A18.01 is the icd-10 code for "Tuberculosis of spine"
A18.02 is the icd-10 code for "Tuberculous arthritis of other joints"
A18.03 is the icd-10 code for "Tuberculosis of other bones"
A18.09 is the icd-10 code for "Other musculoskeletal tuberculosis"
A18.1 is the icd-10 code for "Tuberculosis of genitourinary system"
A18.10 is the icd-10 code for "Tuberculosis of genitourinary system unspecified"
A18.11 is the icd-10 code for "Tuberculosis of kidney and ureter"
A18.12 is the icd-10 code for "Tuberculosis of bladder"
A18.13 is the icd-10 code for "Tuberculosis of other urinary organs"
A18.14 is the icd-10 code for "Tuberculosis of prostate"
A18.15 is the icd-10 code for "Tuberculosis of other male genital organs"
A18.16 is the icd-10 code for "Tuberculosis of cervix"
A18.17 is the icd-10 code for "Tuberculous female pelvic inflammatory disease"
A18.18 is the icd-10 code for "Tuberculosis of other female genital organs"
A18.2 is the icd-10 code for "Tuberculous peripheral lymphadenopathy"
A18.3 is the icd-10 code for "Tuberculosis of intestines peritoneum and mesenteric glands"
A18.31 is the icd-10 code for "Tuberculous peritonitis"
A18.32 is the icd-10 code for "Tuberculous enteritis"
A18.39 is the icd-10 code for "Retroperitoneal tuberculosis"
A18.4 is the icd-10 code for "Tuberculosis of skin and subcutaneous tissue"
A18.5 is the icd-10 code for "Tuberculosis of eye"
A18.50 is the icd-10 code for "Tuberculosis of eye unspecified"
A18.51 is the icd-10 code for "Tuberculous episcleritis"
A18.52 is the icd-10 code for "Tuberculous keratitis"
A18.53 is the icd-10 code for "Tuberculous chorioretinitis"
A18.54 is the icd-10 code for "Tuberculous iridocyclitis"
A18.59 is the icd-10 code for "Other tuberculosis of eye"
A18.6 is the icd-10 code for "Tuberculosis of (inner) (middle) ear"
A18.7 is the icd-10 code for "Tuberculosis of adrenal glands"
A18.8 is the icd-10 code for "Tuberculosis of other specified organs"
A18.81 is the icd-10 code for "Tuberculosis of thyroid gland"
A18.82 is the icd-10 code for "Tuberculosis of other endocrine glands"
A18.83 is the icd-10 code for "Tuberculosis of digestive tract organs not elsewhere classified"
A18.84 is the icd-10 code for "Tuberculosis of heart"
A18.85 is the icd-10 code for "Tuberculosis of spleen"
A18.89 is the icd-10 code for "Tuberculosis of other sites"
A19.0 is the icd-10 code for "Acute miliary tuberculosis of a single specified site"
A19.1 is the icd-10 code for "Acute miliary tuberculosis of multiple sites"
A19.2 is the icd-10 code for "Acute miliary tuberculosis unspecified"
A19.8 is the icd-10 code for "Other miliary tuberculosis"
A19.9 is the icd-10 code for "Miliary tuberculosis unspecified"
A20.0 is the icd-10 code for "Bubonic plague"
A20.1 is the icd-10 code for "Cellulocutaneous plague"
A20.2 is the icd-10 code for "Pneumonic plague"
A20.3 is the icd-10 code for "Plague meningitis"
A20.7 is the icd-10 code for "Septicemic plague"
A20.8 is the icd-10 code for "Other forms of plague"
A20.9 is the icd-10 code for "Plague unspecified"
A21.0 is the icd-10 code for "Ulceroglandular tularemia"
A21.1 is the icd-10 code for "Oculoglandular tularemia"
A21.2 is the icd-10 code for "Pulmonary tularemia"
A21.3 is the icd-10 code for "Gastrointestinal tularemia"
A21.7 is the icd-10 code for "Generalized tularemia"
A21.8 is the icd-10 code for "Other forms of tularemia"
A21.9 is the icd-10 code for "Tularemia unspecified"
A22.0 is the icd-10 code for "Cutaneous anthrax"
A22.1 is the icd-10 code for "Pulmonary anthrax"
A22.2 is the icd-10 code for "Gastrointestinal anthrax"
A22.7 is the icd-10 code for "Anthrax sepsis"
A22.8 is the icd-10 code for "Other forms of anthrax"
A22.9 is the icd-10 code for "Anthrax unspecified"
A23.0 is the icd-10 code for "Brucellosis due to Brucella melitensis"
A23.1 is the icd-10 code for "Brucellosis due to Brucella abortus"
A23.2 is the icd-10 code for "Brucellosis due to Brucella suis"
A23.3 is the icd-10 code for "Brucellosis due to Brucella canis"
A23.8 is the icd-10 code for "Other brucellosis"
A23.9 is the icd-10 code for "Brucellosis unspecified"
A24.0 is the icd-10 code for "Glanders"
A24.1 is the icd-10 code for "Acute and fulminating melioidosis"
A24.2 is the icd-10 code for "Subacute and chronic melioidosis"
A24.3 is the icd-10 code for "Other melioidosis"
A24.9 is the icd-10 code for "Melioidosis unspecified"
A25.0 is the icd-10 code for "Spirillosis"
A25.1 is the icd-10 code for "Streptobacillosis"
A25.9 is the icd-10 code for "Rat-bite fever unspecified"
A26.0 is the icd-10 code for "Cutaneous erysipeloid"
A26.7 is the icd-10 code for "Erysipelothrix sepsis"
A26.8 is the icd-10 code for "Other forms of erysipeloid"
A26.9 is the icd-10 code for "Erysipeloid unspecified"
A27.0 is the icd-10 code for "Leptospirosis icterohemorrhagica"
A27.8 is the icd-10 code for "Other forms of leptospirosis"
A27.81 is the icd-10 code for "Aseptic meningitis in leptospirosis"
A27.89 is the icd-10 code for "Other forms of leptospirosis"
A27.9 is the icd-10 code for "Leptospirosis unspecified"
A28.0 is the icd-10 code for "Pasteurellosis"
A28.1 is the icd-10 code for "Cat-scratch disease"
A28.2 is the icd-10 code for "Extraintestinal yersiniosis"
A28.8 is the icd-10 code for "Other specified zoonotic bacterial diseases not elsewhere classified"
A28.9 is the icd-10 code for "Zoonotic bacterial disease unspecified"
A30.0 is the icd-10 code for "Indeterminate leprosy"
A30.1 is the icd-10 code for "Tuberculoid leprosy"
A30.2 is the icd-10 code for "Borderline tuberculoid leprosy"
A30.3 is the icd-10 code for "Borderline leprosy"
A30.4 is the icd-10 code for "Borderline lepromatous leprosy"
A30.5 is the icd-10 code for "Lepromatous leprosy"
A30.8 is the icd-10 code for "Other forms of leprosy"
A30.9 is the icd-10 code for "Leprosy unspecified"
A31.0 is the icd-10 code for "Pulmonary mycobacterial infection"
A31.1 is the icd-10 code for "Cutaneous mycobacterial infection"
A31.2 is the icd-10 code for "Disseminated mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex (DMAC)"