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9257dae8_ederation_vs__the_Constitution__0 | [Articles of Confederation] No executive with power. President of U.S. merely presided over Congress [Constitution] Executive branch headed by President who chooses Cabinet and has checks on power of judiciary and legislature [0] | Executive | [] | Articles of Confederation vs. the Constitution | 0 | http://home.earthlink.net/~gfeldmeth/chart.art.html | 47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00044-ip-10-236-191-2_116245308_0.json |
9257dae8_ederation_vs__the_Constitution__0 | [Articles of Confederation] 13/13 needed to amend Articles [Constitution] 2/3 of both houses of Congress plus 3/4 of state legislatures or national convention [0] | Amending document | [] | Articles of Confederation vs. the Constitution | 0 | http://home.earthlink.net/~gfeldmeth/chart.art.html | 47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00044-ip-10-236-191-2_116245308_0.json |
9257dae8_ederation_vs__the_Constitution__0 | [Articles of Confederation] Each state received 1 vote regardless of size [Constitution] Upper house (Senate) with 2 votes; lower house (House of Representatives) based on population [0] | Representation of states | [] | Articles of Confederation vs. the Constitution | 0 | http://home.earthlink.net/~gfeldmeth/chart.art.html | 47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00044-ip-10-236-191-2_116245308_0.json |
9257dae8_ederation_vs__the_Constitution__0 | [Articles of Confederation] Congress could not draft troops, dependent on states to contribute forces [Constitution] Congress can raise an army to deal with military situations [0] | Raising an army | [] | Articles of Confederation vs. the Constitution | 0 | http://home.earthlink.net/~gfeldmeth/chart.art.html | 47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00044-ip-10-236-191-2_116245308_0.json |
9257dae8_ederation_vs__the_Constitution__0 | [Articles of Confederation] No control of trade between states [Constitution] Interstate commerce controlled by Congress [0] | Interstate commerce | [] | Articles of Confederation vs. the Constitution | 0 | http://home.earthlink.net/~gfeldmeth/chart.art.html | 47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00044-ip-10-236-191-2_116245308_0.json |
9257dae8_ederation_vs__the_Constitution__0 | [Articles of Confederation] Complicated system of arbitration [Constitution] Federal court system to handle disputes [0] | Disputes between states | [] | Articles of Confederation vs. the Constitution | 0 | http://home.earthlink.net/~gfeldmeth/chart.art.html | 47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00044-ip-10-236-191-2_116245308_0.json |
9257dae8_ederation_vs__the_Constitution__0 | [Articles of Confederation] Sovereignty resides in states [Constitution] Constitution the supreme law of the land [0] | Sovereignty | [] | Articles of Confederation vs. the Constitution | 0 | http://home.earthlink.net/~gfeldmeth/chart.art.html | 47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00044-ip-10-236-191-2_116245308_0.json |
9257dae8_ederation_vs__the_Constitution__0 | [Articles of Confederation] 9/13 needed to approve legislation [Constitution] 50%+1 of both houses plus signature of President [0] | Passing laws | [] | Articles of Confederation vs. the Constitution | 0 | http://home.earthlink.net/~gfeldmeth/chart.art.html | 47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00044-ip-10-236-191-2_116245308_0.json |
47246f53_ion__and_the_Churches_of_today___those_who_overcome_themselves | [Early church] in Ephesus [Christ speaking as:] He, "who holds the seven stars in his right hand, who walks among the seven golden lampstands" [acknowledgement] hard work, perseverance, cannot tolerate evil men; "disgust Nicolaites as he disgusts****", and discerned false apostles; pacience and bearing up for his name's sake; and has not grown weary. [rebuke] "...you abandoned the love you had at first." ..."repent and do the works you did at first. If not, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent." | "To him who overcomes I will grant to eat of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God." | [] | The "7 Churches" of the Revelation, and the Churches of today | goal for those who overcome themselves | http://www.ways-of-christ.net/b/churches.htm | 47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00072-ip-10-236-191-2_819085730_0.json |
47246f53_ion__and_the_Churches_of_today___those_who_overcome_themselves | [Early church] in Smyrna [Christ speaking as:] "he who is the First and the Last, who died and came to life" [acknowledgement] "I know your afflictions and your poverty - yet you are rich - and the slander of those who say that they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan." [rebuke] "Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and for ten days you will have tribulation. " | "Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life. He who conquers shall not be hurt by the second death.'" | [] | The "7 Churches" of the Revelation, and the Churches of today | goal for those who overcome themselves | http://www.ways-of-christ.net/b/churches.htm | 47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00072-ip-10-236-191-2_819085730_0.json |
47246f53_ion__and_the_Churches_of_today___those_who_overcome_themselves | [Early church] in Pergamum [Christ speaking as:] he "who has the sharp two-edged sword". [acknowledgement] "you remain true to my name and you did not deny my faith even in the days of Antipas my faithful witness, who was put to death among you, where Satan dwells." [rebuke] Some who hold the teaching of Balaam: Balak- cult with eating food sacrificed to idols and practices of sexual immorality; some Nicolaitans. "Repent then. If not, I will come to you soon and war against them with the sword of my mouth." | "To him who overcomes I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, with a new name written on the stone which no one knows except him who receives it."' | [] | The "7 Churches" of the Revelation, and the Churches of today | goal for those who overcome themselves | http://www.ways-of-christ.net/b/churches.htm | 47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00072-ip-10-236-191-2_819085730_0.json |
47246f53_ion__and_the_Churches_of_today___those_who_overcome_themselves | [Early church] in Thyatira [Christ speaking as:] "the Son of God, who has eyes like a flame of fire, and whose feet are like burnished bronze" [acknowledgement] "I know your deeds, your love and faith and service and perseverance, and that your latter works exceed the first". [rebuke] They tolerate the false prophetess Jezebel practicing temple prostitution and eating food sacrificed to idols. Threat: to suffer intensely, unless they repent, and strike her children dead. "I will give to each of you as your works deserve". To the rest who do not hold her teaching: "I do not lay upon you any other burden; only hold fast what you have, until I come." | "To him who overcomes and does my works to the end, I will give authority over the nations, and he shall rule them with a rod of iron, as when earthen pots are broken in pieces, even as I myself have received power from my Father; I will also give him the morning star." | [] | The "7 Churches" of the Revelation, and the Churches of today | goal for those who overcome themselves | http://www.ways-of-christ.net/b/churches.htm | 47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00072-ip-10-236-191-2_819085730_0.json |
47246f53_ion__and_the_Churches_of_today___those_who_overcome_themselves | [Early church] in Sardis [Christ speaking as:] He, "who holds the seven spirits of God and the seven stars" [acknowledgement] "I know your works". "You have still a few names in Sardis, people who have not soiled their garments; and they shall walk with me in white, for they are worthy." [rebuke] "you have the reputation of being alive, and you are dead. Awake, and strengthen what is about to die, for I have not found your works perfect in the sight of my God." Remember what you received and heard; keep that, and repent. If you will not awake, I will come like a thief". | "He who overcomes, like them, shall be dressed in white, and I will not remove his name out of the book of life; I will acknowledge his name before my Father and his angels." | [] | The "7 Churches" of the Revelation, and the Churches of today | goal for those who overcome themselves | http://www.ways-of-christ.net/b/churches.htm | 47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00072-ip-10-236-191-2_819085730_0.json |
47246f53_ion__and_the_Churches_of_today___those_who_overcome_themselves | [Early church] in Philadelphia [Christ speaking as:] "the holy one, the true one, who has the key of David, who opens and no one shall shut, who shuts and no one opens" [acknowledgement] "I know your works. I know that you have a little power, and yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name. Because you have kept my word of enduring patiently, I will keep you from the hour of trial which is going to come on the whole world, to try those who live on the earth." [rebuke] "I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie - I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and learn that I have loved you." "Hold fast what you have, so that no one may take your crown. | Him who overcomes, I will make a pillar in the temple of my God; never shall he leave it, and I will write on him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem which comes down from my God out of heaven, and my own new name. | [] | The "7 Churches" of the Revelation, and the Churches of today | goal for those who overcome themselves | http://www.ways-of-christ.net/b/churches.htm | 47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00072-ip-10-236-191-2_819085730_0.json |
47246f53_ion__and_the_Churches_of_today___those_who_overcome_themselves | [Early church] in Laodicea [Christ speaking as:] "the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God's creation" [acknowledgement] ("I know your deeds"; but here is no clear positive acknowledgement.) [rebuke] "because you are lukewarm****, neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth". "...You don't know, that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind, and naked. Therefore I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire...", "and white clothes...", "and salve to anoint your eyes...". "Those whom I love, I rebuke and chasten; so be zealous and repent." | "Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any one hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me. Him who overcomes, I will grant to sit with me on my throne, as I myself overcame and sat down with my Father on his throne." | [] | The "7 Churches" of the Revelation, and the Churches of today | goal for those who overcome themselves | http://www.ways-of-christ.net/b/churches.htm | 47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00072-ip-10-236-191-2_819085730_0.json |
2609931c_FINITE_LOVE_OF_GOD___tBlog_com__Topic_in_the_parable | [Meaning in Christianity] Jesus is teaching sinners, emphasizing their need and opportunity to be reconciled with God. [Meaning in Buddhism] Buddha is teaching spiritually advanced disciples (arhats) the need for attaining a higher position, that of a bodhisattva. [Topic in the parable] | The context | [] | INFINITE LOVE OF GOD | tBlog.com | Topic in the parable | http://raf07.tblog.com/ | 47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00177-ip-10-236-191-2_203269277_19.json |
2609931c_FINITE_LOVE_OF_GOD___tBlog_com__Topic_in_the_parable | [Meaning in Christianity] God and the sinners [Meaning in Buddhism] Buddha (the ultimate impersonal Buddha nature) and the ones struggling to attain it [Topic in the parable] | The characters | [] | INFINITE LOVE OF GOD | tBlog.com | Topic in the parable | http://raf07.tblog.com/ | 47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00177-ip-10-236-191-2_203269277_19.json |
2609931c_FINITE_LOVE_OF_GOD___tBlog_com__Topic_in_the_parable | [Meaning in Christianity] The human attitude of rebellion against God, called sin [Meaning in Buddhism] Ignorance starts the wheel of karma. [Topic in the parable] | The meaning of the son's departure from home | [] | INFINITE LOVE OF GOD | tBlog.com | Topic in the parable | http://raf07.tblog.com/ | 47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00177-ip-10-236-191-2_203269277_19.json |
2609931c_FINITE_LOVE_OF_GOD___tBlog_com__Topic_in_the_parable | [Meaning in Christianity] The human condition under the power of sin, away from personal communion with God [Meaning in Buddhism] Karma and reincarnation force one to wander from one physical existence to the next [Topic in the parable] | The son's miserable condition | [] | INFINITE LOVE OF GOD | tBlog.com | Topic in the parable | http://raf07.tblog.com/ | 47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00177-ip-10-236-191-2_203269277_19.json |
2609931c_FINITE_LOVE_OF_GOD___tBlog_com__Topic_in_the_parable | [Meaning in Christianity] A personal decision to leave sin, called repentance [Meaning in Buddhism] Karma and reincarnation lead one to the proper level where wisdom and spiritual progress can be attained. [Topic in the parable] | The decision to return home | [] | INFINITE LOVE OF GOD | tBlog.com | Topic in the parable | http://raf07.tblog.com/ | 47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00177-ip-10-236-191-2_203269277_19.json |
2609931c_FINITE_LOVE_OF_GOD___tBlog_com__Topic_in_the_parable | [Meaning in Christianity] Complete forgiveness of sin and restoration to personal fellowship with God [Meaning in Buddhism] Buddha's "grace" makes one progress little by little toward liberation. One has to deserve his position by a process of spiritual development. [Topic in the parable] | The father's attitude at the son's arrival | [] | INFINITE LOVE OF GOD | tBlog.com | Topic in the parable | http://raf07.tblog.com/ | 47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00177-ip-10-236-191-2_203269277_19.json |
2609931c_FINITE_LOVE_OF_GOD___tBlog_com__Topic_in_the_parable | [Meaning in Christianity] God the Son incarnated as Jesus Christ paid the price for our forgiveness through His death and resurrection. [Meaning in Buddhism] The disciple has to "pay himself" the price for erasing his ignorance, by constantly accumulating wisdom. [Topic in the parable] | Who pays the damage for the lost fortune | [] | INFINITE LOVE OF GOD | tBlog.com | Topic in the parable | http://raf07.tblog.com/ | 47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00177-ip-10-236-191-2_203269277_19.json |
2609931c_FINITE_LOVE_OF_GOD___tBlog_com__Topic_in_the_parable | [Meaning in Christianity] Eternal communion with God in His kingdom [Meaning in Buddhism] Attaining an impersonal Ultimate Reality (shunya), where there is no room for personal communion [Topic in the parable] | The son's inheritance | [] | INFINITE LOVE OF GOD | tBlog.com | Topic in the parable | http://raf07.tblog.com/ | 47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00177-ip-10-236-191-2_203269277_19.json |
2eb0dc98_rism_and_Preterist_Eschatology__Matt__21_33_46 | [Mark 12:1-12] 'A certain man planted a vineyard, and set an hedge about it, and digged a place for the winefat, and built a tower, and let it out to husbandmen, and went into a far country. [Luke 20:9-19] A certain man planted a vineyard, and let it forth to husbandman, and went into a far country for a long time. [Matt. 21:33-46] | There was a certain house- holder, which planted a vineyard, and hedged it round about, and digged a winepress in it, and built a tower, and let it out to husbandman, and went into a far country: | [] | James Stuart Russell : The Parousia: A Careful Look at the New Testament Doctrine of the Lord's Second Coming (1878) Free Online Books @ PreteristArchive.com, The Internet's Only Balanced Look at Preterism and Preterist Eschatology | Matt. 21:33-46 | http://www.preteristarchive.com/Books/1878_russell_parousia.html | 47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00147-ip-10-236-191-2_653094585_16.json |
2eb0dc98_rism_and_Preterist_Eschatology__Matt__21_33_46 | [Mark 12:1-12] 'And at the season he sent to the husbandmen a servant, that he might receive from the husbandmen of the fruits of the vineyard. And they caught him, and beat him, and sent him away empty. [Luke 20:9-19] 'And at the season he sent a servant to the husbandmen, that they should give him of the fruit of the vineyard : but the husbandmen beat him, and sent him away empty. [Matt. 21:33-46] | and when the time of the fruit drew near, he sent his servants to the husbandmen, that they might receive the fruits of it. And the husbandman took his servants, and beat one, and killed another, and stoned another. | [] | James Stuart Russell : The Parousia: A Careful Look at the New Testament Doctrine of the Lord's Second Coming (1878) Free Online Books @ PreteristArchive.com, The Internet's Only Balanced Look at Preterism and Preterist Eschatology | Matt. 21:33-46 | http://www.preteristarchive.com/Books/1878_russell_parousia.html | 47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00147-ip-10-236-191-2_653094585_16.json |
2eb0dc98_rism_and_Preterist_Eschatology__Matt__21_33_46 | [Mark 12:1-12] 'And again he sent unto them another servant; and at him they cast stones, and wounded him in the head, and sent him away shamefully handled. And again he sent another, and him they killed, and many others; beating some, and killing some. [Luke 20:9-19] 'And again he sent another servant: and they beat him also, and entreated him shamefully, and sent him away empty.'And again he sent a third: and they wounded him also, and cast him out. [Matt. 21:33-46] | Again, he sent other servants more than the first: and they did unto them likewise. | [] | James Stuart Russell : The Parousia: A Careful Look at the New Testament Doctrine of the Lord's Second Coming (1878) Free Online Books @ PreteristArchive.com, The Internet's Only Balanced Look at Preterism and Preterist Eschatology | Matt. 21:33-46 | http://www.preteristarchive.com/Books/1878_russell_parousia.html | 47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00147-ip-10-236-191-2_653094585_16.json |
2eb0dc98_rism_and_Preterist_Eschatology__Matt__21_33_46 | [Mark 12:1-12] 'Having yet therefore one son, his well-beloved, he sent him also last unto them, saying, They will reverence my son. But those husbandman said among themselves, This is the heir; come, let us kill him, and the inheritance shall be ours.' And they took him, and killed him, and cast him out of the vineyard. [Luke 20:9-19] Then said the lord of the vineyard, What shall I do? I will send my beloved son: it may be they will reverence him when they see him. 'But when the husbandmen saw him, they reasoned among themselves, saying, This is the heir; come, let us kill him, that the inheritance may be ours.' So they cast him out of the vineyard, and killed him. [Matt. 21:33-46] | But last of all he sent unto them his son, saying, They will reverence my son. But when the husbandmen saw the son, they said among themselves, This is the heir; come, let us kill him, and let us seize on his inheritance, And they caught him, and cast him out of the vineyard, and slew him. | [] | James Stuart Russell : The Parousia: A Careful Look at the New Testament Doctrine of the Lord's Second Coming (1878) Free Online Books @ PreteristArchive.com, The Internet's Only Balanced Look at Preterism and Preterist Eschatology | Matt. 21:33-46 | http://www.preteristarchive.com/Books/1878_russell_parousia.html | 47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00147-ip-10-236-191-2_653094585_16.json |
2eb0dc98_rism_and_Preterist_Eschatology__Matt__21_33_46 | [Mark 12:1-12] What shall therefore the lord of the vineyard do? He will come and destroy the husbandmen, and will give the vineyard unto others. [Luke 20:9-19] What therefore shall the lord of the vineyard do unto them? He shall come and destroy these husbandmen, and shall give the vineyard to others. And when they heard it, they said, God forbid. [Matt. 21:33-46] | When the lord therefore of the vineyard cometh, what will he do unto those husbandmen? They said unto him, He will miserably destroy those wicked men and will let Out his vineyard unto other husbandmen, which shall render him the fruits in their seasons. | [] | James Stuart Russell : The Parousia: A Careful Look at the New Testament Doctrine of the Lord's Second Coming (1878) Free Online Books @ PreteristArchive.com, The Internet's Only Balanced Look at Preterism and Preterist Eschatology | Matt. 21:33-46 | http://www.preteristarchive.com/Books/1878_russell_parousia.html | 47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00147-ip-10-236-191-2_653094585_16.json |
2eb0dc98_rism_and_Preterist_Eschatology__Matt__21_33_46 | [Mark 12:1-12] 'And have ye not read this Scripture; The stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner: this was the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes? [Luke 20:9-19] 'And he beheld them, and said, What is this then that is written, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner? 'Whosoever shall fall upon that stone shall be broken; but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder. [Matt. 21:33-46] | Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the Scriptures, The stone which the builders, rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes? Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof. And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder. | [] | James Stuart Russell : The Parousia: A Careful Look at the New Testament Doctrine of the Lord's Second Coming (1878) Free Online Books @ PreteristArchive.com, The Internet's Only Balanced Look at Preterism and Preterist Eschatology | Matt. 21:33-46 | http://www.preteristarchive.com/Books/1878_russell_parousia.html | 47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00147-ip-10-236-191-2_653094585_16.json |
2eb0dc98_rism_and_Preterist_Eschatology__Matt__21_33_46 | [Mark 12:1-12] 'And they sought to lay hold on him, but feared the people: for they knew that he bad spoken the parable against them: and they left him, and went their way.' [Luke 20:9-19] 'And the chief priests and the scribes the same hour sought to lay hands on him; and they feared the people; for they perceived that he had spoken this parable against them.' [Matt. 21:33-46] | And when the chief priests and Pharisees had heard his parables, they perceived that he spake of them. But when they sought to lay hands on him, they feared the multitude, because they took him for a prophet.' | [] | James Stuart Russell : The Parousia: A Careful Look at the New Testament Doctrine of the Lord's Second Coming (1878) Free Online Books @ PreteristArchive.com, The Internet's Only Balanced Look at Preterism and Preterist Eschatology | Matt. 21:33-46 | http://www.preteristarchive.com/Books/1878_russell_parousia.html | 47/1438042986806.32_20150728002306-00147-ip-10-236-191-2_653094585_16.json |
9b4e2282_10_Commandments__Jewish | [0] I [Catholic] I, the Lord, am your God. You shall not have other gods besides me. [Protestant*] You shall have no other gods but me. [Jewish] | I am the Lord your G-d who has taken you out of the land of Egypt. | [] | 10 Commandments | Jewish | http://www.biblicalheritage.org/Bible%20Studies/10%20Commandments.htm | 33/1438042989178.64_20150728002309-00232-ip-10-236-191-2_325506784_3.json |
9b4e2282_10_Commandments__Jewish | [0] II [Catholic] You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain. [Protestant*] You shall not make unto you any graven images. [Jewish] | You shall have no other gods but me. | [] | 10 Commandments | Jewish | http://www.biblicalheritage.org/Bible%20Studies/10%20Commandments.htm | 33/1438042989178.64_20150728002309-00232-ip-10-236-191-2_325506784_3.json |
9b4e2282_10_Commandments__Jewish | [0] III [Catholic] Remember to keep holy the Lord's Day. [Protestant*] You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. [Jewish] | You shall not take the name of the Lord your G-d in vain. | [] | 10 Commandments | Jewish | http://www.biblicalheritage.org/Bible%20Studies/10%20Commandments.htm | 33/1438042989178.64_20150728002309-00232-ip-10-236-191-2_325506784_3.json |
9b4e2282_10_Commandments__Jewish | [0] IV [Catholic] Honor your father and your mother. [Protestant*] You shall remember the Sabbath and keep it Holy. [Jewish] | You shall remember the Sabbath and keep it Holy. | [] | 10 Commandments | Jewish | http://www.biblicalheritage.org/Bible%20Studies/10%20Commandments.htm | 33/1438042989178.64_20150728002309-00232-ip-10-236-191-2_325506784_3.json |
9b4e2282_10_Commandments__Jewish | [0] V [Catholic] You shall not kill. [Protestant*] Honor your mother and father. [Jewish] | Honor your mother and father. | [] | 10 Commandments | Jewish | http://www.biblicalheritage.org/Bible%20Studies/10%20Commandments.htm | 33/1438042989178.64_20150728002309-00232-ip-10-236-191-2_325506784_3.json |
9b4e2282_10_Commandments__Jewish | [0] VI [Catholic] You shall not commit adultery. [Protestant*] You shall not murder. [Jewish] | You shall not murder. | [] | 10 Commandments | Jewish | http://www.biblicalheritage.org/Bible%20Studies/10%20Commandments.htm | 33/1438042989178.64_20150728002309-00232-ip-10-236-191-2_325506784_3.json |
9b4e2282_10_Commandments__Jewish | [0] VII [Catholic] You shall not steal. [Protestant*] You shall not commit adultery. [Jewish] | You shall not commit adultery. | [] | 10 Commandments | Jewish | http://www.biblicalheritage.org/Bible%20Studies/10%20Commandments.htm | 33/1438042989178.64_20150728002309-00232-ip-10-236-191-2_325506784_3.json |
9b4e2282_10_Commandments__Jewish | [0] VIII [Catholic] You shall not bear false witness. [Protestant*] You shall not steal. [Jewish] | You shall not steal. | [] | 10 Commandments | Jewish | http://www.biblicalheritage.org/Bible%20Studies/10%20Commandments.htm | 33/1438042989178.64_20150728002309-00232-ip-10-236-191-2_325506784_3.json |
9b4e2282_10_Commandments__Jewish | [0] IX [Catholic] You shall not covet your neighbor's wife. [Protestant*] You shall not bear false witness. [Jewish] | You shall not bear false witness. | [] | 10 Commandments | Jewish | http://www.biblicalheritage.org/Bible%20Studies/10%20Commandments.htm | 33/1438042989178.64_20150728002309-00232-ip-10-236-191-2_325506784_3.json |
9b4e2282_10_Commandments__Jewish | [0] X [Catholic] You shall not covet your neighbor's goods. [Protestant*] You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor. [Jewish] | You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor. | [] | 10 Commandments | Jewish | http://www.biblicalheritage.org/Bible%20Studies/10%20Commandments.htm | 33/1438042989178.64_20150728002309-00232-ip-10-236-191-2_325506784_3.json |
808ac0be___How_Do_We_Grow_as_Disciples___Begin_By | [Discipleship Practice] Pray Daily Prayer is essential to the life of faith. It is the chief way we communicate and stay in touch with God. [Ultimate Goal] To pray without ceasing and live prayerfully. [Begin By] | Setting at least one time period each day when you will talk with God. | [] | VPC | How Do We Grow as Disciples? | Begin By | http://www.viennapres.org/about_us/what_we_believe/how_we_grow_as_disciples/ | 33/1438042981753.21_20150728002301-00159-ip-10-236-191-2_801195229_0.json |
808ac0be___How_Do_We_Grow_as_Disciples___Begin_By | [Discipleship Practice] Worship Continually Communal worship is the primary way Christians connect both with God and each other. [Ultimate Goal] Worship God in every moment of life and join with Gods people in worship as often as possible. [Begin By] | Worshiping with a congregation every Sunday. | [] | VPC | How Do We Grow as Disciples? | Begin By | http://www.viennapres.org/about_us/what_we_believe/how_we_grow_as_disciples/ | 33/1438042981753.21_20150728002301-00159-ip-10-236-191-2_801195229_0.json |
808ac0be___How_Do_We_Grow_as_Disciples___Begin_By | [Discipleship Practice] Study Diligently Studying the Bible, theology, and Christian history develops our minds and helps us to focus our thinking on Gods will. [Ultimate Goal] Significant daily time devoted to study and several group learning experiences each week. [Begin By] | Participating in at least one group learning experience each week. | [] | VPC | How Do We Grow as Disciples? | Begin By | http://www.viennapres.org/about_us/what_we_believe/how_we_grow_as_disciples/ | 33/1438042981753.21_20150728002301-00159-ip-10-236-191-2_801195229_0.json |
808ac0be___How_Do_We_Grow_as_Disciples___Begin_By | [Discipleship Practice] Live Faithfully To have integrity our lives must reflect what we believe, and we must seek to live in harmony with Gods will. [Ultimate Goal] Complete honesty and integrity. [Begin By] | Seeking Gods help in overcoming bad habits and behaviors. | [] | VPC | How Do We Grow as Disciples? | Begin By | http://www.viennapres.org/about_us/what_we_believe/how_we_grow_as_disciples/ | 33/1438042981753.21_20150728002301-00159-ip-10-236-191-2_801195229_0.json |
808ac0be___How_Do_We_Grow_as_Disciples___Begin_By | [Discipleship Practice] Serve Creatively All Christians are called to ministry in Jesus name. In our ministry we should creatively channel our spiritual gifts and interests to give glory to God. [Ultimate Goal] Generate ministries in which you engage others as partners in ministry with you. [Begin By] | Engaging in one ministry activity. | [] | VPC | How Do We Grow as Disciples? | Begin By | http://www.viennapres.org/about_us/what_we_believe/how_we_grow_as_disciples/ | 33/1438042981753.21_20150728002301-00159-ip-10-236-191-2_801195229_0.json |
808ac0be___How_Do_We_Grow_as_Disciples___Begin_By | [Discipleship Practice] Give Generously Our lives should reflect the self-giving love of God in Christ by the way we give of ourselves and our resources. [Ultimate Goal] Commit to giving freely of your time and resources (tithing and beyond) as God calls you to give. [Begin By] | Committing to giving a set proportion of your time and your income for Gods work. | [] | VPC | How Do We Grow as Disciples? | Begin By | http://www.viennapres.org/about_us/what_we_believe/how_we_grow_as_disciples/ | 33/1438042981753.21_20150728002301-00159-ip-10-236-191-2_801195229_0.json |
808ac0be___How_Do_We_Grow_as_Disciples___Begin_By | [Discipleship Practice] Witness Boldly Openly share your faith with others, both through your words and your actions. [Ultimate Goal] Freely share and discuss your faith and values with everyone you encounter. [Begin By] | Sharing and discussing your faith and values with your family or a close friend. | [] | VPC | How Do We Grow as Disciples? | Begin By | http://www.viennapres.org/about_us/what_we_believe/how_we_grow_as_disciples/ | 33/1438042981753.21_20150728002301-00159-ip-10-236-191-2_801195229_0.json |
4fd60222__Chakras___Dimensions_of_Light__Chakra | [Gland] Adrenals – send out adrenaline in response to the fight or flight mechanism of the body. They also get rid of rubbish. They back up the kidneys, which is why we retain fluid when we are stressed. Although the adrenals are above the kidneys they are connected to the base centre because they are the first glands to be formed in the womb. [Cosmic Connection] Sends out the high frequency Divine energy of spiritual enlightenment. [Governing Archangel] Gabriel [Chakra] | Base | [
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] | The 5th, 6th & 7th Dimensional Chakras | Dimensions of Light | Chakra | https://balancingmindbodysoul.wordpress.com/2012/02/02/the-5th-6th-7th-dimensional-chakras/ | 13/1438042992543.60_20150728002312-00216-ip-10-236-191-2_863635917_1.json |
4fd60222__Chakras___Dimensions_of_Light__Chakra | [Gland] Gonads (ovaries & testes) – these glands govern the sexual and reproductive organs of the body. The testes produce sperm and the hormone testosterone. The ovaries release an ovum (an egg) each month and produce oestrogen and progesterone. After the menopause the ovaries reduce oestrogen production. This chakra is responsible for creativity and emotions. [Cosmic Connection] Radiates a high frequency balancing energy and ultimately draws us into the wisom of the Divine Feminine. [Governing Archangel] Gabriel [Chakra] | Sacral | [
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] | The 5th, 6th & 7th Dimensional Chakras | Dimensions of Light | Chakra | https://balancingmindbodysoul.wordpress.com/2012/02/02/the-5th-6th-7th-dimensional-chakras/ | 13/1438042992543.60_20150728002312-00216-ip-10-236-191-2_863635917_1.json |
4fd60222__Chakras___Dimensions_of_Light__Chakra | [Gland] Pancreas – deals with sugar and nourishment. It secretes insulin and digestive enzymes. On another level it enables us to absorb emotional and mental sweetness. This is the first gland to show disease in the body. [Cosmic Connection] Radiates great power and wisdom. [Governing Archangel] Uriel [Chakra] | Solar Plexus | [
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] | The 5th, 6th & 7th Dimensional Chakras | Dimensions of Light | Chakra | https://balancingmindbodysoul.wordpress.com/2012/02/02/the-5th-6th-7th-dimensional-chakras/ | 13/1438042992543.60_20150728002312-00216-ip-10-236-191-2_863635917_1.json |
4fd60222__Chakras___Dimensions_of_Light__Chakra | [Gland] Thymus – governs the immune system. This gland is proportionally bigger in children and is responsible for growth. When it is over-stimulated, arthritis results. If it is under-working, we are vulnerable to immune deficiency diseases, extremes of which are AIDS and cancer. [Cosmic Connection] The cosmic heart sends out the heartbeat of the Universe. [Governing Archangel] Chamuel [Chakra] | Heart | [
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] | The 5th, 6th & 7th Dimensional Chakras | Dimensions of Light | Chakra | https://balancingmindbodysoul.wordpress.com/2012/02/02/the-5th-6th-7th-dimensional-chakras/ | 13/1438042992543.60_20150728002312-00216-ip-10-236-191-2_863635917_1.json |
4fd60222__Chakras___Dimensions_of_Light__Chakra | [Gland] Thyroid – governs the metabolism and the production of antibodies. When it is overactive the eyes bulge. When underactive we may lose our voice or have tired, leathery skin. The parathyroid enables us to absorb calcium and balances the calcium levels to keep our bones strong and healthy. [Cosmic Connection] The cosmic throat chakra transmits the great qualities of power and leadersip. [Governing Archangel] Michael [Chakra] | Throat | [
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] | The 5th, 6th & 7th Dimensional Chakras | Dimensions of Light | Chakra | https://balancingmindbodysoul.wordpress.com/2012/02/02/the-5th-6th-7th-dimensional-chakras/ | 13/1438042992543.60_20150728002312-00216-ip-10-236-191-2_863635917_1.json |
4fd60222__Chakras___Dimensions_of_Light__Chakra | [Gland] Pituitary – is the master gland; it controls the working of all the glands, i.e. urine production and brings in breast milk. This is the gland of eternal life. If we are so programmed, it will send out ageing hormones, so it is our task to reprogramme it to emit rejuvenating hormones. When this chakra is balance we are in balance but it closes down with stress. The hypothalamus, between the pineal and the pituitary glands, controls the pituitary. [Cosmic Connection] The cosmic third eye transmits the light of Mastery. [Governing Archangel] Raphael [Chakra] | Third Eye | [
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] | The 5th, 6th & 7th Dimensional Chakras | Dimensions of Light | Chakra | https://balancingmindbodysoul.wordpress.com/2012/02/02/the-5th-6th-7th-dimensional-chakras/ | 13/1438042992543.60_20150728002312-00216-ip-10-236-191-2_863635917_1.json |
4fd60222__Chakras___Dimensions_of_Light__Chakra | [Gland] Pineal – in this chakra emits and absorbs lights and keeps us in Divine Harmony. It creates melatonin. [Cosmic Connection] The cosmic crown chakra pours out the light of illumination. [Governing Archangel] Jophiel [Chakra] | Crown | [
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] | The 5th, 6th & 7th Dimensional Chakras | Dimensions of Light | Chakra | https://balancingmindbodysoul.wordpress.com/2012/02/02/the-5th-6th-7th-dimensional-chakras/ | 13/1438042992543.60_20150728002312-00216-ip-10-236-191-2_863635917_1.json |
4fd60222__Chakras___Dimensions_of_Light__Chakra | [Gland] The Eight Chakra (just above the crown). The Seat of the Soul, holds the ancient knowledge of our soul contracts and ultimately, our life purpose. It also holds the records of what our souls had agreed as specific lessons in our upcoming lifetimes and past lives. [Cosmic Connection] Is the energy center of divine love, of spiritual compassion and spiritual selflessness. The seat of the soul is the major core star of our energetic system. [Governing Archangel] Zadkiel [Chakra] | Seat of the Soul | [
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] | The 5th, 6th & 7th Dimensional Chakras | Dimensions of Light | Chakra | https://balancingmindbodysoul.wordpress.com/2012/02/02/the-5th-6th-7th-dimensional-chakras/ | 13/1438042992543.60_20150728002312-00216-ip-10-236-191-2_863635917_1.json |
a0bac32e_Daniel_Chapter_8__1 | [0] 1. [Antiochus Epiphanies] Antiochus appeared at the end of the Seleucid control over Jerusalem. [The Antichrist] The Antichrist will lead the armies in the end to destroy Israel. Zechariah 12:3,9-10, Revelation 19 [1] | He will appear in the latter time of their kingdoms | [] | Daniel Chapter 8 | 1 | http://www.truthnet.org/Daniel/Chapter8/ | 13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00063-ip-10-236-191-2_786499848_5.json |
a0bac32e_Daniel_Chapter_8__1 | [0] 2 [Antiochus Epiphanies] Most of Israel accepted Antiochus except for those who went in hiding and revolted with the Maccabees [The Antichrist] The Antichrist will appear at the end of the age when sin is at its height. [1] | He will appear when the Transgressors are come to the full | [] | Daniel Chapter 8 | 1 | http://www.truthnet.org/Daniel/Chapter8/ | 13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00063-ip-10-236-191-2_786499848_5.json |
a0bac32e_Daniel_Chapter_8__1 | [0] 3 [Antiochus Epiphanies] Antiochus was diabolical betraying his brother and his sons, who saved him from the Romans [The Antichrist] The Antichrist will seduce the world through peace. [1] | A king shall arise, Having fierce features, Who understands sinister schemes | [] | Daniel Chapter 8 | 1 | http://www.truthnet.org/Daniel/Chapter8/ | 13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00063-ip-10-236-191-2_786499848_5.json |
a0bac32e_Daniel_Chapter_8__1 | [0] 4 [Antiochus Epiphanies] God allowed him to have power for period. [The Antichrist] God allows the Antichrist to come to power. Satan indwells him and works through him [1] | His power shall be mighty, but not by his own power | [] | Daniel Chapter 8 | 1 | http://www.truthnet.org/Daniel/Chapter8/ | 13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00063-ip-10-236-191-2_786499848_5.json |
a0bac32e_Daniel_Chapter_8__1 | [0] 5 [Antiochus Epiphanies] Antiochus was a master at deceit and manipulation [The Antichrist] The Antichrist will deceive and fane peace to establish himself. [1] | Through his cunning He shall cause deceit to prosper under his rule | [] | Daniel Chapter 8 | 1 | http://www.truthnet.org/Daniel/Chapter8/ | 13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00063-ip-10-236-191-2_786499848_5.json |
a0bac32e_Daniel_Chapter_8__1 | [0] 6 [Antiochus Epiphanies] Antiochus proclaimed himself as god manifest. He demanded worship of himself, pictured as Zeus [The Antichrist] The Antichrist will curse the God of heaven and those who dwell there, he will demand worship by those on earth. [1] | he shall exalt himself in his heart | [] | Daniel Chapter 8 | 1 | http://www.truthnet.org/Daniel/Chapter8/ | 13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00063-ip-10-236-191-2_786499848_5.json |
a0bac32e_Daniel_Chapter_8__1 | [0] 7 [Antiochus Epiphanies] Many of the wealthy in Israel submitted to Antiochus, turning Jerusalem into a Greek city. [The Antichrist] The wealthy rather then losing their possessions will submit to the Antichrist [1] | He shall destroy many in their prosperity | [] | Daniel Chapter 8 | 1 | http://www.truthnet.org/Daniel/Chapter8/ | 13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00063-ip-10-236-191-2_786499848_5.json |
a0bac32e_Daniel_Chapter_8__1 | [0] 8 [Antiochus Epiphanies] Antiochus set up an image in the Temple and proclaimed himself god, he demanded to be worshiped. He died insane in 164 B.C. having heard of the success of the Maccabees. [The Antichrist] The Antichrist will challenge the God of Israel, by placing an image of himself in the Temple and demanding worship. [1] | He shall even rise against the Prince of princes; But he shall be broken without human means | [] | Daniel Chapter 8 | 1 | http://www.truthnet.org/Daniel/Chapter8/ | 13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00063-ip-10-236-191-2_786499848_5.json |
a0bac32e_Daniel_Chapter_8__1 | [0] 9 [Antiochus Epiphanies] Antiochus is a picture of this end time king. [The Antichrist] The event occurs at the end of day, before the return of Christ. [1] | it refers to many days in the future | [] | Daniel Chapter 8 | 1 | http://www.truthnet.org/Daniel/Chapter8/ | 13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00063-ip-10-236-191-2_786499848_5.json |
ad4157fe_VEY_OF_CHRISTIAN_DENOMINATIONS__THE_BAD | [DENOMINATION] Bible Ecclesia / Home Bible Fellowships [THE GOOD] We like to see these. They are short-lived. These pop up now and again, often in homes. Often a preacher leaves a big money-driven church and gets back to the Bible and there is a little revival. Home fellowships led by the Brothers devoted to action, no matter the cost, (see writings of Gene Edwards for a description of this), can light Spirit fires that will never go out. Home fellowship groups have been turning the world right side-up, for 2000+ years. [False Prophet] The wive's emotions and half of the guys who stand up to talk. [THE BAD] | Unlikely to challenge the core issues of living in Babylonian society. Can be the "church of the eternal pot-luck supper." Unlikely to survive without the unbiblical "pastor-centric" model, so they tend to morph into Baptists. Men generally don't know what to do with themselves; The men often let the women turn the fellowship into a home-school support group. Can devolve into "book-study" foisted upon them by the promotional efforts of some "Christian" publisher. It takes 2 to 5 years for the brothers to figure out how to lead, by which time they have disbanded because they hate each other, or at best, have resolved never to do anything useful, because action causes infighting. Can be dens of materialism, instead of a place to coordinate selling your possessions and giving to the poor, because bible fellowships often spring up among subdivisions with large homes. Can worship the Bible, or their culture's (mis)interpretation of it, instead of living in the Spirit. Can underestimate the incredible amount of money, collaboration, cooperation and work it takes to actually run a functioning fellowship with skilled, orderly, effective regular meetings with music. Tend to be quickly overcome by demonic forces and commercial culture which can pollute the meetings with poor quality, un-scriptural songs & teachings. Swear oaths, like the rest. | [] | Comparison SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS | THE BAD | http://www.yhvh.name/?w=1670 | 13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00153-ip-10-236-191-2_840192828_0.json |
ad4157fe_VEY_OF_CHRISTIAN_DENOMINATIONS__THE_BAD | [DENOMINATION] Mennonites [THE GOOD] Righteous. Calm. Gentle. Nonresistant. Nonviolent. Kind. Very helpful. Very modest. Try not to swear oaths, kinda. Serious about divorce: Divorce almost unheard of. Understand head covering, to a degree. Don't (or shouldn't) take welfare. Politically separated (ideally) Won't use insurance or government benefits (ideally) Except for a strong Pharisiacal tendency, the best overall stable group we've found. [False Prophet] Early Church Fathers & Tradition [THE BAD] | Some Menno's tend to elevate head covering above all other virtues. Rejection of musical instruments, dance, and exuberant praise. Use dispensationalism to invalidate anything in the Old Testament that they don't like. Can be quite judgmental, even when they're wrong. Tradition often elevated above scripture. Pacifism sometimes used as an excuse to escape military service. Often redefine the definition of "oath" to whatever suits them at the moment. There are thousands of sub-types of Mennonites, many know and care almost nothing about Menno Simons and Jacob Amman and their way of following Yahshua. Home, family, business and food can become gods. | [] | Comparison SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS | THE BAD | http://www.yhvh.name/?w=1670 | 13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00153-ip-10-236-191-2_840192828_0.json |
ad4157fe_VEY_OF_CHRISTIAN_DENOMINATIONS__THE_BAD | [DENOMINATION] Amish [THE GOOD] Same as Mennonites, even moreso. Incredibly modest. Tend to be the most serious about divorce and not swearing oaths, and maintaining political separation. Have an advanced understanding of community and sustainability. Won't compromise on their convictions. Hard workers. [False Prophet] Tradition [THE BAD] | Same as Mennonites, even moreso. Tradition can almost totally choke out the scripture. Won't change their errors. Focus on multiplying physical children through sexual reproduction instead of focusing on multiplying SPIRITUAL offspring through proclaiming the scripture in lively songs. Have begun buying cheap ingredients at mass-market stores and sell their products to tourists who believe Amish products are "all natural" and "wholesome." Serious health crisis ensuing. | [] | Comparison SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS | THE BAD | http://www.yhvh.name/?w=1670 | 13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00153-ip-10-236-191-2_840192828_0.json |
ad4157fe_VEY_OF_CHRISTIAN_DENOMINATIONS__THE_BAD | [DENOMINATION] Pentecostal / Charismatic / Assembly Of God [THE GOOD] Embrace most of the whole bible's teachings on music, which is a conduit of Spirit. Very exuberant. Excited about the faith. Some are modest. [False Prophet] Emotion [THE BAD] | Can lack discretion and be open to demonic manifestations. Can lack logic. Can overly focus on emotion. Can be materialistic. Can lack substance. Long sermons and prayers. Can develop a dual personality: holy at church, sinful at home. | [] | Comparison SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS | THE BAD | http://www.yhvh.name/?w=1670 | 13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00153-ip-10-236-191-2_840192828_0.json |
ad4157fe_VEY_OF_CHRISTIAN_DENOMINATIONS__THE_BAD | [DENOMINATION] Adventists [THE GOOD] Amazing recognition of the importance of the Sabbath and certain other commandments. Missionary zeal. Helpful. Generally kind. Health-savvy. [False Prophet] Ellen G. White [THE BAD] | Tend to turn the Sabbath into a mere Sunday one-day-early. Tend to only focus on select Old-Testament commands and ignore others. Will ignore or misinterpret the scripture in blind faith in Ellen G. White, whose writings naturally have some errors. Will Swear oaths just like the pagans, for example. Woman-dominated. | [] | Comparison SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS | THE BAD | http://www.yhvh.name/?w=1670 | 13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00153-ip-10-236-191-2_840192828_0.json |
ad4157fe_VEY_OF_CHRISTIAN_DENOMINATIONS__THE_BAD | [DENOMINATION] Hebrew Roots [THE GOOD] Amazing depth of learning of Hebrew spirituality. Rich and powerful expressions. [False Prophet] Jewish tradition/Talmud [THE BAD] | Mono-focus on Sacred Name and Mosiac Law. Lack of understanding of Galatians, which commands that we should not enter into the Sinai contract. Legalistic at times. Infected with errors of Zionism. Swear oaths. | [] | Comparison SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS | THE BAD | http://www.yhvh.name/?w=1670 | 13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00153-ip-10-236-191-2_840192828_0.json |
ad4157fe_VEY_OF_CHRISTIAN_DENOMINATIONS__THE_BAD | [DENOMINATION] Baptists [THE GOOD] Fairly well-organized. Civil. Decent. Fairly decent doctrine. [False Prophet] Protestant reformers [THE BAD] | Lukewarm. Worldly. Mono-focus on salvation as an acquisition. Swear oaths. Sloppy grace often without fruit. | [] | Comparison SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS | THE BAD | http://www.yhvh.name/?w=1670 | 13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00153-ip-10-236-191-2_840192828_0.json |
ad4157fe_VEY_OF_CHRISTIAN_DENOMINATIONS__THE_BAD | [DENOMINATION] Seeker-Sensitive Churches / Non-Denom's / [THE GOOD] Relevant. Well-produced, efficient, impactful presentations. Some focus on the Word. Fairly well-organized. Civil. Decent. Fairly decent doctrine. [False Prophet] Popular Culture [THE BAD] | Afraid to speak the heavy truths. Worldly. Likely to attract followers looking for entertainment, who will fall away when commitment and dying to self are required. Swear oaths. | [] | Comparison SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS | THE BAD | http://www.yhvh.name/?w=1670 | 13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00153-ip-10-236-191-2_840192828_0.json |
ad4157fe_VEY_OF_CHRISTIAN_DENOMINATIONS__THE_BAD | [DENOMINATION] Presbyterians / Lutherans / Methodists / Episcopalians [THE GOOD] Orderly, civil. Often skilled at music, though restrained. [False Prophet] John Calvin, Martin Luther, etc. [THE BAD] | Lots of bad theology derived from murderers such as Luther and Calvin. Status-quo non-world-shakers. Often materialistic. Droll and boring, on purpose. Swear oaths. | [] | Comparison SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS | THE BAD | http://www.yhvh.name/?w=1670 | 13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00153-ip-10-236-191-2_840192828_0.json |
ad4157fe_VEY_OF_CHRISTIAN_DENOMINATIONS__THE_BAD | [DENOMINATION] Jehovah's Witnesses [THE GOOD] JW's try to be politically separated from the pagan world, to a degree. Great missionary effort. Guard monotheism. Zeal for the NAME of YHVH (Jehovah). Fairly modest. [False Prophet] Charles Taze Russell / Watchtower society [THE BAD] | May tend to try to defend certain wrong ideas of Charles Russell. May be seen as shills/salesmen for the Watchtower society's publications. May neglect certain truths regarding the unity of the Father and Son that Trinitarians clumsily try to describe. Extremely resistant to efforts to improve on the mixed-bag of Watchtower Society doctrine. Shun ex-members. | [] | Comparison SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS | THE BAD | http://www.yhvh.name/?w=1670 | 13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00153-ip-10-236-191-2_840192828_0.json |
ad4157fe_VEY_OF_CHRISTIAN_DENOMINATIONS__THE_BAD | [DENOMINATION] Catholics [THE GOOD] Long track-record. Lots of good works. Organized. They have their act together. Tend to keep their services flowing, free of long sermons. [False Prophet] Pope / church hierarchy [THE BAD] | Horrible history of murder and corruption, which is probably to be fair no worse than the Protestant record, given the time-span difference. Un-biblical mandatory celibate priest doctrine. Subject to accusations of child molestation. Extreme lay/clergy separation. Call men on earth "Father." More than any other Christian group, perpetuates the old Babylonian mystery religions, due to their origins in antiquity. Swear oaths. | [] | Comparison SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS | THE BAD | http://www.yhvh.name/?w=1670 | 13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00153-ip-10-236-191-2_840192828_0.json |
ad4157fe_VEY_OF_CHRISTIAN_DENOMINATIONS__THE_BAD | [DENOMINATION] Mormons [THE GOOD] Focus on family. Hard workers. Great missionary effort. Trying to guard Monotheism, though clumsily. Fairly modest. [False Prophet] Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, etc. [THE BAD] | Lamentably tied to many ridiculous proven-debased writings of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young. Missionaries tend to focus on white, rich areas. Can be materialistic. Swear oaths. | [] | Comparison SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS | THE BAD | http://www.yhvh.name/?w=1670 | 13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00153-ip-10-236-191-2_840192828_0.json |
ad4157fe_VEY_OF_CHRISTIAN_DENOMINATIONS__THE_BAD | [DENOMINATION] Church Of Christ (U.S.) [THE GOOD] Organized. Civil. Serious. [False Prophet] Church tradition [THE BAD] | Worldly in a very closeted way. Hypocritical. Illogical and demonic rejection of musical instruments. Maniacal hyper-focus on whole-body baptism. Judgmental of all others. Swear oaths. Obsessed with the unreadable King-James translation. | [] | Comparison SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS | THE BAD | http://www.yhvh.name/?w=1670 | 13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00153-ip-10-236-191-2_840192828_0.json |
ad4157fe_VEY_OF_CHRISTIAN_DENOMINATIONS__THE_BAD | [DENOMINATION] ALL DENOMINATIONS [THE GOOD] Better than nothing, in that through them some Truth from YAH's word reaches peoples' ears. Each group has a few members of the remnant. [False Prophet] Normalcy [THE BAD] | More like social clubs/tribes than actual groups of committed disciples. Elevate their virtues and discount the virtues of the others. Discount/ignore the "Hard Commands" to never swear oaths, always love your enemies, forsake all, sell your possessions and give to the poor, etc. Generally materialistic. Mission efforts tend to perpetuate a worldly Christianity, not a biblical separation into the Kingdom of YAH. Most of the members of all these groups will be told by our King: "Depart from me into everlasting fire, you workers of iniquity; I never knew you." | [] | Comparison SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS | THE BAD | http://www.yhvh.name/?w=1670 | 13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00153-ip-10-236-191-2_840192828_0.json |
da617d09_eflections_on_Kundalini_Shakti__Description | [Stage] 1 [Level of Activation] Dormant [Description] | Only the centers of the Conscious mind are operating. The contents of your higher vehicles of the Subconscious, Metaconscious and Superconscious mind do not enter your conscious awareness. Your attention is stabilized in the waking state of awareness. Your functioning is automatized and seamless, with no withdrawal of functioning. This is the fully grounded state of kundalini shakti. | [] | Reflections on Kundalini Shakti | Description | http://www.mudrashram.com/reflectionsonkundalini.html | 13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00096-ip-10-236-191-2_596356341_2.json |
da617d09_eflections_on_Kundalini_Shakti__Description | [Stage] 2 [Level of Activation] Low activity [Description] | Some of the kundalini energy is drawn up and activates a higher vehicle. This operates in the background of your conscious awareness. There is no withdrawal of functioning and your attention is not drawn up into the higher vehicle. This stage typifies activation of vehicles in your Subconscious or Metaconscious when you are carrying out habitual tasks and your attention is on other things. | [] | Reflections on Kundalini Shakti | Description | http://www.mudrashram.com/reflectionsonkundalini.html | 13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00096-ip-10-236-191-2_596356341_2.json |
da617d09_eflections_on_Kundalini_Shakti__Description | [Stage] 3 [Level of Activation] Moderate activity [Description] | More of your kundalini energy is raised into a higher vehicle so that this higher vehicle is stirred into heightened activity. The contents of this higher vehicle's activity enter your conscious awareness, and your attention may begin to become absorbed in this content. This stage typifies activation of your vehicles when you are deeply absorbed in thought, trying to work out a problem, or listening to your intuition. You may become absent-minded in this stage, not paying attention to what is happening around you in the environment. | [] | Reflections on Kundalini Shakti | Description | http://www.mudrashram.com/reflectionsonkundalini.html | 13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00096-ip-10-236-191-2_596356341_2.json |
da617d09_eflections_on_Kundalini_Shakti__Description | [Stage] 4 [Level of Activation] High activity [Description] | This is the first stage of true kundalini awakening. The kundalini energy becomes powerfully focalized. Your attention is irresistibly caught up in its energy. Your higher vehicles begin to become suffused with light and are stirred into full activity. The content of this higher vehicle becomes the focus of your attention. You begin to experience the first stages of withdrawal of functioning: fascination, dissociation, numbness and tingling of your extremities, and an inability to speak. You may begin to feel the sensations of the "rising serpent" as you palpably feel this energy rise up through the spinal tube in your Subconscious mind. You may also feel your chakras begin to awaken. | [] | Reflections on Kundalini Shakti | Description | http://www.mudrashram.com/reflectionsonkundalini.html | 13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00096-ip-10-236-191-2_596356341_2.json |
da617d09_eflections_on_Kundalini_Shakti__Description | [Stage] 5 [Level of Activation] Activation of the unconscious mind [Description] | As kundalini rises into the unconscious bands of your awareness between the Subconscious and Metaconscious mind, you may begin to experience emergence phenomena. There is strong withdrawal of energy at this stage, and you may begin to spontaneously express the content of your unconscious mind by re-living emotions, making involuntary movements, or talking irrationally. You enter a powerful hypnotic trance at this stage, and your attention is riveted on the content of your unconscious mind. A variety of painful and unpleasant physical sensations may accompany this state. | [] | Reflections on Kundalini Shakti | Description | http://www.mudrashram.com/reflectionsonkundalini.html | 13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00096-ip-10-236-191-2_596356341_2.json |
da617d09_eflections_on_Kundalini_Shakti__Description | [Stage] 6 [Level of Activation] Metaconscious activation [Description] | As kundalini ascends into your metaconscious vehicles, your attention is powerfully drawn up into them and you become aware of their contents. As the serpent rises through each vehicle, it is suffused with energy, and shuts down into a resting state. At this stage your entire personality is submerged in this energyyou cannot move your body, you cannot think, you cannot speak. | [] | Reflections on Kundalini Shakti | Description | http://www.mudrashram.com/reflectionsonkundalini.html | 13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00096-ip-10-236-191-2_596356341_2.json |
da617d09_eflections_on_Kundalini_Shakti__Description | [Stage] 7 [Level of Activation] Superconscious activation [Description] | Kundalini will then cross another veil of unconsciousness between your Metaconscious and Superconscious mind. Here you may experience more emergence phenomena. The kundalini will then progressively rise through the vehicles of the Subtle and Planetary bands, and will gain union with your Soul. The culmination of this ecstatic state confers the state of enlightenmentthe awakening of the Soul's knowledge of its own nature with full awareness. Your personality is here fully shut down and your attention is caught up in the visionary cascade of the Superconscious mind, progressing to complete union with the Soul. | [] | Reflections on Kundalini Shakti | Description | http://www.mudrashram.com/reflectionsonkundalini.html | 13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00096-ip-10-236-191-2_596356341_2.json |
da617d09_eflections_on_Kundalini_Shakti__Description | [Stage] 8 [Level of Activation] Higher Unconscious activation [Description] | Kundalini then rises into the higher unconscious separating your Soul from liberation. You may gain glimpses of the state of liberation and higher stages of the Path. You may witness the chakras of the Planetary Man and gain temporary union with your Monad. This union with a universal, all-pervading consciousness has been referred to as Sabikalpa Samadhi. Your personality is fully shut down and your attention is carried along with the rising kundalini. | [] | Reflections on Kundalini Shakti | Description | http://www.mudrashram.com/reflectionsonkundalini.html | 13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00096-ip-10-236-191-2_596356341_2.json |
da617d09_eflections_on_Kundalini_Shakti__Description | [Stage] 9 [Level of Activation] Higher Octave activation [Description] | Next the kundalini travels upward into the higher octave vehicles of the Transplanetary, Cosmic, Supracosmic, and even Transcendental bands of the Superconscious mind. You gain union with the nuclei of identity and ensouling entities of these realms. | [] | Reflections on Kundalini Shakti | Description | http://www.mudrashram.com/reflectionsonkundalini.html | 13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00096-ip-10-236-191-2_596356341_2.json |
da617d09_eflections_on_Kundalini_Shakti__Description | [Stage] 10 [Level of Activation] Return to the Origin [Description] | Finally the energy of the kundalini merges again with a great ocean of Peace. This confers multidimensional awareness of all levels of the mind. Your attention is drawn into a great, peaceful void. | [] | Reflections on Kundalini Shakti | Description | http://www.mudrashram.com/reflectionsonkundalini.html | 13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00096-ip-10-236-191-2_596356341_2.json |
013aed0b_protests___DumpDC___Page_3___ | [Articles of Confederation] Congress could request states to pay taxes [Constitution] Congress has right to levy taxes on individuals [`] | Levying taxes | [] | protests | DumpDC | Page 3 | ` | https://dumpdc.wordpress.com/category/protests/page/3/ | 13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00175-ip-10-236-191-2_873035942_0.json |
013aed0b_protests___DumpDC___Page_3___ | [Articles of Confederation] No system of federal courts [Constitution] Court system created to deal with issues between citizens, states [`] | Federal courts | [] | protests | DumpDC | Page 3 | ` | https://dumpdc.wordpress.com/category/protests/page/3/ | 13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00175-ip-10-236-191-2_873035942_0.json |
013aed0b_protests___DumpDC___Page_3___ | [Articles of Confederation] No provision to regulate interstate trade [Constitution] Congress has right to regulate trade between states [`] | Regulation of trade | [] | protests | DumpDC | Page 3 | ` | https://dumpdc.wordpress.com/category/protests/page/3/ | 13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00175-ip-10-236-191-2_873035942_0.json |
013aed0b_protests___DumpDC___Page_3___ | [Articles of Confederation] No executive with power. President of U.S. merely presided over Congress [Constitution] Executive branch headed by President who chooses Cabinet and has checks on power of judiciary and legislature [`] | Executive | [] | protests | DumpDC | Page 3 | ` | https://dumpdc.wordpress.com/category/protests/page/3/ | 13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00175-ip-10-236-191-2_873035942_0.json |
013aed0b_protests___DumpDC___Page_3___ | [Articles of Confederation] 13/13 needed to amend Articles [Constitution] 2/3 of both houses of Congress plus 3/4 of state legislatures or national convention [`] | Amending document | [] | protests | DumpDC | Page 3 | ` | https://dumpdc.wordpress.com/category/protests/page/3/ | 13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00175-ip-10-236-191-2_873035942_0.json |
013aed0b_protests___DumpDC___Page_3___ | [Articles of Confederation] Each state received 1 vote regardless of size [Constitution] Upper house (Senate) with 2 votes; lower house (House of Representatives) based on population [`] | Representation of states | [] | protests | DumpDC | Page 3 | ` | https://dumpdc.wordpress.com/category/protests/page/3/ | 13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00175-ip-10-236-191-2_873035942_0.json |
013aed0b_protests___DumpDC___Page_3___ | [Articles of Confederation] Congress could not draft troops, dependent on states to contribute forces [Constitution] Congress can raise an army to deal with military situations [`] | Raising an army | [] | protests | DumpDC | Page 3 | ` | https://dumpdc.wordpress.com/category/protests/page/3/ | 13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00175-ip-10-236-191-2_873035942_0.json |
013aed0b_protests___DumpDC___Page_3___ | [Articles of Confederation] No control of trade between states [Constitution] Interstate commerce controlled by Congress [`] | Interstate commerce | [] | protests | DumpDC | Page 3 | ` | https://dumpdc.wordpress.com/category/protests/page/3/ | 13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00175-ip-10-236-191-2_873035942_0.json |
013aed0b_protests___DumpDC___Page_3___ | [Articles of Confederation] Complicated system of arbitration [Constitution] Federal court system to handle disputes [`] | Disputes between states | [] | protests | DumpDC | Page 3 | ` | https://dumpdc.wordpress.com/category/protests/page/3/ | 13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00175-ip-10-236-191-2_873035942_0.json |
013aed0b_protests___DumpDC___Page_3___ | [Articles of Confederation] Sovereignty resides in states [Constitution] Constitution the supreme law of the land [`] | Sovereignty | [] | protests | DumpDC | Page 3 | ` | https://dumpdc.wordpress.com/category/protests/page/3/ | 13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00175-ip-10-236-191-2_873035942_0.json |
013aed0b_protests___DumpDC___Page_3___ | [Articles of Confederation] 9/13 needed to approve legislation [Constitution] 50%+1 of both houses plus signature of President [`] | Passing laws | [] | protests | DumpDC | Page 3 | ` | https://dumpdc.wordpress.com/category/protests/page/3/ | 13/1438042989891.18_20150728002309-00175-ip-10-236-191-2_873035942_0.json |
30556532_rticles_of_Religion__Anglican___2 | [0] Genesis [1] Judges [3] The Psalms [2] | The First Book of Chronicles | [] | The Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion (Anglican) | 2 | http://www.crivoice.org/creed39.html | 15/1438042989507.42_20150728002309-00337-ip-10-236-191-2_387754594_2.json |
Subsets and Splits