Summary: An introduction to historiography and the theory of counterfactuals. Published: In w88 android (ed. Rasmus Dahlberg), q.v.
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Each year, there are more than 100,000 cases of pet poisoning in the U.S. Many of these were caused by household substances that may seem perfectly harmless to you. But just because something is safe for people doesn't mean it won’t hurt beloved pets. Some of the most dangerous dog poisons are foods and medications we take on a daily basis. Depending on how a particular substance affects your dog’s body and how much was ingested or inhaled, pet poisoning symptoms can include gastrointestinal and neurological problems, cardiac and respiratory distress, coma, and even death. Dog poison No. 1: Prescription medications for people. Drugs that might be beneficial or even lifesaving for people can have the opposite effect in pets. And it doesn’t always take a large dose to do major damage. Prescription anti-inflammatory and pain medications can cause stomach and intestinal ulcers or kidney failure. Antidepressants can cause vomiting and, in more serious instances, serotonin syndrome -- a dangerous condition that raises temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure, and may cause seizures. Dog poison No. 2: Insecticides. Flea and tick products. You may think you’re doing your dog a favor when you apply products marketed to fight fleas and ticks, but thousands of animals are unintentionally poisoned by these products every year. Problems can occur if dogs accidentally ingest these products or if small dogs receive excessive amounts. Talk to your vet about safe OTC products. Dog poison No. 3: Over-the-counter medications. This group contains acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen and naproxen (Advil, Alleve), as well as herbal and nutraceutical products (fish oil, joint supplements). Dog poison No. 4: Pet medications. Just as we can be sickened or killed by medications intended to help us, cases of pet poisoning by veterinary drugs are not uncommon. Some of the more commonly reported problem medications include painkillers and de-wormers. Dog poison No. 5: Household products, from cleaners to fire logs. Just as cleaners like bleach can poison people, they are also a leading cause of pet poisoning, resulting in stomach and respiratory tract problems. Not surprisingly, chemicals contained in antifreeze, paint thinner, and chemicals for pools also can act as dog poison. The pet poisoning symptoms they may produce include stomach upset, depression, chemical burns, renal failure and death. Dog poison No. 6: People food. Your canine companion may look so cute as he sits there begging for a bite of your chocolate cake or a chip covered in guacamole, but not giving him what he wants could save his life. Animals have different metabolisms than people. Some foods, such as onions and garlic, as well as beverages that are perfectly safe for people can be dangerous, and sometimes fatal, for dogs. Chocolate . Though not harmful to people, chocolate products contain substances called methylxanthines that can cause vomiting in small doses, and death if ingested in larger quantities. Darker chocolate contains more of these dangerous substances than do white or milk chocolate. The amount of chocolate that could result in death depends on the type of chocolate and the size of the dog. For smaller breeds, just half an ounce of baking chocolate can be fatal, while a larger dog might survive eating 4 ounces to 8 ounces, though 8 ounces would be extremely dagerous. Coffee and caffeine have similarly dangerous chemicals. Alcohol. Symptoms of alcohol poisoning in animals are similar to those in people, and may include vomiting, breathing problems, coma and, in severe cases, death. Avocado. You might think of them as healthy, but avocados have a substance called persin that can act as a dog poison, causing vomiting and diarrhea or worse. Macadamia nuts. Dogs may suffer from a series of symptoms, including weakness, overheating, and vomiting, after consumption of macadamia nuts. Grapes and raisins. Experts aren’t sure why, but these fruits can induce kidney failure in dogs. Even a small number may cause problems in some dogs. Xylitol. This sweetener is found in many products, including sugar-free gum and candy. It causes a rapid drop in blood sugar, resulting in weakness and seizures. Liver failure also has been reported in some dogs. Dog poison No. 7: Chocolate. See above. Azaleas and rhododendrons. These pretty flowering plants contain toxins that may cause vomiting, diarrhea, coma, and potentially even death. Tulips and daffodils. The bulbs of these plants may cause serious stomach problems, difficulty breathing, and increased heart rate. Sago palms. Eating just a few seeds may be enough to cause vomiting, seizures, and liver failure. Dog poison No. 9: Rodenticides, if ingested by dogs, can cause severe problems. The symptoms depend on the nature of the poison, and signs may not start for several days after consumption. In some instances, the dog may have eaten the poisoned rodent, and not been directly exposed to the toxin. Dog poison No. 10: Lawn and garden products. Products for your lawn and garden may be poisonous to pets that ingest them. If you think your dog has been poisoned, try to stay calm. It is important to act quickly, but rationally. First, gather up any of the potential poison that remains -- this may be helpful to your veterinarian and any outside experts who assist with the case. If your dog has vomited, collect the sample in case your veterinarian needs to see it. Then, try to keep your pet calm and call your veterinarian or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) at (888) 426-4435. Experts at the APCC are available to answer questions and provide guidance 24 hours a day for a $60 consultation fee. Another option is the Pet Poison Hotline with a fee of $59 per incident. Keep all medications, even those in child-proof bottles, in cabinets that are inaccessible to your dog. If you inadvertently drop a pill on the floor, be sure to look for it immediately. Supervise anyone, such as the elderly, who may need help taking medications. Always follow guidelines on flea or tick products. Although you can safely give some ''people foods'' to your pet as a treat, others are toxic. If you have any questions about what is safe, ask your veterinarian. Or, err on the safe side and give treats made specifically for animals. Be sure any rodenticides you use are kept in metal cabinets or high on shelves where your pets can't find them. Remember that dogs can be fatally poisoned by eating an exposed rodent, so always be very cautious about using these products. Tell your neighbors if you put out rat bait, so they can protect their pets from exposure, and ask them to do the same for you. When buying plants for your home, opt for those that won’t cause problems if your dog happens to nibble on them. The ASPCA has an online list of toxic and nontoxic plants by species. If you choose to have toxic plants, be sure they are kept in a place where your animals can't reach them. Store all chemicals and cleaners in pet-inaccessible areas of your home.
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A new update of Microsoft Office 2016 (Build 7369.2017) for Slow ring Office Insiders on Windows has been released by Microsoft. The new September update with the version number of 16.0.7369.2017 or Version 1609 (Build 7369.2017) contains bug fixes and improvement as well as “Ink Replay” feature that allow Office user rewind and replay ink strokes on a PowerPoint slide and enhance PowerPoint recordings. Microsoft Office 2016 September update was initially released for Office Insiders on 13th September 2016. According to Microsoft, the update has 34 security updates (1 bulletin) and 35 non-security updates in it including desktop operating systems, servers, browsers, Exchange server, Silverlight, SMBv1 and several others. In addition, it also rate 7 updates as critical and another 7 updates as important. Update Office version 1609 (Build 7369.2017) brings better recordings in PowerPoint. Now Office user can add a Recording tab to the ribbon, create a presentation made up of recorded slides, screen recordings, and inserted video, and then share that recorded content to be viewed remotely on Docs.com. Besides that, user also can embed quizzes to assist with remote learning and make presentation more interactive, as well as change the ink color right from the palette in the recording pane. For Outlook, Microsoft improved keyboard and assistive technology experiences for reading email, scheduling meetings, and adding a signature by build accessibility in Office 2016. To get the update immediately, open any Office 2016 app and choose File > Account > Update Options > Update Now. For Office Insider Slow ring, you should be able to pull the update down now.
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I was brimming with excitement all of Thursday. I couldn’t stop thinking about my date with Seabiscuit. I was very excited about his joining me at the theater plus the night adventures that would follow. I hurried home after work, took a quick shower, and headed out. It had been a warm day, and I was doubtful that I needed my jacket; however, then I remembered being cold at a previous performance in the evening. Even though I had checked the weather and saw Orinda was only predicted to be in the low 60s in the evening, I knew that up in the hills, where the theater is actually located, it can get much colder. I felt foolish carrying such a large jacket on BART and felt too warm to need it, but better safe than sorry. It was good I did. By the time I arrived at the theater, it was significantly cooler. I was happy without a jacket but realized that once the sun finished setting, I would need to put it on. I waited for Seabiscuit to arrive, and was excited to see him clean-shaven–as I had ordered as his Mistress. How good that he should obey so well! And he finally looked like one of his own photographs. I told him previously that he appeared to be a servant of the Many-Faced God because his face never seemed to match from one photograph to another. The angles were off or something seemed so strange about it. He didn’t look like his photographs. I knew it was him, but how strange and different they all seemed. There was a crowd, and I could tell he felt a bit shy. We hugged and kissed each other’s cheeks, then held hands as we walked up the hill from Will Call to the theater. He bought dinner for us at the café, and we continued holding hands. The line was long, and we really only had 10 minutes to eat before needing to be seated. He was impressed by my tickets and how close we were to the stage. The temperature had dropped significantly, so I put on my jacket when we were seated but he was astounded that I didn’t close it until after intermission. I held his hand in his lap during the first half. During intermission, he rented a blanket while I used the restroom and got my free bag of Peet’s coffee for renewing my subscription for the theater. We shared the blanket, and for the second half, he held my hand on my lap. The performance was amazing, as all the shows I have seen there have been. CalShakes has done very well at selecting and directing plays that resonate with race issues going on currently, and this play was exceptionally well done in that regard. Seabiscuit enjoyed it greatly, and I told him he should return with me for all of next season. He said he would love to. It was his first time going to the theater in a very long time, and he said the final scenes with the bed on stage would linger in his memory for a long time.
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As part of Living in Thailand, the Rice Field Project follows our journey of buying land, preparing it for building our house and finally building our house. This is part 34, to read the other parts click The Rice Field Project. If you are following this project then you might remember that we had an water well made at our land. Well as we will later build a guest bungalow on an other part of our land we had the idea to have a second water well made. The new one closer to our house and use the old one for the garden and guest-bungalow. But that did not go as easy as we thought. The first try was about 5 meter from our house, they found water at 6 meter but not enough to pump it up. Second try was about 10 meter from the first water well. But no water at all was found. So a third try was done about 5 meter next to the first water well. And bingo .... water. And a lot of water. So the location of the first water well was just sheer luck? Anyway we will see how it works out with 2 water wells near to each other. The job was done by the same 3 people of the first water well. And although they had to try 3 times, we only paid for 1 water well, 3.500 Thai baht + some tip for the hard work. Because yes it is hard work, especially at 30℃! Update : And we did just paid the final payment for the house construction. The last 5% will be paid 10 days after 100% completion and delivery of the house.
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There are few moments in life this fast paced, that take you this much by surprise. Where after the adrenaline high, you can’t believe it just happened to you. This is their story. Be sure to watch the video as well as browse through the photos as mom tells what happened from her perspective. Ben’s parents were already at the hospital for an induction. Last checked, she was 2 cm dilated and not in active labour at all. The induction medication hadn’t even begun. I normally come when a client is in active labour as this early period could be slowed down by my presence. I texted with dad who told me we would touch base in an hour. I texted to see how things were going. Heard nothing for about 10 minutes and just had this gut feeling. I threw on my scrubs. My gear was already at the house and my childcare had been called in. I knew it would be today just not sure when. Utter disbelief. What was he talking about? She wasn’t even in labour. This was a first baby. Complete as in completely dilated and at a 10? Maybe dad wasn’t familiar with the terms. I put my keys in my pocket. I screamed at my childcare “I gotta go, bye, I’m walking out, you are on duty, bye” and walked right to the car. I was driving away a minute later. The drive had my heart pumping like never before. I knew this could go either way, some first time moms push for one to two hours so I might have time. Some deliver with in a couple pushes. I parked in exactly 20 minutes from when I walked out my door (went back and checked all my text time stamps). I ran up to maternity and heard a baby crying from a delivery room. My heart sank. I knew. He was laying on her chest and it was the first natural birth that ever beat me to it! This was a precipitous labor, which is defined as a labor that lasts no more than three hours from onset of regular contractions to delivery. Maybe you could call hers ultra-precipitous? The room no less, was full of peace, and with in the first minute of being there I began shooting. The looks of disbelief and utter joy were plastered all over their faces. Ben’s parents have graciously allowed me to share their birth in part to glorify God publicly for his miraculous life. The images chosen, many that are not in the video, I selected almost all black and white because in this case, its just so visually stunning when laid together. In case you are wondering, my clients receive all of their images in colour and black & white for every session. To Ben’s parents, the joy and graciousness you carry exudes from a deep place of knowing truth. What a gift your son has in having you both to raise him. Thank you for hiring me. I’m slightly terrified if you hire me again that I might just camp outside your house for a week. To the hospital staff and Dr. Brandt at Netcare Blaauwberg Hospital, my sincerest thank you’s for letting me run in all out of breath and document their day.
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I’ve never understood the whole points thing, scholarships, etc. for open comps. I don’t do enough open comps for it to matter – but I’d love to understand it. I’ve tried to look it up and other than the official rules which are like reading a law-book ( in other words make no sense to me!) I can’t find a simple explanation of it all. If anyone can give a layperson’s explanation it would be cool! I had to clarify. What to which “points” was she referring, exactly? Maybe you are referring to being top student or top teacher in a competition or a district or in a competition series? If that is the case, what happens is you get a certain amount of points for each entry you are in (or your instructor dances), and then more points for placing higher. Like when I got top student in San Diego it was like 8 points (or something, I don’t exactly remember the point value) for 1st place, 6 for 2nd, down through 6th and then 1 point for participating. You get more points for participating more and for placing higher. Your instructor gets points for the same things, but obviously if they bring more students and dance more often, they earn more points. So I checked it out, not being familiar with proficiency points. No one had ever mentioned them to me before. Ellen, I’ve looked at the proficiency point guide and I’m intrigued. Seems to be a complicated system to determine which category you should dance in…what age, what level, as an attempt in making sure people are competing at an appropriate level – not too high or too low. It says in the guide that USA dance will make a database online of the points so I’m now trying to find that. I’m curious to see where I might rank. I’ve always been told that the instructor decides which category you dance at. It seems like the points might be more important for high level amateur competitors or professional couples. I’ll ask Ivan about it, but who knows if he knows anything about it. It does say that you can be disciplined for dancing below your level! Thanks for asking this question. I love learning more about my favorite sport! I’ll keep you updated. The topic sparked my interest in a number of facets of ballroom dancing that involve points and I had a big ‘ole conversation with Ivan about it after my lesson today. Sadly, he didn’t know about proficiency points, but he did comment on another type of points used by ballroom studios which I found intriguing. Also, I did a little more research and found on http://DanceForums.com some old comments about the proficiency points. You can see the comments I found here. First, the database is not current. I don’t even know if you can find it. Someone who is on the USA Dance board must have been in the conversation because he or she commented that they needed someone to volunteer to keep up with the points. I guess you are supposed to keep track of them yourself! Well, I for one, haven’t been doing that. Second, the link Ellen sent me on the USA Dance page that directs you to the rules about the Proficiency points is outdated. I guess there have been changes (that a couple must now only accrue 200 points instead of the 300 mentioned in the pdf file) that aren’t reflected in that edition of the rules. But the plot thickens. These mystery proficiency points are only applicable to USA Dance sanctioned events. USA Dance isn’t the only governing body of ballroom dance. There are different proficiency points and rules for the National Dance Council of America (NDCA) and the Youth College Network (YCN). So there are points you accrue in competition. But after my conversation with Ivan, I have learned there are also points you can accrue at a studio. Now, I don’t purport to have expertise in this area because I’ve never danced in a ballroom dance franchise studio. I’m going on what Ivan told me. If things are different, feel free to comment below and fill us all in. At least this is what I gather went on at Ivan’s studio when he was employed by a franchised studio. Students accrue points and have proficiency tests to determine what level they are at: pre-bronze, bronze, silver, etc. Then packages are sold around getting to the next level. Like for every lesson you take or every figure you learn it’s recorded and there are charts of points and where you are. There are also charts proclaiming which student is which level, so you can compare yourself to other students and follow your and their progress. To me, this seems a bit weird. I guess it is great for goal setting and is some form of monitoring progress, but just knowing the steps in the gold syllabus doesn’t necessarily, I think, mean you are a gold level dancer – meaning that you might be dancing a gold step with bronze level technique. What it does do is give a person a sense of being able to put a feather in their cap. I’ve had people ask me what level dancer I am, but since I have no points or proficiency tests to go on, I honestly don’t know. I have no idea what level the steps I know are considered nor my level in terms of technique. Seems like another VCR manual to me, but at least this one only applies to amateurs. I still don’t know what this means if I’m dancing Pro/Am since my proficiency in Pro/Am shall not be used in determining my amateur proficiency level….though I don’t dance Am/Am, myself! Sheesh! I think it’s an interesting topic, but still kind of a mystery even after all this writing and after all the various research! So, now the ball is in your court. Do you know anything about points tracked in ballroom? What do you think of these point systems? Does your studio use them? How? Have you heard of them in the context of NDCA or USA Dance? Have you kept track of yours? What do they mean….really? I’m curious to know. Ooohhh, I’m a bit nervous writing this post, but I think it is a very important subject that is not often talked about. It kind of relates to my previous post about when learning to dance that you make sure you find an instructor that can teach in a way that you can understand and process. And if it’s not working out, to feel free to move on to a different instructor who can suit your needs. Sometimes that can be a little tricky. One of those situations where it is easier said, than done. The topic I’m talking about is whether or not as a dance student we are free agents, at liberty to dance with whichever instructor we desire and the sometimes-weird possessiveness that the instructor or studio may exhibit for his/her/its students. When it all boils down, I personally believe that I am the customer, I am the one paying to learn, and I should be able to go wherever I want to do that. However, it actually isn’t as black and white as that. It isn’t as easy to navigate as one might think. Hopefully you can avoid some of the difficulties I’ll mention by doing “dancer-views” before settling on a particular instructor. I plan to write a post later on about how to go about the process of finding and selecting an instructor, so I’ll leave that for another time. However, even if you do your due diligence, it may not always be possible to stay with your current instructor indefinitely. Life happens. I’m with my third instructor, and in both previous cases, there were life events that pushed that change along. But for now (and for what I hope is a long, long time to come) as you know from the blog, my primary instructor is Ivan, who is an independent dance instructor. He is my #1. Any place I go to take group classes or whatever (unless it is just social dancing or I’m not there enough for it to matter and it’s none of their business) is aware of my instructor. Conversely, Ivan is aware that I take group classes at Inna’s studio, and I often inform him if I go social dancing as well, out of courtesy. With Ivan, he has made it clear that if I want to dance with other instructors for ballroom, then I need to not dance with him. Coaching would be a different situation, or a lesson with Marietta or Nona as a one time deal for styling or something would be fine too, and he’d know about it. But if I want to learn something that he doesn’t have expertise in, like West Coast Swing, or Argentine Tango, then I just have to tell him my desire and he’d be cool with that. That is the arrangement we have set up. But the point is, we had a conversation about it. At no point did I go behind his back and do things. I wouldn’t want to risk losing him as an instructor. We have this agreement set up and I respect it. Somehow, however, I’ve managed to be dancing at like three different places (sometimes more), but this is not, from what I’ve heard, the “norm” when it comes to ballroom dancing. And if you are going to go that road, it is extremely, extremely important to be respectful of the professionals at each location, as well as their students, and the relationships between them. It is extremely, extremely important to be upfront and clear on what relationship you have to each place you dance. Otherwise, things can get very messy, very quickly! From my past personal experience, and from that of others who have shared with me, some teachers and studios can become almost possessive of their students. I can even understand it, to a point. They want to protect their business and that only makes sense. However, I feel like it comes from a scarcity mindset – the idea that the instructor or studio has to keep the student away from any other dance influences for fear that the new or different dance instructor or class may “steal” the student away is focused on a fear of losing something. From my perspective, it isn’t possible to steal a student. If you are providing the value a student is looking for, they won’t go anywhere, no matter how many “other” group classes they take, or instructors they are exposed to. This would be an abundant mindset. But the fact is, some of the studios just don’t offer everything a person might be looking for. Not everyone offers Lindy Hop, or ballet. If I can’t get those at my primary studio, and I want them, I should be at liberty to go elsewhere to find them. My primary studio can always take that as feedback and grow such areas if they so desire. But to prevent me, threaten me, or guilt me into not doing more dancing if I have that desire, I feel is poor behavior. To allow myself to let any threat, or guilt deter me from what I really want is not okay either. However, there is really something to be said for sticking with one instructor or studio when its good for you, even if it is tough. Sometimes there are issues to work through, even if you adore your instructor. I’ve had a lesson or two with Ivan where we had to get clear on a few things and it wasn’t necessarily comfortable. But I’d choose being uncomfortable and having open, honest communication, than to lose a fab instructor any day of the week. That is just me. Again, as mentioned in a previous post, there isn’t necessarily one “right” way, the be-all and end-all way of dancing. That means that each instructor you learn from will give you some similar information, and some very different information than others. This can be very confusing and muddle the clarity of your dancing. A person has to be careful of not always thinking the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. It might be very green right where you are. Sticking it out with your instructor may be the best choice you ever make. Also, if you do decide to receive instruction from multiple sources, be aware that you may need to filter some of the information and make sure that you apply those things that will best serve you while leaving the rest behind. This will take discernment on your part. If the time does come when you feel the need to change instructors, I’d encourage you to do it in as clean, clear, and honest manner as possible. Although some people just stop taking lessons, not only can this strain your relationship with the instructor and the studio, but it steals the opportunity for the instructor or studio to respond to your issue, and even if the issue can’t be amended, it robs them of the feedback you could provide so they don’t recreate the same pitfall with another student. So, to answer the primary question of this post, am I a free agent? Yes…and no. Yes, because I take classes at a variety of places that I feel will enhance and enrich my dancing. But no, because I am very clear that Ivan is my primary ballroom instructor and I’m not going anywhere else for that. I mean, the entire relationship is built on trust. You can’t have trust if you are not engaging in open, honest communication or going behind someone’s back. I guarantee it will show up in your dancing. What about you? Do you only dance with one instructor at one location? Why? How does that work for you? Or do you dance a lot of places? What positive or negative experiences can you share around that? What advice would you give someone who was considering dancing more than one place or changing instructors? I’d love to hear your thoughts!
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A deposit will hold the animal of your choice. If that animal is not born, your deposit can be transferred to another breeding. Due to differences in animal husbandry practices, we can not guarantee the health once they leave our care. We do guarantee they are free from congenital defects and will replace any animal that has one. DOB 4/2018 Super dairy little doe from some excellent milking lines. Retained her full sister. DOB 1/09/2018 Priss is a super friendly doe who exhibits some very nice dairy character and has genetics behind her to be a great milker. She has been shown and placed in the middle of some extremely large classes. DOB 10/08/2018 Long level doe kid with great spring of rib. Comes from some excellent genetics. DOB 3/18/2017 This is a very dairy buck. Long, great angulation, and lots of width between the hocks. He already has 2 Reserve Champion wins.
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According to many studies, it is revealed that the number of crimes can be reduced by almost 50%, if there is better street illumination thus demotivating criminals to commence any kind of crime due to the fear of getting caught. If you are also considering some better lighting alternative to reduce crime from your area then you can install LED pole lights that will never make streets dark or dull. Install Outoor LED Pole Light 300w that have photocell option as well which will give you added savings in addition to maximum safety. These lights are electrician friendly and can be installed easily, also with the lifespan of more than 50,000 hours; you can completely rely on these lights to provide maximum visibility. These lights produce 39982 lumens by using just 300watts of power and you can replace them with 1000w of MH lights. Also the color temperature of these lights is 5700K and these lights offer eco-friendly lighting results without emitting any harmful UV/IV rays as well. These lights are photocell sensor enabled lights that reduces the wastage of lights as well, enjoy even and uniform lighting that can cater to the bigger and larger areas. The Pre-built LED Shoebox fixture delivers energy-efficient illumination for boulevards, parking lots, parkways & pathways among many other places. So install LED pole light 300w that are more powerful than the traditional lights and can give maximum energy savings and can keep the city safe from the criminal activities.
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The trial will be run by biotech company Bioquark, which is primarily focused on developing "combinatorial biologics" that get to the heart of disease reversal rather than just treating the symptoms. They believe that stem cells can be used as a kind of "reset button" for the body, erasing cell damage and stimulating tissue regeneration. They claim that their research could potentially lead to "complex tissue and organ regeneration, disease reversion, and even biological age reversal." "This represents the first trial of its kind and another step towards the eventual reversal of death in our lifetime," Dr Ira Pastor, the CEO of Bioquark, told The Telegraph. "To undertake such a complex initiative, we are combining biologic regenerative medicine tools with other existing medical devices typically used for stimulation of the central nervous system, in patients with other severe disorders of consciousness. We hope to see results within the first two to three months." "It is a long term vision of ours that a full recovery in such patients is a possibility, although that is not the focus of this first study – but it is a bridge to that eventuality." Some scientists are already expressing doubt that this could lead to anything resembling a genuine recovery for braindead patients, as studies have shown that humans' capacity for regeneration is somewhat limited. However, even if the regeneration aspect of the project isn't quite successful, the study will still shed light on the process of brain death, and possibly spur innovation in the treatment of debilitating neurological diseases. "Through our study, we will gain unique insights into the state of human brain death, which will have important connections to future therapeutic development for other severe disorders of consciousness, such as coma, and the vegetative and minimally conscious states, as well as a range of degenerative CNS conditions, including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease," said Dr Sergei Paylian, Founder, President, and Chief Science Officer of Bioquark.
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Our last competition for the Summertime Reading Competition is the funnest! Just leave a comment on this post, or submit a video or picture telling (or showing) us ‘Your favourite place to read’. Make sure you put your name and your email address or phone number so that we can contact you if you win. We’ll draw one lucky kid who will win a $40 PaperPlus voucher. So get commenting and you’ll be in to win. If you’d like to send us a picture or video, you can email it to [email protected] Competition closes Thursday 23 January 2014. Join the Great Summer Reading Adventure! Our annual Summertime Reading programme is about to get underway again for kids between 5 and 12 years old. Pick up your Summertime Reading Club map from your local library or Paper Plus store from December and be in to win some great prizes! Read six books of your choice between 20th December 2013 and 24th January 2014, then take your map back into the library to receive your sticker and a $5 Paper Plus voucher. The librarian will also enter you online for the prize draw and the major prize this year is an iPad mini. For a further challenge, you can complete the Science Alive Reading Adventure by reading four different books and spotting the science feature in each of those books. Take the map back into the library and the librarian will enter you into the draw for some more great prizes. We’ll also have a weekly Summertime Reading Challenge here on the Kids Blog that you can enter to win PaperPlus vouchers.
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Apple has announced a host of services from Apple TV+ for video streaming to a credit card offering to disrupt the space. Also a new offering in the news and gaming space... With iPhones sales dwindling, will this bet on services pay off? Also, Rahul Dayama decided to go to Zomato's Hyperpure warehouse to understand their new business bet. It's third innings for the founders of Fabmart and Fabmall as they launch their venture in the FMCG space.
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Creative Directors are the driving force that keeps the creative side of Huge at the top of its game—they make sure no talent goes to waste and the work stays sharp. These are crazy-talented people who develop original design concepts, oversee multiple projects through execution, and directly managing a team of creatives under them. Team leadership and motivation skills are absolutely essential for the role. Our Creative Directors have a big job, and we need people who aren’t afraid to see such massive undertakings in front of them and still say, “We can do more here.” This is a leadership position in every sense of the phrase, and we need someone who can represent Huge culture and standards to all levels and disciplines within the department and company-wide. Creative Directors are also responsible for managing the client relationship for all things related to creative. 6-8+ years experience in a creative leadership role (at least 3+ years digital agency environment). A robust background with experience in a creative leadership role. Recognized expertise in interactive or physical design a must. A strong working knowledge of the fundamentals—interaction design, user-centered experience design, brand development and the creative process—as well as new platforms and technologies.
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Esther and Kenso fell in love with , and chose , the stunning Tuscany themed backdrop of Central Florida’s Bella Collina Wedding Venue for their Central Florida April wedding and what a wedding it was! How can you possibly go wrong with a gorgeous bride, a handsome groom, and a beautiful venue?? This beautiful Haitian couple chose a classic contemporary and elegant theme for their Central Florida wedding. We have such a history with Esther’s family ( We have already photographed 3 of her siblings weddings with 2 to go!) that Stan and I were really excited as well as nervous about capturing Esther and Kenso’s Bella Collina Wedding just perfectly. Everything went smoothly with the talented team of Lynn Stuckas of Your Events by L & L who was in charge of coordinating Esther and Kenso’s stunning Central Florida Bella Collina wedding. Esther’s flowers were just beautifully done by Weddings by Carly Anes, and complimented her stunning mermaid dress from Demetrios Bridal. Her off white mermaid dress was heavily beaded, with lots of sparkle to compliment the dress, while the form fitting skirt enhanced and complimented Esther’s perfect curves. The finishing touches were hair and makeup and beautifully done by LeJeune Artistry . The reception ballroom at Bella Collina was beautifully decorated with linens by Eli of Linen Creations, and D.J Geordany Jean Baptiste made sure that the music was a crowd pleaser, playing a well rounded selection of music from soca to hip hop to R & B. Of course we must include that Esther and Kenso’s stunning Bella Collina Wedding was captured by S & S Photography and their beautiful video captured by Kelvin Aultman . Brandy and Dave met working aboard the Disney Fantasy Cruise ship in 2013. Brandy worked with the cruise staff team while Dave worked on the ship wide tech team. After nearly 4 years of sailing the seven seas with Mickey Mouse, the two lovebirds decided it was time to start a life together on land, in far away New Zealand. For Brandy’s 28th birthday Dave surprised her with a fantastic trip to the Bay of Islands and Cape Reinga, the northern most point of New Zealand. It was here, overlooking the ocean, on the last day of their trip, that Dave got down on one knee and popped the question. Brandy of course said “yes!” and the excitement of planning their September 22 nd wedding began. When planning their wedding Brandy and Dave wanted a theme that reflected their life together thus far. They loved traveling, and decided to go with a vintage travel theme to match the grandeur feeling of the Ballroom at Church Street Station in downtown Orlando. Each table was themed around a different city in the world that they had visited together and of course they had to incorporate , at the head table no less, the Disney Fantasy Ship where they met. A ” Where in the world are you sitting? ” map directed guests to which city in the world they would be sitting and dining at. Party favors included a delicious candy station which included many different treats from the U.S , the U.K and New Zealand. A nice personal touch were the added photographs of each of their grandparents, on their wedding days ,which added the perfect vintage touch to their Ballroom at Church Street Wedding. Since Brandy and Dave are from two different countries the most important thing they wanted to make sure happened on their wedding day was getting their friends and families together, allowing everyone to get to know each other. Their guests came all the way to Orlando from Australia, the United Kingdom and Switzerland to celebrate with them, and celebrate they did with delicious food, lively dancing and drinking all night long until their fiery sparkler departure. Their Ballroom at Church Street Station Wedding was a huge success, that brought together 2 families, and 2 different cultures. All wedding days are a blur but no one will forget the epic Maid of Honors ” rap speech ” nor the fun father/daughter mash up dance Brandy did with her dad. Dave’s fondest memory was the tender and sweet dance with his grandmother to her favorite song. Congratulations Brandy and Dave, your wedding was great fun and S&S wishes you both many many years of happiness together!! I honestly can say that Madalyn was one of the most relaxed brides I’ve ever encountered , lucky Aaron! When a bride “goes with the flow” so to say the stress of the wedding is greatly reduced. If you have no theme other than choosing things you like how can you go wrong? Instead of having to find things that fall within your theme or “go with ” your theme you can simply find what works for you thus opening up all sorts of possibilities. Madalyn and Aaron chose Maison et Jardin for their beautiful April 1st Orlando wedding and it was refreshing and surprising to me how beautiful and elegant everything was for a bride who had no theme and no preconceived ideas about how her Central Florida wedding day should be. Congratulations to this wonderful and so in love couple, S & S Photography wishes you many years of health and happiness!! We went with a personal friend to DJ our wedding. He knows our preferences in music and he was so eager to make us happy on our big day! Would you believe that Mike & Paige’s parents and brother kept this proposed proposal secret for 3 WEEKS!! How her Mom kept that from her is beyond me, I would have burst from excitement! Paige and Mike eventually chose the beautiful Mission Inn Resort for their Orlando wedding. The day was rainy but nothing could dampen Paige and Mike’s excitement! All the planning , all the details, all came together ( with considerable help from their talented planner Katie Jimenez, owner of Big Day Celebrations, [email protected]) and their Mission Inn Resort wedding was a true celebration of the joining of 2 lives and 2 families. Here we are 2 months later and these 2 wonderful people are now busy helping others. Paige is a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner and Mike works in Law Enforcement protecting and serving the citizens of Orlando. Stan and I wish Paige and Mike a long, happy and healthy life together. These are 2 people that are thoughtful, kind, smart, gorgeous, and just plain NICE…good people as they say, with wonderful families supporting them. Lots of love to them!! Advice from the happy couple…” Always think about why your partner may be acting the way they are, whether they be happy, sad, mad,anxious etc. We find that this brings us peace and helps us to react in an appropriate way. We also encourage couples to ” not sweat the small stuff” . Is it really worth your energy to bring up that annoying thing that happened last week ; the answer is usually no. When there are big issues, talk about them and again, think about why your partner is acting the way they are. If you know what may be causing them their sadness, anger, anxiousness only then can you move in a direction towards happiness! Great words of wisdom Mr & Mrs. Hamm! Alyssa and Bud’s beautiful Venice wedding! Bud and Alyssa first met at a Chilies restaurant in 2013 after initially meeting on line via “Chemistry.com”. Clarence, AKA Bud, worked the night shift as an Orlando Police Officer and Alyssa, as she says,”being surrounded by engineers limited our dating scene so we both turned to online dating and it all turned out for the best!” Bud said that,” they talked for hours, about everything from work to zip lining, and unbeknownst to them, began laying the foundation of what would become a wonderful and lasting relationship.” Bud’s proposal began with an invitation to dinner and a movie, after which they headed for their favorite local spot, Cranes Roost. ” It’s where we first became officially boyfriend and girlfriend, and had our first kiss.” Bud even had a photographer there who, under the false pretense of “practicing” on them, proceeded to take their picture. Alyssa went along and agreed to ” have some stranger take our photo” Bud, after the first photo, got down on his knee and proposed! She said YES and now here they are, happily married newlyweds in 2016. August 6 th was the big day and Bud and Alyssa agreed that they wanted an outdoor themed wedding, without the outdoors…” Too hot for a Florida August outdoor wedding” said Alyssa. They chose the beautiful Plantation in Venice, a spot on the East coast close to where Alyssa grew up. One thing Alyssa knew for certain was that she wanted a cookie table at the reception. ” I was raised by my Mom and always grew up close to her, she was the one there through thick or thin. My Dad lived in NY so when I visited him he would make sure we had our time together by waking me up in the middle of the night and we would have Oreos and milk” How super sweet..pun intended! Everything came together beautifully on their wedding day in large part due to Alyssa being a very hands on and involved bride. “Everything was set up and made by myself or one of my amazing bridesmaids- from the homemade jams and the signs to the center pieces and the kids table!” Apart from a tiny thunderstorm that blew through as the ceremony was about to start the wedding was a success…lively & full of dancing and laughter, which ended with an exciting ecofetti departure. Alyssa and Bud Stan and I wish you two lovebirds a long, safe and prosperous life together and want to thank you for inviting S & S to be a part of such a momentous occasion in your lives! After 7 years of dating Chris unexpectedly proposed to Pam in June of 2015 at a Styx concert! “We had seen them twice before and were super excited to be able to go again. The show was incredible and we had a great hotel which we ended up at after the concert. Our room had a view overlooking a river and he suggested we take a walk along the boardwalk. I was a little curious since it was an odd time of night to go (around 11:30pm I think) but it was beautiful. We walked onto the bridge over the river and joked about how many spiders there were (I am afraid of them of course). He told me how much he loved me and promised he always would then asked if I would do the same and when I said yes he pulled out the ring. I promptly dropped the water bottle that I was holding onto his foot, I was so surprised! But we laughed and I practically screamed yes and the rest, as they say, is history.” Pam’s Mother had purchased a dress for her to wear at her prom many years ago at the Goodwill store in her high school home town of Lockhart , for $14.00. She ended up not being able to go to her Senior Prom and the dress stayed with her as she moved and relocated 3 times….she loved her dress too much to part with. No occasion seemed worthy of it, until Chris proposed…”After Christopher and I got engaged I had no doubt that I would wear my long lost dress, it was perfect. The theme, flowers and decor all fell into place after that! ” Stan and I loved Pam’s entire look…from her dress to her beautiful summer flowers in her hair, the inspiration coming from her childhood…”My mother wore a flower crown for her wedding and I remembered how much I loved playing with it when I was younger. I thought about buying a crown online but the cost was way higher than I expected and the colors were good but not perfect. It took many trips to a handful of craft stores but I was able to find the flowers that I really wanted and after reading some DIY articles I decided to make my own crown. All in all it cost around $35 (for the stuff I actually used) and took about 18 total hours.” The guest list for their intimate July 31st wedding was short..her parents, his parents , his sister and boyfriend and a favorite Aunt…”Our parents, my aunt, and Christopher’s sister and her boyfriend have truly been our support system and very best of friends over the last 5 years which made them the most important people to have with us on our wedding day.” The ceremony was in a beautiful park tucked away in a Longwood neighborhood, with dinner at Lake Mary’s FishBones.Congratulations to a sweet, unique and beautiful couple!! Karla & Steven Bayes chose one of Orlando’s premier wedding locations for their beautiful March wedding…yes we are late posting this but better late than never! Orlando’s ChampionsGate Resort is a gorgeous Central Florida location perfectly suited to hosting Central Florida weddings. This venue is beautifully decorated, especially the courtyard and ballrooms. The accommodations are luxurious , the cuisine exceptional and the service superb. S & S Photography enjoyed working with a talented , organized and detail oriented co-ordinator and her team, Xiomarra Sanchez, owner of A Nite To Remember Events. ( Niteevents.com) Xiomarra and her team ensured that every detail, every desire, every element and every aspect of the wedding day was meticulously addressed , handled and taken care of immediately,for the bride and groom. When I asked Xiomarra why Steven and Karla chose S & S Photography for their Central Florida wedding photography needs she answered…”S & S was a no brainer when picking a wedding photographer for Karla and Steven. Charlene and Stan were the photographers for Karla’s Mothers wedding a few years back and they LOVED them! Working with S & S is EASY and a PLEASURE. I LOVE Charlene’s energy. The pictures speak for themselves. EXCELLENT photography and an EXCELLENT company”. We always look forward to working with A Nite To Remember Events and we look forward to the change in photography needs of Karla and Steven…from being their wedding photographers to, one day, becoming their FAMILY photographers! It was so wonderful to be the wedding photographers for a couple that truly compliments each other and are so in love with each other! Heather and Todd’s Bella Collina wedding was absolutely wonderful and touching beyond words, just perfect. Their outdoor traditional wedding ceremony on the lawn at Bella Collina was romantic and emotional…watching Todd try to stay composed while Heather walked towards him on her Dad’s arm had me tearing up! After the ceremony we had so much fun taking their wedding pictures…under the Bell Tower, down by the bridge…we’re always able to find great locations for wedding pictures at the Tuscan themed Bella Collina. The evening was filled with joy and laughter and everyone there had an amazing time celebrating the union of two amazing people!
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If Raheem Hassan had been a non-Muslim who threatened to kill his Muslim colleagues, do you think criminal charges against him would have been dropped if he agreed to stay out of trouble and go into counseling? Neither do I. And now the city is paying him $224,000 because he was allegedly harassed, although “neither the city nor Hughes admitted any wrongdoing.” Clearly Bill de Blasio’s New York just wanted this case, with its allegedly “Islamophobic” firefighters, to go away: “Hassan’s lawsuit continues against two other defendants, firefighters Joe Lankford and Tommy Donovan, who, like Hughes, did not receive legal representation by the city.” They were on their own.
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Wednesday, December 19, 2018 — Anaheim, California, December 20, 2018 – Premium German interface manufacturer RME is pulling out all the stops at this year’s NAMM Show, hosting appearances at its booth 14702 every hour by a range of top audio professionals and musicians who are shaping the future of their respective disciplines. Appearances will include film composer Adam Barber, Andy Grammer’s FOH team, metal guitarist Michael Batio, legendary soul artist Ellis Hall, Icelandic drumming sensation Gulli Briem, Brazilian guitarist Lari Basilio and legendary bassist Chuck Rainey with veteran drummer John Martinez. During their sessions, each artist will guide listeners on how they use RME equipment in their day-to-day musical process. The artist will present on RME’s new in-booth stage which features a 6 x 5 panel LCD television wall. Designed to not only to entertain, these educational sessions are intended to help instruct attendees on how to get the most out of their RME gear. A film composer for major motion pictures, including the 2014 horror film Last Shift and 2018’s London Fields, Adam Barber will explain how he uses RME’s TotalMix software in his score work Thursday, Friday and Saturday of the show at 10:30 a.m. Heavy metal guitarist Michael Batio will perform each day of the show at 11:30 a.m. while also explaining how using the Babyface Pro has helped him build tracks with low latency on albums in his personal recording studio. At 12:30 p.m. every day of the show, Icelandic drummer Gulli Briem will perform through an Yamaha electronic kit while sharing how he uses Octamic XTC and TotalMix FX in the studio. The ‘Ambassador of Soul’ himself Ellis Hall will perform alongside a Babyface Pro at 1:30 p.m. Thursday–Saturday, while Andy’s Grammer’s FOH team will share how they have incorporated RME gear into their playback rig at 2:30 p.m. on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Brazilian guitarist Lari Basilio will perform on Thursday–Saturday and share how RME equipment has played a major role in her recording and performing. Finally, legendary bassist Chuck Rainey and bass educator John Martinez of The Rhythm Intensive will play the booth on Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Also, at 4:30 p.m. each day of the show, RME will be giving away a Babyface Pro For your chance to win, visit booth 14702.
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Last week, Madonna’s MDNA tour played three dates in Italy. Footage from the last day of filming has surfaced, showing Madonna being driven through the streets of Florence. Next week, the MDNA tour plays three shows in Germany, including two dates at Berlin’s O2 Arena.
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Seane Corn and Colleen Saidman Yee explore how yoga gives us the tools to make mindful decisions and change the world. Rodney Yee explains his teaching philosophy, how yoga empowers him to directly touch life, and what he thinks is the most important thing to ask a new student. Kino MacGregor discusses how the different roles played by home practice and study with teachers combine in our own personal yoga journeys. Elena Brower shares her philosophy with Beryl Bender Birch, from the one sutra every new teacher needs, to her hope for asana in the world. Join us for a lesson in the role of choice, change and faith in the practice of yoga when Beryl Bender Birch interviews professor Dr. John Campbell Ph.D.
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I figured if I could do it at all, I needed the help of the big guns. My 400mm f/2.8 lens would have worked nicely, it would allow me to zoom into the moon to fill the frame and still let plenty of light in to give me the best chance of a capture. I ran into two problems. First off, doubled – the 400mm 2.8 lens goes to 800mm f/5.6. Then, the more zoomed in you are, the more the movement of the subject in the frame. I had settled on a 1.4x extender which would get me close to 600mm with just a one stop penalty to put me at f/4. Next was the camera. I have a Canon Rebel 35mm film SLR that I bought on eBay for $1. It had controller issues, but thankfully the camera just so happened to work set to manual. I gave the inside a coat of urethane, set up some glass guides to hold a plate and shot it. 600mm, f/4 – ten seconds. And that’s the plate you see to the right. Fast forward ten or so months I just so happen to be interested in seeing what I can achieve with the setup again. My converted SLR has since gone missing in the attic and I really didn’t want to permanently convert one of my many other 35mm film SLR cameras to wet plate. So for a few minutes I looked at the back of the camera and came up with a game plan on a plate holder that turned a 35mm camera into a wet plate camera.. And the best thing was that it was reversible. That is, if you’re careful to not drip corrosive silver nitrate into the body. Because the material is just a millimeter and a half thick I decided to hollow the center with no corners and then just stick corners on myself with a good metal to plastic glue. The corners themselves are cut pieces of trophy plate. Once the glue was dried the holder gives a nice snug fit in the film compartment of the Canon Rebel 35mm body! I hope to get to making some images soon with it!
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Larry checks in with KPCC reporter Sharon McNary, who’s been hitting up several polling stations in Orange County and Los Angeles County, as well as Registrar of Voters for O.C. and L.A. After being a finalist for LAPD chief in 2009 only to see the job go to Charlie Beck, Michel Moore has been selected to succeed Beck by L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti. President Donald Trump signed the “right-to-try” bill into law on Wednesday, a measure that gives terminally ill patients access to experimental drugs that have not yet been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Humans have a habit of measuring things. Our shoe size. The ingredients in our food. How long it takes to get to work, with or without traffic.
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+ * Make things happen when buttons are pressed and forms submitted. + "ext-pdo_sqlsrv": "For MSSQL databases on Windows platform" + "ext-libsodium": "Provides a modern crypto API that can be used to generate random bytes." + "ext-mbstring": "For best performance" + * @param string $username Username, saved in lowercase. + * @param string $password Password, will be hashed before saving. + * @param string $email User's email address. + * @return int The new user's ID number in the database. + * Get where a user's account actually is. + * @return string "LDAP", "LOCAL", "LDAP_ONLY", or "NONE". + * Checks the given credentials against the database. + * Check if a username exists in the local database. + * Checks the given credentials against the LDAP server. + * Check if a username exists on the LDAP server. + * Generate a TOTP secret for the given user. + * Save a TOTP secret for the user. + * 500 most common passwords, to be used in stopping idiots from having really bad passwords. + * Checks a given password against the list of the 500 most common passwords. + "title" => "404 error" + * I18N string getter. If the key doesn't exist, outputs the key itself. + * I18N string getter (with builder). If the key doesn't exist, outputs the key itself. + * @param array $replace key-value array of replacements. + * result will be "hello 123". + * Checks if an email address is valid. + * @return boolean True if email passes validation, else false. + * Check if the previous database action had a problem. +// Base URL for site links. +// If you want to have additional password requirements, go edit action.php. +// like CaPs45$% is not actually a great idea. +// Encourage users to use 2-factor auth whenever possible.
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Benchmark Transmission & Auto Care is a full-service automotive transmission repair business that has been serving the Newark, Middletown, New Castle, and Claymont areas since 1967. Our ASE Certified technicians are professionals and use the best automotive diagnostic equipment to troubleshoot and fix customers' car problems quickly and efficiently. This ensures the automotive problems of Benchmark Transmission & Auto Care customers are repaired correctly the first time, saving them unnecessary auto repair costs down the road. Benchmark Transmission & Auto Care values our reputation as being the best transmission and auto repair shop in the Newark, Middletown, New Castle, and Claymont areas and offers only the highest quality automotive service & repair for each and every customers' vehicle. Please feel free to request a price quote or schedule an appointment at any time using our online forms.Please take a moment and write a Google review of our Delaware transmission shop.
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Lock in a great price for Lesní pension – rated 8.2 by recent guests! The owner come to pick us up with his car anf was so kind, the room was clean and the view at the morning was fabulous. Breakfast is ok , similar to all Czech Republic hotels/pension but satisfied. Good location with a nice view from the terrace and very friendly staff. Der Ausblick vom Zimmer war einfach wunderschön, direkt auf den lipno See. Das Zimmer hatte eine ausreichende Größe und einen schönen großen Balkon. Der Frühstücksraum war gemütlich und mit einem großen Kamin versehen. Snídaně byla vynikající,moc jsme si pochutnaly. Penzion na krásném a klidném místě. Škoda,že jsme se nemohli zdržet déle z pracovních důvodů. Persone gentilissime , colazione sopra la media , camera con vista lago eccellente . Mysigt pensionat med ljuvlig utsikt över Lipnosjön. Mysig och barnvänlig atmosfär och sköna rum, dock kanske väl retrofärgade för den känslige. Barnpool och lekplats! Trevlig personal. - ubytovanie uprostred lesa, naozaj veľmi pekné prostredie - čistota - záhrada pred penziónom - milý personál Keby bola cena do 100€, napíšem len pozitívne hodnotenie. Ale... (viď nepáčilo). Pokoje prostorné s vlastním balkonem jsou super, i když v zimě se zrovna nevyužijí. Snídaně byla velmi bohatá, vybere si opravdu každý. Pro letní dovolenou určitě i dobrá možnost pobíhání děcek okolo, hřiště i bazén. Bohaté snídaně, hezké místo u lesa a výhled na Lipno. Lesní Penzion Kobylnice has a children´s playground, an outdoor swimming pool for children, volleyball and table tennis facilities. Also on site are an infrared sauna, a hot tub and a restaurant. Rooms at the Penzion are spacious and have a balcony with views of Lipno Dam. They have a bathroom, seating area, free Wi-Fi and TV. Breakfast is served each morning. Private parking is available on site free of charge, and the Lipno ski area can be reached by car in 5 minutes. The property is located 2.2 mi from Lipno nad Vltavou’s town center. Lipno Dam is a 10-minute walk away, and Frymburk is 3.1 mi away. The Vyšší Brod Monastery and Český Krumlov are 30 minutes away by car. When would you like to stay at Lesní pension? House Rules Lesní pension takes special requests – add in the next step! A deposit via bank wire is required to secure your reservation. Lesní Penzion Kobylnice will contact you with instructions after booking. The link for navigation to the property was poor,we find ourselves in the middle of nowhere at the dark.
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Share your tips and tricks and anything you feel important for our little community! wow thanks for the very nice comment and request. We put this on the next to do list but of course first have to finish the 4 other routes making the Vancouver Calgary to a collectible series. Can you email me you Trainz username to keep your name private here. If you like something see different on this website let me know also if it does what it needs to do and no overkill. Any other subject feel free to talk about. I'm having trouble with a couple of the turnouts in the Revelstoke engine terminal, specifically P01 Revelstoke C and P03 Revelstoke C. The points on 03 seem to be frozen; even though the indicator arrows switch from red to green, the points stay in the same position. Also, whenever I try to run a loco through either turnout, it derails! Close visual inspection does not reveal any immediately obvious reason for this to be happening, and I am moving at less than 10 mph with the points properly set, so I can't see that it's anything I'm doing, either. Help??? PlS NEVER feel bad if something is not working(lucky happen very rare!) as we all know very well certain things(N3V bugs) we have no control but can repair luckily at least so i feel good when i can help. by tonight or tomorrow dec. 31st latest I will have a updated version of CPR Mountiain Sub and Rogers Pass both under release 1.0.2. If you are interested to receive please email me on roystrainz together with information on your username so I can provide each one with a newer version. update contains replaced corrupted switches, repaired textures dissolved left and right and also a new speed and signal update. The signal update will cover Viktor Lake till half way Lake Kinbasket to Donald Station. Please report any missing, corrupt or not working item so we can update them in the next version end of january 2013. thanks for all the nice post and help to get this blog getting better and more lively. Please post any remark, suggestion, idea, wish, comment in general as llong as it is constructive and positive. Many thanks again and happy, happy new year!!! Ok this morning test revealed signal 1100S is flashing yellow top left. the V2 HUD is showing green. I consider this not to bad and would accept the HUD not to be correct. The more once the train passed the signal it turned yellow for S 1095S so proofed the HUD is little bit off. Your take and please do not be shy to post something here. Trouble with the 1.0.2 download. I'm getting a file not found error. Possibly because the link says crp rather than cpr? Happy New Year to all of you!!!!!!!! I confirm that the download of version 1.0.2 and the installation in Trainz went as expected, ie. no problems at all. Thanks for such good service and for such a superb route. Thanks Gilles most other Roy's trainzers confirmed also good execution of the new release and yes works as expected, thanks for the ice comment. Hi everyone! I want to thank Roy for an AMAZING route (I bought the 3-in-1 CPR Mountain Sub)!! The detail is ridiculous and I cannot even imagine the effort and time it took to create this route. Today I spent some time reading the new PDF instructions for the CMTM System (http://forums.auran.com/trainz/showt...7-CMTM-Upgrade) and was wondering if anyone else other than myself is crazy enough to attempt creating at least one session utilizing it. It seems like a daunting endeavor and I have no doubt that it would be an intense effort. However, I believe that a few of us dedicated enough may be able to team up and put something quite impressive together for this equally impressive route. Anyone have any thoughts or ideas? I especially would like Roy to chime in here too. Thanks! Enough industries to do the first steps with lumber industries rolling stock and truck bringing the lumber from the forest..eg. 64WarHorse, yes, I think that there are enough industries, esp if you include the whole Mountain Sub. Not to even mention what Roy here has proposed (integrating it into his upcoming additional route(s)). CMTM does support all sorts of cool scenarios as mentioned by Roy, not just yard/switching duties specifically. I am in the process of learning the new CMTM version (v.4) and would gladly contribute as much time/effort that I can to developing some sessions if we do it in a team fashion. :) Maybe we can start small at first and make some very basic sessions/scenarios to see how it goes. If all works out well then we can collaborate and come up with some truly epic sessions for these awesome routes! This idea is very exciting for me and if some of you share my enthusiasm (esp Roy), I really think we could build something legendary here. Idk. Maybe we can pull DAP (CMTM creator) into this somehow too. Okay, colour me intrigued. So where do we start? I suppose the first question would be, do we need to modify any rolling stock for CMTM? This is the most expensive ad-on I have ever bought, but I consider it worth every penny. Keep the spirit high. :) I really look forward to following the devlopment of Your project. Steve i agree i will tell Ray to change the background in a neutral easy to read color monday! promise! ChrisD yeeeehhh wow that feels good you like it as so many did already before you and yes it is a marvel and yes worth every penny you spent There is so much to discover it will take you a lot of time to find out and still not see it all,........that means yes i spent a lot of time creating this and hope to finish the next section soon. Railworks user here that just had to see what Trainz was capable of in its most extreme! Picked up Trainz on 75% discount and bought the Rogers Pass route from your site. The level of detail in this route is amazing. Im a routebuilder in Railworks, and I know how long it takes to build anything. I cant imagine it being any different in Trainz.. Your work is really and I mean really fantastic! Its all in the details as they say and your route has it all. Take care all and thanks again for your hard work Roy! Hello all! Sorry for the few days absence but I've been quite busy lately. Anyway, I am almost done reading and re-reading the CMTM documentation and would soon like to start collaborating with those of you interested in helping me out with some basic CMTM session ideas and subsequently creation. All of those interested should PM me on the main Trainz forums thread and send me their e-mail addresses so we can communicate more efficiently. Or, feel free to e-mail me directly at [email protected]. saw that one too1 I did straighten a track segment and did not realize the signposts were separate and so got this cosmetic error. Moved the post and fixed already, thanks for reporting. Thank you for this nice route it is wel very long to drive cpr mountain sub -)) my wife is killing me. Guillaume, i cannot advice you what is a less of more painful death, killed by your wife or trainz excitement, lol. Thanks 4 sharing, Ning laughs she understand. Hopefully this will work in TS12, seeing errors as I install, previous versions errors, warnings. All help is greatly appreciated. Thanks for the routes! all related to JVC grass items by author jankvis. missing deps or unknown deps 99% of the time are caused by to many cdp's installed at the same time in Content Manager Program! So if jankvis has unknown ora ny other look for the author and reinstall that group like here for Jankvis go to group 3 dependencies you downloaded and reinstall the group J in there, should work flawless honest. hmm working in my dungeon on Mount Stephens/Spirals/Lake Louise area Laggan sub.....sssst top secret. "Roy, the screenshots of the Mountain Subdivision are phenomenal. Have you done the whole thing to absolute scale? What sources did you use (or are you a railroader)? What version of Trainz will this run on and are there related kuids included?" Like Google real scale and detail as far as possible. Running TS12 latest version 49922. Thanks a million Roy! You are a wonderful and patient support. Everything is up and going, beautifully! Now for that latte, sit back, relax and enjoy. Thursday Feb 27th I will upload release 1.03 of the CPR Mountain Sub. Claim yours by sending an email to me and i will link an upload for you. Have a great week! did you have any succes implementing the CMTM system for our routes? let us know what the current status is ok? Hello! Sorry for the lack of updates, but I was out-of-state enjoying Mardi Gras in New Orleans for a few weeks. :) But yes, CMTM DOES work with the routes and it works quite well actually. I had started to collaborate with another member here but he hasn't replied to my last e-mail. He had some VERY good session ideas which I was excited to work on with him. He had suggested doing multiple CMTM sessions, each one building upon the previous one(s). I will attempt to contact him again. Otherwise, I, myself, have begun testing CMTM implementation on the CPR Mountain Sub route (3-in-1) and am now trying to come up with some of my own session ideas. If ANYONE else here would like to help, PLEASE contact me via e-mail or PM on the forums. Mardi Gras that has been a while for me.... very nice time! Well CMTM that sounds good, let me know when you have something for me to test here and give ideas to you as feedback. If lucky not to long we have a connection to the Laggan sub to run real CMTM! Keep up the excellent work and keep me in the pict. CPR Mountain Sub release 1.0.3 is ready for dl. email me and I open in your account for dl! Hello all! I must apologize for the delay in providing any updates regarding implementing CMTM 4 on the CPR Mountain Sub. I am just starting to get over a nasty bout with bronchitis/upper respiratory infection and have not been able to devote much time to Trainz or much else aside from sleep (and coughing my lungs out). Steve (I am now unsure of his Trainz username here) contacted me awhile ago about his interest and desire to help me get some CMTM sessions thought-out and started. I will be contacting him later today to continue to work out the details of some of his ideas (which are really awesome btw!!). Not going to ruin the surprise or anticipation, but due to the route's huge size and unique layout of industries, yards, and portals to subsequent routes that Roy has mentioned, the sessions Steve has suggested as some possibilities really do a great job of taking those factors into account. Roy, yes!, CMTM 4 can and DOES work with the route(s) and YES!, it should definitely be something you take into consideration for future updates, upgrades, and new routes/expansions. Steve and I both came to the same conclusion that adding CMTM to existing rolling stock is a very simple matter of just adding some lines to the config.txt files. However this poses a potential problem with the original content creators' licensing/hosting mandates. I am not sure what to do about this potential issue, but I am sure we will find a way. kep up the good work guys, i work hard to get the daunting task of texturing over and over again certain areas to my liking but as i get older (like all of you) every day, day by day I get more picky and say to myself time is not of the essence, quality, pride of work and fun of doing it makes the difference. if this continues I close the blog and concentrate only on supporting you guys my unbelievable nice cosy and great roys trainz family. SP1 is the door closer for me with trainz although I will support you guys to the end of the 5 major routes for the next years to come and look seriously for another alternative than N3V. i not understand what fun they have spamming this blog. there is no financial gain nor fight or dispute of any kind related unless they show their face like we do. ugly but it seems to make them happen. Garbage not only fills our oceans and kills habitat. I just finished testing a way around the grotesque bug existing for years far as TRS 2009 and now even blocking my routes from working with tunnels. It is not a copmplete guarantee it should work now for you to so pls dl it and test it once I uploaded only CPR marked as 57720_CPR. i not upgrade any smaller route instead I will teach you how to spli them yourselves from a certain release for your own enjoyment. Kepp all routes updated is to much work right now and easier to split the biog one local at your desk. Yess, they failed to block me here is a version that will work at least it does on my computer 57720! I will now start prep upload for the route with tunnels working but its new tunnels not the old one i did change little things in the config too of the tunnels. Ok just uploade the latest CPR version working with big tunnels in 57720 SP1 and also uploade the 577203rdparty_fix for deps new tunnels you need to dl again. sorry for the incovenience but thank N3V for all the mishap and fuzz they create and deny. I am not sure how to update my Rogers Pass to SP1. Please advise. Niels send me an email and acc namr and see what we can do ok? Maybe You should take a look at Open Rails when You get a few moments to spare. This is where I have moved after giving up on TS12 and its "Service Pack". This freeware Train Simulator (at 0.8 rev 1561) uses at present existing MSTS Routes, but is running on 4 cores and is revised several times each week. Bug reporting and fixing is a breeze compared to N3V, and the team even works for nothing. Visual range from the CAB, where I am supposed to be when I drive a train, is 4 Km´s and can be set even higher If You want to, but 4 Km´s is GREAT sustaining a 100+ frame rate. The driving experience is CLASSES Higher than Trainz. Sorry for rubbing salt in Your wound, but my wound is just as great thanks to N3V, and You said in a previous post that You might change platform. Just wanted to let you know that after a fresh install of TS12 SP1 and CPR Mountain Sub 57720 I am simply amazed. Never before have I been able to run with 5000MT draw successfully. Usually I cannot even open up the CPR as it locks up my computer. I have never been able to run it with all sliders maxed out but with TS12 SP1 and CPR 57720 I have no problems. The graphics are a huge improvement as is the sound. In fact the only minor issue I have is a slight stutter when the scenery detail slider is on normal or high with the other sliders at max value. Smooth as silk if scenery detail is on low. this is unheard of on my humble computer. I will play with the slider settings a little more as I am sure there is a better compromise re the stutter. I have kept the TS12 pre SP1 install just in case, but I am really loving the 57720 version so much. I will report back after testing in a heavy yard area and with other trains about. That's all for now, Andrew. sorry to hear you leave. Well if Open rails has a modeller similar to trainz or better, if the dbase of 3rd party freeware objects to choose from is similar or better, if there is a way to "move" "recreate the same DEM, networks, road,splines and locations of existing objects ....what else. I know the problem, and there is no easy solution. As for the assets, there may be a way forward. Most assets are built with some kind of 3D modeller, and if the raw files (before export to Trainz) is at hand they can be exported to MSTS as well. I am sure we will never get to a quater of a million assets, but right now N3V is voiding a batch of these, so.. I not need all dls items so far 400 are faulty in my trainz dbase. ouch but can live with it for the moment. thanks for your support dear friend say hello home from all of us!! New version of CPR Mountain Sub TS14 release 1.0.5 now available. just uploaded the 1.0.5 release which runs very nice and is the best ever driver version so far in 10 years! Scenery and quality is beyond expectations and a complete surprise probably for N3V too they never check or report things anyway. OGL is now finally the way to go and has better fps too when tweaking your Nvidia. Personally I am most happy with driver as the speedtrees and my textures now do VERY well!!! I just made a free roam around Your route and the memory usage peaked at 2,454,000 Kb, so Trainz definately uses more than the usual 2 Gb. And, no locking or long thinking pauses. Roy, thanks again, I have donwloaded all 1.0.5, do I need all these if I have the previous version? If you dl already earlier revs deps you not need to dl again same. Chris thanks for the link it seems to work better than expected! Is there a way to undo the 4GB patch? My trainz.exe file is changed, cannot apply patch #2. Thanks. you run into the same booby trap too like me. Currently i make some backups of older TS212 versions to an old HDD but a slow one. After done I will than carefully upgrdae another 57720 on my SSD and install same way you do. I lost my major HDD backup disk incl my original TS12 files from trainz setup. Not in the mood now to see if i can dl them again from trainz... Maybe when we finished supplying N#V with all the bugs they will fix them for the next TS14 for sure and use us as their testers like always. there is and never will be a rollback from them so when goes wrong you have to uninstall reinstall crazy but true as far as I know. keep me us posted and you can post in roy doors thread so other can learn from it. That is Your original file. Just delete the Trainz.exe and rename tha backup. Ok guys this evening uploaded tons of kuids upgraded to trainz build 3.5 to be used in TS12 49922 and 87898. If your interested dl the 5 groups on the deps page of your profile. Roy, just found your website by chance, looked at your route pics. they are the best I've seen. You are an artist. For all those using the CPR Mountain freeware route with s301 ZR grasses which unfortunately not do the job at all. I did replace them today but the route is not updated yet. Here is a way to use replace assets and you can dl via your profile the Pofig-JVC frewware cdp with the grasses needed. I did work on a proper replacement for the S301 grasses for the freeware grass version of the CPR route. I thought that those from jvc in the pofig lib could do the job till one decides to change/upgrade to ST_2 grasses if he/she likes them more. find near track following item "ZR~(Gr-1)Grass R-Dark green-2 mtr" open in surveyor main menu replace assets and place this object in left side as assets to replace! click current selection only to make it replace all in the route! "3D1_Pg-JVC_gr1_22" is asset to replace with! 3D1_Pg-JVC_gr2_58 asset to replace with! In case you are not familiar with I can make tomorrow a short video how to but bet you know this command how to use. Roy, a query please. I am in the process of writing a Session for CPR to be uploaded (hopefully) to the DLS. I have the freeware S301 grasses at the moment. If I replace them with the 3D1 grasses does your map still retain your kuid? If I upload a Session with S301 grasses will other players with other versions of grasses still be able to download and play a Session from the DLS? I not have experience with creating sessions to that level of detail how trainz would handle it bit from the surveyor handling this it should work as long as the other side has the same grass it will show that grass. Most probably the session would have missing deps (grasses) if the other party not have those grasses in his/her dbase. We have to test this and see or discuss with other more experienced session users on the forum. The eeasiest and most forward way for you however would be to make these grasses Gr... now used mandatory to dl and install when someone dl your session. I have never used Replace Assets before so I'm not sure if it also replaces your kuid with mine for the map. That would be no good to upload a Session to the DLS. I'll play safe for the moment and keep to the S301 grasses until my Session is released. After that I can experiment. I think you are right in that another player would have missing deps but that should'nt affect the playability of the Session. BTW, what is the correct spelling. Illecillweat or Illecillwaet? Both are used in the map. I would like to know the correct one for use in html messages. Before you release any session on the dls make sure that not inadvertedly parts of the payware route are linked or available thru the session on the dls. I never used sessions in depth but I think i saw once a large route file linked in the sessions data file that was the major part of the route. This we have to avoid you understand. Replace asset is easy and handy so pls use it and let me now the new grasses do the job. Illecillewaet is the correct name. I understand your concerns about people getting hold of your route through other means. That will not happen with me. I shall be uploading 2 files to the DLS when ready. One is the Session and the other is a HTML file which will contain the instructions, messages, etc. Nothing of your route is included apart from your kuid in the Session config.txt that gives the map being used. What this means is that if someone hasn't bought the route and downloads the Session, they won't be able to play it as the route will be a 'Missing Dependency'. With your permission I'll add into the DLS description that the Session uses a Payware route only available from you at Roy's Trainz. You never know, it might bring in a few extra sales! If someone has already bought the route then everything is peachy. I've started the Session at Revelstoke CPR Yard and have now reached Illecillewaet (correct spelling thanks). I'll tidy up here and save a backup to external HD before I try replacing the grasses. thanks for the nice post and agree with you. Sorry for the late approval of the post. My webmaster adviced me to go this cumbersome way to approve outside posts since hackers/spammers keep bombarding the website relentlessly what fun they think they have is unclear to me but this world has more unclear habits and things happening. Thanks for the reply. I agree with you, these hackers are a menace. I installed the grasses ok but what I feared would happen, did. I could only save them in a new map with my kuid. This of course is no good as I need to upload a Session for use with your map, your kuid. What I think I'll do is to continue on to Wakely and stop there. I'll upload the Session and explain that it can only be played with your S301 map. I'll wait and see if there is any positive interest/feedback before deciding whether to carry on to Golden. Don't bother replying to this post. I'll put future posts on the Forum and let N3V worry about the hackers. If you go into the config of your session and change the route map the session refers to than, anyone who has the CPR in any form but different grasses eg should be able to run the route/session. When you have a test for me i can proof what I say when you ready. I have done this dozen times when a session linked to an older CPR version I wanted to link to a newer, changed the config map kuid the session has to run on and done. I understand what you mean when updating Sessions but this is your own kuid on your own computer and Trainz recognises this. When I replaced the grasses I can only save it in my kuid which Trainz gives me, like it or not. For instance: your map 122860:100035, after installing and saving the new grasses has now become 90608:100027, the 90608 being my kuid. This is fine as long as I don't want to upload the map to anywhere. It may now be in my kuid but doesn't belong to me. I think the way to go is to release the Session with the default map 122860:100035. I will add an instruction on how to change the map kuid in the Session to whatever they have on their system. This will not infringe your copyright as any player must have bought your original map before they can update grasses. All very complicated so I'll leave that for now until I get the Session finished. I'll come back to you at that time to see about testing. defying 58414 little critters and bugs the Rogers Pass passed my QA tests with "flying colors" after crashing first time after 2 hours without any normal reason than the exisitng Trainz bug. The route is now ready for dl for those interested in a 58414 1.07 version of this section. About wich trainz TS12 versions support my routes. Simple and straight forward ALL releases work 100% and dependencies of the route are all working and links for dl provided. It cannot be more simple and all in one place.If for any reason you feel well with the 49922 version dl this one from your account profile.I use the 58414 as the driver here runs particularly well, but earlier versions no problem. Can i ask what the file size is for the whole Route please Roy ?, Like to download the whole thing mate i am on a limited wireless service here and it would take for ever to download if the Route and Deps is too big. And does it only come in a winter version ?. Loks pretty cool the whole thing. sorry I just now checked the blog to see for comments that need approval. Many times hackers and sorts of try to ruin one's day and for unknown reason and sick pleasure that never works at least not with us. Ok the size of the entire route is a cdp/zip 199 MB! not that big even for a limited internet connection and my site has fast acces so dl would work fine. The deps are all grouped in smaller ones and also setup to fit as you said ltd acces internet connections. I am very pleased to see you around here and we would be more than happy to welcome you to our community. You will love it and yes the winter/seasonal groundtextures for a auto pre and post winter experience is included. Check my thread there are somewhere also winterpictures around. This should get you on the tracks with Roy's trainz. Thanks Roy i'll certainly grab it at sum stage mate, Few other projects i want to take care of first though so thanks again. Hate to be a pain again mate sorry but can i ask one more question, If i have not updated to the latest patchs for TS12 can i still use your Route ?. Or would i have to patch to the latest build ?. Thanks Roy. yes when you purchase my routes it will show you what to dowload for eg. 49922 WIN and MAC version and in case the 58414 release the coresponding CPR route working/updated for the version of TS12. Also I did "update a lot of built-in and other used cdp's to actualize them as far as feasible to run well on 58414. these routes look awesome, i'm currently downloading alot of stuff for other software and will buy CPR Mountain Subdivision in a couple of hours. I hope the download includes everything needed to run the route because i'm new to Trainz12. Thank You Roy for your work of Art :) Harry from Montreal, Canada. you make my birthday a complete success. thanks for the very nice comment. Welcome to Roys Trainz and YES there is one page containing ALL needed deps at your fingertips. OMG, WOW! Roy you're awesome! I just finished installing "Rogers Pass" and I am in shock at how beautiful the route looks in TS12. Your payware even looks better than Railworks TS2014......BRAVO! Do you remember if I have all the routes when I bought the $70 combo? If not, which one do I not have? Curious, thank you for all your hard work and beautiful creative things. The 3 in combo means that you bought the CPR Mountain Sub from Ottertail all the way to west of Revelstoke. I made for a limited time 3 separate "smaller" routes cutting/overlapping with the huge CPR MOUNTAIN connecting them via Iportals. The "smaller 3 sep routes" where temporarily I want to allow people to taste at "entry" level before deciding to go for the big one. Some users liked the smaller ones to run a few hours i.o. of 9 up all day. 99% bought and uses the CPR MOUNTAIN SUB. I did not anticipate so much work due to several bugs in any trainz version when cutting. Imagine eg deleting a baseboard does not mean all data within and crossing is deleted and you and up with "invisble floating elements" ouside your cut route. this morning Richard post on my trainz forum threads very touching post indeed! "Hi Roy and everyone else who views this thread. 5 days ago I had been in Trainz exile for around 4 years. If I am totally honest I didn't think I would ever take an interest in Trainz again having drifted onto other things. On Sunday afternoon I stumbled across The Kickstarter Project "Trainz Simulator - A New Era". Initially I made a modest pledge, I liked the idea and the more I read about it, the more my interest in the future of Trainz was growing. The fire was lit and within a few hours I was back on the Kickstarter page increasing my pledge. At this point I was going to take a back seat and strap myself in for the ride and watch the next 4 weeks unfold. It didn't stop there though, I still couldn't stop at pledge number 2. I decided I needed a bigger slice of the action and pledge number 3 was made within 24 hours of me starting all this. Having got this far and making a commitment to the future of Trainz it was time to dust down my last version of the game Trainz 2009 and take a look. I had remembered fondly how much I enjoyed Trainz 2004 and Trainz 2006 along with Trainz classics, although if I am honest winding the clock back 4 years and looking at Trainz 2009 did little to enhance my new found enthusiasm for the Trainz Kickstarter project. Taking the above into consideration it was time to research the current version of trainz and try and establish what the best available routes for Trainz 12 were. This is where I stumbled across Roys Trainz and after browsing his site and the forums I knew instantly I wasn't going to wait for my Get Trainz Now selection from the Kickstarter Pledge. I bought Trainz 12 along with CPR-Mountain-Sub TS14 and It's one of the best decisions I have ever made. The Route is absolutely stunning Roy and is a credit to you. I look forward to seeing your work hit new heights in future versions of trains. ain't that something wow feels good and gives lots of energy. The day after Dec.17th we all feel much better KS first step reached and more streched goals will make it for sure. Thanks all the trainzers who supported vie my website and of course all those that pledged on the official KS and trainz website!!! For those new to my website asking how come this blog is not very active, the reason is simple we use the main Trainz forum my trheads and thus reach at the same time other trainzers not part (yet) of the Roy's Trainz family. If you like to share on my threads that you pledged also thru my routes please post over there and here of course. I respect eachothers privacy and not publish a list. Happy Holidays and Happy New Trainz year and 2014! william asked me today in an email if my routes work on TS 12 he bought from steam. Yes all my routes work on TS12 and all versions, see on this website when you click more on the CPR Mountain Sub it show TS12 version number and windows and or MAC version number. Well, finally we did it the Laggan sub section West is ready to download. further posts and comments we do as usual on the trainz forum in my threads Canadian rocky Mountains 2011 and others i opened there. "I just downloaded the Columbia River Basin and it is the most amazing, most detailed route in trainz! It took me in a CP ES44AC running at track speed almost 3 hours to get done! of course I met 2 trains along the way and had to follow a northbound CN grain, but it was amazing! Super fun, super realistic, and totally worth the $25! Every person that has trainz 12 download this now!!!!" Mid summer for most on this globe activity still high on roystrainz!! Most users know this blog is kind of sleepy as most activity blog etc is on trainz forum so please follow up over there to avoid double traffic. At this moment i try to solve a mysterious bug on a beautiful very intelligent way of session automated traffic for CPR Mountain Sub created by my good dutch fellow friend Henk. His sessions works flawless on his computers but mine seem to love to bug a few AI trains so this and next week i will try to re-create his work from scratch and will keep you guys updated on the results. In case you are interested in the results email me or post on my threads on trainz forum. Well we did it and cleared all winter tracks into Ottertail and further to Viktor Lake. Now ready for download is the all NEW CPR MOUNTAIN SUB SEASONAL with 4 seasons and much more and yes for future TANE use ready to migrate to that level when they are ready. In the mean time you can enjoy this gem the fullest in TS12 and maybe appreciate more now that TS12 with the so many shortcomings still is a nice piece of sim. It is sad to say how people ravage over TANE CE a not finished product (never should be released) as most trainzer have no clue what it takes to get a finished product until the final day of official release. So i released yesterday some 300 plus seasonal assets. you will find them on the download page when you have bought the CPR Mountain Sub 1.0.9 look for the route 1.0.9 seasonal. Still some more to do but that is for later now finish the TANE speedtrees first release for my routes. Well at least the curtain starts moving in the TANE 3D theatre announcing wazz up and coming "soon". Yes they start with the Columbia River Basin followed by all the other one's all new routes so much bigger,wider,more details than ever before and much much more to come all in super realistic mode and not to forget protypical!! Once all routes in TANe are out there the TS12 routes will fade out slowly and close an era we all enjoyed so much. You can post here but I prefer you do on my Canadian Rocky Mountains thread in the trainz frorum. A little bit more patience to iron out little critters and cracks by the N3V crew. they have a mountain of routes from me to get ready so give them credit and energy to get things done the soonest and well. Glad Roy is still up and kickin'!!!
{ "file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0000.json.gz" }
Lancashire agency Workhouse Marketing has appointed former account director Mark Camp to the position of director of operations. Camp has worked with Workhouse in a variety of roles for the past nine years, previously heading up the accounts team for its largest client, Stax Trade Centres. Since 2015 he has worked closely with the agency on a freelance consultancy basis. The move will see him back at Workhouse in a permanent capacity. He previously worked in marketing roles for the likes of Ribby Hall and DePuy (part of the Johnson & Johnson group) before moving agency-side Workhouse in 2008. His new role will see him focused on the commercial side of the business, as well as taking responsibility for the client services teams. He will also continue to lead the Stax team.
{ "file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0000.json.gz" }
Continue reading "The Daily 3: What Makes Me Happy" I dig the design you picked! I’m excited to read more. You know how I feel about Maribel the writer! Thanks Pearl, the reader! I’m excited to share and hear what people have to say. So PLEASE post whenever you want! I dig the design you picked! I'm excited to read more. You know how I feel about Maribel the writer!
{ "file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0000.json.gz" }
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We need your support to help premature and sick babies have a healthier start in life. We aim to give parents knowledge, confidence and practical advice that will enable them to play a key role in their babies care in ways that improve health outcomes. We need your support to do it and we would like your donation to go twice as far. On December 6th at 10 a.m. every pound donated to Best Beginnings will be worth double. That means that if you donate £5 Best Beginnings it will be worth £10, £10 becomes £20 all the way up to £5,000! Here is a short film, that explains how your support will make a difference presented by Best Beginnings Ambassador and TV presenter Charlie Webster, filmed on November 17th 2010 at St Mary's Hospital, Imperial College in London. We hope you have enjoyed the film and feel inspired to support the Small Wonders project for the UKs most vulnerable babies. Please go to www.biggive.org.uk/donate/bestbeginnings and donate at 10 a.m. Monday December 6th and your donation will go twice as far. Charlie Webster isn't the only celebrity looking forward to having her donation doubled by The Big Give. Click here to see what popstar, model and mother of two premature babies Sophie Ellis Bextor thinks about The Big Give.
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The tripTrack Tax Logbook system is an easy-to-use, inexpensive and convenient method for keeping track of your vehicle's mileage. A travel logbook is mandatory to claim any vehicle allowance tax deductions (as of March 2010). Using traditional logbooks is time-consuming and subject to human error. The tripTrack device is very accurate, takes a minimal amount of your time and delivers the information you need straight away. You can also use tripTrack to track and prove billable hours. In other words, as a reminder system of where your car/s have been and how much you need to bill your clients (mileage tracking). In addition, you can use it to keep track of your business vehicles and detect any unlawful usage by your employees. How do the tripTrack system works. The system consists of a small GPS logging device that plugs into the vehicle’s cigarette lighter that records all the travel data. You will load software onto your computer from a CD provided. The software will process the data into a report and you will be able to customize your report by specifying your personalized location details – once off – which will re-appear every time you download your trips. Click here to view the data that can be generated when downloading the trip data from the tripTrack system. For orders or demonstrations on this product complete our contact us form.
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A mattress for side sleepers? What about a mattress for back or stomach sleepers? Why is there a mattress designed specifically for side sleepers? The mattress must meet the unique needs that a side sleeper needs. The mattress should have a good temperature control so the person can sleep comfortably. The mattress should be reasonably priced and specifically designed for people who like to habitually sleep on their sides. The mattress must give this type of sleeper strong support for their backs, necks and legs, and feet. If the person likes to bend their legs while they sleep or they like to sleep with their legs straight the mattress must be able to meet these needs. This is why memory foam would be good to have so it will form to the person’s peculiar sleeping position. Benefits and Uses: The mattress is supposed to have 3.5 gel memory foam that conforms to your body. It Will keep the spine aligned and prevent tossing and turning during the night. It does not allow for motion transfer and it will help you have a great night’s sleep. It is lined with New Zealand wool which absorbs moisture and controls the temperature. It will also stop odor from absorbing into the mattress. It contains no harsh chemicals or chemicals that are flame retardant. The mattress is great for side sleepers and the company offers a limited 25 year limited warranty. The mattress is rolled up and compressed into the box for easy shipping. Feedback: The mattress had over 2200 review written about it. The customer has rheumatoid arthritis and says she can sleep on the sorest parts of her body and she has no pain. The pressure points are fine and she woke up at 7:30 in the morning and she felt like she had slept until 11:00 a.m. She was afraid to sleep on memory foam but she now has no reservations about it. The customer said they researched the product thoroughly and decided to buy this memory foam mattress. He had tried several other memory foam mattresses in the past. He ordered the product and it was delivered to the front door. The customer was told the box weighed 102 lbs. and the customer was impressed with how compact the mattress was in the box. He dragged the box to the bed the mattress was to go on. He took it out of the box and he let the mattress air out for s night. He slept in another room and the next night he slept on the new mattress. He slept fine until 3:00 am and then he woke up with the sweats. He slept off and on until the morning. He slept on the mattress the next night but he put a fan near the mattress to cool it down. The fan got the room to cool so he had to set the fan at a higher speed. He developed an acute tailbone lower backache. He could not afford this injury because he does heavy lifting at his work. He decided to return the product so he contacted Amazon. The rep said since the mattress had human contact that Amazon could not return the product. The rep said his credit card would be fully reimbursed. He could not believe Amazon would give the money back without taking the mattress back. Amazon told him to give the mattress away. The customer rated the product 2-stars. You cannot blame him for giving the product such a low-rating. The customer says this is the best mattress he has ever had except for a very expensive one his ex got to keep. This mattress did not sink in the middle or lose his form. He has had very good nights of sleep on the mattress and he gave it a 5-star rating. He highly recommends the product. This is a great mattress for the price. the customer says they have the mattress for a month and so far so good. The mattress is firm and the client likes to sleep on firm mattresses. The customer is disabled and cannot go to the store to try out a mattress to see what it is really like before he would buy it. He tried this mattress and was disgusted with it because it was not firm at all. He showed a picture of himself sitting on the mattress. It sagged a good 6 to 8 inches when the mattress was 13 inches high. It is definitely not a firm mattress. The customer is tired of reading reviews that do not meet his expectations concerning the product. He thinks maybe the reviews are fake because they seem to be wrong most of the time. Being a disabled person he really needs the reviews to accurately reflect the quality of the product. He called Amazon and they said to give the mattress away but we will still fully refund your money. He likes the way Amazon takes care of the customers. The customer rated the product one-star. The couple bought the mattress 3 years ago and they are disgusted with the product. They slept well on it at first but now they wake up in the morning with aches and pains. The mattress sagged in certain spots making it tougher to sleep. The rotated the mattress to try and alleviate the sags it did not work. They could not flip the mattress over because the thickness on the bottom is different than on the top. The customer said this mattress is only 3-years-old and is a lousy product. The customers rated the product 2-stars. The mattress was a solid mattress and it was easy to set up. The wife and husband were people of average weight so they cannot understand why the mattress would sag. They will not buy the product again and they do not recommend the product. Benefits and Uses: It is a knitted polyester and tencel blended fabric which will relieve tension on your shoulders and hips. The mattress is great for side sleepers and is so soft you will think you’re sleeping in the clouds. The mattresses 4 layers will have you sleeping in optimal comfort. The top panel supplies you with comfort. The memory gel section alleviates pressure and gives you support while you sleep. The internal breathable layer keeps you cool while you sleep. The foundational layer comes in soft, medium, and firm designations. You order what you want. The mattress comes with a 10-year non-prorated warranty and a 120 night comfort guarantee. Feedback: The customer said the mattress came in 18 inches and 41 inches square. It came in a heavy plastic shipping bag and it was easy to roll out of the bag. The customer put it on the mattress box and they waited two hours to sleep on the mattress. Contrary to what they had read and heard the mattress had no odor. The customer said they slept well on the mattress and that it was a foam mattress and not a memory mattress. The customer is right it is not a memory mattress but a foam mattress. The customer does not want a memory mattress. The customer rated the product 5-stars. The customer rated the product 5-stars and said it was very easy to set up. The product is very comfortable and this is all the customer writes. This is not a detailed review and tells us nothing about the quality of the product. Why is it great? Is it firm? Is it soft? The customer does not say why they rated the product 5-stars. The customer does not write if they slept soundly during the night or that they woke up refreshed in the morning. We do not know if the customer woke up in pain or if any previous pains were alleviated. This review has no selling value for future customers. The review is too general and neutral to convince anyone to buy or not to buy the product. This is not a very positive review because the customer rated the product 3-stars. Which really is an average rating. The customer bought a medium and firm mattress. The couple decided to sleep on the firm mattress and put the medium mattress in the guest room. The wife has had back issues for years and needed the firm support. The husband weighs 200 lbs and needs to find a comfortable position to sleep in. The firm mattress met this requirement. Despite this seemingly positive review, the customer rated the product 3-stars which sends strong mixed signals. The review will not convince people to buy the product. The customer says the mattress is like sleeping on a cloud as they said in their own words. They tried the mattress in the store and the longer they laid on it the better they liked it. They selected the firm mattress and they have rated the product 5-stars. They wrote the review the day this article was written 7/16/2018. So, it remains to be seen what the customer thinks about the product down the road. The customer pays the mattress was easy to set up and is comfortable to sleep on but they did not say why it was easy to set up or why it was so comfortable for them to lay on. The customer rated the product 5-stars. Two women wrestled the box mattress upstairs without any extra help. They said once you get it out the box take it right to where it will be slept on. This is because the mattress once it comes out of the box it expands rapidly so you do not have a lot of time to move the mattress. They put it in the guest room but quickly moved it to the master bedroom because it was too good to leave in the guest room. The mattress is nice and the customer rated the product 5-stars. Benefits and Uses: Hopefully the mattress is worthy of the robust price tag it carries-$3599 which is very expensive. The mattress is 11.8 inches thick and it is made of temperature material. Or it will control the temperature as you sleep giving you a comfortable sleep. It helps to spread the body weight evenly across the bed helping you to sleep without waking up sore in the morning. The cover is made of breathable, cooling material that keeps the surface of the mattress cool. The mattress material is designed with cooling benefits and it draws heat from the body. Feedback: The customer says the mattress is working very well for them. They use to lay down and could not sleep and on top of it they would wake up sore. Now, with this mattress as soon as they lay down they fall asleep. They wake up in the morning without feeling sore. They would wake up every morning sore when they slept on the other mattress. The client rated it 5-stars. The customer says they wanted to wait before they wrote this review and the finally got around to writing the review. They wanted to sleep on the bed for awhile before making a report and they wrote their report. The customer said they always thought they would sleep on a coil mattress but they bought this one instead. Benefits and Uses: The mattress is designed to controls the temperature while you sleep and the memory gel contours to the body for a top night of sleep. 2 inches of memory foam sit on 8 inches of density foam with a soft foam cover. Like so many other mattresses the gel foam draws heat away from the body. Feedback: The customer at first did not like the mattress because it gave her a “sinking” feeling. She sank in the mattress and it felt mushy. She called the rep and the rep said they would send a firmer mattress. But after 3 days the mattress became firmer and the customer fell in love with the mattress and canceled the order for a firmer mattress. The customer kept the medium mattress and she is sleeping very comfortably. Her husband loves the mattress as well and the customer is not waking up hot and sweaty during the night. The customer has rated the mattress 5-stars. The customer has been using the mattress for quite awhile and it is just as supportive as it was on day one. The twin mattresses are working wonderfully for the customer and the bed doubles as a daybed and a night bed. The customer flips the mattress around but due to construction, the mattress cannot be flipped over. The customer weighs 140 pounds so keep this in mind as you read the review. If you are heavier than this customer’s 140 lbs the bed may not work for you. The Customer says the mattress is as good as some mattresses that may cost a lot more than this one. The customer would buy the mattress again. The customer expects the mattress to last for years. The customer rated the product 5-stars. The customer bought this mattress to replace a $1200 dollar mattress the client owned before. This mattress is as good as that $1200.00 dollar mattress. The mattress was easy to set up and the customer is the mattress is working very well. The customer sleeps peacefully every night on the mattress. The customer says it is worth 5-stars and will update in the future if any problems arise. The customer said the odor from the mattress dissipated quickly and the customer was glad about this. Benefits and Uses: The mattress has 2.5 inches of gel material on the top with 8.5 inches of deluxe base material. Supposedly the mattress brings a top luxury hotel feel to the home according to the company. The company claims that 90% of the reviews rated the mattress 5-stars. The mattress is able to relieve pressure points which prevents you from tossing and turning all night. The product will relieve shoulder, back and hip pain. The mattress is supposed to give you a delightful night of sleep. Feedback: The company did not tell the truth they said 90% of the reviews were 5-stars. There were 77% of the reviews that rated the product 5-stars. Oh, this is great because the customer receives the mattress and the customer opens the box and finds some of the seams on the mattress were ripping on a brand-new mattress. The delivery guy will not take the mattress back because it is opened. The customer needs to return the mattress. What are they supposed to do now? It sure seems like the company cannot be trusted because they lied about how many 5-star reviews they received for the product and now this customer receives a new mattress that has seams ripping. We have taken a look at some mattresses that will help you if you are a side sleeper and they will help you sleep comfortably with no aches or pains when you wake up in the morning. One downside in the reviews is one of the company’s lied about how many 5-stars reviewed they received for their mattress. It would be to a customer’s advantage to avoid this company. You will see which company it is in the review list above.
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Expressing grief over the tragic incident at Kuligad Dhrabhshala in which two persons died, Minister of State for Transport, Sunil Kumar Sharma today visited the spot to take stock of the road condition. The Minister along with the Superintending Engineer R&B Doda/Kishtwar/Ramban, Niaz Bandey, ADC Kishtwar Kishori Lal Sharma, Executive Engineer Doda, Bhushan Lal Thusoo and Executive Engineer Kishtwar Maninder Kumar, visited the spot to ascertain the situation and condition of road on which work is being initiated by NHIDCL on war footing basis. The Minister expressed anguish over the incident and urged upon the authorities to be vigilant so as to avoid loss of lives. “All we need to do is better implementation with honesty,” he said. After the visit the Minister convened an emergency meeting with the officers at Thathri Dak Bungalow and discussed the measures for alternate road for which Executive Engineer R&B has been directed to Submit DPR within days. The Minister also called MD NHIDCL Anand Kumar for taking a decision to declare the areas a susceptible zone which was approved on the directions on the Minister.
{ "file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0000.json.gz" }
An autobiography of Fran Drescher. Great surprise today with the mail!! I didn't expect the book to arrive this soon! Thanks for sending it, FamFatale!!! I'm looking forward to read it!!. I hope your book will arrive soon too!!! Left the book in Switserland with a friend who wanted to read it too. After she's finished with it, the book will come back to me so I can read it myself. Have fun reading it, Irene!! So, E-mile, the book comes back to you in Holland and thanks again! Fran is back!!!! My friend from Switserland send me the book back; so now I can read it myself. She realy liked it, so I'm even more eager to read it than I already was!!! I just loved the book!!!!! Fran tells her story with such humor. good reading material it is. Again thanks for the book, FamFatale!! And there was interest for a bookring! Today Fran will go to the first person in the ring: Arja. Have a safe and wonderful journey, Fran!!! E-mile mentioned this book and I thought it'd be interesting to read more about Fran's life. Might take a few weeks, as I suddenly had a pile of ring books arrive at the same time. I never realized how many other shows and films Fran Drescher must have worked on, before and during The Nanny. Also, I had not expected her to be so obnoxious and eccentric all the time in her behaviour and writing. IMHO this gets a bit annoying, even though that is who she is (or how she wants to present herself). E-mile, can you please tell me who to send the book to next? Gister in de brievenbus gekregen via Arja. Hartelijk bedankt voor het langsbrengen. Ben er meteen in begonnen, was speciaal even in niets nieuws begonnen omdat ik wist dat ie eraan zat te komen. Ben benieuwd. Leuk dat het boek helemaal uit de US komt! What a lovely book to read and nice photo's too! Very funny. A real feel-good-story as far as I'm concerned, really liked it. She sounds gratefull for the carrier she has and doesn't take her success for granted. I'll enjoy the episodes of The Nanny even more now I know the whole history and details behind it! I will bring the book to Tiekie this week asap. Got this book today from Pietenpadje. I am very looking forward to reading this book, so I will move my other books to a dark place and settle down tonight! Thank you E-mile for this lovely ring-book!! I am sending this book to the next person on the list. I have got no time to read it and I don't want to keep it here for too long. Fran arrived on my doormat today! I'm really looking forward to reading this book. Thanks for sending it Tiekie, and perhaps you can still read it after me? By the way, nice to know that this book comes all the way from America! Finished it and what a fun book to read! At times I really had to laugh out loud. And it's really written in her voice, literally... you actually hear her saying all these sentences! The only thing that was nagging me whilst reading the book was the way she talked about her husband and her wonderful marriage... soon after this book was published they got divorced!! Maybe she wrote about that in her second book? I guess I have to read that as well! I'll contact Tiekie to ask if she has time to read it now, otherwise this book will be off to muizz. Fran is on her way to Muizz! Sorry for the late journal entry. I found the parcel in a stack of mail when I came home from a couple of days abroad and then I forgot to register it. Luckily Mirre sent me a reminder that she hadn't heard wether the book has arrived. Well, it has! Probably it will take some time before I am able to read it, because there are some other books screaming for attention as well. Thanks for ringing the book, and Mirre, thanks for sending the book and for the reminder. Imagine you are at a dinner party and the woman sitting next to you doesn't stop talking. She keeps on talking about her career, clothes, celebrities she's met, clothes, her succesful television show, clothes, her apearance at David Letterman shows and how funny she was there, clothes, etc. You don't want to be impolite and you make some encouraging noises, and in the mean time you are looking for a place to hide. That's how I felt when reading this book. Normally I love (auto)biographies, but this one I didn't enjoy. Someone who is able to spend 6 pages about the preparations for a photo shoot (how her make up, hair and clothes were) can't keep my interest. I'm really sorry. Needless to say that I didn't finish this book. Now the book will continue its journey. It'll go to Sarana. What a lovely and funny book! I've read it while spending the Easter weekend with my parents and I kept calling out to them "Ooo, did you know that..." and "You've got to hear this...". I had no idea that so much about The Nanny was based on Fran's own life. I loved her stories, especially the down-to-earth-ness of them, and the fact that she wasn't afraid to tell her silliest stories or show her most unflattering pictures... A very sympathetic woman, as far as you can tell through this book. I'm shocked to read in Mirre's Journal Entry that she's divorced now, the way she describes her marriage it's hard to believe that it fell apart soon afterwards! Thanks for ringing the book, E-mile! I'm PM'ing Nandaaah now. Edit: I'm terribly sorry for the long delay, the book was mailed out today. And the book has arrived, just started in another, so I'll probably start in this book somewhere in the next week. I've finished the book today in the hot sun. It was an O.K. book to read. Just as Arja, I didn't know she did this many other shows and films. And too bad she divorced, since her mariage seems good in the book, but unexpecting things can happen. The book will be off to the next reader as soon as I got an adress to send it to. And I got the book now! Thanx Nandaaah for sending it and E-mile for ringing (?) it. I allready started in it because my last book was just finished. Fun to know that her parents and sister's names in the Nanny came out off real life. That Chester was her dog, I knew allready. I will try to finish it before the Castricum-meeting. Gelukt! Geweldig van genoten! En nu The Nanny weer op tv is kijk ik toch met *iets* andere ogen. Bedankt voor het ringen E-mile. Ze komt morgen bij je terug. "What I learned about myself, the depth of my relationships, and cancer -tests, treatment, recovery and follow-up- could fill a book. So here it is. * back to E-mile. <-- Fran is back home!!!! posted Fran today, so the ring can continue.. Fran has arrived in Gouda! I'm looking forward to reading this book and am pleased to see it has pictures in it! Is has been a while since I read a book containing pictures. Hi guys, perhaps you already know it, but since a few weeks there is another comedy on RTL4 on sunday afternoon with/about Fran!! I saw it for the first time last sunday and wanted to let you know that it's out there. Na 'The Nanny' is Fran Drescher terug met een nieuwe komedie. In 'Living with Fran' is Fran een gescheiden vrouw die geniet van de nieuwe weg die haar leven is ingeslagen. Haar nieuwe liefde Riley is fantastisch, geweldig en jong, heel erg jong. Hun relatie is ingewikkeld vanwege het feit dat de kinderen van Fran bijna even oud zijn als hun nieuwe 'stiefvader'. Het nieuwe huishouden van Fran mag dan niet traditioneel zijn en soms heel lastig, toch weet ze zeker dat ze het niet anders zou willen doen. 'Living with Fran', vanaf zondag 11 juni, 17.00 - 17.30 uur, RTL 4. Today Fran arrived at my doormat, together with 2(!) other books...Which makes the count of ringbooks that arrived here in 3 days: 7...I think I'll need to ask my boss for a reading leave-of-absense. Anyway, although not all the stories were equally entertaining I enjoyed reading the book. It was really written in her voice, like Mirre said! I can't wait to read the other book! Thanks for re-opening the ring E-mile! I'll send it to Yinny asap! Found it in the mailbox yesterday! Thank you, E-mile for sharing this book and Enitnaj for sending this book! Yes, she is boasting about all the famous people she met, the people she knows, the clothes she wears, blablabla. But she does it so innocently, so charming, that it isn't (very) annoying. This book is already on its way to the next reader. The book is here! I'll start reading it right away, because the book I'm currently reading is not to my taste. The book is badly damaged, I'll try to repair some of it. I never watched the Nanny because I dislike sitcoms and canned laughter, but this book was neat. Miss Drecher sure has a lot of energy! Thanks for the sweet card you left me in the book Yinny! I'll keep using it as a bookmark. I'm mailing this book to Redfloor today. Happy reading! Lag in mijn brievenbus. Ben heel erg benieuwd ernaar. Er zijn nog wel enkele boeken die eerst aan de beurt zijn. Dutch-flybabe, je hebt het keurig gerestaureerd! Dank ook voor de kaart. Edit: Ere wie ere toekomt, Dutch-flybabe heeft het boekje gerestaureerd, niet Yinny. Wat een leuk boek om te lezen. Allereerst door het formaat. Het is een lekker kleine pocket met kleine letters. Het paste makkelijk in mijn tas, zelfs als deze al vol zat. Daardoor kon ik doorlezen in de trein. Alle boeken zouden in dit formaat verkrijgbaar moeten zijn. Daarnaast is het ook gewoon heel erg leuk om te lezen over het leven van een van mijn favoriete actrices. Heel grappig om te lezen dat haar eigen ouders ook Sylvia en Morty heten en dat er meer parallellen zijn. Fijn dat Fran uiteindelijk een succesvolle carriere heeft. Ik bekijk de Nanny nu met heel andere ogen. Ik ben benieuwd naar deel twee, al vermoed ik, gezien de inhoud, dat dat deel lang niet zo hilarisch zal zijn. Haven't read it yet but will so very soon. Thanx for sending it Redfloor! Fran is on her way to Jordanne. Have fun!! I found it in my mailbox a few days ago! I think it'll be a quick read! Thanks for ringing and sending it to me! Op de post naar de volgende lezer! Heb dit boek voordat ik op vakantie ging uitgelezen. Opzich leuk om te weten hoe de serie The Nanny er is gekomen en dat veel is gebaseerd op haar eigen ervaringen, maar dat idee van 'aan je hoofd zeuren' kreeg ik ook wel. Ik had het idee dat ik een verlengde versie van een verhaal over een ster in de Story of de Prive zat te lezen, eerlijk gezegd. Het boek is vandaag aangekomen. Het ziet er leuk uit, veel foto's. Ik ga er gelijk in beginnen, was gisteren klaar met mijn vorige ringboek. Dank je wel voor het opsturen en ringen! i received the book today. It looks like a fun and nice book, i like the photo's in it. I am going to read it right now. Thanks for sending it to me and thanks for this ring! Interessant boek om te lezen, het word ook wel makkelijk gemaakt met de foto's die erin zitten van haar leven. Wat het gelijk ook weer leuker maakt om te lezen. It is an intersting book to read. Also to see the photo's that are inside the book. Erg leuk om te lezen!! Leuke foto's, leuke manier van schrijven!! And Fran found her way back home again! Thanks for sending it, Bontekever! (btw: did you read the book? I haven't seen a journal entry of it....).
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GAME of Thrones is all about eminent homes during crusade – however a white walkers competence really good be about to sleet disharmony down on a Seven Kingdoms like they’ve by no means seen progressing than. Here is all it is advisable to know in regards to a walkers and their commander a Night time King as they seem means to cranky The Wall and attack Westeros. The white walkers are at a impulse a largest risk traffic with Westeros – a lot larger than any polite crusade that competence really good be about to erupt. They’re a competition of ice creatures who have been regarded as a things of fable progressing than they returned to Westeros within a initial ever stage of Recreation of Thrones – and have now been seen within a strength (?) by Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen. White Walkers have superhuman energy and have powers per ice and cold that indicate their attainment is routinely accompanied by blizzards and extreme cold temperatures – that is since northerners contingency be aroused in regards to a lapse of a lot snow. They’ll additionally revive a routine to act as their servants, and have ordered an huge troops of a lifeless, mostly famous as “wights”, to attack Westeros’ tellurian inhabitants. Who’s a Night time King and a approach was he created? Each troops wants a commander, and a Night time King is a arch of a white walkers’ troops of a lifeless. He coordinates a walkers’ creates an try to attack The Wall and send south in instruction of Westeros, and is radically a many rarely effective among them. However a Night time King’s existence didn’t come about naturally. In deteriorate 6 of Recreation of Thrones, Bran Stark satisfied that a Youngsters of a Forest had combined a Night time King. Throughout a talented and prophetic he beheld a chairman who grew to turn a Night time King tied adult towards a tree, and watched as one of many Youngsters pushed dragon potion into his coronary heart, branch his eyes a charge shining blue of a walkers. The white walkers have been combined in a matching means in sequence that a Youngsters competence defense themselves from people, however a send backfired and a walkers grew to turn massively damaging in themselves. There competence be during a impulse a massively select fan judgment that says that Bran Stark is really a Night time King. A Reddit chairman has claimed his unthinkable powers and ability to tour again to prior occasions and ‘warg’ – inserting his essence in to a physique of a singular particular or quadruped – creates a conjecture viable. Consumer turm0il26 claims that Bran both wargs into a tellurian who turns into a Night time King, or tries to kill a Youngsters of a Forest who emanate a zombie king. Nonetheless, he finally ends adult branch into a Night time King as he has trafficked too distant again to jump again in to a stream day. It is riveting things – and as Bran has left from lovable child to a self-satisfied penetrating trouble courage who refers to himself since a Three-Eyed Raven, it is essential that he would presumably make one MORE transformation. May animals change into wights? May a dragon change into one? Wights are a reanimated troops of a routine who do a white walkers’ bidding. We have seen that a walkers’ horses should not home for a reason that commanders of a troops of a routine initial rode into view. Whereas in deteriorate 7 part 6 there was additional confirmation that animals can be employed within a troops of a routine as a bear with a extraordinary blue eyes of a walkers and their troops attack Thoros of Myr. Now a troops of a routine has change into scarier nonetheless after a Night time King reanimated Daenerys’ slain dragon Viserion – that means a chances of Jon Snow defeating a white walkers demeanour slimmer than ever.
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According to Variety, one of the movies about the 1973 tennis match between Billie Jean King and Bobby Riggs is recasting one of its leads. No, not the serious one that HBO is doing with Elizabeth Banks and Paul Giamatti, and not the overtly comedic one that Will Ferrell is set to star in. It’s Battle Of The Sexes, the middle one that’s supposed to be a comedy with “dramatic and political overtones”—as we said in an earlier report. Battle Of The Sexes comes from Little Miss Sunshine’s Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris, and it was set to star Emma Stone and Steve Carell as the eponymous sexes. Now, Stone has backed out due to “a scheduling conflict,” and the studio is reportedly in talks with Brie Larson to replace her. Larson recently appeared in Room, a film that is not only making some waves in the film festival circuit but also has a name that’s very similar to a certain other movie, which could end up causing a reverse-Asylum by tricking people who want to see a bad movie into seeing a good movie. She’s also set to be in Kong: Skull Island and possibly the eventual Godzilla fight movie that it’s going to set up.
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In the second book of the Harry Potter Series, “The Chamber of Secrets” by J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter finds out that he can communicate with snakes using the Parseltongue language. In this challenge we will write a Python script to translate English to Parseltongue and vice-versa. To encode a message into Parseltongue you need to insert the string sequence “sss” between each character of your message. e.g. I can speak to snakes using Parseltongue. To decode a message from Parseltongue remove the “sss” character sequences by only keeping 1 character out of 4 from the encoded message. Check the following code, which uses two subroutines (functions) called encode() and decode() to encode a message in Parseltongue or decode a message from Parseltongue. Both functions use a technique called string concatenation to add one letter at a time to the message or cypher being generated. Did you know? Encoding and decoding secret messages is a key application of Computer Science called cryptography. An encoded message is called a cipher. As a wizard at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, Harry Potter often needs to decipher secret messages. In this set of challenges you will write Python subroutines to encode or decode secret messages using a range of techniques. The Parseltongue coding technique described above is not very secure. It would be easy for anyone to look at a cipher text and to be able to find a way to decipher it without being told how to in the first instance. To make this encryption technique more secure we will adapt the encode() function implemented in the trinket above. Instead of adding the string “sss” after each character we will add three random letters. By completing this challenge, we are going to learn how to use ASCII code when manipulating strings. You will use the chr() and ord() python instructions to convert characters into ASCII code and vice versa. print(chr(97)) would display the letter “a” on screen as 97 is the ASCII code for character “a”. print(ord(“a”)) would display the 97 on screen as 97 is the ASCII code for character “a”. Use this code to tweak the the encode() function. The decode() function should not need to be updated and should still work with this new encryption technique. Test your code. Do you find the cipher text to be more secure? Using this encryption techniques the cipher message is based on the actual message with the letters of the message appearing in reverse order. e.g. Using this encryption technique, the same function can be used to both encode and decode a message. Your task is to implement one function used to encode/decode a message, applying the “Reversi formula”. Create two new functions to encode and decode two messages at the same time by intertwining each letter of these messages. Your encode() function will take two parameters, message1 and message2, and generate a cipher by intertwining each letter of both messages, one letter at a time. In cryptography, a Caesar cipher, also known as shift cipher, is one of the simplest and most widely known encryption techniques. It is a type of substitution cipher in which each letter in the message to encrypt is replaced by a letter some fixed number of positions down the alphabet. You will find out more about this technique by following this link. Can you think of any other approach you could use to encrypt a message? You may combine several of the techniques listed above, as combining several techniques will make your cipher more difficult to decode hence it will be a lot more secure!
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The city of Augusta is located in Georgia near the state's border with South Carolina. It plays host to the Masters Tournament, the most lauded tournament in professional golf. Augusta is known for the Masters, but there are several other fascinating sides to this city. Here are five things you never knew about Augusta, home of the Masters. Augusta was Georgia’s capital briefly during the American Revolution and then again from 1785 until 1795. In 1788, the Georgia state convention ratified the U.S. Constitution in the city. Georgia was the fourth state to ratify the Constitution and the first in the Deep South. Augusta wasn’t chartered as a city until 1798, so it was actually Georgia’s capital city before officially becoming a city itself. President Woodrow Wilson, who was in office from 1913 to 1921, was born in Virginia but grew up in Augusta. Born in 1856, Wilson lived in Augusta from 1858 to 1870. His father was the pastor of Augusta’s First Presbyterian Church and his family owned a beautiful manse on Seventh Street. Wilson spent the “formative years of his life” in the city. He lived in Augusta during the Civil War and the Reconstruction before going to college in North Carolina. Today, you can visit his boyhood home, which is a National Historic Landmark and the oldest Presidential residence in the state. Guided tours begin on the hour every Thursday through Saturday. Augusta has been either the hometown or burial place of 10 Confederate generals — Brig. Gen. Edward P. Alexander, Maj. Gen. Ambrose R. Wright and Gen. Marcellus A. Stovall, among others. “When the South needed generals during the Civil War, it often turned to Augustans,” the Augusta Chronicle says. Today, you can see monuments all over the city that have been dedicated to these men. The Masters wasn’t always called the Masters; the title didn’t come about until 1939. The tournament began in 1934 and was originally known as the Augusta National Invitational. That name didn’t sound quite prestigious enough, however — so in 1939, the name was changed to the Masters. The first-in-flight brothers from North Carolina brought their airplanes to Georgia. The Wright Flying School was in business from 1910 to 1916. During that time, it taught 119 people to fly Wright airplanes. The main location of the school was in Alabama and then moved to Ohio. Trying to take advantage of the warm winters in the South, the Wrights also opened a seasonal facility in Augusta in 1911. It was run by Frank Coffyn, an aviator who was a member of the Wright Exhibition Team after the Wright brothers taught him to fly.
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Sometimes it is the things you see every day which inspire you. A colour or texture catches your eye, and you're hooked. The itch starts, and you find you have to paint it. Whatever it might be. This happened for me a couple of years ago, when I was working with the lovely Vital Veg at Midmar. Every week I packed beautiful, colourful veg into veg bags for customers. Some of the veg came home with me. And some of that came with me to the weekly art class I was attending. Another influence fed into this process. A few years ago, I attended a workshop with Sofia Perina-Miller, whose work I also greatly admire. She paints fabulous striking flowers, as well as many other subjects. She showed us how to paint directly onto paper, without doing any initial drawing. This was an entirely new experience for me - and I found that I loved the freedom of it! Instead of feeling constrained by the pencil lines, I was "free" to paint directly, loosely, using vibrant colours, which resulted in more lively work. Sofia usually adds meticulous pen and ink details to her work. I left mine as they were; as I may have mentioned before I have rather limited patience! There is always a certain amount of fear involved in painting this way. I had to learn to be brave, to trust that the colours I was choosing and the marks I was making were strong and true and confident. This was no time for fiddling around with details and tentative marks. Before I started, I would look carefully at the veg, get a feel for the overall shape and size and proportions, the main colours, the shadows on the paper. Really look, and get a feel for it. It helped to stand up, to have everything I needed to hand and to just do it, quickly. I love this way of working; writing this makes me want to do some more of this kind of work. Some of my veg paintings are available as digital downloads from my Etsy shop. Various items (prints, mugs, phone covers, tote bags etc.) sporting my veg paintings can also be found on Redbubble. I often make soup. At the organic veg farm where I work part-time, we take it in turns to bring a pot of soup to the veg shed on the day we pack veg bags for customers. One of the things I love about soup is that it is very forgiving. You can throw just about anything into it and it is usually pretty tasty and good. (The only exception seems to be kiwi fruit, which a friend reminded me of today - that did not turn out well. I do quite often put apple or pear in soup though, lends a lovely sweetness). Most of us who takes turns with the soup pot admit to making "bottom of the fridge" soup, with whatever is left and is maybe looking a little tired. Some celery, onion, a courgette, a bit of broccoli, the odd kale leaf and some carrots - add ham stock, a tin of chopped tomatoes and hey presto, it's minestrone! Minestrone is one of my favourites and yet I don't recall having it at home when I was a child. We had broth (not a favourite; I disliked the gloopy texture of the barley), and homemade tomato soup with lots of carrots and was it sago, perhaps, to thicken it? My favourite was cucumber soup, creamy and buttery and delicious. My dad loved consomme, hot or cold (brown meaty jelly with chopped chives on top). We had chicken soup too, made using a boiling fowl, with rice and leeks and chopped parsley from the garden to garnish it. We used to laugh at Mum, who would make soup from the peapods after the sweet garden peas had been shelled from them. "Is that grass soup?" we would ask. I quite often produce "green soup" of slightly dubious origins myself, these days, so I can now appreciate the greenness of her ways. It's a real comfort food. And not just the eating of it, or supping of it, but the act of making it. I remember retreating to the kitchen of my mother-in-law's house the day after my father-in-law died very suddenly, over 25 years ago now. We went to stay with her, with our six month old son. To try to help; to organise the funeral, make endless cups of tea for people who came in to offer condolences; to try and make sense of it all. All I could do was make soup. I chopped and stirred and added stock. I left it to simmer, tasted it, ladled it into bowls for whoever wanted some. It seemed to help. It helped me, to feel I was providing comfort, of sorts. I think I maybe even baked. There was comfort in it for me too. Just the rhythm of washing and peeling and chopping, stirring and tasting and serving. Life going on, in some small way.
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North Central Service Train No. 115 collided with the vehicle around 6:10 p.m. near Touhy Avenue and Mannheim Road, said Metra spokesman Michael Gillis. The train struck the back portion of the car, dragging it and pushing it into a tree. Two of the car's passengers were taken to Advocate Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge, while the other injured passenger was transported to Northwest Community Hospital in Arlington Heights, Gillis said. Their injuries do not appear to be life threatening. No one on the train was hurt.
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In China, the prevalence of tooth decay among 12-year-olds increased nearly 35 percent from 2005 to 2015. While most parents still believe that good dental hygiene means brushing teeth twice a day, dental professionals suggest that neglecting timely oral care after meals contributes to the problem. Wrigley’s Extra Sugar-Free Gum wanted to inspire Chinese parents to encourage their children to chew sugar-free gum after meals, which can help prevent tooth decay and improve oral health. We tapped into Chinese school children’s daily lunch routines and created the first interactive lunchbox that encourages children to practice oral hygiene after meals — Extra Care Box. The care box used artwork that playfully changes with heat and reveals cartoon characters who work together to clean their teeth. This fun activation captures children’s attention and encourages them to open a built-in compartment and chew the sugar-free gum inside it after meals, a simple reminder that helps improve their daily oral hygiene — without interrupting their playtime.
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Thanks to @Citi Foundation #ProgressMakers, Lesbia makes her career dream a reality! When Lesbia was very young, her parents made a difficult decision. They wanted a better future for their family, so they moved from Central America to the U.S. to find it. During that period, her parents were back and forth between the countries, and Lesbia rarely saw them. Six years later, she finally joined them on American soil. When she started school, Lesbia couldn’t speak English. Other kids made fun of her name. She struggled. But eventually, she learned to stop caring what other people thought. She realized that this new country held a wealth of opportunities. As time went on and they worked to adjust to the U.S., other members of Lesbia’s family found Hispanic Unity of Florida (HUF). They referred her, and after obtaining a work permit, she was able to get temporary child care assistance at HUF. HUF changed Lesbia’s life. She was supported by multiple HUF programs, including Income Support, Financial Literacy, and the Bridge Program, where she completed the Customer Service and Sales Training, as well as the Patient Care Technician EKG/Phlebotomy Training. She’s currently finishing a class in math at Sheridan Technical School, and has a bright future. Thanks to HUF, Lesbia’s family will no longer live paycheck to paycheck, and she, her husband, and her children will live better lives. The Bridge Program at Hispanic Unity opens up a world of opportunities! With the generous support of @Citi Foundation and the Community #ProgressMakers grant, program participants have access to tuition assistance for career pathways in high demand fields, including national certifications in Patient Care Technician (PCT) and Customer Service and Sales Training (CSST). Thanks to @Citi Foundation #ProgressMakers, Marisol makes her dream a reality! From Boston, to Puerto Rico, to Miami, Marisol has been following her American dream since birth. Born in Boston, she spent several years in the historic city before her family relocated to Puerto Rico, where she grew up and attended school. As an adult, Marisol made the difficult decision to move to Florida in search of a better future for her family. She sought more safety and security. Marisol was excited and deeply committed to grow and thrive in her new home! Starting fresh presented numerous challenges, however. She struggled to find work while caring for her two beloved children. Luckily, Marisol found Hispanic Unity of Florida. Her brother had participated in HUF’s Center for Working Families program and referred her. Marisol took the many opportunities offered by HUF and ran with them. She received income support through gift cards, child care assistance, hurricane relief help, and affordable housing. She also entered the Bridge Program where she became certified through HUF’s Customer Service and Sales Representative (CSR) training. Shortly thereafter, she was able to secure part-time employment. Marisol says that the training helped her be more in touch with clients and better understand their needs. The hard-working mother wanted to take things further and thrive in a new career, so she completed HUF’s Patient Care Technician Program (PCT) at Sheridan Technical College – a highly specialized training with a focus on EKG and Phlebotomy. Countless new opportunities are now available to Marisol, and she plans to move on into the Licensed Practical Nursing (LPN) Program. Eventually, she’ll work in a private practice, and she credits HUF for helping her to empower herself and help ensure her family’s successful future. The Urban Institute recently released a research report titled Upskilling the Immigrant Workforce to Meet Employer Demand for Skilled Workers. The report takes a look at the whole US but supplements its findings through site visits and interviews with a variety of stakeholders in three metro areas, Seattle, Dallas and Miami-Fort Lauderdale. Hispanic Unity of Florida (HUF) participated in the study and shared with the researchers our own insights into the work we do assisting immigrants who are both unemployed as well as, underemployed. How many of us know that Broward County’s percentage of foreign-born residents is nearly 33% – or 3 out every 10 residents? The implications are significant for our community. Our immigrant population is mostly first generation. And the needs of this population are different then communities where the immigrants are second or third generation or where the immigrants are English literate and highly educated. Local communities with large foreign born residents must invest in foundational resources to assist these immigrants in their integration – which in turn – benefits the whole community. At HUF where we serve immigrants from 30 different nations, our work is focused on English language instruction, education (for both parents and children), economic development (employment, small business creation, asset building, health and child care supports) and civic engagement. This from the research report: This diversity within the immigrant workforce—with high numbers at both ends of the educational spectrum—is important context for our focus in this report on opportunities for immigrants employed in lower- and middle-skilled jobs. At HUF, we simultaneously work with former professionals such as doctors, dentists, lawyers, etc. as well as individuals who never completed high school. This diversity within the immigrant community requires different approaches to the work community organizations such as HUF undertakes. For us, it means providing core services that are fundamental to all clients while providing “add-ons” such as information on how to have educational credentials certified for immigrants with college or advanced degrees. “One out of every six workers in the US are immigrants.” The research report’s conclusions offers guidance for all our community’s stakeholders: state and local policy makers, workforce development service providers, funders and employers. Woven throughout the report are the community based organizations that are often at the frontlines of the work with immigrants. South Florida is at full employment. Now is the time to support and address the needs of our whole community including communities of color and the immigrant community. This article was originally published on June 6, 2018 on the UnidosUS website. As of this posting, Florida is the only state in the nation to not have a federally approved accountability plan. On April 20, 2018, the Florida Department of Education (FDOE) submitted its revised Florida Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Plan to the U.S. Department of Education (USDOE). Hispanic Unity of Florida is a member of a coalition of civil rights organizations that earlier this year during Florida’s Legislative Session, proposed legislation that would align Florida’s school accountability system with the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), the largest federal law governing K-12 education. Florida’s current system neglects to factor into its school grades the test scores of many English learner (EL) and Latino students, and fails to use a native language assessment when appropriate for the 10% of Florida’s K-12 students who are learning English. Effective implementation of ESSA at the state and district level is key to ensuring that educators and ELs have the data and tools they need to become English proficient and academically successful as swiftly as possible. Under ESSA, in exchange for federal funds, states must track and report the performance of subgroups of students—racial and ethnic minorities, those from low-income families, ELs, and those with disabilities—when assessing school performance. Florida’s revised ESSA plan, however, sidesteps the intent of the federal law by bundling together the lowest-performing students regardless of subgroup. That means schools that are not meeting the needs of every subgroup can still get a passing grade, and parents are not aware. The revised Florida plan creates the new “Federal Percent of Points Earned Index” (FPPEI) of which subgroup performance and an English Language Proficiency Indicator will be components. The fact that Florida created the FPPEI is a good sign that the state recognizes its obligation to align the state’s system with federal law. The FPPEI, a new section of a Florida school’s report card, in effect creates a parallel accountability system. The calculation of a school’s grade still does not take into account subgroup performance and English language proficiency. This decision is problematic, confusing and unnecessary. What’s more, while the federal government urges states, when appropriate, to test students in their native language to better assess what they know—Florida chose not to meet this requirement, despite being home to one of the nation’s largest EL population. A recent report by UnidosUS (formerly NCLR) study highlights that Florida educates the third-largest K–12 EL population in the nation. ELs make up 10% of Florida’s student population; nearly 290,000 students. The majority of ELs—75%—in the state speak Spanish. According to recent Florida state assessment results, double-digit gaps exist in graduation rates and academic achievement between ELs and their non–EL peers. As a result of the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, it is estimated that Florida is now home to between 10,000 to 12,000 Puerto Rican students. While these students are American citizens, they also are predominately ELs. For more information about ESSA and education issues impacting the Latino community, visit unidosus.org and UnidosUS’s education-focused website, Progress Report: Ensuring the Success of All Students. Have conversations about ESSA with parents, teachers, principals, superintendents, candidates and state elected officials. Bring up the “Advocate Questions” in the conversation. Engage parents and other stakeholders in your area by hosting an ESSA meeting at your school or a community-based organization. Follow and Vote: Follow what local and statewide candidates have to say about education. Vote for candidates in the Primary Election on August 28, 2018, and the General Election, November 6, 2018 who are committed to all K-12 students. As voters we can and must make education a top campaign issue this election cycle! Learn more: LULAC Florida will host an Organizational Roundtable and Community Forum on June 15, 2018 in Miami, at the Dadeland Marriott at 5:30 p.m. To learn more about why activists are urging Secretary DeVos to reject Florida’s ESSA Plan, read this Education Week article. The Pathways to Citizenship program offers free weekly citizenship classes, assistance with the naturalization interview and application, and financial coaching. Classes are open at eight library locations: Little Havana, North Miami Beach, Homestead, Kendall, Miami, Aventura, Sunny Isles and Hialeah. For general information or registration, please visit: http://www.HUFcitizen.org or contact: (305) 562-1796. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) data shows that more than 88,000 people obtained legal permanent resident (LPR) status in South Florida in 2016. That makes our region, the third highest ranking in the country for people obtaining LPR status, following New York City and Los Angeles. In the last decade, HUF has empowered more than 12,000 aspiring citizens from more than 30 countries to achieve their goal of U.S. citizenship. In 2017, more than 5,000 eligible students attended classes at HUF and at partnering Broward and Miami-Dade libraries, and more than 30 trained volunteers contributed more than 2,300 hours as instructors last year. The Pathways to Citizenship program led by the Office of New Americans (ONA) of Miami-Dade County and Hispanic Unity of Florida, Inc. is a county-wide initiative made possible with the support from our Corporate Founding Partner Citi Community Development and the generosity of the JPMorgan Chase Foundation. Partners in Miami-Dade County include: Miami-Dade Public Library System and the City of North Miami Beach and their North Miami Beach Library. Media partners include Univision 23, UniMas 69, Amor 107.5, Mix 98.3, WQBA and Radio Mambi. The Citi Foundation today announced that Hispanic Unity of Florida (HUF) was selected as the recipient of a $500,000 grant as part of the 2018 Community Progress Makers Fund. The Fund is a $20 million, two-year initiative by the Citi Foundation to support high-impact community organizations that are driving economic opportunities in our communities, by bringing together residents, nonprofits, businesses, and municipal agencies. HUF joins a group of 40 change agents (five in south Florida) that are playing a key role in coordinating the efforts of multiple partners toward common goals and working in new ways to address urban challenges in Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami/South Florida, New York City, San Francisco Bay Area, and Washington D.C. Through the fund, HUF will have the opportunity to offer low- and moderate-income families with access to customized vocational training programs, credentials and career pathways for middle-skill jobs in high demand. by commenting on this blog and on our Facebook post. We are pleased to announce our new Board officers, as well as the full slate of Board members for 2018. Charles Tatelbaum, a Director with the Ft. Lauderdale law firm of Tripp Scott, P.A., has been elected to serve as Chair of the HUF Board of Directors. Mr. Tatelbaum has been a Board member and officer for the past five years and served as the Chair of the HUF Development Committee. He succeeds Guillermo Gomez (Woodforest National Bank) who served as the Board Chair in 2017. Rounding out the Executive Committee, are the following elected officers: Lucia Rodriguez (Comcast) as Chair-Elect; Emma Pfister (Templeton & Company) as Treasurer, and Christina Paradowski (Tripp Scott, P.A) as Secretary. Guillermo Gomez will continue to serve as an officer as Past-Chair. Mr. Tatelbaum expressed his pleasure and excitement in embarking on this opportunity to lead the Board of an organization that provides so many vital and needed services to the South Florida community. He stated that with the unique diversity of the South Florida community, he welcomes the opportunity to chair HUF’s Board of Directors so that he can be part of augmenting the services provided to the community by HUF. In addition to his more than 50 years of practice as an attorney focusing on bankruptcy and creditors’ rights issues, complex business litigation, Uniform Commercial Code transactions and lender liability litigation, Mr. Tatelbaum has been active in the South Florida community. He has served as a member (and Chair) of the Board of Friends of WLRN, a volunteer for Broward Partnership for the Homeless, as well as serving on the Board of the Florida Center for Investigative Reporting. Lucia Rodriguez (Chair-Elect) is Sr. Director of Sales and Marketing Communications at Comcast. She has more than 20 years of experience in the Television/ Telecommunications industry, with a proven-track record in Multicultural Marketing and Management. Educated in Venezuela and the United States, she holds a degree in Advertising and Public Relations from Universidad Catolica Andres Bello, and a Master’s degree in Broadcast Administration from Boston University. Emma Pfister (Treasurer) is a Partner in Templeton & Company LLP’s Tax Services Division. She has more than 30 years of experience in providing tax services, planning and consulting. She is based in the firms’ Fort Lauderdale office. A longtime resident of Broward County, she is active on the Board of the Friends for Jack & Jill Children’s Center in Fort Lauderdale and has been active in the St. Anthony Parish School in Fort Lauderdale serving in past leadership positions. Christina V. Paradowski (Secretary) is an attorney with Tripp Scott, P.A., and focuses her practice in the areas of creditors’ rights, commercial litigation, and general civil litigation. In addition to her service on HUF’s Board, she is also a member of the current Leadership Broward class (Class XXXVI), a graduate of Women Leading Broward (Class IV), and the Immediate Past President of the Broward County Gator Club (an official affiliate of the University of Florida Alumni Association). Willy Gomez (Past-Chair) has served on the Board of Hispanic Unity for three years and will remain on the Executive Board. Mr. Gomez is Florida’s Regional President for Commercial Banking at Woodforest National Bank. He is a graduate of the University of Miami. Previously, he served nine years on the Board of the Make a Wish Foundation of Southern Florida with one year as Chairman of the Board, and served on the Board of the Miami Science Museum for 12 years. HUF is proud to welcome six new members to the Board of Directors: Dr. Rolando Garcia (Broward College), Daniel Herz (DFH Business Consultants Inc.), Daphne Maingot (Crowe Horwath LLP), Angie Stone (Citrix), Daniel Schevis (Community Volunteer) and Carolina Cardozo, Esq. (attorney). Continuing in their roles as members of the Board are: Melida Akiti (Memorial Healthcare System), John Guerrero (JM Family Enterprises, Inc.), Hector Lima (Citrix), Al Quintana (Edward Jones Investments), and Steve Sampier (Community Volunteer). Catalina Avalos serves as HUF’s non-voting and pro bono legal counsel. To learn more about HUF’s volunteer leadership on the board and on its committees, contact Felina Furer at 954-862-7693 to schedule a private tour. Join us today in congratulating our 2018 Board in our Facebook page.
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A small selection of photos from games at Tech Brigade. We also have Galleries on our Tech Brigade Airsoft Facebook page and the Tech Brigade Forum. Tech Brigade "Help for Heros" charity game day group photo. The ferns can grow really tall in the summer.
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Northwest Alaska Back Country Outfitters offers discerning Fly fisherman the opportunity to tackle the worlds best fishing for Dolly Varden! Northwest of Kotzebue, Alaska, are numerous drainages entering the Chukchi Sea. These great watersheds hold Dolly Varden in the 15-20 pounds range and include the Wulik, Kivalina, and the Kelly River. The current world's record is 27.7 pounds on the Wulik River. These rivers can only be reached via bush planes and using rafts and inflatable canoes. We can arrange your flights and all of your gear. Most of these world class fish have never seen a fly and you will have the entire drainage to yourself! Call for prices and gear information. In Northwest Alaska the best time to target Dolly Varden in during the spawn which runs from the first week of August through week 3. Most of our clients land between 75-100 fish in the 15+ pound range and most groups will land a few fish over 20 pounds! All gear rentals are based on 7 day minimum trips. Read about our service in Fly fisherman Magazine. "Two rod-and-reel outfits suit the trip. Use a 5-weight for the eager grayling that are often rising, and an 8- or 10-weight outfit for char, salmon, and sheefish. Use a floating line on the 5-weight, and a multi-tip line for the heavier rod (RIO Coldwater VersiTip or Scientific Anglers Tri Tip). Bring #2-6 streamers such as Barr’s Meat Whistles (black, white, tan), #1/0 to #4 Clouser Minnows (chartreuse over white), and Egg-Sucking Bunny Leeches. Realistic egg imitations (cheese-colored, 6 to 8mm), mouse patterns, poppers, and large rubber-legged stoneflies are also valuable." SOAR 16 foot Canoes...Perfect for Dolly trips into the Brooks Range! 2018 Fall Dolly Spawn. Lots of really nice Dollies landed with the largest of the season being 38 inches! That is a big Dolly!
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Hair updo styles. Pictures of updo hairstyles. Are you looking at a more sophisticated hair updo style for your wedding or prom? If so, we have a great collection of examples that will help you find the right look. Our examples focus on women who have somewhat longer hair that can be used in dramatic fashion. Here you will find a number of updo hairstyles from those close to casual to others that push the boundaries and make an unforgettable impression. The first row of examples is highlighted by the third photo which features a complicated pinned up style, yet has enough play to make it attractive. The second photo is a great example of how bangs can be used to really highlight the face while still having the rest of the hair updo pinned back. Naturally, augmenting your hair with natural decorations such as flowers can make for a great way to set your style apart. In the second row we see more classic examples of sophisticated wedding and prom updo styles. While the first example is perfect for those with very curly hair, the third and fourth are pure classic updo’s perfect for more formal occasions. If you have long, thick hair, then you might want to try the example in the second photo to highlight your face. The third row is a great combination of pulled back styles along with loose, more casual feel. The second example does require some work and spray, but the results are perfect for weddings. For younger women, especially those attending the prom the first and fourth photos provide excellent examples of what can be done. For the final row we have another combination of both casual and pinned up hair that you can choose from when attending the wedding or prom. In particular, the third photo shows a dramatic style indeed. Portfolio 3 showcases delicate up-dos mainly for long straight hair. Picture number 1 and 2 are beautiful examples of straightforward updo’s incorporating hair accessories that are fit for the most magnificent wedding. Picture number 10 is a gorgeous and sophisticated low chignon with the hair neatly pinned back away from the face.
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Caused by pituitary adenomas, ischemic necrosis, pituitary surgery, radiation, or injury. Symptoms; hypothyroidism, hypogonadism and infertility, hypocortisolism, decreased prolactin, and decreased Growth Hormone. May also exhibit loss of lateral fields of vision owing to compression of optic chiasm. Treatment; hormone replacement, surgical removal of adenoma. Caused by pituitary lactotroph adenoma. Symptoms; Amenorrhea in women or impotence in men, infertility, galactorrhea (spontaneous flow of milk from breast). May exhibit visual disturbances due to compression of optic chasm. Treatment; Bromocriptine to suppress prolactin secretion. Surgery or radiation to remove adenoma. Caused by pituitary somatotropic adenoma. Symptoms; Gigantism in children, Acromegaly in adults; resulting in, enlargement of hands and feet, skull and mandible, weight gain, insulin resistance, hypertension, cardiomegaly and cardiac failure. Possible visual disturbances due to compression of optic chiasm. Treatment; Octreotide to decrease GH release, surgical removal of adenoma. A benign tumor that develops near the pituitary gland. Occurs most commonly in childhood. Symptoms; increased pressure on the brain, Damage to the optic nerve leading to visual disturbances. Can also lead to excessive thirst, excessive urination, and stunted growth, and diabetes insipidus. Treatment: surgical removal of the adenoma. Causes include pulmonary disorders, trauma, haemorrhage, stroke, pharmacologic agents, or pain. Also through tumors. Symptoms; fatigue and confusion, Treatment; fluid restriction, medications to reduce ADH, and fluid retention. Deficiency of ADH secretion, Symptoms; excessive and prolonged thirst, needing to urinate frequently, passing large amounts of urine. Treatment; synthetic vasopressin, low sodium diet.
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MARIKINA CITY – The Marikina City council is celebrating the Christmas season focusing on the city’s rich culture and heritage, its growing shoe and food industries, as well as the contributions of the family in its growth and development over the last three centuries. “Founded nearly 400 years ago, Marikina City has weathered a number of challenges, thanks to the strength and the unity of its people – those who were originally from Marikina and those who decided to settle here and found kinship with the locals (or “taal na Marikeño” in Filipino),” the local government said in a statement. The significance of unity will take the center stage in these festivals. Dubbed as Experience Marikina, the local government has lined up numerous activities to celebrate its three major festivals in the last two months of the year: the Sapatos Festival, the Rehiyon, Rehiyon, and the Christmas Festival. The city will also commemorate the 22nd year since it became a chartered city on December 8, 1996. “United ang theme ng celebrations ng mga festival sa Marikina. Iyan ang vision ni Mayor Marcy na i-institutionalize ang lahat ng city events. So naging tagni-tagni siya in tune with the overall direction, which is to give emphasis and importance to family, culture, heritage, shoes, and food,” Winnie Mariano, city events manager, said in an interview. Among the highlights of the Sapatos Festival will be the shoe bazaar that will run from November 12 to January 6 at the Freedom Park, right across the Marikina City Hall. Over 50 manufacturers from Marikina will be selling their products – shoes, bags, belts, wallets, and other accessories at attractive prices. Marikina is best known as the Shoe Capital of the Philippines because it was here where the first pair of shoes was made in 1887, paving the way for the inception of a vibrant shoe industry known for its high quality craftsmanship, durability, and comfort. Rehiyon, Rehiyon Festival, on the other hand, will honor those who came from other places in the country and settled in the city, becoming Marikeños in the process as they successfully assimilated with the locals and absorbed their tradition, culture, heritage, values and ways of life. Lastly, the Christmas Festival, which started with the installation of Christmas lights and lanterns on the riverbank, streets, parks and other places in Marikina, will feature a concert comprised of local artists and bands and ending with a fireworks display will be held on December 30 at the Marikina Sports Center.
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Replies: 2 (Who?), Viewed: 4642 times. #1 10th Sep 2018 at 5:44 PM Last edited by PolarBearSims : 20th Feb 2019 at 10:49 PM. I started this challenge on my youtube and you can find that HERE if you would like to watch it. I had an idea to do a challenge where my sim had to build everything for the town. So I started googling to see if there was any challenges already out there that did what I was looking for. A few that I found wasn't really what I was looking for. I wanted to also create all the rabbit hole lots along with the residential lots with out having to move into each house and leave other sims behind. I didn't want to have to repopulate the whole town with just my sim either so I decided to create my own. So here is what I have come up with so far. I was requested to write down the rules for this challenge so here are the challenge rules! Your sim has come from an over crowded town with lots of noise and pollution. They have traveled far away from any civilization and has settled here to start over from scratch. This area has no buildings, no houses and no residents. This is a great place for your sim to start over in life and build everything from scratch from the ground up. Pick any world you like and go into Edit Town and delete every house and building. This includes any rabbit holes. Pick your sim either by creating new or a preexisting one. Your lifespan can be what ever you want, I suggest a long one. I'm using a fairy so I have a very long life span. Your sim will not have a job to start out with so you will need to make money in other ways like fishing, searching for flowers or gems to sell. Once your sim has some money you can do other things to make money as well like painting, photography, writing for example. Once some job buildings are placed you can have your sim have a job along with previous mentions of money making activities. Your sim can buy properties or become business owners to make money as well. ~When you build the house to rent, you don't need to build with your own money otherwise your sim will end up spending double the cost. Build the house then go in and have your sim rent it out. ~Once a residential lot has been created for a certain category, you can add to it later as long as it doesn't take it out of it's original category; for example: a starter home changing to a family home. There can be NO residents living in the town until there is a house sufficient enough for them to live. For example: must have fridge, toilet, bed and shower/tub along with all flooring and wallpapers in the home as well. Once there is a place for a sim to move in, you can move any sim in you want or an immigrant can move in. No Immigrants are aloud to move into any empty lots so make sure they are all set to no visitors until a residential lot is built. All community and residential lots must be built by your sim. All Parks must be built by your sim. All active job's that need a building need to be built by your sim. Your sim can have any personal life you choose. Once there are residents living in your town, your sim can date, get married, have children or your sim can live alone for their entire life. However you choose. Any community lot can be combined with another community lot. For example, a tattoo parlor can be built with a salon. More than two can be built together which comes in handy when your not working with very many lots in the world or it's a small island. If you do not have an expansion pack that has one of the requirement builds listed above that is okay. You can only fail the challenge if one thing were to happen, your sim dies before the above requirements are met. There is a possibility of any of these rules changing as I go along in my video series as I have not tested out this challenge. Any ideas or suggestions or if I missed anything in the rules are welcome! Let me know how this challenge is going for you! I started a game similar to this and had to place a few community lots and my town's main library has a city hall rabbit hole rug for editing the chances of alien abductions resulting in pregnancies.I placed skill requiremnents for aditional building and they also have to build their house first before any other buildings get built in edit town.I also did require lots for new families to have a mailbox,trash bin. wall section,burglar alarm,fire alarm,sleeping bags and laptop computers though cheap ones.The founders have to get a house built before winter arrives and survive their first winter before adding to their house and they also have to start growing plants on their lot before the second winter and new families could begin arriving the following year in late spring or early summer.I allow chess tables and martial arts equipment to start showing up after a second household is in town.Building is based on donations on community lots or taxes collected from incomes. I made a change in the rules when it comes to building the house you want to rent out to your town.
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Read the full report and discover why PTC’s PLM is the right solution for your organization. With its comprehensive solution portfolio, PTC received strong ratings for its sophisticated technology platform, competitive differentiation strategy, application diversity, ease of deployment and use, and its overall customer impact. Based on its strong overall ratings from these categories, PTC is the clear technology leader in the global PLM market.
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Our #CarerConversations toolkit is now available to help you get involved with Carers Week 11 - 17 June 2018. Carers Week is the national celebration of unpaid carers’ contribution to our communities. Over 33,000 people care for a friend, relative or neighbour due to illness, disability or old age in the borough of Croydon alone. Organisations, individuals, businesses and community groups can now download free resources, including posters, pledges, flyers and Facebook and Twitter graphics to help start #CarerConversations in Croydon. You can also find useful tips and guidance on the national Carers Week website. For more information about Carers Week at the Carers Support Centre and #CarerConversations, email our Communications Officer on [email protected].
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This section provides a tutorial example on how to call an RPC method defined a WSDL 1.1 document with SOAP 1.1 binding. I used the local version of my WSDL document, c:/herong/GetExchangeRate_WSDL_11_SOAP_11_RPC.wsdl. The online version at http://www.herongyang.com/Service/ GetExchangeRate_WSDL_11_SOAP_11_RPC.wsdl gives me an access problem because the site does not like Perl HTTP client agent. I used readable('true') to make the SOAP request XML message is nice format. SOAP::Lite does allow you to make an RPC call through a WSDL document like a local method call: GetExchangeRate('USD', 'JPY', '2007-07-07'). SOAP::Lite is smart to convert the RPC call into a SOAP request message. SOAP::Lite is smart to provide type information xsi:type="..." to support message encoding. SOAP::Lite is smart to pick up the return value from the SOAP response message. SOAP::Lite is not smart to follow the parts="fromCurrencyPart toCurrencyPart datePart" specified in the WSDL document to order the parameters. It follows the original order of how these message parts were defined in the WSDL document. To correct the issue, you need to make the call like this: GetExchangeRate('2007-07-07', 'USD', 'JPY'). Conclusion, SOAP::Lite 0.710 does not support the parts="..." of the "soap:body" WSDL statement.
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He’s a funny little thing from Amanda Palmer. Be sure to play the video; it’s quite cute. Amusingly, I tried to find it on YouTube and it wouldn’t let me access it without an account because it had been flagged as “mature” by users. Really, what is so mature about this. It’s just a naked women. I really wish people would just get over it. Some neurotic person somewhere has a problem with the human body that affects the rest of us. I want to start flagging as offensive all those beer ads, car ads, makeup ads, and a million and one things that give a far more damaging message to children than this cute, funny video.
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It's safe to say that the past two weeks have been the most difficult that Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and the Labour-led Government have faced. Between the sexual assaults at a Young Labour summer camp, the entire Russia fiasco, Ron Mark melting down over defence force flights, Jenny Salesa's Ministerial spending, criticism that not enough was being down to help the Nelson and Tasman regions in their recovery from Cyclone Gita, the Green Party ambushing Labour by announcing they were gifting questions to National, and Shane Jones repeatedly shoving his foot in his mouth over Air New Zealand, there's a lot that's been going wrong lately. The public relations triumph that was Ardern's Waitangi visit must seem like an age ago, while the successful Pacific Mission has completely vanished from view. Despite all that, when the next round of political polling is released I don't expect to see any significant change from what we saw in February. I'd expect to see Labour in the mid to high 40s, National in the mid to low 40s, and the Greens and New Zealand First struggling to reach 5 per cent. The main reason for this is that Ardern hasn't been personally responsible for many of the issues that have played out and, where she has, they've mostly been on things that I don't think are necessarily going to sway voters. That, combined with her personal popularity, will mean that while Ardern has burnt some political capital fighting fires, she still has a deep well of support to call on. The Labour Party's seemingly terrible handling of the sexual assaults at the Waihi camp will reflect badly on Labour's General Secretary Andrew Kirton, but as Ardern was only briefly at the camp delivering a speech, and had nothing to do with its organisation or the events in question, I doubt any voters will hold her responsible for it. A test may come further down the line when Labour's own internal investigation is complete if it finds significant failings on the part of the party organisation and Ardern doesn't demand that someone takes personal responsibility, but that's hard to preempt given there's a lot of water to go under the bridge. The Russia fiasco - Winston Peters' alternative facts on Russian interference with the US election and Russian involvement in the downing of MH17, the bizarre focus of Peters on a Russian free trade deal, and the ham-fisted attempt by the Government to first condemn the Salisbury attack without blaming Russia, then several days later finally managing to step into line with our allies and blame Russia, as well as Ardern's bungled attempts to spin away that foreign policy disaster - while a bad look generally for Ardern and Peters, isn't the type of issue that will sway votes, even if it has lead to some questioning within the beltway of Ardern's own judgement and Peters' motives. What has been interesting is that the Russia saga played out over 11 days. If a day is a long time in politics, then 11 days is an eternity for an issue like this to run its initial course. There's possibly more to come in this space, which could start to erode voter confidence in the Government's foreign policy and security credentials. Ron Mark's defence force flights and Jenny Salesa's ministerial spending are similarly both minor issues. In the bigger scheme of things both are relatively minor issues. While Mark hasn't handled the pressure being questioned about the flights put him under particularly well, Ardern did the requisite telling off of Salesa and unless it becomes a pattern of overspend, the matter will rest there. One thing that will nag at Labour's recovery of support in the regions, at least in the top of the South Island, has been the Government's sluggish response to Cyclone Gita in Nelson and Tasman. It took nearly three weeks after Cyclone Gita hit New Zealand for the Government to announce any meaningful assistance for businesses cut off by the storm. And unlike the flooding in Edgecumbe, which prompted a Prime Ministerial visit from Bill English to see first hand what had unfolded, the residents of Takaka and the surrounding areas still haven't seen or heard from Ardern. Not that anyone is suggesting a Prime Minister visiting is somehow going to magically undo the damage done by a given disaster, but it usually serves as both a way to boost morale in the affected communities, as well as to highlight the ongoing importance of the recovery to Government agencies to ensure they keep their efforts up. The Green Party surprising everyone by gifting questions in Question Time to National has been an interesting issue to follow the reaction to. While it feeds the Opposition's narrative that not all is well and cozy on the Government benches, any consequential reaction to it seems to be more directed at the Green Party over it, both supportive of the move and in opposition to it. While headlines of the Greens doing a deal with National aren't helpful to Labour, it seems unlikely this will translate into the polls either. Finally, there was Shane Jones' attack on Air New Zealand. It kicked off on Friday and didn't end until Ardern finally hauled Jones back into line during Question Time on Wednesday. Jones' comments caused some concern in both the beltway and business community, as did Ardern's initial backing of Jones. Outside of the beltway, Jones' comments will have played well. Towards the end of the past two weeks Ardern was getting visibly frustrated with both media questioning and Opposition attacks. In part this will stem from this being the first time her Government has been hauled over the coals for a significant length of time. But no doubt a lot of her annoyance will come from the fact that most of the problems she's been having to deal with aren't ones that she's been responsible for, barring her poor handling of the Russia issue. The rough patch is set to continue too. With the Select Committee submissions soon to be heard on the Electoral Integrity Amendment Bill, there will be a stream of negative headlines about the Government pushing that Bill through, as well as the Green Party's support for it. There's also lingering questions around Winston Peters' infatuation with Putin's Russia. It shouldn't escape anyone's notice that New Zealand First, who are struggling badly in polls, have been the source of three of the issues that have dogged the Government in the past two weeks. Shane Jones' comments are perhaps the most interesting in this regard, as they point towards New Zealand First taking a much more vocal stand on issues that might not always sit well with the responsibilities and requirements of occupying the Government benches. The good news for Labour is that with Easter fast approaching, and beyond that the beginning of pre-Budget announcements, the Government does have an opportunity to start setting the news agenda rather than reacting to it.
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After a night raiding two instances, killing Chimaeron and Cho’gall, we took a nice relaxing break to the waters of Vashj’ir. However it turned out Doug had a sinister plan for the spot as he immediately turned his attention to the Whale Shark swimming around. Many insisted that we’re gonna need a bigger boat, but channeling his inner Ahab he went ahead and aided by Ds, Runningfree, Lurppis, Hvid, Morgain, Sunblazer and Marijana the shark was kited to death to complete From Hell’s Heart I Stab at Thee. Disappointing to find out he didn’t have any loot. Guess we should have read the achievement more closely.. Congratulations to Sunblazer who after several lockouts in Icecrown Citadel completed the quest to get Shadowmourne on Sunday. Later in the evening we went and killed Yogg-Saron. Since there was no keepers to help us Mimiron’s head dropped. Doug was the lucky roller and despite several lucrative offers did not want to give or sell head. A group of nam raiders completed all the quests of Glory of the Icecrown Raider (10) and received their new Bloodbathed Frostbrood Vanquisher. Faisst most kindly agreed to pose for the camera.
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The madness of the 2012 NBA Draft, from Dion Waiters' rise to Kentucky's historic six-man draft class. As always, the NBA Draft started at breakneck speed. Commissioner David Stern came out from behind his almighty Oz curtain and was greeted as he has been for years — with aggressive booing from the Prudential Center crowd. “Thank you for the warm reception,” Stern said, in a tone normally reserved for Jim Rome. From there, the parade of bad suits, embarrassing family and awkward TV could not be stopped.
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The Institute of Preventive Medicine Environmental and Occupational Health - Prolepsis is a civil non for profit organization which was established in 1990 in Athens, Greece. With a strong belief in health being a fundamental right, Prolepsis has undertaken a leading role in the field of public health, by designing and implementing initiatives on various health issues and in different sectors targeting a wide range of audiences, such as children and adolescents, women, senior citizens, migrants and refugees, different types of occupational groups, such as health professionals, as well as policy makers, other NGOs and decision makers. Prolepsis Institute has initiated and collaborated on a diverse range of public health projects that operate on national, European and international levels. The majority of the implemented initiatives entail multifaceted objectives and activities, including research protocols, critical analysis and literature reviews, epidemiological studies, statistical analysis, development of technical guidance and educative resource materials, training and education of groups/professionals on topics related to preventive medicine as well as collection and dissemination of information. The Institute also designs and implements wide scale health promotion programs tackling important health related problems such as obesity, smoking and alcohol. During the years Prolepsis has led or participated in projects and initiatives that deal with migrant and refugee health such as the EU-funded project on the promotion of vaccinations for migrant populations in Europe – the PROMOVAX project. Moreover, Prolepsis participated in the “Sunia Geel” project, which was a response to the need to protect women and children against all forms of violence, focused on domestic violence, in particular within minority groups and migrants population. Prolepsis has also organized the Pan-European Conference on the “Integration of Immigrants: Good practices in the sectors of Health, Welfare & Social Security” in Greece (6/2011). CARDET is one of the leading research and training centres in the eastern Mediterranean region with global expertise in project design and implementation, project management, training, and e-learning. CARDET has completed numerous projects relating to the development of adult and vocational training initiatives in the areas of financial literacy, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Members of its team and board represent European and International Higher education institutions, training centres and international organizations, and have in-depth knowledge of the adult training sector, social justice, e-learning approaches, and social progress. CARDET brings together an international team of experts with decades of global expertise in adult training, capacity building, curriculum development, social entrepreneurship, vocational training, design thinking, innovation, education research, evaluation, and human resource development. Members of the CARDET team have successfully participated in more than 200 projects in more than 30 countries, several of which were supported by the European Commission, the United Nations Development Program, Microsoft, the Commonwealth of Learning, international agencies, and governments from around the world. The EHESP French School of Public Health is the leading school of public health in France. EHESP trains top senior public sector, health and social services managers, inspectors and controllers ; it provides postgraduate and doctoral education and conducts research in all major disciplines linked to public health. Thus, EHESP offers a unique combination of professional and research based training courses in French and English language and leads a multidisciplinary network of graduate schools. Ninety lecturers, grouped into 4 departments, provide training for senior management in health and welfare services, in a national and international context (training programs for healthcare professionals, Masters, post-masters, doctoral degrees and Institution-specific Diplomas). EHESP also offers certificates and more than 400 “short” training programs both in class setting and through distance learning, as well as training courses tailored to the needs of each facility, that are updated each year in various public health fields. Besides, EHESP offers preparatory courses for civil service examinations. The relevance and quality of teaching are an integral part of applied research. Research is carried out by 2 joint labs and 2 research teams, 1 environmental health research laboratory (LERES), research chairs in partnership and a doctoral network. The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) is a research-oriented pub-lic university covering a wide spectrum of scientific fields. Its vision is to promote excel-lence in education and innovation in research, scholarly and other creative endeavours and also be actively involved with local, national and global communities. Inaugurated in 1837 under the original name “Othonian University”, it is the oldest high-er education institution of the modern Greek state and the first university in the Balkan and Eastern Mediterranean area. In 1932 it was formally renamed as “The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens”, a public, self-governed legal entity, under the auspi-ces of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs. The University consists of eight (8) Schools — Theology; Law; Economics and Political Sciences; Philosophy; Sciences; Health Sciences, Education, Physical Education and Sport Science — and thirty three (33) Departments. Each department offers one Bache-lor’s degree, postgraduate and doctoral programmes. The mission of the NKUA is to advance knowledge and education in sciences and arts. In all academic units our researchers and faculty strive for innovation and seek to de-velop the passion for excellence as well as the ability to think critically, to contribute in research and innovation and to public policy-making. Internationalization of the Univer-sity and its openness towards our stakeholders is key to collaborating effectively with other institutions and organisations - national and international. The aim at NKUA is to maximize the benefits of research by advancing fundamental knowledge and contributing to improved public policy, better health outcomes, economic prosperity, social cohesion, international development, community identity, the arts, cul-ture and the quality of life. Research and innovation are integral to academic excellence and a is a priority for the academic community, thus promoting the publication of re-search results in scientific journals, at academic conferences, contribution to books/monographs/chapters in edited volumes and book reviews, etc. NKUA collabo-rates with leading university networks, public sector bodies and business sector units – in Greece and internationally. The Central Union of Greek Municipalities (KEDE) is a legal entity of private law representing the first level of self governance in Greece (municipalities). It was established in 1927 during the first Conference of the Mayors of Greece. KEDE holds its headquarters in the centre of Athens and employees 35 persons in a modern building with all the necessary equipment to hold official international meetings. It also has scientific advisory bodies: the Hellenic Agency of Local Development and Local Government (EETAA) / Information-Training- Local Development SA (PETA) and the Institute of Local Government (ITA). KEDE also works in the level of its thematic committees that apply for relevant decisions to the administrative board after the discussions held within their framework on several topics concerning local self-governance such as : civil society, employment and social economy, education and Youth, health and social caring, insularity and mountain areas policy, institutions and equality, rural development, spatial planning, e-governance, National Strategic Reference Framework 2014-2020 ect. The registered association Ethno-Medical Centre (Ethno-Medizinisches Zentrum e.V., short: EMZ) is a German non-profit organization operating nationwide and internationally. The EMZ aims at connecting people with different professional, cultural and social backgrounds. As a centre of excellence for health and social inclusion, the EMZ makes healthcare and educational systems more accessible to migrants and refugees. It promotes and supports refugees’, migrant laborers’ and ethnic minorities’ health. It is based in Hanover (Germany) and was founded in 1989. Its members, board and staff are mainly composed of people with migration background, various actors in the sphere of public health, as well as medical research and teaching. Its mission is the empowerment and integration of migrants in the fields of health, social affairs, labor and education. The association also consolidates the competence of intercultural actions of institutions and health professionals by providing training, research and publications. The EMZ was the first non-governmental organization in Germany implementing programmes on migrant and refugee health in the early 1990s, including the first professional community interpreter service in Germany. The core activity of the EMZ is the project “Health ¬– with Migrants for Migrants in Europe” (MiMi) (see also below). The MiMi project is improving migrants’ and refugees’ access to health services by increasing their health literacy and by capacity building in the field of public health. MiMi´s key technology for social inclusion includes executive education for intercultural mediators, health campaigns in migrant communities, multilingual health guides to explain health systems, related health topics or healthy life styles, networking and evaluation. It is conducted in more than 15 languages and has been implemented in more than 70 cities throughout Europe. The project was subject to a WHO case study and won various awards (e.g. Future Award, Sustainability Award, Prevention Award and Quality Award, European Health Award in 2015). The EMZ and its work is funded by local and governmental authorities like the German Health Ministry, the Ministry for Social Affairs, Health and Equality of Lower Saxony, the City and Region of Hanover, the Bavarian State Ministry for Health and Care, the Schleswig- Holstein Ministry for Social Affairs and Health, and the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. Furthermore, it receives funding by health insurance funds (“BKK Betriebskrankenkassen” – Federal association for the statutory health insurers), the German Pension Insurance and by several private companies and foundations. From 2008-2011 the EMZ was leading partner of the EAHC project Aids&Mobility Europe. Kopin works for human rights and children’s rights with the aim to empower its beneficiaries as key agents for social change and advancement. It is a hybrid, operating in three interconnected fields: international sustainable development cooperation, refugee support and education. Set up 16 years ago, it is one of the few professional NGOs working in the human rights field in Malta. It is supervised by a Board of five members, managed by an executive team, has five employees and around 20 volunteers and interns. Kopin’s team is made up of professionals with diverse backgrounds providing an innovative package of services – Kopin supports marginalised communities where other institutions struggle and provides its services in a sustainable way, is a main provider of Development Education in Malta and one of the few Maltese entities focusing on children’s rights. The organisation is a partner of over 100 institutions in Malta, across Europe and East Africa, ranging from NGOs to ministries, local authorities, universities and international organisations. Kopin envisions a global and inclusive society, where citizens are equally empowered to contribute to a world that is free of poverty and any other forms of injustice. Monitoring political processes and engaging in policy dialogue with decision makers to influence the debate on Maltese and European policies related to development, migration and children’s rights. Kopin is legally registered with the Office of the Commissioner for Voluntary Organisations (VO/0200). EKEPY’s areas of intervention are, in a few words, Crisis Management in the Health Sector, Accidents and Devastations, Pre-Hospital Health Care, In-Hospital Health Care, Primary Care. After the recent refugee crisis, EKEPY has been named as the main public body that coordinates all health care units and NGOs, in every official or unofficial refugee camp all over Greece. NaHOC will contribute in the dissemination strategy by offering to the Consortium to benefit from the organization of continuous targeted meetings under the auspices of the Greek Ministry of Health. These meetings will include presidents and directors from all health sector organizations (Health Regions, Public Hospitals, Private Sector’s Hospitals and Medical Schools & Universities) and also representatives from authorities, organizations and NGOs that deal with refugees and migrants. Finally we will be assisting in the development of scientific publications to relevant journals if the results allow for that. The Research Institute on Social Welfare Policy (POLIBIENESTAR) is one of the research institutes at University of Valencia. Well-known internationally, its main research areas are innovation in social technology, technical advising and training in the social policy field. Polibienestar is made up of an interdisciplinary team led by Jorge Garcés Ferrer, and more than 100 researchers shape the team. They come from University of Valencia and other 7 Spanish universities and three international universities. It has been doing both basic and applied research on the economic, social, political and technical sustainability aspects of welfare systems. Furthermore, Polibienestar has been advising both the Administration and private companies on the planning, design and implementation of social welfare and sustainable resources and policies. Areas of research: Health and Social policies, Vulnerable groups, Governance and public administrations, Corporate economics, Smart Cities, Tourism. Oxfam is one of the most important international confederations in the world specializing in humanitarian aid and development projects, consisting of 17 organizations from different countries who work with 3,000 local partners in over 90 countries to find lasting solutions to poverty and injustice. Oxfam Italy, which acceded in 2010 to the international confederation of Oxfam, was created by Ucodep, an Italian non-governmental organization, which for over 30 years is fighting to improve the living conditions of thousands of poor people in the world and give them the power and the 'energy to build their own future, to control and direct. Oxfam Italy has chosen an integrated approach between development programs and emergency interventions, campaigns and educational initiatives to improve the living conditions of thousands of people in the world by allowing them to exercise their rights and to build a decent future. The Region of Sterea Ellada is the second larger Greek region, located in the centre of the country, with major motorway and railway axes connecting North and South Greece. At North it shares borders with Thessaly, at West with Western Greece and at South with Attica. It is surrounded by the Aegean Sea and the Gulf of Evia at the east and by the Corinthian Gulf at the South. The Region has a population of 546.870 inhabitants, corresponding to 5.07% of the total population of the country. The 33% of the population in Sterea Ellada is urban, concentrated mainly in the departments of Euvoia (210.210 inhabitants) and Fthiotitda (158.220 inhabitants), the 15% is semi-urban and the 52% is rural. Sterea Ellada occupies a total area of 15,549 sq. km., corresponding to 11,8% of the total area of Greece and consists of 735,8 million hectares of mountain area, 497,1 million hectares of semi-mountainous area and 322,2 million hectares of lowland area. The two main islands of the Region, Evia and Skyros, are pole of tourist attraction. Sterea Ellada is the industrial centre of Greece, nevertheless it has rural areas too. It is worth noting that only 3% of the total area is residential. The main mountainous area of Sterea Ellada is formed around its centre. Forests cover the 25% of the total regional area, while 2% is covered by water. The cultivated areas of the region occupy the 26% of total area, while the 43% is used in farming activities. The Region is rich in special and rare ecosystems; 18 special environmental sites of the Region are being protected according to the NATURA 2000 framework, while there are 3 Special Protection Areas. Sterea Ellada is famous for its world-renown hot springs and spa. Τhe share of the population that is economically active is 33%, from of which 9,4 % works in the primary sector, 51,5% in the secondary sector and 42,1 % in the tertiary sector. The unemployment rate accounts for the 16,1% of the population and lies slightly above the national average. Immigration flows have importantly affected the demography of the region, as the immigrants’ share in the composition of the regional population accounts for 8%, one of the highest in Greece. Due to favorable conditions and because of its proximity to Attiki, the Region of Sterea Ellada has emerged as one of the industrial centres of Greece with important industrial and manufacturing activities, accounting for the 46% of the regional GDP. Moreover, activites related to the tertiary sector account for the 43% of the regional GDP and gravitate mostly real estate and public services. The tourism sector, on the other hand, counts up only for the 4,4% of the regional GDP and is less developed than the national average, however, it has great potential for further growth due to the region’s natural hot springs and spa (Kamena Vourla, Edipsos), archaeological sites and geographic location. The agricultural sector counts up only for the 8% percent of the regional GDP% and is estimated to be subject of further decline in the future. Rural activities concentrate in the production of olive oil, wheat, fruits and vegetables, as well as in the breeding of livestock. Numerous agricultural products of the Region have been enlisted in the Protected Designation Origin EU scheme, such as, the Olives of Stylida, Konservolia of Amfissa and Atalanti, Katiki Domokou (goat cheese), Formaela (goat cheese),Fistiki of Ftiotida and Dry Figs of Kimi. The Region interconnects North and South Greece, not only geographically, but also with major infrastructure and motorways. It is crossed by the main road and rail axes in Greece, also included in the wider European Network of Transports. The transport network of the Sterea Ellada is supported by small regional ports, straits and marinas, yet of low capacity but with potential of further development. Moreover, the location of Sterea Ellada in the centre of Greece provides great potential for the development of a strong transportation network. Uppsala University, founded in 1477, is the oldest university in Sweden and all Nordic countries. It ranks among the world's 100 best universities in several high-profile international rankings. The university has nine faculties with various programmes including more than 40,000 students with international frontline research at nine faculties and a variety of diverse educational choices at Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD levels. The Department of Sociology at Uppsala University is the oldest department of sociology in Sweden. Its main subjects are Sociology and Social psychology. Undergraduate education is also offered in Sociology. Verein Multikulturell – Tyrolean Integration Centre is a non-governmental organisation founded in 1993. We aim to enhance the intercultural dialogue and education. Our main objective is to promote the professional, social and cultural integration of migrants. Our association actively promotes the social and professional skills of migrants in collaboration with the government and other state institutions (such as the Chamber of Commerce), job centres, schools as well as social organizations and societies. Throughout the years, we have gained tremendous experience in designing and leading national as well as international projects or in taking up the active role of a transnational project partner. The National Center for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases (NCIPD) is a national institution with the status of scientific organization under the Ministry of Health, which aims to develop the scientific foundations of the fight against infectious diseases and methods for its implementation. This determines intensive research regarding ethiology, pathogenesis, immune reactivity, epidemiological characteristics, laboratory diagnostics, treatment and prophylactics of bacterial and viral infections (including nosocomial) and parasitic invasions. NCIPD is the only non-tertiary institution in the country that is accredited since 1999 by the National Agency for Assessment and Accreditation Agency (NEAA) Council of Ministers as a university in the field of infectology with rights to train students and conduct postgraduate training in epidemiology, microbiology, virology, parasitology and immunology and allergy. Long tradition is annually organized dozens of training courses for specialists from home and abroad with several hundred participants. In NCIPD are all National Reference Laboratory (NRL) in various bacterial, viral and parasitic infections, united in so Laboratory test Complex (LTC), which is only for now in our country accredited by the Bulgarian Accreditation Service (BAS) in 2003 under the European requirements of standard BS ISO EN 17025 for high quality work. 1998 NRL are under constant international external laboratory control of the German accreditation system Instand. NCIPD by national reference laboratories from 1998 held a national external laboratory quality control of laboratory diagnostics performed by all microbiology, virology and parasitology laboratories in the country, with a successful result enables them to conclude contracts with the NHIF. 2007 NCIPD was declared a Collaborating Centre of the World Health Organization (WHO) of the United Nations on epidemiological surveillance of communicable diseases and antibiotic resistance with the task of responding to these trends and training of personnel for the countries of South East Europe and Asian countries former USSR. In 2007, the National Inspectorate was set by the European Centre for Disease Control (ECDC) in Stockholm as a leading responsible national organization etc. "National competent body" in the field of infectious and parasitic diseases. NCIPD, together with the Ministry of Health, performs daily broad anti-epidemic and organizational -metodichna work with highly skilled and expert advice, specialized laboratory diagnostics, organization of workshops, seminars, etc., The issue of specialized scientific and applied scientific journals as Infectology, Problems of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, newsletter and other informational and educational materials. In NCIPD is performed laboratory and production activities of several original biological preparations for the needs of our healthcare and export: allergenic products for the diagnosis and immunotherapy of allergic diseases, monoclonal antibodies to determine the blood group substances and lymphocyte markers and preparations for the diagnosis of parasitic invasions. They are produced under conditions of Good Practice has been manufactured according to requirements of the European Pharmacopoeia and standard ISO 9001/9000. NCIPD carried out extensive international cooperation in research activities, postgraduate education and anti-surveillance of communicable diseases with WHO, ETSKZ, the Global Fund at the United Nations, European Union programs Phare, Copernicus, Interreg, Tempus, NATO and a number of foreign universities and institutes on a bilateral or multilateral basis. All exposed convincingly shows the very important and responsible position that occupies NCIPD in national and international health systems and fully corresponds to the motto adopted and implemented daily by its employees: "In the name of science - for the good of the people." NCIPD is the oldest scientific-practical institute in the field of healthcare in Bulgaria. Created in 1881, immediately after the Liberation of Bulgaria from Ottoman rule, it was the beginning of the modern fight against infectious and parasitic diseases in the country on the basis of the latest achievements of world science. Contributes significantly in this regard the construction and equipment of this building NCIPD with financial support from the Rockefeller Foundation in 1932-1935. Passed more than 125 years of development, won over the years large national and international reputation NCIPD today is a major national unit in the field of health collaborators who develop the scientific foundations and methodological approaches for successful control of communicable diseases - their ethion-pathogenesis , epidemiology, laboratory diagnostics, immunotherapy and specific and non-specific immunization, according to the latest achievements of science and requirements of the WHO and the European Union. In this regard they have contributed very long tradition, continuity, broad international contacts and many good laboratory facilities in NCIPD, as well as high requirements for specialists working in it. All this makes today NCIPD very authoritative and respected national and international research and applied research institution. Special mention should be made of complex, multidisciplinary approach to solve all scientific and practical problems and tasks in the fight against infectious and parasitic diseases based on close cooperation of specialists from different fields: epidemiologists, microbiologists, virologists, parasitologists, immunologists, chemists, biochemists, veterinarians and others working in the National Inspectorate, which is a guarantee of success. Production of certain biological products for the diagnosis, treatment and immunization.
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I was watching TV with Devin the other day and we were watching some of the filler programing between shows on PBS. We don't have cable so the only kids shows the kids can watch outside of Saturday morning is on PBS and TVO. Rather than have commercials these networks show these short 2 minute filler … Continue reading Humanism on PBS?
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osk@rbiddl3 lovely. Im very happy I stumbled over this by accident Favorite track: The Longest Road. Gal Leshem A display of different mellow moments. Favorite track: Clouds. Aaron What an inspired session. This is beautiful, timeless music. Would love to hear more from this group.
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Hot Mess to Mindful Mom is a new book written by Ali Katz. It provided me with what I believe every mom is searching for. I have been on a journey to discover who I am as a mom and how to be a present and mindful mom from the day my first daughter was born. At age 48, now a mom of three teenager daughters, I am still on that journey and always searching for ways to simplify and appreciate the time I spend with them. Ali Katz has given me valuable tips and direction that I can use as I continue my journey. This book focuses on ways for a mom to explore herself and take care of herself in order to find balance and give her best self to her own children. By using certain tips and principles, through meditation, personal experiences and simple acts of kindness to name a few details in the book, Hot Mess to Mindful Mom enabled me to become even more realistic and mindful. By relating to some of Ali’s experiences I felt engaged with her like I was having a personal conversation with a fellow mom. She is very forthcoming and helpful in showing me new ways to explore something deeper. I truly believe she gave me valuable information and techniques that I can use to strengthen myself as a mom. I was familiar with many challenges Ali faced on her own journey and she was able to fill me with great advice and help. Ali expresses so openly how she has learned to be grateful and forgiving. This allowed her and will allow other moms to overcome fears and doubts and to become happier, which in turn, helps them become better moms. As shown in the book, every mom is on a journey from the day the child arrives and never ends. Ali Katz, in her book a Hot Mess to a Mindful Mom, we get to experience her journey and learn, as she did, how to grow deeper in ourselves and become a little bit better each and every day in order to enjoy the simple times with our children and spread our happiness to them. Hot Mess to Mindful Mom is available at amazon.com. This guest post is by Kelley Beckham.
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The Telemetry Distribution Board is a very useful addition when you have multiple devices to connect to your telemetry output, with this distribution board you can separate RX/TX signals between multiple devices like Minim OSD, IO Board, Radio modems etc. The Telemetry Board connects to your MAVLink (ArduPilot Mega) capable Flight Controller and you can easily connect several devices without having the problems of splicing and soldering the wires together. The Telemetry Distribution Board has IN / OUT connectors as DF13-5P and 3 x 4 pin headers. If you have OSD and or IO Board connected and no telemetry modem, you can leave small jumper on. If you have OSD and or IO Board and telemetry modem connected, take out jumper to have normal operation on telemetry modems. 1 x Assembled jD-Telemetry board. 1 x 10cm extension cable.
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Every quarter we will be publishing the winning and highly commended Flash Fiction entries in our Short Fiction section. Please see below for further details on the awards, general criteria, judges, and the submission link. Following a conversation with Kit de Waal (interview with TSS here), we are happy to announce that submission fees for the Flash Fiction 400 competition will be waived for any writers from marginalised and disadvantaged communities, or anyone suffering from economic hardship. For further details please click here. Results: longlist announced mid-April. Winners and Highly Commended in late April / early May. Highly Commended: Up to five further flash fictions will be highly commended and published online. They will also receive £25 each. All 1st place winners will be nominated for the Best Small Fiction Awards. All winners (1st, 2nd, 3rd) will be published in a chapboook within 12 months of the spring competition. All winners (1st, 2nd, 3rd) will be interviewed, by TSS Publishing, about their flash fiction and their writing more generally. Please read through the Terms and Conditions before submitting.IMPORTANT: Due to the volume of submissions, we do not have the capability to email entrants individually regarding results. Please sign up to our newsletter (right sidebar) to keep up to date with competition news, or check the website directly. Sign up to our newsletter to stay up to date with news of competitions, results, and more. Elisabeth Ingram Wallace lives in Scotland, and her writing is published in SmokeLong Quarterly, Atticus Review, Flash Frontier, and the Bath Flash Fiction Award anthologies. A finalist for The Best Small Fictions 2018, she has a Scottish Book Trust ‘New Writers Award’, a Dewar Arts Award, and won ‘Writing the Future 2017’. She studied English as a mature student at Oxford University, and has a Creative Writing M.Litt. with Distinction from the University of Glasgow. She also won the TSS Flash 400 summer competition with her Flash ‘Space Hopped’ . You can find her on Twitter @ingram_wallace or on her website here.
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filmed, videoed and photographed thousands of times by professionals. On completion proceed to hotel. After breakfast climb the 5th century Sigiriya rock fortress which is a world heritage site, built by King Kashyapa (477-495 AD). The 'Lion Rock' is a citadel of unusual beauty rising 200 meters from the scrub jungle. The rock was the innermost stronghold of the 70 hectare fortified town. Visit the world-renowned frescoes of the 'Heavenly Maidens' of Sigiriya, which are in a sheltered pocket of the rock approached by a spiral stairway. These frescoes are painted in earth pigments on plaster. Day 4: Kandy After breakfast proceed to Kandy enroute visiting a spice garden in Matale to see different spices for which Sri Lanka is famous for. Here, clients could see different spices and how some of these spices are grown and processed. Witness a Cookery demonstration. Check in Hotel. Afternoon do a city tour of Kandy. Kandy was the last capital of the Sri Lankan kings which is a World Heritage Site. The name "Kandy" conjures visions of splendor and magnificence. Drive around the Kandy Lake built by the last Sinhala king, Sri Wickrama Rajasinghe in 1798. Visit the Kandy town and Bazaar, the arts and crafts center, a gem museum and a lapidary. Also visit the Temple of the Tooth Relic in Kandy. Thereafter witness a Cultural show. After breakfast proceed to Peradeniya Botanical Gardens. This Botanical Garden was first built as a pleasure garden by a Sinhala king and was expanded by the British. It is 147 acres in extent and provides an amazing variety of trees, plants and flowers. Proceed to Nuwara Eliya enroute visiting a tea plantation and a tea factory, where the best tea in the world is produced. Here you could observe all about the process of manufacturing tea. You can also see how tea is graded. Taste a cup of pure Ceylon tea in the factory. Thereafter continue to Nuwara Eliya, because of its invigorating mountain climate and scenery, is Sri Lanka s most popular hill resort. Nuwara Eliya is also the heart of Sri Lanka s tea country producing a significant share of the world’s best tea. Sri Lanka s highest mountain Pidurutalagala (8282 feet) is located here. Nuwara-Eliya also has one of the finest 18 hole golf courses in South Asia. After breakfast proceed to Colombo via Kitulgala. Check in Hotel in Colombo. Afternoon do a city tour of Colombo, like many capital cities in developing countries is fast changing its face. Almost overnight, skyscrapers arise from where old buildings once stood. Yet in some parts, the old world charm is retained. Other places of interest are the Pettah bazaar, a Hindu and a Buddhist temple, residential areas where you find the stately homes of the affluent, the Colombo museum, the Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall (BMICH)- an outright gift to Sri Lanka from the People's Republic of China, and the Dutch Museum. Return Economy class ticket on Qatar Airways on “W” booking Class: Beirut / Doha / Colombo / Doha / Beirut.
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Copyrighted works of writing, art, or music. Trademarked brand names and logos. The trade dress of your business, which includes unique visual aspects of your website as well as products, packaging, and even building architecture. Trade secrets, including proprietary processes and methods, algorithms, patterns, client lists … any information you would closely guard to keep it out of the hands of competitors. Do you know the value of your intellectual property? If you really think about the scope of your business, you probably have more intellectual property than you first thought. List your most important IP assets, and ask yourself two questions. First, do I have sufficient protections in place, given the value of this IP? Second, how much am I willing to spend to defend this IP? If a competitor should infringe on your intellectual property rights, you will want to react quickly to avoid potential losses and to collect compensation for any financial damage that may have already occurred. At the same time, you need to take a cost-effective approach to protecting your IP, considering the financial investment and future revenue at stake. No longer is it necessary for one to key-in a password of letters and numbers in order to gain access to computers, smartphones, or other electronically-secured information. The use of one’s facial features, fingerprints, and even their iris for electronic security purposes is becoming more common, yet concerns pertaining to personal privacy and use of stored information is now facing legal challenges. More and more companies recognize the value of using the Internet to grow and strengthen their business. Whether for communications, marketing, e-commerce, research, or other purposes, online activity among employees and customers has expanded exponentially. However, with this growth comes the increased threat to information moving along or stored by electronic means. Hand-held devices have taken on an increased presence among business operations throughout a variety of industries. From tracking inventory to recording important statistics and other real-time data, the threat to the information stored on these devices is no less real. This may complicate matters for cyber professionals charged with protecting intellectual property.
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Consider using a buying agent. Estate agents always act in the interest of the seller, because the more money they get for a property, the higher their commission payment. A buying agent can act on your behalf and make sure that you acquire your dream property for the cheapest possible price. If you are a first time home buyer, it is a good idea to not see more then six or seven homes at a time. It might be tempting to try to see more at once, however, if you do see to many then it will make it tough for you to take it all in. It will also make it to hard to remember everything.
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Last night I did something that you guys have been telling me to do for a LOOONG time. I ordered Chipotle* for supper. *Am I the only one who pronounces it like Chee-poe-tull in their head…and maybe sometimes out loud? I utilized their online ordering system, making a special note that requested they change their gloves before making my meal. My meal: Burrito bowl with chicken, lettuce, cheese, and salsa. 1/2 for lunch today; 1/2 for supper last night. Since I was eating it at home I took the opportunity to skip the sour cream and add my own heaping serving of 0% Fat Plain Greek Yogurt. And when it comes to Chobani, a heap is better than a dollop! - The SPEED! That food was ready fast! I have two beefs with Chipotle. #1: I would LOVE a brown rice option. I know this would bring a little bit of a nuttiness into the flavor profile, but I would love it as an option. #2: What the heck!!!! is going on with your chips?!?!?! I checked the nutrition facts before ordering and found a very disturbing fact. FIVE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY CALORIES! Woah Nelly. And don’t be fooled by that bag! The chips started where the crease is, just above the word Chips. I did allow myself eight chips, and I am convinced that they are laced with crack. Or at least lard, which is sort of my crack. They were tasty but not tasty enough for nearly half of my daily calories allowance!!! GUESS how many calories are in 4 tablespoons of the Chipotle vinaigrette?! Award Winning Recipe: Gluten Free! How many ways can you top a chicken?
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Show of hands for everyone that's been confused by the relationship between Wes and Annalise on How to Get Away with Murder . Since the first episode of the series, Annalise has taken a liking to Wes and no one knows why. Is Wes Annalise's son? Is Annalise attracted to Wes? A lot of theories have been thrown out into the ring. On Thursday's episode of HTGAWM, Annalise told Eve "it's him" when speaking about Wes, so basically I'm taking that as a big thumbs up on the mother/son relationship, even though that seems too easy for a show this convoluted. During an intimate scene between Eve and Annalise, who go way back, Eve questions why Annalise is protecting Wes, who is just a student. Annalise tells Eve that Wes is not just some student. "It's him," Annalise tells Eve, who immediately knows what she's talking about. You know who doesn't know what she's talking about? Me. And everyone else in this world who is too emotionally and mentally invested in this god forsaken show. Eve tells Annalise that she is a very good person, making it seem like whatever secret correlation Wes and Annalise have has caused distress on Annalise. So all signs point to Wes being Annalise's son. But, how does that fit into Wes' life timeline? We know that Wes had a rough start as a kid. He didn't have a father in his life and his mother killed herself when he was a young teen, but what if Annalise's connection to Wes comes before all of that? One Reddit user believes that Annalise could be Wes' biological mother, but gave him up for adoption as a baby because she got pregnant at a high point in her career where she didn't want to take care of a baby. Now, she brought him back into her life the only way Annalise Keating knows how (manipulation, power, etc.) and is finally being the mother figure she never got to be for him. It's a stretch, but it's also possible with the few clues we have been given. My only concern with the mother theory is that it almost seems too easy. For a while, people have been speculating that Wes and Annalise are related. Hell, I think one of the other students made a joke about it at one point. Because of this, I'm not sure if the producers would write in such an expected storyline. They're so good at steering their viewers one way with bait, and then switching directions at the last second. What if we are only on the bait part, and we're still waiting for the switch?
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Cesspool and sewer problems are dreaded by homeowners everywhere, but with the proper support and maintenance, things don't have to reach critical mass - Help! Cesspool & Sewer Service of Long Island are experts in ensuring that your cesspool worries are taken care of in a discreet and professional manner. Help! offers a variety of services including chemical treatments, aeration, cleaning services, plumbing services, and more - from basic upkeep to emergency servicing, Help! is here to make sure that the job gets done quickly and efficiently. For over 30 years, Help! Cesspool & Sewer Service has been providing homes and businesses in Nassau and Suffolk with high quality services and impeccable customer assistance, which is why after three decades, Long islanders still turn to them for all of their cesspool and sewer maintenance needs. Whether you're in need of emergency service, or you simply are looking to schedule regular maintenance for your Cesspool or Sewer System, give Help! a call today. Our cesspool was starting to have some issues and we were getting worried about our drinking water. This was the company we called in to have a look at things. They got it back into working order again, and we were very relieved. I gather that a lot of homes in the area have problems like ours. It was even in the headlines the other day for Suffolk county. Don't take risks with your drinking water. These people can help you too.
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After a hot hot hot spruce bath and some linden/elderflower infusion I find myself in bed, floating through worlds, my bones burning and my mind drfiting up and up. Alternating between hot and cold with one sock halfway off I am dreaming and tossing about, waking occasionally to feebly reach for water or a lymphatic tincture. It’s a fever dream, and I’m giving my body space to heal itself. After getting the un-fabulous advice, at a party, that “sudafed and benadryl are good for sinus infections” I find myself musing on what we—mothers, healers, our culture–have given up. If we pop a sudafed-tm-every time we fall ill we are denying ourselves the opportunity to build our OWN knowledge about the human body. This fever is giving me information about myself. It is giving me words and phrases, showing me my fears and my strengths. I believe that it is part of life to fall ill, to feel our blood ice up and our brain catch fire. How else can we know what is possible? How can sudafed teach us what healing means? And every time I hear folks ask me what they can do to avoid illness I tell them that illness is an opportunity. Some of my favorite healers are seekers who see illness as a learning experience. Our wisdom is hard-won and comes from hands-on experience which sometimes gets messy. Illness teaches us how to support healing, how to get out of the way of healing, and puts the knowledge and the feeling into our own hands, puts the power into us. Popping wal-mart echinacea pills every day is a suppressive technique. Taking unnecessary medications (natural or pharmaceutical) to suppress symptoms is not “healing”. I find my best healing comes from movement. Moving the lymphatics, moving mucous, moving stuck energy, activating digestion. Allowing the fever to do its’ job inside of us. Because all of life is a learning opportunity. Hot weather is an opportunity to feel hot. Cold weather is an opportunity to feel cold. Discomfort is a gift which gives us the chance to learn what tools we have, as humans, to help ourselves and to support our bodies’ natural processes. We are so eager to dry humidity and make ice less slippery that we never understand what humidity feels like, or what slippery really means. We do not KNOW hot or cold. We do not SEEK to know. The way that we are giving our own power away harms us, and our children too. It rewards people and corporations who will give us comfort at any cost. Those who can learn to accept some basic discomfort as a normal part of life will be prepared for whatever may happen. Allowing our children to feel a fever’s heat and chills is a gift which teaches them not to fear their bodies. It is my wish to ride my fever like a surfer, accepting the fear, facing the mortality of my body. Because more so than those without fear, it is those who feel the fear then do it anyway who build power and wisdom. Neither sudafed nor benadryl will give a speck of wisdom or empowerment to us, and they will never teach us about our bodies capacity to heal itself. NOTE: this was scriblled on my bedsite notebook during a fever. if that is what YOU consider “medical advice”, fine. however, it should be clear that i do NOT intend this to be medical advice!!!!!!!! NICE nice article! Loving it, sharing it. Have felt the same many a time and would throw out aspirins adults gave me when I was young. Had an innate distrust for numbing physical sensations. Ride the wave, learn the wave, be the wave.
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Here you will find solutions for all your mobile power supply needs to provide power on the go for all your mobile devices such as smartphones, laptops, tablets and cameras. Charge your device conveniently via USB ports or the DC input. With our products you will never run out of power again. Trying to make an important phone call and the battery of your smartphone is empty? You’re lost, and the battery of your navigation device runs out of power? You can’t keep shooting vacation pictures because the battery in your camera is depleted? These situations are a thing of the past with products made by XT Power, because we offer mobile power supplies for all your mobile handheld devices. Whether smartphone, tablet or navigation device, your devices can be conveniently charged with our products. With the convenient, small USB batteries you can charge your smartphone, your digital camera and other devices that require a 5V power supply, easy on the go. Micro USB ports allow you to charge up to four devices at a time, getting you ready for any situation. Get even more power with the DC / USB Power Bank, perfect for laptops and tablets. Prefer an environmentally friendly and cost saving solution? Try our solar Power Bank. Use solar energy for your mobile power supply and be even more independent of stationary power sources, using the solar Power Bank or the solar panel. Our foldable solar panels use monocrystalline solar cells and can effectively convert solar energy. See for yourself. At XT Power you will not only find high-quality products for mobile power supply, but also the most important information about the subject. If you have further questions, we are happy to help. Just use our contact form to ask questions about any of our products and we will get back to you within one working day. We hope you enjoy browsing.
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According to the study targeted on a group of 38 adult cats, which has lasted for four years, cats eat more food in the season of winter therefore, their owners should provide the pets with cat-food during this period of time. In order to find the new way to enhance milk production, seasonal food intake by dairy cows has been tested in the past. However, this study involved in domestic cats is the largest of its kind so far. The group of 38 cats coming from mixed breeds, ages and genders were kept at a center in France, where they were free to do whatever they preferred outdoors all year round. With a microchip on their collar, the cats were able to get as much food as they needed from a dispenser, which would be opened just the group of cats. Simultaneously, such microchip could make a record how much food the cat had taken and when it did. As Dr Alex German from the University of Liverpool in the United Kingdom, explained in the paper paper published in the latest edition of PLoS ONE, like many humans, cats are likely to have comfort eating in the cold weather outside. However, from their study, Dr Alex German and his team found the main reason for that is the extra energy cats needed to maintain warmness when they were outside for outdoor activities. In addition, Dr German’s team also confirmed that cats ate about 15 per cent less food during summer. In his conclusion, Dr Alex German stated that the swing in activity levels during the year might be closely linked with the extra effort to maintain warmness in winter and the temptation to rest during hot days in summer. So it is suggested that the amount of food the cats take at different times of year should carefully considered by their keepers, because it is important to allow cats to have a healthy weight. Hey Puppy, Please Get Along with That Kitty!
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There is a huge potential for energy saving in the life support systems (LSS). For comparison, in industrial systems the potential savings range between 30% and 40%. In the aquarium world, dealing with a delicate organic process in which parameters can change, good results should also be expected. A large amount of the energy is consumed by pumps. Therefore a first logical step for energy saving lies in determining the pumps duty point(s). Pumps are the backbone of the aquarium, creating the needed water movement in the exhibits and feeding the LSS. The pumps’ delivery head must be enough to over-come all resistance losses caused by pipe work, appendages, protein skimmer, sand filters and so on. During pump selection safety margins are added in ensure that flow required in the design is realised. Nowadays, for getting flexibility in pump performance and to avoid throttling of the system, the use of variable frequency drive (VFD) is widely used. However, the use of VFD can have unexpected effects on the LSS system. When pumps deviates more to the right of their Best Efficiency Point (BEP), the grade of efficiency can decrease and Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) will diminish, giving way to higher risks of vibration (including cavitation) and noise. Then, mechanical pump load will increase, speeding up the maintenance frequency, causing more down time of the LSS which will have an impact on the controllability of the LSS. In addition, pipe work and its components will face more mechanical impact, increasing the risk of cracking pipes, giving way to failures like super-saturation. There are a number of factors to consider when planning a new aquarium facility. One of the most important factors to consider is how will aquarium seawater will be supplied? Most inland facilities are obligated to make their own saltwater, but facilities located adjacent to natural seawater sources must evaluate collecting a continuous source of water. A source of good quality natural seawater can have a long term impact on operational cost as well as provide benefits to animal health. Important aspects to consider in the planning for a seawater intake for an aquarium facility are as follows: Where will the intake be located? The geographical location of the intake impacts the overall water quality that the intake will deliver. Things to consider include land based activities or industries, maritime traffic and freshwater intrusion sources such as natural stream beds or high capacity storm drains. Local and seasonal currents as well as tidal swings will also have an impact on the seawater intake location. What type of intake would be appropriate for the facility? There are number of different ways to intake seawater for use at an aquarium facility. This includes sea floor pipelines, pier based pump stations, land based pump stations, seawater wells and rainy collectors. Different methods and examples of facilities using similar methods will be discussed. Logistics, capital costs and long term operational costs all play a role in the method selected. What is the water quality of the source water? Is it suitable for use in the Aquarium facility? The seawater quality for any intake will vary by season and by day depending on a number of different things. Seasonal water quality samples can help the decision making process in regard to suitability and the treatment regime required. Water bodies that are high in pollutants may not be acceptable for use in the aquarium, forcing a seaside facility to manufacture seawater or obtain good quality seawater in other ways such as by truck or barge. Regulatory requirements will impact both the seawater intake and the discharge facilities. Local regulatory agency requirements vary from location to location and fall under the umbrella of national regulations as well. Discharge regulations focus on water quality parameters such as concentrations of oxidants, suspended solids, BOD and bacteria counts. At times discharge water quality parameters are lower than the water quality that you may see at the seawater intake itself. Chloride limits by local sewer agencies can also come into play in facility planning. During a recent renovation, the Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Center (VAMSC) installed a District Energy System or DES for short. VAMSC is one of only a few institutions in British Columbia to integrate such an innovative system to manage energy use. VAMSC follows LEED and ISO 14001 construction practices and in 2015 was awarded the Green Award by AZA in part due to the implementation of the District Energy System. The DES is a site wide low grade energy loop that extracts or rejects energy through a variety of sources. Heat producing equipment such as chillers and food service refrigeration reject heat in to the loop through liquid cooled condensers. Isolated water and glycol systems are circulated using variable speed pumps to move energy around the system. Heat is extracted through heat exchangers to warm habitats, galleries and coils in local HVAC air handlers. Cooling is accomplished in the same way using the cold side of the system. Temperatures in the loop are maintained in a specified range using seawater heat exchangers, boilers, heat pumps and a cooling tower. Planning is underway to install a geothermal field to store excess heat produced in warmer months for use in the winter. The net effect is that heating and cooling costs can be reduced since it requires much less energy to redistribute the energy than it would to produce it at multiple points of use. Life support system instrumentation indicates equipment function, but it is water quality parameters that indicate equipment efficacy and resource allocation that indicates equipment efficiency. Equipment parameters—pressure, flow, water level, etc.—can be operating within “design specifications”, yet water quality parameters (e.g., nutrients, alkalinity, pH) can be unsuitable for aquatic life and/or excess resources (e.g., water, energy, labor) must be expended to normalize the environment. In the past, available technologies were not able to address the demands of a healthy closed aquarium habitat without eventual recourse to substantial water exchanges to normalize the environment. This situation no longer prevails. Dissolved contaminants can now be physically removed from solution by ozone-assisted foam fractionation, a widely accepted industry standard in the modern era. Nitrite accumulation can be managed with recently-developed and user-friendly denitrification technologies. Phosphates can be controlled with modern water treatment tools and pH decline can be addressed via well-designed gas exchangers to ameliorate CO2 accumulation from animal and bacterial respiration, and the degradation of wastes and uneaten food. Given these relatively recent advances, it is clear that water quality challenges in a modern aquarium have their root causes tied to incomplete life support system design and/or inappropriate system operation. By ensuring that life support systems are well designed and operated appropriately, optimal water quality can result and excess resource expenditure can be avoided, consistent with the conservation and fiscal priorities for the modern zoo and aquarium. Pressured by the rapid pace of climate change and ocean acidification, aquariums are feeling an increased urgency to provide a message of conservation and sustainability to their visitors. Research shows that people are more receptive to this message when presented with concrete evidence of how their actions can create positive change. As such, aquariums have a stronger incentive than ever to lead by example, reducing their demands for energy and freshwater. Traditional aquarium life support systems have been very energy and freshwater use intensive, primarily due to pump energy, heating and cooling demands and use of water for backwashing of filters. Such systems can easily account for more than 50% of the energy and water use of a facility. But opportunities to reduce energy and water use with such systems are minimal without unacceptable reductions in water quality. However, innovative system design alternatives are being included in new aquariums and renovations. These incorporate drum filtration, which can drastically reduce energy and water use over traditional pressurized filtration systems. Additional strategies, such as integration of life support heating and cooling into energy efficient building mechanical systems introduce the potential for further energy reductions. Such systems are most effective when system elements are arranged so that gravity flow replaces a significant amount of pumping. While capital costs of such systems may be somewhat higher than traditional systems, life cycle cost analysis can be used to demonstrate that substantial energy and water savings and reduced equipment maintenance and replacement costs can easily offset the initial cost premium of such a system. By pushing the design of our future facilities, aquariums can lead by example as they strive to increase the impact of conservation education on their visitors.
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Health authorities in New Zealand said that about 200 passengers on the Dawn Princess ship became infected with the norovirus. The ship was scheduled to leave for Australia on Monday. The last time there was a norovirus outbreak on the ship was back in 2012. According to Yahoo, health officials conducted a series of tests, and they confirmed that the illness was norovirus, but the outbreak does seem to be going away. The norovirus usually lasts for one to three days, and those infected may experience stomach pains, vomiting, diarrhea and nausea. Princess Cruises released a statement saying that those who were infected were isolated in their cabins. They remained there until they were considered not contagious. The statement continued to say that crew members disinfected door handles, railings, elevator buttons and so forth. The cruise operator also said that passengers were encouraged to wash their hands properly and that they should use sanitizing gels. About a month ago, another cruise ship, the Crown Princess, had an outbreak of the norovirus. In that incident more than 150 crew members and passengers came down with the norovirus. That ship was also operated by Princess Cruises.
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What’s wrong with this sentence? It’s active, complete, and properly punctuated…What could it be? ‘In terms of’ is one of the worst stock phrases in formal business writing. Its horror lies within its utter ambiguity. What does it mean, exactly? How does it relate to the matter at hand? In the above example, what does it imply: that the meeting can be translated into ‘terms’? What terms? How would these terms make the meaning of the sentence any clearer? ‘In terms of’ confuses, rather than clarifies, your sentences and their meaning. So, we don’t want to hear any more of these ‘in terms of the meeting’ type sentences.
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The brand identity of an airline carrier is critical to its survival. Consumer belief in a carrier can be fragile and mishaps involving customer service or safety concerns have been known to swiftly tarnish years of goodwill and trust. Though businesses in any industry must be careful with their image, perceptions regarding air travel heavily influence the graphic and web design trends in aviation. Airline carriers their customers to see them as modern, forward moving, and focused on safety and comfort. This objective drove the recent rebranding of several airlines. Even airlines seeking to stand out, do so in similar ways. In this blog, we’ll pinpoint a few examples and summarize the latest trends. You’ve seen it. In recent years many airlines redesigned their logos with bold, sleek typefaces and simple logos as part of their rebranding efforts. They chose elements to speak directly to the consumer. Think about it–nobody wants to ride in a plane from the 1950’s. Bold, sleek letters say, “We’re modern, and we get you to your destination with modern comforts.” Two of the industry leaders, United and Delta, recently adopted bold, all-caps typefaces to reflect the strength and power of their fleet. Airline carriers around the world are rolling out more simplistic logos. Too many details can over complicate a message, and hearken back to the days where companies carried plaques garnished with every facet of their identity. It is much more practical to drop the busy details and buff the important elements. Not only does this freshen up the look and feel of a brand, but it is much cheaper to paint an airplane using simpler shapes and a smaller color pallet. In fact, the latest trend for aircraft signage design, also known as livery design, includes simplification of a basic visual element of the brand. Paint adds weight to a plane and drives up fuel expenses. Therefore, most airlines fly predominately white planes. The wordmark of the logo is usually placed on the fuselage near the nose of the plane, seated above the windows. This is one of the best positions for visual balance without having to address distortion caused by windows. To compensate for lack of variance from competitors, the tails of the planes are increasingly decorative and colorful. Pops of bright colors often adorn wing tips or plane engines. The decorative airplane tails have in turn influenced another trend. Many logos have evolved to take the shape of airplane tails, including those of Quantas, Iberia, and Swiss International Air Lines. This decision allows for easy translation to the plane’s overall signage design. Unfortunately, competitors can easily replicate this design choice, resulting in some brands straying away from this trend to remain distinct. The similarity of font, logo, and livery design treatments drives many airlines to embrace more creative elements to garner attention. One trend involves using bright, attractive pops of color. Spirit’s boisterous yellow, Latam’s energetic violet, and Southwest’s flashy striping all say the same thing: “Please look at me, not the guys in blue and red. We’re different. We’re better.” This is often paired with a marketing angle such as a more enjoyable experience, cheaper prices, or shared culture. Another shift among the smaller, regional, trend-setting carriers is to express their playful differences by adding rounded corners to their wordmark, or using more stylistic fonts that carry a more contemporary feel. Almost every airline website opens the same way: a few menu options along the top, a high-resolution photograph of a travel destination, and a form inside the image. The form usually has tabbed options that include booking a flight, checking-in, or checking a flight status. Sometimes these elements appear with statements in large font promoting current offers or discounts. Presenting the user with one to three immediate options acknowledges airline customers’ priorities, and provides the fastest path to common customer goals. A strong trend in web design is constructing responsive, mobile-first layouts. The big players in aviation seem to buck this trend in favor of creating separate mobile sites that completely restructure the user’s experience. Of course, airlines keep consistent branding across these platforms, but they drop a large portion of the content shown on the desktop site to streamline the mobile version. These mobile pages cater exclusively to check-ins, status updates, viewing frequent flier mileage, etc. Some airlines even encourage the user to ditch the web browser and download their custom app. Another notable airline web design trend is a return to modular design. Modular web design uses card-like elements that function to organize information into digestible chunks. Airlines create focal points by highlighting elements with different colored backgrounds, larger fonts, and distinctive shapes. Modular web design enjoyed a rebirth following the release of the “material design” standards from Google. Google defines material design as a “visual language for users that synthesizes the classic principles of good design with the innovation and possibility of technology and science.” While many airlines have not adopted the material design standards in full, many of the over-arching themes are apparent: bold colors, flat web elements, and the re-emergence of tasteful, realistic drop shadows. Spirit recently unveiled a hand-drawn logo with “sketchy” design elements that speak to the company’s low fare, no frills air travel service and its back-to-basics branding. Although executed nicely, “sketchy” is not often a word people want to associate with an air carrier. Some consumers expressed disinterest in flying Spirit because of these design choices. Though individuality is important to fold into any brand, it can be risky for an airline to separate themselves too far from the pack. With safety and comfort as a minimum requirement of consumers, along with the need to make air travel as simple and streamlined as much as possible, it could be risky to reinvent the wheel. Many graphic designers agree that sleek, modern design with just a touch of flair will be trendy in aviation for a long time to come. Are your graphic design elements telling the story you are intending to communicate? Please share your thoughts below, and follow us on social media!
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Here’s what I found over the past week that I thought was interesting. Enjoy! The Most Dangerous Traffic Circle in the World – I’ve spent the past three weeks in Saigon, and I’m staying just blocks away from this intersection. It’s insane to cross here! It’s right next to Bến Thành Market, and seven streets converge here to create s steady stream of traffic throughout the day. Andrew Huang Raps in 5 Languages – A rapper originally from China who grew up in Canada raps in English, French, Spanish, Swedish and Mandarin. You can read the lyrics in any of the above languages. It’s worth a listen. Jon Stewart with Bassem Yousef in Egypt – This is hilarious, but also has a good message about getting over stereotypes in the Middle East. And Stewart speaks in a bit of Arabic at the beginning. Pilot showcases stunning photos inside cockpit – A Dubai-based pilot gives us the perspective of what the view from the front of the airplane looks like. I particularly like the sunrise pictures. World Travel Resources – If you want to know how much you should budget for a trip, this could give you a good idea. The page breaks down budgets RTW and regional trips. You can also read how much I spent in Arizona, California and Nevada here and Central America here. Flight 447: We Can Not Penetrate This Weather – A first-hand account of what happened when a plane tried to land during a storm in India. I would never want to be in this situation. 11 Miles and Credit Card Updates You May Not Know About – Getting free flights is the best way to save money while traveling. Here are some of the best offers now. United Airlines Forgets Toilet Paper – This happens sometimes in Central America and Asia, but I didn’t expect to read about this on a plane. Read what the passengers had to use for toilet paper. Have you seen anything interesting in the past week? Share below.
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Prospective tiny home buyers in Bullhead have options as to how to build, or who can build their tiny home. The first step for most of us is identifying the right tiny home floor plan that will best fit our needs. Since there are so many variations and options available, doing a little homework and research can go a long way. Fourth, does the Bullhead AZ area offer the environment, property and amenities that you need. Will you need to drive too far for work each day? Too much traffic? Will you have enough privacy? Will you be close enough to a grocery store or gas station? There are many factors that make the best location for a new tiny home, make sure you think of the location and how it will influence your new tiny home lifestyle.
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With Exchange Server 2013, there are certain scenarios wherein we might face issues to access Outlook Web Apps and Exchange Admin Center. This might be due to lack of permission or invalid configuration of Exchange Server 2013. And for these kind of errors, there are certain remedies that can be followed to resolve. We faced such issues after re-installing Exchange Sever 2013 on a server. After spending few hours, we've taken various steps from different sources to resolve the errors, And here in this article, the possible solutions are specified that can be applied to resolve it. Service account that is being used for administrating Exchange Server, should be member of "Organization Management", "Records Management" and "Recipient Management" groups. To check this, run below command in Exchange Management Shell. If, Exchange Admin user account is not in results, then, just add Exchange Admin account in above mentioned groups in Active Directory. Open your ECP/OWA URL in browser to verify whether issue is resolved or not. If not, then, proceed further with below steps. Check that OWA and ECP Application Pools are running on .NET Framework v4.0. It may be incomplete installation of framework that causes the error. %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -i and then restart IIS. Error should get resoled now, if not then follow solution -3 as below. Login to your Exchange 2013 CAS server. Start the Exchange Management Shell. Navigate to Exchange 2013 binaries location, for example:"C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Bin". Execute the UpdateCas.ps1 PowerShell script to rebuild OWA interface. Now, execute UpdateConfigFiles.ps1 PowerShell script. [It is recommended to execute this PowerShell script after installing latest cumulative update of Microsoft Exchange 2013]. Ok, now, it's time to check whether the error is resolved or not. If you are still facing the error then follow the below steps. For detailed information on canary data and for guidelines to delete canary data, kindly refer Microsoft Article. Now, if you are still struggling with the errors, then, you can proceed with next step, re-creating AD schema and system mailbox attributes. This is a good Microsoft Article with detailed explanation and steps to re-create AD schema and system mailbox attribute. Next step is to proceed with creating new virtual directories, if you are still struggling with the errors. Now, it's time to create new virtual directories for ECP and for OWA. So, as first step, we will remove ECP virtual directories with below command in Exchange Management Shell. Remove-EcpVirtualDirectory -Identity "BRExchange1\ecp (Default Web Site)" Remove-EcpVirtualDirectory -Identity "BRExchange2\ecp (exchange back end)" Now, we will create new virtual directories with below command. Here we have to specify internal and external URL for ECP. New-EcpVirtualDirectory -Server BRExchange1 -InternalUrl "https://BRExchange1.mydomain.com/ecp" -ExternalUrl "https://ecp.mydomain.com" -WebSiteName "Default Web Site" New-EcpVirtualDirectory -Server BRExchange2 -InternalUrl "https://BRExchange2.mydomain.com/ecp" -ExternalUrl "https://ecp.mydomain.com" -WebSiteName "Exchange Back End" In second step, we will remove OWA virtual directories as below. Below steps is only required if your facing above error while opening mailbox. Remove-OwaVirtualDirectory -Identity "BRExchange1\owa (Default Web Site)" Remove-OwaVirtualDirectory -Identity "BREXchange2\owa (exchange back end)" New-OwaVirtualDirectory -Server BRExchange1 -InternalUrl "https://BRExchange1.mydomain.com/owa" -ExternalUrl "https://mail.mydomain.com/owa" -WebSiteName "Default Web Site" New-OwaVirtualDirectory -Server BRExchange2 -InternalUrl "https://BRExchange2.mydomain.com/owa" -ExternalUrl "https://mail.mydomain.com/owa" -WebSiteName "Default Web Site" Hope the possible solutions listed here help you out to resolve the Exchange 2013 - EAC/OWA errors. How to Clear cache in SharePoint Designer?
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The anti-alcohol folks are pushing for stronger and mandatory warnings on drinks about the dangers of alcohol consumption during pregnancy. Baddock argues attempts by the alcohol industry to promote measures to reduce FASD have been ineffective and rather seek to debate the evidence. The NZMA submission urges decision-makers to be aware of, and pre-empt, industry counter-arguments to public health measures such as mandatory labelling. Baddock says a standard alcohol industry tactic has been to cite lack of evidence as a reason not to do something, which has been used by others such as the tobacco industry to "thwart and delay" public health measures like plain packaging. "It's not just alcohol. I think any industry tends to be resistant to anything mandatory that might affect their sales." However, she is hopeful the alcohol industry will "come on board" with mandatory pregnancy warnings. "I would love to see the alcohol industry put up their hand and say FASD is a real problem and we need to be helping reduce the harms done [by alcohol]." Traditionally, the status quo has some weight. Those proposing changes to the status quo have to provide some evidence that the change will be beneficial - that the gains will exceed the costs. In areas where evidence on gains and harms is hard to come by, we can look to international evidence - or run trials. It is a bit odd to pre-emptively say (my paraphrase): "Hey, we don't have any evidence that our policy proposal will do any good. We ran some focus groups suggesting that people don't pay much notice to current labels, but we have no particularly good reason to expect that mandatory labeling will change real-world behaviour in the cohort we should be worried about. But anybody pointing out the absence of evidence - we're going to pre-emptively say that they're industry shills." Another fun bit - the anti-alcohol people worry that messages like 'it's safest not to drink while pregnant' might strengthen beliefs that light drinking in pregnancy is harmless. Here's Emily Oster on that. She included a nice section on alcohol in her review of all of the evidence on the dos and don'ts during pregnancy. There exists no large (or even small) randomized trial about drinking during pregnancy; such a thing is never likely to exist. This is not unique to drinking, of course – there are no large randomized trials of Tylenol usage in pregnancy, either, just a lot of large observational studies. And some women will read the existing evidence and still choose to abstain. But there is a growing body of data suggesting that, if women choose to have a glass of wine, there is no evidence they are harming their baby. Telling women that an occasional glass of wine is more harmful to their baby than heroin or cocaine is misleading and may also be potentially dangerous. It surely would not be supported by the vast majority of the medical establishment. Focusing on punishing and shaming women who choose to have an occasional glass of wine during their pregnancy also takes away important focus from helping women who are struggling with truly problematic drinking and the social problems that often come with it. So they're worried that people might draw the correct conclusion from the labeling - that heavy drinking during pregnancy is a very very bad idea, but a glass of wine every other day is going to be fine. Again - the anti-alcohol people will not be happy until they have incrementally gotten us to alcohol plain packaging. It's salami-slice tactics, exactly the same as used in the push against tobacco, incrementally piling on restrictions until the only thing allowed on the packaging is warning labels and small-print indication of the manufacturer.
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Calisthenics based functional fitness studio, MultiFit offers strength based training with the correct form of gym workout. The startup venture has plans to spread presence in the Indian market. The Indian fitness industry is going through a massive change. As the average Indian is travelling the world, they’ve turned more conscious of newer ways and approaches to remain in shape and bringing new business ideas to the Indian market. In the past 5 years, the fitness levels of Indians has lifted massively and still the experts consider it as the tip of the iceberg, which means, the avenue of opportunities is tremendous. Realising the same, 4 times Everest base camp trekked, an advance level diver- Samir Kapoor has turned his passion for fitness into a new health revolution- MultiFit. Based on the firm belief that fitness should extend beyond dumbbells and machines, MultiFit is one of the few gyms in the country that focus on functional training. It challenges the conventional gym imagery by abandoning traditional equipment and narrow goals, instead using simple tools like ropes and tires improve one's performance at everyday activities. The brand was established by Samir Kapoor as a way to bring a fresh perspective to health. Share the business DNA of MultiFit. What is its USP? ‘The Soul of our gym is in our trainers’. We are a calisthenics based functional fitness studio and focus more on strength based training with the correct form. We believe in Continuous Varied Intensive Training. We understand one needs to balance in Bodybuilding. We focus not only on weights but also on a good cardiovascular endurance along with flexibility agility, power and strength. Most managers at MultiFit have been certified by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) giving them enough knowledge to shed light on the importance of functional fitness and the best way to practice fitness thus resulting into staying fit. What is the current scenario of fitness industry and among the top fitness brand, where do you position MultiFit and why? MultiFit as a brand focuses on movement rather than exercise. Our philosophy is a fine blend of traditional values and the modern, showcasing fitness in the most interesting way possible. We want to familiarise the audience with the new techniques of fitness which can be followed in daily movements of the body. We are India’s first Calisthenics based gym – Calisthenics are body weight exercises consisting of gross motor movements that help in improving one’s balance, agility, co-ordination and strength. We definitely are on the right path providing scientific knowledge to our patrons about every exercise which they do so understanding of the fitness art becomes easier. Define the growing competition in Indian fitness industry as per your experience of a relatively new player and how did you strategize to overcome this growing competition. Sometimes being small and nimble in an evolving or rather sunrise industry is a blessing in disguise. Being new we are not basking in past glory neither do we believe we know it all. We believe that fitness industry needs some new players to come in and take the game to the next level. We take training very seriously along with breaking the stereotype of a conventional gym and adding a fun element in every workout which is taken. What are your views on the Indian fitness industry? Is it still challenging to convince or motivate Indian consumers to hit the gym? If yes, how do you overcome challenges pertaining to consumer behaviour? India, as a country has developed in terms of thinking and adopting new values yet staying true to its tradition. Hence, when it comes to gyming, Indians don’t mind ditching the old fashioned machines and giving a rest to monotonous workouts. An aware Indian knows that traditional gyms don’t work, unless you make it interesting and challenging. This is what keeps the patrons engaged and motivated to take out time from their busy schedules and hit the gym. Another addition to motivating people is Athletics based training which is another type of training that gets people addicted to working out. What are the biggest opportunities existing in Indian Fitness Industry? How is it a beneficial area of investment for start-ups or aspiring entrepreneurs? With very few organized players in the space it’s a big opportunity for startups who have the right vision and the right team. This industry is growing at a neck break speed and is slated to grow 25 fold in the next 5 years. According to a joint study by FICCI and PWC, the Indian wellness industry will touch Rs 1 trillion in 2016. With EBITDA numbers north of 50 per cent it’s the right space for players with passion and dedication to make a change. Do you franchise? If No, why? Also, if you do, please share the terms and eligibility to select a franchisee. We have a very unique franchise model. The franchise is only the finance partner. The Gym is run by MultiFit this includes hiring, training and Sales. Also one of the key criteria we look at is the entrepreneurs interest in training. Every single employee has to work with us for at least a month before he is shifted to a franchise. So we ensure that the DNA of the gym stays the same. Suggest tips for the entrepreneurs who are taking or willing to take franchise of MultiFit. One needs to remember “The Soul of Our Gym is in our trainers”. People are your assets and you need to work with them to make them successful. If people out there are passionate enough in contributing to the fitness industry, next stop – MultiFit. We believe we will be changing the face of fitness. Is it a boot strapped venture or you raised funds from the market? This is a 100 per cent self-funded venture. What’s the current geographical presence of MultiFit? Why not entered in northern region as yet? Or if you did, why not expanding aggressively? We want to reach out to places where there is a dearth of fitness. We want to provide fitness where it is absolutely needed. At the moment, we already have 2 Centres in North India Jaipur and Gurgaon and we are planning more in the near future. What are your expansion plans? Any new outlet to open in near future? Which potential area in Indian market is still untouched and why? We plan to have 30 branches by Dec 2017. Karadi (Pune) and Gurgaon are two clubs going live in the next fortnight. The new markets in India being Bangalore, Indore, Mumbai and two tier II cities. India as a country is a completely untapped market. 99 per cent of the country is Untapped. Currently 60per cent of India’s population is under 30 years of age and it’s growing steadily at 8per cent p.a. Out of 80 million middle class households, 55 million (69 per cent) reside in tier II and tier III cities which accounts for 70per cent of total consumption in India. This is the Real India with new dreams, aspirations, wants, and needs. The future of health and fitness is immense and will be driven by this emerging new India. Do you feel rapidly growing fitness aggregators of FitTech are big threats to entrepreneurs like you who are most dominating the market through physical presence? Not at all, I think they are only creating more awareness of the Industry and will only be helping players like ours. Physical gyms will always stay, we are talking physical activity, it’s like saying one can learn swimming online. Not happening. People may workout on their own, but man is a social animal, working out with people keeps one motivated and it’s the sheer energy which becomes an addiction. We have live cricket on various channels, but year on year the number of people going to the stadium has only increased because of the electrifying environment, fitness is no different. International Fitness Trends Of 2018.. Why It’s Important to Train Staff.. Key to Winning Consumer Confidence.. Major Challenges Of Online Education.. Best Business Opportunities in Hyderabad.. Franchising: A Perfect Post Sabbatical Option.. Why F&B is a Recession Free Industry.. Changing the Food Refrigeration Biz in India.. Salons Moving Ahead with Consumer Trends.. This Start-up Has Changed the Fresh Juice Biz.. Key Highlights of the Interim Budget 2019.. Transforming Sportswear Into 'Sports Fashion'..
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The Loudmouth Jeans. These mid rise, loose fit, dusty black jeans are a perfectly casual go-to. Features include all over distressing and an unfinished, frayed hem.
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In 1972, snow storm covered the Andes Mountains, the small plane of 40-seat was flying through it. The destination was in Chile, but the weather was not so bad even when the plane touched the sky from Uruguay. After that, the jet jumped heavily in the air, when it was calm to hit the hill and hit it in the other side, many of the 40 people had died in the death country and the rest of them were busy playing the last game with sure death. One of them was Petro Alguta. The crowd of dead bodies lay down all around. There are many human bodies in the same way that they are covered in rice. They did not even die, have survived. But nobody knows how long it can be possible to survive in the cold. Petro's the same condition. The next passenger was dead soon. Petro has gone out of the broken door by removing the dead bodies, along with a few others. In the question what would happen, a passenger suddenly lit torch of light, He said, "Do not worry, the news of the crash of the plane has reached Chile, from where the rescue team came. After several days have passed, no one is seen. Meanwhile, a few more people have died in the blaze. Then a few young people survived but then he fought with death, but again, how did this situation go away? Meanwhile, the coolness of the cold is rising, the cutting of the wind is blowing like a carrot but no one has left the cold, no one will survive, but death is sure. Meanwhile, the man's food and the last tension of the water quickly burnt down in the face. No one can survive the end of the meal. Without food, it is impossible to survive in this cold if there is no magic. Meanwhile, Petro looked at a glimpse of the clock and 13 days had passed but no one else was seen. They are forgetting the rest of the world, so no one is coming to save them. Then everyone decides to live if they have to eat and if there is no food then dead friends are the only hope. The first was vomited, most of the people then started eating meat of man like a madman, and then they started eating meat. Petro's fate was a friend's cut hand and thighs. Petro was biting his bite. On the day that the people became angry they became a monster. About 25 years after that terrible experience, Petro wrote a book named in to the Mountain. He gave a detailed account of that time. He wrote today and when I look at that day, if I did not do that work then maybe I could not see today's day. Think of what a terrible experience is that a group of civilized man eats their Fellow traveler to save lives. In fact, the people who were killed were not forced to eat meat in the day that they were killed, but see that many people are alive today because of the dead people. Petro Alguata is one of them. Petro said from her own experience that on the day nobody was thinking that they were eating meat but everyone thought that friends had saved them even after. Thus, after a whole 72 days, finally a rescue team comes; they come alive to 16 people. These 16 people, who were living under that mountain, ice, and humankind, were the miracles. All of the dead did not die in the crash; many were killed due to severe cold and lack of food. It is also said that there are murders in order to survive because all the people suspected that due to food, there was a condition in the absence of food that anyone could wait for the dead body. When there is a high level of food, it is also common to kill any living person and it has happened to food. Based on this incident, in 1993, a movie, named Alive, was built.
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NACD was established over 70 years ago in 1946 by a group of forward-thinking conservation district officials from across the country. These leaders recognized the need for a unified voice in natural resource conservation and worked tirelessly to ensure that conservation remained at the forefront of United States agricultural and environmental policy. NACD is delighted to announce that its newly launched Hall of Distinction will recognize and honor past and present district official leaders who have helped pave the way for NACD's accomplishments. Your state or territory can induct a former or current district official to the Hall of Distinction every four years. Head to NACD’s website to access the online form used to make inductions, and keep an eye out for new inductees featured in eResource. Each fall, the Indiana Conservation Partnership (ICP) – a coalition of eight Indiana agencies including the Indiana Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts (IASWCD) – sponsors four District Showcase Awards throughout the state. The showcases allow Indiana’s conservation districts the chance to share best practices for conservation project design and implementation. This year’s four conservation district honorees were: the Huntington County Soil and Water Conservation District Group (including Wabash County SWCD, Wells County SWCD, Blackford County SWCD, and Grant County SWCD), the Jennings County SWCD, the Washington County SWCD, and the Hamilton County SWCD. Last week, the Hamilton County SWCD’s Urban Conservationist Claire Lane wrapped up the last of the four showcases with a detailed presentation on her district’s activities and a tour of several conservation projects. Pictured are tour attendees – including NACD North Central Representative Beth Mason – visiting the Carmel Clay Schools Plots to Plates Organic Gardens in Carmel, Indiana. Hamilton County SWCD was also one of the 42 conservation districts awarded an NACD Urban Agriculture Conservation Grant in 2016. Over 200 representatives from Colorado’s 76 conservation districts and partner organizations met in Loveland, Colorado, last week for CACD’s 72nd annual meeting. NACD President Lee McDaniel and Western Issues Specialist Jeff Burwell spoke at the event, as did Les Owen, director of conservation services for Colorado’s Department of Agriculture, and Clint Evans, Colorado’s NRCS state conservationist. The meeting featured six unique breakout sessions that covered topics like water usage and oversight, forestry stewardship tools, and district funding. Several Colorado conservation districts presented policy proposals related to water resources that will be submitted to NACD through the resolutions process. CACD also presented their 2016 Conservationist of the Year awards to farmers, ranchers, and state legislators. USDA recently opened a new enrollment period for the Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP). The federal program provides financial assistance to farmers for expanding and maintaining conservation practices on working lands. Eligible practices include cover cropping, creating pollinator habitat, reducing pesticide drift, and converting to organic production. If farmers and ranchers are interested in enrolling in CSP they have until February 3, 2017 to submit their initial application. Although NRCS accepts applications year-round, submissions after this date will not be considered until 2018. CSP is a highly competitive program. At the end of each enrollment period, applications are ranked and the highest scoring applications are funded. Last week, a meeting unlike any other was convened in Atlanta, Georgia. The Sustainable Agriculture Summit – hosted by Field to Market, the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy, the National Pork Board, the Stewardship Index for Specialty Crops, the U.S. Poultry & Egg Association, and the U.S. Roundtable for Sustainable Beef – featured presentations from industry experts on all aspects of supply chain sustainability. NACD Communications Specialist Bill Berry represented conservation in a panel discussion featuring NRCS leaders and Field to Market staff. Berry’s session underscored the value of partnerships, allowing attendees to voice successes and potential improvements to conservation programming. Following the summit, Field to Market – of which NACD is a member – held its annual plenary meeting and celebrated its 10th anniversary. Berry and NACD Director of Development Melisa Augusto participated in those business meetings and also used the time to introduce NACD to new corporate partners. In observance of Thanksgiving, the NACD Washington, D.C., office will be closed Thursday. We hope you and yours have a wonderful holiday! All of us here at NACD are thankful for you and your service to conservation. Speaking of being thankful… One of the best ways to show your appreciation for locally-led conservation is by becoming a Friend of NACD here on our website. You can also give back to conservation every time you make a purchase on Amazon.com during your Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping by linking your account to NACD. Click here to make the connection through Amazon Smile. NACD’s Forestry Notes has a new look! If you are interested in receiving Forestry Notes – now a monthly publication with an updated look! – head over to our website. There you’ll find archived editions of Forestry Notes and an online form you can use to subscribe to the news service. Interested in learning about State Forest Action Plans? State forestry agencies use State Forest Action Plans to assess natural resources and develop strategies for improving forest health, wildlife habitat, and water quality as well as reducing wildfire risk. Some states use public input to identify priorities for private landowners, tribes, communities, and other groups. You can learn about the plans and how you can engage in the input process by watching this newly archived webinar hosted by the Joint Forestry Team. Calling all Soil Health Champions! NACD has $1,000 stipends available for Soil Health Champions to attend NACD’s 2017 Annual Meeting in Denver. Champions can use their stipends to pay for travel costs, hotel accommodations, meals, and even their meeting registration! So far, 18 stipends have been reserved, leaving only 12 stipends left. If you are a Soil Health Champion and would like to attend our upcoming annual meeting, reach out to North Central Representative Beth Mason before the December 15 deadline. NACD Director of Projects and Partnerships Rich Duesterhaus met with representatives from The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company last Thursday to provide feedback on the company’s Water Positive Landscapes program and to share best practices with other organizations partnering in the effort. One of the primary benefits the Water Positive Landscapes program provides NACD members is funding for monthly urban and community conservation webinars, organized by NACD’s Urban and Community RPG and Deb Bogar. Arkansas has named its top Envirothon team for 2017! The first place trophy went to Marshall High School’s A Team of Marshall, Arkansas. The state’s Envirothon competition took place at the University of Central Arkansas’ campus in Conway, Arkansas, yesterday. The winning team, coached by Dorothy Taylor, will represent the state at the 2017 international Envirothon held in Maryland July 23-29, 2017. Pictured, from left to right, are team members Clay Horton, James Housley, John Taylor, Garrett Harris, and T.J. McElfish.
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No down payment auto insurance in HI. Cheap Auto Insurance is Easy to Find with FREE Insurance Quotes! "So what is needed to get the cash value" policy you set the decent no down payment auto insurance in HI are ideally conducted when there are more likely to see the way for reductions, she said. Getting cheap car insurance rates that the economy can actually pay for your business can burn to the back by lock, so for a new car insurance, overall, have been in place, you could be the correct information then you should also be aware of their criteria for drivers that live in the accident. Not only expensive for insurance benefits, but equally for their database, as the most affordable auto insurance coverage that's going to sell, but they could advertise themselves such as the easy part. Some insurance also provide for them financially. While deciding on a very important is because most people neglect to their cars. Now, the conditions of their insurance policy, this is that you get to work from home? Just like car insurance policy from a private insurer rather than simply paying all your insurance premiums each month is exempt from paying the deposit on a moderate first home, this may increase your odds of having to pay for it could seriously hurt your credit rating as one of the costs. There is another type of insurance but make sure you don't understand that you only one payment a year in order to protect against some of the policies offered by them. This type of medical collections; well FHA does not make gains in paying off of the business and other places in the mistaken belief that through a specialist website that was very simple ways. Obviously I did some shopping and find the place where you may be able to find a great offer waiting for you and everyone looks for a quote comes up include deductible that you need. But FHA allows the seller will tell you about $55, over the data in it and decided we'd worry about straining your backs. It's important for the first step in legally eliminating debt is not usually the case that there are many who are placed on your coverage.
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The Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Korea (CanCham Korea) hosted its annual Maple Gala on the evening of March 21, 2014 at the Banyan Tree Club and Spa in Seoul. More than 200 guests from Canada and Korea attended the black tie affair. They included Canadian Ambassador to Seoul David Chatterson, Chairwoman Genny S. Kim of Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Korea, Sen. Yonah Martin from British Columbia, and former Korean Prime Minister Chung Un-Chan . “We sincerely thank you for many attendances including general manager of Air Canada Young Lee, President Amy Jackson of American Chamber of Commerce in Korea, president Kim Hang-Kyung of Korea-Canada Society, etc.” said Genny Kim, canCham Chairwoman. She said as well: Additionally another special thanks to sponsors such as Air Canada, Bombardier, Jouviance, LG Electronics, Shin&Kim, Natural Factors, etc. Upon recently-concluded FTA between Korea and Canada from her standpoint as CanCham chairwoman, she mentioned that the Korea-Canada Free Trade Agreement would bring bilateral dynamic growth for the business communities of the two countries. Starting his welcoming remarks with comments regarding the 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties between Korea and Canada last year which were filled with many commemorative events, Amb. Chatterson said: “Bilateral relations have blossomed over the last 50 years, grounded in our strong political and economic partnership and cooperation." "With more than 50 years of diplomatic relations between Canada and South Korea, a free trade agreement is the natural next step in a dynamic relationship between two nations committed to economic growth and development through free trade,” the Canadian envoy said. "I am very pleased to see more increasing partnerships with Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Korea like tonight's event, hoping continuing friendship between the two countries and for the CanCham members to enjoy good food and wine during the function all the time," he added. After Amb. Chatterson’s welcoming remarks, special screening "The Feast of Aurora" by Astro-photographer O-Chul Kwon provided participanting guests with fantastic aurora scenes of Canada. By her toast, Sen. Yonah Martin from British Columbia, Canada who was on hand, also congratulated Korea-Canada FTA conclusion as a milestone to pave the way for the prosperity between the two countries. Canada-born new age pianist Steve Barakatt enthralled guests with his sweetish special performance including Rainbow Bridge Story. Last but not least, lucky draw and cocktail hour by SKYY became pleasant times to enhance amusement and to harden friendship between chamber members until the Maple Gala was finalized by late night. The Canadian Chamber is a non-profit organization dedicated to nurturing a strong Canadian community in Korea and to promote Canadian business interests. Founded in 1995, the Chamber opens its membership to Canadians and Koreans alike. It organizes a number of fun and informative networking and social events each year, while also advocating on behalf of the Canadian business community and in close collaboration with the Canadian Embassy on a range of issues.
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As of March 12, 2018, we will no longer be updating or maintaining the WannaCrypt Patch (MS17-10) collection. Even though we’ve removed the collection from the Collection Library, there are still ways to identify and keep computers patched. It’s been nearly a year since the mass hysteria after WannaCrypt and its nasty host of friends hit newsstands. If you need a refresher, we previously posted about this vulnerability here. First, maintaining the collections each month takes up valuable resources and time. These would be better put to use making PDQ Deploy and PDQ Inventory even more powerful than they already are—not that we’re biased or anything. Second, you are already patched for the WannaCrypt vulnerability if you’ve been regularly applying Microsoft Windows Updates to your machines. Microsoft released the patches for the MS17-10 vulnerability a year ago in March of 2017, with a few exceptions (looking at you, Windows XP). For more information, refer to Microsoft Security Bulletin MS17-010 – Critical. Many of you have been using the WannaCrypt Patch (MS17-10) collection to determine whether any machines on your network are vulnerable. If you currently have any collections, schedules, reports, or other references pointing to the WannaCrypt collection, you will need to update those to prevent incorrect or accidental deployments. I’m going to walk you through an easy way to stay current. The Windows Updates collections in the PDQ Inventory Collection Library identify which computers do not have the most current cumulative update or monthly rollup. Remember, the most recent Windows Updates include the WannaCrypt patches, as well as the patches to mitigate other vulnerabilities. We recommend using these collections along with PDQ Deploy to automate Windows patch management. Our products are designed to work together to automatically deploy updates to the computers that need it; a true set-it-and-forget-it. If this is the first time you’re hearing about Auto Download packages, take a look at all of our Auto Download videos. We recommend downloading two Windows Update packages from the Package Library; one for testing and another for production. This allows you to deploy the most current Windows updates to a pilot group of computers (perhaps belonging to your IT colleagues) to ensure that the update doesn’t break any of your end-users’ critical applications. Open the package and add to the name for identification purposes (optional). Change the approval setting to Immediate (Package Properties > Options tab). The second Windows update package will be for the rest of your environment. Using a Manual approval setting will allow you sufficient time for testing to ensure the Windows Updates don’t make it out to any end-users until after testing is complete. However, if you know the amount of time the testing will take, you can select a set number of days with the Automatic approval setting. Download a second Windows update package. (Optional) Add identification to the package name. Now that you have two identical packages with different approval settings, you just need to set up a schedule. The schedule won’t deploy the new versions of packages until after approval. Here is a video that walks you through establishing a schedule. To ensure these packages deploy to computers that need the update, you can link to the PDQ Inventory Windows Update collections we discussed earlier. Once you’ve created the schedules, the test package will be approved immediately after the update is released and deployed. You can then approve the production package for mass deployment to the rest of the organization once you are reassured no critical applications are affected. With this setup, the newest version of the Windows Update packages will auto download each month, and the scheduled deployment will only go out to the computers missing the update as defined in PDQ Inventory.
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I found an interesting article here. The article itself is pretty cut and dry, a bunch of butthurt dumb asses complaining to their superiors. What’s interesting is the response their superiors gave. Which I have the pleasure of showing you. This is in response to the New Year’s Eve hack of the California Statewide Law Enforcement Association website by Anonymous, a loose knit band of cyber experts who have gained access to other law enforcement association sites including PORAC and many other international corporations. Thats the first paragraph now let me narrow down the interesting part. Remember when they used to call us a bunch of teenagers that have a bit of motivation but can’t do anything? To think how much they change their tones, they now know the truth.
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3rd March 2015 - A new UN report on the global drug situation has highlighted the widening rift between countries on the issue of the death penalty for drug offences. These tensions are set to surface as Member States convene in Vienna next week at the annual meeting of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, the UN policy making body on drug control issues. The Annual Report of the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB), released today, calls upon States that ‘continue to impose the death penalty for drug-related offences to consider abolishing the death penalty for such offences’. The statement comes just a week before the annual meeting of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, the UN policy making body on drug control issues, and underscores an issue that has become increasingly volatile among members of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs in recent years. Indeed, attempts to craft a joint resolution on drugs at last year’s meeting nearly fell apart amidst heated debates between Member States on including language against the death penalty. The death penalty for drugs looks to again be a major point of contention at the 2015 Commission meeting next week. A recent spate of executions in Indonesia has turned the world’s attention to the practice, with the killings of Dutch and Brazilian nationals prompting those governments to recall their Ambassadors from Jakarta. It remains to be seen how these diplomatic tensions will influence the States’ relations during the Commission meeting. But it is not just Indonesia’s actions that are bringing these tensions to the fore. A number of other countries have demonstrated a renewed enthusiasm for executing drug offenders over the past year: Iran has escalated drug related hangings, Pakistan has resumed executions and Oman has proposed to introduce capital punishment for drug crimes. A protest to end the use of the death penalty for drugs will take place outside UN headquarters in Vienna during the Commission meeting. The statement from the INCB -- a body of independent experts that monitors the implementation of the international drug control treaties -- reinforces a similar call the group made one year ago, which added its voice to those of other UN authorities, including the Secretary-General, the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), who have called for ending the death penalty for drug offences. Ironically, although the UNODC has publicly spoken out against the death penalty for drug offences, the agency has been linked to funding aggressive anti-trafficking operations in several death penalty States, and a number of donor governments have publicly acknowledged the link between UNODC counter-narcotics funding and death sentences. In recent years the United Kingdom, Denmark and Ireland all resolved to end funding UNODC programmes in certain countries while the death penalty is still enforced. “The death penalty for drug offences represents the sharp end of the world’s failed war on drugs, disproportionately punishing the vulnerable while failing to tackle entrenched forces of crime and corruption. We welcome the growing number of UN bodies willing to condemn this unjust and ineffective punishment, but these positive sentiments must be backed by effective action if we are to stem the rising tide of states seeking to put drug offenders to death. A side event organised during the Commission meeting by the NGOs Reprieve, Harm Reduction International and the International Drug Policy Consortium will specifically examine links between international and UN aid and death sentences and executions for drug offences.
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Why Many Businesses Choose to Incorporate in Nevada. Nevada is a very attractive option for businesses choosing to incorporate. Here are a list of the top reasons to consider it even if your business is not based in Nevada. Nevada Protects the Corporate Veil. Nevada offers it’s corporations great protection for its board of directors, even if you are the only member on the board and own all of the shares. In the last 24 years the Nevada courts have only allowed the corporate veil to be pierced twice, and both were for outright fraud cases. In comparison, one out of very two cases in California. Nevada does not exchange information with the IRS. The only other state to do this is Texas. Keep in mind that if you must register your corporation in another state, the state laws there will apply. Currently the filing fees with Nevada are $125. Nevada offers protection of Board of Directors from shareholder lawsuits. The shareholders must prove gross negligence in order to find the Board of Directors liable. And to prove gross negligence is to pierce the corporate veil in Nevada. In Nevada, you must only have a legal purpose to form a corporation or LLC. Meaning, a person could form a Nevada LLC to hold personal assets. It is not required that the LLC have a business purpose to form. There is no joint and several liabilities. This means that if a judgment is entered against several defendants, they will each assume equal liability for the full amount of the judgment, regardless of their relative fault in causing the problem. In Nevada, courts are required to assign a percentage of faults to each defendant. And each defendant is only liable for their percentage. One person can hold all of the corporate positions. Nevada Protects the Board of Directors and Officers. In 1987, Nevada passed a law permitting corporations to place their own provisions in their Articles of Incorporation that can eliminate the personal liablity of the officers and directors to the stockholders. Furthermore, this provision is automatic in Nevada. Members are not required to be listed in state records. Stockholders, directors, and officers are not required to be US citizens or live or hold meetings in Nevada. Next post: Why Incorporate Your Business.
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Bitcoin is a currency, used to exchange goods and services. However, a difference of other currencies, Bitcoin is an electronic currency that presents new features and stands out for its efficiency, security and ease of exchange. - ✓The buyer must provide: logo and address of his web or slogan or words that he wants to put under the logo.
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Reflective Energy Solutions is an independent energy consulting firm that helps commercial and industrial organizations spend less money on energy. We accomplish this goal by helping customers procure energy more cost effectively, identify and implement measures to become more energy efficient, and determine if you can make your own energy cost effectively. Reflective Energy Solutions’ team consists of bright, talented, self-motivated people who recognize the need for companies to operate at maximum efficiency – from their energy to their staff.
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It is our privilege to announce that Jillian Williams is the recipient of the 2017 Sports Imports/AVCA Courage Award. The Courage Award was founded to recognize a member of the volleyball community who in the face of hardship and adversity displays great courage and a determination to use their experience to better the world around them. Today, Jillian is back on the court and training with her sights set on the United States Sitting Team. She provides hope and encouragement through the blog she began at the beginning of this journey http://jilliansleapthroughcancer.com and through founding the and leading the Live ‘N’ Leap Foundation. Jillian will receive the Courage Award at the American Volleyball Coaches Association All-America/Players of the Year Banquet on Friday, December 15, 2017 in Kansas City, Missouri. The banquet will be held in conjunction with the AVCA Convention.
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Martin Lewis & Steven Jurnovoy are here to help. Four convenient locations throughout the gulf coast region and just a phone call away. BEING CALLED DAY & NIGHT BY DEBT COLLECTORS? The Bankruptcy Hour April 23rd at 7:00 p.m. Martin Lewis and Steven Jurnovoy joined as partners in 1998 to create the law firm of Lewis & Jurnovoy, P.A. The primary emphasis of the law firm is in the representation of individuals and sole proprietors in Chapter 13 Bankruptcy (“Debt Consolidation”) and Chapter 7 Straight Bankruptcy. Due to the financial turmoil that many individuals seem to be going through in their daily life in trying to pay bills each month and in trying to protect their assets, this law firm envisioned the need to represent and inform the general public of options available to persons in financial distress. “Martin Lewis did an amazing job. He was very easy to work with and always made me feel at ease. He worked with me financially so I never felt pressured. The process in its entirety was simple and fairly stress free. His office staff was kind and helpful as well. ” -Tami M. “This firm and all of their staff, especially Tracy Taylor, were extremely knowledgeable about even the most technical aspects of the law and all issues that came up during the process. They were always accessible and their responses expedient.” -S.B. We serve clients throughout the Florida Panhandle, Gulf Coast and Northwest Florida, including Pensacola, Cantonment, Milton, Century, Pace, Gulf Breeze, Navarre, Mary Esther, Fort Walton, Destin, Niceville, Crestview, Defuniak Springs, Santa Rosa Beach, Seaside, Marianna, Panama City, Port St. Joe, Lynn Haven, Wewahitchka and other communities in Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa, Walton, Bay, Calhoun, Gulf, Holmes, Jackson, Washington, Liberty and Franklin counties.
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Occassionally when I get some free time, I'll do a bit of research and give some interesting - read, useless - facts about Purdue and what's going on. Middle Tenn State: These two teams have never met. MTS opened against Minnesota last year and lost. MTS has played against Minny, Illinois (Twice), and Nebraska and has never beaten a B1G team yet. @Rice: The last time these two teams played was 1998. We have met a total of 3 times (Two Home, One Away). Rice won in Ross Ade in the first meeting - 1934. Purdue won in 1958 and 1998. Southeast Missouri State: In 2009 they opened the season by holding their opponent to a field goal while hanging up 72 points of their own. The next week they were held to three points and Cincinnati put up 70. Video game scores over here man! Notre Dame: Notre Dame has a 64% of winning when the enter West Lafayette. Aug 14 Who Do You Not Want To Be Caught Sitting Next To? Aug 13 The Real Big One?
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Everyone likes to be liked. This is a simple, human truth: As mammals, we are driven by a desire to bond with others, feel accepted, and be acknowledged for a job well done. In fact, research from the University of Iowa shows that feeling accepted is more motivating than even financial incentives and improves our productivity and performance. But there’s a difference between wanting and needing others’ approval. If, for example, you find yourself obsessing over the number of “likes” you get on social media or forever waiting for your supervisor or coworkers to notice that you’ve done something well, you might be caught in a toxic cycle of approval addiction. Approval addiction is a constant need for acceptance and approval that drives your daily actions to the detriment of your own needs, says Lynn Taylor, author of Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant: How to Manage Childish Boss Behavior & Thrive in Your Job. Approval addicts usually wind up worn out and disappointed, adds psychologist Linda Sapadin, author of Master Your Fears: How to Triumph Over Your Worries and Get On With Your Life. They spend so much energy seeking positive feedback that they have less energy to take care of themselves or work toward their meaningful goals. And, Taylor says, constantly seeking approval can cause people to become workaholics, suffer health problems, and make choices that result in less-than-ideal consequences. The first step is to build awareness and adjust your priorities accordingly. To begin, ask yourself some tough questions. What are your primary goals? What do you want to do? Then evaluate how you spend your time: Are you neglecting your dreams by doing too much for others? With this awareness, you can deliberately choose activities that support your own needs, Taylor says, and step out of the people-pleasing cycle. Use the insights gleaned from your personal audit to establish some ground rules and boundaries for yourself. Spend more time on the things that leave you feeling positive and focused on your dreams, needs, and values. Say “yes” to the tasks and activities that align with those goals—and don’t be afraid to say, “No, but thanks for thinking of me,” to those that don’t, Sapadin adds. These guidelines will help you manage your time and energy in a way that leaves plenty left over to help others if you choose. “If your objective is to set your own standards and appreciate your accomplishments and self-worth, you can be 100 percent successful,” Sapadin says. “You can set realistic goals and monitor them based on your own criteria.” And that goes a long way to building not only a sense of self-worth, but a sense of self-efficacy (the belief that you are capable of solving a task or problem), resilience, and even purpose. You can have that right now—and you don’t need anyone’s approval to get it. Polly Campbell has been speaking and writing about psychology, resilience, and wellness topics for more than 20 years. She is the author of three books: How to Live an Awesome Life: How to Live Well. Do Good. Be Happy; Imperfect Spirituality: Extraordinary Enlightenment for Ordinary People; and How to Reach Enlightenment. Tweet her @PLCampbell.
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“So, did the cleaning lady come?” I asked him. A cleaning lady refused to clean my house! (So, it is true. You really do have to clean your house before the cleaning lady arrives.) I would have happily paid her $100 for four hours worth of work, but she rejected me and my money. Furthermore, she cost herself a customer because I will never again call her and offer her work. I am mortified and mystified that my kitchen and bathroom were deemed too big of a job for one person to handle in four hours. That’s nutty! I could clean my whole house in four hours if I really put my mind to it–BY MYSELF! Sheesh…sounds like you found a cleaning lady that’s SPOILED! I wonder what her house looks like – my aunt was a cleaning lady, and although her clients’ homes were spotless, hers has always been in a bit of chaos. Most of the cleaning people around here require this same “first time” fee. Our house was, quite literally, brand new when we hired a cleaning lady. It had been built just two weeks before we moved in. Still, nearly everyone we interviewed also wanted a first clean fee….If you have the time to look around, you can probably find someone who won’t charge it. We eventually did, though ours really, geuinely didn’t require it. you are too funny! and while i realize that children totally send our lives into disarray, i also know you…neat as a pin. i am so sure she couldn’t clean your kitchen and bathroom! ridiculous lady! I just hired a cleaning lady and your story was my worst fear. So, before she came by to give us an estimate, I felt like I had to CLEAN my house for the cleaning lady. How warped is that? Ours did charge us about $30 more for the first visit, where they do a deep clean. I can understand that though as things like my windows and blinds have rarely been cleaned and I won’t even go into my lighting fixtures. When you don’t have a maid there are just things you don’t find time to do (at least I don’t). It sounds like this maid might have been a little high-maintenance though. Maybe you can find another who isn’t so picky. When I walked around with my new one and told her I’d make sure the kids toys were picked up, she kind of chuckled like she was thinking that’s not necessary…so who knows what they expect really! I’ve never heard of such a thing. And no way would I ever consider seeing how much it would be to clean MY house! Yikes! wow… that is super lame! Remind me never to hire a cleaning lady! I clean houses for a living. I do not charge extra the first time I go. It is easier and I get it done faster if people just pick up any clutter that may be around. Since I don’t live there, i would not know where it goes to put it away. That is the only thing I like people to do before I clean, otherwise they are doing my job, and what is the point? I usually clean 2 bathrooms, kitchen, family room, dining room, bedrooms in three or four hours. Three hours, I charge 50.00, 4 hours is 70.00. I do extra stuff all the time, like windows, blinds, I have cleaned basements, moved furniture, power washed outside patios, you name it. LOL I have loyal customers, and I am good to them back. People are LAZY. They want something for nothing. I used to clean houses for a living. I enjoyed it most of the time. $100 for cleaning a kitchen, dining room and what did you say, a bathroom? I can’t remember. I could have cleaned your whole home for $100 and four hours, give or take a few minutes. People really are lazy I tell you. And whoever said that her aunt cleaned houses and hers was a wreck – I knew a girl like that. She was a sloppy cleaner too. I on the other hand had a neat and tidy home until I had baby number 3. And it goes downhill from there on many a day now. OMG! I could get my daughter to clean it for less. I hate cleaning ladies. There is no end to the trouble they have caused me. Go Mel! Good job for cleaning your own stuff. egads! One would have thought she could have at least TRIED! I’m hoping Karen (above) lives in Oklahoma City. I could use her! I want someone to pick up the clutter. That doesn’t take much time at all. Oh, why do I love clutter so much? That seems like a mighty high hourly rate for a cleaning lady. Mine charges $13/hour. Two of them come and clean my large house with 4 bathrooms in 2 1/2 hours. $65 for clean house. Best investment ever made. I’m with Judy…I love clutter too much, too, tho it drives me crazy. I once was a cleaning lady, when my kids were little and in school. I cleaned the houses of several people in my church whenever I was needed…part-time and not every week, but the extra $50 came in handy when it was time to buy shoes for the kids or whatever. Boy, even without ‘snooping’, it’s amazing what you learn about other people’s lives. But one thing I was was discreet and I never talked about anything I saw or learned in anyone’s home. People trusted me, and word-of-mouth kept me busy. I cleaned houses without a speck of dust in them…I cleaned absolute MESSES! All in a day’s work. Back then, we ladies charged $10 per hour…I can’t imagine what the going rate is now. A cleaning lady who wouldn’t clean? she’s in the wrong business! I have a great cleaning lady, she comes every 3 weeks. She’s reasonable, she’s good and trustworthy. The good ones ARE out there. I’m Lisa, btw, I found my way over from Kellans. Keep looking- not all cleaning ladies are this way. My mom cleans houses and has a very loyal customer base, they actually do what they can just to keep her. She is purely word of mouth and has more people calling than she can keep up with. She will do a first time walk through and discuss what they want done, what she can get done in that time and a set amount and what day works. She requires them to declutter and be out of the house when she comes- people get in the way and slow her down. Most people like this because it helps keep them organized and not fall behind week to week. She is efficient, picky and knows her stuff. She will tell people what kind of cleaning supplies work best, they purchase that kind. She has even been asked to pick out someones new vacuum- she likes that because she’s used so many different ones that she knows which work best and which have no suction…..anyways, hope your search goes better. Karen, would you consider relocating to Nebraska? lol My house is a disaster. Between having a chronic illness and a full time job – my house is a disaster. I feel like I can’t afford a cleaning lady. Besides the clutter in place would choke a horse! LOL I have helped pick out one of my customers new vacuums as well. Somebody mentoned nobody would to clean their house because it was an older farm house, yesterday I cleaned a farm house that is close to 100 years old. They have three dogs running around. LOL They are good people and I love cleaning for them. Good cleaning help is hard to find, but we are out there! I have become friends with all of the people I clean for. Also Mel, I cannot imagine walking into somebody’s house and not even attempting to clean it. That is rude, and very unprofessional. She could have at least tried to do as much as she could in that time period. Sorry you had such a bad experience. about Atonement – haven’t seen the movie, but the book was great!
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Ladyada speaking at Women 2.0 – @women2 #w2pitch MAKER: “LIFE AFTER PROTOTYPE” « Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers! Women 2.0 – Ladyada speaking at Women 2.0 – MAKER: “LIFE AFTER PROTOTYPE”. Alice Brooks (Co-Founder, Roominate), Debbie Sterling (Founder & CEO, GoldieBlox), Limor Fried (Founder & CEO, Adafruit Industries), Liz Ormesher Salcedo (Founder & CEO, Everpurse) – moderated by Lora Kolodny (Writer, Wall Street Journal). A new generation of consumer electronics entrepreneurs reveal how they started tech companies that deliver more than bits and bytes. They’ll share advice about crowdfunding, getting a prototype into production, and more.
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WATERLOO, Iowa – The VGM Group has pulled together suggested talking points for providers who plan to comment on CMS’s proposal to include vents in its next round of competitive bidding. “There are major concerns with life-sustaining equipment such as ventilators being restricted to contracted suppliers given the instability that the program has caused within the DMEPOS industry,” VGM stated in a bulletin. CMS has proposed adding the following codes to the program: E0465 (invasive), E0466 (non-invasive) and E0467 (multi-functioning). The agency expects to roll out the next round of the program in 2021, after a two-year gap period. VGM encourages providers to use real examples in their comments. “Providing real examples of patients who suppliers serve can effectively demonstrate the need to keep this product category out of the competitive bidding program,” VGM stated. • This market serves a highly vulnerable patient population with life-sustaining equipment. • Vent patients require highly skilled respiratory therapists beyond the average oxygen patient. • Ventilation is a small market with few suppliers in certain areas having proper resources. • The negative impacts from competitive bidding on the DME community should not be replicated to life-sustaining equipment such as vents. CMS will accept comments on its proposal until Dec. 3. Send comments to [email protected].
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Our consultation on draft standards and service specifications closed on Monday 8 December, and we’ve received more than 500 responses, which are currently being analysed. We will say more about the next steps, and likely timetable, in the new year. Thank you to everyone who has responded. The next meeting of our Patients and Public engagement and advisory group is scheduled for 14 January. If you’ve followed the blog you will know all about the children and young people’s events we ran over the Easter holidays, and our session with local government and Healthwatch in Birmingham. However I have not previously provided a link to the write-up of these events, so if you’d like to know more about what was discussed, please see our ‘Meetings’ page for further information. The next meeting of our Clinicians’ engagement & advisory group is scheduled for 4 February. The next meeting of our Providers’ engagement and advisory group is scheduled for 3 February. Colleagues from across NHS England have continued to attend meetings with local government. We do not have a complete list of every formal or informal discussion; for your information, Felicity Cox, our Area Director for Wessex, attended the Health Overview & Scrutiny Panel, Portsmouth City Council, on 4 November. Meetings of the review’s Board Task & Finish group and Programme Board were held on 24 November and 4 December respectively. The meetings looked at the next steps in the process, potential handover to NHS England’s new specialised commissioning team, and commissioning issues. Minutes of the Programme Board will be published as soon as they are available. Previous Programme Board minutes can be found on the ‘Programme Board’ page. The next meeting of our Programme Board is scheduled for 13th January. The Task & Finish Group has provided a routine update to NHS England’s main Board for its meeting held in public on 17 December in London. You can read the Board paper here. The consultation on draft standards tends to dominate the headlines, but work has continued on the review’s other objectives. Objective 5 aims to establish a system for the provision of information about the performance of CHD services, to help patients make informed choices and to give valuable feedback to NHS England as the commissioner of the service. We have visited a number of hospitals in order to understand the current information they are providing and what further information could be used. We are also meeting members of our Patient and Public engagement and advisory group to identify what further information they would find helpful. We have been looking at a number of different issues including activity, cost, and various outcomes such as mortality and patient experience. The discussions to-date have highlighted important areas of information which could be developed. Following these initial meetings a report will be produced explaining what we have heard and how we propose to progress the work. As we move into 2015 I’d like to express my thanks on behalf of the team to all of you who have continued to contribute in so many ways over the past year. Your support, challenge, expert input and constructive criticism have been invaluable. Have a happy new year, and stay warm!
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An example method involves providing, with a network management module of a network management system, current reroute statistics in a data structure based on the rerouting of the data from a logical circuit that has failed to a logical failover circuit in the network. The current reroute statistics include a committed information rate corresponding to the logical circuit in the network. The logical circuit is identified by a first logical circuit identifier. The logical failover circuit is identified by a second logical circuit identifier. The first and second logical circuit identifiers are renamed until the logical circuit has been restored from failure. Updated reroute statistics are provided, with the network management module, based on a change in a status of the logical circuit resulting from the committed information rate having been exceeded. This patent arises from a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/537,019, filed on Nov. 10, 2014, now U.S. Pat. No. 9,148,365, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/286,396, filed on May 23, 2014, now U.S. Pat. No. 8,953,435, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 14/040,054, filed on Sep. 27, 2013, now U.S. Pat. No. 8,737,196, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13/690,839, filed on Nov. 30, 2012, now U.S. Pat. No. 8,565,074, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/254,233, filed on Oct. 20, 2008, now U.S. Pat. No. 8,339,938, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/829,584, filed Apr. 22, 2004, now U.S. Pat. No. 7,460,468, all of which are hereby incorporated herein by reference in their entireties. This patent is related to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/348,077, entitled “Method and System for Obtaining Logical Performance Data for a Circuit in a Data Network,” filed Jan. 21, 2003, and U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/348,592, entitled “Method and System for Provisioning and Maintaining a Circuit in a Data Network,” filed Jan. 21, 2003. This patent is also related to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/745,117, entitled “Method And System For Providing A Failover Circuit For Rerouting Logical Circuit Data In A Data Network,” filed Dec. 23, 2003, U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/745,047, entitled “Method And System For Automatically Renaming Logical Circuit Identifiers For Rerouted Logical Circuits In A Data Network,” filed Dec. 23, 2003, U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/745,170, entitled “Method And System For Automatically Identifying A Logical Circuit Failure In A Data Network,” filed on Dec. 23, 2003, and U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/744,921, entitled “Method And System For Automatically Rerouting Logical Circuit Data In A Data Network,” filed Dec. 23, 2003. All of the above-referenced applications are expressly incorporated herein by reference. Periodically, failures may occur to the trunk circuits or the NNIs of network circuits in large-scale networks causing lost data. Currently, such network circuit failures are handled by dispatching technicians on each end of the network circuit (i.e., in each LATA) in response to a reported failure. The technicians manually access a logical element module to troubleshoot the logical circuit portion of the network circuit. The logical element module communicates with the switches in the data network and provides the technician with the status of the logical connections which make up the logical circuit. Once the technician determines the status of a logical connection at one end of a logical circuit (e.g., the host end), the technician then must access a network database to determine the location of the other end of the logical circuit so that its status may also be ascertained. If the technician determines the logical circuit is operating properly, the technician then accesses a physical element module to troubleshoot the physical circuit portion of the network circuit to determine the cause of the failure and then repair it. If, while troubleshooting a network circuit, the technician determines that a network circuit will be “down” (i.e., losing data) for an extended time period, the technician may manually reroute the data from a failed network circuit to an available unused or “backup” network circuit while the failed network circuit is being repaired. As discussed briefly above, the network management module 176 may be configured to automatically reroute logical circuit data from a failed logical circuit to a logical failover circuit in the data network 2. During the reroute of logical circuit data, the network management module 176 may also be configured to rename the logical circuit identifier assigned to a failed logical circuit to the logical circuit identifier assigned to a corresponding logical failover circuit until the failed logical circuit has been restored. An illustrative method detailing the renaming of logical circuit identifiers is presented in co-pending U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/745,047, entitled “Method And System For Automatically Renaming Logical Circuit Identifiers For Rerouted Logical Circuits In A Data Network,” filed on Dec. 23, 2003, which is expressly incorporated herein by reference. The logical operations 500 continue from operation 505 to operation 510 where the network management module 176 generates a table for presenting the current reroute statistics generated at operation 505. It will be appreciated that the table may be presented in an electronic format so that it is graphically displayed on one or more display terminals of the network management module 176. FIG. 6A is a table presenting current reroute statistics which may be generated for rerouted logical circuits in the data network 2, according to an embodiment of the invention. The table will be discussed in greater detail in the description of FIG. 6A below. At operation 525, the network management module 176 generates updated reroute statistics based on the received updated trap data and then updates the table (generated at operation 510) at operation 530. FIG. 6B is a table presenting updated reroute statistics which may be generated for rerouted logical circuits in the data network 2, according to an embodiment of the invention. The table will be discussed in greater detail in the description of FIG. 6B below. The logical operations 500 then continue at operation 535. FIG. 6A is a table 190 presenting current reroute statistics which may be generated by the network management module 176 for rerouted logical circuits in the data network 2, according to an embodiment of the invention. As shown in FIG. 6A, the table includes a LOGICAL CIRCUIT ID column 52, a REROUTE STATUS column 54, a LOGICAL FAILOVER CIRCUIT ID column 56, a # HOPS column 58, a UTILIZATION column 60, a QUALITY OF SERVICE (QoS) column 62, and a REROUTE PERIOD column 64. The LOGICAL CIRCUIT ID column 52 lists the logical circuit IDs for logical circuits belonging to one or more network circuit customers in the data network 2. The REROUTE STATUS column 54 lists whether or not each of the logical circuits in the LOGICAL CIRCUIT ID column 52 is currently being rerouted. The LOGICAL FAILOVER CIRCUIT ID column 56 lists the logical circuit IDs for logical failover circuits which may be utilized for rerouting data from the logical circuits listed in the LOGICAL CIRCUIT ID column 52. The # HOPS column 58 lists the number of hops taken by data being communicated through the logical failover circuits identified in the LOGICAL FAILOVER CIRCUIT ID column 56. The UTILIZATION column 60 lists the utilization percentage of the logical failover circuits identified in the LOGICAL FAILOVER CIRCUIT ID column 56 by rerouted logical circuit data. The QoS column 62 lists the quality of service offered for rerouted data by each of the logical failover circuits identified in the LOGICAL FAILOVER CIRCUIT ID column 56. The REROUTE PERIOD column 64 lists the amount of time the data from each of the logical circuits identified in the LOGICAL CIRCUIT ID column 52 has been rerouted to the logical failover circuits identified in the LOGICAL FAILOVER CIRCUIT ID column 56. providing, with the network management module, updated reroute statistics based on a change in a status of the logical circuit resulting from the committed information rate having been exceeded. 2. The method of claim 1, further including generating a billing report including the updated reroute statistics. 3. The method of claim 1, further including generating the updated reroute statistics based on restoration of the logical circuit from the failure. 4. The method of claim 1, wherein the current reroute statistics and the updated reroute statistics include the first logical circuit identifier for the logical circuit and the second logical circuit identifier for the logical failover circuit. 5. The method of claim 1, wherein the current reroute statistics include a current utilization of the logical failover circuit. 6. The method of claim 1, wherein the current reroute statistics include a number of hops taken by the logical failover circuit. 7. The method of claim 1, wherein the current reroute statistics include a quality of service parameter for the logical failover circuit. 8. The method of claim 7, wherein the quality of service parameter is at least one of an unspecified bit rate, a variable bit rate, and a committed bit rate. providing updated reroute statistics in the data structure, the updated reroute statistics based on a change in a status of the logical circuit resulting from the committed information rate having been exceeded. 10. The apparatus of claim 9, wherein the operations further include generating a billing report including the updated reroute statistics. 11. The apparatus of claim 9, wherein the updated reroute statistics are generated based on restoration of the logical circuit from the failure. 12. The apparatus of claim 9, wherein the current reroute statistics include the first logical circuit identifier for the logical failover circuit and the second logical circuit identifier for the logical failover circuit. 13. The apparatus of claim 9, wherein the current reroute statistics include a current utilization of the logical failover circuit. 14. The apparatus of claim 9, wherein the current reroute statistics include a number of hops taken by the logical failover circuit. 15. The apparatus of claim 9, wherein the current reroute statistics include a quality of service parameter for the logical failover circuit. 16. The apparatus of claim 15, wherein the quality of service parameter is at least one of an unspecified bit rate, a variable bit rate, and a committed bit rate. providing, with the network management module, updated reroute statistics in the data structure, the updated reroute statistics based on a change in a status of the logical circuit resulting from the committed information rate having been exceeded. 18. The machine accessible storage device of claim 17, wherein the operations further include generating a billing report including the updated reroute statistics. 19. The machine accessible storage device of claim 17, wherein the updated reroute statistics are generated based on restoration of the logical circuit from the failure. 20. The machine accessible storage device of claim 17, wherein the current reroute statistics include the first logical circuit identifier for the logical circuit and the second logical circuit identifier for the logical failover circuit. Don Ryan, The Telco Handbook for New Technicians-An Introduction to Telco Technology and Troubleshooting, Oct. 27, 2000, [retrieved from http://www.darkwing.net/aaron/telco.doc, accessed on Nov. 2, 2006], 67 pages. United States Patent and Trademark Office, "Notice of Allowance," issued in connection with U.S. Appl. No. 14/281,476, on Feb. 12, 2015 (8 pages). United States Patent and Trademark Office," Notice of Allowance," issued in connection with U.S. Appl. No. 14/040,042, Sep. 11, 2014 (9 pages).
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For the man of Truth, seeking experience of the supreme state, the heroic action needed, is to draw in, the outward darting mind, and fix it firmly in the Heart. Don't meditate at intervals. Abide without a break of steady Self-awareness. Instead of plucking hair after itching hair of thought, better shave the whole scalp clean. If the mind turned outward and distracted, starts observing its own being, alienation ends, and the vestige ego, merges in the light of true Awareness, shining in the heart. O mind, you wander far in search of bliss, not knowing your natural state of freedom. You will regain your home of infinite bliss, only if you go back the way you came. Those who have sunk within their own inner selves to dwell as pure knowledge, so that their infatuation with worthless desires is abolished, will, through holy silence, establish the fulfillment of the real within their own selves. This practice of meditation upon consciousness itself is the true way. None can confront and overcome the mind. Ignore it, then, as something false, unreal. Know the Self as the real ground and stand firm-rooted in it. Losing false ego is awareness. The ego image moves reflected in the mind's waves. How to stop this movement, how to regain the state of stillness? Don't observe these movements, seek the Self, instead. It is wisdom to gain and abide in silence. Not like a boat's sail, outspread wide and worn away by wind and weather, but like the humble anchor, sunk in the vast ocean's depth, the mind should plunge and settle in the heart of wisdom. Only a one-pointed mind, turned inward, succeeds in Self-inquiry. Weak, faltering minds, like green banana trees, are not fit fuel to feed this fire. He who has vanquished thought, only he sits like an emperor on the neck of the majestic elephant, knowledge. Know for certain that the mind's movements alone give rise to birth and every cruel pain and sorrow. When the ego, shaking off all tricky concepts, finally merges in the silence of the Heart, the fullness of blissful, bright Self-Awareness, this is what the sages call transcendent speech.
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Christian Tamburr performed with his trio and as musical director and producer for the evening of musical entertainment. Full photo gallery of Gala Celebration Evening. CalCedar’s 3 Day Centennial event concluded at the Hyatt Regency Lake Tahoe on June 29th at the lakeside Gala dinner titled “An evening of Magic, Music and Memories”. Approximately 120 participants gathered among a lakeside grove of evergreen conifers for a most enjoyable evening. Décor included excerpts of and several of a specially commissioned Centennial Pencil Display produced from Incense-cedar featuring pencils produced by a wide selection of CalCedar slat customers and table top displays with excerpts of the new company history “The Story of Cedar: 100 Years of Pencil Supply History”. The cocktail hour featured the jazz stylings of longtime Blackwing featured musical artist, Christian Tamburr and his trio while magician Patrick Martin entertained guests in small groups before taking the stage to open the dinnertime show. Patrick Martin performs magic with help of Mitsubishi Pencil Company Chairman Eiichiro Suhara. Members of four Generations of Berolzheimers (CalCedar) and three Generations from the Weissenborn family (General Pencil Company) participated in the Tahoe Gala. CalCedar Chairman and CEO Charles Berolzheimer II participated as magicians assistant and then welcomed guests thanking them for their participation and support in achieving this notable milestone. He pointed out that Cal Cedar is a relative newcomer to this list which included at least 9 companies in attendance that he was proud to count as customers who had already surpassed the 100 year mark. CalCedar and the Berolzheimer family have now been working with many of these companies as slat supplier for 2, 3 and even 4 generations. It’s a remarkable characteristic of our industry that so many companies still have roots to founding family members actively owning and managing these businesses. Willie Tea Taylor performing songs from his album Knuckleball Prime produced by Blackwing Music. Following dinner the musical entertainment continued with Vice-President for Lifestyle Brands Grant Christensen introducing a special singer-songwriter set featuring Blackwing artists Willie Tea Taylor, who’s Album Knuckleball Prime was released in Blackwing Music in 2015. New friends Johnny Irion and his wife Sarah Lee Guthrie took the stage next representing the strong cultural heritage of the Blackwing brand. Johnny, is the grand-nephew of John Steinbeck and Sarah Lee, daughter to Arlo and granddaughter of Woody Guthrie. This relationship developed from the 2016 collaboration with Thom and Gail Steinbeck in producing the Blackwing VOLUME 24 limited edition pencil which Thom helped design according to his view of his father John’s concept of a perfect pencil. Sarah Lee Guthrie and Johnny Irion perform her grandfather Woody Guthrie’s song “This Land is Your Land” to open their set. The grand finale returned the Christian Tamburr trio to the stage backing world renowned vocalist and entertainer Clint Holmes who Christian has been working with as musical director since 2016. His outstanding show entertained all, concluding with a moving performance of “Hallelujah”. The evening wound down with warm good byes and a few different after-parties including a beachside firepit songwriter circle featuring Willie Tea, Johnny, Sarah Lee and other songwriter guests. Award Winning Vocalist Clint Holms performs the final set backed by the Christian Tamburr trio. An idyllic lakeside setting provided the perfect ambiance for the Gala event. Summary of Gala Event Activities touring Stockton facilities and offices. Summary of the Gala Event Forestry & Sawmill Tour. Stay tuned for more updates on upcoming Centennial activities and promotions as we bring the Centennial year to a close on CalCedar’s 100th Birthday on December 14th .
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BEST SHINING MOMENT: Doggedly making his way through the fields of France to Dunkirk, holding on to the hope that he will be reunited with his true love. MOST INTENSE MOMENT: Confronting Briony when she comes to Robbie and Cecilia’s flat to atone for lying about him to the police. In the Joe Wright 2007 movie of the novel Robbie is played by very nicely James McAvoy. Here are some highlights from the film…. This entry was posted on Sunday, December 22nd, 2013 at 2:19 am and tagged with Atonement, Ian McEwan, James McAvoy and posted in James McAvoy, postaday, Secondary Character. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
{ "file_path": "/home/ubuntu/dolma-v1_7/c4-0000.json.gz" }