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Zoology n. The study of animals. zoologist n. [greek zoion animal] |
Usage the second pronunciation given for zoology, zoological, and zoologist, with the first syllable pronounced as in zoo, although extremely common, is considered incorrect by some people. |
Zoom —v. 1 move quickly, esp. With a buzzing sound. 2 cause an aeroplane to mount at high speed and a steep angle. 3 (often foll. By in or in on) (of a camera) change rapidly from a long shot to a close-up (of). 4 (of prices etc.) Rise sharply. —n. 1 aeroplane's steep climb. 2 zooming camera shot. [imitative] |
Zoom lens n. Lens allowing a camera to zoom by varying the focal length. |
Zoophyte n. Plantlike animal, esp. A coral, sea anemone, or sponge. [greek zoion animal, phuton plant] |
Zoroastrian (also zarathustrian) —adj. Of zoroaster (or zarathustra) or the dualistic religious system taught by him. —n. Follower of zoroaster. zoroastrianism n. [zoroaster, persian founder of the religion] |
Zr symb. Zirconium. |
Zucchini n. (pl. Same or -s) esp. Us & austral. Courgette. [italian, pl. Of zucchino, diminutive of zucca gourd] |
Zulu —n. (pl. -s) 1 member of a s. African bantu people. 2 their language. —adj. Of this people or language. [native name] |
Zygote n. Biol. Cell formed by the union of two gametes. [greek zugotos yoked: related to *zeugma] |
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