)what was the immediate impact of the success of the manhattan project?
[ "Introduction The presence of communication amid scientific minds was equally important to the success of the Manhattan Project as scientific intellect was. The only cloud hanging over the impressive achievement of the atomic researchers and engineers is what their success truly meant; hundreds of thousands of innocent lives obliterated." ]
[ "The Launch of Sputnik, 1957 The Soviets responded with yet another launch, and the space race continued. The success of Sputnik had a major impact on the Cold War and the United States. Fear that they had fallen behind led U.S. policymakers to accelerate space and weapons programs.he Soviets responded with yet another launch, and the space race continued. The success of Sputnik had a major impact on the Cold War and the United States. Fear that they had fallen behind led U.S. policymakers to accelerate space and weapons programs.", "Important result of the Marshall plan? Effected by the United States after World War II, the Marshall Plan produced the quite important result of building up nations shattered during the war. It did so quite quickly, as well.", "Manhattan Project The Manhattan Project was a research and development project that produced the first nuclear weapons during World War II.he United States had already spent more than $1 billion ($13,600,000,000 today), while in 1943, the United Kingdom had spent about £0.5 million. Chadwick thus pressed for British involvement in the Manhattan Project to the fullest extent and abandon any hopes of a British project during the war.", "- Los Alamos is where the first known Manhattan Project bombs were built and tested. On July 16, 1945, in a remote desert location near Alamogordo, New Mexico, the first atomic bomb was successfully detonated—the Trinity Test—creating an enormous mushroom cloud some 40,000 feet high and ushering in the Atomic Age.", "Holocauste Literature Meanwhile, President Truman was told of the successful test of the Manhattan Project (atomic bomb) in Alamogordo, New Mexico on Jul 16, 1945. Diary of President Truman of Jul 18, 1945 shows Discussed Manhattan (it is a success).t the end of World War II, few questioned Truman's decision to drop the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Most Americans accepted the obvious reasoning: the atomic bomb … ings brought the war to a more timely end.", "- The Soviet project to develop an atomic bomb (Russian: создание советской атомной бомбы) was a top secret research and development program begun during World War II, in the wake of the Soviet Union 's discovery of the American, British, and Canadian nuclear project.hrough sources in the Manhattan Project, notably Klaus Fuchs, the Soviet intelligence obtained important information on the progress of the United States atomic bomb effort. Intelligence reports were shown to the head of the Soviet atomic project and had a significant impact on the direction of Soviet research.", "Monroe Doctrine The immediate impact of the Monroe Doctrine was mixed. It was successful to the extent that the continental powers did not attempt to revive the Spanish empire, but this was on account of the strength of the British Navy, not American military might, which was relatively limited.", "What impacts did benjamin harrison have on america while in office? Sorry, something has gone wrong. Best Answer: The greatest positive impact during his administration was the passing of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act of 1890, the first federal act to regulate trusts.", "The Manhattan Project Manhattan Project. The Manhattan Project was a secret military project created in 1942 to produce the first US nuclear weapon. Fears that Nazi Germany would build and use a nuclear weapon during World War II triggered the start of the Manhattan Project, which was originally based in Manhattan, New York.", "Manhattan Project The Manhattan Project was a research and development project that produced the first atomic bombs during World War II.It was led by the United States with the support of the United Kingdom and Canada.he Manhattan Project began modestly in 1939, but grew to employ more than 130,000 people and cost nearly US$2 billion (about $26 billion in 2015 dollars). Over 90% of the cost was for building factories and producing the fissionable materials, with less than 10% for development and production of the weapons.", "- Roosevelt agreed and placed General Leslie Groves and physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer in charge of the Manhattan Project two years later. The name Manhattan Project was the code word for the development of the atomic bomb. On July 16, 1945, the first atomic bomb was tested at the Trinity Site in New Mexico.The weapon was later used against the Japanese to end World War II.eginning in June 1942 during World War II, the United States' Manhattan Project brought together scientists and military experts to create the world's first atomic bomb.", "51f. The Manhattan Project In late 1941, the American effort to design and build an atomic bomb received its code name — the Manhattan Project. At first the research was based at only a few universities — Columbia University, the University of Chicago and the University of California at Berkeley.", "The Manhattan Project Manhattan Project. The Manhattan Project was a secret military project created in 1942 to produce the first US nuclear weapon. Fears that Nazi Germany would build and use a nuclear weapon during World War II triggered the start of the Manhattan Project, which was originally based in Manhattan, New York.anhattan Project. The Manhattan Project was a secret military project created in 1942 to produce the first US nuclear weapon. Fears that Nazi Germany would build and use a nuclear weapon during World War II triggered the start of the Manhattan Project, which was originally based in Manhattan, New York.", "- The Manhattan Project was an effort during World War II in the United States to develop the first nuclear weapon.", "Atomic Glossary The Manhattan Project was the code name for America's atomic bomb development efforts during World War II. Its name originated from the fact that it was part of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers and organized under the Manhattan Engineer District (MED) in New York City.", "Introduction While communication led to the overall scientific triumph of the Manhattan project, an intentional lack of communication between military and government superiors and the Los Alamos laboratory led to one of the most devastating moral disasters of the twentieth century.", "- At the end of the unit the children will be quizzed on the different senses which will have to be matched to their source. The children will have to name the five senses and which part of the body is linked with that particular sense. Also, the story incorporating the five senses will also be used as a way to assess what the children comprehended ...", "- This project used hundreds of scientist and thousands of people to develop the first Atomic Bomb. The Manhattan Project was implemented by President Franklin Roosevelt in no small part due to two letters sent to him by Albert Einstein.", "The Cold War Museum In June of 1942 the War Department’s Army Corps of Engineers took charge of the effort to develop an atomic bomb. The subsequent top-secret project (code named Manhattan) cultivated a complex, but cooperative relationship between science, industry, the government, and the army.", "Moments in U.S. Diplomatic History Only later did we learn through Gorge that we had a ringside view of the Doolittle raid [the daring air attack on Tokyo on April 18, 1942, which was designed to show that Japan was vulnerable and to boost U.S. morale after Pearl Harbor]….", "Car Crashes Kill 40,000 in U.S. Every Year Car Crashes Kill 40,000 in U.S. Every Year. Imagine a plane full of people crashing, killing everyone on board, every single day. That’s how many people die on America’s roads daily, says the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. “Motor vehicle crashes in the United States result in more than 40,000 deaths per year,” says the Institute in the journal Injury Prevention. “That is, on each of the 6,209 consecutive days included in this study, an equivalent of a plane load or more of people died on the roads.”. But not all days are alike.", "arrest Definition of arrest. 1 1 : the taking or detaining in custody by authority of law The investigation led to his arrest. 2 2a : the act of stoppingb : the condition of being stopped or inactive — compare cardiac arrest.", "The Atomic Bomb The Desert Test By July, 1945 the Manhattan Project work was almost completed; they had developed a working nuclear bomb. The only obstacle that stood in their way is the actual testing of the bomb. The test, code name Trinity occurred on July 16, 1945 in the New Mexico desert town of Alamogordo.", "Nuclear explosion in Hiroshima: details and facts Right after the bomb blast in Hiroshima, President Truman officially announced the yield of the bomb as 18 kilotons, and the media rounded it to 20. Later on, after a survey, conducted by the Manhattan Project, it was calculated, that the yield of the Little Boy equaled to 12 kilotons.", "- The Manhattan Project was a US government project used to develop a nuclear bomb. The undertaking lasted form 1942 to 1946, when..." ]
_________ justice is designed to repair the harm to victim, the community and the offender caused by the offender criminal act. question 19 options:
[ "Restorative justice The approach is based on a theory of justice that considers crime and wrongdoing to be an offense against an individual or community, rather than the State. Restorative justice that fosters dialogue between victim and offender has shown the highest rates of victim satisfaction and offender accountability." ]
[ "What is Restorative Justice? Restorative Justice is a community-based approach to dealing with crime, the effects of crime, and the prevention of crime. Most people who move through the current system of criminal justice do not find it a healing or satisfying experience. Victims often feel re-victimized and their need for justice unmet.", "Californiaâs Criminal Justice System: A Primer The criminal justice system is based on criminal sentencing law, the body of laws that define crimes and specify the punishments for such crimes. The majority of sentencing law is set at the state level.", "- will serve the community and enhance public trust and confidence in the administration of justice through: 1 The impartial and timely resolution of disputes, 2 Ensuring compliance with the law and court orders, and. 3 Fostering a vital court-community relationship that promotes equal access to the courts.", "- CRIME VICTIM'S GUIDE. A Crime Victim's Guide to the Justice System in Arkansas was written to assist victims of crime in better understanding the Arkansas criminal justice system so they are more able to exercise their rights.", "- CORRECTIVE JUSTICE. The doer is directly liable to the sufferer, so that reparation of the. loss occurs through disgorgement of the gain. By directly linking the parties, corrective justice categorically. differs from distributive justice, the other form of justice that Aris-.", "3 â Restorative Justice: Justice That Promotes Healing Each of these types of communities—the geographic community of the victim, offender, or crime; the community of care; and civil society—may be injured by crime in different ways and degrees, but all will be affected in common ways as well: The sense of safety and confidence of their members is threatened, order within the community is threatened, and (depending on the kind of crime) common values of the community are challenged and perhaps eroded.", "- Mission is to protect the public from criminal offenders through a system of incarceration and supervision which securely segregates offenders from society, assures offenders of their constitutional rights and maintains programs to enhance the success of offenders' reentry into society.", "How Does the Criminal Justice System Work? Throughout each stage of the process, constitutional protections exist to ensure that the rights of the accused and convicted are respected. These protections balance the need of the criminal justice system to investigate and prosecute criminals with the fundamental rights of the accused (who are presumed innocent).", "Restorative Justice • Restorative Justice can be utilized in crimes of severe violence or non-violent crimes as well as with juvenile offenders. • Restorative Justice is an approach to crime which puts the victim or the victim’s family first and fully acknowledges the harm caused by the offender.", "- Criminal Justice. An effective criminal justice system is a key aspect of the rule of law, as it constitutes the natural mechanism to redress grievances and bring action against individuals for offenses against...", "- Punishment should be swift and certain. The purpose of the criminal justice system is to prevent crime through deterrence. According to this line of thinking, a potential criminal will decide against committing a crime because the punishment would be too costly.", "- As you have learned, distributive justice deals with the fairness of the distribution of benefits or burdens among two or more people or groups in society. Benefits may be such things as pay for work or the right to speak or to vote.xamining Issues of Justice We think of the essence of justice as fairness, and the essence of fairness as treating people equally. However, issues of justice can arise even if everyone is subjected to the same rules, and even if everyone who breaks the rules receives the same punishment.", "PUBLICATIONS Consequently, the equations of actuarial justice tend to be more simplified and intended for application to broad groupings of offenders. The more groups can be narrowed, the fairer and more effective will be the criminal justice policies toward offenders.", "- Social justice is justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society. Classically, justice (especially corrective justice or distributive justice) ensured that individuals both fulfilled their societal roles and received what was their due from society.", "\"\"\"How Can Law Enforcement Professionals Use The Social Justice Principles Of Equality Solidarity And Human Rights To Build A More Just Society\"\" Essays and Research Papers\" Justice in Law Enforcement The true concept of justice is a concept involving moral, fair, and... impartial treatment of all individuals. Justice is a concept that has many different translations and a concept that can be changed on a case-by-case basis.", "Criminal justice The criminal justice system consists of three main parts: (1) Legislative (create laws); (2) adjudication (courts); and (3) corrections (jails, prisons, probation and parole).", "- Distributive justice concerns the nature of a socially just allocation of goods in a society. A society in which incidental inequalities in outcome do not arise would be considered a society guided by the principles of distributive justice.", "Victims of Crime This environment began to change in the 1970s with the establishment of victim compensation funds. Not until the 1980s, however, did a national movement for victims' rights spark wholesale changes in the criminal justice system.", "- Economic justice is a component of social justice. It's a set of moral principles for building economic institutions, the ultimate goal of which is to create an opportunity for each person to create a sufficient material foundation upon which to have a dignified, productive, and creative life beyond economics.", "- Criminal law serves several purposes and benefits society in the following ways: 1 Maintaining order. 2 Resolving disputes. 3 Protecting individuals and property. 4 Providing for smooth functioning of society. 5 Safeguarding civil liberties.", "Victims bill of rights would compel spouses to testify 'Victims deserve fair and equal treatment by the justice system and they need to be assured that the system itself doesn't re-victimize' — Sheldon Kennedy, former NHL player. Crime victims would have more say as their cases wind their way through the justice system under a newly proposed victims bill of rights.The long-awaited legislation, part of the government's law-and-order agenda, aims to fix what Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Thursday was a broken part of the justice system.Victims deserve fair and equal treatment by the justice system and they need to be assured that the system itself doesn't re-victimize' — Sheldon Kennedy, former NHL player. Crime victims would have more say as their cases wind their way through the justice system under a newly proposed victims bill of rights.", "Social justice Social justice is a concept of fair and just relations between the individual and society. This is measured by the explicit and tacit terms for the distribution of wealth, opportunities for personal activity and social privileges. In Western as well as in older Asian cultures, the concept of social justice has often referred to the process of ensuring that individuals fulfill their societal roles and receive what was their due from society. In the current global grassroots movements for social j", "Procedural justice The idea of the outcomes model of procedural justice is that the fairness of process depends on the procedure producing correct outcomes. For example, if the procedure is a criminal trial, then the correct outcome would be conviction of the guilty and exonerating the innocent.", "Retribution Retribution is perhaps the most intuitive - and the most questionable - aim of punishment in the criminal law. Quite contrary to the idea of rehabilitation and distinct from the utilitarian purposes of restraint and deterrence, the purpose of retribution is actively to injure criminal offenders, ideally in proportion with their injuries to society, and so expiate them of guilt.", "Retributive Justice The idea of retributive justice has played a dominant role in theorizing about punishment over the past few decades, but many features of it—especially the notions of desert and proportionality, the normative status of suffering, and the ultimate justification for retribution—remain contested and problematic. 1 1." ]
what color is amber urine
[ "- Color—urine can be a variety of colors, most often shades of yellow, from very pale or colorless to very dark or amber. Unusual or abnormal urine colors can be the result of a disease process, several medications (e.g., multivitamins can turn urine bright yellow), or the result of eating certain foods." ]
[ "- ISO 9001:2008 certified manufacturer of standard & metric washers. Types include shoulder washers, finishing washers, cup washers, retaining washers, split flat washers & standard & special flat washers.", "Urine color Orange urine may result from: Medical conditions. In some cases, orange urine can indicate a problem with your liver or bile duct, especially if you also have light-colored stools. Orange urine may also be caused by dehydration, which can concentrate your urine and make it much deeper in color.", "- Normal urine color varies, depending on how much water you drink. Fluids dilute the yellow pigments in urine, so the more you drink, the clearer your urine looks. When you drink less, the color becomes more concentrated. Severe dehydration can produce urine the color of amber. But urine can turn colors far beyond what's normal, including red, blue, green, dark brown and cloudy white. When to see a doctor", "How Long After Intercourse Can I Take a Pregnancy Test? A pregnancy test will detect this hormone about one week after fertilization. Most women tend to wait to take a pregnancy test until after they have missed one menstrual period. If you take a pregnancy test one week after you were supposed to get your period, the result will be about 95% accurate.If you take it too soon after fertilization, it may show up negative when in fact you really are pregnant. Pregnancy test are meant to be considered screening tests.f you take a pregnancy test one week after you were supposed to get your period, the result will be about 95% accurate. If you take it too soon after fertilization, it may show up negative when in fact you really are pregnant.", "Urine 1 Reddish or brown urine may be caused by porphyria (not to be confused with the harmless, temporary pink or reddish tint caused by beeturia). 2 Blue urine can be caused by the ingestion of methylene blue (e.g., in medications) or foods or beverages with blue dyes. Blue urine stains can be caused by blue diaper syndrome.", "What does bright yellow urine indicate? When you drink less, the color becomes more concentrated. Severe dehydration can produce urine the color of amber. But sometimes urine can turn colors far beyond what's normal, including red, blue, green, dark brown and cloudy white.", "- 4. Imitation Urine. In general, the physical appearance of urine should be yellow to yellow-tan in color. Unfortunately, there are liquid substances available such as apple juice, cranberry juice, etc., that have the same color as urine. Noting the temperature of the urine is important. 5. Length of time in the bathroom", "- Darkened urine is urine that is dark yellow, brown, dark red, or red, and it may range from slightly dark to considerably dark. A change in urine color may be temporary, or it may be persistent.", "- Amber Color The color of amber fossil varies from yellow to dark brown to almost black. Very rarely this gem may be found in green and blue-gray colors and hence green amber can be very rare. In addition, it is dyed in many colors like green, blue, pink etc.mber Color The color of amber fossil varies from yellow to dark brown to almost black. Very rarely this gem may be found in green and blue-gray colors and hence green amber can be very rare. In addition, it is dyed in many colors like green, blue, pink etc.", "Colorless Urine And Kidney Disease Colorless Urine And Kidney Disease. Due to urochrome, the normal urine color can range from pale yellow to deep amber. Abnormal urine color can be caused by foods, drugs, pigment, blood, urinary tract infection, kidney problems and other factors. Urine color has much to do with fluid intake.The more water we drink, the more light the color is.olorless Urine And Kidney Disease. Due to urochrome, the normal urine color can range from pale yellow to deep amber. Abnormal urine color can be caused by foods, drugs, pigment, blood, urinary tract infection, kidney problems and other factors. Urine color has much to do with fluid intake.", "Urine color and odor changes Rhubarb can also turn urine dark brown or tea-colored, as can fava beans and aloe. Carrots, carrot juice, and vitamin C can color urine orange, and B vitamins can turn it a fluorescent yellow-green. Asparagus sometimes gives urine a greenish tinge and a distinctive smell, said to resemble rotting cabbage. The cause of this smell is a matter for speculation.", "Urine Color Normal urine color ranges from pale yellow to deep amber — the result of a pigment called urochrome and how diluted or concentrated the urine is.Pigments and other compounds in certain foods and medications may change your urine color.Beets, berries and fava beans are among the foods most likely to affect urine color. Many over-the-counter and prescription medications give urine vivid tones, such as raspberry red, lemon yellow or greenish blue.An unusual urine color can be a sign of disease. For instance, deep red to brown urine is an identifying characteristic of porphyria, a rare, inherited disorder of red blood cells.igments and other compounds in certain foods and medications may change your urine color. Beets, berries and fava beans are among the foods most likely to affect urine color.", "What do the different urine colors mean? Normal urine can range in color from pale yellow (almost colorless) to deep amber. Dark amber urine is usually very concentrated and means that you should be drinking more water. Foods, medications and even vitamins can change the color of urine temporarily but eliminating the cause brings the color back to normal.Most changes in urine color are harmless and the color will go back to normal within a day or two.rine with a bluish tint can mean some type of bacterial infection or may just mean that you have a high level of calcium. If this persists, give your health care professional a call. Brown urine can indicate a potentially serious condition and you should contact your doctor's office for help.", "- ask the disney parks moms panel discover the magic of a disney parks family vacation from one of our knowledgeable online moms this is a question and answer forum to help you plan the best possible disney vacation due to a high volume of submissions we cannot guarantee that all questions will be answered also please keep the number of questions in each submission to a limit of 3", "- The results can be urine that is either pink or cola-colored. Sometimes it’s difficult to tell the difference between dark urine due to dehydration or due to other causes. Dark urine due to dehydration is usually amber or honey-colored. Dark urine due to other causes can be tinged with brown or red. Some people have urine that appears almost syrup-like. This is the case when a person has liver or kidney disease. If you’re dehydrated, you can have additional symptoms besides dark urine.", "Alkaptonuria Alkaptonuria is a rare condition in which a person's urine turns a dark brownish-black color when exposed to air. Alkaptonuria is part of a group of conditions known as an inborn error of metabolism.", "Urine color Orange urine may also be caused by dehydration, which can concentrate your urine and make it much deeper in color. Blue or green urine Blue or green urine may be caused by: Dyes. Some brightly colored food dyes can cause green urine. Dyes used for some tests of kidney and bladder function can turn urine blue.", "- Urinalysis begins with a macroscopic examination of the urine which describes the color and clarity of the urine. In healthy individuals urine color ranges from pale yellow to amber, depending on their state of hydration. Many factors affect urine color including fluid balance, diet, medications and disease.", "What do the different urine colors mean? Normal urine can range in color from pale yellow (almost colorless) to deep amber. Dark amber urine is usually very concentrated and means that you should be drinking more water. Foods, medications and even vitamins can change the color of urine temporarily but eliminating the cause brings the color back to normal.ormal urine can range in color from pale yellow (almost colorless) to deep amber. Dark amber urine is usually very concentrated and means that you should be drinking more water. Foods, medications and even vitamins can change the color of urine temporarily but eliminating the cause brings the color back to normal.", "50 Shades Of Yellow: What Color Should Your Pee Be? Here's what your pee might be telling you: 1 Straw-Colored To Transparent-Yellow Pee: This is the normal urine color of a healthy, well-hydrated body. 2 Transparent Or Clear Pee: You should always be properly hydrated, but you can actually drink too much water, which will make your urine virtually colorless.", "Aging Skin: Do You Look Older Than You Should? Another Top Cause of Wrinkles: Smoking. Beyond question, smoking is bad for your skin. Smoking accelerates the aging process, wrinkling skin and making you look old beyond your years. Early wrinkling is visible under a microscope in smokers as young as 20.he more years and packs smoked, the more likely wrinkles will occur. Wrinkles are also more likely to be deeper in smokers. Tobacco smoke gives skin an unhealthy color and coarse texture, as well. 1 What you can do: Stop smoking 2 ! Effective tools are available at WebMD and throughout the Internet.", "Why Is Pee Yellow? Urine’s characteristic sunny hue comes primarily from a substance called urobilin. When your body is properly hydrated, the urobilin is diluted with plenty of water, and your pee is a nice, normal buttercup color. Amber or ale-colored urine is a reliable sign of dehydration, and clear pee is a signal that it’s time to put down the Nalgene.", "- The first of the physical properties to be considered is color. The color of urine often varies with its concentration and is most often reported as some shade of yellow (straw, light yellow, yellow, dark yellow, and amber). Normal urine can be found in any of these colors, with the exception of the ‘amber’ color.", "Urine color Normal urine color ranges from pale yellow to deep amber — the result of a pigment called urochrome and how diluted or concentrated the urine is. Pigments and other compounds in certain foods and medications may change your urine color. Beets, berries and fava beans are among the foods most likely to affect urine color. Many over-the-counter and prescription medications give urine vivid tones, such as raspberry red, lemon yellow or greenish blue.", "Foamy Urine â Causes, Treatment, Diagnoses Foamy Urine. Urine is produced by the kidneys are discharged through urethra. Like any other metabolic wastes, urine is toxic and if retained in the body could produce undesirable illness. Normal color of the urine is amber or pale yellow." ]
is autoimmune hepatitis a bile acid synthesis disorder
[ "- Inborn errors of bile acid synthesis can produce life-threatening cholestatic liver disease (which usually presents in infancy) and progressive neurological disease presenting later in childhood or in adult life.he neurological presentation often includes signs of upper motor neurone damage (spastic paraparesis). The most useful screening test for many of these disorders is analysis of urinary cholanoids (bile acids and bile alcohols); this is usually now achieved by electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry." ]
[ "Bile acid Bile acid. Bile acids are steroid acids found predominantly in the bile of mammals and other vertebrates. Different molecular forms of bile acids can be synthesized in the liver by different species. Bile acids are conjugated with taurine or glycine in the liver, forming primary bile acids. The sodium and potassium salts of bile acids are called bile salts. Primary bile acids are those synthesized by the liver.", "Overview When bile ducts are damaged, as in primary biliary cirrhosis, harmful substances can build up in your liver and sometimes lead to irreversible scarring of liver tissue (cirrhosis). Primary biliary cirrhosis is considered an autoimmune disease, in which the body turns against its own cells. Researchers think it is triggered by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.", "Bile acid malabsorption Bile acid malabsorption was first recognized in patients with ileal disease. When other causes were recognized, and an idiopathic, primary form described, a classification into three types was proposed: 1 Type 1: Bile acid malabsorption, secondary to ileal resection, or ileal inflammation (e.g. in Crohn's disease).ile acid malabsorption was first recognized in patients with ileal disease. When other causes were recognized, and an idiopathic, primary form described, a classification into three types was proposed: 1 Type 1: Bile acid malabsorption, secondary to ileal resection, or ileal inflammation (e.g. in Crohn's disease).", "- Czaja et al have shown that patients with autoimmune hepatitis who have positive test results for actin antibody are younger, more commonly test positive for human leukocyte antigen (HLA)–DR3, and required transplantation more frequently than patients with ANAs who test negative for actin antibody.", "- An autoimmune liver disease panel is a group of tests that is done to check for autoimmune liver disease. An autoimmune liver disease means that the body's immune system attacks the liver. These tests include: Anti-liver/kidney microsomal antibodies. Anti-mitochondrial antibodies. Anti-nuclear antibodies.", "- Bile acids are steroid acids found predominantly in the bile of mammals and other vertebrates. Different molecular forms of bile acids can be synthesized in the liver by different species. Bile acids are conjugated with taurine or glycine in the liver, forming bile salts.", "- Autoimmune hepatitis is a type of liver inflammation in which the body’s immune cells attack healthy liver cells after mistaking them for disease-causing foreign substances.", "- Worldwide, viral hepatitis is the most common cause of liver inflammation. Other causes include autoimmune diseases and ingestion of toxic substances (notably alcohol), certain medications (such as paracetamol), some industrial organic solvents, and plants.n autoimmune hepatitis, the immune system attacks the liver due to the autoimmune disease. In some hepatitis, often including hepatitis caused by alcoholism, fat deposits accumulate in the liver, resulting in fatty liver disease, also called steatohepatitis.", "Recent advances in the understanding of bile acid malabsorption Introduction. In patients with bile acid malabsorption (BAM), a larger amount of bile acids than normal spill into the colon, where they stimulate electrolyte and water secretion which results in the typical symptoms of BAM: chronic watery diarrhoea.ntroduction Bile acid malabsorption (BAM) is a syndrome of chronic watery diarrhoea with excess faecal bile acids. Disruption of the enterohepatic circulation of bile acids following surgical resection is a common cause of BAM.", "Autoimmune Hepatitis: Celiac Disease Patients Are At An Increased Risk However, the fact that there is a link between the two is not in dispute; multiple studies have shown that patients who suffer from celiac disease have a significantly higher risk of having other types of autoimmune diseases, including autoimmune hepatitis.", "- Many of the agents that can induce autoimmune hepatitis can also induce other autoimmune conditions or symptoms such as a lupus-like syndrome (minocycline), pneumonitis (nitrofurantoin), hemolytic anemia (methyldopa) and acute thyroiditis (interferon alfa).", "Kubla Khan Some of Coleridge's contemporaries denounced the poem and questioned his story of its origin. It was not until years later that critics began to openly admire the poem. Most modern critics now view Kubla Khan as one of Coleridge's three great poems, along with The Rime of the Ancient Mariner and Christabel.", "The Celiac and Autoimmune Thyroid Disease Connection Celiac disease, which is sometimes referred to as celiac sprue or sprue, is an autoimmune disorder that attacks the cells lining the intestine. This attack is a reaction to the presence of gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley. Eating these foods causes inflammation, which in turn makes it difficult for the body to properly absorb nutrients from foods. Celiac disease is a that damages the small intestine. People with celiac disease cannot eat gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. Some of the common symptoms of celiac disease include the following: Intestinal difficulties. Abdominal bloating and pain. Nausea. Gas. Diarrhea.", "Autoimmune Liver Diseases Doctors have identified two main forms of autoimmune hepatitis: 1 Type 1 autoimmune hepatitis. This is the most common type of the disease. 2 Type 2 autoimmune hepatitis. Although adults can develop type 2 autoimmune hepatitis, it's most common in children and young people.", "- Case Reports in Infectious Diseases. Acute Acalculous Cholecystitis due to Viral Hepatitis A. Copyright © 2013 Safak Kaya et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.", "Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia. Introduction. Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia (AIHA) is characterized by production of antibodies that bind to antigens on the erythrocyte surface. These antibodies then cause the destruction of RBCs thus shortening their life span.", "Cirrhosis Survival rates after transplantation are excellent. Liver Transplantation for Patients with Autoimmune Hepatitis. The outlook is also good for patients who have autoimmune hepatitis who require a transplant. Survival rates are about 90% after 1 year, and 70 - 80% after 5 years.", "How Old Do You Have To Be To Rent A Car? There is an industry standard in how old do you have to be to rent a car. At almost every rental agency, the minimum age requirement to rent a car is 25. There is some variance, however. Depending on the region and the country, the minimum age for the driver could be between 21 and 24 years old. Be aware, though, that you will have to pay additional fees because of it. There are some companies that will rent to younger drivers. The age range is anywhere from 18 years old to 21 years old.", "Autoimmune Hepatitis Points to Remember. 1 Autoimmune hepatitis is a chronic—or long lasting—disease in which the body's immune system attacks the liver and causes inflammation and damage. 2 Autoimmune hepatitis is a serious condition that may worsen over time if not treated. Autoimmune hepatitis can lead to cirrhosis and liver failure. Autoimmune hepatitis is more common in females. The disease can occur at any age and affects all ethnic groups. Autoimmune hepatitis is classified as type 1 or type 2.", "SD School for the Blind & Visually Impaired - Eye Conditions Less often, chronic hepatitis results from alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency (a hereditary disorder), celiac disease, a thyroid disorder, or, in children and young adults, Wilson disease—a rare hereditary disorder involving abnormal retention of copper in the liver (see Wilson Disease).", "What is an anti-smooth muscle antibody (ASMA) test? An F-actin antibody test, in addition to an ASMA test, may improve the ability to detect autoimmune hepatitis over other conditions. Because test results require interpretation, especially in relation to other tests that may have been performed, it’s important to talk to your doctor about your specific results. A diagnosis of autoimmune hepatitis means that your immune system is mistakenly making antibodies that attack healthy cells in your liver.", "Autoimmune Hepatitis Outlook of Autoimmune Hepatitis. Autoimmune hepatitis (AH) is a dangerous disease and without any treatment, around 50% of patients with severe AH will die within 5 years and most patients will die within 10 years of disease onset. Treatment with immunosuppressant drugs improves the chances for survival significantly.", "SOLUBLE LIVER ANTIGEN Clinical Significance. Anti-soluble liver antigen antibodies are detected in 10-30% of patients with type 1 autoimmune hepatitis (AIH), but not in patients with type 2 AIH, primary sclerosing cholangitis or primary biliary cirrhosis. The antibody is directed against a UGA suppressor tRNA-associated protein.", "Despite popular belief, celiac disease is a SERIOUS GENETIC AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE, not the latest fad diet. Celiac disease is a serious genetic autoimmune disease. It is triggered by consuming a protein called gluten, which is found in wheat, barley and rye. When people with celiac disease eat foods containing gluten, their immune system responds by damaging the finger-like villi of the small intestine.", "Autoimmune Hepatitis: Celiac Disease Patients Are At An Increased Risk Autoimmune Hepatitis: Celiac Disease Patients Are At An Increased Risk. As many as 9% of patients with autoimmune hepatitis also have CD. As a major organ, the liver performs many essential tasks in digestion, so it may come as no surprise that patients with celiac disease also frequently have liver ailments, including autoimmune hepatitis." ]
elegxo meaning
[ "The Ministry of the Holy Spirit The word convict here (elegcw /elegxo) means to bring to light or expose error often with the idea of reproving or rebuking. It brings about knowledge of believing or doing something wrong, but it does not mean that the person will respond properly to that knowledge. Our usage of the English word, convict, is similar." ]
[ "XOXO means âhugs and kissesâ but why? XOXO means “hugs and kisses” but why? What's the reasoning behind abbreviating hugs and kisses as X's and O's? Some say X is for hugs and O is for kisses, and some say the other way around; but why X and O, and why are they doubled? In my experience 'X' for kiss is universal.", "Elotes preparados, Mexico Elotero is the name given to the person selling elotes, a word from the nahuatl náhuatl, elotl which ‘ means tender ear of ‘. maize", "- Definition of ambidextrous. 1 1 : using both hands with equal ease an ambidextrous baseball player. 2 2 : unusually skillful : versatile. 3 3 : characterized by duplicity : double-dealing.", "- el·e·gi·ac. adj. 1. Of, relating to, or involving elegy or mourning or expressing sorrow for that which is irrecoverably past: an elegiac lament for youthful ideals.2.legiac. adj. 1. (Literary & Literary Critical Terms) resembling, characteristic of, relating to, or appropriate to an elegy.", "Attributes of Eleguá Eleguá, Lord of the Crossroads. Attributes of Eleguá. Eleguá (Elegguá) is sometimes represented as a child, and sometimes as an old man. He represents the beginning and end of life, and the opening and closing of paths in life. Sometimes known as the trickster, he likes to play jokes on people. He enjoys candy and toys.", "- The prefix tropo-denoting turning, a change, is derived from the Greek word tropos, a turning. The troposphere is the lowest level of atmosphere in which the temperature fall … s as height increases.ropo-comes from the Greek tropos which means turning.. Meso-comes from the Greek mesos which means middle.. Thermo-comes from the Greek thermos which means hot.. Exo- … comes from the Greek exō which means outside..", "¡Qué oso! Hacer el oso Hacer el oso means create an embarrassing situation, for example, by falling down at a party and spilling your drink everywhere. No quiero llegar antes de tiempo para no hacer el oso. I don’t want to look stupid by arriving early. Note that you aren’t making yourself into a bear by doing something stupid.", "- Strato means a combining form representing stratus This means layer. here are some examples that have the word Strato in it The stratosphere is the next highest atmospheric …layer. There are no clouds in the stratosphere. Commercial jets fly in the lower part of the stratosphere.", "Eleuthero Root Extract Benefits, Uses & Side Effects Loading ... Eleuthero root is an adaptogenic herb in the ginseng family that is used to boost energy levels, enhance stamina, promote overall health and increase athletic performance. It has been used as a natural medicine in China, Korea and Russia for many hundreds of years.", "- Definition of Elegy. An elegy is a mournful poem, usually written in remembrance of a lost one for a funeral or as a lament.An elegy tells the traffic story of an individual, or an individual’s loss, rather than the collective story of a people, which can be found in epic poetry.ignificance of Elegy in Literature. The definition of elegy as we know it now only came about in the sixteenth century. In ancient Greece, an elegy was any poem written in elegiac couplets, and could deal with any subject matter, including love and battle, along with death.", "Glossary An elegy is a poem of mourning; this is often the poet mourning one person, but the definition also includes Thomas Gray's 'Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard', which mourns all the occupants of that churchyard, and looks into the future to mourn the poet's own death.n elegy is a poem of mourning; this is often the poet mourning one person, but the definition also includes Thomas Gray's 'Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard', which mourns all the occupants of that churchyard, and looks into the future to mourn the poet's own death.", "- !meaning1 meaning2!e.g. hard!ÒdifficultÓ Òdurable, solidÓ!Single lexical entry Homophony!Homophones!morpheme1 e rÕ: p o u morpheme2 meaning1 meaning2!e.g. pass (ÔIÕm going to passÕ)!ÔabstainÕ ÔsucceedÕ!Distinct lexical entries Puns and Zeugmas Ambiguous words used in different senses in parallel syntactic construction.", "- GIGO. GIGO is an acronym which stands for 'Garbage In, Garbage Out'. It tends to be used when talking about data entry and databases. Bascially it means that if you enter inaccurate or wrong data then you have really entered garbage. Then when you want to do some queries, searches or reports, you will only get incorrect, wrong or inaccurate data out-garbage.", "XEG-AM XEG-AM is a Class A radio station on clear-channel frequency 1050 kHz in the state of Nuevo Leon, León. mexicot is licensed for Guadalupe, Nuevo Leon león and brands itself as Serving. Monterrey known for its border blaster status in the, 1950s it now uses the Name La ranchera De monterrey and broadcasts ranchera. music", "What does el oso mean? What does natory mean? &Menos el Oso Natory is the name of a Wine Store and furniture shop. It is also a surname. What does 'El oso es grande' mean? The translation of 'El oso es grande' from Spanish to English is 'The bear is... What does menos el oso mean in spanish? The Spanish phrase menos el oso means minus the bear in English. ! What does me amor el oso de peluche mean? Me amor el oso de peluche translates from Spanish to English and means I love... What does menos el oso mean in english? The literal translation of menos el oso from Spanish to English is unless the... See All Questions", "\"What does it mean when a girl always uses \"\"cx\"\" every time you message each other?\" Cx is a smiley face, but also an alternative shortening of the word sex. Used to slip sex into a conversation, while smiling. Also cx may be the awesome type of debate which has people speaking 250 words/minute and ensures an intensifying feeling throughout the round. Also cx means sincerely or the meaning of CX in text slang is cancelled. See more types What does “cx” mean?", "Root Words & Prefixes: Quick Reference Latin: ambidextrous - able to use both hands equally; ambiguous - having more than one meaning; ambivalence - conflicting or opposite feelings toward a person or thing: ambul: walk, move: Latin: amble - to walk in a slow, relaxed way; ambulant - walking or moving around; ambulance - a vehicle that moves a patient: ami/o: love: Latin", "elegiac If there's one song on your playlist that always brings tears to your eyes, maybe it's because it has an elegiac quality. The adjective elegiac is useful when you're talking about music, a movie, a book, or another work of art that has a sorrowful tone. Sometimes elegiac specifically refers to something or someone that's gone: a person who's died, or a time in the past, especially if you feel a sense of longing for it. You can speak in an elegiac way, or sing an elegiac tune. The word comes from the Greek elegos, poem or song of lament..", "Meaning of nameEleuterio Epicurian, Eleuterio is often a bit of a ladies man and is extremely sensual. In romance, he needs to be admired; one could say he is a little vain, noblesse oblige. Likewise, he needs to have equal admiration for his partner, who he likes to show off in public, almost like an accessory.", "elegy Definition of elegy for English Language Learners. : a sad poem or song : a poem or song that expresses sorrow for someone who is dead.", "- equi-Meaning equal. Related terms . igual; equiángulo; equidad; equidistancia; equilátero; equilibrar; equilibrio; equimolecular; equimosis; equinoccial", "- Meaning & History. From the Hebrew name יָעֵל (Ya'el) meaning ibex, mountain goat. This name appears in the Old Testament belonging to a woman who kills the captain of the Canaanite army, giving the victory to Israel.eaning & History. From the Hebrew name יָעֵל (Ya'el) meaning ibex, mountain goat. This name appears in the Old Testament belonging to a woman who kills the captain of the Canaanite army, giving the victory to Israel.", "- es lo que hay exprexpresión: Expresiones idiomáticas, dichos, refranes y frases hechas de tres o más palabras (Dios nos libre, a lo hecho, pecho). (lo que tenemos) is what you get exprexpression: Prepositional phrase, adverbial phrase, or other phrase or expression--for example, behind the times, on your own..", "- see also autoeroticism autosexual autosexual noun autosexuality characterized by self sex contact usually as a genital act masturbation with or without an accompanying erotic fantasy or ritual or rarely as a long term sexuoerotic status without a partner from greek auto self sexee also limbic system cervix adjective cervical the neck or neck like part of an organ specifically the neck of the lower part of the uterus or womb where the vagina and uterus unite 2 the cervix of the uterus is at its lower end where the uterus and the vagina meet", "Thread regardingHewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) layoffs DXC (dumb--s core) is derived from making fun of sXe (straightedge) It is a clique made up of cool kids that like good music, but are a bit ditzy at times.. Well, to tell yout he truth, they are dumb--ses." ]
how much does an average person make for tutoring
[ "- In-home tutors can earn anywhere from $10 to $80 an hour, depending on the type of lesson, the student’s skill and age level and the tutor’s experience. Tutors often charge more for older students or those who require more advanced lessons." ]
[ "- The price of a math tutor depends on the ability of the tutor as well as the type of tutoring required for the student or apprentice. How much is it? 1 Depending on your location, math tutors’ charges will vary. 2 On average, a tutor can cost anywhere from $15 to as much as $150 per hour. math tutor is a person who specializes in math and is employed in helping educate others. Before the wide availability of the internet, tutoring required the personal presence of the tutor. Today, there are online tutoring sessions available with the help of the internet.", "- 1 Individuals generally charge according to their level of education and experience. 2 Expect to pay $10 to $15 per hour for a high school student, and up to $75 per hour for a certified teacher with experience. 3 A teacher trained and qualified to work with children with special needs will likely charge more. A tutoring agency will help match you with a tutor. 2 Most agencies charge a registration fee, plus a fee for individual tutors. 3 Rates could start at $25 per hour and go up according to the subject area and the tutor's level of expertise. 4 Ask about any additional fees, such as for extra testing.", "- For example the median expected annual pay for a typical Teaching Assistant (College) in the United States is $15,659, so 50% of the people who perform the job of Teaching Assistant (College) in the United States are expected to make less than $15,659.", "Kumon Group Tutor Hourly Pay The typical Kumon Group Tutor salary is $9. Tutor salaries at Kumon Group can range from $7-$14. This estimate is based upon 90 Kumon Group Tutor salary report(s) provided by … employees or estimated based upon statistical methods. See all Tutor salaries to learn how this stacks up in the market.", "How much do SAT tutoring centers charge? Here is an example I found online: cost for SAT tutoring: Kaplan = $200 + per hour Princeton Review = $125 to $315 per hour SATtutors.com = Tutors set their own rates.ould be $25 per hour to $50 to $100 plus per hour Sylvan = $100 + per hour There is everything from one-on-one tutoring for individual attention to larger classes.", "- How much does a Online Tutor make? The average Online Tutor salary is $30,000. Filter by location to see Online Tutor salaries in your area. Salary estimates are based on 60 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Online Tutor employees.", "- By state, California offers the highest pay at $13.00 per hour. Those who have five to nine years of work experience see average pay of $10.97 per hour. Overall, the greater share of Tutor Time Learning Centers folks have one to four years of experience and earn an average about $9.68 per hour.arly Childhood Educators are compensated at a much higher rate than non-authorized workers, bringing in close to $11.46 per hour. Regarding pay and education, Tutor Time Learning Centers pays those with a Bachelor's Degree the most — about $13.00.", "How Much Should Tutoring Cost? On the other, a general math tutor in Nebraska who is just getting started, may have to charge a rate of $40.00 to get new clients. Students, parents and tutors need to consider subject, location, experience, teaching background, frequency of tutoring, etc. when determining how much tutoring should cost.", "How Much Does Tutoring Cost? Average cost of tutoring: $48/hour. Although tutors can be found on Craigslist for $20/hour (that’s a cheaper deal), you may be swapping quantity for quality. Craigslist doesn’t specialize in providing tutors, so the site doesn’t screen their applicants.", "- Early Childhood Educators are compensated at a much higher rate than non-authorized workers, bringing in close to $11.46 per hour. Regarding pay and education, Tutor Time Learning Centers pays those with a Bachelor's Degree the most — about $13.00.The highest-paying skill to have in this role seems to be Curriculum Planning; employees claiming this as part of the toolbox earn a median of $10.05 per hour.egarding pay and education, Tutor Time Learning Centers pays those with a Bachelor's Degree the most — about $13.00. The highest-paying skill to have in this role seems to be Curriculum Planning; employees claiming this as part of the toolbox earn a median of $10.05 per hour.", "- A School Custodian earns an average wage of $12.24 per hour. Pay for this job does not change much by experience, with the most experienced earning only a bit more than the least. People in this job generally don't have more than 20 years' experience.", "How Much Do Tutors Charge? If you want to know how much a particular tutoring company costs, call up their sales center and ask about the costs of different programs. According to Payscale.com, in 2011, tutors in the 25th to 75th percentile range working for private companies made from $10.10-$20.35. However, these figures do not include the amount of money that goes to the company providing you with the tutor.", "- 1 On average, a tutor can cost anywhere from $15 to as much as $150 per hour. 2 Online tutoring can range from $15 to $75 per hour, depending on the service that is used. 3 Group tutoring that is ideal for those in a classroom can be significantly lower as the group will pay the tutor. math tutor is a person who specializes in math and is employed in helping educate others. Before the wide availability of the internet, tutoring required the personal presence of the tutor. Today, there are online tutoring sessions available with the help of the internet.", "What's the Going Rate for a Tutor? The cost of a private tutor who comes to your home varies according to the grade level of the student, the education and experience of the tutor, and what city you live in. The national average price is about $41 per hour, according to Tutorspree. A high school student might charge as little as $10 per hour, while an experienced tutor in the country’s most expensive market, Manhattan, is considered reasonable at $85 to $150 per hour, with Ivy League graduates earning $200 per hour or more. Tutors don’t have to live locally.", "How much do teachers make per hour? How much do teachers make per hour? The median annual salary of a teacher in 2012 was $55,418. The average school year lasted 180 days at 6.7 hours per day, giving an average hourly wage of $45.95, according to The Daily Tarheel and the National Center for Education Statistics.", "Tutor Salary Pay by Experience for a Tutor has a positive trend. An entry-level Tutor with less than 5 years of experience can expect to earn an average total compensation of $31,000 based on 1,027 salaries provided by anonymous users. Average total compensation includes tips, bonus, and overtime pay.", "How Much Do Tutors Charge? Tutors who teach unusual subjects, like Latin, usually charge more than tutors who teach common subjects such as reading. You can expect private tutors to charge anywhere from $20-$100 per hour depending on his or her qualifications, location and what your child needs.f your child needs more casual help, you can save money and time by hiring an online tutor. Online tutoring is often cheaper than in-person lessons. If your child only needs help with a math problem or reading a certain passage, some sites charge by the minute with rates typically around 46-60 cents a minute.", "How Much Do Tutors Charge? according to payscale com in 2011 tutors in the 25th to 75th percentile range working for private companies made from $ 10 10 $ 20 35 however these figures do not include the amount of money that goes to the company providing you with the tutorccording to payscale com in 2011 tutors in the 25th to 75th percentile range working for private companies made from $ 10 10 $ 20 35 however these figures do not include the amount of money that goes to the company providing you with the tutor", "- The average cost for a SAT tutor is $50/hr. You are likely to spend between $30 and $75 per hour. Exact price may vary depending on your area and project details. Next Step: Find out exactly how much your project will cost.", "Tutoring Fees: What It Will Cost Tutoring fees for professional tutors in lower-demand fields. $50-$100 per hour. As a writing tutor, with an MFA, going to students' homes, I charged $80 per hour. I could probably charge a little more now, if I were still working as a private tutor.", "How Much Does Tutoring Cost? 36 By Design 3.0/5. Average cost of tutoring: $81.25/hour. If you hadn’t guessed it by the name of the company, 36 By Design only does one kind of tutoring — ACT Test Prep. It’s their opinion that by only focusing on one subject, they can perfect it.", "How Much To Charge For Tutoring How Much To Charge For Tutoring Factors that affect how much a tutor charges include location, education, and experience. A typical tutor will charge between $17 and $45 per hour, according to our tutor pricing calculator.", "- Excluding overtime pay (which bumps median pay up to $21.00), people who work for Tutor Time Learning Centers earn a median wage of $10.00 per hour.egarding pay and education, Tutor Time Learning Centers pays those with a Bachelor's Degree the most — about $13.00. The highest-paying skill to have in this role seems to be Curriculum Planning; employees claiming this as part of the toolbox earn a median of $10.05 per hour.", "Tutoring Fees: What It Will Cost Tutoring fees for professional tutors in lower-demand fields $50-$100 per hour As a writing tutor, with an MFA, going to students' homes, I charged $80 per hour.", "Senator Armstrong 2016 Presidential Ad Fed up with the state of the country, Senator Armstrong decides to run for the oval office in 2016 instead of 2020. Disclaimer: This is for entertainment purposes only.All audio recordings are property of the artist(s), management, and/or music publishing companies.No copyright infringement is intended.ed up with the state of the country, Senator Armstrong decides to run for the oval office in 2016 instead of 2020. Disclaimer: This is for entertainment purposes only." ]
can you use a calculator on the compass test
[ "Calculator Guidelines for COMPASS ® Testing Calculators may be used on the COMPASS Pre-Algebra, Algebra, College Algebra, Geometry, and Trigonometry tests provided they meet the requirements listed below. Electronic writing pads or pen-input devices—The Sharp EL 9600 is permitted. Models with paper tapes—The paper must be removed." ]
[ "North References for Navigating with Map, Compass and GPS Adjusting the North Reference on Your Compass to True or Grid North Many compasses allow you to adjust the position of the lines used to align the magnetic needle with respect to the angle measuring dial.", "Study Guide Your COMPASS® Test Success Starts Here. Studying the material on this site will help you improve your score on the COMPASS Math Assessment Test. A higher score will let you skip the most basic university math classes, saving you money and time. This site will help you learn about test strategy, review test material, and practice for the exam; all for free!", "TI-84 Plus CE Graphing Calculator The TI-84 Plus CE is approved for use on the following exams: 1 PSAT*, SAT*, and ACT® college entrance exams. 2 AP* Exams that allow or require a graphing calculator. 3 Approved for use on the IB exam.", "Which calculator do I need? A good calculator will probably cost you at least $100, but you may be able to rent, buy used, or even borrow from your school library. The TI-84+ is a good calculator for algebra and geometry (now available with a color screen), and is a newer version of the classic TI-83+.", "How to Use a Compass You can use a bearing to get to a location any time you know where you are on a map: 1 Set your compass on the map so that the straight side of the baseplate lines up between your current position (1a) and the map location for a destination like a campsite (1b). 1 Make sure the direction of travel arrow is pointing in the general direction of that campsite (in other words, it's not upside down).", "How to Use the iPhone Compass App The iPhone digital compass app is located within the utilities icon on your phone. Follow these steps to access and use the iPhone compass app: 1 Click on the utilities icon to view utilities options.2 Click on the compass icon to select the compass app. 3 Hold phone flat in the upwards-facing palm of your hand. 4 Extend your arm straight out in front of you, as you would when holding a magnetic compass.ollow these steps to access and use the iPhone compass app: 1 Click on the utilities icon to view utilities options. 2 Click on the compass icon to select the compass app.", "Calculators Multiple Power Options Choose calculators with multiple power options to maximize your time at the office. Some models can be plugged directly into the wall, so there's no need to remove the batteries and interrupt your work during the charging process.hether you're teaching a math class or running an accounting business, calculators can help you get the job done. Each one is built with a mix of simple and advanced functions for maximum efficiency. Choose the best model for your business from brands such as Casio, Canon, and Texas Instruments.", "- The COMPASS test is a self-adjusting, multiple choice test that is taken at the computer. The. answer to your current question will determine the next question; it will stop once it has determined. your level.", "How to Use the TI-84 Plus Calculator to Convert Sine, Tangent & Cosine to Angles You can easily convert the basic trigonometric functions into angles measured in degrees or radians using a TI-84 Plus calculator. The TI-84 Plus is capable of going in both directions -- from the angle to the trigonometric measure and back.et your calculator to Degrees mode by pressing the MODE key, pressing the down arrow until you reach the row with the options Degree and Radian, highlighting Degree using the right arrow key, and pressing ENTER.", "- with Answers-Sample 1. Math questions, with answers, similar to the questions in the compass math test are presented. The questions are designed to reflect the major topics covered in the compass test: Numerical skills/pre-Algebra, algebra, college algebra, geometry and trigonometry.he questions are designed to reflect the major topics covered in the compass test: Numerical skills/pre-Algebra, algebra, college algebra, geometry and trigonometry.", "- Nursing Compass Entrance Exam. COMPASS is a comprehensive, computer-adaptive testing program that quickly and accurately assesses students' skill levels in reading and mathematics. Because it is adaptive, the length of the test will vary based upon the individuals' knowledge.*If you are under 21 years of age and have taken the ACT, you may not be required to take the COMPASS exam if you scored a minimum of 19 in Math, 19 in Reading, and 19 in English (a 19 composite score is not accepted).", "- Compass is awesome! Powerful off-the-bat visualization and analytics that are actually actionable. There's no other benchmarking tool that's as effective out there and it has really helped us focus on improving those metrics that deviated too much from the norm. Really solid support from the developers as well.", "- Either way, here’s how to find and use the compass and level app. Launch the Compass app with a quick tap. If this is the first time, you’ll need to gyrate the iPhone around a bit to completely calibrate it.Now, just hold the iPhone out from your body, like you would reading a text message.ither way, here’s how to find and use the compass and level app. Launch the Compass app with a quick tap. If this is the first time, you’ll need to gyrate the iPhone around a bit to completely calibrate it.", "How do I reset the compass on an '04 Ford F150 upper console? 8. Press the RESET control to start the compass calibration function. 9. Slowly drive the vehicle in a circle (less than 3 mph [5 km/h]) until the CIRCLE SLOWLY TO CALIBRATE display changes to CALIBRATION COMPLETED. It will take up to five circles to complete calibration. 10. The compass is now calibrated. couldn't get the picture of the zones to come up, but it's on page 72 of your manual.", "- Compass practice tests are an effective way to study for your college placement exams. Our free Compass sample tests provide you with an opportunity to assess how well you are prepared for the real Compass test, and then focus on the areas you need to work on.ompass Test. Doing well on your Compass Test can help you start college on the right foot. Discover test taking tips, score information, and Compass Exam Prep. Use our free Compass sample exams.", "OH NO, I am not allowed a calculator on the MCAT OH NO, I am not allowed a calculator on the MCAT!!! If you reading this you have probably completed all the general requirements to take the MCAT. Thinking back over your semesters of chemistry you would of used your calculator a lot to complete the math problems ranging from the basics of stoichiometry to the complex problems of solving the pH of a weak acid.", "Can you use a calculator on GED test? Best Answer: yea u CAN use a Calculator on a GED test i think on the math part is everything u took in high school that was math.", "How to Use the iPhone Compass App 1 Click on the compass icon to select the compass app. 2 Hold phone flat in the upwards-facing palm of your hand. 3 Extend your arm straight out in front of you, as you would when holding a magnetic compass.ollow these steps to access and use the iPhone compass app: 1 Click on the utilities icon to view utilities options. 2 Click on the compass icon to select the compass app.", "Calculators during the TEAS test Jul 1, '12. No calculators allowed. The only pop up help you get is the periodic table in the science portion. I was kind of worried about math too -- especially because i usually freak out on timed exams and go blank on stupid things such as multiplication tables and conversion.", "- May I Use a Calculator? The ACT Calculator Policy (effective September 1, 2014) is designed to ensure fairness for all examinees, avoid disturbances in the testing room, and protect the security of the test materials. A permitted calculator may be used on the ACT mathematics test only.", "Calculators on the SAT: Tips from Experts Calculator Uses and Limitations. Calculators are allowed on the SAT, and not using them correctly can put you far behind. SAT experts Fred Zhang and Allen Cheng discuss which tips and strategies worked for them in getting perfect scores.", "- The COMPASS Placement Test is an untimed, adaptive, computer-based college placement exam. The test changes for each student based on performance. If a student gets a question correct, they next receive a question of greater difficulty and higher value.he COMPASS Placement Test is an untimed, adaptive, computer-based college placement exam. The test changes for each student based on performance. If a student gets a question correct, they next receive a question of greater difficulty and higher value.", "The Compass Test: What You Need to Know The Compass Test: What You Need to Know. The COMPASS test is actually a series of computerized tests which were written by ACT, Inc. It is administered by a number of colleges and universities and is used to determine course placement. Find out everything you need to know about the COMPASS test here.", "Compass A compass is an instrument used for navigation and orientation that shows direction relative to the geographic cardinal directions, or points. Usually, a diagram called a compass rose, shows the directions north, south, east, and west as abbreviated initials marked on the compass.When the compass is used, the rose can be aligned with the corresponding geographic directions, so, for example, the N mark on the rose really points to the north.Frequently, in addition to the rose or sometimes instead of it, angle markings in degrees are shown on the compass.hen the compass is used, the rose can be aligned with the corresponding geographic directions, so, for example, the N mark on the rose really points to the north. Frequently, in addition to the rose or sometimes instead of it, angle markings in degrees are shown on the compass.", "Q: I need help switching an Xbox live account to another Microsoft id, how can I do that? I had made an account a while back, now I can't get on to Xbox live because they're trying to do a proof and I've deleted that email address and there for cant retrieve anything. Now i made a new account is there a way I can transfer my Xbox live gamer tag to this new account so I can get back on Xbox live? 17 people had this question." ]
what does physical medicine do
[ "What Is a Physiatrist? Doctor Directory. A physiatrist practices in the field of physiatry - also called physical medicine and rehabilitation - which is a branch of medicine that specializes in diagnosis, treatment, and management of disease primarily using physical means, such as physical therapy and medications." ]
[ "Types of Doctors Physiatry: A physiatrist is a physician who specializes in physical medicine, which is the curing of injuries and disease by natural methods. Measures that are used include physical therapy, massage, exercise, light and heat.", "Physical Therapy Office Forms It helps you move better and may relieve pain. It also helps improve or restore your physical function and your fitness level. The goal of physical therapy is to make daily tasks and activities easier. For example, it may help with walking, going up stairs, or getting in and out of bed.", "What Does Therapeutic Ultrasound Do in Physical Therapy? Therapeutic ultrasound is a treatment modality commonly used in physical therapy. It is used to provide deep heating to soft tissues in the body. These include muscles, tendons, joints, and ligaments. Ultrasound in physical therapy is not to be confused with diagnostic ultrasound, which is ​an ultrasound that is used to see the inside of the body, such as checking on a fetus during pregnancy.", "physical medicine physical medicine. n. The branch of medicine that deals with the treatment, prevention, and diagnosis of disease by essentially physical means, including manipulation, massage, and exercise, often with mechanical devices, and the application of heat, cold, electricity, radiation, and water. Also called physiatrics, physiatry.", "List of photographic equipment makers Some camera makers design lenses but outsource manufacture. Some lens makers have cameras made to sell under their own brand name. A few companies are only in the lens business. Some camera companies make no lenses, but usually at least sell a lens from some lens maker with their cameras as part of a package.", "Fitness Trainers and Instructors Physical therapists use different forms of treatment depending on the type of patient they are caring for. Physical therapists, sometimes called PTs, help injured or ill people improve their movement and manage their pain. These therapists are often an important part of the rehabilitation, treatment, and prevention of patients with chronic conditions, illnesses, or injuries.", "Frequently Asked Questions How does physical therapy help pelvic pain? There are many reasons for developing pelvic pain issues through a lifespan. Muscles, connective tissue (fascia), and nerves in the abdomen, pelvis, and low back region may all contribute to pelvic pain. Pelvic Floor physical therapists are specifically trained to evaluate and treat muscle spasm and trigger points/tender points that can result from muscle imbalance, scar tissue tension, prolonged nerve compression or stretch injuries, and trauma.", "Physical Therapist Physical Therapist. Physical therapists are evidence-based, health care professionals who diagnose and treat individuals of all ages who have medical problems or other health-related conditions that limit their abilities to move and perform functional activities in their daily lives.", "Physical Therapists What Physical Therapists Do About this section. Physical therapists use different forms of treatment depending on the type of patient they are caring for. Physical therapists, sometimes called PTs, help injured or ill people improve their movement and manage their pain.These therapists are often an important part of rehabilitation and treatment of patients with chronic conditions or injuries.he work of physical therapists varies by type of patient. For example, a patient experiencing loss of mobility due to stroke needs different care from that given to an athlete recovering from an injury. Some physical therapists specialize in one type of care, such as orthopedics or geriatrics.", "What does a Physical Therapist do? Geriatric physical therapy focuses on the unique movement needs of older adults. This includes treatment for conditions such as arthritis, cancer, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease, joint replacement and balance disorders. The goal of geriatric physical therapy is to help restore mobility, reduce pain, accommodate physical limitations and increase physical fitness.", "What Do Physical Therapists Do? What Do Physical Therapists Do? As a physical therapist, you assess patients and determine treatment, as well as track patients' progress and evaluate the effectiveness of treatment. You also teach patients and families how to properly continue therapy once released from the hospital or medical office.", "What is a Physiatrist? What is a Physiatrist? Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) physicians, also known as physiatrists, treat a wide variety of medical conditions affecting the brain, spinal cord, nerves, bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, and tendons.", "Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation By Mayo Clinic Staff. Mayo Clinic specialists in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) help restore movement and function to people disabled by disease or injury. PM&R physicians (called physiatrists — pronounced fiz-e-AT-rists) create therapy plans that consider the unique needs, abilities and objectives of each patient.", "The Calorie Requirements for Female Bodybuilders & Weight Loss Calorie Balance. To lose weight, you need to create a calorie deficit, which involves consuming fewer calories than you burn. It takes a deficit of around 3,500 calories to burn 1 pound of fat, so if you're currently maintaining your weight, lowering your daily intake by 500 calories will lead to 1 pound of fat loss each week.", "Accredited Colleges Offering Sports Medicine Degrees Other Sports Medicine Specialties. 1 Physical Therapist: Physical therapists use a variety of methods to help patients deal with different physical issues. 2 Nurse: Nurses are an integral part of disease prevention, health promotion, and recovery from illness.", "Who Are Physical Therapists? Physical therapists (PTs) are highly-educated, licensed health care professionals who can help patients reduce pain and improve or restore mobility-in many cases without expensive surgery and often reducing the need for long-term use of prescription medications and their side effects.hysical therapists (PTs) are highly-educated, licensed health care professionals who can help patients reduce pain and improve or restore mobility-in many cases without expensive surgery and often reducing the need for long-term use of prescription medications and their side effects.", "Physical Therapy for Chronic Pain: What to Expect Reviewed by Melinda Ratini, DO, MS on July 22, 2016. Physical therapy is often one of the best choices you can make when you have long-term pain (also called chronic pain) or an injury. It can make you stronger and help you move and feel better. Ask your doctor to recommend a physical therapist.", "Physical Therapy Career Opportunities Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation. Physical therapists (PTs) provide services that help restore function, improve mobility, relieve pain, and prevent or limit permanent physical disabilities of patients suffering from injuries or disease. They restore, maintain, and promote overall fitness and health.", "- Physical therapists also are key health care. team members who address prevention initiatives, such as. reducing falls, improving physical activity to mitigate chronic. disease and secondary health conditions, and tailoring wellness. programs for populations that have chronic conditions and/. or disabilities.", "- Physical Therapy Basics. Doctors often recommend physical therapy (PT) for kids and teens who have been injured or who have movement problems from an illness, disease, or disability. After an injury, physical therapists work to decrease pain, improve movement, and help kids return to daily activities.", "- First, your therapist will try to reduce your pain and swelling. Your physical therapist also may use manual therapy, education, and techniques such as heat, cold, water, ultrasound, and electrical stimulation.Physical therapy almost always includes exercise.ome physical therapists are board-certified in areas such as orthopedics, sports, and neurology and may offer more specialized care. Physical therapists can also specialize in certain types of care, such as: 1 Back and neck pain. 2 Cardiac rehabilitation (rehab). 3 Wound care. 4 Cancer-related problems.", "Physical Therapy (PT) Physical therapy aims to improve joint and muscle function (eg, range of motion, strength) and thus improve the patient’s ability to stand, balance, walk, and climb stairs.For example, physical therapy is usually used to train lower-extremity amputees.hysical therapy aims to improve joint and muscle function (eg, range of motion, strength) and thus improve the patient’s ability to stand, balance, walk, and climb stairs.", "Why Visit a PM&R Physician Why Visit a PM&R Physician. 1 Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) physicians, also known as physiatrists, treat a wide variety of medical conditions affecting the brain, spinal cord, nerves, bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, and tendons. By taking the whole body into account, they are able to accurately pinpoint problems and enhance performance without surgery.", "Department of Physical Therapy A Physical Therapist (PT) is a health care professional who provides direct patient care to persons who have disorders of movement, mechanical, physiological and developmental impairments and functional limitations, whether caused by injury or disease, to help them achieve maximum physical function and mobility.", "physical medicine Definition of 'physical medicine'. Word Frequency. physical medicine. noun. the branch of medicine devoted to the management of physical disabilities, as resulting from rheumatic disease, asthma, poliomyelitis, etc. See also rehabilitation (sense 2)" ]
what does pending mean on listing
[ "- Active/Pending = Usually that means the seller would like to get more offers. Savvy agents want back-up offers in place. If you made an offer to purchase a property and the seller agreed to the price, but already has a buyer in contract, you would be the 1st position back-up buyer." ]
[ "Hours Worked Hours Worked | Bleakley Platt & Schmidt, LLP | New York Labor and Employment Attorneys. Employees must be paid for all of the hours that they are required to be on the employer's premises, on duty or at a prescribed work place.", "What Does a Pending Status on a House Mean? What Does a Pending Status on a House Mean? Brokers must report when the status of a home for sale changes. Real estate brokers must accurately report the status of a property listing to the multiple listing service, usually spoken of as MLS. Brokers rely heavily on the MLS to market listings and find interested buyers. As a member of an MLS, a listing broker must comply with certain rules and regulations.", "- For Sale: Properties which are available for showings and purchase. Active Contingent: Properties which are available for showing but are under contract with another buyer. Pending: Properties which are under contract with a buyer and are no longer available for showings. Sold: Properties on which the sale has closed.", "What Does Sale Pending Mean in Real Estate? Typically, the buyer has a week or two to do the inspection and a few weeks to get an appraisal and loan. During this period, the seller can’t enter into an agreement with another buyer, even though the sale hasn’t closed. This means another interested buyer could make a “back-up” offer. That way, if the first offer collapses, the seller has a back-up offer ready to go. A True Home, Pending Sale. A pending sale has had all contingencies removed.", "What is a root canal? The cost of root canals varies depending on the tooth and whether it is being treated by a general dentist or an endodontist. Molars have more canals that need to be filled, so they are more expensive, and endodontists typically charge more due to their specialty training.", "Whatâs the Difference Between Contingent and Pending Listings? When a listing has changed status to “pending”, the seller has accepted an offer. This is an off-market status. Pending listings are much more common than contingent listings, since it just means the seller and buyer have agreed to the initial terms in the residential purchase agreement.", "Active Status? Pending Status? This status may also be used to indicate the property is a short sale with an accepted offer. Pending w/o release, continue to show (PS) or (Pend w/S) – Accepted offer on the property, still showing to prospective buyers for offers in back-up position to the first accepted offer.", "What Do All Those Real Estate Listing Terms Really Mean? If your offer is accepted as a backup, you’re in line to go under contract if the first sale falls through. Pending, showing for backup This means the property's owners are actively taking backup offers in case the first one falls through.", "Sale pending? · just now. 1 Sale pending means that there is a transaction that is going through Escrow but that has not closed yet. 2 Sale pending can mean anything from an offer being accepted or contracts signed. 3 It means the buyer and seller have agreed on a contract, but closing has not happened yet.", "\"What does \"\"option pending\"\" mean on a real estate listing?\" What does option pending mean on a real estate listing? I've been looking for houses on the internet, and came across several listings that said option pending. Does it mean there's an offer on the house and it's pending approval? 2 following.", "- Other types of active statuses may be New or Price Change.. New means that the listing has been on the market for 3 - 7 days; Price Change means that the listing experienced a price decrease or increase within the past 3 - 7 days. There may be different types of active listings, depending on the MLS.", "Does 'Pending Contact Request' under a contact in skype mean that they have blocked me? up vote 1 down vote. Pending request-It means that the person has just removed you from their Skype contact list but hasn't blocked you. You can however send them messages to them but can't call them. The person can call you if they want. You can send friend request again, if they removed you from contact list by mistake.", "\"What does \"\"Pending\"\" mean? Is there a problem?\" According to our documentation on payment statuses, Pending means: This is a payment that has begun, but is not complete. An example of this is someone who has filled out the checkout form and then gone to PayPal for payment. We have the record of sale, but they haven't completed their payment yet. This means that Pending isn't inherently a problem, but it can be an indication of some other problem.", "\"What does \"\"Contingent\"\" mean for a listing status?\" Most of these are self-explanatory…. 1 Active means that the property is for sale. 2 Come on over and make us an offer. 3 Subject to Inspection means that a buyer’s offer is pending their inspection.", "- Homes with a Make Me Move® price indicate the amount the owner(s) would be willing to sell for. They are exclusive to Zillow and a great way to learn about homes before they hit the market. A pending listing means a seller has accepted an offer from a buyer. In some cases, the seller will accept backup offers.", "MLS Rules & Regulations FAQ YES, MLS rules require that if a seller has signed acceptance of an offer, the listing status must be changed to Contingent or Pending. Lender approval of a “Short Sale” is treated as a contingency and does. not change the timing of the required change to Contingent or Pending status.", "Under Contract: âContingentâ vs. âPendingâ “Contingent” means it can be shown. “Pending” means it cannot be shown, although there may still be contingencies. Contingent : Contingent status indicates that a property under contract is subject to an additional contingency or condition, i.e. “Contingent Sales Addendum”, Due Diligence Period, etc.", "- Payments to some eBay sellers may be shown as pending in your PayPal account, and may not be available for a period of time to allow for successful fulfillment. Common reasons your funds might be pending. These are the most common reasons your funds would be unavailable for a period of time: 1 You're a new seller or have limited selling history, which means you have not yet met all of the following criteria: It's been more than 90 days since your first successful sale. You've made more than 25 sales transactions.", "what is the definition of pending litigation Would that Pending litigation refers to any suits which have been filed, but remain unresolved. A notice of claim could be included, if that referenced a notice of claim which had been filed in court.It appears that you may be referring to lis pendens which is filed with real property records to place potential buyer's on notice of pending litigation involving the real property. Thank you.his is in reference to a Homeowners Association filing a claim with the builder under the 10 year time frame. (Sec 1375) No formal complaint has been filed. They are in the pre-litigation stages.", "Under Contract: âContingentâ vs. âPendingâ A listing in Contingent status will not expire at the end of the listing contract term. Pending: Pending status indicates that a property is under contract and is not available for showings. Listings in this status may include contingencies. The listing will not expire at the end of the listing contract term.", "- What does pending disposition mean in legal terms? A pending disposition in legal terms means that no decision has been reached yet. When someone is arrested and they have a pending disposition, it means that it has not ye … t been determined whether they have actually committed a crime or not.", "Why is the order status pending? For some purchases, such as services, rentals, or hotel stays, the seller will complete the payment after your purchase is fully delivered. The status of an order will continue to display as pending until it expires, is completed, or has been voided.", "What does pending mean? im asking what pending is because im installing some games on my laptop and all it says is its pending", "What is a pending transaction? Pending transactions include credits and debits that have not yet posted to your account. They may also include holds applied to certain transactions or your balance. Pending transactions are listed in lowest to highest dollar amount order, and are not listed in the order that they post to your account.", "Option Pending vs Pending continue to show OP - Option Pending - Listings that are under contract and the seller and buyer have agreed to use the “Termination Option” in paragraph 23 of the standard TREC contract. PS - Pending Continue to Show - Used for listings currently under contract but are still available to show." ]
feeding rice cereal how many times per day
[ "FEEDING GUIDELINES AGES 4 TO 6 MONTHS 1. Begin with rice cereal on days 1,2 and 3, offering it twice daily at breakfast and dinnertime. Rice cereal can be mixed with water or milk(breast or formula) to make a thin oatmeal like consistency. The infant should be offered a rubberized spoon. During these first three days, offer 3-4 tablespoons at a time but be flexible. Some infants will be very hungry and want more- that's OK." ]
[ "How often do kittens need to eat? Kittens, at any age, have small stomachs, so the best method of feeding is little and often, as often as four to six times a day for very young kittens. As kittens get older and bigger, they can be fed bigger portions in less frequent meals. By 6 months, a kitten can generally eat two or three times a day. How often a kitten needs to eat wholly depends on each individual. Some kittens eat more and some eat less.", "Learn From Amazonâs Leadership Principles Learn From Amazon’s Leadership Principles. Amazon is a crazy company. Within two decades, this bookseller has become a competitor of every single industry leader across retail, publishing, logistics, wireless, toys, devices, apparel and cloud computing, to name a few.", "The Serving Size of Grains Needed Daily Toddlers need 3 ounces of grains each day as part of a healthy diet. At least 1 1/2 ounces of these should be whole grains. Girls between the ages of 4 and 8 need 5 ounces of grains per day, with at least 2 1/2 of them being whole grains.", "How do we get started with solids? Increase solids gradually if baby is interested, with a maximum of 2 meals per day. 9 – 12 months. Watch baby’s cues – this is particularly easy if baby nurses beforehand and most/all of the solids are offered to baby to self-feed. Increase solids gradually if baby is interested.", "Is Eating Rice Healthy? How Much Rice. The amount of whole-grain rice eaten daily for a healthy diet depends on how much other whole grain foods the dieter eats. About 6 to 8 ounces of whole-grain foods should be eaten on a 2,000-calorie diet, according to the USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans.", "Flax Seeds: How Much Per Day? Serving Size. The University of Maryland Medical Center recommends adults consume 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed two to three times a day, or 2 to 4 tablespoons once per day.You can mix the ground seeds into cereal, yogurt, oatmeal or smoothies or sprinkle them generously on top of salads and vegetable dishes.erving Size. The University of Maryland Medical Center recommends adults consume 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed two to three times a day, or 2 to 4 tablespoons once per day.", "Left axis deviation Left axis deviation (LAD) is a condition whereby the mean electrical axis of ventricular contraction of the heart lies in a frontal plane direction between -30° and -90°. This is reflected by a QRS complex positive in lead I and negative in leads aVF and II.", "Macromolecules Lipids are an important part of living cells. Together with carbohydrates and proteins, lipids are the main constituents of plant and animal cells. Cholesterol and triglycerides are lipids. Lipids are easily stored in the body. They serve as a source of fuel and are an important constituent of the structure of cells.Lipids include fatty acids, neutral fats, waxes and steroids (like cortisone).ogether with carbohydrates and proteins, lipids are the main constituents of plant and animal cells. Cholesterol and triglycerides are lipids. Lipids are easily stored in the body. They serve as a source of fuel and are an important constituent of the structure of cells.", "- To get rice flour, head out to your Asian market. It's dirt cheap and does the same. My daughter-in-law has been advised by the paediatrician to continue giving her baby of 8 months old rice porridge in the afternoon in place of her bottle feed. She has now stopped as she feels the baby is overweight.", "How Much To Feed Your Cat Even though you find feeding instructions on almost every bag of cat food you can buy, the instructions are useless. One brand may tell you to feed your cat 1/2 cup twice daily, while another recommends 1/4 cup three times daily. It's not just the manufacturers of cat food that can't tell you how much to feed your cat.", "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Purple Rice Supplement 3 doctors agreed: This depends on: how old your baby is. Rice cereal is generally started at 4-6 months, so if your baby is younger than that, you can supplement with formula, as opposed to cereal. Please also discuss this with his/her pediatrician; they may also be able to give you some hints on how to increase your breast milk supply. ...Read more.", "- Feeding tips. 1 If your baby won't eat what you're offering on the first try, offer it again in a few days. 2 Get more detailed tips on how to introduce solids. 3 Print our step-by-step guide to feeding your baby. Begin with about 1 teaspoon pureed food or cereal. 2 Mix cereal with 4 to 5 teaspoons breast milk or formula (it'll be very runny). 3 Increase to 1 tablespoon of pureed food, or 1 tablespoon of cereal mixed with breast milk or formula, twice a day. 4 If giving cereal, gradually thicken the consistency by using less liquid.", "How many ounces of wet food per day should be given to a cat? We feed our 3 cats one 6 oz can and divide that. But they also get a meal of dry in the morning and raw 2-3 times a week. For your cat about 1/3 of a 6 oz can of food per meal should be fine for her size. Wet food can be very messy and smelly. Be careful about feeding only wet! If you change her food for the emergency and her system is not ready for it, she will develop diarrhea. If you do decide to use wet food, I suggest using it more as a treat twice a day. I gave between 1/4 to 1/2 a small can (6 oz?) per cat twice a day. I always have unlimited amounts of dry food available as well as fresh water.", "How Much Should I Eat? Grains: Make at least half of your grains whole grains every day: 1 Males ages 19 to 30: 8 ounce equivalents of grains/day. 2 Females ages 19 to 30: 6 ounce equivalents of grains/day. 3 Examples of one ounce equivalent: 1 slice of bread; 1 cup of ready-to-eat cereal; or ½ cup of cooked rice, cooked pasta, or cooked cereal.", "- Foods to Avoid. 1 6-11 servings each day. 2 Serving size= 1 slice bread, 1 cup ready-to-eat cereal,1/2 cup cooked cereal, rice or pasta. 3 All enriched breads, cereals, rice, noodles, pasta, and potatoes. Limit to 2 servings per week: whole-grain breads and cereals, wheat germ, bran and oatmeal.", "How do we get started with solids? Increase solids gradually if baby is interested, with a maximum of 2 meals per day. 9 – 12 months. Watch baby’s cues – this is particularly easy if baby nurses beforehand and most/all of the solids are offered to baby to self-feed.ffer solids once a day, at most. Many start out offering solids every few days or even less often. Continue nursing on cue. Solid foods should not replace nursing sessions unless you’re actively weaning.Limit water to SIPS from a cup with meals.", "How long to cook a prime rib roast?? Preheat oven to 450°F. Place the roast (ribs down) on the rack in a roasting pan. Sear the rib roast for 15 minutes at the higher oven temperature (450°F), and then turn the oven to the lower temperature (325° F) for the rest of the cooking time.About 1/2 hour before the estimated end of the roasting time, begin checking the internal temperature (use a good instant-read digital meat thermometer.nsert meat thermometer so tip is in thickest part of beef, not resting in fat or touching bone. Cook until rib roast reaches an internal temperature of 120°F. Remove from oven, cover with aluminum foil, and let sit approximately 15 to 20 minutes.", "3 month old and rice cereal 3 out of 3 found this helpful. My son will be 3 months Sunday and I have been giving him 1/2 a tbsp of Rice Cereal in his bottle for the past couple of days... just to try it out. (once in the morning and once at night) He usually has a 6-8 oz bottle every 3-4 hours.", "Portion Guide for Baby's First Year Between 4 and 6 months, your baby will start to sit up and grab for objects on his own. As he masters that grabbing skill, you may opt to start introducing cereal into his diet. Baby should eat 1-2 tablespoons of cereal twice a day.", "Should You Add Rice Cereal to Baby's Bottle? How to Introduce Rice Cereal If your doctor determines that your baby is ready for solids, at a tablespoon of rice cereal to every 4-5 tablespoons of breast milk or formula that you would normally feed your child.", "Cornell Feline Health Center From age six months to maturity, most cats will do well when fed two times a day.. Once the cat becomes an adult, at about one year, feeding once or twice a day is appropriate in most cases. Senior cats, age seven and above, should maintain the same feeding regimen. Once cats reach adulthood, once a day feeding is fine as long as they are healthy and have no disease problems suggesting a reason to feed differently, says Dr. Kallfelz. The Health of Your Cat Matters.", "- The following observations are made: • Wholesale and retail trade was the largest employer with 22,2% of the employed in South Africa and 21,5% in KwaZulu-Natal, followed by community, social and personal services with 19,5% in South Africa and 18,8% in KwaZulu-Natal.", "Why do Japanese eat alot of rice? Asker's rating. 1 I almost eat rice three times a day. This is natural for me because I was brought up with eating rice. 2 Starches are the foundation for every cuisine in the world. In each area of the world the conditions are right for one or more native starch crops. 3 Because, they grow well. They suit the weather there.", "Gerber, Oatmeal Cereal, Single Grain, 8 oz (227 g) · Mix 1 tbsp. cereal with 4-5 tbsp. of breastmilk or infant formula. Easy-to-Mix Directions. · Pour or spoon desired amount of cereal in bowl. · For Baby: Stir in liquid (breastmilk or infant formula) to desired consistency. · For Toddler: mix with milk, water, or GERBER ® Juice for children over one year of age.", "Feeding infant Rice Cereal: How many times a day and how much? Watch for any reactions. 4- After that, feed 2 tablespoons of single grain oatmeal + 1 1/2 ounces of formula once a day. ALSO, continue feeding rice cereal + formula once a day... so he will be eating solids two times a day. I usually did one time mid morning and the second at night to space it out. 5- Feed with the oatmeal (+ rice cereal for 2nd feeding) for 5 days." ]
most dependable affordable cars
[ "Surmount the snow with 7 of the best used all-wheel-drive winter cars for under $10,000 If you can look past its bargain interior and anonymous exterior, the Suzuki SX4 is one of the most reliable and affordable all-wheel-drive cars." ]
[ "- Car dependability is one of the leading considerations when buying a car. But what are the most dependable car brands, and which are the least? To help address this question, consumer research companies release their findings each year. JD Power is the preeminent provider of American auto research. It releases three studies a year, the […]", "Top 10 Most Reliable Car Brands Their ES was the top-rated compact premium car while the GX was the No. 1 midsize premium SUV. Their CT and RX were both strong competitor as well. This is the fourth consecutive year Lexus has been the best in J.D. Power’s Vehicle Dependability Study.", "Hindu temples of Kumbakonam Kumbakonam, is a city and a special grade municipality in the Thanjavur district in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. It is located 40 kilometres from Thanjavur and 273 kilometres from Chennai. It is the headquarters of the Kumbakonam taluk of Thanjavur district. Kumbakonam is a temple town with many Hindu temples located in and around it. Majority of the temples are dedicated to Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva. 12 Shiva temples are connected with Mahamaham festival which happens once in 12 years in Ku", "10 Most Reliable Used Cars Under $10,000 If you’re in the market for an affordable, used car, keep reading to see the 11 most reliable used cars under $10,000. Read the 2010 Lexus ES Full Review See 2010 Lexus ES Photos", "5 MOST RELIABLE SMALL CARS 5 MOST RELIABLE SMALL CARS. The hands of Toyota engineers have been involved in three of our five top picks for your next used small car. But quality and reliability cut across our top 5, giving you a number of reliable used small cars to choose from.eviews of the 5 Best Small Used Cars can be found here with links to the best prices for these 5 Most Reliable Small Used Cars.", "- I would like to buy a clean, very dependable used car for about 7000-8000 dollars. The most dependable used cars, according to consumer magazines, are the Honda Accord and the Toyota Camry. I find that a six year old Accord or Camry (2002 year) with 60,000 miles on it, goes for about 10 to 11 thousand dollars.", "- Most Reliable: Chevrolet Cruze. Chevrolet made the list with its all-new Cruze sedan. Our review praised the Cruze's technological loadout, but the powertrain wasn't feeling up to par. It's a solid middle-ground choice for buyers that want a 21st century commuter.", "Hyundai Least Expensive: Buyers looking for a budget-minded economy car can the Hyundai Accent. Customers can either choose from a sedan or a four-door hatchback model with a starting price under $17,000.", "Most Reliable Cars That Rarely Need A Mechanic Most Reliable Luxury Car: 2016 Porsche Cayman. Many years ago, a Porsche would have been out of reach of most consumers. Today, the company has made it clear just how far your dollar can go. A virtually indestructible engine isn't the only thing you get with the Porsche Cayman.", "The most reliable used cars for families The most reliable used cars for families. By studying data from 50,000 of its policies linked to small family, family and MPV-style cars, Warranty Direct claims to have found the 10 most reliable used cars for families. The study analysed cars aged three to eight years old, and found the 10 models that suffered the fewest breakdowns.", "The World's Most Expensive Cars For 2017 We’re featuring 10 of the costliest – and also, by the way, the quickest and most beautiful – rides in the world in the accompanying slideshow. 10 Most Expensive Cars For 2017. Aside from a few one-off models built as engineering or design exercises, the costliest production cars we could find for 2017 include the low-slung Pagani Huayra BC from the Italian boutique automaker at around $2.8 million.", "10 Most Reliable Cars Purchasing a car is a long-term investment, with the expectation that the car will provide dependable transportation for the long haul. But as our surveys show, not all cars can fulfill that promise. Based on our 2016 Annual Auto Survey, these models are the 10 most reliable cars today. We predict these cars will give owners fewer problems than their competitors, based on data collected on over half a million vehicles.", "10 Most Affordable Luxury SUVs BMW X1. You might be surprised to learn that the least expensive BMW on sale today is a crossover SUV. Dubbed the X1, it rides on the 3 Series platform and offers a choice between two engines: a 240-hp turbocharged 4-cylinder, and a 300-hp 3.0-liter 6-cylinder.", "The 10 Longest-Lasting Cars on The Road The 10 Best High-Mileage Cars. The 10 vehicles that last longest with proper care are: 1 The Acura RDX is on the list for its initial quality and mechanical reliability along with the above-average durability ratings from Consumer Reports.", "- The Toyota (NYSE:TM) Camry was once thought of as being one of the most reliable, long-lasting cars on the market, but that distinction is getting increasingly difficult to quantify.", "Consumer Reports' most reliable cars of 2014 The third most reliable 2014 subcompact car, according to Consumer Reports, is the Mazda2. Consumer Reports ranked the Scion xB as the most reliable small car in its 2014 reliability rankings. The Dodge Dart is the second most reliable small car for 2014, according to Consumer Reports' annual survey.", "Consumer Reports announces most, least reliable cars â with plenty of surprises Least reliable cars. 1 Cadillac Escalade (most unreliable of the bottom 10). Buy a Chevrolet Suburban or GMC Yukon XL instead, CR says, neither of which is saddled with the Cadillac CUE infotainment system. (Except look who’s No. 4 on the bottom 10 list below.) 2 Ford Focus. 3 Jeep Renegade. 4 Chevrolet Suburban / GMC Yukon XL. 5 Chrysler 200. 6 Tesla Model X.", "Top 10 Most Expensive Car Brands in The World The list of most expensive car brands 2017 is as follows: 10. Porsche Panamera: The perfect performance with the blend of the rich, sporty and luxurious interior that has made the Porsche to make it rank n the 10th position on the list. The Porsche Panamera car is as large and spacious as ever.", "Most Reliable Cars That Rarely Need A Mechanic Most Reliable Midsize Car: 2016 Honda Accord. Honda has built a name for itself as one of the most reliable car manufacturers over the last 30 years. Taking the 2016 Honda Accord for a test drive will remind you why. With this year's latest model, Honda has added a couple key ingredients to its award winning recipe.", "- 10 Most Affordable 3-Row Vehicles. The Mitsubishi Outlander was named one of the 10 Most Affordable 3-Row Vehicles of 2017, according to Kelley Blue Book's KBB.com for the fourth consecutive year. Rated as the number one most affordable 3-row vehicle, the 2017 Outlander was recognized for its proven off-road credentials, feature-rich cabin and great warranty.", "Top 10 most reliable cars under $25,000 And while this list may not include the best performing vehicles in our tests, they’re, bar-none, the most reliable. To that end, here are the 10 most reliable cars with a base MSRP under $25,000, ranked in terms of reliability.", "The Most Reliable Cars On The Road The Most Reliable Cars On The Road. The most reliable car on the road is the Scion xB, according to Consumer Reports. The compact car, produced by Toyota, topped their annual car reliability survey which tests owners’ experiences with over 1 million vehicles and is the biggest study of its kind.", "- Just because a car has a low price, it’s not necessarily any less reliable than a more expensive model. A great example is the 2017 Kia Forte, which earns a predicted reliability rating of 4.5, and has a base price that’s one of the lowest in the compact car segment.", "- Subaru Legacy is the best compact car, and has been every year since 2012, says Consumer Reports in its 2015 comprehensive auto issue online and in print.", "- Most reliable brands: Buick comes in at No. 3. Lexus, Toyota, Buick, Audi, and Kia were the top five brands, while the Toyota Prius, Lexus CT 200h, Infiniti Q70, Audi Q3, and Lexus GX were the top five individual models. (Full lists below.) A lot of the media have been hitting on Tesla’s problems." ]
lithophile definition
[ "Goldschmidt classification Lithophile elements [edit]. Lithophile elements are those that remain on or close to the surface because they combine readily with oxygen, forming compounds that do not sink into the core.anganese, iron and molybdenum do form strong bonds with oxygen but in the free state (as they existed on the primitive earth when free oxygen did not exist) can mix so easily with iron that they do not concentrate in the siliceous crust as do true lithophile elements." ]
[ "- Amphiphile (from the Greek αμφις, amphis: both and φιλiα, φιλíα: philia, love) friendship is a term describing a chemical compound possessing both (hydrophilic-water, loving) polar and (lipophilic-fat) loving. Properties such a compound is called amphiphilic or. amphipathic", "- Top Definition. turophile. turophile: (toor'-oh-file, tyoor'-oh-file) n. a connoisseur of cheese; a cheese fancier. from Greek tyros cheese + philos loving..", "- litho-. a combining form meaning “stone,” used in the formation of compound words: lithography; lithonephrotomy. Also, especially before a vowel, lith-.", "- lithic. adj. 1. (Geological Science) of, relating to, or composed of stone. 2. (Geological Science) containing abundant fragments of previously formed rock: a lithic sandstone.3. (Pathology) pathol of or relating to a calculus or calculi, esp one in the urinary bladder. 4. (Chemistry) of or containing lithium.. (Geological Science) of, relating to, or composed of stone. 2. (Geological Science) containing abundant fragments of previously formed rock: a lithic sandstone. 3. (Pathology) pathol of or relating to a calculus or calculi, esp one in the urinary bladder.", "Thermophile A thermophile is an organism — a type of extremophile — that thrives at relatively high temperatures, between 41 and 122 °C (106 and 252 °F). Many thermophiles are archaea. Thermophilic eubacteria are suggested to have been among the earliest bacteria.", "- thalassophile, thalassophily, thalassophilous Inhabiting the sea or its shore; fond of the sea. thalassophile. thalassophilic, thalassophile, thalassophily In biology, a preference for the sea or dwelling in the sea.", "- Lipophilic. Having an affinity for fat, pertaining to or characterised by lipophilia.", "- Lithography refers to a lithograph print that is made from an image which has been applied to a flat surface. It is a method of printing based on the principle that oil and water do not mix.", "- Lipophilic definition: having an affinity for lipids | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples English Dictionary | Thesaurus | Translator | Grammar | Scrabble | Blog English", "- medical Definition of amphiphilic : of, relating to, consisting of, or being one or more molecules (as of a glycolipid or sphingolipid) in a biological membrane having a polar water-soluble terminal group attached to a water-insoluble hydrocarbon chain", "- Lithography is a method of printmaking based on the chemical repellence of oil and water. level, as opposed to intaglio or relief processes in which the design is cut into the printing block. crayon, grease pencil or a greasy substance called tusche. limestone or plates made of metal or plastic.", "metamorphic The definition of metamorphic is characterized or formed by changing. An example of something metamorphic is a caterpillar turning into a butterfly; a metamorphic animal. of, characterized by, causing, or formed by metamorphism or metamorphosis.", "lithography Definition of lithography. 1 1 : the process of printing from a plane surface (such as a smooth stone or metal plate) on which the image to be printed is ink-receptive and the blank area ink-repellent. 2 2 : the process of producing patterns on semiconductor crystals for use as integrated circuits.", "- A necrophile is a person who prefers the company of the dead to the whiny, bitchy, nasty living. A necrophile does not have sex with the dead (that is a necrophiliac) and may commonly be found in cemeteries and morgues. David is such a necrophile that he digs up people to invite to tea parties. Samantha, being a necrophile, found it only logical to work in a morgue. #necrophilia#death#morgue#cunt weasel#banana.", "A Definition of LITOTES. : understatement in which an affirmative is expressed by the negative of the contrary (as in “not a bad singer” or “not unhappy”).ADVERTISEMENT. understatement in which an affirmative is expressed by the negative of the contrary (as in “not a bad singer” or “not unhappy”). ADVERTISEMENT.", "Nihilism Nihilism is the belief that all values are baseless and that nothing can be known or communicated. It is often associated with extreme pessimism and a radical skepticism that condemns existence. A true nihilist would believe in nothing, have no loyalties, and no purpose other than, perhaps, an impulse to destroy.", "Cryophiles Cryophiles. organisms that live in thawed areas on the surface of ice or snow and in water filled with sea ice; a drop in the temperature causes cryophiles to become frozen in the ice.", "metaphysical (ˌmɛt əˈfɪz ɪ kəl) adj. 1. pertaining to or of the nature of metaphysics. 2. highly abstract, subtle, or abstruse. 3. of or pertaining to a 17th-century group of English poets who used extensive imaginative conceits and turns of wit. 4. beyond the physical; incorporeal or supernatural.", "Thermophiles: Definition, Examples & Application Definition. They like it hot and steamy. No, this isn't the first line in a bad romance novel, but it is a story of love. It's a story about thermophiles, or organisms that love the heat. In fact, their name even means 'heat lover.' They thrive in temperatures ranging from 140 degrees F to 226 degrees F (that's 60 - 108 degrees C).", "- Top 10 facts about the world. A lithograph is a type of printing process during which original works of art can be printed and reproduced; the final product is also known as a lithograph, which is an authorized copy of an original work created by an artist or other skilled craftsmen. lithography is not a reproduction of a famous painting or work of art. They are the artist´s art work that was meant to be printed in that process and produced in a limited number, the more limited the number produced the more valuable(of course the artist´s cache also counts).", "turophile [ËtjÊÉrÉÊËfaɪl] Turophile is a noun. A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc. The definition of turophile in the dictionary is a person who loves cheese.", "- Definition of litmus. 1 1 : a coloring matter from lichens that turns red in acid solutions and blue in alkaline solutions and is used as an acid-base indicator. 2 2 : the critical factor in a litmus test; also : litmus test.", "Psychiatrist Not to be confused with Psychologist. A psychiatrist is a physician who specializes in psychiatry, the branch of medicine devoted to the diagnosis, prevention, study, and treatment of mental disorders.", "- Top definition. etchy. the coolest, nicest, most amazing person in the whole world who's totally gorgeous and is the best friend anyone could ask for. she's kind, caring, considerate and is always there for you. I'm talking to Etchy at 2 a.m. in the morning about funny USC fantasies in a wooded area.", "- thalassophile. 1 thalassophile, thalassophily, thalassophilous Inhabiting the sea or its shore; fond of the sea. 2 thalassophilic, thalassophile, thalassophily In biology, a preference for the sea or dwelling in the sea." ]
what is a flail chest
[ "Flail Chest Flail Chest. Flail chest describes a situation in which a portion of the rib cage is separated from the rest of the chest wall, usually due to a severe blunt trauma, such as a serious fall or a car accident.lail chest is almost always linked to severe blunt trauma, such as a serious fall or car accident, in terms of cause. But it can develop as a result of less severe impacts." ]
[ "What Is a Bird Chest? A bird chest is a chest wall deformity that causes a person's ribs to protrude, giving him a bird-like appearance. It is also called pigeon chest or Pectus carinatum. The internal organs are not affected by this deformity, although assymetrical bone growth occurs and knobby lesions appear on the ribs.", "What are CC and BCC in Gmail? How do I use them? 1 To: field recipients are the audience of the message. 2 CC: field recipients are others whom the author wishes to publicly inform of the message (carbon copy) BCC: field recipients are those being discreetly or surreptitiously informed of the communication and cannot be seen by any of the other addressees.", "Flail Chest Flail Chest. Flail chest describes a situation in which a portion of the rib cage is separated from the rest of the chest wall, usually due to a severe blunt trauma, such as a serious fall or a car accident.", "- A barrel chest is the result of COPD or emphysema and is an over expansion of the lungs from smoking resulting in the entire rib cage billowing out ke a barrel. Search Sign up free", "- The pectoralis major (/ˌpɛktəˈreɪlɨs ˈmeɪdʒər/) (from Latin: pectus, breast) is a thick, fan-shaped muscle, situated at the chest (anterior) of the human body. It makes up the bulk of the chest muscles in the male and lies under the breast in the female.he pectoralis major (/ˌpɛktəˈreɪlɨs ˈmeɪdʒər/) (from Latin: pectus, breast) is a thick, fan-shaped muscle, situated at the chest (anterior) of the human body. It makes up the bulk of the chest muscles in the male and lies under the breast in the female.", "Pectus carinatum Pectus carinatum (L carīnātus, equiv. to carīn(a) keel), also called pigeon chest, is a deformity of the chest characterized by a protrusion of the sternum and ribs. It is distinct from the related deformity pectus excavatum.eople with pectus carinatum usually develop normal hearts and lungs, but the deformity may prevent these from functioning optimally. In moderate to severe cases of pectus carinatum, the chest wall is rigidly held in an outward position.", "mediastinal mediastinal shift a shifting or moving of the tissues and organs that comprise the mediastinum (heart, great vessels, trachea, and esophagus) to one side of the chest cavity.The condition occurs when a severe injury to the chest causes the entrapment of air in the pleural space (tension pneumothorax).f or pertaining to the mediastinum. mediastinal flutter movement of the tissues and organs of the mediastinum back and forth with each movement of air into and out of an open sucking wound in the thoracic cavity.", "Symbols, Signs &Flags The fleur-de-lis or fleur-de-lys (plural: fleurs-de-lis) is a stylized lily (in French, fleur means flower, and lis means lily) or iris that is used as a decorative design or symbol. It may be at one and the same time, religious, political, dynastic, artistic, emblematic, and symbolic, especially in French heraldry.", "- Dragon's breath is a special type of incendiary-effect round for a 12 gauge (18.5 mm) shotgun. Dragon's breath consists primarily of magnesium pellets/shards. When the round is fired, sparks and flames can shoot out to about 100 feet (30 meters), although some sources claim it extends to 300 feet (91 meters). Dragon's breath is normally chambered in 12 gauge 2 3/4 (18.5 mm × 69.9 mm) shot shell.", "- Sea chest definition, a fitting in a hull below the water line, for admitting or discharging water. See more.", "Rib Fracture Imaging Surfer's rib is an isolated first-rib fracture and occurs in surfers who perform the lay-back maneuver. Fractures of the fifth to ninth ribs. Fractures of the fifth to ninth ribs can be single or multiple. Multiple fractures can present as flail chest, which is present when paradoxical respiratory movement occurs in a segment of the chest wall.", "Master fitness (Muscle Anatomy) Anatomical terms of muscle. The pectoralis major (/ˌpɛktəˈreɪlᵻs ˈmeɪdʒər/) (from Latin: pectus, breast) is a thick, fan-shaped muscle, situated at the chest (anterior) of the human body. It makes up the bulk of the chest muscles in the male and lies under the breast in the female.", "- Pectus excavatum (PECK-tuss ex-kuh-VAW-tum) is a breastbone and rib cartilage deformity that causes a dent in the chest. It is also called “sunken chest” or “funnel chest.” Most times, this dent is in the lower half of the breastbone.", "Rib fractures & Flail Chest Flail Chest. A flail chest occurs when a segment of the thoracic cage is separated from the rest of the chest wall. This is usually defined as at least two fractures per rib (producing a free segment), in at least two ribs.A segment of the chest wall that is flail is unable to contribute to lung expansion.lail Chest. A flail chest occurs when a segment of the thoracic cage is separated from the rest of the chest wall. This is usually defined as at least two fractures per rib (producing a free segment), in at least two ribs.", "How Is a Flail Chest Treated? Steps to Treat a Flail Chest. 1 Stay Safe. If you are not the patient, practice universal precautions and wear personal protective equipment if available. 2 Call 911. If the 911 operator gives instructions, follow those instructions and ignore the rest of this page.", "Game History The Bears started off strong with receiver KD Cannon reaching the 200-yard mark against Boise State for the first time since the Bronco’s MAACO Bowl appearance in 2011. Baylor outgained Boise State 515-388 and forced three Bronco turnovers in the game.", "Rib fractures & Flail Chest Awake patients will complain of pain on palpation of the chest wall or on inspiration. A flail chest is identified as paradoxical movement of a segment of the chest wall-ie indrawing on inspiration and moving outwards on expiration. This is often better appreciated by palpation than by inspection.", "Fleur-de-lis The fleur-de-lis (plural: fleurs-de-lis) or flower-de-luce is a stylized lily (in French, fleur means flower, and lis means lily) that is used as a decorative design or symbol. Many of the saints are often depicted with a lily, most prominently St. Joseph.", "- Flail chest refers to a serious breech in the integrity of the rib cage from more than one adjacent broken ribs that are broken in more than one place each. Instead of rigidly holding the normal shape of the chest, flail chest results in a segment of the chest wall flailing back and forth in the opposite direction of the rest of the chest wall.", "Pectus Excavatum Pectus Excavatum What is Pectus Excavatum? Pectus excavatum (a Latin term meaning hollowed chest) is the most common congenital deformity of the anterior wall of the chest, in which several ribs and the sternum grow abnormally. This produces a caved-in or sunken appearance of the chest. It can either be present at birth or not develop until puberty.", "flail an instrument for threshing grain, consisting of a staff or handle to one end of which is attached a freely swinging stick or bar. 2. a similar instrument used as a weapon of war. verb (used with or without object) 3. to beat or swing with or as if with a flail. Origin of flail.", "Adult Pectus Excavatum Adult Pectus Excavatum. What is pectus excavatum? This term refers to a chest wall deformity resulting in a sunken breastbone (sternum). It is sometimes called “funnel chest” and usually involves the lower half of the sternum. Although it is most common in the middle of the chest, it may move to one side, usually the right.", "Rib fractures & Flail Chest Awake patients will complain of pain on palpation of the chest wall or on inspiration. A flail chest is identified as paradoxical movement of a segment of the chest wall - ie indrawing on inspiration and moving outwards on expiration. This is often better appreciated by palpation than by inspection.", "Chest Chests are blocks used to store items and other materials. In very rare instances, chests can also occur inside walls and under floors in dungeons. The contents of these chests are similar to those of normal un-hidden chests. When chests occur in strongholds, they are surrounded by stone slabs and stone bricks.", "- Definition of chest. 1a : a container for storage or shipping; especially : a box with a lid used especially for the safekeeping of belongingsb : a cupboard used especially for the storing of medicines or first-aid supplies." ]
what causes ear infection in adults
[ "Overview One of the reasons children are more likely than adults to get ear infections is that their eustachian tubes are smaller and more horizontal than the tubes in most adults. If you have small eustachian tubes or you have tubes that haven’t developed more of a slope, you’re at a higher risk for developing an ear infection." ]
[ "- ONLY have creamy milk products like milk, yogurt, pudding (not rice or tapioca), ice cream and milkshakes. eggs, Jell-O, hard candy, popsicles and clear liquids. Clear liquids include: water, coffee, tea, milk, soda, chicken or beef broth. Please follow the diet outlined above until 11:00 am.", "Causes and Risk Factors of Ear Infection upper respiratory tract infections. mucosal disease of your ears, nose, or throat. enlarge structures in your ears, nose, or throat like your adenoids or turbinates. craniofacial (head/face) disorders that cause palatal muscle weakness like cleft palate.", "- Quick GuideEar Infection Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment. Middle ear infection definition and facts. Middle ear infections or inflammation (otitis media) are inflammation, usually caused by infection, of ear tissue including the ear drum and tissues behind it, but not the ear canal. It is the most common childhood condition for which antibiotics are prescribed. Signs and symptoms include: Fever.", "Key points to remember about ear infections Middle ear (otitis media) infections are very common in young children. They include: 1 Acute otitis media (AOM) is an inflammation caused by bacteria that travel to the middle ear from fluid trapped in the Eustachian tube. 2 Children with AOM exhibit signs of an ear infection including pain, fever, and tugging at the ear.OM may develop during or after a cold or the flu. 1 Middle ear infections are extremely common in children, but they are infrequent in adults. 2 In children, ear infections often recur, particularly if they first develop in early infancy.", "HESI Fundamentals Practice (5) Symptoms of an acute ear infection in older children or adults include: 1 Ear pain or earache. 2 Fullness in the ear. 3 Feeling of general illness. 4 Vomiting. Diarrhea. Hearing loss in the affected ear.", "Hearing Loss in Adults Some of the most important causes of hearing loss in adults are: 1 Middle ear disease — A bacterial infection of the middle ear can: injure the eardrum. disrupt the middle-ear bones. 2 Noise — Loud sounds can injure delicate cells within the ear. This is a form of sensorineural hearing loss.", "- The most common cause of ear symptoms in children is a middle ear infection (otitis media). In adults, ear symptoms can result from infection, inflammation, trauma, malignancy (skin cancer), other abnormal processes, and aging.Underlying conditions in another region of the body can lead to secondary or referred ear symptoms, such as disorders of the jaw joint (temporomandibular joint) and teeth.n adults, ear symptoms can result from infection, inflammation, trauma, malignancy (skin cancer), other abnormal processes, and aging. Underlying conditions in another region of the body can lead to secondary or referred ear symptoms, such as disorders of the jaw joint (temporomandibular joint) and teeth.", "Inner ear infection symptoms in adults This sign is a formidable sign of inner ear infection in adults, as it sends false signals to your brain. There are also some other symptoms of labyrinthitis. 1 Hearing loss in both ear or at least one year. 2 Uncontrollable movement of eye.", "Ear Infections: Symptoms and Treatment The viruses that are the most commonly the initial cause of ear infections include respiratory syncytial virus, adenovirus and cytomegalovirus. Swimmer's ear is an infection of the outer ear and ear canal due to bacteria growing in a wet, dark environment. Acute otitis media is the most common ear infection, according to the NIH. During AOM, the tube in the inside of the ear is clogged with mucus and fluid, leading to infection and swelling.", "Ear Infection An ear infection, also called a middle ear infection, is one of the most common conditions among children. They shouldn’t be ignored. Untreated ear infections can lead to unnecessary pain and permanent hearing loss for your child. An ear infection occurs in the middle ear and is caused by a bacterial or viral infection. It creates pressure in the small space between the eardrum and the back of the throat called the Eustachian tube. Smaller Eustachian tubes are more sensitive to pressure, which causes the ear pain.", "Inner Ear Infection Symptoms in Adults Inner Ear Infection Symptoms in Adults. Inner ear infections in adults are common and may lead to severe complications if not treated on time. And to begin any treatment, the first step is to identify the symptoms of the infection.", "Overview Ear infection (middle ear) Overview. An ear infection (acute otitis media) is most often a bacterial or viral infection that affects the middle ear, the air-filled space behind the eardrum that contains the tiny vibrating bones of the ear. Children are more likely than adults to get ear infections.", "Causes and Treatments of Ear Infections Untreated ear infections can spread and cause serious -- even life-threatening -- problems, such as a brain abscess or meningitis. Another rare but serious complication in young children is facial paralysis if the infection spreads to the facial nerve.n ear infection, also called otitis media, is specifically an infection of the middle ear -- the part that contains tiny bones that transmit sound from the eardrum to the inner ear.", "Ear infection - chronic When this happens, infection can occur. A chronic ear infection develops when fluid or an infection behind the eardrum does not go away. A chronic ear infection may be caused by: An acute ear infection that does not completely go away.", "What Causes Ear Pain? Conditions that Cause Outer Ear Pain. Otitis externa is the medical term for swimmer's ear. Swimmer's ear is an infection of the outer ear caused by contaminated water. It is common among swimmers but can also occur when the ears do not completely dry out after baths or showers.", "- An outer ear infection, called external otitis or otitis externa, is most often caused by a bacterial infection that invades the layer of skin lining the ear canal. Prompt treatment clears up most outer ear infections.", "Ear Infection What is an Ear Infection? Infection can affect the ear canal (otitis externa), the eardrum (myringitis), or the middle ear (otitis media). Most ear injuries are caused by pressure changes during direct injury (such as a blow to the ear) or sport scuba diving, but, a persistently painful ear may signal an infection that requires treatment.", "Understanding Ear Infections -- the Basics Understanding Ear Infections -- the Basics. An ear infection, or otitis media, is the most common cause of earaches. Although this condition is a frequent cause of infant distress and is often associated with children, it can also affect adults.", "Understanding Ear Infections -- the Basics Untreated, ear infections can lead to more serious complications, including mastoiditis (a rare inflammation of a bone adjacent to the ear), hearing loss, perforation of the eardrum, meningitis, facial nerve paralysis, and possibly -- in adults -- Meniere's disease. What Causes an Ear Infection? The middle ear is a small space behind the ear drum that is supposed to be well ventilated by air that normally passes up from behind the nose, through the Eustachian tube, keeping the middle ear ...", "Middle Ear Infection (Chronic Otitis Media) and Hearing Loss Children and adults can incur temporary hearing loss for other reasons than chronic middle ear infection and Eustachian tube dysfunction. They include: 1 Cerumen impaction (compressed earwax). 2 Otitis externa: Inflammation of the external auditory canal, also called swimmer's ear..", "Ear Infection Middle Ear Infections (Otitis Media) in Children. Acute Otitis Media (AOM). An inflammation in the middle ear is known as otitis media.. AOM is a middle ear infection caused by bacteria that has traveled to the middle ear from fluid build-up in the Eustachian tube. AOM may develop during or after a cold or the flu.", "Ear Infections: Symptoms and Treatment The viruses that are the most commonly the initial cause of ear infections include respiratory syncytial virus, adenovirus and cytomegalovirus. Swimmer's ear is an infection of the outer ear and ear canal due to bacteria growing in a wet, dark environment.igns and symptoms. The symptoms of the three different types of ear infections are quite similar. Common symptoms of AOM are earache and fever, hearing loss, headaches, drainage from the ear, pain in the ear, and a feeling of fullness in the ear, according to the American Academy of Family Physicians.", "Do You Have an Ear Infection Or Is It Really TMJ? Other common causes of ear pain are swimmer’s ear or excessive wax impaction which are disorders of the ear canal. Also, less common in adults is otitis media which is an infection of the middle ear. This is the same kind of ear infection that babies and young children often get.", "- 1 Bacteria cause most ear infections. 2 The most common types are Streptococcus pneumoniae (also called pneumococcus), Haemophilus influenzae, and Moraxella catarrhalis. 3 Viral infections.", "- Ear infections occur when one of your Eustachian tubes becomes swollen or blocked and fluid builds up in your middle ear. Eustachian tubes are small tubes that run from each ear directly to the back of the throat. The causes of Eustachian tube blockage include: 1 allergies. 2 colds. 3 sinus infections. 4 excess mucus. 5 tobacco smoking." ]
put yourself on child support in texas
[ "- 1 Non-Texas residents can apply for services with the Child Support Division of the Office of the Attorney General of Texas, provided there is a Texas child support order or one of the parties or child(ren) resides in Texas.eginning September 1, 2011, custodial parents will pay a $3 monthly fee in cases that receive registry-only payment processing and record-keeping services through the State Disbursement Unit (SDU) for each month in which a child support payment of more than $3 is received." ]
[ "What is the procedure to stop child support payments in Texas when the child becomes 18 years of age? Confidence votes 37. Child support ends in Texas when the child reaches age 18 or graduates from high school (so long as the child is a full-time student), whichever is later. Texas divorce and paternity decrees can be quite lengthy, but the decree should set out when child support ends.", "Recent Posts The State of Texas takes failing to pay child support very seriously; you can face several different types of penalties. These penalties include contempt, liens/foreclosures, suspension of licenses and child support liens.", "In Texas, How long will someone have to stay in jail for child support? 100 dollars a day is the going rate for jail sentences its more in some of the more over crowed jails look for him to do the 6 months texas does not play about child support. Source(s): paying child support in texas.Matt · 7 years ago.Thumbs up.00 dollars a day is the going rate for jail sentences its more in some of the more over crowed jails look for him to do the 6 months texas does not play about child support. Source(s): paying child support in texas.", "- The Adams County Child Support website is an easy way to access child support program information. A spouse, custodial parent, or a guardian can file for support from the other parent or spouse. To file a support action a complaint for support will need to be filed. The person that files the complaint for support is the Plaintiff.", "Frequently Asked Questions There are two ways to make child support payments online: 1 You can debit your bank account. This is a free service for Texas residents. You can pay with a credit card. There are fees associated with this service.", "Child Support â Texas The Texas Family Code does not define “needs of the child.” The term, however, includes more than just “bare necessities.” To justify child support in excess of the percentage guidelines, evidence of a child’s special needs are required. The Texas Supreme Court has had a difficult time with defining special needs.", "- If you have a Travis County court order and you are not receiving your child and/or medical support, and: The date on your original order is before 7/1/09 you can apply for Enforcement Services with Domestic Relations.", "Child Protective Services Texas Child Protective Services was hit with a rare if not unprecedented legal sanction for a groundless cause of action and ordered to pay $32,000 of the Spring family's attorney fees.", "Deadbeat parent In Texas non-custodial parents behind more than three months in child-support payments can have court-ordered payments deducted from their wages, can have federal income tax refund checks, lottery winnings, or other money that may be due from state or federal sources intercepted by child support enforcement agencies, can have licenses (including hunting and fishing licenses) suspended, and a judge may sentence a nonpaying parent to jail and enter a judgment for past due child support.", "Part 20. Penalty and Interest You must provide your CAUSE NUMBER, the name of the person who is ordered to pay child support, and the employer's name and address. Be sure to sign the request and include a cashier's check or money order (no personal checks accepted) in the amount of $20.00.", "Enforcement of Child Support: FAQ's The court ordered my ex-spouse to pay child support, but she won't pay. How do I apply enforcement of child support? The Child Support Enforcement Act of 1984 provides district attorneys to help you collect child support from an ex-spouse or parent who refuses to pay in accordance with a court order. Typically, the district attorney serves your ex-spouse or child's parent with papers.", "Child Support Enforcement - Cooperation Requirements Who Must Cooperate. Child support cooperation requirements apply to a custodial parent who receives AABD Cash, AABD Medical, TANF, Family Assist, Parent/KidCare Assist or KidCare Moms and Babies. This includes a minor custodial parent, or a stepparent who is included in the case with the legal parent.", "Texas Adoption In Texas, if the child is over 12 years of age, the child will be required to sign a consent to the adoption. You will file your step parent adoption documents in the court located in the county where you reside. If you are in the military, you have the option to file in your home-state of record.", "Child Support Liens in Texas Child Support Liens in Texas. In Texas, a lien may be placed against your property if you fail to adhere to your support obligations. If you're a parent in Texas and you're going through a divorce, or your relationship has ended, you should know that the courts are required to make sure your children receive enough financial support.", "Louisiana Child Support Enforcement Resource Center Louisiana Revised Statue 9:309(C)allows for child support to be paid for a child past the age of majority if the child is unmarried, a full time student in good standing in a secondary school, and dependent on either parent or if the child is a developmentally disabled support may be paid up to age 22 years of age. Being included on Louisiana's Delinquent Payors list, a publicly-available list of individuals who are under a legal obligation to pay child support, yet have not made a payment in the last six months.", "BUDGETING In Texas, child support payments are calculated through the application of the Texas Child Support Guidelines. These determine the paying parent's net resources (not the same as net income) and apply a formula for monthly payments based on the number of children to be supported.", "- If the parent paying child support has health insurance or other health coverage on a group plan available through an employer or organization, or can get health insurance at a reasonable cost that may be extended to cover your children, the court must order him or her to provide coverage for the children.", "Enforcement of Child Support: FAQ's Then have that state's courts impose enforcement of child support. Go to your ex's state and file an enforcement of child support request in a court there. Send the child support order to your ex's employer, and ask the employer to garnish the amounts from the ex's paychecks.", "Child Insurance Rules for Divorced Parents In Texas, the court considers the cost of insurance to be reasonable as long as the cost does not exceed 9 percent of the parent's gross income. The parent can deduct the cost of insurance from his or her income for purposes of calculating the base amount of child support.", "Texas Child Support Payment Frequently Asked Questions Yes. Texas law is clear that even if the other parent is denying you visitation, you are still required to pay your support and you can still be held in contempt for failure to pay. If you are being denied access to your children, you should pursue an enforcement action against the parent denying you access.", "Texas Child Support Laws If a non-custodial parent refuses to pay child support, then the custodial parent can file suite and have the law enforce those actions. Child Support Wage Garnishments. Unlike most states in America, Texas law requires all child support payments to be garnished from the non-custodial parent’s paycheck.hild support is determined by the non-custodial parent's net income and the number of children they have. For example, if the non-custodial parent has one child, 20% of his or her net income would be deducted.", "- Every state has the legal authority to take child support out of the parent's paycheck and to place liens on personal and real property (such as bank accounts, rental property, cars, or boats). In addition, state and federal laws make it a crime to willfully fail to pay support for a child living in another state.", "- A Texas court may order a parent to support his or her child until the child turns 18 years-old, graduates from high school (whichever occurs later), marries, dies, or is emancipated (declared an adult) by court order.If the child is disabled, the court may order a parent to financially support the child indefinitely. Texas court may order a parent to support his or her child until the child turns 18 years-old, graduates from high school (whichever occurs later), marries, dies, or is emancipated (declared an adult) by court order. If the child is disabled, the court may order a parent to financially support the child indefinitely.", "Texas Attorney General To apply for services, contact your local child support field office. You can check the address listings for these offices at: Texas Attorney General Offices. You can also call 1-800-252-8014 to receive an application by mail.", "General Information About Child Support and Non-Citizens You should contact the Child Support Division of your local county attorney's office. This office will help you get a child support order for the first time or get the other parent to pay the child support that he or she is supposed to pay. This office can also help you establish paternity. If you receive TANF or Medicaid, the prosecutor will help you free of charge. You can also hire a private attorney to help you get your child support. If the other parent is not following a court order to pay child support, that parent may be ordered to pay your attorney fees." ]
mushrooms health benefits
[ "- Mushrooms are a good source of B vitamins, including riboflavin, niacin, and pantothenic acid, which help to provide energy by breaking down proteins, fats and carbohydrates2. B vitamins also play an important role in the nervous system." ]
[ "8 Types of Mushrooms and Their Health Benefits Shiitake Can Fight Tumors-These flavorful, meaty mushrooms contain lentinan which is a natural anti-tumor compound. It has been developed by the Japanese into a beneficial anti-cancer treatment. In turn, it is an excellent source of vitamin D and fighting infection. Four to five ounces per day is recommended.hey are also high in vitamin C, D and potassium. Porcini for Anti-Inflammation-A meaty mushroom similar to the Portabello has been used as a successful anti-inflammatory. It contains the compound ergosterol which is capable of cytotoxicity which is the process of attacking enemy cells.", "Poria Mushroom In traditional medicine, poria mushroom filaments have been used for loss of memory (amnesia), anxiety, restlessness, fatigue, tension, nervousness, dizziness, urination problems, fluid retention, sleep problems (insomnia), an enlarged spleen, stomach problems, diarrhea, tumors, and to control coughing.", "Top 12 Foods for Healthy Immune Response And they are lower in sugar than many other fruits. Mushrooms Mushrooms strengthen your immune system because they are rich in protein, fiber, vitamin C, B vitamins, calcium, and other minerals. Mushrooms make up a large part of the fabric of the earth.", "- Mushrooms are a good source of B vitamins, including riboflavin, niacin, and pantothenic acid, which help to provide energy by breaking down proteins, fats and carbohydrates2.", "11 Interesting Mushroom Benefits There are approximately 140,000 species of mushroom-forming fungi in the world, but science is only familiar with about 10%, while only 100 species or so are being studied for their potential health benefits and medicinal applications. Health Benefits of Mushrooms. Health benefits of mushrooms are abundant and so let us discuss them in detail below. Lower Cholesterol. Mushrooms provide you with lean proteins since they have no cholesterol or fat and have very low carbohydrates. The fiber and ...", "5 Surprising Facts About Mushrooms They’re a good source of B vitamins. In mushrooms, you’ll find riboflavin, niacin, and pantothenic acid–all B vitamins essential for your nervous system. “The main role of B vitamins is help us turn calories into usable energy ,” Sass says.And certain B vitamins have their own special functions.hey’re a good source of B vitamins. In mushrooms, you’ll find riboflavin, niacin, and pantothenic acid–all B vitamins essential for your nervous system. “The main role of B vitamins is help us turn calories into usable energy ,” Sass says.", "Nutrition Mushrooms & Vitamins. 1 Vitamin D: Mushrooms are one of the few natural sources of vitamin D, which is essential for healthy bones and teeth. 2 Vitamin B1 - Thiamin: Thiamin controls the release of energy from carbohydrate, which is needed for the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system.n addition to being a healthy snack food, mushrooms are a great, low-calorie way to add flavour and texture to a variety of dishes, including pasta and stir-frys. With a high water content (over 90%) mushrooms can be cooked in their own juices, without the need for butter or oil.", "- In terms of nutrition they contain: 1 Protein - Most mushrooms have a high protein content, usually around 20-30% by dry weight. This can be useful for vegetarians or anyone looking to increase the protein content in their diet. 2 Fiber - Helps lower cholesterol and is important for the digestive system.", "5 Health Benefits of Mushrooms 5 Health Benefits of Mushrooms Whatever your favourite - crimini, enoki, oyster, portobello, shiitake or white button - all mushrooms are loaded with essential nutrients Margaret Nearing", "Mushrooms in cancer treatment Mushrooms are part of the fungus family. In some countries such as Japan, China and Korea particular types of mushroom form a large part of the diet. In recent years, there has been research into different types of mushroom and mushroom extracts or compounds.", "Mushroom Nutrition Facts Dried and canned mushrooms can also be found all year long. They are a low calorie, low carbohydrate food choice that can be used diversely in cooking. *Based on a 2,000 calorie diet. One cup of raw mushrooms contains only 15 calories and 2.3 grams of carbohydrate, making it a low calorie, low carbohydrate food choice. Mushrooms are also a good source of fiber, particularly the soluble fiber, beta-glucan.", "- Studies show reishi mushrooms benefit people stricken with a variety of ailments, from high blood pressure to AIDS. Thursday, January 25, 2007 by: Dani Veracity. Tags: reishi mushrooms, reishi, medicinal mushrooms. Most Viewed Articles.", "Portobello Mushroom Benefits Portobello Mushroom Benefits. Use these meaty mushrooms to provide flavor and texture to dishes. Photo Credit Brand X Pictures/Stockbyte/Getty Images. Portobello mushrooms are mature cremini mushrooms that have an intense flavor and a meaty texture.These mushrooms provide a number of essential nutrients but don't contain many calories, making them a nutritious addition to any diet.ortobello mushrooms are mature cremini mushrooms that have an intense flavor and a meaty texture. These mushrooms provide a number of essential nutrients but don't contain many calories, making them a nutritious addition to any diet.", "How Many Calories in a Mushroom Mushroom has a good nutritional value. 1 oz of mushroom has 0.5 grams of proteins, 0.1 grams of carbohydrates, 0.1 grams of Fat and 0.3 grams of Fibre. It also contains various anti-oxidants, minerals and vitamins.", "Mushrooms, Fungi & Medicine Like to learn more? E-mail Gourmet & Mushroom Products Mushrooms, Fungi & Medicine The Mushroom's legendary effects on promoting good health have been supported by recent scientific studies.", "Are Mushrooms a SuperFood? Mushrooms are not technically plants and therefore officially do not contain phytonutrients (plant nutrients.) However, the benefits of mushrooms are huge. They have a great deal of nutritional value, are full of micronutrients, and we do consider them among the SuperFoods.Mushrooms are low in carbohydrates and high in fiber. They are a good source of B-vitamins (riboflavin, pantothenic acid, and niacin), iron, and selenium.rgothioneine is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory which mushrooms have in very high concentrations. Cooking actually releases this powerful nutrient from the mushroom cells. Mushrooms also have high levels of polyphenols that give them a higher antioxidant level than green pepper and zucchini.", "SHIITAKE MUSHROOM Shiitake mushroom is a fungus. An extract made from this mushroom is used as medicine. Shiitake mushroom is used for boosting the immune system, lowering blood cholesterol levels, treating prostate cancer, and as an anti-aging agent. Shiitake mushroom is also eaten as food. How does it work? Shiitake mushroom contains chemicals that might help lower cholesterol levels.", "Mushrooms: What's Edible, Medicinal, and Psychedelic Weil is less enthusiastic about white, or button, mushrooms, a species of mushroom that also includes Portobellos and criminis. “Button mushrooms do possess some health benefits, but not the general health benefits found in Asian mushrooms,” Weil says. Weil also says that these commonly available mushrooms contain natural substances called agaritines, which studies show may increase the risk of tumors in animals.", "- Many mushrooms are also good sources of selenium, an antioxidant mineral, as well as copper, niacin, potassium and phosphorous. Additionally, mushrooms provide protein, vitamin C and iron. Because their cells walls are undigestible unless exposed to heat, you must cook mushrooms to get their nutritional benefits.ushrooms provide a wealth of potential health benefits. In ancient Egypt mushrooms were reserved for royalty, and ancient Romans thought mushrooms conferred strength to warriors, according to the Oregon State University Extension Service.", "- Once you finish the TeenDrivingCourse.com online driver training or driver education or driver’s ed course, you must take a final test that will cover the same rules of the road, learner’s permit, safe driving and driver’s license lesson materials that you studied in the internet driver’s ed course.", "Shiitake Mushroom Nutrition Mushrooms are nutritious and low in calories: They are a good source of B vitamins, especially niacin and riboflavin, and rank the highest among vegetables for protein content.", "Psilocybin mushroom Psilocybin mushrooms, also known as psychedelic mushrooms, are mushrooms that contain the psychedelic compounds psilocybin and psilocin. Common colloquial terms include magic mushrooms and 'shrooms.s with many psychedelic substances, the effects of psychedelic mushrooms are subjective and can vary considerably among individual users. The mind-altering effects of psilocybin-containing mushrooms typically last from three to eight hours depending on dosage, preparation method, and personal metabolism.", "- Mushrooms provide a wealth of potential health benefits. In ancient Egypt mushrooms were reserved for royalty, and ancient Romans thought mushrooms conferred strength to warriors, according to the Oregon State University Extension Service.Of the 300 edible species, 10 are currently grown commercially.ancer Prevention. White button mushrooms, such as crimini, commonly found in grocery stores and salad bars, help remove excess estrogen from circulation, making them helpful for preventing breast cancer.", "Chaga Researchers were enthusiastic about the results and concluded that the Chaga mushroom may offer a new treatment option to people with cancer. [3] For people with cancer, this means a possible treatment option without all of the negative side effects of chemotherapy or the long recovery times associated with surgery.", "What Are the Benefits of Shiitake Mushrooms? Calories, Protein and Fiber. Shiitake mushrooms can be a beneficial addition to your diet if you are trying to lose weight or avoid gaining weight. A serving of four raw shiitake mushrooms has only 26 calories and less than a gram of fat." ]
what happens in a wrist sprain
[ "How to Look After a Sprained Wrist A sprained wrist is an injury to the ligaments that connect the small bones of the wrist (called carpal bones) together. The most common ligament injured in the wrist is the scapho-lunate ligament, which connects the scaphoid bone to the lunate bone." ]
[ "- Wrist Sprains. A sprain is an injury to a ligament. Ligaments are the connective tissues that connect bones to bones; they could be thought of as tape that holds the bones together at a joint (see Figure 1). The most common ligament to be injured in the wrist is the scapho-lunate ligament (see Figure 2).", "- Wrist sprains can range from mild to severe. They are graded, depending on the degree of injury to the ligaments. Grade 1. These mild sprains occur when the ligaments are stretched, but not torn.", "- must have a high index of suspicion assume there is a fracture if there is tenderness in the anatomical snuff box. commonly misdiagnosed as wrist sprain. Epidemiology mechanism fall on hand. incidence accounts for up to 15% of acute wrist injuries.", "Wrist Injury Wrist supports: A cast or splint may be put on your fingers, hand, and wrist to support your wrist and prevent further damage. Ask for more information about wearing casts and splints. NSAIDs: These medicines decrease swelling and pain.", "Sprained Wrist Sprained wrist symptoms. Symptoms of a wrist sprain vary depending on the extent of the injury and the location of the sprain. Sudden pain in the wrist will be felt at the time of injury and in more severe wrist sprains a tearing or popping feeling may be felt.", "Wrist Strain Strains and sprains. Technically a strain is an injury to a muscle or tendon and is usually a small tear. Many people refer to any minor pain in the wrist as a strain, despite most cases being either ligament or tendon injuries. Injury to a ligament which joins bone to bone should be referred to as a sprain.rist strain symptoms. Symptoms of a wrist strain include pain in the wrist which may develope gradually or suddenly. There may be a specific area which feels tender to touch and swelling may develop.", "Broken wrist Broken wrist. A broken wrist is usually due to a fall, sports injury or other accident, and will be very painful and tender with swelling. Broken wrists are also known as a Colles' fracture or a distal radius fracture. A broken wrist is a break in the larger of the two bones in your forearm.", "Wrist Sprain A sprain in the wrist is an injury to its ligaments, the tough bands of fibrous tissue that connect bones to one another inside a joint. Although most people… Skip to content", "Description The most common symptoms of a wrist sprain include: 1 Swelling in the wrist. 2 Pain at the time of the injury. 3 Persistent pain when you move your wrist. Bruising or discoloration of the skin around the 1 wrist. Tenderness at the injury site. A feeling of popping or tearing inside the 1 wrist. A warm or feverish feeling to the skin around the wrist.", "Wrist Strain A wrist strain, is an injury to the muscles or tendons of the wrist in which the fibers tear as the result of being stretched beyond capacity, and are often the result of acute or direct injury but may be the consequence of repetitive motion.Wrist Strain Categories. Inflammation of the tendon sheath. • Calcification of the tendon or muscle (visible on X-ray) – this is common in chronic wrist strain. Your doctor will perform a physical exam of the area to determine if your wrist is strained, and they may order X-rays to help them better diagnose and treat your injuries.", "- The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Wrist injury includes the 8 symptoms listed below: 1 Wrist pain. 2 Wrist swelling. 3 Wrist lump. 4 Decreased mobility. 5 Referred pain. 6 Fever. 7 Muscular cramps. 8 Arthralgia. 9 more information...».", "Wrist Sprain A sprain in the wrist is an injury to its ligaments, the tough bands of fibrous tissue that connect bones to one another inside a joint. Although most people speak of the wrist as a single joint between the forearm and hand, the wrist actually contains many joints that link 15 separate bones.", "Description 1 Swelling in the wrist. 2 Pain at the time of the injury. 3 Persistent pain when you move your wrist. 4 Bruising or discoloration of the skin around the wrist. 5 Tenderness at the injury site. 6 A feeling of popping or tearing inside the wrist. A warm or feverish feeling to the skin around the wrist.", "Colles' Fracture (Distal Radius Fracture or Broken Wrist) In the United States, one out of every 10 broken bones is a broken wrist. So how does someone get a broken wrist? Usually, these injuries result from falling onto an outstretched arm or getting hit on the wrist. Broken wrists are common in people who play contact sports, as well as skiers, inline skaters, and bikers.", "Wrist Sprain What Is It? A sprain in the wrist is an injury to its ligaments, the tough bands of fibrous tissue that connect bones to one another inside a joint. Although most people speak of the wrist as a single joint between the forearm and hand, the wrist actually contains many joints that link 15 separate bones.", "Wrist Sprain In a mild wrist sprain, your wrist may be slightly swollen and tender, and you probably will feel some mild pain when you move it. In more severe sprains, swelling can change the shape of your wrist, and you may have some bruising (a black-and-blue skin discoloration).", "Description A wrist sprain is a common injury. There are many ligaments in the wrist that can be stretched or torn, resulting in a sprain. This occurs when the wrist is bent forcefully, such as in a fall onto an outstretched hand.", "How to Heal a Sprained Wrist Quickly How to Heal a Sprained Wrist Quickly. Rest and immobilize your wrist for faster healing. A sprained wrist is a common fall-related injury, since you instinctively extend your hand and often land with your weight on your wrist. If you're an athlete, a sprained wrist can put a major wrench in your plans when you're taken out of the game for a few weeks.", "- Wrist Tendonitis. Tendonitis is a common problem that can cause wrist pain and swelling. Wrist tendonitis is due to inflammation of the tendon sheath. Treatment of wrist pain caused by tendonitis usually does not require surgery. Wrist Sprains. Wrist sprains are common injuries to the ligaments around the wrist joint.", "WRIST LIGAMENT INJURY WRIST LIGAMENT INJURY. What is wrist ligament injury? The wrist is by far the most complex joint of the body. It is made up of a platform of 2 bones the ends of the radius and ulna bones. On this bony platform sit a complex arrangement of another 7 bones linked by multiple ligaments between each bone and across several bones at a time both on the back and the front of the wrist.", "Wrist Pain In Golfers â Symptoms, Treatment, And Prevention Tendon injury. By far, the most common wrist injury is tendonitis. There are two main groups of tendons in your wrist. One group on the back side of the wrist extends or straightens the wrist and fingers. The other set, on the palm side, flexes (or bends) the wrist and fingers. Injury and pain on the back side (extensor side) are more common.", "Common Causes of Wrist Pain Wrist Sprains. A wrist sprain is the most common cause of pain after an injury such as a fall onto the hand. When a wrist sprain injury occurs, the ligaments of the wrist are stretched beyond their normal limits. A ligament is tough, fibrous tissue that controls the motion around a joint. The ligaments around the wrist joint help to stabilize the position of the hand and allow controlled motions.", "What Are the Causes of Wrist and Ankle Pain? The primary cause of injuries to ankles and wrists is injury. Injuries may come in many forms. The most usual method of injury in the wrist is the occurrence of a sudden impact on it. It happens when a person falls forward onto his overextended hand and ankle. This condition may cause strains, fractures, and sprains.", "Frequently Asked Questions about ACLS and ACLS Certification ACLS certification is recommended for medical professionals that respond to cardiovascular emergencies. This could be EMTs, paramedics, firefighters, respiratory therapists, nurses, and doctors.", "- Mild wrist sprains can usually be treated at home with the RICE protocol. 1 R Rest the joint for at least 48 hours. 2 I Ice the injury to reduce swelling. 3 C Compress the swelling with an elastic bandage. E Elevate the injury above the level of the heart." ]
example of culture &sensitivity results
[ "Culture and Sensitivity Test (The Clinical Requisition) Culture and Sensitivity – “C & S”. Culture: You send a specimen to the lab and the labs job is to tell you what the organism is, a definitive ID based on gram stain, morphology and biochemical profile. Susceptibility: The lab also gives you the info on the antibiotic susceptibilities to know how to treat it." ]
[ "- Episiotomy Cultural Sensitivity and Awareness in the Delivery of Health Care. Green Journal Info Cultural Sensitivity and Awareness in the Delivery of Health Care. Guidelines for Perinatal Care Cultural Sensitivity and Awareness in the Delivery of Health Care. Guidelines for Women's Health Care Cultural Sensitivity and Awareness in the Delivery of Health Care. ABSTRACT: Communication with patients can be improved and patient care enhanced if health care providers can bridge the divide between the culture of medicine and the beliefs and practices that make up patients' value systems.", "Sensitivity and specificity A positive result in a test with high specificity is useful for ruling in disease. The test rarely gives positive results in healthy patients. A test with 100% specificity will read negative, and accurately exclude disease from all healthy patients.", "- The food sensitivity testing also known as a Food Intolerance Test and Food Allergy Test is used to determine which foods, beverages and personal hygiene products are not compatible with your body. The results from the Food Sensitivity Test maybe the missing link to your underlying health issues.io-Co Food Sensitivity Testing tests your compatibility to 500 foods and beverages. Unfortunately it is not possible to test for every item available in supermarkets but the list of 500+ items provides a good cross section of different food groups and brands that are available and suit most people.", "Examples of Antibiotic Sensitivity Testing Methods On this agar plate, a bacterial isolate is tested for resistance to each of twelve different antibiotics. The clear zones around each disc are the zones of inhibition that indicate the extent of the test organism’s inability to survive in the presence of the test antibiotic. (A)The disk shows a large zone of inhibition; whereas (B) shows no zone of inhibition, indicating resistance of the isolate to the test antibiotic", "- Ideally, a test should have high sensitivity and high specificity. tradeoffs in terms of sensitivity and specificity. sensitivity, but this sometimes results in low specificity. negatives. who is disease free. . test involving a large population. actually has the disease.", "Sensitivity and specificity Sensitivity and specificity - Medical examples. 1 In medical diagnosis, test sensitivity is the ability of a test to correctly identify those with the disease (true positive rate), whereas test specificity is the ability of the test to correctly identify those without the disease (true negative rate).", "Media Fill 3P ® Innovative Solutions. Benefitting from a strong experience in sterility testing, we have developed revolutionary culture media to improve our MFT, available with either vegetable or animal peptones. One of the three dehydrated culture media we offer contains a unique color indicator, changing from pink to yellow in case of contamination.", "Sensitivity and specificity If 100 with no disease are tested and 96 return a negative result, then the test has 96% specificity. Sensitivity and specificity are prevalence-independent test characteristics, as their values are intrinsic to the test and do not depend on the disease prevalence in the population of interest.", "Real-Time PCR Can Rapidly Detect Methicillin-Susceptible and Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Directly From Positive Blood Culture Bottles Incorporating the real-time PCR test into the blood culture workup involved incorporation of the results into the microbiology culture report (Table 2). From July 2003 through March 2005, a total of 332 positive blood culture bottles with gram-positive cocci in clusters were tested.", "- Positive results of LE and NT are often used as a reflex to a urine culture (both in the presence and absence of clinical symptoms of UTI) or, in some cases, even to initiate empiric treatment while the culture results are pending.", "- 229 C.R.P. 120 102 230 C.R.P Quantative 200 170 231 ASO Titer 143 122 232 Quantitative H.C.G. 80 68 233 Blood culture & sensitivity‐ manual 160 136 234 Blood culture & sensitivity‐automated 300 255 235 Vibro cholera culture 300 255 236 Rapid Blood Culture.", "Urine culture If a culture is positive, susceptibility testing is typically performed to guide antimicrobial treatment. Any bacterial infection may be serious and can spread to other areas of the body if not treated. Pain is often the first indicator of an infection.", "Diagnosis of Vaginitis Ferris and colleagues (1995) reported the results of a study that compared the performance of routine primary care physician-performed office laboratory diagnostic techniques for women with abnormal vaginal symptoms to the results obtained by a DNA probe test for Trichomonas vaginalis, Gardnerella vaginalis, and Candida species (Affirm VIP III).", "Urine Culture And Sensitivity What is it? A urine culture is a method to grow and identify bacteria (bak-teer-e-uh) that may be in your urine. Bacteria are germs that cause infections. The sensitivity test helps caregivers pick the best medicine to treat your infection (in-fek-shun).", "- Consequently, a string like 20/01/2008 will parse to January 20th, 2008 in France, and then throw an InvalidFormatException in the US. To determine your current culture settings, you can use System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture. See the example below for a simple example of converting a string to dateTime.onsequently, a string like 20/01/2008 will parse to January 20th, 2008 in France, and then throw an InvalidFormatException in the US. To determine your current culture settings, you can use System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture. See the example below for a simple example of converting a string to dateTime.", "Cultural Sensitivity Cultural Sensitivity. Understanding the concept of cultural sensitivity is a must for people of all age groups and regions. Let us know more about the cultural sensitivity skills in this article. Cultural sensitivity is a very important topic which needs to be discussed so that people understand its meaning and applications well. When we talk of cultural sensitivity, we assume that there will always be some similarities and differences of cultures of different people.", "American Society for Microbiology Journal of Clinical Microbiology Real-time PCR with species-specific probes detected one plasmid copy of P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. malariae, and P. ovale specifically. The same sensitivity was achieved for all species with real-time PCR with the 18S screening probe.Ninety-seven blood samples were investigated.everal reports have shown that the DNA-based amplification methods had higher sensitivity (as few as 1 parasite/μl of blood) than examination of thin blood smears, especially in cases of low parasitemia or mixed infections (3, 4, 23) and that they have the ability to differentiate Plasmodium species (31-33,35-37).", "Total Volatile Organic Compound Measurement VOCs with an Ionization Potential (IP) less than the eV of the lamp will be detected by photoionization. The most common lamp is the 10.6 eV, although a 9.6 eV can also be used for increased selectivity. The ratio between the sensitivity of Isobutylene to that of a target compound is called a Response Factor (RF). For example, the piD-TECH plus® sensor has a typical sensitivity of 1mV/ppm for Isobutylene and 2mV/ppm for Benzene.", "Urine Culture Reference Range. Interpretation. A positive urine culture is based on the growth of bacteria at a high number of colony forming units (CFUs). Urine culture results should be interpreted in conjunction with clinical symptoms of urinary tract infection (UTI), such as dysuria, urinary frequency, suprapubic pain, flank pain, and fever.", "- 1 Doctors rely on sensitivity analysis to help treat bacterial infections. The test helps your doctor figure out what treatment is needed to kill the bacteria. It also helps them to see if the bacteria are resistant to certain drugs.", "MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS 1 Testing whether the sub-culture fits the strategies set out for the future. For example, if a culture is strongly normative, a strategy for competing on customer service does not have a chance to succeed. Identifying the potential areas of culture conflict between partners, in case of mergers or joint-venture.", "- Genital culture, Cervical/Vaginal culture, Urethral/Penile culture, Chancroid culture, Haemophilus ducreyi culture. Test Includes. Culture, including isolation and identification of organisms (additional charges/CPT code[s] may apply), susceptibility testing as warranted (additional charges and CPT code[s] will be applied).", "- November 27, 2013 By Recsurf. So you are thinking of building a tennis court? First thing you should consider is how much land do you have. The minimum size for a tennis court is 15 x 30 metres this will give you two metres from the double side line to the fence and three metres from the back line to the fence.", "- A culture is a sample of tissue or fluid taken from the body that can be evaluated in the laboratory to detect and identify infections, as well as determine sensitivity to antibiotics. Cultures are obtained to assist the provider in determining the type of infection and in directing the antibiotic choice.kin and Wound Culture. Skin and/or wound cultures are taken and used to detect and identify germs (such as a bacteria, fungus, or virus) that may be growing on or within the tissue and skin. These samples help find the cause of an infection in a sore, burn, or surgical wound.", "Abstracts and Case Studies From the College of American Pathologists 2014 Annual Meeting (CAP '14) [ 23 ]. Benitz et al. [ 23 ] found that the sensitivity in the diagnosis of culture proven early onset sepsis increased from 35% at the initial sepsis work-up to 79% and 89% when CRP determination was performed on the two following days. In a large series of 689 neonates (187 with sepsis) Pourcyrous et al." ]
what are rhetorical topics
[ "Rhetoric of health and medicine The rhetoric of mental health considers how language functions in the production of knowledge on topics such as mental and psychological disorders, chemical imbalances in the brain, and variations on what are considered normal mental faculties." ]
[ "Rhetorical question Rhetorical question. A rhetorical question is a figure of speech in the form of a question that is asked to make a point rather than to elicit an answer. Though a rhetorical question does not require a direct answer, in many cases it may be intended to start a discussion or at least draw an acknowledgement that the listener understands the intended message.", "Rhetoric of health and medicine Rhetoric of health and medicine. The rhetoric of health and medicine is an academic discipline concerning language and symbols in health and medicine. Rhetoric most commonly refers to the persuasive element in human interactions and is often best studied in the specific situations in which it occurs. The rhetoric of health and medicine specifically creates, analyzes, and criticizes how messages are delivered and structured in medicine- and health-related contexts.", "Rhetoric Rhetoric is a technique of using language effectively and persuasively in spoken or written form. It is an art of discourse, which studies and employs various methods to convince, influence or please an audience.", "rhetoric 'Rhetoric' is a relatively unique term in that it functions simultaneously as a term of abuse in ordinary language ('mere rhetoric'), as a conceptual system ('Aristotle's Rhetoric'), as a distinct stance toward discourse production ('the rhetorical tradition'), and as a characteristic set of arguments ('Reagan's rhetoric')..", "Aristotle's Rhetorical Situation Rhetorical Concepts. Many people have heard of the rhetorical concepts of logos, ethos, and pathos even if they do not necessarily know what they fully mean. These three terms, along with kairos and telos, were used by Aristotle to help explain how rhetoric functions.", "- Rhetorical Question. Rhetorical Question Definition. A rhetorical question is asked just for effect or to lay emphasis on some point discussed when no real answer is expected. A rhetorical question may have an obvious answer but the questioner asks rhetorical questions to lay emphasis to the point.", "- RHETORICAL STRATEGIES: ANY DEVICE USED TO ANALYZE THE INTERPLAY BETWEEN A WRITER/SPEAKER, A SPECIFIC AUDIENCE, AND A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 1. Abstract diction: (compare to concrete diction) Abstract diction refers to words that describe concepts", "What is Rhetoric? Generally speaking, the rhetorical situation can be understood as the circumstances under which the rhetor writes or speaks, including: The nature and disposition of the audience, The exigence that impels the writer to enter the conversation, The writer’s goal or purpose, Whatever else has already been said on the subject, and", "The Five Elements of a Rhetorical Situation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation The Five Elements of a Rhetorical Situation. Five Elements. Author Audience Purpose Topic Occasion To help you remember this, just think: AAPTO. Topics of Discussion. Writers will pursue different motives: they emphasize certain elements of the rhetorical situation over others.", "RHETORIC Study of the technique and rules for using language effectively (especially in public speaking). Classified under: Nouns denoting cognitive processes and contents. Hypernyms (rhetoric is a kind of...): literary study (the humanistic study of literature).", "Constraints 1 A rhetorical situation creates a call for change (an exigence), but that change can be brought about only through the use of language, whether visual, written, or spoken text. 2 For instance, by asking a question, your instructor creates a call for change in the classroom.", "Rhetorical device Logos is the use of logical ideas to appeal to the audience. Pathos is an appeal to the audience's emotions. Ethos describes the guiding tenets that characterize a community, nation, or ideology; it may also appeal to the author's credibility.", "Elements of Rhetorical Situations The Rhetorical Situation. This presentation is designed to introduce your students to a variety of factors that contribute to strong, well-organized writing. This presentation is suitable for the beginning of a composition course or the assignment of a writing project in any class.", "- Instructors may ask you to consider the concepts. of “logos,” “ethos,” “pathos,” and “kairos” (all Ancient Greek rhetoric terms) to. breakdown the rhetorical situation. This handout offers you a definition and. explanation of each concept and concludes by giving you a few suggestions as to how. you may conduct your analysis using these terms.", "Rhetorical Question in Literature: Definition, Effect & Examples These questions are rhetorical because their answers are obvious (presumably to everyone), and also because the dramatic effect they have to make the audience think about the nature of his suffering and injustice.", "What Are the Different Types of Rhetorical Strategies? In general, rhetoric is the art of persuading another person to do something or to have a particular opinion. There are a number of tactics, or rhetorical strategies, that can be used to aid in persuasion. The most famous of these are Aristotle's three types of appeals — logos, ethos and pathos. Mastering techniques for using these strategies can help writers and speakers frame their rhetoric in ways that will be most persuasive to their audiences.", "Rhetorical Triangle Definition Transcript of Rhetorical Triangle Definition. Rhetorical Triangle. Rhetorical Triangle Definition. Aristotle taught that a speaker's ability to persuade an audience is based on how well the speaker appeals to that audience in three different areas: logos, ethos, and pathos. Considered together, these appeals form what later rhetoricians have called the rhetorical triangle..", "Rhetorical Situations Writing instructors and many other professionals who study language use the phrase “rhetorical situation.” This term refers to any set of circumstances that involves at least one person using some sort of communication to modify the perspective of at least one other person.", "- Controversial essay topics are often the subject of your research assignments. These carefully selected topics will help you with your essay. 1 Abortion. 2 Adoption. 3 Advertising Ethics. 4 AIDS reappraisal. 5 Alternative medicine. 6 America's prisons.", "Rhetoric and Composition/Rhetorical Analysis Overview of Rhetorical Analysis a rhetorical analysis refers to the process of analyzing a text, given source or artifact. The text, source, or artifact may be in written form or in some different sort of communication. The goal of a rhetorical analysis is to take into consideration the purpose, audience, genre, stance, and media/design of the given rhetorical situation.", "Rhetoric Modern rhetorical criticism explores the relationship between text and context; that is, how an instance of rhetoric relates to circumstances. Since the aim of rhetoric is to be persuasive, the level to which the rhetoric in question persuades its audience is what must be analyzed, and later criticized.", "Rhetorical Analysis Definition. The focused criterion of rhetorical analysis is to read an article keeping in mind the impacts that it produces on the audience. Hence it is the kind of analysis which calls for understanding and representing the views of the masses.", "Stasis 1 Stasis (rhetoric) , represents a stand or a mode of proceeding in a given argument. 2 It consists of a four-part invention process which investigates facts (conjecture), definition, quality (right or wrong) and policy (plan of action) in a given argument.", "What is Rhetoric? Rhetoric is defined by its function, not by a communication medium, topic, or social location. 1 Rhetoric is not limited to writing and speech, but occurs through all media and genres. 2 Rhetoric is not restricted to politics and public discourse, but is potentially an aspect of communication on every topic and every social situation.", "- Stasis names a procedure within rhetorical invention by which one would ask certain questions in order to arrive at the point at issue in the debate, the stasis.. Four such basic kinds of conflict were categorized by the Greeks and Romans: conjectural, definitional, qualitative, and translative." ]
mode of acquisition
[ "International Law: Modes of Acquiring Territory Accretion also abounds as another mode of acquiring a territory under the traditional international law. Notably, accretion involves the effect of natural forces such as volcanism. For instance, in cases where natural activities such as volcanism takes place and volcanic islands emerge in a state’s territorial waters, it would have the right to acquire territory." ]
[ "What is an 'Acquisition' Acquisitions can be either friendly or hostile. Friendly acquisitions occur when the target firm expresses its agreement to be acquired. Hostile acquisitions don't have the same agreement from the target firm, and the acquiring firm must actively purchase large stakes of the target company to gain a majority.", "- The Acquisition Strategy should describe what the basic contract buys; how the items are defined; options, if any, and prerequisites for exercising them; and the events established in the contract to support appropriate exit criteria for the phase or immediate development activity.", "- Acquisition Domain: Vision & Mission. The Department of Defense will be managed in. an efficient, business-like manner in which. relevant, reliable and timely management. information is available on a routine basis to. support informed decision-making at all levels. throughout the Department.", "- If you are using Port Aggregation Protocol (PAgP) for EtherChannel negotiation, EtherChannel will be formed only if two ends are configured under folowing modes. Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) Active Mode: Active Mode in Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) initiates the negotiation and tries to form EtherChannel with other end.", "Aggressive Mode - VPN and IPSec tutorial Aggressive Mode. For a successful and secure communication using IPSec, the IKE (Internet Key Exchange) protocols takes part in a two step negotiation. Main mode or Aggressive mode (Phase 1) authenticates and/or encrypts the peers.", "- The objective is to optimize acquisition processes to support end-. to-end contingency business processes while making accurate, current, and. complete information available to operational forces, procurement and finance. officials, and senior leaders.", "Modes of acquisition of property Salmond defined four modes of acquiring property. They are Possession Possession of a material object on which the title to the ownership of it exists in a person. In general, the first possessor of it will acquire a valid and good title over the object against the world. Prescription", "Acquisitions Main Acquisition Process. Acquisition Process Overview. The Department of Defense (DoD) Acquisition Process is one of three (3) procurement processes that make up the Defense Acquisition System and is implemented by DoD Instruction 5000.02 “Operation of the Defense Acquisition System”.", "Using the Modes in Assessment Using the Modes in Assessment. To maximize learning, the three modes of communication must be considered as three parts of a single goal: communication. Keep the visual images of the NAEP and the Wisconsin model in mind.", "BPPM Methods of Solicitation and Selection (2) In this chapter, the term major defense acquisition program does not include an acquisition program or project that is carried out using the rapid fielding or rapid prototyping acquisition pathway under section 804 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 (Public Law 114–92; 10 U.S.C. 2302 note).", "- Twentyfunctional knowledge gateways, one for each of the defense acquisition career fields. Encyclopedic source of acquisition policy that follows a hierarchy of policy issuance (i.e., executive, legislative, federal, etc.) and filtered according to organization, career field, and special topics.", "- Acquisition Strategy (AS) [Suggest Change] Acquisition Strategy (AS) Describes the Program Manger’s plan to achieve program execution and programmatic goals across the entire program life cycle. Summarizes the overall approach to acquiring the capability (to include the program schedule, structure, risks, funding, and the business strategy).", "DEFINITION of 'Cost Of Acquisition' Cost Of Acquisition. A business sales term referring to the expense required to attain a customer or a sale. In setting a marketing and sales strategy, a company must decide what the maximum cost of acquisition will be, which effectively determines the highest amount the company is willing to spend to attain each customer.", "acquisition Definition of acquisition for Students. 1 1 : the act of gaining especially through effort the acquisition of knowledge. 2 2 : something gained especially through effort The museum's new acquisitions.", "Federal Acquisition Regulation The FAR System governs the acquisition process by which executive agencies of the United States federal government acquire (i.e., purchase or lease) goods and services by contract with appropriated funds. The process consists of three phases: 1 Need recognition and acquisition planning; Contract formation; and.", "Skip to main content About Us Contact Us FAQs Language AssistanceU.S. Department of EducationStudent Loans Grants Laws Data The SPE has responsibility for providing acquisition leadership and management of the Department’s acquisition system. Specifically, the SPE provides management direction for implementation of procurement policies, regulations, and standards for the entire Department.", "Acquisition ProcessAcquisition Strategy The Acquisition Strategy is a comprehensive plan that identifies and describes the acquisition approach that Program Management will follow to manage program risks and meet program objectives.", "- This Statement replaces FASB Statement No. 141, Business Combinations. This. Statement retains the fundamental requirements in Statement 141 that the acquisition. method of accounting (which Statement 141 called the purchase method) be used for.", "DCAA Compliance FAQâs From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) is the principal set of rules in the Federal Acquisition Regulation System. The FAR System governs the acquisition process by which the United States federal government purchases (acquires) goods and services.", "Contents Mode S is a Secondary Surveillance Radar process that allows selective interrogation of aircraft according to the unique 24-bit address assigned to each aircraft. Recent developments have enhanced the value of Mode S by introducing Mode S EHS (Enhanced Surveillance).", "- Network Security. Modes of Operation. •Direct use of a block cipher is inadvisable. •Enemy can build up “code book” of plaintext/ciphertext equivalents. •Beyond that, direct use only works on messages that are a multiple of. the cipher block size in length. •Solution: five standard Modes of Operation: Electronic Code Book.", "Acquisition ProcessMajor Automated Information System (MAIS) Economic Analysis (EA). An EA is normally associated with MAIS acquisition programs. DoD Instruction 5000.02, Enclosure 4, Table 2-1, requires that an Economic Analysis be performed in support of the Milestone A, Milestone B, and Full-Rate Production Decision (FRPD) (or equivalent) reviews for MAIS.", "Simplified Acquisition Procedures The purpose of simplified acquisition procedures is to: 1 Reduce administrative costs; 2 Improve opportunities for small, small disadvantaged, women-owned, veteran-owned, HUBZone, and service-disabled veteran-owned small business concerns to obtain a fair proportion of Government contracts;", "- The control system may be combined with a data acquisition system by adding the use of coded signals over communication channels to acquire information about the status of the remote equipment for display or for recording functions.ata acquisition begins at the RTU or PLC level and includes meter readings and equipment status reports that are communicated to SCADA as required. Data is then compiled and formatted in such a way that a control room operator using the HMI can make supervisory decisions to adjust or override normal RTU (PLC) controls.", "- Procurement Operating Principles. Objective. The Objective of the BSA Acquisition Management System (AMS) is to provide customers with quality products and services in a timely manner at the lowest cost of ownership, i.e., best value." ]
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