Federal public sector employment reconciliation of Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, Public Service Commission of Canada and Statistics Canada statistical universes, as at December 31
Title: Federal public sector employment reconciliation of Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, Public Service Commission of Canada and Statistics Canada statistical universes, as at December 31 Date range: 1999-01-01 to 2011-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Federal public sector employment Subject: Government Survey: Public Sector Employment Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Federal public sector employment: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Federal public sector employees, as per Statistics Canada's statistical universe ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Federal government business enterprise employees, as per Statistics Canada's statistical universe ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Federal government employees, as per Statistics Canada's statistical universe ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Employees common to Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, Public Service Commission of Canada and Statistics Canada statistical universes ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Employees of other federal government agencies in the Public Service Commission of Canada universe ID: 6, Parent: 3, Name: Student employees as per Public Service Commission's statistical universe ID: 7, Parent: 3, Name: Employees not appointed by the Public Service Commission of Canada ID: 8, Parent: 3, Name: Employees of other federal government agencies for which the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat is not the employer ID: 9, Parent: 3, Name: Department of National Defence military personnel ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: National Defence regular forces ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: National Defence reserve forces ID: 12, Parent: 3, Name: Royal Canadian Mounted Police uniformed personnel ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Federal government employees, as per Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat's statistical universe ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Federal government employees, as per Public Service Commission of Canada's statistical universe
Central government debt
Title: Central government debt Date range: 2009-04-01 to 2021-07-01 Dimensions: Geography, Central government debt Subject: Government Survey: Department of Finance Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Central government debt: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: A. Federal debt (accumulated deficit), (B - E) ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: B. Net debt, (C - D) ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: C. Liabilities, gross debt ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Accounts payable and accrued liabilities ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Interest-bearing debt ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Unmatured debt ID: 7, Parent: 6, Name: Market debt payable in Canadian currency ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Marketable bonds payable in Canadian currency ID: 9, Parent: 7, Name: Treasury bills ID: 10, Parent: 7, Name: Retail debt ID: 11, Parent: 7, Name: Other market debt payable in Canadian currency ID: 12, Parent: 6, Name: Market debt payable in foreign currencies ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Marketable bonds payable in foreign currencies ID: 14, Parent: 12, Name: Medium-term notes ID: 15, Parent: 12, Name: Canada bills ID: 17, Parent: 6, Name: Cross currency swap revaluation ID: 18, Parent: 6, Name: Unamortized discounts and premiums on market debt ID: 19, Parent: 6, Name: Obligations related to capital leases and other unmatured debt ID: 20, Parent: 5, Name: Pensions and other accounts ID: 21, Parent: 2, Name: D. Financial assets ID: 22, Parent: 21, Name: Cash and accounts receivable ID: 23, Parent: 21, Name: Foreign exchange accounts ID: 24, Parent: 21, Name: Loans, investments and advances ID: 30, Parent: 21, Name: Public sector pension assets ID: 25, Parent: 1, Name: E. Non-financial assets ID: 26, Parent: None, Name: Market debt ID: 27, Parent: 26, Name: a) Short-term ID: 28, Parent: 26, Name: b) Long-term ID: 29, Parent: None, Name: Total Outstanding Guarantees
Government of Canada debt securities: Gross new issues, retirements and net new issues, par value, Bank of Canada
Title: Government of Canada debt securities: Gross new issues, retirements and net new issues, par value, Bank of Canada Date range: 1975-01-01 to 2021-08-01 Dimensions: Geography, Type of issues, Issuers Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada and Abroad ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Canada ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Abroad ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: United States ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Other Countries Type of issues: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Gross new issues ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Retirements ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Net new issues Issuers: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada Treasury Bills and Canada bills issued in U.S. dollars ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Total Treasury Bills ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: 91-day Treasury Bills ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Government of Canada direct and guaranteed bonds ID: 7, Parent: 4, Name: Of which: Retail debt ID: 31, Parent: 7, Name: Of which: Canada Savings Bonds ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Total provincial and municipal short-term paper, including Canada Bills issued in U.S. dollars ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Provincial direct and guaranteed bonds ID: 11, Parent: 10, Name: Canada Pension Plan ID: 12, Parent: 10, Name: Other bonds ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Municipal direct and guaranteed bonds ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Total commercial paper ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Canadian dollar bankers' acceptances ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Term securitizations: National Housing Act (NHA) mortgage-backed securities ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Term securitizations: other asset-backed securities ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Corporate bonds ID: 23, Parent: 18, Name: Financial ID: 24, Parent: 18, Name: Non-financial ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Preferred stocks ID: 25, Parent: 19, Name: Financial ID: 26, Parent: 19, Name: Non-financial ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Common stocks ID: 27, Parent: 20, Name: Financial ID: 28, Parent: 20, Name: Non-financial ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Trust units ID: 29, Parent: 21, Name: Financial ID: 30, Parent: 21, Name: Non-financial ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Other institutions and foreign debtors
Chartered banks, total claims and liabilities booked worldwide vis-à-vis non-residents, Bank of Canada
Title: Chartered banks, total claims and liabilities booked worldwide vis-à-vis non-residents, Bank of Canada Date range: 1978-04-01 to 2021-04-01 Dimensions: Geography, Claims and deposits, Type of non-resident, Country of non-resident Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Quarterly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Claims and deposits: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Claims ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Deposits Type of non-resident: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, non-residents ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Non-residents of which: banks ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Non-residents of which: non-local Country of non-resident: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, booked ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: United States ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Austria ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Belgium ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: France ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Germany ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Italy ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Netherlands ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Spain ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Sweden ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Switzerland ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: United Kingdom ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Other Europe ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Poland ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Russia ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Other Central Europe and Central Asia ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Australia ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: People's Republic Of China ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: India ID: 20, Parent: 1, Name: Japan ID: 21, Parent: 1, Name: Republic Of South Korea ID: 22, Parent: 1, Name: Malaysia ID: 23, Parent: 1, Name: New Zealand ID: 24, Parent: 1, Name: Philippines ID: 25, Parent: 1, Name: Taiwan ID: 26, Parent: 1, Name: Thailand ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Other East Asia and the Pacific ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Argentina ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: Bolivia ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Brazil ID: 31, Parent: 1, Name: Chile ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Mexico ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Peru ID: 34, Parent: 1, Name: Trinidad and Tobago ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: Venezuela ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: Other Latin America and Caribbean ID: 37, Parent: 1, Name: Algeria ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Kuwait ID: 39, Parent: 1, Name: Saudi Arabia ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Other North Africa and Middle East ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Republic Of South Africa ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Other Sub-Saharan Africa ID: 43, Parent: 1, Name: Unallocated ID: 44, Parent: 1, Name: Bahamas ID: 45, Parent: 1, Name: Barbados ID: 46, Parent: 1, Name: Bermuda ID: 47, Parent: 1, Name: Cayman Islands ID: 48, Parent: 1, Name: Hong Kong ID: 49, Parent: 1, Name: Panama ID: 50, Parent: 1, Name: Singapore ID: 51, Parent: 1, Name: Other off-shore banking centers ID: 52, Parent: None, Name: Foreign currency on Canadian residents ID: 53, Parent: None, Name: Total Europe ID: 54, Parent: None, Name: Total Central Europe and Central Asia ID: 55, Parent: None, Name: Total East Asia and the Pacific ID: 56, Parent: None, Name: Total Latin America and Caribbean ID: 57, Parent: None, Name: Total North Africa and Middle East ID: 58, Parent: None, Name: Total Sub-Saharan Africa ID: 59, Parent: None, Name: Total off-shore banking centers
Canadian Classification of Functions of Government (CCOFOG) by consolidated government component
Title: Canadian Classification of Functions of Government (CCOFOG) by consolidated government component Date range: 2008-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Public sector components, Canadian Classification of Functions of Government (CCOFOG) Subject: Government Survey: Canadian Government Finance Statistics Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut Public sector components: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Consolidated Canadian general government ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Consolidated provincial-territorial and local governments Canadian Classification of Functions of Government (CCOFOG): ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: General public services ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: Executive and legislative organs, financial and fiscal affairs and external affairs ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Foreign economic aid ID: 31, Parent: 1, Name: General services ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Basic Research ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Public debt transactions ID: 34, Parent: 1, Name: General public services not elsewhere classified ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Defence ID: 35, Parent: 2, Name: Military defence ID: 36, Parent: 2, Name: Civil defence ID: 37, Parent: 2, Name: Foreign military aid ID: 38, Parent: 2, Name: Defence not elsewhere classified ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Public order and safety ID: 11, Parent: 3, Name: Police services ID: 12, Parent: 3, Name: Fire protection services ID: 13, Parent: 3, Name: Law courts ID: 14, Parent: 3, Name: Prisons ID: 15, Parent: 3, Name: Public order and safety not elsewhere classified ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Economic affairs ID: 39, Parent: 4, Name: General economic, commercial, and labor affairs ID: 40, Parent: 4, Name: Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting ID: 41, Parent: 4, Name: Fuel and energy ID: 42, Parent: 4, Name: Mining, manufacturing, and construction ID: 43, Parent: 4, Name: Transport ID: 44, Parent: 4, Name: Economic affairs not elsewhere classified ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Environmental protection ID: 16, Parent: 5, Name: Waste management ID: 17, Parent: 5, Name: Waste water management ID: 18, Parent: 5, Name: Pollution abatement ID: 19, Parent: 5, Name: Protection of biodiversity and landscape ID: 20, Parent: 5, Name: Environmental protection not elsewhere classified ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Housing and community amenities ID: 45, Parent: 6, Name: Housing and community development ID: 46, Parent: 6, Name: Water supply ID: 47, Parent: 6, Name: Street lighting ID: 48, Parent: 6, Name: Housing and community amenities not elsewhere classified ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Health ID: 49, Parent: 7, Name: Medical products, appliances, and equipment ID: 50, Parent: 7, Name: Outpatient services ID: 51, Parent: 7, Name: Hospital services ID: 52, Parent: 7, Name: Public health services ID: 53, Parent: 7, Name: Health not elsewhere classified ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Recreation, culture and religion ID: 21, Parent: 8, Name: Recreational and sporting services ID: 22, Parent: 8, Name: Cultural services ID: 23, Parent: 8, Name: Broadcasting and publishing services ID: 24, Parent: 8, Name: Recreation, culture, and religion not elsewhere classified ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Education ID: 25, Parent: 9, Name: Primary and secondary education ID: 26, Parent: 9, Name: College education ID: 27, Parent: 9, Name: University education ID: 28, Parent: 9, Name: Education not elsewhere classified ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Social protection ID: 54, Parent: 10, Name: Sickness and disability ID: 55, Parent: 10, Name: Old age ID: 56, Parent: 10, Name: Family and children ID: 57, Parent: 10, Name: Unemployment ID: 58, Parent: 10, Name: Housing ID: 59, Parent: 10, Name: Social exclusion ID: 60, Parent: 10, Name: Social protection not elsewhere classified
Funds advanced, outstanding balances, and interest rates for new and existing lending, Bank of Canada
Title: Funds advanced, outstanding balances, and interest rates for new and existing lending, Bank of Canada Date range: 2013-01-01 to 2021-07-01 Dimensions: Geography, Components, Unit of measure Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Components: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, funds advanced, residential mortgages, insured ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Variable rate, funds advanced, residential mortgages, insured ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Fixed rate, funds advanced, residential mortgages, insured, less than 1 year ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Fixed rate, funds advanced, residential mortgages, insured, from 1 to less than 3 years ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Fixed rate, funds advanced, residential mortgages, insured, from 3 to less than 5 years ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Fixed rate, funds advanced, residential mortgages, insured, 5 years and more ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Total, funds advanced, residential mortgages, uninsured ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Variable rate, funds advanced, residential mortgages, uninsured ID: 9, Parent: 7, Name: Fixed rate, funds advanced, residential mortgages, uninsured, less than 1 year ID: 10, Parent: 7, Name: Fixed rate, funds advanced, residential mortgages, uninsured, from 1 to less than 3 years ID: 11, Parent: 7, Name: Fixed rate, funds advanced, residential mortgages, uninsured, from 3 to less than 5 years ID: 12, Parent: 7, Name: Fixed rate, funds advanced, residential mortgages, uninsured, 5 years and more ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Total, outstanding balances, residential mortgages, insured ID: 14, Parent: 13, Name: Variable rate, outstanding balances, residential mortgages, insured ID: 15, Parent: 13, Name: Fixed rate, outstanding balances, residential mortgages, insured, less than 1 year ID: 16, Parent: 13, Name: Fixed rate, outstanding balances, residential mortgages, insured, from 1 to less than 3 years ID: 17, Parent: 13, Name: Fixed rate, outstanding balances, residential mortgages, insured, from 3 to less than 5 years ID: 18, Parent: 13, Name: Fixed rate, outstanding balances, residential mortgages, insured, 5 years and over ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Total, outstanding balances, residential mortgages, uninsured ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Variable rate, outstanding balances, residential mortgages, uninsured ID: 21, Parent: 19, Name: Fixed rate, outstanding balances, residential mortgages, uninsured, less than 1 year ID: 22, Parent: 19, Name: Fixed rate, outstanding balances, residential mortgages, uninsured, from 1 to less than 3 years ID: 23, Parent: 19, Name: Fixed rate, outstanding balances, residential mortgages, uninsured, from 3 to less than 5 years ID: 24, Parent: 19, Name: Fixed rate, outstanding balances, residential mortgages, uninsured, 5 years and more ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: Total, funds advanced, variable rate mortgages ID: 26, Parent: 25, Name: Funds advanced, closed non-convertible variable rate mortgages ID: 27, Parent: 25, Name: Funds advanced, closed convertible variable rate mortgages ID: 28, Parent: 25, Name: Funds advanced, open variable rate mortgages ID: 29, Parent: None, Name: Total, funds advanced for non-mortgage loans, consumer credit ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Funds advanced for non-mortgage loans, consumer credit, personal loan plans ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Funds advanced for non-mortgage loans, personal loan plans, consumer credit, Of which are auto loans ID: 32, Parent: 29, Name: Funds advanced for non-mortgage loans, consumer credit, personal lines of credit, secured ID: 33, Parent: 29, Name: Funds advanced for non-mortgage loans, consumer credit, personal lines of credit, unsecured ID: 34, Parent: 29, Name: Funds advanced for non-mortgage loans, consumer credit, other personal ID: 35, Parent: None, Name: Total, outstanding balances for non-mortgage loans, consumer credit ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Outstanding balances for non-mortgage loans, consumer credit, personal loan plans ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Outstanding balances for non-mortgage loans, consumer credit, personal loan plans, Of which are auto loans ID: 38, Parent: 35, Name: Outstanding balances for non-mortgage loans, consumer credit, credit card loans ID: 39, Parent: 35, Name: Outstanding balances for non-mortgage loans, consumer credit, personal lines of credit, secured ID: 40, Parent: 35, Name: Outstanding balances for non-mortgage loans, consumer credit, personal lines of credit, unsecured ID: 41, Parent: 35, Name: Outstanding balances for non-mortgage loans, consumer credit, other personal ID: 42, Parent: None, Name: Total, funds advanced, business loans ID: 43, Parent: 42, Name: Funds advanced, business loans, to regulated non-bank financial institutions ID: 44, Parent: 42, Name: Funds advanced, business loans, lease receivables ID: 45, Parent: 42, Name: Funds advanced, business loans, loans to individuals and others for business purposes ID: 46, Parent: 42, Name: Funds advanced, business loans, non-residential mortgages ID: 47, Parent: None, Name: Total, outstanding balances, business loans ID: 48, Parent: 47, Name: Outstanding balances, business loans, to regulated non-bank financial institutions ID: 49, Parent: 47, Name: Outstanding balances, business loans, lease receivables ID: 50, Parent: 47, Name: Outstanding balances, business loans, loans to individuals and others for business purposes ID: 51, Parent: 47, Name: Outstanding balances, business loans, non-residential mortgages Unit of measure: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Dollars ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Interest rate
Net new issues of bonds and equities by corporations and federal government enterprises: Industrial classification, Bank of Canada, inactive
Title: Net new issues of bonds and equities by corporations and federal government enterprises: Industrial classification, Bank of Canada, inactive Date range: 1975-03-01 to 2020-09-01 Dimensions: Geography, Securities Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada and abroad Securities: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total bond ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Non-financial companies ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Mines, quarries and oil wells ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Of which: oil and gas ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Manufacturing ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Of which: petroleum products ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Of which: pulp and paper ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: Construction ID: 9, Parent: 2, Name: Transportation, communication and other utilities ID: 10, Parent: 2, Name: Wholesale and retail trade ID: 11, Parent: 2, Name: Service and other industries ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Financial companies ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Of which: federal government enterprises ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Total stocks ID: 15, Parent: 14, Name: Non-financial companies ID: 16, Parent: 15, Name: Mines, quarries and oil wells ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Of which: oil and gas ID: 18, Parent: 15, Name: Manufacturing ID: 19, Parent: 18, Name: Of which: petroleum products ID: 20, Parent: 18, Name: Of which: pulp and paper ID: 21, Parent: 15, Name: Construction ID: 22, Parent: 15, Name: Transportation, communication and other utilities ID: 23, Parent: 15, Name: Wholesale and retail trade ID: 24, Parent: 15, Name: Service and other industries ID: 25, Parent: 14, Name: Financial companies
Foreign exchange rates in Canadian dollars, Bank of Canada, daily
Title: Foreign exchange rates in Canadian dollars, Bank of Canada, daily Date range: 1950-10-02 to 2017-04-28 Dimensions: Geography, Type of currency Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Daily Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Type of currency: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: United States dollar, noon spot rate ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: United States dollar, 90-day forward noon rate ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Belgian franc, noon spot rate ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Danish krone, noon spot rate ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: French franc, noon spot rate ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: German mark, noon spot rate ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Italian lira, noon spot rate ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Japanese yen, noon spot rate ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Dutch guilder, noon spot rate ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Norwegian krone, noon spot rate ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Swedish krona, noon spot rate ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Swiss franc, noon spot rate ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: United Kingdom pound sterling, noon spot rate ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: United Kingdom pound sterling, 90-day forward noon rate ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: United States dollar, closing spot rate ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: United States dollar, highest spot rate ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: United States dollar, lowest spot rate ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: United States dollar, 90-day forward closing rate ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Irish pound, noon spot rate ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Austrian schilling, noon spot rate ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Australian dollar, noon spot rate ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Finnish markka, noon spot rate ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Spanish peseta, noon spot rate ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: Hong Kong dollar, noon spot rate ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: New Zealand dollar, noon spot rate ID: 26, Parent: None, Name: United States dollar, 30-day forward closing rate ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: United States dollar, 60-day forward closing rate ID: 28, Parent: None, Name: United States dollar, 180-day forward closing rate ID: 29, Parent: None, Name: United States dollar, 1-year forward closing rate ID: 30, Parent: None, Name: Mexican pesos, noon spot rate ID: 31, Parent: None, Name: United States/Canada, closing 3-month forward points spread ID: 32, Parent: None, Name: United States/Canada, closing 6-month forward points spread ID: 33, Parent: None, Name: European euro, noon spot rate ID: 34, Parent: None, Name: Australian dollar, closing spot rate ID: 35, Parent: None, Name: Danish krone, closing spot rate ID: 36, Parent: None, Name: European euro, closing spot rate ID: 37, Parent: None, Name: Hong Kong dollar, closing spot rate ID: 38, Parent: None, Name: Japanese yen, closing spot rate ID: 39, Parent: None, Name: Mexican peso, closing spot rate ID: 40, Parent: None, Name: New Zealand dollar, closing spot rate ID: 41, Parent: None, Name: Norwegian krone, closing spot rate ID: 42, Parent: None, Name: Swedish krona, closing spot rate ID: 43, Parent: None, Name: Swiss franc, closing spot rate ID: 44, Parent: None, Name: United Kingdom pound sterling, closing spot rate
Foreign exchange rates in Canadian dollars, Bank of Canada, monthly
Title: Foreign exchange rates in Canadian dollars, Bank of Canada, monthly Date range: 1950-10-01 to 2017-04-01 Dimensions: Geography, Type of currency Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Type of currency: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: United States dollar, noon spot rate, average ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: United States dollar, 90-day forward noon rate ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Belgian franc, noon spot rate, average ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Danish krone, noon spot rate, average ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: French franc, noon spot rate, average ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: German mark, noon spot rate, average ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Italian lira, noon spot rate, average ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Japanese yen, noon spot rate, average ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Dutch guilder, noon spot rate, average ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Norwegian krone, noon spot rate, average ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Swedish krona, noon spot rate, average ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Swiss franc, noon spot rate, average ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: United Kingdom pound sterling, noon spot rate, average ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: United Kingdom pound sterling, 90-day forward noon rate ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: United States dollar, closing spot rate ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: United States dollar, highest spot rate ID: 26, Parent: None, Name: United States dollar, lowest spot rate ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: United States dollar, 90-day forward closing rate ID: 28, Parent: None, Name: Canadian dollar index against G-10 currencies (1981=100) ID: 29, Parent: None, Name: United States dollar, 30-day forward closing rate ID: 30, Parent: None, Name: United States dollar, 60-day forward closing rate ID: 31, Parent: None, Name: United States dollar, 180-day forward closing rate ID: 32, Parent: None, Name: United States dollar, 1-year forward closing rate ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Irish pound, noon spot rate, average ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Austrian schilling, noon spot rate, average ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Australian dollar, noon spot rate, average ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Finnish markka, noon spot rate, average ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Spanish peseta, noon spot rate, average ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Hong Kong dollar, noon spot rate, average ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: New Zealand dollar, noon spot rate, average ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Mexican pesos, noon spot rate, average ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Canadian dollar index against C-6 currencies (1992=100) ID: 33, Parent: None, Name: European euro, noon spot rate, average ID: 34, Parent: None, Name: Australian dollar, closing spot rate for the last day of the month ID: 35, Parent: None, Name: Danish krone, closing spot rate for the last day of the month ID: 36, Parent: None, Name: European euro, closing spot rate for the last day of the month ID: 37, Parent: None, Name: Hong Kong dollar, closing spot rate for the last day of the month ID: 38, Parent: None, Name: Japanese yen, closing spot rate for the last day of the month ID: 39, Parent: None, Name: Mexican peso, closing spot rate for the last day of the month ID: 40, Parent: None, Name: New Zealand dollar, closing spot rate for the last day of the month ID: 41, Parent: None, Name: Norwegian krone, closing spot rate for the last day of the month ID: 42, Parent: None, Name: Swedish krona, closing spot rate for the last day of the month ID: 43, Parent: None, Name: Swiss franc, closing spot rate for the last day of the month ID: 44, Parent: None, Name: United Kingdom pound sterling, closing spot rate for the last day of the month
Sales of alcoholic beverages types by liquor authorities and other retail outlets, by value, volume, and absolute volume
Title: Sales of alcoholic beverages types by liquor authorities and other retail outlets, by value, volume, and absolute volume Date range: 2004-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Type of sales, Type of beverage, Value, volume and absolute volume Subject: Government Survey: Control and Sale of Alcoholic Beverages in Canada Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut Type of sales: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total sales ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Total per capita sales Type of beverage: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total alcoholic beverages ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Spirits ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Wines ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Beer ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Ciders, Coolers, and Other Refreshment Beverages Value, volume and absolute volume: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Value for total sales ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Volume for total sales ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Absolute volume for total sales ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Value for total per capita sales ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Volume for total per capita sales ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Absolute volume for total per capita sales
Value of sales of alcoholic beverages of liquor authorities and other retail outlets, by beverage type
Title: Value of sales of alcoholic beverages of liquor authorities and other retail outlets, by beverage type Date range: 2004-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Value and volume, Type of beverage, Origin of Product Subject: Government Survey: Control and Sale of Alcoholic Beverages in Canada Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut Value and volume: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Value of sales ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Volume of sales Type of beverage: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total beverages ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total spirits ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Alcohol ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Brandy ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Gin ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Liqueurs ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Rum ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: Whisky ID: 9, Parent: 2, Name: Vodka ID: 10, Parent: 2, Name: Other spirits ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Total wines ID: 12, Parent: 11, Name: Sparkling wines ID: 13, Parent: 11, Name: Red wines ID: 14, Parent: 11, Name: White wines ID: 15, Parent: 11, Name: Rosé wines ID: 16, Parent: 11, Name: Fortified wines ID: 17, Parent: 11, Name: Other wines ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Total beers ID: 19, Parent: 18, Name: Light Beer (4% and under) ID: 20, Parent: 18, Name: Regular Beer (4.1% to 5.5%) ID: 21, Parent: 18, Name: Strong Beer (5.6% and over) ID: 22, Parent: 18, Name: Beer not elsewhere classified ID: 23, Parent: 1, Name: Total ciders, coolers, and other refreshment beverages ID: 24, Parent: 23, Name: Cider ID: 25, Parent: 23, Name: Spirit coolers ID: 26, Parent: 23, Name: Wine coolers ID: 27, Parent: 23, Name: Beer coolers ID: 28, Parent: 23, Name: Other refreshment beverages Origin of Product: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total products ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Canadian products ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Import products
Net income of liquor authorities and government revenue from sale of alcoholic beverages
Title: Net income of liquor authorities and government revenue from sale of alcoholic beverages Date range: 2004-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Liquor authorities Subject: Government Survey: Control and Sale of Alcoholic Beverages in Canada Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut Liquor authorities: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Gross sales ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Deduct: discounts ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Net sales ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Deduct: cost of goods sold ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Gross profit ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Deduct: administrative and general expenses ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Add: Other income ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Licences and permits ID: 9, Parent: 7, Name: Fines and confiscations ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Net income of liquor authorities ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Total taxes and other revenue ID: 12, Parent: 11, Name: Federal excise tax and customs duties ID: 13, Parent: 11, Name: Harmonized sales tax ID: 14, Parent: 11, Name: Goods and services tax ID: 15, Parent: 11, Name: Provincial/Territorial sales tax ID: 16, Parent: 11, Name: Other provincial/territorial revenue ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Net income of liquor authorities and total taxes and other revenue
Sales of alcoholic beverages by liquor authorities and other retail outlets, by type of outlet
Title: Sales of alcoholic beverages by liquor authorities and other retail outlets, by type of outlet Date range: 2004-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Sales of alcoholic beverages, Type of outlet Subject: Government Survey: Control and Sale of Alcoholic Beverages in Canada Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut Sales of alcoholic beverages: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Value of sales ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Volume of sales ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Number of establishments Type of outlet: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total outlets ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Liquor and agency stores ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Other retail outlets
Statement of government operations and balance sheet, government finance statistics
Title: Statement of government operations and balance sheet, government finance statistics Date range: 1990-01-01 to 2021-04-01 Dimensions: Geography, Government sectors, Statement of government operations and balance sheet Subject: Government Survey: Government Finance Statistics Frequency: Quarterly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Government sectors: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Consolidated government ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Federal government ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Provincial and territorial government ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Local government ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) Statement of government operations and balance sheet: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Revenue ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Taxes ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Taxes on income, profits, and capital gains ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Taxes on payroll and workforce ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Taxes on property ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Taxes on goods and services ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Taxes on international trade and transactions ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: Other taxes ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Social contributions ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Grants, revenue ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Other revenue ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Expense ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Compensation of employees ID: 14, Parent: 12, Name: Use of goods and services ID: 15, Parent: 12, Name: Consumption of fixed capital ID: 16, Parent: 12, Name: Interest ID: 17, Parent: 12, Name: Subsidies ID: 18, Parent: 12, Name: Grants, expense ID: 19, Parent: 12, Name: Social benefits ID: 20, Parent: 12, Name: Other expense ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Gross operating balance ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Net operating balance ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Net acquisition of non-financial assets ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: Net lending or borrowing ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: Net acquisition of financial assets ID: 26, Parent: 25, Name: Currency and deposits, net acquisition of financial assets ID: 27, Parent: 25, Name: Securities other than shares, net acquisition of financial assets ID: 28, Parent: 25, Name: Loans, net acquisition of financial assets ID: 29, Parent: 25, Name: Shares and other equity, net acquisition of financial assets ID: 30, Parent: 25, Name: Insurance technical reserves, net acquisition of financial assets ID: 31, Parent: 25, Name: Other accounts receivable, net acquisition of financial assets ID: 32, Parent: None, Name: Net incurrence of liabilities ID: 33, Parent: 32, Name: Currency and deposits, net incurrence of liabilities ID: 34, Parent: 32, Name: Securities other than shares, net incurrence of liabilities ID: 35, Parent: 32, Name: Loans, net incurrence of liabilities ID: 36, Parent: 32, Name: Shares and other equity, net incurrence of liabilities ID: 37, Parent: 32, Name: Insurance technical reserves, net incurrence of liabilities ID: 38, Parent: 32, Name: Other accounts payable, net incurrence of liabilities ID: 39, Parent: None, Name: Statistical discrepancy ID: 40, Parent: None, Name: Total expenditure ID: 41, Parent: None, Name: Net worth ID: 42, Parent: None, Name: Non-financial assets ID: 43, Parent: None, Name: Financial assets ID: 44, Parent: 43, Name: Currency and deposits, financial assets ID: 45, Parent: 43, Name: Securities other than shares, financial assets ID: 46, Parent: 43, Name: Loans, financial assets ID: 47, Parent: 43, Name: Shares and other equity, financial assets ID: 48, Parent: 43, Name: Insurance technical reserves, financial assets ID: 49, Parent: 43, Name: Other accounts receivable, financial assets ID: 50, Parent: None, Name: Liabilities ID: 51, Parent: 50, Name: Currency and deposits, liabilities ID: 52, Parent: 50, Name: Securities other than shares, liabilities ID: 53, Parent: 50, Name: Loans, liabilities ID: 54, Parent: 50, Name: Shares and other equity, liabilities ID: 55, Parent: 50, Name: Insurance technical reserves, liabilities ID: 56, Parent: 50, Name: Other accounts payable, liabilities ID: 57, Parent: None, Name: Net financial worth
Canadian government finance statistics for the federal government
Title: Canadian government finance statistics for the federal government Date range: 2007-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Public sector components, Display value, Statement of operations and balance sheet Subject: Government Survey: Canadian Government Finance Statistics Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Public sector components: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Federal government Display value: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Stocks ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Transactions and other economic flows Statement of operations and balance sheet: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Gross operating balance ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Net operating balance ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Revenue ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Taxes ID: 5, Parent: 4, Name: Taxes on income, profits and capital gains ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Taxes on income, profits and capital gains payable by individuals ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Taxes on income, profits and capital gains payable by corporations and other enterprises ID: 8, Parent: 5, Name: Taxes on income, profits and capital gains payable by nonresidents ID: 9, Parent: 4, Name: Taxes on property ID: 10, Parent: 4, Name: Taxes on goods and services ID: 11, Parent: 10, Name: General taxes on goods and services ID: 12, Parent: 10, Name: Excises ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Liquor taxes ID: 14, Parent: 12, Name: Tobacco taxes ID: 15, Parent: 12, Name: Gasoline and motive fuel taxes ID: 131, Parent: 12, Name: Cannabis taxes ID: 16, Parent: 12, Name: Other excise taxes ID: 17, Parent: 10, Name: Profits of fiscal monopolies ID: 18, Parent: 10, Name: Taxes on specific services ID: 19, Parent: 18, Name: Air travellers security charge ID: 20, Parent: 18, Name: Other taxes on specific services ID: 21, Parent: 10, Name: Taxes on use of goods and on permission to use goods or perform activities ID: 22, Parent: 10, Name: Other taxes on goods and services ID: 23, Parent: 4, Name: Taxes on international trade and transactions ID: 24, Parent: 23, Name: Customs and other import duties ID: 25, Parent: 23, Name: Taxes on exports, international trade and transactions ID: 26, Parent: 4, Name: Other taxes ID: 27, Parent: 3, Name: Social contributions ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Contributions to Employment Insurance and other social security schemes ID: 29, Parent: 27, Name: Other social contributions ID: 30, Parent: 3, Name: Grants, revenue ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Grants from foreign governments and international governmental organizations ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Grants from general government units ID: 33, Parent: 3, Name: Other revenue ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Property income ID: 35, Parent: 34, Name: Interest revenue ID: 36, Parent: 34, Name: Dividends ID: 37, Parent: 34, Name: Rent ID: 38, Parent: 37, Name: Oil and gas royalties ID: 39, Parent: 37, Name: Mineral royalties ID: 40, Parent: 37, Name: Other rent and property income ID: 41, Parent: 33, Name: Sales of goods and services ID: 42, Parent: 41, Name: Administrative fees ID: 43, Parent: 41, Name: Other sales of goods and services ID: 44, Parent: 33, Name: Fines, penalties and forfeits ID: 45, Parent: 33, Name: Voluntary transfers other than grants ID: 46, Parent: 33, Name: Miscellaneous revenue ID: 47, Parent: 2, Name: Expense ID: 48, Parent: 47, Name: Compensation of employees ID: 49, Parent: 47, Name: Use of goods and services ID: 50, Parent: 47, Name: Consumption of fixed capital ID: 51, Parent: 47, Name: Interest expense ID: 52, Parent: 47, Name: Subsidies ID: 53, Parent: 52, Name: Subsidies to government business enterprises ID: 54, Parent: 52, Name: Subsidies to private enterprises ID: 55, Parent: 54, Name: Agricultural subsidies to private enterprises ID: 56, Parent: 54, Name: Other subsidies to private enterprises on products ID: 57, Parent: 54, Name: Other subsidies to private enterprises on production ID: 58, Parent: 47, Name: Grants, expense ID: 59, Parent: 58, Name: Grants to foreign governments and international governmental organizations ID: 60, Parent: 59, Name: Grants to foreign governments ID: 61, Parent: 59, Name: Grants to international governmental organizations ID: 62, Parent: 58, Name: Grants to general government units ID: 63, Parent: 47, Name: Social benefits ID: 64, Parent: 63, Name: Social security benefits ID: 65, Parent: 64, Name: Employment insurance benefits ID: 66, Parent: 64, Name: Other social security benefits ID: 67, Parent: 63, Name: Social assistance benefits ID: 68, Parent: 67, Name: Benefits under the old age security act ID: 69, Parent: 67, Name: Family allowance and child care benefits ID: 70, Parent: 67, Name: Veterans benefits ID: 71, Parent: 67, Name: Other social assistance benefits ID: 72, Parent: 63, Name: Employer social benefits ID: 73, Parent: 47, Name: Other expense ID: 74, Parent: 73, Name: Property expense other than interest ID: 75, Parent: 73, Name: Miscellaneous other expense ID: 76, Parent: 75, Name: Miscellaneous other current expense ID: 77, Parent: 76, Name: Tax expense ID: 78, Parent: 76, Name: Transfers to persons ID: 79, Parent: 76, Name: Transfers to non-profit institutions ID: 80, Parent: 76, Name: Other miscellaneous current expenses ID: 81, Parent: 75, Name: Miscellaneous other capital expense ID: 82, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, total expenditures ID: 83, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, capitalized research and development costs ID: 84, Parent: 83, Name: Memorandum items, capitalized research and development compensation of employees ID: 85, Parent: 83, Name: Memorandum items, capitalized research and development use of goods and services ID: 86, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, tangible assets amortization expense according to public sector accounts ID: 87, Parent: None, Name: Net worth ID: 88, Parent: 87, Name: Nonfinancial assets ID: 89, Parent: 87, Name: Net financial worth ID: 90, Parent: 89, Name: Financial assets ID: 91, Parent: 90, Name: Currency and deposits, assets ID: 92, Parent: 90, Name: Debt securities, assets ID: 93, Parent: 92, Name: Treasury bills, assets ID: 94, Parent: 92, Name: Finance and other short-term paper, assets ID: 95, Parent: 92, Name: Bonds, assets ID: 96, Parent: 90, Name: Loans, assets ID: 97, Parent: 96, Name: Loans and advances, assets ID: 98, Parent: 96, Name: Mortgages, assets ID: 99, Parent: 90, Name: Equity and investment fund shares, assets ID: 100, Parent: 99, Name: Marketable shares ID: 101, Parent: 99, Name: Non-marketable shares and other equity ID: 102, Parent: 99, Name: Investment fund shares ID: 103, Parent: 90, Name: Insurance and pension, assets ID: 104, Parent: 90, Name: Other accounts receivable ID: 105, Parent: 104, Name: Trade credits and advances, receivable ID: 106, Parent: 104, Name: Other receivable ID: 107, Parent: 90, Name: Monetary gold and special drawing rights (SDR), assets ID: 108, Parent: 89, Name: Liabilities ID: 109, Parent: 108, Name: Currency and deposits, liabilities ID: 110, Parent: 108, Name: Debt securities, liabilities ID: 111, Parent: 110, Name: Treasury bills, liabilities ID: 112, Parent: 110, Name: Finance and other short-term paper, liabilities ID: 113, Parent: 110, Name: Saving bonds ID: 114, Parent: 110, Name: Bonds, liabilities ID: 115, Parent: 108, Name: Loans, liabilities ID: 116, Parent: 115, Name: Bank overdrafts ID: 117, Parent: 115, Name: Loans and advances, liabilities ID: 118, Parent: 115, Name: Mortgages, liabilities ID: 119, Parent: 108, Name: Equity, liabilities ID: 120, Parent: 108, Name: Insurance, pension and standardized guarantee schemes, liabilities ID: 121, Parent: 120, Name: Pensions plans, liabilities ID: 122, Parent: 120, Name: Insurance and standardized guarantee schemes, liabilities ID: 123, Parent: 108, Name: Other accounts payable ID: 124, Parent: 123, Name: Trade credits and advances, payable ID: 125, Parent: 123, Name: Other payable ID: 126, Parent: 108, Name: Monetary gold and special drawing rights (SDR), liabilities ID: 127, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, nonfinancial assets according to public sector accounts ID: 128, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, liabilities at nominal value ID: 129, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, employee future benefits ID: 130, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, environmental liabilities
Canadian government finance statistics for the provincial and territorial governments
Title: Canadian government finance statistics for the provincial and territorial governments Date range: 2007-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Public sector components, Display value, Statement of operations and balance sheet Subject: Government Survey: Canadian Government Finance Statistics Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: New Brunswick ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Quebec ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Ontario ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Manitoba ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Alberta ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: British Columbia ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Yukon ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Nunavut Public sector components: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Provincial and territorial governments Display value: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Stocks ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Transactions and other economic flows Statement of operations and balance sheet: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Gross operating balance ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Net operating balance ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Revenue ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Taxes ID: 5, Parent: 4, Name: Taxes on income, profits and capital gains ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Taxes on income, profits and capital gains payable by individuals ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Taxes on income, profits and capital gains payable by corporations and other enterprises ID: 8, Parent: 5, Name: Taxes on income, profits and capital gains payable by nonresidents ID: 9, Parent: 4, Name: Taxes on payroll and workforce ID: 10, Parent: 4, Name: Taxes on property ID: 11, Parent: 4, Name: Taxes on goods and services ID: 12, Parent: 11, Name: General taxes on goods and services ID: 13, Parent: 11, Name: Excises ID: 14, Parent: 13, Name: Liquor taxes ID: 15, Parent: 13, Name: Tobacco taxes ID: 16, Parent: 13, Name: Gasoline and motive fuel taxes ID: 131, Parent: 13, Name: Cannabis taxes ID: 17, Parent: 13, Name: Other excise taxes ID: 18, Parent: 11, Name: Profits of fiscal monopolies ID: 19, Parent: 18, Name: Remitted liquor profits ID: 20, Parent: 18, Name: Remitted profits on games of chance and other ID: 21, Parent: 11, Name: Taxes on specific services ID: 22, Parent: 11, Name: Taxes on use of goods and on permission to use goods or perform activities ID: 23, Parent: 22, Name: Motor vehicle taxes ID: 24, Parent: 22, Name: Other taxes on use of goods and on permission to use goods or perform activities ID: 25, Parent: 11, Name: Other taxes on goods and services ID: 26, Parent: 4, Name: Other taxes ID: 27, Parent: 3, Name: Social contributions ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Social security contributions ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Contributions to workers' compensation boards ID: 30, Parent: 28, Name: Other social security contributions ID: 31, Parent: 27, Name: Other social contributions ID: 32, Parent: 3, Name: Grants, revenue ID: 33, Parent: 32, Name: Grants from foreign governments and international governmental organizations ID: 34, Parent: 32, Name: Grants from general government units ID: 35, Parent: 3, Name: Other revenue ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Property income ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Interest revenue ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Dividends ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Rent ID: 40, Parent: 39, Name: Oil and gas royalties ID: 41, Parent: 39, Name: Forestry royalties ID: 42, Parent: 39, Name: Mineral royalties ID: 43, Parent: 39, Name: Water power royalties ID: 44, Parent: 39, Name: Other rent and property income ID: 45, Parent: 35, Name: Sales of goods and services ID: 46, Parent: 45, Name: Administrative fees ID: 47, Parent: 45, Name: Other sales of goods and services ID: 48, Parent: 35, Name: Fines, penalties and forfeits ID: 49, Parent: 35, Name: Voluntary transfers other than grants ID: 50, Parent: 35, Name: Miscellaneous revenue ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Expense ID: 52, Parent: 51, Name: Compensation of employees ID: 53, Parent: 51, Name: Use of goods and services ID: 54, Parent: 51, Name: Consumption of fixed capital ID: 55, Parent: 51, Name: Interest expense ID: 56, Parent: 51, Name: Subsidies ID: 57, Parent: 56, Name: Subsidies to government business enterprises ID: 58, Parent: 56, Name: Subsidies to private enterprises ID: 59, Parent: 58, Name: Agricultural subsidies to private enterprises ID: 60, Parent: 58, Name: Other subsidies to private enterprises on products ID: 61, Parent: 58, Name: Other subsidies to private enterprises on production ID: 62, Parent: 51, Name: Grants, expense ID: 63, Parent: 62, Name: Grants to foreign governments and international governmental organizations ID: 64, Parent: 62, Name: Grants to general government units ID: 65, Parent: 51, Name: Social benefits ID: 66, Parent: 65, Name: Social security benefits ID: 67, Parent: 66, Name: Employment insurance and parental insurance benefits ID: 68, Parent: 66, Name: Workers' compensation benefits ID: 69, Parent: 66, Name: Other social security benefits ID: 70, Parent: 65, Name: Social assistance benefits ID: 71, Parent: 65, Name: Employer social benefits ID: 72, Parent: 51, Name: Other expense ID: 73, Parent: 72, Name: Property expense other than interest ID: 74, Parent: 72, Name: Miscellaneous other expense ID: 75, Parent: 74, Name: Miscellaneous other current expense ID: 76, Parent: 75, Name: Tax expense ID: 77, Parent: 75, Name: Transfers to persons ID: 78, Parent: 75, Name: Transfers to non-profit institutions ID: 79, Parent: 75, Name: Other miscellaneous current expenses ID: 80, Parent: 74, Name: Miscellaneous other capital expense ID: 130, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, Quebec abatement ID: 81, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, total expenditures ID: 82, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, capitalized research and development costs ID: 83, Parent: 82, Name: Memorandum items, capitalized research and development compensation of employees ID: 84, Parent: 82, Name: Memorandum items, capitalized research and development use of goods and services ID: 85, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, tangible assets amortization expense according to public sector accounts ID: 86, Parent: None, Name: Net worth ID: 87, Parent: 86, Name: Nonfinancial assets ID: 88, Parent: 86, Name: Net financial worth ID: 89, Parent: 88, Name: Financial assets ID: 90, Parent: 89, Name: Currency and deposits, assets ID: 91, Parent: 89, Name: Debt securities, assets ID: 92, Parent: 91, Name: Treasury bills, assets ID: 93, Parent: 91, Name: Finance and other short-term paper, assets ID: 94, Parent: 91, Name: Bonds, assets ID: 95, Parent: 89, Name: Loans, assets ID: 96, Parent: 95, Name: Loans and advances, assets ID: 97, Parent: 95, Name: Mortgages, assets ID: 98, Parent: 89, Name: Equity and investment fund shares, assets ID: 99, Parent: 98, Name: Marketable shares ID: 100, Parent: 98, Name: Non-marketable shares and other equity ID: 101, Parent: 98, Name: Investment fund shares ID: 102, Parent: 89, Name: Insurance and pension, assets ID: 103, Parent: 89, Name: Other accounts receivable ID: 104, Parent: 103, Name: Trade credits and advances, receivable ID: 105, Parent: 103, Name: Other receivable ID: 106, Parent: 89, Name: Monetary gold and special drawing rights (SDR), assets ID: 107, Parent: 88, Name: Liabilities ID: 108, Parent: 107, Name: Currency and deposits, liabilities ID: 109, Parent: 107, Name: Debt securities, liabilities ID: 110, Parent: 109, Name: Treasury bills, liabilities ID: 111, Parent: 109, Name: Finance and other short-term paper, liabilities ID: 112, Parent: 109, Name: Saving bonds ID: 113, Parent: 109, Name: Bonds, liabilities ID: 114, Parent: 107, Name: Loans, liabilities ID: 115, Parent: 114, Name: Bank overdrafts ID: 116, Parent: 114, Name: Loans and advances, liabilities ID: 117, Parent: 114, Name: Mortgages, liabilities ID: 118, Parent: 107, Name: Equity, liabilities ID: 119, Parent: 107, Name: Insurance, pension and standardized guarantee schemes, liabilities ID: 120, Parent: 119, Name: Pensions plans, liabilities ID: 121, Parent: 119, Name: Insurance and standardized guarantee schemes, liabilities ID: 122, Parent: 107, Name: Other accounts payable ID: 123, Parent: 122, Name: Trade credits and advances, payable ID: 124, Parent: 122, Name: Other payable ID: 125, Parent: 107, Name: Monetary gold and special drawing rights (SDR), liabilities ID: 126, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, nonfinancial assets according to public sector accounts ID: 127, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, liabilities at nominal value ID: 128, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, employee future benefits ID: 129, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, environmental liabilities
Canadian government finance statistics for health and social service institutions
Title: Canadian government finance statistics for health and social service institutions Date range: 2007-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Public sector components, Display value, Statement of operations and balance sheet Subject: Government Survey: Canadian Government Finance Statistics Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: New Brunswick ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Quebec ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Ontario ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Manitoba ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Alberta ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: British Columbia ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Yukon ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Nunavut Public sector components: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Health and social service institutions Display value: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Stocks ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Transactions and other economic flows Statement of operations and balance sheet: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Gross operating balance ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Net operating balance ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Revenue ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Grants, revenue ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Other revenue ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Property income ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Sales of goods and services ID: 8, Parent: 5, Name: Fines, penalties and forfeits ID: 9, Parent: 5, Name: Voluntary transfers other than grants ID: 10, Parent: 5, Name: Miscellaneous revenue ID: 11, Parent: 2, Name: Expense ID: 12, Parent: 11, Name: Compensation of employees ID: 13, Parent: 11, Name: Use of goods and services ID: 14, Parent: 11, Name: Consumption of fixed capital ID: 15, Parent: 11, Name: Interest expense ID: 16, Parent: 11, Name: Subsidies ID: 17, Parent: 11, Name: Grants, expense ID: 18, Parent: 11, Name: Social benefits ID: 19, Parent: 11, Name: Other expense ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, total expenditures ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, tangible assets amortization expense according to public sector accounts ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Net worth ID: 23, Parent: 22, Name: Nonfinancial assets ID: 24, Parent: 22, Name: Net financial worth ID: 25, Parent: 24, Name: Financial assets ID: 26, Parent: 25, Name: Currency and deposits, assets ID: 27, Parent: 25, Name: Debt securities, assets ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Treasury bills, assets ID: 29, Parent: 27, Name: Finance and other short-term paper, assets ID: 30, Parent: 27, Name: Bonds, assets ID: 31, Parent: 25, Name: Loans, assets ID: 32, Parent: 31, Name: Loans and advances, assets ID: 33, Parent: 31, Name: Mortgages, assets ID: 34, Parent: 25, Name: Equity and investment fund shares, assets ID: 35, Parent: 34, Name: Marketable shares ID: 36, Parent: 34, Name: Non-marketable shares and other equity ID: 37, Parent: 34, Name: Investment fund shares ID: 38, Parent: 25, Name: Insurance and pension, assets ID: 39, Parent: 25, Name: Other accounts receivable ID: 40, Parent: 39, Name: Trade credits and advances, receivable ID: 41, Parent: 39, Name: Other receivable ID: 42, Parent: 25, Name: Monetary gold and special drawing rights (SDR), assets ID: 43, Parent: 24, Name: Liabilities ID: 44, Parent: 43, Name: Currency and deposits, liabilities ID: 45, Parent: 43, Name: Debt securities, liabilities ID: 46, Parent: 45, Name: Treasury bills, liabilities ID: 47, Parent: 45, Name: Finance and other short-term paper, liabilities ID: 48, Parent: 45, Name: Saving bonds ID: 49, Parent: 45, Name: Bonds, liabilities ID: 50, Parent: 43, Name: Loans, liabilities ID: 51, Parent: 50, Name: Bank overdrafts ID: 52, Parent: 50, Name: Loans and advances, liabilities ID: 53, Parent: 50, Name: Mortgages, liabilities ID: 54, Parent: 43, Name: Equity, liabilities ID: 55, Parent: 43, Name: Insurance, pension and standardized guarantee schemes, liabilities ID: 56, Parent: 55, Name: Pensions plans, liabilities ID: 57, Parent: 55, Name: Insurance and standardized guarantee schemes, liabilities ID: 58, Parent: 43, Name: Other accounts payable ID: 59, Parent: 58, Name: Trade credits and advances, payable ID: 60, Parent: 58, Name: Other payable ID: 61, Parent: 43, Name: Monetary gold and special drawing rights (SDR), liabilities ID: 62, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, nonfinancial assets according to public sector accounts ID: 63, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, liabilities at nominal value ID: 64, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, employee future benefits ID: 65, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, environmental liabilities
Canadian government finance statistics for colleges and universities
Title: Canadian government finance statistics for colleges and universities Date range: 2007-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Public sector components, Display value, Statement of operations and balance sheet Subject: Government Survey: Canadian Government Finance Statistics Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: New Brunswick ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Quebec ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Ontario ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Manitoba ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Alberta ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: British Columbia ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Yukon ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Nunavut Public sector components: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Universities and colleges ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: School Boards Display value: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Stocks ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Transactions and other economic flows Statement of operations and balance sheet: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Gross operating balance ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Net operating balance ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Revenue ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Taxes ID: 5, Parent: 4, Name: Taxes on property ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Recurrent taxes on immovable property ID: 7, Parent: 6, Name: Real property taxes ID: 8, Parent: 6, Name: Business taxes ID: 9, Parent: 6, Name: Payments in lieu of taxes ID: 10, Parent: 5, Name: Nonrecurrent taxes on property, including lot levies ID: 11, Parent: 5, Name: Other taxes on property ID: 12, Parent: 3, Name: Grants, revenue ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Grants from foreign governments and international governmental organizations ID: 14, Parent: 12, Name: Grants from general government units ID: 15, Parent: 3, Name: Other revenue ID: 16, Parent: 15, Name: Property income ID: 17, Parent: 15, Name: Sales of goods and services ID: 18, Parent: 17, Name: Tuition and school fees ID: 19, Parent: 17, Name: Other sales of goods and services ID: 20, Parent: 15, Name: Fines, penalties and forfeits ID: 21, Parent: 15, Name: Voluntary transfers other than grants ID: 22, Parent: 15, Name: Miscellaneous revenue ID: 23, Parent: 2, Name: Expense ID: 24, Parent: 23, Name: Compensation of employees ID: 25, Parent: 23, Name: Use of goods and services ID: 26, Parent: 23, Name: Consumption of fixed capital ID: 27, Parent: 23, Name: Interest expense ID: 28, Parent: 23, Name: Grants, expense ID: 29, Parent: 23, Name: Social benefits ID: 30, Parent: 23, Name: Other expense ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Property expense other than interest ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Miscellaneous other expense ID: 33, Parent: 32, Name: Miscellaneous other current expense ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Tax expense ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Transfers to persons ID: 36, Parent: 33, Name: Transfers to non-profit institutions ID: 37, Parent: 33, Name: Other miscellaneous current expenses ID: 38, Parent: 32, Name: Miscellaneous other capital expense ID: 39, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, total expenditures ID: 40, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, capitalized research and development costs ID: 41, Parent: 40, Name: Memorandum items, capitalized research and development compensation of employees ID: 42, Parent: 40, Name: Memorandum items, capitalized research and development use of goods and services ID: 43, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, tangible assets amortization expense according to public sector accounts ID: 44, Parent: None, Name: Net worth ID: 45, Parent: 44, Name: Nonfinancial assets ID: 46, Parent: 44, Name: Net financial worth ID: 47, Parent: 46, Name: Financial assets ID: 48, Parent: 47, Name: Currency and deposits, assets ID: 49, Parent: 47, Name: Debt securities, assets ID: 50, Parent: 49, Name: Treasury bills, assets ID: 51, Parent: 49, Name: Finance and other short-term paper, assets ID: 52, Parent: 49, Name: Bonds, assets ID: 53, Parent: 47, Name: Loans, assets ID: 54, Parent: 53, Name: Loans and advances, assets ID: 55, Parent: 53, Name: Mortgages, assets ID: 56, Parent: 47, Name: Equity and investment fund shares, assets ID: 57, Parent: 56, Name: Marketable shares ID: 58, Parent: 56, Name: Non-marketable shares and other equity ID: 59, Parent: 56, Name: Investment fund shares ID: 60, Parent: 47, Name: Insurance and pension, assets ID: 61, Parent: 47, Name: Other accounts receivable ID: 62, Parent: 61, Name: Trade credits and advances, receivable ID: 63, Parent: 61, Name: Other receivable ID: 64, Parent: 47, Name: Monetary gold and special drawing rights (SDR), assets ID: 65, Parent: 46, Name: Liabilities ID: 66, Parent: 65, Name: Currency and deposits, liabilities ID: 67, Parent: 65, Name: Debt securities, liabilities ID: 68, Parent: 67, Name: Treasury bills, liabilities ID: 69, Parent: 67, Name: Finance and other short-term paper, liabilities ID: 70, Parent: 67, Name: Saving bonds ID: 71, Parent: 67, Name: Bonds, liabilities ID: 72, Parent: 65, Name: Loans, liabilities ID: 73, Parent: 72, Name: Bank overdrafts ID: 74, Parent: 72, Name: Loans and advances, liabilities ID: 75, Parent: 72, Name: Mortgages, liabilities ID: 76, Parent: 65, Name: Equity, liabilities ID: 77, Parent: 65, Name: Insurance, pension and standardized guarantee schemes, liabilities ID: 78, Parent: 77, Name: Pensions plans, liabilities ID: 79, Parent: 77, Name: Insurance and standardized guarantee schemes, liabilities ID: 80, Parent: 65, Name: Other accounts payable ID: 81, Parent: 80, Name: Trade credits and advances, payable ID: 82, Parent: 80, Name: Other payable ID: 83, Parent: 65, Name: Monetary gold and special drawing rights (SDR), liabilities ID: 84, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, non financial assets according to public sector accounts ID: 85, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, liabilities at nominal value ID: 86, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, employee future benefits ID: 87, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, environmental liabilities
Canadian government finance statistics for municipalities and other local public administrations
Title: Canadian government finance statistics for municipalities and other local public administrations Date range: 2007-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Public sector components, Display value, Statement of operations and balance sheet Subject: Government Survey: Canadian Government Finance Statistics Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: New Brunswick ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Quebec ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Ontario ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Manitoba ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Alberta ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: British Columbia ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Yukon ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Nunavut Public sector components: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Municipalities and other local public administrations Display value: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Stocks ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Transactions and other economic flows Statement of operations and balance sheet: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Gross operating balance ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Net operating balance ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Revenue ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Taxes ID: 5, Parent: 4, Name: Taxes on property ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Recurrent taxes on immovable property ID: 7, Parent: 6, Name: Real property taxes ID: 8, Parent: 6, Name: Special assessments ID: 9, Parent: 6, Name: Business taxes ID: 10, Parent: 6, Name: Payments in lieu of taxes ID: 11, Parent: 5, Name: Nonrecurrent taxes on property, including lot levies ID: 12, Parent: 5, Name: Other taxes on property ID: 13, Parent: 4, Name: Taxes on goods and services ID: 14, Parent: 13, Name: General taxes on goods and services ID: 15, Parent: 13, Name: Excises ID: 16, Parent: 13, Name: Taxes on specific services ID: 17, Parent: 13, Name: Taxes on use of goods and on permission to use goods or perform activities ID: 18, Parent: 13, Name: Other taxes on goods and services ID: 19, Parent: 4, Name: Other Taxes ID: 20, Parent: 3, Name: Social contributions ID: 21, Parent: 3, Name: Grants, revenue ID: 22, Parent: 21, Name: Grants from foreign governments and international governmental organizations ID: 23, Parent: 21, Name: Grants from general government units ID: 24, Parent: 3, Name: Other revenue ID: 25, Parent: 24, Name: Property income ID: 26, Parent: 24, Name: Sales of goods and services ID: 27, Parent: 26, Name: Housing and community amenities ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Community amenities ID: 29, Parent: 27, Name: Rentals and parking ID: 30, Parent: 26, Name: Other sales of goods and services ID: 31, Parent: 24, Name: Fines, penalties and forfeits ID: 32, Parent: 24, Name: Voluntary transfers other than grants ID: 33, Parent: 24, Name: Miscellaneous revenue ID: 34, Parent: 2, Name: Expense ID: 35, Parent: 34, Name: Compensation of employees ID: 36, Parent: 34, Name: Use of goods and services ID: 37, Parent: 34, Name: Consumption of fixed capital ID: 38, Parent: 34, Name: Interest expense ID: 39, Parent: 34, Name: Subsidies ID: 40, Parent: 34, Name: Grants, expense ID: 41, Parent: 40, Name: Grants to foreign governments and international governmental organizations ID: 42, Parent: 40, Name: Grants to general government units ID: 43, Parent: 34, Name: Social benefits ID: 44, Parent: 43, Name: Social security benefits ID: 45, Parent: 43, Name: Social assistance benefits ID: 46, Parent: 43, Name: Employer social benefits ID: 47, Parent: 34, Name: Other expense ID: 48, Parent: 47, Name: Property expense other than interest ID: 49, Parent: 47, Name: Miscellaneous other expense ID: 50, Parent: 49, Name: Miscellaneous other current expense ID: 51, Parent: 50, Name: Tax expense ID: 52, Parent: 50, Name: Transfers to persons ID: 53, Parent: 50, Name: Transfers to non-profit institutions ID: 54, Parent: 50, Name: Other miscellaneous current expenses ID: 55, Parent: 49, Name: Miscellaneous other capital expense ID: 56, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, total expenditures ID: 57, Parent: None, Name: Net worth ID: 58, Parent: 57, Name: Nonfinancial assets ID: 59, Parent: 57, Name: Net financial worth ID: 60, Parent: 59, Name: Financial assets ID: 61, Parent: 60, Name: Currency and deposits, assets ID: 62, Parent: 60, Name: Debt securities, assets ID: 63, Parent: 62, Name: Treasury bills, assets ID: 64, Parent: 62, Name: Finance and other short-term paper, assets ID: 65, Parent: 62, Name: Bonds, assets ID: 66, Parent: 60, Name: Loans, assets ID: 67, Parent: 66, Name: Loans and advances, assets ID: 68, Parent: 66, Name: Mortgages, assets ID: 69, Parent: 60, Name: Equity and investment fund shares, assets ID: 70, Parent: 69, Name: Marketable shares ID: 71, Parent: 69, Name: Non-marketable shares and other equity ID: 72, Parent: 69, Name: Investment fund shares ID: 73, Parent: 60, Name: Insurance and pension, assets ID: 74, Parent: 60, Name: Other accounts receivable ID: 75, Parent: 74, Name: Trade credits and advances, receivable ID: 76, Parent: 74, Name: Other receivable ID: 77, Parent: 60, Name: Monetary gold and special drawing rights (SDR), assets ID: 78, Parent: 59, Name: Liabilities ID: 79, Parent: 78, Name: Currency and deposits, liabilities ID: 80, Parent: 78, Name: Debt securities, liabilities ID: 81, Parent: 80, Name: Treasury bills, liabilities ID: 82, Parent: 80, Name: Finance and other short-term paper, liabilities ID: 83, Parent: 80, Name: Saving bonds ID: 84, Parent: 80, Name: Bonds, liabilities ID: 85, Parent: 78, Name: Loans, liabilities ID: 86, Parent: 85, Name: Bank overdrafts ID: 87, Parent: 85, Name: Loans and advances, liabilities ID: 88, Parent: 85, Name: Mortgages, liabilities ID: 89, Parent: 78, Name: Equity, liabilities ID: 90, Parent: 78, Name: Insurance, pension and standardized guarantee schemes, liabilities ID: 91, Parent: 90, Name: Pensions plans, liabilities ID: 92, Parent: 90, Name: Insurance and standardized guarantee schemes, liabilities ID: 93, Parent: 78, Name: Other accounts payable ID: 94, Parent: 93, Name: Trade credits and advances, payable ID: 95, Parent: 93, Name: Other payable ID: 96, Parent: 78, Name: Monetary gold and special drawing rights (SDR), liabilities ID: 97, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, nonfinancial assets according to public sector accounts ID: 98, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, liabilities at nominal value ID: 99, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, employee future benefits ID: 100, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, environmental liabilities
Canadian government finance statistics for Canada and Quebec pension plans
Title: Canadian government finance statistics for Canada and Quebec pension plans Date range: 2007-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Public sector components, Display value, Statement of operations and balance sheet Subject: Government Survey: Canadian Government Finance Statistics Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec Public sector components: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada pension plan (CPP) ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Quebec pension plan (QPP) Display value: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Stocks ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Transactions and other economic flows Statement of operations and balance sheet: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Gross operating balance ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Net operating balance ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Revenue ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Social contributions ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Other revenue ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Property income ID: 7, Parent: 6, Name: Interest revenue ID: 8, Parent: 6, Name: Dividends ID: 9, Parent: 6, Name: Rent ID: 10, Parent: 5, Name: Sales of goods and services ID: 11, Parent: 5, Name: Fines, penalties and forfeits ID: 12, Parent: 5, Name: Voluntary transfers other than grants ID: 13, Parent: 5, Name: Miscellaneous revenue ID: 14, Parent: 2, Name: Expense ID: 15, Parent: 14, Name: Compensation of employees ID: 16, Parent: 14, Name: Use of goods and services ID: 17, Parent: 14, Name: Consumption of fixed capital ID: 18, Parent: 14, Name: Interest expense ID: 19, Parent: 14, Name: Social benefits ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, total expenditures ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, tangible assets amortization expense according to public sector accounts ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Net worth ID: 23, Parent: 22, Name: Nonfinancial assets ID: 24, Parent: 22, Name: Net financial worth ID: 25, Parent: 24, Name: Financial assets ID: 26, Parent: 25, Name: Currency and deposits, assets ID: 27, Parent: 25, Name: Debt securities, assets ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Treasury bills, assets ID: 29, Parent: 27, Name: Finance and other short-term paper, assets ID: 30, Parent: 27, Name: Bonds, assets ID: 31, Parent: 25, Name: Loans, assets ID: 32, Parent: 31, Name: Loans and advances, assets ID: 33, Parent: 31, Name: Mortgages, assets ID: 34, Parent: 25, Name: Equity and investment fund shares, assets ID: 35, Parent: 34, Name: Marketable shares ID: 36, Parent: 34, Name: Non-marketable shares and other equity ID: 37, Parent: 34, Name: Investment fund shares ID: 38, Parent: 25, Name: Insurance and pension, assets ID: 39, Parent: 25, Name: Other accounts receivable ID: 40, Parent: 39, Name: Trade credits and advances, receivable ID: 41, Parent: 39, Name: Other receivable ID: 42, Parent: 25, Name: Monetary gold and special drawing rights (SDR), assets ID: 43, Parent: 24, Name: Liabilities ID: 44, Parent: 43, Name: Currency and deposits, liabilities ID: 45, Parent: 43, Name: Debt securities, liabilities ID: 46, Parent: 45, Name: Treasury bills, liabilities ID: 47, Parent: 45, Name: Finance and other short-term paper, liabilities ID: 48, Parent: 45, Name: Saving bonds ID: 49, Parent: 45, Name: Bonds, liabilities ID: 50, Parent: 43, Name: Loans, liabilities ID: 51, Parent: 50, Name: Bank overdrafts ID: 52, Parent: 50, Name: Loans and advances, liabilities ID: 53, Parent: 50, Name: Mortgages, liabilities ID: 54, Parent: 43, Name: Equity, liabilities ID: 55, Parent: 43, Name: Insurance, pension and standardized guarantee schemes, liabilities ID: 56, Parent: 55, Name: Pensions plans, liabilities ID: 57, Parent: 55, Name: Insurance and standardized guarantee schemes, liabilities ID: 58, Parent: 43, Name: Other accounts payable ID: 59, Parent: 58, Name: Trade credits and advances, payable ID: 60, Parent: 58, Name: Other payable ID: 61, Parent: 43, Name: Monetary gold and special drawing rights (SDR), liabilities ID: 62, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, nonfinancial assets according to public sector accounts ID: 63, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, liabilities at nominal value ID: 64, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, employee future benefits ID: 65, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, environmental liabilities
Canadian government finance statistics for government business enterprises, by industry
Title: Canadian government finance statistics for government business enterprises, by industry Date range: 2007-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Public sector components, Display value, North American Industry Classification System (NAICS 2012), Statement of operations and balance sheet Subject: Government Survey: Canadian Government Finance Statistics Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut Public sector components: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Government business enterprises, all ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Government business enterprises, federal ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Government business enterprises, provincial and territorial ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Government business enterprises, local Display value: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Stocks ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Transactions and other economic flows North American Industry Classification System (NAICS 2012): ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All industries ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Goods industries excluding utilities and manufacturing ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Utilities ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Manufacturing ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Wholesale and retail trade ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Transportation and warehousing and information and cultural industries ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing and management of companies and enterprises ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Personal, business and other services Statement of operations and balance sheet: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Gross operating balance ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Net operating balance ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Revenue ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Social contributions ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Other revenue ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Property income ID: 7, Parent: 6, Name: Interest revenue ID: 8, Parent: 6, Name: Dividend revenue ID: 9, Parent: 6, Name: Rent ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Oil and gas royalties ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Water power royalties ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Other rent and property income ID: 13, Parent: 5, Name: Sales of goods and services ID: 14, Parent: 13, Name: Sales of goods and services by market establishments ID: 15, Parent: 13, Name: Insurance industry revenue ID: 16, Parent: 13, Name: Administrative fees ID: 17, Parent: 5, Name: Fines, penalties and forfeits ID: 18, Parent: 5, Name: Voluntary transfers other than grants ID: 19, Parent: 5, Name: Miscellaneous revenue ID: 20, Parent: 3, Name: Subsidies and transfers from government ID: 21, Parent: 20, Name: Current subsidies from government ID: 22, Parent: 20, Name: Capital transfers from government ID: 23, Parent: 2, Name: Expense ID: 24, Parent: 23, Name: Compensation of employees ID: 25, Parent: 23, Name: Use of goods and services ID: 26, Parent: 23, Name: Consumption of fixed capital ID: 27, Parent: 23, Name: Interest expense ID: 28, Parent: 23, Name: Social benefits ID: 29, Parent: 23, Name: Other expense ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Property expense other than interest ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Dividend expense ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Other property expense other than interest ID: 33, Parent: 29, Name: Miscellaneous other expense ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Miscellaneous other current expense ID: 35, Parent: 34, Name: Tax expense ID: 36, Parent: 34, Name: Remitted profits of fiscal monopolies ID: 37, Parent: 34, Name: Transfers to non-profit institutions ID: 38, Parent: 34, Name: Other miscellaneous current expenses ID: 39, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, total expenditures ID: 40, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, net income ID: 41, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, amortization of deferred capital funding ID: 42, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, tangible assets amortization expense according to government business enterprises accounts ID: 43, Parent: None, Name: Net worth ID: 44, Parent: 43, Name: Nonfinancial assets ID: 45, Parent: 43, Name: Net financial worth ID: 46, Parent: 45, Name: Financial assets ID: 47, Parent: 46, Name: Currency and deposits, assets ID: 48, Parent: 46, Name: Debt securities, assets ID: 49, Parent: 48, Name: Treasury bills, assets ID: 50, Parent: 48, Name: Finance and other short-term paper, assets ID: 51, Parent: 48, Name: Bonds, assets ID: 52, Parent: 46, Name: Loans, assets ID: 53, Parent: 52, Name: Loans and advances, assets ID: 54, Parent: 52, Name: Mortgages, assets ID: 55, Parent: 46, Name: Equity and investment fund shares, assets ID: 56, Parent: 55, Name: Marketable shares ID: 57, Parent: 55, Name: Non-marketable shares and other equity ID: 58, Parent: 55, Name: Investment fund shares ID: 59, Parent: 46, Name: Insurance and pension, assets ID: 60, Parent: 46, Name: Other accounts receivable ID: 61, Parent: 60, Name: Trade credits and advances, receivable ID: 62, Parent: 60, Name: Other receivable ID: 63, Parent: 46, Name: Monetary gold and special drawing rights (SDR), assets ID: 64, Parent: 45, Name: Liabilities ID: 65, Parent: 64, Name: Currency and deposits, liabilities ID: 66, Parent: 64, Name: Debt securities, liabilities ID: 67, Parent: 66, Name: Treasury bills, liabilities ID: 68, Parent: 66, Name: Finance and other short-term paper, liabilities ID: 69, Parent: 66, Name: Saving bonds ID: 70, Parent: 66, Name: Bonds, liabilities ID: 71, Parent: 64, Name: Loans, liabilities ID: 72, Parent: 71, Name: Bank overdrafts ID: 73, Parent: 71, Name: Loans and advances, liabilities ID: 74, Parent: 71, Name: Mortgages, liabilities ID: 75, Parent: 64, Name: Equity, liabilities ID: 76, Parent: 64, Name: Insurance, pension and standardized guarantee schemes, liabilities ID: 77, Parent: 76, Name: Pensions plans, liabilities ID: 78, Parent: 76, Name: Insurance and standardized guarantee schemes, liabilities ID: 79, Parent: 64, Name: Other accounts payable ID: 80, Parent: 79, Name: Trade credits and advances, payable ID: 81, Parent: 79, Name: Other payable ID: 82, Parent: 64, Name: Monetary gold and special drawing rights (SDR), liabilities ID: 83, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, nonfinancial assets according to government business enterprises accounts ID: 84, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, liabilities at nominal value ID: 85, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, employee future benefits ID: 86, Parent: None, Name: Memorandum items, environmental liabilities
Canadian classification of functions of government, by general government component
Title: Canadian classification of functions of government, by general government component Date range: 2008-01-01 to 2019-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Public sector components, Canadian Classification of Functions of Government (CCOFOG) Subject: Government Survey: Canadian Government Finance Statistics Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut Public sector components: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Federal government ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Provincial and territorial governments ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Universities and colleges ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Health and social service institutions ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Municipalities and other local public administrations ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: School boards ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Canada pension plan (CPP) ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Régie des rentes du Québec (RRQ) Canadian Classification of Functions of Government (CCOFOG): ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: General public services ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: Executive and legislative organs, financial and fiscal affairs and external affairs ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Foreign economic aid ID: 31, Parent: 1, Name: General services ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Basic Research ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Public debt transactions ID: 34, Parent: 1, Name: General public services not elsewhere classified ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Defence ID: 35, Parent: 2, Name: Military defence ID: 36, Parent: 2, Name: Civil defence ID: 37, Parent: 2, Name: Foreign military aid ID: 38, Parent: 2, Name: Defence not elsewhere classified ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Public order and safety ID: 11, Parent: 3, Name: Police services ID: 12, Parent: 3, Name: Fire protection services ID: 13, Parent: 3, Name: Law courts ID: 14, Parent: 3, Name: Prisons ID: 15, Parent: 3, Name: Public order and safety not elsewhere classified ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Economic affairs ID: 39, Parent: 4, Name: General economic, commercial, and labor affairs ID: 40, Parent: 4, Name: Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting ID: 41, Parent: 4, Name: Fuel and energy ID: 42, Parent: 4, Name: Mining, manufacturing, and construction ID: 43, Parent: 4, Name: Transport ID: 44, Parent: 4, Name: Economic affairs not elsewhere classified ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Environmental protection ID: 16, Parent: 5, Name: Waste management ID: 17, Parent: 5, Name: Waste water management ID: 18, Parent: 5, Name: Pollution abatement ID: 19, Parent: 5, Name: Protection of biodiversity and landscape ID: 20, Parent: 5, Name: Environmental protection not elsewhere classified ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Housing and community amenities ID: 45, Parent: 6, Name: Housing and community development ID: 46, Parent: 6, Name: Water supply ID: 47, Parent: 6, Name: Street lighting ID: 48, Parent: 6, Name: Housing and community amenities not elsewhere classified ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Health ID: 49, Parent: 7, Name: Medical products, appliances, and equipment ID: 50, Parent: 7, Name: Outpatient services ID: 51, Parent: 7, Name: Hospital services ID: 52, Parent: 7, Name: Public health services ID: 53, Parent: 7, Name: Health not elsewhere classified ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Recreation, culture and religion ID: 21, Parent: 8, Name: Recreational and sporting services ID: 22, Parent: 8, Name: Cultural services ID: 23, Parent: 8, Name: Broadcasting and publishing services ID: 24, Parent: 8, Name: Recreation, culture, and religion not elsewhere classified ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Education ID: 25, Parent: 9, Name: Primary and secondary education ID: 26, Parent: 9, Name: College education ID: 27, Parent: 9, Name: University education ID: 28, Parent: 9, Name: Education not elsewhere classified ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Social protection ID: 54, Parent: 10, Name: Sickness and disability ID: 55, Parent: 10, Name: Old age ID: 56, Parent: 10, Name: Family and children ID: 57, Parent: 10, Name: Unemployment ID: 58, Parent: 10, Name: Housing ID: 59, Parent: 10, Name: Social exclusion ID: 60, Parent: 10, Name: Social protection not elsewhere classified
Public sector employment, wages and salaries, seasonally unadjusted and adjusted
Title: Public sector employment, wages and salaries, seasonally unadjusted and adjusted Date range: 1981-01-01 to 2012-03-01 Dimensions: Geography, Public sector, components, Sector, Seasonal adjustment Subject: Government Survey: Public Sector Employment Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada and outside Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories including Nunavut ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Outside Canada Public sector, components: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Employment ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Wages and salaries Sector: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Public sector ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Government ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Federal general government ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Provincial and territorial general government ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Health and social service institutions, provincial and territorial ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Universities, colleges, vocational and trade institutions, provincial and territorial ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Local general government ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: Local school boards ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Government business enterprises ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Federal government business enterprises ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Provincial and territorial government business enterprises ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Local government business enterprises Seasonal adjustment: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Unadjusted ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Seasonally adjusted
Federal government employment, wages and salaries in census metropolitan areas for the month of September
Title: Federal government employment, wages and salaries in census metropolitan areas for the month of September Date range: 1990-01-01 to 2011-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Sector Subject: Government Survey: Public Sector Employment Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total census metropolitan areas ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Halifax, Nova Scotia ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: Moncton, New Brunswick ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Saint John, New Brunswick ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Saguenay, Quebec ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Québec, Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Montréal, Quebec ID: 25, Parent: 1, Name: Trois-Rivières, Quebec ID: 26, Parent: 1, Name: Sherbrooke, Quebec ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Ottawa-Gatineau, Ontario/Quebec ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: Kingston, Ontario ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Peterborough, Ontario ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Oshawa, Ontario ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Toronto, Ontario ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Hamilton, Ontario ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: St. Catharines-Niagara, Ontario ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario ID: 31, Parent: 1, Name: Brantford, Ontario ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Guelph, Ontario ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: London, Ontario ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Windsor, Ontario ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Barrie, Ontario ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Greater Sudbury, Ontario ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Thunder Bay, Ontario ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Winnipeg, Manitoba ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: Regina, Saskatchewan ID: 20, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ID: 21, Parent: 1, Name: Edmonton, Alberta ID: 22, Parent: 1, Name: Calgary, Alberta ID: 34, Parent: 1, Name: Kelowna, British Columbia ID: 28, Parent: 1, Name: Abbotsford-Mission, British Columbia ID: 23, Parent: 1, Name: Vancouver, British Columbia ID: 24, Parent: 1, Name: Victoria, British Columbia Sector: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Federal government, employment ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Federal government, wages and salaries
Department of National Defence, military personnel seasonally unadjusted and adjusted, and wages and salaries
Title: Department of National Defence, military personnel seasonally unadjusted and adjusted, and wages and salaries Date range: 1969-03-01 to 2012-03-01 Dimensions: Geography, Department of National Defence, components Subject: Government Survey: Public Sector Employment Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada and outside Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories including Nunavut ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Outside Canada Department of National Defence, components: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Military personnel, unadjusted ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Military personnel, seasonally adjusted ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Military wages and salaries
Total of net income of liquor authorities and provincial and territorial government revenue, fiscal years ended March 31
Title: Total of net income of liquor authorities and provincial and territorial government revenue, fiscal years ended March 31 Date range: 1950-01-01 to 2004-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Sector Subject: Government Survey: Control and Sale of Alcoholic Beverages in Canada Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Sector: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total revenue, all governments ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total revenue, Government of Canada ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Total revenue, provincial and territorial governments ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 6, Parent: 3, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 7, Parent: 3, Name: New Brunswick ID: 8, Parent: 3, Name: Quebec ID: 9, Parent: 3, Name: Ontario ID: 10, Parent: 3, Name: Manitoba ID: 11, Parent: 3, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 12, Parent: 3, Name: Alberta ID: 13, Parent: 3, Name: British Columbia ID: 14, Parent: 3, Name: Yukon ID: 15, Parent: 3, Name: Northwest Territories including Nunavut ID: 16, Parent: 3, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 17, Parent: 3, Name: Nunavut
Sales of alcoholic beverages by volume, value and per capita 15 years and over, fiscal years ended March 31
Title: Sales of alcoholic beverages by volume, value and per capita 15 years and over, fiscal years ended March 31 Date range: 1950-01-01 to 2013-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Type of sales, Type of beverage, Value and volume, Type of product Subject: Government Survey: Control and Sale of Alcoholic Beverages in Canada Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories including Nunavut ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut Type of sales: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total sales ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Total per capita sales Type of beverage: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total alcoholic beverages ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Spirits ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Wines ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Beer Value and volume: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Value in dollars ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Volume in litres Type of product: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total products ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Canadian products ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Import products
Sales of alcoholic beverages of liquor authorities, wineries and breweries, by value and volume, fiscal years ended March 31
Title: Sales of alcoholic beverages of liquor authorities, wineries and breweries, by value and volume, fiscal years ended March 31 Date range: 1993-01-01 to 2013-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Value and volume, Type of beverage, Type of product Subject: Government Survey: Control and Sale of Alcoholic Beverages in Canada Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories including Nunavut ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut Value and volume: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Value in dollars ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Volume in litres Type of beverage: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total beverages ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total spirits ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Alcohol ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Brandy ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Gin ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Liqueurs ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Rum ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: Whisky ID: 9, Parent: 2, Name: Vodka ID: 10, Parent: 2, Name: Other spirits ID: 11, Parent: 2, Name: Coolers, spirits ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Total wines ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Cider, wines ID: 14, Parent: 12, Name: Sparkling, wines ID: 15, Parent: 12, Name: Other wines ID: 16, Parent: 12, Name: Coolers, wines ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Beer ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Red wines ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: White wines ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Unidentified wines Type of product: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total products ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Canadian products ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Import products ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Discounts and rebates included in total Canadian and imported beverages ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Goods and Services Tax (GST) included in value of sales of alcoholic beverages
Imports and exports of alcoholic beverages, by value and volume for selected countries, fiscal years ended March 31
Title: Imports and exports of alcoholic beverages, by value and volume for selected countries, fiscal years ended March 31 Date range: 1993-01-01 to 2013-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Value and volume, Imports and exports, Type of beverage Subject: Government Survey: Control and Sale of Alcoholic Beverages in Canada Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Australia ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Belgium ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Brazil ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Chile ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: France ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Germany ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Guyana ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Ireland ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Italy ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Jamaica ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Japan ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Mexico ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Netherlands ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: South Africa ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Spain ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Sweden ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Taiwan ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Thailand ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: United Kingdom ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: United States ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Other countries Value and volume: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Value in dollars (Canada only) ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Volume in litres Imports and exports: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Imports ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Exports Type of beverage: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Spirits ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Wines ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Beer
Net income of provincial and territorial liquor authorities and government revenue from the control and sale of alcoholic beverages, fiscal years ended March 31
Title: Net income of provincial and territorial liquor authorities and government revenue from the control and sale of alcoholic beverages, fiscal years ended March 31 Date range: 1993-01-01 to 2013-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Liquor authorities Subject: Government Survey: Control and Sale of Alcoholic Beverages in Canada Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories including Nunavut ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut Liquor authorities: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Gross sales (including Goods and Services Tax (GST)) ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Deduct: Goods and Services Tax (GST) ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Net sales ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Deduct: cost of goods sold ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Gross profit on sales ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Deduct: administrative and general expenses less miscellaneous income ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Net income from sales by liquor authorities ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Total government revenue ID: 9, Parent: 8, Name: Sales tax, revenue ID: 10, Parent: 8, Name: Licences and permits, revenue ID: 11, Parent: 8, Name: Fines and confiscations, revenue ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Total of net income of liquor authorities and provincial and territorial government revenue
Reconciliation of net income of liquor authorities with total revenue specifically derived from the control and sale of alcoholic beverages, fiscal years ended March 31
Title: Reconciliation of net income of liquor authorities with total revenue specifically derived from the control and sale of alcoholic beverages, fiscal years ended March 31 Date range: 1993-01-01 to 2013-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Liquor authorities Subject: Government Survey: Control and Sale of Alcoholic Beverages in Canada Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories including Nunavut ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut Liquor authorities: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Net income shown in the annual report of the liquor authority ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Deduct: sales tax ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Deduct: licences and permits ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Deduct: fines and confiscations ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Add: policing and enforcement expenses ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Add: maintenance of prisoners ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Net income from sales by liquor authorities ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Add: liquor revenue of province and territory ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Add: sales tax ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Add: licences and permits ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Add: fines and confiscations ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Total of net income of liquor authorities and provincial and territorial government revenue
Volume of sales of alcoholic beverages in litres of absolute alcohol and per capita 15 years and over, fiscal years ended March 31
Title: Volume of sales of alcoholic beverages in litres of absolute alcohol and per capita 15 years and over, fiscal years ended March 31 Date range: 1989-01-01 to 2013-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Type of sales, Type of beverage Subject: Government Survey: Control and Sale of Alcoholic Beverages in Canada Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories including Nunavut ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut Type of sales: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total sales ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Total per capita sales Type of beverage: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total alcoholic beverages ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Spirits ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Wine ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Beer
Provincial and territorial retail trade of alcoholic beverages, fiscal years ended March 31
Title: Provincial and territorial retail trade of alcoholic beverages, fiscal years ended March 31 Date range: 1997-01-01 to 2013-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Value, volume and number, Type of vendor Subject: Government Survey: Control and Sale of Alcoholic Beverages in Canada Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories including Nunavut ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut Value, volume and number: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Value in dollars ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Volume in litres ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Number of establishments Type of vendor: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total liquor and agency stores ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Liquor stores ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Agency stores ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Wineries ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Breweries
Reconciliation of public sector employment and public administration employment
Title: Reconciliation of public sector employment and public administration employment Date range: 1998-01-01 to 2011-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Reconciliation items Subject: Government Survey: Public Sector Employment Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Reconciliation items: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Public sector employment ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Education, public sector employment ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Health and social service institutions, public sector employment ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Military personnel and reservists, public sector employment ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Federal government employees abroad, public sector employment ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Government business enterprises, public sector employment ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Other components of public sector employment ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Public administration employment
Consolidated federal, provincial, territorial and local government revenue and expenditures
Title: Consolidated federal, provincial, territorial and local government revenue and expenditures Date range: 1989-01-01 to 2009-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Government sectors, Revenue and expenditure Subject: Government Survey: Consolidated Government Revenue and Expenditures Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories including Nunavut ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut Government sectors: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Federal, provincial, territorial and local governments ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Federal government ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Local and provincial and territorial governments ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Provincial and territorial governments ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Consolidated government ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Consolidated Canada Pension Plan and Quebec Pension Plan Revenue and expenditure: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total revenue ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Own source revenue ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Income taxes ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Personal income taxes ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Corporation income taxes ID: 6, Parent: 3, Name: Mining and logging taxes ID: 7, Parent: 3, Name: Taxes on payments to non-residents ID: 8, Parent: 3, Name: Other income taxes ID: 9, Parent: 2, Name: Consumption taxes ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: General sales tax ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Alcoholic beverages and tobacco taxes ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Amusement tax ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Gasoline and motive fuel taxes ID: 14, Parent: 9, Name: Custom duties ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Liquor profits ID: 16, Parent: 9, Name: Remitted gaming profits ID: 17, Parent: 9, Name: Other consumption taxes ID: 18, Parent: 2, Name: Property and related taxes ID: 19, Parent: 18, Name: General property taxes ID: 20, Parent: 18, Name: Capital taxes ID: 21, Parent: 18, Name: Other property and related taxes ID: 22, Parent: 2, Name: Other taxes ID: 23, Parent: 22, Name: Payroll taxes ID: 24, Parent: 22, Name: Motor vehicle licences ID: 25, Parent: 22, Name: Natural resource taxes and licences ID: 26, Parent: 22, Name: Miscellaneous taxes ID: 27, Parent: 2, Name: Health and drug insurance premiums ID: 28, Parent: 2, Name: Contributions to social security plans ID: 29, Parent: 2, Name: Sales of goods and services ID: 30, Parent: 2, Name: Investment income ID: 31, Parent: 2, Name: Other revenue from own sources ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: General purpose transfers from other government subsectors ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Specific purpose transfers from other government subsectors ID: 34, Parent: None, Name: Total expenditures ID: 35, Parent: 34, Name: General government services ID: 36, Parent: 34, Name: Protection of persons and property ID: 37, Parent: 34, Name: Transportation and communication ID: 38, Parent: 34, Name: Health ID: 39, Parent: 38, Name: Hospital care ID: 40, Parent: 38, Name: Medical care ID: 41, Parent: 38, Name: Preventive care ID: 42, Parent: 38, Name: Other health services ID: 43, Parent: 34, Name: Social services ID: 44, Parent: 43, Name: Social assistance ID: 45, Parent: 43, Name: Workers' compensation benefits ID: 46, Parent: 43, Name: Employee pension plan benefits and changes in equity ID: 47, Parent: 43, Name: Veterans' benefits ID: 48, Parent: 43, Name: Other social services ID: 49, Parent: 43, Name: Motor vehicle accident compensation ID: 50, Parent: 34, Name: Education ID: 51, Parent: 50, Name: Elementary and secondary education ID: 52, Parent: 50, Name: Postsecondary education ID: 53, Parent: 50, Name: Special retraining services ID: 54, Parent: 50, Name: Other education ID: 55, Parent: 34, Name: Resource conservation and industrial development ID: 56, Parent: 34, Name: Environment ID: 57, Parent: 34, Name: Recreation and culture ID: 58, Parent: 34, Name: Labour, employment and immigration ID: 59, Parent: 34, Name: Housing ID: 60, Parent: 34, Name: Foreign affairs and international assistance ID: 61, Parent: 34, Name: Regional planning and development ID: 62, Parent: 34, Name: Research establishments ID: 63, Parent: 34, Name: General purpose transfers to other government subsectors ID: 64, Parent: 34, Name: Debt charges ID: 65, Parent: 34, Name: Other expenditures ID: 66, Parent: None, Name: Surplus (+) / deficit (-)
Federal, provincial and territorial general government revenue and expenditures, for fiscal year ending March 31
Title: Federal, provincial and territorial general government revenue and expenditures, for fiscal year ending March 31 Date range: 1989-01-01 to 2009-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Government sectors, Revenue and expenditure Subject: Government Survey: Consolidated Government Revenue and Expenditures Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories including Nunavut ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut Government sectors: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Federal general government ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Provincial and territorial general government Revenue and expenditure: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total revenue ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Own source revenue ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Income taxes ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Personal income taxes ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Corporation income taxes ID: 6, Parent: 3, Name: Mining and logging taxes ID: 7, Parent: 3, Name: Taxes on payments to non-residents ID: 8, Parent: 3, Name: Other income taxes ID: 9, Parent: 2, Name: Consumption taxes ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: General sales tax ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Alcoholic beverages and tobacco taxes ID: 12, Parent: 11, Name: Liquor gallonage taxes ID: 13, Parent: 11, Name: Other liquor taxes ID: 14, Parent: 11, Name: Tobacco taxes ID: 15, Parent: 9, Name: Amusement tax ID: 16, Parent: 15, Name: Racetrack betting tax ID: 17, Parent: 15, Name: Other amusement taxes ID: 18, Parent: 9, Name: Gasoline and motive fuel taxes ID: 19, Parent: 9, Name: Custom duties ID: 20, Parent: 9, Name: Liquor profits ID: 21, Parent: 9, Name: Remitted gaming profits ID: 22, Parent: 9, Name: Other consumption taxes ID: 23, Parent: 22, Name: Air transportation tax ID: 24, Parent: 22, Name: Miscellaneous consumption taxes ID: 25, Parent: 2, Name: Property and related taxes ID: 26, Parent: 25, Name: General property taxes ID: 27, Parent: 25, Name: Capital taxes ID: 28, Parent: 25, Name: Other property and related taxes ID: 29, Parent: 2, Name: Other taxes ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Payroll taxes ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Motor vehicle licences ID: 32, Parent: 29, Name: Natural resource taxes and licences ID: 146, Parent: 32, Name: Natural resource taxes ID: 147, Parent: 32, Name: Natural resource licences ID: 33, Parent: 29, Name: Miscellaneous taxes ID: 34, Parent: 2, Name: Health and drug insurance premiums ID: 35, Parent: 2, Name: Contributions to social security plans ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Employment insurance contributions ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Other social security plan contributions ID: 38, Parent: 2, Name: Sales of goods and services ID: 39, Parent: 2, Name: Investment income ID: 40, Parent: 39, Name: Natural resource royalties ID: 41, Parent: 40, Name: Oil and gas royalties ID: 42, Parent: 40, Name: Forestry royalties ID: 43, Parent: 40, Name: Mineral royalties ID: 44, Parent: 40, Name: Water power royalties ID: 45, Parent: 40, Name: Other natural resource royalties ID: 46, Parent: 39, Name: Remitted trading profits ID: 47, Parent: 39, Name: Interest income ID: 48, Parent: 47, Name: Interest income from own enterprises ID: 49, Parent: 47, Name: Other interest income ID: 50, Parent: 39, Name: Other investment income ID: 51, Parent: 2, Name: Other revenue from own sources ID: 52, Parent: 51, Name: Other fines and penalties ID: 53, Parent: 51, Name: Capital transfers from own sources ID: 54, Parent: 51, Name: Other donations ID: 55, Parent: 51, Name: Miscellaneous revenue from own sources ID: 56, Parent: 1, Name: General purpose transfers from other government subsectors ID: 57, Parent: 1, Name: Specific purpose transfers from other government subsectors ID: 58, Parent: None, Name: Total expenditures ID: 59, Parent: 58, Name: General government services ID: 60, Parent: 59, Name: Executive and legislature ID: 61, Parent: 59, Name: General administrative ID: 62, Parent: 59, Name: Other general government services ID: 63, Parent: 58, Name: Protection of persons and property ID: 64, Parent: 63, Name: National defence ID: 65, Parent: 63, Name: Courts of law ID: 66, Parent: 63, Name: Correction and rehabilitation services ID: 67, Parent: 63, Name: Policing ID: 68, Parent: 63, Name: Regulatory measures ID: 69, Parent: 63, Name: Other protection of persons and property ID: 70, Parent: 58, Name: Transportation and communication ID: 71, Parent: 70, Name: Air transport ID: 72, Parent: 70, Name: Road transport ID: 145, Parent: 58, Name: Public transit ID: 73, Parent: 145, Name: Rail transport ID: 74, Parent: 145, Name: Water transport ID: 75, Parent: 145, Name: Telecommunications ID: 76, Parent: 145, Name: Other transportation and communication ID: 77, Parent: 58, Name: Health ID: 78, Parent: 77, Name: Hospital care ID: 79, Parent: 77, Name: Medical care ID: 80, Parent: 77, Name: Preventive care ID: 81, Parent: 77, Name: Other health services ID: 82, Parent: 58, Name: Social services ID: 83, Parent: 82, Name: Social assistance ID: 84, Parent: 83, Name: Income maintenance ID: 85, Parent: 83, Name: Other social assistance ID: 86, Parent: 85, Name: Social security ID: 87, Parent: 85, Name: Family allowances ID: 88, Parent: 85, Name: Miscellaneous social assistance ID: 89, Parent: 82, Name: Workers' compensation benefits ID: 90, Parent: 82, Name: Employee pension plan benefits and changes in equity ID: 91, Parent: 82, Name: Veterans' benefits ID: 92, Parent: 82, Name: Other social services ID: 93, Parent: 82, Name: Motor vehicle accident compensation ID: 94, Parent: 58, Name: Education ID: 95, Parent: 94, Name: Elementary and secondary education ID: 96, Parent: 94, Name: Postsecondary education ID: 97, Parent: 94, Name: Special retraining services ID: 98, Parent: 94, Name: Other education ID: 99, Parent: 58, Name: Resource conservation and industrial development ID: 100, Parent: 99, Name: Agriculture ID: 101, Parent: 99, Name: Fish and game ID: 102, Parent: 99, Name: Oil and gas ID: 103, Parent: 99, Name: Forestry ID: 104, Parent: 99, Name: Mining ID: 105, Parent: 99, Name: Water power ID: 106, Parent: 99, Name: Tourism promotion ID: 107, Parent: 99, Name: Trade and industry ID: 108, Parent: 99, Name: Other resource conservation and industrial development ID: 109, Parent: 58, Name: Environment ID: 110, Parent: 109, Name: Water purification and supply ID: 111, Parent: 109, Name: Pollution control ID: 112, Parent: 109, Name: Other environmental services ID: 113, Parent: 58, Name: Recreation and culture ID: 114, Parent: 113, Name: Recreation ID: 115, Parent: 113, Name: Culture ID: 116, Parent: 115, Name: Libraries ID: 117, Parent: 115, Name: Art galleries and museums ID: 118, Parent: 115, Name: Other culture ID: 119, Parent: 113, Name: Broadcasting ID: 120, Parent: 113, Name: Other recreation and culture ID: 121, Parent: 58, Name: Labour, employment and immigration ID: 122, Parent: 121, Name: Labour and employment ID: 123, Parent: 121, Name: Immigration ID: 124, Parent: 121, Name: Other labour, employment and immigration ID: 125, Parent: 58, Name: Housing ID: 126, Parent: 58, Name: Foreign affairs and international assistance ID: 127, Parent: 58, Name: Regional planning and development ID: 128, Parent: 58, Name: Research establishments ID: 129, Parent: 58, Name: General purpose transfers to other government subsectors ID: 130, Parent: 129, Name: General purpose transfers to provincial and territorial governments ID: 131, Parent: 130, Name: Statutory subsidies ID: 132, Parent: 130, Name: Equalization ID: 133, Parent: 130, Name: Canada health and social transfer ID: 144, Parent: 130, Name: Canada social transfer (CST) ID: 134, Parent: 130, Name: Reciprocal taxation agreement ID: 135, Parent: 130, Name: Other general purpose transfers to provincial and territorial governments ID: 142, Parent: 130, Name: Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST) supplement for health ID: 143, Parent: 129, Name: General purpose transfers to municipal governments ID: 136, Parent: 58, Name: Debt charges ID: 137, Parent: 136, Name: Interest due, borrow on behalf special funds ID: 138, Parent: 136, Name: Other interest expense ID: 139, Parent: 136, Name: Other debt charges ID: 140, Parent: 58, Name: Other expenditures ID: 141, Parent: None, Name: Surplus (+) / deficit (-)
Local government revenue and expenditures for fiscal year ending closest to December 31
Title: Local government revenue and expenditures for fiscal year ending closest to December 31 Date range: 1988-01-01 to 2008-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Revenue and expenditure Subject: Government Survey: Consolidated Government Revenue and Expenditures Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories including Nunavut ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut Revenue and expenditure: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total revenue ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Own source revenue ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Consumption taxes ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: General sales tax ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Other consumption taxes ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Property and related taxes ID: 7, Parent: 6, Name: General property taxes ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Real property taxes ID: 9, Parent: 7, Name: Lot levies ID: 10, Parent: 7, Name: Special assessments ID: 11, Parent: 7, Name: Grants in lieu of taxes ID: 12, Parent: 7, Name: Miscellaneous general property taxes ID: 13, Parent: 6, Name: Capital taxes ID: 14, Parent: 6, Name: Other property and related taxes ID: 15, Parent: 14, Name: Land transfer tax ID: 16, Parent: 14, Name: Business taxes ID: 17, Parent: 14, Name: Wealth transfer taxes ID: 18, Parent: 14, Name: Miscellaneous property and related taxes ID: 19, Parent: 2, Name: Other taxes ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Natural resource taxes and licences ID: 21, Parent: 19, Name: Miscellaneous taxes ID: 22, Parent: 2, Name: Sales of goods and services ID: 23, Parent: 2, Name: Investment income ID: 24, Parent: 2, Name: Other revenue from own sources ID: 25, Parent: 1, Name: General purpose transfers from other government subsectors ID: 26, Parent: 1, Name: Specific purpose transfers from other government subsectors ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Total expenditures ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: General government services ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Executive and legislative ID: 30, Parent: 28, Name: General administrative ID: 31, Parent: 28, Name: Other general government services ID: 32, Parent: 27, Name: Protection of persons and property ID: 33, Parent: 32, Name: Courts of law ID: 34, Parent: 32, Name: Policing ID: 35, Parent: 32, Name: Firefighting ID: 36, Parent: 32, Name: Regulatory measures ID: 37, Parent: 32, Name: Other protection of persons and property ID: 38, Parent: 27, Name: Transportation and communication ID: 39, Parent: 38, Name: Road transport ID: 40, Parent: 39, Name: Snow removal ID: 41, Parent: 39, Name: Parking ID: 42, Parent: 39, Name: Other road transport ID: 43, Parent: 38, Name: Public transit ID: 44, Parent: 38, Name: Other transportation and communication ID: 45, Parent: 27, Name: Health ID: 46, Parent: 45, Name: Hospital care ID: 47, Parent: 45, Name: Medical care ID: 48, Parent: 45, Name: Preventive care ID: 49, Parent: 45, Name: Other health services ID: 50, Parent: 27, Name: Social services ID: 51, Parent: 50, Name: Social assistance ID: 52, Parent: 50, Name: Other social services ID: 53, Parent: 27, Name: Education ID: 54, Parent: 53, Name: Elementary and secondary education ID: 55, Parent: 53, Name: Other education ID: 56, Parent: 27, Name: Resource conservation and industrial development ID: 57, Parent: 27, Name: Environment ID: 58, Parent: 57, Name: Water purification and supply, sewage collection and disposal ID: 59, Parent: 58, Name: Water purification and supply ID: 60, Parent: 58, Name: Sewage collection and disposal ID: 61, Parent: 57, Name: Garbage, waste collection and disposal ID: 62, Parent: 57, Name: Other environmental services ID: 63, Parent: 27, Name: Recreation and culture ID: 64, Parent: 63, Name: Recreation ID: 65, Parent: 63, Name: Culture ID: 66, Parent: 63, Name: Other recreation and culture ID: 67, Parent: 27, Name: Housing ID: 68, Parent: 27, Name: Regional planning and development ID: 69, Parent: 27, Name: Debt charges ID: 70, Parent: 27, Name: Other expenditures ID: 71, Parent: None, Name: Surplus (+) / deficit (-)
Local general government revenue and expenditures, year ending December 31
Title: Local general government revenue and expenditures, year ending December 31 Date range: 1988-01-01 to 2005-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Revenue and expenditure Subject: Government Survey: Consolidated Government Revenue and Expenditures Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories including Nunavut ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut Revenue and expenditure: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total revenue ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Own source revenue ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Property and related taxes, revenue ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Real property taxes, revenue ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Lot levies, revenue ID: 6, Parent: 3, Name: Special assessments, revenue ID: 7, Parent: 3, Name: Grants in lieu of taxes, revenue ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Federal government, grants in lieu of taxes, revenue ID: 9, Parent: 7, Name: Federal government enterprises, grants in lieu of taxes, revenue ID: 10, Parent: 7, Name: Provincial and territorial governments, grants in lieu of taxes, revenue ID: 11, Parent: 7, Name: Universities, grants in lieu of taxes, revenue ID: 12, Parent: 7, Name: Colleges, grants in lieu of taxes, revenue ID: 13, Parent: 7, Name: Hospitals, grants in lieu of taxes, revenue ID: 14, Parent: 7, Name: Provincial and territorial government enterprises, grants in lieu of taxes, revenue ID: 15, Parent: 7, Name: Local government enterprises, grants in lieu of taxes, revenue ID: 16, Parent: 3, Name: Land transfer tax, revenue ID: 17, Parent: 3, Name: Business taxes, revenue ID: 18, Parent: 3, Name: Other property-related taxes, revenue ID: 19, Parent: 2, Name: Consumption taxes, revenue ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: General sales tax, revenue ID: 21, Parent: 19, Name: Amusement tax, revenue ID: 22, Parent: 2, Name: Other taxes, revenue ID: 23, Parent: 22, Name: Other licences and permits, taxes, revenue ID: 24, Parent: 22, Name: Other miscellaneous taxes, revenue ID: 25, Parent: 2, Name: Sales of goods and services ID: 26, Parent: 25, Name: Intergovernment, sales of goods and services ID: 27, Parent: 25, Name: General sales of goods and services ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Water, sales ID: 29, Parent: 27, Name: Rentals, sales ID: 30, Parent: 27, Name: Concessions and franchises, sales of goods and services ID: 31, Parent: 27, Name: Other sales of goods and services ID: 32, Parent: 2, Name: Investment income ID: 33, Parent: 32, Name: Remitted trading profits ID: 34, Parent: 32, Name: Interest income from own enterprises ID: 35, Parent: 32, Name: Other interest income ID: 36, Parent: 32, Name: Other investment income ID: 37, Parent: 2, Name: Other revenue from own sources ID: 38, Parent: 37, Name: Other fines and penalties, revenue ID: 39, Parent: 37, Name: Miscellaneous revenue from own sources ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Transfers, general and specific ID: 41, Parent: 40, Name: General purpose transfers ID: 42, Parent: 41, Name: Provincial and territorial governments, general purpose transfers ID: 43, Parent: 40, Name: Specific purpose transfers ID: 44, Parent: 43, Name: Federal government, specific purpose transfers ID: 45, Parent: 44, Name: General services, specific purpose transfers, federal ID: 46, Parent: 44, Name: Protection of persons and property, specific purpose transfers, federal ID: 47, Parent: 44, Name: Transportation and communication, specific purpose transfers, federal ID: 48, Parent: 44, Name: Health, specific purpose transfers, federal ID: 49, Parent: 44, Name: Social services, specific purpose transfers, federal ID: 50, Parent: 44, Name: Resource conservation and industrial development, specific purpose transfers, federal ID: 51, Parent: 44, Name: Environment, specific purpose transfers, federal ID: 52, Parent: 44, Name: Recreation and culture, specific purpose transfers, federal ID: 53, Parent: 44, Name: Housing, specific purpose transfers, federal ID: 54, Parent: 44, Name: Regional planning and development, specific purpose transfers, federal ID: 55, Parent: 44, Name: Other federal government specific purpose transfers ID: 56, Parent: 43, Name: Provincial and territorial governments, specific purpose transfers ID: 57, Parent: 56, Name: General services, specific purpose transfers, provincial and territorial ID: 58, Parent: 56, Name: Protection of persons and property, specific purpose transfers, provincial and territorial ID: 59, Parent: 56, Name: Transportation and communication, specific purpose transfers, provincial and territorial ID: 60, Parent: 56, Name: Health, specific purpose transfers, provincial and territorial ID: 61, Parent: 56, Name: Social services, specific purpose transfers, provincial and territorial ID: 62, Parent: 56, Name: Resource conservation and industrial development, specific purpose transfers, provincial and territorial ID: 63, Parent: 56, Name: Environment, specific purpose transfers, provincial and territorial ID: 64, Parent: 56, Name: Recreation and culture, specific purpose transfers, provincial and territorial ID: 65, Parent: 56, Name: Housing, specific purpose transfers, provincial and territorial ID: 66, Parent: 56, Name: Regional planning and development, specific purpose transfers, provincial and territorial ID: 67, Parent: 56, Name: Debt charges (interest), specific purpose transfers, provincial and territorial ID: 68, Parent: 56, Name: Other provincial and territorial government specific purpose transfers ID: 69, Parent: None, Name: Total expenditures ID: 70, Parent: 69, Name: General government services, expenditures ID: 71, Parent: 70, Name: Executive and legislature, expenditures ID: 72, Parent: 70, Name: General administrative, expenditures ID: 73, Parent: 70, Name: Other general government services, expenditures ID: 74, Parent: 69, Name: Protection of persons and property, expenditures ID: 75, Parent: 74, Name: Courts of law, expenditures ID: 76, Parent: 74, Name: Policing, expenditures ID: 77, Parent: 74, Name: Firefighting, expenditures ID: 78, Parent: 74, Name: Regulatory measures, expenditures ID: 79, Parent: 74, Name: Other protection of persons and property, expenditures ID: 80, Parent: 69, Name: Transportation and communication, expenditures ID: 81, Parent: 80, Name: Roads and streets, expenditures ID: 82, Parent: 80, Name: Snow and ice removal, expenditures ID: 83, Parent: 80, Name: Parking, expenditures ID: 84, Parent: 80, Name: Public transit, expenditures ID: 85, Parent: 80, Name: Other transportation and communication, expenditures ID: 86, Parent: 69, Name: Health, expenditures ID: 87, Parent: 86, Name: Hospital care, expenditures ID: 88, Parent: 86, Name: Medical care, expenditures ID: 89, Parent: 86, Name: Preventive care, expenditures ID: 90, Parent: 86, Name: Other health services, expenditures ID: 91, Parent: 69, Name: Social services, expenditures ID: 92, Parent: 91, Name: Social assistance, expenditures ID: 93, Parent: 91, Name: Other social services, expenditures ID: 94, Parent: 69, Name: Education, expenditures ID: 95, Parent: 69, Name: Resource conservation and industrial development, expenditures ID: 96, Parent: 95, Name: Agriculture, expenditures ID: 97, Parent: 95, Name: Tourism promotion, expenditures ID: 98, Parent: 95, Name: Trade and industry, expenditures ID: 99, Parent: 95, Name: Other resource conservation and industrial development, expenditures ID: 100, Parent: 69, Name: Environment, expenditures ID: 101, Parent: 100, Name: Water purification and supply, expenditures ID: 102, Parent: 100, Name: Sewage collection and disposal, expenditures ID: 103, Parent: 100, Name: Garbage and waste collection and disposal, expenditures ID: 104, Parent: 100, Name: Other environmental services, expenditures ID: 105, Parent: 69, Name: Recreation and culture, expenditures ID: 106, Parent: 105, Name: Recreation, expenditures ID: 107, Parent: 105, Name: Culture, expenditures ID: 108, Parent: 105, Name: Other recreation and culture, expenditures ID: 109, Parent: 69, Name: Housing, expenditures ID: 110, Parent: 69, Name: Regional planning and development, expenditures ID: 111, Parent: 110, Name: Planning and zoning, expenditures ID: 112, Parent: 110, Name: Community and regional development, expenditures ID: 113, Parent: 110, Name: Other regional planning and development, expenditures ID: 114, Parent: 69, Name: Debt charges, expenditures ID: 115, Parent: 114, Name: Interest, expenditures ID: 116, Parent: 114, Name: Other debt charges, expenditures ID: 117, Parent: 69, Name: Other expenditures ID: 118, Parent: None, Name: Surplus (+) / deficit (-)
Federal, provincial and territorial non-autonomous pension plans, revenue and expenditures, for fiscal year ending March 31
Title: Federal, provincial and territorial non-autonomous pension plans, revenue and expenditures, for fiscal year ending March 31 Date range: 1989-01-01 to 2009-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Government sectors, Revenue and expenditure Subject: Government Survey: Consolidated Government Revenue and Expenditures Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories including Nunavut ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut Government sectors: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Federal government ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Provincial and territorial government Revenue and expenditure: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total revenue ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Own source revenue ID: 2, Parent: 11, Name: Contributions to social security plans ID: 9, Parent: 2, Name: Non-autonomous pension plan employee contributions ID: 10, Parent: 2, Name: Non-autonomous pension plan employer contributions ID: 3, Parent: 11, Name: Investment income ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Total expenditures ID: 5, Parent: 4, Name: Social services ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Employee pension plan benefits and other expenditures ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Changes in pension equity of households ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Surplus (+) / deficit (-)
Canada and Quebec Pension Plans revenue and expenditures, for fiscal year ending March 31
Title: Canada and Quebec Pension Plans revenue and expenditures, for fiscal year ending March 31 Date range: 1989-01-01 to 2009-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Revenue and expenditure Subject: Government Survey: Consolidated Government Revenue and Expenditures Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Quebec Revenue and expenditure: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total revenue ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Own source revenue ID: 2, Parent: 13, Name: Contributions to social security plans ID: 12, Parent: 13, Name: Sales of goods and services ID: 3, Parent: 13, Name: Investment income ID: 7, Parent: 3, Name: Interest income ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Interest income from federal government ID: 9, Parent: 7, Name: Interest income from provincial and territorial governments ID: 10, Parent: 7, Name: Other interest income ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Total expenditures ID: 5, Parent: 4, Name: Social services ID: 11, Parent: 5, Name: Social assistance ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Surplus (+) / deficit (-)
University and college revenue and expenditures, for fiscal year ending closest to March 31
Title: University and college revenue and expenditures, for fiscal year ending closest to March 31 Date range: 1989-01-01 to 2009-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Revenue and expenditure Subject: Government Survey: Consolidated Government Revenue and Expenditures Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories including Nunavut ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut Revenue and expenditure: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total revenue ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Own source revenue ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Sales of goods and services ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Tuition fees ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Other sales of goods and services ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Investment income ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Other revenue from own sources ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Transfers from other levels of government ID: 9, Parent: 8, Name: Transfers from federal government ID: 10, Parent: 8, Name: Transfers from provincial and territorial governments ID: 11, Parent: 8, Name: Transfers from local governments ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Total expenditures ID: 22, Parent: 12, Name: Protection of persons and property ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Total, education expenditures ID: 14, Parent: 13, Name: Total, postsecondary education expenditures ID: 15, Parent: 14, Name: Administration, postsecondary education expenditures ID: 16, Parent: 14, Name: Education, postsecondary expenditures ID: 17, Parent: 14, Name: Support to students expenditures ID: 18, Parent: 14, Name: Other postsecondary education expenditures ID: 21, Parent: 13, Name: Special retraining services expenditures ID: 19, Parent: 12, Name: Debt charges ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Surplus (+) / deficit (-)
Health and social service institutions revenue and expenditures, for fiscal year ending closest to March 31
Title: Health and social service institutions revenue and expenditures, for fiscal year ending closest to March 31 Date range: 1989-01-01 to 2009-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Revenue and expenditure Subject: Government Survey: Consolidated Government Revenue and Expenditures Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories including Nunavut ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut Revenue and expenditure: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total revenue ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Own source revenue ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Sales of goods and services ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Investment income ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Other revenue from own sources ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Transfers from other levels of government ID: 7, Parent: 6, Name: Transfers from federal government ID: 8, Parent: 6, Name: Transfers from provincial and territorial governments ID: 9, Parent: 6, Name: Transfers from local governments ID: 10, Parent: 6, Name: Transfers from other health and social service institutions ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Total expenditures ID: 12, Parent: 11, Name: Health ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Hospital care ID: 14, Parent: 12, Name: Medical care ID: 15, Parent: 12, Name: Preventive care ID: 16, Parent: 12, Name: Other health services ID: 17, Parent: 11, Name: Social services ID: 18, Parent: 17, Name: Social assistance ID: 19, Parent: 17, Name: Other social services ID: 20, Parent: 11, Name: Debt charges ID: 23, Parent: 11, Name: Protection of persons and property ID: 22, Parent: 11, Name: Housing ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Surplus (+) / deficit (-)
School board revenue and expenditures, year ending December 31
Title: School board revenue and expenditures, year ending December 31 Date range: 1988-01-01 to 2008-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Revenue and expenditure Subject: Government Survey: Consolidated Government Revenue and Expenditures Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories including Nunavut ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut Revenue and expenditure: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total revenue ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Own source revenue ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Property and related taxes ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Real property taxes ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Grants in lieu of taxes ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Federal government, grants in lieu of taxes ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Federal government business enterprises, grants in lieu of taxes ID: 8, Parent: 5, Name: Provincial and territorial governments, grants in lieu of taxes ID: 9, Parent: 5, Name: Provincial and territorial government business enterprises, grants in lieu of taxes ID: 10, Parent: 5, Name: Municipal governments, grants in lieu of taxes ID: 11, Parent: 5, Name: Local government business enterprises, grants in lieu of taxes ID: 12, Parent: 3, Name: Business taxes ID: 13, Parent: 3, Name: Miscellaneous property and related taxes ID: 14, Parent: 2, Name: Other taxes ID: 15, Parent: 14, Name: Other licences and permits ID: 16, Parent: 2, Name: Sales of goods and services ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Intergovernment, sales of goods and services ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: General, sales of goods and services ID: 19, Parent: 18, Name: Rentals ID: 20, Parent: 18, Name: Other sales of goods and services ID: 21, Parent: 2, Name: Investment income ID: 22, Parent: 21, Name: Other interest income ID: 23, Parent: 21, Name: Other investment income ID: 24, Parent: 2, Name: Other revenue from own sources ID: 25, Parent: 24, Name: Miscellaneous revenue from own sources ID: 26, Parent: 1, Name: Specific purpose transfers from other government sub-sectors ID: 27, Parent: 26, Name: Transfers, specific purpose ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Federal government, transfers, specific purpose ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Education, federal government, transfers, specific purpose ID: 30, Parent: 27, Name: Provincial and territorial governments, transfers, specific purpose ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Education, provincial and territorial governments, transfers, specific purpose ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Debt charges (interest), provincial and territorial governments, transfers, specific purpose ID: 33, Parent: 27, Name: Municipal governments, transfers, specific purpose ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Education, municipal governments, transfers, specific purpose ID: 35, Parent: None, Name: Total expenditures ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Education, total expenditures ID: 41, Parent: 36, Name: Elementary and secondary education, total expenditures ID: 42, Parent: 36, Name: Special retraining services, total expenditures ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Debt charges, total expenditures ID: 38, Parent: 37, Name: Interest, total expenditures ID: 39, Parent: 37, Name: Other debt charges, total expenditures ID: 40, Parent: None, Name: Surplus (+) / deficit (-)
Federal government debt, for fiscal year ending March 31
Title: Federal government debt, for fiscal year ending March 31 Date range: 1867-01-01 to 2008-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Government debt Subject: Government Survey: Consolidated Government Financial Assets and Liabilities Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Government debt: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Gross federal government debt ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Unmatured debt ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Marketable bonds ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Treasury bills ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Notes and loans ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Canada savings bonds ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Bonds issued to the Canada Pension Plan ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Superannuation accounts ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Dominion notes and coins in circulation ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Other liabilities ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Unmatured debt payable in foreign currencies ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Less: financial assets ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Net federal government financial debt
Federal government business enterprise finance, income and expenses, as at the end of the fiscal year ending closest to December 31
Title: Federal government business enterprise finance, income and expenses, as at the end of the fiscal year ending closest to December 31 Date range: 1982-01-01 to 2006-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Type of enterprise, Income and expenditure Subject: Government Survey: Finances of Government Business Enterprises Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Type of enterprise: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total federal government business enterprises ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Non-financial enterprises ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Total financial enterprises ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Financial monetary authorities ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Other financial enterprises Income and expenditure: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total income ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Sales of goods and services ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Investment income ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Subsidies ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Transfers from other federal government business enterprises ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Other income ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Total expense ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Cost of goods and services including salaries and wages ID: 9, Parent: 7, Name: Debt charges ID: 10, Parent: 7, Name: Grants in lieu of taxes ID: 11, Parent: 7, Name: Provision for depreciation and depletion ID: 12, Parent: 7, Name: Other expenses ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Net income (loss) before provision for income tax ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Provision for income tax ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Net income (loss) after provision for income tax
Federal government business enterprise finance, unappropriated surplus, fiscal year ending closest to December 31
Title: Federal government business enterprise finance, unappropriated surplus, fiscal year ending closest to December 31 Date range: 1982-01-01 to 2006-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Type of enterprise, Unappropriated surplus Subject: Government Survey: Finances of Government Business Enterprises Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Type of enterprise: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total federal government business enterprises ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Non-financial enterprises ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Total financial enterprises ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Financial monetary authorities ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Other financial enterprises Unappropriated surplus: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Balance at beginning of year ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Additions ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Net income (loss) for the year after taxes ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Net profit (loss) on sale or disposal of fixed asset ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Recoveries of losses ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Transfers from provincial governments ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Transfers from appropriated surplus ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: Other additions ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Deductions ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Profits remitted, including dividends paid ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Transfers to appropriated surplus ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Other deductions ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Balance at the end of the year
Federal government business enterprise finance, balance sheet, as at the end of the fiscal year ending closest to December 31
Title: Federal government business enterprise finance, balance sheet, as at the end of the fiscal year ending closest to December 31 Date range: 1982-01-01 to 2006-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Type of enterprise, Balance sheet Subject: Government Survey: Finances of Government Business Enterprises Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Type of enterprise: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total federal government business enterprises ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Non-financial enterprises ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Total financial enterprises ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Financial monetary authorities ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Other financial enterprises Balance sheet: ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Total assets ID: 7, Parent: 6, Name: Cash on hand and on deposit ID: 8, Parent: 6, Name: Receivables ID: 9, Parent: 6, Name: Accrued revenue and prepaid expenses ID: 11, Parent: 6, Name: Advances ID: 12, Parent: 6, Name: Securities ID: 13, Parent: 6, Name: Other financial assets ID: 10, Parent: 6, Name: Inventories ID: 14, Parent: 6, Name: Net fixed assets ID: 15, Parent: 6, Name: Deferred charges ID: 16, Parent: 6, Name: Other assets ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Total liabilities and net worth ID: 18, Parent: 17, Name: Total liabilities ID: 19, Parent: 18, Name: Bank overdrafts ID: 20, Parent: 18, Name: Savings deposits ID: 21, Parent: 18, Name: Payables ID: 22, Parent: 18, Name: Accrued expenses and deferred credits ID: 23, Parent: 18, Name: Advances ID: 24, Parent: 18, Name: Bonds and debentures ID: 25, Parent: 18, Name: Other securities ID: 26, Parent: 18, Name: Deposits ID: 27, Parent: 18, Name: Minority interests ID: 28, Parent: 18, Name: Other liabilities ID: 29, Parent: 17, Name: Total net worth ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Capital stock ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Surplus ID: 32, Parent: 31, Name: Unappropriated surplus ID: 33, Parent: 31, Name: Appropriated surplus ID: 34, Parent: 31, Name: Contributed surplus
Balance sheet of federal, provincial and territorial general and local governments
Title: Balance sheet of federal, provincial and territorial general and local governments Date range: 1970-01-01 to 2008-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Government sectors, Balance sheet Subject: Government Survey: Consolidated Government Financial Assets and Liabilities Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories including Nunavut ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut Government sectors: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Consolidated government ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Federal general government ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Provincial and territorial general government ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Local government ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Consolidated provincial, territorial and local government Balance sheet: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Financial assets ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Cash on hand and on deposit ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Receivables ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Advances ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Securities ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Other financial assets ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Liabilities ID: 19, Parent: 8, Name: Bank overdrafts ID: 9, Parent: 8, Name: Payables ID: 10, Parent: 8, Name: Bank loans ID: 11, Parent: 8, Name: Advances ID: 12, Parent: 8, Name: Coins in circulation ID: 13, Parent: 8, Name: Treasury bills ID: 14, Parent: 8, Name: Savings bonds ID: 15, Parent: 8, Name: Bonds and debentures ID: 16, Parent: 8, Name: Other securities ID: 17, Parent: 8, Name: Deposits ID: 18, Parent: 8, Name: Other liabilities ID: 20, Parent: 8, Name: Liabilities to pension plans ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: Net financial debt
Income and expenses of local government business enterprises, by industry, end of fiscal year closest to December 31
Title: Income and expenses of local government business enterprises, by industry, end of fiscal year closest to December 31 Date range: 1980-01-01 to 2010-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Income and expenses, Industry, Level of government Subject: Government Survey: Finances of Government Business Enterprises Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories including Nunavut ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut Income and expenses: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total income ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Sales of goods and services ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Investment income ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Subsidies ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Other income ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Total expenses ID: 7, Parent: 6, Name: Cost of goods and services including salaries and wages ID: 8, Parent: 6, Name: Debt charges ID: 14, Parent: 6, Name: Grants in lieu of taxes ID: 9, Parent: 6, Name: Provision for depreciation and depletion ID: 10, Parent: 6, Name: Other expenses ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Net income (loss) before provision for income tax ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Provision for income tax ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Net income(loss) after provision for income tax ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Interest capitalized Industry: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All industries ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Agriculture and fisheries ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Construction ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Mines, quarries and oil wells ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Manufacturing ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Transportation ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Communication ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Electric power ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Gas distribution ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Other utilities ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Logging ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Trade ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Finance, insurance and real estate ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Community businesses and personal services ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Telephone Level of government: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Provincial government ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Local government
Assets, liabilities and net worth of provincial and territorial government business enterprises, by industry, as at the end of the fiscal year closest to December 31
Title: Assets, liabilities and net worth of provincial and territorial government business enterprises, by industry, as at the end of the fiscal year closest to December 31 Date range: 1980-01-01 to 2005-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Assets, liabilities and net worth, Industry Subject: Government Survey: Finances of Government Business Enterprises Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories including Nunavut ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut Assets, liabilities and net worth: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total assets ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Cash on hand, deposits and receivables ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Inventories ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Advances ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Securities ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Treasury bills ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Bonds and debentures ID: 8, Parent: 5, Name: Shares ID: 9, Parent: 5, Name: Mortgages and agreements for sale ID: 10, Parent: 5, Name: Foreign securities ID: 11, Parent: 5, Name: Other securities ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Other financial assets ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Net fixed assets ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Deferred charges and other assets ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Total liabilities and net worth ID: 16, Parent: 15, Name: Total liabilities ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Savings deposits ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Payables ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Advances ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Government and government business enterprises ID: 21, Parent: 19, Name: Chartered banks and other banks ID: 22, Parent: 21, Name: Canadian currency ID: 23, Parent: 21, Name: Foreign currency ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: Bonds and debentures issued ID: 25, Parent: 24, Name: Government and other agencies ID: 26, Parent: 24, Name: General public payable ID: 27, Parent: 26, Name: Canadian currency ID: 28, Parent: 26, Name: United states currency ID: 29, Parent: 26, Name: Other currencies ID: 30, Parent: 16, Name: Other securities ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Canadian currency ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Foreign currency ID: 33, Parent: 16, Name: Other liabilities ID: 34, Parent: 15, Name: Total net worth Industry: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All industries ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Agriculture and fisheries ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Construction ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Mines, quarries and oil wells ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Manufacturing ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Transportation ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Communication ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Electric power ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Gas distribution ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Other utilities ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Logging ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Trade ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Finance, insurance and real estate ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Community businesses and personal services
Net financial debt of federal, provincial and territorial general and local governments
Title: Net financial debt of federal, provincial and territorial general and local governments Date range: 1977-01-01 to 2006-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Government sectors Subject: Government Survey: Consolidated Government Financial Assets and Liabilities Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories including Nunavut ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut Government sectors: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Consolidated general government, net financial debt ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Federal general government, net financial debt ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Provincial and territorial general governments, net financial debt ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Local government, net financial debt ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Consolidated provincial and territorial general and local governments, net financial debt
Federal, provincial and territorial government non-autonomous pension plans balance sheet, as at March 31
Title: Federal, provincial and territorial government non-autonomous pension plans balance sheet, as at March 31 Date range: 1970-01-01 to 2008-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Government sectors, Balance sheet Subject: Government Survey: Consolidated Government Financial Assets and Liabilities Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Government sectors: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Federal government ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Provincial and territorial government Balance sheet: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total financial assets ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Investments ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Advances to government ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Total liabilities ID: 5, Parent: 4, Name: Pension liabilities
Canada and Quebec Pension Plans (CPP and QPP) balance sheet, as at March 31
Title: Canada and Quebec Pension Plans (CPP and QPP) balance sheet, as at March 31 Date range: 1966-01-01 to 2008-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Public sector, component, Balance sheet Subject: Government Survey: Consolidated Government Financial Assets and Liabilities Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Public sector, component: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Pension Plan (CPP) ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) Balance sheet: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total financial assets ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Securities ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Federal government bonds ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Provincial and territorial government bonds ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Provincial and territorial government enterprise bonds ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Short term investments in Canada bonds ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Deposits with Canada Pension Plan investment board ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Receivables ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Canada Pension Plan account ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Deposits in government institutions ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Total liabilities ID: 12, Parent: 11, Name: Bank overdrafts, payables and advances ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Net financial wealth
Reconciliation of expenditures of universities and colleges on a Financial Management System (FMS) basis to expenditures on postsecondary education as per Centre for education statistics (CES), for fiscal year ending closest to March 31
Title: Reconciliation of expenditures of universities and colleges on a Financial Management System (FMS) basis to expenditures on postsecondary education as per Centre for education statistics (CES), for fiscal year ending closest to March 31 Date range: 1999-01-01 to 2003-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Expenditures Subject: Government Survey: Consolidated Government Revenue and Expenditures Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Foreign countries Expenditures: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Expenditures of universities and colleges, Financial Management System (FMS) basis ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Add: institutions embedded in the public accounts or financial statements ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Add: principal portion of debt repayments ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Deduct: adjustment to report expenditures on a net basis ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Expenditures of universities and colleges, Centre for education statistics (CES) basis ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Add: federal and provincial aid to students ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Add: other federal and provincial departmental expenditures ID: 8, Parent: 5, Name: Add: other postsecondary institutions ID: 9, Parent: 5, Name: Deduct: ancillary enterprises ID: 10, Parent: 5, Name: Deduct: trade, vocational and continuing education programs ID: 11, Parent: 5, Name: Deduct: other postsecondary institutions ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Expenditures on postsecondary education, Centre for education statistics (CES) basis
Reconciliation of estimated provincial and territorial government revenue and expenditures from budgetary documents to the Financial Management System (FMS), for fiscal year ending March 31
Title: Reconciliation of estimated provincial and territorial government revenue and expenditures from budgetary documents to the Financial Management System (FMS), for fiscal year ending March 31 Date range: 2002-01-01 to 2009-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Revenue and expenditures, Reconciliation items Subject: Government Survey: Consolidated Government Revenue and Expenditures Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: New Brunswick ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Quebec ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Ontario ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Manitoba ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Alberta ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: British Columbia ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Yukon ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Nunavut Revenue and expenditures: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Revenue ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Expenditures ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Revenue minus expenditures Reconciliation items: ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Totals from budgetary documents ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Net addition of special funds not included in financial statements ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Alberta power pool, electricity energy rebates to consumers ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Alberta's other special funds ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Conversion from net basis to a gross basis ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Other adjustments ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Update since budget ID: 9, Parent: 7, Name: All other adjustments ID: 10, Parent: 7, Name: Alberta Treasury Branches unremitted profits ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Totals on a Financial Management System (FMS) basis, provincial and territorial general government ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Additional government components ID: 13, Parent: 12, Name: Health and social services institutions ID: 14, Parent: 12, Name: Universities and colleges ID: 15, Parent: 12, Name: Non-autonomous pension plans ID: 16, Parent: 12, Name: Transactions between components of provincial and territorial government ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Totals on a Financial Management System (FMS) basis, provincial and territorial government
Reconciliation of estimated federal government revenue and expenditures from budgetary documents to the Financial Management System (FMS), for fiscal year ending March 31
Title: Reconciliation of estimated federal government revenue and expenditures from budgetary documents to the Financial Management System (FMS), for fiscal year ending March 31 Date range: 1994-01-01 to 2009-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Revenue and expenditures, Reconciliation items Subject: Government Survey: Consolidated Government Revenue and Expenditures Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Revenue and expenditures: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Revenue ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Expenditures ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Revenue minus expenditures Reconciliation items: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Budgetary documents ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Total deductions ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Provision for valuation and other adjustments ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Consolidated crown corporations ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Revenue netted against expenditures ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Internal revenue or expenditures ID: 33, Parent: 2, Name: Full accrual adjustments ID: 34, Parent: 2, Name: Deduction of full accrual tax revenue ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Deferred revenue ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: Other adjustments ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Addition of revenue and expenditures of special funds to reflect the Financial Management System (FMS) universe ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Total deduction of transfers between ministries and special funds ID: 11, Parent: 10, Name: Ministries ID: 12, Parent: 10, Name: Special funds ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Total revenue and expenditures before the gross convention and other adjustments ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Total conversion from net basis to a gross basis ID: 15, Parent: 14, Name: Revenue credited to the vote ID: 16, Parent: 14, Name: Tax credits adjustments ID: 17, Parent: 14, Name: Interest paid on tax refunds ID: 18, Parent: 14, Name: Other interest paid (on late payments of Goods and Services Tax (GST) rebates and refunds) ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Total of other adjustments ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Refunds of prior years expenditures ID: 21, Parent: 19, Name: Netting of recoveries ID: 22, Parent: 19, Name: Other Financial Management System (FMS) adjustments ID: 24, Parent: 19, Name: Domestic coinage ID: 25, Parent: 19, Name: Net gain or loss on exchange ID: 26, Parent: 19, Name: Provisional charges ID: 35, Parent: 19, Name: Gain or loss on investments ID: 27, Parent: 19, Name: Non-relevant items in special funds ID: 28, Parent: None, Name: Total federal general government on a Financial Management System (FMS) basis ID: 29, Parent: None, Name: Additional government component: non-autonomous pension plans ID: 30, Parent: None, Name: Additional government component: deduction of interest paid to the plans by the federal general government ID: 31, Parent: None, Name: Total federal government on a Financial Management System (FMS) basis
Local general government revenue and expenditures, current and capital accounts, year ending December 31
Title: Local general government revenue and expenditures, current and capital accounts, year ending December 31 Date range: 1988-01-01 to 2008-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Current and capital accounts, Revenue and expenditures Subject: Government Survey: Consolidated Government Revenue and Expenditures Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories including Nunavut ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut Current and capital accounts: ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Current and capital accounts ID: 1, Parent: 3, Name: Current account ID: 2, Parent: 3, Name: Capital account Revenue and expenditures: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total revenue ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Own source revenue ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Property and related taxes, revenue ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Real property taxes, revenue ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Lot levies, revenue ID: 6, Parent: 3, Name: Special assessments, revenue ID: 7, Parent: 3, Name: Grants in lieu of taxes, revenue ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Federal government, grants in lieu of taxes, revenue ID: 9, Parent: 7, Name: Federal government enterprises, grants in lieu of taxes, revenue ID: 10, Parent: 7, Name: Provincial and territorial government, grants in lieu of taxes, revenue ID: 11, Parent: 7, Name: Universities, grants in lieu of taxes, revenue ID: 12, Parent: 7, Name: Colleges, grants in lieu of taxes, revenue ID: 13, Parent: 7, Name: Hospitals, grants in lieu of taxes, revenue ID: 14, Parent: 7, Name: Provincial and territorial government enterprises, grants in lieu of taxes, revenue ID: 15, Parent: 7, Name: Local government enterprises, grants in lieu of taxes, revenue ID: 16, Parent: 3, Name: Land transfer tax, revenue ID: 17, Parent: 3, Name: Business taxes, revenue ID: 18, Parent: 3, Name: Other property-related taxes, revenue ID: 19, Parent: 2, Name: Consumption taxes, revenue ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: General sales tax, revenue ID: 21, Parent: 19, Name: Amusement tax, revenue ID: 22, Parent: 2, Name: Other taxes, revenue ID: 23, Parent: 22, Name: Other licences and permits, taxes, revenue ID: 24, Parent: 22, Name: Other miscellaneous taxes, revenue ID: 25, Parent: 2, Name: Sales of goods and services ID: 26, Parent: 25, Name: Intergovernment, sales of goods and services ID: 27, Parent: 25, Name: General sales of goods and services ID: 28, Parent: 27, Name: Water, sales ID: 29, Parent: 27, Name: Rentals, sales ID: 30, Parent: 27, Name: Concessions and franchises, sales of goods and services ID: 31, Parent: 27, Name: Other sales of goods and services ID: 32, Parent: 2, Name: Investment income ID: 33, Parent: 32, Name: Remitted trading profits ID: 34, Parent: 32, Name: Interest income from own enterprises ID: 35, Parent: 32, Name: Other interest income ID: 36, Parent: 32, Name: Other investment income ID: 37, Parent: 2, Name: Other revenue from own sources ID: 38, Parent: 37, Name: Other fines and penalties, revenue ID: 39, Parent: 37, Name: Miscellaneous revenue from own sources ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Transfers, general and specific ID: 41, Parent: 40, Name: General purpose transfers ID: 42, Parent: 41, Name: Provincial and territorial government, general purpose transfers ID: 43, Parent: 40, Name: Specific purpose transfers ID: 44, Parent: 43, Name: Federal government, specific purpose transfers ID: 45, Parent: 44, Name: General services, specific purpose transfers, federal ID: 46, Parent: 44, Name: Protection of persons and property, specific purpose transfers, federal ID: 47, Parent: 44, Name: Transportation and communications, specific purpose transfers, federal ID: 48, Parent: 44, Name: Health, specific purpose transfers, federal ID: 49, Parent: 44, Name: Social services, specific purpose transfers, federal ID: 50, Parent: 44, Name: Resource conservation and industrial development, specific purpose transfers, federal ID: 51, Parent: 44, Name: Environment, specific purpose transfers, federal ID: 52, Parent: 44, Name: Recreation and culture, specific purpose transfers, federal ID: 53, Parent: 44, Name: Housing, specific purpose transfers, federal ID: 54, Parent: 44, Name: Regional planning and development, specific purpose transfers, federal ID: 55, Parent: 44, Name: Other federal government specific purpose transfers ID: 56, Parent: 43, Name: Provincial and territorial government, specific purpose transfers ID: 57, Parent: 56, Name: General services, specific purpose transfers, provincial and territorial ID: 58, Parent: 56, Name: Protection of persons and property, specific purpose transfers, provincial and territorial ID: 59, Parent: 56, Name: Transportation and communications, specific purpose transfers, provincial and territorial ID: 60, Parent: 56, Name: Health, specific purpose transfers, provincial and territorial ID: 61, Parent: 56, Name: Social services, specific purpose transfers, provincial and territorial ID: 62, Parent: 56, Name: Resource conservation and industrial development, specific purpose transfers, provincial and territorial ID: 63, Parent: 56, Name: Environment, specific purpose transfers, provincial and territorial ID: 64, Parent: 56, Name: Recreation and culture, specific purpose transfers, provincial and territorial ID: 65, Parent: 56, Name: Housing, specific purpose transfers, provincial and territorial ID: 66, Parent: 56, Name: Regional planning and development, specific purpose transfers, provincial and territorial ID: 67, Parent: 56, Name: Debt charges (interest), specific purpose transfers, provincial and territorial ID: 68, Parent: 56, Name: Other provincial and territorial government specific purpose transfers ID: 69, Parent: None, Name: Total expenditures ID: 70, Parent: 69, Name: General government services, expenditures ID: 71, Parent: 70, Name: Executive and legislature, expenditures ID: 72, Parent: 70, Name: General administrative, expenditures ID: 73, Parent: 70, Name: Other general government services, expenditures ID: 74, Parent: 69, Name: Protection of persons and property, expenditures ID: 75, Parent: 74, Name: Courts of law, expenditures ID: 76, Parent: 74, Name: Policing, expenditures ID: 77, Parent: 74, Name: Firefighting, expenditures ID: 78, Parent: 74, Name: Regulatory measures, expenditures ID: 79, Parent: 74, Name: Other protection of persons and property, expenditures ID: 80, Parent: 69, Name: Transportation and communication, expenditures ID: 81, Parent: 80, Name: Roads and streets, expenditures ID: 82, Parent: 80, Name: Snow and ice removal, expenditures ID: 83, Parent: 80, Name: Parking, expenditures ID: 84, Parent: 80, Name: Public transit, expenditures ID: 85, Parent: 80, Name: Other transportation and communication, expenditures ID: 86, Parent: 69, Name: Health, expenditures ID: 87, Parent: 86, Name: Hospital care, expenditures ID: 88, Parent: 86, Name: Medical care, expenditures ID: 89, Parent: 86, Name: Preventive care, expenditures ID: 90, Parent: 86, Name: Other health services, expenditures ID: 91, Parent: 69, Name: Social services, expenditures ID: 92, Parent: 91, Name: Social assistance, expenditures ID: 93, Parent: 91, Name: Other social services, expenditures ID: 94, Parent: 69, Name: Education, expenditures ID: 95, Parent: 69, Name: Resource conservation and industrial development, expenditures ID: 96, Parent: 95, Name: Agriculture, expenditures ID: 97, Parent: 95, Name: Tourism promotion, expenditures ID: 98, Parent: 95, Name: Trade and industry, expenditures ID: 99, Parent: 95, Name: Other resource conservation and industrial development, expenditures ID: 100, Parent: 69, Name: Environment, expenditures ID: 101, Parent: 100, Name: Water purification and supply, expenditures ID: 102, Parent: 100, Name: Sewage collection and disposal, expenditures ID: 103, Parent: 100, Name: Garbage and waste collection and disposal, expenditures ID: 104, Parent: 100, Name: Other environmental services, expenditures ID: 105, Parent: 69, Name: Recreation and culture, expenditures ID: 106, Parent: 105, Name: Recreation, expenditures ID: 107, Parent: 105, Name: Culture, expenditures ID: 108, Parent: 105, Name: Other recreation and culture, expenditures ID: 109, Parent: 69, Name: Housing, expenditures ID: 110, Parent: 69, Name: Regional planning and development, expenditures ID: 111, Parent: 110, Name: Planning and zoning, expenditures ID: 112, Parent: 110, Name: Community and regional development, expenditures ID: 113, Parent: 110, Name: Other regional planning and development, expenditures ID: 114, Parent: 69, Name: Debt charges, expenditures ID: 115, Parent: 114, Name: Interest, expenditures ID: 116, Parent: 114, Name: Other debt charges, expenditures ID: 117, Parent: 69, Name: Other expenditures ID: 118, Parent: None, Name: Surplus (+) / deficit (-)
Reconciliation of federal general government balance sheet from public accounts to the Financial Management System (FMS), as at March 31
Title: Reconciliation of federal general government balance sheet from public accounts to the Financial Management System (FMS), as at March 31 Date range: 1992-01-01 to 2008-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Financial assets and liabilities, Reconciliation items Subject: Government Survey: Consolidated Government Financial Assets and Liabilities Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Financial assets and liabilities: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Financial assets ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Liabilities ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Net financial wealth (+) / net financial debt (-) Reconciliation items: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Public accounts balance sheet ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Adjustments to produce Financial Management System (FMS) data ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: De-consolidation of crown corporations ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Addition of special funds to reflect the Financial Management System (FMS) statistical universe ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Additions to reflect gross treatment of Financial Management System (FMS) ID: 15, Parent: 5, Name: Bank overdrafts and warrants ID: 16, Parent: 5, Name: Special drawing rights ID: 17, Parent: 5, Name: Holding of own debt ID: 18, Parent: 5, Name: Other additions to reflect gross treatment of Financial Management System (FMS) ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Addition of coins in circulation ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Transactions excluded in the Financial Management System (FMS) ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Inventories and fixed assets of special funds ID: 9, Parent: 7, Name: Transactions between government and special funds ID: 10, Parent: 7, Name: Accrual transactions ID: 11, Parent: 7, Name: Fixed assets and inventories ID: 12, Parent: 7, Name: Obligations related to capital leases ID: 14, Parent: 7, Name: Other transactions excluded in the Financial Management System (FMS) ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Financial Management System (FMS) balance sheet
Debt guaranteed by provincial and territorial general government
Title: Debt guaranteed by provincial and territorial general government Date range: 1970-01-01 to 2008-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Liabilities, Types of borrowing Subject: Government Survey: Consolidated Government Financial Assets and Liabilities Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories including Nunavut ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut Liabilities: ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Provincial government enterprises ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Local governments ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Other guaranteed debt Types of borrowing: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total types of borrowing ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Bonds and debentures ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Bank loans ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Other types of borrowing
Provincial and territorial general government capital transfers for debt forgiveness to other government sub-sectors
Title: Provincial and territorial general government capital transfers for debt forgiveness to other government sub-sectors Date range: 1992-01-01 to 2007-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Capital transfers Subject: Government Survey: Consolidated Government Revenue and Expenditures Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories including Nunavut Capital transfers: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total capital transfers for debt forgiveness to other government sub-sectors ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Capital transfers for debt forgiveness to colleges ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Capital transfers for debt forgiveness to universities ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Capital transfers for debt forgiveness to hospitals ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Capital transfers for debt forgiveness to residential care facilities ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Capital transfers for debt forgiveness to other health and social services ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Capital transfers for debt forgiveness to provincial and territorial governments ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Capital transfers for debt forgiveness to municipal governments ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Capital transfers for debt forgiveness to school boards
Provincial and territorial government debt charges due to borrowing on behalf of government business enterprises, municipalities and school boards, for fiscal year ending March 31
Title: Provincial and territorial government debt charges due to borrowing on behalf of government business enterprises, municipalities and school boards, for fiscal year ending March 31 Date range: 1989-01-01 to 2009-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Interest on the public debt Subject: Government Survey: Consolidated Government Revenue and Expenditures Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories including Nunavut ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut Interest on the public debt: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total interest due to borrowing ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Interest due to borrowing on behalf of government business enterprises ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Interest due to borrowing on behalf of municipal governments ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Interest due to borrowing on behalf of school boards
Reconciliation of provincial and territorial general government balance sheet from public accounts to the Financial Management System (FMS), as at March 31
Title: Reconciliation of provincial and territorial general government balance sheet from public accounts to the Financial Management System (FMS), as at March 31 Date range: 2000-01-01 to 2008-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Financial assets and liabilities, Reconciliation items Subject: Government Survey: Consolidated Government Financial Assets and Liabilities Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: New Brunswick ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Quebec ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Ontario ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Manitoba ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Alberta ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: British Columbia ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Yukon ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Nunavut Financial assets and liabilities: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Financial assets ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Liabilities ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Net financial wealth (+) / net financial debt (-) Reconciliation items: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Public accounts balance sheet ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Deconsolidation adjustments ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Financial statements of departments ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Adjustments to produce Financial Management System (FMS) data ID: 18, Parent: 4, Name: Deconsolidation of agencies not belonging to the general revenue fund ID: 5, Parent: 4, Name: Addition of special funds to reflect the Financial Management system (FMS) statistical universe ID: 6, Parent: 4, Name: Additions to reflect gross treatment of Financial Management System (FMS) ID: 7, Parent: 6, Name: Sinking fund ID: 8, Parent: 6, Name: Unamortized foreign exchange loss ID: 9, Parent: 6, Name: Holding of own debt ID: 10, Parent: 6, Name: Cash ID: 11, Parent: 6, Name: Bank overdrafts ID: 12, Parent: 6, Name: Other additions to reflect gross treatment of Financial Management System (FMS) ID: 19, Parent: 4, Name: Other additions ID: 13, Parent: 4, Name: Deductions to reflect transactions excluded in Financial Management System (FMS) ID: 14, Parent: 13, Name: Inventories and fixed assets ID: 15, Parent: 13, Name: Transactions between province or territory and special funds ID: 16, Parent: 13, Name: Other deductions to reflect transactions excluded in Financial Management System (FMS) ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Financial Management System (FMS) balance sheet
Balance sheet and income statement of federal government business enterprises, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), end of fiscal year closest to December 31
Title: Balance sheet and income statement of federal government business enterprises, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), end of fiscal year closest to December 31 Date range: 1999-01-01 to 2011-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Balance sheet and income statement components, North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Subject: Government Survey: Finances of Government Business Enterprises Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Balance sheet and income statement components: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total assets ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Cash and deposits ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Accounts receivable (net) ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Inventories ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Investments in affiliates ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Investments in shares and equity ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Loans, notes, accounts, bonds, mortgages and other investments (affiliates) ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Investments in non-affiliates (portfolio securities) ID: 9, Parent: 8, Name: Investments in Canadian non-affiliates ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Short term paper, asset ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Bonds and debentures, Canadian non-affiliates (assets) ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Investments in Canadian equity instruments (non-affiliates) ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Other Canadian investments ID: 14, Parent: 8, Name: Investments in foreign non-affiliates (excludes mortgages) ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Derivative assets ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Loans to non-affiliates ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Fixed assets, gross ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Accumulated depreciation and depletion ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: Other assets ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Total liabilities ID: 21, Parent: 20, Name: Borrowing from non-affiliates ID: 22, Parent: 20, Name: Debt securities ID: 23, Parent: 22, Name: Short term paper, liability ID: 24, Parent: 22, Name: Promissory notes ID: 25, Parent: 22, Name: Corporate bonds and debentures (liabilities) ID: 28, Parent: 20, Name: Derivative liabilities (excluding employee stock options) ID: 29, Parent: 20, Name: Accounts payable and accrued liabilities ID: 30, Parent: 20, Name: Amounts owing to affiliates ID: 31, Parent: 20, Name: Deposit liability of deposit taking financial institutions ID: 32, Parent: 20, Name: Liabilities of financial institutions ID: 33, Parent: 20, Name: Future income taxes ID: 34, Parent: 20, Name: Minority interest in subsidiaries consolidated ID: 35, Parent: 20, Name: Pensions, provisions, deposits and other liabilities ID: 36, Parent: None, Name: Equity ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Share capital ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Retained earnings opening balance ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Additions ID: 40, Parent: 39, Name: Net income for the current period ID: 41, Parent: 39, Name: Other additions ID: 43, Parent: 41, Name: Transfer from appropriated surplus ID: 44, Parent: 41, Name: Transfer from contributed surplus ID: 45, Parent: 41, Name: Other adjustments (additions) ID: 46, Parent: 36, Name: Deductions ID: 47, Parent: 46, Name: Other deductions ID: 48, Parent: 47, Name: Transfers to appropriated surplus ID: 49, Parent: 47, Name: Transfers to contributed surplus ID: 50, Parent: 47, Name: Other adjustments (deductions) ID: 51, Parent: 46, Name: Profits remitted (including dividends declared) ID: 52, Parent: 36, Name: Retained earnings closing balance ID: 53, Parent: 36, Name: Contributed surplus ID: 54, Parent: 36, Name: Other surplus ID: 80, Parent: 36, Name: Accumulated other comprehensive income ID: 55, Parent: None, Name: Total revenue ID: 56, Parent: 55, Name: Operating revenue ID: 57, Parent: 56, Name: Sales of goods and services ID: 58, Parent: 56, Name: Financial institutions income ID: 59, Parent: 56, Name: Subsidies, grants, and gifts revenue ID: 60, Parent: 56, Name: Amortization of deferred capital funding ID: 61, Parent: 56, Name: Other operating revenue ID: 62, Parent: 55, Name: Non-operating revenue ID: 63, Parent: 62, Name: Investment income ID: 64, Parent: 62, Name: Other non-operating revenue ID: 65, Parent: None, Name: Total expenses ID: 66, Parent: 65, Name: Operating expenses ID: 67, Parent: 66, Name: Cost of goods sold ID: 68, Parent: 66, Name: Other operating expenses ID: 69, Parent: 66, Name: Depreciation, depletion and amortization expense ID: 70, Parent: 66, Name: Grants in lieu of taxes ID: 71, Parent: 66, Name: Operating expenses of financial institutions ID: 72, Parent: 65, Name: Non-operating expenses ID: 73, Parent: 72, Name: Interest expense ID: 74, Parent: 72, Name: Other non-operating expenses ID: 75, Parent: None, Name: Gains or losses, corporate taxes and other items ID: 76, Parent: 75, Name: Gains or losses ID: 77, Parent: 75, Name: Less corporate income tax ID: 78, Parent: 75, Name: Other items ID: 79, Parent: 75, Name: Extraordinary gains or losses, non-recurring items and adjustments ID: 81, Parent: None, Name: Other comprehensive income ID: 82, Parent: None, Name: Comprehensive income North American Industry Classification System (NAICS): ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All industries ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Goods industries ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Transportation and warehousing and information and cultural industries ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing and management of companies and enterprises ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: All other service industries
Balance sheet and income statement of provincial and territorial government business enterprises, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), end of fiscal year closest to December 31
Title: Balance sheet and income statement of provincial and territorial government business enterprises, by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), end of fiscal year closest to December 31 Date range: 1999-01-01 to 2011-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Balance sheet and income statement components, North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Subject: Government Survey: Finances of Government Business Enterprises Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut Balance sheet and income statement components: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total assets ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Cash and deposits ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Accounts receivable (net) ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Inventories ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Investments in affiliates ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Investments in shares and equity ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Loans, notes, accounts, bonds, mortgages and other investments (affiliates) ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Investments in non-affiliates (portfolio securities) ID: 9, Parent: 8, Name: Investments in Canadian non-affiliates ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Short term paper, asset ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Bonds and debentures, Canadian non-affiliates (assets) ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Investments in Canadian equity instruments (non-affiliates) ID: 13, Parent: 9, Name: Other Canadian investments ID: 14, Parent: 8, Name: Investments in foreign non-affiliates (excludes mortgages) ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Derivative assets ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Loans to non-affiliates ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Fixed assets, gross ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Accumulated depreciation and depletion ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: Other assets ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Total liabilities ID: 21, Parent: 20, Name: Borrowing from non-affiliates ID: 22, Parent: 20, Name: Debt securities ID: 23, Parent: 22, Name: Short term paper, liability ID: 24, Parent: 22, Name: Promissory notes ID: 25, Parent: 22, Name: Corporate bonds and debentures (liabilities) ID: 28, Parent: 20, Name: Derivative liabilities (excluding employee stock options) ID: 29, Parent: 20, Name: Accounts payable and accrued liabilities ID: 30, Parent: 20, Name: Amounts owing to affiliates ID: 31, Parent: 20, Name: Deposit liability of deposit taking financial institutions ID: 32, Parent: 20, Name: Liabilities of financial institutions ID: 33, Parent: 20, Name: Future income taxes ID: 34, Parent: 20, Name: Minority interest in subsidiaries consolidated ID: 35, Parent: 20, Name: Pensions, provisions, deposits and other liabilities ID: 36, Parent: None, Name: Equity ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Share capital ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Retained earnings opening balance ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Additions ID: 40, Parent: 39, Name: Net income for the current period ID: 41, Parent: 39, Name: Other additions ID: 42, Parent: 41, Name: Recovery of losses ID: 43, Parent: 41, Name: Transfer from appropriated surplus ID: 44, Parent: 41, Name: Transfer from contributed surplus ID: 45, Parent: 41, Name: Other adjustments (additions) ID: 46, Parent: 36, Name: Deductions ID: 47, Parent: 46, Name: Other deductions ID: 48, Parent: 47, Name: Transfers to appropriated surplus ID: 49, Parent: 47, Name: Transfers to contributed surplus ID: 50, Parent: 47, Name: Other adjustments (deductions) ID: 51, Parent: 46, Name: Profits remitted (including dividends declared) ID: 52, Parent: 36, Name: Retained earnings closing balance ID: 53, Parent: 36, Name: Contributed surplus ID: 54, Parent: 36, Name: Other surplus ID: 80, Parent: 36, Name: Accumulated other comprehensive income ID: 55, Parent: None, Name: Total revenue ID: 56, Parent: 55, Name: Operating revenue ID: 57, Parent: 56, Name: Sales of goods and services ID: 58, Parent: 56, Name: Financial institutions income ID: 59, Parent: 56, Name: Subsidies, grants, and gifts revenue ID: 60, Parent: 56, Name: Amortization of deferred capital funding ID: 61, Parent: 56, Name: Other operating revenue ID: 62, Parent: 55, Name: Non-operating revenue ID: 63, Parent: 62, Name: Investment income ID: 64, Parent: 62, Name: Other non-operating revenue ID: 65, Parent: None, Name: Total expenses ID: 66, Parent: 65, Name: Operating expenses ID: 67, Parent: 66, Name: Cost of goods sold ID: 68, Parent: 66, Name: Other operating expenses ID: 69, Parent: 66, Name: Depreciation, depletion and amortization expense ID: 70, Parent: 66, Name: Grants in lieu of taxes ID: 71, Parent: 66, Name: Operating expenses of financial institutions ID: 72, Parent: 65, Name: Non-operating expenses ID: 73, Parent: 72, Name: Interest expense ID: 74, Parent: 72, Name: Other non-operating expenses ID: 75, Parent: None, Name: Gains or losses, corporate taxes and other items ID: 76, Parent: 75, Name: Gains or losses ID: 77, Parent: 75, Name: Less corporate income tax ID: 78, Parent: 75, Name: Other items ID: 79, Parent: 75, Name: Extraordinary gains or losses, non-recurring items and adjustments ID: 81, Parent: None, Name: Other comprehensive income ID: 82, Parent: None, Name: Comprehensive income North American Industry Classification System (NAICS): ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: All industries ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Goods industries excluding utilities and manufacturing ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Utilities ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Manufacturing ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Wholesale and retail trade ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Transportation and warehousing and information and cultural industries ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Finance, insurance, real estate, rental and leasing and management of companies and enterprises ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Personal, business and other services
Commodity price index, United States dollar terms, monthly
Title: Commodity price index, United States dollar terms, monthly Date range: 1972-01-01 to 2010-04-01 Dimensions: Geography, Commodity Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Commodity: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, all commodities ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total excluding energy ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Energy ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Food ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Industrial materials
Commodity price index, United States dollar terms, weekly
Title: Commodity price index, United States dollar terms, weekly Date range: 1972-01-05 to 2010-05-05 Dimensions: Geography, Commodity Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Weekly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Commodity: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, all commodities ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total excluding energy ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Energy ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Food ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Industrial materials
Income and profits per unit of output, seasonally adjusted
Title: Income and profits per unit of output, seasonally adjusted Date range: 1961-01-01 to 2000-10-01 Dimensions: Geography, Income and profits Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Quarterly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Income and profits: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Wages and salaries per unit of output, manufacturing ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Wages and salaries per unit of output, commercial, non-farm ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Profits per unit of output, commercial, non-farm ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Wages and salaries per unit of output, manufacturing (terminated) ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Wages and salaries per unit of output, commercial, non-farm (terminated) ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Profits per unit of output, commercial, non-farm (terminated)
Income and profits per unit of output
Title: Income and profits per unit of output Date range: 1961-01-01 to 2000-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Income and profits Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Annual Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Income and profits: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Wages and salaries per unit of output, manufacturing ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Wages and salaries per unit of output, commercial, non-farm ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Profits per unit of output, commercial, non-farm ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Wages and salaries per unit of output, manufacturing (terminated) ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Wages and salaries per unit of output, commercial, non-farm (terminated) ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Profits per unit of output, commercial, non-farm (terminated)
Merchandise exports classified by commodity, Paasche Price Index (1992=100, seasonally adjusted), 1992 and current dollars (seasonally adjusted at annual rates)
Title: Merchandise exports classified by commodity, Paasche Price Index (1992=100, seasonally adjusted), 1992 and current dollars (seasonally adjusted at annual rates) Date range: 1971-01-01 to 2001-04-01 Dimensions: Geography, Prices, Commodity classification Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Quarterly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Prices: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Paasche Price Index, 1992=100 ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Constant 1992 dollars, seasonally adjusted at annual rates ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Current dollars, seasonally adjusted at annual rates Commodity classification: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, merchandise exports ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total, commodities ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Wheat ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Total, other farm and fish products ID: 5, Parent: 4, Name: Other grains ID: 6, Parent: 4, Name: Fish and products ID: 7, Parent: 4, Name: Other farm and fish products ID: 8, Parent: 2, Name: Crude petroleum ID: 9, Parent: 2, Name: Natural gas ID: 10, Parent: 2, Name: Total, other energy products and materials ID: 11, Parent: 10, Name: Coal and other bituminous substances ID: 12, Parent: 10, Name: Petroleum and coal products ID: 13, Parent: 10, Name: Electricity ID: 14, Parent: 2, Name: Total, lumber and sawmill products ID: 15, Parent: 14, Name: Lumber ID: 16, Parent: 14, Name: Other sawmill products ID: 17, Parent: 2, Name: Total, pulp and paper ID: 18, Parent: 17, Name: Wood pulp ID: 19, Parent: 17, Name: Newsprint ID: 20, Parent: 17, Name: Other paper ID: 21, Parent: 2, Name: Total, metals and minerals ID: 22, Parent: 21, Name: Ores and concentrates ID: 23, Parent: 21, Name: Iron, steel and alloys ID: 24, Parent: 21, Name: Precious metals and alloys ID: 25, Parent: 21, Name: Aluminum and alloys ID: 26, Parent: 21, Name: Copper, nickel and alloys ID: 27, Parent: 21, Name: Other metals and alloys ID: 28, Parent: 21, Name: Non-metallic minerals ID: 29, Parent: 2, Name: Total, chemicals and fertilizers ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Fertilizers ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Other chemicals ID: 32, Parent: 2, Name: Total, motor vehicles and parts ID: 33, Parent: 32, Name: Motor vehicles ID: 34, Parent: 32, Name: Motor vehicle parts ID: 35, Parent: 2, Name: Total, other manufactured goods ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: Manufactured goods of which: office machinery and equipment ID: 37, Parent: 35, Name: Aircraft and parts ID: 38, Parent: 35, Name: Other transportation equipment ID: 39, Parent: 35, Name: Agricultural machinery ID: 40, Parent: 35, Name: Communications and electronics equipment ID: 41, Parent: 35, Name: Industrial machinery ID: 42, Parent: 35, Name: Other equipment and tools ID: 43, Parent: 35, Name: Other consumer goods ID: 44, Parent: 35, Name: Other industrial goods ID: 45, Parent: 2, Name: Other exports
Merchandise imports classified by commodity, Paasche Price Index (1992=100, seasonally adjusted), 1992 and current dollars (seasonally adjusted at annual rates)
Title: Merchandise imports classified by commodity, Paasche Price Index (1992=100, seasonally adjusted), 1992 and current dollars (seasonally adjusted at annual rates) Date range: 1971-01-01 to 2001-04-01 Dimensions: Geography, Prices, Commodity classification Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Quarterly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Prices: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Paasche Price Index, 1992=100 ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Constant 1992 dollars, seasonally adjusted at annual rates ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Current dollars, seasonally adjusted at annual rates Commodity classification: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, merchandise imports ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total, commodities ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Total, food ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Fresh fruits and vegetables ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Other food ID: 6, Parent: 2, Name: Crude petroleum ID: 7, Parent: 2, Name: Total, other energy products and materials ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Coal and other bituminous substances ID: 9, Parent: 7, Name: Petroleum and coal products ID: 10, Parent: 2, Name: Construction materials ID: 11, Parent: 2, Name: Total, industrial materials ID: 12, Parent: 11, Name: Metals in ores ID: 13, Parent: 11, Name: Iron and steel ID: 14, Parent: 11, Name: Precious metals ID: 15, Parent: 11, Name: Other metals ID: 16, Parent: 11, Name: Chemicals and plastics ID: 17, Parent: 11, Name: Cotton, wool and textiles ID: 18, Parent: 11, Name: Other industrial materials ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: Total, motor vehicles and parts ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Motor vehicles ID: 21, Parent: 19, Name: Motor vehicle parts ID: 22, Parent: 1, Name: Total, machinery and equipment ID: 23, Parent: 22, Name: Machinery and equipment of which: office machinery and equipment ID: 24, Parent: 22, Name: Aircraft and parts ID: 25, Parent: 22, Name: Other transportation equipment ID: 26, Parent: 22, Name: Agricultural machinery ID: 27, Parent: 22, Name: Communications and electronic equipment ID: 28, Parent: 22, Name: Industrial machinery ID: 29, Parent: 22, Name: Other equipment and tools ID: 30, Parent: 1, Name: Other consumer goods ID: 31, Parent: 1, Name: Other imports
Chartered banks, assets and liabilities, Wednesdays
Title: Chartered banks, assets and liabilities, Wednesdays Date range: 1976-01-07 to 1993-10-27 Dimensions: Geography, Assets and liabilities Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Weekly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Assets and liabilities: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, major assets ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Net foreign assets ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Total, Canadian dollar major assets ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Total liquid Canadian assets (excluding chartered banks instruments) ID: 5, Parent: 4, Name: Bank of Canada, notes and deposits ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Bank of Canada, notes ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Bank of Canada, deposits ID: 8, Parent: 4, Name: Canadian day-to-day loans ID: 9, Parent: 4, Name: Treasury Bills, amortized value ID: 10, Parent: 4, Name: Total, Government of Canada direct and guaranteed bonds ID: 11, Parent: 10, Name: Government of Canada direct and guaranteed bonds, 3 years and under ID: 12, Parent: 10, Name: Government of Canada direct and guaranteed bonds, over 3 years ID: 13, Parent: 4, Name: Total, call and short-term loans ID: 14, Parent: 13, Name: Call and short-term loans, special call loans ID: 15, Parent: 13, Name: Call and short-term loans, other ID: 16, Parent: 4, Name: Short term paper, provincial, municipal and corporate paper ID: 17, Parent: 3, Name: Total, less liquid Canadian assets ID: 23, Parent: 17, Name: Mortgages insured under National Housing Act (NHA) ID: 24, Parent: 17, Name: Total, loans in Canadian dollars (excluding call, Canada Savings Bonds and conventional mortgages) ID: 25, Parent: 24, Name: Loans in Canadian dollars, to provinces ID: 26, Parent: 24, Name: Loans in Canadian dollars, to municipalities ID: 27, Parent: 24, Name: Loans in Canadian dollars, to grain dealers ID: 28, Parent: 24, Name: Loans in Canadian dollars, to installment finance companies ID: 29, Parent: 24, Name: General loans (including grain dealers and installment finance companies) ID: 30, Parent: 29, Name: Business loans ID: 31, Parent: 29, Name: Personal loans ID: 32, Parent: 24, Name: Non-residential mortgages ID: 33, Parent: 24, Name: Leasing receivables ID: 34, Parent: 17, Name: Loans in Canadian dollars to purchase Canada Savings Bonds ID: 35, Parent: 17, Name: Other residential mortgages ID: 36, Parent: 17, Name: Total loans ID: 37, Parent: 17, Name: Residential mortgages, total ID: 38, Parent: 17, Name: Total, other Canadian securities (excluding short-term paper) ID: 39, Parent: 38, Name: Canadian provincial securities (excluding short-term paper) ID: 40, Parent: 38, Name: Canadian municipal securities (excluding short-term paper) ID: 41, Parent: 38, Name: Canadian corporate securities (excluding short-term paper) ID: 42, Parent: 38, Name: Canadian securities, corporations associated with banks (excluding short-term paper) ID: 43, Parent: None, Name: Total, Canadian dollar deposits ID: 44, Parent: 43, Name: Estimated net private sector float ID: 45, Parent: 43, Name: Total, Canadian dollar deposits (less private float) ID: 46, Parent: 45, Name: Canadian dollar deposits, Government of Canada ID: 47, Parent: 46, Name: Government of Canada deposits of which: term ID: 48, Parent: 45, Name: Total, Canadian dollar deposits held by general public ID: 49, Parent: 48, Name: Total, Canadian dollar personal savings deposits ID: 50, Parent: 49, Name: Canadian dollar chequable deposits, personal savings ID: 51, Parent: 50, Name: Canadian dollar chequable personal savings deposits, daily interest ID: 52, Parent: 50, Name: Canadian dollar chequable personal savings deposits, other ID: 53, Parent: 49, Name: Total, Canadian dollar non-chequable personal savings deposits ID: 54, Parent: 53, Name: Canadian dollar non-chequable personal savings deposits, other ID: 55, Parent: 53, Name: Canadian dollar non-chequable personal savings deposits, daily interest ID: 56, Parent: 49, Name: Canadian dollar personal savings deposits, fixed term ID: 57, Parent: 48, Name: Total, Canadian dollar non-personal deposits, term and notice ID: 58, Parent: 57, Name: Canadian dollar non-personal chequable deposits, term and notice ID: 59, Parent: 57, Name: Canadian dollar non-personal, non-chequable deposits, term and notice ID: 60, Parent: 57, Name: Canadian dollar non-personal, bearer term note deposits, term and notice ID: 61, Parent: 57, Name: Canadian dollar non-personal deposits, term and notice, fixed term ID: 62, Parent: 48, Name: Demand (less private sector float) ID: 63, Parent: None, Name: Total, Canadian dollar gross demand deposits ID: 64, Parent: 63, Name: Canadian dollar gross demand deposits, personal chequing ID: 65, Parent: 63, Name: Canadian dollar gross demand deposits, other ID: 66, Parent: None, Name: Bankers' acceptances ID: 67, Parent: None, Name: Debentures issued and outstanding ID: 68, Parent: None, Name: Total, foreign currency deposits of Canadian residents ID: 69, Parent: 68, Name: Foreign currency deposits of Canadian residents, swapped ID: 70, Parent: 68, Name: Foreign currency deposits of Canadian residents, other ID: 71, Parent: 68, Name: Foreign currency deposits of Canadian residents deposits of banks ID: 72, Parent: 68, Name: Foreign currency deposits of Canadian residents, other ID: 73, Parent: None, Name: Foreign currency loans to Canadian residents ID: 74, Parent: None, Name: Advances from the Bank of Canada ID: 75, Parent: None, Name: Total, holdings of selected short-term assets ID: 76, Parent: 75, Name: Short-term paper (included in less Canadian liquid assets) ID: 77, Parent: 75, Name: Chartered bank instruments (not included in total major assets) ID: 78, Parent: None, Name: Estimated Canadian dollar items in transit (net) ID: 79, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank "free" Canadian liquid assets ID: 80, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank holdings (in Canada) of foreign currency securities (residents of Canada) ID: 81, Parent: None, Name: Total, other Canadian securities ID: 82, Parent: 81, Name: Canadian provincial securities, total ID: 83, Parent: 81, Name: Canadian municipal securities, total ID: 84, Parent: 81, Name: Canadian corporate securities, total ID: 85, Parent: 81, Name: Canadian securities, corporations associated with banks, total ID: 86, Parent: None, Name: Canadian dollar assets, total ID: 87, Parent: None, Name: Canadian liquid assets, short-term paper and chartered bank instruments, total ID: 88, Parent: None, Name: Day-to-day loans plus special call loans
Chartered banks, foreign currency booked in Canada, month end, Bank of Canada
Title: Chartered banks, foreign currency booked in Canada, month end, Bank of Canada Date range: 1963-01-01 to 2014-11-01 Dimensions: Geography, Assets, liabilities and net assets, Type of currency, Type of residents, Type of source Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Assets, liabilities and net assets: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Assets ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Liabilities ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Net assets Type of currency: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total foreign currency ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: United States dollar Type of residents: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Residents and non-residents ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Residents ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Residents of Canada ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Residents of Canada and non-resident ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Residents of United States ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Residents of United Kingdom ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Non-residents Type of source: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, all sources ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Banks ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Other sources
Chartered banks, foreign currency booked in Canada, quarter end, Bank of Canada
Title: Chartered banks, foreign currency booked in Canada, quarter end, Bank of Canada Date range: 1973-04-01 to 2014-07-01 Dimensions: Geography, Assets, liabilities and net assets, Type of Currency, Type of residents, Type of source Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Quarterly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Assets, liabilities and net assets: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Assets ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Liabilities ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Net assets Type of Currency: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total foreign currency ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: United States dollar Type of residents: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Residents of other European Economic Community (EEC) countries ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Residents of other Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Residents of all other countries Type of source: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, all sources ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Banks ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Other sources
Sales finance companies: quarterly statement of estimated assets and liabilities, end of period
Title: Sales finance companies: quarterly statement of estimated assets and liabilities, end of period Date range: 1976-10-01 to 1999-10-01 Dimensions: Geography, Assets and liabilities Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Quarterly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Assets and liabilities: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total assets ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total, major assets ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Cash and deposits ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Total, business credit ID: 5, Parent: 4, Name: Retail sales financing of industrial and commercial goods ID: 6, Parent: 4, Name: Wholesale financing ID: 7, Parent: 4, Name: Business financing ID: 8, Parent: 4, Name: Amounts due under leasing and rental contracts ID: 9, Parent: 4, Name: Non-residential mortgages ID: 10, Parent: 2, Name: Household credit ID: 11, Parent: 10, Name: Residential mortgage loans ID: 12, Parent: 10, Name: Personal loans ID: 13, Parent: 2, Name: Other receivables ID: 14, Parent: 2, Name: Allowance for doubtful accounts ID: 15, Parent: 2, Name: Investments and advances ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Investments in subsidiary and affiliated companies ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Other assets ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Total liabilities ID: 19, Parent: 18, Name: Total, major liabilities ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Short-term paper, total ID: 21, Parent: 19, Name: Long-term debt ID: 22, Parent: 19, Name: Owed to parent and affiliated companies ID: 23, Parent: 19, Name: Bank loans ID: 24, Parent: 18, Name: Other liabilities ID: 25, Parent: 18, Name: Shareholders' equity
Bank of Canada, positions of members of the Canadian Payments Association and buy-back transactions with primary dealers, monthly averages of daily data
Title: Bank of Canada, positions of members of the Canadian Payments Association and buy-back transactions with primary dealers, monthly averages of daily data Date range: 1999-02-01 to 2007-07-01 Dimensions: Geography, Positions of members of the Canadian Payments Associations and buy back transactions with primary dealers Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Positions of members of the Canadian Payments Associations and buy back transactions with primary dealers: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Positions of members of the Canadian Payments Association with the Bank of Canada, overdraft loans, total ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Positions of members of the Canadian Payments Association with the Bank of Canada, overdraft loans of which: automated clearing settlement system ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Positions of members of the Canadian Payments Association with the Bank of Canada, positive balances, total ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Positions of members of the Canadian Payments Association with the Bank of Canada, positive balances of which: automated clearing settlement system ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Positions of members of the Canadian Payments Association with the Bank of Canada, special deposit accounts ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Bank of Canada buyback transactions with primary dealers, special purchase and resale agreement, amount ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Bank of Canada buyback transactions with primary dealers, special purchase and resale agreement, number of days transacted ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Bank of Canada buyback transactions with primary dealers, sales and repurchase agreements, amount ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Bank of Canada buyback transactions with primary dealers, sales and repurchase agreements, number of days transacted
Bank of Canada, positions of members of the Canadian Payments Association and buy-back transactions with primary dealers, weekly averages of daily data
Title: Bank of Canada, positions of members of the Canadian Payments Association and buy-back transactions with primary dealers, weekly averages of daily data Date range: 1999-02-10 to 2007-08-01 Dimensions: Geography, Positions of members of the Canadian Payments Associations and buy back transactions with primary dealers Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Weekly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Positions of members of the Canadian Payments Associations and buy back transactions with primary dealers: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Positions of members of the Canadian Payments Association with the Bank of Canada, overdraft loans, total ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Positions of members of the Canadian Payments Association with the Bank of Canada, overdraft loans of which: automated clearing settlement system ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Positions of members of the Canadian Payments Association with the Bank of Canada, positive balances, total ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Positions of members of the Canadian Payments Association with the Bank of Canada, positive balances of which: automated clearing settlement system ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Positions of members of the Canadian Payments Association with the Bank of Canada, special deposit accounts ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Bank of Canada buyback transactions with primary dealers, special purchase and resale agreement, amount ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Bank of Canada buyback transactions with primary dealers, special purchase and resale agreement, number of days transacted ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Bank of Canada buyback transactions with primary dealers, sales and repurchase agreements, amount ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Bank of Canada buyback transactions with primary dealers, sales and repurchase agreements, number of days transacted
Currency outside banks and chartered bank deposits, Wednesdays
Title: Currency outside banks and chartered bank deposits, Wednesdays Date range: 1968-01-03 to 1993-10-27 Dimensions: Geography, Currency outside banks and chartered bank deposits, Adjustments Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Weekly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Currency outside banks and chartered bank deposits: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, currency outside banks ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Currency outside banks, notes ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Currency outside banks, coin ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Currency and privately held deposits ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Currency and total chartered bank deposits held by the general public, M3 ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Currency and all chequable notice and personal term deposits, M2 ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Currency and all chequable deposits, M1B ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Currency and demand deposits, M1 ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Currency and deposits, total ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Demand, less private sector float ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: M1 + daily interest chequing accounts + non-personal chequable and non-chequable deposits, M1A ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Inter-bank demand deposits ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Inter-bank demand and notice deposits ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Inter-bank demand, notice and term deposits ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Inter-bank demand deposits and other adjustments to M1 ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Inter-bank notice deposits and other adjustments to M2 ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Inter-bank term deposits and other adjustments to M3 ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Tax sheltered deposits at chartered banks ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Gross M1 Adjustments: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Unadjusted ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Adjusted for discontinuities mainly related to the 1980 Bank Act revision
Financial market statistics
Title: Financial market statistics Date range: 1935-03-14 to 2006-12-27 Dimensions: Geography, Rates Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Weekly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Rates: ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Bank rate, as at Thursday ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Commercial certificates of deposits: 30 day ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Commercial certificates of deposits: 90 day ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Day-to-day loan rate (closing rate) ID: 42, Parent: None, Name: Trust company - conventional mortgage: 1 year ID: 43, Parent: None, Name: Trust company - conventional mortgage: 5 year ID: 44, Parent: None, Name: Trust company - Guaranteed Investment Certificates: 1 year ID: 45, Parent: None, Name: Trust company - Guaranteed Investment Certificates: 5 year ID: 46, Parent: None, Name: Trust company - Guaranteed Investment Certificates, average: 5 year ID: 50, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bill auction (as at Thursday) - average yields: 3 month ID: 51, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bill auction (as at Thursday) - average yields: 6 month ID: 52, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bill auction (as at Thursday) - average yields: 1 year ID: 56, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bill auction (as at Thursday) - amount auctioned: 3 month ID: 57, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bill auction (as at Thursday) - amount auctioned: 6 month ID: 58, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bill auction (as at Thursday) - amount auctioned: 1 year ID: 60, Parent: None, Name: Treasury bill auction (as at Thursday) - amount maturing ID: 67, Parent: None, Name: Monetary conditions index
Chartered banks, regional distribution of assets and liabilities, at end of period, Canada, provinces and international
Title: Chartered banks, regional distribution of assets and liabilities, at end of period, Canada, provinces and international Date range: 1981-10-01 to 2008-10-01 Dimensions: Geography, Assets and liabilities Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Quarterly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada, provinces and international ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Newfoundland and Labrador ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Prince Edward Island ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Nova Scotia ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: New Brunswick ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Quebec ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Ontario ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Manitoba ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Saskatchewan ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Alberta ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: British Columbia ID: 20, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon and Northwest Territories ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Yukon ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories including Nunavut ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: Northwest Territories ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Nunavut ID: 21, Parent: 1, Name: Head office and/or international ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Unallocated in Canada and international ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Unallocated in Canada ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: International Assets and liabilities: ID: 74, Parent: None, Name: Total assets, terminated ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total assets ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Deposits with banks ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Bank of Canada, deposits and notes ID: 4, Parent: 1, Name: Bank of Canada, notes and coin ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Securities, Government of Canada ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Securities, provincial ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Securities, municipal ID: 8, Parent: 1, Name: Securities, associated corporations ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Securities, corporate ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Residential mortgage loans ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Non-residential mortgage loans ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Loans, day to day, call and short-term loans ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Loans to provinces ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Loans to municipalities ID: 75, Parent: 1, Name: Total, personal loans ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Total, personal loans ID: 16, Parent: 15, Name: Personal loans, personal loan plan ID: 17, Parent: 15, Name: Personal loans, credit card ID: 18, Parent: 15, Name: Personal loans, other ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: Loans to federal, provincial, and municipal governments ID: 20, Parent: 1, Name: Total, business loans ID: 21, Parent: 20, Name: Business loans, under authorized limits of less than 0.2 ID: 22, Parent: 20, Name: Business loans, under authorized limits of 0.2 to 0.5 ID: 23, Parent: 20, Name: Business loans, under authorized limits of 0.5 to 1.0 ID: 24, Parent: 20, Name: Business loans, under authorized limits of 1.0 to 5.0 ID: 25, Parent: 20, Name: Business loans, under authorized limits of 5.0 or more ID: 26, Parent: 25, Name: Business loans, under authorized limits of 5.0 to 25.0 ID: 27, Parent: 25, Name: Business loans, under authorized limits of 25.0 to 50.0 ID: 28, Parent: 25, Name: Business loans, under authorized limits of 50.0 or more ID: 29, Parent: 20, Name: Agricultural loans ID: 30, Parent: 20, Name: Other business loans excluding banks ID: 31, Parent: 1, Name: Leasing receivables ID: 32, Parent: 1, Name: Foreign currency loans and securities excluding Government of Canada ID: 33, Parent: 1, Name: Net items in transit ID: 34, Parent: 1, Name: All other assets ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: Land, building and equipment less accumulated depreciation ID: 36, Parent: 1, Name: Customers' liability under acceptances ID: 37, Parent: 1, Name: Total assets distributed by province ID: 38, Parent: 1, Name: Residual assets ID: 76, Parent: None, Name: Total liabilities ID: 39, Parent: None, Name: Total liabilities ID: 40, Parent: 39, Name: Total, Canadian dollar deposits excluding banks and Government of Canada ID: 41, Parent: 39, Name: Total, Canadian dollar personal savings deposits ID: 42, Parent: 41, Name: Total, chequable Canadian dollar personal savings deposits ID: 43, Parent: 42, Name: Chequable, daily interest, Canadian dollar personal savings deposits ID: 44, Parent: 42, Name: Other chequable Canadian dollar personal savings deposits ID: 45, Parent: 41, Name: Total, non chequable Canadian dollar personal savings deposits ID: 46, Parent: 45, Name: Non chequable, daily interest, Canadian dollar personal savings deposits ID: 47, Parent: 45, Name: Other non chequable, Canadian dollar personal savings deposits ID: 48, Parent: 39, Name: Canadian dollar personal savings deposits, fixed term ID: 49, Parent: 39, Name: Total, Canadian dollar non-personal term and notice deposits ID: 50, Parent: 49, Name: Canadian dollar non-personal term and notice deposits, notice ID: 51, Parent: 49, Name: Canadian dollar non-personal term and notice deposits, bearer term ID: 52, Parent: 49, Name: Canadian dollar non-personal term and notice deposits, fixed term ID: 53, Parent: 39, Name: Canadian dollar personal savings deposits non chequable, tax sheltered ID: 54, Parent: 39, Name: Other non chequable, Canadian dollar personal savings deposits ID: 55, Parent: 39, Name: Canadian dollar personal savings deposits, fixed term, tax sheltered ID: 77, Parent: 39, Name: Total, Canadian dollar gross demand deposits ID: 56, Parent: 39, Name: Total, Canadian dollar gross demand deposits ID: 57, Parent: 56, Name: Canadian dollar gross demand deposits, personal chequing ID: 58, Parent: 56, Name: Canadian dollar gross demand deposits, other ID: 59, Parent: 39, Name: Canadian dollar deposits, Government of Canada ID: 60, Parent: 39, Name: Total, Canadian dollar deposits of which: provincial governments ID: 61, Parent: 39, Name: Total, Canadian dollar deposits of which: other banks ID: 62, Parent: 39, Name: Total, foreign currency deposits excluding banks and Government of Canada ID: 63, Parent: 62, Name: Foreign currency deposits excluding banks and Government of Canada, demand ID: 64, Parent: 62, Name: Foreign currency deposits excluding banks and Government of Canada, notice ID: 65, Parent: 62, Name: Foreign currency deposits excluding banks and Government of Canada, fixed term ID: 66, Parent: 39, Name: Canadian dollar and foreign currency acceptances ID: 67, Parent: 39, Name: Canadian dollar and foreign currency debentures outstanding ID: 68, Parent: 39, Name: Appropriations for contingencies and shareholders' equity ID: 69, Parent: 39, Name: Total other liabilities ID: 70, Parent: 39, Name: Non-controlling interest in subsidiaries ID: 71, Parent: 39, Name: Liabilities of subsidiaries other than deposits ID: 72, Parent: 39, Name: Total liabilities distributed by province ID: 73, Parent: 39, Name: Residual liabilities
Foreign exchange rates, United States
Title: Foreign exchange rates, United States Date range: 1952-01-01 to 1991-10-01 Dimensions: Geography, Type of exchange rate, United States Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Quarterly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Type of exchange rate, United States: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canadian cents per United States dollar, spot rate adjusted, by working days
Chartered banks, assets excluding investment dealer subsidiaries, average of Wednesdays
Title: Chartered banks, assets excluding investment dealer subsidiaries, average of Wednesdays Date range: 1985-12-01 to 1993-10-01 Dimensions: Geography, Assets Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Assets: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Earning liquid assets ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: "Free" liquid assets ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Earning liquid assets as a percentage of total Canadian dollar assets ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: "Free" liquid assets as a percentage of total Canadian dollar assets ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Total Canadian dollar assets ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Total liquid assets ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Total liquid assets as a percentage of total Canadian dollar assets
Chartered banks, assets excluding investment dealer subsidiaries, Wednesdays
Title: Chartered banks, assets excluding investment dealer subsidiaries, Wednesdays Date range: 1985-12-04 to 1993-10-27 Dimensions: Geography, Assets Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Weekly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Assets: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Earning liquid assets ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: "Free" liquid assets ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Earning liquid assets as a percentage of total Canadian dollar assets ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: "Free" liquid assets as a percentage of total Canadian dollar assets ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Total Canadian dollar assets ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Total liquid assets ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Total liquid assets as a percentage of total Canadian dollar assets
Chartered banks, Canadian cash reserves and liquid assets
Title: Chartered banks, Canadian cash reserves and liquid assets Date range: 1946-01-01 to 1994-07-01 Dimensions: Geography, Cash reserves and liquid assets Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Cash reserves and liquid assets: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canadian liquid assets ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total, cash reserves ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Bank of Canada, deposits ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Cash reserves, coin and Bank of Canada notes ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Day-to-day loans ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Treasury Bills, par value ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Total, statutory deposits ID: 8, Parent: 7, Name: Canadian dollar statutory deposits, demand ID: 9, Parent: 7, Name: Canadian dollar statutory deposits, notice ID: 10, Parent: 7, Name: Foreign currency statutory deposits ID: 11, Parent: 7, Name: Adjustments for previous periods ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Cash reserve ratio, average actually held ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Cash reserve ratio, minimum average required ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Average liquid asset ratio ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Cash reserves, required minimum ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Secondary reserve ratios, minimum average required ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Secondary reserve ratios, average ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Secondary reserves, excess ratio ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Secondary reserves, excess amount ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Total, cash reserves, daily average from the 1st to the 15th of the month ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Total, cash reserves, daily average from the 16th to the end of the month ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Cash reserves, Bank of Canada deposits, daily average from the 1st to the 15th of the month ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Cash reserves, Bank of Canada deposits, daily average from the 16th to the end of the month ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: Cash reserve ratios, average actually held, daily average from the 1st to the 15th of the month ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: Cash reserve ratios, average actually held, daily average from the 16th to the end of the month
Canadian investment transactions of sixteen life insurance companies
Title: Canadian investment transactions of sixteen life insurance companies Date range: 1966-01-01 to 1997-04-01 Dimensions: Geography, Net investments Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Net investments: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, net investment ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Net investment, cash ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Net investment, total Government of Canada securities ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Net investment, Government of Canada Treasury Bills ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Net investment, Government of Canada bonds ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Net investment, total provincial securities ID: 7, Parent: 6, Name: Net investment, provincial bonds ID: 8, Parent: 6, Name: Net investment, provincial Treasury Bills ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Net investment, total municipal securities ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Net investment, municipal bonds ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Net investment, municipal Treasury Bills ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Net investment, corporate and other bonds ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Net investment, preferred and common stocks ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Net investment, total short-term paper ID: 15, Parent: 14, Name: Net investment, finance and loan companies short-term paper ID: 16, Parent: 14, Name: Net investment, other short-term commercial paper ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: Net investment, mortgage loans and sales agreements ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Net investment, real estate and ground rents ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: Net investment, policy loans ID: 20, Parent: 1, Name: Net investment, collateral loans ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Total net source of funds ID: 21, Parent: 27, Name: Net source of funds transferred from abroad ID: 22, Parent: 27, Name: Net source of funds, balancing item ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Mortgage transactions, gross disbursements ID: 24, Parent: 23, Name: Mortgage transactions, gross receipts ID: 25, Parent: 23, Name: Mortgage transactions, net investment ID: 26, Parent: None, Name: Securities held under buy-back agreements
Quebec savings banks, assets and liabilities, at month-end
Title: Quebec savings banks, assets and liabilities, at month-end Date range: 1936-01-01 to 1987-08-01 Dimensions: Geography, Assets and liabilities Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Quebec Assets and liabilities: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, assets ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Assets, cash and deposits ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Cash, notes and non-interest bearing deposits ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Cash, other bank deposits ID: 5, Parent: 1, Name: Assets, total Canadian securities ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Canadian securities, Government of Canada ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Canadian securities, provincial ID: 8, Parent: 5, Name: Canadian securities, municipal ID: 9, Parent: 5, Name: Canadian securities, other ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Assets, total mortgages and loans ID: 11, Parent: 10, Name: Mortgages insured under National Housing Act (NHA) ID: 12, Parent: 10, Name: Other mortgages ID: 13, Parent: 10, Name: Loans otherwise secured ID: 14, Parent: 10, Name: Unsecured loans ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: All other assets ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Total, liabilities ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Secured advances from chartered banks ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Total deposits ID: 19, Parent: 18, Name: Deposits, Government of Canada ID: 20, Parent: 18, Name: Deposits, provincial governments ID: 21, Parent: 18, Name: Deposits, other than Government of Canada and provincial governments ID: 22, Parent: 21, Name: Other deposits, personal, term ID: 23, Parent: 21, Name: Other deposits, other personal ID: 24, Parent: 21, Name: Other deposits, non-personal ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: All other liabilities ID: 26, Parent: 16, Name: Shareholders' equity ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Mortgages
Trust and mortgage loan companies, excluding bank trust and mortgage subsidiaries, estimated assets and liabilities, at month-end
Title: Trust and mortgage loan companies, excluding bank trust and mortgage subsidiaries, estimated assets and liabilities, at month-end Date range: 1972-12-01 to 1998-03-01 Dimensions: Geography, Trust and mortgage loan companies, Assets and liabilities Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Trust and mortgage loan companies: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Trust and mortgage loan companies excluding bank trust and mortgage subsidiaries ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Trust and mortgage loan companies associated with chartered banks Assets and liabilities: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total assets ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total, major assets ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Cash and liquid ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Cash and gross demand and notice deposits ID: 59, Parent: 3, Name: Cash and gross demand ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Total term deposits ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Chartered banks ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Excluding chartered banks ID: 8, Parent: 3, Name: Short-term notes, bankers' acceptances and other Treasury Bills ID: 9, Parent: 3, Name: Short-term paper and bankers' acceptances ID: 10, Parent: 3, Name: Government of Canada Treasury Bills ID: 11, Parent: 3, Name: Provincial and municipal Treasury Bills and short-term notes ID: 12, Parent: 3, Name: Collateral business loans with investment dealers ID: 13, Parent: 3, Name: Other short-term paper and bankers' acceptances ID: 14, Parent: 2, Name: Total Canadian bonds ID: 15, Parent: 14, Name: Government of Canada bonds ID: 16, Parent: 14, Name: Provincial and municipal bonds ID: 17, Parent: 14, Name: Corporate bonds ID: 18, Parent: 2, Name: Mortgage loans and sales agreements ID: 19, Parent: 2, Name: Personal loans ID: 20, Parent: 2, Name: Canadian preferred and common shares ID: 21, Parent: 2, Name: Foreign securities ID: 22, Parent: 1, Name: Leasing contracts ID: 23, Parent: 1, Name: Other assets ID: 24, Parent: 1, Name: Other collateral business loans ID: 25, Parent: 1, Name: Business loans, other ID: 58, Parent: 1, Name: Other business loans ID: 26, Parent: 1, Name: Items in transit ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Residential mortgage loans ID: 28, Parent: None, Name: Non-residential mortgage loans ID: 29, Parent: None, Name: Total, collateral business loans ID: 30, Parent: None, Name: Total liabilities ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Total, major liabilities ID: 32, Parent: 31, Name: Total deposits ID: 33, Parent: 32, Name: Total savings deposits ID: 34, Parent: 33, Name: Chequable savings deposits ID: 35, Parent: 33, Name: Non-chequable savings deposits ID: 36, Parent: 32, Name: Total term deposits, Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GIC) and debentures ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Term deposits, Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GIC) and debentures, less than 1 year ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Term deposits, Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GIC) and debentures, 1 year and over ID: 42, Parent: 31, Name: Bank loans ID: 43, Parent: 31, Name: Debentures issued under trust indentures ID: 44, Parent: 31, Name: Total promissory notes ID: 45, Parent: 44, Name: Promissory notes, less than 1 year ID: 46, Parent: 44, Name: Promissory notes, 1 year and over ID: 47, Parent: 30, Name: Other liabilities ID: 48, Parent: 30, Name: Shareholders' equity ID: 49, Parent: None, Name: Chequable deposits, daily interest ID: 50, Parent: None, Name: Non-chequable deposits, daily interest ID: 51, Parent: None, Name: Tax-exempt deposits ID: 52, Parent: 51, Name: Tax-exempt deposits, notice ID: 53, Parent: 51, Name: Tax-exempt deposits, term ID: 54, Parent: None, Name: Total personal deposits ID: 55, Parent: None, Name: Promissory notes and debentures ID: 56, Parent: None, Name: Other loans ID: 57, Parent: None, Name: Mortgages insured under the National Housing Act (NHA)
Capacity utilization rates (Bank of Canada calculated series), seasonally adjusted
Title: Capacity utilization rates (Bank of Canada calculated series), seasonally adjusted Date range: 1962-01-01 to 1992-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Industry Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Quarterly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Industry: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Goods-producing industries excluding agriculture, fishing and trapping ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Total industrial ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Mining ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Manufacturing industries ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Food and beverages ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Tobacco products ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Rubber industries ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Leather industries ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Textile industries ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Knitting mills ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Clothing industries ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Wood industries ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Furniture and fixtures ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Paper and allied industries ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Printing, publishing and allied industries ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Primary metal industries ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Metal fabricating ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Machinery and equipment ID: 19, Parent: None, Name: Transportation equipment ID: 20, Parent: None, Name: Electrical products ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Non-metallic mineral ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Petroleum and coal ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Chemical products ID: 24, Parent: None, Name: Miscellaneous manufacturing ID: 25, Parent: None, Name: Construction ID: 26, Parent: None, Name: Electric power, gas and water ID: 27, Parent: None, Name: Non-durable manufacturing ID: 28, Parent: None, Name: Durable manufacturing ID: 29, Parent: None, Name: Energy ID: 30, Parent: None, Name: Goods excluding agriculture, fishing, trapping and energy
Merchandise exports classified by commodity, Paasche Price Index (1981 and 1986), balance of payments basis
Title: Merchandise exports classified by commodity, Paasche Price Index (1981 and 1986), balance of payments basis Date range: 1971-01-01 to 1997-07-01 Dimensions: Geography, Prices, Commodity classification Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Quarterly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Prices: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Paasche Price Index, 1981=100, seasonally adjusted ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Constant 1981 dollars, seasonally adjusted at annual rates ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Paasche Price Index, 1986=100, seasonally adjusted ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Constant 1986 dollars, seasonally adjusted at annual rates Commodity classification: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, merchandise exports ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Wheat ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Other farm and fish products ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Crude petroleum ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Natural gas ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Other energy products ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Lumber and sawmill products ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Pulp and paper ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Other metals and minerals ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Chemicals and fertilizers ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Motor vehicles and parts, United States ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Motor vehicles and parts, other than United States ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Other manufactured goods
Merchandise imports classified by commodity, Paasche Price Index (1981 and 1986), balance of payments basis
Title: Merchandise imports classified by commodity, Paasche Price Index (1981 and 1986), balance of payments basis Date range: 1971-01-01 to 1997-07-01 Dimensions: Geography, Prices, Commodity classification Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Quarterly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Prices: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Paasche Price Index, 1981=100, seasonally adjusted ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Constant 1981 dollars, seasonally adjusted at annual rates ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Paasche Price Index, 1986=100, seasonally adjusted ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Constant 1986 dollars, seasonally adjusted at annual rates Commodity classification: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, merchandise imports ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Food ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Crude petroleum ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Other energy products ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Construction materials ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Industrial materials ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Motor vehicles and parts, United States ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Motor vehicles and parts, other than United States ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Machinery and equipment ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Other consumer goods
Positions of the directly clearing members of the Canadian Payments Association with the Bank of Canada
Title: Positions of the directly clearing members of the Canadian Payments Association with the Bank of Canada Date range: 1991-12-01 to 1999-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Positions of the directly clearing members of the Canadian Payments Association with the Bank of Canada Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Positions of the directly clearing members of the Canadian Payments Association with the Bank of Canada: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Excess computed settlement balances, daily average ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Excess computed settlement balances, cumulative ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Overdraft loans, daily average ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Calculated advances, total ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Calculated advances, of which: reserve advances to banks (first half) ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Calculated advances, of which: reserve advances to banks (second half)
Bank of Canada buy-back transactions with investment dealers and chartered banks
Title: Bank of Canada buy-back transactions with investment dealers and chartered banks Date range: 1991-12-01 to 1999-01-01 Dimensions: Geography, Buy-back transactions with investment dealers and chartered banks Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Buy-back transactions with investment dealers and chartered banks: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Purchase and resale agreements, average outstanding ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Purchase and resale agreements, maximum outstanding in period ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Purchase and resale agreements, number of days ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Sale and repurchase agreements, average outstanding ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Sale and repurchase agreements, maximum outstanding in period ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Sale and repurchase agreements, number of days
Chartered banks, classification of loans to non-financial corporations and unincorporated business, by type and size of authorization, at end of period
Title: Chartered banks, classification of loans to non-financial corporations and unincorporated business, by type and size of authorization, at end of period Date range: 1981-10-01 to 1993-07-01 Dimensions: Geography, Type of currency, Type of loan authorization, Type of loans, Size of loan authorization Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Quarterly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Type of currency: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canadian dollar ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Foreign currency Type of loan authorization: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Amounts outstanding under authorized limits ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Amounts authorized under authorized limits Type of loans: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, demand and term loans ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Term ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Demand Size of loan authorization: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, all loan authorization sizes ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Less than $0.2 million ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: $0.2 million to $50 million ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: $0.2 million to $0.5 million ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: $0.5 million to $1 million ID: 6, Parent: 3, Name: $1 million to $5 million ID: 7, Parent: 3, Name: $5 million to $25 million ID: 8, Parent: 3, Name: $25 million to $50 million ID: 9, Parent: 3, Name: $50 million and over
Sales finance and consumer loan companies, prior to 1991, monthly statement of estimated assets and liabilities
Title: Sales finance and consumer loan companies, prior to 1991, monthly statement of estimated assets and liabilities Date range: 1974-01-01 to 1991-04-01 Dimensions: Geography, Assets and liabilities Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Assets and liabilities: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, major assets ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Cash and deposits ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Total accounts and notes receivable ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Receivables, retail sales financing of industrial and commercial goods ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Receivables, retail sales financing of consumer goods ID: 6, Parent: 3, Name: Receivables, wholesale financing ID: 7, Parent: 3, Name: Receivables, business financing ID: 8, Parent: 3, Name: Receivables, consumer financing, personal loans ID: 9, Parent: 3, Name: Receivables, consumer financing, residential mortgage loans ID: 10, Parent: 3, Name: Receivables, amounts due under leasing and rental contracts ID: 11, Parent: 3, Name: Other receivables ID: 12, Parent: 3, Name: Receivables, allowance for doubtful accounts ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Investments and advances ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Investments in subsidiary and affiliated companies ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Total, major liabilities ID: 16, Parent: 15, Name: Owed to parent and affiliated companies ID: 17, Parent: 15, Name: Bank loans ID: 18, Parent: 15, Name: Short-term paper, Canadian dollars ID: 19, Parent: 15, Name: Short-term paper, foreign currency ID: 20, Parent: 15, Name: Long-term debt ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Consumer receivables ID: 22, Parent: None, Name: Business receivables ID: 23, Parent: None, Name: Total, short-term paper
Sales finance companies: quarterly statement of estimated assets and liabilities
Title: Sales finance companies: quarterly statement of estimated assets and liabilities Date range: 1974-01-01 to 1998-03-01 Dimensions: Geography, Assets and liabilities Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Assets and liabilities: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, major assets ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Cash and deposits ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Total business credit ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Business credit, retail financing of industrial and commercial goods ID: 5, Parent: 3, Name: Business credit, wholesale financing ID: 6, Parent: 3, Name: Business credit, business financing ID: 7, Parent: 3, Name: Business credit, amounts due under leasing and rental contracts ID: 8, Parent: 3, Name: Business credit, non-residential mortgages ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Total household credit ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Household credit, residential mortgage loans ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Household credit, personal loans ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Other receivables ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Allowance for doubtful accounts ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Investments and advances ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Investment in subsidiary and affiliated companies ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Total, major liabilities ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Total short-term paper ID: 18, Parent: 16, Name: Long-term debt ID: 19, Parent: 16, Name: Owed to parent and affiliated companies ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Bank loans
United States government receipts and expenditures, seasonally adjusted at annual rates
Title: United States government receipts and expenditures, seasonally adjusted at annual rates Date range: 1947-01-01 to 2009-10-01 Dimensions: Geography, Components Subject: Government Survey: United States Statistics Frequency: Quarterly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: United States Components: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total federal government current receipts ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Federal personal current taxes ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Federal government income tax receipts ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Federal government estate and gift taxes receipts ID: 5, Parent: 2, Name: Federal government non-tax receipts ID: 6, Parent: 1, Name: Federal taxes on corporate income ID: 7, Parent: 6, Name: Federal reserve banks ID: 8, Parent: 6, Name: Other federal taxes on corporate income ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Federal taxes on production and imports ID: 10, Parent: 9, Name: Federal excise taxes ID: 11, Parent: 9, Name: Federal customs duties ID: 12, Parent: 9, Name: Federal non-taxes accruals ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Federal contributions for government social insurance ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Total federal government current expenditures ID: 15, Parent: 14, Name: Total federal purchases of goods and services ID: 16, Parent: 15, Name: Federal purchases of goods and services, national defense ID: 17, Parent: 15, Name: Federal purchases of goods and services, other ID: 18, Parent: 15, Name: Total federal government consumption expenditures ID: 19, Parent: 14, Name: Total federal current transfer payments ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Federal transfer payments, to persons ID: 21, Parent: 19, Name: Federal transfer payments, to the rest of the world (net) ID: 22, Parent: 14, Name: Federal grants-in-aid to state and local governments ID: 23, Parent: 14, Name: Federal net interest paid ID: 24, Parent: 23, Name: Federal government interest payments ID: 25, Parent: 24, Name: Federal government interest payments, to persons and business ID: 26, Parent: 24, Name: Interest payments, by federal government to the rest of world ID: 27, Parent: 23, Name: Interest received by federal government ID: 28, Parent: 14, Name: Federal subsidies less current surplus of government enterprises ID: 29, Parent: 28, Name: Federal government subsidies ID: 30, Parent: 28, Name: Current surplus of federal government enterprises ID: 31, Parent: 14, Name: Federal wage accruals less disbursements ID: 32, Parent: None, Name: Net federal government saving ID: 33, Parent: 32, Name: Federal social insurance funds ID: 34, Parent: 32, Name: Federal government, other ID: 35, Parent: None, Name: Total state and local government current receipts ID: 36, Parent: 35, Name: State and local personal current taxes ID: 37, Parent: 36, Name: Receipts, income taxes, state and local ID: 38, Parent: 36, Name: Receipts, non-taxes, state and local ID: 39, Parent: 36, Name: Receipts, other, state and local ID: 40, Parent: 35, Name: State and local taxes on corporate income ID: 41, Parent: 35, Name: State and local taxes on production and imports ID: 42, Parent: 41, Name: Sales taxes, state and local ID: 43, Parent: 41, Name: Property taxes, state and local ID: 44, Parent: 41, Name: Other taxes on production and imports, state and local ID: 45, Parent: 35, Name: State and local contributions for government social insurance ID: 46, Parent: 35, Name: Federal grants-in-aid ID: 47, Parent: None, Name: Total state and local government current expenditures ID: 48, Parent: 47, Name: State and local purchases of goods and services ID: 49, Parent: 48, Name: Compensation of employees, state and local ID: 50, Parent: 48, Name: Other purchases, state and local ID: 51, Parent: 48, Name: Consumption expenditures, state and local ID: 52, Parent: 47, Name: State and local government social benefit payments to persons ID: 53, Parent: 47, Name: State and local net interest paid ID: 54, Parent: 53, Name: Interest payments, state and local ID: 55, Parent: 53, Name: Interest received by government, state and local ID: 56, Parent: 47, Name: Subsidies less current surplus of government enterprises ID: 57, Parent: 56, Name: Subsidies, state and local ID: 58, Parent: 56, Name: Current surplus of government enterprises, state and local ID: 59, Parent: 47, Name: State and local wage accruals less disbursements ID: 60, Parent: 47, Name: Dividends received by state and local government ID: 61, Parent: None, Name: Net state and local government saving ID: 62, Parent: 61, Name: Social insurance funds, state and local ID: 63, Parent: 61, Name: Other expenditures, state and local
Consumer Price Index (CPI) statistics, alternative measures, unadjusted and seasonally adjusted, Bank of Canada
Title: Consumer Price Index (CPI) statistics, alternative measures, unadjusted and seasonally adjusted, Bank of Canada Date range: 1979-11-01 to 2021-08-01 Dimensions: Geography, Alternative measures Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Alternative measures: ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Consumer Price Index (CPI) excluding food, energy and the effect of indirect taxes ID: 18, Parent: None, Name: Consumer Price Index (CPI) excluding food, energy and the effect of indirect taxes, seasonally adjusted ID: 10, Parent: None, Name: Consumer Price Index (CPI) inversely weighted by volatility and is adjusted to exclude the effect of changes in indirect taxes (CPIW) (year-over-year percent change) ID: 15, Parent: None, Name: Consumer Price Index (CPI) excluding the effect of indirect taxes ID: 17, Parent: None, Name: Consumer Price Index (CPI) excluding the effect of indirect taxes, seasonally adjusted ID: 11, Parent: None, Name: Consumer Price Index (CPI) excluding the effect of indirect taxes ID: 12, Parent: None, Name: Consumer Price Index (CPI) excluding food, energy and the effect of indirect taxes ID: 13, Parent: None, Name: Consumer Price Index (CPI) excluding the effect of indirect taxes, seasonally adjusted ID: 14, Parent: None, Name: Consumer Price Index (CPI) excluding food, energy and the effect of indirect taxes, seasonally adjusted ID: 9, Parent: None, Name: Consumer Price Index (CPI) excluding 8 of the most volatile components and indirect taxes (CPIX) ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Consumer Price Index (CPI) excluding the effect of indirect taxes ID: 2, Parent: None, Name: Consumer Price Index (CPI) excluding food, energy and the effect of indirect taxes ID: 3, Parent: None, Name: Consumer Price Index (CPI) excluding the effect of indirect taxes, seasonally adjusted ID: 4, Parent: None, Name: Consumer Price Index (CPI) excluding food, energy and the effect of indirect taxes, seasonally adjusted ID: 5, Parent: None, Name: Contribution of indirect taxes to annual growth rate of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) ID: 6, Parent: None, Name: Contribution of indirect taxes to annual growth rate of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) excluding food and energy ID: 7, Parent: None, Name: Contribution of indirect taxes to monthly growth rate of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) ID: 8, Parent: None, Name: Contribution of indirect taxes to monthly growth rate of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) excluding food and energy
Bank of Canada, assets and liabilities, average of Wednesdays
Title: Bank of Canada, assets and liabilities, average of Wednesdays Date range: 1953-01-01 to 2021-08-01 Dimensions: Geography, Assets and liabilities Subject: Government Survey: Financial market statistics from the Toronto Stock Exchange Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Assets and liabilities: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total assets ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total, Government of Canada, direct and guaranteed securities ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Government of Canada, Treasury Bills ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Total, Government of Canada, bonds ID: 5, Parent: 4, Name: Government of Canada, other maturities, 3 years and under ID: 6, Parent: 4, Name: Government of Canada, other maturities, over 3 years ID: 7, Parent: 1, Name: Other bills ID: 26, Parent: 1, Name: Advances ID: 8, Parent: 26, Name: Advances to Government of Canada ID: 9, Parent: 26, Name: Advances to members of Payments Canada ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Loans and receivables, securities purchased under resale agreements ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Foreign currency assets ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Investment in Industrial Development Bank (IDB) ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: All other assets excluding other bill and investment in Industrial Development Bank (IDB) ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Other investments ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Foreign currency deposits ID: 29, Parent: 1, Name: Securities purchased under resale agreements ID: 27, Parent: 1, Name: All other assets ID: 16, Parent: None, Name: Total liabilities ID: 17, Parent: 16, Name: Notes in circulation ID: 18, Parent: 17, Name: Notes in circulation, held by chartered banks ID: 19, Parent: 17, Name: Notes in circulation, held by others ID: 20, Parent: 16, Name: Canadian dollar deposits, Government of Canada ID: 21, Parent: 16, Name: Canadian dollar deposits, chartered banks ID: 22, Parent: 16, Name: Canadian dollar deposits, other ID: 23, Parent: 16, Name: Foreign currency liabilities ID: 25, Parent: 16, Name: Canadian dollar deposits, other members of Payments Canada ID: 28, Parent: 16, Name: Canadian dollar deposits, members of Payments Canada ID: 24, Parent: 16, Name: All other liabilities and capital
Bank of Canada, assets and liabilities, at month-end
Title: Bank of Canada, assets and liabilities, at month-end Date range: 1935-01-01 to 2021-08-01 Dimensions: Geography, Assets and liabilities Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Assets and liabilities: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total assets ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total, Government of Canada, direct and guaranteed securities ID: 3, Parent: 2, Name: Government of Canada, Treasury Bills ID: 4, Parent: 2, Name: Total, Government of Canada, bonds ID: 5, Parent: 4, Name: Government of Canada, bonds, 3 years and under ID: 6, Parent: 4, Name: Government of Canada, bonds, over 3 years to 5 years ID: 7, Parent: 4, Name: Government of Canada, bonds, 5 years to 10 years ID: 8, Parent: 4, Name: Government of Canada, bonds, over 10 years ID: 44, Parent: 2, Name: Real return bonds ID: 39, Parent: 2, Name: Canada mortgage bonds ID: 9, Parent: 1, Name: Other bills ID: 40, Parent: 1, Name: Provincial money markets securities ID: 45, Parent: 1, Name: Provincial bonds ID: 41, Parent: 1, Name: Bankers' acceptances ID: 42, Parent: 1, Name: Commercial paper ID: 46, Parent: 1, Name: Corporate bonds ID: 10, Parent: 1, Name: Loans and receivables, advances to members of Payments Canada ID: 11, Parent: 1, Name: Loans and receivables, advances to Government of Canada ID: 43, Parent: 1, Name: Loans and receivables, other advances ID: 20, Parent: 1, Name: Loans and receivables, securities purchased under resale agreements ID: 35, Parent: 1, Name: Loans and receivables, other ID: 12, Parent: 1, Name: Foreign currency assets ID: 13, Parent: 1, Name: Investment in Industrial Development Bank (IDB) ID: 14, Parent: 1, Name: Cheques on other banks ID: 15, Parent: 1, Name: Government of Canada items in transit (net) ID: 16, Parent: 1, Name: Accrued interest on investments ID: 18, Parent: 1, Name: Other investments ID: 19, Parent: 1, Name: Foreign currency deposits ID: 48, Parent: 1, Name: Derivatives - Indemnity agreements with the Government of Canada, assets ID: 17, Parent: 1, Name: All other assets ID: 21, Parent: None, Name: Total liabilities ID: 22, Parent: 21, Name: Total, notes in circulation ID: 23, Parent: 22, Name: Notes in circulation, held by chartered banks ID: 24, Parent: 22, Name: Notes in circulation, held by others ID: 25, Parent: 21, Name: Canadian dollar deposits, Government of Canada ID: 26, Parent: 21, Name: Canadian dollar deposits, chartered banks ID: 27, Parent: 21, Name: Canadian dollar deposits, Government of Canada enterprises ID: 28, Parent: 21, Name: Canadian dollar deposits, foreign central banks and official institutions ID: 36, Parent: 21, Name: Canadian dollar deposits, members of Payments Canada ID: 29, Parent: 21, Name: Canadian dollar deposits, other ID: 31, Parent: 21, Name: Bank of Canada cheques outstanding ID: 37, Parent: 21, Name: Securities sold under repurchase agreements ID: 47, Parent: 21, Name: Derivatives - Indemnity agreements with the Government of Canada, liabilities ID: 30, Parent: 21, Name: Foreign currency liabilities ID: 32, Parent: 21, Name: All other liabilities ID: 38, Parent: 21, Name: Capital ID: 33, Parent: 21, Name: Government of Canada items in transit (net) ID: 34, Parent: 21, Name: Canadian dollar deposits, other members of Payments Canada
Chartered banks, assets and liabilities, month-end, Bank of Canada
Title: Chartered banks, assets and liabilities, month-end, Bank of Canada Date range: 1946-01-01 to 2021-07-01 Dimensions: Geography, Assets and liabilities Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Assets and liabilities: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total, major assets ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Net foreign assets ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Total, Canadian dollar major assets ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Total, liquid Canadian assets (excluding chartered banks instruments) ID: 5, Parent: 4, Name: Bank of Canada deposits, notes and coin ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Bank of Canada, notes and coin ID: 7, Parent: 5, Name: Bank of Canada, deposits ID: 8, Parent: 4, Name: Canadian day-to-day loans ID: 9, Parent: 4, Name: Treasury Bills, amortized value ID: 10, Parent: 4, Name: Total, Government of Canada, direct and guaranteed bonds ID: 11, Parent: 10, Name: Government of Canada, direct and guaranteed bonds, 3 years and under ID: 12, Parent: 10, Name: Government of Canada, direct and guaranteed bonds, over 3 years ID: 13, Parent: 4, Name: Total, call and short-term loans ID: 14, Parent: 13, Name: Call and short-term loans, to stockbrokers ID: 15, Parent: 13, Name: Call and short-term loans, to investment dealers ID: 16, Parent: 13, Name: Call and short-term loans, special call loans ID: 17, Parent: 13, Name: Call and short-term loans, other ID: 18, Parent: 4, Name: Holdings of selected short-term assets, short-term paper ID: 19, Parent: 3, Name: Total, less liquid Canadian assets ID: 23, Parent: 19, Name: Total, corporate excluding securities of associated corporations 8111-8902 ID: 25, Parent: 19, Name: Mortgages insured under National Housing Act (NHA) ID: 39, Parent: 19, Name: Total loans ID: 26, Parent: 39, Name: Total, loans in Canadian dollars (excluding call, Canada Savings Bonds and conventional mortgages) ID: 27, Parent: 26, Name: Loans in Canadian dollars, to provinces ID: 28, Parent: 26, Name: Loans in Canadian dollars, to municipalities ID: 29, Parent: 26, Name: Loans in Canadian dollars, to grain dealers ID: 30, Parent: 26, Name: Loans in Canadian dollars, to installment finance companies ID: 31, Parent: 26, Name: General loans (including grain dealers and installment finance companies) ID: 32, Parent: 31, Name: Business loans ID: 33, Parent: 31, Name: Personal loans ID: 107, Parent: 33, Name: Personal loan plan loans ID: 108, Parent: 33, Name: Credit card loans ID: 109, Parent: 33, Name: Personal lines of credit ID: 110, Parent: 33, Name: Other personal loans ID: 34, Parent: 26, Name: Non-residential mortgages ID: 35, Parent: 26, Name: Leasing receivables ID: 36, Parent: 26, Name: Loans to the federal, provincial and municipal governments and school corporations ID: 37, Parent: 26, Name: Loans in Canadian dollars to purchase Canada Savings Bonds ID: 38, Parent: 26, Name: Other residential mortgages ID: 40, Parent: 39, Name: Residential mortgages, total ID: 41, Parent: 19, Name: Total, other Canadian securities (excluding short-term paper) ID: 42, Parent: 41, Name: Canadian provincial securities (excluding short-term paper) ID: 43, Parent: 41, Name: Canadian municipal securities (excluding short-term paper) ID: 44, Parent: 41, Name: Canadian corporate securities (excluding short-term paper) ID: 45, Parent: 41, Name: Canadian securities, corporations associated with banks (excluding short-term paper) ID: 46, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank deposits, total Canadian dollar (gross) ID: 47, Parent: 46, Name: Estimated net private sector float ID: 48, Parent: 46, Name: Chartered bank deposits, total Canadian dollar (gross) (excluding private sector float) ID: 49, Parent: 48, Name: Chartered bank deposits, Government of Canada ID: 50, Parent: 49, Name: Chartered bank deposits, Government of Canada, term ID: 51, Parent: 48, Name: Chartered bank deposits, held by general public (excluding private sector float) ID: 111, Parent: 48, Name: Chartered bank deposits, held by general public (including private sector float) ID: 52, Parent: 111, Name: Chartered bank deposits, personal (excluding personal, chequable, demand) ID: 112, Parent: 111, Name: Chartered bank deposits, personal ID: 53, Parent: 112, Name: Chartered bank deposits, personal, chequable (excluding personal, chequable, demand) ID: 113, Parent: 112, Name: Chartered bank deposits, personal, chequable ID: 54, Parent: 113, Name: Canadian dollar chequable personal savings deposits, daily interest ID: 55, Parent: 113, Name: Canadian dollar chequable personal savings deposits, other ID: 56, Parent: 112, Name: Chartered bank deposits, personal, non-chequable, notice ID: 57, Parent: 56, Name: Canadian dollar non-chequable personal savings deposits, other ID: 58, Parent: 56, Name: Canadian dollar non-chequable personal savings deposits, daily interest ID: 59, Parent: 56, Name: Chartered bank deposits, personal, non-chequable, notice, tax sheltered ID: 60, Parent: 56, Name: Chartered bank deposits, personal, non-chequable, notice, other ID: 61, Parent: 112, Name: Chartered bank deposits, personal, term ID: 62, Parent: 61, Name: Chartered bank deposits, personal, term, tax sheltered ID: 63, Parent: 61, Name: Chartered bank deposits, personal, term, other ID: 64, Parent: 111, Name: Chartered bank deposits, non-personal, notice and term ID: 114, Parent: 111, Name: Chartered bank deposits, non-personal ID: 65, Parent: 114, Name: Chartered bank deposits, non-personal, chequable, notice ID: 115, Parent: 114, Name: Chartered bank deposits, non-personal, chequable ID: 66, Parent: 114, Name: Chartered bank deposits, non-personal, non-chequable ID: 67, Parent: 114, Name: Canadian dollar non-personal, bearer term note deposits, term and notice ID: 68, Parent: 114, Name: Chartered bank deposits, non-personal, term ID: 69, Parent: 111, Name: Demand (less private sector float) ID: 70, Parent: None, Name: Total, Canadian dollar gross demand deposits ID: 71, Parent: 70, Name: Canadian dollar gross demand deposits, personal chequing ID: 72, Parent: 70, Name: Canadian dollar gross demand deposits, other ID: 73, Parent: None, Name: Bankers' acceptances ID: 74, Parent: None, Name: Subordinated debt payable in Canadian dollars ID: 75, Parent: None, Name: Total, foreign currency deposits of Canadian residents ID: 76, Parent: 75, Name: Foreign currency deposits of Canadian residents, swapped ID: 77, Parent: 75, Name: Foreign currency deposits of Canadian residents, other ID: 78, Parent: 75, Name: Foreign currency deposits of Canadian residents deposits of banks ID: 79, Parent: 75, Name: Foreign currency deposits of Canadian residents, other ID: 80, Parent: None, Name: Foreign currency loans to Canadian residents ID: 81, Parent: 80, Name: Foreign currency loans to Canadian residents of which: reverse repurchase agreements ID: 82, Parent: None, Name: Advances from the Bank of Canada ID: 83, Parent: None, Name: Total, holdings of selected short-term assets ID: 84, Parent: 83, Name: Short-term paper (included in less Canadian liquid assets) ID: 85, Parent: 83, Name: Other holdings of selected short-term assets ID: 86, Parent: None, Name: Estimated Canadian dollar items in transit (net) ID: 87, Parent: None, Name: Chartered bank holdings of foreign currency securities (residents of Canada) ID: 88, Parent: None, Name: Total, other Canadian securities ID: 89, Parent: 88, Name: Canadian provincial securities, total ID: 90, Parent: 88, Name: Canadian municipal securities, total ID: 116, Parent: 88, Name: Canadian provincial and municipal securities, total ID: 91, Parent: 88, Name: Canadian corporate securities, total ID: 92, Parent: 88, Name: Canadian securities, corporations associated with banks, total ID: 93, Parent: None, Name: Canadian dollar assets, total ID: 94, Parent: None, Name: Canadian liquid assets, short-term paper and chartered bank instruments, total ID: 95, Parent: None, Name: Day-to-day loans plus special call loans ID: 96, Parent: None, Name: Non-mortgage loans, total ID: 97, Parent: None, Name: Mortgages, total ID: 98, Parent: None, Name: Business loans to non-residents ID: 99, Parent: 98, Name: Loans to non-residents for business purposes under reverse repurchase agreements ID: 100, Parent: 98, Name: Loans to non-residents for business purposes excluding reverse repurchase agreements ID: 101, Parent: None, Name: Business loans to residents ID: 102, Parent: 101, Name: Loans made under reverse repurchase agreements ID: 103, Parent: 101, Name: Business loans excluding reverse repurchase agreements ID: 104, Parent: 103, Name: Business loans excluding reverse repurchase agreements of which: inter-bank loans ID: 105, Parent: None, Name: Provincial and municipal securities (excluding short-term paper) ID: 117, Parent: None, Name: Loans to resident and non-residents, reverse repos ID: 118, Parent: None, Name: Loans to resident and non-residents for business purposes excluding reverse repurchase agreements ID: 119, Parent: None, Name: Business loans resident and non-residents excluding reverse repurchase agreements of which: inter-bank loans ID: 106, Parent: None, Name: Mortgages insured
Chartered banks, assets and liabilities, at month-end, Bank of Canada, inactive
Title: Chartered banks, assets and liabilities, at month-end, Bank of Canada, inactive Date range: 1946-01-01 to 2020-09-01 Dimensions: Geography, Assets and liabilities Subject: Government Survey: Bank of Canada Frequency: Monthly Geography: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Canada Assets and liabilities: ID: 1, Parent: None, Name: Total assets ID: 2, Parent: 1, Name: Total, foreign currency assets ID: 3, Parent: 1, Name: Total, Canadian dollar assets ID: 4, Parent: 3, Name: Total of foregoing assets ID: 5, Parent: 4, Name: Total, Canadian liquid assets ID: 6, Parent: 5, Name: Bank of Canada, deposits, notes and coin ID: 7, Parent: 6, Name: Bank of Canada, notes and coin ID: 8, Parent: 6, Name: Bank of Canada, deposits ID: 9, Parent: 5, Name: Canadian day-to-day loans ID: 10, Parent: 5, Name: Treasury Bills, amortized value ID: 11, Parent: 5, Name: Total, Government of Canada, direct and guaranteed bonds ID: 12, Parent: 11, Name: Government of Canada, direct and guaranteed bonds, 3 years and under ID: 13, Parent: 11, Name: Government of Canada, direct and guaranteed bonds, over 3 years ID: 14, Parent: 5, Name: Canadian dollar loans, non-mortgage loans, call and short loans ID: 15, Parent: 14, Name: Call and short-term loans, to stockbrokers ID: 16, Parent: 14, Name: Call and short-term loans, to investment dealers ID: 17, Parent: 14, Name: Call and short-term loans, special call loans ID: 18, Parent: 14, Name: Call and short-term loans, other ID: 19, Parent: 4, Name: Total, less liquid Canadian assets ID: 20, Parent: 19, Name: Total, other Canadian securities ID: 21, Parent: 20, Name: Canadian securities, provincial ID: 22, Parent: 20, Name: Canadian securities, municipal ID: 95, Parent: 20, Name: Canadian dollar bank notes, deposits with Bank of Canada, cheques and other items in transit (Net) ID: 96, Parent: 19, Name: Canadian dollar total cash and cash equivalent ID: 97, Parent: 19, Name: Canadian dollar total securities issued or guaranteed by Canada, Canadian province, Canadian municipal or school corporation ID: 98, Parent: 97, Name: Canadian dollar securities issued or guaranteed by Canada, Canadian province, Canadian municipal or school corporation, treasury bills and other short term paper ID: 99, Parent: 97, Name: Canadian dollar securities issued or guaranteed by Canada, Canadian province, Canadian municipal or school corporation, other ID: 23, Parent: 97, Name: Canadian dollar total securities, corporate ID: 24, Parent: 97, Name: Canadian securities, provincial and municipal ID: 25, Parent: 97, Name: Canadian dollar securities, corporate shares ID: 26, Parent: 97, Name: Canadian dollar securities, corporate, other ID: 27, Parent: 97, Name: Canadian securities, corporations associated with banks ID: 28, Parent: 19, Name: Mortgages insured under National Housing Act (NHA) ID: 29, Parent: 19, Name: Other residential mortgages ID: 30, Parent: 19, Name: Total, loans in Canadian dollars (excluding call, Canada Savings Bonds and conventional mortgages) ID: 31, Parent: 30, Name: Loans in Canadian dollars, to provinces ID: 32, Parent: 30, Name: Loans in Canadian dollars, to municipalities ID: 33, Parent: 30, Name: Loans in Canadian dollars, to grain dealers ID: 34, Parent: 30, Name: Loans in Canadian dollars, to installment finance companies ID: 35, Parent: 30, Name: Canadian dollar loans, general loans (personal and business loans) ID: 36, Parent: 30, Name: Canadian dollar loans, mortgages, residential ID: 37, Parent: 30, Name: Canadian dollar loans, mortgages, non-residential ID: 38, Parent: 30, Name: Canadian dollar loans, non-mortgage loans, leasing receivables ID: 39, Parent: 30, Name: Canadian dollar loans, non-mortgage, federal governments provincial and municipal ID: 40, Parent: 19, Name: Loans in Canadian dollars, Canada Savings Bonds ID: 41, Parent: 19, Name: Loans in Canadian dollars, total ID: 42, Parent: 19, Name: Canadian dollar loans, non-mortgage loans, personal loans ID: 43, Parent: 19, Name: Canadian dollar loans, non-mortgage loans, total business loans ID: 100, Parent: 19, Name: Canadian dollar loans, total non-mortgage loans ID: 44, Parent: 100, Name: Canadian dollar loans, non-mortgages loans, business loans, made under reverse repurchase agreements ID: 45, Parent: 100, Name: Canadian dollar loans, non-mortgage loans, business loans, excluding reverse repurchase agreements ID: 46, Parent: 3, Name: Canadian dollar items in transit (net) ID: 101, Parent: 3, Name: Canadian dollar total loans ID: 47, Parent: 3, Name: Customers' liabilities under acceptances, guarantees and letters of credit ID: 48, Parent: 3, Name: All other assets ID: 49, Parent: 3, Name: Deposits with other banks, operating balances ID: 50, Parent: 3, Name: Deposits with other banks, other balances ID: 51, Parent: 3, Name: Canadian dollar customer's liability under acceptances ID: 52, Parent: 3, Name: Canadian dollar other assets ID: 53, Parent: 3, Name: Canadian dollar deposits with other regulated financial institutions ID: 54, Parent: None, Name: Total liabilities and shareholders' equity ID: 55, Parent: 54, Name: Total, foreign currency liabilities and shareholders' equity ID: 56, Parent: 54, Name: Canadian dollar total liabilities and shareholders' equity ID: 57, Parent: 56, Name: Canadian dollar total deposits ID: 58, Parent: 57, Name: Canadian dollar deposits, Government of Canada ID: 59, Parent: 57, Name: Canadian dollar deposits, provincial governments ID: 60, Parent: 57, Name: Canadian dollar deposits, personal savings ID: 61, Parent: 60, Name: Personal savings deposits, chequable ID: 62, Parent: 60, Name: Personal savings deposits, non chequable ID: 102, Parent: 60, Name: Canadian dollar personal deposits, demand and notice ID: 103, Parent: 60, Name: Canadian dollar personal deposits, demand and notice, of which: tax sheltered ID: 63, Parent: 60, Name: Canadian dollar personal deposits fixed term ID: 104, Parent: 60, Name: Canadian dollar personal deposits, fixed term, of which: tax sheltered ID: 105, Parent: 57, Name: Canadian dollar total personal deposits ID: 106, Parent: 105, Name: Canadian dollar non-personal deposits, demand and notice ID: 107, Parent: 105, Name: Canadian dollar non-personal deposits, fixed-term ID: 108, Parent: 57, Name: Canadian dollar total non-personal deposits ID: 109, Parent: 57, Name: Canadian dollar federal and provincial deposits ID: 64, Parent: 57, Name: Canadian dollar deposits, other notice ID: 65, Parent: 57, Name: Canadian dollar deposits, deposit-taking institutions ID: 66, Parent: 57, Name: Canadian dollar deposits, public demand ID: 67, Parent: 66, Name: Canadian dollar deposits, gross demand deposits, personal chequing ID: 68, Parent: 66, Name: Canadian dollar deposits, other demand, other ID: 69, Parent: 66, Name: Gross demand deposits, other ID: 70, Parent: 57, Name: Total, gross demand deposits ID: 71, Parent: 57, Name: Total, non-personal term and notice deposits ID: 72, Parent: 71, Name: Non-personal term and notice deposits, notice ID: 73, Parent: 71, Name: Non-personal term and notice deposits, fixed term ID: 74, Parent: 56, Name: Canadian dollar advances from the Bank of Canada ID: 75, Parent: 56, Name: Acceptances, guarantees and letters of credit ID: 76, Parent: 56, Name: All other liabilities ID: 77, Parent: 56, Name: Canadian dollars subordinated debt ID: 78, Parent: 56, Name: Accumulated appropriations for losses ID: 79, Parent: 56, Name: Canadian dollar shareholders' equity ID: 80, Parent: 56, Name: Canadian dollar bankers' acceptances ID: 81, Parent: 56, Name: Canadian dollar liabilities of subsidiaries other than deposits ID: 82, Parent: 56, Name: Canadian dollar other liabilities ID: 83, Parent: 56, Name: Canadian dollar non-controlling interest in subsidiaries (CGAP) ID: 84, Parent: 56, Name: Appropriations for contingencies, tax allowable ID: 85, Parent: 56, Name: Appropriations for contingencies, tax paid ID: 86, Parent: 56, Name: Canadian dollar shareholders' equity, capital stock, common ID: 87, Parent: 56, Name: Canadian dollar shareholders' equity, capital stock, preferred ID: 88, Parent: 56, Name: Canadian dollar shareholders' equity, contributed surplus ID: 89, Parent: 56, Name: Shareholders' equity, general reserve ID: 90, Parent: 56, Name: Canadian dollar shareholders' equity, retained earnings ID: 93, Parent: 56, Name: Shareholders' equity, foreign currency translation adjustments ID: 94, Parent: 56, Name: Canadian dollar shareholder's equity, accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) ID: 110, Parent: 56, Name: Canadian dollar shareholder's equity, non-controlling interest (IFRS) ID: 91, Parent: None, Name: Total, loans in Canadian dollars excluding conventional mortgages ID: 92, Parent: None, Name: Day-to-day loans plus special call loans