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350,104 | 2023-03-30T09:34:54 | Not the Best Thing (Gothicfires & BlueEnvy) | 119 | Bondage: Human Solos | 2 | 2 | 3,201 | 1,600.5 | [
"from": "GothicFires",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 0,
"timestamp": "2023-03-30T09:34:54",
"value": "(\n\n<details><summary>wearing</summary>\nform fitting black tshirt with the word security in small letters in the front and large letters on the back. Black jeans. black tennis shoes. diamond stud earring in each ear</details>\n\n\"Angel! You at the venue?\" The voice in his ear held an undertone of nervousness despite being bright and cheery. Dae-Jung Yong, formerly Angel Moon, would have cringed but there were people watching him get out of the taxi. He was raised to be hyper aware that people were looking at him. It was difficult, even now, to have a hair out of place. The young man's face was a mask of calm boredom but it was also the one that turned nearly every woman's head in the admittance line that stretched down the block. Many of them lifted their cell phones in his direction and he gave them a moment to get their shot. He doubted they knew who he was, just that he was attractive.\n\n\"You call me that one more time and you can keep praying that Mikael Harper doesn't become the next Britney Spears, Amanda Bynes or Lindsay Lohan.\" Dae blew air out his nose in a silent huff to stifle a laugh as he slug his duffel bag over his shoulder. He couldn't imagine 'Mercy' shaving his head but then again if a woman would do it...\n\n\"You have to admit that 'Angel of Mercy' would be a great band name...\" The man was obviously still hooked on the joke or was it irony?\n\n\"Driver wait!\" He hadn't even closed the taxi door so the driver looked over his shoulder and he waived the man on and shut the door. It had been a bluff. He didn't have the money to pay for the ride back to the airport, much less buy a ticket back to L.A.\n\n\"Ok, Ok Dae... You win. I'm sorry. I am just really hoping that you and our client have some synergy that your stage names would suggest. Divine oracle and all that mystic stuff. Regardless you both grew up in the scene. You are the only person we could think of that would have some sympathy and could handle difficult situations.\"\n\nThe nineteen year old's jaw dropped and he heard his mother's voice ask him if he were a fish. His difficult situation had tanked his career before he was even sixteen and even years of therapy hadn't sorted him out. \"Pete, I'm here so I'm going to work now. I think this is going this is going to blow up in your face if you lead him to believe that I was poached from this venue. I'm not going to be his babysitter forever. I have my own shit do deal with.\"\n\n\"Alright Dae. If you survive the weekend then you have a job for the entire tour. Regardless, the agency is interested in representing you. We just have to get your new portfolio started so the higher ups can see what you're capable of. Oh and sorry about the death of your guardian. Shitty thing to happen after all you've been through.\" Pete hung up not even a second after his last word so Dae turned his phone off through the bluetooth in his ear. Yeah it sucked going from famous but abused, to a nobody but loved to a homeless nobody with no one in the world who gave a shit about him. All the tears he could afford to give his life had already been shed.\n\n\"There isn't a separate line just for the pretty people dumb ass.\" A guy from somewhere in the line yelled as Dae walked up to the ticket counter with his wallet. He wasn't sure which one did but it didn't matter.\n\n\"Aww. You think I'm pretty. Thanks!\" He spoke as he pulled his id out and handed it to the woman behind the counter. \"But I'm here to work. Seems the rest of the world agrees with you and thinks i should pay for things like food, clothes and shelter.\" A very large man, clad mostly in black opened a different door than the one the paying public was going through and motioned him in. \"Enjoy the show.\" Dae said with sincere cheer. Well he was sincere, his cheer not so genuine.\n\n\"You're the bodyguard his management sent? Are you even old enough?\" The mountain asked in voice that didn't quite match the man. The skeptic look on the man's face was real enough... he had to stop analyzing if someone's actions were genuine or not, including his own. He was working. It might not have been a job he expected to have but it was one that would put money in his pocket without selling another of his possessions which was good because he didn't have anything left to sell.\n\n\"Young enough to have a third degree black-belt in Taekwondo and good enough to protect my 8x10 if your next comment is about how pretty I am. I even have a gun permit in California but you know the government frowns upon taking guns through airports.\" That earned him a chuckle as he followed the man through a door marked 'employees only'.\n\n\"My contact said you'd have a couple of shirts for me and nicotine gum?\" The teen didn't waste time, asking the question as he pulled his black t-shirt over his head. He heard the other man cough. In some small way it made him feel good. His physique wasn't that easy to maintain when you didn't have the money for a gym or to eat properly. Though it was likely that he was still relatively new to being homeless.\n\n\"Please tell me you can vote.\" The man sounded and looked pained as he set the items that Dae had requested on the break-room table.\n\n\"I can vote big man.\" The smile on his face was genuine as he slid the new black shirt, with the word security printed on the front and back in big white letters, down over his six-pack. While big men weren't his preference, the other man was fit and not unattractive. But he also knew that he was obligated for the next three nights at least and promised a flight back to Los Angeles if he was unable to handle Mikael at all. It was safe to flirt a little.\n\n\"Good. I don't feel like a perv now.\" The man laughed, his pained look relaxing into one of relief. \"I just texted your phone. If you have any issues you can call or text. Mercy will be your only concern. He's currently in the back left stairwell smoking. I guess he thinks he's being sneaky but this is the fifth time and we've told him it's a smoke free building.\"\n\nDae nodded as he dropped his bag in a locker and put his own lock on it. \"Has he caused you any other problems?\" The nicotine gum he put in his pocket was obvious but Mercy's management also thought people he surrounded himself with was providing him with alcohol. Drugs were an even greater fear.\n\n\"He's just been rude. Either ignoring us when we were trying to talk to him or ignoring what we say when he actually paid attention. Though the fire marshal that usually shows up to inspect the venue isn't as passive as we are. We'll either be fined or he'll have Mercy arrested. Probably both.\"\n\n\"Then I better go resolve the smoking issue. If there are any other issues just contact me directly. I'll handle Mercy.\" Dae hung his backstage pass around his neck and headed toward be afore mentioned stairwell. The former star tried to ignore the crowd filling into the venue and the staff bustling to get the last things done before the show started in an hour. If his mother hadn't detonated an atomic bomb on his career, could this had been him? Not this specific show. Mikael might be an ass because he was raised to think he was the center of the universe but the guy was wicked talented. Dae had a gold song under his belt and a tv series that had lasted four years. It would have gone longer but the network wouldn't sign him again unless he changed management... to anyone but his mother.\n\nHe pushed thoughts of his past out of his head when he pushed open the door of the stairwell on the bottom floor. Dae couldn't afford to let his anger affect his actions. Perhaps this would only be a weekend gig that would give him much needed cash in his pocket or it could be his chance to prove to Ultimate Entertainment that he would be a stable investment. The stink of smoke assaulted his nostrils causing him to scrunch his face for a moment before locking his on to his bored look once again. It was easy to imagine that this was an acting gig. He had researched his role and he had the background to aid in pulling it off. He could only pray that Mikael would be an agreeable, even if unwitting, acting partner.\n\nThe star was sitting on the stairs between the first and second landing. The tip of the offending tightly packed leaves burned brighter at the inhale. Dae took a deep breath and plucked the cigarette out of the blond's hand when Mikael moved it away from his face. \"This...\" He held it up and then pushed the tip into the metal hand rail that ran along the wall, \"impedes your lungs to take in the air you need to support your vocals. It also deprives your blood of the proper oxygen exchange ratio so you won't be as energetic as you could be during your performance. Your vocal chords are also irritated so when you get to a push not only will your voice break but you won't have the air to sustain the notes and there will likely be a hundred phones ready to catch that moment and put it on youtube. But if don't want to take mercy on your shortened career then have mercy on your future lovers because you stink and smoking makes you taste bad in more ways that one.\" His voice was soft, non confrontational. He even managed not to add stress on the word mercy though using it was intentional. He had rehearsed this in his head at least a hundred times because he would only get one take. \"Or maybe like the career you won't have, their won't be any lovers either because smoking damages your skin and you'll look like you're thirty before you reach 21.\"\n\nDae pulled the pack of gum out of his pocket and held it out with one hand and held out the other, palm up for the rest of cigarettes in star's possession."
"from": "blue envy",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 1,
"timestamp": "2023-03-31T23:20:16",
"value": "(\n\nThe greenroom wasn’t that far down the hall from the stairwell, which was detrimental to everyone except Mikael. Being told he couldn’t do something wasn’t all that problematic if he didn’t care what he was told. He had graciously decided not to smoke where his manager was going to see him. That was something of an improvement over the last show.\n\nMikael tilted back a chair onto its back legs, head thrown back to stare at a water spot on the ceiling, listening to Milo and Crash fight about some band they heard five years ago at a club in Atlanta. Milo was bent on ruining another set of drumsticks by tapping out a beat on the edge of the table in front of them, keeping the beat despite his raised voice about the quality of the show and the name of the band. “It’s gotta be Hit Stick. Always a classic whenever they show up.”\n\nCrash, who was not the drummer, but the rhythm guitarist, had his boots thrown up on the same table Milo was playing on, ankles crossed in a show of casualness that should have been a warning the two were going to break into a fist fight if they couldn’t come to some agreement. “No way. It was the Underground. They had that guy launch himself into the crowd in the last set. The opener was…” He paused.\n\n“Bloom,” the pair decided together. Thank God they were actually talking about the same event. Mikael twisted one of the leather bands at his wrists, a vague discomfort coming from the slide of the edge along his skin. “Yeah, yeah,” Milo continued, “we met their lead guitarist before the afterglow.”\n\nHonestly, Mikael couldn’t take another minute of listening to them revisit a concert they maybe went to. He glanced over at the clock that was quietly ticking away on the wall like someone had forgotten they had digital options. Dropping the chair back onto all four legs, he shoved himself up, leaving the other two to sort out who it was they actually saw.\n\nMikael made his way around the equipment and occasional body to the stairwell, likely intending to irritate the house staff and the security team simply by ignoring the rules. He had, after all, silently promised he wouldn’t burn the place down.\n\n“Mercy.” The call of that stage name didn’t always register a response. The young, blond man had suffered enough people yelling that name that he got very good at ignoring it. Mikael was hard enough to miss in a crowd that pointing him out wasn’t uncommon. “Mercy.” The sound was closer, the voice distinctly male, but he was almost to the door. “Misha!” Mikael stopped abruptly, palm of his hand already set against the door, and turned at the name with narrowed eyes.\n\nAlis, the bassist, was coming from the direction of the stage, instrument slung over his back. “Hey, has Kylie seen you?” Kylie Donovan was a gaunt, short woman with sleek brown hair who posed as a manager but, really, she was a wraith sustained by the promise of industry fame and making a lasting name for herself. While most people found her difficult because of her Type A personality and unhealthy attachment to her phone, she was the longest lasting manager the band had.\n\nMikael’s eyebrows went up as he shook his head. “No. If it’s about earlier, I don’t care.” Kylie had wanted to push at adding another show date, jumping on the popularity of pop-up shows. What she wanted to do was add that to her laundry list of ‘fun’ she brought out when they got home and she had to brag to make herself seem relevant. Mikael had told her that, which had stunned her into silence before she stalked off. Kylie didn’t like attacks on her curated personality.\n\nHe shoved the door open, but Alis latched onto the side of Mikael’s tank top. “What?” If it had been anyone else, the reaction would have been far more dramatic and much more hostile. Alistair had been with Mikael for years, which bought Alis certain allowances, including not meeting an untimely end by using that pet name.\n\n“She’s going to lose her mind about the smoking.” The flat look Mikael was giving caused Alis to amend the statement: “About the smoking in the building.” The only hobbies Kylie ever had were quitting smoking and dieting; she was a classic mess from Los Angeles: all shiny, attractive, and accomplished on the outside, but a backstabbing, hollow catastrophe underneath. “I’m just saying… security’s been after her about you.”\n\nMikael grinned at the image of Kylie trying to fight security, although maybe she was merely suffering through them, praying they’d make it to showtime without some incident. “What are we paying her for if she can’t handle this?”\n\nAlis let his grip slip away and he rolled his eyes. “Just saying she’s coming for you. And hurry up,” he called as he headed back down the hall toward the greenroom where it was likely he’d find the rest of the band.\n\nThe door closed and what passed for silence in a building full of people descended. Mikael set his hands against the railing and leaned over, peering up before pushing away. From the ripped black jeans, he pulled a pack of cigarettes from the back pocket, the lighter from the left front. One cigarette was pulled free from the crumpled box and set between his lips.\n\nThe sound of the lighter sparking felt deafening in the quiet, echoing space. Breathing in, Mikael held the mix of smoke and air in his lungs as he pocketed the lighter and shoved the box back where he'd gotten it. As he exhaled, he found a seat on the steps, momentarily satisfied with the rush of nicotine and the familiar routine. He kicked out one leg, knocking the back of his boot against the edge of a step and propped his elbow up on the other knee.\n\nWhat should have happened was that Mikael would have had a nice quiet five minutes to himself. Midway through, a door opened and Mikael spied whom he thought was security, but the kid was young. That was as far as he was allowed to think before he lost the only satisfying thing he’d indulged in that day. “Hey,” he started, surprised but silenced by the unexpected lecture.\n\nConversations on the safety of the building and the rules about fire code were common. He’d vaguely remembered hearing those diatribes before. What he was getting sounded more like something Kylie would feel obligated to say to protect her investment. Well, not the part about lovers. She didn’t try to pry into the band’s affairs that deeply unless it was going to be a publicity issue. Still, he let Dae go on until it seemed that the conclusion had come. By Mikael's estimation, it was the second and likely final kindness he was interested in offering for the day. He didn't want to go around showering people in niceness. They'd start getting ideas.\n\nMikael didn’t glance down at the trade he was supposedly meant to engage in. He grasped the rail nearest to him and hauled himself up, which managed to make him quite a bit taller than he actually was. He managed to look haughty and cold all at once. He dropped one step down to see if he could get the kid to back up by encroaching on his personal space, a dull stare firmly in place. “Done?”\n\n“Proud?” Okay, Mikael would concede the man was cute, bossy, but cute, and way too young to be giving him that advice. A smile tugged up one corner of his mouth. “It was a good speech. You did great.” He didn’t have to put a lot of expression into his tone to make it seem biting and softly patronizing. His fingertips grazed against the skin of Dae’s palm before closing his hand over the pack of gum, which he would take, but he wouldn’t trade. “Let your parents know, you did so well.”\n\nHe moved by to shove the door open to get him back into the hall. If Dae wanted the pack, he could take it, but Mikael was assured enough that it was too bold a move."
] |
350,111 | 2023-03-30T14:33:31 | Forced to live in the hidden world (Kilin&Dragon26) | 14 | Noncon: Exotic-Freeform Solos | 2 | 23 | 5,623 | 218 | [
"from": "Kilin",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 0,
"timestamp": "2023-03-30T14:33:31",
"value": "Hidden in the downtown district down a back alley where normal humans would over look it, as if it never existed was one of the few clubs that was for the supernnaturals of the world, the city had 8 clubs in total spread out through it some where more exclusive. while some allowed humans there was rules but then a couple where were or vampire only. Unfortonly for Aria she had found the club that was open to all supernaturals and humans where not allowed unless they where being brought by their master..\n\nAria had been living on her own now since she was 16, tonight she was celebrating her 19th birthday or at least that was her goal. Standing about 5'5\" with dyed purple and black hair with some silver streaks, pulled half back so that half her hair was in a loose ponytail wher the rest was loos and down to the middle of her back. her eyes where soft grey and she was built like a runner lean but with good muscles, her hobby of kick boxing helped a lot with keeping that. She was dressed in black leggings with a dark purple skirt, and a tank top with a raccoon on it flipping people off. She a had a small leather collar on her neck she had always worn it. she had been walking around down town for a bit now and deciding where she wanted to head next.she caught site of a group of people a mixture of goth and punk style it seemed heading down a alley way? was there a club down that way? her curisoty got the better of her and she followed after them. she was startled as they kept walking and even watched as the group walked through what look like a wall, but as she followed at the back she found it actully was a like a hidden path way. ohh this was exciting and no way in hell she wasnt about to see where it went.\n\nFinaly they came to a building and walked down some stairs and there in soft lights glowed. 'Wild woods Club'. Aria loved the name and even more so when the bouncer looked at them all and mistook her for one of the group letting her in. the man had been massive a good 7 ft tall and built like a blocker for a football team. what greeted her next was flashing lights and some of the best music she had heard and there was dancing everywhere even some up on small stages and a few in cages?!!, fuck yes she had found a gem of dance club to go and finally let herself relax. First thing first she defently was gonna get a drink and a tab started before she went out and cut loose. she walked up to the bar and smiled at the bar keep \"Hey wanted to start a tab and get a double shot of vodka\" she told him"
"from": "Dragon26",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 1,
"timestamp": "2023-03-30T22:44:35",
"value": "Validus unsheathed his brilliant gleaming sword from his sheath as his charge walked towards a side of town that wasn't exactly reputable. He knew of a bar nearby that only served supernatural. If she entered that building she would walk through a veil into the world of the supernatural. Once through that veil they weren't many ways back. Softly he murmured, \"Aria you really should head home. It's late.\" She wouldn't actually hear him but the feeling or desire would enter her thoughts at his suggestion. Validus was growing more concerned. Being a warrior Validus dressed for battle rather then style. In the world of Angels armor did little to shield you from the blades of the enemy. Speed was your ally. It was with this that Validus who was built like an athletic runner dressed in tan loose baggy pants and a white t-shirt. It seemed to him that she ignored his suggestion as she seemed to notice a group of goth and punk kids. Always a bad sign. Honestly Validus was confused why he was Aria's guardian angel. Normally he would have been resigned to another human when she turned 12 or 13. However his transfer never came in and he stayed with her. Although an angel her body was something he avoided seeing so he stayed his distance especially during hot summer days.\n\nSuffice it to say his charge wasn't exactly the most wise of people. Today was her birthday and she seemed determined to celebrate it any way she could. As she turned to follow the group who Validus knew to be demons in flesh he tried one more time to reason with Aria. However she seemed to be ignoring her danger sense which Validus was trying to get her to listen to. As she headed down the alley way towards the supernatural bar he sighed. It was against the rules to show himself to her but he was tempted to get her to turn back. However that plan never formed as he heard the sound of steel being drawn. He moved just in time to avoid a sword swipe as a demon fell from the roof. Immediately Validus went into action. He may be a guardian but he was probably one of the most skilled when it came to sword fighting. Of course without him near he couldn't continue to suggest Aria leave and out of the corner of his eye he saw her enter the club. He sighed he turned his full attention to the fight. The demon had some skill with the blade.\n\nWhen Aria spoke to the man at the bar he smiled at her with pointed teeth that gleamed in the soft lights of the club. Zaltesh was a fully fledged vampire and he owned one of the best supernatural clubs. Or at least in his own opinion. As he inhaled the scent of the woman who just asked to start a tab he raised an eyebrow at her curiously. She was wearing a collar and normally slaves weren't allowed to order. Her scent didn't give him the idea that she was claimed by anyone but then again he could be wrong. He asked, \"Where is your Master? I want to make sure with him first that your supposed to be doing this.\" He smiled sure it wouldn't be an issue."
"from": "Kilin",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 2,
"timestamp": "2023-03-30T23:14:01",
"value": "Aria had been on her own since she was 16 when she ran off and though she had always felt a pull or push in direction she really didn't listen always as well her life had been rough as it was the last two years had been the best since she was on her own. truthfully aria didn't believe in the supernatural or fantasy to her it nothing but a lie she had always been alone and would always be alone.\n\nWhen the bartender spoke to her annd smiled his teeth made her raise a brow but she figured he was one of those eccentrics that liked to dress up. When hed looked at her a bit oddly then asked about her master she looked back at him like he had grown a second head then she laughed. \" Ya..ok funny mister the collar is my personal accessory I'm not here with anyone. \" She told him laughing. If he looked at her he would see there was no marks nothing on her the reaction she gave said volumes that she had no idea where she was. \" So can I get a drink and start a tab if not I'm gonna go dance\" she told him"
"from": "Dragon26",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 3,
"timestamp": "2023-03-31T00:20:31",
"value": "When she laughed he could tell she wasn't taking him seriously and as she spoke he listened. As she told him the collar was personal accessory and he wasn't with anyone he frowned. As she finished he blinked at her. Softly he stated, \"Dear you don't know what you have walked into.\" He pointed towards a sign nearby that she had probably missed. The sign itself wasn't big. However once pointed out it was quite legible although the language it was in didn't look like English. \"Humans can only buy drinks at the behest of their masters. This is a Supernatural bar only. So if your a human without a master or knowledge of the supernatural world we have to keep you.\" Zaltesh moved faster then humanly possible as he rushed next to Aria and stated, \"Welcome to the Wild Woods Club. My name is Zaltesh and I am a vampire. I am also your new boss. After all I can't have you leaving and telling everyone about the supernatural world. There are rules and if I don't take you under my wing then I am sure one of the less nicer supernatural creatures will snatch you up and make you into their slave. Something that some girls enjoy and actually thrive on. You don't seem the type. So I am giving you the option to be my waitress instead. You'll be protected given lodging and pay in the form of food and drink.\" Zaltesh once more smiled as he added, \"Your a tasty morsel so I am giving you your best option. Humans aren't allowed in the bar normally so I am being nice since you obviously didn't know what you were walking into.\" He smirked licking his fangs with his tongue.\n\nOutside Validus had finished off the Demon who had attacked him with a quick sword cut. Standing aside to avoid the blood which spurt out his opponent Validus headed for the club. He nodded at the man who guarded the door and walked in. The place was filled with Werewolves, Vampires, and all other kinds of mythical creatures. However there was his charge at the bar talking to Zaltesh a vampire. It seemed she was already in too deep for him to intervene. After all she was in a supernatural club. There was no easy way for him to get her back through the veil. Validus sighed and cleaned his sword of blood with a cloth he had then sheathed it at his side as he walked towards the bar. He might as well be near his charge to keep her as safe as he could considering the situation."
"from": "Kilin",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 4,
"timestamp": "2023-03-31T02:48:10",
"value": "She rose her brow as the man pointed to a sign and she looked towards it, but she couldnt really read it. that didnt seem to matter as the guy began to speak again and was telling her what it said. What was he talking about .. supernatural? keeping? no humans? \"wow you guys really go all out...\" her voice stuttered and she looked as suddenly she found herself next to the man behind the bar. how had he moved so fast over here she didnt see him jump the bar. She took a step back from him, looking startled at him \"wait what are you talking about seriously I mean this joke is a bit much is this a theme club?\" she questioned him and felt her stomach flip as Zaltesh introduced himself and spoke again.\n\nthe way he licked his fanged teeth made her stomach drop, and she took another step back but felt her back hit the bar, and she placed her hands on either side and she stared at him, this was a joke right he coudlnt be serious nothing looked off here she glanced around looking freaked out. kept looking at her like he was going to eating to her.. he said he was a vampire...but those where fake."
"from": "Dragon26",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 5,
"timestamp": "2023-04-01T02:26:31",
"value": "As she spoke it was obvious to Zaltesh that she didn't believe in the supernatural. He could smell her fear rising. If he wasn't a reserved person he would have jumped her immediately to suck her blood. However he restrained himself knowing he could potentially get himself a server who would bring in guests. As she looked at him startled her continued speaking let him know that she wasn't taking him seriously. Zaltesh continued to flash his sharp teeth at her. He licked his lips as he stated, \"Dear this isn't a theme club. You are in a supernatural bar where we don't allow humans unless they are with their masters. Now you can become a server for me with the benefits I mentioned. Or I can make you my thrall. I can guarantee you will enjoy the second option cause you wouldn't have a choice.\" He took another step towards her.\n\nValidus unsheathed his sword silently and placed it at Zaltesh's neck. Softly he stated, \"She is my charge. I may not be allowed to claim her as mine but I can protect her from you I would suggest you keep your fangs to yourself vampire.\" He left his cold steel sword long enough to make a point. Then he lowered his weapon and sheathed it at his side. He gave Aria an apologetic smile then stood nearby just to make sure the other supernatural's didn't attack her. The commotion was causing quite the notice from the other patrons. Softly Validus stated, \"I would suggest you take the vampire's offer he can keep you safe from harm.\" He then leaned back against the table and waited to see what Aria would do."
"from": "Kilin",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 6,
"timestamp": "2023-04-01T02:46:19",
"value": "Aria was seriously starting freak out right now, but then could anyone boame her she was not a believer in this stuff and yet hear before her was a man speaking of being a vampire and the closer he got the more she started to feel he wasn't lieing. His words and eyes made her feel this was not going to end well.. and she leaned back more on tje bar when he stepped closer to her. His options changed and he threated to make her into a thrall?!! But before she could speak or ask anything some one spoke and she turned to look at a man she had never seen yet his voice sounded so familiar. And he had a sword...\n\nCharge?!!! What was he talking about he would protect her but he couldn't claim her??!! Even this guy called zaltesh a vampire and oddly when he told her to take the deal she almost wanted to argue but his suggestion and the way she saw others starting to look at her made her feel small the eyes alone told her this was dangerous.. she swallowed nervously looking back to zaltesh then the swordsman again before she found her voice.\" I.. I guess I'll take your offer for the job?\" She said nervously"
"from": "Dragon26",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 7,
"timestamp": "2023-04-01T03:31:46",
"value": "Validus stood nearby and watched seeing how his charge reacted. She was scared but thankfully she didn't do anything stupid. As she accepted Zaltesh offer Validus relaxed the hand on his sword. She was protected now. No one would dare mess with one of Zaltesh's servers. Well unless they had a death wish. Zaltesh was honorable and would keep his word. Validus pulled out a seat and sat down relaxing. He began messaging his head silently. Obviously this could have gone worse but at least she was safe for now. He wasn't sure what to do now that she was stuck in the supernatural world. He would stay near her to keep her safe but otherwise he couldn't do much until he could figure out how to get her through the veil again.\n\nZaltesh grinned as he stated, \"Perfect. Well I suppose I'll have to buy your outfits for work and train you. But that doesn't matter to much. Since you seem to want to drink feel free to get yourself whatever you want. I am not going to start you off tonight.\" He flashed her a smile then was behind the counter in the blink of an eye. Zaltesh pulled out a menu and slid it to her. It was written in English for her to understand. Little did she know she was now bound to the tavern so without Zaltesh permission she couldn't leave. Validus sat in his chair curious to see if Aria would come to talk to him. For now he would continue to watch her and make sure she didn't do anything stupid."
"from": "Kilin",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 8,
"timestamp": "2023-04-01T03:49:32",
"value": "Aria really had no idea what was going on nor how much trouble she was in or could've been in if she didn't accept that offer. As zaltesh said he would train her and such later and offered her a drink she felt confused the danger that she had felt building was gone in a sense.. maybe this was a joke and she just needed to play along for the night?? Maybe this was a dream?! Either way she blinked as zal vanished than reappeared once more behind the counter before offering her the menu..\" um thanks\" she said skittishly. \" Just give me a triple shot of whiskey\" she said feeling like she was gonna need something stronger.\n\nShe waited for the shot then she would look and see the swords man, bitting her lip she walked over to him and cleared her throat \" can I join you?\" She asked him"
"from": "Dragon26",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 9,
"timestamp": "2023-04-01T04:42:17",
"value": "Zaltesh smiled at Aria and nodded as he grabbed what she ordered serving the drink to her faster then feasibly possible for a normal person. With a flourish he offered her the whiskey with a smile and a wink. Then he went back to tending his bar. Obviously he could have put her to work immediately if he so wanted. However with the Guardian Angel there he doubted he could have gotten away with it. Unless he wanted to get a sword against his throat.\n\nAs Aria walked over to his table and cleared her throat Validus looked up from rubbing his temples. Softly he stated, \"Of course you can join me. Please take a seat.\" He smiled softly at her. Honestly he hated the current situation. He was technically breaking the rules but there wasn't much he could do about it as she had broken through the veil via magic. Afterwards she wouldn't forget this experience so for a while she was stuck here. He had to think of what to do."
"from": "Kilin",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 10,
"timestamp": "2023-04-01T05:04:12",
"value": "Aria flushed a little blinking at how fast all that happened then slowly sat down across from the swordsman that had spoke she sat down she played with the shot.of whiskey she had some and seemed to debate on what to say to this man. Finally she looked up and really at the man across from her.. he was rather built that was for sure.. and he seemed stressed but why?. \" So you said I..I'm your charge? And we'll have we met before your voice is kinda familiar?\" She asked him as she sat with the menu still. She had planned to drink and eat and dance but now she wasn't sure she wanted to do anything other then this one shot.."
"from": "Dragon26",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 11,
"timestamp": "2023-04-01T06:16:51",
"value": "When Aria spoke he gazed at her considering his options. Validus was stuck. On the one hand she wasn't supposed to know about him but know she could see and interact with him. He couldn't lie to her because that was against the rules but telling her the truth wasn't really going with the rules either. His mind spun for a good way to respond to her questions. Well he supposed he had to be honest. Softly he stated, \"Yes. Your my charge. It's my job to protect you and keep you safe. As for why my voice is familiar. It's because you constantly ignore your consciousness. Or I suppose what you would call your consciousness.\" He glanced towards her.\n\nHe stated, \"I told you not to follow the goth, punk kids down that alleyway. So you can't blame me. You seem to like to ignore me a lot.\" He smiled gently at her as he waited for the inevitable storm of questions. He would be honest with her as best he could without giving away stuff he wasn't allowed to. There were certain things he knew he couldn't say. If she figured out what he was by deductive reasoning that was different. Technically he could allude to things without saying them directly but that was skirting the rules and walking dangerously."
"from": "Kilin",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 12,
"timestamp": "2023-04-01T07:16:34",
"value": "Aria was beginning to wonder if he would answer at all with how long he was taking them looked at him confused at first from his words, he was in charge of her? To protect her ? She wanted to ask more when he continued on speaking about how she didn't listen to her conscience and ignored it if anything. Then his words of telling her to not follow them and more so that she couldn't blame him... She stared at him for a few minutes seeming to be mulling over things in her brain..\n\n\" Hold on\" she said and looked at him he could see the gears in her mind turning and the questions forming.\" First off your talking like your supposed to be my conscience? And that you where trying to warne about not following that group in?\" She asked him \" you realize how stupid that sounds right? And how come he's not threatening you like he did me? Acording to him no humans are aloud and you look human.. and if you are who you say you are that would make you what my fairy god parent? So why can't you just get me out of here?\" She asked him."
"from": "Dragon26",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 13,
"timestamp": "2023-04-01T14:27:57",
"value": "As she spoke Validus glanced at her. When she began to speak he listened processing the information she was giving him. He was doing this mostly because he was walking a thin line and had to be careful. Obviously Aria was annoyed and angry and to be fair he understood that way of reacting. Once she was done he leaned back in his chair. Softly he stated, \"I'm not your fairy god parent. Although those do exist there rare to say the least. I am your guardian. I do my best to protect you from certain kinds of dangers. I can't really tell you more about my job. I'm not human I can tell you that much. As for getting you out of here I am afraid your bound to Zaltesh. So your stuck in this bar. Thankfully you will be safe. No one else here would dare touch you which is good. Also I am not exactly you conscience. I suppose I would be what you call your instinct.\" Validus shrugged.\n\n\"Look it's not easy to explain when I am not sure what I am allowed to say. Suffice it enough to say I did try to get you to go home earlier but you ignored me. You tend to ignore me a lot actually. I don't think you have ever listened to anything I have ever said. I think this would count as the first time you ever listened to something I said when you accepted Zaltesh's offer.\" He sighed and rubbed his temples as he stated, \"Wait till command hears about this. I hope this doing get out of hand. Last thing I want is to deal with Gabriel.\" Validus lowered his hands tempted to buy himself a drink."
"from": "Kilin",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 14,
"timestamp": "2023-04-01T14:48:19",
"value": "Aria listened and snorted softly when he said God parents where real as well, he made that comment about being her guardian and she felt a confusion and annoyance especially when he started to go on about how she never listened to him. According to him she was stuck here now and bound to the the bar keep yet to her that made no sense.. it had a been a verbal agreement she didn't sign anything.. how ever when he stated something about command and Gabriel ... She started to laugh. ' you can't be serious all of this has to be dream, if what you just said is what I think that would make you a guardian angel.. and I can tell ya right now I've never had one of those\" she said laughing at him. She threw her shot back and made a soft noise from how it went down.\n\n\" This was a waste of time this whole thing has to be a dream I must be drunk and passed out. either way I'm not wasting my time talking to a so called angel I'm going to dance\" she said and stood and u less he said something or stoped her aria made her way towards the dance floor. Dancing was the one thing that help d her relax and she was good at it."
"from": "Dragon26",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 15,
"timestamp": "2023-04-02T01:02:33",
"value": "As she started to laugh Validus quirked an eyebrow at her. Either she was delusional or she thought this was a dream. He determined that the second was more likely especially as she confirmed his belief a second later. Her statement about not having a guardian angel made him incensed. He was about to start rattling off the amount of times he had saved her from death but held his tongue. Validus just glared at her silently. As she finished Validus stated, \"Although you drink and dance you will wake up realizing that none of this has been a dream. When you feel like apologizing I'll be here.\" He then stood up and walked out of the club.\n\nAria was safe because of Zaltesh. No one would touch her now that she was a waitress. Even as an Angel Validus wasn't sure he would win in a fight against the Vampire Lord. The man was faster then any demon he had fought. Although probably not as durable that didn't matter when a single bite from the man would be fight ending. Although as an Angel he probably would be immune to being made a thrall. He also didn't want to find out. Before he walked out he glanced towards Aria then headed out of the club. He had to report to his superiors what had happened."
"from": "Kilin",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 16,
"timestamp": "2023-04-02T01:33:17",
"value": "Truthfully aria really did feel this was a dream, what else could it be? The idea of him being a guardian angel made her want to deck him, she hadn't had the best life nor the worst life but if guardian angels where real, how had she end up in so many shit hole family's before she finally ran away and stayed away making a life for herself. Was it perfect no, she worked her ass off and barely made it by but she was in charge of her own life. She shook her head at everything and simply walked onto the floor.\n\nShe let the music fill her as she began to dance and easily kept to herself as she did so. Though she caught him glance at he walked out. She rolled her eyes and just let her self get absorbed into the music playing. Her body moved flowingly along with the music , and well it was proply good she had been claimed by zaltesh before she danced. Unlike what validus might think aria was not a heavy drinker she mainly loved going out to dance. If left alone she would dance for a long while before making it back to the bar yawning. She was mentally and exhausted and was ready to go home."
"from": "Dragon26",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 17,
"timestamp": "2023-04-03T02:43:33",
"value": "When Validus left Zaltesh continued to watch his new waitress. The way she danced with the music was flawless. Her body moved with the music as if they were one. It was both entrancing and enchanting to watch her dance. Zaltesh knew he couldn't claim her as a thrall as his waitress but he wished to do so. If the magic didn't prevent him from doing so he would have walked over to the woman right now. He needed to learn her name.\n\nIt was a while later that she would walk over to the bar yawning. Zaltesh smiled at his new waitress then stated, \"Looks like you need a rest.\" He offered her the key to her room. \"This is your room. All of your things will be in it. Tommorow I start you on your first day which mostly will be me getting you the clothes needed.\" He smirked knowing that he could get away with some outfits and would have her wear some of them to draw certain clientele in.\n\nMeanwhile Validus had made it back to headquarters where he reported to his commanding officer about the situation. As expected the officer wasn't happy but at the same time Aria was safe. Until further notice Validus would still continue to be Aria's guardian. The word would be sent up the chain but it was likely the higher ups were already aware of the situation. Validus nodded but knew he could take a break for a little. His charge would likely be at the club until he passed out. Her first day at work is when he needed to be around. Even though he hadn't be told to do it he decided to try and figure a way to get her out of the situation she was in."
"from": "Kilin",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 18,
"timestamp": "2023-04-03T03:37:27",
"value": "Aria had been determined to enjoy her birthday even in her dream and so when she got back to the bar and saltesh handed her a room key she looked at it then him before shrugging. \" Right ok sure \" she told him and stretched some before she spoke again. \" So what way is it to my room\". She asked a bit sarcasticly, and wondered what he meant by all her things where in there? Aria was going to be in for a big surprise when she woke the next day that was for sure.\n\nZaltesh wasn't the only one that had watched the young human female dance , and as she walked away to her room zaltesh would already hear the buzz around the club about the morsal. If he hoped to attract more patrons then he was going to get that wish it seemed."
"from": "Dragon26",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 19,
"timestamp": "2023-04-04T04:06:13",
"value": "As she asked which way it was to her room Zaltesh pointed to a plain looking door that had a sign on it that read, \"Employees Only.\" Zaltesh could tell she was being sarcastic but come tommorow when she had slept perhaps she would come to realize her situation. Until then Zaltesh would merely humor her. As she left to her room Zaltesh noticed that many of his patrons had noticed his new waitress. Hopefully business' would grow busier. Although they all would want one thing with her Zaltesh couldn't allow it. That was sure to make the Angel mad and even if his fighting skills were good. He would be an idiot to try and fight an Angel.\n\nOnce the woman had gone to bed Zaltesh stayed up the rest of the night. He ran the bar during the night. Daytime he would let his second take charge of Aria's training. But due to her appeal he would likely try to get Aria on a night shift schedule if he could. Many of the supernatural creatures preferred night although some didn't care what time it was as long as they got a drink. Once daylight began to dawn Zaltesh handed it over to his second of Vorzavur who was a very bulky red half dragon. Zaltesh figured as well that the sight of his second might snap his waitress out of the delusion she was dreaming."
"from": "Kilin",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 20,
"timestamp": "2023-04-04T05:58:42",
"value": "Aria slept heavily honestly she was a second shift worker anyways so she didn't really wake up til close to lunch. Of course when she woke she found herself in a different room..\" what..where the hell am I?\" She said out loader looking around carefully and blinked rubbing her eyes. Last night came to memory and she looked around slowly before she got up.. she must have had to much to drink her memory's where strange and dream like. She must have just gotten drunk and passed out and they set her up for the night. Getting up and fixed her self up and would head out of the room. She should look at heading home and thank the bar keep for the room for the night. She was walking down the hall way and felt a little lost."
"from": "Dragon26",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 21,
"timestamp": "2023-04-04T22:36:20",
"value": "Mourning came and Vorzavur took over from his boss for the day shift. He was notified about the new servant but was told not to wake her. So he worked without thinking much about it. That was until it grew nearer to lunch time. Knowing fully well what time it was the half dragon decided to check on their new waitress. Although she couldn't leave the building it didn't mean she couldn't get lost. Apparently the half dragon had timed his timing correctly. For as he reached her room he opened the door to find it empty. Sighing Vorzavur walked the hallways of the tavern at a fast pace.\n\nIt took a few minuets but he found her wandering the halls. To get her attention Vorzavur stated, \"Excuse me. I am supposed to be training you today. Did you sleep well?\" He crossed his arms as he asked this question wondering what her reaction would be when she saw who had addressed her."
"from": "Kilin",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 22,
"timestamp": "2023-04-04T23:21:21",
"value": "Aria was seriously starting to think she was lost as she continued on, that was till she finally heard someone. His statement made her blink as she turned around.\" I slept ok and sorry did....\" Her voice dropped at the sight before her. Aria felt her body tense and she started to back away from the large lizard like man. \" What the hell are you? \" Aria question and watched the man... Lizard Infront of her. Was she still dreaming. Surely this was fake but he looked awful real , she just needed to back away and maybe she could make run for it."
] |
350,125 | 2023-03-30T16:19:05 | Can't seem to say No ( WoL & ToWriterAndWander ) | 65 | Noncon: Human-Freeform Solos | 2 | 13 | 4,462 | 348 | [
"from": "Winds Of Lust",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 0,
"timestamp": "2023-03-30T16:19:05",
"value": "Friday, 3:30 and school was finally out! A stream of excited students flooded out of the halls and rooms of the Woodpecker High. The weekend had finally arrived. The time that so many high school students waited for with bated breath through the painfully long school week. Nothing quite says 'anything could happen' when you are young and free of any and all obligations for 48hours. Excited chatter filled the halls as young men and women rushed to escape the prison of the educational system to the freedom of friends, parties, or just doing nothing for a couple of days.\n\nA pair of petite beauties chatted at their lockers. Notable for both being rather below average for their age, barely pushing 5 feet if even that and yet strikingly beautiful. The pair had been friends for as long as anyone had known them. And it was fitting, because between the two of them they could almost muster up a single braincell to use. While they preformed well enough in school to keep from flunking out, the two girls were about as obliviously airheaded and naive as anyone had ever seen. It was enough to make them sort of infamous about school. The commotion of being notable tinny, aesthetically lovely, and just lacking all sorts of common sense was enough to easily distinguish them in the rumor will that was high school social life.\n\n\"Come on Lilly, you promised we'd be hanging out this weekend.\" Spoke a lovely little asian gal by the name of Lin. Straight dark almost black-brown hair resting about to her shoulders in a mid length bob cut, framing her cute face perfectly and bringing attention to how lovely her features were and how soft and rich her brown eyes.\n\n\"And I told you, I forgot that I will be staying with my Uncle and cousin this weekend!\" replied beautiful porcelain white skinned girl, who you already know as Lilly. She too was a lovely sight, her bright blue eyes popping against her flawless pale skin, her hair a bright vibrant red and grown out long, currently resting in twin braided pony tails that were draped over her shoulders and down her front; the tips reaching just past her perky breasts. \"My parents are going out of town, and for some reason they won't let me stay the weekned unsupervised.\" she said with a pout.\n\n\"Well...I'll just go with you to your uncles then.\" Lin declared \"You promised me we'd hang out this weekend, and it is very important to make sure people keep their promises to you. Or else, before you know it, they will be walking all over you.\"\n\nLilly hmmed thoughtfully as she finished packing her backpack up and closed her locker. \"I..guess you are correct. I'll text Uncle Richard and see if its okay..\"\n\n----\n\nA couple of hours later the pair of girls stand before Uncle Richards front door, a duffle bag of things over each of their shoulders. Lilly rings the doorbell and calls out \"Uncle Richard! Cousin Matt! We are here!\""
"from": "ToWriterAndWander",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 1,
"timestamp": "2023-03-30T16:47:58",
"value": "Richards weekend had just taken a turn for the better.\n\nThe original plan was to have his sisters daughter, Lilly, over for the weekend. And the plan? To take advantage of her, allowing his son - Matt - to finally have sex with a girl. Matt would get off on fucking Lilly. Of course, Richard would get in on the action too. Lilly's mother had a hard time saying no - Richard had taken her virginity when they were teens and had a long running affair with her that continued to this day. There was even a question as to whether Lilly was actually his or not. It didn't bother him either way. And he had noticed that same sort of issue - her inability to say 'No' springing up in Lilly.\n\nBut Lilly was bringing a friend. It was a last minute addition but when Richard opened the door, he found himself staring at the Asian version of Lilly. Petite and cute. He wouldn't mind fucking her either. He smiled at the girls, reaching out to hug Lilly. He picked her up off the ground, hand groping her ass as he did so, kissing her openly on the lips. \"Lilly! And this must be Lin?\" He responds, setting her down before giving the Asian girl a similar hug.\n\n\"Let me take your bags. Lilly, you'll be sharing a room with me tonight and Lin will shack up with Matt. We're tight on space while we remodel but I am sure it will all work out. I think he's in his room playing games before bed, like normal. Why don't you girls freshen up and get ready for bed? We'll have a busy day tomorrow. Figured we could go hiking or maybe even camping if you're up for it.\""
"from": "Winds Of Lust",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 2,
"timestamp": "2023-03-30T17:57:12",
"value": "Lilly, with out hesitation of any kind, accepted and returned her Uncle's hug. Her plump little ass an easy and pleasant handful for his groping grasp, her perky young breast pressing tightly against his chest through her light top in his tight embrace. As their lips met she kissed with with out though. A longer far more intame kiss than should typically be shared between family. \"Hey Uncle! Its been too long.\" she replied with a smile as the kiss broke and she was let back down to the ground.\n\nLin, though perhaps a little more surprised when the uncle picked up in his groping hug and kissed in her on the lips as well, none the less accepted the intimate touches with out a qualm or question. \"Nice to meet you Mr. Lilly did mention you are quite friendly, I see she wasn't lying.\"\n\nThey handed him their bags as requested adn followed him into the home. \"Uhg...\" Lin groaned \"Is Matt like... a total nerd or something?\"\n\nLilly gave her friend a light push \"No he is not...well, at least not a <em>total</em> nerd. He doesn't quite have our refined level of social skills, but he is nice enough. Though Uncle Richard is honestly more fun if you ask me.\" she did a not so subtle stage whisper to Richard \"Don't tell Matt I said that okay Uncle?\"\n\n\"Oh I haven't been hiking in forever!\" Lin exclained.\n\n\"Camping could be alot of fun too!\" agreed Lilly\n\nThe girls did as they were told, taking a quick shower together where the gossiped and giggled and helped each other wash up in a display that was fit for pay-per-view. Before to long they dried off and dressed in their night ware. Each war a variation on a light spaghetti strap crop-top, with obviously no bra beneath the thin fabric. Lilly was straight up in her panties, while Lin opted to wear a pair of PJ short-shorts, that even on her tiny frame were almost to small for her.\n\nFrom there they parted ways, Lilly heading to her uncle's room and Lin to Matt's.\n---\n\nLilly peaked in to the room \"Uncle Richie? You aren't asleep already are you old man?\" she asked in an innocent teasing tone\n\n---\n\nLin didn't bother knocking on the door before walking in her eyes falling to the boy who looked to be Lilly's age. \"Hey, you must be Matt, I'm Lin, Lilly's friend. I'll be bunking with you for the weekend, hope you don't mind.\""
"from": "ToWriterAndWander",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 3,
"timestamp": "2023-03-30T19:59:07",
"value": "Richard was already in bed, fully naked, though she wouldn't know it.\n\n\"I was waiting up for you.\" He responds, letting his eyes roam over her perk, young body. Her perk breasts were visible through her top and her panties left little to the imagination. He pulled back the bedsheets for her to get in beside him before rolling onto his side. He spooned up against her, pressing his large frame against her smaller body. His arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her snuggly to him. He rested his cheek against hers for a moment before lifting his torso, to look down at her.\n\n\"Have you been practicing kissing with tongue like I told you about?\" He asks, hand sliding over her flat stomach.\n\n<hr/>\n\nMatt was playing games, sitting on the edge of his bed. He pulled his head set off when Lin entered his room, blushing a little. The girl was cute! Very very pretty too! He knew he was supposed to fuck his cousin this weekend, losing his virginity to her, but plans had changed. He wasn't sure if Lin knew that she was going to sleep with him instead.\n\n\"Hey Lin. So nice to meet you.\" She was nice and petite, like his cousin. He could already feel his cock threatening to swell with arousal at what he was supposed to do with her.\n\n\"Did she tell you about the rules of my room? Like...when coming into my room, you're supposed to kiss me on the lips with tongue?\""
"from": "Winds Of Lust",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 4,
"timestamp": "2023-03-30T20:16:04",
"value": "Lilly crawled right in to the bed with her uncle. Wiggling in close to his large warm body as he moved in to spoon up against her, his body massive body dwarfing her tight young frame. This was hardly the first time she had slept by her Uncles side, her hand instinctively going down to rest on top of his around her waist. She turned her head to look at him as he raised himself up and spoke.\n\n\"Of course Uncle, I asked Lin to help me actually. Turns out she is a very good kisser. Do you want to see what I've learned now Uncle? I been excited for you to see my progress!\"\n\n<hr/>\n\nShe looked about the room, she hadn't been in too many teenage boys rooms before. Where they all like this she wondered briefly before Matt asked her his question. She blinked in surprise and shook her head with a cute little sigh.\n\n\"No she did not, Gosh your cousin Lilly can be such a little air head sometimes. She'd forget head if it wasn't attached to her body I swear!\" she replied crossing the distance between them and leaning in to kiss Matt on the lips.\n\nIt was quickly evident that Lin had indeed been practice kissing with tongue with Lilly, she placed a hand on the side of his face as she slipped her tongue into his mouth in a deep kiss. She held it for a few moment, her tongue exploring his before pulling back and giving him a smile \"Any other room rules I should know? It's my first time here so I want to be a good guest.\""
"from": "ToWriterAndWander",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 5,
"timestamp": "2023-03-30T20:38:31",
"value": "It was the first time he had been naked, though she hadn't discovered that yet. \"Mhm, I'll have to have the two of you show me how you practice tomorrow then. There isn't a boy here - or Lin - for you to show me what you've learned so I guess I'll have to fill in for now.\"\n\nPart of kissing on the lips had been to get her used to the idea of making out with him. So he leaned down, pressing his lips to hers. He traced her lips with the tip of his tongue before pushing it into her mouth. Not too aggressively - he didn't want to lock her up - but enough to show some passion. His tongue delved deeper into her mouth as she responded.\n\nHis hand on her stomach slid up, under her shirt, and boldly groped one of her perk, bare breasts.\n\n<hr/>\n\nMatt experienced his first kiss ever with Lin. His hands rested on her hips as she cupped his face and kissed him. He mimicked her motions, pressing his tongue against hers as she slid it into her mouth.\n\nWhen the kiss ended, he was speechless for a few moments. Then he shook himself. \"I..uh...yeah. She hasn't been in my room so she wouldn't know about them. Maybe you can bring her in tomorrow when I'm here and show her how its done? But there is another rule.\"\n\nHe smiled at her and circled around her to stand behind her. \"I get to remove an item of clothing on guests in my room, at my choice.\" He slid his thumbs into the waistband of her PJ shorts, discovering that she had panties on underneath. He bit his lip - he had been hoping she was bare underneath - then changed his mind. He slid his hands to the hem of her tank top and started to lift it."
"from": "Winds Of Lust",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 6,
"timestamp": "2023-03-30T21:05:12",
"value": "Totally unaware of just how exposed her uncle was, or how vulnerable she was to his devious intentions she gave him a agreeable, almost eager nod at his suggestion. \"Sure think Uncle, we practice daily anyways so it would be silly to break our habit now I suppose.\" She was eager to show her beloved Uncle just how much she had learned while practicing with Lin.\n\nShe leaned in slightly to the kiss, letting out a pleased little noise as her uncle's tongue began to push past her lips and into her mouth. Though she hadn't really figured out why, kissing practice like this with Lin had always made her feel weird and tingly. And it turns out not to just be Lin who made her feel that way because they were hardly a few moments into exploring one another tongues that she felt her heart race and a familiar mysterious itch between her legs.\n\nHer hips bucked back, unbeknownst to her pressing her ass against her bare cock, as her uncle's large hand slid up he shit and began to grope at her breasts, the nipples quickly stiffening beneath his touch.\n\n<hr/>\n\nShe gave Matt a lopsided smile. \"Hmm, Not bad Matt, but I think you need a little more practice till you are as good as me.\" she said with pride. She nodded her head \"Yeah we can do that, Lilly is a little better than you, but she could use more practice too I think.\" Implying that her and Lilly had been kissing regularly to the horny young teen.\n\n\"Ah, okay, go ahead.\" she replied as he explained the rule. waiting patiently to for him to make his decision. She turned to face him once the shirt was removed, displaying her perky young breasts, her dark brown nipples; notable pierced with silver studs, already perking up now that they were directly exposed to the cool air. \"So Matt...\" she said, assuming that was it for the rules since he had not mentioned more, though he could easily spring more on her at any moment he wished it seemed \"What do you do for fun? Its way to early to go to sleep if you ask me.\""
"from": "ToWriterAndWander",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 7,
"timestamp": "2023-03-30T21:16:55",
"value": "Richard kept kissing her as his cock hardened, starting to grind back against her perk little ass. His hand moved from one breast then the other, pushing her shirt up as high as it could go in the process. His tongue pressed hard against her tongue, lavishing every inch of her mouth with its attention.\n\nAfter a few long moments, he moved his hand from her breasts to her arm. He guided it down over her body, over her hip until her hand came in contact with his hard cock. He didn't stop kissing her. He let go of her hand so he could return to groping her perk, teen breasts.\n\n<hr/>\n\nMatt blushed at her critique but liked the idea of practicing. And then he could only stare at her bared breasts, nipples pierced, once her top came off. She seemed very unconcerned! His cock hardened even more in his pants.\n\n\"I...uh....I usually jerk off before I go to bed. Since you're here, I can't do that. But we can watch some porn instead.\" He turned from her and got onto his bed, laying on his stomach, propped up on his elbows. Partly to hide his growing erection. He turned his TV over to some porn, wondering how she would react.\n\n\"Oh...another rule is...girls aren't allowed to wear any clothes when they're on or in my bed.\" He says, staring at the TV to make it seem like it was an actual rule and not a test to see how far she'd go."
"from": "Winds Of Lust",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 8,
"timestamp": "2023-03-30T21:30:30",
"value": "Lilly was a bit surprise! Uncle Richard was a much better kisser even the Lin! The way his tongue explored her mouth so dominate, so much confidante! He must have practiced this a lot! The teasing of her breasts and the skill in his kiss only made her squirm all the more in his grasp as the hard cock nestled between her pantie clad cheeks. The masculine flavor of his mouth so much different than Lin's soft feminine touches. Both good but in their own way.\n\nShe wasn't sure what exactly Uncle Richard guided her hand too, but it was large, and warm, and felt pleasnt in her hand. Instinctively she wrapped her nimble little fingers around it. Her squirming from his teasing touch made her shift her body in a way that was not to unlike stroking the cock, though perhaps a little irregulare and unpracticed. Even so she did not seem willing to let go of what her hand had been guided too or to break the kiss with her uncle\n\n<hr/>\n\nShe tilted her head to the side, not quite understanding what he meant by jerking off, or why he couldn't do it with her here. but she did have a decent idea of what porn was, though she had never watched any herself \"Sure, I'm down with what ever. I have been curious why people seem so obsessed with this porn stuff...\"\n\nThat air headed obliviousness in full display as he added another rule out of nowhere. She shook her head and chuckled \"I guess Lilly's forgetfulness runs in the family...\" as she leaned over and began to tug off her shorts, shortly followed by her panties. She hopped into the bed, mirroring Matt's potion, laying on her stomach and adding \"Just let me know when ever you remember others. Its important to follow house rules when you are a guest after all.\"\n\nLin turned her eyes to the porn on the tv and silently watched it for a moment. \"Hmm...not a whole lot of plot...\" she mentioned off hand, her legs gently kicking back and forth. \"Those god those two are really attractive aren't they?\""
"from": "ToWriterAndWander",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 9,
"timestamp": "2023-03-30T21:40:33",
"value": "Lilly would find his cock to be a solid 9 inches. And too thick for her hand to wrap fully around. Any sort of contact felt good at this stage.\n\nHe broke the kiss with her only to shift his attention. He brought his mouth down over one of her nipples, sucking on it while rubbing his tongue all over the hardened bud. He could only reach one breast in their position but his large, bulking form was immovable. As he kissed and sucked on her breast, his hand moved to her hip. He pulled her panties down as far as he could reach - about her knees - before he ran his handover her ass, spreading her cheek.\n\nHe came up from her breast and shifted downwards slightly. \"I'm going to stick it in you now, princess.\" He murmurs, sliding his hand down her arm to his cock. Guiding her by the wrist, he made her position his cock at her entrance before pressing his hips forward, feeling the head of his cock at her entrance. \"I'm going to fuck you now, Princess. Turn you into a woman.\"\n\n<hr/>\n\nMatt was much more concerned by the naked girl on his bed then the porn on the TV. He stared at her, at her perk ass, how casually she was nude around him. \"I also get to touch any girl on my bed.\" He whispers softly, reaching his nearest arm out to start rubbing her back. His hand got bolder, sliding to her lower back before moving over to start caressing her ass.\n\n\"And since I can't masturbate with you here, I get to masturbate you.\" He adds, biting his lip as he let his hand slide over her ass to nestle between her legs, starting to rub her smooth pussy. Even if he didn't really know what he was doing. Only then did he turn his attention back to the TV. He'd put on some white-guy-gucks-asian-girl porn, probably more than influenced by her presence beside him.\n\n\"Yeah. That girl is really cute. Makes his cock look so big.\""
"from": "Winds Of Lust",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 10,
"timestamp": "2023-03-31T05:23:30",
"value": "She gasped in a greath as their lips finally parted. Moaning in surprise at the pleasent sensation of her uncle's mouth on her sensative nipples. A distnat little part of her mind realized in that moment she had been such a fool! How could she not have seen it before...YOU COULD KISS WAY MORE THAN JUST THE MOUTH! YOU CAN KISS ANYWHERE ON THE BODY! Her uncle was just so smart and helpful, and what he was doing felt so dang good!\n\nHer panties lowered, already the crotch was soaked her her inner thighs slick with her excitement, them resting at her knees restricting her movement even further, but she had no planes to try and escape her uncle's touch. Shivering as teh hand ran back up over her ass. \"It?\" she half moaned in light confusion \"In where?\" she tried to question through the haze of pleasure. But he made the answer relatively clear. As he guided her hand to adjust the hot, hard rod it held to press against her tight, wet pussy.\n\nThe itch she felt when ever she was kissing with Lin had been stoked into an intense burning need for something she didn't know how to name. But instinct told her as she felt the hot cock pressing against her pussy that her uncle knew how to satisfy what ever it was she was feeling. \"Mmmm, Do it. Please...\" she begged him \"make me a woman.\"\n\n<hr/>\n\nShe laughed a little \"Sure thing Matt, your room your rules.\" She made a pleased little noise as he rubbed her back, and she didn't seem to flinch or react at all when he began to explore her ass. Lin quirked an eyebrow, not quite sure how one could 'masturbate' someone else. What that like...a do to yourself kind of thing? Still, as the hand ventured down she wiggled her hips and spread apart her legs to give him more room to act, a small moan the clumsy fingers began to explore her soft smooth pussy.\n\n\"She really does. Like...How is she fitting it all in her mouth like that!\" It was almost unbelievable. Here was the beautiful asian babe, chilling naked on his bed, while he started to rub her pussy while watching a prono, and she was acting like it was all the most normal thing in the world.\n\n\"Gosh, how is she fitting all that in her mouth?"
"from": "ToWriterAndWander",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 11,
"timestamp": "2023-03-31T14:57:05",
"value": "Richard grunted as he thrust forward, feeling her barrier resist before breaking against his cock. He thrust again and again, working his way deeper into her virgin cunt with every thrust. Positioned as they were, he had to take it slowly - probably to her benefit. He thrust and thrust until he could feel her ass pressed against his groin. He held himself there, at that moment, grinding against her, enjoying every moment of penetrating her virgin lips. It had been too long since he had felt such a tight pussy gripping around his cock.\n\n\"Mhm, princess, how does it feel?\" He murmurs, kissing the side of her face. He slid the arm he was laying on under her neck, reaching around to grope her breasts with her shirt still lifted. His other hand slid down her side, caressing her ass before doing the same to her thigh and leg. He then pushed the bedsheets off of them, to get them out of the way as they'd be fucking for the next good bit.\n\n<hr/>\n\nMatt found her pussy hot and wet as he began to rub her there, focusing his attention on what his hand was doing. \"Oh, it always fits.\" He responds. \"Stay there - don't move.\"\n\nHe got to his knees and then moved to the upper portion of the bed, outside of her view as he was almost directly behind her. He pulled his shirt off, then his pants - being as quiet as he could possibly be - freeing his enormous cock. It was probably just as big if not bigger than the one she was watching on the screen.\n\nHe knelt between her legs then leaned forward. Both of his hands planted to either side of her elbows, his weight hovering just over her. Then he reached down with one hand, guiding the head of his cock to her pussy lips from behind. He bit his lip, hand returning to its position beside her elbow before he lowered his hips against her, bulbous head of his cock pressing against her virgin folds."
"from": "Winds Of Lust",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 12,
"timestamp": "2023-04-01T03:45:39",
"value": "She bit her lip, feeling discomfort at first. A strange stretching pressure inside her body. growing and growing until it snapped like strained rubberband. That snap was far from pleasant, and the girth of the cock stretching out her tight tiny pussy was an adjustment to say the least. But uncle had plyed his foreplay well, and she was plenty wet and ready, and as gave her a moment to adjust to his size and gently grinding the dick about her tight teen pussy her tight grip on the sheets released and her tension began to relax as pleasure became a louder sensation that discomfort.\n\n\"Mmmm....Strange hurt at first...\" She said in a soft gasping voice, as his hands began to tease her again he'd feel her walls twitch and tighten about his cock and moans escaping her lips. \"B...but if feels strangely good too...I...think I like this...\"\n\n<hr/>\n\nLin's hips would twitch and react to his fingers playing with her pussy, soft pleasureful sounds escaping her lips \" that feels nice...\" she'd murmur more to herself than to Matt. \"Do you think so? I'm not sure, she so tiny...and he's so huge!\"\n\nShe did as she was told, not moving, not even looking at him as he got up, stripped down, and mounted her. As he lowered his weight down and pinning her to the bed with her superior size, pressing his body against her smooth soft skin and his cock wedged up against the wet folds her pussy she let out another pleased sound. \"Oh...that's pretty are so nice and warm against my body Matt...\" She looked over the shoulder and smiled at him \"See, this is why I always follow the rules, things just seem to work out nicer for everyone, ya know?\""
] |
350,126 | 2023-03-30T16:31:58 | Heart of War [CelestialBlackrose & ZaWarudo] | 69 | Light: Exotic Solos | 2 | 2 | 2,600 | 1,300 | [
"from": "zawarudo",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 0,
"timestamp": "2023-03-30T16:31:58",
"value": "Prince Marius Drussus Erebus Estoc. He had to remind himself it was CROWN prince plus all of those ridiculous names now, plus a few additional names that he got when he had officially been made crown prince and heir, and then a few more when he finally ascended to the throne. And none of it felt real, none of it felt like it should be his, and absolutely none of it felt earned. This wasn't to be his role and he'd satisfied himself in that, long since having made peace with the idea of happily standing outside of the line of succession, because there was no doubt in his mind over who should rule. Castor was the elder twin, and more so than that, Castor was perfect. Kind, honorable, just, you could throw a dart at a board of positive words to say about another person and wherever it ended up, it would be a fair description of his brother, there was no doubt that he had been destined to lead the nation of Estoc, the gods on high could not be clearer about their intent, at least in Marius' mind. In that sense he regretted ever being born, that his existence would cloud what was a damned certainty to Marius. Twins were a rarity in Estoc, their presence nearly unheard of among the long lived elven kind, and it was not a positive omen, no, it was paired only with ruin and death. He had always wondered why people looked at him so, why there was an apprehension around him that never seemed present with his brother. His brother being trained to rule left him with long hours to explore the royal libraries however, and in that he discovered the history of his people.\n\nEstoc had once been a province of a great elven empire, one that had stretched a span far greater than the nation he called home. Now there were only scattered kingdoms, each proclaiming their proud lineage from the true and rightful kings of the great old empire. What had caused the shattering that had laid this empire to dust? Twins, as it always seemed to be. Brothers born, each a claimant, or at least many in power each wanted to see their preferred prince ascend the throne. Battle lines were drawn, and upon the death of the king, the entire empire had fallen into a bloody civil war, and by the time the dust had settled, there was no longer an empire to rule, only kingdoms each seeking to eke out their own existences. Estoc had been one of these kingdoms formed, and in the intervening centuries become a powerful, wealthy nation in it's own right. Marius had resolved himself to not allow the same fate befall his homeland, nor his brother. There would be no question of who must be king, for he would prove himself entirely unsuitable to the task. He would laze, he would drink, cause trouble, and neglect his studies, it would be easy but he could show everyone that Marius was simply unsuited to rule, all would need to see that only Castor was worthy of wearing the crown. Only his brother had known the truth, having figured out his brother was playing a character, a charade. Castor had felt guilt, but Marius did not wish it so, he was happy to do this for his brother, a man he felt only love and admiration for. Castor had accepted Marius' sacrifice, and Marius was content with this. There were good times, Marius couldn't very well lie and say he DIDN'T enjoy the parties, but the looks on the faces of others, the barely concealed disgust for him, truly it wounded deeper than he'd ever expected. He had grown resentful that these people required him to play this role, so that there might be peace in Estoc.\n\nUnfortunately that peace was not in the hands of Marius to decide. The Dragon shifters had been allies, friends, and trading partners. Nobody knew the reason why they had taken the opportunity to advantage themselves, but their new lord had decided now was the time to claim a new prize. The cities and forests of Estoc had burned, and the armies of the land were raised, proud Prince Castor at the head. Marius had known when his brother's life faded from this world, he'd felt it in the deepest part of his soul, aching in his bones the like of which he'd never known in his life. He sobbed, not knowing it's cause, and yet intimately aware of the fact that something had been taken from him, and all of his sacrifice had been for naught. Castor was dead, and now he would have to be the heir. People were immediately doubtful of his abilities, as well they should be, but this was their way and by right of lineage Marius would be prince and someday he would be king. With the king ailing that did not appear like it would take too much longer to happen either, but there was a distinct worry that there would not be a kingdom to rule should things continue. The elven armies had stemmed the tide from the shifters, Castor's sacrifice had bought them that small respite, but it would not be long before the began their push again, eager to raze the capital and claim the land to their own empire. When it was discussed over what must be done, it was Marius' father that had made the final decision, his son must travel to the land of Ethea, an elven kingdom of the same lineage of their own, he must broker alliance and marry their princess. Uniting the two kingdoms in opposition was the only chance that could be had to marshal the other elven lands to one banner, and to drive the shifters back. Of course Marius could agree, it was a good idea frankly, and his grief gave him no desire to fight back. The war had made the kingdom unsafe and he would not be afforded the privilege of luxurious travel, he would have to make the way on horse or by foot and only a lone bodyguard to protect him. Anything more would attract too much attention, and draw the shifters to make an attempt on his life.\n\nMarius had opted to dress himself this morning, having been provided the clothes of an artisan to improve the illusion. He buttoned up the white cotton shirt, his taut, well muscled body being covered by the baggier garment. His hair, long and silver with the light of the moon, this too he had to hide, tucking it under a large cap and blackening what could be seen with soot. The marks of his nobility must be concealed as best possible. The ruby red eyes, the signature of the house of Estoc, well those could not be hidden, but in a pinch could be glamoured with sorcery, this was a dangerous use of magic however, and should only be employed in desperate circumstance. Looking himself over in the mirror, Marius smiled, a deep and sad one. He wished for nothing other than for his brother to be here, just to see him once again. The woman that had been chosen as his guard was close to Marius, he'd met the woman many times over the years, and never a good opinion of her. Though how could he blame someone who thought low of him, it had been the character he'd opted to play, and had exceeded his own expectations. Taking in a deep breath, he gathered his possessions in the sack that had been provided, and made for the courtyard to face his new destiny."
"from": "CelestialBlackrose",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 1,
"timestamp": "2023-03-30T22:28:36",
"value": "(\n\n<center>(</center>\n\n<strong></strong>\n\nIt was the day that Serena had been dreading since her return only a few days ago. The day of their departure. Two weeks ago, she had left the palace with the then-crown prince, utterly confident that they would be able to strike down their enemies. Though she had been fierce and well-trained, she could not help the small seed of doubt curling around her. <em>Something</em> had told her not to go, but try as she might, she could not dissuade Castor from insisting he accompany their armies into battle.\n\n<em>\"I will not be seen as a coward,\" he insisted.\n\n\"No? Then what about a fool,\" she snapped, her fear making her words sharp. No one else would ever dare speak to their future king like this, but Serena did not care. He was not just her would-be king, he was her friend. And she did not intend to lose a friend simply because of pride or propriety.\n\nCastor burst out laughing. \"Have I told you that you look beautiful when you're angry?\" </em>\n\nEven as furious as she was, he'd managed to make her smile. The memory only hurt now though. With everything else that happened... she realized that the hints had been there all along. How had she never seen it? Between their last conversation and his death, Serena's emotions felt raw. Anyone who had been at the battle would not fault her for the old prince's death. She had fought loyally at his side until that final, wrenching moment. The one that had knocked the very air from her lungs and torn her heart from her chest.\n\nAll her life, Serena Ironhart had only dreamed of seeing Castor on the throne. He was to be a great king. A leader of legends. Kind, selfless, and strong. Her own father had been a guard in the royal army and helped train her as a child. Even then, her talent with both sword and magic was undeniable. It was why the King himself had insisted she trained beside Castor, priming her to be his personal guard from the moment they were children. He had been with her through everything. He had <em>been</em> her everything. There was just something about Castor that made her feel alive. He gave her hope. If anyone could lead their people into a new era, it was Castor. And with Serena at his side, Castor seemed invincible. He had <em>trusted</em> her until the very end.\n\nSerena stumbled, placing a hand on the wall to steady herself. <strong>\"Just breathe,\"</strong> she told herself, glad for her knowledge of the castle's secret passageways. She could not stomach the idea of someone seeing her like this. The King had summoned her this morning, wanting a word before she headed out. She still couldn't believe that he'd chosen her to protect Marius. But any hope she had that the King might have forgiven her was erased when she knelt before him and he spoke. The rage and pain at losing his child made his normally weak voice strong and booming--he almost sounded like his old self.\n\n<em>\"Do not fail me again Serena. I do not wish to lose a <strong>second</strong> son before I meet the Gods.\"</em>\n\nShe hadn't even been able to return his son to him for a proper burial. The tides had turned against them, and with the prince gone Serena had taken command. She could not allow the army to perish here. They needed to live to fight another day. But the field was aflame with dragon fire, more intense and dangerous than any normal flame. The smoke curled into their lungs. Though she'd given the order to retreat, she still tried to fight her way to the fallen prince... to retrieve his body. They'd had to drag her away, only succeeding in part because her magic and body were so depleted already.\n\nIt was a shame she would always have to live with.\n\nShe composed herself before leaving the hidden exit and making for the courtyard. Though Marius was no leader, he was the best they had now. It felt cruel to do so, but she couldn't help comparing the two. While Castor had been tirelessly learning how to take over the kingdom, Marius had thrown himself into the drink. Rumor also had it that he was a complete <em>philanderer</em>. Though Serena couldn't say what he really looked like now, she remembered him being a lanky child when they were growing up. Like most of the royal court, she had completely forgotten about Marius until now. Castor had been their sun, their center. And now that he was gone the whole kingdom was in a sort of panic. The general consensus was that Marius was ill-equipped to run the kingdom on his own. Not only did he have little to no idea how to run things, but their armies had taken a significant hit during that battle. The only way they could truly hope to hold back the shifters was to secure an alliance with another kingdom.\n\nThat was why she was traveling with him now. To get him to Ethea safely so he could marry Princess Irina. She entered the courtyard where their horses were waiting. She set to checking the saddles and their bags. Double and triple checking all the straps and details to make sure they were ready to go. As always, Serena was early. And if she was early, then the prince was decidedly <em>late</em> when he strolled in. She finished feeding her horse half an apple and without turning her back, announced, <strong>\"You're late.\" </strong>She gave Snow a gentle kiss on her nose before finally turning to Marius.\n\nAnd felt as if she'd been slapped. They were twins, obviously, and she had been steeling herself to face him all day... but the sight of <em>him</em> still punched her in the gut. Serena went stiff, the air in her lungs freezing and growing heavy. It was almost like Castor was alive again. For a full five seconds, she could believe it. He hadn't died. The arrow had missed.\n\nBut then she noted the differences. The way Marius seemed to look down before he stepped, lacking Castor's confidence. The way his eyes didn't spark at the sight of her, ready to issue some new challenge or tease her. The lost look in his expression, as if it somehow pained him to be in the same space as her. His brother's killer. She might not have dealt the blow herself, but she had let it happen. <strong>\"I'm going to assume you packed everything you need, your highness?\" </strong>She added the last bit as if tasting acid. It couldn't be helped. Marius was <em>not</em> Castor. And she hated him a little for that.\n\nWhereas Marius had chosen to dress down, Serena had not had the same luxury. Even if they were trying to avoid attention, she could not go without some form of protection and weaponry. She had her sword on her right hip, daggers at her left, and a bow at her back. She had chosen a white blouse with long sleeves and a ruffled hem. She paired it with a leather corset that not only made her breasts look great but doubled as light armor. For pants, she chose simple black, form-fitting but also comfortable enough for travel. And of course, a decent pair of black leather boots she could move in. Her hair had a number of intricate, fine braids going through it and she'd twisted it up, pinning it in a half-up style with a hair stick that was a hidden weapon as well. Deadly and beautiful. She was nothing less than prepared. Serena eyed the prince's cap, frowning. It felt so... out of place. <strong>\"Anything else you need to take care of before we head out?\"</strong>"
] |
350,128 | 2023-03-30T17:41:55 | Surviving the Harshlands (Relikai & Skydancer) | 65 | Noncon: Human-Freeform Solos | 2 | 4 | 1,461 | 350.5 | [
"from": "Relikai",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 0,
"timestamp": "2023-03-30T17:41:55",
"value": "(\n\nEmily looked down at her leg - There was a tear in her combat trousers - army issue of course for when she joined the army - when there was an army - but that was what seemed like a lifetime ago. There were moments of huge intensity followed by horse days of what seemed complete inactivity. The world was a completely different place now - post the event - everything had changed - humanity had prevailed but just. All the old people gone - all the children - what was left was a society that in one way was the best of humanity - how they had banded together defeated the odds lived, survived. But now humanity was showing its worse self. No law no order - it allowed the basest of life to surface- many of the warriors now were little more than beasts , killing maming using everyone life was a disaster for the weak for the afraid.\nEmily had joined the army at the height of the main battles and her squad was there in the middle of it. She enjoyed the camaraderie within the group but slowly the group got smaller and smaller - now all that was left following the latest splinter was herself and Katie. They had walked away from the latest warlord and now they were alone and that was danger with a capital D. Two women late 20’s in this environment - sure they were armed but this was highly dangerous. Emily was tough, tough but beautiful, she had a slim figure that hid her muscular frame - she was not one to be messed with.\nKatie was softer more compliant - certainly had lived and survived through some really terrible times and was hardened because of that but she couldn't hide her nature.\nThe girls arrived at the gate laden down with their backpacks\n\n<hr/>\n\nThe gatekeepers looked down at the two ladies, surely not the most common of visitors. Al-Hafizah is the name of the settlement, one of about a hundred souls, much smaller than the large ruin twenty miles away in Al-Mazrah. Al-Hafizah was known to be a small refuge from the chaos of Al-Mazrah where people literally killed each other for the plentiful resources in the land. But Emily and Katie were here, and the men, rough men for rough times, stepped down holding their AK-47 rifles while some others trained their weapons on the duo.\n\n\"You seek entry into Al-Hafizah?\" One of them asked, eyes roaming up and down the two, particularly looking at how Emily was dressed in the swealtering heat. \"We have food, we have water, and we have a lot of work... But can you two ladies keep up with what we need?\""
"from": "Skydancer",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 1,
"timestamp": "2023-03-30T20:22:49",
"value": "(\n\nKatie was her own woman - it was not that she wanted to be lead by Emily - its just that seemed to be the natural order of things - Emily had been by her side since the start - they had both protected each other - Katie didnt like guns and had become very proficient with her bow and arrows, reusable amo - that was always a positive. These days people were so precious with the bullets - one less thing for her to worry about - but she did have to carry a good supply around with her.\nLife before the event had been so different - she had qualified as a school teacher and now look at her - a killer and part of an army, there could not be more of a difference.\nKatie and Emily had decided to seek out Al-Hafizah on the recommendation of one of the members of their last squad “Its as good as it gets around here - he had said - and infact the three of them had banded together to make the journey here - It was nice to have a man around - there was something comforting about that - not that Emily could show a soft side and admit that - but Katie could - she was a woman after all and everybody has needs. But Charlie was gone - went on a food scout mission and didn't come back. They searched for him and tried to track him but there was no sign - 3 days they waited and searched - but they knew the danger that lurked in every corner and had to get off the road.\nKatie approached the gate\n<strong>“Charlie was with us he was one of ye and told us to come here - we are seeking sanctuary - He said there was safety here - we are fighters part of the 23rd battalion. We have fought for mother earth under general Walters. We seek refuge. We can work and are happy to.” </strong>\nThe women had heard the stories of some of these encampments - especially out west - where civilisation was returning - where food was available and didn't have to be fought for or scavenged. Hopefully the world would return to normal to a society that could build going forward - not the way things were now - you know what they said things had to get to their worst before they could get better again - well civilisation was on its knees - but Emily and Katie would never stop fighting to get it back to real again.\n\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nEmily looked on, gun by her side - she wasn't going to beg to these guys to let her in - Charlie had described the place to her - she knew what it was going to be like she knew what all these places were like - but there was danger outside - Surely these people would see sense and be actively looking for fighters - the fact they were both beautiful women would surely be a big help."
"from": "Relikai",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 2,
"timestamp": "2023-03-31T16:49:24",
"value": "The two guards looked on, the name of Charlie being one familiar to them. However, the lack of his presence probably means... well, only the strongest survive in the current times, and sometimes even being the strongest isn't enough. Al-Hafizah is a barely running settlement, with basic access to water and some quick growing food sustaining the small community. However, what they really lacked was people, with many needing to double up leading to fatigue and illness, something which is exceptionally deadly without proper medical care. The addition of two would not only boost their security, but the men knew that the presence of such attractive ladies might fulfill their other... needs\n\nThe gates opened, the two guards beckoning them in. Once inside the gates were shut and locked, guards stepping off the flimsy wall as they returned back to their duties. A man came up to meet them, together with a lady carrying a rifle standing beside him, the duo approaching cautiously as they bowed to the two.\n\n<strong>\"You mentioned Charlie... I guess he was not able to make it. We can accept people... friends of Charlie, as well as people who can work to help our settlement. My name is Viktor.\"</strong> He introduced himself, <strong>\"And this is Marza, my head of security. If you're new, our rules are simple, don't stir trouble, don't mess up this place. Firstly, I'll need to know what you two can do.\"</strong>"
"from": "Skydancer",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 3,
"timestamp": "2023-04-01T04:54:25",
"value": "Again Katie took the lead - Emily standing to one side being silent and a little brooding.\n“We were fighters in the 23rd - and both of us were first aiders - Emily used to be a Nurse - you know - before !” letting the comment hang in the air for a moment. She was aware that for some remembering back was painful. But equally the mention of anything medical was a huge bonus - the truth was that Emily had started nursing college and was in month 5 of her training - but that was 1000% more than anyone else could even dream of.\nEmily looked sullenly at the men before her almost with disdain.\n“I can do anything any of ye could do just better!” She intended to come across as confrontational - she had found that once she stood up to all these men most of them tended to back down.\n“Ahem” Interrupted Katie “She means we can also do chores and we can hunt as well. Not great at the cooking now mind you!” she said trying to inject some light hearted banter into the proceedings.\nEmily was looking around the encampment to see the other people and what they were doing - trying to figure out who the true leader was - hardly either of these two anyway.\nOne thing both women craved was some hot water and a shower. That would be heaven."
] |
350,129 | 2023-03-30T20:25:12 | Mother's Sacrifice [W/theboyinthedark69] | 65 | Noncon: Human-Freeform Solos | 2 | 2 | 1,688 | 844 | [
"from": "Krasnaya",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 0,
"timestamp": "2023-03-30T20:25:12",
"value": "If someone had told <a href=\"\">Catherine</a>that it would be so hard for her to accept that her boys were all grown up and that they're finally leaving her side, fully embracing their adulthood as they ventured out in pursuing their path and hopefully the careers that would be the foundation of their future. She was always a very affectionate person, but with her boys, especially the younger one, she really was protective and loving. It had almost been a year a now since they have left, and now they're finally coming over for holidays, Catherine was excitedly preparing for Christmas Eve and Christmas. She prepared some gifts and invited over family members for Christmas so they can reunite and enjoy their lunch together, just like they have over a year ago.\n\nBut it doesn't help that Catherine was rather quite lonely. Her relationship with Michael hasn't been the best... It was quite explosive after the sons have left for college. It had dragged on to the point where Michael and her nearly divorced... But decided to amicably settle to remain in marriage and see how they can work on their relationship. And several months ago, when she had a phone call with Alexander, she had confined in him how hard it actually was for her and that things felt a little lonely. It only made Catherine more softer whenever she spoke with her boys, telling them often that she missed them, though not outright telling just how lonely she was, it was obvious.\n\nIt was heartbreaking for her, as she loved her husband, but he was too distant and cold for her to love him back... She was sure he had found another mistress and figured that if she found someone else on the side it wouldn't make the situation escalate, but Catherine was too beat up about it tp even try. Instead she had mostly focused on family, taking care of her sick mother when she had the time and mostly making sure that the house was clean when she was off the clock.\n\nBut right now, her main focus were her sons and for the first time in a while Catherine was rather radiant and happy. They were, after all, her children and her whole world.\n\nIt was Christmas Eve and the plan was to let the two brothers come home and relax for the day, and Catherine hoped to catch up with them. She had spent whole day cleaning, their rooms neatly prepared to welcome them. And just as she had finished making lunch for the family while Michael was nearing the end of his shift, the doorbell rang.\n\nCatherine knew it had to be her two sons and she happily rushed to the door to greet them. She didn't expect them this early, so she hadn't really had time to doll up. She was still in her oversized T-shirt and shorts, with fluffy slippers. She had her daily makeup on, as woman of her age, Catherine really took care of herself and despite the circumstances, she was a really good looking woman. Red hair, milky complexion, hourglass body, but it was always her bust that was the eye catcher. Even with her oversized T-shirt, it was clear that she wore no bra while she was in the privacy of her home. So when she had unlocked and opened the front door, the cold from outside reached her and she immediately shuddered, which resulted with her nipples hardening from the cold wind.\n\nBut she didn't care. The sight of her boys who immediately seemed even more grown and mature than she remembers immediately warmed her heart and she moved forward, her both arms spreading to hug them both at the same time and pull them to her. She simply could not wait for them to come in into the hallway. She held them tight for a few seconds, kissing them both on the cheek. Almost as if they were gone for years and not just a year.\n\n\"I forgot how tall the two of you were.\" she finally said as she moved back, this time wrapping her arms around herself and moving to the side to finally let them in."
"from": "theboyinthedark69",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 1,
"timestamp": "2023-03-31T10:30:31",
"value": "He felt that it was his fault that he and his brother were in this mess. <a href=\"\">Christian</a> Hopkins sat in the taxi taking them home from the airport thinking about that fateful day which had changed their lives for ever. He and and his younger brother, <a href=\"\">Alexander</a>, had been excited about going to college, getting their independence from their parents and living the life every college age kid dreams of.\n\nBoth brothers were tall, well built and good looking, and instantly became popular with the girls in college. Christian, with his outgoing, charming, personality was a chick magnet. Alexander, the younger, quieter one also had girls swooning. Dipping their toes into the dating pool, the boys developed a reputation for being great sex, and overall fun lads. Everyone knew that there was no serious relationship to be found here, and the boys enjoyed this carefree college life of sex, drugs, drinking, partying, and being with their friends.\n\nChristian still remembered Ravena, a friend of a friend who had visited their college town for the weekend. Somehow, she had seduced both brothers and the three of them had ended up in her hotel room. Dark haired and dark eyed, her soft pale skin almost glowed in the dark. He remembered her soft sinful lips, and how hungry he had been to kiss them. He couldn't remember the details, but he did remember that she had a black drink that had a distinct licorice smell, it was suppose to increase their libido, make them more...<em>potent</em>. Without a thought he and his brother had downed the drink, and then they had had the best sex of their lives. The whole weekend had been spent satisfying their urges, the three of them had gotten along very well, and it had been a very rewarding threesome. Ravena had left town very satisfied, going hoarse from all that moaning. Christian smiled at that memory, he had felt so powerful, making a woman orgasm like that.\n\nBut things had changed after that weekend, the brothers found themselves at the mercy of their baser instincts. They realized that if they didn't have sex often they would get the shivers, and they wouldn't be able to think straight. Like a drug addict in withdrawal, they hungered for this new high, putting more efforts in seducing girls, so they could satisfy this 'urge', and regain normalcy for a short period of time. There had been something in that drink that had changed them, making sex go from a fun activity to an absolute necessity.\n\nIt wasn't like they had a hard time though, women seem to flock to them, almost like they too were attracted by this primal hunger in the brothers, and for a while it seemed like everything would be okay. Then came the Christmas holidays, the first real test, as the brothers would be going back home, and the knew that they wouldn't be getting a woman for at least 10 days or so.\n\n\"It would be alright brother\", Christian assured Alexander. \"We are strong,...and it is only for 10 days! We will have a party when we go back,....Emily will be waiting for us,...she loves being with the both of us!\"\n\nEven though he spoke assuredly, he was a bit worried. His younger brother was the more emotional one, and he felt a responsibility to look after him. Maybe they could sneak away to a bar during the week, though it seemed unlikely. His mind turned to his parents, Alexander had told him about the phone call with their mother, about how it seemed that their parents were drifting apart. <em>No, this week must be perfect. We can't mess this up, could be their last chance!</em>, he thought, worried about the fact that their parents could be separating. An arm around his brother's shoulders, he rubbed them to reassure him again as the taxi enter their neighborhood. Familiar houses and streets appeared as it wove through the neighborhood, heading towards their home. \"Mother will be very happy to see us,... we must make this work!\"\n\nPushing away their trouble from his mind, he looked out to see their home as they pulled in front of it. It was still the same place, seemingly warm and comfortable. Their father would still be at work, but they knew that their mother would be waiting. Stepping out from the taxi, Christian paid the taxi as Alexander got their bags. Dressed in jeans, boots, buttoned up wool shirts and blazers, the brothers looked identical save for their hair color. \"You are right brother,....its just for a week. We don't have a problem, would be over before we know it!\", Alexander spoke calmly, though Christian could tell that he was worried. \"Come now,...let us not keep mother waiting any longer.\"\n\nRinging the bell, the boys waited for their mother to open the door, greeting her when she did. Christian instantly noticed that something felt off about their mother. She seemed almost youthful, dressed in an oversized t-shirt with no bra. When she hugged them, he inhaled deeply, taking in her scent and feeling it tease the monster in him. <em>Shit,...not our mother!</em>, he thought as he fought hard to not get aroused.\n\nBut it was difficult, and looking at her there in the hallway, her nipples poking due to the cold, he started getting that hungry feeling again. Closing the door, the carried their bags inside, watching as Alexander hugged her.\n\nAlexander too felt the same feelings, but unlike his brother he didn't try to fight it. Hugging her back tightly, he held her for a few moments, closing his eyes and inhaling her scent. \"We missed you soo much Mother!....I missed you soo much!\", he cried softly, not wanting to let her go. He and his mother had had a special relationship, and being away from her had taken a toll on him."
] |
350,130 | 2023-03-30T21:15:36 | Whispered Nocturnes (Jadis & Rinzler) | 13 | Light: Human Solos | 2 | 2 | 1,248 | 624 | [
"from": "Rinzler",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 0,
"timestamp": "2023-03-30T21:15:36",
"value": "<center><strong>Whispered Nocturnes</strong></center>\n\n<center>(</center>\n\nFor Dean Shafer, the end began a long time ago. He'd been a kid and his best friend, Buddy French, had raided a stalled boxcar in the Valley Falls marshalling yard. Buddy was like that: decent enough, but lacking in the paying for shit department. In this instance, he'd come away with twelve cases of Coors Light intended for Rhode Island's cohort of Seven-Elevens. Generous to a fault, Buddy had shared the loot, and Shafer, then fourteen, discovered he really liked the taste of alcohol.\n\nIt was a childhood summer fit for nostalgic dreams: endless, hot and honey-hued, with fresh mornings and heart-wrenching sunsets. Dean Shafer went on to remember it - or what he could of it - for other reasons.\n\n<center><strong>* * *</strong></center>\n\nA decade later he signed up to a five-year stint in the navy and enjoyed his only bout of sustained sobriety. Throughout, Shafer's service record remained unblemished. There were no hangover induced absences or liquor-fuelled insubordinations. Afterwards, he segued back into civilian life as if wading through an ever deepening mire. Without the booze, day-to-day living seemed impossible. With it, he failed spectacularly at everything but didn't care. And that was enough, for a while.\n\nThe true end, when it came, did so innocuously. Shafer had been fixing roofing tar to a single storey Narragansett summer house and taken a fall. Unusually, he wasn't blitzed, despite ascribing drunkard's luck to the fact that he escaped with bruises instead of a broken neck. Less fortunate was the response of his boss, Cary Bradford of Bradford's Home Repair, Maintenance and Construction, for whom the incident had proven the latest in a long and troublesome line of many.\n\n<em>\"I'm sorry Dean. I got my premiums to think about,\" </em>he explained, back at the depot. Reaching across his desk, the old man handed Shafer a severance check. It was generous. Shafer stayed quiet, however.\n\n<em>\"It's a pity. You're a damn good worker. When you're know.\"</em>\n\nShafer nodded listlessly.\n\n<em>\"For what it's worth, I like you. We all do.\"</em>\n\nWhich was when Shafer finally broke and cried in front of the man. \"I won't do it again,\" he sobbed hopelessly.\n\n<em>\"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry,\"</em> Cary said.\n\nAnd at long last, so was Dean Shafer.\n\nSeveral weeks later, he combined his severance pay and most of his savings to place a deposit on an old house off Putnam Pike. It was bigger than what he wanted, but decrepitude and remoteness made the dwelling just about affordable. The photos showed a home which apparently hadn't been lived in for years; grey streaks bleared the splintered clapboard facade like tear stains. \"There's running water, though,\" the realtor added half-heartedly, as if he didn't truly expect a sale. \"And y'know...I guess if you're into fixing things up...\"\n\nShafer moved in three days afterwards.\n\n<center><strong>* * *</strong></center>\n\nEnsconced in his new lounge, Dean Shafer settled into the sofa he'd brought over from his apartment and contemplated the bottles arrayed on the coffee table in front of him. \"Well, old friends,\" he murmured, reaching for the vodka. \"End of the line, eh?\"\n\nHe slugged the drink straight from the neck and immediately had more. Then he uncapped the peach schnapps and swigged some of that before picking up the coffee brandy.\n\n\"Local delicacy,\" he said, taking a shot. \"Fat ass in a glass.\" The stuff went down like acid.\n\nNext, Shafer availed himself of the bourbon. This time the man continued his protracted suicide without comment, quietly watching the window as he imbibed. Recalling the summer evenings of his youth, when he'd first started doing what he did now, Shafer silently toasted the rich August sunset outside.\n\n<em>Here's to you, Buddy. Thanks for everything.</em>\n\nWith luck, he'd fade out gently, like a day falling into night."
"from": "Jadis",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 1,
"timestamp": "2023-03-31T00:20:23",
"value": "(<center><small>Elizabeth</small></center>\n\nThe sunset painted the sky in a cacophony of color, splashes of ochre and scarlet and gold. While thin wisps of pale cloud stretched across the horizon - turning day into night - as a blanket of silver stars speckled the velvet canopy of the evening sky. The cold wind began to whistle through the blistered wood of the window panes, causing an eerie howl to linger in the silent corridors above in the old-style Victorian manor. And the many rooms within all appeared to be frozen in a state of prior existence - like they were solid snapshots of history; captured in time. That is, all save for one small den, where a weak flame fluttered in the hearth and a lamp teetered precariously. For within, a man - weathered with perpetual grief and crushed beneath the weight of life's brutal expectations - sought his final end. And with him, he brought along his last and final friends ... the bottles arrayed before him in his buffet of suicide.\n\nAs the night lingered, and the lightning storm began to crawl in - the billowing thunderclouds covered the sky in an ominous fog. Occasionally, a faint rumble would shake the ricketty house, causing dust to fall from between the slats in a mimic of rain; pattering against the wooden floor in a soft trickling of dirt. He might have thought he was alone in that room ... facing the cold stare of death through the bottom of a glass, but the truth was far more terrifying. Spirits whispered in the wood of the foundation and in the old walls of the aged home. While forces manifested, like slithering black snakes, while the shadows coalesced and became dense with a pang of ravenous hunger. Even the house itself seemed to moan with discontent ... crying out in silence as it sympathized with Dean; offering to welcome him into that great long goodbye.\n\nBut one spirit, in particular, did not share in their hunger. Instead, she stood behind him - a vapourous cloud of pale white mist, obscured and featureless. She could feel his pain, his anguish ... and, for the first time in so long; she could share in the tortured feelings overwhelming him from within. Becoming submerged in his pain like a sliver in her mind; a nearly lost and forgotten sensation. And it moved her. She had forgotten how it had felt to fall into such deep despair - as though the world had abandoned you - along with everyone in it. And yet, here she was ... feeling the first sensations of life after an ageless season of being lost and cold in the shadows of an endless nothingness. It was like stepping into warm sunlight after a long bitter winter.\n\nSo, against all reason ... it prompted her to speak. Her voice, like a strange far-off echo ... whispered into the wind; calling to him through the fade as she materialized there in front of him. She was translucent and white, her long wavy hair and wedding-like gown whipping about in some invisible wind. Her eyes appeared hollow, like white plates of stained glass, and her mouth appeared dark and empty ... even as the scars of her tragic end were plain upon her figure even in death. But her expression - while stiff with unfamiliarity - was still empathetic and kind ... reaching out to him as though to embrace his pain and ease his hurt away. \"Please ...\" she whispered, her voice not quite matching the movement of her lips. \"Don't do this to yourself. It's not worth it ... please. I beg you. Stop ... \""
] |
350,131 | 2023-03-30T22:06:26 | Just a New Girl in College | 69 | Light: Exotic Solos | 1 | 1 | 252 | 252 | [
"from": "justmethatswho",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 0,
"timestamp": "2023-03-30T22:06:26",
"value": "(\n\nAlexis Munroe, age 18 .. I sat looking at my new license just sent by my parents. The pic looked at me and all. Yet was it I wondered. Was this all a mistake. If it was I was all in and falling with no way to stop. That is how I felt. Well what trans girl would not feel that way. Take life and make it more complex.\n\nCollege was ok, I was convinced it was me not letting people inside of my world. Loneliness was the hardest. I did live in the girls dorm but in a single room. \"they said it would be better. Yes the \"Theys\" of this world, that made things more difficult than need be. Woke and UnWoke theys all had a solution to my problem. The funny thing is they never asked persons like me. My pronouns were she and her. Heck I di not care what people called me, just be nice is all I wanted.\n\nYet here I was 6 weeks in. I was passing Calc and Chem. passing, not acing. Tho it was the Lit class I struggled with. I never got Lit and this was more proof. Talk tot he Professor .. is all people said. So here I was waiting outside of his door for my appointment. I looked at the plaquard on the Wall. Dr. Tyler Jacobs. I laughed thinking maybe he could give me a prescription to help me with all of this shit in my life."
] |
350,132 | 2023-03-30T22:20:03 | The Darker World of Wonder (L'IM and KTH) | 382 | Extreme: Solos | 1 | 1 | 543 | 543 | [
"from": "kurioustoohear",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 0,
"timestamp": "2023-03-30T22:20:03",
"value": "(\n\nDeva stared down at the floor of the warehouse, her hands cuffed behind her as she leaned against the cinder block wall. She had been defeated ... again ... by her arch-nemesis, Wonder Woman. Three of her henchmen flanked her ... also cuffed and awaiting transportation to the county lockup. “I would have defeated her ... were it not for Jason ...” she fumed, angry that he had hesitated at the critical moment. The Amazon bitch was fully engaged in her battle with Deva ... all he had to do was pull the trigger and that would have ended it. Was it fear of her prowess or reputation that caused him to miss that opportune moment? What did it matter ... he hadn’t and Wonder Woman used her accursed lasso to disarm him. Deva tried to take advantage of her momentary distraction ... she never saw the leg swipe that toppled her. How had she reacted so quickly? Again ... what did it matter ...\n\nDeva looked up at the scene unfolding before her eyes. Wonder Woman was speaking to a cop ... giving a statement. The other police stood around gabbing and laughing ... at <em>her</em>! She found this most galling of all ... she could destroy them at her whim. And she would ...\n\nHer attention was captured by the paddy wagon backing into the warehouse to take them all away. “<em>The fools!</em>” she silently sneered ... did they really think they could keep her like any common criminal? They would soon find out ...\n\nDeva, short for ‘Devastation,’ was created to be the dark mirror of the Amazon princess and destroy her. She was given her powers as gifts from Cronus and his Dark Titans. But, as so happens with the designs of men, things often go awry. She struggled with her own conflict about following the purpose of her creation or following what she personally wants to do with her life. Until her first encounter with Wonder Woman ... her defeat filled her with resolve to conquer the Queen of Themyscira ...\n\nThey were finally ordered to stand and line up. Deva was the last ... her defiance evident. Did these humans think they could control her? “They would soon learn,” she sneered as they were slowly marched towards the armored door of the police wagon. One by one, they entered in to take there seat. Once they were on their way ... away from the cursed powers of Wonder Woman, they would learn. Oh yes, they would learn ...\n\nAs Deva prepared to take the step up into the wagon to join her captured lackeys, she felt a hand grip her arm and pull her away. Startled, she looked and saw who dared to handle her in this way ... Wonder Woman! Confused at first, it then became clear. She would not be traveling to the county lock up to await arraignment and trial. Her plan to overcome them and gain her freedom was foiled ... and she was not sure what would happen. She watched as the last were loaded into the armored wagon and drove away, leaving her alone with her hated enemy. She questioningly glared at her ... unsure about what was happening ..."
] |
350,133 | 2023-03-30T22:54:40 | The Haunted House [W/ Kimera] | 382 | Extreme: Solos | 1 | 1 | 934 | 934 | [
"from": "Krasnaya",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 0,
"timestamp": "2023-03-30T22:54:40",
"value": "It had felt like the ultimate betrayal.\n\n<a href=\"\">Angelina</a> had dedicated her entire life to God and did everything in her power to keep herself pure and clean from this world's sins. She submitted, she respected and she was truly a Godly woman, kind, gentle and nurturing. She was a beloved daughter coming from a good and healthy family, and she believed that she truly was blessed once she believed that she found a man who would be her husband, father of beautiful children where they will build their small world, honor God and build a happy family, where their home will be filled with warmth and joy.\n\nIt was what Angelina wanted. It was the life she fantasized about. And to her husband Michael, she was exactly all of that. A Godly woman, loyal, tidy, understanding, calm and peaceful... Though Michael was less of a man that Angelina had thought that he was.\n\nHe was a man of sin. He gave into temptation and bedded another woman. They just were married for a year. And she gave him everything. She submitted to her husband, because he connected her to God. He was supposed to be her sanctuary, her protector and her love. But he was none of those things.\n\nHow could she leave now? The shame she would have to live with, everyone would know her as a woman that was left behind by her husband. Women are always to blame in these scenarios and this broke Angelina down. She prayed with tears in her eyes when Michael would leave the house for his third shift... Not knowing if he was at work in the hospital or if he is elsewhere, with some ungodly temptress... She prayed and cried, but God never responded to her. She felt used, betrayed and alone...\n\nAnd it had led her into miserable decision. There was a lake not too far from their neighborhood. It was a beautiful park, perfect for strolls and lovers to indulge in some sunlight and away from the urban areas, but at night it was empty and lonesome. Nothing but the sound of crickets and the trees as the wind blew.\n\nAngelina was always afraid of the depths and she didn't know how to swim. But this time, with a final prayer and plea for forgiveness from God for committing the worst sin imaginable.\n\nAnd the experience was more terrifying than Angelina could've ever imagined. It was indescribable. The coldness and helplessness, how cruel even a still lake could be as it dragged her into the murky depths. And eventually, as she was losing all of the air from her lungs, she began to hallucinate. Or at least that was the way she chalked it up to be. She could see hands reaching out to her from the void, she could feel them grasp at her long red hair, her clothing and even her limbs. She felt it all. But that's when she started to lose all sense of being as everything became still and her mind was not screaming in agony and fear while she choked on the water...\n\nShe expected something. To be in the fiery depths of hell, chained to the rocky soil and tormented, the ugly face of the devil laughing at her face and her pathetic decision. Maybe light at the end of the tunnel only to be met by the choir of angels and the warmth washing over her, where Jesus would await her with open arms and remind her that she is loved and forgiven. Or perhaps nothing. Just void. Cold, dark nothingness....\n\nIn a way, it was that third option. She woke up in a cold place, with the sound of crickets breaking though as she coughed and came to be, fighting for air as she started puking out the water...\n\nAnd she found herself by the lake. All alone...\n\nHow did she manage to get out? It can't be a dream, right? Nobody had pulled her out, otherwise she wouldn't be alone here. She didn't know what time it was. She was completely soaked and freezing cold. She shuddered, unable to weep or say anything to herself, Angelina stumbled as se picked herself up and went home, only to find out that she was gone for maybe three hours. Michael was still at work and her home was the same as she left it.\n\nEver since that night, Angelina had never felt this way before. Suddenly, that typical feeling she'd have when she was alone in her home while he worked - was now replaced by the uncomfortable sensation of being watched. She became paranoid, thinking she always saw something out of the corner of her eyes. And frustratingly for Michael and their wallet, they've been having issues with pipes and water in their house in general all of a sudden.\n\nThe relationship was dry and cold between the couple. It was not even formal. Angelina was attempting to offer some warmth and friendliness, but Michael could barely look at her. He'd simply turn away with a dry response and leave her side. He did not know what she tried to do. Nobody did. And it had been breaking her heart more and more each day.\n\nAngelina stood in the corner of the room as she watched up at the ceiling, huddled in her sweater, seeing a large stain on the ceiling as water dripped down into the bucket she had set down.\n\nSomehow... She knew... She knew that this must have been God punishing her for her selfish choice... And Angelina was miserable."
] |
350,142 | 2023-03-31T09:34:27 | Enchanted Detective (Top Cat & Belladevil210) | 119 | Bondage: Human Solos | 2 | 2 | 1,551 | 775.5 | [
"from": "belladevil210",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 0,
"timestamp": "2023-03-31T09:34:27",
"value": "As Eva lay in bed waiting for her alarm to go off she couldn’t shake the feeling that something was different. Although, she just couldn’t put her finger on what was that might be. Lately all her days were the same, she would bust her ass at work to try and do her part in cleaning up the city she loved only to have her work undone by the end of the week. Corruption was running rampant and it seemed like no matter how hard she tried, there was nothing she could do to actually make any kind of real difference. Sure, she would put away the bad guys, but most of them were out almost as soon as she got them behind bars, half of them got off before they even faced any real consequences at all. Bribes, pay-offs, back alley deals, dirty cops, and an increasingly corrupt system seemed to undo any progress the good guys made as quickly as they made it. Their city was in a downward spiral of crime and there was nothing anyone could do to change that. So why did today feel different? Why did she feel like everything was about to change?\n\nShe went through the motions of her day as if running on auto-pilot. Arriving at the precinct she poured herself a cup of stale coffee and headed to her desk to finish off some paperwork that had been piling up. By now, she was used to the hushed whispers from her male colleagues as she passed by. In fact, she had actually grown to find them rather amusing. Her patience had long run out with the proverbial ‘<em>boys club</em>’ that was the police department and everyone she worked with knew it. She had a reputation for being a real bitch, she was labelled as the ball busting, up tight girl who would rip your head off at a moments notice if you even so much as looked at her sideways, and she was completely fine with that. There was a reason that there were less and less female officers in her unit and someone had to put these misogynistic pigs in their place, it might as well be her.\n\nThe only exception to the rule was Alex. He was the lab tech, and as far as she could tell, he was one of the few good ones. She refused to have a personal relationship with anyone at the precinct so theirs was strictly a professional one, but he was one of the few guys there she could actually stand. He never talked down to her or made any crude comments behind her back that she was aware of, and although she may have kept her interactions with him curt and borderline robotic – at least she knew she could always count on him.\n\nThe day dragged on like all the rest, yet she just couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that something was different. Things were going to be better; she just wished she could figure out why when nothing about her day suggested that anything had actually changed at all. It wasn’t until her post work workout, as she burned off the stress of yet another career criminal that she had worked so hard to put away getting off with a warning – again – that she started to remember. Memories of the previous night flashed in her brain like faded images from a long forgotten dream, only it hadn’t been a dream at all.\n\nThe more Eva remembered, the more it became undeniably clear that she had been visited a Brunhild and chosen to be one of its warriors. Although little was known about these mystical beings, everyone had heard the legends. All that was really known for certain was that Brunhilds only ever selected women to empower with gifts that would help them fight evil and right the wrongs of the world. Although there were many theories and speculations, no one truly knew what it meant to be a chosen one, nor what their gifts fully entailed. Eva wasn’t aware of anyone who actually knew of one or had solid evidence of their existence, but it was common knowledge that they were real.\n\nOverwhelmed with excitement Eva couldn’t wait to test out her new abilities the second she remembered how to transform. Her gifts wouldn’t always be with her, they only came when she called upon them and she instantly understood that this was how these chosen women had been able to go undetected. She found it just a little unusual that her transformed self took on an almost alter-ego like persona. Her body changed, but not in a way she might have expected, she became more…feminine. Her curves were more pronounced, her lips fuller and eyes softer. She wasn’t comfortable unless she let her long hair flow freely instead of keeping it pinned in her usual style that had been described as a ‘<em>spinster bun</em>’ by her male colleagues. What was more, was that she couldn’t resist the urge to dress in a more feminine fashion, she wouldn’t necessarily call her wardrobe of choice seductive, but it was definitely more revealing and girlie than she had ever worn in her life.\n\nAside from the physical changes, Eva also became aware of subtle internal shifts in her behaviour as well. She chalked it up to the excitement of what was happening, but she noticed that she was, in a way, more docile. Contradictory to what she had assumed to be embedded attributes of these chosen warriors, she found that she was more tolerant of things that would most certainly irritate her when she was her normal self. She was tolerant of wolf whistles and more accepting of any lewd comments thrown her way, comments she would have normally torn someone a new one for daring to say to her at all before. As strange as it was she quickly dismissed it and decided she wouldn’t question it any further. After all, in the brief time that she spent transformed she already felt that she had done more good and had the power to finally affect real change. A feeling she hadn’t had since she was a rookie back in the academy before becoming jaded by the harsh reality of police work that she had come to loathe.\n\nToo wired to even think about sleep, Eva headed to the local pub where she knew a bunch of people from the precinct hung out. It was a well known fact that her co-workers frequently gathered at ‘The Brass’ to unwind from the day and share a few drinks on any given night. It was seen as an open invitation for any one who worked there to join, and although it wasn’t her kind of scene, she decided to check it out for the first time that night. Dressed in jeans, a white fitted t-shirt obscured by a leather bomber jacket, combat boots and a loose ponytail she stood in the door way to scan the room for a moment before heading over to the bar. Uncharacteristically letting it go when when someone begrudgingly muttered; “<em>Oh great, who invited the buzz kill</em>” as she made her way through the crowd over to where she had spotted Alex. Leaning against the bar she smiled up at him “<strong>Hey Alex, I didn’t expect to find you here. How’s your night going?</strong>” Speaking to him so casually as if they always talked like this, as if they were friends and not merely coworkers whom she had always insisted on keeping a strictly professional relationship with."
"from": "Top Cat",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 1,
"timestamp": "2023-04-04T08:31:28",
"value": "It had been a long day for Alex Swinson. Doing IT work for the local Police Department wasn't so much of a matter of making sure that the police networks stayed up - it was a shotgun blast of so many different jobs that it was downright exhausting. Keeping the officers' well-abused hardware running. Managing the storage of body-cam footage. And, worst of all, cracking the security of computers and cell phones of arrested suspects - once the department had received a judge's approval, of course. He'd been slapped once early-on for unlocking a cell phone when patrol officers asked him to, without getting the judge's word first. Since then, he'd been careful to protect himself from some of the mismanagement and attempts to skirt the system that his coworkers seemed to be so eager to engage in.\n\nHe'd seen too much objectionable content that, if he were a civilian, he would be tossed in jail for having. He hadn't really been an alcoholic before joining the Department; now, he wasn't so sure. Rough days needed a little... <em>blurring</em> of his memory. And nothing did that better than a couple of rounds of drinks.\n\nHe was midway through a bar-dinner of a greasy burger, soggy french fries, and a large mug of the latest local microbrew concoction when Eva sidled up on the bar next to him. He glanced at her with suspicion as she sat, frowning softly as she chatted him up as though they were buddies who met up regularly. He took another small handful of fries, chewing slowly, before swallowing and answering. \"Eva,\" he acknowledged. \"The night's not bad, but the day was shit. How about you?\""
] |
350,148 | 2023-03-31T17:29:00 | Bearing a New Relationship (Mature Desires x CaptainErotica) | 119 | Bondage: Human Solos | 2 | 3 | 3,029 | 843 | [
"from": "Mature Desires",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 0,
"timestamp": "2023-03-31T17:29:00",
"value": "(\n\nRachel sighed as she pulled off her headphones. Another few hours of streaming and barely a few viewers. She wondered if maybe this wasn't the right fit for her after all. At 45 Rachel was trying hard to join a much younger audience and streaming population that truthfully didn't see a whole lot of interest in hearing about some of Rachel's more odder items she owned. A collector of rare items it was interesting to some, but to most it just was boring and Rachel just didn't know how to fully promote herself. Dressed down and in clothes that didn't show off her body Rachel really needed quite a few tips to help her gain the right audience and gain something finally off of streaming.\n\nToday she was excited about a new item she was expecting to be delivered. A closed down toy factory was selling off its last items and Rachel had managed to outbid others to secure a one of a kind toy stuffed bear. It was more about it being a prototype and never really seen the light of the shelves of the stores, but Rachel knew this could be another nice addition to her collection. The older Asian woman got out of her computer chair when she heard a knock at the door and opening it she signed for the box and brought it inside. She was almost bursting with joy as she carefully set the box down on her dining room table in her apartment.\n\nLife had certainly changed since her divorce several years ago and while she had been living off of the money she had gotten in the divorce, the lump sum was slowly getting smaller and she needed to figure out a way to bring in money. Having seen so many videos of younger girls making their salaries through selling themselves online, Rachel felt she could do the same but much more conservatively. Truthfully she hated to admit she had to present herself in a sexier way if she was ever going to start gaining a real fan base.\n\nDressed in sweatpants and a comfort hoodie it did little to really show off Rachel's full curvy frame. Taking a knife she carefully cut the tape on the outer box and slowly revealed the stuffed bear inside the original box. \"Wow...\" she said quietly to herself admiring the old print on the cardboard box. The bear seemed actually a lot bigger than she expected. Rachel worked carefully at opening the weathered old box and she reached inside. Hooking her fingers under its armpits she tugged the bear out of the box. He even felt heavier than she expected and managed to get the bear out. Propping him into a sitting position she admired the simple yet detailed teddy bear. \"You look so adorable!\" the Asian woman said as she ran her fingers through the soft fuzz of the outer material.\n\n\"We are going to have so much fun later on a stream together when I show you off to everyone!\" she exclaimed and then turned around and went off to her kitchen leaving the bear there. She went about her usual routine organizing some lunch for herself and mostly forgetting about the bear for now. She sat at her kitchen counter eating while she scrolled through her phone looking for anything interesting to potentially buy at a good price. She sighed seeing no new subscribers nor views on her latest videos she had uploaded. Truthfully they were pretty boring to watch and Rachel was just way too serious on camera nor knew how to really show herself off."
"from": "CaptainErotica",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 1,
"timestamp": "2023-04-01T21:04:29",
"value": "The warehouse was silent at this time of night, the cavernous space was dark save for the dim glow of the fluorescent green exit lights. Aisle upon aisle of stacked merchandise, created pitch black shadows, as they waited to be delivered to their new owners. The items stacked on shelves or pallets and wrapped in tough, durable, shrink wrap or housed inside cardboard boxes were not your typical merchandise. No, no. Joy Toys LLC specialized in highly customizable adult toys, like their Clone-A-Willie kits that let men make a perfect replica of their penis. But only if they could not only follow instructions to a T, but also manage to keep their dick hard for two to three minutes while dipped inside a tube filled with casting clay.\n\nRecently the company had come up with what they expected would be a home run in the sex toy department. It was a product that was both innovative and elegantly simple. Women loved stuffed animals. So why not create a line of teddy bears with detachable vibrator and dildo attachments. Viola! Introducing the Papa-Bear line. A highly customizable plush bear, sex toys. This new product was expected to make the company millions.\n\nThe first batch of five one thousand bears had already been manufactured and was sitting on pallets waiting to be shipped out, when the news hit. Joy Toys LLC had just been bought out and was rebranding their image. It was an image that did not include teddy bear sex toys. Now instead of being a cash cow for the company the bears were marked for destruction. Instead of heading to market the bears were headed to the incinerator.\n\nA crack of light pierced the darkness growing wider accompanied by the sound of chains being pulled as one of the large garage door of the loading dock was raised. A young man stepped into the rectangle of light masked in shadow until he stepped into the warehouse, idly fidgeting with the bill of his baseball cap as he studied a clip board.\n\n“Ten pallets of…” he paused staring down at the words on the manifest. “Papa Bear Sex Bear? What the fuck?”\n\nFlipping on the lights he scanned the merchandise until he came upon a row of pallets stacked human sized teddy bears, smiling out from behind the clear plastic front of their cardboard boxes, beady black eyes somehow seeming to glisten a dark orange in the light.\n\nSquinting he read part of the description on one of the boxes. “Comes with three custom-built sex toy attachments. Additional attachments sold separately.” He laughed. “No wonder I can’t get laid. Why settle for a man when you can get fucked by a bear.”\n\nDave, was working part time as a truck driver while attending community college, would be twenty in just a couple of weeks. Though handsome he had never been overly popular with the girls. Sure, he’d had a girlfriend or seven and was not a virgin, but he still got far less tail than he would prefer. A common sentiment among boys his age, but Dave thought about sex even more than most. He thought about it while laying in bed. He thought about it while taking a shower. He thought about it whenever his mind had free time to do so. The boy was obsessed with sex. Daily masturbation, sometimes more than once, never seemed to help.\n\nIt was no surprise that while loading the bears onto a flatbed truck Dave, daydreamed about sex. In his head he imagined bringing one of the bears home to his apartment to discover a hot older woman sprawled on his couch in a sexy nightgown that left absolutely nothing to the imagination. Her eyes lit up when she saw the bear and then let him watch as she fucked herself with it. He tossed the last bear onto the truck just as the woman in his head came.\n\n“Whoa!” He adjusted the crotch of his dark blue coveralls.\n\nAs he hopped into the cab of the truck and headed off to the incinerator he failed to notice that the last box was hanging over the side.\n\nIt was a two-hour drive to the incinerator which was out in the middle of nowhere. Classic Rock blared from the open window as he sped down the highway at twenty miles over the speed limit. Dave took his eyes off the road as he reached for his second Monster energy drink. Just as he raised it to his lips he hit a pothole.\n\n“Fuck!”\nPulling over he grabbed some leftover fast food napkins and brushed at the sticky liquid on his coverall. Satisfied that he had clean up what he could, Dave pulled back onto the road and continued on his merry way.\n\nA few hours later as dawn was slowly turning the dark, cloudy sky a pale gray he was heading home. The bears had all been executed, tossed into the incinerator. He was tired and looking forward to getting home so he could jerk off in the shower, before catching a few zees before class. It started to rain as he approached the pothole he had hit earlier. As he drew closer her saw one of the bears, along side the road, still in its box which was not damaged from falling off the truck. Pulling off onto the gravel along side the road he made his way over to the box.\n\nDave had a few choices. He could do the right thing and turn around taking the bear to join the rest of its bear friends in bear hell. Or he could keep the bear and either sell it on E-bay or perhaps find a girl willing to live out the fantasy he’d had earlier. For the young man the decision was a no-brainer. A peel of thunder rand out as he reached out to pick up the bear and a moment later the sky exploded with light as a bolt of lightning struck both man and bear. The man was thrown backward up onto the road while the bear in its box flew down the ravine near the road\n\nthe young man was pronounced dead a few days later. A few days after that an add had appeared on a popular online S&M shop. An E-Bay of sorts for kinky people. Someone had found the bear and was selling it for two hundred dollars. It was a bit pricey for sure, but was now one of a kind and might be worth ten times that someday.\n\n<strong>NOW…</strong>\n\nDave watched through glass eyes. Eyes that seemed to shine a bit brighter than they should, their gold color a bit brighter than was normal for a stuffed bear. He watched as the woman stood in front of his packaging a knife. Even through the old, dirty plastic display on the box he could see that she was F-I-N.E. Fine. Though her attire revealed very little of just how curvaceous the woman was, the bear could tell she was a smoke show. And older than him. Much older. Maybe some dreams really do come true.\n\nThe young man trapped in the bear’s body would never have been confused for Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking. He could not begin to form a theory as to what had happened to him. All he knew for sure was that he was somehow stuck inside a stuffed bear with a detachable sex toy for a cock and the woman seemed happy to see him. That could only mean one thing. Sex! With a milf! Dude his friends would be so jelly if they found out.\n\nHoly Shit! Dave the bear thought as she lifted him out of the box, which had the lucky benefit of burying his snout in her immense cleavage. Boobies! This chic had a rack that would make a twelve-point buck jealous. When her fingers play through his soft, fuzzy fur he became instantly aroused. There was only one problem. He currently had no dick.\n\nWhen the woman told him they were going to have fun on stream together his horniness ramped up to eleven. Yes! Dave shouted silently in triumph. Of course the woman would not be able to hear him since his voice box was turned off. Sighing inside, he watched her ass sway back and forth as she headed into the kitchen. Hot Damn she was going to be a wild ride.\n\nThe more the bear stared at the woman the more eager he was to fuck her. He watched her bring a bit of food up to her plump, juicy lips and imagined it was his little bear cock, slipping past her lips instead of carrot stick. It was all just too much for one bear to handle.\n\nDave had never been out of his box before now and had not had a chance to explore his motor functions. As he watched the woman he did so now. Movement seems harder than it had been in his human body. Everything was more clunky and jittery. As he experimented moving his hands around his left paw bumped into the box, knocking it onto the floor. Three sex-toy attachments came rolling out along with an instruction pamphlet. One of them a highly detailed, flesh toned, silicone replica of well hung penis rolled all the way into the kitchen.\n\nThe bear’s hand went to his mouth s he stared wide-eyed toward the kitchen."
"from": "Mature Desires",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 2,
"timestamp": "2023-04-04T07:10:55",
"value": "Rachel had been so focused on her dinner that she had not noticed the bear come to life a bit and knock over the box. She did hear the 'thud' of the box hitting the floor and she turned around to see the bear with a slightly different pose than before. She didn't have too much time to focus on that as three different shaped toy dicks rolled out. \"What the hell..?\" she said quietly to herself and then walked over bending over in front of the bear. It only gave him a perfect view down her shirt letting him confirm that she was pretty curvy all around it was just that her clothes seemed to be too baggy to show anything off really.\n\nPicking up the two dildos and vibrator she examined each one looking at the different colours and slight shape differences between them. There was a green 8 inch dildo, a 10 inch dildo that matched the same colour as the fur of the bear and finally a huge 12 inch vibrator that when she turned it on she dropped it feeling the intense buzzing in her hand. It made the older Asian woman laugh and she set the toy add-on's next to the bear on the table. Picking up the instructions she unfolded them and opened it reading through everything.\n\n\"To start your Papa Bear Sex Bear pull back fur on back of bear. Flip switch to ON and install 3 AA Batteries.\" Rachel reached over and turned the bear around and onto its back. Using her fingers she found the small slit in the back of the stitching that she could open more and reveal the ON/OFF switch as well as the part to take off and put in the batteries. Rachel went back to the kitchen and soon returned a few minutes later with batteries in hand. She inserted them and closed up the back flipping the switch to ON.\n\nPicking up the instructions she read further about using the attachments. \"Push attachment into crotch of bear. A clicking sound will confirm attachment has been installed properly. Be Careful with overuse and knowing ones limitations..\" Rachel looked back at the fairly big sized attachments that seemed like they would look even adorable on the fuzzy bear. Rachel picked up the 10 inch one that seemed to be meant to be his main attachment. Feeling into his fir she felt the small opening meant for the dildo to go in.\n\nShe pushed the dildo in and heard the click as it locked into place. \"Cute..\" she said to herself admiring the bear with now a big rock hard dildo sticking out. Her mature fingers once again stroked and felt the soft fuzz of the bear and she found it quite relaxing. He was so soft and plush. Squeezing him a little she lifted the bear and hugged him. Naturally the big fake dick pushed its way inside her zipper hoodie teasing at her cleavage.\n\n\"Oh my god!\" she giggled and quickly pulled the bear away. It was still going to take some getting used to seeing this bear with a big dildo sticking out of it. Rachel wondered if it was better to leave it on or take it off. For now she figured just to leave it. Maybe before the stream later she would take it off and introduce the bear on its own before attaching each dildo to show it off.\n\n\"What are we going to do on our stream..? I can't show you off like this..\" she hummed and talked quietly to herself and the bear. While it had seemed like a cute impulse buy, now Rachel was wondering if this was maybe too much and she had bought something she couldn't quite bring on her streams.\n\nSighing she got up and turned around. Rachel's big mature butt was now just inches from the bear's face. Having done a stream earlier Rachel didn't need to do another one, but part of her was excited to try and show off her new purchase, but she knew sites like Youtube wouldn't let her post the bear with his big toy dicks. Even Facebook and Instagram had their limitations as well.\n\nThe bear on its own just seemed like any old stuffed bear, but with the cock attachments it made it more unique. Rachel scratched her head debating in her head whether it was worth risking her online status to get banned if someone did report her. The ugly truth was what little subscribers and fans she had likely wouldn't do much nor truthfully notice her video.\n\nRachel knew she needed to get something fresh going for herself to really start gaining some traction on fans. \"Screw it let's just see what happens..\" she went off to her bedroom to change and find something else to put on. She wanted to look different from her earlier stream and not make it seem like she really had spent the better half of the day in her dress down clothes."
] |
350,152 | 2023-03-31T20:07:05 | A Bond Like No Other {Jinxy & Arian} | 382 | Extreme: Solos | 2 | 8 | 2,680 | 333 | [
"from": "Jinxy",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 0,
"timestamp": "2023-03-31T20:07:05",
"value": "(\n\n<strong>Name:</strong> Harper Wittman\n<strong>Age:</strong> 21\n<strong>Wearing:</strong> As pictured\n\n<hr/>\n\nHarper had been living with her brother for about a month or two now. College was going well and she had made a bunch of new friends in all honesty, everything was perfect. Knowing her brother Kevin was working, she invited a few friends over. First, the girls came, and there was lots of getting ready while drinking. Taking about this or that. Then an hour later the guys showed up and the real party started.\n\nDrinking games, dancing. Mainly lost of drinking and close dancing. Tyler was the guy who had his eyes on her from the moment he saw her. She was a little smitten with him as well. With the music turned up loud, they danced together, grinding against one another. Soon, before she knew it, they were on the couch together.\n\nShe was on top of him, straddling his waist, grinding against him. Their lips pressed together in a wet sloppy kiss. Her hands were in his hair, his hands on her ass, urging her to keep grinding against him. Her thin pants made it so she could feel how hard he already was beneath her. \"Your so hot,\" he whispered against her lips. \"So are you,\" she muttered drunkenly.\n\nIt had been so long since she had hooked up with anyone, since before she came here, she was literally busting at the seams for an orgasm that she wasn't giving herself and Tyler felt like the perfect one to do it. There was sexual tension in the house she lived in with her brother, but he was her brother. So she had dealt with her need on her own, but the vibrator wasn't what she needed, she needed hard cock, a rough, frenzied, needy fuck that would leave both of them panting and trembling from the absolute earth-shattering orgasms they had just had."
"from": "Arian",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 1,
"timestamp": "2023-03-31T21:02:52",
"value": "<center>(</center>\n\nKevin drove to the house after a long day at work, ready to relax and unwind. But as soon he came, he opened the door and he can hear the loud music and voices coming from the living room. His heart sinks as he realize there's a party going on, and without needing to ask, he knew who the culprit was. He can feel the anger building up inside of him. Harper knows how much he hated when she had people over without letting me know beforehand, mostly because of her track record with parties.\n\nAs Kevin makes his way to the living room, pushing past a group of people who were laughing and chatting, he spotted Harper sitting on the couch with some guy, their bodies pressed together, kissing and groping each other with a need that Kevin was all too familiar with. His blood boils as I realize what's going on, and completely forgetting about the fact that she had friends over, Kevin takes quick, angry steps to the couch so he could attempt to pull Harper by her arm and off of the guy she was sucking face with. Being the older brother afforded him alot of privileges, one such was being able to manhandle his little sister like she was nothing more than a paper weight to him. His grip on her upper arm would have been tight as he would have stood her up. \"How fucking dare you,\" He spat at her rather angrily, more angry than he's ever been with her frankly, though he can't hold back his anger or his disappointment at the level of disrespect she displayed with throwing this part. \"Making out with some random fucking guy, in my home? On my COUCH\" His voice raised a couple of octavs there which gets the younger male Harper had just been making out with to buck up, lifting himself off the couch to a straight stance as he stepped up to Kevin, who turned to the younger male with an intense glare. The kid almost looks like he wanted to say something but knew he'd likely have his jaw dislocated for even breathing with an attitude.\n\nThe rage was pulsing through his body, his fists clenched at his sides ready to connect with the first person who really wanted this problem. \"Get out of my house,\" he speaks through gritted teeth, at first looking at the male but then looking around the room at Harpers friends who were now stunned as they watched the scene. It seemed like they thought Kevin was only talking to Tyler but he repeats himself to make it very much clear. \"Get the FUCK out of my house, right fucking now.\" He repeated, voice low and dangerous as the party goers seemed to start heading for the door, saying their goodbyes to Harper though Tyler had muttered something under his breath before he left the house and finally leaving the two of them alone.\n\nHe watch them go, seething with anger and hurt, not even able to look his own sister in the eye right now. He was too mad and he knew he was about to say or do something he can't take back, and looking at her would only piss him off since he knows he wouldn't find any regret in her. \"Are you fucking serious right now, Harper?\""
"from": "Jinxy",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 2,
"timestamp": "2023-03-31T21:51:36",
"value": "(\n\n<strong>Name:</strong> Harper Wittman\n\n<strong>Age:</strong> 21\n\n<strong>Wearing:</strong> As pictured\n\n<hr/>\n\nHarper was left shocked when she has ripped away from her future fuck buddy when she looked up to find her brother was the one doing it. Shit, she had at least thought most of the people from the party would have moved on to their dorm rooms to start their own nights of fucking before he got him. But alas. She was never that lucky. She could understand his anger, but he always took it too far. Much too far. The way he was holding her by the arm hurt, he was holding her too tightly, which showed he was really pissed off. So when he started yelling at her, which was expected, she got mad. Not only did he just ruin the chance of orgasm for her, but now he was screaming at her like she was some kind of teenage girl breaking the rules. So yeah she had in fact broken the rules, but she was an adult now and she expected to be treated like one. She watched as Tyler was about to stop in, but she looked at him and just shook her head. There was no need for him to get hurt and she knew he would get hurt if he attempted to save her from her brother's wrath.\n\nShe wanted as he yelled at people to get out of his house and as they started filing out of the house and saying goodbye, she offered them a wave, she was going to have to answer a million questions from people at school on Monday and it wasn't something she wanted to think about it now. She was trying to look happy and cheerful, like this was all going to be okay like her and her brother weren't about to have an all-out fight. Like they weren't about to say things that they would both regret tomorrow. But once the last person was out of the door, she yanked her arm away from him. \"How the fuck dare I?! You come in here acting like a total asshole! Screaming at my friends and me, treating me like I am so kind of child, and your my goddamn father! Fuck you! I was so fucking serious and had you not come home, I probably would have fucked him right here on your fucking precious couch! And maybe if I was extra lucky we would have done it on every single surface of your goddamn house!\"\n\nShe reached over and turned off the radio. \"So fuck you very much! I'm gonna get the fuck out of here!\""
"from": "Arian",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 3,
"timestamp": "2023-03-31T22:52:16",
"value": "<center>(</center>\n\nHe knew this wasn't going to be no one way shouting match. As soon as he raised his voice he knew that she wouldn't just stay quiet while he tore into her. He wasn't exactly planning on going off but as Harper responded, telling him of what she would have done had he not intervened, mentioning fucking some other guy, he could feel himself ready to throw her over his own lap so he could teach her some decency with a couple of hard swats. He couldn't tell if he was envious, maybe because she was seeing action and he hadn't gotten any since his last break up (he wasn't the type that went into bed with someone unless he was sure about them), or if he was jealous that someone else got to touch his sister the way that he had dreamt about for so long. He'd never seriously hurt his sister before, maybe when they were kids but even then, he was always 10 years her elder and learned very early that he had to be careful when they would playfight. Since he's become an adult though he can't remember a single instance where he has or would strike his sister specifically to injure or harm her. Hell, if ANYONE tried to, they'd be looking over their shoulder for the rest of their life for the severe ass beating Kevin would be oweing them.\n\nNow though, it was hard to tell what he was going to do. He was so angry, his was starting to tremble slightly, expression getting more intense before he looks full on angry with his expression. When she starts heading for the door, he takes quick steps to come up right behind her and extend his arm to slam his hand against the door and shove it closed, holding against it to ensure she wouldn;t be able to open it. They both knew he was by far the physically stronger, so he didn't expect she would continue to try to leave. \"Is something wrong with you?\" He'd question, no concern in hsi tone as he meant it as an insult. \"Seriously, I need to know. I thought people went to college to get smarter, yet clearly since you enrolled you've been taking step after step backwards, like you suddenly forgot how to be a fucking adult.\" He said, at this point knowing he was starting to talk bullshit to try and hurt her, and things were only going to get worst for the both of them. What was really hurting him though, still hurting to be more precise, was the vision he had of his sister grinding desperately on top of some guy (<del>who wasn't him</del>) \"Well since you don't want to act like one I'll do the adulting for you. First things first, That dickhead you were dry fucking on my couch, you're not allowed to see him anymore. If I catch him anywhere near you I will cripple that boy for the rest of his life.\" He wasn't particularly shy about violence, especially when his sister was involved, so he was confident that he would make good on that threat."
"from": "Jinxy",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 4,
"timestamp": "2023-03-31T23:23:37",
"value": "(\n\n<strong>Name:</strong> Harper Wittman\n\n<strong>Age:</strong> 21\n\n<strong>Wearing:</strong> As pictured\n\n<hr/>\n\nHarper was sick and tired of the big brother knows best bull shit. He treated her like he was her warden, her father. She was an adult and she could do whatever she wanted in life. Mistakes and the consequences were something for her to deal with, learn and grow. But every time she turned around there was the looming shadow of her brother, shaking his head at her like she was a misbehaving child. Maybe if he treated her like the woman she was and touched her like she had been thinking about for years, then maybe this entire fight wouldn't be happening right now.\n\nJust as she got to the door he shoved it closed, keeping her inside the house. She turned towards him, the door at her back, her eyes narrowed as she looked up at him. Something wrong with her? \"Yeah actually. You, your what's fucking wrong with me!\" He continued to yell at her. talking all kinds of shit about the way she had been acting since the moment she came to live with him. The more he talked the more mad at him she became. He threw insult after insult at her. Each one of them hurt, as he had slapped her, but she was able to keep the look on her face from showing the hurt.\n\nBut when he finally threatened Tyler, she lost it. \"Who the fuck do you think you are? You won't touch him or anyone else I decide I am going to fuck! Because you're not in charge of me. I will fuck whoever, whenever, where ever I fucking want. In fact, maybe I'll start fucking my professors! Since I am failing as an adult I might just have to put my tight went cunt to work, just to make sure I pass my classes since I am such a fuck up.\"\n\nShe laughed, the sound was bitter. \"Your just jealous that someone was going to get there dick wet in your house and it wasn't you.\""
"from": "Arian",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 5,
"timestamp": "2023-04-01T01:38:26",
"value": "<center>(</center>\n\nKevin stood there, his eyes watching Harper with a mixture of anger and desire. He could feel the tension in the air, the electricity between them that had always been there but never acted upon. He knew his words cut deep but she doesn't seem to back down at all. When she responded he couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had always been protective of Harper, but now it seemed like she was purposefully trying to provoke him. He felt a mix of anger and confusion wash over him as he tried to process everything she had just said. Part of him wanted to lash out at her, to tell her how disappointed he was in her behavior and how she was making a huge mistake, that she wasn't the fuck up she thinks she is and that she's too special to him to allow for her to be fucking anyone else. But another part of him felt a strange sense of excitement at the thought of Harper being with other men. He had always had a secret desire for her, and the idea of her being a slut for him was suddenly incredibly arousing. As Harper finished speaking, Kevin stepped towards her, his eyes burning with a mixture of anger and lust. He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close to him, his lips inches away from hers. \"You want to be a slut so bad, Harper?\" he growled, his voice low and dangerous. \"Fine, be a fucking slut.\""
"from": "Jinxy",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 6,
"timestamp": "2023-04-01T01:51:48",
"value": "Harper, was pissed, she didn’t mean any of the things she said. She wasn’t going to fuck just anyone who looked at her, she wasn’t going to fuck her teachers for good grades. The truth was she didn’t even really want to fuck Tyler. She wanted to be fucked, to be used, by one person and one person only. The same person who had been the person she thought about each time she made herself cum, the same person she wanted to put her hands and lips all over, to feel them slamming the cock over and over into her until she was screaming there name.\n\nHe’d hurt her, saying those things about her, making her feel like trash. He grabbed her by the waist, his lips dangerously close to hers. Her heart raced, body trembled and her breath came out in pants. Then he said it, he pushed her past her breaking point. He called her a slut and before she knew what she was doing, she lifted her hand and slapped him clear across the face. She grit her teeth, seething and yet so fucking turned on she could barely take it. “Make me.” Was all she added. The only persons slut she wanted to be was his. It was always him."
"from": "Arian",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 7,
"timestamp": "2023-04-01T11:55:26",
"value": "Not replying to this, it's finished before it even started :("
] |
350,167 | 2023-04-01T16:14:06 | Tales of Adventure - The Encroaching Madness Side-Plots thread | 383 | Extreme: Small Groups | 1 | 1 | 69 | 69 | [
"from": "TheGrandAdmiral",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 0,
"timestamp": "2023-04-01T16:14:06",
"value": "<em>“Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?\"\n\"That depends a good deal on where you want to get to.\"\n\"I don't much care where –\"\n\"Then it doesn't matter which way you go.”\n― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland </em>\n\n<center>(</center>\n\n<strong>Please use this as for header:</strong>\n\n<pre><code>[floatleft][img height=150 padding=5]Character Image[/img][/floatleft][b]Name[/b]: [url=Character Link]Character Name[/url]\n[b]Time & Place[/b]:\n[b]Wearing[/b]:\n[b]Content[/b]:\n[b]Tagging[/b]:\n[b]Music[/b]: Optional\n[hr]</code></pre>"
] |
350,168 | 2023-04-01T17:31:32 | The Ritual {Jinxy & Yorokonde} | 382 | Extreme: Solos | 1 | 1 | 834 | 834 | [
"from": "Jinxy",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 0,
"timestamp": "2023-04-01T17:31:32",
"value": "(\n\nZara was exhausted, she had spent the day going to estate sales. She loved old things, her home was filled with things she had gotten from the homes of people who had passed on. Her obsession with the dead and magic started at a young age after her parents had died in a tragic car accident. It was left in the care of her rather eccentric grandmother. She had been the one to push Zara into all the things she enjoyed. Even if people looked at her like she was a freak. But as she grew and so did others, she found a group of people who became like family to her. So when he grandmother passed, she had a new family, one that accepted her for who she was. Now living in her grandmother's home, she was living her best life.\n\nAs she walked through the halls of this old home, looking for a hidden gem. Something seemed to pull her into this room and towards an old armoire. The piece was stunning, she had never seen such beautiful woodwork before. But as she touched it, she didn't feel a connection to it the way she thought she would. She opened one of the drawers and looked inside it. There was a black leather book, it was old and worn. She reached in and touched it, picking it up into her hands.\n\nShe could feel the power in it. This was what she was going to buy. She walked out of the room and down to the woman in charge. \"How much for this book? It doesn't have a tag.\" The woman looked over at her and the book and with a shrug said. \"If it doesn't have a tag, just take it.\" Zara smiled brightly. \"Thank you!\" Zara made her way back to her car and once she was inside she opened the book.\n\nShe didn't understand the language the book was in, but she could easily read it, from the power that she felt from the book, she knew that it was a spell book and she hoped that this was enough to make the witch community would see her as more than a poser. She closed it and decided now was the best time to go home, the sun was going to be set and by the time she got home it would be dark and the perfect time to start a ritual as the moon was full tonight, she could draw on its power.\n\nOnce home, she placed the book down on the alter in her living room, she went up and changed out of her jeans into more comfortable linen pants. She made her way back downstairs and into the kitchen, where she poured herself a glass of wine. She went back into the living room to find the book on the floor. She arched a brow slightly, she must have put it just on the edge. \"Strange.\" she picked the book up and went to sit on the couch with it and her wine.\n\nWhile sipping her wine she looked through the book, flipping through the pages. Each and every page was written in a strange language she just didn't get, though it was written in English letters, none of it made sense to her. But that was fine. She finally reached the center of the book and knew right away this was going to be the spell she did. She silently read the words to herself over and over again until she had them figured out enough that she knew she could start.\n\nShe placed her wine on the table, the moon was full in the sky. She set up a circle of candles on the floor, sitting in the middle of it. With a snap of her fingers, the candles came to life, flames flickering in the darkness of the room.\n\nShe opened the book to the page she had picked. With a deep breath, she started to read, after the first line was out of her mouth the flames on the candles flared brightly, her heart leaped in her chest. She continued to read, and other lights in the house started to flicker. Reading more, she could feel the floor beneath her begin to tremble. She continued to read, she forced herself to keep going despite the fear she was feeling.\n\nThe shake turned into a tremble, she continued to read. Things started to fall off the shelves, crashing to the floor. She continued to read, and then, she heard it. A loud growl-type thing came from inside her house and she stopped and closed the book. Put out the candles and like that, everything stopped. \"This was stupid.\" she put the book on the table, picked up her glass of wine, and sat back down on the couch. She took another sip and just stared at the book. Her heart was still racing. Somewhere deep inside she knew she had screwed up."
] |
350,182 | 2023-04-02T19:30:44 | 5e - Savage Adventure, Savage Desires (IC) | 383 | Extreme: Small Groups | 3 | 30 | 8,002 | 258 | [
"from": "Laughing Hyena",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 0,
"timestamp": "2023-04-02T19:30:44",
"value": "Upon the open seas, the Moonchaser makes haste at full sails. Their destination was the capital of Karameikos, Specularum to deliver a very important noble to the capital. It had been several years since you had seen your home. Several years of restraint and forced chastity. Several years of punishments meant to try and fulfill your atonement and this was to be your final test.\n\nHowever the first day out upon the sea, stamding on deck you caught sight of a familiar face. She was wearing her hair down this time but there was no mistaking the beautiful eyes of the one whom had enchanted you so long ago. As pretty as your mind kept her, she was smiling innocently as several dolphins swam along the ship. Her skin seeningly unblemished by both the sun of time itself. Dressed in a soft blue dress that hugged the swell of her bosom firmly into a deep valley of cleavage, she seemed unaware of your presence aboard the ship.\n\nWhilst other guards and sailors go about their business you have a small chance to approach her. Does she still remember you? Do you wish not to risk it? What will you do?"
"from": "Zenkai",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 1,
"timestamp": "2023-04-02T22:23:30",
"value": "The pain Petrus felt in his soul is more intense than he was prepared for. How is it that despite all this time he still has such deep feelings? However, the moment of indecision lasts only for a second. There is no doubt in the paladin's mind that his actions all those years ago were harmful to the girl, let alone himself. He should have thought it through. Alas, one never thinks when young. One only feels... and the feelings that rear their head inside Petrus' soul are surprisingly strong. Only the iron-cast discipline of a penitent is enough to hold such a storm at bay.\n\nProbably.\n\nHe closes his eyes and focuses instead on the salty taste of the sea wind, and the movement of the deck beneath his feet. The feeling of losing control passes, slowly, and he allows himself to feel foolish. After all, there's no way a noble lady would remember such an inconsequential affair. Only a night in the bed, only a knight of little pedigree and nonexistent future. He was a throwaway toy.\n\nBut still, there's an ember of hope that refuses to die. What if she really remembers him? What if the love she promised him was more than sweet nothings melting away under the rays of the morning sun?\n\nIn the end, he decides to approach her. It's not because of love, or hope, or any other sentimental bullshit. It's because indecision is weakness, and confronting own sins is the same as showing the deepest willingness to repent. So, with steel in his eyes, and a slightly stiff demeanor, he approaches to greet the love of his life. Despite being only half a dozen steps away, she might as well be on the moon, or a goddess on the other side of the crystal sphere above. In the end, he does not even speak, because just a respectful bow from a respectful distance away is proper way for a squire to give his respect to a noble lady."
"from": "Laughing Hyena",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 2,
"timestamp": "2023-04-02T23:45:00",
"value": "At first she didn't seem to notice as her eyes cast to the waves and the direction of Karameikos. She felt this apprehension in her being as her thoughts now turned towards whomever was casting a shadow upon her shoulder. She spoke toward the guard in question as she didn't immediately find Petrus' gaze. <strong>\"I told you that I want to be left in peace for thus journey. Not shadowed by glorified jailers.\"</strong> She spoke with a bitter tongue as she turned to face him and had more hard words but...\n\nHer eyes widened in sudden recognition of who was here and her hand covered her mouth as if she was distrusting of her voice. Her breasts heaved as she gasped in shock. Then she took that moment to compose herself and spoke quietly. <strong>\"You are...\"</strong> She knew not what fate conspired for this but she could not simply ignore this. <strong>\"If you insist on standing there, please come with me. Least I won't feel vulnerable within the company of the sea.\"</strong> She said as if it was no request, and wields her position as a weapon despite her own lack of power. He knew the young mistress was naught but a pawn to be married off and be offered to another noble.\n\nShe leads on aboard the deck of the Moonchaser and soon came down below deck as she walked towards the nobles cabin. She opened the door and instructed him with her voice being stern as before. <strong>\"Enter, knight.\"</strong> Surely however Lady Valentina knew that he was merely a squire.\n\n(Roll Insight)"
"from": "Zenkai",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 3,
"timestamp": "2023-04-03T16:11:50",
"value": "The ship somehow seems much bigger than it has any right to be. Corridors only a few steps long seem like protracted winding affairs. Perhaps it's because of the blue dress hugging her in just the right places, the undulations of her narrow waist transforming the flow of Time itself. Petrus takes another deep breath and steels his resolve to confront his demon, but the only part of him feeling steely at the moment is the one he's not supposed to use. This thought draws a self-depreciating smirk onto his lips. He tries to imagine her as a demon, snarling and maw-toothed, but this only threatens to make him break out in laughter. Then again, this keeps his mind from focusing on the all too obvious triggers she displays for him, from the tone of her voice to the way her hips sway as she walks in front of him.\n\nThe noble suite feels quite too small for him and the Lady, despite its luxurious size. The walls seem to be caving in, forcing him to be closer to her than feels safe. He still hasn't said a word until now, a and is much like a tall, muscular statue than a real human. Now, what could she be thinking? Pulling him into her room? She must know there are watchers, and that her father will know of how she talked to him. Perhaps there's something he's missing?\n\n<hr/>\n\nInsight roll: At 2023-04-03 09:07:53, Petrus (uid: 58164) rolls: 1d20a3 Result: <a href=\"\">14</a>"
"from": "Laughing Hyena",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 4,
"timestamp": "2023-04-03T19:16:55",
"value": "Petrus didn't need to think about it for too long as when the aspiring knight entered, the answer came to him. She called him a knight, <em>her</em> knight on that fateful affair. It was a phrase of affection and things clicked as loudly as the door locking behind him. One need only turn to look at her to see her mask drop.\n\nShe had her back against the door, her bosom rising softly through her blue dress. And she held her gaze upon him with a deep longing look and a small bite of her lower lip. The last thing on her mind was her father or any faithful to him.\n\nShe said nothing when she threw herself at Petrus, her arms wrapping around his neck to pull herself off her feet and kiss him with an intense passion that had been pressed down for several long years. So much for it being just a fleeting moment easily forgotten of.\n\nHer kiss was like a small bolt of lightning running through the body, her lips and tongue immaculately soft. She sighed content in her actions before she finally broke that kiss. Saliva clinging to the both of them as she whispered. <strong>\"My dearest knight... you've come for me.\"</strong>\n\n<hr/>\n\nAurora Valentine makes a direct advance and rolls. She gets a result of <a href=\"\">20</a> a successful hit against Petrus.\n\nShe rolls for stimulation and deals 5 <a href=\"\">bludgeoning</a> arousal to Petrus."
"from": "Zenkai",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 5,
"timestamp": "2023-04-03T21:12:09",
"value": "Oh.\n\nThat adorable biting on her lower lip. The way she looks at him. The swell of her bosom. The hair on the back of his neck bristled a split second before she... attacked.\n\nIt is the sweetest attack possible. Were it not for his vow and that piece of metal, it would have been all too easy to melt under it, like snow under a fireball. He'd carry her to bed and fuck her tiny brains out. Just like back then. Memories of that night, years ago, flood his mind. Her snow white skin, the writhing of her body, the release...\n\nBut that's an impossibility. There is no way for him to resume his way to knighthood if that comes to be, even if he kept his life. Even worse, her father would find ways to make her life worse than Hell. Resuming that affair would bring only disaster! Thoughts fly through his mind like leaves carried by wind, disconnected and fleeting glimpses of rationality blown aside by the taste of her kiss and the closeness of her body.\n\nThe kiss breaks, allowing him a bit of rationality. He finds his arms have wrapped around her small body, holding her tightly, one hand placed inappropriately.\n\n\"I am still a squire. And... meeting again here is just a cruel joke fate played on us.\"\n\nHe sets her down, carefully, with regret etched on his face, then goes down on one knee before her. A slight tremble in his voice is only one of the signs of inner turmoil.\n\n\"Forgive me for putting you in peril. If your father knew I was alone with you, he'd surely punish you. I don't want that - my only wish is for you to be happy. It's difficult to accept, but... All things considered, I'm unworthy of being your knight. I am bound by the Oath of the Penitent, and have been so since you last saw me. It was the only way left for me - the only way your father would allow. So all that is left for me is to... admire you from afar.\"\n\nHe spreads his arms, helplessly, as if awaiting judgment. Judgment, disgust in her eyes, and refusal."
"from": "Laughing Hyena",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 6,
"timestamp": "2023-04-04T00:33:23",
"value": "Confusion runs through her face as her beloved slowly set her back down on her feet. Then simply let go of her whilst on his knees. He told her he was still a squire and explained to her briefly what has happened. She was a very intuitive woman and yet she listened to what he spoke of. She held her gaze squarely upon him.\n\nIt did wound her to hear that her father still held his leash so tightly and hung the sword of damocles. How dare her father be so cruel to not just her but the one she adores. She gently brushed his cheek. <strong>\"He uses me as a breeding mare to play politics. There is naught he can do to further harm me. Save by harming you.\"</strong> her eyes held Petrus' own as she spoke. Her right hand brushed his cheek, yet the left slowly undid the front lace of he dress, letting her cleavage meticulously spill from her dress until the hem of her dress was barely held up by the woman's nipples. Her eyes held such rebellion within them at her father.\n\n<strong>\"And I won't let him take you from me. Your penance shall continue in my service if I so desire it, beloved.\"</strong> her fingers gave a soft pull and her dress spilled down to her ankles leaving her topless, with naught but sheer leggings hiding her womanhood from his eyes. <strong>\"The sea defiled me more than your eyes do. Come my guard. I seek a bath and I trust none but you..\"</strong>\n\n<hr/>\n\nAurora Valentine uses persuasion to make an indirect assault on Petrus. She rolls an 8 and missues the <a href=\"\">mark.</a> She rerolls using a point of luck. But only gets a <a href=\"\">7</a>"
"from": "Zenkai",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 7,
"timestamp": "2023-04-04T02:03:56",
"value": "Her statement that her father couldn't further harm her only showed wishful thinking and sweet innocence. There are innumerable ways to hurt someone, and her father surely knew when to use which one. A plan forms slowly in Petrus' mind, but is blown out of existence right away. He can't allow any more trouble to come her way. She's been blown far enough off course by that one time...\n\nHe finds himself staring at those perfect breasts. They are even more beautiful than in his nightmares. Then her words sink in, their meaning opening up those floodgates of desire again, and it takes him a few seconds of feverish teeth-grinding to close them again. Confronting his weakness like this... his love and his weakness. His decision is made even before he realizes it.\n\nAny squire has years of practice as an aspirant, taking care of older knights, so a butler's skills are second nature to them. Petrus is no exception. He stands and busies himself about the cabin. Work is a kind of escape, a form of distraction, even focus. Before long the bathtub is pulled to the center of the room, and filled with two handspans of fresh, sweet water - a real luxury only a noble lady has privilege to on board a ship at high sea.\n\n\"Your bath, my Lady.\"\n\nHis gaze flits over the walls of the room, the the window and finally the door, checking everything. It could be a habit, or just a way to keep himself busy and his eyes from his almost-naked Lady. Nevertheless, he can still feel the warmth of her hand on his cheek. He doesn't need to comment on whether he desires to be in her service or not, far away or near, with or without her.\n\nNo, he definitely can't abandon her."
"from": "Laughing Hyena",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 8,
"timestamp": "2023-04-04T04:40:10",
"value": "She watched him struggle and sadly he resisted her womanly charms once more. Her eyes danced about as he secured the room and her heart danced since she didn't hear a no from him. Far from it, he was horribly tempted and Aurora was wanting to explore that further. To make him think of naught but her in this moment made her body ache for him and her heart tenfold. However she was not deterred from her seduction as she smiled softly at him as the bath was prepared. As he checked the room, she merely slipped off her sheer dark leggings and reaches forward to place in the soap flakes to get the water sudsy and the balm. By doing so, she had inadvertently exposed her backside and the damp wetness of her womanhood to him try to coax him into a full erection for her.\n\nThen she climbed into the tub. She smiled softly with a heady sigh of pleasure as she used the loofah to soak her chest and neck. Her eyes glance back over to him with her eyes affixed upon him. <strong>\"Come closer Petrus. I need your hands to help wash my back.\"</strong> Another attempt to tempt him in his chastity but in truth she wanted him to just embrace her. She hated to just play a temptress. But if she wanted her knight truly she would play the part.\n\n<hr/>\n\nAurora uses Persuasion as an indirect attack. She gets a result of <a href=\"\">13</a> She fails to best his Inhibition."
"from": "Zenkai",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 9,
"timestamp": "2023-04-04T07:23:23",
"value": "Being torn in two doesn't even begin to describe how Petrus' soul feels. Duty and desire clash behind his eyes. Every fiber of his body screams at him to just screw everything and throw himself headfirst into this unbelievable chance. He can die a happy man tomorrow if he bends a little today. But his Oath still stands like the immovable bastion it is, a point of light in the darkness of his mind. So it is that despite the shakiness of his fingers the steel in his eyes is unbroken. Even if that steel reflects indescribable wonders and holds infinite desire at bay.\n\nTo be honest, it is a momentous achievement - because she has the perfect body of a temptress, the innocent purity of soul to match, all welded together by her true love. Perhaps fated pairings like this were all too common in the courts around the Duchy - but at least those lucky people had the night to them.\n\nAlmost mechanically, he pulls the salt-encrusted shirt over his head. This exposes his muscular arms, and leaves his torso covered in just pale undergarments. There is a network of faint scars and almost healed bruises on his shoulders and arms. Despite his overbearing roughness, those big hands callused from weapon practice and labor are incredibly gentle as he busies himself with washing her back. Touching her in such a way is pure agony.\n\n\"My Lady... you are making it... so very difficult.\" He sounds as if he's afraid of losing control. Yet he isn't retreating, either."
"from": "Laughing Hyena",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 10,
"timestamp": "2023-04-04T15:13:04",
"value": "Aurora Valentine gave a soft shudder upon the squires touch. Cooing in soft pleasure over her beloved bathing her coupled with his obvious struggles made her want to help ease the choice into a strong one. She'd make him into the most experienced chaste knight ever. <strong>\"Such is a vow of penance. Tis meant to torment you... and me...\"</strong> Aurora then turned around to face him. She idly washed his chest down with hwe hand and whispers with sensual longing. <strong>\"It torments me as well to be without your touch and your worship of me.\"</strong> Properly lathered up, Aurora pressed her generous bosom against his sudsy chest and used her breasts as a loofah, just to tease him. With him frozen on the spot, her left hand reached down to his undergarments and pulls them slowly down. Now exposed in full, her hands brush over his hips and then finally finds the punishment her father inflicted upon her beloved.\n\nShe paused softly and looked sadly at Pettus as she whispered. <strong>\"Such cruelty, my beloved cannot enjoy the warm touch of my hands... nor my lips. Or the join betwixt my legs. All because of such a villainous cage. I wish I could free you...\"</strong> the pain of having a caged erections coupled with the intense teasing of his libido was proving just as torturous as any lash to his back. Yet she does not stop. Knowing her beloved was surely close to bursting, she'd be cruel to deny him pleasure.\n\n<hr/>\n\nLadies and Gentlemen, our first natural 20! Result of <a href=\"\">25</a>\n\nThis should be interesting. Aurora rolls for Arousal Damage, adding her ability score twice due to criticize and gets a <a href=\"\">15</a>"
"from": "Laughing Hyena",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 11,
"timestamp": "2023-04-04T17:57:36",
"value": "Whilst the hijinks within the cabin were occuring, the ship continued on its return to Karameikos. Several other members of the guard were not of the Valentine house but of hired help or on orders from others of significant clout that either were doing a favor or paying a debt. One of which was a folk heroine that was returning after an adventure abroad. Another was a unique bard that was being hired for the wedding for his rather unusual take on music though his appearance does unnerve many and draw suspicion towards him. Since traveling on the ship the guards kept an eye on him.\n\nAs the sailors work on deck, the ship continues with impressive speed, befitting of the ships renowned reputation. Taking a shortcut also kept this time on the open seas to a minimum to prevent potential unwelcome sort from discovering the lone ship. It was why a member of the Brotherhood was aboard the ship acting as a means to make sure that if the Iron Ring rumors were true, the Brotherhood would swiftly have new intel to make use of. Breaking every link upon the slave rings chains was a meticulously long task but one worth doing."
"from": "Zenkai",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 12,
"timestamp": "2023-04-04T21:20:05",
"value": "This is far beyond the sweet nothings that she had said back then. This, now, is giving his oathbound soul to her. To be at her mercy. The thought makes his heart skip a beat. It is exciting and terrifying at the same time. Just an hour ago, he was looking ahead towards a nondescript, quiet existence far from anything, counting clouds or trees. But now...\n\nThe warmth of her body against his makes him feel as if he's being burnt alive. Her hand, touching... <em>there</em>. The sensation explodes inside him, hotter than a volcano, breaking through every defense in a single deluge.\n\nThe chastity cage was wrought by one of those mad gnomish inventors. Completely non-magical, so magical tampering could be detected. It had no lock - instead a complicated shard of crystal. The body of the device made of intertwining bands of silver and iron. A thin ring hugging the base of his cock and balls; a thick band tight around the base of his nuts; and a spiral pattern cock-sleeve, far too small for his now raging erection. Already a thin drop of precum oozes out of the small hole at the tip of the cock-sleeve... or is it just bathwater? his erection tries its hardest to move the device, the retaining rings pulling on his nuts and tugging on something metallic embedded in his manhood. The ridged inside of the cock-sleeve bites into hardening flesh.\n\n\"I'll bear all the torment in the world to keep you safe, my Lady.\" It'd sound more plausible if his voice wasn't overflowing with raw need. His broad hands close on her narrow waist. She feels so tiny and fragile in his embrace, and yet she is the most important existence in the Universe. His eyes flicker. A tiny, pained grunt tears itself from his lips. But he simply won't give in to this temptation. The device has to stay on, for her sake."
"from": "Laughing Hyena",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 13,
"timestamp": "2023-04-04T21:54:38",
"value": "Her eyes glance down to the agonized erection held in this elaborate cock sleeve of fabric, silver and iron that squeezed his length like a serpent. Her right hand traces over the erections from point to base Slowly her hand glides back and forth over it with the heated suds and water washing over his dick whilst her silken palm massaged him. <strong>\"Then you'll bear this device until your love is greater than your penance...\"</strong> So far the device was holding fast to prevent him from reaching fulfillment and her eyes look up at him expectantly. <strong>\"Even if you refuse my bed... let me wash you up. My knight deserves that much.\"</strong>\n\n<hr/>\n\nAurora makes a Direct Advance and gets a result of 12. She <a href=\"\">missed.</a>"
"from": "queenkam234",
"from-alternative": "User2",
"index": 14,
"timestamp": "2023-04-04T21:58:57",
"value": "Elise sat silently, as she watched the sailors work with an appreciative glance. She wouldn't have minded bringing one of them up to her cabin, but now wasn't exactly the time to be making overtures like that. She was meant to help deliver a noble, some sort of damsel type to the capital, make sure she got up there all pretty-like, and a get a hefty sum at the end of the day. Yes, she was a little worked up, but that could wait for when they reached land. Which, actually, was something Elise wanted to know about.\n\n\"Hey,\" Elise called out to the nearest sailor. \"How long before we hit land?\" Despite her last name, Elise didn't have much experience with steering ships herself. Sure, she'd gone out on fishing boats back in town in her youth, before her father left, but that was a far cry from being aboard the Moonchaser, sterling vessel that she was.\n\nHer question asked, Elise's gaze returned to the horizon. Soon, this job'd be over. And then, onto the next."
"from": "Zenkai",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 15,
"timestamp": "2023-04-04T22:47:42",
"value": "The silver and iron device holds on jealously, not allowing a second owner to touch the straining meat within. Its ridges bite into that meat, painfully. Aurora has access only to his balls and the very base of his cock; washing might be possible if he was flaccid, by pushing water in through the hole at the tip of the sleeve, or by full immersion. But with him straining like this... hardly likely.\n\nLove greater than penance? Surely, both will just increase the other, if this goes on. That seems likely, judging by the enthusiastic way she took to reacquainting herself with him. His hands slowly slide up her back and back down. Somehow, she makes him feel helpless. This is both because she knows his most intimate secret now, and his own need to never stray from her side again.\n\n\"Of... course. Everything for my Lady.\""
"from": "Laughing Hyena",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 16,
"timestamp": "2023-04-04T23:46:49",
"value": "Elise had plenty of eye candy to feast upon above deck. Many of the sailors were wearing either an open tunic or naught at all. Thus strong muscles of both bare and rugged appearance were on display for the local and unknown heroine. All save for a mature looking helmsman with a long jacket whom was idly steering the wheel with a practiced hand. His eyes glance down at the lovely woman and spoke. <strong>\"If we are to stay on course with no issues, we should be good to reach Mirros in two days time. And we are already ahead with this favorable wind.\"</strong>\n\n<hr/>\n\nAnyone wishing to can roll either Survival or Vehicle Proficiency if you desire for extra information.\n\n<details><summary>DC: 10</summary>\nHe is right in that the ship is making excellent time. Normally it would take five days on a larger ship and this interceptor class is one of the faster in the seas.</details>\n\n<details><summary>DC:15</summary>\nExcept that the wind has not been exceptionally strong nor have they run into weather that could play a part in it. It was almost like there was magic afoot. Maybe the sails were enchanted or a riptide was aiding them?</details>\n\n<details><summary>DC: 20</summary>\nBut the ship itself is indeed faster. Just not for the reasons one might suspect on a sea faring boat. The current itself was drawing the ship along in tandem with the wind.</details>\n\n<hr/>\n\nAurora Valentine heard those wonderful words spoken by her beloved and she immediately stopped what she did for a moment just so she could playfully kiss him again upon the now cleansed muscles of the knight. Softly giving little cooing moans and melodic hums of content as she showers affection and she was drawing further and further down upon him until her face was partially obscured by his straining erection. That drake of manhood was so painfully pent up she wound wish she knew a measure of magic just so she could take that release.\n\nHowever she was wanting to give the poor knight a special treat for those sweet words. Her breasts surround his manhood and with the well put lubrication of soap and warm waters, she had no troubles trying to massage him. Even if she could not easily toy with him, she still had her enchanting gaze upon him whilst she did such lewd acts. Her tits servibg as eye candy as she kept working the stiffened shafts betwixt her warm softness. She gave s soft kiss to the tip then kept going as she smiled warmly up at him. She knew he was close and wouldn't stop. <strong>\"Bless me with your favor beloved Petrus...\"</strong>\n\n<hr/>\n\nAurora Valentine began to worship Petrus with a Direct Advance and... Wow that is another Natural 20. The result is a total of <a href=\"\">25</a>\n\nAurora deals 10 arousal damage. Petrus is now at his <a href=\"\">limit.</a> Due to the cock cage he is Denied. He automatically succeeds his Climax check but his max arousal is reduced by... <a href=\"\">2</a>\n\nPetrus is at maximum arousal."
"from": "queenkam234",
"from-alternative": "User2",
"index": 17,
"timestamp": "2023-04-05T02:20:10",
"value": "<strong>\"Wonderful,\"</strong> Elise replied, smiling the slightest of smiles. Two days was less time than she'd thought it would take, but she was also not working with a lot to reference. Archery and the nautical arts did not often come together. Still, two days was a lot of downtime, particularly for a woman who was here to earn coin, and was not particularly close to anyone on board. <strong> \"So, any bright ideas for how I should pass those two days?\"</strong>\n\nFlirting with the crew seemed like a frivolous and unproductive way to kill time, but she couldn't deny the need to find some way to occupy herself during the wait. Two days stretched out before her like an eternity, and she was determined to make the most of them, come hell or high water."
"from": "Laughing Hyena",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 18,
"timestamp": "2023-04-05T04:11:32",
"value": "Stirring the pot with a bunch of men whom had a long wait between thexwarmthnof a woman was a horribly tempting offer and several men were now stealing glances at her. Undressing her with their eyes in hopes of something more. She might stir up a hornets nest on deck if she was tempting to enough men. One of the men came up to her, took out a bottle of hard rum and then spoke up. <strong>\"Sounds like you have something in mind. But how about we loosen up first with a drinking game.\"</strong> He said with a smirk knowing which game he'd like to do first.\n\nThe helmsman was giving him a dour look but since the girl was asking for attentions, his hands were tied. With a bunch of salty and horny dogs on the ship, it might do good for them to get some tension out of them. If she's offering anyway. <strong>\"Quartermaster Julius, you best not get out of hand with the guardsmen. She'll throw you in the brig faster than the Captain will.\"</strong> <strong>\"Heard, heard.\"</strong> Julius said casually as he looked to see who among them was interested. <strong>\"Strip truth with a bit of rum always helps ease the tension.\"</strong>"
"from": "queenkam234",
"from-alternative": "User2",
"index": 19,
"timestamp": "2023-04-05T06:49:56",
"value": "<strong>\"Strip truth?\" </strong>Elise asked impassively, looking the randy sailor in the eye. She appreciated the helmsman trying to look out for her, but she hadn't gotten this far in life without knowing when a man's attentions drifted towards the...carnal. As he pointed out, she was the valuable guardsman here, they were the sailors. Not that it meant they were any less human than her, but if it was her word against theirs, she assumed hers would carry more weight. <strong>\"I imagine there's some tension that you'd like eased.\"</strong>\n\nSure, this Julius wasn't a bad looking man, but Elise was very aware she was walking a fine line here. Too liberal, and she risked becoming the laughing stock of the entire ship. Still, there was a part of her that wanted to see how far they took it, and so she nodded, looking the quartermaster right in the eye. <strong>\"In any case, I accept. Care to hand over the bottle?\"</strong>"
"from": "Zenkai",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 20,
"timestamp": "2023-04-05T08:55:01",
"value": "Petrus is now <details><summary>Edged</summary>\nEdged\nThe Edged condition reflects a state of near-climax,\nwhere the creature is overcome with lust, and unable to\nfocus on anything else.\n• An edged creature is Hyperaroused\n• The creature must make a Climax Saving Throw\nat the start of each of it’s turns to avoid Climaxing. A\ncreature my choose to fail this saving throw.\n• The creature drops whatever it is holding and falls\nprone.\n• The creature is stunned.\n• Any successful Sexual Advances made against the\ncreature increase arousal by their maximum amount.</details>\n\n,<details><summary>Denied</summary>\nDenied\nThe Denied condition describes a creature who is being\nforcibly denied the release of Climax, But not a creature\nwho simply has not climaxed in a long time.\n• A Denied Creature automatically succeeds on\nClimax Saving Throws\n• Each time A Denied creature succeeds on a Climax\nsaving throw, it’s Arousal Maximum is reduced by 1d4\narousal points. This reduction lasts until the creature\nclimaxes or completes a long rest.</details>\n\n, and <details><summary>Hyperaroused</summary>\nHyperaroused\nThe Hyperaroused condition describes a creature who’s\nsexual drive has been naturally or artificially increased,\nsuch as a creature that is in heat, or a creature affected\nby potent aphrodisiacs.\n• A hyperaroused creature has disadvantage on\nsaving throws or skill checks made to resist Indirect\nAdvances.\n• Direct Advances against a hyperaroused creature\nare made with advantage</details>\n\n. Oh, and stunned. And technically should fall prone.\nArousal 26/26(max reduced from 28 - I assume one can't have more arousal than max unless magic is in play?)\n\n<hr/>\n\nA low, guttural sound thick with pleasure escapes through his clenched teeth. His manhood throbs and strains, a caged beast. His eyes lose focus and his body goes stiff, every muscle taut like a cable. It's with the utmost difficulty that he even remains standing, captive cock throbbing with enough force to shift the entire cage an inch or two against those perfect breasts. Caged as he is, only his balls can clearly feel the hot touch of his beloved. On the inside of the device metal ridges bite into sensitive flesh, rewarding arousal with pain. Another drop of precum oozes out, mixing with the soap."
"from": "Laughing Hyena",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 21,
"timestamp": "2023-04-05T15:20:54",
"value": "The quartermaster gave a smile and hands over the bottle to Elise. As Julius does so, two other men walk on over to her. A burly looking man that appeared to be in his thirties, and a seasoned and grizzled looking strongman approached seeking to try their luck at this game. <strong>\"Aquila and Caius, never one to miss a bit of rum or high stakes.\"</strong> <strong>\"Especially when you combine the two. So where you wanna do this?\"</strong> Aquila asked since the deck might be too much of a snowball to contain. Caius rolled his eyes, immediately making the assumption that they were going to the cabin Elise was staying. Seemed obvious enough. Either way he walked off for the moment but calls back. <strong>\"I'll meet you down there. Need to get the usual courtesies.\"</strong>\n\nAs for what those courtesies were, he was already heading down below deck for em. But he wasn't long and it gave Elise plenty of time to inquire, flirt or tease the other two, lead on to whatever she had in mind. She had the control in this situation for now.\n\n<hr/>\n\nUpon Petrus' climax Aurora was wearing this blissful look on her face. She shuddered softly as if the very sight of her lover in such a state made her excited. The noblewoman cooed with a cheerful tone to her voice. <strong>\"Oh my.. look at how pent up you are now. I wish I could help ease that for you beloved...\"</strong> She kissed the tip slowly, sheathed or not in that dreadful thing before she drew to her feet, ushered him onto her bed and tipped him onto it flat on his back. Drying him off whilst stunned in this state, the beautiful red head was letting him calm down for a moment. But she gave him every chance to enjoy her nudity.\n\nAnd then she straddled him, her body we facing away from him. Her smile was playful as her buttocks pressed against his erection trapped in that foul device. Her hand pressed the shaft betwixt her ass cheeks and she turned back to look at him. <strong>\"Just relax beloved, tell me... what do you want to do me when you are freed?\"</strong> She asked curiously and she expected Pettus to answer her because his avoidance or silence would now be made to punish him through pleasure and agony alike."
"from": "queenkam234",
"from-alternative": "User2",
"index": 22,
"timestamp": "2023-04-05T16:45:22",
"value": "Elise took a swig of the rum, feeling as though she was going to need a little liquid courage to face whatever came next. Yes, there was some feeling of excitement, because no matter what happened, it was something to break up the monotony of being on the ship, but it was also something that could go wrong very, very quickly. As she drank, she looked over the two men speaking to her. Yeah, they would do.\n\n<strong>\"So,\"</strong> Elise began, searching for some kind of topic to pass the time with. <strong>\"How did two men like you even end up working on the Moonchaser?\"</strong> It was conversation, but it was also investigation. If they were trusted with transporting such an important person, they couldn't have just gotten any random crew together."
"from": "Laughing Hyena",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 23,
"timestamp": "2023-04-05T19:16:10",
"value": "Aquila gave a shrug of his shoulders. <strong>\"Been on the Moon chaser since I was able to tie a proper knot. Didn't really belong anywhere and the oceans really just had this feeling of comfort for me. Dangers and all, it was familiar and the many lands the ship sailed to was as vast as the food, drink and company.\"</strong> he sat across from her and took a small swig of the rum. He grimaced from how hard it was and then he spoke of something.\n\nJulius took a seat next to her and then took his turn with the rum. <strong>\"Old Veteran of the Black Eagle Barony's resistance. When the Halflings kidnapped King Stefan, I was there for the abduction and the impromptu tour to convince the King of the Barons wrongdoings. Once that happened I was there when we attacked Fort Doom to deal with the bastards that had held us under his thumb. But those days are behind me but I was a fisherman before I was a soldier and a sailor before I was a Quartermaster. Combining those professions seemed like the most sane choice.\"</strong> Julius didn't look that old as he smirked and tilts his headvyo both the left and right showing how his ears had been maimed at the ends where points should be. <strong>\"Half or not the Barons guards aren't kind during their interrogations.\"</strong> he took another drink and didn't flinch from the hard taste. <strong>\"So what about you?\"</strong>\n\nAs he asked this, Caius returned with an extra bottle, a box containing small packets of the usual favors of carnal it including pregnancy beads to prevent an accident. Least the fun would be carefree at the very least. He sat next to Aquila and joined in the revelry and tale telling."
"from": "Zenkai",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 24,
"timestamp": "2023-04-05T21:08:11",
"value": "The touch of those perfect ass-cheeks is like lightning, making his skin crawl and tingle. The insides of the chastity cage feel like being cooked. He's barely able to produce more than a pained grunt out as he bucks senselessly beneath her. His hips thrusting, the motion beyond his control, thick guttural sounds not too far from an animal's as she rides him so. Her blemish-less fair skin grinding all around captured flesh, teasing beyond the point of agony. The broad globes of her ass, narrowing to a bewitching waist, the divinely beautiful lines of her back, then the waterfall of copper - and her perfect face right out of his dreams, asking him what he wants to do to her once free...\n\n\"Fuck!\" he manages to squeeze out between grunting, struggling, and catching his breath. His nuts throb heavily in their captivity; the cage squeezes painfully against his erection to keep it in check. A flash of lucidity lights up the insides of his eyelids, making him add a breathless \"No! I'll stay...\" He grunts again, forehead creased, hands grasping the bed-sheets as he tries to get control of himself through the haze of pleasure and agony. \"...for you...\""
"from": "Laughing Hyena",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 25,
"timestamp": "2023-04-05T23:46:47",
"value": "She gave a soft gasp as she can feel her beloved thrusting betwixt her as she cheeks trying to give himself an orgasm. Howe greedy of him to do so but it brought such joy to her that he could bring this out in such a stalwart and virtous knight. He may call himself a squire but to her Petrus was her knight. Her guard and her one true love. <strong>\"Good boy... Now darling... for your reward. Make... me... cum... like... this~♡\"</strong> The last five words were delivered with motions of her ass tapping firmly to his hips. His manhood gliding betwixt her supple cheeks, the sheath teasing her asshole with each motion.\n\nAurora can feel him throbbing against her backside and she rolled her hips faster and faster making her cheeks clap against his hips and around his manhood. She pants softly trying to make use of her bath to help make this as enjoyable as possible for him. However what she wanted was now for her knight to return the favor.\n\n<hr/>\n\nAurora makes a Direct Advance with advantage and gets a <a href=\"\">23</a> She hits and because of the conditions Pettus is under she deals max Arousal and deals 10 Arousal forcing a Climax Check. Petrus auto succeeds and is still edged denied and hyperaroused."
"from": "queenkam234",
"from-alternative": "User2",
"index": 26,
"timestamp": "2023-04-06T00:11:55",
"value": "Elise nodded along to Aquila and Julius' tales, relishing the warmth of the rum coursing through her veins. It had been ages since she last drank, and the buzz was a welcome respite from her troubles. As the men regaled her with their exploits, Elise couldn't help but be impressed. They had seen more than their fair share of adventure, and it showed in the way they carried themselves. She hadn't expected such stories, but saying such a suspicion out loud didn't seem a wise idea.\n\nNot that this idea was that much better. Caius' arrival with the pregnancy beads made the situation that much more real, the thought of what she was about to do with these sailors that much more present.\n\nBut Julius had posed a question, and Elise couldn't leave it unanswered. With a wry smile, she shared a bit of her own story. <strong>\"I may have grown up on a fishing boat, but I was always a better shot than a fisherman. I left home to seek my fortune, and when I returned to save my village from an attack, they hailed me as a hero.\"</strong>\n\nElise let out a dark chuckle, remembering how lucky she had been to receive a warning about the attack. She had tipped herself off, unable to bring herself to pillage her own home. It was a secret she would have to keep for now, especially with Caius' return. There were other things to do, and pleasures to pursue.\n\nStanding up, Elise gestured to the men. <strong>\"Time to retire to my cabin, gentlemen?\"</strong>"
"from": "Laughing Hyena",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 27,
"timestamp": "2023-04-06T02:02:27",
"value": "Julius merely raised up the rum in a toast before speaking. <strong>\"May you live long to tell these tales to the next heroes.\"</strong> A simple well wish and it seemed as though none noticed the omissions made by Elise. Regardless the courage was starting to show up when she made the suggestion to retreat to her cabin. Aquila was already up on his feet looking rather eager already if his tent was any clue. Caius was far more forward and gave a smile to her before speaking his mind. <strong>\"Ohh we best hurry then. I'm not sure how much longer I can wait.\"</strong> and his hand was following that same assessment by groping her buttocks with a firm hand. Taking the intuitive as it were to put her into a better mood. Clearly youth wasn't everything since he was showing his lack of knowledge on how to truly woo someone.\n\nQuartermaster Julius shook his head with a chuckle. <strong>\"Blind moles have better sense of touch than you, kid.\"</strong> With that the three of them follow Elise down to her cabin wherein she was free to try and control these horny men.\n\nJulius said nothing as he locked the door behind them and Aquila and Csius were already going for their shirts to try and make themselves ready as fast as possible. The quartermaster on the other hand unbundled his belt to show off his manhood which was already being engorged. Thicker and with a pronounced curve, it was cut at the tip and he smirked as if to wordlessly ask if she liked what she saw. Aquila was trying to get out of his clothes all at once since he was not wanting to keep her waiting on ceremony. <strong>\"By the way, we going all at once or just one at a time?\"</strong> He said awkwardly with his shirt over his face as he talks to Elise.\n\n<hr/>\n\nCaius does a direct advance and gets a roll of <a href=\"\">7.</a> he misses the mark and does no arousal.\n\nJulius tries an indirect advance using Persuasion. He rolls an <a href=\"\">11</a> He too misses the mark and does no arousal."
"from": "queenkam234",
"from-alternative": "User2",
"index": 28,
"timestamp": "2023-04-06T02:59:15",
"value": "While Elise couldn't have said that Caius' hand on her ass was really turning her on, there was something pleasant about being mapped out like this, treated as an object only meant to relieve the stress of these brawny sailors. She had spent so long fending for herself, proving her worth, that it was nice to just turn her brain off for a while, let herself be led by a strong masculine hand. Even if those hands didn't necessarily have a lot of finesse.\n\nBy the time they got to her room, Elise's gaze flit from Aquila, to Caius, to Julius' member. Her train of thought paused for a moment, taking it all in. Here she was, with these manly men - surrounded, in fact, and that little voice inside her telling her to just give in seemed to go stronger by the second. Shaken from her reverie by Aquila's question, she turned to speak to him, smoothly removing her armor, baring her svelte figure.\n\n<strong>\"I'm good with whatever you decide,\"</strong> Elise said firmly, now fully naked. Perhaps it wasn't the wisest decision armor-wise, but she couldn't stand the feeling of her undergarments and armor rubbing against one another, so she would often wear nothing underneath. With nothing covering her, her body was on full display to the sailors. Elise had a slender and athletic figure, a pleasing curve to her hips as well as an ample chest and behind.\n\n<hr/>\n\nElise tries an indirect advance using Sleight of Hand on Aquila. She rolls a <a href=\"\">23.</a>"
"from": "Laughing Hyena",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 29,
"timestamp": "2023-04-06T04:16:31",
"value": "Aquila was quite eager with the notion of Elise's incredibly smooth strip tease. She made doffing her armor easy and the revelation that she was completely bare underneath it made his loins ache in anticipation. When he got his pants off he stumbled from his own excitement. His manhood was longer and straighter in curvature and uncut. And when she said he could take the initiative with her, there was almost not a moment wasted in this regard. Those pouty lips called to him and thus he took that lovely woman to her knees. He tilts her head slightly to the side to keep her pretty figure exposed. His cock heavy with need was pressed into her mouth and he sinks down past her lips. He issued one order to her. <strong>\"Suck me dry.\"</strong>\n\nSeeing the situation unfold in how Aquila went straight for the blowjob, Caius took his own erection out and joined Aquilla, by massaging his own manhood in front of Elise's generous bosom. He wanted a tit fuck but first he'd have to lubricate his length and with his party favors, he used scented ointmentvyo lubricate his length and pour the clear oils over her chest. It made little pins and needles run through her skin as her breasts became flushed, heated and her nipples engorged. His cock throbbed before her and goodness he was a grower. Shaved bare and immaculately groomed he went from average to being a big boy with a straight long, thickness that looked like he was already heavy with seed. He bent his knees down, cupped her oiled breasts and began to thrust back and forth betwixt her cleavage. His technique is much more crude and inexperienced thus far.\n\nFeeling that she had a bit on her plate already, Julius took a moment to watch and enjoy the sights. He measured his approach and gets behind Elise carefully using some of the oil to lubricate his own cock before he pressed his length betwixt her buttocks and used her ass cheeks like a sleeve. Each thrust brushed the tip of his cock against her asshole to make the anticipation of them filling her every hole up grow over time. The three men can count their lucky stars to have her attention.\n\n<hr/>\n\nAquila make a Direct Advance with his manhood and rolls a <a href=\"\">16</a> he breaks past her inhibition and rolls and deals 9 <a href=\"\">Arousal.</a>\n\nCaius makes a Direct Advance using Elises breasts and gets an 11 on his <a href=\"\">roll.</a> He doesn't breach her Inhibition Score and deals no Arousal.\n\nJulius makes a Direct Advance using Elise's ass as his choice of stimulation. He rolls and gets a 16 and beats her <a href=\"\">threshold.</a> He rolls for Arousal which results in 7 being dealt to <a href=\"\">her.</a>\n\nElise has taken a total of 16 Arousal."
] |
350,185 | 2023-04-02T21:49:12 | The Private Collection [Angel & Esokos] | 14 | Noncon: Exotic-Freeform Solos | 1 | 1 | 677 | 677 | [
"from": "AngelsSonata",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 0,
"timestamp": "2023-04-02T21:49:12",
"value": "There was a smooth transition from the void of space to the docking hangar that was part of the Qualaxis Space Satellite, deep in the Vulnus Nebula. It was a smooth transition, one that had been made for as long as Adrias could remember. Sitting in the cockpit of the shuttle, he allowed his two retainers to pilot and settle the ship into its docking stanchions. His was a sleek ship, capable of inter-galactic transportation. More of a pleasure boat, it was perfect for what Adrias needed.\nA member of the Talis race, Adrias was humanoid in appearance. Slender and long limbed, standing at an inch over six foot. He wasn’t muscular, for very few of the Talis race were. Elfen was a word used by other species in the galaxy, though they were a highly respected race. Long lived, the average life span of a Talis was close to four hundred years if lived properly. Adrias was considered young at a month shy of his ninety-eighth birthday. He looked like a thirty-year old to some humans and quite beautiful. His eyes were ice-blue, pale skinned with what appeared to be pink blush provided by makeup on his cheeks but was in fact a birthmark that went across his cheeks and followed the contours of his eyes. Crimson hair was combed back to achieve the image of someone attending a formal event, and given his attire, that was a possibility. Of course, most trips to Qualaxis were formal events. It was business, and business demanded a certain choice of attire. Adrias was a man of image after all, and would do what he could to keep that image up. Dressed in a sleek white suit, his tail flickered here and there. It was feline with a small covering of fur. He stood up from the seat, smiling to his pilots. “See that the ship is fuelled and maintained. Then get something to eat. I’m not sure how long we’ll be here, so relax and take your mind off things.” He told them before smiling and stepping to the access ramp on the belly of the ship.\n\nDespite its interior beauty, Qualaxis was considered a haven for pirates and cutthroats. This was a station that dealt in the business of trafficking. Slaves, workers, pleasure givers, they were all available. Adrias was a collector, he had his own planet that he used to house one of the largest collections of species from across the galaxy. Word had caught his ear that there were humans on sale from the planet Terra. If that was the case, Adrias wanted to see what the stock was. He wanted one for his collection, perhaps more. Stepping down the ramp with a smile, he looked to a droid who waited for Adrias.\n\n“Greetings honoured Adrias Larhaven. I am TX-77, assigned by management to see to your needs.” The droid spoke in a monotone voice. It was a boxy model, not as sleek as other stations, but when the credits were spent on making the station look respectable, droids and servants were the last thing that were catered to. Adrias had no real patience for droids but kept his calm. He didn’t want a repeat of the last time he came to Qualaxis.\n\nTen thousand credits to replace the droids he had destroyed, and this was the best they could do. Adrias should have given them extra to get decent models.\n\n“My pilots will provide you the list of material we need for the ship. For the moment, show me to the pens. You have Terrans, I believe?”\n\n“A fresh batch. Brought in seventeen hours ago, galactic standard time. No bids have been put forth but there is interest.”\n\nWell, that muddied the waters. If others were interested in Terrans then Adrias would have to be on the ball if he wanted a specimen to take back with him. “Lead me to the viewing area.” Adrias ordered, his tone firm and in command. His tail started swishing, a sign that he was a little anxious."
] |
350,189 | 2023-04-03T00:55:22 | Tipping the Scales (Vd19 x Qualia) | 119 | Bondage: Human Solos | 2 | 14 | 5,387 | 369 | [
"from": "Qualia",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 0,
"timestamp": "2023-04-03T00:55:22",
"value": "<em>Tap tap tap</em>\n\nThe sound of three raindrops on the hood of her cloak brought Aisling to a pause. Pulling back the hood with one gloved hand she glanced skyward. Not a cloud in sight. Only stars and the shining half-moon. <strong>\"Only a few moons left.\"</strong> She whispered to herself, breath misting in the cool night air. She carried no torch but was more than capable of navigating under a clear night sky. Resuming her stride she continued down beaten dirt path, one of many lanes existing in the space between the chest high stone walls that bordered the fields and properties of the hamlet. She saw no other travelers on the road, though occasionally she could spy flickering candle light in the windows of cottage. When she did she paused, reaching into a fold of her dark cloak to take out a glinting green scale as large as her hand. Balancing it on one of her delicate fingers she held it aloft, watching as it wavered and slowly turned to point her further down the path. That is until it didn't. She'd reached another cottage, one set further back from the path in a clearing amongst some fir trees, and this time the scale had turned sharply to point directly at the door.\n\nSlipping the scale back Aisling simply stood and stared at the cottage chewing her lower lip. She was dressed in dark hide britches and shirt, simple sandals on her feet all covered in a long dark leather cloak. On her back she carried a travelling pack, a bow and short spear tied to the side. A few hours earlier, while the sun painted a crimson farewell, she'd bathed and cleansed herself in a stream. If this \"knight\" said to resting in the hamlet were her quarry Aisling knew it would be charm, and not steel, that she'd have to wield. <em><strong>Have I found you at last?</strong></em> she thought to herself. It had been a long road and yet, now that she found herself near the end, Aisling felt nervous. Few of her people ever ventured as far from their village as she had. And none living had ever met one so closely descended from one of the Ancient Ones. -The- Ancient One in this case, Aisling reminded herself. One foot at a time she pushed herself to approach closer until she found herself standing at the door. A single hunter, barely over a meter and a half in height, only 8 stones in weight. Yet she was sent alone to retrieve a half-dragon? Not to mention the disturbing hints she'd received about the other half of his nature. It was desperate, but so was her tribe. There was another tap on her hood, another lone raindrop. When they fell from a cloudless sky, her caregiver had told Aisling as a child, they were actually the tears of a Dragon. It felt fitting and she reached up to knock on the cottage door."
"from": "Vampdrake19",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 1,
"timestamp": "2023-04-03T01:56:22",
"value": "The villagers were more than willing to give a knight a place to stay for the evening, since a knight was supposed to be a well-renowned protector. The knight in question had his silver armor, gauntlets and all, in a nearby rocking chair while he was sprawled on the bed with only his dark brown tunics and matching trousers on, his left fist over the top of his head while his right hand was on his stomach. He was sleeping for the time being, having just arrived hours before to clean himself of the dirt and grime that accumulated on him during his travels. His dark hair was a mess on the pillow, his legs spread out as if he had fallen from a height unknown. As he laid there, his eyelids started to flutter and his right hand slowly clenched. Another one of his dreams that frustrated him, although details were never known.\n\nAlthrough his life, Drake never knew about his father, aside from the fact that he inherited his father’s scale color, rich emerald eyes, and inky-black hair, although the latter trait was also dominant in his mother’s line. Still, ever since he left the Second Circle, Drake was left with no information about his father and it was making him so furious that no one was giving him any answers. Some have offered answers in exchange for an errand, only to go back on their word after he fulfills his end of the bargain. He had been betrayed so many times, he was done with making deals. Despite his demonic blood, he was always true to his word, whether it was a promise or a threat. <em>The next one who tries to make a deal with me better give me what I want before I uphold my end of the bargain, or I’m not accepting the deal at all</em>, he growled bitterly. He was done being fooled into doing someone else’s dirty work, all for the answers about the dragon that sired him. He knew little to nothing of his father and no one would give him a straight answer.\n\nAfter a few minutes of rest, he opened his eyes and sat up, stretching himself as he moved off the bed. His emerald eyes took an eerie glow, his pupils now narrow vertical slits. He could feel it in his bones. Feeding time is almost upon him and it’s been almost a full moon cycle since he last fed. He put on his chain mail and started to reach the door, only to pause and look at his reflection on a mirror. The eerie light in his eyes was visible until he willed it down, making his eyes appear as human as possible. Now that his human disguise was complete, he opened the door, only to find himself facing a cloaked figure at the doorway. He could smell that this figure was a female, no mistake about it. After a moment to compose himself, he raised a dark brow and asked, “What brings you here to this place?”"
"from": "Qualia",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 2,
"timestamp": "2023-04-03T02:26:04",
"value": "The dark figure in the doorway jumped and let out a startled gasp, one further confirmed her feminine scent. <em>He heard me approach?</em> She thought in shock. While Aisling was still a few years away from being given her own hunting band to lead she was very talented, and her steps could be quiet as whispers on almost any surface. Her face still hid within the shadows of her hood, only lips and jaw catching the light leaking out from behind the cottage's inhabitant. Her suprised movement had knocked loose a lock of red hair however, the softly waved strands glinting.\n\n<strong>\"Are you the one this village call Knight?\"</strong> She asked after a moment. Aisling asked more to keep her cards close, a hand in her pocket wrapped around the rapidly warming scale was all the confirmation she needed to be sure. Her other hand hung loose and seemingly relaxed, though her fingertips lightly brushed the wooden shaft of the spear hanging on her pack. She tilted her head, covertly trying to get a better look at him. Backlit as he was it felt like she was facing a looming shadow rather than a man. He was tall, that she could tell. Taller than most of the farmers and travelers she'd passed on her journey. At least as tall as the men in her tribe who were considered to be blessed with a drop of the Dragon's blood. The movement provided a brief glimpse of her eyes, grey-blue but with a few threads of green if one cared to look closely. <strong>\"I've come a long way to find you.\"</strong>"
"from": "Vampdrake19",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 3,
"timestamp": "2023-04-03T03:01:55",
"value": "Drake’s sharp eyes detected the woman’s lips and jawline, but what caught his attention was the strand of red hair, almost as red as flame. For centuries, he had laid with men and women alike, but most of the women he had bedded had red hair and he considered those as a favorite. When he caught a glimpse of her eyes, he could almost swear there were bits of the exact emerald richness that graced his own eyes. Her words were not missed, although it raised his curiosity. He knew that he was reputed as a knight in this village, but word never traveled this fast before because he just got here. As he assessed her a moment more, a drop fell on his head, snapping him out of his momentary stare.\n\nOnce he got himself composed, he stepped aside, letting the woman in. “So you’ve found me,” he said calmly. “You may want to get inside. The night tends to get cold this time of year and a woman like yourself shouldn’t be in the cold at this time.” He didn’t close the door until he was sure she came in. <em>Just my luck</em>, he thought as he smirked darkly. <em>I don’t have to hunt this time. My feast has come to me</em>. He began to circle her, his eyes fixed on her as he quickly wiped the smirk off his face. His hunger aside, there was something that needed cleared. “You said you’ve come a long way to find me. Why are you looking for me?” He crossed his arms against his chest, his right brow still lifted."
"from": "Qualia",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 4,
"timestamp": "2023-04-03T03:49:47",
"value": "With a nod of gratitude Aisling swiftly slid past him and into the cottage, cloak trailing behind her. Her eyes immediately caught on the armor resting on a chair and for a moment she frowned. <em>I hope I haven't tripped into on an actual knight.</em> She thought. If that were the case her spear would be needed. But, no. The scale in her pocket was warm as a river rock in the sun. This was it then. She kept her back turned to him for a moment, hoping to preserve an air of mystery and confidence. In reality Aisling had locked her jaw as she sought to quell her nerves. As soon as she turned around she'd be looking into the eyes of the closest living thing to her god seen for seven generations. A cold stream seemed to flow across her heart. She felt chilled and her chest tight with fear. The weight of this hunt lay on a lie, one she would need to maintain. Aisling feared she'd break the moment his eyes met hers.\n\nAisling performed the breaths of archery, as taught to her as a youth. Calming her body and focusing her mind. <strong>\"I am on a hunt.\"</strong> She spoke, a melodic accent creeping into her voice now. Lifting her hands to her hood, Aisling turned as she drew it back to face him. Her red hair hung in a braid down to her mid-back, aside from bangs that framed her face. She was quite pretty, though her face did have a certain angular severity to it. As if you could cut your thumb touching her cheek. Her blue-grey eyes and thick brows had a humorless quality, at least paired with her frown. Every now and then though, when the light caught her eyes just right, those green threads would be visible and even her pupils would seem ever to every so slightly distort closer to slits.\n\n<strong>\"I am looking for a dragon,\"</strong> hood pulled down she held her hands out as a sign that she meant no harm \"<strong>And I thought who better to ask than a knight?\"</strong>"
"from": "Vampdrake19",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 5,
"timestamp": "2023-04-03T05:36:41",
"value": "“A dragon, you say?” Drake could feel scales forming on his back, hiding under his tunic. He never told anybody - not even his own mother - that the idea of hunting dragons scares him. He was half dragon, after all. If this woman was here to kill him, he’d better be on his guard. He had dealt with hunters before, even killed a few in cold blood to protect himself, but those were all men. Dealing with a female hunter was a first, so he had to be careful with his next move. He looked her over, noticing her flaming locks in a braid. Of all the red-haired women he once bedded, none of them had hair that long. He locked eyes with her, his brow still lifted. “What the blazes do you want with a dragon? I haven’t seen one in a long time, so either it’s long gone or went into hiding. Besides, even if I saw a dragon, I don’t have the nerve to kill it.” He turned his head away from her, walking to his armor. “I got too much respect for dragons anyway.” He slunk his hand under the armor and produced a sword.\n\nIt was a cruciform broad sword, its handle made of oak and embedded with emeralds and onyx stones. This sword was a prized possession of his, just as demonic as its owner. He kept it in its sheath, setting it against the wall so it could be in plain view. “This sword has never tasted dragon blood and it never will, not while I have anything to say about it.” Returning his attention to the redhead, he thought he smelled something on her. There was something draconic on her and it felt like it was calling for his attention. His eyes ran over her slowly, searching for whatever it was that he was sensing. Whatever it was, it was calling him, beckoning him to come closer. He got so distracted, he was unaware that his eyes resumed their eerie glow, which signified his sexual hunger. Feeding time is approaching, so he needed to feed while he was alone with this huntress. He approached her slowly, his glowing eyes fixed on her."
"from": "Qualia",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 6,
"timestamp": "2023-04-03T18:58:13",
"value": "At the appearance of a sword Aisling tensed. Her free hand crept back towards the haft of her spear as she watched for any sign of aggression. She relaxed, a little at least, when he set it against the wall. Taking off her own pack and weapons she set them down on the floor as well, though no further away than the man's sword. Aisling had to be sure she had the right person, else she dared not reveal anything about her true purpose.\n\nWhile he may not have realized his eyes had shifted, her reaction certainly gave away that something had changed. Aisling's mouth dropped open as she gasped and held her breath. True there was some fear in her expression, though less than most ordinary folks would show. It was closer however to awe. The vertical slit of a Dragon's eye was a common symbol in her tribe. Those like Aisling herself who were said to be blessed by more than a drop of The Blood could sometimes even display traces of it. Never had she seen true Dragon eyes like this before.\n\nHe was approaching, but her feet felt stuck to the ground. Aisling wanted to speak but her throat was swollen shut. He looked hungry and she wondered for a moment if her journey would end here, failed by her stumbling tongue. Unsure what else to do she shoved a hand into her pocket and withdrew the large Emerald scale. She held it out, extending her arm in a gesture that seemed part offering and part warding off some sinister presence. <strong>\"It really is you...\"</strong> she managed to croak."
"from": "Vampdrake19",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 7,
"timestamp": "2023-04-03T20:57:46",
"value": "When the huntress’ arm extended, Drake froze at the sight of the scale in her hand. The scale was large, yet it had the same rich color as his own. As he stared at it, his eyes ceased their glow yet held the vertical slits. The emerald scale had to come from a dragon far larger than himself, maybe even far older than him. His voice sounded like a deep growl as he asked, “Where did you get that?” He took the scale and held it in his left hand, examining the scale for a moment. He took a few steps backwards towards his armor, keeping the huntress within line of sight. Using his right hand, he felt around in his armor until he produced an identical scale from within his chest plate.\n\nThis scale had been with him his whole life, given to him by his mother on his fifth birthday. Much like the sword, the scale in his right hand was a prized possession, but to him, it was sacred, proof of his draconic heritage and a treasure in itself. He held the scales together, glancing at them back and forth. <em>Same size, same shape, same rough outside, same jagged edge on the outside</em>, he observed curiously. <em>Could it really be</em>…. His voice dropped into a whisper as he breathed, “Father…” His eyes slowly closed as he put both scales together, pressing them between his hands as if in prayer. He fell silent for a moment, his body stock still as stone. The scent of the huntress snapped him out of his silent reverence, reminding him that she was there. He glared hard at her, as if accusing her of an unforgivable crime. He growled, “Where did you get that scale? I demand to know where and how you got that scale and I mean <em>this instant</em>.”"
"from": "Qualia",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 8,
"timestamp": "2023-04-03T21:52:30",
"value": "The scale she carried was one of the sacred treasures of her tribe, and so seeing the man simply produce another was shocking to Aisling though, on consideration, not too surprising. Some of the close-guarded tension that she'd worn since the door opened fell away now. The mixture of fear and awe were still present, but at least now she did not have to hide her secrets. All except one of course. A sliver of her small white teeth emerged as a smile actually crept across her face. Though it certainly didn't match the resting sternness of her features the contrast actually served the display of joy rather than muddy it. She'd found him, the salvation of her people practically within reach. Nodding at his realization she replied in a reverent tone, <strong>\"You are <em>His</em> son.\"</strong> She half crouched balancing on her toes, keeping her face turned up towards his but her eyes closed. A movement which was distinctly a form of curtsey though one that seemed foreign in the ways it differed from more common conventions. The dangerous tone behind his demands made her jerk, almost losing her balance. Standing up she opened her eyes, but kept them lowered at the floor rather than meeting his.\n\n<strong>\"The scale is a treasure of my people, I was given it so I could seek <em>you</em> out.\"</strong> She spoke with nervous speed, shaken by the sudden menace she sensed. <strong>\"I am Aisling. Eleventh-Child. My people are your kin, children of your father. Though many generations removed.\"</strong> She spoke those last words with a tone of loss. She paused and took a deep breath before raising her gaze to meet his once again. Aisling was at the precipice now, the deception she knew must be achieved coiling like a viper in her throat. <strong>\"I have come to seek your aid, to ask that you return with me to my tribe.\"</strong> This part was true at least, and her passion in even speaking of her hopes allowed Aisling the daring needed to take a step closer.\n\nThe nearer she got the more Aisling had to turn her head upward to match her gaze to his, her coppery red bangs falling back to show a faint white scar that ran from behind her right ear and brushed her jaw.<strong>\"Our renewal depends on your participation.\"</strong> She clasped her hands together now as if in prayer."
"from": "Vampdrake19",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 9,
"timestamp": "2023-04-03T23:11:14",
"value": "He listened carefully as he held the scales in his hands, his face fixed in a stern glare. This huntress, Aisling had went all this way to find him - an incubus who was sired by a dragon - for the sake of her tribe? Something wasn’t adding up to him, especially at the mention of a renewal. What kind of renewal that requires his participation, he wasn’t sure for himself. “So you’re telling me that the scale you possess is from my father, who sired your tribe? And you were sent to find me, the generation closest to him, for a ‘renewal?’ Do you have any idea what you’re really up against?” He opened his hands and put the left scale at her feet, while a thick emerald tail slunk out from behind him and coiled behind his heels.\n\nAfter taking a moment to compose himself, he began to circle her again, his tail flicking behind him. “Clearly you don’t know me very well, huntress. I may be a dragon, but I’m only <em>half</em> dragon.” His lips curved into a dark smile, his eyes resuming their eerie glow. Just because she had a scale that was once his father’s, didn’t mean he was going to ignore his hunger. “I almost find it quite interesting that you would find me just in time for me to feed. It’s because of my mother that I need to feed at least once every moon.” His tail began to play with her braid. “Besides, even if I were to come with you to your tribe, what’s really in it for me? I know <em>nothing</em> about my father, not even his name. Clearly you have information about him that I lack, but how will I know if you’ll give it to me without any tricks?” His glowing eyes glared harshly at this. “I don’t like to be tricked, especially by a woman.”"
"from": "Qualia",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 10,
"timestamp": "2023-04-04T00:28:56",
"value": "Aisling swallowed nervously, crossing her arms to pull her cloak protectively. <strong>\"I...have heard some rumors.</strong> Olsun Eighth-Child, the elder who had ensorcelled the scale so that it would guide Aisling, had warned her that there was some unfamiliar taint in this man's essence. When the red-headed girl had pressed him for details Olsun had only said that they were matters not suited to discuss outside the marriage lodge. <em>Lovemaking</em> Aisling had thought to herself. As she had not yet led a hunt, this was all he would share with Aisling. <strong>\"I was told that, unlike us, the-\"</strong> She only noticed his tail as it brushed against her leg, rising to tease her long braid. Aisling flinched away from it, but only for a moment so as not to offend. Still she suddenly felt like rabbit helplessly wandering into a snare.\n\n<strong>\"Unlike us,\"</strong> she continued with a stammer, <strong>\"the weaker blood in you is not human.\"</strong> The mention of feeding sent a shiver down her spine and she couldn't help but glance down at her spear. Though now she'd have to reach over or under his tail if she wanted to retrieve it. A difficult prospect she judged, from the thickness of the tail muscles. Her heart was racing in her chest, and again she the three soft rhythmic breaths of archery to calm herself. <strong>\"We have other treasures, left by your father.\"</strong> Her voice did not waver, though Aisling did speak a bit quickly as if afraid he might widen his jaws and eat her any moment. <strong>\"Yours, and rightfully so, if you return to my village.\"</strong> She'd hoped that the opportunity for knowledge, and perhaps some sense of kinship, would be enough to convince him. Now she was reaching for any other temptation she could think of. <strong>\"If...If <em>feeding</em>,</strong> she spoke the word uncertainly, but with the understanding that he meant something not quite the same as a human would, <strong>\"is important to any of my tribe, including myself, would gladly give up our lives for the sake of the Tribe's Renewal.\"</strong> It was true, her fear of death in this moment was not out of concern for herself. Mostly not at least. Rather it was concern that in dying here she'd fail in her hunt. <strong>\"But our village is far and well hidden, you would need me as a guide.\"</strong> Aisling began to crouch in her odd curtsey again, but the motion brought one of her thighs into contact with the tail and she cut it short."
"from": "Vampdrake19",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 11,
"timestamp": "2023-04-04T04:03:53",
"value": "Aisling’s reactions to his teasing tail were met with slight chuckles, his eyes watching her every move as he kept circling her. He kept his left hand behind his back, clenching a fist at the mention of his mother’s blood. Demonic blood wasn’t weak, not by a long shot. <em>They call my mother weak? I’ll show them who’s weak</em>. The mention of other treasures made him halt his feet, yet his tail kept teasing her. He once had a treasure hoard of his own, mostly of jewels and chalices that he dug up in the Second Circle while he was growing up. When he left the Second Circle, he took his entire hoard with him. The jewels were used to either pay for food rations to satisfy his stomach or a whore for his sexual needs, while the chalices were secretly given to any passing noble that crossed his path.\n\nHe resumed his circling after a moment of silence, his tail now back to playing with her braid once he stopped in front of her. “You present an intriguing case, huntress, I’ll give you that. You say that your tribe has other treasures in their keeping, treasures that were once Father’s and therefore, are rightfully mine. As it happens, I am reduced to a meager satchel of jewels left in my possession. If Father’s treasures are as you claim, I’d want to see them for myself and expect to see them in pristine condition before I decide to put my claws on them.” His tail left her braid and lifted her chin, making her look him in the eyes. “Let me make one thing clear. I am half dragon and half incubus, so I am not at all human. An incubus is a type of demon, as in a <em>sex</em> demon. My mother was a succubus, a female sex demon.” His lips resumed their dark smile. “With that in mind, you could guess how I need to feed.” He cracked his knuckles, his glowing eyes still fixed on her.\n\n“As tempting as your offers may seem, I’m still not convinced on going. There’s still the fact that I’m starving right now and I don’t consider offers when I need to feed. You’re just lucky I’m willing to listen.” He approached her until he was within reaching distance of her, as in reaching with his hands. “And there’s one detail that’s been bothering me my whole life and I want it straight from you. I want to know Father’s name. If you give me that, I might consider following you to your tribe to take what is mine, but that will be <em>after</em> I feed, which is another service you’ll have to provide while you’re in the same room as me.” Not once did his eyes leave her, his tail now swaying behind him."
"from": "Qualia",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 12,
"timestamp": "2023-04-04T04:55:47",
"value": "Aisling stood still as stone one arm hanging loosely while the other crossed her chest to grip its bicep. Only the tiniest movements of her head as he circled behind her betrayed her nervousness at having him out of sight. Her smile was long gone now, face resettled into her slightly too-serious glower. Her nostrils flared and she held herself up a little straighter as he moved into her line of vision again. Though she kept her head bowed in both respect and to rest from the mental exhaustion of trying to maintain a stare with him. His words were encouraging though, it seemed he was considering the offer. Aisling's breath froze when his tail touched the bottom of her chin and she trembled as felt her head raised until his eyes had seized hers again. She had prayed as a child before paintings of eyes like those and she felt a flash of heretical guilt at the idea that she was trying to bargain with one so close to a true Dragon.\n\nHis clarification on his ancestry was a stark reminder just why she was. Aisling did not know these terms, succubus and incubus, but her tribe had stories of night creatures who would ensnare mortals in order to make love. The idea brought a flush to her cheeks. She wasn't a child anymore. If this hunt was successful she might even be allowed her first spring or summer marriage. Physical intimacy was not something talked about in the open among her tribe however, and the act itself was constrained to marriage huts. That Dragon blood would be mixed with such a twisted lineage baffled Aisling. The bloom in her cheeks only deepened as she considered his other words. He would expect her to give him <em>that.</em> After Oslun's reading she'd been advised by the older women of the tribe that the price of their salvation could be Asiling's purity, and that it was a price she must pay. Still, she knew that some laws were absolute. Surrendering her maidenhood like this, outside the sanctity of the tribe, would mean she could never join a marriage in any season. Even in cold winter she would be forced to live in the public lodge with the elders and children.\n\nAisling was so caught up in thought that it took her a moment to realize how long the silence had grown <strong>\"His name?\"</strong> She replied, eager to delay and sounding slightly shocked that he did not even have a name for Him. <strong>\"We...are taught to call him <em>Amphiptere</em>.\"</strong> She spoke the name with the deepest reverence, raising her right hand to her chest and pinching the tips of her middle finger and thumb together. She continued quickly, suddenly realizing with alarm that this could be some sort of test. <strong>\"B-but we are told that He has many names, and many shapes.\"</strong> She tried turning her head as if trying to look away from him, but found she couldn't bring herself to go far enough to break the lock his eyes had on hers. <strong>\" for the rest. I must lead you back to the village, but if a price must be paid that doesn't prevent me from doing so then...</strong> Her breath stuck in her throat and she squirmed, struggling to make herself say the words. \"<strong>Then I will pay.</strong>\""
"from": "Vampdrake19",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 13,
"timestamp": "2023-04-04T05:53:37",
"value": "The name he was given didn’t seem to pacify Drake, but ths explanation behind it gave him a moment to think. He never knew his fathe, let alone his name, which was only the head of his quest for answers. He didn’t just want to know his father’s name, but also know him as a whole. Aisling and her tribe would very likely put Drake’s quest to rest, but ar what cost to him, he wasn’t sure. He stared into her eyes as he listened to her words, his nostrils slightly flaring as he inhaled her scent. His dark smile broadened into a grin. <em>Just my luck. She’s a virgin</em>. He always knew a virgin just by smelling it. It was one of his specialties.\n\nHer final statement was met with his tail whipping behind him, his grin reduced back to a small, dark smirk. “The price is feeding me, my dear huntress, now and until you take me to your tribe. Remember that you said you’d pay the price, so I’ve named my price.” He gave her a stern glare, his smirk now gone. “However, I have a condition that comes with the price. Should I ever ask about Father, I expect the truth to come out of your lips. I don’t tolerate being lied to nor will I take betrayals kindly. And once we reach your village, either you honor what is promised to me or I will change into my scales and carry you as far from the village as my wings will allow and have you bound to a bed where I will keep you until you die.” He leaned forward, their faces within kissing distance. “Don’t think I jest about that. Whether it’s a promise or a threat, I <em>always</em> keep my word. Keep that in mind before you think about betraying me.” His tail coiled around her waist for a moment, only to release her and play with her braid once more. “It’s my feeding time and you’ve stalled enough, huntress. Remember that you said you’d pay the price. I’ve named the price, so it’s time to pay.” His tail pointed at the bed, his unspoken demand hanging in the air."
] |
350,191 | 2023-04-03T02:11:38 | Sky Knights of Aard - OOC | 347 | Noncon: Exotic-System Small Groups | 3 | 4 | 1,440 | 70.5 | [
"from": "pdragon",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 0,
"timestamp": "2023-04-03T02:11:38",
"value": "Out of character thread for Sky Knights of Aard\n\n<center><strong><u>Links</u></strong>\n<a href=\"\">IC</a>\n<a href=\"\">Characters</a>\nRecruitment <a href=\"\">Thread</a>\n<a href=\"\">Lore</a>\n\n</center>\n\n<u><strong>Rules</strong></u>\n<strong>1.</strong> Be cool\n\n<strong>2.</strong> DM has final call\n\n<strong>3.</strong> Post frequency will preferably be at least 2 posts a week, 3 during combat scenes.\n\n<strong>4.</strong> If you are unable to post I'll keep the scene moving forward with a minimal amount of puppeteering. In combat I'll have your character attack/assist with a non-resource expending move (or as little resources expending as possible).\n\n<strong>5.</strong> Illustrated art for characters only\n\n<strong>6.</strong> Some rolls, such as saves, will be rolled for the players by the DM for the sake of speed and efficiency. Any abilities or special modifiers that can be applied to these rolls may be applied retroactively at the player's request.\n\n<strong>7.</strong> Initiative will be handled as such: When combat begins I shall roll initiative on everyone's behalf. Any PCs who roll above the enemies will be allowed to go first in any order. After that we'll be using block initiative, with enemies all taking their turns together and PCs able to post in any order. Please do not wait on another player to post in combat unless you are specifically cordinating for an attack/strategic set up.\n\n<strong>8.</strong> The Sky Knights are intended to be a good aligned faction, and as such the game leans towards good PCs, at least at the start.\n\n<strong>9.</strong> Assessment Checks: this is a custom mechanic that will allow the party to reveal information on the enemies they're fighting, from stats to powers to unique mechanics for boss fights. Fights will often be more difficult/complex than more typical 5e encounters, so use of this check may prove crucial.\n<details><summary>Assessment</summary>\nAs a bonus action on your turn you may choose to make an assessment check on an enemy you're fighting. This check will usually be a perception or investigation roll, but may require a different skill depending on the type of enemy.\n\nThere are two DC's for this check: A minor success, and a major success.\n\nIf you manage to beat the minor success DC you can reveal one piece of information about the enemy, whether that be its ability scores, its HP, what attacks it has, etc. etc. that is then shared to the rest of the party. If you beat the major success DC you can reveal two pieces of information about the enemy. In addition there may be some traits of an enemy that can only be revealed with a major success, and will be marked as \"(Major)\" accordingly.</details>\n\n<strong>10.</strong> Smut: While the game can/will feature smut of various kinds, it will not have a constant focus on it. Consider it to be a mostly normal game with occasional spikes of smuttiness, rather than a purely smut focused game. Ofcourse PCs can choose to engage in sexual activity with each other, within side threads/discord channels, and can always attempt to solve problems with seduction during otherwise non-smut missions.\n\n<strong>11.</strong> The exact levels and types of smut content can be decided on as a group. The majority of NPCs with smut scenes will be females and futas, though men and monsters may also be involved on occassion.\n\n<strong>12.</strong> The game will have a discord which will be used for OOC chat, updates/announcements, and dice rolls (though E's dice roller can also be used). The discord will also host an in-character chat channel. This channel can be used for characters to have quick exchanges or conversations that would otherwise take a long time to play out post by post, and will sometimes be used during quests. As such having and using the discord will be mandatory.\n\n<strong>13.</strong> You do not need a full character sheet prepared to apply for the game. However your application will not be considered until you have at least a basic concept, race/class, and image picked out for your character.\n\n<strong>14.</strong> The game is not first come first served, though I will cut off applications early if we get around 8 to 9-ish character submissions.\n\n<hr/>\n\n<center><u><strong>Character Creation</strong></u></center>\n\n<u>Character Creation Rules</u>\n-Characters start at level 3, but will advance to level 4 relatively quickly.\n\n-Max HP per level\n\n-You can roll for ability scores (4d6 drop the lowest), and may then choose to either keep your rolled scores or go with 27 point-buy. Please use E's dice roller for proof of your rolls.\n\n-Any race/class is accepted. 3rd party and homebrew content may be approved on a case by case basis. My setting also includes a few custom races, subraces, and reskins of existing <a href=\"\">races</a>, so inquire if interested.\n\n-My setting comes with it's own collection of gods and <a href=\"\">patrons</a> for divine classes and warlocks. If you feel that none of the current options fully fit what you want for your character then we can workshop a new god/patron for you.\n\n-Characters will start with starting gear for their class, along with 600 gold to spend on extra equipment and items (using this <a href=\"\">list</a> for prices).\n\n-Players will be given a flying mount to act as their partner. As learning to care for and ride your mount is part of Sky Knight training, you gain Animal Handling as a bonus proficiency.\nYou get to choose between a <details><summary>Pegasus</summary>\n(\n\nPegasus\nArmor Class 14\nHit Points: 60\nSpeed 60 ft., fly 70 ft.\n\nSTR: 16 (+3) - DEX: 16 (+3) - CON:16 (+3)\nINT: 10 (+0) - WIS: 15 (+2) - CHA: 13 (+1) \n\nSaving Throws Dex +5, Wis +4, Cha +3\nSkills: Perception +6\nSenses: Dark Vision 60ft. passive Perception 16\nLanguages: Understands common and any spoken by rider, can't speak\n\nACTIONS\nHooves. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d12 + 3) bludgeoning damage.\n</details>\n\n, a <details><summary>Wyvern</summary>\n(\n\nWyvern\nArmor Class 16\nHit Points: 80\nSpeed 30 ft., fly 60 ft.\n\nSTR: 18 (+4) - DEX: 14 (+2) - CON:18 (+4)\nINT: 12 (+1) - WIS: 14 (+2) - CHA: 10 (+0)\n\nSaving Throws Dex +4, Str +6, Wis +4\nSkills: Perception +4\nSenses: Dark Vision 60ft. passive Perception 14\nLanguages: Understands common and any spoken by rider, can't speak\n\nACTIONS\nFangs. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (2d6 + 4) piercing damage.\nTail Swipe. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: (1d10 + 4) bludgeoning damage.\n</details>\n\n, and a <details><summary>Dire Bird</summary>\n(\n\nDire Bird\nArmor Class 19\nHit Points: 50\nSpeed 25 ft., fly 80 ft.\n\nSTR: 14 (+2) - DEX: 20 (+5) - CON:12 (+1)\nINT: 8 (-1) - WIS: 12 (+1) - CHA: 12 (+1)\n\nSaving Throws Dex +7, Wis +3, Cha +3\nSkills: Perception +3\nSenses: Dark Vision 60ft. passive Perception 13\nLanguages: Understands common and any spoken by rider, can't speak\n\nACTIONS\nBeak. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.\nTalons. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d8 + 2) slashing damage.</details>\n\n-The PCs will be an established team at the beginning of the game, having trained together at the outpost for at least 2 two years, so make sure your character's backstory can account for that time (i.e. no brand new arrivals just meeting the group for the first time). Exact relationships and prior connections can be worked out once the party has been finalized.\n\n-Finalized character sheets should be presented in a format that can easily be shared and linked. My preference is for Mythweavers, though DnD beyond and other such services can be used as well. I don't really like Google docs, but if it's the only thing you have access to/know how to use that's fine."
"from": "c0i9z",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 1,
"timestamp": "2023-04-03T02:30:24",
"value": "At 2023-04-02 19:29:48, c0i9z (uid: 61584) rolls: 4d6k3 Result: <a href=\"\">15</a>\nAt 2023-04-02 19:29:45, c0i9z (uid: 61584) rolls: 4d6k3 Result: <a href=\"\">11</a>\nAt 2023-04-02 19:29:43, c0i9z (uid: 61584) rolls: 4d6k3 Result: <a href=\"\">16</a>\nAt 2023-04-02 19:29:41, c0i9z (uid: 61584) rolls: 4d6k3 Result: <a href=\"\">14</a>\nAt 2023-04-02 19:29:39, c0i9z (uid: 61584) rolls: 4d6k3 Result: <a href=\"\">13</a>\nAt 2023-04-02 19:29:36, c0i9z (uid: 61584) rolls: 4d6k3 Result: <a href=\"\">15</a>\n\nNot bad."
"from": "pdragon",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 2,
"timestamp": "2023-04-03T02:34:22",
"value": "<blockquote>Not bad.</blockquote>\n\nDamn, not bad at all."
"from": "Rummy Tum Tum",
"from-alternative": "User2",
"index": 3,
"timestamp": "2023-04-03T06:24:50",
"value": "Hello thread!\n\n<blockquote>At 2023-04-02 19:29:48, c0i9z (uid: 61584) rolls: 4d6k3 Result: <a href=\"\">15</a>\nAt 2023-04-02 19:29:45, c0i9z (uid: 61584) rolls: 4d6k3 Result: <a href=\"\">11</a>\nAt 2023-04-02 19:29:43, c0i9z (uid: 61584) rolls: 4d6k3 Result: <a href=\"\">16</a>\nAt 2023-04-02 19:29:41, c0i9z (uid: 61584) rolls: 4d6k3 Result: <a href=\"\">14</a>\nAt 2023-04-02 19:29:39, c0i9z (uid: 61584) rolls: 4d6k3 Result: <a href=\"\">13</a>\nAt 2023-04-02 19:29:36, c0i9z (uid: 61584) rolls: 4d6k3 Result: <a href=\"\">15</a>\n\nNot bad.</blockquote>\n\nDamn, nice rolls"
] |
350,192 | 2023-04-03T02:13:17 | Sky Knights of Aard - Characters | 347 | Noncon: Exotic-System Small Groups | 7 | 7 | 4,612 | 585 | [
"from": "pdragon",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 0,
"timestamp": "2023-04-03T02:13:17",
"value": "<center><strong><u>Links</u></strong>\n<a href=\"\">IC</a>\n<a href=\"\">OOC</a>\nRecruitment <a href=\"\">Thread</a>\n<a href=\"\">Lore</a>\n\n</center>\n\n<details><summary>Character Creation Rules</summary>\n<center><u><strong>Character Creation</strong></u></center>\n\n<u>Character Creation Rules</u>\n-Characters start at level 3, but will advance to level 4 relatively quickly.\n\n-Max HP per level\n\n-You can roll for ability scores (4d6 drop the lowest), and may then choose to either keep your rolled scores or go with 27 point-buy. Please use E's dice roller for proof of your rolls.\n\n-Any race/class is accepted. 3rd party and homebrew content may be approved on a case by case basis. My setting also includes a few custom races, subraces, and reskins of existing <a href=\"\">races</a>, so inquire if interested.\n\n-My setting comes with it's own collection of gods and <a href=\"\">patrons</a> for divine classes and warlocks. If you feel that none of the current options fully fit what you want for your character then we can workshop a new god/patron for you.\n\n-Characters will start with starting gear for their class, along with 600 gold to spend on extra equipment and items (using this <a href=\"\">list</a> for prices).\n\n-Players will be given a flying mount to act as their partner. As learning to care for and ride your mount is part of Sky Knight training, you gain Animal Handling as a bonus proficiency.\nYou get to choose between a <details><summary>Pegasus</summary>\n(\n\nPegasus\nArmor Class 14\nHit Points: 60\nSpeed 60 ft., fly 70 ft.\n\nSTR: 16 (+3) - DEX: 16 (+3) - CON:16 (+3)\nINT: 10 (+0) - WIS: 15 (+2) - CHA: 13 (+1) \n\nSaving Throws Dex +5, Wis +4, Cha +3\nSkills: Perception +6\nSenses: Dark Vision 60ft. passive Perception 16\nLanguages: Understands common and any spoken by rider, can't speak\n\nACTIONS\nHooves. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d12 + 3) bludgeoning damage.\n</details>\n\n, a <details><summary>Wyvern</summary>\n(\n\nWyvern\nArmor Class 16\nHit Points: 80\nSpeed 30 ft., fly 60 ft.\n\nSTR: 18 (+4) - DEX: 14 (+2) - CON:18 (+4)\nINT: 12 (+1) - WIS: 14 (+2) - CHA: 10 (+0)\n\nSaving Throws Dex +4, Str +6, Wis +4\nSkills: Perception +4\nSenses: Dark Vision 60ft. passive Perception 14\nLanguages: Understands common and any spoken by rider, can't speak\n\nACTIONS\nFangs. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (2d6 + 4) piercing damage.\nTail Swipe. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: (1d10 + 4) bludgeoning damage.\n</details>\n\n, and a <details><summary>Dire Bird</summary>\n(\n\nDire Bird\nArmor Class 19\nHit Points: 50\nSpeed 25 ft., fly 80 ft.\n\nSTR: 14 (+2) - DEX: 20 (+5) - CON:12 (+1)\nINT: 8 (-1) - WIS: 12 (+1) - CHA: 12 (+1)\n\nSaving Throws Dex +7, Wis +3, Cha +3\nSkills: Perception +3\nSenses: Dark Vision 60ft. passive Perception 13\nLanguages: Understands common and any spoken by rider, can't speak\n\nACTIONS\nBeak. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.\nTalons. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d8 + 2) slashing damage.</details>\n\n-The PCs will be an established team at the beginning of the game, having trained together at the outpost for at least 2 two years, so make sure your character's backstory can account for that time (i.e. no brand new arrivals just meeting the group for the first time). Exact relationships and prior connections can be worked out once the party has been finalized.\n\n-Finalized character sheets should be presented in a format that can easily be shared and linked. My preference is for Mythweavers, though DnD beyond and other such services can be used as well. I don't really like Google docs, but if it's the only thing you have access to/know how to use that's fine.\n\n</details>\n\n<strong>\nFull Character Sheet</strong>\n<pre><code>[floatleft][img height=500]character image[/img][/floatleft]\n\n[b][url=link to character sheet]character name[/url][/b]\n[b](race/gender)[/b]\n[b](class and level)[/b]\n[b]Background:[/b]\n[b]Age:[/b]\n[b]Physical Description:[/b] Height, Weight, and any details either different or not shown in image.\n[b]Mount:[/b] name, species, and stat block (copied here)\n\n[b]Backstory[/b]\n\n[b]Personality basics:[/b] </code></pre>\n\n<strong>Mounts</strong>\n\nPegasus\n<details><summary>Stats</summary>\n<pre><code>[spoiler=Pegasus][floatright][img height=150][/img][/floatright]\nPegasus\nArmor Class 14\nHit Points: 60\nSpeed 60 ft., fly 70 ft.\n\nSTR: 16 (+3) - DEX: 16 (+3) - CON:16 (+3)\nINT: 10 (+0) - WIS: 15 (+2) - CHA: 13 (+1)<span style=\"white-space: pre;\">\t</span>\n<span style=\"white-space: pre;\">\t</span><span style=\"white-space: pre;\">\t</span><span style=\"white-space: pre;\">\t</span>\nSaving Throws Dex +5, Wis +4, Cha +3\nSkills: Perception +6\nSenses: Dark Vision 60ft. passive Perception 16\nLanguages: Understands common and any spoken by rider, can't speak\n\nACTIONS\nHooves. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d12 + 3) bludgeoning damage.\n[/spoiler]</code></pre></details>\n\nWyvern\n<details><summary>Stats</summary>\n<pre><code>[spoiler=Wyvern][floatright][img height=200][/img][/floatright]\nWyvern\nArmor Class 16\nHit Points: 80\nSpeed 30 ft., fly 60 ft.\n\nSTR: 18 (+4) - DEX: 14 (+2) - CON:18 (+4)\nINT: 12 (+1) - WIS: 14 (+2) - CHA: 10 (+0)\n<span style=\"white-space: pre;\">\t</span><span style=\"white-space: pre;\">\t</span><span style=\"white-space: pre;\">\t</span><span style=\"white-space: pre;\">\t</span>\nSaving Throws Dex +4, Str +6, Wis +4\nSkills: Perception +4\nSenses: Dark Vision 60ft. passive Perception 14\nLanguages: Understands common and any spoken by rider, can't speak\n\nACTIONS\nFangs. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (2d6 + 4) piercing damage.\nTail Swipe. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: (1d10 + 4) bludgeoning damage.\n[/spoiler]</code></pre></details>\n\nDire Bird\n<details><summary>Stats</summary>\n<pre><code>[spoiler=Dire Bird][floatright][img height=200][/img][/floatright]\nDire Bird\nArmor Class 19\nHit Points: 50\nSpeed 25 ft., fly 80 ft.\n\nSTR: 14 (+2) - DEX: 20 (+5) - CON:12 (+1)\nINT: 8 (-1) - WIS: 12 (+1) - CHA: 12 (+1)\n<span style=\"white-space: pre;\">\t</span><span style=\"white-space: pre;\">\t</span><span style=\"white-space: pre;\">\t</span><span style=\"white-space: pre;\">\t</span>\nSaving Throws Dex +7, Wis +3, Cha +3\nSkills: Perception +3\nSenses: Dark Vision 60ft. passive Perception 13\nLanguages: Understands common and any spoken by rider, can't speak\n\nACTIONS\nBeak. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.\nTalons. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d8 + 2) slashing damage.[/spoiler]</code></pre></details>"
"from": "shengami",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 1,
"timestamp": "2023-04-03T02:37:55",
"value": "(\n\n<strong>Glynwraek \"Glyn\" <a href=\"\">Casilltenirra</a></strong>\n<strong>(race/gender)</strong> High Elf/Male\n<strong>(class and level)</strong> Wizard (Transmutation) 3\n<strong>Background:</strong> Haunted One\n<strong>Age:</strong> 187\n<strong>Physical Description:</strong> (180cm, 57kg) Glyn was once a standard looking elven man. A bit on the slim side but fit and healthy. Like all elves, he had physical beauty and grace. However, after his encounter with the vampiric lord who killed his mother, stole his sister, and cursed him, Glyn is a shadow of his former self. He only managed to escape by luck while the Lord was attempting to complete the set, so something of a vampiric funk settled on Glyn. He's got sunken cheeks and eyes giving him a hollow look. He's also prone to sores and streaks of white stripe his hair. To his eternal grief, his strong body withered leaving his thin, gaunt, and lacking anything reasonably called muscle. He hides his frame with loose clothing and a long curtain of hair. He heavily favors comfortable, fancy robes for his clothes and tends to braid his hair intricately.\n\n<strong>Mount:</strong> <details><summary>Llunae, Dire Bird</summary>\n(\n\nDire Bird\nArmor Class 19\nHit Points: 50\nSpeed 25 ft., fly 80 ft.\n\nSTR: 14 (+2) - DEX: 20 (+5) - CON:12 (+1)\nINT: 8 (-1) - WIS: 12 (+1) - CHA: 12 (+1)\n\nSaving Throws Dex +7, Wis +3, Cha +3\nSkills: Perception +3\nSenses: Dark Vision 60ft. passive Perception 13\nLanguages: Understands common and any spoken by rider, can't speak\n\nACTIONS\nBeak. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.\nTalons. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d8 + 2) slashing damage.</details>\n\n<strong>Backstory</strong> Glyn was born in Jo'Dariel to refugees of Ode. So, of course, that meant that the suffering was not done. But it was at this time that Glyn started to learn the arcan arts from his father and mother, both accomplished mages. When Glyn was a child, the orcs invaded. His family fled though his father was lost. The family ended up in Wyrmfell for a time then the countryside trying to find a place to scratch a living. They found themselves in service to a mysterious lord that many local feared. Desperate, they served in his home. Little did they know the lord was a vampire. Over a long period, the whole family grew sicker and sicker without explanation. The final night, Glyn's own sister attacked him in her frenzy as a new vampire. Desperate and scared, Glyn managed to escape before he could be completely changed as well. What became of his mother, he dos not know.\n\nGlyn fled again. This time, he took advantage of the hordes of people flocking to Aardia to investigate the newly revealed lands beneath the mists. In Aardia, there was the Starshine Academy in which Glyn found refuge for a time. The ability to continue his training was welcomed, but a fire for vengeance burned in him. He also wanted to explore the continent below in search for any ancient cure for his currently enfeebled state. Thus, after the war when their numbers were desperate, Glyn took the chance to join the Sky Knights. It was more hard work than he had ever done in his life, but he made it despite his lack of physical power.\n\n<strong>Personality basics:</strong> Driven, vengeful, but basically a good person. Has no respect for the laws that have failed to protect him. Capable of extreme focus and the decisions that go along with it."
"from": "c0i9z",
"from-alternative": "User2",
"index": 2,
"timestamp": "2023-04-03T04:02:54",
"value": "(\n\n<strong><a href=\"\">Narla</a></strong>\n<strong>(race/gender)</strong> Slime/Female\n<strong>(class and level)</strong> Wizard Chronurgy\n<strong>Background:</strong> Acolyte\n<strong>Age:</strong> Slime\n<strong>Physical Description:</strong> 5'5'', 140 lbs\n<strong>Mount:</strong> Cerulean\n<details><summary>Wyvern</summary>\n(\n\nWyvern\nArmor Class 16\nHit Points: 80\nSpeed 30 ft., fly 60 ft.\n\nSTR: 18 (+4) - DEX: 14 (+2) - CON:18 (+4)\nINT: 12 (+1) - WIS: 14 (+2) - CHA: 10 (+0)\n\nSaving Throws Dex +4, Str +6, Wis +4\nSkills: Perception +4\nSenses: Dark Vision 60ft. passive Perception 14\nLanguages: Understands common and any spoken by rider, can't speak\n\nACTIONS\nFangs. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (2d6 + 4) piercing damage.\nTail Swipe. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: (1d10 + 4) bludgeoning damage.\n</details>\n\n<strong>Backstory</strong>\nVarnarla was a devout follower of Twi. She'd been for years. Her previous un-split hadn't been, though, and neither was her sister. That had come years later. And somewhat as a surprise, but she followed without fail, day in and day out, learning the teachings. Or relearning them. Or remembering them. It was difficult to tell sometimes. And slowly, she had risen in the ranks and even gained a small devotion. And she could do more, she knew. Much more. She felt a duty to do so. But then... but then, the letter came. A letter she had once fervently hoped for. It had been the cause of her un-split's split, allowing her to apply to the Knights and her sister to... she no longer remembered. But now, she was finally accepted, but now, she had her devotion and her duties. So she was split between the two.\n\nShe was split... so she split.\n\nFor a few moments after the split, the two sisters were the same. Identical in all ways. The shared the same thoughts, the same selves. And so, there was no need for words, no need for great thought. One was slightly closer to the door, so that was the one who left. The one who remained took the name Varla and would one day become a great priestess of Twi. But this isn't her story. This is the story of the one who left. Narla, for now. She would add to her name, as she added to her experiences, as the time grew. Varla was the one who took her old life, so Narla would be the one to forge a new path. A path that lead to Knighthood and the skies. And while she still followed Twi, still followed the paths of knowledge, the ways of a priestess weren't for her any longer. No... no, she decided that, instead, she would follow half-forgotten knowledge of magic, reach for more directly applicable knowledge, like some of her un-splits had done again and again, each forgotten before being done anew. This was Narla's first true decision as herself, a decision, as nearly all first decisions did, that would set her path until she had added to her name and the time came, once more, for one to become two.\n\n<strong>Personality basics:</strong> Devout, a bit shy, committed to doing good and to her group."
"from": "Rummy Tum Tum",
"from-alternative": "User3",
"index": 3,
"timestamp": "2023-04-03T06:23:53",
"value": "(\n\n<strong>Coros <a href=\"\">Yrjinn</a></strong>\n<strong>Changeling Male</strong>\n<strong>Artificer (Battlesmith) 3</strong>\n<strong>Background:</strong> Folk Hero\n<strong>Age:</strong> 27\n<strong>Physical Description:</strong> 5'10, 170lbs\n<strong>Languages:</strong> Muryongo, Primordial, Aardian Common\n<strong>Mount:</strong> <details><summary>Ramsey, Dire Bird</summary>\n(\n\nDire Bird\nArmor Class 19\nHit Points: 50\nSpeed 25 ft., fly 80 ft.\n\nSTR: 14 (+2) - DEX: 20 (+5) - CON:12 (+1)\nINT: 8 (-1) - WIS: 12 (+1) - CHA: 12 (+1)\n\nSaving Throws Dex +7, Wis +3, Cha +3\nSkills: Perception +3\nSenses: Dark Vision 60ft. passive Perception 13\nLanguages: Understands common and any spoken by rider, can't speak\n\nACTIONS\nBeak. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.\nTalons. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d8 + 2) slashing damage.</details>\n\n<strong>Backstory</strong>\nCoros Yrjinn was born in the Kazekokuan colony atop the Spire Mountains. His neighbors and kin were air genasi who dwelled near the top of one of the Mountains, in a settlement named Wind's Peak. It was a humble settlement, especially by Kazekokuan standards. The hobbies of choice were throwing boomerangs, playing Sky Knights and Traitors, and seeing how long you could levitate off the side of a cliff before losing your nerve. The first two, Coros was good at. The latter, not so much.\n\nWhen he stepped out to take the levi-challenge he nearly plummeted to his death. And when his kin caught him they nearly dropped him out of shock. He's never shared the details of what he looked like after the change--his True Form as they call it--and when the party has asked he'd only play it off with a joke or a change of subject.\n\nThat day, he learned he was one of Ava's chosen: a Changeling. And he was born in Aard, no less, among the race who most devoutly worshiped Aardia, Goddess of Wind. Needless to say, his people had mixed feelings about this unexpected fork in puberty road. Some likened him to Aardia Herself, being born different out of Ava's will as Aardia was born from Her breath. Some thought him unfit to live in Wind's Peak and unsafe to be around lest Ava turn more air genasi into land-locked creatures such as him. In all cases, they agreed that he was chosen for a reason. Unfortunately, that reason was...murky.\n\nAs he reached adulthood, he resolved that his purpose as a child of Ava the Lifebringer was to bring life to the world through procreation. Sadly, the theory was swiftly shot down by the settlement's clerics. He wondered if it was due to the big misconception about Changelings breeding more Changelings and not \"perverse nonsense\" as they said. He would never truly know for sure.\n\nWith that path muddied, he instead turned to what a Kazekokuan should know best: technology. He would create life, just not the kind formed of flesh and bone. He traveled to Kezekoku proper and he studied, tinkered, and worked his ass off to create increasingly advanced constructs. In time, he built an all-purpose helper homunculus named Bertie, equipped with many tools and sustainable flight capability. And yet he craved more. He craved purpose for his creations besides following his mundane commands. And shamefully, he coveted Bertie's ability to fly more by the day. Until it stung like the mockery of his cousins and neighbors.\n\nThe solution came together all at once: a path that would lead him to the skies; a duty that would give his creations meaning; and enough glory to turn heads once he was ready to settle down and try that procreation theory out. He would join the Sky Knights!\n\n...Gods, even with his constructs friends, the training kicked his ass in more ways than he could count.\n\n<strong>Personality basics:</strong>\nAirheaded and trusting when it comes to socializing, he is an affable sort who prefers jokes, flirting, teasing, and pranks to serious topics of debate. Liable to talk your ear off about all things automaton, and even more liable to take risky flight patterns for the thrill of it. Wholeheartedly believes that educated folk who talk like fancy snobs are usually dimmer than they let on.\n\n<details><summary>Other</summary>\n<strong>Homonculus:</strong> Bertie the All-Purpose Helper <a href=\"\">Construct</a>\n<strong>Steel Defender:</strong> Boxy the Punching <a href=\"\">Construct</a>\n\n<strong>Goals: </strong>\nTo fly like an eagle and travel far and wide\nTo rebuild the glory of the Sky Knights\nTo learn the ways and beliefs of Ava's various followers and to meet other Changelings\nTo make a home for all his future creations. He dreams of a day when his constructs can run their own settlement like a much friendlier version of the Smer\n\n<strong>Hobbies:</strong> Tinkering\nPracticing fancy Feather Fall landings\nPlaying pranks\nRoleplaying, and <em>roleplaying</em>\nTraining with his constructs\nStudying faces/personalities (to inspire Changeling personas/construct quirks).\n\n<details><summary>Favorite Faces</summary>\n(Feminine forms are futas)\n\n<details><summary>Aasimar</summary>\n(</details>\n\n<details><summary>Human</summary>\n(</details>\n\n<details><summary>Half-Orc</summary>\n(</details>\n\n<details><summary>Elf</summary>\n(</details>\n\n<details><summary>Shifter</summary>\n(</details>\n\n<details><summary>Satyr</summary>\n(</details>\n\n</details>\n\n<details><summary>Smutty Stuff</summary>\n<strong>Orientation:</strong> Prettysexual\n<strong>Character Ons:</strong> Transformation, Topping, Toys, Breeding (or Breeding Play), Marking, Cumplay, Group, Aftercare\n<strong>Character Offs:</strong> Bottoming, Bathroom Play, Brutality, Receiving Humiliation, NonCon (unless roleplaying)</details>\n\n</details>"
"from": "FoxgirlJay",
"from-alternative": "User4",
"index": 4,
"timestamp": "2023-04-03T07:18:01",
"value": "(\n\nKaz <a href=\"\">Sunbeam</a>\n<strong>Aasimar Female</strong>\n<strong>Oath of Sol Paladin 3</strong>\n<strong>Background: City Watch</strong>\n<strong>Age: 23</strong>\n<strong>Height:</strong> 5'3\"\n<strong>Mount: Akatrix, Wyvern.</strong>\n\nBackstory\nKaz Sunbeam, born in Vasland, Aard. Growing up, she was a problem child. Getting in to fights, climbing and messing with things she shouldn't be. Once she was old enough, her parents finally found a proper outlet for all of her excess energy. Thus, Kaz was sent off to boot camp. She found the whole thing to be a great adventure, but getting used to following orders had been a difficult thing. Kaz had to grow in to having a sense of duty, but eventually found that work as City Watch was fulfilling. Helping and protecting others, amongst a group of fairly likeminded individuals. The life of a soldier, even one in garrison, is filled with competition and comraderie, both things Kaz greatly enjoyed. Some time with the city guard, Kaz's spark of divinity was aroused, the flames of Sol burning bright in her soul. It took some time for the explosive power to be reined in, but she found herself wielding divine might in addition to her martial prowess. This newfound power quickly propelled her up in rank and status.\n\nAfter some years in the guard, with skilled service and making a name for herself, the red-headed aasimar was offered up, when the Sky Knights were recruiting. And so, for the last few years, she has been with a new group of comrades. Fighting, learning, and getting stronger.\n\nPersonality basics: Rowdy, competitive, likes to push her limits. Dutiful, brave. Flirty, in the strange way soldiers develop."
"from": "Angie",
"from-alternative": "User5",
"index": 5,
"timestamp": "2023-04-03T17:52:23",
"value": "(\n\nDavvon <a href=\"\">Goldwhistle</a>\nHalfling Male\nSwashbuckler Rogue 3\nBackground: Entertainer\nAge: 30\nHeight: Smol\nMount: Ruffles the Pegasus\n\n<details><summary>Backstory</summary>\nHalflings are as given to flights of fancy as any others, perhaps more so as they seem to be blessed with divine luck. Not quite so with Davvon. He played the flute primarily as a way to pass the time as a child, but constant praise from his family led him to try his luck at being a travelling performer. Well, he wasn't particularly terrible, but he never quite made it big or even moderately successful. Still, he kept at it, not wanting to return home completely empty handed and disappoint his family. Especially as amassing the amount of coin needed to ensure a return journey seemed further and further away with each passing day.\n\nWith guilt in his heart, he turned to crime to survive. Never stealing much, and always from those who clearly could afford it. Or grabbing an unsold loaf of bread that would go to waste. Just enough to get by. But with each picked pocket or swiped foodstuff, his guilt grew and grew. He was never caught, but he knew. He knew what he had become and hated himself for it. When he played a tune, his hands were shaky, his breath coming in gasps, and coin for his performances became less frequent.\n\nEventually he learned that the Sky Knights were recruiting, and decided well why not, at least they might feed him for a week before he washed out. Training was brutal, because that is simply the way of those winged champions, but there was something in the back of his mind that pushed him to keep trying harder when he felt he had no more left to give. Was it fear or anger at the thought of returning to a life of crime? A desire to atone for those crimes? The simple, brutal truth that he had no where to go if he failed here? Whatever pushed him on, he eventually revealed himself to not only be a crack shot with a bow, but a very skilled duelist who seemed to have an innate ability for slipping an attack into an unarmored portion of a foe, a fast fighter who could get in and out before even the best of the knights could respond (though despite his cheeky quick shots, they would usually quickly show him why they ARE the best).\n\nSomehow, a decision made on a whim has become a new path in life, one he never expected to find. While he had played his flute in some brief moments of respite, the day he learned he would graduate to a fully fledged Sky Knight, he played songs of praise for every goddess he could think to thank for his second chance. He wonders sometimes if the goddess Supmark offered him this chance as a way to make up for what he's done, or what goddess in particular might have blessed him with these abilities, all he knows is that he's been given a chance and he will not squander it. </details>"
"from": "Hexed",
"from-alternative": "User6",
"index": 6,
"timestamp": "2023-04-04T00:53:03",
"value": "(\n\n<strong>Vashe <a href=\"\">Highroot</a></strong>\n<strong>(race/gender)</strong> Variant Human/ Female\n<strong>(class and level)</strong> Shadow Sorcerer 3\n<strong>Background:</strong> Cloistered Scholar\n<strong>Age:</strong> 20\n<strong>Physical Description:</strong> 4'10 height. 90lbs. Not only is she very pale and cooler to the touch then should be but it's hard to check her pulse as her heart beats very slowly.\n\n<strong>Mount:</strong> Onyx <details><summary>Wyvern</summary>\n(\n\nWyvern\nArmor Class 16\nHit Points: 80\nSpeed 30 ft., fly 60 ft.\n\nSTR: 18 (+4) - DEX: 14 (+2) - CON:18 (+4)\nINT: 12 (+1) - WIS: 14 (+2) - CHA: 10 (+0)\n\nSaving Throws Dex +4, Str +6, Wis +4\nSkills: Perception +4\nSenses: Dark Vision 60ft. passive Perception 14\nLanguages: Understands common and any spoken by rider, can't speak\n\nACTIONS\nFangs. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (2d6 + 4) piercing damage.\nTail Swipe. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: (1d10 + 4) bludgeoning damage.\n</details>\n\n<strong>Backstory</strong> Vashe was born on Constel Island and for the longest time she thought it would be where she met an early grave. It was incredible fortune that the sickly child was born to a fairly wealthy family and not the average farming family. Much of her early childhood was contained within a few rooms with constant visits by priests, alchemists, and herbalists yet none of them were able to do much against her strange illness. She was eight one of the priests mentioned that the illness seemed more a curse then a disease which took the books that had been her constant company and turned them into possibly something more. She dug into lore both familial and arcane seeking how or why such a thing could be leaving her in a pattern of living broken only by her family making sure she didn't hurt herself and her constant battles with her dreaded foe the common door.\n\nHer biggest break came to be one night as she matched star charts to the night sky, for she was supposed to be well rounded and couldn't just learn history and curses. The chart swam before her eyes and the sky through the window grew till it was all she could see. Morning found her sprawled upon her table with Starshine Academy scrawled upon everything in ink. While her parents were leery of letting her out of their sight they eventually relented and she was allowed to seek entry to the school. There it was a good thing being a wizard wasn't her goal as not even the teachers could explain how her attempt to create light turned into a cloying darkness that filled several rooms for an hour or how an attempt at a cleaning cantrip left her spewing rotten ink for hours. Instead she explored both the library and the school grounds till she gathered and found all that had been shown to her.\n\nWith everything ready on a moonless night she gave prayer to Twi and The Librarian before making her way into the bowels of the floating island to a room both cold as ice and where the shadows seemed to swallow any light brought within. With as much care as she was able a ritual was set and conducted, her limbs trembling and her voice hoarse by the end of it. Whereupon she promptly began vomiting a cloying and roiling sludge that billowed upwards to become a shadow wreathed version of her that promptly attacked. The only thing that saved her when she was on her back with the thing straddling her as it choked her to death was the power that finally and properly responded to her will. The fight swung back and forth as both did their best to kill the other but eventually she stood over her shattered copy watching as it melted into shadows. Despite the fight she was overjoyed as she could finally manipulate her mana as she wanted and her body recovered so much easier then it once had. Gathering up her things she dashed up the stairs to share the joy with her brother who also attended only to plaster herself against the door as they were still beyond her. Luckily she had enough injuries that she was able to leave that part out of her tale to her family.\n\nShe was 17 when the One Night War happened and while the concept of the organization taking such lengths was a touch worrying to her it was easily understood that leaving Ryburn upon the throne would have caused massive trouble for so many of the islands. With her condition mostly cured and the Knights seeking to restore lost numbers she waited till the day after she turned 18 before making her way to them and volunteering. While her physical strength still lacked and the ritual had left her odd to most folk she had her magic and an odd collection of knowledge, although her instructors possibly wish she'd ask less questions about everything.\n\n<strong>Personality basics:</strong> Fairly focused but extremely naive (sheltered) and curious. Very much a book learned not life learned with a tendency towards being as helpful as she can be. Very protective of family and friends."
] |
350,196 | 2023-04-03T05:14:15 | The Mistress's Headache | 342 | Bondage: Human Small Groups | 2 | 2 | 929 | 464.5 | [
"from": "LandofromTexas",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 0,
"timestamp": "2023-04-03T05:14:15",
"value": "Just a few minutes past seven a.m., Rosa unlocked the side door to the kitchen in the large multi-room mansion. Rosalita Sonama had been given the key by her mistress, Miss Romero, whom she insisted be called Jenna. Rosa had been working as Jenna’s housekeeper and maid for about seven months now. After a storm knocked out the neighborhood power grid one late afternoon, Rosa artfully mixed together some on-hand packaged goods with veggies and fruit from the refrigerator before they could spoil. Jenna was so pleased she promoted Rosa’s position to add cook to her titles. Thus Rosa came early every morning for the past three months or so to prepare her employer a tasty breakfast. She was dressed casually, as allowed by her boss, today in a fairly thin, form-fitting halter top and tight bermuda shorts.\n\nThis morning, as usual, she checked the living room for Jenna, who too often worked late into the night in her online business. Seeing it empty, she also checked the office adjoining the living room, but Jenna was not there either. She must have gone to bed at a decent hour, Rosa assumed, and set about preparing her the usual breakfast - juevos rancheros, some sliced fruit (usually cantelope and bananas), grape juice and a biscuit with honey.\n\nShe set the vitals carefully on a tray and prepared to carry it up to Jenna’s bedroom. The luxurious bedroom was one of the few indulgences Jenna had allowed herself since her Great Aunt Marisa died and left Jenna a sizeable inheritance, including this mansion. Even though no longer necessary, she continued to work her ridiculous hours as a data analyst. Rosa thought it was a waste to devote herself to the work when she could live generously on her wealth, but it was Jenna’s habit.\n\nRosa knocked lightly on the bedroom door, not sure if she would be waking her mistress or not. She did hear something that sounded like a low moan through the wood, so she carefully opened the door and peeked in. Jenna was still in bed, but with seemed to be a damp washcloth folded over her forehead. She moaned again as Rosa slowly approached the bed.\n\n“I have your breadfast, Miss Jenna. Are you… are you feeling all right?” she asked delicately."
"from": "Lady Quixote",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 1,
"timestamp": "2023-04-04T16:20:22",
"value": "The last few days have not been great for Jennifer Romero even if the last year or so had. The loss of a family member, no matter how remote in the bloodline is never cause for a celebration but when her Great Aunt passed away leaving Jenna with a substantial size of the inheritance it definitely helped to improve one's situation. In this case with being left this grand house it meant that Jenna no longer had to spend long hour crouched over a tiny screen in a studio apartment scribbling notes and connection on any piece of scrap paper she could find into the wee hours of the morning. No this meant that she could have an actual office complete with several large monitors and as an indulgence a few whiteboard sized touch screens. Likewise she could take on jobs that truly challenged her to form connections and find patterns in the data without having to worry about what her compensation would be. No need to worry about going into an office on a regular basis and worry about how many people will be leering at her bountiful curves.\n\nStill the size of this mansion quickly proved to be a new issue for Jenna and one that was fairly easily solved by hiring a couple times a week house cleaning staff. Rosa's help quickly went from helpful to transformative after the storm, Jenna had been living off of take out and Cup Noodles since college rarely knowing the benefits of a home cooked meal. That night when the roads weren't entirely safe and the power was out Rosa stepped in to show her boss just how much better food that is made of food can be. From then on Rosa's duties expanded from just cleaning a few times a week to grocery shopping and being a personal chef.\n\nToday was no exception as she brought in breakfast. \"huh...\" Jenna moaned as Rosa softly entered to check on her and bring breakfast. \"What time is it?\" Jenna asked before looking at her phone, almost 8's been a while since the raven haired data analyst has slept in so late. The room temperature washcloth sliding off of her forehead as she slowly sits up. Pondering the damp cloth for a moment before remembering bits of the previous night, she's had a headache for the last few days but last night it seemed like she was developing a fever as well. Probably nothing over 100 degrees but enough that when combined with the escalating headache just wiped her out.\n\nThe headache was still there gnawing at the top and front of her head, a migraine if she would admit to having such things, but instead of confirming her distress Jenna pulls some of the covers up to allow her body to mostly remained covered as she sits up to accept the breakfast. \"I'm fine, thank you Rosa.\" She accepts the breakfast going straight for the beverage before anything else. \"I just had a little bit of a headache and was feeling quite warm for some reason. I'm feeling better now...\" Not being completely honest more to spare Rosa from fussing and worrying over her than anything else. \"Just needed a good nights sleep and fantastic breakfast.\""
] |
350,197 | 2023-04-03T05:28:41 | [St. Lawrence by Night] - The Darkness Behind the Veil - {Astoria Jones} | 383 | Extreme: Small Groups | 2 | 4 | 2,340 | 458 | [
"from": "TheWanderingMuse",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 0,
"timestamp": "2023-04-03T05:28:41",
"value": "<hr/>\n\n<big><strong>S T O R Y T E L L E R</strong></big>\n\n<hr/>\n\n(\n\n<strong><small>Clearview Park\nBlackwood Cemetery\n\n<small><em>Thursday, August 14th, 2010\n9:30 PM EST</em></small>\n\n</small></strong>\n\n<hr/>\n\nAstoria Jones sat in the back seat of the car that had been sent to pick her up. As she drove, she gazed out the window to get a glimpse of what was to be her new home. The city outside was dark and foreboding, the moon casting an eerie glow over everything. It was the kind of city where people only ventured out at night if they had no other choice. She’d heard tales of the scattered factions in the city and it seemed like the dangers around the city weren’t unique to the kindred of the city.\n\nAs they drove through the streets, she saw signs of the city's decay all around her. Abandoned buildings with boarded-up windows loomed like sentinels on either side of the road, and graffiti covered nearly every inch of exposed wall. Gangs roamed the streets, eyeing the car as it passed by with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion. She’d seen maps of the city before her arrival, but somehow it seemed so much bigger than it appeared. They’d been driving for almost an hour and they were just crossing over the first bridge into the center hub of the city, the place called Clearview Park.\n\nThe driver drove over the first major bridge and continued towards their destination; a destination she still wasn’t quite sure of. Her Primogen had simply told her to be at the edge of the city at the allotted time and that the driver would take care of the rest. As they passed over the bridge, Astoria saw the full moon reflecting off the water like a silver mirror. It was a beautiful sight, but she couldn't shake the feeling that something dark and dangerous lurked just beneath the surface.\n\nFurther on their journey, they passed an old church that looked like it had seen better days. The roof was caved in, and the stained glass windows were shattered, leaving jagged shards of glass glinting in the moonlight. It was as if God himself had abandoned the city and left the denizens here behind to rot in their wickedness.\n\nThe car continued past one of the sights Astoria recognized from some of the pictures she’d received prior to her arrival, the campus of Craig’s University… the site of the St. Lawrence chantry. It was an impressive sight, with imposing brick buildings and sprawling lawns. But unlike most of the city she’d seen thus far, this place seemed to be spared from the ravages of time and a lawless city. The grounds were well-kept, the tall, modern buildings were well-maintained and free of dirt and debris, and the whole site seemed to radiate an aura of power and order.\n\nMuch to Astoria’s surprise, however, the driver did not stop at the chantry. He continued past it and ventured away from the main section of the city. Before long, the massive buildings and skyscrapers were disappearing in the rearview and they drove on long, barren roads until she saw signs for the Blackwood Cemetery.\n\nThe driver looked up at Astoria and spoke for the first time.\n\n<em>”The Regent and the Primogen are occupied tonight, but another in the clan has asked to have you brought before her. She is Adept Leandra Thorne, and I am one of her retainers. You and her share a particular area of interest, or so we’re told, and she’s interested to meet you,”</em> he said softly, almost in a whisper.\n\nWith that, the car rolled to a stop outside the gates of the cemetery, a fitting scene to meet someone who apparently shared Astoria’s interest in the world beyond the veil. The place was eerily quiet, the only sound was the crunch of gravel beneath Astoria's feet as she stepped out of the car made her way towards the old, Gothic mausoleum in the center of the cemetery where she could see a figure standing. She couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched, and the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end as she drew closer to the figure.\n\nAs she approached, she saw the silhouette of a woman standing at the entrance, her arms crossed over his chest. She was a striking woman with long, flowing blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. Her features were sharp, with high cheekbones and a pointed chin, which gave her an almost predatory look. She wore a tight black coat and leather pants that accentuated her curves and added to her seductive and mysterious persona.\n\n(\n\nWhile her beauty would surely draw people in, there was a sinister aura around the woman that made her unsettling and unnerving. Her movements were smooth and calculated, like a predator stalking its prey. There was a coldness in her gaze that suggested she's seen things most people couldn't even imagine.\n\nHer demeanor was aloof and detached, and fame remained an emotionless mask as she watched Astoria approach. There was a palpable sense of danger and malevolence that surrounded her too, like an oppressive aura of wickedness and gleeful sin. She was a haunting and captivating figure with a seductive and terrifying presence that made would unsettle the most steadfast of people.\n\nWhen Astoria was finally at a close enough distance, the pale woman stirred and turned her attention completely to her visitor. Her voice was sultry and almost hypnotic, with a hint of amusement that belied her true intentions. She spoke with confidence and conviction, as if she knew more than anyone else in her presence.\n\n<em>\"Welcome, Apprentice, I am Leander Thorne, Adept of the St. Lawrence Chantry.\"</em> she said, her voice like honeyed venom. <em>\"I've been waiting for you.\"</em>\n\nLeandra gestured for her to take a seat on a nearby bench as she moved to sit on one opposite it, settling herself in front of the old, crumbling mausoleum behind her. Inside it Astoria could see the walls were lined with alcoves, each one containing a dusty, cobweb-covered coffin. The air was thick with the musty scent of decay, a grim reminder of the darker path the two women sometimes treaded.\n\n<em>\"When I heard we’d be getting an apprentice skilled in the art of working with the veil and those who dwell beyond it, I was so very excited. It’s not often I find a clanmate who shares my interest. Tell me, what brings you to St. Lawrence, my dear.”</em>"
"from": "dezwithabat",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 1,
"timestamp": "2023-04-03T20:43:29",
"value": "<hr/>\n\n( (http://(insert URL link here))\n\n<small><strong>NAME | CLAN:</strong> <small>Astoria Jones | Tremere</small>\n</small>\n\n<hr/>\n\n<small><strong>Date: Thursday, August 14th, 2010 </strong>\n<strong>Tagging | Mentioning: Leandra Thorne</strong>\n<strong>Wearing:</strong> Black pants with tears at the knees, Doc Marten boots, a worn black shirt with a pentagram on it and a blue jean vest. <small>\n<strong>Charisma | Appearance | Auto-Roll:</strong> 3|3 <a href=\"\">|</a> <a href=\"\">10/10</a> <a href=\"\">8/8</a> 8</small> <small>\n<strong><u>STATUS</u></strong> <strong>Camarilla: </strong>None <strong>Anarch:</strong> None <strong>Giovanni:</strong> None </small></small>\n\n<hr/>\n\nAstoria was tired and hungry, and it probably showed in her complexion. For the last year she had been feeding only on chickens and rabbits or the occasional pig, sometimes sheep when she was home visiting her family. Part of her knew that it wasn’t enough, a constant gnawing pain gripped her like a noose around the her throat, but she didn’t know if she could or should go beyond feasting on innocent creatures. She reflected on this as she was driven through the streets, wondering where she was being taken. Astoria was curious in that she wasn’t too afraid of what she had become, but her lack of resources and an explanation from her sire kept her in a delicate dance of existence.\n\nWhen they finally arrived and the chauffer explained who she would be meeting in this place, Astoria clicked her tongue in thought. She hardly understood half of what was said, but she stepped out of the car anyway and approached the quiet cemetery. Soon she came upon the mysterious woman who introduced herself and Astoria could not help but be transfixed by her presence. She reminded her of the one who created her – beautiful, refined and somehow unsettling. These were the features that attracted her to bed that fateful night and transformed the world as she knew it. The memory sent a chill down her spine.\n\n<em>“Waiting for me?”</em> She asks, taking a seat across from Leandra.\n\nThen, the lady states her intention. Apprentice? Clanmate? Astoria felt her head spinning with questions. One thing she did understand, however, was ‘working beyond the veil’ as it had indeed been her hobby and, for better or worse, her gift since before her rebirthing. She wondered if Leandra had seen her videos online and feared being reprimanded, unfamiliar as she was with the law that governed this dark world. Shoving those thoughts down for a time, she instead clears her throat and replies:\n\n<em>“I came here seeking answers, I guess.”</em> She shrugs, rubbing her arm shyly, <em>“I don’t really understand why I was made… this way.”\n</em>"
"from": "TheWanderingMuse",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 2,
"timestamp": "2023-04-04T22:45:47",
"value": "<hr/>\n\n<big><strong>S T O R Y T E L L E R</strong></big>\n\n<hr/>\n\n(\n\n<strong><small>Clearview Park\nBlackwood Cemetery\n\n<small><em>Thursday, August 14th, 2010\n9:30 PM EST</em></small>\n\n</small></strong>\n\n<hr/>\n\n(\n\nLeandra smiled and nodded when Astoria seemed surprised that she was waiting for her.\n\n<em>\"Yes, childe, when I’d heard you arrived in the city I was excited to hear I would have someone within the clan who shared the same area of interest. We have some good clanmates in this city, but none seem to show much of an interest in things beyond the veil… at least not enough to actively seek to study them with me. It would be nice to have someone to work with on occasion and share things with that others would have little understanding of,”</em> she beamed, her porcelain-like skin glinting faintly in the soft moonlight.\n\n<em>\"We all have questions,”</em> she chuckled, taking on Astoria’s next statement. <em>\"I was turned by a traitor to the Camarilla, a Tremere-Antitribu. He was killed the moment they found him… and I was only a few nights old. The Primogen Council demanded I be put to death, but the Prince had a soft spot for me and showed me leniency,”</em> there was the ghost of a fond smile that passed across her lips.\n\n<em>\"But he knew I would never be accepted in the city. So when he found St. Lawrence was actively looking for more bodies to bolster the cause, he reached out to the Regent here and he gladly accepted me into the city.”</em> She shrugged a little at that, almost casually, but it was easy to see there was some resentment at being driven out of her home by the Primogen Council of her home city.\n\n<em>\"Like you, I had to learn most things the hard way. Since no one here shared my preference for the more macabre practices, I was pretty much left to my own devices. I had no guide, no mentor, no allies or friends… I was truly on my own.”</em>\n\nThe woman straightened up a bit in her seat, seeming to gather her pride around herself as she continued. <em>\"I quickly proved my worth, what with our biggest concern here being the Giovanni and their mastery of the undead, and I carved out a little niche here in St. Lawrence. And, while I might not have many friends within the clan still, I do have their respect. That has been good enough for me.”</em>\n\nAs bold and confident as she was, she was also a horrible liar. The bitterness and emptiness in her words made it clear the fact she’d had no true friends among her own clan had taken its toll on her more than she’d ever admit.\n\nTurning to look back at Astoria she smiled warmly once again. <em>\"Tell me about yourself, my dear… and ask me whatever you wish,”</em> she said, spreading her hands in a welcoming gesture. <em>\"I’m an open book for you.”</em>"
"from": "dezwithabat",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 3,
"timestamp": "2023-04-05T02:29:33",
"value": "<hr/>\n\n( (http://(insert URL link here))\n\n<small><strong>NAME | CLAN:</strong> <small>Astoria Jones | Tremere</small>\n</small>\n\n<hr/>\n\n<small><strong>Date: Thursday, August 14th, 2010 </strong>\n<strong>Tagging | Mentioning: Leandra Thorne</strong>\n<strong>Wearing:</strong> Black pants with tears at the knees, Doc Marten boots, a worn black shirt with a pentagram on it and a blue jean vest. <small>\n<strong>Charisma | Appearance | Auto-Roll:</strong> 3|3 <a href=\"\">|</a> <a href=\"\">10/10</a> <a href=\"\">8/8</a> 8</small> <small>\n<strong><u>STATUS</u></strong> <strong>Camarilla: </strong>None <strong>Anarch:</strong> None <strong>Giovanni:</strong> None </small></small>\n\n<hr/>\n\nAstoria was quiet for a long while, letting the question of questions hang in the air between them as she considered what the woman said. It was clear to her that this new unlife she was leading was far more complicated than simple survival and that the veins of vampirism ran deeper than any storybook could reveal. It was nice to finally have someone there who understood these dark things, but she was skeptical of how far she could trust Leandra. Regardless of her apprehension, this was the clearest shot she had up to this point at getting some much needed answers.\n\n<em>“You mentioned I am your clanmate.” </em>She began, <em>“What clan is it? And what does that mean for me?”</em>\n\nShe pauses for a moment, adjusting herself in her seat so that her legs crossed underneath her at the ankles, one boot bouncing in a nervous fashion. She clasped her hands together in her lap, then had a change of mind and let them rest at her sides. Astoria couldn’t help but feel Leandra’s gaze piercing through her and wondered if she could read her very thoughts. She suddenly became very curious about her own abilities and continued saying:\n\n<em>“I mean, I’ve always had this thing, you know? This special thing that lets me see what others can’t.”</em>\n\nAstoria leans forward and lowers her voice before asking, <em>“Can you teach me to do it even better than before? Because ever since she- ever since I was turned it’s been louder, more prominent. The ‘sight’, that is.”</em>"
] |
350,202 | 2023-04-03T09:43:31 | My mother the sex slave.....(Cindy and Harry the Cat) | 65 | Noncon: Human-Freeform Solos | 1 | 1 | 277 | 277 | [
"from": "cindyluv",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 0,
"timestamp": "2023-04-03T09:43:31",
"value": "Angela was a beautiful woman.\nActually she was what they call a MILF---'a mother I want to fuck---and why not?...she married young, got pregnant just as young. She was only 32 but still posessed a very attractive body. Of course, part of it could also be that, in addition to getting the house and sole custody of their son, her attorneys managed to get her a permanent membership in a 24hr fitness club.\n\nShe suspected that their son harbored a dislike for her, blaming her for the breakup of their textbook 'happy family'.\n'happy family'....what a sick joke....Angela suspected her husband of being unfaithful and hired an investigator. When the proof came in video and audio, even she was astounded....not only was he cheating, but constantly dipped into their joint checking account to pay for expensive shit for his sluts.....For Angela, that was the last straw.\n\nShe had tried numerous times to explain all this to their son but he was 'daddy's boy' and never accepted the truth.\nTheir son had seen her come out of the shower more than once wearing only a towel and one time accidently caught it on a hook, revealing her naked body. She frantically covered herself back up but not before he saw her intimate parts.\n\nOne night everything changed.\nAngela was going out with friends and was getting dressed. She had by now gotten used to him seeing her in her underwear.\nHer son was in the hallway when she called out to him. Standing there in bra and panties, she told him she was going out and then went to her walk in closet to find a suitable dress."
] |
350,207 | 2023-04-03T20:16:48 | Perfume (The Lioness & Incant) | 119 | Bondage: Human Solos | 1 | 1 | 770 | 770 | [
"from": "The Lioness",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 0,
"timestamp": "2023-04-03T20:16:48",
"value": "(\n\nThe sweet scent of bubblegum overwhelmed the plane cabin. Where the cramped space generally smelled of recycled air and, depending on where one sat, urinal cakes and disinfectant, Erica Butler did not expect to enjoy her flight. The smell of bubblegum never failed to compel her deep down memory lane. How a scent could bring up such random memories was always peculiar to her. It always reminded Erica of the long summer trips with her parents as a child. The long car rides, the sun baking her skin through the windows, and the never-ending drawl of <em>\"Two Princes\"</em>. The reminiscing helped pass the time as she watched the darkness from her window.\n\nIt was late in the evening when she arrived at the airport. The scent seemed appropriate, seeing as her destination was her childhood home. She was sure there were going to be a lot of memories stirred up during her visit. Even though the scent had dissipated when she left the terminal, Erica wanted to hold onto those memories for a bit longer.\n\nErica had been away from home most of the year so far. As a poor graduate student, funds weren't readily available to fly home every few months. Even though her mother whined about her needing to visit, she could handle only so much of her antics. It wasn't like her mother was willing to cough up the money for her only daughter to visit home-- or even yet, have her mother come to see her. No, it was just another excuse for her mother to complain about something. By the time the holidays began approaching, Erica couldn't push it off much longer. She had already missed Thanksgiving. Missing Christmas, too, would have been out of the question. She'd never hear the end of it.\n\nPushing her way through the crowded airport, Erica purchased a pack of bubblegum, for old times' sake, before heading towards baggage claim. Truth be told, it wasn't her favorite flavor, but for some reason, it made her smile more than it usually did.\n\nWell, if she were being honest with herself, the smile was more due to the stirred-up memories and thoughts of Alexander Shin.\n\nIt had been years since she had seen him in person last. It was really just a fanciful childhood crush. Silly as it was, the old memories were stirring up a lot more than usual.\n\nAlex was, for lack of a better word, her brother's best friend. They had been friends for so long that he was practically family. It was when Erica hit puberty that she started to take notice of him. It wasn't like she hung out in the same circles as they did. Tyler and Alex were, after all, five years older than her. By the time she was entering high school, Tyler was already off to college. In Alex's case, the military.\n\nTaking another quick detour, Erica slipped into the restroom to refresh herself. Her own weary blue-green eyes reflected at her in the mirror. Taking her cold fingers, she touched the area under her eyes lightly, hoping to get some life back into the skin around them. Seeing it made no difference, Erica sighed and smoothed out the flyaways of her chestnut hair before trying to straighten out her baby blue turtleneck sweater and skin-hugging jeans. When was the last time she had a whole night's sleep?\n\nThere was no doubt she was a little nervous. The days leading up to her trip had been challenging. Erica had spent more time struggling to focus on her last bit of exams before the holiday break. As luck would have it, she had found Alex had recently created a social media account and had reached out. Ever since they connected on a more personal level, she had seen her focus struggling to keep on track with her school work.\n\nA part of her felt weird adding Alex to social media platforms. She was, after all, Tyler's awkward little sister. And even though they didn't say much to each other after bridging the gap, Erica could feel her nerves kicking into high gear every time she'd see one of his pictures.\n\nGlancing once more at her phone, Erica switched off airplane mode and sent a message through the group text that had started as soon as she had made plans to visit.\n\n<tt>\"Plane has landed. About to snag my suitcase. I'll be near Terminal C waiting for whoever is to pick me up...\"</tt>\n\nHoping they didn't forget her, Erica tossed her phone back into her purse and made her way toward baggage claim."
] |
350,208 | 2023-04-04T00:09:23 | A Fresh Start [saphireMARIE and PeachyPie] | 119 | Bondage: Human Solos | 2 | 2 | 1,790 | 895 | [
"from": "saphireMARIE",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 0,
"timestamp": "2023-04-04T00:09:23",
"value": "(\n\nBlake James had grown up a happy child, with lots of happy memories with her family and friends. She had often enjoyed days out with her parents, and her older brother Andy. She could recall happy holidays with her family and even her mother’s best friend Auntie Emma and her mother. As a child she had grown up knowing she could be who she wanted to be, and she had people to support her no matter what. Or at least that was for the first part of her life. In her mind her life had become a series of acts, like a play. The first act was the happiest… and the second was much less fun.\n\nThe second act as she sometimes referred to it in her mind had come when she was fourteen. Her mom and Auntie Emma had some huge falling out, and on the day when they had been arguing at home Blake and Andy had been sent out to give the adults time to talk. She could clearly recall Andy recommending they go to the lake near their home, as he wanted a good swim. She had reluctantly agreed – not liking that two of her maternal figures were arguing. They had been playing for a while next to the lake when Andy dived in wanting a swim… and that was the last time Blake ever saw her brother. She could vividly recall the sirens… her mother’s wail and her fathers shouts. She could remember the numbing feeling of knowing she had let her family down… and that her brother didn’t make it out of the lake that day.\n\nLife was supposed to carry on. That’s what people said. But for her family life seemed to stagnate. Forever trapped in the cycle of grief and questioning why them. She didn’t know what had happened that day between Momma and Auntie Emma, but she knew she never saw Auntie Emma again… and she had to try and cope for her parents. So, she took on as much as she could, trying to be the perfect student she had always been and the perfect daughter. Yet she was haunted by what had happened, and she could tell her parents were too. Slowly over time her grades slipped, and nobody at home even noticed.\n\nBlake tried. She really did try to get her life together and get her grades up but everywhere she looked in school she saw her brother. Everywhere she looked at home he was there. It was like he haunted her for letting him down. At the start of her final year, she realised she couldn’t do it… she couldn’t pretend anymore. She dropped out of school, and only made the effort to pretend to go on the days her parents seemed to notice she was around. It was around that time that she realised that neither of her parents were paying any attention to her… and she gave up on even attempting to pretend.\n\nOn the day of her eighteenth birthday Blake woke up with an energy she hadn’t felt in quite some time. She had a spark of excitement… and a belief that her parents may for one day remember they hadn’t lost both children. She crept downstairs… only to find that her parents had already left the house and hadn’t even gotten her a card. She spent that day crying… and came up with a plan to leave the home. She couldn’t take it anymore… it had been four years and she hadn’t even gotten a thought.\n\nHer plan was simple – sofa surf at friend’s homes whilst she got a job and saved enough money to rent an apartment. Only nothing in her life ever went to plan. She had managed for a month on various friend’s couches before they cottoned on to what she was doing and kicked her out – telling her go to home and stop playing at being an adult. Perhaps she was stubborn, or perhaps it was her desperation, but she refused. Instead, she found herself living in hostels and bouncing about from job to job, never able to truly tie down any kind of roots. She was aware she was becoming lower and lower… and finally she got fired from her latest job for a ‘lack of hygiene’. She had truly broken down that day in the parking lot, realising she not only had no where to go but no life prospects. She had heard her parents had moved sometime during the last year… she had no idea where and even if she did, she knew she was not to return. It was clear to her… she was to blame.\n\nEight years had passed in the blink of an eye. Blake found herself sitting on a curb, watching the world pass her by and wondering what would have happened had it been her that day. What if her mother and aunt hadn’t been arguing? What if she had been brave enough to stop it? So many questions ran through the exhausted young woman’s mind, as she stared down in to her hands. That was when Blake realised there was one person in the world who may have an answer to her questions… Emma.\n\nBefore Blake could really give herself time to back out, she took off in the direction of Emma Anderson’s home, the home of the woman who had helped raise her and yet they shared no blood. The only tie between them was the bond that had grown between child and aunt, and Blake believed that may give her one question. Somehow it felt to Blake like if she could just find out why Emma and her mother had been arguing that day, she stood a chance at starting over… at having some sort of closure.\n\nFinally, Blake found herself at Emma’s door, and she wished she had somewhere she could wash up first. Alas… this was her only shot. She raised her hand and knocked, two knocks, followed by four. It was a code Blake had made up one day when she was little to let Emma know it was her at the door. A memory that she had long since buried but had resurfaced as she stood at the once familiar door."
"from": "PeachyPie",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 1,
"timestamp": "2023-04-04T08:52:22",
"value": "(\n\nEmma Anderson lived a life of routine and structure, despite what people often assumed. She was an author, after all, and everybody knew that writers were daydreaming alcoholics who spent their days wandering the world in a drunken stupor until, seized by the grip of sudden inspiration, they lose themselves in the throes of creativity and only then put pen to paper. And perhaps there are those who do just that, but it'd never worked for Emma. She relied on self-discipline. For her, writing was not simply a pleasure, though she certainly enjoyed it. It was a job, and she took it seriously.\n\nAnd so, she spent most of her mornings and early afternoons in much the same way: holed up in her office, laptop open, writing. If she didn't want to write, she wrote. If she wanted to write, she wrote even more. She never waited for creative inspiration, and she didn't believe in writer's block. Accountants don't get accountant's block, and lawyers don't get lawyer's block, though she was quite certain everyone had days when they just did not want to work. But they did it, anyway, and if they did it poorly, so be it. That was life. Why should writers have it any different?\n\nToday, however, was not one of <em>those</em> days. In fact, Emma had gotten so much done by noon, that she decided to give herself an early start on the weekend. If lawyers and accountants got weekends, so did she. These things go both ways, you see.\n\nAnyway, it was a little after 1 pm that she found herself in her kitchen, surrounded by the soothing smell of baking, of blueberries and vanilla, of coffee and sugar and something that resembled cinnamon, although she still didn't quite know why, because she was not baking with cinnamon. But that was a mystery that would have to go unsolved, as many do (except the ones in her stories, which always had a satisfying, if sometimes a depressing end), because right as she pulled her tray of blueberry muffins from the oven, a knock came at the door. Actually, there were several knocks in a pattern that brought a nostalgic smile to her face.\n\nIt made her think of Blake.\n\nThey hadn't seen each other in years, almost a decade now, but Emma still thought of that sweet little face (which probably wasn't so little anymore) almost everyday. Blake was the closest thing she'd ever had to a daughter, and that's the sort of thing you don't just forget. Especially not with all that girl had been through. There were days Emma thought she should go back, perhaps just to say hello, or at least check on the girl, to see how she was coping, but she knew she wouldn't be welcome. That day had...changed things.\n\nPutting the tray of muffins on the stovetop to cool, Emma pushed those thoughts from her mind and wiped her dough-covered hands on her apron, which she took off and draped across one of the high-back chairs lined up against her breakfast bar, which left her wearing a pastel pink bow neck blouse and black jeans. Not exactly a baking outfit, but she didn't feel like changing. She headed to the door.\n\n\"I'm coming!\" She called out. The kitchen was near enough the entryway that it only took her a few seconds to reach the front door. Her house was not small, but neither was it particularly large. It had four bedrooms and three bathrooms, plus an attached garage for two cars, although she only had one. The front yard boasted the usual assortment of bushes and trees, and there were even flower beds along both sides of the sidewalk leading up to the front porch. She paid someone to tend those, though; she'd never been much of a gardener. There was also a giant oak tree with a swing still attached, although she had no children. Blake had used it, though, and Emma never had the heart to take it down. She opened and the door to a young woman who, despite being a little unkempt, was quite beautiful. There was also something strangely familiar about the girl.\n\n\"May I help you?\" Emma said, brows furrowing, because she couldn't quite shake that feeling of familiarity. This girl. She looked... \"Blake!\" Emma's eyes widened, a smile lighting up her face. \"What in the <em>world</em> are you doing here?\""
] |
350,210 | 2023-04-04T02:18:25 | Warm Scales and Wandering Feet (Yoro & Del) | 14 | Noncon: Exotic-Freeform Solos | 1 | 1 | 965 | 965 | [
"from": "Yorokonde",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 0,
"timestamp": "2023-04-04T02:18:25",
"value": "Ithya. A land where tigers never forgot how to smoke, where dragons still jealously guard hoards of treasure, and where magic still roams wild and free. It is the middle child of seven continents that scatter the nine seas which comprise the world known only as Terra to those who inhabit it. The only average thing about it is its size, for it has a history as rich and deep and filled with stories as one can hope for. Ruins of kingdoms lay scattered and forgotten in overgrown groves or at the bottom of cavernous systems large enough that spelunkers could spend years and still not see them all. But now, in this age, Ithya is a rich and vibrant land known for its clever traders, brave adventurers, and numerous bards.\n\nCyndaryn counts himself as two of those three. He never has had much of a singing voice. Still, that didn’t stop him from filling the air with his deep rumble of a voice as he sat on the front seat of his wagon. He liked to sing even if he wasn't very good at it.\n\n<center><em>There will come a soldier, who carries a mighty sword.</em></center>\n\n<center><em>He will tear your city down, oh lei-oh lai-oh Lord.</em></center>\n\n<center><em>Oh lei, oh lai, oh Lord.</em></center>\n\n<center><em>He will tear your city down, oh lei-oh lai-oh Lord.</em></center>\n\nHis hands flicked the reins in time with the beat of the song and accompanied it with a steady tap of one large foot. The two bison pulling the cart ignored both his singing and the flicking leather, placidly continuing to put one hoof in front of the other as they lumbered along the road that had not yet degraded to dirt. The massive beasts were not traditional ones used to pull wagons, but they were necessary considering the weight of Cyndaryn himself plus his cargo. He was not considered a small man, even among other Dragonborn.\n\nHe glanced back over his shoulder, past the red scaled wings curled against his back, into the bed of the covered wagon as well as the city they had just left. Last End sprawled along the edge of a beach like a child lounging lazily in the sun. The districts that made up its arms and legs lay followed no pattern except those of the needs of commerce and the dictates of the land. To him it was more than just a city. It was a beginning, a first step on the road to realizing his desires.\n\nAs his eyes took in the stacked boxes and bags of provisions piled in the bed of the wagon, he also glanced over his new traveling companion. He still wasn’t entirely sure that hiring her had been the best idea as she lounged between the boxes. However, she had been the only one to respond to his call for a bodyguard at the hiring guild that hadn’t been visibly drunk that night. And at least she claimed to be moderately talented in the use of knives and minor illusion spells. Both of which suited his desire for stealth on this journey of his.\n\nThe fact that Nimble was a kobold who only stood less than half his own six and a half foot height didn’t bother him overmuch. He had traveled with dwarves and gnomes and even a halfling or two in his adventuring. They had all shown him that size was no great determiner of talent or skill. Yet the way she dressed gave him more than a little pause. He was used to armor on his companions, like the chain shirt and leather pants he wore, yet Nimble seemed to disdain such practical protection. In fact, Cyndaryn would have called what she did choose to wear provocative, even scandalous in some circles.\n\nSo he turned his eyes back to the front and gave his well muscled shoulders a shrug that meant nothing. He continued on with his song as the miles began to slowly drift by.\n\n<center><em>There will come a poet, whose weapon is his word.</em></center>\n\n<center><em>He will slay you with his tongue, oh lei-oh lai-oh Lord</em></center>\n\n<center><em>Oh lei, oh lai, oh Lord.</em></center>\n\n<center><em>He will slay you with his tongue, oh lei-oh lai-oh Lord.</em></center>\n\nThe wagon hit a small rut in the road, causing him to pause and glance back once more at the cargo, which had barely shifted. Cyndaryn had many reasons to be worried about what was in those boxes. Not because the contents were dangerous, but because of what they represented. They were ancient books, tomes bound in strange leathers that seemed to crawl against the fingers, and more than a few scrolls that he had been firmly warned not to open lest what they contained escape. Each one was more valuable than ten times its weight in gold and gems to those who desired such ancient secrets. And his wagon contained seven boxes loaded to the brim with such wealth. His own supplies and the gear of his new companion took up only one small corner of the wagon.\n\nThe big man suppressed a shiver as he remembered the mix of vile threats and promises of rewards given by his dread master when Cyndaryn was given the mission of transporting the tomes. Not directly, for the Great Dragons never spoke to one so low as him in their games, but he had seen the seal on the orders. He had even been allowed to touch it for a moment. Not that he would tell anyone, let alone Nimble, who he truly served. He had only told her that he had been hired to move the cargo, instructed not to look inside, and that he was just a simple guard for the road. She didn’t need to know anything else. And probably never will."
] |
350,228 | 2023-04-04T18:16:55 | "Maybe We Should Have a Little Talk" Chi & HarrytheCAT | 14 | Noncon: Exotic-Freeform Solos | 1 | 1 | 385 | 385 | [
"from": "HarrytheCat",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 0,
"timestamp": "2023-04-04T18:16:55",
"value": "Why, Roger wondered, did the idea of giving his daughter 'the sex talk' freak him out? Long ago he'd figured his wife would do it but she'd died some ten years ago and now at seventeen it was surely time he did it. She looked older than her seventeen years and as she developed he found himself attracted to her in all the wrong ways. He'd not remarried and had managed with the occasional dates which never seemed to develop and of course his trusty left hand.\n\nBut the very noticeable breasts and what the modern world called a bubble butt spoke of a body that had become a woman. Roger was terrified of the things he found himself thinking. Roger wanted his daughter. She was the forbidden fruit. If only she dated but she was always home and seemingly unaware of the effect her charms were having on her poor father.\n\nSupper eaten and the washing up done the moment had come. \"Honey, I think we need to talk,\" He moved towards the living room. He gestured at her chair and sank into his own. How was he to open this conversation?\n\nIt went better than he'd expected. He'd ask what did she know about this or that and seemingly she knew all about it. He began to wonder if she knew as much as he did. Possibly more, about the female side of things. He began to relax.\nThen he asked if she realised that all men really wanted one thing and that she should be careful about sending the wrong messages. \"Going braless and wearing too short skirts. Guys see that and they can't help what their poor little brains tell their bodies.\" He wanted to tell her that this included her poor old dad. Trouble was he loved her going braless and wearing those crazy little skirts around the house and was terrified of the erections that her presence\ncaused, aware that they might betray him.\n\nHad he told her all she needed to know? Had he said enough? Too much? Despite his doubts about his lecturing skills he figured he'd done his best. One thing he did know - he had a painful erection! \"For heaven's sake remember I'm always here for you, if you've any questions .... about anything.\""
] |
350,233 | 2023-04-04T21:59:42 | Sky Knights of Aard - IC | 347 | Noncon: Exotic-System Small Groups | 7 | 15 | 5,185 | 309 | [
"from": "pdragon",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 0,
"timestamp": "2023-04-04T21:59:42",
"value": "<center><u><big>The Sky Knights of Aard</big></u>\n(\n\n<small><strong><u>Links</u></strong>\n<a href=\"\">OOC</a>\n<a href=\"\">Characters</a>\nRecruitment <a href=\"\">Thread</a>\n<a href=\"\">Lore</a>\n\n</small></center>\n\n<strong>Post Header</strong><pre><code>[floatright][img height=350 padding=10]character image[/img]\n[/floatright]\n[url=character sheet url][b]Name: [/b][/url]\n[b]Race/Class: [/b]\n[b]HP:[/b] x/x [b]AC:[/b] x\n[b]Mount HP:[/b] x/x [b]Mount AC:[/b] x\n[b]Effects:[/b] (status effects, buffs, debuffs, etc. include remaining duration for each effect)\n[b]Action:[/b] (summary of the actions and moves you're taking in your post, include dice rolls here, any action or roll listed in other parts of the post will be ignored)\n\n[spoiler=Stats]\nStrength: Constitution: Dexterity:\nIntelligence: Wisdom: Charisma:\n\nFeel free to list other important character stats here as well, even your full character sheet if you feel it'd be convenient for you[/spoiler]</code></pre>\n\n<hr/>"
"from": "pdragon",
"from-alternative": "User0",
"index": 1,
"timestamp": "2023-04-04T22:25:08",
"value": "<center><strong><u>Location: Sky Knight Outpost 12 - Phoenix Town</u></strong>\n(\n</center>\n\nThere is an excitement in the air as the sun rises over Phoenix Town. While it is still early morning, the barracks are already buzzing with excitement. After all today the eldest class of recruits would be sent off for their final test to graduate into full fledged knights. It is an occasion that has only happened once before since the makeshift 'academy' had been established, making them just the second generation of new Sky Knights to be trained up after the war for Gaal Gundren and the exodus that followed. Needless to say it was an event worthy of excitement.\n\nTheir mentor, Master Falk, had been uncharacteristically soft on them over the past day. She had treated them to big meal the night before, and told them they'd be allowed to sleep in late this morning to get as much rest as needed for the task ahead of them. However even with the Master's permission, the clamor throughout the barracks was quickly growing too great to stay asleep, and soon a mixture of noise and duty would draw them from their beds. They were given the full morning to do whatever they needed to get prepared, having free range over the outpost while the underclasses were forced to stick to their usual training schedule. Whether it be checking over their gear, grooming their mounts, praying at the shrine, or getting in a few last minute training sessions, they were expected to be ready and in tip top shape by the time lunch was called.\n\n<hr/>\n\nAlright apprentices. It is the morrow of your (potential) ascension into knighthood. Take this time to introduce your character and explain how they're getting ready for the big day."
"from": "c0i9z",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 2,
"timestamp": "2023-04-04T23:59:55",
"value": "(\n\n<strong>Name: </strong> Narla\n<strong>Race/Class: </strong> Slime Wizard (Chronurgy)\n<strong>HP:</strong> 24/24 <strong>AC:</strong> 16\n<strong>Effects:</strong>\n<strong>Action:</strong> Cast Magic Armor\n\n<details><summary>Stats</summary>\nStrength: 11 (0) Constitution: 14 (2) Dexterity: 16 (3)\nIntelligence: 19 (4) Wisdom: 15 (2) Charisma: 13 (1)\n\nSlots:\n1st: 3/4\n2nd 2/2\n</details>\n\nNarla woke up with the morning, long habit as a priestess reinforced by continuing training at the academy helping her to build and maintain the habit. She sloshed out of what passed as a bed for her. Not a bucket, not exactly, but not far, in function, if not size. Slimes tended to lose shape when not concentrating on maintaining it and sleep was certainly one of the times which made doing that sort of thing difficult. And the clothing she sloshed into next were quite the opposite. Form giving rather than form fitting, they were based on the outfit she wore before her more recent split. Though but her clothing and her form had changed since. No longer bound by to set an example as a priestess, she'd found that she enjoyed being looked at in a certain way. And, well, there was the tail, too. A recent addition. The result of a very special evening.\n\nOf course, the outfit wasn't just... pleasant to look at, it was also practical. Slimes tended to slosh quite a bit, after all. Something that wasn't too bad on the ground, but in the sky, well, it was nice not to worry all the time about having some of her bits falling out of the sky.\n\nOnce everything seemed to be in order, Narla made her usual supplication. A quick prayer to Twi, to guide her and protect her... And then a quick spell to maybe help that aid go just a bit further. It always gave Narla a tingle when it went through her, which she found not unpleasing. And with the care of herself and the care of her goddess done, it was time for the care of her best partner, Cerulean, a handsome blue wyvern that she loved to death. She didn't have to, of course, but she still loved to attend to him directly, carefully brushing his scales and making sure he had a good breakfast before getting her own."
"from": "FoxgirlJay",
"from-alternative": "User2",
"index": 3,
"timestamp": "2023-04-05T00:11:12",
"value": "(\n\nKaz <a href=\"\">Sunbeam</a>\n<strong>Aasimar Female</strong>\n<strong>Oath of Sol Paladin 3</strong>\n<strong>Health:</strong> 36/36 | <strong>AC:</strong>19\n<strong>Akatrix Health:</strong> 80/80 | <strong>AC:</strong> 16\n<strong>Smite Slots:</strong> 3/3\n<strong>Lay on Hands:</strong> 15/15\n<strong>Channel Divinity:</strong> 1/1\n\n<strong>Active Effects:</strong>\n<strong>Actions:</strong>\n<details><summary>Stats</summary>\n<strong>Scores:</strong> STR17 DEX10 CON14 INT8 WIS8 CHA16\n<strong>Saves:</strong> +3 | +0 | +2 | -1 | +1 | +5\n</details>\n\n<hr/>\n\nKaz Sunbeam took her morning routine quite seriously. Physical fitness, keeping in tip-top shape was important, even if there was a big day ahead of her. A morning work out, best done under the early sun, followed by cleaning and grooming herself. The blessing of Sol still flowed through her blood, a gift from her divine Father, so she showed her devotion to the Goddess that granted her might through physical acts, enjoying the warmth and light. Truthfully, Kaz knew very little of the different sects of Sol, little of the organized worship revolving around Her, only what felt right in her gut. After her morning workout-meets-prayer, she would move on to taking care of her steed Akatrix, then tending to all of her gear.\n\nShe would soon meet Narla, their paths eventually intersecting when they went for breakfast. Likewise to the slime, she was glad for the trial ahead, garbed in her armor. The paladin always seemed to move with a confidant, flaunting strut to her, especially now when she was feeling specially cheery and in high spirits. \"Heya' Slick!\" Kaz calls out, giving Narla a big hearty pat on the back. \"Ready to be a real Knight?\" She asks, full of confidence for the both of them. She had found it strange at first, that this gaggle she called friends for the last two years, she had only thought that one amongst them presented a properly Knightly figure. That of course, being herself. Armor, shield and weapon, even if the armor was exceptionally showy and covered little, it was still armor. But, the Sky Knights considered anyone who passed the trial to be a Knight, even if they wielded sorcery, shadows and stealth."
"from": "c0i9z",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 4,
"timestamp": "2023-04-05T00:29:44",
"value": "(\n\n<strong>Name: </strong> <a href=\"\">Narla</a>\n<strong>Race/Class: </strong> Slime Wizard (Chronurgy)\n<strong>HP:</strong> 24/24 <strong>AC:</strong> 16\nCerulean\n<strong>HP:</strong> 80/80<strong>AC:</strong> 16\n\n<strong>Effects:</strong>\n<strong>Action:</strong> Cast Magic Armor\n\n<details><summary>Stats</summary>\nStrength: 11 (0) Constitution: 14 (2) Dexterity: 16 (3)\nIntelligence: 19 (4) Wisdom: 15 (2) Charisma: 13 (1)\n\nSlots:\n1st: 3/4\n2nd 2/2\n</details>\n\n\"Oh, hello, Kaz. You know you can call me Narla, if you wish,\" Narla replied to her friend, smiling. Or, at least, she considered the woman her friend and Kaz seemed friendly enough with her back. Though, really, Kaz seemed friendly with just about everyone. And just as Narla worshipped Twi and Kaz Sol, they seemed complete opposite to each other. Which maybe was part of why they got together so well? And, at least with some things, like their dedication to becoming a Knight, they were alike. And... well, other parts as well. Parts that Narla had perhaps taken inspiration from Kaz on. \"I was ready two years ago, when I split, and long before, when Varnarla split then,\" she said. Non-slime languages were difficult when one spoke about oneself. Varnarla was her and also not her in a way that was difficult to communicate in Common, but completely natural to her. A day will not change my readiness, but my qualifications...\" She affectionately brushed a particular spot on Cerulean's neck and he made a sound that might be terrifying to most, but she knew meant he enjoyed it. \"Well, I hope that my studies have been sufficient.\""
"from": "Angie",
"from-alternative": "User3",
"index": 5,
"timestamp": "2023-04-05T01:22:12",
"value": "(\n\n<strong>Name: </strong> Davvon <a href=\"\">Goldwhistle</a>\n<strong>Race/Class: </strong> Halfling Rogue Swashbuckler\n<strong>HP:</strong> 24/24 <strong>AC:</strong> 15\n<strong>Ruffles HP:</strong> 60/60 <strong>Ruffles AC:</strong> 14\n<strong>Effects:</strong>\n<strong>Action:</strong>\n\n<details><summary>Stats</summary>\nStrength: 9 Constitution: 14 Dexterity: 17\nIntelligence: 11 Wisdom: 13 Charisma: 16\n</details>\n\n<hr/>\n\nDavvon had never been a heavy sleeper. Today was only different in just how much sleep he had actually gotten. He had spent most of last night before bedding down checking everything-his gear, his mount's gear, his cleaning kit for his mount, his flute, even shined his boots a little extra. And this morning he woke before dawn to do it all over again. One might call him obsessive, but he didn't want anything, from his daggers to his bowstring to the reins on Ruffles to fail at an unexpected moment. He kind of needed it to survive, and to pass the final test. He had always worried about being tossed out of the order, with the final test staring him down, it was a very real chance that might just happen.\n\nEventually there was simply no more he could do to maintain his equipment, so he was left with several hours before the ceremony. He played his flute a little but was mostly left filing the time himself. It was terrible for the poor halfling, meaning he was alone with his doubts and his worries for a while. \"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.\" He said to himself, smirking at his own wit. \"Hmm. Let's see...someone else in the team must be awake by now. The whole bloody fort is.\" Deciding it was a good time for a stroll, he set off to get one last good look at the fort that had been his home for two years, and perhaps run across a friend or two."
"from": "Rummy Tum Tum",
"from-alternative": "User4",
"index": 6,
"timestamp": "2023-04-05T03:19:31",
"value": "(\n\n<strong>Name: </strong>Coros <a href=\"\">Yrjinn</a>\n<strong>Race/Class: </strong>Changeling Artificer (Battlesmith) 3\n<strong>HP:</strong> 30/30 | <strong>AC:</strong> 16\n<strong>Ramsey HP:</strong> 50/50 | <strong>AC:</strong> 19\n<strong>Effects:</strong>\n<strong>Action:</strong> Greeting Davvon\n<strong>Infusions:</strong> Repeating Shot, Homonculus\n<strong>Slots:</strong> [1st] 3/3\n<details><summary>Stats</summary>\nDnD Beyond <a href=\"\">Sheet</a>\nStrength: 10 (+0) Constitution: 14 (+2) Dexterity: 14 (+2)\nIntelligence: 17 (+3) Wisdom: 8 (-1) Charisma: 12 (+1)\n<strong>Saves:</strong> STR+0 CON +4 DEX+2 INT+5 WIS-1 CHA+1\n\n<details><summary>Ramsey, Dire Bird</summary>\n(\n\nDire Bird\nArmor Class 19\nHit Points: 50\nSpeed 25 ft., fly 80 ft.\n\nSTR: 14 (+2) - DEX: 20 (+5) - CON:12 (+1)\nINT: 8 (-1) - WIS: 12 (+1) - CHA: 12 (+1)\n\nSaving Throws Dex +7, Wis +3, Cha +3\nSkills: Perception +3\nSenses: Dark Vision 60ft. passive Perception 13\nLanguages: Understands common and any spoken by rider, can't speak\n\nACTIONS\nBeak. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.\nTalons. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d8 + 2) slashing damage.</details>\n\n<details><summary>Constructs</summary>\n<strong><a href=\"\">Homonculus</a>:</strong> Bertie the All-Purpose Helper <a href=\"\">Construct</a>\n<strong>Steel <a href=\"\">Defender</a>:</strong> Boxy the Punching <a href=\"\">Construct</a>\n</details>\n\n</details>\n\n<hr/>\n\nCoros's eye lined up with the iron sight of his musket. Much like his own skin, the firearm was engraved with swirling patterns along its chassis. On an air genasi, it was the revelation of Aardia's blessing given form. It was attunement to the winds and the clouds above. On the gun it served a different, but similarly important purpose. As he slowly squeezed the trigger that purpose flared to life, a bright cyan glow filling the swirls in a rapid, almost whimsical chase as the musket gave off a keening thrum. He aimed at the target paced across from him and squeezed just a little harder...\n\nThen he stopped, clicked his teeth, and released the trigger. The magic emptied from the swirling engravings back to the source positioned near the trigger. \"<em>Oh Bertie!</em>\" He called, voice airy as he could make it. Not a click or whir of recognition came in response. He glanced over to where the hovering, shrimp-like homunculus contsruct had been stationed and saw it'd wandered off to chase a fly. \"Oi, Bertie!\" he called again, the boisterousness of his Muryongo accent flowing through clearly. And rapidly. \"We've got us some important trainin' to do, don't we?\"\n\nBertie whipped its body around to face him, gave an assenting chirrup absolutely designed to placate--Coros would know--then floated on over. Bertie waited for Coros to take aim again and, this time, moved to adjust Coros's bandana to cover his right eye.\n\"Yobai!\" Coros said triumphantly, \"barely scratched me that time.\"\nBertie chirped again, wiggling its tail in a decidedly mocking fashion.\n\"Och, I meant it in a good way. Just you wait, tiny one. You'll come to understand how much <em>style </em>matters one day.\"\n\nAnother chirp came, which Coros ignored as he squeezed the trigger again. The engravings in the gun filled with another thrum, its pitch growing higher and sharper as the glowing light turned the mundane weapon into a spectacle of swirling energy. He grinned at the sweet thrum. The sound of success. Then he pulled the--\n\nAn excited chirping came from Bertie and before he could answer it, the little homunculus zipped past his sight line, surprising him into squeezing the trigger and missing the training dummy by a foot.\n\nHe cursed, shook his head, then sighed. \"Don't tell me you interrupted me over another little bug--oh hi Dave.\" His frown flipped into an easy smile as he saw the halfling flutist and stabbing expert strolling towards him. Bertie beat him to introductions, of course. It cheerily nuzzled up against the man's cheek in welcome, affectionate enough to make Coros a wee bit jealous."
"from": "FoxgirlJay",
"from-alternative": "User2",
"index": 7,
"timestamp": "2023-04-05T03:39:31",
"value": "(\n\nKaz <a href=\"\">Sunbeam</a>\n<strong>Aasimar Female</strong>\n<strong>Oath of Sol Paladin 3</strong>\n<strong>Health:</strong> 36/36 | <strong>AC:</strong>19\n<strong>Akatrix Health:</strong> 80/80 | <strong>AC:</strong> 16\n<strong>Smite Slots:</strong> 3/3\n<strong>Lay on Hands:</strong> 15/15\n<strong>Channel Divinity:</strong> 1/1\n\n<strong>Active Effects:</strong>\n<strong>Actions:</strong>\n<details><summary>Stats</summary>\n<strong>Scores:</strong> STR17 DEX10 CON14 INT8 WIS8 CHA16\n<strong>Saves:</strong> +3 | +0 | +2 | -1 | +1 | +5\n</details>\n\nTagging: Narla, open.\n\n<hr/>\n\n\"Yeah, I guess Narla's a pretty enough name for you~\" Likewise, despite how different the two ladies were, Kaz would call Narla, and anyone in her class, a friend.\n\n\"Woah, that's a pretty long time! You've known about the test for like, more than two years?!\" Kaz questioned, amazement in her excited voice, giving an excited little hop in place, skimpy armor valiantly keeping her bust in place, despite it's jiggle. She took the answer of Narla being ready for so long, as her having some deep insight in to the challenge ahead. \"You like, gotta tell me what it's all about, cause I've got no idea. I was just going to guess we had to fight something while flying or something!\" But, then, Narla expressed some doubt about if she was capable enough or not. \"We'll all do great, for sure! Hey, wanna' go get something to eat? I've been working out alll~ morning, I've been like, starving since I got out of the bath!\""
"from": "c0i9z",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 8,
"timestamp": "2023-04-05T03:53:01",
"value": "(\n\n<strong>Name: </strong> <a href=\"\">Narla</a>\n<strong>Race/Class: </strong> Slime Wizard (Chronurgy)\n<strong>HP:</strong> 24/24 <strong>AC:</strong> 16\nCerulean\n<strong>HP:</strong> 80/80<strong>AC:</strong> 16\n\n<strong>Effects:</strong>\n<strong>Action:</strong> Cast Magic Armor\n\n<details><summary>Stats</summary>\nStrength: 11 (0) Constitution: 14 (2) Dexterity: 16 (3)\nIntelligence: 19 (4) Wisdom: 15 (2) Charisma: 13 (1)\n\nSlots:\n1st: 3/4\n2nd 2/2\n</details>\n\nNarla gave a small smile. \"Not the test itself, of course. I'm not ever certain it was even devised at the time. But I've know I've wanted to be a Knight for a long time. Even if it took me two splits to get there. I also know that if I fail, they'll take Cerulean from me. And that's absolutely not something I want. I just hope it's more to do with magic than strength of arms on my side. You're much better at that sort of thing than me.\" She extended a hand fearlessly and the wyvern nuzzled it. She certainly knew how fierce he could be if he wanted, but she was unconcerned. After a few moments like that, she nodded. \"I haven't eaten yet either. I'd be glad to join you,\" she said, putting her tools away before readying herself to join Kaz."
"from": "shengami",
"from-alternative": "User5",
"index": 9,
"timestamp": "2023-04-05T04:29:16",
"value": "(\n\n<strong>Name: Glynwraek Casilltenirra</strong> (\n<strong>Race/Class: </strong> High Elf Wizard\n<strong>HP:</strong> 8/18 <strong>AC:</strong> 12\n<strong>Mount (Llunae) HP:</strong> 50/50 <strong>Mount AC:</strong> 19\n<strong>Effects:</strong>\n<strong>Action:</strong>\n\n<details><summary>Stats</summary>\nStrength: 6 Constitution: 11 Dexterity: 14\nIntelligence: 17 Wisdom: 13 Charisma: 13\n\nSpell DC: 13\nSpell Slots: 1st - 4; 2nd - 2</details>\n\nGlyn awoke slowly. He felt something heavy shift and slide across his thin chest and grabbed whatever book he had been reading when he fell asleep. The only surprising part was that he was not peeling his face off it instead. Glyn tended to fall asleep reading at a desk or in the library more often than his bed. So, waking in his bed was odd. He swung his legs over the side and slowly rubbed the sleep out of his eyes to focus on the text: 'Van Richten's Guide' again. He'd read the tome a dozen times now but there were still secrets to unlock within it on the nature of vampires.\n\nGlyn felt his stomach twist in a familiar way. He'd not eaten the night before either. Also normal. <em>There's something special about today. What was it?</em> The noise outside attracted his attention and it clicked. \"Ahhh, graduation. What a bother.\" He didn't know why they insisted on some antiquated test. Tests were inefficient; more a right of passage than indicative of their ability. Still, he could pontificate on the matter until he was blue in the face and Master Falk would still insist on it. Ancient orders like the Sky Knights had their ways of doing things even if they were under strength. Glyn just viewed the ceremony and quest as interruptions to his studies.\n\nHe stood and looked down at the ink stained and rumpled blue and red robes he was wearing. Clicking his tongue, he moved and changed into a purple and black set split for easier riding. Despite any real ire in his part for the ceremony, he was eager to fly. Llunae had been his companion for two years, her and the others, and Glyn found flying to be exhilarating. To be free of the ground, far above concerns or worry, to feel the power and grace Llunae possessed. He almost forgot his cursed, feeble frame. A hand ran over his thin arms and he glanced at the tome again.\n\nHe picked it up and moved out of the barracks toward the dining hall. Food was what he needed and to read a few more pages before the ceremony. It seemed the other were up and about already, so he expected he would see them there.\n\nHe entered the dining hall and made his way to a back table to set his tome down then went and fetched a strange meal for an elf. His plate was piled with herbed potatoes as was normal, but an equally large pile of ham joined it along with several strips of bacon. Glyn had found that, since his curse, he had developed a distinctly non-elven craving for flesh. Cured and fried were alright, but a bloody steak of haunch of leg made his mouth water in unpleasant ways. It had been almost seventy years and the craving for bloody meat still reviled him and satisfied him in a dissonant way. He tore a chunk of meat with his teeth and then washed it down with juice and potatoes. Then, he opened the tome and ate mechanically as he read."
"from": "Hexed",
"from-alternative": "User6",
"index": 10,
"timestamp": "2023-04-05T04:38:26",
"value": "(\n\n<strong>Name: </strong>Vashe <a href=\"http://character sheet url\">Highroot</a>\n<strong>Race/Class: </strong> Human Shadow Sorcerer\n<strong>HP:</strong> 21/21 <strong>AC:</strong> 13\n<strong>Mount HP:</strong> 80/80 <strong>Mount AC:</strong> 16\n<strong>Effects:</strong>\n<strong>Action:</strong>\n\n<details><summary>Stats</summary>\nStrength: 6 -2 Constitution: 12 +1 Dexterity: 16 +3\nIntelligence: 14 +2 Wisdom: 14 +2 Charisma: 16 +3\nDarkvision: 120'\nSpell Save DC 13 Spell Points: 3/3\nSpell Slots\n<em>1st:</em> 4/4\n<em>2nd:</em> 2/2\n</details>\n\n<hr/>\n\nThe buzzing noise of the barracks activity and the growing light of the rising sun did little to disturb Vashe's slumber. Rumpled sheets barely covered the pale form sprawled near sideways upon the upper bunk, one foot poking out into thin air while an arm still clutching a book dangles off the other side. Fingers finally give up the ghost and the book falls to the floor with a thud that sends her sitting upright with a gasp, eyes wide and shadowy lightning curling around the spread fingers of a raised hand. The energy fades as wisps of shadow as she looks around, teeth worrying her lower lip and hand dropping to her lap.\n\nThe sheet is quickly tossed off and she slips down to the ground, arms stretching out to the sides ever so briefly before she flushes and just yanks her shift of herself. A damp rag later and she's pulling on a tight outfit, even taking a minute to just prance about barefooted before she pulls on her socks and boots. Useful things are shoved into a bag while a carved wand is tucked into her belt. With one last check of equipment she scoops up the fallen book and tucks it into the bag before she dashes out of the barracks.\n\nEven though she's been partially cured giggles still spill from her as she takes a meandering path, faded locks dancing around her head as she bounces and skips along paths and through grass. Her path leads her eventually to the stables where she pounces upon her black scaled wyvern Onyx. The larger then her beast is fed and polished in a flurry of motion accompanied by song that weaves through languages of a mostly inhuman nature. At one point during the polishing her and Onyx dance, his cheerful chirps and cries mingling with her song.\n\nOnce Onyx's morning needs are taken care of she gives him the farewell of many hugs and takes off once more. Her path is slower as she keeps up the singing in switching languages, wand swishing each time the beating of drums fades and images of flying creatures flicker around her as well as vice versa. Upon reaching the cafeteria she cuts off the effects with a swipe of the wand and dashes for the closing door, her stashing of the wand drawing her attention from her path. The distraction is enough she misses her timing and instead of slipping through the closing door she plows into a fully closed door, the thump barely rattling the wooden object while she's knocked onto her rump to pout up at the mean thing."
"from": "FoxgirlJay",
"from-alternative": "User2",
"index": 11,
"timestamp": "2023-04-05T06:09:51",
"value": "(\n\nKaz <a href=\"\">Sunbeam</a>\n<strong>Aasimar Female</strong>\n<strong>Oath of Sol Paladin 3</strong>\n<strong>Health:</strong> 36/36 | <strong>AC:</strong>19\n<strong>Akatrix Health:</strong> 80/80 | <strong>AC:</strong> 16\n<strong>Smite Slots:</strong> 3/3\n<strong>Lay on Hands:</strong> 15/15\n<strong>Channel Divinity:</strong> 1/1\n\n<strong>Active Effects:</strong>\n<strong>Actions:</strong>\n<details><summary>Stats</summary>\n<strong>Scores:</strong> STR17 DEX10 CON14 INT8 WIS8 CHA16\n<strong>Saves:</strong> +3 | +0 | +2 | -1 | +1 | +5\n</details>\n\nTagging: Narla, open.\n\n<hr/>\n\n\"Oh. Still, thats impressive! I haven't known I've wanted to be a knight until... Uhmmm. When Sol's blessing was properly woken up in me, I guess. Before then, I was just your usual soldier, but like, way hotter than most guards?\" Kaz made it sound like the last part was a question, but she believed her own words. It was just a little quirk of her speech pattern. \"Yeah! Akatrix is a little devil,\" she says about her large, red-scaled wyvern, \"but I wouldn't want him taken away. There's like, so many reasons to not lose at this last step, besides just not wanting to be a loser.\"\n\nTogether, Narla and her would make their way from the stable of the Sky Knights, towards the mess hall. Kaz has a bubble bounce and strut to her step, as is usual for the ginger. She cant help but feel excited anc cheery, under a bright and sunny sky, with a great challenge awaiting her. The energy of the other students going about their training, and the air of excitement was infectious for her. Every so often, passing the dirt roads through the fields and training areas, Kaz would shout and greet some of the other students, or anyone that caught her eye. After all, Kaz was a bit of a star! Fairly popular, beyond just being amongst the second ever new-generation classes of the Sky Knights. No way she would turn down that attention!\n\n\"Wonder what they're cookin' today. I could probably eat a horse with how hungry I am... but it's always a risk, huh? Eating a lot then flying is just begging for a bad time. I bet you'll be great in whatever test is ahead Narla! There's not many problems magic can't solve... but I can solve just as many by stabbing things! Or putting my other impressive talents to good use!\" Kaz boasts, giving Narla a few prods with her elbow."
"from": "Angie",
"from-alternative": "User3",
"index": 12,
"timestamp": "2023-04-05T06:53:33",
"value": "(\n\n<strong>Name: </strong> Davvon <a href=\"\">Goldwhistle</a>\n<strong>Race/Class: </strong> Halfling Rogue Swashbuckler\n<strong>HP:</strong> 24/24 <strong>AC:</strong> 15\n<strong>Ruffles HP:</strong> 60/60 <strong>Ruffles AC:</strong> 14\n<strong>Effects:</strong>\n<strong>Action:</strong>\n\n<details><summary>Stats</summary>\nStrength: 9 Constitution: 14 Dexterity: 17\nIntelligence: 11 Wisdom: 13 Charisma: 16\n</details>\n\n<hr/>\n\nDavvon was somewhat accustomed to Bertie, having been around enough to see the little bugger, but one never quite got used to a mechanical construct crawling up on them, no matter how small and adorable. Still, the brief shiver turned into a gentle rub with a single finger as Davvon gave a nod to Coros. \"Good day to you. I do not wish to interrupt your practice but you did seem quite invested, please, don't lose track of time and miss the lunch bell. Would hate to start our assignment a man short!\" He thought for a moment. \"Perhaps you could show up as me, and we'd only be half a man short.\" He couldn't help but chuckle at that. \"But no really, please do keep track of time. I was thinking of heading there early, see who else has the same idea.\" Davvon gently took Bertie off his shoulder and set him back down on the ground, being rather delicate with the little thing.\n\nRegardless if Coros joined him or kept up his training, Davvon made his way to the mess hall, only now realizing the growling of his stomach. He had skipped out on breakfast to do his gear checks, so he was indeed quite hungry. He considered sneaking a quick bite of some of the jerky in the trail rations but, lunch was close enough, he could endure. Though perhaps if anyone in the mess hall was already snacking...if anyone was paying attention, they'd see the halfling shake his head. No, he abandoned those old habits. But how easy it was to consider them in his current situation..."
"from": "Rummy Tum Tum",
"from-alternative": "User4",
"index": 13,
"timestamp": "2023-04-05T07:47:05",
"value": "(\n\n<strong>Name: </strong>Coros <a href=\"\">Yrjinn</a>\n<strong>Race/Class: </strong>Changeling Artificer (Battlesmith) 3\n<strong>HP:</strong> 30/30 | <strong>AC:</strong> 16\n<strong>Ramsey HP:</strong> 50/50 | <strong>AC:</strong> 19\n<strong>Effects:</strong>\n<strong>Action:</strong>\n<strong>Infusions:</strong> Repeating Shot, Homonculus\n<strong>Slots:</strong> [1st] 3/3\nTagging: Davvon\n<details><summary>Stats</summary>\nDnD Beyond <a href=\"\">Sheet</a>\nStrength: 10 (+0) Constitution: 14 (+2) Dexterity: 14 (+2)\nIntelligence: 17 (+3) Wisdom: 8 (-1) Charisma: 12 (+1)\n<strong>Saves:</strong> STR+0 CON +4 DEX+2 INT+5 WIS-1 CHA+1\n\n<details><summary>Ramsey, Dire Bird</summary>\n(\n\nDire Bird\nArmor Class 19\nHit Points: 50\nSpeed 25 ft., fly 80 ft.\n\nSTR: 14 (+2) - DEX: 20 (+5) - CON:12 (+1)\nINT: 8 (-1) - WIS: 12 (+1) - CHA: 12 (+1)\n\nSaving Throws Dex +7, Wis +3, Cha +3\nSkills: Perception +3\nSenses: Dark Vision 60ft. passive Perception 13\nLanguages: Understands common and any spoken by rider, can't speak\n\nACTIONS\nBeak. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.\nTalons. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (1d8 + 2) slashing damage.</details>\n\n<details><summary>Constructs</summary>\n<strong><a href=\"\">Homonculus</a>:</strong> Bertie the All-Purpose Helper <a href=\"\">Construct</a>\n<strong>Steel <a href=\"\">Defender</a>:</strong> Boxy the Punching <a href=\"\">Construct</a>\n</details>\n\n</details>\n\n<hr/>\n\nCoros made a face as Bertie vibrated delightedly at Davvon's petting. \"I'd've been done if a certain homunculus didn't keep gettin' distracted. Even now B's usin' you as a way out of practice.\" For all his complaining, he did catch himself smiling a little at Davvon's response to the little construct. At the start, he would not have let Bertie touch him so easily. Coros watched Davvon set Bertie down, then sighed and gave a wave of his hand, freeing it to whizz about whimsically as he stowed his musket.\n\n\"If I showed up as you, we wouldn't be a man short but I <em>would</em> be a short man!\" A boisterous laugh followed, completely ambivalent to the peace of the trainees still locked in rigorous study and training. It was almost like a gust of strong wind, unfalteringly natural but hard to ignore. It was one of the traits he'd picked up in his home settlement without having to be a true air genasi.\n\nAt Davvon's more serious prodding, he nodded and gestured for Bertie to follow along at its own pace before joining at his side.\n\n\"Skip breakfast, did ya?\" He asked once Davvon's stomach rumbled loud enough for even his wandering ears. \"I know yer worried about gettin' the boot but I promise we're skilled enough to make it. With flyin' colors, even. Just hold yer breath, we'll get through it.\" The saying didn't quite fit for folks who couldn't hold their breath indefinitely--which included him, come to think of it--but they'd surely known each other long enough for such things to be understood through context."
"from": "c0i9z",
"from-alternative": "User1",
"index": 14,
"timestamp": "2023-04-05T23:51:06",
"value": "(\n\n<strong>Name: </strong> <a href=\"\">Narla</a>\n<strong>Race/Class: </strong> Slime Wizard (Chronurgy)\n<strong>HP:</strong> 24/24 <strong>AC:</strong> 16\nCerulean\n<strong>HP:</strong> 80/80 <strong>AC:</strong> 16\n\n<strong>Effects:</strong>\n<strong>Action:</strong>\n\n<details><summary>Stats</summary>\nStrength: 11 (0) Constitution: 14 (2) Dexterity: 16 (3)\nIntelligence: 19 (4) Wisdom: 15 (2) Charisma: 13 (1)\n\nSlots:\n1st: 3/4\n2nd 2/2\n</details>\n\nNarla nodded. \"Is this the usual attire for guards where' you're from?\" she asked. \"I remember the guards near where I last resided preferring more overall protection.\" While, from some, this might sound judgmental, those who knew her would know that she was entirely as curious as she sounded.\n\nNarla didn't fail to notice Kaz greeting everyone around, envying, for a moment, how easily she managed to do such things. \"I don't possess the same organs as you, so I don't share the same worries, but I agree that caution is in order. Too large a meal could make me lethargic. She didn't mind the elbow prodding, of course, but they might feel odd to Kaz, as her body gave more than most people's would.\n\nAs the pair approached the mess hall, Narla couldn't help but notice the final female member of their team. Though... their composition was a bit fluid in that regards. Narla herself only prefered to appear female and Coros, if she understood well, could make choices in that regard as well. \"Are you alright?\" she asked the sorceress, worried. \"Did you fall? You're not harmed, are you? It would be a great shame for you to be so on the day of our final test.\""
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