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Eric Metaxas, John Stonestreet
Pro-Life Archives
What a Drag it is Growing Old It turns out that many of the most horrific stories we heard about New Orleans in the aftermath of Katrina weren’t true...Read more
Ohio Governor – AMERICAN TODAY
#NeverTrump Ohio Governor John Kasich joined his globalist neocon pal Kohn McCain in trashing President Trump and supporting the dishonest Fake News liberal media. Kasich, like McCain, referred to the lying media as “free press,” which is absurd, since these are the same people who shilled so hard for Clinton, they
Indian Republican Slams Elizabeth Warren, He’s On Mission Take Relieve Her Of Her Senate Seat
Candidates planning to run in the 2018 Senate races are already in pre-campaign mode and are working to establish themselves in the public eye. One candidate, V.A. Shiva, is an Indian Republican in Massachusetts who will be running against Elizabeth Warren. Shiva emigrated from India at just seven years old. He is already making headlines for calling out Warren for lying about her ancestry. Last week, Shiva posted a controversial tweet aimed at Warren, challenging her to take a DNA test: In the video, the candidate says: “Wow, this is great I just got my 23 and Me DNA testing kit in the mail. All I got to do is send some of my saliva and I will know in a few short days whether I am a real Indian or not. I want to challenge Elizabeth Warren to do the same. I’m calling this the Real Indian vs. Fake Indian Challenge. Elizabeth why don’t you do this? It’s really, really simple.”
President Obama May be Breaking the Logan Act by Conniving with Foreign Governments Behind President Trump’s Back
President Obama is engaged in acts that may go against the Logan Act which prohibits Americans from committing treason by acting with other governments against the US. A summary of the Logan Act follows: The Logan Act (18 U.S.C.A. § 953 [1948]) is a single federal statute making it a crime for a citizen to confer with foreign governments against the interests of the United States. Specifically, it prohibits citizens from negotiating with other nations on behalf of the United States without authorization. Congress established the Logan Act in 1799, less than one year after passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts, which authorized the arrest and deportation of Aliens and prohibited written communication defamatory to the U.S. government. The 1799 act was named after Dr. George Logan. Disgraced President Obama ended his Presidency with the worst economic results since the early 1900’s and the Middle East on fire but this has not stopped him from meddling in foreign affairs with foreign governments around the world. For example, last week President Trump met with the leader of South Korea and this week fallen President Obama arranged a meeting with the Korean leader. If the President discussed any topics related to US policy which do not agree with President Trump’s policies, the discredited former President likely broke the law.
There are not a lot of endorsements that ultimately make a huge difference in presidential election. But every once in a while, one can represent something more…an inflection point that represents something bigger. As Donald Trump struggles to bring the GOP together behind his candidacy and with some of the biggest names
Eric Metaxas, John Stonestreet
Pro-Life Archives
Jason McElwain and Respect for Life You may not know his name, but you have probably seen Jason McElwain in action. A recent videotape of his..Read more
URGENT: Pence Just Announced Trump’s New Foreign Strategy That Puts Obama to Shame
…it perfectly clear that a Trump administration would in nearly every way make a break from the current administration’s policies, while a Clinton administration would continue headlong with the same failed ideas and strategies. “Hillary Clinton essentially offers a third Obama term,” Pence added. “The stakes are so high. It is change versus the status quo. The other party has nominated someone with the most predictable of names and a stale agenda.” This is what a great many Americans have been wanting to hear for some time — that we will have a leader who is unafraid to call out our enemies for what and who they are, and will not bend or negotiate away our strength and national interests to their benefit. To be sure, the great deal-maker that is Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump will be open to engaging in negotiations with our allies and partners, and perhaps at times some of our rivals, though that would be done with the goal of getting something tangible out of the deal that would ultimately strengthen our position, not give it away. Donald Trump exudes strength and leadership, while Hillary Clinton does not. At this point in time for our nation, the choice couldn’t be more clear, and the consequences of that choice more stark. Share this, and help other understand that Donald Trump will never follow Obama’s steps. But, Clinton sure will. And we say ‘no’ to the terrorist pack. source
Guess Which Terrorist Countries Just Donated Millions Of Dollars To Hillary’s Campaign, This Is SICK
It’s no secret that crooked Hillary has taken hundreds of millions of dollars in donations bribe money from shadowy donors, including our country’s enemies around the world. But did you know that she’s accepted tens of millions of dollars from countries that have sponsored terrorism? Can you believe she’s gotten away with such treason? If she somehow gets elected, whose interest is she going to serve…America’s or the terrorists’? You know that investors expect a return on what they give. These “gifts” certainly cone with strings attached. The terrorist country that donated the most is Saudi Arabia. They gave between 10 and 25 million dollars to the “Clinton Foundation.” Don’t forget that this is the country where Osama bin Laden was born in and grew up. The rest of the bin Laden family still lives there. This is the country where most of the September 11th terrorists were from. It’s also the country that gave Hillary as much as $$25 million. Go figure. Kuwait, which is next to Iraq, also gave the Clinton Foundation 5-10 million dollars. Can we trust them? Absolutely not, but they are certainly going to have Hillary’s ear if she ever unfortunately occupies the White House. Next is Qatar, a country so evil that it punishes anyone caught in a homosexual act by killing them. This barbaric country gave Clinton between 1 and 5 million dollars. After them come the United Arab Emirates, where all religions except for Islam are banned. These America haters gave her at least 1 million dollars. Brunei, Oman and Algeria also gave Hillary Clinton substantial contributions. Did Donald Trump accept any money from these disgusting countries? NO!
Eric Metaxas, John Stonestreet
Pro-Life Archives
The Didache and Human Life If I were to tell you about an ancient document that sheds fresh light on Christianity, your first reaction might..Read more
Obama’s worthless Iran nuke sellout was a failure in any number of ways. But among other things, it shrugged at the Islamic terror state’s ballistic missile program. The media is treating the latest Iranian ballistic missile test as some sort of new development. Production of the Khorramshahr missile was actually announced last year under Obama. So the test is just an inevitable development. Not much is known about the Khorramshahr except that the Iranians claim that it’s high precision. The target is thus more likely to be American rather than Israeli. That would fit with the timing. Iran is trying to intimidate President Trump. Obama let Iran get away with murder. Literally. Now the Islamic terror state is testing Trump. source
news conference – AMERICAN TODAY
Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders vowed to stand up "for working people and not just for the 1 percent" during a news conference before his speech at the Pennsylvania AFL-CIO convention Watch The Video: READ ALSO: Hillary Just Got The WORST News Of Her Campaign!
BREAKING: Terror In Mississippi… Shooter On The Loose
According to police reports, an overnight shooting in Mississippi has left eight people dead, including a local deputy sheriff. The shootings took place in three separate locations in Lincoln County. Willie Cory Godbolt, a male suspect in the incident, was detained by police on Sunday morning. Authorities say it is too early to identify motives behind the killings. We do know that Mr. Godbolt’s mother-in-law, two other relatives, and deputy sheriff William Durr were all found dead at the scene. The second shooting took place in Brookhaven, where “the bodies of two juvenile males were located.” And the third shooting was in East Lincoln, where a man and a woman were killed. In a statement to the local paper, Godbolt said he was “sorry” and that he “ain’t fit to live, not after what I done.” He admits that he was in conversation with his wife and her family “about me taking my children home” when someone called the police. Vincent Mitchell, his stepfather-in-law, told local reporters that Mr. Godbolt’s wife and two children had been staying with him after leaving her husband. Mr. Godbolt reportedly opened fire after the deputy sheriff arrived. Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant called the incident a “senseless tragedy.” “Every day, the men and women who wear the badge make some measure of sacrifice to protect and serve their communities,” he said in a statement. “Too often, we lose one of our finest.” Mr. Durr, the deputy sheriff killed in the incident, was described as a “mild-mannered officer” who liked making people smile.
VIDEO: Sheriff David Clarke BLASTS Obama On Dallas Shooting , ” He Fuels This Sort Of…”
Sheriff David Clarke wants to know what the cop-hater-in-chief thinks about the Dallas shootings that saw five police officers lose their lives in Dallas last night. Here are his thoughts… As usual, Clarke is right on the money. Obama and Hillary Clinton exploit for their own personal gain. All those who have backed Black Lives Matter and helped it rise played a part in the shootings last night.
Michelle Obama Gets Some BAD News From Law Enforcement
During her husband’s sham of a presidency, Michelle Obama helped him divide our country along racial lines. Now, this move has come back to bite her in a big way….This week, Sheriff David Clarke used Michelle’s own words to humiliate her in front of all of America! It’s without question that our former President Barack Hussein deepened the racial tensions and divisions that exist in our country, cynically exploiting them for his political gain to push his left-wing agenda. President Obama clearly left America a weakened nation, by design. His First “Lady” Michelle Obama certainly helped his cause, by saying inflammatory, anti-American statements in public such as, “For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback.” Now that the Obamas are finally out of the White House, Trump supporter Sheriff Clarke wasted no time in trolling nasty Michelle in a truly memorable way. Sheriff Clarke, who has jurisdiction over Milwaukee County, Wisconsin and help Trump carry that state into the win column, recently tweeted a photo of himself wearing a Donald Trump supporting t shirt and hat and flexing his muscles, just like Michelle did in an infamous photo where she looked particularly many. Said Clarke’s caption under his tweet, “Michelle Obama said she was never proud of her country til they elected her husband POTUS [president of the United States]. I’ve never been prouder since we got rid of him.” source
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Home enthronement enriches Catholics’ faith
Home enthronement enriches Catholics’ faith % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. (Before It's News) Davenport, Iowa, Jun 17, 2012 / 01:04 pm (CNA).- The premise is simple: Place images of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary in your home as a reminder of their centrality to family life, and renew your devotion to Christ and his Blessed Mother. It’s called home enthronement, and cluster parishes in Hills, Lone Tree and Nichols are embracing the practice. St. Joseph’s in Hills and St. Mary parishes in Lone Tree and Nichols, Iowa gave a total of 150 home enthronement packets to Mass attendees the weekend of May 26-27. Catholics also spoke at those Masses about how the devotion has enriched their spiritual lives. Since enthroning their home, spouses Terry and Mona Ball were inspired to set aside time daily to pray together — and haven’t missed a date. Their fellow Hills parishioner Emy Rivera was moved to set aside an extra hour each week to pray, and she feels more peaceful and joyful as a result. The enthronement ceremonies the Catholics took part in involved a blessing, prayer and promise to dedicate one’s home and self to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary. “The Enthronement is more than a blessing of the Sacred Heart picture for the home,” reads a ceremony guide produced by the Priests of the Sacred Heart. “It is the dedication of a person and family to the Divine Heart of Jesus, for us to live in union with him by love, grace and obedience to his Commandments. The Enthronement brings countless graces and blessings, as enumerated in the Twelve Great Promises he made to Saint Margaret Mary.” In the visions of 17th-century French nun and mystic Margaret Mary Alacoque, Jesus promised graces, peace, consolation, blessings, mercy and more to people devoted to his Sacred Heart. For Rivera, the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus that hangs in her living room is a reminder to thank him for his sacrifice. She said she offers a prayer of gratitude each time she passes by the picture. “I got the enthronement because of what Jesus did for us — he died for our sins. That was an act of divine love and kindness.” To share her love for Christ, she invited her pastor, Father Bill Kneemiller; friends; Knights of Columbus; and fellow parishioners to her and her husband Leon Van Horn’s home enthronement ceremony March 11. Fr. Kneemiller said the practice is about inviting Christ into the center of a home, a place often occupied by TVs and other distractions that can promote unchristian messages. “If our Catholic faith is not lived in the home, it has little effect on our lives,” the priest said. He suggested reading about the saints, and said that even with families’ busy schedules, there is still time to offer meal prayers or say a decade of the rosary. He was introduced to home enthronement by Terry Ball, who heard about it from the Knights of Columbus of St. Wenceslaus Parish in Iowa City. Those Knights brought the devotion to their parish in 2009 after searching for a program to strengthen the faith of men and, by extension, their families, Gary Sieren said. He belongs to Council 14385 at St. Wenceslaus. He and fellow Knight David Fetzer are working to promote home enthronement statewide, Sieren said. Ball said part of the enthronement is committing to a spiritual devotion of your choice. For about a month, he and Mona have observed a daily time of prayer together in their kitchen, where images of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary hang. “This is a powerful spiritual tool,” Ball said. Fr. Kneemiller said another couple is praying together for the first time since embracing the home enthronement devotion. “Our homes need the enthronement to bring us the grace to deal with whatever happens in our lives and our homes,” said Hills parishioner Kay Evans. For more information, visit Posted with permission from the Catholic Messenger, official newspaper for the Diocese of Davenport, Iowa. Read more at CNA Daily News – US Source:
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Former spy’s Congress bid fueled by her Catholic faith
Former spy’s Congress bid fueled by her Catholic faith % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. (Before It's News) Phoenix, Ariz., Jun 14, 2012 / 04:09 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Leah Campos Schandlbauer, a Catholic mother of four, hopes to represent Arizona in the U.S. Congress, after serving the country for over 10 years as an international agent in the CIA. “The most accurate way of describing it is by my professional title – which was ‘Operations Officer’ in the National Clandestine Service,” Schandlbauer told CNA on June 13. “But we are otherwise known as ‘spies.’” In the “fiercely patriotic” state of Arizona, the aspiring Republican candidate for the newly-formed Ninth District says she gets plenty of positive feedback about her background with the foreign intelligence agency. “They’re really grateful for my service – which is humbling to me,” she said. Schandlbauer left her CIA position six months ago, as her husband Alfred prepared for a one-year deployment in Afghanistan. The Catholic couple prayed extensively over Leah’s decision to seek political office. On August 28, she will contend for the Republic Party nomination, as one of seven choices in the party’s primary election. The choice, she said, was heavily influenced by her time as an officer in Western Europe and Latin America, which left her concerned for her own country’s future. “A lot of the rhetoric that I heard coming out of Washington sounded a lot like what we were hearing from the likes of Hugo Chavez – really divisive, ‘class warfare’ type rhetoric.” “In countries like Argentina and Venezuela, the government divides the people along the lines of class, race, and other categories,” she noted. “They kill the unity of the people. It’s very manipulative of the government, for political gain, to control the discourse and pit people against each other.” “I see that happening here now, and it is frightening.” She also notes that the “cautionary tale” of Europe’s cultural and financial crisis “is ours to learn from, or be the next victims.” “I was there,” she recalled, “and I saw a lot of the false promises that come out of a statist, European-style ‘social democracy.’” A lifelong Catholic, Schandlbauer learned her faith partly from her mother, who teaches as a catechist. Leah’s sister, Rachel Campos-Duffy, is a Catholic author and blogger. The political hopeful’s Catholic faith has shaped her own pro-life and pro-family positions, as well as her advocacy of free-market economics. Following the Catholic free-enterprise proponent Arthur Brooks, she sees property rights and personal initiative as safeguarding human happiness and dignity. “As Christians, we celebrate the notion of freedom,” she said. “This election year is about us making a full-fledged defense of freedom. I think that is an obligation for us, as Christians.” Schandlbauer is also a critic of President Obama’s approach to religious groups, particularly the “horrible situation that Obama gave us with the HHS (contraception) mandate.” Religious freedom, she said, is in “crisis” because of the mandate. But she believes the crisis may also be “a great opportunity.” As controversy grows over the contraception mandate, Schandlbauer sees “a lot of unity among Catholics in America on this issue.” This show of public unity on the Church’s part, she said, is “such a beautiful thing. And I hope it’s a taste of what’s to come.” Read more at CNA Daily News – US Source:
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Experts warn about growing global crisis of religious freedom
Experts warn about growing global crisis of religious freedom % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. (Before It's News) Atlanta, Ga., Jun 14, 2012 / 10:10 am (CNA/EWTN News).- The growing perception of religion as a threat to a free society is leading to persecution of believers around the world, according to speakers at a recent meeting of the U.S. bishops. “Religious liberty is in global crisis,” said Thomas F. Farr, director of the Religious Freedom Project at the Berkley Center for Religion Peace and World Affairs at Georgetown University. He explained that the crisis has “enormous consequences for the Church, the United States, the fate of democracy worldwide, the defeat of religion-based terrorism and the cause of international peace and justice.” Farr spoke June 13 to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops as part of a two-hour discussion on both domestic and international religious freedom concerns. His address came during the conference’s June 13-15 general assembly in Atlanta, Ga. Bishop Richard E. Pates of Des Moines, Iowa, chairman of the bishops’ Committee on International Justice and Peace, noted that Christians around the world face threats ranging from Church bombing to discriminatory legal restrictions. Chaldean Auxiliary Bishop Shlemon Warduni of Baghdad, president of Caritas Iraq, also spoke at the bishops’ gathering, discussing the plight of Christians in the Middle East. He offered accounts of priests being kidnapped, tortured and held for ransom, as well as churches being attacked and worshipers being killed. There has also been a “huge diaspora” of Christian communities in the region, he added. “Some wonder if there is a big plot to empty Iraq, if not to empty all of the Middle East, of Christians,” he told the American bishops. Bishop Warduni said that leaders in U.S. “bear a special responsibility” towards Christians in Iraq because the United States led the 2003 invasion that caused some of these problems between the religious groups. “We ask you to do your best” to raise awareness and support for Iraqi Christians, he urged, explaining that the people in the region simply want to live peacefully with “no more war, no more death” and “no more explosions.” Farr cautioned the U.S. bishops that a negative view of religion is leading to a continued erosion of religious freedom around the world, with disastrous consequences. “Both history and modern scholarship demonstrate that a robust system of religious liberty in both law and culture is indispensable to individual human dignity and to the flourishing of civil society and nations,” he said. He pointed to a Pew Research study indicating that 70 percent of the world’s population lives in a country where religious freedom is seriously restricted. And the problem “is getting worse,” he said, citing studies indicating that “social hostilities” towards religious minorities are rising in many areas, including much of Europe. Although this does not match the level of violent persecution seen elsewhere, “the root cause is quite similar,” Farr explained. In such countries, the free exercise of religion is not only seen as unnecessary, but is even viewed as a threat to democratic society. While this view has commonly been held by tyrants and authoritarian regimes throughout the ages, the alarming development is that it is now being held by democratic majorities, he said. Religion today is commonly treated as “merely an opinion” and possibly “dangerous,” he alerted the bishops, pointing to Europe, where an “aggressive secularist majority” refuses to allow religiously informed opinions to enter the public square. This view is also growing in the United States, he cautioned, as religious freedom is increasingly being depicted as the mere right to worship privately. Farr argued that American policy under both Republican and Democratic administrations is failing to alleviate infringements upon religious freedom around the world. He observed that the current U.S. State Department has devoted “far more energy” to supporting gay agendas overseas than to addressing religious liberty concerns. The American bishops can make a great contribution in “strengthening our understanding of the value of religious freedom,” Farr said, explaining that Church teaching on “the fundamental dignity and equality of every person in the eyes of God” is powerful for society. The Church is “uniquely positioned” to help proclaim the importance of religious liberty and must work immediately to do so, he urged, because “the stakes are high.” Read more at CNA Daily News – US Source:
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Church remembers poet-bishop St. Paulinus of Nola on June 22
Church remembers poet-bishop St. Paulinus of Nola on June 22 (Before It's News) Denver, Colo., Jun 17, 2012 / 06:49 am (CNA/EWTN News).- On June 22, the Catholic Church remembers Saint Paulinus of Nola, who gave up his life in politics to become a monk, a bishop, and a revered Christian poet of the 5th century. In a December 2007 general audience on St. Paulinus, Pope Benedict XVI remarked on the saint’s artistic gifts, which inspired “songs of faith and love in which the daily history of small and great events is seen as a history of salvation, a history of God with us.” The poet-bishop’s ministry, Pope Benedict said, was also “distinguished by special attention to the poor” – confirming his legacy as “a bishop with a great heart who knew how to make himself close to his people in the sorrowful trials of the barbarian invasions” during the 5th century. Born at Bordeaux in present-day France during 354, Paulinus came from an illustrious family in the Roman imperial province of Aquitania. He received his literary education from the renowned poet and professor Ausonius, and eventually rose to the rank of governor in the Italian province of Campania. Not yet baptized or a believer in Christ, Paulinus was nonetheless struck by the Campanians’ devotion to the martyr Saint Felix at his local shrine. He took the initiative to build a road for pilgrims, as well as a hospice for the poor near the site of Felix’s veneration. But Paulinus grew dissatisfied with his civil position, leaving Campania and returning to his native region from 380 to 390. He also married a Spanish Catholic woman named Therasia. She, along with Bishop Delphinus of Bordeaux, and St. Martin the Bishop of Tours, guided him toward conversion. Paulinus and his brother were baptized on the same day by Delphinus. But it was not long into his life as a Christian, that two shattering upheavals took place. Paulinus’ infant son died shortly after birth; and when Paulinus’ brother also died, he was accused in his murder. After these catastrophes, Paulinus and Therasia mutually agreed to embrace monasticism, living in poverty and chastity. Around 390, they both moved to Spain. Approximately five years after his change of residence and lifestyle, the residents of Barcelona arranged for Paulinus’ ordination as a priest. During 395 he returned to the Italian city of Nola, where he and his wife both continued to live in chastity as monks. Paulinus made important contributions to the local church, particularly in the construction of basilicas. In 409, the monk was consecrated as the city’s bishop. Paulinus served as the Bishop of Nola for two decades. His gifts as a poet and composer of hymns were matched by his knowledge of Scripture, generosity toward the poor, and devotion to the saints who had preceded him – especially St. Felix, whose intercession he regarded as central to his conversion. Praised by the likes of St. Augustine and St. Jerome for the depth of his conversion to Christ, the Bishop of Nola was regarded as a saint even before his death on the evening of June 22, 431. Read more at CNA Daily News – US Source:
Presidential Assassination Plot Just Thwarted Last Night – Here’s What Was Seconds From Happening
Liberals are on the loose this week, which picked up speed in the latter half when a lone gunman felt vindicated by opening fire on a congressional baseball practice. Other idiots were inspired by his would-be killing spree, which was all set in motion to get to the President of the United States, for the ultimate “win.” A group of leftist degenerates assassination plot was thwarted last night A group of leftist degenerates’ assassination plot was thwarted last night when they made the mistake of not realizing their surroundings. Some protesters were nearby showing their support for Donald Trump in the aftermath of a series of attacks. As soon as they realized what was about to go down, the patriotic army of badasses rushed in and shocked everyone with what they did to thwart it, proving that real Americans are fed up with the rhetoric. When an attempted killing of Congress members takes place, all other anti-president protests, or anything that could be considered a violent use of one’s First Amendment right, scheduled for the week should be postponed out of respect for the victims of that attack. Despite the fact that Representative Steve Scalise is still in the hospital recovering from a gunshot wound and three surgeries to repair his injured hip from it, the left knows no bounds and forged ahead with their Trump assassination play in New York’s Central Park. “The Shakespeare in the Park rendition of Julius Caesar is still scheduled to play this weekend in Central Park after the shooting of GOP Rep. Scalise by a devout Bernie Sanders supporter,” the Gateway Pundit reported. “This year’s play ‘Julius Caesar’ depicts President Donald Trump’s assassination.” Perhaps the intent to carry on the disrespectful show despite the recent terroristic events by an anti-Trump shooter was for a reaction, which they certainly received in a way they weren’t expecting but definitely deserved. A pro-Trump protester interrupted the show in rightful defense of our president and to show that conservatives have had enough, which didn’t go over well with all the liberals in attendance. The protesters of this sick play rushed the stage in the middle of the show and began shouting, “Goebbels Would Be Proud!” “Laura Loomer from Rebel Media attended the performance and ruined the liberal fun, the Gateway Pundit added. “Laura rushed the stage and started screaming ‘Stop Leftist Violence!!’” This went on for over half a minute. BREAKING: Julius Ceasar Gets SHUTDOWN — Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) June 17, 2017 Sheriff Clarke caught wind of what these brave and fed-up patriots did and took to Twitter to call for physical resistance to defeat the left: “Really? It’s not what I prefer but if the left insists…time to saddle up. I didn’t help get @ realDonaldTrump elected to back down now,” Clarke said last night on social media. This was among a flurry of other messages calling for conservatives to start defening themselves and our president against the violent left. “The New York Times and CNN’s parent company Time Warner are standing by their sponsorship of a play that depicts the brutal assassination of President Donald Trump, raising the question of whether the news reporting outlets should retain their credentials to cover and have access to President Trump, Gateway Pundit’s report added. Delta Airlines and Bank of America have reportedly dropped their support for the play in the wake of public outrage over the play’s depiction of Trump’s assassination.” What the deceased ballpark shooter did on Wednesday morning awoken the conservative giant and something within each one of us. We now realize that people of this political party won’t play fair or reasonable, and will report to killing over political differences. This makes liberals and Democrats no different than terrorists and they are inciting a civil war with these reactions. While the left seeks to dismantle the right and reclaim power, their destructive and divisive efforts have now backfired on them. The made their own set of rules and can now enjoy living by them. They’ve empowered the conservatives who are coming together with a resolve to take our country back from these lunatics and make it great again, now more than ever. This is the “fruit” of what eight years under the most divisive and anti-American leader has created. It’s Barack Obama’s legacy and he’s laughing at the path of destruction he left behind as he jet sets off on another vacation. It also comes from a socialist, liberal public and collegiate education system in this country. When you stop teaching correct American history, how the constitution was really written, accurate government and civics lessons, hen remove God from our schools on top of it – this is the direct result. Most of these protesters are operating as robots to what they were taught without a clue about our nation’s history or even who their elected officials in office are, or simply don’t care.
Like the rest of America, Sheriff David Clarke is tired of the liberal violence and the vile, dangerous rhetoric coming from the left. Even more so, he and the American public are sick of the fake news media and Democrat lawmakers pretending leftist violence and hate doesn’t exist. It exists, and it’s about to get someone killed. The latest example occurred on Wednesday, when a rabid anti-Trump #Resistance “Bernie Bro” shot up a baseball field filled with GOP Congressmen practicing for a bipartisan baseball game. Democrat leaders like loopy Nancy Pelosi are now blaming President Trump for the VA shooting, completely deflecting from the anti-Trump hate and lies they have been spewing for MONTHS. Clarke heated things up on Twitter when he savagely called out violent liberals for creating a vicious divide in this country. He’s 100% correct, and this message needs to be repeated until every single American understands who liberals truly are. Overwhelmingly, the left has become violent and hateful, completely hell-bent on destroying President Trump by ANY MEANS necessary. While the lying liberal media continues to brainwash Americans by presenting President Trump as a “traitor” to America, liberal celebrities urge people to “resist” with increasingly violent rhetoric. The results of this constant stream of anti-Trump sentiment from the fake news media and liberal celebrities are becoming more violent and brutal with each incident, as we witnessed Wednesday. Lib policies create the divide in America. Do-ers (taxpayers) on one side & Take-ers(welfare recipients)on the other — David A. Clarke, Jr. (@SheriffClarke) June 16, 2017 NO candidate who ran in the GOP primary could have withstood what @realDonaldTrump has as POTUS. We have a fighter folks! Stay with him! — David A. Clarke, Jr. (@SheriffClarke) June 16, 2017
Another #NeverTrump Supporter Falls In Line And Will Vote Trump..
Slowly but surely, the #NeverTrump movement is dying. Conservatives and Republicans are waking up to the realization that Hillary Clinton would destroy this country and anyone would be a better option than her. While not all Trump haters are falling in line, there is one big name that has announced his intention to support The Donald. Via Breitbart. Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert will vote for Donald Trump after strongly supporting Sen. Ted Cruz for President of the United States. On Friday’s edition of Varney & Company on the Fox Business Channel, Gohmert said that Trump could be a great president when it comes to foreign policy. Host Stuart Varney asked Gohmert if he would openly support Trump. Gohmert replied, “I guess we need to define what support is. … Support means that I am willing to go on the stump. I am willing to go across the country and speak for you, stand up for you, defend you.” “That’s a whole lot different than going into the voting booth and voting for the better of the two choices,” he added. “Some elections we’ve had the lesser of two evils. I will always set aside everything personal and vote for the better candidate, and in this case, between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, it is Donald Trump.” Gohmert has the bona fides with a lot of movement conservatives, and his endorsement is sure to bring more people in line. But when will Cruz, Kasich and others raise their voices in support for Trump? Or will that never happen?
BREAKING : It’s Over, NEVERTRUMP is DEAD – Crushed at RNC Rules Committee
NeverTrump is NeverMore. The pitiful, self-centered “movement” is over. NeverTrump took its last breath and then keeled over Thursday night. However, it was not a heroic “battle to the bitter end” type of death. No, not even close. NeverTrump, or “Free The Delegates” as it was renamed, made their last cowardly stand inside a hotel conference room before the RNC Rules Committee. Kendal Unruh, a SELFISH Colorado delegate, who believes that her “wants and desires” TRUMP the will of the American people, led the charge to change the convention rules by asking for a “conscience clause,” which would essentially unbind delegates to “vote their conscience.” Hey, screw the millions of people who stood in line to VOTE their conscience during the primary. Fourteen hours after the committee hearing started the delegates delivered a quick and decisive blow on the proposal to unbind the delegates. NO UNBOUND DELEGATES FOR YOU! The gap was so massive against the amendment that no recorded vote was taken. Napoleon’s last stand was more “successful.” In short, that means Trump’s nomination is a done deal. NeverTrump, we’re tasting your tears today, and they’re absolutely delicious.
WATCH: Mike Pence Goes To WAR..Drops Massive TRUTH Bomb That Has Trump Fans Smiling!
The mainstream media has been president Obama’s greatest supporter for the last 8 years and would have been for Clinton as well if she had managed NOT to be the most obnoxious and untrustworthy candidate the Democrats have ever nominated. But that won’t stop the lefties at NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC and CNN from attacking president-elect Trump with every ounce of ammunition they can get their hands on. Even such a small thing as Trump receiving a phone call from the leader of a democratic country is enough to send the media minions into a tizzy if that country happens to be at odds with a huge communist dictatorship like China! When George Stephanopoulos decided to grill vice president-elect Mike Pence about it, he got an ear full. From Louder With Crowder: Pence: I think the American people find it very refreshing… [Trump’s] not only bringing together a cabinet at a historic pace for the last 40 years, he’s not only assembling a legislative agenda to move forward this country at home and abroad, but he’s also been engaging the world. But when Stephanopoulos pressed the issue Pence was ready: Pence: This was a courtesy call and plus, I have to tell you, George, it’s a little mystifying to me that President Obama can reach out to a murdering dictator in Cuba in the last year and be hailed as a hero for doing it and President-elect Donald Trump takes a courtesy call from the democratically-elected leader in Taiwan and it’s become something of a controversy. If the mainstream media leftists can use it to stick a thorn in Trump’s side and undermine his presidency, that is exactly what they will do because they don’t want him to be successful. They want him to fall on his face so they can ridicule him, destroy him, and get another leftist into office. source
Donald Trump Just Gave a DIRE Warning to America…We are ALL in Trouble!
Donald Trump wants America to become safe again. He wants us to have jobs, opportunities, families, and happiness. But, before he can do that he needs you all to know one HUGE Fact… “YOU KNOW, IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING REALLY IMPORTANT, WRITE IT OUT AND HAVE IT DELIVERED BY COURIER, THE OLD-FASHIONED WAY. BECAUSE I’LL TELL YOU WHAT: NO COMPUTER IS SAFE.“ Trump, who was talking to reporters during his New Years Eve party, was discussing the Russian hacking allegations when he dropped the major bombshell on America. Trump was pointing out the fact that the Russian hacking charges that Obama is ready to re-start the Cold War over are unreliable at best. First of all, it does not take a genius hacking network to hack an email network by using phishing emails. Not only that but REAL hackers are almost impossible to track without catching them in the act. It’s amazing that the CIA takes YEARS to figure out who runs the website Pirate Bay but discovered Russia in just a week, don’t you think? And not to mention that MOST foreign hacking is straight from Beijing. source
CNN Goes Way Over The Top With Ridiculous Reaction To Gianforte’s Big Triumph
GOP candidate Greg Gianforte of Montana made headlines last week for body slamming a liberal reporter who refused to leave him alone. Gianforte won the election—and now CNN reporters are reacting in the most dramatic way possible. “As reporters, insults, abuse, it’s part of the job,” CNN’s John Vause said to Kyung Lah. “But it seems that the tone and the mood there among, what a lot of voters—many voter voters in Montana—it’s gone beyond that. Is that what you are experiencing and seeing first hand?” “It’s very surprising and I don’t know how to describe it other than to say I’m taken aback by it,” Lah responded. “It’s almost like group-think that, when they don’t take the time to get to know you, to find out if you might be a human being or might have children, or parents or where you live. If they don’t engage with you as a human and they only see you as part of a block, the mainstream media, they don’t take to that very kindly.” It’s no wonder that conservatives would be frustrated with the ‘mainstream’ media—which attempts to label them as racist, sexist, and homophobic on a regular basis. “I feel weird saying this but stay safe out there,” Vause added very dramatically. What do you think of this ridiculous segment?
Bernie Sanders reveals who’s on the chopping block if he’s ‘elected president’ [Video] – AMERICAN TODAY
Bernie Sanders already has his revenge planned for Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Wasserman Schultz has done everything in her power to rig the Democratic presidential nomination for Hillary Clinton and Sanders has taken notice. Right now he can, and just did, support her opponent, but if she keeps her position as Congresswoman from Florida, he says that he will make sure she is cut from being DNC chair in the future. In an interview set to air Sunday with Jake Tapper on CNN’s State of the Union the Vermont senator struck back by saying he is backing Wasserman Schultz’s primary opponent, Tim Canova, in the race to be the representative of Florida’s 23rd district. “I favor her opponent,” Sanders told Tapper. “His views are much closer to mine than is Wasserman Schultz’s.” If she managed to be victorious he would use his power to affect her position as DNC chair. “Let me also say this, in all due respect to the current chairperson, if elected president, she would not be reappointed to be chair of the DNC,” he said. The comments come as the party is reeling from the tense battle in Nevada in which Sanders supporters booed Clinton surrogate Barbara Boxer mercilessly and demanded a recount of Clinton’s victory. Wasserman Schultz fired back in a statement Tapper tweeted on Saturday in which she laughably claimed she has been, and will stay, neutral in the primary process.
Lebron Slams BlackLivesMatter Ideology: “It’s Time to Look in the Mirror…” [VIDEO]
We all feel frustrated and helpless by the violence, but that is not acceptable. It’s time to look in the mirror and ask ourselves, what are we doing to create change?” “Tonight we’re honoring Muhammad Ali, the GOAT. But to do his legacy any justice, let’s use this moment as a call to action to all professional athletes to educate ourselves, explore these issues, speak up, use our influence and renounce all violence and, most importantly, go back to our communities, invest our time, our resources, help rebuild them, help strengthen them, help change them. We all have to do better.”
Mitch McConnell Suicide Attempts Kept Under Wraps As Long As Possible
For more than seven months the people surrounding Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell have lived with a secret they can no longer bear: he is in advanced dementia, has had multiple suicide attempts and spends most of his time an emotional wreck. His personal aide, Lisa Karlington, told LLOD reporter Skip Tetheluda: ” Mitch is pretty much a blubbering mess. He hasn’t been himself for nearly three years, but for the past seven months he just skated through. Now he sees himself as a failure of a man who couldn’t unite his own party as its legislative leader to govern when it has all three branches of government fairly locked down. McConnell has, of course, been seen in public a lot, but Karlington says that has a lot to do with medicine. “Drugs,” she said, “Lots and lots of Xanax.” McConnell’s family hasn’t commented and have asked for privacy during this difficult time. The Democrats are all standing around with their arms outstretched crying about things like McConnell not disclosing that he was a senile old man when he accepted the results of his last election and was sworn in as Senate Majority Leader. How the legalities will play out are uncertain but one thing is not: McConnell won’t be able to continue now that the cat is out of the bag. His suicide attempts, which include a hanging, three overdoses and a shotgun incident that his grandson calls a miracle. That kind of behavior in the Capitol is discouraged.
5 Reasons Barack Obama Will Be Viewed As One Of The Worst Presidents of All Time
2) Unleashing The Genie From The Nuclear Weapons Bottle In The Middle East: Preventing the spread of nuclear weapons has been a high priority since those weapons came into being. It was obviously worrisome when nations that are not friendly to America acquired nuclear weapons capable of reducing our greatest cities to ash in a moment, but there were important considerations that kept those countries from ever acting. You nuke us, we nuke you. Okay, we have a stalemate because no functional state wants mutually assured destruction. Of course, that kind of stalemate doesn’t work with basket-case nations run by totalitarian dictators or religious fanatics… which brings us to the Iran Deal Obama signed that will end with that monstrous nation acquiring nuclear weapons. Inevitably, if Iran develops nukes, various other countries across the Middle East will also develop nuclear weapons to protect themselves. Israel may already have nukes, but it’s also not going to try to subjugate nations like Saudi Arabia and Egypt. The same can’t be said of Iran. In other words, Obama’s Iran Deal marks the beginning of a nuclear arms race in an area largely run by religious fanatics and anti-American dictators. The chances of a nuclear war or even more importantly, a nuke going off on American soil, have increased astronomically because of Obama’s foolishness. 3) Facilitating Illegal Immigration: The federal government has never put the amount of money and resources needed into shutting down illegal immigration. Unfortunately, crooked businesses that benefit from the practice have always paid off enough politicians to keep that from happening. However, the Obama Administration’s practice of actually encouraging illegal immigration was a new low in our nation’s history. Obama illegally tried to give millions of illegal aliens the ability to stay here without fear of deportation; states and localities that enforced immigration law were harassed by the DOJ; he blocked the border patrol from doing its job and increased the number of refugees being imported. By doing so, Obama destroyed the rule of law, created a protected criminal class and imported poverty into the country because he thought it would benefit him politically even if it hurt the country in the process. READ MORE ON NEXT PAGE >>>
5 Reasons Barack Obama Will Be Viewed As One Of The Worst Presidents of All Time
4) Encouraging Racial Polarization: No president ever had a better opportunity to encourage racial reconciliation than Obama. Instead, America’s first black president went in exactly the opposite direction and tried to create as much racial polarization as possible because he thought it benefited him politically. Unlike Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton, Obama is subtler. His administration encouraged hatred of police, turned a blind eye to race riots and did nothing to slow down the incessant cries of “racism” from his supporters that greeted every disagreement with Obama’s policies. During Obama’s presidency, the Left openly used race as a political weapon and it created a level of racial strife in America that we haven’t seen since the sixties. 5) Losing A War We Had Already Won In Iraq: Today in 2016, people tend to forget that Bush had largely pacified Iraq with the surge before he left office. By 2010, things had gotten so stable that the Obama Administration was trying to take credit for Iraq. Here’s Joe Biden, I am very optimistic about…Iraq. I mean, this could be one of the great achievements of this administration. You’re going to see 90,000 American troops come marching home by the end of the summer. You’re going to see a stable government in Iraq that is actually moving toward a representative government. Despite the fact that our generals wanted him to work out a status of forces agreement with the Iraqi government so we could leave troops there, Obama wanted political credit for getting all our troops out of the country and he didn’t much care what happened afterwards. So we pulled out of Iraq rather than leaving a residual force there as we have in nations like Germany, Japan and South Korea. Predictably, the whole country then fell apart. Worse yet, because of Obama’s incompetence, ISIS was able to take large swathes of territory in Iraq and it became a major player on the world stage. All the blood and treasure we spent in that nation was squandered because an incompetent politician cared more about getting a minor political advantage than winning a war.
Look What Supporters Noticed Right When Donald And Melania Returned To The States
On Saturday, President Donald Trump arrived back in the United States after his first foreign trip as president. When he landed in Washington D.C. with Melania, his supporters noticed something that had the cheering in support. The presidential couple held hands as they walked off Air Force One—a victorious gesture and symbol in the face of all of the liberals who claim their marriage is on the rocks. For the past week, two pieces of footage appearing to show Melania refusing to hold her husband’s hand have gone viral. Of course, these clips are taken completely out of context to be used as a tool to shine an evil light on Trump. Once again, he is getting the last word and calling out the “fake news.” Do you support Donald and Melania Trump? Are you tired of liberals attacking the Trump family?
Eric Metaxas, John Stonestreet
Intelligent Design Archives
OUR SPECIAL PLACE IN THE UNIVERSE Do you ever find yourself saying, “I wish so-and-so were still around?” Well, I wish the astronomer Carl Sagan were..Read more
Eric Metaxas, John Stonestreet
Pro-Life Archives
GENETIC SELECTION In the 1998 film Gattaca, the hero says that he will never know what possessed his mother to put her faith..Read more
Eric Metaxas, John Stonestreet
Intelligent Design Archives
The Evolutionist Establishment Turns to Blackmail If there’s one word that could be used to describe the evolutionist establishment right now, that word would be desperate. To..Read more
Comey Took Notes of Every Trump Meeting But Did Not Record Hillary’s 3 Hour Interrogation…
Fired FBI Director, James Comey said in a prepared opening statement released Wednesday that he didn’t keep detailed memos on his conversations with Obama like he did with Donald Trump. Comey took notes on EVERY meeting with President Trump before and after his inauguration. But Comey only spoke with Obama twice! Even after the DNC computers were ‘hacked’ he never spoke with the Democrat president about the criminal attack on his party’s computers! Former Director James Comey also did not record his THREE HOUR interview with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on her likely criminal email activity. Comey skipped the meeting. The FBI did not swear in Hillary Clinton during her testimony. The Hill reported: Hillary Clinton did not swear an oath to tell the truth before meeting with the FBI for three and a half hours last weekend, and the interview was not recorded, FBI Director James Comey told House lawmakers on Thursday. The lack of a sworn oath does not remove the possibility of criminal penalties against Clinton if she lied to the FBI, though he said he had “no basis to conclude” that she was untruthful. “Still a crime to lie to us,” Comey told the House Oversight Committee. FBI policy is not to record interviews as part of its investigations. Yet the revelations will nonetheless raise questions among Republicans, who have been skeptical of the FBI’s investigation and have demanded to see the transcript of the former secretary of State’s interview in downtown Washington on Saturday.
Democrat Corruption: Long Time Pelosi Ally Convicted of 18 Felonies! Life In Prison!
Close Pelosi Friend and ally, Congresswoman Corrine Brown, has been convicted of 18 felonies for stealing $$1 Million from children’s scholarship charity. Brown faces life in prison!! As she was stealing scholarship money from school children, Corrine Brown partied with Pelosi, flew with Obama, and campaigned for Clinton… and she was a Super-Delegate! The FBI proved that Brown ‘exploited the needs of children and deceived her constituents to advance her own personal and political agendas’. The FBI said the Congresswoman raised over $$800,000 in donations for a charity she was linked to while scholarships from that charity only amounted to $$1,200. The verdict came just three days after closing arguments. Brown was shown to have lived the high life on cash that aides secretly deposited in her bank account after passing it through other accounts. She is expected to be sentenced within 100 days. The trial brought explosive headlines when it was revealed that the disgraced Congresswoman used $$750 from a bogus charity to buy her daughter a $$10 birthday cake. The FloridaTimesUnion reports: The jury convicted Brown of 18 of the 22 separate criminal counts a grand jury indicted her for in July. The convictions involve conspiracy, mail fraud, wire fraud, tax crimes and hiding income she should have publicly reported. She was found not guilty of two counts of mail fraud and two counts of wire fraud. Brown could in theory be sentenced to decades in prison, but that decision is likely more than three months away. No sentencing date was immediately set. Each fraud or conspiracy conviction carries a potential 20-year sentence, and each tax conviction three years. Hiding income could lead to another five-year sentence. The convictions affirm parts of a narrative prosecutors told of Brown breaking laws while she lived an unsustainable expensive lifestyle that left her desperate for cash. Jurors were told the brash 70-year-old Democratic icon, who spent 24 years in Congress before losing reelection last year, received $$141,000 in untraceable cash over several years through sources including the sham charity One Door for Education and her Friends of Corrine Brown campaign committee. An FBI accountant testified Brown, who earned around $$175,000 a year as a member of Congress with a pension from the Florida Legislature, spent an average of $$1,438 per month more than her reported income. “Former Congresswoman Brown took an oath year after year to serve others, but instead she exploited the needs of children and deceived her constituents to advance her own personal and political agendas,” said FBI Jacksonville Division Special Agent in Charge Charles Spencer in a prepared statement. With her former chief of staff testifying against her, the question is begged! Why did Pelosi continually cozy up to a Congresswoman who was so clearly corrupt? From the beginning, Corrine Brown has been shrouded in controversy. Shortly after she won election in 1992, the Federal Election Commission accused Brown of violating numerous campaign finance laws. The biggie was that she accepted donations from foreign citizens and failed to report the use of a corporate plane. And that’s just the tip of the ethical iceberg. A convenient rap sheet, put together by the Florida Times-Union, documents every allegation of wrongdoing brought against Brown during her 27-year career. It is the never-ending story! In the midst of all this scandal, Corinne Brown not only fundraised with the Pelosi, but also enjoyed prominent perches on the Transportation and Veteran Affairs Committees. The Democrats only care about corruption if it is on the other side of the aisle. What did Pelosi know about Corinne Brown and when did she know it?
CRIMINAL CHARGED Looming Over Hillary Campaign… IT’S HAPPENING
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s (D., Fla.) primary challenger has filed a complaint with the Federal Election Committee claiming that the former Democratic National Committee chair wrongfully used DNC resources to target his campaign. Tim Canova, a law professor and Bernie Sanders supporter, claimed his campaign lawyers found evidence in the recent Wikileaks that Schultz violated FEC rules. “It’s very clear that Wasserman Schultz was using the DNC resources to monitor my campaign and to strategize on how to crush the campaign,” Canova said Monday night during an interview with MSNBC, according to Free Beacon. “That’s a violation of federal law.” This came a week after Schultz announced she was resigning as committee chair amid fallout from the email leak suggesting the DNC favored Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders during the Democratic primary. Canova said his recent discovery was just the “tip of the iceberg” of Schultz’s mismanagement of the campaign. “A lot of folks are unhappy with her, and this is what I mean, that she’ll be a drag on the ticket at this point,” he said. A poll released by Canova’s campaign on Sunday had him trailing Schultz by 8 points. What do you think about this?
Sanders did the right thing: Actually, Bernie might have made a big mistake after all if he attacked Hillary Clinton on her emails
By getting into the mud, Bernie would have crowded out his message about fighting oligarchy in favor of scandal “The American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails,” said Bernie Sanders at the October CNN debate, after moderator Anderson Cooper questioned Hillary Clinton on her use of a personal server to conduct State Department business. And so, according to many observers, went Sanders’s big chance to hit Clinton where it hurt—something now made all the more tangible by the near certainty he will lose the primary. “What Sanders should have done,” writes Chris Cillizza at the Washington Post, “was to begin to incorporate Clinton’s email troubles into his stump speech — using the ongoing investigation to raise questions in Democratic voters’ minds about both her trustworthiness and her electability. But, time and again, Sanders turned away from that strategy — or anything like it.” Yes, attacking on the emails would have exploited a major Clinton vulnerability. She is widely perceived to be untrustworthy, and many believe that her email set up was unethical or illegal. The subject is also certainly fair game: it was the subject of a damning State Department inspector general inquiry and the FBI is still investigating. More to the point politically speaking, it highlights a lot of the things about Clinton that people don’t like. It reflects an imperious politician who so thinks she deserves to play by her own rules that she didn’t even agree to an interview with investigators from the very office she used to run as secretary of state. NEXT PAGE >>>
REPORT: Hillary Clinton Emailed Classified Info…AFTER She Left The State Department
A new report is suggesting that Hillary Clinton’s irresponsible behavior didn’t stop after she left the State Department. According to The New York Post, Clinton continued to email classified information even after she resigned as Secretary of State in 2013. The New York Post reports that at least one classified email was sent several months after Clinton stepped down: [The] email, which was obtained by the Republican National Committee through a Freedom of Information Act request, was heavily redacted upon its release by the State Department because it contains classified information. The markings on the email state it will be declassified on May 28, 2033, and that information in the note is being redacted because it contains “information regarding foreign governors” and because it contains “Foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States, including confidential sources.” The email from Clinton was sent from the email account — [email protected] — associated with her private email server. According to the post, a number of officials and Clinton-aids were on the email including a number of high-level diplomats, State Department chief of staff Cheryl Mills, and Hillary aide Huma Abedin. The new revelation is just new evidence that Clinton blatantly lied about her email activity, having claimed she never sent or received classified information from her unsecure private email server. Republican National Committee research director Raj Shah told the Post, “Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information was so pervasive it continued after she left government,” and added that “She clearly can’t be trusted with our nation’s security.”
15-Year-Old Boy Knifed To Death By Muslim ‘Refugee’ For…
Once again the media is attempting to blackout another horrific incident involving yet another Muslim refugee this time it’s the Swedish media attempting to censor the information of a murdered student. Reports indicate that a Lithuanian student, Arminas Pileckas, was murdered during the first day back at school by a Syrian refugee, after being bullied the previous semester. It is believed that this was a premeditated murder, and that he had been planning and researching the attack since last fall, when the victim had intervened during the assault of a female classmate. “Everything is being kept hidden,” the victim’s father commented on the Swedish media. The murder is being practically ignored across the rest of Europe, Pileckas father added. And when it is being covered, it is being told from a sympathetic viewpoint of the father of the murderer. The elder Pileckas continued talking about his son; “He was hard-working, cheerful and had a lot of Swedish friends,” Pileckas has said, discounting rumors of bullying. “All loved him…the Swedish press writes that Arminas assaulted the student, but that is not the case…our son saw that boy take the girl. He stopped him and they got into a fight.” Whatever the particulars in this case are, one thing is evident another unarmed individual is assaulted and murdered, at the hands of another Muslim refugee seeking asylum, however creating mayhem. h/t: Breitbart
BREAKING: Tim Kaine’s Son Arrested, Slammed With Devastating Charges
Last year, Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia acted as Hillary Clinton’s running mate in 2016. In March, Kaine’s son Woody was arrested for setting off smoke bombs at a Donald Trump rally in Minneapolis. Now, things have gotten even worse for the 24-year-old lawbreaker. According to reports, Linwood Michael Kaine has just been charged with a gross misdemeanor and two misdemeanors, including fleeing police on foot, concealing his identity in a public place, and obstructing the legal process with force. Seven of his counterparts were also arrested in the incident. Kaine and his group of friends were reportedly in all black when they set off the smoke bombs, which have authorities have come to recognize as “an indication of people who identify as anarchists.” In their formal complaint, police noted that Kaine “was swinging his arms and pushing at Sr. Cmdr. Frazer is an attempt to get away…His motions were violent and rapid.” When officers finally had him on the ground, he “bucked and flared his arms and legs.”
Obama Commutes Life Sentence For DRUG DEALER. Look What Happened Next…
Obama always had sympathy for those who were “at the wrong place at the wrong time.” Well, this man who got a commuted sentence just proved he doesn’t fit that category.Robert M. Gill’s sentence was commuted on the belief that he had “demonstrated the potential to turn (his) life around,” but he was just arrested in San Antonio with two pounds of cocaine after a high-speed chase, which ended when he hit another car, via San Antonio Express News. He met with his probation officer as he was supposed to and then went to a food store parking lot to buy the cocaine from a seller who is currently unknown.Thankfully, the sheriff’s deputy had been tracking his whereabouts and then tried to bring him into custody, but Gill ran, which provoked the high-speed chase that ultimately ended with his apprehension.When he was arrested, he admitted he was going to sell the cocaine himself to make a profit. If Gill is convicted, which he no doubt will be, he could face up to 40 years in prison for his actions. Looks like Obama never should have released him in the first place.According to reports, Gill is only “one of about 1,700 federal inmates whose sentences Obama commuted as part of a broader campaign to give relief to nonviolent offenders serving long prison terms that dated to a frenzied period in the nation’s war on drugs.” After Gill was released, he seemed to be off to a good start working as a paralegal for LaHood and Calfas, a criminal defense firm. His boss, Neil Calfas, shared his views about the arrest, saying, “At some point, as a civilized society we need to rethink our drug policy.”He continued, “If the allegations against Bobby Gill are true, this is clear proof that extreme prison sentences and mandatory minimums under the federal sentencing guidelines don’t work.”However, if it is true that Gill committed these crimes, then his prior sentence was the right course of action, and he should have stayed in prison. But he was let go by Obama, who misjudged and probably didn’t care about the situation at all.Of course, our system is not going to work if our presidents don’t make the criminals serve their time — they need to recognize the consequences of their actions and serve the time they were given. Maybe rotting in a prison cell for years on end will get it through the criminals’ skulls that drugs are not the way to go. source
Democrats Vote to Cut Veterans’ Pensions to Pay for Illegal Immigrants
The Democrats are fighting for the rights of the illegal immigrants, and on the other hand they are not showing any respect for our war veterans, who brought their lifes on the line for our freedom. The Democrats are now voting to cut off their pensions. VIA AMERICANOVERLOOK : On Dec. 17, Senate Democrats blocked an amendment to the new budget bill that would allow veterans to receive the pensions they were promised. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) has led the unsuccessful fight against veterans’ pension cuts and utilized a last-minute tactic yesterday, which failed to reverse the $$6 billion that will be cut over the next 10 years. Sessions argued that instead of cutting soldiers’ pensions, the federal government should curb $$4.2 billion in credit from the Internal Revenue Service that illegal immigrants are “entitled to.” Senate Republicans said it’s ludicrous that veterans are forced to pay for illegal immigrants’ spending. It’s not correct, and it should not happen,” Sessions said yesterday during the Senate’s debate.m“By blocking my amendment, they voted to cut pensions for wounded warriors,” he said later. “Senators in this chamber have many valid ideas for replacing these pension cuts, including my proposal to close the tax welfare loophole for illegal filers, and all deserved a fair and open hearing. But they were denied.”
BREAKING: If You Are Using This Toothpaste… Throw It Away Immediately!
The FDA has just issued a warning this week noting that they will be putting a ban on triclosan—a common antibacterial agent used in soaps, detergents, toys, cosmetics, and toothpaste. Apparently, the chemical poses a high-degree of health risks and side effects. Colgate Total is just one of many products that list triclosan as an active ingredient. “Based on scientific evidence, the balance of benefit and risk is favorable for these products,” Andrea Fischer, an FDA Spokesperson, said of the announcement. “The dangers of triclosan (and a related antibacterial chemical, triclocarban) are many,” the Natural Resource Defense Council said in a statement. “For starters, it’s an endocrine disruptor, meaning it interferes with important hormone functions, which can directly affect the brain in addition to our immune and reproductive systems.” “Specifically, the chemical disturbs thyroid, testosterone, and estrogen regulation, which can create a host of issues including early puberty, poor sperm quality, infertility, obesity, and cancer,” the statement continues. “Studies have also shown it can lead to impaired learning and memory, exacerbate allergies, and weaken muscle function. The impacts of prolonged exposure during fetal development, infancy, and childhood can be particularly severe, resulting in permanent damage.” Please pass this information on and be sure to go through your toiletries.
BREAKING: HERE IT IS… Guccifer 2.0 Releases CLINTON FOUNDATION DOCS! – Dems Funneled TARP Funds to their PACs!
BREAKING—— GUCCIFER 2.0 RELEASES LEAKED CLINTON FOUNDATION DOCUMENTS! He tweeted this out less than an hour ago….. From Guccifer 2.0 website: Many of you have been waiting for this, some even asked me to do it. So, this is the moment. I hacked the Clinton Foundation server and downloaded hundreds of thousands of docs and donors’ databases. Hillary Clinton and her staff don’t even bother about the information security. It was just a matter of time to gain access to the Clinton Foundation server. Here’s the contents of one of the folders that I got from there source
Ted Cruz Finds Obscure Senate Rule That Could Leave Democrats Powerless
Ted Cruz has found an obscure provision in a decades-old rule that could either give Republicans sweeping new authority in their Obamacare replacement bill, or “blow up the Senate.”As it stands, many Republican lawmakers are unhappy that the new GOP healthcare reform bill is not broad enough – that it’s nothing but “Obamacare Lite.” The main reason for this is because Senate rules allow a Democratic filibuster, so the GOP can’t go very far.But the Texas Senator – and onetime political foe of President Donald Trump – says he found a way around that: special rules written into the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 that allows Vice President Pence to overrule existing senate rules. As Cruz puts it: “Under the Budget Act of 1974, which is what governs reconciliation, it is the presiding officer, the vice president of the United States, who rules on what’s permissible on reconciliation and what is not,” Cruz told reporters Thursday. “That’s a conversation I’ve been having with a number of my colleagues.” Of course, this kind of parliamentary maneuvering could totally destroy the U.S. Senate, as Bloomberg points out. That didn’t stop Cruz from meeting with Pence this week to discuss strategy for passing a healthcare reform bill. Welcomed @SenTedCruz to my office in the @WhiteHouse. Looking forward to working closely with the Senator on important legislation ahead. — Vice President Pence (@VP) March 8, 2017 The process would allow Republicans to include a number of provisions that would make the healthcare bill much more appealing to conservatives, he said. For example, they could “repeal all of the insurance regulations in Obamacare that have increased premiums,” especially one that decreased competition by keeping insurers from selling across state lines. The Hill reports this new rule would be almost impossible for Democrats to overcome.It would be difficult for Democrats to overturn Pence’s decisions. They would need to muster 60 votes to reverse him, and they only control 48 seats, including the Independents who caucus with them.Democrats scoffed at the idea.Senate Democrats rejected Cruz’s proposal as a direct violation of Senate precedent.“Then anything could be subject to reconciliation,” said a senior Democratic aide. “You could authorize war with a simple majority and argue that it affects spending.” The aide called Cruz’s idea “outlandish and not going to happen.”e source
EXPOSED: Leaked Emails Show DNC Colluded with Media to Push Clinton Nomination
Despite claims of neutrality, recently leaked emails show the Democratic National Committee was putting its thumb on the scale for Hillary Clinton for over a year. When it was revealed that “Guccifer 2.0” (named after Romanian hacker Guccifer, who confessed to hacking into Hillary Clinton’s private email server multiple times) hacked the DNC’s servers, the main story was about leaked opposition research on Donald Trump. But on the same site Guccifer published the Trump research, “2016 GOP presidential candidates,” there were also DNC talking points suggesting the party’s central organization had been working since May of 2015 to make Hillary Clinton the nominee. The DNC was diligently cleaning up Clinton’s record, using “specific hits to muddy the waters around ethics, transparency, and campaign finance attacks on HRC.” DNC was pushing HRC as candidate from May, 2015 of last year. #Guccifer2 — Kick (@MatthewKick) June 16, 2016 The email also suggested collusion with media networks to push Hillary Clinton as the party’s eventual nominee, and anchors for national cable news networks may have broadcasted DNC talking points spoon-fed to them by Democratic Party operatives. In the “Reporter Outreach” section, the document suggested… KEEP READING ON NEXT PAGE >>>
Showcasing the trademark reasoning and persuasive skills that we have come to expect and love from the Trump campaign, Trump's national Co-Chair (and proud owner of the world's fattest face) Sam Clovis had a message today for Republicans who are hesitant to get on board with the Trump campaign: Well, I
Obama Commutes Life Sentence For DRUG DEALER. Look What Happened Next…
Sponsored: Obama always had sympathy for those who were “at the wrong place at the wrong time.” Well, this man who got a commuted sentence just proved he doesn’t fit that category. Robert M. Gill’s sentence was commuted on the belief that he had “demonstrated the potential to turn (his) life around,” but he was just arrested in San Antonio with two pounds of cocaine after a high-speed chase, which ended when he hit another car, via San Antonio Express News. He met with his probation officer as he was supposed to and then went to a food store parking lot to buy the cocaine from a seller who is currently unknown. Thankfully, the sheriff’s deputy had been tracking his whereabouts and then tried to bring him into custody, but Gill ran, which provoked the high-speed chase that ultimately ended with his apprehension. When he was arrested, he admitted he was going to sell the cocaine himself to make a profit. If Gill is convicted, which he no doubt will be, he could face up to 40 years in prison for his actions. Looks like Obama never should have released him in the first place. According to reports, Gill is only “one of about 1,700 federal inmates whose sentences Obama commuted as part of a broader campaign to give relief to nonviolent offenders serving long prison terms that dated to a frenzied period in the nation’s war on drugs.” After Gill was released, he seemed to be off to a good start working as a paralegal for LaHood and Calfas, a criminal defense firm. His boss, Neil Calfas, shared his views about the arrest, saying, “At some point, as a civilized society we need to rethink our drug policy.” He continued, “If the allegations against Bobby Gill are true, this is clear proof that extreme prison sentences and mandatory minimums under the federal sentencing guidelines don’t work.” However, if it is true that Gill committed these crimes, then his prior sentence was the right course of action, and he should have stayed in prison. But he was let go by Obama, who misjudged and probably didn’t care about the situation at all. Of course, our system is not going to work if our presidents don’t make the criminals serve their time — they need to recognize the consequences of their actions and serve the time they were given. Maybe rotting in a prison cell for years on end will get it through the criminals’ skulls that drugs are not the way to go. This is what happens when criminals are shown even a little bit of mercy — they go right back into their old lives and don’t appreciate how they were able to get out. Our system does work — if followed the way it is supposed to be. Now, this man is facing more prison time, and under Trump, he will serve the full term. Maybe then he will finally learn his lesson. Click here to get my DAILY Trump email newsletter free!! What do you think about this man recommitting his crimes after being released by Obama? Please share this story on Facebook and tell us because we want to hear YOUR voice!
Since Australia Has Banned Guns This is What’s Happening in Their Streets with Muslims [Video]
BRITAIN first, a British conservative party has released a video that shows what’s happening in the streets of Sydney, Australia. Muslims are protesting daily, attacking police officers, imposing sharing law etc. Some experts believe that everything has changed since the Australian government banned guns and allowed massive immigration from Islamic nations. Does it sound familiar? Obama? Hillary? Australia enacted its gun ban in 1996. Murders have basically run flat, seeing only a small spike after the ban and then returning almost immediately to pre-ban numbers. NOTHING HAS CHANGED! JUST MORE INNOCENT PEOPLE KILLED CAUSE THEY DIDN’T HAVE GUNS TO PROTECT THEMSELVES. WATCH HERE: It sounded like they were chanting ‘Obama Obama”?
Eric Metaxas, John Stonestreet
Intelligent Design Archives
Darwinism vs. the Octopus A theory that explains everything explains nothing at all. And when it comes to Darwinism, some explanations are smelling fishier..Read more
Eric Metaxas, John Stonestreet
Pro-Life Archives
Conversations with the Voiceless We see it everywhere we look. Our society increasingly has come to value human beings not for who they are,..Read more
U.S. Virgin Islands – AMERICAN TODAY
Donald Trump has shown himself to be a man who supports and promotes strong, capable people. From The Hill: "Ronna Romney McDaniel is expected to be Donald Trump’s pick to be the next chairwoman of the Republican National Committee (RNC), according to two sources with direct knowledge of the deliberations. McDaniel, the
Ascension Panel 2012 at the Conscious Life Expo on Feb 13, 2011
On Sunday, February 13, 2011, the Conscious Life Expo will be presenting the Ascension Panel 2012 on the 7th Golden Age of Humanity. There are nine panel members who are very well known in their fields and have written extensive books on the subject of Ascension. They are: David Alexander, DaVid Raphael, Aurora Juliana Ariel, Susan Shumsky, Selacia, Edwin Spina, Alexander Backman, Ron Amitron, and Jack Allis. Mother Earth has already begun her 5th Dimensional transformation. In addition, humanity has been given a gift to become a part of the transformation and ascend along with the planet. We are multi-dimensional beings that are awakening to our true selves. We are learning that we are limitless, co-creators and immortal beings of light. At this time in our lives, we are blessed with the ability to communicate with beings that are from other star systems and dimensional planes. The veil is being lifted and our divine powers and magic are being restored to us. These speakers will be sharing vital information, practical keys, and helping us prepare for our own personal and collective ascension. The program is to inspire, heal and enlighten ourselves and this planet.
Ashley Judd To German Airport Security Guy: ‘I’m Not Your Sweetheart’
Cast member Ashley Judd arrives at the premiere of the movie "Olympus Has Fallen" at the ArcLight Cinema in Hollywood, California March 18, 2013. REUTERS/Patrick Fallon [Correction: I thought the horrible act of misogyny you’re about to witness happened in America, but it was in Germany. I regret the error, but I still hope this man’s life is ruined for this. Being German is no excuse!] Life is tough for women in 2017, particularly if they’re rich white ladies of a certain age who used to be famous. Just imagine: You’re at the airport, minding your own business, and some security jerk basically rapes you by complimenting your outfit and calling you “sweetheart.” Um, institutionalized misogyny, anyone? That’s exactly what happened recently to feminist and former actress Ashley Judd, and she’s not letting those evil men get away with it (click the fullscreen button to unmute the video): “I was coming through security, and a guy said, ‘Hey, sweetheart!’ And I said, ‘I’m not your sweetheart. I am a client…’ And then, when I was setting out my stuff, he said, ‘Hey, nice dress…’ I set my stuff on the doohickey, you know, the doohickey that rolls? And I was speaking with one of his colleagues… And guess what happened next? [DRAMATIC PAUSE] He touched me… It’s so hard to continue to set these boundaries when someone continues to push. And then, for good measure, he just said one more time, ‘Have a good day, sweetheart!'” I can’t imagine going through something like that. This is a hate crime, no matter who mansplains to you how it’s “harmless” and “no big deal” and “you need to adjust your dosage.” This disgusting pervert should be named, shamed, fired, and driven out of society altogether. You just don’t mess with a Nasty Woman! If you see Ashley Judd at the airport, or anywhere else, don’t call her “sweetheart.” Don’t talk to her at all. Don’t even look at her. Just pretend she isn’t there. Hollywood finally did, and we’re all better off for it. (Hat tip: Amanda Prestigiacomo)
Google Scraps Meeting Over Harassment Fears
Zurich, Switzerland - 20 April, 2016: Google sign on the wall of the Google office building. Google is a multinational technology company specializing in Internet-related services and products. [Denis Linine / Shutterstock, Inc.] Google CEO Sundar Pichai planned to hold a meeting Thursday addressing the company’s recent “anti-diversity” controversy, but it was canceled over fears of online harassment just two hours before it was to begin. The all-hands meeting was scheduled following the leak of the “ideological echo chamber” memo that called the company’s diversity efforts into question. The tech giant subsequently fired its author, James Damore, for allegedly violating the company’s code of conduct. According to Recode, worried employees reportedly expressed concerns with their bosses ahead of the planned meeting, fearing that they would be “outed” online. Several of them were featured in a Breitbart article, highlighting their efforts to create industry blacklists for colleagues who did not share their views on social justice. The individuals were outed by their colleagues and former colleagues at Google, who took issue with their efforts to create an ideological echo chamber—proving that James Damore was right after all. Right-wing firebrand Milo Yiannopoulos shared a list of politically active Google employees, some of whom publicly condemned Damore and the memo. Looking at who works for Google, it all makes sense now… Posted by Milo Yiannopoulos on Wednesday, August 9, 2017 “We had hoped to have a frank, open discussion today as we always do to bring us together and move forward,” Pichai wrote to employees. “But our Dory questions appeared externally this afternoon, and on some websites Googlers are now being named personally,” he added. “Googlers are writing in, concerned about their safety and worried they may be ‘outed’ publicly for asking a question in the Town Hall.” Pichai hoped to speak to all 60,000 of the company’s employees in a 30-minute meeting to address the contents of the leaked memo and Google’s decision to fire its author. James Damore questioned the efficacy of the company’s diversity efforts and internal efforts from influential employees to stifle ideological dissent. Members of the media lied about the memo, with many declaring it sexist without even having read it. Damore is now speaking out about being fired from Google. In an interview with Stefan Molyneux, the software engineer said he was “smeared” by company executives after tech publications like Recode, Mashable, and Gizmodo misrepresented his memo as a “sexist manifesto,” among a host of other unflattering descriptors. Sundar Pichai has yet to schedule another meeting to address the issue with the rest of Google. Ian Miles Cheong is a journalist and outspoken media critic. You can reach him through social media at @stillgray on Twitter and on Facebook.
RT’s Peter Lavelle: Turkey May Someday Turn on NATO as Erdogan Pivots to Russia
The host of RT’s flagship program CrossTalk says that while the possibility of an Erdogan pivot to Moscow exists, it is not expected in the near term. On Tuesday, Turkish President Erdogan hailed the president of Russia, calling him my "dear friend Vladimir," in a capitulation of his earlier stance toward Russia, when Ankara refused to apologize for downing a Russian attack aircraft along the Syrian-Turkish border. Russia stated that the TU-24 bomber never entered Turkey’s airspace, while Ankara claimed that the aircraft entered a few meters into Turkish airspace for approximately 16 seconds. © AP Photo/ Zha Chunming Beijing Installs Supersonic Missiles on South China Sea’s Most Lethal Destroyer After the downed pilot was murdered by Syrian fighters on the ground, border relations between the two countries worsened, with Erdogan refusing to apologize. A fracturing of ties between the two countries quickly arose, resulting in, among other shifts, a ban on Russian tourism and an end to the importation of foodstuffs, both big-money tickets for Turkey’s economy. But a lot has happened since November 2015 — most notably a failed July 15 coup attempt in Turkey. The Erdogan Administration has since alleged that the United States played an active role in the coup attempt, with Erdogan hinting that his former ally and current arch-nemesis, Fethullah Gulen, was a "pawn" in US military and intelligence operations. Turkish newspapers have gone one step further, publishing pictures of a top US general under the headline, "The Man Behind the Coup." © AP Photo/ Xinhua, Zha Chunming South China Sea Ramp-Up: New Chinese Aircraft Carrier’s Shocking Combat Features Erdogan’s belligerent tactics have made himself a source of scorn for many in Europe. The increasingly authoritarian Turkish president demanded that the EU-Turkey refugee deal, critical to political stability in the European Union, be contingent on the streamlined accession for Turkey into the EU, as well as insisting on visa-free travel for Turkish residents within the Schengen Area by October. European leaders are increasingly unwilling to accept these demands, citing human rights violations both before the coup attempt and in a post-coup purge, suggesting that relations between the two are likely to worsen. On Wednesday, Loud & Clear’s Brian Becker sat down with RT’s host of CrossTalk, Peter Lavelle, to discuss the implications of the post-coup political terrain and how a Turkish-Russian reset may play out under prevailing winds that have pushed Ankara further away from the West. ​Do discussions between Erdogan and Putin mark a reset between the countries? "My major takeaway from all of this is that Erdogan knows that he has a number of options in front of him, because he has shown a willingness to reset relations with a number of countries, and maybe to look differently at the West, and I think — with the attempted coup and all of the murkiness around that — it has influenced his thinking," said Lavelle. "The military made it very obvious to Erdogan that Turkey does not need bad relations with Russia, because Erdogan would find himself isolated again, like he did with the crisis in Syria," said the RT host. "Erdogan is taking virtue from necessity here, and the Russians are more than willing to reach out a hand here. Both countries are looking at their national interests, and we can look at Erdogan and Putin, but both countries have an opportunity." "Everything is possible right now, and I think that is what both of these leaders are saying to their domestic audiences, and sitting across from each other on each side of the table. It is a very interesting time, but I don’t think we should be rash in drawing any conclusions," said Lavelle. Will Turkey drift away from NATO and the EU toward Russia? "I think what Turkey is going to do, which any rational power would, is to play off different players to get what it wants most, and that is perfectly natural," said Lavelle. "The Russians are perfectly aware of that. Turkey will not leave NATO anytime soon, but will it leverage its membership to get certain things that it wants regionally? Of course." "I don’t see any black and white that they will completely turn their back on NATO and the European Union, and fall into some kind of Eastern orbit with Russia, China, and Iran," said Lavelle. "It could happen at one point," he suggested.
Putin-Erdogan Meeting Sends 'Strong Message to US, NATO'
Radio Sputnik discussed the recent meeting between Turkish and Russian leaders with Professor Mesut Hakki Casin, a retired military officer who has lectured in military schools on international relations and international law for the last 16 years. According to the expert, the meeting between Russia and Turkey is a positive sign, showing that the countries are opening a new page in their relations. "The two leaders' meeting in St. Petersburg reflects the perfect timing for a quick response to changing world affairs," the expert said. According to Prof. Dr. Hakki Casin, the meeting was very important for Turkey especially in the wake of the recent coup attempt. During the meeting, Putin and Erdogan announced that both countries were ready to restore relations and enhance economic and political cooperation. Moreover, the two leaders discussed ways to resolve the ongoing Syrian crisis and eliminate terrorism. "Putin and Erdogan, in my opinion, have shown distinguished leadership and determination in the ongoing Syria crisis," the expert said. "I hope, and this is very critical, that Turkey and Russia decide on a joint military and diplomatic mechanism," he stated, adding that solving the Syrian crisis will stop mass refugee inflows to Europe and Turkey. The expert also argued that Turkey and Russia have similar interests not only in Syria, but also in also in the Black Sea and Caucasus, in particular with regard to the resolution of the Karabakh conflict. Moreover, the reconciliation between the two countries shows that there is new alliance being formed which increases Turkey's independency from the West, he said. "Russia and Turkey have sent a strong messages to the United States and to the allies of the NATO", the expert said.
China Launches Construction of First Domestically Manufactured Icebreaker
China on Tuesday began the construction of the first domestically manufactured icebreaker at the Jiangnan Shipyard in Shanghai. BEIJING (Sputnik) — According to the Shanghai Daily newspaper, the ship numbered H2560 is expected to set off for the first Arctic expedition in 2019. The length of the new icebreaker will be some 400 feet, width is planned to reach some 70 feet while the displacement will amount to 13,990 tonnes, it will be able to break ice of up to five feet thick. In July, media reported that the vessel's construction budget would amount to some $$153 million. At the moment, China has a Xuelong, or Dragon Snow icebreaker which was purchased from Ukraine in 1993 and subsequently renovated. It has since completed some 40 research missions. China began to conduct Arctic research expeditions since 1999.
India to Start Civilian Flights Near Disputed Border With China
India has decided to open up its military airport near the disputed border with China to civilian flights. Its nationalists have applauded India’s resolve to develop its region near the border as a counterbalance to Chinese interest and influence. © AFP 2017/ STR India on Track to Unveil Most Advanced Version of Tejas LCA – New Delhi (Sputnik)India’s decision to utilize its newly constructed Tuting military airport near the China border for civilian flights is being hailed by Narendra Modi supporters as indicative of the current Government’s resolve to stare down China. India now wants to develop its frontier region as a tourist destination so that it can populate remote areas close to Line of Actual Control (LAC) as the de facto border with China is called. Starting civilian aircraft in a frontier region may have deeper significance in terms of counterbalance Chinese aggression in frontier region. But the truth is more prosaic. The landmark 1996 India-China agreement on maintaining peace and tranquility on the border contains no provisions about civilian flights near the border. The 2005 protocol that further defines the 1998 only prohibits military flights 10 km from the LAC. The newly constructed Tuting ALG is just 18 miles away from LAC and is the second Indian town on the River Siang (Yarlung Tsangpo in China). The ALG at Tuting was inaugurated by Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh Pema Khandu in the presence of Eastern Air Command chief C Hari Kumar. The ALG has been upgraded with a full-fledged runway and all the associated facilities and will be also used for civilian purpose as well. “With ALGs being operationalised in Tuting, Mechuka, Aalo, Pasighat, Ziro and Vijoynagar, it will now boost connectivity within the state apart from providing vital impetus to the state’s tourism industry and contribute to the local economy,” says Khandu. Apart from Tuting, the IAF will permit a regular flight to Pasighat as well. In August this year, the Sukhoi-30MKI made its first landing at Pasighat which is 62 miles from the China border. The Pasighat landing strip had remained unused since the Sino-Indian war of 1962. The previous Government had taken the decision to reactivate all unused air strips along the China border in Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh. Never miss a story again - sign up to our Telegram channel and we'll keep you up to speed!
Construction of $$6.6Bln Transport Corridor Over Zhujiang River Begins in China
Works to build a 15-mile-long transport corridor linking the banks of the Zhujiang River kicked off on Thursday in southeastern China, local media reported. © Sputnik/ Irina Litvak Russia, China Begin Construction of Bridge Across Amur River – BEIJING (Sputnik)The $$6.6-billion project includes a system of motorway bridges and tunnels as well as artificial islands in the river mouth close to the city of Shenzhen, a shopping and business metropolis, according to Xinhua news agency. The transport corridor will have eight two-way lanes and a design speed of over 60 mph, reducing the travel time between the two banks to 20 minutes from two hours. The construction is part of a plan announced by Chinese authorities last spring. They reportedly want to invest some $$725 billion in transport infrastructure. Never miss a story again — sign up to our Telegram channel and we'll keep you up to speed!
Russia, China Begin Construction of Bridge Across Amur River
The construction of the Amur River bridge between Blagoveshchensk and China’s Heihe has begun in Blagoveshchensk area, a representative of the Russian regional government said Saturday. © Sputnik/ Svetlana Mayorova Bridge Between Russia, China Across Amur River to be Built in 2018 BLAGOVESHCHENSK/BEIJING (Sputnik) — The construction of a bridge across the Amur River connecting the Russian city of Blagoveshchensk and China’s Heihe has begun in Blagoveshchensk area, a representative of the Russian regional government said Saturday. "A solemn opening ceremony was held. The construction of the cross-border bridge across the Amur River was commenced," the representative told RIA Novosti. The governor of Russia's Amur Region, Alexander Kozlov, and representatives of authorities of the Chinese Heilongjiang province took part in the ceremony, according to the Representative. The bridge would increase the turnover of cargo by approximately 10 million tonnes and significantly shorten the distance for shipments through Heilongjiang to Moscow and Khabarovsk. Russia and China also plan to construct another bridge across the Amur River, between the city of Tongjiang in China's Heilongjiang Province and Nizhneleninskoye in Russia’s Jewish Autonomous Region.
Trump Toys With China Over Taiwan, 'Has Yet to Determine a Red Line'
US President-elect Donald Trump's statement on the One-China policy regarding relations with Taiwan may be fraught with far-reaching consequences, political analyst Dmitry Mikheyev told Sputnik. In an interview with Sputnik, political analyst Dmitry Mikheyev warned that US President-elect Donald Trump's statement on the One-China policy will have serious repercussions with respect to US-China relations. Late last week, Trump said that he would not stick to the One-China policy on relations with Taiwan. Trump also addressed a note of protest from China filed over his earlier phone call with the president of Taiwan, saying that he does not want Beijing dictating to him. "I don't know why we have to be bound by the one China policy unless we make a deal with China having to do with other things, including trade," Trump said in Sunday's interview with FOX News in response to a question on China's reaction to his earlier phone conversation with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen. According to Dmitry Mikheyev, a diplomatic showdown between Beijing and Washington may finally lead to an economic war between the two countries. In this regard, he referred to Trump's electorate, who demand, taking measures against China. The country is seen by them as the United States' arch-foe. "An economic war between China and the United States really is in the pipeline. During his election campaign, Trump pointed his finger at China, which he said is the cause of what is now happening in America, [that it's been] hit by de-industrialization. While the American middle class becomes impoverished, high-tech industry moves away to China," Mikheyev said. © AFP 2017/ GREG BAKER Big Trouble With Big China: Trump's Taiwan Comments Spark Outrage in Chinese Media Now that the United States and China are in a war of words over Taiwan , it should be perceived in the context of the economic impoverishment of the US middle class, which remains a huge problem," he stated. Mikheyev also said that Trump wants China to make significant economic concessions with respect to the United States. "Trump does not want to start a war of tariffs because it will be a tremendous crisis for the world economy; he seeks instead to force China to increase the yuan exchange rate and take other steps. Trump, of course, does not want a full-fledged economic war and he is trying to find an instrument [to put] pressure on Beijing. But China is already so powerful that it can destroy the US financial system," he pointed out. "In this vein, Trump has yet to determine a 'red line' that cannot be crossed in Washington's relations with China," Mikheyev concluded. Speaking at a news briefing earlier this week, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Geng Shuang said that "we ask the new administration of the United States and all of the officials to fully understand the high level of sensitivity of the Taiwanese issue." He added that "maintenance of the One-China policy is critical in order to avoid the deterioration of US-Chinese relations in the future." Shuang also emphasized that the Taiwanese issue is a subject of government sovereignty and territorial integrity, with the One-China policy being a cornerstone of US-Chinese relations. A phone call between Trump and the Taiwanese President broke with the White House's four-decade-long adherence to the One-China policy regarding what Beijing considers a breakaway province. Trump became the first US President-elect to speak with a Taiwanese leader in an official capacity since the United States severed ties with the island nation in 1979 in favor of improving relations with Beijing. Never miss a story again — sign up to our Telegram channel and we'll keep you up to speed!
Martin Walsh, Jd Rucker, Dan Spencer, Susan Wright, Brad Slager, Joe Cunningham, Jim Jamitis, Posted At Pm On March
Christian Student Challenges Muslim Prof’s Claim Jesus Wasn’t Crucified, Then Gets Suspended
A student from Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida claims he was suspended for challenging his Muslim professor’s anti-Christian assertions, including her assertion that Jesus’ crucifixion never occurred. Marshall Polston, 20, is claiming that his Middle Eastern Humanities professor also told students that Jesus’ disciples “did not believe he was God.” Polston, a self-described Christian who has toured the Middle East, says he is familiar with the Muslim culture. “Honestly, it reminded me of some of the more radical groups I researched when abroad,” Polston told the Central Florida Post when asked about his professor’s comments. “Whether religious or not, I believe even those with limited knowledge of Christianity can agree that according to the text, Jesus was crucified and his followers did believe he was divine… that he was ‘God,'” he said. “Regardless, to assert the contrary as academic fact is not supported by the evidence,” he added. Polston said he stands behind his assertions in the Post article, adding that he is very upset that he was suspended for voicing his opinion. “Our university should be a place where free-speech flashes and ideas can be spoken of without punishment or fear of retribution,” Polston said. “In my case it was the total opposite. … I came forward with the story because I know so many other students like me suffer under today’s liberal academic elite.” The Central Florida Post reports that it tried several times speak with officials from Rollins College and Professor Zufari, but never received any comment back. Polston claims that after he challenged professor Zufari’s assertions about Jesus and his disciples, professor Zufari filed a complaint with a campus dean, claiming he made her feel “unsafe.” Following the complaint, Polston received a 52 percent grade on a major essay from the same professor. “I was upset, understandably. I’ve never gotten anything less than straight A’s, so I was really interested in figuring out how to possibly improve or at least understand the grade,” Polston told the Post. “I spoke out to the professor about the grade and subsequently the decapitation comments made by the student,” Polston said. “The statement by the conservative Muslim student met such fear by some that one of the students reported it to the FBI. Later, I was reported by the professor to the dean of campus safety. The situation was surreal. We’ve already had one too many attacks in Orlando and as an avid traveler I realized this was the perfect example of ‘see something, say something.'” Zufari took the situation much further by posting on the ACLU Florida Facebook page: “An unnamed student is making my life hell this semester. This one is spewing hatred at me, derailing class, and just sent me a hateful email threatening me…I want to know if there is a way to hold the individual responsible for his harassment and hate speech. Any ideas? Thank you!” This is not the first time Rollins College has acted acted unfavorably against Christian students. In 2013, the Orlando Sentinel reported that “college officials kicked a Christian group off of campus for their conservative beliefs and threatened to pull funding from Christian student groups that would not allow non-Christian students to be in the club’s leadership.” Later that year, Fox News reported that students were told that they could not hold private Bible studies in their dorm rooms. It seems that the Left loves free speech until you say or do something they do not agree with.
Jim Jamitis, Brad Slager, Dan Spencer, Jd Rucker, Susan Wright, Brandon Morse, Posted At Pm On August
Network Solutions Takes Over Oldest White Supremacist Site’s Domain
Network Solutions, Inc. (NSI) has handled internet domain registration for decades and now they have revoked the domain for the oldest white supremacist site on the web. NSI has blocked all usage of the domain for spreading hate and allegedly being connected to murder. The founder of the internet’s oldest white supremacist site said he was trying to get back online Monday after a company revoked its domain name following complaints that it promotes hatred and is linked to dozens of murders. Don Black, a former Ku Klux Klan leader who has operated since 1995, said he didn’t receive any warning before Network Solutions blocked the use of the name on Friday. had more than 300,000 registered users, Black said, with traffic increasing since a violent white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Popular with the KKK and neo-Nazi groups, the site included forums where users sometimes promoted white power events. “I’m talking to my lawyers, and that’s about all I can do right now,” Black, of West Palm Beach, Florida, said in a telephone interview. “I can switch to another domain, but it might wind up the same way.” Stormfront has been praised by David Duke for being the first site devoted to protecting the rights of white people. The Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law said the shutdown followed complaints it filed with Network Solutions alleging the site promotes not only hate speech, but deadly violence. A spokesman for Network Solutions didn’t immediately return an email seeking comment. Users of Black’s website have been implicated in more than 100 killings, according to the complaint, including 77 people slain by neo-Nazi Anders Breivik at a camp in Norway in 2011. Neo-Nazi site Stormfront has been temporarily taken down — Engadget (@engadget) August 29, 2017 Looking at this strictly in terms of internet content, Black stands to lose an immense amount of data if NSI decides to delete The site has been operating for 20 years and has in excess of 300,000 registered users. The post-Charlottesville removal of neo-Nazi content from various web sources continues to power on as the long-standing website Stormfront has, for now, been taken down. A Whois search shows that domain provider Network Solutions LLC has put a hold on the website and as the Knoxville News Sentinel reports, the hold prohibits the site from being updated, transferred or deleted. If the domain provider decides to delete Stormfront, any subsequent version hosted elsewhere would have to be recreated from scratch. While no one should mourn the loss of a neo-nazi web site or its garbage content, this does raise the questions about freedom of speech. The Electronic Frontier Foundation issued warnings about this recently when shut down another white supremacist site earlier this month. The EFF acknowledged that the “situation is deeply fraught” legally and otherwise. “All fair-minded people must stand against the hateful violence and aggression that seems to be growing across our country,” the EFF wrote. “But we must also recognize that on the Internet, any tactic used now to silence neo-Nazis will soon be used against others, including people whose opinions we agree with.” It seems to be a fairly common phenomenon these days. Many people approve of or even celebrate actions like this taken against obviously bad elements in society, but they don’t stop to consider that it sets a dangerous precedent. In the current political climate where disagreement gets classified as “hate,” it isn’t hard to imagine similar actions being taken against groups far more benign than neo-Nazis.
Trump Asks Boeing to 'Price Out' F/A-18 Due to Huge Price Tag for New F-35
President-elect Donald Trump said in a statement on Thursday evening he has asked the airplane manufacturer Boeing to list a price for the F/A-18 Super Hornet combat aircraft due to high cost of Lockheed Martin’s F-35 fifth generation multirole jets. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — The news comes after Trump met with the chief executives of two of the biggest US defense contractors, Boeing and Lockheed Martin, to discuss cost overruns for the F-35 fighter jet. "Based on the tremendous cost and cost overruns of the Lockheed Martin F-35, I have asked Boeing to price-out a comparable F-18 Super Hornet!" Trump stated in the message via Twitter on Thursday. Based on the tremendous cost and cost overruns of the Lockheed Martin F-35, I have asked Boeing to price-out a comparable F-18 Super Hornet! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 22 декабря 2016 г. ​According to CNBC, Lockheed Martin shares fell 1.7 percent after the Trump tweets about the F-35 and F-18 programs as Boeing shares climbed 0.6 percent. After Trump's statements, Boeing endorsed president-elect's aspirations in a Twitter post. "Ready to work with Donald Trump's administration to affordably meet US military requirements," Boeing tweeted late on Thursday. Ready to work with @realDonaldTrump's administration to affordably meet U.S. military requirements. — The Boeing Company (@Boeing) December 22, 2016 ​Boeing’s major rival Lockheed Martin is under pressure for cost overruns on the F-35 multirole jet program, which Trump is threatening to scale back amid cost estimates of nearly $$1.5 trillion over the program’s lifetime.
Middlebury College Archives
Monstrous Woman Tweets out Racist Hate, and You Won't Believe What She Does for a Living
First Snow Covers War-Torn Aleppo
This incredible drone footage shows Aleppo’s first snow of 2016 covering the heavily damaged district of Seif Al-Dawla on December 21, as the last remaining militants depart the city they had inhabited for years. The district reportedly remains one of the last areas of the city to be partially controlled by militants. Syrian Arab Republic flags, however, can still be seen flying on a couple of ruined buildings. The evacuation is ongoing despite harsh weather conditions. Civilians and militants are reportedly gathering in the area to be evacuated later in the day. Across the city, in its western part, the first Christmas celebrations since fighting broke out in the city in 2012 began. In an unfortunate incident on Tuesday, a well-attended Christmas tree-lighting ceremony was disrupted by an explosion which luckily did not result in casualties.
Liquid Biopsy? New Chip Detects Cancer in Tiny Drop of Blood
US scientists have developed a technology to identify and trap metastatic cancer cells, marking a significant improvement in the survival odds of patients suffering from the disease. The spread of cancer from one part of the body to another is notoriously difficult to track but, in order to spread, cancer must travel through the bloodstream. New 'liquid biopsy' devices, created by researchers in Massachusetts, can now detect life-threatening cancer cells floating in the bloodstream before they colonize other parts of the body, Science News Journal reports. The process of tracking cancer as it moves through the bloodstream is relatively new, according to Balaji Panchapakesan, lead project engineer. The small number of cancerous cells, when compared to the body’s ordinary red and white blood cell populations, makes the early discovery of the disease extremely difficult. The new device offers significant improvements over existing fluid biopsies. Perhaps most significantly, it is said to trap between 55-100 percent of floating malignant cells, a significantly-higher rate than current microfluidic chips. The technology is said to catch exosomes as well, a tiny byproduct of cancer cells, that are sensed by the chips carbon nanotubes. Further, the device uses what is called a passive leukocyte depletion strategy, to isolate cancer cells from white blood cells, which are often mistakenly identified as cancerous. Conducting blood tests and testing results can be accomplished in the same day, Panchapakesan said.
Cancer Drug Might Increase Fertility in Chemotherapy Patients Tenfold
The University of Edinburgh has published a new study demonstrating that women who were administered the chemotherapy drug ABVD had a significantly larger amount of eggs than expected, in some cases, ten times as many. Human females are born with a finite supply of eggs, and as they age the viability of the eggs slowly degrades. It has been commonly held that it is impossible for a human female to replenish her supply of eggs, and thus fertility must approach zero as the body ages. However, patients treated with ABVD in Edinburgh’s study had between four and ten times as many eggs as a typical healthy female of their age group. Scientists are baffled as to why this occurred. Evelyn Tefler, the study’s lead researcher, told The Guardian that they attempted the study to examine if ABVD damaged fertility, as most chemotherapy drugs do. Reportedly, the exact opposite is true. Tefler speculated that the egg increase could have resulted because "the harshness of the treatment triggers some kind of shock effect or perturbation which stimulates the stem cells into producing new eggs." Alternatively, the eggs had always been there, and ABVD activated them rather than created them. Tefler claims that the sheer number of eggs makes this scenario unlikely. In all cases the ovarian tissue surrounding the eggs was healthy and undamaged. "The tissue looked more like that of pre-pubescent than adult ovaries. It wasn’t just the fact that there were more immature eggs, it was the way they were organised and clustered," said Tefler. Eggs in women treated with ABVD were not mature and were not ready to be fertilized, at least not yet, and rapidly producing new eggs will not result in a practical impact, if those eggs never reach the stage where they can become a zygote that will eventually become a fetus. The study examined the tissue of just fourteen women, not nearly enough to prove ABVD to be an effective fertility drug for widespread distribution. The scientific community’s response to the study has been divided, with some cautiously seeing it as a highly-promising step in the field of fertility research while others are suggesting that the results are, at best, misleading and inconclusive. Professor Charles Kingsland, a gynecologist with Liverpool Women’s Hospital, called the study "extremely interesting" and added that it "may give an insight as to how the ovary can make new eggs, which previously we thought was impossible." Meanwhile, Professor David Albertini of New York’s Center for Human Reproduction, told The Guardian that the results were more likely a curiosity than a discovery. Tefler has observed that the research is in the beginning stages, and that she is excited to see what results will be revealed through additional testing. "We're at very, very early stages at the moment in terms of understanding the whole process, but it gives us a springboard to allow us to follow through in this research," she told the New Zealand Herald. ABVD is a drug for treating Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. As with all chemotherapy drugs, it has intense side effects, including hair loss, vomiting, lung damage, and treatment-induced leukemia. If a fertility drug can be derived from ABVD that increases a woman’s count of viable eggs, it would be a massive breakthrough in the field of reproductive health.
Russia May Start Particle Accelerator Cancer Treatments by 2020
Pavel Lobachev, the director of the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, said that his institute will do the accelerator in order to begin clinical trials of the latest boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) by 2020. NOVOSIBIRSK (Sputnik) — Russian scientists are planning to begin clinical trials of the latest boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT), which aims to destroy cancer tumors by a particle accelerator, by 2020, Pavel Lobachev, the director of the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, said Monday. "The task is to renovate the building [for the trials] with the help of The Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations, we [Budker Institute] will do the accelerator, so that we could begin clinical trials by 2020," Lobachev told journalists. The director of the Institute of Nuclear Physics also said that in the past year the scientists have been able to reinforce the particle accelerator's capacity to the level that allows to carry out the trials. According to Lobachev, the new goal was to perfect the delivery of the boron compounds into the malignant tumors. Lobachev expressed hope that BNCT program would launch in 2017 and added that it had united a number of Russian research institutes specializing in chemistry, biology, physics and medicine. Never miss a story again — sign up to our Telegram channel and we'll keep you up to speed!
Japan Looks Forward to Using AI for Treating, Diagnosing Cancer
One of the top Japanese cancer research institutions has announced plans to utilize artificial intelligence (AI) to diagnose cancer in early stages. The National Cancer Center of Japan plans to work on a joint project which will introduce artificial intelligence to cancer diagnosis and treatment. The project, developed together with National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology of Japan, among other participants, is supposed to allow diagnosing the diseases in the early stages and developing the most effective treatment plan. According to the press release, this system will utilize a massive database which contains genetic information and results of blood tests and even diagnostic imaging, all accumulated over the years. This database will allow for heuristic detection of cancer markers in the early stages of disease; it will also develop a treatment plan best suited for the patient. According to Hiroyuki Mano, chief of the National Cancer Center, the group working on this project aims to help Japan catch up with other nations in AI use for medical treatment by promoting development through joint efforts in the private, government and academic sectors. The exact AI engine name is undisclosed, but a fiscal report published earlier in November suggest it may be an AI system developed by Japanese FRONTEO company. This is not the only example of incorporating AI into cancer treatment. According to RCR Wireless News, Japanese institutions already seek to implement Watson Oncology, a solution based on IBM's Watson AI engine. According to University of Tokyo Professor Satoru Miyano, this solution was effective enough to start its own record of saved lives already. "With Watson Oncology, we believe we can decrease the amount of time it takes for the latest research and evidence to influence clinical practice across the broader oncology community, help physicians synthesize available information, and improve patient care," reads the press release of New York-based Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Apparently, such mechanisms require time to teach themselves before they can provide assistance to human specialists. "Our subspecialized oncologists are applying their unique expertise — integrating the latest published research with decades of longitudinal data into clinical practice — to teach Watson Oncology," says MSKCC press release. The Japanese scientists from The National Cancer Center believe their system will be fully operational in five years.
Trump Claims Credit for Market Growth, Christmas Shopping
Trump said his victory in the presidential election contributed to the market growth. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — US President-elect Donald Trump said his victory in the presidential election contributed to the market growth and Christmas shopping. The world was gloomy before I won — there was no hope. Now the market is up nearly 10% and Christmas spending is over a trillion dollars! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 26, 2016 ​On November 8, Trump won the US presidential election by gaining a major electoral lead over his rival, Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. The inauguration of the US president-elect will take place on January 20.
Did Obama Actually Help Israel at the UN?
At first glance, Obama inflicted unprecedented diplomatic harm on the US' top ally, but it won't leave any lasting impact because Trump is now inspired to do all that he has to in the next four to eight years in order to repair the perceived damage and turbo-charge relations with Tel Aviv to their best-ever level in history. © AFP 2017/ Andrew Harnik Trouble in Paradise: Netanyahu Summons US Envoy After UNSC Vote on Israeli Settlements Resolution It might sound crazy the first time that someone considers it, but it's worth wondering whether Obama inadvertently helped "Israel" by ordering Samantha Power to abstain from voting on UNSC 2334 , and I kindly ask the reader to bear with me for a few minutes while I elaborate on this controversial point. The historic document which was just passed is rich with condemnation for all sorts of Israeli behavior towards the Palestinians, and it represents one of the greatest diplomatic triumphs ever over Tel Aviv, made all the sweeter by the fact that the Obama Administration passively let it happen through its unprecedented abstention. About that decision, it's no secret that Obama and Netanyahu have a deep personal animosity against one another in spite of the fraternal workings of their respective "deep states" (the permanent military, intelligence, and diplomatic bureaucracies). The outgoing lame duck likely wanted to send a last and unforgettable insult to his hated rival, and in that sense, he wildly succeeded. Much media attention has since been made about how "bad" UNSC 2334 is for Israel, and activists on all sides of the debate are portraying it as a major blow to Tel Aviv's international diplomatic prestige. That's definitely true on paper, but in practice, Israel never had this mythically unblemished reputation that many voices are inferring, as it has always been the US' veto power which had hitherto safeguarded it from "formal" worldwide opprobrium ever since its establishment. Now that such a reality is irreversibly part of the past, it's time to consider exactly what's changed in a concrete way ever since UNSC Res. 2334 was passed. For as symbolic of a document as it is and as hard-hitting as its words are, there's really no enforcement mechanism that can be applied in making sure that Israel abides by the Security Council's ruling. While one can speculate about the actions that some countries may seek to take as a result of this resolution, the inconvenient truth is that most of the Great Powers (Iran excluded) probably won't do anything significant to pressure Tel Aviv because they each have their own vested economic and strategic interests in cooperating with it on friendly terms. Moreover, whatever actions they do take will expectedly be of a largely symbolic nature to coincide with their newly enthused rhetoric, though the one crucial development which might progressively unfold is that Russia takes the lead in organizing another round of Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations. © AFP 2017/ NICHOLAS KAMM Lame Duck's Last Steps: This is How Obama Wants to Complicate Life for Trump Still, this doesn't explain how Obama might have inadvertently helped Israel at the UN, so in order to get to that point, the analysis must shift to some words about President-elect Donald J. Trump and his declared response to the UN's decree. The incoming President has loudly expressed his loyal support for the US' chief international ally on multiple occasions, and the aftermath of UNSC Res. 2334 was no different. Taking to Twitter, Trump condemned the document and vowed that things will be different at the UN once he's in office. His words are key to understanding precisely how Obama's personal parting shot against Netanyahu will likely backfire in the most grand and unintended ways possible. Trump already demonstrated his Zionist credentials by promising to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and relocate the American Embassy to there from Tel Aviv, but now his geopolitical zealotry is super-charged out of his interconnected desires to assist the US' closest ally during its pressing time of perceived international need and to embarrass his predecessor by completely reversing what he had done. Prior to this event, Trump was very outspoken about his resistance to the Iranian nuclear deal that the Obama Administration had clinched, pledging to either renegotiate the entire agreement or scrap it outright. © REUTERS/ Carlo Allegri/File Photo Trump Claims UNSC Anti-Israel Resolution Will Inhibit Middle East Settlement Now, however, he's pivotally inspired to move extra fast in this regard out of what he sees as the urgent need to undo the diplomatic damage that Obama had vengefully inflicted in the most symbolic manner possible, pushed to do so not only to assure the US' number one ally that Washington unwaveringly stands with Tel Aviv no matter what, but also to show Obama that he's a failure and that the elements of his legacy which he was most personally invested in (UNSC Res. 2334, Obamacare, "Assad must go", the Cuban rapprochement, the New Cold War, etc.) stand to be undone in an instant if he so chooses. At this point in time, Obama's rivalry with Netanyahu is inseparably linked to the one which he has with Trump, and the President-elect is well aware of this and thus interprets the Commander-In-Chief's decision to order Ambassador Powers to abstain from voting on UNSC Res. 2334 as an unforgivable insult against him personally. In hindsight, Obama was never sincere about helping the Palestinians against Israel because he of all people knows about the close "deep state" collaboration between Washington and Tel Aviv (which he himself strengthened through a recent 10-year $$38 billion weapons deal), but he opted to exploit this globally renowned issue as a convenient excuse for making an historically antagonistic gesture against his two opponents while he still had the presidential power to do so. The views expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Sputnik.
‘Biological Assassin’ Cells Injected Into Brain Successfully Treats Cancer
An experimental brain-cancer treatment successfully eliminated tumors in a man’s brain, according to a report in the New England Journal of Medicine. The treatment, which involves injecting cancer-killing cells into the part of the brain that produces spinal fluid, has been called ‘striking’ and ‘remarkable’ by neurosurgeons in early-stage testing. 50-year-old Richard Grady was diagnosed with a brain tumor known as a glioblastoma, or GBM tumor. The American Brain Tumor Association describes GBM tumors as "usually highly malignant," "[growing] rapidly," and "difficult to treat." Rare Disease Report writes that GBM tumors develop rapidly, and that the life expectancy for patients who develop a GBM tumor is 12 months, even with treatment. Grady received the typical treatment of surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, but it proved ineffective and his cancer returned within six months. Grady was then enrolled in a clinical trial which experimented with CAR-T cell therapy, a treatment technique in which immune cells known as T-cells are modified in a lab to become "biological assassins" that seek and destroy cancerous cells. CAR-T therapy is usually used to treat bloodborne cancers, but doctors at City of Hope cancer center in Duarte, California, believe it may also be effective against solid tumors. Initially, CAR-T therapy had limited effectiveness for Grady. His tumors continued to grow and the cancer spread to his spine. But when doctors placed a tube into Grady's brain and injected CAR-T cells into the choroid plexus, the part of the brain that produces cerebrospinal fluid, the results were dramatic. His spinal fluid carried the specialized cells throughout his nervous system, where they attacked and destroyed the cancer. The tumors in his body shrank dramatically after three treatments, disappearing entirely after ten. Although Grady's cancer has since recurred, City of Hope neurosurgery chief Dr. Benham Badie has been very impressed with Grady's reception to the new therapy. Patients in his position typically live for only a few weeks, so Grady, to have lived for over a year and a half, is impressive. The side effects of the treatment, including headaches, muscle aches, and fatigue, were reported to be manageable. "I believe these recent results show we have a potential breakthrough treatment that may have a remarkable impact on patients with malignant brain tumors," said Badie. © AP Photo/ Stephan Savoia Cancer Research Invaluable, Deaths Predicted to Fall by 15% Over Next 20 Years Grady is one of nine to be treated at City of Hope with CAR-T cells dripped directly into the brain via a tube. Badie said that seven of the nine subjects responded favorably to the treatment. "The most exciting thing about our study is that it proves a better treatment may be attainable," said study lead Dr. Christine Brown. She called the successes of their experiment against GBM tumors "unheard of." Co-author Dr. Stephen Forman called the research promising, suggesting that it could be used to treat a variety of cancers."Our CAR-T program here is focused not only on leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma, but also on solid tumors including breast cancer, liver cancer and brain cancer, as a way to try to make effective immunotherapy options for difficult-to-treat cancers," he said. City of Hope is only one of a handful of cancer centers in the United States studying the use of CAR-T as a treatment against solid tumors.
Trump Poised to Nullify Obama's Executive Orders, Turn to Russia, Distance China
US President-elect Donald Trump may cancel about 70 percent of President Barack Obama' decrees in the immediate future, according to former House speaker Newt Gingrich. © AFP 2017/ NICHOLAS KAMM Lame Duck's Last Steps: This is How Obama Wants to Complicate Life for Trump Up to 70 percent of outgoing US President Barack Obama's executive orders may be annulled by President-elect Donald Trump in the near future, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich was quoted by Fox News as saying. "I think in the opening couple days, he's going to repeal 60 to 70 percent of Obama's legacy by simply vetoing out all of the various executive orders that Obama used because he couldn't get anything through Congress," Gingrich said. Commenting on the matter, RIA Novosti political analyst Vladimir Ardayev recalled that in his election program, Trump mentioned a number of points pertaining to the US Administration's policy, which he said will be drastically changed. Trump's program includes a major tax reform, changes in migration law, the removal of all restrictions on extracting minerals, as well as the modification of investment and trade policies. In addition, he promised that in the first hundred days of his presidency, he would abolish the health care reform plan known as Obamacare, Ardayev said. "On foreign policy, the President-elect is going to review the situation in the Middle East, where he said the United States should cooperate with Russia and Syrian President Bashar Assad to jointly defeat terrorism," Ardayev added. According to Trump, the US's main geopolitical enemy is China rather than Russia, Ardayev said, referring to Trump's plans to introduce a number of restrictive trade and economic measures against Beijing. The implementation of such a program will prompt Trump to use many current laws and adopt a raft of new ones, the Russian expert said, adding that Barack Obama managed to initiate and sign a number of normative acts which are directly out of line with the intentions of his successor. In particular, the Obama administration has introduced a ban on offshore oil drilling in the Arctic for at least five years, while expanding sanctions against Russia due to the situation in Ukraine. This is something that Trump will be unable to cancel in the immediate future, Dmitry Abzalov, head of the Moscow-based Center for Strategic Communications think tank said, citing "the existence of a certain political and legal field which may seriously hamper the activities of the new Administration and the new President." Actually, Obama is now driving Trump into the trap because upon entering office, the new President will have to deal with cancelling Obama's decrees rather than focusing on the implementation of his election program, which may tarnish the Republicans' political image, according to Abzalov. He described Newt Gingrich's statement "an information counter-attack aimed at pouring cold water on the outgoing Democratic President and stop him from lawmaking activities."
Israel Views UN Security Council Settlements Resolution as Hostile Act
Zeev Elkin, the Israeli Jerusalem affairs and heritage minister, said that the UN Security Council resolution contradicts the Oslo Accords between Israel and Palestine. © REUTERS/ Carlos Barria Israel May Bring Controversial Settlement Bill to Early Vote; PM Asks for Calm MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Israel considers a resolution adopted by the UN Security Council condemning Israeli settlements in the West Bank as a hostile act, regretting that its partners voted in favor of the document, Zeev Elkin, the Israeli Jerusalem affairs and heritage minister, told Sputnik on Monday. On Friday, the UN Security Council passed a resolution initiated by New Zealand, Venezuela, Malaysia and Senegal in a 14-0 vote. The resolution states that Israel should immediately and completely cease all settlement activities on "occupied Palestinian territory," including in East Jerusalem. "We very much regret that a number of countries with which we have very good neighborly relations, voted in favor of this resolution, including Russia. We perceive this resolution as a hostile act against Israel and therefore, we express our dissatisfaction with the ways that we have available," Elkin, who is also the minister of environmental protection and a member of the security committee, said. © REUTERS/ Ronen Zvulun/File Photo Netanyahu: Israel Will Review Relations With UN After Resolution on Settlements Elkin also noted that the UN Security Council resolution contradicts the Oslo Accords between Israel and Palestine. “Unilateral steps by the Palestinians in the international arena are also contrary to the agreements between Israel and the Palestinians in the framework of the Oslo agreements. Russia is one of the guarantors of this agreement, and this is a great, in my view, mistake to allow this unilateral Palestinian appeal to the international bodies,” Elkin said. The Oslo Accords are a set of agreements signed in the 1990s between the Israeli government and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). They provide the founding principles of the self-government arrangements on the Palestinian territories and mark the start of a peace process aimed at fulfilling the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination. Following the adoption of the resolution, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu summoned 14 ambassadors of the UN Security Council (UNSC) member states, as well as cancelling international negotiations. Over 500,000 Israeli settlers live in East Jerusalem and the West Bank, which Israel captured during the 1967 war. The settlements are considered illegal by the United Nations.
GOP Bigwigs Slam UNSC Settlement Resolution, Obama; Echo Calls to Defund UN
US Senator Ted Cruz has joined Senator Lindsey Graham in calling for the US to stop funding the UN until it reverses its December 23 Security Council resolution demanding an end to Israel's settlement building projects on occupied Palestinian land, which are illegal under international law. Former Governor of Arkansas Mike Huckabee, once a GOP candidate for president, also condemned the resolution, saying the US's decision to abstain from the vote — rather than using its veto power, as it has in the past — left him in a "rage." — Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) December 24, 2016 "This is about right and wrong. This is about evil [and] good. This is such a clear-cut issue. And I am just beyond, in a seething rage, over what this administration has done in its last days," he told Fox News December 24. He called the move, which comes as President Barack Obama prepares to leave office, "cowardly." — Gov. Mike Huckabee (@GovMikeHuckabee) December 24, 2016 "If you are going to do this do it up front," he said. Huckabee also said current US policy regarding the Israel-Palestine conflict "is never going to work." "First of all the policy we've had is boneheaded. It's a ridiculous policy that we don't apply to any other nation on earth to tell them that if someone attacks you, and you attack back, and defend your country and you end up getting more land — but you are supposed to give that up and let your enemies get even closer to you — you know, that's absurd," he said. Palestine doesn't want peace, Huckabee insisted. "The two-state solution is no solution, it's never gonna work… and the fact is the Palestinians have no intention of ever coming to a peace accord," he added.
France Condemns Russia's Blocking of UNSC Resolutions on Syria - Elysee Palace
France condemns Russia for its activities aimed at blocking the resolutions on the Syrian conflict in the UN Security Council (UNSC), the Elysee Palace said in a statement. MOSCOW (Sputnik) — On Monday, Russia, along with China and Venezuela voted against a draft resolution on Syria, co-sponsored by Egypt, New Zealand and Spain. As both Moscow and Beijing are permanent members of the UNSC, the resolution had been vetoed. "The President of the Republic has raised the issue of consequences of the double veto, which has hampered again the adoption of the UNSC resolution on a tragic humanitarian situation in Aleppo. These systematic blockings from the Russian side support the regime of [Syrian President] Bashar Assad in its destructive logic in regard to the unprotected civilian population," the statement said. Last week, New Zealand, backed by Egypt and Spain, introduced to the UNSC the draft resolution on Syria calling for at least a seven-day halt to all military action in the city of Aleppo. Before the vote, Russian UN Ambassador Vitaly Churkin warned that Moscow thought the draft needed more work and would block it from passing.
France's Fillon May Dramatically Change EU's Stance on Russia if Wins Presidency
UK Member of Parliament Tristram Hunt told Sputnik it will be interesting to find out how the next president of France will impact the European Union’s stance on Russia. WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — Voters in France will elect a successor to the unpopular Socialist President Francois Hollande in two rounds of voting in April and May 2017. The center-right The Republicans nominee Francois Fillon is expected to face National Front leader Marine Le Pen in the runoff. "I think it will be interesting to see what effect the new French Prime Minister has on as it were on Europe well if Fillon wins what the new French President would have on the effect of the European Union’s approach to Russia," Hunt said on Friday. During his campaign, Fillon reaffirmed on different occasions that he intended to normalize ties with Russia. He also supported the idea of protecting national sovereignty, engaging in a hardline approach to dealing with suspected Islamic radicals, implementing a stricter immigration policy and advocating against gay marriage. Relations between Russia and the West have soured amid the crisis in Ukraine. Brussels, Washington and their allies have introduced several rounds of anti-Russia sanctions over Crimea rejoining Russia in 2014 and over Moscow's alleged involvement in the conflict between the eastern Ukrainian militia and Kiev. Russia has repeatedly refuted the allegations, warning that the Western sanctions are counterproductive and undermine global stability.
Palestinian Official Expects 'Difficult Period' Due to Trump's Pro-Israel Bias
Egypt has withdrawn its support for a UNSC resolution condemning the illegal construction of Israeli settlements on Palestinian territory, amid fears the US would veto it. Mustafa Barghouti, leader of the Palestinian National Initiative party, told Sputnik that he expects things to get more difficult once President-elect Trump steps into office. On Saturday, Egypt announced that it had withdrawn its backing of a UN Security Council resolution on the construction of Israeli settlements on Palestinian territory. The draft resolution had passed Security Council voting on Friday, with 14 of 15 permanent and rotating members supporting the initiative, and the US delegation abstaining from the vote. © REUTERS/ Carlos Barria Israel May Bring Controversial Settlement Bill to Early Vote; PM Asks for Calm According to the Egyptian Foreign Ministry, Cairo back-peddled on its support for the resolution in order to "make sure that no country would use its veto power to block [it]." Specifically, the Ministry pointed to President-elect Donald Trump's calls for the current administration to veto the resolution. The US traditionally uses its Security Council veto power to reject resolutions critical of Israel from passing, but this time President Obama instructed the US delegation not to do so, a move that political commentators see as a parting shot at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President-elect Trump. Foreign Ministry spokesman Ahmed Abu-Zeid explained that Egypt made the decision to withdraw its support for the resolution as part of an effort to 'weigh everything carefully', and not to spoil the chances of resolving the issue under the new US president. Speaking to Sputnik Arabic about the drama at the UN, Mustafa Barghouti, leader of the Palestinian National Initiative, which sees itself as a moderate middle ground between Fatah and Hamas, admitted that the Egyptian decision was disappointing. "Unfortunately, this decision by Egypt was a consequence of pressure from the US and Israel," Barghouti noted. "The Egyptian government and people have always supported the Palestinians, and I hope that this will stay the case in the future. This resolution is supported by all Arab countries." Admitting that a resolution at the UN by itself would not actually solve the Palestinian-Israeli issue, Barghouti nonetheless stressed that "we cannot allow anyone to interfere in Arab-Israeli relations, especially when it comes to the question of Palestine." Accordingly, he noted, "if the resolution is not carried out, then we Palestinians will need to appeal to the International Criminal Court and to every other international organization that the US will not be able to influence." Pointing to Israel's plans for "military, political and economic dominance" in the Middle East, Barghouti warned that in a sense, "Israel poses a danger not just to Palestine, but to all countries in the region," Egypt included. For example, he noted, "Israel is now negotiating with Ethiopia on the construction of a dam which would substantially change the amount of water in the Nile that would reach Egypt." Asked how Palestinian-Israeli relations might develop in the future under President Trump, Barghouti said that Palestine is looking at facing a "difficult period" ahead. Pointing to the fact that Trump has effectively successfully pressured Cairo into submission over the UN resolution, and criticized President Obama's stance on the issue, the lawmaker suggested that "all this tells us that the Trump presidency will be a difficult period." For example, Barghouti noted, Trump has picked David Friedman for the post of ambassador to Israel. "This person has been tasked with the transfer of the embassy to Jerusalem, and is known for his fanatical devotion to Israel," the lawmaker stressed. "He personally financially supported the construction of settlements on occupied territories, and called on Israel to partially annex the West Bank," he added. Accordingly, Barghouti said, if Israel continues to push forward with its settlements, and is not censured by Washington, "we will see the violation of international law, and the seizure of the territory of one state by another, by force." "In the end, I'm certain that Trump will veto the resolution. Therefore, there is little time left to act," the politician stressed. Unfortunately, he noted, its possible that the other rotating members of the Security Council may also be influenced to change their positions, as Egypt did.
Palestine to Appeal to UNSC If Israel Fails to Implement Settlements Resolution
Palestinian Ambassador to France Salman Harfi said that if Israeli authorities refuse to abide the UNSC resolution demanding to stop the country's settlement-building policy in the West Bank, Palestine will appeal to the UN Security Council. © REUTERS/ Baz Ratner Israel Views UN Security Council Settlements Resolution as Hostile Act MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Palestine intends to appeal to the UN Security Council in a three-month period if Israel fails to adhere to the resolution demanding to stop the country's settlement-building policy in the West Bank, Palestinian Ambassador to France Salman Harfi told Sputnik on Monday. On Friday, the UN Security Council passed a resolution initiated by New Zealand, Venezuela, Malaysia and Senegal in a 14-0 vote. The resolution states that Israel should immediately and completely cease all settlement activities on "occupied Palestinian territory," including in East Jerusalem. "If Netanyahu refuses to abide to this resolution, we will go back to the Security Council after 3 months and look for ways to condemn his actions such as a decision of the international community to refrain from dealing with Israeli settlements or labeling Israeli goods produced in the occupied territories," Harfi said. He stressed that the resolution highlights the illegality of the settlements. "The whole world is criticizing Israeli settlement policy and recognizes its illegal status. The resolution states that Israel should immediately and completely cease all settlement activities," the ambassador said. © REUTERS/ Ronen Zvulun/File Photo Netanyahu: Israel Will Review Relations With UN After Resolution on Settlements Israeli authorities criticized the resolution and refused to abide by its provisions. Following the adoption of the UNSC resolution, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered the state’s Foreign Ministry to review the UN-Israel relationship, including the issues related to Israeli contributions to UN budget and the presence of the organization’s representatives in the Jewish state. Commenting on the order, Harfi called on the prime minister to stop violating the international law. "Netanyahu is an arrogant person and this resolution is a result of his arrogant policy. He has to revise his policy and stop violating the international law," he concluded. Over 500,000 Israeli settlers live in East Jerusalem and the West Bank, which Israel captured during the 1967 war. The settlements are considered illegal by the United Nations.
France Should Be Flexible With Russia, Current Dialogue Not Enough - Ex-PM
France should be actively cooperate with the Russian partners in order to overcome the Syrian crisis, former French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin said Thursday. MOSCOW (Sputnik) — France should be flexible while keeping a dialogue with Moscow and actively cooperate with the Russian partners, in particular, to overcome the Syrian crisis, former French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin said Thursday. "The authorities say that it is necessary to maintain dialogue with Russia, showing firmness at the same time. However, dialogue is not enough, while firmness alone is unproductive. Diplomacy is movement. It is necessary to take the initiative, to propose to discuss the issues of interest to the Russians, though our diplomacy is hostage to moral principles, which are, of course, important, but prevent us from moving forward," de Villepin told BFMTV channel. He stressed that Russia was interested in global security, and was doing a lot in this sphere. Speaking about the Syrian crisis, de Villepin pointed out that Russia was closely cooperating with Ankara and Tehran to address the problem, while European involvement was decreasing. He also highlighted that there was no military solution to the conflict, and it was necessary to join efforts with other states, in particular Russia, to ensure a better future for Syrian people.
Pentagon Has No Money to Build Next-Gen Tank Rivaling Russian Armata
The US Department of Defense has struggled to readjust to major budget cuts on military spending imposed in recent years, which among other things has apparently led to the US Army lacking the funds to develop and produce next-generation armored vehicles to the M1A2 Abrams and the Bradley Fighting Vehicle (BFV). "I'd love to have replacement programs today for the Abrams and Bradley and lay in plans to go do that," Major General David Bassett, the US Army's program executive officer for ground combat systems, told reporters at the Association of the US Army (AUSA) annual conference. "But it doesn't fit in this portfolio in this budget environment." Developed in the 1970s, the M1 Abrams third-generation main battle tank has been in services with the US military since 1980. The current version of the Abrams, the M1A2, was rolled out in 1992. The Pentagon is currently working on the M1A3 upgrade that will include a lighter 120 mm gun, more durable track, lighter armor, long-range precision armaments, etc. © AFP 2017/ Mindaugas Kulbis U.S. soldiers from the 2nd Battalion, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division at the M1A2 Abrams battle tank during a military exercise at the Gaiziunu Training Range in Pabrade some 60km.(38 miles) north of the capital Vilnius, Lithuania The Bradley Fighting Vehicle (BFV) has also been in service for decades, since 1981. The US Army planned to replace the platform as part of the Future Combat Systems Manned Ground Vehicles program, which was launched in 1999 and canceled a decade later. In 2010, the US Army launched the Ground Combat Vehicle program, which was also meant to replace the Bradley, but pulled the plug on the initiative three years later. "Instead, the Army is incrementally improving its venerable armored combat vehicles to keep them relevant against a rapidly modernizing threat – the Russian Armata family of combat vehicles for example," defense analyst Dave Majumdar explained. Bassett confirmed that there was "room for growth" for both platforms, but admitted that there is a limit on how many more improvements could be made to the existing vehicles. © Flickr/ 1st Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cav Div Bradley infantry fighting vehicles "Even incremental development and improvement will mean that both the M1A2 SEPv.3 and the Bradley will remain potent machines," Majumdar wrote for the National Interest. "Whether the Army's incremental approach will be sufficient to keep pace with Russian and Chinese developments is yet to be seen – but in the current budgetary environment, it's the best the Army can do." In late 2015, the Pentagon made it clear that the agency would have to slow down modernization programs and cut research and development budget to meet requirements set in the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act.
No Analogue: Russia's Armata Tank Blasts Through West's Post-Soviet Expectations
The creation of the state-of-the-art Russian T-14 Armata tank took the West off-guard, military expert Ivan Konovalov told Sputnik. In an interview with Sputnik, military expert Ivan Konovalov said that the West never thought that Russia's military-industrial complex would be able to create the advanced T-14 Armata tank. His interview came after UK military intelligence said in a five-page report that the T-14 is the most breakthrough step in tank design in the last 50 years. "Without hyperbole, Armata represents the most revolutionary change in tank design in the last half century," the report said, citing the vehicle's speed, radar systems and turret design. Commenting on the matter, Konovalov told Sputnik that the West, especially the UK, was highly impressed by the fact that the Russian defense industry could develop, create and actually start mass-producing such a breakthrough tank. "The West still remains in shock about the emergence of the T-14 Armata tank given that the West had repeatedly predicted that the Armata project would never be implemented and that the tank would be a 'soap bubble,'" he said. According to him, the T-14's sophisticated characteristics set a new trend in tank construction. Konovalov said that "the West will have to either create the T-14's analogue or admit that they currently need no tanks on the potential battlefield." "However, modern warfare once again confirmed the significance of the tanks, especially those equipped with a powerful protection system," he said, adding that the T-14 has the most advanced protection system in the world. The Russian Defense Ministry unveiled its next-generation Armata tank at the May 9 Victory Day military parade in Moscow in 2015. New Russian T-14 "Armata" tank size (on the left) compared to the current T-90 tank (on the right) — English Russia (@EnglishRussia1) 29 августа 2016 г. The Armata tank features sophisticated weaponry, a remote control turret and outer armor that explodes on impact to prevent shells from reaching the crew inside. © REUTERS/ David Mdzinarishvili Pentagon Has No Money to Build Next-Gen Tank Rivaling Russian Armata The tank's interior features a capsule that keeps the crew isolated from ammunition and fuel, which can increase chances for the crew's survival if the tank is hit. A digital control system directs the tank's movement, tracks targets and activates its defense systems, freeing the crew from routine tasks so they can focus on key combat functions. Currently, the tank sports the standard 125-mm cannon, but, designers say, it could easily outfitted with a much more powerful 152-mm cannon in the future.
Associate Editor
Obama Uses Jimmy Kimmel’s Baby With Heart Disease To Lobby Against Obamacare Repeal
Former U.S. President Barack Obama speaks during a meeting with youth leaders at the Logan Center for the Arts at the University of Chicago to discuss strategies for community organization and civic engagement in Chicago, Illinois, U.S., April 24, 2017. REUTERS/Kamil Krzaczynski Former President Barack Obama hijacked Jimmy Kimmel’s emotional announcement that his newborn son, Billy, had open heart surgery, using it to defend his signature health care law, which he said is needed “for kids like Billy.” Kimmel announced the successful surgery during his show on Monday night, walking the audience through his emotional rollercoaster as a worried parent. Then he turned to politics. Kimmel knocked Trump for recommending cuts to the National Institute of Health, praised Congress for boosting NIH’s funding and then concluded by offering up praise for Obamacare. “We were brought up to believe that we live in the greatest country in the world, but until a few years ago, millions and millions of us had no access to health insurance at all,” Kimmel said. “Before 2014” — when Obamcare’s pre-existing condition mandate kicked in — “if you were born with congenital heart disease like my son was, there was a good chance you’d never be able to get health insurance because you had a pre-existing condition. You were born with a pre-existing condition. And if your parents didn’t have medical insurance, you might not live long enough to even get denied because of a pre-existing condition,” the comedian said. “If your baby is going to die, and it doesn’t have to, it shouldn’t matter how much money you make. I think that’s something that, whether you’re a Republican or a Democrat or something else, we all agree on that, right?” After Kimmel’s monologue went viral, Obama jumped into the fray on Twitter Tuesday, holding up Kimmel’s son as a reason the Affordable Care Act shouldn’t be repealed. “Well said, Jimmy. That’s exactly why we fought so hard for the ACA, and why we need to protect it for kids like Billy,” Obama said, adding his congratulations. His message was quickly retweeted tens of thousands of times. Well said, Jimmy. That’s exactly why we fought so hard for the ACA, and why we need to protect it for kids like Billy. And congratulations! — Barack Obama (@BarackObama) May 2, 2017 Republicans in Congress are currently trying to agree on a replacement for Obamacare. Follow Hasson on Twitter
Edward Snowden has left a cryptic tweet sparking concern among the masses that his safety is in question. The whistleblower recently tweeted a 64-character hex code that was traced to a bitcoin transaction amounting to 0.000911, leading many to question whether or not this was a dead man’s switch, which is an automatic message that is set to release if the user of an account does not check-in consistently. In Snowden’s case, if he has been captured or killed, it would prompt journalists and friends to release encrypted files. According to Sputnik News, Edward Snowden’s girlfriend thinks that he has been killed while others believe that the tweet was, in fact, a signal by Snowden, ahead of a major document release. The tweet, which was shortly erased, followed a previous message from Edward Snowden and only said, “it’s time,” which came a few days earlier. Of course, while some have come forward to say that Snowden is okay, mystery still surrounds him considering that his Twitter account has been inactive for an extended period, according to Sputnik News. One user who tested Edward Snowden’s message as a private key hash on the bitcoin blockchain said that the amount 0.000911 could have been a distress call from the whistleblower; however, others are saying that it may have been an unintentional hash in a bitcoin transaction. For now, we remain in the dark as to whether or not Edward Snowden’s safety is in question or not.
Cna Daily News - Us
Real Catholic TV service removes ‘Catholic’ from new name
Real Catholic TV service removes ‘Catholic’ from new name (Before It's News) Detroit, Mich., Jun 17, 2012 / 05:03 pm (CNA).- The online network known as Real Catholic TV will omit the term “Catholic” in its new name, after a dispute with the Archdiocese of Detroit about its right to use the term under canon law. Michael Voris, host of the network’s feature “The Vortex,” said in a June 12 video that Real Catholic TV was changing its name to “ChurchMilitant.TV.” Inspiration for the name came from a recent address by Pope Benedict XVI, reflecting on the value of the ancient term for the Church on earth. During that May 22 address, the Pope said that the Latin phrase “ecclesia militans,” referring to the faithful who are striving toward salvation, “bears truth in itself” and reflects the need “to enter into battle with evil.” Voris said the name was chosen to signify the organization’s opposition to the “indifference and lukewarmness” that he sees “both outside, and inside some quarters – many quarters – within the Church.” Along with its new name, ChurchMilitant.TV also has a new TV studio, which Voris promised would be “a bastion, a fort, a fortress on the battlefield, from which great volleys are hurled against the ancient enemy.” During its time as “Real Catholic TV,” the apostolate was told by the Archdiocese of Detroit that it did not have permission to describe itself as “Catholic.” The Roman Catholic Church’s current Code of Canon Law states that “no undertaking is to claim the name ‘Catholic’” without authorization. Voris, the network’s senior executive producer, said in December 2011 that the Archbishop of Detroit did not have authority over Real Catholic TV. The organization is owned and headquartered elsewhere, although its content has been produced within the Detroit archdiocese. “The Vortex” has been criticized over its host’s remarks on Judaism and the validity of modern democracy. In April 2011, the Diocese of Scranton barred Voris from speaking in its parishes and facilities, saying his “extreme positions on other faiths” were “not appropriate.” Read more at CNA Daily News – US Source:
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Photo sparks global outrage over China’s one-child policy
Photo sparks global outrage over China’s one-child policy % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. (Before It's News) Washington D.C., Jun 18, 2012 / 12:03 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Hundreds of thousands of people worldwide have used social networks to protest China’s one-child policy after a photo surfaced of an unconscious mother lying next to her seven-month old aborted fetus. Chinese officials said they are investigating the case which occurred in the northern province of Shaanxi, where police forced Feng Jianmei to undergo an abortion after she was unable to pay the $$6,200 fine levied by the government against those who wish to have more than one child. Feng’s husband posted a photo of the dead baby boy on a popular social network in China. The baby had been given a lethal injection directly into his head, while his mother was strapped to the bed by force. More than half a million Chinese posted comments expressing outrage at the incident, and news of the forced abortion eventually spread to Facebook, Twitter and the international media. In the 1970s China established its one-child per family police, which includes forced abortion and sterilizations. Those who violate the law and have more children are at risk of losing their jobs and paying heavy fines. According to Carlos Polo of the Latin American Office of the Population Research Institute, publicizing these incidents is “the first step towards their eradication.” “Since the first visit to China in 1979 by our president, Steve Mosher, the PRI has sent numerous teams to research the application of the one-child policy,” Polo told CNA. In 2009, the PRI sent a field research team to six countries where the UN Population Fund helped China to apply the policy. Evidence of exorbitant fines, reprisals against families, persecution, forced late-abortions of babies was sent to officials in Washington, D.C. with the recommendation that financing for this population control organization be cut off. “Our work helped to cut millions of dollars in funding which unfortunately the Obama administration has reinstated,” Polo said. Read more at CNA Daily News – US Source:
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US apostolate offers help to Iraqi archbishop and teachers
US apostolate offers help to Iraqi archbishop and teachers % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. (Before It's News) Fort Worth, Texas, Jun 19, 2012 / 12:06 am (CNA).- An archbishop and four teachers from Iraq’s Kurdistan region are receiving help from a Dallas-based Catholic apostolate, in their effort to expand an English-language school for Chaldean Catholics. “We’re helping them improve their English to better tell the school’s story,” explained Dr. James Patrick, a senior fellow of the Walsingham Society, in a June 18 bulletin. The group is hosting the teachers along with Archbishop Bashar M. Warda, head of the Archdiocese of Erbil in Iraq’s north. Patrick said his society wants to assist the “small but growing school in Kurdistan,” in order to help members of Iraq’s historic Catholic community remain in their homeland. The Chaldean Church predates the growth of Islam, but has suffered massive losses during the Iraq War and its aftermath. The four visiting teachers are women in their early twenties who, like Archbishop Warda, follow the unique liturgical and spiritual traditions of Chaldean Catholicism. Their city of Erbil is Iraq’s fourth largest, and is regarded as a regional capital. Members of the Chaldean-rite church have established an International Baccalaureate school, which currently teaches students in four grades and will soon expand to eight. Eventually, administrators hope to establish twelve grades and a college. Founded by graduates and associates of Fort Worth’s College of St. Thomas More, the Walsingham Society seeks to promote Christian culture and classical education. Its members are training the archbishop and teachers, who have a basic command of English, in composition and presentation. Patrick and other Walsingham fellows have been teaching the group for three weeks. “Those who brought them here would be proud” of their progress, the senior fellow said in Monday’s update. “Their visit has helped North Texas, too, to know something about Iraq that has some hope in it,” he remarked. In a recent interview with the National Catholic Register, published June 12, Archbishop Warda recounted the persecution of Iraqi Catholics, while affirming that the country’s Christian minority has “the capability to stay and build a good future for Iraq.” The archbishop told the Register that he hoped to “raise the awareness of the issues in Iraq to build schools and hospitals,” in order to “stay and build the community,” preserving the Chaldean Church’s culture and traditions. The group will leave Dallas on Wednesday, continuing its travels in the U.S. to raise awareness of needs and opportunities within the Iraqi Church. Read more at CNA Daily News – US Source:
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Heart transplant provides new outlook, inspiration on life
Heart transplant provides new outlook, inspiration on life % of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents. (Before It's News) Paterson, N.J., Jun 16, 2012 / 01:04 pm (CNA).- John Trommelen makes certain to devote every Thursday to helping ease the fears of organ-transplant patients at Newark Beth Israel Hospital with simple gestures: a reassuring word or a hug. But this 77-year-old parishioner of St. Bonaventure in Allegany, N.Y. here also calms the anxiety of these patients and their concerned families with help from his two “new” hearts — one physical, the other spiritual. For several years, Trommelen has been traveling weekly to Beth Israel Hospital, where he speaks to patients at all stages of the organ-transplant process — those being evaluated for transplant; those waiting for an organ; those, who have received a transplant; and sadly even those unable to receive an organ. He volunteers for the hospital’s Hearty Hearts Program with a deep understanding about what these patients experience. Trommelen too underwent a successful heart transplant there Aug. 3, 2004 — the date he describes as his rebirth, both physically and spiritually. “I almost died,” said Trommelen, who retired as co-owner of an auto-parts store in 2002, having suffered over the years many health problems, including two open-heart surgeries, due to serious coronary disease, and a battle with skin cancer. “I feel that I owe somebody something. God is saving me for something,” he said. That lifesaving transplant ushered a spiritual “rebirth” in the always-active Trommelen — for an even greater commitment to service to others. He got more involved in ministries at the St. Bonaventure’s, especially those to benefit the poor; Knights of Columbus Council 240; Hearty Hearts program; and the Sharing Network of New Jersey, which promotes organ donation. On any given Thursday, Trommelen brings his compassionate heart for God’s people to Beth Israel Hospital, where he talks to numerous patients, including some difficult cases. He finds it tough to counsel teen-age patients and to those who have been unable to get a new organ and eventually die. Speaking with all these patients reminds this former south Paterson, N.J. resident of his experiences lying in a hospital bed, waiting for an available heart. “Unlike many of these patients, I was not afraid (of transplant surgery). I had no alternative,” said Trommelen, who travels around Beth Israel Hospital with a team of other Hearty Heart volunteers, speaking with patients. “We (volunteers) can tell these patients things that their doctors can’t tell them, unless they have had a transplant. One thing they’ll notice — with the new organ, they’ll feel better. They’ll also realize that they didn’t know just how sick they were,” he said. Trommelen uses “his natural skills, enhanced by his own experience” that “make him an effective counselor for patients and their families. He answers questions, calms fears and eases anxieties,” said pastor of St. Bonaventure parish, Father Daniel Grigassy. Forever thankful to the donor of his “new” heart, Trommelen in turn helps promote organ donation through the Sharing Network of New Jersey. He speaks at local churches, civic groups and businesses. Over the years, Trommelen has opened his “new” heart to the poor by getting more involved in St. Bonaventure’s outreaches. He commits himself to this urban parish’s food collection program, getting donations of countless bags of groceries and hundreds of turkeys and hams in time for the holidays. Also, he volunteers his carpentry skills to refurbish furniture, such as tables, podiums and kneelers in the church. Trommelen also has deepened that sense of compassion during his 16 years in the Knights of Columbus. He has participated in the Citizens with Disabilities Drive and has chaired the council’s food drive and winter coat drive. Trommelen often sorts through piles of donated clothes — sometimes getting them dry cleaned — and then ships them to the Father English Community Center, St. Joseph Parish and Martin De Porres Village, all in Paterson. Also, the Knights have collected toys for needy children, said Trommelen. “I help, because I feel that people need stuff,” said Trommelen, a past grand Knight of the council and former district deputy, who recently accepted an award from the N.J. Knights of Columbus in recognition of the council’s successful food drive. “People are so good in helping us. We couldn’t do all this without them,” he said. It’s no surprise that big-hearted compassion runs through the Trommelen family. His wife of 56 years, Jean, who works at St. Joseph’s Medical Center in Paterson, remains active in charitable activities. So do their children: Mary Jane, Thomas, Lisa and Michael, and their grandchildren. Their son, John Jr., died Dec. 20, 1997 of heart disease, which also runs in the family. Trommelen quickly points out that many of his children and grandchildren have chosen careers of service as teachers, nurses, medical students, police officers and firefighters. Earlier this year, Franciscan Father John O’Connor, provincial minister of Holy Name Province of the Order of Friars Minor, conferred the Francis Medal upon Trommelen in appreciation for his selfless service to the friars and the people of the parish. “I was surprised. Obviously, I don’t do any of this (charitable activities) for recognition,” Trommelen, a 17-year resident of Totowa, N.J., said about the award, which he received from Father Grigassy and Franciscan Father Christopher Van Haight of St. Bonaventure’s on April 21. “We express our gratitude and appreciation to John, who unselfishly gives himself for the building up of the kingdom of God, for his dedication to the common good and especially for his care of the needy and the sick,” Father Grigassy and Father Van Haight wrote of Trommelen, in the parish bulletin. This was not the first time Trommelen was recognized for his service to the Church and others. He also received the Vivere Christus Est Award from the Paterson Diocese last year. “He has embodied the values of St. Francis of Assisi by putting himself last and the work of Christ first,” Father Grigassy said. Posted with permission from The Beacon, official newspaper for the Diocese of Paterson, N.J. 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Eric Metaxas, John Stonestreet
Good News Is No News
Wesley Smith, a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute, recently spoke at an “educational symposium” to support a human cloning ban in Kentucky. At the symposium, Smith and his fellow scholars discussed the ethical and scientific problems with embryonic stem cell research, which creates cloned humans for the purpose of harvesting cells. But they also spent nearly forty-five minutes talking about “exciting” developments in the “morally non-controversial” field of adult stem cell research. And they had plenty to talk about. Scientists have experimented using human umbilical cord blood stem cells in mice and creating human blood vessels that might restore eyesight to patients with diabetes-related blindness. Some diabetes patients have been treated with pancreatic tissue from cadavers, and 80 percent have achieved insulin independence. Muscle tissue has been regenerated in mice with muscular dystrophy. Even spinal cords have been regenerated using gene therapy. All of this happened with adult stem cells. So there was plenty of good news to report. But the Louisville Courier-Journal‘s article on the symposium downplayed this, giving very little space to what adult stem cell research has accomplished. On the other hand, cloning advocates’ dubious claims about what they think they might someday be able to do were reported in detail. Smith adds, “In a curious journalistic approach, cloning supporters from the Universities of Kentucky and Louisville were quoted extensively rebutting our wholly unreported remarks . . . ” Wesley Smith generously refuses to speculate on the reasons, but I’ll speculate. First of all, much of the drive to protect human embryos comes from a pro-life coalition. If there is any disfavored class in American society, it’s pro-lifers. Second, the biotech industry and scientists generally are vehemently opposed to any restrictions on research — forget about moral objections. They believe that there should never be limits on what they can examine. Anybody who proposes any kind of limitations is seen as trying to take away scientists’ freedom. This attitude plays right into the hands of the mainstream press, because it fits their cherished stereotypes about the courageous benefactors of mankind fighting for their independence from narrow-minded, anti-research religious cranks. Stereotypes trump the evidence. The kind of thing also gives the press an opportunity to beat up on President Bush, who has taken the reasoned position of not funding any new embryonic stem cell research lines. So people like Wesley Smith, who are advocating a course that would benefit untold numbers of patients, have been accused of being inhumane toward suffering people. And bad news about embryonic stem cells gets censored — such as the fact that they are causing tumors in animal studies. So when you read the papers and see scientists and stars testifying in Congress about cloning and embryonic stem cell research, beware. Don’t just listen to the rhetoric — look at the evidence. Then help educate your neighbors. In this case, as in so many others, the best scientific answer is also the right one morally. And if the press won’t say it, we must. For further reading and information: In a phone call to March for Life attendees in Washington, D.C., yesterday, President Bush noted that his administration is “opposed to the destruction of embryos for stem cell research” and went on to say that “above all, we must continue with civility and respect to remind our fellow citizens that all life is sacred and worthy of protection.” Visit the website of the President’s Council on Bioethics. Wesley J. Smith, “Stem Cell News That Isn’t Fit for Print,” Daily Standard, 3 December 2003. Wesley J. Smith, “Spinning Stem Cells,” National Review Online, 23 April 2002. Wesley J. Smith, Culture of Death: The Assault on Medical Ethics in America (Encounter, 2002). William Allen, “Cloning opponents to make major push to ban research,” Louisville Courier-Journal, 23 November 2003. (Note the correction at the top of the page; apparently someone managed to get the message through to the editors.) Ted Olsen, “Weblog: Renewed Hope for Adult Stem Cell Research,” Christianity Today Online, 30 December 2003. Steven Ertelt, “Associated Press Corrects Stem Cell Story with Erroneous Info,”, 7 January 2004. Rich Tucker, “What are we missing?”, 4 March 2002. Gina Dalfonzo, “Copying from the Same Script,” BreakPoint Online, 10 November 2003. Learn more about bioethics issues at the Council for Biotechnology Policy website. Sign up for its free monthly “Biotech Policy Update.” Also visit the websites of the Center for Bioethics and Culture and Americans to Ban Cloning for more biotech information. BreakPoint Commentary No. 031007, “Antics with Semantics: Why ‘Pro-Life’ Means Pro-Life.” A great resource for pastors, church leaders, and everyone concerned with pro-life issues, the BreakPoint Culture of Life Packet includes the Family Research Council booklet, “Building a Culture of Life: A Call to Respect Human Dignity in American Life,” and a “BreakPoint This Week” CD interview with William Saunders of Family Research Council in which he discusses what citizens can do to make a difference for life. The CD also includes a speech by Dr. Robert George, “Bioethics and the Clash of Orthodoxies.”
President-Elect Donald Trump attended the 117th Army-Navy Game today in Baltimore, Maryland. The TROOPS – cadets and midshipmen – Erupted as Trump entered the stadium today! Troops Erupt in Cheers as Trump Enters Army Navy Game #ArmyNavyGameDay — Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) December 10, 2016 Presidents attending Army-Navy is a long tradition. Donald Trump’s already joining in — US & World News (@sidneydborger0) December 10, 2016 Rudy Giuliani joined Donald Trump at the game today. President elect Trump is joining a tradition of nine previous presidents in attending the game today. source
Hillary Reveals Sickening Thing She Wants To Be Buried With… Take A Guess
During her presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton showed America that she isn’t exactly operating on all cylinders. Throughout the investigation into her misuse of a private email server, many disturbing personal details were outed. It appears things are only going to get weirder from here. In an interview with The New York Times, Clinton said made some bizarre remarks about being buried after she dies. “I want to be buried with my editorial endorsements,” she said in the interview. “I want an open casket and they can all be piled on top of me. You won’t even be able to see my body.” The reporter did her best to dismiss the comment as “gallows humor,” but we’re not buying it. Clinton’s aide Nick Merrill took the comment to be a final brag about the fact that all but 19 American newspapers sided with Hillary over Donald Trump. It’s clear that Hillary cannot cope with the fact that she lost an election everybody thought she would win. “I beat both of them,” Clinton said about Trump and Bernie Sanders. She then claimed, “I had people literally seeking absolution” for not voting. “I would have won had I not been subjected to the unprecedented attacks by Comey and the Russians, aided and abetted by the suppression of the vote, particularly in Wisconsin,” She added.
John Stonestreet, Eric Metaxas, Peter Mead, Just One Of Many Voices, Gina Dalfonzo
BreakPoint: Time to Thicken up the Church
Are our churches truly leaving a mark on people? Or another way to think about it: Are our churches thick or thin? What’s the difference between a job and a vocation? Or a collection of people and a team? Well, according to New York Times columnist David Brooks, the difference is thickness. “A thick institution,” Brooks writes, “becomes part of a person’s identity and engages the whole person: head, hands, heart and soul.” Brooks tells of the Incarnation summer camp in Connecticut where he worked as a young man. When a former Incarnation co-worker died recently, the camp community came together, reaching out to his relatives in their grief and to one another in theirs. One posted a camp reunion photo with the caption, “My Family.” As Brooks writes, “Some organizations are thick, and some are thin. Some leave a mark on you, and some you pass through with scarcely a memory. I haven’t worked at Incarnation for 30 years,” he said, “but it remains one of the four or five thick institutions in my life.” According to Brooks, thick organizations—whether schools, employers, or something else—often share a physical location, where people meet regularly, face to face, and frequently, for a meal. Thick institutions often have and practice shared rituals—such as fasting or reciting a song or a theme. There’s often what might be called a “sacred origin story,” and many members can tell of personal rescue or redemption, and usually can quickly articulate a common ideal—just think about Semper Fi for the Marine Corps. Membership is not a means to get something for themselves, but a way to be part of something bigger than themselves, for the greater good. Now I find it interesting, telling in fact, that throughout this terrific description of “thick” institutions, Brooks never once uses the word “church” in his column. Isn’t this exactly what churches should be? Think of the first-century church in Jerusalem as described in Acts 2 or the persecuted house church communities in China. The church was established by Christ to be the place of our primary relationships and loyalty, where individuals and families both invest of themselves and receive help, encouragement, rebuke and blessing. But in the age of “dating the church,” it’s too often a consumerist experience, in which leadership is forced to outdo itself each week to attract parishioners who are more shaped by consumerism than the Gospel itself. Some churches, so afraid of losing attendees, have embraced a consumer model that offers all kinds of life advice and programming, but little that is distinct from the culture. A recent study revealed that growing churches are the theologically conservative ones: with leaders who believe that Jesus really rose from the dead, that salvation is only available in Christ, and following Christ calls us to culturally unpopular commitments. But it’s more than just the right beliefs; it has to be the right practices, too—inviting believers to embrace the faith once delivered through shared worship, repentance, and calling. And of course, by caring for one another. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg said recently that Facebook can provide community and a sense of belonging like churches do. But Facebook is a thin community at best, an illusion of true community. As one online commenter quipped, Facebook won’t show up at your door with 50 casseroles after you have a baby or lose a loved one. Being connected is not the same as being in relationship. And we ought to remember this, in an age of thin connections masquerading as thick, strong mediating institutions are the secret sauce of a strong civil society. They not only provide meaning for individuals, they’re necessary for a healthy citizenry. They do what government cannot: cultivate virtue and care for others, both of which are necessary for self-governance. Please come to and click on this commentary. We’ll link you to David Brooks column. But more than that, this is something we should discuss in our families, and share with our pastors and friends. Time to Thicken up the Church: Belonging to Something Bigger than Ourselves Read David Brooks’ very intriguing article, linked below. You’ll find, as John has suggested, that being a “thick” community is what the Church is called to be as we fulfill Christ’s calling on our lives.
Wisconsin officials drop TRUTH BOMB about recount
Green Party candidate Jill Stein has raised nearly six million dollars so far (according to her website) for lawyers and email fundraising companies an election recount effort in Wisconsin.As the Washington Time reports, Stein filed a petition on Friday “to have a state recount on the sole grounds that data experts BELIEVE there may have been a cyberattack. They have no evidence, but contend that Democrat Hillary Clinton performed better where paper ballots, rather than electronic ones were used.” I believe in unicorns too, but to date have found no evidence of them. The Washington Times asked commission spokesman Reid Magney if there has been any indication of hacking.“No evidence of hacking,” Mr. Magney said in an email. The commission previously issued a statement saying it will routinely audit the performance of a sample of machines, which must achieve a performance rate of no more than one mistake per 500,000 votes. Since performing the audit beginning in 2006, not one machine has failed, the commission said. What’s astonishing is Stein raised less than $$4 million in total for her entire campaign. Now she’s raking substantially more for what Donald Trump has called a “scam” and it’s hard not to agree. Where does all that money go? Into somebody’s pockets for certain – lawyers, the companies that process the donations, write and send out email blasts, design and maintain her website. They’ll all be getting rich off a candidate who had no chance of winning, and a recount effort that won’t change the results. Voters who demand a higher minimum wage and free college are gleefully donating millions of dollars to a completely fruitless, baseless cause. Heck, even lefty published seven reasons why Democrats should NOT contribute to the recount.But as my ninety-year-old father often says to describe the liberal mindset: “Don’t bother me with facts, my mind’s already made up.” source
Team Hillary Confirms Huma Worked for Radical Muslim Journal; Offers UNREAL Explanation
The Hillary Clinton campaign issued a ridiculous response to a bombshell report that linked her top aide, Huma Abedin, to a radical Muslim publication run by her mother. It was reported yesterday by the New York Post that Abedin was assistant editor for the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs where her mother, Saleha Mahmood Abedin, remains editor-in-chief to this day. Hillary’s Huma Abedin was assistant editor of radical Muslim journal that blamed US for 9/11. “My understanding is that her name was simply listed on the masthead in that period,” Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill told the New York Post on Sunday evening after the campaign ignored repeated requests to respond. “She did not play a role in editing at the publication.” The news is particularly damaging for a campaign that prides itself as being a champion of women’s and LGBT right as the Journal produced articles that promoted the subjugation of women, said single mothers, working mothers and gay couples with children shouldn’t be considered families and suggested women who dress proactively are partially responsible if they are raped. But the most damaging article from the publication came in 2002, when Huma Abedin was listed as assistant editor, in which it blamed the United States for causing the terror attacks of 9/11 because of “injustices” it committed in the Muslim world, including sanctions against Saddam Hussein’s regime in Iraq. source
press secretary – AMERICAN TODAY
Incoming White House press secretary Sean Spicer said Sunday that instead of going along with the narrative that the Russians somehow launched Donald Trump to victory over Hillary Clinton during November’s presidential election, America should be discussing how to “punish” Clinton for “trying to influence the election.” During an interview on
WATCH: Trump Calls Cleveland Police Chief After Convention and Does Something AWESOME…
After confirming and reassuring that he will remain dedicated to the law enforcement agencies, GOP presidential hopeful Donald Trump gave the Cleveland Police Commissioner Calvin Williams a call in which he expressed his gratitude to him and others for maintaining the GOP Convention in Cleveland peaceful and in the right order. From Cleveland:Presidential candidate Donald Trump called Cleveland police Chief Calvin Williams on Friday afternoon to thank the department for its work patrolling this year’s Republican National Convention. Williams received the call outside the Quicken Loans Arena, when the officers who worked as a bike patrol were gathered for photos and a media availability. Several officers crowded around the chief when Trump made the call, and Williams put the candidate on speakerphone. “He just wanted to thank us, the Cleveland Division of Police and law enforcement here, for a nice safe week for everybody,” Williams said. “That it wasn’t like people predicted. Even not like he predicted.” An officer who crowded around Williams captured audio of Trump’s call on speakerphone. Williams and police spokeswoman Sgt. Jennifer Ciaccia said they would release the video with permission from Trump’s campaign. A Trump spokesman said he would have to run the request by the candidate to give permission to release the audio.But Fox 8 news, which had a reporter and cameraman outside the Q at the time Trump called, posted a video with audio of the phone call. It is doubtful that Hillary Clinton will make the same move in with the Philadelphia Police Chief after the Democratic Convention comes to an end next week. It is truly amazing how during the several day GOP Convention in Cleveland there were no greater incidents, thanks to the professionalism of the Cleveland Police Department. WATCH:
Martha MacCallum – AMERICAN TODAY
Trey Gowdy just told Fox News’ “The Story with Marth MacCallum” on Tuesday that he needed to see the alleged memo that was published by the New York Times in which Trump asked him to shut down the investigation into Michael Flynn. “I want to see the memo [and] I want