outfile_prefix, dispersion)) R.plotDispEsts(cds, name=dispersion) r['']() # plot size factors deseqPlotSizeFactors('%(outfile_prefix)ssize_factors.png' % locals()) # output size factors deseqOutputSizeFactors("%(outfile_prefix)ssize_factors.tsv" % locals()) # plot scatter plots of pairs deseqPlotPairs('%(outfile_prefix)spairs.png' % locals()) if dispersion_method not in ("blind",): # also do a blind dispersion estimate for # a variance stabilizing transform r('''cds_blind <- estimateDispersions( cds, method='blind', fitType='%(fit_type)s', sharingMode='%(sharing_mode)s')''' % locals()) else: r('''cds_blind = cds''') # perform variance stabilization for log2 fold changes vsd = r('''vsd = varianceStabilizingTransformation(cds_blind)''') # output normalized counts (in order) # gzfile does not work with rpy 2.4.2 in python namespace # using R.gzfile, so do it in R-space r('''t = counts(cds, normalized=TRUE); write.table(t[order(rownames(t)),], file=gzfile('%(outfile_prefix)scounts.tsv.gz'), row.names=TRUE, col.names=NA, quote=FALSE, sep='\t') ''' % locals()) # output variance stabilized counts (in order) r('''t = exprs(vsd); write.table(t[order(rownames(t)),], file=gzfile('%(outfile_prefix)svsd.tsv.gz'), row.names=TRUE, col.names=NA, quote=FALSE, sep='\t') ''' % locals()) # plot correlation heatmap of variance stabilized data deseqPlotCorrelationHeatmap( '%scorrelation_heatmap.png' % outfile_prefix, vsd) # plot PCA deseqPlotPCA('%spca.png' % outfile_prefix, vsd) # plot gene heatmap for all genes - order by average expression # subtract one to get numpy indices select = R.order(R.rowMeans(R.counts(cds)), decreasing=True) # the following uses R-based indexing deseqPlotGeneHeatmap( '%sgene_heatmap.png' % outfile_prefix, r['as.matrix'](R.exprs(vsd).rx(select))) # plot heatmap of top 200 expressed genes deseqPlotGeneHeatmap( '%sgene_heatmap_top200.png' % outfile_prefix, r['as.matrix'](R.exprs(vsd).rx(select[:200]))) # Call diffential expression for all pairings of groups included in the # design all_results = [] for combination in itertools.combinations(groups, 2): control, treatment = combination gfix = "%s_vs_%s_" % (control, treatment) outfile_groups_prefix = outfile_prefix + gfix"calling differential expression for " "control=%s vs treatment=%s") % (control, treatment)) res = r('''res = nbinomTest(cds, '%s', '%s')''' % (control, treatment)) # plot significance R.png('''%(outfile_groups_prefix)ssignificance.png''' % locals()) r('''plot( res$baseMean, res$log2FoldChange, log="x", pch=20, cex=.1, col = ifelse( res$padj < %(fdr)s, "red", "black"))''' % locals()) r['']() # plot pvalues against rowsums deseqPlotPvaluesAgainstRowsums( '%(outfile_groups_prefix)spvalue_rowsums.png' % locals())"Generating output (%s vs %s)" % (control, treatment)) # get variance stabilized fold changes - note the reversal of # treatment/control r('''vsd_l2f = (rowMeans(exprs(vsd)[,conditions(cds) == '%s', drop=FALSE]) - rowMeans( exprs(vsd)[,conditions(cds) == '%s', drop=FALSE]))''' % (treatment, control)) # plot vsd correlation, see Figure 14 in the DESeq manual # if you also want to colour by expression level R.png('''%(outfile_groups_prefix)sfold_transformation.png''' % locals()) r('''plot( res$log2FoldChange, vsd_l2f, pch=20, cex=.1, col = ifelse( res$padj < %(fdr)s, "red", "black" ) )''' % locals()) r['']() # plot heatmap of differentially expressed genes # plot gene heatmap for all genes - order by average expression select = r('''select = res['padj'] < %f''' % fdr) if r('''sum(select)''')[0] > 0:'%s vs %s: plotting %i genes in heatmap' % (treatment, control, len(select))) data = R.exprs(vsd).rx(select) if not isinstance(data, rpy2.robjects.vectors.FloatVector): order = R.order(R.rowMeans(data), decreasing=True) deseqPlotGeneHeatmap( '%sgene_heatmap.png' % outfile_groups_prefix, r['as.matrix'](data[order]), Colv=False, Rowv=True) else: E.warn('can not plot differentially expressed genes') else: E.warn('no differentially expressed genes at fdr %f' % fdr) # Plot pvalue histogram R.png('''%(outfile_groups_prefix)spvalue_histogram.png''' % locals()) r('''pvalues = res$pval''') r('''hist(pvalues, breaks=50, col='skyblue' )''') r['']() # Plot diagnostic plots for FDR if has_replicates: r('''orderInPlot = order(pvalues)''') r('''showInPlot = (pvalues[orderInPlot] < 0.08)''') # Jethro - previously plotting x = # pvalues[orderInPlot][showInPlot] # pvalues[orderInPlot][showInPlot] contains all NA values # from pvalues which(showInPlot) doesn't... removing NA # values r('''true.pvalues <- pvalues[orderInPlot][showInPlot]''') r('''true.pvalues <- true.pvalues[is.finite(true.pvalues)]''') if r('''sum(showInPlot)''')[0] > 0: R.png('''%(outfile_groups_prefix)sfdr.png''' % locals()) # failure when no replicates: # rpy2.rinterface.RRuntimeError: # Error in plot.window(...) : need finite 'xlim' values r('''plot( seq( along=which(showInPlot)), true.pvalues, pch='.', xlab=expression(rank(p[i])), ylab=expression(p[i]))''') r('''abline(a = 0, b = %(fdr)f / length(pvalues), col = "red") ''' % locals()) r['']() else: E.warn('no p-values < 0.08') # Add log2 fold with variance stabilized l2fold value r('''res$transformed_log2FoldChange = vsd_l2f''') # Parse results and parse to file results, counts = deseqParseResults(control, treatment, fdr=fdr) all_results += results outf = iotools.open_file( "%(outfile_groups_prefix)ssummary.tsv" % locals(), "w") outf.write("category\tcounts\n%s\n" % counts.asTable()) outf.close() writeExpressionResults(outfile, all_results) def runDESeq2(outfile, outfile_prefix="deseq2", fdr=0.1, ref_group=None, model=None, contrasts=None, plot=1, ): """ Run DESeq2 on counts table. If no model is passed, then defaults to the group column in design file Does not make use of group tag data bc function doesn't accomodate multi-factor designs To Do: Parse results into standard output format. KB: I have done this but I'm not sure if it is compatible with complex design tables Fix fact that plotMA is hardcoded. """ # load libraries r('''suppressMessages(library('DESeq2'))''') # Create metadata... this will eventually be a pandas dataframe if isinstance(r('''factors'''), rpy2.robjects.vectors.DataFrame):"DESeq2: Merging additional factors in design file to" "create metadata table") r('''mdata <- cbind(groups, factors)''') mdata = tuple(r('''names(mdata)''')) else: r('''mdata <- data.frame(group=groups)''') mdata = "group""DESeq2 colData headers are: %s" % mdata) # Check for model and that model terms are in metadata table if model: assert contrasts, "Must specifiy contrasts if model design provided" terms = set([x for x in re.split("\W", model) if x != '']) assert terms.issubset(mdata), \ "DESeq2: design formula has terms not present in colData" else: if mdata != "group": E.warn("DESeq2 model specified, with no metadata in design file") terms = ["group", ] model = "~ group""DESeq2 design formula is: %s" % model) # Create DESeqDataSet, using countsTable, mdata, model r('''suppressMessages(dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData=countsTable, colData=mdata, design=%(model)s))''' % locals()) # WARNING: This is not done automatically... I don't know why? r('''colnames(dds) <- colnames(countsTable)''')"Combined colata, design formula and counts table to create" " DESeqDataSet instance") # Rlog transform r('''suppressMessages(rld <- rlog(dds))''') if plot == 1: # Plot PCA of rlog transformed count data for top 500 for factor in terms: outf = outfile_prefix + factor + "_PCAplot500.tiff""Creating PCA plot for factor: %s" % outf) r('''x <- plotPCA(rld, intgroup="%(factor)s")''' % locals()) # r('''saveRDS(x, '%(outf)s')''' % locals()) r('''tiff("%(outf)s")''' % locals()) r('''plot(x)''') r('''''') # Extract rlog transformed count data... r('''rlogtab =''') r('''rlogtab$test_id = rownames(rlogtab)''') r('''rlogtab = rlogtab[, c(ncol(rlogtab), 1:ncol(rlogtab)-1)]''') r('''rlogtab =''')'rlogtab') rlog_out = r('rlogtab') rlogoutf = outfile_prefix + "rlog.tsv" rlog_out.to_csv(rlogoutf, sep="\t", index=False) os.system("gzip %s" % rlogoutf) # Run DESeq2 r('''suppressMessages(dds <- DESeq(dds))''')"Completed DESeq2 differential expression analysis") # Extract contrasts... if contrasts: contrasts = (x.split(":") for x in contrasts.split(",")) else: # created by loadTagData... groups = r('''levels(groups)''') contrasts = (("group",) + x for x in itertools.combinations(groups, 2)) df_final = pandas.DataFrame() raw_final = pandas.DataFrame() all_results = [] for combination in contrasts: variable, control, treatment = combination # Fetch results gfix = "%s_%s_vs_%s" % (variable, control, treatment) outfile_groups_prefix = outfile_prefix + gfix + "_MAplot.png" r('''res <- results(dds, contrast=c("%(variable)s", "%(treatment)s", "%(control)s"))''' % locals())"Extracting contrast for levels %s (treatment) vs %s (control)" " for factor %s" % (treatment, control, variable)) # plot MA plot if plot == 1: r('''png("%(outfile_groups_prefix)s")''' % locals()) r('''plotMA(res, alpha=%f)''' % fdr) r('''''')"Plotted MA plot for levels %s (treatment) vs %s (control)" " for factor %s" % (treatment, control, variable)) r('''res_df <-''') r('''res_df$test_id = rownames(res_df)''') r('''res_df = res_df[, c(ncol(res_df), 1:ncol(res_df)-1)]''')'res_df') raw_out = r('res_df') # manipulate output into standard format df_out = deseq2ParseResults(treatment, control, fdr, vsd=False) # label the deseq2 raw output file and append it to the raw output tab raw_out["treatment"] = [treatment, ]*len(df_out.index) raw_out["control"] = [control, ]*len(df_out.index) raw_out["variable"] = [variable, ]*len(df_out.index) raw_final = raw_final.append(raw_out, ignore_index=True) # write the standardised output table df_out.to_csv(iotools.open_file(outfile_prefix + gfix + ".tsv.gz", "w"), sep="\t", index_label="test_id")"Extracted results table for contrast '%s' (treatment) vs '%s'" " (control) for factor '%s'" % (treatment, control, variable)) # append to final dataframe df_out.reset_index(inplace=True) df_out.rename(columns={"index": "test_id"}, inplace=True) df_final = df_final.append(df_out, ignore_index=True) results = df_final.values.tolist() # write final dataframe into standard format writeExpressionResults(outfile, results) rawoutf = outfile_prefix + "raw.tsv" raw_final.to_csv(rawoutf, sep="\t", index=False) os.system("gzip %s" % rawoutf) Design = collections.namedtuple("Design", ("include", "group", "pair")) def readDesignFile(design_file): '''reads a design file.''' design = collections.OrderedDict() with iotools.open_file(design_file) as inf: for line in inf: if line.startswith("track"): continue track, include, group, pair = line.split("\t")[:4] if track in design: raise ValueError("duplicate track '%s'" % track) design[track] = Design._make((int(include), group, pair)) return design def plotTagStats(infile, design_file, outfile_prefix): '''provide summary plots for tag data.''' loadTagData(infile, design_file) nobservations, nsamples = filterTagData() if nobservations == 0: E.warn("no observations - no output") return if nsamples == 0: E.warn("no samples remain after filtering - no output") return groups, pairs, has_replicates, has_pairs = groupTagData() # import rpy2.robjects.lib.ggplot2 as ggplot2 r('''suppressMessages(library('ggplot2'))''') r('''suppressMessages(library('reshape'))''') r('''d = melt( log10(countsTable + 1), variable_name = 'sample' )''') # Note that ggsave does not work if there is # X display. R.png(outfile_prefix + ".densities.png") r('''gp = ggplot(d)''') r('''pp = gp + geom_density(aes(x=value, group=sample, color=sample, fill=sample), alpha=I(1/3))''') r('''plot(pp)''') r['']() R.png(outfile_prefix + ".boxplots.png") r('''gp = ggplot(d)''') r('''pp = gp + geom_boxplot(aes(x=sample,y=value,color=sample,fill=sample), size=0.3, alpha=I(1/3)) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text( angle=90, hjust=1, size=8 ) )''') r('''plot(pp)''') r['']() def plotDETagStats(infile, outfile_prefix, additional_file=None, join_columns=None, additional_columns=None): '''provide summary plots for tag data. Stratify boxplots and densities according to differential expression calls. The input file is the output of any of the DE tools, see GeneExpressionResults for column names. Additional file will be joined with infile and any additional columns will be output as well. ''' table = pandas.read_csv(iotools.open_file(infile), sep="\t") if additional_file is not None: additional_table = pandas.read_csv( iotools.open_file(additional_file), sep="\t") table = pandas.merge(table, additional_table, on=join_columns, how="left", sort=False) # remove index. If it is numbered starting from 1, there is a bug # in ggplot, see table.reset_index(inplace=True) # add log-transformed count data table['log10_treatment_mean'] = numpy.log10(table['treatment_mean'] + 1) table['log10_control_mean'] = numpy.log10(table['control_mean'] + 1) table['dmr'] = numpy.array(["insignicant"] * len(table)) table.loc[ (table["l2fold"] > 0) & (table["significant"] == 1), "dmr"] = "up" table.loc[ (table["l2fold"] < 0) & (table["significant"] == 1), "dmr"] = "down" def _dplot(table, outfile, column): plot = ggplot.ggplot( ggplot.aes(column, colour='dmr', fill='dmr'), data=table) + \ ggplot.geom_density(alpha=0.5) try: except Exception as msg: E.warn("no plot for %s: %s" % (column, msg)) def _bplot(table, outfile, column): plot = ggplot.ggplot( ggplot.aes(x='dmr', y=column), data=table) + \ ggplot.geom_boxplot() try: except ValueError as msg: # boxplot fails if all values are the same # see E.warn(msg) # TODO: ggplot not supported, replace with plotnine # _dplot(table, # outfile_prefix + ".densities_tags_control.png", # "log10_control_mean") # _dplot(table, # outfile_prefix + ".densities_tags_treatment.png", # "log10_treatment_mean") # _bplot(table, # outfile_prefix + ".boxplot_tags_control.png", # "log10_control_mean") # _bplot(table, # outfile_prefix + ".boxplot_tags_treatment.png", # "log10_treatment_mean") if additional_columns: for column in additional_columns: _dplot(table, outfile_prefix + ".densities_%s.png" % column, column) _bplot(table, outfile_prefix + ".boxplot_%s.png" % column, column) return def runMockAnalysis(outfile, outfile_prefix, ref_group=None, ref_regex=None, pseudo_counts=0): '''run a mock analysis on a count table. compute fold enrichment values, but do not normalize or perform any test. ''' groups, pairs, has_replicates, has_pairs = groupTagData(ref_group, ref_regex) all_results = [] for combination in itertools.combinations(groups, 2): control, treatment = combination r('''control_counts = rowSums( countsTable[groups == '%s'] )''' % control) r('''treatment_counts = rowSums( countsTable[groups == '%s'] )''' % treatment) # add pseudocounts to enable analysis of regions # that are absent/present if pseudo_counts: r('''control_counts = control_counts + %f''' % pseudo_counts) r('''treatment_counts = treatment_counts + %f''' % pseudo_counts) r('''fc = treatment_counts / control_counts''') results = [] for identifier, treatment_count, control_count, foldchange in \ zip(r('''rownames( countsTable)'''), r('''treatment_counts'''), r('''control_counts'''), r('''fc''')): try: log2fold = math.log(foldchange) except ValueError: log2fold = "Inf" results.append(GeneExpressionResult._make(( identifier, treatment, treatment_count, 0, control, control_count, 0, 1, 1, log2fold, foldchange, log2fold, "0", "OK"))) all_results.extend(results) writeExpressionResults(outfile, all_results) def outputTagSummary(filename_tags, outfile, output_filename_pattern, filename_design=None): '''output summary values for a count table.'''"loading tag data from %s" % filename_tags) if filename_design is not None: # load all tag data loadTagData(filename_tags, filename_design) # filter nobservations, nsamples = filterTagData() else: # read complete table r('''countsTable = read.delim('%(filename_tags)s', header = TRUE, row.names = 1, stringsAsFactors = TRUE, comment.char = '#')''' % locals()) nobservations, nsamples = tuple(r('''dim(countsTable)'''))"read data: %i observations for %i samples" % (nobservations, nsamples)) # remove samples without data r('''max_counts = apply(countsTable,2,max)''') filter_min_counts_per_sample = 1 empty_samples = tuple( r('''max_counts < %i''' % filter_min_counts_per_sample)) sample_names = r('''colnames(countsTable)''') nempty_samples = sum(empty_samples) if nempty_samples: E.warn("%i empty samples are being removed: %s" % (nempty_samples, ",".join([sample_names[x] for x, y in enumerate(empty_samples) if y]))) r('''countsTable <- countsTable[, max_counts >= %i]''' % filter_min_counts_per_sample) nobservations, nsamples = tuple(r('''dim(countsTable)''')) r('''groups = factor(colnames( countsTable ))''') E.debug("sample names: %s" % r('''colnames(countsTable)''')) nrows, ncolumns = tuple(r('''dim(countsTable)''')) outfile.write("metric\tvalue\tpercent\n") outfile.write("number of observations\t%i\t100\n" % nobservations) outfile.write("number of samples\t%i\t100\n" % nsamples) # Count windows with no data r('''max_counts = apply(countsTable,1,max)''') # output distribution of maximum number of counts per window outfilename = output_filename_pattern + "max_counts.tsv.gz""outputting maximum counts per window to %s" % outfilename) r('''write.table(table(max_counts), file=gzfile('%(outfilename)s'), sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)''' % locals()) # removing empty rows"removing rows with no counts in any sample") r('''countsTable = countsTable[max_counts>0,]''') if nrows > 0: for x in range(0, 20): nempty = tuple(r('''sum(max_counts <= %i)''' % x))[0] outfile.write("max per row<=%i\t%i\t%f\n" % (x, nempty, 100.0 * nempty / nrows))"removed %i empty rows" % tuple(r('''sum(max_counts == 0)'''))) observations, samples = tuple(r('''dim(countsTable)'''))"trimmed data: %i observations for %i samples" % (observations, samples)) # build correlation r('''correlations = cor(countsTable)''') outfilename = output_filename_pattern + "correlation.tsv""outputting sample correlations table to %s" % outfilename) r('''write.table(correlations, file='%(outfilename)s', sep="\t", row.names=TRUE, col.names=NA, quote=FALSE)''' % locals()) # output scatter plots outfilename = output_filename_pattern + "scatter.png""outputting scatter plots to %s" % outfilename) R.png(outfilename, width=960, height=960) plotPairs() r['']() # output heatmap based on correlations outfilename = output_filename_pattern + "heatmap.svg""outputting correlation heatmap to %s" % outfilename) R.svg(outfilename) plotCorrelationHeatmap(method="correlation") r['']() # output PCA outfilename = output_filename_pattern + "pca.svg""outputting PCA plot to %s" % outfilename) R.svg(outfilename) plotPCA(groups=False) r['']() # output an MDS plot r('''suppressMessages(library('limma'))''') outfilename = output_filename_pattern + "mds.svg""outputting mds plot to %s" % outfilename) R.svg(outfilename) try: r('''plotMDS(countsTable)''') except RRuntimeError: E.warn("can not plot mds") r['']() def dumpTagData(filename_tags, filename_design, outfile): '''output filtered tag table.''' if outfile == sys.stdout: outfilename = "" else: outfilename = # load all tag data loadTagData(filename_tags, filename_design) # filter nobservations, nsamples = filterTagData() # output r('''write.table( countsTable, file='%(outfilename)s', sep='\t', quote=FALSE)''' % locals()) def runTTest(outfile, outfile_prefix, fdr=0.1, ref_group=None, ref_regex=None): '''apply a ttest on the data. For the T-test it is best to use FPKM values as this method does not perform any library normalization. ''' groups, pairs, has_replicates, has_pairs = groupTagData(ref_group, ref_regex) results = [] for combination in itertools.combinations(groups, 2): control, treatment = combination r = r('''r = apply(countsTable, 1, function(x) { t.test( x[groups == '%(treatment)s'], x[groups == '%(control)s']) } ) ''' % locals()) for test_id, ttest in zip(r.names, r): # TS, swapped order below as assignment was incorrect treatment_mean, control_mean = tuple(ttest.rx2('estimate')) fold_change = treatment_mean / control_mean pvalue = tuple(ttest.rx2('p.value'))[0] significant = (0, 1)[pvalue < fdr] results.append(GeneExpressionResult._make((test_id, treatment, treatment_mean, 0, control, control_mean, 0, pvalue, pvalue, numpy.log2(fold_change), fold_change, numpy.log2(fold_change), significant, "OK"))) writeExpressionResults(outfile, results) ##################################################################### # Pandas-based functions and matplotlib-based plotting functions #### ##################################################################### def loadTagDataPandas(tags_filename, design_filename): '''load tag data for deseq/edger analysis. *Infile* is a tab-separated file with counts. *design_file* is a tab-separated file with the experimental design with four columns:: track include group pair CW-CD14-R1 0 CD14 1 CW-CD14-R2 0 CD14 1 CW-CD14-R3 1 CD14 1 CW-CD4-R1 1 CD4 1 FM-CD14-R1 1 CD14 2 FM-CD4-R2 0 CD4 2 FM-CD4-R3 0 CD4 2 FM-CD4-R4 0 CD4 2 track name of track - should correspond to column header in *infile* include flag to indicate whether or not to include this data group group indicator - experimental group pair pair that sample belongs to (for paired tests) This method creates various R objects: countsTable : data frame with counts. groups : vector with groups pairs : vector with pairs '''"loading tag data from %s" % tags_filename) inf = iotools.open_file(tags_filename) counts_table = pandas.read_csv(inf, sep="\t", index_col=0, comment="#") inf.close()"read data: %i observations for %i samples" % counts_table.shape) E.debug("sample names: %s" % list(counts_table.columns)) inf = iotools.open_file(design_filename) design_table = pandas.read_csv(inf, sep="\t", index_col=0) inf.close() E.debug("design names: %s" % list(design_table.index)) missing = set(counts_table.columns).difference(design_table.index) if missing: E.warn("missing samples from design file are ignored: %s" % missing) # remove unnecessary samples design_table = design_table[design_table["include"] != 0] E.debug("included samples: %s" % list(design_table.index)) counts_table = counts_table[list(design_table.index)]"filtered data: %i observations for %i samples" % counts_table.shape) return counts_table, design_table def filterTagDataPandas(counts_table, design_table, filter_min_counts_per_row=1, filter_min_counts_per_sample=10, filter_percentile_rowsums=0): '''filter tag data. * remove rows with at least x number of counts * remove samples with a maximum of *min_sample_counts* * remove the lowest percentile of rows in the table, sorted by total tags per row ''' # Remove windows with no data max_counts_per_row = counts_table.max(1) counts_table = counts_table[ max_counts_per_row >= filter_min_counts_per_row] observations, samples = counts_table.shape"trimmed data: %i observations for %i samples" % (observations, samples)) # remove samples without data max_counts_per_sample = counts_table.max() empty_samples = max_counts_per_sample < filter_min_counts_per_sample sample_names = counts_table.columns nempty_samples = sum(empty_samples) if nempty_samples: E.warn("%i empty samples are being removed: %s" % (nempty_samples, ",".join([sample_names[x] for x, y in enumerate(empty_samples) if y]))) raise NotImplementedError("removing empty samples needs to be done") # r('''countsTable <- countsTable[, max_counts >= %i]''' % filter_min_counts_per_sample) # r('''groups <- groups[max_counts >= %i]''' % filter_min_counts_per_sample) # r('''pairs <- pairs[max_counts >= %i]''' % filter_min_counts_per_sample) # observations, samples = tuple( r('''dim(countsTable)''')) # percentile filtering if filter_percentile_rowsums > 0: percentile = float(filter_percentile_rowsums) / 100.0 sum_counts = counts_table.sum(1) take = sum_counts > sum_counts.quantile(percentile)"percentile filtering at level %f: keep=%i, discard=%i" % (filter_percentile_rowsums, sum(take), len(take) - sum(take))) counts_table = counts_table[take] return counts_table def identifyVariablesPandas(design_table): # design table should have been processed by loadTagDataPandas already # just in case, re-filter for not included samples here design_table = design_table[design_table["include"] != 0] conds = design_table['group'].tolist() pairs = design_table['pair'].tolist() # TS, adapted from JJ code for DESeq2 design tables: # if additional columns present, pass to 'factors' if len(design_table.columns) > 3: factors = design_table.iloc[:, 3:] else: factors = None return conds, pairs, factors def checkTagGroupsPandas(design_table, ref_group=None): '''compute groups and pairs from tag data table.''' conds, pairs, factors = identifyVariablesPandas(design_table) groups = list(set(conds)) # Relevel the groups so that the reference comes first # how to do this in python? # if ref_group is not None: # r('''groups <- relevel(groups, ref = "%s")''' % ref_group) # check this works, will need to make factors from normal df # TS adapted from JJ code for DESeq2 - # check whether there are additional factors in design file... if factors: E.warn("There are additional factors in design file that are ignored" " by groupTagData: ", factors) else: pass # Test if replicates exist - at least one group must have multiple samples max_per_group = max([conds.count(x) for x in groups]) has_replicates = max_per_group >= 2 # Test if pairs exist: npairs = len(set(pairs)) has_pairs = npairs == 2 # ..if so, at least two samples are required per pair if has_pairs: min_per_pair = min([pairs.count(x) for x in set(pairs)]) has_pairs = min_per_pair >= 2 return groups, pairs, conds, factors, has_replicates, has_pairs ResultColumns = ["test_id", "treatment_name", "treatment_mean", "treatment_std", "control_name", "control_mean", "control_std", "p_value", "p_value_adj", "l2fold", "fold", "transformed_l2fold", "significant", "status"] ResultColumns_dtype = {"test_id": object, "treatment_name": object, "treatment_mean": float, "treatment_std": float, "control_name": object, "control_mean": float, "control_std": float, "p_value": float, "p_value_adj": float, "l2fold": float, "fold": float, "transformed_l2fold": float, "significant": int, "status": object} def makeEmptyDataFrameDict(): return {key: [] for key in ResultColumns} def runTTestPandas(counts_table, design_table, outfile, outfile_prefix, fdr, ref_group=None): '''apply a ttest on the data. For the T-test it is best to use FPKM values as this method does not perform any library normalization. Alternatively, perform normalisation on counts table using ''' stats = importr('stats') (groups, pairs, conds, factors, has_replicates, has_pairs) = checkTagGroupsPandas(design_table, ref_group) df_dict = makeEmptyDataFrameDict() for combination in itertools.combinations(groups, 2): # as each combination may have different numbers of samples in control # and treatment, calculations have to be performed on a per # combination basis control, treatment = combination n_rows = counts_table.shape[0] df_dict["control_name"].extend((control,)*n_rows) df_dict["treatment_name"].extend((treatment,)*n_rows) df_dict["test_id"].extend(counts_table.index.tolist()) # subset counts table for each combination c_keep = [x == control for x in conds] control_counts = counts_table.iloc[:, c_keep] t_keep = [x == treatment for x in conds] treatment_counts = counts_table.iloc[:, t_keep] c_mean = control_counts.mean(axis=1) df_dict["control_mean"].extend(c_mean) df_dict["control_std"].extend(control_counts.std(axis=1)) t_mean = treatment_counts.mean(axis=1) df_dict["treatment_mean"].extend(t_mean) df_dict["treatment_std"].extend(treatment_counts.std(axis=1)) t, prob = ttest_ind(control_counts, treatment_counts, axis=1) df_dict["p_value"].extend(prob) # what about zero values?! df_dict["fold"].extend(t_mean / c_mean) df_dict["p_value_adj"].extend( list(stats.p_adjust(FloatVector(df_dict["p_value"]), method='BH'))) df_dict["significant"].extend( [int(x < fdr) for x in df_dict["p_value_adj"]]) df_dict["l2fold"].extend(list(numpy.log2(df_dict["fold"]))) # note: the transformed log2 fold change is not transformed! df_dict["transformed_l2fold"].extend(list(numpy.log2(df_dict["fold"]))) # set all status values to "OK" df_dict["status"].extend(("OK",)*n_rows) results = pandas.DataFrame(df_dict) results.set_index("test_id", inplace=True) results.to_csv(outfile, sep="\t", header=True, index=True) def plotCorrelationHeatmapMatplot(counts, outfile, method="correlation", cor_method="pearson"): '''plot a heatmap of correlations derived from countsTable. ''' # to do: add other methods? # define outside function? - Will we reuse? heatmap_cdict_b_to_y = { 'red': ((0.0, 0.4, .4), (0.01, .4, .4), (1., .95, .95)), 'green': ((0.0, 0.4, 0.4), (0.01, .4, .4), (1., .95, .95)), 'blue': ((0.0, .9, .9), (0.01, .9, .9), (1., 0.4, 0.4))} cm = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap( '', heatmap_cdict_b_to_y, 256) df = counts.corr(method=cor_method) plt.pcolor(np.array(df), cmap=cm) plt.colorbar() plt.title("%(cor_method)s correlation heatmap" % locals()) plt.yticks(np.arange(0.5, len(df.index), 1), df.index) plt.xticks(np.arange(0.5, len(df.columns), 1), df.columns, rotation=90) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(outfile) def runEdgeRPandas(counts, design_table, outfile, outfile_prefix="edger.", fdr=0.1, prefix="", dispersion=None, ref_group=None): '''run EdgeR on countsTable. Results are stored in *outfile* and files prefixed by *outfile_prefix*. The dispersion is usually measuered from replicates. If there are no replicates, you need to set the *dispersion* explicitely. See page 13 of the EdgeR user guide:: 2. Simply pick a reasonable dispersion value, based on your experience with similar data, and use that. Although subjective, this is still more defensible than assuming Poisson variation. Typical values are dispersion=0.4 for human data, dispersion=0.1 for data on genetically identical model organisms or dispersion=0.01 for technical replicates. ''' # load library r('''suppressMessages(library('edgeR'))''') (groups, pairs, conds, factors, has_replicates, has_pairs) = checkTagGroupsPandas(design_table, ref_group) if not has_replicates and dispersion is None: raise ValueError("no replicates and no dispersion") # output heatmap plot plotCorrelationHeatmapMatplot(counts, '%(outfile_prefix)sheatmap.png' % locals(), cor_method="spearman")'running EdgeR: groups=%s, pairs=%s, replicates=%s, pairs=%s' % (groups, pairs, has_replicates, has_pairs)) r_counts = pandas2ri.py2ri(counts) passDFtoRGlobalEnvironment = r('''function(df){ countsTable <<- df}''') passDFtoRGlobalEnvironment(r_counts) if has_pairs: # output difference between groups # TS ##### # this is performed on non-normalised data # should we use to normalise first? # also, this isn't edgeR specific, should this be # moved to a seperate summary function? # also move the MDS plotting? # ##### first = True pairs_df =
import pandas as pd import numpy as np # Filter csv data based on application args def filter(filter_args): # Read in csv data df = pd.read_csv('soilgenerate/data/12072016_plants_sheff.csv', encoding="utf-8") ## BEGIN Default Filters # Filter nan is_not_nan = pd.notnull(df['Growth Rate']) df = df[is_not_nan] is_not_nan =
pd.notnull(df['Planting Density per Acre, Maximum'])
import os, gzip, logging, re import pandas as pd from typing import List, Tuple from common.base_parser import BaseParser from common.constants import * logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s %(message)s', handlers=[logging.StreamHandler()]) # protein name types: REC_FULLNAME = 'recommended full name' REC_SHORTNAME = 'recommended short name' ALT_FULLNAME = 'alternative full name' ALT_SHORTNAME = 'alternative short name' UNIPROT_FILE = 'sprot.tsv' UNIPROT_2_GENE = 'sprot2gene.tsv' UNIPROT_2_GO = 'sprot2go.tsv' UNIPROT_SYNONYM = 'sprot2syn.tsv' UNIPROT_SYNONYM_DERIVED = 'sprot2syn_derived.tsv' class Entry: def __init__(self): str = '' self.other_accessions = [] str = '' self.gene_name: str = '' self.dataset: str = 'Swiss-Prot' self.protein_names: List[Tuple[str, str]] = [] self.tax_id: str = '' self.function: str = '' self.pathway: str = '' self.go_ids = [] def add_protein_name(self, type, name): if name: self.protein_names.append((type, name)) def get_all_names(self): names = [] for _, name in self.protein_names: names.append(name) return names def get_synonym_rows(self): s = '' for protein_type, name in self.protein_names: s += f'{}\t{name}\t{protein_type}\n' return s def get_alternative_accession_rows(self): s = '' for item in self.other_accessions: s += f'{}\t{item}\n' return s def get_go_rows(self): s = '' for k in self.go_ids: go_id = k.replace('GO:', '') s += f'{}\t{go_id}\n' return s class UniprotParser(BaseParser): def __init__(self, prefix: str): BaseParser.__init__(self, prefix, 'uniprot') self.uniprot_file = 'uniprot_sprot.dat.gz' self.id_mapping_file = '' self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def parse_uniprot_file(self): entries = []"Start parsing file:" + self.uniprot_file) with, self.uniprot_file), 'rt') as f: for line in f: if not line.startswith('CC '): function = False pathway = False if line.startswith('ID'): if entries and len(entries) % 10000 == 0: pre_line_type = None entry = Entry() = line[3:].strip().split(' ')[0] entries.append(entry) else: # ID indicates the start of a new section block # otherwise get the last entry to update it entry = entries[-1] if line.startswith('AC'): line = line[3:].strip().strip(';') items = re.split(';\s*', line) # currently we are not storing other accession in neo4j. Could be useful in the future if we need to use it if not = items[0] if len(items) > 1: entry.other_accessions = entry.other_accessions + items[1:] else: entry.other_accessions = entry.other_accessions + items elif line.startswith('DE'): text = line[3:].strip() if text.startswith('RecName: Full='): entry.add_protein_name(REC_FULLNAME, self._clean_name(text[len('RecName: Full='):])) pre_line_type = 'RecName' elif text.startswith('AltName: Full='): entry.add_protein_name(ALT_FULLNAME, self._clean_name(text[len('AltName: Full='):])) pre_line_type = 'AltName' elif text.startswith('Short='): if pre_line_type == 'RecName': entry.add_protein_name(REC_SHORTNAME, self._clean_name(text[len('Short='):])) elif pre_line_type == 'AltName': entry.add_protein_name(ALT_SHORTNAME, self._clean_name(text[len('Short='):])) elif line.startswith('OX NCBI_TaxID='): entry.tax_id = self._clean_name(line[len('OX NCBI_TaxID='):]) elif line.startswith('GN Name='): entry.gene_name = self._clean_name(line[len('GN Name='):]) elif line.startswith('DR GO;'): entry.go_ids.append(self._clean_name(line[len('DR GO;'):])) elif line.startswith('CC -!- FUNCTION:'): function = True entry.function = self._clean_name(line[len('CC -!- FUNCTION:'):], False) elif line.startswith('CC -!- PATHWAY:'): pathway = True if entry.pathway: entry.pathway += '; ' entry.pathway += self._clean_name(line[len('CC -!- PATHWAY:'):], False) elif line.startswith('CC '): if function: entry.function += ' ' + self._clean_name(line[len('CC '):], False) elif pathway: entry.pathway += ' ' + self._clean_name(line[len('CC '):], False)'Total entries: {len(entries)}') return entries def _clean_name(self, text:str, clean_brace=True): item = text.split(';')[0] if clean_brace and '{' in item: item = item[:item.find('{')] return item.strip() def parse_and_write_data_files(self): entries = self.parse_uniprot_file() self.write_protein_file(entries) self.write_protein2synonym_file(entries) self.write_protein2go_file(entries) self.parse_and_write_sprot2gene_file() self.extract_protein_symbol_as_synonym() self.extract_multiple_genes_from_sprot2gene() def write_protein_file(self, entries):"write sprot.tsv") with open(os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.file_prefix + 'sprot.tsv'), 'w') as f: f.write('\t'.join([PROP_ID, PROP_NAME, PROP_GENE_NAME, PROP_TAX_ID, PROP_PATHWAY, PROP_FUNCTION]) + '\n') f.writelines('\t'.join([,, entry.gene_name, entry.tax_id, entry.pathway, entry.function])+'\n' for entry in entries) def write_protein2synonym_file(self, entries):"write sprot2syn") names = set() for entry in entries: names.update(entry.get_all_names()) with open(os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.file_prefix + 'sprot2syn.tsv'), 'w') as f: f.write('\t'.join([PROP_ID, PROP_NAME, PROP_TYPE]) + '\n') f.writelines(entry.get_synonym_rows() for entry in entries) def write_protein2go_file(self, entries):"write sprot2go") with open(os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.file_prefix + 'sprot2go.tsv'), 'w') as f: f.write(f'{PROP_ID}\t{PROP_GO_ID}\n') f.writelines(entry.get_go_rows() for entry in entries) def parse_and_write_sprot2gene_file(self):"write sprot2gene") # get sprot ids df = pd.read_table(os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.file_prefix + 'sprot.tsv')) sprot_ids = set([id for id in df[PROP_ID]]) with, self.id_mapping_file), 'rt') as f:'opened gzip to start writing sprot2gene') with open(os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.file_prefix + 'sprot2gene.tsv'), 'w') as outfile: outfile.write(f'{PROP_ID}\t{PROP_GENE_ID}\n') rows = 0 lines = 0 for line in f: lines += 1 # if lines % 10000 == 0: # print(lines) if len(line) > 10000: # some rows are too long, truncate it as we only need the first two columns line = line[:1000] row = line.split('\t') if len(row) < 2: break if row[2] and row[0] in sprot_ids: rows += 1 outfile.write(f'{row[0]}\t{row[2]}\n')'finished writing sprot2gene.tsv. rows:' + str(rows)) def extract_multiple_genes_from_sprot2gene(self):'split gene_id columns when values have multiple gene ids') df = pd.read_table(os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.file_prefix + 'sprot2gene.tsv')) print('sprot2gene:', len(df)) df_m = df[df[PROP_GENE_ID].str.contains(';')] df = df[~df[PROP_GENE_ID].str.contains(';')] print('sprot2gene with multiple genes:', len(df_m), 'single gene:', len(df)) df_m.set_index(PROP_ID, inplace=True) df_m = df_m[PROP_GENE_ID].str.split(';', expand=True).stack() df_m = df_m.reset_index().rename(columns={0: PROP_GENE_ID}) df_m[PROP_GENE_ID] = df_m[PROP_GENE_ID].str.strip() df_m = df_m[[PROP_ID, PROP_GENE_ID]] print('split genes:', len(df_m)) df =
pd.concat([df, df_m])
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # Author: # <NAME> # Emotional Sentiment on Twitter # A coronavirus vaccine online firestorm # In this python script you will find examples of some of the most common # NLP (Natural Language Processing) techniques used to uncover patterns of # sentiment and emotion on social media microblogging platforms like Twitter. # It is organized as follows: # - Step 1: Exploratory analysis # - Step 2: Text processing # - Step 3: Sentiment analysis # - Step 4: Word frequency # - Step 5: LDA topics extraction # - Step 6: Emotion analysis # # ## Step 1: EXPLORATORY ANALYSIS import pandas as pd import numpy as np import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from collections import defaultdict from datetime import date import re # for regular expressions import string # Importing the data tweets = pd.read_csv('input/tweets.csv') # getting the date column ready for datetime operations tweets['datetime']= pd.to_datetime(tweets['datetime']) # A plot of the tweets with the word "CureVac" over the past 6 years. fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10)) ax = sns.lineplot(data=tweets.set_index("datetime").groupby(pd.Grouper(freq='Y')).count()) plt.title('Tweets with "CureVac" from 2014 to 2020', fontsize=20) plt.xlabel('Years', fontsize=15) plt.ylabel('Tweets', fontsize=15) fig.savefig("images/All_Tweets_2014-2020.png") # creating a column to filter the online storm period (from 15 and 18 March) def make_onlinestorm_field(): for i, row in tweets.iterrows(): if pd.to_datetime([i, 'datetime']) > pd.Timestamp(date(2020,3,15)):[i, 'onlinestorm'] = True else:[i, 'onlinestorm'] = False make_onlinestorm_field() # counting tweets during the three days online storm print('In three days, tweets went over {}, all around the world.'.format(tweets[tweets['onlinestorm']]['onlinestorm'].count())) tweets[tweets['onlinestorm']] # Let's now have a look at the distribution of the tweets, by the hour, during the online storm. fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10)) ax = sns.lineplot(data=tweets[tweets['onlinestorm'] == True].set_index("datetime").groupby(pd.Grouper(freq='H')).onlinestorm.count()) plt.title('Tweets per hour from 15 to 18 March 2020', fontsize=20) plt.xlabel('Time (hours)', fontsize=15) plt.ylabel('No. Tweets', fontsize=15) fig.savefig("images/All_Tweets_Onlinestorm.png") # It is time to have a first look at the content of the tweets and do some descriptive statistics. # For now, I will focus only on features like hastags, mentions, urls, capital words and words in general. # A function to count tweets based on regular expressions def count_tweets(reg_expression, tweet): tweets_list = re.findall(reg_expression, tweet) return len(tweets_list) # Creating a dictionary to hold these counts content_count = { 'words' : tweets['text'].apply(lambda x: count_tweets(r'\w+', x)), 'mentions' : tweets['text'].apply(lambda x: count_tweets(r'@\w+', x)), 'hashtags' : tweets['text'].apply(lambda x: count_tweets(r'#\w+', x)), 'urls' : tweets['text'].apply(lambda x: count_tweets(r'http.?://[^\s]+[\s]?', x)), } df = pd.concat([tweets, pd.DataFrame(content_count)], axis=1) # Tweets descriptive statistics # Display descriptive statistics fdor words, mentions, # hashtags and urls for key in content_count.keys(): print() print('Descriptive statistics for {}'.format(key)) print(df.groupby('onlinestorm')[key].describe()) # Now plot them for key in content_count.keys(): bins = np.arange(df[key].min(), df[key].max() + 1) g = sns.FacetGrid(df, col='onlinestorm', height=5, hue='onlinestorm', palette="RdYlGn") g =, key, kde=False, norm_hist=True, bins=bins) plt.savefig('images/Descriptive_stats_for_' + key + '.png') # Step 2: TEXT PROCESSING import nltk from nltk.corpus import stopwords from nltk.stem.snowball import SnowballStemmer from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize, word_tokenize from nltk import pos_tag # I am adding my own stopwords list to the NLTK list. # This way we can drop words that are irrelevant for text processing MY_STOPWORDS = ['curevac','vaccine','german','mrna','biotech','cancer', 'lilly','eli','ag','etherna_immuno', 'translatebio', 'mooreorless62','boehringer', 'ingelheim','biopharmaceutical', 'company'] STOPLIST = set(stopwords.words('english') + list(MY_STOPWORDS)) SYMBOLS = " ".join(string.punctuation).split(" ") + ["-", "...", "”", "``", ",", ".", ":", "''","#","@"] # The NLTK lemmatizer and stemmer classes lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer() stemmer = SnowballStemmer('english') # read english selected tweets, no duplicates tweets = pd.read_csv('input/tweets_en.csv') # I use the POS tagging from NLTK to retain only adjectives, verbs, adverbs # and nouns as a base for for lemmatization. def get_lemmas(tweet): # A dictionary to help convert Treebank tags to WordNet treebank2wordnet = {'NN':'n', 'JJ':'a', 'VB':'v', 'RB':'r'} postag = '' lemmas_list = [] for word, tag in pos_tag(word_tokenize(tweet)): if tag.startswith("JJ") or tag.startswith("RB") or tag.startswith("VB") or tag.startswith("NN"): try: postag = treebank2wordnet[tag[:2]] except: postag = 'n' lemmas_list.append(lemmatizer.lemmatize(word.lower(), postag)) return lemmas_list # We will now pre-process the tweets, following a pipeline of tokenization, # filtering, case normalization and lemma extraction. # This is the function to clean and filter the tokens in each tweet def clean_tweet(tokens): filtered = [] for token in tokens: if'[a-zA-Z]', token): if token not in STOPLIST: if token[0] not in SYMBOLS: if not token.startswith('http'): if '/' not in token: if '-' not in token: filtered.append(token) return filtered # Prior to lemmatization, I apply POS (part-of-speech) tagging to make sure that only the # adjectives, verbs, adverbs and nouns are retained. # Starts the lemmatization process def get_lemmatized(tweet): all_tokens_string = '' filtered = [] tokens = [] # lemmatize tokens = [token for token in get_lemmas(tweet)] # filter filtered = clean_tweet(tokens) # join everything into a single string all_tokens_string = ' '.join(filtered) return all_tokens_string # get the lemmatized tweets and puts the result in an "edited" text column # for future use in this script edited = '' for i, row in tweets.iterrows(): edited = get_lemmatized(tweets.loc[i]['text']) if len(edited) > 0:[i,'edited'] = edited else:[i,'edited'] = None # After lemmatization, some tweets may end up with the same words # Let's make sure that we have no duplicates tweets.drop_duplicates(subset=['edited'], inplace=True) tweets.dropna(inplace=True) # With these text processing steps, and the removal of duplicates, # the final sample counts 5,508 English-language tweets, # with an average of 30 words (SD 12.5, ranging from 4 to 61 words). # Using apply/lambda to create a new column with the number of words in each tweet tweets['word_count'] = tweets.apply(lambda x: len(x['text'].split()),axis=1) t = pd.DataFrame(tweets['word_count'].describe()).T tweets.head() # Step 3: SENTIMENT ANALYSIS # Let us import the VADER analyser. from nltk.sentiment.vader import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer # For the puropose of the timeseries analysis, we must make sure that the tweets are all correctly sorted. tweets['datetime']=pd.to_datetime(tweets['datetime']) tweets.sort_values('datetime', inplace=True, ascending=True) tweets = tweets.reset_index(drop=True) # Creating a column to "filter" the online storm period. make_onlinestorm_field() # To avoid repetitions in our code, here are some plotting functions # that will be called often ... def plot_sentiment_period(df, info): # Using the mean values of sentiment for each period df1 = df.groupby(df['datetime'].dt.to_period(info['period'])).mean() df1.reset_index(inplace=True) df1['datetime'] = pd.PeriodIndex(df1['datetime']).to_timestamp() plot_df = pd.DataFrame(df1, df1.index, info['cols']) plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10)) ax = sns.lineplot(data=plot_df, linewidth = 3, dashes = False) plt.legend(loc='best', fontsize=15) plt.title(info['title'], fontsize=20) plt.xlabel(info['xlab'], fontsize=15) plt.ylabel(info['ylab'], fontsize=15) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('images/' + info['fname']) return def plot_fractions(props, title, fname): plt1 = props.plot(kind='bar', stacked=False, figsize=(16,5), colormap='Spectral') plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.005, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.) plt.xlabel('Online storm', fontweight='bold', fontsize=18) plt.xticks(rotation=0,fontsize=14) #plt.ylim(0, 0.5) plt.ylabel('Fraction of Tweets', fontweight='bold', fontsize=18) plt1.set_title(label=title, fontweight='bold', size=20) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('images/' + fname + '.png') return def plot_frequency_chart(info): fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(14, 8)) sns.set_context("notebook", font_scale=1) ax = sns.barplot(x=info['x'], y=info['y'], data=info['data'], palette=(info['pal'])) ax.set_title(label=info['title'], fontweight='bold', size=18) plt.ylabel(info['ylab'], fontsize=16) plt.xlabel(info['xlab'], fontsize=16) plt.xticks(rotation=info['angle'],fontsize=14) plt.yticks(fontsize=14) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('images/' + info['fname']) return # Calling VADER analyzer = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer() # Get VADER Compound value for sentiment intensity tweets['sentiment_intensity'] = [analyzer.polarity_scores(v)['compound'] for v in tweets['edited']] # This function returns the sentiment category def get_sentiment(intensity): if intensity >= 0.05: return 'Positive' elif (intensity >= -0.05) and (intensity < 0.05): return 'Neutral' else: return 'Negative' # Using pandas apply/lambda to speed up the process tweets['sentiment'] = tweets.apply(lambda x: get_sentiment(x['sentiment_intensity']),axis=1) # The next plot gives us a clear image of the “explosion” of contradictory sentiments in this period: df=tweets.loc[:,['datetime','sentiment_intensity']] # filter for these dates df.set_index('datetime',inplace=True) df=df[(df.index>='2020-03-12') & (df.index<'2020-03-18')] df.plot(figsize=(12,6)); plt.ylabel('Compoud score', fontsize=15) plt.xlabel('Tweets', fontsize=15) plt.legend().set_visible(False) plt.title('Sentiment on tweets with CureVac (12 March to 18 March)', fontsize=20) plt.tight_layout() sns.despine(top=True) plt.savefig('images/Sentiment_during_onlinestorm.png') # And this one will shows us a comparison of the sentiments before and during the online strom. # Values are normalized to take into account the number of tweets in each # of the two different periods props = tweets.groupby('onlinestorm')['sentiment'].value_counts(normalize=True).unstack() plot_fractions(props,'Percentage of sentiments before and during the online storm', 'Fraction_sentiments_before_and_during_onlinestorm') # Step 4: Word frequency # We need these imports for the wordcloud representation: from PIL import Image from wordcloud import WordCloud, STOPWORDS, ImageColorGenerator from matplotlib.colors import makeMappingArray from palettable.colorbrewer.diverging import Spectral_4 from collections import Counter # Counts the most common items in a list def display_wordcloud(tokens, title, fname): tokens_upper = [token.upper() for token in tokens] cloud_mask = np.array("images/cloud_mask.png")) wordcloud = WordCloud(max_font_size=100, max_words=50, width=2500, height=1750,mask=cloud_mask, background_color="white").generate(" ".join(tokens_upper)) plt.figure() fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(14, 8)) plt.title(title, fontsize=20) plt.imshow(wordcloud, interpolation="bilinear") plt.axis("off") plt.savefig('images/'+ fname + '.png') return def join_edited_string(edited_tweets): edited_string = '' for row in edited_tweets: edited_string = edited_string + ' ' + row return edited_string def get_trigrams(trigrams, top_grams): grams_str = [] data = [] gram_counter = Counter(trigrams) for grams in gram_counter.most_common(10): gram = '' grams_str = grams[0] grams_str_count = [] for n in range(0,3): gram = gram + grams_str[n] + ' ' grams_str_count.append(gram) grams_str_count.append(grams[1]) data.append(grams_str_count) print(grams_str_count) df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = ['Grams', 'Count']) return df # Let’s have a look at the 20 most frequent words in tweets before the online storm. # Filtering the tweets of the 6 years before the online storm df = tweets[tweets['onlinestorm'] == False] # Join all the edited tweets in one single string joined_string = join_edited_string(df['edited']) # Get tokens tokens = joined_string.split(' ') # get trigrams trigrams = nltk.trigrams(tokens) # plot word frequency during online storm word_counter = Counter(tokens) df_counter = pd.DataFrame(word_counter.most_common(20), columns = ['word', 'freq']) info = {'data': df_counter, 'x': 'freq', 'y': 'word', 'xlab': 'Count', 'ylab': 'Words', 'pal':'viridis', 'title': 'Most frequent words before online storm', 'fname':'word_frequency_before_onlinestorm.png', 'angle': 90} plot_frequency_chart(info) # plot trigram frequency df_trigrams = get_trigrams(trigrams, 10) info = {'data': df_trigrams, 'x': 'Grams', 'y': 'Count', 'xlab': 'Trigrams', 'ylab': 'Count', 'pal':'viridis', 'title': 'Most frequent trigrams before online storm', 'fname':'trigrams_frequency_before_onlinestorm.png', 'angle': 40} plot_frequency_chart(info) # And the wordcloud ... display_wordcloud(tokens, 'Wordcloud of most frequent words before online storm', 'WordCloud_before_onlinestorm') # Filtering the tweets of the 3 days of the online storm df =tweets[tweets['onlinestorm']] # Join all the edited tweets in one single string joined_string = join_edited_string(df['edited']) # Get tokens tokens = joined_string.split(' ') # get trigrams trigrams = nltk.trigrams(tokens) # plot word frequency during online storm word_counter = Counter(tokens) df_counter = pd.DataFrame(word_counter.most_common(20), columns = ['word', 'freq']) info = {'data': df_counter, 'x': 'freq', 'y': 'word', 'xlab': 'Count', 'ylab': 'Words', 'pal':'inferno', 'title': 'Most frequent words during online storm', 'fname':'word_frequency_during_onlinestorm.png', 'angle': 90} plot_frequency_chart(info) # In[139]: # plot trigrams frequency df_trigrams = get_trigrams(trigrams, 10) info = {'data': df_trigrams, 'x': 'Grams', 'y': 'Count', 'xlab': 'Trigrams', 'ylab': 'Count', 'pal':'inferno', 'title': 'Most frequent trigrams during online storm', 'fname':'trigrams_frequency_during_onlinestorm.png', 'angle': 40} plot_frequency_chart(info) # In[140]: display_wordcloud(tokens, 'Wordcloud of most frequent words during online storm', 'WordCloud_during_onlinestorm') # Step 5: LDA topics extraction from sklearn.decomposition import LatentDirichletAllocation from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer # I am using here Susan Li's functions to get the top words from a topic: def get_keys(topic_matrix): ''' returns an integer list of predicted topic categories for a given topic matrix ''' keys = topic_matrix.argmax(axis=1).tolist() return keys def keys_to_counts(keys): ''' returns a tuple of topic categories and their accompanying magnitudes for a given list of keys ''' count_pairs = Counter(keys).items() categories = [pair[0] for pair in count_pairs] counts = [pair[1] for pair in count_pairs] return (categories, counts) def get_top_n_words(n, n_topics, keys, document_term_matrix, tfidf_vectorizer): ''' returns a list of n_topic strings, where each string contains the n most common words in a predicted category, in order ''' top_word_indices = [] for topic in range(n_topics): temp_vector_sum = 0 for i in range(len(keys)): if keys[i] == topic: temp_vector_sum += document_term_matrix[i] temp_vector_sum = temp_vector_sum.toarray() top_n_word_indices = np.flip(np.argsort(temp_vector_sum)[0][-n:],0) top_word_indices.append(top_n_word_indices) top_words = [] for topic in top_word_indices: topic_words = [] for index in topic: temp_word_vector = np.zeros((1,document_term_matrix.shape[1])) temp_word_vector[:, index] = 1 the_word = tfidf_vectorizer.inverse_transform(temp_word_vector)[0][0] try: topic_words.append(the_word.encode('ascii').decode('utf-8')) except: pass top_words.append(", ".join(topic_words)) return top_words # And here is a function for topics extraction using LDA, in which I produce a dataframe # with the topics and their top words to facilitate the plotting that follows. # LDA topics def get_topics(edited, n_topics, n_words): eds = edited.values vec = TfidfVectorizer(use_idf=True, smooth_idf=True) document_term_matrix = vec.fit_transform(eds) model = LatentDirichletAllocation(n_components=n_topics) topic_matrix = model.fit_transform(document_term_matrix) keys = get_keys(topic_matrix) categories, counts = keys_to_counts(keys) top_n_words = get_top_n_words(n_words, n_topics, keys, document_term_matrix, vec) topics = ['Topic {}: \n'.format(i + 1) + top_n_words[i] for i in categories] data=[] for i, topic in enumerate(topics): tmp = [] tmp.append(topic) tmp.append(counts[i]) data.append(tmp) df_topics = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = ['Topics', 'Count']) return df_topics # Topics before the online storm # Filtering the tweets of the 6 years before the online storm df = tweets[tweets['onlinestorm'] == False] # LDA topics df_topics = get_topics(df['edited'], 5, 5) info = {'data': df_topics, 'x': 'Topics', 'y': 'Count', 'xlab': 'Topics', 'ylab': 'Count', 'pal':'viridis', 'title': 'LDA Topics before Online Storm', 'fname':'LDA_Topics_before_onlinestorm.png', 'angle': 40} plot_frequency_chart(info) # Topics during the online storm # Filtering the tweets of the 3 days of the online storm df =tweets[tweets['onlinestorm']] # LDA topics df_topics = get_topics(df['edited'], 5, 5) info = {'data': df_topics, 'x': 'Topics', 'y': 'Count', 'xlab': 'Topics', 'ylab': 'Count', 'pal':'inferno', 'title': 'Main Topics during Online Storm', 'fname':'LDA_Topics_during_onlinestorm.png', 'angle': 40} plot_frequency_chart(info) # Step 6: Emotion analysis import termcolor import sys from termcolor import colored, cprint'fivethirtyeight') # Importing the data from the NCR lexicon ncr = pd.read_csv('input/NCR-lexicon.csv', sep =';') # Let's create a list of the emotions emotions = ['Anger', 'Anticipation','Disgust','Fear', 'Joy','Sadness', 'Surprise', 'Trust'] # Join all the edited tweets in one single string joined_string = join_edited_string(df['edited']) # Get tokens tokens = joined_string.split(' ') # We build now two dictionaries with indexes and unique words, for future reference unique_words = set(tokens) word_to_ind = dict((word, i) for i, word in enumerate(unique_words)) ind_to_word = dict((i, word) for i, word in enumerate(unique_words)) def plot_emotions_period(df, cols, title, fname, period = 'h' ): df1 = df.groupby(df['datetime'].dt.to_period(period)).mean() df1.reset_index(inplace=True) df1['datetime'] = pd.PeriodIndex(df1['datetime']).to_timestamp() plot_df = pd.DataFrame(df1, df1.index, cols) plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10)) ax = sns.lineplot(data=plot_df, linewidth = 3,dashes = False) plt.legend(loc='best', fontsize=15) plt.title(title, fontsize=20) plt.xlabel('Time (hours)', fontsize=15) plt.ylabel('Z-scored Emotions', fontsize=15) plt.savefig('images/'+ fname + '.png') return def get_tweet_emotions(df, emotions, col): df_tweets = df.copy() df_tweets.drop(['sentiment','sentiment_intensity'], axis=1, inplace=True) emo_info = {'emotion':'' , 'emo_frq': defaultdict(int) } list_emotion_counts = [] # creating a dictionary list to hold the frequency of the words # contributing to the emotions for emotion in emotions: emo_info = {} emo_info['emotion'] = emotion emo_info['emo_frq'] = defaultdict(int) list_emotion_counts.append(emo_info) # bulding a zeros matrix to hold the emotions data df_emotions = pd.DataFrame(0, index=df.index, columns=emotions) # stemming the word to facilitate the search in NRC stemmer = SnowballStemmer("english") # iterating in the tweets data set for i, row in df_tweets.iterrows(): # for each tweet ... tweet = word_tokenize(df_tweets.loc[i][col]) for word in tweet: # for each word ... word_stemmed = stemmer.stem(word.lower()) # check if the word is in NRC result = ncr[ncr.English == word_stemmed] # we have a match if not result.empty: # update the tweet-emotions counts for idx, emotion in enumerate(emotions):[i, emotion] += result[emotion] # update the frequencies dictionary list if result[emotion].any(): try: list_emotion_counts[idx]['emo_frq'][word_to_ind[word]] += 1 except: continue # append the emotions matrix to the tweets data set df_tweets =
pd.concat([df_tweets, df_emotions], axis=1)
import pandas as pd from . import processing def plottable_sums(reference_df, behaviour, identifier_column="Animal_id", periods={}, period_label="period", metadata_columns={"TreatmentProtocol_code":"Treatment"}): identifiers = list(set(reference_df[identifier_column])) evaluation_df = pd.DataFrame({}) for identifier in identifiers: identifier_df = reference_df[reference_df[identifier_column]==identifier] evaluation_path = identifier_df["Evaluation_path"].values[0] identifier_data = {} for metadata_column in metadata_columns: identifier_data[metadata_columns[metadata_column]] = identifier_df[metadata_column].values[0] for period in periods: period_start, period_end = periods[period] sums = processing.timedelta_sums(evaluation_path, index_name=identifier, period_start=period_start, period_end=period_end) #We need to calculate this explicitly since the start/end of th experiment may not align perfecty with the theoretical period real_period_duration = sums.sum(axis=1).values[0] #if the behaviour key is not found, there was none of that behaviour type in the period try: behaviour_ratio = sums[behaviour].values[0]/real_period_duration except KeyError: behaviour_ratio = 0 identifier_data[behaviour.title()+" Ratio"] = behaviour_ratio identifier_data[period_label] = period identifier_data["Identifier"] = identifier period_df_slice = pd.DataFrame(identifier_data, index=[identifier]) evaluation_df = pd.concat([evaluation_df, period_df_slice]) #data is usually ordered as it comes, for nicer plots we sort it here evaluation_df = evaluation_df.sort_values([period_label], ascending=True) evaluation_df = evaluation_df.sort_values(list(metadata_columns.values()), ascending=False) return evaluation_df def plottable_sucrosepreference_df(reference_df): cage_ids = list(set(reference_df["Cage_id"])) preferences_df = pd.DataFrame({}) for cage_id in cage_ids: cage_id_df = reference_df[reference_df["Cage_id"]==cage_id] reference_dates = list(set(cage_id_df["SucrosePreferenceMeasurement_reference_date"])) reference_dates.sort() measurement_dates = list(set(cage_id_df["SucrosePreferenceMeasurement_date"])) measurement_dates.sort() first_date = reference_dates[0] preferences={} for measurement_date in measurement_dates: cage_id_measurement_df = cage_id_df[cage_id_df["SucrosePreferenceMeasurement_date"] == measurement_date] start_date = cage_id_measurement_df["SucrosePreferenceMeasurement_reference_date"].tolist()[0] relative_start_day = start_date-first_date rounded_relative_start_day = processing.rounded_days(relative_start_day) relative_end_day = measurement_date-first_date rounded_relative_end_day = processing.rounded_days(relative_end_day) key = "{} to {}".format(rounded_relative_start_day, rounded_relative_end_day) water_start = cage_id_measurement_df["SucrosePreferenceMeasurement_water_start_amount"].tolist()[0] water_end = cage_id_measurement_df["SucrosePreferenceMeasurement_water_end_amount"].tolist()[0] sucrose_start = cage_id_measurement_df["SucrosePreferenceMeasurement_sucrose_start_amount"].tolist()[0] sucrose_end = cage_id_measurement_df["SucrosePreferenceMeasurement_sucrose_end_amount"].tolist()[0] water_consumption = water_end - water_start sucrose_consumption = sucrose_end - sucrose_start sucrose_prefernce = sucrose_consumption/(water_consumption + sucrose_consumption) preferences["Period [days]"] = key preferences["Sucrose Preference Ratio"] = sucrose_prefernce preferences["Sucrose Bottle Position"] = cage_id_measurement_df["SucrosePreferenceMeasurement_sucrose_bottle_position"].tolist()[0] preferences["Sucrose Concentration"] = cage_id_measurement_df["SucrosePreferenceMeasurement_sucrose_concentration"].tolist()[0] preferences["Treatment"] = cage_id_measurement_df["TreatmentProtocol_code"].tolist()[0] preferences["Cage ID"] = cage_id # this may not actually be needed, as the same info is contained in the index preferences_df_slice = pd.DataFrame(preferences, index=[cage_id]) preferences_df =
pd.concat([preferences_df, preferences_df_slice])
import os import pandas as pd import numpy as np import math from datetime import datetime import csv from helpers import make_directory # If date is specified, calculate ranking up until that date def get_rankings(from_file, to_file, date=None, include_prediction=False, predicted_date_so_far=None, ranking_summary_file=None): if date: datet = datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d') if not (from_file and to_file): raise ValueError("Error: get_rankings: Give a from_file/to_file pair") df = pd.read_csv(from_file) scores = dict() for _, row in df.iterrows(): if type(row['Date']) is float: continue if date and datetime.strptime(row['Date'], '%Y-%m-%d') > datet: break # That means this row is a prediction value if not include_prediction and row['FTHG'] == 0 and row['FTAG'] == 0 and row['FTR'] != 'D': break # Meaning this game is not played and not predicted yet if row['FTR'] is np.nan: break home = row['HomeTeam'] away = row['AwayTeam'] if home not in scores: scores[home] = { 'match_played': 0, 'points': 0, 'goal_diff': 0, 'win': 0 } if away not in scores: scores[away] = { 'match_played': 0, 'points': 0, 'goal_diff': 0, 'win': 0 } scores[home]['match_played'] += 1 scores[away]['match_played'] += 1 match_goal_diff = row['FTHG'] - row['FTAG'] scores[home]['goal_diff'] += match_goal_diff scores[away]['goal_diff'] -= match_goal_diff if row['FTR'] == 'H': scores[home]['points'] += 3 scores[home]['win'] += 1 elif row['FTR'] == 'A': scores[away]['points'] += 3 scores[away]['win'] += 1 else: scores[home]['points'] += 1 scores[away]['points'] += 1 teams = sorted(scores, key=lambda k: scores[k]['points'], reverse=True) points, goal_diff, win_rate = [], [], [] for name in teams: val = scores[name] points.append(val['points']) goal_diff.append(val['goal_diff']) win_rate.append(val['win'] / val['match_played']) df = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(teams, points, goal_diff, win_rate)), columns=['Team', 'Points', 'Goal_Diff', 'Win_Rate']) make_directory(to_file) df.to_csv(to_file, index=False) if include_prediction and predicted_date_so_far and ranking_summary_file: round_df = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(teams, points)), columns=['Team', predicted_date_so_far]) round_df.set_index('Team', inplace=True) round_df = round_df.transpose() = 'Date' if os.path.isfile(ranking_summary_file): summary_df =
def scatter_plot(Matrix,identifier_dataframe,cmap_categ,cmap_multiplier,title,size,screen_labels): from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd import numpy as np """ This function goal is to allow data visualization of 2D or 3D matrices of data with different attributes RESULT: A 2D or 3D visualization of the data, with different colors for each different categories. The centroids of each class are also ploted. (with the formula of unweighted barycenters) PARAMS : - 'Matrix' refers to a 2D or 3D Matrix of data - 'identifier_dataframe' must have 2 columns : --> "main_category" (String), the categorie's column of labels -->"color" (Integer), it's color transposition - 'cmap_categ' refers to the 'colormaps_reference' in matplotlib : - 'cmap_multiplier' is the multiplier to apply to the categories in order to scale the colors between 1 and 100 - 'size' refers to the points sizes - 'screen_labels' refers to the way of displaying the point's categories: --> choose 'centroids' if you want to display the labels at the categories centroids levels --> let the string empty if you want to display one label each 50 points """ if Matrix.shape[1] ==1: df_plot=pd.DataFrame(Matrix,columns =['X']) df_plot['Y']=1 if Matrix.shape[1] ==2: df_plot=pd.DataFrame(Matrix,columns =['X','Y']) if Matrix.shape[1] ==3: df_plot=pd.DataFrame(Matrix,columns =['X','Y','Z']) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(13, 13)) ax = plt.axes(projection='3d') min_X = min(df_plot.X) max_X = max(df_plot.X) min_Y = min(df_plot.Y) max_Y = max(df_plot.Y) min_Z = min(df_plot.Z) max_Z = max(df_plot.Z) # Data for a three-dimensional line xline = np.linspace(min_X, max_X, 50) yline = np.linspace(min_Y, max_Y, 50) zline = np.linspace(min_Z, max_Z, 50) ax.plot3D(xline, yline, zline, 'gray') new_identifier_df =
from tweepy import OAuthHandler from tweepy import API from tweepy import Stream from tweepy.streaming import StreamListener import json import time import sys import pandas as pd import numpy as np import twitter_dataprep as dataprep import twitter_cache as tc class SListener(StreamListener): def __init__(self, api = None, fprefix = 'streamer'): self.api = api or API() self.counter = 0 self.fprefix = fprefix self.output = open('tweets.json', 'w') self.cache = tc.twitter_cache() self.cache.clean_allcache() def on_data(self, data): if 'in_reply_to_status' in data: ##Debug #print('=================='+str(self.counter)+'=========') #print(data) self.on_status(data) elif 'delete' in data: delete = json.loads(data)['delete']['status'] if self.on_delete(delete['id'], delete['user_id']) is False: return False elif 'limit' in data: if self.on_limit(json.loads(data)['limit']['track']) is False: return False elif 'warning' in data: warning = json.loads(data)['warnings'] print("WARNING: %s" % warning['message']) return def on_status(self, status): self.output.write(status) self.counter += 1 #if self.counter >= 20000: if self.counter >= 1000: self.output.close() self.output = open('%s_%s.json' % (self.fprefix, time.strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')), 'w') self.counter = 0 #print(self.counter) df_tweets=pd.DataFrame(dataprep.process_raw(status)) #self.cache.add_df_cache(key=str(,df=df_tweets) self.cache.add_cache(ns='twitter_cache:raw:',key=str(,value=str(df_tweets.to_json(orient='records'))) return def on_delete(self, status_id, user_id): print("Delete notice") return #def on_limit(self, track): #print("WARNING: Limitation notice received, tweets missed: %d" % track) # return def on_error(self, status_code): print('Encountered error with status code:', status_code) return def on_timeout(self): print("Timeout, sleeping for 60 seconds...") time.sleep(60) return class twitter_collector(): def __init__(self,cache=''): ##Init stream object # Consumer key authentication(consumer_key,consumer_secret can be collected from our twitter developer profile) auth = OAuthHandler('<KEY>', '<KEY>') # Access key authentication(access_token,access_token_secret can be collected from our twitter developer profile) auth.set_access_token('<KEY>', '<KEY>') # Set up the API with the authentication handler api = API(auth) # Instantiate the cache object for twitter stream #self.cache = tc.twitter_cache() # Instantiate the SListener object self.listen = SListener(api=api) # Instantiate the Stream object = Stream(auth, self.listen) # Initiate collector counters self.listen.cache.add_cache(ns='twitter_cache:summary:',key='total_tweets',value=0) self.listen.cache.add_cache(ns='twitter_cache:summary:',key='trump_tweets',value=0) self.listen.cache.add_cache(ns='twitter_cache:summary:',key='biden_tweets',value=0) def start(self,keywords=['biden','trump'],duration=0): # Begin collecting data = keywords, is_async=True) # if collector object started with duration specified, stop after X seconds if duration>0: time.sleep(duration) print('streaming stopped after '+str(duration)+"s") self.summary() def stop(self): #Disconnect the streaming object time.sleep(1) print("Twitter collector stopped!") self.summary() def refresh_summary(self,clear_raw=True): ''' Load raw tweets and process summary Delete raw tweets from redis cache if [clear_raw=True] ''' try: df_summary=dataprep.repack_tweets(self.listen.cache.get_rawcache(ns='twitter_cache:raw:',return_df=True)) except Exception as e: print ('Error to load raw tweets and refresh summary! Error Msg: {0}'.format(e)) return if clear_raw: self.listen.cache.clear_rawcache(ns='twitter_cache:raw:') # Update counters total_tweets=int(self.listen.cache.get_cache(ns='twitter_cache:summary:',key='total_tweets'))+len(df_summary.index) trump_tweets=int(self.listen.cache.get_cache(ns='twitter_cache:summary:',key='trump_tweets'))+np.sum(dataprep.check_word_in_tweet('trump',df_summary)) biden_tweets=int(self.listen.cache.get_cache(ns='twitter_cache:summary:',key='biden_tweets'))+np.sum(dataprep.check_word_in_tweet('biden',df_summary)) self.listen.cache.add_cache(ns='twitter_cache:summary:',key='total_tweets',value=str(total_tweets)) self.listen.cache.add_cache(ns='twitter_cache:summary:',key='trump_tweets',value=str(trump_tweets)) self.listen.cache.add_cache(ns='twitter_cache:summary:',key='biden_tweets',value=str(biden_tweets)) ## Build the word count histogram trump_wcloud = df_summary[dataprep.check_word_in_tweet('trump',df_summary)].text.str.split(expand=True).stack().value_counts().rename_axis('keyword').to_frame('counts') biden_wcloud = df_summary[dataprep.check_word_in_tweet('biden',df_summary)].text.str.split(expand=True).stack().value_counts().rename_axis('keyword').to_frame('counts') exclude_word = ['AT_USER','rt','URL','is','am','are','was','were','a','an','of','the','to','in','for','and','i','you','at','this','there','that','he','she','it','his','her','will','on','by','about','with','and','or'] trump_wcloud=trump_wcloud[~trump_wcloud.index.isin(exclude_word)].nlargest(10,'counts') biden_wcloud=biden_wcloud[~biden_wcloud.index.isin(exclude_word)].nlargest(10,'counts') trump_wc = self.listen.cache.get_df_cache(ns='twitter_cache:summary:',key='trump_wc') biden_wc = self.listen.cache.get_df_cache(ns='twitter_cache:summary:',key='biden_wc') if not trump_wc.empty: trump_wc =
# The MIT License (MIT) # Copyright (c) 2018 Massachusetts Institute of Technology # # Author: <NAME> # This software has been created in projects supported by the US National # Science Foundation and NASA (PI: Pankratius) # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # Standard library imports from collections import OrderedDict from getpass import getpass # Scikit Data Access from skdaccess.framework.data_class import DataFetcherStream, TableWrapper # Third party packages import pandas as pd from alpha_vantage.timeseries import TimeSeries class DataFetcher(DataFetcherStream): """ Data Fetcher for retrieving stock data """ def __init__(self, ap_paramList, data_type, start_date=None, end_date=None, interval=None): """ @param ap_paramList[stock_symbol_list]: AutoList of stock symbols @param data_type: Type of data to retrieve (daily, daily_adjusted, intraday, monthly, monthly_adjusted, weekly, weekly_adjusted) @param start_date: Starting date @param end_date: Ending date @param interval: Interval for intraday (1min, 5min, 15min, 30min, 60min) @return: Table data wrapper of stock data """ self.data_type = data_type self.start_date = start_date self.end_date = end_date self.interval = interval self.possible_intervals = ('1min', '5min', '15min', '30min', '60min') self.possible_data_types = ("daily", "daily_adjusted", "intraday", "monthly", "monthly_adjusted", "weekly", "weekly_adjusted") if interval not in self.possible_intervals and data_type == 'intraday': raise RuntimeError('Did not understand interval: "' + str(interval) + '" to use with intraday data type') elif interval is not None and data_type != 'intraday': raise RuntimeError('interval is only used with data type intraday') api_key = DataFetcher.getConfigItem('stocks', 'api_key') write_key = False while api_key is None or api_key == "": api_key = getpass(prompt='Alpha Vantage API key') write_key = True if write_key: DataFetcher.writeConfigItem('stocks','api_key', api_key) super(DataFetcher, self).__init__(ap_paramList) def output(self): """ Retrieve stock data @return TableWrapper of stock data """ stock_symbols = self.ap_paramList[0]() timeseries_retriever = TimeSeries(key=DataFetcher.getConfigItem('stocks','api_key'), output_format='pandas', indexing_type = 'date') data_dict = OrderedDict() metadata_dict = OrderedDict() for symbol in stock_symbols: # Extract data if self.data_type == 'daily': data, metadata = timeseries_retriever.get_daily(symbol, outputsize='full') elif self.data_type == 'daily_adjusted': data, metadata = timeseries_retriever.get_daily_adjusted(symbol, outputsize='full') elif self.data_type == 'monthly': data, metadata = timeseries_retriever.get_monthly(symbol) elif self.data_type == 'monthly_adjusted': data, metadata = timeseries_retriever.get_monthly_adjusted(symbol) elif self.data_type == 'weekly': data, metadata = timeseries_retriever.get_weekly(symbol) elif self.data_type == 'weekly_adjusted': data, metadata = timeseries_retriever.get_weekly_adjusted(symbol) elif self.data_type == 'intraday': data, metadata = timeseries_retriever.get_weekly_adjusted(symbol, self.interval, outputsize='full') # Convert index to pandas datetime if self.data_type == 'intraday': data.index =
# coding: utf-8 import os import pandas as pd from tqdm import tqdm from czsc.objects import RawBar, Freq from czsc.utils.bar_generator import BarGenerator, freq_end_time from test.test_analyze import read_1min cur_path = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0] kline = read_1min() def test_freq_end_time(): assert freq_end_time(pd.to_datetime("2021-11-11 09:43"), Freq.F1) == pd.to_datetime("2021-11-11 09:43") assert freq_end_time(pd.to_datetime("2021-11-11 09:43"), Freq.F5) == pd.to_datetime("2021-11-11 09:45") assert freq_end_time(pd.to_datetime("2021-11-11 09:43"), Freq.F15) == pd.to_datetime("2021-11-11 09:45") assert freq_end_time(pd.to_datetime("2021-11-11 09:45"), Freq.F15) == pd.to_datetime("2021-11-11 09:45") assert freq_end_time(pd.to_datetime("2021-11-11 14:56"), Freq.F15) == pd.to_datetime("2021-11-11 15:00") assert freq_end_time(pd.to_datetime("2021-11-11 09:43"), Freq.F30) == pd.to_datetime("2021-11-11 10:00") assert freq_end_time(
pd.to_datetime("2021-11-11 09:43")
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression import numpy as np import random import pandas as pd from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, f1_score, roc_curve, auc, accuracy_score import joblib from collections import Counter from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV from sklearn.cluster import KMeans import sys import timeit import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def get_trainset(simhome, rna): simfile = "%s/%s_result.txt" %(simhome, rna.upper()) with open(simfile, "r") as ifile: for line in ifile: if line.startswith("train"): trainset = eval(next(ifile, '').strip()) trainset = [t.lower() for t in trainset] return trainset def get_full_trainset(home): pdblist = "%s/data/pdblist.txt" %home return
pd.read_csv(pdblist, delim_whitespace=True)
""" Import as: import core.test.test_statistics as cttsta """ import logging from typing import List import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pytest import core.artificial_signal_generators as casgen import as cfinan import core.signal_processing as csproc import core.statistics as cstati import helpers.printing as hprint import helpers.unit_test as hut _LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class TestComputeMoments(hut.TestCase): def test1(self) -> None: series = self._get_series(seed=1) actual = cstati.compute_moments(series) actual_string = hut.convert_df_to_string(actual, index=True) self.check_string(actual_string) def test2(self) -> None: series = self._get_series(seed=1) actual = cstati.compute_moments(series, prefix="moments_") actual_string = hut.convert_df_to_string(actual, index=True) self.check_string(actual_string) # Smoke test for empty input. def test3(self) -> None: series = pd.Series([]) cstati.compute_moments(series) def test4(self) -> None: series = self._get_series(seed=1) # Place some `NaN` values in the series. series[:5] = np.nan series[8:10] = np.nan actual = cstati.compute_moments(series) actual_string = hut.convert_df_to_string(actual, index=True) self.check_string(actual_string) def test5(self) -> None: series = self._get_series(seed=1) # Place some `NaN` values in the series. series[:5] = np.nan series[8:10] = np.nan actual = cstati.compute_moments(series, nan_mode="ffill_and_drop_leading") actual_string = hut.convert_df_to_string(actual, index=True) self.check_string(actual_string) # Smoke test for input of `np.nan`s. def test6(self) -> None: series = pd.Series([np.nan for i in range(10)]) cstati.compute_moments(series) def test7(self) -> None: """ Test series with `inf`. """ series = self._get_series(seed=1) # Place some `NaN` values in the series. series[4] = np.inf actual = cstati.compute_moments(series, nan_mode="ffill_and_drop_leading") actual_string = hut.convert_df_to_string(actual, index=True) self.check_string(actual_string) @staticmethod def _get_series(seed: int) -> pd.Series: arparams = np.array([0.75, -0.25]) maparams = np.array([0.65, 0.35]) arma_process = casgen.ArmaProcess(arparams, maparams) date_range = {"start": "1/1/2010", "periods": 40, "freq": "M"} series = arma_process.generate_sample( date_range_kwargs=date_range, seed=seed ) return series class TestComputeFracZero(hut.TestCase): def test1(self) -> None: data = [0.466667, 0.2, 0.13333, 0.2, 0.33333] index = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] expected = pd.Series(data=data, index=index) actual = cstati.compute_frac_zero(self._get_df(seed=1)) pd.testing.assert_series_equal(actual, expected, check_less_precise=3) def test2(self) -> None: data = [ 0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.4, 0.2, 0.4, 0.0, 0.6, 0.4, 0.6, 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2, ] index = pd.date_range(start="1-04-2018", periods=15, freq="30T") expected = pd.Series(data=data, index=index) actual = cstati.compute_frac_zero(self._get_df(seed=1), axis=1) pd.testing.assert_series_equal(actual, expected, check_less_precise=3) def test3(self) -> None: # Equals 20 / 75 = num_zeros / num_points. expected = 0.266666 actual = cstati.compute_frac_zero(self._get_df(seed=1), axis=None) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(actual, expected, decimal=3) def test4(self) -> None: series = self._get_df(seed=1)[0] expected = 0.466667 actual = cstati.compute_frac_zero(series) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(actual, expected, decimal=3) def test5(self) -> None: series = self._get_df(seed=1)[0] expected = 0.466667 actual = cstati.compute_frac_zero(series, axis=0) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(actual, expected, decimal=3) # Smoke test for empty input. def test6(self) -> None: series = pd.Series([]) cstati.compute_frac_zero(series) @staticmethod def _get_df(seed: int) -> pd.DataFrame: nrows = 15 ncols = 5 num_nans = 15 num_infs = 5 num_zeros = 20 # np.random.seed(seed=seed) mat = np.random.randn(nrows, ncols) mat.ravel()[np.random.choice(mat.size, num_nans, replace=False)] = np.nan mat.ravel()[np.random.choice(mat.size, num_infs, replace=False)] = np.inf mat.ravel()[np.random.choice(mat.size, num_infs, replace=False)] = -np.inf mat.ravel()[np.random.choice(mat.size, num_zeros, replace=False)] = 0 # index = pd.date_range(start="01-04-2018", periods=nrows, freq="30T") df = pd.DataFrame(data=mat, index=index) return df class TestComputeFracNan(hut.TestCase): def test1(self) -> None: data = [0.4, 0.133333, 0.133333, 0.133333, 0.2] index = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] expected = pd.Series(data=data, index=index) actual = cstati.compute_frac_nan(self._get_df(seed=1)) pd.testing.assert_series_equal(actual, expected, check_less_precise=3) def test2(self) -> None: data = [ 0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.0, 0.4, 0.2, 0.6, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.2, ] index = pd.date_range(start="1-04-2018", periods=15, freq="30T") expected = pd.Series(data=data, index=index) actual = cstati.compute_frac_nan(self._get_df(seed=1), axis=1) pd.testing.assert_series_equal(actual, expected, check_less_precise=3) def test3(self) -> None: # Equals 15 / 75 = num_nans / num_points. expected = 0.2 actual = cstati.compute_frac_nan(self._get_df(seed=1), axis=None) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(actual, expected, decimal=3) def test4(self) -> None: series = self._get_df(seed=1)[0] expected = 0.4 actual = cstati.compute_frac_nan(series) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(actual, expected, decimal=3) def test5(self) -> None: series = self._get_df(seed=1)[0] expected = 0.4 actual = cstati.compute_frac_nan(series, axis=0) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(actual, expected, decimal=3) # Smoke test for empty input. def test6(self) -> None: series = pd.Series([]) cstati.compute_frac_nan(series) @staticmethod def _get_df(seed: int) -> pd.DataFrame: nrows = 15 ncols = 5 num_nans = 15 num_infs = 5 num_zeros = 20 # np.random.seed(seed=seed) mat = np.random.randn(nrows, ncols) mat.ravel()[np.random.choice(mat.size, num_infs, replace=False)] = np.inf mat.ravel()[np.random.choice(mat.size, num_infs, replace=False)] = -np.inf mat.ravel()[np.random.choice(mat.size, num_zeros, replace=False)] = 0 mat.ravel()[np.random.choice(mat.size, num_nans, replace=False)] = np.nan # index = pd.date_range(start="01-04-2018", periods=nrows, freq="30T") df = pd.DataFrame(data=mat, index=index) return df class TestComputeNumFiniteSamples(hut.TestCase): @staticmethod # Smoke test for empty input. def test1() -> None: series = pd.Series([]) cstati.count_num_finite_samples(series) class TestComputeNumUniqueValues(hut.TestCase): @staticmethod # Smoke test for empty input. def test1() -> None: series = pd.Series([]) cstati.count_num_unique_values(series) class TestComputeDenominatorAndPackage(hut.TestCase): @staticmethod # Smoke test for empty input. def test1() -> None: series = pd.Series([]) cstati._compute_denominator_and_package(reduction=1, data=series) class TestTTest1samp(hut.TestCase): # Smoke test for empty input. def test1(self) -> None: series = pd.Series([]) cstati.ttest_1samp(series) def test2(self) -> None: series = self._get_series(seed=1) # Place some `NaN` values in the series. series[:5] = np.nan series[8:10] = np.nan actual = cstati.ttest_1samp(series) actual_string = hut.convert_df_to_string(actual, index=True) self.check_string(actual_string) def test3(self) -> None: series = self._get_series(seed=1) # Place some `NaN` values in the series. series[:5] = np.nan series[8:10] = np.nan actual = cstati.ttest_1samp(series, nan_mode="ffill_and_drop_leading") actual_string = hut.convert_df_to_string(actual, index=True) self.check_string(actual_string) # Smoke test for input of `np.nan`s. def test4(self) -> None: series = pd.Series([np.nan for i in range(10)]) cstati.ttest_1samp(series) @staticmethod def _get_series(seed: int) -> pd.Series: arparams = np.array([0.75, -0.25]) maparams = np.array([0.65, 0.35]) arma_process = casgen.ArmaProcess(arparams, maparams) date_range = {"start": "1/1/2010", "periods": 40, "freq": "M"} series = arma_process.generate_sample( date_range_kwargs=date_range, seed=seed ) return series class TestMultipleTests(hut.TestCase): # Smoke test for empty input. def test1(self) -> None: series = pd.Series([]) cstati.multipletests(series) # Test if error is raised with default arguments when input contains NaNs. @pytest.mark.xfail() def test2(self) -> None: series_with_nans = self._get_series(seed=1) series_with_nans[0:5] = np.nan actual = cstati.multipletests(series_with_nans) actual_string = hut.convert_df_to_string(actual, index=True) self.check_string(actual_string) def test3(self) -> None: series_with_nans = self._get_series(seed=1) series_with_nans[0:5] = np.nan actual = cstati.multipletests(series_with_nans, nan_mode="drop") actual_string = hut.convert_df_to_string(actual, index=True) self.check_string(actual_string) @staticmethod def _get_series(seed: int) -> pd.Series: date_range = {"start": "1/1/2010", "periods": 40, "freq": "M"} series = hut.get_random_df( num_cols=1, seed=seed, **date_range, )[0] return series class TestMultiTTest(hut.TestCase): # Smoke test for empty input. def test1(self) -> None: df = pd.DataFrame(columns=["series_name"]) cstati.multi_ttest(df) def test2(self) -> None: df = self._get_df_of_series(seed=1) actual = cstati.multi_ttest(df) actual_string = hut.convert_df_to_string(actual, index=True) self.check_string(actual_string) def test3(self) -> None: df = self._get_df_of_series(seed=1) actual = cstati.multi_ttest(df, prefix="multi_ttest_") actual_string = hut.convert_df_to_string(actual, index=True) self.check_string(actual_string) def test4(self) -> None: df = self._get_df_of_series(seed=1) actual = cstati.multi_ttest(df, popmean=1) actual_string = hut.convert_df_to_string(actual, index=True) self.check_string(actual_string) def test5(self) -> None: df = self._get_df_of_series(seed=1) actual = cstati.multi_ttest(df, nan_mode="fill_with_zero") actual_string = hut.convert_df_to_string(actual, index=True) self.check_string(actual_string) def test6(self) -> None: df = self._get_df_of_series(seed=1) actual = cstati.multi_ttest(df, method="sidak") actual_string = hut.convert_df_to_string(actual, index=True) self.check_string(actual_string) @pytest.mark.xfail() def test7(self) -> None: df = self._get_df_of_series(seed=1) df.iloc[:, 0] = np.nan actual = cstati.multi_ttest(df) actual_string = hut.convert_df_to_string(actual, index=True) self.check_string(actual_string) @staticmethod def _get_df_of_series(seed: int) -> pd.DataFrame: n_series = 7 arparams = np.array([0.75, -0.25]) maparams = np.array([0.65, 0.35]) arma_process = casgen.ArmaProcess(arparams, maparams) date_range = {"start": "1/1/2010", "periods": 40, "freq": "M"} # Generating a dataframe from different series. df = pd.DataFrame( [ arma_process.generate_sample( date_range_kwargs=date_range, seed=seed + i ) for i in range(n_series) ], index=["series_" + str(i) for i in range(n_series)], ).T return df class TestApplyNormalityTest(hut.TestCase): def test1(self) -> None: series = self._get_series(seed=1) actual = cstati.apply_normality_test(series) actual_string = hut.convert_df_to_string(actual, index=True) self.check_string(actual_string) def test2(self) -> None: series = self._get_series(seed=1) actual = cstati.apply_normality_test(series, prefix="norm_test_") actual_string = hut.convert_df_to_string(actual, index=True) self.check_string(actual_string) # Smoke test for empty input. def test3(self) -> None: series = pd.Series([]) cstati.apply_normality_test(series) def test4(self) -> None: series = self._get_series(seed=1) # Place some `NaN` values in the series. series[:5] = np.nan series[8:10] = np.nan actual = cstati.apply_normality_test(series) actual_string = hut.convert_df_to_string(actual, index=True) self.check_string(actual_string) def test5(self) -> None: series = self._get_series(seed=1) # Place some `NaN` values in the series. series[:5] = np.nan series[8:10] = np.nan actual = cstati.apply_normality_test( series, nan_mode="ffill_and_drop_leading" ) actual_string = hut.convert_df_to_string(actual, index=True) self.check_string(actual_string) # Smoke test for input of `np.nan`s. def test6(self) -> None: series = pd.Series([np.nan for i in range(10)]) cstati.apply_normality_test(series) @staticmethod def _get_series(seed: int) -> pd.Series: arparams = np.array([0.75, -0.25]) maparams = np.array([0.65, 0.35]) arma_process = casgen.ArmaProcess(arparams, maparams) date_range = {"start": "1/1/2010", "periods": 40, "freq": "M"} series = arma_process.generate_sample( date_range_kwargs=date_range, seed=seed ) return series class TestApplyAdfTest(hut.TestCase): def test1(self) -> None: series = self._get_series(seed=1) actual = cstati.apply_adf_test(series) actual_string = hut.convert_df_to_string(actual, index=True) self.check_string(actual_string) def test2(self) -> None: series = self._get_series(seed=1) actual = cstati.apply_adf_test(series, regression="ctt") actual_string = hut.convert_df_to_string(actual, index=True) self.check_string(actual_string) def test3(self) -> None: series = self._get_series(seed=1) actual = cstati.apply_adf_test(series, maxlag=5) actual_string = hut.convert_df_to_string(actual, index=True) self.check_string(actual_string) def test4(self) -> None: series = self._get_series(seed=1) actual = cstati.apply_adf_test(series, autolag="t-stat") actual_string = hut.convert_df_to_string(actual, index=True) self.check_string(actual_string) def test5(self) -> None: series = self._get_series(seed=1) actual = cstati.apply_adf_test(series, prefix="adf_") actual_string = hut.convert_df_to_string(actual, index=True) self.check_string(actual_string) # Smoke test for empty input. def test6(self) -> None: series =
import datetime import os import urllib from http.client import IncompleteRead from urllib.request import Request import bs4 as bs import pandas as pd from django.conf import settings from core.models import CourseModel, UpdateModel # FILE PATHS my_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) stopwords_path = os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, "api/datasets/stopwords.txt") # Date Cleaner def date_cleaner(date): """Clean DataTime columns helper function""" datetime_format = "%d/%m/%Y" if len(date) < 8: date = "01/" + date else: date = date clean_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, datetime_format).strftime("%Y/%m/%d") return clean_date # WEBCRAWLER def data_extractor(): """Dataset Extraction""" # Load WebPage try: req = urllib.request.Request( "", data=None, headers={ "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/35.0.1916.47 Safari/537.36" }) except IncompleteRead: req = urllib.request.Request( "", data=None, headers={ "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/35.0.1916.47 Safari/537.36" }) f = urllib.request.urlopen(req) soup = bs.BeautifulSoup(f, "lxml") for course_div in soup.find_all("div", class_="panel panel-primary"): try: # Course Title title_div = course_div.find("div", class_="panel-heading").h3.text title_div = title_div.strip() title_div = title_div.replace(" ", "") except Exception as e: title_div = None try: # First Content Row first_row = course_div.find("div", class_="panel-body") # Provider: provider = first_row.find("div", class_="col-md-12").p provider = str(provider).split("</strong>")[1] provider = provider.split("<")[0] # Award: award = first_row.find("div", class_="col-md-5").p award = str(award).split("</strong>")[1] award = award.split("<")[0] # Delivery Method: delivery = first_row.find("div", class_="col-md-4").p delivery = str(delivery).split("</strong>")[1] delivery = delivery.split("<")[0] # ECTS credits: ects_credits = first_row.find("div", class_="col-md-3") ects_credits = str(ects_credits).split("</strong> ")[1] ects_credits = ects_credits.split("<")[0] # Second Content Row second_row = first_row.find_all("div", "row")[2] # Mode: mode = second_row.find("div", class_="col-md-5") mode = str(mode).split("</strong> ")[1] mode = mode.split("<")[0] # Application Deadline: deadline = second_row.find("div", class_="col-md-4") deadline = str(deadline).split("</strong>")[1] deadline = deadline.split("<")[0] deadline = date_cleaner(deadline) # Start Date start_date = second_row.find("div", class_="col-md-3") start_date = str(start_date).split("</strong>")[1] start_date = start_date.split("<")[0] start_date = date_cleaner(start_date) # End Date end_date = second_row.find("div", class_="col-md-3") end_date = str(end_date).split("</strong>")[2] end_date = end_date.replace(" ", "") end_date = end_date.split("<")[0] end_date = date_cleaner(end_date) # Bottom Content Row third_row = first_row.find("div", "row margin-bottom-0") # NFQ nfq = third_row.find("div", class_="col-md-5").p nfq = str(nfq).split("</strong>")[1] nfq = nfq.split("<")[0] nfq = nfq.replace("Level ", "") # Open to those in employment ote_flag = third_row.find("div", class_="col-md-4").p ote_flag = str(ote_flag).split("</strong>")[1] ote_flag = ote_flag.split("<")[0] # Skills area skill_list = third_row.find("div", class_="col-md-3") skill_list = str(skill_list).split("</strong>")[1] skill_list = skill_list.split("<")[0] skill_list = skill_list.lower() # Course Link link = course_div.find("a") link = link.get("href") CourseModel.objects.get_or_create( title=title_div, provider=provider, award=award, ects_credits=ects_credits, mode=mode, deadline=deadline, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, nfq=nfq, ote_flag=ote_flag, link=link, skills=skill_list, delivery=delivery ) except Exception as e: pass UpdateModel.objects.create() print("update done") def statistical_data(): dataset = pd.DataFrame(list(CourseModel.objects.all().values())) if len(dataset.index) > 0: # top providers occurence = dataset["provider"].value_counts()[:6] top_providers_dict = occurence.to_dict() # Delivery mode dataset["less_than_50"] = dataset["ects_credits"].apply( lambda x: "below 50 C" if int(x) < 50 else "over 50 C") less_than_50_values = dataset["less_than_50"].value_counts() lt50_dict = less_than_50_values.to_dict() # partime/ fulltime mode_values = dataset["mode"].value_counts() mode_dict = mode_values.to_dict() # NFQ nfq_values = dataset["nfq"].value_counts() nfq_dict = nfq_values.to_dict() # Top popular categories category_values = dataset["skills"].value_counts()[:6] category_dict = category_values.to_dict() stats_dict = {"top_providers_dict": top_providers_dict, "lt50_dict": lt50_dict, "nfq_dict": nfq_dict, "mode_dict": mode_dict, "category_dict": category_dict } else: stats_dict = {} return stats_dict def fastest_diploma(queryset): dataset = pd.DataFrame(list(queryset.values())) if len(dataset.index) > 0: diplomas = ["Diploma", "diploma"] dataset["diploma"] = dataset["title"].apply(lambda x: 1 if any(w in x for w in diplomas) else 0) dataset_diplomas = dataset[(dataset["diploma"] == 1)] # top 12 shortest diplomas if len(dataset_diplomas.index) > 0: dataset_diplomas["start_date"] =
""" Functions for categoricals """ from itertools import chain, product import numpy as np import pandas as pd import pandas.api.types as pdtypes from pandas.core.algorithms import value_counts from .utils import last2 __all__ = [ 'cat_anon', 'cat_collapse', 'cat_concat', 'cat_drop', 'cat_expand', 'cat_explicit_na', 'cat_infreq', 'cat_inorder', 'cat_inseq', 'cat_lump', 'cat_lump_lowfreq', 'cat_lump_min', 'cat_lump_n', 'cat_lump_prop', 'cat_move', 'cat_other', 'cat_recode', 'cat_relabel', 'cat_relevel', 'cat_rename', 'cat_reorder', 'cat_reorder2', 'cat_rev', 'cat_shift', 'cat_shuffle', 'cat_unify', 'cat_zip', ] def cat_infreq(c, ordered=None): """ Reorder categorical by frequency of the values Parameters ---------- c : list-like Values that will make up the categorical. ordered : bool If ``True``, the categorical is ordered. Returns ------- out : categorical Values Examples -------- >>> x = ['d', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'c'] >>> cat_infreq(x) ['d', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'c'] Categories (4, object): ['c', 'b', 'd', 'a'] >>> cat_infreq(x, ordered=True) ['d', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'c'] Categories (4, object): ['c' < 'b' < 'd' < 'a'] When two or more values occur the same number of times, if the categorical is ordered, the order is preserved. If it is not not ordered, the order depends on that of the values. Above 'd' comes before 'a', and below 'a' comes before 'a'. >>> c = pd.Categorical( ... x, categories=['a', 'c', 'b', 'd'] ... ) >>> cat_infreq(c) ['d', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'c'] Categories (4, object): ['c', 'b', 'a', 'd'] >>> cat_infreq(c.set_ordered(True)) ['d', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'c'] Categories (4, object): ['c' < 'b' < 'a' < 'd'] """ kwargs = {} if ordered is None else {'ordered': ordered} counts = value_counts(c) if pdtypes.is_categorical_dtype(c): original_cat_order = c.categories else: original_cat_order = pd.unique(c) counts = counts.reindex(index=original_cat_order) cats = (_stable_series_sort(counts, ascending=False) .index .to_list()) return pd.Categorical(c, categories=cats, **kwargs) def cat_inorder(c, ordered=None): """ Reorder categorical by appearance Parameters ---------- c : list-like Values that will make up the categorical. ordered : bool If ``True``, the categorical is ordered. Returns ------- out : categorical Values Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> x = [4, 1, 3, 4, 4, 7, 3] >>> cat_inorder(x) [4, 1, 3, 4, 4, 7, 3] Categories (4, int64): [4, 1, 3, 7] >>> arr = np.array(x) >>> cat_inorder(arr) [4, 1, 3, 4, 4, 7, 3] Categories (4, int64): [4, 1, 3, 7] >>> c = ['b', 'f', 'c', None, 'c', 'a', 'b', 'e'] >>> cat_inorder(c) ['b', 'f', 'c', NaN, 'c', 'a', 'b', 'e'] Categories (5, object): ['b', 'f', 'c', 'a', 'e'] >>> s = pd.Series(c) >>> cat_inorder(s) ['b', 'f', 'c', NaN, 'c', 'a', 'b', 'e'] Categories (5, object): ['b', 'f', 'c', 'a', 'e'] >>> cat = pd.Categorical(c) >>> cat_inorder(cat) ['b', 'f', 'c', NaN, 'c', 'a', 'b', 'e'] Categories (5, object): ['b', 'f', 'c', 'a', 'e'] >>> cat_inorder(cat, ordered=True) ['b', 'f', 'c', NaN, 'c', 'a', 'b', 'e'] Categories (5, object): ['b' < 'f' < 'c' < 'a' < 'e'] By default, ordered categories remain ordered. >>> ocat = pd.Categorical(cat, ordered=True) >>> ocat ['b', 'f', 'c', NaN, 'c', 'a', 'b', 'e'] Categories (5, object): ['a' < 'b' < 'c' < 'e' < 'f'] >>> cat_inorder(ocat) ['b', 'f', 'c', NaN, 'c', 'a', 'b', 'e'] Categories (5, object): ['b' < 'f' < 'c' < 'a' < 'e'] >>> cat_inorder(ocat, ordered=False) ['b', 'f', 'c', NaN, 'c', 'a', 'b', 'e'] Categories (5, object): ['b', 'f', 'c', 'a', 'e'] Notes ----- ``NaN`` or ``None`` are ignored when creating the categories. """ kwargs = {} if ordered is None else {'ordered': ordered} if isinstance(c, (pd.Series, pd.Categorical)): cats = c[~pd.isnull(c)].unique() if hasattr(cats, 'to_list'): cats = cats.to_list() elif hasattr(c, 'dtype'): cats = pd.unique(c[~pd.isnull(c)]) else: cats = pd.unique([ x for x, keep in zip(c, ~pd.isnull(c)) if keep ]) return pd.Categorical(c, categories=cats, **kwargs) def cat_inseq(c, ordered=None): """ Reorder categorical by numerical order Parameters ---------- c : list-like Values that will make up the categorical. ordered : bool If ``True``, the categorical is ordered. Returns ------- out : categorical Values Examples -------- >>> x = pd.Categorical([5, 1, 3, 2, 4]) >>> cat_inseq(x) [5, 1, 3, 2, 4] Categories (5, int64): [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] >>> x = pd.Categorical([5, 1, '3', 2, 4]) >>> cat_inseq(x) [5, 1, 3, 2, 4] Categories (5, int64): [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] Values that cannot be coerced to numerical turn in ``NaN``, and categories cannot be ``NaN``. >>> x = pd.Categorical([5, 1, 'three', 2, 4]) >>> cat_inseq(x) [5, 1, NaN, 2, 4] Categories (4, int64): [1, 2, 4, 5] Coerces values to numerical >>> x = [5, 1, '3', 2, 4] >>> cat_inseq(x, ordered=True) [5, 1, 3, 2, 4] Categories (5, int64): [1 < 2 < 3 < 4 < 5] >>> x = [5, 1, '3', 2, '4.5'] >>> cat_inseq(x) [5.0, 1.0, 3.0, 2.0, 4.5] Categories (5, float64): [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 5.0] Atleast one of the values must be coercible to the integer >>> x = ['five', 'one', 'three', 'two', 'four'] >>> cat_inseq(x) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Atleast one existing category must be a number. >>> x = ['five', 'one', '3', 'two', 'four'] >>> cat_inseq(x) [NaN, NaN, 3, NaN, NaN] Categories (1, int64): [3] """ c = as_categorical(c) # one value at a time to avoid turning integers into floats # when some values create nans numerical_cats = [] for x in c.categories: _x = pd.to_numeric(x, 'coerce') if not pd.isnull(_x): numerical_cats.append(_x) if len(numerical_cats) == 0 and len(c) > 0: raise ValueError( "Atleast one existing category must be a number." ) # Change the original categories to numerical ones, making sure # to rename the existing ones i.e '3' becomes 3. Only after that, # change to order. c = (c.set_categories(numerical_cats, rename=True) .reorder_categories(sorted(numerical_cats))) if ordered is not None: c.set_ordered(ordered, inplace=True) return c def cat_reorder(c, x, fun=np.median, ascending=True): """ Reorder categorical by sorting along another variable It is the order of the categories that changes. Values in x are grouped by categories and summarised to determine the new order. Parameters ---------- c : list-like Values that will make up the categorical. x : list-like Values by which ``c`` will be ordered. fun : callable Summarising function to ``x`` for each category in ``c``. Default is the *median*. ascending : bool If ``True``, the ``c`` is ordered in ascending order of ``x``. Examples -------- >>> c = list('abbccc') >>> x = [11, 2, 2, 3, 33, 3] >>> cat_reorder(c, x) ['a', 'b', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'c'] Categories (3, object): ['b', 'c', 'a'] >>> cat_reorder(c, x, fun=max) ['a', 'b', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'c'] Categories (3, object): ['b', 'a', 'c'] >>> cat_reorder(c, x, fun=max, ascending=False) ['a', 'b', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'c'] Categories (3, object): ['c', 'a', 'b'] >>> c_ordered = pd.Categorical(c, ordered=True) >>> cat_reorder(c_ordered, x) ['a', 'b', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'c'] Categories (3, object): ['b' < 'c' < 'a'] >>> cat_reorder(c + ['d'], x) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Lengths are not equal. len(c) is 7 and len(x) is 6. """ if len(c) != len(x): raise ValueError( "Lengths are not equal. len(c) is {} and len(x) is {}.".format( len(c), len(x) ) ) summary = (pd.Series(x) .groupby(c) .apply(fun) .sort_values(ascending=ascending) ) cats = summary.index.to_list() return pd.Categorical(c, categories=cats) def cat_reorder2(c, x, y, *args, fun=last2, ascending=False, **kwargs): """ Reorder categorical by sorting along another variable It is the order of the categories that changes. Values in x are grouped by categories and summarised to determine the new order. Parameters ---------- c : list-like Values that will make up the categorical. x : list-like Values by which ``c`` will be ordered. y : list-like Values by which ``c`` will be ordered. *args : tuple Position arguments passed to function fun. fun : callable Summarising function to ``x`` for each category in ``c``. Default is the *median*. ascending : bool If ``True``, the ``c`` is ordered in ascending order of ``x``. **kwargs : dict Keyword arguments passed to ``fun``. Examples -------- Order stocks by the price in the latest year. This type of ordering can be used to order line plots so that the ends match the order of the legend. >>> stocks = list('AAABBBCCC') >>> year = [1980, 1990, 2000] * 3 >>> price = [12.34, 12.90, 13.55, 10.92, 14.73, 11.08, 9.02, 12.44, 15.65] >>> cat_reorder2(stocks, year, price) ['A', 'A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'C', 'C', 'C'] Categories (3, object): ['C', 'A', 'B'] """ if len(c) != len(x) or len(x) != len(y): raise ValueError( "Lengths are not equal. len(c) is {}, len(x) is {} and " "len(y) is {}.".format(len(c), len(x), len(y)) ) # Wrap two argument function fun with a function that # takes a dataframe, put x and y into a dataframe, then # use dataframe.groupby def _fun(cat_df): return fun(cat_df['x'], cat_df['y'], *args, **kwargs) summary = (pd.DataFrame({'x': x, 'y': y}) .groupby(c) .apply(_fun) .sort_values(ascending=ascending) ) cats = summary.index.to_list() return pd.Categorical(c, categories=cats) def cat_move(c, *args, to=0): """ Reorder categories explicitly Parameters ---------- c : list-like Values that will make up the categorical. *args : tuple Categories to reorder. Any categories not mentioned will be left in existing order. to : int or inf Position where to place the categories. ``inf``, puts them at the end (highest value). Returns ------- out : categorical Values Examples -------- >>> c = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] >>> cat_move(c, 'e', 'b') ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] Categories (5, object): ['e', 'b', 'a', 'c', 'd'] >>> cat_move(c, 'c', to=np.inf) ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] Categories (5, object): ['a', 'b', 'd', 'e', 'c'] >>> cat_move(pd.Categorical(c, ordered=True), 'a', 'c', 'e', to=1) ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] Categories (5, object): ['b' < 'a' < 'c' < 'e' < 'd'] """ c = as_categorical(c) if np.isinf(to): to = len(c.categories) args = list(args) unmoved_cats = c.categories.drop(args).to_list() cats = unmoved_cats[0:to] + args + unmoved_cats[to:] c.reorder_categories(cats, inplace=True) return c def cat_rev(c): """ Reverse order of categories Parameters ---------- c : list-like Values that will make up the categorical. Returns ------- out : categorical Values Examples -------- >>> c = ['a', 'b', 'c'] >>> cat_rev(c) ['a', 'b', 'c'] Categories (3, object): ['c', 'b', 'a'] >>> cat_rev(pd.Categorical(c)) ['a', 'b', 'c'] Categories (3, object): ['c', 'b', 'a'] """ c = as_categorical(c) c.reorder_categories(c.categories[::-1], inplace=True) return c def cat_shift(c, n=1): """ Shift and wrap-around categories to the left or right Parameters ---------- c : list-like Values that will make up the categorical. n : int Number of times to shift. If positive, shift to the left, if negative shift to the right. Default is 1. Returns ------- out : categorical Values Examples -------- >>> c = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] >>> cat_shift(c) ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] Categories (5, object): ['b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'a'] >>> cat_shift(c, 2) ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] Categories (5, object): ['c', 'd', 'e', 'a', 'b'] >>> cat_shift(c, -2) ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] Categories (5, object): ['d', 'e', 'a', 'b', 'c'] >>> cat_shift(pd.Categorical(c, ordered=True), -3) ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] Categories (5, object): ['c' < 'd' < 'e' < 'a' < 'b'] """ c = as_categorical(c) cats = c.categories.to_list() cats_extended = cats + cats m = len(cats) n = n % m cats = cats_extended[n:m] + cats_extended[:n] c.reorder_categories(cats, inplace=True) return c def cat_shuffle(c, random_state=None): """ Reverse order of categories Parameters ---------- c : list-like Values that will make up the categorical. random_state : int or ~numpy.random.RandomState, optional Seed or Random number generator to use. If ``None``, then numpy global generator :class:`numpy.random` is used. Returns ------- out : categorical Values Examples -------- >>> np.random.seed(123) >>> c = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] >>> cat_shuffle(c) ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] Categories (5, object): ['b', 'd', 'e', 'a', 'c'] >>> cat_shuffle(pd.Categorical(c, ordered=True), 321) ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] Categories (5, object): ['d' < 'b' < 'a' < 'c' < 'e'] """ c = as_categorical(c) if random_state is None: random_state = np.random elif isinstance(random_state, int): random_state = np.random.RandomState(random_state) elif not isinstance(random_state, np.random.RandomState): raise TypeError( "Unknown type `{}` of random_state".format(type(random_state)) ) cats = c.categories.to_list() random_state.shuffle(cats) c.reorder_categories(cats, inplace=True) return c # Change the value of categories def cat_anon(c, prefix='', random_state=None): """ Anonymise categories Neither the value nor the order of the categories is preserved. Parameters ---------- c : list-like Values that will make up the categorical. random_state : int or ~numpy.random.RandomState, optional Seed or Random number generator to use. If ``None``, then numpy global generator :class:`numpy.random` is used. Returns ------- out : categorical Values Examples -------- >>> np.random.seed(123) >>> c = ['a', 'b', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'c'] >>> cat_anon(c) ['0', '1', '1', '2', '2', '2'] Categories (3, object): ['1', '0', '2'] >>> cat_anon(c, 'c-', 321) ['c-1', 'c-2', 'c-2', 'c-0', 'c-0', 'c-0'] Categories (3, object): ['c-0', 'c-2', 'c-1'] >>> cat_anon(pd.Categorical(c, ordered=True), 'c-', 321) ['c-1', 'c-2', 'c-2', 'c-0', 'c-0', 'c-0'] Categories (3, object): ['c-0' < 'c-2' < 'c-1'] """ c = as_categorical(c) if random_state is None: random_state = np.random elif isinstance(random_state, int): random_state = np.random.RandomState(random_state) elif not isinstance(random_state, np.random.RandomState): raise TypeError( "Unknown type `{}` of random_state".format(type(random_state)) ) # Shuffle two times, # 1. to prevent predicable sequence to category mapping # 2. to prevent reversing of the new categories to the old ones fmt = '{}{}'.format cats = [fmt(prefix, i) for i in range(len(c.categories))] random_state.shuffle(cats) c.rename_categories(cats, inplace=True) cats = c.categories.to_list() random_state.shuffle(cats) c.reorder_categories(cats, inplace=True) return c def cat_collapse(c, mapping, group_other=False): """ Collapse categories into manually defined groups Parameters ---------- c : list-like Values that will make up the categorical. mapping : dict New categories and the old categories contained in them. group_other : False If ``True``, a category is created to contain all other categories that have not been explicitly collapsed. The name of the other categories is ``other``, it may be postfixed by the first available integer starting from 2 if there is a category with a similar name. Returns ------- out : categorical Values Examples -------- >>> c = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'] >>> mapping = {'first_2': ['a', 'b'], 'second_2': ['c', 'd']} >>> cat_collapse(c, mapping) ['first_2', 'first_2', 'second_2', 'second_2', 'e', 'f'] Categories (4, object): ['first_2', 'second_2', 'e', 'f'] >>> cat_collapse(c, mapping, group_other=True) ['first_2', 'first_2', 'second_2', 'second_2', 'other', 'other'] Categories (3, object): ['first_2', 'second_2', 'other'] Collapsing preserves the order >>> cat_rev(c) ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'] Categories (6, object): ['f', 'e', 'd', 'c', 'b', 'a'] >>> cat_collapse(cat_rev(c), mapping) ['first_2', 'first_2', 'second_2', 'second_2', 'e', 'f'] Categories (4, object): ['f', 'e', 'second_2', 'first_2'] >>> mapping = {'other': ['a', 'b'], 'another': ['c', 'd']} >>> cat_collapse(c, mapping, group_other=True) ['other', 'other', 'another', 'another', 'other2', 'other2'] Categories (3, object): ['other', 'another', 'other2'] """ def make_other_name(): """ Generate unique name for the other category """ if 'other' not in mapping: return 'other' for i in range(2, len(mapping)+2): other = 'other' + str(i) if other not in mapping: return other c = as_categorical(c) if group_other: mapping = mapping.copy() other = make_other_name() mapped_categories = list(chain(*mapping.values())) unmapped_categories = c.categories.difference(mapped_categories) mapping[other] = list(unmapped_categories) inverted_mapping = { cat: new_cat for new_cat, old_cats in mapping.items() for cat in old_cats } # Convert old categories to new values in order and remove # any duplicates. The preserves the order new_cats = pd.unique([ inverted_mapping.get(x, x) for x in c.categories ]) c = pd.Categorical( [inverted_mapping.get(x, x) for x in c], categories=new_cats, ordered=c.ordered ) return c def cat_other(c, keep=None, drop=None, other_category='other'): """ Replace categories with 'other' Parameters ---------- c : list-like Values that will make up the categorical. keep : list-like Categories to preserve. Only one of ``keep`` or ``drop`` should be specified. drop : list-like Categories to drop. Only one of ``keep`` or ``drop`` should be specified. other_category : object Value used for the 'other' values. It is placed at the end of the categories. Returns ------- out : categorical Values Examples -------- >>> c = ['a', 'b', 'a', 'c', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'd', 'c'] >>> cat_other(c, keep=['a', 'b']) ['a', 'b', 'a', 'other', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'other', 'other'] Categories (3, object): ['a', 'b', 'other'] >>> cat_other(c, drop=['a', 'b']) ['other', 'other', 'other', 'c', 'other', 'other', 'other', 'd', 'c'] Categories (3, object): ['c', 'd', 'other'] >>> cat_other(pd.Categorical(c, ordered=True), drop=['a', 'b']) ['other', 'other', 'other', 'c', 'other', 'other', 'other', 'd', 'c'] Categories (3, object): ['c' < 'd' < 'other'] """ if keep is None and drop is None: raise ValueError( "Missing columns to `keep` or those to `drop`." ) elif keep is not None and drop is not None: raise ValueError( "Only one of `keep` or `drop` should be given." ) c = as_categorical(c) cats = c.categories if keep is not None: if not pdtypes.is_list_like(keep): keep = [keep] elif drop is not None: if not pdtypes.is_list_like(drop): drop = [drop] keep = cats.difference(drop) inverted_mapping = { cat: other_category for cat in cats.difference(keep) } inverted_mapping.update({x: x for x in keep}) new_cats = cats.intersection(keep).to_list() + [other_category] c = pd.Categorical( [inverted_mapping.get(x, x) for x in c], categories=new_cats, ordered=c.ordered ) return c def _lump(lump_it, c, other_category): """ Return a categorical of lumped Helper for cat_lump_* functions Parameters ---------- lump_it : sequence[(obj, bool)] Sequence of (category, lump_category) c : cateorical Original categorical. other_category : object (default: 'other') Value used for the 'other' values. It is placed at the end of the categories. Returns ------- out : categorical Values """ lookup = { cat: other_category if lump else cat for cat, lump in lump_it } new_cats = ( c.categories .intersection(lookup.values()) .insert(len(c), other_category) ) c = pd.Categorical( [lookup[value] for value in c], categories=new_cats, ordered=c.ordered ) return c def cat_lump( c, n=None, prop=None, w=None, other_category='other', ties_method='min' ): """ Lump together least or most common categories This is a general method that calls one of :func:`~plydata.cat_tools.cat_lump_n` :func:`~plydata.cat_tools.cat_lump_prop` or :func:`~plydata.cat_tools.cat_lump_lowfreq` depending on the parameters. Parameters ---------- c : list-like Values that will make up the categorical. n : int (optional) Number of most/least common values to preserve (not lumped together). Positive ``n`` preserves the most common, negative ``n`` preserves the least common. Lumping happens on condition that the lumped category "other" will have the smallest number of items. You should only specify one of ``n`` or ``prop`` prop : float (optional) Proportion above/below which the values of a category will be preserved (not lumped together). Positive ``prop`` preserves categories whose proportion of values is *more* than ``prop``. Negative ``prop`` preserves categories whose proportion of values is *less* than ``prop``. Lumping happens on condition that the lumped category "other" will have the smallest number of items. You should only specify one of ``n`` or ``prop`` w : list[int|float] (optional) Weights for the frequency of each value. It should be the same length as ``c``. other_category : object (default: 'other') Value used for the 'other' values. It is placed at the end of the categories. ties_method : {'min', 'max', 'average', 'first', 'dense'} (default: min) How to treat categories that occur the same number of times (i.e. ties): * min: lowest rank in the group * max: highest rank in the group * average: average rank of the group * first: ranks assigned in order they appear in the array * dense: like 'min', but rank always increases by 1 between groups. Examples -------- >>> cat_lump(list('abbccc')) ['other', 'b', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'c'] Categories (3, object): ['b', 'c', 'other'] When the least categories put together are not less than the next smallest group. >>> cat_lump(list('abcddd')) ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'd', 'd'] Categories (4, object): ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] >>> cat_lump(list('abcdddd')) ['other', 'other', 'other', 'd', 'd', 'd', 'd'] Categories (2, object): ['d', 'other'] >>> c = pd.Categorical(list('abccdd')) >>> cat_lump(c, n=1) ['other', 'other', 'c', 'c', 'd', 'd'] Categories (3, object): ['c', 'd', 'other'] >>> cat_lump(c, n=2) ['other', 'other', 'c', 'c', 'd', 'd'] Categories (3, object): ['c', 'd', 'other'] ``n`` Least common categories >>> cat_lump(c, n=-2) ['a', 'b', 'other', 'other', 'other', 'other'] Categories (3, object): ['a', 'b', 'other'] There are fewer than ``n`` categories that are the most/least common. >>> cat_lump(c, n=3) ['a', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'd', 'd'] Categories (4, object): ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] >>> cat_lump(c, n=-3) ['a', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'd', 'd'] Categories (4, object): ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] By proportions, categories that make up *more* than ``prop`` fraction of the items. >>> cat_lump(c, prop=1/3.01) ['other', 'other', 'c', 'c', 'd', 'd'] Categories (3, object): ['c', 'd', 'other'] >>> cat_lump(c, prop=-1/3.01) ['a', 'b', 'other', 'other', 'other', 'other'] Categories (3, object): ['a', 'b', 'other'] >>> cat_lump(c, prop=1/2) ['other', 'other', 'other', 'other', 'other', 'other'] Categories (1, object): ['other'] Order of categoricals is maintained >>> c = pd.Categorical( ... list('abccdd'), ... categories=list('adcb'), ... ordered=True ... ) >>> cat_lump(c, n=2) ['other', 'other', 'c', 'c', 'd', 'd'] Categories (3, object): ['d' < 'c' < 'other'] **Weighted lumping** >>> c = list('abcd') >>> weights = [3, 2, 1, 1] >>> cat_lump(c, n=2) # No lumping ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] Categories (4, object): ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] >>> cat_lump(c, n=2, w=weights) ['a', 'b', 'other', 'other'] Categories (3, object): ['a', 'b', 'other'] """ if n is not None: return cat_lump_n(c, n, w, other_category, ties_method) elif prop is not None: return cat_lump_prop(c, prop, w, other_category) else: return cat_lump_lowfreq(c, other_category) def cat_lump_n( c, n, w=None, other_category='other', ties_method='min' ): """ Lump together most/least common n categories Parameters ---------- c : list-like Values that will make up the categorical. n : int Number of most/least common values to preserve (not lumped together). Positive ``n`` preserves the most common, negative ``n`` preserves the least common. Lumping happens on condition that the lumped category "other" will have the smallest number of items. You should only specify one of ``n`` or ``prop`` w : list[int|float] (optional) Weights for the frequency of each value. It should be the same length as ``c``. other_category : object (default: 'other') Value used for the 'other' values. It is placed at the end of the categories. ties_method : {'min', 'max', 'average', 'first', 'dense'} (default: min) How to treat categories that occur the same number of times (i.e. ties): * min: lowest rank in the group * max: highest rank in the group * average: average rank of the group * first: ranks assigned in order they appear in the array * dense: like 'min', but rank always increases by 1 between groups. Examples -------- >>> c = pd.Categorical(list('abccdd')) >>> cat_lump_n(c, 1) ['other', 'other', 'c', 'c', 'd', 'd'] Categories (3, object): ['c', 'd', 'other'] >>> cat_lump_n(c, 2) ['other', 'other', 'c', 'c', 'd', 'd'] Categories (3, object): ['c', 'd', 'other'] ``n`` Least common categories >>> cat_lump_n(c, -2) ['a', 'b', 'other', 'other', 'other', 'other'] Categories (3, object): ['a', 'b', 'other'] There are fewer than ``n`` categories that are the most/least common. >>> cat_lump_n(c, 3) ['a', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'd', 'd'] Categories (4, object): ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] >>> cat_lump_n(c, -3) ['a', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'd', 'd'] Categories (4, object): ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] Order of categoricals is maintained >>> c = pd.Categorical( ... list('abccdd'), ... categories=list('adcb'), ... ordered=True ... ) >>> cat_lump_n(c, 2) ['other', 'other', 'c', 'c', 'd', 'd'] Categories (3, object): ['d' < 'c' < 'other'] **Weighted lumping** >>> c = list('abcd') >>> weights = [3, 2, 1, 1] >>> cat_lump_n(c, n=2) # No lumping ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] Categories (4, object): ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] >>> cat_lump_n(c, n=2, w=weights) ['a', 'b', 'other', 'other'] Categories (3, object): ['a', 'b', 'other'] """ c = as_categorical(c) if len(c) == 0: return c if w is None: counts = c.value_counts().sort_values(ascending=False) else: counts = ( pd.Series(w) .groupby(c) .apply(np.sum) .sort_values(ascending=False) ) if n < 0: rank = counts.rank(method=ties_method) n = -n else: rank = (-counts).rank(method=ties_method) # Less than n categories outside the lumping, if not (rank > n).any(): return c lump_it = zip(rank.index, rank > n) return _lump(lump_it, c, other_category) def cat_lump_prop( c, prop, w=None, other_category='other', ): """ Lump together least or most common categories by proportion Parameters ---------- c : list-like Values that will make up the categorical. prop : float Proportion above/below which the values of a category will be preserved (not lumped together). Positive ``prop`` preserves categories whose proportion of values is *more* than ``prop``. Negative ``prop`` preserves categories whose proportion of values is *less* than ``prop``. Lumping happens on condition that the lumped category "other" will have the smallest number of items. You should only specify one of ``n`` or ``prop`` w : list[int|float] (optional) Weights for the frequency of each value. It should be the same length as ``c``. other_category : object (default: 'other') Value used for the 'other' values. It is placed at the end of the categories. Examples -------- By proportions, categories that make up *more* than ``prop`` fraction of the items. >>> c = pd.Categorical(list('abccdd')) >>> cat_lump_prop(c, 1/3.01) ['other', 'other', 'c', 'c', 'd', 'd'] Categories (3, object): ['c', 'd', 'other'] >>> cat_lump_prop(c, -1/3.01) ['a', 'b', 'other', 'other', 'other', 'other'] Categories (3, object): ['a', 'b', 'other'] >>> cat_lump_prop(c, 1/2) ['other', 'other', 'other', 'other', 'other', 'other'] Categories (1, object): ['other'] """ c = as_categorical(c) if len(c) == 0: return c if w is None: counts = c.value_counts().sort_values(ascending=False) total = len(c) else: counts = ( pd.Series(w) .groupby(c) .apply(np.sum) .sort_values(ascending=False) ) total = counts.sum() # For each category findout whether to lump it or keep it # Create a generator of the form ((cat, lump), ...) props = counts / total if prop < 0: if not (props > -prop).any(): # No proportion more than target, so no lumping # the most common return c else: lump_it = zip(props.index, props > -prop) else: if not (props <= prop).any(): # No proportion less than target, so no lumping # the least common return c else: lump_it = zip(props.index, props <= prop) return _lump(lump_it, c, other_category) def cat_lump_lowfreq( c, other_category='other', ): """ Lump together least categories Ensures that the "other" category is still the smallest. Parameters ---------- c : list-like Values that will make up the categorical. other_category : object (default: 'other') Value used for the 'other' values. It is placed at the end of the categories. Examples -------- >>> cat_lump_lowfreq(list('abbccc')) ['other', 'b', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'c'] Categories (3, object): ['b', 'c', 'other'] When the least categories put together are not less than the next smallest group. >>> cat_lump_lowfreq(list('abcddd')) ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'd', 'd'] Categories (4, object): ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] >>> cat_lump_lowfreq(list('abcdddd')) ['other', 'other', 'other', 'd', 'd', 'd', 'd'] Categories (2, object): ['d', 'other'] """ c = as_categorical(c) if len(c) == 0: return c # For each category findout whether to lump it or keep it # Create a generator of the form ((cat, lump), ...) counts = c.value_counts().sort_values(ascending=False) if len(counts) == 1: return c unique_counts = pd.unique(counts) smallest = unique_counts[-1] next_smallest = unique_counts[-2] smallest_counts = counts[counts == smallest] smallest_total = smallest_counts.sum() smallest_cats = smallest_counts.index if not smallest_total < next_smallest: return c lump_it = ( (cat, True) if cat in smallest_cats else (cat, False) for cat in counts.index ) return _lump(lump_it, c, other_category) def cat_lump_min( c, min, w=None, other_category='other', ): """ Lump catogeries, preserving those that appear min number of times Parameters ---------- c : list-like Values that will make up the categorical. min : int Minum number of times a category must be represented to be preserved. w : list[int|float] (optional) Weights for the frequency of each value. It should be the same length as ``c``. other_category : object (default: 'other') Value used for the 'other' values. It is placed at the end of the categories. Examples -------- >>> c = list('abccdd') >>> cat_lump_min(c, min=1) ['a', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'd', 'd'] Categories (4, object): ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] >>> cat_lump_min(c, min=2) ['other', 'other', 'c', 'c', 'd', 'd'] Categories (3, object): ['c', 'd', 'other'] **Weighted Lumping** >>> weights = [2, 2, .5, .5, 1, 1] >>> cat_lump_min(c, min=2, w=weights) ['a', 'b', 'other', 'other', 'd', 'd'] Categories (4, object): ['a', 'b', 'd', 'other'] Unlike :func:`~plydata.cat_tools.cat_lump`, :func:`cat_lump_min` can lump together and create a category larger than the preserved categories. >>> c = list('abxyzccdd') >>> cat_lump_min(c, min=2) ['other', 'other', 'other', 'other', 'other', 'c', 'c', 'd', 'd'] Categories (3, object): ['c', 'd', 'other'] """ c = as_categorical(c) if len(c) == 0: return c if w is None: counts = c.value_counts().sort_values(ascending=False) else: counts = ( pd.Series(w) .groupby(c) .apply(np.sum) .sort_values(ascending=False) ) if (counts >= min).all(): return c lookup = { cat: cat if freq >= min else other_category for cat, freq in counts.items() } new_cats = ( c.categories .intersection(lookup.values()) .insert(len(c), other_category) ) c = pd.Categorical( [lookup[value] for value in c], categories=new_cats, ordered=c.ordered ) return c def cat_rename(c, mapping=None, **kwargs): """ Change/rename categories manually Parameters ---------- c : list-like Values that will make up the categorical. mapping : dict (optional) Mapping of the form ``{old_name: new_name}`` for how to rename the categories. Setting a value to ``None`` removes the category. This arguments is useful if the old names are not valid python parameters. Otherwise, ``kwargs`` can be used. **kwargs : dict Mapping to rename categories. Setting a value to ``None`` removes the category. Examples -------- >>> c = list('abcd') >>> cat_rename(c, a='A') ['A', 'b', 'c', 'd'] Categories (4, object): ['A', 'b', 'c', 'd'] >>> c = pd.Categorical( ... list('abcd'), ... categories=list('bacd'), ... ordered=True ... ) >>> cat_rename(c, b='B', d='D') ['a', 'B', 'c', 'D'] Categories (4, object): ['B' < 'a' < 'c' < 'D'] Remove categories by setting them to ``None``. >>> cat_rename(c, b='B', d=None) ['a', 'B', 'c'] Categories (3, object): ['B' < 'a' < 'c'] """ c = as_categorical(c) if mapping is not None and len(kwargs): raise ValueError("Use only one of `new` or the ``kwargs``.") lookup = mapping or kwargs if not lookup: return c # Remove categories set to None remove = [ old for old, new in lookup.items() if new is None ] if remove: for cat in remove: del lookup[cat] c = c.remove_categories(remove).dropna() # Separately change values (inplace) and the categories (using an # array) old to the new names. Then reconcile the two lists. categories = c.categories.to_numpy().copy() c.add_categories( pd.Index(lookup.values()).difference(c.categories), inplace=True ) for old, new in lookup.items(): if old not in c.categories: raise IndexError("Unknown category '{}'.".format(old)) c[c == old] = new categories[categories == old] = new new_categories = pd.unique(categories) c.remove_unused_categories(inplace=True) c.set_categories(new_categories, inplace=True) return c def cat_relabel(c, func=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Change/rename categories and collapse as necessary Parameters ---------- c : list-like Values that will make up the categorical. func : callable Function to create the new name. The first argument to the function will be a category to be renamed. *args : tuple Positional arguments passed to ``func``. *kwargs : dict Keyword arguments passed to ``func``. Examples -------- >>> c = list('abcde') >>> cat_relabel(c, str.upper) ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'] Categories (5, object): ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'] >>> c = pd.Categorical([0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0]) >>> def func(x): ... if x == 0: ... return 'low' ... elif x == 1: ... return 'mid' ... elif x == 2: ... return 'high' >>> cat_relabel(c, func) ['low', 'mid', 'high', 'mid', 'mid', 'low'] Categories (3, object): ['low', 'mid', 'high'] When the function yields the same output for 2 or more different categories, those categories are collapsed. >>> def first(x): ... return x[0] >>> c = pd.Categorical(['aA', 'bB', 'aC', 'dD'], ... categories=['bB', 'aA', 'dD', 'aC'], ... ordered=True ... ) >>> cat_relabel(c, first) ['a', 'b', 'a', 'd'] Categories (3, object): ['b' < 'a' < 'd'] """ c = as_categorical(c) new_categories = [func(x, *args, **kwargs) for x in c.categories] new_categories_uniq = pd.unique(new_categories) if len(new_categories_uniq) < len(c.categories): # Collapse lookup = dict(zip(c.categories, new_categories)) c = pd.Categorical( [lookup[value] for value in c], categories=new_categories_uniq, ordered=c.ordered ) else: c.categories = new_categories return c def cat_expand(c, *args): """ Add additional categories to a categorical Parameters ---------- c : list-like Values that will make up the categorical. *args : tuple Categories to add. Examples -------- >>> cat_expand(list('abc'), 'd', 'e') ['a', 'b', 'c'] Categories (5, object): ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] >>> c = pd.Categorical(list('abcd'), ordered=True) >>> cat_expand(c, 'e', 'f') ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] Categories (6, object): ['a' < 'b' < 'c' < 'd' < 'e' < 'f'] """ c = as_categorical(c) c.add_categories( pd.Index(args).difference(c.categories), inplace=True ) return c def cat_explicit_na(c, na_category='(missing)'): """ Give missing values an explicity category Parameters ---------- c : list-like Values that will make up the categorical. na_category : object (default: '(missing)') Category for missing values Examples -------- >>> c = pd.Categorical( ... ['a', 'b', None, 'c', None, 'd', 'd'], ... ordered=True ... ) >>> c ['a', 'b', NaN, 'c', NaN, 'd', 'd'] Categories (4, object): ['a' < 'b' < 'c' < 'd'] >>> cat_explicit_na(c) ['a', 'b', '(missing)', 'c', '(missing)', 'd', 'd'] Categories (5, object): ['a' < 'b' < 'c' < 'd' < '(missing)'] """ c = as_categorical(c) bool_idx = pd.isnull(c) if any(bool_idx): c.add_categories([na_category], inplace=True) c[bool_idx] = na_category return c def cat_remove_unused(c, only=None): """ Remove unused categories Parameters ---------- c : list-like Values that will make up the categorical. only : list-like (optional) The categories to remove *if* they are empty. If not given, all unused categories are dropped. Examples -------- >>> c = pd.Categorical(list('abcdd'), categories=list('bacdefg')) >>> c ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'd'] Categories (7, object): ['b', 'a', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g'] >>> cat_remove_unused(c) ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'd'] Categories (4, object): ['b', 'a', 'c', 'd'] >>> cat_remove_unused(c, only=['a', 'e', 'g']) ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'd'] Categories (5, object): ['b', 'a', 'c', 'd', 'f'] """ if not pdtypes.is_categorical_dtype(c): # All categories are used c = pd.Categorical(c) return c else: c = c.copy() if only is None: only = c.categories used_idx = pd.unique( used_categories = c.categories[used_idx] c = c.remove_categories( c.categories .difference(used_categories) .intersection(only) ) return c def cat_unify(cs, categories=None): """ Unify (union of all) the categories in a list of categoricals Parameters ---------- cs : list-like Categoricals categories : list-like Extra categories to apply to very categorical. Examples -------- >>> c1 = pd.Categorical(['a', 'b'], categories=list('abc')) >>> c2 = pd.Categorical(['d', 'e'], categories=list('edf')) >>> c1_new, c2_new = cat_unify([c1, c2]) >>> c1_new ['a', 'b'] Categories (6, object): ['a', 'b', 'c', 'e', 'd', 'f'] >>> c2_new ['d', 'e'] Categories (6, object): ['a', 'b', 'c', 'e', 'd', 'f'] >>> c1_new, c2_new = cat_unify([c1, c2], categories=['z', 'y']) >>> c1_new ['a', 'b'] Categories (8, object): ['a', 'b', 'c', 'e', 'd', 'f', 'z', 'y'] >>> c2_new ['d', 'e'] Categories (8, object): ['a', 'b', 'c', 'e', 'd', 'f', 'z', 'y'] """ cs = [as_categorical(c) for c in cs] all_cats = list(chain(*(c.categories.to_list() for c in cs))) if categories is None: categories = pd.unique(all_cats) else: categories =
pd.unique(all_cats + categories)
# %% import rasterio import pandas as pds import numpy as np import as ma from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline from sklearn.cluster import KMeans from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.decomposition import PCA import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn # %% HI_RES = '30s' LOW_RES = '10m' INCLUDE_VARS = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,10,11] vlab = ['meanT', 'diT', 'isoT', 'seaT', '+monT', '-monT', 'range', 'mean+Q', 'mean-Q'] def print_matrix(M, rlab=None, clab=None): t = '\t' if clab: print('', end=t) for cl in clab: print(cl, end=t) print('') for ir, r in enumerate(M): if rlab: print(f'{rlab[ir]}', end=t) for ic, c in enumerate(r): print(f'{c:.2f}' if abs(c) > 0 else '', end=t) print('') def read_band(path): with as file: return, masked=True).ravel() def build_matrix(res, varnums): features = [read_band(f'./_data/wc2.1_{res}/bio_{num}.tif') for num in varnums] return ma.mask_rows(ma.vstack(features).transpose()) # %% raw_rows = build_matrix(LOW_RES, INCLUDE_VARS) compressed = ma.compress_rows(raw_rows) corr = np.corrcoef(compressed, rowvar=False) cov = np.cov(compressed, rowvar=False) # %% scaler = StandardScaler() scaled = scaler.fit_transform(compressed) df =
pds.DataFrame(scaled, columns=vlab)
# install imblearn package to a specific anaconda enviroment boston_house_price # $ conda install -n boston_house_price -c conda-forge imbalanced-learn # update imblearn package to a specific anaconda enviroment boston_house_price # $ conda update -n boston_house_price -c glemaitre imbalanced-learn # ============================================================= # Import libraries necessary for this project import numpy as np import pandas as pd from time import time # Set a random seed import random seed = 42 random.seed(seed) # Import supplementary visualization code import scripts.visuals as vs # Load the Census dataset path = '../data/' train_data = path + 'census.csv' test_data = path + 'test_census.csv' data = pd.read_csv(train_data) print(data.head(n=1)) print(data.shape) # get the types of columns print(data.dtypes) # Pandas has a helpful select_dtypes function # which we can use to build a new dataframe containing only the object columns. obj_data = data.select_dtypes(include=['object']).copy() # Before going any further, we have to check if there are null values in the data that we need to clean up. print(obj_data[obj_data.isnull().any(axis=1)]) # TODO: Total number of records n_records = data.shape[0] # TODO: Number of records where individual's income is more than $50,000 # TODO: Number of records where individual's income is at most $50,000 # Method1: n_at_most_50k, n_greater_50k = data.income.value_counts() # Method2: (optional) --> # n2_greater_50k = data[data['income']=='>50K'].shape[0] # n2_at_most_50k = data[data['income']=='<=50K'].shape[0] n_aux = data.loc[(data['capital-gain'] > 0) & (data['capital-loss'] > 0)].shape # TODO: Percentage of individuals whose income is more than $50,000 greater_percent = (100*n_greater_50k)/n_records # Print the results print("Total number of records: {}".format(n_records)) print("Individuals making more than $50,000: {}".format(n_greater_50k)) print("Individuals making at most $50,000: {}".format(n_at_most_50k)) print("Percentage of individuals making more than $50,000: {}%".format(greater_percent)) # Split the data into features and target label income_raw = data['income'] features_raw = data.drop('income', axis = 1) # Visualize skewed continuous features of original data vs.distribution(data) # Log-transform the skewed features skewed = ['capital-gain', 'capital-loss'] features_log_transformed = pd.DataFrame(data = features_raw) features_log_transformed[skewed] = features_raw[skewed].apply(lambda x: np.log(x + 1)) # Visualize the new log distributions vs.distribution(features_log_transformed, transformed = True) # Import sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler, LabelEncoder # Initialize a scaler, then apply it to the features scaler = MinMaxScaler() # default=(0, 1) numerical = ['age', 'education-num', 'capital-gain', 'capital-loss', 'hours-per-week'] features_log_minmax_transform = pd.DataFrame(data = features_log_transformed) features_log_minmax_transform[numerical] = scaler.fit_transform(features_log_transformed[numerical]) # Show an example of a record with scaling applied print(features_log_minmax_transform.head(n = 5)) # TODO: One-hot encode the 'features_log_minmax_transform' data using pandas.get_dummies() features_final = pd.get_dummies(features_log_minmax_transform) # TODO: Encode the 'income_raw' data to numerical values # Method1: encoder = LabelEncoder() income = pd.Series(encoder.fit_transform(income_raw)) # Method2:(optional) --> income1{'<=50K':0, '>50K':1}) # Method3:(optional) --> income2 =pd.get_dummies(income_raw)['>50K'] # Print the number of features after one-hot encoding encoded = list(features_final.columns) print("{} total features after one-hot encoding.".format(len(encoded))) # Uncomment the following line to see the encoded feature names print(encoded) #----------------- # @Raafat: Some techniques to deal imbalanced data: # --> under sampling from imblearn.under_sampling import CondensedNearestNeighbour cnn = CondensedNearestNeighbour(random_state=42) X_res, y_res = cnn.fit_sample(features_final[0:300], income[0:300]) print('not Resampled dataset shape {}'.format(income[0:300].value_counts())) print('cnn Resampled dataset shape {}'.format(
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ *This script contains a post-processing script for plotting times recorded by the application* Placeholder """ import numpy as np import pandas as pd from datetime import timedelta, datetime, timezone import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.patches as mpatches import seaborn as sns from scipy import stats # from scipy.stats import skew, kurtosis font1 = {"family": "sans-serif", "weight": "bold", "size": 24} font1 = {"family": "sans-serif", "weight": "bold", "size": 10} start = pd.DataFrame(constellation.fires) start.set_index("fireId", inplace=True) detect =
from datetime import datetime import numpy as np import pytest import pandas.util._test_decorators as td from pandas.core.dtypes.base import _registry as ea_registry from pandas.core.dtypes.common import ( is_categorical_dtype, is_interval_dtype, is_object_dtype, ) from pandas.core.dtypes.dtypes import ( CategoricalDtype, DatetimeTZDtype, IntervalDtype, PeriodDtype, ) from pandas import ( Categorical, DataFrame, DatetimeIndex, Index, Interval, IntervalIndex, MultiIndex, NaT, Period, PeriodIndex, Series, Timestamp, cut, date_range, notna, period_range, ) import pandas._testing as tm from pandas.core.arrays import SparseArray from pandas.tseries.offsets import BDay class TestDataFrameSetItem: @pytest.mark.parametrize("dtype", ["int32", "int64", "float32", "float64"]) def test_setitem_dtype(self, dtype, float_frame): arr = np.random.randn(len(float_frame)) float_frame[dtype] = np.array(arr, dtype=dtype) assert float_frame[dtype] == dtype def test_setitem_list_not_dataframe(self, float_frame): data = np.random.randn(len(float_frame), 2) float_frame[["A", "B"]] = data tm.assert_almost_equal(float_frame[["A", "B"]].values, data) def test_setitem_error_msmgs(self): # GH 7432 df = DataFrame( {"bar": [1, 2, 3], "baz": ["d", "e", "f"]}, index=Index(["a", "b", "c"], name="foo"), ) ser = Series( ["g", "h", "i", "j"], index=Index(["a", "b", "c", "a"], name="foo"), name="fiz", ) msg = "cannot reindex from a duplicate axis" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): df["newcol"] = ser # GH 4107, more descriptive error message df = DataFrame(np.random.randint(0, 2, (4, 4)), columns=["a", "b", "c", "d"]) msg = "incompatible index of inserted column with frame index" with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg): df["gr"] = df.groupby(["b", "c"]).count() def test_setitem_benchmark(self): # from the vb_suite/frame_methods/frame_insert_columns N = 10 K = 5 df = DataFrame(index=range(N)) new_col = np.random.randn(N) for i in range(K): df[i] = new_col expected = DataFrame(np.repeat(new_col, K).reshape(N, K), index=range(N)) tm.assert_frame_equal(df, expected) def test_setitem_different_dtype(self): df = DataFrame( np.random.randn(5, 3), index=np.arange(5), columns=["c", "b", "a"] ) df.insert(0, "foo", df["a"]) df.insert(2, "bar", df["c"]) # diff dtype # new item df["x"] = df["a"].astype("float32") result = df.dtypes expected = Series( [np.dtype("float64")] * 5 + [np.dtype("float32")], index=["foo", "c", "bar", "b", "a", "x"], ) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) # replacing current (in different block) df["a"] = df["a"].astype("float32") result = df.dtypes expected = Series( [np.dtype("float64")] * 4 + [np.dtype("float32")] * 2, index=["foo", "c", "bar", "b", "a", "x"], ) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) df["y"] = df["a"].astype("int32") result = df.dtypes expected = Series( [np.dtype("float64")] * 4 + [np.dtype("float32")] * 2 + [np.dtype("int32")], index=["foo", "c", "bar", "b", "a", "x", "y"], ) tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected) def test_setitem_empty_columns(self): # GH 13522 df = DataFrame(index=["A", "B", "C"]) df["X"] = df.index df["X"] = ["x", "y", "z"] exp = DataFrame(data={"X": ["x", "y", "z"]}, index=["A", "B", "C"]) tm.assert_frame_equal(df, exp) def test_setitem_dt64_index_empty_columns(self): rng = date_range("1/1/2000 00:00:00", "1/1/2000 1:59:50", freq="10s") df = DataFrame(index=np.arange(len(rng))) df["A"] = rng assert df["A"].dtype == np.dtype("M8[ns]") def test_setitem_timestamp_empty_columns(self): # GH#19843 df = DataFrame(index=range(3)) df["now"] = Timestamp("20130101", tz="UTC") expected = DataFrame( [[Timestamp("20130101", tz="UTC")]] * 3, index=[0, 1, 2], columns=["now"] ) tm.assert_frame_equal(df, expected) def test_setitem_wrong_length_categorical_dtype_raises(self): # GH#29523 cat = Categorical.from_codes([0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 2], ["a", "b", "c"]) df = DataFrame(range(10), columns=["bar"]) msg = ( rf"Length of values \({len(cat)}\) " rf"does not match length of index \({len(df)}\)" ) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): df["foo"] = cat def test_setitem_with_sparse_value(self): # GH#8131 df = DataFrame({"c_1": ["a", "b", "c"], "n_1": [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]}) sp_array = SparseArray([0, 0, 1]) df["new_column"] = sp_array expected = Series(sp_array, name="new_column") tm.assert_series_equal(df["new_column"], expected) def test_setitem_with_unaligned_sparse_value(self): df = DataFrame({"c_1": ["a", "b", "c"], "n_1": [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]}) sp_series = Series(SparseArray([0, 0, 1]), index=[2, 1, 0]) df["new_column"] = sp_series expected = Series(SparseArray([1, 0, 0]), name="new_column") tm.assert_series_equal(df["new_column"], expected) def test_setitem_dict_preserves_dtypes(self): # expected = DataFrame( { "a": Series([0, 1, 2], dtype="int64"), "b": Series([1, 2, 3], dtype=float), "c": Series([1, 2, 3], dtype=float), } ) df = DataFrame( { "a": Series([], dtype="int64"), "b": Series([], dtype=float), "c": Series([], dtype=float), } ) for idx, b in enumerate([1, 2, 3]): df.loc[df.shape[0]] = {"a": int(idx), "b": float(b), "c": float(b)} tm.assert_frame_equal(df, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "obj,dtype", [ (Period("2020-01"), PeriodDtype("M")), (Interval(left=0, right=5), IntervalDtype("int64", "right")), ( Timestamp("2011-01-01", tz="US/Eastern"), DatetimeTZDtype(tz="US/Eastern"), ), ], ) def test_setitem_extension_types(self, obj, dtype): # GH: 34832 expected = DataFrame({"idx": [1, 2, 3], "obj": Series([obj] * 3, dtype=dtype)}) df = DataFrame({"idx": [1, 2, 3]}) df["obj"] = obj tm.assert_frame_equal(df, expected) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "ea_name", [ for dtype in ea_registry.dtypes # property would require instantiation if not isinstance(, property) ] # mypy doesn't allow adding lists of different types # + ["datetime64[ns, UTC]", "period[D]"], # type: ignore[list-item] ) def test_setitem_with_ea_name(self, ea_name): # GH 38386 result = DataFrame([0]) result[ea_name] = [1] expected = DataFrame({0: [0], ea_name: [1]}) tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) def test_setitem_dt64_ndarray_with_NaT_and_diff_time_units(self): # GH#7492 data_ns = np.array([1, "nat"], dtype="datetime64[ns]") result = Series(data_ns).to_frame() result["new"] = data_ns expected = DataFrame({0: [1, None], "new": [1, None]}, dtype="datetime64[ns]") tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected) # OutOfBoundsDatetime error shouldn't occur data_s = np.array([1, "nat"], dtype="datetime64[s]") result["new"] = data_s expected = DataFrame({0: [1, None], "new": [1e9, None]}, dtype="datetime64[ns]")
tm.assert_frame_equal(result, expected)
# Functionality to read and store in HDF5 files import h5py import pandas as pd import random import string import os import datetime import json from data_science.data_transfer.data_api import Dataset class HDF5Dataset: def __init__(self, file_name, file_path, dataset_id, random_string_in_name=10): """ Initialization. :param self: :param file_name: name for the file. No ending necessary :param file_path: location path :param dataset_id: dataset's id :param random_string_in_name: lenght of the random string to add to the name """ self.file_name = file_name self.file_path = file_path self.file_w_path = os.path.join(self.file_path, self.file_name) self._dataset_id = dataset_id self.random_string_in_name = random_string_in_name @property def dataset_id(self): # do something return self._dataset_id @dataset_id.setter def dataset_id(self, value): self._dataset_id = value def create_h5_file(self): """ Create the h5 file and add the groups. :param self: self """ self.file_name = self.file_name + '-' + \ _generate_random_string(l=self.random_string_in_name) + '.h5' self.file_w_path = os.path.join(self.file_path, self.file_name) try: f = h5py.File(self.file_w_path, 'a') f.create_group('meta') f.create_group('meta/columns') f.create_group('data') f.close() return self.file_name except ValueError as e: print(e) return def add_dataset_meta_to_h5(self, dataset): """ Add the meta data of the dataset to the file. Consist of: A dataframe with the dataset attributes. A dataframe with the columns of the dataset. :param self: self :param dataset: a Dataset instance """ if not isinstance(dataset, Dataset): raise TypeError('A dataset has to be provided.') # create a df with the metadata columns = list(dataset.dump_attributes_to_dictionary().keys()) df = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns) df.loc[0] = dataset.dump_attributes_to_dictionary() # insert to the file df.to_hdf(self.file_w_path, key='meta/' + self._dataset_id, mode='a') def add_dataset_data_df_to_h5(self, df): """ Add the data of the dataset to the file. :param self: self :param df: dataframe with the data """ # insert the df to the file df.to_hdf(self.file_name, key='data/' + self._dataset_id, mode='a') # insert the columns names as df to the metadata df_col = pd.DataFrame(columns=['columns']) df_col['columns'] = list(df.columns.values) # insert to the file df_col.to_hdf(self.file_w_path, key='meta/columns/' + self._dataset_id, mode='a') def remove_dataset_from_h5(self): """ Remove the dataset from the file. :param self: self """ try: with h5py.File(self.file_w_path, 'a') as f: del f['data/' + self._dataset_id] del f['meta/' + self._dataset_id] del f['meta/columns/' + self._dataset_id] except KeyError as e: print(e) def read_dataset_data_df_from_h5(self): """ Read the data from the file. Returns a dataframe. :param self: self """ try: df =
pd.read_hdf(self.file_w_path, 'data/' + self._dataset_id, 'r')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Mon May 07 17:34:56 2018 @author: gerar """ import os import pandas as pd import numpy as np from scipy.stats.stats import pearsonr #%% def rmse(predictions, targets): return np.sqrt(((predictions - targets) ** 2).mean()) #%% def mae(predictions,targets): return np.abs((predictions - targets)).mean() #%% def bias(predictions,targets): return np.mean(predictions)-np.mean(targets) #%% def r_deming(x,y): x_mean = np.mean(x) y_mean = np.mean(y) sxx = np.sum(np.power(x-x_mean,2.))/(len(x)-1.) syy = np.sum(np.power(y-y_mean,2.))/(len(x)-1.) sxy = np.sum((x-x_mean)*(y-y_mean))/(len(x)-1.) lamb = 1#np.var(y)/np.var(x) b1 = (syy-lamb*sxx+np.sqrt((syy-lamb*sxx)**2 +4*lamb*sxy**2))/(2*sxy) b0 = y_mean - x_mean*b1 return [b1,b0] #%% def get_data(_file): # data = pd.read_table(file_to_plot[0], parse_dates=[0],infer_datetime_format = True,usecols=(0,2,4)) #, parse_dates=[0],infer_datetime_format = True # data = data.dropna() #[pd.notnull(data['AOD_AERONET'])] # data = data.set_index('Date_MODIS') modis_data,aeronet_data = np.loadtxt(_file,skiprows = 1,usecols=(2,4),unpack=True) return modis_data, aeronet_data #%% def helper(x): return pd.DataFrame({'AOD_MODIS':x['AOD_MODIS'].values,'AOD_AERONET':x['AOD_AERONET'].values}) #%% def ee_fraction(predictions, targets): _ee = np.abs(0.05 + 0.15*targets) ee_plus = targets + _ee ee_minus = targets - _ee n_tot = len(predictions) within_ee = predictions[np.logical_and(ee_minus<predictions,predictions<ee_plus)] return '{:.2%}'.format(float(len(within_ee))/n_tot) # m_plus,b_plus = np.polyfit(targets,ee_plus,1) # m_minus,b_minus = np.polyfit(targets,ee_minus,1) #%% def db_results(row_names,data,s=None,e=None): ix_names=['RMSE','R_pearson','MAE','BIAS','m_deming','b_deming','MEAN_MODIS','MEAN_AERONET','N','f'] if len(row_names) == 1: db = pd.DataFrame(columns=row_names,index=ix_names) db.loc['RMSE']=rmse(data[0],data[1]) db.loc['R_pearson']=pearsonr(data[0],data[1])[0] db.loc['MAE']=mae(data[0],data[1]) db.loc['BIAS']=bias(data[0],data[1]) m,b = r_deming(data[1],data[0]) db.loc['m_deming']=m db.loc['b_deming']=b db.loc['MEAN_MODIS']=np.mean(data[0]) db.loc['MEAN_AERONET']=np.mean(data[1]) db.loc['N']=len(data[0]) db.loc['f']=ee_fraction(data[0],data[1]) else: db = pd.DataFrame(columns=range(s,e),index=ix_names) for col in row_names: t_data = data.loc[col] if len(t_data) <= 2: continue db.loc['RMSE'][col]=rmse(t_data['AOD_MODIS'],t_data['AOD_AERONET']) db.loc['R_pearson'][col]=pearsonr(t_data['AOD_MODIS'],t_data['AOD_AERONET'])[0] db.loc['MAE'][col]=mae(t_data['AOD_MODIS'],t_data['AOD_AERONET']) db.loc['BIAS'][col]=bias(t_data['AOD_MODIS'],t_data['AOD_AERONET']) m,b = r_deming(t_data['AOD_AERONET'],t_data['AOD_MODIS']) db.loc['m_deming'][col]=m db.loc['b_deming'][col]=b db.loc['MEAN_MODIS'][col]=np.mean(t_data['AOD_MODIS']) db.loc['MEAN_AERONET'][col]=np.mean(t_data['AOD_AERONET']) db.loc['N'][col]=len(t_data['AOD_MODIS']) db.loc['f'][col]=ee_fraction(t_data['AOD_MODIS'],t_data['AOD_AERONET']) return db #%% def main(): files = [x for x in os.listdir(os.getcwd()) if x.endswith("matched_data_end.txt")] for _file in files: modis, aeronet = get_data(_file) general_data = db_results(['Statistics'],[modis,aeronet]) data =
import logging import traceback import pandas as pd import numpy as np import seaborn as sns from collections import defaultdict import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') matplotlib.rcParams['pdf.fonttype'] = 42 import matplotlib.ticker as ticker from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import matplotlib.patches as mpatches from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages import inStrain.plotting.utilities from inStrain.plotting.utilities import plot_genome from inStrain.plotting.utilities import estimate_breadth def genome_plot_from_IS(IS, plot_dir=False, **kwargs): # Load the required data try: stb = IS.get('scaffold2bin') b2s = defaultdict(list) for s, b in stb.items(): b2s[b].append(s) assert len(b2s.keys()) > 0 # Load the cache covTs = kwargs.get('covT')#, IS.get('covT')) clonTs = kwargs.get('clonT')#, IS.get('clonT')) raw_linkage_table = kwargs.get('raw_linkage_table')#, IS.get('raw_linkage_table')) cumulative_snv_table = kwargs.get('cumulative_snv_table')#, IS.get('cumulative_snv_table')) scaffold2length = IS.get('scaffold2length') rl = IS.get_read_length() profiled_scaffolds = set(scaffold2length.keys()) except: logging.error("Skipping plot 2 - you don't have all required information. You need to run inStrain genome_wide first") traceback.print_exc() return # Make the plot"Plotting plot 2") name = 'genomeWide_microdiveristy_metrics.pdf' pp = PdfPages(plot_dir + name) for genome, scaffolds in b2s.items(): if not plot_genome(genome, IS, **kwargs): continue present_scaffolds = list(set(scaffolds).intersection(set(profiled_scaffolds))) Wdb, breaks, midpoints = load_windowed_metrics(present_scaffolds, scaffold2length, rl, report_midpoints=True, covTs=covTs, clonTs=clonTs, raw_linkage_table=raw_linkage_table, cumulative_snv_table=cumulative_snv_table) if len(Wdb) == 0: logging.debug(f"{genome} could not have windowed metrics loaded") continue genomeWide_microdiveristy_metrics_plot(Wdb, breaks, title=genome) fig = plt.gcf() fig.set_size_inches(8, 5) fig.tight_layout() pp.savefig(fig)#, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig) # Save the figure pp.close() plt.close('all') def scaffold_inspection_from_IS(IS, plot_dir=False, **kwargs): # Load the required data try: stb = IS.get('scaffold2bin') b2s = defaultdict(list) for s, b in stb.items(): b2s[b].append(s) assert len(b2s.keys()) > 0 # Load the cache covTs = kwargs.get('covTs', IS.get('covT')) clonTs = kwargs.get('clonTs', IS.get('clonT')) raw_linkage_table = kwargs.get('raw_linkage_table', IS.get('raw_linkage_table')) cumulative_snv_table = kwargs.get('cumulative_snv_table', IS.get('cumulative_snv_table')) scaffold2length = IS.get('scaffold2length') rl = IS.get_read_length() profiled_scaffolds = set(scaffold2length.keys()) except: logging.error("Skipping plot 7 - you don't have all required information. You need to run inStrain genome_wide first") traceback.print_exc() return # Make the plot"Plotting plot 7") name = 'ScaffoldInspection_plot.pdf' pp = PdfPages(plot_dir + name) for genome, scaffolds in b2s.items(): if not plot_genome(genome, IS, **kwargs): continue present_scaffolds = list(set(scaffolds).intersection(set(profiled_scaffolds))) Wdb, breaks, midpoints = load_windowed_metrics(present_scaffolds, scaffold2length, rl, report_midpoints=True, covTs=covTs, clonTs=clonTs, raw_linkage_table=raw_linkage_table, cumulative_snv_table=cumulative_snv_table) if len(Wdb) == 0: logging.debug(f"{genome} could not have windowed metrics loaded") continue scaffold_inspection_plot(Wdb, breaks, midpoints, title=genome) fig = plt.gcf() fig.tight_layout() pp.savefig(fig)#, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(fig) # Save the figure pp.close() plt.close('all') def genomeWide_microdiveristy_metrics_plot(Wdb, breaks, title=''): ''' Make the multiple metrics plot ''' # Get set up for multiple rows i = len(Wdb['metric'].unique()) if i > 1: fig, ax = plt.subplots(i, 1, sharex=True) else: ax = {} ax[0] = plt.gca() i = 0 for metric in ['linkage', 'snp_density', 'coverage', 'nucl_diversity']: #for metric, wdb in Wdb.groupby('metric'): if metric not in set(Wdb['metric'].tolist()): continue wdb = Wdb[Wdb['metric'] == metric] med = wdb['value'].median() # Rotate colors: colors = ['red', 'blue', 'black'] c = 0 for mm, ddb in wdb.groupby('ANI'): ax[i].plot(ddb['midpoint'], ddb['value'], c=colors[c], label=mm, marker='o', ms=1)#, ls='') c += 1 ax[i].set_title("{0}".format(metric)) ax[i].grid(False) if i == 0: ax[i].legend(loc='upper left', title='Min read ANI (%)') # Add breaks for b in breaks: ax[i].axvline(b, ls='-', c='lightgrey', zorder=-1) i += 1 plt.xlabel('genome position') plt.xlim(0, Wdb['midpoint'].max()) plt.suptitle(title, y=0.999) plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.3) def load_windowed_metrics(scaffolds, s2l, rLen, metrics=None, window_len=None, ANI_levels=[0, 100], min_scaff_len=0, report_midpoints=False, covTs=False, clonTs=False, raw_linkage_table=False, cumulative_snv_table=False): if metrics is None: metrics = ['coverage', 'nucl_diversity', 'linkage', 'snp_density'] if type(metrics) != type([]): print("Metrics must be a list") return # Figure out the MMs needed #rLen = IS.get_read_length() mms = [_get_mm(None, ANI, rLen=rLen) for ANI in ANI_levels] # Sort the scaffolds #s2l = IS.get('scaffold2length') scaffolds = sorted(scaffolds, key=s2l.get, reverse=True) if min_scaff_len > 0: scaffolds = [s for s in scaffolds if s2l[s] >= min_scaff_len] # Figure out the window length if window_len == None: window_len = int(sum([s2l[s] for s in scaffolds]) / 100) else: window_len = int(window_len) # Calculate the breaks breaks = [] midpoints = {} tally = 0 for scaffold in scaffolds: midpoints[scaffold] = tally + int(s2l[scaffold] / 2) tally += s2l[scaffold] breaks.append(tally) dbs = [] if 'coverage' in metrics: if covTs == False: logging.error("need covTs for coverage") raise Exception cdb = load_windowed_coverage_or_clonality('coverage', covTs, scaffolds, window_len, mms, ANI_levels, s2l) cdb['metric'] = 'coverage' dbs.append(cdb) # if 'clonality' in metrics: # cdb = load_windowed_coverage_or_clonality(IS, 'clonality', scaffolds, window_len, mms, ANI_levels, s2l) # cdb['metric'] = 'clonality' # dbs.append(cdb) if 'nucl_diversity' in metrics: if clonTs == False: logging.error("need clonTs for microdiversity") raise Exception cdb = load_windowed_coverage_or_clonality('nucl_diversity', clonTs, scaffolds, window_len, mms, ANI_levels, s2l) cdb['metric'] = 'nucl_diversity' dbs.append(cdb) if 'linkage' in metrics: if raw_linkage_table is False: logging.error("need raw_linkage_table for linkage") raise Exception cdb = load_windowed_linkage(raw_linkage_table, scaffolds, window_len, mms, ANI_levels, s2l) cdb['metric'] = 'linkage' dbs.append(cdb) if 'snp_density' in metrics: if cumulative_snv_table is False: logging.error("need cumulative_snv_table for snp_density") raise Exception if len(cumulative_snv_table) > 0: cdb = load_windowed_SNP_density(cumulative_snv_table, scaffolds, window_len, mms, ANI_levels, s2l) cdb['metric'] = 'snp_density' dbs.append(cdb) if len(dbs) > 0: Wdb = pd.concat(dbs, sort=True) Wdb = Wdb.rename(columns={'avg_cov':'value'}) else: Wdb = pd.DataFrame() # Add blanks at the breaks table = defaultdict(list) for mm, ani in zip(mms, ANI_levels): for metric in Wdb['metric'].unique(): for bre in breaks: table['scaffold'].append('break') table['mm'].append(mm) table['ANI'].append(ani) table['adjusted_start'].append(bre) # The minus one makes sure it doenst split things it shouldnt table['adjusted_end'].append(bre) table['value'].append(np.nan) table['metric'].append(metric) bdb = pd.DataFrame(table) Wdb = pd.concat([Wdb, bdb], sort=False) if len(Wdb) > 0: Wdb['midpoint'] = [np.mean([x, y]) for x, y in zip(Wdb['adjusted_start'], Wdb['adjusted_end'])] Wdb = Wdb.sort_values(['metric', 'mm', 'midpoint', 'scaffold']) if report_midpoints: return Wdb, breaks, midpoints else: return Wdb, breaks def _get_mm(IS, ANI, rLen = None): ''' Get the mm corresponding to an ANI level in an IS ''' if ANI > 1: ANI = ANI / 100 if rLen == None: rLen = IS.get_read_length() #rLen = IS.get('mapping_info')['mean_pair_length'].tolist()[0] mm = int(round((rLen - (rLen * ANI)))) return mm def load_windowed_coverage_or_clonality(thing, covTs, scaffolds, window_len, mms, ANI_levels, s2l): ''' Get the windowed coverage Pass in a clonTs for microdiversity and covTs for coverage ''' if thing == 'coverage': item = 'covT' elif thing == 'nucl_diversity': item = 'clonT' else: print("idk what {0} is".format(thing)) return # Get the covTs #covTs = IS.get(item, scaffolds=scaffolds) # Make the windows dbs = [] tally = 0 breaks = [] for scaffold in scaffolds: if scaffold not in covTs: tally += s2l[scaffold] breaks.append(tally) continue else: covT = covTs[scaffold] for mm, ani in zip(mms, ANI_levels): if item == 'covT': cov = inStrain.profile.profile_utilities.mm_counts_to_counts_shrunk(covT, mm) if len(cov) == 0: continue db = _gen_windowed_cov(cov, window_len, sLen=s2l[scaffold]) elif item == 'clonT': cov = _get_basewise_clons3(covT, mm) if len(cov) == 0: continue db = _gen_windowed_cov(cov, window_len, sLen=s2l[scaffold], full_len=False) db['avg_cov'] = [1 - x if x == x else x for x in db['avg_cov']] db['scaffold'] = scaffold db['mm'] = mm db['ANI'] = ani db['adjusted_start'] = db['start'] + tally db['adjusted_end'] = db['end'] + tally dbs.append(db) tally += s2l[scaffold] breaks.append(tally) if len(dbs) > 0: Wdb = pd.concat(dbs) else: Wdb = pd.DataFrame() return Wdb#, breaks def load_windowed_linkage(Ldb, scaffolds, window_len, mms, ANI_levels, s2l, on='r2'): # Get the linkage table #Ldb = IS.get('raw_linkage_table') Ldb = Ldb[Ldb['scaffold'].isin(scaffolds)].sort_values('mm') got_scaffolds = set(Ldb['scaffold'].unique()) # Make the windows dbs = [] tally = 0 breaks = [] for scaffold in scaffolds: if scaffold not in got_scaffolds: tally += s2l[scaffold] breaks.append(tally) continue else: ldb = Ldb[Ldb['scaffold'] == scaffold] for mm, ani in zip(mms, ANI_levels): db = ldb[ldb['mm'] <= int(mm)].drop_duplicates(subset=['scaffold', 'position_A', 'position_B'], keep='last') cov = db.set_index('position_A')[on].sort_index() db = _gen_windowed_cov(cov, window_len, sLen=s2l[scaffold], full_len=False) db['scaffold'] = scaffold db['mm'] = mm db['ANI'] = ani db['adjusted_start'] = db['start'] + tally db['adjusted_end'] = db['end'] + tally dbs.append(db) tally += s2l[scaffold] breaks.append(tally) if len(dbs) > 0: Wdb = pd.concat(dbs) else: Wdb = pd.DataFrame() return Wdb def load_windowed_SNP_density(Ldb, scaffolds, window_len, mms, ANI_levels, s2l): # Get the table #Ldb = IS.get('cumulative_snv_table') Ldb = Ldb[Ldb['scaffold'].isin(scaffolds)].sort_values('mm') got_scaffolds = list(Ldb['scaffold'].unique()) # Make the windows dbs = [] tally = 0 breaks = [] for scaffold in scaffolds: if scaffold not in got_scaffolds: tally += s2l[scaffold] breaks.append(tally) continue else: ldb = Ldb[Ldb['scaffold'] == scaffold] for mm, ani in zip(mms, ANI_levels): db = ldb[ldb['mm'] <= int(mm)].drop_duplicates(subset=['scaffold', 'position'], keep='last') cov = db.set_index('position')['ref_base'].sort_index() db = _gen_windowed_cov(cov, window_len, sLen=s2l[scaffold], full_len='count') db['scaffold'] = scaffold db['mm'] = mm db['ANI'] = ani db['adjusted_start'] = db['start'] + tally db['adjusted_end'] = db['end'] + tally dbs.append(db) tally += s2l[scaffold] breaks.append(tally) if len(dbs) > 0: Wdb = pd.concat(dbs) else: Wdb =
#!/usr/bin/env python3 """Re-generate exps.csv from individual experiments """ import argparse import logging from os.path import join as pjoin from logging import debug, info import pandas as pd import os def create_exps_from_folders(expsdir, dffolderspath): files = sorted(os.listdir(expsdir)) df = pd.DataFrame() for i, d in enumerate(files): dpath = pjoin(expsdir, d) if not os.path.isdir(dpath): continue expspath = pjoin(dpath, 'config.json') dfaux = pd.read_json(expspath) df =
pd.concat([df, dfaux], axis=0, sort=False)
import librosa import numpy as np import pandas as pd from os import listdir from os.path import isfile, join from audioread import NoBackendError def extract_features(path, label, emotionId, startid): """ 提取path目录下的音频文件的特征,使用librosa库 :param path: 文件路径 :param label: 情绪类型 :param startid: 开始的序列号 :return: 特征矩阵 pandas.DataFrame """ id = startid # 序列号 feature_set = pd.DataFrame() # 特征矩阵 # 单独的特征向量 labels = pd.Series() emotion_vector = pd.Series() songname_vector = pd.Series() tempo_vector = pd.Series() total_beats = pd.Series() average_beats = pd.Series() chroma_stft_mean = pd.Series() # chroma_stft_std = pd.Series() chroma_stft_var = pd.Series() # chroma_cq_mean = pd.Series() # chroma_cq_std = pd.Series() # chroma_cq_var = pd.Series() # chroma_cens_mean = pd.Series() # chroma_cens_std = pd.Series() # chroma_cens_var = pd.Series() mel_mean = pd.Series() # mel_std = pd.Series() mel_var =
"""Daylight hours from """ import re import datetime import requests from six.moves import xrange from os.path import join, abspath, dirname import pandas as pd url = "" r0 = re.compile("<[^>]+>|&nbsp;|[\r\n\t]") r1 = re.compile(r"(\d+)(DST Begins|DST Ends)?Sunrise: (\d+):(\d\d)Sunset: (\d+):(\d\d)") def fetch_daylight_hours(lat, lon, tz, dst, year): """Fetch daylight hours from for a given location. Parameters ---------- lat : float Location's latitude. lon : float Location's longitude. tz : int or float Time zone offset from UTC. Use floats for half-hour time zones. dst : int Daylight saving type, e.g. 0 -> none, 1 -> North America, 2 -> Europe. See for other possible values. year : int Year (1901..2099). """ daylight = [] summer = 0 if lat >= 0 else 1 for month in xrange(1, 12+1): args = dict(url=url, lat=lat, lon=lon, tz=tz, dst=dst, year=year, month=month) response = requests.get("%(url)s?comb_city_info=_;%(lon)s;%(lat)s;%(tz)s;%(dst)s&month=%(month)s&year=%(year)s&time_type=1&wadj=1" % args) entries = r1.findall(r0.sub("", response.text)) for day, note, sunrise_hour, sunrise_minute, sunset_hour, sunset_minute in entries: if note == "DST Begins": summer = 1 elif note == "DST Ends": summer = 0 date =, month, int(day)) sunrise = datetime.time(int(sunrise_hour), int(sunrise_minute)) sunset = datetime.time(int(sunset_hour), int(sunset_minute)) daylight.append([date, sunrise, sunset, summer]) return pd.DataFrame(daylight, columns=["Date", "Sunrise", "Sunset", "Summer"]) # daylight_warsaw_2013 = fetch_daylight_hours(52.2297, -21.0122, 1, 2, 2013) # daylight_warsaw_2013.to_csv("bokeh/sampledata/daylight_warsaw_2013.csv", index=False) def load_daylight_hours(file): path = join(dirname(abspath(__file__)), file) df =
pd.read_csv(path, parse_dates=["Date", "Sunrise", "Sunset"])
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import pytest import numpy as np import pandas as pd from pandas import Timestamp def create_dataframe(tuple_data): """Create pandas df from tuple data with a header.""" return pd.DataFrame.from_records(tuple_data[1:], columns=tuple_data[0]) ### REUSABLE FIXTURES -------------------------------------------------------- @pytest.fixture() def indices_3years(): """Three indices over 3 years.""" return pd.DataFrame.from_records( [ (Timestamp('2012-01-01 00:00:00'), 100.0, 100.0, 100.0), (Timestamp('2012-02-01 00:00:00'), 101.239553643, 96.60525323799999, 97.776838217), (Timestamp('2012-03-01 00:00:00'), 102.03030533, 101.450821724, 96.59101862), (Timestamp('2012-04-01 00:00:00'), 104.432402661, 98.000263617, 94.491213369), (Timestamp('2012-05-01 00:00:00'), 105.122830333, 95.946873831, 93.731891785), (Timestamp('2012-06-01 00:00:00'), 103.976692567, 97.45914568100001, 90.131064035), (Timestamp('2012-07-01 00:00:00'), 106.56768678200001, 94.788761174, 94.53487522), (Timestamp('2012-08-01 00:00:00'), 106.652151036, 98.478217946, 92.56165627700001), (Timestamp('2012-09-01 00:00:00'), 108.97290730799999, 99.986521241, 89.647230903), (Timestamp('2012-10-01 00:00:00'), 106.20124385700001, 99.237117891, 92.27819603799999), (Timestamp('2012-11-01 00:00:00'), 104.11913898700001, 100.993436318, 95.758970985), (Timestamp('2012-12-01 00:00:00'), 107.76600978, 99.60424011299999, 95.697091336), (Timestamp('2013-01-01 00:00:00'), 98.74350698299999, 100.357120656, 100.24073830200001), (Timestamp('2013-02-01 00:00:00'), 100.46305431100001, 99.98213513200001, 99.499007278), (Timestamp('2013-03-01 00:00:00'), 101.943121499, 102.034291064, 96.043392231), (Timestamp('2013-04-01 00:00:00'), 99.358987741, 106.513055039, 97.332012817), (Timestamp('2013-05-01 00:00:00'), 97.128074038, 106.132168479, 96.799806436), (Timestamp('2013-06-01 00:00:00'), 94.42944162, 106.615734964, 93.72086654600001), (Timestamp('2013-07-01 00:00:00'), 94.872365481, 103.069773446, 94.490515359), (Timestamp('2013-08-01 00:00:00'), 98.239415397, 105.458081805, 93.57271149299999), (Timestamp('2013-09-01 00:00:00'), 100.36774827100001, 106.144579258, 90.314524375), (Timestamp('2013-10-01 00:00:00'), 100.660205114, 101.844838294, 88.35136848399999), (Timestamp('2013-11-01 00:00:00'), 101.33948384799999, 100.592230114, 93.02874928899999), (Timestamp('2013-12-01 00:00:00'), 101.74876982299999, 102.709038791, 93.38277933200001), (Timestamp('2014-01-01 00:00:00'), 101.73439491, 99.579700011, 104.755837919), (Timestamp('2014-02-01 00:00:00'), 100.247760523, 100.76732961, 100.197855834), (Timestamp('2014-03-01 00:00:00'), 102.82080245600001, 99.763171909, 100.252537549), (Timestamp('2014-04-01 00:00:00'), 104.469889684, 96.207920184, 98.719797067), (Timestamp('2014-05-01 00:00:00'), 105.268899775, 99.357641836, 99.99786671), (Timestamp('2014-06-01 00:00:00'), 107.41649204299999, 100.844974811, 96.463821506), (Timestamp('2014-07-01 00:00:00'), 110.146087435, 102.01075029799999, 94.332755083), (Timestamp('2014-08-01 00:00:00'), 109.17068484100001, 101.562418115, 91.15410351700001), (Timestamp('2014-09-01 00:00:00'), 109.872892919, 101.471759564, 90.502291475), (Timestamp('2014-10-01 00:00:00'), 108.508436998, 98.801947543, 93.97423224399999), (Timestamp('2014-11-01 00:00:00'), 109.91248118, 97.730489099, 90.50638234200001), (Timestamp('2014-12-01 00:00:00'), 111.19756703600001, 99.734704555, 90.470418612), ], ).set_index(0, drop=True) @pytest.fixture() def weights_3years(): return pd.DataFrame.from_records( [ (Timestamp('2012-01-01 00:00:00'), 5.1869643839999995, 2.263444179, 3.145244219), (Timestamp('2013-01-01 00:00:00'), 6.74500585, 1.8588606330000002, 3.992369584), (Timestamp('2014-01-01 00:00:00'), 6.23115844, 2.361303832, 3.5764532489999996), ], ).set_index(0, drop=True) @pytest.fixture() def weights_3years_start_feb(weights_3years): return weights_3years.shift(1, freq='MS') @pytest.fixture() def weight_shares_3years(): return pd.DataFrame.from_records( [ (Timestamp('2012-01-01 00:00:00'), 0.489537029, 0.21362007800000002, 0.29684289199999997), (Timestamp('2013-01-01 00:00:00'), 0.535477885, 0.147572705, 0.31694941), (Timestamp('2014-01-01 00:00:00'), 0.512055362, 0.1940439, 0.293900738), ], ).set_index(0, drop=True) @pytest.fixture() def weights_shares_start_feb(weight_shares_3years): return weight_shares_3years.shift(1, freq='MS') @pytest.fixture() def indices_1year(indices_3years): return indices_3years.loc['2012', :] @pytest.fixture() def weights_1year(weights_3years): return weights_3years.loc['2012', :] @pytest.fixture() def indices_6months(indices_3years): return indices_3years.loc['2012-Jan':'2012-Jun', :] @pytest.fixture() def weights_6months(weights_3years): return weights_3years.loc['2012', :] @pytest.fixture() def indices_transposed(indices_3years): return indices_3years.T @pytest.fixture() def weights_transposed(weights_3years): return weights_3years.T @pytest.fixture() def indices_missing(indices_3years): indices_missing = indices_3years.copy() change_to_nans = [ ('2012-06', 2), ('2012-12', 3), ('2013-10', 2), ('2014-07', 1), ] for sl in change_to_nans: indices_missing.loc[sl] = np.nan return indices_missing @pytest.fixture() def indices_missing_transposed(indices_missing): return indices_missing.T ### AGGREGATION FIXTURES ----------------------------------------------------- @pytest.fixture() def aggregate_outcome_3years(): return pd.DataFrame.from_records( [ (Timestamp('2012-01-01 00:00:00'), 100.0), (Timestamp('2012-02-01 00:00:00'), 99.22169156), (Timestamp('2012-03-01 00:00:00'), 100.29190240000001), (Timestamp('2012-04-01 00:00:00'), 100.10739720000001), (Timestamp('2012-05-01 00:00:00'), 99.78134264), (Timestamp('2012-06-01 00:00:00'), 98.47443727), (Timestamp('2012-07-01 00:00:00'), 100.4796172), (Timestamp('2012-08-01 00:00:00'), 100.7233716), (Timestamp('2012-09-01 00:00:00'), 101.31654509999998), (Timestamp('2012-10-01 00:00:00'), 100.5806089), (Timestamp('2012-11-01 00:00:00'), 100.9697697), (Timestamp('2012-12-01 00:00:00'), 102.4399192), (Timestamp('2013-01-01 00:00:00'), 99.45617890000001), (Timestamp('2013-02-01 00:00:00'), 100.08652959999999), (Timestamp('2013-03-01 00:00:00'), 100.0866599), (Timestamp('2013-04-01 00:00:00'), 99.7722843), (Timestamp('2013-05-01 00:00:00'), 98.35278839), (Timestamp('2013-06-01 00:00:00'), 96.00322344), (Timestamp('2013-07-01 00:00:00'), 95.96105198), (Timestamp('2013-08-01 00:00:00'), 97.82558448), (Timestamp('2013-09-01 00:00:00'), 98.03388747), (Timestamp('2013-10-01 00:00:00'), 96.93374613), (Timestamp('2013-11-01 00:00:00'), 98.59512718), (Timestamp('2013-12-01 00:00:00'), 99.23888357), (Timestamp('2014-01-01 00:00:00'), 102.2042938), (Timestamp('2014-02-01 00:00:00'), 100.3339127), (Timestamp('2014-03-01 00:00:00'), 101.4726729), (Timestamp('2014-04-01 00:00:00'), 101.17674840000001), (Timestamp('2014-05-01 00:00:00'), 102.57269570000001), (Timestamp('2014-06-01 00:00:00'), 102.9223313), (Timestamp('2014-07-01 00:00:00'), 103.9199248), (Timestamp('2014-08-01 00:00:00'), 102.3992605), (Timestamp('2014-09-01 00:00:00'), 102.54967020000001), (Timestamp('2014-10-01 00:00:00'), 102.35333840000001), (Timestamp('2014-11-01 00:00:00'), 101.8451732), (Timestamp('2014-12-01 00:00:00'), 102.8815443), ], ).set_index(0, drop=True).squeeze() @pytest.fixture() def aggregate_outcome_1year(aggregate_outcome_3years): return aggregate_outcome_3years.loc['2012'] @pytest.fixture() def aggregate_outcome_6months(aggregate_outcome_3years): return aggregate_outcome_3years.loc['2012-Jan':'2012-Jun'] @pytest.fixture() def aggregate_outcome_missing(): return pd.DataFrame.from_records( [ (Timestamp('2012-01-01 00:00:00'), 100.0), (Timestamp('2012-02-01 00:00:00'), 99.22169156), (Timestamp('2012-03-01 00:00:00'), 100.29190240000001), (Timestamp('2012-04-01 00:00:00'), 100.10739720000001), (Timestamp('2012-05-01 00:00:00'), 99.78134264), (Timestamp('2012-06-01 00:00:00'), 98.75024119), (Timestamp('2012-07-01 00:00:00'), 100.4796172), (Timestamp('2012-08-01 00:00:00'), 100.7233716), (Timestamp('2012-09-01 00:00:00'), 101.31654509999998), (Timestamp('2012-10-01 00:00:00'), 100.5806089), (Timestamp('2012-11-01 00:00:00'), 100.9697697), (Timestamp('2012-12-01 00:00:00'), 105.2864531), (Timestamp('2013-01-01 00:00:00'), 99.45617890000001), (Timestamp('2013-02-01 00:00:00'), 100.08652959999999), (Timestamp('2013-03-01 00:00:00'), 100.0866599), (Timestamp('2013-04-01 00:00:00'), 99.7722843), (Timestamp('2013-05-01 00:00:00'), 98.35278839), (Timestamp('2013-06-01 00:00:00'), 96.00322344), (Timestamp('2013-07-01 00:00:00'), 95.96105198), (Timestamp('2013-08-01 00:00:00'), 97.82558448), (Timestamp('2013-09-01 00:00:00'), 98.03388747), (Timestamp('2013-10-01 00:00:00'), 96.08353503), (Timestamp('2013-11-01 00:00:00'), 98.59512718), (Timestamp('2013-12-01 00:00:00'), 99.23888357), (Timestamp('2014-01-01 00:00:00'), 102.2042938), (Timestamp('2014-02-01 00:00:00'), 100.3339127), (Timestamp('2014-03-01 00:00:00'), 101.4726729), (Timestamp('2014-04-01 00:00:00'), 101.17674840000001), (Timestamp('2014-05-01 00:00:00'), 102.57269570000001), (Timestamp('2014-06-01 00:00:00'), 102.9223313), (Timestamp('2014-07-01 00:00:00'), 97.38610996), (Timestamp('2014-08-01 00:00:00'), 102.3992605), (Timestamp('2014-09-01 00:00:00'), 102.54967020000001), (Timestamp('2014-10-01 00:00:00'), 102.35333840000001), (Timestamp('2014-11-01 00:00:00'), 101.8451732), (Timestamp('2014-12-01 00:00:00'), 102.8815443), ], ).set_index(0, drop=True).squeeze() ### WEIGHTS FIXTURES ------------------------------------------------------ @pytest.fixture() def reindex_weights_to_indices_outcome_start_jan(): return pd.DataFrame.from_records( [ (Timestamp('2012-01-01 00:00:00'), 5.1869643839999995, 2.263444179, 3.145244219), (Timestamp('2012-02-01 00:00:00'), 5.1869643839999995, 2.263444179, 3.145244219), (Timestamp('2012-03-01 00:00:00'), 5.1869643839999995, 2.263444179, 3.145244219), (Timestamp('2012-04-01 00:00:00'), 5.1869643839999995, 2.263444179, 3.145244219), (Timestamp('2012-05-01 00:00:00'), 5.1869643839999995, 2.263444179, 3.145244219), (Timestamp('2012-06-01 00:00:00'), 5.1869643839999995, 2.263444179, 3.145244219), (Timestamp('2012-07-01 00:00:00'), 5.1869643839999995, 2.263444179, 3.145244219), (Timestamp('2012-08-01 00:00:00'), 5.1869643839999995, 2.263444179, 3.145244219), (Timestamp('2012-09-01 00:00:00'), 5.1869643839999995, 2.263444179, 3.145244219), (Timestamp('2012-10-01 00:00:00'), 5.1869643839999995, 2.263444179, 3.145244219), (Timestamp('2012-11-01 00:00:00'), 5.1869643839999995, 2.263444179, 3.145244219), (Timestamp('2012-12-01 00:00:00'), 5.1869643839999995, 2.263444179, 3.145244219), (Timestamp('2013-01-01 00:00:00'), 6.74500585, 1.8588606330000002, 3.992369584), (Timestamp('2013-02-01 00:00:00'), 6.74500585, 1.8588606330000002, 3.992369584), (Timestamp('2013-03-01 00:00:00'), 6.74500585, 1.8588606330000002, 3.992369584), (Timestamp('2013-04-01 00:00:00'), 6.74500585, 1.8588606330000002, 3.992369584), (Timestamp('2013-05-01 00:00:00'), 6.74500585, 1.8588606330000002, 3.992369584), (Timestamp('2013-06-01 00:00:00'), 6.74500585, 1.8588606330000002, 3.992369584), (Timestamp('2013-07-01 00:00:00'), 6.74500585, 1.8588606330000002, 3.992369584), (Timestamp('2013-08-01 00:00:00'), 6.74500585, 1.8588606330000002, 3.992369584), (Timestamp('2013-09-01 00:00:00'), 6.74500585, 1.8588606330000002, 3.992369584), (Timestamp('2013-10-01 00:00:00'), 6.74500585, 1.8588606330000002, 3.992369584), (Timestamp('2013-11-01 00:00:00'), 6.74500585, 1.8588606330000002, 3.992369584), (Timestamp('2013-12-01 00:00:00'), 6.74500585, 1.8588606330000002, 3.992369584), (Timestamp('2014-01-01 00:00:00'), 6.23115844, 2.361303832, 3.5764532489999996), (Timestamp('2014-02-01 00:00:00'), 6.23115844, 2.361303832, 3.5764532489999996), (Timestamp('2014-03-01 00:00:00'), 6.23115844, 2.361303832, 3.5764532489999996), (Timestamp('2014-04-01 00:00:00'), 6.23115844, 2.361303832, 3.5764532489999996), (Timestamp('2014-05-01 00:00:00'), 6.23115844, 2.361303832, 3.5764532489999996), (Timestamp('2014-06-01 00:00:00'), 6.23115844, 2.361303832, 3.5764532489999996), (Timestamp('2014-07-01 00:00:00'), 6.23115844, 2.361303832, 3.5764532489999996), (Timestamp('2014-08-01 00:00:00'), 6.23115844, 2.361303832, 3.5764532489999996), (Timestamp('2014-09-01 00:00:00'), 6.23115844, 2.361303832, 3.5764532489999996), (Timestamp('2014-10-01 00:00:00'), 6.23115844, 2.361303832, 3.5764532489999996), (Timestamp('2014-11-01 00:00:00'), 6.23115844, 2.361303832, 3.5764532489999996), (Timestamp('2014-12-01 00:00:00'), 6.23115844, 2.361303832, 3.5764532489999996), ], ).set_index(0, drop=True) @pytest.fixture() def reindex_weights_to_indices_outcome_start_feb(): return pd.DataFrame.from_records( [ (Timestamp('2012-01-01 00:00:00'), 5.1869643839999995, 2.263444179, 3.145244219), (Timestamp('2012-02-01 00:00:00'), 5.1869643839999995, 2.263444179, 3.145244219), (Timestamp('2012-03-01 00:00:00'), 5.1869643839999995, 2.263444179, 3.145244219), (Timestamp('2012-04-01 00:00:00'), 5.1869643839999995, 2.263444179, 3.145244219), (Timestamp('2012-05-01 00:00:00'), 5.1869643839999995, 2.263444179, 3.145244219), (Timestamp('2012-06-01 00:00:00'), 5.1869643839999995, 2.263444179, 3.145244219), (Timestamp('2012-07-01 00:00:00'), 5.1869643839999995, 2.263444179, 3.145244219), (Timestamp('2012-08-01 00:00:00'), 5.1869643839999995, 2.263444179, 3.145244219), (Timestamp('2012-09-01 00:00:00'), 5.1869643839999995, 2.263444179, 3.145244219), (Timestamp('2012-10-01 00:00:00'), 5.1869643839999995, 2.263444179, 3.145244219), (Timestamp('2012-11-01 00:00:00'), 5.1869643839999995, 2.263444179, 3.145244219), (Timestamp('2012-12-01 00:00:00'), 5.1869643839999995, 2.263444179, 3.145244219), (Timestamp('2013-01-01 00:00:00'), 5.1869643839999995, 2.263444179, 3.145244219), (Timestamp('2013-02-01 00:00:00'), 6.74500585, 1.8588606330000002, 3.992369584), (Timestamp('2013-03-01 00:00:00'), 6.74500585, 1.8588606330000002, 3.992369584), (Timestamp('2013-04-01 00:00:00'), 6.74500585, 1.8588606330000002, 3.992369584), (Timestamp('2013-05-01 00:00:00'), 6.74500585, 1.8588606330000002, 3.992369584), (Timestamp('2013-06-01 00:00:00'), 6.74500585, 1.8588606330000002, 3.992369584), (Timestamp('2013-07-01 00:00:00'), 6.74500585, 1.8588606330000002, 3.992369584), (Timestamp('2013-08-01 00:00:00'), 6.74500585, 1.8588606330000002, 3.992369584), (Timestamp('2013-09-01 00:00:00'), 6.74500585, 1.8588606330000002, 3.992369584), (Timestamp('2013-10-01 00:00:00'), 6.74500585, 1.8588606330000002, 3.992369584), (Timestamp('2013-11-01 00:00:00'), 6.74500585, 1.8588606330000002, 3.992369584), (
Timestamp('2013-12-01 00:00:00')
''' Created on Apr 23, 2018 @author: nishant.sethi ''' import numpy as np # linear algebra import pandas as pd # data processing, CSV file I/O (e.g. pd.read_csv) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns import warnings warnings.simplefilter(action = "ignore", category = FutureWarning) '''load the matches file''' matches = pd.read_csv('matches.csv') matches["type"] = "pre-qualifier" for year in range(2008, 2017): final_match_index = matches[matches['season']==year][-1:].index.values[0] matches = matches.set_value(final_match_index, "type", "final") matches = matches.set_value(final_match_index-1, "type", "qualifier-2") matches = matches.set_value(final_match_index-2, "type", "eliminator") matches = matches.set_value(final_match_index-3, "type", "qualifier-1") matches.groupby(["type"])["id"].count() '''load the deliveries file''' deliveries=
''' @Author: <NAME> @Date: 2019-07-03 16:18:27 @LastEditors: Yudi @LastEditTime: 2019-07-19 15:40:23 @Company: Cardinal Operation @Email: <EMAIL> @Description: ''' import pickle import gzip import os import gc import time import random from itertools import chain import numpy as np import pandas as pd import scipy.sparse as sparse def parse(path): g =, 'rb') for e in g: yield eval(e) def load_json_gz(path): i = 0 df = {} for d in parse(path): df[i] = d i += 1 return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(df, orient='index') def load_init_influence(cat='yelp'): wei_u = pickle.load(open(f'./data/experiment_result/influence_dict/{cat}/uid_influence_dict.pkl', 'rb')) wei_i = pickle.load(open(f'./data/experiment_result/influence_dict/{cat}/iid_influence_dict.pkl', 'rb')) return wei_u, wei_i def load_weight(cat='yelp'): p = f'./data/experiment_result/weight/{cat}/' dec_i_wei = pickle.load(open(p + 'dec_i_wei.pkl', 'rb')) dec_u_wei = pickle.load(open(p + 'dec_u_wei.pkl', 'rb')) inc_i_wei = pickle.load(open(p + 'inc_i_wei.pkl', 'rb')) inc_u_wei = pickle.load(open(p + 'inc_u_wei.pkl', 'rb')) return inc_u_wei, inc_i_wei, dec_u_wei, dec_i_wei def load_rid2id_ref(cat='yelp'): p = f'./data/experiment_result/init_vec/{cat}/' rid2id_u = pickle.load(open(p + 'rid2id_u.pkl', 'rb')) rid2id_i = pickle.load(open(p + 'rid2id_i.pkl', 'rb')) return rid2id_u, rid2id_i def load_rate(cat_name, sample_num=None, sample_target='item'): assert cat_name in ['yelp', 'amazon'], 'invalid dataset selected, try "yelp", "ml"' assert sample_target in ['user', 'item', 'all'], 'sample_target must be set "user", "item" or "all"' if sample_target == 'item' or sample_target == 'user': assert type(sample_num) is int, 'sample number for full data set must be integer......' else: assert type(sample_num) is int or type(sample_num) is float, 'sample number for full data set must be integer or float value in [0, 1]......' if cat_name == 'yelp': p = './data/raw_data/yelp_academic_dataset_review.csv' # from business.json assert os.path.isfile(p), f'No such file {p}, please check again......' df = pd.read_csv(p) df.rename(index=str, columns={'user_id': 'user', 'business_id': 'item', 'stars': 'rating', 'date':'timestamp'}, inplace=True) df['timestamp'] = df.timestamp.agg(lambda x: time.mktime(time.strptime(x,'%Y-%m-%d'))).astype(int) df = df[['user', 'item', 'rating', 'timestamp']] max_u_num, max_i_num = df.user.unique().size, df.item.unique().size if sample_num is not None: if sample_target == 'item': sample_num = min(sample_num, max_i_num) sub_item_set = random.sample(df.item.unique().tolist(), sample_num) df = df[df.item.isin(sub_item_set)].sort_values(['user', 'item', 'timestamp']).reset_index(drop=True) elif sample_target == 'user': sample_num = min(sample_num, max_u_num) sub_user_set = random.sample(df.user.unique().tolist(), sample_num) df = df[df.user.isin(sub_user_set)].sort_values(['user', 'item', 'timestamp']).reset_index(drop=True) else: if type(sample_num) is float: df = df.sample(frac=sample_num, random_state=2019).reset_index(drop=True) elif type(sample_num) is int: df = df.sample(n=sample_num, random_state=2019).reset_index(drop=True) df.to_csv('./data/processed_data/yelp_exp_uir_data.csv', index=False) return df elif cat_name == 'amazon': p = './data/raw_data/ratings_Digital_Music.csv' assert os.path.exists(p), f'No such file {p}, please check again......' df =
pd.read_csv(p, names=['user', 'item', 'rating', 'timestamp'])
import matplotlib.pylab as pylab import math as m import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd import numpy as np import pdb from pylab import rcParams import matplotlib as mpl mpl.use('AGG') font = {'size': 40} rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 10, 8'seaborn-paper') rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 10, 8 # rcParams['savefig.pad_inches'] = 0.5 rcParams['figure.constrained_layout.use'] = True mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 15.0 params = {'legend.fontsize': 'x-large', 'axes.labelsize': 'x-large', 'axes.titlesize': 'x-large', 'xtick.labelsize': 'x-large', 'ytick.labelsize': 'x-large'} pylab.rcParams.update(params) labelmap = { 'pcc': 'PCC', 'bbr': 'BBR', 'cubic': 'Cubic', 'hybla': 'Hybla' } colormap = { 'pcc': 'firebrick', 'bbr': 'olivedrab', 'cubic': 'teal', 'hybla': 'darkorchid' } # DATA_DIR = './data/2020-05-09/' # DATA_DIR = './data/2020-06-01/' # DATA_DIR = './data/2020-07-12/' DATA_DIR = './data/2020-09-20' global PREFIX PREFIX = "" def plot_rtt_cdf(df, column='mean'): plt.close() for protocol, data in df.groupby('protocol'): sorted_rtt = data[column].sort_values().reset_index() plt.plot(sorted_rtt[column], sorted_rtt.index / sorted_rtt[column].count() * 100, label=labelmap[protocol], color=colormap[protocol]) plt.legend() plt.ylabel("Cumulative Distribution\n(percent)") plt.xlabel(f"RTT (ms)") plt.savefig(f"{DATA_DIR}/{PREFIX}cdf_rtt_{column}.png") def plot_loss_cdf(df): column = 'loss' plt.close() print(df.head()) for protocol, data in df.groupby('protocol'): data = data[data['loss'] < 0.95] sorted_loss = data[column].sort_values().reset_index() plt.plot(sorted_loss[column] * 100, sorted_loss.index / sorted_loss[column].count() * 100, label=labelmap[protocol], color=colormap[protocol]) plt.legend() plt.ylabel("Cumulative Distribution\n(percent)") plt.xlabel(f"Retranmission\n(percent)") plt.savefig(f"{DATA_DIR}/{PREFIX}cdf_{column}.png") def plot_througput_cdf(df, column='mean'): plt.close() for protocol, data in df.groupby('protocol'): sorted_throughput = data[column].sort_values().reset_index() plt.plot(sorted_throughput[column], sorted_throughput.index / sorted_throughput[column].count() * 100, label=labelmap[protocol], color=colormap[protocol]) plt.legend() plt.ylabel("Percent") plt.xlabel(f"{column} throughput") plt.savefig(f"{DATA_DIR}/{PREFIX}cdf_{column}.png") def summary_statistics(prefix=PREFIX): global PREFIX fname = f"{DATA_DIR}/{prefix}quantiles.csv" print(f"summary of {fname}") df = pd.read_csv(fname, index_col=0).dropna(how='all') mean = df.groupby('protocol').mean()['mean'] std = df.groupby('protocol').std()['mean'] print(f'{prefix} mean throughput', mean) print(f'{prefix} std throughput', std) with open('out.txt', 'w') as output_file: print(df.groupby('protocol').describe(), file=output_file) fname = f"{DATA_DIR}/{prefix}rtt_quantiles.csv" df =
pd.read_csv(fname, index_col=0)
"""Network representation and utilities <NAME>, <NAME> & <NAME> """ import os,sys import re import numpy as np import pandas as pd import geopandas as gpd import pygeos import pygeos.geometry as pygeom import contextily as ctx from rasterstats import zonal_stats import pyproj import pylab as pl from IPython import display import seaborn as sns import subprocess from shapely.wkb import loads import time from timeit import default_timer as timer import feather import igraph as ig from pandas import DataFrame from shapely.geometry import Point, MultiPoint, LineString, GeometryCollection, shape, mapping from shapely.ops import split, linemerge from tqdm import tqdm from pathlib import Path # path to python scripts sys.path.append(os.path.join('..','src','trails')) from flow_model import * from simplify import * from extract import railway,ferries,mainRoads,roads import pathlib pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None #data_path = os.path.join('..','data') data_path = (Path(__file__).parent.absolute().parent.absolute().parent.absolute()) data_path = Path(r'C:/data/') road_types = ['primary','trunk','motorway','motorway_link','trunk_link','primary_link','secondary','secondary_link','tertiary','tertiary_link'] # optional progress bars ''' if 'SNKIT_PROGRESS' in os.environ and os.environ['SNKIT_PROGRESS'] in ('1', 'TRUE'): try: from tqdm import tqdm except ImportError: from snkit.utils import tqdm_standin as tqdm else: from snkit.utils import tqdm_standin as tqdm ''' class Network(): """A Network is composed of nodes (points in space) and edges (lines) Parameters ---------- nodes : pandas.DataFrame, optional edges : pandas.DataFrame, optional Attributes ---------- nodes : pandas.DataFrame edges : pandas.DataFrame """ def __init__(self, nodes=None, edges=None): """ """ if nodes is None: nodes = pd.DataFrame() self.nodes = nodes if edges is None: edges = pd.DataFrame() self.edges = edges def set_crs(self, crs=None, epsg=None): """Set network (node and edge) crs Parameters ---------- crs : dict or str Projection parameters as PROJ4 string or in dictionary form. epsg : int EPSG code specifying output projection """ if crs is None and epsg is None: raise ValueError("Either crs or epsg must be provided to Network.set_crs") if epsg is not None: crs = {'init': 'epsg:{}'.format(epsg)} self.edges = pygeos.geometry.set_srid(point, epsg) self.nodes = pygeos.geometry.set_srid(point, epsg) def to_crs(self, crs=None, epsg=None): """Set network (node and edge) crs Parameters ---------- crs : dict or str Projection parameters as PROJ4 string or in dictionary form. epsg : int EPSG code specifying output projection """ if crs is None and epsg is None: raise ValueError("Either crs or epsg must be provided to Network.set_crs") if epsg is not None: crs = {'init': 'epsg:{}'.format(epsg)} self.edges.to_crs(crs, inplace=True) self.nodes.to_crs(crs, inplace=True) def add_ids(network, id_col='id', edge_prefix='', node_prefix=''): """Add or replace an id column with ascending ids The ids are represented into int64s for easier conversion to numpy arrays Args: network (class): A network composed of nodes (points in space) and edges (lines) id_col (str, optional): [description]. Defaults to 'id'. edge_prefix (str, optional): [description]. Defaults to ''. node_prefix (str, optional): [description]. Defaults to ''. Returns: [type]: [description] """ nodes = network.nodes.copy() if not nodes.empty: nodes = nodes.reset_index(drop=True) edges = network.edges.copy() if not edges.empty: edges = edges.reset_index(drop=True) nodes[id_col] = range(len(nodes)) edges[id_col] = range(len(edges)) return Network( nodes=nodes, edges=edges ) def add_topology(network, id_col='id'): """Add or replace from_id, to_id to edges Args: network (class): A network composed of nodes (points in space) and edges (lines) id_col (str, optional): [description]. Defaults to 'id'. Returns: network (class): A network composed of nodes (points in space) and edges (lines) """ from_ids = [] to_ids = [] node_ends = [] bugs = [] sindex = pygeos.STRtree(network.nodes.geometry) for edge in tqdm(network.edges.itertuples(), desc="topology", total=len(network.edges)): start, end = line_endpoints(edge.geometry) try: start_node = nearest_node(start, network.nodes,sindex) from_ids.append(start_node[id_col]) except: bugs.append( from_ids.append(-1) try: end_node = nearest_node(end, network.nodes,sindex) to_ids.append(end_node[id_col]) except: bugs.append( to_ids.append(-1) #print(len(bugs)," Edges not connected to nodes") edges = network.edges.copy() nodes = network.nodes.copy() edges['from_id'] = from_ids edges['to_id'] = to_ids edges = edges.loc[~(].reset_index(drop=True) return Network( nodes=network.nodes, edges=edges ) def get_endpoints(network): """Get nodes for each edge endpoint Args: network (class): A network composed of nodes (points in space) and edges (lines) Returns: [type]: [description] """ endpoints = [] for edge in tqdm(network.edges.itertuples(), desc="endpoints", total=len(network.edges)): if edge.geometry is None: continue # 5 is MULTILINESTRING if pygeom.get_type_id(edge.geometry) == '5': for line in edge.geometry.geoms: start, end = line_endpoints(line) endpoints.append(start) endpoints.append(end) else: start, end = line_endpoints(edge.geometry) endpoints.append(start) endpoints.append(end) # create dataframe to match the nodes geometry column name return matching_df_from_geoms(network.nodes, endpoints) def add_endpoints(network): """Add nodes at line endpoints Args: network (class): A network composed of nodes (points in space) and edges (lines) Returns: network (class): A network composed of nodes (points in space) and edges (lines) """ endpoints = get_endpoints(network) nodes = concat_dedup([network.nodes, endpoints]) return Network( nodes=nodes, edges=network.edges ) def round_geometries(network, precision=3): """Round coordinates of all node points and vertices of edge linestrings to some precision Args: network (class): A network composed of nodes (points in space) and edges (lines) precision (int, optional): [description]. Defaults to 3. Returns: network (class): A network composed of nodes (points in space) and edges (lines) """ def _set_precision(geom): return set_precision(geom, precision) network.nodes.geometry = network.nodes.geometry.apply(_set_precision) network.edges.geometry = network.edges.geometry.apply(_set_precision) return network def split_multilinestrings(network): """Create multiple edges from any MultiLineString edge Ensures that edge geometries are all LineStrings, duplicates attributes over any created multi-edges. Args: network (class): A network composed of nodes (points in space) and edges (lines) Returns: network (class): A network composed of nodes (points in space) and edges (lines) """ simple_edge_attrs = [] simple_edge_geoms = [] edges = network.edges for edge in tqdm(edges.itertuples(index=False), desc="split_multi", total=len(edges)): if pygeom.get_type_id(edge.geometry) == 5: edge_parts = [x for x in pygeos.geometry.get_geometry(edge, pygeos.geometry.get_num_geometries(edge))] else: edge_parts = [edge.geometry] for part in edge_parts: simple_edge_geoms.append(part) attrs = DataFrame([edge] * len(edge_parts)) simple_edge_attrs.append(attrs) simple_edge_geoms = DataFrame(simple_edge_geoms, columns=['geometry']) edges = pd.concat(simple_edge_attrs, axis=0).reset_index(drop=True).drop('geometry', axis=1) edges = pd.concat([edges, simple_edge_geoms], axis=1) return Network( nodes=network.nodes, edges=edges ) def merge_multilinestrings(network): """Try to merge all multilinestring geometries into linestring geometries. Args: network (class): A network composed of nodes (points in space) and edges (lines) Returns: network (class): A network composed of nodes (points in space) and edges (lines) """ edges = network.edges.copy() edges['geometry']= edges.geometry.apply(lambda x: merge_multilinestring(x)) return Network(edges=edges, nodes=network.nodes) def merge_multilinestring(geom): """Merge a MultiLineString to LineString Args: geom (pygeos.geometry): A pygeos geometry, most likely a linestring or a multilinestring Returns: geom (pygeos.geometry): A pygeos linestring geometry if merge was succesful. If not, it returns the input. """ if pygeom.get_type_id(geom) == '5': geom_inb = pygeos.line_merge(geom) if geom_inb.is_ring: # still something to fix if desired return geom_inb else: return geom_inb else: return geom def snap_nodes(network, threshold=None): """Move nodes (within threshold) to edges Args: network (class): A network composed of nodes (points in space) and edges (lines) threshold ([type], optional): [description]. Defaults to None. Returns: [type]: [description] """ def snap_node(node): snap = nearest_point_on_edges(node.geometry, network.edges) distance = snap.distance(node.geometry) if threshold is not None and distance > threshold: snap = node.geometry return snap snapped_geoms = network.nodes.apply(snap_node, axis=1) geom_col = geometry_column_name(network.nodes) nodes = pd.concat([ network.nodes.drop(geom_col, axis=1), DataFrame(snapped_geoms, columns=[geom_col]) ], axis=1) return Network( nodes=nodes, edges=network.edges ) def link_nodes_to_edges_within(network, distance, condition=None, tolerance=1e-9): """Link nodes to all edges within some distance Args: network (class): A network composed of nodes (points in space) and edges (lines) distance ([type]): [description] condition ([type], optional): [description]. Defaults to None. tolerance ([type], optional): [description]. Defaults to 1e-9. Returns: [type]: [description] """ new_node_geoms = [] new_edge_geoms = [] for node in tqdm(network.nodes.itertuples(index=False), desc="link", total=len(network.nodes)): # for each node, find edges within edges = edges_within(node.geometry, network.edges, distance) for edge in edges.itertuples(): if condition is not None and not condition(node, edge): continue # add nodes at points-nearest point = nearest_point_on_line(node.geometry, edge.geometry) if point != node.geometry: new_node_geoms.append(point) # add edges linking line = LineString([node.geometry, point]) new_edge_geoms.append(line) new_nodes = matching_df_from_geoms(network.nodes, new_node_geoms) all_nodes = concat_dedup([network.nodes, new_nodes]) new_edges = matching_df_from_geoms(network.edges, new_edge_geoms) all_edges = concat_dedup([network.edges, new_edges]) # split edges as necessary after new node creation unsplit = Network( nodes=all_nodes, edges=all_edges ) return split_edges_at_nodes(unsplit, tolerance) def link_nodes_to_nearest_edge(network, condition=None): """Link nodes to all edges within some distance Args: network (class): A network composed of nodes (points in space) and edges (lines) condition ([type], optional): [description]. Defaults to None. Returns: [type]: [description] """ new_node_geoms = [] new_edge_geoms = [] for node in tqdm(network.nodes.itertuples(index=False), desc="link", total=len(network.nodes)): # for each node, find edges within edge = nearest_edge(node.geometry, network.edges) if condition is not None and not condition(node, edge): continue # add nodes at points-nearest point = nearest_point_on_line(node.geometry, edge.geometry) if point != node.geometry: new_node_geoms.append(point) # add edges linking line = LineString([node.geometry, point]) new_edge_geoms.append(line) new_nodes = matching_df_from_geoms(network.nodes, new_node_geoms) all_nodes = concat_dedup([network.nodes, new_nodes]) new_edges = matching_df_from_geoms(network.edges, new_edge_geoms) all_edges = concat_dedup([network.edges, new_edges]) # split edges as necessary after new node creation unsplit = Network( nodes=all_nodes, edges=all_edges ) return split_edges_at_nodes(unsplit) def find_roundabouts(network): """Methods to find roundabouts Args: network (class): A network composed of nodes (points in space) and edges (lines) Returns: roundabouts (list): Returns the edges that can be identified as roundabouts """ roundabouts = [] for edge in network.edges.itertuples(): if pygeos.predicates.is_ring(edge.geometry): roundabouts.append(edge) return roundabouts def clean_roundabouts(network): """Methods to clean roundabouts and junctions should be done before splitting edges at nodes to avoid logic conflicts Args: network (class): A network composed of nodes (points in space) and edges (lines) Returns: network (class): A network composed of nodes (points in space) and edges (lines) """ sindex = pygeos.STRtree(network.edges['geometry']) edges = network.edges new_geom = network.edges new_edge = [] remove_edge=[] new_edge_id = [] attributes = [x for x in network.edges.columns if x not in ['geometry','osm_id']] roundabouts = find_roundabouts(network) testy = [] for roundabout in roundabouts: round_bound = pygeos.constructive.boundary(roundabout.geometry) round_centroid = pygeos.constructive.centroid(roundabout.geometry) remove_edge.append(roundabout.Index) edges_intersect = _intersects(roundabout.geometry, network.edges['geometry'], sindex) #Drop the roundabout from series so that no snapping happens on it edges_intersect.drop(roundabout.Index,inplace=True) #index at e[0] geometry at e[1] of edges that intersect with for e in edges_intersect.items(): edge = edges.iloc[e[0]] start = pygeom.get_point(e[1],0) end = pygeom.get_point(e[1],-1) first_co_is_closer = pygeos.measurement.distance(end, round_centroid) > pygeos.measurement.distance(start, round_centroid) co_ords = pygeos.coordinates.get_coordinates(edge.geometry) centroid_co = pygeos.coordinates.get_coordinates(round_centroid) if first_co_is_closer: new_co = np.concatenate((centroid_co,co_ords)) else: new_co = np.concatenate((co_ords,centroid_co)) snap_line = pygeos.linestrings(new_co) snap_line = pygeos.linestrings(new_co) #an edge should never connect to more than 2 roundabouts, if it does this will break if edge.osm_id in new_edge_id: a = [] counter = 0 for x in new_edge: if x[0]==edge.osm_id: a = counter break counter += 1 double_edge = new_edge.pop(a) start = pygeom.get_point(double_edge[-1],0) end = pygeom.get_point(double_edge[-1],-1) first_co_is_closer = pygeos.measurement.distance(end, round_centroid) > pygeos.measurement.distance(start, round_centroid) co_ords = pygeos.coordinates.get_coordinates(double_edge[-1]) if first_co_is_closer: new_co = np.concatenate((centroid_co,co_ords)) else: new_co = np.concatenate((co_ords,centroid_co)) snap_line = pygeos.linestrings(new_co) new_edge.append([edge.osm_id]+list(edge[list(attributes)])+[snap_line]) else: new_edge.append([edge.osm_id]+list(edge[list(attributes)])+[snap_line]) new_edge_id.append(edge.osm_id) remove_edge.append(e[0]) new = pd.DataFrame(new_edge,columns=['osm_id']+attributes+['geometry']) dg = network.edges.loc[~network.edges.index.isin(remove_edge)] ges = pd.concat([dg,new]).reset_index(drop=True) return Network(edges=ges, nodes=network.nodes) def find_hanging_nodes(network): """Simply returns a dataframe of nodes with degree 1, technically not all of these are "hanging" Args: network (class): A network composed of nodes (points in space) and edges (lines) Returns: [type]: [description] """ hang_index = np.where(network.nodes['degree']==1) return network.nodes.iloc[hang_index] def add_distances(network): """This method adds a distance column using pygeos (converted from shapely) assuming the new crs from the latitude and longitude of the first node distance is in metres Args: network (class): A network composed of nodes (points in space) and edges (lines) Returns: network (class): A network composed of nodes (points in space) and edges (lines) """ #Find crs of current df and arbitrary point(lat,lon) for new crs current_crs="epsg:4326" #The commented out crs does not work in all cases #current_crs = [*] #current_crs = str(current_crs[0]) lat = pygeom.get_y(network.nodes['geometry'].iloc[0]) lon = pygeom.get_x(network.nodes['geometry'].iloc[0]) # formula below based on : approximate_crs = "epsg:" + str(int(32700-np.round((45+lat)/90,0)*100+np.round((183+lon)/6,0))) #from pygeos/issues/95 geometries = network.edges['geometry'] coords = pygeos.get_coordinates(geometries) transformer=pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(current_crs, approximate_crs,always_xy=True) new_coords = transformer.transform(coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1]) result = pygeos.set_coordinates(geometries.copy(), np.array(new_coords).T) dist = pygeos.length(result) edges = network.edges.copy() edges['distance'] = dist return Network( nodes=network.nodes, edges=edges) def add_travel_time(network): """Add travel time column to network edges. Time is in hours Args: network (class): A network composed of nodes (points in space) and edges (lines) Returns: network (class): A network composed of nodes (points in space) and edges (lines) """ if 'distance' not in network.nodes.columns: network = add_distances(network) speed_d = { 'motorway':80000, 'motorway_link': 65000, 'trunk': 60000, 'trunk_link':50000, 'primary': 50000, # metres ph 'primary_link':40000, 'secondary': 40000, # metres ph 'secondary_link':30000, 'tertiary':30000, 'tertiary_link': 20000, 'unclassified':20000, 'service':20000, 'residential': 20000, # mph } def calculate_time(edge): try: return edge['distance'] / (edge['maxspeed']*1000) #metres per hour except: return edge['distance'] / speed_d.get('unclassified') network.edges['time'] = network.edges.apply(calculate_time,axis=1) return network def calculate_degree(network): """Calculates the degree of the nodes from the from and to ids. It is not wise to call this method after removing nodes or edges without first resetting the ids Args: network (class): A network composed of nodes (points in space) and edges (lines) Returns: Connectivity degree (numpy.array): [description] """ #the number of nodes(from index) to use as the number of bins ndC = len(network.nodes.index) if ndC-1 > max(network.edges.from_id) and ndC-1 > max(network.edges.to_id): print("Calculate_degree possibly unhappy") return np.bincount(network.edges['from_id'],None,ndC) + np.bincount(network.edges['to_id'],None,ndC) #Adds a degree column to the node dataframe def add_degree(network): """[summary] Args: network (class): A network composed of nodes (points in space) and edges (lines) Returns: network (class): A network composed of nodes (points in space) and edges (lines) """ degree = calculate_degree(network) network.nodes['degree'] = degree return network def drop_hanging_nodes(network, tolerance = 0.005): """This method drops any single degree nodes and their associated edges given a distance(degrees) threshold. This primarily happens when a road was connected to residential areas, most often these are link roads that no longer do so. Args: network (class): A network composed of nodes (points in space) and edges (lines) tolerance (float, optional): The maximum allowed distance from hanging nodes to the network. Defaults to 0.005. Returns: network (class): A network composed of nodes (points in space) and edges (lines) """ if 'degree' not in network.nodes.columns: deg = calculate_degree(network) else: deg = network.nodes['degree'].to_numpy() #hangNodes : An array of the indices of nodes with degree 1 hangNodes = np.where(deg==1) ed = network.edges.copy() to_ids = ed['to_id'].to_numpy() from_ids = ed['from_id'].to_numpy() hangTo = np.isin(to_ids,hangNodes) hangFrom = np.isin(from_ids,hangNodes) #eInd : An array containing the indices of edges that connect #the degree 1 nodes eInd = np.hstack((np.nonzero(hangTo),np.nonzero(hangFrom))) degEd = ed.iloc[np.sort(eInd[0])] edge_id_drop = [] for d in degEd.itertuples(): dist = pygeos.measurement.length(d.geometry) #If the edge is shorter than the tolerance #add the ID to the drop list and update involved node degrees if dist < tolerance: edge_id_drop.append( deg[d.from_id] -= 1 deg[d.to_id] -= 1 # drops disconnected edges, some may still persist since we have not merged yet if deg[d.from_id] == 1 and deg[d.to_id] == 1: edge_id_drop.append( deg[d.from_id] -= 1 deg[d.to_id] -= 1 edg = ed.loc[~(].reset_index(drop=True) aa = ed.loc[] edg.drop(labels=['id'],axis=1,inplace=True) edg['id'] = range(len(edg)) n = network.nodes.copy() n['degree'] = deg #Degree 0 Nodes are cleaned in the merge_2 method #x = n.loc[] #nod = n.loc[ > 0].reset_index(drop=True) return Network(nodes = n,edges=edg) def merge_edges(network, print_err=False): """This method removes all degree 2 nodes and merges their associated edges, at the moment it arbitrarily uses the first edge's attributes for the new edges column attributes, in the future the mean or another measure can be used to set these new values. The general strategy is to find a node of degree 2, and the associated 2 edges, then traverse edges and nodes in both directions until a node of degree !=2 is found, at this point stop in this direction. Reset the geometry and from/to ids for this edge, delete the nodes and edges traversed. Args: network (class): A network composed of nodes (points in space) and edges (lines) print_err (bool, optional): [description]. Defaults to False. Returns: network (class): A network composed of nodes (points in space) and edges (lines) """ net = network nod = net.nodes.copy() edg = net.edges.copy() optional_cols = edg.columns.difference(['osm_id','geometry','from_id','to_id','id']) edg_sindex = pygeos.STRtree(network.edges.geometry) if 'degree' not in network.nodes.columns: deg = calculate_degree(network) else: deg = nod['degree'].to_numpy() #For the 0.002s speed up, alternatively do a straightforward loc[degree==2] degree2 = np.where(deg==2) #n2: is the set of all node IDs that are degree 2 n2 = set((nod['id'].iloc[degree2])) #TODO if you create a dictionary to mask values this geometry #array nodGeom can be made to only contain the 'geometry' of degree 2 #nodes nodGeom = nod['geometry'] eIDtoRemove =[] nIDtoRemove =[] c = 0 #pbar = tqdm(total=len(n2)) while n2: newEdge = [] info_first_edge = [] possibly_delete = [] pos_0_deg = [] nodeID = n2.pop() pos_0_deg.append(nodeID) #Co-ordinates of current node node_geometry = nodGeom[nodeID] eID = set(edg_sindex.query(node_geometry,predicate='intersects')) #Find the nearest 2 edges, unless there is an error in the dataframe #this will return the connected edges using spatial indexing if len(eID) > 2: edgePath1, edgePath2 = find_closest_2_edges(eID,nodeID,edg,node_geometry) elif len(eID) < 2: continue else: edgePath1 = edg.iloc[eID.pop()] edgePath2 = edg.iloc[eID.pop()] #For the two edges found, identify the next 2 nodes in either direction nextNode1 = edgePath1.to_id if edgePath1.from_id==nodeID else edgePath1.from_id nextNode2 = edgePath2.to_id if edgePath2.from_id==nodeID else edgePath2.from_id if nextNode1==nextNode2: continue possibly_delete.append( #At the moment the first edge information is used for the merged edge info_first_edge = newEdge.append(edgePath1.geometry) newEdge.append(edgePath2.geometry) #While the next node along the path is degree 2 keep traversing while deg[nextNode1] == 2: if nextNode1 in pos_0_deg: break nextNode1Geom = nodGeom[nextNode1] eID = set(edg_sindex.query(nextNode1Geom,predicate='intersects')) eID.discard( try: edgePath1 = min([edg.iloc[match_idx] for match_idx in eID], key= lambda match: pygeos.distance(nextNode1Geom,(match.geometry))) except: continue pos_0_deg.append(nextNode1) n2.discard(nextNode1) nextNode1 = edgePath1.to_id if edgePath1.from_id==nextNode1 else edgePath1.from_id newEdge.append(edgePath1.geometry) possibly_delete.append( while deg[nextNode2] == 2: if nextNode2 in pos_0_deg: break nextNode2Geom = nodGeom[nextNode2] eID = set(edg_sindex.query(nextNode2Geom,predicate='intersects')) eID.discard( try: edgePath2 = min([edg.iloc[match_idx] for match_idx in eID], key= lambda match: pygeos.distance(nextNode2Geom,(match.geometry))) except: continue pos_0_deg.append(nextNode2) n2.discard(nextNode2) nextNode2 = edgePath2.to_id if edgePath2.from_id==nextNode2 else edgePath2.from_id newEdge.append(edgePath2.geometry) possibly_delete.append( #Update the information of the first edge new_merged_geom = pygeos.line_merge(pygeos.multilinestrings([x for x in newEdge])) if pygeom.get_type_id(new_merged_geom) == 1:[info_first_edge,'geometry'] = new_merged_geom if nodGeom[nextNode1]==pygeom.get_point(new_merged_geom,0):[info_first_edge,'from_id'] = nextNode1[info_first_edge,'to_id'] = nextNode2 else:[info_first_edge,'from_id'] = nextNode2[info_first_edge,'to_id'] = nextNode1 eIDtoRemove += possibly_delete possibly_delete.append(info_first_edge) for x in pos_0_deg: deg[x] = 0 mode_edges = edg.loc[][info_first_edge,optional_cols] = mode_edges[optional_cols].mode().iloc[0].values else: if print_err: print("Line", info_first_edge, "failed to merge, has pygeos type ", pygeom.get_type_id([info_first_edge,'geometry'])) #pbar.update(1) #pbar.close() edg = edg.loc[~(].reset_index(drop=True) #We remove all degree 0 nodes, including those found in dropHanging n = nod.loc[ > 0].reset_index(drop=True) return Network(nodes=n,edges=edg) def find_closest_2_edges(edgeIDs, nodeID, edges, nodGeometry): """Returns the 2 edges connected to the current node Args: edgeIDs ([type]): [description] nodeID ([type]): [description] edges ([type]): [description] nodGeometry ([type]): [description] Returns: [type]: [description] """ edgePath1 = min([edges.iloc[match_idx] for match_idx in edgeIDs], key=lambda match: pygeos.distance(nodGeometry,match.geometry)) edgeIDs.remove( edgePath2 = min([edges.iloc[match_idx] for match_idx in edgeIDs], key=lambda match: pygeos.distance(nodGeometry,match.geometry)) return edgePath1, edgePath2 def geometry_column_name(df): """Get geometry column name, fall back to 'geometry' Args: df (pandas.DataFrame): [description] Returns: geom_col (string): [description] """ try: geom_col = except AttributeError: geom_col = 'geometry' return geom_col def matching_df_from_geoms(df, geoms): """Create a geometry-only DataFrame with column name to match an existing DataFrame Args: df (pandas.DataFrame): [description] geoms (numpy.array): numpy array with pygeos geometries Returns: [type]: [description] """ geom_col = geometry_column_name(df) return pd.DataFrame(geoms, columns=[geom_col]) def concat_dedup(dfs): """Concatenate a list of GeoDataFrames, dropping duplicate geometries - note: repeatedly drops indexes for deduplication to work Args: dfs ([type]): [description] Returns: [type]: [description] """ cat = pd.concat(dfs, axis=0, sort=False) cat.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) cat_dedup = drop_duplicate_geometries(cat) cat_dedup.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) return cat_dedup def node_connectivity_degree(node, network): """Get the degree of connectivity for a node. Args: node ([type]): [description] network (class): A network composed of nodes (points in space) and edges (lines) Returns: [type]: [description] """ return len( network.edges[ (network.edges.from_id == node) | (network.edges.to_id == node) ] ) def drop_duplicate_geometries(df, keep='first'): """Drop duplicate geometries from a dataframe Convert to wkb so drop_duplicates will work as discussed in Args: df (pandas.DataFrame): [description] keep (str, optional): [description]. Defaults to 'first'. Returns: [type]: [description] """ mask = df.geometry.apply(lambda geom: pygeos.to_wkb(geom)) # use dropped duplicates index to drop from actual dataframe return df.iloc[mask.drop_duplicates(keep).index] def nearest_point_on_edges(point, edges): """Find nearest point on edges to a point Args: point (pygeos.geometry): [description] edges (network.edges): [description] Returns: [type]: [description] """ edge = nearest_edge(point, edges) snap = nearest_point_on_line(point, edge.geometry) return snap def nearest_node(point, nodes,sindex): """Find nearest node to a point Args: point *pygeos.geometry): [description] nodes (network.nodes): [description] sindex ([type]): [description] Returns: [type]: [description] """ return nearest(point, nodes,sindex) def nearest_edge(point, edges,sindex): """Find nearest edge to a point Args: point (pygeos.geometry): [description] edges (network.edges): [description] sindex ([type]): [description] Returns: [type]: [description] """ return nearest(point, edges,sindex) def nearest(geom, df,sindex): """Find the element of a DataFrame nearest a geometry Args: geom (pygeos.geometry): [description] df (pandas.DataFrame): [description] sindex ([type]): [description] Returns: [type]: [description] """ matches_idx = sindex.query(geom) nearest_geom = min( [df.iloc[match_idx] for match_idx in matches_idx], key=lambda match: pygeos.measurement.distance(match.geometry,geom) ) return nearest_geom def edges_within(point, edges, distance): """Find edges within a distance of point Args: point (pygeos.geometry): [description] edges (network.edges): [description] distance ([type]): [description] Returns: [type]: [description] """ return d_within(point, edges, distance) def d_within(geom, df, distance): """Find the subset of a DataFrame within some distance of a shapely geometry Args: geom (pygeos.geometry): [description] df (pandas.DataFrame): [description] distance ([type]): [description] Returns: [type]: [description] """ return _intersects(geom, df, distance) def _intersects(geom, df, sindex,tolerance=1e-9): """[summary] Args: geom (pygeos.geometry): [description] df ([type]): [description] sindex ([type]): [description] tolerance ([type], optional): [description]. Defaults to 1e-9. Returns: [type]: [description] """ buffer = pygeos.buffer(geom,tolerance) if pygeos.is_empty(buffer): # can have an empty buffer with too small a tolerance, fallback to original geom buffer = geom try: return _intersects_df(buffer, df,sindex) except: # can exceptionally buffer to an invalid geometry, so try re-buffering buffer = pygeos.buffer(geom,0) return _intersects_df(buffer, df,sindex) def _intersects_df(geom, df,sindex): """[summary] Args: geom ([type]): [description] df ([type]): [description] sindex ([type]): [description] Returns: [type]: [description] """ return df[sindex.query(geom,'intersects')] def intersects(geom, df, sindex, tolerance=1e-9): """Find the subset of a GeoDataFrame intersecting with a shapely geometry Args: geom ([type]): [description] df ([type]): [description] sindex ([type]): [description] tolerance ([type], optional): [description]. Defaults to 1e-9. Returns: [type]: [description] """ return _intersects(geom, df, sindex, tolerance) def nodes_intersecting(line,nodes,sindex,tolerance=1e-9): """Find nodes intersecting line Args: line ([type]): [description] nodes ([type]): [description] sindex ([type]): [description] tolerance ([type], optional): [description]. Defaults to 1e-9. Returns: [type]: [description] """ return intersects(line, nodes,sindex, tolerance) def line_endpoints(line): """Return points at first and last vertex of a line Args: line ([type]): [description] Returns: [type]: [description] """ start = pygeom.get_point(line,0) end = pygeom.get_point(line,-1) return start, end def split_edge_at_points(edge, points, tolerance=1e-9): """Split edge at point/multipoint Args: edge ([type]): [description] points (pygeos.geometry): [description] tolerance ([type], optional): [description]. Defaults to 1e-9. Returns: [type]: [description] """ try: segments = split_line(edge.geometry, points, tolerance) except ValueError: # if splitting fails, e.g. becuase points is empty GeometryCollection segments = [edge.geometry] edges = DataFrame([edge] * len(segments)) edges.geometry = segments return edges def split_line(line, points, tolerance=1e-9): """Split line at point or multipoint, within some tolerance Args: line (pygeos.geometry): [description] points (pygeos.geometry): [description] tolerance ([type], optional): [description]. Defaults to 1e-9. Returns: [type]: [description] """ to_split = snap_line(line, points, tolerance) return list(split(to_split, points)) def snap_line(line, points, tolerance=1e-9): """Snap a line to points within tolerance, inserting vertices as necessary Args: line (pygeos.geometry): [description] points (pygeos.geometry): [description] tolerance ([type], optional): [description]. Defaults to 1e-9. Returns: [type]: [description] """ if pygeom.get_type_id(edge.geometry) == 0: if pygeos.distance(point,line) < tolerance: line = pygeos.snap(line, points, tolerance=1e-9) elif pygeom.get_type_id(edge.geometry) == 4: points = [point for point in points if pygeos.distance(point,line) < tolerance] for point in points: line = pygeos.snap(line, points, tolerance=1e-9) return line def nearest_point_on_line(point, line): """Return the nearest point on a line Args: point (pygeos.geometry): [description] line (pygeos.geometry): [description] Returns: [type]: [description] """ return line.interpolate(line.project(point)) def set_precision(geom, precision): """Set geometry precision Args: geom (pygeos.geometry): [description] precision ([type]): [description] Returns: [type]: [description] """ geom_mapping = mapping(geom) geom_mapping['coordinates'] = np.round(np.array(geom_mapping['coordinates']), precision) return shape(geom_mapping) def reset_ids(network): """Resets the ids of the nodes and edges, editing the refereces in edge table using dict masking Args: network (class): A network composed of nodes (points in space) and edges (lines) Returns: [type]: [description] """ nodes = network.nodes.copy() edges = network.edges.copy() to_ids = edges['to_id'].to_numpy() from_ids = edges['from_id'].to_numpy() new_node_ids = range(len(nodes)) #creates a dictionary of the node ids and the actual indices id_dict = dict(zip(,new_node_ids)) nt = np.copy(to_ids) nf = np.copy(from_ids) #updates all from and to ids, because many nodes are effected, this #is quite optimal approach for large dataframes for k,v in id_dict.items(): nt[to_ids==k] = v nf[from_ids==k] = v edges.drop(labels=['to_id','from_id'],axis=1,inplace=True) edges['from_id'] = nf edges['to_id'] = nt nodes.drop(labels=['id'],axis=1,inplace=True) nodes['id'] = new_node_ids edges['id'] = range(len(edges)) edges.reset_index(drop=True,inplace=True) nodes.reset_index(drop=True,inplace=True) return Network(edges=edges,nodes=nodes) def nearest_network_node_list(gdf_admin,gdf_nodes,sg): """[summary] Args: gdf_admin ([type]): [description] gdf_nodes ([type]): [description] sg ([type]): [description] Returns: [type]: [description] """ gdf_nodes = gdf_nodes.loc[['name'])] gdf_nodes.reset_index(drop=True,inplace=True) nodes = {} for admin_ in gdf_admin.itertuples(): if (pygeos.distance((admin_.geometry),gdf_nodes.geometry).min()) > 0.005: continue nodes[] = gdf_nodes.iloc[pygeos.distance((admin_.geometry),gdf_nodes.geometry).idxmin()].id return nodes def split_edges_at_nodes(network, tolerance=1e-9): """Split network edges where they intersect node geometries """ sindex_nodes = pygeos.STRtree(network.nodes['geometry']) sindex_edges = pygeos.STRtree(network.edges['geometry']) attributes = [x for x in network.edges.columns if x not in ['index','geometry','osm_id']] grab_all_edges = [] for edge in (network.edges.itertuples(index=False)): hits_nodes = nodes_intersecting(edge.geometry,network.nodes['geometry'],sindex_nodes, tolerance=1e-9) hits_edges = nodes_intersecting(edge.geometry,network.edges['geometry'],sindex_edges, tolerance=1e-9) hits_edges = pygeos.set_operations.intersection(edge.geometry,hits_edges) try: hits_edges = (hits_edges[~(pygeos.predicates.covers(hits_edges,edge.geometry))]) hits_edges = pd.Series([pygeos.points(item) for sublist in [pygeos.get_coordinates(x) for x in hits_edges] for item in sublist],name='geometry') hits = [pygeos.points(x) for x in pygeos.coordinates.get_coordinates( pygeos.constructive.extract_unique_points(pygeos.multipoints(pd.concat([hits_nodes,hits_edges]).values)))] except TypeError: return hits_edges hits = pd.DataFrame(hits,columns=['geometry']) # get points and geometry as list of coordinates split_points = pygeos.coordinates.get_coordinates(pygeos.snap(hits,edge.geometry,tolerance=1e-9)) coor_geom = pygeos.coordinates.get_coordinates(edge.geometry) # potentially split to multiple edges split_locs = np.argwhere(np.isin(coor_geom, split_points).all(axis=1))[:,0] split_locs = list(zip(split_locs.tolist(), split_locs.tolist()[1:])) new_edges = [coor_geom[split_loc[0]:split_loc[1]+1] for split_loc in split_locs] grab_all_edges.append([[edge.osm_id]*len(new_edges),[pygeos.linestrings(edge) for edge in new_edges],[edge[1:-1]]*len(new_edges)]) big_list = [list(zip(x[0],x[1],x[2])) for x in grab_all_edges] # combine all new edges edges = pd.DataFrame([[item[0],item[1]]+list(item[2]) for sublist in big_list for item in sublist], columns=['osm_id','geometry']+attributes) # return new network with split edges return Network( nodes=network.nodes, edges=edges ) def fill_attributes(network): """[summary] Args: edges ([type]): [description] Returns: [type]: [description] """ speed_d = { 'motorway':'80', 'motorway_link': '65', 'trunk': '60', 'trunk_link':'50', 'primary': '50', # metres ph 'primary_link':'40', 'secondary': '40', # metres ph 'secondary_link':'30', 'tertiary':'30', 'tertiary_link': '20', 'unclassified':'20', 'service':'20', 'residential': '20', # mph } lanes_d = { 'motorway':'4', 'motorway_link': '2', 'trunk': '4', 'trunk_link':'2', 'primary': '2', # metres ph 'primary_link':'1', 'secondary': '2', # metres ph 'secondary_link':'1', 'tertiary':'2', 'tertiary_link': '1', 'unclassified':'2', 'service':'1', 'residential': '1', # mph } df_speed = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(speed_d,orient='index',columns=['maxspeed']) df_lanes = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(lanes_d,orient='index',columns=['lanes']) def turn_to_int(x): if isinstance(x.maxspeed,str): if len(re.findall(r'\d+',x.maxspeed)) > 0: return re.findall(r'\d+',x.maxspeed)[0] else: return speed_d[x.highway] else: return x.maxspeed network.edges.maxspeed = network.edges.apply(turn_to_int,axis=1) try: vals_to_assign = network.edges.groupby('highway')[['lanes','maxspeed']].agg(pd.Series.mode) except: vals_to_assign = df_lanes.join(df_speed) #print(vals_to_assign) try: vals_to_assign.lanes.iloc[0] except: print('NOTE: No maxspeed values available in the country, fall back on default') vals_to_assign = vals_to_assign.join(df_lanes) try: vals_to_assign.maxspeed.iloc[0] except: print('NOTE: No maxspeed values available in the country, fall back on default') vals_to_assign = vals_to_assign.join(df_speed) def fill_empty_maxspeed(x): if len(list(x.maxspeed)) == 0: return speed_d[] else: return x.maxspeed def fill_empty_lanes(x): if len(list(x.lanes)) == 0: return lanes_d[] else: return x.lanes def get_max_in_vals_to_assign(x): if isinstance(x,list): return max([(y) for y in x]) else: try: return re.findall(r'\d+',x)[0] except: return x def get_max(x): return max([int(y) for y in x]) #fill empty cells vals_to_assign.lanes = vals_to_assign.apply(lambda x: fill_empty_lanes(x),axis=1) vals_to_assign.maxspeed = vals_to_assign.apply(lambda x: fill_empty_maxspeed(x),axis=1) vals_to_assign.maxspeed = vals_to_assign.maxspeed.apply(lambda x: get_max_in_vals_to_assign(x)) def fill_oneway(x): if isinstance(x.oneway,str): return x.oneway else: return 'no' def fill_lanes(x): if isinstance(x.lanes,str): try: return int(x.lanes) except: try: return int(get_max(re.findall(r'\d+', x.lanes))) except: return int(vals_to_assign.loc[x.highway].lanes) elif x.lanes is None: if isinstance(vals_to_assign.loc[x.highway].lanes,np.ndarray): return int(get_max(vals_to_assign.loc[x.highway.split('_')[0]].lanes)) else: return int(vals_to_assign.loc[x.highway].lanes) elif np.isnan(x.lanes): if isinstance(vals_to_assign.loc[x.highway].lanes,np.ndarray): return int(get_max(vals_to_assign.loc[x.highway.split('_')[0]].lanes)) else: return int(vals_to_assign.loc[x.highway].lanes) def fill_maxspeed(x): if isinstance(x.maxspeed,str): try: return [int(s) for s in x.maxspeed.split() if s.isdigit()][0] except: try: return int(get_max(vals_to_assign.loc[x.highway.split('_')[0]].maxspeed)) except: try: return int(get_max(re.findall(r'\d+', x.maxspeed))) except: return int(vals_to_assign.loc[x.highway].maxspeed) elif x.maxspeed is None: if isinstance(vals_to_assign.loc[x.highway].maxspeed,np.ndarray): return int(get_max(vals_to_assign.loc[x.highway.split('_')[0]].maxspeed)) else: try: return int(get_max(re.findall(r'\d+', x.maxspeed))) except: return int(vals_to_assign.loc[x.highway].maxspeed) elif np.isnan(x.maxspeed): if isinstance(vals_to_assign.loc[x.highway].maxspeed,np.ndarray): try: return int(get_max(vals_to_assign.loc[x.highway.split('_')[0]].maxspeed)) except: print(vals_to_assign.loc[x.highway].maxspeed) return int(vals_to_assign.loc[x.highway].maxspeed) else: return int(vals_to_assign.loc[x.highway].maxspeed) network.edges['oneway'] = network.edges.apply(lambda x: fill_oneway(x),axis=1) network.edges['lanes'] = network.edges.apply(lambda x: fill_lanes(x),axis=1) network.edges['maxspeed'] = network.edges.apply(lambda x: fill_maxspeed(x),axis=1) return network def simplified_network(df,drop_hanging_nodes_run=True,fill_attributes_run=True): """returns a geopandas dataframe of a simplified network Args: df ([type]): [description] drop_hanging_nodes_run (bool, optional): [description]. Defaults to True. Returns: [type]: [description] """ net = Network(edges=df) net = clean_roundabouts(net) net = add_endpoints(net) net = split_edges_at_nodes(net) net = add_endpoints(net) net = add_ids(net) net = add_topology(net) if drop_hanging_nodes_run: net = drop_hanging_nodes(net) else: net.nodes['degree'] = calculate_degree(net) net = merge_edges(net) net.edges = drop_duplicate_geometries(net.edges, keep='first') net = reset_ids(net) net = add_distances(net) net = merge_multilinestrings(net) if fill_attributes_run: net = fill_attributes(net) net = add_travel_time(net) return net def ferry_connected_network(country,data_path,tqdm_on=True): """ connect ferries to main network (and connect smaller sub networks automatically) Args: country ([type]): [description] data_path ([type]): [description] Returns: [type]: [description] """ if not tqdm_on: from utils import tqdm_standin as tqdm # load full network full_network = roads(str(data_path.joinpath('country_osm','{}.osm.pbf'.format(country)))) main_road_network = full_network.loc[full_network.highway.isin(road_types)].reset_index(drop=True) # load ferries ferry_network = ferries(str(data_path.joinpath('country_osm','{}.osm.pbf'.format(country)))) # create a main network where hanging nodes are not removed network_with_hanging = simplified_network(main_road_network,drop_hanging_nodes_run=False) nodes,edges = network_with_hanging.nodes.copy(),network_with_hanging.edges.copy() # create connections between ferry network and the main network connectors = connect_ferries(country,full_network,ferry_network) # loop through ferry connectors to add to edges of main network for link in connectors.itertuples(): start = pygeos.get_point(link.geometry,0) end = pygeos.get_point(link.geometry,-1) from_id =[nodes.geometry==start] to_id =[nodes.geometry==end] edges = edges.append({ 'osm_id': np.random.random_integers(1e7,1e8), 'geometry': link.geometry, 'highway': 'ferry_connector', 'maxspeed': 10, 'oneway': 'no', 'lanes': 2}, ignore_index=True) # loop through ferry network to add to edges of main network for iter_,ferry in ferry_network.iterrows(): start = pygeos.get_point(ferry.geometry,0) end = pygeos.get_point(ferry.geometry,-1) from_id =[nodes.geometry==start] to_id =[nodes.geometry==end] #if not from_id.empty and not to_id.empty: edges = edges.append({ 'osm_id': ferry.osm_id, 'geometry': ferry.geometry, 'highway': 'ferry', 'maxspeed': 20, 'oneway': 'no', 'lanes': 2}, ignore_index=True) # ensure the newly created edge network has the same order compared to the original one new_edges = edges.iloc[:,:6] new_edges = new_edges[[x for x in new_edges.columns if x != 'geometry']+['geometry']] # create new network with ferry connections net_final = simplified_network(new_edges,fill_attributes_run=False) net_final.edges.osm_id = net_final.edges.osm_id.astype(int) net_final.edges.geometry = pygeos.to_wkb(net_final.edges.geometry) net_final.nodes.geometry = pygeos.to_wkb(net_final.nodes.geometry) feather.write_dataframe(net_final.edges.copy(),data_path.joinpath('road_ferry_networks','{}-edges.feather'.format(country))) feather.write_dataframe(net_final.nodes.copy(),data_path.joinpath('road_ferry_networks','{}-nodes.feather'.format(country))) return net_final def connect_ferries(country,full_network,ferry_network): """[summary] Args: country ([type]): [description] full_network ([type]): [description] ferry_network ([type]): [description] Returns: [type]: [description] """ # list in which we will connect new ferry connections collect_connectors = [] # loop through all ferries for iter_,ferry in (ferry_network.iterrows()): # create buffer around ferry to get the full network around the ferry ends ferry_buffer = pygeos.buffer(ferry.geometry,0.05) # collect the road network around the ferry sub_full_network = full_network.loc[pygeos.intersects(full_network.geometry,ferry_buffer)].reset_index(drop=True) sub_main_network_nodes = [[pygeos.points(pygeos.get_coordinates(x)[0]),pygeos.points(pygeos.get_coordinates(x)[1])] for x in sub_full_network.loc[sub_full_network.highway.isin(road_types)].geometry] sub_main_network_nodes = [item for sublist in sub_main_network_nodes for item in sublist] sub_main_network_nodes = pd.DataFrame(sub_main_network_nodes,columns=['geometry']) sub_main_network_nodes['id'] = [x+1 for x in range(len(sub_main_network_nodes))] # create a dataframe of the ferry nodes ferry_nodes = pd.DataFrame([pygeos.points(pygeos.get_coordinates(ferry.geometry)[0]),pygeos.points(pygeos.get_coordinates(ferry.geometry)[-1])],columns=['geometry']) ferry_nodes['id'] = [1,2] # create mini simplified network and graph of network around ferry net = Network(edges=sub_full_network) net = add_endpoints(net) net = split_edges_at_nodes(net) net = add_endpoints(net) net = add_ids(net) net = add_topology(net) net = add_distances(net) edges = net.edges.reindex(['from_id','to_id'] + [x for x in list(net.edges.columns) if x not in ['from_id','to_id']],axis=1) graph= ig.Graph.TupleList(edges.itertuples(index=False), edge_attrs=list(edges.columns)[2:],directed=False) sg = graph.copy() # collect nearest nodes on network in graph nearest_node_main = nearest_network_node_list(sub_main_network_nodes,net.nodes,sg) nearest_node_ferry = nearest_network_node_list(ferry_nodes,net.nodes,sg) dest_nodes = [sg.vs['name'].index(nearest_node_main[x]) for x in list(nearest_node_main.keys())] ferry_nodes_graph = [sg.vs['name'].index(nearest_node_ferry[x]) for x in list(nearest_node_ferry.keys())] # collect paths on both sides of the ferry, if both sides have an actual network nearby if len(ferry_nodes_graph) == 2: start_node,end_node = ferry_nodes_graph # collect all shortest path from one side of the ferry to main network nodes collect_start_paths = {} for dest_node in dest_nodes: paths = sg.get_shortest_paths(sg.vs[start_node],sg.vs[dest_node],weights='distance',output="epath") if len(paths[0]) != 0: collect_start_paths[dest_node] =[paths[0]]['id'],np.sum([paths[0]]['distance']) start_coords = ferry_nodes.geometry[{v: k for k, v in nearest_node_ferry.items()}[sg.vs[start_node]['name']]].values # if there are paths, connect them up! if len(collect_start_paths) != 0: if len(pd.DataFrame.from_dict(collect_start_paths).T.min()) != 0: path_1 = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(collect_start_paths).T.min()[0] p_1 = [] for p in path_1: high_type = net.edges.highway.loc[].values if np.isin(high_type,road_types): break else: p_1.append(p) path_1 = net.edges.loc[] # check if they are really connected, if not, we need to create a little linestring to connect the new connector path and the ferry if len(p_1) > 0: linestring = pygeos.linear.line_merge(pygeos.multilinestrings(path_1['geometry'].values)) endpoint1 = pygeos.points(pygeos.coordinates.get_coordinates(linestring))[0] endpoint2 = pygeos.points(pygeos.coordinates.get_coordinates(linestring))[-1] endpoint1_distance = pygeos.distance(start_coords,endpoint1) endpoint2_distance = pygeos.distance(start_coords,endpoint2) if (endpoint1_distance == 0) | (endpoint2_distance == 0): collect_connectors.append(linestring) elif endpoint1_distance < endpoint2_distance: collect_connectors.append(pygeos.linestrings(np.concatenate((pygeos.coordinates.get_coordinates(start_coords),pygeos.coordinates.get_coordinates(linestring)),axis=0))) else: collect_connectors.append(pygeos.linestrings(np.concatenate((pygeos.coordinates.get_coordinates(linestring),pygeos.coordinates.get_coordinates(start_coords)),axis=0))) else: local_network = net.edges.loc[[0])] sub_local_network = [[pygeos.points(pygeos.get_coordinates(x)[0]),pygeos.points(pygeos.get_coordinates(x)[-1])] for x in local_network.loc[local_network.highway.isin(road_types)].geometry] sub_local_network = [item for sublist in sub_local_network for item in sublist] location_closest_point = np.where(pygeos.distance(start_coords[0],sub_local_network) == np.amin(pygeos.distance(start_coords[0],sub_local_network)))[0][0] collect_connectors.append(pygeos.linestrings(np.concatenate((pygeos.get_coordinates(start_coords),pygeos.get_coordinates(sub_local_network[location_closest_point])),axis=0))) # if there are no paths, but if the ferry node is still very close to the main network, we create a new linestring to connect them up (sometimes the ferry dock has no road) elif pygeos.distance(sub_main_network_nodes.geometry,start_coords).min() < 0.01: get_new_end_point = pygeos.coordinates.get_coordinates(sub_main_network_nodes.iloc[pygeos.distance(sub_main_network_nodes.geometry,start_coords).idxmin()].geometry) collect_connectors.append(pygeos.linestrings(np.concatenate((pygeos.coordinates.get_coordinates(start_coords),get_new_end_point),axis=0))) # collect all shortest path from one side of the ferry to main network nodes collect_end_paths = {} for dest_node in dest_nodes: paths = sg.get_shortest_paths(sg.vs[end_node],sg.vs[dest_node],weights='distance',output="epath") if len(paths[0]) != 0: collect_end_paths[dest_node] =[paths[0]]['id'],np.sum([paths[0]]['distance']) end_coords = ferry_nodes.geometry[{v: k for k, v in nearest_node_ferry.items()}[sg.vs[end_node]['name']]].values # if there are paths, connect them up! if len(collect_end_paths) != 0: if len(pd.DataFrame.from_dict(collect_end_paths).T.min()) != 0: path_2 = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(collect_end_paths).T.min()[0] p_2 = [] for p in path_2: high_type = net.edges.highway.loc[].values if np.isin(high_type,road_types): break else: p_2.append(p) # check if they are really connected, if not, we need to create a little linestring to connect the new connector path and the ferry path_2 = net.edges.loc[] if len(p_2) > 0: linestring = pygeos.linear.line_merge(pygeos.multilinestrings(path_2['geometry'].values)) endpoint1 = pygeos.points(pygeos.coordinates.get_coordinates(linestring))[0] endpoint2 = pygeos.points(pygeos.coordinates.get_coordinates(linestring))[-1] endpoint1_distance = pygeos.distance(end_coords,endpoint1) endpoint2_distance = pygeos.distance(end_coords,endpoint2) if (endpoint1_distance == 0) | (endpoint2_distance == 0): collect_connectors.append(linestring) elif endpoint1_distance < endpoint2_distance: collect_connectors.append(pygeos.linestrings(np.concatenate((pygeos.coordinates.get_coordinates(end_coords),pygeos.coordinates.get_coordinates(linestring)),axis=0))) else: collect_connectors.append(pygeos.linestrings(np.concatenate((pygeos.coordinates.get_coordinates(linestring),pygeos.coordinates.get_coordinates(end_coords)),axis=0))) else: local_network = net.edges.loc[[0])] sub_local_network = [[pygeos.points(pygeos.get_coordinates(x)[0]),pygeos.points(pygeos.get_coordinates(x)[-1])] for x in local_network.loc[local_network.highway.isin(road_types)].geometry] sub_local_network = [item for sublist in sub_local_network for item in sublist] location_closest_point = np.where(pygeos.distance(end_coords[0],sub_local_network) == np.amin(pygeos.distance(end_coords[0],sub_local_network)))[0][0] collect_connectors.append(pygeos.linestrings(np.concatenate((pygeos.get_coordinates(end_coords),pygeos.get_coordinates(sub_local_network[location_closest_point])),axis=0))) # if there are no paths, but if the ferry node is still very close to the main network, we create a new linestring to connect them up (sometimes the ferry dock has no road) elif pygeos.distance(sub_main_network_nodes.geometry,end_coords).min() < 0.01: get_new_end_point = pygeos.coordinates.get_coordinates(sub_main_network_nodes.iloc[pygeos.distance(sub_main_network_nodes.geometry,end_coords).idxmin()].geometry) collect_connectors.append(pygeos.linestrings(np.concatenate((pygeos.coordinates.get_coordinates(end_coords),get_new_end_point),axis=0))) # ferry is stand-alone, so we continue because there is nothing to connect elif len(ferry_nodes_graph) == 0: continue # collect paths on one side of the ferry, as other side does not have a network nearby else: start_node = ferry_nodes_graph[0] start_coords = ferry_nodes.geometry[{v: k for k, v in nearest_node_ferry.items()}[sg.vs[start_node]['name']]].values # collect all shortest path from one side of the ferry to main network nodes collect_start_paths = {} for dest_node in dest_nodes: paths = sg.get_shortest_paths(sg.vs[start_node],sg.vs[dest_node],weights='distance',output="epath") if len(paths[0]) != 0: collect_start_paths[dest_node] =[paths[0]]['id'],np.sum([paths[0]]['distance']) # if there are paths, connect them up! if len(collect_start_paths) != 0: path_1 = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(collect_start_paths).T.min()[0] p_1 = [] for p in path_1: high_type = net.edges.highway.loc[].values if np.isin(high_type,road_types): break else: p_1.append(p) path_1 = net.edges.loc[] # check if they are really connected, if not, we need to create a little linestring to connect the new connector path and the ferry if len(p_1) > 0: linestring = pygeos.linear.line_merge(pygeos.multilinestrings(path_1['geometry'].values)) endpoint1 = pygeos.points(pygeos.coordinates.get_coordinates(linestring))[0] endpoint2 = pygeos.points(pygeos.coordinates.get_coordinates(linestring))[-1] endpoint1_distance = pygeos.distance(start_coords,endpoint1) endpoint2_distance = pygeos.distance(start_coords,endpoint2) if (endpoint1_distance == 0) | (endpoint2_distance == 0): collect_connectors.append(linestring) elif endpoint1_distance < endpoint2_distance: collect_connectors.append(pygeos.linestrings(np.concatenate((pygeos.coordinates.get_coordinates(start_coords),pygeos.coordinates.get_coordinates(linestring)),axis=0))) else: collect_connectors.append(pygeos.linestrings(np.concatenate((pygeos.coordinates.get_coordinates(linestring),pygeos.coordinates.get_coordinates(start_coords)),axis=0))) else: local_network = net.edges.loc[
import pydoc import pandas as pd import os import random def read_excel(): df = pd.read_excel('/Users/ls/Downloads/babycare11-1.xlsx') data = df.head(2) print(str(data)) # print(df.head(2)) def merge_excel(): dfs = [] dir = '/Users/ls/babycare/' des = '/Users/ls/babycare/babycare-stats-7-3.xlsx' for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir): for file in files: file_name = os.path.join(root, file) # print(root,"==",file) if 'babycare-stats-7-' in file_name: df = pd.read_excel(file_name) dfs.append(df) print(len(files)) all_data = pd.concat(dfs) all_data.rename(columns={'dt': '日期', 'task_id': '任务ID', 'conversion_user_pin_count': '触达人数', 'conversion_bought_user_pin_count': '触达-曾购数', 'conversion_non_bought_user_pin_count': '触达-未购数', 'browsered_pin_count': '浏览数', 'browsered_bought_pin_count': '浏览-曾购数', 'browsered_non_bought_pin_count': '浏览-未购数', 'purchased_pin_count': '加购数', 'purchased_bought_pin_count': '加购-曾购数', 'purchased_non_bought_pin_count': '加购-未购数', 'ordered_pin_count': '下单数', 'ordered_bought_pin_count': '下单-曾购数', 'ordered_non_bought_pin_count': '下单-未购数', 'paid_pin_count': '付款数', 'paid_bought_pin_count': '付款-曾购数', 'paid_non_bought_pin_count': '付款-未购数', 'consume_amount': '付款额', 'consume_bought_amount': '付款-曾购金额', 'consume_non_bought_amount': '付款-未购金额', 'per_amount': '客单价', 'per_bought_amount': '客单价-曾购价', 'per_non_bought_amount': '客单价-未购价'}, inplace=True) # print(all_data.columns) all_data.to_excel(des, index=False, encoding='gbk') def simulation(): factor_low = 0.2 factor_high = 0.6 period_one_from = '/Users/ls/babycare/babycare-stats-1.xlsx' period_seven_from = '/Users/ls/babycare/babycare-stats-7.xlsx' period_one_des = '/Users/ls/babycare/babycare-stats-simu1.xlsx' period_seven_des = '/Users/ls/babycare/babycare-stats-simu7.xlsx' df =
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # In[1]: import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns import numpy as np from scipy import stats from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge, RidgeCV from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score, train_test_split from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, make_scorer # In[2]: def calculate_pearson(df): correlations = {} numerical_features = df.select_dtypes(exclude = ["object"]).columns numerical_features = numerical_features.drop("cod_municipio") for i in numerical_features: corr = stats.pearsonr(df[i], df['ideb'])[0] correlations[i] = corr df_corr = pd.DataFrame(list(correlations.items()), columns=['feature', 'correlation_with_ideb']) df_corr = df_corr.dropna() return df_corr # In[3]: def calculate_categorical_correlation(df): categorical_features = df.select_dtypes(include = ["object"]).columns return categorical_features # # Puxa dados do CSV de cada integrante do grupo # ### Dados Alexandre # In[4]: path = '../../data/' # In[5]: #Dados iniciais alexandre_inicio_2015 = pd.read_csv(path + 'bases_ale/anos_iniciais/ideb_municipios_2015_ai.csv') alexandre_inicio_2017 = pd.read_csv(path + 'bases_ale/anos_iniciais/ideb_municipios_2017_ai.csv') # Dados finais alexandre_final_2015 = pd.read_csv(path + 'bases_ale/anos_finais/ideb_municipios_2015_af.csv') alexandre_final_2017 = pd.read_csv(path + 'bases_ale/anos_finais/ideb_municipios_2017_af.csv') # ### Dados Lidia # In[6]: #Dados iniciais lidia_inicio_2007 = pd.read_csv(path + 'bases_lidia/anos_iniciais/ideb_escola_2007_ai.csv') lidia_inicio_2009 = pd.read_csv(path + 'bases_lidia/anos_iniciais/ideb_escola_2009_ai.csv') lidia_inicio_2011 = pd.read_csv(path + 'bases_lidia/anos_iniciais/ideb_escola_2011_ai.csv') lidia_inicio_2013 = pd.read_csv(path + 'bases_lidia/anos_iniciais/ideb_escola_2013_ai.csv') lidia_inicio_2015 = pd.read_csv(path + 'bases_lidia/anos_iniciais/ideb_escola_2015_ai.csv') lidia_inicio_2017 = pd.read_csv(path + 'bases_lidia/anos_iniciais/ideb_escola_2017_ai.csv') # Dados finais lidia_final_2007 = pd.read_csv(path + 'bases_lidia/anos_finais/ideb_escola_2007_af.csv') lidia_final_2009 = pd.read_csv(path + 'bases_lidia/anos_finais/ideb_escola_2009_af.csv') lidia_final_2011 = pd.read_csv(path + 'bases_lidia/anos_finais/ideb_escola_2011_af.csv') lidia_final_2013 = pd.read_csv(path + 'bases_lidia/anos_finais/ideb_escola_2013_af.csv') lidia_final_2015 = pd.read_csv(path + 'bases_lidia/anos_finais/ideb_escola_2015_af.csv') lidia_final_2017 = pd.read_csv(path + 'bases_lidia/anos_finais/ideb_escola_2017_af.csv') # ### Dados William # In[7]: #Dados iniciais william_inicio_2005 = pd.read_csv(path + 'bases_william/anos_iniciais/dados2005_inic.csv') william_inicio_2007 = pd.read_csv(path + 'bases_william/anos_iniciais/dados2007_inic.csv') william_inicio_2009 = pd.read_csv(path + 'bases_william/anos_iniciais/dados2009_inic.csv') william_inicio_2011 = pd.read_csv(path + 'bases_william/anos_iniciais/dados2011_inic.csv') william_inicio_2013 = pd.read_csv(path + 'bases_william/anos_iniciais/dados2013_inic.csv') william_inicio_2015 = pd.read_csv(path + 'bases_william/anos_iniciais/dados2015_inic.csv') william_inicio_2017 = pd.read_csv(path + 'bases_william/anos_iniciais/dados2017_inic.csv') # Dados finais william_final_2005 = pd.read_csv(path + 'bases_william/anos_finais/dados2005_fim.csv') william_final_2007 = pd.read_csv(path + 'bases_william/anos_finais/dados2007_fim.csv') william_final_2009 = pd.read_csv(path + 'bases_william/anos_finais/dados2009_fim.csv') william_final_2011 = pd.read_csv(path + 'bases_william/anos_finais/dados2011_fim.csv') william_final_2013 =
pd.read_csv(path + 'bases_william/anos_finais/dados2013_fim.csv')
import pandas as pd df1 =
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Parsing of a csv game tracking sheet of type 'X', saving data in consice and relevant manner.""" # Here comes your imports import sys import logging as log import pandas as pd # Here comes your (few) global variables # Here comes your class definitions # Here comes your function definitions def parse_pre_shot_situation(data, out): """parse the situation leading to the shot""" # (cycle / free-hit / develop / counter / turnover / rebound / penalty / others) situation_labels = \ ['Festsetzen', 'Freischlag', 'Auslösung', 'Konter', \ 'Ballgewinn', 'Abpraller', 'Penalty', 'Sonstige'] situation_categories = \ ['CYC', 'FHT', 'DVL', 'CNT', 'TNV', 'RBD', 'PNT', 'OTH'] shot_situations = data[situation_labels] shot_situations.columns = situation_categories situation_count = shot_situations.notna().sum(axis=1) if (situation_count != 1).any(): log.warning('no pre shot situation:\n%s', shot_situations[situation_count < 1]) log.warning('multiple pre shot situations:\n%s', shot_situations[situation_count > 1]) situation = pd.Categorical([''] * len(shot_situations.index), categories=situation_categories) for label, content in shot_situations.items(): situation[content.notna()] = label log.debug(pd.Series(situation)) log.debug(pd.Series(situation).value_counts()) out['sh_situ'] = pd.Series(situation) def parse_shot_type(data, out): """parse the type of the shot""" # (wrist / chip / slap / backhand / one-timer / volley / tip / in-tight) type_labels = \ ['Gezogen', 'Chip', 'Slapshot', 'Backhand', 'Direkt', 'Volley', 'Ablenker', 'InTight'] type_categories = \ ['WRS', 'CHP', 'SLP', 'BKH', 'ONT', 'VOL', 'TIP', 'INT'] shot_types = data[type_labels] shot_types.columns = type_categories type_count = shot_types.notna().sum(axis=1) if (type_count != 1).any(): log.warning('no shot type:\n%s', shot_types[type_count < 1]) log.warning('multiple shot types:\n%s', shot_types[type_count > 1]) shot_type = pd.Categorical([''] * len(shot_types.index), categories=type_categories) for label, content in shot_types.items(): shot_type[content.notna()] = label log.debug(pd.Series(shot_type)) log.debug(pd.Series(shot_type).value_counts()) out['sh_type'] = pd.Series(shot_type) def parse_shot_result(data, out): """parse the result (blocked / missed / on-goal / goal) of the event / shot""" result_categories = ['BL', 'MI', 'SOG', 'G'] shot_results = data[result_categories] log.debug( result_count = shot_results.notna().sum(axis=1) if (result_count < 1).any(): log.warning('no shot result:\n%s', shot_results[result_count < 1]) if (result_count > 1).any(): log.debug('multiple shot results:\n%s', shot_results[result_count > 1]) result = pd.Categorical([''] * len(shot_results.index), categories=result_categories) for label, content in shot_results.items(): result[content.notna()] = label log.debug(pd.Series(result)) log.debug(pd.Series(result).value_counts()) out['sh_outc'] = pd.Series(result) def parse_involved_players_for(data, out): """parse the involved (on-field) players for""" prefix = 'hm_' players_goalies = data.filter(regex=("^g?[0-9]+$")) numbers = pd.Series(list(players_goalies)) col = [prefix + str(i) for i in range(1, 7)] players =
pd.DataFrame('', index=players_goalies.index, columns=col)
import sys,os #os.chdir("/Users/utkarshvirendranigam/Desktop/Homework/Project") # required_packages=["PyQt5","re", "scipy","itertools","random","matplotlib","pandas","numpy","sklearn","pydotplus","collections","warnings","seaborn"] #print(os.getcwd()) # for my_package in required_packages: # try: # command_string="conda install "+ my_package+ " --yes" # os.system(command_string) # except: # count=1 from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (QMainWindow, QApplication, QWidget, QPushButton, QAction, QComboBox, QLabel, QGridLayout, QCheckBox, QGroupBox, QVBoxLayout, QHBoxLayout, QLineEdit, QPlainTextEdit) from PyQt5.QtGui import QIcon from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSlot, QRect from PyQt5.QtCore import pyqtSignal from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt # from scipy import interp from itertools import cycle, combinations import random from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QDialog, QVBoxLayout, QSizePolicy, QFormLayout, QRadioButton, QScrollArea, QMessageBox from PyQt5.QtGui import QPixmap from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt5agg import FigureCanvasQTAgg as FigureCanvas from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt5agg import NavigationToolbar2QT as NavigationToolbar from matplotlib.figure import Figure import pandas as pd import numpy as np import pickle from numpy.polynomial.polynomial import polyfit from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder, OneHotEncoder, StandardScaler from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split, cross_val_score from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier, export_graphviz from sklearn.compose import make_column_transformer from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, precision_score, recall_score, f1_score from sklearn.metrics import classification_report from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier from sklearn.svm import SVC from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve, auc, log_loss, brier_score_loss from sklearn.calibration import calibration_curve from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier from sklearn import feature_selection from sklearn import metrics from sklearn.preprocessing import label_binarize from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_predict # Libraries to display decision tree from pydotplus import graph_from_dot_data import collections from sklearn.tree import export_graphviz import webbrowser import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from Preprocessing import PreProcessing import random import seaborn as sns #%%----------------------------------------------------------------------- import os os.environ["PATH"] += os.pathsep + 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\graphviz-2.38\\release\\bin' #%%----------------------------------------------------------------------- #::-------------------------------- # Deafault font size for all the windows #::-------------------------------- font_size_window = 'font-size:18px' class DecisionTree(QMainWindow): #::-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Implementation of Random Forest Classifier using the happiness dataset # the methods in this class are # _init_ : initialize the class # initUi : creates the canvas and all the elements in the canvas # update : populates the elements of the canvas base on the parametes # chosen by the user #::--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- send_fig = pyqtSignal(str) def __init__(self): super(DecisionTree, self).__init__() self.Title = "Decision Tree Classifier" self.initUi() def initUi(self): #::----------------------------------------------------------------- # Create the canvas and all the element to create a dashboard with # all the necessary elements to present the results from the algorithm # The canvas is divided using a grid loyout to facilitate the drawing # of the elements #::----------------------------------------------------------------- self.setWindowTitle(self.Title) self.setStyleSheet(font_size_window) self.main_widget = QWidget(self) self.layout = QGridLayout(self.main_widget) self.groupBox1 = QGroupBox('Decision Tree Features') self.groupBox1Layout= QGridLayout() self.groupBox1.setLayout(self.groupBox1Layout) self.feature0 = QCheckBox(features_list[0],self) self.feature1 = QCheckBox(features_list[1],self) self.feature2 = QCheckBox(features_list[2], self) self.feature3 = QCheckBox(features_list[3], self) self.feature4 = QCheckBox(features_list[4],self) self.feature5 = QCheckBox(features_list[5],self) self.feature6 = QCheckBox(features_list[6], self) self.feature7 = QCheckBox(features_list[7], self) self.feature8 = QCheckBox(features_list[8], self) self.feature9 = QCheckBox(features_list[9], self) self.feature10 = QCheckBox(features_list[10], self) self.feature11 = QCheckBox(features_list[11], self) self.feature12 = QCheckBox(features_list[12], self) self.feature13 = QCheckBox(features_list[13], self) self.feature14 = QCheckBox(features_list[14], self) self.feature15 = QCheckBox(features_list[15], self) self.feature16 = QCheckBox(features_list[16], self) self.feature17 = QCheckBox(features_list[17], self) self.feature18 = QCheckBox(features_list[18], self) self.feature19 = QCheckBox(features_list[19], self) self.feature20 = QCheckBox(features_list[20], self) self.feature21 = QCheckBox(features_list[21], self) self.feature22 = QCheckBox(features_list[22], self) self.feature23 = QCheckBox(features_list[23], self) self.feature24 = QCheckBox(features_list[24], self) self.feature0.setChecked(True) self.feature1.setChecked(True) self.feature2.setChecked(True) self.feature3.setChecked(True) self.feature4.setChecked(True) self.feature5.setChecked(True) self.feature6.setChecked(True) self.feature7.setChecked(True) self.feature8.setChecked(True) self.feature9.setChecked(True) self.feature10.setChecked(True) self.feature11.setChecked(True) self.feature12.setChecked(True) self.feature13.setChecked(True) self.feature14.setChecked(True) self.feature15.setChecked(True) self.feature16.setChecked(True) self.feature17.setChecked(True) self.feature18.setChecked(True) self.feature19.setChecked(True) self.feature20.setChecked(True) self.feature21.setChecked(True) self.feature22.setChecked(True) self.feature23.setChecked(True) self.feature24.setChecked(True) self.lblPercentTest = QLabel('Percentage for Test :') self.lblPercentTest.adjustSize() self.txtPercentTest = QLineEdit(self) self.txtPercentTest.setText("30") self.lblMaxDepth = QLabel('Maximun Depth :') self.txtMaxDepth = QLineEdit(self) self.txtMaxDepth.setText("3") self.btnExecute = QPushButton("Run Model") self.btnExecute.setGeometry(QRect(60, 500, 75, 23)) self.btnExecute.clicked.connect(self.update) self.btnDTFigure = QPushButton("View Tree") self.btnDTFigure.setGeometry(QRect(60, 500, 75, 23)) self.btnDTFigure.clicked.connect(self.view_tree) # We create a checkbox for each feature self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature0, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature1, 0, 1, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature2, 1, 0, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature3, 1, 1, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature4, 2, 0, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature5, 2, 1, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature6, 3, 0, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature7, 3, 1, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature8, 4, 0, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature9, 4, 1, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature10, 5, 0, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature11, 5, 1, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature12, 6, 0, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature13, 6, 1, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature14, 7, 0, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature15, 7, 1, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature16, 8, 0, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature17, 8, 1, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature18, 9, 0, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature19, 9, 1, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature20, 10, 0, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature21, 10, 1, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature22, 11, 0, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature23, 11, 1, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature24, 12, 0, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.lblPercentTest, 19, 0, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.txtPercentTest, 19, 1, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.lblMaxDepth, 20, 0, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.txtMaxDepth, 20, 1, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.btnExecute, 21, 0, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.btnDTFigure, 21, 1, 1, 1) self.groupBox2 = QGroupBox('Measurements:') self.groupBox2Layout = QVBoxLayout() self.groupBox2.setLayout(self.groupBox2Layout) # self.groupBox2.setMinimumSize(400, 100) self.current_model_summary = QWidget(self) self.current_model_summary.layout = QFormLayout(self.current_model_summary) self.txtCurrentAccuracy = QLineEdit() self.txtCurrentPrecision = QLineEdit() self.txtCurrentRecall = QLineEdit() self.txtCurrentF1score = QLineEdit() self.current_model_summary.layout.addRow('Accuracy:', self.txtCurrentAccuracy) self.current_model_summary.layout.addRow('Precision:', self.txtCurrentPrecision) self.current_model_summary.layout.addRow('Recall:', self.txtCurrentRecall) self.current_model_summary.layout.addRow('F1 Score:', self.txtCurrentF1score) self.groupBox2Layout.addWidget(self.current_model_summary) self.groupBox3 = QGroupBox('Other Models Accuracy:') self.groupBox3Layout = QVBoxLayout() self.groupBox3.setLayout(self.groupBox3Layout) self.other_models = QWidget(self) self.other_models.layout = QFormLayout(self.other_models) self.txtAccuracy_lr = QLineEdit() self.txtAccuracy_gb = QLineEdit() self.txtAccuracy_rf = QLineEdit() self.other_models.layout.addRow('Logistic:', self.txtAccuracy_lr) self.other_models.layout.addRow('Random Forest:', self.txtAccuracy_rf) self.other_models.layout.addRow('Gradient Boosting:', self.txtAccuracy_gb) self.groupBox3Layout.addWidget(self.other_models) #::------------------------------------- # Graphic 1 : Confusion Matrix #::------------------------------------- self.fig = Figure() self.ax1 = self.fig.add_subplot(111) self.axes=[self.ax1] self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self.fig) self.canvas.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.canvas.updateGeometry() self.groupBoxG1 = QGroupBox('Confusion Matrix') self.groupBoxG1Layout= QVBoxLayout() self.groupBoxG1.setLayout(self.groupBoxG1Layout) self.groupBoxG1Layout.addWidget(self.canvas) #::--------------------------------------------- # Graphic 2 : ROC Curve #::--------------------------------------------- self.fig2 = Figure() self.ax2 = self.fig2.add_subplot(111) self.axes2 = [self.ax2] self.canvas2 = FigureCanvas(self.fig2) self.canvas2.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.canvas2.updateGeometry() self.groupBoxG2 = QGroupBox('ROC Curve') self.groupBoxG2Layout = QVBoxLayout() self.groupBoxG2.setLayout(self.groupBoxG2Layout) self.groupBoxG2Layout.addWidget(self.canvas2) #::------------------------------------------- # Graphic 3 : Importance of Features #::------------------------------------------- self.fig3 = Figure() self.ax3 = self.fig3.add_subplot(111) self.axes3 = [self.ax3] self.canvas3 = FigureCanvas(self.fig3) self.canvas3.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.canvas3.updateGeometry() self.groupBoxG3 = QGroupBox('Importance of Features') self.groupBoxG3Layout = QVBoxLayout() self.groupBoxG3.setLayout(self.groupBoxG3Layout) self.groupBoxG3Layout.addWidget(self.canvas3) #::-------------------------------------------- # Graphic 4 : ROC Curve by class #::-------------------------------------------- self.fig4 = Figure() self.ax4 = self.fig4.add_subplot(111) self.axes4 = [self.ax4] self.canvas4 = FigureCanvas(self.fig4) self.canvas4.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.canvas4.updateGeometry() self.groupBoxG4 = QGroupBox('ROC Curve by Class') self.groupBoxG4Layout = QVBoxLayout() self.groupBoxG4.setLayout(self.groupBoxG4Layout) self.groupBoxG4Layout.addWidget(self.canvas4) #::------------------------------------------------- # End of graphs #::------------------------------------------------- self.layout.addWidget(self.groupBox1, 0, 0, 3, 2) self.layout.addWidget(self.groupBoxG1, 0, 2, 1, 1) self.layout.addWidget(self.groupBoxG3, 0, 3, 1, 1) self.layout.addWidget(self.groupBoxG2, 1, 2, 1, 1) self.layout.addWidget(self.groupBoxG4, 1, 3, 1, 1) self.layout.addWidget(self.groupBox2, 2, 2, 1, 1) self.layout.addWidget(self.groupBox3, 2, 3, 1, 1) self.setCentralWidget(self.main_widget) self.resize(1800, 1200) def update(self): ''' Random Forest Classifier We pupulate the dashboard using the parametres chosen by the user The parameters are processed to execute in the skit-learn Random Forest algorithm then the results are presented in graphics and reports in the canvas :return:None ''' # processing the parameters self.list_corr_features = pd.DataFrame([]) if self.feature0.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features)==0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[0]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[0]]],axis=1) if self.feature1.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features) == 0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[1]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[1]]],axis=1) if self.feature2.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features) == 0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[2]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[2]]],axis=1) if self.feature3.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features) == 0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[3]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[3]]],axis=1) if self.feature4.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features) == 0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[4]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[4]]],axis=1) if self.feature5.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features) == 0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[5]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[5]]],axis=1) if self.feature6.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features) == 0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[6]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[6]]],axis=1) if self.feature7.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features) == 0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[7]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[7]]],axis=1) if self.feature8.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features) == 0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[8]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[8]]],axis=1) if self.feature9.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features) == 0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[9]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[9]]],axis=1) if self.feature10.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features) == 0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[10]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[10]]], axis=1) if self.feature11.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features) == 0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[11]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[11]]], axis=1) if self.feature12.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features) == 0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[12]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[12]]], axis=1) if self.feature13.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features) == 0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[13]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[13]]], axis=1) if self.feature14.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features) == 0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[14]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[14]]], axis=1) if self.feature15.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features) == 0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[15]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[15]]], axis=1) if self.feature16.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features) == 0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[16]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[16]]], axis=1) if self.feature17.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features) == 0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[17]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[17]]], axis=1) if self.feature18.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features) == 0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[18]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[18]]], axis=1) if self.feature19.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features) == 0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[19]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[19]]], axis=1) if self.feature20.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features)==0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[20]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[20]]],axis=1) if self.feature21.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features) == 20: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[1]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[21]]],axis=1) if self.feature22.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features) == 0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[22]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[22]]],axis=1) if self.feature23.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features) == 0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[23]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[23]]],axis=1) if self.feature24.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features) == 0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[24]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[24]]],axis=1) vtest_per = float(self.txtPercentTest.text()) vmax_depth = float(self.txtMaxDepth.text()) # Clear the graphs to populate them with the new information self.ax1.clear() self.ax2.clear() self.ax3.clear() self.ax4.clear() # self.txtResults.clear() # self.txtResults.setUndoRedoEnabled(False) vtest_per = vtest_per / 100 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- filename = 'dt_finalized_model.sav' self.clf_entropy = pickle.load(open(filename, 'rb')) y_test = y X_test= X[features_list] # predicton on test using entropy y_pred_entropy = self.clf_entropy.predict(X_test) # confusion matrix for RandomForest conf_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred_entropy) # accuracy score self.ff_accuracy_score = accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred_entropy) * 100 self.txtCurrentAccuracy.setText(str(self.ff_accuracy_score)) # precision score self.ff_precision_score = precision_score(y_test, y_pred_entropy) * 100 self.txtCurrentPrecision.setText(str(self.ff_precision_score)) # recall score self.ff_recall_score = recall_score(y_test, y_pred_entropy) * 100 self.txtCurrentRecall.setText(str(self.ff_recall_score)) # f1_score self.ff_f1_score = f1_score(y_test, y_pred_entropy) self.txtCurrentF1score.setText(str(self.ff_f1_score)) #::------------------------------------ ## Ghaph1 : ## Confusion Matrix #::------------------------------------ class_names1 = ['', 'No', 'Yes'] self.ax1.matshow(conf_matrix,'Blues', 14)) self.ax1.set_yticklabels(class_names1) self.ax1.set_xticklabels(class_names1, rotation=90) self.ax1.set_xlabel('Predicted label') self.ax1.set_ylabel('True label') for i in range(len(class_names)): for j in range(len(class_names)): y_pred_score = self.clf_entropy.predict_proba(X_test) self.ax1.text(j, i, str(conf_matrix[i][j])) self.fig.tight_layout() self.fig.canvas.draw_idle() #::---------------------------------------- ## Graph 2 - ROC Curve #::---------------------------------------- y_test_bin = pd.get_dummies(y_test).to_numpy() n_classes = y_test_bin.shape[1] # From the sckict learn site # fpr = dict() tpr = dict() roc_auc = dict() for i in range(n_classes): fpr[i], tpr[i], _ = roc_curve(y_test_bin[:, i], y_pred_score[:, i]) roc_auc[i] = auc(fpr[i], tpr[i]) # Compute micro-average ROC curve and ROC area fpr["micro"], tpr["micro"], _ = roc_curve(y_test_bin.ravel(), y_pred_score.ravel()) roc_auc["micro"] = auc(fpr["micro"], tpr["micro"]) lw = 2 self.ax2.plot(fpr[1], tpr[1], color='darkorange', lw=lw, label='ROC curve (area = %0.2f)' % roc_auc[1]) self.ax2.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], color='navy', lw=lw, linestyle='--') self.ax2.set_xlim([0.0, 1.0]) self.ax2.set_ylim([0.0, 1.05]) self.ax2.set_xlabel('False Positive Rate') self.ax2.set_ylabel('True Positive Rate') self.ax2.set_title('ROC Curve Random Forest') self.ax2.legend(loc="lower right") self.fig2.tight_layout() self.fig2.canvas.draw_idle() ###################################### # Graph - 3 Feature Importances ##################################### # get feature importances importances = self.clf_entropy.feature_importances_ # convert the importances into one-dimensional 1darray with corresponding df column names as axis labels f_importances = pd.Series(importances, self.list_corr_features.columns) # sort the array in descending order of the importances, only show the first 10 f_importances.sort_values(ascending=False, inplace=True) f_importances = f_importances[0:10] X_Features = f_importances.index y_Importance = list(f_importances) self.ax3.barh(X_Features, y_Importance) self.ax3.set_aspect('auto') # show the plot self.fig3.tight_layout() self.fig3.canvas.draw_idle() #::----------------------------------------------------- # Graph 4 - ROC Curve by Class #::----------------------------------------------------- str_classes = ['No','Yes'] colors = cycle(['magenta', 'darkorange']) for i, color in zip(range(n_classes), colors): self.ax4.plot(fpr[i], tpr[i], color=color, lw=lw, label='{0} (area = {1:0.2f})' ''.format(str_classes[i], roc_auc[i])) self.ax4.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], 'k--', lw=lw) self.ax4.set_xlim([0.0, 1.0]) self.ax4.set_ylim([0.0, 1.05]) self.ax4.set_xlabel('False Positive Rate') self.ax4.set_ylabel('True Positive Rate') self.ax4.set_title('ROC Curve by Class') self.ax4.legend(loc="lower right") # show the plot self.fig4.tight_layout() self.fig4.canvas.draw_idle() #::----------------------------------------------------- # Other Models Comparison #::----------------------------------------------------- filename2 = 'lr_finalized_model.sav' self.other_clf_lr = pickle.load(open(filename2, 'rb')) y_pred_lr = self.other_clf_lr.predict(X_test) self.accuracy_lr = accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred_lr) * 100 self.txtAccuracy_lr.setText(str(self.accuracy_lr)) filename3 = 'rf_finalized_model.sav' self.other_clf_rf = pickle.load(open(filename3, 'rb')) y_pred_rf = self.other_clf_rf.predict(X_test) self.accuracy_rf = accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred_rf) * 100 self.txtAccuracy_rf.setText(str(self.accuracy_rf)) filename4 = 'gb_finalized_model.sav' self.other_clf_gb = pickle.load(open(filename4, 'rb')) y_pred_gb = self.other_clf_gb.predict(X_test) self.accuracy_gb = accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred_gb) * 100 self.txtAccuracy_gb.setText(str(self.accuracy_gb)) def view_tree(self): ''' Executes the graphviz to create a tree view of the information then it presents the graphic in a pdf formt using webbrowser :return:None ''' webbrowser.open_new(r'decision_tree_entropy.pdf') class RandomForest(QMainWindow): #::-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Implementation of Random Forest Classifier using the happiness dataset # the methods in this class are # _init_ : initialize the class # initUi : creates the canvas and all the elements in the canvas # update : populates the elements of the canvas base on the parametes # chosen by the user #::--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- send_fig = pyqtSignal(str) def __init__(self): super(RandomForest, self).__init__() self.Title = "Random Forest Classifier" self.initUi() def initUi(self): #::----------------------------------------------------------------- # Create the canvas and all the element to create a dashboard with # all the necessary elements to present the results from the algorithm # The canvas is divided using a grid loyout to facilitate the drawing # of the elements #::----------------------------------------------------------------- self.setWindowTitle(self.Title) self.setStyleSheet(font_size_window) self.main_widget = QWidget(self) self.layout = QGridLayout(self.main_widget) self.groupBox1 = QGroupBox('Random Forest Features') self.groupBox1Layout= QGridLayout() self.groupBox1.setLayout(self.groupBox1Layout) self.feature0 = QCheckBox(features_list[0],self) self.feature1 = QCheckBox(features_list[1],self) self.feature2 = QCheckBox(features_list[2], self) self.feature3 = QCheckBox(features_list[3], self) self.feature4 = QCheckBox(features_list[4],self) self.feature5 = QCheckBox(features_list[5],self) self.feature6 = QCheckBox(features_list[6], self) self.feature7 = QCheckBox(features_list[7], self) self.feature8 = QCheckBox(features_list[8], self) self.feature9 = QCheckBox(features_list[9], self) self.feature10 = QCheckBox(features_list[10], self) self.feature11 = QCheckBox(features_list[11], self) self.feature12 = QCheckBox(features_list[12], self) self.feature13 = QCheckBox(features_list[13], self) self.feature14 = QCheckBox(features_list[14], self) self.feature15 = QCheckBox(features_list[15], self) self.feature16 = QCheckBox(features_list[16], self) self.feature17 = QCheckBox(features_list[17], self) self.feature18 = QCheckBox(features_list[18], self) self.feature19 = QCheckBox(features_list[19], self) self.feature20 = QCheckBox(features_list[20], self) self.feature21 = QCheckBox(features_list[21], self) self.feature22 = QCheckBox(features_list[22], self) self.feature23 = QCheckBox(features_list[23], self) self.feature24 = QCheckBox(features_list[24], self) self.feature0.setChecked(True) self.feature1.setChecked(True) self.feature2.setChecked(True) self.feature3.setChecked(True) self.feature4.setChecked(True) self.feature5.setChecked(True) self.feature6.setChecked(True) self.feature7.setChecked(True) self.feature8.setChecked(True) self.feature9.setChecked(True) self.feature10.setChecked(True) self.feature11.setChecked(True) self.feature12.setChecked(True) self.feature13.setChecked(True) self.feature14.setChecked(True) self.feature15.setChecked(True) self.feature16.setChecked(True) self.feature17.setChecked(True) self.feature18.setChecked(True) self.feature19.setChecked(True) self.feature20.setChecked(True) self.feature21.setChecked(True) self.feature22.setChecked(True) self.feature23.setChecked(True) self.feature24.setChecked(True) self.lblPercentTest = QLabel('Percentage for Test :') self.lblPercentTest.adjustSize() self.txtPercentTest = QLineEdit(self) self.txtPercentTest.setText("30") self.lblMaxDepth = QLabel('Maximun Depth :') self.txtMaxDepth = QLineEdit(self) self.txtMaxDepth.setText("3") self.btnExecute = QPushButton("Run Model") self.btnExecute.setGeometry(QRect(60, 500, 75, 23)) self.btnExecute.clicked.connect(self.update) # We create a checkbox for each feature self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature0, 0, 0, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature1, 0, 1, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature2, 1, 0, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature3, 1, 1, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature4, 2, 0, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature5, 2, 1, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature6, 3, 0, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature7, 3, 1, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature8, 4, 0, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature9, 4, 1, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature10, 5, 0, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature11, 5, 1, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature12, 6, 0, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature13, 6, 1, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature14, 7, 0, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature15, 7, 1, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature16, 8, 0, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature17, 8, 1, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature18, 9, 0, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature19, 9, 1, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature20, 10, 0, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature21, 10, 1, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature22, 11, 0, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature23, 11, 1, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.feature24, 12, 0, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.lblPercentTest, 19, 0, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.txtPercentTest, 19, 1, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.lblMaxDepth, 20, 0, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.txtMaxDepth, 20, 1, 1, 1) self.groupBox1Layout.addWidget(self.btnExecute, 21, 0, 1, 1) self.groupBox2 = QGroupBox('Measurements:') self.groupBox2Layout = QVBoxLayout() self.groupBox2.setLayout(self.groupBox2Layout) # self.groupBox2.setMinimumSize(400, 100) self.current_model_summary = QWidget(self) self.current_model_summary.layout = QFormLayout(self.current_model_summary) self.txtCurrentAccuracy = QLineEdit() self.txtCurrentPrecision = QLineEdit() self.txtCurrentRecall = QLineEdit() self.txtCurrentF1score = QLineEdit() self.current_model_summary.layout.addRow('Accuracy:', self.txtCurrentAccuracy) self.current_model_summary.layout.addRow('Precision:', self.txtCurrentPrecision) self.current_model_summary.layout.addRow('Recall:', self.txtCurrentRecall) self.current_model_summary.layout.addRow('F1 Score:', self.txtCurrentF1score) self.groupBox2Layout.addWidget(self.current_model_summary) self.groupBox3 = QGroupBox('Other Models Accuracy:') self.groupBox3Layout = QVBoxLayout() self.groupBox3.setLayout(self.groupBox3Layout) self.other_models = QWidget(self) self.other_models.layout = QFormLayout(self.other_models) self.txtAccuracy_lr = QLineEdit() self.txtAccuracy_gb = QLineEdit() self.txtAccuracy_dt = QLineEdit() self.other_models.layout.addRow('Logistic:', self.txtAccuracy_lr) self.other_models.layout.addRow('Gradient Boosting:', self.txtAccuracy_gb) self.other_models.layout.addRow('Decision tree:', self.txtAccuracy_dt) self.groupBox3Layout.addWidget(self.other_models) #::------------------------------------- # Graphic 1 : Confusion Matrix #::------------------------------------- self.fig = Figure() self.ax1 = self.fig.add_subplot(111) self.axes=[self.ax1] self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self.fig) self.canvas.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.canvas.updateGeometry() self.groupBoxG1 = QGroupBox('Confusion Matrix') self.groupBoxG1Layout= QVBoxLayout() self.groupBoxG1.setLayout(self.groupBoxG1Layout) self.groupBoxG1Layout.addWidget(self.canvas) #::--------------------------------------------- # Graphic 2 : ROC Curve #::--------------------------------------------- self.fig2 = Figure() self.ax2 = self.fig2.add_subplot(111) self.axes2 = [self.ax2] self.canvas2 = FigureCanvas(self.fig2) self.canvas2.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.canvas2.updateGeometry() self.groupBoxG2 = QGroupBox('ROC Curve') self.groupBoxG2Layout = QVBoxLayout() self.groupBoxG2.setLayout(self.groupBoxG2Layout) self.groupBoxG2Layout.addWidget(self.canvas2) #::------------------------------------------- # Graphic 3 : Importance of Features #::------------------------------------------- self.fig3 = Figure() self.ax3 = self.fig3.add_subplot(111) self.axes3 = [self.ax3] self.canvas3 = FigureCanvas(self.fig3) self.canvas3.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.canvas3.updateGeometry() self.groupBoxG3 = QGroupBox('Importance of Features') self.groupBoxG3Layout = QVBoxLayout() self.groupBoxG3.setLayout(self.groupBoxG3Layout) self.groupBoxG3Layout.addWidget(self.canvas3) #::-------------------------------------------- # Graphic 4 : ROC Curve by class #::-------------------------------------------- self.fig4 = Figure() self.ax4 = self.fig4.add_subplot(111) self.axes4 = [self.ax4] self.canvas4 = FigureCanvas(self.fig4) self.canvas4.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.canvas4.updateGeometry() self.groupBoxG4 = QGroupBox('ROC Curve by Class') self.groupBoxG4Layout = QVBoxLayout() self.groupBoxG4.setLayout(self.groupBoxG4Layout) self.groupBoxG4Layout.addWidget(self.canvas4) #::------------------------------------------------- # End of graphs #::------------------------------------------------- self.layout.addWidget(self.groupBox1, 0, 0, 3, 2) self.layout.addWidget(self.groupBoxG1, 0, 2, 1, 1) self.layout.addWidget(self.groupBoxG3, 0, 3, 1, 1) self.layout.addWidget(self.groupBoxG2, 1, 2, 1, 1) self.layout.addWidget(self.groupBoxG4, 1, 3, 1, 1) self.layout.addWidget(self.groupBox2, 2, 2, 1, 1) self.layout.addWidget(self.groupBox3, 2, 3, 1, 1) self.setCentralWidget(self.main_widget) self.resize(1800, 1200) def update(self): ''' Random Forest Classifier We pupulate the dashboard using the parametres chosen by the user The parameters are processed to execute in the skit-learn Random Forest algorithm then the results are presented in graphics and reports in the canvas :return:None ''' # processing the parameters self.list_corr_features = pd.DataFrame([]) if self.feature0.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features)==0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[0]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[0]]],axis=1) if self.feature1.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features) == 0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[1]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[1]]],axis=1) if self.feature2.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features) == 0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[2]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[2]]],axis=1) if self.feature3.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features) == 0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[3]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[3]]],axis=1) if self.feature4.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features) == 0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[4]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[4]]],axis=1) if self.feature5.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features) == 0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[5]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[5]]],axis=1) if self.feature6.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features) == 0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[6]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[6]]],axis=1) if self.feature7.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features) == 0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[7]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[7]]],axis=1) if self.feature8.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features) == 0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[8]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[8]]],axis=1) if self.feature9.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features) == 0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[9]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[9]]],axis=1) if self.feature10.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features) == 0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[10]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[10]]], axis=1) if self.feature11.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features) == 0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[11]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[11]]], axis=1) if self.feature12.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features) == 0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[12]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[12]]], axis=1) if self.feature13.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features) == 0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[13]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[13]]], axis=1) if self.feature14.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features) == 0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[14]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[14]]], axis=1) if self.feature15.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features) == 0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[15]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[15]]], axis=1) if self.feature16.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features) == 0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[16]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[16]]], axis=1) if self.feature17.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features) == 0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[17]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[17]]], axis=1) if self.feature18.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features) == 0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[18]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[18]]], axis=1) if self.feature19.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features) == 0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[19]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[19]]], axis=1) if self.feature20.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features)==0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[20]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[20]]],axis=1) if self.feature21.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features) == 20: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[1]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[21]]],axis=1) if self.feature22.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features) == 0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[22]] else: self.list_corr_features = pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[22]]],axis=1) if self.feature23.isChecked(): if len(self.list_corr_features) == 0: self.list_corr_features = df[features_list[23]] else: self.list_corr_features =
pd.concat([self.list_corr_features, df[features_list[23]]],axis=1)