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2024-01-19 16:39:01.449
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 1 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:04:32Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:04:32Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-01-07 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-14 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Message on Senate action sent to the House. </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S2500) </text> <type> Floor </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <text> Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S2500) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 17000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-09 </actionDate> <sourceSystem> <name> Senate </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Received in the Senate. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <actionTime> 16:14:36 </actionTime> <text> Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H38310 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <actionTime> 16:14:29 </actionTime> <text> On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to without objection. (text: CR H21) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H37100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <actionTime> 16:14:29 </actionTime> <text> Passed/agreed to in House: On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to without objection.(text: CR H21) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> 8000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <actionTime> 16:13:25 </actionTime> <text> Considered as privileged matter. (consideration: CR H20-21) </text> <type> Floor </type> <actionCode> H30000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> D000492 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Dreier, David [R-CA-26] </fullName> <firstName> DAVID </firstName> <lastName> DREIER </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 26 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Congressional sessions </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Congress </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Authorizes the Speaker of the House and the Majority Leader of the Senate, or their respective designees, to notify the Members of the House and the Senate, respectively, to assemble at a place outside the District of Columbia whenever, in their opinion, the public interest shall warrant it. </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 81 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed House without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Authorizes the Speaker of the House and the Majority Leader of the Senate, or their respective designees, to notify the Members of the House and the Senate, respectively, to assemble at a place outside the District of Columbia whenever, in their opinion, the public interest shall warrant it. </text> </summary> <summary> <versionCode> 82 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-02-13 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Passed Senate without amendment </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> &lt;b&gt;(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House on January 7, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;Authorizes the Speaker of the House and the Majority Leader of the Senate, or their respective designees, to notify the Members of the House and the Senate, respectively, to assemble at a place outside the District of Columbia whenever, in their opinion, the public interest shall warrant it. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Regarding consent to assemble outside the seat of government. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Regarding consent to assemble outside the seat of government. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Regarding consent to assemble outside the seat of government. </title> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Received in Senate </type> <date> 2003-01-09T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Engrossed in House </type> <date> 2003-01-07T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> <item> <type> Agreed to House </type> <date> 2003-01-07T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-02-14 </actionDate> <text> Message on Senate action sent to the House. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc=""> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-14", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S2500)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S2500)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-01-09", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37100", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to without objection. (text: CR H21)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to without objection.(text: CR H21)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as privileged matter. (consideration: CR H20-21)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-01-07", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-14", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 1, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Congress", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "D000492", "district": "26", "first_name": "DAVID", "full_name": "Rep. Dreier, David [R-CA-26]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "DREIER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "CA" } ], "subjects": [ "Congressional sessions" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-01-07", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Authorizes the Speaker of the House and the Majority Leader of the Senate, or their respective designees, to notify the Members of the House and the Senate, respectively, to assemble at a place outside the District of Columbia whenever, in their opinion, the public interest shall warrant it.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-01-07", "action_desc": "Passed House without amendment", "text": "Authorizes the Speaker of the House and the Majority Leader of the Senate, or their respective designees, to notify the Members of the House and the Senate, respectively, to assemble at a place outside the District of Columbia whenever, in their opinion, the public interest shall warrant it.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "81" }, { "action_date": "2003-02-13", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House on January 7, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Authorizes the Speaker of the House and the Majority Leader of the Senate, or their respective designees, to notify the Members of the House and the Senate, respectively, to assemble at a place outside the District of Columbia whenever, in their opinion, the public interest shall warrant it.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "82" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-01-09T05:00:00Z", "type": "Received in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-01-07T05:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-01-07T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to House", "url": null } ], "title": "Regarding consent to assemble outside the seat of government.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Regarding consent to assemble outside the seat of government.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Regarding consent to assemble outside the seat of government.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:04:32Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:04:32Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-14", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S2500)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "17000", "action_date": "2003-02-13", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in Senate: Resolution agreed to in Senate without amendment by Unanimous Consent.(consideration: CR S2500)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-01-09", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": null, "name": "Senate" }, "text": "Received in the Senate.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "H38310", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H37100", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to without objection. (text: CR H21)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "8000", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Passed/agreed to in House: On agreeing to the resolution Agreed to without objection.(text: CR H21)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "H30000", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Considered as privileged matter. (consideration: CR H20-21)", "type": "Floor" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "D000492", "district": "26", "first_name": "DAVID", "full_name": "Rep. Dreier, David [R-CA-26]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "DREIER", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "CA" } ]
[ "Congressional sessions" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-01-07", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Authorizes the Speaker of the House and the Majority Leader of the Senate, or their respective designees, to notify the Members of the House and the Senate, respectively, to assemble at a place outside the District of Columbia whenever, in their opinion, the public interest shall warrant it.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" }, { "action_date": "2003-01-07", "action_desc": "Passed House without amendment", "text": "Authorizes the Speaker of the House and the Majority Leader of the Senate, or their respective designees, to notify the Members of the House and the Senate, respectively, to assemble at a place outside the District of Columbia whenever, in their opinion, the public interest shall warrant it.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "81" }, { "action_date": "2003-02-13", "action_desc": "Passed Senate without amendment", "text": "<b>(This measure has not been amended since it was introduced in the House on January 7, 2003. The summary of that version is repeated here.)</b><p>Authorizes the Speaker of the House and the Majority Leader of the Senate, or their respective designees, to notify the Members of the House and the Senate, respectively, to assemble at a place outside the District of Columbia whenever, in their opinion, the public interest shall warrant it.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "82" } ]
Regarding consent to assemble outside the seat of government.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Regarding consent to assemble outside the seat of government.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Regarding consent to assemble outside the seat of government.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-01-09T05:00:00Z", "type": "Received in Senate", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-01-07T05:00:00Z", "type": "Engrossed in House", "url": null }, { "date": "2003-01-07T05:00:00Z", "type": "Agreed to House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-14", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Message on Senate action sent to the House.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 16:40:01.249
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 2 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:04:32Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:04:32Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-01-07 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-01-07T17:27:05Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsfa00 </systemCode> <name> Foreign Affairs Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> J000032 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18] </fullName> <firstName> SHEILA </firstName> <lastName> JACKSON-LEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 18 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> K000336 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kucinich, Dennis J. [D-OH-10] </fullName> <firstName> DENNIS </firstName> <lastName> KUCINICH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000551 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> LEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000096 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Danny K. [D-IL-7] </fullName> <firstName> DANNY </firstName> <lastName> DAVIS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> K. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000794 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Watson, Diane E. [D-CA-33] </fullName> <firstName> Diane </firstName> <lastName> Watson </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 33 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000259 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kleczka, Gerald D. [D-WI-4] </fullName> <firstName> GERALD </firstName> <lastName> KLECZKA </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WI </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> O000006 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Oberstar, James L. [D-MN-8] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> OBERSTAR </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MN </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000283 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jackson, Jesse L., Jr. [D-IL-2] </fullName> <firstName> JESSE </firstName> <lastName> JACKSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000714 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Conyers, John, Jr. [D-MI-14] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> CONYERS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <district> 14 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000187 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Waters, Maxine [D-CA-35] </fullName> <firstName> MAXINE </firstName> <lastName> WATERS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 35 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S001145 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9] </fullName> <firstName> JANICE </firstName> <lastName> SCHAKOWSKY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000116 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Filner, Bob [D-CA-51] </fullName> <firstName> BOB </firstName> <lastName> FILNER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 51 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> N000147 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> ELEANOR </firstName> <lastName> NORTON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> DC </state> <middleName> HOLMES </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Armed Forces and National Security </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress and foreign policy </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress and military policy </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Iraq </name> </item> <item> <name> Iraq compilation </name> </item> <item> <name> Legislative resolutions </name> </item> <item> <name> Middle East and North Africa </name> </item> <item> <name> Military operations </name> </item> <item> <name> President and foreign policy </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Expresses the sense of Congress that the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 should be repealed. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 should be repealed. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 should be repealed. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of Congress that the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 should be repealed. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-01-07T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc=""> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-01-07T17:27:05Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "K000336", "district": "10", "first_name": "DENNIS", "full_name": "Rep. Kucinich, Dennis J. [D-OH-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KUCINICH", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000551", "district": "9", "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000096", "district": "7", "first_name": "DANNY", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Danny K. [D-IL-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": "K.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000794", "district": "33", "first_name": "Diane", "full_name": "Rep. Watson, Diane E. [D-CA-33]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Watson", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000259", "district": "4", "first_name": "GERALD", "full_name": "Rep. Kleczka, Gerald D. [D-WI-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KLECZKA", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000006", "district": "8", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Oberstar, James L. [D-MN-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "OBERSTAR", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000283", "district": "2", "first_name": "JESSE", "full_name": "Rep. Jackson, Jesse L., Jr. [D-IL-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JACKSON", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000714", "district": "14", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Conyers, John, Jr. [D-MI-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CONYERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000187", "district": "35", "first_name": "MAXINE", "full_name": "Rep. Waters, Maxine [D-CA-35]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WATERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001145", "district": "9", "first_name": "JANICE", "full_name": "Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. 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For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-01-07", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 2, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "J000032", "district": "18", "first_name": "SHEILA", "full_name": "Rep. 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[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-01-07T17:27:05Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "J000032", "district": "18", "first_name": "SHEILA", "full_name": "Rep. Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "JACKSON-LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "TX" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "K000336", "district": "10", "first_name": "DENNIS", "full_name": "Rep. Kucinich, Dennis J. [D-OH-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KUCINICH", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000551", "district": "9", "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000096", "district": "7", "first_name": "DANNY", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Danny K. [D-IL-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": "K.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000794", "district": "33", "first_name": "Diane", "full_name": "Rep. Watson, Diane E. [D-CA-33]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Watson", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000259", "district": "4", "first_name": "GERALD", "full_name": "Rep. Kleczka, Gerald D. [D-WI-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KLECZKA", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "WI" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000006", "district": "8", "first_name": "JAMES", "full_name": "Rep. Oberstar, James L. [D-MN-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "OBERSTAR", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "MN" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000283", "district": "2", "first_name": "JESSE", "full_name": "Rep. Jackson, Jesse L., Jr. [D-IL-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "JACKSON", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000714", "district": "14", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Conyers, John, Jr. [D-MI-14]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CONYERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000187", "district": "35", "first_name": "MAXINE", "full_name": "Rep. Waters, Maxine [D-CA-35]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WATERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S001145", "district": "9", "first_name": "JANICE", "full_name": "Rep. Schakowsky, Janice D. [D-IL-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SCHAKOWSKY", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000116", "district": "51", "first_name": "BOB", "full_name": "Rep. Filner, Bob [D-CA-51]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FILNER", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "N000147", "district": "0", "first_name": "ELEANOR", "full_name": "Del. Norton, Eleanor Holmes [D-DC-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "NORTON", "middle_name": "HOLMES", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-25", "state": "DC" } ]
International Affairs
[ "Armed Forces and National Security", "Congress", "Congress and foreign policy", "Congress and military policy", "Government Operations and Politics", "Iraq", "Iraq compilation", "Legislative resolutions", "Middle East and North Africa", "Military operations", "President and foreign policy" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-01-07", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of Congress that the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 should be repealed.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of Congress that the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 should be repealed.
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[ { "date": "2003-01-07T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 16:41:00.979
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 3 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:04:32Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:04:32Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-01-07 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-01-07T17:27:00Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsgo00 </systemCode> <name> Oversight and Accountability Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> J000032 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18] </fullName> <firstName> SHEILA </firstName> <lastName> JACKSON-LEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 18 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> A000022 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ackerman, Gary L. [D-NY-5] </fullName> <firstName> GARY </firstName> <lastName> ACKERMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000404 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> MCDERMOTT </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> WA </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000133 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA-7] </fullName> <firstName> Edward </firstName> <lastName> Markey </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H001034 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Honda, Michael M. [D-CA-15] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> HONDA </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001140 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Moore, Dennis [D-KS-3] </fullName> <firstName> DENNIS </firstName> <lastName> MOORE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> KS </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000009 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kaptur, Marcy [D-OH-9] </fullName> <firstName> MARCY </firstName> <lastName> KAPTUR </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M001137 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Meeks, Gregory W. [D-NY-6] </fullName> <firstName> GREGORY </firstName> <lastName> MEEKS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> W. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000284 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH-11] </fullName> <firstName> STEPHANIE </firstName> <lastName> JONES </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> OH </state> <middleName> TUBBS </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000043 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lampson, Nick [D-TX-9] </fullName> <firstName> NICK </firstName> <lastName> LAMPSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001227 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Brady, Robert A. [D-PA-1] </fullName> <firstName> ROBERT </firstName> <lastName> BRADY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000193 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Thompson, Bennie G. [D-MS-2] </fullName> <firstName> BENNIE </firstName> <lastName> THOMPSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MS </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000283 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jackson, Jesse L., Jr. [D-IL-2] </fullName> <firstName> JESSE </firstName> <lastName> JACKSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000410 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Green, Gene [D-TX-29] </fullName> <firstName> GENE </firstName> <lastName> GREEN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 29 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000215 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Waxman, Henry A. [D-CA-30] </fullName> <firstName> HENRY </firstName> <lastName> WAXMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 30 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000515 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rush, Bobby L. [D-IL-1] </fullName> <firstName> BOBBY </firstName> <lastName> RUSH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000126 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Johnson, Eddie Bernice [D-TX-30] </fullName> <firstName> EDDIE </firstName> <lastName> JOHNSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <middleName> BERNICE </middleName> <district> 30 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000590 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McNulty, Michael R. [D-NY-21] </fullName> <firstName> MICHAEL </firstName> <lastName> MCNULTY </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 21 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000784 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Wynn, Albert Russell [D-MD-4] </fullName> <firstName> ALBERT </firstName> <lastName> WYNN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000424 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Turner, Jim [D-TX-2] </fullName> <firstName> JIM </firstName> <lastName> TURNER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000210 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Delahunt, William D. [D-MA-10] </fullName> <firstName> William </firstName> <lastName> Delahunt </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000044 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sandlin, Max [D-TX-1] </fullName> <firstName> MAX </firstName> <lastName> SANDLIN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000326 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Towns, Edolphus [D-NY-10] </fullName> <firstName> EDOLPHUS </firstName> <lastName> TOWNS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000537 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Clyburn, James E. [D-SC-6] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> CLYBURN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> SC </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> J000070 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Jefferson, William J. [D-LA-2] </fullName> <firstName> WILLIAM </firstName> <lastName> JEFFERSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> LA </state> <middleName> J. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000410 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Berman, Howard L. [D-CA-28] </fullName> <firstName> HOWARD </firstName> <lastName> BERMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 28 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001241 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Bell, Chris [D-TX-25] </fullName> <firstName> Chris </firstName> <lastName> Bell </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 25 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-02-11 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000191 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Carson, Julia [D-IN-7] </fullName> <firstName> JULIA </firstName> <lastName> CARSON </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IN </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> P000149 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Payne, Donald M. [D-NJ-10] </fullName> <firstName> DONALD </firstName> <lastName> PAYNE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000725 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Miller, George [D-CA-7] </fullName> <firstName> GEORGE </firstName> <lastName> MILLER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000312 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McGovern, James P. [D-MA-3] </fullName> <firstName> JAMES </firstName> <lastName> MCGOVERN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <middleName> P. </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000810 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Stark, Fortney Pete [D-CA-13] </fullName> <firstName> PETE </firstName> <lastName> STARK </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000792 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Weiner, Anthony D. [D-NY-9] </fullName> <firstName> ANTHONY </firstName> <lastName> WEINER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000043 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Fattah, Chaka [D-PA-2] </fullName> <firstName> CHAKA </firstName> <lastName> FATTAH </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> PA </state> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> M000485 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. McIntyre, Mike [D-NC-7] </fullName> <firstName> MIKE </firstName> <lastName> MCINTYRE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000380 </bioguideId> <fullName> Del. Christensen, Donna M. [D-VI-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> DONNA </firstName> <lastName> CHRISTENSEN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VI </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000096 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Danny K. [D-IL-7] </fullName> <firstName> DANNY </firstName> <lastName> DAVIS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> IL </state> <middleName> K. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000170 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Reyes, Silvestre [D-TX-16] </fullName> <firstName> SILVESTRE </firstName> <lastName> REYES </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 16 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000399 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Doggett, Lloyd [D-TX-10] </fullName> <firstName> LLOYD </firstName> <lastName> DOGGETT </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 10 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000090 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12] </fullName> <firstName> TOM </firstName> <lastName> LANTOS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000287 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lewis, John [D-GA-5] </fullName> <firstName> JOHN </firstName> <lastName> LEWIS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> GA </state> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000185 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Scott, Robert C. "Bobby" [D-VA-3] </fullName> <firstName> Robert </firstName> <lastName> Scott </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> C. "Bobby" </middleName> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-12-08 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000339 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Frank, Barney [D-MA-4] </fullName> <firstName> BARNEY </firstName> <lastName> FRANK </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MA </state> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-01-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000544 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Gonzalez, Charles A. [D-TX-20] </fullName> <firstName> CHARLES </firstName> <lastName> GONZALEZ </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <middleName> A. </middleName> <district> 20 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-01-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000672 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Snyder, Vic [D-AR-2] </fullName> <firstName> VICTOR </firstName> <lastName> SNYDER </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AR </state> <middleName> F. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-01-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000392 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24] </fullName> <firstName> MARTIN </firstName> <lastName> FROST </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 24 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-01-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000551 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-7] </fullName> <firstName> Raúl </firstName> <lastName> Grijalva </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> AZ </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-01-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000490 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Bishop, Sanford D., Jr. [D-GA-2] </fullName> <firstName> SANFORD </firstName> <lastName> BISHOP </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> GA </state> <middleName> D. </middleName> <district> 2 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-01-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> S000033 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT-At Large] </fullName> <firstName> Bernard </firstName> <lastName> Sanders </lastName> <party> I </party> <state> VT </state> <district> 0 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-01-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> K000180 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Kilpatrick, Carolyn C. [D-MI-13] </fullName> <firstName> CAROLYN </firstName> <lastName> KILPATRICK </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MI </state> <middleName> CHEEKS </middleName> <district> 13 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-01-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000984 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [D-MD-7] </fullName> <firstName> ELIJAH </firstName> <lastName> CUMMINGS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> MD </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 7 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-01-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000053 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15] </fullName> <firstName> CHARLES </firstName> <lastName> RANGEL </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> B. </middleName> <district> 15 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-01-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> E000172 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Emerson, Jo Ann [R-MO-8] </fullName> <firstName> JO </firstName> <lastName> EMERSON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> MO </state> <middleName> ANN </middleName> <district> 8 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-01-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> O000159 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11] </fullName> <firstName> MAJOR </firstName> <lastName> OWENS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 11 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-01-20 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000207 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Watt, Melvin L. [D-NC-12] </fullName> <firstName> MELVIN </firstName> <lastName> WATT </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <district> 12 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-02-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000187 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Waters, Maxine [D-CA-35] </fullName> <firstName> MAXINE </firstName> <lastName> WATERS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 35 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-02-26 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> W000794 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Watson, Diane E. [D-CA-33] </fullName> <firstName> Diane </firstName> <lastName> Watson </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 33 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000067 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hall, Ralph M. [R-TX-4] </fullName> <firstName> RALPH </firstName> <lastName> HALL </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <middleName> M. </middleName> <district> 4 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> H000324 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23] </fullName> <firstName> ALCEE </firstName> <lastName> HASTINGS </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <middleName> L. </middleName> <district> 23 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B001238 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ballance, Frank W., Jr. [D-NC-1] </fullName> <firstName> Frank </firstName> <lastName> Ballance </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NC </state> <middleName> W. </middleName> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> B000911 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Brown, Corrine [D-FL-3] </fullName> <firstName> CORRINE </firstName> <lastName> BROWN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-04 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> L000551 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9] </fullName> <firstName> BARBARA </firstName> <lastName> LEE </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> CA </state> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> R000462 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Rothman, Steven R. [D-NJ-9] </fullName> <firstName> STEVEN </firstName> <lastName> ROTHMAN </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NJ </state> <middleName> R. </middleName> <district> 9 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> O000107 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Ortiz, Solomon P. [D-TX-27] </fullName> <firstName> SOLOMON </firstName> <lastName> ORTIZ </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> TX </state> <middleName> P. </middleName> <district> 27 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2004-03-25 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Agriculture and Food </name> </item> <item> <name> Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Ex-Members of Congress </name> </item> <item> <name> Food relief </name> </item> <item> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </item> <item> <name> Hunger </name> </item> <item> <name> International Affairs </name> </item> <item> <name> International relief </name> </item> <item> <name> Postage stamps </name> </item> <item> <name> Texas </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Commemorations </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Expresses the sense of the Congress that: (1) a commemorative postage stamp should be issued in honor of George Thomas `Mickey' Leland; and (2) the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee of the United States Postal Service should recommend to the Postmaster General that such a stamp be issued. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that a commemorative postage stamp should be issued in honor of the late George Thomas "Mickey" Leland. </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that a commemorative postage stamp should be issued in honor of the late George Thomas "Mickey" Leland. </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that a commemorative postage stamp should be issued in honor of the late George Thomas "Mickey" Leland. </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-01-07T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc=""> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-01-07T17:27:00Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "A000022", "district": "5", "first_name": "GARY", "full_name": "Rep. Ackerman, Gary L. [D-NY-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ACKERMAN", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000404", "district": "7", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCDERMOTT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000133", "district": "7", "first_name": "Edward", "full_name": "Rep. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Markey", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001034", "district": "15", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. Honda, Michael M. [D-CA-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HONDA", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001140", "district": "3", "first_name": "DENNIS", "full_name": "Rep. Moore, Dennis [D-KS-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MOORE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "KS" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000009", "district": "9", "first_name": "MARCY", "full_name": "Rep. Kaptur, Marcy [D-OH-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KAPTUR", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001137", "district": "6", "first_name": "GREGORY", "full_name": "Rep. Meeks, Gregory W. [D-NY-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MEEKS", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000284", "district": "11", "first_name": "STEPHANIE", "full_name": "Rep. Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JONES", "middle_name": "TUBBS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000043", "district": "9", "first_name": "NICK", "full_name": "Rep. Lampson, Nick [D-TX-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LAMPSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001227", "district": "1", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Brady, Robert A. [D-PA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BRADY", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000193", "district": "2", "first_name": "BENNIE", "full_name": "Rep. Thompson, Bennie G. [D-MS-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "THOMPSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "MS" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000283", "district": "2", "first_name": "JESSE", "full_name": "Rep. Jackson, Jesse L., Jr. [D-IL-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JACKSON", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000410", "district": "29", "first_name": "GENE", "full_name": "Rep. 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[D-CA-28]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BERMAN", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001241", "district": "25", "first_name": "Chris", "full_name": "Rep. Bell, Chris [D-TX-25]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Bell", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-02-11", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000191", "district": "7", "first_name": "JULIA", "full_name": "Rep. Carson, Julia [D-IN-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CARSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-12-08", "state": "IN" }, { "bioguide_id": "P000149", "district": "10", "first_name": "DONALD", "full_name": "Rep. Payne, Donald M. 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Reyes, Silvestre [D-TX-16]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "REYES", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-12-08", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000399", "district": "10", "first_name": "LLOYD", "full_name": "Rep. Doggett, Lloyd [D-TX-10]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DOGGETT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-12-08", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000090", "district": "12", "first_name": "TOM", "full_name": "Rep. Lantos, Tom [D-CA-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LANTOS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-12-08", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000287", "district": "5", "first_name": "JOHN", "full_name": "Rep. Lewis, John [D-GA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LEWIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-12-08", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000185", "district": "3", "first_name": "Robert", "full_name": "Rep. Scott, Robert C. \"Bobby\" [D-VA-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Scott", "middle_name": "C. \"Bobby\"", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-12-08", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000339", "district": "4", "first_name": "BARNEY", "full_name": "Rep. Frank, Barney [D-MA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FRANK", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-20", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000544", "district": "20", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Gonzalez, Charles A. [D-TX-20]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "GONZALEZ", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-20", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000672", "district": "2", "first_name": "VICTOR", "full_name": "Rep. Snyder, Vic [D-AR-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "SNYDER", "middle_name": "F.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-20", "state": "AR" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000392", "district": "24", "first_name": "MARTIN", "full_name": "Rep. Frost, Martin [D-TX-24]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FROST", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-20", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000551", "district": "7", "first_name": "Raúl", "full_name": "Rep. Grijalva, Raúl M. [D-AZ-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Grijalva", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-20", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000490", "district": "2", "first_name": "SANFORD", "full_name": "Rep. Bishop, Sanford D., Jr. [D-GA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BISHOP", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-20", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000033", "district": "0", "first_name": "Bernard", "full_name": "Rep. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Sanders", "middle_name": null, "party": "I", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-20", "state": "VT" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000180", "district": "13", "first_name": "CAROLYN", "full_name": "Rep. Kilpatrick, Carolyn C. [D-MI-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KILPATRICK", "middle_name": "CHEEKS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-20", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000984", "district": "7", "first_name": "ELIJAH", "full_name": "Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [D-MD-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CUMMINGS", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-20", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "RANGEL", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-20", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000172", "district": "8", "first_name": "JO", "full_name": "Rep. Emerson, Jo Ann [R-MO-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "EMERSON", "middle_name": "ANN", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-20", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000159", "district": "11", "first_name": "MAJOR", "full_name": "Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "OWENS", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-20", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000207", "district": "12", "first_name": "MELVIN", "full_name": "Rep. Watt, Melvin L. [D-NC-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WATT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-02-04", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000187", "district": "35", "first_name": "MAXINE", "full_name": "Rep. Waters, Maxine [D-CA-35]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WATERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-02-26", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000794", "district": "33", "first_name": "Diane", "full_name": "Rep. Watson, Diane E. [D-CA-33]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Watson", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000067", "district": "4", "first_name": "RALPH", "full_name": "Rep. Hall, Ralph M. [R-TX-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HALL", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-04", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000324", "district": "23", "first_name": "ALCEE", "full_name": "Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. [D-FL-23]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HASTINGS", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-04", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001238", "district": "1", "first_name": "Frank", "full_name": "Rep. Ballance, Frank W., Jr. [D-NC-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Ballance", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-04", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000911", "district": "3", "first_name": "CORRINE", "full_name": "Rep. Brown, Corrine [D-FL-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BROWN", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-04", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000551", "district": "9", "first_name": "BARBARA", "full_name": "Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-25", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000462", "district": "9", "first_name": "STEVEN", "full_name": "Rep. Rothman, Steven R. [D-NJ-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ROTHMAN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-25", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000107", "district": "27", "first_name": "SOLOMON", "full_name": "Rep. Ortiz, Solomon P. [D-TX-27]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ORTIZ", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-25", "state": "TX" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-01-07", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 3, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Commemorations", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "J000032", "district": "18", "first_name": "SHEILA", "full_name": "Rep. Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "JACKSON-LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "TX" } ], "subjects": [ "Agriculture and Food", "Congress", "Ex-Members of Congress", "Food relief", "Government Operations and Politics", "Hunger", "International Affairs", "International relief", "Postage stamps", "Texas" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-01-07", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of the Congress that: (1) a commemorative postage stamp should be issued in honor of George Thomas `Mickey' Leland; and (2) the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee of the United States Postal Service should recommend to the Postmaster General that such a stamp be issued.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-01-07T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that a commemorative postage stamp should be issued in honor of the late George Thomas \"Mickey\" Leland.", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that a commemorative postage stamp should be issued in honor of the late George Thomas \"Mickey\" Leland.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that a commemorative postage stamp should be issued in honor of the late George Thomas \"Mickey\" Leland.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:04:32Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:04:32Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-01-07T17:27:00Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Oversight and Accountability Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsgo00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "J000032", "district": "18", "first_name": "SHEILA", "full_name": "Rep. Jackson-Lee, Sheila [D-TX-18]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "JACKSON-LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "state": "TX" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "A000022", "district": "5", "first_name": "GARY", "full_name": "Rep. Ackerman, Gary L. [D-NY-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "ACKERMAN", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000404", "district": "7", "first_name": "JIM", "full_name": "Rep. McDermott, Jim [D-WA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MCDERMOTT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "WA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M000133", "district": "7", "first_name": "Edward", "full_name": "Rep. Markey, Edward J. [D-MA-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Markey", "middle_name": "J.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H001034", "district": "15", "first_name": "MICHAEL", "full_name": "Rep. Honda, Michael M. [D-CA-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "HONDA", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001140", "district": "3", "first_name": "DENNIS", "full_name": "Rep. Moore, Dennis [D-KS-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MOORE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "KS" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000009", "district": "9", "first_name": "MARCY", "full_name": "Rep. Kaptur, Marcy [D-OH-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "KAPTUR", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "M001137", "district": "6", "first_name": "GREGORY", "full_name": "Rep. Meeks, Gregory W. [D-NY-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "MEEKS", "middle_name": "W.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000284", "district": "11", "first_name": "STEPHANIE", "full_name": "Rep. Jones, Stephanie Tubbs [D-OH-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JONES", "middle_name": "TUBBS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "OH" }, { "bioguide_id": "L000043", "district": "9", "first_name": "NICK", "full_name": "Rep. Lampson, Nick [D-TX-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "LAMPSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "B001227", "district": "1", "first_name": "ROBERT", "full_name": "Rep. Brady, Robert A. [D-PA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "BRADY", "middle_name": "A.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "PA" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000193", "district": "2", "first_name": "BENNIE", "full_name": "Rep. Thompson, Bennie G. [D-MS-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "THOMPSON", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "MS" }, { "bioguide_id": "J000283", "district": "2", "first_name": "JESSE", "full_name": "Rep. Jackson, Jesse L., Jr. [D-IL-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "JACKSON", "middle_name": "L.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "IL" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000410", "district": "29", "first_name": "GENE", "full_name": "Rep. 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Lewis, John [D-GA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LEWIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-12-08", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000185", "district": "3", "first_name": "Robert", "full_name": "Rep. Scott, Robert C. \"Bobby\" [D-VA-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Scott", "middle_name": "C. \"Bobby\"", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2003-12-08", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000339", "district": "4", "first_name": "BARNEY", "full_name": "Rep. Frank, Barney [D-MA-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "FRANK", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-20", "state": "MA" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000544", "district": "20", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Gonzalez, Charles A. 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[D-AZ-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Grijalva", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-20", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "B000490", "district": "2", "first_name": "SANFORD", "full_name": "Rep. Bishop, Sanford D., Jr. [D-GA-2]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "BISHOP", "middle_name": "D.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-20", "state": "GA" }, { "bioguide_id": "S000033", "district": "0", "first_name": "Bernard", "full_name": "Rep. Sanders, Bernard [I-VT-At Large]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Sanders", "middle_name": null, "party": "I", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-20", "state": "VT" }, { "bioguide_id": "K000180", "district": "13", "first_name": "CAROLYN", "full_name": "Rep. Kilpatrick, Carolyn C. [D-MI-13]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "KILPATRICK", "middle_name": "CHEEKS", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-20", "state": "MI" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000984", "district": "7", "first_name": "ELIJAH", "full_name": "Rep. Cummings, Elijah E. [D-MD-7]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CUMMINGS", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-20", "state": "MD" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000053", "district": "15", "first_name": "CHARLES", "full_name": "Rep. Rangel, Charles B. [D-NY-15]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "RANGEL", "middle_name": "B.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-20", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "E000172", "district": "8", "first_name": "JO", "full_name": "Rep. Emerson, Jo Ann [R-MO-8]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "EMERSON", "middle_name": "ANN", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-20", "state": "MO" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000159", "district": "11", "first_name": "MAJOR", "full_name": "Rep. Owens, Major R. [D-NY-11]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "OWENS", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-01-20", "state": "NY" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000207", "district": "12", "first_name": "MELVIN", "full_name": "Rep. Watt, Melvin L. [D-NC-12]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WATT", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-02-04", "state": "NC" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000187", "district": "35", "first_name": "MAXINE", "full_name": "Rep. Waters, Maxine [D-CA-35]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "WATERS", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-02-26", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "W000794", "district": "33", "first_name": "Diane", "full_name": "Rep. Watson, Diane E. [D-CA-33]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "Watson", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-04", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000067", "district": "4", "first_name": "RALPH", "full_name": "Rep. Hall, Ralph M. [R-TX-4]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "HALL", "middle_name": "M.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-04", "state": "TX" }, { "bioguide_id": "H000324", "district": "23", "first_name": "ALCEE", "full_name": "Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. 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Lee, Barbara [D-CA-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "LEE", "middle_name": null, "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-25", "state": "CA" }, { "bioguide_id": "R000462", "district": "9", "first_name": "STEVEN", "full_name": "Rep. Rothman, Steven R. [D-NJ-9]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ROTHMAN", "middle_name": "R.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-25", "state": "NJ" }, { "bioguide_id": "O000107", "district": "27", "first_name": "SOLOMON", "full_name": "Rep. Ortiz, Solomon P. [D-TX-27]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "ORTIZ", "middle_name": "P.", "party": "D", "sponsorship_date": "2004-03-25", "state": "TX" } ]
[ "Agriculture and Food", "Congress", "Ex-Members of Congress", "Food relief", "Government Operations and Politics", "Hunger", "International Affairs", "International relief", "Postage stamps", "Texas" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-01-07", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of the Congress that: (1) a commemorative postage stamp should be issued in honor of George Thomas `Mickey' Leland; and (2) the Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee of the United States Postal Service should recommend to the Postmaster General that such a stamp be issued.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of the Congress that a commemorative postage stamp should be issued in honor of the late George Thomas "Mickey" Leland.
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that a commemorative postage stamp should be issued in honor of the late George Thomas \"Mickey\" Leland.", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that a commemorative postage stamp should be issued in honor of the late George Thomas \"Mickey\" Leland.", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-01-07T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Government Reform.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 15:45:00.806
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(CR E3) </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> B00100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> P000583 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Paul, Ron [R-TX-14] </fullName> <firstName> RON </firstName> <lastName> PAUL </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> TX </state> <district> 14 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <cosponsors> <item> <bioguideId> M001144 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Miller, Jeff [R-FL-1] </fullName> <firstName> Jeff </firstName> <lastName> Miller </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> FL </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> F000444 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Flake, Jeff [R-AZ-6] </fullName> <firstName> JEFF </firstName> <lastName> FLAKE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> AZ </state> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-07 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> True </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> T000458 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Tancredo, Thomas G. [R-CO-6] </fullName> <firstName> THOMAS </firstName> <lastName> TANCREDO </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> CO </state> <middleName> G. </middleName> <district> 6 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-01-27 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> C000116 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Cannon, Chris [R-UT-3] </fullName> <firstName> CHRIS </firstName> <lastName> CANNON </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> UT </state> <district> 3 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-04-09 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> D000597 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Davis, Jo Ann [R-VA-1] </fullName> <firstName> JO ANN </firstName> <lastName> DAVIS </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <district> 1 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-06-16 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> <item> <bioguideId> G000280 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Goode, Virgil H., Jr. [R-VA-5] </fullName> <firstName> VIRGIL </firstName> <lastName> GOODE </lastName> <party> R </party> <state> VA </state> <middleName> H. </middleName> <district> 5 </district> <sponsorshipDate> 2003-07-22 </sponsorshipDate> <isOriginalCosponsor> False </isOriginalCosponsor> </item> </cosponsors> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Arts, Culture, Religion </name> </item> <item> <name> Cultural relations </name> </item> <item> <name> Education </name> </item> <item> <name> Educational exchanges </name> </item> <item> <name> Elementary and secondary education </name> </item> <item> <name> Higher education </name> </item> <item> <name> International cooperation in science </name> </item> <item> <name> Science, Technology, Communications </name> </item> <item> <name> United Nations </name> </item> <item> <name> United Nations delegations </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> International Affairs </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:40Z </updateDate> <text> Expresses the sense of Congress that the United States should not rejoin the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that the United States should not rejoin the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that the United States should not rejoin the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Expressing the sense of the Congress that the United States should not rejoin the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-01-07T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on International Relations. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc=""> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
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Miller, Jeff [R-FL-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Miller", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000444", "district": "6", "first_name": "JEFF", "full_name": "Rep. Flake, Jeff [R-AZ-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FLAKE", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000458", "district": "6", "first_name": "THOMAS", "full_name": "Rep. Tancredo, Thomas G. [R-CO-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "TANCREDO", "middle_name": "G.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000116", "district": "3", "first_name": "CHRIS", "full_name": "Rep. Cannon, Chris [R-UT-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CANNON", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-09", "state": "UT" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000597", "district": "1", "first_name": "JO ANN", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Jo Ann [R-VA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-16", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000280", "district": "5", "first_name": "VIRGIL", "full_name": "Rep. Goode, Virgil H., Jr. [R-VA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "GOODE", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-22", "state": "VA" } ], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-01-07", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 4, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "International Affairs", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "P000583", "district": "14", "first_name": "RON", "full_name": "Rep. 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[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-01-07T17:11:20Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Foreign Affairs Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsfa00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "B00100", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR E3)", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "P000583", "district": "14", "first_name": "RON", "full_name": "Rep. Paul, Ron [R-TX-14]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "PAUL", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "state": "TX" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "M001144", "district": "1", "first_name": "Jeff", "full_name": "Rep. Miller, Jeff [R-FL-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "Miller", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "FL" }, { "bioguide_id": "F000444", "district": "6", "first_name": "JEFF", "full_name": "Rep. Flake, Jeff [R-AZ-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": true, "last_name": "FLAKE", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-07", "state": "AZ" }, { "bioguide_id": "T000458", "district": "6", "first_name": "THOMAS", "full_name": "Rep. Tancredo, Thomas G. [R-CO-6]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "TANCREDO", "middle_name": "G.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-01-27", "state": "CO" }, { "bioguide_id": "C000116", "district": "3", "first_name": "CHRIS", "full_name": "Rep. Cannon, Chris [R-UT-3]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "CANNON", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-04-09", "state": "UT" }, { "bioguide_id": "D000597", "district": "1", "first_name": "JO ANN", "full_name": "Rep. Davis, Jo Ann [R-VA-1]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "DAVIS", "middle_name": null, "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-06-16", "state": "VA" }, { "bioguide_id": "G000280", "district": "5", "first_name": "VIRGIL", "full_name": "Rep. Goode, Virgil H., Jr. [R-VA-5]", "is_original_cosponsor": false, "last_name": "GOODE", "middle_name": "H.", "party": "R", "sponsorship_date": "2003-07-22", "state": "VA" } ]
International Affairs
[ "Arts, Culture, Religion", "Cultural relations", "Education", "Educational exchanges", "Elementary and secondary education", "Higher education", "International cooperation in science", "Science, Technology, Communications", "United Nations", "United Nations delegations" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-01-07", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of Congress that the United States should not rejoin the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:40Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Expressing the sense of the Congress that the United States should not rejoin the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that the United States should not rejoin the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Expressing the sense of the Congress that the United States should not rejoin the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-01-07T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on International Relations.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 16:41:01.022
<billStatus> <version> 3.0.0 </version> <bill> <number> 5 </number> <updateDate> 2023-01-15T21:04:32Z </updateDate> <updateDateIncludingText> 2023-01-15T21:04:32Z </updateDateIncludingText> <originChamber> House </originChamber> <originChamberCode> H </originChamberCode> <type> HCONRES </type> <introducedDate> 2003-01-07 </introducedDate> <congress> 108 </congress> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsed00 </systemCode> <name> Education and the Workforce Committee </name> <chamber> House </chamber> <type> Standing </type> <subcommittees> <item> <systemCode> hsed14 </systemCode> <name> Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Subcommittee </name> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-02-21T21:35:31Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </subcommittees> <activities> <item> <name> Referred to </name> <date> 2003-01-07T17:16:30Z </date> </item> </activities> </item> </committees> <actions> <item> <actionDate> 2003-02-21 </actionDate> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsed14 </systemCode> <name> Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Subcommittee </name> </item> </committees> <sourceSystem> <code> 1 </code> <name> House committee actions </name> </sourceSystem> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Education Reform. </text> <type> Committee </type> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce. </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> H11100 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 2 </code> <name> House floor actions </name> </sourceSystem> <committees> <item> <systemCode> hsed00 </systemCode> <name> Education and the Workforce Committee </name> </item> </committees> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> Intro-H </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> <item> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <text> Introduced in House </text> <type> IntroReferral </type> <actionCode> 1000 </actionCode> <sourceSystem> <code> 9 </code> <name> Library of Congress </name> </sourceSystem> </item> </actions> <sponsors> <item> <bioguideId> S000248 </bioguideId> <fullName> Rep. Serrano, Jose E. [D-NY-16] </fullName> <firstName> JOSE </firstName> <lastName> SERRANO </lastName> <party> D </party> <state> NY </state> <middleName> E. </middleName> <district> 16 </district> <isByRequest> N </isByRequest> </item> </sponsors> <policyArea> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </policyArea> <subjects> <legislativeSubjects> <item> <name> Alaska </name> </item> <item> <name> Arts, Culture, Religion </name> </item> <item> <name> Bilingualism </name> </item> <item> <name> Education </name> </item> <item> <name> Elementary and secondary education </name> </item> <item> <name> English language </name> </item> <item> <name> Hawaiians </name> </item> <item> <name> Indian education </name> </item> <item> <name> Indigenous peoples </name> </item> <item> <name> Information technology </name> </item> <item> <name> Language and languages </name> </item> <item> <name> Minorities </name> </item> <item> <name> Native Americans </name> </item> <item> <name> Pluralism (Social sciences) </name> </item> <item> <name> Science, Technology, Communications </name> </item> </legislativeSubjects> <policyArea> <name> Government Operations and Politics </name> </policyArea> </subjects> <summaries> <summary> <versionCode> 00 </versionCode> <actionDate> 2003-01-07 </actionDate> <actionDesc> Introduced in House </actionDesc> <updateDate> 2006-11-28T17:35:39Z </updateDate> <text> Expresses the sense of the Congress that the U.S. Government should pursue policies that: (1) encourage all residents of this country to become fully proficient in English by expanding educational opportunities and access to information technologies; (2) conserve and develop the Nation's linguistic resources by encouraging all residents to learn or maintain skills in a language other than English; (3) assist Native Americans, Native Alaskans, Native Hawaiians, and other peoples indigenous to the United States in their efforts to prevent the extinction of their languages and cultures; (4) continue to provide services in languages other than English as needed to facilitate access to essential functions of government, promote public health and safety, ensure due process, promote equal educational opportunity, and protect fundamental rights; and (5) recognize the importance of multilingualism to vital national interests and individual rights, and oppose "English-only" measures and similar language restrictionist measures. </text> </summary> </summaries> <title> Entitled the "English Plus Resolution". </title> <titles> <item> <titleType> Display Title </titleType> <title> Entitled the "English Plus Resolution". </title> </item> <item> <titleType> Official Title as Introduced </titleType> <title> Entitled the "English Plus Resolution". </title> <billTextVersionName> Introduced in House </billTextVersionName> <billTextVersionCode> IH </billTextVersionCode> </item> </titles> <textVersions> <item> <type> Introduced in House </type> <date> 2003-01-07T05:00:00Z </date> <formats/> </item> </textVersions> <latestAction> <actionDate> 2003-02-21 </actionDate> <text> Referred to the Subcommittee on Education Reform. </text> </latestAction> </bill> <dublinCore xmlns:dc=""> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> <dc:contributor> Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress </dc:contributor> <dc:description> This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file. </dc:description> </dublinCore> </billStatus>
{ "actions": [ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-21", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsed14", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Education Reform.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Education and the Workforce Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsed00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ], "amendments": [], "cbo_cost_estimates": [], "committee_reports": [], "committees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-01-07T17:16:30Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Education and the Workforce Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-21T21:35:31Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsed14" } ], "system_code": "hsed00", "type": "Standing" } ], "congress": 108, "cosponsors": [], "dublin_core": { "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }, "introduced_date": "2003-01-07", "latest_action": { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-21", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Education Reform.", "type": null }, "laws": [], "notes": [], "number": 5, "origin_chamber": "House", "origin_chamber_code": "H", "policy_area": "Government Operations and Politics", "related_bills": [], "sponsors": [ { "bioguide_id": "S000248", "district": "16", "first_name": "JOSE", "full_name": "Rep. Serrano, Jose E. [D-NY-16]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "SERRANO", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "state": "NY" } ], "subjects": [ "Alaska", "Arts, Culture, Religion", "Bilingualism", "Education", "Elementary and secondary education", "English language", "Hawaiians", "Indian education", "Indigenous peoples", "Information technology", "Language and languages", "Minorities", "Native Americans", "Pluralism (Social sciences)", "Science, Technology, Communications" ], "summaries": [ { "action_date": "2003-01-07", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of the Congress that the U.S. Government should pursue policies that: (1) encourage all residents of this country to become fully proficient in English by expanding educational opportunities and access to information technologies; (2) conserve and develop the Nation's linguistic resources by encouraging all residents to learn or maintain skills in a language other than English; (3) assist Native Americans, Native Alaskans, Native Hawaiians, and other peoples indigenous to the United States in their efforts to prevent the extinction of their languages and cultures; (4) continue to provide services in languages other than English as needed to facilitate access to essential functions of government, promote public health and safety, ensure due process, promote equal educational opportunity, and protect fundamental rights; and (5) recognize the importance of multilingualism to vital national interests and individual rights, and oppose \"English-only\" measures and similar language restrictionist measures.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:39Z", "version_code": "00" } ], "text_versions": [ { "date": "2003-01-07T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ], "title": "Entitled the \"English Plus Resolution\".", "titles": [ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Entitled the \"English Plus Resolution\".", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Entitled the \"English Plus Resolution\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ], "type": "HCONRES", "update_date": "2023-01-15T21:04:32Z", "update_date_including_text": "2023-01-15T21:04:32Z", "version": "3.0.0" }
[ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-01-07T17:16:30Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "chamber": "House", "name": "Education and the Workforce Committee", "subcommittees": [ { "activities": [ { "date": "2003-02-21T21:35:31Z", "name": "Referred to" } ], "name": "Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Subcommittee", "system_code": "hsed14" } ], "system_code": "hsed00", "type": "Standing" } ]
[ { "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-21", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Subcommittee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsed14", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "1", "name": "House committee actions" }, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Education Reform.", "type": "Committee" }, { "action_code": "H11100", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [ { "activities": [], "chamber": null, "name": "Education and the Workforce Committee", "subcommittees": [], "system_code": "hsed00", "type": null } ], "source_system": { "code": "2", "name": "House floor actions" }, "text": "Referred to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce.", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "Intro-H", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" }, { "action_code": "1000", "action_date": "2003-01-07", "committees": [], "source_system": { "code": "9", "name": "Library of Congress" }, "text": "Introduced in House", "type": "IntroReferral" } ]
[ { "bioguide_id": "S000248", "district": "16", "first_name": "JOSE", "full_name": "Rep. Serrano, Jose E. [D-NY-16]", "identifiers": null, "is_by_request": "N", "last_name": "SERRANO", "middle_name": "E.", "party": "D", "state": "NY" } ]
Government Operations and Politics
[ "Alaska", "Arts, Culture, Religion", "Bilingualism", "Education", "Elementary and secondary education", "English language", "Hawaiians", "Indian education", "Indigenous peoples", "Information technology", "Language and languages", "Minorities", "Native Americans", "Pluralism (Social sciences)", "Science, Technology, Communications" ]
[ { "action_date": "2003-01-07", "action_desc": "Introduced in House", "text": "Expresses the sense of the Congress that the U.S. Government should pursue policies that: (1) encourage all residents of this country to become fully proficient in English by expanding educational opportunities and access to information technologies; (2) conserve and develop the Nation's linguistic resources by encouraging all residents to learn or maintain skills in a language other than English; (3) assist Native Americans, Native Alaskans, Native Hawaiians, and other peoples indigenous to the United States in their efforts to prevent the extinction of their languages and cultures; (4) continue to provide services in languages other than English as needed to facilitate access to essential functions of government, promote public health and safety, ensure due process, promote equal educational opportunity, and protect fundamental rights; and (5) recognize the importance of multilingualism to vital national interests and individual rights, and oppose \"English-only\" measures and similar language restrictionist measures.", "update_date": "2006-11-28T17:35:39Z", "version_code": "00" } ]
Entitled the "English Plus Resolution".
[ { "bill_text_version_code": null, "bill_text_version_name": null, "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Entitled the \"English Plus Resolution\".", "title_type": "Display Title" }, { "bill_text_version_code": "IH", "bill_text_version_name": "Introduced in House", "chamber_code": null, "chamber_name": null, "title": "Entitled the \"English Plus Resolution\".", "title_type": "Official Title as Introduced" } ]
[ { "date": "2003-01-07T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{ "action_code": null, "action_date": "2003-02-21", "committees": [], "source_system": null, "text": "Referred to the Subcommittee on Education Reform.", "type": null }
{ "dc_contributor": "Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress", "dc_description": "This file contains bill summaries and statuses for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is \"to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives\". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.", "dc_format": "text/xml", "dc_language": "EN", "dc_rights": "Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain." }
2024-01-19 16:41:01.061
"<billStatus>\n <version>\n 3.0.0\n </version>\n <bill>\n <number>\n 6\n </number>\n <updateDa(...TRUNCATED)
[{"activities":[{"date":"2003-07-17T17:42:18Z","name":"Referred to"}],"chamber":"Senate","name":"Hea(...TRUNCATED)
[{"bioguide_id":"S000822","district":"6","first_name":"CLIFF","full_name":"Rep. Stearns, Cliff [R-FL(...TRUNCATED)
[{"bioguide_id":"L000287","district":"5","first_name":"JOHN","full_name":"Rep. Lewis, John [D-GA-5]"(...TRUNCATED)
[{"description":"<p>Cost estimate for the bill as ordered reported by the House Committee on Governm(...TRUNCATED)
[ "Chronically ill", "Health", "Lung diseases", "Special months" ]
[{"action_date":"2003-01-07","action_desc":"Introduced in House","text":"Expresses support for the g(...TRUNCATED)
Supporting the goals and ideals of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Awareness Month.
[{"date":"2003-07-17T04:00:00Z","type":"Referred in Senate","url":null},{"date":"2003-07-16T04:00:00(...TRUNCATED)
{"dc_contributor":"Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress","dc_description":"This file (...TRUNCATED)
2024-01-19 16:40:01.498
"<billStatus>\n <version>\n 3.0.0\n </version>\n <bill>\n <number>\n 7\n </number>\n <updateDa(...TRUNCATED)
[{"activities":[{"date":"2003-01-07T17:08:35Z","name":"Referred to"}],"chamber":"House","name":"Arme(...TRUNCATED)
[{"bioguide_id":"T000326","district":"10","first_name":"EDOLPHUS","full_name":"Rep. Towns, Edolphus (...TRUNCATED)
Armed Forces and National Security
["Blacks","Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority Issues","Civil War","Civil rights workers","Health",(...TRUNCATED)
[{"action_date":"2003-01-07","action_desc":"Introduced in House","text":"Expresses the sense of Cong(...TRUNCATED)
"Expressing the sense of the Congress that Harriet Tubman should have been paid a pension for her se(...TRUNCATED)
[ { "date": "2003-01-07T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{"dc_contributor":"Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress","dc_description":"This file (...TRUNCATED)
2024-01-19 16:37:00.755
"<billStatus>\n <version>\n 3.0.0\n </version>\n <bill>\n <number>\n 8\n </number>\n <updateDa(...TRUNCATED)
[{"bioguide_id":"P000555","district":"15","first_name":"DEBORAH","full_name":"Rep. Pryce, Deborah [R(...TRUNCATED)
[ "Congressional sessions" ]
[{"action_date":"2003-01-08","action_desc":"Introduced in House","text":"Provides for an adjournment(...TRUNCATED)
Providing for an adjournment or recess of the two Houses.
[{"date":null,"type":"Enrolled Bill","url":null},{"date":"2003-01-09T05:00:00Z","type":"Received in (...TRUNCATED)
{"action_code":null,"action_date":"2003-01-10","committees":[],"source_system":null,"text":"Message (...TRUNCATED)
{"dc_contributor":"Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress","dc_description":"This file (...TRUNCATED)
2024-01-19 16:33:00.147
"<billStatus>\n <version>\n 3.0.0\n </version>\n <bill>\n <number>\n 9\n </number>\n <updateDa(...TRUNCATED)
[{"activities":[{"date":"2003-01-08T15:07:45Z","name":"Referred to"}],"chamber":"House","name":"Arme(...TRUNCATED)
[{"bioguide_id":"G000280","district":"5","first_name":"VIRGIL","full_name":"Rep. Goode, Virgil H., J(...TRUNCATED)
[{"bioguide_id":"B000013","district":"6","first_name":"SPENCER","full_name":"Rep. Bachus, Spencer [R(...TRUNCATED)
International Affairs
["Armed Forces and National Security","Armed forces abroad","Government Operations and Politics","In(...TRUNCATED)
[{"action_date":"2003-01-08","action_desc":"Introduced in House","text":"Expresses the sense of Cong(...TRUNCATED)
"Urging the President to negotiate a new base rights agreement with the Government of the Republic o(...TRUNCATED)
[ { "date": "2003-01-08T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{"dc_contributor":"Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress","dc_description":"This file (...TRUNCATED)
2024-01-19 16:42:01.776
"<billStatus>\n <version>\n 3.0.0\n </version>\n <bill>\n <number>\n 10\n </number>\n <updateD(...TRUNCATED)
[{"activities":[{"date":"2003-01-08T15:05:20Z","name":"Referred to"}],"chamber":"House","name":"Fore(...TRUNCATED)
[{"bioguide_id":"H000324","district":"23","first_name":"ALCEE","full_name":"Rep. Hastings, Alcee L. (...TRUNCATED)
[{"bioguide_id":"D000096","district":"7","first_name":"DANNY","full_name":"Rep. Davis, Danny K. [D-I(...TRUNCATED)
International Affairs
["Armed Forces and National Security","Arms control agreements","Arms control verification","Congres(...TRUNCATED)
[{"action_date":"2003-01-08","action_desc":"Introduced in House","text":"Calls on North Korea to: (1(...TRUNCATED)
"Condemning the Democratic People's Republic of Korea for its failure to comply with the Treaty on t(...TRUNCATED)
[ { "date": "2003-01-08T05:00:00Z", "type": "Introduced in House", "url": null } ]
{"dc_contributor":"Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress","dc_description":"This file (...TRUNCATED)
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio

Dataset Description

This dataset is part of a family of datasets that provide convenient access to congressional data from the US Government Publishing Office via the GovInfo Bulk Data Repository. GovInfo provides bulk data in xml format. The raw xml files were downloaded using the congress repo. Further processing was done using the legisplain legisplain repo.

Hyperdemocracy Datasets

BILLSTATUS (metadata for congresses 108-118)

These xml files contain metadata about each bill and pointers to different xml files that contain various text versions of each bill.

Column Descriptions

Hyperdemocracy column descriptions.

Column Description
legis_id a unique ID for each bill ({congress_num}-{legis_type}-{legis_num})
congress_num the congress number for the bill
legis_type one of [hr, hres, hconres, hjres, s, sres, sconres, sjres] (see govinfo - types of legislation)
legis_num bills in each congress and of each type get an incrementing number as part of their ID
bulk_path XML file path during bulk download
lastmod lastmod date during bulk download
bs_xml contents of billstatus XML file
bs_json billstatus XML parsed into JSON

See the BILLSTATUS XML User Guide for descriptions of the other columns.


The dataset is broken into splits (one split per congress number).

from datasets import load_dataset

# load each split into a `DatasetDict` keyed on congress number
dsd = load_dataset(path="hyperdemocracy/usc-billstatus")

# load a single congress number into a `Dataset`
ds = load_dataset(path="hyperdemocracy/usc-billstatus", split=117)

# load all congress numbers into a single `Dataset`
ds = load_dataset(path="hyperdemocracy/usc-billstatus", split="all")

Congress Number to Date Mapping

Congress Number Years Metadata Text
118 2023-2024 True True
117 2021-2022 True True
116 2019-2020 True True
115 2017-2018 True True
114 2015-2016 True True
113 2013-2014 True True
112 2011-2012 True False
111 2009-2010 True False
110 2007-2008 True False
109 2005-2006 True False
108 2003-2004 True False
Downloads last month