351 values
5 values
7 values
3 values
2 values
3 values
["CWE-1321 Improperly Controlled Modification of Object Prototype Attributes ('Prototype Pollution')" 'CWE-770 Allocation of Resources Without Limits or Throttling']
Prototype Pollution in lodash
Versions of lodash prior to 4.17.19 are vulnerable to Prototype Pollution. The functions `pick`, `set`, `setWith`, `update`, `updateWith`, and `zipObjectDeep` allow a malicious user to modify the prototype of Object if the property identifiers are user-supplied. Being affected by this issue requires manipulating objects based on user-provided property values or arrays. This vulnerability causes the addition or modification of an existing property that will exist on all objects and may lead to Denial of Service or Code Execution under specific circumstances.
lodash-es 4.17.15
True Positive
True Positive
["CWE-77 Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in a Command ('Command Injection')" "CWE-94 Improper Control of Generation of Code ('Code Injection')"]
Command Injection in lodash
`lodash` versions prior to 4.17.21 are vulnerable to Command Injection via the template function.
lodash.template 4.5.0
True Positive
True Positive
True Positive
["CWE-79 Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')"]
Cross site scripting in markdown-to-jsx
Versions of the package markdown-to-jsx before 7.4.0 are vulnerable to Cross-site Scripting (XSS) via the src property due to improper input sanitization. An attacker can execute arbitrary code by injecting a malicious iframe element in the markdown.
markdown-to-jsx 6.11.4
True Positive
True Positive
["CWE-1321 Improperly Controlled Modification of Object Prototype Attributes ('Prototype Pollution')"]
Prototype pollution in Merge-deep
The merge-deep library before 3.0.3 for Node.js can be tricked into overwriting properties of Object.prototype or adding new properties to it. These properties are then inherited by every object in the program, thus facilitating prototype-pollution attacks against applications using this library.
merge-deep 3.0.2
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-1333 Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity']
Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) in micromatch
The NPM package `micromatch` prior to version 4.0.8 is vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS). The vulnerability occurs in `micromatch.braces()` in `index.js` because the pattern `.*` will greedily match anything. By passing a malicious payload, the pattern matching will keep backtracking to the input while it doesn't find the closing bracket. As the input size increases, the consumption time will also increase until it causes the application to hang or slow down. There was a merged fix but further testing shows the issue persisted prior to This issue should be mitigated by using a safe pattern that won't start backtracking the regular expression due to greedy matching.
micromatch 3.1.10
True Positive
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-1333 Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity']
Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) in micromatch
The NPM package `micromatch` prior to version 4.0.8 is vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS). The vulnerability occurs in `micromatch.braces()` in `index.js` because the pattern `.*` will greedily match anything. By passing a malicious payload, the pattern matching will keep backtracking to the input while it doesn't find the closing bracket. As the input size increases, the consumption time will also increase until it causes the application to hang or slow down. There was a merged fix but further testing shows the issue persisted prior to This issue should be mitigated by using a safe pattern that won't start backtracking the regular expression due to greedy matching.
micromatch 4.0.2
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-1333 Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity' 'CWE-400 Uncontrolled Resource Consumption']
minimatch ReDoS vulnerability
A vulnerability was found in the minimatch package. This flaw allows a Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) when calling the braceExpand function with specific arguments, resulting in a Denial of Service.
minimatch 3.0.3
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-1333 Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity' 'CWE-400 Uncontrolled Resource Consumption']
minimatch ReDoS vulnerability
A vulnerability was found in the minimatch package. This flaw allows a Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) when calling the braceExpand function with specific arguments, resulting in a Denial of Service.
minimatch 3.0.4
True Positive
True Positive
True Positive
["CWE-1321 Improperly Controlled Modification of Object Prototype Attributes ('Prototype Pollution')"]
Prototype Pollution in minimist
Minimist prior to 1.2.6 and 0.2.4 is vulnerable to Prototype Pollution via file `index.js`, function `setKey()` (lines 69-95).
minimist 0.2.1
True Positive
True Positive
["CWE-1321 Improperly Controlled Modification of Object Prototype Attributes ('Prototype Pollution')"]
Prototype Pollution in minimist
Minimist prior to 1.2.6 and 0.2.4 is vulnerable to Prototype Pollution via file `index.js`, function `setKey()` (lines 69-95).
minimist 1.2.5
True Positive
True Positive
True Positive
["CWE-22 Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal')" "CWE-27 Path Traversal: 'dir/../../filename'"]
Path Traversal: 'dir/../../filename' in moment.locale
### Impact This vulnerability impacts npm (server) users of moment.js, especially if user provided locale string, eg `fr` is directly used to switch moment locale. ### Patches This problem is patched in 2.29.2, and the patch can be applied to all affected versions (from 1.0.1 up until 2.29.1, inclusive). ### Workarounds Sanitize user-provided locale name before passing it to moment.js. ### References _Are there any links users can visit to find out more?_ ### For more information If you have any questions or comments about this advisory: * Open an issue in [moment repo](
moment 2.29.1
False Positive
True Positive
['CWE-1333 Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity' 'CWE-400 Uncontrolled Resource Consumption']
Moment.js vulnerable to Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity
### Impact * using string-to-date parsing in moment (more specifically rfc2822 parsing, which is tried by default) has quadratic (N^2) complexity on specific inputs * noticeable slowdown is observed with inputs above 10k characters * users who pass user-provided strings without sanity length checks to moment constructor are vulnerable to (Re)DoS attacks ### Patches The problem is patched in 2.29.4, the patch can be applied to all affected versions with minimal tweaking. ### Workarounds In general, given the proliferation of ReDoS attacks, it makes sense to limit the length of the user input to something sane, like 200 characters or less. I haven't seen legitimate cases of date-time strings longer than that, so all moment users who do pass a user-originating string to constructor are encouraged to apply such a rudimentary filter, that would help with this but also most future ReDoS vulnerabilities. ### References There is an excellent writeup of the issue here: ### Details The issue is rooted in the code that removes legacy comments (stuff inside parenthesis) from strings during rfc2822 parsing. `moment("(".repeat(500000))` will take a few minutes to process, which is unacceptable.
moment 2.29.1
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-173 Improper Handling of Alternate Encoding' 'CWE-200 Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor' "CWE-601 URL Redirection to Untrusted Site ('Open Redirect')"]
node-fetch forwards secure headers to untrusted sites
node-fetch forwards secure headers such as `authorization`, `www-authenticate`, `cookie`, & `cookie2` when redirecting to a untrusted site.
node-fetch 2.6.1
True Positive
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-347 Improper Verification of Cryptographic Signature']
Improper Verification of Cryptographic Signature in `node-forge`
### Impact RSA PKCS#1 v1.5 signature verification code is not properly checking `DigestInfo` for a proper ASN.1 structure. This can lead to successful verification with signatures that contain invalid structures but a valid digest. ### Patches The issue has been addressed in `node-forge` `1.3.0`. ### For more information If you have any questions or comments about this advisory: * Open an issue in [forge]( * Email us at [example email address](mailto:[email protected])
node-forge 0.10.0
True Positive
True Positive
["CWE-1321 Improperly Controlled Modification of Object Prototype Attributes ('Prototype Pollution')"]
Prototype Pollution in node-forge debug API.
### Impact The `forge.debug` API had a potential prototype pollution issue if called with untrusted input. The API was only used for internal debug purposes in a safe way and never documented or advertised. It is suspected that uses of this API, if any exist, would likely not have used untrusted inputs in a vulnerable way. ### Patches The `forge.debug` API and related functions were removed in 1.0.0. ### Workarounds Don't use the `forge.debug` API directly or indirectly with untrusted input. ### References - ### For more information If you have any questions or comments about this advisory: * Open an issue in [forge]( * Email us at [email protected].
node-forge 0.10.0
False Positive
True Positive
["CWE-601 URL Redirection to Untrusted Site ('Open Redirect')"]
Open Redirect in node-forge
parseUrl functionality in node-forge mishandles certain uses of backslash such as `https:/\/\/\` and interprets the URI as a relative path.
node-forge 0.10.0
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-347 Improper Verification of Cryptographic Signature']
Improper Verification of Cryptographic Signature in node-forge
### Impact RSA PKCS#1 v1.5 signature verification code is lenient in checking the digest algorithm structure. This can allow a crafted structure that steals padding bytes and uses unchecked portion of the PKCS#1 encoded message to forge a signature when a low public exponent is being used. ### Patches The issue has been addressed in `node-forge` `1.3.0`. ### References For more information, please see ["Bleichenbacher's RSA signature forgery based on implementation error"]( by Hal Finney. ### For more information If you have any questions or comments about this advisory: * Open an issue in [forge]( * Email us at [example email address](mailto:[email protected])
node-forge 0.10.0
True Positive
True Positive
["CWE-601 URL Redirection to Untrusted Site ('Open Redirect')"]
URL parsing in node-forge could lead to undesired behavior.
### Impact The regex used for the `forge.util.parseUrl` API would not properly parse certain inputs resulting in a parsed data structure that could lead to undesired behavior. ### Patches `forge.util.parseUrl` and other very old related URL APIs were removed in 1.0.0 in favor of letting applications use the more modern WHATWG URL Standard API. ### Workarounds Ensure code does not directly or indirectly call `forge.util.parseUrl` with untrusted input. ### References - ### For more information If you have any questions or comments about this advisory: * Open an issue in [forge]( * Email us at [email protected]
node-forge 0.10.0
False Positive
True Positive
['CWE-347 Improper Verification of Cryptographic Signature']
Improper Verification of Cryptographic Signature in node-forge
### Impact RSA PKCS#1 v1.5 signature verification code does not check for tailing garbage bytes after decoding a `DigestInfo` ASN.1 structure. This can allow padding bytes to be removed and garbage data added to forge a signature when a low public exponent is being used. ### Patches The issue has been addressed in `node-forge` `1.3.0`. ### References For more information, please see ["Bleichenbacher's RSA signature forgery based on implementation error"]( by Hal Finney. ### For more information If you have any questions or comments about this advisory: * Open an issue in [forge]( * Email us at [example email address](mailto:[email protected])
node-forge 0.10.0
True Positive
True Positive
["CWE-78 Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an OS Command ('OS Command Injection')"]
OS Command Injection in node-notifier
This affects the package node-notifier before 8.0.1. It allows an attacker to run arbitrary commands on Linux machines due to the options params not being sanitised when being passed an array.
node-notifier 8.0.0
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-400 Uncontrolled Resource Consumption']
ReDoS in normalize-url
The normalize-url package before 4.5.1, 5.x before 5.3.1, and 6.x before 6.0.1 for Node.js has a ReDoS (regular expression denial of service) issue because it has exponential performance for data: URLs.
normalize-url 4.5.0
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-1333 Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity']
Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity in nth-check
There is a Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) vulnerability in nth-check that causes a denial of service when parsing crafted invalid CSS nth-checks. The ReDoS vulnerabilities of the regex are mainly due to the sub-pattern `\s*(?:([+-]?)\s*(\d+))?` with quantified overlapping adjacency and can be exploited with the following code. **Proof of Concept** ```js // PoC.js var nthCheck = require("nth-check") for(var i = 1; i <= 50000; i++) { var time =; var attack_str = '2n' + ' '.repeat(i*10000)+"!"; try { nthCheck.parse(attack_str) } catch(err) { var time_cost = - time; console.log("attack_str.length: " + attack_str.length + ": " + time_cost+" ms") } } ``` **The Output** ``` attack_str.length: 10003: 174 ms attack_str.length: 20003: 1427 ms attack_str.length: 30003: 2602 ms attack_str.length: 40003: 4378 ms attack_str.length: 50003: 7473 ms ```
nth-check 1.0.2
True Positive
True Positive
True Positive
["CWE-1321 Improperly Controlled Modification of Object Prototype Attributes ('Prototype Pollution')" 'CWE-915 Improperly Controlled Modification of Dynamically-Determined Object Attributes']
Prototype Pollution in object-path
object-path is vulnerable to Improperly Controlled Modification of Object Prototype Attributes ('Prototype Pollution'). The `del()` function fails to validate which Object properties it deletes. This allows attackers to modify the prototype of Object, causing the modification of default properties like `toString` on all objects.
object-path 0.11.5
True Positive
True Positive
["CWE-1321 Improperly Controlled Modification of Object Prototype Attributes ('Prototype Pollution')" "CWE-843 Access of Resource Using Incompatible Type ('Type Confusion')"]
Prototype Pollution in object-path
This affects the package object-path before 0.11.6. A type confusion vulnerability can lead to a bypass of CVE-2020-15256 when the path components used in the path parameter are arrays. In particular, the condition `currentPath === '__proto__'` returns false if `currentPath` is `['__proto__']`. This is because the `===` operator returns always false when the type of the operands is different.
object-path 0.11.5
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-639 Authorization Bypass Through User-Controlled Key']
Authorization Bypass in parse-path
Authorization Bypass Through User-Controlled Key in GitHub repository ionicabizau/parse-path prior to 5.0.0.
parse-path 4.0.2
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-200 Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor']
Hostname confusion in parse-url
Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor via hostname confusion in GitHub repository ionicabizau/parse-url prior to 6.0.1
parse-url 5.0.2
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-918 Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF)']
Server-Side Request Forgery in parse-url
Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) in GitHub repository ionicabizau/parse-url prior to 7.0.0.
parse-url 5.0.2
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-918 Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF)']
Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) in GitHub repository ionicabizau/parse-url
Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) in GitHub repository ionicabizau/parse-url prior to 8.1.0.
parse-url 5.0.2
True Positive
True Positive
["CWE-79 Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')"]
Cross site scripting in parse-url
Cross-site Scripting (XSS) - Stored in GitHub repository ionicabizau/parse-url prior to 7.0.0.
parse-url 5.0.2
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-115 Misinterpretation of Input']
parse-url parses http URLs incorrectly, making it vulnerable to host name spoofing
parse-url prior to 8.1.0 is vulnerable to Misinterpretation of Input. parse-url parses certain http or https URLs incorrectly, identifying the URL's protocol as ssh. It may also parse the host name incorrectly.
parse-url 5.0.2
True Positive
True Positive
["CWE-79 Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')"]
Cross site scripting in parse-url
Cross-site Scripting (XSS) - Generic in GitHub repository ionicabizau/parse-url prior to 6.0.1
parse-url 5.0.2
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-1333 Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity' 'CWE-185 Incorrect Regular Expression']
parse-uri Regular expression Denial of Service (ReDoS)
An issue in parse-uri v1.0.9 allows attackers to cause a Regular expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) via a crafted URL.
parseuri 0.0.5
True Positive
False Positive
['CWE-1333 Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity' 'CWE-185 Incorrect Regular Expression']
parse-uri Regular expression Denial of Service (ReDoS)
An issue in parse-uri v1.0.9 allows attackers to cause a Regular expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) via a crafted URL.
parseuri 0.0.6
True Positive
False Positive
['CWE-400 Uncontrolled Resource Consumption']
Regular Expression Denial of Service in path-parse
Affected versions of npm package `path-parse` are vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) via splitDeviceRe, splitTailRe, and splitPathRe regular expressions. ReDoS exhibits polynomial worst-case time complexity.
path-parse 1.0.6
True Positive
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-1333 Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity']
path-to-regexp outputs backtracking regular expressions
### Impact A bad regular expression is generated any time you have two parameters within a single segment, separated by something that is not a period (`.`). For example, `/:a-:b`. ### Patches For users of 0.1, upgrade to `0.1.10`. All other users should upgrade to `8.0.0`. These versions add backtrack protection when a custom regex pattern is not provided: - [0.1.10]( - [1.9.0]( - [3.3.0]( - [6.3.0]( They do not protect against vulnerable user supplied capture groups. Protecting against explicit user patterns is out of scope for old versions and not considered a vulnerability. Version [7.1.0]( can enable `strict: true` and get an error when the regular expression might be bad. Version [8.0.0]( removes the features that can cause a ReDoS. ### Workarounds All versions can be patched by providing a custom regular expression for parameters after the first in a single segment. As long as the custom regular expression does not match the text before the parameter, you will be safe. For example, change `/:a-:b` to `/:a-:b([^-/]+)`. If paths cannot be rewritten and versions cannot be upgraded, another alternative is to limit the URL length. For example, halving the attack string improves performance by 4x faster. ### Details Using `/:a-:b` will produce the regular expression `/^\/([^\/]+?)-([^\/]+?)\/?$/`. This can be exploited by a path such as `/a${'-a'.repeat(8_000)}/a`. [OWASP]( has a good example of why this occurs, but the TL;DR is the `/a` at the end ensures this route would never match but due to naive backtracking it will still attempt every combination of the `:a-:b` on the repeated 8,000 `-a`. Because JavaScript is single threaded and regex matching runs on the main thread, poor performance will block the event loop and can lead to a DoS. In local benchmarks, exploiting the unsafe regex will result in performance that is over 1000x worse than the safe regex. In a more realistic environment using Express v4 and 10 concurrent connections, this translated to average latency of ~600ms vs 1ms. ### References * [OWASP]( * [Detailed blog post](
path-to-regexp 0.1.7
True Positive
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-1333 Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity']
Unpatched `path-to-regexp` ReDoS in 0.1.x
### Impact The regular expression that is vulnerable to backtracking can be generated in the 0.1.x release of `path-to-regexp`, originally reported in CVE-2024-45296 ### Patches Upgrade to 0.1.12. ### Workarounds Avoid using two parameters within a single path segment, when the separator is not `.` (e.g. no `/:a-:b`). Alternatively, you can define the regex used for both parameters and ensure they do not overlap to allow backtracking. ### References - -
path-to-regexp 0.1.7
True Positive
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-200 Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor']
phin may include sensitive headers in subsequent requests after redirect
### Impact Users may be impacted if sending requests including sensitive data in specific headers with `followRedirects` enabled. ### Patches The [follow-redirects]( library is now being used for redirects and removes some headers that may contain sensitive information in some situations. ### Workarounds N/A. Please update to resolve the issue.
phin 2.9.3
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-400 Uncontrolled Resource Consumption']
Regular Expression Denial of Service in postcss
The package postcss versions before 7.0.36 or between 8.0.0 and 8.2.13 are vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) via getAnnotationURL() and loadAnnotation() in lib/previous-map.js. The vulnerable regexes are caused mainly by the sub-pattern ```regex \/\*\s* sourceMappingURL=(.*) ``` ### PoC ```js var postcss = require("postcss") function build_attack(n) { var ret = "a{}" for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { ret += "/*# sourceMappingURL=" } return ret + "!"; } ``` ```js postcss.parse('a{}/*# */') for (var i = 1; i <= 500000; i++) { if (i % 1000 == 0) { var time =; var attack_str = build_attack(i) try { postcss.parse(attack_str) var time_cost = - time; console.log("attack_str.length: " + attack_str.length + ": " + time_cost + " ms"); } catch (e) { var time_cost = - time; console.log("attack_str.length: " + attack_str.length + ": " + time_cost + " ms"); } } } ```
postcss 6.0.23
False Positive
True Positive
['CWE-144 Improper Neutralization of Line Delimiters' "CWE-74 Improper Neutralization of Special Elements in Output Used by a Downstream Component ('Injection')"]
PostCSS line return parsing error
An issue was discovered in PostCSS before 8.4.31. It affects linters using PostCSS to parse external Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). There may be `\r` discrepancies, as demonstrated by `@font-face{ font:(\r/*);}` in a rule. This vulnerability affects linters using PostCSS to parse external untrusted CSS. An attacker can prepare CSS in such a way that it will contains parts parsed by PostCSS as a CSS comment. After processing by PostCSS, it will be included in the PostCSS output in CSS nodes (rules, properties) despite being originally included in a comment.
postcss 6.0.23
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-400 Uncontrolled Resource Consumption']
Regular Expression Denial of Service in postcss
The package postcss versions before 7.0.36 or between 8.0.0 and 8.2.13 are vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) via getAnnotationURL() and loadAnnotation() in lib/previous-map.js. The vulnerable regexes are caused mainly by the sub-pattern ```regex \/\*\s* sourceMappingURL=(.*) ``` ### PoC ```js var postcss = require("postcss") function build_attack(n) { var ret = "a{}" for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { ret += "/*# sourceMappingURL=" } return ret + "!"; } ``` ```js postcss.parse('a{}/*# */') for (var i = 1; i <= 500000; i++) { if (i % 1000 == 0) { var time =; var attack_str = build_attack(i) try { postcss.parse(attack_str) var time_cost = - time; console.log("attack_str.length: " + attack_str.length + ": " + time_cost + " ms"); } catch (e) { var time_cost = - time; console.log("attack_str.length: " + attack_str.length + ": " + time_cost + " ms"); } } } ```
postcss 7.0.35
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-144 Improper Neutralization of Line Delimiters' "CWE-74 Improper Neutralization of Special Elements in Output Used by a Downstream Component ('Injection')"]
PostCSS line return parsing error
An issue was discovered in PostCSS before 8.4.31. It affects linters using PostCSS to parse external Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). There may be `\r` discrepancies, as demonstrated by `@font-face{ font:(\r/*);}` in a rule. This vulnerability affects linters using PostCSS to parse external untrusted CSS. An attacker can prepare CSS in such a way that it will contains parts parsed by PostCSS as a CSS comment. After processing by PostCSS, it will be included in the PostCSS output in CSS nodes (rules, properties) despite being originally included in a comment.
postcss 7.0.35
False Positive
True Positive
['CWE-400 Uncontrolled Resource Consumption']
Regular Expression Denial of Service in postcss
The npm package `postcss` from 7.0.0 and before versions 7.0.36 and 8.2.10 is vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) during source map parsing.
postcss 7.0.35
True Positive
True Positive
["CWE-79 Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')"]
Cross-site Scripting in Prism
### Impact Prism's [Command line plugin]( can be used by attackers to achieve an XSS attack. The Command line plugin did not properly escape its output, leading to the input text being inserted into the DOM as HTML code. Server-side usage of Prism is not impacted. Websites that do not use the Command Line plugin are also not impacted. ### Patches This bug has been fixed in v1.27.0. ### Workarounds Do not use the Command line plugin on untrusted inputs, or sanitized all code blocks (remove all HTML code text) from all code blocks that use the Command line plugin. ### References -
prismjs 1.17.1
False Positive
True Positive
['CWE-400 Uncontrolled Resource Consumption']
Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) in Prism
Some languages before 1.24.0 are vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS). ### Impact When Prism is used to highlight untrusted (user-given) text, an attacker can craft a string that will take a very very long time to highlight. Do not use the following languages to highlight untrusted text. - ASCIIDoc - ERB Other languages are __not__ affected and can be used to highlight untrusted text. ### Patches This problem has been fixed in Prism v1.24. ### References - PrismJS/prism#2774 - PrismJS/prism#2688
prismjs 1.17.1
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-400 Uncontrolled Resource Consumption']
Denial of service in prismjs
The package prismjs before 1.23.0 are vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) via the `prism-asciidoc`, `prism-rest`, `prism-tap` and `prism-eiffel` components.
prismjs 1.17.1
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-400 Uncontrolled Resource Consumption']
prismjs Regular Expression Denial of Service vulnerability
Prism is a syntax highlighting library. The prismjs package is vulnerable to ReDoS (regular expression denial of service). An attacker that is able to provide a crafted HTML comment as input may cause an application to consume an excessive amount of CPU.
prismjs 1.17.1
True Positive
True Positive
["CWE-79 Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')"]
Cross-Site Scripting in Prism
### Impact The easing preview of the Previewers plugin has an XSS vulnerability that allows attackers to execute arbitrary code in Safari and Internet Explorer. This impacts all Safari and Internet Explorer users of Prism >=v1.1.0 that use the _Previewers_ plugin (>=v1.10.0) or the _Previewer: Easing_ plugin (v1.1.0 to v1.9.0). ### Patches This problem is patched in v1.21.0. ### Workarounds To workaround the issue without upgrading, [disable the easing preview]( on all impacted code blocks. You need Prism v1.10.0 or newer to apply this workaround. ### References The vulnerability was introduced by this [commit]( on Sep 29, 2015 and fixed by [Masato Kinugawa]( (#2506). ### For more information If you have any questions or comments about this advisory, please [open an issue](
prismjs 1.17.1
True Positive
True Positive
["CWE-79 Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')"]
Cross-site Scripting in Prism
### Impact Prism's [Command line plugin]( can be used by attackers to achieve an XSS attack. The Command line plugin did not properly escape its output, leading to the input text being inserted into the DOM as HTML code. Server-side usage of Prism is not impacted. Websites that do not use the Command Line plugin are also not impacted. ### Patches This bug has been fixed in v1.27.0. ### Workarounds Do not use the Command line plugin on untrusted inputs, or sanitized all code blocks (remove all HTML code text) from all code blocks that use the Command line plugin. ### References -
prismjs 1.22.0
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-400 Uncontrolled Resource Consumption']
Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) in Prism
Some languages before 1.24.0 are vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS). ### Impact When Prism is used to highlight untrusted (user-given) text, an attacker can craft a string that will take a very very long time to highlight. Do not use the following languages to highlight untrusted text. - ASCIIDoc - ERB Other languages are __not__ affected and can be used to highlight untrusted text. ### Patches This problem has been fixed in Prism v1.24. ### References - PrismJS/prism#2774 - PrismJS/prism#2688
prismjs 1.22.0
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-400 Uncontrolled Resource Consumption']
Denial of service in prismjs
The package prismjs before 1.23.0 are vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) via the `prism-asciidoc`, `prism-rest`, `prism-tap` and `prism-eiffel` components.
prismjs 1.22.0
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-400 Uncontrolled Resource Consumption']
prismjs Regular Expression Denial of Service vulnerability
Prism is a syntax highlighting library. The prismjs package is vulnerable to ReDoS (regular expression denial of service). An attacker that is able to provide a crafted HTML comment as input may cause an application to consume an excessive amount of CPU.
prismjs 1.22.0
True Positive
True Positive
["CWE-1321 Improperly Controlled Modification of Object Prototype Attributes ('Prototype Pollution')"]
qs vulnerable to Prototype Pollution
qs before 6.10.3 allows attackers to cause a Node process hang because an `__ proto__` key can be used. In many typical web framework use cases, an unauthenticated remote attacker can place the attack payload in the query string of the URL that is used to visit the application, such as `a[__proto__]=b&a[__proto__]&a[length]=100000000`. The fix was backported to qs 6.9.7, 6.8.3, 6.7.3, 6.6.1, 6.5.3, 6.4.1, 6.3.3, and 6.2.4.
qs 6.5.2
True Positive
True Positive
True Positive
["CWE-1321 Improperly Controlled Modification of Object Prototype Attributes ('Prototype Pollution')"]
qs vulnerable to Prototype Pollution
qs before 6.10.3 allows attackers to cause a Node process hang because an `__ proto__` key can be used. In many typical web framework use cases, an unauthenticated remote attacker can place the attack payload in the query string of the URL that is used to visit the application, such as `a[__proto__]=b&a[__proto__]&a[length]=100000000`. The fix was backported to qs 6.9.7, 6.8.3, 6.7.3, 6.6.1, 6.5.3, 6.4.1, 6.3.3, and 6.2.4.
qs 6.7.0
True Positive
True Positive
True Positive
["CWE-78 Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an OS Command ('OS Command Injection')"]
react-dev-utils OS Command Injection in function `getProcessForPort`
react-dev-utils prior to v11.0.4 exposes a function, `getProcessForPort`, where an input argument is concatenated into a command string to be executed. This function is typically used from react-scripts (in Create React App projects), where the usage is safe. Only when this function is manually invoked with user-provided values (ie: by custom code) is there the potential for command injection. If you're consuming it from react-scripts then this issue does not affect you.
react-dev-utils 10.2.1
False Positive
False Positive
["CWE-78 Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an OS Command ('OS Command Injection')"]
react-dev-utils OS Command Injection in function `getProcessForPort`
react-dev-utils prior to v11.0.4 exposes a function, `getProcessForPort`, where an input argument is concatenated into a command string to be executed. This function is typically used from react-scripts (in Create React App projects), where the usage is safe. Only when this function is manually invoked with user-provided values (ie: by custom code) is there the potential for command injection. If you're consuming it from react-scripts then this issue does not affect you.
react-dev-utils 4.2.3
False Positive
False Positive
['CWE-918 Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF)']
Server-Side Request Forgery in Request
The `request` package through 2.88.2 for Node.js and the `@cypress/request` package prior to 3.0.0 allow a bypass of SSRF mitigations via an attacker-controller server that does a cross-protocol redirect (HTTP to HTTPS, or HTTPS to HTTP). NOTE: The `request` package is no longer supported by the maintainer.
request 2.88.2
True Positive
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-1333 Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity']
semver vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service
Versions of the package semver before 7.5.2 on the 7.x branch, before 6.3.1 on the 6.x branch, and all other versions before 5.7.2 are vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) via the function new Range, when untrusted user data is provided as a range.
semver 5.7.1
True Positive
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-1333 Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity']
semver vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service
Versions of the package semver before 7.5.2 on the 7.x branch, before 6.3.1 on the 6.x branch, and all other versions before 5.7.2 are vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) via the function new Range, when untrusted user data is provided as a range.
semver 6.3.0
True Positive
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-1333 Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity']
semver vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service
Versions of the package semver before 7.5.2 on the 7.x branch, before 6.3.1 on the 6.x branch, and all other versions before 5.7.2 are vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) via the function new Range, when untrusted user data is provided as a range.
semver 7.0.0
True Positive
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-1333 Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity']
semver vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service
Versions of the package semver before 7.5.2 on the 7.x branch, before 6.3.1 on the 6.x branch, and all other versions before 5.7.2 are vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) via the function new Range, when untrusted user data is provided as a range.
semver 7.3.2
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-1333 Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity' 'CWE-400 Uncontrolled Resource Consumption']
semver-regex Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDOS)
npm `semver-regex` is vulnerable to Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity
semver-regex 2.0.0
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-1333 Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity']
Regular expression denial of service in semver-regex
An exponential ReDoS (Regular Expression Denial of Service) can be triggered in the semver-regex npm package, when an attacker is able to supply arbitrary input to the test() method
semver-regex 2.0.0
True Positive
True Positive
["CWE-79 Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')"]
send vulnerable to template injection that can lead to XSS
### Impact passing untrusted user input - even after sanitizing it - to `SendStream.redirect()` may execute untrusted code ### Patches this issue is patched in send 0.19.0 ### Workarounds users are encouraged to upgrade to the patched version of express, but otherwise can workaround this issue by making sure any untrusted inputs are safe, ideally by validating them against an explicit allowlist ### Details successful exploitation of this vector requires the following: 1. The attacker MUST control the input to response.redirect() 1. express MUST NOT redirect before the template appears 1. the browser MUST NOT complete redirection before: 1. the user MUST click on the link in the template
send 0.17.1
True Positive
True Positive
True Positive
["CWE-79 Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')"]
Cross-site Scripting (XSS) in serialize-javascript
A flaw was found in npm-serialize-javascript. The vulnerability occurs because the serialize-javascript module does not properly sanitize certain inputs, such as regex or other JavaScript object types, allowing an attacker to inject malicious code. This code could be executed when deserialized by a web browser, causing Cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. This issue is critical in environments where serialized data is sent to web clients, potentially compromising the security of the website or web application using this package.
serialize-javascript 4.0.0
True Positive
True Positive
["CWE-79 Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')"]
serve-static vulnerable to template injection that can lead to XSS
### Impact passing untrusted user input - even after sanitizing it - to `redirect()` may execute untrusted code ### Patches this issue is patched in serve-static 1.16.0 ### Workarounds users are encouraged to upgrade to the patched version of express, but otherwise can workaround this issue by making sure any untrusted inputs are safe, ideally by validating them against an explicit allowlist ### Details successful exploitation of this vector requires the following: 1. The attacker MUST control the input to response.redirect() 1. express MUST NOT redirect before the template appears 1. the browser MUST NOT complete redirection before: 1. the user MUST click on the link in the template
serve-static 1.14.1
True Positive
True Positive
True Positive
sharp vulnerability in libwebp dependency CVE-2023-4863
## Overview sharp uses libwebp to decode WebP images and versions prior to the latest 0.32.6 are vulnerable to the high severity ## Who does this affect? Almost anyone processing untrusted input with versions of sharp prior to 0.32.6. ## How to resolve this? ### Using prebuilt binaries provided by sharp? Most people rely on the prebuilt binaries provided by sharp. Please upgrade sharp to the latest 0.32.6, which provides libwebp 1.3.2. ### Using a globally-installed libvips? Please ensure you are using the latest libwebp 1.3.2. ## Possible workaround Add the following to your code to prevent sharp from decoding WebP images. ```js sharp.block({ operation: ["VipsForeignLoadWebp"] }); ```
sharp 0.25.4
True Positive
True Positive
["CWE-77 Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in a Command ('Command Injection')" "CWE-78 Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an OS Command ('OS Command Injection')"]
sharp vulnerable to Command Injection in post-installation over build environment
There's a possible vulnerability in logic that is run only at `npm install` time when installing versions of `sharp` prior to the latest v0.30.5. This is not part of any runtime code, does not affect Windows users at all, and is unlikely to affect anyone that already cares about the security of their build environment. However, out of an abundance of caution, I've created this advisory. If an attacker has the ability to set the value of the `PKG_CONFIG_PATH` environment variable in a build environment then they might be able to use this to inject an arbitrary command at `npm install` time. I've used the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) calculator to determine the maximum possible impact, which suggests a "medium" score of 5.9, but for most people the real impact will be dealing with the noise from automated security tooling that this advisory will bring. [`AV:L/AC:L/PR:H/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H/E:P/RL:O/RC:C/CR:X/IR:X/AR:X/MAV:X/MAC:X/MPR:X/MUI:R/MS:X/MC:X/MI:X/MA:X`]( This problem was fixed in commit a6aeef6 and published as part of `sharp` v0.30.5. Thank you very much to @dwisiswant0 for the responsible disclosure. Remember: if an attacker has control over environment variables in your build environment then you have a bigger problem to deal with than this issue.
sharp 0.25.4
False Positive
True Positive
["CWE-77 Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in a Command ('Command Injection')"]
Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in a Command in Shell-quote
The shell-quote package before 1.7.3 for Node.js allows command injection. An attacker can inject unescaped shell metacharacters through a regex designed to support Windows drive letters. If the output of this package is passed to a real shell as a quoted argument to a command with `exec()`, an attacker can inject arbitrary commands. This is because the Windows drive letter regex character class is `[A-z]` instead of the correct `[A-Za-z]`. Several shell metacharacters exist in the space between capital letter Z and lower case letter a, such as the backtick character.
shell-quote 1.6.1
True Positive
True Positive
["CWE-77 Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in a Command ('Command Injection')"]
Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in a Command in Shell-quote
The shell-quote package before 1.7.3 for Node.js allows command injection. An attacker can inject unescaped shell metacharacters through a regex designed to support Windows drive letters. If the output of this package is passed to a real shell as a quoted argument to a command with `exec()`, an attacker can inject arbitrary commands. This is because the Windows drive letter regex character class is `[A-z]` instead of the correct `[A-Za-z]`. Several shell metacharacters exist in the space between capital letter Z and lower case letter a, such as the backtick character.
shell-quote 1.7.2
True Positive
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-269 Improper Privilege Management']
Improper Privilege Management in shelljs
shelljs is vulnerable to Improper Privilege Management
shelljs 0.8.4
False Positive
True Positive
['CWE-269 Improper Privilege Management']
Improper Privilege Management in shelljs
### Impact Output from the synchronous version of `shell.exec()` may be visible to other users on the same system. You may be affected if you execute `shell.exec()` in multi-user Mac, Linux, or WSL environments, or if you execute `shell.exec()` as the root user. Other shelljs functions (including the asynchronous version of `shell.exec()`) are not impacted. ### Patches Patched in shelljs 0.8.5 ### Workarounds Recommended action is to upgrade to 0.8.5. ### References ### For more information If you have any questions or comments about this advisory: * Ask at * Open an issue at
shelljs 0.8.4
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-200 Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor']
Exposure of Sensitive Information in simple-get
In versions of simple-get prior to 4.0.1, 3.1.1, and 2.8.2, when fetching a remote url with a cookie location response, headers will be followed, potentially resulting in an exposure of the session cookie to a third party.
simple-get 3.1.0
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-200 Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor']
Exposure of Sensitive Information in simple-get
In versions of simple-get prior to 4.0.1, 3.1.1, and 2.8.2, when fetching a remote url with a cookie location response, headers will be followed, potentially resulting in an exposure of the session cookie to a third party.
simple-get 4.0.0
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-20 Improper Input Validation' 'CWE-754 Improper Check for Unusual or Exceptional Conditions'] has an unhandled 'error' event
### Impact A specially crafted Socket.IO packet can trigger an uncaught exception on the Socket.IO server, thus killing the Node.js process. ``` node:events:502 throw err; // Unhandled 'error' event ^ Error [ERR_UNHANDLED_ERROR]: Unhandled error. (undefined) at new NodeError (node:internal/errors:405:5) at Socket.emit (node:events:500:17) at /myapp/node_modules/ at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:77:11) { code: 'ERR_UNHANDLED_ERROR', context: undefined } ``` ### Affected versions | Version range | Needs minor update? | |------------------|------------------------------------------------| | `4.6.2...latest` | Nothing to do | | `3.0.0...4.6.1` | Please upgrade to `[email protected]` (at least) | | `2.3.0...2.5.0` | Please upgrade to `[email protected]` | ### Patches This issue is fixed by, included in `[email protected]` (released in May 2023). The fix was backported in the 2.x branch today: ### Workarounds As a workaround for the affected versions of the `` package, you can attach a listener for the "error" event: ```js io.on("connection", (socket) => { socket.on("error", () => { // ... }); }); ``` ### For more information If you have any questions or comments about this advisory: - Open a discussion [here]( Thanks a lot to [Paul Taylor]( for the responsible disclosure. ### References - -
MEDIUM 2.3.0
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-346 Origin Validation Error' 'CWE-453 Insecure Default Variable Initialization']
CORS misconfiguration in
The package before 2.4.0 are vulnerable to Insecure Defaults due to CORS Misconfiguration. All domains are whitelisted by default.
MEDIUM 2.3.0
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-20 Improper Input Validation' 'CWE-754 Improper Check for Unusual or Exceptional Conditions']
Insufficient validation when decoding a Socket.IO packet
### Impact A specially crafted Socket.IO packet can trigger an uncaught exception on the Socket.IO server, thus killing the Node.js process. ``` TypeError: Cannot convert object to primitive value at Socket.emit (node:events:507:25) at .../node_modules/ ``` ### Patches A fix has been released today (2023/05/22): -, included in `[email protected]` -, included in `[email protected]` Another fix has been released for the `3.3.x` branch: -, included in `[email protected] | `` version | `` version | Needs minor update? | |---------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------| | `4.5.2...latest` | `~4.2.0` ([ref]( | `npm audit fix` should be sufficient | | `4.1.3...4.5.1` | `~4.1.1` ([ref]( | Please upgrade to `[email protected]` | | `3.0.5...4.1.2` | `~4.0.3` ([ref]( | Please upgrade to `[email protected]` | | `3.0.0...3.0.4` | `~4.0.1` ([ref]( | Please upgrade to `[email protected]` | | `2.3.0...2.5.0` | `~3.4.0` ([ref]( | `npm audit fix` should be sufficient | ### Workarounds There is no known workaround except upgrading to a safe version. ### For more information If you have any questions or comments about this advisory: - Open a discussion [here]( Thanks to [@rafax00]( for the responsible disclosure.
MEDIUM 3.3.1
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-1287 Improper Validation of Specified Type of Input' 'CWE-20 Improper Input Validation' "CWE-89 Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an SQL Command ('SQL Injection')"]
Insufficient validation when decoding a Socket.IO packet
Due to improper type validation in the `` library (which is used by the `` and `` packages to encode and decode Socket.IO packets), it is possible to overwrite the _placeholder object which allows an attacker to place references to functions at arbitrary places in the resulting query object. Example: ```js const decoder = new Decoder(); decoder.on("decoded", (packet) => { console.log(; // prints [ 'hello', [Function: splice] ] }) decoder.add('51-["hello",{"_placeholder":true,"num":"splice"}]'); decoder.add(Buffer.from("world")); ``` This bubbles up in the `` package: ```js io.on("connection", (socket) => { socket.on("hello", (val) => { // here, "val" could be a function instead of a buffer }); }); ``` :warning: IMPORTANT NOTE :warning: You need to make sure that the payload that you received from the client is actually a `Buffer` object: ```js io.on("connection", (socket) => { socket.on("hello", (val) => { if (!Buffer.isBuffer(val)) { socket.disconnect(); return; } // ... }); }); ``` **If that's already the case, then you are not impacted by this issue, and there is no way an attacker could make your server crash (or escalate privileges, ...).** Example of values that could be sent by a malicious user: - a number that is out of bounds Sample packet: `451-["hello",{"_placeholder":true,"num":10}]` ```js io.on("connection", (socket) => { socket.on("hello", (val) => { // val is `undefined` }); }); ``` - a value that is not a number, like `undefined` Sample packet: `451-["hello",{"_placeholder":true,"num":undefined}]` ```js io.on("connection", (socket) => { socket.on("hello", (val) => { // val is `undefined` }); }); ``` - a string that is part of the prototype of `Array`, like "push" Sample packet: `451-["hello",{"_placeholder":true,"num":"push"}]` ```js io.on("connection", (socket) => { socket.on("hello", (val) => { // val is a reference to the "push" function }); }); ``` - a string that is part of the prototype of `Object`, like "hasOwnProperty" Sample packet: `451-["hello",{"_placeholder":true,"num":"hasOwnProperty"}]` ```js io.on("connection", (socket) => { socket.on("hello", (val) => { // val is a reference to the "hasOwnProperty" function }); }); ``` This should be fixed by: -, included in `[email protected]` -, included in `[email protected]` -, included in `[email protected]` -, included in `[email protected]` ### Dependency analysis for the `` package | `` version | `` version | Covered? | |---------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------| | `4.5.2...latest` | `~4.2.0` ([ref]( | Yes :heavy_check_mark: | | `4.1.3...4.5.1` | `~4.0.4` ([ref]( | Yes :heavy_check_mark: | | `3.0.5...4.1.2` | `~4.0.3` ([ref]( | Yes :heavy_check_mark: | | `3.0.0...3.0.4` | `~4.0.1` ([ref]( | Yes :heavy_check_mark: | | `2.3.0...2.5.0` | `~3.4.0` ([ref]( | Yes :heavy_check_mark: | ### Dependency analysis for the `` package | `` version | `` version | Covered? | |----------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------| | `4.5.0...latest` | `~4.2.0` ([ref]( | Yes :heavy_check_mark: | | `4.3.0...4.4.1` | `~4.1.1` ([ref]( | No, but the impact is very limited | | `3.1.0...4.2.0` | `~4.0.4` ([ref]( | Yes :heavy_check_mark: | | `3.0.5` | `~4.0.3` ([ref]( | Yes :heavy_check_mark: | | `3.0.0...3.0.4` | `~4.0.1` ([ref]( | Yes :heavy_check_mark: | | `2.2.0...2.5.0` | `~3.3.0` ([ref]( | Yes :heavy_check_mark: |
HIGH 3.3.1
False Positive
True Positive
['CWE-400 Uncontrolled Resource Consumption']
Resource exhaustion in
The `` npm package before versions 3.3.2 and 3.4.1 allows attackers to cause a denial of service (memory consumption) via a large packet because a concatenation approach is used.
HIGH 3.3.1
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-20 Improper Input Validation' 'CWE-754 Improper Check for Unusual or Exceptional Conditions']
Insufficient validation when decoding a Socket.IO packet
### Impact A specially crafted Socket.IO packet can trigger an uncaught exception on the Socket.IO server, thus killing the Node.js process. ``` TypeError: Cannot convert object to primitive value at Socket.emit (node:events:507:25) at .../node_modules/ ``` ### Patches A fix has been released today (2023/05/22): -, included in `[email protected]` -, included in `[email protected]` Another fix has been released for the `3.3.x` branch: -, included in `[email protected] | `` version | `` version | Needs minor update? | |---------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------| | `4.5.2...latest` | `~4.2.0` ([ref]( | `npm audit fix` should be sufficient | | `4.1.3...4.5.1` | `~4.1.1` ([ref]( | Please upgrade to `[email protected]` | | `3.0.5...4.1.2` | `~4.0.3` ([ref]( | Please upgrade to `[email protected]` | | `3.0.0...3.0.4` | `~4.0.1` ([ref]( | Please upgrade to `[email protected]` | | `2.3.0...2.5.0` | `~3.4.0` ([ref]( | `npm audit fix` should be sufficient | ### Workarounds There is no known workaround except upgrading to a safe version. ### For more information If you have any questions or comments about this advisory: - Open a discussion [here]( Thanks to [@rafax00]( for the responsible disclosure.
MEDIUM 3.4.1
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-1287 Improper Validation of Specified Type of Input' 'CWE-20 Improper Input Validation' "CWE-89 Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an SQL Command ('SQL Injection')"]
Insufficient validation when decoding a Socket.IO packet
Due to improper type validation in the `` library (which is used by the `` and `` packages to encode and decode Socket.IO packets), it is possible to overwrite the _placeholder object which allows an attacker to place references to functions at arbitrary places in the resulting query object. Example: ```js const decoder = new Decoder(); decoder.on("decoded", (packet) => { console.log(; // prints [ 'hello', [Function: splice] ] }) decoder.add('51-["hello",{"_placeholder":true,"num":"splice"}]'); decoder.add(Buffer.from("world")); ``` This bubbles up in the `` package: ```js io.on("connection", (socket) => { socket.on("hello", (val) => { // here, "val" could be a function instead of a buffer }); }); ``` :warning: IMPORTANT NOTE :warning: You need to make sure that the payload that you received from the client is actually a `Buffer` object: ```js io.on("connection", (socket) => { socket.on("hello", (val) => { if (!Buffer.isBuffer(val)) { socket.disconnect(); return; } // ... }); }); ``` **If that's already the case, then you are not impacted by this issue, and there is no way an attacker could make your server crash (or escalate privileges, ...).** Example of values that could be sent by a malicious user: - a number that is out of bounds Sample packet: `451-["hello",{"_placeholder":true,"num":10}]` ```js io.on("connection", (socket) => { socket.on("hello", (val) => { // val is `undefined` }); }); ``` - a value that is not a number, like `undefined` Sample packet: `451-["hello",{"_placeholder":true,"num":undefined}]` ```js io.on("connection", (socket) => { socket.on("hello", (val) => { // val is `undefined` }); }); ``` - a string that is part of the prototype of `Array`, like "push" Sample packet: `451-["hello",{"_placeholder":true,"num":"push"}]` ```js io.on("connection", (socket) => { socket.on("hello", (val) => { // val is a reference to the "push" function }); }); ``` - a string that is part of the prototype of `Object`, like "hasOwnProperty" Sample packet: `451-["hello",{"_placeholder":true,"num":"hasOwnProperty"}]` ```js io.on("connection", (socket) => { socket.on("hello", (val) => { // val is a reference to the "hasOwnProperty" function }); }); ``` This should be fixed by: -, included in `[email protected]` -, included in `[email protected]` -, included in `[email protected]` -, included in `[email protected]` ### Dependency analysis for the `` package | `` version | `` version | Covered? | |---------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------| | `4.5.2...latest` | `~4.2.0` ([ref]( | Yes :heavy_check_mark: | | `4.1.3...4.5.1` | `~4.0.4` ([ref]( | Yes :heavy_check_mark: | | `3.0.5...4.1.2` | `~4.0.3` ([ref]( | Yes :heavy_check_mark: | | `3.0.0...3.0.4` | `~4.0.1` ([ref]( | Yes :heavy_check_mark: | | `2.3.0...2.5.0` | `~3.4.0` ([ref]( | Yes :heavy_check_mark: | ### Dependency analysis for the `` package | `` version | `` version | Covered? | |----------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------| | `4.5.0...latest` | `~4.2.0` ([ref]( | Yes :heavy_check_mark: | | `4.3.0...4.4.1` | `~4.1.1` ([ref]( | No, but the impact is very limited | | `3.1.0...4.2.0` | `~4.0.4` ([ref]( | Yes :heavy_check_mark: | | `3.0.5` | `~4.0.3` ([ref]( | Yes :heavy_check_mark: | | `3.0.0...3.0.4` | `~4.0.1` ([ref]( | Yes :heavy_check_mark: | | `2.2.0...2.5.0` | `~3.3.0` ([ref]( | Yes :heavy_check_mark: |
HIGH 3.4.1
False Positive
True Positive
['CWE-400 Uncontrolled Resource Consumption']
Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS)
npm `ssri` 5.2.2-6.0.1 and 7.0.0-8.0.0, processes SRIs using a regular expression which is vulnerable to a denial of service. Malicious SRIs could take an extremely long time to process, leading to denial of service. This issue only affects consumers using the strict option.
ssri 6.0.1
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-400 Uncontrolled Resource Consumption']
Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS)
npm `ssri` 5.2.2-6.0.1 and 7.0.0-8.0.0, processes SRIs using a regular expression which is vulnerable to a denial of service. Malicious SRIs could take an extremely long time to process, leading to denial of service. This issue only affects consumers using the strict option.
ssri 7.1.0
False Positive
True Positive
['CWE-400 Uncontrolled Resource Consumption']
Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS)
npm `ssri` 5.2.2-6.0.1 and 7.0.0-8.0.0, processes SRIs using a regular expression which is vulnerable to a denial of service. Malicious SRIs could take an extremely long time to process, leading to denial of service. This issue only affects consumers using the strict option.
ssri 8.0.0
False Positive
True Positive
["CWE-79 Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation ('Cross-site Scripting')"]
Cross Site Scripting vulnerability in store2
Cross Site Scripting vulnerability in nbubna store v.2.14.2 and before allows a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code via the store.deep.js component
store2 2.12.0
True Positive
True Positive
["CWE-22 Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal')"]
Arbitrary File Creation/Overwrite due to insufficient absolute path sanitization
### Impact Arbitrary File Creation, Arbitrary File Overwrite, Arbitrary Code Execution `node-tar` aims to prevent extraction of absolute file paths by turning absolute paths into relative paths when the `preservePaths` flag is not set to `true`. This is achieved by stripping the absolute path root from any absolute file paths contained in a tar file. For example `/home/user/.bashrc` would turn into `home/user/.bashrc`. This logic was insufficient when file paths contained repeated path roots such as `////home/user/.bashrc`. `node-tar` would only strip a single path root from such paths. When given an absolute file path with repeating path roots, the resulting path (e.g. `///home/user/.bashrc`) would still resolve to an absolute path, thus allowing arbitrary file creation and overwrite. ### Patches 3.2.2 || 4.4.14 || 5.0.6 || 6.1.1 NOTE: an adjacent issue [CVE-2021-32803]( affects this release level. Please ensure you update to the latest patch levels that address CVE-2021-32803 as well if this adjacent issue affects your `node-tar` use case. ### Workarounds Users may work around this vulnerability without upgrading by creating a custom `onentry` method which sanitizes the `entry.path` or a `filter` method which removes entries with absolute paths. ```js const path = require('path') const tar = require('tar') tar.x({ file: 'archive.tgz', // either add this function... onentry: (entry) => { if (path.isAbsolute(entry.path)) { entry.path = sanitizeAbsolutePathSomehow(entry.path) entry.absolute = path.resolve(entry.path) } }, // or this one filter: (file, entry) => { if (path.isAbsolute(entry.path)) { return false } else { return true } } }) ``` Users are encouraged to upgrade to the latest patch versions, rather than attempt to sanitize tar input themselves.
tar 6.0.5
True Positive
True Positive
["CWE-22 Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal')"]
Arbitrary File Creation/Overwrite on Windows via insufficient relative path sanitization
### Impact Arbitrary File Creation, Arbitrary File Overwrite, Arbitrary Code Execution node-tar aims to guarantee that any file whose location would be outside of the extraction target directory is not extracted. This is, in part, accomplished by sanitizing absolute paths of entries within the archive, skipping archive entries that contain `..` path portions, and resolving the sanitized paths against the extraction target directory. This logic was insufficient on Windows systems when extracting tar files that contained a path that was not an absolute path, but specified a drive letter different from the extraction target, such as `C:some\path`. If the drive letter does not match the extraction target, for example `D:\extraction\dir`, then the result of `path.resolve(extractionDirectory, entryPath)` would resolve against the current working directory on the `C:` drive, rather than the extraction target directory. Additionally, a `..` portion of the path could occur immediately after the drive letter, such as `C:../foo`, and was not properly sanitized by the logic that checked for `..` within the normalized and split portions of the path. This only affects users of `node-tar` on Windows systems. ### Patches 4.4.18 || 5.0.10 || 6.1.9 ### Workarounds There is no reasonable way to work around this issue without performing the same path normalization procedures that node-tar now does. Users are encouraged to upgrade to the latest patched versions of node-tar, rather than attempt to sanitize paths themselves. ### Fix The fixed versions strip path roots from all paths prior to being resolved against the extraction target folder, even if such paths are not "absolute". Additionally, a path starting with a drive letter and then two dots, like `c:../`, would bypass the check for `..` path portions. This is checked properly in the patched versions. Finally, a defense in depth check is added, such that if the `entry.absolute` is outside of the extraction taret, and we are not in preservePaths:true mode, a warning is raised on that entry, and it is skipped. Currently, it is believed that this check is redundant, but it did catch some oversights in development.
tar 6.0.5
True Positive
True Positive
["CWE-22 Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal')" "CWE-59 Improper Link Resolution Before File Access ('Link Following')"]
Arbitrary File Creation/Overwrite via insufficient symlink protection due to directory cache poisoning using symbolic links
### Impact Arbitrary File Creation, Arbitrary File Overwrite, Arbitrary Code Execution `node-tar` aims to guarantee that any file whose location would be modified by a symbolic link is not extracted. This is, in part, achieved by ensuring that extracted directories are not symlinks. Additionally, in order to prevent unnecessary stat calls to determine whether a given path is a directory, paths are cached when directories are created. This logic was insufficient when extracting tar files that contained both a directory and a symlink with the same name as the directory, where the symlink and directory names in the archive entry used backslashes as a path separator on posix systems. The cache checking logic used both `\` and `/` characters as path separators, however `\` is a valid filename character on posix systems. By first creating a directory, and then replacing that directory with a symlink, it was thus possible to bypass node-tar symlink checks on directories, essentially allowing an untrusted tar file to symlink into an arbitrary location and subsequently extracting arbitrary files into that location, thus allowing arbitrary file creation and overwrite. Additionally, a similar confusion could arise on case-insensitive filesystems. If a tar archive contained a directory at `FOO`, followed by a symbolic link named `foo`, then on case-insensitive file systems, the creation of the symbolic link would remove the directory from the filesystem, but _not_ from the internal directory cache, as it would not be treated as a cache hit. A subsequent file entry within the `FOO` directory would then be placed in the target of the symbolic link, thinking that the directory had already been created. These issues were addressed in releases 4.4.16, 5.0.8 and 6.1.7. The v3 branch of `node-tar` has been deprecated and did not receive patches for these issues. If you are still using a v3 release we recommend you update to a more recent version of `node-tar`. If this is not possible, a workaround is available below. ### Patches 4.4.16 || 5.0.8 || 6.1.7 ### Workarounds Users may work around this vulnerability without upgrading by creating a custom filter method which prevents the extraction of symbolic links. ```js const tar = require('tar') tar.x({ file: 'archive.tgz', filter: (file, entry) => { if (entry.type === 'SymbolicLink') { return false } else { return true } } }) ``` Users are encouraged to upgrade to the latest patched versions, rather than attempt to sanitize tar input themselves. ### Fix The problem is addressed in the following ways: 1. All paths are normalized to use `/` as a path separator, replacing `\` with `/` on Windows systems, and leaving `\` intact in the path on posix systems. This is performed in depth, at every level of the program where paths are consumed. 2. Directory cache pruning is performed case-insensitively. This _may_ result in undue cache misses on case-sensitive file systems, but the performance impact is negligible. #### Caveat Note that this means that the `entry` objects exposed in various parts of tar's API will now always use `/` as a path separator, even on Windows systems. This is not expected to cause problems, as `/` is a valid path separator on Windows systems, but _may_ result in issues if `entry.path` is compared against a path string coming from some other API such as `fs.realpath()` or `path.resolve()`. Users are encouraged to always normalize paths using a well-tested method such as `path.resolve()` before comparing paths to one another.
tar 6.0.5
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-400 Uncontrolled Resource Consumption']
Denial of service while parsing a tar file due to lack of folders count validation
## Description: During some analysis today on npm's `node-tar` package I came across the folder creation process, Basicly if you provide node-tar with a path like this `./a/b/c/foo.txt` it would create every folder and sub-folder here a, b and c until it reaches the last folder to create `foo.txt`, In-this case I noticed that there's no validation at all on the amount of folders being created, that said we're actually able to CPU and memory consume the system running node-tar and even crash the nodejs client within few seconds of running it using a path with too many sub-folders inside ## Steps To Reproduce: You can reproduce this issue by downloading the tar file I provided in the resources and using node-tar to extract it, you should get the same behavior as the video ## Proof Of Concept: Here's a [video]( show-casing the exploit: ## Impact Denial of service by crashing the nodejs client when attempting to parse a tar archive, make it run out of heap memory and consuming server CPU and memory resources ## Report resources [payload.txt]( [archeive.tar.gz]( ## Note This report was originally reported to GitHub bug bounty program, they asked me to report it to you a month ago
tar 6.0.5
True Positive
True Positive
["CWE-22 Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal')" "CWE-59 Improper Link Resolution Before File Access ('Link Following')"]
Arbitrary File Creation/Overwrite via insufficient symlink protection due to directory cache poisoning using symbolic links
### Impact Arbitrary File Creation, Arbitrary File Overwrite, Arbitrary Code Execution node-tar aims to guarantee that any file whose location would be modified by a symbolic link is not extracted. This is, in part, achieved by ensuring that extracted directories are not symlinks. Additionally, in order to prevent unnecessary stat calls to determine whether a given path is a directory, paths are cached when directories are created. This logic was insufficient when extracting tar files that contained two directories and a symlink with names containing unicode values that normalized to the same value. Additionally, on Windows systems, long path portions would resolve to the same file system entities as their 8.3 "short path" counterparts. A specially crafted tar archive could thus include directories with two forms of the path that resolve to the same file system entity, followed by a symbolic link with a name in the first form, lastly followed by a file using the second form. It led to bypassing node-tar symlink checks on directories, essentially allowing an untrusted tar file to symlink into an arbitrary location and subsequently extracting arbitrary files into that location, thus allowing arbitrary file creation and overwrite. The v3 branch of `node-tar` has been deprecated and did not receive patches for these issues. If you are still using a v3 release we recommend you update to a more recent version of `node-tar`. If this is not possible, a workaround is available below. ### Patches 6.1.9 || 5.0.10 || 4.4.18 ### Workarounds Users may work around this vulnerability without upgrading by creating a custom filter method which prevents the extraction of symbolic links. ```js const tar = require('tar') tar.x({ file: 'archive.tgz', filter: (file, entry) => { if (entry.type === 'SymbolicLink') { return false } else { return true } } }) ``` Users are encouraged to upgrade to the latest patched versions, rather than attempt to sanitize tar input themselves. #### Fix The problem is addressed in the following ways, when comparing paths in the directory cache and path reservation systems: 1. The `String.normalize('NFKD')` method is used to first normalize all unicode to its maximally compatible and multi-code-point form. 2. All slashes are normalized to `/` on Windows systems (on posix systems, `\` is a valid filename character, and thus left intact). 3. When a symbolic link is encountered on Windows systems, the entire directory cache is cleared. Collisions related to use of 8.3 short names to replace directories with other (non-symlink) types of entries may make archives fail to extract properly, but will not result in arbitrary file writes.
tar 6.0.5
True Positive
True Positive
["CWE-22 Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path Traversal')" 'CWE-23 Relative Path Traversal' "CWE-59 Improper Link Resolution Before File Access ('Link Following')"]
Arbitrary File Creation/Overwrite via insufficient symlink protection due to directory cache poisoning
### Impact Arbitrary File Creation, Arbitrary File Overwrite, Arbitrary Code Execution `node-tar` aims to guarantee that any file whose location would be modified by a symbolic link is not extracted. This is, in part, achieved by ensuring that extracted directories are not symlinks. Additionally, in order to prevent unnecessary `stat` calls to determine whether a given path is a directory, paths are cached when directories are created. This logic was insufficient when extracting tar files that contained both a directory and a symlink with the same name as the directory. This order of operations resulted in the directory being created and added to the `node-tar` directory cache. When a directory is present in the directory cache, subsequent calls to mkdir for that directory are skipped. However, this is also where `node-tar` checks for symlinks occur. By first creating a directory, and then replacing that directory with a symlink, it was thus possible to bypass `node-tar` symlink checks on directories, essentially allowing an untrusted tar file to symlink into an arbitrary location and subsequently extracting arbitrary files into that location, thus allowing arbitrary file creation and overwrite. This issue was addressed in releases 3.2.3, 4.4.15, 5.0.7 and 6.1.2. ### Patches 3.2.3 || 4.4.15 || 5.0.7 || 6.1.2 ### Workarounds Users may work around this vulnerability without upgrading by creating a custom `filter` method which prevents the extraction of symbolic links. ```js const tar = require('tar') tar.x({ file: 'archive.tgz', filter: (file, entry) => { if (entry.type === 'SymbolicLink') { return false } else { return true } } }) ``` Users are encouraged to upgrade to the latest patch versions, rather than attempt to sanitize tar input themselves.
tar 6.0.5
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-1333 Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity']
Terser insecure use of regular expressions leads to ReDoS
The package terser before 4.8.1, from 5.0.0 and before 5.14.2 are vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) due to insecure usage of regular expressions.
terser 4.8.0
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-400 Uncontrolled Resource Consumption']
tmpl vulnerable to Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity which may lead to resource exhaustion
nodejs-tmpl is simple string formatting. tmpl is vulnerable to Inefficient Regular Expression Complexity which may lead to resource exhaustion.
tmpl 1.0.4
True Positive
True Positive
["CWE-1321 Improperly Controlled Modification of Object Prototype Attributes ('Prototype Pollution')"]
tough-cookie Prototype Pollution vulnerability
Versions of the package tough-cookie before 4.1.3 are vulnerable to Prototype Pollution due to improper handling of Cookies when using CookieJar in `rejectPublicSuffixes=false` mode. This issue arises from the manner in which the objects are initialized.
tough-cookie 2.5.0
True Positive
True Positive
True Positive
["CWE-1321 Improperly Controlled Modification of Object Prototype Attributes ('Prototype Pollution')"]
tough-cookie Prototype Pollution vulnerability
Versions of the package tough-cookie before 4.1.3 are vulnerable to Prototype Pollution due to improper handling of Cookies when using CookieJar in `rejectPublicSuffixes=false` mode. This issue arises from the manner in which the objects are initialized.
tough-cookie 3.0.1
True Positive
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-400 Uncontrolled Resource Consumption']
Regular Expression Denial of Service in trim
All versions of package trim lower than 0.0.3 are vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) via trim().
trim 0.0.1
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-400 Uncontrolled Resource Consumption']
Uncontrolled Resource Consumption in trim-newlines
@rkesters/gnuplot is an easy to use node module to draw charts using gnuplot and ps2pdf. The trim-newlines package before 3.0.1 and 4.x before 4.0.1 for Node.js has an issue related to regular expression denial-of-service (ReDoS) for the `.end()` method.
trim-newlines 1.0.0
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-400 Uncontrolled Resource Consumption']
Uncontrolled Resource Consumption in trim-newlines
@rkesters/gnuplot is an easy to use node module to draw charts using gnuplot and ps2pdf. The trim-newlines package before 3.0.1 and 4.x before 4.0.1 for Node.js has an issue related to regular expression denial-of-service (ReDoS) for the `.end()` method.
trim-newlines 3.0.0
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-400 Uncontrolled Resource Consumption']
Uncontrolled Resource Consumption in trim-off-newlines
All versions of package trim-off-newlines are vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) via string processing.
trim-off-newlines 1.0.1
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-639 Authorization Bypass Through User-Controlled Key']
url-parse Incorrectly parses URLs that include an '@'
A specially crafted URL with an '@' sign but empty user info and no hostname, when parsed with url-parse, url-parse will return the incorrect href. In particular, ```js parse(\"http://@/\") ``` Will return: ```yaml { slashes: true, protocol: 'http:', hash: '', query: '', pathname: '/', auth: '', host: '', port: '', hostname: '', password: '', username: '', origin: 'null', href: 'http:///' } ``` If the 'hostname' or 'origin' attributes of the output from url-parse are used in security decisions and the final 'href' attribute of the output is then used to make a request, the decision may be incorrect.
url-parse 1.4.7
True Positive
True Positive
['CWE-23 Relative Path Traversal']
Path traversal in url-parse
url-parse before 1.5.0 mishandles certain uses of backslash such as http:\/ and interprets the URI as a relative path.
url-parse 1.4.7
True Positive
True Positive