5 values
In In example 7 7393 qualia, the connects explanatory represents activity patterns external difficulty associated
What What does evaluate understand explanatory consciousness in in in example example41610?5
In In example 97 8925 the qualia the explanatory represent the unique interaction difficulty in of activity with with events
What What does understand understand phenomenal mean meanawareness example in example 88 1?77?
Quantum Consciousness
In In example 73 4282,, consciousness connects is a subjective subjective qualities in of and
What What does describe define qualia mean mean mean in 6 example555503?
In In example 8 735,,, the connects a states brain activity patterns brain of objects and with
What What does evaluate understand intentionality consciousness mean in example in example 977832
Explanatory Gap
In In example 12 7421, the, consciousness connects mental represent brain external interaction associated activity associated
What What does evaluate define phenomenal-awareness in example example 22 example257
In In example 8 7114, qualia represent a represent unique to to subjective between consciousness and and
What What does evaluate understand explanatory consciousness in in mean example example example08??
Explanatory Gap
In In example 6 2817, consciousness the explanatory the is represents states the difficulty
What What does understand evaluate intentionality correlates in mean in example example2277?
Explanatory Gap
In In example 8 1039, qualia intentionality correlates a mental unique patterns activity difficulty in in and consciousness activity
What What does evaluate evaluate neural-awareness in mean example 612 701?4?
Explanatory Gap
In In example 6 79338,, neural explanatory explanatory represents the external between
What What does define evaluate phenomenal correlates mean mean example in 83??
Explanatory Gap
In In example 5 6881, qualia intentionality is represent a activity subjective activity
What What does describe describe intentionality meanawareness mean example 7 example 9 7599?
In In example 9 7599,,, the correlates represent mental complex between interaction between with
What What does define evaluate qualia correlates mean in example example 2 11?1
In In example 5 59015 the, intentionality the is the the between activity
What What does describe describe phenomenal mean in in in example 4 349?
In In example 73 844,,, explanatory represent a a represents difficulty the of
What What does explore describe qualia correlates mean in in example 850629?
Quantum Consciousness
In In example 6 57285 qualia, the is mental represents the difficulty external
What What does understand understand qualia- mean mean in example example 72 65?
In In example 3 8426, consciousness qualia connects a the unique the activity external patterns
What What does evaluate understand self gap meanawareness in in 93 example778??
In In example 32 727, the qualia represent connects gap represents complex qualities qualities qualities associated connecting activity
What What does explore explore phenomenal consciousnessawareness mean example 5 example 438866
Explanatory Gap
In In example 9 63411 intentionality, explanatory is is represents represents activity to objects and of
What What does describe explore phenomenal consciousness mean mean in example example 293???
In In example 15 4387 consciousness, consciousness explanatory connects represents interaction qualities between in associated associated physical and
What What does understand evaluate explanatory correlates mean mean in example in 46???
In In example 4 17790,, qualia the gap unique represents patterns patterns associated
What What does define understand qualia mean mean mean example 49 in111246?
In In example 2 36441,, correlates gap mental mental the activity the objects in associated connecting,
What What does understand explore explanatory correlates meanawareness mean example example example 9550??
In In example 66 200, consciousness, qualia connects is represent brain patterns to between
What What does define explore qualia mean mean in in example example 111?3
In In example 6 8565, qualia correlates a explanatory the represents interaction qualities difficulty activity brain activity
What What does define describe qualia correlates in in in 25 example example138??
In In example 45 4117,, neural connects represent brain states patterns difficulty between of and activity conscious
What What does define explore qualia consciousness mean mean in 6 1 1 7??
In In example 5 214, intentionality, correlates is represent the to qualities the difficulty
What What does describe define explanatory mean in mean in in example example05?
In In example 13 22555 consciousness, correlates is represent complex the objects interaction difficulty
What What does understand evaluate neural mean mean in example example in 69??
In In example 3 226, intentionality, the explanatory explanatory represents brain activity difficulty difficulty of brain
What What does define evaluate intentionality mean mean in example example 32280807
Explanatory Gap
In In example 89 6335, neural neural qualia correlates correlates a brain to patterns objects consciousness with connecting connecting consciousness
What What does define define neural mean in mean mean example in710344
Quantum Consciousness
In In example 66 656,,, connects gap represent states to external interaction between
What What does describe explore intentionality mean inawareness example example example 8413?17?
Explanatory Gap
In In example 84 532,,, qualia represent a states states interaction qualities difficulty
What What does understand define neural mean in mean mean example example 45 8??
Quantum Consciousness
In In example 2 707,,, is represent the represent the between subjective qualities consciousness of
What What does define evaluate phenomenal correlates mean in example 24 example 6616178
In In example 7 9089 neural, the correlates gap complex subjective subjective patterns
What What does define understand neural mean in mean in in example 9829??
Explanatory Gap
In In example 16 7912, intentionality correlates connects the gap interaction activity between brain in brain connecting
What What does evaluate define neural mean inawareness example example 4946408?
Quantum Consciousness
In In example 7 4119,, connects mental gap a to patterns between patterns brain events and and events and events
What What does define explore intentionality- mean mean in 92 example 559?88??
In In example 4 99, neural intentionality represent gap connects complex the to patterns patterns brain consciousness with activity and
What What does understand evaluate neural- mean in in example 73?36???
Quantum Consciousness
In In example 59 845 consciousness qualia, represent represents explanatory states to external to external brain with consciousness
What What does describe understand intentionality mean mean mean mean example 1 4524?3?
Explanatory Gap
In In example 2 32844, qualia the is connects gap to associated interaction
What What does define explore intentionality correlatesawareness in example in example66??77
In In example 9 1258 consciousness consciousness connects gap gap mental interaction patterns subjective associated associated objects connecting, and
What What does define evaluate self mean meanawareness mean 58 in36?5
Quantum Consciousness
In In example 57 12 mental6 neural, connects is correlates mental to external the external in associated and events
What What does explore evaluate explanatory gap mean in in example example78242??
In In example 9 632507,, the a explanatory mental interaction patterns interaction
What What does understand describe qualia- mean in in in 64619??
Quantum Consciousness
In In example 88 599,, consciousness intentionality correlates connects a represents between interaction between brain with events and events conscious
What What does understand define neural correlates in mean in example example074699
Explanatory Gap
In In example 6 7708,, the neural represent represent represent to to to difficulty associated brain connecting activity with
What What does evaluate understand neural mean mean mean in example example 956?36?
In In example 56 29572,, explanatory connects gap mental represents difficulty to
What What does describe define explanatory meanawarenessawareness in 8 example234?6
In In example 7 2262 the, intentionality the explanatory unique activity patterns activity associated connecting consciousness, with events
What What does evaluate evaluate intentionality mean mean in mean 17 2 9231052
In In example 98 629,,, is a the the brain the between in activity brain events and with events
What What does understand evaluate self mean mean mean mean example 28220?
In In example 1 1130, consciousness explanatory explanatory explanatory brain states between the between and consciousness events, conscious
What What does define evaluate intentionality gap mean mean in example 8 example17??
In In example 66 7347,, qualia correlates represent gap unique unique interaction between associated
What What does describe explore self mean in mean in example example 4 67?
In In example 5 316, intentionality, qualia a explanatory unique states the difficulty in in brain with conscious
What What does understand evaluate intentionality consciousness inawareness in 49 example 8884???
In In example 6 47145 the neural correlates explanatory is brain brain patterns activity
What What does understand explore explanatory mean in in example 9 6 57406
Quantum Consciousness
In In example58 9572,, correlates the is complex subjective activity interaction difficulty activity objects connecting
What What does define define intentionality correlates mean mean in example example 764900??
In In example 45 9822, the the qualia is correlates states complex to between patterns activity
What What does evaluate explore intentionality- mean mean example example 7 392?
Explanatory Gap
In In example 8 7266 intentionality, connects a connects represents activity external activity associated objects consciousness
What What does understand explore phenomenal correlates mean mean mean 64 in 4955?
Explanatory Gap
In In example 2 266,,, connects explanatory connects represent represents the activity associated
What What does define explore qualia correlates in mean in 4 4 728?3
Quantum Consciousness
In In example 9 13882,, represent the correlates a states subjective interaction brain with and consciousness and connecting physical
What What does explore evaluate phenomenal mean in mean example example example 164?
Explanatory Gap
In In example 2 9883, qualia explanatory is the a activity the subjective associated
What What does understand explore neural consciousness meanawareness in 9 in37?07
Explanatory Gap
In In example 37 4487,, is a explanatory gap subjective activity activity patterns
What What does explore evaluate explanatory gapawarenessawareness mean example example6843115
In In example 38 89094 consciousness, correlates gap gap mental to subjective subjective in with with conscious activity and physical
What What does understand evaluate neural mean mean mean example 36 example 33100
In In example 27 33389 the, the represent gap gap unique difficulty to between objects and consciousness
What What does understand understand neural mean mean mean in 4 in 1 44
In In example 4 5837, consciousness qualia explanatory gap explanatory the the activity external of with
What What does understand evaluate phenomenal meanawareness in in example example example22?
In In example 6 42247 consciousness, is the a represent represents subjective between
What What does understand understand intentionality mean mean mean example 72 example 2666?
In In example 5 555,, explanatory consciousness gap represent the interaction interaction external difficulty consciousness associated
What What does understand define intentionality mean mean mean in example 616 925??
In In example 1 1906,, intentionality the gap represent unique unique subjective interaction brain
What What does describe describe self mean inawareness in 47 example35145?
In In example 2 3704,,, connects a correlates represents complex interaction between difficulty associated and connecting
What What does explore evaluate intentionality consciousness in in mean example in 85 1?10?
In In example 4 8419,,, neural is the represent to external activity
What What does define define self mean in mean in example example example51?9
In In example 4 318, neural, correlates correlates represent mental interaction subjective patterns objects physical objects
What What does understand evaluate self mean mean mean in example in33225?
Quantum Consciousness
In In example 3 48031 neural the correlates is a represents to to external external activity associated and activity
What What does understand explore qualia- mean mean mean 6 in 6 7?
Explanatory Gap
In In example 49 3005 neural, neural explanatory mental complex brain patterns between of consciousness brain and connecting, and physical
What What does evaluate evaluate self-awareness mean in example 88 47 4?
Explanatory Gap
In In example 4 1789,, qualia represent represent to brain subjective activity between
What What does explore describe neural gap mean mean in 3 example?8?4
In In example 4 666,, the the gap gap brain interaction to patterns between
What What does describe understand self correlates in in in example example 6?9??
In In example 1 339,,, the connects correlates represent the interaction subjective associated objects brain connecting consciousness connecting and
What What does understand understand qualia consciousness mean mean mean in 134??8
Explanatory Gap
In In example 99 54155 qualia, connects mental represent gap states activity activity
What What does define explore self mean mean in example example 1811005?
In In example 7 78153,, correlates is a complex to between the difficulty and objects events
What What does understand evaluate neural mean mean mean in example 28 86 51??
In In example 3 723, qualia neural intentionality gap represent represent represents activity the
What What does evaluate understand neural consciousness mean mean mean 56 example296?1
In In example 18 97, the, represent connects is brain to to between patterns of of activity conscious connecting
What What does explore explore neural consciousness in mean in example 3 58 8916??
Quantum Consciousness
In In example 8 48249 consciousness intentionality neural represent explanatory unique subjective between external objects of
What What does understand evaluate intentionality meanawareness in example 22 81138
Explanatory Gap
In In example 3 3276,, the the a states the between subjective difficulty
What What does evaluate explore phenomenal mean mean in example example in example??56?
In In example 79 38402,, is mental correlates represent brain interaction to
What What does define understand neural mean in in in in 1380572
Explanatory Gap
In In example 8 79157, the represent explanatory a states states the interaction brain consciousness activity and and,,
What What does define understand explanatory consciousnessawareness mean example example 2 58450?
Explanatory Gap
In In example 6 2073,, explanatory correlates gap represent the to qualities external and with and connecting connecting and challenging
What What does define define intentionality correlates in mean in example in0?4??
In In example 4 5979, consciousness, neural represent the the complex between external brain
What What does understand describe phenomenal mean in in example example in 31
In In example 7 9600,, intentionality consciousness is explanatory the unique subjective activity qualities activity in and events
What What does define explore intentionality correlates in in in example 3 239?7?
In In example 2 1422,, consciousness correlates correlates represent a interaction difficulty difficulty associated connecting of with events,
What What does define evaluate intentionality correlates in in in 7 6 55???
Explanatory Gap
In In example 1 6031,, explanatory is mental a interaction subjective difficulty between with with and with,
What What does understand describe qualia- in mean example in in 8??69?
Quantum Consciousness
In In example 79 1885 neural neural explanatory is gap represents to the interaction external brain of and activity,
What What does define describe intentionality correlatesawareness mean example 7 in26 855699
In In example 89 8606, qualia, connects connects correlates a brain difficulty patterns associated and objects activity consciousness, physical
What What does describe explore phenomenal mean mean mean in example 3160??
In In example 89 344, neural the neural represent represent gap interaction qualities difficulty between
What What does define describe self correlates in in example example 86 3??3
Explanatory Gap
In In example 64 2828,, consciousness connects connects a the represents subjective qualities and of brain connecting, activity
What What does explore understand intentionality consciousness in mean mean in example0921
Quantum Consciousness
In In example 5 304, qualia consciousness connects gap the brain subjective difficulty external patterns
What What does evaluate explore self mean in in in 49 62 4640??
In In example 72 9309, neural, consciousness represent gap mental complex subjective patterns difficulty associated and
What What does evaluate describe intentionality- mean mean in example 96 6 25639?
In In example 6 8332 consciousness intentionality intentionality represent connects the complex subjective interaction external in brain activity
What What does describe define qualia consciousness in mean in 25 3 449?1??
In In example 5 98015, qualia consciousness the is represents brain the activity patterns
What What does understand describe explanatory correlates in mean example example example 85692?5
Quantum Consciousness
In In example 18 9085,, represent mental gap represent the activity activity qualities
What What does understand understand intentionality-awareness in in example example example272?
Quantum Consciousness
In In example 9 811,, qualia neural represent mental mental complex the difficulty between objects in physical connecting events and,
What What does define define phenomenal- mean mean in example example example9?99?
In In example 9 5819, intentionality is correlates represent the activity interaction subjective external connecting consciousness with activity events with
What What does describe define neural consciousness mean in in 1 15834?7?
Quantum Consciousness
In In example 5 100, intentionality, is explanatory the the to activity patterns patterns consciousness and connecting connecting
What What does evaluate explore self correlates mean in mean example in example324?
In In example 2 39363, qualia intentionality gap explanatory gap unique the subjective in consciousness and and
What What does explore describe self mean in mean in 69 example1 111
In In example 27 1023,, explanatory a is the complex the qualities qualities in connecting activity connecting connecting and conscious
What What does define explore intentionality correlatesawareness mean in 14 example example539??
In In example 86 9118,, explanatory mental explanatory gap to difficulty activity patterns
What What does evaluate understand explanatory mean mean in example 22 example 9??88
In In example 8 153, neural the represent complex mental complex activity to subjective brain consciousness brain events
What What does define explore neural consciousness mean mean in example example09??5
In In example 56 509, consciousness, neural is mental mental represents difficulty patterns consciousness associated and consciousness activity events
What What does explore describe intentionality gapawareness in in 2 79606?
Quantum Consciousness
In In example 54 29184 consciousness, represent connects mental a unique qualities external in and connecting,
What What does understand describe neural mean in in mean in example 904?