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@klimaatmars | 1699414793650573312 | 😍Wat een dag! Bedankt voor jullie komst 💚. Dit was de grootste #klimaatmars ooit. Meer dan 85.000 mensen gingen de straat op voor het klimaat en rechtvaardigheid. Next: 22 november. Ga stemmen en kies voor een ander klimaat! #klimaatmars #decrisisisnu #verkiezingen2023 |
@ScottDuncanWX | 1535379125296418821 | Earth just recorded its hottest October on record. 2023 is well on track to be the hottest year globally on record. |
@ZLabe | 1344746182044655616 | October continued to set another striking record for globally-averaged sea surface temperatures... Data available from @NOAA ERSSTv5 ( Methods detailed in |
@GretaThunberg | 1459213153301053442 | Week 272. #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike |
@GreenpeaceUK | 1176089245225762817 | 🚨BREAKING: The UK government has approved 27 new oil and gas licences in the North Sea. So soon after Storm Babet destroyed lives across the UK, the government is condemning communities to more severe flooding and storms in future. It's SHAMEFUL! |
@volcaholic1 | 1394637928941371392 | NEW: Video showing the devastation in Acapulco caused by Hurricane Otis.....💔 Via: MVS Noticias #HurricaneOtis #HurracanOtis #Otis #Acapulco #Mexico |
@GretaThunberg | 1459213153301053442 | Week 271. #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike #StandWithPalestine #StandWithGaza |
@FFF_Sweden | 1153955730048917504 | Here is our statement as FFF Sweden. We stand in solidarity with Palestine and all civilians affected on all sides. We distance ourselves from all forms of anti-Semitism and Islamophobia regardless of where and by whom it is expressed. |
@ZLabe | 1344746182044655616 | ICYMI - looking back at last month's global temperature compared to every previous September month... Data from |
@GretaThunberg | 1459213153301053442 | It goes without saying - or so I thought - that I’m against the horrific attacks by hamas. As I said, “the world needs to speak up and call for an immediate ceasefire, justice and freedom for Palestinians and all civilians affected.” #StandWithPalestine |
@GretaThunberg | 1459213153301053442 | Here are some accounts where you can find information on how you can help: @medicalaidpal @palyouthmvmt @jvplive @btsisrael @adalahjustice @cfpeace @ifnotnoworg |
@GretaThunberg | 1459213153301053442 | It has come to my knowledge that the stuffed animal shown in my earlier post can be interpreted as a symbol for antisemitism, which I was completely unaware of. The toy in the picture is a tool often used by autistic people as a way to communicate feelings. We are of course against any type of discrimination, and condemn antisemitism in all forms and shapes. This is non-negotiable. That is why I deleted the last post. |
@GretaThunberg | 1459213153301053442 | Week 270. Today we strike in solidarity with Palestine and Gaza. The world needs to speak up and call for an immediate ceasefire, justice and freedom for Palestinians and all civilians affected. #FreePalestine #IStandWithPalestine #StandWithGaza #FridaysForFuture Thread🧵 |
@amnesty | 1103357372410617856 | Israel must lift the siege of Gaza, restore the electricity and water supply and allow humanitarian access. Its forces must abide by international humanitarian law and take all feasible precautions to protect civilians and refrain from indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks. |
@GretaThunberg | 1459213153301053442 | Week 269. Today I’m joining Sámi youth to blockade and shut down the Norwegian state due to their violations of human- and indigenous rights. Read more on @NaturogUngdom and @nsr_nuorat (instagram) |
@FFF_estonia | 1160116768070864898 | 📣 On October 11, the Supreme Court of Estonia is going to deliver the final ruling in the first climate lawsuit in Estonia. What is it all about? A thread: 🧵 1/8 |
@GretaThunberg | 1459213153301053442 | Climate strike week 268. #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike |
@hausfath | 1303537990484934656 | The first global temperature data is in for the full month of September. This month was, in my professional opinion as a climate scientist – absolutely gobsmackingly bananas. JRA-55 beat the prior monthly record by over 0.5C, and was around 1.8C warmer than preindutrial levels. |
@extremetemps | 1263967895652052992 | Records are falling allover the world today In North/Central Africa & Middle East 32.2C Medinah highest Tmin ever recorded in SAUDI ARABIA in October Tmax 43.5C monthly record 36.8C Meknes MOROCCO monthly record 36.6C Brazzaville CONGO monthly record |
@SR_Netherlands | 1639913260467077120 | We are back for day 22 of the @NLRebellion #A12 blockade in the Hague, demonstrating against Dutch government subsidies to the fossil fuel industry, totalling at least 37.5 billion euros a year. #scientistrebellion |
@xiyebastida | 1286369189645520896 | NYC 3 months apart. The climate crisis will manifest in hundreds of ways and we need to be ready |
@klimastreik | 1305219173010767873 | Over 60'000 people are fighting for climate justice in Bern, Switzerland. We are many, we are loud. They can't stop us. #ClimateActionNow |
@luckytran | 1541499488149307392 | Huge storm and flooding in NYC today. This is 4th Ave and Carroll St in Brooklyn, which is near Gowanus Canal, a superfund site. Reminder: Do not go in the flood waters, it contains pathogens and is a threat to human health. |
@GretaThunberg | 1459213153301053442 | Climate strike week 267. #StopRosebank #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike #EndFossilFuels |
@LeonSimons8 | 1745741575383056384 | This just keeps going up! Northern Hemisphere Surface Air Temperature is now +1.48°C above the 1979-2000 mean. The 1979-2000 NH mean temp is already about 0.6°C higher than 1850-1900. So it looks like the Northern Hemisphere is running well above +2°C! |
@StopCambo | 1618214767998521344 | 🚨 BREAKING: The UK government has just approved Rosebank, the biggest undeveloped oil field in the UK. We won’t let this stand. Together we will #StopRosebank |
@GretaThunberg | 1459213153301053442 | Climate strike week 266. Today we are 5 thousand people on the streets of Stockholm marching for climate justice!! We are unstoppable, another world is possible!✊✊🌏 #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike #EndFossilFuels |
@US_Stormwatch | 1670342519778054144 | On the last day of winter in South America, temperatures could peak as high as 45°C (113°F) in Brazil. Brazil could record its highest temperature in history during this winter heatwave. "Heat will be so extreme that it will be dangerous and pose a risk to health and life," @metsul. |
@FFF_Stockholm | 1502335367722246150 | Regeringens budget är, som alla tidigare, en katastrof. Det är därför ingen överraskning, men det är ändå ett stort svek. Klimatkrisen är här och nu och måste behandlas som en kris. Kom till klimatstrejken nu på fredag, Mynttorget kl 12, för att kräva förändring! #ClimateStrike |
@stopEACOP | 1357173462146584583 | Shameful that Uganda is arresting and jailing students for peacefully protesting the controversial #EACOP. Silencing dissent jeopardizes human rights and democracy. We demand all charges be dropped and students freed immediately. #StopEACOP! |
@morabito_molly | 1429862759466864640 | AT LEAST 75K people in the streets of NYC for the March to #EndFossilFuels!! Calling on @potus to stop the expansion and production of fossil fuels and declare a #ClimateEmergency |
@LeonSimons8 | 1745741575383056384 | 🌊🌡📈 6 months of continuous record high Sea Surface Temperatures 🌍🌡📈 3.5 months of almost all days shattering record high Surface Air Temperatures 🧊➡️🌊 4 months of record low Sea Ice All happening simultaneously. This is not gradual global warming! |
@Coll_Odhiambo | 1268045625117102080 | Today I joined the Global #ClimateStrike In Nairobi,alongside hundreds of people urging radical action to tackle the #ClimateEmergency🌍✊. Banks must immediately stop financing fossil fuel expansion & industrial agriculture that causes deforestation & human rights violations! |
@LynneBeth2 | 1297801567232458752 | Climate change isn't just about rising temperatures; it's about the loss of lives, livelihoods, and cultural heritage. The impacts are immeasurable, especially for vulnerable communities. We must act now and #EndFossilFuels #FastFairForever #DontGasAfrica @Ubunifu_hub |
@ORSierraClub | 1557467918698414081 | HAPPENING NOW: Eugene youth are protesting @FunkLevis for working to help Oregon's largest fossil fuel utility @nwnatural to fight climate action in their city. #EndFossilFuels |
@704afge | 893119616926404608 | Out here in Chicago standing up to #EndFossilFuels |
@san_lunag | 1754980115778318336 | Organizaciones de distintas partes del 🌎 nos reunimos en 🇧🇷 para coordinar acciones a favor de la transición energética justa y la urgente reducción de inversiones en combustibles fósiles. #EndFossilFuels #FastFairForever 🙌🏽💚🌎 |
@ManuSalutIV | 1665851791693561857 | Moltes persones i organitzacions s'han adherit al manifest i han eixit aquest #15S a València a exigir terminar amb els combustibles fòssils #DescarbonizacióJa! ràpida,justa i definitiva Juntes ho aconseguirem! #DescarbonizacionYa15S #EndFossilFuels #FastFairForever @JxC_Valencia |
@avi77np | 438716212696981505 | In Solidarity with people and movements in Global Fight to End Fossil Fuels, People's Climate March #Kathmandu #Lalitpur Nepal to #EndFossilFuels #FastFairForever #FossilFuelFreeNepal #100PercentRenewables @climatemarchnp |
@FridaysNigeria | 1442345222847942658 | Amazing March today in Nigeria to #EndFossilFuels #FastFairForever |
@Meerakati | 998003952745512960 | Global climate strike rally at Vancouver Art Gallery. Lots of young kids as well as older adults and lots of effort to make signs. #ClimateEmergency |
@CJusticeVic | 1644451882394591232 | #yyj #EndFossilFuels march now. #FastFairForever |
@AsianPeoplesMvt | 1554755552844324864 | Filipinos marched to demand governments to #EndFossilFuels #FastFairForever this morning as part of the Global March to End Fossil Fuels happening this week. |
@sophiamathur | 1452747924807593984 | #EndFossilFuelFinance #FridaysForFuture Sudbury #singfortheclimate What an amazing experience. Look for photos on my feed too. |
@FridayForFuture | 1667134564634882048 | Eil 💥 heute waren 250.000 Menschen für sozialgerechten Klimaschutz auf der Straße #EndFossilFuels |
@GreenpeaceIB | 882294994656219136 | 🔴 📢ACCIÓ ACCIÓ Avui horabaixa hem sortit a la plaça Major de #Palma per demanar la fi dels combustibles fòssils. #EndFossilFuels #DescarbonizacionYa #DescarbonitzacioJa |
@apmdd_ind | 1389168913976496128 | 15th September 2023 in JN Road Kolkata, West Bengal, people's march demanding the rapid phase-out of fossil fuels and end of coal use by 2030 @AsianPeoplesMvt @tweetNHF #EndFossilFuels #FastFairForever #dontgasasia #India |
@lecwhite | 1509925755505025040 | #ClimateActionNow #ClimateStrike #Fridays4Future #ClimateCrisis Halifax after the floods & fires, before the hurricane Lee 2023 |
@sajtos_domonkos | 1665668369297600512 | Budapest student + climate strike #climatestrike #WWF #fridaysforfuture |
@FFF_Helsinki | 1485337583387357192 | What a day!!😍Today we marched for #climateaction✊We joined the #globalclimatestrike to #endfossilfuels💪 +500 events in 54 countries on ALL 7 continents😍 People around the world are rising up to demand a safe and fossil-free future. Join us!!🤗 #fastfairforever #climatecrisis |
@FFF_SierraLeone | 1384843137894526978 | Today we joined hands with @sierraleonesch1 and @Fridays4future activists around the world to demand for #ClimateJustice #globalclimatestrike It's time to #Phaseoutfossifuel @GretaThunberg @mohamedjalloh23 @Yicasalone @ExtinctionR @RoselineIsata |
@fridayformadrid | 1550482328752951303 | NOS MANIFESTAMOS 🔥NO QUEREMOS MÁS COMBUSTIBLES FÓSILES🔥 #DescarbonizaciónYa #FastFairForever |
@fff_muc | 1697293194638061568 | Wir waren laut, und wir waren viele 🎉 Über 10.000 Menschen waren heute in München für einen klimagerechten Wandel auf der Straße 🔥✊️ #Klimastreik #EndFossilFuels |
@AtlasSarrafoglu | 1644260194052894721 | 📍Istanbul, Turkey Global Climate Strike #FosilYakıtlaraSonVer #EndFossilFuels |
@DrPeterSchulte | 1693687827379183617 | #ClimateStrike in Zurich, Switzerland |
@MalMccann | 1407363030447439875 | Belfast climate activists take part in the Global Climate Strike march calling to end the era of fossil fuels. #FridaysForFuture #RedRebels #LoughNeagh #ClimateStrike @irish_news |
@parents4future | 1726963841894961152 | #Klimastreik in Köln. Gleich geht's los. @FFF_Koeln #EndFossilFuels |
@fff_hamburg | 1438419079392636929 | This is Hamburg where 22.000 people are striking for the climate right now! Power to the people and we will win! #fridaysforfuture #climatestrike |
@FFFLeipzig | 1712428069812584448 | +++ ES IST OFFIZIELL +++ Wir streiken heute in Leipzig mit ÜBER 5000 MENSCHEN für Klimagerechtigkeit!!! #FridaysforFuture #EndFossilFuels |
@FutureKyoto | 1375074727408984070 | スタンディング・アクション🌎week120 そして今日は #世界気候アクション の日💫 #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike #EndFossilFuels #ワタシノミライ |
@derTICHRI | 1736471292100919297 | #Klimastreik in #Graz, 15.09.2023 |
@IvoryVivory8 | 1504870769133772812 | Fridays For Future Dublin #GlobalClimateStrike 🌍🔥 We are demanding an End to all Fossil Fuels #EndFossilFuels #fridaysforfuture #ClimateCrisis #climatejustice @SchoolStrikesIE @GretaThunberg @Fridays4future @fff_europe |
@D_Herrmann | 1740660422020087809 | Globaler #Klimastreik in #Dresden: "Hoch mit dem #Klimaschutz, nieder mit der Kohle!" @FFFDresden #FridaysForFuture #dd1509 |
@FridayForFuture | 1667134564634882048 | In ganz Deutschland starten wir in diesen Minuten in den globalen #Klimastreik In Berlin könnt ihr per Stream teilnehmen 👉 |
@miketerungwa | 1714516504018841600 | Saw this group of young people observing the #GlobalClimateStrike in #Abuja I made a stop and gave them some support Climate change is no Joke! Stop Fossil Fuel Finance #JustTransition Faster, Fair, Forever!! #EndFossilFuels #ClimateStrike #FridaysForFuture |
@Fridays4FutureU | 1097803574111813632 | Together with @StopEACOPug we hosted a climate protest in Kampala. Four of our activists were arrested as we approached parliament. We demand for their immediate release and ask Uganda government to respect human rights. #StopEACOP #fridaysforfuture #GlobalClimateStrike |
@AWI_Media | 3518833317 | #ClimateStrike in the #Arctic❄️ Our scientists at #AWIPEV station in #Spitsbergen are also participating in the strike. @AWIs4Future |
@ViennaForFuture | 1563080486104322048 | ✊ Das ist unglaublich, wir sind mehr als 20 000 Menschen beim #Klimastreik in Wien! |
@GoodnessDk | 1635002120993636354 | There is no Climate Justice without Adaptation Finance! #AdaptationInFocus #OurPlanetOurClimateOurFight #GlobalClimateStrike #GlobalClimateStrike23 |
@FutureFridaysAC | 1267757604740227072 | Über 2000 Leute beim #Klimastreik in #Aachen! 🔥🔥 Auch nach 5 Jahren FFF sind wir noch tausende auf der Straße und demonstrieren für soziale Klimagerechtigkeit und ein bundesweites #Klimageld JETZT! #ac1509 |
@ViennaForFuture | 1563080486104322048 | 😱 Soo viele Menschen kommen gerade schon zum Demostart bei Wien-Mitte. Weil sie es satt haben, dass die Regierung uns ungebremst in eine Katastrophe schlittern lässt! Zeigen wir heute, dass wir viele sind und ein Weiter-Wie-Bisher nicht zulassen werden ✊🌏 #Klimastreik |
@APMDD_Pakistan | 1567399133706682368 | Marchers in Sindh, Pakistan demand immediate phase out of coal & end to coal mining in Tharparker region. They have come out in streets to demand #EndFossilFuels and doing it #FastFairForever @CANIntl @AsianPeoplesMvt @TasneemEssop |
@fff_muc | 1697293194638061568 | Der Demozug in München geht los! #Klimastreik #EndFossilFuels |
@GretaThunberg | 1459213153301053442 | Climate strike week 265. Today, we have a global climate strike with people all over the world taking part, demanding that we #EndFossilFuels . I Stockholm kör vi nästa vecka, samling på Mynttorget kl.12 fredag 22a september. Vi ses där! #climatestrike #fridaysforfuture |
@Fridays4FutureU | 1097803574111813632 | #GlobalClimateStrike has started in Uganda. Say no to #FossilFuels. Demand for #ClimateJustice #fridaysforfuture |
@SeyamSikder71 | 1732322853868257280 | #GlobalClimateStrike, Kushtia 🇧🇩 by young women climate activists! ✊ #JustTransition Faster, Fair, Forever‼️ #EndFossilFuels #ClimateStrike #FridaysForFuture @GretaThunberg |
@NayonSorkarBD | 1631997577649594369 | World Leaders, #EndFossilFuels 🚨 We Want #ClimateJustice, #ClimateAction & #ClimateReparations ‼️ @SaveFutureBd @GretaThunberg #GobalClimateStrike2023 #Dhaka, #Bangladesh | #ClimateStrike |
@FFF_Bangladesh | 1148644794991648768 | End the Era of Fossil Fuels! Global Climate Strike, Dhaka, Bangladesh! @GretaThunberg @Fridays4future #EndFossilFuels #ClimateStrike |
@AWIs4Future | 1456304248921133063 | We have launched the #GlobalClimatestrike at the North Pole, where colleagues from the #Polarstern #ArcWatch expedition from @AWI_Media & other institutes are documenting the impact of #climatechange. We must #EndFossilFuels urgently! @GretaThunberg @sciforfuture📷@EstherHorvath3 |
@washingtonpost | 1060271522319925257 | At least 10,000 people are believed to be missing in Libya because of flooding from Storm Daniel, an international agency estimates. The city of Derna has been most acutely affected, after raging torrents of water tore through two dams and swept entire buildings into the sea. |
@LBurnelius | 1374317645923823616 | As the EU is finalising the #PPWR, the industry is fighting back, trying to save BAU instead of carbon-stocks, freshwater & the climate! @EUCouncil & @EP_Environment we need this law to result in a massive reduction in unnecessary disposable packaging, whatever they are made of! |
@LBurnelius | 1374317645923823616 | Paper-packaging isn't a 'green' alternative to plastic, and as paper-based, throw-away, single-use packaging is on the rise, we systematically lose more irreplaceable forests! @Frederiqueries enable a shift to reuse systems: MAKE REDUCE & REUSE INTO LAW #PPWR #MakeThrowAwayGoAway |
@extremetemps | 1263967895652052992 | Mind blowing heat wave in South Africa with temperatures never seen before this time of the year > 40C even in the highlands 40.4 Augrabies Falls 635m 39.7 Fort Beaufort 455m 39.4 Twee Riviere 880m 38.6 Umtata 745m 38.4 Upington 840m 37.2 Graaf Reinet 792m And it'll get worse |
@99blackbaloons | 1611721893962289152 | The data is now official: 3 years’ worth of rain fell within two days. Scientists on Greek TV discussing the possibility of the formation of new, permanent lakes in the area. It is a new planet. #ClimateAction #ClimateCrisis #climatecatastrophe |
@ScottDuncanWX | 1535379125296418821 | Exceptional September heat. September heat records are tumbling in north-west Europe. The UK will likely hit >30°C for a total of seven consecutive days. Unprecedented for September. Northern Ireland also provisionally sets a new monthly heat record. |
@NLRebellion | 1514325239840350222 | Wij gaan door. Vandaag. Morgen. Overmorgen. Iedere dag tot het kabinet stopt met fossiele subsidies. #A12 12:00 #StopFossieleSubsidies #Klimaatrechtvaardigheid |
@SR_Netherlands | 1639913260467077120 | Police water cannons are yet again turned on the scientists. Today an estimated 10,000 peaceful protestors in the Hague, are demonstrating against Dutch government subsidies to the fossil fuel industry, totalling at least 37.5 billion euros a year. |
@GretaThunberg | 1459213153301053442 | Climate strike week 264. #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike |
@WMO | 1046669247777296385 | Earth had the hottest three-month period on record, with unprecedented sea surface temperatures and extreme weather. 🗣️: #StateOfClimate 🔗: 📷: @CopernicusECMWF |
@ScottDuncanWX | 1535379125296418821 | Catastrophic flooding unfolding in Chai Wan, Hong Kong 🇭🇰 158.1mm of rain fell in just one hour. This breaks the heaviest one hour rainfall record. Records date back to 1884. 🎥 via @yangyubin1998 |
@PapavasileiouWX | 764913170041405440 | Scary aerial footage from the catastrophic #flooding that continues in #Thessaly, #Greece. Video from Metamorfosi, Karditsa by Νταβατζικος Αγγελος via Facebook. #flood #Karditsa #Daniel #StormDaniel @meteogr |
@GretaThunberg | 1459213153301053442 | 📸: Matt Jarvis |
@GretaThunberg | 1459213153301053442 | After a summer full of extreme weather and shattered records, the world is still gearing up towards climate catastrophe. We need climate activists now more than ever. On Sept 15th we’ll once again strike for climate justice, to #EndFossilFuels More info at |
@GretaThunberg | 1459213153301053442 | Climate strike week 263. #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike |
@GretaThunberg | 1459213153301053442 | Stor klimatstrejk i Stockholm 22a september! Vi samlas på Mynttorget kl 12 för en avmarsch och demonstrationståg följt av scenprogram. Det är dags att återigen höja rösten och vara hoppet vi behöver. Vi ses där! #FridaysForFuture #EndFossilFuels #ClimateStrike |
@auroramalet | 1437007168251760641 | Idag svarar Aurora staten och bemöter deras yrkanden om avvisning. Att staten har invändningar mot vår stämning är i sig inte anmärkningsvärt, men innehållet i deras yttrande är på vissa håll närmast oseriöst. |
@GretaThunberg | 1459213153301053442 | Week 262. #LetLakeVictoriaBreatheAgain #ClimateStrike #FridaysForFuture |
@hausfath | 1303537990484934656 | The world is on track to experience its warmest August on record, beating the prior record set in 2016 by a fairly large margin. This further increases the likelihood that 2023 will be the warmest year since global records began in the mid-1800s. |
@Yasunidos | 1622953710405156864 | ¡Hoy hicimos historia! Esta consulta, nacida desde la ciudadanía, demuestra el mayor consenso nacional en Ecuador. Es la primera vez que un país decide defender la vida y dejar el petróleo bajo tierra. ¡Es una victoria histórica para Ecuador y para el planeta! #SÍalYasuní |
@GretaThunberg | 1459213153301053442 | Find out more how you can join Fridays For Future at , start your own group or join a local chapter. Our next global climate strike is September 15th. See you on the streets! #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike #EndFossilFuels |
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