stringlengths 148
Minecraft wiki entry for Tag, associated text: To utilize block, item, function tags, ect., the JSON files must be placed in a data pack inside a respective folder or its subfolder in the data/(namespace)/tags. The folders' names list bellow. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Development_versions, associated text: New type_specific options:
frog has variant field matching frog variant (minecraft:warm, minecraft:temperate or minecraft:cold).
slime applies for slimes and magma cubes, has size field matching slime size (smallest is 1). |
Minecraft wiki entry for Scaffolding, associated text: The placement of scaffolding is different from any other blocks in the game. When pressing use on the side of a scaffolding, the scaffolding is added on top of the highest scaffolding in that location, allowing the player to build the scaffolding structure higher on the ground.[Java Edition only] Pressing use on the top face of the scaffolding adds the scaffolding to the side, depending on the direction the player is facing.[Java Edition only] When trying to place a scaffolding inside of another scaffolding, the scaffolding is added on top of the highest scaffolding in that location, allowing the player to build the scaffolding structure higher on the ground. While sneaking, pressing use on the top face of the scaffolding places the new scaffolding on top of the targeted one if the top is available, otherwise it is placed under the targeted scaffolding if possible. Pressing use on the side while sneaking places it on the side like placing other blocks. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Light, associated text: In Java Edition, when calculating lighting, the shapes of some blocks are detected: piston, daylight detectors, enchanting table, farmland, lectern, stonecutter, grass path, snow, end portal frame, slabs, and stairs. They have directional opacity, so that the light passing through them can spread only in specific directions. For example, the grass path prevents the light from propagating downward, but the light can propagate in other directions. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Development_versions, associated text: Beta is the sixth beta version for Bedrock Edition 1.18.0, released on November 4, 2021[9], which fixes bugs. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Beacon, associated text: Every four seconds, the selected powers are applied with a duration of 9 seconds, plus 2 seconds per pyramid level, to all players in range. Thus, when powers are changed or a player travels outside the area-of-effect, the powers persist for 5–9 seconds, or 13-17 seconds with a full pyramid. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Player_versus_Player, associated text: When you are using lava or TNT, bring some obsidian and/or a water bucket. This will protect nearby structures from explosions and burning. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Multiplayer_details, associated text: That being said, redstone and hopper clocks only work within a 21x21 chunk area of the world's "spawn point", and entities will only stay loaded within a 19x19 chunk area. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Advancement_guide, associated text: Here is the crafting recipe of the golden apple. You can also occasionally find them in naturally generated chests. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Raw_Cod, associated text: When a player feeds raw cod to a dolphin, it swims toward the nearest chest in an underwater ruins or shipwreck. If the chest in the nearest structure is broken, they swim to the next nearest structure that has a chest. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Zombified_Piglin, associated text: Zombified piglin spawning via this process is completely independent of the mob cap, similar to the spawning of phantoms in Java Edition, which means they can still spawn if there are a sufficient number of hostile mobs in the world. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Development_versions, associated text: Fishing loot has now been changed in jungles. When fishing in a jungle biome, the fish rewarded are now raw cod and raw salmon only.
Bamboo is now obtainable as a junk item when fishing in jungles. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Tips_and_tricks, associated text: As a last resort, you can simply set the difficulty to peaceful mode, getting rid of all the mobs. (See Peaceful mode.) |
Minecraft wiki entry for Deepslate, associated text: Deepslate can be used as a decorative block. Orientation matters; deepslate appears differently from different angles. Silverfish can enter and hide in deepslate, creating an infested block. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Redstone_components, associated text: If the dropper is facing a container, the ejected item is transferred into the container. Otherwise, the item is ejected in the direction the dropper is facing, as if the player had used the Drop control. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Daylight_cycle, associated text: All blocks that are in direct vertical view of the sky receive sunlight at the internal sky-light level 15, which is the maximum. Sunlight provides ample light for the growth of saplings, grass blocks and crops. Most undead mobs (including zombies and skeletons) exposed to direct sunlight (and are not in shade, in water, or wearing helmets) are set on fire. Additionally, sunlight renders spiders neutral, unless they are currently chasing a player, and any endermen exposed to sunlight teleport randomly when near the player and randomly become neutral if having been aggressive for at least 30 seconds. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Things_not_to_do, associated text: Sometimes diamond ore may be the only block between the player and death. The player should mine away all blocks around diamond ore found while mining. Care should be taken to completely remove or replace any lava around the diamond ore so the player is not in danger while extracting the diamonds. The same principle can be applied to any rare resource the player would not want to risk losing. More common materials such as dirt, gravel, and stone should be gathered above ground, where it is safe, and lava should be collected from the Nether, surface lava pools or an infinite lava generator as it is easier to use a bucket on source blocks in these places. The player should also remember to relight up areas after block light from any removed lava is gone. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Combat, associated text: Anvils deal as much damage when falling on an entity as that entity would take with no armor or potion effects falling from the same height. This means to kill a player or mob with 20 health, it has to fall 24 blocks. This will damage the anvil as well. |
Minecraft wiki entry for End_survival, associated text: This is similar to the main house, to be used as an overworld-like base in the process of respawning 19 ender dragons to complete the circle of gateways. When the player has killed the first dragon, they have unlocked a single end gateway to the outer end islands. The player will be teleported to an outer island, where they can build a simple house, farm and fish pond—all of which are easy to make. This outpost is intended to have basic renewable resources in or around it, and can include a farm for both crops and trees, water and lava for a cobblestone generator, furnaces, methods of storage (such as a chest, barrel, shulker box or ender chest), a crafting table and a brewing stand if needed. The house should not have a bed, as it is nothing more than a hazard, and could be any size the player chooses. The farm must be lit up with a decent light source, or the crops will not successfully plant. The player is also advised to stock up on arrows and bows, as these are difficult to renew in the end. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Mac_Scripting_Tutorial, associated text: Rsync is a powerful file transfer tool with many uses, but the one we care about most here is its ability to look at a whole bunch of files at a source and at a destination, and then only transfer the files from source to destination that are different. Tectonicus generates lots and lots and lots of files, and you will save huge amounts of time by transferring to your web server only the new bits of the map every night instead of copying the whole thing every time. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Sculk_Catalyst, associated text: Times are for unenchanted tools as wielded by players with no status effects, measured in seconds. For more information, see Breaking § Speed. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Daylight_detector, associated text: The daylight sensor can easily be used to signal things at different times of day. With command blocks in the game, it can do many more things, like broadcast messages or change everyone's gamemodes. Below are different methods for it. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Blackstone, associated text: Blackstone is a dark-colored block that functions similar to cobblestone or cobbled deepslate. It can be found only in the Nether. |
Minecraft wiki entry for VPS, associated text: Same as above. The only difference is getting hold of libgl1-mesa-swx11 which appears to be deprecated for this version of Ubuntu. |
Minecraft wiki entry for kill, associated text: Specifies the target(s) to kill. If not specified, defaults to the player who executed the command.
Must be a player name, a target selector or a UUID[Java Edition only]. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Tint, associated text: Grass colors are biome-dependent, and the colors used are usually picked from a dedicated grass colormap, with some exceptions. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Things_not_to_do, associated text: If the player can trade that pickaxe (tool smith), or the enchants in book form (librarian), from a villager. |
Minecraft wiki entry for TNT_cannons, associated text: A TNT cannon might shoot TNTs far away, but not high up. this design uses an ordinary cannon, but uses slime blocks to launch it higher. |
Minecraft wiki entry for IntoTheGame1CHP, associated text: Ms. Minerva orders everyone to wash up. Only Harper, Morgan, and Po remain in the auditorium. Ms. Minerva seems disappointed at the three for what happened, but Doc Culpepper says that she shouldn’t be too hard on them, also stating that a scientist never achieved anything by being too risky. Doc Culpepper then says that she could use some help on something in the computer lab, asking Harper, Morgan, and Po as to what’ll they be doing after school. Ms. Minerva states that they will be mopping the auditorium. Doc Culpepper insists that the three come to the computer lab afterward. Harper and Morgan accept the offer immediately. Po hesitates at first, thinking that he could go to basketball practice instead, but also accepts. Later on, Harper, Morgan, Po, and Jodi all meet up in the computer lab. Doc Culpepper soon enters the room, mentioning that she is some sort of an amateur inventor. Po starts to have flashbacks at some of her inventions and how they affected students and staff, such as the spotlights for the dance and drama club making them see literal spots, or brewing a strong coffee that all the teachers who took it sans Ms. Minerva had stayed awake for three days. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Development_versions, associated text: Starting on November 22, 2013,[1] Mojang Studios began to publicly release testing versions of full updates to Android users who opt into the beta program, in order to get major feedback, especially for bug reporting. This enabled the official updates to be considerably more stable. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Item_(entity), associated text: Drops — items dropped by mobs when killed.
Chunk format for more information about the attributes of items. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Building_a_metropolis, associated text: Post Office Make a large building with a main desk and stores off to the side that sells paper, ink sacs, and feathers. Hire people to be mail carriers that carry mail to other users. Users can (for a fee) write letters and send items to other users. You can also make chests on fence posts to be mailboxes. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Pumpkin_Pie, associated text: 1 Obtaining
1.1 Crafting
1.2 Trading
1.3 Natural generation
2 Usage
2.1 Food
2.2 Composting
3 Sounds
4 Advancements
5 Data values
5.1 ID
6 Video
7 History
8 Issues
9 Gallery
10 References |
Minecraft wiki entry for Development_versions, associated text: build 13
build 12
build 11
build 10
build 9
build 8
build 7
build 6
build 5
build 4
build 3
build 2
build 1 |
Minecraft wiki entry for Tree, associated text: A sapling uproots with light level 7 or less in the sapling block itself unless it has a view of the sky that is unobstructed (except by glass or other transparent materials). The sapling must have at least 6 blocks of space above it to grow; the amount of required space varies between the different species of trees. A ceiling above sapling limits the maximum height of the tree that can grow from that sapling. However, dirt blocks and logs may not prohibit tree growth, and in some cases may be replaced as a sapling attempt to grow through them. However in Bedrock edition, logs prohibit tree growth. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Defeating_a_woodland_mansion, associated text: To move the sheep around, either hold wheat to make it follow you or use a lead if you have one. When you see an evoker you can bring the blue sheep and your blue dyes to the evoker. Make sure you dye your sheep blue before you approach the evoker, as it sees a normal sheep it might do a fang attack instead, hurting both you and your sheep. If the evoker sees the blue sheep it will dye it red, giving you time to dye the sheep blue again and hit the evoker a couple times while it is still on its cooldown. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Curved_roofs, associated text: A segmented dome can be created by taking just the top rows of a larger-than needed dome. The effect is to produce a dome that joins the building walls at a shallower angle, whereas a hemispherical dome would be fully vertical at the point it joins the walls. In this image, the top three layers (diameters 14, 12 and 6) of a diameter-22 dome were chosen. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Terracotta, associated text: Expert-level stone mason villagers offer to sell one of 16 colored terracotta for one emerald per terracotta as part of their trades. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Warped_Forest, associated text: When the Warped forest was announced at MINECON Live 2019, which happened before the first Nether Update snapshot was released, it was known as "Blue Nether wart forest". In the announcement, however, it was called "Nether wart forest blue".
Despite the former name "Blue", the biome's actual color scheme is closer to shades of cyan-green, rather than blue.
The ambience sound "Warped Forest Addition 6" is actually the sound of an enderman screaming, slowed down, and in reverse. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Development_versions, associated text: Vertical field of view is no longer halved in horizontal split screen, making items such as book & quill easier to view when playing in split screen.
Tweaked surrounding terrain for structures such as villages during world generation (MCPE-145659).
TNT no longer disappears when ignited with the 'TNT Explodes' game rule disabled and the 'Fire Spreads' game rule enabled (MCPE-82485).
Gravity affected blocks now fall on top snow when placed above it instead of hovering over it (MCPE-151407). |
Minecraft wiki entry for Squid, associated text: When a squid moves, its tentacles open and close, giving it an appearance of pushing itself leisurely forward. A squid hovers in place when first spawned into the world and wanders around aimlessly in three dimensions. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Advanced_redstone_circuits, associated text: In the fourth and final layer, a key set of components are combined to create functional computer systems which can process any arbitrary data, often without user oversight. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Beehive, associated text: In Bedrock Edition, beehives and bee nests can be used as fuel in a furnace, smelting 1.5 items per block. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Erik_Broes, associated text: Erik 'Grum' Broes is a game developer at Mojang Studios. He was originally hired to develop the official modding API and maintain the Minecraft server. In August 2012, his duties were broadened, to include general game development. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Evoker, associated text: Evokers look at the mob/player they are attacking with evoker fangs when they summon the evoker fangs. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Create_New_World, associated text: Get More Packs
A dropdown widget containing previews of resource packs from the Marketplace, with a link to browse more. |
Minecraft wiki entry for How_to_play, associated text: You need to put some fuel into the bottom of the furnace, and the item that you want smelted in the top. The furnace then ignites and start working. Lots of things can be used as fuel; try experimenting with anything burnable such as Coal! |
Minecraft wiki entry for Hopper, associated text: This design has a circuit delay of 5 ticks which is slower than the speed of hoppers at 4 ticks. To ensure that every item gets an attempt to be pushed into the container, the input rate must be throttled to at one item per 5 redstone ticks. This could be done with a dropper on a 5 tick clock. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Development_versions, associated text: Redstone clocks are now a bit slower and remain in sync with NOT gates
Redstone dust now aligns correctly on vertical sections
Redstone torches don't keep their state too long anymore
Changes some pixels in the new skin pack
Fire TV users now can look around with the controller |
Minecraft wiki entry for Levels, associated text: The minimum values are all calculated using a linear function y = kx+m where y is the calculated minimum value, x is the current enchantment power level and k and m varies between different enchantments. The maximum values can either be: the enchantment's minimum value plus a constant, the default minimum value of a generic enchantment plus a constant, or a constant level. All values obtained from 1.14.4 source code. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Ocean_Monument, associated text: They can be located with ocean explorer maps, which are bought from cartographer villagers with emeralds. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Development_versions, associated text: Players are no longer disconnected if server and client have different Runtime Block IDs
Optimized the time it takes to place vines in the Overworld |
Minecraft wiki entry for Piglin_Brute, associated text: Piglin brutes attack players on sight.
Piglin brutes do not retreat from soul fire items, zoglins, or zombified piglins.
Piglin brutes do not perform a "victory dance".
Piglin brutes are not alerted by opening/mining of containers or the breaking of gold-type blocks, or if the player doesn't wear gold armor.
Piglin brutes do not follow players that hold a gold item or a gold-related, unlike piglins. This includes holding a gold item in creative mode.
Piglin brutes do not barter, as the player cannot use a gold ingot on them.
Piglin brutes pick up regular or enchanted golden axes only if walking over them. Unlike piglins, piglin brutes ignore all other golden items or gold ingots, meaning they cannot equip armor. However, they can still be equipped via dispensers or commands.
They do not have a baby variant. This also means they cannot ride hoglins.
They cannot use crossbows.
They attempt to return to their spawn point (regardless of how they were spawned) when not engaged in combat.
They do not join hunts and do not attack hoglins.[JE only][1] |
Minecraft wiki entry for Zombified_Piglin, associated text: A baby zombified piglin has a 5% chance of spawning as a chicken jockey.[JE only] An adult zombified piglin can also spawn riding a Strider above lava, holding a warped fungus on a stick. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Item_modifier, associated text: set_enchantments - Modifies the item's enchantments.
enchantments: Enchantments to modify.
An enchantment: Key name is the enchantment ID. Value is a number provider specifying the enchantment level. Levels are clamped at a maximum of 255. Decreasing an enchantment level below 1 will remove the enchantment, through a relative negative add or through a direct value assignemnt.
add: Optional. If true, change will be relative to current level. A nonexistent enchantment will be presumed to start at 0. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Development_versions, associated text: Fixed a crash that could occur when the player is near a village
Fixed a crash that could occur when shift-clicking Armor in the Crafting Table while using Pocket UI (MCPE-144863). |
Minecraft wiki entry for Tuff, associated text: Tuff can generate in the Overworld in the form of blobs. Tuff attempts to generate 2 times per chunk in blobs of size 0-862, from elevations -63 to 16, in all biomes. Additionally, tuff can generate in an ore vein that consists of iron ore below Y=0. |
Minecraft wiki entry for data_types, associated text: Uniform Int:[needs testing] This structure represents a randomly generated integer between base and base + spread, inclusive, where each number in the range has equal probability. spread must always be greater than or equal to 0. Additionally, different configuration settings often place extra restrictions on the range of these values; these restrictions are expressed as minBase, maxBase, and maxSpread. All of these restrictions are inclusive ranges. If these restrictions are not stated, then any value of base and any non-negative value of spread is allowed. Alternatively, the compound tag can be substituted for an int tag, in which case the provided value is used as base and spread is set to 0, effectively making this the same as a constant integer. In this case, minBase and maxBase still apply to this value if they are provided.
base: The lowest number which can be generated.
spread: The size of the inclusive range to generate numbers within. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Sugar_cane_farming, associated text: Sugar cane is a valuable plant for crafting rockets, making books for bookshelves, maps, and trading paper. Sugar cane can also be used with a composter to get bonemeal, however, melon farms are probably more suited for this. The large amount of sugar cane obtainable from some of these farms can make it much easier to get rockets or emeralds. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Mob, associated text: Some mobs are weak or immune to certain kinds of damage. Sea creatures, such as turtles, take more damage from tridents that are enchanted with Impaling.[Java Edition only][until JE Combat Tests] Skeletons and their variants are immune to drowning. All undead mobs are healed by potions of Harming, but take extra damage from weapons enchanted with Smite, along with taking damage from Potions of Healing. Many of these weaknesses and immunities are a result of what category (see below) of mobs that the mob falls into. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Adding_beauty_to_constructions, associated text: Note: The player can install a furniture mod to add even more realistic furniture. Carpenter's Blocks is also a good mod which lets you shape any block however you want. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Defeating_an_End_city, associated text: Exploring a city requires a lot of preparation, but not everyone has the same skills. So depending on how skilled you are, different preparations may be needed. The following is a suggested collection of equipment you might need: |
Minecraft wiki entry for Clock, associated text: Even torch based 5-clocks can be made more compact, as with designs B and C. However, these have fewer places where repeaters can be inserted without using more space. Using this method, 1-clocks and 3-clocks are possible, but these are unstable and erratic as the torches regularly "burn out". As with the basic clock, the compact clocks can be extended by making the chain of inverters longer, or with repeaters. A 5-clock can also be made vertical, as in G. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Superflat_survival, associated text: By placing lava from weaponsmith shops using a bucket and pouring water over it, you can form obsidian. This way, it is possible to form a portal without ever having a single obsidian block in your inventory. However, you would need to find 5 weaponsmiths to have a bucket- so the best way may be to 'mix and match' by using some obsidian blocks and some formed from the aforementioned technique.
If you place a trail of blocks on your journey from village to village, you'll easily be able to find your way back to previously visited villages.
You can almost literally spin wheat into gold, emeralds, diamonds, and other precious items. Get all the wheat you can for trading resources.
If you have difficulty finding a resource, remember you can usually buy some from a villager. This is especially useful for acquiring a diamond sword, tool and armor, as well as redstone.
If you want to beat the game on default (where the end is inaccessible), you can gather the materials and fight the wither. |
Minecraft wiki entry for TNT_cannons, associated text: The construction input is an estimate of the number of blocks in the cannon, excluding fire, water, air, and TNT. The construction value is (1000 - B)/10, assuming "B" is the construction input. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Glazed_Terracotta, associated text: Due to its strikingly colorful appearance, glazed terracotta is primarily used for decoration. As a building material, its hardness is slightly less than stone, and its blast resistance is even lower than terracotta. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Development_versions, associated text: A server-side test automation tool that is based on pairing test code with test structures.
Not functional on console platforms.
Currently only accessible with Experimental Gameplay. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Development_versions, associated text: Beta is the fourth beta version for Bedrock Edition 1.6.0, released on July 26, 2018,[4] which fixes several bugs. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Development_versions, associated text: Fixed a crash when trying to ride a horse.
Fixed a crash when trying to feed an animal.
Fixed a crash when a player loaded a large resource pack and tried to apply it to a new world.
Fixed a crash on some Android devices that was due to an ExceptionHolder error. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Wolf, associated text: Entity data
Additional fields for mobs that can become angry[show]
Additional fields for mobs that can be tamed by players[show]
Additional fields for mobs that can breed[show]
Tags common to all entities[show]
Tags common to all mobs[show]
CollarColor: The color of the wolf's collar. Present even for wild wolves (but does not render); default value is 14. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Heat_Block, associated text: Heat block is a block that can melt snow and ice just like a torch except it does not give off light. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Zombie_Villager, associated text: Below is a table listing the various professions, along with the specific job site block that each profession requires: |
Minecraft wiki entry for Update_Aquatic, associated text: 1.5.1 fixed several bugs present in the official release of 1.5.0.
1.5.2 fixed a lone bug regarding bitmap on low-end devices.
1.5.3 fixed the lost inventory bug along with several other bugs. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Note_Block, associated text: Note blocks can be powered in a variety of different ways following normal redstone principles, however some ways of powering note blocks are more convenient than others or produce unexpected results. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Useful_commands, associated text: The command above will give you a netherite sword with Sharpness 10. You will see the enchantment as Sharpness X. You can change the id to any enchantment. |
Minecraft wiki entry for How_to_play, associated text: Under the Members button you can manage all of the friends you've invited to your Realm, add/remove members, and set their permissions. |
Minecraft wiki entry for gametest, associated text: /gametest is a server-side test automation tool that is based on pairing test code with test structures. It is still experimental, and lacks certain executing permissions. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Minecarts, associated text: Minecarts move at 8 m/s at top speed on a straight track. On a diagonal track they move at 11.314 m/s = sqrt(2) * 8.
Minecarts move differently depending on their load.
A minecart with a player inside travels 309m from full speed, staying at full speed for 176m.
A fully loaded hopper or chest minecart travels 40m from full speed.
An empty hopper or chest minecart travels 165m from full speed.
A chest minecart carrying 320 items (5 stacks) travels 101m from full speed.
Activated powered rails, down slopes, and being pushed by players or mobs add momentum to a cart, increasing its speed.
A minecart with a player inside goes from stationary to full speed after about 13m of powered rail.
A player riding in a cart may add momentum by "pushing" it using the forward control.
A stretch of an unactivated powered rail of at least two blocks length brings a loaded cart at full speed to a complete halt.
A long stretch of rail or an up-slope reduces a cart's momentum and thus its speed, eventually stopping it unless the forward key is held throughout by a player riding the cart.
Minecarts "bounce" off of obstructions on the track. Running into a player, mob, or a stopped cart causes it to reverse direction, even on a powered track. |
Minecraft wiki entry for ModJam, associated text: Spooky Jam 2019 was the third Spooky Jam hosted by Darkhax and the MMD Team during October 2019. This was a mod-making event, but not a competition. The mods had to be relevant to the season and/or Halloween. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Slab, associated text: Due to the way blast rays propagate from an explosion, bottom slabs provide extremely effective absorption to explosions directly on top of them. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Arrow, associated text: If an arrow is stuck in a block, and that block is broken or disappears (e.g., leaves upon decay), then the arrow falls straight down and damages entities below, but never deals a critical hit. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Development_versions, associated text: Enables the use of raw text formatting to be able to send translatable text output to chat using JSON. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Options, associated text: The default main options menu.
The default skin customization options menu.
The default video options menu (as of 1.16.5). Note: The default brightness setting has beed changed from "Moody" to 50 in 21w39a.
The default language options menu.
The default resource packs options menu.
The default music and sound options menu.
The default controls options menu.
The default chat options menu.
The default mouse options menu.
The default accessibility options menu.
A comparison between the five mipmap levels. Enlarge to view animation.
A comparison between no biome blending and 5×5 biome blending.
Setting up a difficulty. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Fossils, associated text: When caving, always be on the lookout for a bone block, as many times only 1 block will be exposed. Also, if you are in the correct Y coordinates (about Y = 40 - 49, a bit lower for land below sea level, and a bit higher for land above sea level), mine as much coal ore as possible, as it is possible that it is part of a fossil. This particularly goes for if you only see one coal ore, as more than one coal usually do not generate next to each other in fossils. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Ancient_Debris, associated text: It is recommended to have Mending and Unbreaking III on the pickaxe. This way, the player can mend their pickaxe by mining the quartz found along the way. This allows for the player to mine for ancient debris for as long as they have food. Also, the player should mark the coordinates of where they started mining so they can easily find their way back. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Development_versions, associated text: Added "Clear Hotbar" option to the controller settings.
Added "Show Border Effect" in the world settings. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Creeper, associated text: "I imagine them as being made out of leaves or similar. I'm not sure why they explode." (archived) . – @Notch, October 19, 2010 |
Minecraft wiki entry for Command_blocks_and_functions, associated text: Using the SpawnPotentials tag, you can create a mob spawner with multiple mobs in it. It will randomly pick one each time when the timer is reset (a second after spawning the previous mobs). Since these codes contain multiple mobs, they tend to be quite long codes. Here's a version of the SpawnPotentials code, that is easier on the eye:br> |
Minecraft wiki entry for Elevators, associated text: The up and down elevator has a maximum height of 12 units due to the limited amount of blocks a piston can move. This design is also relatively slow, but thanks to its small form factor and simple redstone circuits this can be suited for buildings. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Chunk, associated text: Each dimension has its own idle timeout. If there are players or forceloaded chunks in the dimension, the timeout is disabled. When entity leaves or enters this dimension, the timeout is reset.
If the timeout reaches 300 game ticks, the dimension stops processing certain actions. These include entity and block entity ticking, ender dragon fight, and global entities (lightning). |
Minecraft wiki entry for Raw_Porkchop, associated text: Adult pigs drop 1–3 raw porkchop when killed. The maximum amount is increased by 1 per level of Looting, for a maximum of 1-6 with Looting III. If killed while on fire, they drop cooked porkchop instead. |
Minecraft wiki entry for History_of_world_generation, associated text: Map sizes (width × length × height)
Square Long Deep
Small 128 × 128 × 64 256 × 64 × 64 64 × 64 × 256
Normal 256 × 256 × 64 512 × 128 × 64 128 × 128 × 256
Huge 512 × 512 × 64 1028 × 256 × 64 256 × 256 × 256 |
Minecraft wiki entry for Trading, associated text: The type of boat trade depends on the biome outfit of the villager. Plains villagers buy oak boats, taiga and snowy villagers buy spruce boats, desert and jungle villagers buy jungle boats, savanna villagers buy acacia boats, and swamp villagers buy dark oak boats. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Woodland_Mansion, associated text: Although their exact structure varies, all woodland mansions have some things in common: they all have three floors with a variety of rooms, and generate a cobblestone foundation underneath the entire structure if there are any gaps between the bottom of the mansion and the ground. The top floor is about half the size of the lower floors, but the size of each top floor is pretty random for each mansion, depending on how many rooms are going to be generated on the top floor. Each mansion includes a large foyer that leads to the corridors connecting the rooms, a giant staircase also generates there, which leads up to the second floor. The foyer is dark and many hostile mobs spawn under the staircase. |
Minecraft wiki entry for 1.2_releases, associated text: This guide is a simplified overview of all the changes in the Java Edition 1.2.x releases, which assumes at least some familiarity with Java Edition 1.1. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Development_versions, associated text: beta
Notes and references |
Minecraft wiki entry for Measuring_distance, associated text: The formula for the sa of a cube is 6s2, where s stands for the measurement of one of the cube's side. Since each side of a normal individual Minecraft block is 1 meter, this would equal 6×12, which would equal 6×1, which would result in 6m2. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Sculk, associated text: Sculk blocks generate when a mob dies within 8 blocks of a sculk catalyst, replacing any blocks with the sculk_replaceable tag in the area. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Enderman, associated text: Ranged attacks are ineffective against endermen; projectiles are hard-coded to not hit them. Endermen teleport when a projectile should have hit them; arrows[Java Edition only] and tridents appear to bounce off an enderman who is unable to teleport. In Bedrock Edition, arrows go straight through endermen that are unable to teleport. |
Minecraft wiki entry for Timeline_of_events, associated text: 16 – Legacy Console: TU5 released.
17 – Legacy Console: Skin Pack 3 released. It includes 45 skins inspired by Minecraft, "Half-Life", "Portal" and "Left 4 Dead" among others as well as new skin designs.
24 – Mojang starts the Minecraft Bug Tracker, an online tool that simplifies the communication of found game issues between the players and the developers.
25 – Java: Java Edition 1.4.2 "Pretty Scary Update" released (1.4 & 1.4.1 were skipped for practical purposes).
26 – Legacy Console: Halloween Skin Pack was made available through November 26, 2012. It included 55 Halloween-themed skins, including 7 with capes. |
Subsets and Splits