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On the Text of the Truculentus of Plautus
by W. M. Lindsay
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REVIEWS OF BOOKS Get access The Universities of Europe in the Middle Ages. By HASTINGS RASHDALL (Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1895.) J. BASS MULLINGER Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar English Historical Review, Volume XI, Issue XLIV, October 1896, Pages 775–784, https://doi.org/10.1093/ehr/XI.XLIV.775 Published: 01 1896
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Die Entstehung des Deutschen Handelsgerichts.
by Munroe Smith|Wilhelm Silberschmidt
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Principles of Economics.
by John B. Clark|Alfred Marshall|William Smart
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Notes and News
by None
Notes and News Get access The American Historical Review, Volume 1, Issue 4, July 1896, Pages 773–787, https://doi.org/10.1086/ahr/1.4.773 Published: 01 1896
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The MSS. of the First Eight Plays of Plautus
by W. M. Lindsay
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Leo's Plautus - [Plauti Comoediae, recensuit et emendavit Fridericus Leo; volumen prius (Amph.—Merc). 1895. Pp. viii., 478. 18 M.; vol. alterum (Mil.—True. Vid. Fragm.). 1896. Pp. 575. 20 M. Berlin: Weidmann.]
by W. M. Lindsay
Leo's Plautus - [Plauti Comoediae, recensuit et emendavit Fridericus Leo; volumen prius (Amph.—Merc). 1895. Pp. viii., 478. 18 M.; vol. alterum (Mil.—True. Vid. Fragm.). 1896. 575. 20 M. Berlin: Weidmann.] Volume 10 Issue 7
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Italy and Her Invaders. Vol. V. The Lombard Invasion; Vol. VI. The Lombard Kingdom
by Thomas Hodgkin
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Deutsche Geschichte, Von KARL LAMPRECHT. Band IV, Pp. xv, 488. Band V, Theil I, Pp. xiii, 358. Per Band, 6 Marks. Berlin : R. Gaertner's Verlagsbuchhandlung, I894
by R.C. Chapin
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Periodical Notices
by None
Journal Article Periodical Notices Get access The English Historical Review, Volume X, Issue XL, October 1895, Pages 818–825, https://doi.org/10.1093/ehr/X.XL.818 Published: 01 1895
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Responsibility for Tortious Acts: Its History
by John Henry Wigmore
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Reviews of Books
Journal Article Reviews of Books Get access De Geschiedenis van het Nederlandsche Volk. Door P. J. BLOK.Eerste Deel. (Groningen: B. Wolters. 1892.) GEORGE EDMUNDSON Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar The English Historical Review, Volume IX, Issue XXXVI, October 1894, Pages 736–740, https://doi.org/10.1093/ehr/IX.XXXVI.736 Published: 01 1894
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Deutsche Geschichte.
by W. J. Ashley|Karl Lamprecht
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Summaries of Periodicals
by None
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by None
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New books
by None
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Les Origines de Pancienne France. Par JACQUES FLACH. Xe. et XIe. Siècles, Vol. II. Les Origines Communales, la Féodalite et la Chevalerie. Pp. 584. Paris : Larose et Forcel. I893
by Dana Carleton Munro
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Étude sur la Politique de l'Empereur Frédéric II. en Allemagne et sur les Transformations de la Constitution allemande dans la première moitié du XIIIe. Siècle. Par GEORGES BLONDEL. Pp. xlvi., 440. Paris : Picard et Fils. 1892
by Roland P. Falkner|Emory R. Johnson
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Reviews of Books
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Reviews of Books
Journal Article Reviews of Books Get access Deutsche Geschichte. II–III. Von KARL LAMPRECHT. (Berlin: Gaertner. 1892–3.) JAMES TAIT Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar The English Historical Review, Volume VIII, Issue XXXII, October 1893, Pages 748–750, https://doi.org/10.1093/ehr/VIII.XXXII.748 Published: 01 1893
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Reviews of Books
by Henry Bond
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Reviews of Books
by Mary Catherine Bateson
Reviews of Books Get access Etude sur le Liber Censuum de l'Église Romaine. Thèse doctorat présentée a la faculté des lettres Paris. Par PAUL FABRE. (Paris: Ernest Thorin. 1892.) MARY BATESON Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar The English Historical Review, Volume VIII, Issue XXXII, October 1893, Pages 756–758, https://doi.org/10.1093/ehr/VIII.XXXII.756 Published: 01 1893
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Legal Execution and Land Tenure
by Edward Jenks
Legal Execution and Land Tenure Get access EDWARD JENKS Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar The English Historical Review, Volume VIII, Issue XXXI, July 1893, Pages 417–423, https://doi.org/10.1093/ehr/VIII.XXXI.417 Published: 01 1893
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Contracts in Early English Law
by Frederick Pollock
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Max Bonnet on the Latinity of Gregory of Tours - Le Latin de Gregoire de Tours. ParMax Bonnet, Chargé de Cours à la Faculté des Lettres à Montpellier. Paris, Hachette, 1890. (Pp. 1–787.) 15 fr.
by Henry Nettleship
Max Bonnet on the Latinity of Gregory Tours - Le Latin de Gregoire Tours. ParMax Bonnet, Chargé Cours à la Faculté des Lettres Montpellier. Paris, Hachette, 1890. (Pp. 1–787.) 15 fr. Volume 6 Issue 10
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Taylor's Witness of Hermas to the Four Gospels - The Witness of Hermas to the Four Gospels. By C. Taylor, D.D., Master of St John's College, Cambridge. London : C. J. Clay & Sons, Ave Maria Lane. 1892. 4to, pp. viii. 148. 7s. 6d. net.
by T. K. Abbott
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Reviews of Books
by W. A. B. Coolidge
Journal Article Reviews of Books Get access Le Royaume d'Arles et de Vienne (1138–1878). Par PAUL FOURNIER. (Paris: Picard. 1891.) W. A. B. COOLIDGE Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar The English Historical Review, Volume VII, Issue XXV, January 1892, Pages 140–142, https://doi.org/10.1093/ehr/VII.XXV.140 Published: 01 1892
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Record of Bibliography and Library Literature
by None
Journal Article Record of Bibliography and Library Literature Get access The Library, Volume s1-4, Issue 1, 1892, Pages 258–265, https://doi.org/10.1093/library/s1-4.1.258 Published: 01 January 1892
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Reviews of Books
by Hastings Rashdall
Reviews of Books La Facultá de Droit dans l'ancienne Université Paris (1160–1763). Par l'Abbé G. PÉRIES, Docteur en Canonique la Faculté Théologie Paris. (Paris: Larose et Forcel. 1890.) H. RASHDALL Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar The English Historical Review, Volume VII, Issue XXV, January 1892, Pages 142–144, https://doi.org/10.1093/ehr/VII.XXV.142 Published: 01 1892
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Die kirchliche Baukunst des Abendlandes, historisch und systematisch dargestellt
by R. de Lasteyrie|G. Dehio|G. von Bezold
Previous articleNext article FreeReviews and Notices of BooksDie kirchliche Baukunst des Abendlandes, historisch und systematisch dargestellt. By G. Dehio von Bezold.R. de LasteyrieR. Lasteyrie Search for more articles by this author PDFPDF PLUS Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited Volume 7, Number 4December 1891 Article DOIhttps://doi.org/10.2307/496494 Views: 7 Journal History This was published in The American Archaeology the Fine Arts (1885-1896), which is continued (1897-present). Copyright © Archaeological Institute America. All rights reserved.PDF download Crossref reports no citing article.
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Reviews of Books
by H. A. L. FISHER
Reviews of Books Get access Histoire des Institutions Politiques et Administratives de la France. Par PAUL VIOLLET. (Paris: Larose Forcel. 1890.) H. A. L. FISHER Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar The English Historical Review, Volume VI, Issue XXI, January 1891, Pages 165–169, https://doi.org/10.1093/ehr/VI.XXI.165 Published: 01 1891
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Reviews of Books
by F. York Powell
Reviews of Books The Text the Bruts from Red Book Hergest. Edited by J. RHÝS and GWENOGVRYN EVANS. (Oxford: issued for subscribers G. Evans. 1890.) F. YORK POWELL Search other works this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar English Historical Review, Volume VI, Issue XXI, January 1891, Pages 169–170, https://doi.org/10.1093/ehr/VI.XXI.169 Published: 01 1891
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The English Constitution.
by H. L. Osgood|Emil Boutmy|Isabel M. Eaden
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Record of Bibliography and Library Literature
by None
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Reviews of Books
Reviews of Books Get access A History the Later Roman Empire, from Arcadius to Irene(895 A.D. 800 A.D.) By J. B. BURY, Fellow and Tutor Trinity College, Dublin. 2 vol. (London: Macmillan. 1890.) H. M. GWATKIN Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar The English Historical Review, Volume V, Issue XIX, July 1890, Pages 578–579, https://doi.org/10.1093/ehr/V.XIX.578 Published: 01 1890
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Reviews of Books
by Reginald L. Poole
Journal Article Reviews of Books Get access Il Regesto di Farfa Gregorio da Catino. Pubblicato I. GIORGI e U. BALZANI. Vol. II, III, IV. Roma: Presso la Società Romana Storia Patria. ( 1879, 1888, 1888.) Sublacense dell’ undecimo secolo. L. ALLODI G. LEVA. 1885.) REGINALD POOLE Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar The English Historical Review, Volume V, Issue XIX, July 1890, Pages 581–585, https://doi.org/10.1093/ehr/V.XIX.581 Published: 01 1890
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Dürr's Life of Juvenal - Das Leben Juvenals, von Professor DrJulius Dürr. Ulm: 1888. Programm, pp. 29. 1M. 20.
by E. G. Hardy
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Odo of Champagne, Count of Blois and ‘Tyrant of Burgundy’
by Kate Norgate
Odo of Champagne, Count Blois and ‘Tyrant Burgundy’ Get access KATE NORGATE Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar The English Historical Review, Volume V, Issue XIX, July 1890, Pages 486–496, https://doi.org/10.1093/ehr/V.XIX.486 Published: 01 1890
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Summaries of Periodicals
by None
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The Political Theory of the Huguenots
by E. Armstrong
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Reviews of Books
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Reviews of Books
by Thos. Hodgkin
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A Crisis in the Middle Ages
by James Clement Moffat
Pope Gregory VII. had pronounced excommunication upon Henry IV., Emperor of Germany, and divided the German princes. The latter held a meeting, at which it was resolved that should be invited to Augsburg hear, in an assembly princes, all charges against their emperor, after final decision case left pope. But if Henry, by any fault his own, remained under year, he considered incapable ruling forever. Meanwhile live private capacity.
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State Statute and Common Law
by Munroe Smith
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Osservazioni sull' alba bilingue del Cod. Regina, 1462.
by F. M. Warren|Pio Rajna
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Deutsches Wirtschaftsleben im Mittelalter.
by Herbert L. Osgood|Karl Lamprecht
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by None
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Valentia Segellaunorum
by Edward Augustus Freeman
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The Struggle of the Christian Civilization from the Era of the Crusades to the fall of the East (1453)
by W. J. Garth Irons
The compromise between the ecclesiastical and civil powers of Western Empire, effected at Worms (1122), did not touch Byzantines. Roman world, still nominally one, had indeed for 300 years more maintained some-what artificial position which obliged West largely to ignore East; then led East regard as little than a dependency. This grown be, in many ways, inevitable, even from time Diocletian arrangement Empire; it acquired special force amidst various partitionings Constantine's descendants successors.
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Geschichte der Malerei
by Charles C. Perkins|Karl Woermann|Alfred Woltmann|Alfred Woltmann|Karl Woermann|Sidney Colvin
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The Place of Exeter in the History of England
by Edward Augustus Freeman
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Notices of Archaeological Publications
by J. M. K.
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by Kenneth MacKenzie
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by X. Z.
Journal Article Pillgarlick Get access X. Z. Search for other works by this author on: Oxford Academic Google Scholar Notes and Queries, Volume s1-III, Issue 69, 22 February 1851, Pages 150–151, https://doi.org/10.1093/nq/s1-III.69.150c Published: 1851
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Carte de L'Empire Carlovingien et des Empire Arabes.
by Delamarche
Map shows the extent of various kingdoms and empires in Europe, Middle East, northern Africa during after reign Charlemagne; partitioning empire 845 according to Treaty Verdun. Inset: Partage de L'Empire Carlovingien [The Carolingian Empire shared]. Includes dates. Relief shown by hachures. Scale not given.
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Anastatic printing
by None
Forensic-science investigations have shown that the engravings on bones from Deventer collection of National Museum Antiquities in Leiden, The Netherlands, appear to be very suspect. Neither pictorial Bronze-Age or Carolingian style, nor runes, show any signs weathering decomposition. Research into Dutch archives has also indicated ideological motivation for these apparent forgeries and majority seem been copied directly a Nazi magazine, ‘Hamer’, early 1940s. In order resolve definitely question whether are real faked, we measured radiocarbon age themselves. These results showed oldest bone dates Middle Ages others less than few hundred years old. This confirmed cannot as old they were purported be. noteworthy case forgery which had presupposed certain ideology should interest forensic scientist.
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Subsets and Splits