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1,602 | sim | https://github.com/whitead/molcloud | ['rna', 'molecules'] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | whitead/molcloud | molcloud | 87 | 15 | 2 | Python | null | Make a bunch of molecules | whitead | 2024-01-04 | 2022-07-01 | 82 | 1.053633 | null | Make a bunch of molecules | [] | ['molecules', 'rna'] | 2022-07-30 | [] | 3 | 2 | null | 0 | 1 | 0 | 19 | 18 | 0 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 14 |
846 | util | https://github.com/backtick-se/cowait | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | backtick-se/cowait | cowait | 53 | 5 | 9 | Python | https://cowait.io | Containerized distributed programming framework for Python | backtick-se | 2023-07-09 | 2019-09-18 | 227 | 0.232602 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/51236421?v=4 | Containerized distributed programming framework for Python | ['dask', 'data-engineering', 'data-science', 'docker', 'kubernetes', 'spark', 'task-scheduler', 'workflow-engine'] | ['dask', 'data-engineering', 'data-science', 'docker', 'kubernetes', 'spark', 'task-scheduler', 'workflow-engine'] | 2022-09-22 | [('eventual-inc/daft', 0.7438012361526489, 'pandas', 2), ('fugue-project/fugue', 0.6694428324699402, 'pandas', 2), ('orchest/orchest', 0.6478020548820496, 'ml-ops', 3), ('darribas/gds_env', 0.6343125104904175, 'gis', 1), ('flyteorg/flyte', 0.6116994023323059, 'ml-ops', 2), ('pyinfra-dev/pyinfra', 0.5932263135910034, 'util', 0), ('kestra-io/kestra', 0.5885079503059387, 'ml-ops', 2), ('dagworks-inc/hamilton', 0.5880764722824097, 'ml-ops', 2), ('merantix-momentum/squirrel-core', 0.5777786374092102, 'ml', 1), ('martinheinz/python-project-blueprint', 0.5766209363937378, 'template', 2), ('fastai/fastcore', 0.5709444284439087, 'util', 0), ('lithops-cloud/lithops', 0.5676038861274719, 'ml-ops', 1), ('aws/chalice', 0.5667223334312439, 'web', 0), ('pallets/flask', 0.5663134455680847, 'web', 0), ('willmcgugan/textual', 0.5645186305046082, 'term', 0), ('boto/boto3', 0.5623748302459717, 'util', 0), ('eleutherai/pyfra', 0.5622064471244812, 'ml', 0), ('dask/distributed', 0.56135493516922, 'perf', 1), ('spotify/luigi', 0.5577235221862793, 'ml-ops', 0), ('horovod/horovod', 0.5568536520004272, 'ml-ops', 1), ('dagster-io/dagster', 0.5563982725143433, 'ml-ops', 2), ('falconry/falcon', 0.5538949370384216, 'web', 0), ('dask/dask', 0.5500026941299438, 'perf', 1), ('pypa/pipenv', 0.5493590235710144, 'util', 0), ('bodywork-ml/bodywork-core', 0.547731876373291, 'ml-ops', 2), ('nficano/python-lambda', 0.5466134548187256, 'util', 0), ('multi-py/python-gunicorn-uvicorn', 0.5445891618728638, 'util', 1), ('kubeflow-kale/kale', 0.5415117740631104, 'ml-ops', 0), ('ianmiell/shutit', 0.5379471182823181, 'util', 1), ('airtai/faststream', 0.5363417267799377, 'perf', 0), ('masoniteframework/masonite', 0.5356951951980591, 'web', 0), ('rawheel/fastapi-boilerplate', 0.5353572964668274, 'web', 1), ('pypa/hatch', 0.5353484153747559, 'util', 0), ('fmind/mlops-python-package', 0.5339037179946899, 'template', 0), ('polyaxon/datatile', 0.533811628818512, 'pandas', 3), ('aeternalis-ingenium/fastapi-backend-template', 0.5334479212760925, 'web', 1), ('airbytehq/airbyte', 0.5309221148490906, 'data', 1), ('kubeflow/fairing', 0.5283066034317017, 'ml-ops', 0), ('polyaxon/polyaxon', 0.5269318222999573, 'ml-ops', 2), ('ploomber/ploomber', 0.5248901844024658, 'ml-ops', 2), ('klen/muffin', 0.5236403942108154, 'web', 0), ('pallets/quart', 0.5232675671577454, 'web', 0), ('gefyrahq/gefyra', 0.5228185653686523, 'util', 2), ('eventlet/eventlet', 0.519990086555481, 'perf', 0), ('apache/airflow', 0.5194593667984009, 'ml-ops', 3), ('bottlepy/bottle', 0.5192388892173767, 'web', 0), ('cython/cython', 0.5182483792304993, 'util', 0), ('multi-py/python-gunicorn', 0.5146100521087646, 'util', 1), ('py4j/py4j', 0.5144885182380676, 'util', 0), ('google/gin-config', 0.5143940448760986, 'util', 0), ('dylanhogg/awesome-python', 0.5124981999397278, 'study', 1), ('ipython/ipyparallel', 0.5108761787414551, 'perf', 0), ('ethereum/py-evm', 0.5091575384140015, 'crypto', 0), ('multi-py/python-uvicorn', 0.5087990760803223, 'util', 1), ('uber/fiber', 0.5072715282440186, 'data', 0), ('skypilot-org/skypilot', 0.5072562098503113, 'llm', 1), ('avaiga/taipy', 0.5056573152542114, 'data', 1), ('hi-primus/optimus', 0.5054327249526978, 'ml-ops', 3), ('python-trio/trio', 0.5035473704338074, 'perf', 0), ('python-restx/flask-restx', 0.5034772157669067, 'web', 0), ('netflix/metaflow', 0.5032603144645691, 'ml-ops', 2), ('agronholm/apscheduler', 0.502835750579834, 'util', 0), ('pypy/pypy', 0.5022944808006287, 'util', 0), ('ets-labs/python-dependency-injector', 0.500067412853241, 'util', 0)] | 10 | 2 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 53 | 16 | 0 | 10 | 10 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 14 |
1,490 | math | https://github.com/andgoldschmidt/derivative | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | andgoldschmidt/derivative | derivative | 48 | 7 | 5 | Python | https://derivative.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ | Optimal numerical differentiation of noisy time series data in python. | andgoldschmidt | 2023-12-03 | 2019-02-06 | 259 | 0.184717 | null | Optimal numerical differentiation of noisy time series data in python. | ['differentiation', 'experimental-data', 'numerical-differentiation'] | ['differentiation', 'experimental-data', 'numerical-differentiation'] | 2023-08-29 | [('rjt1990/pyflux', 0.5164141654968262, 'time-series', 0), ('hips/autograd', 0.5045579075813293, 'ml', 0)] | 4 | 2 | null | 0.48 | 2 | 2 | 60 | 5 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 14 |
673 | util | https://github.com/markhershey/arxiv-dl | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | markhershey/arxiv-dl | arxiv-dl | 26 | 5 | 3 | Python | https://pypi.org/project/arxiv-dl/ | Command-line ArXiv & CVF (CVPR, ICCV, WACV) Paper Downloader | markhershey | 2023-12-27 | 2021-01-21 | 157 | 0.164855 | null | Command-line ArXiv & CVF (CVPR, ICCV, WACV) Paper Downloader | ['arxiv', 'command-line-tool', 'cvpr', 'downloader', 'paper', 'paper-with-code', 'research-paper'] | ['arxiv', 'command-line-tool', 'cvpr', 'downloader', 'paper', 'paper-with-code', 'research-paper'] | 2023-11-02 | [] | 3 | 0 | null | 0.23 | 3 | 1 | 36 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 5 | 90 | 1.7 | 14 |
659 | study | https://github.com/rasbt/stat453-deep-learning-ss20 | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | rasbt/stat453-deep-learning-ss20 | stat453-deep-learning-ss20 | 540 | 159 | 37 | Jupyter Notebook | http://pages.stat.wisc.edu/~sraschka/teaching/stat453-ss2020/ | STAT 453: Intro to Deep Learning @ UW-Madison (Spring 2020) | rasbt | 2024-01-04 | 2020-01-20 | 210 | 2.56968 | null | STAT 453: Intro to Deep Learning @ UW-Madison (Spring 2020) | [] | [] | 2020-05-01 | [('rasbt/stat451-machine-learning-fs20', 0.7537368535995483, 'study', 0), ('atcold/nyu-dlsp21', 0.6361130475997925, 'study', 0), ('udlbook/udlbook', 0.5738182663917542, 'study', 0), ('xl0/lovely-tensors', 0.5372262597084045, 'ml-dl', 0), ('d2l-ai/d2l-en', 0.5362268090248108, 'study', 0), ('mrdbourke/pytorch-deep-learning', 0.5198850631713867, 'study', 0), ('ml-for-high-risk-apps-book/machine-learning-for-high-risk-applications-book', 0.5113897919654846, 'study', 0), ('udacity/deep-learning-v2-pytorch', 0.5104526281356812, 'study', 0), ('tatsu-lab/stanford_alpaca', 0.5087552666664124, 'llm', 0), ('christoschristofidis/awesome-deep-learning', 0.506165087223053, 'study', 0), ('nvidia/deeplearningexamples', 0.5055111050605774, 'ml-dl', 0), ('calculatedcontent/weightwatcher', 0.505051851272583, 'ml-dl', 0)] | 1 | 1 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 48 | 45 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 13 |
302 | util | https://github.com/airbnb/ottr | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | airbnb/ottr | ottr | 264 | 32 | 9 | Python | null | Serverless Public Key Infrastructure Framework | airbnb | 2024-01-12 | 2021-08-27 | 126 | 2.085779 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/698437?v=4 | Serverless Public Key Infrastructure Framework | [] | [] | 2022-01-04 | [] | 2 | 1 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 29 | 25 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 13 |
338 | perf | https://github.com/tlkh/tf-metal-experiments | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | tlkh/tf-metal-experiments | tf-metal-experiments | 256 | 32 | 17 | Jupyter Notebook | null | TensorFlow Metal Backend on Apple Silicon Experiments (just for fun) | tlkh | 2024-01-04 | 2021-10-26 | 118 | 2.169492 | null | TensorFlow Metal Backend on Apple Silicon Experiments (just for fun) | ['benchmark', 'bert', 'deep-learning', 'gpu', 'm1', 'm1-max', 'tensorflow'] | ['benchmark', 'bert', 'deep-learning', 'gpu', 'm1', 'm1-max', 'tensorflow'] | 2021-11-15 | [('mrdbourke/m1-machine-learning-test', 0.7584832310676575, 'ml', 1), ('microsoft/onnxruntime', 0.6584108471870422, 'ml', 2), ('intel/intel-extension-for-pytorch', 0.6522815227508545, 'perf', 1), ('arogozhnikov/einops', 0.6099873781204224, 'ml-dl', 2), ('ml-explore/mlx', 0.6006742119789124, 'ml', 0), ('ashleve/lightning-hydra-template', 0.5975523591041565, 'util', 1), ('determined-ai/determined', 0.5877756476402283, 'ml-ops', 2), ('google/tf-quant-finance', 0.5859279036521912, 'finance', 2), ('neuralmagic/deepsparse', 0.5730476379394531, 'nlp', 0), ('tensorflow/addons', 0.5677783489227295, 'ml', 2), ('pytorch/ignite', 0.5673794746398926, 'ml-dl', 1), ('keras-team/keras', 0.565044641494751, 'ml-dl', 2), ('nvidia/deeplearningexamples', 0.5584723949432373, 'ml-dl', 2), ('huggingface/transformers', 0.5560042858123779, 'nlp', 3), ('rasbt/machine-learning-book', 0.5555431246757507, 'study', 1), ('xl0/lovely-tensors', 0.5548020005226135, 'ml-dl', 1), ('horovod/horovod', 0.5538284182548523, 'ml-ops', 2), ('tlkh/asitop', 0.540374219417572, 'perf', 2), ('ageron/handson-ml2', 0.5388534665107727, 'ml', 0), ('keras-rl/keras-rl', 0.5308326482772827, 'ml-rl', 1), ('alpa-projects/alpa', 0.5292550921440125, 'ml-dl', 1), ('tensorlayer/tensorlayer', 0.5288784503936768, 'ml-rl', 2), ('explosion/thinc', 0.5282965302467346, 'ml-dl', 2), ('microsoft/deepspeed', 0.5253063440322876, 'ml-dl', 2), ('huggingface/datasets', 0.5242385268211365, 'nlp', 2), ('pytorch/pytorch', 0.5232517123222351, 'ml-dl', 2), ('tensorflow/tensorflow', 0.5225579142570496, 'ml-dl', 2), ('aws/sagemaker-python-sdk', 0.5217053890228271, 'ml', 1), ('onnx/onnx', 0.5157482028007507, 'ml', 2), ('skorch-dev/skorch', 0.5154433250427246, 'ml-dl', 0), ('google/trax', 0.5128339529037476, 'ml-dl', 1), ('intel/scikit-learn-intelex', 0.5120803713798523, 'perf', 1), ('wandb/client', 0.5100532174110413, 'ml', 2), ('apache/incubator-mxnet', 0.5093386769294739, 'ml-dl', 0), ('nyandwi/modernconvnets', 0.5091290473937988, 'ml-dl', 1), ('pytorchlightning/pytorch-lightning', 0.5083010792732239, 'ml-dl', 1), ('d2l-ai/d2l-en', 0.508011519908905, 'study', 2), ('huggingface/optimum', 0.5074736475944519, 'ml', 0), ('aimhubio/aim', 0.501725971698761, 'ml-ops', 1)] | 2 | 1 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 27 | 26 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 13 |
1,187 | llm | https://github.com/anthropics/evals | [] | Model-Written Evaluation Datasets | [] | [] | null | null | null | anthropics/evals | evals | 184 | 16 | 6 | null | null | null | anthropics | 2024-01-11 | 2022-12-12 | 59 | 3.111111 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/76263028?v=4 | Model-Written Evaluation Datasets | [] | [] | 2023-01-03 | [('huggingface/evaluate', 0.7150794267654419, 'ml', 0), ('ai21labs/lm-evaluation', 0.6497257947921753, 'llm', 0), ('eleutherai/lm-evaluation-harness', 0.5547993183135986, 'llm', 0), ('openlmlab/leval', 0.5348479747772217, 'llm', 0), ('confident-ai/deepeval', 0.5211471915245056, 'testing', 0), ('openai/evals', 0.512044370174408, 'llm', 0), ('bigscience-workshop/biomedical', 0.5112786889076233, 'data', 0), ('selfexplainml/piml-toolbox', 0.5009229183197021, 'ml-interpretability', 0), ('hazyresearch/domino', 0.5007730722427368, 'ml', 0)] | 3 | 0 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 13 | 12 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 13 |
977 | template | https://github.com/janetech-inc/fast-api-admin-template | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | janetech-inc/fast-api-admin-template | fast-api-admin-template | 111 | 12 | 4 | JavaScript | null | A test driven micro-service template to build and deploy a fast-api service with admin feature. | janetech-inc | 2023-12-22 | 2023-02-15 | 49 | 2.226361 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/52669296?v=4 | A test driven micro-service template to build and deploy a fast-api service with admin feature. | [] | [] | 2023-03-01 | [('ajndkr/lanarky', 0.6117317080497742, 'llm', 0), ('asacristani/fastapi-rocket-boilerplate', 0.5484818816184998, 'template', 0), ('unionai-oss/unionml', 0.5197975635528564, 'ml-ops', 0), ('starlite-api/starlite', 0.504593551158905, 'web', 0)] | 1 | 1 | null | 0.23 | 1 | 0 | 11 | 11 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 13 |
737 | ml-ops | https://github.com/aiqc/aiqc | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | aiqc/aiqc | AIQC | 96 | 21 | 5 | Python | null | End-to-end deep learning on your desktop or server. | aiqc | 2023-10-09 | 2020-12-02 | 164 | 0.582322 | null | End-to-end deep learning on your desktop or server. | [] | [] | 2023-08-09 | [('tensorflow/tensorflow', 0.6452828049659729, 'ml-dl', 0), ('nvidia/deeplearningexamples', 0.6063768267631531, 'ml-dl', 0), ('keras-team/keras', 0.6046340465545654, 'ml-dl', 0), ('alpa-projects/alpa', 0.5878965854644775, 'ml-dl', 0), ('microsoft/onnxruntime', 0.5876568555831909, 'ml', 0), ('koaning/human-learn', 0.5812904238700867, 'data', 0), ('mosaicml/composer', 0.5669575333595276, 'ml-dl', 0), ('mlflow/mlflow', 0.5631386637687683, 'ml-ops', 0), ('onnx/onnx', 0.5626868605613708, 'ml', 0), ('apache/incubator-mxnet', 0.560641884803772, 'ml-dl', 0), ('bigscience-workshop/petals', 0.5569496154785156, 'data', 0), ('neuralmagic/deepsparse', 0.556576669216156, 'nlp', 0), ('huggingface/datasets', 0.5560346841812134, 'nlp', 0), ('microsoft/deepspeed', 0.55571448802948, 'ml-dl', 0), ('google/trax', 0.555395245552063, 'ml-dl', 0), ('tensorflow/tensor2tensor', 0.5551923513412476, 'ml', 0), ('explosion/thinc', 0.5513455867767334, 'ml-dl', 0), ('microsoft/jarvis', 0.5510006546974182, 'llm', 0), ('determined-ai/determined', 0.5507001280784607, 'ml-ops', 0), ('titanml/takeoff', 0.550189733505249, 'llm', 0), ('uber/petastorm', 0.5461896061897278, 'data', 0), ('rasbt/deeplearning-models', 0.5450917482376099, 'ml-dl', 0), ('mlc-ai/web-stable-diffusion', 0.5372481346130371, 'diffusion', 0), ('ml-tooling/opyrator', 0.532943844795227, 'viz', 0), ('horovod/horovod', 0.5296958684921265, 'ml-ops', 0), ('deepmind/dm-haiku', 0.5235515236854553, 'ml-dl', 0), ('huggingface/transformers', 0.5214504599571228, 'nlp', 0), ('karpathy/micrograd', 0.5214496850967407, 'study', 0), ('neuralmagic/sparseml', 0.5212861895561218, 'ml-dl', 0), ('paddlepaddle/paddle', 0.5197136998176575, 'ml-dl', 0), ('christoschristofidis/awesome-deep-learning', 0.5192874670028687, 'study', 0), ('rasbt/machine-learning-book', 0.519234299659729, 'study', 0), ('adap/flower', 0.5167785882949829, 'ml-ops', 0), ('kevinmusgrave/pytorch-metric-learning', 0.5146724581718445, 'ml', 0), ('ddbourgin/numpy-ml', 0.5140572190284729, 'ml', 0), ('mlc-ai/web-llm', 0.5105668306350708, 'llm', 0), ('salesforce/warp-drive', 0.509090006351471, 'ml-rl', 0), ('rom1504/img2dataset', 0.5084776282310486, 'data', 0), ('datasystemslab/geotorch', 0.5082912445068359, 'gis', 0), ('microsoft/semi-supervised-learning', 0.5059452652931213, 'ml', 0), ('unity-technologies/ml-agents', 0.5059369802474976, 'ml-rl', 0), ('dmlc/dgl', 0.5034000873565674, 'ml-dl', 0), ('microsoft/nni', 0.5022141337394714, 'ml', 0), ('pytorch/ignite', 0.5004318356513977, 'ml-dl', 0), ('deepchecks/deepchecks', 0.5002310872077942, 'data', 0)] | 8 | 2 | null | 0.12 | 0 | 0 | 38 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 13 |
1,051 | ml-dl | https://github.com/xl0/lovely-jax | ['jax'] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | xl0/lovely-jax | lovely-jax | 85 | 3 | 3 | Jupyter Notebook | https://xl0.github.io/lovely-jax | JAX Arrays for human consumption | xl0 | 2024-01-10 | 2022-11-08 | 64 | 1.328125 | null | JAX Arrays for human consumption | [] | ['jax'] | 2023-09-18 | [] | 2 | 1 | null | 0.13 | 0 | 0 | 14 | 4 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 13 |
1,745 | template | https://github.com/fmind/mlops-python-package | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | fmind/mlops-python-package | mlops-python-package | 83 | 10 | 4 | Python | null | Kickstart your MLOps initiative with a flexible, robust, and productive Python package. | fmind | 2024-01-09 | 2023-06-23 | 31 | 2.628959 | null | Kickstart your MLOps initiative with a flexible, robust, and productive Python package. | ['ai', 'ml', 'mlops', 'package'] | ['ai', 'ml', 'mlops', 'package'] | 2023-06-23 | [('polyaxon/polyaxon', 0.6891217231750488, 'ml-ops', 2), ('kubeflow/fairing', 0.6557989120483398, 'ml-ops', 0), ('skops-dev/skops', 0.6394261121749878, 'ml-ops', 1), ('zenml-io/zenml', 0.6134677529335022, 'ml-ops', 3), ('unionai-oss/unionml', 0.5882454514503479, 'ml-ops', 1), ('merantix-momentum/squirrel-core', 0.5865539312362671, 'ml', 2), ('allegroai/clearml', 0.5833768844604492, 'ml-ops', 2), ('zenml-io/mlstacks', 0.5667558312416077, 'ml-ops', 2), ('netflix/metaflow', 0.5633413195610046, 'ml-ops', 3), ('avaiga/taipy', 0.5603728890419006, 'data', 1), ('evidentlyai/evidently', 0.5556315779685974, 'ml-ops', 1), ('bentoml/bentoml', 0.5531289577484131, 'ml-ops', 2), ('backtick-se/cowait', 0.5339037179946899, 'util', 0), ('reloadware/reloadium', 0.5241882801055908, 'profiling', 1), ('pypa/pipenv', 0.5217861533164978, 'util', 0), ('mlflow/mlflow', 0.5197017788887024, 'ml-ops', 2), ('gradio-app/gradio', 0.5189513564109802, 'viz', 0), ('cheshire-cat-ai/core', 0.5158709287643433, 'llm', 1), ('willmcgugan/textual', 0.5143515467643738, 'term', 0), ('featurelabs/featuretools', 0.5135179758071899, 'ml', 0), ('orchest/orchest', 0.5126034617424011, 'ml-ops', 0), ('ploomber/ploomber', 0.5116260051727295, 'ml-ops', 1), ('microsoft/nni', 0.5072845816612244, 'ml', 1), ('ml-tooling/opyrator', 0.50709468126297, 'viz', 0), ('ray-project/ray', 0.5060107111930847, 'ml-ops', 0), ('wandb/client', 0.5048151612281799, 'ml', 1), ('salesforce/logai', 0.5032975077629089, 'util', 1), ('selfexplainml/piml-toolbox', 0.5029227137565613, 'ml-interpretability', 0), ('amaargiru/pyroad', 0.5028426051139832, 'study', 0), ('aimhubio/aim', 0.5028169751167297, 'ml-ops', 3)] | 1 | 1 | null | 0.02 | 0 | 0 | 7 | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 13 |
1,360 | study | https://github.com/ml-for-high-risk-apps-book/machine-learning-for-high-risk-applications-book | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | ml-for-high-risk-apps-book/machine-learning-for-high-risk-applications-book | Machine-Learning-for-High-Risk-Applications-Book | 82 | 20 | 6 | Jupyter Notebook | null | Official code repo for the O'Reilly Book - Machine Learning for High-Risk Applications | ml-for-high-risk-apps-book | 2023-12-23 | 2022-10-07 | 68 | 1.195833 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/92960961?v=4 | Official code repo for the O'Reilly Book - Machine Learning for High-Risk Applications | ['deep-learning', 'explainable-ai', 'interpretable-machine-learning', 'machine-learning', 'oreilly', 'oreilly-books', 'responsible-ai', 'security', 'trustworthy-ai'] | ['deep-learning', 'explainable-ai', 'interpretable-machine-learning', 'machine-learning', 'oreilly', 'oreilly-books', 'responsible-ai', 'security', 'trustworthy-ai'] | 2023-05-23 | [('csinva/imodels', 0.6214880347251892, 'ml', 2), ('rasbt/machine-learning-book', 0.5862606167793274, 'study', 2), ('patchy631/machine-learning', 0.5826952457427979, 'ml', 0), ('rasbt/stat451-machine-learning-fs20', 0.5810298323631287, 'study', 0), ('probml/pyprobml', 0.576326847076416, 'ml', 1), ('d2l-ai/d2l-en', 0.5661432147026062, 'study', 2), ('alirezadir/machine-learning-interview-enlightener', 0.5615020394325256, 'study', 2), ('tensorlayer/tensorlayer', 0.5567829608917236, 'ml-rl', 1), ('tensorflow/tensorflow', 0.5544643402099609, 'ml-dl', 2), ('nvidia/deeplearningexamples', 0.5539207458496094, 'ml-dl', 1), ('seldonio/alibi', 0.545021116733551, 'ml-interpretability', 1), ('tensorflow/lucid', 0.5438190698623657, 'ml-interpretability', 1), ('tensorflow/tensor2tensor', 0.5430309772491455, 'ml', 2), ('interpretml/interpret', 0.542955756187439, 'ml-interpretability', 3), ('maif/shapash', 0.5307745337486267, 'ml', 1), ('google-research/language', 0.5293827652931213, 'nlp', 1), ('explosion/thinc', 0.5284711122512817, 'ml-dl', 2), ('tigerlab-ai/tiger', 0.5272374749183655, 'llm', 0), ('carla-recourse/carla', 0.5270025730133057, 'ml', 2), ('christoschristofidis/awesome-deep-learning', 0.5266667008399963, 'study', 2), ('davidadsp/generative_deep_learning_2nd_edition', 0.5259917974472046, 'study', 2), ('teamhg-memex/eli5', 0.5232833623886108, 'ml', 1), ('firmai/industry-machine-learning', 0.5232796669006348, 'study', 1), ('googlecloudplatform/vertex-ai-samples', 0.5220873951911926, 'ml', 0), ('oegedijk/explainerdashboard', 0.52154141664505, 'ml-interpretability', 0), ('mlflow/mlflow', 0.5185167193412781, 'ml-ops', 1), ('rafiqhasan/auto-tensorflow', 0.5184751152992249, 'ml-dl', 1), ('udlbook/udlbook', 0.5133402347564697, 'study', 1), ('pycaret/pycaret', 0.5132032632827759, 'ml', 1), ('google/trax', 0.512615442276001, 'ml-dl', 2), ('rasbt/stat453-deep-learning-ss20', 0.5113897919654846, 'study', 0), ('google-research/google-research', 0.5109012126922607, 'ml', 1), ('fchollet/deep-learning-with-python-notebooks', 0.5104230642318726, 'study', 0), ('borealisai/advertorch', 0.5085124969482422, 'ml', 2), ('unity-technologies/ml-agents', 0.5079880356788635, 'ml-rl', 2)] | 2 | 2 | null | 1.23 | 0 | 0 | 15 | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 13 |
959 | math | https://github.com/albahnsen/pycircular | [] | null | [] | [] | 1 | null | null | albahnsen/pycircular | pycircular | 81 | 4 | 5 | Python | null | pycircular is a Python module for circular data analysis | albahnsen | 2023-12-01 | 2022-09-12 | 72 | 1.122772 | null | pycircular is a Python module for circular data analysis | [] | [] | 2023-01-21 | [('pysal/pysal', 0.581803023815155, 'gis', 0), ('scikit-geometry/scikit-geometry', 0.5635026693344116, 'gis', 0), ('scitools/cartopy', 0.5550414323806763, 'gis', 0), ('altair-viz/altair', 0.5373349189758301, 'viz', 0), ('has2k1/plotnine', 0.5327418446540833, 'viz', 0), ('pandas-dev/pandas', 0.5248360633850098, 'pandas', 0), ('wesm/pydata-book', 0.5135537981987, 'study', 0), ('earthlab/earthpy', 0.5108852982521057, 'gis', 0), ('scitools/iris', 0.5095266103744507, 'gis', 0), ('gboeing/pynamical', 0.503804087638855, 'sim', 0), ('enthought/mayavi', 0.5026959776878357, 'viz', 0), ('marcomusy/vedo', 0.5011388063430786, 'viz', 0), ('kanaries/pygwalker', 0.5010564923286438, 'pandas', 0), ('eleutherai/pyfra', 0.5009065270423889, 'ml', 0)] | 5 | 0 | null | 0 | 1 | 0 | 16 | 12 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 90 | 1 | 13 |
1,589 | util | https://github.com/msaelices/py2mojo | ['mojo'] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | msaelices/py2mojo | py2mojo | 67 | 7 | 2 | Python | null | Automated Python to Mojo code translation | msaelices | 2024-01-12 | 2023-09-08 | 20 | 3.256944 | null | Automated Python to Mojo code translation | [] | ['mojo'] | 2023-09-23 | [('stijnwoestenborghs/gradi-mojo', 0.5529176592826843, 'util', 1), ('hhatto/autopep8', 0.5481264591217041, 'util', 0), ('lsh/shims', 0.5381791591644287, 'util', 1), ('google/latexify_py', 0.5220133662223816, 'util', 0), ('lynet101/mojo_community-lib', 0.509608805179596, 'util', 1)] | 1 | 0 | null | 1.12 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 13 |
1,551 | study | https://github.com/mdmzfzl/neetcode-solutions | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | mdmzfzl/neetcode-solutions | NeetCode-Solutions | 59 | 11 | 2 | C++ | null | My solutions in C++, Python and Rust for problems on NeetCode.io | mdmzfzl | 2024-01-04 | 2023-06-26 | 31 | 1.894495 | null | My solutions in C++, Python and Rust for problems on NeetCode.io | ['blind75', 'cpp', 'data-structures', 'data-structures-and-algorithms', 'interview-questions', 'leetcode', 'leetcode-solutions', 'neetcode', 'neetcode150', 'rust', 'rust-lang'] | ['blind75', 'cpp', 'data-structures', 'data-structures-and-algorithms', 'interview-questions', 'leetcode', 'leetcode-solutions', 'neetcode', 'neetcode150', 'rust', 'rust-lang'] | 2023-10-27 | [('neetcode-gh/leetcode', 0.6274089217185974, 'study', 3), ('astral-sh/ruff', 0.519241452217102, 'util', 1), ('aswinnnn/pyscan', 0.5120133757591248, 'security', 1), ('rustpython/rustpython', 0.5018560886383057, 'util', 1)] | 2 | 0 | null | 2.77 | 0 | 0 | 7 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 13 |
769 | sim | https://github.com/activitysim/populationsim | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | activitysim/populationsim | populationsim | 49 | 37 | 10 | Jupyter Notebook | https://activitysim.github.io/populationsim | An Open Platform for Population Synthesis | activitysim | 2023-11-21 | 2017-02-14 | 363 | 0.134986 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/25851945?v=4 | An Open Platform for Population Synthesis | ['activitysim', 'bsd-3-clause', 'data-science', 'microsimulation', 'population-synthesis'] | ['activitysim', 'bsd-3-clause', 'data-science', 'microsimulation', 'population-synthesis'] | 2021-11-19 | [('humanoidagents/humanoidagents', 0.5014925003051758, 'sim', 0)] | 9 | 1 | null | 0 | 4 | 1 | 84 | 26 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 4 | 90 | 1 | 13 |
1,722 | sim | https://github.com/roban/cosmolopy | ['cosmology', 'astronomy'] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | roban/cosmolopy | CosmoloPy | 44 | 29 | 7 | HTML | http://roban.github.com/CosmoloPy/ | a basic numpy/scipy-based cosmology package for python | roban | 2023-08-30 | 2009-08-09 | 755 | 0.058256 | null | a basic numpy/scipy-based cosmology package for python | [] | ['astronomy', 'cosmology'] | 2023-06-07 | [('numpy/numpy', 0.7280952334403992, 'math', 0), ('scipy/scipy', 0.6138890385627747, 'math', 0), ('scitools/iris', 0.5999904274940491, 'gis', 0), ('cosmicpython/book', 0.5579319000244141, 'study', 0), ('enthought/mayavi', 0.5520604252815247, 'viz', 0), ('cupy/cupy', 0.5431826710700989, 'math', 0), ('marcomusy/vedo', 0.537321925163269, 'viz', 0), ('cloudsen12/easystac', 0.5210418701171875, 'gis', 0), ('astropy/astropy', 0.5209611654281616, 'sim', 1), ('jakevdp/pythondatasciencehandbook', 0.5194147229194641, 'study', 0), ('blaze/blaze', 0.5100215673446655, 'pandas', 0), ('scikit-learn-contrib/metric-learn', 0.500042200088501, 'ml', 0)] | 10 | 3 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 176 | 7 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 13 |
1,579 | data | https://github.com/accenture/cymple | ['cypher', 'neo4j'] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | accenture/cymple | Cymple | 37 | 5 | 7 | Python | null | Cymple - a productivity tool for creating Cypher queries in Python | accenture | 2024-01-06 | 2022-03-31 | 95 | 0.386567 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/10454368?v=4 | Cymple - a productivity tool for creating Cypher queries in Python | ['cypher', 'neo4j', 'nodes-2022', 'query-builder'] | ['cypher', 'neo4j', 'nodes-2022', 'query-builder'] | 2023-08-30 | [('neo4j/neo4j-python-driver', 0.6172598600387573, 'data', 2), ('sqlalchemy/sqlalchemy', 0.5566608309745789, 'data', 0), ('qdrant/qdrant-client', 0.5485904812812805, 'util', 0), ('graphql-python/graphene', 0.5159372091293335, 'web', 0), ('aws/graph-notebook', 0.5142837166786194, 'jupyter', 1)] | 5 | 1 | null | 0.83 | 0 | 0 | 22 | 5 | 0 | 6 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 13 |
1,007 | finance | https://github.com/mementum/bta-lib | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | mementum/bta-lib | bta-lib | 426 | 102 | 26 | Python | null | Technical Analysis library in pandas for backtesting algotrading and quantitative analysis | mementum | 2024-01-13 | 2020-01-31 | 208 | 2.042466 | null | Technical Analysis library in pandas for backtesting algotrading and quantitative analysis | [] | [] | 2020-03-11 | [('twopirllc/pandas-ta', 0.6815423369407654, 'finance', 0), ('cuemacro/finmarketpy', 0.5935547947883606, 'finance', 0), ('jmcarpenter2/swifter', 0.5637902021408081, 'pandas', 0), ('eleutherai/pyfra', 0.5443049073219299, 'ml', 0), ('wesm/pydata-book', 0.5407599806785583, 'study', 0), ('mementum/backtrader', 0.5395269989967346, 'finance', 0), ('ta-lib/ta-lib-python', 0.5354213714599609, 'finance', 0), ('goldmansachs/gs-quant', 0.5344659090042114, 'finance', 0), ('nalepae/pandarallel', 0.5342207551002502, 'pandas', 0), ('lux-org/lux', 0.5323396921157837, 'viz', 0), ('alkaline-ml/pmdarima', 0.526504635810852, 'time-series', 0), ('unionai-oss/pandera', 0.5138059258460999, 'pandas', 0), ('ydataai/ydata-profiling', 0.5118176937103271, 'pandas', 0), ('rapidsai/cudf', 0.5101376175880432, 'pandas', 0), ('ranaroussi/quantstats', 0.5088109970092773, 'finance', 0), ('jakevdp/pythondatasciencehandbook', 0.5062484741210938, 'study', 0), ('tkrabel/bamboolib', 0.5043449401855469, 'pandas', 0), ('mito-ds/monorepo', 0.5002267360687256, 'jupyter', 0), ('adamerose/pandasgui', 0.5000632405281067, 'pandas', 0)] | 1 | 0 | null | 0 | 1 | 0 | 48 | 47 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 12 |
1,085 | util | https://github.com/mnooner256/pyqrcode | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | mnooner256/pyqrcode | pyqrcode | 399 | 73 | 17 | Python | null | Python 3 module to generate QR Codes | mnooner256 | 2024-01-04 | 2013-06-07 | 555 | 0.718179 | null | Python 3 module to generate QR Codes | [] | [] | 2016-06-20 | [('heuer/segno', 0.7471798658370972, 'util', 0), ('pyscf/pyscf', 0.5908879637718201, 'sim', 0), ('cqcl/lambeq', 0.5321901440620422, 'nlp', 0), ('google/latexify_py', 0.527988612651825, 'util', 0), ('hhatto/autopep8', 0.5037751793861389, 'util', 0)] | 8 | 3 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 129 | 92 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 12 |
339 | term | https://github.com/federicoceratto/dashing | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | federicoceratto/dashing | dashing | 378 | 31 | 10 | Python | https://dashing.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ | Terminal dashboards for Python | federicoceratto | 2024-01-12 | 2017-06-03 | 347 | 1.087993 | null | Terminal dashboards for Python | ['charts', 'dashboard', 'gauges', 'terminal', 'terminal-based'] | ['charts', 'dashboard', 'gauges', 'terminal', 'terminal-based'] | 2020-09-06 | [('plotly/dash', 0.6700859069824219, 'viz', 0), ('holoviz/panel', 0.6392130851745605, 'viz', 0), ('plotly/plotly.py', 0.6343661546707153, 'viz', 1), ('rapidsai/jupyterlab-nvdashboard', 0.6266454458236694, 'jupyter', 0), ('datapane/datapane', 0.6180770993232727, 'viz', 1), ('vizzuhq/ipyvizzu', 0.5991188883781433, 'jupyter', 1), ('man-group/dtale', 0.5763976573944092, 'viz', 0), ('cuemacro/chartpy', 0.5717711448669434, 'viz', 0), ('kanaries/pygwalker', 0.569820761680603, 'pandas', 0), ('bokeh/bokeh', 0.5679104924201965, 'viz', 0), ('urwid/urwid', 0.5645572543144226, 'term', 0), ('jquast/blessed', 0.5442036986351013, 'term', 1), ('matplotlib/matplotlib', 0.539638102054596, 'viz', 0), ('holoviz/holoviz', 0.5380876064300537, 'viz', 0), ('willmcgugan/rich', 0.5353392958641052, 'term', 1), ('mwaskom/seaborn', 0.528854489326477, 'viz', 0), ('adamerose/pandasgui', 0.5236207246780396, 'pandas', 0), ('goldmansachs/gs-quant', 0.5140957832336426, 'finance', 0), ('xonsh/xonsh', 0.5140331387519836, 'util', 1), ('willmcgugan/textual', 0.5119619369506836, 'term', 1), ('artelys/geonetworkx', 0.5115811228752136, 'gis', 0), ('has2k1/plotnine', 0.5077523589134216, 'viz', 0), ('holoviz/hvplot', 0.5051881670951843, 'pandas', 0), ('lux-org/lux', 0.5034831762313843, 'viz', 0), ('holoviz/geoviews', 0.5021084547042847, 'gis', 0), ('residentmario/geoplot', 0.5019742846488953, 'gis', 0), ('wesm/pydata-book', 0.5012456178665161, 'study', 0), ('ranaroussi/quantstats', 0.5010005235671997, 'finance', 0)] | 2 | 2 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 81 | 41 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 12 |
658 | study | https://github.com/rasbt/stat451-machine-learning-fs20 | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | rasbt/stat451-machine-learning-fs20 | stat451-machine-learning-fs20 | 360 | 188 | 19 | Jupyter Notebook | null | STAT 451: Intro to Machine Learning @ UW-Madison (Fall 2020) | rasbt | 2024-01-04 | 2020-08-06 | 181 | 1.981132 | null | STAT 451: Intro to Machine Learning @ UW-Madison (Fall 2020) | [] | [] | 2020-12-03 | [('rasbt/stat453-deep-learning-ss20', 0.7537368535995483, 'study', 0), ('patchy631/machine-learning', 0.5887393355369568, 'ml', 0), ('ml-for-high-risk-apps-book/machine-learning-for-high-risk-applications-book', 0.5810298323631287, 'study', 0), ('huggingface/evaluate', 0.5357676148414612, 'ml', 0), ('probml/pyprobml', 0.5270578861236572, 'ml', 0), ('firmai/industry-machine-learning', 0.5267770886421204, 'study', 0), ('scikit-learn/scikit-learn', 0.5173183083534241, 'ml', 0), ('ageron/handson-ml2', 0.5153390169143677, 'ml', 0)] | 2 | 1 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 42 | 38 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 12 |
1,397 | ml-dl | https://github.com/blackhc/toma | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | blackhc/toma | toma | 342 | 9 | 10 | Python | null | Helps you write algorithms in PyTorch that adapt to the available (CUDA) memory | blackhc | 2024-01-04 | 2020-04-08 | 198 | 1.719828 | null | Helps you write algorithms in PyTorch that adapt to the available (CUDA) memory | ['data-science', 'gpu', 'machine-learning', 'pytorch'] | ['data-science', 'gpu', 'machine-learning', 'pytorch'] | 2021-04-17 | [('rentruewang/koila', 0.6982141137123108, 'ml', 2), ('intel/intel-extension-for-pytorch', 0.6170483231544495, 'perf', 2), ('cvxgrp/pymde', 0.588315486907959, 'ml', 3), ('huggingface/accelerate', 0.5751364827156067, 'ml', 0), ('tensorflow/addons', 0.5717829465866089, 'ml', 1), ('pytorch/ignite', 0.5623881220817566, 'ml-dl', 2), ('pytorch/torchrec', 0.5616428256034851, 'ml-dl', 2), ('xl0/lovely-tensors', 0.5582937002182007, 'ml-dl', 1), ('pytorch/data', 0.5554980635643005, 'data', 0), ('joblib/joblib', 0.5492387413978577, 'util', 0), ('ashleve/lightning-hydra-template', 0.545914351940155, 'util', 1), ('plasma-umass/scalene', 0.545809268951416, 'profiling', 1), ('arogozhnikov/einops', 0.5450114011764526, 'ml-dl', 1), ('mrdbourke/pytorch-deep-learning', 0.5438900589942932, 'study', 2), ('huggingface/datasets', 0.5416107177734375, 'nlp', 2), ('google/tf-quant-finance', 0.5406495928764343, 'finance', 1), ('mosaicml/composer', 0.5379732251167297, 'ml-dl', 2), ('nvidia/apex', 0.5342817902565002, 'ml-dl', 0), ('cupy/cupy', 0.5264122486114502, 'math', 1), ('nvidia/tensorrt-llm', 0.5219219923019409, 'viz', 1), ('ddbourgin/numpy-ml', 0.521062433719635, 'ml', 1), ('pytorchlightning/pytorch-lightning', 0.5127522945404053, 'ml-dl', 3), ('explosion/thinc', 0.512549638748169, 'ml-dl', 2), ('allenai/allennlp', 0.5094995498657227, 'nlp', 2), ('pytorch/captum', 0.5078623294830322, 'ml-interpretability', 0), ('neuralmagic/deepsparse', 0.5067216753959656, 'nlp', 0), ('microsoft/deepspeed', 0.5066729784011841, 'ml-dl', 3), ('denys88/rl_games', 0.5061429738998413, 'ml-rl', 1), ('isl-org/open3d', 0.5056933164596558, 'sim', 3), ('rasbt/machine-learning-book', 0.5006940960884094, 'study', 2)] | 1 | 1 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 46 | 33 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 12 |
33 | gis | https://github.com/jasonrig/address-net | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | jasonrig/address-net | address-net | 186 | 80 | 13 | Python | null | A package to structure Australian addresses | jasonrig | 2024-01-04 | 2018-12-05 | 268 | 0.691817 | null | A package to structure Australian addresses | ['address-parser', 'deep-learning', 'machine-learning', 'rnn'] | ['address-parser', 'deep-learning', 'machine-learning', 'rnn'] | 2020-09-09 | [('graal-research/deepparse', 0.7487471699714661, 'gis', 1)] | 2 | 2 | null | 0 | 2 | 0 | 62 | 41 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 90 | 0.5 | 12 |
1,277 | sim | https://github.com/ljvmiranda921/seagull | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | ljvmiranda921/seagull | seagull | 168 | 28 | 9 | Python | https://pyseagull.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html# | A Python Library for Conway's Game of Life | ljvmiranda921 | 2024-01-04 | 2019-05-02 | 247 | 0.678201 | null | A Python Library for Conway's Game of Life | ['artificial-life', 'artificial-life-algorithms', 'biology', 'cellular-automata', 'conways-game-of-life', 'game-of-life', 'mathematics', 'simulation-framework'] | ['artificial-life', 'artificial-life-algorithms', 'biology', 'cellular-automata', 'conways-game-of-life', 'game-of-life', 'mathematics', 'simulation-framework'] | 2020-11-08 | [('elliotwaite/rule-30-and-game-of-life', 0.7149527072906494, 'sim', 3), ('alephalpha/golly', 0.7014067769050598, 'sim', 2), ('projectmesa/mesa', 0.5834044218063354, 'sim', 1), ('pokepetter/ursina', 0.5359201431274414, 'gamedev', 0), ('lordmauve/pgzero', 0.5329146981239319, 'gamedev', 0), ('openlenia/lenia-tutorial', 0.5293267965316772, 'sim', 0), ('artemyk/dynpy', 0.5030413269996643, 'sim', 0), ('pythonarcade/arcade', 0.5029021501541138, 'gamedev', 0), ('sympy/sympy', 0.5007748603820801, 'math', 0)] | 9 | 2 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 57 | 39 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 12 |
231 | template | https://github.com/crmne/cookiecutter-modern-datascience | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | crmne/cookiecutter-modern-datascience | cookiecutter-modern-datascience | 163 | 33 | 4 | Python | null | Start a data science project with modern tools | crmne | 2024-01-05 | 2020-07-06 | 186 | 0.875672 | null | Start a data science project with modern tools | ['cookiecutter', 'cookiecutter-data-science', 'cookiecutter-template', 'datascience'] | ['cookiecutter', 'cookiecutter-data-science', 'cookiecutter-template', 'datascience'] | 2023-08-10 | [('drivendata/cookiecutter-data-science', 0.7191076874732971, 'template', 3), ('lyz-code/cookiecutter-python-project', 0.6067662835121155, 'template', 1), ('buuntu/fastapi-react', 0.5824753046035767, 'template', 1), ('cookiecutter/cookiecutter', 0.5783246755599976, 'template', 1), ('tedivm/robs_awesome_python_template', 0.5504110455513, 'template', 1), ('ionelmc/cookiecutter-pylibrary', 0.5333271026611328, 'template', 2)] | 2 | 1 | null | 0.02 | 0 | 0 | 43 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 12 |
1,393 | nlp | https://github.com/sebischair/lbl2vec | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | sebischair/lbl2vec | Lbl2Vec | 156 | 25 | 6 | Python | https://wwwmatthes.in.tum.de/pages/naimi84squl1/Lbl2Vec-An-Embedding-based-Approach-for-Unsupervised-Document-Retrieval-on-Predefined-Topics | Lbl2Vec learns jointly embedded label, document and word vectors to retrieve documents with predefined topics from an unlabeled document corpus. | sebischair | 2024-01-08 | 2021-07-18 | 132 | 1.179266 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/11438939?v=4 | Lbl2Vec learns jointly embedded label, document and word vectors to retrieve documents with predefined topics from an unlabeled document corpus. | ['document-embeddings', 'label-embeddings', 'machine-learning', 'natural-language-processing', 'nlp', 'text-classification', 'unsupervised-classification', 'unsupervised-document-retrieval', 'word-embeddings'] | ['document-embeddings', 'label-embeddings', 'machine-learning', 'natural-language-processing', 'nlp', 'text-classification', 'unsupervised-classification', 'unsupervised-document-retrieval', 'word-embeddings'] | 2023-01-18 | [('ddangelov/top2vec', 0.8003798723220825, 'nlp', 1), ('plasticityai/magnitude', 0.5967115163803101, 'nlp', 4), ('maartengr/bertopic', 0.5893922448158264, 'nlp', 2), ('koaning/whatlies', 0.5767074823379517, 'nlp', 1), ('chroma-core/chroma', 0.5661131143569946, 'data', 0), ('rare-technologies/gensim', 0.5351875424385071, 'nlp', 4), ('koaning/embetter', 0.5337308645248413, 'data', 0), ('neuml/txtai', 0.5315554738044739, 'nlp', 2), ('huggingface/text-embeddings-inference', 0.5274394154548645, 'llm', 0), ('paddlepaddle/paddlenlp', 0.514652669429779, 'llm', 1), ('ai21labs/in-context-ralm', 0.5090823173522949, 'llm', 0), ('muennighoff/sgpt', 0.5040941834449768, 'llm', 0), ('flairnlp/flair', 0.5040925145149231, 'nlp', 4), ('qdrant/fastembed', 0.5038244128227234, 'ml', 0)] | 1 | 1 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 30 | 12 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 12 |
1,828 | util | https://github.com/koaning/clumper | ['fluent'] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | koaning/clumper | clumper | 144 | 14 | 3 | Python | https://koaning.github.io/clumper/ | A small python library that can clump lists of data together. | koaning | 2024-01-04 | 2020-07-25 | 183 | 0.785047 | null | A small python library that can clump lists of data together. | [] | ['fluent'] | 2021-10-11 | [('pytables/pytables', 0.5409725904464722, 'data', 0), ('saulpw/visidata', 0.5350844264030457, 'term', 0), ('linealabs/lineapy', 0.5260019302368164, 'jupyter', 0), ('fluentpython/example-code-2e', 0.5001460909843445, 'study', 0)] | 5 | 3 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 42 | 28 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 12 |
839 | gis | https://github.com/remotesensinglab/raster4ml | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | remotesensinglab/raster4ml | raster4ml | 115 | 14 | 4 | Python | https://raster4ml.readthedocs.io | A geospatial raster processing library for machine learning | remotesensinglab | 2024-01-04 | 2022-07-11 | 81 | 1.417254 | null | A geospatial raster processing library for machine learning | ['agriculture-research', 'data-science', 'geospatial-data', 'machine-learning', 'remote-sensing', 'vegetation', 'vegetation-index'] | ['agriculture-research', 'data-science', 'geospatial-data', 'machine-learning', 'remote-sensing', 'vegetation', 'vegetation-index'] | 2022-11-01 | [('osgeo/grass', 0.6746719479560852, 'gis', 3), ('osgeo/gdal', 0.6307851076126099, 'gis', 2), ('microsoft/torchgeo', 0.6221429705619812, 'gis', 1), ('azavea/raster-vision', 0.5898652076721191, 'gis', 2), ('developmentseed/label-maker', 0.5611507296562195, 'gis', 1), ('perrygeo/python-rasterstats', 0.5588922500610352, 'gis', 0), ('fatiando/verde', 0.5404156446456909, 'gis', 1), ('earthlab/earthpy', 0.5156380534172058, 'gis', 0), ('kornia/kornia', 0.5086722373962402, 'ml-dl', 1), ('sentinel-hub/eo-learn', 0.5058966279029846, 'gis', 1), ('opengeos/segment-geospatial', 0.5023316144943237, 'gis', 1)] | 1 | 1 | null | 0 | 1 | 0 | 18 | 15 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 12 |
1,283 | llm | https://github.com/larsbaunwall/bricky | ['haystack'] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | larsbaunwall/bricky | bricky | 94 | 18 | 6 | Python | null | Haystack/OpenAI based chatbot curating a custom knowledgebase | larsbaunwall | 2024-01-08 | 2023-01-29 | 52 | 1.797814 | null | Haystack/OpenAI based chatbot curating a custom knowledgebase | ['ai', 'haystack', 'nextjs', 'openai'] | ['ai', 'haystack', 'nextjs', 'openai'] | 2023-03-30 | [('rcgai/simplyretrieve', 0.6707216501235962, 'llm', 0), ('embedchain/embedchain', 0.634949803352356, 'llm', 1), ('togethercomputer/openchatkit', 0.6274131536483765, 'nlp', 0), ('run-llama/rags', 0.5981244444847107, 'llm', 1), ('cheshire-cat-ai/core', 0.598059892654419, 'llm', 1), ('lm-sys/fastchat', 0.5944631099700928, 'llm', 0), ('rasahq/rasa', 0.5906454920768738, 'llm', 0), ('deeppavlov/deeppavlov', 0.5805360078811646, 'nlp', 1), ('prefecthq/marvin', 0.577139675617218, 'nlp', 2), ('krohling/bondai', 0.5706357359886169, 'llm', 0), ('minimaxir/simpleaichat', 0.5494028925895691, 'llm', 1), ('nomic-ai/gpt4all', 0.5481459498405457, 'llm', 0), ('laion-ai/open-assistant', 0.5381844639778137, 'llm', 2), ('langchain-ai/chat-langchain', 0.5356094837188721, 'llm', 0), ('chatarena/chatarena', 0.5276904106140137, 'llm', 1), ('openai/openai-cookbook', 0.527281641960144, 'ml', 1), ('openai/openai-python', 0.5239132642745972, 'util', 1), ('mindsdb/mindsdb', 0.5211383700370789, 'data', 1), ('salesforce/logai', 0.5161862969398499, 'util', 1), ('pathwaycom/llm-app', 0.5143710374832153, 'llm', 0), ('mayooear/gpt4-pdf-chatbot-langchain', 0.5141124725341797, 'llm', 2), ('deepset-ai/haystack', 0.5118600130081177, 'llm', 2), ('shishirpatil/gorilla', 0.5044655799865723, 'llm', 0), ('deep-diver/llm-as-chatbot', 0.5015654563903809, 'llm', 0)] | 2 | 1 | null | 0.31 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 10 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 12 |
1,236 | llm | https://github.com/zrrskywalker/llama-adapter | ['instruction-tuning', 'llama', 'language-model'] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | zrrskywalker/llama-adapter | LLaMA-Adapter | 66 | 5 | 3 | null | null | Fine-tuning LLaMA to follow Instructions within 1 Hour and 1.2M Parameters | zrrskywalker | 2024-01-05 | 2023-06-14 | 32 | 2.008696 | null | Fine-tuning LLaMA to follow Instructions within 1 Hour and 1.2M Parameters | [] | ['instruction-tuning', 'language-model', 'llama'] | 2023-06-14 | [('tloen/alpaca-lora', 0.7604994773864746, 'llm', 2), ('mshumer/gpt-llm-trainer', 0.684531569480896, 'llm', 0), ('microsoft/llama-2-onnx', 0.6588950157165527, 'llm', 2), ('facebookresearch/llama-recipes', 0.6457222700119019, 'llm', 2), ('jzhang38/tinyllama', 0.6362742185592651, 'llm', 2), ('hiyouga/llama-factory', 0.6037132740020752, 'llm', 3), ('hiyouga/llama-efficient-tuning', 0.6037131547927856, 'llm', 3), ('run-llama/llama-lab', 0.5806187391281128, 'llm', 2), ('lightning-ai/lit-llama', 0.5725643038749695, 'llm', 2), ('instruction-tuning-with-gpt-4/gpt-4-llm', 0.5689181685447693, 'llm', 2), ('facebookresearch/llama', 0.5667337775230408, 'llm', 2), ('h2oai/h2o-llmstudio', 0.5344659686088562, 'llm', 1), ('declare-lab/instruct-eval', 0.5260562896728516, 'llm', 0), ('bentoml/openllm', 0.5195848345756531, 'ml-ops', 1), ('bigscience-workshop/petals', 0.5049505829811096, 'data', 1), ('karpathy/llama2.c', 0.5048466920852661, 'llm', 2)] | 1 | 1 | null | 0.08 | 0 | 0 | 7 | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 12 |
1,587 | util | https://github.com/lynet101/mojo_community-lib | ['mojo'] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | lynet101/mojo_community-lib | Mojo_community-lib | 45 | 3 | 5 | Python | null | A community driven mojo lib | lynet101 | 2023-12-08 | 2023-09-09 | 20 | 2.202797 | null | A community driven mojo lib | [] | ['mojo'] | 2023-10-02 | [('lsh/shims', 0.7806389927864075, 'util', 1), ('msaelices/py2mojo', 0.509608805179596, 'util', 1)] | 3 | 0 | null | 1.63 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 12 |
1,588 | util | https://github.com/lsh/shims | ['mojo'] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | lsh/shims | shims | 38 | 2 | 2 | null | null | Utils for mojo projects | lsh | 2023-12-10 | 2023-09-12 | 20 | 1.9 | null | Utils for mojo projects | [] | ['mojo'] | 2023-10-02 | [('lynet101/mojo_community-lib', 0.7806389927864075, 'util', 1), ('msaelices/py2mojo', 0.5381791591644287, 'util', 1)] | 1 | 1 | null | 0.13 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 12 |
574 | term | https://github.com/matthewdeanmartin/terminaltables | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | matthewdeanmartin/terminaltables | terminaltables | 35 | 5 | 1 | Python | https://robpol86.github.io/terminaltables | Generate simple tables in terminals from a nested list of strings. | matthewdeanmartin | 2023-12-10 | 2021-12-04 | 112 | 0.311309 | null | Generate simple tables in terminals from a nested list of strings. | [] | [] | 2022-01-30 | [] | 10 | 2 | null | 0 | 1 | 0 | 26 | 24 | 0 | 7 | 7 | 1 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 12 |
1,507 | sim | https://github.com/cyrus2d/pyrus2d | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | cyrus2d/pyrus2d | Pyrus2D | 33 | 4 | 1 | Python | https://cyrus2d.com/ | PYRUS Soccer Simulation 2D base code is the first Python base code (sample team) for RoboCup Soccer 2D Simulator. This project is implemented by members of CYRUS soccer simulation 2D team. | cyrus2d | 2024-01-12 | 2021-05-31 | 139 | 0.237166 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/44771435?v=4 | PYRUS Soccer Simulation 2D base code is the first Python base code (sample team) for RoboCup Soccer 2D Simulator. This project is implemented by members of CYRUS soccer simulation 2D team. | ['robocup', 'simulation', 'soccer', 'soccer-simulation'] | ['robocup', 'simulation', 'soccer', 'soccer-simulation'] | 2023-07-18 | [('viblo/pymunk', 0.5240238904953003, 'sim', 0)] | 3 | 2 | null | 3.85 | 3 | 0 | 32 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 12 |
1,141 | security | https://github.com/snyk/faker-security | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | snyk/faker-security | faker-security | 30 | 6 | 13 | Python | null | Python Faker provider for security related data | snyk | 2024-01-12 | 2022-03-18 | 97 | 0.307467 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/12959162?v=4 | Python Faker provider for security related data | [] | [] | 2023-09-21 | [('joke2k/faker', 0.7436192631721497, 'data', 0), ('legrandin/pycryptodome', 0.5843793153762817, 'util', 0), ('lk-geimfari/mimesis', 0.5424483418464661, 'data', 0), ('nedbat/coveragepy', 0.5369202494621277, 'testing', 0), ('pyeve/cerberus', 0.5294828414916992, 'data', 0), ('pallets/itsdangerous', 0.5056630969047546, 'data', 0), ('getsentry/responses', 0.5025610327720642, 'testing', 0)] | 5 | 1 | null | 0.37 | 0 | 0 | 22 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 12 |
958 | ml-dl | https://github.com/suanrong/sdne | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | suanrong/sdne | SDNE | 319 | 123 | 10 | Python | http://www.kdd.org/kdd2016/subtopic/view/structural-deep-network-embedding | This is a implementation of SDNE (Structural Deep Network embedding) | suanrong | 2024-01-04 | 2016-11-30 | 373 | 0.853267 | null | This is a implementation of SDNE (Structural Deep Network embedding) | [] | [] | 2021-09-10 | [] | 6 | 1 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 87 | 29 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 11 |
1,550 | testing | https://github.com/eugeneyan/testing-ml | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | eugeneyan/testing-ml | testing-ml | 218 | 46 | 7 | Python | https://eugeneyan.com/writing/testing-ml/ | 🔍 Minimal examples of machine learning tests for implementation, behaviour, and performance. | eugeneyan | 2024-01-11 | 2020-08-30 | 178 | 1.222756 | null | 🔍 Minimal examples of machine learning tests for implementation, behaviour, and performance. | ['machine-learning', 'model-evaluation', 'testing'] | ['machine-learning', 'model-evaluation', 'testing'] | 2022-09-21 | [('huggingface/evaluate', 0.6167011260986328, 'ml', 1), ('patchy631/machine-learning', 0.5529058575630188, 'ml', 0), ('tensorflow/data-validation', 0.5382910966873169, 'ml-ops', 0), ('teamhg-memex/eli5', 0.5324820280075073, 'ml', 1), ('xplainable/xplainable', 0.5317504405975342, 'ml-interpretability', 1), ('automl/auto-sklearn', 0.528367280960083, 'ml', 0), ('ml-tooling/opyrator', 0.5247636437416077, 'viz', 1), ('seldonio/alibi', 0.5242266654968262, 'ml-interpretability', 1), ('districtdatalabs/yellowbrick', 0.5194308757781982, 'ml', 1), ('shankarpandala/lazypredict', 0.5170032382011414, 'ml', 1), ('nccr-itmo/fedot', 0.5155410766601562, 'ml-ops', 1), ('microsoft/nni', 0.5123538374900818, 'ml', 1), ('giskard-ai/giskard', 0.5097730755805969, 'data', 1)] | 2 | 1 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 41 | 16 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 11 |
882 | graph | https://github.com/h4kor/graph-force | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | h4kor/graph-force | graph-force | 161 | 1 | 10 | Rust | https://pypi.org/project/graph-force/ | Python library for embedding large graphs in 2D space, using force-directed layouts. | h4kor | 2024-01-09 | 2022-11-28 | 61 | 2.633178 | null | Python library for embedding large graphs in 2D space, using force-directed layouts. | ['force-directed-graphs', 'graph-algorithms'] | ['force-directed-graphs', 'graph-algorithms'] | 2022-11-28 | [('graphistry/pygraphistry', 0.6990000605583191, 'data', 0), ('facebookresearch/pytorch-biggraph', 0.6328504085540771, 'ml-dl', 0), ('westhealth/pyvis', 0.6132168173789978, 'graph', 0), ('artelys/geonetworkx', 0.5840879678726196, 'gis', 0), ('dmlc/dgl', 0.573490560054779, 'ml-dl', 0), ('pygraphviz/pygraphviz', 0.571456253528595, 'viz', 0), ('a-r-j/graphein', 0.5339735150337219, 'sim', 0), ('networkx/networkx', 0.5262413620948792, 'graph', 1), ('kuanb/peartree', 0.5150353908538818, 'gis', 0), ('pyg-team/pytorch_geometric', 0.5138907432556152, 'ml-dl', 0), ('plotly/plotly.py', 0.5063482522964478, 'viz', 0), ('benedekrozemberczki/tigerlily', 0.503591001033783, 'ml-dl', 0)] | 2 | 0 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 14 | 14 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 11 |
1,097 | ml | https://github.com/eleutherai/pyfra | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | eleutherai/pyfra | pyfra | 108 | 12 | 4 | Python | null | Python Research Framework | eleutherai | 2024-01-04 | 2021-04-16 | 145 | 0.741904 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/68924597?v=4 | Python Research Framework | [] | [] | 2022-11-03 | [('pytoolz/toolz', 0.6730476021766663, 'util', 0), ('willmcgugan/textual', 0.6594876646995544, 'term', 0), ('python/cpython', 0.6574167013168335, 'util', 0), ('masoniteframework/masonite', 0.6563796401023865, 'web', 0), ('pyston/pyston', 0.650770366191864, 'util', 0), ('holoviz/panel', 0.6469884514808655, 'viz', 0), ('pypy/pypy', 0.6457244753837585, 'util', 0), ('amaargiru/pyroad', 0.6402732729911804, 'study', 0), ('wesm/pydata-book', 0.631885826587677, 'study', 0), ('bottlepy/bottle', 0.6280529499053955, 'web', 0), ('buildbot/buildbot', 0.6259655952453613, 'util', 0), ('pandas-dev/pandas', 0.6219991445541382, 'pandas', 0), ('goldmansachs/gs-quant', 0.6204242706298828, 'finance', 0), ('pallets/flask', 0.6199480295181274, 'web', 0), ('nedbat/coveragepy', 0.6178824305534363, 'testing', 0), ('pympler/pympler', 0.6173771023750305, 'perf', 0), ('pytables/pytables', 0.6154819130897522, 'data', 0), ('webpy/webpy', 0.6089206337928772, 'web', 0), ('requests/toolbelt', 0.6041449308395386, 'util', 0), ('klen/py-frameworks-bench', 0.5963848829269409, 'perf', 0), ('falconry/falcon', 0.5904573202133179, 'web', 0), ('klen/muffin', 0.5880747437477112, 'web', 0), ('scrapy/scrapy', 0.5844635367393494, 'data', 0), ('fastai/fastcore', 0.5840798616409302, 'util', 0), ('stanfordnlp/dspy', 0.5839141607284546, 'llm', 0), ('pypa/hatch', 0.5818159580230713, 'util', 0), ('hoffstadt/dearpygui', 0.5808343887329102, 'gui', 0), ('pylons/pyramid', 0.5796028971672058, 'web', 0), ('google/pyglove', 0.5793092250823975, 'util', 0), ('landscapeio/prospector', 0.5767074227333069, 'util', 0), ('numpy/numpy', 0.5739134550094604, 'math', 0), ('gradio-app/gradio', 0.5723903775215149, 'viz', 0), ('google/gin-config', 0.5706988573074341, 'util', 0), ('wolever/parameterized', 0.5701524615287781, 'testing', 0), ('quantopian/pyfolio', 0.5698432922363281, 'finance', 0), ('kubeflow/fairing', 0.5697919726371765, 'ml-ops', 0), ('agronholm/apscheduler', 0.5697214603424072, 'util', 0), ('dylanhogg/awesome-python', 0.5674682259559631, 'study', 0), ('jakevdp/pythondatasciencehandbook', 0.5671376585960388, 'study', 0), ('firmai/atspy', 0.5660873055458069, 'time-series', 0), ('malloydata/malloy-py', 0.5658804178237915, 'data', 0), ('stan-dev/pystan', 0.5657259225845337, 'ml', 0), ('ethereum/web3.py', 0.5655627250671387, 'crypto', 0), ('quantecon/quantecon.py', 0.5649722218513489, 'sim', 0), ('altair-viz/altair', 0.5628342032432556, 'viz', 0), ('backtick-se/cowait', 0.5622064471244812, 'util', 0), ('norvig/pytudes', 0.5598863363265991, 'util', 0), ('rasbt/mlxtend', 0.5588405728340149, 'ml', 0), ('replicate/replicate-python', 0.5586503148078918, 'ml', 0), ('cuemacro/finmarketpy', 0.5586219429969788, 'finance', 0), ('ipython/ipyparallel', 0.5585790276527405, 'perf', 0), ('reloadware/reloadium', 0.5577932596206665, 'profiling', 0), ('dagworks-inc/hamilton', 0.5552157163619995, 'ml-ops', 0), ('plotly/dash', 0.5551019310951233, 'viz', 0), ('cython/cython', 0.5548232793807983, 'util', 0), ('clips/pattern', 0.5541388988494873, 'nlp', 0), ('realpython/python-guide', 0.5539833307266235, 'study', 0), ('ibis-project/ibis', 0.5528563857078552, 'data', 0), ('mynameisfiber/high_performance_python_2e', 0.5524687170982361, 'study', 0), ('mwaskom/seaborn', 0.5522692799568176, 'viz', 0), ('sympy/sympy', 0.5521600246429443, 'math', 0), ('brandon-rhodes/python-patterns', 0.5504909157752991, 'util', 0), ('connorferster/handcalcs', 0.5502340793609619, 'jupyter', 0), ('sqlalchemy/sqlalchemy', 0.5482377409934998, 'data', 0), ('pysal/pysal', 0.547865092754364, 'gis', 0), ('scikit-mobility/scikit-mobility', 0.5473421216011047, 'gis', 0), ('cherrypy/cherrypy', 0.5470208525657654, 'web', 0), ('robcarver17/pysystemtrade', 0.5468427538871765, 'finance', 0), ('timofurrer/awesome-asyncio', 0.5461949110031128, 'study', 0), ('xrudelis/pytrait', 0.5457850098609924, 'util', 0), ('mementum/bta-lib', 0.5443049073219299, 'finance', 0), ('krzjoa/awesome-python-data-science', 0.5438522100448608, 'study', 0), ('pyglet/pyglet', 0.5430480241775513, 'gamedev', 0), ('scikit-learn/scikit-learn', 0.543034553527832, 'ml', 0), ('ta-lib/ta-lib-python', 0.5423515439033508, 'finance', 0), ('python-rope/rope', 0.5410192608833313, 'util', 0), ('urwid/urwid', 0.5409858822822571, 'term', 0), ('eugeneyan/python-collab-template', 0.5403453707695007, 'template', 0), ('python-odin/odin', 0.5400282144546509, 'util', 0), ('gbeced/pyalgotrade', 0.5397642850875854, 'finance', 0), ('imageio/imageio', 0.538760244846344, 'util', 0), ('artemyk/dynpy', 0.538719654083252, 'sim', 0), ('getsentry/responses', 0.5386306047439575, 'testing', 0), ('py-why/dowhy', 0.5379133820533752, 'ml', 0), ('merantix-momentum/squirrel-core', 0.53780198097229, 'ml', 0), ('beeware/toga', 0.5376284718513489, 'gui', 0), ('tkrabel/bamboolib', 0.53708815574646, 'pandas', 0), ('pmorissette/ffn', 0.5368715524673462, 'finance', 0), ('faster-cpython/ideas', 0.5366376042366028, 'perf', 0), ('sqlalchemy/mako', 0.5347551107406616, 'template', 0), ('pyutils/line_profiler', 0.5344709157943726, 'profiling', 0), ('pdm-project/pdm', 0.5340529680252075, 'util', 0), ('fchollet/deep-learning-with-python-notebooks', 0.5332986116409302, 'study', 0), ('mementum/backtrader', 0.5332545638084412, 'finance', 0), ('ranaroussi/quantstats', 0.5325418710708618, 'finance', 0), ('dosisod/refurb', 0.5314339399337769, 'util', 0), ('contextlab/hypertools', 0.5310801863670349, 'ml', 0), ('sourcery-ai/sourcery', 0.5296950340270996, 'util', 0), ('adamerose/pandasgui', 0.5291572213172913, 'pandas', 0), ('eventual-inc/daft', 0.5290564894676208, 'pandas', 0), ('lk-geimfari/mimesis', 0.5290538668632507, 'data', 0), ('allrod5/injectable', 0.5288636088371277, 'util', 0), ('lux-org/lux', 0.5287709832191467, 'viz', 0), ('1200wd/bitcoinlib', 0.5283639430999756, 'crypto', 0), ('joblib/joblib', 0.5282385349273682, 'util', 0), ('pyinfra-dev/pyinfra', 0.5274806022644043, 'util', 0), ('pygamelib/pygamelib', 0.527156412601471, 'gamedev', 0), ('geopandas/geopandas', 0.5261996388435364, 'gis', 0), ('tiangolo/sqlmodel', 0.5258613228797913, 'data', 0), ('opengeos/leafmap', 0.525818407535553, 'gis', 0), ('primal100/pybitcointools', 0.5250184535980225, 'crypto', 0), ('featurelabs/featuretools', 0.5247564315795898, 'ml', 0), ('urschrei/pyzotero', 0.5244025588035583, 'util', 0), ('pallets/werkzeug', 0.523544430732727, 'web', 0), ('python-poetry/poetry', 0.5234190821647644, 'util', 0), ('pymc-devs/pymc3', 0.5232195854187012, 'ml', 0), ('pypa/pipenv', 0.5228143930435181, 'util', 0), ('pexpect/pexpect', 0.5216565728187561, 'util', 0), ('microsoft/playwright-python', 0.5212807059288025, 'testing', 0), ('pyscript/pyscript-cli', 0.5200616717338562, 'web', 0), ('selfexplainml/piml-toolbox', 0.5199788808822632, 'ml-interpretability', 0), ('holoviz/holoviz', 0.5192615985870361, 'viz', 0), ('scipy/scipy', 0.5191806554794312, 'math', 0), ('jiffyclub/snakeviz', 0.5175898671150208, 'profiling', 0), ('micropython/micropython', 0.5175337195396423, 'util', 0), ('cohere-ai/notebooks', 0.5172991752624512, 'llm', 0), ('gaogaotiantian/viztracer', 0.5164215564727783, 'profiling', 0), ('wandb/client', 0.5158582925796509, 'ml', 0), ('has2k1/plotnine', 0.5156086683273315, 'viz', 0), ('ets-labs/python-dependency-injector', 0.5152551531791687, 'util', 0), ('roniemartinez/dude', 0.5149586200714111, 'util', 0), ('statsmodels/statsmodels', 0.5143864154815674, 'ml', 0), ('rubik/radon', 0.514139711856842, 'util', 0), ('man-group/dtale', 0.5136914253234863, 'viz', 0), ('zenodo/zenodo', 0.5133705139160156, 'util', 0), ('adafruit/circuitpython', 0.5133049488067627, 'util', 0), ('marcomusy/vedo', 0.5130149126052856, 'viz', 0), ('rstudio/py-shiny', 0.5123597979545593, 'web', 0), ('cobrateam/splinter', 0.5119724273681641, 'testing', 0), ('huggingface/huggingface_hub', 0.5113564133644104, 'ml', 0), ('bokeh/bokeh', 0.5110460519790649, 'viz', 0), ('reflex-dev/reflex', 0.5102131962776184, 'web', 0), ('cosmicpython/book', 0.5096278190612793, 'study', 0), ('erotemic/ubelt', 0.5078774094581604, 'util', 0), ('ageron/handson-ml2', 0.5071380734443665, 'ml', 0), ('google/latexify_py', 0.5066225528717041, 'util', 0), ('residentmario/geoplot', 0.506131649017334, 'gis', 0), ('domokane/financepy', 0.5048255920410156, 'finance', 0), ('pythonspeed/filprofiler', 0.5045285820960999, 'profiling', 0), ('indygreg/pyoxidizer', 0.503706157207489, 'util', 0), ('sumerc/yappi', 0.5033401250839233, 'profiling', 0), ('feincms/feincms', 0.5029860734939575, 'web', 0), ('enthought/mayavi', 0.5028614401817322, 'viz', 0), ('pallets/quart', 0.5026024580001831, 'web', 0), ('r0x0r/pywebview', 0.5016577243804932, 'gui', 0), ('albahnsen/pycircular', 0.5009065270423889, 'math', 0), ('alexmojaki/snoop', 0.5008596777915955, 'debug', 0), ('collerek/ormar', 0.5003811717033386, 'data', 0)] | 5 | 1 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 33 | 15 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 11 |
1,687 | perf | https://github.com/faster-cpython/tools | ['cpython'] | Tools fo Faster CPython project. | [] | [] | null | null | null | faster-cpython/tools | tools | 88 | 14 | 22 | Python | null | null | faster-cpython | 2024-01-05 | 2021-04-09 | 146 | 0.60039 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/81193161?v=4 | Tools fo Faster CPython project. | [] | ['cpython'] | 2023-01-19 | [('markshannon/faster-cpython', 0.8188387751579285, 'perf', 0), ('faster-cpython/ideas', 0.8179801106452942, 'perf', 1), ('python/cpython', 0.7096896171569824, 'util', 1), ('pypy/pypy', 0.6747263669967651, 'util', 1), ('brandtbucher/specialist', 0.6422561407089233, 'perf', 1), ('cython/cython', 0.6359994411468506, 'util', 1), ('p403n1x87/austin', 0.6291638612747192, 'profiling', 0), ('ipython/ipyparallel', 0.6260746717453003, 'perf', 0), ('pyston/pyston', 0.5962938070297241, 'util', 0), ('fastai/fastcore', 0.5940293669700623, 'util', 0), ('intel/intel-extension-for-pytorch', 0.5863217115402222, 'perf', 0), ('pytorch/data', 0.5645531415939331, 'data', 0), ('facebookincubator/cinder', 0.5622638463973999, 'perf', 1), ('scikit-build/scikit-build', 0.5580853819847107, 'ml', 1), ('wesm/pydata-book', 0.5520884990692139, 'study', 0), ('gotcha/ipdb', 0.549821138381958, 'debug', 0), ('hoffstadt/dearpygui', 0.5421075820922852, 'gui', 0), ('klen/py-frameworks-bench', 0.5376661419868469, 'perf', 0), ('fchollet/deep-learning-with-python-notebooks', 0.533972442150116, 'study', 0), ('lcompilers/lpython', 0.5253562927246094, 'util', 0), ('nvidia/apex', 0.5224118828773499, 'ml-dl', 0), ('mynameisfiber/high_performance_python_2e', 0.5218332409858704, 'study', 0), ('exaloop/codon', 0.518226146697998, 'perf', 0), ('wxwidgets/phoenix', 0.5171552300453186, 'gui', 0), ('erotemic/ubelt', 0.5155495405197144, 'util', 0), ('ipython/ipython', 0.5140804052352905, 'util', 0), ('ipython/ipykernel', 0.5114536285400391, 'util', 0), ('tqdm/tqdm', 0.5104278922080994, 'term', 0), ('cohere-ai/notebooks', 0.5094420313835144, 'llm', 0), ('pytorch-labs/gpt-fast', 0.5083655118942261, 'llm', 0), ('rasbt/watermark', 0.507169783115387, 'util', 0), ('pyqtgraph/pyqtgraph', 0.5059671998023987, 'viz', 0), ('adafruit/circuitpython', 0.5050845742225647, 'util', 1), ('agronholm/apscheduler', 0.5040667057037354, 'util', 0), ('pytoolz/toolz', 0.5024548172950745, 'util', 0)] | 5 | 2 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 34 | 12 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 11 |
1,089 | graph | https://github.com/hamed1375/exphormer | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | hamed1375/exphormer | Exphormer | 86 | 13 | 0 | Python | null | Exphormer: Sparse Transformer for Graphs | hamed1375 | 2024-01-12 | 2023-03-05 | 47 | 1.818731 | null | Exphormer: Sparse Transformer for Graphs | [] | [] | 2023-07-20 | [('rampasek/graphgps', 0.6791350841522217, 'graph', 0), ('hazyresearch/hgcn', 0.5110289454460144, 'ml', 0)] | 3 | 0 | null | 0.29 | 0 | 0 | 10 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 11 |
531 | gis | https://github.com/cloudsen12/easystac | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | cloudsen12/easystac | easystac | 63 | 2 | 3 | Python | https://easystac.readthedocs.io/ | A Python package for simple STAC queries | cloudsen12 | 2023-09-04 | 2022-01-20 | 105 | 0.595946 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/76630702?v=4 | A Python package for simple STAC queries | ['earth-observation', 'gis', 'planetary-computer', 'radiant', 'remote-sensing', 'spatio-temporal', 'spatio-temporal-data', 'stac'] | ['earth-observation', 'gis', 'planetary-computer', 'radiant', 'remote-sensing', 'spatio-temporal', 'spatio-temporal-data', 'stac'] | 2022-08-07 | [('radiantearth/radiant-mlhub', 0.6044291853904724, 'gis', 1), ('scitools/iris', 0.6042935252189636, 'gis', 0), ('sentinel-hub/eo-learn', 0.5572369694709778, 'gis', 0), ('pytroll/satpy', 0.5563086271286011, 'gis', 0), ('geopandas/geopandas', 0.534330427646637, 'gis', 1), ('earthlab/earthpy', 0.5297847390174866, 'gis', 0), ('roban/cosmolopy', 0.5210418701171875, 'sim', 0), ('opengeos/leafmap', 0.5067197680473328, 'gis', 1), ('artelys/geonetworkx', 0.5005823373794556, 'gis', 0)] | 3 | 3 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 24 | 18 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 11 |
400 | crypto | https://github.com/dylanhogg/crazy-awesome-crypto | ['awesome'] | null | [] | ['<hide>'] | null | null | null | dylanhogg/crazy-awesome-crypto | crazy-awesome-crypto | 60 | 16 | 5 | Python | https://www.awesomecrypto.xyz/ | A list of awesome crypto and blockchain projects | dylanhogg | 2024-01-08 | 2021-09-27 | 122 | 0.491228 | null | A list of awesome crypto and blockchain projects | ['awesome', 'awesome-list', 'bitcoin', 'blockchain', 'crypto', 'cryptocurrency', 'data', 'data-analysis', 'ethereum', 'github'] | ['awesome', 'awesome-list', 'bitcoin', 'blockchain', 'crypto', 'cryptocurrency', 'data', 'data-analysis', 'ethereum', 'github'] | 2023-10-22 | [('dylanhogg/awesome-python', 0.5653820037841797, 'study', 3), ('numerai/example-scripts', 0.5541864633560181, 'finance', 1), ('christoschristofidis/awesome-deep-learning', 0.5464283227920532, 'study', 2), ('1200wd/bitcoinlib', 0.5096782445907593, 'crypto', 1)] | 1 | 1 | null | 0.17 | 0 | 0 | 28 | 3 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 11 |
1,565 | llm | https://github.com/deep-diver/gradio-chat | ['gradio'] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | deep-diver/gradio-chat | gradio-chat | 56 | 7 | 2 | Python | null | HuggingChat like UI in Gradio | deep-diver | 2024-01-04 | 2023-05-19 | 36 | 1.53125 | null | HuggingChat like UI in Gradio | [] | ['gradio'] | 2023-05-23 | [] | 1 | 1 | null | 0.23 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 11 |
1,630 | template | https://github.com/tedivm/robs_awesome_python_template | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | tedivm/robs_awesome_python_template | robs_awesome_python_template | 20 | 4 | 3 | Python | https://blog.tedivm.com/open-source/2023/02/robs-awesome-python-template/ | A Highly Configurable Python Project Template for Modern Python Projects | tedivm | 2024-01-12 | 2022-12-11 | 59 | 0.337349 | null | A Highly Configurable Python Project Template for Modern Python Projects | ['cookiecutter-python', 'cookiecutter-template'] | ['cookiecutter-python', 'cookiecutter-template'] | 2023-12-31 | [('lyz-code/cookiecutter-python-project', 0.9047797918319702, 'template', 0), ('cookiecutter/cookiecutter', 0.8344708681106567, 'template', 0), ('ionelmc/cookiecutter-pylibrary', 0.8226386308670044, 'template', 1), ('giswqs/pypackage', 0.7693808078765869, 'template', 1), ('buuntu/fastapi-react', 0.6574198603630066, 'template', 0), ('tezromach/python-package-template', 0.647948682308197, 'template', 0), ('pypa/hatch', 0.582638144493103, 'util', 0), ('cjolowicz/cookiecutter-hypermodern-python', 0.5808916687965393, 'template', 0), ('crmne/cookiecutter-modern-datascience', 0.5504110455513, 'template', 1), ('martinheinz/python-project-blueprint', 0.5347585082054138, 'template', 0), ('psf/requests', 0.5218177437782288, 'web', 0), ('pallets/flask', 0.5124099254608154, 'web', 0), ('s3rius/fastapi-template', 0.5110516548156738, 'web', 1), ('pypa/build', 0.5029564499855042, 'util', 0), ('pdm-project/pdm', 0.5013588070869446, 'util', 0)] | 1 | 1 | null | 0.75 | 1 | 1 | 13 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 11 |
934 | sim | https://github.com/crflynn/stochastic | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | crflynn/stochastic | stochastic | 388 | 71 | 15 | Python | http://stochastic.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ | Generate realizations of stochastic processes in python. | crflynn | 2024-01-04 | 2017-02-17 | 362 | 1.070134 | null | Generate realizations of stochastic processes in python. | ['probability', 'stochastic', 'stochastic-differential-equations', 'stochastic-processes', 'stochastic-simulation-algorithm', 'stochastic-volatility-models'] | ['probability', 'stochastic', 'stochastic-differential-equations', 'stochastic-processes', 'stochastic-simulation-algorithm', 'stochastic-volatility-models'] | 2022-07-12 | [('pymc-devs/pymc3', 0.6376107335090637, 'ml', 0), ('awslabs/gluonts', 0.5971387624740601, 'time-series', 0), ('probml/pyprobml', 0.5735928416252136, 'ml', 0), ('firmai/atspy', 0.5687724351882935, 'time-series', 0), ('stan-dev/pystan', 0.5423630475997925, 'ml', 0), ('artemyk/dynpy', 0.5386329889297485, 'sim', 0), ('statsmodels/statsmodels', 0.5304479002952576, 'ml', 0), ('scikit-learn/scikit-learn', 0.5197334885597229, 'ml', 0), ('gboeing/pynamical', 0.509087860584259, 'sim', 0), ('online-ml/river', 0.507440447807312, 'ml', 0), ('scipy/scipy', 0.5048527121543884, 'math', 0), ('google/temporian', 0.5019282698631287, 'time-series', 0), ('goldmansachs/gs-quant', 0.5013076663017273, 'finance', 0), ('bashtage/arch', 0.5002689957618713, 'time-series', 0), ('uber/orbit', 0.5002565979957581, 'time-series', 0)] | 7 | 0 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 84 | 18 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 10 |
778 | util | https://github.com/brokenloop/jsontopydantic | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | brokenloop/jsontopydantic | jsontopydantic | 275 | 9 | 4 | TypeScript | https://jsontopydantic.com | Web tool for generating Pydantic models from JSON objects | brokenloop | 2024-01-12 | 2020-11-28 | 165 | 1.662349 | null | Web tool for generating Pydantic models from JSON objects | [] | [] | 2022-05-13 | [('developmentseed/geojson-pydantic', 0.7540448904037476, 'gis', 0), ('jsonpickle/jsonpickle', 0.5869114398956299, 'data', 0), ('1rgs/jsonformer', 0.5837192535400391, 'llm', 0), ('marshmallow-code/marshmallow', 0.5406548380851746, 'util', 0), ('kellyjonbrazil/jello', 0.5349708795547485, 'util', 0), ('agronholm/sqlacodegen', 0.5330995321273804, 'data', 0), ('scikit-hep/awkward-1.0', 0.5177565813064575, 'data', 0), ('selfexplainml/piml-toolbox', 0.515333354473114, 'ml-interpretability', 0), ('lk-geimfari/mimesis', 0.5148674845695496, 'data', 0), ('python-odin/odin', 0.5140889286994934, 'util', 0), ('stan-dev/pystan', 0.5074247717857361, 'ml', 0)] | 2 | 0 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 38 | 20 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 10 |
736 | study | https://github.com/koaning/calm-notebooks | ['annoy', 'sklearn', 'jax'] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | koaning/calm-notebooks | calm-notebooks | 214 | 175 | 9 | Jupyter Notebook | https://calmcode.io | notebooks that are used at calmcode.io | koaning | 2024-01-01 | 2020-03-01 | 204 | 1.047552 | null | notebooks that are used at calmcode.io | [] | ['annoy', 'jax', 'sklearn'] | 2021-10-21 | [('cohere-ai/notebooks', 0.5802757143974304, 'llm', 0), ('huggingface/notebooks', 0.5623078942298889, 'ml', 0), ('fchollet/deep-learning-with-python-notebooks', 0.5319899320602417, 'study', 0), ('alphasecio/langchain-examples', 0.5073686242103577, 'llm', 0), ('jupyter/nbgrader', 0.5042494535446167, 'jupyter', 0)] | 1 | 1 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 47 | 27 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 10 |
525 | nlp | https://github.com/hazyresearch/fonduer-tutorials | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | hazyresearch/fonduer-tutorials | fonduer-tutorials | 98 | 26 | 18 | Jupyter Notebook | https://github.com/HazyResearch/fonduer | A collection of simple tutorials for using Fonduer | hazyresearch | 2024-01-04 | 2018-03-23 | 305 | 0.320711 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2165246?v=4 | A collection of simple tutorials for using Fonduer | [] | [] | 2020-05-27 | [] | 6 | 2 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 71 | 44 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 10 |
530 | ml-dl | https://github.com/benedekrozemberczki/tigerlily | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | benedekrozemberczki/tigerlily | tigerlily | 96 | 9 | 2 | Jupyter Notebook | null | TigerLily: Finding drug interactions in silico with the Graph. | benedekrozemberczki | 2024-01-04 | 2022-02-28 | 100 | 0.958631 | null | TigerLily: Finding drug interactions in silico with the Graph. | ['biology', 'ddi', 'deep-learning', 'drug-drug-interaction', 'embedding', 'gradient-boosting', 'graph', 'graph-database', 'graph-embedding', 'graph-machine-learning', 'heterogeneous-graph', 'knowledge-graph', 'machine-learning', 'network-science', 'node', 'node-embedding', 'pharmaceuticals', 'tigergraph', 'unsupervised-learning'] | ['biology', 'ddi', 'deep-learning', 'drug-drug-interaction', 'embedding', 'gradient-boosting', 'graph', 'graph-database', 'graph-embedding', 'graph-machine-learning', 'heterogeneous-graph', 'knowledge-graph', 'machine-learning', 'network-science', 'node', 'node-embedding', 'pharmaceuticals', 'tigergraph', 'unsupervised-learning'] | 2022-12-17 | [('a-r-j/graphein', 0.6609140634536743, 'sim', 1), ('stellargraph/stellargraph', 0.6446079015731812, 'graph', 3), ('google-deepmind/materials_discovery', 0.5921242237091064, 'sim', 0), ('pyg-team/pytorch_geometric', 0.561957597732544, 'ml-dl', 1), ('danielegrattarola/spektral', 0.5574583411216736, 'ml-dl', 1), ('dmlc/dgl', 0.5503193140029907, 'ml-dl', 1), ('graphistry/pygraphistry', 0.5483189225196838, 'data', 2), ('chandlerbang/awesome-self-supervised-gnn', 0.5460976362228394, 'study', 2), ('accenture/ampligraph', 0.5214887857437134, 'data', 2), ('awslabs/dgl-ke', 0.50465327501297, 'ml', 2), ('h4kor/graph-force', 0.503591001033783, 'graph', 0)] | 1 | 1 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 23 | 13 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 10 |
843 | profiling | https://github.com/kshitij12345/torchnnprofiler | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | kshitij12345/torchnnprofiler | torchnnprofiler | 81 | 4 | 5 | Python | null | Context Manager to profile the forward and backward times of PyTorch's nn.Module | kshitij12345 | 2024-01-10 | 2022-10-22 | 66 | 1.219355 | null | Context Manager to profile the forward and backward times of PyTorch's nn.Module | [] | [] | 2022-11-02 | [('pytorch/ignite', 0.6059595346450806, 'ml-dl', 0), ('pytorch/data', 0.5611929297447205, 'data', 0), ('nvidia/apex', 0.5381832718849182, 'ml-dl', 0), ('intel/intel-extension-for-pytorch', 0.5366755723953247, 'perf', 0), ('skorch-dev/skorch', 0.5358409881591797, 'ml-dl', 0), ('mrdbourke/pytorch-deep-learning', 0.5249190926551819, 'study', 0), ('nvlabs/gcvit', 0.5133840441703796, 'diffusion', 0), ('pytorch/botorch', 0.5020992159843445, 'ml-dl', 0)] | 1 | 0 | null | 0 | 1 | 0 | 15 | 15 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 90 | 1 | 10 |
526 | ml | https://github.com/brohrer/cottonwood | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | brohrer/cottonwood | cottonwood | 76 | 13 | 15 | Python | https://end-to-end-machine-learning.teachable.com/p/write-a-neural-network-framework/ | A flexible neural network framework for running experiments and trying ideas. | brohrer | 2024-01-04 | 2019-09-29 | 226 | 0.335859 | null | A flexible neural network framework for running experiments and trying ideas. | [] | [] | 2020-02-02 | [] | 3 | 2 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 52 | 48 | 0 | 3 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 10 |
910 | ml-ops | https://github.com/anyscale/airflow-provider-ray | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | anyscale/airflow-provider-ray | airflow-provider-ray | 41 | 9 | 13 | Python | null | Ray provider for Apache Airflow | anyscale | 2024-01-05 | 2021-03-05 | 151 | 0.2705 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/51251046?v=4 | Ray provider for Apache Airflow | [] | [] | 2021-10-03 | [('astronomer/astronomer', 0.5748955011367798, 'ml-ops', 0), ('apache/airflow', 0.521160364151001, 'ml-ops', 0)] | 8 | 4 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 35 | 28 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 10 |
332 | util | https://github.com/gondolav/pyfuncol | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | gondolav/pyfuncol | pyfuncol | 32 | 2 | 3 | Python | https://pyfuncol.readthedocs.io/ | Functional collections extension functions for Python | gondolav | 2022-11-16 | 2021-12-16 | 110 | 0.289032 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/98323830?v=4 | Functional collections extension functions for Python | ['collections', 'extension-functions', 'functional', 'parallel'] | ['collections', 'extension-functions', 'functional', 'parallel'] | 2023-03-26 | [('pytoolz/toolz', 0.6170833706855774, 'util', 0), ('suor/funcy', 0.5316035747528076, 'util', 0), ('evhub/coconut', 0.5076735019683838, 'util', 1)] | 4 | 1 | null | 0.15 | 0 | 0 | 25 | 10 | 0 | 3 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 10 |
373 | data | https://github.com/ndrplz/google-drive-downloader | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | ndrplz/google-drive-downloader | google-drive-downloader | 261 | 63 | 13 | Python | null | Minimal class to download shared files from Google Drive. | ndrplz | 2024-01-04 | 2017-12-08 | 320 | 0.814171 | null | Minimal class to download shared files from Google Drive. | [] | [] | 2019-02-09 | [] | 5 | 1 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 74 | 60 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 9 |
289 | template | https://github.com/eugeneyan/python-collab-template | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | eugeneyan/python-collab-template | python-collab-template | 136 | 39 | 5 | Python | https://eugeneyan.com/writing/setting-up-python-project-for-automation-and-collaboration/ | 🛠 Python project template with unit tests, code coverage, linting, type checking, Makefile wrapper, and GitHub Actions. | eugeneyan | 2024-01-14 | 2020-06-21 | 188 | 0.722307 | null | 🛠 Python project template with unit tests, code coverage, linting, type checking, Makefile wrapper, and GitHub Actions. | ['coverage', 'github-actions', 'linting', 'makefile', 'type-checking', 'unit-testing'] | ['coverage', 'github-actions', 'linting', 'makefile', 'type-checking', 'unit-testing'] | 2022-07-02 | [('nedbat/coveragepy', 0.6858402490615845, 'testing', 0), ('landscapeio/prospector', 0.6496816873550415, 'util', 1), ('pypa/hatch', 0.613045871257782, 'util', 0), ('pyscaffold/pyscaffold', 0.6021620631217957, 'template', 0), ('psf/black', 0.5849995613098145, 'util', 0), ('martinheinz/python-project-blueprint', 0.5737303495407104, 'template', 0), ('mkdocstrings/griffe', 0.5616798400878906, 'util', 0), ('mitmproxy/pdoc', 0.5599040389060974, 'util', 0), ('sqlalchemy/mako', 0.5552263855934143, 'template', 0), ('python-rope/rope', 0.5535590648651123, 'util', 0), ('facebook/pyre-check', 0.5504177212715149, 'typing', 0), ('wolever/parameterized', 0.5470243692398071, 'testing', 0), ('amaargiru/pyroad', 0.5436649918556213, 'study', 0), ('google/pytype', 0.5415253043174744, 'typing', 0), ('eleutherai/pyfra', 0.5403453707695007, 'ml', 0), ('sourcery-ai/sourcery', 0.5378775596618652, 'util', 0), ('omry/omegaconf', 0.5363547205924988, 'util', 0), ('hhatto/autopep8', 0.5339161157608032, 'util', 0), ('pytest-dev/pytest-testinfra', 0.5332326292991638, 'testing', 0), ('grantjenks/blue', 0.5308860540390015, 'util', 0), ('rubik/radon', 0.5297834873199463, 'util', 0), ('pypa/build', 0.523838460445404, 'util', 0), ('pytoolz/toolz', 0.5230408906936646, 'util', 0), ('tezromach/python-package-template', 0.518621563911438, 'template', 1), ('samuelcolvin/dirty-equals', 0.514961302280426, 'util', 1), ('instagram/fixit', 0.5144226551055908, 'util', 0), ('pdoc3/pdoc', 0.5139718651771545, 'util', 0), ('ionelmc/pytest-benchmark', 0.5136798024177551, 'testing', 0), ('pypa/pipenv', 0.5131263732910156, 'util', 0), ('grahamdumpleton/wrapt', 0.5126464366912842, 'util', 0), ('dosisod/refurb', 0.5078116059303284, 'util', 0), ('pdm-project/pdm', 0.5047013163566589, 'util', 0)] | 2 | 1 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 43 | 19 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 9 |
1,379 | llm | https://github.com/ai21labs/lm-evaluation | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | ai21labs/lm-evaluation | lm-evaluation | 122 | 13 | 5 | Python | null | Evaluation suite for large-scale language models. | ai21labs | 2024-01-04 | 2021-08-05 | 129 | 0.940529 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/33798954?v=4 | Evaluation suite for large-scale language models. | ['evaluation-framework', 'language-model'] | ['evaluation-framework', 'language-model'] | 2021-08-15 | [('eleutherai/lm-evaluation-harness', 0.7471644282341003, 'llm', 2), ('freedomintelligence/llmzoo', 0.7427138090133667, 'llm', 1), ('lm-sys/fastchat', 0.7379257678985596, 'llm', 1), ('openlmlab/leval', 0.7304577231407166, 'llm', 1), ('hannibal046/awesome-llm', 0.725335955619812, 'study', 1), ('juncongmoo/pyllama', 0.699636697769165, 'llm', 0), ('ctlllll/llm-toolmaker', 0.6955636143684387, 'llm', 1), ('lianjiatech/belle', 0.6819735169410706, 'llm', 0), ('openbmb/toolbench', 0.6778345704078674, 'llm', 0), ('cg123/mergekit', 0.6523741483688354, 'llm', 0), ('anthropics/evals', 0.6497257947921753, 'llm', 0), ('bigscience-workshop/biomedical', 0.6412531137466431, 'data', 0), ('confident-ai/deepeval', 0.622775137424469, 'testing', 2), ('jonasgeiping/cramming', 0.6214629411697388, 'nlp', 1), ('togethercomputer/redpajama-data', 0.60612553358078, 'llm', 0), ('guidance-ai/guidance', 0.6006115674972534, 'llm', 1), ('young-geng/easylm', 0.5989466309547424, 'llm', 1), ('fasteval/fasteval', 0.5941077470779419, 'llm', 0), ('huggingface/evaluate', 0.5928609371185303, 'ml', 0), ('next-gpt/next-gpt', 0.5911809802055359, 'llm', 0), ('salesforce/xgen', 0.5776482224464417, 'llm', 1), ('microsoft/autogen', 0.5751771926879883, 'llm', 0), ('srush/minichain', 0.5739299654960632, 'llm', 0), ('oobabooga/text-generation-webui', 0.5664257407188416, 'llm', 1), ('prefecthq/langchain-prefect', 0.5636144280433655, 'llm', 0), ('keirp/automatic_prompt_engineer', 0.5610719919204712, 'llm', 1), ('huggingface/text-generation-inference', 0.5604375004768372, 'llm', 0), ('microsoft/lora', 0.55837482213974, 'llm', 1), ('conceptofmind/toolformer', 0.5530425310134888, 'llm', 1), ('infinitylogesh/mutate', 0.5527203679084778, 'nlp', 1), ('openlmlab/moss', 0.5499148368835449, 'llm', 1), ('eleutherai/the-pile', 0.5482072830200195, 'data', 0), ('bigscience-workshop/megatron-deepspeed', 0.5460460186004639, 'llm', 0), ('microsoft/megatron-deepspeed', 0.5460460186004639, 'llm', 0), ('baichuan-inc/baichuan-13b', 0.5453725457191467, 'llm', 0), ('neulab/prompt2model', 0.5453250408172607, 'llm', 1), ('openai/evals', 0.5421918034553528, 'llm', 1), ('princeton-nlp/alce', 0.5408934950828552, 'llm', 0), ('hiyouga/llama-factory', 0.5385951995849609, 'llm', 1), ('hiyouga/llama-efficient-tuning', 0.5385950803756714, 'llm', 1), ('reasoning-machines/pal', 0.5380016565322876, 'llm', 1), ('facebookresearch/shepherd', 0.5377524495124817, 'llm', 1), ('databrickslabs/dolly', 0.5367728471755981, 'llm', 0), ('yizhongw/self-instruct', 0.5341971516609192, 'llm', 1), ('llmware-ai/llmware', 0.5320602655410767, 'llm', 0), ('sjtu-ipads/powerinfer', 0.5313429236412048, 'llm', 0), ('thudm/chatglm2-6b', 0.5304546356201172, 'llm', 0), ('ai21labs/in-context-ralm', 0.5293609499931335, 'llm', 1), ('jalammar/ecco', 0.5280724167823792, 'ml-interpretability', 0), ('mit-han-lab/streaming-llm', 0.5273094773292542, 'llm', 0), ('optimalscale/lmflow', 0.5266632437705994, 'llm', 1), ('agenta-ai/agenta', 0.5219810009002686, 'llm', 0), ('citadel-ai/langcheck', 0.518677294254303, 'llm', 1), ('tatsu-lab/stanford_alpaca', 0.5184262990951538, 'llm', 1), ('yueyu1030/attrprompt', 0.5179035067558289, 'llm', 0), ('hazyresearch/h3', 0.5161812901496887, 'llm', 0), ('nvlabs/prismer', 0.5158585906028748, 'diffusion', 1), ('thudm/chatglm-6b', 0.5155556201934814, 'llm', 1), ('lupantech/chameleon-llm', 0.5124858617782593, 'llm', 1), ('hpcaitech/energonai', 0.5110083818435669, 'ml', 0), ('cstankonrad/long_llama', 0.5108537077903748, 'llm', 1), ('explosion/spacy-models', 0.5086509585380554, 'nlp', 0), ('night-chen/toolqa', 0.5064146518707275, 'llm', 0), ('lvwerra/trl', 0.5060834288597107, 'llm', 0), ('facebookresearch/seamless_communication', 0.505820631980896, 'nlp', 0), ('1rgs/jsonformer', 0.5037403702735901, 'llm', 0), ('guardrails-ai/guardrails', 0.5022191405296326, 'llm', 0), ('bytedance/lightseq', 0.5000201463699341, 'nlp', 0)] | 3 | 1 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 30 | 29 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 9 |
1,398 | diffusion | https://github.com/pollinations/dance-diffusion | ['audio'] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | pollinations/dance-diffusion | dance-diffusion | 55 | 11 | 2 | Jupyter Notebook | null | Tools to train a generative model on arbitrary audio samples | pollinations | 2023-12-31 | 2022-09-28 | 69 | 0.787321 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/86964862?v=4 | Tools to train a generative model on arbitrary audio samples | [] | ['audio'] | 2022-09-29 | [('suno-ai/bark', 0.6367303729057312, 'ml', 1), ('facebookresearch/audiocraft', 0.5851640105247498, 'util', 1), ('openai/image-gpt', 0.5518842935562134, 'llm', 0), ('huggingface/diffusers', 0.5509036779403687, 'diffusion', 0)] | 4 | 1 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 16 | 16 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 9 |
1,377 | nlp | https://github.com/amazon-science/dq-bart | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | amazon-science/dq-bart | dq-bart | 48 | 11 | 3 | Python | null | DQ-BART: Efficient Sequence-to-Sequence Model via Joint Distillation and Quantization (ACL 2022) | amazon-science | 2023-12-05 | 2022-03-15 | 98 | 0.489796 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/70298811?v=4 | DQ-BART: Efficient Sequence-to-Sequence Model via Joint Distillation and Quantization (ACL 2022) | [] | [] | 2022-12-27 | [('hazyresearch/safari', 0.5790391564369202, 'ml', 0), ('bytedance/lightseq', 0.564974844455719, 'nlp', 0), ('artidoro/qlora', 0.5504317283630371, 'llm', 0), ('predibase/llm_distillation_playbook', 0.5063695311546326, 'llm', 0)] | 4 | 2 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 22 | 13 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 9 |
970 | sim | https://github.com/glpcc/pokerpy | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | glpcc/pokerpy | PokerPy | 43 | 4 | 1 | C++ | null | Texas Hold'em Poker Probability Calculator in Python | glpcc | 2023-07-08 | 2022-12-11 | 59 | 0.725301 | null | Texas Hold'em Poker Probability Calculator in Python | ['cpp', 'fast', 'performance', 'poker', 'pybind11', 'texas-holdem'] | ['cpp', 'fast', 'performance', 'poker', 'pybind11', 'texas-holdem'] | 2023-02-10 | [] | 2 | 1 | null | 0.83 | 0 | 0 | 13 | 11 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 9 |
1,065 | nlp | https://github.com/airi-institute/probing_framework | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | airi-institute/probing_framework | Probing_framework | 22 | 10 | 1 | Python | null | Framework for probing tasks | airi-institute | 2023-12-22 | 2022-01-21 | 105 | 0.20839 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/92741417?v=4 | Framework for probing tasks | ['multilinguality', 'natural-language-processing', 'probing', 'transformers', 'universal-dependencies'] | ['multilinguality', 'natural-language-processing', 'probing', 'transformers', 'universal-dependencies'] | 2023-08-28 | [('keirp/automatic_prompt_engineer', 0.5204843282699585, 'llm', 0), ('openbmb/toolbench', 0.5175856351852417, 'llm', 0)] | 7 | 0 | null | 1.77 | 8 | 4 | 24 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 1 | 90 | 0.1 | 9 |
1,633 | util | https://github.com/multi-py/python-gunicorn-uvicorn | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | multi-py/python-gunicorn-uvicorn | python-gunicorn-uvicorn | 15 | 1 | 1 | Shell | null | Multiarchitecture Docker Containers for Python using Gunicorn and Uvicorn | multi-py | 2023-10-24 | 2021-10-31 | 117 | 0.127893 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/92491059?v=4 | Multiarchitecture Docker Containers for Python using Gunicorn and Uvicorn | ['alpine', 'amd64', 'arm64', 'armv7', 'docker', 'ghcr', 'gunicorn', 'uvicorn'] | ['alpine', 'amd64', 'arm64', 'armv7', 'docker', 'ghcr', 'gunicorn', 'uvicorn'] | 2023-12-20 | [('multi-py/python-gunicorn', 0.9625324010848999, 'util', 7), ('multi-py/python-uvicorn', 0.9309157729148865, 'util', 6), ('multi-py/python-celery', 0.7121555209159851, 'util', 6), ('backtick-se/cowait', 0.5445891618728638, 'util', 1), ('rawheel/fastapi-boilerplate', 0.5090985894203186, 'web', 1)] | 2 | 1 | null | 0.48 | 0 | 0 | 27 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 9 |
1,634 | util | https://github.com/multi-py/python-uvicorn | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | multi-py/python-uvicorn | python-uvicorn | 14 | 0 | 1 | Shell | https://blog.tedivm.com | Multiarchitecture Docker Containers for Python and Uvicorn | multi-py | 2023-08-21 | 2021-10-05 | 121 | 0.115702 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/92491059?v=4 | Multiarchitecture Docker Containers for Python and Uvicorn | ['amd64', 'arm64', 'armv7', 'docker', 'ghcr', 'uvicorn'] | ['amd64', 'arm64', 'armv7', 'docker', 'ghcr', 'uvicorn'] | 2023-12-20 | [('multi-py/python-gunicorn-uvicorn', 0.9309157729148865, 'util', 6), ('multi-py/python-gunicorn', 0.8768712878227234, 'util', 5), ('multi-py/python-celery', 0.7029248476028442, 'util', 5), ('backtick-se/cowait', 0.5087990760803223, 'util', 1)] | 2 | 1 | null | 0.48 | 0 | 0 | 28 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 9 |
1,660 | data | https://github.com/unstructured-io/pipeline-paddleocr | ['unstructured', 'pdf', 'pipeline', 'ocr'] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | unstructured-io/pipeline-paddleocr | pipeline-paddleocr | 14 | 5 | 13 | Jupyter Notebook | null | Pipeline for converting PDFs to raw text with PaddleOCR | unstructured-io | 2023-12-25 | 2022-12-08 | 59 | 0.23445 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/108372208?v=4 | Pipeline for converting PDFs to raw text with PaddleOCR | [] | ['ocr', 'pdf', 'pipeline', 'unstructured'] | 2023-06-29 | [('camelot-dev/camelot', 0.5457990169525146, 'util', 0), ('py-pdf/pypdf2', 0.5316691398620605, 'util', 1), ('pyfpdf/fpdf2', 0.531453549861908, 'util', 1), ('pdfminer/pdfminer.six', 0.5148302316665649, 'util', 1), ('rapidai/rapidocr', 0.5100756287574768, 'data', 1)] | 10 | 2 | null | 0.25 | 0 | 0 | 13 | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 9 |
1,623 | template | https://github.com/lyz-code/cookiecutter-python-project | ['cookiecutter'] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | lyz-code/cookiecutter-python-project | cookiecutter-python-project | 13 | 1 | 3 | CSS | https://lyz-code.github.io/cookiecutter-python-project | Cookiecutter template to generate python projects following the best practices gathered over the time. | lyz-code | 2024-01-12 | 2020-10-16 | 171 | 0.07577 | null | Cookiecutter template to generate python projects following the best practices gathered over the time. | [] | ['cookiecutter'] | 2023-03-15 | [('tedivm/robs_awesome_python_template', 0.9047797918319702, 'template', 0), ('ionelmc/cookiecutter-pylibrary', 0.8550078272819519, 'template', 1), ('cookiecutter/cookiecutter', 0.8542928099632263, 'template', 1), ('giswqs/pypackage', 0.815499484539032, 'template', 1), ('buuntu/fastapi-react', 0.6677143573760986, 'template', 1), ('cjolowicz/cookiecutter-hypermodern-python', 0.6242104768753052, 'template', 0), ('crmne/cookiecutter-modern-datascience', 0.6067662835121155, 'template', 1), ('tezromach/python-package-template', 0.5960633754730225, 'template', 1), ('psf/requests', 0.5095129013061523, 'web', 0)] | 2 | 1 | null | 0.08 | 0 | 0 | 39 | 10 | 0 | 4 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 9 |
912 | ml-ops | https://github.com/anyscale/prefect-anyscale | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | anyscale/prefect-anyscale | prefect-anyscale | 8 | 2 | 3 | Python | null | Prefect integration with Anyscale | anyscale | 2023-10-02 | 2022-11-07 | 64 | 0.124722 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/51251046?v=4 | Prefect integration with Anyscale | [] | [] | 2023-10-11 | [] | 2 | 1 | null | 0.21 | 0 | 0 | 14 | 3 | 2 | 8 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 9 |
1,347 | ml-rl | https://github.com/zacwellmer/worldmodels | ['agent-based-modeling'] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | zacwellmer/worldmodels | WorldModels | 259 | 29 | 5 | Jupyter Notebook | null | World Models with TensorFlow 2 | zacwellmer | 2024-01-11 | 2020-04-09 | 198 | 1.303379 | null | World Models with TensorFlow 2 | [] | ['agent-based-modeling'] | 2021-06-09 | [('projectmesa/mesa', 0.5980151891708374, 'sim', 1), ('operand/agency', 0.5862823128700256, 'llm', 0), ('tensorflow/mesh', 0.5606265068054199, 'ml-dl', 0), ('rafiqhasan/auto-tensorflow', 0.5352241396903992, 'ml-dl', 0), ('geekan/metagpt', 0.5185655355453491, 'llm', 0), ('aiwaves-cn/agents', 0.5116593241691589, 'nlp', 0), ('unity-technologies/ml-agents', 0.5110092163085938, 'ml-rl', 0)] | 1 | 0 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 46 | 32 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 8 |
239 | sim | https://github.com/nv-tlabs/gamegan_code | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | nv-tlabs/gamegan_code | GameGAN_code | 212 | 36 | 11 | Python | null | Learning to Simulate Dynamic Environments with GameGAN (CVPR 2020) | nv-tlabs | 2024-01-09 | 2020-12-11 | 163 | 1.29607 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/49653101?v=4 | Learning to Simulate Dynamic Environments with GameGAN (CVPR 2020) | [] | [] | 2021-11-11 | [] | 2 | 0 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 38 | 26 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 8 |
724 | gis | https://github.com/bowenc0221/boundary-iou-api | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | bowenc0221/boundary-iou-api | boundary-iou-api | 198 | 22 | 8 | Python | null | Boundary IoU API (Beta version) | bowenc0221 | 2024-01-13 | 2021-03-29 | 148 | 1.336548 | null | Boundary IoU API (Beta version) | [] | [] | 2021-04-05 | [] | 2 | 0 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 34 | 34 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 8 |
455 | nlp | https://github.com/coastalcph/lex-glue | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | coastalcph/lex-glue | lex-glue | 149 | 29 | 6 | Python | null | LexGLUE: A Benchmark Dataset for Legal Language Understanding in English | coastalcph | 2024-01-07 | 2021-09-27 | 122 | 1.219883 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/6862219?v=4 | LexGLUE: A Benchmark Dataset for Legal Language Understanding in English | ['benchmark', 'lawtech', 'legal', 'legaltech', 'nlp'] | ['benchmark', 'lawtech', 'legal', 'legaltech', 'nlp'] | 2022-11-04 | [('lexpredict/lexpredict-lexnlp', 0.6552823185920715, 'nlp', 3), ('iclrandd/blackstone', 0.6491376757621765, 'nlp', 2), ('thoppe/the-pile-freelaw', 0.6147865653038025, 'data', 0), ('hazyresearch/legalbench', 0.5063652992248535, 'llm', 2)] | 2 | 0 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 28 | 15 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 8 |
461 | data | https://github.com/psycoguana/subredditmediadownloader | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | psycoguana/subredditmediadownloader | SubredditMediaDownloader | 122 | 9 | 3 | Python | null | Simple Python script to download images and videos from public subreddits without using Reddit's API 😎 | psycoguana | 2024-01-10 | 2022-02-18 | 101 | 1.201125 | null | Simple Python script to download images and videos from public subreddits without using Reddit's API 😎 | [] | [] | 2023-01-17 | [('pytube/pytube', 0.5245307087898254, 'util', 0)] | 2 | 0 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 23 | 12 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 8 |
885 | sim | https://github.com/crowdbotp/socialways | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | crowdbotp/socialways | socialways | 116 | 45 | 9 | Python | null | Social Ways: Learning Multi-Modal Distributions of Pedestrian Trajectories with GANs (CVPR 2019) | crowdbotp | 2024-01-04 | 2019-04-23 | 249 | 0.465863 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/70031889?v=4 | Social Ways: Learning Multi-Modal Distributions of Pedestrian Trajectories with GANs (CVPR 2019) | ['crowd-simulation', 'gan', 'generative-adversarial-network', 'human-trajectory-prediction', 'info-gan', 'pedestrian', 'pedestrian-trajectories', 'prediction-model', 'self-driving-car', 'social-gan', 'social-navigation', 'social-robots', 'social-ways', 'trajectory-forecasting', 'trajectory-prediction'] | ['crowd-simulation', 'gan', 'generative-adversarial-network', 'human-trajectory-prediction', 'info-gan', 'pedestrian', 'pedestrian-trajectories', 'prediction-model', 'self-driving-car', 'social-gan', 'social-navigation', 'social-robots', 'social-ways', 'trajectory-forecasting', 'trajectory-prediction'] | 2020-03-20 | [] | 3 | 2 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 58 | 46 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 8 |
662 | gis | https://github.com/zorzi-s/projectregularization | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | zorzi-s/projectregularization | projectRegularization | 101 | 12 | 2 | Python | null | Regularization of Building Boundaries using Adversarial and Regularized losses | zorzi-s | 2024-01-04 | 2021-05-18 | 141 | 0.716312 | null | Regularization of Building Boundaries using Adversarial and Regularized losses | [] | [] | 2023-09-13 | [('cleverhans-lab/cleverhans', 0.5036975741386414, 'ml', 0)] | 1 | 0 | null | 0.02 | 0 | 0 | 32 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 8 |
705 | gis | https://github.com/artelys/geonetworkx | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | artelys/geonetworkx | geonetworkx | 31 | 1 | 7 | Python | null | Python tools for geographic graphs | artelys | 2023-07-20 | 2019-10-24 | 222 | 0.139192 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/17453408?v=4 | Python tools for geographic graphs | [] | [] | 2021-06-28 | [('geopandas/geopandas', 0.7633013725280762, 'gis', 0), ('holoviz/geoviews', 0.663130521774292, 'gis', 0), ('residentmario/geoplot', 0.6383180022239685, 'gis', 0), ('graphistry/pygraphistry', 0.6271733045578003, 'data', 0), ('pysal/pysal', 0.625034749507904, 'gis', 0), ('opengeos/leafmap', 0.6138547658920288, 'gis', 0), ('toblerity/rtree', 0.597081184387207, 'gis', 0), ('westhealth/pyvis', 0.5923200249671936, 'graph', 0), ('pygraphviz/pygraphviz', 0.5921590328216553, 'viz', 0), ('raphaelquast/eomaps', 0.585459291934967, 'gis', 0), ('h4kor/graph-force', 0.5840879678726196, 'graph', 0), ('plotly/plotly.py', 0.5817664861679077, 'viz', 0), ('earthlab/earthpy', 0.5808680057525635, 'gis', 0), ('networkx/networkx', 0.5718642473220825, 'graph', 0), ('pyproj4/pyproj', 0.5713775753974915, 'gis', 0), ('has2k1/plotnine', 0.569690465927124, 'viz', 0), ('gregorhd/mapcompare', 0.5692752599716187, 'gis', 0), ('altair-viz/altair', 0.5582142472267151, 'viz', 0), ('scitools/iris', 0.5512532591819763, 'gis', 0), ('scitools/cartopy', 0.5421754121780396, 'gis', 0), ('holoviz/holoviz', 0.5396808385848999, 'viz', 0), ('makepath/xarray-spatial', 0.5338029265403748, 'gis', 0), ('dfki-ric/pytransform3d', 0.5281858444213867, 'math', 0), ('mwaskom/seaborn', 0.5267704129219055, 'viz', 0), ('scikit-geometry/scikit-geometry', 0.5264812707901001, 'gis', 0), ('openeventdata/mordecai', 0.5222339630126953, 'gis', 0), ('holoviz/hvplot', 0.5222033858299255, 'pandas', 0), ('contextlab/hypertools', 0.5169349908828735, 'ml', 0), ('federicoceratto/dashing', 0.5115811228752136, 'term', 0), ('enthought/mayavi', 0.5101572275161743, 'viz', 0), ('kuanb/peartree', 0.5083203911781311, 'gis', 0), ('matplotlib/matplotlib', 0.5047987103462219, 'viz', 0), ('scikit-mobility/scikit-mobility', 0.5012951493263245, 'gis', 0), ('cloudsen12/easystac', 0.5005823373794556, 'gis', 0)] | 6 | 1 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 51 | 31 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 8 |
682 | ml-dl | https://github.com/jerryyli/valhalla-nmt | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | jerryyli/valhalla-nmt | valhalla-nmt | 25 | 4 | 1 | Python | null | Code repository for CVPR 2022 paper "VALHALLA: Visual Hallucination for Machine Translation" | jerryyli | 2024-01-04 | 2022-03-22 | 97 | 0.257732 | null | Code repository for CVPR 2022 paper "VALHALLA: Visual Hallucination for Machine Translation" | ['computer-vision', 'machine-translation', 'multimodal-learning', 'natural-language-processing'] | ['computer-vision', 'machine-translation', 'multimodal-learning', 'natural-language-processing'] | 2023-02-19 | [('salesforce/blip', 0.5753607749938965, 'diffusion', 0), ('nvlabs/prismer', 0.5498813390731812, 'diffusion', 0), ('openai/image-gpt', 0.5397126078605652, 'llm', 0)] | 3 | 1 | null | 0.02 | 0 | 0 | 22 | 11 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 8 |
37 | math | https://github.com/jszymon/pacal | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | jszymon/pacal | pacal | 22 | 8 | 7 | Python | null | PaCAL - ProbAbilistic CALculator | jszymon | 2023-07-14 | 2014-08-04 | 495 | 0.044432 | null | PaCAL - ProbAbilistic CALculator | [] | [] | 2022-11-02 | [] | 8 | 1 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 115 | 15 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 8 |
1,163 | llm | https://github.com/qanastek/drbert | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | qanastek/drbert | DrBERT | 13 | 1 | 1 | Python | https://drbert.univ-avignon.fr/ | DrBERT: A Robust Pre-trained Model in French for Biomedical and Clinical domains | qanastek | 2023-11-09 | 2023-01-05 | 55 | 0.233333 | null | DrBERT: A Robust Pre-trained Model in French for Biomedical and Clinical domains | ['bert', 'biomedical', 'french', 'learning', 'machine', 'machine-learning', 'medical', 'ml', 'nlp', 'nlp-machine-learning', 'taln', 'text'] | ['bert', 'biomedical', 'french', 'learning', 'machine', 'machine-learning', 'medical', 'ml', 'nlp', 'nlp-machine-learning', 'taln', 'text'] | 2023-11-13 | [('bigscience-workshop/biomedical', 0.6520806550979614, 'data', 0), ('jonasgeiping/cramming', 0.5827434659004211, 'nlp', 1), ('microsoft/unilm', 0.5781573057174683, 'nlp', 1), ('epfllm/meditron', 0.5632989406585693, 'llm', 1), ('deepset-ai/farm', 0.5561661720275879, 'nlp', 2), ('extreme-bert/extreme-bert', 0.5513941645622253, 'llm', 3), ('explosion/spacy-models', 0.5431317090988159, 'nlp', 2), ('openai/finetune-transformer-lm', 0.5415375828742981, 'llm', 0), ('alibaba/easynlp', 0.5349388718605042, 'nlp', 3), ('thudm/glm-130b', 0.5260924696922302, 'llm', 0), ('google-research/electra', 0.5233448147773743, 'ml-dl', 1), ('maartengr/bertopic', 0.51610267162323, 'nlp', 3), ('explosion/spacy-transformers', 0.5139819979667664, 'llm', 3), ('jina-ai/finetuner', 0.5117612481117249, 'ml', 1), ('llmware-ai/llmware', 0.5081828832626343, 'llm', 3), ('flairnlp/flair', 0.5062006711959839, 'nlp', 2), ('explosion/spacy-llm', 0.5015144348144531, 'llm', 2)] | 2 | 1 | null | 0.37 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 8 |
1,504 | util | https://github.com/evdcush/fart | [] | Fart is focused on making text banners for use in code documentation. | [] | [] | null | null | null | evdcush/fart | fart | 10 | 0 | 2 | Python | null | fart on your code | evdcush | 2024-01-03 | 2020-03-23 | 201 | 0.049716 | null | fart on your code | ['art', 'ascii-art', 'figlet', 'figlet-fonts', 'smells-good'] | ['art', 'ascii-art', 'figlet', 'figlet-fonts', 'smells-good'] | 2024-01-03 | [] | 1 | 0 | null | 0.12 | 0 | 0 | 46 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 8 |
181 | sim | https://github.com/artemyk/dynpy | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | artemyk/dynpy | dynpy | 7 | 5 | 3 | Python | https://dynpy.readthedocs.io/ | Dynamical systems for Python | artemyk | 2023-08-29 | 2014-09-12 | 489 | 0.014298 | null | Dynamical systems for Python | [] | [] | 2023-11-29 | [('pytoolz/toolz', 0.6178411841392517, 'util', 0), ('sympy/sympy', 0.6068984270095825, 'math', 0), ('shangtongzhang/reinforcement-learning-an-introduction', 0.583624005317688, 'study', 0), ('gboeing/pynamical', 0.5693354606628418, 'sim', 0), ('pyston/pyston', 0.5571711659431458, 'util', 0), ('pytransitions/transitions', 0.55495285987854, 'util', 0), ('wilsonrljr/sysidentpy', 0.5530008673667908, 'time-series', 0), ('projectmesa/mesa', 0.5512898564338684, 'sim', 0), ('micropython/micropython', 0.5470327734947205, 'util', 0), ('python/cpython', 0.5442706346511841, 'util', 0), ('pytorch/pytorch', 0.5410839319229126, 'ml-dl', 0), ('eleutherai/pyfra', 0.538719654083252, 'ml', 0), ('crflynn/stochastic', 0.5386329889297485, 'sim', 0), ('google/jax', 0.5380663871765137, 'ml', 0), ('pypy/pypy', 0.5257759690284729, 'util', 0), ('pymc-devs/pymc3', 0.5243752002716064, 'ml', 0), ('infer-actively/pymdp', 0.5208140015602112, 'ml', 0), ('google/pyglove', 0.5151891708374023, 'util', 0), ('hgrecco/pint', 0.5099499225616455, 'util', 0), ('allrod5/injectable', 0.5095717906951904, 'util', 0), ('firmai/atspy', 0.5067782998085022, 'time-series', 0), ('pyomo/pyomo', 0.5054152011871338, 'math', 0), ('agronholm/apscheduler', 0.5037860870361328, 'util', 0), ('ljvmiranda921/seagull', 0.5030413269996643, 'sim', 0)] | 5 | 0 | null | 0.21 | 0 | 0 | 114 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 8 |
1,637 | util | https://github.com/multi-py/python-gunicorn | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | multi-py/python-gunicorn | python-gunicorn | 4 | 0 | 1 | Shell | https://blog.tedivm.com | Multiarchitecture Docker Containers for Python and Gunicorn | multi-py | 2022-07-08 | 2021-10-30 | 117 | 0.034063 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/92491059?v=4 | Multiarchitecture Docker Containers for Python and Gunicorn | ['alpine', 'amd64', 'arm64', 'armv7', 'docker', 'ghcr', 'gunicorn'] | ['alpine', 'amd64', 'arm64', 'armv7', 'docker', 'ghcr', 'gunicorn'] | 2023-11-18 | [('multi-py/python-gunicorn-uvicorn', 0.9625324010848999, 'util', 7), ('multi-py/python-uvicorn', 0.8768712878227234, 'util', 5), ('multi-py/python-celery', 0.7504483461380005, 'util', 6), ('backtick-se/cowait', 0.5146100521087646, 'util', 1), ('rawheel/fastapi-boilerplate', 0.5125967264175415, 'web', 1), ('darribas/gds_env', 0.5109146237373352, 'gis', 1)] | 2 | 1 | null | 0.27 | 0 | 0 | 27 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 8 |
304 | util | https://github.com/xrudelis/pytrait | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | xrudelis/pytrait | pytrait | 133 | 3 | 5 | Python | null | Traits for Python3 | xrudelis | 2024-01-08 | 2021-11-21 | 114 | 1.16375 | null | Traits for Python3 | [] | [] | 2021-11-27 | [('pytoolz/toolz', 0.5742577314376831, 'util', 0), ('facebook/pyre-check', 0.5590521693229675, 'typing', 0), ('landscapeio/prospector', 0.5579221248626709, 'util', 0), ('instagram/monkeytype', 0.5478743314743042, 'typing', 0), ('google/pytype', 0.5462278127670288, 'typing', 0), ('eleutherai/pyfra', 0.5457850098609924, 'ml', 0), ('python/cpython', 0.5432665944099426, 'util', 0), ('pyston/pyston', 0.5349142551422119, 'util', 0), ('pyutils/line_profiler', 0.5251006484031677, 'profiling', 0), ('pypy/pypy', 0.517668604850769, 'util', 0), ('python-rope/rope', 0.5170307159423828, 'util', 0), ('faif/python-patterns', 0.516368567943573, 'util', 0), ('pythonspeed/filprofiler', 0.5162791013717651, 'profiling', 0), ('rasbt/mlxtend', 0.5159803628921509, 'ml', 0), ('sumerc/yappi', 0.5159697532653809, 'profiling', 0), ('marshmallow-code/marshmallow', 0.5146151185035706, 'util', 0), ('sqlalchemy/mako', 0.505092203617096, 'template', 0), ('brandon-rhodes/python-patterns', 0.5037622451782227, 'util', 0), ('norvig/pytudes', 0.5027519464492798, 'util', 0), ('python-attrs/attrs', 0.5021693110466003, 'typing', 0), ('pympler/pympler', 0.5008642077445984, 'perf', 0)] | 2 | 0 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 26 | 26 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 7 |
202 | crypto | https://github.com/nerolation/ethereum-datafarm | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | nerolation/ethereum-datafarm | ethereum-datafarm | 58 | 11 | 2 | Python | null | Scrap blockchain data from the public API of Etherscan.io | nerolation | 2024-01-01 | 2021-03-13 | 150 | 0.385565 | null | Scrap blockchain data from the public API of Etherscan.io | [] | [] | 2023-02-25 | [] | 1 | 1 | null | 0.02 | 0 | 0 | 35 | 11 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 7 |
385 | nlp | https://github.com/ferdinandzhong/punctuator | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | ferdinandzhong/punctuator | punctuator | 47 | 7 | 3 | Python | null | A small seq2seq punctuator tool based on DistilBERT | ferdinandzhong | 2024-01-12 | 2020-11-19 | 166 | 0.281919 | null | A small seq2seq punctuator tool based on DistilBERT | ['bert', 'bert-ner', 'chinese-nlp', 'deep-learning', 'nlp', 'punctuation', 'pytorch', 'seq2seq'] | ['bert', 'bert-ner', 'chinese-nlp', 'deep-learning', 'nlp', 'punctuation', 'pytorch', 'seq2seq'] | 2022-09-28 | [('bytedance/lightseq', 0.5860391855239868, 'nlp', 1), ('allenai/allennlp', 0.5085445046424866, 'nlp', 3), ('cqcl/lambeq', 0.5024779438972473, 'nlp', 0)] | 4 | 0 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 38 | 16 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 7 |
886 | sim | https://github.com/crowddynamics/crowddynamics | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | crowddynamics/crowddynamics | crowddynamics | 32 | 9 | 9 | Python | https://jaantollander.com/post/how-to-implement-continuous-time-multi-agent-crowd-simulation/ | Continuous-time multi-agent crowd simulation engine implemented in Python using Numba and Numpy for performance. | crowddynamics | 2023-12-07 | 2016-03-22 | 410 | 0.078049 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/80580011?v=4 | Continuous-time multi-agent crowd simulation engine implemented in Python using Numba and Numpy for performance. | ['continuous-time', 'crowd-dynamics', 'crowd-simulation', 'multi-agent'] | ['continuous-time', 'crowd-dynamics', 'crowd-simulation', 'multi-agent'] | 2020-01-02 | [('google-deepmind/concordia', 0.5502240657806396, 'sim', 1), ('projectmesa/mesa', 0.5487060546875, 'sim', 0), ('bilhim/trafficsimulator', 0.5411049723625183, 'sim', 0)] | 7 | 2 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 95 | 49 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 7 |
500 | gis | https://github.com/gregorhd/mapcompare | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | gregorhd/mapcompare | mapcompare | 30 | 0 | 2 | Python | null | Comparison of Python packages and libraries for visualising geospatial vector data: applications for Smarter Cities. | gregorhd | 2023-11-13 | 2021-05-21 | 140 | 0.213415 | null | Comparison of Python packages and libraries for visualising geospatial vector data: applications for Smarter Cities. | ['comparison', 'data-visualisation', 'data-viz', 'interactive-visualisations', 'sample-visualisation', 'urban-data-science', 'visualisation-libraries'] | ['comparison', 'data-visualisation', 'data-viz', 'interactive-visualisations', 'sample-visualisation', 'urban-data-science', 'visualisation-libraries'] | 2022-12-03 | [('residentmario/geoplot', 0.7236021161079407, 'gis', 0), ('earthlab/earthpy', 0.6392421722412109, 'gis', 0), ('raphaelquast/eomaps', 0.625028669834137, 'gis', 0), ('holoviz/geoviews', 0.624692440032959, 'gis', 0), ('giswqs/geemap', 0.6100561022758484, 'gis', 0), ('opengeos/leafmap', 0.6006041169166565, 'gis', 0), ('scitools/iris', 0.6005646586418152, 'gis', 0), ('altair-viz/altair', 0.5779780149459839, 'viz', 0), ('mwaskom/seaborn', 0.573523998260498, 'viz', 0), ('artelys/geonetworkx', 0.5692752599716187, 'gis', 0), ('contextlab/hypertools', 0.565951406955719, 'ml', 0), ('holoviz/holoviz', 0.5640184879302979, 'viz', 0), ('geopandas/geopandas', 0.5594103932380676, 'gis', 0), ('marceloprates/prettymaps', 0.557414710521698, 'viz', 0), ('mcordts/cityscapesscripts', 0.5555253624916077, 'gis', 0), ('udst/urbansim', 0.5511513352394104, 'sim', 0), ('man-group/dtale', 0.5462871789932251, 'viz', 0), ('spatialucr/geosnap', 0.54576176404953, 'gis', 0), ('pyqtgraph/pyqtgraph', 0.5434110760688782, 'viz', 0), ('enthought/mayavi', 0.5386293530464172, 'viz', 0), ('scitools/cartopy', 0.5211345553398132, 'gis', 0), ('makepath/xarray-spatial', 0.5138509273529053, 'gis', 0), ('toblerity/rtree', 0.5135495662689209, 'gis', 0), ('bokeh/bokeh', 0.5074924826622009, 'viz', 1), ('mckinsey/vizro', 0.506889283657074, 'viz', 0), ('matplotlib/matplotlib', 0.5066385269165039, 'viz', 0)] | 1 | 1 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 32 | 14 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 7 |
1,264 | util | https://github.com/weaviate/demo-text2vec-openai | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | weaviate/demo-text2vec-openai | DEMO-text2vec-openai | 29 | 5 | 4 | Python | null | This repository contains an example of how to use the Weaviate vector search engine's text2vec-openai module | weaviate | 2023-09-07 | 2022-01-26 | 104 | 0.276567 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/37794290?v=4 | This repository contains an example of how to use the Weaviate vector search engine's text2vec-openai module | ['gpt-3', 'openai', 'vector-search', 'weaviate'] | ['gpt-3', 'openai', 'vector-search', 'weaviate'] | 2022-03-17 | [('minimaxir/gpt-2-simple', 0.555767834186554, 'llm', 1), ('weaviate/semantic-search-through-wikipedia-with-weaviate', 0.55460125207901, 'data', 1), ('marqo-ai/marqo', 0.5455718040466309, 'ml', 1), ('muennighoff/sgpt', 0.5382280945777893, 'llm', 0), ('weaviate/weaviate-python-client', 0.5271196365356445, 'util', 2), ('kagisearch/vectordb', 0.5153085589408875, 'data', 0), ('qdrant/vector-db-benchmark', 0.5073652267456055, 'perf', 1), ('chroma-core/chroma', 0.5036654472351074, 'data', 0)] | 3 | 2 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 24 | 22 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 7 |
1,636 | util | https://github.com/multi-py/python-celery | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | multi-py/python-celery | python-celery | 5 | 1 | 1 | Shell | https://blog.tedivm.com/ | Multiarchitecture Docker Containers for Celery | multi-py | 2023-07-30 | 2022-03-24 | 96 | 0.051699 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/92491059?v=4 | Multiarchitecture Docker Containers for Celery | ['alpine', 'alpine-linux', 'amd64', 'arm64', 'armv7', 'celery', 'celerybeat', 'docker', 'ghcr'] | ['alpine', 'alpine-linux', 'amd64', 'arm64', 'armv7', 'celery', 'celerybeat', 'docker', 'ghcr'] | 2023-11-22 | [('multi-py/python-gunicorn', 0.7504483461380005, 'util', 6), ('multi-py/python-gunicorn-uvicorn', 0.7121555209159851, 'util', 6), ('multi-py/python-uvicorn', 0.7029248476028442, 'util', 5)] | 1 | 1 | null | 0.35 | 0 | 0 | 22 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 7 |
1,098 | ml-interpretability | https://github.com/eleutherai/knowledge-neurons | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | eleutherai/knowledge-neurons | knowledge-neurons | 126 | 18 | 4 | Python | null | A library for finding knowledge neurons in pretrained transformer models. | eleutherai | 2024-01-04 | 2021-07-28 | 130 | 0.962882 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/68924597?v=4 | A library for finding knowledge neurons in pretrained transformer models. | ['interpretability', 'transformers'] | ['interpretability', 'transformers'] | 2021-08-11 | [('alignmentresearch/tuned-lens', 0.6871256828308105, 'ml-interpretability', 1), ('cdpierse/transformers-interpret', 0.6161298155784607, 'ml-interpretability', 2), ('huggingface/transformers', 0.6015819907188416, 'nlp', 0), ('nvidia/megatron-lm', 0.5722100138664246, 'llm', 0), ('lvwerra/trl', 0.5679098963737488, 'llm', 0), ('bigscience-workshop/megatron-deepspeed', 0.548306405544281, 'llm', 0), ('microsoft/megatron-deepspeed', 0.548306405544281, 'llm', 0), ('karpathy/mingpt', 0.5461640954017639, 'llm', 0), ('ist-daslab/gptq', 0.53592449426651, 'llm', 0), ('huggingface/optimum', 0.5159322619438171, 'ml', 1), ('apple/ml-ane-transformers', 0.5135902762413025, 'ml', 0), ('thilinarajapakse/simpletransformers', 0.5122392177581787, 'nlp', 1)] | 1 | 0 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 30 | 30 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 6 |
564 | sim | https://github.com/gboeing/street-network-models | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | gboeing/street-network-models | street-network-models | 72 | 9 | 4 | Python | https://osf.io/f2dqc | Street network models and indicators for every urban area in the world | gboeing | 2023-12-10 | 2020-04-13 | 198 | 0.363374 | null | Street network models and indicators for every urban area in the world | [] | [] | 2021-03-05 | [('pysal/momepy', 0.5618022680282593, 'gis', 0), ('gboeing/osmnx', 0.5225948691368103, 'gis', 0), ('udst/urbansim', 0.5066875219345093, 'sim', 0)] | 1 | 1 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 46 | 35 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 6 |
925 | ml | https://github.com/pgniewko/forward_forward_vhts | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | pgniewko/forward_forward_vhts | forward_forward_vhts | 33 | 5 | 1 | Jupyter Notebook | null | The Forward-Forward Algorithm for Drug Discovery | pgniewko | 2024-01-12 | 2022-12-29 | 56 | 0.581864 | null | The Forward-Forward Algorithm for Drug Discovery | [] | [] | 2022-12-30 | [] | 1 | 1 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 13 | 13 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 6 |
1,033 | math | https://github.com/mimecorg/fraqtive | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | mimecorg/fraqtive | fraqtive | 30 | 7 | 4 | C++ | https://fraqtive.mimec.org/ | Generator of the Mandelbrot family fractals. | mimecorg | 2023-10-22 | 2018-03-09 | 307 | 0.097538 | null | Generator of the Mandelbrot family fractals. | ['fractal', 'mandelbrot', 'qt'] | ['fractal', 'mandelbrot', 'qt'] | 2023-03-06 | [] | 2 | 0 | null | 0.02 | 0 | 0 | 71 | 10 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 6 |
1,095 | data | https://github.com/thoppe/the-pile-freelaw | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | thoppe/the-pile-freelaw | The-Pile-FreeLaw | 5 | 3 | 3 | Python | null | Download, parse, and filter data from Court Listener, part of the FreeLaw projects. Data-ready for The-Pile. | thoppe | 2024-01-13 | 2020-09-11 | 176 | 0.028317 | null | Download, parse, and filter data from Court Listener, part of the FreeLaw projects. Data-ready for The-Pile. | ['datasets'] | ['datasets'] | 2023-06-03 | [('coastalcph/lex-glue', 0.6147865653038025, 'nlp', 0), ('iclrandd/blackstone', 0.585483193397522, 'nlp', 0)] | 2 | 1 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 41 | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 6 |
148 | graph | https://github.com/guyallard/markov_clustering | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | guyallard/markov_clustering | markov_clustering | 156 | 36 | 9 | Python | null | markov clustering in python | guyallard | 2024-01-05 | 2017-09-27 | 330 | 0.471503 | null | markov clustering in python | ['clustering', 'markov-clustering', 'networks'] | ['clustering', 'markov-clustering', 'networks'] | 2018-12-11 | [('pymc-devs/pymc3', 0.5610766410827637, 'ml', 0), ('infer-actively/pymdp', 0.5361882448196411, 'ml', 0), ('scikit-learn/scikit-learn', 0.5356784462928772, 'ml', 0), ('scikit-learn-contrib/metric-learn', 0.5289827585220337, 'ml', 0), ('rasbt/mlxtend', 0.5017951130867004, 'ml', 0)] | 3 | 0 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 77 | 62 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 5 |
1,833 | data | https://github.com/koaning/scikit-partial | ['sklearn', 'online-learning'] | Offers a pipeline that can run partial_fit. This allows of online learning on an entire pipeline. | [] | [] | null | null | null | koaning/scikit-partial | scikit-partial | 35 | 1 | 2 | Python | null | Pipeline components that support partial_fit. | koaning | 2024-01-04 | 2022-05-16 | 89 | 0.392628 | null | Pipeline components that support partial_fit. | [] | ['online-learning', 'sklearn'] | 2022-05-16 | [('koaning/scikit-lego', 0.6257511377334595, 'ml', 0), ('orchest/orchest', 0.5157948732376099, 'ml-ops', 0), ('linealabs/lineapy', 0.5030436515808105, 'jupyter', 0)] | 1 | 1 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 20 | 20 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 5 |
1,252 | sim | https://github.com/causalsim/unbiased-trace-driven-simulation | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | causalsim/unbiased-trace-driven-simulation | Unbiased-Trace-Driven-Simulation | 31 | 6 | 0 | Python | null | null | causalsim | 2023-11-28 | 2022-09-19 | 71 | 0.435743 | https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/113940717?v=4 | causalsim/Unbiased-Trace-Driven-Simulation | [] | [] | 2023-04-15 | [] | 2 | 0 | null | 0.12 | 0 | 0 | 16 | 9 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 5 |
1,463 | finance | https://github.com/mega-barrel/yfin-etl | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | mega-barrel/yfin-etl | yfin-etl | 6 | 2 | 1 | Python | null | Yahoo Finance ETL script | mega-barrel | 2023-12-10 | 2023-06-27 | 31 | 0.193548 | null | Yahoo Finance ETL script | ['pytest', 'sqlite3', 'yahoo-finance'] | ['pytest', 'sqlite3', 'yahoo-finance'] | 2023-07-21 | [('ranaroussi/yfinance', 0.535876452922821, 'finance', 1)] | 1 | 1 | null | 0.96 | 0 | 0 | 7 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 5 |
744 | gis | https://github.com/edomel/boundaryvt | [] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | edomel/boundaryvt | BoundaryVT | 1 | 0 | 2 | Python | null | null | edomel | 2022-12-19 | 2022-07-29 | 78 | 0.012727 | null | edomel/BoundaryVT | [] | [] | 2023-02-24 | [] | 4 | 1 | null | 0.08 | 0 | 0 | 18 | 11 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 5 |
1,547 | perf | https://github.com/baruchel/tco | ['optimization', 'perf'] | null | [] | [] | null | null | null | baruchel/tco | tco | 223 | 3 | 19 | Python | null | Tail Call Optimization for Python | baruchel | 2023-12-01 | 2015-07-12 | 446 | 0.49968 | null | Tail Call Optimization for Python | [] | ['optimization', 'perf'] | 2016-10-12 | [('hyperopt/hyperopt', 0.5423157215118408, 'ml', 0), ('joblib/joblib', 0.5076671838760376, 'util', 0)] | 1 | 0 | null | 0 | 0 | 0 | 104 | 88 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 90 | 0 | 4 |
Subsets and Splits