Hello Quarto team! I've been test-driving Quarto since last night, and I'm very excited about what I've experienced with Quarto thus far. Thank you all for putting out a great tool! The default templates are tasteful and gorgeous, and the documentation is well-written. I have a question regarding hiding Jupyter code cells in a PDF. I've tried adding the following to a Jupyter code cell (VSCode is my editor): <img width="1032" alt="image" src=""> However, I still get the code cell rendering in the final PDF: <img width="674" alt="image" src=""> I think I might be doing something incorrectly here. May I ask, is it possible to hide a Jupyter code cell in a rendered PDF?
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 2, "created_at": "2022-04-04T11:51:31Z", "creator": "ericmjl", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 520, "state": "closed", "title": "Question: Is it possible to hide a Jupyter code cell in a PDF?", "url": "" }
I have python installed from the windows store, currently python 3.10 and I am an unable to get quarto to detect it when attempting to render notebooks that include Python or Julia. The installation is on PATH, and I am able to start python from either `python` or `python3` in `cmd.exe` and Windows PowerShell, but Quarto still seems unable to detect it. I have also tried using RStudio and explicitly specifying the python interpreter in the python options in RStudio, but get the same problem with attempting to render the document ```bash [1/2] posts\test-julia\index.qmd Starting Jupyter kernel... ERROR: Error executing 'python': program not found Unable to locate an installed version of Python 3. Install Python 3 from ``` I was able to solve this by creating a `venv` but without it, quarto wasn't able to detect the Windows store python installation. Thought I should let you know, and thanks for all the great work on such an awesome system!
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 2, "created_at": "2022-04-04T05:31:40Z", "creator": "BradyAJohnston", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 519, "state": "closed", "title": "Detecting Windows Store Python", "url": "" }
Hi, I have problems with the use of 'code-tools' and its 'view source' button: the source code is not displayed correctly, remains grayed out and cannot be navigated properly (see for example : and the source code Am I the only one in this case ? Thank you for you help and for quarto in general!
{ "assignee": "dragonstyle", "comments": 4, "created_at": "2022-04-03T14:09:08Z", "creator": "jchiquet", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 515, "state": "closed", "title": "Problem in displaying source code with code-tools", "url": "" }
Yes, you are correct, we should be moving the ancillary binaries into their own subdirectory so they don't pollute the `PATH` on Windows. cc @dragonstyle _Originally posted by @jjallaire in
{ "assignee": "dragonstyle", "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-04-03T13:18:17Z", "creator": "dragonstyle", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 514, "state": "closed", "title": "On windows, place non-quarto binaries in a folder not in the path", "url": "" }
### Discussed in <div type='discussions-op-text'> <sup>Originally posted by **choxos** April 3, 2022</sup> Hi, It seems some of the PubMed references could not be found by Insert Citation tool. For instance: It would be great if you added inserting citations by PMID (just like Zotero). Ahmad</div>
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-04-03T12:57:39Z", "creator": "dragonstyle", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": "Future", "number": 513, "state": "open", "title": "Adding references using PMID", "url": "" }
Finally something that looks clean and simple in this space! Great job guys. I think it would be nice to also add mkdocs support. So basically another guide and maybe an mkdocs plugin would be a great addition.
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 2, "created_at": "2022-04-03T07:08:22Z", "creator": "LeonardAukea", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 512, "state": "closed", "title": "Add mkdocs support ", "url": "" }
When I make a long report, I want to see some chunks quickly. In R Markdown, I check the outline that is a function of RStudio, check the chunk label and click it (like the figure below). But in Quarto, when I set the chunk label by `#| label:` in the chunk, I can't see the label on the outline. Is there any way to display the label on the outline? ![Example](
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-04-03T06:42:11Z", "creator": "Doubt-0KB", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 511, "state": "closed", "title": "How to see the chunk label by `#| label` on the outline?", "url": "" }
I am confused by Quarto's treatment of citations and hoping someone can help clarify. The documentation states > Quarto uses Pandoc to format citations and bibliographies. By default, Pandoc will use the [Chicago Manual of Style]( author-date format, but you can specify a custom formatting using CSL ([Citation Style Language]( However, just above that passage documentation states that `Blah Blah [see @knuth1984, pp. 33-35; also @wickham2015, chap. 1]` will produce > Blah Blah [see Knuth ([1984](, pp. 33-35; also Wickham ([2015](, chap. 1] This is the output rendered by Quarto. However, to the best of my knowledge this is **_not_** Chicago [author-date]( format. I'm unaccustomed to seeing Chicago inline citation (or really any author date styles) use `[]` characters when page numbers are referenced. A properly formatted Chicago author-date inline citation would I believe read. > Blah Blah (see Knuth 1984, pp. 33-35; also Wickham 2015, chap. 1) I explicitly declared in the YAML `csl: chicago-author-date.csl` but to no avail, the default output was still rendered. I changed it to `evolutionary-anthropology.csl` and got numbered citations as expected, though page numbers still seem wrong to me (but I would need to dig into this further). Finally, when the equivalent to `Blah Blah [see @knuth1984, pp. 33-35; also @wickham2015, chap. 1]` is knitted in an .Rmd outside of Quarto it produces > Blah Blah (see Knuth 1984, pp. 33-35; also Wickham 2015, chap. 1) How to achieve this in Quarto, and perhaps some insight on why it is different would be incredibly helpful. In terms of citation, switching from .Rmd to .Qmd it seems will require some fiddling which feels like a departure from the overall intent of Quarto. I believe I'm missing something. _Originally posted by @n8craig in
{ "assignee": "dragonstyle", "comments": 0, "created_at": "2022-04-02T13:54:32Z", "creator": "dragonstyle", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 505, "state": "closed", "title": "Incorrect escaping braces around citations", "url": "" }
Hi All; I tried to take Quarto for whirl using Python 3. I use macOS Monetery with Python 3.10. I rendered the published example ``` title: "matplotlib demo" format: html: code-fold: true jupyter: python3 --- For a demonstration of a line plot on a polar axis, see @fig-polar. ```{python} #| label: fig-polar #| fig-cap: "A line plot on a polar axis" import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt r = np.arange(0, 2, 0.01) theta = 2 * np.pi * r fig, ax = plt.subplots( subplot_kw = {'projection': 'polar'} ) ax.plot(theta, r) ax.set_rticks([0.5, 1, 1.5, 2]) ax.grid(True) ``` I keep getting this error. ``` --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) /var/folders/7p/cp6pcdns68zfy1p7bchrfs4h0000gn/T/ipykernel_52212/ in <module> 13 ax.set_rticks([0.5, 1, 1.5, 2]) 14 ax.grid(True) ---> 15 /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/matplotlib/ in show(*args, **kwargs) 366 """ 367 _warn_if_gui_out_of_main_thread() --> 368 return*args, **kwargs) 369 370 /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/itermplot/ in show() 138 figmanager = Gcf.get_active() 139 if figmanager is not None: --> 140 141 else: 142 for manager in Gcf.get_all_fig_managers(): /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/itermplot/ in show(self) 296 297 if hasattr(data, "getbuffer"): --> 298 imgcat(data.getbuffer(), fn) 299 else: # Python 2 300 imgcat(data.getvalue(), fn) /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/itermplot/ in imgcat(data, fn) 122 sys.stdout.buffer.write(buf) 123 else: --> 124 sys.stdout.write(buf) 125 sys.stdout.flush() 126 /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.10/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ipykernel/ in write(self, string) 509 510 if not isinstance(string, str): --> 511 raise TypeError( 512 f"write() argument must be str, not {type(string)}" 513 ) TypeError: write() argument must be str, not <class 'bytes'> TypeError: write() argument must be str, not <class 'bytes'> ``` It works well with R and Julia. This error appears only when trying ``. Thanks!!
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 5, "created_at": "2022-04-02T05:23:35Z", "creator": "Mutaz94", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 502, "state": "closed", "title": "Unable to render with including ``", "url": "" }
Hi, I've started using Quarto for some slides I'm making and something weird is happening: - When I render the HTML slides in a Windows Desktop, everything works as expected. - When I do the same on a Windows laptop, the slides render as an HTML document. - In both computers I have installed Quarto, I'm using RStudio. Here is my session info on the laptop: > sessionInfo() R version 4.0.3 (2020-10-10) Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit) Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 14393) Matrix products: default locale: [1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252 LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252 LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252 [4] LC_NUMERIC=C LC_TIME=English_United States.1252 attached base packages: [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base other attached packages: [1] scico_1.2.0 viridis_0.5.1 viridisLite_0.4.0 survival_3.3-1 here_0.1 forcats_0.5.1 stringr_1.4.0 [8] dplyr_1.0.7 purrr_0.3.4 readr_2.1.1 tidyr_1.1.4 tibble_3.1.6 ggplot2_3.3.5 tidyverse_1.3.1 loaded via a namespace (and not attached): [1] Rcpp_1.0.8 lubridate_1.8.0 lattice_0.20-41 assertthat_0.2.1 rprojroot_2.0.2 digest_0.6.28 utf8_1.2.2 [8] R6_2.5.1 cellranger_1.1.0 backports_1.2.1 reprex_2.0.1 evaluate_0.14 highr_0.9 httr_1.4.2 [15] pillar_1.6.4 rlang_0.4.11 readxl_1.3.1 rstudioapi_0.13 Matrix_1.2-18 rmarkdown_2.13 labeling_0.4.2 [22] splines_4.0.3 munsell_0.5.0 broom_0.7.11 compiler_4.0.3 modelr_0.1.8 xfun_0.29 pkgconfig_2.0.3 [29] htmltools_0.5.2 tidyselect_1.1.1 gridExtra_2.3 fansi_0.5.0 crayon_1.4.2 tzdb_0.2.0 dbplyr_2.1.1 [36] withr_2.4.3 grid_4.0.3 jsonlite_1.7.2 gtable_0.3.0 lifecycle_1.0.1 DBI_1.1.2 magrittr_2.0.1 [43] scales_1.1.1 cli_3.1.0 stringi_1.7.6 farver_2.1.0 fs_1.5.0 xml2_1.3.3 ellipsis_0.3.2 [50] generics_0.1.1 vctrs_0.3.8 tools_4.0.3 glue_1.4.2 hms_1.1.1 rsconnect_0.8.16 fastmap_1.1.0 [57] yaml_2.2.1 colorspace_2.0-2 rvest_1.0.2 knitr_1.37 haven_2.4.3 And this is what I get when I render the slides in the 'Render' console: "C:/Program Files/RStudio/bin/pandoc/pandoc" +RTS -K512m -RTS --to html4 --from markdown+autolink_bare_uris+tex_math_single_backslash --output Survival_analysis.html --lua-filter "C:\Users\aimundo\R\win-library\4.0\rmarkdown\rmarkdown\lua\pagebreak.lua" --lua-filter "C:\Users\aimundo\R\win-library\4.0\rmarkdown\rmarkdown\lua\latex-div.lua" --self-contained --variable bs3=TRUE --standalone --section-divs --template "C:\Users\aimundo\R\win-library\4.0\rmarkdown\rmd\h\default.html" --no-highlight --variable highlightjs=1 --variable theme=bootstrap --mathjax --variable "mathjax-url=" --include-in-header "C:\Users\aimundo\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpWmBmAP\rmarkdown-str27e43dd023b8.html" Any leads on why this is happening would be appreciated, thanks!
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 3, "created_at": "2022-04-01T21:02:10Z", "creator": "aimundo", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 501, "state": "closed", "title": "Revealjs slides not rendering correctly", "url": "" }
Hi, Loving Quarto so far. This is all very exciting. This suggested feature is more of a "quality of life" feature, but it would be great to have Quick Look support on Macs for `.qmd` files. I love being able to quick look (press space bar for a file preview) at other plain-text files like R and Python scripts. it would be great to have support for `.qmd`. Possibly with syntax highlighting options. Tools like go the next step to provide syntax highlighting in quick looks. Anyway, maybe this is outside the scope of Quarto. If so, please feel free to close this issue.
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 4, "created_at": "2022-04-01T20:31:07Z", "creator": "mattwarkentin", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 500, "state": "closed", "title": "Mac Quick Look support for .qmd files", "url": "" }
Using `quarto v 0.9.172` on Mac OSX # Some VSCode Documentation suggestions Under the [vscode tool section](, it may be helpful to to document a few additional features: 1. Add kernel selection notes for interactive quarto authoring 2. Add capability and/or documentation on insert code chunk ## 1. Kernel Selection or `venv` for Quarto documents I think it would be helpful to document selecting the intended `python` interpreter/virtual environment as it varies between plain text `.qmd` and notebook-style `.ipynb`, where `.qmd` is the _new_ way. In `jupyter` this selection is part of the notebook UI: ![Screen Shot 2022-04-01 at 12 15 24 PM]( --- While in `.qmd` the Quarto language mode has a separate interactive tab that pops up when you run a cell, and then offers the ability to control the preferred kernel: ![Screen Shot 2022-04-01 at 12 15 56 PM]( It may be helpful to indicate choosing the kernel for both `.ipynb` and `.qmd` documents. Alternatively, inline execution of notebooks may be an option with the same UI element as `jupyter`. There's also the option of specifying it via command palette + `Python: Select Interpreter` before running the cell in a `.qmd`. ## 2. Insert code chunk In `jupyter` the command palette or shortcuts allow for insertion of code chunks with `Notebook`: **`Cmd + Shift + P`** `Notebook: insert code cell below/above` Along with variants like: Insert markdown chunks, move to cell, change cell type (eg markdown vs code), etc --- Quarto language mode already has nice features like: `go to next cell`, `run next cell`, `run above/below`, etc, but coming from the RMD space, I use the `insert chunk` option in RStudio a lot! As far as I can tell, while in Quarto language mode I need to manually write out code chunks: ```` ```{python} # code here ``` ```` Whether using/extending the existing `Notebook: Insert code cell` hooks or potentially adding a feature to the quarto extension, it would be great to be able to insert chunks (preferably for both R/Python or other languages) However, it may be more appropriate as a [vscode snippet]( since it _is plain text_ in Quarto language mode vs a _notebook cell_ in the jupyter language mode.
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 2, "created_at": "2022-04-01T18:59:56Z", "creator": "jthomasmock", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 1316, "state": "closed", "title": "vscode documentation items", "url": "" }
I almost feel sorry to write that, I find quatro so good ... But I believe it's precisely "because of that": I wish there was such a flawless and complete pandoc integration in org-mode (don't get me wrong I love org-mode to death). So my question is simple: when are you going to integrate org-mode into the quatro ecosystem or more seriously when are you going to rewrite org-mode, emacs and obsidian to win as an absolute master on scientific content writing platforms or more simply dominate the world ? Well, while waiting for this bright future, do you think it is possible to integrate org-mode into the quatro ecosystem? And above all, thank you very much for this superb project !!!
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 3, "created_at": "2022-04-01T17:51:31Z", "creator": "fbob", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 499, "state": "closed", "title": "And ... org-mode ", "url": "" }
Quarto is great! I dont like that the content "jumps" or "shifts" between two pages if there is a toc (the one usually on the right that says "on this page" and one page that doesnt have a toc. So when you click yourself through a book really fast, the content jumps from left to right and vice versa.
{ "assignee": "dragonstyle", "comments": 2, "created_at": "2022-04-01T15:53:03Z", "creator": "jakobschumacher", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 498, "state": "closed", "title": "Content \"jumps\" from a page with a toc on the right compared to a page without a toc", "url": "" }
On there is a broken link to the [Fenced Echo]( documentation.
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-04-01T00:56:34Z", "creator": "WillemSleegers", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 495, "state": "closed", "title": "Broken link to Fenced Echo", "url": "" }
Currently, the rendering of equations in the speaker notes is problematic: they are rendered both as equations AND texts at the same time. ```markdown --- title: Testing equation in speaker note format: revealjs --- ## Test equation in speaker notes Sometimes, I want to include some equations in the speaker notes. ::: {.notes} An equation in display $$ E = mc^2 $$ or an in-line equation $E=mc^2$ ::: ``` Gives the following in speaker view, ![Speaker view](
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 4, "created_at": "2022-03-31T22:51:27Z", "creator": "juliantao", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 494, "state": "closed", "title": "[revealjs] Equation in speaker notes", "url": "" }
I want things like misspelled filenames to trigger an error, especially in a CI job (which is awesome BTW However, I don't get the non-zero exit code I would expect: ``` $ quarto render --fail-if-warnings [ 1/14] [ 2/14] ... WARNING: Unable to resolve link target: ... [13/14] [14/14] Output created: docs/index.html $ echo $? 0 $ quarto --version 0.9.171 ```
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-03-31T14:49:48Z", "creator": "johnkerl", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": "Future", "number": 493, "state": "open", "title": "quarto-render --fail-if-warnings not working as expected", "url": "" }
Clicking on a link in the navigation bar links to a new page, but for a brief moment you can see that the content starts at the top of the screen (under the navigation bar) and then jumps down a bit. I believe this is because the navigation bar floats at the top of the page and the content needs to adjust for the height of the navigation bar. You can see this when you make a default Quarto website. I think it would be nice if it doesn't have that jumpiness (by default). And is there a way to fix it?
{ "assignee": "dragonstyle", "comments": 7, "created_at": "2022-03-31T08:42:39Z", "creator": "WillemSleegers", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 491, "state": "closed", "title": "Page content jumps on page load", "url": "" }
I know that with kable, you can generate a table with captions from a code block. Is the same true for python generated tables? What about latex tables generated in python code blocks? Thank you!
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-03-31T02:50:40Z", "creator": "amichuda", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 490, "state": "closed", "title": "Python table and captions generated by code block", "url": "" }
Hello! I'm loving the custom layouts especially to do side-by-side text and images. This is what I'm after (done previously in a Hugo site using a shortcode I wrote to use custom CSS): <img width="907" alt="Screen Shot 2022-03-30 at 4 16 36 PM" src=""> I'm unable to reproduce this output with [Quarto custom layouts](, and I desperately want to! I've tried all manner of things to keep the markdown text "clumped" together in a single column: - using `<br>` as line breaks - backslash followed by newline as Pandoc allows (I believe this extension is enabled by default?) - inserting low level headings to force the separation (note: these were numbered which made things tough) This is the best I can do: <img width="854" alt="Screen Shot 2022-03-30 at 3 50 54 PM" src=""> Code used to produce: ``` ::: {layout="[50,50]"} Every Quarto project starts with a Quarto file that has the extension `.qmd`. \ This particular one analyzes children's early words, but every `.qmd` includes the same three basic elements inside: \ - A block of metadata at the top, between two fences of `---`s. This is written in [YAML]( - Narrative text, written in [Markdown]( - Code chunks in gray between two fences of ```` ``` ````, written with R or another programming language. \ You can use all three elements to develop your code and ideas in one reproducible document. ![](img/01-source.png) ::: ``` Could it be possible to introduce a column "delimiter" to indicate which clumps of markdown text could be treated as a column? Something like is possible with [sub-tables]( Or is there a workaround that would allow me to insert arbitrary markdown text into a column that I can plop into a block layout?
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 6, "created_at": "2022-03-30T23:44:18Z", "creator": "apreshill", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 489, "state": "closed", "title": "Feature request: allow flexible markdown text with line breaks in custom layouts", "url": "" }
The font size of the plots in the generated report is not as it is set. Using `seaborn.set(font_scale=2)` and generating some plots with `seaborn` in `python`, the font size on the published plots is not what is set.
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-03-30T23:24:18Z", "creator": "Rasoul82", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": "Future", "number": 488, "state": "open", "title": "setting font_scale in seaborn", "url": "" }
Using `seaborn` in `python` to generate a bunch of `displot`s and publishing them as html or docx, there is a bug with ordered categorical data. The published plot doesn't present the categorical data in its order. I assume this is happening as there is a conversion of the variable to string when serialising the plots for publication. Note that I put the code in a chunk in .qmd file. I end up adding a separate function to generate the plots and save them on disk, then call them in the .qmd file.
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-03-30T23:20:44Z", "creator": "Rasoul82", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 487, "state": "closed", "title": "plot using an ordered categorical variable does not work", "url": "" }
Hello, Not sure this is the right place so feel free to ask me to move this to bslib or thematic. But is it possible to support something like `thematic::thematic_rmd(font = "auto")` in Quarto?
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 3, "created_at": "2022-03-30T14:29:57Z", "creator": "py9mrg", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": "Future", "number": 482, "state": "open", "title": "Auto-theming ggplot2 figures", "url": "" }
I am pretty sure this worked before, but I am not sure when this changed. Maybe something about the default theme changed the way `aside` tags are handled? ``` --- title: Hello world format: revealjs --- # Hello World. :::{.notes} These are speaker notes. ::: ``` (see ![image]( In the speaker view the notes are not visible and still show up on the slide.
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-03-30T08:32:22Z", "creator": "jmbuhr", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 481, "state": "closed", "title": "speaker notes show up on slide (not as notes)", "url": "" }
It looks like if I add `execute: cache: true` to my YAML header to use the Knitr cache, `ojs_define` stops working and my OJS cells fail. For example, if I run a test with an R chunk and an OJS chunk, like: ```r #| label: testin ojs_define(test = data.frame( x = 1:100, y = rnorm(100) )) ``` ```js //| label: testout, {x: "x", y: "y"}).plot(); ``` This works great as-is, but if I add the following to my YAML header: ```yaml execute: cache: true ``` And then `quarto render` and `quarto preview` the file again, I get: ![image](
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 3, "created_at": "2022-03-30T01:46:14Z", "creator": "jimjam-slam", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 480, "state": "closed", "title": "Knitr cache breaks ojs_define", "url": "" }
For example, if port 4000 is already in use, then this just uses another port. ``` $ quarto preview --port 4000 Check file:///Users/winston/quarto-cli/src/quarto.ts Preparing to preview Watching files for changes Browse at http://localhost:7936/ ``` It would be helpful to print a warning or throw an error.
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-03-29T00:57:06Z", "creator": "wch", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 479, "state": "closed", "title": "`quarto preview --port xxx` silently uses other port if port is already in use", "url": "" }
I would like to have multiple lines in the author field of an HTML document, but I get the following error and the document does not render. ## Minimal Example ``` --- title: "Example" author: | Author 1 Author 2 format: html --- ``` ## Error `ERROR: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'childNodes')` ## System details Quarto: Version: 0.9.128 MacOS: 12.3 Rendered in RStudio: 2022.02.0 Build 443
{ "assignee": "dragonstyle", "comments": 10, "created_at": "2022-03-28T17:58:00Z", "creator": "maxdrohde", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": "1.0 Formats", "number": 477, "state": "closed", "title": "Error when using multiline string in author field with HTML document", "url": "" }
Using Quarto 0.9.80: ```bash quarto create-project . # => Creating project at <FULL-PATH-TO-DIR>: # => - Created _quarto.yml # => - Created ..qmd ``` The "." directory name does not indicate its name and should not be used when creating the initial `*.qmd` file. The `quarto create-project .` should produce the same result as `quarto create-project` or `quarto create-project <FULL-PATH-TO-DIR>`.
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-03-28T15:12:40Z", "creator": "aronatkins", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 476, "state": "closed", "title": "create-project \".\" creates \"..qmd\"", "url": "" }
I believe it is possible to create a version selector on the current nav bar, but a dedicated feature might be useful. Or it would be great to have instructions on how to set up a version selector in the documentation. For example, in the case of the Hugo theme Docsy <>
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 2, "created_at": "2022-03-28T11:03:56Z", "creator": "eitsupi", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": "Future", "number": 474, "state": "open", "title": "Version selector for websites and html books", "url": "" }
This was first report by @t-kalinowski on slack. In callouts, the caption defined as header inside the block will create some errors when rendered to PDF. Example: ````markdown --- title: "A Bug" format: pdf --- ::: callout-note ## Using the multi-assignment `%<-%` operator The `%<-%` operator is ... ::: ```` This will throw issue because the caption is using some special characters, and currently text of caption is used _as is_ with no markdown processing. The caption will be `Using the multi-assignment %<-% operator` in the latex block below. ````latex \begin{tcolorbox}[standard jigsaw,bottomtitle=1mm, opacityback=0, colframe=quarto-callout-note-color-frame, titlerule=0mm, toptitle=1mm, title=\textcolor{quarto-callout-note-color}{\faInfo}\hspace{0.5em}Using the multi-assignment %<-% operator, colback=white, coltitle=black, opacitybacktitle=0.6, arc=.35mm, rightrule=.15mm, bottomrule=.15mm, toprule=.15mm, left=2mm, colbacktitle=quarto-callout-note-color!10!white, leftrule=.75mm] The \texttt{\%\textless{}-\%} operator is \ldots{} \end{tcolorbox} ```` When not using a special character, it will throw an error but not markup will be applied ````markdown --- title: "A Bug" format: pdf: keep-tex: true --- ::: callout-note ## Text in **strong**, and some `code` Text in **strong**, and some `code` ::: ```` Text in header is not strong, nor formatted as code verbatim. ![image]( Also, having characters like a comma `,` will also create issue because text is inserted _as is_ by the lua filter. ````markdown --- title: "A Bug" format: pdf: keep-tex: true --- ::: callout-note ## Text, separated with comma content ::: ```` Error will be ```` Package pgfkeys Error: I do not know the key '/tcb/separated with comma' and I am going to ignore it. Perhaps you misspelled it. ```` because the comma in title is seen as a new option in the block ````latex \begin{tcolorbox}[standard jigsaw,bottomtitle=1mm, toptitle=1mm, colframe=quarto-callout-note-color-frame, arc=.35mm, coltitle=black, titlerule=0mm, colbacktitle=quarto-callout-note-color!10!white, toprule=.15mm, colback=white, title=\textcolor{quarto-callout-note-color}{\faInfo}\hspace{0.5em}Text, separated with comma, leftrule=.75mm, bottomrule=.15mm, rightrule=.15mm, left=2mm, opacitybacktitle=0.6, opacityback=0] content \end{tcolorbox} ```` I believe the lua filter should be apply, at least for PDF so that those cases above are working ok. ## Proposed changes Regarding the title, I believe some brackets should be added around the argument content ````diff diff --git a/src/resources/filters/quarto-pre/callout.lua b/src/resources/filters/quarto-pre/callout.lua index b021363d1..f2a69be31 100644 --- a/src/resources/filters/quarto-pre/callout.lua +++ b/src/resources/filters/quarto-pre/callout.lua @@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ function latexCalloutBoxDefault(caption, type, icon) bottomrule = borderWidth, rightrule = borderWidth, arc = borderRadius, - title = caption, + title = '{' .. caption .. '}', titlerule = '0mm', toptitle = '1mm', bottomtitle = '1mm', ```` Regarding, markdown processing, currently, `pandoc.utils.stringify()` is used on header content. I believe using `pandoc.write()` would be better for this. ````diff diff --git a/src/resources/filters/quarto-pre/callout.lua b/src/resources/filters/quarto-pre/callout.lua index b021363d1..08d0c0402 100644 --- a/src/resources/filters/quarto-pre/callout.lua +++ b/src/resources/filters/quarto-pre/callout.lua @@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ function calloutLatex(div) if caption == nil then caption = displayName(type) else - caption = pandoc.utils.stringify(caption) + caption = pandoc.write(pandoc.Pandoc(pandoc.Para(caption)), FORMAT) end callout = latexCalloutBoxDefault(caption, type, icon) else ```` @dragonstyle I believe you wrote the filter ? Do you think there could be some issues with these changes ? I believe for HTML, it is processed correctly as markdown to produce correct HTML. I'll make a PR to ease the review
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-03-28T10:56:41Z", "creator": "cderv", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 473, "state": "closed", "title": "Process markdown in callout block caption and correctly escape for LaTeX output", "url": "" }
Hello! Would it be possible to collapse sidebars so that they are no longer visible? (example [here]( Apologies if this exists and I missed it. Thanks for considering!
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 2, "created_at": "2022-03-28T02:22:37Z", "creator": "ivelasq", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": "Future", "number": 472, "state": "open", "title": "[Feature Request] Collapsible sidebar", "url": "" }
When I set `toc-location: left`, the table of contents still shows up on the right. See the code and output below: ## Minimal Example ``` --- title: "Test" toc: true format: html: toc-location: left --- # Section 1 ## Section 2 ``` ## Output <img width="1017" alt="Screen Shot 2022-03-27 at 13 56 25" src=""> ## System details Quarto: Version: 0.9.128 MacOS: 12.3 Rendered in RStudio: 2022.02.0 Build 443
{ "assignee": "dragonstyle", "comments": 4, "created_at": "2022-03-27T18:58:24Z", "creator": "maxdrohde", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 471, "state": "closed", "title": "toc-location not working in HTML?", "url": "" }
Hi dear developers, and as allways thanks for this program. I found compilations errors rendering the [block-layout examples from the doc]( to latex/pdf. ```md ::: {layout-ncol=2} ### List One - Item A - Item B - Item C ### List Two - Item X - Item Y - Item Z ::: ``` I tried the example in html and docx, they both work as expected.
{ "assignee": "dragonstyle", "comments": 4, "created_at": "2022-03-26T14:51:33Z", "creator": "benabel", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 469, "state": "closed", "title": "latex block-layout return `LaTeX Error: Something's wrong--perhaps a missing \\item.`", "url": "" }
<img width="963" alt="" src=""> As you can see, the `author` name is a bit too close to the subtitle. How can I make a line space between the subtitle and the author's name, and how can I put my name on the right side rather than the centre? ``` title: "Hello World" subtitle: "Hi nice to meet you" author: "John Doe" format: revealjs: theme: default incremental: true slide-number: true chalkboard: buttons: false preview-links: auto ```
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-03-26T11:37:02Z", "creator": "dataandcrowd", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 468, "state": "closed", "title": "Line Spacing and Right Align on the Title Page", "url": "" }
Embedding an image with a caption (and/or a label) creates a figure environment, which errors on latex output when included in the page margin: ``` :::column-margin ![A dog](./www/dog.jpg) ::: ``` `LaTeX Error: Not in outer par mode.` It works without the caption, as then there is not figure environment being created ``` :::column-margin ![](./www/dog.jpg) ::: ``` Tested with `lua/xe/pdf-latex`
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 4, "created_at": "2022-03-25T09:07:01Z", "creator": "jmbuhr", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 462, "state": "closed", "title": "margin figures error for pdf output", "url": "" }
I'm having some trouble including a LaTeX figure following the documentation at When using the latest version of Quarto, ``` $ quarto --version 0.9.133 ``` it seems that including a LaTeX figure without a caption crashes when rendering: ``` ![](fig.tex) ``` However, it doesn't crash if there is a figure caption: ``` ![With a caption](fig.tex) ``` I created this test package []( to reproduce the issue. Running ``` $ quarto render --to pdf ``` crashes with the following stack trace: ``` Error running filter /Applications/quarto/share/filters/quarto-post/quarto-post.lua: ...cations/quarto/share/filters/quarto-post/quarto-post.lua:640: attempt to call a nil value (global 'asLatexSize') stack traceback: ...cations/quarto/share/filters/quarto-post/quarto-post.lua:778: in function <...cations/quarto/share/filters/quarto-post/quarto-post.lua:772> ``` Thanks so much! I appreciate any help you can provide!
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 2, "created_at": "2022-03-25T05:29:13Z", "creator": "bechang", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 461, "state": "closed", "title": "Including a LaTeX figure without a caption crashes when rendering", "url": "" }
It seems that the speaker notes in `revealjs` is being treated as an aside note. Also, the footnote syntax `[^A footnote]` as shown in the guide on the website does not work.
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 2, "created_at": "2022-03-24T18:38:09Z", "creator": "juliantao", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [ "bug" ], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 459, "state": "closed", "title": "`revealjs` speaker notes, aside notes and footnotes", "url": "" }
HI there, I'm maintaining RStudio in Arch Linux AUR, so had to adopt quarto-cli as well. quarto-cli>=0.9.130 doesn't rendering projects in RStudio resulting the following error message: ``` ERROR: Cannot serve project of type 'default' (try using project type 'website'). ``` I've tried to bisect it - v0.9.128 works OK I'm aware that rstudio sources picking up quarto-cli 0.9.80, however nested package embedding just for compatibility looks for me sub-optimal. On the other hand, freezing package at some version in AUR doesn't looking good as well. I would suggest either set `stable` tag on quarto-cli releases (see e.g. how it's done at laurent22/joplin) so I could maintain something like `quarto-cli-stable` Regards.
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 3, "created_at": "2022-03-24T08:44:01Z", "creator": "trap000d", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 458, "state": "closed", "title": "RStudio and quarto-cli >=0.9.130", "url": "" }
Quarto version 0.9.128 To replicate: create a new website project via "quarto create-project mysite --type website" edit _quarto.yml as follows (only change is addition of sidebar section): ``` project: type: website website: title: "mysite" navbar: background: primary left: - href: index.qmd text: Home - about.qmd sidebar: - id: blog collapse-level: 1 contents: - section: "Feb (1)" contents: - index.qmd - section: "Jan (1)" contents: - about.qmd format: html: theme: cosmo css: styles.css ``` render and view the site Bug 1: the first entry "Feb (1)" ignores the collapse-level setting and shows the sub-item "mysite" below it. Bug 2: the second entry "Jan (1)" is frozen and doesn't show the sub-item below it when its arrow is clicked on. Bug 2 disappears when the numbers in parentheses are removed and the labels are simply "Feb" and "Jan"
{ "assignee": "dragonstyle", "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-03-22T20:42:12Z", "creator": "blacksqr", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 455, "state": "closed", "title": "Two sidebar render bugs when item label includes number in parentheses", "url": "" }
Quarto version 0.9.128 1. create a new website project via "quarto create-project mysite --type website" 2. edit _quarto.yml as follows (only change is addition of sidebar section): ``` project: type: website website: title: "mysite" navbar: background: primary left: - href: index.qmd text: Home - about.qmd sidebar: - id: blog collapse-level: 1 contents: - section: "Feb (1)" contents: - index.qmd - section: "Jan (1)" contents: - about.qmd format: html: theme: cosmo css: styles.css ``` 3. render and view the site Bug #1: the first entry "Feb (1)" ignores the collapse-level setting and shows the sub-item "mysite" below it. Bug #2: the second entry "Jan (1)" is frozen and doesn't show the sub-item below it when its arrow is clicked on. Bug 2 disappears when the numbers in parentheses are removed and the labels are simply "Feb" and "Jan"
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 0, "created_at": "2022-03-22T20:37:22Z", "creator": "tcllab", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 454, "state": "closed", "title": "Two sidebar render bugs when item label includes number in parentheses", "url": "" }
Hi, In Quarto Books when the next chapter is under a "part" I think it would be better to show that the user is at the end of a section and goes to a new section. In the below example when the user is in "parazit.qmd" the next link in page navigation is to "benign.qmd". But I think the link should also contain the part name. Because it is a different topic and not relevant to current page. ```yaml - part: "İnfeksiyöz Hastalıkların Patolojisi" chapters: - text: "Parazitler" href: parazit.qmd - part: "Temel Tümör Patolojisi" chapters: - benign.qmd - hamartom.qmd ``` <img width="1057" alt="Screen Shot 2022-03-22 at 21 43 06" src="">
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 0, "created_at": "2022-03-22T18:45:42Z", "creator": "sbalci", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": "Future", "number": 453, "state": "open", "title": "page navigation show part name", "url": "" }
I'm using the `transpose` function on data frames that are coming out of R, but I was surprised to note that if one of my columns is either an empty string (`""`) or a missing value (`NA_character_` in R or `null` in OJS), the entire row is lost, even if the field in question isn't touched by OJS otherwise. For example: ```r library(tidyverse) test <- tibble(rowid = 1:15, value = rowid ^ 2, condition = letters[1:15]) %>% mutate(condition = case_when( rowid %% 5 == 0 ~ NA_character_, rowid %% 3 == 0 ~ "", TRUE ~ condition)) test # # A tibble: 15 × 3 # rowid value condition # <int> <dbl> <chr> # 1 1 1 "a" # 2 2 4 "b" # 3 3 9 "" # 4 4 16 "d" # 5 5 25 NA # 6 6 36 "" # 7 7 49 "g" # 8 8 64 "h" # 9 9 81 "" # 10 10 100 NA # 11 11 121 "k" # 12 12 144 "" # 13 13 169 "m" # 14 14 196 "n" # 15 15 225 NA ojs_define(test) ``` And then in OJS: ```js console.log("Original data"); console.log(test); Plot.barY(transpose(test), {x: "rowid", y: "value"}).plot() ``` ![image]( Note that bars with an X divisible by 3 or 5 are missing! (I haven't tested this with non-character missing data)
{ "assignee": "cscheid", "comments": 3, "created_at": "2022-03-22T05:18:08Z", "creator": "jimjam-slam", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 451, "state": "closed", "title": "transpose() drop entire rows with any missing values or empty strings", "url": "" }
When I try to create a sidebar with multiple sections, and each section item in _quarto.yml is given a numerical value for a name, the last number specified is used as the text label for all sections in the rendered html. To replicate: 1. create a new website project via "quarto create-project mysite --type website" 2. edit _quarto.yml as follows (only change is addition of sidebar section): ``` project: type: website website: title: "mysite" navbar: background: primary left: - href: index.qmd text: Home - about.qmd sidebar: - id: test contents: - section: "1" contents: - index.qmd - section: "2" contents: - about.qmd format: html: theme: cosmo css: styles.css ``` 3. render and view the site Both sections in the sidebar show the text "2".
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-03-21T17:06:18Z", "creator": "blacksqr", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 450, "state": "closed", "title": "Numerical values for sidebar section names mishandled", "url": "" }
Quarto 0.9.100 on Linux. Installed via .deb file. I made a YAML syntax error in _quarto.yml, and got the following error output when executing "quarto render" on the command line: ``` ERROR: Theme file compilation failed: Error: Undefined variable. ╷ 921 │ $navbar-bg: $light !default; │ ^^^^^^ ╵ ``` I then reverted my project directory to a previous working version, deleted the _site dir and all the /tmp/quarto-sessions dirs. A new render completed without error, but now the output files are corrupted -- when I execute "quarto preview" and view in my browser the error text appears at the top of each html file, and it appears that proper css files didn't load. When I look in the file _site/site_libs/bootstrap/bootstrap.min.css this is the entire content of the file: ``` /* Error: Undefined variable. * , * 921 | $navbar-bg: $light !default; * | ^^^^^^ * ' * /tmp/quarto-session57e1c2f0/64698842/8abdecaescss 921:13 root stylesheet */ body::before { font-family: "Source Code Pro", "SF Mono", Monaco, Inconsolata, "Fira Mono", "Droid Sans Mono", monospace, monospace; white-space: pre; display: block; padding: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em; border-bottom: 2px solid black; content: "Error: Undefined variable.\a \2577 \a 921 \2502 $navbar-bg: $light !default;\a \2502 ^^^^^^\a \2575 \a /tmp/quarto-session57e1c2f0/64698842/8abdecaescss 921:13 root stylesheet"; } ``` Note that the specified quarto-sessions dir no longer exists. It seems as though the original command line error overwrote quarto's internal copy of bootstrap.min.css, and the quarto program itself now appears to be corrupted and won't output a proper bootstrap.min.css file in new render attempts. I can no longer get the quarto program to produce proper output from my previously-working project directory.
{ "assignee": "dragonstyle", "comments": 5, "created_at": "2022-03-21T00:29:02Z", "creator": "blacksqr", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 448, "state": "closed", "title": "Corruption of bootstrap.min.css", "url": "" }
Hi, LinkedIN and Facebook shares contain metadata code characters. See images. How can I further configure shared links? <img width="644" alt="Screen Shot 2022-03-19 at 21 12 16" src=""> <img width="542" alt="Screen Shot 2022-03-19 at 21 12 28" src="">
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 2, "created_at": "2022-03-19T18:20:08Z", "creator": "sbalci", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 447, "state": "closed", "title": "social media share button configuration", "url": "" }
I wanted only the `index.qmd` file under the project to be the target of rendering, so I set it up as follows. ```yml project: type: website output-dir: docs render: - "index.qmd" ``` However, it appears that `index.qmd` files in subdirectories (e.g. `subdir/index.qmd`) are also subject to rendering. I had thought that to target all `index.qmd` I would have to write it like `"**/index.qmd"`. Perhaps there is no way to exclude subdirectory `index.qmd`?
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 2, "created_at": "2022-03-19T10:13:16Z", "creator": "eitsupi", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 446, "state": "closed", "title": "How to specify more detailed files to render in project settings", "url": "" }
Hi, Is it possible to change the name of chapters in the menu from `_quarto.yml`? I am trying to make a bilingual (Turkish and English) book using `asis`. See code here: When I render the book I think the chapter name is retrieved from the first heading, and later the chapter content is rendered using chunk conditions. So when I select the language as TR or EN the content of the chapter is correct, but the name of the chapter on the menu is the first heading. ![Ekran görüntüsü 2022-03-19 123325](
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 5, "created_at": "2022-03-19T09:34:53Z", "creator": "sbalci", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 445, "state": "closed", "title": "name of chapters in a book", "url": "" }
I tried to generate HTML files in a subdirectory, but it did not work as it seems to be affected by the project settings in the parent directory. I have a project with the following directory structure. ```shell $ tree . ├── _quarto.yml └── sub-proj └── index.qmd 1 directory, 2 files ``` I would like to obtain the following outputs. ```shell $ tree . ├── _quarto.yml └── sub-proj ├── index.html └── index.qmd 1 directory, 3 files ``` However, when I move to a subdirectory and execute the `quarto render index.qmd` command, the output seems to be affected by the settings in the parent directory, as shown below. ```shell $ tree . ├── _quarto.yml ├── _site │ └── sub-proj │ └── index.html └── sub-proj └── index.qmd 3 directories, 3 files ``` The actual project is below and the target subdirectory is [here]( <>
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 4, "created_at": "2022-03-19T09:16:03Z", "creator": "eitsupi", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 444, "state": "closed", "title": "Is `_quarto.yml` in the parent directory affected when trying to render files in subdirectories?", "url": "" }
I rendered a revealjs slide with the latest version and the footnote was broken. (The footnote page is not generated at the end of the slide)
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 5, "created_at": "2022-03-19T06:04:23Z", "creator": "eitsupi", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 443, "state": "closed", "title": "Footnote was broken with quarto v0.9.116", "url": "" }
Not sure if this isn't documented or isn't possible but how can I pass a path to be used as a working directory? I usually have the src folder with code and one folder up is the top of a "project" although I'm not using rstudio and projects.
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 4, "created_at": "2022-03-18T22:43:27Z", "creator": "davidbudzynski", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 442, "state": "closed", "title": "Setting working directory", "url": "" }
Defining macros per [docs]( like ``` ::: {.hidden} $$ \def\RR{{\bf R}} \def\bold#1{{\bf #1}} $$ ::: $$\RR$$ ``` Does not work with Revealjs. The output is simply `\RR`. The same occurs when using a hidden slide, e.g. ``` ## Setup {visibility="hidden"} $$ \def\RR{{\bf R}} \def\bold#1{{\bf #1}} $$ ## Title $$\RR$$ ``` However, doing ``` ## Title $$ \def\RR{{\bf R}} \def\bold#1{{\bf #1}} $$ $$\RR$$ ``` Does work.
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 4, "created_at": "2022-03-18T20:38:27Z", "creator": "agerlach", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 441, "state": "closed", "title": "RevealJS Hidden TeX macros not defined", "url": "" }
I installed Quarto by cloning this repo and running `./`. Sometimes I update with a `git pull`, and then when I actually use quarto, it updates Deno. If I press ctrl-c when it's in the middle of updating, it breaks my quarto installation. For example: ``` $ quarto render Bootstrapping Deno... ~/nobackup/quarto-cli/package ~/nobackup/quarto-cli ~/nobackup/quarto-cli/package/dist ~/nobackup/quarto-cli/package ~/nobackup/quarto-cli ~/nobackup/quarto-cli/package/dist/bin ~/nobackup/quarto-cli/package/dist ~/nobackup/quarto-cli/package ~/nobackup/quarto-cli % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 667 100 667 0 0 2533 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 2605 46 28.7M 46 13.3M 0 0 5045k 0 0:00:05 0:00:02 0:00:03 6572k^C $ quarto render -bash: /usr/local/bin/quarto: No such file or directory ``` Running `./` fixes it, but it would be nice if it didn't break in the first place.
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-03-18T20:24:51Z", "creator": "wch", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": "Future", "number": 440, "state": "open", "title": "Pressing ctrl-c when quarto is updating breaks installation", "url": "" }
Hi, I want to make conditional rendering of chunks as described in: [rmarkdown cookbook ]( The asis engine is recognised as python script and I get error below. Is it possible to use asis engine for markdown content? `Starting Jupyter kernel...Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Applications/quarto/share/jupyter/", line 21, in <module> from notebook import notebook_execute, RestartKernel File "/Applications/quarto/share/jupyter/", line 13, in <module> import nbformat ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'nbformat' Python 3 installation: Version: 3.8.9 Path: /Applications/ Jupyter: (None) Jupyter is not available in this Python installation. Install with python3 -m pip install jupyter `
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 2, "created_at": "2022-03-18T07:24:25Z", "creator": "sbalci", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 437, "state": "closed", "title": "asis from Rmarkdown", "url": "" }
Hi @dragonstyle Thank you. I am now getting result as "invalid date". <img width="1561" alt="Screen Shot 2022-03-17 at 23 23 21" src=""> _Originally posted by @sbalci in
{ "assignee": "dragonstyle", "comments": 9, "created_at": "2022-03-18T07:16:16Z", "creator": "sbalci", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 436, "state": "closed", "title": "invalid date in books", "url": "" }
(I understand that you've had a few issues around dependencies lately! Please feel free to shut this down if it's not appropriate.) I've been experimenting with importing a newer version of Observable Plot than the one bundled with Quarto so that I can take advantage of newer features (eg. the new ARIA accessibility support in [Observable Plot 0.4.1]( It _seems_ like it's as easy as changing the reference in the `esbuild-bundle.js` included in my built project files: ```js var q = T("@observablehq/inputs", "0.9.1", "dist/inputs.min.js"); var M = T("@observablehq/plot", "0.2.0", "dist/plot.umd.min.js"); ``` If I `quarto render`, modify the bundle file and then run another web server, it seems to work well (although I acknowledge that "my one sample plot worked with a new feature" isn't a thorough test regime!). What I'm hoping is that there might be a way for me to flag the Plot (or Inputs) version that Quarto builds from - either on a per-project basis or, failing that, just globally for my Quarto installation- so that I don't have to make this modification every time I `quarto render`. I can see that there's a [`src/resources/formats/html/ojs/esbuild-bundle.js`]( i nthe installation; I'm assuming that gets copied in when I `quarto render`. I can also see from the `README` in that folder that this bundle gets built from the [`stdlib.js`]( file, which also refers to the Plot and Inputs versions, and that's there's a `quarto build-js` command to run this build (although I get `Error executing '/Users/james/Applications/quarto/bin/esbuild': No such file or directory` when I try to run it). I'm not quite sure how to bring these pieces together. It seems like the easy way could be to edit the bundle file that Quarto's sitting on, although I can't find the corresponding file in my installation. It also seems intuitively like I might introduce dependency problems for myself if I modify the bundle myself rather than modifying its sources. Is there a way I can try this out (on a _strictly_ at-your-own-risk basis, since I'm not asking you to change your schedule for managing Quarto's dependencies)? or should I just continue to modify the bundle file that is created when I `render`?
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 3, "created_at": "2022-03-18T03:16:00Z", "creator": "jimjam-slam", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 435, "state": "closed", "title": "Tracking newer Observable Plot (or Inputs) releases", "url": "" }
Reported by @mine-cetinkaya-rundel (Reprex here: @cderv Could you take a look at this?
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 2, "created_at": "2022-03-18T00:46:14Z", "creator": "jjallaire", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 434, "state": "closed", "title": "Reveal: Code highlighting for lines of code below the fold don't work. ", "url": "" }
### Discussed in <div type='discussions-op-text'> <sup>Originally posted by **nurfatimaj** March 13, 2022</sup> Hi! Is it possible to change the text inside the cookie-consent pop-up window? If I understood correctly, the option `prefs-text` only matters for the link text in the footer of the page. Thanks!</div>
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 0, "created_at": "2022-03-17T22:39:56Z", "creator": "jjallaire", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": "Future", "number": 433, "state": "open", "title": "Change the text of the cookie consent pop-up window", "url": "" }
Using Quarto 0.9.80 ```bash quarto create-project --type website quarto-fixed-section ``` Add a `bash.qmd` file into that project; its contents don't matter. Use the following configuration: ```yaml project: type: website website: title: "quarto-fixed-section" sidebar: contents: - href: index.qmd text: Home - href: bash.qmd text: "`bash`" - href: about.qmd text: About format: html: theme: cosmo css: styles.css ``` When rendered, the sidebar gives the impression that the `bash` entry is indented and possibly a sub-entry of `Home`. This is caused by the light grey box around the fixed-font text. <img width="235" alt="image" src=""> I'm not sure how this should be adjusted. The spacing around fixed-font text generally feels appropriate, but it can sometimes make the text feel out-of-place with awkward spacing, as you can also get when it is part of header elements: <img width="772" alt="image" src="">
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-03-17T17:41:29Z", "creator": "aronatkins", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 432, "state": "closed", "title": "sidebar section padding with fixed-font name", "url": "" }
Using Quarto 0.9.80. When a blockquote element contains a heading, the blockquote is given padding. ````markdown --- title: "quarto-blockquote-bug" --- This is some text that is at the start of the document. > ## Something important > > This is the text for something important that is part > of a blockquote paragraph. Is it actually important? > That is impossible to know. ```` Rendered and viewed in Safari, this looks like: <img width="802" alt="image" src=""> Some separation feels necessary, but the blockquote grey bar feels artificially long in this context. I encountered this when trying to embed some text that was extracted from another document, so a blockquote felt appropriate, but feel free to suggest an alternative.
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-03-17T16:30:30Z", "creator": "aronatkins", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 429, "state": "closed", "title": "blockquote padding with embedded heading", "url": "" }
I used the linux setup script, but at the end got the message: `"Quarto symlink doesn't appear to be configured."` Due to this I was not able to run `quarto render`. After reaching out to the quarto team, I got to know that the PATH variable did not include `~/bin/` where the symlink is created. I was able to resolve it by updating PATH. It would be helpful if this information was available either in the setup docs or in the warning message above.
{ "assignee": "dragonstyle", "comments": 3, "created_at": "2022-03-16T18:23:57Z", "creator": "gsingh91", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 427, "state": "closed", "title": "More details if symlink setup fails", "url": "" }
Using Quarto 0.9.80. ```bash quarto create-project --type website quarto-nav-fixed-bug ``` Within that project, modify the content of `about.qmd` to be: ````markdown --- title: "About `awesome`" --- About this site ```` When rendered, the navbar shows: <img width="453" alt="image" src=""> The `awesome` fixed-font chunk is given background and text colors that leave the text almost invisible.
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 0, "created_at": "2022-03-16T17:35:30Z", "creator": "aronatkins", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 426, "state": "closed", "title": "fixed-font in title gives unreadable nav bar content", "url": "" }
Hi - I tried using 'number-sections: true' with PDF output (knitr, through RStudio) - somehow the titles are changed then. This code produces the result as expected (with the correct title): ``` --- title: "The Association of ..." author: "Me, someone else, anyone else" toc: true number-sections: false format: pdf --- # Abstract # Background Quarto enables you to weave together content and executable code into a finished document. To learn more about Quarto see <>. # Methods asdfasdfasdf ``` but changing to `number-sections: true` yields this: ![Screenshot 2022-03-16 at 15 22 33]( Am I doing something wrong (YAML intendation or similar)? Thanks for any inputs! edit: interestingly, with format: docx and a reference-doc supplied, numbering works as expected Info: quarto 0.9.105 R version 4.1.3 (2022-03-10) Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit) Running under: macOS Monterey 12.3 R Studio Desktop IDE: "2022.02.0+443"
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 2, "created_at": "2022-03-16T14:25:31Z", "creator": "cathblatter", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 425, "state": "closed", "title": "Option 'number-sections: true' leads to wrong title in PDF-format", "url": "" }
Dear Collegues, Congratulations with the great improvements with revealjs presentations through quarto & rstudio! While experimenting wih the many, easy, usefull,... possibilities, I noticed some strange behaviour in rendering a same 1920px*1080px data-background on a level 2 versus a level 1 slide. The same image shows up slightly different. At level 1 it seems to be shrinked (only vertically?) a bit, resulting in a white band at the bottom edge of the slide. I suppose this behaviour is not intended? The pdf print and image I used are in attachment. qmd upload does not seem to be supported while reporting this issue, so I'll just paste the contents of my qmd file here. Many thanks in advance! Kind regards, Tom Geens. --- title: "data-background test level 2 vs level 1" author: "Tom Geens" format: revealjs --- ## Agenda (level 2) {data-background="s05agendaW.PNG"} - no white band below # Agenda (level 1) {data-background="s05agendaW.PNG"} - white band below ## Agenda (level 2 ){data-background="s05agendaW.PNG"} - no white band below ![s05agendaW]( [data-background test level 2 vs level 1.pdf](
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 5, "created_at": "2022-03-16T08:01:30Z", "creator": "TomGeens", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 422, "state": "closed", "title": "data-background renders the same image differently on level 2 (ok) vs level 1 (not ok) slide", "url": "" }
Hi 👋 I'd like to use [GitHub links]( to help my team edit pages easier. I added this to my `_quarto.yml`: ``` website: title: "hi-charles-and-jj" repo-url: repo-actions: [edit, issue] ``` But when I run `quarto preview`, I see: ``` WARNING: Repository links require a repo-url ``` 😢
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 6, "created_at": "2022-03-14T23:01:49Z", "creator": "apreshill", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 421, "state": "closed", "title": "Feature request: support enterprise GitHub links for website navigation", "url": "" }
It would be nice to be able to use the "About Page" feature to design a hero banner for the top of a page that has additional content below it. It would, for example, be helpful if the "About" feature had the same flexibility as the "Listing" feature; i.e., an option for the feature code to appear in a specified div block in addition to the option for a dedicated page. That is, I'd like to be able to write a index.qmd file that looked something like the following: ``` --- about: id: herobanner template: trestles image: profile.jpg links: - icon: twitter text: twitter href: - icon: github text: Github href: --- ::: {#herobanner} Finley Malloc is the Chief Data Scientist at Wengo Analytics. When not innovating on data platforms, Finley enjoys spending time unicycling and playing with her pet iguana. ## Education University of California, San Diego | San Diego, CA PhD in Mathematics | Sep 2011 - June 2015 Macalester College | St. Paul MA B.A in Economics | Sep 2007 - June 2011 ## Experience Wengo Analytics | Head Data Scientist | April 2018 - present GeoScynce | Chief Analyst | Spet 2012 - April 2018 ::: Additional markdown content here ```
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-03-14T22:16:11Z", "creator": "blacksqr", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 420, "state": "closed", "title": "Feature request: allow About content to be assigned to a div", "url": "" }
Hi, is there an option to have a dropdown list instead of a tabset? This option is available in R Markdown.
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 2, "created_at": "2022-03-14T14:51:18Z", "creator": "Chanelle280", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": "Future", "number": 419, "state": "open", "title": "Create a dropdown list with {panel-dropdown} ", "url": "" }
Assuming a qmd file `index.qmd` ``` --- title: "Test" format: html: self-contained: false --- # Hello World. ``` Running `quarto render index.qmd -t html` (or `preview`) generates `index.html` and `index_files/` on which it relies. However, generating a different output format from the same document, e.g. `quarto render index.qmd -t pdf` deletes the `index_files/` folder.
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 4, "created_at": "2022-03-14T12:29:30Z", "creator": "jmbuhr", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 418, "state": "closed", "title": "Rendering a self contained format after a non-self-contained format deletes _files folder needed by first format", "url": "" }
Currently, this won't have effect because sections are not numbered ````markdown --- titre : "Sans titre" format: html: number-offset: [5] --- # Quarto Quarto enables you to weave together content and executable code into a finished document. To learn more about Quarto see <>. ```` `number-sections` needs to be set explicitly ````markdown --- titre : "Sans titre" format: html: number-sections: true number-offset: [5] --- # Quarto Quarto enables you to weave together content and executable code into a finished document. To learn more about Quarto see <>. ```` It seems like it was the case in the past when it was implemented: but doesn't seems to be the case anymore. Was it removed on purpose or lost in refactoring ?
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-03-14T09:07:02Z", "creator": "cderv", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 417, "state": "closed", "title": "number-offset implies number-sections, maybe the later when former is set ? ", "url": "" }
````markdown --- titre : "Sans titre" format: html: number-sections: true number-offset: 5 validate-yaml: false --- # Quarto Quarto enables you to weave together content and executable code into a finished document. To learn more about Quarto see <>. ```` This will throw an error ```` ERROR: Invalid value for number-offset (should be an array of numbers) Error: Invalid value for number-offset (should be an array of numbers) at file:///C:/Users/chris/DOCUME~1/DEV_R/QUARTO~2/src/command/render/crossref.ts:50:17 at Array.forEach (<anonymous>) at crossrefFilterParams (file:///C:/Users/chris/DOCUME~1/DEV_R/QUARTO~2/src/command/render/crossref.ts:42:25) at filterParamsJson (file:///C:/Users/chris/DOCUME~1/DEV_R/QUARTO~2/src/command/render/filters.ts:84:8) at runPandoc (file:///C:/Users/chris/DOCUME~1/DEV_R/QUARTO~2/src/command/render/pandoc.ts:453:22) at async renderPandoc (file:///C:/Users/chris/DOCUME~1/DEV_R/QUARTO~2/src/command/render/render.ts:586:24) at async Object.onRender (file:///C:/Users/chris/DOCUME~1/DEV_R/QUARTO~2/src/command/render/render.ts:824:26) at async renderFiles (file:///C:/Users/chris/DOCUME~1/DEV_R/QUARTO~2/src/command/render/render.ts:265:9) at async render (file:///C:/Users/chris/DOCUME~1/DEV_R/QUARTO~2/src/command/render/render-shared.ts:87:18) at async renderForPreview (file:///C:/Users/chris/DOCUME~1/DEV_R/QUARTO~2/src/command/preview/preview.ts:196:24) ```` I would expect this to work as it is documented this way ( > So, for example, if you want the first top-level heading in your document to be numbered “6”, specify `number-offset: 5` but by convenience (instead of array of single number), probably as habits from **rmarkdown** It could be an array was enforced because Pandoc's default file expect an array or maybe because crossref expect it Currently YAML autocompletion does not enforce array like ```yaml number-offset: - 5 ``` but probably because of my feedback to @cscheid and change in 5e7955e147cfab8b4e62f672cb25aad450299908. @cscheid you should consider revert this maybe, at least for now ? If we keep array-only, then we should probably adapt the documentation from the one we took on Pandoc CLI flag and not default file. I get `Error in $: parsing [] failed, expected Array, but encountered Number` if I set `number-offset: 5` in pandoc's default file. Opening this issue for discussion on this instead of leaving it on slack. Initial feedback was about autocompletion showing `number-offset: -` with trailing dash and was not sure why. ![image](
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-03-14T08:45:34Z", "creator": "cderv", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 416, "state": "closed", "title": "number-offset does not accept a single number as doc says", "url": "" }
Hi there! Not sure if I'm misunderstanding how themes are specified, but I can't get them working at all. `test.qmd`: ``` --- title: "Test test test" author: "jimjam-slam" format: html: theme: darkly --- Check this out! Woo! ``` Output: ![image]( I'm also unable to specify an SCSS file in the `theme` option (it isn't recognised). However, the `css` option is: `style.css`: ``` body: background-color: red; ``` `test.qmd`: ``` --- title: "Test test test" author: "jimjam-slam" format: html: css: test.css --- Check this out! Woo! ``` ![image]( Is there something I'm missing? Thanks very much! (I'm using Quarto version 0.9.76)
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 7, "created_at": "2022-03-14T03:34:43Z", "creator": "jimjam-slam", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 415, "state": "closed", "title": "Can't modify Bootstrap theme at all", "url": "" }
When trying to produce a PDF via ConTeXt I get an "undefined control sequence" error associated with the line: `\KOMAoptions{captions}{tableheading}`. I don't really know what KOMAoptions are, but a google search suggests it's associated with a LaTeX macro package. Maybe this `header-includes` should only be used when LaTeX is the `pdf-engine`? ```bash $ quarto --version 0.9.86 $ context --version mtx-context | ConTeXt Process Management 1.04 mtx-context | mtx-context | main context file: ${HOME}/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/context.mkiv mtx-context | current version: 2022.01.21 20:13 mtx-context | main context file: ${HOME}/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkxl/context.mkxl mtx-context | current version: 2022.01.21 20:13 ``` Example qmd: ```markdown --- title: "Test" format: pdf: pdf-engine: context --- # Introduction Rendering this document yields an error on line 63, which is `\KOMAoptions{captions}{tableheading}` ``` Render: ```bash $ quarto render README.qmd --to pdf pandoc to: pdf output-file: README.pdf standalone: true pdf-engine: context variables: graphics: true tables: true default-image-extension: pdf filters: - crossref metadata documentclass: scrartcl classoption: - DIV=11 - numbers=noendperiod papersize: letter header-includes: - '\KOMAoption{captions}{tableheading}' title: Test Error producing PDF. tex error > tex error on line 63 in file ./input.tex: Undefined control sequence \undefined ```
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 6, "created_at": "2022-03-13T17:55:55Z", "creator": "cswingle", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 412, "state": "closed", "title": "ConTeXt pdf-engine fails on KOMAoptions", "url": "" }
I try to use 'flextable' package function to create table in quarto file, but after rendering to html file the table won't show. I wrote the following code ``` mtcars |> flextable::flextable() ``` and I've got only R code without table <img width="589" alt="Zrzut ekranu 2022-03-12 o 21 48 16" src=""> Please help
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 3, "created_at": "2022-03-12T20:49:25Z", "creator": "dax44", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 411, "state": "closed", "title": "Why flextables won't show after render", "url": "" }
Quarto 0.9.30 on Linux. When I set "number-sections: false" in the html section of _quarto.yml in a book project, chapter numbers as expected are not shown in headers or table of contents, but they are shown in the page navigation links at the bottom of each page. This can be reproduced simply by creating a new book project, adding "number-sections: false" in the html section of _quarto.yml, then using quarto preview to view the book project site.
{ "assignee": "dragonstyle", "comments": 4, "created_at": "2022-03-12T17:48:19Z", "creator": "blacksqr", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 410, "state": "closed", "title": "Page navigation shows chapter number when \"number-sections: false\" set", "url": "" }
Quarto 0.9.30 on Linux. When I add a navbar to a book and include a link to a chapter as an item, the chapter number appears in the item text, even when I specify a "text" field for the navbar item in _quarto.yml. Reproduce: 1. Create a new book project with "quarto create-project mybook --type book" 2. Edit _quarto.yml as follows (only change from default is navbar entry): ``` project: type: book book: title: "mybook" author: "Jane Doe" date: "3/11/2022" navbar: left: - text: "Intro" file: intro.qmd chapters: - index.qmd - intro.qmd - summary.qmd - references.qmd bibliography: references.bib format: html: theme: cosmo pdf: documentclass: scrreprt ``` 3. Preview the project. In the navbar, the item text is "1 Intro" IMO the value of the "text" field for the navbar item should be definitive when it comes to what is displayed.
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 2, "created_at": "2022-03-11T17:32:02Z", "creator": "blacksqr", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 407, "state": "closed", "title": "Book chapter numbering leaks in navbar", "url": "" }
I have the weird problem where GitHub seems to think that everything in my quarto document is actually front matter, so it it displays it in a table and the content as one line. Does anyone have an idea why this would happen? This is what it looks like: This is the raw file: It renders just fine with quarto: This is how other quarto files e.g. of the quarto website are displayed:
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 4, "created_at": "2022-03-11T16:09:17Z", "creator": "jmbuhr", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 406, "state": "closed", "title": "display of qmd file on GitHub", "url": "" }
I was trying to formate a "docx" file (MS word file), but failed. And i don't know the reason why. strange thing was that when i switch to Rmarkdown, the docx file was successfully produced. here is what i wrote in yaml of qmd File: ![image]( And here are the errors: ![image]( ps: 1. Rstudio version RStudio 2022.02.0+443 "Prairie Trillium" Release (9f7969398b90468440a501cf065295d9050bb776, 2022-02-16) for Windows 2. Rversion R version 4.1.2 (2021-11-01) -- "Bird Hippie" Thanks in advance.
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 5, "created_at": "2022-03-11T13:52:10Z", "creator": "LiangChen3519", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 403, "state": "closed", "title": "Formation of docx file failed", "url": "" }
I recently updated to version 0.9.80 (on macOS) and now I get "Invalid Date" in the compiled HTML document when I insert the current date in YAML with `r format(Sys.time(), '%e %B %Y')`. This worked for me in the older version and it also works in Rmarkdown. Is this a bug, or is there now a new way to use the current date (incl. formatting)? ``` --- title: "Test" author: "Name" date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%e %B %Y')`" format: html --- Text ``` ![Screenshot 2022-03-11 at 12 49 49](
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 9, "created_at": "2022-03-11T12:52:02Z", "creator": "fschaffner", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 402, "state": "closed", "title": "Invalid Date", "url": "" }
I have a `post-render` script written in TypeScript. At the top it has the following import: ```ts import * as fs from "[email protected]/fs/mod.ts"; ``` When I run `quarto-render`, I get the following error: ``` scripts/post-render.ts error: Specifier not found in cache: "[email protected]/fs/mod.ts", --cached-only is specified. ``` I think the way to solve this would be to run `deno cache scripts/post-render.ts`. However I don't see an easy way of running the copy of `deno` that `quarto` uses. I could figure this out for my system, but it wouldn't be easy for other people working on the same project.
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 6, "created_at": "2022-03-11T04:39:41Z", "creator": "wch", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 401, "state": "closed", "title": "Post-render TS script can't find uncached modules", "url": "" }
I love that I can use Quarto to do my data analysis in R or Python and then switch to an OJS chunk to visualise. What would be amazing is if I could render that visualisation in a separate, child HTML file and have that file embedded in the main rendered doc as an `<iframe>`. That way I could still read the rendered document to see the visualisation's analysis context, but I could also embed the visualisation elsewhere if I uploaded the rendered output to a server (in a similar fashion to the way the hosted Observable service allows you to embed a single chunk from a notebook elsewhere). The default would be the current behaviour, where the chunk output is inlined. This would have implications for overall file size, as well as whether Quarto styles and other dependencies are duplicated across files, but I think it would really open up some other use cases!
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 8, "created_at": "2022-03-10T23:37:35Z", "creator": "jimjam-slam", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 400, "state": "closed", "title": "Feature request: option to render chunk as separate HTML file and embed as iframe", "url": "" }
The labels for the categories look like buttons and I cannot help but want to click them 😀 For a good reason: won't it be nice to make them clickable and link them to the list of documents with the same category?
{ "assignee": "dragonstyle", "comments": 11, "created_at": "2022-03-10T01:13:33Z", "creator": "juliantao", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 398, "state": "closed", "title": "[featrue request] Clickable listing category labels", "url": "" }
Hi, When I try to embed external images to html I have no problem. But epub book rendering gives error. - When I use `![]()` syntax I get following error: `![saplı polip]( ` ``` ! Unable to load picture or PDF file ' adenoma/raw/main/tubular-adenoma-with-stalk-macroscopy.jpg'. <to be read again> ``` - If I use `img src` I get following error: `<img src="">` ``` Error running filter /Applications/quarto/share/filters/quarto-pre/quarto-pre.lua: ...lications/quarto/share/filters/quarto-pre/quarto-pre.lua:1774: attempt to concatenate a nil value stack traceback: [C]: in function 'string.gsub' ...lications/quarto/share/filters/quarto-pre/quarto-pre.lua:1773: in function 'handleHtmlRefs' ...lications/quarto/share/filters/quarto-pre/quarto-pre.lua:1759: in function 'handleRawElement' ...lications/quarto/share/filters/quarto-pre/quarto-pre.lua:3946: in function <...lications/quarto/share/filters/quarto-pre/quarto-pre.lua:3940> ``` I am using 0.9.71 Best wishes Serdar
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-03-07T14:29:58Z", "creator": "sbalci", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 392, "state": "closed", "title": "embedding external images for epub books", "url": "" }
Hi, Thanks for the quarto. I use CNAME for custom github page address. CNAME is deleted in the docs folder when rendering quarto book in Rstudio, and the address forwarding does not work. I have other pages with Rmarkdown (distill) and they copy the CNAME to docs folder when rendering. Thank you. Serdar
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 2, "created_at": "2022-03-06T18:26:46Z", "creator": "sbalci", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 391, "state": "closed", "title": "CNAME is deleted in the docs folder when rendering quarto book in Rstudio", "url": "" }
Unless I am missing something, whereas with `table` and `grid` I can get `subtitle` to display, I cannot manage to do so with `default`. Indeed, I cannot see subtitle displayed in the [listing examples]( in the docs. I'm assuming this is a bug, rather than intentional, as the [docs]( mentions `subtitle` for `default` mode in the default fields. How to reproduce issue: - set up a dummy blog `quarto create-project myblog --type website:blog` - tweak demo posts by adding `subtitle: "This is a subtitle"` to yaml - tweak main index.qmd by adding `fields: [date, title, subtitle, categories]` to yaml - build/preview with `quarto preview blog` - note the difference if you set `type: grid` rather than `default`
{ "assignee": "dragonstyle", "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-03-06T11:59:53Z", "creator": "DayalStrub", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 390, "state": "closed", "title": "`default` document listing does not display `subtitle`", "url": "" }
The knitr function `purl()` is really handy for extracting code chunks from RMarkdown files. It would be really useful to have such functionality in Quarto. I've used `quarto convert` to great effect. Could there be command line functionality like ```bash quarto convert test.qmd ``` Or perhaps a separate tool, e.g. ```bash quarto convert-to-code test.qmd ```
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 4, "created_at": "2022-03-06T11:57:17Z", "creator": "Robinlovelace", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": "Future", "number": 389, "state": "open", "title": "Command line tool to extract code", "url": "" }
It's been great to experiment with RStudio's transition to [Electron]( Will the forthcoming [standalone Quarto visual editor]( also be based on Electron? If so, given the runaway success of extension registries for Electron-based text editors (e.g. [Obsidian](, [VS Code](, [OpenVSX](, do you anticipate making an extension API (e.g., [Obsidian API](, [VS Code API]( available for the standalone Quarto visual editor? A final thought is, given the polyglot spirit of Quarto, would such an API have bindings to JavaScript/TypeScript only, or could it have bindings to R and Python?
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 3, "created_at": "2022-03-06T05:15:15Z", "creator": "gvelasq", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": "Future", "number": 388, "state": "open", "title": "Feature request: Extensibility of the standalone Quarto visual editor", "url": "" }
Consider this: ``` --- name:"mello" title: "hello" --- ```` The YAML parsing _fails_, and hence we can't give the error message we would if instead we had ``` --- name:"mello" --- ``` I'm not sure how to fix this in general outside of writing a better YAML parser, and I really don't want to do that. We have a linting pass, and we could search for colons that don't have a space after them. But that might yield false positives, which are similarly annoying
{ "assignee": "cscheid", "comments": 0, "created_at": "2022-03-05T02:25:20Z", "creator": "cscheid", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [ "enhancement", "yaml-validation" ], "locked": false, "milestone": "Future", "number": 385, "state": "open", "title": "YAML error messages in the presence of parse errors are poor", "url": "" }
Lua filters can change the content of math fomulas, except for formulas with labels when rendering to PDF. This can be worked around by running the Lua filter before the quarto filters, so maybe it's not a bug? But it's a bit confusing that the behavior changes depending on the format and label vs no label... Here's an MWE, tested with quarto 0.9.58: create `a.qmd` with ``` --- filters: - filter.lua --- $$x=1$$ {#eq-x} ``` and `filter.lua` with ``` function Math(el) el.text = 'y' return el end ``` The filter simply replaces all math formulas with `y`. Running `quarto render a.qmd` gives the expected HTML output: the formula is "y". However `quarto render a.qmd --to pdf` makes a PDF with the original equation "x=1". It does work if the label is removed, i.e. if the document contains `$$x=1$$` instead of `$$x=1$$ {#eq-x}` then the PDF shows "y".
{ "assignee": "dragonstyle", "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-03-04T09:42:26Z", "creator": "knuesel", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": "Future", "number": 383, "state": "open", "title": "Filters not applied on labelled math formulas when rendering to PDF", "url": "" }
_[Firstly, thanks for this. It looks great! And love the multilingual nature of it.]_ I just wanted to ask whether it was a conscious decision to [suggest]( people use plain text in Jupyter if they don't want a (JSON) ipynb file for version control, or whatever other reasons, rather than using [JupyText]( _Especially given I've found the issue where you discussed it with mwouts, which then led to the integration._ Jupytext linking feels like a much better solution, as it would give the power of qmd for version control, but also of editing/working on it as a notebook. Indeed, I used to use jupytext and Rmd for all my notebooks when I moved from R to py, though I have now moved to py:percent as most of my work is in python these days, so it seemed more natural. Though very keen to try qmd, and maybe switch again! Will report back if I have any issues. PS. Didn't know whether to make this a Discussion. Happy for it to be transferred.
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-03-02T21:19:58Z", "creator": "DayalStrub", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 1330, "state": "closed", "title": "Using Jupytext to link qmd with ipynb when working in Jupyter lab", "url": "" }
I have some use case where I need the figure to be wrapped within the text. I can achieve this with: ``` \begin{wrapfigure}{R}{6cm} \centering \includegraphics[width=5.5cm]{a.jpg} \end{wrapfigure} ``` but it would be very handy to have it natively supported for both HTML and pdf output. HTML could simple use `float` css property.
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 4, "created_at": "2022-03-01T21:41:16Z", "creator": "kuon", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": "Future", "number": 376, "state": "open", "title": "Support for wrapfigure", "url": "" }
When a listed (child?) page is re-rendered, the listing (parent?) page is also re-rendered automatically. It seems that this is necessary since the `data-listing-file-modified-sort` field needs to be updated on the parent page. However, I encountered a problem when I listed a number of `revealjs` files on an index html page. When I re-render or preview an updated `revealjs` file, the index page is also re-rendered, but into a `revealjs` format. Right now, I need to re-render the index page again to recover it back to a conventional `html` format.
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 2, "created_at": "2022-03-01T20:06:31Z", "creator": "juliantao", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 375, "state": "closed", "title": "behavior of `render` and `preview` of `revealjs` files that are listed in an index html file", "url": "" }
When I rendered a quarto book (html) on Windows (quarto cli v0.9.51), I noticed some differences in the files generated compared to rendering on Linux. 1. ~~`number-sections: true` is set, but no number are assigned to the headers.~~ No numbers are assigned to headers for files in sub directories. 2. `search.json`'s path separator is a backslash `\\`. 3. The newline code of the files in `site_libs` dir is CRLF. Sorry if I missed any options, but it would be great if it could output the exact same file as when run under Linux.
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 6, "created_at": "2022-03-01T09:37:55Z", "creator": "eitsupi", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 372, "state": "closed", "title": "Chapter numbers are not assigned correctly to files in subdirectories on windows (HTML book)", "url": "" }
When I set the .qmd header to be: ``` toc: true ``` revealjs slides that are hidden via: ``` ## Slide Title {visibility="hidden"} ``` are still shown in the table of contents. Is there a way to hide them from the TOC?
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-02-28T22:37:48Z", "creator": "KeAWang", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 371, "state": "closed", "title": "Hidden revealjs slides are still shown on the table of contents", "url": "" }
When reporting an error message of a validation failure, we use information that belongs to a "different format". Because we were working hard to minimize the number of total schemas (given the compile-time and file-size constraints we had with AJV), we decided on tagging _fields_ with the formats they're enabled, but not the schemas. As a result, schemas tend to be not exactly what users expect, and this interacts badly with validation. If someone makes a typo on an object key, it's possible that they will accidentally land on a field that is: 1. disabled for the format they're rendering on 2. but has a schema that is wildly different than what they're expecting Because of 1), they get no completions to warn them of the typo they just introduced, and are unlikely to realize that the lack of completions is indicative of the typo. Because of 2), our validation infrastructure _will_ yell at them. The outcome of all of this are Dreaded Misleading Validation Errors. This kind of problem will become more important the more we lean on validation/autocompletion as the teaching mechanism for users.
{ "assignee": "cscheid", "comments": 2, "created_at": "2022-02-28T16:21:23Z", "creator": "cscheid", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [ "enhancement", "yaml-validation" ], "locked": false, "milestone": "Future", "number": 369, "state": "open", "title": "YAML error messages are inconsistent across format boundaries", "url": "" }
Hello, I suspect the answer to this is `no`, but is it possible to add a filter to quarto that is run _before_ quarto processes a qmd file to replace executable code snippets? Thanks!
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 2, "created_at": "2022-02-28T15:13:23Z", "creator": "abergou", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 368, "state": "closed", "title": "question about quarto filters", "url": "" }
The listing function is really powerful! I wonder if it is possible to make `listing` work also for non-qmd files. This is helpful to create a list of links for downloadable files, such as pdf, csv, or image files. I tried with a list a csv files by using the `filename` as the field name. It did not work out of the box. I can imagine that this use case is quite common.
{ "assignee": "dragonstyle", "comments": 9, "created_at": "2022-02-28T03:45:59Z", "creator": "juliantao", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": "v1.2", "number": 367, "state": "closed", "title": "Listing of non-qmd files", "url": "" }
The ability to create blogs with Quarto is amazing! I am converting my website from blogdown and it has been very easy. Thank you. I ran into errors when trying to make a page with multiple listings. I copied the following from the [guide]( ``` --- title: Team Documents listings: - id: lab-reports content: "lab-reports/*.qmd" type: table - id: meeting-notes content: "meeting-notes/*.qmd" type:table --- ## Lab Reports :::{#lab-reports} ::: ## Meeting Notes :::{#meeting-notes} ::: ``` When rendering, I receive the error: ``` ERROR: YAMLError: can not read an implicit mapping pair; a colon is missed at line 9, column 15: type:table ^ ``` I added a space between `type:` and `table` and received the error: ``` ERROR: Validation of YAML front matter failed. ERROR: In file test.qmd (line 4, column 3 through line 9, column 15) Key listings has value - id: lab-reports content: "lab-reports/*.qmd" type: table - id: meeting-notes content: "meeting-notes/*.qmd" type: table but it must instead be `true` or `false` 3: listings: 4: - id: lab-reports ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5: content: "lab-reports/*.qmd" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6: type: table ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7: - id: meeting-notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8: content: "meeting-notes/*.qmd" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9: type: table ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10: --- ✖ The value - id: lab-reports content: "lab-reports/*.qmd" type: table - id: meeting-notes content: "meeting-notes/*.qmd" type: table is a object. ℹ The error happened in location listings. ERROR: Render failed due to invalid YAML. ``` I tried with `contents` instead of `content` and received a similar error: ``` ERROR: Validation of YAML front matter failed. ERROR: In file test.qmd (line 4, column 3 through line 9, column 15) Key listings has value - id: lab-reports contents: "lab-reports/*.qmd" type: table - id: meeting-notes contents: "meeting-notes/*.qmd" type: table but it must instead be `true` or `false` 3: listings: 4: - id: lab-reports ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5: contents: "lab-reports/*.qmd" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6: type: table ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7: - id: meeting-notes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8: contents: "meeting-notes/*.qmd" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9: type: table ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10: --- ✖ The value - id: lab-reports contents: "lab-reports/*.qmd" type: table - id: meeting-notes contents: "meeting-notes/*.qmd" type: table is a object. ℹ The error happened in location listings. ERROR: Render failed due to invalid YAML. ``` One last thing I tried was `listing` rather than `listings`. The page renders but does not show the .qmd items, and throws this error: ``` Error in yaml::yaml.load(..., eval.expr = TRUE) : Scanner error: while scanning a simple key at line 8, column 5 could not find expected ':' at line 9, column 1 ``` I appreciate you taking a look at this issue. Thanks again!
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 8, "created_at": "2022-02-27T23:03:48Z", "creator": "ivelasq", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 366, "state": "closed", "title": "Error in page with multiple listings ", "url": "" }
If I execute the following commands: ``` quarto create-project --type website quarto render --output-dir /tmp/quarto ``` the output files are not rendered to /tmp/quarto, but to the subdirctory tmp/quarto within the project directory.
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 3, "created_at": "2022-02-23T20:41:35Z", "creator": "blacksqr", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 362, "state": "closed", "title": "cli option --output-dir doesn't accept absolute path", "url": "" }
I tried to create a quarto book because I had accumulated several reports that I had set to be `self-contained: true` and distributed as a single HTML file. In this case, the rendering failed due to the file containing the self-contained option. I wonder if it is possible to make it so that invalid options are automatically ignored when rendering the entire project. (However, such a behavior may also confuse the user, so it may be more appropriate to raise an error and prompt the user to remove the option before rendering.)
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 4, "created_at": "2022-02-22T14:41:01Z", "creator": "eitsupi", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": "Future", "number": 360, "state": "open", "title": "Fails to render a book containing a file with the `self-contained` option.", "url": "" }
I think we can use [vscode-yaml]( or something similar to do auto-completion based on the schema when editing yaml files. If the schema of `_quarto.yml` is provided, it would be great because it would save me the trouble of editing the file while staring at the reference.
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 5, "created_at": "2022-02-22T14:23:36Z", "creator": "eitsupi", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 359, "state": "closed", "title": "`_quarto.yml`'s schema", "url": "" }
I wonder if this link could be set to the fork containing the actual quarto document source code.
{ "assignee": null, "comments": 1, "created_at": "2022-02-22T14:01:29Z", "creator": "eitsupi", "is_pull_request": false, "labels": [], "locked": false, "milestone": null, "number": 1329, "state": "closed", "title": "Link to the fork (example of quarto)", "url": "" }