A71.9 is the icd-10 code for "Trachoma unspecified"
A74.0 is the icd-10 code for "Chlamydial conjunctivitis"
A74.8 is the icd-10 code for "Other chlamydial diseases"
A74.81 is the icd-10 code for "Chlamydial peritonitis"
A74.89 is the icd-10 code for "Other chlamydial diseases"
A74.9 is the icd-10 code for "Chlamydial infection unspecified"
A75.0 is the icd-10 code for "Epidemic louse-borne typhus fever due to Rickettsia prowazekii"
A75.1 is the icd-10 code for "Recrudescent typhus [Brill's disease]"
A75.2 is the icd-10 code for "Typhus fever due to Rickettsia typhi"
A75.3 is the icd-10 code for "Typhus fever due to Rickettsia tsutsugamushi"
A75.9 is the icd-10 code for "Typhus fever unspecified"
A77.0 is the icd-10 code for "Spotted fever due to Rickettsia rickettsii"
A77.1 is the icd-10 code for "Spotted fever due to Rickettsia conorii"
A77.2 is the icd-10 code for "Spotted fever due to Rickettsia siberica"
A77.3 is the icd-10 code for "Spotted fever due to Rickettsia australis"
A77.4 is the icd-10 code for "Ehrlichiosis"
A77.40 is the icd-10 code for "Ehrlichiosis unspecified"
A77.41 is the icd-10 code for "Ehrlichiosis chafeensis [E. chafeensis]"
A77.49 is the icd-10 code for "Other ehrlichiosis"
A77.8 is the icd-10 code for "Other spotted fevers"
A77.9 is the icd-10 code for "Spotted fever unspecified"
A79.0 is the icd-10 code for "Trench fever"
A79.1 is the icd-10 code for "Rickettsialpox due to Rickettsia akari"
A79.8 is the icd-10 code for "Other specified rickettsioses"
A79.81 is the icd-10 code for "Rickettsiosis due to Ehrlichia sennetsu"
A79.89 is the icd-10 code for "Other specified rickettsioses"
A79.9 is the icd-10 code for "Rickettsiosis unspecified"
A80.0 is the icd-10 code for "Acute paralytic poliomyelitis vaccine-associated"
A80.1 is the icd-10 code for "Acute paralytic poliomyelitis wild virus imported"
A80.2 is the icd-10 code for "Acute paralytic poliomyelitis wild virus indigenous"
A80.3 is the icd-10 code for "Acute paralytic poliomyelitis other and unspecified"
A80.30 is the icd-10 code for "Acute paralytic poliomyelitis unspecified"
A80.39 is the icd-10 code for "Other acute paralytic poliomyelitis"
A80.4 is the icd-10 code for "Acute nonparalytic poliomyelitis"
A80.9 is the icd-10 code for "Acute poliomyelitis unspecified"
A81.0 is the icd-10 code for "Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease"
A81.00 is the icd-10 code for "Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease unspecified"
A81.01 is the icd-10 code for "Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease"
A81.09 is the icd-10 code for "Other Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease"
A81.1 is the icd-10 code for "Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis"
A81.2 is the icd-10 code for "Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy"
A81.8 is the icd-10 code for "Other atypical virus infections of central nervous system"
A81.81 is the icd-10 code for "Kuru"
A81.82 is the icd-10 code for "Gerstmann-Str盲ussler-Scheinker syndrome"
A81.83 is the icd-10 code for "Fatal familial insomnia"
A81.89 is the icd-10 code for "Other atypical virus infections of central nervous system"
A81.9 is the icd-10 code for "Atypical virus infection of central nervous system unspecified"
A82.0 is the icd-10 code for "Sylvatic rabies"
A82.1 is the icd-10 code for "Urban rabies"
A82.9 is the icd-10 code for "Rabies unspecified"
A83.0 is the icd-10 code for "Japanese encephalitis"
A83.1 is the icd-10 code for "Western equine encephalitis"
A83.2 is the icd-10 code for "Eastern equine encephalitis"
A83.3 is the icd-10 code for "St Louis encephalitis"
A83.4 is the icd-10 code for "Australian encephalitis"
A83.5 is the icd-10 code for "California encephalitis"
A83.6 is the icd-10 code for "Rocio virus disease"
A83.8 is the icd-10 code for "Other mosquito-borne viral encephalitis"
A83.9 is the icd-10 code for "Mosquito-borne viral encephalitis unspecified"
A84.0 is the icd-10 code for "Far Eastern tick-borne encephalitis [Russian spring-summer encephalitis]"
A84.1 is the icd-10 code for "Central European tick-borne encephalitis"
A84.8 is the icd-10 code for "Other tick-borne viral encephalitis"
A84.9 is the icd-10 code for "Tick-borne viral encephalitis unspecified"
A85.0 is the icd-10 code for "Enteroviral encephalitis"
A85.1 is the icd-10 code for "Adenoviral encephalitis"
A85.2 is the icd-10 code for "Arthropod-borne viral encephalitis unspecified"
A85.8 is the icd-10 code for "Other specified viral encephalitis"
A87.0 is the icd-10 code for "Enteroviral meningitis"
A87.1 is the icd-10 code for "Adenoviral meningitis"
A87.2 is the icd-10 code for "Lymphocytic choriomeningitis"
A87.8 is the icd-10 code for "Other viral meningitis"
A87.9 is the icd-10 code for "Viral meningitis unspecified"
A88.0 is the icd-10 code for "Enteroviral exanthematous fever [Boston exanthem]"
A88.1 is the icd-10 code for "Epidemic vertigo"
A88.8 is the icd-10 code for "Other specified viral infections of central nervous system"
A92.0 is the icd-10 code for "Chikungunya virus disease"
A92.1 is the icd-10 code for "O'nyong-nyong fever"
A92.2 is the icd-10 code for "Venezuelan equine fever"
A92.3 is the icd-10 code for "West Nile virus infection"
A92.30 is the icd-10 code for "West Nile virus infection unspecified"
A92.31 is the icd-10 code for "West Nile virus infection with encephalitis"
A92.32 is the icd-10 code for "West Nile virus infection with other neurologic manifestation"
A92.39 is the icd-10 code for "West Nile virus infection with other complications"
A92.4 is the icd-10 code for "Rift Valley fever"
A92.5 is the icd-10 code for "Zika virus disease"
A92.8 is the icd-10 code for "Other specified mosquito-borne viral fevers"
A92.9 is the icd-10 code for "Mosquito-borne viral fever unspecified"
A93.0 is the icd-10 code for "Oropouche virus disease"
A93.1 is the icd-10 code for "Sandfly fever"
A93.2 is the icd-10 code for "Colorado tick fever"
A93.8 is the icd-10 code for "Other specified arthropod-borne viral fevers"
A95.0 is the icd-10 code for "Sylvatic yellow fever"
A95.1 is the icd-10 code for "Urban yellow fever"
A95.9 is the icd-10 code for "Yellow fever unspecified"
A96.0 is the icd-10 code for "Junin hemorrhagic fever"
A96.1 is the icd-10 code for "Machupo hemorrhagic fever"
A96.2 is the icd-10 code for "Lassa fever"
A96.8 is the icd-10 code for "Other arenaviral hemorrhagic fevers"
A96.9 is the icd-10 code for "Arenaviral hemorrhagic fever unspecified"
A98.0 is the icd-10 code for "Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever"