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[ "the door is to the left of the shirt", "the shirt is to the left of the door" ]
[ "the coziness is to the left of the payback", "the prophecy is to the left of the Huxley" ]
[ "the door is to the left of the man", "the man is to the left of the door" ]
[ "the division is to the left of the daughter-in-law", "the gardenia is to the left of the wrecker" ]
[ "the man is wearing the shirt", "the shirt is wearing the man" ]
[ "the durum is wearing the Salk", "the Lysimachus is wearing the schoolmaster" ]
[ "the man is on the train car", "the train car is on the man" ]
[ "the periwig is on the Scipio ovulation", "the jambeau racecourse is on the celebrity" ]
[ "the man is to the right of the door", "the door is to the right of the man" ]
[ "the population is to the right of the Testudinata", "the persuader is to the right of the hours" ]
[ "the man is in the train car", "the train car is in the man" ]
[ "the appointee is in the Shelley adversity", "the Microtaggant foreman is in the thripid" ]
[ "the shirt is to the right of the door", "the door is to the right of the shirt" ]
[ "the macaroni is to the right of the Pearmain", "the Irenaeus is to the right of the firelight" ]
[ "the banana is on the plate", "the plate is on the banana" ]
[ "the scintillation is on the leprosy", "the Iliamna is on the rhodolite" ]
[ "the table is under the plate", "the plate is under the table" ]
[ "the brassard is under the Hirudo", "the envoy is under the dissonance" ]
[ "the table is below the plate", "the plate is below the table" ]
[ "the dandyism is below the Parji", "the gadolinium is below the Laredo" ]
[ "the banana is on the plate", "the plate is on the banana" ]
[ "the equality is on the delirium", "the antibiosis is on the widgeon" ]
[ "the banana is on the table", "the table is on the banana" ]
[ "the steatocystoma is on the boo-boo", "the Houyhnhnms is on the cedar" ]
[ "the plate is with the banana", "the banana is with the plate" ]
[ "the paragrapher is with the pundit", "the bluestem is with the insistency" ]
[ "the plate is on top of the table", "the table is on top of the plate" ]
[ "the malice is on top of the drama", "the pricket is on top of the epistrophe" ]
[ "the plate is on the table", "the table is on the plate" ]
[ "the appeasement is on the bootmaker", "the fellowship is on the Taurus" ]
[ "the plate is above the table", "the table is above the plate" ]
[ "the storage is above the designatum", "the tinning is above the duo" ]
[ "the plate is with the banana", "the banana is with the plate" ]
[ "the deliberation is with the version", "the Nubia is with the bunny" ]
[ "the skier is to the left of the woman", "the woman is to the left of the skier" ]
[ "the niceness is to the left of the regionalism", "the fraise is to the left of the moment" ]
[ "the skier is wearing the boot", "the boot is wearing the skier" ]
[ "the arguer is wearing the bubbler", "the duet is wearing the pintle" ]
[ "the woman is to the right of the skier", "the skier is to the right of the woman" ]
[ "the cos is to the right of the holonymy", "the Luyia is to the right of the camwood" ]
[ "the woman is to the right of the jacket", "the jacket is to the right of the woman" ]
[ "the Dryopithecus is to the right of the drama", "the socialism is to the right of the outrider" ]
[ "the woman is to the right of the boot", "the boot is to the right of the woman" ]
[ "the dilatoriness is to the right of the promotion", "the Tagore is to the right of the mantlet" ]
[ "the boot is to the left of the woman", "the woman is to the left of the boot" ]
[ "the exordium is to the left of the acidity", "the strictness is to the left of the system" ]
[ "the jacket is to the left of the woman", "the woman is to the left of the jacket" ]
[ "the hen-of-the-woods is to the left of the goodbye", "the province is to the left of the shoeful" ]
[ "the frosting is to the right of the table", "the table is to the right of the frosting" ]
[ "the garment-worker is to the right of the Karpov", "the Irena is to the right of the simperer" ]
[ "the table is to the left of the frosting", "the frosting is to the left of the table" ]
[ "the Amaterasu is to the left of the LOX", "the Yay is to the left of the Price" ]
[ "the sandwiches is with the chicken", "the chicken is with the sandwiches" ]
[ "the Akhenaten is with the Uzbek", "the mph is with the acidity" ]
[ "the sandwiches is on the plate", "the plate is on the sandwiches" ]
[ "the crusader is on the fascicle", "the pedant is on the scrubber" ]
[ "the sandwiches is on the plate", "the plate is on the sandwiches" ]
[ "the laryngotracheobronchitis is on the crackling", "the Dixie is on the baedeker" ]
[ "the plate is on the table", "the table is on the plate" ]
[ "the lambchop is on the tankard", "the Mnemosyne is on the chicory" ]
[ "the plate is of the sandwiches", "the sandwiches is of the plate" ]
[ "the phyllode is of the sprayer", "the academe is of the tinting" ]
[ "the sandwiches is on the plate", "the plate is on the sandwiches" ]
[ "the Photoblepharon is on the subsidence", "the melancholia is on the telephony" ]
[ "the clock is on the building", "the building is on the clock" ]
[ "the squirrelfish is on the loadstar", "the amitosis is on the bandwagon" ]
[ "the chair is to the left of the couch", "the couch is to the left of the chair" ]
[ "the hardness is to the left of the tortrix", "the carter is to the left of the colubrid" ]
[ "the couch is to the right of the chair", "the chair is to the right of the couch" ]
[ "the sergeant-at-law is to the right of the deprecation", "the arbitrement is to the right of the Sacagawea" ]
[ "the wall is to the left of the horse", "the horse is to the left of the wall" ]
[ "the tic-tac-toe is to the left of the autobiographer", "the steelman is to the left of the nimblewill" ]
[ "the tool is to the left of the horse", "the horse is to the left of the tool" ]
[ "the Arius is to the left of the facility", "the Plataea is to the left of the proaccelerin" ]
[ "the horse is to the right of the tool", "the tool is to the right of the horse" ]
[ "the rump is to the right of the riata", "the U.S.A. is to the right of the cottonmouth" ]
[ "the horse is to the right of the wall", "the wall is to the right of the horse" ]
[ "the Hoffman is to the right of the armorer", "the aspergillosis is to the right of the chitlins" ]
[ "the girl is wearing the dress", "the dress is wearing the girl" ]
[ "the teleology is wearing the weaver", "the calyptra is wearing the emphasizing" ]
[ "the racket is to the left of the player", "the player is to the left of the racket" ]
[ "the Salamandra is to the left of the helicon", "the Jat is to the left of the inhomogeneity" ]
[ "the player is to the right of the racket", "the racket is to the right of the player" ]
[ "the sinistrality is to the right of the putz", "the Todd is to the right of the breakout" ]
[ "the player is playing with the racket", "the racket is playing with the player" ]
[ "the drudgery is playing with the location", "the Carina is playing with the lexicography" ]
[ "the player is holding the racket", "the racket is holding the player" ]
[ "the parsnip is holding the bullpen", "the cystine is holding the Myctophidae" ]
[ "the man is behind the building", "the building is behind the man" ]
[ "the Archilochus is behind the helpfulness", "the photocell is behind the redolence" ]
[ "the building is in front of the man", "the man is in front of the building" ]
[ "the fondling is in front of the auricula", "the cornel is in front of the catastrophe" ]
[ "the man is with the cat", "the cat is with the man" ]
[ "the canalization is with the declension", "the wainscotting is with the synthesizer" ]
[ "the truck is parked next to the building", "the building is parked next to the truck" ]
[ "the Bartlett is parked next to the cupful", "the Liliidae is parked next to the flavivirus" ]
[ "the truck is in front of the tree", "the tree is in front of the truck" ]
[ "the sawyer is in front of the reality", "the moniker is in front of the appetizingness" ]
[ "the truck is parked in front of the building", "the building is parked in front of the truck" ]
[ "the tribalisation is parked in front of the counterfoil", "the cleats is parked in front of the stomachache" ]
[ "the truck is near the tree", "the tree is near the truck" ]
[ "the abetter is near the Groves", "the Seriola is near the philanthropist" ]
[ "the tree is behind the truck", "the truck is behind the tree" ]
[ "the immobilization is behind the Fuller", "the acre is behind the reconstruction" ]
[ "the tree is next to the truck", "the truck is next to the tree" ]
[ "the occupation is next to the chino", "the Emetrol is next to the flaxseed" ]
[ "the girl is to the left of the shirt", "the shirt is to the left of the girl" ]
[ "the boarfish is to the left of the tribology", "the parrotfish is to the left of the self-restraint" ]
[ "the shirt is to the right of the girl", "the girl is to the right of the shirt" ]
[ "the jurisdiction is to the right of the operand", "the pustule is to the right of the lullaby" ]
[ "the legs is of the cat", "the cat is of the legs" ]
[ "the Najas is of the woodcarving", "the whorl is of the millenniumism" ]
[ "the tail is of the cat", "the cat is of the tail" ]
[ "the scaling is of the cercaria", "the coherence is of the blockage" ]
[ "the table is behind the cat", "the cat is behind the table" ]
[ "the maceration is behind the Goldoni", "the Bride is behind the Spork" ]
[ "the cat is in front of the table", "the table is in front of the cat" ]
[ "the radiothorium is in front of the Limnos", "the Goodman is in front of the dehydration" ]
[ "the fire hydrant is to the right of the jeans", "the jeans is to the right of the fire hydrant" ]
[ "the system Petrarca is to the right of the enuresis", "the aminopyrine is to the right of the EMDA steamfitter" ]
[ "the fire hydrant is to the right of the wall", "the wall is to the right of the fire hydrant" ]
[ "the lath teleportation is to the right of the mechanism", "the valuableness is to the right of the motionlessness gregarine" ]
[ "the sky is to the right of the wall", "the wall is to the right of the sky" ]
[ "the angiitis is to the right of the truckling", "the classicism is to the right of the veracity" ]
[ "the sky is to the right of the building", "the building is to the right of the sky" ]
[ "the apposition is to the right of the mufti", "the Auden is to the right of the choker" ]
[ "the wall is to the left of the fire hydrant", "the fire hydrant is to the left of the wall" ]
[ "the ichor is to the left of the fanaticism blain", "the Abkhas Iridoprocne is to the left of the birdseed" ]
[ "the wall is to the left of the sky", "the sky is to the left of the wall" ]
[ "the coatrack is to the left of the Comatulidae", "the long-beard is to the left of the foxhole" ]
[ "the jeans is to the left of the fire hydrant", "the fire hydrant is to the left of the jeans" ]
[ "the opinion is to the left of the balsamroot lamplight", "the Pelham mythology is to the left of the motherwort" ]
[ "the building is to the left of the sky", "the sky is to the left of the building" ]
[ "the sedateness is to the left of the longicorn", "the Burmanniaceae is to the left of the colpitis" ]
[ "the pasture is to the right of the dog", "the dog is to the right of the pasture" ]
[ "the nobody is to the right of the stagehand", "the hacker is to the right of the sequencer" ]
[ "the pasture is to the right of the cow", "the cow is to the right of the pasture" ]
[ "the reformation is to the right of the pipefish", "the Mv is to the right of the swelling" ]
[ "the pasture is to the right of the cows", "the cows is to the right of the pasture" ]
[ "the nanovolt is to the right of the vividness", "the guyot is to the right of the megalocephaly" ]
[ "the pasture is to the right of the dog", "the dog is to the right of the pasture" ]
[ "the kaon is to the right of the Hemerobiidae", "the blossoming is to the right of the mercifulness" ]
[ "the cows is to the left of the pasture", "the pasture is to the left of the cows" ]
[ "the Rotarian is to the left of the tricolour", "the Abidjan is to the left of the irruption" ]
[ "the cows is to the left of the grass", "the grass is to the left of the cows" ]
[ "the precentor is to the left of the Houyhnhnm", "the ferrocyanide is to the left of the crookedness" ]
[ "the cow is to the left of the grass", "the grass is to the left of the cow" ]
[ "the Clarksburg is to the left of the Hemminge", "the panocha is to the left of the Amhara" ]
[ "the cow is to the left of the pasture", "the pasture is to the left of the cow" ]
[ "the squadron is to the left of the Seton", "the chow is to the left of the Pipracil" ]
[ "the dog is to the left of the pasture", "the pasture is to the left of the dog" ]
[ "the papaw is to the left of the periwinkle", "the pretender is to the left of the insightfulness" ]
[ "the grass is to the right of the cows", "the cows is to the right of the grass" ]
[ "the tendentiousness is to the right of the attitude", "the secretiveness is to the right of the washer" ]
[ "the grass is to the right of the cow", "the cow is to the right of the grass" ]
[ "the Joffrey is to the right of the Mahan", "the Shawwal is to the right of the ripcord" ]
[ "the dog is to the left of the pasture", "the pasture is to the left of the dog" ]
[ "the Hesperides is to the left of the dolomite", "the iceman is to the left of the masochist" ]
[ "the table is to the left of the sidewalk", "the sidewalk is to the left of the table" ]
[ "the thong is to the left of the shrublet", "the pasteboard is to the left of the paternoster" ]
[ "the sidewalk is to the right of the table", "the table is to the right of the sidewalk" ]
[ "the resistor is to the right of the cannelloni", "the generation is to the right of the applet" ]
[ "the banana peel is of the banana", "the banana is of the banana peel" ]
[ "the USPS Bunyaviridae is of the necromancy", "the property is of the molting Agdestis" ]
[ "the person is to the left of the head", "the head is to the left of the person" ]
[ "the gladness is to the left of the Solzhenitsyn", "the Greenland is to the left of the odour" ]
[ "the person is to the left of the man", "the man is to the left of the person" ]
[ "the antihero is to the left of the urobilin", "the Illimani is to the left of the values" ]
[ "the head is to the right of the person", "the person is to the right of the head" ]
[ "the five-hitter is to the right of the coinage", "the alleviator is to the right of the mid-fifties" ]
[ "the man is to the right of the person", "the person is to the right of the man" ]
[ "the slipperiness is to the right of the Punjabi", "the funds is to the right of the survival" ]
[ "the girl is to the right of the dog", "the dog is to the right of the girl" ]
[ "the detection is to the right of the hominoid", "the trogon is to the right of the gravy" ]
[ "the pants is to the right of the dog", "the dog is to the right of the pants" ]
[ "the chore is to the right of the Convallariaceae", "the ATF is to the right of the anthroposophy" ]
[ "the dog is to the left of the pants", "the pants is to the left of the dog" ]
[ "the subdivider is to the left of the unsimilarity", "the gameboard is to the left of the locative" ]
[ "the dog is to the left of the girl", "the girl is to the left of the dog" ]
[ "the demagogue is to the left of the spawner", "the heterodoxy is to the left of the Howells" ]
[ "the tree is behind the bus", "the bus is behind the tree" ]
[ "the protrusion is behind the washbowl", "the acetaminophen is behind the seepage" ]
[ "the bus is in front of the tree", "the tree is in front of the bus" ]
[ "the playlist is in front of the thaneship", "the Eniwetok is in front of the organist" ]
[ "the laptop is to the right of the shirt", "the shirt is to the right of the laptop" ]
[ "the larch is to the right of the yr", "the overabundance is to the right of the Cali" ]
[ "the books is to the right of the blinds", "the blinds is to the right of the books" ]
[ "the Phytolacca is to the right of the semicoma", "the eggplant is to the right of the growth" ]
[ "the books is to the right of the man", "the man is to the right of the books" ]
[ "the guncotton is to the right of the throstle", "the immodesty is to the right of the Macao" ]
[ "the bookshelf is to the right of the man", "the man is to the right of the bookshelf" ]
[ "the sweetmeat is to the right of the Percy", "the Danton is to the right of the blacksmith" ]
[ "the blinds is to the left of the books", "the books is to the left of the blinds" ]
[ "the represser is to the left of the exoneration", "the biosynthesis is to the left of the Akhenaten" ]
[ "the printer is to the right of the arm", "the arm is to the right of the printer" ]
[ "the Hizbollah is to the right of the sepal", "the roads is to the right of the Porphyrula" ]
[ "the printer is to the right of the man", "the man is to the right of the printer" ]
[ "the Hakham is to the right of the exposition", "the bomber is to the right of the emphysema" ]
[ "the printer is to the right of the shirt", "the shirt is to the right of the printer" ]
[ "the office is to the right of the buoyancy", "the typification is to the right of the displacement" ]
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio exists but content is empty.
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