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D10100111 | Chartered banks, foreign currency assets and liabilities, at month-end, Bank of Canada | Title: Chartered banks, foreign currency assets and liabilities, at month-end, Bank of Canada
Date range: 1946-01-01 to 2021-07-01
Dimensions: Geography, Foreign currency assets and liabilities
Subject: Government
Survey: Bank of Canada
Frequency: Monthly
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
Foreign currency assets and liabilities:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, foreign currency assets
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Foreign currency assets, call loans
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Foreign currency assets, other loans
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Foreign currency assets, securities
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Foreign currency assets, deposits with banks
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Other foreign currency assets
ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Total, foreign currency liabilities
ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Foreign currency liabilities, deposits of banks
ID: 9, Parent: 7, Name: Foreign currency liabilities, other deposits
ID: 10, Parent: 7, Name: Other foreign currency liabilities
ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Net foreign assets
ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Total liabilities, deposits
ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Liabilities, deposits, demand
ID: 14, Parent: 12, Name: Liabilities, deposits, notice
ID: 16, Parent: 12, Name: Liabilities, deposits, demand and notice
ID: 15, Parent: 12, Name: Liabilities, deposits, fixed term |
D10100112 | Currency outside banks and chartered bank deposits, month-end, Bank of Canada | Title: Currency outside banks and chartered bank deposits, month-end, Bank of Canada
Date range: 1926-01-01 to 2021-07-01
Dimensions: Geography, Currency outside banks and chartered bank deposits
Subject: Government
Survey: Bank of Canada
Frequency: Monthly
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
Currency outside banks and chartered bank deposits:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, currency and deposits
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Currency outside banks
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Currency outside banks, notes
ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Currency outside banks, coin
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Total, chartered bank deposits, excluding float
ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Chartered bank deposits, Government of Canada
ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Chartered bank deposits, personal (excluding personal, chequable, demand)
ID: 63, Parent: 5, Name: Chartered bank deposits, personal
ID: 8, Parent: 5, Name: Chartered bank deposits, non-personal, notice and term (excluding personal, chequable, demand)
ID: 64, Parent: 5, Name: Chartered bank deposits, non-personal
ID: 9, Parent: 5, Name: Chartered bank deposits, demand, excluding float
ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Currency and privately held deposits
ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Currency and total chartered bank deposits held by general public, M3
ID: 12, Parent: 11, Name: Non-personal term and notice, bearer terms
ID: 13, Parent: 11, Name: Chartered bank deposits, non-personal, term
ID: 14, Parent: 11, Name: Chartered bank foreign currency deposits of Canadian residents
ID: 15, Parent: 11, Name: Currency and all chequable notice and personal term deposits, M2
ID: 16, Parent: 15, Name: Chartered bank deposits, personal, notice, non-chequable
ID: 17, Parent: 15, Name: Chartered bank deposits, personal, term
ID: 18, Parent: 15, Name: Chartered bank deposits, non-personal, non-chequable
ID: 19, Parent: 15, Name: Currency and all chequable deposits, M1B
ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Chartered bank deposits, personal, chequable (excluding personal, chequable, demand)
ID: 65, Parent: 19, Name: Chartered bank deposits, personal, chequable
ID: 21, Parent: 19, Name: Chartered bank deposits, non-personal, chequable, notice
ID: 66, Parent: 19, Name: Chartered bank deposits, non-personal, chequable
ID: 22, Parent: 19, Name: Currency and demand deposits, M1
ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Currency outside banks at month-end
ID: 24, Parent: 23, Name: Currency outside banks, notes, at month-end
ID: 25, Parent: 23, Name: Currency outside banks, coin, at month-end
ID: 26, Parent: None, Name: M1 + daily interest chequing accounts + non-personal chequable and non-chequable deposits, M1A
ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Currency and deposits, total (excluding private sector float)
ID: 67, Parent: None, Name: Currency outside banks and chartered bank deposits (including private sector float)
ID: 28, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank deposits, total (excluding private sector float)
ID: 68, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank deposits (including private sector float)
ID: 29, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank deposits, demand (excluding private sector float)
ID: 30, Parent: None, Name: Currency outside banks and chartered bank deposits held by general public (excluding private sector float)
ID: 69, Parent: None, Name: Currency outside banks and chartered bank deposits held by general public (including private sector float)
ID: 31, Parent: None, Name: M3 (net) (M2 (net), chartered bank non-personal term deposits, chartered bank foreign currency deposits of Canadian residents, adjustments to M3 (continuity adjustments and inter-bank term deposits))
ID: 70, Parent: None, Name: M3 (gross) (M2 (gross), chartered bank non-personal term deposits, chartered bank foreign currency deposits of Canadian residents, adjustments to M3 (continuity adjustments and inter-bank term deposits))
ID: 32, Parent: None, Name: M2 (net) (currency outside banks, chartered bank demand and notice deposits, chartered bank personal term deposits, adjustments to M2 (net) (continuity adjustments and inter-bank demand and notice deposits))
ID: 71, Parent: None, Name: M2 (gross) (currency outside banks, chartered bank demand and notice deposits, chartered bank personal term deposits, adjustments to M2 (gross) (continuity adjustments and inter-bank demand and notice deposits))
ID: 33, Parent: None, Name: M1B (net) (currency outside banks, chartered bank chequable deposits, less inter-bank chequable deposits)
ID: 72, Parent: None, Name: M1B (gross) (currency outside banks, chartered bank chequable deposits, less inter-bank chequable deposits)
ID: 34, Parent: None, Name: M1 (net) (currency outside banks, chartered bank demand deposits, adjustments to M1 (continuity adjustments and inter-bank demand deposits)
ID: 35, Parent: None, Name: Inter-bank demand deposits
ID: 36, Parent: None, Name: Inter-bank demand and notice deposits
ID: 37, Parent: None, Name: Inter-bank deposits
ID: 38, Parent: None, Name: M2+ (net)
ID: 73, Parent: None, Name: M2+ (gross)
ID: 76, Parent: None, Name: Non-banks
ID: 39, Parent: None, Name: Total, trust and mortgage loan companies
ID: 40, Parent: 39, Name: Notice deposits
ID: 41, Parent: 39, Name: Term deposits
ID: 42, Parent: None, Name: Tax sheltered deposits at trust and mortgage loan companies.
ID: 43, Parent: None, Name: Total, credit unions and caisses populaires
ID: 44, Parent: 43, Name: Notice deposits
ID: 45, Parent: 43, Name: Term deposits
ID: 46, Parent: None, Name: Tax sheltered deposits at credit unions and caisses populaires
ID: 47, Parent: None, Name: Life insurance company individual annuities
ID: 48, Parent: None, Name: Personal deposits at government savings institutions
ID: 49, Parent: None, Name: Money market investment funds
ID: 50, Parent: None, Name: Tax sheltered deposits at chartered banks
ID: 51, Parent: None, Name: Inter-bank demand deposits and other adjustments to M1
ID: 52, Parent: None, Name: Inter-bank notice deposits and other adjustments to M2
ID: 74, Parent: None, Name: Inter-bank deposits, demand and notice and other adjustments to M2
ID: 53, Parent: None, Name: Inter-bank term deposits and other adjustments to M3
ID: 54, Parent: None, Name: Credit unions and caisses populaires share capital, adjustment to M2+
ID: 55, Parent: None, Name: Gross M1
ID: 56, Parent: None, Name: Monetary base (notes and coins in circulation, chartered bank and other Payments Canada members' deposits with the Bank of Canada)
ID: 57, Parent: None, Name: Monetary base (notes and coins in circulation, chartered bank and other Payments Canada members' deposits with the Bank of Canada) (excluding required reserves)
ID: 58, Parent: None, Name: Canada Savings Bonds and other retail instruments
ID: 59, Parent: None, Name: Non-money market mutual funds
ID: 60, Parent: None, Name: M2++ (net) (M2+ (net), Canada Savings Bonds, non-money market mutual funds)
ID: 75, Parent: None, Name: M2++ (gross) (M2+ (gross), Canada Savings Bonds, non-money market mutual funds)
ID: 61, Parent: None, Name: M1+ (gross)
ID: 62, Parent: None, Name: M1++ (gross) |
D10100113 | Government of Canada direct and guaranteed securities and loans, Bank of Canada | Title: Government of Canada direct and guaranteed securities and loans, Bank of Canada
Date range: 1946-01-01 to 2021-08-01
Dimensions: Geography, Government of Canada direct securities and loans
Subject: Government
Survey: Bank of Canada
Frequency: Monthly
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
Government of Canada direct securities and loans:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Classification by type of issue, total outstanding
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Guaranteed securities
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Total, direct securities outstanding
ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Treasury Bills
ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Other unmatured market issues
ID: 6, Parent: 3, Name: Matured and outstanding market issues
ID: 7, Parent: 3, Name: Canada Savings Bonds and other retail instruments
ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Canada Savings Bonds
ID: 9, Parent: 7, Name: Canada Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) bonds
ID: 10, Parent: 3, Name: Other non-market issues
ID: 11, Parent: 10, Name: Canada Pension Plan outstanding, long-term, more than 1 year, in Canadian dollars
ID: 12, Parent: 3, Name: Non-marketable short-term instruments
ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Canada Pension Plan outstanding, short-term, less than 1 year, in Canadian dollars
ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Classification by term to maturity, total outstanding
ID: 15, Parent: 14, Name: Perpetuals, total outstanding
ID: 16, Parent: 14, Name: Non-market securities
ID: 17, Parent: 14, Name: Matured and outstanding market issues
ID: 18, Parent: 14, Name: Classification by term to maturity, total outstanding, unmatured direct and guaranteed securities
ID: 19, Parent: 18, Name: Classification by term to maturity, total outstanding, unmatured direct and guaranteed securities, 3 years and under, Treasury Bills
ID: 20, Parent: 18, Name: Classification by term to maturity, total outstanding, unmatured direct and guaranteed securities, 3 years and under, other bills
ID: 21, Parent: 18, Name: Classification by term to maturity, total outstanding, unmatured direct and guaranteed securities, over 3 years to 5 years
ID: 22, Parent: 18, Name: Classification by term to maturity, total outstanding, unmatured direct and guaranteed securities, over 5 years to 10 years
ID: 23, Parent: 18, Name: Classification by term to maturity, total outstanding, unmatured direct and guaranteed securities, over 10 years
ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: Total holdings, average term to maturity, number of months
ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: Total, general public holdings classified by term to maturity
ID: 26, Parent: 25, Name: Perpetuals, general public holdings
ID: 27, Parent: 25, Name: Canada Savings Bonds and other retail instruments
ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Canada Savings Bonds
ID: 29, Parent: 27, Name: Canada Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) bonds
ID: 30, Parent: 25, Name: Matured and outstanding market issues
ID: 93, Parent: None, Name: Total, general public holdings classified by term to maturity, unmatured direct and guaranteed securities, inflation adjusted
ID: 31, Parent: 93, Name: Total, general public holdings classified by term to maturity, unmatured direct and guaranteed securities
ID: 32, Parent: 31, Name: General public holdings classified by term to maturity, unmatured direct and guaranteed securities, 3 years and under, Treasury Bills
ID: 33, Parent: 31, Name: General public holdings classified by term to maturity, unmatured direct and guaranteed securities, 3 years and under, other bills
ID: 34, Parent: 31, Name: General public holdings classified by term to maturity, unmatured direct and guaranteed securities, over 3 years to 5 years
ID: 35, Parent: 31, Name: General public holdings classified by term to maturity, unmatured direct and guaranteed securities, over 5 years to 10 years
ID: 36, Parent: 31, Name: General public holdings classified by term to maturity, unmatured direct and guaranteed securities, over 10 years
ID: 37, Parent: 31, Name: General public holdings classified by term to maturity, unmatured direct and guaranteed securities, United States pay Canada bills
ID: 94, Parent: 93, Name: General public holdings classified by term to maturity, unmatured direct and guaranteed securities, inflation adjustment
ID: 38, Parent: None, Name: Holdings of general public, term to maturity, number of months
ID: 39, Parent: None, Name: Distribution of holdings, total outstanding
ID: 40, Parent: 39, Name: Total accounts held by the government of Canada
ID: 41, Parent: 40, Name: Securities investment account
ID: 42, Parent: 40, Name: Purchase fund
ID: 43, Parent: 40, Name: Unemployment insurance fund
ID: 44, Parent: 40, Name: Other accounts held by the government
ID: 45, Parent: 39, Name: Total held outside government accounts
ID: 95, Parent: 39, Name: Total, Bank of Canada, inflation adjusted
ID: 46, Parent: 95, Name: Total, Bank of Canada
ID: 47, Parent: 46, Name: Bank of Canada, Treasury Bills
ID: 96, Parent: 95, Name: Bank of Canada, other accounts, inflation adjusted
ID: 48, Parent: 96, Name: Bank of Canada, other accounts
ID: 97, Parent: 96, Name: Bank of Canada, other accounts, inflation adjustment
ID: 49, Parent: 95, Name: Total, chartered banks
ID: 50, Parent: 49, Name: Chartered banks, Treasury Bills
ID: 51, Parent: 49, Name: Chartered banks, other accounts
ID: 52, Parent: 95, Name: Total general public, residents, including Canada Savings Bonds but excluding United States payments
ID: 53, Parent: 52, Name: Total, market issues
ID: 54, Parent: 53, Name: Market issues, Treasury Bills
ID: 98, Parent: 52, Name: Market issues, other accounts, inflation adjusted
ID: 55, Parent: 98, Name: Market issues, other accounts
ID: 99, Parent: 98, Name: Market issues, other accounts, inflation adjustment
ID: 56, Parent: 52, Name: Canada Savings Bonds and other retail instruments
ID: 57, Parent: 56, Name: Canada Savings Bonds
ID: 58, Parent: 56, Name: Canada Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) bonds
ID: 59, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada accounts, Treasury Bills
ID: 60, Parent: 59, Name: Government of Canada accounts, bonds
ID: 61, Parent: None, Name: Direct and guaranteed marketable bonds, new issues, monthly
ID: 62, Parent: 61, Name: Direct marketable bonds, new issues, monthly
ID: 63, Parent: 61, Name: Guaranteed marketable bonds, new issues, monthly
ID: 64, Parent: None, Name: Direct and guaranteed marketable bonds, retirements, monthly
ID: 65, Parent: 64, Name: Direct marketable bonds, retirements, monthly
ID: 66, Parent: 64, Name: Guaranteed marketable bonds, retirements, monthly
ID: 67, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada accounts held outside, Canadian dollars
ID: 68, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada accounts held outside, foreign currency
ID: 69, Parent: None, Name: Total loans and drawings under standby facilities
ID: 100, Parent: None, Name: Total loans and securities outstanding, inflation adjusted
ID: 70, Parent: 100, Name: Total loans and securities outstanding
ID: 101, Parent: 100, Name: Total loans and securities outstanding, inflation adjustment
ID: 71, Parent: 100, Name: Total unmatured direct debt
ID: 72, Parent: 100, Name: Total, unmatured direct debt, payable in Canadian currency
ID: 73, Parent: 72, Name: Unmatured Treasury Bills
ID: 74, Parent: 72, Name: Unmatured marketable bonds
ID: 75, Parent: 72, Name: Unmatured non-marketable bonds
ID: 76, Parent: 100, Name: Total, unmatured direct debt, payable in foreign currency
ID: 77, Parent: 76, Name: Marketable bonds and notes payable in foreign currencies
ID: 78, Parent: 76, Name: Drawings under standby facilities payable to Canadian banks
ID: 79, Parent: 76, Name: Drawings under standby facilities payable to foreign banks
ID: 80, Parent: 76, Name: Term loans
ID: 81, Parent: 76, Name: Canada bills paid in United States dollars
ID: 82, Parent: None, Name: Total Government of Canada loans and securities held by chartered banks
ID: 102, Parent: None, Name: Total Government of Canada loans and securities held by the general public, inflation adjusted
ID: 83, Parent: 102, Name: Total Government of Canada loans and securities held by the general public
ID: 103, Parent: 102, Name: Total Government of Canada loans and securities held by the general public, inflation adjustment
ID: 84, Parent: None, Name: Total Government of Canada direct securities and loans outstanding
ID: 104, Parent: None, Name: Total Government of Canada securities, (including United States pay Canada bills) inflation adjusted
ID: 85, Parent: 104, Name: Government of Canada securities, other holdings (including United States pay Canada bills)
ID: 105, Parent: None, Name: Total securities outstanding, inflation adjusted
ID: 86, Parent: 105, Name: Total securities outstanding
ID: 87, Parent: None, Name: Total loans and drawings under standby facilities
ID: 106, Parent: None, Name: Total unmatured direct and guaranteed securities and loans (excluding non-marketable) inflation adjusted
ID: 88, Parent: 106, Name: Total unmatured direct and guaranteed securities (excluding non-marketable)
ID: 107, Parent: 106, Name: Total unmatured direct and guaranteed securities (excluding non-marketable) inflation adjustment
ID: 89, Parent: None, Name: Canadian dollar deposits held at direct clearers
ID: 90, Parent: None, Name: Total Canada notes outstanding
ID: 91, Parent: None, Name: Euro dollar medium term notes outstanding
ID: 92, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada accounts, short-term instruments |
D10100114 | Selected credit measures, monthly average or average of month-ends, unadjusted unless otherwise noted, Bank of Canada | Title: Selected credit measures, monthly average or average of month-ends, unadjusted unless otherwise noted, Bank of Canada
Date range: 1968-12-01 to 2020-09-01
Dimensions: Geography, Components
Subject: Government
Survey: Bank of Canada
Frequency: Monthly
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Total short-term business credit
ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Total short-term business credit, seasonally adjusted
ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Adjustment to short-term business credit
ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Adjustment to other business credit
ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Total household and business credit
ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: Total household and business credit, seasonally adjusted
ID: 20, Parent: 25, Name: Total business credit
ID: 24, Parent: 25, Name: Total business credit, seasonally adjusted
ID: 37, Parent: 24, Name: Total business loans, unadjusted
ID: 38, Parent: 24, Name: Total business loans, seasonally adjusted
ID: 39, Parent: 38, Name: Total non-mortgage loans
ID: 1, Parent: 39, Name: Business loans, chartered banks
ID: 22, Parent: 39, Name: Business loans, chartered banks, seasonally adjusted
ID: 12, Parent: 22, Name: Chartered bank foreign currency loans to residents
ID: 9, Parent: 22, Name: Leasing receivables, chartered banks
ID: 41, Parent: 39, Name: Business loans, non-banks
ID: 42, Parent: 39, Name: Business loans, non-banks, seasonally adjusted
ID: 2, Parent: 39, Name: Business loans, finance companies
ID: 32, Parent: 39, Name: Business loans, non-depository credit intermediaries
ID: 3, Parent: 39, Name: Business loans, other institutions
ID: 11, Parent: 39, Name: Leasing receivables, finance companies
ID: 30, Parent: 39, Name: Leasing receivables, financial leasing companies
ID: 34, Parent: 39, Name: Leasing receivables, non-depository credit intermediaries
ID: 10, Parent: 39, Name: Leasing receivables, other institutions
ID: 29, Parent: 39, Name: Non-mortgage loans, off-balance sheet securitization
ID: 40, Parent: 38, Name: Total non-residential mortgages
ID: 4, Parent: 40, Name: Non-residential mortgages, chartered banks
ID: 43, Parent: 40, Name: Non-residential mortgages, non-banks
ID: 44, Parent: 40, Name: Non-residential mortgages, non-banks, seasonally adjusted
ID: 5, Parent: 40, Name: Non-residential mortgages, trust and mortgage loan companies
ID: 6, Parent: 40, Name: Non-residential mortgages, credit unions and caisses populaires
ID: 7, Parent: 40, Name: Non-residential mortgages, life insurance companies
ID: 8, Parent: 40, Name: Non-residential mortgages, finance companies
ID: 33, Parent: 40, Name: Non-residential mortgages, non-depository credit intermediaries and other institutions
ID: 31, Parent: 40, Name: Non-residential mortgages, off-balance sheet securitization
ID: 13, Parent: 38, Name: Bankers' acceptances
ID: 26, Parent: 38, Name: Bankers' acceptances, seasonally adjusted
ID: 14, Parent: 24, Name: Commercial paper issued by non-financial corporations, Canadian dollars
ID: 15, Parent: 24, Name: Commercial paper issued by non-financial corporations, foreign currency
ID: 28, Parent: 24, Name: Commercial paper issued by non-financial corporations
ID: 35, Parent: 24, Name: Commercial paper issued by non-financial corporations, seasonally adjusted
ID: 19, Parent: 24, Name: Equity and warrants
ID: 18, Parent: 24, Name: Bonds and debentures
ID: 36, Parent: 24, Name: Trust units |
D10100116 | Chartered bank assets and liabilities and monetary aggregates, month-end, seasonally adjusted, Bank of Canada | Title: Chartered bank assets and liabilities and monetary aggregates, month-end, seasonally adjusted, Bank of Canada
Date range: 1953-01-01 to 2021-07-01
Dimensions: Geography, Assets, liabilities and monetary aggregates
Subject: Government
Survey: Bank of Canada
Frequency: Monthly
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
Assets, liabilities and monetary aggregates:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank deposits, personal (excluding personal, chequable, demand)
ID: 54, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank deposits, personal
ID: 65, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank deposits, personal, chequable
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank deposits, demand (excluding private sector float)
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Currency outside banks and Canadian dollar chartered bank deposits, total
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Currency outside banks and chartered bank deposits, held by general public
ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Currency outside banks
ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Canadian dollar assets, total loans
ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: General loans (including grain dealers and installment finance companies)
ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Business loans, at month-end
ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Unsecured personal loans, at month-end
ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Currency and demand deposits, M1
ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank deposits, non-personal, demand and notice
ID: 55, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank deposits, non-personal
ID: 66, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank deposits, non-personal, chequable
ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Total, major assets
ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Active note circulation
ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: General public plus "swapped" deposits
ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Non-personal term and notice plus "swapped" deposits
ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Canadian dollar assets, liquid assets
ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Canadian dollar assets, less liquid assets
ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Canadian dollar major assets, total
ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Currency and total chartered bank deposits held by general public, M3
ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Non-personal fixed term plus foreign currency deposits of residents
ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Currency and all chequable deposits, M1B
ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Currency and all chequable notice and personal term deposits, M2
ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Total personal loans
ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: Business loans
ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: M1 + daily interest chequing accounts + non-personal chequable and non-chequable deposits, M1A
ID: 26, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank Canadian dollar deposits, demand (excluding private sector float) and chartered bank demand deposits of Canadian residents
ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Currency outside banks and chartered bank deposits, held by general public (excluding private sector float)
ID: 56, Parent: None, Name: Currency outside banks and chartered bank deposits, held by general public (including private sector float)
ID: 28, Parent: None, Name: Currency outside banks and chartered bank deposits, demand
ID: 29, Parent: None, Name: M3 (net) (M2 (net), chartered bank non-personal term deposits, chartered bank foreign currency deposits of Canadian residents booked in Canada, adjustments to M3 (continuity adjustments and inter-bank term deposits))
ID: 57, Parent: None, Name: M3 (gross) (M2 (gross), chartered bank non-personal term deposits, chartered bank foreign currency deposits of Canadian residents booked in Canada, adjustments to M3 (continuity adjustments and inter-bank term deposits))
ID: 30, Parent: None, Name: M1B (net) (currency outside banks, chartered bank chequable deposits, less inter-bank chequable deposits)
ID: 58, Parent: None, Name: M1B (gross) (currency outside banks, chartered bank chequable deposits, less inter-bank chequable deposits)
ID: 31, Parent: None, Name: M2 (net) (currency outside banks, chartered bank demand and notice deposits, chartered bank personal term deposits, adjustments to M2 (net) (continuity adjustments and inter-bank demand and notice deposits))
ID: 59, Parent: None, Name: M2 (gross) (currency outside banks, chartered bank demand and notice deposits, chartered bank personal term deposits, adjustments to M2 (gross) (continuity adjustments and inter-bank demand and notice deposits))
ID: 32, Parent: None, Name: Currency outside banks and chartered bank deposits (excluding private sector float)
ID: 60, Parent: None, Name: Currency outside banks and chartered bank deposits (including private sector float)
ID: 33, Parent: None, Name: Residential mortgages
ID: 34, Parent: None, Name: M2+ (net)
ID: 61, Parent: None, Name: M2+ (gross)
ID: 35, Parent: None, Name: Total, Canadian liquid assets, short term paper and chartered bank instruments
ID: 36, Parent: None, Name: Canadian dollar assets, total
ID: 37, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank deposits, personal, notice
ID: 62, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank deposits, personal, demand and notice
ID: 38, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank deposits, personal, term
ID: 39, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank deposits, non-personal, notice
ID: 63, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank deposits, non-personal, demand and notice
ID: 67, Parent: None, Name: Non-banks
ID: 40, Parent: None, Name: Total, deposits at trust and mortgage loan companies
ID: 41, Parent: None, Name: Total, deposits at credit unions and caisses populaires
ID: 42, Parent: None, Name: Bankers' acceptances
ID: 43, Parent: None, Name: Gross M1
ID: 44, Parent: None, Name: Gross demand deposits, personal chequing accounts
ID: 45, Parent: None, Name: Gross demand deposits, current accounts
ID: 46, Parent: None, Name: Gross demand deposits
ID: 47, Parent: None, Name: Monetary base (notes and coin in circulation, chartered bank and other Payments Canada members' deposits with the Bank of Canada)
ID: 48, Parent: None, Name: Monetary base (notes and coin in circulation, chartered bank and other Payments Canada members' deposits with the Bank of Canada) (excluding required reserves)
ID: 49, Parent: None, Name: Canada Savings Bonds and other retail instruments
ID: 50, Parent: None, Name: Non-money market mutual funds
ID: 51, Parent: None, Name: M2++ (net) (M2+ (net), Canada Savings Bonds, non-money market mutual funds)
ID: 64, Parent: None, Name: M2++ (gross) (M2+ (gross), Canada Savings Bonds, non-money market mutual funds)
ID: 52, Parent: None, Name: M1+ (gross)
ID: 53, Parent: None, Name: M1++ (gross) |
D10100117 | Consumer credit, outstanding balances of selected holders, Bank of Canada | Title: Consumer credit, outstanding balances of selected holders, Bank of Canada
Date range: 1956-01-01 to 2020-09-01
Dimensions: Geography, Monthly, Seasonal adjustment, Components
Subject: Government
Survey: Bank of Canada
Frequency: Monthly
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: At month-end
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Average at month-end
Seasonal adjustment:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Unadjusted
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Seasonally adjusted
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total outstanding balances
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Total of foregoing
ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Chartered banks
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Finance companies and other institutions
ID: 11, Parent: 2, Name: Non-banks
ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Life insurance company policy loans
ID: 10, Parent: 2, Name: Trust and mortgage loan companies
ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Non-depository credit intermediaries and other institutions
ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Credit unions and caisses populaires
ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: Adjustments to consumer credit
ID: 9, Parent: 2, Name: Off-balance sheet securitization |
D10100118 | Credit measures, Bank of Canada | Title: Credit measures, Bank of Canada
Date range: 1969-01-01 to 2020-09-01
Dimensions: Geography, Type of credit, Seasonal adjustment
Subject: Government
Survey: Bank of Canada
Frequency: Monthly
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
Type of credit:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total business and household credit
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Household credit
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Residential mortgage credit
ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Consumer credit
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Business credit
ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Other business credit
ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Short-term business credit
Seasonal adjustment:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Unadjusted
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Seasonally adjusted |
D10100119 | Government of Canada, direct and guaranteed bonds, par value, Bank of Canada | Title: Government of Canada, direct and guaranteed bonds, par value, Bank of Canada
Date range: 1951-01-01 to 2018-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Type of bonds
Subject: Government
Survey: Bank of Canada
Frequency: Monthly
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada and Abroad
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Canada
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Abroad
Type of bonds:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Gross new issues of bonds delivered
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Gross retirements of bonds
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Net new provincial bond issues excluding Canada Pension Plan |
D10100120 | Gross new bond issues and retirements, Bank of Canada | Title: Gross new bond issues and retirements, Bank of Canada
Date range: 1951-01-01 to 2018-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Securities, Type of issue
Subject: Government
Survey: Bank of Canada
Frequency: Monthly
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Abroad
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total Treasury Bills
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: 91-day Treasury Bills
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Provincial bonds
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Corporate and other bonds
Type of issue:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Gross new issues delivered
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Retirements |
D10100121 | Corporate short-term paper outstanding, Bank of Canada, monthly, inactive | Title: Corporate short-term paper outstanding, Bank of Canada, monthly, inactive
Date range: 1964-01-01 to 2020-09-01
Dimensions: Geography, Components
Subject: Government
Survey: Bank of Canada
Frequency: Monthly
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total short-term paper
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total Canadian dollars including bankers' acceptances
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Bankers' acceptances
ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Canadian dollars
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Other currencies
ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Sales finance and consumer loan company paper, all currencies
ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Canadian dollars
ID: 9, Parent: 7, Name: Other currencies
ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Other commercial paper, all currencies
ID: 11, Parent: 10, Name: Canadian dollars
ID: 12, Parent: 10, Name: Other currencies
ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Total commercial paper
ID: 13, Parent: 6, Name: Of which: paper issued by non-financial corporations
ID: 14, Parent: 6, Name: Of which: securitizations
ID: 15, Parent: 6, Name: Of which: United States dollars
ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Provincial governments and their enterprises, Treasury Bills and other short-term paper
ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Commercial paper issued by foreign corporations |
D10100122 | Financial market statistics, last Wednesday unless otherwise stated, Bank of Canada | Title: Financial market statistics, last Wednesday unless otherwise stated, Bank of Canada
Date range: 1934-01-01 to 2021-09-01
Dimensions: Geography, Rates
Subject: Government
Survey: Bank of Canada
Frequency: Monthly
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Bank rate, last Tuesday or last Thursday
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Bank rate
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank administered interest rates - Prime rate
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank - consumer loan rate
ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Forward premium or discount (-), United States dollar in Canada: 1 month
ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Forward premium or discount (-), United States dollar in Canada: 3 month
ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Prime corporate paper rate: 1 month
ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Prime corporate paper rate: 2 month
ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Prime corporate paper rate: 3 month
ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Bankers' acceptances: 1 month
ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Bankers' acceptances: 2 month
ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Bankers' acceptances: 3 month
ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Commercial certificates of deposit: 30 day
ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Commercial certificates of deposit: 90 day
ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Overnight money market financing, 7 day average
ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Day-to-day loan rate (closing, weekly average)
ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Selected Government of Canada benchmark bond yields: 2 year
ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Selected Government of Canada benchmark bond yields: 3 year
ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Selected Government of Canada benchmark bond yields: 5 year
ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Selected Government of Canada benchmark bond yields: 7 year
ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Selected Government of Canada benchmark bond yields: 10 years
ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Selected Government of Canada benchmark bond yields: long term
ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada marketable bonds, average yield: 1-3 year
ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada marketable bonds, average yield: 3-5 year
ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada marketable bonds, average yield: 5-10 year
ID: 26, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada marketable bonds, average yield: over 10 years
ID: 31, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank - 90 day term deposits
ID: 32, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank - conventional mortgage: 1 year
ID: 33, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank - conventional mortgage: 3 year
ID: 34, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank - conventional mortgage: 5 year
ID: 35, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank - 5 year personal fixed term
ID: 36, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank - daily interest savings (balance over $100,000)
ID: 37, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank - non-chequable savings deposits
ID: 38, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank - Guaranteed Investment Certificates: 1 year
ID: 39, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank - Guaranteed Investment Certificates: 3 year
ID: 40, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank - Guaranteed Investment Certificates: 5 year
ID: 41, Parent: None, Name: Trust company - conventional mortgage: 1 year
ID: 42, Parent: None, Name: Trust company - conventional mortgage: 5 year
ID: 43, Parent: None, Name: Trust company - Guaranteed Investment Certificates: 1 year
ID: 44, Parent: None, Name: Trust company - Guaranteed Investment Certificates: 5 year
ID: 45, Parent: None, Name: Trust company - Guaranteed Investment Certificates, average: 5 year
ID: 46, Parent: None, Name: Trust company - Guaranteed Investment Certificates, average of data values: 5 year
ID: 47, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bill auction - average yields: 3 month
ID: 48, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bill auction - average yields: 3 month, average at values
ID: 49, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bill auction - average yields: 6 month
ID: 50, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bill auction - average yields: 1 year
ID: 51, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bill auction - amount auctioned: 3 month
ID: 52, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bill auction - amount auctioned: 6 month
ID: 53, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bill auction - amount auctioned: 1 year
ID: 76, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bill auction - amount maturing
ID: 54, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bills: 1 month
ID: 55, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bills: 2 month
ID: 56, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bills: 3 month
ID: 57, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bills: 6 month
ID: 58, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bills: 1 year
ID: 59, Parent: None, Name: Real return bonds, long-term
ID: 60, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada marketable bonds, average yield, average of Wednesdays: 1-3 year
ID: 61, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada marketable bonds, average yield, average of Wednesdays: 3-5 year
ID: 62, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada marketable bonds, average yield, average of Wednesdays: 5-10 year
ID: 63, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada marketable bonds, average yield, average of Wednesdays: over 10 years
ID: 64, Parent: None, Name: (McLeod, Young and Weir) bond yield averages: total index, 40
ID: 65, Parent: None, Name: (McLeod, Young and Weir) bond yield averages: 10 provincials
ID: 66, Parent: None, Name: (McLeod, Young and Weir) bond yield averages: 10 municipals
ID: 67, Parent: None, Name: (McLeod, Young and Weir) bond yield averages: 10 industrials
ID: 68, Parent: None, Name: Commercial certificates of deposit, average, last week of month: 90 day
ID: 69, Parent: None, Name: Average residential mortgage lending rate: 5 year
ID: 70, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank - chequable personal savings deposit rate
ID: 71, Parent: None, Name: Covered differential: Canada-United States 3 month Treasury bills
ID: 72, Parent: None, Name: Covered differential: Canada-United States 3 month short-term paper
ID: 73, Parent: None, Name: First coupon of Canada Savings Bonds
ID: 74, Parent: None, Name: Effective yield to maturity of Canada Savings Bonds |
D10100123 | Selected United States dollar interest rates, last Wednesday unless otherwise stated, Bank of Canada | Title: Selected United States dollar interest rates, last Wednesday unless otherwise stated, Bank of Canada
Date range: 1925-01-01 to 2021-08-01
Dimensions: Geography, Rate
Subject: Government
Survey: Bank of Canada
Frequency: Monthly
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: United States
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: 91-day treasury bill yield
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bills at Monday tender, adjusted: 3 month (average)
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: United States treasuries constant maturity: 5 year
ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: United States treasuries constant maturity: 10 year
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: United States treasuries constant maturity: long term
ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Long-term government bond yield, over 10 years (average)
ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Prime rate charged by banks
ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Federal Reserve Bank of New York - discount rate
ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Federal funds rate
ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Euro-dollar, United States deposits in London, 3 months, bid
ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Commercial paper, adjusted: 1 month
ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Commercial paper, adjusted: 3 month
ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: 90-day certificates of deposit, adjusted
ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Corporate bonds (Moody's AAA) |
D10100124 | Stock market statistics, Canada and United States, Bank of Canada | Title: Stock market statistics, Canada and United States, Bank of Canada
Date range: 1953-01-01 to 2018-03-01
Dimensions: Geography, Stock market statistics
Subject: Government
Survey: Bank of Canada
Frequency: Monthly
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
Stock market statistics:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Toronto Stock Exchange, value of shares traded
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Toronto Stock Exchange, volume of shares traded
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: United States common stocks, Dow-Jones industrials, high
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: United States common stocks, Dow-Jones industrials, low
ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: United States common stocks, Dow-Jones industrials, close
ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: New York Stock Exchange, value of shares traded
ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: New York Stock Exchange, volume of shares traded
ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: New York Stock Exchange, customers' debit balances
ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: New York Stock Exchange, customers' free credit balance
ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: United States loans made to brokers by United States by commercial banks
ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Standard and Poor's stock dividend yields, common
ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Montreal Stock Exchange, Canadian stock indices, month-end close, Canadian market portfolio (25), January 4 1983=1000
ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Montreal Stock Exchange, Canadian stock indices, month-end close, banks (6), January 4 1983=1000
ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Standard and Poor's (500), 1941-43=10 |
D10100125 | Toronto Stock Exchange statistics | Title: Toronto Stock Exchange statistics
Date range: 1956-01-01 to 2021-08-01
Dimensions: Geography, Toronto Stock Exchange Statistics
Subject: Government
Survey: Financial market statistics from the Toronto Stock Exchange
Frequency: Monthly
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
Toronto Stock Exchange Statistics:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Standard and Poor's/Toronto Stock Exchange Composite Index, high
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Standard and Poor's/Toronto Stock Exchange Composite Index, low
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Standard and Poor's/Toronto Stock Exchange Composite Index, close
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Toronto Stock Exchange, oil and gas, closing quotations
ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Toronto Stock Exchange, metals and minerals, closing quotations
ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Toronto Stock Exchange, utilities, closing quotations
ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Toronto Stock Exchange, paper and forest products, closing quotations
ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Toronto Stock Exchange, merchandising, closing quotations
ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Toronto Stock Exchange, financial services, closing quotations
ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Toronto Stock Exchange, gold and silver, closing quotations
ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Toronto Stock Exchange, stock dividend yields (composite), closing quotations
ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Toronto Stock Exchange, price earnings ratio, closing quotations
ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Toronto Stock Exchange, Toronto 35 index, closing quotations (May 27 1987=100)
ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Standard and Poor's/Toronto Stock Exchange 60 Index
ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Standard and Poor's/Toronto Stock Exchange Canadian Consumer Discretionary Index
ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Standard and Poor's/Toronto Stock Exchange Canadian Consumer Staples Index
ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Standard and Poor's/Toronto Stock Exchange Canadian Energy Index
ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Standard and Poor's/Toronto Stock Exchange Canadian Financial Index
ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Standard and Poor's/Toronto Stock Exchange Canadian Gold Index
ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Standard and Poor's/Toronto Stock Exchange Canadian Industrial Index
ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Standard and Poor's/Toronto Stock Exchange Canadian Information Technology Index
ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Standard and Poor's/Toronto Stock Exchange Canadian Materials Index
ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Standard and Poor's/Toronto Stock Exchange Canadian Diversified Metals and Mining Index
ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: Standard and Poor's/Toronto Stock Exchange Canadian Telecommunication Service Index
ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: Standard and Poor's/Toronto Stock Exchange Canadian Utilities Index |
D10100126 | Foreign exchange rates, United States and United Kingdom, Bank of canada | Title: Foreign exchange rates, United States and United Kingdom, Bank of canada
Date range: 1950-10-01 to 2017-04-01
Dimensions: Geography, Type of exchange rate, United States and United Kingdom
Subject: Government
Survey: Bank of Canada
Frequency: Monthly
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
Type of exchange rate, United States and United Kingdom:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canadian cents per United States dollar, spot rate
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Canadian cents per United States dollar, 90 day forward rate
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Canadian cents per pound sterling, spot rate
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Canadian cents per pound sterling, 90 day forward rate
ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Number of working days per month, Canadian foreign exchange market |
D10100127 | Canada's official international reserves, millions of United States dollars, Bank of Canada, monthly | Title: Canada's official international reserves, millions of United States dollars, Bank of Canada, monthly
Date range: 1951-01-01 to 2021-08-01
Dimensions: Geography, Type of reserve
Subject: Government
Survey: Bank of Canada
Frequency: Monthly
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
Type of reserve:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, Canada's official international reserves
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Convertible foreign currencies, United States dollars
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Convertible foreign currencies, other than United States
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Gold
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Special drawing rights
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Reserve position in the International Monetary Fund (IMF) |
D10100129 | Residential mortgage credit, outstanding balances of major private institutional lenders, Bank of Canada | Title: Residential mortgage credit, outstanding balances of major private institutional lenders, Bank of Canada
Date range: 1969-01-01 to 2020-09-01
Dimensions: Geography, Monthly, Seasonal adjustment, Components
Subject: Government
Survey: Bank of Canada
Frequency: Monthly
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: At month-end
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Average at month-end
Seasonal adjustment:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Unadjusted
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Seasonally adjusted
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total outstanding balances
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Total of foregoing
ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Chartered banks
ID: 13, Parent: 2, Name: Non-banks
ID: 10, Parent: 2, Name: Trust and mortgage loan companies
ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Life insurance company policy loans
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Finance companies and other institutions
ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Non-depository credit intermediaries and other institutions
ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Credit unions and caisses populaires
ID: 11, Parent: 2, Name: Pension funds
ID: 14, Parent: 2, Name: Off-balance sheet securitization
ID: 12, Parent: 2, Name: National Housing Act (NHA) mortgage backed securities
ID: 9, Parent: 2, Name: Special purpose corporations, securitization |
D10100130 | Government of Canada bonds outstanding, shown at par value, by currency of payments | Title: Government of Canada bonds outstanding, shown at par value, by currency of payments
Date range: 1975-01-01 to 2021-08-01
Dimensions: Geography, Currency of payment, Issuers
Subject: Government
Survey: Bank of Canada
Frequency: Monthly
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada and Abroad
Currency of payment:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total currencies
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Canadian dollars
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Foreign currencies
ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: United States dollars
ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Euro dollars
ID: 6, Parent: 3, Name: Deutschemarks
ID: 7, Parent: 3, Name: European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) Euro
ID: 8, Parent: 3, Name: Swiss francs
ID: 9, Parent: 3, Name: Pound sterling
ID: 10, Parent: 3, Name: Japanese yen
ID: 11, Parent: 3, Name: Other currencies
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, issuers
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Government of Canada direct bonds
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Government of Canada guaranteed bonds
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Provincial direct and guaranteed bonds
ID: 5, Parent: 4, Name: Newfoundland direct bonds
ID: 6, Parent: 4, Name: Newfoundland guaranteed bonds
ID: 7, Parent: 4, Name: Prince Edward Island direct bonds
ID: 8, Parent: 4, Name: Prince Edward Island guaranteed bonds
ID: 9, Parent: 4, Name: Nova Scotia direct bonds
ID: 10, Parent: 4, Name: Nova Scotia guaranteed bonds
ID: 11, Parent: 4, Name: New Brunswick direct bonds
ID: 12, Parent: 4, Name: New Brunswick guaranteed bonds
ID: 13, Parent: 4, Name: Quebec direct bonds
ID: 14, Parent: 4, Name: Quebec guaranteed bonds
ID: 15, Parent: 4, Name: Ontario direct bonds
ID: 16, Parent: 4, Name: Ontario guaranteed bonds
ID: 17, Parent: 4, Name: Manitoba direct bonds
ID: 18, Parent: 4, Name: Manitoba guaranteed bonds
ID: 19, Parent: 4, Name: Saskatchewan direct bonds
ID: 20, Parent: 4, Name: Saskatchewan guaranteed bonds
ID: 21, Parent: 4, Name: Alberta direct bonds
ID: 22, Parent: 4, Name: Alberta guaranteed bonds
ID: 23, Parent: 4, Name: British Columbia direct bonds
ID: 24, Parent: 4, Name: British Columbia guaranteed bonds
ID: 25, Parent: 4, Name: Yukon and Northwest Territories direct bonds
ID: 26, Parent: 4, Name: Yukon and Northwest Territories guaranteed bonds
ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Municipalities direct and guaranteed bonds
ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Corporate bonds
ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Financial corporation bonds
ID: 30, Parent: 28, Name: Non-financial corporation bonds
ID: 31, Parent: 1, Name: Other institution bonds
ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Foreign debtors
ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Term securitizations |
D10100131 | Positions of members of the Canadian Payments Association and Bank of Canada operations, Bank of Canada, monthly | Title: Positions of members of the Canadian Payments Association and Bank of Canada operations, Bank of Canada, monthly
Date range: 2007-06-01 to 2021-08-01
Dimensions: Geography, Positions of members of Payments Canada and buy back transactions with primary dealers
Subject: Government
Survey: Bank of Canada
Frequency: Monthly
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
Positions of members of Payments Canada and buy back transactions with primary dealers:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Positions of members of Payments Canada with the Bank of Canada, total overdraft loans, total amount
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Positions of members of Payments Canada with the Bank of Canada, total overdraft loans, days transacted
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Positions of members of Payments Canada with the Bank of Canada, total positive balances, total amount
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Positions of members of Payments Canada with the Bank of Canada, total positive balances, days transacted
ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Positions of members of Payments Canada with the Bank of Canada, special deposit accounts, total amount
ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Positions of members of Payments Canada with the Bank of Canada, special deposit accounts, days transacted
ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Bank of Canada Overnight Repo or sale and repurchase agreements intervention, Overnight Repo, total amount
ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Bank of Canada Overnight Repo or sale and repurchase agreements intervention, Overnight Repo, days transacted
ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Bank of Canada Overnight Repo or sale and repurchase agreements intervention, sale and repurchase agreements, total amount
ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Bank of Canada Overnight Repo or sale and repurchase agreements intervention, sale and repurchase agreements, days transacted
ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Other Bank of Canada operations, Term Repo Operations, total amount
ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Other Bank of Canada operations, Term Repo Operations, days transacted
ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Other Bank of Canada operations, securities lending operations, total amount
ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Other Bank of Canada operations, securities lending operations, days transacted |
D10100132 | Fisher commodity price index, United States dollar terms, Bank of Canada, monthly | Title: Fisher commodity price index, United States dollar terms, Bank of Canada, monthly
Date range: 1972-01-01 to 2021-08-01
Dimensions: Geography, Commodity
Subject: Government
Survey: Bank of Canada
Frequency: Monthly
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, all commodities
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total excluding energy
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Energy
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Metals and Minerals
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Agriculture
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Fish
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Forestry |
D10100133 | Central government operations: budgetary balance, non-budgetary transactions, and financial source/requirement | Title: Central government operations: budgetary balance, non-budgetary transactions, and financial source/requirement
Date range: 2009-04-01 to 2021-07-01
Dimensions: Geography, Central government operations
Subject: Government
Survey: Department of Finance
Frequency: Monthly
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
Central government operations:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: A. Budgetary balance, deficit (-) / surplus (+), (B - C)
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: B. Revenues
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: C. Expenses
ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Program expenses
ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Public debt charges
ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: D. Non-budgetary transactions (internal sources of funds)
ID: 7, Parent: 6, Name: Pensions and other accounts
ID: 8, Parent: 6, Name: Non-financial assets
ID: 9, Parent: 6, Name: Loans, investments and advances
ID: 10, Parent: 6, Name: Accounts payable, receivables, accruals and allowances
ID: 11, Parent: 6, Name: Foreign exchange activities
ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: E. Financial source (+) / requirement (-), (A + D)
ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: F. Net change in financing activities (external sources of funds)
ID: 14, Parent: 13, Name: Market debt payable in Canadian currency
ID: 15, Parent: 14, Name: Marketable bonds payable in Canadian currency
ID: 16, Parent: 14, Name: Treasury bills
ID: 17, Parent: 14, Name: Retail debt
ID: 18, Parent: 14, Name: Other market debt payable in Canadian currency
ID: 19, Parent: 13, Name: Market debt payable in foreign currencies
ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Marketable bonds payable in foreign currencies
ID: 21, Parent: 19, Name: Euro medium-term notes
ID: 22, Parent: 19, Name: Canada bills
ID: 23, Parent: 13, Name: Cross currency swap revaluation
ID: 24, Parent: 13, Name: Unamortized discounts and premiums on market debt
ID: 25, Parent: 13, Name: Obligations related to capital leases and other unmatured debt
ID: 26, Parent: None, Name: G. Net change in cash balances, (E + F) |
D10100134 | Chartered banks, mortgage loans report, end of period, Bank of Canada | Title: Chartered banks, mortgage loans report, end of period, Bank of Canada
Date range: 1982-01-01 to 2021-04-01
Dimensions: Geography, Mortgages, Increases and decreases, Type of mortgage
Subject: Government
Survey: Bank of Canada
Frequency: Quarterly
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, mortgage loans outstanding
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Mortgages in Canada outstanding
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Mortgage loans outside Canada outstanding
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Allowance for credit losses
Increases and decreases:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, increases and decreases
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Gross increase
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Cash disbursement of principal
ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Purchases of mortgages from
ID: 5, Parent: 4, Name: Residents, financial
ID: 6, Parent: 4, Name: Residents, non-financial
ID: 7, Parent: 4, Name: Non-residents
ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: Other increases
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Gross decrease
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Repayment of principal
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Sales of mortgages to
ID: 12, Parent: 11, Name: Residents, financial
ID: 13, Parent: 11, Name: Residents, non-financial
ID: 14, Parent: 11, Name: Non-residents
ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Other decreases
Type of mortgage:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, mortgages
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total, residential mortgages
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Residential mortgages, insured
ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Residential mortgages, uninsured
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Total, non-residential mortgages
ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Non-residential, non-farm mortgages
ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Non-residential, farm mortgages |
D10100136 | Bank of Canada, assets and liabilities, Wednesdays | Title: Bank of Canada, assets and liabilities, Wednesdays
Date range: 1980-12-03 to 2021-09-22
Dimensions: Geography, Assets and liabilities
Subject: Government
Survey: Bank of Canada
Frequency: Weekly
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
Assets and liabilities:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total assets
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total, Government of Canada, direct and guaranteed securities
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Government of Canada, Treasury Bills
ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Total, Government of Canada, bonds
ID: 5, Parent: 4, Name: Government of Canada, other maturities, 3 years and under
ID: 6, Parent: 4, Name: Government of Canada, other maturities, over 3 years
ID: 37, Parent: 2, Name: Real return bonds
ID: 29, Parent: 2, Name: Canada mortgage bonds
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Other bills
ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Provincial money markets securities
ID: 34, Parent: 1, Name: Provincial bonds
ID: 31, Parent: 1, Name: Bankers' acceptances
ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Commercial paper
ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: Corporate bonds
ID: 25, Parent: 1, Name: Advances
ID: 8, Parent: 25, Name: Advances to Government of Canada
ID: 9, Parent: 25, Name: Advances to members of Payments Canada
ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Loans and receivables, securities purchased under resale agreements
ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Investment in Industrial Development Bank (IDB)
ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: All other assets excluding other bill and investment in Industrial Development Bank (IDB)
ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Other investments
ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Foreign currency deposits
ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Securities purchased under resale agreements
ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: Derivatives - Indemnity agreements with the Government of Canada, assets
ID: 26, Parent: 1, Name: All other assets
ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Total liabilities
ID: 16, Parent: 15, Name: Notes in circulation
ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Notes in circulation, held by chartered banks
ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Notes in circulation, held by others
ID: 19, Parent: 15, Name: Canadian dollar deposits, Government of Canada
ID: 20, Parent: 15, Name: Canadian dollar deposits, chartered banks
ID: 21, Parent: 15, Name: Canadian dollar deposits, other
ID: 22, Parent: 15, Name: Foreign currency liabilities
ID: 24, Parent: 15, Name: Canadian dollar deposits, other members of Payments Canada
ID: 27, Parent: 15, Name: Canadian dollar deposits, members of Payments Canada
ID: 33, Parent: 15, Name: Canadian dollar deposits, other deposits
ID: 38, Parent: 15, Name: Securities sold under repurchase agreements
ID: 39, Parent: 15, Name: Derivatives - Indemnity agreements with the Government of Canada, liabilities
ID: 23, Parent: 15, Name: All other liabilities and capital |
D10100137 | Representation of women and men elected to national Parliament and of ministers appointed to federal Cabinet | Title: Representation of women and men elected to national Parliament and of ministers appointed to federal Cabinet
Date range: 2020-01-01 to 2020-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, National elected officials, Gender, Statistics
Subject: Government
Survey: Survey 5298, Survey 5348
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon
ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut
National elected officials:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Members of Parliament, 36th Parliament
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 1997
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 1998
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 1999
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 2000
ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Members of Parliament, 37th Parliament
ID: 7, Parent: 6, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 2001
ID: 8, Parent: 6, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 2002
ID: 9, Parent: 6, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 2003
ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Members of Parliament, 38th Parliament
ID: 11, Parent: 10, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 2004
ID: 12, Parent: 10, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 2005
ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Members of Parliament, 39th Parliament
ID: 14, Parent: 13, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 2006
ID: 15, Parent: 13, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 2007
ID: 16, Parent: 13, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 2008
ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Members of Parliament, 40th Parliament
ID: 18, Parent: 17, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 2009
ID: 19, Parent: 17, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 2010
ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Members of Parliament, 41st Parliament
ID: 21, Parent: 20, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 2011
ID: 22, Parent: 20, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 2012
ID: 23, Parent: 20, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 2013
ID: 24, Parent: 20, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 2014
ID: 25, Parent: 20, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 2015
ID: 26, Parent: None, Name: Members of Parliament, 42nd Parliament
ID: 27, Parent: 26, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 2016
ID: 28, Parent: 26, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 2017
ID: 29, Parent: 26, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 2018
ID: 30, Parent: 26, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 2019
ID: 31, Parent: None, Name: Members of Parliament, 43rd Parliament
ID: 32, Parent: 31, Name: Members of Parliament on July 1, 2020
ID: 33, Parent: None, Name: Members of Cabinet, 26th Ministry (Chrétien)
ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Members of Cabinet on July 1, 2002
ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Members of Cabinet on July 1, 2003
ID: 36, Parent: None, Name: Members of Cabinet, 27th Ministry (Martin)
ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Members of Cabinet on July 1, 2004
ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Members of Cabinet on July 1, 2005
ID: 39, Parent: None, Name: Members of Cabinet, 28th Ministry (Harper)
ID: 40, Parent: 39, Name: Members of Cabinet on July 1, 2006
ID: 41, Parent: 39, Name: Members of Cabinet on July 1, 2007
ID: 42, Parent: 39, Name: Members of Cabinet on July 1, 2008
ID: 43, Parent: 39, Name: Members of Cabinet on July 1, 2009
ID: 44, Parent: 39, Name: Members of Cabinet on July 1, 2010
ID: 45, Parent: 39, Name: Members of Cabinet on July 1, 2011
ID: 46, Parent: 39, Name: Members of Cabinet on July 1, 2012
ID: 47, Parent: 39, Name: Members of Cabinet on July 1, 2013
ID: 48, Parent: 39, Name: Members of Cabinet on July 1, 2014
ID: 49, Parent: 39, Name: Members of Cabinet on July 1, 2015
ID: 50, Parent: None, Name: Members of Cabinet, 29th Ministry (Trudeau)
ID: 51, Parent: 50, Name: Members of Cabinet on July 1, 2016
ID: 52, Parent: 50, Name: Members of Cabinet on July 1, 2017
ID: 53, Parent: 50, Name: Members of Cabinet on July 1, 2018
ID: 54, Parent: 50, Name: Members of Cabinet on July 1, 2019
ID: 55, Parent: 50, Name: Members of Cabinet on July 1, 2020
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Gender, total
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Male gender
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Female gender
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Proportion |
D10100138 | Selected United States dollar interest rates, Wednesdays, Bank of Canada | Title: Selected United States dollar interest rates, Wednesdays, Bank of Canada
Date range: 1954-07-07 to 2021-09-22
Dimensions: Geography, Rates
Subject: Government
Survey: Bank of Canada
Frequency: Weekly
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: United States
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Federal Reserve Bank of New York - discount rate
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Prime rate charged by banks
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Federal funds rate
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Commercial paper, adjusted: 1 month
ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Commercial paper, adjusted: 3 month
ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: 90 day certificates of deposit, adjusted
ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Euro-dollar, United States dollar deposits in London, 3 month, bid
ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: United States treasuries constant maturity: 5 year
ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bills at Monday tender, adjusted: 3 month
ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: United States treasuries constant maturity: 10 year
ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: United States treasuries constant maturity: long term
ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Corporate bonds (Moody's AAA) |
D10100139 | Bank of Canada, money market and other interest rates | Title: Bank of Canada, money market and other interest rates
Date range: 1981-02-06 to 2021-10-01
Dimensions: Geography, Financial market statistics
Subject: Government
Survey: Bank of Canada
Frequency: Daily
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
Financial market statistics:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada Treasury Bills, 1-month (composite rates)
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada Treasury Bills, 2-month (composite rates)
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada Treasury Bills, 3-month (composite rates)
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada Treasury Bills, 6-month (composite rates)
ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada Treasury Bills, 1-year (composite rates)
ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Bankers' acceptances, 1-month (composite rates)
ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Bankers' acceptances, 2-month (composite rates)
ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Bankers' acceptances, 3-month (composite rates)
ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Commercial paper, 1-month (composite rates)
ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Commercial paper, 2-month (composite rates)
ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Commercial paper, 3-month (composite rates)
ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Overnight money market financing
ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada benchmark bond yields, 2 year
ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada benchmark bond yields, 3 year
ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada benchmark bond yields, 5 year
ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada benchmark bond yields, 7 year
ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada benchmark bond yields, 10 year
ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada benchmark bond yields, long term
ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Real return benchmark bond yield, long term
ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada marketable bonds, 1 to 3 years
ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada marketable bonds, 3 to 5 years
ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada marketable bonds, 5 to 10 years
ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada marketable bonds, over 10 years
ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: Treasury Bills, 1-month
ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: Treasury Bills, 2-month
ID: 26, Parent: None, Name: Treasury Bills, 3-month
ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Treasury Bills, 6-month
ID: 28, Parent: None, Name: Treasury Bills, 1-year
ID: 29, Parent: None, Name: Bankers' acceptances rate, 1-month
ID: 30, Parent: None, Name: Bankers' acceptances rate, 2-month
ID: 31, Parent: None, Name: Bankers' acceptances rate, 3-month
ID: 32, Parent: None, Name: Prime corporate paper rate, 1-month
ID: 33, Parent: None, Name: Prime corporate paper rate, 2-month
ID: 34, Parent: None, Name: Prime corporate paper rate, 3-month
ID: 35, Parent: None, Name: Overnight money market financing
ID: 36, Parent: None, Name: Operating band, low
ID: 37, Parent: None, Name: Operating band, high
ID: 38, Parent: None, Name: Bank rate
ID: 39, Parent: None, Name: Target rate |
D10100141 | Canada's official international reserves, millions of United States dollars, Bank of Canada, daily | Title: Canada's official international reserves, millions of United States dollars, Bank of Canada, daily
Date range: 1999-07-08 to 2021-09-15
Dimensions: Geography, Type of reserve
Subject: Government
Survey: Bank of Canada
Frequency: Daily
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
Type of reserve:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, Canada's official international reserves
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Convertible foreign currencies, United States dollars
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Convertible foreign currencies, other than United States
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Gold
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Special drawing rights
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Reserve position in the International Monetary Fund (IMF) |
D10100142 | Positions of members of the Canadian Payments Association and Bank of Canada operations, Bank of Canada, weekly | Title: Positions of members of the Canadian Payments Association and Bank of Canada operations, Bank of Canada, weekly
Date range: 2007-06-06 to 2021-09-22
Dimensions: Geography, Positions of members of Payments Canada and buy back transactions with primary dealers
Subject: Government
Survey: Bank of Canada
Frequency: Weekly
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
Positions of members of Payments Canada and buy back transactions with primary dealers:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Positions of members of the Payments Canada with the Bank of Canada, total overdraft loans, total amount
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Positions of members of the Payments Canada with the Bank of Canada, total overdraft loans, days transacted
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Positions of members of the Payments Canada with the Bank of Canada, total positive balances, total amount
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Positions of members of the Payments Canada with the Bank of Canada, total positive balances, days transacted
ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Positions of members of the Payments Canada with the Bank of Canada, special deposit accounts, total amount
ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Positions of members of the Payments Canada with the Bank of Canada, special deposit accounts, days transacted
ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Bank of Canada Overnight Repo or sale and repurchase agreements intervention, Overnight Repo, total amount
ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Bank of Canada Overnight Repo or sale and repurchase agreements intervention, Overnight Repo, days transacted
ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Bank of Canada Overnight Repo or sale and repurchase agreements intervention, sale and repurchase agreements, total amount
ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Bank of Canada Overnight Repo or sale and repurchase agreements intervention, sale and repurchase agreements, days transacted
ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Other Bank of Canada operations, Term Repo Operations, total amount
ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Other Bank of Canada operations, Term Repo Operations, days transacted
ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Other Bank of Canada operations, securities lending operations, total amount
ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Other Bank of Canada operations, securities lending operations, days transacted |
D10100143 | Fisher commodity price index, United States dollar terms, Bank of Canada, Fisher commodity price index, United States dollar terms, Bank of Canada, weekly | Title: Fisher commodity price index, United States dollar terms, Bank of Canada, Fisher commodity price index, United States dollar terms, Bank of Canada, weekly
Date range: 1972-01-05 to 2021-09-29
Dimensions: Geography, Commodity
Subject: Government
Survey: Bank of Canada
Frequency: Weekly
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, all commodities
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total excluding energy
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Energy
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Metals and Minerals
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Agriculture
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Fish
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Forestry |
D10100144 | Financial market statistics, as at Tuesday, Bank of Canada | Title: Financial market statistics, as at Tuesday, Bank of Canada
Date range: 1992-11-24 to 2021-09-28
Dimensions: Geography, Rates
Subject: Government
Survey: Bank of Canada
Frequency: Weekly
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Bank rate
ID: 47, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bill auction - average yields: 3 month
ID: 48, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bill auction - average yields: 6 month
ID: 49, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bill auction - average yields: 1 year
ID: 53, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bill auction - amount auctioned: 3 month
ID: 54, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bill auction - amount auctioned: 6 month
ID: 55, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bill auction - amount auctioned: 1 year
ID: 59, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bill auction - amount maturing |
D10100145 | Financial market statistics, as at Wednesday, Bank of Canada | Title: Financial market statistics, as at Wednesday, Bank of Canada
Date range: 1957-01-02 to 2021-09-29
Dimensions: Geography, Rates
Subject: Government
Survey: Bank of Canada
Frequency: Weekly
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Bank rate
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank administered interest rates - Prime rate
ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank - consumer loan rate
ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Forward premium or discount (-), United States dollars in Canada: 1 month
ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Forward premium or discount (-), United States dollars in Canada: 3 month
ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Prime corporate paper rate: 1 month
ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Prime corporate paper rate: 2 month
ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Prime corporate paper rate: 3 month
ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Bankers' acceptances: 1 month
ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Bankers' acceptances: 2 month
ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Bankers' acceptances: 3 month
ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Overnight money market financing, 7 day average
ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Selected Government of Canada benchmark bond yields: 2 year
ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Selected Government of Canada benchmark bond yields: 3 year
ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Selected Government of Canada benchmark bond yields: 5 year
ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Selected Government of Canada benchmark bond yields: 7 year
ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Selected Government of Canada benchmark bond yields: 10 year
ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Selected Government of Canada benchmark bond yields: long term
ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada marketable bonds, average yield: 1-3 year
ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada marketable bonds, average yield: 3-5 year
ID: 26, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada marketable bonds, average yield: 5-10 year
ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada marketable bonds, average yield: over 10 years
ID: 32, Parent: None, Name: Chartered banks - 90 day term deposits
ID: 33, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank - conventional mortgage: 1 year
ID: 34, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank - conventional mortgage: 3 year
ID: 35, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank - conventional mortgage: 5 year
ID: 36, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank - 5 year personal fixed term
ID: 37, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank - daily interest savings (balance over $100,000)
ID: 38, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank - non-chequable savings deposit
ID: 39, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank - Guaranteed Investment Certificates: 1 year
ID: 40, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank - Guaranteed Investment Certificates: 3 year
ID: 41, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank - Guaranteed Investment Certificates: 5 year
ID: 61, Parent: None, Name: Treasury Bills: 1 month
ID: 62, Parent: None, Name: Treasury Bills: 2 month
ID: 63, Parent: None, Name: Treasury Bills: 3 month
ID: 64, Parent: None, Name: Treasury Bills: 6 month
ID: 65, Parent: None, Name: Treasury Bills: 1 year
ID: 66, Parent: None, Name: Real return bonds, long-term
ID: 67, Parent: None, Name: Contractual interest rate for new insured 5-year fixed rate mortgages
ID: 68, Parent: None, Name: Benchmark qualifying mortgage rate |
D10100147 | Canadian government finance statistics (CGFS), statement of operations and balance sheet for consolidated governments | Title: Canadian government finance statistics (CGFS), statement of operations and balance sheet for consolidated governments
Date range: 2007-01-01 to 2019-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Public sector components, Display value, Statement of operations and balance sheet
Subject: Government
Survey: Canadian Government Finance Statistics
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon
ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut
Public sector components:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Consolidated Canadian general government
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Consolidated provincial-territorial and local governments
Display value:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Stocks
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Transactions and other economic flows
Statement of operations and balance sheet:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Gross operating balance
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Net operating balance
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Revenue
ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Taxes
ID: 5, Parent: 4, Name: Taxes on income, profits and capital gains
ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Taxes on income, profits and capital gains payable by individuals
ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Taxes on income, profits and capital gains payable by corporations and other enterprises
ID: 8, Parent: 5, Name: Taxes on income, profits and capital gains payable by nonresidents
ID: 9, Parent: 4, Name: Taxes on payroll and workforce
ID: 10, Parent: 4, Name: Taxes on property
ID: 11, Parent: 10, Name: Recurrent taxes on immovable property
ID: 12, Parent: 11, Name: Real property taxes
ID: 13, Parent: 11, Name: Special assessments
ID: 14, Parent: 11, Name: Business taxes
ID: 15, Parent: 11, Name: Payments in lieu of taxes
ID: 16, Parent: 10, Name: Other taxes on property
ID: 17, Parent: 4, Name: Taxes on goods and services
ID: 18, Parent: 17, Name: General taxes on goods and services
ID: 19, Parent: 17, Name: Excises
ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Liquor taxes
ID: 21, Parent: 19, Name: Tobacco taxes
ID: 22, Parent: 19, Name: Gasoline and motive fuel taxes
ID: 138, Parent: 19, Name: Cannabis taxes
ID: 23, Parent: 19, Name: Other excise taxes
ID: 24, Parent: 17, Name: Profits of fiscal monopolies
ID: 25, Parent: 24, Name: Remitted liquor profits
ID: 26, Parent: 24, Name: Remitted profits on games of chance and other
ID: 27, Parent: 17, Name: Taxes on specific services
ID: 28, Parent: 17, Name: Taxes on use of goods and on permission to use goods or perform activities
ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Motor vehicle taxes
ID: 30, Parent: 28, Name: Other taxes on use of goods and on permission to use goods or perform activities
ID: 31, Parent: 17, Name: Other taxes on goods and services
ID: 32, Parent: 4, Name: Other taxes
ID: 33, Parent: 3, Name: Social contributions
ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Social security contributions
ID: 35, Parent: 34, Name: Contributions to workers' compensation boards
ID: 36, Parent: 34, Name: Other social security contributions
ID: 37, Parent: 33, Name: Other social contributions
ID: 38, Parent: 3, Name: Grants, revenue
ID: 39, Parent: 38, Name: Grants from foreign governments and international governmental organizations
ID: 40, Parent: 38, Name: Grants from general government units
ID: 41, Parent: 3, Name: Other revenue
ID: 42, Parent: 41, Name: Property income
ID: 43, Parent: 42, Name: Interest revenue
ID: 44, Parent: 42, Name: Dividend revenue
ID: 45, Parent: 42, Name: Rent
ID: 46, Parent: 45, Name: Oil and gas royalties
ID: 47, Parent: 45, Name: Forestry royalties
ID: 48, Parent: 45, Name: Mineral royalties
ID: 49, Parent: 45, Name: Water power royalties
ID: 50, Parent: 45, Name: Other rent and property income
ID: 51, Parent: 41, Name: Sales of goods and services
ID: 52, Parent: 51, Name: Administrative fees
ID: 53, Parent: 51, Name: Housing and community amenities
ID: 54, Parent: 51, Name: Tuition and school fees
ID: 55, Parent: 51, Name: Other sales of goods and services
ID: 56, Parent: 41, Name: Fines, penalties and forfeits
ID: 57, Parent: 41, Name: Voluntary transfers other than grants
ID: 58, Parent: 41, Name: Miscellaneous revenue
ID: 59, Parent: 2, Name: Expense
ID: 60, Parent: 59, Name: Compensation of employees
ID: 61, Parent: 59, Name: Use of goods and services
ID: 62, Parent: 59, Name: Consumption of fixed capital
ID: 63, Parent: 59, Name: Interest expense
ID: 64, Parent: 59, Name: Subsidies
ID: 65, Parent: 64, Name: Subsidies to government business enterprises
ID: 66, Parent: 64, Name: Subsidies to private enterprises
ID: 67, Parent: 66, Name: Agricultural subsidies to private enterprises
ID: 68, Parent: 66, Name: Other subsidies to private enterprises on products
ID: 69, Parent: 66, Name: Other subsidies to private enterprises on production
ID: 70, Parent: 59, Name: Grants, expense
ID: 71, Parent: 70, Name: Grants to foreign governments and international governmental organizations
ID: 72, Parent: 70, Name: Grants to general government units
ID: 73, Parent: 59, Name: Social benefits
ID: 74, Parent: 73, Name: Social security benefits
ID: 75, Parent: 74, Name: Employment insurance and parental insurance benefits
ID: 76, Parent: 74, Name: Other social security benefits
ID: 77, Parent: 73, Name: Social assistance benefits
ID: 78, Parent: 73, Name: Employer social benefits
ID: 79, Parent: 59, Name: Other expense
ID: 80, Parent: 79, Name: Property expense other than interest
ID: 81, Parent: 79, Name: Miscellaneous other expense
ID: 82, Parent: 81, Name: Miscellaneous other current expense
ID: 83, Parent: 82, Name: Tax expenses
ID: 84, Parent: 82, Name: Transfers to persons
ID: 85, Parent: 82, Name: Transfers to non-profit institutions
ID: 86, Parent: 82, Name: Other miscellaneous current expenses
ID: 87, Parent: 81, Name: Miscellaneous other capital expense
ID: 137, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, Quebec abatement
ID: 88, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, total expenditures
ID: 89, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, capitalized research and development costs
ID: 90, Parent: 89, Name: Memorandum items, capitalized research and development compensation of employees
ID: 91, Parent: 89, Name: Memorandum items, capitalized research and development use of goods and services
ID: 92, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, consumption of fixed capital according to public sector accounts
ID: 93, Parent: None, Name: Net worth
ID: 94, Parent: 93, Name: Nonfinancial assets
ID: 95, Parent: 93, Name: Net financial worth
ID: 96, Parent: 95, Name: Financial assets
ID: 97, Parent: 96, Name: Currency and deposits, assets
ID: 98, Parent: 96, Name: Debt securities, assets
ID: 99, Parent: 98, Name: Treasury bills, assets
ID: 100, Parent: 98, Name: Finance and other short-term paper, assets
ID: 101, Parent: 98, Name: Bonds, assets
ID: 102, Parent: 96, Name: Loans, assets
ID: 103, Parent: 102, Name: Loans and advances, assets
ID: 104, Parent: 102, Name: Mortgages, assets
ID: 105, Parent: 96, Name: Equity and investment fund shares, assets
ID: 106, Parent: 105, Name: Marketable shares
ID: 107, Parent: 105, Name: Non-marketable shares and other equity
ID: 108, Parent: 105, Name: Investment fund shares
ID: 109, Parent: 96, Name: Insurance and pension, assets
ID: 110, Parent: 96, Name: Other accounts receivable
ID: 111, Parent: 110, Name: Trade credits and advances, receivable
ID: 112, Parent: 110, Name: Other receivable
ID: 113, Parent: 96, Name: Monetary gold and special drawing rights (SDR), assets
ID: 114, Parent: 95, Name: Liabilities
ID: 115, Parent: 114, Name: Currency and deposits, liabilities
ID: 116, Parent: 114, Name: Debt securities, liabilities
ID: 117, Parent: 116, Name: Treasury bills, liabilities
ID: 118, Parent: 116, Name: Finance and other short-term paper, liabilities
ID: 119, Parent: 116, Name: Saving bonds
ID: 120, Parent: 116, Name: Bonds, liabilities
ID: 121, Parent: 114, Name: Loans, liabilities
ID: 122, Parent: 121, Name: Bank overdrafts
ID: 123, Parent: 121, Name: Loans and advances, liabilities
ID: 124, Parent: 121, Name: Mortgages, liabilities
ID: 125, Parent: 114, Name: Equity, liabilities
ID: 126, Parent: 114, Name: Insurance, pension and standardized guarantee schemes, liabilities
ID: 127, Parent: 126, Name: Pensions plans, liabilities
ID: 128, Parent: 126, Name: Insurance and standardized guarantee schemes, liabilities
ID: 129, Parent: 114, Name: Other accounts payable
ID: 130, Parent: 129, Name: Trade credits and advances, payable
ID: 131, Parent: 129, Name: Other payable
ID: 132, Parent: 114, Name: Monetary gold and special drawing rights (SDR), liabilities
ID: 133, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, nonfinancial assets according to public sector accounts
ID: 134, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, liabilities at nominal value
ID: 135, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, employee future benefits
ID: 136, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, environmental liabilities |
D10100148 | Chartered banks, classification of non-mortgage loans, at end of period, Bank of Canada | Title: Chartered banks, classification of non-mortgage loans, at end of period, Bank of Canada
Date range: 1981-10-01 to 2021-04-01
Dimensions: Geography, Type of currency, Type of loans
Subject: Government
Survey: Bank of Canada
Frequency: Quarterly
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
Type of currency:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canadian dollar
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Foreign currency
Type of loans:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, loans
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Other loans
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Factored receivables
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Leasing receivables
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Loans to non-residents
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Loans to provincial and municipal governments
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Loans to institutions
ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Total, loans to non-financial corporations and unincorporated businesses
ID: 9, Parent: 8, Name: Loans to provincial and municipal government enterprises
ID: 10, Parent: 8, Name: Loans to federal government enterprises
ID: 11, Parent: 8, Name: Total, loans to private businesses
ID: 12, Parent: 11, Name: Loans to multiproduct conglomerates
ID: 13, Parent: 11, Name: Loans to service industries, real estate
ID: 14, Parent: 11, Name: Loans to service industries, other than real estate
ID: 15, Parent: 11, Name: Total, loans to retail trade
ID: 16, Parent: 15, Name: Loans to retail trade, automotive
ID: 17, Parent: 15, Name: Loans to retail trade, other than automotive
ID: 18, Parent: 11, Name: Loans to wholesalers
ID: 19, Parent: 11, Name: Loans to transportation, communication and other utilities
ID: 20, Parent: 11, Name: Loans to construction industry, builders and developers
ID: 21, Parent: 11, Name: Loans to construction industry, other than builders and developers
ID: 22, Parent: 11, Name: Total, loans to manufacturers
ID: 23, Parent: 22, Name: Loans to manufacturers, food, beverage and tobacco products
ID: 24, Parent: 22, Name: Loans to manufacturers, leather, textile and apparel products
ID: 25, Parent: 22, Name: Loans to manufacturers, metal products
ID: 26, Parent: 22, Name: Loans to manufacturers, transportation equipment
ID: 27, Parent: 22, Name: Loans to petroleum products industry
ID: 28, Parent: 22, Name: Loans to manufacturers, other products
ID: 29, Parent: 11, Name: Loans to mining industry
ID: 30, Parent: 11, Name: Loans to oil and gas industry
ID: 31, Parent: 11, Name: Other loans to mines, quarries and oil wells
ID: 32, Parent: 31, Name: Other loans to mines
ID: 33, Parent: 11, Name: Loans for fishing and forestry
ID: 34, Parent: 11, Name: Loans for logging and forestry
ID: 35, Parent: 11, Name: Loans for fishing and trapping
ID: 36, Parent: 11, Name: Loans for agriculture
ID: 37, Parent: 8, Name: Loans to government enterprises
ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Loans to public financial institutions
ID: 63, Parent: 1, Name: Total, loans to financial institutions
ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Loans to private financial institutions, deposit taking
ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Loans to investment dealers
ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Loans to other private financial institutions
ID: 64, Parent: 1, Name: Total, loans to Canadian individuals for non-business purposes
ID: 62, Parent: 1, Name: Loans to Canadian individuals to purchase securities
ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Other loans to Canadian individuals for non-business purposes
ID: 43, Parent: 42, Name: Total, loans to purchase consumer goods and services
ID: 44, Parent: 43, Name: Loans to purchase consumer goods and services, credit card
ID: 45, Parent: 43, Name: Loans to purchase consumer goods and services, excluding credit card
ID: 46, Parent: 45, Name: Loans to purchase private passenger vehicles
ID: 47, Parent: 45, Name: Loans to purchase mobile homes
ID: 48, Parent: 45, Name: Loans for renovations of residential property
ID: 49, Parent: 45, Name: Loans to purchase consumer goods and services, other
ID: 50, Parent: 42, Name: Loans to purchase securities, market stocks and bonds
ID: 51, Parent: 42, Name: Loans to carry tax sheltered plans
ID: 52, Parent: 1, Name: Loans at investment dealers subsidiaries
ID: 53, Parent: 1, Name: Own acceptances purchased
ID: 54, Parent: 1, Name: Reverse repurchase loans
ID: 65, Parent: 1, Name: Total, loans to other Canadians
ID: 55, Parent: None, Name: Loans under personal loan plan
ID: 56, Parent: None, Name: Loans to unincorporated businesses
ID: 57, Parent: None, Name: Government guaranteed loans, small businesses
ID: 58, Parent: None, Name: Government guaranteed loans, farm improvement
ID: 59, Parent: None, Name: Government guaranteed loans, Canadian student loans
ID: 60, Parent: None, Name: Other government guaranteed loans
ID: 61, Parent: None, Name: Other government guaranteed loans of which: interim construction lending |
D10100149 | Government of Canada direct and guaranteed securities and loans, at quarter-end, Bank of Canada | Title: Government of Canada direct and guaranteed securities and loans, at quarter-end, Bank of Canada
Date range: 1952-01-01 to 2017-10-01
Dimensions: Geography, Distribution by type of holder
Subject: Government
Survey: Bank of Canada
Frequency: Quarterly
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
Distribution by type of holder:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: General public, estimated distribution, residents
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: General public, estimated distribution, non-residents
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Total Government of Canada loans and securities held by non-residents
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Drawings under stand-by facilities and United States-pay Canada bills |
D10100150 | Life insurers, including accident, sickness branches and segregated funds, Bank of Canada | Title: Life insurers, including accident, sickness branches and segregated funds, Bank of Canada
Date range: 1977-04-01 to 2016-07-01
Dimensions: Geography, Life insurers, including accident, sickness branches and segregated funds
Subject: Government
Survey: Bank of Canada
Frequency: Quarterly
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
Life insurers, including accident, sickness branches and segregated funds:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total assets at booked value of life insurers
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Cash and deposits, Life insurers
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Total securities, Life insurers
ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Government of Canada Treasury Bills
ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Government of Canada bonds
ID: 6, Parent: 3, Name: Provincial and municipal securities
ID: 7, Parent: 3, Name: Short-term paper and bankers' acceptances
ID: 8, Parent: 3, Name: Corporate bonds
ID: 36, Parent: 3, Name: Securities, Short-term paper, Life insurers
ID: 37, Parent: 3, Name: Securities, Bonds and debentures, Life insurers
ID: 9, Parent: 3, Name: Securities, Corporates shares and other, Life insurers
ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Total mortgages, Life insurers
ID: 11, Parent: 10, Name: Residential mortgages, Life insurers
ID: 12, Parent: 10, Name: Non-residential mortgages, Life insurers
ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Real estate held for income, Life insurers
ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Policy loans, Life insurers
ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Other assets, Life insurers
ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Total liabilities at booked value of life insurers
ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Actuarial liabilities, Life insurers
ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Other liabilities, Life insurers
ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Equity, Life insurers
ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Total assets at booked value of segregated funds
ID: 34, Parent: None, Name: Total assets or liabilities at market value of segregated funds
ID: 21, Parent: 34, Name: Cash and deposits, Segregated funds
ID: 22, Parent: 34, Name: Total securities, Segregated funds
ID: 23, Parent: 22, Name: Government of Canada Treasury Bills
ID: 24, Parent: 22, Name: Government of Canada bonds
ID: 25, Parent: 22, Name: Provincial and municipal securities
ID: 26, Parent: 22, Name: Short-term paper and bankers' acceptances
ID: 27, Parent: 22, Name: Corporate bonds
ID: 38, Parent: 22, Name: Securities, Short-term paper, Segregated funds
ID: 39, Parent: 22, Name: Securities, Bonds and debentures, Segregated funds
ID: 28, Parent: 22, Name: Securities, Corporate shares and other, Segregated funds
ID: 29, Parent: 34, Name: Total mortgages, Segregated funds
ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Residential mortgages, Segregated funds
ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Non-residential mortgages, Segregated funds
ID: 32, Parent: 34, Name: Real estate held for income, Segregated funds
ID: 33, Parent: 34, Name: Other assets, Segregated funds
ID: 35, Parent: None, Name: Liabilities to policy holders, Segregated funds |
D10100151 | Local credit unions and caisses populaires: quarterly statement of assets and liabilities, end of period, Bank of Canada | Title: Local credit unions and caisses populaires: quarterly statement of assets and liabilities, end of period, Bank of Canada
Date range: 1967-01-01 to 2016-07-01
Dimensions: Geography, Assets and liabilities
Subject: Government
Survey: Bank of Canada
Frequency: Quarterly
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
Assets and liabilities:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, assets
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Cash and demand and notice deposits, in centrals
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Cash and demand and notice deposits, other
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Term deposits
ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Cash and deposits
ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: Short-term paper
ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Bonds and debentures
ID: 31, Parent: 1, Name: Corporate shares and other
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Government of Canada Treasury Bills
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Other short-term paper and bankers' acceptances
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Government of Canada bonds
ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Provincial bonds
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Municipal bonds
ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Other bonds and debentures
ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Shares in central credit unions
ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Other investments
ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Personal loans
ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Other loans
ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Residential mortgages
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Non-residential mortgages
ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Other assets
ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Total, liabilities
ID: 19, Parent: 18, Name: Borrowings
ID: 20, Parent: 18, Name: Total, deposits
ID: 21, Parent: 20, Name: Chequable deposits
ID: 22, Parent: 20, Name: Non-chequable deposits
ID: 23, Parent: 20, Name: Term deposits
ID: 24, Parent: 18, Name: Other liabilities
ID: 25, Parent: 18, Name: Members' equity, share capital
ID: 26, Parent: 18, Name: Members' equity, other
ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Deposits, of which: tax-sheltered |
D10100152 | Trust and mortgage loan companies excluding bank trust and mortgage subsidiaries: quarterly statement of assets and liabilities, end of period, Bank of Canada | Title: Trust and mortgage loan companies excluding bank trust and mortgage subsidiaries: quarterly statement of assets and liabilities, end of period, Bank of Canada
Date range: 1984-01-01 to 2016-07-01
Dimensions: Geography, Assets and liabilities
Subject: Government
Survey: Bank of Canada
Frequency: Quarterly
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
Assets and liabilities:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total assets
ID: 45, Parent: 1, Name: Cash and deposits
ID: 46, Parent: 1, Name: Short term paper
ID: 47, Parent: 1, Name: Bonds and debentures
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total, major assets
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Cash and liquid assets
ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Cash and gross demand
ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Term deposits
ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Term deposits, chartered banks
ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Other term deposits
ID: 8, Parent: 3, Name: Government of Canada Treasury Bills
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Collateral business loans, with investment dealers
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Other short-term paper and bankers' acceptances
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Total, Canadian bonds
ID: 12, Parent: 11, Name: Government of Canada bonds
ID: 13, Parent: 11, Name: Provincial and municipal bonds
ID: 14, Parent: 11, Name: Corporate bonds
ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Mortgage loans and sales agreements
ID: 17, Parent: 15, Name: Non-residential mortgage loans
ID: 16, Parent: 15, Name: Residential mortgage loans
ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Personal loans
ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: Corporate shares and other
ID: 20, Parent: 1, Name: Leasing contracts
ID: 21, Parent: 1, Name: Other assets
ID: 43, Parent: 1, Name: Other loans
ID: 22, Parent: 43, Name: Other business loans
ID: 23, Parent: 1, Name: Items in transit
ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: Total liabilities
ID: 25, Parent: 24, Name: Total, major liabilities
ID: 26, Parent: 25, Name: Total, deposits
ID: 27, Parent: 26, Name: Total, savings deposits
ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Chequable savings deposits
ID: 29, Parent: 27, Name: Non-chequable savings deposits
ID: 30, Parent: 26, Name: Total, term deposits, Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GIC) and debentures
ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Term deposits, Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GIC) and debentures, less than 1 year
ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Term deposits, Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GIC) and debentures, 1 year and over
ID: 33, Parent: 25, Name: Bank loans
ID: 34, Parent: 25, Name: Debentures issued under trust indentures
ID: 35, Parent: 25, Name: Total, promissory notes
ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Promissory notes, less than 1 year
ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Other promissory notes
ID: 49, Parent: 25, Name: Borrowings
ID: 38, Parent: 25, Name: Other liabilities
ID: 39, Parent: 25, Name: Shareholders equity
ID: 40, Parent: None, Name: Deposits, of which: personal deposits, Of which tax-sheltered
ID: 41, Parent: None, Name: Deposits, of which: personal deposits, total
ID: 42, Parent: None, Name: Promissory notes and debentures
ID: 44, Parent: None, Name: Mortgages insured under National Housing Act (NHA) |
D10100153 | Gross new issues, retirements and net new issues, par value, Bank of Canada | Title: Gross new issues, retirements and net new issues, par value, Bank of Canada
Date range: 1936-01-01 to 2017-10-01
Dimensions: Geography, Type of issues, Issuers
Subject: Government
Survey: Bank of Canada
Frequency: Quarterly
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada and Abroad
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Canada
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Abroad
Type of issues:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Gross new issues
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Retirements
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Net new issues
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, issuers
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Government of Canada direct and guaranteed bonds
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Provincial direct and guaranteed bonds
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Municipal direct and guaranteed bonds
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Corporate bonds
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Preferred stocks
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Common stocks
ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Trust units
ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Other institutions and foreign debtors
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Provincial securities purchased by Canada Pension Plan |
D10100154 | Net new security issues placed in Canada and abroad, par value, Bank of Canada, inactive | Title: Net new security issues placed in Canada and abroad, par value, Bank of Canada, inactive
Date range: 1936-01-01 to 2019-04-01
Dimensions: Geography, Issuers
Subject: Government
Survey: Bank of Canada
Frequency: Quarterly
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada and Abroad
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Canada
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Abroad
ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: United States
ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Other countries
ID: 28, Parent: None, Name: Provincial governments and their enterprises and municipal governments
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Net new security issues
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total government, corporations, other institutions, foreign borrowers and special purpose corporations
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Government of Canada Treasury Bills and bonds
ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Government of Canada Treasury Bills
ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Government of Canada bonds
ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Canada Savings Bonds
ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Other bonds
ID: 9, Parent: 5, Name: Total retail instruments
ID: 8, Parent: 5, Name: Other retail instruments
ID: 10, Parent: 3, Name: Provincial bonds
ID: 11, Parent: 10, Name: Provincial: Canada Pension Plan
ID: 12, Parent: 10, Name: Provincial: other bonds
ID: 13, Parent: 2, Name: Municipal bonds
ID: 14, Parent: 2, Name: Corporate bonds
ID: 15, Parent: 2, Name: Total corporate stocks
ID: 16, Parent: 15, Name: Corporate: preferred stocks
ID: 17, Parent: 15, Name: Corporate: common stocks
ID: 29, Parent: 15, Name: Trust units
ID: 18, Parent: 2, Name: Other institutions and foreign borrowers
ID: 19, Parent: 2, Name: Term securitizations: National Housing Act (NHA) mortgage, backed securities
ID: 20, Parent: 2, Name: Term securitizations: other asset, backed securities
ID: 21, Parent: 1, Name: Total commercial paper
ID: 22, Parent: 21, Name: Sales finance companies and other commercial paper
ID: 23, Parent: 21, Name: Sales finance and consumer loan companies
ID: 24, Parent: 21, Name: Other commercial paper
ID: 25, Parent: 1, Name: Total short-term paper, including United States-pay Canada bills
ID: 26, Parent: 1, Name: Canadian dollar bankers' acceptances
ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Government of Canada Treasury Bills and United States-pay Canada bills |
D10100155 | Gross new bonds issues and retirements, Bank of Canada | Title: Gross new bonds issues and retirements, Bank of Canada
Date range: 1952-01-01 to 2017-10-01
Dimensions: Geography, Securities, Type of issue
Subject: Government
Survey: Bank of Canada
Frequency: Quarterly
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Abroad
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Municipal bonds
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Corporate and other bonds
Type of issue:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Gross new issues delivered
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Retirements |
D10100156 | Corporate short-term paper outstanding, Bank of Canada, quarterly, inactive | Title: Corporate short-term paper outstanding, Bank of Canada, quarterly, inactive
Date range: 1969-01-01 to 2019-04-01
Dimensions: Geography, Components
Subject: Government
Survey: Bank of Canada
Frequency: Quarterly
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Municipal governments, Treasury Bills and other short-term paper
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Total Treasury Bills and other short-term paper |
D10100157 | Non-depository credit intermediation, quarterly statement of assets and liabilities, Bank of Canada | Title: Non-depository credit intermediation, quarterly statement of assets and liabilities, Bank of Canada
Date range: 1988-01-01 to 2016-07-01
Dimensions: Geography, Assets and liabilities
Subject: Government
Survey: Bank of Canada
Frequency: Quarterly
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
Assets and liabilities:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total assets
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total cash and deposits
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Cash and demand deposits
ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Items in transit
ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Term deposits
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Total portfolio investments
ID: 7, Parent: 6, Name: Government of Canada treasury bills
ID: 9, Parent: 6, Name: Canadian bonds, government of Canada direct and guaranteed
ID: 10, Parent: 6, Name: Canadian bonds, provincial and municipal
ID: 11, Parent: 6, Name: Canadian bonds, corporate
ID: 12, Parent: 6, Name: Canadian preferred and common shares
ID: 8, Parent: 6, Name: Other short-term paper and bankers acceptances
ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Total mortgage loans
ID: 14, Parent: 13, Name: Residential mortgages
ID: 15, Parent: 13, Name: Non-residential mortgages
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Total non-mortgage loans
ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Personal loans
ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Business loans
ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Leasing contracts
ID: 20, Parent: 1, Name: Investments and accounts with affiliates
ID: 21, Parent: 1, Name: Allowance for losses on investments and loans
ID: 22, Parent: 1, Name: Other assets
ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Total liabilities and shareholders' equity
ID: 24, Parent: 23, Name: Banker's acceptances and paper
ID: 25, Parent: 23, Name: Long-term debt
ID: 26, Parent: 23, Name: Loans and accounts with affiliates
ID: 27, Parent: 23, Name: Loans and other borrowings
ID: 28, Parent: 23, Name: Accounts payable and accrued liabilities
ID: 29, Parent: 23, Name: Other liabilities
ID: 30, Parent: 23, Name: Shareholders' equity |
D10100158 | Chartered banks, regional distribution of selected assets and liabilities, at end of period, Canada, provinces and international, Bank of Canada | Title: Chartered banks, regional distribution of selected assets and liabilities, at end of period, Canada, provinces and international, Bank of Canada
Date range: 1981-10-01 to 2021-04-01
Dimensions: Geography, Assets and liabilities
Subject: Government
Survey: Bank of Canada
Frequency: Quarterly
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada, provinces and international
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut
ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon
ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories including Nunavut
ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut
ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Unallocated in Canada and international
ID: 18, Parent: 17, Name: Unallocated in Canada
ID: 19, Parent: 17, Name: International
Assets and liabilities:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Bank notes and coin other than gold and silver bullion
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Securities issued or guaranteed by a Canadian province
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Securities issued or guaranteed by a Canadian municipal or school corporation
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Other securities
ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Non-mortgage loans, call and other short loans to investment dealers and brokers
ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Non-mortgage loans, to Canadian federal government, provinces, municipalities, or school corporations
ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Non-mortgage loans, lease receivables
ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Non-mortgage loans, to individuals for non-business purposes, total personal loans
ID: 9, Parent: 8, Name: Non-mortgage loans, to individuals for non-business purposes, personal loan plans
ID: 10, Parent: 8, Name: Non-mortgage loans, to individuals for non-business purposes, credit card
ID: 11, Parent: 8, Name: Non-mortgage loans, to individuals for non-business purposes, other
ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Non-mortgage loans, to individuals and others for business purposes, total loans to Canadian resident non-financial business
ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Non-mortgage loans, to individuals and others for business purposes, loans to Canadian resident non-financial business with authorizations of: less than 0.5
ID: 14, Parent: 12, Name: Non-mortgage loans, to individuals and others for business purposes, loans to Canadian resident non-financial business with authorizations of: 0.5 to 5
ID: 15, Parent: 12, Name: Non-mortgage loans, to individuals and others for business purposes, loans to Canadian resident non-financial business with authorizations of: over 5
ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Non-mortgage loans, to individuals and others for business purposes, Canadian agricultural loans
ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Non-mortgage loans, to individuals and others for business purposes, other loans for business purposes and own acceptances purchased
ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Mortgages, residential
ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Mortgages, non-residential
ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Customers' liability under acceptances
ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Land, building and equipment less accumulated depreciation
ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Personal deposits, total
ID: 23, Parent: 22, Name: Personal deposits, demand and notice, total
ID: 24, Parent: 23, Name: Personal deposits, demand and notice, of which: tax-sheltered
ID: 25, Parent: 22, Name: Personal deposits, fixed term, total
ID: 26, Parent: 25, Name: Personal deposits, fixed term, of which: tax-sheltered
ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Non-personal deposits (excluding deposits of banks), total
ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Non-personal deposits (excluding deposits of banks), demand and notice, provinces
ID: 29, Parent: 27, Name: Non-personal deposits (excluding deposits of banks), demand and notice, municipalities
ID: 30, Parent: 27, Name: Non-personal deposits (excluding deposits of banks), demand and notice, other
ID: 31, Parent: 27, Name: Non-personal deposits (excluding deposits of banks), fixed term, provinces
ID: 32, Parent: 27, Name: Non-personal deposits (excluding deposits of banks), fixed term, municipalities
ID: 33, Parent: 27, Name: Non-personal deposits (excluding deposits of banks), fixed term, other
ID: 34, Parent: None, Name: Acceptances
ID: 35, Parent: None, Name: Liabilities of subsidiaries, other than deposits
ID: 36, Parent: None, Name: Non-controlling interests in subsidiaries |
D10100159 | Federal government expenditures on culture, by culture activity | Title: Federal government expenditures on culture, by culture activity
Date range: 1998-01-01 to 2002-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Federal government expenditures, Culture activity
Subject: Government
Survey: Survey of Federal Government Expenditures on Culture
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon
ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories including Nunavut
ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Other national organizations and foreign countries
Federal government expenditures:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total federal government expenditures
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Federal government operating expenditures
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Federal government capital expenditures
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Federal government operating grants, contributions and transfers
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Federal government capital grants, contributions and transfers
Culture activity:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total culture activities
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total libraries
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: National libraries
ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Public libraries
ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: School libraries
ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: University and college libraries
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Total heritage resources
ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Museums
ID: 9, Parent: 7, Name: Public archives
ID: 10, Parent: 7, Name: Historic parks and sites
ID: 11, Parent: 7, Name: Nature and provincial parks
ID: 12, Parent: 7, Name: Other heritage resources
ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Arts education
ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Literary arts
ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Performing arts
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Visual arts and crafts
ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Film and video
ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Broadcasting
ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: Sound recording
ID: 20, Parent: 1, Name: Multiculturalism
ID: 21, Parent: 1, Name: Multidisciplinary activities
ID: 22, Parent: 1, Name: Other culture activities |
D10100160 | Provincial and territorial government expenditures on culture, by culture activity | Title: Provincial and territorial government expenditures on culture, by culture activity
Date range: 1998-01-01 to 2002-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Provincial and territorial government expenditures, Culture activity
Subject: Government
Survey: Survey of Provincial/Territorial Government Expenditures on Culture
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon
ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories including Nunavut
ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories
Provincial and territorial government expenditures:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total provincial and territorial government expenditures
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Provincial and territorial government operating expenditures
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Provincial and territorial government capital expenditures
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Provincial and territorial government operating grants, contributions and transfers
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Provincial and territorial government capital grants, contributions and transfers
Culture activity:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total culture activities
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total libraries
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: National libraries
ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Public libraries
ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: School libraries
ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: University and college libraries
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Total heritage resources
ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Museums
ID: 9, Parent: 7, Name: Public archives
ID: 10, Parent: 7, Name: Historic parks and sites
ID: 11, Parent: 7, Name: Nature and provincial parks
ID: 12, Parent: 7, Name: Other heritage resources
ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Arts education
ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Literary arts
ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Performing arts
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Visual arts and crafts
ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Film and video
ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Broadcasting
ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: Sound recording
ID: 20, Parent: 1, Name: Multiculturalism
ID: 21, Parent: 1, Name: Multidisciplinary activities
ID: 22, Parent: 1, Name: Other culture activities |
D11100001 | Children aged 17 and under living in low-income families (1995 income) as a proportion of children aged 17 and under living in economic families, Canada, provinces, territories and health regions, 1996 | Title: Children aged 17 and under living in low-income families (1995 income) as a proportion of children aged 17 and under living in economic families, Canada, provinces, territories and health regions, 1996
Date range: 1996-01-01 to 1996-01-01
Dimensions: Geography
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Census of Population
Frequency: Every 5 years
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services St. John's Region, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services Eastern Region, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services Central Region, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services Western Region, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Grenfell Regional Health Services Board, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: Health Labrador Corporation, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Urban Health Region, Prince Edward Island
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Rural Health Region, Prince Edward Island
ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 1, Nova Scotia
ID: 14, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 2, Nova Scotia
ID: 15, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 3, Nova Scotia
ID: 16, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 4, Nova Scotia
ID: 17, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 5, Nova Scotia
ID: 18, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 6, Nova Scotia
ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Region 1, New Brunswick
ID: 21, Parent: 19, Name: Region 2, New Brunswick
ID: 22, Parent: 19, Name: Region 3, New Brunswick
ID: 23, Parent: 19, Name: Region 4, New Brunswick
ID: 24, Parent: 19, Name: Region 5, New Brunswick
ID: 25, Parent: 19, Name: Region 6, New Brunswick
ID: 26, Parent: 19, Name: Region 7, New Brunswick
ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Québec
ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Bas-Saint-Laurent, Québec
ID: 29, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, Québec
ID: 30, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Québec, Québec
ID: 31, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Mauricie et Centre-du-Québec, Québec
ID: 32, Parent: 27, Name: Région de l'Estrie, Québec
ID: 33, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Montréal-Centre, Québec
ID: 34, Parent: 27, Name: Région de l'Outaouais, Québec
ID: 35, Parent: 27, Name: Région de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Québec
ID: 36, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Côte-Nord, Québec
ID: 37, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Nord-du-Québec, Québec
ID: 38, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Québec
ID: 39, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Chaudière-Appalaches, Québec
ID: 40, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Laval, Québec
ID: 41, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Lanaudière, Québec
ID: 42, Parent: 27, Name: Région des Laurentides, Québec
ID: 43, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Montérégie, Québec
ID: 44, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Nunavik, Québec
ID: 45, Parent: 27, Name: Région des Terres-Cries-de-la-Baie-James, Québec
ID: 46, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario by District Health Council
ID: 47, Parent: 46, Name: Champlain District Health Council, Ontario
ID: 48, Parent: 46, Name: Quinte-Kingston and Rideau DHC, Ontario
ID: 49, Parent: 46, Name: Durham-Haliburton-Kawartha and Pine Ridge DHC, Ontario
ID: 50, Parent: 46, Name: Toronto District Health Council, Ontario
ID: 51, Parent: 46, Name: Simcoe-York District Health Council, Ontario
ID: 52, Parent: 46, Name: Halton-Peel District Health Council, Ontario
ID: 53, Parent: 46, Name: Waterloo-Wellington-Dufferin DHC, Ontario
ID: 54, Parent: 46, Name: Hamilton-Wentworth DHC, Ontario
ID: 55, Parent: 46, Name: Niagara District Health Council, Ontario
ID: 56, Parent: 46, Name: Grand River DHC, Ontario
ID: 57, Parent: 46, Name: Thames Valley DHC, Ontario
ID: 58, Parent: 46, Name: Essex-Kent and Lambton DHC, Ontario
ID: 59, Parent: 46, Name: Grey-Bruce-Huron and Perth DHC, Ontario
ID: 60, Parent: 46, Name: Muskoka-Nipissing and Parry Sound DHC, Ontario
ID: 61, Parent: 46, Name: Algoma-Cochrane-Manitoulin and Sudbury DHC, Ontario
ID: 62, Parent: 46, Name: Northwestern Ontario DHC, Ontario
ID: 63, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario by Health Unit
ID: 64, Parent: 63, Name: Algoma Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 65, Parent: 63, Name: Brant Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 66, Parent: 63, Name: Durham Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 67, Parent: 63, Name: Elgin-St Thomas Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 68, Parent: 63, Name: Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 69, Parent: 63, Name: Haldimand-Norfolk Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 70, Parent: 63, Name: Haliburton-Kawartha-Pine Ridge Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 71, Parent: 63, Name: Halton Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 72, Parent: 63, Name: Hamilton Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 73, Parent: 63, Name: Hastings and Prince Edward Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 74, Parent: 63, Name: Huron Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 75, Parent: 63, Name: Kent-Chatham Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 76, Parent: 63, Name: Kingston-Frontenac-Lennox and Addington Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 77, Parent: 63, Name: Lambton Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 78, Parent: 63, Name: Leeds-Grenville-Lanark Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 79, Parent: 63, Name: Middlesex-London Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 80, Parent: 63, Name: Muskoka-Parry Sound Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 81, Parent: 63, Name: Niagara Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 82, Parent: 63, Name: North Bay Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 83, Parent: 63, Name: Northwestern Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 84, Parent: 63, Name: Ottawa Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 85, Parent: 63, Name: Oxford Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 86, Parent: 63, Name: Peel Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 87, Parent: 63, Name: Perth Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 88, Parent: 63, Name: Peterborough Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 89, Parent: 63, Name: Porcupine Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 90, Parent: 63, Name: Renfrew Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 91, Parent: 63, Name: Eastern Ontario Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 92, Parent: 63, Name: Simcoe Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 93, Parent: 63, Name: Sudbury Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 94, Parent: 63, Name: Thunder Bay Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 95, Parent: 63, Name: Timiskaming Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 96, Parent: 63, Name: Waterloo Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 97, Parent: 63, Name: Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 98, Parent: 63, Name: Windsor-Essex Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 99, Parent: 63, Name: York Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 100, Parent: 63, Name: Toronto Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 101, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 102, Parent: 101, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 103, Parent: 101, Name: Brandon, Manitoba
ID: 104, Parent: 101, Name: North Eastman, Manitoba
ID: 105, Parent: 101, Name: South Eastman, Manitoba
ID: 106, Parent: 101, Name: Interlake, Manitoba
ID: 107, Parent: 101, Name: Central, Manitoba
ID: 108, Parent: 101, Name: Marquette, Manitoba
ID: 109, Parent: 101, Name: South Westman, Manitoba
ID: 110, Parent: 101, Name: Parkland, Manitoba
ID: 111, Parent: 101, Name: Norman, Manitoba
ID: 112, Parent: 101, Name: Burntwood and Churchill, Manitoba
ID: 113, Parent: 112, Name: Burntwood, Manitoba
ID: 114, Parent: 112, Name: Churchill, Manitoba
ID: 115, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 116, Parent: 115, Name: Weyburn (A) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 117, Parent: 115, Name: Moose Jaw (B) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 118, Parent: 115, Name: Swift Current (C) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 119, Parent: 115, Name: Regina (D) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 120, Parent: 115, Name: Yorkton (E) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 121, Parent: 115, Name: Saskatoon (F) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 122, Parent: 115, Name: Rosetown (G) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 123, Parent: 115, Name: Melfort (H) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 124, Parent: 115, Name: Prince Albert (I) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 125, Parent: 115, Name: North Battleford (J) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 126, Parent: 115, Name: Northern Health Services Branch (K), Saskatchewan
ID: 127, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 128, Parent: 127, Name: Chinook Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 129, Parent: 127, Name: Palliser Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 130, Parent: 127, Name: Headwaters Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 131, Parent: 127, Name: Calgary Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 132, Parent: 127, Name: Health Authority #5, Alberta
ID: 133, Parent: 127, Name: David Thompson Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 134, Parent: 127, Name: East Central Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 135, Parent: 127, Name: Westview Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 136, Parent: 127, Name: Crossroads Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 137, Parent: 127, Name: Capital Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 138, Parent: 127, Name: Aspen Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 139, Parent: 127, Name: Lakeland Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 140, Parent: 127, Name: Mistahia Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 141, Parent: 127, Name: Peace Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 142, Parent: 127, Name: Keeweetinok Lakes Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 143, Parent: 127, Name: Northern Lights Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 144, Parent: 127, Name: Northwestern Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 145, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 146, Parent: 145, Name: East Kootenay, British Columbia
ID: 147, Parent: 145, Name: West Kootenay-Boundary, British Columbia
ID: 148, Parent: 145, Name: North Okanagan, British Columbia
ID: 149, Parent: 145, Name: South Okanagan Similkameen, British Columbia
ID: 150, Parent: 145, Name: Thompson, British Columbia
ID: 151, Parent: 145, Name: Fraser Valley, British Columbia
ID: 152, Parent: 145, Name: South Fraser Valley, British Columbia
ID: 153, Parent: 145, Name: Burnaby/Simon Fraser, British Columbia
ID: 154, Parent: 153, Name: Burnaby, British Columbia
ID: 155, Parent: 153, Name: Simon Fraser, British Columbia
ID: 156, Parent: 145, Name: Coast Garibaldi, British Columbia
ID: 157, Parent: 145, Name: Central Vancouver Island, British Columbia
ID: 158, Parent: 145, Name: Upper Island/Central Coast, British Columbia
ID: 159, Parent: 145, Name: Cariboo, British Columbia
ID: 160, Parent: 145, Name: North West, British Columbia
ID: 161, Parent: 145, Name: Peace Liard, British Columbia
ID: 162, Parent: 145, Name: Northern Interior, British Columbia
ID: 163, Parent: 145, Name: Vancouver/Richmond, British Columbia
ID: 164, Parent: 163, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 165, Parent: 163, Name: Richmond, British Columbia
ID: 166, Parent: 145, Name: North Shore, British Columbia
ID: 167, Parent: 145, Name: Capital, British Columbia
ID: 168, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon
ID: 169, Parent: 168, Name: Yukon
ID: 170, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 171, Parent: 170, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 172, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut
ID: 173, Parent: 172, Name: Nunavut |
D11100002 | Tax filers with charitable donations by sex and age | Title: Tax filers with charitable donations by sex and age
Date range: 1997-01-01 to 2019-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Donors and donations
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Financial Data and Charitable Donations, Preliminary T1 Family File
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island
ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia
ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia
ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia
ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick
ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick
ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick
ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick
ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick
ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part
ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick
ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part
ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec
ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec
ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec
ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec
ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec
ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec
ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec
ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec
ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec
ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec
ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec
ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec
ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec
ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec
ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec
ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec
ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec
ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec
ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec
ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec
ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec
ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec
ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec
ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec
ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec
ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec
ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part
ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part
ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario
ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part
ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part
ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario
ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario
ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario
ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario
ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario
ID: 41, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario
ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario
ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario
ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario
ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario
ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario
ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario
ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario
ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario
ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario
ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario
ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario
ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario
ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario
ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario
ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario
ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario
ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario
ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario
ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario
ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario
ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario
ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario
ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario
ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario
ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario
ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario
ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario
ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario
ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario
ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario
ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario
ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario
ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario
ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario
ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario
ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 189, Parent: 27, Name: Winkler, Manitoba
ID: 179, Parent: 27, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba
ID: 123, Parent: 27, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
ID: 124, Parent: 27, Name: Brandon, Manitoba
ID: 125, Parent: 27, Name: Thompson, Manitoba
ID: 126, Parent: 27, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba
ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan
ID: 127, Parent: 29, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan
ID: 128, Parent: 29, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
ID: 129, Parent: 29, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan
ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ID: 130, Parent: 29, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan
ID: 131, Parent: 29, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
ID: 132, Parent: 29, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan
ID: 190, Parent: 29, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan
ID: 133, Parent: 29, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part
ID: 134, Parent: 29, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan
ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 135, Parent: 32, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta
ID: 136, Parent: 32, Name: Brooks, Alberta
ID: 137, Parent: 32, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta
ID: 138, Parent: 32, Name: Okotoks, Alberta
ID: 180, Parent: 32, Name: High River, Alberta
ID: 33, Parent: 32, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 181, Parent: 32, Name: Strathmore, Alberta
ID: 139, Parent: 32, Name: Canmore, Alberta
ID: 140, Parent: 32, Name: Red Deer, Alberta
ID: 182, Parent: 32, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta
ID: 183, Parent: 32, Name: Lacombe, Alberta
ID: 141, Parent: 32, Name: Camrose, Alberta
ID: 34, Parent: 32, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 142, Parent: 32, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part
ID: 143, Parent: 32, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta
ID: 144, Parent: 32, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta
ID: 145, Parent: 32, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta
ID: 146, Parent: 32, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta
ID: 147, Parent: 32, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta
ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 148, Parent: 35, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia
ID: 191, Parent: 35, Name: Nelson, British Columbia
ID: 149, Parent: 35, Name: Penticton, British Columbia
ID: 48, Parent: 35, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia
ID: 150, Parent: 35, Name: Vernon, British Columbia
ID: 151, Parent: 35, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia
ID: 152, Parent: 35, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia
ID: 153, Parent: 35, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia
ID: 42, Parent: 35, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia
ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 154, Parent: 35, Name: Squamish, British Columbia
ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 155, Parent: 35, Name: Duncan, British Columbia
ID: 156, Parent: 35, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia
ID: 157, Parent: 35, Name: Parksville, British Columbia
ID: 158, Parent: 35, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia
ID: 159, Parent: 35, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia
ID: 160, Parent: 35, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia
ID: 161, Parent: 35, Name: Powell River, British Columbia
ID: 162, Parent: 35, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia
ID: 163, Parent: 35, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia
ID: 164, Parent: 35, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia
ID: 165, Parent: 35, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia
ID: 166, Parent: 35, Name: Terrace, British Columbia
ID: 167, Parent: 35, Name: Prince George, British Columbia
ID: 168, Parent: 35, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia
ID: 169, Parent: 35, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia
ID: 170, Parent: 35, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia
ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon
ID: 171, Parent: 38, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon
ID: 172, Parent: 38, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon
ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 173, Parent: 39, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
ID: 174, Parent: 39, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories
ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut
ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined NewBrunswick/Quebec
ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan
Donors and donations:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of male tax filers
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of female tax filers
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Number of donors
ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of male donors
ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of female donors
ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of donors aged 0 to 24 years
ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of donors aged 25 to 34 years
ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of donors aged 35 to 44 years
ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of donors aged 45 to 54 years
ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of donors aged 55 to 64 years
ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of donors aged 65 years and over
ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Total median donations
ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Median donation, males
ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Median donation, females
ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Total charitable donations
ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Charitable donations, males
ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Charitable donations, females |
D11100003 | Tax filers with charitable donations by income | Title: Tax filers with charitable donations by income
Date range: 1997-01-01 to 2019-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Donors and donations
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Financial Data and Charitable Donations, Preliminary T1 Family File
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island
ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia
ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia
ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia
ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick
ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick
ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick
ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick
ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick
ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part
ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick
ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part
ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec
ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec
ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec
ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec
ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec
ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec
ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec
ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec
ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec
ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec
ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec
ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec
ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec
ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec
ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec
ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec
ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec
ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec
ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec
ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec
ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec
ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec
ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec
ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec
ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec
ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec
ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part
ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part
ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario
ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part
ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part
ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario
ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario
ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario
ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario
ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario
ID: 41, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario
ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario
ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario
ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario
ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario
ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario
ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario
ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario
ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario
ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario
ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario
ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario
ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario
ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario
ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario
ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario
ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario
ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario
ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario
ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario
ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario
ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario
ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario
ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario
ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario
ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario
ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario
ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario
ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario
ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario
ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario
ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario
ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario
ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario
ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario
ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario
ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 189, Parent: 27, Name: Winkler, Manitoba
ID: 179, Parent: 27, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba
ID: 123, Parent: 27, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
ID: 124, Parent: 27, Name: Brandon, Manitoba
ID: 125, Parent: 27, Name: Thompson, Manitoba
ID: 126, Parent: 27, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba
ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan
ID: 127, Parent: 29, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan
ID: 128, Parent: 29, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
ID: 129, Parent: 29, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan
ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ID: 130, Parent: 29, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan
ID: 131, Parent: 29, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
ID: 132, Parent: 29, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan
ID: 190, Parent: 29, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan
ID: 133, Parent: 29, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part
ID: 134, Parent: 29, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan
ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 135, Parent: 32, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta
ID: 136, Parent: 32, Name: Brooks, Alberta
ID: 137, Parent: 32, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta
ID: 138, Parent: 32, Name: Okotoks, Alberta
ID: 180, Parent: 32, Name: High River, Alberta
ID: 33, Parent: 32, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 181, Parent: 32, Name: Strathmore, Alberta
ID: 139, Parent: 32, Name: Canmore, Alberta
ID: 140, Parent: 32, Name: Red Deer, Alberta
ID: 182, Parent: 32, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta
ID: 183, Parent: 32, Name: Lacombe, Alberta
ID: 141, Parent: 32, Name: Camrose, Alberta
ID: 34, Parent: 32, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 142, Parent: 32, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part
ID: 143, Parent: 32, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta
ID: 144, Parent: 32, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta
ID: 145, Parent: 32, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta
ID: 146, Parent: 32, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta
ID: 147, Parent: 32, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta
ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 148, Parent: 35, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia
ID: 191, Parent: 35, Name: Nelson, British Columbia
ID: 149, Parent: 35, Name: Penticton, British Columbia
ID: 48, Parent: 35, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia
ID: 150, Parent: 35, Name: Vernon, British Columbia
ID: 151, Parent: 35, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia
ID: 152, Parent: 35, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia
ID: 153, Parent: 35, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia
ID: 42, Parent: 35, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia
ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 154, Parent: 35, Name: Squamish, British Columbia
ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 155, Parent: 35, Name: Duncan, British Columbia
ID: 156, Parent: 35, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia
ID: 157, Parent: 35, Name: Parksville, British Columbia
ID: 158, Parent: 35, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia
ID: 159, Parent: 35, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia
ID: 160, Parent: 35, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia
ID: 161, Parent: 35, Name: Powell River, British Columbia
ID: 162, Parent: 35, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia
ID: 163, Parent: 35, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia
ID: 164, Parent: 35, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia
ID: 165, Parent: 35, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia
ID: 166, Parent: 35, Name: Terrace, British Columbia
ID: 167, Parent: 35, Name: Prince George, British Columbia
ID: 168, Parent: 35, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia
ID: 169, Parent: 35, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia
ID: 170, Parent: 35, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia
ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon
ID: 171, Parent: 38, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon
ID: 172, Parent: 38, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon
ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 173, Parent: 39, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
ID: 174, Parent: 39, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories
ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut
ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined NewBrunswick/Quebec
ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan
Donors and donations:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Number of charitable donors
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Percent of donors with total income of less than $20,000
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Percent of donors with total income between $20,000 and $39,999
ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Percent of donors with total income between $40,000 and $59,999
ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Percent of donors with total income between $60,000 and $79,999
ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Percent of donors with total income of $80,000 or more
ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Total charitable donations
ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Percent of donations reported, donors' total income of less than $20,000
ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Percent of donations reported, donors' total income between $20,000 and $39,999
ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Percent of donations reported, donors' total income between $40,000 and $59,999
ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Percent of donations reported, donors' total income between $60,000 and $79,999
ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Percent of donations reported, donors' total income of $80,000 or more |
D11100004 | Selected characteristics of tax filers and dependants, income and demographics (final T1 Family File) | Title: Selected characteristics of tax filers and dependants, income and demographics (final T1 Family File)
Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Summary table
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File)
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island
ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia
ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia
ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia
ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick
ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick
ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick
ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick
ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick
ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part
ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick
ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part
ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec
ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec
ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec
ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec
ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec
ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec
ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Québec
ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec
ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec
ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec
ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec
ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec
ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec
ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec
ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec
ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec
ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec
ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec
ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec
ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec
ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec
ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec
ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec
ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec
ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec
ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec
ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part
ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part
ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario
ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part
ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part
ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario
ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario
ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario
ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario
ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario
ID: 41, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario
ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario
ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario
ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario
ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario
ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario
ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario
ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario
ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario
ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario
ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario
ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario
ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario
ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario
ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario
ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario
ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario
ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario
ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario
ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario
ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario
ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario
ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario
ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario
ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario
ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario
ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario
ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario
ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario
ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario
ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario
ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario
ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario
ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario
ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario
ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario
ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 189, Parent: 27, Name: Winkler, Manitoba
ID: 179, Parent: 27, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba
ID: 123, Parent: 27, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
ID: 124, Parent: 27, Name: Brandon, Manitoba
ID: 125, Parent: 27, Name: Thompson, Manitoba
ID: 126, Parent: 27, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba
ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan
ID: 127, Parent: 29, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan
ID: 128, Parent: 29, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
ID: 129, Parent: 29, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan
ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ID: 130, Parent: 29, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan
ID: 131, Parent: 29, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
ID: 132, Parent: 29, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan
ID: 190, Parent: 29, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan
ID: 133, Parent: 29, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part
ID: 134, Parent: 29, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan
ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 135, Parent: 32, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta
ID: 136, Parent: 32, Name: Brooks, Alberta
ID: 137, Parent: 32, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta
ID: 138, Parent: 32, Name: Okotoks, Alberta
ID: 180, Parent: 32, Name: High River, Alberta
ID: 33, Parent: 32, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 181, Parent: 32, Name: Strathmore, Alberta
ID: 139, Parent: 32, Name: Canmore, Alberta
ID: 140, Parent: 32, Name: Red Deer, Alberta
ID: 182, Parent: 32, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta
ID: 183, Parent: 32, Name: Lacombe, Alberta
ID: 141, Parent: 32, Name: Camrose, Alberta
ID: 34, Parent: 32, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 142, Parent: 32, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part
ID: 143, Parent: 32, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta
ID: 144, Parent: 32, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta
ID: 145, Parent: 32, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta
ID: 146, Parent: 32, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta
ID: 147, Parent: 32, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta
ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 148, Parent: 35, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia
ID: 191, Parent: 35, Name: Nelson, British Columbia
ID: 149, Parent: 35, Name: Penticton, British Columbia
ID: 48, Parent: 35, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia
ID: 150, Parent: 35, Name: Vernon, British Columbia
ID: 151, Parent: 35, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia
ID: 152, Parent: 35, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia
ID: 153, Parent: 35, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia
ID: 42, Parent: 35, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia
ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 154, Parent: 35, Name: Squamish, British Columbia
ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 155, Parent: 35, Name: Duncan, British Columbia
ID: 156, Parent: 35, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia
ID: 157, Parent: 35, Name: Parksville, British Columbia
ID: 158, Parent: 35, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia
ID: 159, Parent: 35, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia
ID: 160, Parent: 35, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia
ID: 161, Parent: 35, Name: Powell River, British Columbia
ID: 162, Parent: 35, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia
ID: 163, Parent: 35, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia
ID: 164, Parent: 35, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia
ID: 165, Parent: 35, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia
ID: 166, Parent: 35, Name: Terrace, British Columbia
ID: 167, Parent: 35, Name: Prince George, British Columbia
ID: 168, Parent: 35, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia
ID: 169, Parent: 35, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia
ID: 170, Parent: 35, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia
ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon
ID: 171, Parent: 38, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon
ID: 172, Parent: 38, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon
ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 173, Parent: 39, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
ID: 174, Parent: 39, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories
ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut
ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined NewBrunswick/Quebec
ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan
Summary table:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: 5-year percent change of tax filers
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of tax filers aged 0 to 24 years
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of tax filers aged 25 to 44 years
ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of tax filers aged 45 to 64 years
ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of tax filers aged 65 years and over
ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Average age of tax filers
ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of tax filers, female
ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of tax filers, married
ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of tax filers in apartments
ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Number of persons
ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: 5-year percent change of persons
ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of persons aged 0 to 24 years
ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of persons aged 25 to 44 years
ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of persons aged 45 to 64 years
ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of persons aged 65 years and over
ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Average age of persons
ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of persons, female
ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of persons, married
ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of persons in apartments
ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Number of persons with total income
ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of persons with total income $15,000 and over
ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of persons with total income $25,000 and over
ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of persons with total income $35,000 and over
ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of persons with total income $50,000 and over
ID: 26, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of persons with total income $75,000 and over
ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of persons with total income $100,000 and over
ID: 28, Parent: None, Name: Median total income, males
ID: 29, Parent: None, Name: Median total income, females
ID: 30, Parent: None, Name: Median total income, both sexes
ID: 31, Parent: None, Name: Canadian index of median total income
ID: 32, Parent: None, Name: Provincial index of median total income
ID: 33, Parent: None, Name: 5-year percent change of median total income
ID: 34, Parent: None, Name: Number of persons reporting employment income and/or Employment Insurance benefits
ID: 35, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of females reporting employment income and/or Employment Insurance benefits
ID: 36, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of persons with labour income receiving Employment Insurance benefits
ID: 37, Parent: None, Name: Median employment income, males
ID: 38, Parent: None, Name: Median employment income, females
ID: 39, Parent: None, Name: Median employment income, both sexes
ID: 40, Parent: None, Name: Number of persons reporting Federal Child Benefits
ID: 41, Parent: None, Name: Amount for persons reporting Federal Child Benefits (Dollars) |
D11100005 | Tax filers and dependants by sex, marital status and age | Title: Tax filers and dependants by sex, marital status and age
Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Sex, Tax filers and dependants
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File)
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island
ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia
ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia
ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia
ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick
ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick
ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick
ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick
ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick
ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part
ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick
ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part
ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec
ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec
ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec
ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec
ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec
ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec
ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec
ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec
ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec
ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec
ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec
ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec
ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec
ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec
ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec
ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec
ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec
ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec
ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec
ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec
ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec
ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec
ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec
ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec
ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec
ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec
ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part
ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part
ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario
ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part
ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part
ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario
ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario
ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario
ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario
ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario
ID: 41, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario
ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario
ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario
ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario
ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario
ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario
ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario
ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario
ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario
ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario
ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario
ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario
ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario
ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario
ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario
ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario
ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario
ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario
ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario
ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario
ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario
ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario
ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario
ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario
ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario
ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario
ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario
ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario
ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario
ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario
ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario
ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario
ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario
ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario
ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario
ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario
ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 189, Parent: 27, Name: Winkler, Manitoba
ID: 179, Parent: 27, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba
ID: 123, Parent: 27, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
ID: 124, Parent: 27, Name: Brandon, Manitoba
ID: 125, Parent: 27, Name: Thompson, Manitoba
ID: 126, Parent: 27, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba
ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan
ID: 127, Parent: 29, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan
ID: 128, Parent: 29, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
ID: 129, Parent: 29, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan
ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ID: 130, Parent: 29, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan
ID: 131, Parent: 29, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
ID: 132, Parent: 29, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan
ID: 190, Parent: 29, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan
ID: 133, Parent: 29, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part
ID: 134, Parent: 29, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan
ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 135, Parent: 32, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta
ID: 136, Parent: 32, Name: Brooks, Alberta
ID: 137, Parent: 32, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta
ID: 138, Parent: 32, Name: Okotoks, Alberta
ID: 180, Parent: 32, Name: High River, Alberta
ID: 33, Parent: 32, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 181, Parent: 32, Name: Strathmore, Alberta
ID: 139, Parent: 32, Name: Canmore, Alberta
ID: 140, Parent: 32, Name: Red Deer, Alberta
ID: 182, Parent: 32, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta
ID: 183, Parent: 32, Name: Lacombe, Alberta
ID: 141, Parent: 32, Name: Camrose, Alberta
ID: 34, Parent: 32, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 142, Parent: 32, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part
ID: 143, Parent: 32, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta
ID: 144, Parent: 32, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta
ID: 145, Parent: 32, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta
ID: 146, Parent: 32, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta
ID: 147, Parent: 32, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta
ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 148, Parent: 35, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia
ID: 191, Parent: 35, Name: Nelson, British Columbia
ID: 149, Parent: 35, Name: Penticton, British Columbia
ID: 48, Parent: 35, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia
ID: 150, Parent: 35, Name: Vernon, British Columbia
ID: 151, Parent: 35, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia
ID: 152, Parent: 35, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia
ID: 153, Parent: 35, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia
ID: 42, Parent: 35, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia
ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 154, Parent: 35, Name: Squamish, British Columbia
ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 155, Parent: 35, Name: Duncan, British Columbia
ID: 156, Parent: 35, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia
ID: 157, Parent: 35, Name: Parksville, British Columbia
ID: 158, Parent: 35, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia
ID: 159, Parent: 35, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia
ID: 160, Parent: 35, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia
ID: 161, Parent: 35, Name: Powell River, British Columbia
ID: 162, Parent: 35, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia
ID: 163, Parent: 35, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia
ID: 164, Parent: 35, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia
ID: 165, Parent: 35, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia
ID: 166, Parent: 35, Name: Terrace, British Columbia
ID: 167, Parent: 35, Name: Prince George, British Columbia
ID: 168, Parent: 35, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia
ID: 169, Parent: 35, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia
ID: 170, Parent: 35, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia
ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon
ID: 171, Parent: 38, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon
ID: 172, Parent: 38, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon
ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 173, Parent: 39, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
ID: 174, Parent: 39, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories
ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut
ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined NewBrunswick/Quebec
ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Both sexes
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Males
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Females
Tax filers and dependants:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total tax filers and dependants, all marital statuses
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Single, tax filers and dependants
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Married, tax filers and dependants
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Common law, tax filers and dependants
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Separated or divorced, tax filers and dependants
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Widowers/widows, tax filers and dependants
ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Tax filers and dependants, under age 15 years
ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Tax filers and dependants aged 15 to 19 years
ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Tax filers and dependants aged 20 to 24 years
ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Tax filers and dependants aged 25 to 29 years
ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Tax filers and dependants aged 30 to 34 years
ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Tax filers and dependants aged 35 to 39 years
ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Tax filers and dependants aged 40 to 44 years
ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Tax filers and dependants aged 45 to 49 years
ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Tax filers and dependants aged 50 to 54 years
ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Tax filers and dependants aged 55 to 59 years
ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Tax filers and dependants aged 60 to 64 years
ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Tax filers and dependants aged 65 to 74 years
ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Tax filers and dependants aged 75 years and over
ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Total percentage of tax filers and dependants, all age groups
ID: 21, Parent: 20, Name: Percentage of tax filers and dependants under age 15 years
ID: 22, Parent: 20, Name: Percentage of tax filers and dependants aged 15 to 19 years
ID: 23, Parent: 20, Name: Percentage of tax filers and dependants aged 20 to 24 years
ID: 24, Parent: 20, Name: Percentage of tax filers and dependants aged 25 to 29 years
ID: 25, Parent: 20, Name: Percentage of tax filers and dependants aged 30 to 34 years
ID: 26, Parent: 20, Name: Percentage of tax filers and dependants aged 35 to 39 years
ID: 27, Parent: 20, Name: Percentage of tax filers and dependants aged 40 to 44 years
ID: 28, Parent: 20, Name: Percentage of tax filers and dependants aged 45 to 49 years
ID: 29, Parent: 20, Name: Percentage of tax filers and dependants aged 50 to 54 years
ID: 30, Parent: 20, Name: Percentage of tax filers and dependants aged 55 to 59 years
ID: 31, Parent: 20, Name: Percentage of tax filers and dependants aged 60 to 64 years
ID: 32, Parent: 20, Name: Percentage of tax filers and dependants aged 65 to 74 years
ID: 33, Parent: 20, Name: Percentage of tax filers and dependants aged 75 years and over
ID: 34, Parent: None, Name: Average age of tax filers and dependants |
D11100006 | Tax filers and dependants by single years of age | Title: Tax filers and dependants by single years of age
Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Sex, Age group
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File)
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island
ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia
ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia
ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia
ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick
ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick
ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick
ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick
ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick
ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part
ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick
ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part
ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec
ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec
ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec
ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec
ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec
ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec
ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec
ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec
ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec
ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec
ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec
ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec
ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec
ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec
ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec
ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec
ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec
ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec
ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec
ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec
ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec
ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec
ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec
ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec
ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec
ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec
ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part
ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part
ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario
ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part
ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part
ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario
ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario
ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario
ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario
ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario
ID: 41, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario
ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario
ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario
ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario
ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario
ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario
ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario
ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario
ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario
ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario
ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario
ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario
ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario
ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario
ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario
ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario
ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario
ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario
ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario
ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario
ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario
ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario
ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario
ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario
ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario
ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario
ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario
ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario
ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario
ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario
ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario
ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario
ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario
ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario
ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario
ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario
ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 189, Parent: 27, Name: Winkler, Manitoba
ID: 179, Parent: 27, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba
ID: 123, Parent: 27, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
ID: 124, Parent: 27, Name: Brandon, Manitoba
ID: 125, Parent: 27, Name: Thompson, Manitoba
ID: 126, Parent: 27, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba
ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan
ID: 127, Parent: 29, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan
ID: 128, Parent: 29, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
ID: 129, Parent: 29, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan
ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ID: 130, Parent: 29, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan
ID: 131, Parent: 29, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
ID: 132, Parent: 29, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan
ID: 190, Parent: 29, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan
ID: 133, Parent: 29, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part
ID: 134, Parent: 29, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan
ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 135, Parent: 32, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta
ID: 136, Parent: 32, Name: Brooks, Alberta
ID: 137, Parent: 32, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta
ID: 138, Parent: 32, Name: Okotoks, Alberta
ID: 180, Parent: 32, Name: High River, Alberta
ID: 33, Parent: 32, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 181, Parent: 32, Name: Strathmore, Alberta
ID: 139, Parent: 32, Name: Canmore, Alberta
ID: 140, Parent: 32, Name: Red Deer, Alberta
ID: 182, Parent: 32, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta
ID: 183, Parent: 32, Name: Lacombe, Alberta
ID: 141, Parent: 32, Name: Camrose, Alberta
ID: 34, Parent: 32, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 142, Parent: 32, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part
ID: 143, Parent: 32, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta
ID: 144, Parent: 32, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta
ID: 145, Parent: 32, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta
ID: 146, Parent: 32, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta
ID: 147, Parent: 32, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta
ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 148, Parent: 35, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia
ID: 191, Parent: 35, Name: Nelson, British Columbia
ID: 149, Parent: 35, Name: Penticton, British Columbia
ID: 48, Parent: 35, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia
ID: 150, Parent: 35, Name: Vernon, British Columbia
ID: 151, Parent: 35, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia
ID: 152, Parent: 35, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia
ID: 153, Parent: 35, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia
ID: 42, Parent: 35, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia
ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 154, Parent: 35, Name: Squamish, British Columbia
ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 155, Parent: 35, Name: Duncan, British Columbia
ID: 156, Parent: 35, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia
ID: 157, Parent: 35, Name: Parksville, British Columbia
ID: 158, Parent: 35, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia
ID: 159, Parent: 35, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia
ID: 160, Parent: 35, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia
ID: 161, Parent: 35, Name: Powell River, British Columbia
ID: 162, Parent: 35, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia
ID: 163, Parent: 35, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia
ID: 164, Parent: 35, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia
ID: 165, Parent: 35, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia
ID: 166, Parent: 35, Name: Terrace, British Columbia
ID: 167, Parent: 35, Name: Prince George, British Columbia
ID: 168, Parent: 35, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia
ID: 169, Parent: 35, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia
ID: 170, Parent: 35, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia
ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon
ID: 171, Parent: 38, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon
ID: 172, Parent: 38, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon
ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 173, Parent: 39, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
ID: 174, Parent: 39, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories
ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut
ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined NewBrunswick/Quebec
ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Both sexes
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Males
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Females
Age group:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total all ages
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: 0 years (under 1 year)
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: 1 year
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: 2 years
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: 3 years
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: 4 years
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: 5 years
ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: 6 years
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: 7 years
ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: 8 years
ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: 9 years
ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: 10 years
ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: 11 years
ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: 12 years
ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: 13 years
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: 14 years
ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: 15 years
ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: 16 years
ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: 17 years
ID: 20, Parent: 1, Name: 18 years
ID: 21, Parent: 1, Name: 19 years
ID: 22, Parent: 1, Name: 20 years
ID: 23, Parent: 1, Name: 21 years
ID: 24, Parent: 1, Name: 22 years
ID: 25, Parent: 1, Name: 23 years
ID: 26, Parent: 1, Name: 24 years
ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: 25 years
ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: 26 years
ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: 27 years
ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: 28 years
ID: 31, Parent: 1, Name: 29 years
ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: 30 years
ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: 31 years
ID: 34, Parent: 1, Name: 32 years
ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: 33 years
ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: 34 years
ID: 37, Parent: 1, Name: 35 years
ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: 36 years
ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: 37 years
ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: 38 years
ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: 39 years
ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: 40 years
ID: 43, Parent: 1, Name: 41 years
ID: 44, Parent: 1, Name: 42 years
ID: 45, Parent: 1, Name: 43 years
ID: 46, Parent: 1, Name: 44 years
ID: 47, Parent: 1, Name: 45 years
ID: 48, Parent: 1, Name: 46 years
ID: 49, Parent: 1, Name: 47 years
ID: 50, Parent: 1, Name: 48 years
ID: 51, Parent: 1, Name: 49 years
ID: 52, Parent: 1, Name: 50 years
ID: 53, Parent: 1, Name: 51 years
ID: 54, Parent: 1, Name: 52 years
ID: 55, Parent: 1, Name: 53 years
ID: 56, Parent: 1, Name: 54 years
ID: 57, Parent: 1, Name: 55 years
ID: 58, Parent: 1, Name: 56 years
ID: 59, Parent: 1, Name: 57 years
ID: 60, Parent: 1, Name: 58 years
ID: 61, Parent: 1, Name: 59 years
ID: 62, Parent: 1, Name: 60 years
ID: 63, Parent: 1, Name: 61 years
ID: 64, Parent: 1, Name: 62 years
ID: 65, Parent: 1, Name: 63 years
ID: 66, Parent: 1, Name: 64 years
ID: 67, Parent: 1, Name: 65 years
ID: 68, Parent: 1, Name: 66 years
ID: 69, Parent: 1, Name: 67 years
ID: 70, Parent: 1, Name: 68 years
ID: 71, Parent: 1, Name: 69 years
ID: 72, Parent: 1, Name: 70 years
ID: 73, Parent: 1, Name: 71 years
ID: 74, Parent: 1, Name: 72 years
ID: 75, Parent: 1, Name: 73 years
ID: 76, Parent: 1, Name: 74 years
ID: 77, Parent: 1, Name: 75 years
ID: 78, Parent: 1, Name: 76 years
ID: 79, Parent: 1, Name: 77 years
ID: 80, Parent: 1, Name: 78 years
ID: 81, Parent: 1, Name: 79 years
ID: 82, Parent: 1, Name: 80 years
ID: 83, Parent: 1, Name: 81 years
ID: 84, Parent: 1, Name: 82 years
ID: 85, Parent: 1, Name: 83 years
ID: 86, Parent: 1, Name: 84 years
ID: 87, Parent: 1, Name: 85 years
ID: 88, Parent: 1, Name: 86 years
ID: 89, Parent: 1, Name: 87 years
ID: 90, Parent: 1, Name: 88 years
ID: 91, Parent: 1, Name: 89 years
ID: 92, Parent: 1, Name: 90 years
ID: 93, Parent: 1, Name: 91 years
ID: 94, Parent: 1, Name: 92 years
ID: 95, Parent: 1, Name: 93 years
ID: 96, Parent: 1, Name: 94 years
ID: 97, Parent: 1, Name: 95 years
ID: 98, Parent: 1, Name: 96 years
ID: 99, Parent: 1, Name: 97 years
ID: 100, Parent: 1, Name: 98 years
ID: 101, Parent: 1, Name: 99 years
ID: 102, Parent: 1, Name: 100 years and over |
D11100007 | Tax filers and dependants with income by source of income | Title: Tax filers and dependants with income by source of income
Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Sex, Individuals and income, Source of income
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File)
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island
ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia
ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia
ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia
ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick
ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick
ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick
ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick
ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick
ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part
ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick
ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part
ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec
ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec
ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec
ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec
ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec
ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec
ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec
ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec
ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec
ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec
ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec
ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec
ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec
ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec
ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec
ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec
ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec
ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec
ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec
ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec
ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec
ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec
ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec
ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec
ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec
ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec
ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part
ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part
ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario
ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part
ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part
ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario
ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario
ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario
ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario
ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario
ID: 41, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario
ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario
ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario
ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario
ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario
ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario
ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario
ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario
ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario
ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario
ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario
ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario
ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario
ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario
ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario
ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario
ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario
ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario
ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario
ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario
ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario
ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario
ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario
ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario
ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario
ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario
ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario
ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario
ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario
ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario
ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario
ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario
ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario
ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario
ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario
ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario
ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 189, Parent: 27, Name: Winkler, Manitoba
ID: 179, Parent: 27, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba
ID: 123, Parent: 27, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
ID: 124, Parent: 27, Name: Brandon, Manitoba
ID: 125, Parent: 27, Name: Thompson, Manitoba
ID: 126, Parent: 27, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba
ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan
ID: 127, Parent: 29, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan
ID: 128, Parent: 29, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
ID: 129, Parent: 29, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan
ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ID: 130, Parent: 29, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan
ID: 131, Parent: 29, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
ID: 132, Parent: 29, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan
ID: 190, Parent: 29, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan
ID: 133, Parent: 29, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part
ID: 134, Parent: 29, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan
ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 135, Parent: 32, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta
ID: 136, Parent: 32, Name: Brooks, Alberta
ID: 137, Parent: 32, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta
ID: 138, Parent: 32, Name: Okotoks, Alberta
ID: 180, Parent: 32, Name: High River, Alberta
ID: 33, Parent: 32, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 181, Parent: 32, Name: Strathmore, Alberta
ID: 139, Parent: 32, Name: Canmore, Alberta
ID: 140, Parent: 32, Name: Red Deer, Alberta
ID: 182, Parent: 32, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta
ID: 183, Parent: 32, Name: Lacombe, Alberta
ID: 141, Parent: 32, Name: Camrose, Alberta
ID: 34, Parent: 32, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 142, Parent: 32, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part
ID: 143, Parent: 32, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta
ID: 144, Parent: 32, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta
ID: 145, Parent: 32, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta
ID: 146, Parent: 32, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta
ID: 147, Parent: 32, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta
ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 148, Parent: 35, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia
ID: 191, Parent: 35, Name: Nelson, British Columbia
ID: 149, Parent: 35, Name: Penticton, British Columbia
ID: 48, Parent: 35, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia
ID: 150, Parent: 35, Name: Vernon, British Columbia
ID: 151, Parent: 35, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia
ID: 152, Parent: 35, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia
ID: 153, Parent: 35, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia
ID: 42, Parent: 35, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia
ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 154, Parent: 35, Name: Squamish, British Columbia
ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 155, Parent: 35, Name: Duncan, British Columbia
ID: 156, Parent: 35, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia
ID: 157, Parent: 35, Name: Parksville, British Columbia
ID: 158, Parent: 35, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia
ID: 159, Parent: 35, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia
ID: 160, Parent: 35, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia
ID: 161, Parent: 35, Name: Powell River, British Columbia
ID: 162, Parent: 35, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia
ID: 163, Parent: 35, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia
ID: 164, Parent: 35, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia
ID: 165, Parent: 35, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia
ID: 166, Parent: 35, Name: Terrace, British Columbia
ID: 167, Parent: 35, Name: Prince George, British Columbia
ID: 168, Parent: 35, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia
ID: 169, Parent: 35, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia
ID: 170, Parent: 35, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia
ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon
ID: 171, Parent: 38, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon
ID: 172, Parent: 38, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon
ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 173, Parent: 39, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
ID: 174, Parent: 39, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories
ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut
ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined NewBrunswick/Quebec
ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Both sexes
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Males
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Females
Individuals and income:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers and dependants
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Amount of income (Dollars)
Source of income:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total income
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total employment income
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Wages, salaries and commissions
ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Net self-employment income
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Dividend and interest income
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Total government transfers
ID: 7, Parent: 6, Name: Employment Insurance (EI) benefits
ID: 8, Parent: 6, Name: Old Age Security (OAS) and net federal supplements
ID: 9, Parent: 6, Name: Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) benefits
ID: 10, Parent: 6, Name: Federal Child Benefits
ID: 11, Parent: 6, Name: Goods and Services Tax (GST) Credit and Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) Credit
ID: 12, Parent: 6, Name: Workers' Compensation Benefits
ID: 13, Parent: 6, Name: Social Assistance Benefits
ID: 14, Parent: 6, Name: Provincial Refundable Tax Credits and Family Benefits
ID: 18, Parent: 6, Name: Other government transfers
ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Private pensions
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP)
ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Other income |
D11100008 | Tax filers and dependants with income by total income, sex and age | Title: Tax filers and dependants with income by total income, sex and age
Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Sex, Age group, Persons with income
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File)
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island
ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia
ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia
ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia
ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick
ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick
ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick
ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick
ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick
ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part
ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick
ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part
ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec
ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec
ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec
ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec
ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec
ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec
ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec
ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec
ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec
ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec
ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec
ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec
ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec
ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec
ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec
ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec
ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec
ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec
ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec
ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec
ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec
ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec
ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec
ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec
ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec
ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec
ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part
ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part
ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario
ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part
ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part
ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario
ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario
ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario
ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario
ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario
ID: 41, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario
ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario
ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario
ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario
ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario
ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario
ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario
ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario
ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario
ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario
ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario
ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario
ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario
ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario
ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario
ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario
ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario
ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario
ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario
ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario
ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario
ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario
ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario
ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario
ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario
ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario
ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario
ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario
ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario
ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario
ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario
ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario
ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario
ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario
ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario
ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario
ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 189, Parent: 27, Name: Winkler, Manitoba
ID: 179, Parent: 27, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba
ID: 123, Parent: 27, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
ID: 124, Parent: 27, Name: Brandon, Manitoba
ID: 125, Parent: 27, Name: Thompson, Manitoba
ID: 126, Parent: 27, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba
ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan
ID: 127, Parent: 29, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan
ID: 128, Parent: 29, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
ID: 129, Parent: 29, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan
ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ID: 130, Parent: 29, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan
ID: 131, Parent: 29, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
ID: 132, Parent: 29, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan
ID: 190, Parent: 29, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan
ID: 133, Parent: 29, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part
ID: 134, Parent: 29, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan
ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 135, Parent: 32, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta
ID: 136, Parent: 32, Name: Brooks, Alberta
ID: 137, Parent: 32, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta
ID: 138, Parent: 32, Name: Okotoks, Alberta
ID: 180, Parent: 32, Name: High River, Alberta
ID: 33, Parent: 32, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 181, Parent: 32, Name: Strathmore, Alberta
ID: 139, Parent: 32, Name: Canmore, Alberta
ID: 140, Parent: 32, Name: Red Deer, Alberta
ID: 182, Parent: 32, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta
ID: 183, Parent: 32, Name: Lacombe, Alberta
ID: 141, Parent: 32, Name: Camrose, Alberta
ID: 34, Parent: 32, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 142, Parent: 32, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part
ID: 143, Parent: 32, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta
ID: 144, Parent: 32, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta
ID: 145, Parent: 32, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta
ID: 146, Parent: 32, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta
ID: 147, Parent: 32, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta
ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 148, Parent: 35, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia
ID: 191, Parent: 35, Name: Nelson, British Columbia
ID: 149, Parent: 35, Name: Penticton, British Columbia
ID: 48, Parent: 35, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia
ID: 150, Parent: 35, Name: Vernon, British Columbia
ID: 151, Parent: 35, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia
ID: 152, Parent: 35, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia
ID: 153, Parent: 35, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia
ID: 42, Parent: 35, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia
ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 154, Parent: 35, Name: Squamish, British Columbia
ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 155, Parent: 35, Name: Duncan, British Columbia
ID: 156, Parent: 35, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia
ID: 157, Parent: 35, Name: Parksville, British Columbia
ID: 158, Parent: 35, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia
ID: 159, Parent: 35, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia
ID: 160, Parent: 35, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia
ID: 161, Parent: 35, Name: Powell River, British Columbia
ID: 162, Parent: 35, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia
ID: 163, Parent: 35, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia
ID: 164, Parent: 35, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia
ID: 165, Parent: 35, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia
ID: 166, Parent: 35, Name: Terrace, British Columbia
ID: 167, Parent: 35, Name: Prince George, British Columbia
ID: 168, Parent: 35, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia
ID: 169, Parent: 35, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia
ID: 170, Parent: 35, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia
ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon
ID: 171, Parent: 38, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon
ID: 172, Parent: 38, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon
ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 173, Parent: 39, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
ID: 174, Parent: 39, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories
ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut
ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined NewBrunswick/Quebec
ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Both sexes
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Males
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Females
Age group:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All age groups
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: 0 to 24 years
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: 25 to 34 years
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: 35 to 44 years
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: 45 to 54 years
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: 55 to 64 years
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: 65 years and over
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: 65 to 74 years
ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: 75 years and over
Persons with income:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total persons with income
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with income under $5,000
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with income of $5,000 and over
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with income of $10,000 and over
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with income of $15,000 and over
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with income of $20,000 and over
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with income of $25,000 and over
ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with income of $35,000 and over
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with income of $50,000 and over
ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with income of $75,000 and over
ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with income of $100,000 and over
ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with income of $150,000 and over
ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with income of $200,000 and over
ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with income of $250,000 and over
ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Median total income
ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: 5-year percent change of median income |
D11100009 | Selected income characteristics of census families by family type | Title: Selected income characteristics of census families by family type
Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Family characteristics
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File)
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island
ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia
ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia
ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia
ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick
ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick
ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick
ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick
ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick
ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part
ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick
ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part
ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec
ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec
ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec
ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec
ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec
ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec
ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec
ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec
ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec
ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec
ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec
ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec
ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec
ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec
ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec
ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec
ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec
ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec
ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec
ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec
ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec
ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec
ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec
ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec
ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec
ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec
ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part
ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part
ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario
ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part
ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part
ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario
ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario
ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario
ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario
ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario
ID: 41, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario
ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario
ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario
ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario
ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario
ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario
ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario
ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario
ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario
ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario
ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario
ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario
ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario
ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario
ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario
ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario
ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario
ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario
ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario
ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario
ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario
ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario
ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario
ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario
ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario
ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario
ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario
ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario
ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario
ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario
ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario
ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario
ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario
ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario
ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario
ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario
ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 189, Parent: 27, Name: Winkler, Manitoba
ID: 179, Parent: 27, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba
ID: 123, Parent: 27, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
ID: 124, Parent: 27, Name: Brandon, Manitoba
ID: 125, Parent: 27, Name: Thompson, Manitoba
ID: 126, Parent: 27, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba
ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan
ID: 127, Parent: 29, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan
ID: 128, Parent: 29, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
ID: 129, Parent: 29, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan
ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ID: 130, Parent: 29, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan
ID: 131, Parent: 29, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
ID: 132, Parent: 29, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan
ID: 190, Parent: 29, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan
ID: 133, Parent: 29, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part
ID: 134, Parent: 29, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan
ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 135, Parent: 32, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta
ID: 136, Parent: 32, Name: Brooks, Alberta
ID: 137, Parent: 32, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta
ID: 138, Parent: 32, Name: Okotoks, Alberta
ID: 180, Parent: 32, Name: High River, Alberta
ID: 33, Parent: 32, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 181, Parent: 32, Name: Strathmore, Alberta
ID: 139, Parent: 32, Name: Canmore, Alberta
ID: 140, Parent: 32, Name: Red Deer, Alberta
ID: 182, Parent: 32, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta
ID: 183, Parent: 32, Name: Lacombe, Alberta
ID: 141, Parent: 32, Name: Camrose, Alberta
ID: 34, Parent: 32, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 142, Parent: 32, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part
ID: 143, Parent: 32, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta
ID: 144, Parent: 32, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta
ID: 145, Parent: 32, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta
ID: 146, Parent: 32, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta
ID: 147, Parent: 32, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta
ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 148, Parent: 35, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia
ID: 191, Parent: 35, Name: Nelson, British Columbia
ID: 149, Parent: 35, Name: Penticton, British Columbia
ID: 48, Parent: 35, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia
ID: 150, Parent: 35, Name: Vernon, British Columbia
ID: 151, Parent: 35, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia
ID: 152, Parent: 35, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia
ID: 153, Parent: 35, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia
ID: 42, Parent: 35, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia
ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 154, Parent: 35, Name: Squamish, British Columbia
ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 155, Parent: 35, Name: Duncan, British Columbia
ID: 156, Parent: 35, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia
ID: 157, Parent: 35, Name: Parksville, British Columbia
ID: 158, Parent: 35, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia
ID: 159, Parent: 35, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia
ID: 160, Parent: 35, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia
ID: 161, Parent: 35, Name: Powell River, British Columbia
ID: 162, Parent: 35, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia
ID: 163, Parent: 35, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia
ID: 164, Parent: 35, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia
ID: 165, Parent: 35, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia
ID: 166, Parent: 35, Name: Terrace, British Columbia
ID: 167, Parent: 35, Name: Prince George, British Columbia
ID: 168, Parent: 35, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia
ID: 169, Parent: 35, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia
ID: 170, Parent: 35, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia
ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon
ID: 171, Parent: 38, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon
ID: 172, Parent: 38, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon
ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 173, Parent: 39, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
ID: 174, Parent: 39, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories
ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut
ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined NewBrunswick/Quebec
ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan
Family characteristics:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total tax filers
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Total tax filers and dependants, all age groups
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Tax filers and dependants, under age 15 years
ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Tax filers and dependants aged 15 to 64 years
ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Tax filers and dependants aged 65 years and over
ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Total families
ID: 7, Parent: 6, Name: Couple families
ID: 8, Parent: 6, Name: Lone-parent families
ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Median total income, all families
ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Per capita income, all families
ID: 41, Parent: None, Name: Median total income of persons with income, all families
ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Median total income, couple families
ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Per capita income, couple families
ID: 42, Parent: None, Name: Median total income of persons with income, couple families
ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Median total income, lone-parent families
ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Per capita income, lone-parent families
ID: 43, Parent: None, Name: Median total income of persons with income, lone-parent families
ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Total persons in families
ID: 16, Parent: 15, Name: Persons in couple families
ID: 17, Parent: 15, Name: Persons in lone-parent families
ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Persons not in census families
ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Median total income, persons not in census families
ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Per capita income, persons not in census families
ID: 44, Parent: None, Name: Median total income of persons not in census families with income
ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Families with employment income
ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Median employment income of families
ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Persons not in census families with employment income
ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: Median employment income of persons not in census families
ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: Dual-earner couple families
ID: 26, Parent: None, Name: Median employment income of dual-earner couple families
ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Single-earner-male couple families
ID: 28, Parent: None, Name: Median employment income of single-earner-male couple families
ID: 29, Parent: None, Name: Single-earner-female couple families
ID: 30, Parent: None, Name: Median employment income of single-earner-female couple families
ID: 31, Parent: None, Name: Families with government transfers
ID: 32, Parent: None, Name: Average government transfers to families
ID: 45, Parent: None, Name: Median government transfers to families
ID: 33, Parent: None, Name: Persons not in census families with government transfers
ID: 34, Parent: None, Name: Average government transfers to persons not in census families
ID: 46, Parent: None, Name: Median government transfers to persons not in census families
ID: 35, Parent: None, Name: Families with labour income
ID: 36, Parent: None, Name: Families receiving Employment Insurance benefits
ID: 37, Parent: None, Name: Average Employment Insurance benefits received by families
ID: 47, Parent: None, Name: Median Employment Insurance benefits received by families
ID: 38, Parent: None, Name: Persons not in census families with labour income
ID: 39, Parent: None, Name: Persons not in census families receiving Employment Insurance benefits
ID: 40, Parent: None, Name: Average Employment Insurance benefits received by persons not in census families
ID: 48, Parent: None, Name: Median Employment Insurance benefits received by persons not in census families |
D11100010 | Tax filers and dependants by census family type and age | Title: Tax filers and dependants by census family type and age
Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Family type, Age group
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File)
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island
ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia
ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia
ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia
ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick
ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick
ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick
ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick
ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick
ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part
ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick
ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part
ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec
ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec
ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec
ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec
ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec
ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec
ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec
ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec
ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec
ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec
ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec
ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec
ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec
ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec
ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec
ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec
ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec
ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec
ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec
ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec
ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec
ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec
ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec
ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec
ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec
ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec
ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part
ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part
ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario
ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part
ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part
ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario
ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario
ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario
ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario
ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario
ID: 41, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario
ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario
ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario
ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario
ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario
ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario
ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario
ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario
ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario
ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario
ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario
ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario
ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario
ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario
ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario
ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario
ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario
ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario
ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario
ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario
ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario
ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario
ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario
ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario
ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario
ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario
ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario
ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario
ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario
ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario
ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario
ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario
ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario
ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario
ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario
ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario
ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 189, Parent: 27, Name: Winkler, Manitoba
ID: 179, Parent: 27, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba
ID: 123, Parent: 27, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
ID: 124, Parent: 27, Name: Brandon, Manitoba
ID: 125, Parent: 27, Name: Thompson, Manitoba
ID: 126, Parent: 27, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba
ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan
ID: 127, Parent: 29, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan
ID: 128, Parent: 29, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
ID: 129, Parent: 29, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan
ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ID: 130, Parent: 29, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan
ID: 131, Parent: 29, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
ID: 132, Parent: 29, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan
ID: 190, Parent: 29, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan
ID: 133, Parent: 29, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part
ID: 134, Parent: 29, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan
ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 135, Parent: 32, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta
ID: 136, Parent: 32, Name: Brooks, Alberta
ID: 137, Parent: 32, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta
ID: 138, Parent: 32, Name: Okotoks, Alberta
ID: 180, Parent: 32, Name: High River, Alberta
ID: 33, Parent: 32, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 181, Parent: 32, Name: Strathmore, Alberta
ID: 139, Parent: 32, Name: Canmore, Alberta
ID: 140, Parent: 32, Name: Red Deer, Alberta
ID: 182, Parent: 32, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta
ID: 183, Parent: 32, Name: Lacombe, Alberta
ID: 141, Parent: 32, Name: Camrose, Alberta
ID: 34, Parent: 32, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 142, Parent: 32, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part
ID: 143, Parent: 32, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta
ID: 144, Parent: 32, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta
ID: 145, Parent: 32, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta
ID: 146, Parent: 32, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta
ID: 147, Parent: 32, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta
ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 148, Parent: 35, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia
ID: 191, Parent: 35, Name: Nelson, British Columbia
ID: 149, Parent: 35, Name: Penticton, British Columbia
ID: 48, Parent: 35, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia
ID: 150, Parent: 35, Name: Vernon, British Columbia
ID: 151, Parent: 35, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia
ID: 152, Parent: 35, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia
ID: 153, Parent: 35, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia
ID: 42, Parent: 35, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia
ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 154, Parent: 35, Name: Squamish, British Columbia
ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 155, Parent: 35, Name: Duncan, British Columbia
ID: 156, Parent: 35, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia
ID: 157, Parent: 35, Name: Parksville, British Columbia
ID: 158, Parent: 35, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia
ID: 159, Parent: 35, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia
ID: 160, Parent: 35, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia
ID: 161, Parent: 35, Name: Powell River, British Columbia
ID: 162, Parent: 35, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia
ID: 163, Parent: 35, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia
ID: 164, Parent: 35, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia
ID: 165, Parent: 35, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia
ID: 166, Parent: 35, Name: Terrace, British Columbia
ID: 167, Parent: 35, Name: Prince George, British Columbia
ID: 168, Parent: 35, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia
ID: 169, Parent: 35, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia
ID: 170, Parent: 35, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia
ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon
ID: 171, Parent: 38, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon
ID: 172, Parent: 38, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon
ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 173, Parent: 39, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
ID: 174, Parent: 39, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories
ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut
ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined NewBrunswick/Quebec
ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan
Family type:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total tax filers and dependants
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Parents in couple families
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Children in couple families
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Parents in lone-parent families
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Children in lone-parent families
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Persons not in census families
ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of tax filers and dependants
Age group:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total all age groups
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: 0 to 4 years
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: 5 to 9 years
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: 10 to 14 years
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: 15 to 19 years
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: 20 to 24 years
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: 25 to 29 years
ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: 30 to 34 years
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: 35 to 39 years
ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: 40 to 44 years
ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: 45 to 49 years
ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: 50 to 54 years
ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: 55 to 59 years
ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: 60 to 64 years
ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: 65 to 69 years
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: 70 to 74 years
ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: 75 to 79 years
ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: 80 to 84 years
ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: 85 years and over
ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Total percentage of all age groups
ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Average age of tax filers and dependants |
D11100011 | Census families by age of older partner or parent and number of children | Title: Census families by age of older partner or parent and number of children
Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Family type, Family composition, Parent characteristics
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File)
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island
ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia
ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia
ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia
ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick
ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick
ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick
ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick
ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick
ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part
ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick
ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part
ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec
ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec
ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec
ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec
ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec
ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec
ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec
ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec
ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec
ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec
ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec
ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec
ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec
ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec
ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec
ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec
ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec
ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec
ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec
ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec
ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec
ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec
ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec
ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec
ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec
ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec
ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part
ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part
ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario
ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part
ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part
ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario
ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario
ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario
ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario
ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario
ID: 41, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario
ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario
ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario
ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario
ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario
ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario
ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario
ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario
ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario
ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario
ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario
ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario
ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario
ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario
ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario
ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario
ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario
ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario
ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario
ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario
ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario
ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario
ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario
ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario
ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario
ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario
ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario
ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario
ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario
ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario
ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario
ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario
ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario
ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario
ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario
ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario
ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 189, Parent: 27, Name: Winkler, Manitoba
ID: 179, Parent: 27, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba
ID: 123, Parent: 27, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
ID: 124, Parent: 27, Name: Brandon, Manitoba
ID: 125, Parent: 27, Name: Thompson, Manitoba
ID: 126, Parent: 27, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba
ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan
ID: 127, Parent: 29, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan
ID: 128, Parent: 29, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
ID: 129, Parent: 29, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan
ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ID: 130, Parent: 29, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan
ID: 131, Parent: 29, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
ID: 132, Parent: 29, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan
ID: 190, Parent: 29, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan
ID: 133, Parent: 29, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part
ID: 134, Parent: 29, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan
ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 135, Parent: 32, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta
ID: 136, Parent: 32, Name: Brooks, Alberta
ID: 137, Parent: 32, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta
ID: 138, Parent: 32, Name: Okotoks, Alberta
ID: 180, Parent: 32, Name: High River, Alberta
ID: 33, Parent: 32, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 181, Parent: 32, Name: Strathmore, Alberta
ID: 139, Parent: 32, Name: Canmore, Alberta
ID: 140, Parent: 32, Name: Red Deer, Alberta
ID: 182, Parent: 32, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta
ID: 183, Parent: 32, Name: Lacombe, Alberta
ID: 141, Parent: 32, Name: Camrose, Alberta
ID: 34, Parent: 32, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 142, Parent: 32, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part
ID: 143, Parent: 32, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta
ID: 144, Parent: 32, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta
ID: 145, Parent: 32, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta
ID: 146, Parent: 32, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta
ID: 147, Parent: 32, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta
ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 148, Parent: 35, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia
ID: 191, Parent: 35, Name: Nelson, British Columbia
ID: 149, Parent: 35, Name: Penticton, British Columbia
ID: 48, Parent: 35, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia
ID: 150, Parent: 35, Name: Vernon, British Columbia
ID: 151, Parent: 35, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia
ID: 152, Parent: 35, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia
ID: 153, Parent: 35, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia
ID: 42, Parent: 35, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia
ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 154, Parent: 35, Name: Squamish, British Columbia
ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 155, Parent: 35, Name: Duncan, British Columbia
ID: 156, Parent: 35, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia
ID: 157, Parent: 35, Name: Parksville, British Columbia
ID: 158, Parent: 35, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia
ID: 159, Parent: 35, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia
ID: 160, Parent: 35, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia
ID: 161, Parent: 35, Name: Powell River, British Columbia
ID: 162, Parent: 35, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia
ID: 163, Parent: 35, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia
ID: 164, Parent: 35, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia
ID: 165, Parent: 35, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia
ID: 166, Parent: 35, Name: Terrace, British Columbia
ID: 167, Parent: 35, Name: Prince George, British Columbia
ID: 168, Parent: 35, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia
ID: 169, Parent: 35, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia
ID: 170, Parent: 35, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia
ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon
ID: 171, Parent: 38, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon
ID: 172, Parent: 38, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon
ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 173, Parent: 39, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
ID: 174, Parent: 39, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories
ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut
ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined NewBrunswick/Quebec
ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan
Family type:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All families
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Couple families
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Lone-parent families
ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Male lone-parent families
ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Female lone-parent families
Family composition:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Families with or without children
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Families with no children
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Families with 1 child
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Families with 2 children
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Families with 3 or more children
ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Average family size
ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Average size of families with children
Parent characteristics:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All parental age groups
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Older parent aged 0 to 24 years
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Older parent aged 25 to 34 years
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Older parent aged 35 to 44 years
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Older parent aged 45 to 54 years
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Older parent aged 55 to 64 years
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Older parent aged 65 years and over
ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Median total income |
D11100012 | Distribution of total income by census family type and age of older partner, parent or individual | Title: Distribution of total income by census family type and age of older partner, parent or individual
Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Family type, Age of older adult, Family income
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File)
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island
ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia
ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia
ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia
ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick
ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick
ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick
ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick
ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick
ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part
ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick
ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part
ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec
ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec
ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec
ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec
ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec
ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec
ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec
ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec
ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec
ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec
ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec
ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec
ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec
ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec
ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec
ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec
ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec
ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec
ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec
ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec
ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec
ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec
ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec
ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec
ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec
ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec
ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part
ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part
ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario
ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part
ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part
ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario
ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario
ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario
ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario
ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario
ID: 41, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario
ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario
ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario
ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario
ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario
ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario
ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario
ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario
ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario
ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario
ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario
ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario
ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario
ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario
ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario
ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario
ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario
ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario
ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario
ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario
ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario
ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario
ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario
ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario
ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario
ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario
ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario
ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario
ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario
ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario
ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario
ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario
ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario
ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario
ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario
ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario
ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 189, Parent: 27, Name: Winkler, Manitoba
ID: 179, Parent: 27, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba
ID: 123, Parent: 27, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
ID: 124, Parent: 27, Name: Brandon, Manitoba
ID: 125, Parent: 27, Name: Thompson, Manitoba
ID: 126, Parent: 27, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba
ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan
ID: 127, Parent: 29, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan
ID: 128, Parent: 29, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
ID: 129, Parent: 29, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan
ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ID: 130, Parent: 29, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan
ID: 131, Parent: 29, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
ID: 132, Parent: 29, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan
ID: 190, Parent: 29, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan
ID: 133, Parent: 29, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part
ID: 134, Parent: 29, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan
ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 135, Parent: 32, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta
ID: 136, Parent: 32, Name: Brooks, Alberta
ID: 137, Parent: 32, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta
ID: 138, Parent: 32, Name: Okotoks, Alberta
ID: 180, Parent: 32, Name: High River, Alberta
ID: 33, Parent: 32, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 181, Parent: 32, Name: Strathmore, Alberta
ID: 139, Parent: 32, Name: Canmore, Alberta
ID: 140, Parent: 32, Name: Red Deer, Alberta
ID: 182, Parent: 32, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta
ID: 183, Parent: 32, Name: Lacombe, Alberta
ID: 141, Parent: 32, Name: Camrose, Alberta
ID: 34, Parent: 32, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 142, Parent: 32, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part
ID: 143, Parent: 32, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta
ID: 144, Parent: 32, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta
ID: 145, Parent: 32, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta
ID: 146, Parent: 32, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta
ID: 147, Parent: 32, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta
ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 148, Parent: 35, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia
ID: 191, Parent: 35, Name: Nelson, British Columbia
ID: 149, Parent: 35, Name: Penticton, British Columbia
ID: 48, Parent: 35, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia
ID: 150, Parent: 35, Name: Vernon, British Columbia
ID: 151, Parent: 35, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia
ID: 152, Parent: 35, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia
ID: 153, Parent: 35, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia
ID: 42, Parent: 35, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia
ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 154, Parent: 35, Name: Squamish, British Columbia
ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 155, Parent: 35, Name: Duncan, British Columbia
ID: 156, Parent: 35, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia
ID: 157, Parent: 35, Name: Parksville, British Columbia
ID: 158, Parent: 35, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia
ID: 159, Parent: 35, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia
ID: 160, Parent: 35, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia
ID: 161, Parent: 35, Name: Powell River, British Columbia
ID: 162, Parent: 35, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia
ID: 163, Parent: 35, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia
ID: 164, Parent: 35, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia
ID: 165, Parent: 35, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia
ID: 166, Parent: 35, Name: Terrace, British Columbia
ID: 167, Parent: 35, Name: Prince George, British Columbia
ID: 168, Parent: 35, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia
ID: 169, Parent: 35, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia
ID: 170, Parent: 35, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia
ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon
ID: 171, Parent: 38, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon
ID: 172, Parent: 38, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon
ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 173, Parent: 39, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
ID: 174, Parent: 39, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories
ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut
ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined NewBrunswick/Quebec
ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan
Family type:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Couple families
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Lone-parent families
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Persons not in census families
Age of older adult:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total all ages
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: 0 to 24 years
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: 25 to 34 years
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: 35 to 44 years
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: 45 to 54 years
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: 55 to 64 years
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: 65 years and over
Family income:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total all income groups
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Under $5,000
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: $5,000 and over
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Under $10,000
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: $10,000 and over
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: $15,000 and over
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: $20,000 and over
ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: $25,000 and over
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: $30,000 and over
ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: $35,000 and over
ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: $40,000 and over
ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: $45,000 and over
ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: $50,000 and over
ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: $60,000 and over
ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: $70,000 and over
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: $75,000 and over
ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: $80,000 and over
ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: $90,000 and over
ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: $100,000 and over
ID: 20, Parent: 1, Name: $150,000 and over
ID: 21, Parent: 1, Name: $200,000 and over
ID: 22, Parent: 1, Name: $250,000 and over
ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Median total income |
D11100013 | Census families by total income, family type and number of children | Title: Census families by total income, family type and number of children
Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Family type, Family composition, Family income
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File)
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island
ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia
ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia
ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia
ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick
ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick
ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick
ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick
ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick
ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part
ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick
ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part
ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec
ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec
ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec
ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec
ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec
ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec
ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec
ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec
ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec
ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec
ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec
ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec
ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec
ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec
ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec
ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec
ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec
ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec
ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec
ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec
ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec
ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec
ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec
ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec
ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec
ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec
ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part
ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part
ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario
ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part
ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part
ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario
ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario
ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario
ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario
ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario
ID: 41, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario
ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario
ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario
ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario
ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario
ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario
ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario
ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario
ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario
ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario
ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario
ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario
ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario
ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario
ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario
ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario
ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario
ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario
ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario
ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario
ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario
ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario
ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario
ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario
ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario
ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario
ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario
ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario
ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario
ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario
ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario
ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario
ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario
ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario
ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario
ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario
ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 189, Parent: 27, Name: Winkler, Manitoba
ID: 179, Parent: 27, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba
ID: 123, Parent: 27, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
ID: 124, Parent: 27, Name: Brandon, Manitoba
ID: 125, Parent: 27, Name: Thompson, Manitoba
ID: 126, Parent: 27, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba
ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan
ID: 127, Parent: 29, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan
ID: 128, Parent: 29, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
ID: 129, Parent: 29, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan
ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ID: 130, Parent: 29, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan
ID: 131, Parent: 29, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
ID: 132, Parent: 29, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan
ID: 190, Parent: 29, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan
ID: 133, Parent: 29, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part
ID: 134, Parent: 29, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan
ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 135, Parent: 32, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta
ID: 136, Parent: 32, Name: Brooks, Alberta
ID: 137, Parent: 32, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta
ID: 138, Parent: 32, Name: Okotoks, Alberta
ID: 180, Parent: 32, Name: High River, Alberta
ID: 33, Parent: 32, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 181, Parent: 32, Name: Strathmore, Alberta
ID: 139, Parent: 32, Name: Canmore, Alberta
ID: 140, Parent: 32, Name: Red Deer, Alberta
ID: 182, Parent: 32, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta
ID: 183, Parent: 32, Name: Lacombe, Alberta
ID: 141, Parent: 32, Name: Camrose, Alberta
ID: 34, Parent: 32, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 142, Parent: 32, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part
ID: 143, Parent: 32, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta
ID: 144, Parent: 32, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta
ID: 145, Parent: 32, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta
ID: 146, Parent: 32, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta
ID: 147, Parent: 32, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta
ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 148, Parent: 35, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia
ID: 191, Parent: 35, Name: Nelson, British Columbia
ID: 149, Parent: 35, Name: Penticton, British Columbia
ID: 48, Parent: 35, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia
ID: 150, Parent: 35, Name: Vernon, British Columbia
ID: 151, Parent: 35, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia
ID: 152, Parent: 35, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia
ID: 153, Parent: 35, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia
ID: 42, Parent: 35, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia
ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 154, Parent: 35, Name: Squamish, British Columbia
ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 155, Parent: 35, Name: Duncan, British Columbia
ID: 156, Parent: 35, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia
ID: 157, Parent: 35, Name: Parksville, British Columbia
ID: 158, Parent: 35, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia
ID: 159, Parent: 35, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia
ID: 160, Parent: 35, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia
ID: 161, Parent: 35, Name: Powell River, British Columbia
ID: 162, Parent: 35, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia
ID: 163, Parent: 35, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia
ID: 164, Parent: 35, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia
ID: 165, Parent: 35, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia
ID: 166, Parent: 35, Name: Terrace, British Columbia
ID: 167, Parent: 35, Name: Prince George, British Columbia
ID: 168, Parent: 35, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia
ID: 169, Parent: 35, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia
ID: 170, Parent: 35, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia
ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon
ID: 171, Parent: 38, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon
ID: 172, Parent: 38, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon
ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 173, Parent: 39, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
ID: 174, Parent: 39, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories
ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut
ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined NewBrunswick/Quebec
ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan
Family type:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Couple families
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Lone-parent families
Family composition:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Families with or without children
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Families with no children
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Families with 1 child
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Families with 2 children
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Families with 3 or more children
Family income:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total all income groups
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Under $5,000
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: $5,000 and over
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Under $10,000
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: $10,000 and over
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: $15,000 and over
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: $20,000 and over
ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: $25,000 and over
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: $30,000 and over
ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: $35,000 and over
ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: $40,000 and over
ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: $45,000 and over
ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: $50,000 and over
ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: $60,000 and over
ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: $70,000 and over
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: $75,000 and over
ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: $80,000 and over
ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: $90,000 and over
ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: $100,000 and over
ID: 20, Parent: 1, Name: $150,000 and over
ID: 21, Parent: 1, Name: $200,000 and over
ID: 22, Parent: 1, Name: $250,000 and over
ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Median total income |
D11100014 | Sources of income by census family type | Title: Sources of income by census family type
Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Family type, Family types and income, Source of income
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File)
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island
ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia
ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia
ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia
ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick
ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick
ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick
ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick
ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick
ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part
ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick
ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part
ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec
ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec
ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec
ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec
ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec
ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec
ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec
ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec
ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec
ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec
ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec
ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec
ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec
ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec
ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec
ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec
ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec
ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec
ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec
ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec
ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec
ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec
ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec
ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec
ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec
ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec
ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part
ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part
ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario
ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part
ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part
ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario
ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario
ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario
ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario
ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario
ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario
ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario
ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario
ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario
ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario
ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario
ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario
ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario
ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario
ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario
ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario
ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario
ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario
ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario
ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario
ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario
ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario
ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario
ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario
ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario
ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario
ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario
ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario
ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario
ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood, Ontario
ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario
ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario
ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario
ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario
ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario
ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario
ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario
ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario
ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
ID: 27, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario
ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario
ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario
ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 189, Parent: 28, Name: Winkler, Manitoba
ID: 179, Parent: 28, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba
ID: 123, Parent: 28, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
ID: 124, Parent: 28, Name: Brandon, Manitoba
ID: 125, Parent: 28, Name: Thompson, Manitoba
ID: 126, Parent: 28, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba
ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan
ID: 127, Parent: 30, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan
ID: 128, Parent: 30, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
ID: 129, Parent: 30, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan
ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ID: 130, Parent: 30, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan
ID: 131, Parent: 30, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
ID: 132, Parent: 30, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan
ID: 190, Parent: 30, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan
ID: 133, Parent: 30, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part
ID: 134, Parent: 30, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan
ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 135, Parent: 33, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta
ID: 136, Parent: 33, Name: Brooks, Alberta
ID: 137, Parent: 33, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta
ID: 138, Parent: 33, Name: Okotoks, Alberta
ID: 180, Parent: 33, Name: High River, Alberta
ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 181, Parent: 33, Name: Strathmore, Alberta
ID: 139, Parent: 33, Name: Canmore, Alberta
ID: 140, Parent: 33, Name: Red Deer, Alberta
ID: 182, Parent: 33, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta
ID: 183, Parent: 33, Name: Lacombe, Alberta
ID: 141, Parent: 33, Name: Camrose, Alberta
ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 142, Parent: 33, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part
ID: 143, Parent: 33, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta
ID: 144, Parent: 33, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta
ID: 145, Parent: 33, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta
ID: 146, Parent: 33, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta
ID: 147, Parent: 33, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta
ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 148, Parent: 36, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia
ID: 191, Parent: 36, Name: Nelson, British Columbia
ID: 149, Parent: 36, Name: Penticton, British Columbia
ID: 48, Parent: 36, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia
ID: 150, Parent: 36, Name: Vernon, British Columbia
ID: 151, Parent: 36, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia
ID: 152, Parent: 36, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia
ID: 153, Parent: 36, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia
ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia
ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 154, Parent: 36, Name: Squamish, British Columbia
ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 155, Parent: 36, Name: Duncan, British Columbia
ID: 156, Parent: 36, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia
ID: 157, Parent: 36, Name: Parksville, British Columbia
ID: 158, Parent: 36, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia
ID: 159, Parent: 36, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia
ID: 160, Parent: 36, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia
ID: 161, Parent: 36, Name: Powell River, British Columbia
ID: 162, Parent: 36, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia
ID: 163, Parent: 36, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia
ID: 164, Parent: 36, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia
ID: 165, Parent: 36, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia
ID: 166, Parent: 36, Name: Terrace, British Columbia
ID: 167, Parent: 36, Name: Prince George, British Columbia
ID: 168, Parent: 36, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia
ID: 169, Parent: 36, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia
ID: 170, Parent: 36, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia
ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon
ID: 171, Parent: 40, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon
ID: 172, Parent: 40, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon
ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 173, Parent: 41, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
ID: 174, Parent: 41, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories
ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut
ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined NewBrunswick/Quebec
ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan
Family type:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All family types
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Couple families
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Lone-parent families
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Persons not in census families
Family types and income:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number in family type
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Amount of income (Dollars)
Source of income:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total income
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total employment income
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Wages, salaries and commissions
ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Net self-employment income
ID: 5, Parent: 4, Name: Farm and fish net self-employment income
ID: 6, Parent: 4, Name: Other net self-employment income
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Dividend and interest income
ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Total government transfers
ID: 9, Parent: 8, Name: Employment Insurance (EI) benefits
ID: 10, Parent: 8, Name: Old Age Security (OAS) and net federal supplements
ID: 11, Parent: 8, Name: Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) benefits
ID: 12, Parent: 8, Name: Federal Child Benefits
ID: 13, Parent: 8, Name: Goods and Services Tax (GST) Credit and Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) Credit
ID: 14, Parent: 8, Name: Workers' Compensation Benefits
ID: 15, Parent: 8, Name: Social Assistance Benefits
ID: 16, Parent: 8, Name: Provincial Refundable Tax Credits and Family Benefits
ID: 20, Parent: 8, Name: Other government transfers
ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Private pensions
ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP)
ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: Other income |
D11100015 | Before-tax and after-tax low income status (census family LIM) by family type and family composition | Title: Before-tax and after-tax low income status (census family LIM) by family type and family composition
Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2016-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Family type, Family type composition, Family type characteristics, Low Income Measures (LIM; former methodology)
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File)
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island
ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia
ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia
ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia
ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick
ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick
ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick
ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick
ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick
ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part
ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick
ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part
ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec
ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec
ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec
ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec
ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec
ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec
ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec
ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec
ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec
ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec
ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec
ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec
ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec
ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec
ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec
ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec
ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec
ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec
ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec
ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec
ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec
ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec
ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec
ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec
ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec
ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec
ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part
ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part
ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario
ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part
ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part
ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario
ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario
ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario
ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario
ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario
ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario
ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario
ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario
ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario
ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario
ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario
ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario
ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario
ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario
ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario
ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario
ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario
ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario
ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario
ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario
ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario
ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario
ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario
ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario
ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario
ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario
ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario
ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario
ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario
ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario
ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario
ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario
ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario
ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario
ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario
ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario
ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario
ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario
ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
ID: 27, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario
ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario
ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario
ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 189, Parent: 28, Name: Winkler, Manitoba
ID: 179, Parent: 28, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba
ID: 123, Parent: 28, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
ID: 124, Parent: 28, Name: Brandon, Manitoba
ID: 125, Parent: 28, Name: Thompson, Manitoba
ID: 126, Parent: 28, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba
ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan
ID: 127, Parent: 30, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan
ID: 128, Parent: 30, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
ID: 129, Parent: 30, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan
ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ID: 130, Parent: 30, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan
ID: 131, Parent: 30, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
ID: 132, Parent: 30, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan
ID: 190, Parent: 30, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan
ID: 133, Parent: 30, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part
ID: 134, Parent: 30, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan
ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 135, Parent: 33, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta
ID: 136, Parent: 33, Name: Brooks, Alberta
ID: 137, Parent: 33, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta
ID: 138, Parent: 33, Name: Okotoks, Alberta
ID: 180, Parent: 33, Name: High River, Alberta
ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 181, Parent: 33, Name: Strathmore, Alberta
ID: 139, Parent: 33, Name: Canmore, Alberta
ID: 140, Parent: 33, Name: Red Deer, Alberta
ID: 182, Parent: 33, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta
ID: 183, Parent: 33, Name: Lacombe, Alberta
ID: 141, Parent: 33, Name: Camrose, Alberta
ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 142, Parent: 33, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part
ID: 143, Parent: 33, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta
ID: 144, Parent: 33, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta
ID: 145, Parent: 33, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta
ID: 146, Parent: 33, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta
ID: 147, Parent: 33, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta
ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 148, Parent: 36, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia
ID: 191, Parent: 36, Name: Nelson, British Columbia
ID: 149, Parent: 36, Name: Penticton, British Columbia
ID: 48, Parent: 36, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia
ID: 150, Parent: 36, Name: Vernon, British Columbia
ID: 151, Parent: 36, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia
ID: 152, Parent: 36, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia
ID: 153, Parent: 36, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia
ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia
ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 154, Parent: 36, Name: Squamish, British Columbia
ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 155, Parent: 36, Name: Duncan, British Columbia
ID: 156, Parent: 36, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia
ID: 157, Parent: 36, Name: Parksville, British Columbia
ID: 158, Parent: 36, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia
ID: 159, Parent: 36, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia
ID: 160, Parent: 36, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia
ID: 161, Parent: 36, Name: Powell River, British Columbia
ID: 162, Parent: 36, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia
ID: 163, Parent: 36, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia
ID: 164, Parent: 36, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia
ID: 165, Parent: 36, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia
ID: 166, Parent: 36, Name: Terrace, British Columbia
ID: 167, Parent: 36, Name: Prince George, British Columbia
ID: 168, Parent: 36, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia
ID: 169, Parent: 36, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia
ID: 170, Parent: 36, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia
ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon
ID: 171, Parent: 40, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon
ID: 172, Parent: 40, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon
ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 173, Parent: 41, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
ID: 174, Parent: 41, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories
ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut
ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined New Brunswick/Quebec
ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan
Family type:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All family types
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Couple families
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Lone-parent families
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Persons not in census families
ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: All low income family types
ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Low income couple families
ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Low income lone-parent families
ID: 8, Parent: 5, Name: Low income persons not in census families
Family type composition:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Family types with or without children
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Family types with no children
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Family types with 1 child
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Family types with 2 children
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Family types with 3 or more children
Family type characteristics:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number in family type
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Number of persons
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Number of children aged 0 to 17 years
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Number of persons aged 65 years and over
ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Median total family income
Low Income Measures (LIM; former methodology):
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Before-tax income
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: After-tax income |
D11100016 | Assets and debts held by economic family type, by age group, Canada, provinces and selected census metropolitan areas, Survey of Financial Security | Title: Assets and debts held by economic family type, by age group, Canada, provinces and selected census metropolitan areas, Survey of Financial Security
Date range: 1999-01-01 to 2019-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Assets and debts, Age group, Economic family type, Statistics, Confidence intervals
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Survey of Financial Security
Frequency: Occasional
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Atlantic
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Prairies
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Manitoba
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Alberta
ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 21, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario/Quebec
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 20, Parent: 1, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
Assets and debts:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total assets
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Private pension assets
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs), Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIFs), Locked-in Retirement Accounts (LIRAs) and other
ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Employer-sponsored Registered Pension Plans (EPPs)
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Financial assets, non pension
ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Deposits in financial institutions
ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Mutual funds, investment funds and income trusts
ID: 8, Parent: 5, Name: Stocks
ID: 9, Parent: 5, Name: Bonds (saving and other)
ID: 10, Parent: 5, Name: Tax Free Saving Accounts (TFSA)
ID: 11, Parent: 5, Name: Other financial assets
ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Non-financial assets
ID: 28, Parent: 12, Name: Real estate
ID: 13, Parent: 28, Name: Principal residence
ID: 14, Parent: 28, Name: Other real estate
ID: 29, Parent: 12, Name: Vehicles and other non-financial assets
ID: 15, Parent: 29, Name: Vehicles
ID: 16, Parent: 29, Name: Other non-financial assets
ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Equity in business
ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Total debt
ID: 19, Parent: 18, Name: Mortgage debt
ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Mortgage on principal residence
ID: 21, Parent: 19, Name: Mortgage on other real estate
ID: 30, Parent: 18, Name: Non-mortgage debt
ID: 22, Parent: 30, Name: Line of credit
ID: 23, Parent: 30, Name: Credit card and installment debt
ID: 24, Parent: 30, Name: Student loans
ID: 25, Parent: 30, Name: Vehicle loans
ID: 26, Parent: 30, Name: Other debt
ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Net worth (total assets less total debt)
Age group:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All ages
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Under 65 years
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Under 35 years
ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: 35 to 44 years
ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: 45 to 54 years
ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: 55 to 64 years
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: 65 years and older
Economic family type:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Economic families and persons not in an economic family
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Economic families
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Persons not in an economic family
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total values
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of total assets or total debts
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Number holding asset or debt
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Percentage holding asset or debt
ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Median value for those holding asset or debt
ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Average value for those holding asset or debt
Confidence intervals:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Estimate
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Lower bound of a 95% confidence interval
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Upper bound of a 95% confidence interval |
D11100017 | Census families by family type and family composition including before and after-tax median income of the family | Title: Census families by family type and family composition including before and after-tax median income of the family
Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Census family type, Family type composition, Statistics
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File)
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 195, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 9, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 11, Parent: 10, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
ID: 12, Parent: 10, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island
ID: 13, Parent: 10, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island
ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 15, Parent: 14, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia
ID: 16, Parent: 14, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia
ID: 17, Parent: 14, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia
ID: 18, Parent: 14, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
ID: 19, Parent: 14, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
ID: 20, Parent: 14, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia
ID: 21, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 23, Parent: 21, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick
ID: 24, Parent: 21, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick
ID: 25, Parent: 21, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick
ID: 26, Parent: 21, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick
ID: 27, Parent: 21, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick
ID: 28, Parent: 21, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part
ID: 29, Parent: 21, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick
ID: 30, Parent: 21, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick
ID: 31, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 32, Parent: 31, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part
ID: 33, Parent: 31, Name: Matane, Quebec
ID: 34, Parent: 31, Name: Rimouski, Quebec
ID: 35, Parent: 31, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec
ID: 36, Parent: 31, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec
ID: 37, Parent: 31, Name: Saguenay, Quebec
ID: 38, Parent: 31, Name: Alma, Quebec
ID: 39, Parent: 31, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec
ID: 40, Parent: 31, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec
ID: 41, Parent: 31, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 196, Parent: 31, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec
ID: 42, Parent: 31, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec
ID: 43, Parent: 31, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec
ID: 44, Parent: 31, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec
ID: 46, Parent: 31, Name: Cowansville, Quebec
ID: 47, Parent: 31, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec
ID: 48, Parent: 31, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec
ID: 49, Parent: 31, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec
ID: 50, Parent: 31, Name: La Tuque, Quebec
ID: 51, Parent: 31, Name: Drummondville, Quebec
ID: 52, Parent: 31, Name: Granby, Quebec
ID: 53, Parent: 31, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec
ID: 54, Parent: 31, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec
ID: 55, Parent: 31, Name: Joliette, Quebec
ID: 56, Parent: 31, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec
ID: 57, Parent: 31, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 58, Parent: 31, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec
ID: 59, Parent: 31, Name: Lachute, Quebec
ID: 60, Parent: 31, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec
ID: 61, Parent: 31, Name: Amos, Quebec
ID: 62, Parent: 31, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec
ID: 63, Parent: 31, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part
ID: 64, Parent: 31, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part
ID: 65, Parent: 31, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec
ID: 66, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 67, Parent: 66, Name: Cornwall, Ontario
ID: 68, Parent: 66, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part
ID: 69, Parent: 66, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part
ID: 197, Parent: 66, Name: Arnprior, Ontario
ID: 198, Parent: 66, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario
ID: 70, Parent: 66, Name: Brockville, Ontario
ID: 71, Parent: 66, Name: Pembroke, Ontario
ID: 72, Parent: 66, Name: Petawawa, Ontario
ID: 73, Parent: 66, Name: Kingston, Ontario
ID: 74, Parent: 66, Name: Belleville, Ontario
ID: 75, Parent: 66, Name: Cobourg, Ontario
ID: 76, Parent: 66, Name: Port Hope, Ontario
ID: 78, Parent: 66, Name: Peterborough, Ontario
ID: 79, Parent: 66, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
ID: 80, Parent: 66, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario
ID: 81, Parent: 66, Name: Oshawa, Ontario
ID: 82, Parent: 66, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario
ID: 83, Parent: 66, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 84, Parent: 66, Name: Hamilton, Ontario
ID: 85, Parent: 66, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario
ID: 87, Parent: 66, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario
ID: 89, Parent: 66, Name: Brantford, Ontario
ID: 90, Parent: 66, Name: Woodstock, Ontario
ID: 91, Parent: 66, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario
ID: 92, Parent: 66, Name: Norfolk, Ontario
ID: 94, Parent: 66, Name: Guelph, Ontario
ID: 95, Parent: 66, Name: Stratford, Ontario
ID: 96, Parent: 66, Name: London, Ontario
ID: 97, Parent: 66, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario
ID: 98, Parent: 66, Name: Leamington, Ontario
ID: 99, Parent: 66, Name: Windsor, Ontario
ID: 100, Parent: 66, Name: Sarnia, Ontario
ID: 199, Parent: 66, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario
ID: 101, Parent: 66, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario
ID: 102, Parent: 66, Name: Collingwood, Ontario
ID: 104, Parent: 66, Name: Barrie, Ontario
ID: 105, Parent: 66, Name: Orillia, Ontario
ID: 106, Parent: 66, Name: Midland, Ontario
ID: 107, Parent: 66, Name: North Bay, Ontario
ID: 108, Parent: 66, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario
ID: 109, Parent: 66, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario
ID: 110, Parent: 66, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario
ID: 111, Parent: 66, Name: Timmins, Ontario
ID: 112, Parent: 66, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
ID: 113, Parent: 66, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario
ID: 114, Parent: 66, Name: Kenora, Ontario
ID: 115, Parent: 66, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario
ID: 116, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 117, Parent: 116, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 200, Parent: 116, Name: Winkler, Manitoba
ID: 118, Parent: 116, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba
ID: 119, Parent: 116, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
ID: 120, Parent: 116, Name: Brandon, Manitoba
ID: 121, Parent: 116, Name: Thompson, Manitoba
ID: 122, Parent: 116, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba
ID: 123, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 124, Parent: 123, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan
ID: 125, Parent: 123, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan
ID: 126, Parent: 123, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
ID: 127, Parent: 123, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan
ID: 128, Parent: 123, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ID: 129, Parent: 123, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan
ID: 130, Parent: 123, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
ID: 131, Parent: 123, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan
ID: 201, Parent: 123, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan
ID: 132, Parent: 123, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part
ID: 133, Parent: 123, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan
ID: 134, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 135, Parent: 134, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta
ID: 136, Parent: 134, Name: Brooks, Alberta
ID: 137, Parent: 134, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta
ID: 138, Parent: 134, Name: Okotoks, Alberta
ID: 139, Parent: 134, Name: High River, Alberta
ID: 140, Parent: 134, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 141, Parent: 134, Name: Strathmore, Alberta
ID: 142, Parent: 134, Name: Canmore, Alberta
ID: 143, Parent: 134, Name: Red Deer, Alberta
ID: 144, Parent: 134, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta
ID: 145, Parent: 134, Name: Lacombe, Alberta
ID: 146, Parent: 134, Name: Camrose, Alberta
ID: 147, Parent: 134, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 148, Parent: 134, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part
ID: 149, Parent: 134, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta
ID: 150, Parent: 134, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta
ID: 151, Parent: 134, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta
ID: 152, Parent: 134, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta
ID: 153, Parent: 134, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta
ID: 154, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 155, Parent: 154, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia
ID: 202, Parent: 154, Name: Nelson, British Columbia
ID: 156, Parent: 154, Name: Penticton, British Columbia
ID: 158, Parent: 154, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia
ID: 159, Parent: 154, Name: Vernon, British Columbia
ID: 160, Parent: 154, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia
ID: 161, Parent: 154, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia
ID: 162, Parent: 154, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia
ID: 164, Parent: 154, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia
ID: 165, Parent: 154, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 166, Parent: 154, Name: Squamish, British Columbia
ID: 167, Parent: 154, Name: Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 168, Parent: 154, Name: Duncan, British Columbia
ID: 169, Parent: 154, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia
ID: 170, Parent: 154, Name: Parksville, British Columbia
ID: 171, Parent: 154, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia
ID: 172, Parent: 154, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia
ID: 173, Parent: 154, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia
ID: 174, Parent: 154, Name: Powell River, British Columbia
ID: 175, Parent: 154, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia
ID: 176, Parent: 154, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia
ID: 177, Parent: 154, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia
ID: 178, Parent: 154, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia
ID: 179, Parent: 154, Name: Terrace, British Columbia
ID: 180, Parent: 154, Name: Prince George, British Columbia
ID: 181, Parent: 154, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia
ID: 182, Parent: 154, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia
ID: 183, Parent: 154, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia
ID: 184, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon
ID: 185, Parent: 184, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon
ID: 186, Parent: 184, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon
ID: 187, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 188, Parent: 187, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
ID: 189, Parent: 187, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories
ID: 190, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut
ID: 191, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined New Brunswick/Quebec
ID: 192, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 193, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 194, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan
Census family type:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All family units
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: All census families
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Couple families
ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Lone-parent families
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Persons not in census families
Family type composition:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Family types with or without children
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Family types without children
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Family types with 1 child
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Family types with 2 children
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Family types with 3 or more children
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number of families
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Number of persons
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Number of persons aged 0 to 17 years
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Number of persons aged 18 to 64 years
ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Number of persons aged 65 years and over
ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Median before-tax family income
ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Median after-tax family income |
D11100018 | After-tax low income status of tax filers and dependants based on Census Family Low Income Measure (CFLIM-AT), by family type and family type composition | Title: After-tax low income status of tax filers and dependants based on Census Family Low Income Measure (CFLIM-AT), by family type and family type composition
Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Census family type, Family type composition, Age group, Statistics (CFLIM-AT; updated methodology)
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File)
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 195, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 9, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 11, Parent: 10, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
ID: 12, Parent: 10, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island
ID: 13, Parent: 10, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island
ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 15, Parent: 14, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia
ID: 16, Parent: 14, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia
ID: 17, Parent: 14, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia
ID: 18, Parent: 14, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
ID: 19, Parent: 14, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
ID: 20, Parent: 14, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia
ID: 21, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 23, Parent: 21, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick
ID: 24, Parent: 21, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick
ID: 25, Parent: 21, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick
ID: 26, Parent: 21, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick
ID: 27, Parent: 21, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick
ID: 28, Parent: 21, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part
ID: 29, Parent: 21, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick
ID: 30, Parent: 21, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick
ID: 31, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 32, Parent: 31, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part
ID: 33, Parent: 31, Name: Matane, Quebec
ID: 34, Parent: 31, Name: Rimouski, Quebec
ID: 35, Parent: 31, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec
ID: 36, Parent: 31, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec
ID: 37, Parent: 31, Name: Saguenay, Quebec
ID: 38, Parent: 31, Name: Alma, Quebec
ID: 39, Parent: 31, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec
ID: 40, Parent: 31, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec
ID: 41, Parent: 31, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 196, Parent: 31, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec
ID: 42, Parent: 31, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec
ID: 43, Parent: 31, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec
ID: 44, Parent: 31, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec
ID: 46, Parent: 31, Name: Cowansville, Quebec
ID: 47, Parent: 31, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec
ID: 48, Parent: 31, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec
ID: 49, Parent: 31, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec
ID: 50, Parent: 31, Name: La Tuque, Quebec
ID: 51, Parent: 31, Name: Drummondville, Quebec
ID: 52, Parent: 31, Name: Granby, Quebec
ID: 53, Parent: 31, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec
ID: 54, Parent: 31, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec
ID: 55, Parent: 31, Name: Joliette, Quebec
ID: 56, Parent: 31, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec
ID: 57, Parent: 31, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 58, Parent: 31, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec
ID: 59, Parent: 31, Name: Lachute, Quebec
ID: 60, Parent: 31, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec
ID: 61, Parent: 31, Name: Amos, Quebec
ID: 62, Parent: 31, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec
ID: 63, Parent: 31, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part
ID: 64, Parent: 31, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part
ID: 65, Parent: 31, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec
ID: 66, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 67, Parent: 66, Name: Cornwall, Ontario
ID: 68, Parent: 66, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part
ID: 69, Parent: 66, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part
ID: 197, Parent: 66, Name: Arnprior, Ontario
ID: 198, Parent: 66, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario
ID: 70, Parent: 66, Name: Brockville, Ontario
ID: 71, Parent: 66, Name: Pembroke, Ontario
ID: 72, Parent: 66, Name: Petawawa, Ontario
ID: 73, Parent: 66, Name: Kingston, Ontario
ID: 74, Parent: 66, Name: Belleville, Ontario
ID: 75, Parent: 66, Name: Cobourg, Ontario
ID: 76, Parent: 66, Name: Port Hope, Ontario
ID: 78, Parent: 66, Name: Peterborough, Ontario
ID: 79, Parent: 66, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
ID: 80, Parent: 66, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario
ID: 81, Parent: 66, Name: Oshawa, Ontario
ID: 82, Parent: 66, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario
ID: 83, Parent: 66, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 84, Parent: 66, Name: Hamilton, Ontario
ID: 85, Parent: 66, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario
ID: 87, Parent: 66, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario
ID: 89, Parent: 66, Name: Brantford, Ontario
ID: 90, Parent: 66, Name: Woodstock, Ontario
ID: 91, Parent: 66, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario
ID: 92, Parent: 66, Name: Norfolk, Ontario
ID: 94, Parent: 66, Name: Guelph, Ontario
ID: 95, Parent: 66, Name: Stratford, Ontario
ID: 96, Parent: 66, Name: London, Ontario
ID: 97, Parent: 66, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario
ID: 98, Parent: 66, Name: Leamington, Ontario
ID: 99, Parent: 66, Name: Windsor, Ontario
ID: 100, Parent: 66, Name: Sarnia, Ontario
ID: 199, Parent: 66, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario
ID: 101, Parent: 66, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario
ID: 102, Parent: 66, Name: Collingwood, Ontario
ID: 104, Parent: 66, Name: Barrie, Ontario
ID: 105, Parent: 66, Name: Orillia, Ontario
ID: 106, Parent: 66, Name: Midland, Ontario
ID: 107, Parent: 66, Name: North Bay, Ontario
ID: 108, Parent: 66, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario
ID: 109, Parent: 66, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario
ID: 110, Parent: 66, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario
ID: 111, Parent: 66, Name: Timmins, Ontario
ID: 112, Parent: 66, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
ID: 113, Parent: 66, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario
ID: 114, Parent: 66, Name: Kenora, Ontario
ID: 115, Parent: 66, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario
ID: 116, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 117, Parent: 116, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 200, Parent: 116, Name: Winkler, Manitoba
ID: 118, Parent: 116, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba
ID: 119, Parent: 116, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
ID: 120, Parent: 116, Name: Brandon, Manitoba
ID: 121, Parent: 116, Name: Thompson, Manitoba
ID: 122, Parent: 116, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba
ID: 123, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 124, Parent: 123, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan
ID: 125, Parent: 123, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan
ID: 126, Parent: 123, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
ID: 127, Parent: 123, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan
ID: 128, Parent: 123, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ID: 129, Parent: 123, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan
ID: 130, Parent: 123, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
ID: 131, Parent: 123, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan
ID: 201, Parent: 123, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan
ID: 132, Parent: 123, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part
ID: 133, Parent: 123, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan
ID: 134, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 135, Parent: 134, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta
ID: 136, Parent: 134, Name: Brooks, Alberta
ID: 137, Parent: 134, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta
ID: 138, Parent: 134, Name: Okotoks, Alberta
ID: 139, Parent: 134, Name: High River, Alberta
ID: 140, Parent: 134, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 141, Parent: 134, Name: Strathmore, Alberta
ID: 142, Parent: 134, Name: Canmore, Alberta
ID: 143, Parent: 134, Name: Red Deer, Alberta
ID: 144, Parent: 134, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta
ID: 145, Parent: 134, Name: Lacombe, Alberta
ID: 146, Parent: 134, Name: Camrose, Alberta
ID: 147, Parent: 134, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 148, Parent: 134, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part
ID: 149, Parent: 134, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta
ID: 150, Parent: 134, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta
ID: 151, Parent: 134, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta
ID: 152, Parent: 134, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta
ID: 153, Parent: 134, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta
ID: 154, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 155, Parent: 154, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia
ID: 202, Parent: 154, Name: Nelson, British Columbia
ID: 156, Parent: 154, Name: Penticton, British Columbia
ID: 158, Parent: 154, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia
ID: 159, Parent: 154, Name: Vernon, British Columbia
ID: 160, Parent: 154, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia
ID: 161, Parent: 154, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia
ID: 162, Parent: 154, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia
ID: 164, Parent: 154, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia
ID: 165, Parent: 154, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 166, Parent: 154, Name: Squamish, British Columbia
ID: 167, Parent: 154, Name: Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 168, Parent: 154, Name: Duncan, British Columbia
ID: 169, Parent: 154, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia
ID: 170, Parent: 154, Name: Parksville, British Columbia
ID: 171, Parent: 154, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia
ID: 172, Parent: 154, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia
ID: 173, Parent: 154, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia
ID: 174, Parent: 154, Name: Powell River, British Columbia
ID: 175, Parent: 154, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia
ID: 176, Parent: 154, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia
ID: 177, Parent: 154, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia
ID: 178, Parent: 154, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia
ID: 179, Parent: 154, Name: Terrace, British Columbia
ID: 180, Parent: 154, Name: Prince George, British Columbia
ID: 181, Parent: 154, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia
ID: 182, Parent: 154, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia
ID: 183, Parent: 154, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia
ID: 184, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon
ID: 185, Parent: 184, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon
ID: 186, Parent: 184, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon
ID: 187, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 188, Parent: 187, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
ID: 189, Parent: 187, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories
ID: 190, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut
ID: 191, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined New Brunswick/Quebec
ID: 192, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 193, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 194, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan
Census family type:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All family units in low income
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: All census families in low income
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Couple families in low income
ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Lone-parent families in low income
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Persons not in census families in low income
Family type composition:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Family types with or without children
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Family types with no children
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Family types with 1 child
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Family types with 2 children
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Family types with 3 or more children
Age group:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All persons
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Persons aged 0 to 17 years
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Persons aged 18 to 64 years
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Persons aged 65 years and over
Statistics (CFLIM-AT; updated methodology):
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number of persons in low income
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of persons in low income
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Average low-income gap ratio |
D11100019 | Economic dependency profile of census families by family type and source of income | Title: Economic dependency profile of census families by family type and source of income
Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Family type, Individuals and income, Source of income
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File)
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island
ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia
ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia
ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia
ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick
ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick
ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick
ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick
ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick
ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part
ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick
ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part
ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec
ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec
ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec
ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec
ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec
ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec
ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec
ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec
ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec
ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec
ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec
ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec
ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec
ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec
ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec
ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec
ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec
ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec
ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec
ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec
ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec
ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec
ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec
ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec
ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec
ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec
ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part
ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part
ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario
ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part
ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part
ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario
ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario
ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario
ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario
ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario
ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario
ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario
ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario
ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario
ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario
ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario
ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario
ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario
ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario
ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario
ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario
ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario
ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario
ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario
ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario
ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario
ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario
ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario
ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario
ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario
ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario
ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario
ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario
ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario
ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario
ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario
ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario
ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario
ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario
ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario
ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario
ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario
ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario
ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
ID: 27, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario
ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario
ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario
ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 179, Parent: 28, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba
ID: 189, Parent: 28, Name: Winkler, Manitoba
ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 123, Parent: 28, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
ID: 124, Parent: 28, Name: Brandon, Manitoba
ID: 125, Parent: 28, Name: Thompson, Manitoba
ID: 126, Parent: 28, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba
ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan
ID: 127, Parent: 30, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan
ID: 128, Parent: 30, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
ID: 129, Parent: 30, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan
ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ID: 130, Parent: 30, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan
ID: 131, Parent: 30, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
ID: 132, Parent: 30, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan
ID: 190, Parent: 30, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan
ID: 133, Parent: 30, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part
ID: 134, Parent: 30, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan
ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 135, Parent: 33, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta
ID: 136, Parent: 33, Name: Brooks, Alberta
ID: 137, Parent: 33, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta
ID: 138, Parent: 33, Name: Okotoks, Alberta
ID: 180, Parent: 33, Name: High River, Alberta
ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 181, Parent: 33, Name: Strathmore, Alberta
ID: 139, Parent: 33, Name: Canmore, Alberta
ID: 140, Parent: 33, Name: Red Deer, Alberta
ID: 182, Parent: 33, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta
ID: 183, Parent: 33, Name: Lacombe, Alberta
ID: 141, Parent: 33, Name: Camrose, Alberta
ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 142, Parent: 33, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part
ID: 143, Parent: 33, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta
ID: 144, Parent: 33, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta
ID: 145, Parent: 33, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta
ID: 146, Parent: 33, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta
ID: 147, Parent: 33, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta
ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 148, Parent: 36, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia
ID: 191, Parent: 36, Name: Nelson, British Columbia
ID: 149, Parent: 36, Name: Penticton, British Columbia
ID: 48, Parent: 36, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia
ID: 150, Parent: 36, Name: Vernon, British Columbia
ID: 151, Parent: 36, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia
ID: 152, Parent: 36, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia
ID: 153, Parent: 36, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia
ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia
ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 154, Parent: 36, Name: Squamish, British Columbia
ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 155, Parent: 36, Name: Duncan, British Columbia
ID: 156, Parent: 36, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia
ID: 157, Parent: 36, Name: Parksville, British Columbia
ID: 158, Parent: 36, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia
ID: 159, Parent: 36, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia
ID: 160, Parent: 36, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia
ID: 161, Parent: 36, Name: Powell River, British Columbia
ID: 162, Parent: 36, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia
ID: 163, Parent: 36, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia
ID: 164, Parent: 36, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia
ID: 165, Parent: 36, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia
ID: 166, Parent: 36, Name: Terrace, British Columbia
ID: 167, Parent: 36, Name: Prince George, British Columbia
ID: 168, Parent: 36, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia
ID: 169, Parent: 36, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia
ID: 170, Parent: 36, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia
ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon
ID: 171, Parent: 40, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon
ID: 172, Parent: 40, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon
ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 173, Parent: 41, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
ID: 174, Parent: 41, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories
ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut
ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined NewBrunswick/Quebec
ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan
Family type:
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Couple families
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Male partners in couple families
ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Female partners in couple families
ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Children in couple families
ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Lone-parent families
ID: 7, Parent: 6, Name: Parents in lone-parent families
ID: 8, Parent: 6, Name: Children in lone-parent families
ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Persons not in census families
Individuals and income:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number of persons or families
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Amount of income
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Average amount of income
ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Median amount of income
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Economic Dependency Ratio (EDR)
ID: 5, Parent: 4, Name: Provincial index of the Economic Dependency Ratio (EDR)
ID: 6, Parent: 4, Name: Canadian index of the Economic Dependency Ratio (EDR)
Source of income:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total employment income
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Total government transfers
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Employment Insurance (EI) benefits
ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Old Age Security (OAS) and net federal supplements
ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) benefits
ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Federal Child Benefits
ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Goods and Services Tax (GST) Credit and Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) Credit
ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: Workers' Compensation Benefits
ID: 9, Parent: 2, Name: Social Assistance Benefits
ID: 10, Parent: 2, Name: Provincial Refundable Tax Credits and Family Benefits
ID: 12, Parent: 2, Name: Other government transfers
ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Private pensions |
D11100020 | After-tax low income status of census families based on Census Family Low Income Measure (CFLIM-AT), by family type and family composition | Title: After-tax low income status of census families based on Census Family Low Income Measure (CFLIM-AT), by family type and family composition
Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Census family type, Family type composition, Statistics (CFLIM-AT; updated methodology)
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File)
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 9, Parent: 8, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
ID: 10, Parent: 8, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island
ID: 11, Parent: 8, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island
ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia
ID: 14, Parent: 12, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia
ID: 15, Parent: 12, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia
ID: 16, Parent: 12, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
ID: 17, Parent: 12, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
ID: 18, Parent: 12, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia
ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick
ID: 21, Parent: 19, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick
ID: 22, Parent: 19, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick
ID: 23, Parent: 19, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick
ID: 24, Parent: 19, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick
ID: 25, Parent: 19, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part
ID: 26, Parent: 19, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick
ID: 27, Parent: 19, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick
ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part
ID: 30, Parent: 28, Name: Matane, Quebec
ID: 31, Parent: 28, Name: Rimouski, Quebec
ID: 32, Parent: 28, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec
ID: 33, Parent: 28, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec
ID: 34, Parent: 28, Name: Saguenay, Quebec
ID: 35, Parent: 28, Name: Alma, Quebec
ID: 36, Parent: 28, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec
ID: 37, Parent: 28, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec
ID: 38, Parent: 28, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 185, Parent: 28, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec
ID: 39, Parent: 28, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec
ID: 40, Parent: 28, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec
ID: 41, Parent: 28, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec
ID: 42, Parent: 28, Name: Cowansville, Quebec
ID: 43, Parent: 28, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec
ID: 44, Parent: 28, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec
ID: 45, Parent: 28, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec
ID: 46, Parent: 28, Name: La Tuque, Quebec
ID: 47, Parent: 28, Name: Drummondville, Quebec
ID: 48, Parent: 28, Name: Granby, Quebec
ID: 49, Parent: 28, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec
ID: 50, Parent: 28, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec
ID: 51, Parent: 28, Name: Joliette, Quebec
ID: 52, Parent: 28, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec
ID: 53, Parent: 28, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 54, Parent: 28, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec
ID: 55, Parent: 28, Name: Lachute, Quebec
ID: 56, Parent: 28, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec
ID: 57, Parent: 28, Name: Amos, Quebec
ID: 58, Parent: 28, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec
ID: 59, Parent: 28, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part
ID: 60, Parent: 28, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part
ID: 61, Parent: 28, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec
ID: 62, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 63, Parent: 62, Name: Cornwall, Ontario
ID: 64, Parent: 62, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part
ID: 65, Parent: 62, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part
ID: 186, Parent: 62, Name: Arnprior, Ontario
ID: 187, Parent: 62, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario
ID: 66, Parent: 62, Name: Brockville, Ontario
ID: 67, Parent: 62, Name: Pembroke, Ontario
ID: 68, Parent: 62, Name: Petawawa, Ontario
ID: 69, Parent: 62, Name: Kingston, Ontario
ID: 70, Parent: 62, Name: Belleville, Ontario
ID: 71, Parent: 62, Name: Cobourg, Ontario
ID: 72, Parent: 62, Name: Port Hope, Ontario
ID: 73, Parent: 62, Name: Peterborough, Ontario
ID: 74, Parent: 62, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
ID: 75, Parent: 62, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario
ID: 76, Parent: 62, Name: Oshawa, Ontario
ID: 77, Parent: 62, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario
ID: 78, Parent: 62, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 79, Parent: 62, Name: Hamilton, Ontario
ID: 80, Parent: 62, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario
ID: 81, Parent: 62, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario
ID: 82, Parent: 62, Name: Brantford, Ontario
ID: 83, Parent: 62, Name: Woodstock, Ontario
ID: 84, Parent: 62, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario
ID: 85, Parent: 62, Name: Norfolk, Ontario
ID: 86, Parent: 62, Name: Guelph, Ontario
ID: 87, Parent: 62, Name: Stratford, Ontario
ID: 88, Parent: 62, Name: London, Ontario
ID: 89, Parent: 62, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario
ID: 90, Parent: 62, Name: Leamington, Ontario
ID: 91, Parent: 62, Name: Windsor, Ontario
ID: 92, Parent: 62, Name: Sarnia, Ontario
ID: 188, Parent: 62, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario
ID: 93, Parent: 62, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario
ID: 94, Parent: 62, Name: Collingwood, Ontario
ID: 95, Parent: 62, Name: Barrie, Ontario
ID: 96, Parent: 62, Name: Orillia, Ontario
ID: 97, Parent: 62, Name: Midland, Ontario
ID: 98, Parent: 62, Name: North Bay, Ontario
ID: 99, Parent: 62, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario
ID: 100, Parent: 62, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario
ID: 101, Parent: 62, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario
ID: 102, Parent: 62, Name: Timmins, Ontario
ID: 103, Parent: 62, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
ID: 104, Parent: 62, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario
ID: 105, Parent: 62, Name: Kenora, Ontario
ID: 106, Parent: 62, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario
ID: 107, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 108, Parent: 107, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 189, Parent: 107, Name: Winkler, Manitoba
ID: 109, Parent: 107, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba
ID: 110, Parent: 107, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
ID: 111, Parent: 107, Name: Brandon, Manitoba
ID: 112, Parent: 107, Name: Thompson, Manitoba
ID: 113, Parent: 107, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba
ID: 114, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 115, Parent: 114, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan
ID: 116, Parent: 114, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan
ID: 117, Parent: 114, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
ID: 118, Parent: 114, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan
ID: 119, Parent: 114, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ID: 120, Parent: 114, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan
ID: 121, Parent: 114, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
ID: 122, Parent: 114, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan
ID: 190, Parent: 114, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan
ID: 123, Parent: 114, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part
ID: 124, Parent: 114, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan
ID: 125, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 126, Parent: 125, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta
ID: 127, Parent: 125, Name: Brooks, Alberta
ID: 128, Parent: 125, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta
ID: 129, Parent: 125, Name: Okotoks, Alberta
ID: 130, Parent: 125, Name: High River, Alberta
ID: 131, Parent: 125, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 132, Parent: 125, Name: Strathmore, Alberta
ID: 133, Parent: 125, Name: Canmore, Alberta
ID: 134, Parent: 125, Name: Red Deer, Alberta
ID: 135, Parent: 125, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta
ID: 136, Parent: 125, Name: Lacombe, Alberta
ID: 137, Parent: 125, Name: Camrose, Alberta
ID: 138, Parent: 125, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 139, Parent: 125, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part
ID: 140, Parent: 125, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta
ID: 141, Parent: 125, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta
ID: 142, Parent: 125, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta
ID: 143, Parent: 125, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta
ID: 144, Parent: 125, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta
ID: 145, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 146, Parent: 145, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia
ID: 191, Parent: 145, Name: Nelson, British Columbia
ID: 147, Parent: 145, Name: Penticton, British Columbia
ID: 148, Parent: 145, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia
ID: 149, Parent: 145, Name: Vernon, British Columbia
ID: 150, Parent: 145, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia
ID: 151, Parent: 145, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia
ID: 152, Parent: 145, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia
ID: 153, Parent: 145, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia
ID: 154, Parent: 145, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 155, Parent: 145, Name: Squamish, British Columbia
ID: 156, Parent: 145, Name: Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 157, Parent: 145, Name: Duncan, British Columbia
ID: 158, Parent: 145, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia
ID: 159, Parent: 145, Name: Parksville, British Columbia
ID: 160, Parent: 145, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia
ID: 161, Parent: 145, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia
ID: 162, Parent: 145, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia
ID: 163, Parent: 145, Name: Powell River, British Columbia
ID: 164, Parent: 145, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia
ID: 165, Parent: 145, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia
ID: 166, Parent: 145, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia
ID: 167, Parent: 145, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia
ID: 168, Parent: 145, Name: Terrace, British Columbia
ID: 169, Parent: 145, Name: Prince George, British Columbia
ID: 170, Parent: 145, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia
ID: 171, Parent: 145, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia
ID: 172, Parent: 145, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia
ID: 173, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon
ID: 174, Parent: 173, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon
ID: 175, Parent: 173, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon
ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 177, Parent: 176, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
ID: 178, Parent: 176, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories
ID: 179, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut
ID: 180, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined New Brunswick/Quebec
ID: 181, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 182, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 183, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan
Census family type:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All family units in low income
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: All census families in low income
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Couple families in low income
ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Lone-parent families in low income
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Persons not in census families in low income
Family type composition:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Family types with or without children
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Family types without children
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Family types with 1 child
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Family types with 2 children
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Family types with 3 or more children
Statistics (CFLIM-AT; updated methodology):
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number of families in low income
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Median after-tax income for family in low income |
D11100021 | Survey of Financial Security (SFS), composition of assets and debts held by all family units, by net worth quintiles | Title: Survey of Financial Security (SFS), composition of assets and debts held by all family units, by net worth quintiles
Date range: 1999-01-01 to 2012-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Assets and debts, Net worth quintiles, Characteristics
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Survey of Financial Security
Frequency: Occasional
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Atlantic
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Prairies
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Manitoba
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Alberta
ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
Assets and debts:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total assets
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Private pension assets
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs), Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIFs), Locked-in Retirement Accounts (LIRAs) and other
ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Employer-sponsored Registered Pension Plans (EPPs)
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Financial assets, non pension
ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Deposits in financial institutions
ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Mutual funds, investment funds and income trusts
ID: 8, Parent: 5, Name: Stocks
ID: 9, Parent: 5, Name: Bonds (saving and other)
ID: 10, Parent: 5, Name: Tax Free Saving Accounts (TFSA)
ID: 11, Parent: 5, Name: Other financial assets
ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Non-financial assets
ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Principal residence
ID: 14, Parent: 12, Name: Other real estate
ID: 15, Parent: 12, Name: Vehicles
ID: 16, Parent: 12, Name: Other non-financial assets
ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Equity in business
ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Total debts
ID: 19, Parent: 18, Name: Mortgages
ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Principal residence
ID: 21, Parent: 19, Name: Other real estate
ID: 22, Parent: 18, Name: Line of credit
ID: 23, Parent: 18, Name: Credit card and installment debt
ID: 24, Parent: 18, Name: Student loans
ID: 25, Parent: 18, Name: Vehicle loans
ID: 26, Parent: 18, Name: Other debt
ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Net Worth (assets less debts)
Net worth quintiles:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, all net worth quintiles
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Lowest net worth quintile
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Second net worth quintile
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Middle net worth quintile
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Fourth net worth quintile
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Highest net worth quintile
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Dollars
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of total assets or total debts
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Number of family units
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of family units holding asset or debt
ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Median amount for family units holding asset or debt
ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Average amount for family units holding asset or debt |
D11100022 | Labour income profile of census families by family type | Title: Labour income profile of census families by family type
Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Family type, Labour income profile
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File)
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island
ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia
ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia
ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia
ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick
ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick
ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick
ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick
ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick
ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part
ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick
ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part
ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec
ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec
ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec
ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec
ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec
ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec
ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec
ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec
ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec
ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec
ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec
ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec
ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec
ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec
ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec
ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec
ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec
ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec
ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec
ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec
ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec
ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec
ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec
ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec
ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec
ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec
ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part
ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part
ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario
ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part
ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part
ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario
ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario
ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario
ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario
ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario
ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario
ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario
ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario
ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario
ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario
ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario
ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario
ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario
ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario
ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario
ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario
ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario
ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario
ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario
ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario
ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario
ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario
ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario
ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario
ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario
ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario
ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario
ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario
ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario
ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario
ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario
ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario
ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario
ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario
ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario
ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario
ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario
ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario
ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
ID: 27, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario
ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario
ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario
ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 189, Parent: 28, Name: Winkler, Manitoba
ID: 179, Parent: 28, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba
ID: 123, Parent: 28, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
ID: 124, Parent: 28, Name: Brandon, Manitoba
ID: 125, Parent: 28, Name: Thompson, Manitoba
ID: 126, Parent: 28, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba
ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan
ID: 127, Parent: 30, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan
ID: 128, Parent: 30, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
ID: 129, Parent: 30, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan
ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ID: 130, Parent: 30, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan
ID: 131, Parent: 30, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
ID: 132, Parent: 30, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan
ID: 190, Parent: 30, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan
ID: 133, Parent: 30, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part
ID: 134, Parent: 30, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan
ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 135, Parent: 33, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta
ID: 136, Parent: 33, Name: Brooks, Alberta
ID: 137, Parent: 33, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta
ID: 138, Parent: 33, Name: Okotoks, Alberta
ID: 180, Parent: 33, Name: High River, Alberta
ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 181, Parent: 33, Name: Strathmore, Alberta
ID: 139, Parent: 33, Name: Canmore, Alberta
ID: 140, Parent: 33, Name: Red Deer, Alberta
ID: 182, Parent: 33, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta
ID: 183, Parent: 33, Name: Lacombe, Alberta
ID: 141, Parent: 33, Name: Camrose, Alberta
ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 142, Parent: 33, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part
ID: 143, Parent: 33, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta
ID: 144, Parent: 33, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta
ID: 145, Parent: 33, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta
ID: 146, Parent: 33, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta
ID: 147, Parent: 33, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta
ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 148, Parent: 36, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia
ID: 191, Parent: 36, Name: Nelson, British Columbia
ID: 149, Parent: 36, Name: Penticton, British Columbia
ID: 48, Parent: 36, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia
ID: 150, Parent: 36, Name: Vernon, British Columbia
ID: 151, Parent: 36, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia
ID: 152, Parent: 36, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia
ID: 153, Parent: 36, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia
ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia
ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 154, Parent: 36, Name: Squamish, British Columbia
ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 155, Parent: 36, Name: Duncan, British Columbia
ID: 156, Parent: 36, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia
ID: 157, Parent: 36, Name: Parksville, British Columbia
ID: 158, Parent: 36, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia
ID: 159, Parent: 36, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia
ID: 160, Parent: 36, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia
ID: 161, Parent: 36, Name: Powell River, British Columbia
ID: 162, Parent: 36, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia
ID: 163, Parent: 36, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia
ID: 164, Parent: 36, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia
ID: 165, Parent: 36, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia
ID: 166, Parent: 36, Name: Terrace, British Columbia
ID: 167, Parent: 36, Name: Prince George, British Columbia
ID: 168, Parent: 36, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia
ID: 169, Parent: 36, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia
ID: 170, Parent: 36, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia
ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon
ID: 171, Parent: 40, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon
ID: 172, Parent: 40, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon
ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 173, Parent: 41, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
ID: 174, Parent: 41, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories
ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut
ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined New Brunswick/Quebec
ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan
Family type:
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Couple families
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Male partners in couple families
ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Female partners in couple families
ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Children in couple families
ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Lone-parent families
ID: 7, Parent: 6, Name: Parents in lone-parent families
ID: 8, Parent: 6, Name: Children in lone-parent families
ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Persons not in census families
Labour income profile:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total number of persons or families
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Number of persons or families with total income
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Total income of persons or families with total income
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Median total income of persons or families with total income
ID: 5, Parent: 4, Name: Provincial index of median total income of persons or families with total income
ID: 6, Parent: 4, Name: Canadian index of median total income of persons or families with total income
ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Number of persons or families with labour income
ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Total labour income of persons or families with labour income
ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Number of persons or families with employment income
ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Total employment income of persons or families with employment income
ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Median employment income of persons or families with employment income
ID: 12, Parent: 11, Name: Provincial index of median employment income of persons or families with employment income
ID: 13, Parent: 11, Name: Canadian index of median employment income of persons or families with employment income
ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Number of persons or families with income from wages, salaries and commissions
ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Total wages, salaries and commissions of persons or families with income from wages, salaries and commissions
ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Number of persons or families with self-employment income
ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Total net self-employment income of persons or families with net self-employment income
ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Number of persons or families with Employment Insurance benefits
ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Total Employment insurance benefits of persons or families with Employment Insurance benefits
ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Employment Insurance benefits Economic Dependency Ratio of persons or families with Employment Insurance benefits
ID: 21, Parent: 20, Name: Provincial index of Employment insurance benefits Economic Dependency Ratio of persons or families with Employment Insurance benefits
ID: 22, Parent: 20, Name: Canadian Index of Employment insurance benefits Economic Dependency Ratio of persons of families with Employment Insurance benefits |
D11100023 | Tax filers and dependants 15 years of age and over with labour income by sex and age | Title: Tax filers and dependants 15 years of age and over with labour income by sex and age
Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Sex, Age group, Labour characteristics
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File)
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island
ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia
ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia
ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia
ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick
ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick
ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick
ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick
ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick
ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part
ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick
ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part
ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec
ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec
ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec
ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec
ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec
ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec
ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec
ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec
ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec
ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec
ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec
ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec
ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec
ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec
ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec
ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec
ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec
ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec
ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec
ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec
ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec
ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec
ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec
ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec
ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec
ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec
ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part
ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part
ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario
ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part
ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part
ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario
ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario
ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario
ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario
ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario
ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario
ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario
ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario
ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario
ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario
ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario
ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario
ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario
ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario
ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario
ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario
ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario
ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario
ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario
ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario
ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario
ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario
ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario
ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario
ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario
ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario
ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario
ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario
ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario
ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario
ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario
ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario
ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario
ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario
ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario
ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario
ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario
ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario
ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
ID: 27, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario
ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario
ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario
ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 189, Parent: 28, Name: Winkler, Manitoba
ID: 179, Parent: 28, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba
ID: 123, Parent: 28, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
ID: 124, Parent: 28, Name: Brandon, Manitoba
ID: 125, Parent: 28, Name: Thompson, Manitoba
ID: 126, Parent: 28, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba
ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan
ID: 127, Parent: 30, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan
ID: 128, Parent: 30, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
ID: 129, Parent: 30, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan
ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ID: 130, Parent: 30, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan
ID: 131, Parent: 30, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
ID: 132, Parent: 30, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan
ID: 190, Parent: 30, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan
ID: 133, Parent: 30, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part
ID: 134, Parent: 30, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan
ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 135, Parent: 33, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta
ID: 136, Parent: 33, Name: Brooks, Alberta
ID: 137, Parent: 33, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta
ID: 138, Parent: 33, Name: Okotoks, Alberta
ID: 180, Parent: 33, Name: High River, Alberta
ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 181, Parent: 33, Name: Strathmore, Alberta
ID: 139, Parent: 33, Name: Canmore, Alberta
ID: 140, Parent: 33, Name: Red Deer, Alberta
ID: 182, Parent: 33, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta
ID: 183, Parent: 33, Name: Lacombe, Alberta
ID: 141, Parent: 33, Name: Camrose, Alberta
ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 142, Parent: 33, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part
ID: 143, Parent: 33, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta
ID: 144, Parent: 33, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta
ID: 145, Parent: 33, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta
ID: 146, Parent: 33, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta
ID: 147, Parent: 33, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta
ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 148, Parent: 36, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia
ID: 191, Parent: 36, Name: Nelson, British Columbia
ID: 149, Parent: 36, Name: Penticton, British Columbia
ID: 48, Parent: 36, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia
ID: 150, Parent: 36, Name: Vernon, British Columbia
ID: 151, Parent: 36, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia
ID: 152, Parent: 36, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia
ID: 153, Parent: 36, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia
ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia
ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 154, Parent: 36, Name: Squamish, British Columbia
ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 155, Parent: 36, Name: Duncan, British Columbia
ID: 156, Parent: 36, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia
ID: 157, Parent: 36, Name: Parksville, British Columbia
ID: 158, Parent: 36, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia
ID: 159, Parent: 36, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia
ID: 160, Parent: 36, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia
ID: 161, Parent: 36, Name: Powell River, British Columbia
ID: 162, Parent: 36, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia
ID: 163, Parent: 36, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia
ID: 164, Parent: 36, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia
ID: 165, Parent: 36, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia
ID: 166, Parent: 36, Name: Terrace, British Columbia
ID: 167, Parent: 36, Name: Prince George, British Columbia
ID: 168, Parent: 36, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia
ID: 169, Parent: 36, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia
ID: 170, Parent: 36, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia
ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon
ID: 171, Parent: 40, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon
ID: 172, Parent: 40, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon
ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 173, Parent: 41, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
ID: 174, Parent: 41, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories
ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut
ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined New Brunswick/Quebec
ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Both sexes
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Males
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Females
Age group:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All age groups
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: 15 to 19 years
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: 20 to 24 years
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: 25 to 29 years
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: 30 to 34 years
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: 35 to 39 years
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: 40 to 44 years
ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: 45 to 49 years
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: 50 to 54 years
ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: 55 to 59 years
ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: 60 to 64 years
ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: 65 years and over
Labour characteristics:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total labour income
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Labour participation rate |
D11100024 | Low income entry and exit rates of tax filers in Canada | Title: Low income entry and exit rates of tax filers in Canada
Date range: 1992-01-01 to 2017-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Selected characteristics, Low income threshold, Statistics
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Longitudinal Administrative Databank
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: All census metropolitan areas
ID: 16, Parent: 15, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 17, Parent: 15, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia
ID: 18, Parent: 15, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick
ID: 19, Parent: 15, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 20, Parent: 15, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 21, Parent: 15, Name: Saguenay, Quebec
ID: 22, Parent: 15, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec
ID: 23, Parent: 15, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec
ID: 24, Parent: 15, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario
ID: 25, Parent: 15, Name: Hamilton, Ontario
ID: 26, Parent: 15, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario
ID: 27, Parent: 15, Name: London, Ontario
ID: 28, Parent: 15, Name: Oshawa, Ontario
ID: 29, Parent: 15, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario/Quebec
ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part, Ontario/Quebec
ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part, Ontario/Quebec
ID: 32, Parent: 15, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario
ID: 33, Parent: 15, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario
ID: 34, Parent: 15, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 35, Parent: 15, Name: Windsor, Ontario
ID: 36, Parent: 15, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 37, Parent: 15, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan
ID: 38, Parent: 15, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ID: 39, Parent: 15, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 40, Parent: 15, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 41, Parent: 15, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 42, Parent: 15, Name: Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 43, Parent: None, Name: All census agglomerations
ID: 44, Parent: None, Name: Non-census metropolitan areas and non-census agglomerations
Selected characteristics:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Both sexes
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Males
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Females
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Total, 18 years and over
ID: 5, Parent: 4, Name: 18 to 24 years
ID: 6, Parent: 4, Name: 25 to 54 years
ID: 7, Parent: 4, Name: 55 to 64 years
ID: 8, Parent: 4, Name: 65 years and above
ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: All census family types
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Tax filers living in couple families
ID: 11, Parent: 10, Name: Tax filers living in couple families with at least one child under 17 years
ID: 12, Parent: 10, Name: Tax filers living in couple families, no children or children 17 years and above
ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Tax filers living in single-parent families
ID: 14, Parent: 13, Name: Tax filers living in single-parent families with at least one child under 17 years
ID: 15, Parent: 13, Name: Tax filers living in single-parent families, children 17 years and above
ID: 16, Parent: 9, Name: Tax filers not in census family
ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Total, immigrant and Canadian-born
ID: 18, Parent: 17, Name: Canadian-born
ID: 19, Parent: 17, Name: Immigrant tax filers landed in Canada in 1980 or after
ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Immigrant tax filers lived in Canada for 0 to 5 years
ID: 21, Parent: 19, Name: Immigrant tax filers lived in Canada for 6 to 10 years
ID: 22, Parent: 19, Name: Immigrant tax filers lived in Canada for more than 10 years
Low income threshold:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Variable low income measure
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Low income measure fixed in 2002
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Low income entry rate
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Low income exit rate
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Low income immobility rate
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Low income resistance rate
ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Tax filers in low income, first year
ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Tax filers in low income, second year
ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Tax filers entering low income in second year
ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Tax filers exiting low income in second year
ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Tax filers in low income, first and second year
ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Tax filers not in low income, first and second year
ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers in first and second year |
D11100025 | Low income persistence of tax filers in Canada | Title: Low income persistence of tax filers in Canada
Date range: 1992-01-01 to 2011-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Selected characteristics, Low income threshold, Years in low income, Statistics
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Longitudinal Administrative Databank
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: All census metropolitan areas
ID: 16, Parent: 15, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 17, Parent: 15, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia
ID: 18, Parent: 15, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick
ID: 19, Parent: 15, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 20, Parent: 15, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 21, Parent: 15, Name: Saguenay, Quebec
ID: 22, Parent: 15, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec
ID: 23, Parent: 15, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec
ID: 24, Parent: 15, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario
ID: 25, Parent: 15, Name: Hamilton, Ontario
ID: 26, Parent: 15, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario
ID: 27, Parent: 15, Name: London, Ontario
ID: 28, Parent: 15, Name: Oshawa, Ontario
ID: 29, Parent: 15, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario/Quebec
ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part, Quebec
ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part, Ontario
ID: 32, Parent: 15, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario
ID: 33, Parent: 15, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario
ID: 34, Parent: 15, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 35, Parent: 15, Name: Windsor, Ontario
ID: 36, Parent: 15, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 37, Parent: 15, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan
ID: 38, Parent: 15, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ID: 39, Parent: 15, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 40, Parent: 15, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 41, Parent: 15, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 42, Parent: 15, Name: Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 43, Parent: None, Name: All census agglomerations
ID: 44, Parent: None, Name: Non-census metropolitan area and non-census agglomeration
Selected characteristics:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Both sexes
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Males
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Females
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Total, 18 years and over
ID: 5, Parent: 4, Name: 18 to 24 years
ID: 6, Parent: 4, Name: 25 to 54 years
ID: 7, Parent: 4, Name: 55 to 64 years
ID: 8, Parent: 4, Name: 65 years and above
ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Total, immigrant and Canadian-born
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Canadian-born
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Immigrant tax filers landed in Canada in 1980 or after
ID: 12, Parent: 11, Name: Immigrant tax filers lived in Canada for 0 to 5 years
ID: 13, Parent: 11, Name: Immigrant tax filers lived in Canada for 6 to 10 years
ID: 14, Parent: 11, Name: Immigrant tax filers lived in Canada for more than 10 years
Low income threshold:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Variable low income measure
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Low income measure fixed in 2002
Years in low income:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: 0 years in low income
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: 1 year in low income
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: 2 years in low income
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: 3 years in low income
ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: 4 years in low income
ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: 5 years in low income
ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: 6 years in low income
ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: 7 years in low income
ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: 8 years in low income
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of tax filers in low income
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers in low income |
D11100026 | Low income duration of tax filers in Canada | Title: Low income duration of tax filers in Canada
Date range: 1992-01-01 to 2011-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Selected characteristics, Low income threshold, Statistics
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Longitudinal Administrative Databank
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: All census metropolitan areas
ID: 16, Parent: 15, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 17, Parent: 15, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia
ID: 18, Parent: 15, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick
ID: 19, Parent: 15, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 20, Parent: 15, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 21, Parent: 15, Name: Saguenay, Quebec
ID: 22, Parent: 15, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec
ID: 23, Parent: 15, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec
ID: 24, Parent: 15, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario
ID: 25, Parent: 15, Name: Hamilton, Ontario
ID: 26, Parent: 15, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario
ID: 27, Parent: 15, Name: London, Ontario
ID: 28, Parent: 15, Name: Oshawa, Ontario
ID: 29, Parent: 15, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario/Quebec
ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part, Quebec
ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part, Ontario/Quebec
ID: 32, Parent: 15, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario
ID: 33, Parent: 15, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario
ID: 34, Parent: 15, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 35, Parent: 15, Name: Windsor, Ontario
ID: 36, Parent: 15, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 37, Parent: 15, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan
ID: 38, Parent: 15, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ID: 39, Parent: 15, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 40, Parent: 15, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 41, Parent: 15, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 42, Parent: 15, Name: Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 43, Parent: None, Name: All census agglomerations
ID: 44, Parent: None, Name: Non-census metropolitan area and non-census agglomeration
Selected characteristics:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Both sexes
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Males
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Females
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Total, 18 years and over
ID: 5, Parent: 4, Name: 18 to 24 years
ID: 6, Parent: 4, Name: 25 to 54 years
ID: 7, Parent: 4, Name: 55 to 64 years
ID: 8, Parent: 4, Name: 65 years and above
ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Total, immigrant and Canadian-born
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Canadian-born
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Immigrant tax filers landed in Canada in 1980 or after
ID: 12, Parent: 11, Name: Immigrant tax filers lived in Canada for 0 to 5 years
ID: 13, Parent: 11, Name: Immigrant tax filers lived in Canada for 6 to 10 years
ID: 14, Parent: 11, Name: Immigrant tax filers lived in Canada for more than 10 years
Low income threshold:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Variable low income measure
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Low income measure fixed in 2002
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: One-year low income exit rate
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Two-year low income exit rate
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Three-year low income exit rate
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Four-year low income exit rate
ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Five-year low income exit rate
ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Six-year low income exit rate
ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of low income spells lasting one year or longer
ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of low income spells lasting two years or longer
ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of low income spells lasting three years or longer
ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of low income spells lasting four years or longer
ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of low income spells lasting five years or longer
ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of low income spells lasting six years or longer
ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Number of low income spells
ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Average length of low income spells
ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers in low income, one or more years
ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Low income spells with a one-year duration
ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Low income spells with a two-year duration
ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Low income spells with a three-year duration
ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Low income spells with a four-year duration
ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Low income spells with a five-year duration
ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Low income spells with a six-year duration
ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Low income spells with a seven-year duration
ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Low income spells completed in one year
ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: Low income spells completed in two years
ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: Low income spells completed in three years
ID: 26, Parent: None, Name: Low income spells completed in four years
ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Low income spells completed in five years
ID: 28, Parent: None, Name: Low income spells completed in six years
ID: 29, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of low income spells not completed |
D11100027 | Tax filers and dependants 15 years of age and over receiving employment insurance by age and sex | Title: Tax filers and dependants 15 years of age and over receiving employment insurance by age and sex
Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Sex, Age group
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File)
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island
ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia
ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia
ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia
ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick
ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick
ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick
ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick
ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick
ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part
ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick
ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part
ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec
ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec
ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec
ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec
ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec
ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec
ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec
ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec
ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec
ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec
ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec
ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec
ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec
ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec
ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec
ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec
ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec
ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec
ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec
ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec
ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec
ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec
ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec
ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec
ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec
ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec
ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part
ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part
ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario
ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part
ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part
ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario
ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario
ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario
ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario
ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario
ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario
ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario
ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario
ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario
ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario
ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario
ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario
ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario
ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario
ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario
ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario
ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario
ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario
ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario
ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario
ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario
ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario
ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario
ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario
ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario
ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario
ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario
ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario
ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario
ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario
ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario
ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario
ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario
ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario
ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario
ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario
ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario
ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario
ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
ID: 27, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario
ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario
ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario
ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 189, Parent: 28, Name: Winkler, Manitoba
ID: 179, Parent: 28, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba
ID: 123, Parent: 28, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
ID: 124, Parent: 28, Name: Brandon, Manitoba
ID: 125, Parent: 28, Name: Thompson, Manitoba
ID: 126, Parent: 28, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba
ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan
ID: 127, Parent: 30, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan
ID: 128, Parent: 30, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
ID: 129, Parent: 30, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan
ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ID: 130, Parent: 30, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan
ID: 131, Parent: 30, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
ID: 132, Parent: 30, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan
ID: 190, Parent: 30, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan
ID: 133, Parent: 30, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part
ID: 134, Parent: 30, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan
ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 135, Parent: 33, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta
ID: 136, Parent: 33, Name: Brooks, Alberta
ID: 137, Parent: 33, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta
ID: 138, Parent: 33, Name: Okotoks, Alberta
ID: 180, Parent: 33, Name: High River, Alberta
ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 181, Parent: 33, Name: Strathmore, Alberta
ID: 139, Parent: 33, Name: Canmore, Alberta
ID: 140, Parent: 33, Name: Red Deer, Alberta
ID: 182, Parent: 33, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta
ID: 183, Parent: 33, Name: Lacombe, Alberta
ID: 141, Parent: 33, Name: Camrose, Alberta
ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 142, Parent: 33, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part
ID: 143, Parent: 33, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta
ID: 144, Parent: 33, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta
ID: 145, Parent: 33, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta
ID: 146, Parent: 33, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta
ID: 147, Parent: 33, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta
ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 148, Parent: 36, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia
ID: 191, Parent: 36, Name: Nelson, British Columbia
ID: 149, Parent: 36, Name: Penticton, British Columbia
ID: 48, Parent: 36, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia
ID: 150, Parent: 36, Name: Vernon, British Columbia
ID: 151, Parent: 36, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia
ID: 152, Parent: 36, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia
ID: 153, Parent: 36, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia
ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia
ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 154, Parent: 36, Name: Squamish, British Columbia
ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 155, Parent: 36, Name: Duncan, British Columbia
ID: 156, Parent: 36, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia
ID: 157, Parent: 36, Name: Parksville, British Columbia
ID: 158, Parent: 36, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia
ID: 159, Parent: 36, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia
ID: 160, Parent: 36, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia
ID: 161, Parent: 36, Name: Powell River, British Columbia
ID: 162, Parent: 36, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia
ID: 163, Parent: 36, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia
ID: 164, Parent: 36, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia
ID: 165, Parent: 36, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia
ID: 166, Parent: 36, Name: Terrace, British Columbia
ID: 167, Parent: 36, Name: Prince George, British Columbia
ID: 168, Parent: 36, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia
ID: 169, Parent: 36, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia
ID: 170, Parent: 36, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia
ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon
ID: 171, Parent: 40, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon
ID: 172, Parent: 40, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon
ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 173, Parent: 41, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
ID: 174, Parent: 41, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories
ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut
ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined New Brunswick/Quebec
ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Both sexes
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Males
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Females
Age group:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All age groups
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: 15 to 19 years
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: 20 to 24 years
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: 25 to 29 years
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: 30 to 34 years
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: 35 to 39 years
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: 40 to 44 years
ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: 45 to 49 years
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: 50 to 54 years
ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: 55 to 59 years
ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: 60 to 64 years
ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: 65 years and over |
D11100028 | Single-earner and dual-earner census families by number of children | Title: Single-earner and dual-earner census families by number of children
Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Families and employment income, Family type, Family composition
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File)
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island
ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia
ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia
ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia
ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick
ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick
ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick
ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick
ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick
ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part
ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick
ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part
ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec
ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec
ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec
ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec
ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec
ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec
ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec
ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec
ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec
ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec
ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec
ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec
ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec
ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec
ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec
ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec
ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec
ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec
ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec
ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec
ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec
ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec
ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec
ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec
ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec
ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec
ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part
ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part
ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario
ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part
ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part
ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario
ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario
ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario
ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario
ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario
ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario
ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario
ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario
ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario
ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario
ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario
ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario
ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario
ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario
ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario
ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario
ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario
ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario
ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario
ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario
ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario
ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario
ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario
ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario
ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario
ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario
ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario
ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario
ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario
ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario
ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario
ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario
ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario
ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario
ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario
ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario
ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario
ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario
ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
ID: 27, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario
ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario
ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario
ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 189, Parent: 28, Name: Winkler, Manitoba
ID: 179, Parent: 28, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba
ID: 123, Parent: 28, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
ID: 124, Parent: 28, Name: Brandon, Manitoba
ID: 125, Parent: 28, Name: Thompson, Manitoba
ID: 126, Parent: 28, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba
ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan
ID: 127, Parent: 30, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan
ID: 128, Parent: 30, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
ID: 129, Parent: 30, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan
ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ID: 130, Parent: 30, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan
ID: 131, Parent: 30, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
ID: 132, Parent: 30, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan
ID: 190, Parent: 30, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan
ID: 133, Parent: 30, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part
ID: 134, Parent: 30, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan
ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 135, Parent: 33, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta
ID: 136, Parent: 33, Name: Brooks, Alberta
ID: 137, Parent: 33, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta
ID: 138, Parent: 33, Name: Okotoks, Alberta
ID: 180, Parent: 33, Name: High River, Alberta
ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 181, Parent: 33, Name: Strathmore, Alberta
ID: 139, Parent: 33, Name: Canmore, Alberta
ID: 140, Parent: 33, Name: Red Deer, Alberta
ID: 182, Parent: 33, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta
ID: 183, Parent: 33, Name: Lacombe, Alberta
ID: 141, Parent: 33, Name: Camrose, Alberta
ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 142, Parent: 33, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part
ID: 143, Parent: 33, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta
ID: 144, Parent: 33, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta
ID: 145, Parent: 33, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta
ID: 146, Parent: 33, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta
ID: 147, Parent: 33, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta
ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 148, Parent: 36, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia
ID: 191, Parent: 36, Name: Nelson, British Columbia
ID: 149, Parent: 36, Name: Penticton, British Columbia
ID: 48, Parent: 36, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia
ID: 150, Parent: 36, Name: Vernon, British Columbia
ID: 151, Parent: 36, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia
ID: 152, Parent: 36, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia
ID: 153, Parent: 36, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia
ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia
ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 154, Parent: 36, Name: Squamish, British Columbia
ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 155, Parent: 36, Name: Duncan, British Columbia
ID: 156, Parent: 36, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia
ID: 157, Parent: 36, Name: Parksville, British Columbia
ID: 158, Parent: 36, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia
ID: 159, Parent: 36, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia
ID: 160, Parent: 36, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia
ID: 161, Parent: 36, Name: Powell River, British Columbia
ID: 162, Parent: 36, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia
ID: 163, Parent: 36, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia
ID: 164, Parent: 36, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia
ID: 165, Parent: 36, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia
ID: 166, Parent: 36, Name: Terrace, British Columbia
ID: 167, Parent: 36, Name: Prince George, British Columbia
ID: 168, Parent: 36, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia
ID: 169, Parent: 36, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia
ID: 170, Parent: 36, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia
ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon
ID: 171, Parent: 40, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon
ID: 172, Parent: 40, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon
ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 173, Parent: 41, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
ID: 174, Parent: 41, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories
ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut
ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined New Brunswick/Quebec
ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan
Families and employment income:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number of families
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Total employment income
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Median employment income
Family type:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Single-earner-male couple families
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Single-earner-female couple families
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Dual-earner couple families
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Lone-parent families
Family composition:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Families with or without children
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Families with no children
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Families with 1 child
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Families with 2 children
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Families with 3 or more children |
D11100029 | Couple census families by wife's contribution to couple's employment income and by number of children | Title: Couple census families by wife's contribution to couple's employment income and by number of children
Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Wife's contribution to husband-wife family employment income, Husband-wife families
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File)
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island
ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia
ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia
ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia
ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick
ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick
ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick
ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick
ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick
ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part
ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick
ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part
ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec
ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec
ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec
ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec
ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec
ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec
ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec
ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec
ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec
ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec
ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec
ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec
ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec
ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec
ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec
ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec
ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec
ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec
ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec
ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec
ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec
ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec
ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec
ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec
ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec
ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec
ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part
ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part
ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario
ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part
ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part
ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario
ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario
ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario
ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario
ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario
ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario
ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario
ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario
ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario
ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario
ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario
ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario
ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario
ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario
ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario
ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario
ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario
ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario
ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario
ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario
ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario
ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario
ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario
ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario
ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario
ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario
ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario
ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario
ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario
ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario
ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario
ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario
ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario
ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario
ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario
ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario
ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario
ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario
ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
ID: 27, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario
ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario
ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario
ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 189, Parent: 28, Name: Winkler, Manitoba
ID: 179, Parent: 28, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba
ID: 123, Parent: 28, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
ID: 124, Parent: 28, Name: Brandon, Manitoba
ID: 125, Parent: 28, Name: Thompson, Manitoba
ID: 126, Parent: 28, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba
ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan
ID: 127, Parent: 30, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan
ID: 128, Parent: 30, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
ID: 129, Parent: 30, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan
ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ID: 130, Parent: 30, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan
ID: 131, Parent: 30, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
ID: 132, Parent: 30, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan
ID: 190, Parent: 30, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan
ID: 133, Parent: 30, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part
ID: 134, Parent: 30, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan
ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 135, Parent: 33, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta
ID: 136, Parent: 33, Name: Brooks, Alberta
ID: 137, Parent: 33, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta
ID: 138, Parent: 33, Name: Okotoks, Alberta
ID: 180, Parent: 33, Name: High River, Alberta
ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 181, Parent: 33, Name: Strathmore, Alberta
ID: 139, Parent: 33, Name: Canmore, Alberta
ID: 140, Parent: 33, Name: Red Deer, Alberta
ID: 182, Parent: 33, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta
ID: 183, Parent: 33, Name: Lacombe, Alberta
ID: 141, Parent: 33, Name: Camrose, Alberta
ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 142, Parent: 33, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part
ID: 143, Parent: 33, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta
ID: 144, Parent: 33, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta
ID: 145, Parent: 33, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta
ID: 146, Parent: 33, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta
ID: 147, Parent: 33, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta
ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 148, Parent: 36, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia
ID: 191, Parent: 36, Name: Nelson, British Columbia
ID: 149, Parent: 36, Name: Penticton, British Columbia
ID: 48, Parent: 36, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia
ID: 150, Parent: 36, Name: Vernon, British Columbia
ID: 151, Parent: 36, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia
ID: 152, Parent: 36, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia
ID: 153, Parent: 36, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia
ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia
ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 154, Parent: 36, Name: Squamish, British Columbia
ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 155, Parent: 36, Name: Duncan, British Columbia
ID: 156, Parent: 36, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia
ID: 157, Parent: 36, Name: Parksville, British Columbia
ID: 158, Parent: 36, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia
ID: 159, Parent: 36, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia
ID: 160, Parent: 36, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia
ID: 161, Parent: 36, Name: Powell River, British Columbia
ID: 162, Parent: 36, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia
ID: 163, Parent: 36, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia
ID: 164, Parent: 36, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia
ID: 165, Parent: 36, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia
ID: 166, Parent: 36, Name: Terrace, British Columbia
ID: 167, Parent: 36, Name: Prince George, British Columbia
ID: 168, Parent: 36, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia
ID: 169, Parent: 36, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia
ID: 170, Parent: 36, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia
ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon
ID: 171, Parent: 40, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon
ID: 172, Parent: 40, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon
ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 173, Parent: 41, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
ID: 174, Parent: 41, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories
ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut
ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined New Brunswick/Quebec
ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan
Wife's contribution to husband-wife family employment income:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number of husband-wife families with employment income
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Average contribution of the wife to husband-wife family employment income
ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Median contribution of the wife to husband-wife family employment income
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Husband-wife families where the wife contributes 0% of employment income
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Husband-wife families where the wife contributes 1% to 25% of employment income
ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Husband-wife families where the wife contributes 26% to 50% of employment income
ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Husband-wife families where the wife contributes 51% to 75% of employment income
ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Husband-wife families where the wife contributes 76% to 99% of employment income
ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Husband-wife families where the wife contributes 100% of employment income
Husband-wife families:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total husband-wife families
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Husband-wife families with no children
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Husband-wife families with 1 child
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Husband-wife families with 2 children
ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Husband-wife families with 3 or more children
ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Husband-wife families with wives aged 0 to 24 years
ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Husband-wife families with wives aged 25 to 34 years
ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Husband-wife families with wives aged 35 to 44 years
ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Husband-wife families with wives aged 45 to 54 years
ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Husband-wife families with wives aged 55 to 64 years
ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Husband-wife families with wives aged 65 years and over
ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Husband-wife families with employment income of $1 to $19,999
ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Husband-wife families with employment income of $20,000 to $39,999
ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Husband-wife families with employment income of $40,000 to $59,999
ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Husband-wife families with employment income of $60,000 or more |
D11100030 | Average personal income (1995 income), population aged 15 and over | Title: Average personal income (1995 income), population aged 15 and over
Date range: 1996-01-01 to 1996-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Characteristics
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Census of Population
Frequency: Every 5 years
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services St. John's Region, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services Eastern Region, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services Central Region, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services Western Region, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Grenfell Regional Health Services Board, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: Health Labrador Corporation, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Urban Health Region, Prince Edward Island
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Rural Health Region, Prince Edward Island
ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 1, Nova Scotia
ID: 14, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 2, Nova Scotia
ID: 15, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 3, Nova Scotia
ID: 16, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 4, Nova Scotia
ID: 17, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 5, Nova Scotia
ID: 18, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 6, Nova Scotia
ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Region 1, New Brunswick
ID: 21, Parent: 19, Name: Region 2, New Brunswick
ID: 22, Parent: 19, Name: Region 3, New Brunswick
ID: 23, Parent: 19, Name: Region 4, New Brunswick
ID: 24, Parent: 19, Name: Region 5, New Brunswick
ID: 25, Parent: 19, Name: Region 6, New Brunswick
ID: 26, Parent: 19, Name: Region 7, New Brunswick
ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Québec
ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Bas-Saint-Laurent, Québec
ID: 29, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, Québec
ID: 30, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Québec, Québec
ID: 31, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Mauricie et Centre-du-Québec, Québec
ID: 32, Parent: 27, Name: Région de l'Estrie, Québec
ID: 33, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Montréal-Centre, Québec
ID: 34, Parent: 27, Name: Région de l'Outaouais, Québec
ID: 35, Parent: 27, Name: Région de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Québec
ID: 36, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Côte-Nord, Québec
ID: 37, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Nord-du-Québec, Québec
ID: 38, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Québec
ID: 39, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Chaudière-Appalaches, Québec
ID: 40, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Laval, Québec
ID: 41, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Lanaudière, Québec
ID: 42, Parent: 27, Name: Région des Laurentides, Québec
ID: 43, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Montérégie, Québec
ID: 44, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Nunavik, Québec
ID: 45, Parent: 27, Name: Région des Terres-Cries-de-la-Baie-James, Québec
ID: 46, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario by District Health Council
ID: 47, Parent: 46, Name: Champlain District Health Council, Ontario
ID: 48, Parent: 46, Name: Quinte-Kingston and Rideau DHC, Ontario
ID: 49, Parent: 46, Name: Durham-Haliburton-Kawartha and Pine Ridge DHC, Ontario
ID: 50, Parent: 46, Name: Toronto District Health Council, Ontario
ID: 51, Parent: 46, Name: Simcoe-York District Health Council, Ontario
ID: 52, Parent: 46, Name: Halton-Peel District Health Council, Ontario
ID: 53, Parent: 46, Name: Waterloo-Wellington-Dufferin DHC, Ontario
ID: 54, Parent: 46, Name: Hamilton-Wentworth DHC, Ontario
ID: 55, Parent: 46, Name: Niagara District Health Council, Ontario
ID: 56, Parent: 46, Name: Grand River DHC, Ontario
ID: 57, Parent: 46, Name: Thames Valley DHC, Ontario
ID: 58, Parent: 46, Name: Essex-Kent and Lambton DHC, Ontario
ID: 59, Parent: 46, Name: Grey-Bruce-Huron and Perth DHC, Ontario
ID: 60, Parent: 46, Name: Muskoka-Nipissing and Parry Sound DHC, Ontario
ID: 61, Parent: 46, Name: Algoma-Cochrane-Manitoulin and Sudbury DHC, Ontario
ID: 62, Parent: 46, Name: Northwestern Ontario DHC, Ontario
ID: 63, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario by Health Unit
ID: 64, Parent: 63, Name: Algoma Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 65, Parent: 63, Name: Brant Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 66, Parent: 63, Name: Durham Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 67, Parent: 63, Name: Elgin-St Thomas Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 68, Parent: 63, Name: Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 69, Parent: 63, Name: Haldimand-Norfolk Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 70, Parent: 63, Name: Haliburton-Kawartha-Pine Ridge Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 71, Parent: 63, Name: Halton Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 72, Parent: 63, Name: Hamilton Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 73, Parent: 63, Name: Hastings and Prince Edward Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 74, Parent: 63, Name: Huron Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 75, Parent: 63, Name: Kent-Chatham Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 76, Parent: 63, Name: Kingston-Frontenac-Lennox and Addington Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 77, Parent: 63, Name: Lambton Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 78, Parent: 63, Name: Leeds-Grenville-Lanark Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 79, Parent: 63, Name: Middlesex-London Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 80, Parent: 63, Name: Muskoka-Parry Sound Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 81, Parent: 63, Name: Niagara Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 82, Parent: 63, Name: North Bay Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 83, Parent: 63, Name: Northwestern Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 84, Parent: 63, Name: Ottawa Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 85, Parent: 63, Name: Oxford Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 86, Parent: 63, Name: Peel Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 87, Parent: 63, Name: Perth Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 88, Parent: 63, Name: Peterborough Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 89, Parent: 63, Name: Porcupine Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 90, Parent: 63, Name: Renfrew Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 91, Parent: 63, Name: Eastern Ontario Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 92, Parent: 63, Name: Simcoe Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 93, Parent: 63, Name: Sudbury Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 94, Parent: 63, Name: Thunder Bay Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 95, Parent: 63, Name: Timiskaming Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 96, Parent: 63, Name: Waterloo Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 97, Parent: 63, Name: Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 98, Parent: 63, Name: Windsor-Essex Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 99, Parent: 63, Name: York Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 100, Parent: 63, Name: Toronto Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 101, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 102, Parent: 101, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 103, Parent: 101, Name: Brandon, Manitoba
ID: 104, Parent: 101, Name: North Eastman, Manitoba
ID: 105, Parent: 101, Name: South Eastman, Manitoba
ID: 106, Parent: 101, Name: Interlake, Manitoba
ID: 107, Parent: 101, Name: Central, Manitoba
ID: 108, Parent: 101, Name: Marquette, Manitoba
ID: 109, Parent: 101, Name: South Westman, Manitoba
ID: 110, Parent: 101, Name: Parkland, Manitoba
ID: 111, Parent: 101, Name: Norman, Manitoba
ID: 112, Parent: 101, Name: Burntwood and Churchill, Manitoba
ID: 113, Parent: 112, Name: Burntwood, Manitoba
ID: 114, Parent: 112, Name: Churchill, Manitoba
ID: 115, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 116, Parent: 115, Name: Weyburn (A) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 117, Parent: 115, Name: Moose Jaw (B) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 118, Parent: 115, Name: Swift Current (C) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 119, Parent: 115, Name: Regina (D) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 120, Parent: 115, Name: Yorkton (E) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 121, Parent: 115, Name: Saskatoon (F) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 122, Parent: 115, Name: Rosetown (G) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 123, Parent: 115, Name: Melfort (H) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 124, Parent: 115, Name: Prince Albert (I) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 125, Parent: 115, Name: North Battleford (J) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 126, Parent: 115, Name: Northern Health Services Branch (K), Saskatchewan
ID: 127, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 128, Parent: 127, Name: Chinook Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 129, Parent: 127, Name: Palliser Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 130, Parent: 127, Name: Headwaters Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 131, Parent: 127, Name: Calgary Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 132, Parent: 127, Name: Health Authority #5, Alberta
ID: 133, Parent: 127, Name: David Thompson Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 134, Parent: 127, Name: East Central Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 135, Parent: 127, Name: Westview Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 136, Parent: 127, Name: Crossroads Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 137, Parent: 127, Name: Capital Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 138, Parent: 127, Name: Aspen Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 139, Parent: 127, Name: Lakeland Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 140, Parent: 127, Name: Mistahia Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 141, Parent: 127, Name: Peace Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 142, Parent: 127, Name: Keeweetinok Lakes Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 143, Parent: 127, Name: Northern Lights Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 144, Parent: 127, Name: Northwestern Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 145, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 146, Parent: 145, Name: East Kootenay, British Columbia
ID: 147, Parent: 145, Name: West Kootenay-Boundary, British Columbia
ID: 148, Parent: 145, Name: North Okanagan, British Columbia
ID: 149, Parent: 145, Name: South Okanagan Similkameen, British Columbia
ID: 150, Parent: 145, Name: Thompson, British Columbia
ID: 151, Parent: 145, Name: Fraser Valley, British Columbia
ID: 152, Parent: 145, Name: South Fraser Valley, British Columbia
ID: 153, Parent: 145, Name: Burnaby/Simon Fraser, British Columbia
ID: 154, Parent: 153, Name: Burnaby, British Columbia
ID: 155, Parent: 153, Name: Simon Fraser, British Columbia
ID: 156, Parent: 145, Name: Coast Garibaldi, British Columbia
ID: 157, Parent: 145, Name: Central Vancouver Island, British Columbia
ID: 158, Parent: 145, Name: Upper Island/Central Coast, British Columbia
ID: 159, Parent: 145, Name: Cariboo, British Columbia
ID: 160, Parent: 145, Name: North West, British Columbia
ID: 161, Parent: 145, Name: Peace Liard, British Columbia
ID: 162, Parent: 145, Name: Northern Interior, British Columbia
ID: 163, Parent: 145, Name: Vancouver/Richmond, British Columbia
ID: 164, Parent: 163, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 165, Parent: 163, Name: Richmond, British Columbia
ID: 166, Parent: 145, Name: North Shore, British Columbia
ID: 167, Parent: 145, Name: Capital, British Columbia
ID: 168, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon
ID: 169, Parent: 168, Name: Yukon
ID: 170, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 171, Parent: 170, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 172, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut
ID: 173, Parent: 172, Name: Nunavut
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Average personal income
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Standard error - average personal income
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Low 95% confidence interval - average personal income
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: High 95% confidence interval - average personal income |
D11100031 | Labour income profile of tax filers by sex | Title: Labour income profile of tax filers by sex
Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Sex, Labour income profile
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File)
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island
ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia
ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia
ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia
ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick
ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick
ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick
ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick
ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick
ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part
ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick
ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part
ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec
ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec
ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec
ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec
ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec
ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec
ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec
ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec
ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec
ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec
ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec
ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec
ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec
ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec
ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec
ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec
ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec
ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec
ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec
ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec
ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec
ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec
ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec
ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec
ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec
ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec
ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part
ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part
ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario
ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part
ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part
ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario
ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario
ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario
ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario
ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario
ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario
ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario
ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario
ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario
ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario
ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario
ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario
ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario
ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario
ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario
ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario
ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario
ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario
ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario
ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario
ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario
ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario
ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario
ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario
ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario
ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario
ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario
ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario
ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario
ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario
ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario
ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario
ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario
ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario
ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario
ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario
ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario
ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario
ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
ID: 27, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario
ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario
ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario
ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 189, Parent: 28, Name: Winkler, Manitoba
ID: 179, Parent: 28, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba
ID: 123, Parent: 28, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
ID: 124, Parent: 28, Name: Brandon, Manitoba
ID: 125, Parent: 28, Name: Thompson, Manitoba
ID: 126, Parent: 28, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba
ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan
ID: 127, Parent: 30, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan
ID: 128, Parent: 30, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
ID: 129, Parent: 30, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan
ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ID: 130, Parent: 30, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan
ID: 131, Parent: 30, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
ID: 132, Parent: 30, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan
ID: 190, Parent: 30, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan
ID: 133, Parent: 30, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part
ID: 134, Parent: 30, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan
ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 135, Parent: 33, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta
ID: 136, Parent: 33, Name: Brooks, Alberta
ID: 137, Parent: 33, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta
ID: 138, Parent: 33, Name: Okotoks, Alberta
ID: 180, Parent: 33, Name: High River, Alberta
ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 181, Parent: 33, Name: Strathmore, Alberta
ID: 139, Parent: 33, Name: Canmore, Alberta
ID: 140, Parent: 33, Name: Red Deer, Alberta
ID: 182, Parent: 33, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta
ID: 183, Parent: 33, Name: Lacombe, Alberta
ID: 141, Parent: 33, Name: Camrose, Alberta
ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 142, Parent: 33, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part
ID: 143, Parent: 33, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta
ID: 144, Parent: 33, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta
ID: 145, Parent: 33, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta
ID: 146, Parent: 33, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta
ID: 147, Parent: 33, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta
ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 148, Parent: 36, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia
ID: 191, Parent: 36, Name: Nelson, British Columbia
ID: 149, Parent: 36, Name: Penticton, British Columbia
ID: 48, Parent: 36, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia
ID: 150, Parent: 36, Name: Vernon, British Columbia
ID: 151, Parent: 36, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia
ID: 152, Parent: 36, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia
ID: 153, Parent: 36, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia
ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia
ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 154, Parent: 36, Name: Squamish, British Columbia
ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 155, Parent: 36, Name: Duncan, British Columbia
ID: 156, Parent: 36, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia
ID: 157, Parent: 36, Name: Parksville, British Columbia
ID: 158, Parent: 36, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia
ID: 159, Parent: 36, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia
ID: 160, Parent: 36, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia
ID: 161, Parent: 36, Name: Powell River, British Columbia
ID: 162, Parent: 36, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia
ID: 163, Parent: 36, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia
ID: 164, Parent: 36, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia
ID: 165, Parent: 36, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia
ID: 166, Parent: 36, Name: Terrace, British Columbia
ID: 167, Parent: 36, Name: Prince George, British Columbia
ID: 168, Parent: 36, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia
ID: 169, Parent: 36, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia
ID: 170, Parent: 36, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia
ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon
ID: 171, Parent: 40, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon
ID: 172, Parent: 40, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon
ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 173, Parent: 41, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
ID: 174, Parent: 41, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories
ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut
ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined New Brunswick/Quebec
ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Both sexes
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Males
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Females
Labour income profile:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers with total income
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Total income of tax filers with total income
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Median total income of tax filers with total income
ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Provincial index of median total income of tax filers with total income
ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Canadian index of median total income of tax filers with total income
ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers with labour income
ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: 5-year percent change of tax filers with labour income
ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Total labour income of tax filers with labour income
ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers with employment income
ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: 5-year percent change of tax filers with employment income
ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Total employment income of tax filers with employment income
ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Median employment income of tax filers with employment income
ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Provincial index of median employment income of tax filers with employment income
ID: 14, Parent: 12, Name: Canadian index of median employment income of tax filers with employment income
ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: 5-year percent change of median employment income of tax filers with employment income
ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers with wages, salaries and commissions
ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: 5-year percent change of tax filers with wages, salaries and commissions
ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Total wages, salaries and commissions of tax filers with wages, salaries and commissions
ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers with self-employment income
ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: 5-year percent change of tax filers with self-employment income
ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Total net self-employment income of tax filers with self-employment income
ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers with wages, salaries and commissions only
ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: 5-year percent change of tax filers with wages, salaries and commissions only
ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: Total wages, salaries and commissions of tax filers with wages, salaries and commissions only
ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers with self-employment income only
ID: 26, Parent: None, Name: 5-year percent change of tax filers with self-employment income only
ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Total net self-employment income of tax filers with self-employment income only
ID: 28, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers with wages, salaries, commissions and self-employment income
ID: 29, Parent: None, Name: 5-year percent change of tax filers with wages, salaries, commissions and self-employment income
ID: 30, Parent: None, Name: Total wages, salaries, commissions and net self-employment income of tax filers with wages, salaries, commissions and self-employment income
ID: 31, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers with Employment Insurance benefits
ID: 32, Parent: None, Name: 5-year percent change of tax filers with Employment Insurance benefits
ID: 33, Parent: None, Name: Total Employment insurance benefits of tax filers with Employment Insurance benefits
ID: 34, Parent: None, Name: Employment insurance benefits Economic Dependency Ratio of tax filers with Employment Insurance benefits
ID: 35, Parent: 34, Name: Provincial index of Employment Insurance benefits Economic Dependency Ratio (EDR) of tax filers with Employment Insurance benefits
ID: 36, Parent: 34, Name: Canadian index of Employment Insurance benefits Economic Dependency Ratio (EDR) of tax filers with Employment Insurance benefits |
D11100032 | Canadian Income Survey (CIS), market income, government transfers, total income, income tax and after-tax income | Title: Canadian Income Survey (CIS), market income, government transfers, total income, income tax and after-tax income
Date range: 2012-01-01 to 2012-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Income concept, Economic family type
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Canadian Income Survey
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Atlantic provinces
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Prairie provinces
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Manitoba
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Alberta
ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
Income concept:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Average market income
ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Median market income
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Average government transfers
ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Median government transfers
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Average total income
ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Median total income
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Average income tax
ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Median income tax
ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Average after-tax income
ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Median after-tax income
ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Implicit government transfer rate
ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Implicit income tax rate
Economic family type:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All family units
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Economic families, two persons or more
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Elderly families
ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Elderly married couples
ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Other elderly families
ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Non-elderly families
ID: 7, Parent: 6, Name: Married couples
ID: 11, Parent: 6, Name: Two-parent families with children
ID: 16, Parent: 6, Name: Married couples with other relatives
ID: 17, Parent: 6, Name: Lone-parent families
ID: 18, Parent: 17, Name: Male lone-parent families
ID: 19, Parent: 17, Name: Female lone-parent families
ID: 23, Parent: 6, Name: Other non-elderly families
ID: 24, Parent: 1, Name: Unattached individuals
ID: 25, Parent: 24, Name: Elderly males
ID: 28, Parent: 24, Name: Elderly females
ID: 31, Parent: 24, Name: Non-elderly males
ID: 34, Parent: 24, Name: Non-elderly females |
D11100033 | Economic dependency profile of tax filers by source of income and sex | Title: Economic dependency profile of tax filers by source of income and sex
Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Sex, Tax filers and income, Source of income
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File)
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island
ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia
ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia
ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia
ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick
ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick
ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick
ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick
ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick
ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part
ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick
ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part
ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec
ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec
ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec
ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec
ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec
ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec
ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec
ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec
ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec
ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec
ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec
ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec
ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec
ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec
ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec
ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec
ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec
ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec
ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec
ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec
ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec
ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec
ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec
ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec
ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec
ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec
ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part
ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part
ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario
ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part
ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part
ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario
ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario
ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario
ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario
ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario
ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario
ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario
ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario
ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario
ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario
ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario
ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario
ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario
ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario
ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario
ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario
ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario
ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario
ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario
ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario
ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario
ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario
ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario
ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario
ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario
ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario
ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario
ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario
ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario
ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario
ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario
ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario
ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario
ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario
ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario
ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario
ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario
ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario
ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
ID: 27, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario
ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario
ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario
ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 189, Parent: 28, Name: Winkler, Manitoba
ID: 179, Parent: 28, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba
ID: 123, Parent: 28, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
ID: 124, Parent: 28, Name: Brandon, Manitoba
ID: 125, Parent: 28, Name: Thompson, Manitoba
ID: 126, Parent: 28, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba
ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan
ID: 127, Parent: 30, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan
ID: 128, Parent: 30, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
ID: 129, Parent: 30, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan
ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ID: 130, Parent: 30, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan
ID: 131, Parent: 30, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
ID: 132, Parent: 30, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan
ID: 190, Parent: 30, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan
ID: 133, Parent: 30, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part
ID: 134, Parent: 30, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan
ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 135, Parent: 33, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta
ID: 136, Parent: 33, Name: Brooks, Alberta
ID: 137, Parent: 33, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta
ID: 138, Parent: 33, Name: Okotoks, Alberta
ID: 180, Parent: 33, Name: High River, Alberta
ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 181, Parent: 33, Name: Strathmore, Alberta
ID: 139, Parent: 33, Name: Canmore, Alberta
ID: 140, Parent: 33, Name: Red Deer, Alberta
ID: 182, Parent: 33, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta
ID: 183, Parent: 33, Name: Lacombe, Alberta
ID: 141, Parent: 33, Name: Camrose, Alberta
ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 142, Parent: 33, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part
ID: 143, Parent: 33, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta
ID: 144, Parent: 33, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta
ID: 145, Parent: 33, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta
ID: 146, Parent: 33, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta
ID: 147, Parent: 33, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta
ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 148, Parent: 36, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia
ID: 191, Parent: 36, Name: Nelson, British Columbia
ID: 149, Parent: 36, Name: Penticton, British Columbia
ID: 48, Parent: 36, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia
ID: 150, Parent: 36, Name: Vernon, British Columbia
ID: 151, Parent: 36, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia
ID: 152, Parent: 36, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia
ID: 153, Parent: 36, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia
ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia
ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 154, Parent: 36, Name: Squamish, British Columbia
ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 155, Parent: 36, Name: Duncan, British Columbia
ID: 156, Parent: 36, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia
ID: 157, Parent: 36, Name: Parksville, British Columbia
ID: 158, Parent: 36, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia
ID: 159, Parent: 36, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia
ID: 160, Parent: 36, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia
ID: 161, Parent: 36, Name: Powell River, British Columbia
ID: 162, Parent: 36, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia
ID: 163, Parent: 36, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia
ID: 164, Parent: 36, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia
ID: 165, Parent: 36, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia
ID: 166, Parent: 36, Name: Terrace, British Columbia
ID: 167, Parent: 36, Name: Prince George, British Columbia
ID: 168, Parent: 36, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia
ID: 169, Parent: 36, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia
ID: 170, Parent: 36, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia
ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon
ID: 171, Parent: 40, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon
ID: 172, Parent: 40, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon
ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 173, Parent: 41, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
ID: 174, Parent: 41, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories
ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut
ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined NewBrunswick/Quebec
ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Both sexes
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Males
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Females
Tax filers and income:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Amount of income
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Economic Dependency Ratio (EDR)
ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Provincial index of the Economic Dependency Ratio (EDR)
ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Canadian index of the Economic Dependency Ratio (EDR)
Source of income:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total employment income
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Total government transfers
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Employment Insurance (EI) benefits
ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Old Age Security (OAS) and net federal supplements
ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) benefits
ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Federal Child Benefits
ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Goods and Services Tax (GST) Credit and Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) Credit
ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: Workers' Compensation Benefits
ID: 9, Parent: 2, Name: Social Assistance Benefits
ID: 10, Parent: 2, Name: Provincial Refundable Tax Credits and Family Benefits
ID: 12, Parent: 2, Name: Other government transfers
ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Private pensions |
D11100034 | Tax filers and dependants with income by sex, income taxes, selected deductions and benefits | Title: Tax filers and dependants with income by sex, income taxes, selected deductions and benefits
Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Sex, Individuals and income, Income taxes, deductions and benefits
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File)
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island
ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia
ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia
ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia
ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick
ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick
ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick
ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick
ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick
ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part
ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick
ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part
ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec
ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec
ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec
ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec
ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec
ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec
ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec
ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec
ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec
ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec
ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec
ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec
ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec
ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec
ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec
ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec
ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec
ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec
ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec
ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec
ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec
ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec
ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec
ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec
ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec
ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec
ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part
ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part
ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario
ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part
ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part
ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario
ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario
ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario
ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario
ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario
ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario
ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario
ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario
ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario
ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario
ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario
ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario
ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario
ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario
ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario
ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario
ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario
ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario
ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario
ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario
ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario
ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario
ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario
ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario
ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario
ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario
ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario
ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario
ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario
ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario
ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario
ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario
ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario
ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario
ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario
ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario
ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario
ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario
ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
ID: 27, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario
ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario
ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario
ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 189, Parent: 28, Name: Winkler, Manitoba
ID: 179, Parent: 28, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba
ID: 123, Parent: 28, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
ID: 124, Parent: 28, Name: Brandon, Manitoba
ID: 125, Parent: 28, Name: Thompson, Manitoba
ID: 126, Parent: 28, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba
ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan
ID: 127, Parent: 30, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan
ID: 128, Parent: 30, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
ID: 129, Parent: 30, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan
ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ID: 130, Parent: 30, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan
ID: 131, Parent: 30, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
ID: 132, Parent: 30, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan
ID: 190, Parent: 30, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan
ID: 133, Parent: 30, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part
ID: 134, Parent: 30, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan
ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 135, Parent: 33, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta
ID: 136, Parent: 33, Name: Brooks, Alberta
ID: 137, Parent: 33, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta
ID: 138, Parent: 33, Name: Okotoks, Alberta
ID: 180, Parent: 33, Name: High River, Alberta
ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 181, Parent: 33, Name: Strathmore, Alberta
ID: 139, Parent: 33, Name: Canmore, Alberta
ID: 140, Parent: 33, Name: Red Deer, Alberta
ID: 182, Parent: 33, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta
ID: 183, Parent: 33, Name: Lacombe, Alberta
ID: 141, Parent: 33, Name: Camrose, Alberta
ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 142, Parent: 33, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part
ID: 143, Parent: 33, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta
ID: 144, Parent: 33, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta
ID: 145, Parent: 33, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta
ID: 146, Parent: 33, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta
ID: 147, Parent: 33, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta
ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 148, Parent: 36, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia
ID: 191, Parent: 36, Name: Nelson, British Columbia
ID: 149, Parent: 36, Name: Penticton, British Columbia
ID: 48, Parent: 36, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia
ID: 150, Parent: 36, Name: Vernon, British Columbia
ID: 151, Parent: 36, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia
ID: 152, Parent: 36, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia
ID: 153, Parent: 36, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia
ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia
ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 154, Parent: 36, Name: Squamish, British Columbia
ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 155, Parent: 36, Name: Duncan, British Columbia
ID: 156, Parent: 36, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia
ID: 157, Parent: 36, Name: Parksville, British Columbia
ID: 158, Parent: 36, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia
ID: 159, Parent: 36, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia
ID: 160, Parent: 36, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia
ID: 161, Parent: 36, Name: Powell River, British Columbia
ID: 162, Parent: 36, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia
ID: 163, Parent: 36, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia
ID: 164, Parent: 36, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia
ID: 165, Parent: 36, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia
ID: 166, Parent: 36, Name: Terrace, British Columbia
ID: 167, Parent: 36, Name: Prince George, British Columbia
ID: 168, Parent: 36, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia
ID: 169, Parent: 36, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia
ID: 170, Parent: 36, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia
ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon
ID: 171, Parent: 40, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon
ID: 172, Parent: 40, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon
ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 173, Parent: 41, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
ID: 174, Parent: 41, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories
ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut
ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined New Brunswick/Quebec
ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Both sexes
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Males
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Females
Individuals and income:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers and dependants
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Dollar amount claimed on income tax form
Income taxes, deductions and benefits:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total income
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Total income taxes paid
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Federal taxes
ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Provincial taxes
ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Abatement
ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Capital gains received
ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Employment Insurance (EI) premiums
ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) premiums
ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Registered pension plan premiums
ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Annual union, professional or like dues
ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Employment Insurance (EI) benefits
ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) benefits |
D11100035 | Canadian Income Survey (CIS), median after-tax income, by economic family type, Canada, provinces and census metropolitan areas (CMAs) | Title: Canadian Income Survey (CIS), median after-tax income, by economic family type, Canada, provinces and census metropolitan areas (CMAs)
Date range: 2012-01-01 to 2012-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Economic family type
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Canadian Income Survey
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Atlantic provinces
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Prairie provinces
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Manitoba
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Alberta
ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 29, Parent: None, Name: Total selected census metropolitan areas
ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 14, Parent: 29, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia
ID: 15, Parent: 29, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 32, Parent: 29, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec
ID: 16, Parent: 29, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 17, Parent: 29, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario/Quebec
ID: 33, Parent: 29, Name: Oshawa, Ontario
ID: 18, Parent: 29, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 19, Parent: 29, Name: Hamilton, Ontario
ID: 20, Parent: 29, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario
ID: 21, Parent: 29, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario
ID: 22, Parent: 29, Name: London, Ontario
ID: 23, Parent: 29, Name: Windsor, Ontario
ID: 24, Parent: 29, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 34, Parent: 29, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan
ID: 35, Parent: 29, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ID: 25, Parent: 29, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 26, Parent: 29, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 27, Parent: 29, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 28, Parent: 29, Name: Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 30, Parent: None, Name: All other non-selected areas
Economic family type:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All family units
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Economic families, two persons or more
ID: 24, Parent: 1, Name: Unattached individuals |
D11100036 | Low income rate (1995 income) as a proportion, by household status | Title: Low income rate (1995 income) as a proportion, by household status
Date range: 1996-01-01 to 1996-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Income profile
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Census of Population
Frequency: Every 5 years
ID: 158, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 159, Parent: 158, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 1, Parent: 159, Name: Health and Community Services St John's Region, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 2, Parent: 159, Name: Health and Community Services Eastern Region, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 159, Name: Health and Community Services Central Region, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 159, Name: Health and Community Services Western Region, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 5, Parent: 159, Name: Grenfell Regional Health Services Board, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 6, Parent: 159, Name: Health Labrador Corporation, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 160, Parent: 158, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 7, Parent: 160, Name: Urban Health Region, Prince Edward Island
ID: 8, Parent: 160, Name: Rural Health Region, Prince Edward Island
ID: 161, Parent: 158, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 9, Parent: 161, Name: Zone 1, Nova Scotia
ID: 10, Parent: 161, Name: Zone 2, Nova Scotia
ID: 11, Parent: 161, Name: Zone 3, Nova Scotia
ID: 12, Parent: 161, Name: Zone 4, Nova Scotia
ID: 13, Parent: 161, Name: Zone 5, Nova Scotia
ID: 14, Parent: 161, Name: Zone 6, Nova Scotia
ID: 162, Parent: 158, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 15, Parent: 162, Name: Region 1, New Brunswick
ID: 16, Parent: 162, Name: Region 2, New Brunswick
ID: 17, Parent: 162, Name: Region 3, New Brunswick
ID: 18, Parent: 162, Name: Region 4, New Brunswick
ID: 19, Parent: 162, Name: Region 5, New Brunswick
ID: 20, Parent: 162, Name: Region 6, New Brunswick
ID: 21, Parent: 162, Name: Region 7, New Brunswick
ID: 163, Parent: 158, Name: Québec
ID: 22, Parent: 163, Name: Région du Bas-Saint-Laurent, Québec
ID: 23, Parent: 163, Name: Région du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, Québec
ID: 24, Parent: 163, Name: Région de Québec, Québec
ID: 25, Parent: 163, Name: Région de la Mauricie et du Centre-du-Québec, Québec
ID: 26, Parent: 163, Name: Région de l'Estrie, Québec
ID: 27, Parent: 163, Name: Région de Montréal-Centre, Québec
ID: 28, Parent: 163, Name: Région de l'Outaouais, Québec
ID: 29, Parent: 163, Name: Région de l'Abitibi-Témiscaminque, Québec
ID: 30, Parent: 163, Name: Région de la Côte-Nord, Québec
ID: 31, Parent: 163, Name: Région du Nord-du-Québec, Québec
ID: 32, Parent: 163, Name: Région de la Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Québec
ID: 33, Parent: 163, Name: Région de la Chaudière-Appalaches, Québec
ID: 34, Parent: 163, Name: Région de Laval, Québec
ID: 35, Parent: 163, Name: Région de Lanaudière, Québec
ID: 36, Parent: 163, Name: Région des Laurentides, Québec
ID: 37, Parent: 163, Name: Région de la Montérégie, Québec
ID: 38, Parent: 163, Name: Région du Nunavik, Québec
ID: 39, Parent: 163, Name: Région des Terres-Cries-de-la-Baie-James, Québec
ID: 164, Parent: 158, Name: Ontario
ID: 140, Parent: 164, Name: Champlain District Health Council, Ontario
ID: 141, Parent: 164, Name: Quinte-Kingston and Rideau DHC, Ontario
ID: 142, Parent: 164, Name: Durham-Haliburton-Kawartha and Pine Ridge DHC, Ontario
ID: 143, Parent: 164, Name: Toronto District Health Council, Ontario
ID: 144, Parent: 164, Name: Simcoe-York District Health Council, Ontario
ID: 145, Parent: 164, Name: Halton-Peel District Health Council, Ontario
ID: 146, Parent: 164, Name: Waterloo-Wellington-Dufferin DHC, Ontario
ID: 147, Parent: 164, Name: Hamilton-Wentworth DHC, Ontario
ID: 148, Parent: 164, Name: Niagara District Health Council, Ontario
ID: 149, Parent: 164, Name: Grand River DHC, Ontario
ID: 150, Parent: 164, Name: Thames Valley DHC, Ontario
ID: 151, Parent: 164, Name: Essex-Kent and Lambton DHC, Ontario
ID: 152, Parent: 164, Name: Grey-Bruce-Huron and Perth DHC, Ontario
ID: 153, Parent: 164, Name: Muskoka-Nipissing and Parry Sound DHC, Ontario
ID: 154, Parent: 164, Name: Algoma-Cochrane-Manitoulin and Sudbury DHC, Ontario
ID: 155, Parent: 164, Name: Northwestern Ontario DHC, Ontario
ID: 40, Parent: 164, Name: Algoma Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 41, Parent: 164, Name: Brant Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 42, Parent: 164, Name: Durham Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 43, Parent: 164, Name: Elgin-St Thomas Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 44, Parent: 164, Name: Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 45, Parent: 164, Name: Haldimand-Norfolk Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 46, Parent: 164, Name: Haliburton-Kawartha-Pine Ridge Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 47, Parent: 164, Name: Halton Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 48, Parent: 164, Name: Hamilton Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 49, Parent: 164, Name: Hastings and Prince Edward Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 50, Parent: 164, Name: Huron Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 51, Parent: 164, Name: Kent-Chatham Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 52, Parent: 164, Name: Kingston-Frontenac-Lennox and Addington Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 53, Parent: 164, Name: Lambton Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 54, Parent: 164, Name: Leeds-Grenville-Lanark Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 55, Parent: 164, Name: Middlesex-London Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 56, Parent: 164, Name: Muskoka-Parry Sound Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 57, Parent: 164, Name: Niagara Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 58, Parent: 164, Name: North Bay Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 59, Parent: 164, Name: Northwestern Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 60, Parent: 164, Name: Ottawa Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 61, Parent: 164, Name: Oxford Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 62, Parent: 164, Name: Peel Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 63, Parent: 164, Name: Perth Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 64, Parent: 164, Name: Peterborough Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 65, Parent: 164, Name: Porcupine Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 66, Parent: 164, Name: Renfrew Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 67, Parent: 164, Name: Eastern Ontario Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 68, Parent: 164, Name: Simcoe Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 69, Parent: 164, Name: Sudbury Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 70, Parent: 164, Name: Thunder Bay Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 71, Parent: 164, Name: Timiskaming Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 72, Parent: 164, Name: Waterloo Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 73, Parent: 164, Name: Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 74, Parent: 164, Name: Windsor-Essex Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 75, Parent: 164, Name: York Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 76, Parent: 164, Name: Toronto Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 165, Parent: 158, Name: Manitoba
ID: 77, Parent: 165, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 78, Parent: 165, Name: Brandon, Manitoba
ID: 79, Parent: 165, Name: North Eastman, Manitoba
ID: 80, Parent: 165, Name: South Eastman, Manitoba
ID: 81, Parent: 165, Name: Interlake, Manitoba
ID: 82, Parent: 165, Name: Central, Manitoba
ID: 83, Parent: 165, Name: Marquette, Manitoba
ID: 84, Parent: 165, Name: South Westman, Manitoba
ID: 85, Parent: 165, Name: Parkland, Manitoba
ID: 86, Parent: 165, Name: Norman, Manitoba
ID: 87, Parent: 165, Name: Burntwood, Manitoba
ID: 88, Parent: 165, Name: Churchill, Manitoba
ID: 166, Parent: 158, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 89, Parent: 166, Name: Weyburn (A) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 90, Parent: 166, Name: Moose Jaw (B) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 91, Parent: 166, Name: Swift Current (C) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 92, Parent: 166, Name: Regina (D) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 93, Parent: 166, Name: Yorkton (E) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 94, Parent: 166, Name: Saskatoon (F) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 95, Parent: 166, Name: Rosetown (G) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 96, Parent: 166, Name: Melfort (H) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 97, Parent: 166, Name: Prince Albert (I) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 98, Parent: 166, Name: North Battleford (J) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 99, Parent: 166, Name: Northern Health Services Branch (K), Saskatchewan
ID: 167, Parent: 158, Name: Alberta
ID: 100, Parent: 167, Name: Chinook Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 101, Parent: 167, Name: Palliser Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 102, Parent: 167, Name: Headwaters Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 103, Parent: 167, Name: Calgary Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 104, Parent: 167, Name: Health Authority #5, Alberta
ID: 105, Parent: 167, Name: David Thompson Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 106, Parent: 167, Name: East Central Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 107, Parent: 167, Name: WestView Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 108, Parent: 167, Name: Crossroads Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 109, Parent: 167, Name: Capital Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 110, Parent: 167, Name: Aspen Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 111, Parent: 167, Name: Lakeland Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 112, Parent: 167, Name: Mistahia Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 113, Parent: 167, Name: Peace Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 114, Parent: 167, Name: Keeweetinok Lakes Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 115, Parent: 167, Name: Northern Lights Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 116, Parent: 167, Name: Northwestern Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 168, Parent: 158, Name: British Columbia
ID: 117, Parent: 168, Name: East Kootenay, British Columbia
ID: 118, Parent: 168, Name: West Kootenay-Boundary, British Columbia
ID: 119, Parent: 168, Name: North Okanagan, British Columbia
ID: 120, Parent: 168, Name: South Okanagan Similkameen, British Columbia
ID: 121, Parent: 168, Name: Thompson, British Columbia
ID: 122, Parent: 168, Name: Fraser Valley, British Columbia
ID: 123, Parent: 168, Name: South Fraser Valley, British Columbia
ID: 124, Parent: 168, Name: Simon Fraser, British Columbia
ID: 125, Parent: 168, Name: Coast Garibaldi, British Columbia
ID: 126, Parent: 168, Name: Central Vancouver Island, British Columbia
ID: 127, Parent: 168, Name: Upper Island/Central Coast, British Columbia
ID: 128, Parent: 168, Name: Cariboo, British Columbia
ID: 129, Parent: 168, Name: North West, British Columbia
ID: 130, Parent: 168, Name: Peace Liard, British Columbia
ID: 131, Parent: 168, Name: Northern Interior, British Columbia
ID: 132, Parent: 168, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 133, Parent: 168, Name: Burnaby, British Columbia
ID: 134, Parent: 168, Name: North Shore, British Columbia
ID: 135, Parent: 168, Name: Richmond, British Columbia
ID: 136, Parent: 168, Name: Capital, British Columbia
ID: 156, Parent: 168, Name: Vancouver/Richmond, British Columbia
ID: 157, Parent: 168, Name: Burnaby/Simon Fraser, British Columbia
ID: 169, Parent: 158, Name: Yukon
ID: 137, Parent: 169, Name: Yukon
ID: 170, Parent: 158, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 138, Parent: 170, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 171, Parent: 158, Name: Northwest Territories less Nunavut
ID: 139, Parent: 158, Name: Nunavut
Income profile:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, economic families
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Economic families - low income
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Economic families - other income
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Economic families - incidence of low income
ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Total, unattached individuals
ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Unattached individuals - low income
ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Unattached individuals - other income
ID: 8, Parent: 5, Name: Unattached individuals - incidence of low income
ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Total, population in private households
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Population in private households - low income
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Population in private households - other income
ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Population in private households - incidence of low income |
D11100037 | Income inequality (1995 income) as a proportion | Title: Income inequality (1995 income) as a proportion
Date range: 1996-01-01 to 1996-01-01
Dimensions: Geography
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Census of Population
Frequency: Every 5 years
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services St. John's Region, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services Eastern Region, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services Central Region, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services Western Region, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Grenfell Regional Health Services Board, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: Health Labrador Corporation, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Urban Health Region, Prince Edward Island
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Rural Health Region, Prince Edward Island
ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 1, Nova Scotia
ID: 14, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 2, Nova Scotia
ID: 15, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 3, Nova Scotia
ID: 16, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 4, Nova Scotia
ID: 17, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 5, Nova Scotia
ID: 18, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 6, Nova Scotia
ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Region 1, New Brunswick
ID: 21, Parent: 19, Name: Region 2, New Brunswick
ID: 22, Parent: 19, Name: Region 3, New Brunswick
ID: 23, Parent: 19, Name: Region 4, New Brunswick
ID: 24, Parent: 19, Name: Region 5, New Brunswick
ID: 25, Parent: 19, Name: Region 6, New Brunswick
ID: 26, Parent: 19, Name: Region 7, New Brunswick
ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Québec
ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Bas-Saint-Laurent, Québec
ID: 29, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, Québec
ID: 30, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Québec, Québec
ID: 31, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Mauricie et Centre-du-Québec, Québec
ID: 32, Parent: 27, Name: Région de l'Estrie, Québec
ID: 33, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Montréal-Centre, Québec
ID: 34, Parent: 27, Name: Région de l'Outaouais, Québec
ID: 35, Parent: 27, Name: Région de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Québec
ID: 36, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Côte-Nord, Québec
ID: 37, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Nord-du-Québec, Québec
ID: 38, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Québec
ID: 39, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Chaudière-Appalaches, Québec
ID: 40, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Laval, Québec
ID: 41, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Lanaudière, Québec
ID: 42, Parent: 27, Name: Région des Laurentides, Québec
ID: 43, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Montérégie, Québec
ID: 44, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Nunavik, Québec
ID: 45, Parent: 27, Name: Région des Terres-Cries-de-la-Baie-James, Québec
ID: 46, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario by District Health Council
ID: 47, Parent: 46, Name: Champlain District Health Council, Ontario
ID: 48, Parent: 46, Name: Quinte-Kingston and Rideau DHC, Ontario
ID: 49, Parent: 46, Name: Durham-Haliburton-Kawartha and Pine Ridge DHC, Ontario
ID: 50, Parent: 46, Name: Toronto District Health Council, Ontario
ID: 51, Parent: 46, Name: Simcoe-York District Health Council, Ontario
ID: 52, Parent: 46, Name: Halton-Peel District Health Council, Ontario
ID: 53, Parent: 46, Name: Waterloo-Wellington-Dufferin DHC, Ontario
ID: 54, Parent: 46, Name: Hamilton-Wentworth DHC, Ontario
ID: 55, Parent: 46, Name: Niagara District Health Council, Ontario
ID: 56, Parent: 46, Name: Grand River DHC, Ontario
ID: 57, Parent: 46, Name: Thames Valley DHC, Ontario
ID: 58, Parent: 46, Name: Essex-Kent and Lambton DHC, Ontario
ID: 59, Parent: 46, Name: Grey-Bruce-Huron and Perth DHC, Ontario
ID: 60, Parent: 46, Name: Muskoka-Nipissing and Parry Sound DHC, Ontario
ID: 61, Parent: 46, Name: Algoma-Cochrane-Manitoulin and Sudbury DHC, Ontario
ID: 62, Parent: 46, Name: Northwestern Ontario DHC, Ontario
ID: 63, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario by Health Unit
ID: 64, Parent: 63, Name: Algoma Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 65, Parent: 63, Name: Brant Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 66, Parent: 63, Name: Durham Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 67, Parent: 63, Name: Elgin-St Thomas Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 68, Parent: 63, Name: Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 69, Parent: 63, Name: Haldimand-Norfolk Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 70, Parent: 63, Name: Haliburton-Kawartha-Pine Ridge Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 71, Parent: 63, Name: Halton Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 72, Parent: 63, Name: Hamilton Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 73, Parent: 63, Name: Hastings and Prince Edward Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 74, Parent: 63, Name: Huron Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 75, Parent: 63, Name: Kent-Chatham Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 76, Parent: 63, Name: Kingston-Frontenac-Lennox and Addington Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 77, Parent: 63, Name: Lambton Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 78, Parent: 63, Name: Leeds-Grenville-Lanark Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 79, Parent: 63, Name: Middlesex-London Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 80, Parent: 63, Name: Muskoka-Parry Sound Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 81, Parent: 63, Name: Niagara Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 82, Parent: 63, Name: North Bay Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 83, Parent: 63, Name: Northwestern Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 84, Parent: 63, Name: Ottawa Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 85, Parent: 63, Name: Oxford Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 86, Parent: 63, Name: Peel Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 87, Parent: 63, Name: Perth Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 88, Parent: 63, Name: Peterborough Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 89, Parent: 63, Name: Porcupine Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 90, Parent: 63, Name: Renfrew Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 91, Parent: 63, Name: Eastern Ontario Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 92, Parent: 63, Name: Simcoe Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 93, Parent: 63, Name: Sudbury Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 94, Parent: 63, Name: Thunder Bay Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 95, Parent: 63, Name: Timiskaming Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 96, Parent: 63, Name: Waterloo Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 97, Parent: 63, Name: Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 98, Parent: 63, Name: Windsor-Essex Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 99, Parent: 63, Name: York Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 100, Parent: 63, Name: Toronto Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 101, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 102, Parent: 101, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 103, Parent: 101, Name: Brandon, Manitoba
ID: 104, Parent: 101, Name: North Eastman, Manitoba
ID: 105, Parent: 101, Name: South Eastman, Manitoba
ID: 106, Parent: 101, Name: Interlake, Manitoba
ID: 107, Parent: 101, Name: Central, Manitoba
ID: 108, Parent: 101, Name: Marquette, Manitoba
ID: 109, Parent: 101, Name: South Westman, Manitoba
ID: 110, Parent: 101, Name: Parkland, Manitoba
ID: 111, Parent: 101, Name: Norman, Manitoba
ID: 112, Parent: 101, Name: Burntwood and Churchill, Manitoba
ID: 113, Parent: 112, Name: Burntwood, Manitoba
ID: 114, Parent: 112, Name: Churchill, Manitoba
ID: 115, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 116, Parent: 115, Name: Weyburn (A) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 117, Parent: 115, Name: Moose Jaw (B) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 118, Parent: 115, Name: Swift Current (C) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 119, Parent: 115, Name: Regina (D) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 120, Parent: 115, Name: Yorkton (E) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 121, Parent: 115, Name: Saskatoon (F) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 122, Parent: 115, Name: Rosetown (G) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 123, Parent: 115, Name: Melfort (H) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 124, Parent: 115, Name: Prince Albert (I) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 125, Parent: 115, Name: North Battleford (J) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 126, Parent: 115, Name: Northern Health Services Branch (K), Saskatchewan
ID: 127, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 128, Parent: 127, Name: Chinook Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 129, Parent: 127, Name: Palliser Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 130, Parent: 127, Name: Headwaters Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 131, Parent: 127, Name: Calgary Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 132, Parent: 127, Name: Health Authority #5, Alberta
ID: 133, Parent: 127, Name: David Thompson Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 134, Parent: 127, Name: East Central Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 135, Parent: 127, Name: Westview Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 136, Parent: 127, Name: Crossroads Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 137, Parent: 127, Name: Capital Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 138, Parent: 127, Name: Aspen Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 139, Parent: 127, Name: Lakeland Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 140, Parent: 127, Name: Mistahia Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 141, Parent: 127, Name: Peace Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 142, Parent: 127, Name: Keeweetinok Lakes Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 143, Parent: 127, Name: Northern Lights Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 144, Parent: 127, Name: Northwestern Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 145, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 146, Parent: 145, Name: East Kootenay, British Columbia
ID: 147, Parent: 145, Name: West Kootenay-Boundary, British Columbia
ID: 148, Parent: 145, Name: North Okanagan, British Columbia
ID: 149, Parent: 145, Name: South Okanagan Similkameen, British Columbia
ID: 150, Parent: 145, Name: Thompson, British Columbia
ID: 151, Parent: 145, Name: Fraser Valley, British Columbia
ID: 152, Parent: 145, Name: South Fraser Valley, British Columbia
ID: 153, Parent: 145, Name: Burnaby/Simon Fraser, British Columbia
ID: 154, Parent: 153, Name: Burnaby, British Columbia
ID: 155, Parent: 153, Name: Simon Fraser, British Columbia
ID: 156, Parent: 145, Name: Coast Garibaldi, British Columbia
ID: 157, Parent: 145, Name: Central Vancouver Island, British Columbia
ID: 158, Parent: 145, Name: Upper Island/Central Coast, British Columbia
ID: 159, Parent: 145, Name: Cariboo, British Columbia
ID: 160, Parent: 145, Name: North West, British Columbia
ID: 161, Parent: 145, Name: Peace Liard, British Columbia
ID: 162, Parent: 145, Name: Northern Interior, British Columbia
ID: 163, Parent: 145, Name: Vancouver/Richmond, British Columbia
ID: 164, Parent: 163, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 165, Parent: 163, Name: Richmond, British Columbia
ID: 166, Parent: 145, Name: North Shore, British Columbia
ID: 167, Parent: 145, Name: Capital, British Columbia
ID: 168, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon
ID: 169, Parent: 168, Name: Yukon
ID: 170, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 171, Parent: 170, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 172, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut
ID: 173, Parent: 172, Name: Nunavut |
D11100038 | Government transfer income (1995 personal income) as a proportion of total income | Title: Government transfer income (1995 personal income) as a proportion of total income
Date range: 1996-01-01 to 1996-01-01
Dimensions: Geography
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Census of Population
Frequency: Every 5 years
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services St. John's Region, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services Eastern Region, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services Central Region, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Health and Community Services Western Region, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Grenfell Regional Health Services Board, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: Health Labrador Corporation, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Urban Health Region, Prince Edward Island
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Rural Health Region, Prince Edward Island
ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 1, Nova Scotia
ID: 14, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 2, Nova Scotia
ID: 15, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 3, Nova Scotia
ID: 16, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 4, Nova Scotia
ID: 17, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 5, Nova Scotia
ID: 18, Parent: 12, Name: Zone 6, Nova Scotia
ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Region 1, New Brunswick
ID: 21, Parent: 19, Name: Region 2, New Brunswick
ID: 22, Parent: 19, Name: Region 3, New Brunswick
ID: 23, Parent: 19, Name: Region 4, New Brunswick
ID: 24, Parent: 19, Name: Region 5, New Brunswick
ID: 25, Parent: 19, Name: Region 6, New Brunswick
ID: 26, Parent: 19, Name: Region 7, New Brunswick
ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Québec
ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Bas-Saint-Laurent, Québec
ID: 29, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, Québec
ID: 30, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Québec, Québec
ID: 31, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Mauricie et Centre-du-Québec, Québec
ID: 32, Parent: 27, Name: Région de l'Estrie, Québec
ID: 33, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Montréal-Centre, Québec
ID: 34, Parent: 27, Name: Région de l'Outaouais, Québec
ID: 35, Parent: 27, Name: Région de l'Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Québec
ID: 36, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Côte-Nord, Québec
ID: 37, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Nord-du-Québec, Québec
ID: 38, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Québec
ID: 39, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Chaudière-Appalaches, Québec
ID: 40, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Laval, Québec
ID: 41, Parent: 27, Name: Région de Lanaudière, Québec
ID: 42, Parent: 27, Name: Région des Laurentides, Québec
ID: 43, Parent: 27, Name: Région de la Montérégie, Québec
ID: 44, Parent: 27, Name: Région du Nunavik, Québec
ID: 45, Parent: 27, Name: Région des Terres-Cries-de-la-Baie-James, Québec
ID: 46, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario by District Health Council
ID: 47, Parent: 46, Name: Champlain District Health Council, Ontario
ID: 48, Parent: 46, Name: Quinte-Kingston and Rideau DHC, Ontario
ID: 49, Parent: 46, Name: Durham-Haliburton-Kawartha and Pine Ridge DHC, Ontario
ID: 50, Parent: 46, Name: Toronto District Health Council, Ontario
ID: 51, Parent: 46, Name: Simcoe-York District Health Council, Ontario
ID: 52, Parent: 46, Name: Halton-Peel District Health Council, Ontario
ID: 53, Parent: 46, Name: Waterloo-Wellington-Dufferin DHC, Ontario
ID: 54, Parent: 46, Name: Hamilton-Wentworth DHC, Ontario
ID: 55, Parent: 46, Name: Niagara District Health Council, Ontario
ID: 56, Parent: 46, Name: Grand River DHC, Ontario
ID: 57, Parent: 46, Name: Thames Valley DHC, Ontario
ID: 58, Parent: 46, Name: Essex-Kent and Lambton DHC, Ontario
ID: 59, Parent: 46, Name: Grey-Bruce-Huron and Perth DHC, Ontario
ID: 60, Parent: 46, Name: Muskoka-Nipissing and Parry Sound DHC, Ontario
ID: 61, Parent: 46, Name: Algoma-Cochrane-Manitoulin and Sudbury DHC, Ontario
ID: 62, Parent: 46, Name: Northwestern Ontario DHC, Ontario
ID: 63, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario by Health Unit
ID: 64, Parent: 63, Name: Algoma Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 65, Parent: 63, Name: Brant Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 66, Parent: 63, Name: Durham Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 67, Parent: 63, Name: Elgin-St Thomas Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 68, Parent: 63, Name: Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 69, Parent: 63, Name: Haldimand-Norfolk Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 70, Parent: 63, Name: Haliburton-Kawartha-Pine Ridge Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 71, Parent: 63, Name: Halton Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 72, Parent: 63, Name: Hamilton Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 73, Parent: 63, Name: Hastings and Prince Edward Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 74, Parent: 63, Name: Huron Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 75, Parent: 63, Name: Kent-Chatham Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 76, Parent: 63, Name: Kingston-Frontenac-Lennox and Addington Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 77, Parent: 63, Name: Lambton Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 78, Parent: 63, Name: Leeds-Grenville-Lanark Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 79, Parent: 63, Name: Middlesex-London Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 80, Parent: 63, Name: Muskoka-Parry Sound Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 81, Parent: 63, Name: Niagara Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 82, Parent: 63, Name: North Bay Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 83, Parent: 63, Name: Northwestern Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 84, Parent: 63, Name: Ottawa Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 85, Parent: 63, Name: Oxford Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 86, Parent: 63, Name: Peel Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 87, Parent: 63, Name: Perth Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 88, Parent: 63, Name: Peterborough Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 89, Parent: 63, Name: Porcupine Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 90, Parent: 63, Name: Renfrew Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 91, Parent: 63, Name: Eastern Ontario Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 92, Parent: 63, Name: Simcoe Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 93, Parent: 63, Name: Sudbury Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 94, Parent: 63, Name: Thunder Bay Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 95, Parent: 63, Name: Timiskaming Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 96, Parent: 63, Name: Waterloo Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 97, Parent: 63, Name: Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 98, Parent: 63, Name: Windsor-Essex Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 99, Parent: 63, Name: York Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 100, Parent: 63, Name: Toronto Public Health Unit, Ontario
ID: 101, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 102, Parent: 101, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 103, Parent: 101, Name: Brandon, Manitoba
ID: 104, Parent: 101, Name: North Eastman, Manitoba
ID: 105, Parent: 101, Name: South Eastman, Manitoba
ID: 106, Parent: 101, Name: Interlake, Manitoba
ID: 107, Parent: 101, Name: Central, Manitoba
ID: 108, Parent: 101, Name: Marquette, Manitoba
ID: 109, Parent: 101, Name: South Westman, Manitoba
ID: 110, Parent: 101, Name: Parkland, Manitoba
ID: 111, Parent: 101, Name: Norman, Manitoba
ID: 112, Parent: 101, Name: Burntwood and Churchill, Manitoba
ID: 113, Parent: 112, Name: Burntwood, Manitoba
ID: 114, Parent: 112, Name: Churchill, Manitoba
ID: 115, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 116, Parent: 115, Name: Weyburn (A) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 117, Parent: 115, Name: Moose Jaw (B) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 118, Parent: 115, Name: Swift Current (C) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 119, Parent: 115, Name: Regina (D) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 120, Parent: 115, Name: Yorkton (E) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 121, Parent: 115, Name: Saskatoon (F) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 122, Parent: 115, Name: Rosetown (G) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 123, Parent: 115, Name: Melfort (H) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 124, Parent: 115, Name: Prince Albert (I) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 125, Parent: 115, Name: North Battleford (J) Service Area, Saskatchewan
ID: 126, Parent: 115, Name: Northern Health Services Branch (K), Saskatchewan
ID: 127, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 128, Parent: 127, Name: Chinook Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 129, Parent: 127, Name: Palliser Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 130, Parent: 127, Name: Headwaters Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 131, Parent: 127, Name: Calgary Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 132, Parent: 127, Name: Health Authority #5, Alberta
ID: 133, Parent: 127, Name: David Thompson Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 134, Parent: 127, Name: East Central Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 135, Parent: 127, Name: Westview Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 136, Parent: 127, Name: Crossroads Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 137, Parent: 127, Name: Capital Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 138, Parent: 127, Name: Aspen Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 139, Parent: 127, Name: Lakeland Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 140, Parent: 127, Name: Mistahia Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 141, Parent: 127, Name: Peace Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 142, Parent: 127, Name: Keeweetinok Lakes Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 143, Parent: 127, Name: Northern Lights Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 144, Parent: 127, Name: Northwestern Regional Health Authority, Alberta
ID: 145, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 146, Parent: 145, Name: East Kootenay, British Columbia
ID: 147, Parent: 145, Name: West Kootenay-Boundary, British Columbia
ID: 148, Parent: 145, Name: North Okanagan, British Columbia
ID: 149, Parent: 145, Name: South Okanagan Similkameen, British Columbia
ID: 150, Parent: 145, Name: Thompson, British Columbia
ID: 151, Parent: 145, Name: Fraser Valley, British Columbia
ID: 152, Parent: 145, Name: South Fraser Valley, British Columbia
ID: 153, Parent: 145, Name: Burnaby/Simon Fraser, British Columbia
ID: 154, Parent: 153, Name: Burnaby, British Columbia
ID: 155, Parent: 153, Name: Simon Fraser, British Columbia
ID: 156, Parent: 145, Name: Coast Garibaldi, British Columbia
ID: 157, Parent: 145, Name: Central Vancouver Island, British Columbia
ID: 158, Parent: 145, Name: Upper Island/Central Coast, British Columbia
ID: 159, Parent: 145, Name: Cariboo, British Columbia
ID: 160, Parent: 145, Name: North West, British Columbia
ID: 161, Parent: 145, Name: Peace Liard, British Columbia
ID: 162, Parent: 145, Name: Northern Interior, British Columbia
ID: 163, Parent: 145, Name: Vancouver/Richmond, British Columbia
ID: 164, Parent: 163, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 165, Parent: 163, Name: Richmond, British Columbia
ID: 166, Parent: 145, Name: North Shore, British Columbia
ID: 167, Parent: 145, Name: Capital, British Columbia
ID: 168, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon
ID: 169, Parent: 168, Name: Yukon
ID: 170, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 171, Parent: 170, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 172, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut
ID: 173, Parent: 172, Name: Nunavut |
D11100039 | Tax filers and dependants, seniors with income by source of income and age | Title: Tax filers and dependants, seniors with income by source of income and age
Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Age group, Seniors and income, Source of income
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File)
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island
ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia
ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia
ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia
ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick
ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick
ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick
ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick
ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick
ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part
ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick
ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part
ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec
ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec
ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec
ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec
ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec
ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec
ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec
ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec
ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec
ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec
ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec
ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec
ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec
ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec
ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec
ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec
ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec
ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec
ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec
ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec
ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec
ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec
ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec
ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec
ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec
ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec
ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part
ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part
ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario
ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part
ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part
ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario
ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario
ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario
ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario
ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario
ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario
ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario
ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario
ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario
ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario
ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario
ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario
ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario
ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario
ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario
ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario
ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario
ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario
ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario
ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario
ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario
ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario
ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario
ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario
ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario
ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario
ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario
ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario
ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario
ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario
ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario
ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario
ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario
ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario
ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario
ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario
ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario
ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario
ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
ID: 27, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario
ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario
ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario
ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 189, Parent: 28, Name: Winkler, Manitoba
ID: 179, Parent: 28, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba
ID: 123, Parent: 28, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
ID: 124, Parent: 28, Name: Brandon, Manitoba
ID: 125, Parent: 28, Name: Thompson, Manitoba
ID: 126, Parent: 28, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba
ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan
ID: 127, Parent: 30, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan
ID: 128, Parent: 30, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
ID: 129, Parent: 30, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan
ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ID: 130, Parent: 30, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan
ID: 131, Parent: 30, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
ID: 132, Parent: 30, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan
ID: 190, Parent: 30, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan
ID: 133, Parent: 30, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part
ID: 134, Parent: 30, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan
ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 135, Parent: 33, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta
ID: 136, Parent: 33, Name: Brooks, Alberta
ID: 137, Parent: 33, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta
ID: 138, Parent: 33, Name: Okotoks, Alberta
ID: 180, Parent: 33, Name: High River, Alberta
ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 181, Parent: 33, Name: Strathmore, Alberta
ID: 139, Parent: 33, Name: Canmore, Alberta
ID: 140, Parent: 33, Name: Red Deer, Alberta
ID: 182, Parent: 33, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta
ID: 183, Parent: 33, Name: Lacombe, Alberta
ID: 141, Parent: 33, Name: Camrose, Alberta
ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 142, Parent: 33, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part
ID: 143, Parent: 33, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta
ID: 144, Parent: 33, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta
ID: 145, Parent: 33, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta
ID: 146, Parent: 33, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta
ID: 147, Parent: 33, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta
ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 148, Parent: 36, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia
ID: 191, Parent: 36, Name: Nelson, British Columbia
ID: 149, Parent: 36, Name: Penticton, British Columbia
ID: 48, Parent: 36, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia
ID: 150, Parent: 36, Name: Vernon, British Columbia
ID: 151, Parent: 36, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia
ID: 152, Parent: 36, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia
ID: 153, Parent: 36, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia
ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia
ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 154, Parent: 36, Name: Squamish, British Columbia
ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 155, Parent: 36, Name: Duncan, British Columbia
ID: 156, Parent: 36, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia
ID: 157, Parent: 36, Name: Parksville, British Columbia
ID: 158, Parent: 36, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia
ID: 159, Parent: 36, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia
ID: 160, Parent: 36, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia
ID: 161, Parent: 36, Name: Powell River, British Columbia
ID: 162, Parent: 36, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia
ID: 163, Parent: 36, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia
ID: 164, Parent: 36, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia
ID: 165, Parent: 36, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia
ID: 166, Parent: 36, Name: Terrace, British Columbia
ID: 167, Parent: 36, Name: Prince George, British Columbia
ID: 168, Parent: 36, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia
ID: 169, Parent: 36, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia
ID: 170, Parent: 36, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia
ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon
ID: 171, Parent: 40, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon
ID: 172, Parent: 40, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon
ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 173, Parent: 41, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
ID: 174, Parent: 41, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories
ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut
ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined NewBrunswick/Quebec
ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan
Age group:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total all ages
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: 0 to 34 years
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: 35 to 54 years
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: 55 to 64 years
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: 65 to 74 years
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: 65 years and over
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: 75 years and over
Seniors and income:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number of taxfilers and dependants
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Amount of income
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Median total income
Source of income:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total income
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total employment income
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Wages, salaries and commissions
ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Net self-employment income
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Dividend and interest income
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Total government transfers
ID: 7, Parent: 6, Name: Employment Insurance (EI) benefits
ID: 8, Parent: 6, Name: Old Age Security (OAS) and net federal supplements
ID: 9, Parent: 6, Name: Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) benefits
ID: 10, Parent: 6, Name: Federal Child Benefits
ID: 11, Parent: 6, Name: Goods and Services Tax (GST) Credit and Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) Credit
ID: 12, Parent: 6, Name: Workers' Compensation Benefits
ID: 13, Parent: 6, Name: Social Assistance Benefits
ID: 14, Parent: 6, Name: Provincial Refundable Tax Credits and Family Benefits
ID: 18, Parent: 6, Name: Other government transfers
ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Private pensions
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP)
ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Other income |
D11100040 | Tax filers by savers' characteristics, inactive | Title: Tax filers by savers' characteristics, inactive
Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2016-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Savers characteristics
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Financial Data and Charitable Donations, Preliminary T1 Family File
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island
ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia
ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia
ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia
ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick
ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick
ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick
ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick
ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick
ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part
ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick
ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part
ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec
ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec
ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec
ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec
ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec
ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec
ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec
ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec
ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec
ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec
ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec
ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec
ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec
ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec
ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec
ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec
ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec
ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec
ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec
ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec
ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec
ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec
ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec
ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec
ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec
ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec
ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part
ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part
ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario
ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part
ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part
ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario
ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario
ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario
ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario
ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario
ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario
ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario
ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario
ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario
ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario
ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario
ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario
ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario
ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario
ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario
ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario
ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario
ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario
ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario
ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario
ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario
ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario
ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario
ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario
ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario
ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario
ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario
ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario
ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario
ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario
ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario
ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario
ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario
ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario
ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario
ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario
ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario
ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario
ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
ID: 27, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario
ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario
ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario
ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 189, Parent: 28, Name: Winkler, Manitoba
ID: 179, Parent: 28, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba
ID: 123, Parent: 28, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
ID: 124, Parent: 28, Name: Brandon, Manitoba
ID: 125, Parent: 28, Name: Thompson, Manitoba
ID: 126, Parent: 28, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba
ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan
ID: 127, Parent: 30, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan
ID: 128, Parent: 30, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
ID: 129, Parent: 30, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan
ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ID: 130, Parent: 30, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan
ID: 131, Parent: 30, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
ID: 132, Parent: 30, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan
ID: 190, Parent: 30, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan
ID: 133, Parent: 30, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part
ID: 134, Parent: 30, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan
ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 135, Parent: 33, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta
ID: 136, Parent: 33, Name: Brooks, Alberta
ID: 137, Parent: 33, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta
ID: 138, Parent: 33, Name: Okotoks, Alberta
ID: 180, Parent: 33, Name: High River, Alberta
ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 181, Parent: 33, Name: Strathmore, Alberta
ID: 139, Parent: 33, Name: Canmore, Alberta
ID: 140, Parent: 33, Name: Red Deer, Alberta
ID: 182, Parent: 33, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta
ID: 183, Parent: 33, Name: Lacombe, Alberta
ID: 141, Parent: 33, Name: Camrose, Alberta
ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 142, Parent: 33, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part
ID: 143, Parent: 33, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta
ID: 144, Parent: 33, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta
ID: 145, Parent: 33, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta
ID: 146, Parent: 33, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta
ID: 147, Parent: 33, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta
ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 148, Parent: 36, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia
ID: 191, Parent: 36, Name: Nelson, British Columbia
ID: 149, Parent: 36, Name: Penticton, British Columbia
ID: 48, Parent: 36, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia
ID: 150, Parent: 36, Name: Vernon, British Columbia
ID: 151, Parent: 36, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia
ID: 152, Parent: 36, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia
ID: 153, Parent: 36, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia
ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia
ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 154, Parent: 36, Name: Squamish, British Columbia
ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 155, Parent: 36, Name: Duncan, British Columbia
ID: 156, Parent: 36, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia
ID: 157, Parent: 36, Name: Parksville, British Columbia
ID: 158, Parent: 36, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia
ID: 159, Parent: 36, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia
ID: 160, Parent: 36, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia
ID: 161, Parent: 36, Name: Powell River, British Columbia
ID: 162, Parent: 36, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia
ID: 163, Parent: 36, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia
ID: 164, Parent: 36, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia
ID: 165, Parent: 36, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia
ID: 166, Parent: 36, Name: Terrace, British Columbia
ID: 167, Parent: 36, Name: Prince George, British Columbia
ID: 168, Parent: 36, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia
ID: 169, Parent: 36, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia
ID: 170, Parent: 36, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia
ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon
ID: 171, Parent: 40, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon
ID: 172, Parent: 40, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon
ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 173, Parent: 41, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
ID: 174, Parent: 41, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories
ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut
ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined New Brunswick/Quebec
ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan
Savers characteristics:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total savers
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of male savers
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of female savers
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Average age of savers
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of savers aged 0 to 24 years
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of savers aged 25 to 34 years
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of savers aged 35 to 44 years
ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of savers aged 45 to 54 years
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of savers aged 55 to 64 years
ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of savers aged 65 years and over
ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Median total income of savers
ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of savers with total income of less than $20,000
ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of savers with total income between $20,000 and $39,999
ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of savers with total income between $40,000 and $59,999
ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of savers with total income between $60,000 and $79,999
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of savers with total income of $80,000 or more
ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Total interest income of savers
ID: 18, Parent: 17, Name: Median interest income of savers
ID: 19, Parent: 18, Name: Median interest income, male savers
ID: 20, Parent: 18, Name: Median interest income, female savers
ID: 21, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of interest income, male savers
ID: 22, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of interest income, female savers
ID: 23, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of interest income, savers aged 0 to 24 years
ID: 24, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of interest income, savers aged 25 to 34 years
ID: 25, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of interest income, savers aged 35 to 44 years
ID: 26, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of interest income, savers aged 45 to 54 years
ID: 27, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of interest income, savers aged 55 to 64 years
ID: 28, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of interest income, savers aged 65 years and over
ID: 29, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of interest income, savers with total income of less than $20,000
ID: 30, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of interest income, savers with total income between $20,000 and $39,999
ID: 31, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of interest income, savers with total income between $40,000 and $59,999
ID: 32, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of interest income, savers with total income between $60,000 and $79,999
ID: 33, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of interest income, savers with total income of $80,000 or more |
D11100041 | Canadian Income Survey (CIS), persons in low income, Canada, provinces and census metropolitan areas (CMAs) | Title: Canadian Income Survey (CIS), persons in low income, Canada, provinces and census metropolitan areas (CMAs)
Date range: 2012-01-01 to 2012-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Low income lines, Statistics, Persons in low income
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Canadian Income Survey
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Atlantic provinces
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Prairie provinces
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Manitoba
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Alberta
ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 29, Parent: None, Name: Total selected census metropolitan areas
ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 14, Parent: 29, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia
ID: 15, Parent: 29, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 32, Parent: 29, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec
ID: 16, Parent: 29, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 17, Parent: 29, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario/Quebec
ID: 33, Parent: 29, Name: Oshawa, Ontario
ID: 18, Parent: 29, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 19, Parent: 29, Name: Hamilton, Ontario
ID: 20, Parent: 29, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario
ID: 21, Parent: 29, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario
ID: 22, Parent: 29, Name: London, Ontario
ID: 23, Parent: 29, Name: Windsor, Ontario
ID: 24, Parent: 29, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 34, Parent: 29, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan
ID: 35, Parent: 29, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ID: 25, Parent: 29, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 26, Parent: 29, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 27, Parent: 29, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 28, Parent: 29, Name: Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 30, Parent: None, Name: All other non-selected areas
Low income lines:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Low income cut-offs after tax, 1992 base
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Low income cut-offs before tax, 1992 base
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Market basket measure, 2011 base
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Low income measure after tax
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Number of persons in low income
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of persons in low income
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Average gap ratio (percent)
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Median gap ratio (percent)
ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Aggregate low income gap as a percentage of income
Persons in low income:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All persons
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Persons under 18 years
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Persons 18 to 64 years
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Persons 65 years and over
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Males
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Females
ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Persons in economic families
ID: 26, Parent: 1, Name: Unattached individuals |
D11100042 | Tax filers by investors' characteristics, inactive | Title: Tax filers by investors' characteristics, inactive
Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2016-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Investors' characteristics
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Financial Data and Charitable Donations, Preliminary T1 Family File
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island
ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia
ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia
ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia
ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick
ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick
ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick
ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick
ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick
ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part
ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick
ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part
ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec
ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec
ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec
ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec
ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec
ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec
ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec
ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec
ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec
ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec
ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec
ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec
ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec
ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec
ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec
ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec
ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec
ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec
ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec
ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec
ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec
ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec
ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec
ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec
ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec
ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec
ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part
ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part
ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario
ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part
ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part
ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario
ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario
ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario
ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario
ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario
ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario
ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario
ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario
ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario
ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario
ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario
ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario
ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario
ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario
ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario
ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario
ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario
ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario
ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario
ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario
ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario
ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario
ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario
ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario
ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario
ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario
ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario
ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario
ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario
ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario
ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario
ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario
ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario
ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario
ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario
ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario
ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario
ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario
ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
ID: 27, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario
ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario
ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario
ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 189, Parent: 28, Name: Winkler, Manitoba
ID: 179, Parent: 28, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba
ID: 123, Parent: 28, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
ID: 124, Parent: 28, Name: Brandon, Manitoba
ID: 125, Parent: 28, Name: Thompson, Manitoba
ID: 126, Parent: 28, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba
ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan
ID: 127, Parent: 30, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan
ID: 128, Parent: 30, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
ID: 129, Parent: 30, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan
ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ID: 130, Parent: 30, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan
ID: 131, Parent: 30, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
ID: 132, Parent: 30, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan
ID: 190, Parent: 30, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan
ID: 133, Parent: 30, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part
ID: 134, Parent: 30, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan
ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 135, Parent: 33, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta
ID: 136, Parent: 33, Name: Brooks, Alberta
ID: 137, Parent: 33, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta
ID: 138, Parent: 33, Name: Okotoks, Alberta
ID: 180, Parent: 33, Name: High River, Alberta
ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 181, Parent: 33, Name: Strathmore, Alberta
ID: 139, Parent: 33, Name: Canmore, Alberta
ID: 140, Parent: 33, Name: Red Deer, Alberta
ID: 182, Parent: 33, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta
ID: 183, Parent: 33, Name: Lacombe, Alberta
ID: 141, Parent: 33, Name: Camrose, Alberta
ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 142, Parent: 33, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part
ID: 143, Parent: 33, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta
ID: 144, Parent: 33, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta
ID: 145, Parent: 33, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta
ID: 146, Parent: 33, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta
ID: 147, Parent: 33, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta
ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 148, Parent: 36, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia
ID: 191, Parent: 36, Name: Nelson, British Columbia
ID: 149, Parent: 36, Name: Penticton, British Columbia
ID: 48, Parent: 36, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia
ID: 150, Parent: 36, Name: Vernon, British Columbia
ID: 151, Parent: 36, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia
ID: 152, Parent: 36, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia
ID: 153, Parent: 36, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia
ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia
ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 154, Parent: 36, Name: Squamish, British Columbia
ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 155, Parent: 36, Name: Duncan, British Columbia
ID: 156, Parent: 36, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia
ID: 157, Parent: 36, Name: Parksville, British Columbia
ID: 158, Parent: 36, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia
ID: 159, Parent: 36, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia
ID: 160, Parent: 36, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia
ID: 161, Parent: 36, Name: Powell River, British Columbia
ID: 162, Parent: 36, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia
ID: 163, Parent: 36, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia
ID: 164, Parent: 36, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia
ID: 165, Parent: 36, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia
ID: 166, Parent: 36, Name: Terrace, British Columbia
ID: 167, Parent: 36, Name: Prince George, British Columbia
ID: 168, Parent: 36, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia
ID: 169, Parent: 36, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia
ID: 170, Parent: 36, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia
ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon
ID: 171, Parent: 40, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon
ID: 172, Parent: 40, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon
ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 173, Parent: 41, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
ID: 174, Parent: 41, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories
ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut
ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined New Brunswick/Quebec
ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan
Investors' characteristics:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total investors
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of male investors
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of female investors
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Average age of investors
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of investors aged 0 to 24 years
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of investors aged 25 to 34 years
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of investors aged 35 to 44 years
ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of investors aged 45 to 54 years
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of investors aged 55 to 64 years
ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of investors aged 65 years and over
ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Median total income of investors
ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of investors with total income of less than $20,000
ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of investors with total income between $20,000 and $39,999
ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of investors with total income between $40,000 and $59,999
ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of investors with total income between $60,000 and $79,999
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of investors with total income of $80,000 or more
ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Total investment income of investors
ID: 18, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income from dividends
ID: 19, Parent: 17, Name: Median investment income of investors
ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Median investment income, male investors
ID: 21, Parent: 19, Name: Median investment income, female investors
ID: 22, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, male investors
ID: 23, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, female investors
ID: 24, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, investors aged 0 to 24 years
ID: 25, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, investors aged 25 to 34 years
ID: 26, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, investors aged 35 to 44 years
ID: 27, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, investors aged 45 to 54 years
ID: 28, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, investors aged 55 to 64 years
ID: 29, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, investors aged 65 years and over
ID: 30, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, investors with total income of less than $20,000
ID: 31, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, investors with total income between $20,000 and $39,999
ID: 32, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, investors with total income between $40,000 and $59,999
ID: 33, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, investors with total income between $60,000 and $79,999
ID: 34, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, investors with total income of $80,000 or more |
D11100043 | Canadian investment income, by characteristics of tax filers with investment income, inactive | Title: Canadian investment income, by characteristics of tax filers with investment income, inactive
Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2016-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Characteristics of tax filers with investment income
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Financial Data and Charitable Donations, Preliminary T1 Family File
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island
ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia
ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia
ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia
ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick
ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick
ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick
ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick
ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick
ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part
ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick
ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part
ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec
ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec
ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec
ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec
ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec
ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec
ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec
ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec
ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec
ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec
ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec
ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec
ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec
ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec
ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec
ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec
ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec
ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec
ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec
ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec
ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec
ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec
ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec
ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec
ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec
ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec
ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part
ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part
ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario
ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part
ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part
ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario
ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario
ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario
ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario
ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario
ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario
ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario
ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario
ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario
ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario
ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario
ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario
ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario
ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario
ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario
ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario
ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario
ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario
ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario
ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario
ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario
ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario
ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario
ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario
ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario
ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario
ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario
ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario
ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario
ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario
ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario
ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario
ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario
ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario
ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario
ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario
ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario
ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario
ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
ID: 27, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario
ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario
ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario
ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 189, Parent: 28, Name: Winkler, Manitoba
ID: 179, Parent: 28, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba
ID: 123, Parent: 28, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
ID: 124, Parent: 28, Name: Brandon, Manitoba
ID: 125, Parent: 28, Name: Thompson, Manitoba
ID: 126, Parent: 28, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba
ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan
ID: 127, Parent: 30, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan
ID: 128, Parent: 30, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
ID: 129, Parent: 30, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan
ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ID: 130, Parent: 30, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan
ID: 131, Parent: 30, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
ID: 132, Parent: 30, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan
ID: 190, Parent: 30, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan
ID: 133, Parent: 30, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part
ID: 134, Parent: 30, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan
ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 135, Parent: 33, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta
ID: 136, Parent: 33, Name: Brooks, Alberta
ID: 137, Parent: 33, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta
ID: 138, Parent: 33, Name: Okotoks, Alberta
ID: 180, Parent: 33, Name: High River, Alberta
ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 181, Parent: 33, Name: Strathmore, Alberta
ID: 139, Parent: 33, Name: Canmore, Alberta
ID: 140, Parent: 33, Name: Red Deer, Alberta
ID: 182, Parent: 33, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta
ID: 183, Parent: 33, Name: Lacombe, Alberta
ID: 141, Parent: 33, Name: Camrose, Alberta
ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 142, Parent: 33, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part
ID: 143, Parent: 33, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta
ID: 144, Parent: 33, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta
ID: 145, Parent: 33, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta
ID: 146, Parent: 33, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta
ID: 147, Parent: 33, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta
ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 148, Parent: 36, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia
ID: 191, Parent: 36, Name: Nelson, British Columbia
ID: 149, Parent: 36, Name: Penticton, British Columbia
ID: 48, Parent: 36, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia
ID: 150, Parent: 36, Name: Vernon, British Columbia
ID: 151, Parent: 36, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia
ID: 152, Parent: 36, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia
ID: 153, Parent: 36, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia
ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia
ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 154, Parent: 36, Name: Squamish, British Columbia
ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 155, Parent: 36, Name: Duncan, British Columbia
ID: 156, Parent: 36, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia
ID: 157, Parent: 36, Name: Parksville, British Columbia
ID: 158, Parent: 36, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia
ID: 159, Parent: 36, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia
ID: 160, Parent: 36, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia
ID: 161, Parent: 36, Name: Powell River, British Columbia
ID: 162, Parent: 36, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia
ID: 163, Parent: 36, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia
ID: 164, Parent: 36, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia
ID: 165, Parent: 36, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia
ID: 166, Parent: 36, Name: Terrace, British Columbia
ID: 167, Parent: 36, Name: Prince George, British Columbia
ID: 168, Parent: 36, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia
ID: 169, Parent: 36, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia
ID: 170, Parent: 36, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia
ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon
ID: 171, Parent: 40, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon
ID: 172, Parent: 40, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon
ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 173, Parent: 41, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
ID: 174, Parent: 41, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories
ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut
ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined New Brunswick/Quebec
ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan
Characteristics of tax filers with investment income:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total tax filers with investment income
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of male tax filers with investment income
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of female tax filers with investment income
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Average age of tax filers with investment income
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers with investment income aged 0 to 24 years
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers with investment income aged 25 to 34 years
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers with investment income aged 35 to 44 years
ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers with investment income aged 45 to 54 years
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers with investment income aged 55 to 64 years
ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers with investment income aged 65 years and over
ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Median total income of tax filers with investment income
ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers with investment income with total income of less than $20,000
ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers with investment income with total income between $20,000 and $39,999
ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers with investment income with total income between $40,000 and $59,999
ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers with investment income with total income between $60,000 and $79,999
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers with investment income with total income of $80,000 or more
ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Total investment income of tax filers with investment income
ID: 18, Parent: 17, Name: Median investment income of tax filers with investment income
ID: 19, Parent: 18, Name: Median investment income, male tax filers with investment income
ID: 20, Parent: 18, Name: Median investment income, female tax filers with investment income
ID: 21, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, male tax filers with investment income
ID: 22, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, female tax filers with investment income
ID: 23, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, tax filers with investment income aged 0 to 24 years
ID: 24, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, tax filers with investment income aged 25 to 34 years
ID: 25, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, tax filers with investment income aged 35 to 44 years
ID: 26, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, tax filers with investment income aged 45 to 54 years
ID: 27, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, tax filers with investment income aged 55 to 64 years
ID: 28, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, tax filers with investment income aged 65 years and over
ID: 29, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, tax filers with total income of less than $20,000
ID: 30, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, tax filers with total income between $20,000 and $39,999
ID: 31, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, tax filers with total income between $40,000 and $59,999
ID: 32, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, tax filers with total income between $60,000 and $79,999
ID: 33, Parent: 17, Name: Percentage of investment income, tax filers with total income of $80,000 or more |
D11100044 | Selected characteristics of tax filers with Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) contributions | Title: Selected characteristics of tax filers with Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) contributions
Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) contributor characteristics
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Financial Data and Charitable Donations, Preliminary T1 Family File
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island
ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia
ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia
ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia
ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick
ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick
ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick
ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick
ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick
ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part
ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick
ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part
ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec
ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec
ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec
ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec
ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec
ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec
ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec
ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec
ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec
ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec
ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec
ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec
ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec
ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec
ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec
ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec
ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec
ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec
ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec
ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec
ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec
ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec
ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec
ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec
ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec
ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec
ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part
ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part
ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario
ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part
ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part
ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario
ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario
ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario
ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario
ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario
ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario
ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario
ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario
ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario
ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario
ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario
ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario
ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario
ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario
ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario
ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario
ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario
ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario
ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario
ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario
ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario
ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario
ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario
ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario
ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario
ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario
ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario
ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario
ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario
ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario
ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario
ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario
ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario
ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario
ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario
ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario
ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario
ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario
ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
ID: 27, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario
ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario
ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario
ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 189, Parent: 28, Name: Winkler, Manitoba
ID: 179, Parent: 28, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba
ID: 123, Parent: 28, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
ID: 124, Parent: 28, Name: Brandon, Manitoba
ID: 125, Parent: 28, Name: Thompson, Manitoba
ID: 126, Parent: 28, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba
ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan
ID: 127, Parent: 30, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan
ID: 128, Parent: 30, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
ID: 129, Parent: 30, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan
ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ID: 130, Parent: 30, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan
ID: 131, Parent: 30, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
ID: 132, Parent: 30, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan
ID: 190, Parent: 30, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan
ID: 133, Parent: 30, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part
ID: 134, Parent: 30, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan
ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 135, Parent: 33, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta
ID: 136, Parent: 33, Name: Brooks, Alberta
ID: 137, Parent: 33, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta
ID: 138, Parent: 33, Name: Okotoks, Alberta
ID: 180, Parent: 33, Name: High River, Alberta
ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 181, Parent: 33, Name: Strathmore, Alberta
ID: 139, Parent: 33, Name: Canmore, Alberta
ID: 140, Parent: 33, Name: Red Deer, Alberta
ID: 182, Parent: 33, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta
ID: 183, Parent: 33, Name: Lacombe, Alberta
ID: 141, Parent: 33, Name: Camrose, Alberta
ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 142, Parent: 33, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part
ID: 143, Parent: 33, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta
ID: 144, Parent: 33, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta
ID: 145, Parent: 33, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta
ID: 146, Parent: 33, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta
ID: 147, Parent: 33, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta
ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 148, Parent: 36, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia
ID: 191, Parent: 36, Name: Nelson, British Columbia
ID: 149, Parent: 36, Name: Penticton, British Columbia
ID: 48, Parent: 36, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia
ID: 150, Parent: 36, Name: Vernon, British Columbia
ID: 151, Parent: 36, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia
ID: 152, Parent: 36, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia
ID: 153, Parent: 36, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia
ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia
ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 154, Parent: 36, Name: Squamish, British Columbia
ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 155, Parent: 36, Name: Duncan, British Columbia
ID: 156, Parent: 36, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia
ID: 157, Parent: 36, Name: Parksville, British Columbia
ID: 158, Parent: 36, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia
ID: 159, Parent: 36, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia
ID: 160, Parent: 36, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia
ID: 161, Parent: 36, Name: Powell River, British Columbia
ID: 162, Parent: 36, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia
ID: 163, Parent: 36, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia
ID: 164, Parent: 36, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia
ID: 165, Parent: 36, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia
ID: 166, Parent: 36, Name: Terrace, British Columbia
ID: 167, Parent: 36, Name: Prince George, British Columbia
ID: 168, Parent: 36, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia
ID: 169, Parent: 36, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia
ID: 170, Parent: 36, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia
ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon
ID: 171, Parent: 40, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon
ID: 172, Parent: 40, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon
ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 173, Parent: 41, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
ID: 174, Parent: 41, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories
ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut
ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined New Brunswick/Quebec
ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan
Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) contributor characteristics:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of male tax filers
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of female tax filers
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Total RRSP contributors
ID: 5, Parent: 4, Name: Percentage of male RRSP contributors
ID: 6, Parent: 4, Name: Percentage of female RRSP contributors
ID: 7, Parent: 4, Name: Average age of RRSP contributors
ID: 8, Parent: 4, Name: Percentage of RRSP contributors aged 0 to 24 years
ID: 9, Parent: 4, Name: Percentage of RRSP contributors aged 25 to 34 years
ID: 10, Parent: 4, Name: Percentage of RRSP contributors aged 35 to 44 years
ID: 11, Parent: 4, Name: Percentage of RRSP contributors aged 45 to 54 years
ID: 12, Parent: 4, Name: Percentage of RRSP contributors aged 55 to 64 years
ID: 13, Parent: 4, Name: Percentage of RRSP contributors aged 65 years and over
ID: 14, Parent: 4, Name: Median employment income of RRSP contributors
ID: 15, Parent: 4, Name: 75th percentile employment income of RRSP contributors
ID: 16, Parent: 4, Name: Percentage of RRSP contributors with total income of less than $20,000
ID: 17, Parent: 4, Name: Percentage of RRSP contributors with total income between $20,000 and $39,999
ID: 18, Parent: 4, Name: Percentage of RRSP contributors with total income between $40,000 and $59,999
ID: 19, Parent: 4, Name: Percentage of RRSP contributors with total income between $60,000 and $79,999
ID: 20, Parent: 4, Name: Percentage of RRSP contributors with total income of $80,000 or more
ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Total RRSP contributions
ID: 22, Parent: 21, Name: Median RRSP contributions
ID: 23, Parent: 21, Name: Median RRSP contribution, male contributors
ID: 24, Parent: 21, Name: Median RRSP contribution, female contributors
ID: 25, Parent: 21, Name: Percentage of total RRSP contributions, male contributors
ID: 26, Parent: 21, Name: Percentage of total RRSP contributions, female contributors
ID: 27, Parent: 21, Name: Percentage of RRSP contributions, contributors aged 0 to 24 years
ID: 28, Parent: 21, Name: Percentage of RRSP contributions, contributors aged 25 to 34 years
ID: 29, Parent: 21, Name: Percentage of RRSP contributions, contributors aged 35 to 44 years
ID: 30, Parent: 21, Name: Percentage of RRSP contributions, contributors aged 45 to 54 years
ID: 31, Parent: 21, Name: Percentage of RRSP contributions, contributors aged 55 to 64 years
ID: 32, Parent: 21, Name: Percentage of RRSP contributions, contributors aged 65 years and over
ID: 33, Parent: 21, Name: Percentage of RRSP contributions, contributors with total income of less than $20,000
ID: 34, Parent: 21, Name: Percentage of RRSP contributions, contributors with total income between $20,000 and $39,999
ID: 35, Parent: 21, Name: Percentage of RRSP contributions, contributors with total income between $40,000 and $59,999
ID: 36, Parent: 21, Name: Percentage of RRSP contributions, contributors with total income between $60,000 and $79,999
ID: 37, Parent: 21, Name: Percentage of RRSP contributions, contributors with total income of $80,000 or more |
D11100046 | Individual statistics by tax filing method for all returns filed, economic characteristics, 2014 tax year, Canada Revenue Agency | Title: Individual statistics by tax filing method for all returns filed, economic characteristics, 2014 tax year, Canada Revenue Agency
Date range: 2014-01-01 to 2014-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Filing method, Major source of income, Income range, Complexity of T1 return
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Canada Revenue Agency
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island
ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia
ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia
ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia
ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick
ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick
ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick
ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick
ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick
ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick
ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick
ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Matane, Quebec
ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Rimouski, Quebec
ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Rivière-du-Loup, Quebec
ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec
ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Saguenay, Quebec
ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: Alma, Quebec
ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec
ID: 26, Parent: None, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec
ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 28, Parent: None, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec
ID: 29, Parent: None, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec
ID: 30, Parent: None, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec
ID: 31, Parent: None, Name: Cowansville, Quebec
ID: 32, Parent: None, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec
ID: 33, Parent: None, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec
ID: 34, Parent: None, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec
ID: 35, Parent: None, Name: Drummondville, Quebec
ID: 36, Parent: None, Name: Granby, Quebec
ID: 37, Parent: None, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec
ID: 38, Parent: None, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec
ID: 39, Parent: None, Name: Joliette, Quebec
ID: 40, Parent: None, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec
ID: 41, Parent: None, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 42, Parent: None, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec
ID: 43, Parent: None, Name: Lachute, Quebec
ID: 44, Parent: None, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec
ID: 45, Parent: None, Name: Amos, Quebec
ID: 46, Parent: None, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec
ID: 47, Parent: None, Name: Cornwall, Ontario
ID: 48, Parent: None, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario/Quebec
ID: 49, Parent: None, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario/Quebec
ID: 50, Parent: None, Name: Brockville, Ontario
ID: 51, Parent: None, Name: Pembroke, Ontario
ID: 52, Parent: None, Name: Petawawa, Ontario
ID: 53, Parent: None, Name: Kingston, Ontario
ID: 54, Parent: None, Name: Belleville, Ontario
ID: 55, Parent: None, Name: Cobourg, Ontario
ID: 56, Parent: None, Name: Port Hope, Ontario
ID: 57, Parent: None, Name: Peterborough, Ontario
ID: 58, Parent: None, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
ID: 59, Parent: None, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario
ID: 60, Parent: None, Name: Oshawa, Ontario
ID: 61, Parent: None, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario
ID: 62, Parent: None, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 63, Parent: None, Name: Hamilton, Ontario
ID: 64, Parent: None, Name: St. Catherines-Niagara, Ontario
ID: 65, Parent: None, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario
ID: 66, Parent: None, Name: Brantford, Ontario
ID: 67, Parent: None, Name: Woodstock, Ontario
ID: 68, Parent: None, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario
ID: 69, Parent: None, Name: Norfolk, Ontario
ID: 70, Parent: None, Name: Guelph, Ontario
ID: 71, Parent: None, Name: Stratford, Ontario
ID: 72, Parent: None, Name: London, Ontario
ID: 73, Parent: None, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario
ID: 74, Parent: None, Name: Leamington, Ontario
ID: 75, Parent: None, Name: Windsor, Ontario
ID: 76, Parent: None, Name: Sarnia, Ontario
ID: 77, Parent: None, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario
ID: 78, Parent: None, Name: Collingwood, Ontario
ID: 79, Parent: None, Name: Barrie, Ontario
ID: 80, Parent: None, Name: Orillia, Ontario
ID: 81, Parent: None, Name: Midland, Ontario
ID: 82, Parent: None, Name: North Bay, Ontario
ID: 83, Parent: None, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario
ID: 84, Parent: None, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario
ID: 85, Parent: None, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario
ID: 86, Parent: None, Name: Timmins, Ontario
ID: 87, Parent: None, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
ID: 88, Parent: None, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario
ID: 89, Parent: None, Name: Kenora, Ontario
ID: 90, Parent: None, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 91, Parent: None, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba
ID: 92, Parent: None, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
ID: 93, Parent: None, Name: Brandon, Manitoba
ID: 94, Parent: None, Name: Thompson, Manitoba
ID: 95, Parent: None, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan
ID: 96, Parent: None, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan
ID: 97, Parent: None, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
ID: 98, Parent: None, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan
ID: 99, Parent: None, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ID: 100, Parent: None, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan
ID: 101, Parent: None, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
ID: 102, Parent: None, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan
ID: 103, Parent: None, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta
ID: 104, Parent: None, Name: Brooks, Alberta
ID: 105, Parent: None, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta
ID: 106, Parent: None, Name: Okotoks, Alberta
ID: 107, Parent: None, Name: High River, Alberta
ID: 108, Parent: None, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 109, Parent: None, Name: Strathmore, Alberta
ID: 110, Parent: None, Name: Canmore, Alberta
ID: 111, Parent: None, Name: Red Deer, Alberta
ID: 112, Parent: None, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta
ID: 113, Parent: None, Name: Lacombe, Alberta
ID: 114, Parent: None, Name: Camrose, Alberta
ID: 115, Parent: None, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 116, Parent: None, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan/Alberta
ID: 117, Parent: None, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta
ID: 118, Parent: None, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta
ID: 119, Parent: None, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta
ID: 120, Parent: None, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta
ID: 121, Parent: None, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia
ID: 122, Parent: None, Name: Penticton, British Columbia
ID: 123, Parent: None, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia
ID: 124, Parent: None, Name: Vernon, British Columbia
ID: 125, Parent: None, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia
ID: 126, Parent: None, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia
ID: 127, Parent: None, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia
ID: 128, Parent: None, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia
ID: 129, Parent: None, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 130, Parent: None, Name: Squamish, British Columbia
ID: 131, Parent: None, Name: Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 132, Parent: None, Name: Duncan, British Columbia
ID: 133, Parent: None, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia
ID: 134, Parent: None, Name: Parksville, British Columbia
ID: 135, Parent: None, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia
ID: 136, Parent: None, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia
ID: 137, Parent: None, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia
ID: 138, Parent: None, Name: Powell River, British Columbia
ID: 139, Parent: None, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia
ID: 140, Parent: None, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia
ID: 141, Parent: None, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia
ID: 142, Parent: None, Name: Terrace, British Columbia
ID: 143, Parent: None, Name: Prince George, British Columbia
ID: 144, Parent: None, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia
ID: 145, Parent: None, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia
ID: 146, Parent: None, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon
ID: 147, Parent: None, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
ID: 148, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 149, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of Prince Edward Island
ID: 150, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of Nova Scotia
ID: 151, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of New Brunswick
ID: 152, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of Québec
ID: 153, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of Ontario
ID: 154, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of Manitoba
ID: 155, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of Saskatchewan
ID: 156, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of Alberta
ID: 157, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of British Columbia
ID: 158, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of Northwest Territories
ID: 159, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of Yukon Territory
ID: 160, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of Nunavut
ID: 161, Parent: None, Name: Other Non-Residents
Filing method:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Paper
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Netfile
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Efile
Major source of income:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Employment
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Investment
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Pension
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Self-employment
ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Multiple sources of income
ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: No income
ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Other sources of income
Income range:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Less than $25,000
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Between $25,000 and $49,999
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Between $50,000 and $99,999
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: $100,000 and Above
Complexity of T1 return:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Simple
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Complex |
D11100047 | Summary characteristics of Canadian tax filers (preliminary T1 Family File) | Title: Summary characteristics of Canadian tax filers (preliminary T1 Family File)
Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Canadian tax filers
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Financial Data and Charitable Donations, Preliminary T1 Family File
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island
ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia
ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia
ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia
ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick
ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick
ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick
ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick
ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick
ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part
ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick
ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part
ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec
ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec
ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec
ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec
ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec
ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec
ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec
ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec
ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec
ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec
ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec
ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec
ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec
ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec
ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec
ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec
ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec
ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec
ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec
ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec
ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec
ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec
ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec
ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec
ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec
ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec
ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part
ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part
ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario
ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part
ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part
ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario
ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario
ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario
ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario
ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario
ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario
ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario
ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario
ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario
ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario
ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario
ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario
ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario
ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario
ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario
ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario
ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario
ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario
ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario
ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario
ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario
ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario
ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario
ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario
ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario
ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario
ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario
ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario
ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario
ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario
ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario
ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario
ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario
ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario
ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario
ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario
ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario
ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario
ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
ID: 27, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario
ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario
ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario
ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 189, Parent: 28, Name: Winkler, Manitoba
ID: 179, Parent: 28, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba
ID: 123, Parent: 28, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
ID: 124, Parent: 28, Name: Brandon, Manitoba
ID: 125, Parent: 28, Name: Thompson, Manitoba
ID: 126, Parent: 28, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba
ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan
ID: 127, Parent: 30, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan
ID: 128, Parent: 30, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
ID: 129, Parent: 30, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan
ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ID: 130, Parent: 30, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan
ID: 131, Parent: 30, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
ID: 132, Parent: 30, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan
ID: 190, Parent: 30, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan
ID: 133, Parent: 30, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part
ID: 134, Parent: 30, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan
ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 135, Parent: 33, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta
ID: 136, Parent: 33, Name: Brooks, Alberta
ID: 137, Parent: 33, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta
ID: 138, Parent: 33, Name: Okotoks, Alberta
ID: 180, Parent: 33, Name: High River, Alberta
ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 181, Parent: 33, Name: Strathmore, Alberta
ID: 139, Parent: 33, Name: Canmore, Alberta
ID: 140, Parent: 33, Name: Red Deer, Alberta
ID: 182, Parent: 33, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta
ID: 183, Parent: 33, Name: Lacombe, Alberta
ID: 141, Parent: 33, Name: Camrose, Alberta
ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 142, Parent: 33, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part
ID: 143, Parent: 33, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta
ID: 144, Parent: 33, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta
ID: 145, Parent: 33, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta
ID: 146, Parent: 33, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta
ID: 147, Parent: 33, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta
ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 148, Parent: 36, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia
ID: 191, Parent: 36, Name: Nelson, British Columbia
ID: 149, Parent: 36, Name: Penticton, British Columbia
ID: 48, Parent: 36, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia
ID: 150, Parent: 36, Name: Vernon, British Columbia
ID: 151, Parent: 36, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia
ID: 152, Parent: 36, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia
ID: 153, Parent: 36, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia
ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia
ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 154, Parent: 36, Name: Squamish, British Columbia
ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 155, Parent: 36, Name: Duncan, British Columbia
ID: 156, Parent: 36, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia
ID: 157, Parent: 36, Name: Parksville, British Columbia
ID: 158, Parent: 36, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia
ID: 159, Parent: 36, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia
ID: 160, Parent: 36, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia
ID: 161, Parent: 36, Name: Powell River, British Columbia
ID: 162, Parent: 36, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia
ID: 163, Parent: 36, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia
ID: 164, Parent: 36, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia
ID: 165, Parent: 36, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia
ID: 166, Parent: 36, Name: Terrace, British Columbia
ID: 167, Parent: 36, Name: Prince George, British Columbia
ID: 168, Parent: 36, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia
ID: 169, Parent: 36, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia
ID: 170, Parent: 36, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia
ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon
ID: 171, Parent: 40, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon
ID: 172, Parent: 40, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon
ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 173, Parent: 41, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
ID: 174, Parent: 41, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories
ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut
ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined New Brunswick/Quebec
ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan
Canadian tax filers:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers reporting in French
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Average age of tax filers
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers aged 0 to 24 years
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers aged 25 to 34 years
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers aged 35 to 44 years
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers aged 45 to 54 years
ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers aged 55 to 64 years
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers aged 65 years and over
ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Total income of tax filers
ID: 11, Parent: 10, Name: Median employment income of tax filers
ID: 12, Parent: 10, Name: 75th percentile employment income of tax filers
ID: 13, Parent: 10, Name: Median total income of tax filers
ID: 14, Parent: 10, Name: 75th percentile total income of tax filers
ID: 15, Parent: 10, Name: Percentage of tax filers with total income of less than $20,000
ID: 16, Parent: 10, Name: Percentage of tax filers with total income between $20,000 and $39,999
ID: 17, Parent: 10, Name: Percentage of tax filers with total income between $40,000 and $59,999
ID: 18, Parent: 10, Name: Percentage of tax filers with total income between $60,000 and $79,999
ID: 19, Parent: 10, Name: Percentage of tax filers with total income of $80,000 or more
ID: 20, Parent: 10, Name: Percentage of aggregate total income reported by tax filers with total income of less than $20,000
ID: 21, Parent: 10, Name: Percentage of aggregate total income reported by tax filers with total income between $20,000 and $39,999
ID: 22, Parent: 10, Name: Percentage of aggregate total income reported by tax filers with total income between $40,000 and $59,999
ID: 23, Parent: 10, Name: Percentage of aggregate total income reported by tax filers with total income between $60,000 and $79,999
ID: 24, Parent: 10, Name: Percentage of aggregate total income reported by tax filers with total income of $80,000 or more |
D11100048 | Canadian capital gains, by characteristics of tax filers with capital gains, inactive | Title: Canadian capital gains, by characteristics of tax filers with capital gains, inactive
Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2016-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Characteristics of tax filers with capital gains
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Financial Data and Charitable Donations, Preliminary T1 Family File
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island
ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia
ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia
ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia
ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick
ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick
ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick
ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick
ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick
ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part
ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick
ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part
ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec
ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec
ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec
ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec
ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec
ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec
ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec
ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec
ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec
ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec
ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec
ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec
ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec
ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec
ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec
ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec
ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec
ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec
ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec
ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec
ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec
ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec
ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec
ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec
ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec
ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec
ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part
ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part
ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario
ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part
ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part
ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario
ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario
ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario
ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario
ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario
ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario
ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario
ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario
ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario
ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario
ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario
ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario
ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario
ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario
ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario
ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario
ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario
ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario
ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario
ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario
ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario
ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario
ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario
ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario
ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario
ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario
ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario
ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario
ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario
ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario
ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario
ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario
ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario
ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario
ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario
ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario
ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario
ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario
ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
ID: 27, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario
ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario
ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario
ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 189, Parent: 28, Name: Winkler, Manitoba
ID: 179, Parent: 28, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba
ID: 123, Parent: 28, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
ID: 124, Parent: 28, Name: Brandon, Manitoba
ID: 125, Parent: 28, Name: Thompson, Manitoba
ID: 126, Parent: 28, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba
ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan
ID: 127, Parent: 30, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan
ID: 128, Parent: 30, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
ID: 129, Parent: 30, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan
ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ID: 130, Parent: 30, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan
ID: 131, Parent: 30, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
ID: 132, Parent: 30, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan
ID: 190, Parent: 30, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan
ID: 133, Parent: 30, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part
ID: 134, Parent: 30, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan
ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 135, Parent: 33, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta
ID: 136, Parent: 33, Name: Brooks, Alberta
ID: 137, Parent: 33, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta
ID: 138, Parent: 33, Name: Okotoks, Alberta
ID: 180, Parent: 33, Name: High River, Alberta
ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 181, Parent: 33, Name: Strathmore, Alberta
ID: 139, Parent: 33, Name: Canmore, Alberta
ID: 140, Parent: 33, Name: Red Deer, Alberta
ID: 182, Parent: 33, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta
ID: 183, Parent: 33, Name: Lacombe, Alberta
ID: 141, Parent: 33, Name: Camrose, Alberta
ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 142, Parent: 33, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part
ID: 143, Parent: 33, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta
ID: 144, Parent: 33, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta
ID: 145, Parent: 33, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta
ID: 146, Parent: 33, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta
ID: 147, Parent: 33, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta
ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 148, Parent: 36, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia
ID: 191, Parent: 36, Name: Nelson, British Columbia
ID: 149, Parent: 36, Name: Penticton, British Columbia
ID: 48, Parent: 36, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia
ID: 150, Parent: 36, Name: Vernon, British Columbia
ID: 151, Parent: 36, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia
ID: 152, Parent: 36, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia
ID: 153, Parent: 36, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia
ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia
ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 154, Parent: 36, Name: Squamish, British Columbia
ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 155, Parent: 36, Name: Duncan, British Columbia
ID: 156, Parent: 36, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia
ID: 157, Parent: 36, Name: Parksville, British Columbia
ID: 158, Parent: 36, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia
ID: 159, Parent: 36, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia
ID: 160, Parent: 36, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia
ID: 161, Parent: 36, Name: Powell River, British Columbia
ID: 162, Parent: 36, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia
ID: 163, Parent: 36, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia
ID: 164, Parent: 36, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia
ID: 165, Parent: 36, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia
ID: 166, Parent: 36, Name: Terrace, British Columbia
ID: 167, Parent: 36, Name: Prince George, British Columbia
ID: 168, Parent: 36, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia
ID: 169, Parent: 36, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia
ID: 170, Parent: 36, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia
ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon
ID: 171, Parent: 40, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon
ID: 172, Parent: 40, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon
ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 173, Parent: 41, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
ID: 174, Parent: 41, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories
ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut
ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined New Brunswick/Quebec
ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan
Characteristics of tax filers with capital gains:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total tax filers with capital gains
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers with capital gains with total income of less than $20,000
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers with capital gains with total income between $20,000 and $39,999
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers with capital gains with total income between $40,000 and $59,999
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers with capital gains with total income between $60,000 and $79,999
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Percentage of tax filers with capital gains with total income of $80,000 or more
ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Total capital gains of tax filers with capital gains
ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Percentage of capital gains, tax filers with total income of less than $20,000
ID: 9, Parent: 7, Name: Percentage of capital gains, tax filers with total income between $20,000 and $39,999
ID: 10, Parent: 7, Name: Percentage of capital gains, tax filers with total income between $40,000 and $59,999
ID: 11, Parent: 7, Name: Percentage of capital gains, tax filers with total income between $60,000 and $79,999
ID: 12, Parent: 7, Name: Percentage of capital gains, tax filers with total income of $80,000 or more |
D11100049 | Assets and debts by net worth quintile, Canada, provinces and selected census metropolitan areas, Survey of Financial Security | Title: Assets and debts by net worth quintile, Canada, provinces and selected census metropolitan areas, Survey of Financial Security
Date range: 1999-01-01 to 2019-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Assets and debts, Net worth quintiles, Statistics, Confidence intervals
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Survey of Financial Security
Frequency: Occasional
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Atlantic
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Prairies
ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Manitoba
ID: 15, Parent: 12, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 16, Parent: 12, Name: Alberta
ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 21, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario/Québec
ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 20, Parent: 1, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
Assets and debts:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total assets
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Private pension assets
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs), Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIFs), Locked-in Retirement Accounts (LIRAs) and other
ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Employer-sponsored Registered Pension Plans (EPPs)
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Financial assets, non-pension
ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Deposits in financial institutions
ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Mutual funds, investment funds and income trusts
ID: 8, Parent: 5, Name: Stocks
ID: 9, Parent: 5, Name: Bonds (saving and other)
ID: 10, Parent: 5, Name: Tax Free Saving Accounts (TFSA)
ID: 11, Parent: 5, Name: Other financial assets
ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Non-financial assets
ID: 28, Parent: 12, Name: Real estate
ID: 13, Parent: 28, Name: Principal residence
ID: 14, Parent: 28, Name: Other real estate
ID: 29, Parent: 12, Name: Vehicles and other non-financial assets
ID: 15, Parent: 29, Name: Vehicles
ID: 16, Parent: 29, Name: Other non-financial assets
ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Equity in business
ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Total debt
ID: 19, Parent: 18, Name: Mortgage debt
ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Mortgage on principal residence
ID: 21, Parent: 19, Name: Mortgage on other real estate
ID: 30, Parent: 18, Name: Non-mortgage debt
ID: 22, Parent: 30, Name: Line of credit
ID: 23, Parent: 30, Name: Credit card and installment debt
ID: 24, Parent: 30, Name: Student loans
ID: 25, Parent: 30, Name: Vehicle loans
ID: 26, Parent: 30, Name: Other debt
ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Net worth (total assets less total debt)
Net worth quintiles:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, all net worth quintiles
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Lowest net worth quintile
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Second net worth quintile
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Middle net worth quintile
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Fourth net worth quintile
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Highest net worth quintile
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total values
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of total assets or total debts
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Number holding asset or debt
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Percentage holding asset or debt
ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Median value for those holding asset or debt
ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Average value for those holding asset or debt
Confidence intervals:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Estimate
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Lower bound of a 95% confidence interval
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Upper bound of a 95% confidence interval |
D11100050 | Tax filers and dependants with income by after-tax income, sex and age | Title: Tax filers and dependants with income by after-tax income, sex and age
Date range: 2003-01-01 to 2019-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Sex, Age group, Persons with after-tax income
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File)
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island
ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia
ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia
ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia
ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick
ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick
ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick
ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick
ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick
ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part
ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick
ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part
ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec
ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec
ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec
ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec
ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec
ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec
ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec
ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec
ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec
ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec
ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec
ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec
ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec
ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec
ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec
ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec
ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec
ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec
ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec
ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec
ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec
ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec
ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec
ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec
ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec
ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec
ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part
ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part
ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario
ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part
ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part
ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario
ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario
ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario
ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario
ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario
ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario
ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario
ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario
ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario
ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario
ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario
ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario
ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario
ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario
ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario
ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario
ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario
ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario
ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario
ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario
ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario
ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario
ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario
ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario
ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario
ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario
ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario
ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario
ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario
ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario
ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario
ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario
ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario
ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario
ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario
ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario
ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario
ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario
ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
ID: 27, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario
ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario
ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario
ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 189, Parent: 28, Name: Winkler, Manitoba
ID: 179, Parent: 28, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba
ID: 123, Parent: 28, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
ID: 124, Parent: 28, Name: Brandon, Manitoba
ID: 125, Parent: 28, Name: Thompson, Manitoba
ID: 126, Parent: 28, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba
ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan
ID: 127, Parent: 30, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan
ID: 128, Parent: 30, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
ID: 129, Parent: 30, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan
ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ID: 130, Parent: 30, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan
ID: 131, Parent: 30, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
ID: 132, Parent: 30, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan
ID: 190, Parent: 30, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan
ID: 133, Parent: 30, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part
ID: 134, Parent: 30, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan
ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 135, Parent: 33, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta
ID: 136, Parent: 33, Name: Brooks, Alberta
ID: 137, Parent: 33, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta
ID: 138, Parent: 33, Name: Okotoks, Alberta
ID: 180, Parent: 33, Name: High River, Alberta
ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 181, Parent: 33, Name: Strathmore, Alberta
ID: 139, Parent: 33, Name: Canmore, Alberta
ID: 140, Parent: 33, Name: Red Deer, Alberta
ID: 182, Parent: 33, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta
ID: 183, Parent: 33, Name: Lacombe, Alberta
ID: 141, Parent: 33, Name: Camrose, Alberta
ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 142, Parent: 33, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part
ID: 143, Parent: 33, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta
ID: 144, Parent: 33, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta
ID: 145, Parent: 33, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta
ID: 146, Parent: 33, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta
ID: 147, Parent: 33, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta
ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 148, Parent: 36, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia
ID: 191, Parent: 36, Name: Nelson, British Columbia
ID: 149, Parent: 36, Name: Penticton, British Columbia
ID: 48, Parent: 36, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia
ID: 150, Parent: 36, Name: Vernon, British Columbia
ID: 151, Parent: 36, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia
ID: 152, Parent: 36, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia
ID: 153, Parent: 36, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia
ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia
ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 154, Parent: 36, Name: Squamish, British Columbia
ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 155, Parent: 36, Name: Duncan, British Columbia
ID: 156, Parent: 36, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia
ID: 157, Parent: 36, Name: Parksville, British Columbia
ID: 158, Parent: 36, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia
ID: 159, Parent: 36, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia
ID: 160, Parent: 36, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia
ID: 161, Parent: 36, Name: Powell River, British Columbia
ID: 162, Parent: 36, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia
ID: 163, Parent: 36, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia
ID: 164, Parent: 36, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia
ID: 165, Parent: 36, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia
ID: 166, Parent: 36, Name: Terrace, British Columbia
ID: 167, Parent: 36, Name: Prince George, British Columbia
ID: 168, Parent: 36, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia
ID: 169, Parent: 36, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia
ID: 170, Parent: 36, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia
ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon
ID: 171, Parent: 40, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon
ID: 172, Parent: 40, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon
ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 173, Parent: 41, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
ID: 174, Parent: 41, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories
ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut
ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined New Brunswick/Quebec
ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Both sexes
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Males
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Females
Age group:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All age groups
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: 0 to 24 years
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: 25 to 34 years
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: 35 to 44 years
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: 45 to 54 years
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: 55 to 64 years
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: 65 years and over
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: 65 to 74 years
ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: 75 years and over
Persons with after-tax income:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total persons with after-tax income
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with after-tax income under $5,000
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with after-tax income of $5,000 and over
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with after-tax income of $10,000 and over
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with after-tax income of $15,000 and over
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with after-tax income of $20,000 and over
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with after-tax income of $25,000 and over
ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with after-tax income of $35,000 and over
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with after-tax income of $50,000 and over
ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with after-tax income of $75,000 and over
ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with after-tax income of $100,000 and over
ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with after-tax income of $150,000 and over
ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with after-tax income of $200,000 and over
ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Persons with after-tax income of $250,000 and over
ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Median after-tax income
ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: 5-year percent change of median after-tax income |
D11100051 | Tax filers and dependants with income by total income, income taxes paid and after-tax income, sex and age | Title: Tax filers and dependants with income by total income, income taxes paid and after-tax income, sex and age
Date range: 2007-01-01 to 2019-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Sex, Age group, Individuals and income, Income and Income Taxes
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File)
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island
ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia
ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia
ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia
ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick
ID: 9, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick
ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick
ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick
ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick
ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part
ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick
ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick
ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 67, Parent: 10, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part
ID: 68, Parent: 10, Name: Matane, Quebec
ID: 69, Parent: 10, Name: Rimouski, Quebec
ID: 70, Parent: 10, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec
ID: 71, Parent: 10, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec
ID: 11, Parent: 10, Name: Saguenay, Quebec
ID: 72, Parent: 10, Name: Alma, Quebec
ID: 73, Parent: 10, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec
ID: 74, Parent: 10, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec
ID: 12, Parent: 10, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 185, Parent: 10, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec
ID: 75, Parent: 10, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec
ID: 76, Parent: 10, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec
ID: 13, Parent: 10, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec
ID: 77, Parent: 10, Name: Cowansville, Quebec
ID: 78, Parent: 10, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec
ID: 14, Parent: 10, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec
ID: 79, Parent: 10, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec
ID: 80, Parent: 10, Name: La Tuque, Quebec
ID: 81, Parent: 10, Name: Drummondville, Quebec
ID: 82, Parent: 10, Name: Granby, Quebec
ID: 83, Parent: 10, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec
ID: 84, Parent: 10, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec
ID: 85, Parent: 10, Name: Joliette, Quebec
ID: 86, Parent: 10, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec
ID: 15, Parent: 10, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 87, Parent: 10, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec
ID: 88, Parent: 10, Name: Lachute, Quebec
ID: 89, Parent: 10, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec
ID: 90, Parent: 10, Name: Amos, Quebec
ID: 91, Parent: 10, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec
ID: 92, Parent: 10, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part
ID: 16, Parent: 10, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part
ID: 93, Parent: 10, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec
ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 94, Parent: 17, Name: Cornwall, Ontario
ID: 95, Parent: 17, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part
ID: 18, Parent: 17, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part
ID: 186, Parent: 17, Name: Arnprior, Ontario
ID: 187, Parent: 17, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario
ID: 96, Parent: 17, Name: Brockville, Ontario
ID: 97, Parent: 17, Name: Pembroke, Ontario
ID: 98, Parent: 17, Name: Petawawa, Ontario
ID: 19, Parent: 17, Name: Kingston, Ontario
ID: 99, Parent: 17, Name: Belleville, Ontario
ID: 100, Parent: 17, Name: Cobourg, Ontario
ID: 101, Parent: 17, Name: Port Hope, Ontario
ID: 20, Parent: 17, Name: Peterborough, Ontario
ID: 102, Parent: 17, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
ID: 103, Parent: 17, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario
ID: 21, Parent: 17, Name: Oshawa, Ontario
ID: 104, Parent: 17, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario
ID: 22, Parent: 17, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 23, Parent: 17, Name: Hamilton, Ontario
ID: 24, Parent: 17, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario
ID: 25, Parent: 17, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario
ID: 26, Parent: 17, Name: Brantford, Ontario
ID: 105, Parent: 17, Name: Woodstock, Ontario
ID: 106, Parent: 17, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario
ID: 107, Parent: 17, Name: Norfolk, Ontario
ID: 27, Parent: 17, Name: Guelph, Ontario
ID: 108, Parent: 17, Name: Stratford, Ontario
ID: 28, Parent: 17, Name: London, Ontario
ID: 109, Parent: 17, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario
ID: 110, Parent: 17, Name: Leamington, Ontario
ID: 29, Parent: 17, Name: Windsor, Ontario
ID: 111, Parent: 17, Name: Sarnia, Ontario
ID: 188, Parent: 17, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario
ID: 112, Parent: 17, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario
ID: 113, Parent: 17, Name: Collingwood , Ontario
ID: 30, Parent: 17, Name: Barrie, Ontario
ID: 114, Parent: 17, Name: Orillia, Ontario
ID: 115, Parent: 17, Name: Midland, Ontario
ID: 116, Parent: 17, Name: North Bay, Ontario
ID: 31, Parent: 17, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario
ID: 117, Parent: 17, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario
ID: 118, Parent: 17, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario
ID: 119, Parent: 17, Name: Timmins, Ontario
ID: 120, Parent: 17, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
ID: 32, Parent: 17, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario
ID: 121, Parent: 17, Name: Kenora, Ontario
ID: 122, Parent: 17, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario
ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 189, Parent: 33, Name: Winkler, Manitoba
ID: 179, Parent: 33, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba
ID: 123, Parent: 33, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
ID: 124, Parent: 33, Name: Brandon, Manitoba
ID: 125, Parent: 33, Name: Thompson, Manitoba
ID: 126, Parent: 33, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba
ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan
ID: 127, Parent: 35, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan
ID: 128, Parent: 35, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
ID: 129, Parent: 35, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan
ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ID: 130, Parent: 35, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan
ID: 131, Parent: 35, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
ID: 132, Parent: 35, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan
ID: 190, Parent: 35, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan
ID: 133, Parent: 35, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part
ID: 134, Parent: 35, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan
ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 135, Parent: 38, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta
ID: 136, Parent: 38, Name: Brooks, Alberta
ID: 137, Parent: 38, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta
ID: 138, Parent: 38, Name: Okotoks, Alberta
ID: 180, Parent: 38, Name: High River, Alberta
ID: 39, Parent: 38, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 181, Parent: 38, Name: Strathmore, Alberta
ID: 139, Parent: 38, Name: Canmore, Alberta
ID: 140, Parent: 38, Name: Red Deer, Alberta
ID: 182, Parent: 38, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta
ID: 183, Parent: 38, Name: Lacombe, Alberta
ID: 141, Parent: 38, Name: Camrose, Alberta
ID: 40, Parent: 38, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 142, Parent: 38, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part
ID: 143, Parent: 38, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta
ID: 144, Parent: 38, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta
ID: 145, Parent: 38, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta
ID: 146, Parent: 38, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta
ID: 147, Parent: 38, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta
ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 148, Parent: 41, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia
ID: 191, Parent: 41, Name: Nelson, British Columbia
ID: 149, Parent: 41, Name: Penticton, British Columbia
ID: 42, Parent: 41, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia
ID: 150, Parent: 41, Name: Vernon, British Columbia
ID: 151, Parent: 41, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia
ID: 152, Parent: 41, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia
ID: 153, Parent: 41, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia
ID: 43, Parent: 41, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia
ID: 44, Parent: 41, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 154, Parent: 41, Name: Squamish, British Columbia
ID: 45, Parent: 41, Name: Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 155, Parent: 41, Name: Duncan, British Columbia
ID: 156, Parent: 41, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia
ID: 157, Parent: 41, Name: Parksville, British Columbia
ID: 158, Parent: 41, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia
ID: 159, Parent: 41, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia
ID: 160, Parent: 41, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia
ID: 161, Parent: 41, Name: Powell River, British Columbia
ID: 162, Parent: 41, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia
ID: 163, Parent: 41, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia
ID: 164, Parent: 41, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia
ID: 165, Parent: 41, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia
ID: 166, Parent: 41, Name: Terrace, British Columbia
ID: 167, Parent: 41, Name: Prince George, British Columbia
ID: 168, Parent: 41, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia
ID: 169, Parent: 41, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia
ID: 170, Parent: 41, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia
ID: 46, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon
ID: 171, Parent: 46, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon
ID: 172, Parent: 46, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon
ID: 47, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 173, Parent: 47, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
ID: 174, Parent: 47, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories
ID: 48, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut
ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined New Brunswick/Quebec
ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Both sexes
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Males
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Females
Age group:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All age groups
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: 0 to 24 years
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: 25 to 34 years
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: 35 to 44 years
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: 45 to 54 years
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: 55 to 64 years
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: 65 years and over
Individuals and income:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers and dependants
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Amount of income (Dollars)
Income and Income Taxes:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Before-tax income
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Income taxes paid
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: After-tax income |
D11100052 | Individual statistics by tax filing method for all returns filed, demographic characteristics, 2014 tax year, Canada Revenue Agency | Title: Individual statistics by tax filing method for all returns filed, demographic characteristics, 2014 tax year, Canada Revenue Agency
Date range: 2014-01-01 to 2014-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Filing method, Marital status, Child status, Age group
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Canada Revenue Agency
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island
ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia
ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia
ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia
ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick
ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick
ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick
ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick
ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick
ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick
ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick
ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Matane, Quebec
ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Rimouski, Quebec
ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Rivière-du-Loup, Quebec
ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec
ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Saguenay, Quebec
ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: Alma, Quebec
ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec
ID: 26, Parent: None, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec
ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 28, Parent: None, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec
ID: 29, Parent: None, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec
ID: 30, Parent: None, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec
ID: 31, Parent: None, Name: Cowansville, Quebec
ID: 32, Parent: None, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec
ID: 33, Parent: None, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec
ID: 34, Parent: None, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec
ID: 35, Parent: None, Name: Drummondville, Quebec
ID: 36, Parent: None, Name: Granby, Quebec
ID: 37, Parent: None, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec
ID: 38, Parent: None, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec
ID: 39, Parent: None, Name: Joliette, Quebec
ID: 40, Parent: None, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec
ID: 41, Parent: None, Name: Montreal, Quebec
ID: 42, Parent: None, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec
ID: 43, Parent: None, Name: Lachute, Quebec
ID: 44, Parent: None, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec
ID: 45, Parent: None, Name: Amos, Quebec
ID: 46, Parent: None, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec
ID: 47, Parent: None, Name: Cornwall, Ontario
ID: 48, Parent: None, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario/Quebec
ID: 49, Parent: None, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario/Quebec
ID: 50, Parent: None, Name: Brockville, Ontario
ID: 51, Parent: None, Name: Pembroke, Ontario
ID: 52, Parent: None, Name: Petawawa, Ontario
ID: 53, Parent: None, Name: Kingston, Ontario
ID: 54, Parent: None, Name: Belleville, Ontario
ID: 55, Parent: None, Name: Cobourg, Ontario
ID: 56, Parent: None, Name: Port Hope, Ontario
ID: 57, Parent: None, Name: Peterborough, Ontario
ID: 58, Parent: None, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
ID: 59, Parent: None, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario
ID: 60, Parent: None, Name: Oshawa, Ontario
ID: 61, Parent: None, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario
ID: 62, Parent: None, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 63, Parent: None, Name: Hamilton, Ontario
ID: 64, Parent: None, Name: St. Catherines-Niagara, Ontario
ID: 65, Parent: None, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario
ID: 66, Parent: None, Name: Brantford, Ontario
ID: 67, Parent: None, Name: Woodstock, Ontario
ID: 68, Parent: None, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario
ID: 69, Parent: None, Name: Norfolk, Ontario
ID: 70, Parent: None, Name: Guelph, Ontario
ID: 71, Parent: None, Name: Stratford, Ontario
ID: 72, Parent: None, Name: London, Ontario
ID: 73, Parent: None, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario
ID: 74, Parent: None, Name: Leamington, Ontario
ID: 75, Parent: None, Name: Windsor, Ontario
ID: 76, Parent: None, Name: Sarnia, Ontario
ID: 77, Parent: None, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario
ID: 78, Parent: None, Name: Collingwood, Ontario
ID: 79, Parent: None, Name: Barrie, Ontario
ID: 80, Parent: None, Name: Orillia, Ontario
ID: 81, Parent: None, Name: Midland, Ontario
ID: 82, Parent: None, Name: North Bay, Ontario
ID: 83, Parent: None, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario
ID: 84, Parent: None, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario
ID: 85, Parent: None, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario
ID: 86, Parent: None, Name: Timmins, Ontario
ID: 87, Parent: None, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
ID: 88, Parent: None, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario
ID: 89, Parent: None, Name: Kenora, Ontario
ID: 90, Parent: None, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 91, Parent: None, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba
ID: 92, Parent: None, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
ID: 93, Parent: None, Name: Brandon, Manitoba
ID: 94, Parent: None, Name: Thompson, Manitoba
ID: 95, Parent: None, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan
ID: 96, Parent: None, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan
ID: 97, Parent: None, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
ID: 98, Parent: None, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan
ID: 99, Parent: None, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ID: 100, Parent: None, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan
ID: 101, Parent: None, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
ID: 102, Parent: None, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan
ID: 103, Parent: None, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta
ID: 104, Parent: None, Name: Brooks, Alberta
ID: 105, Parent: None, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta
ID: 106, Parent: None, Name: Okotoks, Alberta
ID: 107, Parent: None, Name: High River, Alberta
ID: 108, Parent: None, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 109, Parent: None, Name: Strathmore, Alberta
ID: 110, Parent: None, Name: Canmore, Alberta
ID: 111, Parent: None, Name: Red Deer, Alberta
ID: 112, Parent: None, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta
ID: 113, Parent: None, Name: Lacombe, Alberta
ID: 114, Parent: None, Name: Camrose, Alberta
ID: 115, Parent: None, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 116, Parent: None, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan/Alberta
ID: 117, Parent: None, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta
ID: 118, Parent: None, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta
ID: 119, Parent: None, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta
ID: 120, Parent: None, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta
ID: 121, Parent: None, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia
ID: 122, Parent: None, Name: Penticton, British Columbia
ID: 123, Parent: None, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia
ID: 124, Parent: None, Name: Vernon, British Columbia
ID: 125, Parent: None, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia
ID: 126, Parent: None, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia
ID: 127, Parent: None, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia
ID: 128, Parent: None, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia
ID: 129, Parent: None, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 130, Parent: None, Name: Squamish, British Columbia
ID: 131, Parent: None, Name: Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 132, Parent: None, Name: Duncan, British Columbia
ID: 133, Parent: None, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia
ID: 134, Parent: None, Name: Parksville, British Columbia
ID: 135, Parent: None, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia
ID: 136, Parent: None, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia
ID: 137, Parent: None, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia
ID: 138, Parent: None, Name: Powell River, British Columbia
ID: 139, Parent: None, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia
ID: 140, Parent: None, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia
ID: 141, Parent: None, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia
ID: 142, Parent: None, Name: Terrace, British Columbia
ID: 143, Parent: None, Name: Prince George, British Columbia
ID: 144, Parent: None, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia
ID: 145, Parent: None, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia
ID: 146, Parent: None, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon
ID: 147, Parent: None, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
ID: 148, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 149, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of Prince Edward Island
ID: 150, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of Nova Scotia
ID: 151, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of New Brunswick
ID: 152, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of Québec
ID: 153, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of Ontario
ID: 154, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of Manitoba
ID: 155, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of Saskatchewan
ID: 156, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of Alberta
ID: 157, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of British Columbia
ID: 158, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of Northwest Territories
ID: 159, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of Yukon Territory
ID: 160, Parent: None, Name: Other regions of Nunavut
ID: 161, Parent: None, Name: Other Non-Residents
Filing method:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Paper
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Netfile
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Efile
Marital status:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Married or living common-law
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Single, divorced, separated or widowed
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Unstated
Child status:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: No children declared
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: With children declared
Age group:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: 18 and under
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: 19 to 25 years
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: 26 to 64 years
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: 65 and over |
D11100053 | Sources of income of senior census families by family type and age of older partner, parent or individual | Title: Sources of income of senior census families by family type and age of older partner, parent or individual
Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2019-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Family type, Age of oldest individual, Family type characteristics, Source of income
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Annual Income Estimates for Census Families and Individuals (T1 Family File)
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 49, Parent: 2, Name: Bay Roberts, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 50, Parent: 2, Name: Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 184, Parent: 2, Name: Gander, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 52, Parent: 2, Name: Non CMA-CA, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 53, Parent: 4, Name: Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island
ID: 54, Parent: 4, Name: Summerside, Prince Edward Island
ID: 55, Parent: 4, Name: Non CMA-CA, Prince Edward Island
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia
ID: 56, Parent: 5, Name: Kentville, Nova Scotia
ID: 57, Parent: 5, Name: Truro, Nova Scotia
ID: 58, Parent: 5, Name: New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
ID: 59, Parent: 5, Name: Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
ID: 60, Parent: 5, Name: Non CMA-CA, Nova Scotia
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 43, Parent: 7, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick
ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick
ID: 61, Parent: 7, Name: Fredericton, New Brunswick
ID: 62, Parent: 7, Name: Bathurst, New Brunswick
ID: 63, Parent: 7, Name: Miramichi, New Brunswick
ID: 64, Parent: 7, Name: Campbellton, New Brunswick part
ID: 65, Parent: 7, Name: Edmundston, New Brunswick
ID: 66, Parent: 7, Name: Non CMA-CA, New Brunswick
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 67, Parent: 9, Name: Campbellton, Quebec part
ID: 68, Parent: 9, Name: Matane, Quebec
ID: 69, Parent: 9, Name: Rimouski, Quebec
ID: 70, Parent: 9, Name: Rivière-du-loup, Quebec
ID: 71, Parent: 9, Name: Baie-Comeau, Quebec
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Saguenay, Quebec
ID: 72, Parent: 9, Name: Alma, Quebec
ID: 73, Parent: 9, Name: Dolbeau-Mistassini, Quebec
ID: 74, Parent: 9, Name: Sept-Îles, Quebec
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 185, Parent: 9, Name: Sainte-Marie, Quebec
ID: 75, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Georges, Quebec
ID: 76, Parent: 9, Name: Thetford Mines, Quebec
ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec
ID: 77, Parent: 9, Name: Cowansville, Quebec
ID: 78, Parent: 9, Name: Victoriaville, Quebec
ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec
ID: 79, Parent: 9, Name: Shawinigan, Quebec
ID: 80, Parent: 9, Name: La Tuque, Quebec
ID: 81, Parent: 9, Name: Drummondville, Quebec
ID: 82, Parent: 9, Name: Granby, Quebec
ID: 83, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec
ID: 84, Parent: 9, Name: Sorel-Tracy, Quebec
ID: 85, Parent: 9, Name: Joliette, Quebec
ID: 86, Parent: 9, Name: Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec
ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 87, Parent: 9, Name: Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Quebec
ID: 88, Parent: 9, Name: Lachute, Quebec
ID: 89, Parent: 9, Name: Val-d'Or, Quebec
ID: 90, Parent: 9, Name: Amos, Quebec
ID: 91, Parent: 9, Name: Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec
ID: 92, Parent: 9, Name: Hawkesbury, Quebec part
ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part
ID: 93, Parent: 9, Name: Non CMA-CA, Quebec
ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 94, Parent: 16, Name: Cornwall, Ontario
ID: 95, Parent: 16, Name: Hawkesbury, Ontario part
ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part
ID: 186, Parent: 16, Name: Arnprior, Ontario
ID: 187, Parent: 16, Name: Carleton Place, Ontario
ID: 96, Parent: 16, Name: Brockville, Ontario
ID: 97, Parent: 16, Name: Pembroke, Ontario
ID: 98, Parent: 16, Name: Petawawa, Ontario
ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Kingston, Ontario
ID: 99, Parent: 16, Name: Belleville, Ontario
ID: 100, Parent: 16, Name: Cobourg, Ontario
ID: 101, Parent: 16, Name: Port Hope, Ontario
ID: 44, Parent: 16, Name: Peterborough, Ontario
ID: 102, Parent: 16, Name: Kawartha Lakes, Ontario
ID: 103, Parent: 16, Name: Centre Wellington, Ontario
ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Oshawa, Ontario
ID: 104, Parent: 16, Name: Ingersoll, Ontario
ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: Hamilton, Ontario
ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario
ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario
ID: 45, Parent: 16, Name: Brantford, Ontario
ID: 105, Parent: 16, Name: Woodstock, Ontario
ID: 106, Parent: 16, Name: Tillsonburg, Ontario
ID: 107, Parent: 16, Name: Norfolk, Ontario
ID: 46, Parent: 16, Name: Guelph, Ontario
ID: 108, Parent: 16, Name: Stratford, Ontario
ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: London, Ontario
ID: 109, Parent: 16, Name: Chatham-Kent, Ontario
ID: 110, Parent: 16, Name: Leamington, Ontario
ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Windsor, Ontario
ID: 111, Parent: 16, Name: Sarnia, Ontario
ID: 188, Parent: 16, Name: Wasaga Beach, Ontario
ID: 112, Parent: 16, Name: Owen Sound, Ontario
ID: 113, Parent: 16, Name: Collingwood , Ontario
ID: 47, Parent: 16, Name: Barrie, Ontario
ID: 114, Parent: 16, Name: Orillia, Ontario
ID: 115, Parent: 16, Name: Midland, Ontario
ID: 116, Parent: 16, Name: North Bay, Ontario
ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario
ID: 117, Parent: 16, Name: Elliot Lake, Ontario
ID: 118, Parent: 16, Name: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario
ID: 119, Parent: 16, Name: Timmins, Ontario
ID: 120, Parent: 16, Name: Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
ID: 27, Parent: 16, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario
ID: 121, Parent: 16, Name: Kenora, Ontario
ID: 122, Parent: 16, Name: Non CMA-CA, Ontario
ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 189, Parent: 28, Name: Winkler, Manitoba
ID: 179, Parent: 28, Name: Steinbach, Manitoba
ID: 123, Parent: 28, Name: Portage la Prairie, Manitoba
ID: 124, Parent: 28, Name: Brandon, Manitoba
ID: 125, Parent: 28, Name: Thompson, Manitoba
ID: 126, Parent: 28, Name: Non CMA-CA, Manitoba
ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan
ID: 127, Parent: 30, Name: Yorkton, Saskatchewan
ID: 128, Parent: 30, Name: Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
ID: 129, Parent: 30, Name: Swift Current, Saskatchewan
ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ID: 130, Parent: 30, Name: North Battleford, Saskatchewan
ID: 131, Parent: 30, Name: Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
ID: 132, Parent: 30, Name: Estevan, Saskatchewan
ID: 190, Parent: 30, Name: Weyburn, Saskatchewan
ID: 133, Parent: 30, Name: Lloydminster, Saskatchewan part
ID: 134, Parent: 30, Name: Non CMA-CA, Saskatchewan
ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 135, Parent: 33, Name: Medicine Hat, Alberta
ID: 136, Parent: 33, Name: Brooks, Alberta
ID: 137, Parent: 33, Name: Lethbridge, Alberta
ID: 138, Parent: 33, Name: Okotoks, Alberta
ID: 180, Parent: 33, Name: High River, Alberta
ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 181, Parent: 33, Name: Strathmore, Alberta
ID: 139, Parent: 33, Name: Canmore, Alberta
ID: 140, Parent: 33, Name: Red Deer, Alberta
ID: 182, Parent: 33, Name: Sylvan Lake, Alberta
ID: 183, Parent: 33, Name: Lacombe, Alberta
ID: 141, Parent: 33, Name: Camrose, Alberta
ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 142, Parent: 33, Name: Lloydminster, Alberta part
ID: 143, Parent: 33, Name: Cold Lake, Alberta
ID: 144, Parent: 33, Name: Grande Prairie, Alberta
ID: 145, Parent: 33, Name: Wood Buffalo, Alberta
ID: 146, Parent: 33, Name: Wetaskiwin, Alberta
ID: 147, Parent: 33, Name: Non CMA-CA, Alberta
ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 148, Parent: 36, Name: Cranbrook, British Columbia
ID: 191, Parent: 36, Name: Nelson, British Columbia
ID: 149, Parent: 36, Name: Penticton, British Columbia
ID: 48, Parent: 36, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia
ID: 150, Parent: 36, Name: Vernon, British Columbia
ID: 151, Parent: 36, Name: Salmon Arm, British Columbia
ID: 152, Parent: 36, Name: Kamloops, British Columbia
ID: 153, Parent: 36, Name: Chilliwack, British Columbia
ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia
ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 154, Parent: 36, Name: Squamish, British Columbia
ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 155, Parent: 36, Name: Duncan, British Columbia
ID: 156, Parent: 36, Name: Nanaimo, British Columbia
ID: 157, Parent: 36, Name: Parksville, British Columbia
ID: 158, Parent: 36, Name: Port Alberni, British Columbia
ID: 159, Parent: 36, Name: Courtenay, British Columbia
ID: 160, Parent: 36, Name: Campbell River, British Columbia
ID: 161, Parent: 36, Name: Powell River, British Columbia
ID: 162, Parent: 36, Name: Williams Lake, British Columbia
ID: 163, Parent: 36, Name: Quesnel, British Columbia
ID: 164, Parent: 36, Name: Prince Rupert, British Columbia
ID: 165, Parent: 36, Name: Kitimat, British Columbia
ID: 166, Parent: 36, Name: Terrace, British Columbia
ID: 167, Parent: 36, Name: Prince George, British Columbia
ID: 168, Parent: 36, Name: Dawson Creek, British Columbia
ID: 169, Parent: 36, Name: Fort St. John, British Columbia
ID: 170, Parent: 36, Name: Non CMA-CA, British Columbia
ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon
ID: 171, Parent: 40, Name: Whitehorse, Yukon
ID: 172, Parent: 40, Name: Non CMA-CA, Yukon
ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories
ID: 173, Parent: 41, Name: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
ID: 174, Parent: 41, Name: Non CMA-CA, Northwest Territories
ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut
ID: 175, Parent: 1, Name: Campbellton, combined New Brunswick/Quebec
ID: 176, Parent: 1, Name: Hawkesbury, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 177, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa - Gatineau, combined Ontario/Quebec
ID: 178, Parent: 1, Name: Lloydminster, combined Alberta/Saskatchewan
Family type:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Couple families
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Lone-parent families and persons not in census families
Age of oldest individual:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total all ages
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: 0 to 34 years
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: 35 to 54 years
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: 55 to 64 years
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: 65 to 74 years
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: 65 years and over
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: 75 years and over
Family type characteristics:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Number in family type
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Amount of income
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Median total income
Source of income:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total income
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total employment income
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Wages, salaries and commissions
ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Net self-employment income
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Dividend and interest income
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Old Age Security (OAS) and net federal supplements
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) benefits
ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Private pensions
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP)
ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Other income |
D11100054 | Federal and provincial individual effective tax rates | Title: Federal and provincial individual effective tax rates
Date range: 1992-01-01 to 2018-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Income percentiles, Age group, Tax and transfer type, Statistics
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Longitudinal Administrative Databank
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba
ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta
ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Territories
Income percentiles:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All tax filers
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Bottom 5 percent income group
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Percentile 6 to 10 income group
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Percentile 11 to 15 income group
ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Percentile 16 to 20 income group
ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Percentile 21 to 25 income group
ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Percentile 26 to 30 income group
ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Percentile 31 to 35 income group
ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Percentile 36 to 40 income group
ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Percentile 41 to 45 income group
ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Percentile 46 to 50 income group
ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Percentile 51 to 55 income group
ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Percentile 56 to 60 income group
ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Percentile 61 to 65 income group
ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Percentile 66 to 70 income group
ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Percentile 71 to 75 income group
ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Percentile 76 to 80 income group
ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Percentile 81 to 85 income group
ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Percentile 86 to 90 income group
ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Percentile 91 to 95 income group
ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Top 5 percent income group
ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Top 1 percent income group
Age group:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, 18 years and above
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: 18 to 24 years
ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: 25 to 54 years
ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: 55 to 64 years
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: 65 years and above
Tax and transfer type:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Federal and provincial income tax and federal payroll tax
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Federal and provincial income tax
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Federal income tax
ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Provincial income tax
ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Federal payroll tax
ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Federal and provincial cash transfer payments
ID: 7, Parent: 6, Name: Federal cash transfer payments
ID: 8, Parent: 6, Name: Provincial cash transfer payments
ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Federal and provincial income tax and federal payroll tax net of federal and provincial cash transfer payments
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total number of filers
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Aggregate taxes / transfers
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Aggregate modified total income
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Mean effective rate
ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: 5th percentile rate
ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: 25th percentile rate
ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: 50th percentile rate
ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: 75th percentile rate
ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: 95th percentile rate
ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Rate of less than zero
ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Rate of 0
ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Rate of 0.1% to 5%
ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Rate of 5.1% to 10%
ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Rate of 10.1% to 15%
ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Rate of 15.1% to 20%
ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Rate of 20.1% to 25%
ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Rate of 25.1% to 30%
ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Rate of 30.1% or more
ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Number of filers reporting 0
ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Lower threshold of modified total income |
D11100055 | High income tax filers in Canada | Title: High income tax filers in Canada
Date range: 1982-01-01 to 2018-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Income concepts, Income groups, Statistics
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Longitudinal Administrative Databank
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Atlantic provinces
ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Prairie provinces
ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Manitoba
ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Alberta
ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Territories
ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: All census metropolitan areas
ID: 16, Parent: 15, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 17, Parent: 15, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia
ID: 18, Parent: 15, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick
ID: 19, Parent: 15, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 20, Parent: 15, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 21, Parent: 15, Name: Saguenay, Quebec
ID: 22, Parent: 15, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec
ID: 23, Parent: 15, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec
ID: 24, Parent: 15, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario
ID: 25, Parent: 15, Name: Hamilton, Ontario
ID: 26, Parent: 15, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario
ID: 27, Parent: 15, Name: London, Ontario
ID: 28, Parent: 15, Name: Oshawa, Ontario
ID: 29, Parent: 15, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario/Quebec
ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part, Quebec
ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part, Ontario
ID: 32, Parent: 15, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario
ID: 33, Parent: 15, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario
ID: 34, Parent: 15, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 35, Parent: 15, Name: Windsor, Ontario
ID: 36, Parent: 15, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 37, Parent: 15, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan
ID: 38, Parent: 15, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ID: 39, Parent: 15, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 40, Parent: 15, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 41, Parent: 15, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 42, Parent: 15, Name: Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 43, Parent: 1, Name: All census agglomerations
ID: 44, Parent: 1, Name: Non-census metropolitan area and non-census agglomeration
Income concepts:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Market income
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Total income
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: After tax income
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Market income with capital gains
ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Total income with capital gains
ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: After tax income with capital gains
Income groups:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Top 0.01 percent income group
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Top 0.1 percent income group
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Top 1 percent income group
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Top 5 percent income group
ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Top 10 percent income group
ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Top 50 percent income group
ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Bottom 99 percent income group
ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Bottom 95 percent income group
ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Bottom 90 percent income group
ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Bottom 50 percent income group
ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: All tax filers
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Threshold value
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Percentage, males
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Percentage, females
ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Percentage married or in common-law relationship
ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Percentage married or in common-law relationship, males
ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Percentage married or in common-law relationship, females
ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Median age
ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Median income
ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Average income
ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Share of income
ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Share of income, males
ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Share of income, females
ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Median federal and provincial or territorial income taxes paid
ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Average federal and provincial or territorial income taxes paid
ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Share of federal and provincial or territorial income taxes paid
ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of income from wages and salaries
ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of income from wages and salaries, males
ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of income from wages and salaries, females
ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Percentage in the same quantile last year
ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Percentage in the same quantile five years ago
ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Percentage in top 5 percentiles last year
ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Percentage in top 5 percentiles five years ago
ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: Percentage in top 5 percentiles at least once during the preceding five-year period
ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: Percentage always in top 5 percentiles during the preceding five-year period |
D11100056 | High income tax filers in Canada, specific geographic area thresholds | Title: High income tax filers in Canada, specific geographic area thresholds
Date range: 1982-01-01 to 2018-01-01
Dimensions: Geography, Income concepts, Income groups, Statistics
Subject: Income, pensions, spending and wealth
Survey: Longitudinal Administrative Databank
Frequency: Annual
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada
ID: 43, Parent: 1, Name: Atlantic provinces
ID: 2, Parent: 43, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 3, Parent: 43, Name: Prince Edward Island
ID: 4, Parent: 43, Name: Nova Scotia
ID: 5, Parent: 43, Name: New Brunswick
ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec
ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario
ID: 44, Parent: 1, Name: Prairie provinces
ID: 8, Parent: 44, Name: Manitoba
ID: 9, Parent: 44, Name: Saskatchewan
ID: 10, Parent: 44, Name: Alberta
ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia
ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Territories
ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: All census metropolitan areas
ID: 14, Parent: 13, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
ID: 15, Parent: 13, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia
ID: 16, Parent: 13, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick
ID: 17, Parent: 13, Name: Montréal, Quebec
ID: 18, Parent: 13, Name: Québec, Quebec
ID: 19, Parent: 13, Name: Saguenay, Quebec
ID: 20, Parent: 13, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec
ID: 21, Parent: 13, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec
ID: 22, Parent: 13, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario
ID: 23, Parent: 13, Name: Hamilton, Ontario
ID: 24, Parent: 13, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario
ID: 25, Parent: 13, Name: London, Ontario
ID: 26, Parent: 13, Name: Oshawa, Ontario
ID: 27, Parent: 13, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario/Quebec
ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Quebec part, Quebec
ID: 29, Parent: 27, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario part, Ontario
ID: 30, Parent: 13, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario
ID: 31, Parent: 13, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario
ID: 32, Parent: 13, Name: Toronto, Ontario
ID: 33, Parent: 13, Name: Windsor, Ontario
ID: 34, Parent: 13, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba
ID: 35, Parent: 13, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan
ID: 36, Parent: 13, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
ID: 37, Parent: 13, Name: Calgary, Alberta
ID: 38, Parent: 13, Name: Edmonton, Alberta
ID: 39, Parent: 13, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia
ID: 40, Parent: 13, Name: Victoria, British Columbia
ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: All census agglomerations
ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Non-census metropolitan area and non-census agglomeration
Income concepts:
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Market income
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Total income
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: After tax income
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Market income with capital gains
ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Total income with capital gains
ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: After tax income with capital gains
Income groups:
ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Top 0.01 percent income group
ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Top 0.1 percent income group
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Top 1 percent income group
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Top 5 percent income group
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Top 10 percent income group
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Top 50 percent income group
ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Bottom 99 percent income group
ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Bottom 95 percent income group
ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Bottom 90 percent income group
ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Bottom 50 percent income group
ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: All tax filers
ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Threshold value
ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Number of tax filers
ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Percentage, males
ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Percentage, females
ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Percentage married or in common-law relationship
ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Percentage married or in common-law relationship, males
ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Percentage married or in common-law relationship, females
ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Median age
ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Median income
ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Average income
ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Share of income
ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Share of income, males
ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Share of income, females
ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Median federal and provincial or territorial income taxes paid
ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Average federal and provincial or territorial income taxes paid
ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Share of federal and provincial or territorial income taxes paid
ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of income from wages and salaries
ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of income from wages and salaries, males
ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Percentage of income from wages and salaries, females
ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Percentage in the same quantile last year
ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Percentage in the same quantile five years ago
ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Percentage in top 5 percentiles last year
ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Percentage in top 5 percentiles five years ago
ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: Percentage in top 5 percentiles at least once during the preceding five-year period
ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: Percentage always in top 5 percentiles during the preceding five-year period |
Subsets and Splits