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⌀ | provided_license
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stringclasses 16
values |
rate_my_app | null | skyost.eu | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/rate_my_app/latest/ | flutter, flutter_rating_bar, shared_preferences | Allows to kindly ask users to rate your app if custom conditions are met (eg. install time, number of launches, etc...). | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS |
map_launcher | null | fluttered.dev | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/map_launcher/latest/ | flutter | Map Launcher is a flutter plugin to find available maps installed on a device and launch them with a marker or show directions. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS |
im_stepper | null | null | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/im_stepper/latest/ | flutter | A growing collection of beautiful, easy to use, stepper and page indicator widgets. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
flutter_background_service | null | maseka.dev | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_background_service/latest/ | flutter, flutter_background_service_android, flutter_background_service_ios, flutter_background_service_platform_interface | A flutter plugin for executing dart code continously even application closed. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS |
readmore | null | getx.site | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/readmore/latest/ | flutter | A Flutter package than allow expand and collapse text dynamically | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
another_flushbar | null | hamidwakili.com | unknown (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/another_flushbar/latest/ | flutter | A flexible widget for user notification. Customize your text, button, duration, animations and much more. For Android devs, it is made to replace Snackbars and Toasts. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
liquid_pull_to_refresh | null | ayushagarwal.ml | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/liquid_pull_to_refresh/latest/ | flutter | A beautiful and custom refresh indicator with some cool animations and transitions for flutter. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
dash_chat | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/dash_chat/latest/ | flutter, flutter_parsed_text, intl, transparent_image, uuid | The most complete Chat UI for flutter inspired by react-native-gifted-chat. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
tflite | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/tflite/latest/ | flutter, meta | A Flutter plugin for accessing TensorFlow Lite. Supports both iOS and Android. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS |
firebase_database | null | firebase.google.com | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/firebase_database/latest/ | firebase_core, firebase_core_platform_interface, firebase_database_platform_interface, firebase_database_web, flutter | Flutter plugin for Firebase Database, a cloud-hosted NoSQL database with realtime data syncing across Android and iOS clients, and offline access. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,MACOS,WEB |
internet_connection_checker | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/internet_connection_checker/latest/ | Packages that depend on internet_connection_checker | A pure Dart library that checks for internet by opening a socket to a list of specified addresses, each with individual port and timeout. Defaults are provided for convenience. | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WINDOWS |
flutter_inner_drawer | null | dn-a.dev | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_inner_drawer/latest/ | flutter | Inner Drawer is an easy way to create an internal side section (left/right) where you can insert a list menu or other. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
routemaster | null | tom.gilder.dev | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/routemaster/latest/ | collection, flutter, flutter_web_plugins, path | Easy-to-use Navigator 2.0 router for web, mobile and desktop. URL-based routing, simple navigation of tabs and nested routes. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
hydrated_bloc | 9.0.0-dev.2 | bloclibrary.dev | MIT (LICENSE) | https://bloclibrary.dev/#/gettingstarted | bloc, hive, meta, synchronized | An extension to the bloc state management library which automatically persists and restores bloc states. | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WINDOWS |
event_bus | null | jakobservices.ch | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/event_bus/latest/ | Packages that depend on event_bus | A simple Event Bus using Dart Streams for decoupling applications | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
expansion_tile_card | null | skylled.dev | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/expansion_tile_card/latest/ | flutter | An "expansion" on the Flutter SDK's standard ExpansionTile, to create a Google Material Theme inspired raised widget, ExpansionTileCard, instead. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
retry | null | google.dev | Apache-2.0 (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/retry/latest/ | Packages that depend on retry | Utility for wrapping an asynchronous function in automatic retry logic with exponential back-off, useful when making requests over network. | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
multi_select_flutter | null | null | BSD-2-Clause (LICENSE) | https://github.com/CHB61/flutter-multi-select | collection, flutter | A flexible multi select package for Flutter. Make multi select widgets the way you want. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
flutter_background_geolocation | null | transistorsoft.com | unknown (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_background_geolocation/latest/ | background_fetch, collection, flutter | The most sophisticated background location tracking & geofencing module with battery-conscious motion-detection intelligence for iOS and Android. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS |
flutter_layout_grid | null | madewithfelt.com | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_layout_grid/latest/ | collection, flutter, meta, quiver | A powerful grid layout system for Flutter, optimized for complex user interface design. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
flutter_easyrefresh | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_easyrefresh/latest/ | flutter | A flutter widget that provides pull-down refresh and pull-up load. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
sentry_flutter | null | sentry.io | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/sentry_flutter/latest/ | flutter, flutter_web_plugins, meta, package_info_plus, sentry | Sentry SDK for Flutter. This package aims to support different Flutter targets by relying on the many platforms supported by Sentry with native SDKs. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
dropdown_button2 | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/dropdown_button2/latest/ | flutter | Flutter's core Dropdown Button widget with steady dropdown menu and many options you can customize to your needs. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
contacts_service | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/contacts_service/latest/ | collection, flutter, quiver | A Flutter plugin to retrieve and manage contacts on Android and iOS devices. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS |
syncfusion_flutter_pdf | null | syncfusion.com | unknown (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/syncfusion_flutter_pdf/latest/ | convert, crypto, flutter, intl, syncfusion_flutter_core, xml | The Flutter PDF is a library written natively in Dart for creating, reading, editing, and securing PDF files in Android, iOS, and web platforms. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
flutter_facebook_login | null | iiro.dev | BSD-2-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_facebook_login/latest/ | collection, flutter | A Flutter plugin for allowing users to authenticate with native Android & iOS Facebook login SDKs. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS |
day_night_time_picker | null | tech3d.site | Apache-2.0 (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/day_night_time_picker/latest/ | flutter | A day night time picker for Flutter. Beautiful day and night animation with Sun and Moon assets. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
data_connection_checker | null | null | MIT (LICENSE.md) | https://pub.dev/documentation/data_connection_checker/latest/ | Packages that depend on data_connection_checker | A pure Dart library that checks for internet by opening a socket to a list of specified addresses, each with individual port and timeout. Defaults are provided for convenience. | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WINDOWS |
clipboard | null | samuelezedi.com | unknown (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/clipboard/latest/ | flutter | A flutter package that helps copy text to clipboard and paste from clipboard. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
syncfusion_flutter_datagrid | null | syncfusion.com | unknown (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/syncfusion_flutter_datagrid/latest/ | collection, flutter, syncfusion_flutter_core | The Syncfusion Flutter DataGrid is used to display and manipulate data in a tabular view. Its rich feature set includes different types of columns, selections, column sizing, etc. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
admob_flutter | null | null | unknown (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/admob_flutter/latest/ | flutter | Admob plugin that shows banner ads using native platform views. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS |
logging | null | dart.dev | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/logging/latest/ | Packages that depend on logging | Provides APIs for debugging and error logging, similar to loggers in other languages, such as the Closure JS Logger and java.util.logging.Logger. | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
flutter_redux | null | brianegan.com | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_redux/latest/ | flutter, redux | A set of utility Widgets that Provide and Connect to a Redux Store | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
get_cli | null | getx.site | Apache-2.0 (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/get_cli/latest/ | ansicolor, cli_dialog, collection, dart_style, http, intl, meta, path, process_run, pubspec, recase, version, yaml | Official CLI for GetX™ framework to build Flutter and Server Applications easily | DART,FLUTTER | LINUX,MACOS,WINDOWS |
flutter_widget_from_html | null | daohoangson.com | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_widget_from_html/latest/ | flutter, flutter_widget_from_html_core, fwfh_cached_network_image, fwfh_chewie, fwfh_just_audio, fwfh_selectable_text, fwfh_svg, fwfh_url_launcher, fwfh_webview, html | Flutter package to render html as widgets that supports hyperlink, image, audio, video, iframe and many other tags. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS |
msix | null | kremer.software | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/msix/latest/ | args, cli_dialog, cli_util, flutter, get_it, image, package_config, path, pub_semver, yaml | A command-line tool that create Msix installer from your flutter windows-build files. | FLUTTER | WINDOWS |
fluentui_system_icons | null | microsoft.com | flutter | https://pub.dev/packages/fluentui_system_icons/license | Packages that depend on fluentui_system_icons | Fluent UI System Icons are a collection of familiar, friendly and modern icons from Microsoft. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
mobile_scanner | null | steenbakker.dev | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/mobile_scanner/latest/ | flutter, flutter_web_plugins, js | A universal barcode and QR code scanner for Flutter based on MLKit. Uses CameraX on Android, AVFoundation on iOS and Apple Vision & AVFoundation on macOS. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,MACOS,WEB |
english_words | null | filiph.net | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/english_words/latest/ | string_scanner | Utilities for working with English words. Counts syllables, generates well-sounding word combinations, and provides access to the top 5000 English words by usage. | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
macos_ui | null | macosui.dev | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/macos_ui/latest/ | flutter | Flutter widgets and themes implementing the current macOS design language. | FLUTTER | MACOS |
jitsi_meet | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/jitsi_meet/latest/ | flutter, jitsi_meet_platform_interface, jitsi_meet_web_plugin | Jitsi Meet Plugin - A plugin for integrating open source Jitsi Meet API in flutter. Jitsi Meet is secure, fully featured and allows completely free video conferencing made with https://jitsi.org, a collection of open source projects | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,WEB |
card_swiper | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/card_swiper/latest/ | flutter | swiper/carousel for flutter, with multiple layouts, infinite loop. Compatible with Android & iOS. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
fvm | null | fvm.app | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/fvm/latest/ | args, cli_notify, cli_util, console, date_format, io, meta, path, process_run, yaml | A simple cli to manage Flutter SDK versions per project. Support channels, releases, and local cache for fast switching between versions. | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WINDOWS |
flutter_offline | null | ogbomo.com | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_offline/latest/ | connectivity_plus, flutter, network_info_plus | A tidy utility to handle offline/online connectivity like a Boss. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
mason | null | brickhub.dev | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/mason/latest/ | archive, checked_yaml, collection, crypto, http, json_annotation, mason_logger, meta, mustache_template, path, pub_semver, recase, universal_io, yaml | A Dart template generator which helps teams generate files quickly and consistently. | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WINDOWS |
new_version | null | null | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/new_version/latest/ | collection, flutter, html, http, package_info_plus, url_launcher | Check if your user has the most recent version of your Flutter app. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WINDOWS |
numberpicker | null | null | BSD-2-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/numberpicker/latest/ | flutter, infinite_listview | NumberPicker is a widget allowing user to choose numbers by scrolling spinners. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
mapbox_gl | null | null | BSD-2-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/mapbox_gl/latest/ | collection, flutter, mapbox_gl_platform_interface, mapbox_gl_web | A Flutter plugin for integrating Mapbox Maps inside a Flutter application on Android, iOS and web platfroms. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,WEB |
rounded_loading_button | null | edgington.dev | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/rounded_loading_button/latest/ | flutter, rxdart | A simple implementation of an animated loading button widget for Flutter | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
flutterfire_ui | null | firebase.google.com | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutterfire_ui/latest/ | cloud_firestore, collection, crypto, desktop_webview_auth, email_validator, firebase_auth, firebase_core, firebase_database, firebase_dynamic_links, flutter, flutter_facebook_auth, flutter_localizations, flutter_svg, google_sign_in, sign_in_with_apple, twitter_login | UI library built on top of firebase services | FLUTTER | null |
animated_splash_screen | null | cleancode.dev | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/animated_splash_screen/latest/ | flutter, page_transition | The easiest way to create your animated splash screen in a fully customizable way. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
states_rebuilder | 6.2.0-beta-1 | null | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/states_rebuilder/latest/ | collection, flutter, flutter_localizations, meta | a simple yet powerful state management technique for Flutter | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
native_pdf_view | null | serge.software | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/native_pdf_view/latest/ | flutter, pdfx | Flutter plugin to render PDF files on Web, MacOS, Windows, Android and iOS. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
stripe_payment | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/stripe_payment/latest/ | flutter | A Flutter plugin to integrate the stripe libraries for iOS and Android. Supports Apple / Google Pay, SCA, PSD2 and much more. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS |
hive_flutter | null | hivedb.dev | unknown (LICENSE) | https://docs.hivedb.dev/ | flutter, hive, path, path_provider | Extension for Hive. Makes it easier to use Hive in Flutter apps. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
flutter_switch | null | nickromero.dev | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_switch/latest/ | flutter | A custom switch widget that can have a custom height and width, borders, border radius, colors, toggle size, custom text and icons inside the toggle. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
image_gallery_saver | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/image_gallery_saver/latest/ | flutter | A new flutter plugin project for save image to gallery, iOS need to add the following keys to your Info.plist file. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS |
wechat_assets_picker | 8.0.0-dev.1 | fluttercandies.com | Apache-2.0 (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/wechat_assets_picker/latest/ | extended_image, flutter, photo_manager, provider, video_player | An audio/video/image picker in pure Dart which is the same with WeChat, support multi picking. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS |
focused_menu | null | retroportalstudio.com | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/focused_menu/latest/ | flutter | This is an easy to implement package for adding Focused Long Press Menu to Flutter Applications | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
backdrop | null | fluttercommunity.dev | BSD-2-Clause-Views (LICENSE) | https://github.com/fluttercommunity/backdrop | flutter | Backdrop implementation in dart. (https://material.io/design/components/backdrop.html) | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
adaptive_theme | null | birju.dev | Apache-2.0 (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/adaptive_theme/latest/ | flutter, shared_preferences | Allows to change between light and dark theme dynamically and add system adaptive theme support. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
quiver | null | google.dev | Apache-2.0 (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/quiver/latest/ | matcher | Quiver is a set of utility libraries for Dart that makes using many Dart libraries easier and more convenient, or adds additional functionality. | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
archive | null | loki3d.com | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/archive/latest/ | crypto, path | Provides encoders and decoders for various archive and compression formats such as zip, tar, bzip2, gzip, and zlib. | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
qrscan | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/qrscan/latest/ | flutter | A Plug-in for dart, which help you scanning barcode and qrcode with android device. | FLUTTER | ANDROID |
custom_navigation_bar | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/custom_navigation_bar/latest/ | flutter | A custom navigation bar with bubble click effect. Inspired by The Boring Flutter Development Show EP. 35. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
bloc_test | null | bloclibrary.dev | MIT (LICENSE) | https://bloclibrary.dev/#/gettingstarted | bloc, diff_match_patch, meta, mocktail, test | A testing library which makes it easy to test blocs. Built to be used with the bloc state management package. | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
html | null | tools.dart.dev | unknown (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/html/latest/ | csslib, source_span | APIs for parsing and manipulating HTML content outside the browser. | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
flutter_picker | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_picker/latest/ | flutter | Flutter plugin picker. Include NumberPicker, DateTimePicker, ArrayPicker, and default linkage Picker. Provide flexible parameters to meet various needs. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
sensors_plus | null | fluttercommunity.dev | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/sensors_plus/latest/ | flutter, sensors_plus_platform_interface, sensors_plus_web | Flutter plugin for accessing accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer sensors. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,WEB |
brasil_fields | null | flutterbootcamp.com.br | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/brasil_fields/latest/ | flutter, intl | O jeito mais fácil de utilizar padrões e formatos brasileiros em seu projeto Dart. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
brasil_fields | null | flutterbootcamp.com.br | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/brasil_fields/latest/ | flutter, intl | O jeito mais fácil de utilizar padrões e formatos brasileiros em seu projeto Dart. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
formz | 0.5.0-dev.1 | verygood.ventures | MIT (LICENSE) | https://github.com/ChicagoFlutter/formz | Packages that depend on formz | A unified form representation in Dart which aims to simplify form representation and validation in a generic way. | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
form_field_validator | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/form_field_validator/latest/ | flutter, intl | A straightforward flutter form field validator that provides common validation options. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
flutter_portal | null | cjycode.com | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_portal/latest/ | collection, flutter, vector_math | Evolved Overlay/OverlayEntry - declarative not imperative, intuitive-context, and easy-alignment | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
flutter_intro | null | 30x.link | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_intro/latest/ | flutter | A better way for new feature introduction and step-by-step users guide for your Flutter project. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
supabase | null | supabase.io | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/supabase/latest/ | functions_client, gotrue, postgrest, realtime_client, storage_client | A dart client for Supabase. This client makes it simple for developers to build secure and scalable products. | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
test | null | dart.dev | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/test/latest/ | analyzer, async, boolean_selector, collection, coverage, http_multi_server, io, js, node_preamble, package_config, path, pool, shelf, shelf_packages_handler, shelf_static, shelf_web_socket, source_span, stack_trace, stream_channel, test_api, test_core, typed_data, web_socket_channel, webkit_inspection_protocol, yaml | A full featured library for writing and running Dart tests across platforms. | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
palette_generator | null | flutter.dev | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/palette_generator/latest/ | collection, flutter, path | Flutter package for generating palette colors from a source image. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
dynamic_widget | null | null | Apache-2.0 (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/dynamic_widget/latest/ | flutter, font_awesome_flutter, http, logging | A Backend-Driven UI toolkit, build your dynamic UI with json, and the json format is very similar with flutter widget code。 | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
flutter_echarts | null | null | unknown (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_echarts/latest/ | flutter, webview_flutter | A data visualization charts library, based on Apache ECharts, able to build advanced charts like WebGL 3D, GIS map, etc. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS |
flutter_calendar_carousel | null | dooboolab.com | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_calendar_carousel/latest/ | flutter, intl | Calendar widget for flutter that is swipeable. This widget can help you build customizable calendar with scrollable actions. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
photo_manager | 2.2.0-dev.3 | fluttercandies.com | Apache-2.0 (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/photo_manager/latest/ | flutter | A Flutter plugin that provides assets abstraction management APIs on Android, iOS, and macOS. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,MACOS |
vibration | null | null | BSD-2-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/vibration/latest/ | flutter, vibration_web | A plugin for handling Vibration API on iOS, Android, and web. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,WEB |
smooth_star_rating | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/smooth_star_rating/latest/ | flutter | A smooth rating bar that supports full and half rating with easy icon customizability | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
purchases_flutter | 4.0.0-beta.1 | revenuecat.com | MIT (LICENSE) | https://docs.revenuecat.com/docs | flutter, freezed_annotation, json_annotation | A Flutter plugin that makes it simple to add and manage in-app purchases (IAP) and subscriptions. Supports Android, iOS, macOS, iPadOS, and watchOS. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,MACOS |
dough | null | josiahsaunders.com | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/dough/latest/ | equatable, flutter, provider, sensors, vector_math | This library provides widgets that can be used to create a smooshy user interface. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS |
background_locator | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/background_locator/latest/ | flutter | A Flutter plugin to request the location even if the app is killed. Sending the location to a dart function in background, also provide a meter filter | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS |
argon_buttons_flutter | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/argon_buttons_flutter/latest/ | flutter | This package would help you to create beautiful Loading and Timer buttons. No need to worry animations and states for each of your buttons. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
date_picker_timeline | null | vivekkaushik.com | Apache-2.0 (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/date_picker_timeline/latest/ | flutter, intl | Flutter Date Picker Library that provides a calendar as a horizontal timeline. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
adobe_xd | null | adobe.com | BSD-2-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/adobe_xd/latest/ | collection, flutter, flutter_svg | Generate code for building apps with Flutter based on your designs in Adobe XD with the “XD to Flutter” plugin. This package contains helper widgets used by the plugin. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
mysql1 | null | null | unknown (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/mysql1/latest/ | collection, crypto, logging, pool | A library for connecting to and querying MySQL & MariaDB databases. | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WINDOWS |
camerawesome | null | apparence.io | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/camerawesome/latest/ | flutter, rxdart | Easiest Flutter camera Plugin supporting capturing images, streaming images, video recording, switch sensors, autofocus, flash... on Android and iOS | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS |
video_compress | null | getx.site | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/video_compress/latest/ | flutter | Light library of video manipulation of Flutter. Compress video, remove audio, get video thumbnail from dart code. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,MACOS |
date_format | null | null | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/date_format/latest/ | Packages that depend on date_format | A simple API to format dates. Provides various constants to build Date format string. Use `formatDate` method to format date according to format string. | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
flutter_xlider | null | flutterdev.site | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/flutter_xlider/latest/ | flutter | (Flutter Xlider) A material design slider and range slider, horizontal and vertical, with RTL support and lots of options and customizations for flutter | null | null |
async | null | dart.dev | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/async/latest/ | collection, meta | Utility functions and classes related to the 'dart:async' library. | DART,FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
super_editor | null | superlist.com | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/super_editor/latest/ | characters, collection, flutter, flutter_lints, flutter_test, http, linkify, logging, markdown, uuid | Configurable, composeable, extensible text editor and document renderer for Flutter. | null | null |
circular_countdown_timer | null | null | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/circular_countdown_timer/latest/ | flutter | Make an animated circular countdown using Circular Countdown Timer. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
url_strategy | null | simpleclub.com | BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/url_strategy/latest/ | flutter_web_plugins | Flutter package that allows setting the web app URL strategy with a single line of code. | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,LINUX,MACOS,WEB,WINDOWS |
moor_flutter | null | simonbinder.eu | MIT (LICENSE) | https://pub.dev/documentation/moor_flutter/latest/ | flutter, moor, path, sqflite | Flutter implementation of moor, a safe and reactive persistence library for Dart applications | FLUTTER | ANDROID,IOS,MACOS |
Subsets and Splits