A walking safari (also called a "bush walk", "hiking safari", or going "footing") consists of hiking, either for a few hours or several days.
Yuruvchi safari ("buta yurish", "piyoda safari" yoki "piyoda yurish" deb ham ataladi) bir necha soatlik yoxud bir necha kunlik piyoda sayr qilishdan iborat.
Dustin "Goldust" Runnels commented that "Luna was as freaky as me...maybe even her and will miss her...hopefully she's in a better place."
Dastin "Goldust" Runnels "Luna ham mendek injiq edi… balki mendan-da ko'proq… men uni sevaman va uni sog'inaman… u yaxshiroq joyda deb umid qilaman", deya fikr bildirdi.
The effect the team was looking for would be caused by tidal forces between the galaxy's dark matter and the Milky Way's dark matter.
Jamoa qidirgan effektga galaktikaning qorong'i materiyasi va Somon yo'lining qorong'i materiyasi o'rtasidagi to'lqin kuchlari sabab bo'ladi.
Eventually, after thousands or even millions of years, the two populations will look so different that they can't be called the same species.
Oxir-oqibat, minglab va hattoki millionlab yillar o'tgandan keyin ikki populatsiya shu qadar turlicha ko'rinadiki, ularni bitta turga tegishli deb bo'lmaydi.
Despite leaving the show in 1993 he kept the title of executive producer, and continued to receive tens of millions of dollars every season in royalties.
Shouni 1993-yili tark etganligiga qaramasdan, u ijrochi prodyuser unvonini saqlab qoldi hamda har mavsumda o'nlab million dollar goronar olishda davom etdi.
He is speculated to make a run for president in 2016.
2016-yili uning prezidentlikka o'z nomzodini qo'yishi taxmin qilinyapti.
Earlier this week, a police helicopter crash killed three people and wounded three more.
Joriy hafta boshida politsiya vertolyotining halokati uch nafar kishini hayotiga zomin bo'ldi va yana uch kishi jarohatlandi.
Edgar Veguilla received arm and jaw wounds while Kristoffer Schneider was left requiring reconstructive surgery for his face.
Edgar Veguilla qo'li va jag'idan jarohat oldi, Kristofer Shnayderning yuzi esa qayta tiklash jarrohlik operatsiyasini talab etadi.
Fluke wrote that the efforts by some to drown out women from speaking out about women’s health were unsuccessful.
Flyukning yozishicha, ayrimlarning ayollarni ayollar sog'lig'i haqida gapirishdan to'xtatishga bo'lgan harakatlari muvaffaqiyatsiz tugagan.
The show originally featured amateur voice actors, local to East Texas.
Shouda dastlab Sharqiy Texasdan bo'lgan havaskor dublyaj aktyorlari qatnashgan.
Potro received treatment to his shoulder at this point but managed to return to the game.
Potro shu vaqtning o'zida yelkasi uchun muolaja oldi, lekin o'yinga qaytishni uddaladi.
French electoral law rather strictly codifies the proceedings.
Fransuz saylov qonunchiligi mazkur jarayonlarni ancha qat'iy kodifikatsiya qiladi.
This was more like the four states of matter (in the same order): solid, liquid, gas, and plasma, though he also theorised that they change into new substances to form what we see.
Bu ko'proq moddaning to'rt holatiga (xuddi shu tartibda) : qattiq, suyuq, gaz va plazmaga o'xshaydi, biroq u ularning biz ko'radigan narsalarni hosil qilish uchun yangi moddalarga o'zgarishi haqidagi nazariyani ham yaratdi.
Pre-operative transgender people should not expect to pass through the scanners with their privacy and dignity intact.
Operatsiyadan avvalgi transgender shaxslar shaxsiy hayoti hamda nafsoniyatiga tegilmagan holda skanerlardan o'tishni kutmasliklari kerak.
Others include Livingston Island, and Deception where the flooded caldera of a still-active volcano provides a spectacular natural harbour.
Boshqalar sirasiga Lingviston oroli va hali ham faol vulqonning suv bosgan kalderasi ajoyib tabiiy port taqdim etuvchi Desepshen kiradi.
Typically there will be a tuition fee to enroll in these educational programs.
Odatda mazkur ta'lim dasturlariga yozilish uchun o'qish badali olinadi.
British pounds will generally be accepted anywhere in the islands and within Stanley credit cards and United States dollars are also often accepted.
Britaniya funt-sterlingi orollarning istalgan yerida umumiy holda qabul qilinadigan bo'ladi, Stenli kredit kartalari va Qo'shma Shtatlar dollari ham ko'pincha qabul qilinadi.
Many trips to the reef are made all year around, and injuries due to any of these causes on the reef are rare.
Rifga bo'lgan ko'pgina sayohatlar yil davomida amalga oshiriladi va rifda ushbu sabablarning birortasi tufayli jarohatlanishlar kam uchraydi.
Caretaker Prime Minister Julia Gillard claimed during the campaign of the 2010 federal election that she believed Australia should become a republic at the end of Queen Elizabeth II's reign.
Vaqtincha Bosh vazir vazifasini bajarayotgan Juliya Gillard 2010-yilgi federal saylovlar kampaniyasi chog'ida Qirolicha Yelizaveta II hukmronligidan keyin Avstraliya respublika bo'lishi kerak, deb hisoblashini aytdi.
Biological clocks are self sustaining oscillators which will continue a period of free-running cycling even in the absence of external cues.
Biologik soatlar hattoki tashqi signallar bo'lmaganida ham avtonom harakatlanish davrini davom ettiruvchi avtogeneratordir.
Although the coastal archipelagos and the biggest lakes are indeed big enough for any yacht, smaller boats or even a kayak offer a different experience.
Garchi qirg'oq arxipelaglari va eng katta ko'llar haqiqatda yaxta uchun yetarli darajada katta bo'lsa ham kichikroq kema yoki qayiq boshqacha tajriba taqdim etadi.
Historically most farmers were engaged in subsistence agriculture and this is still the case in many developing nations.
Tarixda ko'plab dehqonlar yordamchi qishloq xo'jaligi bilan mashg'ul bo'lishgan hamda ko'plab rivojlanayotgan davlatlarda hali ham shunday bo'lib qolmoqda.
Congress lacked any power to impose taxes, and, because there was no national executive or judiciary, it relied on state authorities, who were often uncooperative, to enforce all its acts.
Kongressda soliqlar solish vakolati yo'q va milliy ijroiya va sud hokimiyati bo'lmagani tufayli barcha hujjatlarni ijro etishda ko'p hollarda hamkorlikka xushi yo'q davlat organlariga tayanardi.
Searches at security checkpoints have also become far more intrusive in the post-September 11, 2001 era.
2001-yil 11-sentyabrdan keyingi davrdagi xavfsizlik punktlaridagi tintuvlar ham ko'proq yoqimsiz bo'lgan.
Travellers who had an easy time adjusting to the new culture sometimes have a particularly hard time readjusting to their native culture.
Yangi madaniyatga moslashishi osoh kechgan sayyohlar ko'pincha o'zlarining madaniyatlariga qayta moslashishlari ayniqsa qiyin bo'ladi.
Travellers may encounter animal pests that they are not familiar with in their home regions.
Sayyohlar o'z mintaqalarida noma'lum bo'lgan hayvon parazitlariga duch kelishlari mumkin.
She’s very cute and sings quite well, too, he said according to a transcript of the news conference.
U juda "yoqimtoy va qo'shiqni ham juda yaxshi kuylaydi", deb aytgan u matbuot anjumani ko'chirmasiga ko'ra.
Others are alleged to have been brought up by animals; some are said to have lived in the wild on their own.
Boshqalarning hayvonlar tarafidan katta qilingani da'vo qilinadi; ba'zilarining yovvoyi tabiatda o'zlari yashaganligi aytiladi.