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2010 gouf hien esouguer zum Ritter vum Uerde vum hollännesche Léiw vun der deemoleger Kinnigin Beatrix geschloen.
In 2010 he was even made a Knight of the Order of the Dutch Lion by the then Queen Beatrix.
Vun den 3 Milliounen EU-Bierger, déi a Groussbritannien liewen, wunnt eleng een Drëttel zu London.
Of the 3 million EU citizens living in Great Britain, a third of those alone live in London.
De Gesetzprojet fir zousätzlech 139 Milliounen Euro am Budget gouf en Donneschdeg mat den 31 Stëmme vun der Majoritéit um Krautmaart ugeholl.
The budget draft bill for an additional 139 million Euro was adopted in parliament on Thursday with 31 majority votes.
176 lëtzebuergesch Bauerebetriber si Member vun der europäescher Molkereisgenossenschaft ARLA, fréier ënnert dem Numm MUH bekannt.
176 Luxembourgish farmers are members of the European dairy cooperative ARLA, formerly known as MUH.
D'Awunnerzuel zu Lëtzebuerg ass 2021 ëm 10.667 Persounen eropgaangen.
Luxembourg's population increased by 10,667 people in 2021.
Wéi d'Reederei Crociere matgedeelt huet, goufen um Schëff "Costa Smeralda", dat e Sonndeg zu Marseille ugeluecht huet, sechs Membere vun zwou Famille positiv getest.
According to shipping company Costa Crociere, six members of two families tested positive on the ship "Costa Smeralda", which docked in Marseille on Sunday.
D'Regierung preparéiert zanter dem leschte Weekend eventuell Mesuren, falls d'Situatioun sech géing verschlechteren.
Since last weekend, the government has been preparing new measures in case the situation deteriorates.
D’Reserve vun der Gesondheetskeess geet zeréck op 959 Milliounen Euro, wat däitlech iwwert dem Minimum läit, deen d’Gesetz virgesäit.
Despite decreasing to €959 million, the reserves are still significantly above the minimum required by law.
630 Patienten an am Ganzen 270 Kilogramm d'Joer.
630 patients consume 270kg of medical cannabis per year.
Dobäi hat den Dokter Serge Allard, de President vun der Societéit vun de Kannerdokteren zu Lëtzebuerg am Dezember bei eis op der Antenn ganz kloer Wierder fonnt: "Mir hunn net genuch Pediateren, ganz kloer net.
Dr Serge Allard, president of the Luxembourg Association of Paediatricians, stated in a December interview with RTL Radio that "we don't have enough paediatricians, clearly."
Zanterhier géif et an der Regioun just nach Aarbechtsplaze bei SocFin an d'Paien do géifen net emol duergoen, fir modeste ze liewen.
Since this development, SocFin has also monopolised jobs in the area and the salaries offered by SocFin are insufficient for a "modest life".
Andeems si sech ëmmer rëm un dës Changementer ugepasst huet, ass d’Baloise zur Baloise vun Haut ginn; eng mënschlech, responsabel an inspiréierend Compagnie.
It is the continual adaptation to these changes, which over time has shaped the Baloise of today, a humane, responsible and inspiring company.
Jee no Situatioun kann den Operateur der Persoun op der Plaz éischt Instruktioune ginn, wéi si sech verhale soll.
Based on the situation, the operator can offer initial instructions for those at the scene and despatch appropriate assistance if necessary.
Derbäi goufe 4 Leit blesséiert.
Four people were injured.
No hirer Auditioun war den Dossier un de Parquet gaangen.
After that, the complaint had gone to the prosecutor's office.
Den Auto gouf immobiliséiert an de Führerschäin agezunn.
They immobilised his car and confiscated his driver's license.
Luc Frieden neie President vu Chambre de Commerce.
Luc Frieden officially designated president of the Chamber of Commerce.
Eleng dëst Joer goufe schonn 2.200 Avertissements taxés wéinst dëser Infraktioun ausgestallt.
This year alone, 2,200 standard fines have been issued due to this infraction.
Mesuren, mä keng grouss Reformen am Oktober.
No major reforms expected to be announced in October.
E Mëttwoch gesi sech d'Ministerpresidente vun de Bundeslänner, zesumme mat der Bundeskanzlerin, fir iwwert weider Mesure géint d'Pandemie ze beroden.
State premiers and Chancellor Angela Merkel are expected to gather on Wednesday to discuss implementing further measures against the pandemic.
3 Accidenter mat Motocyclisten um Mëttwochowend.
Three motorbike accidents on Wednesday evening.
Bei der Synagog zu Esch organiséiert déi liberal jüddesch Communautéit e Gedenk-Moment ënnert dem Titel "Stand with Israel".
The liberal Jewish community is organising a commemorative moment at the Synagogue of Esch titled 'Stand with Israel'.
De Mann war géint 1.50 Auer an e Bistro an der Rue de la Fontaine agebrach.
Around 2 am, the man broke into a pub in the Rue de la Fontaine.
Duerch déi Formatioun solle sougenannte Primo-Arrivants d’Méiglechkeet kréien, sech zum Beispill fir eng Beruffsausbildung ze qualifizéieren oder de Wee am Secondaire weiderzegoen.
Preparing students to enter the labour marketThe course is expected to give mature students the opportunity to prepare for a professional training or facilitate their return to secondary education.
Wärend 2015 nach 7 Lycéeë beim Lancement vum Projet "Digital Classroom Lëtzebuerg" matgemaach hunn, bidde mëttlerweil all d'ëffentlech Lycéeën am Land där Klasse mat Tabletten un.
In 2015, only seven secondary schools were involved in the 'Digital Classroom Lëtzebuerg' project at its launch, but all public secondary schools have since begun offering classes with tablets.
D'LSAP freet ënnert anerem eng Aktualitéitsstonn an der Chamber a fäert, dass de Platzverweis geschwë generell am Land gëlle kéint.
The LSAP has formally requested a discussion on the issue in the Chamber of Deputies, expressing apprehension about the potential extension of forced removal across the country.
Mat 6:0, no Goler vum Kolovos, Castaneda (x2), Bizjak (x2) an Traore, géint den drëtten an der Tabell ass hinnen den Titel net méi ze huelen.
Following the 6:0 victory thanks to goals from Kolovos, Castaneda (2x), Bizjak (2x), and Traore against the number three in the ranking, Sheriff Tiraspol can no longer lose the title.
Den Tracing wär wéinst de ville Fäll de Moment net ëmmer méiglech.Am Cycle 1 gëtt vun e Freideg u verstäerkt getestAm Cycle 1 – also der Spillschoul – gëtt vun e Freideg (21. Januar) un och de verstäerkten Testing agefouert.
This made more sense in the current situation than contact tracing, as this wasn't always feasible due to the high number of cases.Cycle 1 will do increased testing starting this FridayThe Cycle 1 – preschool, that is, will introduce increased testing this Friday 21 January.
D'Nolauschterer vum 100,7 ginn 2 Mol d'Joer iwwert e spezielle Rot fir hir Meenung gefrot.
Listeners of Radio 100,7 will be consulted twice per year in a special poll.
D'LSAP-Vize-Presidentin vun där Kommissioun, d'Claire Delcourt, erënnert dorunner, dass et op fräiwëlleger Basis och scho vun de viregte Regierunge versicht gouf, d'Gemengen awer net wierklech matgeschafft hunn.
MP Claire Delcourt of the Luxembourg Socialist Workers' Party (LSAP), the vice-president of the committee, highlighted the previous government's unsuccessful attempt to encourage voluntary cooperation from municipalities.
Net deen éischte Virfall vun där Zort an der Lescht.
This is not the first incident of this kind lately.
Manner awer de Fait, dass elo eng Rezessioun agetrueden ass, mee méi deen, dass d'Zuele vum Statec dat esoulaang net indiquéiert hätten, stéiert de Sven Clement vun de Piraten, wann en iwwert d'Nott mat den Zuele kuckt.
The Pirates' Sven Clement is less concerned by the fact a recession is in the cards and more worried about the fact that the National Statistics Office's figures failed to indicate the matter until now.
Wéi et heescht, goufen d'Laureate wéinst hirer Dynamik, Passioun a Kreativitéit an hirem Beruff am Kader vum Tourissem ausgezeechent.
The winners were selected for their innovation, passion and creativity in the field of tourism.
Dës Reegelung besteet schonn zanter 1949, wéi ënner anerem Lëtzebuerg an d'USA d'Genfer Konventioun iwwert de Stroosseverkéier ënnerschriwwen hunn.
This regulation has been in place since 1949, when Luxembourg and the USA, among others, signed the Geneva Convention on Road Traffic.
De Mann koum en Donneschdeg de Mëtteg virun den Untersuchungsriichter.
He was brought before magistrates on Thursday afternoon.
Dat ass bei 91,7 Prozent vun allen Internet-Zougäng de Fall.
This is the case in 91.7% of all internet subscriptions.
D’Zuelematerial dierf net fir boer Mënz geholl ginn, sou den Dokter Pit Duschinger iwwert eng Statistik vun Eurostat.
The figures should not be taken at face value, said Dr Pit Duschinger following a Eurostat report.
Et soll eng grouss Debatt iwwert d'Modernisatioun vum Steiersystem gefouert ginn, dat hunn esou wuel d'Oppositiounsparteie wéi och d'LSAP am September an der Chamber gefuerdert.
In September opposition parties, as well as the LSAP, had requested a debate in the Chamber about modernising the country's tax system.
Géint 16.20 Auer koum et zu Diddeleng an der Rue du Centenaire zu engem brutalen Iwwerfall.
At 4.20pm on Saturday, a brutal mugging took place on Rue du Centenaire in Dudelange.
Police huet zwee Drogendealer op frëscher Dot erwëscht.
Police catch two drug dealers in the act.
Wéi Dir Iech esou SMSen erkennen an Iech do virdru schütze kënnt, fannt Dir op verschidden Internetsitte vun der Police, der Regierung an dem Guichet:
For further information on how to protect oneself from such scams, check out the below websites from the police, and the government:
Camion op der N32 iwwert dem Echangeur Déifferdeng accidentéiert.
Lorry trailer flips over on N32 near Differdange exit.
De Coordinateur Dokter Patrick Krombach erkläert: "Et ass een Team vun Dokteren, déi sech mat der Prostate ausernanersetzen.
As the centre's coordinator, Dr Patrick Krombach explained, the centre will consist of a team of doctors who examine prostrates.
Gedréckten Exemplaire kënnen [email protected] ginn.
Print copies can be requested [email protected].
Keng gutt Iddi, fënnt d'Directrice vun Omega 90 Christine Dahm.
The head of Omega 90, Christine Dahm, is intent on making the topic more socially acceptable.
De jonke Mann gouf mat engem Messer menacéiert a gouf beklaut.
The adolescent was threatened with a knife and robbed.
Mat dësem Gesetzprojet soll Klimaschutz bedriwwe ginn no de Critèrë vum Paräisser Accord.
The climate protection bill has been designed according to the Paris Climate Agreement.
Frank Engel a sechs CSV-Membere viru Geriicht.
Frank Engel and six CSV members on trial.
Ee Jugendlechen, deen op der anerer Stroossesäit um Busarrêt stoung, gouf Zeie vum Virfall.
A teenager, who had been waiting for the bus on the opposite side of the road, witnessed the incident.
Dat ass duebel sou vill wéi nach an de Projektioune vun der Woch virdrun.
This is double the amount calculated in the projections one week prior.
Et hätt ee beim Inneministère nogefrot an do hätt et geheescht, datt déi national Gesetzgebung hei mat ganz grousser Warscheinlechkeet iwwert dem Gemengereglement stoe géing.
The municipality reached out to the Ministry of Home Affairs, which indicated that national legislation would likely supersede municipal regulations in this case.
D'Famill Juncker huet de Stroossenhond "Peluso" adoptéiert.
Juncker family rescues street dog named "Peluso".
Wann hei d'Verfassung kloer seet, datt et un der Chamber ass, eng Decisioun ze huelen, da schéngt mir déi Positioun kloer ze sinn.
If it notes that the Chamber is responsible for taking a decision, then I think the position is clear.
Lëtzebuerg gehéiert zu de Länner mat den héchsten Zäregasemissiounen.
Luxembourg amongst countries with highest greenhouse gas emissions.
Permisen agezunnEnger Patrull ass an der Nuecht kuerz no 4 Auer e Gefier opgefall, dat immens lues iwwert den Trëttoir an der Tréierer Strooss gesteiert gouf.
Drunk driving Shortly after 4am, a police patrol noticed a vehicle that was driving very slowly across the pavement in route de Trèves.
Neit Covid-Gesetz gouf ugeholl.
MPs pass new Covid law.
Bei 39,1% konnt net ermëttelt ginn, wou sech infizéiert gouf.
In 39,1% of cases, no infection source could be identified.
Engem Land, wou d'Wale vum nächste Mount annuléiert goufen an den Iwwergangs-Militärregimm d'Transitiounsphas ëm véier Joer verlängert huet, fir datt d'Junta weider kann um Pouvoir bleiwen.
A country where next month's elections have been cancelled and the transitional military government has extended the transition period by four years so that the junta can continue to rule.
Vun den Analysten ass et d'Umierkung, datt dee Fait duerchaus een direkten Impakt op d'Performance vun der DP am Walbezierk Zentrum kéint hunn.
Analysts speculate that this phenomenon might directly influence the DP's performance in the Centre constituency.
Dofir war mer dat net esou bewosst, wéi fixéiert en Hond och op e Mënsch ass, an op säi Patron ass.
That's why I didn't realise how fixated a dog is on a person, on its owner.
E Freideg den Owend kuerz virun 21 Auer krut d'Police en aggressive Mann gemellt, deen zu Déifferdeng géing eng Persoun zerschloen.
Police were notified of a man behaving aggressively in Differdange shortly after 9pm on Friday night.
Den aktuelle Mobilitéitsschäffe Patrick Goldschmidt sot, de Moment léich den Undeel vum Individualverkéier an der Stad bei 60 Prozent an domat wier d’Limitt erreecht.
Alderman Patrick Goldschmidt, who is in charge of mobility in the capital, explained that individual commuters are responsible for 60% of traffic in the capital.
Konkret geet et ëm de Kaf vu knapp 850 Luxus-Aueren am Wäert vun ëm 18 Milliounen Euro.
In particular, this involved the purchase of more than 850 luxury watches, with a total value of €18 million.
Sidd Iech awer bewosst, dass de Montant vun der Reprise generell manner héich ass, wéi de Verkafspräis, wann Dir Ären Auto privat verkaf kritt.
Bear in mind that the price offered by a dealership is generally lower than selling your vehicle privately.
De Xavier Bettel ass an d'Ukrain gereest.
Xavier Bettel in Ukraine on Tuesday.
Iwwert der Foto steet dann de Gilles Baum hätt d'lescht Joer Suen op der Bourse investéiert an en héije Gewënn gemaach.
According to the post accompanying the image, Baum purportedly invested in the stock market last year, resulting in significant profits.
Un de Perquisitioune waren ënnert anerem dat däitscht Bundeskriminalamt, de Parquet vun Düsseldorf an déi hollännesch Autoritéite bedeelegt.
The Federal Criminal Police Office, the public prosecutor's office in Düsseldorf, and the Dutch authorities, among others, were involved in the search.
All Partië kann een och live suivéieren op Chess24:
All matches can be followed on Chess24 (see link box).
D'Mënscherechtskommissioun bedauert, dass et elo awer keng gesetzlech Basis soll gi fir Covid-Mesuren, déi am Schoulsecteur geholl ginn.
Human rights commission disappointed by absence of legal basis for Covid restrictions in schools.
Op der Gruppefoto vum Cyril Moreau vu Bestimage gesäit ee vir de Grand-Duc Jean, lénks vun him de Grand-Duc Henri an d'Grande-Duchesse Maria Teresa.
Photographer Cyril Moreau of Bestimage took pictures of the Grand Ducal couple and former Grand Duke Jean with the beautiful Provence landscape in the background.
10 eeler Persounen goufen positiv getest.
Just 10 of the elderly residents tested positive.
Fir d'Zéiung vum 22. Dezember si viraussiichtlech 41 Milliounen Euro am Jackpot.Kontrolléiert hei Är Zuelen!
A total of 41 million will be in Tuesday's jackpot!Check your numbers here!
Wéi d'UN-Klimacheffin Patricia Espinosa sot, wieren d'Fridays-for-Future-Demonstratiounen an aner Aktiounen am Kader vum Klimaschutz eng Inspiratioun fir d'Participanten vun der Konferenz.
Executive Secretary of UN Climate,Patricia Espinosa described the Fridays for Future demonstrations and other manifestations for climate protection as an inspiration for participants of the conference.
Bei den Awanderer maachen dann och d'Fransousen (12,8%) d'Majoritéit aus, dat virun den Italiener (9,6%) a Portugisen (8,9%).
25,335 people moved to the Grand Duchy last year, the majority of whom were French nationals (12.8%), followed by Italian nationals (9.6%), and Portuguese nationals (8.9%).
Mat dësen Amendementer sollt et zu méi Proximitéit tëscht der Police an de Bierger kommen an d’Reform nach méi verbessert ginn, huet et vun der CSV geheescht.
According to the CSV, the amendments were supposed to bring the police force closer to Luxembourg's citizens and would be a drastic improvement to the project's current structure.
Ufank Mäerz hat de Verdeedegungsministère gemellt, dass ee bis dohi 6.000 Schoss Artillerie-Munitioun un d'Ukrain geliwwert hätt.
In early March, the Ministry of Defence reported that 6,000 rounds of artillery ammunition had been delivered to Ukrainian forces.
Am Zentrum ginn et, wat d'Stëmmung elo am Juni ugeet, am Verglach zu de Walen 2013, ganz däitlech 2 Perdanten, d'LSAP an d'DP, an ee Gewënner d'ADR, wann een d'Prozenter vun de Stëmme kuckt.
In the poll , which simulates an election today in June, the Democratic Party would win two seats and the LSAP and the Greens would each get one.
Neit Gesetz gestëmmt fir géint Opruff zum Haass, Gewalt an Terrorismus virgoen.
New law passed to tackle incitement of hate, violence and terrorism.
Et geet ëm déi ëmmer méi wichteg Fro vum Wuesstem, vum qualitative Wuesstem a senger Nohaltegkeet.
And the increasingly important question about the quality of growth and its sustainability is still out there.
An der Rue Joseph Junck goufen an deem Kader e puer Persoune kontrolléiert.
As part of this operation, numerous individuals underwent identity checks along Rue Joseph Junck.
Problemer mat enger Nationalitéit Hie wéilt net verallgemengeren, esou de Jean Asselborn, ma mat enger Nationalitéit hätt ee besonnesch vill Problemer gehat.
Difficulties with one particular nationality Asselborn expressed his reluctance to generalise, but explained that immigration services had had issues with one particular nationality, the Georgians.
E Méindeg den Owend gouf eng Cyclistin zu Alzeng an der Route de Thionville vum Bäifuerer vun engem Auto mat franséische Placke belästegt.
On Monday evening, a female cyclist was harassed by the passenger of a car on Route de Thionville in Alzingen.
Tëscht e Mëttwoch den Owend 22.30 Auer an en Donneschdeg de Moie 6.30 Auer gouf e Motorrad vun der Mark DUCATI Modell Diavel 1260S geklaut.
The motorbike in question, a Ducati Diavel 1260S, was stolen between 10.30pm on Wednesday and 6.30am on Thursday, from a residence on Rue de Crauthem.
Séchert är Donnéeën op ärem Smartphone of!
It's vital to secure your data on your smartphone.
6 Méint nodeems se opgaangen ass, war zu Esch déi offiziell Aweiung vun der lokaler "Impuls"-Antenn.
Six months after its opening, the new "Impuls" house in Esch-sur-Alzette was officially inaugurated.
Dës war géint 20.11 Auer um Arrêt Henry Grey an de Bus vun der Linn 2 geklommen.
The person boarded the number 2 bus at the Henry Grey stop around 8.11pm and disembarked at the Opkorn stop.
Weider digital Méiglechkeete kënnen am Interesse vum Verbraucher och mat dem Service um Client oder der Comptabilitéit geschaafe ginn.
Other digital applications in the interest of consumers concern, for example, making appointments with customer service or accounting.
D'Populatioun stéing elo ënner Generalverdacht, amplaz dass do géif intervenéiert ginn, wou et Problemer gëtt: Marc Baum: „Ech hunn et absolut erstaunlech fonnt, dass de Freiden op der Pressekonferenz kee Wuert verluer ginn ass iwwert de ganzen Educatiounssecteur!
Instead of targeting the concrete problem areas, the general population is now under constant surveillance, Baum elaborated: "To be honest, I was truly astonished on Friday when the entire education sector was not mentioned at all during the press briefing.
Hutt Dir een Talent fir ze bitzen?
Do you have a knack for sewing?
Den 1. November dunn goufe weider Läichendeeler am däitschen Temmels fonnt, och direkt hannert der Lëtzebuergescher Grenz.
On 1 November, other parts of the same bodywere found in a car park in Temmels, also very close to Luxembourg.
Um 4.40 Auer an der Nuecht op e Samschdeg gouf zu Péiteng an der Rue Robert Krieps an eng Autosgarage agebrach.
Burglars broke into a car dealership on Rue Robert Krieps in Petange at around 4.40am on Saturday.
E Freidegowend hat d'Police nawell méi ze dinn.
The police were kept rather busy on Friday evening.
Sou dierf nëmmen op d’Videoiwwerwaachung zréckgegraff ginn, wann et op enger Plaz vill Kriminalitéit gëtt a wann all aner Moyenen net duerginn, fir deem entgéint ze wierken.
The police can thus only use video surveillance in places where crime rates are high and if all other means are not sufficient to counter the issue.
Sarah de Nutte géint Yu Mengyu ouni Chance.
No luck for Sarah de Nutte in loss to Yu Mengyu.
Plaz kënnt iwwregens Griicheland mat 269 geklauten Autoen, dono Italien (257), Schweden (256) a Frankräich (247).
This is by far the highest average in the Union, with Greece in second place (269), Italy in third (257), Sweden in fourth (256), and France fifth (247).
All dës Fäll goufen zwar no enger Impfung notéiert, allerdéngs stounge se net onbedéngt a Verbindung mam Vaccin.
All these cases were reported in conjunction with a dose of the vaccine; however, it does not necessarily mean they were directly caused by the vaccination.
En Donneschdeg den Owend géint 19 Auer ass en Autoschauffer zu Munneref an e Stroosseschëld geknuppt.
At around 7pm on Thursday evening, a motorist in Mondorf crashed into a traffic sign.
Am Ganze goufen et eng 150 Avertissements taxés.
A total of 150 fines were issued.
D'Mandy Minella ass Mamm ginn.
Mandy Minella gives birth to baby girl.
Wéinst Aarbechten op der Linn 10 Lëtzebuerg - Ettelbréck, ass et wärend der Schueberfouer net méiglech, mam Zuch vun Ettelbréck an Dikrech aus an d'Stad ze fueren.
Construction work on line 10, which relays the capital to Ettelbruck, means that no trains will run between Ettelbruck, Diekirch, and Luxembourg City during the fair.
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio

Dataset Card for LuxAlign


⚠️ A newer version of this dataset is available.
Although this is the original dataset described in the paper, a revised version of the dataset is available at

Dataset Summary

LuxAlign is a parallel dataset featuring Luxembourgish-English and Luxembourgish-French sentence pairs, introduced in LuxEmbedder: A Cross-Lingual Approach to Enhanced Luxembourgish Sentence Embeddings (Philippy et al., 2024). Designed to align the Luxembourgish embedding space with those of other languages, it enables improved cross-lingual sentence representations for Luxemborgish. This dataset was used to train the Luxembourgish sentence embedding model LuxEmbedder. The data originates from news articles published by the Luxembourgish news platform

The sentence pairs in this dataset are not always exact translations but instead reflect high semantic similarity; hence, this dataset may not be suitable for training a machine translation model without caution.

Citation Information

      title={LuxEmbedder: A Cross-Lingual Approach to Enhanced Luxembourgish Sentence Embeddings}, 
      author={Fred Philippy and Siwen Guo and Jacques Klein and Tegawendé F. Bissyandé},

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to RTL Luxembourg for providing the raw seed data that served as the foundation for this research. Those interested in obtaining this data are encouraged to reach out to RTL Luxembourg or Mr. Tom Weber via [email protected].

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