No description provided.

Used TaylorAI/gte-tiny with default settings.

"A Practical Guide to Evil" is another well known webnovel written by ErraticErrata, freely available on
According to "wc" it's 3,219,940 words long, I made the mistake of taking a break half way through, so now I'd like to be able to search for parts I've forgotten. The author is currently earning $73,704 per year from donations.

Jhnbsomersxkhi2 changed pull request status to open
do-me changed pull request status to merged

Awesome, thanks for the perfect PR!
A tip from my side: if you want to keep the index size smaller, you can reduce the embedding decimals here:


E.g. with only 2 decimals the results are still very good but the index is only 84.4MB:


If you want to test the results with this lower precision (or even just 1 decimal) just load the old file with emb. precision = 5 (, export a new file from it with emb. precision = 2 and load the local index file on a new instance of SemanticFinder (
Feel free to open a second PR with a second smaller version in case it might be useful for you! :)

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