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垃圾邮件, 垃圾短信息, 广告识别.
数据 | 语言 | 任务类型 | 原始数据/项目地址 | 样本个数 | 原始数据描述 | 替代数据下载地址 |
enron_spam | 英语 | 垃圾邮件分类 | enron_spam_data; Enron-Spam; spam-mails-dataset | ham: 16545; spam: 17171 | Enron-Spam 数据集是 V. Metsis、I. Androutsopoulos 和 G. Paliouras 收集的绝佳资源 | SetFit/enron_spam; enron-spam |
enron_spam_subset | 英语 | 垃圾邮件分类 | email-spam-dataset | ham: 5000; spam: 5000 | ||
ling_spam | 英语 | 垃圾邮件分类 | lingspam-dataset; email-spam-dataset | ham: 2172; spam: 433 | Ling-Spam 数据集是从语言学家列表中整理的 2,893 条垃圾邮件和非垃圾邮件消息的集合。 | |
sms_spam | 英语 | 垃圾短信分类 | SMS Spam Collection; SMS Spam Collection Dataset | ham: 4827; spam: 747 | SMS 垃圾邮件集合是一组公开的 SMS 标记消息,为移动电话垃圾邮件研究而收集。 | sms_spam |
sms_spam_collection | 英语 | 垃圾短信分类 | spam-emails | ham: 4825; spam: 747 | 该数据集包含电子邮件的集合 | email-spam-detection-dataset-classification; spam-identification; sms-spam-collection; spam-or-ham |
spam_assassin | 英语 | 垃圾邮件分类 | datasets-spam-assassin; Apache SpamAssassin’s public datasets; Spam or Not Spam Dataset | ham: 4150; spam: 1896 | 数据集从email-spam-dataset的completeSpamAssassin.csv文件而来。 | email-spam-dataset; talby/SpamAssassin; spamassassin-2002 |
spam_base | 英语 | 垃圾邮件分类 | spambase | 将电子邮件分类为垃圾邮件或非垃圾邮件 | spam-email-data-uci | |
spam_detection | 英语 | 垃圾短信分类 | Deysi/spam-detection-dataset | ham: 5400; spam: 5500 | ||
spam_message | 汉语 | 垃圾短信分类 | SpamMessage | ham: 720000; spam: 80000 | 其中spam的数据是正确的数据,但是做了脱敏处理(招生电话:xxxxxxxxxxx),这里的 x 可能会成为显著特征。而ham样本像是从普通文本中截断出来充作样本的,建议不要用这些数据。 | |
spam_message_lr | 汉语 | 垃圾短信分类 | SpamMessagesLR | ham: 3983; spam: 6990 | ||
trec07p | 英语 | 垃圾邮件分类 | 2007 TREC Public Spam Corpus; Spam Track | ham: 25220; spam: 50199 | 2007 TREC Public Spam Corpus | trec07p.tar.gz |
trec06c | 汉语 | 垃圾邮件分类 | 2006 TREC Public Spam Corpora; | 2006 TREC Public Spam Corpora | ||
youtube_spam_collection | 英语 | 垃圾评论分类 | youtube+spam+collection; YouTube Spam Collection Data Set | ham: 951; spam: 1005 | 它是为垃圾邮件研究而收集的公共评论集。 |
enron_spam 样本示例
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enron_spam_subset 样本示例
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ling_spam 样本示例
Subject: internet specialist 007 - the spy
internet specialist 007 - the spy learn everything about your friends , neighbors , enemies , employees or anyone else ! - - even your boss ! - - even yourself ! this mammoth snoop collection of internet sites will provide you the newest and most current addresses available on the net today . . . = 20 * track down an old debt , or anyone else that has done you wrong ! it 's incredible , and so many new data sites have come online in the past 90 days . . . * over 300 giant resources to look up people , credit , social security , current or past employment , mail order purchases , = 20 addresses , phone numbers , maps to city locations . . . * investigate your family history ! check birth , death , adoption or social security records check service records or army , navy , air force or = 20 marine corps . * locate an old friend ( or an enemy who is hiding ) or a lost = 20 love - - find e-mail , telephone or address information on anyone ! = 20 even look up * unlisted * phone numbers ! * find work by searching classified ads all over the world ! * screen prospective employees - - check credit , driving or criminal records verify income or educational accomplishments = 20 * check out your daughter 's new boyfriend ! * find trial transcripts and court orders ! * enjoy the enchantment of finding out a juicy tid-bit about a co-worker . the internet is a powerful megasource of information , = 20 if you only know where to look . i tell you how to find = 20 out nearly anything about anybody , and tell you exactly where to find it ! you will be amazed to find out what personal information = 20 other people can find out about you ! check your credit = 20 report so you can correct wrong information that may be = 20 used to deny you credit . research yourself first ! you ' ll be horrified , as i was , = 20 at how much data has been accumulated about you . any my huge collection is only the beginning ! once you = 20 locate these free private , college and government web sites , you ' ll find even more links to even more = 20 information search engines ! = 20 if you believe ( like i do ) that the information that is stored about each one of us should be freely accessible , you ' ll want to see the snoop collection i ' ve compiled . verify your own records , or find out what you need to = 20 know about others . i ' m telling you , it 's incredible what you can find out using the internet ! we will accept checks by fax at 813-269 - 9651 or > > > send $ 14 . 95 cash , check or money order to : > > > the coldwell group > > > p . o . box 3787 > > > dept 1007 > > > petersburg , va 23805 i will rush back to you my snoop information for fastest service include your * e-mail * address . = 20 * what information is available - - and exact url to get there ! * exactly where to look for - - and the clever way to use - - = 20 the above search engines , and tons more ! * my easy-to - browse categorized megacenter of information has my own description of how to use each site , and what you ' ll find when you get there - - and tricky tips on how to = 20 extract the best data ! you can know everything about everybody with this internet specialist collection ! * * soon to be available - - the most complete international internet spy = 20 sites available on the web today * * don ' t miss this one or you ' ll be sorry = 20 to be removed from our list please fax your address to 813-269 - 9651 . l = e3 = 01 @ u = 0b
Subject: usage - based models - symposium
announcing the sixth biennial symposium of the rice university department of linguistics usage-based models of language rice university march 15-18 , 1995 invited speakers : mira ariel tel aviv university joan bybee university of new mexico john du bois university of california , santa barbara michael israel university of california , san diego sydney lamb rice university ronald langacker university of california , san diego tom givon university of oregon brian macwhinney carnegie - mellon university janet pierrehumbert northwestern university john sinclair university of birmingham ( u . k . ) arie verhagen university of utrecht description : the goal of this symposium is to explore approaches to linguistic theory that have in common the aim of accounting for linguistic usage . the empirical data for such theories is not restricted to linguistic intuitions about acceptibility , but comes from usage events of varied types . the focus is on the patterns found in the various sorts of usage data examined , and how those patterns can be extracted , represented , and used by the human mind . research from a variety of traditions will be represented , including corpus-based analyses , discourse studies , experimental studies of language processing and language acquisition , and instrumental phonetics . the approaches taken can be called data-driven , rather than model-driven , in that the fewest possible prior assumptions are made about what types of data are relevant , and that large sets of usage events are observed so that the detailed patterns found in actual usage can emerge . moreover , the various approaches taken show signs of converging toward a view of language as a dynamic system in which linguistic knowledge is not separate from its processing in language use . the linguistic models representing this view are usage-based by virtue of three factors : ( 1 ) the importance placed on usage data for theory construction ; ( 2 ) the direct incorporation of processing ( production and comprehension ) into linguistic theory ; and ( 3 ) the requirement that the models arrived at , whatever the direct source of evidence , must be testable with reference to language use . registration : no charge . symposium attendance on a space-available basis . for further information , contact suzanne kemmer ( kemmer @ ruf . rice . edu ) or michael barlow ( barlow @ ruf . rice . edu ) snailmail : dept . of linguistics , rice university , houston tx 77251-1892 .
Subject: domani
new improved with free software , free bulk e mail system , free web site = to do what you wish , ongoing support ( optional ) , and a lot more ! all = included . . . . . . . . . . . this is a one time mailing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ $ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ = \ \ \ \ \ you are about to make at least $ 50 , 000 in less than 90 days read the enclosed program . . . then read it again . . . / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / = / / / / / / / dear friend , the enclosed information is something i almost let slip through my fingers . fortunately , sometime later i re-read everything and gave some thought and study to it . my name is christopher erickson . two years ago , the corporation i worked at for the past twelve years down-sized and my position was eliminated . after unproductive job interviews , i decided to open my own business . over the past year , i incurred many unforeseen financial problems . i owed my family , friends , and creditors over $ 35 , 000 . the economy was taking a toll on my business and i just could n't seem to make ends meet . i had to refinance and borrow against my home to support my family and struggling business . i truly believe it was wrong for me to be in debt like this . at that moment something significant happened in my life and i am writing to share my experience in hopes that this will change your life forever . . . . financially ! ! ! in mid - december , i received this program via email . six months prior to receiving this program i had been sending away for information on various business opportunities . all of the programs i received , in my opinion , were not cost effective . they were either too difficult for me to comprehend or the initial investment was too much for me to risk to see if they worked or not . one claimed i 'd make a million dollars in one year . . . it did n't tell me i 'd have to write a book to make it . but like i was saying , in december of ' 92 i received this program . i did n't send for it , or ask for it , they just got my name off a mailing list . thank goodness for that ! ! ! after reading it several times , to = make sure i was reading it correctly , i could n't believe my eyes . = 20 here was a money-making phenomenon . i could invest as much as i wanted = to start , without putting me further in debt . after i got a pencil and paper and figured it out , i would at least get my money back . after determining that the program is legal and not a chain letter , i decided " why not " . initially i sent out 10 , 000 emails . it only cost me about $ 15 . 00 for my time on-line . the great thing about email is that i did n't need any money for printing to send out the program , only the cost to fulfill my orders . i am telling you like it is , i hope it does n't turn you off , but i promised myself that i would not " rip-off " anyone , no matter how much money it cost me ! . in less than one week , i was starting to receive orders for report # 1 . by january 13th , i had received 26 orders for report # 1 . when you read the guarantee in the program , you will see that " you must receive = 15 to 20 orders for report # 1 within two weeks . if you don ' t , send out = more programs until you do ! " my first step in making $ 50 , 000 in 20 to = 90 days was done . by january 30th , i had received 196 orders for report = # 2 . if you go back to the guarantee , " you must receive 100 or more orders for report # 2 within two weeks . if not , send out more = programs until you do . once you have 100 orders , the rest is easy , = relax , you will make your $ 50 , 000 goal . " well , i had 196 orders for = report # 2 , 96 more than i needed . so i sat back and relaxed . by march = 19th , of my emailing of 10 , 000 , i received $ 58 , 000 with more coming in = every day . i paid off all my debts and bought a much needed new car . please take time to read the attached program , it will change your life forever ! remember , it wont work if you do n't try it . this program does work , but you must follow it exactly ! especially the rules of not trying to place your name in a different place . it does n't work , you ' ll lose out on a lot of money ! report # 2 explains this . = 20 always follow the guarantee , 15 to 20 orders for report # 1 , and 100 or more orders for report # 2 and you will make $ 50 , 000 or more in 20 to 90 days . i am living proof that it works ! ! ! if you choose not to participate in this program , i ' m sorry . it really is a great opportunity with little cost or risk to you . if you choose to participate , follow the program and you will be on your way to financial security . if you are a fellow business owner and you are in financial trouble like i was , or you want to start your own business , consider this a sign . i did ! sincerely , christopher erickson ps do you have any idea what 11 , 700 $ 5 bills ( $ 58 , 000 ) look like piled up on a kitchen table ? it ' s awesome ! " threw it away " " i had received this program before . i threw it away , but later wondered if i should n't have given it a try . of course , i had no idea who to contact to get a copy , so i had to wait until i was emailed another copy of the program . eleven months passed , then it came . i didn ' t throw this one away . i made $ 41 , 000 on the first try . " dawn w . , evansville , in " no free lunch " " my late father always told me , ' remember , alan , there is no free lunch in life . you get out of life what you put into it . ' through trial and error and a somewhat slow frustrating start , i finally figured it out . the program works very well , i just had to find the right target group of people to email it to . so far this year , i have made over $ 63 , 000 using this program . i know my dad would have been very proud of me . " alan b . , philadelphia , pa a personal note from the originator of this program by the time you have read the enclosed information and looked over the enclosed program and reports , you should have concluded that such a program , and one that is legal , could not have been created by an amateur . let me tell you a little about myself . i had a profitable business for ten years . then in 1979 my business began falling off . i was doing the same things that were previously successful for me , but it was n't working . finally , i figured it out . it was n't me , it was the economy . inflation and recession had replaced the stable economy that had been with us since 1945 . i do n't have to tell you what happened to the unemployment rate . . . because many of you know from first hand experience . there were more failures and bankruptcies than ever before . the middle class was vanishing . those who knew what they were doing = invested wisely and moved up . those who did not , including those who = never had anything to save or invest , were moving down into the ranks of = the poor . as the saying goes , " the rich get richer and the poor get = poorer . " the traditional methods of making money will never allow you = to " move up " or " get rich " , inflation will see to that . you have just received information that can give you financial freedom for the rest of your life , with " no risk " and " just a little bit of effort . " you can make more money in the next few months than you have = ever imagined . i should also point out that i will not see a penny of your money , nor anyone else who has provided a testimonial for this program . i have already made over four million dollars ! i have retired from the program after sending out over 16 , 000 programs . now i have several offices which market this and several other programs here in the us and overseas . by the spring , we wish to market the ' internet ' by a partnership with america on line . follow the program exactly as instructed . do not change it in any way . = it works exceedingly well as it is now . remember to email a copy of = this exciting program to everyone that you can think of . one of the people you send this to may send out 50 , 000 . . . and your name will be on every one of them ! . remember though , the more you send out , the = more potential customers you will reach . so my friend , i have given you the ideas , information , materials and opportunity to become financially independent , it is up to you now ! " think about it " before you delete this program from your mailbox , as i almost did , take a little time to read it and really think about it . get a pencil and figure out what could happen when you participate . figure out the worst possible response and no matter how you calculate it , you will still make a lot of money ! definitely get back what you invested . = 20 any doubts you have will vanish when your first orders come in . it works ! paul johnson , raleigh , nc here ' s how this amazing program will make you $ $ $ $ $ $ let 's say that you decide to start small , just to see how it goes , and we ' ll assume you and all those involved send out 2 , 000 programs each . let 's also assume that the mailing receives a . 5 % response . using a good list the response could be much better . also many people will send out hundreds of thousands of programs instead of 2 , 000 . but continuing with this example , you send out only 2 , 000 programs . with a . 5 % response , that is only 10 orders for report # 1 . those 10 people respond by sending out 2 , 000 programs each for a total of 20 , 000 . out of those . 5 % , 100 people respond and order report # 2 . those 100 mail out 2 , 000 programs each for a total of 200 , 000 . the . 5 % response to that is 1 , 000 orders for report # 3 . those 1 , 000 send out 2 , 000 programs each for a 2 , 000 , 000 total . the . 5 % response to that is 10 , 000 orders for report # 4 . that 's 10 , 000 five dollar bills for you . cash ! ! ! ! your total income in this example is $ 50 + $ 500 + $ 5000 + $ 50 , 000 for a total of $ 55 , 550 ! ! ! ! remember friend , this is assuming 1 , 990 out of 2 , 000 people you mail to = will do absolutely nothing . . . and trash this program ! dare to think for = a moment what would happen if everyone or half sent out 100 , 000 programs instead of only 2 , 000 . believe me , many people will do = that and more ! by the way , your cost to participate in this is = practically nothing . you obviously already have an internet connection and email is free ! ! ! report # 3 will show you the best methods for bulk emailing and purchasing email lists . this is a legitimate , legal , money making opportunity . it does not require you to come in contact with people , do any hard work , and best of all , you never have to leave the house except to get the mail . if you believe that someday you ' ll get that big break that you ' ve been waiting for , this is it ! simply follow the instructions , and your dream will come true . this multi-level email order marketing program works perfectly . . . 100 % every time . email is the sales tool of the future . take advantage of this non-commercialized method of advertising now ! ! the longer you wait , the more people will be doing business using email . get your piece of this action ! ! multi-level marketing ( mlm ) has finally gained respectability . it is = being taught in the harvard business school , and both stanford research and the wall street journal have stated that between 50 % and = 65 % of all goods and services will be sold throughout multi - level methods by the mid to late 1990 's . this is a multi - billion dollar industry and of the 500 , 000 millionaires in the us , 20 % ( 100 , 000 ) made their fortune in the last several years in mlm . moreover , statistics show 45 people become millionaires everyday through multi - level marketing . instructions we at erris mail order marketing business , have a method of raising capital that really works 100 % every time . i am sure that you could use = $ 50 , 000 to $ 125 , 000 in the next 20 to 90 days . before you say " bull " , please read the program carefully . this is not a chain letter , but a perfectly legal money making opportunity . basically , this is what we do : as with all multi-level business , we build our business by recruiting new partners and selling our products . every state in the usa allows you to recruit new multi - level business partners , and we offer a product for every dollar sent . your orders come and are filled through the mail , so you are not = involved in personal selling . you do it privately in your own home , = store or office . this is the greatest multi - level mail order marketing anywhere : step ( 1 ) order all four 4 reports listed by name and number . dothis by ordering the report from each of the four 4 names listed on the next page . for each report , send $ 5 cash and a self - addressed , stamped envelope ( business size # 10 ) = to the person listed for the specific report . international = = 20 orders should also include $ 2 extra for postage . it is essential that you specify the name and number of the report requested to the person you are ordering from . you will need all four 4 reports because you will be reprinting and reselling them . do not alter the names or sequence other than what the instructions say . important : always provide same-day service on all orders . step ( 2 ) replace the name and address under report # 1 with yours , moving the one that was there down to report # 2 . drop the name and address under report # 2 to report # 3 , moving the one that was there to report # 4 . the name and address that was under report # 4 is dropped from the list and this party is no doubt on the way to the bank . when doing this , make certain you type the names and addresses accurately ! do not mix up moving product / report positions ! ! ! step ( 3 ) having made the required changes in the name list , save it as a text ( . txt ) file in it 's own directory to be used with whatever email program you like . again , report # 3 will tell you the best methods of bulk emailing and acquiring email lists . step ( 4 ) email a copy of the entire program ( all of this is very important ) to everyone whose address you can get your hands on . start with friends and relatives since you can encourage them to take advantage of this fabulous = 20 money-making opportunity . that 's what i did . and they love me now , more than ever . then , email to anyone and everyone ! use your imagination ! you can get email addresses from companies on the internet who specialize in email mailing lists . these are very cheap , 100 , 000 addresses for around $ 35 . 00 . important : you won't get a good response if you use an old list , so always request a fresh , new list . you will find out where to purchase these lists when you order the four 4 reports . always provide same-day service on all orders ! ! ! required reports * * * order each report by number and name * * * always send a self-addressed , stamped envelope and $ 5 usd cash for each order requesting the specific report by name and number ( international orders should also include $ 2 usd extra for postage ) = 20 add you e amil address when sending in for your report this is for = updated information and continueing support ( optional ) that will be = handed down by you sponcers . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ report # 1 " how to make $ 250 , 000 through multi-level sales " order report # 1 from : a . siegmund # 57 trakehnenstr . 13 53332 bornheim , germany _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ report # 2 " major corporations and multi-level sales " j . maz 15774 s . lagrange rd suite # 312 orland pk , il 60462 usa _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ order report # 2 from : a . siegmund # 57 trakehnenstr . 13 53332 bornheim , germany _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ report # 3 " sources for the best mailing lists " order report # 3 from : b . thompson 13504 greencaslte ridge tr . 404 burtonsville md . 20866 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ report # 4 " evaluating multi-level sales plans " order report # 4 from : muw # 2 po box 71442 salt lake city , ut 84171-0442 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ conclusion . i am enjoying my fortune that i made by sending out this program . you too , will be making money in 20 to 90 days , if you follow the simple steps outlined in this mailing . to be financially independent is to be free . free to make financial decisions as never before . go into business , get into investments , retire or take a vacation . = 20 = = = = = = 20
Subject: linguistic datasources
at the request of subscribers , we ' ve been collecting the addresses of linguistic datasources which can be reached through world wide web . these addresses are now available to any of you who have web access on the linguist web server at the following url : http : / / engserve . tamu . edu / files / linguistics / linguist / datasources . html this file is also available , to those of you who read web - linguist , through the " linguistic datasources " link . we 'd be delighted to hear any comments anyone would care to make . and if there ' re any addresses we need to add , please let us know what they are . we 'd like to emphasize that we 'd be happy to include sites where individual linguists keep data they would like to make available to their colleagues . since the web allows us to share not merely text , but pictures and sound-recordings , we can now begin an interchange of linguistic information that is of a very different nature from that which was possible in the past . anthony & helen
sms_spam 样本示例
She's borderline but yeah whatever.
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FreeMsg Hey there darling it's been 3 week's now and no word back! I'd like some fun you up for it still? Tb ok! XxX std chgs to send, £1.50 to rcv
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spam_assassin 样本示例
"\n>>>Robert Elz said:\n > Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2002 09:22:34 -0500\n > From: Chris Garrigues \n > Message-ID: <[email protected]>\n > \n > \n > | so I'll probably poke around at the sequences performance issues,\n > \n > Well, there's this wonderful piece of code in MhSeqExpand ...\n > \n > # Hack to weed out sequence numbers for messages that don't exist\n > foreach m $rseq {\n > if ![file exists $mhProfile(path)/$folder/$m] {\n > Exmh_Debug $mhProfile(path)/$folder/$m not found\n > set ix [lsearch $seq $m]\n > set seq [lreplace $seq $ix $ix]\n > } else {\n > # Real hack\n\nAt least I'm up-front about my hacks :-)\n\n > break\n > }\n > }\n > \n > which is going to run slow if a sequence happens to start with a bunch\n > of messages that don't exist. I'm not sure why it is important that the\n > first message in the sequence returned exists, but not necessarily any\n > of the others, but I'm sure glad it is, as MhSeqExpand gets called lots,\n > and I don't know if I could cope if it were checking every file in the\n > sequences it is looking at, all the time...\n\nThat was my thinking. My recollection about the first message being valid\nis that the ftoc code wants to find that message to start its highlighting,\nfor example, or you are selecting a message to display.\n\n > It may help to keep a list of the valid message numbers for the current\n > folder (though that would then need to be verified against changes to the\n > directory). Does tcl have a directory read function? I assume so...\n\nglob -nocomplain $mhProfile(path)/$folder *\nwill return an unsorted list of the directory's contents.\nBut the thought of keeping an in memory list of valid messages is not fun.\nExmh already maintains in-core lists of messages in sequences, which is\nalready pretty tricky\n\n > Mh_Sequence also goes and rereads the files (.mh_sequences and the\n > context file) but I'm not sure how frequently that one is called.\n\nIn some places I maintain caches of files by checking their modify time,\nbut the sequence files are soo small that by the time you stat them to\ncheck their date stamp, you could just read them again. Also, now that\nwe checkpoint message state on every message view, that file will change\nevery time. In the old days exmh used to cache a bunch of state about\nthe folder.\n\n--\nBrent Welch\nSoftware Architect, Panasas Inc\nPioneering the World's Most Scalable and Agile Storage Network\\[email protected]\n\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nExmh-workers mailing list\[email protected]\n\n\n"
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"> Hi,\n> \n> On Sun, 01 Sep 2002 00:05:03 MDT Reg Clemens wrote: \n> \n> [...]\n> > in messages with GnuPG signatures. But punching the line ALWAYS\n> > gives\n> > \n> > Signature made Thu Aug 29 00:27:17 2002 MDT using DSA key ID BDDF997A\n> > Can't check signature: public key not found\n> > \n> > So, something else is missing.\n> \n> Yes, the public key of the signature you want to check :-).\n> \n> Are you really sure that you have the public key of the message's\n> signature? If not, try downloading it or try to check a signature from\n> which you know you have the public key.\n> \n> \n> \n\nAh, sorry for not making that clearer.\nBut no.\nPreviously (v1.0.6 of GnuPG) there would be a slight pause at this point while\nit went out to get the public key from a keyserver.\nNow, whether I have the key or NOT, I get the failure message.\n\nIts as if it cant find gpg to execute it (but I fixed that path), so there\nmust be something else that I am missing...\n\n\n-- \n Reg.Clemens\n [email protected]\n\n\n\n\n_______________________________________________\nExmh-users mailing list\[email protected]\n\n\n"
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spam_detection 样本示例
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spam_message 样本示例
spam_message_lr 样本示例
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