we sat at the table and emily titled the page : warnings .
i didnt know why .
okay , jazell , what exactly did he say ?
emily asked , pencil poised in the air ready to write .
he said , hes rising , hes rising .
i have no idea who he meant or if what he said means anything .
emily scribbled down , toad dwarf said , hes rising , hes rising .
whos coming and is he important ?
i stared at the paper , the question swirling in my mind .
who did he mean ?
now what did the dwarf tell you , seth ?
she asked .
he said , you wont stop him , little warrior .
he frowned at the last part .
emily added , toad dwarf told seth , you wont stop him , little warrior .
does this mean hes powerful ?
did you have to add the little warrior part ?
it makes me sound weak .
seth complained .
i did because we need all the facts .
its obvious the dwarf was trying to make you sound weak anyway .
now what did he tell you , jason ?
he said , he will destroy all half-lings .
whats that supposed to mean , anyway ?
jason said .
she added the last bullet ; toad dwarf said to jason , he will destroy all half-ling .
what does half-ling mean ?
did the dwarfs tell you anything ?
i asked , taking the paper .
none of what she wrote on the paper made any sense to me .
she shook her head .
no and if they did , i was too busy trying to burn them to hear them .
she took the paper back .
well i think the only thing weve established is that toad dwarves are crazy .
seth said .
i noticed a thin , red line on his cheek where a thrasher must have scratched him .
emily wagged her finger at him .
never dis facts .
they might save you later in life .
seth just snorted .
jason punched him in the side .
listen to emily .
shes actually right sometimes .
thank you , jason .
she said cheerfully , huh wait , sometimes ?
she raised an eyebrow at him .
jason scowled at her .
im admitting youre sometimes right so dont push it .
point taken .
she tucked the paper in her drawstring bag .
you guys want to go to the park ?
they both half nodded , half shrugged , which she took for a yes .
so we got up and mounted our bikes .
i threw the bike lock in my bag , clipped on my helmet , and followed the others .
the three of them raced each other , but i kept my bike behind them .
what the dwarf had said was still troubling me and i didnt know if anyone else was feeling the same way .
i saw seth slow his bike down and glide next to me .
hey , he said .
hey .
then a question popped into my head , what were you doing alone in the woods yesterday ?
he was silent so i yelled to emily , hey , seths lost for words !
emily appeared by me and chuckled .
whats wrong , seth ?
thrasher got your tongue ?
before he could reply i said , i asked him what he was doing in the woods yesterday and he didnt have an answer .
we all know what this means .
yup , hes hiding something .
seth , why were you yelling at jazell for being out alone in the woods when you were doing the same ?
i wasnt hunting down monsters alone .
jazell was doing that , he grumbled , clearly annoyed .
but you were still out alone and you yelled at me for doing the same thing .
the same thing could have happened to you .
do you think youre stronger than the rest of us ?
my voice rose slightly at the end of my question .
no .
he went quiet and tried to avoid our eye contact .
now whos keeping secrets ?
youre breaking your own rules .
why were you out ?
emily can be very demanding sometimes , i actually felt a little bad about involving her in my interrogation .
just a little .
he mumbled something under his breath .
i cant hear you .
emily snapped .
i was out scouting !
he shouted , now can you hear me ?
yes , and now youve made me deaf !
emily yelled back .
why were you out scouting in the first place ?
i asked calmly , trying not to shout it out like emily .
seth gripped the handlebars and i knew he was losing his temper .
i was being cautious so we didnt have to worry last night , he said through gritted teeth .
he was lying and both of us knew that .
i glared at him , nice story seth , now what really happened ?
he didnt say anything and he rode ahead to get beside jason , who was in the lead .
the park slowly came in view .
it was a huge grass circle with a small play set in the middle covered in kids .
the woods surrounded it except for the side that faced the street .
a fountain was near the entrance along with a bike rack .
thats where we parked our bikes .