Dataset Viewer
Auto-converted to Parquet
[START-STATE] <body class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; background-color: white ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: large px ; box-sizing: border-box ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; height: large px ; inline-size: large px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; margin-block: small px ; margin-inline: small px ; margin: small px ; perspective-origin: medium-large px medium-large px ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: medium-large px medium-large px ; view-transition-name: none ; width: large px ; animation-composition: replace '><div class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: auto ; box-sizing: border-box ; display: contents ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; height: auto ; inline-size: auto ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; perspective-origin: medium-small % medium-small % ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: medium-small % medium-small % ; view-transition-name: none ; width: auto ; animation-composition: replace '> [SVG] <div class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " id=" home-wrapper " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; background-attachment: fixed ; background-color: white ; background-position: medium-small % small % ; background-repeat: no-repeat ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: large px ; box-sizing: border-box ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; height: large px ; inline-size: large px ; inset-block: small px ; inset-inline: small px ; inset: small px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; perspective-origin: medium-large px medium-large px ; position: relative ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: medium-large px medium-large px ; view-transition-name: none ; width: large px ; animation-composition: replace '><main class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: medium-large px ; box-sizing: border-box ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; height: medium-large px ; inline-size: large px ; inset-block: small px ; inset-inline: small px ; inset: small px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; min-block-size: medium-large px ; min-height: medium-large px ; padding-inline: small px ; padding-left: small px ; padding-right: small px ; perspective-origin: medium-large px medium px ; position: relative ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: medium-large px medium px ; view-transition-name: none ; width: large px ; animation-composition: replace '><div class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " id=" settings " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: small px ; box-sizing: border-box ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; height: small px ; inline-size: small px ; inset-block: small px medium-large px ; inset-inline: large px small px ; inset: small px small px medium-large px large px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; perspective-origin: small px small px ; position: absolute ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: small px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; width: small px ; animation-composition: replace '><div class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; animation-composition: replace ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: small px ; box-sizing: border-box ; display: flex ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; height: small px ; inline-size: small px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; perspective-origin: small px small px ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: small px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; width: small px ; align-items: center '><button class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " id=" settings-button " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; animation-composition: replace ; background-color: black ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: small px ; border-block: small px none black ; border-color: black ; border-end-end-radius: medium-small px ; border-end-start-radius: medium-small px ; border-inline: small px none black ; border-radius: medium-small px ; border-start-end-radius: medium-small px ; border-start-start-radius: medium-small px ; border-style: none ; border-width: small px ; cursor: pointer ; display: flex ; font-family: Poppins , Arial , sans-serif ; font-size: small px ; font-weight: medium-large ; height: small px ; inline-size: small px ; justify-content: center ; line-height: small px ; min-block-size: auto ; min-height: auto ; min-inline-size: auto ; min-width: auto ; overflow: hidden ; padding-block: small px ; padding-inline: small px ; padding: small px ; perspective-origin: small px small px ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: small px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; white-space: nowrap ; width: small px ; align-items: center '> [SVG] </button></div></div><div class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " id=" searchbar-home " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; animation-composition: replace ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: medium px ; box-sizing: border-box ; display: flex ; flex-direction: column ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; height: medium px ; inline-size: large px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; perspective-origin: medium-large px medium-small px ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: medium-large px medium-small px ; view-transition-name: none ; width: large px ; align-items: center '><div class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " id=" welcome-wrapper " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: medium px ; box-sizing: border-box ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; height: medium px ; inline-size: small px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; min-block-size: medium px ; min-height: medium px ; min-inline-size: auto ; min-width: auto ; perspective-origin: small px medium-small px ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: small px medium-small px ; view-transition-name: none ; width: small px ; animation-composition: replace '></div><a class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " id=" logo " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; -webkit-text-fill-color: blue ; -webkit-text-stroke-color: blue ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: medium-small px ; border-block-color: blue ; border-color: blue ; border-inline-color: blue ; box-sizing: border-box ; caret-color: blue ; color: blue ; column-rule-color: blue ; cursor: pointer ; display: block ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; height: medium-small px ; inline-size: medium px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; margin-block-end: small px ; margin-bottom: small px ; min-block-size: auto ; min-height: auto ; min-inline-size: auto ; min-width: auto ; outline-color: blue ; perspective-origin: medium-small px small px ; text-decoration: none solid blue ; text-emphasis-color: blue ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: medium-small px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; width: medium px ; animation-composition: replace '><img class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " src=" " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; -webkit-text-fill-color: blue ; -webkit-text-stroke-color: blue ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: medium-small px ; border-block-color: blue ; border-color: blue ; border-inline-color: blue ; box-sizing: border-box ; caret-color: blue ; color: blue ; column-rule-color: blue ; cursor: pointer ; display: none ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; height: medium-small px ; inline-size: auto ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; outline-color: blue ; perspective-origin: medium-small % medium-small % ; text-decoration: none solid blue ; text-emphasis-color: blue ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: medium-small % medium-small % ; view-transition-name: none ; width: auto ; animation-composition: replace '/>[START-TEXT] [END-TEXT]<img class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " src=" " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; -webkit-text-fill-color: blue ; -webkit-text-stroke-color: blue ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: medium-small px ; border-block-color: blue ; border-color: blue ; border-inline-color: blue ; box-sizing: border-box ; caret-color: blue ; color: blue ; column-rule-color: blue ; cursor: pointer ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; height: medium-small px ; inline-size: medium px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; outline-color: blue ; perspective-origin: medium-small px small px ; text-decoration: none solid blue ; text-emphasis-color: blue ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: medium-small px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; width: medium px ; animation-composition: replace '/></a><div class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: medium-small px ; box-sizing: border-box ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; height: medium-small px ; inline-size: medium-large px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; max-inline-size: medium-large px ; max-width: medium-large px ; min-block-size: auto ; min-height: auto ; min-inline-size: auto ; min-width: auto ; padding-inline-start: small px ; padding-left: small px ; perspective-origin: medium px small px ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: medium px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; width: medium-large px ; animation-composition: replace '><form action=" /search " class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " id=" searchform " method=" GET " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; animation-composition: replace ; background-color: white ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: medium-small px ; border-end-end-radius: small px ; border-end-start-radius: small px ; border-radius: small px ; border-start-end-radius: small px ; border-start-start-radius: small px ; box-sizing: border-box ; display: flex ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; height: medium-small px ; inline-size: medium-large px ; inset-block: small px ; inset-inline: small px ; inset: small px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; margin-block-end: small px ; margin-bottom: small px ; max-inline-size: medium-large px ; max-width: medium-large px ; perspective-origin: medium px small px ; position: relative ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: medium px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; width: medium-large px ; z-index: small ; align-items: center '><button class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " id=" submit-button-hidden " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; background-color: black ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: small px ; border-block: small px none black ; border-color: black ; border-inline: small px none black ; border-style: none ; border-width: small px ; cursor: pointer ; display: block ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; height: small px ; inline-size: small px ; inset-block: small px ; inset-inline: negative large px large px ; inset: small px large px small px negative large px ; overflow: hidden ; padding-block: small px ; padding-inline: small px ; padding: small px ; perspective-origin: small px small px ; position: absolute ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: small px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; width: small px ; animation-composition: replace '></button><div class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: medium-small px ; box-sizing: border-box ; display: flex ; flex-grow: small ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; height: medium-small px ; inline-size: medium-large px ; inset-block: small px ; inset-inline: small px ; inset: small px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; min-block-size: auto ; min-height: auto ; min-inline-size: auto ; min-width: auto ; order: small ; perspective-origin: medium px small px ; position: relative ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: medium px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; width: medium-large px ; animation-composition: replace '><input autocapitalize=" off " autocomplete=" off " autocorrect=" off " autofocus=" " class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " id=" searchbox " maxlength=" 2048 " name=" q " placeholder=" Search the web privately… " spellcheck=" false " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; -webkit-text-fill-color: black ; -webkit-text-stroke-color: black ; appearance: none ; background-color: black ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: medium-small px ; border-block: small px none black ; border-bottom-left-radius: small px ; border-color: black ; border-end-start-radius: small px ; border-inline: small px none black ; border-start-start-radius: small px ; border-style: none ; border-top-left-radius: small px ; border-width: small px ; box-sizing: border-box ; caret-color: black ; color: black ; column-rule-color: black ; display: block ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; font-size: small px ; height: medium-small px ; inline-size: medium-large px ; inset-block: small px ; inset-inline: small px ; inset: small px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; max-inline-size: medium-small % ; max-width: medium-small % ; min-block-size: auto ; min-height: auto ; min-inline-size: auto ; min-width: auto ; outline-color: black ; padding-block: small px ; padding-inline: small px small px ; padding: small px small px small px small px ; perspective-origin: medium px small px ; position: relative ; text-decoration: none solid black ; text-emphasis-color: black ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: medium px small px ; transition: background small s ease small s , border small s ease small s , box-shadow small s ease small s , color small s ease small s ; view-transition-name: none ; width: medium-large px ; animation-composition: replace '/><div class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " id=" clear-query-wrapper " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; animation-composition: replace ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: medium-small % ; box-sizing: border-box ; display: none ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; height: medium-small % ; inline-size: auto ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; order: small ; perspective-origin: medium-small % medium-small % ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: medium-small % medium-small % ; view-transition-name: none ; width: auto ; z-index: small ; align-items: center '><button class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " id=" clear-query-button " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; -webkit-text-fill-color: gray ; -webkit-text-stroke-color: gray ; animation-composition: replace ; background-color: black ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: min-content ; border-block: small px none gray ; border-color: gray ; border-end-end-radius: medium-small px ; border-end-start-radius: medium-small px ; border-inline: small px none gray ; border-radius: medium-small px ; border-start-end-radius: medium-small px ; border-start-start-radius: medium-small px ; border-style: none ; border-width: small px ; caret-color: gray ; color: gray ; column-rule-color: gray ; cursor: pointer ; display: flex ; font-family: Poppins , Arial , sans-serif ; font-size: small px ; font-weight: medium-large ; height: min-content ; inline-size: auto ; justify-content: space-between ; line-height: small px ; margin-inline-end: small px ; margin-right: small px ; outline-color: gray ; padding-block: small px ; padding-inline: small px ; padding: small px ; perspective-origin: medium-small % medium-small % ; position: relative ; text-decoration: none solid gray ; text-emphasis-color: gray ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: medium-small % medium-small % ; view-transition-name: none ; white-space: nowrap ; width: auto ; align-items: center '> [SVG] </button></div></div><input class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " name=" source " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; appearance: none ; background-color: black ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: auto ; border-block: small px none black ; border-color: black ; border-inline: small px none black ; border-style: none ; border-width: small px ; box-sizing: border-box ; cursor: default ; display: none ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; font-size: small px ; height: auto ; inline-size: auto ; line-height: small px ; padding-block: small px ; padding-inline: small px ; padding: small px ; perspective-origin: medium-small % medium-small % ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: medium-small % medium-small % ; view-transition-name: none ; width: auto ; animation-composition: replace ' type=" hidden " value=" web "/><input class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " id=" goggleQueryParam " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; appearance: none ; background-color: black ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: auto ; border-block: small px none black ; border-color: black ; border-inline: small px none black ; border-style: none ; border-width: small px ; box-sizing: border-box ; cursor: default ; display: none ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; font-size: small px ; height: auto ; inline-size: auto ; line-height: small px ; padding-block: small px ; padding-inline: small px ; padding: small px ; perspective-origin: medium-small % medium-small % ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: medium-small % medium-small % ; view-transition-name: none ; width: auto ; animation-composition: replace ' type=" hidden "/><button class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " id=" submit-button " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; -webkit-text-fill-color: gray ; -webkit-text-stroke-color: gray ; animation-composition: replace ; background-color: white ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: medium-small px ; border-block: small px none black ; border-bottom-right-radius: small px ; border-color: black ; border-end-end-radius: small px ; border-inline: small px none black ; border-start-end-radius: small px ; border-style: none ; border-top-right-radius: small px ; border-width: small px ; caret-color: gray ; color: gray ; column-rule-color: gray ; cursor: pointer ; display: flex ; flex-shrink: small ; font-family: Poppins , Arial , sans-serif ; font-size: small px ; font-weight: medium-large ; height: medium-small px ; inline-size: medium-small px ; justify-content: center ; line-height: small px ; min-block-size: auto ; min-height: auto ; min-inline-size: auto ; min-width: auto ; order: small ; outline-color: gray ; overflow: hidden ; padding-block: small px ; padding-inline: small px ; padding: small px ; perspective-origin: small px small px ; text-decoration: none solid gray ; text-emphasis-color: gray ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: small px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; white-space: nowrap ; width: medium-small px ; z-index: small ; align-items: center '> [SVG] </button><div class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " id=" autocomplete " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; -webkit-text-fill-color: black ; -webkit-text-stroke-color: black ; baseline-source: auto ; border-block-color: black ; border-color: black ; border-inline-color: black ; box-sizing: border-box ; caret-color: black ; color: black ; column-rule-color: black ; display: flex ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; inline-size: medium-large px ; inset-block: medium-small px small px ; inset-inline: small px negative small px ; inset: medium-small px negative small px small px small px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; outline-color: black ; perspective-origin: medium px small px ; position: absolute ; text-decoration: none solid black ; text-emphasis-color: black ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: medium px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; width: medium-large px ; animation-composition: replace '></div></form></div></div></main><footer class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; -webkit-text-fill-color: black ; -webkit-text-stroke-color: black ; animation-composition: replace ; background-color: white ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: medium-small px ; border-block-color: white black ; border-block-start-style: solid ; border-block-start-width: small px ; border-color: white black black ; border-inline-color: black ; border-top-style: solid ; border-top-width: small px ; box-sizing: border-box ; caret-color: black ; color: black ; column-gap: small px ; column-rule-color: black ; display: flex ; font-family: Poppins , Helvetica , sans-serif ; height: medium-small px ; inline-size: large px ; inset-block: small px ; inset-inline: small px ; inset: small px ; justify-content: center ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; outline-color: black ; perspective-origin: medium-large px small px ; position: relative ; text-decoration: none solid black ; text-emphasis-color: black ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: medium-large px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; width: large px ; z-index: small ; align-items: center '><strong class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; -webkit-text-fill-color: black ; -webkit-text-stroke-color: black ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: small px ; border-block-color: black ; border-color: black ; border-inline-color: black ; box-sizing: border-box ; caret-color: black ; color: black ; column-rule-color: black ; display: block ; font-family: Poppins , Helvetica , sans-serif ; font-size: small px ; height: small px ; inline-size: medium-small px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; min-block-size: auto ; min-height: auto ; min-inline-size: auto ; min-width: auto ; outline-color: black ; perspective-origin: medium-small px small px ; text-decoration: none solid black ; text-emphasis-color: black ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: medium-small px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; width: medium-small px ; animation-composition: replace '>[START-TEXT] © Brave Software [END-TEXT]</strong><p class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; -webkit-text-fill-color: black ; -webkit-text-stroke-color: black ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: small px ; border-block-color: gray ; border-color: gray ; border-inline-color: gray ; box-sizing: border-box ; caret-color: black ; color: gray ; column-rule-color: gray ; display: flex ; flex-wrap: wrap ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; font-size: small px ; height: small px ; inline-size: medium px ; justify-content: center ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; margin-block: small px ; margin-bottom: small px ; margin-top: small px ; min-block-size: auto ; min-height: auto ; min-inline-size: auto ; min-width: auto ; outline-color: gray ; perspective-origin: medium-small px small px ; text-decoration: none solid gray ; text-emphasis-color: black ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: medium-small px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; white-space: nowrap ; width: medium px ; animation-composition: replace '><a class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " rel=" noopener " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; -webkit-text-fill-color: black ; -webkit-text-stroke-color: black ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: small px ; border-block-color: gray ; border-color: gray ; border-inline-color: gray ; box-sizing: border-box ; caret-color: black ; color: gray ; column-rule-color: gray ; cursor: pointer ; display: block ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; font-size: small px ; height: small px ; inline-size: medium-small px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; min-block-size: auto ; min-height: auto ; min-inline-size: auto ; min-width: auto ; outline-color: gray ; perspective-origin: small px small px ; text-decoration: none solid gray ; text-emphasis-color: black ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: small px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; white-space: nowrap ; width: medium-small px ; animation-composition: replace ' target=" _blank ">[START-TEXT] Summarizer [END-TEXT]</a>[START-TEXT] <span class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; -webkit-text-fill-color: black ; -webkit-text-stroke-color: black ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: small px ; border-block-color: gray ; border-color: gray ; border-inline-color: gray ; box-sizing: border-box ; caret-color: black ; color: gray ; column-rule-color: gray ; display: block ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; font-size: small px ; height: small px ; inline-size: small px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; min-block-size: auto ; min-height: auto ; min-inline-size: auto ; min-width: auto ; outline-color: gray ; padding-inline: small px ; padding-left: small px ; padding-right: small px ; perspective-origin: small px small px ; text-decoration: none solid gray ; text-emphasis-color: black ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: small px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; white-space: nowrap ; width: small px ; animation-composition: replace '>[START-TEXT] | [END-TEXT]</span> [END-TEXT]<a class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " rel=" noopener " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; -webkit-text-fill-color: black ; -webkit-text-stroke-color: black ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: small px ; border-block-color: gray ; border-color: gray ; border-inline-color: gray ; box-sizing: border-box ; caret-color: black ; color: gray ; column-rule-color: gray ; cursor: pointer ; display: block ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; font-size: small px ; height: small px ; inline-size: medium-small px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; min-block-size: auto ; min-height: auto ; min-inline-size: auto ; min-width: auto ; outline-color: gray ; perspective-origin: small px small px ; text-decoration: none solid gray ; text-emphasis-color: black ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: small px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; white-space: nowrap ; width: medium-small px ; animation-composition: replace ' target=" _blank ">[START-TEXT] Helpful answers [END-TEXT]</a> <span class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; -webkit-text-fill-color: black ; -webkit-text-stroke-color: black ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: small px ; border-block-color: gray ; border-color: gray ; border-inline-color: gray ; box-sizing: border-box ; caret-color: black ; color: gray ; column-rule-color: gray ; display: block ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; font-size: small px ; height: small px ; inline-size: small px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; min-block-size: auto ; min-height: auto ; min-inline-size: auto ; min-width: auto ; outline-color: gray ; padding-inline: small px ; padding-left: small px ; padding-right: small px ; perspective-origin: small px small px ; text-decoration: none solid gray ; text-emphasis-color: black ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: small px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; white-space: nowrap ; width: small px ; animation-composition: replace '>[START-TEXT] | [END-TEXT]</span> <a class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " rel=" noopener noreferrer " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; -webkit-text-fill-color: black ; -webkit-text-stroke-color: black ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: small px ; border-block-color: gray ; border-color: gray ; border-inline-color: gray ; box-sizing: border-box ; caret-color: black ; color: gray ; column-rule-color: gray ; cursor: pointer ; display: block ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; font-size: small px ; height: small px ; inline-size: medium-small px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; min-block-size: auto ; min-height: auto ; min-inline-size: auto ; min-width: auto ; outline-color: gray ; perspective-origin: medium-small px small px ; text-decoration: none solid gray ; text-emphasis-color: black ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: medium-small px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; white-space: nowrap ; width: medium-small px ; animation-composition: replace ' target=" _blank ">[START-TEXT] Report a security issue [END-TEXT]</a></p></footer></div><div class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " id=" usage-metrics-notice " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; -webkit-text-fill-color: gray ; -webkit-text-stroke-color: gray ; animation-composition: replace ; background-color: white ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: small px ; border-block-color: gray ; border-color: gray ; border-end-end-radius: small px ; border-end-start-radius: small px ; border-inline-color: gray ; border-radius: small px ; border-start-end-radius: small px ; border-start-start-radius: small px ; box-shadow: black small px small px small px small px ; box-sizing: border-box ; caret-color: gray ; color: gray ; column-rule-color: gray ; display: flex ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; font-size: small px ; height: small px ; inline-size: medium-large px ; inset-block: medium-large px small px ; inset-inline: small px ; inset: medium-large px small px small px ; justify-content: center ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; margin-inline: medium-small px ; margin-left: medium-small px ; margin-right: medium-small px ; max-inline-size: min(0% + medium-large % + small px) ; max-width: min(0% + medium-large % + small px) ; outline-color: gray ; perspective-origin: medium px small px ; position: fixed ; text-decoration: none solid gray ; text-emphasis-color: gray ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: medium px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; width: medium-large px ; z-index: small ; align-items: center '><div class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; -webkit-text-fill-color: gray ; -webkit-text-stroke-color: gray ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: small px ; border-block-color: gray ; border-color: gray ; border-inline-color: gray ; box-sizing: border-box ; caret-color: gray ; color: gray ; column-rule-color: gray ; flex-basis: small % ; flex-grow: small ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; font-size: small px ; height: small px ; inline-size: medium-large px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; min-block-size: auto ; min-height: auto ; min-inline-size: auto ; min-width: auto ; outline-color: gray ; padding-block: small px ; padding-inline: small px ; padding: small px small px ; perspective-origin: medium px small px ; text-decoration: none solid gray ; text-emphasis-color: gray ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: medium px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; width: medium-large px ; animation-composition: replace '>[START-TEXT] Brave Search uses private usage metrics to estimate overall activity and performance. You can turn off this option in <a class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " rel=" noopener " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; -webkit-text-fill-color: gray ; -webkit-text-stroke-color: gray ; baseline-source: auto ; border-block-color: blue ; border-color: blue ; border-inline-color: blue ; box-sizing: border-box ; caret-color: gray ; color: blue ; column-rule-color: blue ; cursor: pointer ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; font-size: small px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; outline-color: blue ; text-decoration: none solid blue ; text-emphasis-color: gray ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; view-transition-name: none ; animation-composition: replace '>[START-TEXT] Settings [END-TEXT]</a>Brave Search uses private usage metrics to estimate overall activity and performance. You can turn off this option in [END-TEXT]<a class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; -webkit-text-fill-color: gray ; -webkit-text-stroke-color: gray ; baseline-source: auto ; border-block-color: blue ; border-color: blue ; border-inline-color: blue ; box-sizing: border-box ; caret-color: gray ; color: blue ; column-rule-color: blue ; cursor: pointer ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; font-size: small px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; outline-color: blue ; text-decoration: none solid blue ; text-emphasis-color: gray ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; view-transition-name: none ; animation-composition: replace ' target=" _blank ">[START-TEXT] Learn more [END-TEXT]</a>.</div><button class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; -webkit-text-fill-color: gray ; -webkit-text-stroke-color: gray ; align-self: stretch ; animation-composition: replace ; background-color: black ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: small px ; border-block: small px none gray ; border-color: gray ; border-inline: small px none gray ; border-style: none ; border-width: small px ; caret-color: gray ; color: gray ; column-rule-color: gray ; cursor: pointer ; display: flex ; flex-basis: small % ; flex-grow: small ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; height: small px ; inline-size: small px ; max-inline-size: small px ; max-width: small px ; min-block-size: auto ; min-height: auto ; min-inline-size: auto ; min-width: auto ; outline-color: gray ; overflow: hidden ; padding-block: small px ; padding-inline: small px ; padding: small px ; perspective-origin: small px small px ; text-decoration: none solid gray ; text-emphasis-color: gray ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: small px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; width: small px ; align-items: center '><div class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; -webkit-text-fill-color: gray ; -webkit-text-stroke-color: gray ; animation-composition: replace ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: small px ; border-block-color: gray ; border-color: gray ; border-inline-color: gray ; box-sizing: border-box ; caret-color: gray ; color: gray ; column-rule-color: gray ; cursor: pointer ; display: flex ; flex-basis: small % ; flex-grow: small ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; font-size: small px ; height: small px ; inline-size: small px ; justify-content: center ; min-block-size: auto ; min-height: auto ; min-inline-size: auto ; min-width: auto ; outline-color: gray ; padding-block: small px ; padding-inline: small px ; padding: small px ; perspective-origin: small px small px ; text-align: center ; text-decoration: none solid gray ; text-emphasis-color: gray ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: small px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; width: small px ; align-items: center '> [SVG] </div></button></div><div class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " id=" svelte-announcer " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: small px ; box-sizing: border-box ; clip-path: inset(50%) ; clip: rect(0px , 0px , 0px , 0px) ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; height: small px ; inline-size: small px ; inset-block: small px large px ; inset-inline: small px large px ; inset: small px large px large px small px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; overflow: hidden ; perspective-origin: small px small px ; position: absolute ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: small px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; white-space: nowrap ; width: small px ; animation-composition: replace '></div></div></body> [END-STATE] [INTERACTION-KEYSTROKE] [general] supercoderuser123987 [START-STATE] <body class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; background-color: white ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: large px ; box-sizing: border-box ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; height: large px ; inline-size: large px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; margin-block: small px ; margin-inline: small px ; margin: small px ; perspective-origin: medium-large px medium-large px ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: medium-large px medium-large px ; view-transition-name: none ; width: large px ; animation-composition: replace '><div class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: auto ; box-sizing: border-box ; display: contents ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; height: auto ; inline-size: auto ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; perspective-origin: medium-small % medium-small % ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: medium-small % medium-small % ; view-transition-name: none ; width: auto ; animation-composition: replace '> [SVG] <div class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " id=" home-wrapper " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; background-attachment: fixed ; background-color: white ; background-position: medium-small % small % ; background-repeat: no-repeat ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: large px ; box-sizing: border-box ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; height: large px ; inline-size: large px ; inset-block: small px ; inset-inline: small px ; inset: small px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; perspective-origin: medium-large px medium-large px ; position: relative ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: medium-large px medium-large px ; view-transition-name: none ; width: large px ; animation-composition: replace '><main class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: medium-large px ; box-sizing: border-box ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; height: medium-large px ; inline-size: large px ; inset-block: small px ; inset-inline: small px ; inset: small px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; min-block-size: medium-large px ; min-height: medium-large px ; padding-inline: small px ; padding-left: small px ; padding-right: small px ; perspective-origin: medium-large px medium px ; position: relative ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: medium-large px medium px ; view-transition-name: none ; width: large px ; animation-composition: replace '><div class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " id=" settings " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: small px ; box-sizing: border-box ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; height: small px ; inline-size: small px ; inset-block: small px medium-large px ; inset-inline: large px small px ; inset: small px small px medium-large px large px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; perspective-origin: small px small px ; position: absolute ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: small px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; width: small px ; animation-composition: replace '><div class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; animation-composition: replace ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: small px ; box-sizing: border-box ; display: flex ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; height: small px ; inline-size: small px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; perspective-origin: small px small px ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: small px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; width: small px ; align-items: center '><button class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " id=" settings-button " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; animation-composition: replace ; background-color: black ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: small px ; border-block: small px none black ; border-color: black ; border-end-end-radius: medium-small px ; border-end-start-radius: medium-small px ; border-inline: small px none black ; border-radius: medium-small px ; border-start-end-radius: medium-small px ; border-start-start-radius: medium-small px ; border-style: none ; border-width: small px ; cursor: pointer ; display: flex ; font-family: Poppins , Arial , sans-serif ; font-size: small px ; font-weight: medium-large ; height: small px ; inline-size: small px ; justify-content: center ; line-height: small px ; min-block-size: auto ; min-height: auto ; min-inline-size: auto ; min-width: auto ; overflow: hidden ; padding-block: small px ; padding-inline: small px ; padding: small px ; perspective-origin: small px small px ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: small px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; white-space: nowrap ; width: small px ; align-items: center '> [SVG] </button></div></div><div class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " id=" searchbar-home " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; animation-composition: replace ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: medium px ; box-sizing: border-box ; display: flex ; flex-direction: column ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; height: medium px ; inline-size: large px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; perspective-origin: medium-large px medium-small px ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: medium-large px medium-small px ; view-transition-name: none ; width: large px ; align-items: center '><div class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " id=" welcome-wrapper " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: medium px ; box-sizing: border-box ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; height: medium px ; inline-size: small px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; min-block-size: medium px ; min-height: medium px ; min-inline-size: auto ; min-width: auto ; perspective-origin: small px medium-small px ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: small px medium-small px ; view-transition-name: none ; width: small px ; animation-composition: replace '></div><a class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " id=" logo " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; -webkit-text-fill-color: blue ; -webkit-text-stroke-color: blue ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: medium-small px ; border-block-color: blue ; border-color: blue ; border-inline-color: blue ; box-sizing: border-box ; caret-color: blue ; color: blue ; column-rule-color: blue ; cursor: pointer ; display: block ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; height: medium-small px ; inline-size: medium px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; margin-block-end: small px ; margin-bottom: small px ; min-block-size: auto ; min-height: auto ; min-inline-size: auto ; min-width: auto ; outline-color: blue ; perspective-origin: medium-small px small px ; text-decoration: none solid blue ; text-emphasis-color: blue ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: medium-small px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; width: medium px ; animation-composition: replace '><img class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " src=" " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; -webkit-text-fill-color: blue ; -webkit-text-stroke-color: blue ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: medium-small px ; border-block-color: blue ; border-color: blue ; border-inline-color: blue ; box-sizing: border-box ; caret-color: blue ; color: blue ; column-rule-color: blue ; cursor: pointer ; display: none ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; height: medium-small px ; inline-size: auto ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; outline-color: blue ; perspective-origin: medium-small % medium-small % ; text-decoration: none solid blue ; text-emphasis-color: blue ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: medium-small % medium-small % ; view-transition-name: none ; width: auto ; animation-composition: replace '/>[START-TEXT] [END-TEXT]<img class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " src=" " style=' ; 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height: medium-small px ; inline-size: medium-large px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; max-inline-size: medium-large px ; max-width: medium-large px ; min-block-size: auto ; min-height: auto ; min-inline-size: auto ; min-width: auto ; padding-inline-start: small px ; padding-left: small px ; perspective-origin: medium px small px ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: medium px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; width: medium-large px ; animation-composition: replace '><form action=" /search " class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " id=" searchform " method=" GET " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; animation-composition: replace ; background-color: white ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: medium-small px ; border-end-end-radius: small px ; border-end-start-radius: small px ; border-radius: small px ; border-start-end-radius: small px ; border-start-start-radius: small px ; box-sizing: border-box ; display: flex ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; height: medium-small px ; inline-size: medium-large px ; inset-block: small px ; inset-inline: small px ; inset: small px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; margin-block-end: small px ; margin-bottom: small px ; max-inline-size: medium-large px ; max-width: medium-large px ; perspective-origin: medium px small px ; position: relative ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: medium px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; width: medium-large px ; z-index: small ; align-items: center '><button class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " id=" submit-button-hidden " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; background-color: black ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: small px ; border-block: small px none black ; border-color: black ; border-inline: small px none black ; border-style: none ; border-width: small px ; cursor: pointer ; display: block ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; height: small px ; inline-size: small px ; inset-block: small px ; inset-inline: negative large px large px ; inset: small px large px small px negative large px ; overflow: hidden ; padding-block: small px ; padding-inline: small px ; padding: small px ; perspective-origin: small px small px ; position: absolute ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: small px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; width: small px ; animation-composition: replace '></button><div class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: medium-small px ; box-sizing: border-box ; display: flex ; flex-grow: small ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; height: medium-small px ; inline-size: medium-large px ; inset-block: small px ; inset-inline: small px ; inset: small px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; min-block-size: auto ; min-height: auto ; min-inline-size: auto ; min-width: auto ; order: small ; perspective-origin: medium px small px ; position: relative ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: medium px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; width: medium-large px ; animation-composition: replace '><input autocapitalize=" off " autocomplete=" off " autocorrect=" off " autofocus=" " class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " id=" searchbox " maxlength=" 2048 " name=" q " placeholder=" Search the web privately… " spellcheck=" false " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; -webkit-text-fill-color: black ; -webkit-text-stroke-color: black ; appearance: none ; background-color: black ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: medium-small px ; border-block: small px none black ; border-bottom-left-radius: small px ; border-color: black ; border-end-start-radius: small px ; border-inline: small px none black ; border-start-start-radius: small px ; border-style: none ; border-top-left-radius: small px ; border-width: small px ; box-sizing: border-box ; caret-color: black ; color: black ; column-rule-color: black ; display: block ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; font-size: small px ; height: medium-small px ; inline-size: medium-large px ; inset-block: small px ; inset-inline: small px ; inset: small px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; max-inline-size: medium-small % ; max-width: medium-small % ; min-block-size: auto ; min-height: auto ; min-inline-size: auto ; min-width: auto ; outline-color: black ; padding-block: small px ; padding-inline: small px small px ; padding: small px small px small px small px ; perspective-origin: medium px small px ; position: relative ; text-decoration: none solid black ; text-emphasis-color: black ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: medium px small px ; transition: background small s ease small s , border small s ease small s , box-shadow small s ease small s , color small s ease small s ; view-transition-name: none ; width: medium-large px ; animation-composition: replace '/><div class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " id=" clear-query-wrapper " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; animation-composition: replace ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: medium-small % ; box-sizing: border-box ; display: none ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; height: medium-small % ; inline-size: auto ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; order: small ; perspective-origin: medium-small % medium-small % ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: medium-small % medium-small % ; view-transition-name: none ; width: auto ; z-index: small ; align-items: center '><button class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " id=" clear-query-button " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; -webkit-text-fill-color: gray ; -webkit-text-stroke-color: gray ; animation-composition: replace ; background-color: black ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: min-content ; border-block: small px none gray ; border-color: gray ; border-end-end-radius: medium-small px ; border-end-start-radius: medium-small px ; border-inline: small px none gray ; border-radius: medium-small px ; border-start-end-radius: medium-small px ; border-start-start-radius: medium-small px ; border-style: none ; border-width: small px ; caret-color: gray ; color: gray ; column-rule-color: gray ; cursor: pointer ; display: flex ; font-family: Poppins , Arial , sans-serif ; font-size: small px ; font-weight: medium-large ; height: min-content ; inline-size: auto ; justify-content: space-between ; line-height: small px ; margin-inline-end: small px ; margin-right: small px ; outline-color: gray ; padding-block: small px ; padding-inline: small px ; padding: small px ; perspective-origin: medium-small % medium-small % ; position: relative ; text-decoration: none solid gray ; text-emphasis-color: gray ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: medium-small % medium-small % ; view-transition-name: none ; white-space: nowrap ; width: auto ; align-items: center '> [SVG] </button></div></div><input class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " name=" source " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; appearance: none ; background-color: black ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: auto ; border-block: small px none black ; border-color: black ; border-inline: small px none black ; border-style: none ; border-width: small px ; box-sizing: border-box ; cursor: default ; display: none ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; font-size: small px ; height: auto ; inline-size: auto ; line-height: small px ; padding-block: small px ; padding-inline: small px ; padding: small px ; perspective-origin: medium-small % medium-small % ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: medium-small % medium-small % ; view-transition-name: none ; width: auto ; animation-composition: replace ' type=" hidden " value=" web "/><input class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " id=" goggleQueryParam " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; appearance: none ; background-color: black ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: auto ; border-block: small px none black ; border-color: black ; border-inline: small px none black ; border-style: none ; border-width: small px ; box-sizing: border-box ; cursor: default ; display: none ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; font-size: small px ; height: auto ; inline-size: auto ; line-height: small px ; padding-block: small px ; padding-inline: small px ; padding: small px ; perspective-origin: medium-small % medium-small % ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: medium-small % medium-small % ; view-transition-name: none ; width: auto ; animation-composition: replace ' type=" hidden "/><button class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " id=" submit-button " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; -webkit-text-fill-color: gray ; -webkit-text-stroke-color: gray ; animation-composition: replace ; background-color: white ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: medium-small px ; border-block: small px none black ; border-bottom-right-radius: small px ; border-color: black ; border-end-end-radius: small px ; border-inline: small px none black ; border-start-end-radius: small px ; border-style: none ; border-top-right-radius: small px ; border-width: small px ; caret-color: gray ; color: gray ; column-rule-color: gray ; cursor: pointer ; display: flex ; flex-shrink: small ; font-family: Poppins , Arial , sans-serif ; font-size: small px ; font-weight: medium-large ; height: medium-small px ; inline-size: medium-small px ; justify-content: center ; line-height: small px ; min-block-size: auto ; min-height: auto ; min-inline-size: auto ; min-width: auto ; order: small ; outline-color: gray ; overflow: hidden ; padding-block: small px ; padding-inline: small px ; padding: small px ; perspective-origin: small px small px ; text-decoration: none solid gray ; text-emphasis-color: gray ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: small px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; white-space: nowrap ; width: medium-small px ; z-index: small ; align-items: center '> [SVG] </button><div class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " id=" autocomplete " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; -webkit-text-fill-color: black ; -webkit-text-stroke-color: black ; baseline-source: auto ; border-block-color: black ; border-color: black ; border-inline-color: black ; box-sizing: border-box ; caret-color: black ; color: black ; column-rule-color: black ; display: flex ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; inline-size: medium-large px ; inset-block: medium-small px small px ; inset-inline: small px negative small px ; inset: medium-small px negative small px small px small px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; outline-color: black ; perspective-origin: medium px small px ; position: absolute ; text-decoration: none solid black ; text-emphasis-color: black ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: medium px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; width: medium-large px ; animation-composition: replace '></div></form></div></div></main><footer class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; -webkit-text-fill-color: black ; -webkit-text-stroke-color: black ; animation-composition: replace ; background-color: white ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: medium-small px ; border-block-color: white black ; border-block-start-style: solid ; border-block-start-width: small px ; border-color: white black black ; border-inline-color: black ; border-top-style: solid ; border-top-width: small px ; box-sizing: border-box ; caret-color: black ; color: black ; column-gap: small px ; column-rule-color: black ; display: flex ; font-family: Poppins , Helvetica , sans-serif ; height: medium-small px ; inline-size: large px ; inset-block: small px ; inset-inline: small px ; inset: small px ; justify-content: center ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; outline-color: black ; perspective-origin: medium-large px small px ; position: relative ; text-decoration: none solid black ; text-emphasis-color: black ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: medium-large px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; width: large px ; z-index: small ; align-items: center '><strong class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; -webkit-text-fill-color: black ; -webkit-text-stroke-color: black ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: small px ; border-block-color: black ; border-color: black ; border-inline-color: black ; box-sizing: border-box ; caret-color: black ; color: black ; column-rule-color: black ; display: block ; font-family: Poppins , Helvetica , sans-serif ; font-size: small px ; height: small px ; inline-size: medium-small px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; min-block-size: auto ; min-height: auto ; min-inline-size: auto ; min-width: auto ; outline-color: black ; perspective-origin: medium-small px small px ; text-decoration: none solid black ; text-emphasis-color: black ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: medium-small px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; width: medium-small px ; animation-composition: replace '>[START-TEXT] © Brave Software [END-TEXT]</strong><p class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; -webkit-text-fill-color: black ; -webkit-text-stroke-color: black ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: small px ; border-block-color: gray ; border-color: gray ; border-inline-color: gray ; box-sizing: border-box ; caret-color: black ; color: gray ; column-rule-color: gray ; display: flex ; flex-wrap: wrap ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; font-size: small px ; height: small px ; inline-size: medium px ; justify-content: center ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; margin-block: small px ; margin-bottom: small px ; margin-top: small px ; min-block-size: auto ; min-height: auto ; min-inline-size: auto ; min-width: auto ; outline-color: gray ; perspective-origin: medium-small px small px ; text-decoration: none solid gray ; text-emphasis-color: black ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: medium-small px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; white-space: nowrap ; width: medium px ; animation-composition: replace '><a class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " rel=" noopener " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; -webkit-text-fill-color: black ; -webkit-text-stroke-color: black ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: small px ; border-block-color: gray ; border-color: gray ; border-inline-color: gray ; box-sizing: border-box ; caret-color: black ; color: gray ; column-rule-color: gray ; cursor: pointer ; display: block ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; font-size: small px ; height: small px ; inline-size: medium-small px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; min-block-size: auto ; min-height: auto ; min-inline-size: auto ; min-width: auto ; outline-color: gray ; perspective-origin: small px small px ; text-decoration: none solid gray ; text-emphasis-color: black ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: small px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; white-space: nowrap ; width: medium-small px ; animation-composition: replace ' target=" _blank ">[START-TEXT] Summarizer [END-TEXT]</a>[START-TEXT] <span class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; -webkit-text-fill-color: black ; -webkit-text-stroke-color: black ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: small px ; border-block-color: gray ; border-color: gray ; border-inline-color: gray ; box-sizing: border-box ; caret-color: black ; color: gray ; column-rule-color: gray ; display: block ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; font-size: small px ; height: small px ; inline-size: small px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; min-block-size: auto ; min-height: auto ; min-inline-size: auto ; min-width: auto ; outline-color: gray ; padding-inline: small px ; padding-left: small px ; padding-right: small px ; perspective-origin: small px small px ; text-decoration: none solid gray ; text-emphasis-color: black ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: small px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; white-space: nowrap ; width: small px ; animation-composition: replace '>[START-TEXT] | [END-TEXT]</span> [END-TEXT]<a class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " rel=" noopener " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; -webkit-text-fill-color: black ; -webkit-text-stroke-color: black ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: small px ; border-block-color: gray ; border-color: gray ; border-inline-color: gray ; box-sizing: border-box ; caret-color: black ; color: gray ; column-rule-color: gray ; cursor: pointer ; display: block ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; font-size: small px ; height: small px ; inline-size: medium-small px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; min-block-size: auto ; min-height: auto ; min-inline-size: auto ; min-width: auto ; outline-color: gray ; perspective-origin: small px small px ; text-decoration: none solid gray ; text-emphasis-color: black ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: small px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; white-space: nowrap ; width: medium-small px ; animation-composition: replace ' target=" _blank ">[START-TEXT] Helpful answers [END-TEXT]</a> <span class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; -webkit-text-fill-color: black ; -webkit-text-stroke-color: black ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: small px ; border-block-color: gray ; border-color: gray ; border-inline-color: gray ; box-sizing: border-box ; caret-color: black ; color: gray ; column-rule-color: gray ; display: block ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; font-size: small px ; height: small px ; inline-size: small px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; min-block-size: auto ; min-height: auto ; min-inline-size: auto ; min-width: auto ; outline-color: gray ; padding-inline: small px ; padding-left: small px ; padding-right: small px ; perspective-origin: small px small px ; text-decoration: none solid gray ; text-emphasis-color: black ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: small px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; white-space: nowrap ; width: small px ; animation-composition: replace '>[START-TEXT] | [END-TEXT]</span> <a class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " rel=" noopener noreferrer " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; -webkit-text-fill-color: black ; -webkit-text-stroke-color: black ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: small px ; border-block-color: gray ; border-color: gray ; border-inline-color: gray ; box-sizing: border-box ; caret-color: black ; color: gray ; column-rule-color: gray ; cursor: pointer ; display: block ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; font-size: small px ; height: small px ; inline-size: medium-small px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; min-block-size: auto ; min-height: auto ; min-inline-size: auto ; min-width: auto ; outline-color: gray ; perspective-origin: medium-small px small px ; text-decoration: none solid gray ; text-emphasis-color: black ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: medium-small px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; white-space: nowrap ; width: medium-small px ; animation-composition: replace ' target=" _blank ">[START-TEXT] Report a security issue [END-TEXT]</a></p></footer></div><div class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " id=" usage-metrics-notice " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; -webkit-text-fill-color: gray ; -webkit-text-stroke-color: gray ; animation-composition: replace ; background-color: white ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: small px ; border-block-color: gray ; border-color: gray ; border-end-end-radius: small px ; border-end-start-radius: small px ; border-inline-color: gray ; border-radius: small px ; border-start-end-radius: small px ; border-start-start-radius: small px ; box-shadow: black small px small px small px small px ; box-sizing: border-box ; caret-color: gray ; color: gray ; column-rule-color: gray ; display: flex ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; font-size: small px ; height: small px ; inline-size: medium-large px ; inset-block: medium-large px small px ; inset-inline: small px ; inset: medium-large px small px small px ; justify-content: center ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; margin-inline: medium-small px ; margin-left: medium-small px ; margin-right: medium-small px ; max-inline-size: min(0% + medium-large % + small px) ; max-width: min(0% + medium-large % + small px) ; outline-color: gray ; perspective-origin: medium px small px ; position: fixed ; text-decoration: none solid gray ; text-emphasis-color: gray ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: medium px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; width: medium-large px ; z-index: small ; align-items: center '><div class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; -webkit-text-fill-color: gray ; -webkit-text-stroke-color: gray ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: small px ; border-block-color: gray ; border-color: gray ; border-inline-color: gray ; box-sizing: border-box ; caret-color: gray ; color: gray ; column-rule-color: gray ; flex-basis: small % ; flex-grow: small ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; font-size: small px ; height: small px ; inline-size: medium-large px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; min-block-size: auto ; min-height: auto ; min-inline-size: auto ; min-width: auto ; outline-color: gray ; padding-block: small px ; padding-inline: small px ; padding: small px small px ; perspective-origin: medium px small px ; text-decoration: none solid gray ; text-emphasis-color: gray ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: medium px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; width: medium-large px ; animation-composition: replace '>[START-TEXT] Brave Search uses private usage metrics to estimate overall activity and performance. You can turn off this option in <a class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " rel=" noopener " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; -webkit-text-fill-color: gray ; -webkit-text-stroke-color: gray ; baseline-source: auto ; border-block-color: blue ; border-color: blue ; border-inline-color: blue ; box-sizing: border-box ; caret-color: gray ; color: blue ; column-rule-color: blue ; cursor: pointer ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; font-size: small px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; outline-color: blue ; text-decoration: none solid blue ; text-emphasis-color: gray ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; view-transition-name: none ; animation-composition: replace '>[START-TEXT] Settings [END-TEXT]</a>Brave Search uses private usage metrics to estimate overall activity and performance. You can turn off this option in [END-TEXT]<a class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; -webkit-text-fill-color: gray ; -webkit-text-stroke-color: gray ; baseline-source: auto ; border-block-color: blue ; border-color: blue ; border-inline-color: blue ; box-sizing: border-box ; caret-color: gray ; color: blue ; column-rule-color: blue ; cursor: pointer ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; font-size: small px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; outline-color: blue ; text-decoration: none solid blue ; text-emphasis-color: gray ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; view-transition-name: none ; animation-composition: replace ' target=" _blank ">[START-TEXT] Learn more [END-TEXT]</a>.</div><button class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; -webkit-text-fill-color: gray ; -webkit-text-stroke-color: gray ; align-self: stretch ; animation-composition: replace ; background-color: black ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: small px ; border-block: small px none gray ; border-color: gray ; border-inline: small px none gray ; border-style: none ; border-width: small px ; caret-color: gray ; color: gray ; column-rule-color: gray ; cursor: pointer ; display: flex ; flex-basis: small % ; flex-grow: small ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; height: small px ; inline-size: small px ; max-inline-size: small px ; max-width: small px ; min-block-size: auto ; min-height: auto ; min-inline-size: auto ; min-width: auto ; outline-color: gray ; overflow: hidden ; padding-block: small px ; padding-inline: small px ; padding: small px ; perspective-origin: small px small px ; text-decoration: none solid gray ; text-emphasis-color: gray ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: small px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; width: small px ; align-items: center '><div class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; -webkit-text-fill-color: gray ; -webkit-text-stroke-color: gray ; animation-composition: replace ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: small px ; border-block-color: gray ; border-color: gray ; border-inline-color: gray ; box-sizing: border-box ; caret-color: gray ; color: gray ; column-rule-color: gray ; cursor: pointer ; display: flex ; flex-basis: small % ; flex-grow: small ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; font-size: small px ; height: small px ; inline-size: small px ; justify-content: center ; min-block-size: auto ; min-height: auto ; min-inline-size: auto ; min-width: auto ; outline-color: gray ; padding-block: small px ; padding-inline: small px ; padding: small px ; perspective-origin: small px small px ; text-align: center ; text-decoration: none solid gray ; text-emphasis-color: gray ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: small px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; width: small px ; align-items: center '> [SVG] </div></button></div><div class=" [CLASS] " href=" [HREF] " id=" svelte-announcer " style=' ; -webkit-locale: "en-us" ; baseline-source: auto ; block-size: small px ; box-sizing: border-box ; clip-path: inset(50%) ; clip: rect(0px , 0px , 0px , 0px) ; font-family: Manrope , Helvetica , sans-serif ; height: small px ; inline-size: small px ; inset-block: small px large px ; inset-inline: small px large px ; inset: small px large px large px small px ; letter-spacing: small px ; line-height: small px ; overflow: hidden ; perspective-origin: small px small px ; position: absolute ; text-rendering: optimizelegibility ; text-size-adjust: medium-small % ; transform-origin: small px small px ; view-transition-name: none ; white-space: nowrap ; width: small px ; animation-composition: replace '></div></div></body> [END-STATE]
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