{ "author": "heathermarie95", "content": "Music can be a form of therapy for a lot of people.\n\nDo you consider music to be helpful for anxiety?\n\nIf so, what are some songs that help you through troubling times?\n", "date": "1688014156", "thread_id": "307873", "title": "Is music your type of therapy? ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/" }
[ { "author": "trueconfidant123", "content": "<p>@heathermarie95</p>\n<p>Hey! I sure believe music can be a form of therapy in case of anxiety. There have been instances where chocolates and music have been my saviour in those extreme low moments. I prefer light, instrumental music to calm down the cluster of racing thoughts in my mind. I feel relaxed instantly. It takes the burden of the overflowing emotions away, so subtly.</p>\n<p> What is your form of strategy to overcome anxiety?</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3302281", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=1" }, { "author": "heathermarie95", "content": "<p>@trueconfidant123</p>\n<p>I am glad to hear you have a type of music that helps calm down your racing thoughts</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>For me personally, it would be listening to calming sounds, such as waves or rain for two examples. Sometimes I listen to some of my favorite music :)</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3302281,nil" ], "post_id": "3302697", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=1" }, { "author": "trueconfidant123", "content": "<p>@heathermarie95</p>\n<p>I can agree. Sounds of nature are definitely soothing. Try listening harp music, it's heaven. </p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3302697,3302281,nil" ], "post_id": "3302835", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=1" }, { "author": "heathermarie95", "content": "<p>@trueconfidant123</p>\n<p>I will give that a try, thank you! </p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3302835,3302697,3302281,nil" ], "post_id": "3303165", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=1" }, { "author": "trueconfidant123", "content": "<p>@heathermarie95</p>\n<p><img src=\"https://media.tenor.com/cvwoUZBC3sYAAAAC/whiskey-ei-suoi-amici-coccole-sonore.gif\" data-src-static=\"https://media.tenor.com/cvwoUZBC3sYAAAAe/whiskey-ei-suoi-amici-coccole-sonore.png\" alt=\"whiskey-ei-suoi-amici-coccole-sonore.gif\" style=\"max-width:100%;\"><br></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3303165,3302835,3302697,3302281,nil" ], "post_id": "3303186", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=1" }, { "author": "Nicole20021", "content": "<p>Music helps me a lot </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3302720", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=1" }, { "author": "heathermarie95", "content": "<p>@Nicole20021</p>\n<p>I'm glad it helps for you!</p>\n<p>Is there any particular genre that is helpful for you ? </p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3302720,nil" ], "post_id": "3303164", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=1" }, { "author": "heavenlyWinter", "content": "<p>@heathermarie95</p>\n<p>For me music is like therapy, sometimes it helps to listen to songs used in movies, it helps me remember the passages and eventually when I focus on a certain passage I end up distracting myself and forget about anxiety attacks, normally I focus on music from Indian movies, I imagine myself dancing and stuff.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>😊 </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3303726", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=1" }, { "author": "heathermarie95", "content": "<p>that is interesting! im glad that is helpful for you! </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3303726,nil" ], "post_id": "3303788", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=1" }, { "author": "bubbleBeechwood324", "content": "<p>@heathermarie95</p>\n<p>I listen to heavy rain and thunder with a calm playlist in the background</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3303793", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=1" }, { "author": "heathermarie95", "content": "<p>those are great. its a good way to fall asleep as well</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3303793,nil" ], "post_id": "3304334", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=1" }, { "author": "shikha02", "content": "<p>@heathermarie95</p>\n<p>I somewhere agree somewhere not! </p>\n<p>Music helps in healing but it depends what kinda music you're listening to. If you're listening to some emotional songs that won't heal you rather it would make it more worse.</p>\n<p>But if you're listening to some meaningful music yes that can help, Also some natural sounds.</p>\n<p>In my case, Quran recitation helped me the most , that's definitely different from music but we definitely can relate. It not only heal you also makes you a better person.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3321291", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=1" }, { "author": "InPersonx", "content": "<p>@heathermarie95 it definitely is. When im anxious i just play whatever song and its ten times better.</p>\n<p><br></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3321299", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=1" }, { "author": "LunaLove1617", "content": "<p>@heathermarie95 PP1 by Frakkur, and yes i know the name sounds dirty but its a stimboard song and it helps my panic attacks :)</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3321313", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=1" }, { "author": "passionateThinker3248", "content": "<p>Yeah it definitely is, especially music I can't resist singing with</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3321565", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=1" }, { "author": "LOOPHOLE", "content": "<p>It does..</p>\n<p>All of the Classical musical stuff definitely calm down the nerves. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3321678", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=1" }, { "author": "usedItUp", "content": "<p>When I find that I have little or no interest in music, it is a sign that I am not well (very depressed, anxious).</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p><br></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3321728", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=1" }, { "author": "Gettingbettertoday", "content": "<p>@heathermarie95</p>\n<p>I have many forms of anxiety. I don't find music soothing for them. Some music is even the opposite overwhelming me with extra input when I am already overloaded. </p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3321740", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=1" }, { "author": "lightPrune1000", "content": "<p>@heathermarie95 loud music like metal, so loud that it beats my stress, but it hurts my ears</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3321753", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=1" }, { "author": "heathermarie95", "content": "<p>yess gotta love loud music</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3321753,nil" ], "post_id": "3321755", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=1" }, { "author": "lightPrune1000", "content": "<p>@heathermarie95</p>\n<p>What ways you use to release stress? </p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3321755,3321753,nil" ], "post_id": "3322893", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=1" }, { "author": "heathermarie95", "content": "<p>music for sure 😀</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3322893,3321755,3321753,nil" ], "post_id": "3323456", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=1" }, { "author": "neonEyes936", "content": "<p>@heathermarie95 Relaxing music such as tibetan flute</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3322442", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=1" }, { "author": "Hadesa", "content": "<p>Yes, music obviously can be a form of therapy for many.As in my case its music and nature.I feel relaxed to watch nature while listening to soft melodic music it kind of give me relief.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3322899", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=1" }, { "author": "EgirlxD", "content": "<p>music really helps me ..... my favorites songs rn are i always want to d1e sometimes by the 1975 and she knows it by maggie lindemann </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3323548", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=1" }, { "author": "WellsFiction", "content": "<p>@heathermarie95 Oh yes! Music is awesome! Helps me deal with so much. Going to listen to some music now actually haha.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3324171", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=1" }, { "author": "Curlyheart", "content": "<p>It definitely helps distract me for sure . I really mis going to concerts, I wish I could go now.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3324318", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=1" }, { "author": "wildflower999", "content": "<p>@heathermarie95</p>\n<p>Yes, music helps me a lot! I like to listen to sanskrit mantras and classical music- they are my favorite. But I pretty much enjoy all kinds of music genres. I can't imagine a life without my earphones haha </p>\n<p><span>What about you?  </span><br></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3324853", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=1" }, { "author": "heathermarie95", "content": "<p>im glad to hear music helps you.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>i would say music is a form of therapy for me. to be honest, i listen is almost all genres 😀</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3324853,nil" ], "post_id": "3325063", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=1" }, { "author": "smarsmar", "content": "<p>@heathermarie95 I definitely listen to music when I’m upset, I just listen to music I enjoy and it makes me feel better</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3324858", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=1" }, { "author": "adaptableMap7572", "content": "<p>@heathermarie95 Music has helped me calm my nerves so many times, be it anger or sadness it has always helped me,</p>\n<p>If I'm feeling an emotion, I listen to the songs relating with it, and then queue the songs which help me feel better</p>\n<p>so if I'm feeling angry i listen to very energetic and upbeat songs and then go back to some neutral songs</p>\n<p>similarly, if I'm sad, i listen to sad songs first like Matilda by Harry Styles, Ghost by Justin Bieber, All of the stars By Ed Sheeran, and then listen to more motivating songs</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3325744", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=1" }, { "author": "mytwistedsoul", "content": "<p>Music helps me with a lot of things - anxiety and depression. I used to say that if you want to know how I am ask me what I'm listening to</p>\n<p>I listen to heavier music usually. Songs that speak to me. Lately it's been Citizen Soldier or Jacob Lee. Which is like night and day lol</p>\n<p>Jacob Lee - Guidance <a href=\"https://youtu.be/pONRYVXtUNk\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">https://youtu.be/pONRYVXtUNk</a></p>\n<p>Citizen Soldier - Wired for Worthless</p>\n<p><a href=\"https://youtu.be/KlEBEthFVAA\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">https://youtu.be/KlEBEthFVAA</a><br></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3327809", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=1" }, { "author": "heathermarie95", "content": "<p>great music!</p>\n<p>citizen soldier has great songs 😀</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3327809,nil" ], "post_id": "3332436", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=1" }, { "author": "EvAnders0n", "content": "<p>@heathermarie95</p>\n<p>weirdly enough rap/hiphop/rnb help calm me down when im ***</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3327822", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=1" }, { "author": "Zebra2000", "content": "<p>when my anxiety is high I end up listening to podcasts or talk radio more. I think listening to a topic other than the noise in my head helps. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3332409", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=1" }, { "author": "dawn44", "content": "<p>@heathermarie95</p>\n<p>Hi! Yesss absolutely. Personally, I put on coffee shop ambiance from YouTube or Spotify with a nice background video. This really makes me calm down especially the ones with rain in the background. Has a very safe feeling.</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3332434", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=1" }, { "author": "PianoMat", "content": "<p></p>\n<p>For me, it's \"<a href=\"https://youtu.be/MYlPSQNTbiI\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">The Art of Fugue</a>\".  It takes my mind off things quite effectively. </p>\n<p><br></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3332449", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=1" }, { "author": "Sudmantohelp", "content": "<p>@heathermarie95</p>\n<p>I love music</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3332461", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=1" }, { "author": "Bunii", "content": "<p>Generally, yes.</p>\n<p>Music has a great power to sway emotions, the flipside to that though is it also has great power to drown you in your feelings.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3332540", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=1" }, { "author": "Hooscountry", "content": "<p>@heathermarie95</p>\n<p>Music is a direct path to emotions for me, especially singing. Call Me by Shinedown has me in tears every time I listen to it. It's my favorite song to sing these days yet I can barely make it through it most of the time. Almost anything by Seether gets me feeling raw too. Those tend to let me feel my feelings. </p>\n<p><span>Some fun songs I love to sing are Still Counting by Volbeat, Whiskey Hangover by Godsmack, Low Life by Crobot, and Medicate by Theory of a Deadman. Those tend to take the pain away and put me in a good place. </span></p>\n<p><span>Out of my Way by Seether, Black Cadillac and State of my Head by Shinedown, those are some of my strength songs. They tend to make me feel empowered and motivated. </span></p>\n<p><span>Empty by Letdown, Moth by Hellyeah, Nobody Praying for Me by Seether are my dark songs. Those tend to bring out the depression and hopelessness. <br></span><br></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3332547", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=1" }, { "author": "trueconfidant123", "content": "<p>@heathermarie95</p>\n<p>Hey! I sure believe music can be a form of therapy in case of anxiety. There have been instances where chocolates and music have been my saviour in those extreme low moments. I prefer light, instrumental music to calm down the cluster of racing thoughts in my mind. I feel relaxed instantly. It takes the burden of the overflowing emotions away, so subtly.</p>\n<p> What is your form of strategy to overcome anxiety?</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3302281", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=0" }, { "author": "heathermarie95", "content": "<p>@trueconfidant123</p>\n<p>I am glad to hear you have a type of music that helps calm down your racing thoughts</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>For me personally, it would be listening to calming sounds, such as waves or rain for two examples. Sometimes I listen to some of my favorite music :)</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3302281,nil" ], "post_id": "3302697", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=0" }, { "author": "trueconfidant123", "content": "<p>@heathermarie95</p>\n<p>I can agree. Sounds of nature are definitely soothing. Try listening harp music, it's heaven. </p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3302697,3302281,nil" ], "post_id": "3302835", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=0" }, { "author": "heathermarie95", "content": "<p>@trueconfidant123</p>\n<p>I will give that a try, thank you! </p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3302835,3302697,3302281,nil" ], "post_id": "3303165", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=0" }, { "author": "trueconfidant123", "content": "<p>@heathermarie95</p>\n<p><img src=\"https://media.tenor.com/cvwoUZBC3sYAAAAC/whiskey-ei-suoi-amici-coccole-sonore.gif\" data-src-static=\"https://media.tenor.com/cvwoUZBC3sYAAAAe/whiskey-ei-suoi-amici-coccole-sonore.png\" alt=\"whiskey-ei-suoi-amici-coccole-sonore.gif\" style=\"max-width:100%;\"><br></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3303165,3302835,3302697,3302281,nil" ], "post_id": "3303186", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=0" }, { "author": "Nicole20021", "content": "<p>Music helps me a lot </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3302720", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=0" }, { "author": "heathermarie95", "content": "<p>@Nicole20021</p>\n<p>I'm glad it helps for you!</p>\n<p>Is there any particular genre that is helpful for you ? </p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3302720,nil" ], "post_id": "3303164", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=0" }, { "author": "heavenlyWinter", "content": "<p>@heathermarie95</p>\n<p>For me music is like therapy, sometimes it helps to listen to songs used in movies, it helps me remember the passages and eventually when I focus on a certain passage I end up distracting myself and forget about anxiety attacks, normally I focus on music from Indian movies, I imagine myself dancing and stuff.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>😊 </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3303726", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=0" }, { "author": "heathermarie95", "content": "<p>that is interesting! im glad that is helpful for you! </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3303726,nil" ], "post_id": "3303788", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=0" }, { "author": "bubbleBeechwood324", "content": "<p>@heathermarie95</p>\n<p>I listen to heavy rain and thunder with a calm playlist in the background</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3303793", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=0" }, { "author": "heathermarie95", "content": "<p>those are great. its a good way to fall asleep as well</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3303793,nil" ], "post_id": "3304334", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=0" }, { "author": "shikha02", "content": "<p>@heathermarie95</p>\n<p>I somewhere agree somewhere not! </p>\n<p>Music helps in healing but it depends what kinda music you're listening to. If you're listening to some emotional songs that won't heal you rather it would make it more worse.</p>\n<p>But if you're listening to some meaningful music yes that can help, Also some natural sounds.</p>\n<p>In my case, Quran recitation helped me the most , that's definitely different from music but we definitely can relate. It not only heal you also makes you a better person.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3321291", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=0" }, { "author": "InPersonx", "content": "<p>@heathermarie95 it definitely is. When im anxious i just play whatever song and its ten times better.</p>\n<p><br></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3321299", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=0" }, { "author": "LunaLove1617", "content": "<p>@heathermarie95 PP1 by Frakkur, and yes i know the name sounds dirty but its a stimboard song and it helps my panic attacks :)</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3321313", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=0" }, { "author": "passionateThinker3248", "content": "<p>Yeah it definitely is, especially music I can't resist singing with</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3321565", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=0" }, { "author": "LOOPHOLE", "content": "<p>It does..</p>\n<p>All of the Classical musical stuff definitely calm down the nerves. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3321678", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=0" }, { "author": "usedItUp", "content": "<p>When I find that I have little or no interest in music, it is a sign that I am not well (very depressed, anxious).</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p><br></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3321728", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=0" }, { "author": "Gettingbettertoday", "content": "<p>@heathermarie95</p>\n<p>I have many forms of anxiety. I don't find music soothing for them. Some music is even the opposite overwhelming me with extra input when I am already overloaded. </p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3321740", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=0" }, { "author": "lightPrune1000", "content": "<p>@heathermarie95 loud music like metal, so loud that it beats my stress, but it hurts my ears</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3321753", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=0" }, { "author": "heathermarie95", "content": "<p>yess gotta love loud music</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3321753,nil" ], "post_id": "3321755", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=0" }, { "author": "lightPrune1000", "content": "<p>@heathermarie95</p>\n<p>What ways you use to release stress? </p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3321755,3321753,nil" ], "post_id": "3322893", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=0" }, { "author": "heathermarie95", "content": "<p>music for sure 😀</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3322893,3321755,3321753,nil" ], "post_id": "3323456", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=0" }, { "author": "neonEyes936", "content": "<p>@heathermarie95 Relaxing music such as tibetan flute</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3322442", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=0" }, { "author": "Hadesa", "content": "<p>Yes, music obviously can be a form of therapy for many.As in my case its music and nature.I feel relaxed to watch nature while listening to soft melodic music it kind of give me relief.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3322899", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=0" }, { "author": "EgirlxD", "content": "<p>music really helps me ..... my favorites songs rn are i always want to d1e sometimes by the 1975 and she knows it by maggie lindemann </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3323548", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=0" }, { "author": "WellsFiction", "content": "<p>@heathermarie95 Oh yes! Music is awesome! Helps me deal with so much. Going to listen to some music now actually haha.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3324171", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=0" }, { "author": "Curlyheart", "content": "<p>It definitely helps distract me for sure . I really mis going to concerts, I wish I could go now.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3324318", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=0" }, { "author": "wildflower999", "content": "<p>@heathermarie95</p>\n<p>Yes, music helps me a lot! I like to listen to sanskrit mantras and classical music- they are my favorite. But I pretty much enjoy all kinds of music genres. I can't imagine a life without my earphones haha </p>\n<p><span>What about you?  </span><br></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3324853", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=0" }, { "author": "heathermarie95", "content": "<p>im glad to hear music helps you.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>i would say music is a form of therapy for me. to be honest, i listen is almost all genres 😀</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3324853,nil" ], "post_id": "3325063", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=0" }, { "author": "smarsmar", "content": "<p>@heathermarie95 I definitely listen to music when I’m upset, I just listen to music I enjoy and it makes me feel better</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3324858", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=0" }, { "author": "adaptableMap7572", "content": "<p>@heathermarie95 Music has helped me calm my nerves so many times, be it anger or sadness it has always helped me,</p>\n<p>If I'm feeling an emotion, I listen to the songs relating with it, and then queue the songs which help me feel better</p>\n<p>so if I'm feeling angry i listen to very energetic and upbeat songs and then go back to some neutral songs</p>\n<p>similarly, if I'm sad, i listen to sad songs first like Matilda by Harry Styles, Ghost by Justin Bieber, All of the stars By Ed Sheeran, and then listen to more motivating songs</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3325744", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=0" }, { "author": "mytwistedsoul", "content": "<p>Music helps me with a lot of things - anxiety and depression. I used to say that if you want to know how I am ask me what I'm listening to</p>\n<p>I listen to heavier music usually. Songs that speak to me. Lately it's been Citizen Soldier or Jacob Lee. Which is like night and day lol</p>\n<p>Jacob Lee - Guidance <a href=\"https://youtu.be/pONRYVXtUNk\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">https://youtu.be/pONRYVXtUNk</a></p>\n<p>Citizen Soldier - Wired for Worthless</p>\n<p><a href=\"https://youtu.be/KlEBEthFVAA\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">https://youtu.be/KlEBEthFVAA</a><br></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3327809", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=0" }, { "author": "heathermarie95", "content": "<p>great music!</p>\n<p>citizen soldier has great songs 😀</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3327809,nil" ], "post_id": "3332436", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=0" }, { "author": "EvAnders0n", "content": "<p>@heathermarie95</p>\n<p>weirdly enough rap/hiphop/rnb help calm me down when im ***</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3327822", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=0" }, { "author": "Zebra2000", "content": "<p>when my anxiety is high I end up listening to podcasts or talk radio more. I think listening to a topic other than the noise in my head helps. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3332409", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=0" }, { "author": "dawn44", "content": "<p>@heathermarie95</p>\n<p>Hi! Yesss absolutely. Personally, I put on coffee shop ambiance from YouTube or Spotify with a nice background video. This really makes me calm down especially the ones with rain in the background. Has a very safe feeling.</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3332434", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=0" }, { "author": "PianoMat", "content": "<p></p>\n<p>For me, it's \"<a href=\"https://youtu.be/MYlPSQNTbiI\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">The Art of Fugue</a>\".  It takes my mind off things quite effectively. </p>\n<p><br></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3332449", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=0" }, { "author": "Sudmantohelp", "content": "<p>@heathermarie95</p>\n<p>I love music</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3332461", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=0" }, { "author": "Bunii", "content": "<p>Generally, yes.</p>\n<p>Music has a great power to sway emotions, the flipside to that though is it also has great power to drown you in your feelings.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3332540", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=0" }, { "author": "Hooscountry", "content": "<p>@heathermarie95</p>\n<p>Music is a direct path to emotions for me, especially singing. Call Me by Shinedown has me in tears every time I listen to it. It's my favorite song to sing these days yet I can barely make it through it most of the time. Almost anything by Seether gets me feeling raw too. Those tend to let me feel my feelings. </p>\n<p><span>Some fun songs I love to sing are Still Counting by Volbeat, Whiskey Hangover by Godsmack, Low Life by Crobot, and Medicate by Theory of a Deadman. Those tend to take the pain away and put me in a good place. </span></p>\n<p><span>Out of my Way by Seether, Black Cadillac and State of my Head by Shinedown, those are some of my strength songs. They tend to make me feel empowered and motivated. </span></p>\n<p><span>Empty by Letdown, Moth by Hellyeah, Nobody Praying for Me by Seether are my dark songs. Those tend to bring out the depression and hopelessness. <br></span><br></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3332547", "thread_id": "307873", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ismusicyourtypeoftherapy_307873/?p=0" } ]
{ "author": "sensitiveBalsam7250", "content": "I grew up in a dysfunctional family and in our country, there are no “rules” to leave home at 18 and etc. We live at our parents house until we’re married and then live with our in laws. So we can’t leave our home either. One thing our Parents do not understand is that they created this dysfunctional family and we learned from them all the negative stuff which affected our mental health. But then again they don’t even believe in mental health. So we’re not “allowed” or are “frowned upon” to get professional help/therapy. Here’s an example of my daily life : so I’ve been feeling suffocated in my own home forever, since childhood but if I react to it, then it is my fault and I’m overreacting. My parents…..they fight like all the time and when me & my sibling try to stop them, they attack us (not physically, we’ll just once physically) and there’s no stopping them. If I ever tell them I need mental help, they say “just focus on your studies, what else do you need to be stressed about? You’re too young to be having stressful situations. I have worse problems, my colleagues did this, they did that, I had to suffer worse and I didn’t get any help, I’m doing just fine, I’m keeping everything to myself. What is therapy? You should just get some slaps and you’ll snap back to reality “. So basically this is how I grew up and still living like this!…\n", "date": "1691512354", "thread_id": "310611", "title": "Living in a dysfunctional family (contains tmi)", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Livinginadysfunctionalfamilycontainstmi_310611/" }
[ { "author": "mmba1r", "content": "<p>@sensitiveBalsam7250</p>\n<p>Hi, im really sorry to hear you feel suffocated in your own family, I have a similar situation, although different in its own way. I hope you dont mind me asking, but suppose you are 18 already, or soon to be, do you believe that leaving this family would be best for your and your siblings? I understand it would be very difficult, stressful, and probably traumatic,  although do you think it would over time, heal the wounds which would've been made if you stayed? I understand it is much harder than just thinking of it, or having someone ask it, but I was wondering, I feel similar and I have thought many times that if I just leave this situation for once and for all, that even though it will hurt and i may regret it in the beginning, although over time it may make me feel like I can live again, and have my own life possibly. </p>\n<p>once again, im sorry you are going through this situation, and I really hope you dont get offended by my question. </p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3333053", "thread_id": "310611", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Livinginadysfunctionalfamilycontainstmi_310611/" } ]
{ "author": "okeyyyy", "content": "I think its really hard for me, cause I tend to hyper analyse myself and a lot of things, I guess the hardest part is to let go. Yesterday I went to an event on a place to see things about the country side event with my father. So long story short, I was abused physically by my father some times and constantly verbally and emotionally abused, etc, etc. I used to see my father as the villain of the story, but I guess I dont know anymore, in movies yes things can be portrait as clear cut, or used to, but I guess after seeing things in life a bit more, sometimes I guess my own stupidity or naivety on certain matters of life.... but i always second guess myself and end up not knowing which is the best path to take. So I guess the hardest part is to let go of the past and move on. That part between being wishful thinking on ideals and being more accepting the people who I have near me as they are regardless their flaws, I know saying its easy, but acting according to what I say is the hardest part. \n\nIn short I talk too much and do too little about my life at least that is what I think of me, I tend to be harsh on myself, and I wish I could work things better without being running things by being spoiled little me. \n", "date": "1690423887", "thread_id": "309679", "title": "I feel like I am a disgrace to my family.", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/IfeellikeIamadisgracetomyfamily_309679/" }
[ { "author": "TiaRIFFIC", "content": "<p>@okeyyyy Hey there, friend. thanks for sharing. It's definitely hard to overcome past hurt and move forward with relationships, especially when those people are your family.  You're reaching out and connecting here, which shows me how much navigating these feelings to find your peace is a priority to you. This community is a great place to get support and the 7Cups guides have really helped me when I didn't know how and/or where to start. Don't forget to be kind to yourself and k<span>eep it up!</span></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3324651", "thread_id": "309679", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/IfeellikeIamadisgracetomyfamily_309679/" }, { "author": "okeyyyy", "content": "<p>@TiaRIFFIC Thanks so much :) you are so kind, and people here are so kind too :) Yes this would take a lot of me to heal internally. Its great being able to reach out :) </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3324651,nil" ], "post_id": "3329098", "thread_id": "309679", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/IfeellikeIamadisgracetomyfamily_309679/" }, { "author": "okeyyyy", "content": "<p>@okeyyyy yes i will keep on trying to be kind to myself, although I would need to remind myself that more often, and i will continue to keep on trying, thanks :) </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3329098,3324651,nil" ], "post_id": "3329099", "thread_id": "309679", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/IfeellikeIamadisgracetomyfamily_309679/" }, { "author": "TiaRIFFIC", "content": "<p>It's my pleasure! When I say I'm happy you're here with us, I mean it with the utmost sincerity! It sounds like you're working on have more compassion with yourself and being patient with the process.  You got this! One step at a time. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3329099,3329098,3324651,nil" ], "post_id": "3332936", "thread_id": "309679", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/IfeellikeIamadisgracetomyfamily_309679/" } ]
{ "author": "dawn44", "content": "Hi everyone, I'm new here so I'm sorry if I'm using this website wrong! I used to get panic attacks multiple times a day every single day for two years. I was in an abusive relationship and I also had general anxiety from having health anxiety but my panic attacks came from the relationship. Fast forward to last year, I left the relationship and instantly stopped having anxiety/panic attacks. I was finally living normally again and it felt so amazing. Words can't describe!! However, starting last month, I've been having some mild anxiety again and stressing more once again. I'm afraid my anxiety is coming back and I'm scared of letting it take over my life again. I don't want to go back to being stressed, exhausted, depressed, and just drained all the time again...how do you guys cope with this? how can I help prevent this? any advice? thank you all <3 \n", "date": "1691458822", "thread_id": "310549", "title": "Anxiety coming back..", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Anxietycomingback_310549/" }
[ { "author": "braveHemlock1634", "content": "<p>@dawn44 this may come from you thinking of your EX or it could just be a phsase I say try to figure out what’s causing your anxiety and try to cope with it and if you can’t or you find it to challenging just work at it say by day you’ll get through it trust me </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3332623", "thread_id": "310549", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Anxietycomingback_310549/" } ]
{ "author": "midhaynight", "content": "I have a severe phobia of needles, specifically medical needles. Lancets, syringes, and blood draws freak me out. Normally this would be a problem for an average person, as they only need 1-2 blood draws a year or less, however I am a uncontrolled type 2 diabetic.\n\nMy phobia has caused me to neglect medical attention as every time I go to the doctors they either force me to go get a blood draw (which is worst type of needle I can find) or trying to get me injectable medications. No matter how much I tell them of my fear they keep telling me my life is at stake and I should 'suck it up'. But that is the exact point. I'd rather die then go near a needle. I avoid pricking my finger and in fact haven't touched my blood meter in almost a year. I feel bad about lying to them, but I feel worse when looking at a needle.\n\nMy fear has also caused them to believe that I have high blood pressure, as every time they check my blood pressure they mention an A1C test and my blood pressure SKYROCKETS, and when I tell them this they just seem to brush it off.\n\nMy health while okay(?) for now is going to fail, my blood sugar (apparently) ranges around 450+ and my A1C is usually above a 8. Just for reference blood sugar should be less then 120 and your A1C should be less then 3. My doctors are baffled as I should be in a coma or even dead right now.\n\nNothing I have done seems to help, as taking medication (That is supposed to make me numb to the world) doesn't work until AFTER the blood draws and taking a tranq seems excessive. I have gotten my blood drawn 5 times in the past 2 years and every time I have either fainted, thrown up, or both on the attendants. Listening to music doesn't work, and I have even tried emersion therapy which only has made it worse.\n\nThe weird part of all this is the fact that neither sewing needles or tattooing needles freak me out like this. Just medical needles.\n\nHas anyone here felt something similar to this or otherwise have any advice to deal with this?\n", "date": "1432096727", "thread_id": "23194", "title": "Phobia of Medical Needles", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/PhobiaofMedicalNeedles_23194/" }
[ { "author": "None", "content": "", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "231654", "thread_id": "23194", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/PhobiaofMedicalNeedles_23194/" }, { "author": "ELITE1337", "content": "<p>I never used to have a problem with needles, but since my anxiety became evident, I couldn't even look at a needle (I still cant). Looking at needles makes me sick, even if I see a needle disposal container. I had an experience once where I almost passed out after leaving the office. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "231654,nil" ], "post_id": "1922078", "thread_id": "23194", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/PhobiaofMedicalNeedles_23194/" }, { "author": "sophiaroberts", "content": "<p>@midhaynight\n\n</p>", "parent_ids": [ "231654,nil" ], "post_id": "2057780", "thread_id": "23194", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/PhobiaofMedicalNeedles_23194/" }, { "author": "AffyAvo", "content": "<p>I feel for you. I didn't have a bad needle phobia, but if I watched them insert the needle when getting blood drawn I would get light headed. Once it was in I could watch them switch the tubes no problem.</p>\n<p>I don't have anything specific monitored, but due to multiple health conditions, as well as attempting to get diagnoses and find out if I was a good candidate for certain treatments I've had numerous blood draws in the last few years.</p>\n<p>When I was told I would be trained to do my own IVs I was really scared as I knew I would have trouble doing it to myself. My very first attempt I didn't even break skin, I just changed the angle I was holding the needle at. I almost fainted at my first two training appointments.</p>\n<p>Immersion therapy was really beneficial for me. It took a while, I actually started it before my training appointments. I still have trouble at times, but other days I do it all by myself without any problem.</p>\n<p>Other than the immersion therapy, relaxation techniques and distraction techniques I don't have any methods to suggest. It might be worthwhile to try another counsellor to see what they say.</p>\n<p>I would also be willing to brain-storm relaxation and distraction ideas with you if either of those are something you would like to explore more.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "231703", "thread_id": "23194", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/PhobiaofMedicalNeedles_23194/" }, { "author": "midhaynight", "content": "<p>Well as I said nothing seemed to work. It got so bad once i couldn't even prick my own finger with the needle and had to have someone else do it. Even thinking about it sends me nearly into shock. But I am willing to try anything as it really is a life-or-death situation for me.</p>\n<p>I have talked to several people about this, including an on-campus counselor, however they (my doctor) will say they will refer me to someone and then never do it. Or otherwise I can't see (my counselor) that often, so it never does me any real good.</p>\n<p>So I would be very grateful if indeed we could go over some relaxation and distraction techniques if you would have the time.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "231703,nil" ], "post_id": "231961", "thread_id": "23194", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/PhobiaofMedicalNeedles_23194/" }, { "author": "sunnytea", "content": "<p>I have a fear of needles too, and can sympthasize with what's going on. One technique I use is to distract myself by watching Netflix, or humming when it's time. If you have an upcoming appointment, feel free to chat with me as well if you need someone to calm you down.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "813297", "thread_id": "23194", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/PhobiaofMedicalNeedles_23194/" }, { "author": "Mcookie94", "content": "<p>i have the same fear. i HATE needles or blood one time i went to have my first surgry and i almost broke my surgens finger because they where trying to get the iv needle in. needles are the worst and i cant understand how people arnt scared of them they are poking a small hole in your skin. i feel for you having diabetes becasue my grandma had it to and she had to prick her fingers and she told me how painful it was for her i pray to god every day i dnt inharrit those genes. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "1118676", "thread_id": "23194", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/PhobiaofMedicalNeedles_23194/" }, { "author": "KangYoongi", "content": "<p>I don't have a big phobia of them, but They're quite scary!</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "1118678", "thread_id": "23194", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/PhobiaofMedicalNeedles_23194/" }, { "author": "Melpomenie", "content": "<p>@midhaynight </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "1217646", "thread_id": "23194", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/PhobiaofMedicalNeedles_23194/" }, { "author": "sociableCoconut3583", "content": "<p>I</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "1971629", "thread_id": "23194", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/PhobiaofMedicalNeedles_23194/" }, { "author": "sociableCoconut3583", "content": "<p>@sociableCoconut3583</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "1971629,nil" ], "post_id": "1971633", "thread_id": "23194", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/PhobiaofMedicalNeedles_23194/" }, { "author": "Sadeyes52", "content": "<p>I’m exactally the same I panic when I need blood draw or shot. I’m 52 this started only about 5 yrs ago. If u need to talk I’m here. I have a blood drawn appt at the end of august I’m stressing and freaking out already. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3331673", "thread_id": "23194", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/PhobiaofMedicalNeedles_23194/" }, { "author": "justjack2001", "content": "<p>@midhaynight</p>\n<p>I'm not a medical professional, but it sounds like you're dealing with a severe phobia that's impacting your ability to manage your health condition effectively. It's important to address this issue so you can receive the necessary medical care. Here are a few suggestions you could consider:</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>1. **Seek Professional Help:** Consider working with a mental health professional who specializes in treating phobias or anxiety disorders. They can help you develop strategies to cope with your fear of medical needles.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>2. **Gradual Exposure Therapy:** While you mentioned trying immersion therapy, gradual exposure therapy might still be beneficial. Working with a therapist, you can gradually and safely expose yourself to needles in a controlled manner to desensitize your fear.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>3. **Medication:** Discuss your situation with a doctor or psychiatrist. They might be able to prescribe anti-anxiety medication that could help you manage your fear during medical procedures.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>4. **Hypnotherapy or Mindfulness:** Some individuals find relief through hypnotherapy or mindfulness techniques. These approaches aim to relax and redirect your mind away from the fear during medical procedures.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>5. **Support Groups:** Connecting with others who share similar fears could provide a sense of understanding and community. You might find helpful strategies or insights from people who have faced similar challenges.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>6. **Alternative Methods:** You might explore alternative methods for monitoring your blood sugar levels, such as continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) systems that require fewer needle ***.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>Remember, it's important to communicate openly and honestly with your healthcare providers about your phobia and the challenges you're facing. They might be able to offer additional guidance and support tailored to your needs. Please consult a medical professional for personalized advice and treatment options. Your well-being is crucial, and finding a way to manage your fear is essential for your overall health.</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3332604", "thread_id": "23194", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/PhobiaofMedicalNeedles_23194/" } ]
{ "author": "B9Emmpathy", "content": "I am getting anxiety much more often and sometimes without reason.\n", "date": "1503410368", "thread_id": "82958", "title": "Anxiety", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_82958/" }
[ { "author": "lovelyWhisper66", "content": "<p>@B9Emmpathy Hi there, I am so sorry to hear about your anxiety. It is quite unpredictable how anxiety can go up and down. If you ever need someone to talk to, feel free to reach out to any of the teen listeners here (I see you are a teen currently). Thank you for your post, and hang in there! We got your back here. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "1147154", "thread_id": "82958", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_82958/" }, { "author": "littleBarry177", "content": "", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3309853", "thread_id": "82958", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_82958/" }, { "author": "wildflower999", "content": "<p>@B9Emmpathy</p>\n<p>I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing anxiety often. Anxiety can be unpredictable and challenging to manage. How have you been coping with it?</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3312096", "thread_id": "82958", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_82958/" }, { "author": "CDK1972", "content": "<p>Hi EmmpathyI have been dealing with depression for over 20 years. My last battle was about 5 months ago and it hit me pretty hard so I decided to see a psychologist for the first time in about 7 years. It helped me a lot. He discussed how anxiety and depression actually work and he also suggested for me to read 2 books. The 10 Best Ever Anxiety Management Techniques and Feeling Good. They discuss not only coping skills but talk about how the brain works in regards to anxiety and depression. I really liked the books and I am still reading them. I am not a huge fitness guy but for the last 5 months or so I take a walk in my hilly neighborhood and I also jog a little bit to get my heart rate up. This helps me tremendously. I usually do it on my lunch break because I work close to home. I am also on an anti depressant which is 20 mg of Lexapro and when I go through my anxiety/depression episodes I will take Klonopin. There is hope and you will be ok. Trust me.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3312296", "thread_id": "82958", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_82958/" }, { "author": "resourcefulWinter2810", "content": "<p>Figuring what makes us anxious, eliminating triggers and balancing our lifestyle might be part of our journey rather than temporary task. Youre strong and doing well.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3315954", "thread_id": "82958", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_82958/" }, { "author": "RavynRae", "content": "<p>@B9Emmpathy</p>\n<p>That sounds stressful. What are ways you think you could help calm yourself down? I also understand how anxiety can make it hard to reach out for help. You're doing great right now reaching out and I hope that the replies have helped.</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3316213", "thread_id": "82958", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_82958/" }, { "author": "dancingBreeze5691", "content": "<p>@B9Emmpathy <span>I feel you, it's been the same for me lately but here's something I heard that made me feel better. Olives need to be squished in order to get olive oil. Diamonds are created under pressure. Seeds grow in the dark. The fact that you're going through this means you're just growing. It's only getting better❤️</span></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3318346", "thread_id": "82958", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_82958/" }, { "author": "LOOPHOLE", "content": "<p>@B9Emmpathy</p>\n<p>Sorry to hear that .</p>\n<p>As someone who has experienced anxiety I can definitely say anxiety so no head or tail so it's normal if you feel that.</p>\n<p>And i appreciate your effort to share this with us because it helps . </p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3324836", "thread_id": "82958", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_82958/" }, { "author": "dlax88", "content": "<p>@B9Emmpathy  I'm sorry that you have recently been experiencing more anxiety. This must be difficult.  I am happy to refer you to a trained professional to speak with or maybe try some breathing exercising which may help you.  I hope you feel better soon.</p>\n<p>  </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3326621", "thread_id": "82958", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_82958/" }, { "author": "RainMyles2", "content": "<p>@B9Emmpathy</p>\n<p>Hiya there! Im sorry to hear about that! You aren’t alone with that situation. Anxiety has a mind of its own, it tends to spike even when there isn’t a reason. I hope it gets better!</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3327559", "thread_id": "82958", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_82958/" }, { "author": "Reesenotgeese", "content": "<p>@B9Emmpathy Hello! I'm sorry to hear that, anxiety is not pleasant in the least. I've struggled with anxiety for years, but I'm learning how ro deal with it. </p>\n<p>Anxiety can be both mental and physical. Many people associate anxiety with overthinking, which is very common. But it can also cause physical sensations such as nausea or dizziness. Remember that feeling that is pretty normal. When we experience anxiety our adrenaline levels go up, so the body goes through many temporary changes in an attempt to keep you alive. Think of evolution, years ago we were cavemen, when we had a spike in adrenaline it's because we were in danger, so the body would redirect blood flow from the internal organs ro the arms and legs so that we could run faster (which is why you get butterflies), the body would urinate to remove excess weight so you could move quicker (which is why some people get 'nervous wees'). A lot of the physical feelings associated with anxiety are just biological responses. Understanding that helped me a lot to deal with my panic attacks. </p>\n<p>Anxiety can take a lot of different forms, such as overthinking, mind reading, panic attacks, etc. Depending on what you're experiencing, it can help to do some research around those topics so that you can understand why it happens and how to deal with it.</p>\n<p>When I'm overthinking I find the best thing I can do it distract myself, and challenge my thought (I would recommend you do some research around that in particular). When I am 'mind reading' I try to consider that thoughts and emotions are not facts and that I might have the situation all wrong (the website Healthy Place has a really good article about mind reading). When I have a panic attack the best thing I can do is remove myself from the situation and remind myself that I am safe, and that I will be okay.</p>\n<p>I hope this has helped! X</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3327637", "thread_id": "82958", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_82958/" }, { "author": "SomberGrey", "content": "<p>@B9Emmpathy</p>\n<p>Hey there, I am sorry to hear you are suffering with sometimes random bursts of anxiety. Do you have any sort of coping mechanisms you have found that helps you come down from these feelings? Have you been able to talk to anyone in person about these feelings? Feeling anxious for almost no reason can feel overwhelming and I hope you are able to find ways to calm these feelings.  <br>Sometimes just talking about it to someone can help! Have you tried the calming exorcises on the growth path yet? </p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3329665", "thread_id": "82958", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_82958/" }, { "author": "scenicNight12", "content": "<p>@B9Emmpathy I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing increased anxiety, even at times when there doesn't seem to be a clear reason. Anxiety can indeed manifest in various ways and might not always be tied to specific triggers. It's important to address these feelings and find ways to manage them. <span>Remember that reaching out for help is a positive step, and you don't have to navigate this journey alone. I'm here to provide support and guidance. You're not alone, and there are resources available to help you on your path to managing anxiety.</span></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3331131", "thread_id": "82958", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_82958/" }, { "author": "patientSky1754", "content": "<p>@B9Emmpathy</p>\n<p><span> I'm sorry that you've been dealing with more frequent anxiety lately, even when there doesn't seem to be a specific reason. It can be tough when those feelings come out of nowhere. If you want, It might be helpful to try keeping track of any patterns or things that might be triggering your anxiety</span></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3331786", "thread_id": "82958", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_82958/" }, { "author": "lovelyApple6441", "content": "<p>@B9Emmpathy sorry to hear you've been experiencing a lot of anxiety lately, I know it can be really scary to go through. We're here to support you through this :))</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3332395", "thread_id": "82958", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_82958/" } ]
{ "author": "blitheSun94", "content": "If you’re wondering about therapy, this is your sign to go. \n\n(TW)\n\nI arrived early, halfway forgetting to remember my new patient paperwork at home. After cursing at my steering wheel, I swallowed my anxiety medication and went in anyway, observing the inception like staircases on my way to the bathroom. I checked in, fingers crossed. The receptionist was nice enough, in a better mood today, but she informed me I had to complete the paperwork again, nonetheless. Moving quickly now I leafed through the various stages of medical stories, family history, abusive experiences and consent initials just in time for my name to be called. At the door I was greeted by a warm and lovely woman, a woman old enough to be my grandmother, a woman that gave me high hopes that her wisdom would be greater than my own. After winding down the disorienting black and blue hallways, I made my way to her sunken in couch adorned with frayed and clearly cried on pillows, evidence of those who had come before me.\n\nI explained in detail that I didn’t want to spend too much time meandering in the past, although it has no doubt had an impact on my present pathology. I elaborated that I felt addressing present day concerns would be more pertinent and she kindly agreed. She asked about my previous psychiatric history and subsequent hospitalizations, which I thought was nice of her to acknowledge. Revisiting these things can be triggering, but that’s also what makes them important. I explained that like most people I sustained a largely useless hospitalization the first time and left with nothing more than crisis intervention, a less than revealing personality inventory, medication and a misdiagnosis.\n\nIn the ten years that passed I struggled greatly with my sexual orientation, and sustained the blow of suicide that fractures a family in ways you only know if you’ve lived it. I explained the litany of maladaptive behaviors that followed for every poor soul dangling in my family tree and how leaving was the only way to heal. She told me I was very articulate and made me promise to keep writing. She asked if I had been here before, swearing up and down that she recognized me. I don’t believe in coincidences and took this as a good sign. We later determined we had passed in the hallway once or twice six years ago. She recalled me on my way to another practitioner who I later had to break up with on the basis of facial recognition alone.\n\nWe moved then to present day symptomology, the things that challenge me the most, the things that break my heart on a day-to-day basis. She was engaging, validating, and compassionate during my telling of my late cousin – stolen too soon by a drug overdose, my total hysterectomy – stolen too soon by endometriosis, and my sweet kitty girl Sibyl – stolen too soon by her own vet.\n\nI cried and she empathized, telling me of her own fur babies while I reached for the inevitable nearby tissue box and did my best not to judge the situation. I told her my medication was helping but also changed my demeanor so I apologized if I didn’t seem interested. She engaged with me anyway, turning to her nearby bookshelf and soon sitting beside me on the pressed in couch. As we flipped through the pages, she identified tools and defined the word “homework” that we both determined would be helpful in our journey together.\n\nShe spoke of her own family and offered praise in my progress as a spiritual being who is deeply invested in self-healing, no matter the consequence. We touched on relationships, boundaries, and she offered some additional community resources once she learned I am a lover of the peer support model. She touched on the idea that this is a relationship and she wants our communication to remain transparent, to which I couldn’t agree more. Post-therapy sniffles came to a slow and our time was up. In some strange way I didn’t want it to end. There is so much to unpack, so much work to be done, but I am confident we will arrive at the goal we set to be met by January of next year – namely giving my adrenal gland a break and giving me something tangible to hold onto.\n", "date": "1689502424", "thread_id": "308902", "title": "First Round of Therapy in Ten Years", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/FirstRoundofTherapyinTenYears_308902/" }
[ { "author": "mich765", "content": "<p>This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3314792", "thread_id": "308902", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/FirstRoundofTherapyinTenYears_308902/" }, { "author": "TiaRIFFIC", "content": "<p>Wow, thank you for sharing this inspiring story. I'll be sure to add this book to my reading list and check it out! </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3327747", "thread_id": "308902", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/FirstRoundofTherapyinTenYears_308902/" }, { "author": "kala", "content": "<p>I like your writings 🤗</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3332394", "thread_id": "308902", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/FirstRoundofTherapyinTenYears_308902/" } ]
{ "author": "okeyyyy", "content": "In the last 23 years since the year 2000 technology shifts and especially the dumbphones, computers, tablets and other screen devices people become more isolated, living on their own worlds more, more alienated from one another. I know I had been ultra addicted to computers since primary school, but since i am 45 years old, when i was young people were more present in the moment and we did not had such huge issues created by all this devices alienating us from one another, yes for sure metal issues was always a thing, but at least we did not have this walking zombies on their phones. \n\nFor me its really hard already to try to mingle with people, and adding to this to have the phones being parasites on the world it feels like it makes the connecting to anyone so ultra hard. Whenever there was some dead time in waiting between activities was always a good chance to talk to other people, enjoy of the little things, watching the sky, the trees, stepping on leaves, smiling at dogs that pass by :) , petting cats, flying away in fantasy land, or and so on, but now its so hard to see people who actually are present on the moment even knowing were their feet are planted on, now everything is screens.  I wish people would go back to dumping their phones :) \n", "date": "1691313355", "thread_id": "310431", "title": "I feel that cause of dumbphones its so hard to live life without huge spikes of anxiety.", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ifeelthatcauseofdumbphonesitssohardtolivelifewithouthugespikesofanxiety_310431/" }
[ { "author": "Optimisticempath", "content": "<p>@okeyyyy your frustration on the increased use of technology and specially phones is vv valid and understandable </p>\n<p>I think sometimes we forget moderation and that these things are here to help us not to depend on them for everything </p>\n<p>I'm in a fix about it too.. I'm vv dependent on my phone for many things including cups and I hate it too because I'm aware of the ill effects as well :/ </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3331250", "thread_id": "310431", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ifeelthatcauseofdumbphonesitssohardtolivelifewithouthugespikesofanxiety_310431/" }, { "author": "okeyyyy", "content": "<p>@Optimisticempath yes its quite sick cause it feels as living inside an episode of black mirror :( </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3331250,nil" ], "post_id": "3331797", "thread_id": "310431", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ifeelthatcauseofdumbphonesitssohardtolivelifewithouthugespikesofanxiety_310431/" }, { "author": "vroomvrooom", "content": "<p>@okeyyyy very relatable. I am 45 and have grown up playing football on the street and cycling, things which might seem alien to many of the youth now. I saw my once very active nephew with outdoor activities now glued to his mobile to the point that he doesn't know how to communicate and reacts in aggressive manner. Use of gadgets needs to be moderated from a young age itself and people should have access to mobiles only when they reach an age of understanding, which is still very much possible. We can be the change we want to see and limit usage of gadgets on our part and try engaging people to communicate. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3331847", "thread_id": "310431", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ifeelthatcauseofdumbphonesitssohardtolivelifewithouthugespikesofanxiety_310431/" }, { "author": "thoughtfulmomma", "content": "<p>@okeyyyy </p>\n<p>I try to be understanding about technology today, but it's hard.  I had a house with no cable, no air conditioning, and corded phones.  I grew up in the computer age, and it was exciting and fun.  I love tech and gadgets.  But, if the power goes out I know how to cool a meal, read a book and play a board game.  I don't feel lost when my phone isn't nearby.<br></p>\n<p>I do feel bad that so many people are attached to the internet, and I think it's because they're trying to reach out and connect with others, and feel accepted and wanted.  It's a good and bad thing.  It's great to be able to connect with people from all over the world and learn what's happening.  It's bad because we ignore what's going on directly around us.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3332001", "thread_id": "310431", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ifeelthatcauseofdumbphonesitssohardtolivelifewithouthugespikesofanxiety_310431/" }, { "author": "Saly33", "content": "", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3332024", "thread_id": "310431", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ifeelthatcauseofdumbphonesitssohardtolivelifewithouthugespikesofanxiety_310431/" } ]
{ "author": "IDontKnow0123", "content": "I feel anxious.. I really want to stop overthinking, but another voice in my mind told me that I deserved feeling like this. Even though I know running away can't solve the problem, but I still run away.. My daily life now consists of me running away from my own thoughts, until the only thing I look forward everyday is eating. Eating can give me temporary relief, makes me feel sated and enough.., but in the end it ends once I'm full and I have too wait until I'm hungry again to eat again..\n", "date": "1597425162", "thread_id": "227290", "title": "Anxiety ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_227290/" }
[ { "author": "juliak1968", "content": "<p>@IDontKnow0123</p>\n<p>Oh your not alone and i wish i had good advice. I do the same vicious cycle on food, full, fat, stress, ect. But i got into therapy now and hope i can learn and then share what they teach me.</p>\n<p>Blessings, Day</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "2407583", "thread_id": "227290", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_227290/" }, { "author": "dancingKoala5679", "content": "<p>@IDontKnow0123</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "2407641", "thread_id": "227290", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_227290/" }, { "author": "piecefulzen", "content": "<p>I have anxiety too, maybe meditation can help </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "2407658", "thread_id": "227290", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_227290/" }, { "author": "littleBarry177", "content": "<p>@IDontKnow0123 I know this is not comfortable. Don't blame yourself. Maybe learn some tips to overcome it. Or get some professional help.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3309851", "thread_id": "227290", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_227290/" }, { "author": "Insanepotatu", "content": "<p>@IDontKnow0123 <br><span style=\"color:rgb(0,0,0);font-size:16px;\">I'm really sorry to hear that you're feeling anxious and caught in a cycle of overthinking. It can be tough when these thoughts make you believe you deserve to feel this way. Seeking temporary relief by running away or turning to food is understandable. However, it's important to find healthier ways to cope with these feelings. If you ever need someone to talk to or if you're seeking support, please remember that there are people out there who are willing to listen and help. You can connect with any listener here who can provide a safe space to discuss what's been bothering you. You don't have to face this alone. I hope your pain eases soon.</span><br></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3319021", "thread_id": "227290", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_227290/" }, { "author": "WellsFiction", "content": "<p>@IDontKnow0123 Don't allow the voices to control you. Difficult I know, yet you actually have more control over them than you think. Instead of listening to the voices shut them out. Find hobbies or things you enjoy to ease the pain and relax.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3319863", "thread_id": "227290", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_227290/" }, { "author": "dlax88", "content": "<p>@IDontKnow0123  So sorry you are feeling so anxious.  I totally understand you running towards food.  I do the same things sometimes, we all do!:)  Try some breathing exercises, <span> I find they help me sometimes. </span></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3326625", "thread_id": "227290", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_227290/" }, { "author": "RainMyles2", "content": "<p>@IDontKnow0123</p>\n<p><span>completely understand that! Overthinking can be very overwhelming and im sorry thats happening to you! You don’t deserve it, no matter how much the little guy in your head says you do, you have to believe that you dont, which is the truth. I really hope that it gets better for you! </span><br></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3327562", "thread_id": "227290", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_227290/" }, { "author": "Reesenotgeese", "content": "<p>@IDontKnow0123 I that's a very normal experience I think. If you think about it, as humans we share a lot in common with our ancestors. When humans were just cave men, we had plenty to be afraid of, because there was plenty of things trying to make us their dinner. Back then, the only time we would eat was when we were safe, so it's very natural that eating brings a feeling of comfort and safety. This is going to sound odd, but I struggled with this a lot when I was doing my finals, and chewing gum in high stress situations helped me! I guess it's because it trucks the body into thinking you're eating. I would also suggest challenging your thoughts. Thoughts and feelings may feel like fact, but they rarely are. It takes a lot of practise, but it really does help. Whenever you're thinking \"oh I'm in so much trouble, I'm going to fail at x\" try to consider other options like \"I might fail, and that's OK. But I've been working hard for it, so it's unlikely that I will fail\" or when you think \"This person probably hates me\" consider \"they probably don't hate me, they might just be shy. They might even be thinking that I hate them!\". I would do some research into challenging your thoughts, it really helped me a lot. And for the times where your mind is so loud that you just can't do anything, try making an 'emergency box' in advance, filled with little things that you find comforting, something with a smell you love, something that feel nice like a small plush teddy, something you can distract yourself with like a book. I've spoken to a few people that really recommend this. </p>\n<p>And remember, you're thoughts are not fact. You do not deserve to feel this way, you do not deserve bad things. You deserve to feel calm and safe and happy, and even if you have done or said something that makes you feel like you deserve some kind of punishment, just know that nothing you could have done would justify you deserving anything bit safety and happiness. We all make mistakes, it just proves that we're human. How else will we learn anything? You deserve to be happy.</p>\n<p>Reach out to the people around you, it's uncomfortable but it helps. You don't have to tell them what you're going through if you don't want to, but sometimes just being around another person you trust can really help.</p>\n<p>Hope this helped! X</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3327616", "thread_id": "227290", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_227290/" }, { "author": "scenicNight12", "content": "<p>@IDontKnow0123 I'm here to listen and support you through what you're experiencing. It sounds like you're facing a challenging cycle of anxiety, overthinking, and seeking relief through eating. It's important to recognize that you're not alone in dealing with these feelings, and there are steps we can take to address this pattern. It takes time and effort to overcome such patterns, but remember that change is possible. You're taking a positive step by acknowledging your feelings and seeking support. I'm here to provide support and a listening ear whenever you need it.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3331135", "thread_id": "227290", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_227290/" }, { "author": "patientSky1754", "content": "<p>@IDontKnow0123</p>\n<p>Overthinking can feel very overwhelming. I understand that you're feeling anxious and stuck in a pattern of overthinking. It seems like there's a part of you that believes you deserve to feel this way, but deep down, you know that running away won't solve the problem. I can see how relying on eating for temporary relief has become a big part of your daily life. <br></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3331783", "thread_id": "227290", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_227290/" } ]
{ "author": "LittleHopeInDark", "content": "What do you do to get that abstract, fuzzy feeling of being okay? And to do so without much thought or energy or focus? Thanks.\n", "date": "1691149486", "thread_id": "310332", "title": "How To Feel Comfortable ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/HowToFeelComfortable_310332/" }
[ { "author": "hopefulPond6108", "content": "<p>@LittleHopeInDark Magic</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3329876", "thread_id": "310332", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/HowToFeelComfortable_310332/" }, { "author": "Yougotmyback", "content": "<p>Hi! Good question. </p>\n<p>Well, I think I just look at myself some days and tell myself that I don't like me this way!! With a sad, tired face. Let's change myself for the better tomorrow hehe. I used to stress about things a lot. Thinking I would never be okay but sometimes maybe you just need to fool your heart, have a chilled conversation with yourself and let your inner child out. 💛</p>\n<p>It's not an easy thing to do all the time but it does help! Specially when you don't want to put in too much energy or thought. You can have your own ways but hope it gives some idea. ✨</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3329953", "thread_id": "310332", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/HowToFeelComfortable_310332/" }, { "author": "LittleHopeInDark", "content": "<p>@Yougotmyback This is very sweet. I have never been able to “talk” to myself, since I get frustrated that I’m unable to reply to what I think. Is there something similar to go about this? Thanks!</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3329953,nil" ], "post_id": "3330144", "thread_id": "310332", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/HowToFeelComfortable_310332/" }, { "author": "Yougotmyback", "content": "<p>Probably, you can try to write instead of the talking part! That way you'll have more time to think about something than seeking an instant reply. Do you think that can work? </p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>Or you can find a partner. Tell them to point out if you say something wrong about yourself or the situation! And take a minute to step back and see it in a different light. I never did it on purpose but tried it a few times and it definitely changed my perspective. Let me know how it goes! 🤍🤗</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3330144,3329953,nil" ], "post_id": "3330167", "thread_id": "310332", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/HowToFeelComfortable_310332/" } ]
{ "author": "compassionateFriend6011", "content": "I never knew I had anxiety until I took a test. I am starting to realize that it is what has been affecting my marriage and relationship with my husband and family and friends. Does it ever get better? What can I do to change these moods?\n", "date": "1691073246", "thread_id": "310268", "title": "How to overcome anxiety ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Howtoovercomeanxiety_310268/" }
[ { "author": "cindyzheng1344", "content": "<p>@compassionateFriend6011</p>\n<p>I can relate to your experience. I didn't realize I had anxiety until I was in my early 20s. I was always the \"stressed out\" friend, but I thought it was just part of my personality. It wasn't until I started having panic attacks that I realized something was wrong.</p>\n<p>I recommend speaking with your doctor. They can diagnose your anxiety and recommend treatment options. Also, make sure to eat a healthy diet and regularly exercise if you aren't doing so already. Exercising helped me release my stress and manage my anxiety. </p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3329014", "thread_id": "310268", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Howtoovercomeanxiety_310268/" }, { "author": "compassionateFriend6011", "content": "<p>Thank you for your response! I scheduled me an appointment with my doctor! </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3329014,nil" ], "post_id": "3329867", "thread_id": "310268", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Howtoovercomeanxiety_310268/" }, { "author": "hopefulPond6108", "content": "<p>@compassionateFriend6011 You might want to read, “When Panic Attacks” by Dr. David Burns. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3329089", "thread_id": "310268", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Howtoovercomeanxiety_310268/" }, { "author": "compassionateFriend6011", "content": "<p>Thanks! I will definitely look into it. Anything to help at this point will be great! I appreciate it! </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3329089,nil" ], "post_id": "3329866", "thread_id": "310268", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Howtoovercomeanxiety_310268/" }, { "author": "compassionateFriend6011", "content": "<p>Can anxiety be triggered by insecurities?</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3329872", "thread_id": "310268", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Howtoovercomeanxiety_310268/" }, { "author": "StressedGirl", "content": "<p>QUITE. DEF. I. NITELY! Not sure drs can diagnose anxiety (might need to be a psychiatrist).  Not sure.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3329894", "thread_id": "310268", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Howtoovercomeanxiety_310268/" }, { "author": "StressedGirl", "content": "<p>Sorry, apprntly they (dr) can diagnose anxiety :) </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3329895", "thread_id": "310268", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Howtoovercomeanxiety_310268/" } ]
{ "author": "intellectualBeach6035", "content": "Hi everyone. First, I want to thank you for taking the time to read this. It’s almost 5 am and I can’t sleep, so I thought maybe writing how I’m feeling out would help. I have a lot running through my head. First, I’m waiting to hear if I got into grad school and I’ll hear next Wednesday. I’m so scared because this is the third time I’ve applied and I have good thoughts, but I’m still so nervous and it’s so hard not to get into my head. I always get into a weird mood during the last week of waiting and I just want it to be over. But at the same time I don’t because ignorance is bliss. I’m starting a new job on Monday and I’m excited, but scared. I’ll be working in a school, but I live in America. I’m assuming you can put two and two together and tell why I’m nervous. I’m scared. I can’t let them win by not living my life, but everyday there’s a new story. I’m scared. I’m so overwhelmed and I just want to lay in bed forever.\n", "date": "1681203587", "thread_id": "302863", "title": "I can’t sleep", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Icantsleep_302863/" }
[ { "author": "BelovedMe", "content": "<p>@intellectualBeach6035  <span style=\"font-size:1rem;\">You're going through a lot of emotions right now, and it's understandable to feel nervous about waiting to hear from grad school and starting a new job, especially considering the current climate in America. It's okay to feel overwhelmed and scared. Remember to take care of yourself and prioritize self-care during this time. Try to focus on what you can control and take things one step at a time. Reach out to supportive friends or family members for comfort and support. You're not alone, and remember that you're capable of handling whatever comes your way.</span>😊</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3248821", "thread_id": "302863", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Icantsleep_302863/" }, { "author": "intellectualBeach6035", "content": "<p>Thank you so much 🩵</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3248821,nil" ], "post_id": "3300551", "thread_id": "302863", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Icantsleep_302863/" }, { "author": "littleBarry177", "content": "<p>@intellectualBeach6035 Thank you for your sharing. I sometimes can't sleep either. I even have different things need me to worry about per day. I always worry about results of something. Maybe try to not force ourselves to sleep? Hope you can get better.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3306270", "thread_id": "302863", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Icantsleep_302863/" }, { "author": "intellectualBeach6035", "content": "<p>@littleBarry177 Yeah I think forcing can stress us out more and cause us to push sleep farther away! They say distracting yourself for a bit is good and then trying again! Thank you!</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3306270,nil" ], "post_id": "3312611", "thread_id": "302863", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Icantsleep_302863/" }, { "author": "insidesunshine", "content": "<p>@intellectualBeach6035 It sounds like you're going through a lot of changes, and it makes sense that there's some anxiety that is coming up. Grad school applications and starting a new job are significant changes. I think it's good that you felt the need to write it down here; sometimes our thoughts can be overwhelming if we let them stay in only our head. </p>\n<p>I like to think that anxiety is a wave that we can try and let crash off of us without drowning us. Let yourself feel the anxiety, and let it wash off you. It's okay to be nervous and feel anxious, you got this.</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3306592", "thread_id": "302863", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Icantsleep_302863/" }, { "author": "intellectualBeach6035", "content": "<p>@insidesunshine Thank you so much 💜</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3306592,nil" ], "post_id": "3312612", "thread_id": "302863", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Icantsleep_302863/" }, { "author": "ChocolateCupcake24", "content": "<p>@intellectualBeach6035<br>It seems like you're navigating some hectic times, no wonder you're so anxious. Lacking sleep though would only make it harder to face whatever events the day brings. I personally struggle with insomnia when under stress, have you considered meditation? Check these resources from 7 Cups : https://www.7cups.com/exercises/mindfulness/</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3306803", "thread_id": "302863", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Icantsleep_302863/" }, { "author": "intellectualBeach6035", "content": "<p>@ChocolateCupcake24 Thank you! Sometimes, I listen to calming songs when I am trying to sleep 😊</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3306803,nil" ], "post_id": "3312613", "thread_id": "302863", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Icantsleep_302863/" }, { "author": "strawberrySound7617", "content": "<p>@intellectualBeach6035</p>\n<p>I'm glad you shared your feelings here! It sounds like your anxiety is being driven by all of the new changes and uncertainties you are currently faced with, which is very understandable. It can be hard to focus on yourself or even on one topic when you have a lot going on at once. I hope that as things become more certain, you will be able to find the balance between your thoughts again.</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3310461", "thread_id": "302863", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Icantsleep_302863/" }, { "author": "intellectualBeach6035", "content": "<p>@strawberrySound7617 I definitely have found getting my thoughts on paper can help me organize and work through my thoughts ❤️ </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3310461,nil" ], "post_id": "3312614", "thread_id": "302863", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Icantsleep_302863/" }, { "author": "wildflower999", "content": "<p>@intellectualBeach6035</p>\n<p>Sounds like there's so much going on in your life. I understand why you feel this way and I appreciate you sharing what's on your mind. Waiting for grad school acceptance can be a stressful experience, especially in the last week, and starting a new job can be both exciting and scary.</p>\n<p><span>Just remember you've done your best, and you've got this. Take care! 🌸</span><br></p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3312093", "thread_id": "302863", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Icantsleep_302863/" }, { "author": "intellectualBeach6035", "content": "<p>@wildflower999 Thank you so so much! All we can do is our best 🌷</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3312093,nil" ], "post_id": "3312615", "thread_id": "302863", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Icantsleep_302863/" }, { "author": "Insanepotatu", "content": "<p>@intellectualBeach6035 <br><span style=\"color:rgb(0,0,0);font-size:16px;\">I can imagine how difficult it must be for you, feeling all these emotions at once. Waiting to hear about grad school can be incredibly nerve-wracking, especially after applying multiple times. It's completely normal to feel scared and anxious during this waiting period. It sounds like the uncertainty is taking a toll on your mood, and you just want the wait to be over. Starting a new job is exciting, but I understand why you feel nervous, given the current situation in the country. It's important not to let fear hold you back from living your life, but it's completely understandable to feel overwhelmed and scared with the constantly changing news stories. It sounds like you need some rest and time to process everything. Take care of yourself, and remember that you're not alone in feeling this way. (Ghost Hugs, if you prefer them.)</span><br></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3319018", "thread_id": "302863", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Icantsleep_302863/" }, { "author": "SomberGrey", "content": "<p>@intellectualBeach6035 <br><span><span style=\"font-size:11pt;color:rgb(0,0,0);background-color:transparent;\">Hello, It seems you are going through a lot of emotions right now and that is very valid considering your circumstances. I see you are waiting to hear back from grad school acceptance, and on top of this a new job too! It is okay to feel nervous and overwhelmed even over all of these exciting new chapters in your life! I can 100% understand the anxiety about working in schools in America, but rather than focusing on the negatives regarding that - think of all the positives you can do! Making differences in children's lives :) </span><span style=\"font-size:11pt;color:rgb(0,0,0);background-color:transparent;\"><br></span><span style=\"font-size:11pt;color:rgb(0,0,0);background-color:transparent;\"><br></span><span style=\"font-size:11pt;color:rgb(0,0,0);background-color:transparent;\">I know it all seems like a lot right now but soon you'll look back at all of this and realize you are able to overcome anything. You can always reach out to listeners here or even join in group chats, and talk to close friends and family about all of these worries as well. You are never alone! </span><span style=\"font-size:11pt;color:rgb(0,0,0);background-color:transparent;\"><br></span><span style=\"font-size:11pt;color:rgb(0,0,0);background-color:transparent;\"><br></span><span style=\"font-size:11pt;color:rgb(0,0,0);background-color:transparent;\">I wish you all the luck in your new job and I'm crossing my fingers for you on that acceptance letter! </span></span><br></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3329669", "thread_id": "302863", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Icantsleep_302863/" } ]
{ "author": "Laura345", "content": "I feel extremely anxious, tomorrow I start university and I feel terribly bad. My only friend from the university told me a few days ago that he had decided not to register two subjects and that he had not wanted to say anything to me so that I would not cancel subjects with him. Since that day I have been thinking about many things. Being alone in these matters makes me too panicky without feeling accompanied, because I am terribly nervous and when I am surrounded by people I feel like I am going to vomit, I start to shake, my heart beats a thousand times and I I get extremely clumsy, which makes me want to escape and leave. And the worst thing is that my university is so small, that I always study with the same ones and there they have me labeled as the weird one, because I am quiet and when I socialize I stutter and say stupid things, but nobody knows the panic that I keep inside. I'm just praying it's not tomorrow, I feel like I'm not going to make it through this.\n", "date": "1690865665", "thread_id": "310105", "title": "College anxiety ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Collegeanxiety_310105/" }
[ { "author": "Reesenotgeese", "content": "<p>@Laura345 Hello! I have struggled with the same thing, I started college (or 6th form) last year as an adult learner. I didn't know anyone on the course and it was a small group, so all my classes were with them. I was scared they would label me the weird quiet one. (All the other students were also adult learners.)</p>\n<p>People are a lot less judgemental than you think, chances are there are quite a few people at your uni who are in a similar situation. I would say to find someone who is sitting alone, who looks nervous, and try to make conversation. That's how I made my first friend at college. And if there's no one else who is sitting alone, find a small group and ask if you can hang out with them, chances are they're really nice and will welcome you with open arms. </p>\n<p>Also, I know you feel like people have already decided they don't like you, but try challenging your thoughts! It really helped me with my anxiety. Thoughts and feelings are not fact, and while you may feel like everyone is staring at you with judging eyes, chances are they feel like the whole room is scrutinising them too. People tend to be very accepting, and you'll be studying the same course as them, so right off the bat you have a common interest! Give people a chance, they're most likely more than willing to give you one.</p>\n<p>Hope this helps!</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3327720", "thread_id": "310105", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Collegeanxiety_310105/" }, { "author": "Laura345", "content": "<p>As I had said before, my university is very small and I have been studying since the first semester with the same people, and since the first semester I have had my usual behavior that I am a little too shy and very introverted because the truth is that it is very difficult for me to interact with other people, so they sometimes notice my behavior that I'm a little nervous, that I'm a little quiet, that I'm a little clumsy, because they really notice and it's like they already labeled me like that, even once we were in a class and there were groups and they randomly chose the groups and a classmate said oh and I got the weirdo, who was the weirdo well the weirdo was me because the teacher had said it was my turn, and I literally felt bad I got home crying, and in addition to the fact that I am from another region of my country, they are also a little xenophobic and it is very uncomfortable, I feel horrible. I literally only have that one friend who was with me every semester and when he said that to me, I felt super bad and now it makes me very nervous knowing that I have to be alone with people who make me more anxious than I already am.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3327720,nil" ], "post_id": "3328247", "thread_id": "310105", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Collegeanxiety_310105/" }, { "author": "Reesenotgeese", "content": "<p>@Laura345 Hiya, I'm so sorry I misunderstood your original post x </p>\n<p>I understand that this situation can be really uncomfortable, and while the people in your class may feel that you are strange or odd, I very much doubt that you are a weirdo\"</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3328247,3327720,nil" ], "post_id": "3328888", "thread_id": "310105", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Collegeanxiety_310105/" }, { "author": "Reesenotgeese", "content": "<p>@Reesenotgeese sorry I'm posting on mobile and didn't finish that before I accidentally hit 'post'. What I was saying is that I doubt you are truly 'weird', every person has differences and sometimes experiencing anxiety can make those feelings of being different more pronounced. It was so unkind of your classmate to say that about you, I'm so sorry you had to deal with that. I wish that I could provide you with more advice, but just know that although the world may feel small, it is so much bigger than just the classroom, and in your life you are going to meet a lot of wonderful people who accept and love you for you. You are so much stronger than you think you are, you are wonderful and I hope you can find a way to cope with this.</p>\n<p>Sorry I couldn't be more help, friend x</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3328888,3328247,3327720,nil" ], "post_id": "3328892", "thread_id": "310105", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Collegeanxiety_310105/" }, { "author": "Laura345", "content": "<p>Thank you so much, seriously these words make me feel better, and I wish I could find a way to survive this, thank you for answering my post.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3328892,3328888,3328247,3327720,nil" ], "post_id": "3329522", "thread_id": "310105", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Collegeanxiety_310105/" } ]
{ "author": "Sunflowergirl08", "content": "My social anxiety is getting stronger day by day and i reallyy really wanna get over it....But how do I?\n\nI cant really make friends and talk to anyone.....\n", "date": "1691054511", "thread_id": "310255", "title": "Social anxiety is literally ruining my life", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Socialanxietyisliterallyruiningmylife_310255/" }
[ { "author": "toughTiger6481", "content": "<p>@Sunflowergirl08</p>\n<p>Anxiety for people can be different... for some simply uncomfortable and nervous and others very debilitating.  So some suggestions may work for some and not others ..... </p>\n<p>the reality is the way through is to face your anxiety and fears... push through ........in talking with others even when you do not feel like you can... many think through worst case scenarios in head to calm them as is is almost NEVER as bad as we assume it will be. </p>\n<p>I have found i make friends by being open and talking with others nothing is a bigger repellent then a huge mental wall we build ourselves around us.  </p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3328973", "thread_id": "310255", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Socialanxietyisliterallyruiningmylife_310255/" }, { "author": "Sunflowergirl08", "content": "<p>Yeahh overthinking is more of the major problems in my case.....</p>\n<p>Thankyou for reaching out :)</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3328973,nil" ], "post_id": "3329116", "thread_id": "310255", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Socialanxietyisliterallyruiningmylife_310255/" }, { "author": "cindyzheng1344", "content": "<p>@Sunflowergirl08</p>\n<p>I can relate to how you feel. Social anxiety can be really tough to deal with, and it can feel like it's getting worse and worse. Perhaps try setting small goals for yourself, such as talking to a new person every day or going to a social event once a week. And be patient with yourself, it takes time and effort to overcome social anxiety. <br></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3329024", "thread_id": "310255", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Socialanxietyisliterallyruiningmylife_310255/" }, { "author": "Sunflowergirl08", "content": "<p>I'm trying my best each day ....</p>\n<p>Thankyou for reaching out :)</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3329024,nil" ], "post_id": "3329117", "thread_id": "310255", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Socialanxietyisliterallyruiningmylife_310255/" } ]
{ "author": "heathermarie95", "content": "If you know longer had anxiety, what would be the first thing you would want to do?\n", "date": "1691001389", "thread_id": "310210", "title": "Anxiety Free", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/AnxietyFree_310210/" }
[ { "author": "akay06", "content": "<p>Go out in public without needing constant breaks. I would talk to a stranger again and maybe even make friends like I used to.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3329039", "thread_id": "310210", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/AnxietyFree_310210/" } ]
{ "author": "Silentlywishing", "content": "So I have some friends that I really like, and I think they’re some of the best friends I’ve ever had. They’re kind, funny, and accept me for who I am, and even act silly with me too. We have an understanding of each other, and do nice things for each other. They also comfort me if I get anxious, and say things like “I’d rather you tell us and we comfort you rather than you overthink”\n\nPretty much- they are good friends and I love them.\n\nHowever, I have past trauma relating to friendships, and I feel like it’s still affecting my current friendships to the point where I stress about them almost all the time.\n\nIn secondary school, in secondary 2, I stopped being friends with someone who wasn’t a good friend to me and I pretty much lost all my friends after that. Some of them still acted nice to me, but they weren’t “there”, if u know what I mean.\n\nI still remember being alone in class and just feeling so upset, not wanting to go to school because I knew I’d be left out and I’d just stress about my friends not liking me.\n\nIve noticed that this has lasting impacts on my current friendships. I don’t get too close to any friends as I’m worried they could stop being friends with me, i over analyse how my friends talk to others and think “they definitely like them more than they like me. They’d choose them over me if they could.” (I’ve realised this is bcos all my friends chose the friend that was bad to me over me before), and I have trouble believing them and worry that I’m secretly annoying them or they secretly don’t like me.\n\nAnyway, after all that explaining, lemme explain why I’m writing this, mostly. I’m trying to change my negative mindset of myself to a more positive view of myself as I want to be a better friend for these current friends (they have told me that I’m perfect the way I am but I know I could be so much better so I want to improve), and also to be able to not fall victim to people who take advantage of me, as I’ve noticed that I tend to befriend people who make me feel bad and make me feel like I’m “weird”. These friends are a nice breath of fresh air :)\n\nbut anyway, I’m trying to remind myself that my friends don’t hate me if their voice has a bit of a different tone when talking to me, and tell myself that they still love and care for me but whenever I try to tell myself that, I still feel anxious, and then I get a scary thought about them leaving me because I’m “too weird” (they have never said that but plenty others have, to the point where the word “weird” makes me upset even when used in an endearing way) and spiral, and feel more stressed, and then have to ask them for reassurance, feel bad for asking for reassurance, apologise a million times and overexplain, feel bad for overexplaining, worry, and yeah.\n\ni don’t know what to do, I feel really lost on how to improve myself and calm myself down when I worry about my friendships. I know to tell myself “I’m not weird, they don’t hate me” but I still feel stressed. Do I just need to keep telling myself that? Or is there more I could do? I’m really sorry for the long essay but I’d really appreciate some advice. I hope whoever reads this has a good day!!\n\n", "date": "1690995343", "thread_id": "310204", "title": "Stressing about friendships ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Stressingaboutfriendships_310204/" }
[ { "author": "CarolineGrey", "content": "<p>@Silentlywishing Hi! I have the exact same problem. I have been betrayed by friends so many times it's hard for me to believe the awesome friends I have right now actually like me. But when I feel like this, I just talk to them, and hang out and decide that they're not worth spacing out just because of my doubts. That's the gift of real friends- when you're with them you forget your doubts and just feel wonderful around them and are happy to be yourself. And you know that if they said something stupid you'll still be their friend, so you can count on them to do the same for you</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3328451", "thread_id": "310204", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Stressingaboutfriendships_310204/" } ]
{ "author": "Moonlight69", "content": "I suffer from acute psychological stress\n", "date": "1690976111", "thread_id": "310184", "title": "Is there a solution for psychological pressure?", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Isthereasolutionforpsychologicalpressure_310184/" }
[ { "author": "MeaningfulSilence", "content": "<p>@Moonlight69 </p>\n<p>Hi Moonlight69, do you feel to share a bit about what causes you such stress and how does it impact your daily life? </p>\n<p>Take care! </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3328250", "thread_id": "310184", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Isthereasolutionforpsychologicalpressure_310184/" } ]
{ "author": "Iamcha01", "content": "I've always been socially anxious all my life. I'm bad at maintaining friendships and I'm guilty of ghosting them. I had friends from college that I lost contact with after graduation that are trying to reconnect because of my disappearance for so many years. I have always been ignoring everyone's messages asking about me because it's making me anxious. I feel so terrible being such a bad friend and I know they don't deserve to waste their time on me. What's making me feel worse is they found me and went to my house a few days ago trying to catch up like nothing happened at all (this is the first time they saw me after 5 years of graduation). I didn't explain the real reason for my disappearance because I don't know how to explain it. What would I say like \"I ghosted you all because I want to be alone and never be found\"? They even asked for my contact number and I gave it but I haven't opened my phone yet because I feel anxious about the incoming messages and I don't have the energy to catch up with everyone. How should I tell them that it's not about them but it's about me? I know I would end up alone and losing everyone around me because of this toxic behavior of mine but I don't feel anything right now, I just want to isolate myself from everyone 😣.\n\n", "date": "1690817824", "thread_id": "310049", "title": "How to tell the friends I've ghosted for years why I disappeared?", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/HowtotellthefriendsIveghostedforyearswhyIdisappeared_310049/" }
[ { "author": "THORN0205", "content": "<p>@Iamcha01 Hey there...I'm really sorry about your situation and I understand how overwhelming it can be trying to keep up with friendships and life itself...I'm here for you...We all are, it's just a matter of finding the right listner and I would love to make time for you because we all care about you so much as an individual...please relax, breathe for a while and message me here when you are ready</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3327272", "thread_id": "310049", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/HowtotellthefriendsIveghostedforyearswhyIdisappeared_310049/" }, { "author": "TiaRIFFIC", "content": "<p><span>That's tough, and I understand why you're having a hard time deciding how to approach this. It can be hard to open up about these things. Sometimes it seems so overwhelming that it's easier to withdraw. Be patient with yourself, these things take time.  No one is perfect, and I think pretty much everyone can relate to wanting to take space when we're having a hard time. Take it one step at a time as you reconnect and remember to be kind to yourself. </span><br></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3327756", "thread_id": "310049", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/HowtotellthefriendsIveghostedforyearswhyIdisappeared_310049/" } ]
{ "author": "virtue22", "content": "I have college today in few hours, I feel very nauseous and anxious right now, as the time passes by, my physical self and mental health feels worse, it's really getting harder for me to breathe (I'm okay, just anxious).\n\nToday's first day of my college and I don't know anybody there 🥲 I'm scared to be judged, and made fun of, for who I am and how anxious I'm feeling.\n", "date": "1690857018", "thread_id": "310094", "title": "Social anxiety", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Socialanxiety_310094/" }
[ { "author": "THORN0205", "content": "<p>@virtue22 Hey there... We're here for you...Social anxiety can be very challenging to cope with...Your story matters to all of us and Yes, I may not be the perfect listener for you but please consider this when you feel left out or alone...</p>\n<p>1.Remember to always ask yourself:\"What's more important-to fit in with people who's values are different from mine or to stay true to myself?\" And NEVER change the good person you are just because people want a different you.</p>\n<p>And again steer clear of people whose speech and conduct reflect poor values...</p>\n<p>If you don't fit in with a certain group,it may be good to step back and examine why. If the problem is that the group doesn't live by your standards or expect you to change negatively then you can feel glad that you don't fit in</p>\n<p>And yes with social anxiety it's not easy but please TRY not worry too much about fitting in. It's better to spend time and energy on developing qualities that will make you a better person. If you are kind to others, the people you would want as friends will get drawn to you.</p>\n<p>Good luck and Please know that you are Amazing and you Got This!...we're here whenever you need help</p>\n<p><br></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3327330", "thread_id": "310094", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Socialanxiety_310094/" } ]
{ "author": "23helicopters", "content": "I've been struggling with anxiety for a long time and the environment I'm in is making my mental health even worse! I am so dissatisfied of my life it makes me want to cry. I want to cry as soon as I wake up. I also have anxiety attacks almost everyday now. Anxiety also messed up my overall health and I have a loss of appetite now. I really don't know what to do and I can't get a therapist right now.\n", "date": "1690197457", "thread_id": "309464", "title": "Anxiety ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Anxiety_309464/" }
[ { "author": "Barltik2065", "content": "<p>@23helicopters</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNormal\">Hello 23Helicopters</p>\n<p></p>\n<p class=\"MsoNormal\">Anxiety isn’t a joke for sure. It can have its toll on us,\nthat we all know.<br>\nThose that don’t have Anxiety issue, would not understand how we feel.\nEspecially when we have an event. And you have shown how strong you are, you\nare here. It takes great strength to open as such. I believe in you!</p>\n<p></p>\n<p class=\"MsoNormal\">Tell me about these events, do you know what causes them?<br>\nAnd when you have one, what do you do to calm down?</p>\n<p></p>\n<p>\n\n\n\n\n\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNormal\">When I have one, I will reach in pocket for me keys or my\ncellphone. It helps me to have the texture and feel of something in my hands.\nOr I will count in base twos, such as 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, etc<br>\nI am not suggesting it would work for you but, What do you do? What helps you?</p>\n<p></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3322401", "thread_id": "309464", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Anxiety_309464/" }, { "author": "23helicopters", "content": "<p>@Barltik2065</p>\n<p>Hi. Thank you sm for your reply. So I developed anxiety and my anxiety attacks because I'm stressed all the time. I am deeply dissatisfied with my life and live not in a safe area so it contributes to my anxiety a lot. I'm so anxious whenever I have to use public transports( and I have to use them a lot) and I'm overall nervous walking on the streets and feel aversive of everyone due to previous bad experiences. </p>\n<p>That's a great technique, I really want to try it. </p>\n<p>Usually I try breathing exercises when I'm anxious but it doesn't help all the time. I am searching now for other coping mechanisms because I have these anxiety attacks more and more and they are interfering a lotttt with my life. And right now I don't have the option to see a therapist but I thought about trying online therapy but I'm not sure. </p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3322401,nil" ], "post_id": "3324873", "thread_id": "309464", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Anxiety_309464/" }, { "author": "Barltik2065", "content": "<p>@23helicopters</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNormal\">Hopefully you were about to have had some positive\nentertainment(s) over the weekend.<br><br></p>\n<p></p>\n<p class=\"MsoNormal\">That is great that the breathing does help from time to\ntime. There is hope and you are not alone we believe in you.</p>\n<p></p>\n<p class=\"MsoNormal\">Here are some <a href=\"https://www.7cups.com/supportGuides/selfHelpGuides.php\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">Self-Help Guides</a>.   They might be able to get some other\ntechniques to help.<br>\nIf you wish to Chat with a Trained Listener, <span style=\"font-size:11.5pt;\">Click </span><span style=\"font-size:11.5pt;color:#FF0000;\"><a href=\"https://www.7cups.com/BrowseListeners/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">here</a> </span><span style=\"font-size:11.5pt;\">for the list of Active Listeners.</span></p>\n<p></p>\n<p class=\"MsoNormal\">Here is <a href=\"https://www.7cups.com/therapists/search.php\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">Therapists</a>\nonline.</p>\n<p></p>\n<p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNormal\">I am really sorry to hear how unsatisfying things are. I can\nsee how stressful things are. You are not alone. We get you. We hear you. I too\ndeal with Anxieties that flare up from time to time. Remember there is Hope and\nwe are here to help. </p>\n<p></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3324873,3322401,nil" ], "post_id": "3326394", "thread_id": "309464", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Anxiety_309464/" }, { "author": "23helicopters", "content": "<p>Thank you so much. I'm gonna check this self help guide. </p>\n<p>It feels better to know that I am not alone. And I'm so grateful to be on this app. To be honest it's the only thing that is preventing my mental health from completely falling apart. But I still wish I had more support in real life tho. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3326394,3324873,3322401,nil" ], "post_id": "3326410", "thread_id": "309464", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Anxiety_309464/" }, { "author": "Barltik2065", "content": "<p>@23helicopters</p>\n<p>You are most welcome.<br>We are all here and we believe in you.</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3326410,3326394,3324873,3322401,nil" ], "post_id": "3327273", "thread_id": "309464", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Anxiety_309464/" }, { "author": "Sam170322", "content": "<p>Hello dear 👋</p>\n<p>I'm so sorry to hear that , I'm also struggling with sever anxiety and agoraphobia and I know these feelings it's really bad !</p>\n<p>Have you taken medicine to treat anxiety?</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3323107", "thread_id": "309464", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Anxiety_309464/" }, { "author": "23helicopters", "content": "<p>@Sam170322</p>\n<p>Hi. It feels better to know that I am not alone in this. I hope it will get better for both of us 💗 </p>\n<p>No I didn't take any medicine for it. I don't have the option to see a therapist right now either. </p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3323107,nil" ], "post_id": "3324874", "thread_id": "309464", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Anxiety_309464/" }, { "author": "Sam170322", "content": "<p>Hi 😊</p>\n<p>You are not alone, please let me know if you need anything I'm happy to help don't hesitate 🙏</p>\n<p>I have a good book if you want I can send it to you it's very helpful book to read it .</p>\n<p>Hope we will get better soon and forget about this horror time </p>\n<p>Wish you a wonderful day</p>\n<p>With my best regards </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3324874,3323107,nil" ], "post_id": "3327212", "thread_id": "309464", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Anxiety_309464/" } ]
{ "author": "intellectualBeing2393", "content": "Just new here and wanted to make a post! Lately I've been trying to breathe and stay relaxed so I don't get a lot of anxiety.\n\nWhat do you guys like to do for fun?\n", "date": "1690780093", "thread_id": "310021", "title": "Hi everyone! ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Hieveryone_310021/" }
[ { "author": "trueconfidant123", "content": "<p>@intellectualBeing2393</p>\n<p>Hello. Welcome to the community. That sounds like a wonderful method to cope with anxiety. I'm glad you have been doing better. Thank you for joining us. </p>\n<p>I like to read for fun! 📚</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3326357", "thread_id": "310021", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Hieveryone_310021/" } ]
{ "author": "neonLime7738", "content": "My mother says I have to leave her house. I'm 19, female, and a recent high school graduate. I graduated last year and took a break to work for a year before going to college. I'm supposed to start this year in the fall. But so many things have happened. I had to quit my job because my boss bullied me. So I'm having a hard time finding a job. And my mom doesn't like the energy I give off. She has depression and anxiety as well as I do, but she's also overly sensitive to where if she doesn't like the way you look, she'd get upset. I didn't admit it to myself yet, but I'm so scared. I have to find a shelter and my city is dangerous. I just wish I didn't have to go through this. My mom has always been dismissive of me because I was a problem child when I was younger. I have no friends, no car, the college I'm going to is a community College with nothing on campus, no relatives to ask either. I was with them last year because we suddenly (my family, siblings, mother.) Had to move because of my landlord. But they kicked me out, basically. mMy stepdad's life is unstable, and my siblings all live with my mother. I'm looking into shelters. Just wanted to rant. Thank you for listening.\n", "date": "1690666134", "thread_id": "309925", "title": "I'm afraid for me", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Imafraidforme_309925/" }
[ { "author": "IndigoWhiteDenim", "content": "<p>Sweetheart you're so brave sharing your thoughts and struggles with us . First of all you sound very troubled and fearful. What I want you to know is that at the end things will work out for you. Can you please expand on this: my mom doesn't like the energy that's I'm giving on</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3325305", "thread_id": "309925", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Imafraidforme_309925/" }, { "author": "neonLime7738", "content": "<p>Hi, apologies for the lateness. I'll elaborate;</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>My mother is an \"energy sensitive person\", meaning she's highly empathetic. If you're in a bad or good mood, she'd take notice to it right away. I have severe depression. I've had it for quite some time, so my negative feelings usually float atop compared to positive ones. My mother doesn't like it when I'm silent all day or don't respond to her in a way she prefrrs, so she blames my \"energy\". I try to be conscious of these things, but it's impossible to always tune yourself to what other people are feeling. Hope this makes sense, thanks for listening. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3325305,nil" ], "post_id": "3325429", "thread_id": "309925", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Imafraidforme_309925/" }, { "author": "IndigoWhiteDenim", "content": "<p>@neonLime7738</p>\n<p>Honey you sound such a sweet person. My daughter is only 9 years old so I don't know how things will turn out when she's 19. You mentioned community College which is a great thing. Also why are you being kicked out by your landlord? Do you pay in time?</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3325429,3325305,nil" ], "post_id": "3325430", "thread_id": "309925", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Imafraidforme_309925/" }, { "author": "neonLime7738", "content": "<p>Oh no, I'm living with my mother. My relatives had kicked me out. My mom and I sincerely don't know why. My mother distanced me from our family on her side because she noticed that they're manipulative or judgemental and they're never there for her. She often helped her siblings and parents out whenever she could, and she just couldn't deal with the disbelief that they'd do that to me. I think they sent me back home because my mother had finally found a place suitable for my siblings and I. Although I keep to myself and follow instructions, I just think they didn't want me there at all. I'm not sure. But my mom is tired of me being home with her. I've been here since December of last year. I had lost my job, and I was getting kicked out by my relatives. My mom often complained about me being here or saying I wasn't trying. I tried Job corps, but they took too long even though I told them I was high risk homelessness. I tried the military and my recruiter kept pushing the date for my recruitment. I could've stuck with the two, but I didn't because I honestly didn't want to go. I know it sounds selfish, but I just couldn't submit myself to that. I finally found a job in March, but shortly quit last month because my supervisor was bullying me and my general manager did nothing of it. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3325430,3325429,3325305,nil" ], "post_id": "3325734", "thread_id": "309925", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Imafraidforme_309925/" }, { "author": "RogueOne1983", "content": "<p>@neonLime7738 So sad to hear that you are going through such tough times.</p>\n<p>Your mother sounds like she is wherever she is at, and we unfortunately have no control over others' behavior.</p>\n<p>I wouldn't recommend a shelter; I second trying to find help through your school.</p>\n<p>Hang in there!</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3325429,3325305,nil" ], "post_id": "3325528", "thread_id": "309925", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Imafraidforme_309925/" } ]
{ "author": "bluePal4822", "content": "hello everyone, before I say anything I hope everyone is better and the reason for which they are here is better. I am going through the worst situation I have ever been through, my family is finally broken. My dad doesn't talk to me and it bothers me that he's unhappy and can't help, my mom never understands me and she's supposed to be my best friend, my brother said horrible things to me and I practically don't have any in my family, I just go to school uni and I can't wait to have an independent life, I thought I needed everyone and now I have to survive alone because I don't want anyone around. I've thought about going to a better place but I'm not even brave for that. \n", "date": "1690611560", "thread_id": "309887", "title": "Help me ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Helpme_309887/" }
[ { "author": "SolarGenerator", "content": "<p>I'd like to help<br></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3324992", "thread_id": "309887", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Helpme_309887/" }, { "author": "communicativeHouse6846", "content": "<p>@bluePal4822 whatever happens, i am here to listen</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3325020", "thread_id": "309887", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Helpme_309887/" }, { "author": "None", "content": "<p>@bluePal4822hey,i am so proud that u have opened up,and believe me u arent alone.we are here for u.u are an awesome person and u need all the love and care</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3325533", "thread_id": "309887", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Helpme_309887/" }, { "author": "ody27", "content": "<p>I'm willing to listen</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3325545", "thread_id": "309887", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Helpme_309887/" } ]
{ "author": "Megalomentaurus", "content": "I keep learning, reading, and hearing about horrible and confusing things going on in this world. I am pretty much giving up on my dreams to become an animator/artist. There are so many problematic things with those dreams. Companies aren't treating their workers right with good pay, I lost motivation to try and draw things or come up with ideas, artists and writers are going on strike, there's so many things. Even things unrelated to art... there's still horrible things. I can't take it... I'm only a teenager, a freaking KID but this scares me so much. I'm terrified of the future... is more problems just going to arise? The world brings me so much misery as I see and hear more things going wrong. I don't want to grow up in a world of death and depression. I am very anxious right now... I'm a misanthrope(or someone who hates humans) because there's so much evil and mistreatment. I am terrified and I can't just ignore it... I can't ignore the future because it will come. What is going to happen to me? What is going to happen to everyone? THE WORLD? I cannot relax. Please... I am very happy if you read all this. Thank you very much, I'm sorry if you are annoyed to keep seeing me post threads all the time. I just need some advice right now... my head's circulating and my messy head is not letting me relax and figure things out. I get so upset and emotional over EVERYTHING I tell you. Every little and BIG thing.\n", "date": "1690665575", "thread_id": "309924", "title": "What is going on with the world right now? I cannot stop worrying about things. ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WhatisgoingonwiththeworldrightnowIcannotstopworryingaboutthings_309924/" }
[ { "author": "hopefulPond6108", "content": "<p>@Megalomentaurus Hi. I totally hear where you are coming from. I too have problems with these frightening images of the future. I’m going to tell you what my way of coping has been. It’s not perfect, it is short term, but it’s better than panic. I have to keep coming back to these techniques because the panic returns, but that is to be expected given the nature of the issues you and I are facing. They are real things in the world and rightly worrying. I imagine others might have told you to chill or relax and that may make the panic feel even worse.</p>\n<p>Today, at this minute I am safe. I have air conditioning, I have eaten, I have food. Living in the future is not possible. Try to breath a bit deeper, try to pay attention to how your body is feeling. When I do this initially my mind screams, “My body feels panicked, what do you expect it to feel like!?!” Then I try to focus on just one small part of my body or on my breathing. I try to pay attention to how that feels in as much awareness as I can. Rest your hand on your leg or a table. Pay attention to how the hand feels at the outer skin layer, and internally. Can you feel the pressure of your hand on what it is resting against. What about the inner flesh of the hand. Do you feel warmth, throbbing, tingling or maybe it feels “neutral” and there seems like nothing there to pay attention to. Switch attention to any other part of your body, let your attention follow whatever sensation you can find. While doing this your mind will probably continue it’s monologue about the impending future disasters. Just say to it, kindly, “not now mind, we can talk about that later.” You may have to remind yourself to quiet the mind like this several times. Try to resume the focus on your body and this very moment. </p>\n<p>If you try to do this for at least a period of five minutes, and maybe Do it several times a day it can help give you a short break. The future you fear may indeed be your reality one day, but then again, we humans are really good at worrying about bad future events that never happen. We can also be blissfully unaware of impending disastrous things that maybe someone should have been more careful to avoid. The sinking of the Titanic was one of those things that seems like someone might have been justified in worrying about before it occurred. But the thing is we aren’t great at making predictions either about good or bad things. I imagine a lot of soldiers at war think they will never make it home alive. They are justified in their worried assessment but many do survive despite the odds. All of us, soldiers, civilians, rich, poor, all of us live a life of uncertainty. There are literally no guarantees. We try to build a picture of the world as a stable unchanging place, but this is really not reality. Sometimes it is nice to assume it is stable and go on in our life as if it were. Other times it helps to realize that every bit of every atom in the universe is moving and changing and that’s the reality and nature of it. Wishing it was otherwise just adds to our worries.</p>\n<p>You’ll have feelings about all of this. It doesn’t feel good to face what we have to face. I keep saying that I’d be doing so much better if only life was like it was a few years ago. Feelings are temporary though. They are a phenomenon just like the weather. They change and although we sometimes think the bad feelings are here to stay, a lot of times it’s only true because we let our thoughts run amok. Our thinking goes something like, “Condition A is bad…” and upon this thought our body starts pumping adrenaline and we pay really close attention to that thought. The thought is a “danger” thought and we have learned through evolution to pay extra attention to danger thoughts. That’s why you’re great great great grandfather survived, and why you’re here. Our mind then says, “Oh no, if condition A is bad then it may lead to condition B…” And then we are off to rapidly linked and an ever more disastrous dialog in our head.</p>\n<p>Yes the world is scary right now. You and I have one really important job - to not panic. By not panicking we are doing not only a service to ourselves but to everyone around us. In a state of more calm (no need to try to achieve perfect calm, but just less panic) we can perhaps come up with creative ideas to help us survive and maybe even help others survive and maybe even solve some of the worlds problems. None of us is smart enough or powerful enough to fix any of these things by ourselves. Personally we can choose to be overwhelmed by them or to find some small hope to get through. I don’t know about you, but every time I get to this fork in the road of “giving up”, it’s more depressing than trying, really trying to keep moving forward. Trying to move forward with some tight jawed attitude like I’m a super tough soldier isn’t healthy. That’s why I return to my meditation practice - most often just a few short moments during the day to focus on this second and how my body is feeling. The Titanic may indeed sink but at least I have a few moments of relaxing my mind and body. </p>\n<p>I hope this perspective helps a bit. The only one I know. I hope you find whatever helps you. Dismiss whatever is not helpful to you, but keep searching for what does. Wishing you all the best.</p>\n<p><br></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3325359", "thread_id": "309924", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WhatisgoingonwiththeworldrightnowIcannotstopworryingaboutthings_309924/" }, { "author": "Megalomentaurus", "content": "<p>Thanks... as I read your message, my mind is racing with thoughts. I know it doesn't like some parts of your message. It's not an offense, please don't get that way... it's mainly panic. My mind hates thinking about how uncertain and how fast life circulates in every corner of this planet. Left, right, up, down, 360. Things are happening everywhere. My mind hates thinking about that. Hopefully, your exercise does do something... but my brain gets extremely stressed over things. Much more emotional and sensitive than other people's brains. I remember meditation not doing the best to calm me down. When someone interrupted my meditation, I might snap at them angrily and rudely. Granted, I didn't give meditation many tries... but I still was aggro with someone. I can't tell if I have some sort of anxiety disorders or emotional disorders. Or even something else. I am getting help from a therapist soon... but I'm even worried about that. There's so much worry in my brain. There is SO MUCH. And unfortunately, I don't give myself a forgiveness. Forgiving break. Forgiveness. I don't do that as I hate how I am. This mental state isn't good for myself... but I believe this may stay with me for a LONG time. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3325359,nil" ], "post_id": "3325389", "thread_id": "309924", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WhatisgoingonwiththeworldrightnowIcannotstopworryingaboutthings_309924/" } ]
{ "author": "leannescarlett", "content": "Hi there . I have a hard time making my own decisions. With being in the young adult transition program I am in , I can make decisions. I just get anxious about anything, even if it’s small. I don’t trust myself and want to trust in myself more . Does anyone else have trouble with making decisions? I would love to hear your thoughts on that.,\n", "date": "1690487440", "thread_id": "309772", "title": "Decisions ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Decisions_309772/" }
[ { "author": "Tauriel98", "content": "<p>@leannescarlett</p>\n<p>Hi 👋 I can totally feel u. I was like this and still a little now. For me When it came to making a decision, I immediately tell myself that what if I do it wrong or what if it wasn't the right decision, what if I fail. I just didn't trust myself AND I couldn't bring me to FORGIVE myself if it went wrong. I kept looking at the results and it scared me, it's kinda like keep predict the future u know🙃 but u know what, LET IT FAIL, Don't be scared it will make u grow I promise. Actually this is a good thing that u question ur decisions and try to make the right ones but Don't put too much energy or thought to it and even if it wasn't very right, it will give u experience and make u a mature person. Don't blame yourself for possible mistakes because it will give u life experience and it worth it so it won't be a total failure :)))</p>\n<p>Another tip: try to start with making a simple decisions. Like what way is faster one to get me home and choose one.</p>\n<p>Sorry it was long but I just wanted to say that there is nothing wrong with u and ur doing great 💛</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3324148", "thread_id": "309772", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Decisions_309772/" }, { "author": "leannescarlett", "content": "<p><span class=\"ql-size-large\">Hi there. Thanks. I have a hard time with the statement “there’s nothing wrong.” Within these past few days… I’ve definitely made decisions, then second guessed myself. The bigger decisions are more difficult. Like I don’t want to do the phase 2 part of my young adult transition study program but next steps are roughh. </span></p>", "parent_ids": [ "3324148,nil" ], "post_id": "3325122", "thread_id": "309772", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Decisions_309772/" }, { "author": "WellsFiction", "content": "<p>@leannescarlett For sure! If I'm really stressed I feel very anxious all the time. I've gotten better at dealing with those feelings, yet they're definitely a hurdle to climb. You're not alone, friend :)</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3324170", "thread_id": "309772", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Decisions_309772/" }, { "author": "leannescarlett", "content": "<p><span class=\"ql-size-large\">Appreciate it </span></p>", "parent_ids": [ "3324170,nil" ], "post_id": "3325123", "thread_id": "309772", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Decisions_309772/" }, { "author": "passionateThinker3248", "content": "<p>Definitely do have the same trouble making decisions, sometimes I'll dwell on things for a week at least before I can make a decision. I struggle with my confidence in myself to make those decisions, even if it's something simple </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3324620", "thread_id": "309772", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Decisions_309772/" }, { "author": "leannescarlett", "content": "<p><span class=\"ql-size-large\">I can relate with you. Struggle with confidence and believing in myself. I just wanna “go for it” because even ruminating on thoughts to bring up in therapy or just talk with others, makes me anxious. </span></p>", "parent_ids": [ "3324620,nil" ], "post_id": "3325125", "thread_id": "309772", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Decisions_309772/" }, { "author": "passionateThinker3248", "content": "<p>I think that's the thing, I think sometimes we just have to go for it. Personally I'm trying harder to just go for it, because I feel like deep down we probably want to but are scared. Maybe by just going for it, we will build that confidence in ourselves and have trust in ourselves. So let's \" go for it\" </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3325125,3324620,nil" ], "post_id": "3325135", "thread_id": "309772", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Decisions_309772/" } ]
{ "author": "leannescarlett", "content": "Hi there. \n\nI completely forgot I had this app. Been using the Crisis Text Line way to much and not in crisis. Just need to vent \n\nI have been in this transition program. Young Adult Transition Study Center in Northern Idaho and Just transitioned to Phase 2. I made such great connections in Phase one and have attachment issues. I got attached to people who are at phase 1, staff member wise. The student population will move down to phase 2 in these next 2-3 months. It’s so hard being some where new . I still have my same therapist. And a couple staff who go back and forth between the phases . They aren’t here today. \n\nEven though it took me a while to get adjusted to phase 1, im having trouble with the transition . \n", "date": "1690478063", "thread_id": "309757", "title": "Transitions ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Transitions_309757/" }
[ { "author": "FrenchMarbles", "content": "<p>@leannescarlett</p>\n<p>Hi there,</p>\n<p>I'm delighted you reached out to vent and share what you're going through. This transition to Phase 2 in the Young Adult Transition Study Center has been quite challenging for you. Transitions can be tricky, especially when we've formed strong connections with people in a previous phase. It's normal to feel a sense of attachment to those individuals and staff members supporting you.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>Moving into a new phase can bring about a mix of emotions and uncertainties, and understandably, you might find it difficult to adjust to this change. It's okay to take your time to adapt and process these new surroundings and the different dynamics in Phase 2.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>Having a familiar therapist is undoubtedly valuable during this adjustment period, but I can imagine that the absence of some staff members you've grown close to can add to the sense of unease. Remember, it's alright to feel this way, and it's essential to acknowledge and validate your emotions.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>Sometimes, change can be overwhelming, but it can also present opportunities for growth and new connections. As you continue this journey, be patient and gentle with yourself. Allow yourself the space to navigate through this transition at your own pace.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>Don't hesitate to reach out if you ever need to vent or share your thoughts again. There are people here to listen and support you during this process. Take care, and remember that you're not alone in what you're going through.</p>\n<p><img src=\"//7cupstearesources.s3.amazonaws.com/forum/img/my-project-1_1690649438.jpg\" alt=\"my-project-1_1690649438.jpg\" style=\"max-width:100%;\"><br></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3325092", "thread_id": "309757", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Transitions_309757/" }, { "author": "leannescarlett", "content": "<p><span class=\"ql-size-large\">Thank you so much. yeah, it’s been rough but doing it. I’ve forced myself to try and get out of the house a lot , even though it’s been hard. Being in walking distance from a lot of stuff helps. I’m going home for the first time since Easter. Looking forward to visiting. Once I get back … that’s when I’ll start my job. I still am unsure about being in phase 2. Just wanna try and do things on my own. It’s just too scary to follow through with what I want .</span></p>", "parent_ids": [ "3325092,nil" ], "post_id": "3325112", "thread_id": "309757", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Transitions_309757/" }, { "author": "FrenchMarbles", "content": "<p>@leannescarlett What do you think you want? If you don't mind me asking? Deep question, I know xD</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p><img src=\"//7cupstearesources.s3.amazonaws.com/forum/img/my-project-1_1690651286.jpg\" alt=\"my-project-1_1690651286.jpg\" style=\"max-width:100%;\"><br></p>", "parent_ids": [ "3325112,3325092,nil" ], "post_id": "3325118", "thread_id": "309757", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Transitions_309757/" } ]
{ "author": "fearlessShip1292", "content": "I am crying every night feeling alone... Shortness of breathe... Separation fear\n", "date": "1673518749", "thread_id": "295726", "title": "Anxiety", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Anxiety_295726/" }
[ { "author": "innateJoy9602", "content": "<p>@fearlessShip1292</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNormal\"><span>Hope you’re\nokay right now. It sounds like you’re really struggling with separation fear. If\nyour comfortable sharing, who or what are you anxious about being separated from?\nSending hugs.</span>💜<span><font face=\"Work Sans\"><span style=\"font-size:10pt;\"></span></font></span></p>\n<p></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3176482", "thread_id": "295726", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Anxiety_295726/" }, { "author": "independentHemlock4030", "content": "<p>@fearlessShip1292</p>\n<p>Hello ,</p>\n<p>how are you now ? Seems like you are going through some painful times … don’t worry it will get soon .. i am going through the same stages as you it’s *** , but trust everything will be alright hopefully…do what you love it might make you happy and give you comfort, it’s okay to cry release all the pain..if it doesn’t you can always come we will be ready to listen.</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3176496", "thread_id": "295726", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Anxiety_295726/" }, { "author": "littleBarry177", "content": "<p>@fearlessShip1292 Sorry to hear that. You may need professional help. Hope you will get better.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3309841", "thread_id": "295726", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Anxiety_295726/" }, { "author": "LOOPHOLE", "content": "<p>@fearlessShip1292</p>\n<p>Hey , I'm so sorry to know that you are experiencing all this.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>We all understand that anxiety can be comes in various ways and yours is no different . So your experiences are completely valid.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>It would help you and us a lot if you would like to share what makes you feel like that?</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>Why do you think that you're being separated from someone? </p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3324921", "thread_id": "295726", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Anxiety_295726/" }, { "author": "leannescarlett", "content": "<p><span class=\"ql-size-large\">Hey there… I can relate with you more than you know. My fears in life hold me back. I get sad but I’ve been holding things in. I gave a fear of my fears. Which makes things hard to believe in myself </span></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3325115", "thread_id": "295726", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Anxiety_295726/" } ]
{ "author": "LOOPHOLE", "content": "We are like a big family , more than motivation, support is what we need ,and getting that from anonymous people is an amazing thing..\n\nI hope everything gets support and live a life that they have also wished.\n\n", "date": "1690305811", "thread_id": "309566", "title": "To all the people who are in need. ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Toallthepeoplewhoareinneed_309566/" }
[ { "author": "Barltik2065", "content": "<p>@LOOPHOLE</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNormal\">Hello LoopHole</p>\n<p></p>\n<p class=\"MsoNormal\"></p>\n<p> </p>\n<p class=\"MsoNormal\">WOW, almost like an Inspiration Message of the Day.<br><br></p>\n<p></p>\n<p class=\"MsoNormal\">How about a appendage to that,</p>\n<p></p>\n<p class=\"MsoNormal\">Knowing that You are Valid, Loved, and You are Free to Feel\nwithout Judgment.</p>\n<p></p>\n<p>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n</p>\n<p class=\"MsoNormal\">Thanks for the Inspiration!</p>\n<p></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3322409", "thread_id": "309566", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Toallthepeoplewhoareinneed_309566/" }, { "author": "trueconfidant123", "content": "<p>@LOOPHOLE</p>\n<p><font color=\"#9c0000\">Love and light to all!</font></p>\n<p><img src=\"https://media.tenor.com/TIJogtamEgMAAAAC/baby-pooh-disney.gif\" data-src-static=\"https://media.tenor.com/TIJogtamEgMAAAAe/baby-pooh-disney.png\" alt=\"baby-pooh-disney.gif\" style=\"max-width:100%;\"><br></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3324272", "thread_id": "309566", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Toallthepeoplewhoareinneed_309566/" }, { "author": "WonNone", "content": "<p>@LOOPHOLE</p>\n<p>You too loopʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ♡</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3325091", "thread_id": "309566", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Toallthepeoplewhoareinneed_309566/" } ]
{ "author": "Leehyuk", "content": "I’ve been feeling anxious lately because I am about to feel anxious. I don’t know if that makes any sense, but it feels as if my anxiety is growing within more anxiety.\n", "date": "1690589079", "thread_id": "309869", "title": "Anxiety within anxiety ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Anxietywithinanxiety_309869/" }
[ { "author": "SolarGenerator", "content": "<p>@Leehyuk Anxious about anxiety ... meta-anxiety.</p>\n<p>It's kinda like getting angry at one's self for being angry.  When does the circle of anger cease?  Where does circle of anxiety end?<br></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3325009", "thread_id": "309869", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Anxietywithinanxiety_309869/" } ]
{ "author": "yohima", "content": "Qualcuno dall'Italia? Che ansia terribile respiro male\n", "date": "1690424226", "thread_id": "309680", "title": "Ansia ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Ansia_309680/" }
[ { "author": "FrenchMarbles", "content": "<p>@yohima</p>\n<p><b><u>In Italian</u></b></p>\n<p>Ciao, il mio nome è FrenchMarbles. Non sono italiano, ma abbiamo molti ascoltatori e membri italiani qui. Puoi provare su <a href=\"https://www.7cups.com/forum/countries/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">https://www.7cups.com/forum/countries/</a> e vedere se qualcuno è disponibile per aiutarti. Con l'ansia è difficile perché colpisce ognuno in modo diverso. Di solito lavoro con molte persone che hanno l'ansia ed è una cosa molto spaventosa da affrontare, ma la cosa più importante da ricordare è che non sei solo/a. Sentiti libero/a di provare il link che ho inviato e speriamo tu possa entrare in contatto con qualcuno che parli la tua lingua.</p>\n<p><b><u>In English</u></b></p>\n<p>\"Hello, my name is FrenchMarbles I am not Italian, but we do have a lot of Italian listeners and members on here. You can try https://www.7cups.com/forum/countries/ and see if anyone is there to help. With anxiety it's hard because it affects everyone differently. I usually work with a lot of people who have anxiety and it's a very scary thing to go through but the most important thing to remember is that you're not alone. Feel free to try the link I sent and hopefully you'll get connected to someone who can speak your language.\"<b><u><br></u></b></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3324852", "thread_id": "309680", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Ansia_309680/" } ]
{ "author": "Absynthe2021", "content": "Does anyone else's hands get super shaky when you're stressed? I've been so worried and anxious lately. I feel the shakiness in my forearms too. This is affecting my work and I don't like it. The anxiety makes me space out too. I don't want to go into a downward spiral. Any suggestions to cope?\n", "date": "1690559157", "thread_id": "309853", "title": "Shakiness with Anxiety", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/ShakinesswithAnxiety_309853/" }
[ { "author": "Mozymad", "content": "<p>@Absynthe2021 <br>I can relate, but my anxiety is more so in my chest and I cant control it. What helps me is doing breathing exercises. I use the app Calm and Headspace. Theres a lot of good mindfulness meditations. I've been living with anxiety the last 4 years now and its really tough. Just know that you are not alone. In my opinion, being active, eating healthy, creating positive space within your mind and heart (through meditation) \"overtime\" will help with that. Im still on my journey so just know you are not alone. There are people who are going through what you're going through but are staying silent. So pat on the back for even sharing this. I recently started a gratitude journal, only been a week, and can see small improvements in my anxiety, so try anything. You got nothing to lose but tons to gain. <br>Hope that helps/ </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3324492", "thread_id": "309853", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/ShakinesswithAnxiety_309853/" } ]
{ "author": "axthmatixromulus", "content": "Disclosure: I talk about my DID, NSFW, bodily fluids, and OCD. Please tell me if this violates anything and if it needs to be taken down, I will do so immediately. First time poster.\n\nA part of me has strong cleanliness OCD amongst other things, and this has been making my life a mess. I cannot eat certain things, touch certain things, do certain things. I struggle to maintain a normal schedule because of this, and the intrusive thoughts are crippling. I went a little out of my comfort zone today to have intercourse with my spouse, who knows of my issues. It was going great, didn’t think about anything negative and only positives the whole way. I felt wonderful with this situation. Eventually, my partner climaxed and got their fluids on my hand. And my part just flew into the situation, starting to gag and I felt vomit rise into my mouth. I feel gross and disgusting, crying and trying not to ruin the mood with my partner. I hate having this disorder and I hate struggling to have intimacy with my other half. I feel as if there’s no hope and I’ll never be able to do what I want to do because of it. The OCD affects all of me, it just affects that part of me the most. I feel like all of my therapy has been undone in that moment.\n\nThank you for reading if you did, I was just hoping to vent or see if anyone had anything to say.\n", "date": "1690432025", "thread_id": "309698", "title": "OCD, TW NSFW", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/OCDTWNSFW_309698/" }
[ { "author": "Mya000", "content": "<p>@axthmatixromulus <span>Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us, and for the disclosure. It takes a lot of courage to open up about personal struggles, and we're here to support you. </span></p>\n<p style=\"margin:1.25em 0px;\">The concept of \"getting out of your comfort zone\" is often touted as a path to personal growth, but it can be problematic when applied without considering individual circumstances and consent. Pushing ourselves beyond our limits may exacerbate anxiety and stress, particularly when it comes to intimate situations. Instead, we should focus on understanding and respecting our boundaries, especially during vulnerable moments.</p>\n<p style=\"margin:1.25em 0px;\">In relationships, open communication is vital. It's essential to express your needs and limitations to your partner, especially in intimate settings. A partner who truly cares for you will prioritize your mental and emotional well-being. Remember that you should never feel pressured to engage in any sexual practices you are uncomfortable with. Consent should always be at the forefront of any healthy relationship.</p>\n<p style=\"margin:1.25em 0px;\"><span>Your progress in therapy is not undone by one challenging moment. Healing is a process, and setbacks are a natural part of it. Be gentle with yourself and acknowledge the progress you've made. It's okay to feel frustrated, but try not to be too hard on yourself. Seeking professional help and support can be immensely beneficial in managing your OCD and finding coping strategies.</span><br></p>\n<p style=\"margin:1.25em 0px 0px;\">Feel free to vent and express yourself whenever you need to. You don't have to face this journey alone, and it's okay to seek support whenever you need it. Compassion, understanding, and support are essential elements of your path to healing, and there is hope for a brighter future ahead. Take care.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3324374", "thread_id": "309698", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/OCDTWNSFW_309698/" } ]
{ "author": "HealingTalk", "content": " \n\nYou might be familiar with the \"Circles of Control, Influence and Concern\"\n\nThe whole big circle is the \"Circle of Concern\", which includes all the things we are concerned about.\n\nThe \"Circle of Control\", includes the things we can control directly, such as our decisions, our self-talk, exercising, eating healthy, what we do in our free time, the films we choose to watch, the books we choose to read, the hobbies we cultivate Also our reactions to significant events in our life. Etc. The \"Circle of Control\" includes mostly things we do with ourselves.\n\nThe \"Circle of Influence\" includes things we can't control but we might have some influence. For example, our health, including our mental health (we can do things to improve it, but we don't determine it 100%), persuading others (if we are successful, which is not the case most of the time). Some things we have no individual control but can have an influence if many people do it, like voting (a small influence in politics), or recycling (contributes a tiny bit to protect the environment), etc. The more focused and active we are in our Circle of Control, the more Influence we have on things that matter to us. \n\nThe last \"No Control\" area includes all things over which we don't have any control, like our past, the opinions and behaviors of others, the economy, the weather, natural disasters, etc.\n\nThe more focused we are on our Circle of Control, the stronger and better we get.\n\nSpending much time worrying about things that we can't control, might increase our anxiety.\n\n \t* Which things, that are important to you, are within your Circle of Control?\n\n \t* What things that you can't control, you would like to Influence, and in which way?\n\n \t* What things you can't control you spend time worrying about?\n\n \t* What proportion of your time and effort you spend on each of these three \"Circles\"?\n\n-------------------------\n\n", "date": "1664827581", "thread_id": "287295", "title": "Circles of Control, Influence and Concern ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/" }
[ { "author": "None", "content": "", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3092570", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=1" }, { "author": "Hiro5", "content": "<p>Hi </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3092570,nil" ], "post_id": "3160300", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=1" }, { "author": "HealingTalk", "content": "<p>@Hiro5</p>\n<p>Hi, Hiro!</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3160300,3092570,nil" ], "post_id": "3160876", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=1" }, { "author": "None", "content": "", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3090349", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=1" }, { "author": "kareninaa", "content": "<p>Very nice!</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3090349,nil" ], "post_id": "3109003", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=1" }, { "author": "HealingTalk", "content": "<p>Thank you!</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3109003,3090349,nil" ], "post_id": "3110676", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=1" }, { "author": "tallWalker4850", "content": "", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3090386", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=1" }, { "author": "HealingTalk", "content": "<p>@tallWalker4850</p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Hi, Walker!</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">You seem a very clever, educated and sensitive person!</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">I love reading and art too...</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Art and books are very powerful for improving our mood and helping us get stronger and healthier.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">You might establish a routine for reading and doing art. Like some days at specific times, set a goal of reading or drawing for at least 15 minutes.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Keep a drawing journal, where you can express your feelings, even those dark times and scary panic attacks.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Art helps process these things in ways that help the mind to heal.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">When you find yourself overthinking, pick a pencil or a pen and a piece of paper and write down and draw your feelings and thoughts.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">\"Download them\" to a notebook or a sheet of paper.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">You can show your artwork in the Hobby Zone community here: </span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\"><a href=\"https://www.7cups.com/home/hobbyzone/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\"><u><font color=\"#000000\">https://www.7cups.com/home/hobbyzone/</font></u></a></span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">And later, might be in online communities like DeviantArt, etc.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">So you will interact with like-minded people that appreciate you for who you are.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">If you can, join art classes or book clubs in your community.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Same idea, meeting like-minded people.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">I wish you the best in your path.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Please come back here soon.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">All the best!</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Marcelo.</span></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3090386,nil" ], "post_id": "3092590", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=1" }, { "author": "tallWalker4850", "content": "<p>@HealingTalk, </p>\n<p>thank you! I love your ideas! I will try them! Thank you so so so much!</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3092590,3090386,nil" ], "post_id": "3092653", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=1" }, { "author": "HealingTalk", "content": "<p>@tallWalker4850 </p>\n<p>Oh! I am so happy that you liked them!</p>\n<p>Thank you for your kind words!</p>\n<p>I hope to see you again soon around here...</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3092653,3092590,3090386,nil" ], "post_id": "3092683", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=1" }, { "author": "Curlyheart", "content": "<p>Just had a severe anxiety attack . Trying to talk myself down.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3091088", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=1" }, { "author": "HealingTalk", "content": "<p>@Curlyheart  </p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Hi, Curlyheart!</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Thank you for coming here!  </span>❤️</p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">I am sorry you had such a severe anxiety attack. </span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Could you finally calm yourself down?</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Please tell us how you are doing.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">I wish you all the best.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">See you soon!</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Marcelo.</span></p>", "parent_ids": [ "3091088,nil" ], "post_id": "3092592", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=1" }, { "author": "goldenOwl8090", "content": "<p>@HealingTalk</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3092701", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=1" }, { "author": "HealingTalk", "content": "<p>@goldenOwl8090</p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Hi!</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Thank you for checking in!</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Despite having so much anxiety, you have good bases of support to help you in your life.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">A boyfriend, a job, your studies, your family, and your own personal things.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">It seems that attending all those make your life a bit hectic. </span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">I can imagin how scared you might feel about negative reactions from people you depend on a lot emotionally.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">You might try to balance that dependence among things, and work on yourself to be more self reliant.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">So not to depend so much on your boyfriend's reactions, for example.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">You need to reserve some time in your schedule to work on yourself.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Schedule it at the same level of importance as work or school.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Set goals, like 15 minutes minimum of journaling or stretching and schedule them as high priority.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Work on yourself to get stronger and healthier, so you will feel less anxious and depend less on the opinions thoughts, and behaviors of other people.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Work on yourself.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">You deserve it.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">I wish you all the best!</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Hope to see you again soon around here.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Marcelo.</span></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3092701,nil" ], "post_id": "3093686", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=1" }, { "author": "goldenOwl8090", "content": "<p>@HealingTalk Thank you for your kind words, support, and advice, it is really appreciated. I will definitely try those out for myself.</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3093686,3092701,nil" ], "post_id": "3095439", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=1" }, { "author": "HealingTalk", "content": "<p>@goldenOwl8090</p>\n<p>You are much welcome!</p>\n<p>I am happy that you found those words supportive and useful!</p>\n<p>Please keep coming back.</p>\n<p>All the best!</p>\n<p>Marcelo.,</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3095439,3093686,3092701,nil" ], "post_id": "3095496", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=1" }, { "author": "YesImaWomen", "content": "<p>Thank you for checking up I think aniexty for me comes unexpectedly and sometimes I try to control it</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3093193", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=1" }, { "author": "HealingTalk", "content": "<p>@YesImaWomen</p>\n<p>You are welcome!</p>\n<p>I hope you get more and more skillful at getting your anxiety under control.</p>\n<p>This thinking tool of \"Circles of Control\" might be of help,</p>\n<p>I wish you all the best!</p>\n<p>See you soon!</p>\n<p>Marcelo.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3093193,nil" ], "post_id": "3093639", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=1" }, { "author": "charmingSky5972", "content": "<p>@HealingTalk</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3096302", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=1" }, { "author": "HealingTalk", "content": "<p>@charmingSky59727</p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Hi!</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Thank you for coming here!</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">I am very sorry for my delay in answering you.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">You are right that caffeine is a big promoter of anxiety. It's great that you have identified this problem, so take appropriate measures.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">I was a \"coffee addict\" most of my life, which brought me many problems, including that (also headaches, stomach burns, painful muscle stiffness, insomnia, excessive appetite, high cholesterol...). </span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">I now drink tea instead of coffee most of the time. And it works.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">With time you get used to it.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">I feel more relaxed and calm and can sleep better.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">From time to time I do take an expresso coffee as a \"gourmet\" treat.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">You certainly have under control the coffee addiction. </span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">I am glad that this post has helped you realize that.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">All the best!</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Marcelo.</span></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3096302,nil" ], "post_id": "3099480", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=1" }, { "author": "XAngelRuneX", "content": "<p>My anxiety is on d***th and the fear of it. How does this app expect me to be able to answer or reply to ANYTHING asking for help if every time I try to bring up these anxieties it blocks out what I'm saying telling me \"it sounds like you're in crisis\". NO, I'M NOT IN CRISIS!! I Have really bad d***th anxiety and I can't tell anyone about it!!</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3098376", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=1" }, { "author": "HealingTalk", "content": "<p>@XAngelRuneX  </p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">The chat censoring software is a mindless system that reacts to the presence of words, and can't understand the meaning of what you are saying.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Fear of death is a lot healthier than its denial.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">We have a limited time to live, we will die at some point, and this is a hugely important thing that defines our lives.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">We are the only lifeform that it's conscious of this. Other animals (not to mention simpler lifeforms) don't anticipate their death. They just die someday. They might suffer pain at that moment, but not the fear of ceasing their existence.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">So your anxiety is very justified, and a sign of consciousness of a gigantic reality that most people deny. </span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">The challenge is what to do with this. How to live our lives knowing this. So that at every moment we feel we are doing the right thing, given that someday we will cease to exist.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">This might not be \"fun\" at all. Your concern is genuine and authentic. </span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">I wish you all the best.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Marcelo.</span></p>", "parent_ids": [ "3098376,nil" ], "post_id": "3099489", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=1" }, { "author": "raspberryZebra09", "content": "<p><span>The things I can control has been my least priority, eating sleeping just feels like a necessity to survive, I try to practice some bass (which I've don't for 10 years) to stop worrying so much, but it ain't helping</span><br></p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>The things I can't control is how my friends and family feel, a lot of people are so tired and busy with their own life. So if they could be less tired and busy i would like to change that.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>My worries circulate mostly around my boyfriend being abroad, and if my friends really want to be with me.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>Things i cantrol, I spend maybe 1% of my time</p>\n<p>Things i can influence is maybe 20%</p>\n<p>And our of my control is the rest.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>Overall I just feel like my speration anxiety and bad habits from mental absuive from previous relationships (both friendly and from exes) is just destroying my everyday.</p>\n<p>I always feel like people will leave me, and they are, I'm been so anxious and depressed for so long people just don't want to listen to me anymore. It Hurst to hear , I dont want to talk or not now.</p>\n<p>Just sometimes i wished i had somebody there.</p>\n<p>Family ain't an option, my mum is going though a divorce and is really depressed herself. Dad is a dad, with no emotions.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>I want to trust people and be confident.</p>\n<p>Usually I hide my feelings for a few hours to not bother people, but it gets to much and I explode.</p>\n<p>I'm destroying my own life, I know it.</p>\n<p>I try to change, but the feelings are so intense sometime.</p>\n<p>The shivers, the heartbeats, the chattering of teeth. Even if my mental is stable my body says no, and it goes both ways.</p>\n<p>I'm just so tired.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3110871", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=1" }, { "author": "HealingTalk", "content": "<p>I am sorry you feel so bad.</p>\n<p>You have very clear the roots of your problems. </p>\n<p>This is a great step forward.</p>\n<p>For example, you can focus more on things that make you stronger. </p>\n<p>This might help much to deal with painful things you can't control.</p>\n<p>You might find in 7 Cups many sources of support, in these forums, in Sharing Circles, in other Group Support chats and sharing your issues with Listeners.</p>\n<p>Stay connected as much as possible, here and in \"real life\", and work on yourself to get stronger.</p>\n<p>This might be a temporary crisis with so many important things out of whack in your life now.</p>\n<p>Things will get better in due time.</p>\n<p>I wish you all the best!</p>\n<p>Sec you soon!</p>\n<p>Marcelo.</p>\n<p><br></p>", "parent_ids": [ "3110871,nil" ], "post_id": "3111417", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=1" }, { "author": "Earther", "content": "<p>Everyone wants to be the sun that lights up your life, But I will be your moon that shines during your darkest hours.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3114767", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=1" }, { "author": "HealingTalk", "content": "<p>@Earther</p>\n<p>How lovingly, wise, compassionate and moving!</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3114767,nil" ], "post_id": "3117184", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=1" }, { "author": "mintea26", "content": "<p><span>“which things, that are important to you, are within your circle of control?”</span><br></p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>exercising such as walking every day, taking some rest, cooking (although i've been struggling with phagophobia these days) and breathing exercises.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>“what things that you can't control, you would like to influence, and in which way?”</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>managing anxiety, maintaining cleanliness in my surroundings. i want to control my panic attacks asap to avoid it from giving me more worse symptoms during an episode. and keeping places clean by using tools such as broom and mop.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>“what things you can't control you spend time worrying about?”</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>upcoming panic attacks, the things that i've done before, upcoming body aches and sensations (which triggers my hypochondria), and accidents or problems in public places (like fire).</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>“what proportion of your time and effort you spend on each of these three “circles”?”</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>oh. like, 70% - 80% of it. i just can't help it because of my hypochondria and more phobias such as phagophobia and agoraphobia. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3122236", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=1" }, { "author": "discreetCake4348", "content": "<p><span>Which things, that are important to you, are within your Circle of Control?</span><br></p>\n<p>Media I choose to partake in, keeping up with the house, food I eat and prepare.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>What things that you can't control would you like to influence and in which way?</p>\n<p>I wish I could influence people in my life and get them to recognize that their time isn't my time. I can't be available all the time, and I wish my inability to offer instant response wasn't taken to mean that I don't care. It's exhausting and makes social activity even more anxiety inducing, because I feel the need to reassure and make up for my shortcomings in their eyes.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>I also wish I could influence people's thoughts and beliefs on money and it's function/purpose. The economy can't keep working the same way, but it won't start to work differently until we shift our ideas on how to value things. It can't continue to rely primarily on man hours, automation is continuing to make that measure of value obsolete as a be all end all standard.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>What things you can't control you spend time worrying about?</p>\n<p>Whether God is good, whether God is real, that time isn't infinite and I can't do everything I could dream of, fearing that I will end up \"stuck\", worried that my husband made a mistake marrying me because I don't find him sexually attractive (I'm attracted to females sexually but always bonded better friendship wise with men), worried that old age will make my parents hard to be around (more open statements about conservative views and general racist/homophobic religious remarks....not there yet, but based on husband's family could happen.)</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>What proportion of your time and effort do you spend on each of these circles?</p>\n<p>I spend most physical time addressing things in my control, but while doing them the things out of my control bleed in with it, and take up the majority of my headspace.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3122710", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=1" }, { "author": "HairyRose", "content": "<p><span>Which things, that are important to you, are within your circle of control?</span><br></p>\n<p><em>School(that’s all I could think of)</em></p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>what things that can’t you control, you would like to influence, and in which way?</p>\n<p>the past, it has taken toll on me. Because of the people I probably have hung out with. I usually stayed with people who’s always mean to me and threatened to leave but I chose to stay because “oh it’s true, and the truth hurts” type of excuse.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>what things you can’t control you spend time worrying about?</p>\n<p><em>people leaving me </em></p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>what proportion of your time and effort you spend on each of these three “circles”?</p>\n<p><em>things that are out of my control<span class=\"ql-cursor\"></span></em></p>\n<p><br></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3123596", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=1" }, { "author": "ivettsztan8", "content": "<p>@HealingTalk</p>\n<p><span>Which things, that are important to you, are within your Circle of Control?</span><br></p>\n<p><b>My family, ofcourse, school, friends, reading rarely..</b></p>\n<p>What things that you can't control, you would like to Influence, and in which way?</p>\n<p><b>Overthinking is what I'm struggling with, and anxiety, maybe sceduling my time also, however, I'm still lost a bit about this topic.</b></p>\n<p>What things you can't control you spend time worrying about?</p>\n<p><b>Meaningless thoughts I create wich are making me believe that I might be a bad person for others, and thinking about not plesant things I would do to myself, maybe...</b></p>\n<p>What proportion of your time and effort you spend on each of these three \"Circles\"?</p>\n<p><b>To be honest, the most time is spend on the last circle, and I know I shouldn't, but I defenitly leave time for my control zone aswell, somewhere in the middle is missing a bit..</b></p>\n<p><b>(</b>How are you doing..?<b>)</b></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3124884", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=1" }, { "author": "selfconfidentTriangle2600", "content": "<p>I need help relaxing</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p><br></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3126714", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=1" }, { "author": "Kindlettering", "content": "<p>🖤</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3126883", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=1" }, { "author": "Blabla99", "content": "<p><span>which things, that are important to you, are within Circle of Control?</span><br></p>\n<p>work, exam</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>what things that you can’t control, you would like to influence, and in which way?</p>\n<p>my gf behavior, i want care i want to not feel lonely not such a disappointment, i wanna be good not bad.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>what things you can’t control you spend time worrying about?</p>\n<p>my loneliness, my emotions and how my gf reacts to, my past i never can wash away and leave it behind me. the guilt i feel about my past and how it affected my relationship my mental health, i try my hardest to wash it away forget it fix things but it’s only getting worse, i dont wanna hurt her i wanna fix it be there for her for what i did, i say that i mean it i work on it but it’s just gets worse and its eating me alive, it’s burning me alive..</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>what proportion of your time and effort you spend on each of these three “Circles”?</p>\n<p>things i can’t control…</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3128070", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=1" }, { "author": "AnxietyAt40", "content": "<p><span>Which things that are important to you, are within your circle of control? I honestly feel like i dont have control of much here lately</span><br></p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>What things you cant control, you would like to influence, and in which way? Family understanding. Mom to not be negative about everything. Uncle to understand getting over anxiety isnt that easy. Last would be the panic attacks i would like to try to get control to where my HR &amp; BP doesnt get very high so i can actually be out in public again</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>What things you cant conrol you spend time worrying about? What others think. Lately waking up feeling defeated</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>What proportion of time and effort you spend on each of the 3 circles? Lately it is the things i cant control, it seems i cant get my mind to stop finding all the bad with everything </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3128709", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=1" }, { "author": "optimisticSpring6877", "content": "<p>I feel for you. It’s no fun being the age I am and going through this. I keep thinking I should have my life together at this age. I should be able to model to younger people how to handle things. And here I am looking for a role model. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3128709,nil" ], "post_id": "3142154", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=1" }, { "author": "Aaaamer", "content": "<p><span>The problem i think isn't of what i control or not, because anxiety has become a disorder with me, daily anxiety, it can be sized down: panic attacks gave me cardiophobia and thanatophobia which gave me anxiety , it is not that much bad because there are symptoms that i got rid off, but i still have intrusive thoughts and muscle tension that i feel i must get rid off.</span><br></p>\n<p>Peace to all of you.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3134835", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=1" }, { "author": "optimisticSpring6877", "content": "<p><span>I can control me getting out of bed and dressed and out the door. I can’t control what the day is going to bring but I can control how I respond to it.</span><br></p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>I can’t control my feelings of inadequacy and failure but I’d like to influence them through finding the truth of the feelings I have. I’m bombarded with feelings that often aren’t true statements. I’d like to be able to influence myself to not have those feelings or let them go. </p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>I can’t control what the office is going to require us to do next or what a parent or student might say. I can’t worry about what will be said or asked of me next. </p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>I spend way too much time on the out of my control circle and the influence circle. The control circle sort of is left to do its thing on its own. And I find myself wasting time worrying on things I have very little influence or power over. </p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>I wish I could just be a robot for work. Be like Sheldon cooper or Spock and just focus and do the logical thing. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3142152", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=1" }, { "author": "Beetlejuice91", "content": "<p><span>Which things, that are important to me, are within my Circle of Control?</span><br></p>\n<p>I teach elementary school and am also subbing for sick coworkers. However right now there are a lot of sick coworkers and I am being shoved from one class to another. I never minded before but right now I am, so I should speak up more when I do not want to. I should also speak up to the (new) head of school about me needing him to show more leadership and have him make contact with the students parents (letting them know what is happening when the regular teacher is sick) instead of letting me sort it out and then giving me a tonguelashing it wasn't up to standards. But I have a hard time speaking up for myself also due to anxiety.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>What things that I can't control, I would like to influence, and in what way?</p>\n<p>To have our head of school actually take leadership so I won't have to figure things out myself. Also to have a lot less traffic on the roads so I get home sooner and actually have time to do chores or take time for myself.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>What things I can't control I spend time worrying about?</p>\n<p>How much time I loose by being stuck in traffic, what happens to a class I was supposed to teach but after being put infront of another will not and how it will affect the students and the teachingroster.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>What proportion of my time and effort do I spend on each of these three Circles?</p>\n<p>Most of it on things that are out of my control and because of it I lack the energy to take control of the things I can control or influence. I lack a lot these days and even students parents reminded me to take good care of myself otherwise there would be a massive problem. The fact that even parents see how burned down I am tells me I was doing too much for too long. If that didn't open my eyes my complete breakdown while talking to my teachingbuddy did. Luckily for me my teachingbuddy is also our direct superior so she will talk to our head of school on my behalf. Still, I don't like to cry in front of people. I never do in front of loved ones let allone my coworkers. This was the first time I actively started seeking job openings closer to home (I live in a small town but work in a big city). I was completely done.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>Anyway, I decided to look how it goes for the rest of the schoolyear. If things don't change I will looking for something else. There are more teachingjobs than teachers where I live so it will be fine. I hope.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>It feels a bit like ranting but typing this really took a lot of my chest. Tank you.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3144399", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=1" }, { "author": "HealingTalk", "content": "<p>@Beetlejuice91 </p>\n<p>I am glad that this thinking exercise was useful to you. </p>\n<p>It's a great thought model I think, to keep at hand for times of too much anxiety and confusion.</p>\n<p>It orders things in a useful, actionable, healthy way.</p>\n<p>Congratulations that you could take advantage of it!</p>\n<p>All the best!</p>\n<p>Marcelo.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3144399,nil" ], "post_id": "3145540", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=1" }, { "author": "Brainhack249", "content": "<p>Lately I've been riddled with anxiety. I just landed a new job which I like so far and am just starting out. I'm excited about seeing what happens but yet also get anxious thinking about the future and fear of uncertainty about what comes next after this. My biological clock is super off and have to adjust quickly as I out of fear I won't be able to function properly at work.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>Sorry I needed to vent </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3147896", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=1" }, { "author": "HealingTalk", "content": "<p>@Brainhack249</p>\n<p><span>It sounds like there's a lot going on, both exciting and anxiety-inducing. Congrats on the new job - that's a huge accomplishment. But starting something new is always stressful.</span><br></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">You're juggling a lot of different feelings at once. So it's understandable that you're anxious, but also excited. </span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">7 Cups is a great place to share your feelings about all of it.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Venting is very healthy. You are welcome to vent here!</span></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3147896,nil" ], "post_id": "3322112", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=1" }, { "author": "stagrobby", "content": "<p><span>Which things that are important to you are within your circle of control?</span><br></p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>Working out, eating healthy, trying to be social. </p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>What things that you can’t control you would like to influence and in which way?</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>I want to be invested in my job teaching students and do a better job at influencing their lives. I want to try getting my friends and family to visit me as I just moved. </p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>What things you can’t control you spend time worrying about? </p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>im still in love with my ex but I am consumed with sickness thinking about her being with someone else. </p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>What proportion of your time and effort you spend on each of these three “Circles”?</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>I spend way too much time on the circle of concern. I need to focus more on the other two. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3149519", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=1" }, { "author": "None", "content": "", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3092570", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=0" }, { "author": "Hiro5", "content": "<p>Hi </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3092570,nil" ], "post_id": "3160300", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=0" }, { "author": "HealingTalk", "content": "<p>@Hiro5</p>\n<p>Hi, Hiro!</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3160300,3092570,nil" ], "post_id": "3160876", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=0" }, { "author": "None", "content": "", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3090349", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=0" }, { "author": "kareninaa", "content": "<p>Very nice!</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3090349,nil" ], "post_id": "3109003", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=0" }, { "author": "HealingTalk", "content": "<p>Thank you!</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3109003,3090349,nil" ], "post_id": "3110676", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=0" }, { "author": "tallWalker4850", "content": "", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3090386", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=0" }, { "author": "HealingTalk", "content": "<p>@tallWalker4850</p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Hi, Walker!</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">You seem a very clever, educated and sensitive person!</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">I love reading and art too...</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Art and books are very powerful for improving our mood and helping us get stronger and healthier.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">You might establish a routine for reading and doing art. Like some days at specific times, set a goal of reading or drawing for at least 15 minutes.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Keep a drawing journal, where you can express your feelings, even those dark times and scary panic attacks.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Art helps process these things in ways that help the mind to heal.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">When you find yourself overthinking, pick a pencil or a pen and a piece of paper and write down and draw your feelings and thoughts.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">\"Download them\" to a notebook or a sheet of paper.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">You can show your artwork in the Hobby Zone community here: </span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\"><a href=\"https://www.7cups.com/home/hobbyzone/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\"><u><font color=\"#000000\">https://www.7cups.com/home/hobbyzone/</font></u></a></span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">And later, might be in online communities like DeviantArt, etc.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">So you will interact with like-minded people that appreciate you for who you are.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">If you can, join art classes or book clubs in your community.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Same idea, meeting like-minded people.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">I wish you the best in your path.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Please come back here soon.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">All the best!</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Marcelo.</span></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3090386,nil" ], "post_id": "3092590", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=0" }, { "author": "tallWalker4850", "content": "<p>@HealingTalk, </p>\n<p>thank you! I love your ideas! I will try them! Thank you so so so much!</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3092590,3090386,nil" ], "post_id": "3092653", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=0" }, { "author": "HealingTalk", "content": "<p>@tallWalker4850 </p>\n<p>Oh! I am so happy that you liked them!</p>\n<p>Thank you for your kind words!</p>\n<p>I hope to see you again soon around here...</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3092653,3092590,3090386,nil" ], "post_id": "3092683", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=0" }, { "author": "Curlyheart", "content": "<p>Just had a severe anxiety attack . Trying to talk myself down.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3091088", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=0" }, { "author": "HealingTalk", "content": "<p>@Curlyheart  </p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Hi, Curlyheart!</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Thank you for coming here!  </span>❤️</p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">I am sorry you had such a severe anxiety attack. </span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Could you finally calm yourself down?</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Please tell us how you are doing.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">I wish you all the best.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">See you soon!</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Marcelo.</span></p>", "parent_ids": [ "3091088,nil" ], "post_id": "3092592", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=0" }, { "author": "goldenOwl8090", "content": "<p>@HealingTalk</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3092701", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=0" }, { "author": "HealingTalk", "content": "<p>@goldenOwl8090</p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Hi!</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Thank you for checking in!</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Despite having so much anxiety, you have good bases of support to help you in your life.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">A boyfriend, a job, your studies, your family, and your own personal things.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">It seems that attending all those make your life a bit hectic. </span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">I can imagin how scared you might feel about negative reactions from people you depend on a lot emotionally.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">You might try to balance that dependence among things, and work on yourself to be more self reliant.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">So not to depend so much on your boyfriend's reactions, for example.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">You need to reserve some time in your schedule to work on yourself.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Schedule it at the same level of importance as work or school.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Set goals, like 15 minutes minimum of journaling or stretching and schedule them as high priority.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Work on yourself to get stronger and healthier, so you will feel less anxious and depend less on the opinions thoughts, and behaviors of other people.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Work on yourself.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">You deserve it.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">I wish you all the best!</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Hope to see you again soon around here.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Marcelo.</span></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3092701,nil" ], "post_id": "3093686", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=0" }, { "author": "goldenOwl8090", "content": "<p>@HealingTalk Thank you for your kind words, support, and advice, it is really appreciated. I will definitely try those out for myself.</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3093686,3092701,nil" ], "post_id": "3095439", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=0" }, { "author": "HealingTalk", "content": "<p>@goldenOwl8090</p>\n<p>You are much welcome!</p>\n<p>I am happy that you found those words supportive and useful!</p>\n<p>Please keep coming back.</p>\n<p>All the best!</p>\n<p>Marcelo.,</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3095439,3093686,3092701,nil" ], "post_id": "3095496", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=0" }, { "author": "YesImaWomen", "content": "<p>Thank you for checking up I think aniexty for me comes unexpectedly and sometimes I try to control it</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3093193", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=0" }, { "author": "HealingTalk", "content": "<p>@YesImaWomen</p>\n<p>You are welcome!</p>\n<p>I hope you get more and more skillful at getting your anxiety under control.</p>\n<p>This thinking tool of \"Circles of Control\" might be of help,</p>\n<p>I wish you all the best!</p>\n<p>See you soon!</p>\n<p>Marcelo.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3093193,nil" ], "post_id": "3093639", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=0" }, { "author": "charmingSky5972", "content": "<p>@HealingTalk</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3096302", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=0" }, { "author": "HealingTalk", "content": "<p>@charmingSky59727</p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Hi!</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Thank you for coming here!</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">I am very sorry for my delay in answering you.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">You are right that caffeine is a big promoter of anxiety. It's great that you have identified this problem, so take appropriate measures.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">I was a \"coffee addict\" most of my life, which brought me many problems, including that (also headaches, stomach burns, painful muscle stiffness, insomnia, excessive appetite, high cholesterol...). </span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">I now drink tea instead of coffee most of the time. And it works.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">With time you get used to it.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">I feel more relaxed and calm and can sleep better.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">From time to time I do take an expresso coffee as a \"gourmet\" treat.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">You certainly have under control the coffee addiction. </span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">I am glad that this post has helped you realize that.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">All the best!</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Marcelo.</span></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3096302,nil" ], "post_id": "3099480", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=0" }, { "author": "XAngelRuneX", "content": "<p>My anxiety is on d***th and the fear of it. How does this app expect me to be able to answer or reply to ANYTHING asking for help if every time I try to bring up these anxieties it blocks out what I'm saying telling me \"it sounds like you're in crisis\". NO, I'M NOT IN CRISIS!! I Have really bad d***th anxiety and I can't tell anyone about it!!</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3098376", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=0" }, { "author": "HealingTalk", "content": "<p>@XAngelRuneX  </p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">The chat censoring software is a mindless system that reacts to the presence of words, and can't understand the meaning of what you are saying.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Fear of death is a lot healthier than its denial.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">We have a limited time to live, we will die at some point, and this is a hugely important thing that defines our lives.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">We are the only lifeform that it's conscious of this. Other animals (not to mention simpler lifeforms) don't anticipate their death. They just die someday. They might suffer pain at that moment, but not the fear of ceasing their existence.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">So your anxiety is very justified, and a sign of consciousness of a gigantic reality that most people deny. </span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">The challenge is what to do with this. How to live our lives knowing this. So that at every moment we feel we are doing the right thing, given that someday we will cease to exist.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">This might not be \"fun\" at all. Your concern is genuine and authentic. </span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">I wish you all the best.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Marcelo.</span></p>", "parent_ids": [ "3098376,nil" ], "post_id": "3099489", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=0" }, { "author": "raspberryZebra09", "content": "<p><span>The things I can control has been my least priority, eating sleeping just feels like a necessity to survive, I try to practice some bass (which I've don't for 10 years) to stop worrying so much, but it ain't helping</span><br></p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>The things I can't control is how my friends and family feel, a lot of people are so tired and busy with their own life. So if they could be less tired and busy i would like to change that.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>My worries circulate mostly around my boyfriend being abroad, and if my friends really want to be with me.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>Things i cantrol, I spend maybe 1% of my time</p>\n<p>Things i can influence is maybe 20%</p>\n<p>And our of my control is the rest.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>Overall I just feel like my speration anxiety and bad habits from mental absuive from previous relationships (both friendly and from exes) is just destroying my everyday.</p>\n<p>I always feel like people will leave me, and they are, I'm been so anxious and depressed for so long people just don't want to listen to me anymore. It Hurst to hear , I dont want to talk or not now.</p>\n<p>Just sometimes i wished i had somebody there.</p>\n<p>Family ain't an option, my mum is going though a divorce and is really depressed herself. Dad is a dad, with no emotions.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>I want to trust people and be confident.</p>\n<p>Usually I hide my feelings for a few hours to not bother people, but it gets to much and I explode.</p>\n<p>I'm destroying my own life, I know it.</p>\n<p>I try to change, but the feelings are so intense sometime.</p>\n<p>The shivers, the heartbeats, the chattering of teeth. Even if my mental is stable my body says no, and it goes both ways.</p>\n<p>I'm just so tired.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3110871", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=0" }, { "author": "HealingTalk", "content": "<p>I am sorry you feel so bad.</p>\n<p>You have very clear the roots of your problems. </p>\n<p>This is a great step forward.</p>\n<p>For example, you can focus more on things that make you stronger. </p>\n<p>This might help much to deal with painful things you can't control.</p>\n<p>You might find in 7 Cups many sources of support, in these forums, in Sharing Circles, in other Group Support chats and sharing your issues with Listeners.</p>\n<p>Stay connected as much as possible, here and in \"real life\", and work on yourself to get stronger.</p>\n<p>This might be a temporary crisis with so many important things out of whack in your life now.</p>\n<p>Things will get better in due time.</p>\n<p>I wish you all the best!</p>\n<p>Sec you soon!</p>\n<p>Marcelo.</p>\n<p><br></p>", "parent_ids": [ "3110871,nil" ], "post_id": "3111417", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=0" }, { "author": "Earther", "content": "<p>Everyone wants to be the sun that lights up your life, But I will be your moon that shines during your darkest hours.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3114767", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=0" }, { "author": "HealingTalk", "content": "<p>@Earther</p>\n<p>How lovingly, wise, compassionate and moving!</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3114767,nil" ], "post_id": "3117184", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=0" }, { "author": "mintea26", "content": "<p><span>“which things, that are important to you, are within your circle of control?”</span><br></p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>exercising such as walking every day, taking some rest, cooking (although i've been struggling with phagophobia these days) and breathing exercises.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>“what things that you can't control, you would like to influence, and in which way?”</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>managing anxiety, maintaining cleanliness in my surroundings. i want to control my panic attacks asap to avoid it from giving me more worse symptoms during an episode. and keeping places clean by using tools such as broom and mop.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>“what things you can't control you spend time worrying about?”</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>upcoming panic attacks, the things that i've done before, upcoming body aches and sensations (which triggers my hypochondria), and accidents or problems in public places (like fire).</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>“what proportion of your time and effort you spend on each of these three “circles”?”</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>oh. like, 70% - 80% of it. i just can't help it because of my hypochondria and more phobias such as phagophobia and agoraphobia. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3122236", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=0" }, { "author": "discreetCake4348", "content": "<p><span>Which things, that are important to you, are within your Circle of Control?</span><br></p>\n<p>Media I choose to partake in, keeping up with the house, food I eat and prepare.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>What things that you can't control would you like to influence and in which way?</p>\n<p>I wish I could influence people in my life and get them to recognize that their time isn't my time. I can't be available all the time, and I wish my inability to offer instant response wasn't taken to mean that I don't care. It's exhausting and makes social activity even more anxiety inducing, because I feel the need to reassure and make up for my shortcomings in their eyes.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>I also wish I could influence people's thoughts and beliefs on money and it's function/purpose. The economy can't keep working the same way, but it won't start to work differently until we shift our ideas on how to value things. It can't continue to rely primarily on man hours, automation is continuing to make that measure of value obsolete as a be all end all standard.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>What things you can't control you spend time worrying about?</p>\n<p>Whether God is good, whether God is real, that time isn't infinite and I can't do everything I could dream of, fearing that I will end up \"stuck\", worried that my husband made a mistake marrying me because I don't find him sexually attractive (I'm attracted to females sexually but always bonded better friendship wise with men), worried that old age will make my parents hard to be around (more open statements about conservative views and general racist/homophobic religious remarks....not there yet, but based on husband's family could happen.)</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>What proportion of your time and effort do you spend on each of these circles?</p>\n<p>I spend most physical time addressing things in my control, but while doing them the things out of my control bleed in with it, and take up the majority of my headspace.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3122710", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=0" }, { "author": "HairyRose", "content": "<p><span>Which things, that are important to you, are within your circle of control?</span><br></p>\n<p><em>School(that’s all I could think of)</em></p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>what things that can’t you control, you would like to influence, and in which way?</p>\n<p>the past, it has taken toll on me. Because of the people I probably have hung out with. I usually stayed with people who’s always mean to me and threatened to leave but I chose to stay because “oh it’s true, and the truth hurts” type of excuse.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>what things you can’t control you spend time worrying about?</p>\n<p><em>people leaving me </em></p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>what proportion of your time and effort you spend on each of these three “circles”?</p>\n<p><em>things that are out of my control<span class=\"ql-cursor\"></span></em></p>\n<p><br></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3123596", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=0" }, { "author": "ivettsztan8", "content": "<p>@HealingTalk</p>\n<p><span>Which things, that are important to you, are within your Circle of Control?</span><br></p>\n<p><b>My family, ofcourse, school, friends, reading rarely..</b></p>\n<p>What things that you can't control, you would like to Influence, and in which way?</p>\n<p><b>Overthinking is what I'm struggling with, and anxiety, maybe sceduling my time also, however, I'm still lost a bit about this topic.</b></p>\n<p>What things you can't control you spend time worrying about?</p>\n<p><b>Meaningless thoughts I create wich are making me believe that I might be a bad person for others, and thinking about not plesant things I would do to myself, maybe...</b></p>\n<p>What proportion of your time and effort you spend on each of these three \"Circles\"?</p>\n<p><b>To be honest, the most time is spend on the last circle, and I know I shouldn't, but I defenitly leave time for my control zone aswell, somewhere in the middle is missing a bit..</b></p>\n<p><b>(</b>How are you doing..?<b>)</b></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3124884", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=0" }, { "author": "selfconfidentTriangle2600", "content": "<p>I need help relaxing</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p><br></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3126714", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=0" }, { "author": "Kindlettering", "content": "<p>🖤</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3126883", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=0" }, { "author": "Blabla99", "content": "<p><span>which things, that are important to you, are within Circle of Control?</span><br></p>\n<p>work, exam</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>what things that you can’t control, you would like to influence, and in which way?</p>\n<p>my gf behavior, i want care i want to not feel lonely not such a disappointment, i wanna be good not bad.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>what things you can’t control you spend time worrying about?</p>\n<p>my loneliness, my emotions and how my gf reacts to, my past i never can wash away and leave it behind me. the guilt i feel about my past and how it affected my relationship my mental health, i try my hardest to wash it away forget it fix things but it’s only getting worse, i dont wanna hurt her i wanna fix it be there for her for what i did, i say that i mean it i work on it but it’s just gets worse and its eating me alive, it’s burning me alive..</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>what proportion of your time and effort you spend on each of these three “Circles”?</p>\n<p>things i can’t control…</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3128070", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=0" }, { "author": "AnxietyAt40", "content": "<p><span>Which things that are important to you, are within your circle of control? I honestly feel like i dont have control of much here lately</span><br></p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>What things you cant control, you would like to influence, and in which way? Family understanding. Mom to not be negative about everything. Uncle to understand getting over anxiety isnt that easy. Last would be the panic attacks i would like to try to get control to where my HR &amp; BP doesnt get very high so i can actually be out in public again</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>What things you cant conrol you spend time worrying about? What others think. Lately waking up feeling defeated</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>What proportion of time and effort you spend on each of the 3 circles? Lately it is the things i cant control, it seems i cant get my mind to stop finding all the bad with everything </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3128709", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=0" }, { "author": "optimisticSpring6877", "content": "<p>I feel for you. It’s no fun being the age I am and going through this. I keep thinking I should have my life together at this age. I should be able to model to younger people how to handle things. And here I am looking for a role model. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3128709,nil" ], "post_id": "3142154", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=0" }, { "author": "Aaaamer", "content": "<p><span>The problem i think isn't of what i control or not, because anxiety has become a disorder with me, daily anxiety, it can be sized down: panic attacks gave me cardiophobia and thanatophobia which gave me anxiety , it is not that much bad because there are symptoms that i got rid off, but i still have intrusive thoughts and muscle tension that i feel i must get rid off.</span><br></p>\n<p>Peace to all of you.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3134835", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=0" }, { "author": "optimisticSpring6877", "content": "<p><span>I can control me getting out of bed and dressed and out the door. I can’t control what the day is going to bring but I can control how I respond to it.</span><br></p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>I can’t control my feelings of inadequacy and failure but I’d like to influence them through finding the truth of the feelings I have. I’m bombarded with feelings that often aren’t true statements. I’d like to be able to influence myself to not have those feelings or let them go. </p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>I can’t control what the office is going to require us to do next or what a parent or student might say. I can’t worry about what will be said or asked of me next. </p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>I spend way too much time on the out of my control circle and the influence circle. The control circle sort of is left to do its thing on its own. And I find myself wasting time worrying on things I have very little influence or power over. </p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>I wish I could just be a robot for work. Be like Sheldon cooper or Spock and just focus and do the logical thing. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3142152", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=0" }, { "author": "Beetlejuice91", "content": "<p><span>Which things, that are important to me, are within my Circle of Control?</span><br></p>\n<p>I teach elementary school and am also subbing for sick coworkers. However right now there are a lot of sick coworkers and I am being shoved from one class to another. I never minded before but right now I am, so I should speak up more when I do not want to. I should also speak up to the (new) head of school about me needing him to show more leadership and have him make contact with the students parents (letting them know what is happening when the regular teacher is sick) instead of letting me sort it out and then giving me a tonguelashing it wasn't up to standards. But I have a hard time speaking up for myself also due to anxiety.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>What things that I can't control, I would like to influence, and in what way?</p>\n<p>To have our head of school actually take leadership so I won't have to figure things out myself. Also to have a lot less traffic on the roads so I get home sooner and actually have time to do chores or take time for myself.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>What things I can't control I spend time worrying about?</p>\n<p>How much time I loose by being stuck in traffic, what happens to a class I was supposed to teach but after being put infront of another will not and how it will affect the students and the teachingroster.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>What proportion of my time and effort do I spend on each of these three Circles?</p>\n<p>Most of it on things that are out of my control and because of it I lack the energy to take control of the things I can control or influence. I lack a lot these days and even students parents reminded me to take good care of myself otherwise there would be a massive problem. The fact that even parents see how burned down I am tells me I was doing too much for too long. If that didn't open my eyes my complete breakdown while talking to my teachingbuddy did. Luckily for me my teachingbuddy is also our direct superior so she will talk to our head of school on my behalf. Still, I don't like to cry in front of people. I never do in front of loved ones let allone my coworkers. This was the first time I actively started seeking job openings closer to home (I live in a small town but work in a big city). I was completely done.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>Anyway, I decided to look how it goes for the rest of the schoolyear. If things don't change I will looking for something else. There are more teachingjobs than teachers where I live so it will be fine. I hope.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>It feels a bit like ranting but typing this really took a lot of my chest. Tank you.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3144399", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=0" }, { "author": "HealingTalk", "content": "<p>@Beetlejuice91 </p>\n<p>I am glad that this thinking exercise was useful to you. </p>\n<p>It's a great thought model I think, to keep at hand for times of too much anxiety and confusion.</p>\n<p>It orders things in a useful, actionable, healthy way.</p>\n<p>Congratulations that you could take advantage of it!</p>\n<p>All the best!</p>\n<p>Marcelo.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3144399,nil" ], "post_id": "3145540", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=0" }, { "author": "Brainhack249", "content": "<p>Lately I've been riddled with anxiety. I just landed a new job which I like so far and am just starting out. I'm excited about seeing what happens but yet also get anxious thinking about the future and fear of uncertainty about what comes next after this. My biological clock is super off and have to adjust quickly as I out of fear I won't be able to function properly at work.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>Sorry I needed to vent </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3147896", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=0" }, { "author": "HealingTalk", "content": "<p>@Brainhack249</p>\n<p><span>It sounds like there's a lot going on, both exciting and anxiety-inducing. Congrats on the new job - that's a huge accomplishment. But starting something new is always stressful.</span><br></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">You're juggling a lot of different feelings at once. So it's understandable that you're anxious, but also excited. </span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">7 Cups is a great place to share your feelings about all of it.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:15px;\">Venting is very healthy. You are welcome to vent here!</span></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3147896,nil" ], "post_id": "3322112", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=0" }, { "author": "stagrobby", "content": "<p><span>Which things that are important to you are within your circle of control?</span><br></p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>Working out, eating healthy, trying to be social. </p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>What things that you can’t control you would like to influence and in which way?</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>I want to be invested in my job teaching students and do a better job at influencing their lives. I want to try getting my friends and family to visit me as I just moved. </p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>What things you can’t control you spend time worrying about? </p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>im still in love with my ex but I am consumed with sickness thinking about her being with someone else. </p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>What proportion of your time and effort you spend on each of these three “Circles”?</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>I spend way too much time on the circle of concern. I need to focus more on the other two. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3149519", "thread_id": "287295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/CirclesofControlInfluenceandConcern_287295/?p=0" } ]
{ "author": "elhalfawi", "content": "How could speaking gonna help\n\nAnd how could I find a therapist while I have no energy to do anything.\n", "date": "1689989146", "thread_id": "309297", "title": "GAD", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/GAD_309297/" }
[ { "author": "dondondondon", "content": "<p>@elhalfawi please let me know if you want to talk. it can do wonders, i thought it was useless too but it has been the biggest help at healing myself.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3321885", "thread_id": "309297", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/GAD_309297/" }, { "author": "elhalfawi", "content": "<p>I wish I could talk but it's dark in here and I feel guilty of talking ... Thanks 🙏</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3321885,nil" ], "post_id": "3321891", "thread_id": "309297", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/GAD_309297/" }, { "author": "dondondondon", "content": "<p>@elhalfawi i understand, just know im always here if you change your mind, without judgement.  </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3321891,3321885,nil" ], "post_id": "3323207", "thread_id": "309297", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/GAD_309297/" } ]
{ "author": "Axisofjustice21", "content": "Anybody dealing with anxiety issues stemming from being left alone?\n", "date": "1690449001", "thread_id": "309719", "title": "Monophobia", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Monophobia_309719/" }
[ { "author": "GwydionRowan", "content": "<p>@Axisofjustice21 I do but only really get it when I'm home alone but luckily that doesn't happen often. But yeah I do get it </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3323079", "thread_id": "309719", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Monophobia_309719/" } ]
{ "author": "KivTheOverThinker", "content": "I feel like I’m not myself as if I’m at a complete loss of self. I’m not sure where I’m heading or I feel like I’m losing everything that’s made me. I’m not sure if it’s change but it feels uncomfortable, anxious and depressing.\n", "date": "1690409432", "thread_id": "309662", "title": "I feel like an imposter", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Ifeellikeanimposter_309662/" }
[ { "author": "zaatarHoney", "content": "<p>@KivTheOverThinker <br><br>Thank you for sharing here with us. <span>With what you're going through, it sounds like you're having a natural response anyone would have in this situation. <br><br>You'd mentioned changes, I'm wondering w</span><span>hat brought on this era of uncertainty for you? <br>&amp; when you mentioned feeling like you were losing yourself, what do you feel like you're losing?</span></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3322788", "thread_id": "309662", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Ifeellikeanimposter_309662/" }, { "author": "EgirlxD", "content": "<p>@zaatarHoney i can relate</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3322788,nil" ], "post_id": "3322790", "thread_id": "309662", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Ifeellikeanimposter_309662/" }, { "author": "RogueOne1983", "content": "<p>@KivTheOverThinker It depends on what is causing these feelings what the solution is.</p>\n<p>I suggest exploration of this with someone you trust.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3322794", "thread_id": "309662", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Ifeellikeanimposter_309662/" } ]
{ "author": "Bookgirl74", "content": "I feel like I have bottomed out. I am supposed to go on vacation next week but I have too much work at the office and today I found out my uncle has passed away. I feel scared as well because I am dealing with some health issues...one of them concerning my acne prone skin. I need to change my thoughts to more positive ones. Not sure how to do that.\n", "date": "1690336386", "thread_id": "309594", "title": "Feeling stressed ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Feelingstressed_309594/" }
[ { "author": "toughTiger6481", "content": "<p>@Bookgirl74</p>\n<p>When everything seems to stack up count down to a vacation health items more work then you probably expected or wanted before time off and death in family ........ it is stressful just recapping it.</p>\n<p>One day at a time do the best you can but do not beat yourself up for anything falling you can only juggle so many things before it all falls apart ........ give yourself a break and think if a co-worker came to you telling you all these things you would most likely give them a message of encouragement and telling them we can only do what we can do ..... but with ourselves we overthink / stress and cannot relax give your self a break this too shall pass. </p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3322719", "thread_id": "309594", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Feelingstressed_309594/" }, { "author": "zaatarHoney", "content": "<p>@Bookgirl74</p>\n<p>Reframing our own thoughts takes time and consistent practice. Often, we're encouraged to identify what emotions are creating our thoughts - and understanding what our emotions are trying to communicate with us. <b>Give yourself grace. </b>You're going through a lot at the moment. Between loss in your family and work stress, and coping through your own body's needs... how you feel is understandable. ♥︎<br><br>Some questions for your consideration . . <br>💎 What are the emotions that surface when you have these unhelpful thoughts?<br>💎 What are some of these thoughts, and how would you like to challenge them?<br></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3322793", "thread_id": "309594", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Feelingstressed_309594/" } ]
{ "author": "cherryBlossomz281", "content": "At night I start thinking about death, afraid that I might not wake up in the morning or suddenly die in my sleep, I try to take my mind off of it but there’s nothing I can do as everything goes back to me asking “what if?”\n", "date": "1690402331", "thread_id": "309653", "title": "Help?", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Help_309653/" }
[ { "author": "zaatarHoney", "content": "<p>@cherryBlossomz281</p>\n<p>I've experienced this before - throughout life, though it's concentrated during certain periods of life where I was surrounded by numerous and consecutive losses, or in an era of ongoing health crisis.<br><br><b>What you may find helpful is sitting with these fears - what are they trying to tell you?</b><br><i>For myself, I'd realized there was so much I'd wanted to do that I was putting off.</i><br><i>Things that I'd regret not doing if today was my last. Once I realized this, I used these fears as motivation to get certain things accomplished, and even start working toward other goals of mine.</i><br><b>With that said, what do you believe your fears might be trying to say?</b><br><br>In terms of coping, <b>what do you think could help you feel more comfortable and safe even if just a little bit?</b><br></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3322791", "thread_id": "309653", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Help_309653/" } ]
{ "author": "ZombieLife89", "content": "I recently discovered husband cheating on me and that he plans to divorce me soon. I have not worked a job in 3 years (was a difficult unstable period with him trying to adjust in 2 foreign countries) and am fully dependant on him financially. I have a language/humanities degree but now want to explore another career in design. I am afraid I will be no good and am afraid if it's too late for me to start something new. I have been trying out UX design by self studying but I feel an imposter syndrome and I can't seem to finish a portfolio to start applying for jobs. I am feeling a bit overwhelmed. I am also considering learning to code, but my husband told me I have no logic and I shouldn't waste my time on it lol \n\nI feel my self esteem and confidence has really taken a hit in this marriage\n", "date": "1690145533", "thread_id": "309415", "title": "Starting Over at 34", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/StartingOverat34_309415/" }
[ { "author": "toughTiger6481", "content": "<p>@ZombieLife89</p>\n<p>Is is never to late to try something new.... you will need to focus on a career if you are now on your own and it is better to be content and not hate your job.   </p>\n<p>I think trying it even if you feel like an impostor is better then asking yourself for years    what IF i had tried.  the things you will regret in life are things you did not even give a chance. </p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3322345", "thread_id": "309415", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/StartingOverat34_309415/" }, { "author": "ZombieLife89", "content": "<p>@toughTiger6481 Hi. Thank you so much for responding. That makes sense to me. You are right. Thank you :)</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3322345,nil" ], "post_id": "3322562", "thread_id": "309415", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/StartingOverat34_309415/" }, { "author": "zaatarHoney", "content": "<p>@ZombieLife89</p>\n<p><b>I'm right here with you, Zombie.</b> I'm hearing just one of the ways you weren't allowed to flourish during this relationship - like, being intentionally discouraged from learning something new. In a relationship where you were ever condescended, discouraged or underestimated.. it often leads to the deterioration of our Spirit over time. Fortunately, our Spirit can be far more resilient than we realize.<br><br><b>Someone cheating in a relationship is not ever personal to you. </b>It's usually more indicative of their own insecurities and inner-struggles, which can often lend to projecting these onto others - like you experienced.<br><br><b>While transitional periods are uncomfortable</b>, and even excruciating at times, <b>it sounds like you have an opportunity to take control over your narrative in ways you weren't able to before</b>... to make creative choices and figure out... who you are and what you're made of without any external negative influences.<br><br><b>Self-esteem takes time to rebuild. </b>The relationship we have with ourselves often needs mending after relationships where love wasn't always, or ever, present. <b>Give yourself grace. </b>Give yourself patience during this time and know you're capable of wonderful things. To make progress, if all we can be is 1% better each day. <b>Even small greatness can amount to so much more as time passes.</b> We can't overlook the value of the small positive changes we make as we move forward.<br><br>Feel welcome to check back in with us and keep us updated! Best wishes on your journey.<br>~ One kind recommendation: <i>Come visit </i><b>Sharing Circle</b><i> (24/7 Group Support Chat) if you'd like to receive support in live time from members and listeners alike!</i><br><br>♡Zaati</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3322772", "thread_id": "309415", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/StartingOverat34_309415/" } ]
{ "author": "FrozenRob0t", "content": "so to start off, i’m currently a uni student studying computer science. Im in my third year and have met a friend online in my first year online. We continued being school friends and she helped me a lot with assignments in the first year. Our school then transitioned to campus classes, and so i got to meet her (and some other friends) in person. We still kept in touch and did some courses together in our second year and made some mutual friends along the way. In the beginning of the second year, we got closer where she would ask me to go to her place and go to school together since she stays 15 min away from school, and sometimes i would go to her place so we would do assignments together and sometimes she would help me with them (I thanked her everytime she helped me and I’m pretty sure she knows i’m grateful). However, starting from the the end of second year or beginning of my third year (this year), I started to realise that she was not the type of friend who i would hang out alone with, as despite being an introvert, i always find myself trying hard to be fun in our conversation and felt drained whenever we were talking. And gradually, i started to realise the way she’s been treating me, or at least how i feel she’s been treating me, i always had this feeling that she was being condescending but doesn’t realise that she is. (like she would randomly tell me she scored a distinction in a subject out of nowhere as if she wants to let me know that she’s above me or something and she knows it is a hard subject but i didn’t really mind that — i don’t like comparing grades) I felt like i had to start relying on myself more, and so I gradually didn’t ask for a lot of help in the second year as i did in my first from her so i didn’t depend on her help as much as before. comes third year and I collaborated with her group of friends for quizzes as they are weighted. At first all was good and I wasn’t really asking her much questions (i only asked like one question this year). but we were doing 2 courses together where one course only had 2 of us doing a group project, and the second course involves 4 members including me and her. Doing the group project with only the two of us was the start of the end. there are 2 parts to this project, and she knew she is the better one at coding and would assign more parts to herself, but i was okay with it since i would handle the report part — i also did my part on the coding part. But we stared the assignment late though i told her i wanted to start early as i had plans on the weekend (Sunday was the deadline and i started messaging her on tuesday). She told me she had her own personal assignments to do and i respected her schedule and she delayed till thursday to finish her personal stuff, and since i was working on the report, i have to know the finished code too — i can’t start if she doesn’t start.\n\nI attempted my coding part and sent her the code on friday night and she only replied saturday afternoon, and i have plans on saturday which i already told her i have on thursday night to which she replied ok, and told me to work on what i can. She didn’t bother to check the code i sent her the entire night or next morning and only asked me bunch of questions on my code when i was outside and I don’t have access to it. I felt like she was being intrusive by calling me when she knew i was outside and make it seemed like rushing the assignment was my fault. The next morning, she was spamming me with questions and asking me the report situation when I already sent her the link a few days back. I didn’t reply immediately as I was still doing the report and was too angry to reply.\n\nShe then sent me a message with a rude tone saying like if i don’t care about the project then just say it, and that she could do it herself. At this point, I knew she just doesn’t respect me as a person despite me doing whatever in my power with the assignment, and doesn’t respect my schedule despite knowing i had plans. I didn’t reply anything rude back as we still had to do a presentation together and didn’t want ti be awkward. But i was already very bothered by her attitude at me and how she treats me whenever she’s unhappy about something. But i’m sure that is not how one should treat antoher whenever one is unhappy. I then confronted her about her not being able to respect my schedule, and her rude tone, but she sent me a long message blaming me that she had to do all the parts and that we should have equal responsibilities in the assignment, and then sent another message apologizing to me if she had offended me. which i find that her apology wasn’t sincere because most of the message was her telling me about how much work she had to do instead of acknowledging the work I had done and thinking she did all the work, and only apologized in one sentence. I was fuming mad at this point and didn’t accept her apology. What i didn’t expect her to do next was that she told our mutual friend that she was sad about it that i didnt accept her apology — which was a disgusting move. i know She isnt sad about it because in our second group project group chat, the way she indirectly said something rude to me was obvious to me and she knows what she was doing. I made some changes to our second group project report and notified the group but no one acknowledged that message. and few days later, she messaged the group chat with “this is not supposed to be here right” and when another person replied “i think so”, she replied “right?”, followed by “who did this” “ugh”, “can someone change it?, nvm i’ll do it”. At this point she was already being disrespectful doing that in the group project indirectly at me and she knows i did it. And what’s worse that isn’t the end of my torture. We had a final presentation slides to do, and I did my part in a way that she thinks is wrong which i don’t mind but, the way she told me was “this is not what you should be writing”, “you should know what you’re doing for your own part” and stuff like that. And i’m pretty sure you can tell by her condescending tone that i was already so bothered by her attitude towards me. I cut her off completely after course ended, but my mental state has been the worst. I couldn’t even focus on my exams as all that was on my mind was how she treated me and how unfair i felt that she was treating me this rude while treating our mutual so nicely. the course ended in may, and it’s july now. Every single day i am being tormented by the thought of her, and how condescending she was to me and i was just there for her to feel better about herself since she knows she better at coding that me, basically how small and stupid i felt because of her. Although i’m grateful to her being helpful to me a few years back, i feel like things have changed and she’s not treating me as an equal, and disrespecting me as an individual which im mad about with myself for letting her make me feel this way. I don’t know how to forgive her or myself about this whole situation, because it’s always on my mind. What’s bothering me still is that we still be doing the same degree for another 1.5 years and i feel like i’m walking on eggshells if i ever bump into her in sch one day. She makes me feel like i’m the one who did her wrong when she was the one being unnecessarily rude to me and not being self aware about the way she talks to me. I really can’t deal with the thought of her because it’s make me feel so angry and unfair and It’s destroying me inside out, it’s destroying my mental peace, and it’s destroying my uni life. I even hate the fact that i gave her the power to make me feel like *** for weeks now. I need help to get over this unsettling situation because I really need to regain my mental peace, because its not mentally healthy for me. I really need help so if anyone has any input i’m all ears.\n\nI sincerely thank you if you have read everything and i know i’m bad at telling stories but I have tried my best to express my situation and feelings. I really need help with how to make peace with myself. Everytime i think about her and the situation, I would remind myself that I should focus on myself and what happens to her isn’t my business whether she’s doing good or bad in school. It’s just unfair that she gets to treat me like this and she gets to tell my friends that she’s the victim and i’m the bad person for not wanting to reconcile or accept her apology. I need help please :(\n\nThank you so much for reading again!!! :)\n", "date": "1689108777", "thread_id": "308605", "title": "toxic school friend, destroying my mental peace", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/toxicschoolfrienddestroyingmymentalpeace_308605/" }
[ { "author": "ASilentObserver", "content": "<p>@FrozenRob0t I'm sorry this situation has caused you so much distress. <span>That sounds like an incredibly frustrating and draining situation. It must feel frustrating to feel misunderstood and disrespected by someone you considered a friend. Focusing your energy on yourself and your own well-being is wise. </span><span>You have a good heart for wanting to make peace with yourself. I believe in your strength and resilience.  </span><span>What feelings arise the most when you think about how this situation has made you feel? </span></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3311338", "thread_id": "308605", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/toxicschoolfrienddestroyingmymentalpeace_308605/" }, { "author": "FrozenRob0t", "content": "<p>hey! thanks for reading my story. I really appreciate it. Whenever i find myself thinking about it, my heart feels heavy, and i feel angry that i let it happen to myself. But i also feel guilt because another part of me feels like i’m wrong for cutting her off completely, because the way she treated me makes me feel as if im the one in the wrong. I can’t seem to forgive myself or her in my mind, so i can’t get it out of my head and it’s kinda tormenting… I’m trying everyday to tell myself that i should focus on myself and should involve myself with good hearted people but it’s hard to not feel heavy or guilty whenever i think about it. sometimes i feel like i made the wrong choice, but at the same time, i’m also trying to convince myself that cutting her off was the right decision for the sake of my well-being </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3311338,nil" ], "post_id": "3311466", "thread_id": "308605", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/toxicschoolfrienddestroyingmymentalpeace_308605/" }, { "author": "ASilentObserver", "content": "<p>@FrozenRob0t <span>It sounds like a difficult situation that brings up a mix of emotions for you. You have the strength within you to make choices that align with your well-being. </span> How does focusing on yourself and surrounding yourself with goodhearted people make you feel, despite the challenges?   </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3311466,3311338,nil" ], "post_id": "3322159", "thread_id": "308605", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/toxicschoolfrienddestroyingmymentalpeace_308605/" } ]
{ "author": "RhysThe3rd", "content": "As the title suggests I have a reocurring anxiety during the evening. This feeling can range from severe anxiety to which I'm forced to contact my friend for support or mild anxiety that kept me from sleeping untill midnight.\n\nI've tried to wrap my head around this dilemma for a long time and i just don't quite know what causes it. What i do know though is speculations that : perhaps i was afraid that my life will be short and that sleeping will take away 8 hours of my life, perhaps it was my past mistakes and traumas coming back to haunt me when i was less distracted.\n\nWould like to hear if you guys share a similiar experience with me so that we can discuss it.\n", "date": "1689083790", "thread_id": "308584", "title": "Evening Anxiety", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/EveningAnxiety_308584/" }
[ { "author": "ASilentObserver", "content": "<p>@RhysThe3rd <span>It sounds like this reoccurring anxiety during the evenings has been difficult and troubling for you. That sounds difficult. How does the anxiety show up for you? </span><span>What kinds of things do you normally do to cope when these feelings arise?</span></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3311336", "thread_id": "308584", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/EveningAnxiety_308584/" }, { "author": "RhysThe3rd", "content": "<p>At first I felt a sense of discomfort in my chest and then it was followed with my breathing becoming sporadic. As for my coping strategy i do a kapalbrathi meditation, but if i feel like it's too much to handle i'll call a friend to vent whatever is on my mind.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3311336,nil" ], "post_id": "3311348", "thread_id": "308584", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/EveningAnxiety_308584/" }, { "author": "ASilentObserver", "content": "<p>@RhysThe3rd <span>I'm sorry to hear you experienced discomfort and sporadic breathing. Those feelings can be unsettling. How did sharing with your friend help ease your mind? I'm glad you found a coping strategy that has worked for you in the past.</span></p>", "parent_ids": [ "3311348,3311336,nil" ], "post_id": "3322155", "thread_id": "308584", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/EveningAnxiety_308584/" } ]
{ "author": "practicalShip9481", "content": "My life will be going normally. So suddenly all this flashbacks from my childhood comes back so next thing I know I will be shaking. And everytime when I need to do something like talking to new people or writing the exam. So I will go completely blank. Even though I prepared everything. Sometimes I just don't know what to do. Can someone tell me what this is?\n\nAnd when I tell my mother about it like about the memories, she will say don't remember that. Just leave it. But I don't know how to just stop that memory. Sometimes it really frustrating.\n", "date": "1690103990", "thread_id": "309381", "title": "Is it anxiety or something else... ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Isitanxietyorsomethingelse_309381/" }
[ { "author": "SolarGenerator", "content": "<p>@practicalShip9481 The past can be disturbing.  As much as some people might \nwant those memories and feelings to just disappear, those buried feelings \nnever die.  When those feelings come up, they can be hard to feel but they also can be an \nopportunity to heal.  Healing can come from creating a space of \ncompassion for those feelings.<br></p>\n<p><br></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3322013", "thread_id": "309381", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Isitanxietyorsomethingelse_309381/" } ]
{ "author": "sellistens", "content": "This question as honestly helped me through my anxiety attacks so I wanted to share❤️\n\nWe all have those critical thoughts in our heads. Most of us believe these thoughts as if it was our own and we believe them to be true. Therapists call them \"automatic thoughts'' which, just to be clear, are overly critical thoughts that just pop into our heads. The truth is these thoughts are here because our brains are always trying to perfect ourselves. It's a survival tactic which sometimes turns into something that's counterproductive. It can be catastrophic for some. We need to realize that these thoughts are opinions, not facts.\n\nThese opinions are not our souls speaking nor is it something that feeds the soul. Our brains are different from our souls/true self. Our brains are a part of our human body, our souls/true selves are separate from that. Our brains are constantly having an internal dialogue with our soul/true self. This is why certain things that are thought of are just automatic thoughts. \n\nThey are just neural pathways that can be rewired through our conscious acts and by questioning the automatic thoughts.\n\nWe are all human, therefore, we should not view others' opinions as facts either. Personally, I struggle with this one and need validation a lot. This is something I am working on. In fact, both quotes (the one above and the one I just mentioned) are equally as important and liberating when you really think about what you would do.\n\nPersonally, I think I wouldn't care so much about what other people have to say (especially if it was negative). I might take into consideration, but I wouldn't take it so seriously. That goes the same with my automatic thoughts. I feel like I would be a much happier individual. I probably would change my fashion sense to something maybe a little more alternative and I wouldn't be so afraid to be out in busy public places. This question makes me feel better about doing these things. \n\nWhat would you do? Comment below if you are comfortable sharing!\n", "date": "1690294748", "thread_id": "309558", "title": "If I did not view mine or other's opinions as facts, what would I do? ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/IfIdidnotviewmineorothersopinionsasfactswhatwouldIdo_309558/" }
[ { "author": "hopefulPond6108", "content": "<p>@sellistens Buddhist thought says that a source of suffering is attachment to a view of “self” and attachment to “views” in general. If one says, “I am this and I am that” (whatever this and that may be) then it might be very constraining. You might have more freedom if you you can “drop” some of those ideas. Similarly we have strong attachments to our views of the world. This doesn’t mean we won’t have ideas of who we are or views of right and wrong or whatever. It doesn’t ask us to ignore them. Our views are much like automatic thoughts. We learned them over a long period of time and some protect us, but some do not. Pay attention to views, but don’t regard them as “truth”. Perhaps regard them as phenomena. Everyone has views and we all struggle with the often unseen suffering they cause us. The right kind of attention to our views can make them have less of a hold on us. This can even be unsettling because if I don’t treat some of my views as being truth then won’t I in a sense loose myself or this “protection” I think is in my view. I probably have not stated these ideas well.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3321512", "thread_id": "309558", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/IfIdidnotviewmineorothersopinionsasfactswhatwouldIdo_309558/" }, { "author": "sellistens", "content": "<p>@hopefulPond6108</p>\n<p>I think you are very wise. Thank you for sharing. I've always been interested in learning what other religions have to offer because I believe each religion shares a piece of the truth. I will definitely remind myself that I need to let go of some ideas that do not serve me and that my truth is not the whole truth.</p>\n<p>Thank you </p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3321512,nil" ], "post_id": "3321838", "thread_id": "309558", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/IfIdidnotviewmineorothersopinionsasfactswhatwouldIdo_309558/" } ]
{ "author": "plumTree5046", "content": "I'm about to have a panic attack and don't know what to do😫😫😫\n", "date": "1690242047", "thread_id": "309500", "title": "Help", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Help_309500/" }
[ { "author": "Sunisshiningandsoareyou", "content": "<p>Hey there @plumTree5046 getting to this a bit late, how are you feeling currently?💛 </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3321724", "thread_id": "309500", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Help_309500/" } ]
{ "author": "ivoryEyes0926", "content": "I don't know if I should use the word depression so lightly as I am but I really think I'm suffering from it.. There was a time when every little thing motivated me but nowadays nothing motivates me in any way.. I keep getting bad thoughts like I'm such a big failure in life and that I shouldn't be there.. My ex bf broke up with me because I couldn't spare him much time because of my internship, but looks like I'm not doing a good job at internship too, I keep messing up things pretty badly without realising.. I am not even good in studies even though I try to at least be decent.. Even my looks can be rated in negative points.. I keep worrying others and my parents no matter how hard I try not to.. I've got 2-3 close friends who really show affection and care for me, but somehow at a particular point I feel so secluded even from these people, which I shouldn't.. The only thing that helped me during my anxiety was listening to music but even that doesn't work now.. I'm always getting blamed and scolded by my mom for things that I might not have even done.. This makes me feel even more worthless which in turn makes me feel like I shouldn't exist anymore.. I'm barely holding on to things rn and I'm so scared.. I really don't know how to cope up with these things although I'm 22 now.. Please if anybody sees this post kindly suggest me something.. I'm in dire need of help rn..\n", "date": "1690221704", "thread_id": "309483", "title": "Suggestion needed.. ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Suggestionneeded_309483/" }
[ { "author": "hopefulPond6108", "content": "<p>@ivoryEyes0926 Hi. I think I know at least a little bit how you feel. Keep reaching out for help. Get in touch with a crisis line if you need to. It’s worth it to hang in there, it really is. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3321094", "thread_id": "309483", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Suggestionneeded_309483/" }, { "author": "ivoryEyes0926", "content": "<p>I've been trying long to hang in there.. But thingsare becoming overwhelming rn... I reallyneed somw help now.. I think contacting a therapist might be better </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3321094,nil" ], "post_id": "3321427", "thread_id": "309483", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Suggestionneeded_309483/" }, { "author": "hopefulPond6108", "content": "<p>@ivoryEyes0926 A therapist can be really helpful. I found the process of finding a therapist and starting therapy took a bit longer than I expected. If that is the case for you then use 7 Cups and any other resources that keep you going. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3321427,3321094,nil" ], "post_id": "3321482", "thread_id": "309483", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Suggestionneeded_309483/" }, { "author": "ivoryEyes0926", "content": "<p>Yes thank you so much @hopefulPond6108.. ❤️❤️</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3321482,3321427,3321094,nil" ], "post_id": "3321494", "thread_id": "309483", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Suggestionneeded_309483/" }, { "author": "Greatlifetoyou", "content": "<p>@ivoryEyes0926 Hi, it seems you are going through a really tough time. Like hopefulPond6108 said, reaching out for help can be really helpful: therapists, listeners on 7-cups, or friends and families, anyone you feel comfortable talking to. Sometimes, I find watching films, writing down my feelings, or reading books I like helped me go through hard times. Drinks and food that I like sometimes ease my nerves, too. I hope you feel better soon.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3321514", "thread_id": "309483", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Suggestionneeded_309483/" } ]
{ "author": "adammaes", "content": "i can’t be in quiet rooms idk why but it’s effecting my school work n stuff idk what to do\n", "date": "1689816951", "thread_id": "309169", "title": "anxiety", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/anxiety_309169/" }
[ { "author": "lighthouse21", "content": "<p>@adammaes You can’t seem to be productive in quiet spaces. How often does this occur?</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3321423", "thread_id": "309169", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/anxiety_309169/" } ]
{ "author": "discreetMelon4020", "content": "I’m someone who has a really hard time expressing my feelings towards others through words, especially to the people that I love. But to show them that I care about them I like to give them gifts (especially food).\n\nHowever, when they try to gift me things in return it makes me extremely anxious. I feel guilty if I take what they offer and I don’t know why. I feel that if I accept those gifts that I’ll come off as greedy or selfish, even if I know that they probably don’t think that. Usually I’ll accept it if it’s something small because I think refusing a gift can come off as rude, but I can’t help the feelings that it brings forth.\n\nIs that weird or are there other people who also feel like this?\n", "date": "1690226171", "thread_id": "309486", "title": "Is it weird that I love to give people gifts but receiving gifts gives me anxiety?", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/IsitweirdthatIlovetogivepeoplegiftsbutreceivinggiftsgivesmeanxiety_309486/" }
[ { "author": "Gettingbettertoday", "content": "<p>@discreetMelon4020</p>\n<p>I am just the opposite. I can receive gifts but don't like giving them. I think this is because growing up as a kid my parents did a poor job of faining interest in the gifts i gave them. </p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3320872", "thread_id": "309486", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/IsitweirdthatIlovetogivepeoplegiftsbutreceivinggiftsgivesmeanxiety_309486/" }, { "author": "hopefulPond6108", "content": "<p>@discreetMelon4020 Maybe try this. When someone gives you a gift, give them a gift right back - not a physical gift - the gift of your full attention to them and their generosity - the gift of recognizing that this person may feel awkward or grandiose or timid or warm love - this person is trying to do what millions of us do each time we give a gift and the greatest thing you can give them in return is 5 seconds of being with them in that moment and taking their gift with grace. Make their gift to you about them. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3321019", "thread_id": "309486", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/IsitweirdthatIlovetogivepeoplegiftsbutreceivinggiftsgivesmeanxiety_309486/" }, { "author": "passionateThinker3248", "content": "<p>Not weird at all, I love giving gifts. It is my favorite part about holidays and birthdays. Spending time looking for or making a gift that someone will love. It's the idea of thought of making someone happy and feel special. It shows that you were thinking of them, and that's why I love getting gifts too.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3321106", "thread_id": "309486", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/IsitweirdthatIlovetogivepeoplegiftsbutreceivinggiftsgivesmeanxiety_309486/" } ]
{ "author": "littlePark866", "content": "Hi all! Since I’ve been cheated on sleeping at night has became a chore. I lay there as my belly aches and images of the woman he desired flash through my mind. Anxiety, insecurity, and the overwhelming feeling of worthlessness arise. This toxic spew boils inside me and prevents me from sleeping.\n\nIve notice my insomnia has increasingly gotten worse and all I can do is toss and turn whilst his body sleeps peacefully beside me.\n", "date": "1690028426", "thread_id": "309326", "title": "Bedtime Belly Aches", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/BedtimeBellyAches_309326/" }
[ { "author": "toughTiger6481", "content": "<p>@littlePark866</p>\n<p><span>It is difficult to do this but so often i hear people making themselves ill or stressed over things that they may need to let go.  If your partner is still there i am guessing you are trying to move past this and forgive... </span></p>\n<p><span>The reality is often cheating is not about looks or real comparison to their partner.... but IMO most partners that were cheated on ....... try to make it about a comparison and feel bad about themselves, thus making themselves miserable.   </span></p>\n<p><span> if you are working with partner did he say why?    or did he play  the \"i don't know\" card.. many do.</span></p>\n<p><span>The reality is important IMO if you want to try to not let history repeat.  I feel anyone in those shoes should work on themselves to know their worth without relying on your partners opinion.  </span></p>\n<p><span>  For Example:   IF a </span><span>partner was feeling unwanted or their partner did not make them  feel respected and appreciated.  it was the person who listened to them  or stroked my ego, filled whatever they thought was missing ...........  NOT  was better looking or whatever. </span></p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p><span><br></span></p>\n<p><span><br></span></p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3320262", "thread_id": "309326", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/BedtimeBellyAches_309326/" }, { "author": "littlePark866", "content": "<p>He cheated on me consistent with a woman over our 2 year relationship. The night everything went down I called her and asked what was going on, I put her on speaker and he was throwing things and shouting at me- but I kept her in the phone.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>She said he told her we’ve been broken up since month 1- and lemme tell you that is devastating to hear. Especially because we live together and have traveled across multiple states and have had pets together and more.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>She states that she was disgusted by him and that I should leave the relationship. It’s been a whirlwind but I am only 20 and trying my best to afford things as it is, I’ve lived with him since I was 18. The betrayal- the pictures- the phone calls he hid from me- all the things he said and did was a lie.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>He tried to make up excuses that I wasn’t emotionally there for him but the messages I saw between the two of them would say otherwise. None of this was my fault- I was stupid and naive and need help getting out</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3320262,nil" ], "post_id": "3320885", "thread_id": "309326", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/BedtimeBellyAches_309326/" }, { "author": "toughTiger6481", "content": "<p>@littlePark866</p>\n<p>if all were lies and you need to leave then that is what you need to do ... </p>\n<p>no one said anything was your fault i have just seen so many whose partner has cheated and IF they planned on staying they need to do deep dive about everything in relationship</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3320885,3320262,nil" ], "post_id": "3320988", "thread_id": "309326", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/BedtimeBellyAches_309326/" } ]
{ "author": "ChocolateCupcake24", "content": "🌼When feeling anxious, does it help when you reflect upon this question: what's the worst that could happen ?\n\nI learnt this from Alain de Botton's Consolations of philosophy, and it served me sometimes. The philosopher Epicurus suggests that what we fear, the subject of our anxiety, is usually easier to deal with than we think. So he encourages the anxious to imagine the worst case scenarios, in which they often find some overlooked strengths, blessings and even possible positive impact.\n\nThough at times, I find it hard to see its benefits. I've got a Generalized Anxiety Disorder, so my anxiety is quite expanded and touches almost all areas of my life. Do you believe there are areas where this can be more useful than others ? Or do you think this exercise would only worsen the anxiety?\n\nLooking forward to read your thoughts 🌱\n\n", "date": "1690106217", "thread_id": "309384", "title": "What's the worst that could happen ? ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Whatstheworstthatcouldhappen_309384/" }
[ { "author": "toughTiger6481", "content": "<p>@ChocolateCupcake24</p>\n<p>in general i have found the worst case scenario...</p>\n<p> It does not help in the moment of anxiety ...........but when the situation you imagined worst case comes out fine it feels like a big win because I had imagined the worst.  it makes something that was average outcome seem better because i had prepared for a bad outcome. </p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3319952", "thread_id": "309384", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Whatstheworstthatcouldhappen_309384/" } ]
{ "author": "kath1012", "content": "Me preguntó si yo soy el problema será muy difícil lidiar con mi depresión? Tan se era es que todos se van\n", "date": "1690074716", "thread_id": "309359", "title": "Me siento muy triste", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Mesientomuytriste_309359/" }
[ { "author": "gregariousFan132", "content": "<p><font><font>@díaintelectual2859</font></font></p>\n<p><font><font><font><font>Hola podemos hablar ?</font></font></font></font></p>\n<p><font><font><font><font><br></font></font></font></font></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3319569", "thread_id": "309359", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Mesientomuytriste_309359/" } ]
{ "author": "BlissfulKiya", "content": "I've dealt with social anxiety for years. I'm envious of the people who can have conversations with other people and not even grace the presence of an awkward encounter. But throughout the years I have tried working on this ability to help myself feel more comfortable with social interactions. I have been making great progress, even for a job as a barista which forces me out of my comfort zone to talk to more strangers every day. It has been a beautiful and fulfilling process and I think more people should recognize how excruciatingly hard it can be to conquer the anxiety I feel around people. To all who have improved or are working on improving their social abilities, you guys deserve awards!\n", "date": "1689914606", "thread_id": "309246", "title": "Social Anxiety is such an overlooked mental block.", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/SocialAnxietyissuchanoverlookedmentalblock_309246/" }
[ { "author": "ThatChristLover", "content": "<p>Wow I’m so proud of you!!! Good job for trying so hard. I know how intimidating it can be to talk to new people but you are doing a wonderful job. Some cookies for you: 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3318559", "thread_id": "309246", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/SocialAnxietyissuchanoverlookedmentalblock_309246/" }, { "author": "WellsFiction", "content": "<p>@BlissfulKiya That's awesome! I can definitely relate. I've learned it's good to want to communicate with others and ok to start the conversation. A  challenge for sure, yet very good.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3318560", "thread_id": "309246", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/SocialAnxietyissuchanoverlookedmentalblock_309246/" }, { "author": "neatLime3887", "content": "<p>I appreciate you posting this, I have dealt with social anxiety as long as I can remember and it can be really hard. It's really helpful just hearing from someone who has had a similar experience. Kudos to you for pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, I know how hard that can be and I'm proud of you</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3319281", "thread_id": "309246", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/SocialAnxietyissuchanoverlookedmentalblock_309246/" } ]
{ "author": "Tryinghardnottofallapart680", "content": "I", "date": "1565042946", "thread_id": "206605", "title": "Resigning from my job ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Resigningfrommyjob_206605/" }
[ { "author": "SecretlyMe", "content": "<p>@Tryinghardnottofallapart680 Change can be </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "2224389", "thread_id": "206605", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Resigningfrommyjob_206605/" }, { "author": "Tryinghardnottofallapart680", "content": "<p>@SecretlyMe Thank you so much for your kind words. After that traumatic experience I took a year off just taking care of myself. Then in December of 2020 I got a new job. As of writing this I have been working for about two and half years. It is a challenging job, but the environment is healthier. I have support when I need it. Sometimes it gets rough and I breakdown, but it is nothing compared to that abusive job I had in 2019. I am also here to chat. Hope to hear from you soon. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "2224389,nil" ], "post_id": "3312810", "thread_id": "206605", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Resigningfrommyjob_206605/" }, { "author": "MikeCheck88", "content": "<p>I just wanted to say thank you for following up, even four years after your original post. I’m glad to hear things seemed to have worked out for you as I’m finding myself in a similar place to your original post and it gives me hope. I’m at a job that causes me so much stress, worry, and provides no form of fulfillment and as a result it’s essentially ruining my life. I’ve found myself at a place where there’s no more room for growth and it’s very disheartening as well. I feel my only way to recover is to leave and take some time to reset, then find a new job. That being said friends and family just can’t comprehend the suffering it’s causing me and keep pushing me to just be “reasonable” and try to find another job while keeping the current one and I just feel I can’t as it leaves me so mentally drained. May I ask, what pushed you to make the leap? Did you have support? Anything you would do different? Thank you for sharing.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3312810,2224389,nil" ], "post_id": "3318386", "thread_id": "206605", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Resigningfrommyjob_206605/" } ]
{ "author": "leebeezzzz", "content": "So a few days ago a friend of mine started to get really close with another friend of theirs (who im not all that close with). I’m really happy for them, but later it started to hit me that everything was gonna feel different. Its been three days and I’m constantly having panic attacks. Every time I even try to look at them or text them I feel physically sick. Nothings been really enjoyable for me, and I don’t want to feel like this anymore.\n", "date": "1689715364", "thread_id": "309074", "title": "Im feeling super sick", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Imfeelingsupersick_309074/" }
[ { "author": "RogueOne1983", "content": "<p>@leebeezzzz hang in there!</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3318265", "thread_id": "309074", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Imfeelingsupersick_309074/" } ]
{ "author": "ToffeeNugget2009", "content": "Last night I always I felt sick. However I did end up nearly being sick which hasn't happened. I've barely slept and I always feel like I need a way to take my mind off of it. I couldn't sleep after because I was worried it would happen again and I was on my own. My mom ended up sleeping next to me as we were both tired and it was now about 12:30 in the morning. I slept fully through the night however I did wake up a bit earlier thank I usually do. I'm not sure if it's anxiety maybe I'm just ill or have eaten something bad but I've been feeling like it for a while so would say it's anxiety based. I have no clue what to do and how to get it away.\n", "date": "1689399175", "thread_id": "308821", "title": "Sickness ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Sickness_308821/" }
[ { "author": "toughTiger6481", "content": "<p>@ToffeeNugget2009</p>\n<p>late to respond to your item hopefully this eased or passed .... did you discover what caused your anxiety or illness?</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3317950", "thread_id": "308821", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Sickness_308821/" }, { "author": "ToffeeNugget2009", "content": "<p>Hey thanks for commenting. It's started to get better specifically with breathing techniques and meditation. I'm not too sure but a large part of it is overthinking and feeling like something could happen however unlikely it may be. It always starts when I'm trying something new or there's any changes in my routine but I've set myself a summer goal to try a few new things. This app has really been helping especially since its taught me how to cope with overthinking </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3317950,nil" ], "post_id": "3318025", "thread_id": "308821", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Sickness_308821/" } ]
{ "author": "jtj3352", "content": "Very scared, never been so anxious before. Always have had anxiety and social anxiety but over the last month I’ve developed debilitating Health Anxiety.\n\nI threw out my lower back and possible either pulled a muscle or slipped a disc or something based off the back pain (it has happened before from the same activity). Only difference now is my inner thigh/right testicle has been having a dull pain which my OCD/Anxiety brain blows out of proportion.\n\nI became obsessive about checking for lumps, etc which triggered something in my brain and I can’t stop thinking about it now. Everyone I have talked to with lower back pain says it commonly causes groin/genital pain. I also read stress/anxiety can be felt in the testicles as well.\n\nI can confirm the pain is more common when my back or inner thigh are already hurting. I think I over handled myself while checking so often/stressfully which caused it to be more sore than it had been.\n\nI have no job currently despite applying for 158 jobs in 2 months. I have no degree but years of experience including management. I just can’t seem to get a job despite how hard I am trying. I feel like a burden on my fiancée who has taken over the brunt of the financial side of things. I have been DoorDashing for months to try to stay afloat but between gas and maintenance I am under water.\n\nAnyone who can listen or give advice on any of this would be much appreciated. Thank you all.\n", "date": "1689711912", "thread_id": "309071", "title": "Health Anxiety - New to Health Anxiety", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/HealthAnxietyNewtoHealthAnxiety_309071/" }
[ { "author": "toughTiger6481", "content": "<p>@jtj3352</p>\n<p>I think when anyone has a health scare or injury  ... it is normal  to develop health anxiety of varying degrees. It is hard to explain to others when they do not get it....  </p>\n<p>IMO  what you are going through anxiety , depression etc can effect your ability to do other things ....</p>\n<p> example:</p>\n<p> when i was going through a depressive state and had interviews (i knew i was qualified for the job) but i think my anxiety or give a hoot ...... showed through to  those who...... did not offer the job.   </p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3317803", "thread_id": "309071", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/HealthAnxietyNewtoHealthAnxiety_309071/" } ]
{ "author": "ChanelV123", "content": "i would like to know\n\n", "date": "1687766868", "thread_id": "307719", "title": "what song calms u down", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/whatsongcalmsudown_307719/" }
[ { "author": "Sunisshiningandsoareyou", "content": "<p>@ChanelV123</p>\n<p>Nothing too specific comes to mind right now, but Almost the entire folklore album by Taylor Swift is pretty relaxing, i feel. </p>\n<p>How about youu?</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3300712", "thread_id": "307719", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/whatsongcalmsudown_307719/" }, { "author": "SinkthroughInk", "content": "<p>Rigged by the plot in you </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3304664", "thread_id": "307719", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/whatsongcalmsudown_307719/" }, { "author": "forgethefrog07", "content": "<p>@ChanelV123</p>\n<p>From me, the moon by lav. also, always forever by cults. the first is a very calming song wand her voice could put me to sleep. the second sounds very ethereal and comforting</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3305374", "thread_id": "307719", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/whatsongcalmsudown_307719/" }, { "author": "heathermarie95", "content": "<p>i cant say a particular song helps me but i find calm sounds such as waves, rain or thunder to be helpful </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3305500", "thread_id": "307719", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/whatsongcalmsudown_307719/" }, { "author": "OU8125150", "content": "<p>@ChanelV123 SYML-Better, or this <a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjF9IqvXDjY\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">You're Gonna Be Okay (Lyric Video) - Brian &amp; Jenn Johnson | After All These Years - YouTube</a></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3311689", "thread_id": "307719", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/whatsongcalmsudown_307719/" }, { "author": "ThorsMjolnir996", "content": "<p>Unsainted by slipknot </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3311702", "thread_id": "307719", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/whatsongcalmsudown_307719/" }, { "author": "understandingWriter6227", "content": "<p>The mindfulness audios in this app are very helpful! </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3311843", "thread_id": "307719", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/whatsongcalmsudown_307719/" }, { "author": "charmingSugar5641", "content": "<p>Breathing by ariana grande </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3312511", "thread_id": "307719", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/whatsongcalmsudown_307719/" }, { "author": "affectionateApple5459", "content": "<p>Jireh by Elevation worship. The blessing by Elevation Worship. The rock by the walls group. 🙏🏽</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3314449", "thread_id": "307719", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/whatsongcalmsudown_307719/" }, { "author": "Snoob", "content": "<p>Mother mother does, I also listen to $uicideboy$ a lot and focus hard on trying to figure out what they're saying which sometimes takes my mind off of whatever I'm stressing about, it's silly </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3317347", "thread_id": "307719", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/whatsongcalmsudown_307719/" }, { "author": "Insanepotatu", "content": "<p>@ChanelV123</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3317569", "thread_id": "307719", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/whatsongcalmsudown_307719/" }, { "author": "Sunflower1352", "content": "<p>Taylor Swift always</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3317650", "thread_id": "307719", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/whatsongcalmsudown_307719/" }, { "author": "80Times", "content": "<p>Go Pato by Pato Banton<br></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3317686", "thread_id": "307719", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/whatsongcalmsudown_307719/" } ]
{ "author": "purpleTree4652", "content": "That's the way I feel.  I don't want to talk or think or do anything or go anywhere.  I just want to be like a tree, like my name.  I just want to be and not have anyone want anything from me or expect me to be anywhere or much else.  I just want to exist.  \n", "date": "1665400440", "thread_id": "287822", "title": "Ever feel like you want to withdraw from life for a while?", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Everfeellikeyouwanttowithdrawfromlifeforawhile_287822/" }
[ { "author": "Sunisshiningandsoareyou", "content": "<p>@purpleTree4652</p>\n<p>Hey hey Tree, yes, these are some very relatable feelings, you expressed so well, I could never. So proud of you for addressing your thoughts here, rather difficult ones too. ❤</p>\n<p>Sometimes when there's just so much happening around us, it feels exhausting  and understandably so, to simply just need and catch a break for a little breather. </p>\n<p>I know how difficult it gets when even catching a break seems such a hard thing to do. Very very valid to want to slow down and catch the break you need, you for sure deserve it, no questions asked. Sometimes to just *be* is and should be more than enough of us. ❤</p>\n<p>Sending lots of comfy vibes your way. And kitty treats for Chloe. </p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3098985", "thread_id": "287822", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Everfeellikeyouwanttowithdrawfromlifeforawhile_287822/" }, { "author": "SukoLovesHito", "content": "<p>@purpleTree4652</p>\n<p> Hey tree! These are some hard in depth things to talk about! I’m really glad you were able to put these thoughts out into the world, I could never! Although, I do want to say your not alone, but what would life be if we just existed instead of lived? What would life be if nobody expected anything from anyone else? We would all live easy lives, and when it came to having to do something difficult, we wouldn’t know how to face the challenge.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3099014", "thread_id": "287822", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Everfeellikeyouwanttowithdrawfromlifeforawhile_287822/" }, { "author": "loyalCurrent2762", "content": "<p>@purpleTree4652</p>\n<p>I actually felt like this yesterday.  I am not saying I will do anything to hurt myself, but I am frustrated doing everything.  I am tired of working, I am tired of being hurt, I am tired of being let down by people who tell me they love me but yet, something else is more important than me and I am home alone. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3099020", "thread_id": "287822", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Everfeellikeyouwanttowithdrawfromlifeforawhile_287822/" }, { "author": "FloralDance", "content": "<p>@purpleTree4652</p>\n<p>Things can often get overwhelming and exhausting, many of us go through this. It's completly valid to feel like this and take a break if you need one. All of us hope you can get better, and we will be rooting for you! You matter as much as anyone else and deserve to be treated with upmost cate.</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3099054", "thread_id": "287822", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Everfeellikeyouwanttowithdrawfromlifeforawhile_287822/" }, { "author": "Deniiiii", "content": "<p>@purpleTree4652</p>\n<p>Heeey, yes!!! Totally!!! I feel like it right know, haha.Unfortunately, I have so much work to do and my time is not allowing me to become a tree.But I do really want to.Sometimes I just stay in bed, listening to chill music and imagine myself on an islaaaand... sometimes life is hard and we do not want to face reality.But we are stronger than we imagine.</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3099138", "thread_id": "287822", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Everfeellikeyouwanttowithdrawfromlifeforawhile_287822/" }, { "author": "flashtag", "content": "<p>Thank you for sharing your lived experiences with us. It is so difficult to get me out of my house sometimes.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3099148", "thread_id": "287822", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Everfeellikeyouwanttowithdrawfromlifeforawhile_287822/" }, { "author": "BubbleDucky2022", "content": "<p>@purpleTree4652</p>\n<p>Hi :) I can totally relate to what you said about not having to think, or do anything...just being! A lot of people feel like that sometimes and there's nothing wrong with feeling that way. It seems like you feel just overwhelmed by everyone and you need a break....just want everything to stop and just breathe! Take some time for yourself, just do something that requires no thinking, no stress...just peace. Disconnect for a little while and just focus on you! </p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3099583", "thread_id": "287822", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Everfeellikeyouwanttowithdrawfromlifeforawhile_287822/" }, { "author": "quickwittedTriangle6887", "content": "<p>Yep, I feel like that now</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3099586", "thread_id": "287822", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Everfeellikeyouwanttowithdrawfromlifeforawhile_287822/" }, { "author": "llm23", "content": "<p>I haven’t been able to express what I’m feeling and this is exactly it. I don’t want to not be here but I just don’t want to be in my head. Thank you for putting these ideas out there!</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3107713", "thread_id": "287822", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Everfeellikeyouwanttowithdrawfromlifeforawhile_287822/" }, { "author": "TheAutumnWitch", "content": "<p>@purpleTree4652</p>\n<p>Hi Tree 💜</p>\n<p>I’ve had my own version of that feeling. In fact, I was going through it last night. It can be exhausting to go through. Life can be exhausting to go through. Your feelings, no matter what they are or when they happen, are valid. But I hope you experience happier feelings soon, too.</p>\n<p>Your friend,</p>\n<p>Autumn ♥️🍂🍁</p>\n<p><img src=\"//7cupstearesources.s3.amazonaws.com/forum/img/_1666156575.A8E8E3CE-CA37-49BE-8760-E890FB780976.jpeg\" alt=\"_1666156575.A8E8E3CE-CA37-49BE-8760-E890FB780976.jpeg\" style=\"max-width:100%;\"><br></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3107716", "thread_id": "287822", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Everfeellikeyouwanttowithdrawfromlifeforawhile_287822/" }, { "author": "purpleTree4652", "content": "<p>@TheAutumnWitch</p>\n<p>Autumn, </p>\n<p>I like you so much!  You are one of the dearest, sweetest people I have ever met!  Thank you for your thoughts.  Luckily, I have shaken this feeling.  I am trying to move forward.  Right now I am just waiting to find out about my future.  I applied to grad school.  They take forever to let you know if you were accepted or not.  If I am accepted, that is great, I can move forward with those plans accordingly.  If I was not accepted, then I will move forward with my life in a different way.  But it is only my whole future that I am waiting to just move forward with.  I wish they would let me know soon.  </p>\n<p>How are you feeling these days?  </p>\n<p>--your friend :), tree</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3107716,nil" ], "post_id": "3107762", "thread_id": "287822", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Everfeellikeyouwanttowithdrawfromlifeforawhile_287822/" }, { "author": "TheAutumnWitch", "content": "<p>@purpleTree4652</p>\n<p>I like you, too, Tree 😊 And aw, thank you. You are one of the kindest people I have ever met ♥️ It’s always good to see you on here. I’m glad that you’ve shaken off that feeling. I hope that whatever happens with grad school will turn out for the best for you. So many things that we anticipate in life can take so long to fulfill, but the sweet thing is that there are several ways to go about it.</p>\n<p>I’ve been better, to be honest. My health isn’t doing too great at the moment, and I’m concerned for my boyfriend. He’s dealing with some family drama right now involving his abusive father and brother. I wanted to go with him to provide moral support, but my health and my own trauma with abuse suggested it would be better for me to stay home. Maybe I’ll cook a nice meal for when he gets back home. It’ll be a relief to be cozily snuggled up to him again, watching our favorite shows and eating some hot food together.</p>\n<p>Keep taking care of yourself. ♥️</p>\n<p>~Autumn 🍂🍁</p>\n<p><img src=\"//7cupstearesources.s3.amazonaws.com/forum/img/_1666213155.99956FE2-0784-42D0-95B6-3FB8D0AC8674.jpeg\" alt=\"_1666213155.99956FE2-0784-42D0-95B6-3FB8D0AC8674.jpeg\" style=\"max-width:100%;\"><br></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3107762,3107716,nil" ], "post_id": "3108177", "thread_id": "287822", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Everfeellikeyouwanttowithdrawfromlifeforawhile_287822/" }, { "author": "purpleTree4652", "content": "<p>@TheAutumnWitch</p>\n<p>Autumn,</p>\n<p>That is understandable that you wanted to go with him for moral support.  But, when we're sick, it is sometimes best, to just rest.  Your thought of cooking a nice home cooked meal for him when he gets back is such a beautiful idea.  Your cooking and efforts will probably mean the world to him.  What are you doing to help yourself heal, if I may ask?  Is there anything I can do for you?</p>\n<p>Take care.  :)</p>\n<p>--tree</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3108177,3107762,3107716,nil" ], "post_id": "3108369", "thread_id": "287822", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Everfeellikeyouwanttowithdrawfromlifeforawhile_287822/" }, { "author": "TheAutumnWitch", "content": "<p>@purpleTree4652</p>\n<p>That’s very true, tree. I still have trouble getting myself to rest, haha. I forget that resting can be productive. Hehe, thank you 🥰 I may not know how to always handle a problem, but I can offer food. I’ve been taking medications and doing exercises recommended by my doctor in addition to just resting. Last week I received some injections that took me out for a while, but of which are supposed to make me feel better in the long run. And you’re already doing it, tree- talking with a friend helps me so much. I’m glad we met each other on here. ♥️</p>\n<p>Best,</p>\n<p>Autumn 🍂🍁</p>\n<p><img src=\"//7cupstearesources.s3.amazonaws.com/forum/img/_1666235099.3B9F8379-E9C2-4DA7-BFFD-381A5BA31FB7.jpeg\" alt=\"_1666235099.3B9F8379-E9C2-4DA7-BFFD-381A5BA31FB7.jpeg\" style=\"max-width:100%;\"><br></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3108369,3108177,3107762,3107716,nil" ], "post_id": "3108525", "thread_id": "287822", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Everfeellikeyouwanttowithdrawfromlifeforawhile_287822/" }, { "author": "Fristo", "content": "<p>@purpleTree4652 that is so poetically said. yes i feel like being totally alone and free from any kind of hassles, at times, perhaps every day, for some time. once it feels better, i feel readier to engage in the world again.</p>\n<p>hope you've been well 💛</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3316824", "thread_id": "287822", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Everfeellikeyouwanttowithdrawfromlifeforawhile_287822/" }, { "author": "OneCountryMama", "content": "<p>Almost all the time. it's that feeling of not wanting to unalive, but you just wanna pause and exist without care, without pressure, no one expecting anything of you. One thing that has helped me is to create or find an area I can do just that. Sounds like for you that area could be a safe place in the woods where you can just sit and be for a bit.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3316874", "thread_id": "287822", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Everfeellikeyouwanttowithdrawfromlifeforawhile_287822/" } ]
{ "author": "ConcernedWife2017", "content": "Hi everyone. I had to come in here to vent because I feel an anxiety attack coming on. Thank you if you take the time to read this. I really appreciate it. I will try to explain it the best I can without revealing specifics to be exact, because someone on here might realize who I am. \n\nSo I am a mom- multiple kids (Not giving exact amount for reasons of someone figuring out who I am). My oldest child has a brand new boyfriend. They just started dating. There was something that happened yesterday. I can’t go into exactly what happened, but it literally freaked me out. So thinking about this, it has me completely shook up and I am 100% scared that my child is going to come up missing one day because of her bf. And it is giving me so much anxiety. And the reason I fear this is because of what happened. I want my child to see how bad this person is, but she doesn’t seem to see it. And I don’t know if she will in time or not because he feeds her lines of crap. I am honestly so freaked out and I don’t know what to do. Obviously the law can’t do anything until something happens, then of course it’s too late at that point. \n\nI am one of those people who can sense when something bad is going to happen. And I can sense when people are bad. And when I get these feelings, they 100% have came true. And that is what scares me even more. I can sense that he is a bad person, and he proved it to me by doing what he did yesterday to my daughter. \n\nI am completely freaking out 😭\n", "date": "1689676788", "thread_id": "309037", "title": "Scared something bad will happen…", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Scaredsomethingbadwillhappen_309037/" }
[ { "author": "RobertBarryAnderson7", "content": "<p>@ConcernedWife2017 <span style=\"color:rgb(55,65,81);font-size:16px;\">I can imagine how deeply worried and frightened you must be feeling right now as a mom. Your child's safety and well-being are your top priority, and it's completely understandable to be concerned about the situation with her new boyfriend. Trusting your instincts as a parent is crucial, and it's natural to feel uneasy when you sense that something might not be right.</span></p>\n<p style=\"font-size:16px;margin:1.25em 0px;color:rgb(55,65,81);\">In situations like this, communication is vital. It's important to have an open and honest conversation with your child about your concerns. Share your observations and feelings with her, expressing how much you care about her safety. Avoid attacking her boyfriend directly but instead focus on expressing your worries about the specific incident and your desire to protect her.</p>\n<p style=\"font-size:16px;margin:1.25em 0px;color:rgb(55,65,81);\">While you can't control her choices, offering support and understanding can help strengthen your relationship and foster a sense of trust. Encourage her to talk about her feelings and experiences, and let her know that you are there for her no matter what. Sometimes, it may take time for someone to see the true nature of a person, especially when they are being manipulated by someone.</p>\n<p style=\"font-size:16px;margin:1.25em 0px;color:rgb(55,65,81);\">Consider seeking guidance from a professional, like a family therapist or counselor, who can offer advice on how to navigate this situation in a healthy and constructive way. They can provide insights on communication strategies and help you find ways to cope with the anxiety you are experiencing.</p>\n<p style=\"font-size:16px;margin:1.25em 0px 0px;color:rgb(55,65,81);\">Remember, you are not alone in this journey, and there are resources and support available to you. Take things one step at a time, and remember that as a mom, your love and concern for your child will guide you through these difficult moments. Take care and know that there are people who care and want to help.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3316121", "thread_id": "309037", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Scaredsomethingbadwillhappen_309037/" }, { "author": "ConcernedWife2017", "content": "<p>@RobertBarryAnderson7</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p><strong class=\"ql-size-large\" style=\"color:rgb(235,214,255);\"><em>Thank you so much for taking time to read and reply to me. I appreciate that. </em></strong></p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p><strong style=\"color:rgb(235,214,255);\" class=\"ql-size-large\"><em>I have always trusted my instincts and I have always been right when I have. That’s exactly why this is so concerning to me because something if just not right.</em></strong></p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p><strong style=\"color:rgb(235,214,255);\" class=\"ql-size-large\"><em>I have talked with her more than a few times already about it. She keeps telling me nothing is going to happen. And that I don’t need to worry, but I know better. Especially after what he did. She’s not seeing my concerns as valid because she thinks he is such a great guy. Even after what he did. I really need her to see this before it’s too late that he really is not that good. </em></strong></p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p><strong style=\"color:rgb(235,214,255);\" class=\"ql-size-large\"><em>I have told her from the time she was a little girl up to now that I am always here for her no matter what. I always told her she can confide in me and talk to me about everything and anything. And I have always been and will always be here for her. </em></strong></p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p><strong style=\"color:rgb(235,214,255);\" class=\"ql-size-large\"><em>I am just feeling my instincts telling me something bad is about to happen. It’s hitting me hard. </em></strong></p>\n<p><br></p>", "parent_ids": [ "3316121,nil" ], "post_id": "3316183", "thread_id": "309037", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Scaredsomethingbadwillhappen_309037/" }, { "author": "RobertBarryAnderson7", "content": "<p>@ConcernedWife2017 </p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:16px;color:rgb(55,65,81);background-color:rgb(247,247,248);\"><br></span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:16px;color:rgb(55,65,81);background-color:rgb(247,247,248);\">You're doing an amazing job as a concerned and caring mom! 💕 Trusting your instincts has always served you well, and your love for your daughter shines through in every word you've shared. It's completely natural to feel worried when your maternal instincts are telling you something's amiss.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:16px;color:rgb(55,65,81);background-color:rgb(247,247,248);\"><br></span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:16px;color:rgb(55,65,81);background-color:rgb(247,247,248);\">Keep reinforcing your support for her and remind her that you're always there with open arms. 🤗 Your love and concern will resonate with her, even if she doesn't fully see it right now. Remember, patience and understanding can work wonders in strengthening your bond. 🌟 Keep the lines of communication open and continue to show her the depth of your care.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:16px;color:rgb(55,65,81);background-color:rgb(247,247,248);\"><br></span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:16px;color:rgb(55,65,81);background-color:rgb(247,247,248);\">As time goes on, she may come to see the truth about this situation. And no matter what, you're doing all you can to protect and guide her. Trust yourself, and take it one step at a time. 💪 You've got this, and we're here for you too! 🌺💖</span><span style=\"font-size:16px;color:rgb(55,65,81);background-color:rgb(247,247,248);\"><br></span><span style=\"font-size:16px;color:rgb(55,65,81);background-color:rgb(247,247,248);\"><br></span></p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size:16px;color:rgb(55,65,81);background-color:rgb(247,247,248);\"><br></span><br></p>", "parent_ids": [ "3316183,3316121,nil" ], "post_id": "3316188", "thread_id": "309037", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Scaredsomethingbadwillhappen_309037/" }, { "author": "ConcernedWife2017", "content": "<p>@RobertBarryAnderson7</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p><strong class=\"ql-size-large\" style=\"color:rgb(194,133,255);\"><em>Thank you very much for your kind words. I try so hard. I am the kind of person who will help anyone and I have a huge heart. I’m always there for my kids when they need me, always have been, and always will be. </em></strong></p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p><strong style=\"color:rgb(194,133,255);\" class=\"ql-size-large\"><em>Her bf betrayed my trust many times and lost my trust completely when the incident happened. Honestly, this is a little bit more than just me worrying about their relationship. This is me worrying that he is going to take her and do something bad to her. That’s how bad of a situation it is. </em></strong></p>", "parent_ids": [ "3316188,3316183,3316121,nil" ], "post_id": "3316264", "thread_id": "309037", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Scaredsomethingbadwillhappen_309037/" }, { "author": "ShakenNotStirred932", "content": "<p>Hi,</p>\n<p>Do some digging online. See what you can find out about your daughter's bf. If you find something alarming, then you have grounds to follow up and seek help.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>Hoping for the best.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3316519", "thread_id": "309037", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Scaredsomethingbadwillhappen_309037/" }, { "author": "ConcernedWife2017", "content": "<p>@ShakenNotStirred932</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p><strong class=\"ql-size-large\" style=\"color:rgb(194,133,255);\"><em>Hello. Thank you for your reply.</em></strong></p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p><strong style=\"color:rgb(194,133,255);\" class=\"ql-size-large\"><em> I will see if there is anything I can find. Thank you. It has crossed my mind, but as far as I know he wasn’t in any trouble. At the same time, she was warned by family members of his that she shouldn’t be with him because of how he is. This has me very alarmed as well. And I heard he has never been in trouble before, but was told some stuff that was kind of unsettling. </em></strong></p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p><strong style=\"color:rgb(194,133,255);\" class=\"ql-size-large\"><em>Thank you for your well wishes. I appreciate it.</em></strong></p>\n<p><br></p>", "parent_ids": [ "3316519,nil" ], "post_id": "3316823", "thread_id": "309037", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Scaredsomethingbadwillhappen_309037/" } ]
{ "author": "Megalomentaurus", "content": "I don't even know if I have anxiety or if this is something else, but I feel panicked and confused. I never been diagnosed by a freaking therapist, I swear to god. When talking to others in my family, especially my mom, I struggle to. Why do their words feel scrambled and confusing to me? My mom even said this to me... disliking how I'm some kind of alien or someone who doesn't understand words and language. She dislikes how silent I get, how confused I get. Why am I so confused...? Why do I struggle to grasp on words and directions? I'm just in my room right now... I'm breathing fast and I'm questioning why I'm acting like this. I'm even crying a little bit... my eyes watering a bit. I keep getting thoughts in my head... on how I hate my mom. (There has been some family issues involving trust and a confusing past. But that's it's own rabbit hole.) I keep repeating it in my head... and I don't want to talk to anyone in my family. I feel like I'm dying inside, my emotions and thoughts clawing at me. I really hate when I act down-in-the-dumps... then I get minor emotional attacks like this. I'm zoning out with distress and I hate it. I don't feel comfortable talking about my feelings to anyone in my life (not that I have many people), so... I just need to get this out of my chest. \n", "date": "1689447925", "thread_id": "308863", "title": "What is going on...? ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Whatisgoingon_308863/" }
[ { "author": "SolarGenerator", "content": "<p>\"I'd just like to feel that someone can help me understand and deal with my overwhelming and maze of emotions, you know?\"<br></p>\n<p>@Megalomentaurus Yeah the confusion and your other feelings are valid.  I hope you have someone outside of your family to talk to.  There is relief and confidence available.<br></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3315037", "thread_id": "308863", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Whatisgoingon_308863/" } ]
{ "author": "Caffinatedarchon758", "content": "Feeling very uneasy and on edge today. It's been an emotional roller-coaster and I just want it to slow down", "date": "1616552454", "thread_id": "243063", "title": "Anxiety ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_243063/" }
[ { "author": "FoolsSelf", "content": "<p>I wish you well. The chatroom might prove helpful. Or contacting a listener 1 on 1. I wish I had something substantive beyond those 2 opportunities. Good luck.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "2629034", "thread_id": "243063", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_243063/" }, { "author": "jesus88", "content": "<p>I feel you, it's been the same for me lately but here's something I heard that made me feel better. Olives need to be squished in order to get olive oil. Diamonds are created under pressure. Seeds grow in the dark. The fact that you're going through this means you're just growing. It's only getting better❤️</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "2629068", "thread_id": "243063", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_243063/" }, { "author": "littleBarry177", "content": "<p>@Caffinatedarchon758 I know that feeling. Anxiety is sometimes like a wave. You can learn some tips to overcome it maybe. Or try to seek some professional help.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3309847", "thread_id": "243063", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_243063/" }, { "author": "RavynRae", "content": "<p>@Caffinatedarchon758</p>\n<p>Sounds like you've had quite a day and you're feeling overwhelmed... understandably. What are some things that can help you take a step back and breathe? help you feel a bit more grounded? </p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3316215", "thread_id": "243063", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_243063/" }, { "author": "placidJet3252", "content": "<p>It's would be nice to connect amd i can help you out to get out of those feelings</p>\n<p>Thank you</p>\n<p><br></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3316702", "thread_id": "243063", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_243063/" } ]
{ "author": "ChocolateCupcake24", "content": "Today, I came across this piece of wisdom, I wonder if you can relate to his approach ?\n\n“The first step: Don’t be anxious. Nature controls it all. And before long you’ll be no one, nowhere—like Hadrian, like Augustus. The second step: Concentrate on what you have to do. Fix your eyes on it. Remind yourself that your task is to be a good human being; remind yourself what nature demands of people. Then do it, without hesitation, and speak the truth as you see it. But with kindness. With humility. Without hypocrisy.” — The philosopher Marcus Aurelius\n\n", "date": "1689668256", "thread_id": "309033", "title": "What philosophy teaches us ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Whatphilosophyteachesus_309033/" }
[ { "author": "Sunisshiningandsoareyou", "content": "<p>@ChocolateCupcake24</p>\n<p>Bookmarking this to reflect on it again, this is beautifully impactful!💛</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3316044", "thread_id": "309033", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Whatphilosophyteachesus_309033/" }, { "author": "Gettingbettertoday", "content": "<p><span>What does nature demand of us?</span></p>\n<p><span><br></span></p>\n<p><span>I can't think of anything.<br></span><br></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3316243", "thread_id": "309033", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Whatphilosophyteachesus_309033/" } ]
{ "author": "MarshmallowButterfly", "content": "Hi, this feeling that I’ve been having is like, if my anxiety is uncontrollable enough to feel like it’s not a part of me. Like if someone else switched a button that caused my brain to suddenly have catastrophic thoughts, and I don’t know how or just didn’t expect it to do that. The way my mind functions sometimes just doesn’t entirely “feel like me”, as if my mind had a mind of its own. Or if my catastrophic thinking happens that fast and unexpectedly for me to not entirely feel connected to what my mind is feeling.\n", "date": "1689564683", "thread_id": "308957", "title": "Curious if anyone else feels this, or if this has a name.", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Curiousifanyoneelsefeelsthisorifthishasaname_308957/" }
[ { "author": "toughTiger6481", "content": "<p>@MarshmallowButterfly</p>\n<p>I have something similar i am working on ....... it is if a switch was flipped and i start thinking all the worst about a situation even when it is not that bad......I  blow it up in my mind and ruins a day.  </p>\n<p>honestly i have found most is triggered by information from a certain person.... I think my overthinking and reaction is a result of me not fully trusting the person to give me the full details of a situation to evaluate correctly........  if not a person it could be the subject or some underlying feeling I have about a subject or situation. </p>\n<p>example this person was suppose to be taking care of an item that has a deadline ....... they have a history of not paying attention to details .......... i think the deadline will pass we will have all this trouble etc when in fact it is not that serious....    </p>\n<p>Not sure if it is same as yours but i found looking at bigger picture and saw the underlying feeling angle and my distrust of a person to be probable cause of my  feelings like this. </p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3315557", "thread_id": "308957", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Curiousifanyoneelsefeelsthisorifthishasaname_308957/" }, { "author": "MarshmallowButterfly", "content": "<p>@toughTiger6481 </p>\n<p>Hm, you might be right that there could be a similarity there, and I wish you the best of luck in you understanding and working out how you think and feel. </p>\n<p>For me, I’ve been learning more about how a movie that gave me bad distress, likely traumatized me during a time I was already struggling with increased stress and mental illness symptoms, and straining friendships due to bottling up my feelings and my boundaries being crossed for a few years by then. </p>\n<p>I say all of this because, although there’s the similarity of thoughts running out of control, possibly from not well understood fears and implications triggering that, there’s also this disconnect I felt in myself due to getting more irritable, hateful, and untrusting than I was ever used to due to boundary crosses.</p>\n<p>Generally, though, thank you for taking time to reply. I added more details of my story also to see if that would help you to reflect. </p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3315557,nil" ], "post_id": "3315623", "thread_id": "308957", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Curiousifanyoneelsefeelsthisorifthishasaname_308957/" }, { "author": "toughTiger6481", "content": "<p>@MarshmallowButterfly</p>\n<p>You are more then welcome ..I am glad it sort of made sense to you ..... </p>\n<p>I too get disconnected and irritable and my trust has faded away as well .....i get very frustrated sometimes when people do not see the chaos (I made something out to be)  it is hard work to try to take a second look from another perspective sometimes.</p>\n<p>  I think it caused me some people wanting to hang out because i see the worse sometimes. </p>\n<p> i have been asking myself  about this recently and see I am not viewing items for what they are but what i made them out to be.   </p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3315623,3315557,nil" ], "post_id": "3315670", "thread_id": "308957", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Curiousifanyoneelsefeelsthisorifthishasaname_308957/" }, { "author": "MarshmallowButterfly", "content": "<p>@toughTiger6481 </p>\n<p>Yeah, I’m starting to feel that this has more to do with mistrust, being emotionally triggered, and my relationships than I initially thought. Because I recently learned that being emotionally triggered can have more specific or unexpected symptoms than I thought.</p>\n<p>And, yes, it can feel oddly isolating now when I’m much more sensitive than I’ve ever been. The friendships that were the most strained, and the ones I isolated myself from, were the most understanding. Family has varying levels and degrees of not understanding that I can’t avoid. And it’s difficult to validate myself and these experiences sometimes. But I at least have a close friend I still talk to. </p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3315670,3315623,3315557,nil" ], "post_id": "3315704", "thread_id": "308957", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Curiousifanyoneelsefeelsthisorifthishasaname_308957/" } ]
{ "author": "tealMelon1154", "content": "I started off this week by hitting the gym, baking and new things..But I just feel sad and hopeless plus I have been fighting tears while working out at the gym. My old bestfriend of 10 years left off to another state and has a good job. I'm still in university still in my undergrad but my major doesn't even excite me anymore. And it's gotten to the point where I have began hating myself and my life choices. I don't feel happy even when talking to my boyfriend who I feel doesn't understand my anxiety. I just want to go into a deep sleep and not worry about anything. \n", "date": "1689052729", "thread_id": "308560", "title": "I'm in a very dark place rn", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Iminaverydarkplacern_308560/" }
[ { "author": "SolarGenerator", "content": "<p>@tealMelon1154 Lost your best friend, lost excitement for a previous educational choice, feeling misunderstood by someone who is closest to you.  Regardless of what you are going through, it sounds like you prefer to stay physically active.  Yet you say that you want an emotional rest too.  It can be difficult.  I feel compassion while reading your story. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3311172", "thread_id": "308560", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Iminaverydarkplacern_308560/" }, { "author": "seashell145", "content": "<p>@KrillCactus</p>\n<p>It's not my post but I appreciate your compassion for the OP and this compassionate response.</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3311172,nil" ], "post_id": "3311243", "thread_id": "308560", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Iminaverydarkplacern_308560/" }, { "author": "tealMelon1154", "content": "<p>Hi, thank you for taking the time to commenton my post. Its just been difficult but I have been trying to feel better taking everything on a day by day basis. I really hope you the best for you, thanks for reading my post with compassion @KrillCactus</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3311172,nil" ], "post_id": "3313193", "thread_id": "308560", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Iminaverydarkplacern_308560/" }, { "author": "seashell145", "content": "<p>@tealMelon1154</p>\n<p>I'm really sorry you lost your best friend, this emptiness can be hard to go through. I can relate to everything you said, like hating yourself for your life choices, finding your own major uninteresting and in my case, feeling like I don't belong. It's really sad your boyfriend doesn't understand your anxiety, this might make you feel lonely and isolated. I understand wanting to go to deep sleep.</p>\n<p>It's really great you are going to the gym and doing a creative, relaxing thing like baking. I really encourage you keep doing them, so they may help you get some respite from the anxiety. I hope you do gym safely because from experience, overdoing it trying to forget pain may cause other problems. Baking can be really soothing during this time. If you had other soothing activities that you haven't done in a while, may try to do them too. <br><br>Anxiety may not suddenly disappear but the activities will bring some comfort. And over time your mind will grow, you will get more pleasure from those things so you will be able to enjoy more relaxed time. What you are going through isn't easy, but it's not hopeless. Hope you can go easy on yourself and appreciate yourself for even the little things you do. You deserve to love yourself. Those little things aren't little, little things make the big things, don't underestimate yourself. Sending you lots of prayers and soothing energy. &lt;3</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3311248", "thread_id": "308560", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Iminaverydarkplacern_308560/" }, { "author": "intuitivePlace7278", "content": "<p>Dont be so hard on yourself. Its ok to feel the way you do. Just accept the feelings and find joyful things in your life to help ease the pain</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3311305", "thread_id": "308560", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Iminaverydarkplacern_308560/" }, { "author": "ClassyChicken23", "content": "<p>@tealMelon1154 Teal, I can feel your strength in your post even though you may not think so, which is understandable. It's hard to be stuck in the dark, by yourself. So I'm glad you're reaching out and I hope baking, going to the gym, etc will help with where you are right now. I'm applauding your determination to keep doing what you love doing. If you need someone to listen and sit in the dark with you, you're always welcome in my chat. You're very strong and human. Life sucks at times, although reaching out is a huge step to healing and support. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3313198", "thread_id": "308560", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Iminaverydarkplacern_308560/" }, { "author": "Katsuddon", "content": "<p>I’m so sorry to hear that you’re going through this. Losing a best friend can be really tough. It’s okay if you regret you educational decision just remember that you have a long life ahead to learn new things and meet new people. I hope that you’re doing better.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3313419", "thread_id": "308560", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Iminaverydarkplacern_308560/" }, { "author": "CDK1972", "content": "<p>Just checking in to see how you’re doing TealMelon</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3315380", "thread_id": "308560", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Iminaverydarkplacern_308560/" } ]
{ "author": "ToffeeNugget2009", "content": "lately I'm always feeling sick and can't focus. I start feeling hot and clostrophobic.\n\nI'm not sure why as sometimes I'm not worrier about anything.\n\nHas anyone got some techniques that can help?\n\nThanks\n", "date": "1689352879", "thread_id": "308788", "title": "I'm not sure", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Imnotsure_308788/" }
[ { "author": "SolarGenerator", "content": "<p>@ToffeeNugget2009 As Dr. Bessel van der Kolk would say, the body keeps the score.  If time and space is given for the feelings, it is possible to understand what the body is telling you.</p>\n<p>I'm interested to know more about what is going on.<br></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3315030", "thread_id": "308788", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Imnotsure_308788/" } ]
{ "author": "affectionateApple5459", "content": "Does anyone have tips on how to look confident, presentable, and competent when talking an interview? I have a lot anxiety about going to interviews to the point that I feel sick. Is there anything that can make the experience feel easier?\n", "date": "1689483556", "thread_id": "308883", "title": "Interview anxiety", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Interviewanxiety_308883/" }
[ { "author": "Optimisticempath", "content": "<p>@affectionateApple5459 would it help to prepare for the interview questions? maybe mock interview with a friend or someone who would make you comfy? </p>\n<p>our anxious brain gives us many reasons we can mess things up but you dont need to listen to those &lt;3 you've got this &lt;3 </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3314942", "thread_id": "308883", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Interviewanxiety_308883/" } ]
{ "author": "decisiveTangerine8202", "content": "Hello,\n\nI struggle with anxious attachment style, and was wondering what methods people found to help them the most?\n\nI’m open minded to trying new things!\n\nI just wish to spend more time enjoying being in a relationship rather than worrying about it.\n", "date": "1689245586", "thread_id": "308711", "title": "Anxious Attachment Style", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/AnxiousAttachmentStyle_308711/" }
[ { "author": "MeaningfulSilence", "content": "<p>@decisiveTangerine8202 </p>\n<p>Hi Tangerine! </p>\n<p>Sorry to hear you experience anxiety when in a relationship.  It's surely heavy to deal with it and probably it's something 24/7 that never leaves you alone.</p>\n<p>You said something very accurate, you have understood the point, so I think you are half way to improve for good: ''<i>I just wish to spend more time enjoying being in a relationship rather than worrying about it.''   </i></p>\n<p>What if you could identify also what causes the worry? Is it lack of self confidence? Is it due to a bad memory of something experienced in the past? Is it a specific behavior the other peson has, something you could let them know about to prevent triggers?<i> </i></p>\n<p>Feel free to post again to share how things are going, take care!<i><br></i></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3314682", "thread_id": "308711", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/AnxiousAttachmentStyle_308711/" } ]
{ "author": "sanber3105", "content": "I am waiting for a person to decide to be with me or with their ex-partner. The anxiety that I suffer is too much, it has given me strange signs that he did not want to finish our affair. but I check the phone every 5 seconds waiting for his message telling me that he has already decided and that he wants something with me 😔 what should I do? \n\nwait for me to write? or I send a message or maybe a phone call.. ? \n", "date": "1689472054", "thread_id": "308880", "title": "Heartbroken ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Heartbroken_308880/" }
[ { "author": "YourCaringConfidant", "content": "<p>@sanber3105 I am so sorry to hear that you are so heartbroken. I can't imagine the pain you must feel having to be in this situation. I am sorry you waiting on answer from him is causing you so much anxiety. Perhaps, there can be another option-- you finding someone who accepts you, loves you the way you deserve, and puts you first. Do you not believe that you are valuable and worthy of someone who wants you for you and someone who can be faithful to you? In no way, am I judging the situation going on here. I just see how much hurt and anxiety is causing you waiting on a man to come to his senses and realize that it's you that he wants. I am sorry you are hurting. If this is the man you desire then I hope it all works out for you and him. I hope he realizes how amazing of a person you are and lets you know how special and important you are. You deserve to be happy. Take care of yourself and I hope you feel better. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3314429", "thread_id": "308880", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Heartbroken_308880/" } ]
{ "author": "heathermarie95", "content": "Having boundaries is really important especially when it comes to our mental health; with that being said\n\nHow do YOU set boundaries to protect your mental health and manage anxiety triggers?\n\n", "date": "1689466117", "thread_id": "308876", "title": "Boundaries & Anxiety", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/BoundariesAnxiety_308876/" }
[ { "author": "cindyzheng1344", "content": "<p>@heathermarie95</p>\n<p>One of the most significant aspects for me has been learning to say no when I feel overwhelmed or stretched too thin. It wasn't easy at first, as I used to worry about disappointing others or being perceived as unhelpful. However, over time, I realized that setting boundaries is not selfish but necessary for my well-being. By saying no to certain commitments and tasks, I can prioritize my mental health and focus on what truly matters.<br></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3314371", "thread_id": "308876", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/BoundariesAnxiety_308876/" } ]
{ "author": "SomeTealGrapes", "content": "I feel so lost. I don't know who I am anymore. I don't really have any friends that I am able to vent to. So I just hold everything in till I don't feel anymore. The smallest tasks seems like the largest mountains. Most days I just lay in bed, paralyzed with my rushing thoughts.\n", "date": "1689389958", "thread_id": "308816", "title": "I feel like such a shell of my former self.", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ifeellikesuchashellofmyformerself_308816/" }
[ { "author": "toughTiger6481", "content": "<p>@SomeTealGrapes</p>\n<p>when i keep everything in i feel actually weighted down ...... the feeling of not getting out of bed or out and about.....  doing not only what i have too but what i want to do...</p>\n<p>I find getting it out writing journal or share in forums type space ... with a listener or even if you have a close friend..... </p>\n<p>when i cannot find someone i take long walks and talk it out as if i am trying to explain to someone else ... I try to see from either opposing view  or someone who has no idea about the item ........... when i do that i see flaws in my logic or other perspectives.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3314039", "thread_id": "308816", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Ifeellikesuchashellofmyformerself_308816/" } ]
{ "author": "mat1mul", "content": "I can't feel relaxed or happy. I know i should be. But there is always something blocking me. All these thought running inside my head telling me that i could end up crazy or be a bad person. The fear of losing control of my life. I need to find what is happening inside my head. To be short i do and redo things until i finally do it in the \"right way\" i don't know why but if i don't do things exactly 4 or 6 or 10 times i feel bad. It can be really bad to show with people around that's why i ignore it but after i feel really bad. If it was just doing things many times i could live with it. But it has gone to far and sometimes i don't even know myself what the objectives are. And what i do is never good enough. Never done good enough. I'm even questioning what i write\n", "date": "1628718706", "thread_id": "256320", "title": "Anxiety", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Anxiety_256320/" }
[ { "author": "faithlove1111", "content": "<p>Hi @mat1mul. Doubting yourself occasionally is alright cause it helps you to question yourself and put in more effort into the work or task you were doing. But constantly doubting yourself can be tiring, draining, upsetting and eat away yourself esteem. Feel free to message any listener here at 7 cups. We are here to listen to you.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "2760439", "thread_id": "256320", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Anxiety_256320/" }, { "author": "littleBarry177", "content": "<p>@mat1mul sorry to hear that. This feeling must not comfortable. You can try to get professional help. You are not alone.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3309823", "thread_id": "256320", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Anxiety_256320/" }, { "author": "Stan92", "content": "<p>I'm the same, I thought it's good that I try to do stuff in the best shape, sometimes that's the case, but often it's just too much, even simple things like cleaning the dishes or doing laundry take me significantly more time than anyone else. As this makes me consistently trying to improve it also makes me always anxious, awkward and unsatisfied. Even this comment took more time than anyone would think because of this. </p>\n<p><br></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3313974", "thread_id": "256320", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Anxiety_256320/" } ]
{ "author": "Rykiel", "content": "Hello,\n\nThe last few days have actually been okay, considering all that's been going on in my life until today.\n\nMom's got a terminal illness, a few of her siblings also have terminal illnesses, and I've got my own health problems. On top of that, I've been feeling stuck in life and not progressing the way I should be, the way my peers have. I find myself frequently comparing how bad my life is to theirs, which gives me so much anxiety knowing I have to continue to deal with this for however long. \n\nToday, what was supposed to be a simple doctor's visit ended up triggering a wave of anxiety and that ultimately led me down my usual rabbit hole of dark, depressive, anxious thoughts at night. About my family, about myself, about the future. It feels as if myself and my whole family are just living on borrowed time until we hit rock bottom. \n\nJust thinking about the things I have yet to accomplish and what I will eventually have to face keeps me awake at night. I'm in limbo right now and I feel like I can't get out of it. Some words of encouragement would certainly be nice right about now 😔\n\n", "date": "1689227343", "thread_id": "308697", "title": "Ups and downs; today was a down", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Upsanddownstodaywasadown_308697/" }
{ "author": "neatClementine8562", "content": "Trigger warning; mentioning death\n\nLately, I’ve been thing a lot about death. I get really anxious when I start thinking about it because I’m really scared of dying. I know a lot of people have this fear but the thought of it doesn’t leave me alone. Every time I start to think about it I feel like crying and usually I do end up crying. I don’t know what to do, I just want to feel some kind of peace. Sometimes I don’t feel like I’m in the present moment. I’m just watching and my body is moving but my mind isn’t actually there. I’m not sure if that makes sense. Like if I’m just watching through a tv screen in my brain. I want to be in the present moment but I don’t really know how to I try to use my senses like touching the stuff around me. But I’m just not there in the present moment and I can’t enjoy it as much as I want to.\n", "date": "1689030880", "thread_id": "308544", "title": "I don’t know what to do ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Idontknowwhattodo_308544/" }
[ { "author": "ASilentObserver", "content": "<p>@neatClementine8562 <span>I'm sorry these thoughts have been weighing on you. Fear of death is common and can be distressing. </span><span>I understand this fear can feel overwhelming. Focusing on the present moment and what's within your control can help. </span><span>What emotions come up the most when these thoughts enter your mind?<br><br>Please know you are not alone and we are all here with you to listen to and support. Thank you for opening up and please share more. <a href=\"https://www.7cups.com/connect/groupChatrooms.php\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">You can also join us in the member group chats to share and get support.</a><br></span></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3311334", "thread_id": "308544", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Idontknowwhattodo_308544/" }, { "author": "neatClementine8562", "content": "<p>I start to feel like really scared and I feel like crying. I also feel stuck since there’s nothing I can do about it. Thank you for the support!</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3311334,nil" ], "post_id": "3311644", "thread_id": "308544", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Idontknowwhattodo_308544/" }, { "author": "ToffeeNugget2009", "content": "<p>Hey, I've been feeling the same way especially as I'm getting older I have thought about it more. And I understand the thing with watching through a TV screen. I've talked so some people about this and when thinking about dying you should disteact yiur brain. For example : pick a catagory and name things from that catagory in alphebet order (Animals, ant, bear, crocodile, dog.) And when you dont feel present you can think about your 5 senses. List 5 things you can see. List 4 things you can feel. List 3 things you can hear. List 2 things you can smell. And 1 thing you can taste.</p>\n<p>These have helped me especially since i've been feeling the same way. I hope will help you however everyone is different so try different things abd see what works for you. </p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3313064", "thread_id": "308544", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Idontknowwhattodo_308544/" } ]
{ "author": "Kckay", "content": "The guy I was involved just started seeing someone. I super anxious and heartbroken\n", "date": "1689267676", "thread_id": "308725", "title": "I feel hopless", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Ifeelhopless_308725/" }
[ { "author": "Optimisticempath", "content": "<p>@Kckay this one hurts so much :( would you like to tell him how you feel? </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3312480", "thread_id": "308725", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Ifeelhopless_308725/" }, { "author": "Kckay", "content": "<p>He knows I feel this way. Everyday is hard as I really miss him and he doesn't </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3312714", "thread_id": "308725", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Ifeelhopless_308725/" }, { "author": "tealHickory3023", "content": "<p>@Kckay</p>\n<p>I am really sorry. I am going through something similar right now. My ex fiance hit me with the \"I love you but am not in love with you\" and said they needed time to think after 5 years together. I haven't dared get onto social media because I don't want to know what they're doing and I don't want them to know what I am doing. Is there anything I can try to help you with? It's beyond hard when the grief hits. </p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3312714,nil" ], "post_id": "3312724", "thread_id": "308725", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Ifeelhopless_308725/" }, { "author": "Kckay", "content": "<p>Ohhh that's hard. I can feel what you are facing. So sorry. Now since he chose someone else over me I have to just move on. I feel replaced.. Any advise on how to</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3312733", "thread_id": "308725", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Ifeelhopless_308725/" }, { "author": "tealHickory3023", "content": "<p>@Kckay</p>\n<p>This is what I've been doing (I know everyone is different but maybe it'll help and I'm so sorry it's so long);</p>\n<p>I have been reading a lot of books that I wanted to catch up on.</p>\n<p>Watching what <i>I want</i> to watch on tv.</p>\n<p>Going for walks in the mornings (since that seems to be one of the times of day I am most anxious) and taking the two hours to get all 10,000 steps in for the day. I am watching what I eat and trying to lose weight that I gained from depression while I was with him. (constantly trying to guess how he felt about me because he was hot/cold, pulled away/loved me, put me last, suspicious behaviors, etc. drained me and made me feel terrible)</p>\n<p>On nights when I'm anxious, I make sure to put on relaxing tv shows, podcasts, read, or come on to sites like this one to either talk to someone or try to help someone else. Some good podcasts are \"Make Some Noise with Andrea Owen\" and \"Your Courageous Life\" - Kate Swoboda. </p>\n<p>I will also listen to music that fits my moods. Aggressive music sometimes when I am walking, easier music when I need to calm down/relax. There are tons of white noise and ASMR videos on YouTube that I will leave on when I'm anxious and trying to go to sleep. \"WhispersRed\" is one of my favorite ASMR artists and I listen to \"Nemo's Dreamscapes\" for white noise. </p>\n<p>I have made lists on Amazon of new furniture, clothes, housewares I would like to have that reflect ME only (and my pet LOL).</p>\n<p>I have done small things on my own (like grocery shopping for things <i>I like</i>, getting coffee at my local bakery and just sitting with my thoughts. I don't like being alone. I am trying to sit with my thoughts and become used to the noise of them. I am also trying to get used to the silence there is now, where he used to take up so much of the day.) </p>\n<p>I have avoided things like checking his social media at all costs. I heard someone on *** say, \"What the \"dead\" do is none of our business. Let them watch us from the \"graveyard\", and I really liked that. Mine and his relationship is dead. If he ever wants to know what I am up to, he will have to watch from the \"graveyard\" from now on. </p>\n<p>In moments of pure, painful grief, I cry. I say what I want to, whether it be out loud \"to him\" or to myself. </p>\n<p>I wrote a list of things he said and did to me over 5 years that I cried about to friends and in really bad moments where I miss him and it feels overwhelming and almost physically hurts, I read things off of that list out loud and remember how that all made me feel and my crying fits become shorter and shorter every time. </p>\n<p>I think about<i> why </i>I'm crying over someone who didn't want/love me back and remember all the reasons why that is <i>his loss </i>and I'm better off for it. I remind myself that I am worthy of love/respect/kindness/loyalty/honesty.</p>\n<p>I am sorry this was so long but I wanted to give as many options as I could think of! I am sorry you are going through this! Please know that you're not alone! And try to remember that his behaviors aren't a reflection of you and your worth; they are a reflection of himself. <i>You are worthy of love, respect, kindness, loyalty, and honesty! </i>Find things that you like to do or have always wanted to do or try and do them! If there is anything at all I can do to help you further, please don't hesitate to say anything! </p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3312733,nil" ], "post_id": "3312744", "thread_id": "308725", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Ifeelhopless_308725/" }, { "author": "Kckay", "content": "<p>@tealHickory3023</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>Wow that's alot. Thanks for your time in writing all this to help me go through this.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>I will try my best to adapt some of the ways you have mentioned to help me go through this. I think you are doing very well. Good Job.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>Yes the silence of not being in touch with the person who was for years is heartbreaking. Not getting that call or text message anymore is saddening .</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>Yes the person did not love us back and I do believe it's their loss to have lost someone who really did.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>This was a really good message you put forth. I will keep reading it everyday to remind myself I am not alone.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>Thank you so much 😘</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3312744,3312733,nil" ], "post_id": "3312769", "thread_id": "308725", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Ifeelhopless_308725/" }, { "author": "selfconfidentMap7900", "content": "<p>I’m so sorry your going through this. Be strong even when your feeling down and find creative and healthy ways to lift yourself up. You can get through this💪</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3312760", "thread_id": "308725", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Ifeelhopless_308725/" }, { "author": "Kckay", "content": "<p>Thank you for your message. I am now lifting my self up. Slowly. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3312760,nil" ], "post_id": "3312828", "thread_id": "308725", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Ifeelhopless_308725/" } ]
{ "author": "ThorsMjolnir996", "content": "For my generation, being 31 years of age, I was still part of the generation where “men don’t talk about their feelings” and all those other false stigmas. Therapy was seen as a “weaker” option that men couldn’t see themselves in. They joke about it still in movies and television programs. They want to keep you unhealthy it seems, and that’s not far from the truth. Pharmaceutical companies want you to remain reliant on their medicines to “fix” your issues, and while some people need medication, not all do, this is just a quick fix they use to numb out the issues and line their pockets with money. Half of the insurance companies don’t cover mental health care either, and paying out of pocket can become stressful to your situation causing you more mental anguish. I dabbled in a few therapy sessions, but paying $180.00 a session got old, and it didn’t seem to help anyway because those therapists seemed to only care about the financials at the end of the session. Then I found 7 cups. A service offering base services by way of volunteers, and professionals for free. I’ve been exploring the app for months now, this is my second account, and I have to say that 7 cups is a pioneer all on its own. From the help I received so far, to some of the people I have met, it’s been a really enjoyable experience. I was still nervous about coming onto the platform because of all the false stigmas that surround self help especially for men in my age range, but I’m finally ready to break out of that stigma and work on becoming the best me, I know I can be. I have way too much discomfort and pain from my past to deal with on my own. I suffer from abuse in the past, ptsd, anxiety, depression, sleep disorder, and anger, some of these symptoms become manic as well. I don’t like that, I don’t like losing control of my emotions. I’m not wanting to be that volcano waiting to erupt. I want the calm views from atop the hill I have to climb without worrying about eruption from myself leading me to the base again. It’s going to take hard work on my end, this I know, but now I hope to find the support to help guide me down a healthy mental health journey and get me to where I wish to be mentally. One day at a time, one step at a time. I’m glad to have met miles, my new listener friends I met through this app, sorry for unloading everything I could on you last night, but you read what I posted, and consoled me and my needs regardless. I truly needed that. To anyone who knows someone else struggling, refer them to this app, that is all I have to say.\n", "date": "1689193195", "thread_id": "308670", "title": "Therapy is (not) an option ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Therapyisnotanoption_308670/" }
[ { "author": "hopefulPond6108", "content": "<p>@ThorsMjolnir996 Great post! Glad you’re here and glad 7 Cups has been helping. Cheers!</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3311924", "thread_id": "308670", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Therapyisnotanoption_308670/" } ]
{ "author": "easyOak7689", "content": "Hey all, \n\nSo I've been in therapy since the beginning of this year and I just don't really know what to feel anymore and it is so frustrating so I thought I'd try and post about it here\n\nBasically, I've been in therapy for a few months and it was great, I was improving etc. However, a few weeks ago I asked my therapist after a session in a direct message whether she could call me since something left me really triggered (all our contact is covered by insurance). I noted in my message it could wait but that I was feeling really triggered\n\nShe called me, but felt a little bit angry? She was a lot shorter in her replies, which I chalked up to her just being busy. However, at the end of the telephone convo (the things she said put me at ease about the issue taht triggered me) she said that \"I shouldn't take it personal if she didn't have time to call me next time\" and also \"that she hoped I'd develop more trust so we could talk about my topics during therapy hours instead of outside\" (the trust comment referred to that I have low trust due to previous experience completely separate from this therapy)\n\nThe above 2 comments left me flustered afterwards and I feel like they really hurt me. I feel hurt because I noted in my initial comment that the issue could wait until next session, so I'm not sure why she said that comment about talking during therapy hours instead of outside of therapy hours. We talked about it next session and she said I should determine when I message her the urgency which again hurt me because I feel like I already did so. I asked her why she called me when my message stated it wasn't urgent and she said she wasn't sure she could go by my words since she hasn't known me for that long (which makes me feel like she didn't trust the words in my initial message).\n\nWe've talked about it since but I feel so stuck in the issue. She said she wasn't angry on the phone. Also, she says that she can accept we both have our own respective experiences in this and wants to explore my reaction but meanwhile I still feel unsecure since the exchange caught me off guard so much. \n\nI really am not sure how to continue since we talked about it since in a number of sessions but it comes back to \"you had your experience in this, I had mine\" and I feel 0 validation in being hurt by the exchange. It frustrates me to no end since she's been great otherwise and helped me so much in the first few months of therapy but I have no idea how to proceed since I simply don't feel that secure as long as this is left in the air.\n\nNot sure if I'm looking for advice but if any person has any I'll gladly take it. There was other stuff that made me slightly awkward (she seemed insecure about contact outside of session before when she called ME and seemed insecure but I dismissed it back then as a character quirk) but I find this so difficult. More than anything I wish she'd just say something like \"o yea I was a bit pressured for time so you may have picked up on that\" or \"I realize I may have been a little bit too direct in expressing myself but you did well to send your message\" but I'm not getting anything in that direction. Not sure if that is too much to ask but the whole thing bugs me endlessly and I just needed to vent\n", "date": "1684610392", "thread_id": "305472", "title": "Feel terrible about my therapy", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Feelterribleaboutmytherapy_305472/" }
[ { "author": "hopefulPond6108", "content": "<p>@easyOak7689 Hi. Sorry you’re struggling with this. A therapist/client relationship is something important so it makes sense that you would feel some conflict. Just a rhetorical question here: Can you resolve this without any more discussion with the therapist? You have said that this therapist is helping you. You seem to be investing a lot of emotional energy on trying to elicit the “right” response from the therapist. Is that the best use of your energy?</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3277282", "thread_id": "305472", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Feelterribleaboutmytherapy_305472/" }, { "author": "easyOak7689", "content": "<p>@hopefulPond6108</p>\n<p>You are right. I guess I feel a disconnect and am trying to bridge that, but it has already taken so much energy and at this point I'm simply not sure what to say. I'm just so so sad about this whole situation and would love her support so much at this difficult time in my life. But I've already tried for weeks. Am going to write a message outlining my feelings and telling her I need more, but even the prospect of ending it will just be devastating and such a loss for me</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3277282,nil" ], "post_id": "3277314", "thread_id": "305472", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Feelterribleaboutmytherapy_305472/" }, { "author": "toughTiger6481", "content": "<p>@easyOak7689</p>\n<p>Unfortunately I feel many a person recently do not simply clear the air or say I am sorry for the miscommunication ...</p>\n<p>many things could be it .. pressed for time/ having a bad day even not feeling well...... it used to be smile and suck it up for the customer / client .........and not expect them to just deal with it...... </p>\n<p>if it is still bothering you after this time ........ do you want a change... is this going to be there from now on.... waiting for something from her has come and past not gonna happen at this point </p>\n<p> </p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3277307", "thread_id": "305472", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Feelterribleaboutmytherapy_305472/" }, { "author": "easyOak7689", "content": "<p>@toughTiger6481</p>\n<p>I think you are right, though I just want to explore every option. But I've written a message outlining my feelings and the fact that I need something more to move on than given so far. She has a supervisor that may jump in, maybe she'll add something to the discussion, otherwise I'm not sure what there is to be done. It just hurts because I'm in a difficult living situation and being able to have support would be so important, I don't have any in real life people to fall back on and going on alone at this point would just be such a trial</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3277307,nil" ], "post_id": "3277313", "thread_id": "305472", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Feelterribleaboutmytherapy_305472/" }, { "author": "easyOak7689", "content": "<p>@easyOak7689</p>\n<p>Well, had another session. Beforehand I thought we might have had a chance to talk it over reach an agreement of some sort, or see eye-to-eye but we pretty much stumbled on the same issue again.</p>\n<p>I feel so so sad. I loved therapy so much with her and really did learn a lot so I'm grateful for that. At the end we scheduled a session with her supervisor so I can talk things over (I haven't talked with her supervisor who oversees my treatment too yet) and am hoping to get somewhere maybe with that conversation. Yet at the end of our session there was another weird thing where she seemed REALLY insecure again about booking another session. She also was noticeably reeling about the conversation and said she didn't really know how to best schedule or contact me so I kind of took over from her. She actually said that she didn't want to do anything wrong in contacting me which again startled me and does make me feel like it's a good thing to talk to her supervisor to see if that maybe elucidates things for me. </p>\n<p>Just feel so terrible. She's helped me SO MUCH early in our therapy with getting closure in some things that were really weighing heavy on me and am grateful for that regardless. Maybe the talk with the supervisor will bring about something, though I don't even know at this point.</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3279316", "thread_id": "305472", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Feelterribleaboutmytherapy_305472/" }, { "author": "easyOak7689", "content": "<p>Well final follow up, wish it would be a happy message but not quite the case. Since all the drama with my therapist her supervisor took over the tehrapy (though I did not feel great about that - it happened really sudden in my experience). It felt like I was still really in my feelings about the therapy with my therapist but they told me \"she wasn't a good match\" and wanted me to continue on with someone else but that felt so horrible to me. They later said they may be able to arrange a farewell session with my therapist (why wasn't it arranged in the first place? feels so vague) but by that point everything already felt like it turned sour. Yesterday there was another talk with the supervisor but it felt so terrible and I panic-sent a message about cancelling the whole treatment and they called 3 hours later to finalize ending treatment even though I felt like I had sent the message waaay too definitively but it didn't matter it basically ended right then and there <span>😭 (didn't even allow me to read a summary letter to my GP - she recited it on the phone and I had to state on the phone whether to sent it or not which just felt so bizarre) and she wished me good luck in the future. Really just feels so terrible, but then she did call again 2 hrs later saying she changed her mind and I can decide in a months time after all (why not state that in the first place? so confusing since they just said it was done and now it isn't?)</span></p>\n<p><span>Know I'm venting but the whole thing just feels so bizarre. The person I'm in contact with </span><span>(new temporary therapist) </span><span>went on vacation yesterday so I won't be able to finalize unless I wait a month till she's back and can't talk in the meantime with anyone else there (they closed me file, though I'm also not sure I would want to given I'm experiencing so much uncertainty about my therapy experience with the practice). Just such a mess and I'm so sad about how everything just felt like it developed into a trainwreck which has me just so upset</span></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3311510", "thread_id": "305472", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Feelterribleaboutmytherapy_305472/" } ]
{ "author": "P3ak", "content": "My girlfriends parents are terribly abusive and manipulative and they don’t want us to be together anymore so they have taken away all means of contact and she is very prone to suicidal thoughts and self harm and that being mixed with abuse isn’t helping at all I’m willing to share the story of why they don’t want us to be together anymore please just ask me I’ll accept any help\n", "date": "1689059980", "thread_id": "308564", "title": "I’m worried about my girlfriend who may be in danger", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Imworriedaboutmygirlfriendwhomaybeindanger_308564/" }
[ { "author": "ASilentObserver", "content": "<p>@P3ak <span>I'm sorry to hear this difficult situation is causing you distress. That must feel overwhelming. Would you be willing to share more about what's contributing to your girlfriend's parents wanting to limit contact? </span><span> </span><span>What emotions are you feeling right now as you think about the situation?</span></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3311335", "thread_id": "308564", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/Imworriedaboutmygirlfriendwhomaybeindanger_308564/" } ]
{ "author": "understandingWriter6227", "content": "Anyone with anxiety, can you relate to feeling a sense of “running away” or feeling like you want to be out of your body. I have been experiencing that a lot lately. It’s every hard to cope and understand why this is happening to my body.\n", "date": "1688969537", "thread_id": "308497", "title": "Feeling like I want to run away!", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/FeelinglikeIwanttorunaway_308497/" }
[ { "author": "None", "content": "", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3309911", "thread_id": "308497", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/FeelinglikeIwanttorunaway_308497/" }, { "author": "understandingWriter6227", "content": "<p>No I don’t really watch stuff like that! </p>\n<p>I don’t feel better after it happens, I usually start to panic because that happens 😐</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3309911,nil" ], "post_id": "3309926", "thread_id": "308497", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/FeelinglikeIwanttorunaway_308497/" }, { "author": "calmTree1588", "content": "<p>@understandingWriter6227</p>\n<p>Your emotions are certainly valid. When things feel overbearing, it is natural to think of escaping.</p>\n<p>How are you feeling right now? Better? What do you normally do to cope with the feeling and emotion?</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3309926,3309911,nil" ], "post_id": "3310059", "thread_id": "308497", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/FeelinglikeIwanttorunaway_308497/" }, { "author": "understandingWriter6227", "content": "<p>I am doing a bit better. My anxiety has been mild today, but I still fear another panic attack coming. I recently started counseling, and journaling. I have suffered with anxiety and panic attacks for a very long time. Often it comes and go and there are times I don’t feel it more months. It’s recently become overbearing. I moved out in my own last year and never dealt with my anxiety and panic attacks all on my own. I’ve never had or knew how to cope with it. I simply just let it be. But now I know I need direction because it takes over my life at times!</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3310059,3309926,3309911,nil" ], "post_id": "3310594", "thread_id": "308497", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/FeelinglikeIwanttorunaway_308497/" }, { "author": "intuitivePlace7278", "content": "<p>I think thats normal because anxiety creates fear and we want to get away from it. Meditation helps. Im sorry for your pain</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3311304", "thread_id": "308497", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/FeelinglikeIwanttorunaway_308497/" } ]
{ "author": "ioan489", "content": "I'm looking for an accountability partner. You must be able to switch the conversation. Let me know if you can accommodate this request. I have social anxiety and am looking to get back on track. One of my foremost goals is to get a job. It would be constructive to share the same objective, generally, that of wanting to get your life together.\n\n[Post edited by Forum Moderator @SuryanshSingh to remove the mentions of offsite contact]\n", "date": "1687444593", "thread_id": "307517", "title": "Accountability partner", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Accountabilitypartner_307517/" }
[ { "author": "Optimisticempath", "content": "<p>@ioan489</p>\n<p>Hi! </p>\n<p>offsite isn't allowed so that wouldn't be possible sadly but you can try talking to people in forums and rooms here if you like :) </p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3298789", "thread_id": "307517", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Accountabilitypartner_307517/" }, { "author": "ioan489", "content": "<p>@Optimisticempath <span style=\"color:rgb(55,65,81);font-size:16px;background-color:rgb(247,247,248);\">Is offsite communication prohibited? If I want to send a direct message or start a live chat session with someone who is interested in my post, is there a way to do so within this website? Since it seems that such communication is not possible here, I'll explore alternative methods outside of this platform.</span></p>", "parent_ids": [ "3298789,nil" ], "post_id": "3299038", "thread_id": "307517", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Accountabilitypartner_307517/" }, { "author": "Optimisticempath", "content": "<p>@ioan489</p>\n<p>yes its prohibited </p>\n<p>mentioned in guidelines <a href=\"https://www.7cups.com/community-guidelines/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">https://www.7cups.com/community-guidelines/</a></p>\n<p>you can talk to listeners in PMs like one on one chats </p>\n<p>and with members in rooms and forums like this :)</p>\n<p>sadly yeah these are only ways of communication here within site, please do try a bit ... you might find some nice support here too however if it's not what you were seeking then wishing you well and hoping you find something that suits you more </p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3299038,3298789,nil" ], "post_id": "3300894", "thread_id": "307517", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Accountabilitypartner_307517/" }, { "author": "seashell145", "content": "<p>@ioan489</p>\n<p>Hello, I really appreciate you trying to get your life back together. Trying to find an accountability buddy is the first step, even if it doesn't work out for you, just taking the step is a big deal and I applaud you for that. Hope we all make it, sending you lots of positive vibes and encouragement. &lt;3</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3311240", "thread_id": "307517", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Accountabilitypartner_307517/" } ]
{ "author": "enthusiasticDay9537", "content": "Hi, \n\n    I am an MBA student from India. I have been having a lot of anxiety. I couldn't even speak in class. During presentations, I was talking with new people and everything. I have been trying to speak more, but something is stopping me. I am unable to raise my hand or ask questions. I have been trying everything, including anxiety medications and Therapy, but everyone is telling me to participate more and otherwise, I can't bring a change. I have been trying, but I can't.  I will think like (I am an overthinker) , what if they humiliate me, what if they laugh at me,, what if I come around as an Idiot? During my school days, I was like this. I was a topper for most of my life. Still, this fear is holding me back. What can I do?\n", "date": "1689070150", "thread_id": "308580", "title": "Anxiety", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Anxiety_308580/" }
[ { "author": "SolarGenerator", "content": "<p>@enthusiasticDay9537 Being a prisoner to feelings is relatable.  I'm open to talking about this.</p>\n<p>The solution is to sit with the feelings.<br></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3311165", "thread_id": "308580", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Anxiety_308580/" } ]
{ "author": "ThorsMjolnir996", "content": "I’ve had a very Trumatic childhood. My so-called father, if you will was not the nicest man from trying to kill my mother, and I on numerous occasions, using weapons, such as his fists inanimate objects around him, as well as even rifles. Somehow he always got away with his crimes, he faced minimum sentences when he is a three time felon with the same charges, he’s even had a two hour standoff with the police and swat team, where he is discharged his weapon in front of them. Somehow he always gets away with it and it haunts me every single day. He’s out of jail as of June 1 of this year after serving only seven years of a 60 year sentence with 30 years add it on to that as a continuance sentence. Seven years is what he got sentenced and I got to live the rest of my life with being so anxiety riddled that sometimes it’s almost impossible to go out in public to do the simplest tasks. I’m a musician, so it kills me not to wanna be up on that stage anymore but my anxiety has gotten so bad from repressed memories that are Haunting me to this day. I wake up every day, and I tell myself that I’m not him, but there are moments that my anger from remembering the hurt of the past takes control and I become somebody that I don’t like and it reminds me of how he used to treat my mother and I. It reminds me of all those painful memories because I don’t wanna become that man. I’ve never hurt anybody physically but I have hurt people, emotionally. I was even put in jail because my anger took the best of me and I trashed the place. And I know that it sounds like I’m trying to blame this on my father and I’m not. I know I have issues and I want to work on my issues. He never did that for himself. I want to turn my damaged goods in the some light for the world like a dented can of food going to a food shelter. I want to become that can of food that makes everybody around me happy. I don’t want to cause pain I don’t want to say things I regret I don’t want to live with the haunting memories of my past. I need to find a way to move past this in a positive way, but it’s so hard when my mind gets clouded by the memories And I feel like I don’t have anybody to talk to you because everybody has always abandoned me throughout my life from friends to family members. I always get left alone somehow or someway I want people to forget who I was in the past with my anger and say wow, he really improved himself and I can really see a positive difference , because I also feed off of what other people think of me so I need to change that image by changing the actions that they have seen in the past. I’m not sure how this app works but if this is a true therapy app, that can help me grow where I can get all of this stuff off of my chest that I have never talked about before in a safe space then I’m willing to give it a try.\n", "date": "1689061422", "thread_id": "308566", "title": "Trouble letting go of the past", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Troublelettinggoofthepast_308566/" }
[ { "author": "tornwillow", "content": "<p>So glad you could share</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>i am so sorry to hear of your trauma and pain. There is no price or justice for this which is so not okay. For what it is worth, nothing goes by ….. to live with and face the actions done is to be answered. I hold onto this. Please hold onto your purpose through this and right now</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3310670", "thread_id": "308566", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Troublelettinggoofthepast_308566/" } ]
{ "author": "warski57", "content": "I feel like I’m stuck in an endless loop. I start to have sleep anxiety so I tend to get up and try not to force it or fight it but then I still struggle to sleep at all. The next day I’m so exhausted I feel as if I have zero energy for anything else. I don’t want to do anything. I just want to lay in bed all day but I know that’s not helpful. I’m trying to break the cycle but it feels as if I’ll never be better. I feel like I’ve lost all control and just want to be who I was before all this started happening. I feel as if I’ll never be happy again. I don’t know what to do. I’ve tried meditation, random activities such as painting, puzzles, and other mind exercises. I’m just struggling feeling like this.\n", "date": "1689015198", "thread_id": "308538", "title": "Anxiety/panic attacks", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Anxietypanicattacks_308538/" }
[ { "author": "understandingWriter6227", "content": "<p>Hi! </p>\n<p>I can relate to your endless loop feeling! It’s always easier said than done. You know there is something going on and that is the first step in feeling better. Please know that you are not alone and keep trying new things. I recently tried journaling and it helps me a bit. Just random thoughts, how I felt through the day, what I’m feeling physically, what bothers me. It helps me let out my emotions. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3310600", "thread_id": "308538", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Anxietypanicattacks_308538/" } ]
{ "author": "VaehStanifer", "content": "I have severe anxiety that has lead into worsening OCD. I’ve been having anxiety/OCD attacks more often lately and I don’t know why and I don’t know what my triggers are either I just become so overstimulated and angry out of no where. Does anyone have any advice??\n", "date": "1688971442", "thread_id": "308498", "title": "Anxiety triggers", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Anxietytriggers_308498/" }
[ { "author": "VaehStanifer", "content": "<p>I also am on medication that used to help me however it’s not working anymore and it doesn’t make sense. I’m already on double the dose of an average adult and I’m only 16…</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3309918", "thread_id": "308498", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Anxietytriggers_308498/" }, { "author": "understandingWriter6227", "content": "<p>I’ve recently started to journal! Simply to try and find a pattern or something that leads to my anxiety. I’ve made a few connections so far. And found things that mildly trigger me even if I don’t think they are. For example, I feel trapped and anxious when I close my front door. Because it gives me a sense of being alone in my house and having no one easy way out. I try to tell myself that I have to close my door because it is for my safety and I can open it if I need to get out. This is not easy at all, but you can do it! </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3310596", "thread_id": "308498", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/Anxietytriggers_308498/" } ]
{ "author": "powerfulEast299", "content": "I HATE DRIVING, no one understands how and feel and they force me to do it which makes it worse, I need help\n", "date": "1688696081", "thread_id": "308310", "title": "Driving ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Driving_308310/" }
[ { "author": "toughTiger6481", "content": "<p>@powerfulEast299</p>\n<p>I agree i am not a big fan of driving and do only what i need to .... </p>\n<p>it is hard to explain to others why i do not like driving especially in heavy traffic etc. </p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3307711", "thread_id": "308310", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Driving_308310/" }, { "author": "MotoEG", "content": "<p>@powerfulEast299 I use to have such severe anxiety in cars. I would have to pull over every 15-20 mins and try to calm myself. I've dealt with this anxiety for almost 10 years now. It's manageable now but when I'm stressed/generally anxious it comes back. I have to drive everyday for work so unfortunately i have to face this daily....however the exposure helps me with acceptance of the situation. </p>\n<p>I'm sorry you have to go through this but it'll be okay i promise </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3309882", "thread_id": "308310", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Driving_308310/" }, { "author": "cafelatte46", "content": "<p>You’re not alone. Wish I could help with some advice… </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3310591", "thread_id": "308310", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Driving_308310/" } ]
{ "author": "FaithfulGeekyGal20", "content": "Ive dealt with anxiety with food before. I can hardly eat unless I feel safe. And sometimes the food itself makes me feel unsafe. When I was little, my dad used to tell me stories about him nearly (and TW).... Choking on food because he 'ate too fast'. As A teen and young adult I began to have severe anxiety w/ food. I do have texture issues but my father brought on this fear of swallowing food wrong and now. As an adult. My greatest fear is that I will swallow wrong and the food will get lodged and i'll choke. I hate having that Fear. I just swallowed my breakfast hard not but a few moments ago and had to do a breathing exercise to calm my anxious mind down before it turned into a full blown anxiety/panic attack. They can range from mild to severe and often, nobody seems to care how they physically affect me. It causes an intense spiral. So I often don't say anything when I'm in them because all it does is get me the response of 'I can't do anything.\" Or 'its not a big deal.\" I have been invalidated. And it hurts. Because it very much is real. It very much causes difficulty in feeling like I can't breathe or that there is a lump in my throat. I don't need anyone to fix the problem I just need reassuring. But unfortunately the ppl around me can't even do that. And that makes it worse. I feel so unsupported sometimes. And no, I don't want medication. Thats not the solution. Getting away from the source of my anxiety is. And its not the food that I need to get away from. \n\nI will not elaborate further so please don't ask.\n\nAnyway. I wish I didn't deal with this. It makes eating not so fun. Its a chore and I hate it.\n", "date": "1687780085", "thread_id": "307731", "title": "Anxiety w/ food and the physical symptoms of A lump in the throat.", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/AnxietywfoodandthephysicalsymptomsofAlumpinthethroat_307731/" }
[ { "author": "Mya000", "content": "<p>@FaithfulGeekyGal20 </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3301890", "thread_id": "307731", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/AnxietywfoodandthephysicalsymptomsofAlumpinthethroat_307731/" }, { "author": "MotoEG", "content": "<p>@FaithfulGeekyGal20 I also have a lot of anxiety around eating but related to my stomach rather than my throat. It feels lonely when people around you dont know how to react and you feel crazy. its embarrassing. I hope youre feeling better❤️</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3309884", "thread_id": "307731", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/AnxietywfoodandthephysicalsymptomsofAlumpinthethroat_307731/" }, { "author": "understandingWriter6227", "content": "<p>Hello, </p>\n<p>I am so sorry you are going through this!</p>\n<p>I have severe anxiety, panic attacks, and mild depression. I often feel misunderstood as well, and don’t like to share my feelings because I know others will say “just don’t pay attention to it” “you are okay nothing is wrong with you”. I had a full blown panic attack on Friday, out of no where. I felt off and weird all day. When I tried to lay down I felt restless, and there was moment where I wanted to run away and go somewhere else. Somewhere safe. I didn’t feel okay in my body. I went to the emergency room and was there for 8 hours. I felt so stupid because I knew what they were going to say. panic attack. But that doesn’t minimize the physical impact it has on my body and let alone the mental toll it takes on me. I hear you, I feel you, I struggle with you. We can do this! It won’t be easy, but we can. Stay strong </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3309888", "thread_id": "307731", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/AnxietywfoodandthephysicalsymptomsofAlumpinthethroat_307731/" }, { "author": "MotoEG", "content": "<p>@understandingWriter6227 I totally get you. I had my first panic attack 8 years ago. When its bad I get them daily but typically I get them at least once a week.  I'm currently on meds but not sure they they even help. It's such an exhausting experience isn't it? I see my friends and coworkers going through their day not having to worry about inevitable panic. Feels lonely.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>We will persevere as we always do </p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3309888,nil" ], "post_id": "3309899", "thread_id": "307731", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/AnxietywfoodandthephysicalsymptomsofAlumpinthethroat_307731/" }, { "author": "understandingWriter6227", "content": "<p>Hi! </p>\n<p>it can feel very lonely, but a lot of people are going through the same thing. Every single day. You are not alone :)</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3309899,3309888,nil" ], "post_id": "3309902", "thread_id": "307731", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/AnxietywfoodandthephysicalsymptomsofAlumpinthethroat_307731/" }, { "author": "FaithfulGeekyGal20", "content": "", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3310548", "thread_id": "307731", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/AnxietywfoodandthephysicalsymptomsofAlumpinthethroat_307731/" } ]
{ "author": "hematite43", "content": "I'm very, very tired. I made what I think is a relatively small mistake at work. I'm pretty sure it can be fixed, but I am tired of making mistakes... I know that humans make mistakes and I know that I have issues with perfectionism.\n\nI'm sick of catastrophizing small mistakes. \n\nWell, at least I have a topic to discuss at therapy next week. I'm tired of being terrified of mistakes and I'm tired of perfectionism and control freakery. Making mistakes prompts me to loathe myself even more and I hate that too.\n\n", "date": "1686927311", "thread_id": "307178", "title": "Anxiety / Mistakes / Perfectionism", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/AnxietyMistakesPerfectionism_307178/" }
[ { "author": "Optimisticempath", "content": "<p>@hematite43</p>\n<p> valid to find it a struggle to accept mistakes and make peace with the fact that perfection doesn't exist </p>\n<p>I hope you can talk through with your therapist and find some ways to cope with the current stressors for you &lt;3 </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3295029", "thread_id": "307178", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/AnxietyMistakesPerfectionism_307178/" }, { "author": "hematite43", "content": "<p>@Optimisticempath </p>\n<p>Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate the validation.</p>\n<p>I am feeling a bit better about things at the moment.<br></p>", "parent_ids": [ "3295029,nil" ], "post_id": "3295188", "thread_id": "307178", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/AnxietyMistakesPerfectionism_307178/" }, { "author": "Optimisticempath", "content": "<p>@hematite43 really glad to hear </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3295188,3295029,nil" ], "post_id": "3298758", "thread_id": "307178", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/AnxietyMistakesPerfectionism_307178/" }, { "author": "matchaLover89", "content": "<p>@hematite43 Hi I'm Celine :) I'm so sorry you feel like this. I just want to reassure you that no matter what mistakes you make, as long as you try your best, the people in your life will be proud of you. For me, it's comforting to think about how even the most successful people made mistakes. Your therapist definitely knows better than me, so I hope you get to talk to her soon. Remember that you are your own worst critic; in the long run the minor mistakes you make won't impact your life that much. Honestly, no one knows what they're doing most of the time, and thinking about that always helps me. I hope you grow to be more comfortable with yourself, and good luck!</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3295195", "thread_id": "307178", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/AnxietyMistakesPerfectionism_307178/" }, { "author": "faithfulBeechwood5614", "content": "<p>Oh I used to be like this all the time! The slightest mistake I’d make in anything would prompt me to think I was useless or incompetent, and I would only get frustrated with myself.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>One day I decided that I had to overcome my perfectionism as it was unrealistic and unhealthy for my mental health. I would start by telling myself to do my best at small tasks and be happy no matter what happened. It was extremely difficult at first as I had a strong urge to correct every single little mistake I made, but little by little, I eventually began realizing that focusing on such trivial things weren’t worth my time and energy. </p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>Being mindful of your emotions and talking yourself through certain things can be very helpful. Just be patient with yourself and step of your comfort zone at a pace you’re comfortable with. Remember that no one’s perfect and we all make mistakes. I hope this helps! 😇</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3303777", "thread_id": "307178", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/AnxietyMistakesPerfectionism_307178/" }, { "author": "littleBarry177", "content": "<p>@hematite43 sorry to her that. Don't worry too much. Just try your best, and it is ok. Take care.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3305507", "thread_id": "307178", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/AnxietyMistakesPerfectionism_307178/" }, { "author": "hematite43", "content": "<p>Well, as an update, still feeling a lot of anxiety (sometimes) and intermittent catastrophization regarding various work and non-work topics.<br></p>\n<p>I get wrapped up in anxiety spirals of \"What if...?\" \"What if...?\" \"What if...?\" and it's difficult to get of that. </p>\n<p>Ugh.<br></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3308467", "thread_id": "307178", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/AnxietyMistakesPerfectionism_307178/" }, { "author": "strawberrySound7617", "content": "<p>@hematite43</p>\n<p>Catastrophizing and following the \"what if's\" can be frustrating and tiring, definitely. It is nice to hear that you are able to identify that you are doing these things, and I think I would also have trouble trying to move away from what I am used to doing. I hope that you are able to find some ways to feel less stress about making mistakes. </p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3310469", "thread_id": "307178", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/AnxietyMistakesPerfectionism_307178/" } ]
{ "author": "Disneywoman", "content": "Trigger warning: mentioing fears of accidents, death or injuries\n\nI'm not sure why but when my parents tell me a time frame (or on rare occassions- a time) for instance if they're going to a party they tell me they will be home between 8-9pm but they don't come home until 10 (I think  one time they got home closer to 11pm) and I'm worried to death they're been in an accident and are either badly injured or dead.   My anixety after like the first hour gets really goes from like 1% to 60% and the longer they take to get home it goes zoom from 60-100%.   Sometimes depending on where they are I might have to even look up to call the place to find out if they're still there.   Like today Mom told me that they would be home by 1:30pm but Dad got delayed at the denist until 12:45pm when he finally got seen.  They didn't get home until closer to after 2pm. \n\nMy parents don't understand my anxiety and they say \"They can't tell me a specific time frame\"  or they tell me \"You can't treat a time frame like an appointment time\".   They don't understand that I think if they aren't home when they tell me they will be home-they're in an accident and that frightens me.\n\nI'm not sure why it worries me it might be  because we don't really have a plan (despite me begging for them to put a plan in place) for if something \"happens\" to them except for the fact that I would have to live with my  older sister who I'm don't have a good relationship with.  I am trying to fix that mind you. \n\nI think for parties I think maybe one of the reasons they get home later from the time frame is they don't want to leave until \"someone else leaves\" because that's how they act when Mom's family has get togethers of more then just us and the host's family, and Grandpa.  \n\nBut this happens on a number of occasions  the latest being today as I already mentioned.  Once in 2012 I was home alone by myself for two nights on my own -(Friday&Saturday night).  On Sunday they told me they would be stopping into see my Mom's parents in their new (then) retirment home.  I think they told me they would be back between 3pm-4pm on Sunday.  Its gets to be 4pm and they aren't back then-so I had to call the retirment home and ask for my grandparents' room.    \n\nThey have told me several times pre-covid  they would be home between 8-9pm after Christmas parties but they get home either closer to 10, or once 11pm-and by that point -I'm calling whoever's else they're at.   \n\n In May of 2020 my parents had to go up and clean out grandparents' stuff from my uncle's flea market storage because the town was closing his flea market down.  And I think they told me a time (can't remember what)-but they were coming home at like 6-7pm and I thought they told me they would be coming home like maybe 5-6pm.  And this is basically the only time I didn't have a way to contact them. I didn't have a number for the flea market, and if they weren't there I didn't have a way to contact them in the car because they didn't take a cell phone (the next day they did). and called me after they were leaving the flea market).\n\n", "date": "1688790464", "thread_id": "308359", "title": "Get anxiety whem parents tell me a frime Frame but are late getting home", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/GetanxietywhemparentstellmeafrimeFramebutarelategettinghome_308359/" }
[ { "author": "tatevv", "content": "<p>When I was a teen and younger, they did the same... you are getting worried cause you are home and every detail reminds you of them.... Right now I am 26. And I do the same to them as they did to me in the past... sometimes I do because of angriness and sometimes it is not so I want to act like that, it just happens. Now they yell \"Where?\" I say have work to do.... </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3308513", "thread_id": "308359", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/GetanxietywhemparentstellmeafrimeFramebutarelategettinghome_308359/" }, { "author": "Disneywoman", "content": "<p>@tatevv  I'm 33 years old.   And what's worse is my parents don't understand that if they tell me a specific time frame they have to be home between that specific time frame and not be after it but NOPE  they're like \"You can't treat an time frame like a doctor's appointment\".    They don't understand that if they aren't home during the time-frame they tell me they will be home at  I think they're in an accident.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3308513,nil" ], "post_id": "3308761", "thread_id": "308359", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/GetanxietywhemparentstellmeafrimeFramebutarelategettinghome_308359/" }, { "author": "tatevv", "content": "<p>Mine did the same... I was 10 or 11, my mom was a depressed woman and left me alone and went to hospital to check whether she was cancer or not(the result negative), but I was left in the house thinking everything.... She almost always didn't answer my phone calls... now sometimes I do it too, cause she calls me and says \"bring a loaf of bread\"</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3308761,3308513,nil" ], "post_id": "3308783", "thread_id": "308359", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/GetanxietywhemparentstellmeafrimeFramebutarelategettinghome_308359/" }, { "author": "tatevv", "content": "<p>Right now they yell at me for no reason, fights, horrible behavior... I don't care... I am gonna leave the house in future and live alone </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3308514", "thread_id": "308359", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/GetanxietywhemparentstellmeafrimeFramebutarelategettinghome_308359/" }, { "author": "toughTiger6481", "content": "<p>@Disneywoman</p>\n<p>Have you had a past experience when someone had an accident or something and that is why it bothers you so much?     Are you always on time if you have a schedule or  is it ever flexible? </p>\n<p>i know what it is like to worry about accidents and such. </p>\n<p>I too take time frames i think more seriously then others ........and I expect someone if they say between 6-7 to be there...... </p>\n<p>but truth be told things happen and time does get away  from some traffic delays road work / some one else accident ...... an appointment running long........ or in case of visiting with someone an engaging conversation that takes longer .....</p>\n<p>It is a hard habit to break for example when my spouse was going to the store for one item and took longer then i expected it drove me crazy and when he walks in with several items as he did some shopping .....a simple reason....... but i worried about accidents when wondering why it was longer then i thought ..........so you are not alone in these thoughts </p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3309174", "thread_id": "308359", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/GetanxietywhemparentstellmeafrimeFramebutarelategettinghome_308359/" }, { "author": "Disneywoman", "content": "<p>@toughTiger6481</p>\n<p>Except for my older sister's two accidents  there's not really an accidents I'm aware of which causes me to have axniety when my parents coming home later then they said they would be.    </p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>Even before my sister's accidents-I had this anxiety issue whenever they came back home late from somewhere.    To the point I have to call either the person whose, house they're at,  the hairdresser,  or the other day  I had to call the laundrymat to find out why they weren't home yet.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>I think for parties the reason they leave late from those things despite telling me something like \"We'll be home between 8-9pm\"  but come home closer to 10, or one occasion 11-  is they're one of *<i>those</i>* people who don't like to leave a party until \"someone else leaves\".</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3309174,nil" ], "post_id": "3309420", "thread_id": "308359", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/GetanxietywhemparentstellmeafrimeFramebutarelategettinghome_308359/" }, { "author": "toughTiger6481", "content": "<p>@Disneywoman</p>\n<p>There are many who seem to think an hour or two either way is not big deal..... they simply do not get why we would worry or in sometimes panic about being later etc.......</p>\n<p>if you have explained to parents they most likely not concerned ... but maybe like i did with my late person they learn to call or text that things are running late  ....</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3309420,3309174,nil" ], "post_id": "3309606", "thread_id": "308359", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/GetanxietywhemparentstellmeafrimeFramebutarelategettinghome_308359/" }, { "author": "Disneywoman", "content": "<p>@toughTiger6481</p>\n<p>As I said before when I tried to tell my parents the other night  that when they are late getting home they're like \"You can't treat a time frame like a doctor's appointment\".    I AM  THE ONE treating a time-time frame like a doctor's appointment?  They're in the ones who are treating it like a doctor's appointment always coming later then the time/time-frame.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>And also as I said before- I'm pretty sure for Christmas parties that they go the reason they show up later then planned home is they're one of <i>those</i> types of people who believe leaving first before anyone else leaves is \"rude\".  Because that's been my experience at Mom's family get togethers if its more then just us, the host's family, and Grandpa.    That I get tired and cranky about 7pm about being at my Uncle's  and they're like \"we can't leave until someone else leaves\".  So it means i'm stuck there until someone else leaves before we can leave.  </p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>Sometimes we didn't have a working cellphone in the house, they forgot to take a cell phone, or they don't think they need a cell phone.  Like Mom thought they would be back by 1:30pm-so she wouldn't need to take a cell phone for between 11:45-1:30pm.  Even when we do have working cell phones Mom might forgot to call me before they leave.  </p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>And on Tuesday this  because Dad's taking back my sister's car to my sister (and also Mom  delivering/getting laundry from her as well)- it means both my parents will be home late because they'll have to take a train home from (Sister's place).  And yet they're SO convinced that we might be able to have fast-food that night.  I just think it should be just a fend for ourselves supper just in case there's train delays, or something.   <span>Espcially when Mom and I have plans the following day</span></p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3309606,3309420,3309174,nil" ], "post_id": "3309706", "thread_id": "308359", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/GetanxietywhemparentstellmeafrimeFramebutarelategettinghome_308359/" }, { "author": "tatevv", "content": "<p>@Disneywoman When I have a free time and money, I rent a hotel room and it really helps me. I forget about them. Sometimes home reminds you of them... just maybe try to change the surroundings and place, find an event to attend...</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3309706,3309606,3309420,3309174,nil" ], "post_id": "3309895", "thread_id": "308359", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/GetanxietywhemparentstellmeafrimeFramebutarelategettinghome_308359/" }, { "author": "Disneywoman", "content": "<p>@tatevv  Renting a hotel room wouldn't help me because when my parents are out- I'm suppose to be \"guarding the house\".   All I would like for them to do is to come home at the time,  or time frame they tell me they will be back by/around and not an hour till an hour latter then that.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>I think they should just \"let go\" of the notion for the Christmas parties or family get togethers with more then us that \"leaving before somone else is rude\"  and be able to leave the party EARLY to get home in the time-frame they tell me they will be home by (for Christmas parties). </p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p><br></p>", "parent_ids": [ "3309895,3309706,3309606,3309420,3309174,nil" ], "post_id": "3310312", "thread_id": "308359", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/GetanxietywhemparentstellmeafrimeFramebutarelategettinghome_308359/" }, { "author": "tatevv", "content": "<p>U should stop them! U shouldn't be the one to guard the house...U know I always feel guilty for my mom, and today she said \"So u want me to clean the floor panting? \" 🤦‍♀️ and guess when she said? Today i saw she was getting tired.... minutes after I said \"Why do u torture urself? Don't do that\", she acted and talked the opposite....... what about finding places when they are home? And just move out or u feel lonely moving out?</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3310312,3309895,3309706,3309606,3309420,3309174,nil" ], "post_id": "3310340", "thread_id": "308359", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/GetanxietywhemparentstellmeafrimeFramebutarelategettinghome_308359/" }, { "author": "tatevv", "content": "<p>@disneywoman so I tied to talk about my leaving Yerevan... and I said I am going to be out if city as a volunteer... she yelled \"Are u nuts?????.?\" I say \"Why offending me??\" And she \"Volunteers clean the trash\" my God 🤦‍♀️ and I am still waitng for a reasonable response... there are many types of volunteering... marketing volunteers. Translator volunteers.... why trash? Cause she said \"I saw on TV\"</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p><br></p>", "parent_ids": [ "3310312,3309895,3309706,3309606,3309420,3309174,nil" ], "post_id": "3310344", "thread_id": "308359", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/GetanxietywhemparentstellmeafrimeFramebutarelategettinghome_308359/" }, { "author": "tatevv", "content": "<p>Or maybe they just are late cause they are having a romantic time... Who knows </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3309706,3309606,3309420,3309174,nil" ], "post_id": "3309908", "thread_id": "308359", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/GetanxietywhemparentstellmeafrimeFramebutarelategettinghome_308359/" }, { "author": "Disneywoman", "content": "<p>@tatevv</p>\n<p>Nope they don't have a romantic time anymore except for going out to supper on their anniversary.  Thats there's only romantic time.  And that was actually the only time they came back actually ON time, like the other times I have mentioned when they came back an hour or two hours after they said they will be back.</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3309908,3309706,3309606,3309420,3309174,nil" ], "post_id": "3310163", "thread_id": "308359", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/GetanxietywhemparentstellmeafrimeFramebutarelategettinghome_308359/" }, { "author": "tatevv", "content": "<p>I just got out from hair salon, and turned on my phone to see 4 missed calls from mom.... actually there are times she won't call at all and I call waiting minutes and minutes for answer.... its really tough, family relationship, they insist on i bother them and I am concerned too... I am from Caucasus, and I want to go to Tbilisi July 12. How am I gonna tell them about that?</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3310163,3309908,3309706,3309606,3309420,3309174,nil" ], "post_id": "3310190", "thread_id": "308359", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/GetanxietywhemparentstellmeafrimeFramebutarelategettinghome_308359/" }, { "author": "Disneywoman", "content": "<p>I CAN'T stop my parents from going out to Christmas parties  or for Mom to go to her HAIRDRESSERS  for her hair appointments or for her taking dam laundry to my sister's.   </p>\n<p>With the Christmas parties my opitions is be bored as *** at someone else's home if we're there for over five  hours or stay home and guard the house for the same amount of time.   </p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>My Mom needs to go every two months to a hair dresser and it would be the same as Christmas parties-be bored to death at the hair dresser's home, or guard the house.  </p>\n<p>And the one time they were alway for 2 nights and I had already seen one if not both of the two plays Mom and Dad were going to see (Mom got free tickets)-I had only one choice in that matter- stay home and guard the house for 2 nights- because Mom only had 2 sets of tickets- (one for her and one for Dad).  Not to meniton I would have gotten bored as *** at grandparents' retirment home and I would have been 140x crankier even if I had been able to watch the plays again- because it would have meant about 3.5 days without a computer.  </p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>@moderator</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3310465", "thread_id": "308359", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Anxiety_2560/GetanxietywhemparentstellmeafrimeFramebutarelategettinghome_308359/" } ]
{ "author": "inventiveLime6257", "content": "It takes all my effort to get through the day… the energy it takes to “be normal” is truely exhausting.\n", "date": "1688901785", "thread_id": "308425", "title": "Generalised Anxiety Disorder is exhausting ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/GeneralisedAnxietyDisorderisexhausting_308425/" }
[ { "author": "heathermarie95", "content": "<p>i completely agree with you and it really gets draining and can make you tired. </p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>is there any particular situation that triggers your anxiety? </p>\n<p>ex: social settings</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3309718", "thread_id": "308425", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/GeneralisedAnxietyDisorderisexhausting_308425/" }, { "author": "inventiveLime6257", "content": "<p>No particular situation, it is truely generalised… I wish I could identify particular situations.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3309718,nil" ], "post_id": "3310373", "thread_id": "308425", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/GeneralisedAnxietyDisorderisexhausting_308425/" }, { "author": "MotoEG", "content": "<p>@inventiveLime6257 I feel this. All weekend ive felt exhausted and havent been outside. I hope you find some relief soon </p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3309877", "thread_id": "308425", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/GeneralisedAnxietyDisorderisexhausting_308425/" }, { "author": "inventiveLime6257", "content": "<p>it’s not easy as the relief seems so distant </p>", "parent_ids": [ "3309877,nil" ], "post_id": "3310376", "thread_id": "308425", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/GeneralisedAnxietyDisorderisexhausting_308425/" } ]
{ "author": "worryBear", "content": "Whenever i feel nervous, i started to do mistakes. For example, i want to press multiply. In calculator but pressing other button instead. And people that see me tell me to keep calm. I think it's anxiety\n\n", "date": "1688667546", "thread_id": "308295", "title": "I think it's anxiety 2", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Ithinkitsanxiety2_308295/" }
[ { "author": "Optimisticempath", "content": "<p>@worryBear I can relate with that :/ anxiety makes us feel overwhelmed and even the usual tasks can seem like a challenge.. you're not alone &lt;3</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3310095", "thread_id": "308295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Ithinkitsanxiety2_308295/" }, { "author": "worryBear", "content": "<p>I wish I don't have them :'(</p>", "parent_ids": [ "3310095,nil" ], "post_id": "3310233", "thread_id": "308295", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Ithinkitsanxiety2_308295/" } ]
{ "author": "determinedLime2930", "content": "Hello everyone,\n\nI have been experiencing anxiety for about two years. My anxiety is very complex i think because i have alot of things in my past that i dont know how to deal with. I have so much anxiety that my mind likes to dissociate in order to protect itself, and that cuases me not to be myself and not to enjoy life because it is very scary. My anxiety had gotten to the point where i couldnt continue going to classes this semester so i dropped them. I plan on exposing myself this semester in order to properly deal with my anxiety. When i experience anxiety It is the worst feeling and it feels as if i cant handle it. UGH. Honestly i just want to meet people with similar struggles as me so we can talk about our struggles together and help eachother. Is there a discord i could join with people that have anxiety?\n\nThank you,\n\nDetermined Human\n\n", "date": "1630383429", "thread_id": "257935", "title": "Anxiety", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_257935/" }
[ { "author": "roseMelody95", "content": "<p>@determinedLime2930<br><br>\nI'm not sure about discords; but if you want to chat about your anxiety issues in a real time group setting, there are group chats on this site. Maybe that would be helpful to try, and would be similar to what you are looking for.<br><br>\nThere are sometimes specific guided chats for people with anxiety; you can find when are where they are on the general calander here: <a href=\"https://www.7cups.com/home/communityCalendar.php\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">https://www.7cups.com/home/communityCalendar.php</a><br><br>\nThe link to whichever general chat rooms are currently open is here, and you may be able to find what you are looking for in the one called Support Room 24/7 (which deals with people with a range of issues, or sometimes you may find the anxiety chatroom is currently open: <a href=\"https://www.7cups.com/connect/groupChatrooms.php\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">https://www.7cups.com/connect/groupChatrooms.php</a></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "2774330", "thread_id": "257935", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_257935/" }, { "author": "littleBarry177", "content": "<p>@determinedLime2930 Sound like you may need professional help. Or try to talk with other people maybe. Hope you will get better.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3309860", "thread_id": "257935", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_257935/" }, { "author": "littleBarry177", "content": "<p>@determinedLime2930 It is been a long time. Hope you are doing well.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3309863", "thread_id": "257935", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_257935/" } ]
{ "author": "frankWatermelon4828", "content": "Most of time iam anxious .. i have headache and muscle tension .. i have low self-esteem .. people around me think that iam successful but i can't feel that .. most of time i feel bored\n", "date": "1621089652", "thread_id": "247993", "title": "Anxiety ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_247993/" }
[ { "author": "Arsha9872", "content": "<p>Sounds like you have anxiety... That must have been really hard :( \n\nI’m sorry that you have to go through it everyday...</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "2672426", "thread_id": "247993", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_247993/" }, { "author": "littleBarry177", "content": "<p>@frankWatermelon4828 I know it is not comfortable. Maybe research some tips or get some professional help.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3309856", "thread_id": "247993", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_247993/" } ]
{ "author": "compassionateCar7091", "content": "today i have no anxiety and it feels good to have control of my emotions and my life. The medication i use to take made me anxious and on edge all the time and i hated it, since being off of it i have more balance over my life and my actions thanks be to God, I've been working my coda steps and it feel nice to have that freedom to have my life back.\n", "date": "1687241517", "thread_id": "307395", "title": "anxiety ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/anxiety_307395/" }
[ { "author": "trueconfidant123", "content": "<p>@compassionateCar7091</p>\n<p>Happy to hear you have been doing well. Stay the same, bubbly self and take care. </p>\n<p><img src=\"https://media.tenor.com/-N2X7lKKTswAAAAC/happiness-is-power-happiness.gif\" data-src-static=\"https://media.tenor.com/-N2X7lKKTswAAAAe/happiness-is-power-happiness.png\" alt=\"happiness-is-power-happiness.gif\" style=\"max-width:100%;\"><br></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3297106", "thread_id": "307395", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/anxiety_307395/" }, { "author": "littleBarry177", "content": "<p>@compassionateCar7091 I am glad to hear that. That is great. Hope you are doing well.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3309839", "thread_id": "307395", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/anxiety_307395/" } ]
{ "author": "emmadancer", "content": "I", "date": "1570207988", "thread_id": "209886", "title": "Anxiety", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_209886/" }
[ { "author": "CommunityModJordan", "content": "<p>Hey there, Emma!</p>\n<p>Thank you for reaching out for support here and sharing what is on your mind! We are here for you!</p>\n<p>I'm sorry to hear that you have been dealing with a lot of anxiety that has really been affecting you for the last few days. I know it can be scary and overwhelming to deal with this. I'm glad to hear that you are on medication, and I do hope that it will work for you as well! </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "2106807", "thread_id": "209886", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_209886/" }, { "author": "littleBarry177", "content": "<p>@emmadancer Don't worry about too much. Maybe Just follow the professional treatment. Hope you are doing well.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3309838", "thread_id": "209886", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_209886/" } ]
{ "author": "confidentangel2369", "content": " One way that helped me get through anxiety was reaching out for help and listening to music ", "date": "1625759964", "thread_id": "252912", "title": "Anxiety ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_252912/" }
[ { "author": "Sunisshiningandsoareyou", "content": "<p>Hey @confidentangel2369 , reaching out for support can be so difficult , glad you did and good to hear music helps you calm your anxiety , thanks for sharing ❤</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "2723229", "thread_id": "252912", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_252912/" }, { "author": "littleBarry177", "content": "<p>@confidentangel2369 Those are good methods. I am glad see you have ways to relief anxiety. Hope you are doing well. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3309833", "thread_id": "252912", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_252912/" } ]
{ "author": "gentleEast6571", "content": "i just had a panic attack. everything was normal until i got up and started to feel my legs go numb as my anxiety level rose and my heart started beating faster. i became a bit lightheaded as well and had to sit down. ive been feeling like this for years because of my anxiety. will i feel like this forever?\n", "date": "1644124512", "thread_id": "270625", "title": "anxiety", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/anxiety_270625/" }
[ { "author": "Clemete", "content": "<p>Hello friend. I am sorry to hear of how anxiety has been affecting you. I've also had anxiety for many years. I've also had some intense physical symptoms. Bud is okay. For me some years have been better than others. I'll say therapy helped when I had it. Sometimes it could trigger a good year or two where the anxiety and panic attacks were reduced it gone. So I'll say it's not set in stone by any means that this is how you will always feel. Anxiety is an emotion, like happiness or anger, so it can't be gotten rid of but at least for me it has changed a lot with time and so I'd say from experience that the answer is, no, it is by no means set in stone that you will feel like this in the future. You might feel very differently in the future. It's always possible.</p>\n<p>If I can add a little more, something which has really helped me is trying to understand the mechanics of anxiety. For me the following seems to be how it works. Anxiety is like a problem-solving mode that we all have. It seems to be very helpful when we might be to be vigilant. It makes us alert, more physically active, more focused mentally, wakes us up, and it feels negative. So it's built to help us avoid threats or things that we don't want. You can analyze other emotions too this way to see what kind of activities they are useful for. So for anxiety, it's all about helping you avoid something. So you can use this information to help cope with it. When you have anxiety, explain to yourself what is going on - it is just anxiety - and then focus on something you want to happen. If you picture this good thing, you will start to feel a little better. Figure on the feeling of feeling better and how that means the anxiety got lower. That should make you feel even better, even just a little bit. Keep focusing on feeling better and better until the anxiety is all gone and you feel relaxed. I have gotten out of several intense panic attacks with this method and it really helps to illuminate how that emotion works. Best of luck to you. Wishing you happiness ahead.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "2879334", "thread_id": "270625", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/anxiety_270625/" }, { "author": "littleBarry177", "content": "<p>@gentleEast6571 I am sorry to hear that. Looks like You may need professional help. Hope you are doing well. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3309830", "thread_id": "270625", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/anxiety_270625/" } ]
{ "author": "kiyht211", "content": "hello everyone for the past three weeks I been feeling scared ,down ,depressed ,lonely i been feeling like I'm going to die it's a scary feeling I can't eat , work and sometimes I can't sleep someone told me I might have anxiety but i don't know my mind is tricking me I really need a person who understands me and listen to me\n", "date": "1467615506", "thread_id": "44216", "title": "Anxiety ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Anxiety_44216/" }
[ { "author": "None", "content": "<p><span style=\"color:#FFD700;\">@kiyht211</span><br><br>\nThis sounds serious. Have you considered going to a therapist ?</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "665495", "thread_id": "44216", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Anxiety_44216/" }, { "author": "kiyht211", "content": "<p>Yes I been twice I go back Thursday it real don't seem like it's working thought but I'm goin to go back </p>", "parent_ids": [ "665495,nil" ], "post_id": "666034", "thread_id": "44216", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Anxiety_44216/" }, { "author": "None", "content": "<p><span style=\"color:#FFD700;\">@kiyht211</span><br><br>\nHow do you feel about medications, maybe they can help ? I know that therapy for depression and anxiety doesn't really work without medications, very very rarely. And because of anxiety you may be scared to take them so that's why I'm asking you. Anyway, you can talk to your therapist about that as well.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "666034,665495,nil" ], "post_id": "668384", "thread_id": "44216", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Anxiety_44216/" }, { "author": "littleBarry177", "content": "<p>@kiyht211 Sorry to hear that. You may should to get professional help. Hope you are doing well now.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3309828", "thread_id": "44216", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Anxiety_44216/" } ]
{ "author": "Chels5", "content": "Today my anxiety is the lowest it has been in months. I", "date": "1550620053", "thread_id": "194306", "title": "Anxiety", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_194306/" }
[ { "author": "modestLychee4522", "content": "<p>i have been having anxiety attacks all day and i don't know what is setting them off and i feel like i cant breathe</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "1909180", "thread_id": "194306", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_194306/" }, { "author": "MsMusic", "content": "<p>@modestLychee4522 ground yourself. Find something you can touch, something you can see, hear, smell. Breathe in, breathe out. Try to get some sleep. I always get exhausted after panic attacks. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "1909180,nil" ], "post_id": "1909195", "thread_id": "194306", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_194306/" }, { "author": "Simplykkjj", "content": "<p>Can someone help me? I</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "1921494", "thread_id": "194306", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_194306/" }, { "author": "littleBarry177", "content": "<p>@Chels5 Even so, today is a day of victory. Don't worry too much about tomorrow. I believe you will be better. Hope you are doing well.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3309827", "thread_id": "194306", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_194306/" } ]
{ "author": "lovingCity3659", "content": "Sometimes I just feel really shaky and nervous for no reason like I've forgotten to do something really important, but I can't remember what. I'm been feeling this for a while now. It initially started with some problems at school, not bullying, just completing assignments. I'd be so overwhelmed about the work, even if it was just something small, and I wouldn't be able to focus on what I was working on. Then, ultimately, I wouldn't finish or I just would do the assignment. This just made everything worse because then I'd be really really nervous when it came the time to hand in the homework. Like, nervous to the point where my heart was racing and I felt like I couldn't breath. Then I started having trouble sleeping because I kept thinking about all the things that I didn't do.", "date": "1486707355", "thread_id": "60371", "title": "Anxiety", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_60371/" }
[ { "author": "virv", "content": "<p>@lovingCity3659 Hi. I'm sorry to hear that you have all these problems. I think you could </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "916612", "thread_id": "60371", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_60371/" }, { "author": "littleBarry177", "content": "<p>@lovingCity3659 Thanks for your sharing. I know it is not comfortable. You may need professional help.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3309824", "thread_id": "60371", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_60371/" }, { "author": "littleBarry177", "content": "<p>@lovingCity3659 It is been a long time. Hope you are doing well.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3309825", "thread_id": "60371", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_60371/" } ]
{ "author": "shyCamp648", "content": "I have like so much anxiety when i have to go out for something important god...i start having palpitations and start coughing as well, sweating..god that's downright tiring when u going for something important\n", "date": "1658918629", "thread_id": "282433", "title": "Anxiety ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Anxiety_282433/" }
[ { "author": "Helgafy", "content": "<p>@shyCamp648</p>\n<p>Friend.</p>\n<p>I'm sorry you have so much anxiety. For some a doctor or a therapist can help. Some also find it helpful to do breathingexercises. Wim Hof has some online.</p>\n<p>I noticed to used the word \"God\" 2 times in your writing. That is why I will quote something for you from the Bible. Maybe it is good for you to qoute this verse for yourself.</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3004650", "thread_id": "282433", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Anxiety_282433/" }, { "author": "littleBarry177", "content": "<p>@shyCamp648 Yes. I know this feeling. Sometimes I also. It makes me tired. You may need to seek professional help. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3309822", "thread_id": "282433", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Anxiety_282433/" } ]
{ "author": "selfconfidentBanana4518", "content": "Hello, Am a college student, I know am anxious and I feel like everytime I got anxious I become Angry, Sad, and self-sabotaging, am feeling like I is fighting Me, am Gay and I've wanted to change that in me, because my religion won't accept it, my country won't accept, All the people I know will not accept it, I've couldn't live with it until recently. I've sabotaged my self once in college, (Felt so much alive at the time) I had a friend, a great one at the time, then I chosen to rebuild myself, College , and my life all over again. I've lost everything thing in the process, every now and then I found out new things in me, this app just said I might have a Depression (algorithms not human), yet I try to enjoy it, I work to make it better and I hope it will be so.\n\n-Thank you for reading.\n", "date": "1649656993", "thread_id": "275604", "title": "Anxiety", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_275604/" }
[ { "author": "WarmLightXO", "content": "<p>@selfconfidentBanana4518</p>\n<p>Hi friend ❤ Thank you for sharing this. It seems like you have a lot going on in your mind, I hope that 7Cups is able to provide some support for you.</p>\n<p>Struggling with religion vs sexuality is something that really hit home for me reading your post, as that's something I've struggled with reconciling too. It's so difficult at times, especially when you feel unaccepted and rejected.</p>\n<p>You are safe here. I truly hope you find the acceptance and support you need here, and that your anxious and depressive tendancies give you a break to breathe soon. Sending much warmth 💕🌿</p>\n<p>-Elliot</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "2937731", "thread_id": "275604", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_275604/" }, { "author": "littleBarry177", "content": "", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3309820", "thread_id": "275604", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_275604/" } ]
{ "author": "Harleyquinn6987", "content": "I need a listener friend since\n", "date": "1688840885", "thread_id": "308382", "title": "Hello I'm new", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/HelloImnew_308382/" }
[ { "author": "Sunisshiningandsoareyou", "content": "<p>Welcome to the community,  @Harleyquinn6987, you can always connect with listeners 1-1 here: <a href=\"https://www.7cups.com/BrowseListeners/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">https://www.7cups.com/BrowseListeners/</a>. 💛</p>\n<p><br></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3308937", "thread_id": "308382", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/HelloImnew_308382/" }, { "author": "trueconfidant123", "content": "<p>@Harleyquinn6987</p>\n<p>Hi, we are glad that you joined and are here with us now. You took the first step towards your member journey with 7 Cups. Thank you for being with us. We compiled a few basic pieces of information that we hope you find helpful. </p>\n<p><a href=\"https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CL9Yu_6zixlapOjdrhCgKLy9JN5wY3HWdrGH7PIO2WI/edit\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">Newbie Welcome Pack</a></p>\n<p><a href=\"https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CL9Yu_6zixlapOjdrhCgKLy9JN5wY3HWdrGH7PIO2WI/edit\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\"> </a><br></p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3308943", "thread_id": "308382", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/HelloImnew_308382/" }, { "author": "heathermarie95", "content": "<p>Welcome!</p>\n<p>im glad you decided to join us</p>\n<p>we offer support with a lot of categories here at 7cups  - probably any topic you can think of. </p>\n<p>dont be afraid to contact me or any listener with any questions/need of assistance with the website or need a listener to listen.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>welcome aboard! </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "3309791", "thread_id": "308382", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/HelloImnew_308382/" } ]