i feel so bitchy talking about myself this way ahaha i sound less retarded telling this story in person i swear and said if i were a boy i would fall in love with you
[ "i was over tired and feeling irritable as a result", "i am feeling rushed or overwhelmed to have the perfect house that my brain explodes and all proper decision making skills get lost in the debris", "when they changed my office to another room without my agreement", "my roommates lack of consideration of me", "i hate being so hungry and weak that i feel stubborn and dont want to do anything productive", "i really am feeling so impatient", "i am feeling so grumpy today", "i call someone i feel like i need to at least talk a few minutes to not be rude", "i still feel somewhat dissatisfied with myself", "i am feeling stressed and more than a bit anxious", "i was feeling a bit rebellious today", "i know i shouldnt be reacting this way to it all but i cant help it and i feel terribly petty and horrid but this is the way im reacting and i have to deal with it", "i wrong or ridiculous to feel pissed", "i sometimes feel i am being stubborn not out of spite but rather in spite of myself", "i realized that constantly checking my phone and multitasking made me feel rushed and ragged by the time i reached my destination even if i was talking to someone i really like", "i hurt their feelings for refusing to listen to their spiteful hurtful sniping at others" ]
[ "i wont discuss any further made me feel really restless", "i just mentioned i m feeling kind of stress free right now", "i dont feel as carefree as i used to and this worrys me a tad", "i generally only post on this site when im feeling completely overwhelmed and i need a space to vent about the perils of law school however lately ive been laughing my way to the law library like a kind of deranged film villian oh this is far too easy", "i think its the feeling stupid part because i couldnt tell you were lying", "i wasnt so terribly sore i would feel a bit regretful but theres papers to write and ebony dances to practice for", "i feel this strange sort of liberation", "i would feel more peaceful and easygoing", "i lost a few pounds but i also started to feel really awful", "i didnt want to feel humiliated and was beginning to regret my decision to stay", "i really thought i was ok with how things are but here i am out of no where crying and feeling empty and sorry for myself shame on me", "i feel really vulnerable with him i tell him too much im too honest and i hate it", "i wasnt so self conscious of my atrocious singing i think id be tempted to break out into this whenever a colleague is feeling defeated", "i don t feel like i have been shamed for my body but i have felt pressure to have a more socially acceptable body size", "i falter and blurt out something that offends you please understand that i am still learning and i will probably feel as foolish as i just sounded", "i know i should just let the words flow like how they do when i blog but still i feel the pressure and that is making me unsure of my skills", "i imagined being in form fitting clothing that was beautiful looking in the mirror and feeling proud being lighter and more energetic", "i feel so foolish and ashamed", "i have simply not feel like learning those unimportant stuff", "ive been feeling a bit remorseful about our decision kicking myself that i was too cheap for my own good", "i been that i feel like i can traipse in and out of all your lives tromping on your heel loving hearts with my stilettos", "i was feeling discouraged at this point", "i feel ugly i m more inclined to wear ratty jeans and a sweatshirt than a beautiful dress though i might still wear a pair of heels around my house to boost my self esteem ever so slightly but i definitely won t bother to buy a new pair", "i feel like they think i hate them or something and its just weird", "i feel more happy inside on a scale i would say a", "i feel slightly like a traitor admitting that i really liked the new place", "i had to preform a few poems to the class so i will feel confident when i preform", "i post this today partly because it s how today is and partly because i sometimes worry that my reputation for positivity might make people feel that my message is you should be happy all the time", "i wonder how shed feel about supporting me", "im trying to focus on not feeling sorry for myself and not being upset over the loss of a material possession", "i don t need to though i must admit i kept comparing myself to the skinny japanese girls i see everyday on the street and just writing that here makes me feel ludicrous", "i even dare to try to explain in words how i feel about this gorgeous boy who is here at my house every other day holding my hand through lifes dismays", "i just feel more comfortable and i feel like im not in it alone sure he doesnt express his love much but his tiny actions make up for it", "i love to be able to say how i feel and i love to be in this complacent spot", "i was thinking about a post i wrote earlier mulling over the memories it brought to the surface tossing them around in my head and began to feel this gentle tug this little nudge deep down that began to vibrate and morph into something solid", "i feel hated betrayed paranoid childish and hurt", "i feel like i finally entered or accepted that i ve entered the mother part of life", "im feeling very mellow and relaxed sometimes im feeling productive and quiet and sometimes i just wanna have fun yknow", "i would talk to drake because i knew he wouldnt judge my feelings and he would let me gush over how much i liked you", "i would feel really dumb", "i have been feeling awful", "i shared with a trusted friend how i am feeling towards another respected friend", "i am feeling better right now", "i feel so heartbroken but in a silly way of course", "im feeling better than expected", "i feel like i m on an emotional high with so much excitment", "i was feeling on the upswing and mentally i felt well stable", "i turn up feeling more than a little apprehensive", "i came across something which made me feel lousy", "i have to admit i was feeling pretty horny nicole", "i still feel like a butt but thank you for being so gracious", "i was feeling a little awkward about seeing some folks", "i feel a lil bit gloomy", "i start feeling crappy i just have to toss this on and bam i am singing and dancing and shimmy ing my shoulders just like whitney", "i love this little boy and sometimes i feel how inadequate i am as a parent to him", "i don t know how i feel i guess it s one of those moments where you want to feel like you re accepted even though whatever you did or did not get mattered to you the most", "i feel horrible about myself and want to throw in the towel and give up", "i feel like i m trying to convince the most skeptical disbelieving person in the world that yes i really do have bipolar disorder", "im feeling so embarrassed frightened that i wouldve smashed the window and slid in dukes of hazzard style if it would get garage man to stop glaring at me", "i met a really cute girl who i feel kind of fond for today and normally girls are really complex to me but i can just be myself around her", "i was feeling beaten up by life yesterday you see i am in love with a schizofrenic man who i had to kick out of my house for having boisterous fights with himself", "i have been feeling pretty crappy", "i feel some sort of treachery towards beloved if i do go out and fuck someone", "i was younger all i could think of was to move to a country where i feel accepted where i belong", "i feel stupid and thoughtless", "im not feeling exactly thrilled with standing in front of a mirror if you know what i mean", "i just feel a weird vibe", "i feel so shitty about wearing you out", "i want to feel useful i guess", "i feel a bit lost today", "i supposed i ought to feel thankful for that adding with a sarcastic edge at my age", "i am feeling quite disheartened", "i know that s wrong but i feel ugly", "i said i feel ugly today", "i really want to be proud to say i ve lost x amount of weight rather than feel discouraged because i m not where i want to be", "i don t feel super strongly about it", "this happened a year when i was having a hard time", "i often feel this is a very unfortunate flaw that i possess", "i used to feel rejected and like it was my fault as i am overweight", "i feel xs more indecisive", "i acknowledge that i am not actually fat by definition but feeling uncomfortable in my skin", "i write when i m feeling low", "i feel like i m not really sure where everything is leading and i d look like a boob if i misrepresent things", "i was not feeling respected by him", "im feeling discontent with my sex life i feel like crying like venting about it", "im feeling really lonely and feeling like im missing a part of myself", "i was feeling discouraged and alone", "i must say that i do feel better in myself and im really excited about reaching views for my beloved blog i love wearing tights", "i feel like i should feel contented but i am not", "ive spent a good chunk of the day feeling quite agitated in a taut way as though it wouldnt take much for me to really snap and chew someones head off", "i didn t feel all that trusting of anybody", "i feel a little glamorous i wet the brush", "i get into conversations and regret them and start to feel exhausted after fifteen minutes of something that sounds like something but feels like it is only peas and carrots peas and carrots mush mush mush", "i say no i feel guilty begins by giving you the reasons for and benefits of being assertive without being aggressive", "i also feel valued as a whipping girl for him to take out frustration and anger on maybe to a bit less of a degree than i would like", "i am feeling the need to consolidate to step back and re evaluate the purpose of this blog other than providing a fabulous vicarious life for yall to live through my sarcasm does not always come across in print", "i dont i feel amazed", "im feeling fab thank you so very much for asking", "i do not feel assured", "i hope that i look back on this in the future and feel glad i documented all her small ways and feel if possible even more love for her than i do now", "i finish this note not wanting to sound sad i feel positive and happy iv written it down its gone from my head so i can stop dwelling and move on to making it happen", "ive been feeling kinda gloomy lately", "i had a feeling you werent very fond of her", "i feel like im not being loyal to my boyfriend even though i have not acted on my feelings for this guy", "i feel i must apologise as i was a little giggly tonight and received a raised eyebrow from a sensible member of the youth orchestra", "i was an year old girl who just wanted to feel important", "i want to be someone that people can approach and feel accepted by and not judged because i do feel that people feel judged by me", "i don t know if this helps at all but writing all of this has made me feel somewhat regretful of ashamed of who i was and while i have more to share i just don t think i can right now", "i feeling rejected but i became a laughing stock among my peers", "im feeling a bit mellow this morning", "i was feeling quite casual that day", "i have said many times i don t want it to feel fake or overdone", "i never know how to talk to people after shows i always feel a bit dazed so i hope they didnt think i was rude", "ill find that elusive second wind and feel more hopeful but today i am a href http www", "i feel like hed think that was pretty cool because i certainly do", "i am certified via ace and i love what i do but lately i feel like a fake", "i have been following your blog i feel like ive gotten to know the real you not some filtered version or a fake internet persona of who youd like to be", "i miss the feeling of someone actually caring about what is going on with me and how i am feeling", "i got a bit caught up in the moment and forgot that at the core of the rude comments and silly songs were the real feelings of a beloved and brilliant comic actor and a very sweet and big hearted young woman", "i am feeling a lil bit gloomy" ]
i never feel fucked the week after i used some i feel great acctually thinking of the wonderfull time i had the weekend before img src http israel
[ "im sure this silly little blog is ridiculous but sometimes i just feel so aggravated", "i feel kinda appalled that she feels like she needs to explain in wide and lenghth her body measures etc pp", "i don t feel whack or messed up i know i m psychologically fucked up because i can feel the difference but i don t feel like i m as fucked up as i could be", "my sister once stole my mothers money and made her very angry after this my mother would beat her up for unreasonable reasons one day my sister lent her book to a friend without telling my mother about it when my mother learnt this she beat her up and even threatened her with a pair of scissors", "i feel terribly unkind to say it span style font size", "i feel morally outraged and furious more often than i d like", "i know all art animals are lame and i feel particularly violent about the crabs", "i no long feel furious about they re lack of cooperation", "i am glad to know the reason for my recent lapse of sanity but i still feel like i want to go on a very violent rampage at the slightest inconvenience to me", "i do feel stressed i have a bunch of tools in my pocket to fight back with", "i feel like an obnoxious american in the amazing race not discounting on people who cant speak english", "i feel irritable like no other and running will def cure that", "i was sitting in the corner stewing in my own muck feeling hated alone unworthy and violated", "i feel like this was such a rude comment and im glad that t", "i wasn t feeling insulted over its idiocy i felt supremely bored and actually wound up fastforwarding through a few scenes", "i could be really screwed just on waiting for a sitter so i was feeling stressed" ]
[ "i think it makes the marathon feel more worthwhile", "i am starting to feel a little more welcomed into the sessions", "i feel a strong link to that in what i am doing now", "i am still feeling the positive effects of my visit with therapist and i feel very confident in her abilities and connections to psychologists with the necessary dr", "i keep feeling pleasantly surprised at his supportiveness and also his ease in new situations", "i am feeling so comfortable and so happy he says", "i feel more free to enjoy the possessions i do have like this rock or that book or these clothes", "i can see or feel about it is the divine possibility of being with you away alone for one long golden day at last anywhere", "i didnt let the swim leave me feeling defeated", "i always feel as if i take something worthwhile away from it not matter how badly it ended", "i was sitting in class on tuesday afternoon and all of a sudden that same feeling came over me a delicious feeling of being slightly out of control and out of my depth a thrill of adrenaline that left me weak and drained yet excited and inquisitive all at once", "i feel this strategy is worthwhile", "i would say just try being kind to yourself and feel proud for another day without alcohol x", "i feel lucky on my birthday", "i went to was to see jreyez back in may just havent been feeling like going out but jenny convinced me to go this time amp after some persuasion i decided to go lol", "i am still undeniably big having that weight gone feels pretty terrific", "i always feel that it is profoundly worthwhile", "i am and i feel respected and safe with them", "im feeling generous lately spirit of after christmas maybe", "i or lambrusco but the quality is so much higher than a lot of those wines that i feel this is a smart buy for those who like a little sweet and a little bubbly", "i feel will be amused as well", "i feel an honor of my content being there", "i feel overwhelmed or a little blue usually around that time of the month but i manage those feelings well", "i always said i felt so blessed to have him and today that feeling is been reassured many times", "i feel is a near flawless film", "i can pay the bills and still have some cash in the bank should leave me feeling pretty satisfied right", "i feel have a fabulous birding weekend everyone", "i feel numb burn with a weak heart so i guess i must be having fun the less we say about it the better make it up as we go along feet on the ground head in the sky its ok i know nothings wrong", "i was feeling an act of god at work in my life and it was an amazing feeling", "i already feel like ive been accepted into the community here", "i feel like im a gorgeous person", "i feel more in love with the world and gracious and joyful", "i feel that one has to be passionate but not tensed", "id been feeling a bit curious", "i was feeling pretty anxious all day but my first day at work was a very good day and that helped a lot", "i would really recommend taking this approach because the last thing you want is to feel disappointed when your little nugget arrives", "i went to bed super early so i havent spent a ton of time with alot of these resources but enough to feel like these will all be useful in the future", "i feel quietly ecstatic over the painless change in our grocery expense", "i really enjoy the tone and feeling of the piece i wonder whether it would have been more successful had it been stretched out over a few days rather than just one", "i hope i feel mellow well fed well slept at peace with myself within this external world", "im sure shes done some writing tonight and is past that amount now but for the moment i can go to bed feeling triumphant and also happy in the knowledge that i havent given in to writing absolute and utter crap just yet and that my story is progressing nicely", "i feel graceful and almost mythical", "i feel i m being truthful", "i did not feel disappointed with the performance here", "i am happier this year in all ways i am just glad i am on english lit only i made good module choices i like my teachers the peeps in my class are not so snidey i feel more confident in my work and i am on top of it unlike last year when i was soooooooooooo behind to the point of doing zero", "i feel so lucky to be guest posting for kristi over at a href http www", "i wish i could say that i got a feeling that everything is going to be perfect and painless but i didnt", "i feel fantastic at a weight higher than than that is where i will stay", "i enjoyed the feeling of belonging and the sense that i was recognised and somehow valuable", "i get the feeling that after today and yesterday ive gained back every pound ive lost", "i feel blessed that i have people in my life who remind me all the time that i did the right thing and that i look better like this", "im feeling kind of naughty", "i suspect i was also dealing with caffeine withdrawal but i think i have now figured out a system of eating which works well for me and i feel fab", "i had always dreamed of doing and it was a good feeling a fantastic feeling to be able to give them this", "i didnt feel like anyone really hated me or noone new anyway and i managed to just not think about those who do", "i feel that i am smart person who thinks about things before i do them and i try to keep a level head on me", "i just feel like a very successful year old", "i love life feel optimistic and lucky", "i dunno i feel like ive been on opiates forever i dont even remember my carefree life before r or even with her as an infant when i didnt use anything its summer again which means im almost one year on this merry go round of addiction", "id feel better later in the school year", "i can imagine what my daily life would look like with hardly a material possession to my name and it feels so peaceful but i will probably not be doing away with everything so how do i find the right balance", "i feel as fantastic as a beauty and beast moment would have been i did not go through any magical dramatically lit transformations as i exited the first trimester and emerged in the second", "i was feeling rather horny though img src http s", "i feel reassured that the world is the world i remember", "i do not feel glamourous", "ive come home for the holidays i feel so much more mellow", "i feel like being casual", "i can say that it is happening in the eastern part of the country and that i feel quite safe here", "i feel brave and rare and golden", "i feel i can divine the future if only seconds in advance", "i took a shower then headed to the bsc loop to meet allies for the trip to the club feeling very triumphant that i had helped in such a marvellous prank", "i dont mean to boast but i feel rather impressed by my message", "i am so blessed and feel blessed to be able to share my creations with you", "i feel that i am useful to my people and that gives me a great feeling of achievement", "i have now finished my blanket and am feeling a little free", "i just wanna say that the last three months i feel so happy about my blog", "im sat here feeling rather pleased with myself that my bathroom and bedroom are all clean and tidy and trying to work out what to wear to a uv paint party this evening", "i feel peaceful and unafraid certain that my god has my best interests at heart", "i feel virtuous and tough when i wear a hat jeans and a tshirt without worrying", "im feeling uber romantic and lovey dovey this week", "i feel like i have been beaten up and looking back on my week i can see why", "ill let you in on a few more huge dieting secrets just because im feeling very festive and giving right now", "i feel that i helped to bring some happiness into the life of my troubled friend and to this day the zz top logo keychain hangs in my room and wherever he is i know that he s doing just fine cheers man", "i feel about the divine", "i am not sure how i feel i think because i felt like i already knew i have already sort of accepted it", "i feel positive and focus on the running rather than the photos", "im on day of feeling lousy but im starting to feel human again", "i really loved the day which made me feel such gratitude that we were having such a wonderful day which made me feel very happy", "i just needed some sun but for the first time in a long time im feeling really excited about my life", "i m not feeling creative this week since i really love the stories and photos from this week", "i took a day off which is so unusual for me i almost feel naughty", "i no longer feel timid or insecure when i walked", "i expect and i feel content with that", "i said i feel incredibly thankful on the whole", "i feel ecstatic every time i perfect a water sport", "i was just feeling a little bit creative", "i feel like this product is supporting both my immune and cardiovascular systems", "i feel like im actually supporting myself by making use of what i know and love", "i have been out there over the last few weeks i experienced for the first time a feeling of loving the actual act of running of pushing my daughter in the jogger of getting outsprinted by my wife although this would happen if i was in top shape anyway of having cold air nail you in the face", "i feel the creative juices beginning to flow again", "i wasnt feeling like going on easter holidays i dont even know why at least i hope these days can be very productive for me", "i know what it feels like to legitemately liked by someone that somehow got me to feel the same way which trust me takes alot i want that in my life", "i can look at a stack of twenty five term papers and not feel overwhelmed", "i get to pursue things that spark my curiosity and make me feel useful", "i want to feel energetic again and when i do just that bit of exercise every day be it minutes i feel more awake energized and more focused", "i woke up i feel thankful to god for giving me another day to go on", "i feel like i was lucky like a four leaf clover", "i have a strange feeling that this is going to turn out quite ok and soon enough the ladies pictured above will probably be begging me to brew more of this stuff", "i just feel like i need a shower and a really mellow day", "i feel fine im stepping away from my travelogue for this post because this video is worth watching and i wanted to recommend it to all my readers here on the blog", "i feel cool reading this book especially when i take it along to read while waiting for a doctors appointment", "i feel triumphant so deal with it", "i dont need that sense of social approval that i craved right now i dont even feel that aching guilt that so often gave me headaches", "i was thrilled to have that outcome but because i was feeling so crappy i couldn t even celebrate that until i started feeling better which mainly seems to have occurred with an increased dosage of my thyroid replacement hormone and supplemental estrogen", "i didnt feel surprised i didnt feel upset i didnt feel angry i didnt feel anything", "i have a family i can feel passionate about and completely comfortable with", "i feel honored to have that kind of support", "i feel like there isnt any dirty oil left on my skin after using this to clog my pores or make my skin oily towards the end of the day", "im feeling generous its easy when youre giving away other peeps stuff if after you vote you visit the a href http www", "i can genuinely say that there isnt much to dislike for me when it comes to this foundation as it stays put and makes my skin look and feel flawless" ]
i feel hateful to have given up my friendship with that woman and a couple of others for the same reasons to admit defeat and let my husband make me feel so insecure that i feel the need to avoid her cut her out of my life so that my securities is not challenged
[ "i feel tortured being away from my baby", "i could feel the blood in my veins go cold", "im feeling all kinds of conflicted about the bit with his rather violent reaction towards the paparazzi over that zq jcho cpine lunch", "i wish it had been a little more and this makes me feel greedy and sheepish and lazy for not having worked harder over the last few months", "i bet taylor swift basks in the knowledge that the boys she writes songs about probably feel tortured", "ive been hearing about too many things happening back i singapore and it gets me feeling irritated and depressed about not being able to be there", "i look around at the people around me and i feel almost slightly envious about how they have a way of motivating themselves sitting down and studying so hard", "i dont think that happens a lot so i feel insanely cranky when i couldnt get an ear immediately", "when i heard about the way a parent of a friend had mistreated him", "i tend to feel a bit cranky when i ve gone for a few days without making art", "i feel like my go to emotion is angry", "i knew from high school and he s pretty fuckin chill says that the girl feels insulted and threatened by the blog that i wrote and would like me to apologize and if i offended her i m sorry", "i just feel like no one cares and no one can be bothered to make the effort and meet up", "i have to push back the repressed expressions of a child of split marriage and say to myself no you had your chance its too late now to feel enraged by your situation but all i wanna do is yell at the top of my lungs fuck you this aint my fucking problem so dont make it that way", "im inclined to believe that im simply too lazy to feel particularly greedy", "i leave something sometimes i throw some change in the tip jar other times i dont leave anything but i feel rude doing that haha" ]
[ "im already not feeling terrific", "i must be really feeling shitty if im sinking down to that level", "i did feel for him as its horrible and expensive when it happens", "i feel kind of dumb for saying this but i was just upset at how much strength i lost during the last few months", "i thinks this chiefs ccw should be yanked by the state as i feel threatened", "i was feeling really emotionally distraught and unable to concentrate", "i would feel ashamed or guilty if i were to take too much of the commons for myself", "i left there feeling brow beaten", "i can t be with her in portland and i feel fairly useless here in strasbourg", "i feel weird in the companies of those who approve and disapprove of dot com marriages", "i feel strange with the judge passing sentence in such a manner", "im feeling a bit sentimental", "i just feel worthless and stuck", "i still cant shake the feeling that i might be unwelcome", "i feel heartbroken that a group of my fellow americans fell for the prosecutions fear mongering theory elashis daughter noor said outside the courthouse late monday", "i feel like im damaged goods hah", "im just not fully feeling it on an emotional level", "i was on the phone with one of my best friends the other day and i told her i don t feel successful", "ive feeling a bit morose as of late", "ive been feeling a little defeated maybe even over looked", "i resent people shaming me and telling me how to feel a more productive alternative give me the facts and let me think for myself", "i often feel that i m being submissive by not being open and honest about my desires and needs on a regular basis", "i feel heartbroken when he tells me that he feels that i dont love him when i really do love him", "i said though i am feeling gloomy", "i left the office feeling discouraged", "i lie to myself to feel like i am trusting but the only person i really trust or trusted i guess is the me that is not trustworthy", "i feel a bit reluctant having to say anything at all because a popular blogger who i share similarities with had beat me to the chase", "im okay with her getting married whirlwind style at the courthouse and going off to kentucky to live with him but im still feeling hurt by the betrayal and secretive style she had adopted", "i cannot and i feel a strange sadness for a thing that i m now ready for but cannot do", "i feel i would be ungrateful to god and undutiful to the church if i did not use my poor efforts on the side of truth and peace", "im still feeling pretty low and demotivated including ups", "i have been busy pleasing people which i currently feel so regretful about today", "i don t know why i should feel humiliated to write about it", "i feel awkward around them rather then loved i can feel them not wanting to be near me so i let them go i no longer ask for hugs or for comfort", "i had a horrible tragedy something that i was terribly ashamed of or something that was causing me great pain or that was making me feel vulnerable i have more than just one or two very trusted people who i know i could call for help", "i feel depressed or even short tempered some days", "i do feel has conditions it hurts deeply and it is not pleasant", "i feel traumatised and pained", "i have control issues though they really only kick badly when i feel unprotected or dont trust my safety net", "i feel i am on an emotional roller coaster", "i see jacque i feel extremely guilty because she still hasn t forgiven me", "i confess to struggling this weekend many times at the end of the day i would feel sad and whine to my af adorable fiance that i waaaant to eaaaat", "i feel rejected by all the men i like i gave up on asking why and what i did so they ran away", "i feel like she shouldnt have blamed him for it but she did and she never forgave him", "i feel so because i feel reluctant", "i have been feeling rather lonely", "i started to feel crappy", "i know this wont make me a better person this feeling wont help me this wont make me successful", "i feel so exhausted from dealing with drama between other authors that i dont have energy to write", "i often feel like i am punished for the strengths i do have which is almost worse than no one even noticing my value", "i feel like an ungrateful ingrate bastard to confess that i momentarily lost my appreciation for the life i have", "i would feel awful if she was here this whole time", "i feel like i don t have anything to say that is worthwhile to others and i don t want to bother people with my worthless thoughts", "id been feeling so smug about not catching what had been going around", "i feel so heartbroken tonight", "i miss it when i feel no one person who ignored me", "i feel he should have been punished", "i was actually feeling very distressed", "i cant be a counselor for you in the way i feel i should i am too damaged myself", "i was starting to feel scared for both of their safety and i wish those officers hadn t left no matter how much i hated them", "i feel like people seem to be intimidated by me or this blog", "i feel so vulnerable to criticism like if my lunch stinks or if somebody comments on what i eat i have this embarrassed feeling", "im going to be honest with you i feel distraught", "i know that i feel awful when i ask my husband to watch audrey just long enough for me to take a shower", "i hate feeling alone too", "i hate you for making me feel unimportant", "i can t fix this and am anticipating feeling humiliated when i see workmates and friends", "i didnt feel passionate about most of the posts", "i feel as though my time is not valued", "i feel like the helpless duckie target for the commies and feds while at other times i want to run and hide", "i wonder if he feels like i dont care about him when i stop caring about me", "i miss the feeling of someone actually caring about what is going on with me and how i am feeling", "i just didn t feel thrilled by the whole experience", "i now feel less doubtful towards that person about his her sincerity in rebuilding our relationship", "i still feel vulnerable and hurt but its manageable", "i do not feel remorseful and ask for forgiveness when i know ive done something wrong", "i feel overwhelmed and i want to forget it all", "i feel like by being so timid ive lost a lot of opportunities to make connections with people that ive wished id made connections with", "im hesitant to make suggestions because i feel as if the outcome would not be sincere", "i am lost distraught and mainly at a state of feeling helpless", "i feel ive been beaten down by the words of men who have no grounds i cant sleep beneath the trees of wisdom when you ax has cut the roots that feed them forked tounges in bitter mouths can drive a man to bleed from the indide out what if you did", "i feel like ive been neglectful", "i start to feel ugly unloved poor and unhappy", "this happened a year when i was having a hard time", "i tired of hearing of these unique communications special feelings and how sincere you are", "i try not to make anyone feel uncomfortable", "i feel a bit low", "i have to take jenny in to be spayed so of course im feeling nervous and guilty", "i feel so uptight around my family", "i hate feeling this loyal to this damned company", "i feel weepy a lot", "i felt empowered telling him how it had affected me how i had come close to suicide because of the severe distress it had caused me to continue to feel long after the unpleasant encounter where what i felt was disregarded completely", "i feel helpless because i cannot stop it", "i start to lose that sense of independence in that i feel a lot more hesitant to do things", "i think that now if i were to ride it without you or with another person present i would feel disheartened", "im feeling quite disillusioned about my weighins", "i always feel guilty and come to one conclusion that stops me emily would be so disappointed in me", "i just feel so hopeless sometimes", "i have to move stop staring at the other ladies this doesn t feel good does it feel bad", "i feel as if im a doomed to fail b setting myself up to think that im doomed to fail", "i feel a bit naughty too for making it all public but then i remembered when i was made to feel like shit and had my confidence stripped", "i cant feel them loving me back", "i feel so sympathetic embarrassed for betty here that it s tough to watch", "i was telling her about how i was feeling a bit homesick", "i am pinned as the culprit of digging out their inferiority and made them feel useless again", "i really hope im the only blogger they have treat this badly as i still feel super lousy about all and i wouldnt wish this crap on my worst enemy", "i told im i didnt want him to feel uncomfortable", "i lay myself raw and bare and let the enemies attack me for feeling so emotional over something they feel is silly because i want to be honest with myself and others", "i feel so ugly lately", "i feel frightened in a kind of a raw way", "i didnt want others negative energy weighing us down and influencing my feelings and thought process during this special time", "i might i could not stress to her how important it is to me not to expose my friends to a situation where they may have cause to feel unwelcome or uncomfortable", "i tend to feel too empathtic and too remorseful and guilty even about shit i am not a part of", "i feel the need to knock one of my beloved darlings off of my list to make room for hugh laurie aka dr", "i feel bad that i dont have a groupie shot with dan", "i put it aside feeling a little defeated", "i need to know what her thoughts and feelings are this is not a casual play anymore for me anyway", "i learned the silent crushing pain of not being wanted and feeling i was unloved", "i had friends being sad feeling rejected from the world i think i finally realize that friends arent what i thought they were", "i feel disappointed by myself" ]
i can honestly say that every good thing in my life right now is crashing down and i feel too stubborn to ask for help
[ "i feel less agitated but a bit more sad sometimes", "i took a minute to appreciate the trees around me and the calming energy that they gave me at a time when i was feeling a little bit irritable", "i didnt expected to be that much addicted to the nicotine before ive experienced all withdrawal symptoms feeling irritable and so stressed going mad with cravings inability to concentrate dry mouth trouble sleeping i wake up every night at a", "i know this is not specific for me and almost everyone else has a similar experience but i still can t help but feel appalled", "i feeling dangerous at wimbledon width", "i feel so wronged but what can i do", "i started to feel cold", "im seeing the sausage being made but rather than feeling appalled im broadening my understanding of what makes a good book", "i love my job and know that the surgeries were doing are emergencies i always feel resentful especially when it is am and i was sleeping", "i posted this lovely picture on instagram and was feeling slightly rebellious walking on that plane feeling", "i feel i hate him like i have never ever hated anyone like that but i cant stop looking at his existing symbol", "i know it was not pleasant for her and i feel selfish saying it but i think i would have fallen apart if i had been there", "i don t feel bothered about it getting credit equals getting debt and i have no interest in doing that again", "i am less in shock and currently feeling insulted about being hung out to dry this past weekend burning his things seems a pretty fair rewards for my unappreciated grace under pressure", "i see wonderful godly parents taking care of their childrens i praise god even though i feel jealous", "a gigantic spider climbed over my face and what is more in my own flat" ]
[ "im feeling a bit jaded", "i feel super behind in all aspects of my life i need to read", "i am baffled hurt that i feel assaulted and unsafe", "i shouldnt feel altogether mellow", "i beg and crave a particular something that im convinced will bring happiness and yet when it arrives im left feeling jaded and used", "i want to without feeling too inhibited", "i express zooms on with all its faults and foibles and entertains non stop in a rather odd manner where you are left feeling rather inadequate that something is not fully right that something better could have been done with a little bit of application a little bit of better storytelling", "i feel terribly burdened to have to deal with the results of it lol", "i feel like my only role now would be to tear your sails with my pessimism and discontent", "im sick of being dependent even partially so on someone that makes me feel so unwelcome", "i get scared i feel ignored i feel happy i get silly i choke on my own words i make wishes i have dreams and i still want to believe anything can happen in this world for an ordinary girl like you like me for an ordinary girl like you like me how are you", "i feel you see frantic and thus i am afraid", "i feel so weird that it feels like i wanna curse everything and bang my head onto the wall so that my world will be back to its focus", "i scream every day and every night and no one hears and my face is starting to fall off and i feel anxious and frightened all the time and i don t think i know what anything means anymore", "i should go to sleep but i m feeling reluctant to let go of the day", "i often feel like i am punished for the strengths i do have which is almost worse than no one even noticing my value", "i rarely feel inspired and ready to write", "i thought i exhausted all emotions i held all the frustration and confusion and still here i am having so much more to give so much more to feel i look at this blank white piece of paper and i want to fill it with colours with motion but it still seems so blank", "i may not feel hopeful and many days i do not but these truths i must call to mind the lord is my portion therefore i will hope in him", "i think its time to find better stress management techniques and choke back this feeling of being overwhelmed", "i feel rejected and unwanted", "i feel so jaded and bored", "i was saying that ive been feeling unhappy besides having all those assignments im feeling unhappy also because im feeling kinda lost", "i don t feel that my society has accepted me whole heartedly", "i freak out when i feel like i m rejected or not wanted", "i feel like i have to start taking it more seriously but i m already exhausted", "ive been feeling a little defeated maybe even over looked", "i eat or sleep i cant get myself to feel the life loving energy i felt so easily before", "i strongly feel that at this point in my life i am no longer desiring to walk this path that i am on and to be truthful i have no clue as to where i am going with my life from here", "ill just paraphrase i ranted about not being able to trust anybody and being hurt feeling rejected etc", "i feel lethargic and getting pressure between my eyes and i just rfttttttttttsjiowefmklldkavsvdsbtwrsbdvfocxfibjxrklrgrmvaeridubneosdvfrwfd okay stressing doesnt help at all it makes it worse so im trying to be calm", "i am currently but i can t even do that right now without feeling indecisive and tied to school and writing and assignments", "ive been feeling helpless since superstorm sandy hit one of my favorite places in the world and i suspect a lot of you share that feeling", "i have to admit i m feeling a little victimized", "i feel a bit sentimental", "i have days where i want nothing more than to be unwanted and where i resent the pressure i feel to be and do everything for everyone even my precious children", "i feel ungrateful and i know i feel ungrateful and i hate myself for feeling ungrateful hellip and yet i don t get that last bit", "i still have such a hard time writing my work down and when i do i feel its not perfect", "ive been feeling a bit shitty about myself these past few days and there has been a sudden drop of self esteem going on", "i feel like my relationship with christ has been shaky", "i feel like i am not alone", "i also always feel a little scared", "i find myself more and more lately feeling like i m a shitty wife and mom", "i am feeling pretty restless right now while typing this", "i sit here writing this i feel unhappy inside", "i have also known the pain of feeling worthless too broken too scarred to ever span style mso bidi font size", "i feel like an awful lot has happened in the past week or so", "i witness what i feel helpless to change i take up my arms my heart and my pen and i write", "i feel all gloomy and i hate it", "i am feeling more pain and hurt than i did before", "i usually feel gloomy for the loss of money and because i wont use it anyway", "i can cry and feel bad without an explanation at all", "i dont know why i feel disheartened", "i don t mean to behave so cut off but i feel so lethargic to utter one single word to anyone", "i feel foolish and desperate almost for feeling so strongly about this", "i feel like everything about me is defective and wrong and needs to be changed but when i change it the new thing is wrong too because its mine and therefore it must be wrong", "i have found both in my own life and from coaching hundreds of people during the past years that one of the main things that makes it hard for us to make good decisions is our feelings especially the unpleasant ones such as sadness rejection fear etc", "i feel so like distraught and lost being there", "i do feel sad for myself for not wanting that and thoughts extend up to a point that ill die alone", "i want change but i feel like im discouraged because im living so comfortably", "i feel broke inside but i wont admit cause its you i miss and its soo hard to say goodbye when it comes to this", "i just feel heartbroken vunerable and sick tonight", "i say this because she never truly gets a choice or the freedom to decide what to do with her life which makes it hard not to feel like she got the less dirty end of a really shitty stick", "i feel beaten a href http ediebloom", "i was feeling out of sorts restless", "i don t know how i feel about today because part of me is convinced that i am making this so much more difficult than it actually is or as mehow casually remarks in the april infield insider getting out of the box you are in that was never there in the first place", "i suppose it s partly my fault for forgetting my earplugs but it s still really frustrating to feel like you re being permanently damaged for no apparent reason", "i just feel so dirty", "i was tired of feeling hurt", "i feel the hearts decision to stop caring can it be reversed", "ive made it through a week i just feel beaten down", "im going through life feeling now rather than being totally numb", "i would have smiled except i was starting to feel like any more uptight comments and my jaw would fall right out of my head", "im still feeling a bit drained", "i feel it s because we re unsure how we can help", "i feel rotten and ive forgotten myself", "i just feel more vulnerable than other people", "i get projects where i am stuck and i feel so foolish when i have so many questions to ask", "i feel very reluctant talking about death", "i need to do everything i can to push away the boundaries i feel listless and overwhelmed", "im feeling homesick this week", "ive been feeling delicate this week", "i feel so uptight around my family", "i feel ashamed afraid to let people come over to see my messy house afraid i ll be pulled over and my car towed for my unpaid ticket afraid that blood work will come back with a diagnosis of imminent death", "i feel so helpless knowing i cant protect them and i worry about the others now", "im still feeling needy and what my human family cannot possibly give me i am looking elsewhere", "im starting to feel unwelcome in life and some people can already tell this", "i can t even stand this feeling because i realize that everything is for nothing i will never be with you and i will never see you in my life it hurts but i keep supporting you", "i feel not having a generous spirit or a forgiving nature closes me off from accepting gifts from the universe", "i like to keep them on hand when i m feeling not so brave or extraordinary", "i feel and i dont need some dumb reason to legitimize or excuse the way im feeling", "i will feel as though that time has come in vain", "i tell myself i dont open my mouth and say what i really feel because i know im a loon and im smart enough to know im a loon and i never ever know if what im doing the choices i make are really what i want or need or even the right thing or if its the disease", "im most expressive when i feel distraught", "i am left feeling dazed and confused", "i just got really crunk about a situation and now i feel like i have to write to calm down lol", "i spend obsessing over my decisions and feeling anxious", "i have been a procrastinator i have endless potential and passion inside yet im stuck in the cage of my own soul the unresolved feelings hurt resentment that i hold inside has built up even do i try to build myself back up again", "i feel however i have something far more precious than feelings", "i wake up feeling all beaten up and i dont feel that way right now im probably going to be tempted to do the lake again", "i must say that i feel a little depressed because everything i know could be completely meaningless", "i feel uncontrollably agitated and i have no idea why", "i dont know if i feel this way because i live in la and id rather be somewhere else or if its because im stressed about money work or if im just in need of a hug", "i feel so disturbed i have been having difficulties sleeping", "i am lost for words to tell you of my agonising pain i feel from my own sorrowful heart my heart of darkness", "i decided to focus on how i was feeling and what needs were not being met for me in this situation rest calm enjoyment relaxation", "ive found that when i make a simple mistake or i really screw up i feel foolish guilty and like i will never be myself again", "i feel almost embarrassed at my own contribution because its ridiculously unsophisticated and it is pretty much immune to alteration by any of the things that are happening here", "i began to feel a little anxious about may almost being over as obviously time is running out amp to be honest im just plumb out of excuses", "i feel very agitated just sitting here", "i feel so helpless but so well protected", "i feel all mellow right now but i dont think i have anything on my mind worth writing about", "i am actually quite likes this kind of busy feeling just because i am forget every unhappy things then i wont keep on think of it", "i know i won t last long being ambulatory i feel it even though i try to be as positive as i possibly can", "i can feel that they arent supporting me but that doesnt mean i dont want them im my life", "i really have nothing to talk about i m just feeling so damn antsy and needy and lonely", "i am feeling extremely devastated right now because ebloggy does not work just when the mental sewage system is clogged up its diarrhoea time and there is no virtual toilet paper in sight", "i feel like its flying by and im afraid im going to miss something", "i feel so heartbroken and confused and just blah blah blah", "i don t feel so fearless" ]
i feel not heartless because my heart hurts so i still feel it i feel so much pain
[ "i just couldnt help feeling a little bit bitter towards his great big happy grin", "i was angry at my boyfriend who had promised to come to see me but did not because he spent the evening with his pals", "i feel extremely jealous when ranbir works with other directors ayan mukerji filmfare", "i guess the mild pain had made me feel even more impatient to just get on with it", "i feel greedy with my self as of late", "i tend to stop breathing when i m feeling stressed", "i feel irritated that he either interrupts my quiet time or wakes me up", "i feel angry and i feel sad", "i feel like i can trust them though seeing how they can understand how other women can be bitchy and neither of us want to deal with that shit", "i just want the best for that boy maybe i can really stop feeling like im a heartless bitch", "i don t want to bury the hatchet with even though it would be in my best interest simply because i feel that apologizing to a person that insulted me would make me feel like a punk", "i feel rushed again and its the lack of time jerry springer weather amp suddenly you want to put porn on i am very confused but hey let me do that while you enjoy that i had fun fun fun without your hun without a block so hype all about it", "i know what it feels like he stressed glaring down at her as she squeezed more soap onto her sponge", "i feel irritated and helpless", "im being a teenager people and if you feel the need to make sarcastic bitchy comments you can kindly fuck off", "i havent gotten them yet because i still resent paying dollars for a procedure that wasnt fully successful and since i wore glasses for years i feel ive been tortured enough" ]
[ "i dont want to talk to anyone because it was such a dumb mistake and i feel so miserable already that i dont think i could take someone giving me one of those are you serious", "i don t know how i feel about all this how i feel about my place in it if i think that my work is more or less sincere than other gen xers and so on", "i have these bunch of friends im grateful to have the squad mates and the teammates but theres another bunch of people out there that made me feel so worthless because everything i try to do with them it seems so forced conversations it seems like i am forcing my words on them and everything else", "i feel as though i am going to be victimized", "i feared would happen with a amp a after last weeks ep is now playing out just as i had pictured it in a way that makes every scene with annie and auggie just make me feel miserable", "i feel like i am punished for having them too", "i still cognize that disregarding of how i feel this jesus thing is real and he has shaken my cosmos for the last about yearses", "i had thought but i feel scared and somewhat trepidatious nervous and sad", "i was feeling so jaded i still am from all the sep preparation which for the most part progress has been moribund that i didn t feel like going on sep anymore", "i may have spent the last hours feeling like a tortured soul but on the other side its all sunshine and rainbows", "i feel that horrible helplessness to make things better for them and that feels like it will kill me inside", "i woke up feeling crappy tired and fighting this feeling all day maybe it is all the pollen the barometric pressure i dont know i know i was off kilter", "i cant explain how i truly feel but some words that encapsulate some of my me ness currently ecstatic happy bouncy relieved energised in a mood to dance wanting chocolate wanting to socialise right now smiley and about here i lose words that express but bah so emo", "i probably feel the need to move on every years and the fact that ive been here over years now makes me feel totally worthless somewhere", "i can t imagine a real life scenario where i would be emotionally connected enough with someone to feel totally accepted and safe where it it morally acceptable for me to have close and prolonged physical contact and where sex won t be expected subsequently", "i feel so low from living high chorus post chorus outro i need you more need you more i need you more than dope", "i do find myself feeling distraught about getting older and stressed about the impending responsibilities that are to ensue i am generally content with only a little bit of repressed anger that makes it s appearance only when it s instigated", "i am feeling a bit overwhelmed here", "i was healthy then this mild but annoying cold ad now a new cold which made me feel just awful for he past day", "i wish i would feel blessed all the time and remember what i do have but for some reason it wears on me all the time and so i need that reminder through the year", "i started to feel really confused", "i don t feel comfortable doing it is what i m trying to say", "i dunno where that feeling came from and im not terribly keen to feel it again", "i feel isolated and overwhelmed this lie can cause me to abandon any project that a class zem slink title god href http en", "i see you i feel so helpless", "i never wanted to be kissed never wanted to break the code but shed stolen that from me and i feel like i lost something i will never get back", "i would feel helpless feeling of wronged frustrated and misunderstood", "i feel highs so ecstatic that just being normal feels like a thousand mile drop and being unhappy is excruciating", "i secretly feel unimportant anyways and as such find people to disrespect me which might explain why i lend this doucher my time my energy and my body and let his needs get met b my own", "i run into feel useless i understand that but not because of my retirement it is because my daily struggle overwhelms me often", "i feel so hopeless and unloved and unwanted", "i feel stressed tired worn out out of shape or neglected", "i have to admit i m feeling a little victimized", "im feeling a little tender in my wood works", "i am or who i m with i always feel alone", "i am not surprised cause its like ok when you feel crappy and it just continues for like days or so you really try to avoid getting that sickness again", "i am feeling uncertain and insecure and fearful", "i feel lousy on what happen", "i sort of feel like one of those people who was unfortunate and lost their father when they were and life goes on", "i feel tortured with tiredness everyday", "i am too fragile to feel too vulnerable of pain and too easy for tears", "i just feel like im being punished for it now even after i said sorry", "i would rather feel nothing than feel this then do not be surprised if you find your life very depressing and grey and unrewarding", "i am made to feel useless", "i have struggled with my thyroid waking up each day not feeling well and seeking answers to fix whatever was wrong so i could once again get up and just feel good again", "im not feeling quite as jolly though", "im feeling kind of unwelcome", "i feel i begin to compare myself to others what an ugly and painful thing to do", "i know myself and see how entrenchedly selfish i can be to feel accepted at the same time is a deeply moving experience and is at the heart of pureland buddhism", "i have times when i feel insecure", "i feel like a fake a fraud a hypocrite", "i made the choice to start recognizing when that feeling of being unloved kicks in and to choose to keep my persistence at the same level not allowing that old reaction to shut me down", "i love how i can feel totally distressed and hopeless but when i put on a bright eyes record or something all of a sudden i have this realization that there is more to life than the shit i worry about", "i feel like i m worthless and i can t do any good for anyone even tought i try and try very hard", "i falter and blurt out something that offends you please understand that i am still learning and i will probably feel as foolish as i just sounded", "im going through life feeling now rather than being totally numb", "ive found that when i make a simple mistake or i really screw up i feel foolish guilty and like i will never be myself again", "i couldn t see a future without the pain and i was feeling heartbroken i d gone from being a very happy and active mum doing lots of outdoor activities with my children", "i believe you have to truly regret feel remorseful that you have these feelings even if you feel like you can t control them", "im feeling a little overwhelmed", "i feel needy but comfortable with it i feel vulnerable but secure i feel the urge to cum hard but i get no relief", "i feel so empty while i m turning your corpse inside out like something broken never actually alive but now you re ended one more for my collection", "i feel hate whoever that love me or caring towards me", "i am blank completely i am just feeling every emotion as precious would feel it and how she should feel it", "i had been chained up well time was hard to gauge i had been flogged pierced cut blind folded had hot wax put onto me and deprived of light and sound for periods but never did i feel abused", "i am feeling very strange but this is also present movement and i am trying this as one of way", "i feel so numb that i wonder whether im still human", "i feel defeated knowing that i cant be like them and that it is because of myself and the things that i have felt that i cant attain great success like them", "i feel bad for a lot of these people because i know from watching documentaries that people who do these drugs are trying to fill a void something that hurt them in the past that they are trying to fill with this drug that makes them feel temporary happiness", "ive been feeling afraid a lot lately", "i feel so helpless right now", "i have done so in hopes of being inspiring while at the same time looking for solace from people rather than god and for proof that maybe i can do something good while i feel so horrible", "i feel very alone in part because everyone has there opinion of what is going on or not going on and sometimes i feel that if i challenge those people they will be upset with me", "i feel unloved and know im hated", "i am feeling rejection low self esteem and purposeless", "i feel like everything about me is defective and wrong and needs to be changed but when i change it the new thing is wrong too because its mine and therefore it must be wrong", "i had been struggling emotionally feeling beaten down and discontented", "i lay here still awake i find myself feeling unhappy", "i am feeling quite disheartened", "i feel overwhelmed how about you", "i feel like i m defective or something for not having baby fever", "i feel terrible about that", "i hate this feeling to see you that way youre so talented yet you cover yourself you locked yourself", "i scream every day and every night and no one hears and my face is starting to fall off and i feel anxious and frightened all the time and i don t think i know what anything means anymore", "i have yet to meet a cancer patient who does not feel burdened by some poor self image unresolved conflict and worries or past emotional trauma that still lingers in his subconscious", "i feel crappy so i don t run which makes me feel more crappy and so on and so on", "i feel unprotected a class post count link href http reprogramming in process", "i cannot begin trying to understand how it must feel to be surprised by an earthquake or see the devastating pictures live to escape from a tsunami", "i really like in choir the people who i feel are really friends in choir who are sincere to me are not going for the trip and i feel really lost", "i cant begin to think of how that would feel morose doesnt even begin to cover it", "i know but i m also upset because i increasingly get the feeling that i m a pleasant accessory", "i always feel sympathetic for those that do as well because life can be really hard on you sometimes when you do have alot of pride", "i just feel humiliated and stupid that i didnt realize that all these things were only pushing you farther away from me", "i feel badly enough about myself and everything thats going on and some of these people that are supposed to be helping me arent particularly sympathetic", "i feel bore and restless", "i keep having all of these wonderful feelings and dreams and i am so terrified that they are bad or harmful or wrong but they are not", "i feel doubtful and afraid", "i am feeling really lousy i take out the diy therapy chart and look up the emotion i am experiencing", "i resorted to yesterday the post peak day of illness when i was still housebound but feeling agitated and peckish for brew a href http pics", "i will not go into details from that long night but i woke up for our am bus feeling like i could barely stand and not trusting the pit in my stomach", "i too still believe in feminism and i still believe in the saving power of rock music as bauer proclaims at the end of the article so why am i left feeling skeptical and unconvinced", "i just feel really emotionally drained", "i can feel that gentle rhythm imprinted on my skin i vibrates up my arm my stomach clenches my legs squeeze i forget his own leg has somehow ended up between mine", "i am feeling disappointed at myself for making mistakes or getting frustrated for not knowing a lot of things taryns words would be ringing in my head", "i everyone this will be a bit of a brief post as ive got a stinking cold at the moment and am feeling very very crappy but i have another page done on", "i mean it is exhausting to feel bad all the time", "i had to have a blood test yesterday so perhaps im feeling particularly fond of it right now because of the doctors needle that was inside of me and the time spent with the dizzy head of a non meat eating nineteen year old female", "im beginning to feel like i know the terrain ive lived numb for so long now numb feels like norm thats where the story ends and this is where the fairy tale starts im beginning to feel happy", "i can see a lot of strain on people i can tell they are feeling pretty shitty or not what they are supposed to be pretending", "i believe in luck and when luck is not on my side i feel beaten and sometimes upset", "i believe feeling duality suffering soul growth tells of an ending or a decline or a change of direction often one associated with emotions and it offers one possible response to that decline or change moving on", "i feel like maybe he is going to stop loving me or maybe its true and im a terrible wife", "i might not feel so cool", "i did feel things it was often just repressed fear and anxiety and distrust", "i am feeling so remorseful now", "im feeling abit uncertain now", "i feel beaten and bruised from their harshness and wearied by their relentlessness", "i use the noticer to discover the source of my feelings it allows me to understand and realize that there is no solution for these past feelings i am grappling with only compassionate awareness", "i came home still feeling stunned and in need of rest i received a call from a dear elderly cousin marie to say she called an ambulance for herself and would be going to the hospital", "i feel slightly dazed and tired and angry but that is a normal emotion and mood for me to experience from day to day or week to week" ]
i feel very agitated and sort of lost
[ "i also feel a little selfish when i get excited about hitting it off with our friends friends because it makes me feel victorious in our choices", "i used to be able to hang around talk with the cashier when i was putting away my money now i feel rushed and stressed if i take a second to fumble with the coins and put them in my purse", "i remember watching this as a child and feeling a bit outraged on charlie browns behalf when peppermint patty invites herself over to his house for thanksgiving and then gets angry when she doesnt get the meal she expects", "i constantly feel lied to and wronged by them i love these people to death", "i feel like theres a dangerous chance that im pulling a don quixote on this blinding rushing at the windmill that is my eventual marriage or future child", "i did on weekends was sleep and feel bitter about the world", "i feel like im losing motivation since the scale has been so unkind to me lately and i cannot get that attitude or i will possibly throw away everything ive worked for", "i cant get sleep she said irritated i am feeling cold", "i squeek at the intimate scenes not once did i feel grossed out or appalled in anyway and not because im a freak but because when you read about these two loving people you forget that theyre brother and sister", "im feeling very frustrated with my novel in progress right now and i cant even decide why", "i took several deep breaths feeling the cold air burn its way into my lungs and exhaling little clouds of vapor", "i feel appalled at my sadness and hurt", "i like listening to hardcore sxe music its the one thing that lets me feel rebellious while not chocolating out or spending till its gone", "i cant remember exactly what made me stop using it but i have a feeling i got distracted by other hair products and just sort of forgot about this one", "i want to find peace because there are so many things going on in the world that affect so many others and i feel selfish for being so sad four years later", "i feel frustrated lonely or am having a hard time i think of elf and regain my strength lets spend together you guys and the other member for sure" ]
[ "i can feel it physically sort of aching and now im kind of expecting a response i dont know what it would say but ive got a good idea", "i feel devastated right now", "i suppose most of my writing emerges out of some feeling of emotional urgency so there is usually a sense of darkness", "i am home again and feeling somewhat the dull girl not sure at all what real life is like anymore after such a short time away amazing how quickly a brain can go on vacation", "i know that right before going into the psych ward i was my lowest ever and hadn t eaten in two weeks and then i had to eat and then i had to take a bunch of medications and the weight just went sky high and i feel terrible right now", "i started to explain how miserable ive been this year and all of the reasons why and its just so pathetic feeling that im too embarrassed to even describe", "i can t help but feel jaded", "i feel all kinds of dirty and not a good dirty src http nevercontrary", "i just feel really emotionally drained", "i am feeling very unloved", "i know every baby is different but i feel like ive already exhausted pun intended my bag of tricks", "i feel worthless and the precious time i lost is unbearable", "i cant help but feel so burdened", "i feel like i ve been put in a bag and shaken up but otherwise ok", "i quit my job in financial services feeling disheartened and disillusioned and i took a complete u turn in my career returning to university and studying something very different from what id been doing in my job", "i have been feeling rather lonely", "i feel like an indecisive idiot", "i was actually feeling very discouraged last week and then i bit the bullet and looked at this", "i feel very disturbed now thanks to this psychopath s useless and fake story", "i forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to feel uncertain about my application within this i reveal that i feel uncertain within myself", "i feel like i cant handle this deployment or that i am miserable", "i just feel so useless and utterly worthless", "i know that i was going to feel disheartened afterwards because of an unknown undefinable thing which i cannot attribute to anything at all", "i feel like strangling horny bastards schools people for banging our boats and not even syaing sorry", "i feel so numb and so asleep yet every single feeling is so sharp and so full of pain", "i feel anything internally i m convinced that i m feeling my last breath heartbeat burp whatever", "i remember feeling uncertain about what to say well erm we are trying and my period is due this week so erm", "id like to be losing a month but i know that a month is not sustainable for me and i am losing a month without feeling deprived which is more awesome than i can explain", "i think i feel stressed", "im under a lot of stress and feeling overwhelmed", "i guess im sad because i feel alone in this", "i was feeling extremely whiney and lonely and sad", "i read up on the practicies and cult like beliefs of falun gong and now i feel sceptical and a tad bemused", "i might not feel so cool", "im not as low as my much dreaded lowests i have been feeling a zap and strain on fabulous in the last week", "i feel like nothing can stop me and sometimes i feel like so defeated", "i woke up feeling shaky and nauseous with lots of cramping and pressure in my abdomen and pelvis", "ive been devoting myself to you monday to monday and friday to friday not getting enough retribution or decent incentives to keep me at it im starting to feel just a little abused like a coffee machine in an office so im gonna go somewhere cozy to get me a lover and tell you all about it", "i feel incredibly disappointed in myself", "i feel traumatised and pained", "i wonder are you jealous or feeling of discontent or covetousnes", "im so afraid that im bipolar because that feels too much like being like that kids i hated in th grade the kids who nearly drove me to suicide for the first time in my life", "im floating in the grey region between self hate and feeling superior", "i feel so uptight and tense", "i feel heartbroken and sad", "i started to feel discouraged", "i see the areas where i should be doing better and i feel discouraged and condemned but i feel tempted to turn to numbing pleasures more than to despair", "i feel a bit gloomy in general and not entirely sure why", "i feel so repressed with this one now", "i know that i will always feel a little bit strange and out of place in the academy", "i began to feel woeful as i stared into the abyss of goal less task less list less ness but luckily huda came to the rescue with in", "ive listened enough to all you people and i just go back to my old ways by taking your advice then in the end i just feel discontent with myself because i cant change my ways that i give up before its over", "i am feeling quite anxious about it all", "i feel strongly that those who finger point and wish to control other peoples lives are not feeling very peaceful and content within their own lives", "im trying to regroup after anatomy as ive been feeling depressed and exhausted for the past three weeks or so", "i feel like god pooped on me laughed amp then walked away throwing a casual yeah", "i feel so neurotic sometimes because usually even if i know we dont have something etc", "im happy but i feel all this pressure to do one thing or another amp it makes me unhappy", "i just feel so dirty", "i feel like i should say something emotional and touching about the fleeting nature of time but damn im feeling like ive been flung into a first day of school suddenly huge to do list tornado", "i was actually feeling very distressed", "i cause extreme worry and distress ground to remember fondly you forever mary prepares to feel unfortunate time eventuallythe intense emotion have sexual lovein condescend to come she by hand puts out strength wu mouth dont let oneself cry out", "i do feel has conditions it hurts deeply and it is not pleasant", "im feeling really lethargic and weird today", "i think the sooner we do the better well all feel greg im already in a distressed mood mom", "i sometimes feel that this is inadequate that my mind too often slips from focusing on god and jumps to my own selfish thoughts and the tasks at hand in the classroom", "i began to feel strange i thought to myself here it comes", "i feel that positive vibe just bashing its way slowly but surely through this door of negativity and yet i feel like its not nearly close enough", "i feel so all alone no ones gonna fix me when im broke how do you cry with inanimate eyes", "i am saying that i am feeling helpless now that i have to walk on toes", "i feel like i have way to many questions and things going on that are un resolved", "i don t feel amazing or good afterwards then i m not pleased", "i feel like i m always stressed worried or upset about something", "i sometimes feel like a damaged product", "im honest im surprised at myself for feeling so emotional about it all having adopted a rather juvenile sneer against heaney as a bored year old in school", "i feel a little stressed and lost just waiting for an idea to come", "i see but i feel confused by all about you lately", "i feel like im in a really strange stage of my life right now as im entering my th year", "i feel intimidated like i just want to turn around and head back into the safety of my yoga class or hop on the tried and trusty treadmill", "i hold space for these feelings the anger the jealousy sadness and despair the longing i can relate to those feelings but not have them devour me", "im simply feeling just a little unhappy about the whole skinnyg and even the charming customer provider hasnt made that go away", "i close my eyes i can hear the pitiful wailing sounds of my own cries taste the salty taste of my tears and feel that anger and hurt saturating my heart", "i am now in cyprus seeing my timeline so visibly and i ask myself why do i feel so stressed at home when i could feel so relaxed like i do now", "i possibly feel foolish for", "i feel from no longer being burdened with those i have to tip toe around and be careful about what i am saying or feeling is unbelievable", "i either feel like crap about myself all day and try to make up for it the rest of the day and am exhausted", "i feel like a rag doll badly abused", "i am feeling miserable and sick but hoping that with the amount of sleep i am getting i havent had much choice i have had zero energy cold meds vitamins and lots of fluids i have high hopes to feel better tomorrow", "i spent the following months in a drug induced haze incapable of thought or feeling but it wasn t anything as glamorous", "i don t fit in and never will despite the fact if you gave me the option i would still choose to be an outsider and combined with the lack of creativity and originality and dare i say it the utter conformity of the student body it just makes me feel depressed", "im moved in ive been feeling kind of gloomy", "i feel intimidated nervous and overwhelmed and i shake like a leaf", "i notice how different this question is from why i am feeling so agitated", "i feel so unloved lately like i dont get given enough attention", "im also pretty close to just exiting out of the window because i feel like this makes me look freakishly neurotic", "i repeat over and over in my life in which i try to take control in my life but it when it doesn t work i feel afraid that i have no control", "i think that when we say i feel so alone in this or i feel like i am facing this all alone we dont really mean what we say", "i feel so wiggy about everything maybe ill just drop my virtuous lib stance and join georgie porgie", "i feel like i m worthless and i can t do any good for anyone even tought i try and try very hard", "i could feel myself getting weepy strangely my left axilla also ached", "i love how i can feel totally distressed and hopeless but when i put on a bright eyes record or something all of a sudden i have this realization that there is more to life than the shit i worry about", "i ask to know things and then everything changes and then i feel a bit shaky as i try to keep up with my own leading edge and the huge amount of change i m invited to allow as i come into alignment with and catch up with me", "i can never seem to get on the good foot and i feel so crappy", "i have had some very emotional nights of crying feeling unsure and angry", "i wish i had the right language to convey the simultaneous feelings of excitement peaceful enjoyment of country cycling but also being out of my element", "i feel so completely and totally drained", "i have noticed my body has not been to happy when i eat red meat and last week i was feeling lethargic and a little seedy nothing i put in seem", "i may feel a bit gloomy", "i feel so disheartened that i feel nauseous and sick", "i feel like a whiney lil girl who s keeps whining and psycho ing herself to love studying and start studying", "i feel drained of energy", "im not crossing things off ever growing to do list i feel like i keep making stupid silly mistakes in all areas of my life amp im just tired", "i started to question whether or not i was on course because i was feeling that confused", "i have already said i am one of many feeling threatened and attacked by the government and media of today and have had to look outside my own small life", "ive got a cough that is deep in my chest and overall i just feel terrible", "i feel and oh how my heart broke", "i am feeling pretty shaky and sad", "im feeling plunge us into a world of melancholy and love", "i don t know i feel really helpless about it", "i was kinda laying on my disappeared arm playing on the computer then i got up to turn eat dinner but on the way adjectives of a sudden this wierd feeling in my collar chest felt like a bounce of electricity shocked me or something then my left paw" ]
i know i feel personally offended by this on so many levels
[ "i have to revise my replies over and over again in my mind just to make sure that the reply sounds appropriate enough and that the person who receive the reply will not feel offended", "i do feel jealous sometimes especially when it comes to friends", "i can go from elated laughing to plunging back into my extreme misery at a simple exchange that it feels so dangerous now", "i continue to spend hrs into not feeling envious can i really do it", "im with you when your professor looks at you like a spitball when your friend is dying when you cry into your pillow at night when you feel the dangerous tickles of jealousy luring you down into its lair", "i did feel a little lighter in spirit now that i knew that neither he nor warrick despised me for my incredible naivety and stupidity", "i am waking up in the middle of the night again with aches and pains and generally feeling grumpy", "i feel spiteful toward him", "i try and try to keep up with other bloggers and read whats scheduled so that my review goes up close to when everyone elses does but im tired of feeling rushed tired of the pressure that i put upon myself", "i feel immensely distracted by the barrage of media i receive solicit", "i feel like my irritable sensitive combination skin has finally met it s match", "i thought id talk today about getting cold feet im sure every bride will know that feeling when hubby to be did something that reeeeeeeeally pissed us off and we start yelling that we just cant do this anymore i cant marry someone like you", "i feel to being distracted with things that take up my attention or interests that keep me from more focused times of prayer and reading his word", "ill just have to make some local friends i can go to the movies with and know for a fact they wont even without meaning to cause i seriously doubt there was any actual intention to hurt my feelings or actually call me heartless a moral or brainless it just came across that way to me", "i am feeling cranky or not cooperative i should be allowed to sleep or relax and if i am not given this opportunity it s not my fault if i body slam my bosses or harass museum visitors", "i feel so spiteful towards people sometimes just the way they look makes me want to hurt them" ]
[ "i feel a funny mix of emotions", "i am feeling a bit strange never felt that ever but should i really stop writing blogs now", "i don t know if im just speaking for myself but i feel like we are all becoming more stupid by the day", "i had continued to think along those lines i probably would have done the dishes in anger and when he got up wed have had a fight about that with me feeling completely abused", "i feel strange being thankful when such awful things on the other sides of the oceans that surround that country happen on a daily basis", "i get upset that i try to rekindle some sort of feeling excitement remorse longing anything but like i said even this feeling becomes a temporary phase", "ive seen how mean other kids and adults can be to a child who doesnt fit into the norm and no way was i going to label him so he could be made to feel he was anything other than amazing", "i sometimes feel a bit unwelcome", "i have an uncomfortable feeling that there actually was an important lesson there for me to learn", "i feel about strange brew", "i arlovski on ufc win i feel really horrible leave a comment", "i have to admit i have been feeling very disheartened and disillusioned with the whole publishing community for months", "i feel kind of unwelcome in many catholic communities but i hope that isnt the case here", "i feel strongly about or a line that i want to draw in the sand so to speak i shouldn t be afraid especially at this point to bring up how i feel about what my conclusion should entail etc", "i am feeling uncertain of the merits of posting to this blog with the frequency or earnestness i had been over the previous year", "i notice that i feel a little apprehensive even to share all this", "i got up this morning with a heavy burden in my heart feeling a bit discouraged and questioning god about certain things that still are not clear to me", "i feel i m so emotional and messed up that i can t even think about writing in this blog and so i get out of the habit and months go by and comments go unread and suddenly i forget how to do this", "ive been feeling far from perfect in the area of motherhood", "i know this is supposed to come across as funny but i can t help but feel sorry for the poor guy", "i hate to say it but i felt a tinge of this same feeling last week as i watched my beloved red sox fall to the tampa bay devil rays", "i finally admit im feeling sorry for myself evar ok i finally admit im feeling sorry for myself if bc", "i really feel guilty about them any more", "i just feel discouraged because the industry is enormous what makes me special in a sea of pretty girls", "i ever feel ugly or ashamed of my body", "i have learned to not take myself seriously enough to feel humiliated", "im feeling scared and the rage filled im mad at me", "i wish i could say fuck you to people who make me feel insecure for ever to have existed", "im overreacting or perhaps the feeling i felt was just an amplified reaction to the way she has ignored almost everything ive said in class or the stupid smile and her tone she has been using in those rare cases she hasnt ignored me", "i was creating a relationship to counter a self accepted and allowed self definition of being inferior to them which means i was feeling lousy thinking i was less than because i was not being in the limelight of praise of gain", "i can tell you exactly what is wrong at this very moment this very second i grieve for my son i miss my son i feel as though i am being punished and living in a hell at times", "i really am feeling skeptical about politicians lately and all of the tomfoolery and shenanigans that are going on in washington so it s nice to read a book that is about that subject and about some people taking action though no i don t advocate the actions they took", "i think of these folks when i am feeling miserable for having to acknowledge i must actually do something to make the world a better place", "i feel like a letdown and i feel like i allow myself to be hurt", "i said look your moving to fast i am at the point in my life where i feel like a victimized child a child that needs to talk and get things out", "i always jumble words and letters and i feel like the inhalers i took back in college are the culprit for my brain being permanently damaged", "ive had little movie star tears come down but the way i feel is not relieved by that", "i get of oz is the occassional viewings of home and away and even a bit of neighbours if im feeling really tragic", "i see the areas where i should be doing better and i feel discouraged and condemned but i feel tempted to turn to numbing pleasures more than to despair", "i can feel it physically sort of aching and now im kind of expecting a response i dont know what it would say but ive got a good idea", "i do however feel a tinge of regret now that i know how its damaged my abilities to breast feed", "im wound a little too tightly for it i remember the paranoid feelings more vividly than the mellow ones", "i feel uncertain and uneasy", "i get the feeling people think im very whiney which i know i am", "i currently am feeling rotten with some sort of illness not exactly what i had hoped for in my small amount of time back home but hey ho", "i have to cop out on feeling regretful", "i guess i do have to give some credit to the douche bags out there though because after all those feelings are what give birth to these lovely words i utter", "i feel shaken by what the mps did but you make it all better", "im feeling overwhelmed i can just give people the middle finger or tell them to f off", "i read a story that left me feeling confused frustrated and a little angry", "i feel frightened or anxious", "i feel completely unsure of any boundaries or normalcy", "i was talking to my district leader elder hill last night and was explaining to him some of my concerns such as not seeing the fruits of our efforts not having baptized anyone yet and just plain feeling like i have so many problems and weaknesses that its not even funny", "i m being reserved kind i feel so loads and loads and loads of mood swings i am not caring eh", "ill just say it i feel horrible about my body", "i feel like my life is very rich and fulfilling but i know people look at the way i live and feel some misplaced pity for me", "ive known that this person has been miserable for years im still feeling pretty shaken", "ive ever written although im not gonna reproduce it here because it is full of boring academic references and also it specifically analyses several prominent bloggers and their treatment of romantic relationships and id feel weird about putting that on the internet", "i feel completely burdened with my own intelligence", "i visit m ller in my country and go to the expensive make up stands the sales assistants are always standing right next to me and looking at me like im going to steal something so i feel really uncomfortable shopping there", "i feel like someone is being judged harshly not accepted or asked to be something they are not", "i have to say im feeling very tender about a great many things today being a mom is one", "i read in one horrific sitting made me feel ashamed of the world we live in", "i feel so fucking heartbroken", "i feel all funny sometimes", "i feel i need to be punished", "i dont want to talk to anyone because it was such a dumb mistake and i feel so miserable already that i dont think i could take someone giving me one of those are you serious", "i feel at this point i ought to just add my sincere apologies to her for taking so long to commit my tag to my blog and hand over the baton to someone else to run with", "i feel humiliated at her apartment i came here to this family i feel stuckin this life and go the hell i do not want to be more present in my life", "im just figuring these lyrics out myself so apologies if im slightly wrong but it just feels a bit fake", "i find myself crying over loosing everything that i have everything that i am not really proud of and i feel such a loyal connection to what s around me", "i feel like im being a terrible person and that hes going to hate me for thinking these things", "i just cant shake the feeling that my impulse to add endgame bonuses or special actions would make a rather elegant game needlessly complex", "i have also been feeling completely overwhelmed and so incredibly unappreciated", "i said eventually it brings me down again not only because of the sugar that it contains which as i said ends up making me feel groggy and gives me a tummy ache but also because of the guilt i feel afterwards", "i feel most apprehensive about each week probably because it is the one most likely to unavoidably show me my shortcomings as a runner", "i feel a sense of relief and also sadness because im ending and my colleagues most anyway have been oh so fab", "i do when i feel guilty a href http douevenlift", "ill feel uncomfortable although i always heard people or friends around calling their loved one honey babe my angel darling peaches pickle gt", "i love more than anyone made me feel like i hated them sooo much but i knew i didnt which really hurt i ened up being a dick and crying for like an hour in front of people which was even more stupid", "ive been holding onto that are making me feel rotten", "i feel so horrible that i want to cry", "im feeling particularly brave my armpits but common sense be damned", "i am way less uptight the second time around but i still do feel awkward both at baring myself and at the potential of making anyone else feel uncomfortable", "i feel burdened by her presence", "i know myself and see how entrenchedly selfish i can be to feel accepted at the same time is a deeply moving experience and is at the heart of pureland buddhism", "i actually stop to think about it it makes me feel quite overwhelmed", "i feel disheartened or defeated", "i feel like a frightened little child more than anyone could ever know", "i have been made to feel totally unwelcome by my managers at work i ve gone from being one of the most trained in my team to human being of the least", "i feel bad for the creature", "i also really hope they feel ashamed as in se asian culture public shaming ie screaming thief after someone is about as bad as stealing", "im feeling lately vulnerable impressionable and a little emotional", "i am feeling really sad", "i was saying that ive been feeling unhappy besides having all those assignments im feeling unhappy also because im feeling kinda lost", "i feel like a paranoid annoyance when in reality she wouldve talked to anyone that way", "i still feel very emo but its now a bouncy butterflies in my tummy everythings gonna be ok kinda email rather than a feeling shitty emo so", "i feel distressed music on my mind rewrite fma op", "im clocking in the scale in the s and i feel terrible", "i dont want to make a bad impression with my new co workers in both my job or my lab simply because i just feel so insecure and agitated all the time", "i feel i m being punished for too many thoughtless years of assuming that the trappings of success were earned and not given", "im like not even that relieved that its done because i know i could have done better so i feel kind of regretful about that", "im feeling like a tortured teen i decided to pile on the neon which was the shizz in my day", "i feel like ya maybe i am dumb weird and strange", "i did feel superior in one thing", "i sensed he had so much to offer but there were also many many times where his behaviour made me doubt myself did not make me feel special and at times frankly just rude and immature", "i feel threatened when other people do not believe that", "i can t begin to express the feelings this doomed romantic vision stirred in me the seeds which grew through a lifetime", "i feel like im unwelcome", "i feel ashamed afraid to let people come over to see my messy house afraid i ll be pulled over and my car towed for my unpaid ticket afraid that blood work will come back with a diagnosis of imminent death", "i mean already as a parent from the moment the iolani left my body i can tell you i feel like im constantly fearful for something horrible happening to her thats out of my control", "i started noticing then puzzling finally feeling a bit alarmed", "i can legitimately offer to anyone in the program somehow i feel they would be less than impressed by adrasteius and eulalias adventures tho i submit that they are fan freaking tastic", "i feel very disturbed now thanks to this psychopath s useless and fake story", "i know gay analogy but i am feeling weepy", "im feeling so clever right about now please let me affirm i am not a good cook in fact i am truly disastrous in the kitchen hehe", "i notice how different this question is from why i am feeling so agitated", "i liked my keyboard being kicked in my teeth and feeling lousy about myself as a writer but because i want to know how i can improve and wonder what i did wrong to earn only one star", "i feel strange with the judge passing sentence in such a manner", "i feel less keen about the winston churchill quote really i feel less keen about the winston churchill quote a href http www" ]
i don t try to put my light in where i can i m going to feel fester y and grow bitter and dark
[ "i can feel the beginnings of a cold so i figured i deserve a heinously hot bath", "i know it was not pleasant for her and i feel selfish saying it but i think i would have fallen apart if i had been there", "i was dreading it and feeling irritable", "i am feeling so grumpy today", "i was so busy analysing what s wrong that i end up feeling bitter with the things that makes me happy before", "i hemmed and hawed over it and finally decided to fight it since the thought of it left me feeling so outraged and unjust", "i feel very bitter that i am supposed to be providing this privileged space to someone else and i dont get it", "i feel mad sad and discouraged there is something so marvelous about the lord jesus something about the holy word of god that ignites my soul with hope to once again keep moving forward", "i feel jealous whenever it is in a relationship because i dont get to talk to it anymore", "i feeling so aggravated about all of this", "i give probably to the degree that some might see as too much but if i feel taken advantage of or wronged in any sense i have absolutely no problem shutting it down and walking away", "i am posting about a past event where i am feeling like i should be insulted", "id love to go shopping for sure because i am annoyed feeling bitchy as of right now towards everyone especially you you you", "im thinking that feeling extremely cold yesterday was more down to me brewing something than the actual weather", "i just grab something and hit myself just to feel pain damn i know the risks and injuries that might occur i know its dangerous", "ive been feeling so bothered lately" ]
[ "i am so hurt and feel so abused", "i hope that one day i can escape tia place that i feel has held me back that has inhibited me from reaching my potential but that isnt me for decide just to pray on", "i am feeling vulnerable nervous worried anxious and a bit lost", "i just decided to put a closure on the irritant and avoid them altogether or make their presence feel equally unwelcome", "i wanted to create this feeling of longing and sadness", "i feel like im craving it and then no matter what i order i just really am not that impressed", "ive lived too long feeling shitty being picked on and feeling like the odd one out", "i feel like i am not special", "im feeling a little lost at the moment amp a little low to boot", "i feel honored or insulted", "i seek out pain to feel tortured just to feel something", "i have many days where i feel hopeless today the light at the end of my yellow brick road was shining just a little brighter", "i feel i cant be disturbed to lift upon with hold up anymore it seems as if i dont know what to do or what i m vital for", "i think it goes back to never feeling accepted when i was growing up a learned internal diatribe i need to let go of", "i was on to stop labor made me feel terrible", "i did not feel in the least smart", "i feel like ive been shaken around a thrown down", "i feel threatened by anyone i get this feeling that i want to kill someone", "i think i confuse my feelings of longing with feeling good", "i want to say that i feel as though i dont play a really vital role in anyones life with the exception of one friend", "i begun to feel distressed for you", "i make this blog post i am feeling the melancholy running through my veins", "i feel very indecisive about it", "i am continually having to dig deep within myself to push forward to do more and right now im feeling an awful like its not getting me much of anywhere and all the extra energy has been completely wasted", "i feel complacent in my life", "i feel disappointed for so dont say sorry dont say baby", "im still feeling a bit drained", "i feel stupid dumb and unwanted", "i was trying really hard to be a people pleaser and itd left me feeling so defeated", "i feel i am suffering from a bad case of i only want to nap", "i just want to warn you that im feeling rather delicate at the moment so dont expect too much from me", "i feel less keen about the army every day", "i am feeling quite distressed and dejected over my battle with insomnia", "i feel defeated extremely agitated as well as frustrated beyond words", "i feel anxious as i usually do around this time of night", "i feel bad that i don t have anything for you", "i feel so useless when im stuck in those situations", "i just tell you that the feeling of a skid is not pleasant", "i feel it is unfortunate that my companion differs", "i don t know why this makes me feel so distraught", "i am feeling morose for i have been reading wuthering heights", "i don t feel respect i don t feel admiration and i don t feel an entirely romantic tone", "i feel myself being very indecisive about how i see my work life playing out", "i feel complacent at the moment", "i was feeling discouraged at this point", "i have a feeling he wont be thrilled but i think its ultimately my decision", "im feeling insecure at the moment", "i now can t help but feel like i ve been sloughed over like an unwelcome burden kathumped on the ground", "i zoom into those difficulties into feeling like having to give up everything and feeling more then helpless alone in a desert cast out by the ways voices and actions of others that is another story when i zoom into it i also temporarily loose the view of the full picture", "i start to feel lethargic about blogging", "i was blessed but in some ways i feel like im being tortured by divinity", "i feel that im not talented in baking", "i feel lost and discombobulated i lose the drive to write", "i feel like such a confused person lately sigh", "i just feel jaded about it all now", "i feel pressured to say something", "im feeling morose as i tend to do when im awake and writing here at almost am", "im feeling a bit pathetic today i cant stop crying", "i always feel like the life s been drained from me and that i ve been injected with some kind of venom", "i havent exactly felt too positive lately so feel free to remind me of things ive missed in the comments if youd like", "i get the feeling people think im indecisive and childish which isnt entirely true not to the degree that i show it anyway", "i should be dead since ive been out of this for a couple of months but i feel the pain every time i go to reach for that empty bottle i just cannot bear to throw out", "i feel like i am alone in this world other days i feel like i am surrounded or being closed in on and just want to be alone", "i pull out one of my favorite books to make myself feel miserable", "i do sometimes feel like im in this strange in between world", "i dont think thats what ill do because i feel its just really awkward", "i didn t feel very faithful at that point", "i won t even go in stores because i feel so unwelcome", "i am truly unfortunate the majority of the time i m usually drained but i obtain it hard to get from bed i really feel restless and others", "i feel that my labors are in vain when i don t see the expected results of my efforts", "i feel really socially awkward and dont like to get out and meet new people and do things in groups and be adventurous", "i started feeling a bit strange", "i am personally not doing well i feel lethargic with no energy and with the", "i feel the suffering and i really feel the pain", "i feel abused and maligned but mostly tired of the nervous feeling anticipating danger", "im talking about stored up hurts and pent up rage at the feelings of feeling not accepted insecure marginalized and not belonging anywhere", "i began to feel isolated frustrated and of low esteem", "i had a feeling he wouldn t be friendly about it", "i feel drastically inadequate for the needs i feel swirling around me", "i just feel so unsure of myself and everything in my life", "i ate something wrong so i feel terrible all day", "i always seem to feel im running on empty", "i feel so restless so bored and im in danger of giving up on being good at work", "i just feel so dirty", "im feeling indecisive about what i want to do with the rest of my life", "i have reported feeling marginalized intimidated and or subjected to threats of retaliation", "i just feel worthless and stuck", "i am on the verge of tears feeling depressed unhappy useless feeling like i have wasted my life see no future with happiness in it", "i read it at a time amp place where i was feeling less than perfect", "i don t know about you but i m feeling pretty punished myself right about now", "i constantly feel these fits of discontent", "i were i probably wouldn t be saddled with all this guilt and feeling like i should be doing these things instead of pissing about doing highly unimportant things", "i feel like im falling out of love with him in a way and not in a romantic sense", "i still feel slightly strange with sorrow but i know its not something of god but of satan", "ive been feeling like im running on empty and fearful that ill get my usual progression of sinus infection to walking pneumonia so ive been pounding the a href http www", "i was feeling pretty discontent after that", "i feel to be the most hated myself in this world", "i cafeteria i sit sitting myself feels hurt scared", "i die wont some man make me feel that lifes worthwhile", "i feel that i m so pathetic and downright dumb to let people in let them toy with my feelings and then leaving me to clean up this pile of sadness inside me", "i feel like this was kind of a melancholy post with all my talk about anti love and fears", "i am still feeling some low energy and effects of stress", "i feel it isnt enough times i dont feel respected or special or that this relationship is good for me", "i feel like i should be more appreciative but im struggling", "i left the place feeling slightly shaken it s hard to read and hear about such things", "i also always feel a little scared", "i know in advance then i am fine with it but if i make plans and they change or fall through i end up not knowing what to do with myself and feeling very restless and angsty", "i can help but feel sympathetic", "i feel pathetic and uninspired", "i feel like we are doomed us humans", "i feel worthless confused edgy and mentally drained", "i secretly feel unimportant anyways and as such find people to disrespect me which might explain why i lend this doucher my time my energy and my body and let his needs get met b my own", "i feel so agitated about this", "i feel all betrayed and disillusioned", "i have written i feel suddenly hesitant to post it", "im feeling sad so i can remind myself of how i am talented and good at things and also see things that inspire me all in once place", "im just feeling listless and bored or something", "i have been feeling pretty crappy", "ive been feeling really unsuccessful in a lot of ways", "i am feeling a tad smug right now" ]
i feel i m doing to my mom what i despised so much when it was done to me
[ "i tend to come away feeling insulted by books that deny them", "i kind of feel a little petty about this", "i feel irritated to have missed out direct instruction from master lee is never to be passed up casually i have to admit my body just feels like it needs the rest", "i feel rushed trying to get everything together late at night", "i can control is me and if people feel that i wronged them i will try my best to fix it but some people you cant make happy", "i feel that anna ji is little bit stubborn on jan lokpal bill and the protests related to it", "ive vented and cried and now im a little more calm and feeling less hostile", "i guess ive heard enough over the two months because each time i hear such comments i honestly feel offended", "i feel to being distracted with things that take up my attention or interests that keep me from more focused times of prayer and reading his word", "im currently feeling way fucked up with the mother tongue paper", "i feel the eyes on me the hateful eyes on the other side of the glass that belong to the family members of my beautiful victims", "i feel a bit insulted by that as i am nothing like other women i bloody hate them and their incessant bitching in general over bloody nothing most of the time", "i feel for you you guys who been insulted ill treated lathi charged at the grounds", "i feel but not to such a hostile extent", "i simply can t help but feel dissatisfied after reading glancing through each", "i hate talking about presents because i feel greedy" ]
[ "i feel like not caring", "i am starting to feel the strain of not having enough time i did however make up some lost time with a vengeance yesterday and today and got s of the giant granny panties quilted", "im heartbroken about in love with the world but i think maybe im feeling heartbroken so acutely is it came to me today that every time ive been asked to stay somewhere in the past years or so ive left", "i wasnt supposed to be with n to just let it happen so i could feel the hurt and move on and be with who i was supposed to be with", "i often used the word poggy when we were growing up together when we were feeling particularly ugly or generally not very good those days when all you want to do is stay in bed and hide from the outside world", "i know that i feel awful when i ask my husband to watch audrey just long enough for me to take a shower", "i suppose thats why i feel so melancholy about the whole thing", "i was feeling as if i am in the lap of the divine mother and she is holding me in her soft and tender arms", "i feel totally awful and end up going through that whole nightmarish surgery and feeling good was just around the corner", "i feel so exhausted by a", "i really cannot do anything can i how does it feel to have such a dumb a daughter", "i feel beaten and discouraged", "i feel ugly i m more inclined to wear ratty jeans and a sweatshirt than a beautiful dress though i might still wear a pair of heels around my house to boost my self esteem ever so slightly but i definitely won t bother to buy a new pair", "i feel sad about it", "im at work and hes at school most likely feeling like garbage and suffering through his day when he really should be home snuggled up in bed with his mom making him chicken soup for lunch", "i just feel so damaged hurt and in severe mental and emotional pain right now", "i don t feel brave though", "i type this i feel like one of those unfortunate animals that gets caught in washing machines and somehow survives much lighter ragged and half dead", "i feel terrible for having snapped at him", "im feeling rotten and pretending it just aint so", "i feel terrible and sexist whenever im in a group of women and they start talking about dieting and my brain automatically drops the t", "i feel somewhat remorseful that i wont be around for this move in weekend but i think its for the better that i do this study if it doesnt seem like a good thing i can always back out and come home to oakland and everyone", "i guess they cant help but at least feel remorseful that she died so horribly and im pretty sure matt wasnt crying because he cared", "ive been hiding my eyes between tight hands raising my arms shouting and cursing and feeling passionate", "i have here is that whilst in one turn ill want people to make me feel better but on the other i dont want to have to think about it at all", "i am feeling the strange mix of extremely proud relieved she is on the path to her fabulous future but gutted she has chosen to move out to live in halls of residence at uni", "i feel sometimes like i want to say things that i am sure will offend", "i feel so strongly and passionate about so hearing that just made my heart sink", "i lost a few pounds but i also started to feel really awful", "i believe you have to truly regret feel remorseful that you have these feelings even if you feel like you can t control them", "i vocalize my pain and hurt about how i feel like an outsider to others and they tell me its because they just dont think about me or that they never see me and then on the other hand to be told im faithful at what ive committed to in service and coming to everything", "i were i probably wouldn t be saddled with all this guilt and feeling like i should be doing these things instead of pissing about doing highly unimportant things", "i feel like at times i am lauren for trying to help my friend see that her boyfriend is a lousy guy yes they might be best friends and never let that go but they re both not good for each other", "i feel your prick every night when you re dreaming about me and i she paused dramatically i am not impressed", "i usually doubt my self at this point as i feel i should be that amazing housewife who motors all day and has a list of things they can tell theyre husband they did all day while they were at work and i was at home", "i feel too overwhelmed to clean anything so i just let it all pile up until it makes my whole life feel like it is going to come crashing down around me and i am helpless to stop it", "i felt really bad because claudia and i have always had an amazing time in la and i could feel that she was disappointed that this trip was not turning out to be as fun and amazing as it could have been", "i feel im miserable when i try to do other things", "ive never thought i would feel so guilty for trying to protect someones feelings", "i don t feel like i m welcomed at home even though i am its different than before", "im going to have to tell myself this a lot today when i feel so defeated", "i honestly feel is almost tragic", "i am plagued by awkward feelings the charming tale of a not so charming gal named me", "i feel like i am meant to partner up be supportive lend a hand or a heart and yet i resent this feeling", "i have this crush on my bus mate and i feel strange about it because i used to despise him", "i concentrated on the smell i started feeling it and knew it was the nostalgic aroma of my grand mother s home back in bhubaneswar orissa", "i feel so fucking lame saying that however immature it may be something that i just imagine have imagined all this time", "i prove myself wrong here i am feeling ugly because i made no attempt to get out of my sleeping clothes oh and my eyebrows", "i really am not feeling child friendly", "i feel like but im not very fond of that word", "i wake up feeling all beaten up and i dont feel that way right now im probably going to be tempted to do the lake again", "i did not feel inhibited by the fact that the woman s clodia s husband sorry i mean brother i always make that slip is my personal enemy everitt", "i just got up from a nap feeling really rotten so exhausted that i feel like i could just wilt onto the floor just sitting here", "i don t even feel faithful about all this", "i begged her to come in the house with me when we got back and she did but left right away feeling distinctly unwelcome", "i already went out of my way to be as considerate as possible to others but now i feel like i am being abused", "i don t feel glamorous anymore kangna ranaut a href http www", "i feel no need to offer it though i do feel a bit suspicious in the area of is she doing this just to try and lump all the people who have bothered to argue cogently with her in with the woman hating misogynists", "im supposed to feel compassionate towards that little girl but i feel like she never existed", "i feel was not acceptable and had this been better would of allowed me to meet the needs of some of the students in a more targeted way", "i hate to feel threatened totally", "i feel ashamed afraid to let people come over to see my messy house afraid i ll be pulled over and my car towed for my unpaid ticket afraid that blood work will come back with a diagnosis of imminent death", "i feel like a worthless ugly fat unattractive piece of shit", "i still feel good about the fact that im smaller than her now but thats not the drive that got me here", "i worked as an editor and part of my job was to reject manuscripts i hated it because in those cover letters i could feel the writer s anticipation and longing", "i feel so unimportant right now like i am not worth the time people waste on me i tried to be happy and not seem like something is wrong but i come back to the realization that something is wrong and i feel like i am worthless again", "i just couldn t decide what to feel she didn t tell me and then she blamed me because i never told her it would be like that", "i feel disheartened about that", "im feeling so clever right about now please let me affirm i am not a good cook in fact i am truly disastrous in the kitchen hehe", "ill just cut amp paste it next time i feel the urge to type something as whiney as that", "i feel guilty after i do these things", "i feel as though ive been robbed because much of my summer was not so pleasant and although i started with grand ideas about projects that would be done and structure that would be kept and clever new places that we would go", "i struggle with those pressures when i don t feel like pulling myself together when i want to toss a scarf over my messy hair and grab some milk at the store when i want to snarl at someone rather than do racism for the umpteenth time", "im stressed angry upset to the point where im feeling numb but one more bad thing is sure to set me over the edge", "i said eventually it brings me down again not only because of the sugar that it contains which as i said ends up making me feel groggy and gives me a tummy ache but also because of the guilt i feel afterwards", "i could soon feel quite rejected", "id always been proud of where im coming from but now sometimes i feel im too dorky boring hipster in the wrong way awkward and then i wonder why dont people feel close to me", "ive been doing hour weeks and ill get paid for the extra time but i am starting to feel a bit abused they are putting a lot of pressure on me to look after both kids and do all of the cooking and cleaning", "i was feeling abused humiliated and insulted by a search that does not correspond to the code of catsa nor to the criminal code of canada a woman can not perform a body search in a man", "i was feeling melty and miserable enough myself so i can only imagine what he must have been going through", "i begin to feel burdened by things amp long to be empty again", "i remember seeing it on the monitor and feeling like i had a truck on my chest and couldnt breathe my husband told me theyre going to intubate you now i wasnt convinced i would survive and wanted to live so badly", "i told him that what he did was very stupid or talked down yelled at him he would feel very unloved", "i remember wanting to fit in so bad and feeling like no one liked me", "i understood somewhere in my heart his feeling of decite and abandonment of all hope for ever trusting me again", "i didn t feel like there was something i missed and i take back all the things i said to make you feel like that and i just wish that i didn t feel like there was something i missed and i take back all the things that i said to you", "i know that is satans plan to make us feel inadequate but i never expected i would actually listen to him", "i deprive myself of everything nice i end up cracking feeling terrible for eating something bad and in turn eat more of it", "i then open my eyes and shes gone i cant help but feel alone", "i feel shitty about myself or my work on the heels of feeling great for someone else s accomplishments", "i want all of my feelings rage and terror and longing to wash over me and fill me as the alternative is the dull anxiety of every day living", "i feel like i am being punished for going to school", "i add ciaran and his feelings into all of this it becomes a very messy oozing and uncomfortable topic", "i feel like a paranoid annoyance when in reality she wouldve talked to anyone that way", "i feel like there is no way out being humiliated by asa a guy i was obssessed about who played an embarrassing joke on me getting caught by tabbys wife tabby is a lover i once had who was married and i blindly fell in love with him", "i sometimes feel that this is inadequate that my mind too often slips from focusing on god and jumps to my own selfish thoughts and the tasks at hand in the classroom", "i didnt feel very accepted by most of my family members so my relationship with my church family made up for that", "i was still feeling weepy and strung out so maggie treated me to ice cream and a movie a href http www", "i was starting to feel scared for both of their safety and i wish those officers hadn t left no matter how much i hated them", "i feel like i m worthless and i can t do any good for anyone even tought i try and try very hard", "i feel like the apothecary in romeo and juliet an unfortunate comparison perhaps", "i tell that to has some story about someone who had an awful time conceiving baby but then baby was easy peasy and that just doesnt help me feel better at all", "i mean i feel i feel like the i feel the burden i cant breathe and suddenly im terrified of october what have i been doing the past weeks", "i know my feelings being kinda numb pathetic and full of sorrow about a useless thing called love", "i feel like my only role now would be to tear your sails with my pessimism and discontent", "i always feel very threatened by her when it comes to guys cox you no she gets a lot of contact with the guys i like like my first and bf", "i feel remorseful about leaving food behind and make an effort to eat at least half of it but after stuffing myself at fruits parlor and eating this hamburger steak and all", "i need to find a way to get over this yet i feel hopeless", "i spent a while in here otherwise i was in my room reading and working in the feeling good handbook or making notes on how to further keep my anger under control once i was discharged", "i mentioned previously it has only been over two months i am feeling hopeful that if i am having more positive thought i might be able to forgive her", "i just say that i feel like a terrible person for not being completely in love with this book", "i guess ill just feel awkward with him for a while till i get over shit", "i am feeling a bit ungrateful and choose to correct that", "ill be whingeing about how much i ache but at least i can feel slightly virtuous about it too", "i am left feeling rather distressed and torn", "i began to feel a bit regretful", "i don t like being at home it feels so unwelcome in fact i despise it", "i just can t feel accepted", "i am no i feel melancholy despondent often angry", "i also think its because im so afraid of feeling victimized again" ]
i havent been able to squeeze in a run for two weeks so i am feeling really cranky lethargic
[ "i feel that the life issue and posts like this one will just be met with violent and angry rhetoric", "i have been feeling very insincere", "i love that this is a place a series with no real heroes and i love that the way the couples in these books fall in love feels just as violent and crazy as the place that they call home", "i listen to it i feel all rebellious", "i feel disgusted at him and at myself for having been with him and continuing to be something he wants in his life", "im sure that each person has their own complex set of reasons for leaving and chalking it up to one reason or feeling like because they all hated academia is probably a little too simple", "i was not wrong to feel angry but i was wrong for what i said", "i feel about this band perhaps i m too distracted by the hardcore dancers flailing around", "im feeling greedy for right now", "i am not okay with feeling annoyed at myself and at life all the time", "i am feeling extremely annoyed and restless", "i mean weve been friends for a long time and these things are not new to me but right now it feels like all i ever want to do is just roll my eyes at everything you say and tell you how obnoxious youre being", "i feel a bit jealous because i been trying to date him long time ago but he doesnt want me", "i feel rude bring my own fridge i do eat food but i guess my option", "i was feeling annoyed suddenly", "im not enjoying winter hate feeling cold and having to dress in so many layers" ]
[ "i am feeling a bit strange never felt that ever but should i really stop writing blogs now", "i had to take them out for a while leaving me feeling even more distressed", "i didnt have to drink as much last time as people who get ultrasounds at weeks or before do but it was still enough that i was feeling distinctly eager for the toilet by the end", "i cant explain how i truly feel but some words that encapsulate some of my me ness currently ecstatic happy bouncy relieved energised in a mood to dance wanting chocolate wanting to socialise right now smiley and about here i lose words that express but bah so emo", "im feeling shades of foolish", "i was feeling out of sorts anxious not sure what to do with myself", "im home and feeling a bit low", "i feel strange pangs of loneliness or emptiness bubble up", "i was feeling kind of discouraged because nothing happened", "i just feel really listless right now", "i feel very disheartened today", "i know how awful it is to be on your a game and not see any results and just feel crappy overall", "i lie in bed or is it a coffin it feels more like a coffin not altogether unpleasant just very still i push my legs together and cross my hands i try not to cry i sink downwards hoping for a prick a poke a tube of fluid a needle of", "i am feeling a bit overwhelmed here", "i feel damn lame hahahahahha", "i feel uncontrollably agitated and i have no idea why", "i feel rotten my feet still swell up and after i eat i feel bad and the more i eat i feel bad", "i suppose a couple days of not feeling so hot is better than whooping cough the visit went really well", "i feel really bouncy for absolutely no reason and my head hurts a bit from trying to remember all the books im going to simply have to read now", "i master myself and force some sunshine that i do not feel at all into my voice to indicate that this unfortunate lapse of several minutes is over and we are going to move past it start over try again", "ive been feeling a bit pressured because theres so little time left for two books", "i am going to miss running over and putting my hand on your belly to feel my sweet holli reese kick", "i currently feel like crap but have to at least show my face at work lest they get suspicious at my ringing in sick the day after my holidays", "i feel very energetic to cook something very special i decide to prepare at least one dish with posto and the other days when i simply dont remain in the mood of cooking at all i again look for posto", "i tried to answer as generally as i could but ive been struggling with my work lately and feeling pretty morose", "i just had a baby i feel crappy about myself and my husband doesn t seem to want to have sex with me as often", "im ever feeling stressed i whack heart on black on and it kicks me back into shape", "im not feeling the jolly this year though", "im not sure why but im just feeling delicate", "im feeling too tortured to write today", "i exhausted and feeling a little morose but now im livid on top of everything else", "i feel anger and love and failure i totally dont get an a in mothering friends and grief and loss and captivity and wonder and awe cannot be ignored", "i was thankful to at least feel well enough to sit with my husband and kids at the table even if it was only for minutes before i felt like passing out which carson actually accomplished into his sweet potatoes no less poor guy was sooo tired", "i feel assaulted by this shit storm of confusion anger and hurt feelings that tsunami d us both away from each other", "i reshaped the workout slightly because my left upper arm was feeling tender", "i am still feeling gloomy and down", "i feel like i m worthless and i can t do any good for anyone even tought i try and try very hard", "i write that i feel a bit anxious", "ive just come back from work and now im not in again saturday so im going to spend my time playing some games and tidying up the flat a bit its nice to just feel relaxed and in control for a change", "i am thankful for not attending therapy but am really no further forward in fact probably feeling more isolated misunderstood and lonely in it", "i woke up this morning after hours of interrupted sleep feeling lousy mostly my legs", "i could elaborate how ww is a plan that gives you freedom and boundaries without feeling deprived and how finding your nitche in moving and sweating makes all the difference or the nuts of bolts of the day in and day out choices my story my struggle goes deep into the core", "i still feel mentally in the game but a string of unfortunate events most i haven t written about had me sitting on the sidelines temporarily", "i hold it for a day my arm will feel numb and paralysed", "i feel like i havent been taking enough risks and im not respected by my teacher because of it", "i mean i feel like a broke record sometimes", "i was hoping i could rock a bikini with my belly this summer but im not feeling very cute at this stage", "i feel rejected and unwanted", "i feel like i am nothing but pathetic", "i could feel that strange paralysis all over my body arms and hands except this odd little force field was not holding down my middle fingers forefingers or thumbs", "i start feeling really lousy but figure it was pregnancy stuff", "i feel numb right now i thought i was feeling angry but now i dont know i dont feel anything should i be sad should i be happy or angry i dont know how to feel anymore", "i admit that i am jet lagged so during the daylight i feel groggy almost hung over while at night when everyone is tucked in and snoozing a light pops in my brain and i transform into the ever ready bunny", "i feeling so shitty today then", "i would have liked but if i would have had people to run with i feel like i could have run a low", "i was feeling really emotionally distraught and unable to concentrate", "i feel like im damaged goods hah", "im tired of feeling like im worthless and like there is no future for me", "i would like to take the opportunity to describe one day this week when i was feeling particularly gloomy", "i pulled out and explained that i couldn t feel my penis or at least feel it with any more feeling than my aching back or throbbing balls or stinging nipples", "i am by no means very claustrophobic when crunched up like that i can t help but feel a little agitated", "im feeling a little bit embarrassed about the serious lapse in blogging but ive had an extremely busy past few months trying to finish new work in time for the toronto outdoor show as well as a number of other exhibitions", "i feel like i m in a frantic race with the clock and i can t figure out why", "i start to feel like im getting over the death of my beloved cat timmy and when i get used to the idea of only seeing my mum maybe twice a ytear from now on and justwhen i start planning for my futrue and happy timesa ahead i start efeeling like this again", "i mean obviously yes i did a hour round trip to perform for minutes and had a seriously dodgy chinese meal which has left me feeling decidedly delicate but overall i really enjoyed myself", "i feel like they just feel guilty for treating me badly and i dont really want to go back as i wont get on the league proper anyway due to my inability to make every practice and service hours despite being a very good skater and having a good attitude toward the practices i can make", "i wake up in the morning and have my voice and my throat feels ok but by the afternoon its all scratchy again and i sound like marge simpson until the night when its so bad and my throat is so sore i just have to whisper", "i don t feel brave though", "ive started feeling like almost nothing is worth getting agitated about", "i am left feeling underwhelmed and ungrateful", "i was feeling fine until whammo", "i feel worthless confused edgy and mentally drained", "ive lost lbs between january of this year and now i have this wicked part of me that feels very keen to try on new clothing and to tell myself that i deserve new clothing", "i have struggled with my thyroid waking up each day not feeling well and seeking answers to fix whatever was wrong so i could once again get up and just feel good again", "i was also feeling unimportant", "i did feel complacent that now in britain with the immediate rain life would be that little bit more familiar but nonetheless i have the memories the photos and now i have a goal to work for my gap year and i would be working on that as early as saturday when i would be earning", "i set off feeling strangely nervous and quite weak but slowly worked through the problems and was soon attempting the toughest problems", "i try to stuff my wildly feeling heart and messy insides safely and politely back where they belong but instead im like the scarecrow from the wizard of oz anxious and undone", "im feeling so damn gloomy too", "i think if youre sad a top tip is to eat lots and lots and lots and lots of it until you feel very satisfied and a maybe a bit queasy", "i mean they were minor pains as there was minuscule growth but you get the feeling tampons and period cramps for the firs times in life was certainly not my dad s idea of a carefree holiday", "i still feel groggy and my stomach is still cramping and im still bleeding from the biopsies i feel like ive been given an opportunity", "i feel agitated she said and we continued on to the corner of main and hastings where we saw three or four cops in the middle of a take down and my friend who has an anxiety disorder insisted we get on the wrong bus just to get away", "im feeling less than thrilled about having to go back to my second choice donor now that mr", "i sometimes feel a bit unwelcome", "i am not giving up but i am feeling discouraged", "i start to feel unloved and unappreciated", "i dont know why im feeling so listless", "i might go out of existance i smile pick up my pen and fill the page with the things that you say the thoughts you obtain the moments you refrain far away its cause youre going insane and suddenly im left afraid because im not feeling that way instead im amazed why you gotta be that way", "i feel energetic and bouncy i m more than happy to go to the gym run around outside with my kids or take the pram for a long walk often i do all three in one day", "i have been feeling strong and optimistic and then bam", "i was running hard i was running fast and i feel like the last minutes i was probably hitting low s", "i would come inside in the evenings bone weary and covered in muck feeling like i was finally accomplishing something worthwhile something in which i could have real pride and joy", "im about one fourth through this bottle and im feeling a bit disappointed", "i feel horrible now as a result", "i am feeling energetic and healthy for the first time in a long time i guess an almost lb total weightloss will do that for you", "i normally would call meaningless and stupid but i guess im feeling a little bit adventurous", "i spent a few days feeling defeated and wondering how much better i can expect myself to get", "i feel numb jun nd", "i feel kinda strange too cause i didnt encountered with such feelings last year", "i had this crazy idea that all of that water slogging around in my stomach would make me feel crappy so i kept my sips to an absolute minimum", "i have to visit them every after school and later i have to go tuition and i do not have the time to even study for my exam next week and i have a feeling that i am so going to fail a lot of my subjects and to be blamed for either not concentrating during class or not studying", "i feel useless return false", "i do feel a bit rotten", "i felt like i was losing control of my body and it was hard for me to feel calm and positive about that because it wasn t an irrational thought", "i think it s to do with the fact that i know i don t have a lot of time to play catch up and also because my free time for the first time in what feels like forever is really my free time", "i probably should have written this closer to thanksgiving but i was busy and frankly not feeling particularly lucky", "i started this off feeling a little melancholy but i think the holy spirit must have come in and given me a hand because i feel like now i understand my situation better than i did half an hour ago", "i hate feeling this pathetic", "i was actually feeling very distressed", "im not sure i relish the feeling of squelching mud between my toes when its contents are uncertain", "i m being reserved kind i feel so loads and loads and loads of mood swings i am not caring eh", "i feel all agitated and moody and wanting wanting wanting", "i severed i feel suddenly empty much smaller and oh so tired", "i want to feel energetic again and when i do just that bit of exercise every day be it minutes i feel more awake energized and more focused", "i even feel punished lately it s really not like that", "im not feeling very hopeful about the coming summer", "i know in advance then i am fine with it but if i make plans and they change or fall through i end up not knowing what to do with myself and feeling very restless and angsty", "i am depressed and feeling worthless getting on my gmc denali bike and conquering miles makes me feel less powerless", "i feel as though the past two months have been a strange waking hour upon the even stranger dream of everything my years in wisconsin were and were not" ]
i feel someone has been wronged when i feel i have been wronged or when i get riled up against an action i find offensive i unsheathe my sword and good lord you better look out
[ "i had not yet gotten married and that coupled with the pressures of being a senior pastor coupled with the reality of my glaring inexperience made me feel quite stressed", "i feel almost angry that i have been fed like a lab rat for so many years", "i was going crazy thank god i have a craving for fruits and chocolate it made me go out in the cold with a gross wind blowing in my neck feeling mad and angry and crappy", "i feel like karen is being far too greedy pushy demanding on all fronts", "i dont have to buy it in tubs which feels vile", "i also feel as though this assumption is rude as soon as they are informed they are married the next question follows do you have kids", "i can really decode but im sorry i have to vomit my feelings out because i am so cranky and everything is getting on my nerves", "i feel i am too stubborn and resistant for therapy", "i know that im carrying an obvious prejudice into all of this because of my own feelings about watching them be repeatedly tortured on this topic", "when the paramilitary was sent to the unza and it started using tear gas and started intimidating the students without any provocation", "i feel a bit rude writing to an elderly gentleman to ask for gifts because i feel a bit greedy but what is christmas about if not mild greed", "i feel terribly unkind to say it span style font size", "i say that i feel like im hated", "im supposed to be excited about my tattoo today but instead all im feeling is pissed off", "i cant help feeling like something violent happened as soon as the cameras turned off wish i could find it on youtube", "i am not able to show that directly and so i feel suffocated and irritated" ]
[ "i feel lousy on what happen", "i feel like i find this graceful yet sharp peace within myself but then it seems to dissappear so quickly when that peace within the heart that feels like its breaking", "i feel scared rather than curl up like a threatened porcupine", "im feeling how char had blamed me of doing a few weeks ago", "id pop out of the chair feeling like i should be doing something more worthwhile", "i started to feel crappy", "im tired of feeling unhappy about things and unmotivated", "i am feeling drained it is because i am not taking this aspect seriously enough", "i did something to my back after moving my piano this week im not hercules just terribly stupid so i was feeling a bit miserable for myself this morning and then this turned up in the post", "i feel helpless lost upset and worst of all", "i just had a very brief time in the beanbag and i said to anna that i feel like i have been beaten up", "i let myself think about my behaviour towards you when we were children i feel a strange mix of guilt and admiration for your resilience", "i feel a little overwhelmed", "i am feeling a little sorry for myself and worse for him", "i neither ask for nor deserve to feel frightened when any kook puts me in danger for any reason", "im feeling a little more adventurous", "i do not feel as ugly", "i feel emotional about how people have treated me over the last few months and years", "i look at it like if someone doesnt like me or care about me in a way thats different than just friends i feel unimportant like no one cares about me", "i hope you will also feel a little foolish for doing so", "i feel like perhaps as soon as i grabbed onto him i should have followed him out and beaten him up", "i feel bad then for not accepting who i am", "finding out that i am not ill not seriously", "i started feeling like i was being paranoid since it kept happening", "i tend to agree and so when i feel the burn i call forth for you my aching siren s song echoing through the years and dark leaves until you arrive wet with rain and anticipation", "ive been feeling kinda gloomy lately", "i knew i have this feeling but i ignored it", "i just feel you so so dont be afraid naega deo apaya hae and pray again dasi neol chajeul su itge sigani heureulsurok gaseumi apawa i need you go back in time dan hanbeon manirado forgive my sins wo doedollil suman itdamyeon i gotong ttawin naegen so so sloth", "i always dread that part of the meeting although dont think i didnt shoot my hand up into the air feeling all superior week when i lost", "i have been feeling so strange and frankly bad about how not sad i am", "i sometimes feel nostalgic happy restless angry all at the same time", "i am left feeling very confused and blah", "i turn up feeling more than a little apprehensive", "i must not feel complacent", "i feel uncertain about his motives and feel an inbalance in our committment to the process of counselling for reconciliation", "i forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to feel humiliated and rejected because someone was chosen over me", "i feel guilty and sorry to them", "i don t mean to be rude but i don t feel i want to be troubled with the thoughts right now", "i feel burdened by responsibilities and pressures", "im also feeling more shaky in my confidence in my faith but at the same time i feel like im growing spiritually a lot and also growing a lot in my understanding of the world around me", "i am so tired of feeling sorry for myself", "i am feeling rejection low self esteem and purposeless", "i could say i was feeling fear or anxiety or that im terrified of what the future may bring", "i just feel you so so don t be afraid i should hurt even more and pray again so i can find you again the more time passes the more it hurts i need you go back in time just one time forgive my sins if only i could turn things back this pain would be so so sloth", "i feel i know myself well enough to know what i will or will not do can or can not do what can be tolerated or not", "i vent outrageously with tourette s like unpredictability occasionally leaving behind me a wake of hurt feelings and messy rooms and other not so nice carnage", "im just feeling strangely indecisive and also because i dont really believe that", "im feeling very disturbed by tons of things", "i should not feel afraid we can stop shoulding all over ourselves", "i how he is feeling about the fight i m disappointed and kind of disgusted with myself", "im sinking back into feeling rejected and also wondering what i could have done differently", "i love him but i feel threatened with him around a little", "i was overcome with heat and i started feeling very weird", "i feel horrible they wrote again and again personifying an act they were not the cause of it was their progeny who should be genuflecting at her the wronged woman s feet", "im honest when i say a part of me feels tortured as though this is part of the system of function in your life the one that allows you to order and manipulate people in such a way so that they are lined up and positioned to serve their prupose when you should need them", "i view myself in this way is that when i was growing up there were people who constantly made me feel like i wasnt good enough", "i am feeling a lil overwhelmed again", "i feel like strangling horny bastards schools people for banging our boats and not even syaing sorry", "i mean every time i have a negative thought or feeling or reaction i am going to consciously replace it with a positive one", "im kind of at a stage whereby im feeling disillusioned about being myself", "i giggle nervously when i feel threatened", "i feel disappointed and want to tear up some paper and throw it across the room and write a giant letter of why things are unfair i just think of perspective", "i think he was feeling fond of and possessive of harry and then when harry grabbed a bit into the grabbing and then angry with himself and frustrated", "i feel a gentle amusement", "i feel like he was more important to me than i thought he was", "i feel so un smart yo", "i feel so humiliated by my own self", "i had thought but i feel scared and somewhat trepidatious nervous and sad", "i don t believe in my weakness he is strong i don t believe i am more than a conqueror and i feel like i m a real fake and it s not fine", "i feel strange with the judge passing sentence in such a manner", "i was feeling emotionally drained", "i settle in other ways based on feeling worthless", "i always feel like the life s been drained from me and that i ve been injected with some kind of venom", "i feel so horrible when i am not accomplishing something", "i feel guilty that s why", "i know first hand and all too well those feelings of pain hurt embarrassment and even shame over self image body shape physical features weight etc because of what i have let my body become", "i feel pretty shitty and it s not my fault other people don t appreciate what i do but still i can t help feeling as if i deserve it", "i end up feeling lonely", "i was feeling rejected and sad", "i look into the news especially at these unsettling times sometimes i just feel so burdened to pray and cry out to god for the nations", "i blunder through my life ignoring the pain when at all possible and feeling only that dull ache like hearing only the slightest echo of a scream far away", "i feel a spectator to this assumption and amused and wistful that i can t ease all the pain", "i did behave the same way when she was going through all this maybe i was the same or acted the same i don t think i did but i guess it is a matter of perception but when it happens to you you feel devastated", "i feel myself afraid of being abandoned", "i would feel awkward when someone tells his or her feelings towards me", "i feel doubtful in my abilities", "i replied feeling strange at giving the orders", "i feel strange pangs of loneliness or emptiness bubble up", "i have faith in supreme power and i accept everything and all incidence occuring in life sometimes like today it really makes me feel very very dull and i start crying", "im still feeling a bit shaken", "i feel like im just on the edge in this microcosm one more awkward moment or missed party and id be on the outside", "i dont show my insecurity in my persona if not i might come off as a mad bitch whod practically hated on everyone just because shes feeling insecured and being too overly paranoid", "i feel ugly and hated", "i feel dismayed for them", "i feel as if her call was not a sincere apology", "i can honestly say that while i havent enjoyed learning the lessons we have learned i do feel as though we have come out stronger and tougher and more loving and more appreciative", "i feel so unwelcome its sickening", "im on day of feeling lousy but im starting to feel human again", "i feel awkward saying such things", "i don t think i could feel more idiotic if i tried", "i have the feeling in my mind that a person gets when they have resolved something and they can be at ease", "im trying to be intuitive often just makes me feel sort of confused and nauseous", "im actually feeling a little smug", "i am left feeling rejected judged and deemed inadequate", "i feel skeptical about relationships between others when they seem so upfront about there emotions", "i have to say it is making me feel very tender inside like a wound that has scabbed over on the surface but is still raw and unhealed underneath", "i often feel disillusioned but i look upon it as a test of will and a test of character", "i had a horrible tragedy something that i was terribly ashamed of or something that was causing me great pain or that was making me feel vulnerable i have more than just one or two very trusted people who i know i could call for help", "i do sometimes feel like im in this strange in between world", "im starting to feel and think as if i dont want to continue to pray for him anymore because its making me feel hopeless", "i feel very miserable now", "i find myself feeling passionate about", "i feel like i just doomed myself", "i feel indecisive it feels like the security that i usually feel from sensing the ground beneath my feet is suddenly gone and i am left feeling wobbly and unhappy", "i just feel like i havent shaken it up lately", "i was feeling very unsure of myself and at near breaking point", "i feel unwelcome when i am with her", "i try not to let their ignorance get to me if i have the energy and it feels important sometimes ill engage them in a little light debate and try and to broaden their view of the world", "i was not going to be able to sleep until i knew how it ended and mostly because of another thing which i am not even going to talk about here because it makes me angry all over again and also because i feel horribly neurotic and immature getting upset about it and so we will gloss over that bit", "i find that in times where i feel i am not being respected or i am not getting the point across of how something may make me feel uncomfortable that being nice only seems to encourage these things to keep happening" ]
i woke up emotionally drained and anxious and immediately my defenses rise and i feel irritated that this is my story my life
[ "i feel frustrated about especially last night is not in doing all those things i actually enjoy them but in finding the time to do them", "i feel like it add a little bit more shield from the cold and the fabric is great for wicking away sweat", "i was sitting in the corner stewing in my own muck feeling hated alone unworthy and violated", "i feel hateful of everything suddenly", "i closed her eyes in anger and feeling disgusted by this touch", "i think it s the easiest time of year to feel dissatisfied", "i feel it more when i see you not bothered", "i feel like you didnt really care that alexis did that to me and you were irritated that i was even telling you", "i feel so happily rebellious", "i feel especially strongly about this since i have hated my teeth forever i was one of the unlucky ones who got bad genetics and an even worst orthodontist and pediatric dentist", "im just feeling grumpy and impatient and im ready to get things moving", "i was dwelling on the current state of my life i was unsure about my place in life and what i was going to do with it and i was feeling a bit bitter at god because of it", "i feel like i should be more bothered by this topic but for some reason im sor", "im feeling very petty right now", "i have this really bad feeling that cold is what i will be for a few months", "i remember feeling very very violent and very disgusted the oscar winner tells access hollywood" ]
[ "im still feeling the effects today in that my body isnt particularly impressed by me at the moment and it feels a but stressed out trying to sort itself out", "i feel when i have to sit alone", "i let myself fall asleep earlier this afternoon and i m feeling extremely shitty", "i feel beaten a href http ediebloom", "i feel dirty disgusting and contaminated", "i was angry at myself for feeling drained and exhausted especially since i had to go to my second and third jobs and wouldnt be home until much later that evening", "i had continued to think along those lines i probably would have done the dishes in anger and when he got up wed have had a fight about that with me feeling completely abused", "i feel most inspired when i experience some sort of heightened situation", "i was a mess completely stressed out feeling terrified of doing the wrong thing of mis stepping or of in any way dishonoring or upsetting my medicine family or any of the participants in the quest itself", "i was pretty tired feeling a little homesick and not at all in the mood to mingle", "i feel like being ignored", "i feel like im almost uh afraid of everything so to speak", "i feel the more im convinced that i dont want to let this go", "i think about them tomorrow tomorrow but right now i m tired and was already a bit frustrated so i m just feeling completely drained", "i think i was feeling vulnerable due to the stress of having to buy a new sewing machine and printer", "i feel shitty these few days because of work", "i feel threatened when other people do not believe that", "i feel a bit naughty too for making it all public but then i remembered when i was made to feel like shit and had my confidence stripped", "i had felt kind of ick but just figured it was nerves or feeling anxious", "i still feel tortured by feelings or thoughts or memories", "i couldn t feel positive emotions of any sort", "i havent been like that lately and i am seriously feeling depressed about it", "i was so scared it wasnt even funny it just made me feel more pathetic and stupid", "im tired of crying then feeling content and loved then going back to crying again", "i feel ugly disgusted and like a pig", "i feel as if i could speak volumes and be ignored", "i start feeling really lousy but figure it was pregnancy stuff", "i feel like some heroine of some tragic manga", "i closed my eyes tightly and covered my ears and thank god i woke up before i apologize for the brutality of my nightmare it left me feeling shaken and nauseous to say the least", "i wasnt feeling too well", "i wonder if i feel under nurtured or needy", "i was creating a relationship to counter a self accepted and allowed self definition of being inferior to them which means i was feeling lousy thinking i was less than because i was not being in the limelight of praise of gain", "i feel too energetic and some days i just feel the opposite", "i was trying really hard to be a people pleaser and itd left me feeling so defeated", "i lift different now because it hurt so bad the day it happened that i can t get it out of my mind and i feel myself being a bit timid", "i feel rejected like my peers dont really understand me and as a result arguments ensue", "i feel pretty insecure about my current relationship", "i feel so worthless beaten and broken", "im feeling shaky and feverish and mad", "i felt humiliated and belittled me because it keyed into all of my trigger points it made me feel stupid and inarticulate and laughable and flattened about something i m passionate about knowledgeable about and see as my place in the world", "i was feeling a little sentimental today", "i can have strong feelings of inadequacy and become convinced that everything is all wrong or i cant do anything right", "i am supposed to go about being strong when i feel so inhibited", "i am quick to anger and lash out yet even quicker feel remorseful almost immediately", "i started to explain how miserable ive been this year and all of the reasons why and its just so pathetic feeling that im too embarrassed to even describe", "when i broke my leg i felt fear", "i feel even more blank than before", "i feel like its not worth trusting him", "ive been feeling really unsuccessful in a lot of ways", "i am not feeling more and more freaking relaxed", "i woke up feeling artistic ish", "i feel the suffering and i really feel the pain", "i was feeling very melancholy tonight for reasons i dont want to talk about", "i will admit and it left me feeling shaken and a bit of a goose", "i feel a lil bit gloomy", "i had tuition the next day because i wasnt feeling well n i felt so damned sleepy", "im feeling pretty miserable and sorry for myself", "i was feeling unhappy with my work i joined in with the carping", "i didnt feel that i had very much to be thankful for", "i said i feel ugly today", "i feel so deeply shocked and saddened", "i was tired of feeling helpless and wanted to take control of the situation", "i don t feel brave though", "i feel helpless and depending on the people closest to you", "i have been feeling lied to and abused by lenders", "im feeling so disillusioned with it all right now", "i feel pressured to come up with something else funny to write about", "i often times feel helpless in regards to my life s path", "im still feeling very emotional", "ive been feeling a bit discontent with my music for a while now", "i rid myself of many bad habits only to fall back into them when i feel insecure or vulnerable", "im actually feeling a little smug", "i am feeling overwhelmed by daily responsibilities by expectations of my family and job by the demands on my time by my physical tiredness by the feeling that my burdens will overtake me by financial hardships by", "i wasnt feeling when i got on board but its really not pleasant", "i didn t feel like she was totally supportive", "i feel pretty terrified immature and not ready", "i was feeling much more agitated than usual had difficulties sleeping and constantly required my parents presence", "i feel super bad about it", "i am feeling pressured to blog the bad", "i do not like exposing myself because i end up feeling vulnerable", "i feel so vulnerable i need to have a mask on to go into the world or if my desire is caused by a need to divert attention or cover up weakness i should probably be making more constructive use of my time than trying to look pretty", "i felt sad and apprehensive and angry that i d had vertigo and that it had left me feeling uncertain", "i feel so horrible when i am not accomplishing something", "i know its an unfair reaction but i have run out of ways to explain how i feel shaken is the best i can come up with right now", "i feel like an ungrateful ingrate bastard to confess that i momentarily lost my appreciation for the life i have", "im feeling awfully overwhelmed by everything right now the demands from mother the needs of my family trying to shield my dear husband from as much as possible the list goes on and on", "im feeling agitated again the usual evening mood that is becoming the norm", "i could point to incidents in my childhood or blame my upbringing but that contradicts the notion of being aware of how i m feeling in the moment and choosing between intelligent options now", "i may feel that i am not precious to others", "i will confess to you i have had moments of feeling overwhelmed and ill admit being a bit melancholy", "i sometimes feel a bit unwelcome", "i hit a certain point in the middle and something was revealed that left me feeling so overwhelmingly devastated that i had to set the book down and walk away for a while", "i feel agitated with myself that i did not foresee her frustrations earlier leading to the ending of our relationship", "im sitting here feeling very disheartened", "im very hurt and i feel unimportant", "i knew i was shaking for many reasons a big one being since this cyst drama started i get so cold so fast and feel drained", "i know and i feel that its time to wake up to be brave to change my perspective", "i get the feeling people think im very whiney which i know i am", "ive had a few rough days since then and in the midst of crying and dealing and feeling just so defeated and emotional i put my coat on and curled up and created this safety nest inside my coat", "i was feeling really awful by afternoon", "i feel so damaged in that i cannot speak", "i worried that i would feel too homesick", "i cant help feeling this way", "i think honestly i did feel a bit vulnerable", "i went to training feeling very disheartened", "i didnt usually feel quite so hated at this hour of the morning", "i decided to focus on how i was feeling and what needs were not being met for me in this situation rest calm enjoyment relaxation", "i was feeling a bit pathetic and sorry for myself", "i honestly feel kind of embarrassed and a bit guilty", "i feel useless and helpless and broken", "i admit im feeling a little bit unloved at this point", "i breaking skin feels like and it s not pleasant", "i feel i cant stop aching", "im just sick of feeling unwelcome here", "i feel kind of uncomfortable as i m about to write a not so favorable review about starters", "i also feel i do not deserve anyones sympathy or help or caring because i do not feel worthy of anything", "i had a feeling when i left that i just wasn t that relaxed enough to really do it justice", "i am not even sure how to formulate my thoughts since i just put it down and am feeling slightly overwhelmed", "i must say im not feeling very optimistic", "i wake up real life husband i feel melancholy towards day" ]
i hate feeling so despised and detested by someone who i truly care for and completely love
[ "i feel the need to be distracted", "someone acting stupid in public", "i know all art animals are lame and i feel particularly violent about the crabs", "i feel like i got resentful and tired and i just wanted to talk to him so badly", "i just want him to see how it feels when he does something that i feel is obnoxious", "i feel rebellious today so i ll leave this as a warning to myself on how radical i can be", "i am feeling rather heartless because i recently heard the words unconditional love and could not find it in myself", "i refuse to rate the book but if she and her publisher feel snobbish then take it from me when i say jeanette winterson cannot write and essentially does not do wish to do anything with the scope to explore", "i sat on a windy beach feeling thoroughly annoyed i vowed id be back and i would climb scafell", "i aimlessly do whatever i feel like doing with no sense of rhyme or reason and get easily distracted and start something else bouncing pointlessly without finishing what i started", "i must ask if my column makes you feel so hateful why do you keep logging on", "i feel myself becoming vicious once more", "im feeling a bit greedy", "i was feeling mad about the dress and mad at myself for being mad about the dress", "i suggest you do though it might be hard cause it is a bit slow at times if you don t feel a bit of a tug at your heart or perhaps feel a tear forming in your tear ducts i will declare that you are heartless and thus should be banished from the rest of the world", "i feel that the out of people that i encounter in the day that are rude and mean to me for no reason at all" ]
[ "i am still feeling pretty lousy from this allergy induced stupor so last night i just was not really feeling wildstar and interacting with other human beings", "im feeling rather angsty and listless", "i have tried to live a good honest life and yet it feels like im being punished", "i feel a little disheartened", "i do know is that even though its hard and sometimes we feel inadequate drained and like we cant go any further and just need a break even for a week or two", "im actually feeling a little smug", "i know both of them feel threatened by the job i do even after long years but i get really tired of the ganging up i get from them", "i actually feel really horribly vain posting this but im kinda curious", "i know about have to do largely with the fact that any feelings romantic or sexual i have successfully hidden from myself", "i feel a bit low", "i guess this is a memoir so it feels like that should be fine too except i dont know something about such a deep amount of self absorption made me feel uncomfortable", "i could only see and feel the poison in my veins which deprived me of the strength and the ability to feel the joy i knew held me", "i feel like nothing can stop me and sometimes i feel like so defeated", "i always feel so inadequate", "i feel is very delicate", "i feel discouraged at the pace of my personal evolution and often feel like jack kerouac tossing his marbles into the maelstrom surf of big sur", "i mean i feel i feel like the i feel the burden i cant breathe and suddenly im terrified of october what have i been doing the past weeks", "im feeling relieved yet painful but something inside me is creepily numb i feel like a ghost in the hallways the way i used to just dont tell me its only another time to succumb", "i have reached the conclusion that what i feel is most important is what i think will most likely make me feel good or and keep away bad or unhappy feelings", "i would give everything to know you share my pain feel the aching caused by our parting", "i lie to myself to feel like i am trusting but the only person i really trust or trusted i guess is the me that is not trustworthy", "i didnt react with the way that i really feel im ecstatic for your marriage to tonks", "i hope the two of you don t feel it was all in vain", "i can really spend some time wit him soon and feel loved again", "i lie awake for hours and look at him and at times i feel so ashamed of my thoughts", "i feel even more pressured to cook healthy meals and not eat out do thorough preschool lessons with my boys keep the house spotless exercise serve the church and community and be a happy loving wife at all times", "i feel beaten down and i feel void", "i feel like i ll never be as graceful an", "i feel like some of you have pains and you cannot imagine becoming passionate about the group or the idea that is causing pain", "i feel im miserable when i try to do other things", "i mention that i feel really unwelcome", "i feel like i have an uncomfortable limit", "i love and hug on him and try to make him feel valued so he can grow up a secure man in a world that is constantly shifting", "i hate it when i feel fearful for absolutely no reason", "i apologise i really shouldn t be thinking that but it just makes me feel that the person isn t taking into consideration the fact that we need to watch other videos to it s called supporting our subscribers does it make me a bad person thinking and feeling this", "i found it really sad here are people feeling unhappy because the expectations they have about marriage and relationships are based on ideas that dont seem to connect with their real lives", "i know first hand and all too well those feelings of pain hurt embarrassment and even shame over self image body shape physical features weight etc because of what i have let my body become", "i can tell myself that i feel like i trust others and yet what i am actually feeling is loyal which can cause me to pretend that there is trust when there is none", "i will always help others in any way i can but if you don t feel it within you to do the work and to finally learn to love yourself then my help and motivation will be in vain", "i feel burdened by it", "i continually fight the feeling of jealousy for those who seem successful enough that they have legions of supporters and established indy writing careers but how much of that is a digital illusion and only in my own head i dont know", "i do not feel welcomed going there", "i feel out of longing is actually being sublimed", "i feel really pathetic confronted with some", "i ended up asking my seminar professor is it completely normal to have these alternating periods of intense paranoia at my own inadequacies and at times feeling completely self assured and annoyingly pompous and accomplished", "i now know how bad it feels like to have someone disappointed in me", "i get a day off from writing and feeling pressure to be funny and get to laugh at your stories and share some blog love monday is the wonderful a href http geremiafamily", "i hope to god it is a false reading because i feel so unprotected without him", "i how he is feeling about the fight i m disappointed and kind of disgusted with myself", "i feel a dull aching a sharp pain in my chest an overwhelming emptiness", "i feel pretty shitty and it s not my fault other people don t appreciate what i do but still i can t help feeling as if i deserve it", "i feel pressured by a dumb feeling", "i feel highs so ecstatic that just being normal feels like a thousand mile drop and being unhappy is excruciating", "i feel so vulnerable to criticism like if my lunch stinks or if somebody comments on what i eat i have this embarrassed feeling", "i feel for my sweet boy", "i dont know how else to word it i miss feeling respected by a guy and being able to hold a guys hand around the mall knowing hes all mine", "i wasnt going to do a what im loving wednesday post because i wasnt feeling like i was loving anything but as my youngest sister text me last night sometimes happiness is a choice so here it is", "i feel like my good friend narcissism might have something to do with that well that and a spoonful of boredom", "i feel like that fact is being abused", "i feel sorry seeing my parents", "i chance that difficult to accommodate with the feeling of a jehovah and benevolent lord", "i cant always identify with peoples struggles and often feel pretty lame because of that but a href http www", "i cant do a simple math question and guess what i broke down in front of my tuition teacher whom i have known for almost years now feeling pressured and i feel so bad bout myself", "i have been feeling rather lonely", "i just do it to keep up with ian but really i feel shitty about it and wish i could just date ian", "i believe if you have happy and healthy relationships you are likely to feel much more energized and inspired which will be reflected in your overall health and appearance", "i love that she doesnt always feel brave", "i almost feel hesitant to write about this it s a topic that s so near and dear to my heart", "ive ever written although im not gonna reproduce it here because it is full of boring academic references and also it specifically analyses several prominent bloggers and their treatment of romantic relationships and id feel weird about putting that on the internet", "i do not like chain letters or anything that says you must we all have too many things we feel we must do so i give it to you freely with no obligation that you must do anything except the sincere wish for you to be happy", "im starting to feel really pathetic giving the bulk of my enthusiasm these days to the kardashians us weekly and roseanne marathons and completely ignoring this blog", "i feel so unloved lately like i dont get given enough attention", "i just feel more comfortable and i feel like im not in it alone sure he doesnt express his love much but his tiny actions make up for it", "i feel like an ungrateful ass a href http thisisntcuteanymore", "i feel pathetic and i want to push myself but the idea of chicken mince wheat free pasta rice spelt bread and fruit sorbet is quite scary", "i am feeling very restless irritable and discontent", "i almost always feel awkward", "i really forgot how it feels to laugh sincerely and he is the one who make my sincere laughter come back", "i feel is love and peace acceptance and a gentle guiding an encouragement to have faith and stand tall regardless of human reactions and to rest regularly in the field of love within via meditation", "im feeling defeated or doubtful", "i feel scared and stupid", "ive been feeling lately that i am much less likeable than i used to be", "i feel im being ignored", "i do not feel assured", "i feel empty and lonely i want to cry but i cant i want to scream and im afraid to", "i feel pretty awful about that", "im sure anyone whos seen someone close go through this process you feel entirely useless in this situation not being able to take away any of the troubles or ailments", "i have a feeling he wont be thrilled but i think its ultimately my decision", "ive been feeling sort of depressed", "i finally realise the feeling of being hated and its after effects are so big", "ive fallen asleep embracing a person but never a book and we both woke up this morning feeling kind of awkward about it", "i just have to close my eyes and feel that sweet gentle ache and i know", "i feel like someone is being judged harshly not accepted or asked to be something they are not", "i always feel like im the least liked", "i complete the act i feel temporarily satisfied but the feeling quickly goes away and i feel ashamed or guilty", "i have a wonderful mother in law who has in every way has been like a mother to me for years more often than not i end up feeling a bit melancholy on mother s day", "ive been feeling so anxious and nauseous and tired but also so elated that some nights its all i can do to crawl into bed", "i have been a pro at hiding my true feelings but the cracks are coming through so i am going to repair them and throw myself into being the supporting happy rock again", "i feel completely unsure of any boundaries or normalcy", "i think thats exactly how ill be i love my year at school but were all leaving at the same time whereas it feels very sad to leave behind all my friends from years within the music department as well as the year form ive worked with for years and my amazing violin pupils", "i keep feeling like i m reaching him this last time i was so convinced that he was there that he was responding that he was listening to me but every time it just seems to all come crashing down again", "i feel like i should mention that i wasnt fond of the damn shapeshifter in the first place", "i feel ashamed oh how romantic", "i just need to swear off feelings caring relationships", "i feel like an ugly monster where i cannot show who i really am lest i seem weird or just plainly an outcast", "i feel so profoundly blessed to finally be in a good place of life to be at peace to know what i would want in a husband and to be able to recognize it quickly", "i close my eyes i can hear the pitiful wailing sounds of my own cries taste the salty taste of my tears and feel that anger and hurt saturating my heart", "i feel so empty while i m turning your corpse inside out like something broken never actually alive but now you re ended one more for my collection", "i feel pathetic even reading this and thoughts like wow i am such a loser shuffle across my mind", "im tired of feeling troubled stressed up feeling down and falling sick", "i cant help but feel a little humiliated", "i flipped out at guys i feel terrible today i flipped out at guys i feel terrible a href http www", "i feel less than and isolated", "i feel if i am nagged i stop caring", "i still feel that i expect pieces of the world from him but im afraid to come close and place those expectations upon him again in fear that hell disappoint me", "i feel inside cause life is like a game sometimes but then you came around me the walls just disappeared nothing to surround me and keep me from my fears im unprotected see how ive opened up youve made me trust", "i understand feeling fond of a toilet it s one of my favourite places in the house but seriously is our daughter more enamoured with the porcelain throne than with us", "i rarely feel happily joyful and dont walk about smiling much", "i sooooo understand feeling like an ugly brown pair of shoes in a world of designer tuxedos complete with diamond cufflinks", "i feel like im still just caught in the rat race living a morally acceptable life without actually doing anything to serve you or live from a fire consuming heart" ]
i wasn t feeling insulted over its idiocy i felt supremely bored and actually wound up fastforwarding through a few scenes
[ "i dont know what exactly i feel mostly annoyed and bored and upset and that kind of negative emotions", "im feeling bitchy as hell tonight", "i help a lot of people at a later time when i m feeling pissed off with things i might look back at my life and say hey i m not that bad a person", "i feel so fucked up most of the time because not being able to concentrate on anything amp feeling anxiety all the time about everything makes me stressed apathetic amp i cant handle stress at all", "i feel so insulted because of a woman", "i feel stubborn and strong and ready to fight this disease", "i feel like the most hated person on the planet for turning brendon down", "im so damn tired and i feel a little grouchy", "i can assume they are not feeling the cold like i am their water is not frozen they have plenty of feed though they eschew this in favor of foraging and scratch", "i was lying in bed last night after a day of making experiments from the usual suspects fabric plastic and feeling agitated that my issues with proper presentation had not made any headway over the course of a mere six hours", "im sure that the folks in virginia florida and the other handful of swing states agree feel not only put upon but insulted by the constant barrage", "i feel that my lifes fucked up", "i feel so frustrated because i had a long weekday and i dont really have plenty of rest and right now he keeps on coming in the room", "i can t fit in in beirut where i have the nagging feeling that i m in a heartless place", "i feel furious on your behalf", "i hope that they can tell a difference and that i feel less tortured by the experience" ]
[ "i just feel like i was foolish ignoring warnings about cell phones", "ive been medicated today but i feel funny", "i did feel a little less inhibited in class tonight", "i can legitimately offer to anyone in the program somehow i feel they would be less than impressed by adrasteius and eulalias adventures tho i submit that they are fan freaking tastic", "i feel ignored i feel this boredom like a little sword straight to my chest straight to my chest to my chest to my chest straight to my chest straight to my chest to my chest to my chest straight to my chest straight to my", "i feel will be amused as well", "i feel gloomy or get really bad cabin fever", "i start to lose that sense of independence in that i feel a lot more hesitant to do things", "i feel beaten up worked over", "i feel very indecisive about it", "i cope with being made to feel inadequate", "i glimpsed a visitor but i could feel it was disturbed somehow whether mad or confused or something similar", "i don t usually blog when i m feeling this way but i m actually curious to see if i can put it into words", "im used to it but it still makes me feel empty", "i feel the delicious heartburn", "im feeling so broke right now but i loved every minute of it", "i got high in the pleasing feelings that appear deceptively benevolent like convenience or comfort", "i feel dirty if i dont", "i feel like i have gone for broke", "i keep feeling weird sensations img src http s", "i mention that i feel really unwelcome", "i no longer feel depressed and am not mad or haven t yet a href http www", "i feel joyful and not feeble", "i am feeling completely useless lately", "i feel it like a dull ache", "i was trying not to focus on those feelings and i didn t want to validate my emotional down turns by broadcasting them", "i started to feel a sweet feeling of peace", "i feel like its resolved whereas before there was some negativity there", "i feel shaken and scared", "i feel extremely discontent right now", "i thought i was ready for commitment for a relationship with someone but when it happens i just feel numb", "i don t feel the issue is resolved", "im feeling abit uncertain now", "i feel useless and worthless", "i was feeling so ungrateful earlier this week", "i feel so useless when im stuck in those situations", "i feel anxious and off", "i dont know what i feel let me recount my emotional spectra all throughout those minutes of gfb finale", "i was not feeling the song but i was delighted with his re emergence", "i would have wasted time and money and i just feel really pressured because i dont want to do that", "im feeling quite adventurous and tried out those drinks that i just normally read through the pages of pocketbooks", "i started to feel butterflies in my stomach and my body starting to get hot", "i was flattered and i liked the feeling of being liked and possibly loved", "i feel weird this morning", "i feel complacent in my life", "i feel pathetic at times because", "i am not amazing or great at photography but i feel passionate about it", "i feel complacent about it all", "i feel pretty lame all together so i will stop here and share a bit more of my fudgy mediocre doodles", "i can feel innocent cuz i aint mean n bitchy", "i then felt a feeling of awkwardness and discontent cuz he said yeah me too and not im sorry", "i feel hopeless and out of control", "im feeling quite agitated irritated amp annoyed", "i still had the feeling and it surprised me", "i should somehow feel hesitant about that", "i sit here feeling blank about this", "im feeling groggy and horrid", "i don t like eating meals that feel too virtuous", "i am feeling foolish for taking lb to the e", "i didnt feel much maybe just a sting but i was terrified because i didnt know if it was going to hurt or not if there would be a problem and if he knew what he was doing really who does in this situation", "i hate feeling that im so indecisive", "im so relieved and feel so much more like myself now that this is resolved this being almost nothing at all actually just some weird energy and i cant wait to be back at camp even though ill be hacking and coughing and spluttering all day long", "i feel like ive shaken off some of the funk thats been floating around me for the last bit", "i feel a little funny discussing the realness of a portrayal of a condition ive never experienced", "i said i feel like im on the verge of very messy", "i went to bed feeling lousy", "ive had so much more energy no more slugging around feeling lethargic after massive takeaways and choccy binges and my skin started to clear up instantly", "i feel like i was a naughty girl and should have said no way", "i feel scared and unsure and out of place", "i feel like other books i pick up are going to be dull and boring in comparison", "i knew i didn t feel pretty enough for these clothes", "i feel disheartened about that", "i kali ni feeling aku dah bertukar jadi boring benci", "i remember him feeling discouraged", "i was feeling all hot and sweaty from dance rehearsals and not looking my best to greet a man as per the guides i now read obsessively but exceptions must be made and i wasn t expecting this", "i questioned myself wondering why didnt i feel jubilant", "i think i confuse my feelings of longing with feeling good", "i cant seem to get passed feeling stunned", "im sure ill feel more playful soon but i just cant right now", "i never actually felt the sense of suspense springer was obviously trying to build with references to religious programming in that there was nothing there in the book to build suspense with nothing i could see that made me feel uptight worried or anxious about any of the characters", "i feel that the pace was slowing and for a book that is rich in world building and setting up future plots this is an added bonus", "i probably would have bailed at the half way mark when i was feeling quite low physically and mentally", "ive been feeling very indecisive lately", "i had thought but i feel scared and somewhat trepidatious nervous and sad", "i feel embarrassed that it got so bad", "i would have been happy to have had a nap but since we were already here steve and i then wandered around the botanical gardens getting a feel tor where i could go to get some lovely shoots for families", "i was feeling really troubled and down over what my dad said", "i am feeling restless for some reason today", "i feel exhausted but i get my workout in", "i came away from that expereince feeling like i had had an encounter with the divine", "i feel fine read the rest", "i guess i could say i was feeling pretty shitty like all the feelings ive suppressed from truc were starting to arise", "i went to the doctor a few days into feeling weird", "i feel shitty as fuck", "i feel hot irritated and tired", "i feel like posting something clever problem is of course im not an extremely clever person", "i was thinking about a post i wrote earlier mulling over the memories it brought to the surface tossing them around in my head and began to feel this gentle tug this little nudge deep down that began to vibrate and morph into something solid", "i might do so simply because i couldnt keep my mouth shut makes me feel terrible", "im well chuffed made me feel fab straight away", "i started feeling festive very soon right back in november and i suppose it was inevitable that i ran out of steam before the day itself im feeling all a bit hummpffff today you know so much to do so little time and its all going to be over in a flash", "i don t know if i would enjoy those books now but i still remember feeling enthralled with those characters and with the amish lifestyle presented", "i said it pops up every once in a while that dread but for the most part i m too busy feeling depressed or elated or a horrible mixture of the two to notice it", "i started to question whether or not i was on course because i was feeling that confused", "im feeling a little dirty", "i feel defective or something", "i got home from work i was feeling adventurous and was also feeling him very active in there and so i decided to start poking on my belly to see what would happen", "i was that i bombed that first interview i left the second interview feeling pretty fan freaking tastic", "i am feeling lousy right now", "i end up feeling lonely", "i searched long and hard for a bad review telling me that i shouldnt buy into something i feel so apprehensive about but i only found that people loved and swore by f", "i began to feel unimportant useless insecure and i was disconnected from everything that i used to know", "i woke up feeling alarmed", "i really feel so lame today", "i know that i was going to feel disheartened afterwards because of an unknown undefinable thing which i cannot attribute to anything at all", "i stood for a few minutes more feeling a strange heavy numbness settling over me even as my heart beat faster then slowly sat down again thinking", "i feel really shitty and it s seriously like the whole thing is ruined", "i just feel jaded about it all now", "i feel doubtful and afraid", "i actually found myself resenting the song for making me feel which is weird for me because i used to play guitar and sing in church like all the time and music was a huge part of my life in college and high school", "i didnt feel that it was strong enough to stop me from turning into a strawberry by the end of my holiday" ]
i must ask if my column makes you feel so hateful why do you keep logging on
[ "i aimlessly do whatever i feel like doing with no sense of rhyme or reason and get easily distracted and start something else bouncing pointlessly without finishing what i started", "i feel very disgusted by that i cant tolerated her actions anymore by writing this post", "i did the yelling the feeling of being extremely mad", "i am writing feeling appalled", "i do meet that i do date will continue to be sources of apathy or worse people whom i feel i have wronged or in whose confidence i act in bad faith", "i try to speak up stand up for myself or simply try to insert myself into a conversation i feel selfish like an attention whore", "i come home from work too often feeling irritable and it s not fair or loving to dump all that ugliness onto my husband", "i feel petty posting with my own complaints right now because its not like i was kidnapped when i was years old and forced to make easter creme eggs for the rest of my life", "i started explaining what my biggest problems were bottling up my feelings and then dumping all those problems onto one person and my selfish search for happiness when i had felt everyone around me had found their happiness", "i almost feel too stubborn to come back as i said that i was leaving", "i feel it s so obnoxious another vocab word", "i bet you are feeling really mad and hurt", "i wont give you too much in case you feel greedy", "i feel like im making all the effort and i cant be bothered with it anymore", "i feel that i annoy everyone much too much when im obnoxious and yeah", "i felt disgust of dirty" ]
[ "i feel anxious and off", "i feel like not caring", "i do not feel like supporting this country however", "i feel it breeds loneliness and discontent and then we were onto the economy and recession and how stressful money and unemployment can be for people then she wanted to know what caused the recession and then the topic came to divorce", "i feel my comments or opinion are sincere but some people get the wrong message", "i feel bad for the creature", "i am tired of being tired and feeling beaten down", "i feel so idiotic right now", "i feel unwelcome in my own country", "i feel so useless some days", "i dont know what guys could be doing doused in pain unless he brought a freind into it asasoulawakens i feeli am pretty loyal as part as shoots go", "i know and i am eternally torned about it because i feel helpless and useless", "i sit here looking at the sentence i just typed i feel quite shocked", "i shouldnt feel threatened by that", "i feel a little disheartened", "i feel pressured helpless because i dont have control over this", "i was creating a relationship to counter a self accepted and allowed self definition of being inferior to them which means i was feeling lousy thinking i was less than because i was not being in the limelight of praise of gain", "i do know how i feel but id like to hear an intelligent explanation to then see where i stand", "i feel like i was abused raped defiled", "i kept trying to feel shocked or depressed or somehow affected but i could not", "i feel an overwhleming desire to say something completley moronic like hope your new year is a kick", "im saying i feel fake", "i hold space for these feelings the anger the jealousy sadness and despair the longing i can relate to those feelings but not have them devour me", "i always feel so inadequate", "i do however want you to know that if something someone is causing you to feel less then your splendid self step away from them", "i feel like im the one to be blamed for all things", "ive ever read that explains why i feel this way all the time and reassures me that im not just defective somehow", "i feel tortured by all this and im not quite sure how to handle it other then getting drunk non stop so as to not feel anything at all", "i feel so uptight about it because i know you hate it and are constantly trying to catch glimpses of the tv in the window and listen to it", "ive avoided thinking about it because i feel hurt just thinking it", "im being challenged and feel valued all the time", "i forced myself to keep going back even though they made me feel consistently uncomfortable but after a while i just gave up as i saw no point", "i was feeling shitty inside but never show it", "i feel a bit reluctant to turn to other people", "i really dont like attention because i feel pressured to think about a topic and talk", "i witness what i feel helpless to change i take up my arms my heart and my pen and i write", "i vented my feelings towards the pathetic excuse of a communicat", "i feel so fucking low", "i did things that i always wondered about and now feel remorseful for", "im in so much pain and i feel like a useless lump face", "i feel in my heart and definately in my idiotic mind", "ive listened enough to all you people and i just go back to my old ways by taking your advice then in the end i just feel discontent with myself because i cant change my ways that i give up before its over", "i have a small history of hiding when i feel awkward", "i feel kinda lousy about myself", "i have been feeling pretty crappy", "i feel out of place posting here since i feel so hesitant to join aa full force but i could use some insight from the people on the inside", "im feeling crappy ill fish for compliments like any other girl", "i feel so virtuous writin my morning journal like here i am in a jane austen novel which is aided by the fact that mr gs computer is on a kinda", "i go online and i see a friend talking to another one and is not talking to me i feel ignored i feel unloved", "i did not know was that she was of the damned and that she had had centuries to hone the very words she wielded against me with their razor edge in hindsight i cannot help but feel resigned to the fate that inevitably followed for i was helpless to withstand her", "i seek out pain to feel tortured just to feel something", "i believe that if i by myself make a person feel uptight and want to be envous of me then they have another sin called jealousy", "i know luh feeling damn awkward can", "i will remember to come to you when i feel beaten and depressed because in faith only can we truly be healed", "i told you i never wanted you to rot in hell and most of the time i wished i was just less stupid and clumsy so that you will never ever feel unhappy", "i prove myself wrong here i am feeling ugly because i made no attempt to get out of my sleeping clothes oh and my eyebrows", "i didnt feel like i was respected", "i feel so weird that it feels like i wanna curse everything and bang my head onto the wall so that my world will be back to its focus", "i am feeling pretty restless right now while typing this", "i always feel pressured when i play against someone", "i feel like this leads me to be not as gentle and kind as i should be", "im tired of my family being so concerned about stevens man feelings when he does stupid shit that pisses me off like wrecking my expensive sweater and my pendleton blanket", "i need to feel personally valued", "i feel like i cant handle this deployment or that i am miserable", "i can t look at for too long without feeling depressed", "i hate the feeling that i am a pathetic loser that can do nothing right", "i am very new to blogging and i feel a little stupid writing this however if it will help me overcome my stress i will give it a go", "i hate feeling empty and numb", "i ended up asking my seminar professor is it completely normal to have these alternating periods of intense paranoia at my own inadequacies and at times feeling completely self assured and annoyingly pompous and accomplished", "i feel pathetic because i feel like you never once called me your bestfriend and i just continued to call you my bff and i just get treated like a friend", "ive known that this person has been miserable for years im still feeling pretty shaken", "i hate feeling alone too", "i personalities that can feel pain and suffering", "i feel neglectful but i shouldnt", "i feel disheartened and frustrated by the experience", "i feel like screaming and if she was ugly", "i still feel so alone i just cant give you anything for you to call your own and i can feel you breathing and its keeping me awake can you feel it beating", "i do not feel particularly delighted in", "i have alotta life going on and i keep mumbling to myself keep swimming keep swimming and i feel all sorts of giggly when i do say it", "im not feeling jolly in the least", "i feel my life being threatened by illness i lose my mind", "i am also not a perfect girl friend and im always a disappointment always feeling so doubtful and always putting you through a hard time with my mood swings and sudden outburst of low emo mood", "i feel for all of you who have been supporting me is so extreme there would be no way to put a number value on it", "i just wanted to write this post because i m sure like myself there are many of us struggling with the same problem feeling deprived and isolated on such a restricted program but i hope you realize that you are doing it to yourself and you don t have to feel that way at all", "i say no i feel guilty begins by giving you the reasons for and benefits of being assertive without being aggressive", "i feel like i m always stressed worried or upset about something", "i feel like this was kind of a melancholy post with all my talk about anti love and fears", "i only know that i feel useless and it s a nasty feeling", "i feel restless in my own pursuits", "i mean i feel i feel like the i feel the burden i cant breathe and suddenly im terrified of october what have i been doing the past weeks", "i feel tortured with tiredness everyday", "i feel like i have to make the suffering i m seeing mean something", "i am feeling lousy right now", "i hurt so bad i feel like i am finally getting punished for thinking the way i do and feeling so damn restless", "i party wah wah wah nationalism blah yay aryans wah boo jews with there stupid brown hair blah blah should feel appreciative that we even talk to them because it makes them cool by association blah blah", "i feel like a mollusk repeatedly beaten with a wet cloth and stabbed times in the back just for the sake of it", "i dont have minutes to post something but because i feel like theres nothing worthwhile to write or anything that would slightly appeal to anyone who might read this", "i dont say anything because i dont want to cause a fuss and i hate it when people feel sorry for me", "i feel hated and not wanted but just be an ignored", "im still using blogger to follow other blogs but i like livejournals feature of enabling private posts so i can keep just one journal without feeling inhibited about writing things i dont want to publish on the net", "i feel like a bit of a strange one", "i feel the compulsion to get low", "ill be whingeing about how much i ache but at least i can feel slightly virtuous about it too", "i feel dumb putting so much thought to such a stupid little thing but its getting to me", "i feel so empty a href http uwilnevrknow", "i feel like im an unwelcome presence whenever she is around", "i feel terrible about it though because i know how much courage it takes to ask", "im tired of feeling troubled stressed up feeling down and falling sick", "i may not have been posting actively but fortunately i keep a camera pen and notebook where ever i go so whenever i feel very passionate about something i write or take many photos", "id been feeling a bit curious", "i feel like i deserve it i should be punished i did an awful thing", "im not going to lie it feels really weird to be writing this right now", "i feel like a whiney lil girl who s keeps whining and psycho ing herself to love studying and start studying", "i still feel like a butt but thank you for being so gracious", "ive had too much training in grammar and language and reading something written like this kind of feels like im being assaulted", "i think about the book i wrote that i feel like i ve talked incessantly about to you gracious beautiful you but i think about it because it s coming close to the point where i no longer have a hand in the words anymore the point where my hands are off and yours are on", "im feeling a little smug this evening", "i just cant help it from feeling so insecure", "im feeling all bashful exposed and vulnerable because my blog crush is out in the open now", "i imagine being a man it s like being kicked in the nuts repeatedly that s how bad it feels you feel like you want to curl up and die a devastated schalm said after the bout" ]
i feel like we rushed through this weekend
[ "i cant help but feel a bi jealous of their professional organization good support system and comfortable living situation", "i feel that i dont have to get so envious", "im not feeling pissed off about picking up those toys", "i feel guilt that i was cranky last night and didn t fully embrace my evening alone with the boy", "i feel it must have been the violent dream i had to snap myself awake from a difficult dream of my mother representing anyone and everyone and self violence universal but beautiful in its metaphor", "i feel bitter that my cancer was relegated to unnecessary to meet with someone as important as an oncologist", "id have to get to the class for eight dance for an hour nine get home ten if im lucky eat i cant eat before a class as dancing when full makes me feel vile sit around digesting etc ish then get to bed and try to sleep before getting up unnaturally early", "i feel disgusted with my jealousy and should stop taking example so offensive", "i love that this is a place a series with no real heroes and i love that the way the couples in these books fall in love feels just as violent and crazy as the place that they call home", "i really am feeling horribly irritable and a little bit depressed", "i feel furious at love because i really thought it was better than that", "i feel like this vile thing brooding gnawing deeper in spirit", "i am posting about a past event where i am feeling like i should be insulted", "i started feeling a little stressed about leaving on time and making sure we got the getting ready pictures i wanted but everything seemed to workout perfectly", "i feel every part of me agitated by the reality of the kingdom walk the talk", "i feel like it add a little bit more shield from the cold and the fabric is great for wicking away sweat" ]
[ "i feel beaten and bruised from their harshness and wearied by their relentlessness", "i feel the tug of the fabric against my thighs and butt i am overwhelmed with the feeling that i am just too fat", "i was so focused on my heavy breathing my even strides the drops of sweat on my forehead that i forgot to feel socially awkward", "i am hoping the running thing works out like the numerous success stories i have accumulated but so far i am not feeling hopeful today", "ive been feeling rather defeated and stressed out but this appointment reminded me that though i may be failing in other areas im doing a pretty dang good job at growing this baby", "i have become too comfortable while at the same time feeling discontent because i have not been pursuing the thing the lord has set on my heart to pursue", "i feel relieved get a job but i cant lie i feel my free time will be lost slowly then ill work in whole day", "i feel uglier and more strange deformed and awkward looking than i had already felt", "i just feel so defeated that once again im the weirdo that cant adjust to motherhood", "i am feeling somewhat melancholy over that", "i don t feel a lack of respect or love in the space just harder partying than i am personally comfortable with", "i went home from the bar and crashed at waking up at this morning feeling mostly fantastic", "i not feeling as melancholy as i was the other day", "i have found myself overwhelmed with jealousy and self contempt and i have found myself feeling this towards the lives of my sweet friends and acquaintances as portrayed on social media", "im feeling a little apprehensive about it because i feel like im suddenly way too old compared to my mental age of about", "i feel a bit foolish even bothering to post anything on fridays", "i was feeling a little longing for paris this week so i did what every artist does", "i was feeling pretty discontent after that", "i can see a lot of strain on people i can tell they are feeling pretty shitty or not what they are supposed to be pretending", "i just feel you so so dont be afraid and pray again i need you go back in time forgive my sins so so sloth", "i wind up feeling like the butt end of some divine comedy and somewhere in the universe the muses are all having a good laugh at my expense", "i have the distinct sickening feeling he paused glancing up at kakashi and the rest of his eager audience that i m going to regret this", "i was left feeling a little shaken", "i have to say it is making me feel very tender inside like a wound that has scabbed over on the surface but is still raw and unhealed underneath", "i came close to just packing up and heading home but then i wondered would home feel less awful", "i moved into uni today and i feel so homesick and lonely and useless and part of mes saying fuck it go home and get a job and sod the degree", "i generally only post on this site when im feeling completely overwhelmed and i need a space to vent about the perils of law school however lately ive been laughing my way to the law library like a kind of deranged film villian oh this is far too easy", "i wish gervase would have piped down so id feel a little less vulnerable right now", "i am definitely feeling the festive vibe and i have been busy with christmas y things mince pies are very much a british xmas goodie that i had never heard of before i met my husband well maybe in a song but other than that", "i just was expressing myself and her unexpected and kind gesture made me feel bad for a short moment as that was not my intent but for a larger moment which remains with me it reminded me of my blessings like having good friends that have your back", "im feeling a bit dazed and out of sorts like someone needs to poke me to really wake me up", "i just want that feeling of not caring about unnecessary stuff like i felt before", "im feeling a little saddened and troubled too sorry for a couple of friends who i wish i could give big hugs to", "i feel really stressed out", "i feel horrible because youd think id know after a mountain together", "i am still feeling a tad strange in those pearly whites", "i have trouble not focusing on it not feeling it all throughout the day because i know he s suffering and i know my mom is suffering in a whole other way", "i started university at the age of and although it was incredibly nerve racking i feel organised and determined which is a far cry from the jess of years ago or maybe even for that matter", "i kind of wish i had come up with those thoughts myself rather than feeling the way i do now a lame disciple merely about to regurgitate eva s thoughts on to you all", "i go to the gym i can t even get my heart rate high enough to feel satisfied thanks to the level of competition i ve experienced in the past couple of years", "i was already nervous about this match but by the time i got there i was simply feeling glad to be alive after a treacherous journey through foul weather", "i feel like my brain is going to expload and its going to be messy and painful", "i dont eat a lot of bread as i find carbohydrates leave me feeling groggy and expand my waistline faster than you can say why the heck dont my jeans fit", "i feel are too special to pass up but dont have a use for myself and to hopefully offset the expense of our forays", "i remember the same giddy feeling of contented good fortune lucky lucky me here safe in our cozy home watching my fabulous man head off for the day knowing he ll be coming home to me in a few hours", "im feeling shades of foolish", "i must admit that tonight i am feeling a bit homesick for my little", "im looking upon the next year as an adventure which very likely will make me curse mathematics and other subjects to hell but eventually make me feel relieved", "i feel like a horrible rotten person for thinking that this is the most isolating thing a woman can go through and some days being tough is not an option", "i dont know it if is the freshness of both but i feel more energetic during these seasons", "i just havent been taking much action in my life rather leaving it at status quo probably not a good idea but i feel that things exist at such a delicate balance that i am afraid if i lunge for what i want the whole thing will crumble and i will be worse off than before", "i was starting to feel nervous all this lifetime of fandom and build up and there i stood donning my vip sticker", "i how he is feeling about the fight i m disappointed and kind of disgusted with myself", "i feel as though i don t write about them often enough but they are just cruising through life in their own equally special ways", "ive been struggling lately whenever i feel like saying something between having a reaction to myself of oh julia youre so clever and witty", "i went miles and it wasnt that i felt tired but i noticed that my bottom parts or the front of my pelvic bone was feeling numb and sore", "i know is that afterward i feel a hell of a lot more mellow amp relaxed merely by laughing and the stress of being down in the dumps just melts away", "i feel like i have missed out on every single holiday last year so we are hitting it hard this year", "my mother did not come home till late at night ages ago anyway if i dont know where my parents are and when theyll be back i start thinking that perhaps they have had an accident and are perhaps dead", "i know so many people rave about it that i m feeling a bit weird", "i feel super bad that thanksgiving seems to disappear more and more each year but i would be lying if i said that i werent excited for official christmas time", "i don t know how else to describe it except to say that i had the same feeling about three weeks before my beloved grandmother passed away", "i guess a similar viewpoint might be when we feel smug or better than someone else", "ive had that vomity shocked feeling from jealousy before and its not something you want to keep feeling and its definitely something you want to get resolved as soon as possible", "i feel this effect backfires as the changes were distracting and solondz is talented enough to gain our sympathy sans gimmicks", "i think that when we say i feel so alone in this or i feel like i am facing this all alone we dont really mean what we say", "i got a shot of terbutaline which makes you feel shaky and makes your heart race like you just drank cups of coffee", "i was feeling quite stressed wondering if he would be able to look after bb during my run and if not what was i going to do", "i feel so unimportant right now like i am not worth the time people waste on me i tried to be happy and not seem like something is wrong but i come back to the realization that something is wrong and i feel like i am worthless again", "i am feeling so festive right now and not just because this was the lovely wintry scene when i walked the dog the other day a href http", "im feeling uber romantic and lovey dovey this week", "i realized that i would be sad to leave this plane so soon and that just because i am feeling unloved and rejected there is no need to transfer those feelings of sadness on to those of my children left behind who i know do love and appreciate me and their father", "i was living with when i first started coming to the gatherings on sunday mornings i feel quite fearless now", "i confess to feeling a bit nervous now though there are some very talented people in the group", "i feel needy and cagey during this wait for leaving to practice my new self in my old settings", "i feel like the writer wants me to think so and proclaiming he no longer liked pulsars is a petty and hilarious bit of character", "i leave feeling challenged and eager to study the word more not looking for the holy spirit to give me another experience or confused not just about what happend but confused about scripture", "i don t want to go home to toronto and feel like a nobody tortured artist loser for two weeks and smoke pot alone in my bedroom and watch degrassi junior high and then weep", "i wasnt feeling so ashamed that i spent a whole lotta time and precious energy doing this mind you", "i got outside i beat myself up pretty bad mentally of course for not going with my gut feeling but again i was hesitant b c ive never done this before and that was actually my very st time meeting with a seller and feeling good about a particular property", "i would eventually go in to these stores but i had to work up a lot of courage and i would still feel super uncomfortable once inside which we all know is not normal for me", "i know there are times where some nightmarish things may really happen to us but when dreaming bad visions just popped into our minds and have us feeling terrible", "i walk away from church feeling invigorated and ready to embrace the week", "i feel and oh how my heart broke", "i guess and by am i was feeling really melancholy and sad for the people in the movie the heavy use of the cello in the soundtrack makes anything seem sad", "i have a feeling that its something ive missed because it shouldnt be that tedious", "ive been feeling a bit guilty lately that i havent indulged my project lovin girl with creative things during our afternoons together", "im feeling terrific and in great shape im optimistic that ill heal well and quickly while remaining realistic that im going to feel fairly crap for the first week", "ive learned in this short journey thus far is i know when my body has had enough of sugar and fast food and junk even though those days are far and few between i start to feel lethargic", "i guess i would feel more like joseph with walt trusting me to care for mother and over the finances which he did six months before he died there are times i want to defend my self but god makes me be quiet", "i would take days that i would feel low tuck them away and ignore it rather than sitting in it like i had learned to do in the past to get through these moments", "i do however feel myself feeling a bit reluctant", "i still feel like i missed out on a critical part of the soap and for a", "i am still feeling unhappy and upset about the big changes happened befoe but i know times will heal everything img src http s", "i feel like i am caring less about getting things done than actually relishing in the experience of doing and learning mathematics of course i probably will be working on things last minute but i wont let the pressure get to me", "i should welcome feeling those that have gone before me i almost feel doomed by it", "i am feeling lots of movement now but gar is unsure whether he feels or not", "i am looking forward to how amazing it makes me feel i will probably post more details about it in the coming days for anyone who is curious about this nutty thing we do on occasion", "i began to feel a bit regretful", "i hang my head down and feel even more embarrassed to complaint about such minor things in my life when others are having a hard time just surviving minute to minute of the day", "i woke up on saturday feeling so glad it was saturday and that the work week was behind me", "i feel like i got in at that sweet spot before everyone realizes how messed up everything really is", "i feel hated there but had to remind my selfish self that none of this was about me", "i feel overwhelmed they might say my stomach hurts or my head hurts", "i felt that aching feeling anymore and i had to think about it but no i dont have that aching feeling unless i am missing my family", "i feel like i can t truly get excited for this race because i have no idea whether or not i ll even be able to run it", "i see on wednesday im feeling fantastic these days and i can tell im getting smaller and smaller", "ive been frustrated that i dont walk around floating on air seeing the good in every sidewalk pothole i trip into beating myself up over feeling unsure and scared", "i don t know about anyone else but there are times when i am feeling low and stressed and i just need to see something pretty", "i feel a bit melancholy when i think about not teaching the children i don t yet have about the love of jesus or not taking them to sunday school or not having them attend vacation bible school", "i feel glad that the stress that went into making sterile sky from spending nine months in senegal writing non stopped to facing some initial rejections at home farafina and cassava republic rejected the manuscript and to burdening friends with the manuscript is not in vain after all", "i recall feeling so welcomed that we returned to woodstock a few months later for a white thanksgiving", "i feel as fantastic as a beauty and beast moment would have been i did not go through any magical dramatically lit transformations as i exited the first trimester and emerged in the second", "i still feel like i get walked all over but well i m trying", "i am looking forward to getting baptized maybe but not until i feel devoted and broken in front of the lord", "i have to admit i have been feeling very disheartened and disillusioned with the whole publishing community for months", "i feel like a rockette and i also feel like im glad its over", "i feel so overwhelmed im nauseous", "i feel civilly disturbed class delicious title share this on del", "i feel so unpleasant gt lt" ]
i can t help feeling jealous
[ "i feel like the nytimes publishes an article like this every year or so and each time we get pissed and feisty quick to lash out with a slew of offended and defensive responses", "i feel so spiteful towards people sometimes just the way they look makes me want to hurt them", "ive been feeling jealous lately of bloggers going off to author readings and book si", "i feel impatient yet i am not fully sure what i am searching for", "i feel wronged by certain people and my instinct was to get angry at them and stop speaking to them but two wrongs dont make a right i think", "i feel so rude saying i ll get back to you cause shes so nice and needs me but i d prefer to work in a href http www", "i was feeling pretty cranky about it but when i called the garage door guy this morning he said that his scheduler wasnt in because her husband had a massive heart attack over the weekend hes okay so he couldnt give me a time the repairman will call before he comes", "i m tryin my level best be a gud pal but i cant help if u dont understad what i feel abt u dats ur problemn i don think carin for sum is a crime img src rte emoticons smile sarcastic", "i just feel so fucked up by everything that the only place i can confide and spill my emotions is here because there isnt anyone like you", "i just plain feel envious of the self confidence they had", "i think its cos its a bit stormy out i always feel irritable and uncomfortable when its like that", "i feel i am quite mad", "i have to say i feel slightly envious of julian", "i am feeling stressed and more than a bit anxious", "i just feel annoyed at the way they share their success or even just the way they talk", "i cough alot more and feel somewhat irritable at times" ]
[ "i do when i feel guilty a href http douevenlift", "i get scared i feel ignored i feel happy i get silly i choke on my own words i make wishes i have dreams and i still want to believe anything could happen in this world for an ordinary girl like you like me for an ordinary girl like you like me how are you", "i feel an aching gap in my heart", "i feel not loved i always get kicked around or shoved", "i still have that feeling to you until now ya the feeling to loving you", "im sitting there with both boobs hanging out so why do i feel uncomfortable", "i feel beaten a href http ediebloom", "im going to say is that i know my activities are out of balance when i start feeling burdened by something that is supposed to be fun", "i know thats not true but thats how i feel i get scared", "i could see that when i am angry with my coworker i am also in a moment where i do not trust the other person s intentions i do not feel respected or appreciated by that person", "i feel dirty watching this series and you can tell how the series is trying to induce false emotions in the viewer", "i told him that it was because living with wyatt makes me feel like bowie living with iman here is this gorgeous long limbed ebony creature striding here lounging there", "i love feeling loved but i hate that he seems so devastated", "i do sometimes feel like im in this strange in between world", "i feel ungrateful and i know i feel ungrateful and i hate myself for feeling ungrateful hellip and yet i don t get that last bit", "i am also not a perfect girl friend and im always a disappointment always feeling so doubtful and always putting you through a hard time with my mood swings and sudden outburst of low emo mood", "i just think about all the day i chatted with my mom amp also feeling horny and masturbate myself", "im not a huge fan but one of my best friends in high school loved her and so many of brittneys songs remind me of a time i actually had friends so i listen to not feel so alone", "i am supposed to feel doubtful but i still think i forget sometimes how amazing it is that i am living in this city and that i get to work with such inspiring young women at my internship", "im betraying my youth and class origins here but the working world still feels very strange to me", "i visit m ller in my country and go to the expensive make up stands the sales assistants are always standing right next to me and looking at me like im going to steal something so i feel really uncomfortable shopping there", "i cant help but feel that i need to be delicate", "i guess i feel betrayed because i admired him so much and for someone to do this to his wife and kids just goes beyond the pale", "i feel like my life is not moving smoothly i immediately look around amp see if i can be at service while focusing on giving and supporting others", "im starting to learn that feeling awkward isnt such a bad thing and feeling awkward isnt some sort of social disorder", "i know my feelings being kinda numb pathetic and full of sorrow about a useless thing called love", "i feel a little strange chasing after them since im so disappointed in the brand as a whole", "ive been feeling really pumped about running again this is very strange", "i know there are a million strollers and babies in the world but the thought that my stroller had made someone feel how ive felt so many times broke my heart", "ive been feeling sentimental and i got these two faux diamond rings", "im sober i feel that sort of numb much like when i was on celexa but none of the calm", "i want a relationship where partners empower each other not feel burdened by their histories and eccentricities", "im feeling more than a little dazed", "i feel a bit naughty like ive snuck into my parents room snooping for christmas presents or something", "i normally find intimidating but shes crazy about tiny little foreign food places and people like her so i feel less socially intimidated when im with her", "i feel like garbage i am wonderful though i feel weak i am strong though i feel like a failure i succeed and though i feel unworthy i will live out my dream it ends and begins now", "i feel like damaged goods because every time i start to really like someone i get hurt", "i feel my own heart a lot to make sure i am still there", "i do find new friends i m going to try extra hard to make them stay and if i decide that i don t want to feel hurt again and just ride out the last year of school on my own i m going to have to try extra hard not to care what people think of me being a loner", "im also worried that youre feeling a little lost in the middle these days and like youre not getting enough attention from us", "i feel like the universe thinks i can handle and its giving me more and more suffering", "i don t know what to feel as in i am not sure should i feel sad cause it is ending or should i feel glad that it is over and i can move on", "i just feel discouraged because the industry is enormous what makes me special in a sea of pretty girls", "i was entertaining myself with this memory while at the same time feeling like that guy in that movie dazed and confused who says i just keep on getin older and the girls stay the same age", "i feel helpless and hopeless because i feel like i am not in control over my own life even though in all actuality i totally am", "i have reason to believe that my faith in trusting them has been betrayed by a lie or worse i start to doubt what my heart wants to feel this is where things get messy", "im still feeling that christmas loving with my polyvore boards and its only the start of advent", "i see on wednesday im feeling fantastic these days and i can tell im getting smaller and smaller", "i get that sick feeling like the one you get when you hear that someone passed away and youre shocked and lightheaded and i realize hes really gone forever", "i feel constantly at battle like i need to continuously improve myself but then feel like nothing i do will ever be enough and that makes me feel chronically exhausted", "i started to answer no i just was feeling kinda horny sis", "i do not feel disadvantaged or jealous without these things i feel empowered instead", "i feel as though i cant bear the motion of quilting it even though the idea of it delighted me so only a few days ago", "i feel sooooooooper vain taking pics of myself for the last hour", "i at times feel so utterly useless and undeserving of such a magnificent woman in my life", "i feel overwhelmed and humbled but i am alive to keep slugging and i m grateful for the chance", "i hope that the next quote will be able to let my special someone knows what im feeling insecure about and understand that no matter how much i trust", "i am planning for at the beginning of this year and feeling only a little smug about it", "i was exceptionally hurt by it and i m definitely still feeling the impact when it comes to trusting people", "i feel loyal to him in some ways so respect his wish not to tell anyone but it is killing me keeping it inside", "i was feeling quite emotional as i always do watching my little white boy who is getting to be medium sized putting his heart and soul into his haka performance in particular overwhelmed by the effect of all these children performing together in a form unique to new zealand", "i came home last night from a charity man auction more on that another time hoo boy feeling pretty smug", "i feel paranoid but atleast now i get some comfort with dd she is the only person that i can talk to and not feel lie total crap around she is the nicest kindest most caring person i have ever met and i dont think that i will ever find anyone as great as her in my life", "i like the person i have become because i feel so much more carefree and liberated but at the same time i dont recognize myself", "i cannot stop loving you and it just feels amazing it really fills my heart so let me", "i am feeling somewhat melancholy over that", "i love reading i feel positively rich when the house is full of new books learning new things and as the pain is relentless i can t really pace myself i spend my days pottering from job to job depending on how stupid i feel like being", "i think that however nice these people are they make you feel paranoid that you are doing something wrong", "i worried over the feeling of supposed to being at church but rich and dr", "i let myself feel this way i have a gorgeous partner who loves me with an intensity that takes my breath away a beautiful comfortable home food on the table and drink a plenty even our dog adores me", "i want all of my feelings rage and terror and longing to wash over me and fill me as the alternative is the dull anxiety of every day living", "i don t like feeling assaulted by a song no matter how much inspiration and integrity is backing up the blows", "i feel so proud and blessed to be carrying this baby", "i sure would love to stop feeling so horny all the time", "i am thinking about everyones future and not my own i feel so alone useless and am wondering what the hell am i doing wrong that i only feel like a roommate and nothing else", "im feeling a lot less ugly duckling and a lot more a href http", "i feel like a wimpy canoe floating towards a rising tsunami", "i wind up feeling like the butt end of some divine comedy and somewhere in the universe the muses are all having a good laugh at my expense", "i feel like half the time i just dont show affection and interest to anyone outside my little circle of comfort where a sincere response is guaranteed", "i just need to rant right now i feel so ignored in life my friends are too busy for me when we hang out we do have fun but only occasionally do we get the chance plus i always seem to be the one organising things or at least partially involved", "i how he is feeling about the fight i m disappointed and kind of disgusted with myself", "i miss everybody i am still feeling relieved because i am pretty sure i will be able to catch up on much needed sleep that has eluded me the last couple of days", "i don t know what it feels like to be in love so i m starting to get scared that i don t actually love him", "i know sweetie turning in a month but you re still years old it s hard to comprehend what s going on except that the feeling isn t pleasant", "ive been feeling wonderful and am now enjoying little karate chops inside my abdomen on a regular basis that make my heart spin circles of joy", "i hope someday when i am again in a position to give that i will remember how it feels and be sympathetic and sensitive to others", "i start feeling crappy i just have to toss this on and bam i am singing and dancing and shimmy ing my shoulders just like whitney", "i find myself feeling passionate about", "i cannot help but feel that my life is a series of not so unpleasant accidents stumbling about trying to do the right thing", "i feel slightly like a traitor admitting that i really liked the new place", "i remember a totally different feel having been a faithful dukes watcher growing up", "i must say to get to this point where i feel nothing but just friendly feelings towards him takes alot of time", "i know i should feel dismayed or at least sheepish that one of my friends basically believes i have an eating disorder but actually my emotional response to his statement was one of genuine surprise and pleasure that someone had noticed and remembered something about me", "i know im feeling agitated as it is from a side effect of the too high dose", "i am feeling shaky and tired i feel like i do when i go on a long run without eating and come home and just really wanting a banana or some gatorade", "i pray look next to my phone what time i feel my anxiety levels getting too superior", "im feeling a bit distressed about it", "i do feel like ive been a neglectful friend but its due to the fact that i feel like a hinderance so i just stay away", "i bet you ll feel absolutely horny on watching shameless blond lad make his guy cry of pleasure caused by hottest fist fuck", "i feel a bit of sadness or loss i just remind myself that love is never lost no person is every lost and all is well", "ive somehow had a few epiphanies and toned down the need for validation its still a work in progress but i feel less need to be liked by people who dont deserve the attention", "i blush because i feel guilty about asking for something so costly for being worldly", "i guess you could say i am a loner but i feel more lonely in a crowed room with boring people than i feel on my own", "imdoing good and its almost strange to feel carefree", "i still feel like i get walked all over but well i m trying", "i feel civilly disturbed class delicious title share this on del", "i want that feeling that someone is devoted to me and wants to keep me strong and go through things with me", "i feel most passionate about that arouse my emotions seem to be the things i need to learn something about my emotion tells me there is a need to grow in some direction", "i mean i get that its nice to have someone who cares about you like that that a relationship can be a great thing and can feel wonderful but im only so im not looking for that in my life yet", "i feel insecure all the time", "i just cant help but feel that i am more intelligent then my body and i hate feeling helpless when i think i have it all worked out and it really isnt", "i face turn red and feel shy emm no", "im feeling discontent or too comfortable because there is always something i should be working on in my spiritual life", "i know for a fact that happiness will forever be alien to me i still feel heartbroken", "i do know the main reason i feel like i m losing myself unsure if i ll ever get those pieces back but i m not quite ready to talk about that just yet", "i just carry that feeling around that things are really rich", "i loved my supervisions because i come in feeling like a dumb dumb and leave feeling so heroic as if ive accomplished something huge", "i will think of something else feel all passionate about that and then it too would stop", "i feel is strange rel bookmark november a href http eagleandhammer", "i ended up asking my seminar professor is it completely normal to have these alternating periods of intense paranoia at my own inadequacies and at times feeling completely self assured and annoyingly pompous and accomplished" ]
i feel a bit annoyed and antsy in a good way
[ "when i was subjected to a very nasty joke by a group of friends", "i feel jealous becasue i wanted that kind of love the true connection between two souls and i wanted that", "i feel i am completely dissatisfied with the whole world and all human characters are inconsistent", "i woke up today feeling pissed off", "i feel like an obnoxious american in the amazing race not discounting on people who cant speak english", "i feel that these children will become violent and mentally unsafe as they get older because they are constantly in a dangerous environment", "i think i m a bit better today although i still feel like i ve been run over by a truck and the cough is being remarkably stubborn particularly when i try to speak", "i don t feel stressed", "i feel like i am a selfish person", "i feel so cranky right now", "i didn t feel particularly mad of course they say that when you are going crazy you really feel like you are becoming more sane", "i feel like a cranky old man saying this but so it goes", "i looked around and once again was disappointed that so little had shown up this evening but apparently this was my day to feel selfish", "im happy to report that i didnt feel that angered urge to smack olivia today the way ive felt it before", "i understand but i feel like i hated my friends", "i do feel irritated at times because he tried to hold me and stuff ill push away or not throw temper and shout at him" ]
[ "i hardly feel that way m usually hyper and bouncy around everyone", "i feel like posting something clever problem is of course im not an extremely clever person", "i am feeling very restless irritable and discontent", "i am feeling energetic and healthy for the first time in a long time i guess an almost lb total weightloss will do that for you", "i must not be left to feel foolish lost unhappy and with distaste", "i have some great friends who help me deal with my issues because you cant always leave your baggage at the door see offspring feelings you guys know who you are and thanks again for being supportive", "im feeling virtuous ill make do with a rich tea or hobnob but if money and calories are no object it has to be a k", "i become someone else and i make random awkward jokes honestly this feeling is so strange is this what it feels like to be on top of a cloud", "i was feeling pretty wimpy in it", "i ventured into fabrics amp fabrics on a whim yesterday feeling a bit nervous knowing i would be tempted beyond my comfor", "i alternate between feeling perfectly happy with this plan and very sad and disappointed that we dont get to experience a real vaginal birth", "im feeling pretty terrible ill health and life took over and i was unable to get my package sorted out and posted in time for which i", "i make some of those cracks by the age old system of not sleeping and driving myself insane but i dont have the energy and i dont have that feeling because it feels like ive already devoted my life to working and hacking systems and fucking with numbers for people", "i may be a bit late this year but im feeling very festive sat by the fire imagination its actually just a hot radiator", "i feel pretty yuck and i dont really want and to get out and do anything", "i think she had more fun than she thought she would have granted we do feel like we are suffering a bit with the food and detoxing but at the same time we feel like we are finally making serious changes to be healthy and that alone is a really awesome feeling", "i feel a bit less burdened with things hanging over my head", "i am feeling the positive impact of the new meditative tools pam is giving me as well more strongly and clearly", "i must tell you that i have been doing much more yoga lately and i feel all lovely and loose in my joints and muscles", "i got home from work i was feeling adventurous and was also feeling him very active in there and so i decided to start poking on my belly to see what would happen", "i am not wishing november away or trying to forget about thanksgiving but i need to be mindful of what really matters when i feel overwhelmed", "i like that these type of assumptions because it makes me feels a bit more positive", "i smiled to myself musing probably feeling superior just as i felt somehow superior to all these fresh scrubbed college folks off to slum among the huddled masses", "i am on the verge of tears feeling depressed unhappy useless feeling like i have wasted my life see no future with happiness in it", "i can feel a little better about sunday maybe i can continue that good feeling and get back to the little hot bod i once rocked", "i feel quite pleased with these little bits of news so i will celebrate tonight with a meet the brewer event hawkshead with some of my members in one of my newest pubs", "im not yet feeling terrified of failing i honestly feel like im overconfident right now because i believe that ive done my best", "i feel eager to do well and i feel like ive got more titles in me he concluded ominously", "im also pretty close to just exiting out of the window because i feel like this makes me look freakishly neurotic", "i feel like the writer wants me to think so and proclaiming he no longer liked pulsars is a petty and hilarious bit of character", "i do i really do think i have some justification for feeling smug", "i feel very alone in part because everyone has there opinion of what is going on or not going on and sometimes i feel that if i challenge those people they will be upset with me", "i feel terribly helpless sometimes but even with the limited spiritual awareness that i have i am able to find the answers as i know the end is not the outcome of my decision i ll be able to move on readjust pick up the pieces re centre myself or enjoy my decision", "im feeling fairly miserable about this", "i feel like i have to shy away from triggering some stereotype of a person who will scream and break things because they didnt get to eat their favorite kind of sandwich", "i feel a little disturbed by the wire in the background i just posted it because i think the light is better than in spot", "i feel overly burdened by even the smallest responsibility so the large responsibilities that i have recently agreed to are burrowing their way into my brain and tickling my subconscious at all hours", "i think it is super nervous for me i always feel not contented and even greedy so when there s a choice that problem would just worsen", "i feel joyful somehow i feel lost i do not know whats going on or what i am supposed to do next", "i think im entitled to feeling a little triumphant", "i go into work when im feeling low ill only feel worse all or nothing thinking e", "i actually feel lame because its such a much lighter workout than the px but im able to push harder and i dont dread it so much", "i have no i am super to think but the small pistil says she has been feeling i am very kind very brave have manliness so much is a href http www", "i feel troubled lord and i honestly don t know why", "ive been feeling restless inside and i dont understand why", "i feel a tranquil and eloquent charm his praise array delights me thought of legard but he loved me not", "i think it s the opposite i get to feel defeated because i was doing everything possible to keep baby healthy and my sugars in check", "im feeling really shaken up today my stomach hurts ibleeditout i ran into some friends and kodi has been a complete brat", "i am not scared to let myself feel deeply many people are too frightened to let themselves div style clearboth padding bottom", "i feel that i am neither of those two types i should be a sheep type of boyfriend that kind of person who is gentle likes to take care of people and of course hopes to be taken care of many times as well", "i let myself think about my behaviour towards you when we were children i feel a strange mix of guilt and admiration for your resilience", "i thought i should be excited that im starting work but im feeling reluctant as ever", "i feel pressured at times to succumb to fear and insecurities but thankfully i am still able to hold it on my own", "i am feeling a little dull this morning because we had a winetasting at our apartment yesterday to choose the wines for our wedding", "i cant help feeling this way", "i feel abused and maligned but mostly tired of the nervous feeling anticipating danger", "i feel unwelcome at work sometimes and think people might be talking about me rel bookmark i feel unwelcome at work sometimes and think people might be talking about me april a class url fn n href http www", "i devised myself rather than had suggested to me the flower distribution and im esp pleased as i bought the flowers when i didnt have my bank card it feels much harder to be generous when having to be especially careful with money and im now wondering if that was the lesson of losing it", "i am feeling excited and also nervous worrying about all the little details and hoping that our first day goes well", "i have to say it is making me feel very tender inside like a wound that has scabbed over on the surface but is still raw and unhealed underneath", "i am feeling like a delicate wee flower and have given myself permission to lay around drinking tea and eating cream buns and reveling in my passion for poetry", "i was feeling pleased with the manuscript reporting the results of my fellowship research annoyed at the ridiculous requirements for for", "i can t say it s made me feel any less depressed anxious but mingled in with the depression is a certainty that i can get to the other side if i keep putting one foot in front of the other", "i feel embarassed humiliated sad miserable a title permanent link to what if i have already fallen in love", "i have been feeling particularly lousy these days so i might as well try to cheer myself up by saying yes", "i might go out of existance i smile pick up my pen and fill the page with the things that you say the thoughts you obtain the moments you refrain far away its cause youre going insane and suddenly im left afraid because im not feeling that way instead im amazed why you gotta be that way", "ive started feeling like almost nothing is worth getting agitated about", "i both feel impatience at the rate of loss and impressed at the same time", "i feel like i am not alone", "i mean im actually feeling productive in the area of quilting and sewing but havent felt lik", "i left for work feeling still unpleasant and cheered up a mite bit once i got there", "i am back in the shire and although it is lovely to be reunited with fields once more i am feeling a bit restless and missing london life", "i feel relieved when i don t have to play jeoffrey pagetitle eyo", "i am starting to feel emotional", "i think i m also feeling restless", "im feeling quite groggy but thats all right", "i log on feeling vaguely sociable and after a short amount of time im all socialised out", "i am feeling any less submissive", "i feel a strong sense of relief", "i feel anxious for myself moment of truth i feel rather like a tiger in a cage when it comes to testing", "im feeling a little better and with more christmas spirit i thought that by this date id had all my christmas decorations up but im not finish even with the lights", "i could feel it so lively compared to the noisy and though dead atmosphere of the life down the hill", "im feeling a bit less anxious about it all now and im actually starting to look forward to the challenge of the big event", "i thought this was a good idea in that it gave you time to recover if you were feeling nervous or overwhelmed and also gave you the opportunity to make your escape if you felt so inclined", "i can break myself out of having this dream as it leaves me feeling groggy and disoriented and i dont like it", "i know shes right because i feel more energetic awake patient and happy when im running daily but i still feel a little bad too because i believe breast milk is so much better for babies than formula", "i want to feel less stressed", "i feel like a whiney lil girl who s keeps whining and psycho ing herself to love studying and start studying", "i feel it would be pleasant to have a cigarette there is a sort of deep rooted memory of enjoying sucking that carcenogenic smoke into my lungs but i believe that feeling of pleasantness is an illusion", "i feel more anxious than i have in quite some time in fact", "i feel dirty if i haven t washed my nose then my teeth brush with electric brush brush way back with small brush brush between with xmas tree brush massage around teeth with that rubber pointy thing and then floss", "i suppose that is how a lot of things feel when you are not feeling well", "ive gotten so used to them to the extent that im actually feeling weird without them", "i agree with that overall life philosophy but sometimes people and even kids need their negative emotions acknowledged so that they don t feel ignored and negated in what they are truly feeling", "i am feeling shaky and tired i feel like i do when i go on a long run without eating and come home and just really wanting a banana or some gatorade", "i cant tell if the moments of shock that im not feeling are because im jaded or if lovecraft actually missed the note to use a musical analogy", "i dont know if i feel thrilled at finally getting to go camping again with people i like and know first time where thats happened", "i really only get inspired to write on this blog when im feeling shitty about life and i guess september being my birth month and all was pretty great", "i feel groggy but ok get up and leave the house with a luxurious baby free day in the office ahead of me", "i don t feel like this month was a failure but rather a eye opener to help me to be more productive organized and free", "im feeling extraordinarily dazed and bewildered this arvo for no particular reason and my muscles all hurt even though i dont actually have any", "i wind up getting more things checked off the list but i feel lousy and frazzled by early evening", "i know that when i am feeling distraught or moody i can depend on you two to put a smile back on my face", "i need to be intentional to do more things like that i think as a mom sometimes it can feel like you lose some of your personality b c as smart as my kids are their sense of humor is me making a silly face and chasing them around the house like a monster", "i have a positive or negative experience depends largely on how much i feel control was either respected or taken from me", "i feel a bit sentimental", "im ever feeling stressed i whack heart on black on and it kicks me back into shape", "i forgive myself that i have accepted adn allowed myself to feel uncertain and inferior the moment someobdy is looking at me as i do physical labour", "i upload today i know some of you are waiting for my bareminerals video but i haven t filmed one and i m feeling kind of lousy today so i m catching up with doing laundry and taking it easy", "i was feeling restless when i stepped into the kitchen to whip up this crunchy sweet treat", "i manage to complete the lap not too far behind the front runners and am feeling pretty jubilant until i realise that this is just the warm up", "i feel me better cuz i listen to this song img src http ifyouwanttoknow", "ive noticed this week that im not the only one who struggles with feeling a little depressed after mothers day", "i feel so absolutely stumped on the floor when you dance you re charming and you re gentle specially when you do the continental but this feeling isn t purely mental for heaven rest us i am not asbestos and that s why i won t dance why should i", "im not scared at all anymore im fine i feel terrific about the surgery", "i have some great friends and great housemates who have listened to how i feel and reminded me that its so unimportant and i should enjoy my life and be proud of myself", "i don t feel like teaching it s simply because there are so many other pleasant things to do that require less effort on my part", "im trying to go on how i feel hopefully next time i brave the scales i will have been good for a few days and will see a nicer number", "i feel moderately handsome at the minute but as soon as i go out ill look like a twat", "i miss not feeling guilt over so much stuff because i reacted in a terrible way or said no to my kids just for the sake of saying no" ]
i ate feeling hateful towards myself because of a number
[ "im feeling stressed about this more than i should", "i feel like being distracted", "i help my daughter when she is feeling angry", "i was feeling pretty cranky about it but when i called the garage door guy this morning he said that his scheduler wasnt in because her husband had a massive heart attack over the weekend hes okay so he couldnt give me a time the repairman will call before he comes", "i feel like i was a rude ass hole at hookah", "i was feeling irritated with the supposed guy who wasting my valuable time talking to a lady", "i was feeling resentful enough to want to write about it here which means i need to work on look getting my hackles raised when others judge me", "i leave something sometimes i throw some change in the tip jar other times i dont leave anything but i feel rude doing that haha", "i feel really petty at the moment because i am extremely angry because im broke at the moment and it sort of pisses me off", "im feeling disgusted already but seriously though i dont really like to have my pictures taken cause ive always referred to myself as ugly", "i think about it i feel a rushed mixture of excitement and nerves", "i am sure its meant as a celebration of the various shades of red out there i feel insulted", "i can spend my life condemning others i feel have wronged my people or me and yet my own consequences are strangely bitter", "i feel i did some thing impolite katanya", "i went back to work feeling agitated and lazy which transformed into this state where i just yelled i dont know", "i feel angry im happy" ]
[ "i feel a pain in my own heart as every priestess in the temple drops as every single ven who is devoted to talia loses their devotions and takes a rank of injury equal to their devotion", "i believe you have to truly regret feel remorseful that you have these feelings even if you feel like you can t control them", "i have to feel whiney when i m just today one week out of surgery major abdominal surgery", "i got off in my previous post about how much the app maker leeches upset me at this conference and so i feel like i should mention who i was most impressed with there", "i always regret it when i do because it makes me feel crappy during my run but i knew i wouldnt be home and showered until about which is nearly lunchtime for me", "i am lost for words to tell you of my agonising pain i feel from my own sorrowful heart my heart of darkness", "i may pour out the half empty cup here i will still be making significantly less than i was making at the age of fresh out of college is an entire dollar and some change more an hour which feels like sweet desperate progress", "i had been struggling emotionally feeling beaten down and discontented", "ill get mopey about what occured in the past but the frequency of that has been decreasing in a logarythmic scale and even then its only when im feeling self doubtful which is also occuring less", "i have wanted to perhaps convey my feelings of a matter instead of my thoughts and have rejected it because i have thought feelings in the matter irrelevant", "i was learning to just deal with the nausea amp manage the unpleasantness of it at work trying to keep anyone from knowing but my sister told me there was no need to suffer amp feel miserable amp to call my dr for some zofran", "im a bit afraid the cookie is what is making me feel not so fantastic", "i might add that i feel dismayed whenever i see christians posting links to such apologetic drivel as my online friend did because it only acts as a disclaimer which boldly advertises their own stupendous ignorance and incredulity", "i feel like an idiot for looking a bunch of keys that weren t there and i m getting frantic about nick not letting me in for forgetting my keys", "i feel crappy i eat crappy", "i went bowling david and some other people but i didnt really feel like being sociable so i just called and texted lisa all night who was also texting chris at the same time shes known him all her life", "i did not really want to die but i wanted out of the pain that i was experiencing and that i was allowing others to experience by watching me and feeling helpless to do anything about it", "i do this because the worse they are the more justified i feel a needy man on the street suddenly represents a threat to my very peace and freedom", "i feel such morose sentiments floating around my brain", "i really think each and every person can begin to sympathise with bernards character on which ever level this might be just because its part of being human to experience self doubt and feel worthless and ultimately unnecessary without purpose", "i feel humiliated at her apartment i came here to this family i feel stuckin this life and go the hell i do not want to be more present in my life", "i could soon feel quite rejected", "i go without a new post the more guilty i feel for leaving all my loyal readers in the dark about my progress in this crazy quest i set out on days ago", "i was feeling ignored lied to full half or no truth omission avoidance being left out on things as if this was just a game to you and as if you really did not want me around", "i have many days where i feel hopeless today the light at the end of my yellow brick road was shining just a little brighter", "i just remember feeling so much pain and being confused and scared and convinced that i could not do this", "i found myself feeling a bit shamed defensive and excluded", "i need these crutches but i feel like i cant help it i resigned myself to a position of being miserable so long ago that its taking me baby steps to realize i dont have to be", "i tend to have a discomforting feeling or maybe get disturbed but that sense of emotion only plays out the way the book is being interpreted", "i am not in general feeling particularly virtuous this month", "i still don t feel so hot i said as aj frowned", "i feel beaten and bruised from their harshness and wearied by their relentlessness", "i just feel very cheated and quite frightened that i was invaded like this", "i feel embarassed humiliated sad miserable a title permanent link to what if i have already fallen in love", "i feel deeply remorseful and regretful", "i concluded that if my wife cheated on me with a man i would feel betrayed and devastated and my trust in her would plummet", "i began to feel shaky and nauseous and yearned for my connection to cairns to make up for some of the deprivation", "im not sure if what im feeling is so extremely vulnerable or now that i feel so depressed and sad", "i feel like maybe he is going to stop loving me or maybe its true and im a terrible wife", "i feel crazily indecisive impulsive just in a", "im so great for having gone to that class feeling was gone replaced by a sense of melancholy for what once was for the body that used to be able to move", "i devised myself rather than had suggested to me the flower distribution and im esp pleased as i bought the flowers when i didnt have my bank card it feels much harder to be generous when having to be especially careful with money and im now wondering if that was the lesson of losing it", "i feel agitated and jumpy and like i just ate a bottle of caffeine pills", "i feel unimportant but even if i am in some way its still not my place to be making any decisions or voicing my opinions and its certainly not my place to be sharing my feelings", "i work well with almost every client ive ever been in contact with because i know what it means to feel depressed angry frustrated irritated hopeless and apathetic because i feel it daily", "i feel a little low about being in japan and i always feel pangs of guilt when i fail to appreciate my living situation and decisions", "i felt and still feel really horribly that i scared the poor guy so much that he dropped his tail but im eternally grateful to him for teaching me this fact", "i could loose my job i would be so f amp ed for xmas i hate xmas i hate holidays i wish they would go away i feel nervous i feel sad what if i disappoint my family my friends", "i dont really care about just because i can and thats what feels rotten", "i feel so disheartened that i feel nauseous and sick", "i believe you all will come to my work place and just try to make me feel humiliated but you know what deep down in my heart i know who is the one who should be ashamed of themselves", "i am bogged down by the feelings of being unloved it only ends up making me feel worthy of love that is being showered upon me how can i feel the love and joy if i feel deep within me unworthy", "i had been feeling conflicted and disheartened by my choice to get a new job even though i know this is what god has for me right now", "i was talking to my district leader elder hill last night and was explaining to him some of my concerns such as not seeing the fruits of our efforts not having baptized anyone yet and just plain feeling like i have so many problems and weaknesses that its not even funny", "im also feeling overwhelmed by how often im saying im too old for that shit", "i feel remorseful for the crimes that were committed intentionally or unintentionally and whether or not i had known about it or not known about it", "i am writing this feeling hopeless hopeless about the people around me this is a crazy absurd world with absurd people in it", "i was kinda laying on my disappeared arm playing on the computer then i got up to turn eat dinner but on the way adjectives of a sudden this wierd feeling in my collar chest felt like a bounce of electricity shocked me or something then my left paw", "ive been feeling low when i get home so i eat to fill my time and the hole in my heart", "i came out of there feeling so abused", "i am feeling miserable and sick but hoping that with the amount of sleep i am getting i havent had much choice i have had zero energy cold meds vitamins and lots of fluids i have high hopes to feel better tomorrow", "i was feeling amazed because i didnt find myself that good as what they have commented", "i know how that feels have in ars nes own words disturbed the croatians season somewhat", "i am feeling so remorseful now", "i am feeling a little disheartened", "i feel horrible i know this is a bad situation but please dont judge me i really feel bad and the age of consent is in texas so our relationship is legal", "i did cry more than i ever have i actually rarely cry but sometimes i get to the heart of my pain over men in general and my feeling that i am damaged somehow and that s why no one likes me so maybe that was it", "i shouldnt feel altogether mellow", "ive seen how mean other kids and adults can be to a child who doesnt fit into the norm and no way was i going to label him so he could be made to feel he was anything other than amazing", "im not as mad and upset as i was on day but i feel scared now", "i was up to my eyes and studying and feeling pretty jaded a href http maturestudenthanginginthere", "i woke up feeling distressed instead of rested and it can be hard to change gears after that just ask mike two nights ago i dreamed that we were at my master s graduation which was in my dream held at a water park", "i have to admit that i was beginning to feel pretty smug", "i feel pathetic encased in stiff and unused limbs my mind plateaus and dreams of beyond", "i went back to it because i was feeling so intensely crappy", "i feel a timid six other times a wise sixty six", "i feel so strongly and passionate about so hearing that just made my heart sink", "i am also not a perfect girl friend and im always a disappointment always feeling so doubtful and always putting you through a hard time with my mood swings and sudden outburst of low emo mood", "i is thirteen again and so so unsure of himself and unsure of how he feels about shishido as his senpai although he s always admired him", "i am still feeling unhappy and upset about the big changes happened befoe but i know times will heal everything img src http s", "i didnt need that reminder plus her words made me feel as if she saw me as pathetic", "i proclaim to have lost a bit of my sanity and feel so shaky", "im heartbroken about in love with the world but i think maybe im feeling heartbroken so acutely is it came to me today that every time ive been asked to stay somewhere in the past years or so ive left", "i didnt know anyone but why did i feel helpless confused angry tired", "i am ruining her feeling and was disturbed a href http membres", "i have a desk job and sit on my ass all day long so sometimes i feel paranoid that i m not being active enough and think things like dear god what if i get so fat that i can never lose the baby weight", "i feel like flagellating myself like the weird albino priest in angels and demons every time i see his face", "i feel so dumb photographing myself okay i even feel dumb trying to smile for justin", "ive been feeling really shitty lately", "i always feel slightly worthless almost self condemning like i should be doing more amounting more saving the world one day at a time a preacher on a podium a counselor for teen single struggling mom s a writer a motivational speaker a super mom to my baby boy", "i hate the feeling of being needy or vulnerable to something or someone that sometimes it seems like youre an addict", "i must bring some perspective into the equation consider how you would feel if you went a week without calling and then phoned up to find out youd missed your final opportunity to talk with a parent", "i get this strange feeling that even with people with whom im friendly im some sort of intellectual target which is getting rather annoying", "i woke up feeling ugly and im sure i looked like a hot mess", "i feel about politics and i have been very shocked at myself for going into this realm though i think that it is at this time the most important considering everything that has been going on in the world stage and in the usa", "im feeling so embarrassed frightened that i wouldve smashed the window and slid in dukes of hazzard style if it would get garage man to stop glaring at me", "i think of these folks when i am feeling miserable for having to acknowledge i must actually do something to make the world a better place", "i take the offense that is most frightening to me when i am feeling the most vulnerable in close relationships with others and i draw that offense and all my frightful vulnerability into the love of god into the mercy seat that fills me full", "i became more dismayed as i studied what people were wearing and started feeling like though some of the outfits were gorgeous they were bought that way", "i really didnt like that feeling but he hated even more that the heaviness in his chest was still growing that he made a muffled sound against hideakis lips as the other boy forcefully pressed himself against daiki", "i feel less groggy my trousers were a little looser and truthfully i would rather reach out for a fruit salad then a fully packed sandwich which is going to leave me feeling uncomfortable for the rest of the day", "i went by on wednesday feeling slightly regretful that i didnt try to haggle", "i feel for the tender teenager who i fear may have developed a life long aversion to pie but i confess i tip my hat to julie s grandmother", "i woke up at around am or am the next day crunched at the bed because i was feeling a terrible headache so painful i was awaken from my sleep", "im sure its a great film but i guess i wasnt feeling too appreciative and just had a long day", "i remember seeing it on the monitor and feeling like i had a truck on my chest and couldnt breathe my husband told me theyre going to intubate you now i wasnt convinced i would survive and wanted to live so badly", "i mean change is great though unless i feel like i am not alone in what i experience with having high functioning autism it s scary to make decisions and to want to work on myself in order to be the person i want to be", "i know is that i feel somewhat defective in the romance department", "i will admit with the joy of cooking there are also times where you feel defeated", "i reconciled and life goes on as does marriage but i feel terrible for what i did to her and to the one with whom i had the affair", "i was thankful to at least feel well enough to sit with my husband and kids at the table even if it was only for minutes before i felt like passing out which carson actually accomplished into his sweet potatoes no less poor guy was sooo tired", "i feared would happen with a amp a after last weeks ep is now playing out just as i had pictured it in a way that makes every scene with annie and auggie just make me feel miserable", "i hate feeling discontent but its what im feeling right now and im tired of hiding it", "i hate ever putting anyone in awkward situations and ever causing anyone to feel unwelcome such thoughts strain my heart so", "i feel so disheartened at things", "i began my focus on scripture a good hours ago and i still feel like a rejected woman who has no control but the feeling of abandonment has begun to subside", "i wont be totally satisfied until i feel like me and my work actually means something to more than my loyal reading viewing audience", "im just feeling personally devastated that this happened at my college in the school im studying under", "i started feeling a bit strange", "i get to the other side of months and possibly extend than it does to drink that wine and wake up feeling sad that i didnt finish what i started" ]
i didnt think i was angry but now that im typing away feeling my words evaporate into cyberspace i am very pissed that this is happening
[ "i did the yelling the feeling of being extremely mad", "i feel annoyed that those who bought tickets and sat through the screening could even find distraction with such offensive scenes and sounds flashed before them", "i shall just sleep feeling pissed psssh", "i am writing and sharing here is much more about my own story and what i believe with all my heart the world needs to know the riches we have in god than me feeling angry towards or trying to bash the people and leaders and parents", "i have been sitting at home revising today and all in all feeling quite stressed", "i feel sometimes i am like heartless tin woodman sometimes like cowardly lion but i really want to believe there is a href http www", "i generally don t eat a lot of junk it is mostly stress eating but as i become more comfortable with the child care i am feeling less stressed and eating less junk", "i also feel the circumstances are out of my control and hostile", "i have to find myself sitting in front of the consultant feeling furious and increasingly upset at her patronising refusal to allow me to make a choice over the kind of birth i wanted", "i feel like kierkegaard a hated and lonely philosopher", "i wonder if this is just my bias from the fact that im doing a bible themed anthology and i feel like my intelligence is being insulted", "i simply dont want to and it makes me so mad because i want to be able to share these things with you but i feel like were so emotionally far apart now and it makes me mad and makes me unable to go to you", "i cannot remember in which mix i heard this first and not remembering it is making me feeling all irritable", "i remember as a child feeling totally scandalized and outraged when i found out that girls didnt play in the nfl", "i posted this lovely picture on instagram and was feeling slightly rebellious walking on that plane feeling", "i feel that it is dangerous to portray angels as walking the earth and intermarrying with humans" ]
[ "i felt humiliated and belittled me because it keyed into all of my trigger points it made me feel stupid and inarticulate and laughable and flattened about something i m passionate about knowledgeable about and see as my place in the world", "i know i probably shouldnt write with that sort of angry passion here on the blog but i never want to feel inhibited on what i can and cannot post", "i can feel it running through my veins and at the end is an unpleasant sight", "i was wrong loads of times so much so that i feel kind of embarrassed thinking back now", "i feel like ive blinked and missed it", "i will think of something else feel all passionate about that and then it too would stop", "i havent felt much like talking nothing bad just not been feeling very sociable in some ways", "i type these words i feel like i shouldn t be surprised", "i electrocuted my thumb and i cant type too well because i cant really you know feel some of my fingers as an acceptable excuse for a late paper", "i have stopped feeling surprised", "i love you to me actually made me feel dismayed and disappointed", "i am just kind of left feeling insecure and uneasy in my own skin", "i think honestly i did feel a bit vulnerable", "i have been feeling a strong ability to step out of my mind", "i feel a bit lost today", "im feeling too tortured to write today", "i must confess im feeling a little overwhelmed", "i feel its image has certainly been damaged by all of this", "i feel that this reality is tragic", "i feel im being ignored", "i was saying that ive been feeling unhappy besides having all those assignments im feeling unhappy also because im feeling kinda lost", "i feel hot irritated and tired", "i had to take them out for a while leaving me feeling even more distressed", "i feel like an ungrateful ingrate bastard to confess that i momentarily lost my appreciation for the life i have", "i speak of friends online who drop me from friends lists i feel unloved and disregarded", "i just wasnt feeling it so i willfully broke my routine", "i feel sorry for you guys", "i feel as defeated as i did today i wonder if im doing this parenting thing all wrong", "i apologize to all the ppl i dragged along with me to see it i feel shamed img src rte emoticons smile embaressed", "i guess i feel insecure and anxious", "i get changed i am feeling insecure", "i feel ashamed that i so readily turn it aside", "i had that feeling in a very very long while and i couldnt decide whether i liked it or not", "i feel dirty disgusting and contaminated", "i feel like im being a terrible person and that hes going to hate me for thinking these things", "i feel the need to write even though i really have nothing important to say", "i feel ungrateful and petty if i try and talk to people about it", "im moved in ive been feeling kind of gloomy", "i walked out of there an hour and fifteen minutes later feeling like i had been beaten with a stick and then placed on the rack and stretched", "i was already feeling mentally crappy and it was just ridiculous", "i feel like it was all in vain cant be right and feel this wrong this heart of mine is just", "i admit im feeling a little bit unloved at this point", "i ini i feel strange", "ill be darned if i will feel shamed for caring about the blogging community", "i breaking skin feels like and it s not pleasant", "i lost my power feeling lethargic headachie tired mentally blah you get the picture", "i dont really care about just because i can and thats what feels rotten", "i feel scared and unsure and out of place", "i am feeling hmmmmm melancholy", "i have wasted entirely too much time feeling insecure about my body", "i feel like im assaulted by constant flakiness", "im feeling pretty discouraged this morning", "i feel rejected so i must not measure up", "i just feel overwhelmed thinking about it", "i don t like feeling that my family damaged me in some way even though they didn t mean it", "i only know that i feel useless and it s a nasty feeling", "i was feeling sorry for myself why me", "i feel like this leads me to be not as gentle and kind as i should be", "i feel so dumb for being honest", "i resorted to yesterday the post peak day of illness when i was still housebound but feeling agitated and peckish for brew a href http pics", "i feel the sting of the words as a dull ache and heavy tear ducts not for my miserable highschool life or for having always been the target", "i dont recall just now yet vividly recall looking at you as you said it and you i think looking back at me and my feeling very sympathetic or maybe empathetic is the better word of course you needed a space", "i feel ashamed that i again let it come that far", "i feel gloomy and tired", "i feel even more hated", "i was feeling awful on sunday", "im feeling rather rotten so im not very ambitious right now", "i feel useless return false", "i zoom into those difficulties into feeling like having to give up everything and feeling more then helpless alone in a desert cast out by the ways voices and actions of others that is another story when i zoom into it i also temporarily loose the view of the full picture", "i feel dismayed i feel like everything i thought was true was a lie but one thing i will never do is say good bye", "i feel hurt and i decide not to say that i am hurt but instead make up a story that takes the other person off the hook for being rude mean or unkind to me", "i feel as if i havent been very productive over the past six months", "ive been at the lowest ive ever been feeling really shitty about myself", "i write when i m feeling low", "i feel like ive been kinda listless", "i feel my morals are being seriously assaulted and comprimised", "i get the nasty feeling that my posts are boring the pants off everyone", "i have to admit im feeling pretty overwhelmed", "i really would feel terrible if i didnt let certain people know", "i wasnt alone or crazy for feeling so disheartened", "i was feeling unhappy and i said no", "i feel sad today like legitimately bummed out", "i think i m royally screwed up and heading down a one way street to crazy town but because i ve recently come to realize that things about my past affect how i am today even when i don t realize it and even when i don t feel damaged", "i didnt expect to feel so disheartened about his departure but i really really do", "im feeling overwhelmed i can just give people the middle finger or tell them to f off", "i am feeling quite distressed and dejected over my battle with insomnia", "i feel terrible no one want to listen to me either", "i feel deprived of any intimacy at all", "i feel welcomed and times id just really walk away because i feel as if they dont want me there", "i owned yet did not feel fully welcomed i decided to reach out to hans among others sending an email to his old inbox even though we had not communicated in over ten years", "i feel all kinds of dirty and not a good dirty src http nevercontrary", "ive been feeling very indecisive lately", "i how he is feeling about the fight i m disappointed and kind of disgusted with myself", "i really hate that feeling when youre unsure about something", "i made the other day which more or less sums up how i feel about the delusion of my life for the past years or so i became somewhat frightened of myself and decided to get a little distance from that guy", "im feeling very uncomfortable there the comfort and warmth is just not there any more", "i feel incredibly idiotic but i was also embarrassed because it hadnt been their fault at all and i had yelled at one of the workers on the phone out of frustration about needing to call them a million times sending so many emails and still the problem was not solved", "i feel bad then for not accepting who i am", "ive had too much training in grammar and language and reading something written like this kind of feels like im being assaulted", "i feel like a heap of useless skin", "i really do feel unfortunate for the person who has to carrry me", "i feel terribly burdened to have to deal with the results of it lol", "i feel blank the more it freaks me out", "i said though i am feeling gloomy", "i feel very regretful i wasn t able to finish what i set out to do data url http www", "i feel a little bit depressed for that reason alone", "im feeling quite pathetic and miserable actually", "i feel you are so delicate now", "i feel drained after being out and about even if ive enjoyed myself", "i just feel as though somehow shes become less likeable", "i was actually feeling very discouraged last week and then i bit the bullet and looked at this", "i feel like i am being deprived of oxygen", "i had a recent pang of feeling ugly and that i was a failure in some way", "i was left feeling slightly intimidated and overwhelmed", "i want to avoid feeling disliked", "i finished our drinks and left and i came to feel more and more sympathetic and bad for this old man to the point where im still thinking about it hours later", "i should not have shared my feelings with him but i was shocked by them too", "i feel so regretful not going but", "i feel that people are a shamed of me", "i feel so rotten that i need to tell myself all this is just a passing cloud that ill be laughing at years from now" ]
i go from your presence from praying for wisdom and patience and feel so instantly furious
[ "im already feeling less agitated", "i do feel resentful towards other bloggers writing for and against i don t even qualify to feel offence since delhi girls are obviously punjabi", "i feel heartless in saying so though", "i think of how many years i spent feeling furious at my dramatic perspective of the world and my extremely sensitive nature", "i feel utterly disgusted with myself right now and am contemplating death every waking moment ever since she uttered those few words", "i usually don t wear glasses at first i had uncomfortable feeling like irritated but lately i feel comfortable to have it", "i wanted to avoid feeling rushed", "i do not know if i already hurt their feelings which may lead to their violent reaction may turn into a bad outcome", "i write what i feel if you get annoyed and sick of this simply close the tab", "i am just feeling cranky and blue", "i feel sarcastic poetry coming on", "i feel envious of ryota and keita going to the same school smiled kota", "i get the feeling that the rest of yall are a little appalled about it", "im feeling really hateful and disgruntled about my job but i sure hope i dont lose it for being late", "i feel like i should rely entirelly on gods word yet i am impatient to wait", "i feel resentful and irritable" ]
[ "im feeling discontent with everything and its manifesting itself in destructive self sabotaging ways", "i feel unsure or scared i talk", "i feel sorry seeing my parents", "i feel so remorseful for that day all those shits i said to you", "i feel that i was damaged by gt gt gt religion and i will not let that happen to any children of mine", "i feel overwhelmed how about you", "im sick of constantly having this betrayed feeling in my stomach the feeling that no matter how much someone says they care about me whether it be a friend or something more they dont seem to have any loyalty no compassion for me or whats hurt me no understanding just arguments", "i feel like everything i have ever valued is now stripped", "i feel like an idiot for looking a bunch of keys that weren t there and i m getting frantic about nick not letting me in for forgetting my keys", "i feel like im sinking and i feel helpless and that makes me even more frustrated", "i have the power to make another do what i want but in reality feel threatened and desire to control this other person so i am not a href https eqafe", "i just didnt feel thrilled let alone excited", "i still feel like i deserve to be punished for things that i would instantly forgive from strangers", "i was feeling regretful that i made contact with someone with whom i need to keep distance", "im honest when i say a part of me feels tortured as though this is part of the system of function in your life the one that allows you to order and manipulate people in such a way so that they are lined up and positioned to serve their prupose when you should need them", "i am feeling a bit restless these days", "i feel like im being punished if i have to sit facing the wall", "i hate feeling so needy in need of approval in need of money in need of a direction in need of both physical and mental strength even in need of a particular someone in need of knowing what i lack and need", "ive just been told that i should feel more remorseful about the whole thing and that i should hang my head low for a long while because im pond scum", "i feel uncertain about something i will act in a more positive and powerful way", "i began to feel distressed and a feeling of sadness and a desire to kill myself", "i feel it is my sincere duty to rid you of that house that god scared into being built", "i was afraid of feeling helpless", "i feel so fucking heartbroken", "i feel so foolish and ashamed", "im feeling a bit neurotic that ill lose my job", "i went i was amazed at what i have and i began to feel when the woman canal spoke about the divine hierarchies and they wanted us to do for a new era of spiritual evolution", "i feel you getting frantic close and just before you do you pull out and turn me around surprised i move easily for you", "i lost a few pounds but i also started to feel really awful", "i feel around someone the more idiotic i feel hence the unintelligible blabbering", "i feel im being ignored", "i was feeling bad over it with every passing minute", "i feel humiliated by my ignorance and lack of ability to accommodate the other", "i feel like garbage i cant think about being thankful right now it hurts too badly", "i feel depressed or even short tempered some days", "i have been feeling crappy about myself for too long and its time for something to happen", "i get a little gripped about timing i feel frantic in my thoughts", "i feel about it has me shocked", "i just cant contain my joy but right now i feel troubled", "im just feeling bashful whenever i talk to you", "i have a confession to make and i feel so rotten about this", "i feel curious and bewildered", "i always feel a bit personally assaulted", "id just had a terrible nightmare and was feeling a little disturbed", "ive had too much training in grammar and language and reading something written like this kind of feels like im being assaulted", "ive been feeling depressed anxious and unhappy", "i have reason to believe that my faith in trusting them has been betrayed by a lie or worse i start to doubt what my heart wants to feel this is where things get messy", "i feel like there is a fragment sweet scent hang on my tongue it instantly disappear as if saying i was paranoid", "i retorted feeling my face grow hot", "i am afraid of my emotions because certain people cause me to feel assaulted by feeling and i just get hammered by their waves as if i am an tempestuous ocean raging and only god knows why", "im going to be honest with you i feel distraught", "i feel appropriately disturbed by the project", "i feel sorry for them", "i feel such morose sentiments floating around my brain", "i didn t take that lightly i know that harsh words can leave some people feeling absolutely devastated", "i feel really shitty and it s seriously like the whole thing is ruined", "i usually have a solution to these kinds of situations but right now i just feel unhappy and run down", "i feel the divine envelope me when i watch literally hundreds of faithful at mass in line for eucharist hundreds of people who include professors homeless bankers students rich poor mentally ill healthy conservatives liberals gay straight sweet rude arrogant kind", "i feel bore and restless", "i am feeling rejection low self esteem and purposeless", "i feel like a kid that s been naughty", "i possibly feel foolish for", "i personally feel that url was a little vain and after awhile i started to get irritated by how self centered it sounded", "i have an uncomfortable feeling that there actually was an important lesson there for me to learn", "i don t like eating meals that feel too virtuous", "i find im barely breathing and feel a little frantic", "i refuse to stay in this place we all have moments of feeling exhausted from very hard work and needing some validation in return", "i wake up in morning and when i go to sleep at evening i feel that seed voice in my heart that is screaming out from my empty stitched heart", "im feeling wimpy and whiny and generally tired", "i feel you are so delicate now", "i see food weight gain and feeling punished rather than why i have this need to be in control at all times you know those pesky underlying issues", "id be feeling shaky too if id spent a week contemplating how id just pissed away my lifes work", "i have not been feeling very sociable", "i hate feeling like im not strong", "i feel ungrateful and petty if i try and talk to people about it", "i left the talk feeling nervous that we had taken the brief in the wrong sense but we were in a situation where we had already invested to much time into the project that there was no going back", "ive been feeling afraid a lot lately", "im feeling discontent or too comfortable because there is always something i should be working on in my spiritual life", "i can t begin to express the feelings this doomed romantic vision stirred in me the seeds which grew through a lifetime", "i got up this morning with a heavy burden in my heart feeling a bit discouraged and questioning god about certain things that still are not clear to me", "i feel wholly inadequate to the task before me", "i feel i am wrongly punished or that my misbehavior was unavoidable i am allowed to argue over whether or not i should be punished or how severely", "i guess it s all about trying to internalize the serenity prayer without also feeling walked over and abused", "i feel poisoned and tortured by this room", "i almost started to feel like wimpy from the popeye cartoons", "i feel like i am in ludicrous speed", "i hit a certain point in the middle and something was revealed that left me feeling so overwhelmingly devastated that i had to set the book down and walk away for a while", "i feel like the hymn says i stand all amazed at the love jesus offers me confused at the grace that so fully he proffers me", "i feel more crucified heartbroken tortured and forsaken than i have ever before felt but not at the hands of my enemy at the hands of those i love", "i came home waiting for the shower read something which made me upset thats why i feel discontent haha", "i feel greatly humiliated by the beauty of everything", "i began to feel isolated", "i have faith in supreme power and i accept everything and all incidence occuring in life sometimes like today it really makes me feel very very dull and i start crying", "i falter and blurt out something that offends you please understand that i am still learning and i will probably feel as foolish as i just sounded", "i feel doomed to failure", "i can peruse a few pages before i feel that dull headache building at the base of my skull and by that point i m kicking myself for bringing on a dreaded case of car sickness", "i have been on a roller coaster of emotions over these supposed feelings that something unpleasant was coming", "im very very very very sorry i havent been feeling very well", "i am sick of you feeling sad and upset so lets do angry because angry i can handle", "i was coming out of a lengthy illness and i was feeling lousy groundless indecisive and without any direction", "i left that meeting feeling helpless and betrayed by the very laws that are supposed to protect me and other people in this state", "i feel troubled lord and i honestly don t know why", "i feel totally exhausted and over tired", "i understood somewhere in my heart his feeling of decite and abandonment of all hope for ever trusting me again", "i have analyzed and overanalyzed my aversion to this suggestion and in the end have accepted my gut feeling this was not an acceptable solution for alex at that time and place", "i am feeling so sad right now", "i feel that people are a shamed of me", "i feel a little disheartened", "i couldnt help but feel totally distraught and utterly helpless when lorena was kidnapped and tortured almost to death by a band of enemies i was desperate for her freedom", "i feel rotten and my frustration manifests as annoyance and anger but yet they still keep on helping", "i don t feel particularly inspired", "i could feel her eyes boring a hole in my neck as i quickly stepped to the side so i wasn t in the way of her son anymore", "i have been feeling suitably punished", "i am learning is one of my default reactions when i feel threatened", "i think i might be lacking in judgment about what matters and what doesnt but why do i feel like this is just going to go away in the most unfortunate regretful way possible", "i feel awful that these thoughts are running around in my head but i can t help it", "i tried to pinpoint the exact thought that made me feel crappy after presented with a task", "i came to utah freaking out about not knowing what i was doing with my life feeling less worthwhile because of not going on a mission like every other girl and just being stressed by the daily stresses my life has lovingly given me", "im feeling and i say useless and he says that fucker messed with your head", "i know this makes me a bitch and a half but i cannot help but feel a little triumphant when i see an old nemesis come into my workplace pregnant kid in tow fat husband waiting in the pickup truck rushed and clearly unhappy" ]
i am not hausa but i feel offended especially as the crazy motorcyclist who is now getting up from the ground like nothing happened bears no resemblance to anyone from the north
[ "i told omangy that i was feeling violent and i wasnt in a good mood", "i start feeling angry i need to actually stop and figure out what im really feeling so i can deal with life in a more balanced way", "i never kissed a guy because every time i d try i d freak out and feel disgusted", "i was a child i stole rmb from my grandfather maternal and i feel i exceptionally wronged him", "i know all art animals are lame and i feel particularly violent about the crabs", "i keep seeing facebook updates of friends who get to go and i am feeling rather envious", "i tend to come away feeling insulted by books that deny them", "i liked the ending but i did feel like it was a little bit rushed", "i feel agitated do i know how to quickly calm and soothe myself", "i feel for vets the animals whose lives they save are always going to be hostile", "i have been feeling agitated about lately", "i feel like a heartless b tch for hating him so much", "im just not feeling it at all id much rather stay in singapore and spend time with my friends i hate everyone and sara is being really bitchy right now div style clearboth padding bottom", "i feel a tad bit envious of my younger self i was in great running shape young and had my whole life ahead of me", "i haven t been able to shake this akward and unusual feeling i feel irritable and space out all the time feels like i was surged as well as my computer", "i p i could sit here and beat myself up over it all but im feeling far to rebellious for that today basically im feeling angry at the world and at myself all at the same time" ]
[ "i potter around my one bed flat i feel a little bit more like an unfortunate version of bridget jones", "i dont remember a day i was not romantic and feel passionate about the feeling of life", "i don t ever have to fully feel any unpleasant emotion", "i wish i had the right language to convey the simultaneous feelings of excitement peaceful enjoyment of country cycling but also being out of my element", "ive this bad feeling that im being hated", "i always feel stupid afterwards", "i feel that this reality is tragic", "i feel like a snow globe that has been all shaken up and i m still waiting for the dust to settle", "i have a feeling that jeremy is not going to be too keen on the vinegary smell that calli is giving off right now", "i suppose to feel terrified", "i feel like a bit of an ungrateful fool for not having written anything about him last week", "i feel kinda lost posted by a href http jumbleupon", "i feel very indecisive about it", "i mean i am kinda feeling disturbed when subaru is close to me", "i feel like i am not accepted here i and bucking this force that is coming from all quarters that tells me that something is wrong with me if i am not married with children", "i just don t feel like having distraught parents breathing down my neck", "i feel more grounded and less fearful", "im very hurt and i feel unimportant", "i feel a bit dull by it all", "i am feeling pretty shaky and sad", "im feeling a bit shaken but not stirred nice bond reference ehh", "i feel jaded at some point of time", "i didnt feel any real emotional connection this not being so much a character driven story", "i somehow feel terrified as though if i dare slow down or walk in place to catch my breath billy blanks will jump out of the screen and yell into my face with all his fierceness", "i coaxed myself up onto a high horse reminding myself how gratuitously and nastily homophobic stand up comedy tends to be and how even if sam kinison s semi famous friend or his opening acts did not happen to fit that bill i still didn t feel like supporting the industry", "i feel less submissive and just generally lost", "i am left feeling rejected judged and deemed inadequate", "i feel like flagellating myself like the weird albino priest in angels and demons every time i see his face", "i feel like a snob but i ve been a bit skeptical of it from the start because i have no idea who kenny werner is and neither does thomas a musician who gave me the book", "i am just tired of feeling abused by everyone", "i meet up with the team i don t feel welcomed or accepted", "im on day of feeling lousy but im starting to feel human again", "i chose to go with my gut feeling i think this only amused laetshi further if i d been the easily flustered type he d have probably said something", "i go to school feeling miserable but end up laughing for some reason is weird", "i am the only one feeling unhappy", "i feel permanently unimportant and i feel stupid", "i am tired and i feel defeated", "i am feeling quite curious and concerned", "i know a lot but i feel so stupid because i can not portray it", "im puzzled because i have been feeling him wiggle very low in my pelvis and feeling bumps and thumps at the very top of my stomach like the very top", "i feel dumb for asking ryan said but ben cut him off", "i feel so doubtful about myself ever since i took this job", "i feel a strange type of peace with this go around that i never felt with ally", "i feel dumb but happy", "i havent been feeling too well lately", "i was remembering this i was feeling skeptical", "i feel ugly disgusted and like a pig", "i just didn t feel thrilled by the whole experience", "i m filled with astonishment and feel amused about what this city has witnesed today", "i am feeling weird and feel wanna know", "i feel inside or how that creative person seems to be gone", "ill feel so troubled over the most trivial matters", "i started to feel like a real loser like a poser trying to make himself look cool", "i feel helpless about it", "im not being fair to xia by doing it this way if he feels frightened by the work i do it that his fault", "im feeling homesick for him", "ive blogged and i feel strange about it", "i feel so unimportant which im probably am", "im feeling lousy right now", "i feel like a person who tortured somebody because i like to see the fans confused and embarrassed at the same time", "i feel like im in such a strange place in life no one to take care of and no one who cares", "i have this nasty feeling that i am being an ungrateful wretch", "i know that car enthusiasts are a bit tribal and youre all starting to feel suspicious about a car journalist whos turned to the dark side but dont worry i still prefer four wheels to two", "i feel threatened by anyone i get this feeling that i want to kill someone", "i feel like i don t have any useful powerful or special gifts", "im feeling pretty smug about going down yesterday instead of waiting", "i feel that anger toward someone else not caring about someone else being selfish creating a negative impression of someone else not noticing the person next to them not saying hello to someone they must recognize where is my good heart", "i feel that i shouldnt be his back up a rel nofollow target blank title girlfriend href http eepctqlhiafjwnrrmas", "i have reported feeling marginalized intimidated and or subjected to threats of retaliation", "i feel like i m defective or something for not having baby fever", "i feel all betrayed and disillusioned", "i am feeling really adventurous", "i never actually felt the sense of suspense springer was obviously trying to build with references to religious programming in that there was nothing there in the book to build suspense with nothing i could see that made me feel uptight worried or anxious about any of the characters", "i cant help but feel like im doing something dirty", "i am very very tired of feeling like such a horrible person", "im feeling dazed and alot of things in my mind", "i proclaim to have lost a bit of my sanity and feel so shaky", "i have to admit im not feeling thankful today wh", "i am feeling uncertain about anything that we can have an open dialogue about it", "i feel only a little bit weird about making decisions without him", "im and i feel ive got a lot of years to go zenden told boston online amsterdam reuters explosions damaged a dutch court on monday hours before the trial of the kidnapper of beer magnate freddy heineken was set to begin dutch police said", "i feel crazily indecisive impulsive just in a", "i feel positive and focus on the running rather than the photos", "i feel like i get blank stares", "i am feeling very touch deprived with all that has been happening", "i didn t sleep well the night before and am not feeling half as brave as i was yesterday", "i feel xs more indecisive", "i feel if i am nagged i stop caring", "i wasnt feeling it and i didnt want to fake it", "im then left feeling quite embarrassed as i say that nothings new", "i did something to my back after moving my piano this week im not hercules just terribly stupid so i was feeling a bit miserable for myself this morning and then this turned up in the post", "i don t recall ever feeling carefree", "i almost feel intimidated by the attempt to describe it", "i want to be recless but im feeling so uptight put your mamma in a headlock baby and do it right whooooos got the crack whooooooooos got the crack whooooo s got the crack whos got the craaaaaaack", "i looked at uncle lin the chubby face feeling very charming never find ah because there is no scrutiny", "i didn t and still don t feel lucky though", "i still feel stupid to be in that class this is all cause off pbss fault", "i start to feel unsure", "i feel so idiotic because of you", "i feel like a wimpy blubbering fool right now", "i get headaches am easily agitated feel frightened and aggressive", "i feel like i should not be surprised at this development", "i feel devastated disgusted and betrayed", "i feel pathetic because i shouldn t complain about these things when out there people are having really hard times and this is only bullshit", "i do a hobble to the bike rack with one bike shoe on and barefoot on the other side feeling a bit foolish but not too worried", "i feel like an ass when i have to ask someone what their delicious looking dessert is made of", "i was left feeling empty", "i found out on a day when i was feeling stressed and unsure of my abilities", "i am just feeling shitty right now", "i do not see or feel the need to respond to any of your ludicrous questions concerning anything", "i feel so uptight and tense", "i was just feeling needy", "i choose not to feel guilty unworthy or doubted", "i look at it like if someone doesnt like me or care about me in a way thats different than just friends i feel unimportant like no one cares about me", "i cant tell if the moments of shock that im not feeling are because im jaded or if lovecraft actually missed the note to use a musical analogy", "i am responsible and would feel terribly dismayed at my lack of caring towards my job but lately i really have been irresponsible in regards to my shit job and i dont even feel like im letting anyone down", "i shouldnt be afraid to go out in public and feel paranoid because ive done nothing wrong", "i was heartsick or feeling overly romantic and i dont even feel like ive made any connections like that", "i feel as i did when i was troubled easily agitated and indecisive", "i don t feel awful enough to call them because i am exhausted" ]
i wasnt feeling at all irritated
[ "i sat on a windy beach feeling thoroughly annoyed i vowed id be back and i would climb scafell", "i feel this is very dangerous", "i feel like i just cant be bothered", "i don t know what to do about it or how to do it almost feeling angry within myself that i can t do something tangible and pragmatic to help my sisters", "i have my own mind and i feel like my mind is dangerous to my life", "i feels at all bitter over his treatment he gave no indication on monday night", "i dont have a god to turn to doesnt mean i dont feel offended by that", "i can t fit in in beirut where i have the nagging feeling that i m in a heartless place", "i do not feel like i am hostile toward others just that i fail to be nice to them", "i could of course go on with it feeling resentful of him with him being blissfully unaware of anything being wrong", "i really dont like quinn because i feel like she will just end up hurting barney and i hated the lame ted robin storyline", "i think all acts of unkindness are a result of some form of selfishness because being unkind requires a lack of concern for the another person and some distorted feeling of gain by being unkind", "i feel furious on your behalf", "i feel as if these words are petty so i am telling you now that my actions are going to speak louder than my words ever will be able to", "i have a feeling this is going to be really long and obnoxious", "when people harrass me i feel oppressed by their behavior" ]
[ "i feel like things are getting a little overwhelming a few spritz of this toner really helps calm and soothe me", "i did feel like the people there were appreciative of what they had and many had happiness in that pinnacle way that is non materialistic", "i left feeling defeated like nothing had been accomplished the day a complete waste of time amp energy", "i forgot to feel sentimental about my line being pulled", "i started off the week feeling groggy and unwell picking up a sick note from the doctor and climbing into fresh sheets with snacks and a bottle of water to hand", "i was driving i feel so contented after sadhana so fulfilled", "i feel a little lame admitting it because these are not high ticket price items however i didnt want to buy both so i had to make a choice", "i received the blanket i was absolutely amazed on how fluffy it is and extremely soft i really didnt think it was going to feel that amazing", "i hope that you realize how such little effort is required to make a person feel better about themselves or their situation whether its me a family member a college or high school friend a neighbor down the street or even a complete stranger", "i didnt want aubrey to feel pressured or rushed into baptism but then i realized that she doesnt need to have a perfect knowledge in order to be baptized", "i went into that feeling more than a little bit scared as my running training to date had been almost non existent", "i wake up feeling like irma my handsome husband always reassures me that i am no irma and that i must take myself off head high to buy some shoes", "i was feeling particularly discouraged at how little weve seen of him lately and i decided that i needed to stop being negative and instead refocus my thoughts and remember some of the many things we have to be grateful for right now", "i feel content i think", "i look at this photo i feel gentle and calm my makeup is still soft but its warmer and i feel it harmonizes better with the warm colours of these flowers", "i feel satisfied that ive made the cut off you can only receive overflow money from stsm if you are over and i told myself that im just going to wait for the overflow instead of trying to hit and help my team", "i use this as a ugh its been a long week lets make myself feel pretty mask and ive honestly been loving the effects", "i then had my watch from am this morning but was feeling just fine so did an additional hour so my dad could rest a little longer", "i know that i sound like i m contradicting myself but i feel very satisfied with how i ve been doing at work", "i made the stupid mistake of saying i was fine the next day the last time my headmaster punished me and it only served to make him feel he had not punished me hard enough", "i was so excited to try it considering i havent before and so many people rave about it but i didnt feel like it did anything special for my lashes i dont really like drier formula type mascaras but i prefer the wet formula ones more", "i feel badly enough about myself and everything thats going on and some of these people that are supposed to be helping me arent particularly sympathetic", "i lost my power feeling lethargic headachie tired mentally blah you get the picture", "i left the gym this sunday morning feeling invigorated", "i will admit and it left me feeling shaken and a bit of a goose", "i am satisfied with the final installment and feeling a bit melancholy", "i feel like it just gets ignored or perhaps i really have done a damn good job convincing the world that alls well when really i was only dreaming as one omd song goes", "i stood for a few minutes more feeling a strange heavy numbness settling over me even as my heart beat faster then slowly sat down again thinking", "im sat here feeling rather pleased with myself that my bathroom and bedroom are all clean and tidy and trying to work out what to wear to a uv paint party this evening", "i said feeling strange uttering those words but space flight was still a pretty novel way of traveling in my time", "i have a feeling that its something ive missed because it shouldnt be that tedious", "im feeling a but of melancholy today a bit of sadness but i also feel that the sadness is ok", "i feel none of that and because i am a hopeless romantic shrouded in reality i know for a fact that this person is not me", "i am able to replace fear of people with love for them i feel so much more confident safe happy dare i say invincible", "i walked out of there an hour and fifteen minutes later feeling like i had been beaten with a stick and then placed on the rack and stretched", "i got to feel that lovely weight again", "i ended the podcast feeling not depressed exactly but like i still didn t have a concrete answer for how to strike that balance that self help authors love to talk about", "i feel like im back in my element and very pleased to be surrounded by adorable tiny garments", "i did behave the same way when she was going through all this maybe i was the same or acted the same i don t think i did but i guess it is a matter of perception but when it happens to you you feel devastated", "i glimpse at his clarity when he takes the reigns i can feel the calm", "i smiled to myself musing probably feeling superior just as i felt somehow superior to all these fresh scrubbed college folks off to slum among the huddled masses", "i am feeling reassured by this a wave of missing hits", "i dont recall just now yet vividly recall looking at you as you said it and you i think looking back at me and my feeling very sympathetic or maybe empathetic is the better word of course you needed a space", "i doubles victory over brown struff we went back on sunday feeling really optimistic and looking forward to another day filled with more fedtastic tennis", "im totally walking on sunshine feeling lighter and less burdened by excess weight but then people snicker or i get on the bus and people would rather stand than sit next to me and im reminded of how much work i still have to do", "i feel as though i have merely accepted what has been done and that no matter what time has gone by it will always be with me", "i woke up feeling fabulous and im sure that half of that stems from the fact that ill be finishing my undergraduate studies in about weeks", "ill even come out of it as one of those people who can have a small piece of dark chocolate here and there and feel completely satisfied when its gone", "i wouldn t make too big of a deal out of the situation you found your daughter in unless you feel prompted to not fearful", "i wasnt very interested in it but it evoked the feeling of an earth grittily doomed by aliens quite well", "i know he loves me and showers me with graces so i never need to feel unloved rejected or a lack of anything not time or things or money", "i lapped it up getting applications from each of the sachets gave me enough of feel of it to decide that i really liked the product and then this little ml tube of another rose night cream came along and again ive been lapping it up and loving it", "i am feeling fairly contented", "i am so thankful that though things are a bit overwhelming he has sent people into our lives to help me not feel so neurotic", "i managed a whole tuesday of eating clean but have caffeined up today and am feeling rather shaky", "i can say is that i feel like myself when i put on a skirt heels and lipstick and when i wear clothing which has come to be accepted as neutral and nondescript like a t shirt and jeans i dont feel like myself", "i feel i shouldve enjoyed this trip as i always very eager to see aussy but i cant feel such feeling as mom is not among us any longer", "when i found out that i had passed the last two exams by a margin of three marks", "i know i cannot rest of my laurels and its a a way of life now otherwise my bg will rocket again but my god it feels super good to know that i have made a massive difference in only months", "i feel more mellow again", "i feel blessed to be able to see that we didn t do anything", "i believe that what was displayed is a deep emotional yearning for semblance of normality peace since it appears the dancing arabs did not feel threatened by a fully armed soldier", "i know is that i feel fantastic", "im sober i feel that sort of numb much like when i was on celexa but none of the calm", "i told myself that i was feeling lethargic and tired that i had other things to do like wasting time on facebook that i needed to eat blah blah blah", "i almost inexplicably burst into tears in front of my mother its kind of a long story unfounded guilt about feeling ungrateful earlier today but ive been cleaning and trying to keep myself active so i dont keep falling back into slumps", "i always thought that if i contracted something from one of those people and passed it on to him that i d feel awful but after i got the sti test i thought i was basically in the clear", "i visited the psychologist all those years ago i really took to heart what he said about not closing myself up and letting others know when i feel uncomfortable etc", "i feel was smart as it avoided making the pages too cumbersome and additionally avoided the clumsiness of trying to introduce all the characters at once", "i manage to complete the lap not too far behind the front runners and am feeling pretty jubilant until i realise that this is just the warm up", "i don t feel hopeless or depressed", "i feel like the emotional fog is finally starting to lift", "i am not sure why in that moment that i thought i would be able to feel it hellip but it was pretty funny", "im looking good and feeling good other than this crappy cold im dealing with", "i can feel what it feels like being a girl in hypnosis only and be perfect and normal in real life", "i feel really free i feel that i can grow wings amp fly", "i feel i m handling it well and i m enjoying it he said", "im honest i had already began to feel that i liked kiss guy a lot and therefore couldnt use him like that", "i continue without alva and noe but tell her that ill be out on the course as long as she is and after awhile i try running and even that feels ok", "i manage to reach a conclusion after all my musings i feel somehow more resolved", "i feel dumb to not have the slightest clue about it lolll p but all in all i appreciated every second of my birthday and felt very blissful to have everyone in my life", "i am also able to say no comfortably when people ask me if i feel as if my sexuality is being repressed", "i still feel quite contented amp happy lah", "i can still recall the feeling of peacefulness her tender smile and warm hands", "i didn t feel well", "i find it may be a way for me to release my feelings so that i am not troubled when i face the one who has punished my family", "i out of all people really dont have many proplems talking about how i feel that being said i am in love so after all i have bitched about the last months was in vain", "i started to feel uncomfortable buzzy short of breath and very mildly panicky", "im still not feeling these days but cuddling with them almost always makes me feel a little bit better", "i walked away feeling inspired and excited about realistic things i could do to increase my blog s chances for being found", "i feel now its simply wonderful", "i loved my supervisions because i come in feeling like a dumb dumb and leave feeling so heroic as if ive accomplished something huge", "i feel fine i feel more consistent with my delivery throwing more strikes liriano said", "i understand and appreciate the concern for safety i feel that the real focus of the market the vendors has been ignored", "i feel calm just thinking about it", "i have only a few short weeks here and im feeling many things including sentimental and very grateful for the year ive spent here", "i think this is really great having been in situations where i feel overtly threatened in a public place where everyone pretends they don t see what s happening", "i dunno where that feeling came from and im not terribly keen to feel it again", "im not feeling terribly adventurous plus i have family visiting so i cant completely neglect them meaning its going to be business as usual for me", "i just have to close my eyes and feel that sweet gentle ache and i know", "i got a great pump and halfway through the workout i started to feel fantastic", "i not feel like going shopping afterward i was groggy and felt like a stuffed pig", "i feel does my foot hurt a bit maybe but who cares when the rest of me is happily strutting down the streets of this great city", "i just feel complacent and not at all like bothering", "i should admit when consuming alcohol myself in small amounts i feel much less inhibited ideas come to me more easily and i can write with greater ease", "i really appreciated this even thought i m not christian any type of prayers are welcome and i d been feeling so lost and so out of it", "i had been blessed to be running it for the th time how could i not be feeling anything but thankful at the many gifts this race had given me", "im feeling relieved yet painful but something inside me is creepily numb i feel like a ghost in the hallways the way i used to just dont tell me its only another time to succumb", "i do feel numb but only because i have so many fucking feels that i ve shorted out from feeling them", "i got outside but all the drugs i took didnt exactly make me feel sociable at all", "i have decided that i will not let the feeling demotivate me and here i am with all my enthusiasm and this diwali special recipe", "i know he s feeling to me is sincere so i could tolerate these small trouble but i can t stand his this character in the performance of the sex life of husband and wife", "i have to admit that i was beginning to feel pretty smug", "i also find that during those times when i feel victimized by his loss i dont feel him near me at all", "i did not feel inhibited by the fact that the woman s clodia s husband sorry i mean brother i always make that slip is my personal enemy everitt", "i would come inside in the evenings bone weary and covered in muck feeling like i was finally accomplishing something worthwhile something in which i could have real pride and joy", "i gotta say im feeling pretty impressed with how everything ended up considering my total dollars dropped totaled and i have three small canvases to play with display with", "ive worn it once on its own with a little concealer and for the days im feeling brave but dont want to be pale then its perfect", "i hardly feel they have any wow factor at all until i saw how stunned liv was at the entire concept", "imdoing good and its almost strange to feel carefree" ]
i just feel like warner brothers fucked with the final edit and that an even better film will be arriving in director s cut format on blu ray
[ "i hope that they can tell a difference and that i feel less tortured by the experience", "ive just spent the last half hour feeling ridiculously angry over insensitive comments from my partner but that all changed a few minutes ago to real pride over how much i have changed", "i feel selfish for it", "i was starting to feel a little bitchy by this point", "i feel hated i feel angry i feel very sad i feel like im going to be abandoned i feel angry because i abandoned someone but in reality no one at this age can expect that neither party will be abandoned", "i cant help feeling mad at this man", "im feeling very sarcastic today", "i am just feeling cranky and blue", "i feel like im gonna be so greedy with him cuz i just love him so much", "i sometimes worry about feeling offended hurt or wrong in what i said when someone makes a nasty reply back but i didnt feel any of that with these people", "i feel like i m on the receiving end of a violent attack", "i just feel strongly that i cannot condone violent methods to achieve a political goal", "i am feeling irritated anxious which is often then i dont even like my kids touching me", "im feeling aggravated listening to phoenix lost and found", "i feel like i got resentful and tired and i just wanted to talk to him so badly", "im feeling incredibly grumpy today a combination of hay fever rain and the stress of our hopefully imminent move" ]
[ "i get this overwhelming feeling that i am truly blessed", "i feel gloomy or get really bad cabin fever", "i feel sooooooooper vain taking pics of myself for the last hour", "i still feel a little weird and uncertain", "i feel as though the concept of lifestyle change rather than weight loss has been beaten to death but it really is something that i believe in and am currently experiencing", "i began to feel very strange", "i ahem guess i havent been feeling compassionate", "i feel like i had a rather productive weekend and i cant always say that no matter how much i get done", "i feel i rock at than i am usually devastated", "i feel too smugly virtuous about re using old textiles to feel bad about a few extra seams in a thing", "i feel desperately unhappy if this is me missing richard then i can t handle it it s too much i ve had enough of it i m a mess i know it s not me i still feel like myself", "im feeling that longing urge to create something again", "i dont watch a whole lot however when i do i turn off the tv and feel stunned", "i feel is an acceptable and significant modernization to the storyline not a detraction", "im feeling a little melancholy as i listen to this song", "i felt really bad because claudia and i have always had an amazing time in la and i could feel that she was disappointed that this trip was not turning out to be as fun and amazing as it could have been", "i resented being made to feel like a bad person for not possibly contributing to the better good and to the profits of some unspecified equipment maker", "i am feeling a lil bit gloomy", "i do not feel useful", "i feel about femme fatale except its not cute anymore now that its pretty obvious that britneys not in control of her life that shes so burnt out and yet i get the impression shes almost forced into this career to the point that she just cant or wont deliver anymore", "i am feeling any less submissive", "i could soon feel quite rejected", "im trying to focus on not feeling sorry for myself and not being upset over the loss of a material possession", "i just notice what i am doing that is ruining my happy moment because this feelingof discontent is my resistance to receiving love in the genuine way its being delivered", "i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to feel more than and superior when as i see perceive someone worshiping me for my progress instead of realising that i am defeating the whole point of process within doing so", "i feel gutted now i am joyful and at the same time enraged", "im just figuring these lyrics out myself so apologies if im slightly wrong but it just feels a bit fake", "ive been feeling completely stupid about this whole thing", "i really hate that feeling when youre unsure about something", "i came away from the experience feeling rather confused and it left a sour taste in my mouth", "i am not feeling very joyful today its been a rough day", "i should feel blessed to have but what about me cause i thought i mattered in this situation", "ive been feeling incredibly inadequate more so than usual and its gotten to a point where i almost feel paralyzed by it", "i still feel like the admission that i don t like this popular show puts me in a category with people who kick puppies or people who or who steal the ratty clothes off the backs of dickensian orphans", "i am left feeling numb to everything around me as i slowly recover from the latest episode", "i cant shake the feeling that i wouldnt have liked this book if i hadnt already felt a connection to these characters", "im left feeling nostalgic and lonely", "i feel that if i make one mistake everything will shatter like a delicate crystal flower that slipped from my grasp", "i doubt that makes any sense to any one but me when i feel emotional the metaphors come tumbling out like a rock slide see", "i have succumbed to the dreaded commuter virus and feel altogether a little bit rotten", "i do not feel assured", "i was feeling defeated i usually pick things up easily this way but i just wasn t getting it", "i feel like i should have something more intelligent to say about this but that s all i ve got right now", "i feel like my creativity is running low like a dying battery", "i feel the longing for the way things used to be makes the ride a bit of an emotional roller coaster", "i feel like a dirty heal and unconformable", "i know im making a big deal out of it but i feel quite shocked that i can drive", "i wonder amp sometimes feel tragic also about the universal conspiracy", "i don t feel like i m a valuable person", "i realize that i sound a little overdramatic when i say that but if you sincerely feel that way you have clearly missed the point of all of these posts", "i actually stop to think about it it makes me feel quite overwhelmed", "i feel a bit dumb", "i open the file im interested in and for about twenty minutes read fiddle and wonder why im not feeling creative", "i feel like life is too good to be true", "im not feeling real strong lately", "i apologise as a tank if we have a big pull and it all feels messy", "i feel so dumb when at first run through it all seems over my head amp a little too much for my struggling brain", "i feel like i mother at the expense of being productive", "i feel that it is something that will never really be resolved", "i am stories this week and decide not to be separated from the feelings you are after any longer by introducing a little sprinkling of the delicious feelings you are after right away", "i bought the most expensive pair of shoes ive ever owned on a whim over the weekend and i love them but i feel a remorseful pang every time i look at them", "i tend to think that it kinda contributed to my medium intelligence and made me understand and feel things in a clever and sensible way in the visual arts field especially but i m always feeling that i m losing that more and more", "i feel that should hurt more than is does she grimaced", "i don t feel successful if that makes sense", "i cant decide how i feel about some of the supporting roles particularly the girlfriend and alfred molina both quite funny but were they one dimensional caricatures or legitimate characters simply overshadowed by a fantastic lead", "i feel like now its more of sweet apple now", "i came to a theory whereby even if you feel that you do not want to hear the truth in the end you would have to face it for my case i had to read it which was a remorseful feeling for me", "i just say that i feel like a terrible person for not being completely in love with this book", "i feel so so heartbroken", "im feeling a little anxious", "i am feeling incredibly restless", "i honestly feel a little bit relieved", "i overly pc in feeling a little shocked", "i kind of wish i had come up with those thoughts myself rather than feeling the way i do now a lame disciple merely about to regurgitate eva s thoughts on to you all", "i was gifted one of the books but am feeling a bit intimidated to take on the intricate work", "i feel like as a generation of men as a family guy in my s in the suburbs of the midwest i feel like were a little bit lost says heimbuch who documented a search for his midwestern hunting roots in his soon to be released book and now we shall do manly things", "i feel drained of energy", "i must say im not feeling very optimistic", "im updating my blog because i feel shitty", "i didnt feel as isolated from the world as i did during last years holidays", "im sitting here feeling very disheartened", "i remember last summer feeling so overwhelmed", "i get of oz is the occassional viewings of home and away and even a bit of neighbours if im feeling really tragic", "i feel like i ve been having some issues with focus and exposure lately and i m not sure if it is my camera or me", "ill think i thought it was its just that theres so much mess on a daily basis that its starting to feel less like a bit of charming untidiness and more like an episode of hoarders", "i actually answered you pathetic fucking e mails but no thats too fucking easy just call andintrupte what was a wonderful fucking day with you trad trash what the fuck slave he felt the feeling come over him he bagan to shiver and shaken with fear", "i notice that i feel a little apprehensive even to share all this", "i really feel so vunerable and frightened", "i mean as a group thing it felt good to get in there and add something relevant for us but im still not really feeling delicious as a tool for me", "i feel a strong sense of relief", "im honest im surprised at myself for feeling so emotional about it all having adopted a rather juvenile sneer against heaney as a bored year old in school", "i feel a bit intimidated by", "i saw that i had the last spot on the tour and that i was going to be wrapping the whole thing up i must admit to feeling a little intimidated", "i know it s weird to see me call something review i feel weird saying it myself but i digress", "im starting to feel submissive by just admitting that", "i prepare i feel thankful that these events touch upon so many different concerns in my poetry from language issues to pacific aesthetics from the avant garde to eco poetry", "i feel the weight of emotional issues much more now", "ive been doing and still not feeling good enough but greater", "i feel a sense of loss when an extremely talented and passionate engineer who wants to work on certain dsp design eventually takes up a job at a financial number crunching software company only because he did not get the right kind of job", "i need when i feel beaten down", "i already feel like im being tortured by not having any", "i think i feel stressed", "i feel is a lousy diagnostician", "i cant believe this is the feeling i was so afraid of not disdain or hatred instead its just actual nothingness laced with a small dash of repulsion", "im starting to feel overwhelmed again when it comes to the research for this book", "i dont agree with this neo religious terminology or practice as i feel if one is to be faithful to a certain custom how is it believed that say a year old modification in commandment will be just as or more bona fide and sacred than its original gesture", "i master myself and force some sunshine that i do not feel at all into my voice to indicate that this unfortunate lapse of several minutes is over and we are going to move past it start over try again", "id feel very sympathetic but then again its not like what the current situation seems", "i feel kind of dumb", "i feel even more hated", "i dont feel as carefree as i used to and this worrys me a tad", "i am feeling mega contented after sort of completing my project", "i feel so lousy but i shouldnt be focusing on me now", "i have a lot of respect for this kind of photography more than what i feel towards that fake sort of thing consisting mostly of fog effects and girls who look just out of a lewis carroll s novel a genre held in regard by many emerging photographers", "im re reading that sentence and feeling foolish", "im in confuse and feeling so blank rite now", "i seriously still feel so insecure and dreadful that the new guy would suddenly pop back up and change things", "i was starting to feel a little stressed", "i was happy with the progress but i was also beginning to feel a little hopeless", "i feel satisfied only with details and small parts" ]
i feel really disgusted with myself more than the pain and agony
[ "id love to go shopping for sure because i am annoyed feeling bitchy as of right now towards everyone especially you you you", "i have a bad feeling that i am going to get very aggravated again tomorrow", "i feel bitter and jealous", "i think its cos its a bit stormy out i always feel irritable and uncomfortable when its like that", "whenever i put myself in others shoes and try to make the person happy", "i feel hated i feel like i dont belong and more and more i feel that i want to die", "i almost feel greedy for believing that i want so much", "i feel that while i was furious with the ra and the mug i was polite to her", "i even started feeling impatient with myself when that didn t exactly happen", "i cant help feeling mad at this man", "i can really decode but im sorry i have to vomit my feelings out because i am so cranky and everything is getting on my nerves", "im tired of feeling annoyed and drained", "i only cry when i think how guilty youll make me feel and yes ive fucked up a million reasons for shame and im sorry", "i feel need to be stressed to be shared", "i feel obnoxious for saying that", "i hope it is because he understands the way i feel i hope he sees what he could miss and is putting the petty negative thoughts aside" ]
[ "i do think about certain people i feel a bit disheartened about how things have turned out between them it all seems shallow and really just plain bitchy", "i still have the wtf feeling and regretful feeling until today though just a kiss but a stranger", "i have gradually morphed into someone who feels superior when other peoples kids complain about dinner or dont want to eat their zucchini or are allowed to eat pop tarts or sugary cereal or white bread for breakfast", "ive been feeling so anxious and nauseous and tired but also so elated that some nights its all i can do to crawl into bed", "i feel anger i feel sad i feel joy and i feel other emotions too but will stick to a few", "i try to hold my tongue try to see it from his point of view but inside i am feeling agitated and irritable about all this pressure to please him when i cannot seem to get my own self in order", "i think that for as much as i could feel myself trying to hide it my face must have betrayed the fact that i was none too pleased about being woken at such ungodly hour in the afternoon", "i sneeze i have dark circles under my eyes i feel miserable really", "i should stop reading sids blogs but it is part of my blogging community and i feel that in supporting each other we get better at handling grief and hence i am not going to stop", "i feel devastated betrayed and abandoned i ask for peace and comfort and a new direction", "i feel like i am as fearful now as i was when i first threw my leg over the top tube after my surgery", "i sometimes feel like a damaged product", "i want to feel and maybe something i am feeling convinced myself of the nvm state of mind i am in after due deliberations", "i tell that to has some story about someone who had an awful time conceiving baby but then baby was easy peasy and that just doesnt help me feel better at all", "i sit here to write i start to dig out my feelings and i think that i am afraid to accept the possibility that he might not make it", "i already feel him kicking my ribs making it harder to breath sometimes and taking over precious space where my stomach once was", "i feel useless a href http juliemadblogger", "i have analyzed and overanalyzed my aversion to this suggestion and in the end have accepted my gut feeling this was not an acceptable solution for alex at that time and place", "i think i almost made my counsellor cry yesterday because i said it feels like i dont have anyone supporting me", "i keep wondering why im hitting walls of grief and loss even while im having fun or feeling excited or enjoying some wonderful friends and pre summer time experiences", "i had to change after several months due to the fact that i didnt feel my daughter was being helped or my daughter convinced me how rotten the therapists were", "i was powerless over my life and the things that left me feeling abused unhappy and generally discontent and miserable i was stuck", "i add ciaran and his feelings into all of this it becomes a very messy oozing and uncomfortable topic", "i still feel like im damaged goods and that affects everything that i do in my life", "i feel like i need to officially address this because it is just so fucking dumb", "i make myself show up and feel isolated in the crowd ill know i was wrong about the anti social feeling", "i have not had any serious injuries or setbacks other than that infection in my foot a couple of months ago but i have noticed that my knees and inner foot have started to ache and feel tender during the longer runs", "i was learning to just deal with the nausea amp manage the unpleasantness of it at work trying to keep anyone from knowing but my sister told me there was no need to suffer amp feel miserable amp to call my dr for some zofran", "i also don t know why is the reason of this freaky feeling that disturb my funny mood it should be but it don t", "i am not feeling as terrific as i have been", "i didn t feel relieved", "i was feeling so low about myself", "i feel like shirley maclaine in that weepy chick flick where julia roberts is in such pain and her mother shirley demands drugs for her", "i it did not feel sincere", "i can tell you that i feel oddly vulnerable and disjointed and like i just dont want to come out and play a lot of the time", "i seriously feel like a prisoner and i feel awfully gloomy when im in school thats why i always want to get out of the gates as early as possible", "i always dread that part of the meeting although dont think i didnt shoot my hand up into the air feeling all superior week when i lost", "i feel like i have an uncomfortable limit", "i scream every day and every night and no one hears and my face is starting to fall off and i feel anxious and frightened all the time and i don t think i know what anything means anymore", "i spent a lot of time earlier this year feeling stressed out about capacity and resistant to stretching it because it felt like stretching me", "i remember feeling bowled over and surprised by my own reaction at the tears welling up", "i see my favorite person suffer and there is nothing i can do to take the pain away i feel useless", "i feel abit hopeless at times man darn itttt", "i guess since this book kind of bring a negative feeling to my self that im longing to find my simon i guess i wont be reading a romance book again in the future", "i am a month later feeling as hurt as i did that november th when i got his email", "i just feel so helpless i know deke s going to die and i can t do a fuckin thing about it", "i know i should feel dismayed or at least sheepish that one of my friends basically believes i have an eating disorder but actually my emotional response to his statement was one of genuine surprise and pleasure that someone had noticed and remembered something about me", "i feel so shitty about wearing you out", "i feel like this was kind of a melancholy post with all my talk about anti love and fears", "i was actually feeling very distressed", "i am left feeling rejected judged and deemed inadequate", "i feel less keen about the winston churchill quote really i feel less keen about the winston churchill quote a href http www", "i feel rejected by someone i love and this has caused me great heartache and pain", "i do not know how to feel my hearts aching sadness over the loss of those good and kind people and all the other connected losses a href http", "i generally only post on this site when im feeling completely overwhelmed and i need a space to vent about the perils of law school however lately ive been laughing my way to the law library like a kind of deranged film villian oh this is far too easy", "im just not fully feeling it on an emotional level", "i dont know why i feel disheartened", "i feel like a fake a fraud a hypocrite", "i will try plead my case to those who may be feeling unloved and abandoned by me and those who cant empathise with my position read on", "i feel so humiliated because as i was spending my days off planning a beautiful wedding he was calling texting taking some other girl out and fucking her", "i am feeling miserable but c i am also the proudest mum on earth", "i really feel like an idiotic", "i can understand that the people here are not nice to them and that they feel isolated and alone and think this life is just not worth it anymore", "i feel pathetic and uninspired", "i feel terrible that i am not consumed by guilt", "i cannot begin trying to understand how it must feel to be surprised by an earthquake or see the devastating pictures live to escape from a tsunami", "i am feeling ok my incision is sore that is expected and i have some neuropathy in my fingers and toes that is a residual of chemo that ive been told may take a year to resolve if indeed it does", "i cant help feeling agitated about", "i feel like in some ways im probably not putting myself in vulnerable positions enough and pushing the limits of it", "i often feel disillusioned but i look upon it as a test of will and a test of character", "i feel useless and worthless", "i was still feeling terrible sore throat body aches stuffy nose congested etc", "i just feel so discontent about my life these days", "i go to the gym i can t even get my heart rate high enough to feel satisfied thanks to the level of competition i ve experienced in the past couple of years", "i will burn for you feel pain for you i will twist the knife and bleed my aching heart and tear it apart i will lie for you beg and steal for you i will crawl on hands and knees until you see youre just like me", "i feel so lame complaining that for minutes i get some blurry vision and then have to take it easy the rest of the day", "i have to admit i have been feeling very disheartened and disillusioned with the whole publishing community for months", "i feel like im still just caught in the rat race living a morally acceptable life without actually doing anything to serve you or live from a fire consuming heart", "i feel like something tragic is going to have to happen for people to wake up and see how vulturous sic and poisonous it s all gotten", "i wake up real life husband i feel melancholy towards day", "i dont really care about just because i can and thats what feels rotten", "i was sleep was vey irritable and feeling paranoid because i work the oncology dpt of a hospital and feeling paranoiud cancer and through chemo", "i feel so dumb photographing myself okay i even feel dumb trying to smile for justin", "i feel excluded and worthless my connection to everyone summarily cut off", "i said i have such mixed feelings about because on the one hand im glad benny survived but on the other hand its just preposterous", "i can feel it weighing on me filling my thoughts as i try to do homework or help out at special olympics", "i have been feeling less than creative and more like a sad sack", "i just really want this healthy life style to become a habit instead of a necessity because at the moment i feel like a naughty child being denied the biscuit tin and angry for letting myself put weight on in the first place", "i did behave the same way when she was going through all this maybe i was the same or acted the same i don t think i did but i guess it is a matter of perception but when it happens to you you feel devastated", "i was feeling compassionate at that time though ive no tissue so i thought my form of compassion lol of asking around for it but i cant stand the look on her face ah", "i feel incredibly damaged by the way he behaved towards me and i am not prepared to be treated that way by anyone else", "i thought i exhausted all emotions i held all the frustration and confusion and still here i am having so much more to give so much more to feel i look at this blank white piece of paper and i want to fill it with colours with motion but it still seems so blank", "i wish i have the feeling back soon cause now i realise how lonely when i dont have the feeling its like soo unwanted even when i am not", "i still feel a little dazed and have that sort of disbelieving feeling of oh my god", "i was feeling discouraged and disgruntled and i was a href http tracifishbowl", "i feel im being hated", "i feel like the apothecary in romeo and juliet an unfortunate comparison perhaps", "i would like to experience but i just wished to depart from the others to lay down and relieve myself from this odd sense of nausea and avoid having to make anyone feel bad about having brought up the restaurant in the first place", "i feel less assured that my basic rights are being protected by our political system especially as a woman and every time im disappointed i feel more personal responsibility to produce change", "i feel vulnerable when im alone not only because i feel so incapable of defending myself but also because i could go into labour at any point", "i feel like a moronic bastard", "i do however feel like one of those pathetic girls who make up excuses because of a guy", "ive been waking up to a bladder that feels extremely unhappy and i found any type of exercise made it worse or definitely irritated it", "i tell myself i dont open my mouth and say what i really feel because i know im a loon and im smart enough to know im a loon and i never ever know if what im doing the choices i make are really what i want or need or even the right thing or if its the disease", "ive just been feeling extremely outcasted and insecure", "i know that i was going to feel disheartened afterwards because of an unknown undefinable thing which i cannot attribute to anything at all", "i may feel uncomfortable or just want to give up", "ive borne witness to the suffering of other innocent children at the hands of the violent and i feel helpless in trying to make things better for them", "i know how that feels have in ars nes own words disturbed the croatians season somewhat", "i feel very humiliated but also even more turned on", "i woke up feeling crappy tired and fighting this feeling all day maybe it is all the pollen the barometric pressure i dont know i know i was off kilter", "i do not know if ill ever get used of feeling inadequate in as much that ive always prided myself to be a person who have somehow already established himself in a cut throat industry where second guessing your expertise and decision can ruin global corporations", "i think this is the last week of softball and im likely going to suck it up and at least try to play but i feel absolutely rotten going to see what some aggressive hydration does", "i don t know why i should feel humiliated to write about it", "i lost a few pounds but i also started to feel really awful", "i really went to cut it i feel it s unfortunate and broken hearted", "i could easily describe this transformed feeling as hopeless but it was an anesthetized type of hopelessness", "i feel devastated for the mother whose fraud of an ex husband has abducted their daughter and headed for the hinterlands gaige keeps us so totally inside her narrator s head that it s difficult not to feel some sympathy for him", "i feel like a hot mess", "i feel none of that and because i am a hopeless romantic shrouded in reality i know for a fact that this person is not me" ]
i have also always been afraid of the cold pool but i realized that it actually doesn t feel cold after about laps
[ "ive been feeling kind of distracted and that is obviously not conducive for working philosophy problems out", "i feel like throughout my life to this point in time i can say that ive fucked quite a few people", "the first day i visited the hospital i was disgusted because i experienced offensive smell which i never expected i nearly ran away from the course", "i did say she could but its just a bit annoying and it reminds me that im really unfit and that i have no determination and then i feel really poo and have even less determination so its all a bit of a vicious circle", "i know some people may cringe but when i feel something in me i have to say it and if you wanna get mad well get mad", "i feel grouchy or short tempered then the guilt kicks in", "i feel more aggravated and annoyed by their visits", "i sat with dave atell at first trying not to feel rude while the guys were eating", "i feel angry or resentful all i need do is remind myself that each day sober has been made possible by a fellowship which supports me all the way", "i am very sad you feel distracted but i am not participating in the relationship you think we have", "i am sure the pleasure of living in the open air with the sky for a roof and the ground for a table is part of the same feeling it is the savage returning to his wild and native habits", "i headed there fully expecting them to have been sold out ages ago and that i would find myself staggering back upstairs without them feeling all bitter twisted and disappointed but at least with some of the allocated pennies still lurking in my own bank account", "i go to the church service not youth i feel like im hated and i know im not the only one", "i feel like taking a whack at someone s eye and spitting on it a cranky old lady i try to cheer myself up", "i left feeling quite dissatisfied with the whole thing specifically that she dictated to me that i should be on meds and did not discuss with me why she thought this was necessary nor what other lifestyle options there might be to reduce my risks etc", "i feel they are the last of the tortured fandoms remaining save saints football fans but thats the wrong sport" ]
[ "im suddenly feeling lighter less burdened by the weight of my life", "i didnt cry but i was starting to feel neurotic so my sister who was amazingly chill that morning brought me an ativan", "i feel unprotected if i do though", "i feel numb the way a wound does before it really starts to hurt", "im not planning to get hammered i warned feeling virtuous", "i feel increasingly energetic and comfortable inside and out", "i have to admit that i feel skeptical about making these changes and wonder are natural sweeteners any better for your body than refined sugars or are all sugars the same in the end", "i have faith in supreme power and i accept everything and all incidence occuring in life sometimes like today it really makes me feel very very dull and i start crying", "i did not picture myself feeling shy in this class when i signed up for it", "i didnt feel like i was respected", "im feeling brave ill snatch him to on my lap and after a few seconds of struggling he completely relaxes and submits to mommy scratches", "i do however want you to know that if something someone is causing you to feel less then your splendid self step away from them", "i don t know if i ll continue to feel a dull ache in my leg going forward or not", "i almost always feel awkward", "i received a slightly belated message back from daniel and feel a lot more reassured that im not the only one who thinks l is emotionally insensitive", "i must have been unable to contain my expression as she immediately offered a string of reasons why she only had words ranging from inadequate computer to no computer to difficulty in using said computer s to feeling inhibited in writing too much on a computer for fear of losing it and so on", "i declined to purchase any this time i enjoyed feeling squishing and project thinking all the divine yarn", "i had been out of sorts and feeling a bit isolated", "i wasn t sure what prompted the thought since i m feeling so blessed these days and the idea of giving up hasn t been a part of my thought process and rarely is in as long as i can remember", "i was feeling quite impressed with myself for taking just eight months to finish just the lyrics for one fairly simple though sufficiently tortured emo song", "i regularly feel embarrassed about", "i waited to hold my precious boy in my arms no i did not get to feel his sweet skin against mine after his birth no i could not rub his soft hair or look into his beautiful eyes but god had a plan", "i started to feel a sweet feeling of peace", "i legs would feel shitty for a few miles but would come around like they always do", "i had a post about english plurals that i started in between acts over the weekend but that ll have to wait until i m feeling with it enough to be clever without being snarky", "im not feeling quite as jolly though", "i was feeling more appreciative", "i don t whoop and holler unless there s a special occasion going on but i was feeling suitably jubilant and a tad proud so out came the somewhat constipated yhhhay", "i feel ok much better and stronger than i did a few weeks ago", "i hate not feeling useful", "i forgot to feel sentimental about my line being pulled", "i reached the halfway point of the climb and my arms were feeling good but god dam my right leg was tired", "i try to find something that does not make me feel foolish", "i was hoping i could rock a bikini with my belly this summer but im not feeling very cute at this stage", "i doubt anyone is if they are entirely honest with themselves and thats ok because for now i may not feel perfect but i do feel happy and thats one hell of an improvement", "i get scared i feel ignored i feel happy i get silly i choke on my own words i make wishes i have dreams and i still want to believe anything can happen in this world for an ordinary girl like you like me for an ordinary girl like you like me how are you", "i feel humiliated since a boy has to lead me through it gt lt gets sick ive avoided the dance through all folkeskole and im not going to chance that", "i start to feel frantic where are the candles the matches the one flashlight thats actually ashers bug light no fans in the house move beds outside boys in the bath dont touch the candles goodbye meat in the fridge", "i cant do strappy shoes at work i just feel weird so i took these off thrifted ninewest", "i feel so relaxed amp light since i emptied myself of this burden that had controlled me for so long", "i wished i could feel more energetic and deal with less pain but it might be my best option", "i feel ridiculously glamourous in it i never want to take it off i may become a recluse just so that i can wear this dressing gown all day swan about", "i get scared i feel ignored i feel happy i get silly i choke on my own words i make wishes i have dreams and i still want to believe anything could happen in this world for an ordinary girl like you like me for an ordinary girl like you like me how are you", "i am nowhere near finished but how much better do i feel its ludicrous", "i like them cause i can take or of one if i am having muscle pains and i don t want to feel groggy", "i dont call what i am feeling as nervous but more anxious", "i might be afraid to leave the house to nurse in public to commit to a social engagement or to wear anything that makes me look worse than i already feel so in honor of fearless friday i invite our newbie mom readers to do something that scares them", "i would like to experience but i just wished to depart from the others to lay down and relieve myself from this odd sense of nausea and avoid having to make anyone feel bad about having brought up the restaurant in the first place", "i felt that aching feeling anymore and i had to think about it but no i dont have that aching feeling unless i am missing my family", "i ended the podcast feeling not depressed exactly but like i still didn t have a concrete answer for how to strike that balance that self help authors love to talk about", "i feel i rock at than i am usually devastated", "i did feel a little less inhibited in class tonight", "i sit and remember what longing felt like and what denial feels like it is so strange to think i couldnt have changed my own perspective the experience itself created my view of the world", "i know takes a lot of present moment awareness and part will be the challenge of accepting things as they are so i don t set up a feeling of wanting or discontent", "i know that this lady is a real athlete but this morning i am not thinking of her athletic abilities i am feeling that i am so pleased that it is jonti and her that are doing this long event and not me", "im feeling better than expected", "i feel exhausted but i get my workout in", "i keep these things predominantly for fix functions and will not arranged right now to create a style applying twelve months previous ingredients until i m feeling much more perverse than usual", "i feel so dumb about it", "i spent wandering around still kinda dazed and not feeling particularly sociable but because id been in hiding for a couple for days and it was getting to be a little unhealthy i made myself go down to the cross and hang out with folks", "i tend to have a discomforting feeling or maybe get disturbed but that sense of emotion only plays out the way the book is being interpreted", "i live this amorphous lifestyle the less i will be subjected to these feelings but as of now it feels fantastic to be back in the rhythms of working full time", "i go snowboarding feeling very apprehensive", "i feel people are scared of me or given up on me", "i remember feeling really terrified when i was in brazil on a bus that was going up steep mountain hills on the side of the mountain in the middle of a big storm wondering if we were going to fall off", "i feel like ive become more relaxed as a parent", "i didnt feel especially nervous in finland but when we landed in paris i was a little unsure about what would be ahead of us thought st grade student janne suominen", "i find it very hard to feel relaxed for more than hours", "i came into this quarter feeling really invigorated and now because of work im back to where i was at the end of spring quarter not sleeping not eating well not taking care of myself not doing good work", "i feel ugly i m more inclined to wear ratty jeans and a sweatshirt than a beautiful dress though i might still wear a pair of heels around my house to boost my self esteem ever so slightly but i definitely won t bother to buy a new pair", "i don t like feeling vulnerable or exposing all my worries and concerns mostly because i have felt the need to hold it together to be the strong one", "ive had a feeling of being satisfied with the performance of my car", "i get a slightly warm feeling coming over me and a strange sense of completeness like the feeling you get right afterwards except it s coupled with those thoughts of a one night stand in which you sobered up before she left in the morning", "i just repeat it again and again until i feel myself become less afraid", "i feel safe encoding utf locale en isprivate false ismobile false mobileclass isprivateblog false languagedirection ltr feedlinks link rel alternate type application atom xml title i could use a standing ovation could you", "i feel anxious and off", "i hardly feel that way m usually hyper and bouncy around everyone", "i can feel again i want to talk about the positive feelings of love good will and support that are raining down upon my detoxified mind and body and on behalf of the team here at iws radio i want to give a virtual hug and say thanks to some people for making me smile during sunday s show", "i feel like i am in ludicrous speed", "i don t need to though i must admit i kept comparing myself to the skinny japanese girls i see everyday on the street and just writing that here makes me feel ludicrous", "i feel like it just gets ignored or perhaps i really have done a damn good job convincing the world that alls well when really i was only dreaming as one omd song goes", "i feel so nervous anxious and i dont know why", "i don t really feel attracted to people who are cool and normal", "im referring to a comment in the pattern right now not feeling that divine really since i probably was born with a set of dpns in my hands", "i was feeling wednesday night so i wasn t thrilled to be in training again ha", "i don t want to feel anything i want to be numb", "i was still feeling crappy but hoped it was just due to the flight and stuff so we cleaned ourselves up and i put on my sassy city girl outfit which was my perfect city dress with city walking shoes", "i felt the bubbling feeling and pretty soon i was at my peek and climaxed on her hands and her cute little dress", "i can describe what happens to me is that i feel shaky", "im very much the opposite of it my cool is based on drinking and socializing without rememberiing meeting and trying to know people just to feel accepted for the first time in my life", "i doubles victory over brown struff we went back on sunday feeling really optimistic and looking forward to another day filled with more fedtastic tennis", "i feel very relaxed and fine", "i were feeling pretty isolated and marginalised and my greatest enemy was the united states which is the only country to have ever deployed a nuclear weapon or two against civilians then i might just want to get one myself", "i should admit when consuming alcohol myself in small amounts i feel much less inhibited ideas come to me more easily and i can write with greater ease", "i like to look at this ring when im feeling doubtful or down and it reminds me that honestly i dont have any regrets and i know im where im suppose to be", "im feeling cool showing skin and feel like a woman should", "i thought i didnt feel anything anymore it was over it was ok well today a different story i feel him i want him my heart hurts thinking he wont be around i still want him around i guess its still valid", "i upload today i know some of you are waiting for my bareminerals video but i haven t filmed one and i m feeling kind of lousy today so i m catching up with doing laundry and taking it easy", "i think we often feel this way about planting ourselves where we are deeply terrified that if we go too deep into the ground it will be hard to get out again", "i feel a bit shaken though", "i feel pretty yuck and i dont really want and to get out and do anything", "i feel less stressed and at the end of the day usually discover that ive done more", "i feel so super not old", "i feel like i get blank stares", "i feel reluctant to go overseas one interesting fact is how the whole education system is so screwed up that to us ip seems so wow cus only a few schs get to go ip but to the schs", "i could find another reason i m new in the area and i feel less intimidated with a simple tool that i can understand", "i am feeling fairly contented", "i feel more peaceful even though i dont think its very visible yet ive been trying to give less importance to the things that usually bother me like problems of organisation at my school for instance and focus more on trying to be happy and content with small things", "i appreciate how clean their lifestyles are even though i admit there were a few moments where the complete aversion to substances sex made me feel a little repressed", "i love that refreshing energizing feeling when its been a week of gloomy weather and then a really great blue skies no clouds in sight kind of day", "i am feeling quite pleasant", "i am hoping the running thing works out like the numerous success stories i have accumulated but so far i am not feeling hopeful today", "i just mentioned i m feeling kind of stress free right now", "im super annoyed cause it hurts all the time cause i cant do my complete manicure and feel like my hands are pretty and i am kind of scared on how long this will take to heal and for my nail to grow again to stick on my finger again", "i wont go on about the anxieties i am feeling about this is being as neurotic as me about this", "i feel defeated that i have to take advil again but i suppose to get the inflammation down inside as well as outside its necessary", "i honestly feel a little bit relieved", "i started feeling a little funny but this was not anxiety but at the time i didnt know so i started to tell my brother man i dont feel good and he said whats wrong i said i dont know but u better drive so i pulled over and let him drive", "i feel as though the concept of lifestyle change rather than weight loss has been beaten to death but it really is something that i believe in and am currently experiencing", "i was well and feeling a bit of cabin fever i unwisely convinced spooky to take me to a matin e screening of scott stewarts legion" ]
i want to give up feel distracted or just need to remind myself of what i am working towards
[ "i feel really bothered about the lack of time i get to find inspiration", "my classmate got a b for his homework while i only got a c when we got the results he acted as if he did not merit this grade i found that his humility was hypocritical and i found it disgusting", "im feeling slightly irritable today", "i feel like im more hated than celebrated and i cant wait till the day i can say i made it", "i was able to feel slightly less obnoxious knowing that other girls were jonesing as hard as i am", "i asked that no one gift me but if i go to my sister s house when everyone gathers for the holiday i will feel impolite to show up empty handed", "i spoke with reported feeling dissassociated and dissatisfied with their human lives", "i wasnt going to post anything about his death because i made me feel mad and shitty", "i have also always been afraid of the cold pool but i realized that it actually doesn t feel cold after about laps", "i am feeling hostile enough that i even hate jim right now", "i feel insulted to see anyone wearing crocs the fashionable shoe icon", "i refuse to rate the book but if she and her publisher feel snobbish then take it from me when i say jeanette winterson cannot write and essentially does not do wish to do anything with the scope to explore", "i feel like a cold object with no identity", "i am generally not a fan of tingling cleansers as my skin can be quite sensitive but this doesnt give me rashes or leave my skin feeling too irritated", "i experience all my normal moods feel annoyed when my year old whines or my baby wants to be held while im making dinner but i no longer feel consumed by these emotions", "i have so much to be thankful for so to feel jealous of a skinny girl with a seemingly disposable income who is shopping at the mall seems so" ]
[ "i havent let myself truley sink into a depressed state of mind feeling like everyone is against me and trusting no one and just basically wanting to die since freshman year", "i am in size now and im afrad its making me feel too complacent with myself", "i know both of them feel threatened by the job i do even after long years but i get really tired of the ganging up i get from them", "i can feel but i cant touch you said my love was a bit too much i wont deny it broke my heart cant find no crush so why dont you come on back home", "i feel i have to do its my creative calling my lifes passion", "i feel reluctant to go overseas one interesting fact is how the whole education system is so screwed up that to us ip seems so wow cus only a few schs get to go ip but to the schs", "i feel so pathetic that i stoop down to that level but i really really just want to be happy with whatever i have", "i keep going back to people are douche canoes because they need to feel superior they need that ego boost they need someone to look down upon", "i compare myself whether it s to her lifestyle business acumen or physical beauty i set myself up for failure immediately feeling ugly and a tsunami of self doubt ensues", "i guess it s that whole i need a hobby thing to feel worthwhile smart and important", "im not going to lie it feels really weird to be writing this right now", "i have to move stop staring at the other ladies this doesn t feel good does it feel bad", "i just feel that as my reader and loyal subscriber you need to be informed about how great butterfly marketing really is and not be taken for a ride so i can bank some chunky commissions", "ive been a bad bad lazy girl i can feel my muscle aching", "i usually doubt my self at this point as i feel i should be that amazing housewife who motors all day and has a list of things they can tell theyre husband they did all day while they were at work and i was at home", "i tried but i failed to put much efforts therefore i feel myself getting punished for not able to see my idol i should be i used to watch all of his b amp w movies made during my mothers generation but still i liked him his mesmerism style music his zest for life", "i find myself crying over loosing everything that i have everything that i am not really proud of and i feel such a loyal connection to what s around me", "i feel so because i feel reluctant", "im not sure how i feel more than anything im keen to see it as a test to see if im over him yet and ready to view him as a friend", "i continue to define and discover what home can mean here in amsterdam whenever i feel a pang of blank sickness it is more in line with missing the cultural mindset of american city life which is much different from the cultural mindset of amsterdam", "i get up to refill my coffee and feel that pleasant and familiar ache it reminds me how much i miss the whole body conversations you can have when you re sitting on a good good horse", "i mean every time i have a negative thought or feeling or reaction i am going to consciously replace it with a positive one", "i agree with that overall life philosophy but sometimes people and even kids need their negative emotions acknowledged so that they don t feel ignored and negated in what they are truly feeling", "i still have such a hard time writing my work down and when i do i feel its not perfect", "i had to work in one i would not feel quite so affectionate", "i guess since this book kind of bring a negative feeling to my self that im longing to find my simon i guess i wont be reading a romance book again in the future", "i care about someones emotional spiritual and intellectual progress to the point where i feel like i should exert myself in that progress and its important to me that is love", "i can feel an unpleasant pressure from it", "ive been feeling a bit messy but im hoping this fresh look will help me figure out a better way to deal", "i have reached the conclusion that what i feel is most important is what i think will most likely make me feel good or and keep away bad or unhappy feelings", "i feel less groggy my trousers were a little looser and truthfully i would rather reach out for a fruit salad then a fully packed sandwich which is going to leave me feeling uncomfortable for the rest of the day", "im feeling less than thrilled about having to go back to my second choice donor now that mr", "i am feeling a bit disheartened to know that there are still a lot of things that i don t understand and questions that i don t know how to do", "i feel an aching gap in my heart", "i don t feel brave though", "ive had too much training in grammar and language and reading something written like this kind of feels like im being assaulted", "i feel hesitant to comment because i don t want to add to a pileon but it seems clear to me that those involved haven t learned from their past experiences nor are they interested in applying that learning to future projects", "i get up with max and feel so exhausted that i crawl back upstairs and find sleep for another hour or so but each week i try to make sure i workout days", "i start to feel happy about where i am an unexpected house move comes along which slows things down that is just compounded then by the injury to my back shoulder which has really set me back", "i feel very energetic to cook something very special i decide to prepare at least one dish with posto and the other days when i simply dont remain in the mood of cooking at all i again look for posto", "i honestly believe those darker days are the reason i push so hard to be someone of worth in my future i feel it is my duty to make up for all the time i lost", "i could look it up and act like i know what it is and lie to you about it and feel smug in my know it all ness but frankly i m way too lazy for all that", "i have been taking it slowly going at my own pace and not feeling pressured to finish or catch up and im not looking for a miracle cure", "i also need to remember how bad overeating makes me feel not just the fullness but the hangover i get from food thats too rich or too sugary", "i could have just paid and rushed off i dont think they could really have stopped me but i was also feeling my submissive sissy emotions bubbling to the surface", "ill explain below two simple techniques you can use to almost instantly feel relief from that aching pain", "ive been procrastinating about the post birthday entry and now that its well past the fact it feels somewhat unimportant to even mention", "i feel afraid i hold tighter to my faith and i live one more day and i make it through the rain", "im now sat in work on a late shift putting the finishing touches to tomorrows paper and feeling ever so slightly delicate", "i am feeling needy needing you so needing your love by the grove", "i start to feel like im getting over the death of my beloved cat timmy and when i get used to the idea of only seeing my mum maybe twice a ytear from now on and justwhen i start planning for my futrue and happy timesa ahead i start efeeling like this again", "i still cant make it for longer than a half hour in the office before feeling awful and having someone drive me home but i feel perfectly fine when im sitting on my butt on the couch all day", "i feel totally comfortable without being wealthy and like the feeling to work hardly and a long time for every single wish in my mind that i want to become true", "im meant to feel longing", "i was starting to feel defeated", "i have agonised over writing a review for this book my words just dont seem to flow i feel somehow inadequate for this task", "i needed to clear my head he tells him and sighs when he feels gentle fingers in his hair", "i can only have a rest when i feel that i have fully resolved a problem then i can turn my attention towards something else", "i don t feel comfortable doing it is what i m trying to say", "i feel isolated unnatural yeah i feel tense unnatural yeah i feel uncaring unnatural", "i just feel overwhelmed thinking about it", "i mention this seemingly obvious little tidbit is that either many of my friends have an innate inability to understand this or they feel hurt and neglected because of it", "i feel overwhelmed by my circumstance in all of my mere human ness i will remember that god has landed here", "i am personally not doing well i feel lethargic with no energy and with the", "i am now feeling like i want to be the raider that i once was a vital and important part of a team of peers", "i crave getting out there and moving and if i dont i feel agitated until i do", "i don t know what to feel as in i am not sure should i feel sad cause it is ending or should i feel glad that it is over and i can move on", "i spent so much of this year waiting for these summer moments and it feels like i ve resigned summer to a certain extent just waiting to get on with life and start a new chapter in st paul", "i feel uncomfortable with the fact i am so powerless at the moment", "i feel absolutely foolish for allowing myself to actually believe that this might be it for us the month weve been praying so hard for", "i am pleased and a little disturbed i guess that these feelings of melancholy lead me right back to the thing that brings them on", "i feel like ive been defeated", "i feel so damaged i just want you to have care of me continuer", "i feel im being ignored", "ive filled in some of the holes beneath my desk with foil as i feel distressed by the idea of losing one of my sewing machine feet or the bobbin case down there", "i got outside i beat myself up pretty bad mentally of course for not going with my gut feeling but again i was hesitant b c ive never done this before and that was actually my very st time meeting with a seller and feeling good about a particular property", "i feel a bit rotten putting a post about teaching into the stones tag list for this blog its not really a grumble or groan subject for me to be honest", "i feel like this leads me to be not as gentle and kind as i should be", "i were dating myself right now i d be telling my girlfriends that i feel ignored unloved under appreciated and like i m not a priority", "i am allowed to feel guilty about neglecting the work that was due and the part of myself that did want to do it", "i are both aware i have many personal reasons to feel less than fond shall we say of your prince and i suppose it s only human of me to wish to make that point abundantly clear to him", "i am left feeling rather distressed and torn", "i feel embarrassed for not having lost weight again and im afraid that another week of disappointing news at the scale will cause people to give up on me and stop following the blog", "im feeling so melancholy all day i know this is because ive been reading the perks of again", "i feel excelent but sometimes theres just nothing to do especially since im not really keen on video games anymore i watch a bit of anime and some movies but theres just got to be more in my life", "i can do all things through christ who gives me strength is a lovely little verse that i repeat over and over when im feeling a little unsure about something", "i sometimes feel very vulnerable", "im at the end of the day and im just exhausted and feeling very discouraged and under appreciated right now", "i feel like i have doomed myself to failure", "im feeling a bit overwhelmed tonight and not really for any good reason", "im glad i feel this way because if i didnt then id know that i had finally hit that point of not caring about anyone or anything", "i feel like i am not accepted here i and bucking this force that is coming from all quarters that tells me that something is wrong with me if i am not married with children", "i need to be intentional to do more things like that i think as a mom sometimes it can feel like you lose some of your personality b c as smart as my kids are their sense of humor is me making a silly face and chasing them around the house like a monster", "i am now in cyprus seeing my timeline so visibly and i ask myself why do i feel so stressed at home when i could feel so relaxed like i do now", "i feel dont mention food and dont think ur being considerate by noticing my obsession with this and talking to me about", "i feel the tug of the fabric against my thighs and butt i am overwhelmed with the feeling that i am just too fat", "i feel humiliated at her apartment i came here to this family i feel stuckin this life and go the hell i do not want to be more present in my life", "ive been feeling myself with a fake sense of purpose", "i feel such morose sentiments floating around my brain", "i read promotional emails and advertisements or listen to television commercials and dialogue in shows and movies or hear people around me in everyday life use commands such as the following examples i feel dismayed for them", "i for one sit and stare at a blank computer screen for a while scratch my head a few times drink a couple pots of coffee and then feel triumphant once i write my first sentence and that first sentence usually consists of a poop joke", "i wish i didnt do butttt semuanya sudah terlambat dan i feel so stupid everytime i think about it and i think about it every time means i feel stupid everytime", "i had been feeling guilty that i had played a part in their breakup and i have been subconsciously trying to figure out what wen wrong and how i could fix it and how i could prevent it and what is the purpose behind it", "i dont sleep more and i am still waking a am but what this does is help me get off to sleep quicker and i feel like i am going into a deeper more relaxed sleep", "im feeling the fight as i struggle with feelings that im sure are not right", "i am going through trials or just feeling troubled about something i love to put on worship music while i am driving and really think about the words sing and pray as i go", "i am fatter because the only thing in my life that can remain under my control is whether or not i get to eat peanut butter on bread when i get home from an impossible day of to first world looking yet third world feeling hell of needy and neglected little girls", "i feel like it just gets ignored or perhaps i really have done a damn good job convincing the world that alls well when really i was only dreaming as one omd song goes", "i get some exercise and feel like im doing something worthwhile in the meantime", "i feel it aching in my chest", "i feel kind of dumb for saying this but i was just upset at how much strength i lost during the last few months", "i was just feeling needy", "i have many days where i feel hopeless today the light at the end of my yellow brick road was shining just a little brighter", "i cant help but think if id just shut up if id just not made a big deal of what was essentially two adults meeting at the same table for a hot beverage then perhaps i wouldnt have spent the bulk of the weekend feeling like a stupid shit", "ive been feeling super run down all morning and debated whether or not to leave my usual closed for business type illness post", "i was a mess completely stressed out feeling terrified of doing the wrong thing of mis stepping or of in any way dishonoring or upsetting my medicine family or any of the participants in the quest itself", "i was failing to perform my expected duties and worrying about things i may have forgotten yesterday when i was starting to feel rather crappy", "i would rather feel nothing than feel this then do not be surprised if you find your life very depressing and grey and unrewarding", "i had to be transgender and this very brainwashing attempt is now making me feel so horrible as though im trying to deceive physicians here in germany into believing that i am intersex", "i always think say now feel a little hesitant i always think say now feel a little hesitant posted on may th by admin" ]
i took several deep breaths feeling the cold air burn its way into my lungs and exhaling little clouds of vapor
[ "ill admit there is definitely some sort of testosterone laden feeling of accomplishment in being a fucking savage helping women who cannot control a way unruly crowd", "i just feel annoyed at the way they share their success or even just the way they talk", "i shouldve stopped feeling envious she has her own life i knew it but its still so hard", "i started secondary school at the age of every night i would cry and lose sleep over the thought of school the next day but it wasnt the usual feelings of oh i cant be bothered with school", "i feel like i am despised", "i feel very angry but once a simple msg made me blur really blur", "i have to admit that i feel the teensiest bit envious of my friends who live there", "i would save it for the next time im feeling cranky or irritable then spray some lightly behind my ears", "i have been feeling very stressed these days", "i feel impatient yet i am not fully sure what i am searching for", "ill just have to make some local friends i can go to the movies with and know for a fact they wont even without meaning to cause i seriously doubt there was any actual intention to hurt my feelings or actually call me heartless a moral or brainless it just came across that way to me", "i have no idea why this particular region seems to lack a visibly necessary outer carniola as well and i feel actually somewhat bothered by this possible evidence of lack of suburban spirit", "i never knew it hurt his feelings i just thought he was being sarcastic in return", "i can t even feel outraged by it", "i know it so difficult especially when you feel you have been wronged", "i feel like a stubborn year old" ]
[ "i come home i am usually feel drained and exhausted", "im feeling pretty depressed and i think its spiraling", "i did not really want to die but i wanted out of the pain that i was experiencing and that i was allowing others to experience by watching me and feeling helpless to do anything about it", "i felt a stronger wish to be free from self cherishing through my refuge practice and a return to the feeling of freedom and protection from suffering which i stayed with for the rest of the meditation", "i feel like im just not passionate about anything anymore", "i feel a bit ungrateful that i feel like leaving already once i get everything taken care of laundry packing some winter clothes etc", "i lay in bed feeling as though i were awaiting an unwelcome visitor nevertheless i told myself i was strong and thought of good things until i felt better", "i hate to feel threatened totally", "i was supremely happy i hear the first few notes or bars of the song and i feel the emotions and smell the fragrance of that happy time", "i was feeling on the upswing and mentally i felt well stable", "i sit feeling generally satisfied and i lean on the bench and take a cigarette georges lit for me and he asks how do ya feel man", "i know is what i feel and i feel absolutely terrified so overwhelmed with desire and like all i can do is cry and drink beer and prey that maybe i will find a way to make all of these lyrics work within my thought process", "i am feeling a little nervous and anxious but never second guessing my decision", "i ended up asking my seminar professor is it completely normal to have these alternating periods of intense paranoia at my own inadequacies and at times feeling completely self assured and annoyingly pompous and accomplished", "i feel like an indecisive idiot", "i woke up twas am according to the clock on my bedside table with my heart racing and i was feeling very very hot", "i didnt let the swim leave me feeling defeated", "i realize that i let a lot of things bother me that really shouldn t bother me at least to the extent that i am moved to feel this passionate bothered feeling", "i dropped back to sleep for an hour or two and had very realistic peculiar dreams which are now stuck in my head making me feel a bit dazed", "i feel so rotten that i need to tell myself all this is just a passing cloud that ill be laughing at years from now", "i would lie in bed and feel it somehow sparkle and i knew that even if most meningiomas are benign mine was growing and needed to come out sooner rather than later", "i get headaches am easily agitated feel frightened and aggressive", "i could feel blake more sharply and i felt a little more delicate i guess you could say", "ive been taking or milligrams or times recommended amount and ive fallen asleep a lot faster but i also feel like so funny", "i feel overwhelmed how about you", "i can t help but feel jaded", "i feel agitated and jumpy and like i just ate a bottle of caffeine pills", "i wasnt alone or crazy for feeling so disheartened", "i am sleeping better but yet i feel even more exhausted than ever which i just dont understand", "i hadnt been feeling well all week in calgary so with this added relaxation in the first run of the second race i set another pb time by almost", "i vent outrageously with tourette s like unpredictability occasionally leaving behind me a wake of hurt feelings and messy rooms and other not so nice carnage", "i spent a few days feeling defeated and wondering how much better i can expect myself to get", "i do not feel reassured anxiety is on each side", "i do make myself feel kind of intelligent and inspired sometimes", "i feel kinda lousy about myself", "i can feel the warmth of the gentle sun", "i have to fight from feeling overwhelmed by it all", "im sore and feeling very unsure of how in the world i will go more miles in weeks", "i replied feeling strange at giving the orders", "i can feel myself slowly uncoiling from the fearful place inside and enjoying the time as i hope he can enjoy it and starting to actually swim around a bit rather than just walk in the water", "i just have a general feeling of this unpleasant heaviness from my stomach up", "i was actually feeling very discouraged last week and then i bit the bullet and looked at this", "ive had a few moments the past couple of days were i feel so restless like i need to be moving around constantly", "i feel like things are getting a little overwhelming a few spritz of this toner really helps calm and soothe me", "i don t feel particularly inspired", "im feeling more energetic less tired and im down two pounds", "i feel about it has me shocked", "i feel there was something divine happening there", "i feel inside or how that creative person seems to be gone", "i suffer this kind of exhaustion i feel useless", "i am a bit out of my comfort zone too and im feeling a tad apprehensive", "im not feeling terrific but have nonetheless managed to drag my carcass over to nordstroms a couple times so theres life in me yet", "i started feeling pretty good again", "i so needed but the feeling of not being empty", "i could easily describe this transformed feeling as hopeless but it was an anesthetized type of hopelessness", "i didnt feel too needy i didnt feel too emotional", "i feel overwhelmed or a little blue usually around that time of the month but i manage those feelings well", "i feel frightened by it all", "i feel sort of dazed and cross eyed", "i am feeling terrified anxious excited and apprehensive among a million other things", "i remember when i started feeling homesick", "i feel sad and discouraged", "i have unwashed hair but a new shirt and also the weather is the bomb but i also feel sleep deprived and havent had a diet coke and its am", "i feel so emotional today", "i understand the feeling so i wouldnt be shocked", "i didnt even realise just how out of control i have been feeling lately until i had a week of calm to gain some much needed perspective", "after my boyfriend and i had separated", "i feel low energy i m just thirsty", "i suddenly feel anxious im crying over little things", "i feel like i am not very smart", "i dont call what i am feeling as nervous but more anxious", "i know i would feel weird about that and probably act strangely for a few days", "i was tired of feeling helpless and wanted to take control of the situation", "i dont know why but i had started to feel the weird pressure of a largely silent audience and with it a falsely inflated sense of importance in expressing myself and my ever so articulate opinions to said audience", "ive been feeling very indecisive lately", "i did this all a href http feeling groggy", "i feel burdened by it", "i feel when the super exciting sensory bombardment is over", "i guess the good news is i feel calm now i think i just needed to get this off my chest", "i feel smart and needed", "i didn t feel all that trusting of anybody", "ive spent a good chunk of the day feeling quite agitated in a taut way as though it wouldnt take much for me to really snap and chew someones head off", "i might do so simply because i couldnt keep my mouth shut makes me feel terrible", "i did not feel frightened just frustrated that i wanted to go back to sleep but felt there were unfinished tasks i needed to attend to there wasn t other than to edit two articles on freud s dream of irma s injection which were near completion and have subsequently been posted on this blog", "ive learned in this short journey thus far is i know when my body has had enough of sugar and fast food and junk even though those days are far and few between i start to feel lethargic", "i left feeling pretty chuffed with my finds", "i sit here tonight i m pensive tense and feeling a little fearful", "i was bitten by a dog", "i am feeling discouraged it is", "i am really worn out today and feel beaten down", "i feel a little vain i guess but last time i did this i seriously composed a a href http inthewarmholdofyourlovingmind", "i just got really crunk about a situation and now i feel like i have to write to calm down lol", "i feel as though my body is damaged like everything has just stopped and ive became a little girl again", "i had a go at it it said i was feeling paranoid lol", "i still feel fine but i can tell i am getting weaker", "i didn t want to do too much and then leave it feeling awkward at times", "i upset you over the last few days i m ok the clouds are clearing and i m feeling more positive", "i have asthma and when i can barely breathe when it s hard i feel very shaky and weak i feel like not doing anything but lie there helplessly and i feel like collapesing i did so much reseach and i got nothing", "i start feeling myself getting overwhelmed or frustrated i have tried to open up more about it instead of pushing it down deep slapping on a fake smile and waiting until i boil over", "i wished i could feel more energetic and deal with less pain but it might be my best option", "i was feeling rather playful last night as well", "i feel amped and im inspired", "i did not feel in the least smart", "i could feel its warmth in the strange stillness and it comforted me", "i feel vulnerable and alone", "i have to admit i was feeling very skeptical", "i get the feeling youve been punished enough", "i pictured a twin set of copper pipes running through me somewhere and while i was cool when i contemplated the one that flowed outward it made me feel weird to think about the other one", "i always jumble words and letters and i feel like the inhalers i took back in college are the culprit for my brain being permanently damaged", "i am not feeling very clever or creative", "i am feeling pretty restless right now while typing this", "i feel uncontrollably agitated and i have no idea why", "i was feeling a little awkward about seeing some folks", "i could feel safe enough doing so", "im finally feeling comfortable in my own skin", "i notice how different this question is from why i am feeling so agitated", "i started feeling bad i began taking zicam and it seemed to help for the first week until the day i was driving to the race", "i feel the need to be productive", "im feeling scared and the rage filled im mad at me", "i have this sort of feeling like an emotional undercurrent that im waking up in a sort of spiritual inner heart kind of way" ]
i simply dont want to and it makes me so mad because i want to be able to share these things with you but i feel like were so emotionally far apart now and it makes me mad and makes me unable to go to you
[ "i feel like a greedy pig catching up to do lt bc afterward yay im gna get my delicious chocolates and in exchange zjs gna get bai tu tang from me", "i feel no bitter feelings for the fans that drove me out of the fandom anymore either", "i feel stubborn and strong and ready to fight this disease", "i feel like affirmation however petty is what i really need", "im definately feeling the change but im refusing to feel impatient about it", "i saw them that anything was wrong they told me some excuses but i am feeling truly insulted and i am feeling desperate again", "i feel very hostile at the thought of taking out my credit card", "i wrong or ridiculous to feel pissed", "i feel selfish thinking this way but i feel so lonely at times", "i feel that while i was furious with the ra and the mug i was polite to her", "i have been feeling very stressed these days", "im feeling easily irritable lately too", "i feel like i had so much to write then got distracted by my home on a wednesday evening challenge and have therefore lost my train of thought", "i get angry at myself when i feel bitter", "i spoke with reported feeling dissassociated and dissatisfied with their human lives", "i hate being so hungry and weak that i feel stubborn and dont want to do anything productive" ]
[ "i feel like im being a terrible person and that hes going to hate me for thinking these things", "i wanted was to feel accepted by you", "im feeling pretty terrible ill health and life took over and i was unable to get my package sorted out and posted in time for which i", "i feel beaten up worked over", "i feel excuse the messy thoughts i cant wait to make new friends im afraid to leave", "im trying to focus on not feeling sorry for myself and not being upset over the loss of a material possession", "i dont know what mediation means to everyone else but to me this process only has value if i freely express how i feel and as this will inevitably leave me feeling vulnerable and exposed the longer the delay the more i can feel anxiety building", "i just didnt feel thrilled let alone excited", "i feel ugly and hated", "ive been feeling lately that i am much less likeable than i used to be", "i feel even more empty", "i was feeling very unsure of myself and at near breaking point", "ive feeling a bit morose as of late", "i feel burdened by the desire to do something but what can we do", "i know that its hard cos you might feel helpless or anything but sometimes its something that is beyond what you can do", "i was so stubborn and that it took you getting hurt for me to admit even to myself how i feel i haven t been very considerate of you in that respect", "i am feeling overwhelmed by god s grace", "i get this strange feeling that even with people with whom im friendly im some sort of intellectual target which is getting rather annoying", "i think i might be lacking in judgment about what matters and what doesnt but why do i feel like this is just going to go away in the most unfortunate regretful way possible", "im also worried that youre feeling a little lost in the middle these days and like youre not getting enough attention from us", "i have just had such a crappy week that i am still feeling all agitated and like the day wasn t what i wanted", "i feel you see frantic and thus i am afraid", "i feel awkward speaking to a native now", "i can t get past is that feeling when a friend walks out of your life and you re unsure why that feeling of not being valued or important enough", "i feel devastated over things that i have lost i will remind myself to be grateful for what i still have", "im trying to wein off them with doctors guidance of course but if i miss a day i feel agitated about everything", "i can t stand it i feel like hes spying on me and not trusting me and above all of that i feel disrespect to my personality", "i am feeling awfully lonely today and i dont want to burden any particular person with this because everyone has their own shit", "i just feel too overwhelmed i can t see the forest for the trees as the saying goes", "i have become too comfortable while at the same time feeling discontent because i have not been pursuing the thing the lord has set on my heart to pursue", "i still feel like im being punished", "i feel pressured to say something", "i didnt really feel like being thankful", "i feel ashamed to type all this", "i actually feel a bit reluctant to really tell you too much about it", "i feel like a wimpy blubbering fool right now", "i feel really listless right now", "i feel im forever alone", "i feel so empty a href http uwilnevrknow", "im tired of crying then feeling content and loved then going back to crying again", "i make him feel unloved and unwanted", "im feeling quite pathetic and miserable actually", "i feel like nothing can stop me and sometimes i feel like so defeated", "i feel embarrassed to talk to him at times because i feel very small in those moments like he is doing me a favor and i do not deserve to be given attention", "i really feel like an idiotic", "i can t say i feel all that sympathetic", "i get the feeling she doesnt really want to talk to me now so im hesitant on what to do from now on", "i feel like i have doomed myself to failure", "i go further let me tell you why i feel unhappy", "ive been feeling like i cant put a lot into this because hes not caring about it anyway", "i feel that the media cannot be resolved effectively", "i feel reluctant talking about myself and my current situation to you as i don t know how you ll feel but i guess its important you know all about me and the situation i am in so that we ll know if we can go further", "i still feel like im damaged goods and that affects everything that i do in my life", "ive been feeling very listless lately", "i currently am feeling rotten with some sort of illness not exactly what i had hoped for in my small amount of time back home but hey ho", "ive been feeling really shitty lately", "i don t want him to feel disrespected or unloved", "i feel so deeply shocked and saddened", "i find myself feeling so lost and desperate because of the things that happen every day but being a human of course i have times where i just cannot be comforted", "i feel try to tell me im ungrateful tell me im basically the worst daughter sister in the world", "i can t be with her in portland and i feel fairly useless here in strasbourg", "im feeling restless and frustrated right now in that way specific to people who are recovering from illness or injury", "i feel distraught as ever", "i dont say anything because i dont want to cause a fuss and i hate it when people feel sorry for me", "i am not a very extremely good friend of someone of course i feel reluctant to some extent if i have to do favours for that someone", "i feel like i just dont have it in me to keep loving him and he deals me a card and it says mercy", "i feel like im alone in missing him and because of that i feel a bit foolish for missing him as much as i do", "i want to without feeling too inhibited", "i feel pretty terrified immature and not ready", "i must say that i m feeling drained of any poetic inclinations", "i just feel really listless right now", "i feel very agitated just sitting here", "i have to admit i feel shaken up", "i have finished reading i am feeling so insecure", "i feel like i don t have any useful powerful or special gifts", "i feel awful that your experience did not reflect that", "i do sometimes feel like im in this strange in between world", "i hope the two of you don t feel it was all in vain", "i hurt and feel suspicious and definitely get angry", "i feel like i dont even know how to trust that im trusting well enough", "i feel like i am being punished for the choices i made in the past", "i feel an ache when my phone chimes and it s not a sweet text from my sweetheart", "i could never feel the kind of security intimacy and love that i have been longing for in this lifetime", "i must confess im feeling a little overwhelmed", "i really feel guilty about them any more", "im feeling a bit uncomfortable with myself too", "i know that i have it nowhere near as worse as my brethren overseas but right now i feel like im being physically emotionally and spiritually assaulted", "i feel like people have shamed me for being so", "i have been feeling listless and loopy", "i miss the feeling of feeling amazing", "i did not want to feel devastated hopeless helpless and sad all the rest of my life", "im feeling shaky and feverish and mad", "im stuck feeling hopeless at this time", "i feel guilt that i should be more caring and im not", "i don t want to hurt anybody s feelings and i certainly don t want to betray any amount of trust but i do want to entertain and i do want to be faithful to myself my thoughts and the topics at hand", "im not convinced that it all makes since because the talking never feels sincere in its execution and maybe the themes in life seem to large to ever fathom but what s the point when it already feels like an emotionless pit of self craving attention", "i feel like i am alone in this world other days i feel like i am surrounded or being closed in on and just want to be alone", "i miss it when i feel no one person who ignored me", "i feel that chris is not too impressed with my stuff so naturally i hate myself and want on the next plane back to seattle as soon before the showcase as possible", "i know i have my family and friends and god but some point in your life in my life i want to feel romantic love again", "i feel afraid to have a voice and im just a guest", "i dont know if i feel this way because i live in la and id rather be somewhere else or if its because im stressed about money work or if im just in need of a hug", "i want to keep feeling strong yet i cant neglect that feeling inside me a feeling of betrayal somehow", "i actually feel frightened of people here right now", "i feel like i cause a lot of problems for her and am not exactly sure of her sincere feelings", "i find myself feeling anxious and unsure", "i feel weird a href http bondmusings", "i feel tortured by all this and im not quite sure how to handle it other then getting drunk non stop so as to not feel anything at all", "i don t feel respect i don t feel admiration and i don t feel an entirely romantic tone", "im sure anyone whos seen someone close go through this process you feel entirely useless in this situation not being able to take away any of the troubles or ailments", "i feel pathetic that i can hardly go a whole day not talking to him", "i feel it aching in my chest", "im feeling abit uncertain now", "i feel like maybe he is going to stop loving me or maybe its true and im a terrible wife", "i feel like i ve lost some of my main roots i feel less secure emotionally financially and socially", "i feel completely humiliated but i will not let that get in the way", "i feel dirty and don t know why", "i feel extremely gloomy and confused", "i feel like im assaulted by constant flakiness", "i feel dirty and ashamed for saying that" ]
i was incredibly youthful in my employment in which i had been angry stay when i was feeling i had been offended simply because i wasnt the professional decided on
[ "i dont have a god to turn to doesnt mean i dont feel offended by that", "i know you do but i m feeling impatient cause i asked you a question in mine and i m waiting for an answer", "ive been cleaning the apartment trying to get life back in order after vacation and holiday mayhem and instead of feeling grumpy about it like i usually would i am feeling overwhelmingly blessed", "i couldnt get to sleep i was feeling quite irritable and restless and every time i was dropping off to sleep a mosquito would land on my face or squeal around my ear", "i feel anger torward those who are greedy", "i feel betrayed and angry and sad at the same time dammit", "i feel that anna ji is little bit stubborn on jan lokpal bill and the protests related to it", "i feel violent and crazy and i feel myself slowly losing patience", "im feeling pissed off about my aac or feeling kind of miserable and frustrated with life this whole week", "im crashing and i feel all irritable and estrogen ish", "i do meet that i do date will continue to be sources of apathy or worse people whom i feel i have wronged or in whose confidence i act in bad faith", "i had a quarrel with my father", "i need a break or im feeling stressed out", "i feel as if these words are petty so i am telling you now that my actions are going to speak louder than my words ever will be able to", "i feel lots more energy i feel very impatient and irritable", "i had to stand in front of sinks and odkh milk in front of all the women who were entering the bathroom she said i feel offended and i try hard not to cry took" ]
[ "i make a mistake i cringe feel idiotic and become filled with self loathing", "i just need to be in a place where i feel valued", "i feel shitty about myself or my work on the heels of feeling great for someone else s accomplishments", "i feel i cant stop aching", "i mean fuck i feel like i was way more considerate with customers and concerned about appearance and sanitiation snoozel pm but fine", "i feel like im damaged goods hah", "i vocalize my pain and hurt about how i feel like an outsider to others and they tell me its because they just dont think about me or that they never see me and then on the other hand to be told im faithful at what ive committed to in service and coming to everything", "i have a desk job and sit on my ass all day long so sometimes i feel paranoid that i m not being active enough and think things like dear god what if i get so fat that i can never lose the baby weight", "i have been feeling a little or a lot lost", "i felt so bad for the bad grade and feeling like having to hide it that i didnt know what to say except to declare in all my frustration that i hated school", "i have had things happen and allowed things to happen to me that have made me feel ugly disgusting and unworthy of being loved or even feeling like i matter in this world", "i was feeling regretful that i made contact with someone with whom i need to keep distance", "i didnt feel very accepted by most of my family members so my relationship with my church family made up for that", "i feel so uptight around my family", "i feel burdened with the subjects i am taking", "i am feeling any less submissive", "i feel inadequate in almost everything that i do", "i mean the idea is intoxicating of course and it feels amazing when its happening but what happens in the morning when you wake up and you have to go to work and so amp so is all up in your shit about something that is completely impractical", "i always have been when im not feeling sociable extreme or the other", "i want to feel and maybe something i am feeling convinced myself of the nvm state of mind i am in after due deliberations", "i dont know why i feel disheartened", "i guess i have a right to feel this way but i dont know because lately i havent been a faithful contributing member of the christian faith", "i wouldnt feel uncomfortable wearing it at work", "i feel troubled i guess would be the best word for it", "i was working at a certain place and everyday after work dad would come to pick me up one day he did not come", "i could curse swear be angry be sad be happy be moody etc etc on the things i write just because i feel kinda disturbed with the search queries displayed on the dashboard that containing my name full name blog s name or my usual nickname", "i feel the need to be productive", "i started out feeling discouraged this morning", "i felt ok about not feeling ok", "i don t feel that i am being punished for hidden sin in my life", "i can t say i feel all that sympathetic", "i lost a few pounds but i also started to feel really awful", "i feel uncomfortable and slobby", "i have a small history of hiding when i feel awkward", "i feel so foolish i admitted", "i feel burdened by it", "i kept having this strong feeling of moving into something i stayed and i was punished for not stepping out when i should", "i didn t feel useless anymore", "i asked feeling slightly wimpy", "i didn t feel particularly sympathetic toward her", "i feel embarrassed that it got so bad", "i was feeling a bit shaky and a bit off centre but i think most of that was worrying about things out of my control", "im feeling indecisive about what to do", "i left the place feeling heartbroken", "im not feeling too keen on that", "i feel agitated she said and we continued on to the corner of main and hastings where we saw three or four cops in the middle of a take down and my friend who has an anxiety disorder insisted we get on the wrong bus just to get away", "i feel like im tortured like years ago", "i began to feel distressed and a feeling of sadness and a desire to kill myself", "i have a feeling she wasnt innocent in this", "i feel threatened by not talking about it", "i feel agitated and jumpy and like i just ate a bottle of caffeine pills", "i feel a litte shaken up by this point", "i am unable to conclude what kind of person i consider myself i can say feeling guilty and uncertain helps me to realize some of my flaws so hopefully i can move forward in my life to think about situations and my words more thoroughly before acting", "i have certainly been in places where i did not feel welcomed and i made a point to go on to a place where i did find that feeling of welcoming", "i do my best but it feels uncomfortable", "i feel guilty that s why", "ive been feeling delicate this week", "i find daunting my feelings soon change to that of wishing to rise to the challenge call it determined or even stubborn", "i used to go to rock festivals in high school to feel accepted and to feel like i belonged within a part of a movement that none of my classmates could relate to because they were too busy listening to their auto tuned bullshit", "i am feeling a little uncertain about my skills in the birthday party arena", "i feel as dirty as fuck", "i feel so fucking lame saying that however immature it may be something that i just imagine have imagined all this time", "im feeling a bit out of my depth with my colouring skills amongst all this talent though so please be gentle with me", "i feel like i have to redeem myself even though i think they realized why i was distraught and were ok with it", "i feel foolish and miserable for getting drunk so easily", "i am sorry that you feel i deserve to be blamed for the friends i pick all of which are better then some of the friends i could be hanging out with getting high and drunk while underage", "i feel in my heart and definately in my idiotic mind", "i take the offense that is most frightening to me when i am feeling the most vulnerable in close relationships with others and i draw that offense and all my frightful vulnerability into the love of god into the mercy seat that fills me full", "i think i m also feeling restless", "i have a lot going on in my life and feel overwhelmed", "i can t speak for anyone else but these activities have also helped me go from simply being okay with certain coworkers to feeling friendly towards them", "i refuse to stay in this place we all have moments of feeling exhausted from very hard work and needing some validation in return", "i always feel so pressured", "i got separated from the man i loved", "i cant help feeling ugly", "i resented being made to feel like a bad person for not possibly contributing to the better good and to the profits of some unspecified equipment maker", "i made the choice to start recognizing when that feeling of being unloved kicks in and to choose to keep my persistence at the same level not allowing that old reaction to shut me down", "i wonder if i feel under nurtured or needy", "i have been feeling a strong ability to step out of my mind", "i could just feel the joy rage coming at me for that one but i m glad you re feeling back at it and i m also glad we went to yoga tonight because sometimes you just need to know that you re better than your crossfit coach at side plank img src http s", "im also pretty close to just exiting out of the window because i feel like this makes me look freakishly neurotic", "i feel guilty not doing everything i use to i feel worried that i am a bad officer", "i feel extremely shitty today", "i only have to think about a high school experience and i instantly feel like that shy confused and terrorised teenager again", "i had that kinda feeling but ignored it", "i am older and my life is very different i can feel how amazed i was that morning", "i smiled to myself musing probably feeling superior just as i felt somehow superior to all these fresh scrubbed college folks off to slum among the huddled masses", "i would just go to the straight point rather than doing a defination of such as what is romance feeling or anger feeling or suspicious feelings", "i wont feel so damn idiotic", "i can remember feeling petrified", "i was already feeling mentally crappy and it was just ridiculous", "i feel pathetic and uninspired", "i feel from no longer being burdened with those i have to tip toe around and be careful about what i am saying or feeling is unbelievable", "i start to feel ugly unloved poor and unhappy", "i advanced boldly feeling most adventurous at thus doing what everyone had often warned me against", "i feel is very delicate", "i feel most passionate about", "i feel like as a creative professional you need to have that unpressed creative outlet to get re inspired", "i feel neglectful but i shouldnt", "i wasnt feeling when i got on board but its really not pleasant", "i was around and feeling fearless and excited", "i cant be a counselor for you in the way i feel i should i am too damaged myself", "i feel like i mother at the expense of being productive", "i was sleep was vey irritable and feeling paranoid because i work the oncology dpt of a hospital and feeling paranoiud cancer and through chemo", "i know that i will always feel a little bit strange and out of place in the academy", "i feel really strange about this", "i have hated feeling useless and ineffective", "i notice how different this question is from why i am feeling so agitated", "i no longer feel happy to score well", "i am feeling emotional about something or other positive or otherwise", "i make my intentions known here i feel rotten if i dont go", "i came down into the kitchen of my childhood still in a dream i was like a mini baby on the kitchen table and i told my mother that she should expect to get this kind of a damaged child because she was so narrow and unwilling to feelings and emotional support", "i went but i did feel shaky", "i feel increasingly passionate about", "i feel like being ignored", "im trying to wein off them with doctors guidance of course but if i miss a day i feel agitated about everything", "i wanted to do something different today and that feeling was inside of me so intensely strong", "i feel like im the one to be blamed for all things", "i feel respected and i feel like i am worth something", "im also pretty upfront about stating that i feel agitated and to just give me a bit of space to deal" ]
i feel irritable and unfulfilled if i dont paint for several days
[ "i feel about petty games", "i am sure its meant as a celebration of the various shades of red out there i feel insulted", "i prayed for love for the people that i was feeling bitter towards and that they would find what was best for them", "i feel envious of ryota and keita going to the same school smiled kota", "i don t feel like i have a cold i just feel sick", "i perform a submarine cartwheel before i feel a violent tug on my ankle as my board gets hauled towards the beach", "ill admit there is definitely some sort of testosterone laden feeling of accomplishment in being a fucking savage helping women who cannot control a way unruly crowd", "i no raphael says grasping for his usual eloquence and feeling it slip from his fingers with spiteful ease", "i feel like i m on the receiving end of a violent attack", "i feel like people think im just being selfish with my gender if that makes sense", "i type this i can see my unacceptably huge muffin top protruding out of my top and i feel disgusted that i am letting all my hard work of previous rounds go to waste", "im feeling cranky a href http doingaone eighty", "i worry about all of the time ive been spending on the computer and about how i feel so distracted by the party", "i felt good before the race but once i started to run i guess i was feeling the effects of the cold and congestion i didnt really realize i still had", "i do feel offended and i think justly", "i feel like i am a selfish person" ]
[ "i am really enjoying my time here but ever since fourth of july passed and i reminisced about nyc and home i have been feeling a bit homesick", "im not sure why i always feel reluctant to write nutrition health posts but i decided that those days are over", "i hate being in an environment where im constantly feeling rejected cast aside and forgotten e", "i feel the pain in my vein its oh so vain am i insane", "i considered jogging since it is not too cold today but decided against it as my right ankle is already feeling tender for some reason", "i feel so rotten that i need to tell myself all this is just a passing cloud that ill be laughing at years from now", "i feel i shouldve enjoyed this trip as i always very eager to see aussy but i cant feel such feeling as mom is not among us any longer", "i dont know how to deal with this i feel like its becoming apart if who i am im afraid that im going to associate it with regular things so that i will never forget it", "im starting to feel that im suffering from fatigue", "i know some people are more fond of the treat of going and getting a pedicure because you can just sit there and enjoy the wonderful feeling of someone else massaging your tender tootsies all the while flipping the pages of a book or magazine", "i feel really bouncy for absolutely no reason and my head hurts a bit from trying to remember all the books im going to simply have to read now", "i stop learning or if i am feeling inhibited my performance flounders", "i can t do anything but feel the feelings because the issue has to get resolved to dissipate the emotion but i am powerless to make any resolution because it s not my issue", "i started off the week feeling groggy and unwell picking up a sick note from the doctor and climbing into fresh sheets with snacks and a bottle of water to hand", "i feel sad and discouraged", "i feel helpless because i cannot stop it", "i know that right before going into the psych ward i was my lowest ever and hadn t eaten in two weeks and then i had to eat and then i had to take a bunch of medications and the weight just went sky high and i feel terrible right now", "i feel troubled and also terrified your minute my partner and i view hundreds of white jackets and obtain caught from the surgeons evaluating area sterile and clean smelling and brimming with numerous devices", "i am a year later heavier than ive ever been i gained back that lbs in the weeks i was pregnant trying to sort out feelings for my troubled marriage missing my hearts dream of dance wondering if ill ever want more kids again and if that makes me a horrible person", "i don t need to though i must admit i kept comparing myself to the skinny japanese girls i see everyday on the street and just writing that here makes me feel ludicrous", "i lie in bed knowing that the holy spirit has got to do the work but i feel burdened that i m not working hard enough", "i am thankful for not attending therapy but am really no further forward in fact probably feeling more isolated misunderstood and lonely in it", "i am feeling pretty guilty about posting pictures of some stray cat i cuddled on the street and not even posting pictures of my own two cats", "i am feeling inspired to write a parody piece but not today as i have been in too much of a bad mood", "i don t know i ve not tried a new character yet the universe feels much more lively than it did when i began so i m hoping that s true for new characters as well", "i feel a discontent an almost constant pull to travel need for an adventure to find my purpose and loneliness", "im tired of the book and ready to have it out of here and finding out that i was given unsuitable images and then feeling blamed for the result did not sit well", "i haven t seen that side of him for a couple of years now that hes on some medications may be depression is genetic and thats why i feel so shitty all the time", "i probably feel the need to move on every years and the fact that ive been here over years now makes me feel totally worthless somewhere", "i also feel devoted to my profession because i get ever so annoyed when i see things that would adversely bring adverse publicity on our profession like some hearnsays from ill informed patients the media and some ignorant politicians making use of health care as a tool to boost their publicity", "i feel totally comfortable without being wealthy and like the feeling to work hardly and a long time for every single wish in my mind that i want to become true", "i feared would happen with a amp a after last weeks ep is now playing out just as i had pictured it in a way that makes every scene with annie and auggie just make me feel miserable", "i still didnt see a difference in the way my pores look and while i didnt expect this to work over time i still feel a little disappointed", "im not feeling well a href http", "i was talking to my district leader elder hill last night and was explaining to him some of my concerns such as not seeing the fruits of our efforts not having baptized anyone yet and just plain feeling like i have so many problems and weaknesses that its not even funny", "i hang my head down and feel even more embarrassed to complaint about such minor things in my life when others are having a hard time just surviving minute to minute of the day", "i have one of the guest rooms in our current house that was supposed to be my craft office closet but i honestly never use it since it is up stairs in a cold or hot room that i feel i can t get messy", "im referring to a comment in the pattern right now not feeling that divine really since i probably was born with a set of dpns in my hands", "i finally allowed my feelings up and accepted them and myself the internal boundary began to dissolve i began to see how i was projecting my suppressed feelings out and creating a lot of pain in and around me", "i feel so worthless and ugly a href http afaerytaleinmakebelieve", "i feel like everything that i hope to become a piller in my life i cling to i despise myself for clinging to something like a hopeless fucking baby", "i am by no means very claustrophobic when crunched up like that i can t help but feel a little agitated", "i am even not able to keep in touch with the people who still ask about me all because i feel my life is boring there is nothing new in it", "i can only pass to my left side and i would have to occasionally reset if my weaker leg gets put in half guard but did not feel comfortable taking the back nor mount", "i always think say now feel a little hesitant i always think say now feel a little hesitant posted on may th by admin", "i cant shake the im hiding how i feel about myself beneath a fab jacket vibe and this style doesnt mesh well with most of the clothes i wear", "i start to feel emotional", "i am no longer red it feels weird", "i hate feeling so needy in need of approval in need of money in need of a direction in need of both physical and mental strength even in need of a particular someone in need of knowing what i lack and need", "i did not realize how absolutely bad i was feeling with weight pain and the emotional toll until i was gluten free for weeks", "i didn t feel terrific", "im stuck feeling too casual and frumpy when i return to the office", "i not feel as happy as i did earlier", "i also need to remember how bad overeating makes me feel not just the fullness but the hangover i get from food thats too rich or too sugary", "i was feeling a bit jaded combination of mixed up feelings not enough sleep and too many big screen presentations i think", "i also like to listen to jazz whilst painting it makes me feel more artistic and ambitious actually look to the rainbow", "im really not feeling that passionate about this one", "i feel like i have way to many questions and things going on that are un resolved", "i feel horrible about wanting sonipro amp source geekparty linkedin a target blank title share on tumblr rel nofollow href http www", "i feel uncertain and uneasy", "i have been feeling less than creative and more like a sad sack", "i don t feel particularly elegant though", "i also feel lethargic and again", "i feel i would give up the sense of touch feeling is because i am afraid to feel pain or suffering which i admit is probably one of the harder parts of life", "i popped a fever and even my co workers we urging me to go home before i even had a chance to open my mouth and voice the obligatory i m not feeling so hot", "i actually read it im left feeling disillusioned and all the insecurities single ladies attempt to play down on a daily basis surface without me wanting them to", "i always make things harder which im not going to lie i sometimes have a way of complicating the very simple however a new baby is a pretty big undertaking and from this comment and many many others i feel like he sees himself as being disturbed very little", "i am feeling a bit overwhelmed here", "i wear this shirt i feel artistic you are artistic but now i look artistic yes son you do", "i wonder how this feeling of being sentimental can help me through the agony of writing a report which dues tomorrow", "i feel lethargic instead which is almost worse", "i also havent been feeling photo friendly of late as i have three coldsores on my face", "i suck in a deep breath and my lungs are left feeling needy", "ive been feeling reluctant intermittent and lacklustre to pen my thoughts down", "im not sure why but im just feeling delicate", "i feel so strong and i find a new way you never come back and i try to stay on the sunny side of life and i know that i will forget you i feel it deep in my heart no matter that you never loved me i do not regret the separation i welcome the new start", "i already did feel deprived when after claire was born i reacted to the epidural and experienced extreme shakes for a couple of hours and was unable to hold her during that special quiet alertness newborns experience", "i don t feel brave though", "i feel like at the moment with all the things to do and worry about and organise and because he is so supportive i have let myself forget to give him the attention he deserves", "i think it s the opposite i get to feel defeated because i was doing everything possible to keep baby healthy and my sugars in check", "i feel bad for a lot of these people because i know from watching documentaries that people who do these drugs are trying to fill a void something that hurt them in the past that they are trying to fill with this drug that makes them feel temporary happiness", "i was a mess completely stressed out feeling terrified of doing the wrong thing of mis stepping or of in any way dishonoring or upsetting my medicine family or any of the participants in the quest itself", "i never wanted to be kissed never wanted to break the code but shed stolen that from me and i feel like i lost something i will never get back", "i feel assaulted by this shit storm of confusion anger and hurt feelings that tsunami d us both away from each other", "im lazy my characters fall into categories of smug and or blas people and their foils people who feel inconvenienced by smug and or blas people", "i tgt v u but i still feel unhappy", "i feel overly burdened by even the smallest responsibility so the large responsibilities that i have recently agreed to are burrowing their way into my brain and tickling my subconscious at all hours", "i discovered that it gave me a great feeling of satisfaction to produce a blog post a delicious dish a few photos a written recipe that tangible job completed feeling that s rare in my life as a stay at home mom", "i had faced were loneliness anxiety and feeling homesick comparing each penny spent here and converting same in indian currency feeling like i have spent a lot getting nervous in early days of new responsibility and last but not the least uk weather", "i havent let myself truley sink into a depressed state of mind feeling like everyone is against me and trusting no one and just basically wanting to die since freshman year", "i feel like i m too mellow in my regular life so i have no use for drugs that make me feel even more mellow", "i feel weird taking up time and making these sometimes terrible sounds that people have to hear", "i know how u feel i hated how people say to just stop thinking about it but try to get help and distract yourself also try to get ur anxiety out in a healthy or helpful way", "i feel like every day i walk around with so much stress and sadness that im literally amazed im still here that i still function that im still basically a friendly stable person", "i am sure she is feeling all alone imagine i just take the whole house in my head when i have fever", "i vocalize my pain and hurt about how i feel like an outsider to others and they tell me its because they just dont think about me or that they never see me and then on the other hand to be told im faithful at what ive committed to in service and coming to everything", "i just feel like im going no where and that the period of time where i was so very much enthralled with life and the options it proposed is now over", "i am feeling disappointed at myself for making mistakes or getting frustrated for not knowing a lot of things taryns words would be ringing in my head", "i guess i feel insecure and anxious", "i didn t feel well", "i know this is supposed to be a cheerfull season the christmas season but this is what i am feeling after loosing our beloved cat tigger earlier this year", "i first got my eye infection i have to back up and if possible make you feel less sympathetic for me than you probably already do", "i feel rubbish today having a bad cold and cough really isn t ideal and the thought of attempting to leave the sofa fil", "i absolutely love working and the feeling of accomplishment i get from it but i am tangibly physically unhappy with the family life i am missing right now", "i usually am all over that it probably comes to the fact that vm i feel entertained by and like but am not in love with any of the characters", "i zoom into those difficulties into feeling like having to give up everything and feeling more then helpless alone in a desert cast out by the ways voices and actions of others that is another story when i zoom into it i also temporarily loose the view of the full picture", "i will feel a dull pain for no reason at all", "i am not actively seeking gods heart i feel lethargic directionless and slow when it comes to who i see god as and even more so how i think god sees me", "i feel ungrateful for being unhappy but i cant seem to move on properly", "i feel so jaded and bored", "diagnosis that i have a stomache ulcer", "i tend to feel like my stove runs hot so i am either usually at lower temperatures than a lot of recipes suggest or shorter times", "i feel a bit melancholy when i think about not teaching the children i don t yet have about the love of jesus or not taking them to sunday school or not having them attend vacation bible school", "i have simply not feel like learning those unimportant stuff", "i guess no matter how much i think im feeling ok im as nervous as hell on the inside about the scan revealing something i dont want to know again", "i can think of to quit are not based on my own needs and wants but those of others scars make other people feel uncomfortable self injury makes friends feel like they aren t offering enough support cutting is something sad teenagers do", "i feel lousy on a daily basis", "i feel uncomfortable and slobby", "i am not working i can cope with but days like today when i am i just feel awful", "i love how i can feel totally distressed and hopeless but when i put on a bright eyes record or something all of a sudden i have this realization that there is more to life than the shit i worry about" ]
i do not want to accept that it s inevitable that we all become grumpy old men and women as we age and i do not want to accept that feeling irritated and annoyed by trivial little things is normal
[ "i was building with angie i m feeling profoundly betrayed and very angry", "i am feeling a little bit hostile towards my ex today", "i think for myself i feel everyone is greedy but in their own little ways whether that is going for the good or bad way thats another issue because usually you link both together but right now im trying to separate both issue separately so we can see the sole topic more cleary", "i feel petty posting with my own complaints right now because its not like i was kidnapped when i was years old and forced to make easter creme eggs for the rest of my life", "i can go on not saying anything and feeling petty but it seems that this load is gettin heavy", "i know it was not pleasant for her and i feel selfish saying it but i think i would have fallen apart if i had been there", "i guess were annoyed agiatated and my sis feels hated darn cos i told her shes a geek i love you amy", "when i noticed two spiders running on the floor in different directions", "i feel there are some who still wants us together and i im being rebellious", "i often feel dissatisfied with such discussions partly because of the persistent everyone is beautiful nonsense but partly because they rarely go past the effects of advertising on body image", "i feel bitter but i want to rise up", "i feel like people like this arent getting caught therefore the government plays it up when they catch criminals of petty crimes to make themselves look better", "i feel that i want what i need and know that i just need to bleed in this fucked up world of my own", "i feel so heartless sometimes because i do not have the ability to mourn for the lost of someone relating to my past grandparents", "i must ask if my column makes you feel so hateful why do you keep logging on", "im also feeling cranky about it because the main characters scientist brother observing the moon mentions that there is zero gravity there" ]
[ "i feel unwelcome or uncomfortable oh except for that time i pulled the doorknob right out of the cloest door", "i trust that in moments of feeling fine even moments of joy that my grief may sometimes come slam me in the face", "i feel less submissive and just generally lost", "i feel so disturbed and unsettled that i m not sure what to do at this point", "im feeling pretty disheartened by the whole thing", "i feel all hot and bothered and most of all i worry and worry some more and boy do i worry", "i need to manage my spending money more wisely but im feeling uncertain and stressed as of late", "i can feel their afraid", "i get this feeling that tells me its ok if you don t do it today you ll start again tomorrow when you have more energy", "i have been anticipating so i am somewhat surprised uncertain and to some degree annoyed about their presence in my daily experience especially in light of the fact that i have at other times been feeling more joyful and confident in my abilities as a loving human being than ever before", "i feel a strange sensation course through my limbs", "i supposed i ought to feel thankful for that adding with a sarcastic edge at my age", "i feel anger and love and failure i totally dont get an a in mothering friends and grief and loss and captivity and wonder and awe cannot be ignored", "i feel honored or insulted", "i feel in my bones like nobody cares if im here nobody cares if im gone here i am again saying im feeling so lonely people either say its ok to be alone or just go home it kills me and i dont know why it doesnt mean i dont try i try and try but people just treat me like im a ghost", "i would have smiled except i was starting to feel like any more uptight comments and my jaw would fall right out of my head", "i found out in a nutshell at this time you are feeling uptight and you are urgently in need of rest and relaxation but perhaps even more than that you need to overcome that feeling that you have been hard done by and treated with a complete lack of consideration", "i am feeling discouraged it is", "i feel like the place is even more messy", "i just need to swear off feelings caring relationships", "i feel badly enough about myself and everything thats going on and some of these people that are supposed to be helping me arent particularly sympathetic", "im feeling a little apprehensive about this party", "i feel a little discouraged here", "i feel out of generous love people have focused too much on my story and i don t want to perpetuate that dynamic there are some other educators who are going through the same", "i don t think we re to that point yet and i foresee a lot of traffic between my bed and the crib until he is old enough to no longer feel that i am the only acceptable answer in the dark", "i strongly feel that at this point in my life i am no longer desiring to walk this path that i am on and to be truthful i have no clue as to where i am going with my life from here", "im feeling a little vulnerable", "i hate wearing watch but at the same time i will feel distressed if i dont know what time is it", "i get into conversations and regret them and start to feel exhausted after fifteen minutes of something that sounds like something but feels like it is only peas and carrots peas and carrots mush mush mush", "i feel surprised and disturbed actually", "i just feel so unsure of myself and everything in my life", "i don t like orange but today i m feeling strangely sympathetic towards it", "i feel drained of energy", "i feel i might have been too gloomy about it", "i am feeling a little overwhelmed like i do every year at this time at the speed each holiday season creeps up on us", "i start to feel groggy as if i have been drugged", "i don t like it when i hmmm feel devastated then i try to be driven towards things that are potentially more devastating just so i can forget about that thing that has devastated me first", "i feel this is doubtful", "i ever feel ugly or ashamed of my body", "i am a big believer in the phrase that some people are all style no substance and i feel that if you have nothing worthwhile to say just dont say it", "i trust my kids however i feel helpless enough in here over so many things and i m upset at the lack of respect for the few little things i asked them not to do", "i feel uncertain of how i can keep my personal development of fitness and health going in the right direction", "i kind of feel it how people appreciate this sense of not being entertained", "i feel doubtful and afraid", "i hate the feeling that i can t do anything useful", "i just feel like i m being a total pushover at the moment which anyone who knows me knows that i m not a pushover generous and willing to give the benefit of the doubt but not a pushover", "im not feeling absolutely terrified of more pain and more trauma to my already battered body", "i also feel embarrassed because i can consciously look at my life and see all the good things in it that everyone else sees but when the depression cycle hits even knowing those good things exist simply isn t enough", "i should not have to feel this way in a nerd convention i am a nerd and i should feel accepted and comfortable in that setting", "i am feeling so ridiculously uncomfortable these days the rising temperatures dont help and i have added wicked heartburn to the list of things keeping me up at night", "i don t spew my desperation all over these situations that already feel uncertain to me", "i feel some people shouldn t answer if they are not considerate and serious", "i still cant shake the feeling that i might be unwelcome", "i feel troubled lord and i honestly don t know why", "i know i have certain aspects of my personality attitude that could be improved i have been under the impression that everythings been fine feel absolutely assaulted by the statement that my co workers have been complaining about me behind my back", "i dont like poetry too much because i feel its for whiney dramatic people", "i do feel pressured to do this though", "i don t feel cute like at all", "i don t know about you but sometimes i feel that the world is troubled deeply pathologically troubled", "i hope that i soon wont feel like a stupid slut", "i believe people who use fulsome manners only for social reasons they aren t on the top of the scale of human evolution and i feel hurt by their fake behavior", "i feel very tender for anyone who is upset by the bee movie sort of like how you feel about old aunts who dont realize how prickly their whiskers are getting slightly repulsed but very sad for their decline", "i feel a bit intimidated by", "i know you say you don t but there s a lot of anger that i m on the receiving end of and it s just how i feel i probably deserve to be hated too", "i don t want to hurt anybody s feelings and i certainly don t want to betray any amount of trust but i do want to entertain and i do want to be faithful to myself my thoughts and the topics at hand", "i feel a bit low", "i breathe and walk i feel less joyful than most other people", "i don t feel brave though", "id been feeling a bit funny all day verging on the kind of pre menstrual where you hate yourself so id been trying to take it really easy and just doing my own thing", "i feel a bit reluctant to turn to other people", "i ask to know things and then everything changes and then i feel a bit shaky as i try to keep up with my own leading edge and the huge amount of change i m invited to allow as i come into alignment with and catch up with me", "i have tried to live a good honest life and yet it feels like im being punished", "i just cant contain my joy but right now i feel troubled", "i told her i don t think she appreciates just how prevalent my feelings of unreality are that i see myself as damaged broken beyond repair and the thought of living another fifty years like this is unbearable that everything feels overwhelming", "i think and it feels a little weird", "i feel like i am being punished for the choices i made in the past", "i feel a little low about being in japan and i always feel pangs of guilt when i fail to appreciate my living situation and decisions", "i quickly learned just by moving from sauna to ice cold bath to steam room to shower until you feel like a tortured goldilocks who wants nothing more than to find the middle ground between too hot and too cold", "i am working for but that work requires opportunity certain freedoms of expression and of movement and i may sound paranoid by saying this but i feel those freedoms threatened and more and more each day", "i feel like a bit of a strange one", "i feel appropriately disturbed by the project", "i only want to write here when i am feeling unhappy", "i feel so fucking lame saying that however immature it may be something that i just imagine have imagined all this time", "i just feel jaded about it all now", "i feel so paranoid i don t want to feel like i did back then ever again", "i feel that it is something that will never really be resolved", "i always feel this tangle in my stomach i never just feel content and wanted", "i chance that difficult to accommodate with the feeling of a jehovah and benevolent lord", "i mention this seemingly obvious little tidbit is that either many of my friends have an innate inability to understand this or they feel hurt and neglected because of it", "i actually stop to think about it it makes me feel quite overwhelmed", "i die wont some man make me feel that lifes worthwhile", "ive had a dry spell of inspiration and just this overall sense of feeling that i have lost touch with all the little things ive always loved", "i feel that anger toward someone else not caring about someone else being selfish creating a negative impression of someone else not noticing the person next to them not saying hello to someone they must recognize where is my good heart", "i am having my usual october where things are drastically in flux where i am feeling melancholy at best and where god is asking me to step off the cliff and have faith he will provide", "i am feeling more pain and hurt than i did before", "i feel the need to work on caring", "i just feel so overwhelmed by the feeling of balance that i just", "i feel all gloomy and i hate it", "i want to feel groggy and heavy", "i am finally starting to feel better but darn it how frustrating", "i feel like something tragic is going to have to happen for people to wake up and see how vulturous sic and poisonous it s all gotten", "i feel like i m murdering innocent brain cells thinking so hard about all these rather meaningless issues but i really want to maximise the use of weekends during this effed up army phase", "im referring to a comment in the pattern right now not feeling that divine really since i probably was born with a set of dpns in my hands", "i feel the hearts decision to stop caring can it be reversed", "i feel like i have all these cute things but i dont feel comfortable in them and dont know how to put them together", "im feeling more vulnerable writing about this than i do writing about my melt downs mishaps and toddler challenges", "i feel i cannot be loyal i should step down", "i feel humiliated and i don t want to face the world", "i feel a little disheartened but i dont think i feel bad as maybe i should", "i feel insecure all the time", "im feeling very uncertain about my future", "i find it very hard to feel relaxed for more than hours", "i wonder if they feel like i do sometimes that all the joy of what we do is no longer as joyful because now it s based on research methods keynotes comparisons and appearances", "i personalities that can feel pain and suffering", "im feeling rotten just talking about it", "i feel so weird about it", "i am feeling a bit agitated or stressed i find a surprising amount of relief from cleaning and decluttering my house or even just a small space like a closet", "i often feel like the jaded older sister while around them", "i may also voice my feelings on a few things here and there if you dont agree with them cool and please do feel free to let me know", "i feel ugly i mean i m being calle" ]
i wasnt feeling particularly bitter on my birthday in fact i had a fantastic day
[ "i feel like im being greedy asking for something so expensive", "i also find it the most challenging to wrap up a story that brings good closure and a conclusion that doesn t leave that reader feeling cheated or rushed", "i want to please him but i feel resentful that he doesn t get how exhausted i feel all the time and how painful it is for me when i m not warmed up properly", "i can remember mailing my first notice of intent into the school board and feeling terribly rebellious and nervous", "i feel irritable when he starts talking about it because it can go on for ev er", "i always feel i always understand that the people who are being the most hateful and harmful towards me are hurting themselves and taught wrongly and i hurt for them because i want to go back and undo the pain and childhood bigotry that binds their lives into this path", "i feel like i m in the movie dangerous minds", "i dont hallucinate instead i slowly continue along my little path until i feel needlessly violent and overly happy about it", "i dontknow why but i never feel this way with anyone else i really cant be without linus i love him which i never thought i could ever love anyone after went through few fucked up relationship", "i feel jealous becasue i wanted that kind of love the true connection between two souls and i wanted that", "i am in no way pessimistic but i often have to bite my tongue in the netherlands when i feel a sarcastic comment popping up in my head", "in ward a was an epileptic patient who was burnt the whole body and was stinking very much such that the whole ward was affected few people could come near him", "i guess in non metaphoric terms i seem grumpy unhappy unfeeling and bitchy", "i feel like i just cant be bothered", "i must say though i have been feeling pretty violent", "i feel really fucked up still" ]
[ "i feel brave today heading to amman and beirut by way of istanbul or i feel brave today a href http jessicadickinsongoodman", "i was still feeling hesitant last night but when i woke up i found that i had made my decision and that the slatebook somewhat to my own surprise was what i wanted", "im feeling nervous but since it wasnt sore to touch to stretch or to use the muscles i felt assured it was nothing and that it would pass", "i feel absolutely lovely now with a cup of hot green tea next to the keyboard", "i don t feel so exhausted all the time", "i feel like it blog april a wonderful spring weekend filed under a href http karmardav", "i am now feeling much more relaxed and settled in my life and am enjoying blogging just as much as i did when i first started", "i was lucky enough to feel and squeeze myself to a win in another festive challenge which involved a box full of items that we had to identify by blindly fondling through a hole", "i got a sore throat then a runny nose then a full blown congested head cold which fell on the bank holiday tuesday and has left me feeling low and blue and bleurgh since then", "i do not feel glamourous", "im feeling quite well acquainted with", "i feel specially fond of", "ive worn it once on its own with a little concealer and for the days im feeling brave but dont want to be pale then its perfect", "i just think it is so quirky and the other day i was not feeling along with a few of the kiddos so daniel being his sweetheart considerate self went and got me this movie", "i don t feel groggy or like i can sleep any more this morning", "i celebrate in a year and how i feel about supporting some of them when the history behind most of our traditional holidays is based on some ugly stuff or at least in a lot of cases a lot stuff that i don t believe in or support", "i also know that if today i refuse to hate jews or anybody else it is because i know how it feels to be hated", "i can vent some feelings or keep one person entertained then i will be happy", "im feeling good these days and my only complaints are that its getting harder and harder to move around and chase after stone and its getting harder and harder to find clothes that fit", "i dunno how it feels to be completely happy the real world has taught me about struggle but what i m going thru is nothing close to struggle", "i will take care of the flashback of swingsets and telling the tiniest of white lies for the sake of feeling free for several hours arriving home late after staying out past curfew to watch some horror movie well sort of", "i feel like i have reached a plateau where im not buying as much as i use to and feeling more satisfied with my wardrobe and personal style", "i feel like i knew some of it though so it wasnt a total bombing of the innocent", "i feel slightly dazed and tired and angry but that is a normal emotion and mood for me to experience from day to day or week to week", "im feeling uncharacteristically optimistic today perhaps even unrealistically optimistic", "i enjoy going to churches acquired there feeling is always so peaceful and tranquil thats why ive had a wish to visit pochayiv monastery and without comments it was really worthy", "i is an extremely positive feeling a divine energy who alone can take our quaking boat to the shore", "i feel more content with what i have achieved and i know if i don t write today there ll still be a tomorrow", "i am much lighter now i feel extremely passionate about myself and my life yes me i do", "i didnt know when i feel boring but though im happy i made a new blog linked happywarmworld", "i feel terrific and i m starting to put weight on", "im feeling happy sad or angry", "i feel so cool now like one of the cool kids in the neighborhood haha", "i present two photos of myself side by side and in one photo i remember feeling cute that day", "i feel mellow and shit i swear you got that touch swear they ain t stopping us swear there ain t nothing above girl give me some love yeah yeah yeah x", "i have this feeling that one day i will be so content with what is happening in my life even if it for only seconds", "i do not feel disadvantaged or jealous without these things i feel empowered instead", "im feeling a lot more optimistic about my future", "i didn t want to leave but i didn t before i thanked her parents for trusting me to spend the night and that it made me feel like they respected me", "i always get the feeling that im actually dampening my friends moods because theyre all so carefree and happy with their life while i dont show the same enthusiasm", "i havent been feeling homesick knowing they were all getting together to enjoy my mums cooking did make me want a teleporter", "i feel stunningly elegant tonight darling", "i feel like ive had a pretty productive lazy weekend all things considered", "i have felt that true forgiveness comes when you yourself feel that you are no longer victimized and you heal yourself from within", "i feel so blessed now that i think something tragic is going to happen to me in the future huhuhu see i m still battling that thinking positive thing", "im not feeling quite as jolly though", "i just remember feeling really dazed and amazed that it had all happened little did i know if you are about to have or have just had surgery then good luck i m sure i ve had the bad luck for everyone", "i have been out there over the last few weeks i experienced for the first time a feeling of loving the actual act of running of pushing my daughter in the jogger of getting outsprinted by my wife although this would happen if i was in top shape anyway of having cold air nail you in the face", "i feels so proud of my self img alt onion head emoticons src http www", "i get to be creative if i feel like it or just sit and chat to customers the people are all lovely even kermit helps out see", "i have been sneakily listen to x mas music since the beginning of october but now i feel as if it is a little more socially acceptable to prance around while eartha kitt s version of santa baby blares from my ipod", "i am loosing out but i feel like i have have so much to share with many and if anything that is not unfortunate if anything it makes me grateful", "i certainly feel loved and appreciated and grateful for all that i have", "i feel it would be pleasant to have a cigarette there is a sort of deep rooted memory of enjoying sucking that carcenogenic smoke into my lungs but i believe that feeling of pleasantness is an illusion", "i also loved the feeling of that gentle rippling through the body when i floated in water it was a bonus having friends with pools growing up in australia", "i dragged my lazy ass albeit a cute one out of bed this morning i suddenly feel morally superior to everyone else", "i came home and enjoyed minutes in the garden feeling the lovely warm sunshine on my face", "i was really uncomfortable but i got over that because it did make me feel pretty once i put everything else together", "i feel weirdly thrilled by that", "i was learning to just deal with the nausea amp manage the unpleasantness of it at work trying to keep anyone from knowing but my sister told me there was no need to suffer amp feel miserable amp to call my dr for some zofran", "i bought the most expensive pair of shoes ive ever owned on a whim over the weekend and i love them but i feel a remorseful pang every time i look at them", "i just needed some sun but for the first time in a long time im feeling really excited about my life", "im so proud of you no words can describe the way that makes my heart feel thank you god for my supportive amazing hubbard", "i mean i could literally feel him feeling content", "i am feeling rather triumphant that i decided to disagree with davids notion that the real peak was further on and decided to give the side trail a chance", "i feel i am back to my innocent and carefree self", "i feel vital full of energy every day and super positive", "i read them it is the only point of my day where i feel like im actually an intelligent human being", "i have a constitution for also not feeling deprived lucky me", "i hope all of you epers feel terrific too", "i was flattered and i liked the feeling of being liked and possibly loved", "ive found it im feeling pretty pumped", "i mean great food that holds wonderful memories and will make me feel good when i have it", "i am not sure why i feel the need to share this experience with the world maybe its just that now that its over its actually pretty funny", "i do not feel rejected anymore for i decide what my value is", "i left for work feeling still unpleasant and cheered up a mite bit once i got there", "i can do this but after a romantic meal and a few glasses of wine i m tired and lethargic and the last thing i feel like is some vigorous humping action", "i may be a bit late this year but im feeling very festive sat by the fire imagination its actually just a hot radiator", "i went to see my pcm on post for a follow up appointment and i left feeling hopeful and optimistic", "i was going to be loved made me feel a woman like me could be valuable that i stood a chance there was more out there and told me that i could get over him it was a lazy bandaid where i didn t have to better my character i could just hope", "i feel so clever to have done that", "i feel like i have had a sweet tooth this week", "i was feeling pretty gloomy when i started writing this it s that dreaded time of year of course i burnt the nd set of cake pops that i was baking and i just lost a game of monopoly that game sucks", "im happier when im feeling curious and genuinely looking forward to the next page alone in my reading chair next to the heater curled up in a blanket than when im muddling through guild wars or wot", "i know that i should feel some sort of melancholy but i don t", "im feeling generous or in a restaurant like the mandarin grill which has a fairly stellar reputation this impression may be extended to edible yet decorative garnishes like samphire", "i was feeling hesitant to part with any more money after my spendy trip to melbourne i chose instead to modify my existing copy of a href http www", "i had a trainer i dont think i ever weighed as little as i do now so im feeling pretty excited", "i liked knowing that i am not the only one feeling the way i do about job options the thing that i liked the most was i was able to find some career path and i found some interests", "i feel talented i feel amazing", "i feel so profoundly blessed to finally be in a good place of life to be at peace to know what i would want in a husband and to be able to recognize it quickly", "i looked at my son run up was rubbish dad your step was shocking where were your arms i smiled at him seasons best though i said feeling a tad foolish and i still had two jumps left ground swallow me now", "ive found some truly wonderful people for which i feel so incredibly blessed to have met", "i read the lad mags and sip herbal tea and leave feeling terrific", "i havent hopped on one yet but i definitely will and speaking of cardio exercise i was feeling all kinds of superior after a href http emilyhursh", "i walked away feeling triumphant with my first purchase of new make up finally done", "i feel like god pooped on me laughed amp then walked away throwing a casual yeah", "i am alternating between feeling thrilled to see my dads family this weekend and terrified that i will be a black sheep among their normalcy", "i have only felt it after a half marathon so i can only imagine that it feels twice as sweet for a full marathon especially the boston marathon", "i actually feel like everything is going to be ok", "i have noticed improvement is in the gabapentin and last nights dose of zonisamide which left me feeling very relaxed", "i must admit feeling popular is a wonderful feeling", "i feel exceptionally lucky to visit suzanna whose life here is pretty damn idyllic at least from the perspective of a vacationer breezing in for a week", "i cried like an effing baby for half the day and just sat in bed again so depressed stressing over the decisions i make and everything is oh so focused on me i feel when really i cant be blamed for this", "i like the feeling of making some difference this time i was really reluctant to change at first however get used to it after a while", "i am feeling so proud", "i am stories this week and decide not to be separated from the feelings you are after any longer by introducing a little sprinkling of the delicious feelings you are after right away", "i feel virtuous because i walked to and from the library which is almost a mile away and the temp was", "i feel more appreciative than worthlessness", "im just not mentally there but can still feel the itch in my legs to run and once i get out there im so glad i did", "i remember feeling so thankful to be able to put my feet up and enjoy taking care of newborns right before id be able to take care of my own", "i did something to my back after moving my piano this week im not hercules just terribly stupid so i was feeling a bit miserable for myself this morning and then this turned up in the post", "i started trying without success to have a baby a few years back one of my pregnant acquaintances said to me my husband and i feel so relieved that we did not have to go through what you are going through we just got pregnant right away", "i wanted it to feel like all these fabulous people at an incredible party fell asleep and when they woke up the place had been a bit overtaken with lush florals and greenery", "i had been taught very young that i had deserved what i got that what i was feeling was unimportant overemotional and attention seeking", "i have the joy of allowing kids to feel like the valued treasures that they are and to just have a blast being a kid alongside with them but can i just say its an incredibly humbling experience to have influence into a childs life and to know that what you do and say is being internalized", "i can go from feeling so hopeless to so damned hopeful just from being around someone who cares and is awake", "i alba i feel good and im fitting in", "i am so thankful that though things are a bit overwhelming he has sent people into our lives to help me not feel so neurotic", "i feel so blessed to have known both" ]
i really feel irritated with all these
[ "i just feel like being selfish and really live my life", "i can honestly say that every good thing in my life right now is crashing down and i feel too stubborn to ask for help", "i feel frustrated or impatient", "i feel like i can breath now and not be so rushed", "i don t like it when things feel as if they re being rushed", "i don t know it s just that it was like on top of our head so much of yesterday that it was really bothersome and we re still feeling a little mad about it", "i think just noticing this in me that i m more prone to feel jealous right now is helping me show up with a bit more intentionality than at other times in my life", "i usually feel angered by this mad that my body could be betraying me in this way mad that a whole week out of every four is spent wasted", "i have a bad feeling that i am going to get very aggravated again tomorrow", "i can feel his impatient and i can t stop my body from giving him positive response", "i was down feeling greedy and depressed", "i came out of the airport that makes me feel irritable uncomfortable and even sadder", "i am feeling very cranky this christmas", "i dont know whats wrong with me i try studying but i just feel like im fluffing around and getting distracted all the time", "i cant abide the political mess the country is in though i feel equally enraged about the state of uk politics", "i did the yelling the feeling of being extremely mad" ]
[ "i keep feeling that im unloved unwanted unimportant in everyones eyes at all", "i am quick to anger and lash out yet even quicker feel remorseful almost immediately", "i know how that feels have in ars nes own words disturbed the croatians season somewhat", "ive spent a good chunk of the day feeling quite agitated in a taut way as though it wouldnt take much for me to really snap and chew someones head off", "i still feel a little dazed and high which is alarming since its been hours or so", "i don t feel brave though", "i just feel jaded about it all now", "i would feel so devastated that every channel i click on the the tv was another sport event or maybe the same sport event but in different language", "i felt sad and apprehensive and angry that i d had vertigo and that it had left me feeling uncertain", "i guess i am just feeling slightly shaken at this sudden news", "i make some of those cracks by the age old system of not sleeping and driving myself insane but i dont have the energy and i dont have that feeling because it feels like ive already devoted my life to working and hacking systems and fucking with numbers for people", "i feel kind of over entertained", "i am feeling unhappy and weird", "i tend to avoid the news because i often feel like it doesn t add value to my life and only makes me fearful anxious and slightly paranoid", "i feel a little frantic because i know peoples will be leaving soon and just a little while ago i felt like i had hella time to waste and to hold off on things", "i don t need to though i must admit i kept comparing myself to the skinny japanese girls i see everyday on the street and just writing that here makes me feel ludicrous", "ive mostly gotten used to this but being kind of a stubbornly independent person it still feels a little strange at times", "i dont know if i feel this way because i live in la and id rather be somewhere else or if its because im stressed about money work or if im just in need of a hug", "i feel so betrayed and humiliated", "i feel so hopeless and strange and all i really want is to actually disappear", "i still feel stupid to be in that class this is all cause off pbss fault", "i got a sick feeling in my stomach i just did a blog post on my cute laundry room now my dryers going out", "i am so sick of feeling worthless and useless and miserable", "i am sleeping better but yet i feel even more exhausted than ever which i just dont understand", "ive seen a lot of seizures but never this many at once and of course i always feel totally helpless", "i said it pops up every once in a while that dread but for the most part i m too busy feeling depressed or elated or a horrible mixture of the two to notice it", "i am starting the menopause constantly suffer with mood swings temper floods of tears unable to sit for long periods and concentrate feel constantly weepy and on edge feel unable to cope with the day to tasks of ordinary life", "i don t know if im just speaking for myself but i feel like we are all becoming more stupid by the day", "i always end up crying and feeling so hurt like its the end of the world", "i can easily wind up feeling inadequate as i look at all of the beautiful pictures and see what it seems like everyone else is doing and thinking", "i wake up its the uncomfortable feeling i have that i was just mentally abused by my own thoughts and i can t for the life of me remember why and then when i do remember why i honestly wish i hadn t", "i feel so badly and i know they are suffering so for me to complain about the cold is nonsense i d gladly give them anything i could to help fix the problems there", "i feel distraught as ever", "i feel like the place is even more messy", "i ought not come for i stipulation them to feel sorrowful for their skeered rupees which they re assert to the field but i will console for i allusion massou to live", "i feel like something tragic is going to have to happen for people to wake up and see how vulturous sic and poisonous it s all gotten", "i go to school after having a horrible morning and i feel like i am meing hated on my every and i feel alone and i always have been and i am emotionaly very far away from everyone else", "im feeling somewhat verbally lame as i listen for the eighth time to suzanne vegas nine objects of desire", "i thought maybe i can get through this but now today and i am up crying already and feeling incredibly depressed", "im starting to feel really pathetic giving the bulk of my enthusiasm these days to the kardashians us weekly and roseanne marathons and completely ignoring this blog", "im feeling melancholy with all the back to school stuff today", "i know exactly how put out you are and feel like it is only really acceptable to foist that inconvenience on family", "i feel this isn t part of the agreement this isn t the casual friendship we built up to make being around each other bearable", "i feel dull and tired and blah about this school stuff i thought so important at the start of the school year", "i get upset that i try to rekindle some sort of feeling excitement remorse longing anything but like i said even this feeling becomes a temporary phase", "i feel like a whiney lil girl who s keeps whining and psycho ing herself to love studying and start studying", "i wear it i feel anxious visable spotlighted different unfashionable stupid embarrassed ashamed and paranoid", "i feel so exhausted from dealing with drama between other authors that i dont have energy to write", "i am not wishing november away or trying to forget about thanksgiving but i need to be mindful of what really matters when i feel overwhelmed", "i feel for all of you who have been supporting me is so extreme there would be no way to put a number value on it", "i feel a sense of relief and also sadness because im ending and my colleagues most anyway have been oh so fab", "ive been meeting up many people since this semester but tonight at cinderalla i couldnt help but feeling sorrowful and down", "i am starting to feel a bit disheartened with my progress on my physical tbr there are still boxes of books next to my bed and they are not going away as fast as i want them to", "i feel shaken or angry that my husband keeps lying to me and is a sexaholic i often start to feel mad at god", "i feel like i m a doomed gladiator in a stadium constructed of cardboard and copies of romeo and juliet and the outsiders are screaming for my blood", "i have hurt so much and been told to stop so much that i suppose it all leaked into my brain and now i feel guilty when i hurt", "im feeling a bit overwhelmed tonight and not really for any good reason", "i have been asking myself some difficult questions in an attempt to understand why i feel this strange push and pull between different aspects of my life", "i feel that i am not valued i am under paid and worked like a slave unfortunately this is not just a personal feeling", "i feel contented but i m going to bet that i ll hate life tomorrow i hide a lot of things", "i started to feel so overwhelmed", "i really feel that when people consistently make us feel unimportant in the grand scheme of life", "i feel so ungrateful when thinking saying these things but im not sure how to make myself better", "i was grateful for each and every one but it still made me feel funny", "i can feel my stomach aching and grumbling", "i everyone this will be a bit of a brief post as ive got a stinking cold at the moment and am feeling very very crappy but i have another page done on", "i wake up real life husband i feel melancholy towards day", "i still feel shaky is because in the worst hit areas the damage and destruction is so complete", "i feel in my bones like nobody cares if im here nobody cares if im gone here i am again saying im feeling so lonely people either say its ok to be alone or just go home it kills me and i dont know why it doesnt mean i dont try i try and try but people just treat me like im a ghost", "i feel as though i am going to be victimized", "i have realized that by ignoring it i am no better and it is heartbreaking to feel so helpless against it", "i start feeling overwhelmed and i just want to run away and hide in the back of my closet", "im sure ill also feel a bit nervous", "i began having them several times a week feeling tortured by the hallucinations moving people and figures sounds and vibrations", "i dont want to always be judgmental of particular men or scenarios that i often see in this area but with so much trafficking forced sex work and what basically amounts to slavery its hard not to feel slightly embittered and disillusioned", "i feel like i have to make the suffering i m seeing mean something", "i feel try to tell me im ungrateful tell me im basically the worst daughter sister in the world", "i am not proud to be british i am not glad to be young and i most certainly do not feel blessed by opportunity", "ive been feeling so restless lately why i bleached my hair so much a month ago", "i overly pc in feeling a little shocked", "i have begun to feel really burdened for the women in our slums particularly my mamas in kina", "i would really like to think this is all going to work out and that there was just some mistake made but im feeling pretty doomed here", "i thought i exhausted all emotions i held all the frustration and confusion and still here i am having so much more to give so much more to feel i look at this blank white piece of paper and i want to fill it with colours with motion but it still seems so blank", "i go further let me tell you why i feel unhappy", "i feel sad for that after all", "i realized grudgingly that a feeling of discontent had begun to rise in me", "i feel like that when i try to try on relationship traditions that i and the people i care about get damaged", "i doubt that makes any sense to any one but me when i feel emotional the metaphors come tumbling out like a rock slide see", "i feel aching all over my body", "i indicated then i was feeling quite overwhelmed with work responsibilities teaching traveling and writing", "i try to hold my tongue try to see it from his point of view but inside i am feeling agitated and irritable about all this pressure to please him when i cannot seem to get my own self in order", "i feel some super shifting some super circles", "i feel so disheartened that i feel nauseous and sick", "i see what the ritalin culture is doing to the children and their flias i feel shocked", "ive been having trouble sleeping my anxiety is causing my social life to suffer i lack the motivation that used to drive me work is quickly becoming a chore where i was once satisfied and i feel dull and uninteresting", "i am fucking it up with my pattern of wanting craving addiction to attention and specialness my way of feeling loved by another", "i feel horrible and i would prefer to extend my deepest sorrow rel bookmark permanenter link zum eintrag", "i feel it isnt enough times i dont feel respected or special or that this relationship is good for me", "i typed up all my blood pressures for the month but i have a feeling hes not going to be too pleased with the lack of missing information", "i know im not in the best place of my life still dealing with the infertility issue but i feel i have a lot to be thankful for", "i cant help feeling this way", "i have to say im feeling very tender about a great many things today being a mom is one", "i will nolonger tell anybody how i feel or what im thinking cause all it seems to do is get me more hated than i already am", "i always feel slightly worthless almost self condemning like i should be doing more amounting more saving the world one day at a time a preacher on a podium a counselor for teen single struggling mom s a writer a motivational speaker a super mom to my baby boy", "i visit m ller in my country and go to the expensive make up stands the sales assistants are always standing right next to me and looking at me like im going to steal something so i feel really uncomfortable shopping there", "i have been feeling really stressed out due to homework and my studies that have increased rapidly over the last week", "i don t know why i feel disheartened about the league because of so many draws it is the mark of a tightly contested competitive organization with important results", "i understand how unbearable it is to feel like worthless shit all of the time", "i feel bad for pretty much everyone involved and am generally bummed to see violence take place perhaps most disturbing of all is the insidious if not predictable victim blaming that has taken hold in the days since the violent incident", "i wonder are you jealous or feeling of discontent or covetousnes", "i feel today i feel a little bit overwhelmed", "i feel pained and wistful and suddenly the hot tub didn t seem like very much fun anymore", "i feel as if i am being punished for using your adsense and affiliate products and for the success of my website", "im already feeling stressed without trying to sort that lot out", "i do feel something of an aversion to it within maybe because i still feel like its a vain thing or that i may be seeking some sort of outer affirmations from others who might stumble upon it ive mentioned this before but the truth is who cares about all that", "i feel so remorseful for that day all those shits i said to you", "i am feeling a bit agitated or stressed i find a surprising amount of relief from cleaning and decluttering my house or even just a small space like a closet", "i feel slightly dazed and tired and angry but that is a normal emotion and mood for me to experience from day to day or week to week", "i feel threatened i feel fear", "i feel very tender for anyone who is upset by the bee movie sort of like how you feel about old aunts who dont realize how prickly their whiskers are getting slightly repulsed but very sad for their decline" ]
i feel like im the bitter old lady who has had such a long life and just cant deal with it anymore
[ "i feel really petty complaining about panic attacks and such", "i start feeling resentful or overwhelmed it s a sure sign that i need mothering", "i feel i am beyond pissed off disappointed frustrated with myself", "i feel bitter about me being like this but then i really am not", "i and others feel when angry is a huge wave of relief from what we previously felt sitting in the dank room of fear and powerlessness", "i know its only the beginning of and im already feeling fucked", "id kick myself into gear but i just feel irritable with no motivation what so ever", "i did feel that the ending was a bit rushed and i do wonder if i might have missed certain signs but its a small thing when the story happens to be addictive and you dont notice the time passing by", "i suspect that it will really appeal to christian readers but as an atheist i ended up feeling insulted by its religious message and its treatment of the topic", "i am feeling rather bitter and rather defeated over a multitude of subjects but lets talk about the main one", "i feel equally morally outraged regardless of whether its michigans or new yorks governor sleeping with prostitutes behind his wifes and daughters backs", "i was feeling like i said humour gets me through im one of those people who even if i spoke about my issues no one would be too bothered or would care that thought was in my head and wasnt true that way of being like i dont want to burden you sort of thing", "i feel was where i fucked up a bit and something i wish i could change", "i have a lot of feelings of love and warmth for her but sometimes i think i tortured her", "i feel very dissatisfied with myself", "i can remember when cammie was a couple of months old looking at her sweet innocent face and just sobbing thinking about her going to school the thought that someone would hurt her feelings be unkind to her be unfair to her the thought that a teacher might be mean to her or not love her" ]
[ "i was younger i used to feel homesick", "i feel like i m always the one getting punished for stupid things and i feel like i m being chastised for behaving", "i keep finding all these people who make me feel so terrible about life", "i am feeling incredibly restless", "i hurt so bad i feel like i am finally getting punished for thinking the way i do and feeling so damn restless", "i usually start feeling anxious", "i feel a strange sense of legacy", "i always seem to have some kind of life upheaval or additional work stress that makes it hard to feel thrilled about the upcoming holidays", "i am feeling miserable but c i am also the proudest mum on earth", "im feeling so so insecure", "i feel i cant be disturbed to lift upon with hold up anymore it seems as if i dont know what to do or what i m vital for", "i feel so uptight around my family", "ill feel so troubled over the most trivial matters", "i began to feel isolated frustrated and of low esteem", "i feel rubbish today having a bad cold and cough really isn t ideal and the thought of attempting to leave the sofa fil", "i stop feeling so depressed and", "i feel like i don t have anything to say that is worthwhile to others and i don t want to bother people with my worthless thoughts", "i feel its a reminder that im taking care of something so precious and need to treat myself better", "im feeling so emotional today", "i don t feel so exhausted all the time", "im also still feeling whiney as hell so its possible i could rant a bit today", "i may feel relieved or satisfied but i am probably not having fun", "i feel really devastated and i feel like i can t breathe", "i feel so empty and cold inside", "i feel awful when reading someones emotional posts especially when i am was having mine", "im honest when i say a part of me feels tortured as though this is part of the system of function in your life the one that allows you to order and manipulate people in such a way so that they are lined up and positioned to serve their prupose when you should need them", "i know my feelings being kinda numb pathetic and full of sorrow about a useless thing called love", "i feel dirty and don t know why", "i feel ashamed of you", "i feel guilty and sorry to them", "i could also feel very bad about myself for not being able to keep up", "i was not going to be able to sleep until i knew how it ended and mostly because of another thing which i am not even going to talk about here because it makes me angry all over again and also because i feel horribly neurotic and immature getting upset about it and so we will gloss over that bit", "i have been feeling restless and not quite grounded", "i do not feel assured", "i feel like i cant handle this deployment or that i am miserable", "i feel ugly disgusted and like a pig", "im feeling a but of melancholy today a bit of sadness but i also feel that the sadness is ok", "i feel rejected and i cant find what ive left behind", "i feel like a whore and im ashamed of", "i feel useless hopeless and stupid", "i feel so fucking worthless", "i read cases of sons ignoring their old and helpless parents i feel very unhappy and sad", "i get changed i am feeling insecure", "i feel a lot of shame in not having many romantic relationships in the past", "i look back on that moment of my writing life and feel a bit ashamed that there is a part of me that wants to wrap up the everything theory series and then pack up the story ideas and call it a day", "im feeling discontent with everything and its manifesting itself in destructive self sabotaging ways", "i feel dismayed for them", "i am feeling overwhelmed by daily responsibilities by expectations of my family and job by the demands on my time by my physical tiredness by the feeling that my burdens will overtake me by financial hardships by", "i feel as if someone has bumbed my delicate set up", "i feel as if i havent been very productive over the past six months", "ive been coursing through cycles of happiness to a feeling of being mellow to a feeling of being really depressed to being mellow again and then back to the beginning", "im feeling so restless today", "i havent let myself truley sink into a depressed state of mind feeling like everyone is against me and trusting no one and just basically wanting to die since freshman year", "i feel permanently unimportant and i feel stupid", "i feel remorseful for my dao ness", "im worth something on those days when i feel less than acceptable as a human being", "i feel useless and helpless and broken", "i cant help but feel that i need to be delicate", "i started thinking about all the times that people were jerks and there was nothing really that i could do except go home write unsatisfying angry complaints into the internetsphere and generally feel helpless marginalized and disregarded by society", "i feel very distraught tonight", "i feel rotten and ive forgotten myself", "i feel hopeless and bored", "i couldn t see a future without the pain and i was feeling heartbroken i d gone from being a very happy and active mum doing lots of outdoor activities with my children", "im saying i feel fake", "i live out number two definition which is that i have already had trouble engaging in the evening so now i am feeling as if the reason the aim for which i did this was not achieved and i am now unsuccessful", "i just feel so heartbroken out of loneliness", "i cant blame anything or anyone but myself and ive spent the day feeling miserable crying again whenever i remember realizing it was all my fault", "i feel and oh how my heart broke", "i said it pops up every once in a while that dread but for the most part i m too busy feeling depressed or elated or a horrible mixture of the two to notice it", "i say this because she never truly gets a choice or the freedom to decide what to do with her life which makes it hard not to feel like she got the less dirty end of a really shitty stick", "i could feel this depressed since im always known or labelled to be happy blessed and all", "i cant dos that leave me feeling helpless", "i started feeling hopeless in regards to my health", "ive been feeling immensely overwhelmed", "i feel bad then for not accepting who i am", "i know how you feel i was physically abused as a child by a family member and was beaten by my father til he died when i was and then my older brother beat me til i moved out at", "i do feel sorry for you", "i feel like my life is very rich and fulfilling but i know people look at the way i live and feel some misplaced pity for me", "i am feeling nostalgic more than anything", "ive been feeling delicate this week", "i feel like im not being the joyful me maybe its the hormones just act like how you feel never lie to yourself", "im not feeling like that to be truthful", "i hate struggling to enjoy life but at the same time i feel guilty when i do", "i feel so useless and stupid", "i feel pathetic as if i have no meaning", "ive spent a while with i still cant make good conversation with and feel awkward around", "i would feel like i am doomed to repeat history once more", "i get the pre birthday blues when i spend or weeks feeling slightly melancholy because of all the things i havent done while my life whizzes by", "i feel agitated and anxious and just plain weird", "i do not feel like supporting this country however", "i can feel that they arent supporting me but that doesnt mean i dont want them im my life", "i feel very deprived i feel like i did so many things right amp so many things just went wrong", "i feel sorry for the times that i misjudged it as well as it had to me", "i feel empty and lonely i want to cry but i cant i want to scream and im afraid to", "ive been feeling weepy and sensitive today as time rolls towards the anniversary of my fathers death", "i feel restless in my own pursuits", "i feel like i am alone in this world other days i feel like i am surrounded or being closed in on and just want to be alone", "i feel a sense of relief and also sadness because im ending and my colleagues most anyway have been oh so fab", "i don t think there s a woman around who hasn t felt the angst rosa feels as she deals with the death of her beloved aunt the chasm between her and her father", "i start to feel unsure", "i know that i will never see this place again and that would break my heart had not a thick layer of moss encased it in a thick shell muffling all other sharper feelings pleasant or painful", "i feel like im being really needy", "i feel like everything i have ever valued is now stripped", "ive had little movie star tears come down but the way i feel is not relieved by that", "i always feel so inadequate", "i feel insecure and lack of confidence", "i feel so numb that i wonder whether im still human", "i feel like if you can t admit that you ve always been a little bit weird or a little bit quirky it s just taking yourself too seriously", "im seventy ill desperately want to remember what happened to me every day in high school what classes were hard what teachers were mean who my friends were but it feels pretty unimportant now", "i feel so overwhelmed im nauseous", "i feel like ive hit a sweet spot in life", "im feeling so guilty helpless and hopeless", "i make some of those cracks by the age old system of not sleeping and driving myself insane but i dont have the energy and i dont have that feeling because it feels like ive already devoted my life to working and hacking systems and fucking with numbers for people", "i still feel a bit overwhelmed", "i feel so worthless and ugly a href http afaerytaleinmakebelieve", "im feeling very uncertain about my future", "im feeling quite lethargic somehow today and very worn out lately as i barely have any time to sit down as im constantly on my feet which originally i wasnt complaining about as its helping me lose weight but when youre starting to get poorly its not good to move around a lot", "i feel very numb at the moment", "i have cried in my loneliness and smoked because i felt like i had something that made me feel accepted no matter what and also made me not care about what wasn t family spouse and children", "i have a bad feeling about something that should be respected" ]
i feel all rushed to get ready for tomorrow
[ "i feel petty jealousy or anger yesterday in the face of my wifes happiness and our decision to chaperone a trip with my sons school", "i see women wearing boots i feel envious that i want to curse them", "i know i need sleep feeling dissatisfied with myself for what i ve yet to accomplish instead of glowing with pride at all i ve done", "i often feel dissatisfied when i don t have at least one project going on", "i aimlessly do whatever i feel like doing with no sense of rhyme or reason and get easily distracted and start something else bouncing pointlessly without finishing what i started", "im sure she left feeling angry and unhappy but she also caused members of staff to feel angry aggressive and upset hurt as her final say was a personal attack to say we were awful individuals with bad attitudes", "i started to see a concerning pattern i d rush home at the end of the evening s activities to write out a post sometimes i d be feeling frustrated and flustered while sometimes i was eager and inspired", "i feel as hungers savage tooth and when no dinner is in sight the dinner bells a sound of ruth", "i feel i am too stubborn and resistant for therapy", "im just feeling particularly obnoxious tonight", "i grit my teeth shook my head and spent the next minutes feeling irritated", "im feeling stressed overworked and running on fumes", "ive reserved the right to feel all stubborn and powerless about it", "i feel annoyed but its because im afraid i wont be able to speak well just like them", "i feel i m getting distracted and not real", "im feeling cranky im very defensive about it" ]
[ "i am feeling more creative now and am able to think outside the box a bit and am going to attempt a more adventurous eating plan this week", "i still feel groggy and my stomach is still cramping and im still bleeding from the biopsies i feel like ive been given an opportunity", "i want to go find something to wear for pesach that is ethnic and flowy and perhaps even jingly and makes me feel playful and royal at the same time", "im feeling abit uncertain now", "i feel like i have a headcold and im groggy and even more exhausted today", "i know that i feel awful when i ask my husband to watch audrey just long enough for me to take a shower", "i never feel like i have it perfect sometimes i lean a little too heavy on the work which means more chaos at home and sometimes i lean a little too heavy on the home which means i get a little lonely and cranky", "im feeling oddly festive already", "i threw open my windows for minutes and then we were all freezing so i had to shut them and sat back and enjoyed that feeling of tranquility that only comes in those few minutes precious minutes when everything is spotlessly in order", "i kind of feel fearful of starting", "ive had this urgent feeling to write to you and tell you how the files make me feel but have felt hesitant because of fear as to where it will lead me", "i must say i do feel troubled a href http emillionstars", "ive been feeling a bit shitty about myself these past few days and there has been a sudden drop of self esteem going on", "im feeling a little groggy with a mild headache after a non wild and crazy evening", "i feel a timid six other times a wise sixty six", "i had just bought some stuff in guardian for contests and was feeling a bit too over the top if i grabbed indiscriminately in caring as well", "i feel like an ungrateful ass a href http thisisntcuteanymore", "i was feeling fabulous until friday morning when i started to get these awful cramps at work", "i cant help but wince as i do that feeling an unpleasant tightness in my back and a dull ache in my head since ive opted for resting it against the wall behind me", "im used to being up and around until the wee hours of the morning after changeling so anyone is feeling sociable give me a call im me or stop by", "ive been meeting up many people since this semester but tonight at cinderalla i couldnt help but feeling sorrowful and down", "i were saying that we were feeling overwhelmed with our life right now", "i am going to post my training schedule for the next several months right here so i can refer easily to it or if anyone feel like supporting me and joining me in this", "i wound up driving to him getting butterflies like a teenager when we kissed then feeling rotten for a week after expecting him to call", "ill be whingeing about how much i ache but at least i can feel slightly virtuous about it too", "i am feeling extremely devastated right now because ebloggy does not work just when the mental sewage system is clogged up its diarrhoea time and there is no virtual toilet paper in sight", "i can begin to process the emotions i am also feeling from a pregnancy which would have been welcomed if it had been under different physical conditions but these thoughts are for my next blog", "i know that i shouldn t let people decide my happiness but damn it feels like i either have to risk my happiness to please other people that s how much i hate this school this school is fucking pathetic and doesn t deserve my time and money", "i only have a couple of things left to make and at the start of december i am done and feeling smug", "i wanted but knowing nothing about it i stepped into the candyland of make up looking haggard and left feeling radiant with a bag full of products of course", "im trying to find ways to add more sewing into my schedule without feeling completely overwhelmed", "i hope you feel a little more glamorous after reading todays pinterest loves", "i feel a bit hesitant about the whole thing given my past two experiences and the fact that i m going to start a new novel while i work on my current wip because i feel like it would be cheating to count the words on my current wip even though i m only about words into it", "i am feeling very eager for what my darling has in store for us", "im under a lot of stress and feeling overwhelmed", "i still feel like a kid eager to blow the candle open gifts and all that good stuff", "i need to really appreciate not wearing a coat and feeling the hot sun and going to the pool and eating ice cream", "i wanted it to feel like all these fabulous people at an incredible party fell asleep and when they woke up the place had been a bit overtaken with lush florals and greenery", "i feel a sense of hope and optimism and i am resolved to allow myself to experience these emotions without regret cynicism guilt or embarrassment", "i am feeling overwhelmed by god s grace", "i feel so idiotic all the sudden", "i have to force myself to do it because i am a missionary haha i feel like my personality isn t the perfect one for being a missionary", "i think im mad at myself for just feeling this jaded after only five months of nursing", "i indicated then i was feeling quite overwhelmed with work responsibilities teaching traveling and writing", "i feel desperately unhappy if this is me missing richard then i can t handle it it s too much i ve had enough of it i m a mess i know it s not me i still feel like myself", "i feel after reading allthingsbucks blog which brought tears to my eyes and a lump in my throat and a feeling of not having a worthwhile thing to be upset about that i shouldnt write such a lame blog", "i feel like ive missed my calling to be a vet because i could spend all day every day visiting with gods precious and magnificent creatures", "i told him that maybe i just need time to think how ive been feeling indecisive about things lately", "i feel horrible that i had to cancel on one of my best guy friends but the trip was stressing me out because my babysitting hours got cut and i couldn t afford it", "i feel terrible about it though because i know how much courage it takes to ask", "i really feel disturbed over all this mayhem as i have been to this heavenly vale twice and personally know all the ground realities", "i am now feeling like i want to be the raider that i once was a vital and important part of a team of peers", "i feel brave today heading to amman and beirut by way of istanbul or i feel brave today a href http jessicadickinsongoodman", "i get mad at my brain for slowing down in the summer and i have gotten frustrated that my work doesnt get done and i forget things and on top of it i feel lousy for a good chunk of the year", "i have a feeling if he balks at the soup it will be divine enough for me to finish all by myself", "im happy but i feel all this pressure to do one thing or another amp it makes me unhappy", "i will never forget that walk out of the doctor s office that afternoon feeling so determined not take for granted my health again", "i feel foolish for how much i ve analyzed this one solitary choice to go or not to go", "i am still feeling unhappy and upset about the big changes happened befoe but i know times will heal everything img src http s", "i just feel you so so dont be afraid naega deo apaya hae and pray again dasi neol chajeul su itge sigani heureulsurok gaseumi apawa i need you go back in time dan hanbeon manirado forgive my sins wo doedollil suman itdamyeon i gotong ttawin naegen so so sloth", "i am thankful for not attending therapy but am really no further forward in fact probably feeling more isolated misunderstood and lonely in it", "i didnt feel i had put in half the effort or time and well quite frankly didnt feel like the pressure of it all", "i am left tonight feeling so hopeful for the future of the orphan crisis in this country", "i am going to be happy today i am going to enjoy feeling excited about life joyful eager knowing and empowered", "i prove myself wrong here i am feeling ugly because i made no attempt to get out of my sleeping clothes oh and my eyebrows", "i feel pretty terrified immature and not ready", "i have noticed more symptoms coming back over sleeping and eating feeling lethargic my temper and doing less around the house", "i need to see in the wild before i feel completely satisfied but for now i can say that at least we fulfilled the whalentee", "i feel like life was so flawless for so very long and now i am stressed out and wanting to cry half the time", "i rarely consider the garments i m going to put on every day for the reason that i feel self assured that no matter what i put on my body could make these clothes look excellent", "i can feel the strokes getting harder and faster as i try in vain to find that release", "i actually stop to think about it it makes me feel quite overwhelmed", "i feel like if i continue i ll start the babble and bore the heck out of anyone reading so i ll just try to finish it with a few thankful thoughts", "i wake up feeling exhausted as if the running and hiding had been real", "i have spent the last few weeks feeling sort of uncertain if you will", "i look forward to continuing this challenge and feel so appreciative for the boost to get my nutrition on a healthy track especially for my pregnancy the most important time in my life to be eating healthy", "im out of the game yet but with two weeks left to go and having only been up for a week ive got to say that im feeling discouraged", "im not as low as my much dreaded lowests i have been feeling a zap and strain on fabulous in the last week", "i watch iggy azealea strutting down a desert road in louboutins for her latest music video or rita ora stepping out for a dinner date in a red vivienne westwood gown i cant help but feel as though i would look cooler and feel more satisfied if i channeled their same sense of style", "im at the end of the day and im just exhausted and feeling very discouraged and under appreciated right now", "i think i wake up every day feeling terrified in some way but then i feel totally exhilirated when facing things i ve always been scared to do", "i went to bed and woke up without the fever but with a horrible headache sore throat still ears feeling plugged up and aching all over", "i dont know how to deal with this i feel like its becoming apart if who i am im afraid that im going to associate it with regular things so that i will never forget it", "i can but i feel massively uncomfortable doing it it consumes massive amounts of processing power and i associate it with some very bad situations ive been in recently", "i got outside i beat myself up pretty bad mentally of course for not going with my gut feeling but again i was hesitant b c ive never done this before and that was actually my very st time meeting with a seller and feeling good about a particular property", "i do know is that even though its hard and sometimes we feel inadequate drained and like we cant go any further and just need a break even for a week or two", "i am way less uptight the second time around but i still do feel awkward both at baring myself and at the potential of making anyone else feel uncomfortable", "i feel unwelcome or uncomfortable oh except for that time i pulled the doorknob right out of the cloest door", "i get a slightly warm feeling coming over me and a strange sense of completeness like the feeling you get right afterwards except it s coupled with those thoughts of a one night stand in which you sobered up before she left in the morning", "i actually went into pilates yesterday feeling somewhat remorseful for the shoes i wore that day shoes i often refer to as stinky feet katie shoes", "i wish i had the right language to convey the simultaneous feelings of excitement peaceful enjoyment of country cycling but also being out of my element", "i hope to make blood clots feel unwelcome in my body in any way possible as one of my new years resolutions", "id pop out of the chair feeling like i should be doing something more worthwhile", "i feel like we are pressured into being young beautiful thin and depending on the trend having the girls rejuvenated or butt implants", "i had written a prayer in my journal that morning after meditating on the greatness of our lord in psalm and had written in closing may we feel your tender care today", "i should go to sleep but i m feeling reluctant to let go of the day", "i feel like everything i do i will make a mistake and i will be punished", "i feel joyful somehow i feel lost i do not know whats going on or what i am supposed to do next", "i am feeling less than glam at the moment to be reminded of our lovely nuptials last summer", "i apologize to all the ppl i dragged along with me to see it i feel shamed img src rte emoticons smile embaressed", "i feel as if im a doomed to fail b setting myself up to think that im doomed to fail", "i feel like my fear of end times is gone and i am honestly longing for home more than i ever have in my life", "i feel like nobody is giving me a chance to explain and accept that i am never going to be happy doing what they expect me to do", "i feel distraught worried panicked sick scared sad", "i dont really know why im bothering to do my homework but i get the feeling that it will be in vain", "i don t feel that talented at impacting how things end up at the moment", "i feel so lousy but i shouldnt be focusing on me now", "i am feeling optimistic about doing as much as possible in the next to hours before the kids come home", "i guess these expectations of me being so goddamn perfect have made me feel afraid to change", "i have been stumbling into quote after quote urging me because i really do feel they are meant for me to do away with my hated day job and dedicate my efforts to what matters most", "i left feeling defeated like nothing had been accomplished the day a complete waste of time amp energy", "i feel like a wimpy canoe floating towards a rising tsunami", "i have been a procrastinator i have endless potential and passion inside yet im stuck in the cage of my own soul the unresolved feelings hurt resentment that i hold inside has built up even do i try to build myself back up again", "i ended up changing my clothes and laying in bed with my eyes closed for the next hour and eventually i started to feel better", "i was healthy then this mild but annoying cold ad now a new cold which made me feel just awful for he past day", "im weary i feel burdened and i could definitely use some rest", "i do not know if ill ever get used of feeling inadequate in as much that ive always prided myself to be a person who have somehow already established himself in a cut throat industry where second guessing your expertise and decision can ruin global corporations", "i feel absolutely overwhelmed by it", "i not feel like going shopping afterward i was groggy and felt like a stuffed pig", "i feel like i find this graceful yet sharp peace within myself but then it seems to dissappear so quickly when that peace within the heart that feels like its breaking" ]
i sat with dave atell at first trying not to feel rude while the guys were eating
[ "i must say though i have been feeling pretty violent", "i have a reminder of the joy and peace i feel in his arms i am tortured", "i feel a cold or sore throat coming on i simply use a onguard regime to nip it in the bud", "i am just remembering it now and i should have told him it was birthday but i am such a selfish idiot and was feeling jealous of all the people who met nao", "i see and feel and who knew i could get so angry in putting a key in the lock i want to punch someone s face every single time i put my key in the lock i know that i must keep on going", "i had never read the posts i never would have spent the emotional and mental energy to argue with them in my head or feel irritated by them", "i feel bitter to see what i ve become", "when i failed the entrance exam of the medical school and was studying biochemistry which has no job prospects in zambia", "i started to feel that irritated feeling", "im feeling rushed and like i should have planned certain things this summer that i can no longer do", "im feeling rather cranky and impatient with my little one", "i know exactly how she feels because i hated it so badly i got so depressed i was cutting myself when i got so low i started thinking about suicide i did run away to nyc the farthest place from them where they wouldnt be able to find me", "i feel damn agitated during the speech", "im feeling resentful and persecuted about that whole aspect", "i feel like i cant take it anymore i told my boyfriend and he is furious", "i used to feel as if i would be hated and whatever so i kept quiet about god" ]
[ "i grabbed my shoes no socks too lazy and got on the car and the teacher greeted omg she is so nice i feel really bad", "i for thanksgiving complete with lb suspiciously moist turkey and traditional stuffings and with the final death of thanksgiving i can look around and go ahhh and start enjoying the holidays rather than feeling assaulted by them", "i feel as though i am boring or a bit dull because it is hard to keep up with her energy and i do not want her to get the wrong impression", "i come in contact on a regular basis and the sooner i can figure out how to be kind to them in all situations the sooner they will feel valued appreciated loved and the desire to learn how to pass that kindness on to others as i am learning to do", "i feel it all one of the many standouts from feist s dare i say masterpiece album the reminder broke down the usual barrier between audience and performer", "i like to keep them on hand when i m feeling not so brave or extraordinary", "i guess i feel betrayed because i admired him so much and for someone to do this to his wife and kids just goes beyond the pale", "i feel a spectator to this assumption and amused and wistful that i can t ease all the pain", "ive learned not to depend on nor expect my body to perform but rather keep a flexible hope expectation that i can fulfill my duties despite how i feel im thankful that most people around me have been understanding and flexible right along with me", "i should just let him calm down on his own but then ill feel like a neglectful aunt and i so cant have that", "i had the love of my life in nathan been in love and shit and here was travis and i felt hardly anything and im sitting here feeling doomed that i would never again find someone who would give me that spark", "i feel lethargic and getting pressure between my eyes and i just rfttttttttttsjiowefmklldkavsvdsbtwrsbdvfocxfibjxrklrgrmvaeridubneosdvfrwfd okay stressing doesnt help at all it makes it worse so im trying to be calm", "i feel like texans are some of the most friendly and genuinely kind people you will ever meet but i still have my issues of old attitudes that just don t change nearly quickly enough for my taste", "i feel special now its just fun to say lol amvassago of the i just cant stop laughing when ever i read something and then i see beefy amkris toshibalol amits an epic word so is beef cake amvassago of the nooo", "i feel like it was pathetic myself hellip hellip even if any director saw it they wouldn t want me so rather than a drama i want to try a sitcom", "i left the eagles complex sunday feeling cooper will have the chance to as he told the team when the news broke last week make it right", "i began to feel ok", "i said something familiar such as i would love to be present with you now and i feel too anxious about time", "i don t want to use this space as a political soap box i feel we have reached an important crossroads that may strongly affect the future of our food in this country and possibly in this world", "i feel more confident and have to think less about what i say on the days i avoid english and read french grammar in the morning", "i have been a pro at hiding my true feelings but the cracks are coming through so i am going to repair them and throw myself into being the supporting happy rock again", "i was slicing a knife through a creamy cheesecake and i could imagine exactly how it would feel in my eager mouth", "im listing some reference verses to look up and read to remind you when thoughts and feeling of rejection haunt you that you are a beloved child of god", "i can feel that gentle rhythm imprinted on my skin i vibrates up my arm my stomach clenches my legs squeeze i forget his own leg has somehow ended up between mine", "i dont know i have this one feeling that i feel isolated on twitter well nobody were isolating me i just felt like among those who were having convos together im the only one who keep talking about how i am happy the drama ive been following was updating their new episode", "i am not feeling well or grouchy or lazy ill sometimes forego my bed in favor of our futon couch for a little shut eye", "i was feeling homesick for the annual easter breakfast and service at church this morning at when we left to hike up mt precipice for the sunrise", "i am feeling slightly apprehensive about tomorrow s crim exam that has a hefty weighting of but not to the point where i am sweating buckets or reaching for the razor blades", "i did take a surprise two hour nap this afternoon though and woke up feeling not as exhausted as i did this morning so maybe thats a good sign", "i will adress those issues and attempt to reason with them so they may feel less threatened and more supported and loved", "i feel like i should be spending this precious last half hour of ness and doing something fun and interesting to roll into my new year and by not doing so im letting myself down", "i was sleep was vey irritable and feeling paranoid because i work the oncology dpt of a hospital and feeling paranoiud cancer and through chemo", "i couldnt help but feel a little curious about it though which is what finally led me to plan to rent it this evening", "i feel like i come from a pretty innocent happy go lucky idealistic mindset that i feel like make me not such an ideal candidate to help those in the church fully understand who they are in christ and how they can live for him", "i am feeling pretty confident that on monday i will get up and slip in to the water at masters swim and enjoy my time with everyone there", "i feel that i really ought to assert myself in some way but she smiles a pleasant blonde woman of early middle age young to me and it seems fine to drift on", "i will remember to come to you when i feel beaten and depressed because in faith only can we truly be healed", "i feel this isn t part of the agreement this isn t the casual friendship we built up to make being around each other bearable", "i feel as if it was a way of distracting me from my positive thoughts and i had to work really hard to switch my thoughts around today but i did it", "im used to being up and around until the wee hours of the morning after changeling so anyone is feeling sociable give me a call im me or stop by", "i was feeling quite impressed with myself for taking just eight months to finish just the lyrics for one fairly simple though sufficiently tortured emo song", "i was grateful for each and every one but it still made me feel funny", "i have times when i feel insecure", "i always feel pressured to act normal with my eating around family at christmas so yeah ill need to lose weight to be comfortable eating dessert and stuff then", "i was hanging out with zach at one point and there was this girl that i have very strong feelings about and zach said ok i m gonna give you this song", "i have some great friends who help me deal with my issues because you cant always leave your baggage at the door see offspring feelings you guys know who you are and thanks again for being supportive", "i typically do not engage the children on my walks in this manner but today i m feeling a little curious and more silly than usual so i persist with my question", "i still enjoy it because i do not feel like i am being beaten over the head with a you are dumb and can t figure this out on your own stick", "im in the middle of my conversion to understanding the gospel and sometimes it feels very much like an identity crisis so please bear with me as i am very timid in this new role and life", "i dont need that sense of social approval that i craved right now i dont even feel that aching guilt that so often gave me headaches", "i wish i can wake up and find peace see little kids flying their kites catch hope and not only feel it but taste how delicious a four letter word can give me the shelter i need", "im not planning to get hammered i warned feeling virtuous", "i dont want another monday where i have to feel defeated and know i have to start dieting again because i blew it", "i was feeling pretty crampy", "i was young but i cant get that feeling back shes got a killers grin on and maybe im just too jaded now and i wont leave ill try and pretend cause weve got nothing to lose but time so here we go again", "i did not feel like an intruder or at least as an unwelcome one", "i knew i was shaking for many reasons a big one being since this cyst drama started i get so cold so fast and feel drained", "i can t decide whether to go with low hung or low slung feel free to leave a preference in comments and i m aware i ve now moved on from death to embalming", "i may be smitten or shy and i might even bat my eyelashes a few times and smile because i just cant help but feel charmed by you", "i ahem guess i havent been feeling compassionate", "i look upon one of the main reasons wherefore guys feel that they have to one or the other be rich or have some crazy ableness or be a jerk to breed women is because that is which we see whenever we look forward television or on any other indulgent of media", "i remember feeling equally dazed and road rollered when the twins came home and that was with the pee and poo all neatly tied up in diapers", "i havent exactly gone for a spin around the block yet since id feel strange strapping in a teddy bear in place of a baby but it looks nice and sturdy and like it will do the trick", "i am sure that if another group came along that made her feel less like pluto and more like the sun that she would shift her own focus to where her input was valued", "i agree with that overall life philosophy but sometimes people and even kids need their negative emotions acknowledged so that they don t feel ignored and negated in what they are truly feeling", "i choose mouse because i feel cute as of now that i am i tripped over the piles of sand repeatedly while vigorously directing", "i got into the house feeling fairly calm the photographer is weaving his way in and out of bridesmaids doing touch ups my dad is telling a story my mom is running in and out of the house i manage to go through my list before the bridesmaids start clamoring for the dress", "i was feeling disheartened when going on dates because i didn t feel i was meeting anyone i clicked with or would consider a long term relationship with", "im not sure your going to feel so gracious in return", "ive had that vomity shocked feeling from jealousy before and its not something you want to keep feeling and its definitely something you want to get resolved as soon as possible", "i confess to struggling this weekend many times at the end of the day i would feel sad and whine to my af adorable fiance that i waaaant to eaaaat", "i was starting to feel alarmed", "i could compare john fullbright to a lot of people to try to give you some reference points but i feel like that does him a disservice as soon as you think oh hes like fill in the blank suddenly hes not", "i also remember feeling like all eyes were on me all the time and not in a glamorous way and i hated it", "i felt i handled it okay but the class really began to feel like instead of caring about the subject matter it was turning into a fight for my grade", "i have a hard time caring about the family of the main characters although the early seasons close attachment to dons marriage made bettys stories feel worthwhile because she was being lied to be an identify thief", "i was way up ahead of raphael and laiya jennifer had stayed behind to watch our stuff since i was feeling particularly energetic and scampering up the mountain", "i was coming back to the couch was tough but i was feeling ok about it", "ive been judged and looked down on more times that i can count for being too many shades of grey having too many feelings and being too gentle in a world that will walk all over you given the chance", "i simply feel it is important to be presented well in front of others and when one is asked about himself there should be evident support in why he thinks so of himself as for any type of discussions during which perspectives on a topic are being exchanged", "i lay myself raw and bare and let the enemies attack me for feeling so emotional over something they feel is silly because i want to be honest with myself and others", "i nearly called an ambulance feel a bit shaken up saw the doc who has given me some diazepam which im not sure of takeing", "i need to eat bread for breakfast and constantly feel the need to snack or munch on something sweet or savory by pm", "i found out in a nutshell at this time you are feeling uptight and you are urgently in need of rest and relaxation but perhaps even more than that you need to overcome that feeling that you have been hard done by and treated with a complete lack of consideration", "i stayed for a short while but feeling like he didnt need me anymore and having my own emotional drainage to work through i decided i needed to go home", "i was really uncomfortable but i got over that because it did make me feel pretty once i put everything else together", "i mean my feelings are always sincere i just think part of me tends to repress certain things in order to somehow lessen the blow that will eventually hit when the relationship ends", "i feel like if you can t admit that you ve always been a little bit weird or a little bit quirky it s just taking yourself too seriously", "i might do some self analysis just to maybe show you all how to do it yourselves if you want to or i ll talk about certain activities or exercises that will help you feel better or become a better person", "i remember when this was all feels the most generous place for charitable donations in the uk is andover thats the last sodding time im having dinner here at the nuclear plant staff canteen", "i feel inside cause life is like a game sometimes but then you came around me the walls just disappeared nothing to surround me and keep me from my fears im unprotected see how ive opened up oh youve made me trust cause ive never felt like this before im naked around you does it show", "i told my baby to kick or move so that daddy can feel you like i always do and of course my cute little cupcake did as i told and hubby woke up from his sleep and we just laughed", "i would experience this a number of times later in life but this was my first experience with an icky racism that prevails in all cultures and skin colors around the world it made me feel dirty", "i look back on that moment of my writing life and feel a bit ashamed that there is a part of me that wants to wrap up the everything theory series and then pack up the story ideas and call it a day", "i am a nameless mid s bottom law school graduate who finds himself marginally attached and awash in a sea of overeducated but underpaid indentured peers who feel and were duped by the promise of a better life through debt and modern chemistry", "i began to feel woeful as i stared into the abyss of goal less task less list less ness but luckily huda came to the rescue with in", "i should somehow feel hesitant about that", "i feel his loss too chakotay reassured then silently approached her and enveloped her in a hug", "i sit here at munching on vegetables hummus and ranch i am feeling very distraught", "i asked her why she thought of us after having no contact for years she simply said i have been having a feeling to find a little boy for you family and i just know this little guy is perfect for you", "i didnt feel as intimidated as i had felt at the beginning of class", "i did feel complacent that now in britain with the immediate rain life would be that little bit more familiar but nonetheless i have the memories the photos and now i have a goal to work for my gap year and i would be working on that as early as saturday when i would be earning", "i left the meeting feeling a little hesitant about the situation", "im feeling kind of naughty", "i was hoping by then i would feel ok", "i know that when i am feeling distraught or moody i can depend on you two to put a smile back on my face", "i am not a good cook mind u i feel contented everytime i got to prepare simple and humble dishes that can be eaten by all", "i get the feeling that im butchering a feeling that was as delicate as it was wordless but so be it", "i also wear them when im wearing a dress that makes me feel slutty feels like those antique underwears but obviously a little bit more edgy or maybe a little bit more than a little bit", "i wind up feeling like the butt end of some divine comedy and somewhere in the universe the muses are all having a good laugh at my expense", "i wish that i didnt feel the way i do i wear my heart on my sleeve you have to believe the things i say arent in vain believe me theyre true", "i feel a bit rotten putting a post about teaching into the stones tag list for this blog its not really a grumble or groan subject for me to be honest", "i could sit for hours with some old friends catching up and just feel like i am in a uber gorgeous", "i didnt feel too much it was just casual", "i were feeling pretty isolated and marginalised and my greatest enemy was the united states which is the only country to have ever deployed a nuclear weapon or two against civilians then i might just want to get one myself", "i believe that what was displayed is a deep emotional yearning for semblance of normality peace since it appears the dancing arabs did not feel threatened by a fully armed soldier", "i wrote it feels slightly strange starting to write this about cambodia as i sit in lax airport waiting to bi", "i feel victimized by the drag on our country with heads in the sand traditionalists i hesitate to call them conservatives for fear of offending real honest to god conservatives who still think the world was created years ago and that stuff like skeletal remains are some kind of hoax", "i recall feeling so welcomed that we returned to woodstock a few months later for a white thanksgiving", "i dont know how to explain to you all the emotions that i felt at that moment but i can assure you of one thing i didnt have to convince myself to feel passionate about dominican republic" ]
i still did not really feel like myself and i kind of hated these pictures but i am soooo glad we took them
[ "i was feeling some irritation and anger feeling being insulted", "i swamp uncaring unfeeling fucked up apathetic humanbeings who wont pull their heads out of their asses long enough to turn around and look at me and say i see you", "i was feeling irritated and slightly upset after this conversation", "i feel that my lifes fucked up", "i personally feel a little offended i put millennia of brainstorming into those particular three vices", "i wonder how it feels to have angered and disappointed millions of people in one morning", "i also love seeing a star emerge and i feel like in a few years everyone is gonna know and i can be one of those people who says obnoxious things like bah", "i got the feeling she hated that that i would not admit it let it in i know ive hated every single obstacle that kept it from her every single leaden block that kept being placed in our once clear path to one anothers arms", "i do love life and i do love to laugh and i enjoy the funny side of things because honestly if i dont look at the funny side of things i would spend the majority of my life feeling pissed off over the stupid things that people do", "i might be able to recreate the feeling when i get back into the cold fog that awaits me tomorrow night", "i feel offended by that statement", "i feel frustrated or impatient", "i hate feeling so despised and detested by someone who i truly care for and completely love", "ive spent years feeling resentful and trying to curb that feeling of resentment", "i feel like this way i would be less bothered", "i thought i would grumpily curse the world and remain angry about oh i don t even really know sometimes it feels like i m angry about absolutely everything" ]
[ "i definitely felt scared which made me feel vulnerable and i hated that", "i feel like im a shitty friend", "i guess the good news is i feel calm now i think i just needed to get this off my chest", "i feel so ugly and ashamed img src http s", "i feel fooled played and now relieved", "i arrived home with a strange feeling of happiness and discontent", "i am feeling a bit gloomy i guess", "im just feeling very delicate today", "i feel it is unfortunate that my companion differs", "im feeling smug that i didnt wear pearls", "i tend to feel humiliated when criticized", "im feeling really lethargic and weird today", "i feel pretty pathetic right now", "i recently lost lbs of the i gained over the past year and i feel fab", "im looking through pictures and feeling the creative tingle in my blood that makes me feel like home", "i am feeling emotional about something or other positive or otherwise", "im feeling pretty on top of things", "i had thought but i feel scared and somewhat trepidatious nervous and sad", "i was feeling super lazy too", "i feel inside cause life is like a game sometimes but then you came around me the walls just disappeared nothing to surround me and keep me from my fears im unprotected see how ive opened up oh youve made me trust cause ive never felt like this before im naked around you does it show", "i feel horrible again today", "im used to feeling empty that i dont know what happiness feels like", "i was trying to think of anywhere else ive been that made me feel so awful awful awful", "i feel like im not being the joyful me maybe its the hormones just act like how you feel never lie to yourself", "i felt really bad because claudia and i have always had an amazing time in la and i could feel that she was disappointed that this trip was not turning out to be as fun and amazing as it could have been", "im not trying to sound so depressed or sad or heartbroken but feeling all shitty once in a while is just human", "i was well and feeling a bit of cabin fever i unwisely convinced spooky to take me to a matin e screening of scott stewarts legion", "i purposely put that statement in the negative to show that im now feeling gun shy", "i feel very amused at that pic", "i resorted to yesterday the post peak day of illness when i was still housebound but feeling agitated and peckish for brew a href http pics", "i walked away from the weekend feeling simply dirty like i had done something really harmful and this feeling more than anything is what overpowers my feeble attempts to justify my actions last weekend", "i was to her in fact so i m taking that as she feels regretful for what she has done", "im just happy to be feeling something because for the last few days ive felt pretty", "i would feel too embarrassed", "i was feeling pretty satisfied with everything and i was eating fairly well also", "i gotta say im feeling pretty impressed with how everything ended up considering my total dollars dropped totaled and i have three small canvases to play with display with", "i was sick of feeling so lethargic all the time", "i write that i feel a bit anxious", "i was in control and now i feel that i have lost it", "i cant help but feel like im doing something dirty", "i feel dirty for loving comments", "i dont know i feel all mellow and normal and good", "i had to have a blood test yesterday so perhaps im feeling particularly fond of it right now because of the doctors needle that was inside of me and the time spent with the dizzy head of a non meat eating nineteen year old female", "i have better things to do than to feel humiliated", "im feeling pretty freakin fab", "i feel quite disturbed about the whole thing and to top it off im feeling shame", "i was thrilled to have that outcome but because i was feeling so crappy i couldn t even celebrate that until i started feeling better which mainly seems to have occurred with an increased dosage of my thyroid replacement hormone and supplemental estrogen", "i was a bit too nervous to focus on the faces and the feeling was not unpleasant i wanted to put in a joke to start with especially since it involved the key note speaker and i thought it was funny", "i feel my repressed emotions surfacing im glad for the solace i can seek in my writing", "i don t know why i should feel humiliated to write about it", "i started to feel a sweet feeling of peace", "i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to express myself in such a way so that i could feel superior and more than others", "i thought i might be lonely and feel isolated without my go to people a short drive away", "i start to feel ugly unloved poor and unhappy", "i spent a few days feeling defeated and wondering how much better i can expect myself to get", "i do not feel remorseful and ask for forgiveness when i know ive done something wrong", "i sort of hate glasses because they make my eyes look small and since huge eyes is all i have going for me it was quite an upset but im hoping these bigger frames will make me feel less paranoid", "i must admit ive been feeling pretty low about it the last couple of weeks", "im moved in ive been feeling kind of gloomy", "i just feel stupid for not realizing what was going on sooner", "i feel like a horrible rotten person for thinking that this is the most isolating thing a woman can go through and some days being tough is not an option", "i feel like this is another one of those dresses that looks really cool from far away but when i take a closer look i dont like it as much", "i feel a bit strange saying it", "ill mention i listed because they make also some kind feelings like those five or i only like them and ive good memories from those songs", "i have been feeling restless lately", "i feel im miserable when i try to do other things", "im feeling shades of foolish", "i came back and for some reason my mind feels blank", "i have been starting to feel drained", "i don t like to feel embarrassed when my kids watch it", "i feel fearful and then actually do that one thing it usually turns out to be a good thing", "i am wearing and feeling confident about myself", "i finally know what it feels like to be heartbroken", "i feel really rotten remind me to be thankful on the good days", "i looked down and feasted on the view of my own legs and knees and memorized the feel of the cars gentle rocking", "i didnt even realise just how out of control i have been feeling lately until i had a week of calm to gain some much needed perspective", "i feel satisfied with it", "i spent wandering around still kinda dazed and not feeling particularly sociable but because id been in hiding for a couple for days and it was getting to be a little unhealthy i made myself go down to the cross and hang out with folks", "i am grateful that i no longer feel a frantic urge to fix the emotional upsets of those around me", "i was still feeling hesitant last night but when i woke up i found that i had made my decision and that the slatebook somewhat to my own surprise was what i wanted", "i feel like a dirty heal and unconformable", "i feel unimportant and undesired", "i am talking purely about feeling here but i just didnt feel that emotional when the boy was killed", "i dont think thats what ill do because i feel its just really awkward", "i don t feel like myself when i am studying probably because i am not studying anything i am passionate about", "i know later when i read this ill feel regretful that ive posted such thing and ill be mad at my self", "i feels acceptable even desirable", "i used to want to get married so i feel a little heartbroken", "i feel unsure or neutral about changing but really does not want to change", "i told im i didnt want him to feel uncomfortable", "i have now and feeling like people think it means im just ok and dont need to talk about jeremy anymore", "im stupid and make me feel like im worthless", "i am feeling rather thrilled", "i got contact lenses the other day and am trying to get used to them i feel like my face looks really weird without glasses and its so strange when i see myself from a distance", "i had envisioned and intended im just feeling unsure whether i got that vision and intention right", "i just need to find ways to feel pretty", "i feel it like a dull ache", "i feel super reassured or that until i move on from this", "i feel fine about that", "i feel thrilled regretful and alarmed by these changes even the fireflies dwindle to black as we speak with the b", "i prove myself wrong here i am feeling ugly because i made no attempt to get out of my sleeping clothes oh and my eyebrows", "i beside see smiling feel very funny", "i can feel more submissive", "i feel like i got to know her a bit and what i did get to know i really liked", "i feel like i was abused raped defiled", "i am feeling contented and pissed at the same time", "i admit to feeling a little foolish when i first arrived", "i liked my keyboard being kicked in my teeth and feeling lousy about myself as a writer but because i want to know how i can improve and wonder what i did wrong to earn only one star", "i feel like im doing something slightly productive even if i have zero follicles in there", "i feel shitty about myself or my work on the heels of feeling great for someone else s accomplishments", "i just had this feeling that i liked him more", "i am feeling better right now", "i feel a sense of relief and also sadness because im ending and my colleagues most anyway have been oh so fab", "i aint happy im feeling glad i got sunshine in a bag im useless but not for long the future is coming on", "i managed to re learn feeling insecure again", "i had lunch with an old friend and it was nice but in general im not feeling energetic", "i feel doubtful and afraid", "i absolutely refuse to feel insecure about how i look anymore", "i mention this one doesn t feel fake", "i remember feeling so calmed and at ease because even though we had just a few minutes of good light i felt your confidence and determination to get the best possible shots and that made all the difference in the world to me" ]
i am feeling a little dissatisfied with my pictures for the last couple of months
[ "i feel especially strongly about this since i have hated my teeth forever i was one of the unlucky ones who got bad genetics and an even worst orthodontist and pediatric dentist", "i feel obnoxious for saying that", "i don t feel stressed", "i think i have a right to know if my neighbour can t see if i m feeling envious or embarrassed or can t tell the difference between the don t walk guy from the walk guy", "i can t even feel outraged by it", "i realised something was wrong when i started to feel everyone hated me and was saying things about me and only wanted to talk to me because they pitied me", "i prevent them from inevitably feeling insulted when i tell them that life here just isn t enough for me anymore", "i am just so sick of feeling hated and lonely and dumb and unloved and forgotten", "i have omitted the link to this article as i feel readers of this blog may be offended by the questionable adult content on the nyps webpage", "i feel betrayed and angry and sad at the same time dammit", "i feel selfish on the days i dont feel well and want to be left alone in my misery", "i feel hated i feel angry i feel very sad i feel like im going to be abandoned i feel angry because i abandoned someone but in reality no one at this age can expect that neither party will be abandoned", "i feel like im the only one there with a brain not to be rude but i refuse to sit with loud and rude people so i sit alone with just myself and a good book", "i made her feel like crap and i said i hated her and i stopped loving her before the summer because shes never home anymore", "i got an overall dark and uncomfortable feeling as we chose to stay until the end as not to disrupt or be rude", "i come home from work too often feeling irritable and it s not fair or loving to dump all that ugliness onto my husband" ]
[ "i could have possibly forgotten that would make me feel as idiotic as last years whole forgot to pack shirts thing did", "i kind of wish i had come up with those thoughts myself rather than feeling the way i do now a lame disciple merely about to regurgitate eva s thoughts on to you all", "i was left feeling a little disappointed since it all started so well and finished a little limply", "i love the rainbow look that i have going on and think that it feels really festive i just hope the kids don t feel like it s suppose to be a constant party in our classroom thanks to the tissue paper balls", "i decided that since things were finally starting to go well but i was still feeling a little uncertain i d give myself a little more time to let the training come together", "ive mostly gotten used to this but being kind of a stubbornly independent person it still feels a little strange at times", "i regret it because i feel shitty that i cant enjoy things if im alone i ended up seeing my brother afterwards who was in baltimore with his new girlfriend and wanted to see me as well as introduce me to her", "i feel some kind of artistic stream in my head", "i is thirteen again and so so unsure of himself and unsure of how he feels about shishido as his senpai although he s always admired him", "i am frankly surprised that you consider the minds of the quorum members weak and susceptible to doubt and furthermore im surprised that you feel that their faith in the church could be shaken by the letter i posted on my blog", "ive done while not writing was had flowers delivered to someone just because brought a meal to a new mom on a day she was feeling overwhelmed and now im stumped trying to remember what has been done", "i didn t expect reps to make me ache really especially as i often lift heavier for more reps but i have to say i can feel my muscles aching already", "i just don t feel i have it in me to get out of bed i can will the dull throbbing of hopelessness to give way and let forth a renewed sensed of hope reflect back on my accomplishments and dig up the inner strength i ve worked so very hard to reestablish", "i attributed this depression to feeling inadequate against the unrealistic ideals of the lds church and while i still hold those ideals somewhat responsible i recognize this pattern of behavior", "im feeling a bit smug that im doing a number of these things already walking and cycling advocacy lots of fruit and veggies and whole grains attending service every sunday", "im feeling all puppy dogs and rainbows when im exhausted yes believe it or not my hour work week can be exhausting too have work piling up and havent been able to do laundry or grocery shop in a week cause i have other things to do", "im a big guy and ive gotten into some of the rigs that weve worked with to try them out and see what they feel like and let me tell you it was less than pleasant", "i feel so inhibited in someone elses kitchen like im painting on someone elses picture", "i feel somewhat disheartened i guess having to submit something lacklustre in just to meet the deadline", "i can see in myself a lot of the older son i m angry at god the father not giving me what i want even though i feel that i ve been pretty faithful to him though i ve screwed up plenty", "i did not know this i could not look out upon the sea and sky without feeling mildly discontent", "i woke up feeling crappy tired and fighting this feeling all day maybe it is all the pollen the barometric pressure i dont know i know i was off kilter", "i never draw on both sides of the pages and like to know i can add to drawings when i feel like it rather than feeling pressured that they have to be finished all in one go", "i can t look at for too long without feeling depressed", "i feel lonely so unbearably crushingly lonely you are not the only one a href http creativeliar", "i feel perfect with you comments img src http sadlovequotesforhim", "i know if ive been feeling quite nostalgic these days and have spent a huge amount of time looking back and remembering", "i feel lousy on what happen", "i feel like an ugly monster where i cannot show who i really am lest i seem weird or just plainly an outcast", "i feel a bit foolish now because in the last years they havent come back to my home town and i have had to travel to england to see them", "i dont recall just now yet vividly recall looking at you as you said it and you i think looking back at me and my feeling very sympathetic or maybe empathetic is the better word of course you needed a space", "i tgt v u but i still feel unhappy", "i am unable to conclude what kind of person i consider myself i can say feeling guilty and uncertain helps me to realize some of my flaws so hopefully i can move forward in my life to think about situations and my words more thoroughly before acting", "i feel like it was just a title mimm fall inspired weekend href http thislifeissparkling", "i don t want to go home to toronto and feel like a nobody tortured artist loser for two weeks and smoke pot alone in my bedroom and watch degrassi junior high and then weep", "i hate feeling like this this is bullshit ok i m so done bye", "i stopped feeling so exhausted a href http provokingbeauty", "i feel more peaceful even though i dont think its very visible yet ive been trying to give less importance to the things that usually bother me like problems of organisation at my school for instance and focus more on trying to be happy and content with small things", "i felt such a resonance with your words i feel so ashamed that my feelings seem to have gotten the better of me", "i pulled out and explained that i couldn t feel my penis or at least feel it with any more feeling than my aching back or throbbing balls or stinging nipples", "i set up a consultation with a therapist last week and i went to see him today i spoke to him about my general feelings towards things and in the end he reassured me that i did not have atlephobia but instead i had social anxiety which is apparently really common", "i mean obviously yes i did a hour round trip to perform for minutes and had a seriously dodgy chinese meal which has left me feeling decidedly delicate but overall i really enjoyed myself", "i feel like i just am so discontent with my work load and with myself", "i feel it in the knot that forms in the back of my throat i feel it in the pit of my stomach i even feel it in my hands as they begin to go numb when my thoughts dwell on the particular shame filled topic", "i stand here i feel empty a class post count link href http mooshilu", "i feel so discontent so guilty so pathetic so lonley and i hate myself for it", "i found myself feeling shaky and dizzy while i exercised and a part of my weight loss could have been due to getting a throat infection", "i sit here just a few hours after seeing this fucking thing and swimming in post traumatic combat shock i am reminded that clich s flaws and feeling like a supporting character in your own movie are what often define our real lives and the world we live in", "i now feel compromised and skeptical of the value of every unit of work i put in", "i have reason to believe that my faith in trusting them has been betrayed by a lie or worse i start to doubt what my heart wants to feel this is where things get messy", "i will get an angled face brush or the eco tools blush brush again and lightly sweep muas pressed powder into the hollows of my cheeks up into my temples and when im feeling brave maybe a little down my nose and on my chin", "i have to admit i feel shaken up", "i feel isolated unnatural yeah i feel tense unnatural yeah i feel uncaring unnatural", "i feel pressured in social situations yes but not as much anymore i love my body enough to not abandon it for the sake of someone else s beliefs", "i don t look beefy even though i m older now i feel dirty i feel like no one would like me because i m no one", "i feel like ive resolved some things in the last week", "i would take days that i would feel low tuck them away and ignore it rather than sitting in it like i had learned to do in the past to get through these moments", "i guess which meant or so i assume no photos no words or no other way to convey what it really feels unless you feels it yourself or khi bi t au th m i bi t th ng ng i b au i rephrase it to a bit more gloomy context unless you are hurt yourself you will never have sympathy for the hurt ones", "i now can t help but feel like i ve been sloughed over like an unwelcome burden kathumped on the ground", "i feel about mcraven at ut not sure div class g plusone data size medium data href http wilcfry", "i feel like my rejected little artist comes by to remind me not to ignore it from time to time", "i now feel almost resigned to the loss of the hopes and dreams i once had", "i feel hesitant to be putting the words on this page feeling like every time i hit a key i am tempting fate to take this away from me", "i was feeling pressured but it looked awful to have my make up on and my dark wig and then my eye brows look so light", "i feel like my creativity is running low like a dying battery", "i looked at my son run up was rubbish dad your step was shocking where were your arms i smiled at him seasons best though i said feeling a tad foolish and i still had two jumps left ground swallow me now", "i just love the polar bear in the back ground feeling a little camera shy at the moment", "i think i just mostly feel uncertain", "i don t always feel like i have amazing style and most days i choose comfort over anything else but there is one thing that i feel makes all the difference in how i feel about myself and that is makeup", "i will feel better for a while that i will find my voice again for a while and that my physical body will continue to deteriorate", "i feel like a graph doesnt show the data accurately enough to be useful", "i feel always a tad bit more troubled at the conclusion with the days due to the fact i really often desire to hit my personal sales aim at the office", "i get changed i am feeling insecure", "i hurt so bad i feel like i am finally getting punished for thinking the way i do and feeling so damn restless", "ive also had a nosy on the website and seeing as its coming up to that time of year and im feeling strangely festive for once ive picked my top five products from the a href http www", "i feel like i liked it but at the same time i feel let down", "i have been sneakily listen to x mas music since the beginning of october but now i feel as if it is a little more socially acceptable to prance around while eartha kitt s version of santa baby blares from my ipod", "i read the book and feel like i am travelling those journeys sometimes i am amazed sometimes i cry sometimes i laugh sometimes i yearn for what is written sometimes i remember my friends my family and the deceased and realise there is so much to do for them", "im sure you could tell we werent feeling too adventurous with the antipasti but i found the mozzarella with the proscuito pretty good", "i wont be totally satisfied until i feel like me and my work actually means something to more than my loyal reading viewing audience", "i am feeling rather delicate due to alot of white wine and a considerable amount of dancing one of my best friends ended up in a amp e due to a fractured wrist caused by excessive dancing", "im glad that peter doesnt feel threatened or concerned by my recent interest in decidedly egalitarian almost feminist christian blogs jonalyn finchers a href http soulation", "i have been in the advertising world for over years and left nyc years ago after working as a creative director at some of the best agencies in the world feeling discouraged demoralized and questioning everything that i thought i love in the world of creativity", "i feel so emotionally drained i really really hate feeling this way and i hate keeping things from people i love and i hate having to pretend everything is normal i want it to be normal and i hate that my happiness is coming from someone else and im so tired i really need a break", "i feel numb the end of the world as we know it and i feel numb a href http leslielandberg", "i am feeling restless for some reason today", "ive been feeling super run down all morning and debated whether or not to leave my usual closed for business type illness post", "i can honestly say that while i havent enjoyed learning the lessons we have learned i do feel as though we have come out stronger and tougher and more loving and more appreciative", "i finished work at am on saturday got home and teased the other half how i was right she was wrong and i fancied roast beef with roast potatoes and the full trimmings i was feeling quite smug with myself", "i feel a little stunned but can t imagine what the folks who were working in the studio up until this morning are feeling", "i am certified via ace and i love what i do but lately i feel like a fake", "i feel weird about my self this doesn t feel like me", "i feel really stressed out", "i feel so emotional when i saw those touch flusher but the position is still on the back when youre in seated position", "i could soon feel quite rejected", "i have to be honest and say that the first two chapters sort of overwhelmed me and i wasnt sure that i was going to be able to follow everything and was feeling kind of dumb", "i fully understand the frustration that many fans are feeling but as a target blank href http twitter", "i feel some people go a little overboard with a cake face or just too much going on and end up looking super unnatural", "i just feel like i dont like supporting walmart because maceys has such good family values and is closed on sundays and isnt trying to take over mom and pop stores but i have to be a smart consumer too", "i help busy overworked mainly but not exclusively women go from feeling overwhelmed frustrated and generally pissed about their health and appearance", "ive been feeling a bit paranoid like its really noticable that im off and that everyone can see that", "i kind of feel like im losing a part of myself as lame as that is to say", "i should feel like there is much to do sure because there is but not so much that im overwhelmed unhappy and not enjoying my time with my family", "i have to admit that i feel skeptical about making these changes and wonder are natural sweeteners any better for your body than refined sugars or are all sugars the same in the end", "i not now creative muse feels so low lack words to haiku for haiku heights prompt confession p", "i tend to have a discomforting feeling or maybe get disturbed but that sense of emotion only plays out the way the book is being interpreted", "im feeling a little saddened and troubled too sorry for a couple of friends who i wish i could give big hugs to", "i had thought but i feel scared and somewhat trepidatious nervous and sad", "im also feeling a gorgeous nail of the day coming up with a concoction of these three when ive soaked my pale bod in some fake browness so watch out for that coming up very soon", "im feeling kind of unwelcome", "i did that at the recent french open with the claret jug so i now feel somewhat reluctant i got close to the claret jug in france as i felt afterwards i want to be able to do that till hopefully win the open and then get to bond it for the next twelve months", "i dont know if i feel thrilled at finally getting to go camping again with people i like and know first time where thats happened", "i have carried around an audre lorde quote that i often refer to when i am feeling fearful or uncertain about things when i dare to be powerful to use my strength in the service of my vision then it becomes less and less important whether i am afraid", "i used to feel guilty about the large portion of my time and income devoted to various craft hobbies but eventually i realised that i am stress busting and its cheaper than therapy", "i feel a sort of sweet relief when i look around and realize that or house looks like a home not a radio shack and that makes me happy", "i always think say now feel a little hesitant i always think say now feel a little hesitant posted on may th by admin", "ive been procrastinating about the post birthday entry and now that its well past the fact it feels somewhat unimportant to even mention", "i feel herpes coming i would be very surprised at this point if i make it out again after my checkup at the clinic on wednesday", "i mentioned previously it has only been over two months i am feeling hopeful that if i am having more positive thought i might be able to forgive her", "ive been feeling very indecisive lately" ]
i was capable of doing the same as of late ive been feeling pretty bitter and depressed and not a lot of gratitude in general
[ "i feel rebellious i wish i could do things legally i cant smoke drink or drive", "i sometimes feel i am being stubborn not out of spite but rather in spite of myself", "i feel the eyes of many turn away disgusted by the self indulgence the audacity of a british woman to admit this point of failure", "i cant do either of these things so i end up trying my hardest to suppress these feelings which makes me irritable and is very tiring", "realizing that a friend had been talked into signing a certain contract", "i am sitting here feeling a bit grumpy moanday blues anyone else feeling this way too", "i attempt to convince others of what they should think and how they truly feel i become a title resentful href http en", "i wanted to get a pumpkin spice latte this morning but it was hot and the last thing i wanted was a hot coffee maybe i am feeling a little bitter", "i feel im really just pissed", "im not the one who feel bothered about this", "i feel incredibly selfish to say it but i was lead to believe i could trust that no matter what i would have the attention and space i needed from the people i felt loved me", "im feeling slightly irritable today", "i were to stop there no doubt you d leave feeling dissatisfied", "i feel frustrated and can t see a way to save it", "i do love life and i do love to laugh and i enjoy the funny side of things because honestly if i dont look at the funny side of things i would spend the majority of my life feeling pissed off over the stupid things that people do", "i should feel bothered that she was spying but i wasn t" ]
[ "i just hate the feeling of being unhappy", "im feeling very uncertain about my future", "i haven t seen that side of him for a couple of years now that hes on some medications may be depression is genetic and thats why i feel so shitty all the time", "i thought about my own depression about the negative thoughts ive had lately and how i can intervene in those thoughts to help myself not feel so depressed", "i wasnt feeling when i got on board but its really not pleasant", "i just feel like i m being a total pushover at the moment which anyone who knows me knows that i m not a pushover generous and willing to give the benefit of the doubt but not a pushover", "i have hurt so much and been told to stop so much that i suppose it all leaked into my brain and now i feel guilty when i hurt", "i am feeling delicate after hogmanay if that s what you are thinking", "i am tired of feeling unloved undesired unappreciated and unsupported", "i stop feeling ok and started to feel pretty awesome", "i drafted this post at least a month ago and now i m feeling quite uncertain about it", "i should stop feeling so lousy about myself", "i just notice what i am doing that is ruining my happy moment because this feelingof discontent is my resistance to receiving love in the genuine way its being delivered", "i started feeling my back aching especially the lower back", "i feel so betrayed and humiliated", "i feel like im being punished for wanting to make some money", "i feel so unimportant today", "i was feeling pretty gloomy when i started writing this it s that dreaded time of year of course i burnt the nd set of cake pops that i was baking and i just lost a game of monopoly that game sucks", "i just feel so useless and utterly worthless", "i feel like i have to dumb myself down in order to communicate effectively", "im feeling quite disillusioned about my weighins", "i feel i am on an emotional roller coaster", "i feel like a hot mess", "i had envisioned and intended im just feeling unsure whether i got that vision and intention right", "i felt ok about not feeling ok", "i am feeling inspired to write a parody piece but not today as i have been in too much of a bad mood", "i feel like a blank sheet", "i was like should i feel sweet or feel offended", "i write this i still have that vaguely spacy feeling and im not sure ill be an effective human being", "i feel empty when i dont have something to care for", "im sitting here feeling very disheartened", "i feel horrible about myself and want to throw in the towel and give up", "i left feeling slightly dazed confused and disappointed", "i feel so useless and idle", "i feel ungrateful and petty if i try and talk to people about it", "i feel the most discouraged lonely and stressed", "i still feel confused and guilty about the whole thing", "i feel i feel drained i feel as if talking to others will finish all my strength", "i can feel my stomach aching and grumbling", "i still feel vulnerable and hurt but its manageable", "i feel really listless right now", "i have thankful for being able to feel thankful after getting through hardship", "i aint happy im feeling glad i got sunshine in a bag im useless but not for long the future is coming on", "i stray i feel the pains of loneliness and discontent", "i feel ugly i mean i m being calle", "i breaking skin feels like and it s not pleasant", "i feel that positive vibe just bashing its way slowly but surely through this door of negativity and yet i feel like its not nearly close enough", "i just don t like to smile don t feel like talking and i don t want to be considerate", "i feel lonely i remember my moms saying", "i feel like i m going to struggle and fail and suffer and be really dumb", "i was feeling very bah humbugish coming out of this year s thanksgiving weekend and was not thinking pleasant christmas thoughts about the gift giving guilt trip conspiracy run by the marketing racket the decorating and the whole thing in general", "im trying to regroup after anatomy as ive been feeling depressed and exhausted for the past three weeks or so", "i started on this day and no matter how well i did i would feel horrible", "im alternating between felling optimistic and feeling doomed", "i feel extremely needy though i dont feel this way too often", "i was feeling bad over it with every passing minute", "i feel as though ive been robbed because much of my summer was not so pleasant and although i started with grand ideas about projects that would be done and structure that would be kept and clever new places that we would go", "i remember when i started feeling homesick", "i feel i cant stop aching", "i am truly unfortunate the majority of the time i m usually drained but i obtain it hard to get from bed i really feel restless and others", "i am feeling mega pathetic and clingy todayyy", "i feel like a worthless ugly fat unattractive piece of shit", "i began to feel distressed and a feeling of sadness and a desire to kill myself", "i just know i feel like i m on potentially shaky ground", "i feel pained if people are making this kind of statement", "i don t recall ever feeling carefree", "i mean i feel like a broke record sometimes", "i feel terrible for having snapped at him", "i feel extremely lost right now", "i feel a little mellow today", "i do feel sorry for you", "i feel broke inside but i won t admit", "i have simply not feel like learning those unimportant stuff", "i have lost touch with the things that i feel passionate about i am getting less spontaneous am living by lists urgh", "i was creating a relationship to counter a self accepted and allowed self definition of being inferior to them which means i was feeling lousy thinking i was less than because i was not being in the limelight of praise of gain", "i feel beaten by it", "i feel discouraged and realize face palm that i need to look at things with a different perspective to be grateful about anything i can find", "i feel so idiotic right now", "i do not like feeling unsure and uncertain", "i dont really care about just because i can and thats what feels rotten", "i feel an aching tiredness that goes down to my core", "i don t know what to feel as in i am not sure should i feel sad cause it is ending or should i feel glad that it is over and i can move on", "id feel very sympathetic but then again its not like what the current situation seems", "ive listened enough to all you people and i just go back to my old ways by taking your advice then in the end i just feel discontent with myself because i cant change my ways that i give up before its over", "i start feeling anxious again", "i feel awful and have had chills on and off day and night", "i just feel more dazed and alone in the end", "i feel rather superior but not in this case", "i was still having some contractions but i was feeling slightly defeated", "i have also known the pain of feeling worthless too broken too scarred to ever span style mso bidi font size", "i feel so humiliated at failing to achieve what i should have", "im definitely feeling remorseful about", "i was back in my hometown feeling unhappy in need of an escape", "i cant blame anything or anyone but myself and ive spent the day feeling miserable crying again whenever i remember realizing it was all my fault", "i could continue feeling awful and crying to all my friends and focus on how wronged i had been and end up feeling worse", "im gonna make you feel just as worthless as you did a few years ago im going to make sure you remember how bad people spoke to you or treated you especially when you needed them", "i do my best but it feels uncomfortable", "i feel horrible having to say not right now so often", "i had to work in one i would not feel quite so affectionate", "i do not feel remorseful and ask for forgiveness when i know ive done something wrong", "ive known that this person has been miserable for years im still feeling pretty shaken", "i started to feel melancholy and uncertain and really missing my son", "i cant help but feel like im doing something dirty", "i am never happy for the things i do have i feel so ungrateful for that", "i was feeling unhappy with my work i joined in with the carping", "i duno i feel as if im doomed for ther rest of mi life", "im under a lot of stress and feeling overwhelmed", "i read listen to music do various other things but am feeling unhappy with myself", "i feel worthless for letting it happen", "i used to feel rejected and like it was my fault as i am overweight", "i would like to take the opportunity to describe one day this week when i was feeling particularly gloomy", "i felt like earlier this year i was starting to feel emotional that it was all over but now its just surreal confusion to be quite honest", "i am just kind of left feeling insecure and uneasy in my own skin", "i have a confession to make and i feel so rotten about this", "i feel i want to be carefree but all that is left inside of me is emtyness", "i mean memories that make me feel dirty and unworthy", "i come out of that fight feeling whipped and saddened and hated for who i am and i have to put on my big girl panties and pretend hey everything s fine even though we re pissy at each other", "i feel hopeless and i realize i have met none of those goals", "i was going through a painful breakup and went looking for anything that would make me feel less anguished", "i feel defeated extremely agitated as well as frustrated beyond words" ]
i really feel like i m wading in dangerous waters here but i think dialog is really important too
[ "i am feeling resentful because i am thinking to myself that she should trust me", "i feel like i should rely entirelly on gods word yet i am impatient to wait", "i haven t done it in a couple years and now i feel like i m at a place where i hated it when i was doing it but i wish i could do it again", "i feel so pissed about myself", "i cant help but feel someones going to end up pissed at me", "i feel less aggravated and upset today i think i realized that its just not worth it it proved to be wasted time and effort pointless and stupid i am fine with not knowing him im uneffected for the time being at least", "i brush it to the side or tuck it behind my ear only to feel a few rebellious strands escape and tickle my cheeks and my lips i realize im not the one in control", "i have loved not feeling rushed here", "i say it when im stressed feeling bitchy when im slacking in the toilet or when i feel constipated", "i went back to work feeling agitated and lazy which transformed into this state where i just yelled i dont know", "i get the feeling that theyll all gel together anyway because im too impatient to wait on change", "i help my daughter when she is feeling angry", "i used to feel as if i would be hated and whatever so i kept quiet about god", "i feel that the students in this classroom are very hostile towards any display of intellect just like the rest of society", "im feeling cranky after taxation", "i feel like ive been terribly wronged and that all is hopeless" ]
[ "i feel sure is greater to those who are not dazzled by the divine radiance and human comradeship seems to grow more intimate and more tender from the sense that we are all exiles on an inhospitable shore", "i feel like the image is compromised and immediately not as successful", "i feel that such knowledge would be abused", "i know i shouldn t compare the relationships but i feel we are so disadvantaged and kept kiddy", "i took the step to start this blog i feel as though i m burdened to be particularly tough", "i felt i handled it okay but the class really began to feel like instead of caring about the subject matter it was turning into a fight for my grade", "i feel very strange today", "im not completely sure my topic is narrow enough and im feeling apprehensive about being able to find half of my sources in print", "i am feeling hmmmmm melancholy", "i ought not come for i stipulation them to feel sorrowful for their skeered rupees which they re assert to the field but i will console for i allusion massou to live", "i be made to feel rotten", "im hoping to find peace with myself and in the world while still feeling the poetry of the tragic", "i have to do what i have to do i feel like a little kid who is being punished by her mother for something she did wrong", "i seriously feel like a prisoner and i feel awfully gloomy when im in school thats why i always want to get out of the gates as early as possible", "i didn t mean to get angry with you bommie i just can t control my feelings hellip i just hated myself why i am like this the dara who can t get over with that b", "i feel like theres so much going on but nothings being resolved nor is revenge even happening", "i do sometimes feel as if i am a little unsure of who i am and how independent i really am", "i feel so beaten down", "i guess this is exactly what being feels like longing to go on adventure but at the same time feeling like you want to settle", "i hit a certain point in the middle and something was revealed that left me feeling so overwhelmingly devastated that i had to set the book down and walk away for a while", "im still feeling very emotional", "i feel like that is where i can make my most valued input and tried to do as much as possible to ensure i did an equal part in the construction", "i feel the other person is unimportant but it is my interpretation see the trend that i have been misunderstood and that instead of wasting time hence the impatience part having them explain what i feel is already a misunderstanding i try to reexplain my intent", "i am feeling so low lately just feeling of hopelessness is very disturbing making me tired and sick entire of living this kind of life", "i feel like an awful lot has happened in the past week or so", "i was so scared of feeling stupid or unintelligent or why i felt like i wasnt smart enough", "i was in control and now i feel that i have lost it", "i kept having this strong feeling of moving into something i stayed and i was punished for not stepping out when i should", "i just feel very cheated and quite frightened that i was invaded like this", "i want to feel respected", "i am just kind of left feeling insecure and uneasy in my own skin", "i find it very hard to feel relaxed for more than hours", "im an introvert by which i mean i get re energized being alone and preferably in a quiet place so times in the crew galley when there are a lot of people in a relatively small place all talking at once can leave me feeling drained and in need of a dark room with nothing but whale noises", "i really needed to hear today i really struggle feeling valuable just staying home i know it is important and that is why i do it but it was great hearing how much my husband values what i do every day", "ive found myself feeling low and at other times sad", "i had been feeling extremely troubled and still am so the note was welcome as roy has a philosophy of life that is very salutary and calming", "i just feel extremely stressed because everything is happening so fast i cant manage to get my head around it", "i feel that i have so much to do to make a positive impact on this world we live in", "i feel very reluctant talking about death", "i feel lousy on what happen", "i feel that i m so pathetic and downright dumb to let people in let them toy with my feelings and then leaving me to clean up this pile of sadness inside me", "i feel gloomy and down", "i feel intimidated by these colleagues of mine", "i am feeling so remorseful now", "im in a strange situation or feeling awkward i sometimes switch into comedian mode a bit of a defence mechanism from my self conscious school days and turned some of the sessions into katrinas minute stand up routine", "i should be dead since ive been out of this for a couple of months but i feel the pain every time i go to reach for that empty bottle i just cannot bear to throw out", "i feel so disturbed i have been having difficulties sleeping", "i lift different now because it hurt so bad the day it happened that i can t get it out of my mind and i feel myself being a bit timid", "i feel so weird about it", "i have faith but don t feel convinced that its if i am on here asking questions", "i think we often feel this way about planting ourselves where we are deeply terrified that if we go too deep into the ground it will be hard to get out again", "i need you i need someone i need to be protected and feel safe i am small now i find myself in a season of no words", "i feel that i am not accepted and am forced to hide this part of who i am", "i want to tell everyone exactly how im feeling but as soon as i start to i feel ten times more pathetic and stop talking", "i feel broke inside but i won t admit", "i really would feel terrible if i didnt let certain people know", "i doubt that anybody will find any black and white solution in it but it definitely puts a new level of understanding on what is happening on our borders right now and should make anyone hurling epithets at immigrant children feel ashamed of themselves but i doubt if it will", "im feeling pretty paranoid and trying to cover the cash and protect my belongings it definitely felt like i was doing something i shouldnt be doing like money laundering or something", "i know and i am eternally torned about it because i feel helpless and useless", "i think i may be feeling sociable", "i feel unprotected even while travelling alone", "i left the place feeling slightly shaken it s hard to read and hear about such things", "i have a feeling it could be an unpleasant experience working with her", "i feel surprised and disturbed actually", "i feel hated and i feel i cant do anything right", "i also feel so awful feeling this way", "i feel that this information is vital to moving on with your day and you re not complete until you read it", "i feel like i must defend my beloved blue hehe", "i feel like i have been emotionally beaten to a pulp", "ive been feeling depressed anxious and unhappy", "i feel very valuable through you all", "i can t get past is that feeling when a friend walks out of your life and you re unsure why that feeling of not being valued or important enough", "i feel is that i cant get far enough away from what feeds melancholy for long enough that it would just wither and die off", "i feel very apprehensive to adopt labels and to even identify myself as queer it seems that im still quite unclear on that subject and it keeps me feeling separate from the queer community like joel", "i normally would call meaningless and stupid but i guess im feeling a little bit adventurous", "i respect his privacy so i wont divulge details of our chat but it got me thinking about the notion of home coz i was feeling a little homesick in the morning and here i was with a total stranger a few thousand miles from singapore but i actually felt at home", "i feel inadequate and i shut down and feel cross with the world", "i feel myself caring and wondering more than them", "i am feeling vulnerable worrying that the publishing world doesn t like my stories and won t like this next one if i write it", "i should somehow feel hesitant about that", "i feel a bit shaken though", "i feel like its at times like these when things seem a little more uncertain that i thank god more for the small things", "i feel so nervous for them", "i think that when we say i feel so alone in this or i feel like i am facing this all alone we dont really mean what we say", "i feel ashamed afraid to let people come over to see my messy house afraid i ll be pulled over and my car towed for my unpaid ticket afraid that blood work will come back with a diagnosis of imminent death", "i don t feel superior to people who have made different choices or threatened by them", "i need to be more upfront about how i feel about how im being valued at work", "im sure ill also feel a bit nervous", "i think it is super nervous for me i always feel not contented and even greedy so when there s a choice that problem would just worsen", "i often feel like i am punished for the strengths i do have which is almost worse than no one even noticing my value", "i have been stumbling into quote after quote urging me because i really do feel they are meant for me to do away with my hated day job and dedicate my efforts to what matters most", "ive never thought i would feel so guilty for trying to protect someones feelings", "i feel pathetic and i want to push myself but the idea of chicken mince wheat free pasta rice spelt bread and fruit sorbet is quite scary", "i commented trying to keep my voice reasonably free from the feelings which gripped me i believe were beaten hendricks", "i feel that there is a clever caption in the making here but im not quite feeling well enough to provide one myself", "i feel so restless so bored and im in danger of giving up on being good at work", "i feel like i am totally trusting someone my soul cannot submit to that and so walls go up and the restlessness never ends", "i feel assaulted by all directions", "i guess im a tough woman but i feel delicate", "i feel like ive lost my mind", "im feeling restless and frustrated right now in that way specific to people who are recovering from illness or injury", "i feel helpless like i want to hurl over and just cave in to the sadness trying to devour me", "ive been consumed by guilt and other feelings of discontent", "im feeling really lonely and feeling like im missing a part of myself", "i really hate that feeling when youre unsure about something", "ive also been feeling depressed lately because of things that even i myself cannot understand", "i guess i sort of believe him but deep down i just feel unsure about the unknown", "ive been meeting up many people since this semester but tonight at cinderalla i couldnt help but feeling sorrowful and down", "i have written i feel suddenly hesitant to post it", "i feel depressed or even short tempered some days", "i do feel a little needy", "ive recently had one of those experiences that left me feeling inadequate", "i can t write because i feel afraid that my silly little thoughts are not enough to help you", "i will tell you honestly that children generally can be very trying for me but when it comes to being a support to help them overcome circumstances and rise above it i feel my experience in that field is valuable and beneficial", "i try to stuff my wildly feeling heart and messy insides safely and politely back where they belong but instead im like the scarecrow from the wizard of oz anxious and undone", "i feel like i have to shy away from triggering some stereotype of a person who will scream and break things because they didnt get to eat their favorite kind of sandwich", "i see are self centered statements about you and your feelings and your looking for a sympathetic ear from anyone that will listen", "i feel we re seeing now is a clash between those who are very alarmed at the changes in our planet and those who are rather laconic about the whole thing", "i don t usually blog when i m feeling this way but i m actually curious to see if i can put it into words", "i feel that this reality is tragic" ]
i always plant a big section of lettuce and i leave it open for those pesky bunnies so that they can feel all rebellious as if they are raiding my garden
[ "i feel twitchy and physically agitated", "i wont feel resentful or smothered or annoyed", "i guess i wont feel too jealous since i often do my mothering at the pool but its nice to have a husband again", "at a certain situation i felt myself neglected and undeservedly harmed", "i only cry when i think how guilty youll make me feel and yes ive fucked up a million reasons for shame and im sorry", "i no longer have that angst inside me the kind of yelping passion and feeling of being wronged or what have you that drove my initial connection to emo", "im feeling a bit bitchy tonight so i will be", "i dont drink green charged water for a few days i feel irritable and disoriented", "i know it seems strange writing to you after all this time and i honestly feel appalled at my behavior as a mother", "i dont really know why but ive also been feeling really rebellious", "i had to stand in front of sinks and odkh milk in front of all the women who were entering the bathroom she said i feel offended and i try hard not to cry took", "i can imagine most young people might feel resentful about the attention their sibling was getting while also feeling guilt at the same time", "i truly feel i am irate", "i ate feeling hateful towards myself because of a number", "i feel like they hated me since then", "i feel the weight of my single dom pulling me under like a dangerous rip tide that is relentlessly surrounding every inch of my body" ]
[ "i surround myself with bible verses that help me to transcend to a space where i feel safe and secure", "i was starting to feel a little stressed", "i get through feeling weepy about it sometimes i get resentful about it", "i feel like not caring", "i m not feeling creative this week since i really love the stories and photos from this week", "i cant help feeling ugly", "i trust you enough to share a pretty humiliating experience remember this and feel honoured as you guffaw at whats to come", "im most expressive when i feel distraught", "i feel that passionate about", "im already rereading what i just wrote and feeling like im portraying my sweet girl as a brat", "i ever feel ugly or ashamed of my body", "i spend obsessing over my decisions and feeling anxious", "i already feel he is using us it feels weird because i havent even done anything there yet but i feel it coming like ministry coming at me", "i feel such morose sentiments floating around my brain", "i am feeling lots of movement now but gar is unsure whether he feels or not", "i head upstream to explore bringing my notebook to write up the events of the day and i soon find running water with some small pools big enough to strip down and throw some water on the ole corpse which feels lovely", "i feel pained by this", "i find myself feeling agitated because of how what the kids are playing i ask myself did i play this way when i was little", "i feel them gnawing out holes all throughout my flawless soul", "i was feeling restless when i stepped into the kitchen to whip up this crunchy sweet treat", "i kinda did steal joshua s customer i feel amused", "i leave the sooner ill feel better", "i feel like i should also mention that there was some content that i wasnt thrilled with either", "i was lured into the idea of the event with the promise of free champagne you know me and a brilliant talk by bestselling author kathy lette but left feeling genuinely inspired and empowered", "i shouldn t feel so apprehensive", "i mean obviously yes i did a hour round trip to perform for minutes and had a seriously dodgy chinese meal which has left me feeling decidedly delicate but overall i really enjoyed myself", "i am not a vegetarian and probably never will but i am feeling increasingly sympathetic towards those who are and towards the animals being slaughtered for our benefits", "i was feeling pretty rotten", "i feel thoroughly virtuous even if the daily trip to the compost bin isn t the most pleasant experience", "i know it will come next week and i will sit in it relish it love it hate it and feel the hurt", "i feel reassured that if something happened to me my guests would be able to easily get the help they need", "i feel like i have a little more control and can help sweet pea better if i know what is ahead", "i went to pick up the kids feeling scared and trembly and very self critical for my stupidity", "i rarely respond to the comments made unless i have what i feel is a very important and specific reason for doing so", "i feel triumphant so deal with it", "i feel humiliated this weekend as my children ran wild", "i read new risen throne once said cold amp desolate soundscapes that will leave you feeling utterly scared amp alone yes it is", "i feel will be warmly welcomed on any floor", "i feel passionate about the subject matter", "ive spent way too much time feeling pain to the point that im frightened to leave myself open to it", "i feel so badly and i know they are suffering so for me to complain about the cold is nonsense i d gladly give them anything i could to help fix the problems there", "i feel like if i continue i ll start the babble and bore the heck out of anyone reading so i ll just try to finish it with a few thankful thoughts", "i feel those submissive feelings ill write down what i was doing or what brought them on", "i feel like i may be veering into some stereotypes pretty soon", "i feel so vulnerable and yet so protective over her", "i feel a gentle tap and find flower child watching me her expression grave", "i do that i feel ashamed of", "i want people to have the same feeling of delighted shock i had when i saw it", "i love this or that it s an unconscious attempt to cover up or remove the deep seated feelings that always accompany the ego the discontent the unhappiness the sense of insufficiency that is so familiar", "i am feeling very eager for what my darling has in store for us", "i must feel loving toward everyone", "i shouldnt make you put yourself in a spot that makes you feel awkward", "i feel curious about this one i think i might fall in love by uncle montagues tales of terror", "i still post them because a i feel neglectful if i dont do anything on a site at least every once in awhile and b", "im so excited thinking that some hot man might see my sweet little pussy this makes me feel so naughty a naught little girl hehehehehe", "i cant continue to be the whipping post for someone who feels lousy about themselves", "i also really hope they feel ashamed as in se asian culture public shaming ie screaming thief after someone is about as bad as stealing", "i just feel more vulnerable than other people", "i am feeling brave we will go somewhere further afield like a walk in the woodlands around a farm to the beach or some other full day activity", "i personally feel you can call a guy slutty and matt", "i have a feeling innocent world and i are going to become great friends", "im feeling generous so there you go with that golden nugget", "i feel like a doll which has been abused", "i do that i d feel regretful", "i feel badly about reneging on my commitment to bring donuts to the faithful at holy family catholic church in columbus ohio", "i love for my girls to have an imagination and read fair tales but i feel strongly that reality is also important", "i forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have the feeling that i am going to get punished for doing something wrong", "i feel no need to offer it though i do feel a bit suspicious in the area of is she doing this just to try and lump all the people who have bothered to argue cogently with her in with the woman hating misogynists", "i might be afraid to leave the house to nurse in public to commit to a social engagement or to wear anything that makes me look worse than i already feel so in honor of fearless friday i invite our newbie mom readers to do something that scares them", "i called myself pro life and voted for perry without knowing this information i would feel betrayed but moreover i would feel that i had betrayed god by supporting a man who mandated a barely year old vaccine for little girls putting them in danger to financially support people close to him", "i feel that this is going to get very messy to get fixed and back on the road again", "im nervous but feeling passionate", "i feel discouraged why should the shadows come why should my heart be lonely and long for heaven heaven and home when when jesus is my portion my constant friend is he oh his eye is on the sparrow and i know he watches watches it over me", "i think the whimsical pop art feel of the place appeals to my artistic sensibilities", "im the solo follower at the moment but i have a feeling theres going to be some terrific stuff on there in no time", "i can offer you that feels loving to you", "i feel very passionate about this because of children reared within the evangelical church leave it before they are", "i feel for the kids of troubled homes and i feel for the ones who could change that around", "i will learn to express my feelings in a way more acceptable", "i feel like im being punished for wanting to make some money", "i constantly worry about their fight against nature as they push the limits of their inner bodies for the determination of their outer existence but i somehow feel reassured", "i feel dirty rel bookmark i feel dirty i feel gross poaching vicarious threads from agtalk but i can t resist", "i have days where i want nothing more than to be unwanted and where i resent the pressure i feel to be and do everything for everyone even my precious children", "i don t want you my reader friends to feel like you need to feel sorry for me", "i feel comfortable here there was a huge niche market waiting to be explored", "i get the feeling of the idiotic girls i see everyday at school", "i feel like i should give it a shout out because it was that delicious", "i feel a bit reluctant to turn to other people", "i feel defeated like a lion s prey", "i listen to the advice of my eating disorder will i actually feel better", "i feel a bit like a naughty kid who went and spent their last pence on a bag full of e numbers guilty", "i am feeling quite fond of my friends", "i feel bore and restless", "i love my tango family sometimes especially when i m feeling ugly and awkward and like an outsider i need something from tango that i can t get when i know everyone at the milonga", "i have a feeling my view isnt going to be very popular and thats fine", "i feel moderately handsome at the minute but as soon as i go out ill look like a twat", "i wander into the depths of the markets because i m feeling curious", "i feel some control over caring for the little ones finances future decisions family tensions tough friendships you name it", "i would say that when they start they will feel really intimidated by the code and how vast everything is", "i feel like a paranoid victim of the system in fear of something learing in the depths", "i don t feel guilty like i m not going to be able to cook for him", "i can t help but think that oakwood must feel unwelcome on our campus", "i feel for the people who dont see its worth or are too afraid to discover it", "i have been out there over the last few weeks i experienced for the first time a feeling of loving the actual act of running of pushing my daughter in the jogger of getting outsprinted by my wife although this would happen if i was in top shape anyway of having cold air nail you in the face", "i talk to dogs as i feel they cannot understand words but they can read emotions and know how to be supportive i decided i should go home", "i visit cantina i leave feeling that the food is lovely but not always worth the price", "i know i ll never commit incest but why it feels so much charming", "i don t know about you but it makes me feel generous", "i feel is a dumb plot idea", "i feel like the most innocent statements can be twisted into something sinister and inaccurate", "i feel like i should go for a run to expend all this idiotic energy but iv decided to do some homework now instead and store the energy for a social event im going to this evening", "i feel like every once in a while i should stop trying to do the smart thing and really go for my dreams", "i have a hunch that in the coming months the republicans will try to tap into this overall feeling of discontent", "i do feel the need for a little break however like you and for something lovely and quiet", "i suddenly feel the desire to press my face against the window and silently scream like a doomed urbanite in one of the myriad of disaster movies that always take place in new york", "i know my willpower is stronger than my behaviour over the weekend and i need to focus on the joy and health that all the great food i brought with me gives and how i couldve if i really wanted to indulge indulged in that great stuff i know its not the same but i would feel amazing", "i know what you feel like that when fake ones come i reject them without even knowing who you are", "i feel that this community s most beloved living our lives gold or silver nest as their grass nest long time ago our house is divided now called the commercial housing", "i feel like i can take on the world and even if it says no to me i wont be afraid and will not be discouraged", "i like to feel that is exactly what i do for my beloved graham" ]
i have this nagging feeling that i fucked everything up on the first try
[ "i feel like i need to make a list leanne would be appalled at the thought so that i dont miss anything", "i loathe it as a gamer said molyneux adding that it just makes me feel insulted", "i would put them and their feelings before mine which is why i said it is mad", "i feel about puppy mills puppy mills are run by greedy people who do not care about the quality of life for animals", "i hate that feeling and its making me antsy and irritable", "i feeling so aggravated about all of this", "i feel bitter about me being like this but then i really am not", "i growled at her i began to feel extremely annoyed with her", "i could understand if a survivor reading this might at first feel offended by my talking about abstract forms of rape", "i cant help feeling like something violent happened as soon as the cameras turned off wish i could find it on youtube", "i havent been sick in the winter very often since i quit smoking years ago so seldom in fact that now when i do get sick i feel outraged hows that for rational thinking", "i started to feel cold", "i feel anger torward those who are greedy", "i feel a mad connection with your body and this is how i decided to kick off side a", "i feel frustrated or the world around me lies shattered i just go and walk in the rain so that no body could see my eyes full of tears this is the delivery system of justice as conceptualized by our courts which we are learning the hard way", "i feel so impatient so easily annoyed so outraged by the blatant defiance that seems to be olivias most prominent characteristic these days" ]
[ "i feel as if it was a way of distracting me from my positive thoughts and i had to work really hard to switch my thoughts around today but i did it", "i feel stupid dumb and unwanted", "i am no longer a virgin with girls i m starting to feel very indecisive once again", "i feel like my meds arent working correctly and idk its weird", "ive been trying to tell you how i feelbut was never very smart", "im feeling like a tortured teen i decided to pile on the neon which was the shizz in my day", "i feel i am wrongly punished or that my misbehavior was unavoidable i am allowed to argue over whether or not i should be punished or how severely", "i feel jaded at some point of time", "i hate these feelings in my heart i hate that work stressed me out i hate that cornelius wont let me get my way im frustrated lord", "i had feeling that if i didn t help that this can turn into a bad scene", "i tuck the fear back into a quiet chamber of my heart to ponder it for another day when i am feeling less brave", "i electrocuted my thumb and i cant type too well because i cant really you know feel some of my fingers as an acceptable excuse for a late paper", "i am feeling really quite disheartened", "i master myself and force some sunshine that i do not feel at all into my voice to indicate that this unfortunate lapse of several minutes is over and we are going to move past it start over try again", "i feel kind of embarrassed writing this that my ladybits must have gotten frozen or something in the swim as it felt like they were numb and didnt thaw out for a good miles", "i really only get inspired to write on this blog when im feeling shitty about life and i guess september being my birth month and all was pretty great", "i came out of there feeling so abused", "i searched long and hard for a bad review telling me that i shouldnt buy into something i feel so apprehensive about but i only found that people loved and swore by f", "i feel as though i am going to be victimized", "i scream every day and every night and no one hears and my face is starting to fall off and i feel anxious and frightened all the time and i don t think i know what anything means anymore", "i was beginning to feel almost jaded by backpacking i guess the endless bouncing around a title comfort v cash my backpacker struggle with overland travel href http www", "i loved my supervisions because i come in feeling like a dumb dumb and leave feeling so heroic as if ive accomplished something huge", "im so going to end up feeling slutty and be like ah", "i had this gut feeling that i was going to be ok", "i feel so repressed with this one now", "i scare myself so much with these dreams wake up feeling out of control and convinced that ive hurt somebody", "i wasnt feeling sociable i really wasnt", "i feel unimportant so inadequate", "i don t mean this to be a serious recollection of feelings only a funny in a not funny sort of way story so let s get back to where the action begins", "i was so scared it wasnt even funny it just made me feel more pathetic and stupid", "i start feeling really lousy but figure it was pregnancy stuff", "i know that i shouldn t let people decide my happiness but damn it feels like i either have to risk my happiness to please other people that s how much i hate this school this school is fucking pathetic and doesn t deserve my time and money", "i feel victimized like im getting robbed", "i knew i was shaking for many reasons a big one being since this cyst drama started i get so cold so fast and feel drained", "im actually feeling a little smug", "i was well and feeling a bit of cabin fever i unwisely convinced spooky to take me to a matin e screening of scott stewarts legion", "i almost feel confused and out of character when i honestly say actually things are going pretty well", "i was so scared that i would walk out from the saloon feeling regretful about cutting my hair because i always miss my old hair when i get a new haircut", "i feel a little bit depressed for that reason alone", "i have this feeling that if i have anymore vigorous sexual activity in the coming yes i misspelt that as cumming days parts of me will begin to fall off", "i feel dirty srcurl http draftbloger", "i say the feeling of being betrayed was never a pleasant feeling to begin with", "i am already feeling like i am being less productive", "ive been feeling for years all the things im so afraid of feeling they got him guilty on six counts he was remanded to jail", "i feel and oh how my heart broke", "i dont think he touched my penis but i just remember feeling very helpless and that trust was violated", "i was still feeling a bit unsure a bit not convinced still a bit frustrated", "the possibility of having failed the examination", "i feel guilty leaving an f", "i am feeling a bit overwhelmed tired anxious etc", "i how he is feeling about the fight i m disappointed and kind of disgusted with myself", "i confess i feel a little apprehensive", "i had moved to my own little flat in london and i was struggling to look after myself which made me feel really useless", "i shouldn t feel so apprehensive", "i was sitting in class on tuesday afternoon and all of a sudden that same feeling came over me a delicious feeling of being slightly out of control and out of my depth a thrill of adrenaline that left me weak and drained yet excited and inquisitive all at once", "im feeling kinda shaky my mind is full of doubt good luck love you", "i was washing the trees hoping it would do some good and concurrently in the general trajectory of my life feeling more and more suspicious of much of the trappings of christianity and even sometimes maybe just kinda or a lot suspicious of its heart and in my head is this song", "i feel as though my body is damaged like everything has just stopped and ive became a little girl again", "i feel the sting of the words as a dull ache and heavy tear ducts not for my miserable highschool life or for having always been the target", "i feel a sense of loss when an extremely talented and passionate engineer who wants to work on certain dsp design eventually takes up a job at a financial number crunching software company only because he did not get the right kind of job", "i don t like feeling that my family damaged me in some way even though they didn t mean it", "i realise im sounding surprisingly like every other person on this site i wish i liked mud wrestling or something a bit more outrageous i feel rather dull and dare i say average", "i read a story that left me feeling confused frustrated and a little angry", "im frightened and feeling paranoid", "i ask myself i think about it myself i feel unhappy", "i hadnt but i told him that it had to be coming soon because i had been feeling all of the symptoms crampy tender tired etc", "i feel like a worthless ugly fat unattractive piece of shit", "ill admit to feeling a little paranoid and wondering about how many others had defriended me", "i honestly hoped for you to wake up one day feeling terrible crying blood whatever", "i feel so regretful and bad that i called in", "i feel very inadequate physically", "im still feeling all wimpy it may be another skip around", "i woke up feeling very disturbed", "i almost always feel awkward", "i am continually having to dig deep within myself to push forward to do more and right now im feeling an awful like its not getting me much of anywhere and all the extra energy has been completely wasted", "i breaking skin feels like and it s not pleasant", "i feel weird about my self this doesn t feel like me", "i woke up feeling alarmed", "i dont feel as carefree as i used to and this worrys me a tad", "i came down into the kitchen of my childhood still in a dream i was like a mini baby on the kitchen table and i told my mother that she should expect to get this kind of a damaged child because she was so narrow and unwilling to feelings and emotional support", "i have been trying to come to terms with my own emotionally damaged thinking but now i almost feel convinced that my thoughts are full of validity", "i can see in myself a lot of the older son i m angry at god the father not giving me what i want even though i feel that i ve been pretty faithful to him though i ve screwed up plenty", "i feel like i ll never be as graceful an", "ive been honestly self indulgent and rather reckless with my consumption of caffeine cigarettes and junk food which combined with the dangerous ingredient of freezing weather has caused me to feel lethargic fat and unfit", "i had it in my head as it relates to the workplace because i had just been irritable to someone a tiny bit lower in status than myself in response to someone who is higher than me making me feel momentarily pressured", "i am feeling fairly uncertain about most things right this moment", "i still feel mentally in the game but a string of unfortunate events most i haven t written about had me sitting on the sidelines temporarily", "i have to say it is making me feel very tender inside like a wound that has scabbed over on the surface but is still raw and unhealed underneath", "im also feeling a bit homesick its hard to think that ive spent this long away from home and that ive got such a short time until i get back", "i feel that she was trying to hurt me", "id always been proud of where im coming from but now sometimes i feel im too dorky boring hipster in the wrong way awkward and then i wonder why dont people feel close to me", "i get this gut feeling or am i just being paranoid", "im feeling very remorseful at the moment", "i was feeling a bit pathetic and sorry for myself", "i feel remorseful about leaving food behind and make an effort to eat at least half of it but after stuffing myself at fruits parlor and eating this hamburger steak and all", "this happened a year when i was having a hard time", "i started university at the age of and although it was incredibly nerve racking i feel organised and determined which is a far cry from the jess of years ago or maybe even for that matter", "i feel so fucking low", "i woke up feeling incredibly content amp optimistic today however i woke up with a terrible cold and a complete lack of energy", "i feel a little inadequate but i just cant seem to keep up", "i want to feel and maybe something i am feeling convinced myself of the nvm state of mind i am in after due deliberations", "i feel this perverse pleasure in knowing how were so much the opposite of everything youre supposed to do", "i started feeling hopeless in regards to my health", "i have also known the pain of feeling worthless too broken too scarred to ever span style mso bidi font size", "i can remember feeling petrified", "i hate or love or feel complacent about what i am working on", "i may not feel hopeful and many days i do not but these truths i must call to mind the lord is my portion therefore i will hope in him", "i m feeling miserable serioulsy", "i wasnt feeling that playful or that drunk", "when i knew about my first job", "i was feeling on the inside my face broke out really bad i had a rash on my eyelids that left them red and peeling thank you harsh pool chemicals and my mouth was i think experiencing some sort of allergic reaction to something i ate", "i am the only bright spot he has now i feel as if i have been burdened with more than i initially thought", "i started out feeling amazing", "im feeling are happiness wholeness and excited anticipation sometimes im reduced to tears and can barely begin to put my feelings into words", "im afraid to call the guy from yesterday because i think hell be angry because i think my boss is angry because i dont communicate with him and i feel like im doing a shitty job and i project my fears onto him", "im feeling a little dazed and confused today", "i feel like this leads me to be not as gentle and kind as i should be", "im feeling pretty shaken at the moment", "i alternated between wishing i would die and then feeling terrified that something would happen to me leaving my newborn son without a mother", "i look at the feelings which i think have in some ways inhibited me from stepping forwards" ]
i can feel she still angry with me
[ "i feel insulted as if he feels he doesn t have to work for my money anymore he can put out anything people will buy it and radio will find something to play just because its him", "i invite him to send me an email detailing all the ways he feels that ive wronged him and i promise to post it unedited outside of names or what not in this blog", "i bet almost each of us though once in their life ever had this kind of feeling called jealous", "i dont know if he ever cheated on me but it does looked like it cause he has known her for years and i appear in his life around that time and it makes me feel mad", "i feel fucked up on the inside", "i feel selfish but she would insist", "i started to feel a lil bit pissed off when i shared out advertorial by creating blog post or sharing in my social networking but there are some other people out there sharing out their adverts by asking people to click on those links", "i truly feel i am irate", "i experience all my normal moods feel annoyed when my year old whines or my baby wants to be held while im making dinner but i no longer feel consumed by these emotions", "im feeling particularly dangerous a chocolate cookie", "i was feeling more and more frustrated with each session he attended", "i didnt start feeling the excitement until the movie was almost over and then it started coming in violent waves", "i feel selfish bringing up our loneliness for a child when i know parents out in newtown are grieving their lost babies", "i really feel i was wronged as a patient", "i feel morally outraged and furious more often than i d like", "i did see some things that i would never have done myself for the movie adaption but feel that if i did not read the book it would not have bothered me" ]
[ "i will reach out to you when i am feeling uncertain and needing the support or the slap upside the head that i know you can provide me", "im not excited to be able to dress in my style and to put on some lipstick but i feel determined to keep this feeling inside me", "i feel really sad that my own girlfriend cannot even open up to me or communicate with me", "i feel strange and weird about this entire struggle am i the only one who deals with this kind of conflict", "i just want someone who ll make feel that i m terrified the one who ll make me crazily say i m in love i m terrified for the first time", "i feel as defeated as i did today i wonder if im doing this parenting thing all wrong", "i feel so emotionally drained i really really hate feeling this way and i hate keeping things from people i love and i hate having to pretend everything is normal i want it to be normal and i hate that my happiness is coming from someone else and im so tired i really need a break", "i feel like they don t think it s sincere when it really is she told us exclusively", "i have to admit i m feeling a little victimized", "i now can t help but feel like i ve been sloughed over like an unwelcome burden kathumped on the ground", "i dont want to make a bad impression with my new co workers in both my job or my lab simply because i just feel so insecure and agitated all the time", "i am fatter because the only thing in my life that can remain under my control is whether or not i get to eat peanut butter on bread when i get home from an impossible day of to first world looking yet third world feeling hell of needy and neglected little girls", "i can honestly say that while i havent enjoyed learning the lessons we have learned i do feel as though we have come out stronger and tougher and more loving and more appreciative", "i dont even think i would be ready to be fuck buddys because if theres emotions from him i would feel horrible when im not giving them back", "i was feeling rather sentimental as i expressed to her how blessed i was that she was my mother and also my best friend", "i want to feel your sweet embrace but dont take that paper bag off your face i love your smile face and eyes damn im good at telling lies", "i spent my days crying with the newborn throwing him in the carseat running kids everywhere dealing with a naughty toddler getting little sleep and generally feeling crappy", "i feel kinda worthless and unwanted at times cuz ive always felt that im the ugliest among all my friends cuz they are so freaking pretty oh dayummm like forever feeling inferior and stuff la", "i try that i just feel that im being judged by eyes that only see me as a weird and vain bastard who thinks so much of himself", "i feel depressed my old sexual demon returns and that banishes my despair in mad displays of wild exhibitionism april part two a href http newrhinegargoyle", "i get the feeling that im butchering a feeling that was as delicate as it was wordless but so be it", "i feel like a divorcee we were together so long and our separation was so messy", "i feel so shitty about wearing you out", "i felt such guilt for being sad for having anger about anything and for feeling less than completely thrilled with my life", "i am a happily married man shows me his wedding ring and i swear i am not hitting on you but i just feel this sweet energy from you like i know you but i dont know you right", "i feel like life was so flawless for so very long and now i am stressed out and wanting to cry half the time", "i feel rejected by someone i love and this has caused me great heartache and pain", "i find myself feeling paranoid that something is going to ruin what could only be described as my fairy tale love affair", "im feeling so embarrassed frightened that i wouldve smashed the window and slid in dukes of hazzard style if it would get garage man to stop glaring at me", "im feeling kind of dumb admitting i was gloating over the fact that i had her now", "i guess i would feel more like joseph with walt trusting me to care for mother and over the finances which he did six months before he died there are times i want to defend my self but god makes me be quiet", "i smoothly hand her a twenty feeling smug that they are both interested", "i feel so disappointed when my ex girlfriend doesn t call me back", "i spent all day the other day feeling very morose because every once in awhile it would hit me that hilmari is dead", "i feel sentimental loyalty just as much as the next average joe you know im just as prone to irrational attachment as any super lucky super prosperous well educated white girl at the exact middle of her life", "i feel less assured that my basic rights are being protected by our political system especially as a woman and every time im disappointed i feel more personal responsibility to produce change", "i knew there were a lot of hormonal things going on in my body too but the uncontrollable crying was still from feeling so uncertain about everything", "i feel most passionate about that arouse my emotions seem to be the things i need to learn something about my emotion tells me there is a need to grow in some direction", "i was speaking a lot of that to myself because well i feel very discontent where i am at in life", "i must say to get to this point where i feel nothing but just friendly feelings towards him takes alot of time", "i know you re only doing this because i want it not because you re feeling submissive or even sexual", "i really cannot do anything can i how does it feel to have such a dumb a daughter", "i didn t need to mention our difference but i was feeling very vulnerable because of the differences and was having a bit of fear that in someway i am doing something wrong", "i spent a lot of my childhood feeling completely frightened of her but i remember a lot of good things too", "i can however tell you that it will hurt you will be humiliated and you will feel wonderful afterwards", "i feel like i should admit to her how many times a week i make pasta for dinner and that i never make my bed at school so shes less impressed or something", "i feel like an idiot for trusting you though", "i am feeling devastated the inner voice within me thats what i name it speaks", "i feel like i am an island of pain and i need to be isolated from them all so i dont contaminate them with my sadness", "i feel reluctant to just leave her alone like that without helping her enough to repay her goodness to me", "i feel more hopeful we re going to at least find out the truth said wendy brown alexa s mother", "i need these crutches but i feel like i cant help it i resigned myself to a position of being miserable so long ago that its taking me baby steps to realize i dont have to be", "i am writing this at a time when i have also had an upset with the only real parent i have had almost constantly in my life and when theres no brothers and sisters around either i am an only child it feels kinda lonely", "i simply said how sorry i am and just got out from her car and got into my house feeling restless", "i get through feeling weepy about it sometimes i get resentful about it", "i forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to feel uncertain about my application within this i reveal that i feel uncertain within myself", "i trained my heart and mind to receive and believe the truth i am feeling rejected but it is only a feeling brought about by my past experiences", "i always want nemo by my side and sleeping without her now feels weird even though it doesnt happen often that i get to", "i remember feeling shocked by the emotions because after all i was pregnant too and at that point we had no reason to think anything was wrong", "i was taught to complain and feel unhappy but it was not until quite recently i clearly understood the importance or gratitude and started to make it important in my life", "i gotta tell you for a while i been feeling gloomed and doomed and some ugly grey clouds been hanging round me", "i was feeling discouraged and disgruntled and i was a href http tracifishbowl", "i am feeling so morose right now i hate how little things like this have enough power to distract me from my day to day life", "im honest i had already began to feel that i liked kiss guy a lot and therefore couldnt use him like that", "i am the only bright spot he has now i feel as if i have been burdened with more than i initially thought", "i tend to feel too empathtic and too remorseful and guilty even about shit i am not a part of", "i vent outrageously with tourette s like unpredictability occasionally leaving behind me a wake of hurt feelings and messy rooms and other not so nice carnage", "i feel defeated extremely agitated as well as frustrated beyond words", "i cried like an effing baby for half the day and just sat in bed again so depressed stressing over the decisions i make and everything is oh so focused on me i feel when really i cant be blamed for this", "i have studied logic and ethics and i know with certainty that the motivation of feeling superior is not an excuse for judgement finger pointing and its eventual consequence hatred and in this case homophobia", "i had the love of my life in nathan been in love and shit and here was travis and i felt hardly anything and im sitting here feeling doomed that i would never again find someone who would give me that spark", "i don t know about you but i m feeling pretty punished myself right about now", "i feel like i do understand my divine nature as a daughter of god but clearly i dont", "i will still feel homesick yes", "i say i wish shed found out the whole score its more because i feel sad at the idea of her finishing up different from me and tommy", "i already did feel deprived when after claire was born i reacted to the epidural and experienced extreme shakes for a couple of hours and was unable to hold her during that special quiet alertness newborns experience", "i wake up feeling like irma my handsome husband always reassures me that i am no irma and that i must take myself off head high to buy some shoes", "i feel myself falling into the pit of buying it from her i think he s for real i m just skeptical of the women", "i understand feeling fond of a toilet it s one of my favourite places in the house but seriously is our daughter more enamoured with the porcelain throne than with us", "i didn t feel like she was totally supportive", "i aspire to capture the manner in which i feel this tension is resolved and why austere and introspective training still has a place alongside study of the method at euskc", "i feel rejected like i dont belong to the circle those circles that i realised i never was comfortable there", "i feel no sense of chivalry or magnanimity whatsoever toward the defeated opposition", "i feel so numb and so asleep yet every single feeling is so sharp and so full of pain", "i feel relieved when she goes to bed because shes worn me out but im always excited to get her out of her crib the next day even when she wakes us up earlier than we want", "i feel like the helpless duckie target for the commies and feds while at other times i want to run and hide", "i may be having a constant dullness and heaviness over my heart that makes me feel restless bored and unsatisfied however i know very well that such feelings are evoked by the time of the month", "i spent a lot of time earlier this year feeling stressed out about capacity and resistant to stretching it because it felt like stretching me", "i always put up a strong front care for others looking into peoples welfare before my own but in the end i feel really shitty", "i feel agitated she said and we continued on to the corner of main and hastings where we saw three or four cops in the middle of a take down and my friend who has an anxiety disorder insisted we get on the wrong bus just to get away", "i feel dont mention food and dont think ur being considerate by noticing my obsession with this and talking to me about", "i continually fight the feeling of jealousy for those who seem successful enough that they have legions of supporters and established indy writing careers but how much of that is a digital illusion and only in my own head i dont know", "i ahem guess i havent been feeling compassionate", "i never feel shy to call or send a billion text messages to and i wont be bugging her", "i have some great friends who help me deal with my issues because you cant always leave your baggage at the door see offspring feelings you guys know who you are and thanks again for being supportive", "i have absolutely no one to turn to when im feeling troubled and im not even exaggerating when i say that", "i didnt say was that strong feelings always make me skeptical at first", "i was told to do it continues and the fact i feel fear frightened correction terrified of what is next", "i feel like she is more embarrassed that anything and cannot just let it go", "i know at this point is im starting to feel doubtful of the decisions i made", "i dont know why but every time i feel like i am doing someone a favor all the time i start to feel burdened and stressed by that", "i feel that horrible helplessness to make things better for them and that feels like it will kill me inside", "i am feeling so ridiculously uncomfortable these days the rising temperatures dont help and i have added wicked heartburn to the list of things keeping me up at night", "i need to get in touch with what i want and how i want to feel did i mention how much i hate people caring for me", "i go to school after having a horrible morning and i feel like i am meing hated on my every and i feel alone and i always have been and i am emotionaly very far away from everyone else", "i feel like they just feel guilty for treating me badly and i dont really want to go back as i wont get on the league proper anyway due to my inability to make every practice and service hours despite being a very good skater and having a good attitude toward the practices i can make", "i feel as though im the most hated kid in school the biggest bitch and other times i just feel popular and loved by everyone", "i cant do a simple math question and guess what i broke down in front of my tuition teacher whom i have known for almost years now feeling pressured and i feel so bad bout myself", "i dunno where that feeling came from and im not terribly keen to feel it again", "i can t help but feel petrified of the future is she ever going to get better", "i feel so discontent so guilty so pathetic so lonley and i hate myself for it", "i was so panicked i didn t feel it when my nails broke against the impenetrable wall of ice leaving red crescents of blood welling up on sensitive skin", "i feel even more beaten down without the encouragement and am afraid i might try to hide from the world in bed feeling like i ve already lost", "i feel so worthless and ugly a href http afaerytaleinmakebelieve", "i feel like im not serving a purpose to anyone whether it be keeping them from committing suicide or just a casual conversation partner at a social gathering i am transported to a dark spot", "i try to feel confident about it but when ever our eyes meet i feel strong like in gym we have the exercise machines and i could only do lbs on average and i always wanted to do", "i feel so idiotic for letting you and myself call us best friends", "i was feeling frightened to the core what if my friends laughed at me what if sir was too harsh what if", "i feel devastated betrayed and abandoned i ask for peace and comfort and a new direction", "i feel so dismayed because i still have loads in miniature terms of weird pink clay left and didnt know what to do with it" ]
i feel cold few days
[ "i am put in mind of an odd feeling of vicious cruel natural order here it seems no one is able to escape the town the cycles of predator and victim catching up with anyone trying to elevate themselves out of the mire", "i hope it is because he understands the way i feel i hope he sees what he could miss and is putting the petty negative thoughts aside", "i remember feeling impatient with the endless and convoluted fairy tale that was told throughout the book", "i can sit here and cry and feel wronged but it wont change the outcome", "i feel more irritable and i feel more sensible now than ever", "i am just feeling cranky and blue", "i was feeling so spiteful i brought it up and i saw the hurt in his face", "i do feel jealous sometimes especially when it comes to friends", "i know killing myself solves nothing but the hopelessness and sadness is destroying me slowly and i feel like being selfish might be a good choice", "i love rocking her to sleep at nap time during the day and not feeling rushed or exhausted", "i try to approach this thing called nature which is something im feeling a bit envious about", "i can t imagine that it is a newly developed tendency and the realization that i have made things so much harder on myself over the years leaves me feeling mad at myself", "i didnt really want to talk about it with anyone because its kind of selfish and i feel that id rather ignore it than to be selfish about it", "i hear you loud and clear that this is an important issue for you but in the grand scheme of things i cant help but feel that this is so petty", "im feeling annoyed to add on i dont feel important or whatever shit anymore", "having unwanted attention paid to me in my place of work harrassment and sexual harrassment by another worker disgusted by his implications" ]
[ "i love being able to wear track pants in the day time with the cuffs rolled up with anklets and ballet flats i love being ridiculously warm and feeling smug as i see people struggling with bags with their big coats with pockets like these who needs bags", "ill go because it warms my muscles and i always laugh in the midst of our quirky little inter generational exercise family and after six months im a regular which reminds me that ive accomplished the epic feat of no longer feeling in some way intimidated when i go to the gym", "i did alright in class but a combination of feeling unsuccessful being man handled the stress of late and my horrible week resulted in my almost crying after i finished grappling", "i feel like posting something clever problem is of course im not an extremely clever person", "i feel low energy i m just thirsty", "i can feel it weighing on me filling my thoughts as i try to do homework or help out at special olympics", "i said earlier our bodies have gotten used to the heat and the curiosity of what degrees feels like keeps me eager for the next summer day", "ive been saying things for a number of days that i feel may be too optimistic", "i feel like im craving it and then no matter what i order i just really am not that impressed", "i got to feel carefree on the ice with the cold air nipping my face", "i feel all festive sitting down with my address book and list christmas songs in the background and writing a personal message in each one congratulations on your exam results", "ive been slowly working on my london zine but havent been feeling super inspired", "i came to utah freaking out about not knowing what i was doing with my life feeling less worthwhile because of not going on a mission like every other girl and just being stressed by the daily stresses my life has lovingly given me", "i feel like i m being punished gt gt gt gt gt something which you could have avoided by gosh just being honest", "i feel like the last three months are going to go by super quick because we are going to be moving in a few weeks and then just getting situated and then bam", "i feel a hesitant touch at my back and i lean back into the familiarly small hands", "i am feeling pretty shaky and sad", "i am feeling abused for having wasted hundreds of dollars a year in subsidization for this crap and though im not sure whether or not im mad as hell im surely not going to be taking it anymore", "i feel the sting of the words as a dull ache and heavy tear ducts not for my miserable highschool life or for having always been the target", "i don t feel glamorous anymore kangna ranaut a href http www", "i cant help but feel as though perhaps my perception isnt as keen as i once thought", "i don t always feel like i have amazing style and most days i choose comfort over anything else but there is one thing that i feel makes all the difference in how i feel about myself and that is makeup", "i feel love by sweet little arms wrapped around my legs wet kisses on my face and soft round cheeks on my lips", "i hate to say it but i felt a tinge of this same feeling last week as i watched my beloved red sox fall to the tampa bay devil rays", "i feel like my life has become rather dull it lacks excitement but i feel next year will be different", "im not feeling very festive this year", "i feel like i know who most of them are by now and am starting to develop my likes and dislikes though i have not been keen on the snap evictions they have seemed pretty pointless the first one to go returned and the two webmates made absolutely zero impact on me so they won t be missed", "i am starting to feel a bit disheartened with my progress on my physical tbr there are still boxes of books next to my bed and they are not going away as fast as i want them to", "i now feel almost resigned to the loss of the hopes and dreams i once had", "i am reminded that this heartache im feeling is a gentle nudge", "i am a month later feeling as hurt as i did that november th when i got his email", "i will probably do but for some reason i feel a bit agitated by it all", "i say a little prayer every time i come close to bread these days the diet works though i feel more productive my body shape has changed and i just feel less sluggish", "i started feeling funny and then friday i woke up sick as a dog", "i feel so dumb photographing myself okay i even feel dumb trying to smile for justin", "i just feel like i m being a total pushover at the moment which anyone who knows me knows that i m not a pushover generous and willing to give the benefit of the doubt but not a pushover", "i still feel a little shitty right now as i type this", "i found myself being amazed at how mid s f would feel a tad cool as if perhaps a sweatshirt wouldve been a good idea", "i need to get back to work rewriting an introduction i feel woeful inadequate in writing ill make this short", "i open the file im interested in and for about twenty minutes read fiddle and wonder why im not feeling creative", "i feel very strange today", "i feel more well rested though my sinuses still hurt and my voice isn t quite back to normal", "i feel kind of alone and helpless in", "i cannot feel my lips they are numb and burning", "i have no i am super to think but the small pistil says she has been feeling i am very kind very brave have manliness so much is a href http www", "i feel very numb at the moment", "i leave in four weeks and im starting to feel a little heartbroken at the thought of it", "i told justin a couple days ago that im feeling better physically than i have in a while", "i feel most vigorous while inspiration and motivation grip at my consciousness are also the times when physically i feel most dispirited", "i smile and feels really happy in the same time i feel nervouse and my heart beats faster than usain bolt", "im betraying my youth and class origins here but the working world still feels very strange to me", "i feel very complacent with my experiences here in this program even if i sometimes find the concepts we ve done to be big drags there s still no room for scrutiny", "i end up feeling groggy the rest of the day amp guilty that i didnt get anything done", "i noticed myself feeling victimized resentful fearful ripped off crazy my body reacted with sensations of tension and chaos", "i feel amused and kind of tired still in the morning i", "i feel embarassed humiliated sad miserable a title permanent link to what if i have already fallen in love", "im in a strange situation or feeling awkward i sometimes switch into comedian mode a bit of a defence mechanism from my self conscious school days and turned some of the sessions into katrinas minute stand up routine", "i feel the pain in my vein its oh so vain am i insane", "i did a sketch of mikala and started working on panel four but im feeling particularly drained tonight", "i always feeling strange internal feeling like continuous wailing of siren in my head and when nobody hears i couldnt help crying like a siren when no one heard", "i feel i might have been too gloomy about it", "i never feel like i have it perfect sometimes i lean a little too heavy on the work which means more chaos at home and sometimes i lean a little too heavy on the home which means i get a little lonely and cranky", "i feel anger and love and failure i totally dont get an a in mothering friends and grief and loss and captivity and wonder and awe cannot be ignored", "i think i brag and it feels strange because i still see myself as a little fattie pre teen unworthy of any male attention", "i woke up feeling shaky and nauseous with lots of cramping and pressure in my abdomen and pelvis", "i could feel that strange paralysis all over my body arms and hands except this odd little force field was not holding down my middle fingers forefingers or thumbs", "i think it s to do with the fact that i know i don t have a lot of time to play catch up and also because my free time for the first time in what feels like forever is really my free time", "i feel gloomy and tired", "i feel afraid i hold tighter to my faith and i live one more day and i make it through the rain", "i feel like the apothecary in romeo and juliet an unfortunate comparison perhaps", "i feel useless i don t pay for anything i just sit on the computer and do nothing all day while waiting or sending out resumes", "i feel like ive been held back a lot this summer with soccer and my mom not trusting me", "i still feel shaky but it is gradually getting better i have no idea what is going on", "i was still feeling lousy from the cough and the side effects of chemo were finally kicking in", "i will tell ya i have been following a very norma inspired diet for a week tomorrow and i feel amazing", "i feel like a worthless ugly fat unattractive piece of shit", "im sick of constantly having this betrayed feeling in my stomach the feeling that no matter how much someone says they care about me whether it be a friend or something more they dont seem to have any loyalty no compassion for me or whats hurt me no understanding just arguments", "i think i started to feel a little homesick", "im weary i feel burdened and i could definitely use some rest", "i began my focus on scripture a good hours ago and i still feel like a rejected woman who has no control but the feeling of abandonment has begun to subside", "i woke up feeling fabulous and im sure that half of that stems from the fact that ill be finishing my undergraduate studies in about weeks", "i feel humiliated embarrassed or foolish i will remember that others have felt the same way because of the same kinds of things and i will be kind and helpful and accepting", "ill feel terrible in the end i dont know why i chose to continue being the shoulder for people to cry on or the one reliable person they can always turn to", "i know how i sound and i feel lousy about myself for sounding that way and for feeling the way i sound but i made a good contribution at work today and now the chip is on my shoulder when i think about the mistreatment that i have received", "i am kind of feeling melancholy because of the recent tragedy in bontoc you know when we were there you do get the feeling that every turn is the last turn you are ever going to make in your life", "i feel compassionate toward myself and my bodys new limitations which i need to become accustomed to as time takes me further into middle age and aging", "i could feel how much slower i was on the treadmill but the pace was pleasant and after six days of relative inactivity i was just happy to be running again", "i feel as if i havent been very productive over the past six months", "i feel you i can t take more than mg of seroquel either because the restless leg syndrome keeps me awake all night", "im feeling totally lame for not posting anything in forever and not even checking this blog in forever", "i feel so unloved without you next to me but when im with you", "i have been feeling generally disheartened by my continually plummeting tots score despite the fact that my stats are improving so much", "i last talked to her and now i feel all bouncy again i shall sleep well tonight methinks", "i think i wake up every day feeling terrified in some way but then i feel totally exhilirated when facing things i ve always been scared to do", "i feel so ugly and ashamed img src http s", "i didnt make it to my weight watchers meeting feeling guilty i made sure i had a healthy breakfast consisting of museli yoghurt and fruit", "i sneeze i have dark circles under my eyes i feel miserable really", "i was feeling a bit jaded combination of mixed up feelings not enough sleep and too many big screen presentations i think", "i feel like i just need to rejuvenate myself catch up on some blog posts some work on my etsy shop and catch up on a few tv shows i missed this week", "i sometimes feel a bit unwelcome", "i could feel myself getting weepy strangely my left axilla also ached", "i begin to feel a dull ache in my left side", "i begin to have these doubts my stomach clenches my heart races and i feel fearful", "i feel like an ungrateful ass a href http thisisntcuteanymore", "i was feeling a bit shaky and a bit off centre but i think most of that was worrying about things out of my control", "i imagine that in the end it might feel like you do about not fully loving", "i began to feel very strange", "i feel fine e terminando com eight days a week um ano depois", "i hopped on the scale this morning feeling none too optimistic", "i feel very lonely but thats alright nothing a little tv or music cant fix", "i feel like im sinking and i feel helpless and that makes me even more frustrated", "i cant help feeling a strange variety of relief for that", "i have been given appointments with oncologists and radiologists per protocol following breast cancer surgery i have to admit that i feel strange", "i cant explain how i truly feel but some words that encapsulate some of my me ness currently ecstatic happy bouncy relieved energised in a mood to dance wanting chocolate wanting to socialise right now smiley and about here i lose words that express but bah so emo", "i think i just mostly feel uncertain", "i not feel like going shopping afterward i was groggy and felt like a stuffed pig", "i tell that to has some story about someone who had an awful time conceiving baby but then baby was easy peasy and that just doesnt help me feel better at all", "i feel more confident and have to think less about what i say on the days i avoid english and read french grammar in the morning", "i didnt feel like suffering through a sleepless night especially with my terrible allergies amp amp fever", "i dragged my lazy ass albeit a cute one out of bed this morning i suddenly feel morally superior to everyone else" ]
i look around at the people around me and i feel almost slightly envious about how they have a way of motivating themselves sitting down and studying so hard
[ "i feel like i should be hated and that everything that has happened to me is what i deserve", "i prayed for love for the people that i was feeling bitter towards and that they would find what was best for them", "i feel the vile rising in my throat flipping up the lid on the toilet to let it out", "i feel like i have to fucking go back and clarify every statement so that i dont get people agitated", "i am way behind with my work on the fantasy novel and i feel very frustrated", "i didnt feel the cold up there because we had a fire every night", "i feel like a greedy little traitor i m looking looking among these covers hey little snotface take me", "i feel a little frustrated an ache of longing has settled into my heart the weariness of life his slipped around my shoulders like an unwelcome friend", "i feel i am writing this blog for selfish reasons but i know god can use it for his her purpose", "i am not feeling the love towards myself and that becomes somewhat of a vicious circle resulting in me just feeling lazy complacent and in general just de motivated", "i feel about gift cards they re after thoughts and rude", "i focus on the injustice the anger rises and i feel frustrated because i know i cannot change things on my own", "i don t know if i should be feeling this way because it would seem greedy and not nice to expect someone to splurge on the spur of the moment just because i asked", "i dwell on this matter the more i feel infuriated that i m so lowly thought of", "i guess i feel that the things i wrote about were so petty and small that im kind of embarrassed to go back through them", "im feeling bitchy on saturday" ]
[ "i don t always feel smart sometimes i feel lazy and i want to be doing something else that feels easier", "i feel lighter ive got more energy and im loving the rhythm of our days", "im feeling mentally burdened with many things to get done", "i feel contented small old rich tired and happy", "i feel romantic and passionate toward my partner", "i feel that things are a lot more relaxed than they were maybe years ago", "i feel like i am just starting to understand the blessings that come from being submissive to the will of the father", "i feel so honored that we could be a part of that fundraiser they did very well i am told and we hope to return another time", "i dont want to put to much pressure on myself but i feel like i could make the most amazing year ever", "i dont win a lot of things but i still feel ridiculously lucky", "i had a feeling you were in need of a gorgeous envy", "im really happy but i just feel exhausted", "i feel pretty virtuous about it actually", "i feel a perverse pride in my self control that i managed to stay where i was ordered and not reach for the tempting human flesh so close before us", "ive learned not to depend on nor expect my body to perform but rather keep a flexible hope expectation that i can fulfill my duties despite how i feel im thankful that most people around me have been understanding and flexible right along with me", "i think the reason the discussions feel so lively is that since it is a night course the class is very diverse and large and a bunch of the students are on the older side", "i feel quite naughty but the", "i do not feel bad about it", "i have a feeling he is much more talented than i am", "im feeling a bit smug that im doing a number of these things already walking and cycling advocacy lots of fruit and veggies and whole grains attending service every sunday", "im particularly feeling pressured to act and behave in ways that are culturally accepted and expected of me", "i was constantly amazed by the world building maybe because it came hand in hand with the gripping pace in the books i feel like there are your sections devoted to character your sections devoted to world building and specific small sections devoted to plot", "i feel inspired and eager to press on when the sun shines", "i feel blessed that i am allowed to take things for granted", "i feel joyful somehow i feel lost i do not know whats going on or what i am supposed to do next", "i must say that there were all familiar faces since i go to that church since but there was this feeling that i was shy and i just wanted to stay there with my friend and be clingy with her all through out the meeting", "i feel like hed think that was pretty cool because i certainly do", "i feel so uptight and tense", "i feel radiant bright accomplished and happy", "i mentioned in my last blog that i have started to get the feeling that i have been pressured into studying things i do not like which has also made me into a person i might not fully be", "i wanna go to work feeling bouncy and happy", "i feel more than honoured to be part of this series and join all these wonderful and talented ladies in a celebration of the womanhood", "i also feels at times that i am somewhat socially isolated", "i feel like hiding and i also feel triumphant over apathy", "i feel that were like sweet couple", "i pick out of the air and feel curious about", "i feel good about the project", "i know its not always as great an experience as ive set out here but if youre feeling a bit jaded and would like to remind yourself of what it was about teaching that attracted you in the first place you might like to give it a thought", "i may be feeling more generous than normal but i really think a lot of teams did well in drafting good players at good spots and filling needs", "i am feeling a little lonely", "i feel restless in my own pursuits", "ive been feeling a little defeated maybe even over looked", "i read through the ol feefyefo space i feel amazed at how much i could blabber and how transparent i was with my life", "i need to feel like im accepted and that i matter and that im loved", "i am feeling generous and seasonal", "i have so much going on in my life and am constantly running like crazy i can always steal a quiet moment to acknowledge this child and the overwhelming excitement and anticipation that i feel god is truly faithful and brings everything around", "i was just wondering if that is common and why some girls feel the need to seem less intelligent than they really are", "i wish i can wake up and find peace see little kids flying their kites catch hope and not only feel it but taste how delicious a four letter word can give me the shelter i need", "i dont even know what i am going to write about but the wines been flowing and the dining rooms are playing on pandora so i am feeling cosmopolitian and artistic tonight", "i sit and remember what longing felt like and what denial feels like it is so strange to think i couldnt have changed my own perspective the experience itself created my view of the world", "i feel like each kid left school this year with at least three pieces they were really proud of", "i could just feel the joy rage coming at me for that one but i m glad you re feeling back at it and i m also glad we went to yoga tonight because sometimes you just need to know that you re better than your crossfit coach at side plank img src http s", "i gained admission immediately after college so i feel i m of the privileged ones", "i feel a little bit anxious about it", "i have a good feeling about this so i am excited", "i feel this triumphant pride as i stand at the counter like i am achieving some high level male honor because i am a female doing this a redhead to boot", "i feel this perverse pleasure in knowing how were so much the opposite of everything youre supposed to do", "ive written that blog post and i am feeling even more energetic", "i feel most passionate about that arouse my emotions seem to be the things i need to learn something about my emotion tells me there is a need to grow in some direction", "i feel quite content right now s i mean nothing amazing happened just a stupid frenh competition where im sure i did shit and tutor but i dontt know i feel ok", "i feel like my casual nonchalant attitude is easi", "i am pleased to report that i in many ways i am feeling well", "i would feel the speech is successful if its very uplifting and gives props to the graduating class", "i keep feeling pleasantly surprised at his supportiveness and also his ease in new situations", "i still dont know what to make of it all but somehow i feel even more assured that what i teach works", "im feeling quite positive at the moment", "i feel so delighted when the varsities picked me to be their muse", "i was lured into the idea of the event with the promise of free champagne you know me and a brilliant talk by bestselling author kathy lette but left feeling genuinely inspired and empowered", "i feel more grounded and less fearful", "i also like to share my happiness by spreading a smile at work sometimes i feel like the people i work for are a bit uptight so its nice to add some chatter to lighten the mood", "i will always help others in any way i can but if you don t feel it within you to do the work and to finally learn to love yourself then my help and motivation will be in vain", "i am feeling terrific at the moment", "i most want to do better think harder feel more and be more tender", "i watch her gather her little blocks and tuck them under her belly like a little red hen coo and cuddle her soft baby doll and look with interest at other babies i can t help but feel thrilled that she s our firstborn", "i may not be rich by material standards but i feel very rich because i am grateful for what i have", "i should probably mention so that you aren t feeling left out that the lunch was in celebration of the top participants of the take the lead speech competition another reason to enter the competition the food was delicious and the conversation was amusing", "i constantly worry about their fight against nature as they push the limits of their inner bodies for the determination of their outer existence but i somehow feel reassured", "im not sure what will come of this decision but im feeling excited to participate again", "i shouldn t have been surprised by the amount of courage that these men had but i can t help but feel slightly shocked by it", "i feel like i have a job to do on this planet so as soon as my purpose is determined i plan to try my hardest to fulfill it", "i just sit and feel thankful", "i really like it a lot and think its a great fit for me and i love talking to the patients and trying to help them feel less nervous or at least that someone cares about them for a few minutes", "i feel proud that illinois is a little ahead", "i chefs are all so friendly and make you feel valued", "i feel this way is probably because i am dumb and i try my hardest to cover it up by reading lots and lots of books or you know becoming a doctor", "im feeling hopeful about a great deal of things which is a good thing", "i would always feel amazed at how impacted these and year olds were by this subject", "i should feel contented with what ive now", "i feel for my beloved that is reciprocated", "i prefer to feel valued than just save money i prefer to work with people i know personally", "i have found myself overwhelmed with jealousy and self contempt and i have found myself feeling this towards the lives of my sweet friends and acquaintances as portrayed on social media", "i feel quite glamorous in this dress", "i find that i never stop feeling excited for our company s future", "i know how much work goes into the creation and i feel the author deserves a chance to prove that their work is worthwhile", "i feel invigorated and energized and ready to go out and save the world", "i plodded through this taking far too long but feeling rather virtuous", "im kind of at a stage whereby im feeling disillusioned about being myself", "i want people to have the same feeling of delighted shock i had when i saw it", "i often find myself feeling assaulted by a multitude of sense impressions", "i feel kind of talented right now lol hmmm", "i wonder if i feel under nurtured or needy", "i feel very satisfied to have gone through this challenge", "i cant explain how proud of him i am and the feeling of seeing him so determined each time to win", "i really like in choir the people who i feel are really friends in choir who are sincere to me are not going for the trip and i feel really lost", "i do feel apprehensive and nervous at times about how i am performing with my modules", "i still enjoy it because i do not feel like i am being beaten over the head with a you are dumb and can t figure this out on your own stick", "i wasnt so terribly sore i would feel a bit regretful but theres papers to write and ebony dances to practice for", "i feel fearless when i am right", "i feel like the only intelligent person here right now", "i write on this space i feel quite nostalgic and my mind races back to the good old days when i used this as a daily haven to park my learnings and memories", "i feel the reason were apart of each others lives is because im in his to help him become something to push him to succeed and be successful and happy", "i feel ive been loyal", "im sure there are not actually multiple people looking at this crap right now but basically i feel the urge to share something with the few unfortunate people who are probably as bored at work as i currently am", "i am also posting this because i am trying to work on the writing i want my students to feel passionate about", "i am now feeling more and more confident and with little improvements here and there i know i can be fighting for a top in most races and a spot in the money if i stay the course", "i don t feel agitated some part of me thinks that i ve finally managed to keep my emotions in check", "i am not sure if we should buy more but my hubby and i are feeling pretty impressed", "i feel so smart even though its really easy to do haha", "i feel a little paranoid that i may forget what ive learnt", "i feel a bit stunned actually" ]
i am feeling manipulkated and wronged by my son and its as though he is lucy and i am charlie brown
[ "i want to enter in defiance but coming from a different culture i feel offended that i am not allowed", "i feel offended used and disgusted", "im feeling rather bothered because my physical and mental clock is still in october", "i needed a plan on how to get rid of that feeling it was totally taking over everything i am totally distracted at work with everything i m trying to do in any free time i have in the evenings the projects are taking over my life and the fact that i totally feel burnt out by it all", "i got a feeling that it was rushed to", "i was already packed didn t want to wait around for her to talk to her friend was feeling irritable tired and eventually gave up on trying to go in the first place made me feel more down about my situation", "im feeling a bit bitchy tonight so i will be", "i feel that we are heading for an abyss that has been created by the greedy the too greedy and the far too greedy", "i feel the need to preface this by saying that i am strongly in favor of keeping violent or otherwise inappropriate videogames out of the hands of minors and i believe that this is an issue that parents and the government need to work on together", "i wont do it anymore i wont allow myself to be stressed and feeling rushed and like its all a race to be better and one up", "im being a teenager people and if you feel the need to make sarcastic bitchy comments you can kindly fuck off", "i feel selfish but she would insist", "i don t just mean that the sensations we experience influence our moods i m not simply pointing out that say discomfort in our bodies makes us feel irritable", "i left feeling annoyed and angry thinking that i was the center of some stupid joke", "i often feel resentful of anything that seems good", "i sometimes worry about feeling offended hurt or wrong in what i said when someone makes a nasty reply back but i didnt feel any of that with these people" ]
[ "i sit here writing this i feel unhappy inside", "i feel so bad about it and hes stood there bewildered", "i miss the way he made me feel im at a point now where ive accepted that he betrayed me and i can never go back to him", "i just don t feel as impressed and as happy with things like i used to", "i feel horrible about myself and want to throw in the towel and give up", "i am feeling very shaky", "i will cry in front of my children and feel overwhelmed without a moment s notice", "i feel threatened when other people do not believe that", "i feel incredibly isolated and lonely", "im really lucky to have him as my partner and im really trying hard not to keeping myself busy with other tasks but im really feeling disheartened right now", "ive been feeling a bit shitty about myself these past few days and there has been a sudden drop of self esteem going on", "i get so tired of pretending everything is great and granted things are pretty good yet i am feeling discontent", "i also think its because im so afraid of feeling victimized again", "im feeling clever right now so if anyone attempts to burst my bubble ill just have to burst yours right back by telling your children that you know who is not real", "i mean when i say i used to feel like an ugly brown pair of shoes ask him to change your mind", "i feel pretty crappy complaining about the woes of pregnancy", "im tired of feeling unhappy about things and unmotivated", "i feel the hearts decision to stop caring can it be reversed", "i feel a funny mix of emotions", "i have the feeling i am going to be tortured tonight", "i am feeling a bit doubtful of myself the last couple of weeks", "i know both of them feel threatened by the job i do even after long years but i get really tired of the ganging up i get from them", "i try to stuff my wildly feeling heart and messy insides safely and politely back where they belong but instead im like the scarecrow from the wizard of oz anxious and undone", "i feel now i am not giving all of me to christ and i want to be devoted", "i just feel so awkward and i know i am awkward with them", "i feel so heartbroken but in a silly way of course", "i feel so disturbed and unsettled that i m not sure what to do at this point", "i feel bad not giving due credit", "ive been at the lowest ive ever been feeling really shitty about myself", "ill feel so troubled over the most trivial matters", "i usually feel regretful and guilty after the quarrel usually its me who turns the talk into a quarrel i yell loudly and throw the things beside me with mama", "i dont want to make this blog something that i just whine on all the time but i feel like ive been beaten with a two by four or something", "i feel like i am not accepted here i and bucking this force that is coming from all quarters that tells me that something is wrong with me if i am not married with children", "i tgt v u but i still feel unhappy", "i am struck down by the disease i feel as if i am a fake a person who could not live his truth", "i had to sacrifice my comfort so he wont feel unwelcome", "i am not feeling good pretty much everyday", "i feel so ugly fat and lonely", "i actually begin to feel sorry for him that he has settled for someone like me for life", "i try to hang out with the both of them then i feel like this awkward third wheel", "i was just feeling needy", "i began to feel a bit regretful", "i guess i feel betrayed because i admired him so much and for someone to do this to his wife and kids just goes beyond the pale", "i feel messy and out there", "im hurting because i feel like my friends are no longer supporting me just because im struggling", "i just have to feel threatened to be reminded that i will be saved", "i used to feel rejected and like it was my fault as i am overweight", "i feel worthless for letting it happen", "im feeling shaky and feverish and mad", "i feel ugly to my fellow humans", "i feel like your child is worthless even though they passed the assessments better than anyone who applied with a college education", "i am feeling neglectful i feel like i should have stayed for a month or two but i could not", "i feel terribly like cassandra locking myself in attics and barns to write in beloved journals warmed by my ginger cat mine huckleberry and hers abelard", "i go to my son s conference next week and i am already feeling nervous and apprehensive", "ive been feeling delicate this week", "i sense this is wat has let you feeling unsure", "i sound so entitled but you cant help but to feel disappointed even though you already knew you were going to be", "i love feeling loved but i hate that he seems so devastated", "i feel like the little dorky nerdy kid sitting in his backyard all by himself listening and watching through fence to the little popular kid having his birthday party with all his cool friends that youve always wished were yours", "i wont face these obstacles and feel like a stressed out mess or worse a mommy failure", "i do feel a little bashful about it", "i can feel that they arent supporting me but that doesnt mean i dont want them im my life", "i need to be for myself and the things i feel it is important for my children to know", "i dont know if i cans trust him and i dont know how he feels about trusting me", "i feel so extremely disappointed by you you took me for granted", "i get headaches am easily agitated feel frightened and aggressive", "i find it hard to breathe and sometimes feel a little shaken up by the days events", "i was feeling extremely whiney and lonely and sad", "i do not feel reassured anxiety is on each side", "i feel like i am not special", "i feel like he was miserable because im happy", "i feel so dull when you re not around", "i feel doomed to failure", "i feel a need to suddenly try and change myself to be accepted by", "i feel like the cool mom", "i often times feel helpless in regards to my life s path", "i feel confused and so uncertain of where im even at", "i see myself starting to feel the emotional dependence on my parents i stop and breathe", "i just notice what i am doing that is ruining my happy moment because this feelingof discontent is my resistance to receiving love in the genuine way its being delivered", "i feel like i am being deprived of oxygen", "i feel helpless to regain a safe feeling", "i feel shamed in a way but in another way i just dont care anymmore", "i know are feeling alone", "i started feeling a bit strange", "im at work and hes at school most likely feeling like garbage and suffering through his day when he really should be home snuggled up in bed with his mom making him chicken soup for lunch", "i get through feeling weepy about it sometimes i get resentful about it", "i feel distraught worried panicked sick scared sad", "i feel doubtful and afraid", "i feel it would be too messy", "i am feeling mega pathetic and clingy todayyy", "i feel really disheartened and sad and i tried to call ashley and later tried to call rommel", "im in so much pain and i feel like a useless lump face", "i feel why i am not strong enough to let their negative thoughts and feeling not effect me", "i have mishandled things alongside the rest and im feeling remorseful about it right now as opposed to my very initial reaction of not wanting to care because maybe somewhere deep down in me im hoping things might be like before", "i have a feeling im going to get an unpleasant comment anyway", "i am no longer red it feels weird", "i had been feeling guilty that i had played a part in their breakup and i have been subconsciously trying to figure out what wen wrong and how i could fix it and how i could prevent it and what is the purpose behind it", "i have noticed a strange feeling of discontent encompass my very being", "im feeling a little anxious about the whole thing", "i feel very unwelcome and unwanted everywhere", "ive known that this person has been miserable for years im still feeling pretty shaken", "i feel kind of alone and helpless in", "i feel embarrassed to talk to him at times because i feel very small in those moments like he is doing me a favor and i do not deserve to be given attention", "i asked feeling slightly wimpy", "i feel thats the most tragic human trait", "i feel less valued cause i dont look good", "i write that i feel a bit anxious", "i feel like all the unsuccessful endeavors in my friends lives are my fault", "i feel surprised by how down it makes me", "i feel assaulted by this shit storm of confusion anger and hurt feelings that tsunami d us both away from each other", "i am not always feeling creative", "im feeling awful this afternoon", "i am feeling foolish for taking lb to the e", "i feel like a heap of useless skin", "i should feel all weepy", "i started to feel like a real loser like a poser trying to make himself look cool", "i knew something was off as i have been feeling so bad", "i often look back on my younger years and feel ashamed of the things i have done", "im feeling very sentimental tonight", "i now can t help but feel like i ve been sloughed over like an unwelcome burden kathumped on the ground" ]
im not sure that feeling slightly wronged by the police the sheriff or the tsa is always a bad thing
[ "i was feeling pretty hateful towards my refrigerator as i cleaned it", "i feel frustrated when i have new music and new lyrics that clearly have nothing to do with each other", "i feel that this is neither impatient nor dickish and here are some reasons why", "i feel outraged about this type of thing", "i never thought id feel so much as a jot of sympathy for hussein whom i always viewed as a jumped up petty thug whatever my thoughts may be about actions against his administration", "i still dont know how i feel i hated getting wisconsin plates", "i wanted to say something to her but it was just a bad vibe and i was feeling hostile didnt think it was a good night to do so", "i feel like i m being tortured for government secrets i don t know anything", "im feeling cranky a href http doingaone eighty", "i felt apprehensive in regards to the party oftentimes in the past other men have made me feel resentful towards them when i attended with them", "i get on new years eve but it makes me feel rebellious being underage and all", "i feel irritable as well", "im feeling really really sarcastic caustic or theres been an influx of idiots into my flists daily lives", "i don t feel petty", "i do feel envious of those with kids at certain moments", "i feel like i am i the only one out there who is as angry as i am about suffering such loss about stupid cancer about unfairness about what is even though nothing about it is right" ]
[ "i feel a perverse pride in my self control that i managed to stay where i was ordered and not reach for the tempting human flesh so close before us", "i started feeling like i was being paranoid since it kept happening", "i feel about mcraven at ut not sure div class g plusone data size medium data href http wilcfry", "i feel awful that these thoughts are running around in my head but i can t help it", "i do not worry about every nuance of my day and its presentation to others less little things to worry about and that makes me feel less neurotic overall and less likely to trigger psychotic episodes as well", "i feel fond toward though they may not realize it", "i get through it pretty quickly but it just makes me feel like im not being respected", "i would feel really dumb", "i do feel like ive been a neglectful friend but its due to the fact that i feel like a hinderance so i just stay away", "i don t mean to be rude but i don t feel i want to be troubled with the thoughts right now", "i have some hard core problems and if i tell people about them they will feel sympathetic and consequently they will feel obligated to try to help", "i still end up feeling a bit dazed from sheer sensory overload after spending an extended time in a very crowded area but today it wasnt too bad and the good company more than made up for it", "im in a strange situation or feeling awkward i sometimes switch into comedian mode a bit of a defence mechanism from my self conscious school days and turned some of the sessions into katrinas minute stand up routine", "ive had this urgent feeling to write to you and tell you how the files make me feel but have felt hesitant because of fear as to where it will lead me", "i feel safe and accepted", "im feeling more than a little dazed", "im feeling a little dazed and confused today", "i came away feeling that i should have felt unfortunate or cheated", "i feel pained just thinking about it", "i didn t feel terrific", "i throw it out there the better ill feel heck im paranoid up such a tree brach right now i jumped when a chipmunk crossed my path when i went walking today", "i am afraid that i will feel very regretful at that time", "i feel that positive vibe just bashing its way slowly but surely through this door of negativity and yet i feel like its not nearly close enough", "i mean i am kinda feeling disturbed when subaru is close to me", "i suppose i am a bit on occasion but now ive become this horrible annoying person and i feel so strange about it", "i feel a little bit depressed for that reason alone", "i have some great friends who help me deal with my issues because you cant always leave your baggage at the door see offspring feelings you guys know who you are and thanks again for being supportive", "i have found both in my own life and from coaching hundreds of people during the past years that one of the main things that makes it hard for us to make good decisions is our feelings especially the unpleasant ones such as sadness rejection fear etc", "im glad that peter doesnt feel threatened or concerned by my recent interest in decidedly egalitarian almost feminist christian blogs jonalyn finchers a href http soulation", "i suppose because everyone elses problems are generally much worse than mine so i feel idiotic for not just learning to deal with everything myself", "i may heighten crucial concerns pertaining to expatriates predominantly budgetary but also during the areas i always really feel could be useful and or important or perhaps fascinating", "i feel burdened by my own expectations", "i feel shamed for me being me cuz xxx said that yes sometimes it s hard and its frustrating etc", "i feel uncomfortable with the fact i am so powerless at the moment", "i legislators certainly feel they need this protection given the fact that car bombings blamed on al qaeda in iraq continue to hit iraqi cities and the parliamentary building itself was bombed in by a suicide bomber though not a vehicle bomb", "i am feeling really sad", "i think this may be the reason i would want to fly back to uae because there i can be oblivious of these conflicts that plague me conflicts that i feel helpless resolving", "i could have just paid and rushed off i dont think they could really have stopped me but i was also feeling my submissive sissy emotions bubbling to the surface", "im feeling so doubtful today", "i guess it s all about trying to internalize the serenity prayer without also feeling walked over and abused", "im wrestling with the inclination to not go to school today but after reading jamies status on facebook now i feel shamed into going", "i don t feel like i m welcomed at home even though i am its different than before", "i feel a little hesitant to leave this time", "ive seen the way serina feels strange if shes not being useful and it sure helps that the cleaner is pretty expensive and not having to pay that money would be pretty great", "i think many may dislike it as i do and still feel they should be impressed by it the educated and privileged may now be more susceptible to the mass media than the larger public they re certainly easier to reach", "im feeling relieved yet painful but something inside me is creepily numb i feel like a ghost in the hallways the way i used to just dont tell me its only another time to succumb", "i feel content if not happy", "i will admit and it left me feeling shaken and a bit of a goose", "i feel devastated for the mother whose fraud of an ex husband has abducted their daughter and headed for the hinterlands gaige keeps us so totally inside her narrator s head that it s difficult not to feel some sympathy for him", "i read up on the practicies and cult like beliefs of falun gong and now i feel sceptical and a tad bemused", "ive been feeling like im running on empty and fearful that ill get my usual progression of sinus infection to walking pneumonia so ive been pounding the a href http www", "i thought about it a lot this weekend because i watched the fault in our stars which is about two kids who have cancer so that made me feel really weird and anxious", "i look into the news especially at these unsettling times sometimes i just feel so burdened to pray and cry out to god for the nations", "i feel a bit naughty too for making it all public but then i remembered when i was made to feel like shit and had my confidence stripped", "i should not feel afraid we can stop shoulding all over ourselves", "i feel dismayed for them", "i am feeling a little weird as i compare this big old number with how young insecure childlike playful silly i feel inside", "i almost feel a little bit weird about saying anything because it would almost feel like gossip", "i feel kind of over entertained", "i feel like i havent been as compassionate toward him as i should be", "i lock mine with a long lifeline and loop to a cleat or piling and take my gas line and if i m feeling especially paranoid the spark plug too covering the hole with duct tape", "i know i should be excited about going away for a few days but instead i feel nothing and that makes me feel like an ungrateful horrible person", "i think my hair is feeling confused", "i feel confused and so uncertain of where im even at", "i continue to feel nervous inside and long to talk sensibly even just one time around someone its so wrong to have these feelings for on so many levels i have no clue", "im stressed angry upset to the point where im feeling numb but one more bad thing is sure to set me over the edge", "i feel doubtful even when i am struggling a bit with my faith even when times seem dark or i feel alone i know that god is with me", "i am feeling a bit overwhelmed here", "i am not feeling shitty about life anymore", "i am still feeling pretty lousy from this allergy induced stupor so last night i just was not really feeling wildstar and interacting with other human beings", "i really am not feeling child friendly", "i think it is common to feel helpless at times like this", "i feel welcomed and times id just really walk away because i feel as if they dont want me there", "i feel a bit sentimental", "i just have a general feeling of this unpleasant heaviness from my stomach up", "i have this feeling of security about the characters i want to do if someone else gets the role i am afraid they will not do well", "i hate the feeling of being needy or vulnerable to something or someone that sometimes it seems like youre an addict", "i feel apprehensive and wonder if the marks i have made in the past are still there", "i am alternating between feeling thrilled to see my dads family this weekend and terrified that i will be a black sheep among their normalcy", "im feeling very remorseful at the moment", "i feel remorseful but i am not ready to die and i do not look in the mirror", "i feel like i deserve to be punished in some way amp search out ways to do that self harm non lethal overdose etc", "i couldnt help but feel like that smug bastard on tv already called the first number on the ticket and it wasnt even close to what i picked", "i used to feel pretty friendly with started spouting off about how russia is running a muck for no reason that they dont give a shit about their citizens and that they cant be trusted", "i feel dirty disgusting and contaminated", "i also feel it is worth mentioning that makin it rain may be acceptable at a strip club but not at your local cineplex", "i walk into a restaurant well any public place i feel like all eyes are on me and i feel really paranoid", "i was feeling extremely anxious", "i can t believe it i feel so nervous but my father reassures me that there is nothing to be nervous about which only makes me more nervous", "i have come to understand that feelings are neither positive nor negative", "i still feel uncertain with many new paths i must travel and as lost as i feel sometimes i am sure heavenly father is lifting me up and helping me to feel joy in the things that matter most", "i travel i feel like men expect me to be neurotic superficial and easy only sometimes true", "i was afraid of feeling helpless", "i do feel alittle submissive it isnt the same", "i feel like i m not really sure where everything is leading and i d look like a boob if i misrepresent things", "i post this today partly because it s how today is and partly because i sometimes worry that my reputation for positivity might make people feel that my message is you should be happy all the time", "im feeling somewhat indecisive about what to do in terms of an alliance", "i aint feeling it this is where been carefree deffinately is worrying in its self", "i am normally better at avoiding the expensive pre packaged products when i go to waitrose but i was still feeling a bit shaken up from the parking issues so bought some extra bits to calm my nerves", "i know what it feels like to be scared into something", "i feel pretty terrified immature and not ready", "i certainly do sound like some lowdown bitch who is just countering back what people have to say but whatever it is what exactly bothers me oh well bet that hit one of their aims is that i wonder why people feel so entertained exhilarated thrilled excited when they provoke the feelings of others", "i am feeling fearful or upset about any situation in my life i have only to notice my reminder sitting right before me and i begin repeating this affirmation over and over again", "i feel like strangling horny bastards schools people for banging our boats and not even syaing sorry", "i feel very regretful for what i might done i dont think i remember it", "i always feel like the life s been drained from me and that i ve been injected with some kind of venom", "i should not have to feel this way in a nerd convention i am a nerd and i should feel accepted and comfortable in that setting", "i homophobic men repressed homosexual feelings paranoia projection a tragic story how dangerous sexual repression is", "i am feeling more generous though i see it for what it is someone who doesn t know what we are going through from the insdie and is desperate to be helpful in some measure", "i should do but i think it means that i should always be open to opportunities of inviting and involving others in ministries and that i should be creative in finding ways for others to participate in and feel welcomed into such ministries", "i rarely feel hesitant to say something sometimes even too much", "i didn t feel all that trusting of anybody", "i feel funny things happening to my face and all over my body", "i express zooms on with all its faults and foibles and entertains non stop in a rather odd manner where you are left feeling rather inadequate that something is not fully right that something better could have been done with a little bit of application a little bit of better storytelling", "i don t know why i should feel humiliated to write about it", "i feel disheartened about that", "i will take care of the flashback of swingsets and telling the tiniest of white lies for the sake of feeling free for several hours arriving home late after staying out past curfew to watch some horror movie well sort of", "i somehow feel terrified as though if i dare slow down or walk in place to catch my breath billy blanks will jump out of the screen and yell into my face with all his fierceness", "i ought not come for i stipulation them to feel sorrowful for their skeered rupees which they re assert to the field but i will console for i allusion massou to live", "i feel so hesitant to say anything positive trying to hold my breath so to speak because none of this really matters until i know that shaun has passed the dlpt" ]
i feel resentful that it hurts so much but i m also grateful she said for what i can do including disco swimming and even taking the stairs
[ "i don t want to feel frustrated about this anymore", "im feeling a bit stressed by the sheer numbers button pressing enthusiasts gathering around my bike", "i cant shake off my feelings of being offended and hurt no matter how hard i try and the conversation keeps consuming my every thought", "i feel like a greedy little traitor i m looking looking among these covers hey little snotface take me", "i want to wimp out on feeling outraged", "i just feel enraged and impotent seemingly unable to enact the change i want to see", "i feel less bothered of things happening around me", "i come home from work too often feeling irritable and it s not fair or loving to dump all that ugliness onto my husband", "i feel insulted by how those heroes of cosplay goons said they don t care if you re if", "i had to stand in front of sinks and odkh milk in front of all the women who were entering the bathroom she said i feel offended and i try hard not to cry took", "i just feel like its rude", "i feel like everything is just so fucked", "i dont know who wrote the following little note but this is how i feel today if u r offended by the following posting then you obviously have not lived long enough to be compromised on how you act or believe", "getting a low grade on my physics midterm", "i empathize with the feeling of being dissatisfied not where i want to be but no i dont feel that way", "i made an appointment with a friend to drink coffee togehter however" ]
[ "i let myself feel unsuccessful", "i feel drained or do i feel energized", "i feel a strong connection with another human being and i want to spend more time with her", "i wave remember how many people love you and feel our arms supporting you under the deep and painful sea", "i feel like they just feel guilty for treating me badly and i dont really want to go back as i wont get on the league proper anyway due to my inability to make every practice and service hours despite being a very good skater and having a good attitude toward the practices i can make", "i was so stubborn and that it took you getting hurt for me to admit even to myself how i feel i haven t been very considerate of you in that respect", "i find it hard to breathe and sometimes feel a little shaken up by the days events", "i just want to stop feeling so shitty i feel terrible and horrid and eurgh", "i would have wasted time and money and i just feel really pressured because i dont want to do that", "i was starting to feel somewhat sympathetic toward ms finke", "im feeling drained as usual", "i feel so unimportant it sucks", "i have a great family and i feel as if she has missed a great deal by not electing to meet them", "i was feeling creative and making things better in my house", "im feeling a little melancholy tonight days ago", "i am going to add some photos from today and again thank you all for your dear support when i was feeling overwhelmed at different moments", "i can truly empathize with your feelings of failure and discontent i would challenge you to re focus that energy in order to gear up for the next cycle", "i feel an honor of my content being there", "i sent her was pretty long and now i feel a little embarrassed looking back at the letter i gave her", "id feel so defeated and id have to lick my wounds", "i feel kinda dirty like i need to shower", "i feel so fucking low", "i feel afraid but i have learned to allow myself to be afraid", "i am feeling incredibly restless", "im trying to be positive and i feel positive", "i am feeling emotionally and physically exhausted", "i am thankful that our incomes let us contribute to causes that we feel are important", "i have to loathe myself or even allow myself to feel damaged long term", "i feel a bit devastated because i really thought this was it and all that ive been through for this relationship would be worth it", "i find is that these things are effecting loved ones who i love dearly so i feel so so helpless so what is the remedy for the hard times", "im feeling like life is fairly sweet", "i have better things to do than to feel humiliated", "i have only a few short weeks here and im feeling many things including sentimental and very grateful for the year ive spent here", "i know she shes the only one who provides income to my family right now but it feels like shes putting it up in our face that shes supporting us", "i feel miserable on the inside but on the outside i just like i", "i feel like its at times like these when things seem a little more uncertain that i thank god more for the small things", "i went crazy non stop dancing at rouge with her only because the live band was very good i was feeling very troubled and wanted to dance my problems away", "i feel guilty i wont be able to give this little one the same amount of time with just me", "i am the only bright spot he has now i feel as if i have been burdened with more than i initially thought", "i wasnt feeling all that hot and i was moving well", "i feel amped and im inspired", "i feel so sorrowful so dejected the words ring through my head i am so damn affected by everything you say and all that you do why can t i let go i want to be happy too", "i wonder how shed feel about supporting me", "i honestly believe those darker days are the reason i push so hard to be someone of worth in my future i feel it is my duty to make up for all the time i lost", "i ate something wrong so i feel terrible all day", "i feel so repressed with this one now", "i feel respected and such", "i feel like an emotional train wreck", "i feel as if someone has bumbed my delicate set up", "i feel as defeated as i did today i wonder if im doing this parenting thing all wrong", "i feel bad then for not accepting who i am", "i ignore this voice as well knowing by now it doesn t matter if i feel humiliated by what you request of me i like that feeling i welcome that flushed hot feeling of embarrassment that you can arouse in me", "i have come to understand that feelings are neither positive nor negative", "im shocked i feel my own little problems put into perspective and i feel heartache for the innocent lives that have been ended", "i feel hurt and i decide not to say that i am hurt but instead make up a story that takes the other person off the hook for being rude mean or unkind to me", "im feeling rather rotten so im not very ambitious right now", "ive been feeling a bit discontent with my music for a while now", "i feel hopeless i cannot cope", "im feeling low and forgotten", "i think i feel stressed", "i have lost kg and feeling fab", "i feel gloomy and down", "i feel drained at least now i have something to look forward to", "i still feel terribly devastated", "i feel stupid dumb and unwanted", "i feel wonderful and i m very very grateful for all the support", "im not sure if what im feeling is so extremely vulnerable or now that i feel so depressed and sad", "i feel pretty yuck and i dont really want and to get out and do anything", "i feel dirty srcurl http draftbloger", "i feel about kids and this just about broke my heart", "i get so irritated with the fact that i am a feeling emotional person but can t cope with feelings of rejection", "i started feeling my back aching especially the lower back", "i feel so ungrateful for the things he does regularly for me for i sin daily in everyday living", "i feel very low already", "i do know is that even though its hard and sometimes we feel inadequate drained and like we cant go any further and just need a break even for a week or two", "i am feeling pretty shaky and sad", "i feel like there is too much suffering for those of us in christ jesus", "i didn t feel accepted", "i feel totally ungrateful and extremely lucky", "i think about how u could make me feel and realize that everything will be ok", "i really am not feeling child friendly", "i feel like a hot mess", "i am loosing out but i feel like i have have so much to share with many and if anything that is not unfortunate if anything it makes me grateful", "i allowed myself to feel the really shitty feelings while i was running because a the endorphins were flowing so it hurt less and b so i could pretend i was running away from them", "i have a feeling she wasnt innocent in this", "i woke up feeling this aching in my heart", "i feel like being ignored", "i feel really shitty and it s seriously like the whole thing is ruined", "i feel like the cool mom", "i have been feeling a little or a lot lost", "i feel burdened by my goals", "i was still feeling crappy but hoped it was just due to the flight and stuff so we cleaned ourselves up and i put on my sassy city girl outfit which was my perfect city dress with city walking shoes", "i feel so damaged i just want you to have care of me continuer", "i feel very unhappy and incomplete", "i feel so shamed that i want to give up", "i still feel confused and guilty about the whole thing", "im going to be honest with you i feel distraught", "i mean i care very much for my family that s going through these things but it was becoming something that was making me feel almost morose", "i feel burdened with the subjects i am taking", "i start to feel emotional", "i feel like i should be thrilled and i am but at the same time i feel like crap", "i mean it is exhausting to feel bad all the time", "i feel like a dirty heal and unconformable", "im not as mad and upset as i was on day but i feel scared now", "i feel really lucky to be part of it", "i said i feel like im on the verge of very messy", "i am starting to feel like a worthless person", "i have bruises on my hips and elbows too so im feeling pretty banged up", "i love my family and i have such a wonderful life so writing all of this down and complaining makes me feel ungrateful", "i can feel my stomach aching and grumbling", "i feel at this point i ought to just add my sincere apologies to her for taking so long to commit my tag to my blog and hand over the baton to someone else to run with", "i feel her frustration when i see those ugly numbers and i feel her pain when an infusion site i insert into her body causes her to wince in pain", "i feel is he generous", "i feel like that s acceptable", "i feel crappy i eat crappy", "i am not giving up but i am feeling discouraged", "i wake up it hurts knowing that i could have ever possibly done anything to hurt this person to ever make him feel pain or lack of trusting", "i am end up feeling devastated that i have borne such a social monster", "i alive i feel so defeated with this issue", "i feel very distressed because i m supportive of this campaign and with the senator" ]
i went in there feeling a little hostile because it felt like they didnt really care about me
[ "i have constantly been panicky and making a big fuss over my learning and exam results often feeling spiteful that i have lost out a mark or two to the top in class", "i get the feeling that the relationship would be more sarcastic than sweet or sure", "ive just spent the last half hour feeling ridiculously angry over insensitive comments from my partner but that all changed a few minutes ago to real pride over how much i have changed", "im feeling incredibly grumpy today a combination of hay fever rain and the stress of our hopefully imminent move", "i sometimes feel resentful that this has come into our lives at this time", "i offend easily when i feel my intelligence is insulted", "i really feel pissed off as i want to spend more time with you", "i wanted to make sure i didnt feel rushed getting to century college on friday afternoon", "i feel like i should be offended but yawwwn", "i am also feeling a bit bitchy about the way things are when we have conversations and others are around", "i just feel left out hated extra", "i feel like im being greedy when i say i want more money", "i feel so dissatisfied angry and embarrassed", "i feel really cold and miserable but i try to motivate others who are finding the walk as trying as i am", "i felt anger when at the end of a telephone call", "i feel a bit dissatisfied" ]
[ "i feel that he wasn t making the effort to see me i blamed it on an over active imagination", "i lost my power feeling lethargic headachie tired mentally blah you get the picture", "i didnt cry but i was starting to feel neurotic so my sister who was amazingly chill that morning brought me an ativan", "i feel totally awful and end up going through that whole nightmarish surgery and feeling good was just around the corner", "i know karen wouldnt see it that way if i addressed these things with her it would open a whole miserable can of worms she wouldnt see that shes doing anything wrong and wouldnt be open to hearing how i feel it would turn into an ugly confrontation and i hate confrontation", "i said though i am feeling gloomy", "i am a bit out of my comfort zone too and im feeling a tad apprehensive", "i do know what it feels like when no one seems to be supporting your vision and just admiring it from the outside when you not only invest your time but your personal money that should be feeding your family and still not seeing anything", "i feel incredibly damaged by the way he behaved towards me and i am not prepared to be treated that way by anyone else", "i feel the other person is unimportant but it is my interpretation see the trend that i have been misunderstood and that instead of wasting time hence the impatience part having them explain what i feel is already a misunderstanding i try to reexplain my intent", "i know that when we feel so beaten down and we are dispairing that it feels like the savior is so far away", "ive just been feeling extremely outcasted and insecure", "i would want them to know either i feel it isn t that important to know who had hurt me this much anymore", "i got on and was nervous feeling very timid and shy but after a while we were talking like weve known each other our whole lives", "i dont give a fuck because i feel like i cannot elicit any positive change or shifts within my current client load", "i remember feeling awkward and strange during my first few weeks", "i try to describe my experience in words it feels like trying to shove tender little baby feet into high tops that are too small for them", "i feel a bit tortured right now", "i guess this is a memoir so it feels like that should be fine too except i dont know something about such a deep amount of self absorption made me feel uncomfortable", "i feel kinda lousy about myself", "i clumps everybody together in a weird way and i feel liked and respected but unloved by anybody", "im feeling very uncomfortable there the comfort and warmth is just not there any more", "i expressed my concerns that jens mobility had really declined to the point that she now sometimes uses crutches and on a good day the doctor suggested occupational therapy and said he would contact our local occupational therapist and we went on our merry way feeling rather disheartened", "i was quite the outsider due to my british mentality and feeling embarrassed that my european and north american high school teachers knew more about my culture than i did i felt the desire to change that fact", "i went on to the holiday party that evening courtesy of another journalism sibling whom i call my big bro feeling a little unsure on why i was really attending", "i was to her in fact so i m taking that as she feels regretful for what she has done", "i am not feeling very joyful today its been a rough day", "i went to work but i feel stunned and numb", "i didnt know what to feel except ashamed of myself for not feeling sorrow", "i want to write about this because i left campus feeling truly thankful to wesleyan for putting on the kind of event i never dreamed i d be able to attend after just a fairly short car ride", "i found myself feeling a little discouraged that morning", "i feel the need to have a reason or everything i hated that i had to be subjected to thunder and lightening when it was unnecessary", "i did manage two short runs and a walk but today im back to feeling just shy of awful", "i wasnt supposed to be with n to just let it happen so i could feel the hurt and move on and be with who i was supposed to be with", "i didnt like my former fob and felt joy when i received a telegram offering me a new one that i though better and for which i had been waiting", "i have been feeling restless lately", "i was still feeling like i wasn t accepted and had no one else to go to", "i feel you re in for an unpleasant surprise", "i was coming out of a lengthy illness and i was feeling lousy groundless indecisive and without any direction", "i pulled myself off the blanket and bed was really feeling rather gloomy", "im feeling scared and the rage filled im mad at me", "i really have gotten to a place where if i go for more than a day or two without writing i begin to feel very anxious very displaced", "i didn t feel amazed", "i feel so unwelcome its sickening", "i admit to feeling a little foolish when i first arrived", "i feel pretty pathetic now", "i have a feeling i was one of that idiotic childish trumpeters he was talking about luh", "i stood for a few minutes more feeling a strange heavy numbness settling over me even as my heart beat faster then slowly sat down again thinking", "ive sat there and wondered why a guy i liked hasnt texted me calling is not really my thing it makes me feel too awkward or why when he seems all efforts to the contrary he wont take a chance on me as his girlfriend", "i began to feel shaky and nauseous and yearned for my connection to cairns to make up for some of the deprivation", "i don t know how i feel about all this how i feel about my place in it if i think that my work is more or less sincere than other gen xers and so on", "im going to say is that i know my activities are out of balance when i start feeling burdened by something that is supposed to be fun", "ive decided that the exes you had a real strong feeling whether love or just extremley caring you cant be just friends with them because it will eventually blow up in your face", "i am under pressure at the place i spend most of my week on past experience i will tend to feel more unhappy for longer periods", "i can t stand it i feel like hes spying on me and not trusting me and above all of that i feel disrespect to my personality", "i feel heartbroken that a group of my fellow americans fell for the prosecutions fear mongering theory elashis daughter noor said outside the courthouse late monday", "i feel almost weird that someone i didnt know has impacted me emotionally these last few days", "i dont really care about just because i can and thats what feels rotten", "i feel like i just doomed myself", "i set up a consultation with a therapist last week and i went to see him today i spoke to him about my general feelings towards things and in the end he reassured me that i did not have atlephobia but instead i had social anxiety which is apparently really common", "i mean when i say i used to feel like an ugly brown pair of shoes ask him to change your mind", "ive been feeling mellon collie aka melancholy the past few days and i", "i mean post and i feel rotten abou", "i lived with someone living a lie to keep me in the dark feeding me lies and faking feelings so that id be ignorantly complacent until it was no longer convenient for her to have me there", "im feeling a little saddened and troubled too sorry for a couple of friends who i wish i could give big hugs to", "i was so scared that i would walk out from the saloon feeling regretful about cutting my hair because i always miss my old hair when i get a new haircut", "i supposed to feel about a persom that i was wickdly in love with for so long for me who tells me that he will not see me when hes got a girlfriend because he can not be faithful to her if im around", "i forgive myself that i have accepted adn allowed myself to feel uncertain and inferior the moment someobdy is looking at me as i do physical labour", "i answered feeling rather skeptical", "i feel a little suspicious", "i was feeling very unsure of myself and at near breaking point", "i think i started to feel a little homesick", "i was in control and now i feel that i have lost it", "i cant help feeling agitated about", "i feel it and im unhappy", "i get frustrated with the fact that i don t always feel appreciative for the hand i ve been dealt and for the people i love in life", "i remember feeling so inadequate as i stood there and they thanked me because of your purchases", "i end up feeling lonely", "i wound up with something lodged in my oesophagus which didn t feel pleasant to put it lightly", "i feel very emotional down and i tried to put a strong front no matter what his instinct is always right about me being not okay", "i get the feeling that hes not impressed with me", "i can feel it physically sort of aching and now im kind of expecting a response i dont know what it would say but ive got a good idea", "ive been trying to tell you how i feelbut was never very smart", "i was not used to being around such grandeur and i found myself feeling very intimidated", "im sure ive got it right and my state of unencumberedness despite many years of feeling like i couldnt keep up anybody else is causing me to see my life as charmed", "i called myself pro life and voted for perry without knowing this information i would feel betrayed but moreover i would feel that i had betrayed god by supporting a man who mandated a barely year old vaccine for little girls putting them in danger to financially support people close to him", "i watched his face contort in sadness i began to feel regretful of my actions", "i feel like im craving it and then no matter what i order i just really am not that impressed", "i feel that so many might be far too eager to point and say see that is not how a true trans guy should feel right now or see i knew trans people were way more fucked up than they let on look at this guy", "i thought it would be a good time to check in on weasel nation to see how they were feeling about their donut loving coach and their floundering football team", "id told him about my private session with cn was that it was remedial sparring help so i was feeling a little unpleasant pressure from the beginning to pull off something spectacular and it was difficult to try to relax", "im honest when i say a part of me feels tortured as though this is part of the system of function in your life the one that allows you to order and manipulate people in such a way so that they are lined up and positioned to serve their prupose when you should need them", "i feel so sorrowful so dejected the words ring through my head i am so damn affected by everything you say and all that you do why can t i let go i want to be happy too", "i feel like someone is being judged harshly not accepted or asked to be something they are not", "i am not normally the kind of person who gets emotional upon meeting a public figure but as strange as it sounds seeing you yesterday for the first time ever the feeling came over me was the feeling one might feel upon seeing a beloved favorite loving aunt lol", "i also tried after all that frustration when i was feeling none too energetic for more problems to work on the respirometry stuff which is going to be a huge nightmare", "i questioned myself wondering why didnt i feel jubilant", "i was on my own tearful and feeling unloved even though i know that i am", "i was feeling so indecisive and blah", "i got out of my cab at the train station feeling firstly quite convinced that there is definitely more method in the madness of flat planet than i first thought when i visited it the day before and secondly that this had to be one of the scariest telephone interviews i ve ever conducted", "i know people usually feel devastated when someone they know dies the fact that they didnt invite me to the funeral has hurt a lot", "i wasnt going to make this about what i cant eat and feel like i was suffering or giving anything up i was going to make this about what i was going to gain and what i could eat", "i feel a little bit sorry for ahem to face hard times there", "i type this i feel like one of those unfortunate animals that gets caught in washing machines and somehow survives much lighter ragged and half dead", "i was made to feel like a pathetic piece of shit because i suffer from a mental illness multiple actually", "i woke up feeling listless and dehydrated from a weekend that included a strip club tackle football hours of binge drinking and a hockey game so i decided not to go to work", "i will choose not to focus on him instead focusing on how i feel i will try not to focus on him and instead of being agitated by him i will choose to let the negative feeling go", "i was so panicked i didn t feel it when my nails broke against the impenetrable wall of ice leaving red crescents of blood welling up on sensitive skin", "i must say that there were all familiar faces since i go to that church since but there was this feeling that i was shy and i just wanted to stay there with my friend and be clingy with her all through out the meeting", "i was feeling pretty terrified full of nervous energy", "i started to feel some dull cramps that lasted for about two hours i thought maybe the babies didnt like mexican which is cray cray because its my favorite", "i fall victim to feeling inadequate if i am anywhere short of perfection in what i set of my expectations or what i perceive are the expectations of others", "i also feel sometimes that ive missed out on things because of the amount of times ive had to leave somewhere early to take someone home", "i feel like a snob but i ve been a bit skeptical of it from the start because i have no idea who kenny werner is and neither does thomas a musician who gave me the book", "i am left feeling underwhelmed and ungrateful", "i li pouring down in the corner under the moonlight shines on his face i saw his pale face and mouth with half closed eyes bear people feel more distressed", "im lazy my characters fall into categories of smug and or blas people and their foils people who feel inconvenienced by smug and or blas people", "i should be dead since ive been out of this for a couple of months but i feel the pain every time i go to reach for that empty bottle i just cannot bear to throw out", "i just need a few minutes to feel put upon and gloomy or to rage and spit", "i seem to remember it was gold dust not willy wonka style gold tickets but i m feeling generous and although i liked the new faceplate for me the redesign just didn t work" ]
i know you feel tortured reading this
[ "id actually been feeling less hostile towards ms than a lot of my linux using brethren lately", "i wanted to make sure i didnt feel rushed getting to century college on friday afternoon", "i could even feel his cold breath on my neck whispered hertha as she ran her fingers across the side of neck", "i give probably to the degree that some might see as too much but if i feel taken advantage of or wronged in any sense i have absolutely no problem shutting it down and walking away", "i feel too greedy to actually ask them", "i feel really selfish and feel guilty when i think about hurting myself", "i am feeling stressed and more than a bit anxious", "i woke up this morning feeling very agitated at the day coming", "i tend not to want to cook if i feel grumpy or tired or just stressed", "im feeling stubborn today and got home and was like no way im gonna go get that mri soon", "i very much enjoyed the build up and the air of suspense and confusion throughout but i cant help but feel dissatisfied by the ending", "i tend to come away feeling insulted by books that deny them", "i can feel the cold of winter", "i was more annoyed with the info dump because it made the book too long but i feel i ll miss something if i skipped it which annoyed me more pages", "when i was still a child", "i and others feel when angry is a huge wave of relief from what we previously felt sitting in the dank room of fear and powerlessness" ]
[ "im feeling scared im going to treat this as sacred something valuable to venerate and pretend im like a cat", "ive last posted not that my mind hasnt been flooded with topics that i feel need to be entertained but more so to do with the influx of feelings and opinions without clarity as life happened", "i can feel again i want to talk about the positive feelings of love good will and support that are raining down upon my detoxified mind and body and on behalf of the team here at iws radio i want to give a virtual hug and say thanks to some people for making me smile during sunday s show", "i suspect that a few feel revulsion it elicits a weird uncomfortable fascination", "i feel so honored today and i want to share the emotion and my gratitude because i received a very complimentary email from someone who reads thought provoking perspectives", "i feel like i just dont have it in me to keep loving him and he deals me a card and it says mercy", "i wish that i didnt feel the way i do i wear my heart on my sleeve you have to believe the things i say arent in vain believe me theyre true", "i suppose it s partly my fault for forgetting my earplugs but it s still really frustrating to feel like you re being permanently damaged for no apparent reason", "i know that its hard cos you might feel helpless or anything but sometimes its something that is beyond what you can do", "im feeling pretty miserable and sorry for myself", "i have found myself overwhelmed with jealousy and self contempt and i have found myself feeling this towards the lives of my sweet friends and acquaintances as portrayed on social media", "i was really feeling shitty both physically and emotionally and it even took me some time to realize that a nailart session would have been the right positive treat to cheer myself up", "i feel like i lived with the characters and felt their pain and suffering", "i said i have such mixed feelings about because on the one hand im glad benny survived but on the other hand its just preposterous", "i feel as though i broke the plane if he is there then ill be aware and use my faith to wish him gone", "i feel the presence of the divine with you when you are buried inside me smiling down at me your sweat dripping into my eager mouth", "i say i only sort of knew him and i don t want to make it like i m personally devastated by it i m certain those who were close with him are feeling devastated and i don t want to appropriate that or disrespect that grief", "i hate being selfish but i gotta admit i feel so depressed about it", "i can honestly say that while i havent enjoyed learning the lessons we have learned i do feel as though we have come out stronger and tougher and more loving and more appreciative", "im clocking in the scale in the s and i feel terrible", "i honestly feel so unhappy with everything in my life and it isnt simple enough for me to be able to change these things that are making me feel so unhappy with a click of the finger", "i really feel disturbed over all this mayhem as i have been to this heavenly vale twice and personally know all the ground realities", "i may be having a constant dullness and heaviness over my heart that makes me feel restless bored and unsatisfied however i know very well that such feelings are evoked by the time of the month", "im going to help you in this so if you feel that regretful then buy me an ice cream the next time we see each other", "i am kind of feeling melancholy because of the recent tragedy in bontoc you know when we were there you do get the feeling that every turn is the last turn you are ever going to make in your life", "i am sick of you feeling sad and upset so lets do angry because angry i can handle", "i realise that desiring a substance to feed a feeling only compounds the desire to feed the feeling i realise ive abused substances since early childhood", "i tried to answer as generally as i could but ive been struggling with my work lately and feeling pretty morose", "i feel dont mention food and dont think ur being considerate by noticing my obsession with this and talking to me about", "i lay reading by headlamp and feeling the tent shaken as if by a giant hand", "i believe a lot of people can feel this way not in an entirely sympathetic turn for the victim and those closest to him but an inherent fear of something like this happening to oneself", "i feel a change an anthem for the disillusioned", "im not feeling too keen on that", "i feel thoroughly unwelcome at this school and there are individual people who are clearly deeply moved by my work and my choices", "i guess when you are constantly feeling unhappy around the person it is a sign to you to remove this person from your life", "im feeling so clever right about now please let me affirm i am not a good cook in fact i am truly disastrous in the kitchen hehe", "i thought he was going to say no but he just put on what i call his smacked puppy face and that always makes me feel rotten", "i am feeling so sad right now", "i feel completely humiliated but i will not let that get in the way", "i know many people still feel betrayed by neil odonnell for his two very unfortunate interceptions and i realize the loss is at the top of most fans lists of most heartbreaking moments in pittsburgh sports history but i dont look at it that way", "i was out shopping with a friend the other day and she asked how i was feeling about the book coming out and i said i was terrified and she asked why", "i feel so embarrassed and humiliated korean attack victim accuses police sydney morning herald posted on pm with a href http brisbanehub", "im feeling quite pathetic and miserable actually", "i feel cheated and at another i feel ashamed to have missed such a glaring defect", "i could feel this depressed since im always known or labelled to be happy blessed and all", "i even feel like im learning something while being entertained theres even a bibliography in the back d anyway im not even done with this first one yet and ive already ordered the other two", "i feel so shaken and guilty for not being a better mother and shielding my offspring from this health problem", "i can barely stand the sight of a dog wearing a choke collar because i feel the dog s suffering", "i want him to feel emotional pain", "i often feel like im drowning as i try to come up with valuable content and write engaging posts", "i feel that such knowledge would be abused", "i feel a little bit sorry for ahem to face hard times there", "im not feeling so well right now so ill write some other day", "i know that i should feel some sort of melancholy but i don t", "i just can feel so pain but nothing to do blank and speechless", "i guess i m a sucker for the grand and endless battle between apparent good and apparent evil and i m no different than anyone else who feels they have the divine gift of discernment in situations like this", "i also feel ashamed at the hurt caused and ashamed at the things ive done that were not in my character and were down to being manic or whatever you want to call it", "i feel weird sharing that but this is the source of some of my greatest insecurities", "ive been struggling lately whenever i feel like saying something between having a reaction to myself of oh julia youre so clever and witty", "i feel pressure to act like im so heartbroken but secretly i dont really care that much", "i have found myself fighting back as he wakes me from my sleep time and time again feeling the hurt and sting of my own abandonment to my first love", "i feel like i m a doomed gladiator in a stadium constructed of cardboard and copies of romeo and juliet and the outsiders are screaming for my blood", "i feel terrible when i hurt peoples feelings worse afterwards and i always hope never to do it again", "i feel sad donna summer dead at a href http jtwoo", "i feel so idiotic because of you", "i have gradually morphed into someone who feels superior when other peoples kids complain about dinner or dont want to eat their zucchini or are allowed to eat pop tarts or sugary cereal or white bread for breakfast", "i also really hope they feel ashamed as in se asian culture public shaming ie screaming thief after someone is about as bad as stealing", "i wrote it feels slightly strange starting to write this about cambodia as i sit in lax airport waiting to bi", "i feel like my brain is going to expload and its going to be messy and painful", "i feel my morals are being seriously assaulted and comprimised", "i like to look at this ring when im feeling doubtful or down and it reminds me that honestly i dont have any regrets and i know im where im suppose to be", "i feel the depths of sorrow and suffering in love because i have felt its heights of joy and goodness", "i feel sad and discouraged", "i tell mummy that my stomach really not feeling well i really wanna go to toilet mummy ask me keep on eating", "i really thought i was ok with how things are but here i am out of no where crying and feeling empty and sorry for myself shame on me", "i know suicide is selfish but right now i feel like i am worthless and that in the long run it would be better for everybody else", "i feel like ive been a totally hot mess that i had second thoughts about publishing it", "i went to an lds step meeting and was so overwhelmed by evil feelings and just broke down and said so at the meeting and expressed how low i felt and how ready i was for these feelings to leave my body", "i feel this way is probably because i am dumb and i try my hardest to cover it up by reading lots and lots of books or you know becoming a doctor", "i am remembering your touch feeling your fingers caress my aching palms", "i feel the pain again until i came from school and its still aching", "i feel as much disturbed as much a fool as as that dealer in love philters paaker", "ive been told over and over im not allowed to feel unhappy", "i forgive myself that i have accepted adn allowed myself to feel uncertain and inferior the moment someobdy is looking at me as i do physical labour", "i feel a whisper a friendly voice start to rise indulge until your hearts content and pay no mind", "i am left feeling happy about having the time to rest and take care of me but at the same time this huge sense of guilt builds up inside of me for not having respected our date for being an unreliable teacher a selfish friend", "i think of these folks when i am feeling miserable for having to acknowledge i must actually do something to make the world a better place", "i had a horrible tragedy something that i was terribly ashamed of or something that was causing me great pain or that was making me feel vulnerable i have more than just one or two very trusted people who i know i could call for help", "i never want the audience to feel punished preached at or sorry for me", "i had been feeling guilty that i had played a part in their breakup and i have been subconsciously trying to figure out what wen wrong and how i could fix it and how i could prevent it and what is the purpose behind it", "i was made to feel that i was damaged and not good or giving enough when in reality nothing is ever enough", "i quickly learned just by moving from sauna to ice cold bath to steam room to shower until you feel like a tortured goldilocks who wants nothing more than to find the middle ground between too hot and too cold", "i lie awake for hours and look at him and at times i feel so ashamed of my thoughts", "i focus on it when writing this i feel a bit of tightness the popular alternative to pain around the area", "i miss not feeling guilt over so much stuff because i reacted in a terrible way or said no to my kids just for the sake of saying no", "i feel helpless because i cannot stop it", "i feel threatened i feel fear", "i cant say that i feel as peaceful when my loved ones are the sufferers", "i really didnt like that feeling but he hated even more that the heaviness in his chest was still growing that he made a muffled sound against hideakis lips as the other boy forcefully pressed himself against daiki", "i feel defeated like a lion s prey", "i feel your prick every night when you re dreaming about me and i she paused dramatically i am not impressed", "i feel so discontent with this decision", "i looked at sams eyes they were tough hiding the strong pent up feelings that tortured him inside", "i feel me better cuz i listen to this song img src http ifyouwanttoknow", "i forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to feel uncertain about my application within this i reveal that i feel uncertain within myself", "i have studied logic and ethics and i know with certainty that the motivation of feeling superior is not an excuse for judgement finger pointing and its eventual consequence hatred and in this case homophobia", "im starting to feel and think as if i dont want to continue to pray for him anymore because its making me feel hopeless", "i do feel picoult is a talented writer the subject matter put me in a state of depression", "i am feeling super lazy no screenshots to guide you today p hence read carefully before you proceed", "i guess since this book kind of bring a negative feeling to my self that im longing to find my simon i guess i wont be reading a romance book again in the future", "i think if youre sad a top tip is to eat lots and lots and lots and lots of it until you feel very satisfied and a maybe a bit queasy", "i do feel like ive been a neglectful friend but its due to the fact that i feel like a hinderance so i just stay away", "i feel on the verge of tears from weariness i look at your sweet face and cant help but tenderly kiss your cheeks", "i have depression and things just started getting better but today i felt so bad you know they feeling in the pit of you heart that your a worthless failure", "i feel horrible about wanting sonipro amp source geekparty linkedin a target blank title share on tumblr rel nofollow href http www", "i am not feeling as joyful as some might urge me to", "i feel as if i am on hold somehow that ive been given a time for contemplation consolidation and it is a most curious feeling", "i tgt v u but i still feel unhappy", "i certainly do sound like some lowdown bitch who is just countering back what people have to say but whatever it is what exactly bothers me oh well bet that hit one of their aims is that i wonder why people feel so entertained exhilarated thrilled excited when they provoke the feelings of others", "i made justin feel pretty miserable last night im sure" ]
im feeling distracted and likewise attracted to all the things that you let me know all the things that you cant let go youre waiting
[ "i just feel like its rude", "i feel like a heartless and feelingless i know don t have this word daughter teenager", "i am feeling grumpy and irritated", "i think that even just understanding that there s that history behind it it lends to the explanation of where it s being projected from so it s kind of important to some degree and i never feel offended by people questioning that", "i will probably just be lazy and lounge around the house and possibly go down to the pool depends how im feeling and what i can be bothered to do its my last day off before i go back to work so yeah", "i saw them that anything was wrong they told me some excuses but i am feeling truly insulted and i am feeling desperate again", "i was feeling irritated and slightly upset after this conversation", "i feel too greedy to actually ask them", "i wanted to press charges against the people up the street and i guess he didnt feel like being bothered", "i feel offended if you question my results as unfair saying that i am lazy and all so why", "i feel anger torward those who are greedy", "i cant sleep and re read happy posts and i go past the one about picnic day and i get so happy im like james you make me so happy i love you and then repeat as soon as i feel jealous", "i brush it to the side or tuck it behind my ear only to feel a few rebellious strands escape and tickle my cheeks and my lips i realize im not the one in control", "i was feeling very resentful", "i was still feeling bitchy not sad", "i feel so greedy of holidays and forgetting my responsibilities" ]
[ "i suffer from very low confidence and im always looking for ways to come across more confident and feel more outgoing in myself", "i begin to feel that every waking moment is devoted to work", "i am feeling very anxious and frustrated right now", "i have a feeling innocent world and i are going to become great friends", "i feel guilt that i should be more caring and im not", "i had a feeling you were in need of a gorgeous envy", "i feel popular special and important", "i feel that i am not accepted and am forced to hide this part of who i am", "i have written i don t know why this would make me feel shy", "i think this has caused me to resonate more deeply with others who lack connection and support who are alone who feel they do not have support who are suffering", "i wonder if they will even think back to the times that i have begged them to just be there for me or just be on my side or just offer me any kind of suppport or the feeling of them caring at all", "i feel that he is sincere in his feelings for me and i know that i care for him very much but is that enough this time around i dont know", "i could empathize with tab because of raging hormones and the connection feeling like someone else gets you thinks youre smart pretty worth attention", "i just need to be in a place where i feel valued", "i feel like it s going to be something shockingly amazing", "i sit here looking at the sentence i just typed i feel quite shocked", "i don t feel all that romantic", "i still likeguy and i still feel guilty", "i feel scared to use headphones", "i will always help others in any way i can but if you don t feel it within you to do the work and to finally learn to love yourself then my help and motivation will be in vain", "i feel the divine presence merge into mine", "i feel like its about supporting something that you believe in", "im feeling hideously guily and somewhat naughty doing this in work time", "i have a confession to make and i feel so rotten about this", "im getting things done that i really need to and i feel good about it", "i feel the need to turn to my beloved nations", "i feel tortured so much", "i feel the touch of your sweet hand", "i feel so strongly and passionate about so hearing that just made my heart sink", "im proud of but having crafted something that other people care about even just enough to click through to makes me feel so wonderful", "i feel for you despite the pain makes me suspicious that it might be so", "i feel so complacent and start thinking that i am so smart", "i feel like such a confused person lately sigh", "i may resurrect when im feeling more generous i did an all too lengthy series on a history of my celebrity crushes", "i always feel very shocked by that me threatening", "i feel it when i get hurt on little things", "ive been desperately trying to finish up my machine learning p set but im now far enough along that im no longer in complete panic mode i feel like my mood is on a spinner is she detachedly amused or freaking the fuck out", "i feel scared that i own it", "i feel people are scared of me or given up on me", "i only talk when i feel like i have something valuable to say", "i will definitely be passing on my thanks to these wonderfully gifted people but words alone are difficult to express their awesomness and the feeling of safety when they are caring for us", "i feel comfortable that i am not far above a and would like some more", "i keep asking if ive finally grown that th head that was coming in or not because i feel like people are looking at me like ew when i try to be friendly", "im still feeling adventurous ill develop the others too", "i feel a whisper a friendly voice start to rise indulge until your hearts content and pay no mind", "i cant really describe the feeling that i have except to say that i am incredibly burdened", "i feel hopeless and in serious need of encouragement", "i feel anything for relationships the doomed one", "i don t want to feel the way i did with you that passionate connection when we were no longer a separate two", "i feel pretty rotten when i cant", "i feel kinda dirty like i need to shower", "i don t know i feel confused", "ive been feeling pretty punished lately", "i feel the pressure to be funny all the time", "i have finished reading i am feeling so insecure", "i find it very hard to feel relaxed for more than hours", "i might go out of existance i smile pick up my pen and fill the page with the things that you say the thoughts you obtain the moments you refrain far away its cause youre going insane and suddenly im left afraid because im not feeling that way instead im amazed why you gotta be that way", "i felt like id developed feelings for this guy thus explaining why id even follow this guy like a faithful puppy dog and he never knew", "i imagine how would it feel to hold you nothing perverse just to know you to feel the heat of your breathe moving through me your feet tangled with mine", "i do i hold onto them i look into their eyes and breath them in and i feel immensely deeply thankful", "i don t know about anyone else but there are times when i am feeling low and stressed and i just need to see something pretty", "i always feel slightly embarrassed", "i should somehow feel hesitant about that", "i was feeling all hot and sweaty from dance rehearsals and not looking my best to greet a man as per the guides i now read obsessively but exceptions must be made and i wasn t expecting this", "i feel i am shy and i am afraid of keeping my point of view", "i cant even explain how difficult it is to tear yourself away from something you both love and feel doubtful of", "ive been feeling very indecisive lately", "i like reading it and feeling sympathetic for people and my mind creates all the descriptive background and scenes the author describes about it", "i always feel this tangle in my stomach i never just feel content and wanted", "i know how it feels to find someone who is irresistable and remain innocent", "i feel when you dont talk to me my friend so loyal and free i dont want it to stay like this i want to have that bliss", "im so going to end up feeling slutty and be like ah", "i do feel like josh is a pretty needy guy", "i have lost touch with the things that i feel passionate about i am getting less spontaneous am living by lists urgh", "i feel like i am being punished for the choices i made in the past", "im feeling crappy ill fish for compliments like any other girl", "i will feel awkward about just calling up one of these people out of the blue to hang out or rather to be familiar with them on a deeper level they are not my kith and kin", "i have been on a roller coaster of emotions over these supposed feelings that something unpleasant was coming", "i am baffled hurt that i feel assaulted and unsafe", "i feel i can rely on my instincts more than my intellect but im starting to doubt whether my intuition is as keen as it should be", "im feeling horny i go on to omegle and have sex chats cyber sex with guys", "i am feeling all useful", "i feel guilty after i do these things", "i feel the presence of the divine with you when you are buried inside me smiling down at me your sweat dripping into my eager mouth", "i can t say i feel all that sympathetic", "i started to get this feeling of longing when i looked at the quilts on display", "i was blessed but in some ways i feel like im being tortured by divinity", "i dont know why im feeling so listless", "i tend to agree and so when i feel the burn i call forth for you my aching siren s song echoing through the years and dark leaves until you arrive wet with rain and anticipation", "i try to find something that does not make me feel foolish", "i can feel again i want to talk about the positive feelings of love good will and support that are raining down upon my detoxified mind and body and on behalf of the team here at iws radio i want to give a virtual hug and say thanks to some people for making me smile during sunday s show", "ive been feeling a little bit anxious of late as far as my relations or lack thereof with some of the ward and some of the investigators go so im excited to be able to ponder that in the temple and see if i can come up with a plan with the lords help", "i feel like pulling a paige from charmed just dont hurt me ok", "i cannot stop loving you and it just feels amazing it really fills my heart so let me", "i know this isnt real but it feels strange to me at times", "im happy but i feel all this pressure to do one thing or another amp it makes me unhappy", "i feel soo naughty today", "i must say it is a wonderful feeling and makes me feel so submissive", "i feel unprotected even while travelling alone", "i get the feeling im watching to see charlie be charming and zen rather than because i actually care what hes going through", "i basically wrote this for my future self i m feeling generous and think like i should just give the guy a break and list all the queries", "i feel his hand on me to stay faithful", "i now don t want to feel slutty", "i have been feeling is any indication on this childs personality then i am petrified", "im trying to be intuitive often just makes me feel sort of confused and nauseous", "i feel agitated right on through", "i continue to add more so please feel free to explore and let me know what you think", "i feel like i m teetering on the edge of hoarding insanity when it comes to my beloved clothing", "i should be feeling eager to leap into stash of fabric and make something", "i was taunted by the ability of feeling threatened from weakness of frailty beneath this exterior of human existance lies a woman wanting nothing but a man needing his warmth and masculinity", "i really would feel terrible if i didnt let certain people know", "im kind of feeling nervous and anxious about all the shit i have to do today", "i am feeling currently but as with anything when it s all resolved feelings will change", "i feel like that fact is being abused", "i feel like im falling out of love with him in a way and not in a romantic sense", "i feel beaten up worked over", "i get up to refill my coffee and feel that pleasant and familiar ache it reminds me how much i miss the whole body conversations you can have when you re sitting on a good good horse", "i am not sure what would make me feel content if anything", "i like to know just because i hate feeling like the drama doesn t know but in this case i feel like there s so much territory to mine that i m content to enjoy the ride", "i feel like parts of me that were repressed and buried for so long are just now surfacing" ]
i feel impatient to do a final post after four more weeks with tangible results so far its exciting to see how far the philips reaura can go in terms of firming and smoothing
[ "at a certain situation i felt myself neglected and undeservedly harmed", "i like her too much to feel as if im being obnoxious and getting involved into somethign that has nothing to do with me", "i feel less bothered of things happening around me", "im feeling aggravated listening to phoenix lost and found", "im able to refine my poses and concepts without feeling rushed", "i wrong or ridiculous to feel pissed", "i feel like the legality of our marriage is in tatters thanks to all the hateful lies and messaging from the prop campaign", "i feeling dangerous at wimbledon width", "i was feeling angry at myself for feeling self conscious about my shorts or for wishing that i wasnt alone", "i feel myself getting agitated over something insignificant or feeling bored i m going to remember this quote", "i kept staring at her quivering flower feeling that it was like a violent flower in time lapse photography a flower shivering with vigorous growth as it accelerated out to the flickering sun racing sky heralding the end of our relationship before it had even started", "i feel greedy with my thoughts and it is a relief to let them linger", "i feel like this could be a dangerous topic if anyone feels passionately about pianos but its been on my mind for a while and i thought it was worth discussing not because im going to paint my piano which i grew up with so please stop hyperventilating mom", "i feel there are dangerous games or activities", "i love it he makes me feel so greedy", "i feel like a heartless b tch for hating him so much" ]
[ "i feel like i get my money s worth because i m getting a delicious artisan cocktail in return", "i love those cars and i feel that my second attempt at owning one will be a pleasant one", "i feel curious because i would like to explore what is at the top of the helterskelter like plant", "i am feeling better though i dont sound it", "i achieved was deepening my realization that i need to plan ahead to feel satisfied and avoid making silly food choices", "i am feeling unduly pleased with myself because i managed to change the battery in my smoke detector", "im writing this blog post and feeling totally amazed at this wonderful life we lead", "i feel less intimidated with her here to help", "i feel thrilled and quite humbled i wasn t expecting anything like that and it s a funny feeling", "im having trouble coming with words to describe the way i feel im so devoted to it", "i got a very encouraging phone call the other day and im feeling very hopeful", "i really lose a lot of my nesting homemaking instinct and desire when i am pregnant and the longer im pregnant the worse it gets though i do get about a month reprieve where i feel creative again around the six month mark and youll notice that is when i did a post for halloween", "i think i m also feeling restless", "i wish i could say that i got a feeling that everything is going to be perfect and painless but i didnt", "i feel somehow reassured to a href http www", "i feel satisfied and pleased after getting good marks in exams or praise from teachers for good performance", "i bought this one a couple years ago and it makes you feel a little glamorous", "i feel vaguely cheated and a little amused", "i really want to go buy some yardage of art gallery just to play with because it feels so amazing", "i feel sure a new necklace will come from this afternoon of beach combing", "im going to let myself feel tender about it blog about it then let it go", "i guess im feeling generous today and so i have decided to offer a fabulous deal on of my most popular prints at the moment", "i do know that i am feeling fabulous and having more energy then i have had in a long time even if my clothes are still a little snug", "i anticipated feeling ecstatic jubilant over the moon wired giddy", "i did feel unsure about it but thanks to l a lot of people liked it", "i feel like my rejected little artist comes by to remind me not to ignore it from time to time", "i left kicking myself for the awkwardness of my departure but feeling triumphant at not only having succeeded at my mission but having enjoyed myself as well", "i feel more mellow about this move than k is", "i get the feeling that after today and yesterday ive gained back every pound ive lost", "i still dont know what to make of it all but somehow i feel even more assured that what i teach works", "i feel all festive sitting down with my address book and list christmas songs in the background and writing a personal message in each one congratulations on your exam results", "i feel it is wholly positive", "i sort of feel a bit unsure now as to what to touch upon next", "i complete the act i feel temporarily satisfied but the feeling quickly goes away and i feel ashamed or guilty", "i feel frightened and exhilarated by the scene", "i feel like there has been way too much products on the blog lately and i miss the amazing home", "i kind of feel lame but still dont regret coming", "im a firm believer that nothing makes a woman feel much more terrific than a great trip to the salon to lift her spirits a bit", "ive had where i feel good enough to work the whole shift possibly the whole day", "i am feeling quite overwhelmed", "i feel a creative mind brings more diversity and new thinking to any job", "i feel proud in my ability to simply comprehend what was painstakingly discovered through rigorous experiments and ingenious theories", "i still have a lot to paint on the warhound but enough of the model is now put together that i would not feel embarrassed fieldi", "i want to push myself to think more in terms of discipline and what is a pro goal and pro me choice and not immediately default to feeling deprived", "i gents been feeling lousy over the last few weeks which ended up with a trip to the hospital last saturday which put a damper on the wedding anniversary", "i only heard news that made me feel really delighted", "i have the dried bladders all ready for a day im feeling brave", "i feel like each kid left school this year with at least three pieces they were really proud of", "i feel as it is imprinted in my brain by now how vital stress in the college community", "ive been feeling a little defeated maybe even over looked", "i feel like it is cool for now but we wonder when fabolous plans to release his long awaited losos way rise to power album", "i feel less burdened in a way", "i feel he has been quite successful at achieving his vision", "i feel a bit strange publishing these beautiful photos", "i look forward to continuing this challenge and feel so appreciative for the boost to get my nutrition on a healthy track especially for my pregnancy the most important time in my life to be eating healthy", "im more than ready to meet this little man but knowing that time is running out leaves me feeling a little apprehensive", "i just have a feeling it will be pretty in this lovely yarn and im stash busting as well which is a bonus", "i feel like i have been learning through the job transition and now through this ordeal is how precious it is when someone asks or cares about what we are going through", "i feel very thrilled about the move and would hope that we eventually build up a superbike cbs sportsline the irl expands to races in three more than in", "i am feeling fairly contented", "i cant quite believe it but i feel more lively and awake ths morning than i have in ages", "i will be able to let that passion out but at present these little paintings help me feel reassured not to let my dreams or creativity die a href https lh", "im too used to having too many expectations and too much pressure put upon me to achieve things that i feel inadequate when i take it slowly", "im feeling sociable again i have a date on monday with someone that wrote to me on there", "i think writing like this will be more fun and fulfilling and i think that when i do decide to introduce b to my blog it will feel positive and overall more balanced", "i think im making up for feeling like i missed autumn and its great colours", "i feel so respected now", "i feel very delighted for my stay here in manila is nearing its end and feel so down for the same reason", "i feel as though ive reached a point in my career where im highly respected there", "i went to bed super early so i havent spent a ton of time with alot of these resources but enough to feel like these will all be useful in the future", "i walked away feeling triumphant with my first purchase of new make up finally done", "i want so much to feel successful and not frantic that my prep time can be what takes up my own time for painting my own projects", "i read i feel like ive just enjoyed a rich journey through the history of settling the american west as well as through the values faith fortitude hard work and joy so readily cherished then and hopefully now", "i have had my treasury selection on the front page a couple of times and believe me it is a real squeeee moment you feel jolly and smug and treat yourself to extra chocolate that day", "i feel relaxed merson said", "i feel very blessed to have a new team of doctors that are by my side and listen", "i do exercise i feel energetic and i am able to perform my other tasks in a very good manner", "i want to feel less stressed", "i got a handle on the story and it actually started to get a feel and shape that i liked", "i feel very honored to be part of this team and attending this launch as it definitely was an eye opener and something very new to me", "i really feel like is mostly the culmination of starting to play more clubs and wanting to make more dancefloor friendly stuff and having stuff that has a certain tempo range that fits nicely in that setting", "i am feeling extremely contented with our decision to home educate", "i started feeling festive very soon right back in november and i suppose it was inevitable that i ran out of steam before the day itself im feeling all a bit hummpffff today you know so much to do so little time and its all going to be over in a flash", "i am not working out the amount i would like to i feel like my lifestyle change has been successful so far", "i don t feel devastated", "i feel that im so excited to tell you everything about korea now", "i feel a bit less burdened with things hanging over my head", "i feel a little dull", "im feeling discouraged sad angry afraid of tomorrow ect", "i am hoping the running thing works out like the numerous success stories i have accumulated but so far i am not feeling hopeful today", "i could almost be tempted to carry on doing photography only together as it worked so well but i feel that my aching back and nervous system will persuade me to remain as a retired wedding photographer", "i am feeling more pain and hurt than i did before", "i think we ll feel pretty good about that", "i feel as if i must blog constantly for all my loyal fans the baker thia sandwich the scruncher and of course mini t rex", "i feel like an elegant lady now", "im feeling a little bit more positive now as things were quite hard at first as my savings were eaten up quickly with costs and i didnt want to become a burden to my boyfriend but weve come out the other end and im feeling brighter and more inspired about things to come", "i feel a little vain i guess but last time i did this i seriously composed a a href http inthewarmholdofyourlovingmind", "i am feeling slightly apprehensive about tomorrow s crim exam that has a hefty weighting of but not to the point where i am sweating buckets or reaching for the razor blades", "i feel resigned that its never going to finish", "i am home again and feeling somewhat the dull girl not sure at all what real life is like anymore after such a short time away amazing how quickly a brain can go on vacation", "i may be a bit late this year but im feeling very festive sat by the fire imagination its actually just a hot radiator", "i woke up four miles away hungry as hell but somehow feeling oddly satisfied", "im not feeling too inspired as it hasnt stopped raining in at least a week here what does the sun look like again", "im feeling a bit out of my depth with my colouring skills amongst all this talent though so please be gentle with me", "i first held my scotty i knew i was in love with my high priced bundle of joy but i couldnt help feeling apprehensive about what the time to come holds", "i know i won t last long being ambulatory i feel it even though i try to be as positive as i possibly can", "i may feel stress unhappy", "i do struggle i dont get anxious instead i feel that much more determined to succeed", "im feeling passionate about in my own home", "id be more use at that level which would make the job feel more worthwhile and the season is basically half as long", "i feel much gratitude and thanks for finally after months and days i get to know my beloved deedee is fine", "i want to be swept off my feet and feel special rather than just being told i am", "i can feel it in my aching bones", "i really feel rotten and my ear hurts so bad but i still managed to work out days and really push the intensity", "i feel that this is going to get very messy to get fixed and back on the road again", "im looking good and feeling good other than this crappy cold im dealing with", "i feel needy and cagey during this wait for leaving to practice my new self in my old settings", "i am going to actively learn more about these genres and or practice them so i can feel what i should feel as a dancer gt fearless courageous confident phew", "ive been feeling an awful lot lately", "i can make them laugh out loud i feel a keen sense of accomplishment" ]
i came home one day and discovered that my sister had borrowed my car and had gotten into an accident with it my entire front bumper was destroyed
[ "i feel i have rushed moments where i begin to take this life here for granted i just look at them they look at me and my graced life becomes the stage again warts crushed worms under foot and all the other conflicts that come with it", "i get it crumble but thanks for feeling the need to tell me that im the one who is fucked up", "i feel suck mad and sad", "i feel bothered at the fact that some of us have been given so many chances but i don t see the least bit of appreciation and utter gratefulness downright from their souls", "i was somewhat coerced into this blog review so i feel a bit rushed and flustered", "i do feel agitated restless or on edge quite often", "i wanted to root for someone to feel wronged and condemned on their behalf", "i actually feel agitated which led to a terrible day yesterday in which i was unable to concentrate on anything and basically piddled the day away", "i thought i wont be affected by how youre thinking feeling but the petty side of you digust me", "i hate feeling so despised and detested by someone who i truly care for and completely love", "i was feeling too agitated to read and it was too hot out to walk", "i feel have wronged me", "i this feels rebellious to me", "i found working out of detroit specialized in christian literature lol im feeling a little grouchy tonight", "i feel im really just pissed", "i dont know who i like i feel so bitchy and flirty" ]
[ "i can t help but feel troubled by this", "im feeling awful because we hung out with my friend and her new baby the day before", "i must have been feeling rich", "i feel lonely i remember my moms saying", "i feel so extremely disappointed by you you took me for granted", "i feel like as much as it was an unfortunate situation that i wasnt with my father i was in a great place", "i just sat there in my group feeling really depressed because my book just had to go missing at this time", "im going to say is that i know my activities are out of balance when i start feeling burdened by something that is supposed to be fun", "i wasnt feeling well at all so had to take a few days off work lots of winter germs going round and being in an air conditioned office probably doesnt help", "ive done while not writing was had flowers delivered to someone just because brought a meal to a new mom on a day she was feeling overwhelmed and now im stumped trying to remember what has been done", "i feel i deserve i get depressed", "i am already feeling frantic", "i need to find a way to get over this yet i feel hopeless", "i usually feel energized i just felt exhausted", "i rid myself of many bad habits only to fall back into them when i feel insecure or vulnerable", "i might go get a car wash if i am feeling really generous my car needs it", "i was willing to be honest with myself and put a name to what i was feeling i was shocked", "i have no planning at all and im feeling really bad about this", "im not feeling very loyal toward them", "i just don t understand the betrayal the lying the hiding and the making me feel like crap with comments of you re paranoid", "i guess i feel betrayed because i admired him so much and for someone to do this to his wife and kids just goes beyond the pale", "i guess which meant or so i assume no photos no words or no other way to convey what it really feels unless you feels it yourself or khi bi t au th m i bi t th ng ng i b au i rephrase it to a bit more gloomy context unless you are hurt yourself you will never have sympathy for the hurt ones", "i feel im being punished for not being able to do my dailies", "i feel like i m damaged goods and that he deserves better than this", "i know exactly how put out you are and feel like it is only really acceptable to foist that inconvenience on family", "i feel like a moronic bastard", "im feeling a little stressed", "i must admit by the time i got back dripping i was feeling like id been beaten it was very much a run of three thirds", "i was made to feel like a pathetic piece of shit because i suffer from a mental illness multiple actually", "i was coming back to the couch was tough but i was feeling ok about it", "i have personally experienced this gut wrenching feeling and kicked myself later for making those dumb mistakes that result when anxiety gets in the way", "i start to feel like im getting over the death of my beloved cat timmy and when i get used to the idea of only seeing my mum maybe twice a ytear from now on and justwhen i start planning for my futrue and happy timesa ahead i start efeeling like this again", "i was telling obbie last night i feel like a terrible christian", "i feel regretful ashamed and embarrased of evey single thing ive ever done i cant think of anything im proud of", "i feel less intimidated with her here to help", "i channel was not yet assured i get the feeling they just went from broke on this one", "im feeling a bit neurotic that ill lose my job", "i feel like i cant be brave", "i said im beat and not feeling too creative but this was one hell of a day", "im sorry for how bad i hurt your feelings that make you feel unloved and alone feeling afraid to love and trust again", "i feel that people are a shamed of me", "i was feeling especially ungrateful its just that i had no alone time to post anything", "i began to feel unimportant misunderstood the odd one out", "i remember feeling so helpless i had been a mother for no less than hours and i had already failed my daughter", "i woke up later in the morning it was clear that she was feeling pretty lousy and luckily our normal vet had an appointment available later that morning", "i get of oz is the occassional viewings of home and away and even a bit of neighbours if im feeling really tragic", "i feel strange with it because it started to be sale", "i also feel the sidebar is messy", "im feeling very uncomfortable there the comfort and warmth is just not there any more", "i spend all day in bed or when im feeling adventurous on the couch because when i get up my leg hurts worse than my aching heart after titanic", "i feel sorry for you guys", "i feel so neglectful of lj", "i could feel safe enough doing so", "i feel useless and worthless", "i hope the two of you don t feel it was all in vain", "ive been feeling really unsuccessful in a lot of ways", "i was feeling drained before i even sat in the chair", "i feel burdened to share it", "i suddenly feel like some kind of innocent virgin", "i went to the church function instead feeling pretty lame", "i feel so embarrassed and humiliated korean attack victim accuses police sydney morning herald posted on pm with a href http brisbanehub", "i find is that these things are effecting loved ones who i love dearly so i feel so so helpless so what is the remedy for the hard times", "i wake up feeling all beaten up and i dont feel that way right now im probably going to be tempted to do the lake again", "im feeling a little uptight and pinched today", "i feel disheartened about that", "i feel as dirty as fuck", "i feel this is entirely in vain", "i totally laughed out loud at the first statement and then the second statement made me feel kind of sad", "i remembered that i gave my day to the holy spirit and filled with his grace how could i feel disturbed with this situation", "i begin to feel embarrassed about the way i acted and sometimes i just feel downright unloveable", "i also feel sometimes that ive missed out on things because of the amount of times ive had to leave somewhere early to take someone home", "i do is send that heavy energy down into her as an offering and i keep the piece on the ground until i feel that that energy has drained out of it into the earth", "i just feel so useless and utterly worthless", "i am feeling a tad smug right now", "i entered a depression feeling helpless hopeless and adrift betrayed disillusioned and wondering who i could trust", "i reflect back on all the beer i drank i feel shamed", "i feel like life is very delicate", "i set off home feeling quite smug", "im really like she said only you can understand the way i feel toni ight she blamed excesses on the merican dream so seldom witnessed never er seen hah hah hah hah hah", "i mean i feel like a broke record sometimes", "i feel so useless in this", "i would force myself to eat my normal routine clean meals a day but then i just started feeling so awful", "i feel crappy i eat crappy", "i feel like after everything ive been nothing but sincere what bothers me the most is that you wanted to hurt me you even told me", "i may feel discouraged and frustrated", "i sorta feel like everything is so delicate right now", "i feel so fucking stupid for doing so", "i just have this awful feeling that im going to do something really idiotic like decide to make my simple quick to make mini tote a more tricky project by deciding to use two pieces which need to be stitched together", "i could feel my tremors coming on and i started to get real shaky", "i remember feeling terrified as a child", "i first started and i m feeling more confident behind the wheel", "ill feel terrible in the end i dont know why i chose to continue being the shoulder for people to cry on or the one reliable person they can always turn to", "i remember feeling really terrified when i was in brazil on a bus that was going up steep mountain hills on the side of the mountain in the middle of a big storm wondering if we were going to fall off", "i think i was feeling vulnerable due to the stress of having to buy a new sewing machine and printer", "i was already feeling burdened to write write write", "i feel empty inside like all my light has been drained", "i still feel really shaken about the whole thing", "i love that she doesnt always feel brave", "i didnt used to feel so defective when younger yet i did sometimes", "i feel like she didnt seem to energetic or happy even her assistant was a bit off as she washed my hair after the dry cut she was pretty rough too like she wanted to quickly get it over with", "i feel like that s the thing that happened with my dad i was too stubbornly loyal to let him dump me like a rotten piece of food", "i feel so foolish and cross with myslef", "i feel alarmed her fingers gripping tight i see her pleading eyes so i start to disguise and say that everythings alright", "i feel so uptight around my family", "i feel a little bit sorry for ahem to face hard times there", "i knew where things was headed but that didnt really prepare me for the heartbreak even i would feel my heart broke for danielle and all other military wives that have had to go thru losing their husband trying to protect our country", "i am already feeling like i am being less productive", "im sure anyone whos seen someone close go through this process you feel entirely useless in this situation not being able to take away any of the troubles or ailments", "i feel all funny sometimes", "i feel like that enables her rotten ass even more but i am at a total", "i blamed the people around me for making me feel less valued for being a stay at home mom", "i feel so doomed all the time", "i feel certifiably idiotic right now", "i feel like i am living without my apendages and all vital organs", "i feel at this point i ought to just add my sincere apologies to her for taking so long to commit my tag to my blog and hand over the baton to someone else to run with", "i werent feeling crappy enough aunt flo decided to show up and im bloated like a balloon", "i feel like my valuable college years are being wasted in daily routine", "i still didnt feel like the problems had really been resolved", "i no longer feel terrified", "i felt like the most petty and spoiled person on the planet to be feeling so rotten over my luxury problems" ]
i don t feel greedy of worldly things so it s not a big deal
[ "ive been feeling really spiteful lately so i think ill just sit here and listen to rammstein", "i feel like i m a very very dangerous human being right now", "i feel so fucked up most of the time because not being able to concentrate on anything amp feeling anxiety all the time about everything makes me stressed apathetic amp i cant handle stress at all", "i have noticed my own increasing frustration with what i feel to be petty artificially created drama", "i started to see a concerning pattern i d rush home at the end of the evening s activities to write out a post sometimes i d be feeling frustrated and flustered while sometimes i was eager and inspired", "i feel greedy with my thoughts and it is a relief to let them linger", "i am writing and sharing here is much more about my own story and what i believe with all my heart the world needs to know the riches we have in god than me feeling angry towards or trying to bash the people and leaders and parents", "i came to review however im not entirely sure what it is that leaves me feeling somewhat dissatisfied and a bit brassed off that more didnt happen", "i feel those feelings coming back all those hateful jealous paranoid feelings that used to torture me relentlessly", "i havent been sick in the winter very often since i quit smoking years ago so seldom in fact that now when i do get sick i feel outraged hows that for rational thinking", "i swamp uncaring unfeeling fucked up apathetic humanbeings who wont pull their heads out of their asses long enough to turn around and look at me and say i see you", "i bet you are feeling really mad and hurt", "i mean geez cara was raised not to feel compassion she had all love and feeling tortured and beaten from her at a very young age thats how the mord sith work", "ive found my interest in s u waning and ive even come away from some portrayals of their relationship feeling dissatisfied", "i feel like this never get impatient around sharp objects as it will inevitably lead to tears", "i am feeling that he does i wonder if such a dangerous place could be settled with the mentality that the enmayi have to bring to the possibility" ]
[ "i know i haven t posted anything for months and i feel kind of guilty big thanks to the exams tests and assignments and all but so far so good", "i think i have a good feel for what players are feeling and i just try to help them to do one thing in life that we all want and thats believe and if you believe strong enough good things can happen washington said", "i feel super bad that thanksgiving seems to disappear more and more each year but i would be lying if i said that i werent excited for official christmas time", "i got outside i beat myself up pretty bad mentally of course for not going with my gut feeling but again i was hesitant b c ive never done this before and that was actually my very st time meeting with a seller and feeling good about a particular property", "i feel like im finally out of my box and free to be the person i was called to be", "i care about but i feel unimportant to because they have their shit together enough so that they dont need me anymore", "i do i really do think i have some justification for feeling smug", "i had been feeling lousy but feeling a little more normal brought so many small things into focus and everything seemed wonderful", "i cant explain how i truly feel but some words that encapsulate some of my me ness currently ecstatic happy bouncy relieved energised in a mood to dance wanting chocolate wanting to socialise right now smiley and about here i lose words that express but bah so emo", "i posted about feeling like a super mom because i managed to care for myself my children my fiance and my house for one day while working and on little sleep", "i don t believe these feelings can be blamed solely on the lack of empathy towards family life by government policy makers and employers which the analysis on this survey would seem to suggest", "i feel i would give up the sense of touch feeling is because i am afraid to feel pain or suffering which i admit is probably one of the harder parts of life", "i achieved was deepening my realization that i need to plan ahead to feel satisfied and avoid making silly food choices", "im feeling are happiness wholeness and excited anticipation sometimes im reduced to tears and can barely begin to put my feelings into words", "i was feeling adventurous though so i went with some asian flavors of ginger and sesame oil for my salad", "i have come to understand that feelings are neither positive nor negative", "i dont want to make a bad impression with my new co workers in both my job or my lab simply because i just feel so insecure and agitated all the time", "i don t want to feel resigned to the typically american life and i know a lot of others aren t happy with that either", "i guess im feeling pretty mellow these days", "i struggling to find a common ground with not feeling deprived managing my stress and activity and living a healthy lifestyle", "i do know the main reason i feel like i m losing myself unsure if i ll ever get those pieces back but i m not quite ready to talk about that just yet", "i really enjoy cabernet for how aggressive the flavors tend to be and while this isnt exactly a light wine it still has a general congenial feel to it that i find a very pleasant", "i refuse to allow my wonderful feeling to be disturbed by all the crazy", "i wont lie im a little worried and nervous and i feel inadequate for the job but ill just do my best thats all my heavenly father wants of me", "im caught up on sleep and no longer feel like a zombie im excited to focus on being a good wife mother and homemaker again", "i felt better on thursday and today friday felt good enough to come into work though i still feel kind of shitty and foggy", "i just have to figure out how to really put it into practice without anybody feeling like their contributions and ideas are not valued on the team", "i almost didn t want to post these because i can sometimes feel intimidated by the amazingness of other mom bloggers who seem to have perfectly organized homes and entertained children", "im feeling generous so there you go with that golden nugget", "i attended a free individual academic consultation which has helped me manage my time efficiently so i can fit my classwork activities and social life all in one day without feeling completely stressed out", "i feel so much more comfortable with myself now that im not trying to dress a certain way that isnt really me", "i have to admit that i feel skeptical about making these changes and wonder are natural sweeteners any better for your body than refined sugars or are all sugars the same in the end", "im feeling rather rotten so im not very ambitious right now", "i am from feeling like a citizen i feel more welcomed here in japan as an english teacher than in my home country as a black person", "i will go to my mailbox and talk to the mailman then the grocery clerk etc but no matter how small the step or how limited the risk a complete and total willingness to experience whatever thoughts feelings and sensations emerge is important", "i feel stressed or my family is being negative work is my getaway and every stressor goes away because of the kids", "i feel so carefree nowwwwww", "i feel pleased too that i am supporting people with small businesses who work from home buying gifts that have been made with care and talent", "i left feeling hopeful given i had felt some really good twinges releases aaaaaaand", "i have learnt nothing else in the last two years it is that it s best to feel my way by trusting my instincts", "i would want them to know either i feel it isn t that important to know who had hurt me this much anymore", "im not too jazzed about the first image but even before i have finished this one i am already feeling proud", "i honestly do not feel discouraged today as i usually do", "im just nosy or i like to see the process or behind the scenes of a peice but i feel like i should at least provide a little treat to everyone who is curious like me", "i refuse to cut my hair too early and then possibly throw myself into some sort of depression because i don t like the length of it or don t feel pretty enough", "i understand where they are coming from and why they feel the way they feel and i respect that they have the strength to say what they believe however popular or unpopular it is", "i was taught to complain and feel unhappy but it was not until quite recently i clearly understood the importance or gratitude and started to make it important in my life", "ive missed that feeling and ive missed being there and ive missed having something to work towards that keeps my focus on me and keeps it off of my phone and the potential trouble it can get me in", "i know that the amount of control i feel i need to have over my life is over the top so i continue to work at keeping faith and trusting that life is unfolding as it should", "im starting to feel graceful oh happiness", "im feeling rather inspired yet low i will enjoy my writing and even though i may be writing about morbid things i will find a way to make it interesting to read", "i feel let alone give a shit", "i ask you to trust this and to celebrate not the images of lives cut short but the feeling of freedom that your hearts can accord when you reach for these lovely spirits and know that you make the connection", "i feel like its become socially acceptable to allow traditional views to be threw under the bus without a fight because youll offend someone if you stand up", "i feel it is my solemn duty to share this divine knowledge of mine in order that others may benefit from it s truth and beauty and render their world just a tad closer to thearchitecturality that utopian perfectly set garage society to which we all strive", "i feel may be useful to my readers who are searching tablets but dont want to break your wallet like the apple ipad tablets do", "i feel the jersey could be a bit more adventurous but i wont let that take anything away from this jersey", "i can make a sugar laden roasted chocolate cake like the best of em and nobody can even tell its vegan phase which is perfectly understandable for a year old girl to feel i am thrilled that she is a vegan and wish her continued success and health", "i am feeling so festive right now and not just because this was the lovely wintry scene when i walked the dog the other day a href http", "i didn t for one minute feel intimidated or stupid", "i know but i m also upset because i increasingly get the feeling that i m a pleasant accessory", "i feel that i am afraid of whatever ad anything that will happen and idc is it good or bad i am just afraid and i hope god you will help me in whatever i do", "i remember feeling thrilled to use my nursing skills relieved that i could have a few days out of the house and i remember that at first it was hard but then it was no problem", "i also intended to study but that didn t happen either so here i am feeling a little less virtuous amp holier than thou than i would if i had actually done something constructive over the past week", "i don t want them to feel so pressured", "i have a well staffed office or a relatively less busy schedule things run more smoothly and i feel less stressed", "im not sure i can go back to aussie festivals that make me appalled at the youth of today and make me feel glad to be old er and way more sensible", "i spray it all over my body during afternoons to beat the heat because its refreshing doesnt sting unlike regular baby colognes and the fresh scent is very energizing just the thing i need to keep me from feeling drained and lazy in this intense heat", "i am not sure why i feel the need to share this experience with the world maybe its just that now that its over its actually pretty funny", "i still feel like the admission that i don t like this popular show puts me in a category with people who kick puppies or people who or who steal the ratty clothes off the backs of dickensian orphans", "i was feeling ok so i ignore it my heart was not jumping out from where it supposed to be yet", "i feel which is glamorous and my little lacy bottoms have a tiny g string underneath", "i still love to run and plan to keep it up but i don t want to once again register for so many races that i feel like every exercise moment needs to be devoted to running", "i feel enough something way deeper and sincere than love", "i don t i risk feeling vulnerable the feeling that everyone is staring at me and examining every little dimple in my thigh and sag in my arm", "i feel humiliated embarrassed or foolish i will remember that others have felt the same way because of the same kinds of things and i will be kind and helpful and accepting", "im feeling ok other than the raging hormones", "i feel like maybe everything is resolved for once and all and i can get on to living my life after almost years", "i can feel that they arent supporting me but that doesnt mean i dont want them im my life", "i feel this perverse pleasure in knowing how were so much the opposite of everything youre supposed to do", "i have become too comfortable while at the same time feeling discontent because i have not been pursuing the thing the lord has set on my heart to pursue", "im just not mentally there but can still feel the itch in my legs to run and once i get out there im so glad i did", "im not going to lie sometimes hearing myself say some of the things on my recordings makes me feel weird and insecure but just like the quote states above its a good thing", "i am unable to conclude what kind of person i consider myself i can say feeling guilty and uncertain helps me to realize some of my flaws so hopefully i can move forward in my life to think about situations and my words more thoroughly before acting", "i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to feel more than and superior when as i see perceive someone worshiping me for my progress instead of realising that i am defeating the whole point of process within doing so", "i feel i cant be disturbed to lift upon with hold up anymore it seems as if i dont know what to do or what i m vital for", "i pushed the feeling aside and contented myself with an apple", "i feel a little more relaxed", "i also feel less inhibited about interacting with them", "i feel like having that sweet carby yet low glycemic meal not just at breakfast but often for dessert", "i get the pre birthday blues when i spend or weeks feeling slightly melancholy because of all the things i havent done while my life whizzes by", "i sort of hate glasses because they make my eyes look small and since huge eyes is all i have going for me it was quite an upset but im hoping these bigger frames will make me feel less paranoid", "i received a slightly belated message back from daniel and feel a lot more reassured that im not the only one who thinks l is emotionally insensitive", "im lucky enough in life to meet someone who makes me feel safe happy secure and loved i feel theres no reason to wait", "i experienced a v drink today which is supposed to give you boundless energy for a while though full of the cold as i am i didnt feel bouncy though h noticed my speech quicken after minutes or so", "i have a mini list of good things about me that i can refer to the next time i m feeling shitty", "im feeling generous for my fellow bookworms and kiddies even if youre just a kid at heart", "i found out i was pregnant which is alot but it makes me feel a little less scared knowing that my doctor is watching everything and were taking things day by day", "i feel like not caring", "i love that refreshing energizing feeling when its been a week of gloomy weather and then a really great blue skies no clouds in sight kind of day", "i know is sounds a tad silly but its a lovely feeling capturing moments and im just glad some people like them too", "i just feel like i havent shaken it up lately", "i feel relatively safe normal or whatever you might call it", "im sure most moms have already figured this out but i feel like such a more joyful person", "i suppose my own truth needs to be shared i havent been feeling very faithful lately ive dwelled more in doubt and uncertainty than i have in faith", "i don t feel particularly passionate as i once did and my goals are changing and evolving quickly", "i mostly take the stairs there are of them but occasionally when i am feeling particularly lethargic because of a number of consecutive late nights i bow down to ease and convenience", "i totally and completely feel free doing that is amongst like minded souls", "i really am feeling skeptical about politicians lately and all of the tomfoolery and shenanigans that are going on in washington so it s nice to read a book that is about that subject and about some people taking action though no i don t advocate the actions they took", "i went to sleep friday i was feeling relieved that none of our family was caught in the tornadoes in broken arrow later that night", "i love but these are just a few that i ve been thinking of lately feel free to comment tell me i am an idiot or whatever", "i really enjoy having the weekend off i feel naughty for not doing but i am still getting results and it is a really nice treat", "i shouldnt be afraid to go out in public and feel paranoid because ive done nothing wrong", "i gotta say im feeling pretty impressed with how everything ended up considering my total dollars dropped totaled and i have three small canvases to play with display with", "i found a good article where you are not to mediate if you feel threatened or intimidated by your ex controlled or you life is controlled by your ex where your child is being manipulated by your ex", "i feel that artists should be supportive of one another not stretching to find ways for others not to be able to express themselves in their love of art too", "i beg and crave a particular something that im convinced will bring happiness and yet when it arrives im left feeling jaded and used", "i have days where i want nothing more than to be unwanted and where i resent the pressure i feel to be and do everything for everyone even my precious children", "i feel sometimes more joyful after i have read scriptures or prayed after i have done those things than while i am doing those things", "i am content i am restrained to myself which in turn makes me feel satisfied with the environment i am into myself and thats all i need" ]
i was feeling grouchy and the old man has mentioned that retail therapy is great
[ "im feeling a bit bitchy tonight so i will be", "i dont hallucinate instead i slowly continue along my little path until i feel needlessly violent and overly happy about it", "i feel so greedy so needy so helpless", "i feel have wronged me", "i see all my friends posting pics and status updates of where they are going or what they are doing and i feel a bit jealous knowing it s not something i can get out and enjoy", "i hate him and the feeling is pretty mutual i find him obnoxious and he thinks im a bitch once again it has nothing to do with what happened and nobody thinks less of anybody because of it", "i feel sooo bitchy that i made out with devin", "i realized today that i dont know what i want and thats the primary reason why i feel so dissatisfied so often", "i could feel this way but i honestly believe that he was and is a very violent and dangerous man", "i feel a tad bit envious of my younger self i was in great running shape young and had my whole life ahead of me", "im feeling all kinds of conflicted about the bit with his rather violent reaction towards the paparazzi over that zq jcho cpine lunch", "i don t know it s just that it was like on top of our head so much of yesterday that it was really bothersome and we re still feeling a little mad about it", "i just act how i feel im becoming what ive always hated", "i still feel like i was somehow one of the family members horribly wronged by the tragic events that have transpired today", "i am feeling resentful it is my choice and i can choose to do things differently next time or even change my choice now", "i know its only the beginning of and im already feeling fucked" ]
[ "i cope with being made to feel inadequate", "i swear is releasing my neighbors inner crazy weve had cops called on our block like out of days this week im feeling inspired", "i noticed myself feeling victimized resentful fearful ripped off crazy my body reacted with sensations of tension and chaos", "i was feeling like death was knocking on my door in the living room and i would have gladly welcomed an epidural at this point", "i feel moronic for a lot of the things i have said to people in the name of progress and i have no new ism to espouse now", "i could already feel the difference in strength during technique class and three classes in i am starting to find my balance though it is still pretty shaky business", "i am not feeling more and more freaking relaxed", "i do not like feeling unsure and uncertain", "i feel ungrateful for being unhappy but i cant seem to move on properly", "i know takes a lot of present moment awareness and part will be the challenge of accepting things as they are so i don t set up a feeling of wanting or discontent", "i am feeling very anxious about going to therapy w", "i feel so dumb talking about this i feel like a whiny emo teenager who has so many problems and who is far too in love with her temporary boyfriend", "i felt myself melting away again but this time it was a happy feeling not a scared one", "i just feel shy because i was just a sharia stream student who is now still struggling with european union policy and decision making thesis while those uncles there discussing trillion dollars projects in government lead companies glc", "i guess it s all about trying to internalize the serenity prayer without also feeling walked over and abused", "i feel like im damaged goods hah", "i also know what it feels like to be in a relationship where you feel like a burden and too much and not worth loving or pursuing and its just", "i feel anxious and off", "i guess this is a memoir so it feels like that should be fine too except i dont know something about such a deep amount of self absorption made me feel uncomfortable", "i woke up feeling positive i was totally in the mood for doing this and this evening i feel the same i had a banana shake for breakfast a chocolate shake for dinner and a sunday roast for tea", "im trying to do better with my spending but i feel so deprived", "i love the feeling of aching oh what are those insipid things called on the front sides of my calves muscles and i love the fantasy that some day soon i will be featured in sports illustrated as the swimsuit model of the year maybe they will make a special issue for the baby boomers", "i could empathize with tab because of raging hormones and the connection feeling like someone else gets you thinks youre smart pretty worth attention", "i feel a bit overwhelmed in some areas so i may come off as whiney", "i do feel the need for a little break however like you and for something lovely and quiet", "i went to see my pcm on post for a follow up appointment and i left feeling hopeful and optimistic", "i never worry about having to repay you or feel burdened when i couldn t afford something because we always manage to understand and have fun despite being broke which is a lot of the time", "i cant do a simple math question and guess what i broke down in front of my tuition teacher whom i have known for almost years now feeling pressured and i feel so bad bout myself", "i feel so regretful about getting such high hopes on myself coz i thought i got the damn job and then spurging on things that i dont need when i can use those money to get something decent for both of us", "im afraid to call the guy from yesterday because i think hell be angry because i think my boss is angry because i dont communicate with him and i feel like im doing a shitty job and i project my fears onto him", "i would really recommend taking this approach because the last thing you want is to feel disappointed when your little nugget arrives", "im waiting in my paper gown and plastic slippers for them to call me feeling very apprehensive but a bit dopey in the head due to lack of food", "i never thought i could feel thankful for such an awful thing but i am for making me stronger even as my husband gets weaker", "i feel a little funny about being so open and personal in my sandblog but if admitting all of this helps me achieve my wish than it s worth it", "i to candy factory it was clearly a tourist production line but it didn t feel unpleasant or hurried just well planned and professional an interesting and picturesque visit", "i feel like shirley maclaine in that weepy chick flick where julia roberts is in such pain and her mother shirley demands drugs for her", "im feeling so sally field like these days surprised by all the love and always with a brown mop of hair atop my head", "im sat at work feeling pressure in my ears blowing my nose and just feeling miserable", "im feeling very virtuous having just come home from a hour yoga session with my sister whos a yoga teacher", "i feel like the cabbage potatoes and venison were components of a rich stew and the pomegranate seeds were meant to cut through the thick oiliness of the rest of the dish", "i was put on a less powerful pain med drip but i didnt feel out of control so i liked that drug better", "ive had a few rough days since then and in the midst of crying and dealing and feeling just so defeated and emotional i put my coat on and curled up and created this safety nest inside my coat", "i counsel people who are in abusive relationships i have prided myself with understanding how they feel being a supportive resource because i get it", "i could add input advice and guidance made me feel valuable", "ive been feeling disheartened by the young adult genre after quite a few badly written novels but this one has restored my spirit and captured my heart", "i feel very discontent right now", "i needed to get all that out of my head and onto a screen where i can come and reread it later to see that while we have numerous blessings there are some challenges and that its okay for me to feel overwhelmed at times", "i feel so pained by a situation or circumstance or i become so frustrated by something that is so out of my control and completely unacceptable that instead of looking like a crazy person running around cursing and screaming i throw a tantrum in my mind", "i feel so thankful i have been able to figure out ways to get around or deal with most of these minor side effects and that i have not dealt with anything too serious", "i needed to feel loved and accepted although i falter", "i know these feelings premonitions and so on could simply be the product of my own troubled subconscious grabbing my conscious attention for a bit", "i wished i could feel more energetic and deal with less pain but it might be my best option", "i can vent some feelings or keep one person entertained then i will be happy", "i go into work when im feeling low ill only feel worse all or nothing thinking e", "i start to see it s a problem when one afternoon i feel so depressed i can t wait the one hour until my friend comes back to talk to her", "i am feeling rather jaded because i have always believed falsely it seems that if one has the true love of christ charity in one s heart for people that everything else is secondary since charity is touted as being the most important thing to have", "i feel cared for and accepted", "i suggest before you begin you take some time to reflect on your relationships and understand what specifically makes you feel valued and loved and what makes you feel insecure and unnecessary", "i guess i m a sucker for the grand and endless battle between apparent good and apparent evil and i m no different than anyone else who feels they have the divine gift of discernment in situations like this", "i breaking skin feels like and it s not pleasant", "im feeling very uptight right now", "i see on wednesday im feeling fantastic these days and i can tell im getting smaller and smaller", "i feel that its very romantic and to add to my visit i have the ipod loaded up with s dark synthwave amp early s college radio alternative the cure neds atomic dustbin the candy skins posies pixies blur james springhouse morrissey and so on", "i have noticed improvement is in the gabapentin and last nights dose of zonisamide which left me feeling very relaxed", "i remember being so disappointed with not showing for about months and now i actually feel like my less than lady like movements are more acceptable", "i am in true victim style feeling shamed for being me for having ptsd for going to them in good faith and then the symptoms of my trauma showing itself", "i was a mess completely stressed out feeling terrified of doing the wrong thing of mis stepping or of in any way dishonoring or upsetting my medicine family or any of the participants in the quest itself", "i headed back to my office feeling satisfied maybe even a bit self righteous about how id consoled a friend", "i mean as a group thing it felt good to get in there and add something relevant for us but im still not really feeling delicious as a tool for me", "i feel heartbroken that a group of my fellow americans fell for the prosecutions fear mongering theory elashis daughter noor said outside the courthouse late monday", "i feel that i know god is real and that he is loving if i feel that i have air tight reasons for such notions what kind of sense would it make to blame him for the misfortunes that befall us when in fact jesus warns that will have tribulation in the world", "i can feel a little better about sunday maybe i can continue that good feeling and get back to the little hot bod i once rocked", "i feel so relieved about what i had been through i can sense a big transparence burden was lifted and thrown into a deep cliff", "i love drink them i love that medicine because i want to be health anymore but my family reaction made me feel so depressed", "i dont know why i feel disheartened", "i am feeling all nostalgic i went on pinterest and found some great looking recipes for tomatoes and had to share a href http media cache ec", "i did feel that loving kindness allow us to think and feel how our conscious and how we interact with various things in the body and mind", "i feel helpless and scared and all of these things i cant describe and i never thought of myself as a control freak but im recognizing that feeding my feelings is my way to control something in the midst of chaos", "i still feel like a butt but thank you for being so gracious", "i have been really feeling my age and beyond this week i thought a gentle reminder was in order", "ive missed that feeling and ive missed being there and ive missed having something to work towards that keeps my focus on me and keeps it off of my phone and the potential trouble it can get me in", "i am feeling quite overwhelmed", "im going to say is that i know my activities are out of balance when i start feeling burdened by something that is supposed to be fun", "i left kicking myself for the awkwardness of my departure but feeling triumphant at not only having succeeded at my mission but having enjoyed myself as well", "i feel unwelcome or uncomfortable oh except for that time i pulled the doorknob right out of the cloest door", "i think this has caused me to resonate more deeply with others who lack connection and support who are alone who feel they do not have support who are suffering", "i now can t help but feel like i ve been sloughed over like an unwelcome burden kathumped on the ground", "im not feeling quite as jolly though", "i can feel myself slowly uncoiling from the fearful place inside and enjoying the time as i hope he can enjoy it and starting to actually swim around a bit rather than just walk in the water", "i should be rushing around packing my kit ready to fly out to gambia on tuesday but instead i am sat here feeling rather melancholy after an emotional supping a small well fairly small", "i feel a bit tortured right now", "ive just been told that i should feel more remorseful about the whole thing and that i should hang my head low for a long while because im pond scum", "i feel a little disheartened", "i aspire to capture the manner in which i feel this tension is resolved and why austere and introspective training still has a place alongside study of the method at euskc", "im feeling oddly sentimental today", "i realise my thoughts feelings emotions reflect my acceptances and allowances as a result of accepted and allowed programming and conditioning through and as time", "i wasnt actually a registered conference goer well i was in one dealing with sexual abuse in the gay community that kind of awoken some feelings i had repressed for a long time", "i was very happy with impact made by valbuena and diaby especially the latter who i feel has what it takes to overhaul a shaky usual starter", "i get that feeling that my life has been a miserable waste happens less and less as i get older btw ill look at this playlist page of comments and remember", "i often feel like a traitor to my sex but i am assured by the fact that i feel i am helping men become better candidates for interaction", "i flipped out at guys i feel terrible today i flipped out at guys i feel terrible a href http www", "i am not feeling calm yet must act that way", "i mention this seemingly obvious little tidbit is that either many of my friends have an innate inability to understand this or they feel hurt and neglected because of it", "i started feeling pretty good again", "i kind of messed up the tips on the left hand but its a bit harder to stamp backwards and upside down but i feel that it still looks pretty cute or should i say delicate to me", "i for one sit and stare at a blank computer screen for a while scratch my head a few times drink a couple pots of coffee and then feel triumphant once i write my first sentence and that first sentence usually consists of a poop joke", "i feel thankful that each and everyday he burns in me this way letting me know that in the darkness of the life i have once led under my parents he has risen to show me that i did nothing wrong", "i usually have a solution to these kinds of situations but right now i just feel unhappy and run down", "i was feeling pretty pleased with myself with the addition of two year birds and so i decided to walk around the fire station area which has produced good birds in the past", "im feeling a bit melancholy for some reason so im not going to post further for now but hopefully this re discovery of my old thoughts and goals will help me to re align my focus a bit", "i start to feel ugly unloved poor and unhappy", "i can but i feel massively uncomfortable doing it it consumes massive amounts of processing power and i associate it with some very bad situations ive been in recently", "i do not feel frantic", "i feel a bit more confident about them now so heres a gorgeous pair of cream amp lemon shorts i recently purchased in the warehouse sale for", "i do when i m feeling a bit weird to reground myself", "i was feeling rejected and sad", "i have spent of my waking hours enjoying the freedom of not owning a cellphone feeling smug about it in situations in which a phone would have been awfully convenient and fielding incredulous questions", "i really enjoy cabernet for how aggressive the flavors tend to be and while this isnt exactly a light wine it still has a general congenial feel to it that i find a very pleasant", "i have been feeling rather lonely", "i did manage two short runs and a walk but today im back to feeling just shy of awful" ]
i feel like the heartless from kingdom hearts or really any stock character that is born without feelings and watches enviously as the normal people laugh cry love and feel things that i can t
[ "i am appalled that i feel violent toward another human being", "i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to feel tortured by a headache", "i feel really cold and miserable but i try to motivate others who are finding the walk as trying as i am", "i focus on the injustice the anger rises and i feel frustrated because i know i cannot change things on my own", "i love rocking her to sleep at nap time during the day and not feeling rushed or exhausted", "i do meet that i do date will continue to be sources of apathy or worse people whom i feel i have wronged or in whose confidence i act in bad faith", "im feeling cranky after taxation", "i feel rather stressed for the preparations for prom night", "i was feeling some irritation and anger feeling being insulted", "i feel like i shouldnt have even bothered", "i am reminded of pavement yurusei yatsura and coheed and cambria without feeling offended that they have ripped them off", "i feel so happily rebellious", "im feeling more fucked up than ive ever had and its nothing to do with my school work", "i think its the case that whether people like anne coulter or ed schultz really feel as outraged as they do their viewers most certainly do feel that kind of outrage and anger about the substance of their collective tirades", "i would feel resentful toward patrick because i couldnt read avery her nightly books with just her and me", "im not sure if im more at peace with our situation or if im just not feeling as bitter about it but in the past five months something has changed within me" ]
[ "i feel cared for and accepted", "i do that i feel ashamed of", "i feel like special honored guests", "i was feeling kind of discouraged because nothing happened", "i feel like i have an ugly duck face when i see him", "i often feel disillusioned but i look upon it as a test of will and a test of character", "i have that overwhelming feeling of not being good enough recently", "im feeling extraordinarily dazed and bewildered this arvo for no particular reason and my muscles all hurt even though i dont actually have any", "i am feeling soooooooo giggly", "i have the joy of allowing kids to feel like the valued treasures that they are and to just have a blast being a kid alongside with them but can i just say its an incredibly humbling experience to have influence into a childs life and to know that what you do and say is being internalized", "im feeling a little dazed and confused today", "i folk if im feeling sociable", "i have ever seen in my life was laceys constant disapprovements of rikkis extreme happiness when she just wasnt feeling quite as carefree as he was", "i feel frightened and exhilarated by the scene", "i feel really inadequate and i just wish i had enough brains to atleast pretend to know what i was doing", "i feel so insecure when we figt", "i feel guilty because he is always good not just in the good times and i fail to recognize that", "i feel so worthless and ugly a href http afaerytaleinmakebelieve", "i was so proud of him and i feel so hopeful i realise this is the nature of asd if he is motivated he will let us have a small glimpse of his abilities and it seems toy story lego is the motivator at the moment", "i have not seen any change in my appearance but i feel more energetic i am sure this is just mental", "i feel so humiliated at failing to achieve what i should have", "i basically have a gut feeling of whether i think that person is genuinely sincere or not", "i love those kiddos and yet am left feeling so helpless", "i feel like being friendly is a chore but without people around me i feel lonely", "i feel so damn complacent", "i feel ungrateful and petty if i try and talk to people about it", "i wonder how shed feel about supporting me", "im not going to tell you to feel loving feelings toward her", "im most expressive when i feel distraught", "i feel stupid because i didnt buy in sooner", "i feel like im the only one whos caring about whats good for me right now", "i feel graceful and almost mythical", "i feel weird this morning", "i was feeling emotionally drained", "i feel so unhappy even with it", "i wont go on about the anxieties i am feeling about this is being as neurotic as me about this", "i feel like i am an island of pain and i need to be isolated from them all so i dont contaminate them with my sadness", "i find myself feeling anxious and unsure", "i always feel a bit personally assaulted", "i feel like it s boring", "i feel kind of lame this time around", "i just finished watching a korean drama secret garden omg and am feeling the way girls do after such shows a mixture of hope and a little tug of truth that says those romantic gestures only exist in films", "i am but all of a sudden i feel ignored and unloved and forgotten and i know its probably mostly in my head but what if it isnt", "i do not feel assured", "ive ever invented hail ember and flake are probably the three that are the most me so this story feels especially vulnerable", "i have been crying a lot and feeling kind of depressed", "i feel like flagellating myself like the weird albino priest in angels and demons every time i see his face", "im feeling as though this is all pretty boring", "i feel that it is something that will never really be resolved", "i ever want to feel that vulnerable", "i imagine that in the end it might feel like you do about not fully loving", "i yearn for when i feel vulnerable", "i cant help but feel that it is somewhat special", "i have this sort of feeling like an emotional undercurrent that im waking up in a sort of spiritual inner heart kind of way", "i feel so horrible when i am not accomplishing something", "i feel as though im supposed to be sympathetic but im having a hard time feeling that way im finding the repetition more annoying than anything else and im afraid its showing", "i just want to feel loved by you", "i feel i was so innocent to have only one dream to fill my brain and to be crazy about it", "i also feel ashamed at the hurt caused and ashamed at the things ive done that were not in my character and were down to being manic or whatever you want to call it", "i feel like im tortured like years ago", "i actually feel halfway benevolent", "i cant feel anything like they said why does everything always hurt so bad", "i thought i was ready for commitment for a relationship with someone but when it happens i just feel numb", "ive been feeling all listless this two days", "i feel a bit tortured right now", "i cant help but feel amused hmm", "ive been medicated today but i feel funny", "id feel ashamed if it wasnt so pretty", "i feel even more empty", "i tried to make a cheerful comment about fitting her in but i feel really unwelcome", "i was afraid of feeling helpless", "im honest im surprised at myself for feeling so emotional about it all having adopted a rather juvenile sneer against heaney as a bored year old in school", "i hate struggling to enjoy life but at the same time i feel guilty when i do", "i feel so idiotic all the sudden", "im feeling sorry for myself i think of miss jimmy who had nothing and yet was thankful for everything", "i feel lonely so unbearably crushingly lonely you are not the only one a href http creativeliar", "i to feel unloved when hes god and he has the choice to do whatever he wantd", "i feel like i have gone for broke", "i feel a little weepy over the fact that my baby is no longer a baby", "i didn t consider that she maybe had difficulty in feeling accepted into a certain group of people and she was afraid of being rejected", "i feel like this sums up the vanity of humans funny pictures funny quotes funny memes funny pics fails autocorrect fails", "im feeling a little anxious about the whole thing", "i feel so beaten down", "i only talk about how people make me feel and the only people i talk about are the ones that make me feel unhappy upset nervous or angry", "i have also known the pain of feeling worthless too broken too scarred to ever span style mso bidi font size", "i feel this way as this version of myself gentle gazing i realise something over and over again", "i feel like a jaded cat whatever who doesn t ever get nervous before races because i ve just done so many and i couldn t care less", "i feel humiliated embarrassed or foolish i will remember that others have felt the same way because of the same kinds of things and i will be kind and helpful and accepting", "i sympathize with this person but i also feel a bit skeptical the theme is loss because everyone looses", "i feel after reading allthingsbucks blog which brought tears to my eyes and a lump in my throat and a feeling of not having a worthwhile thing to be upset about that i shouldnt write such a lame blog", "i feel about watching romantic movies", "i must say im not feeling very optimistic", "i feel the carefree days of my youth doing the same", "i look at this list and think no wonder i have no idea who i am that i feel like a blank", "i feel a gentle tap and find flower child watching me her expression grave", "i feel is very delicate", "i think its just a subconscious acknowledgement about my feelings towards eddie eg ignored", "i feel like i ll never be as graceful an", "im still feeling very emotional", "i feel bad that i dont have a groupie shot with dan", "i must feel loving toward everyone", "i feel regretful ashamed and embarrased of evey single thing ive ever done i cant think of anything im proud of", "im freaking out worried feeling rejected", "i feel like i need a artistic community or a friend or a class", "i hate for anyone to ever feel left out awkward or less than", "i go back to my village i feel i am really lonely", "i am feeling listless without direction", "i might go out of existance i smile pick up my pen and fill the page with the things that you say the thoughts you obtain the moments you refrain far away its cause youre going insane and suddenly im left afraid because im not feeling that way instead im amazed why you gotta be that way", "i am feeling so hyper and bouncy", "i feel terrible for him and want to cheer him up", "i am feeling depressed cursing my luck", "i did not feel in the least smart", "i feel awful that your experience did not reflect that", "i feeling so low now", "i look at my work and i just feel like its less than perfect but i want perfection", "i do feel a little needy", "i feel like every day i walk around with so much stress and sadness that im literally amazed im still here that i still function that im still basically a friendly stable person", "im feeling quite joyful today", "im feeling a little vain today in outfit", "i feel so frightened at the thought of opening up my heart" ]
a group of youngsters dressed in fads talked foul language on a bus they also insulted the pedestrians on the road and were impolite to the passengers of the bus
[ "i am feeling rather heartless because i recently heard the words unconditional love and could not find it in myself", "i lost touch with her several years ago and feel a little bitter towards her and yet not quite willing to get rid of a reminder of the good times we had", "i have noticed that if i go with out i start to feel irritated at him or easily annoyed by the things he does i feel this tiny ache inside of me almost unnoticeable the first few days as if a tiny hair had burrowed its way into my foot", "i am feeling that he does i wonder if such a dangerous place could be settled with the mentality that the enmayi have to bring to the possibility", "i feel not for you this savage deal leave me with my speedy clutch leave me with brown sugar lunch", "i feel like a very impatient mensa member at such times", "i feel irritable when he starts talking about it because it can go on for ev er", "i feel there are a lot of things that i need want must to do but always somehow got distracted got a call from my crol tl and just told her that couldnt join her as per going to the doc", "i think i want to go to an aa meeting just to hear the stories but it feels rude", "i feel wronged but the judges people make at times however i also found out that actually in life we just need to be responsible to our own actions and and the people around us", "i feel impatient yet i am not fully sure what i am searching for", "i spoke with reported feeling dissassociated and dissatisfied with their human lives", "im feeling really really sarcastic caustic or theres been an influx of idiots into my flists daily lives", "i wish it had been a little more and this makes me feel greedy and sheepish and lazy for not having worked harder over the last few months", "i was dreading it and feeling irritable", "i was rather calm after writing down how i truly feel so was not as agitated as sonia yixuan and atiqah" ]
[ "i feel i wear what i wear to show other girls at my school who are timid when it comes to fashion that you won t look weird if you walk around with your head held high", "im feeling a bit neurotic that ill lose my job", "i feel uglier and more strange deformed and awkward looking than i had already felt", "i feel all agitated and moody and wanting wanting wanting", "i was around and feeling fearless and excited", "i know what it feels like to be the popular boy band on top of the pops looks like were heading in one direction", "i retorted feeling my face grow hot", "i feel burdened both figuratively and literally", "ive been more intensely feeling unloved", "im feeling more lively now", "i feel like i should go for a run to expend all this idiotic energy but iv decided to do some homework now instead and store the energy for a social event im going to this evening", "getting sent on a company expense trip to another state to work for a week at that plan", "i feel bad for pretty much everyone involved and am generally bummed to see violence take place perhaps most disturbing of all is the insidious if not predictable victim blaming that has taken hold in the days since the violent incident", "i am not feeling like a very valued customer", "i sometimes feel like a damaged product", "i almost started to feel like wimpy from the popeye cartoons", "i hope that you are all feeling festive and keeping warm", "i feel that they are vulnerable in the coming election given their performance", "i see myself feeling hurt or let down or uncertain", "i hurt and feel suspicious and definitely get angry", "i could soon feel quite rejected", "i feel like a worthless ugly fat unattractive piece of shit", "i feel vaguely cheated and a little amused", "i always feel very shocked by that me threatening", "i feel like i am in ludicrous speed", "i think this is really great having been in situations where i feel overtly threatened in a public place where everyone pretends they don t see what s happening", "i walked away from the weekend feeling simply dirty like i had done something really harmful and this feeling more than anything is what overpowers my feeble attempts to justify my actions last weekend", "i feel threatened and my sense of security feels threatened i freak out", "i have to say however is that is is awfully difficult to feel glamorous and sensational in all this heat ash stench greasy hair and your basic post yeast infection mode", "im feeling homesick this week", "i feel disappointed and want to tear up some paper and throw it across the room and write a giant letter of why things are unfair i just think of perspective", "i feel sorry for john boehner his copious tears running over and blurring his spray tanned face until its the same color as his nicotine stained fingers all the while eric cantor is waiting to push him out of the speakership", "i was feeling pretty terrified full of nervous energy", "i feel ungrateful and petty if i try and talk to people about it", "i feel like i m being punished gt gt gt gt gt something which you could have avoided by gosh just being honest", "i hate feeling like that because its stupid", "i feel rejected and unwanted", "i do feel a little bashful about it", "i almost feel damaged some how", "i feel friendly when i hate you", "im very much the opposite of it my cool is based on drinking and socializing without rememberiing meeting and trying to know people just to feel accepted for the first time in my life", "i quite like to do it standing on public transport or busy places when you often feel your space being invaded which can make you feel stressed", "im feeling like im also going to be uploading some more of my poetry on here just some lame stuff and lemme know if you guys like it", "i feel like a strange antisocial creature difficult for the cooperation", "i have a creative group of friends i can go to when im feeling creative", "i see myself behave in relation to feeling positive or negative and the way others perceive me within doing so", "i feel dirty rel bookmark i feel dirty i feel gross poaching vicarious threads from agtalk but i can t resist", "i feel awful when reading someones emotional posts especially when i am was having mine", "i had to say a couple of things twice in order to not have some weird out of context laughter in the mix that would make the tv audience feel like theyd missed an in joke", "i blinded feelings i meant liked stupid i", "i feel so foolish and ashamed", "i feel fearful of being near them", "ive been hiding my eyes between tight hands raising my arms shouting and cursing and feeling passionate", "i feel your frustration but it s time to calm the hell down", "i hate feeling this pathetic", "i was not feeling submissive", "i mean the idea is intoxicating of course and it feels amazing when its happening but what happens in the morning when you wake up and you have to go to work and so amp so is all up in your shit about something that is completely impractical", "i do not feel particularly delighted in", "i feel like each kid left school this year with at least three pieces they were really proud of", "id just had a terrible nightmare and was feeling a little disturbed", "i resisted doing because i didn t feel it would be acceptable and one of the group leaders encouraged me to do it anyway", "i feel devastated that my art style can be copied", "i mean think about how that would feel that would be stupid embarrassing", "i started feeling a bit alarmed but i was not afraid for some reason", "i feel a little bit frightened of islam", "i feel so disturbed i have been having difficulties sleeping", "i is celebrated with great fan fare which happens to be january th or october nd disregarding here of course the rare sense of gandhigiri euphoria generated by an unexpected source such as munnabhai we come across the inescapable phrase which i feel has been much abused a hindu fanatic", "i feel ungrateful for stupid shit like", "i have been perspiring like crazy even in school that makes me feel so dirty and muddy", "im feeling a little apprehensive about this party", "i vent outrageously with tourette s like unpredictability occasionally leaving behind me a wake of hurt feelings and messy rooms and other not so nice carnage", "i became more dismayed as i studied what people were wearing and started feeling like though some of the outfits were gorgeous they were bought that way", "i feel that i no longer have to do things to look cool", "i love but these are just a few that i ve been thinking of lately feel free to comment tell me i am an idiot or whatever", "i would constantly feel agitated", "i feel all kinds of dirty and not a good dirty src http nevercontrary", "i did feel slightly weird in that costume", "i feel like my efforts are all in vain and continuing to pursue them will only embarrass me down the road", "i was feeling awful friends before i left for my dads", "i feel pained by this", "im feeling a bit distressed about it", "i did not feel as hopeful yesterday our small number my childrens misbehavior during the service and the difficult hurried pace of the day before and after left me frayed and vulnerable", "i feel thats the most tragic human trait", "i winced and said that does not feel funny", "i feel so nervous for them", "i feel like being sociable and just aaaah", "im not afraid of going on my own but i feel like a lot of people were in groups and a part of me feels like it would be cool to have a small group to hang out with", "i was feeling really shitty invaded disrespected and i was not even one of the actors victims", "i feel hated there but had to remind my selfish self that none of this was about me", "i wear funny cartoon t shirts of course with my favorite cartoon characters like bugs bunny and tweety bird that is when i feel humorous and in high spirits like going to a park or a mall with my crazy and dorky friends", "i get through it pretty quickly but it just makes me feel like im not being respected", "i havent felt much like talking nothing bad just not been feeling very sociable in some ways", "i feel naughty by ratbagx", "i feel pretty awful about that", "i wanted but knowing nothing about it i stepped into the candyland of make up looking haggard and left feeling radiant with a bag full of products of course", "i do not feel useful", "i feel horrible now as a result", "i wonder if they feel like reluctant leaders", "i feel in my heart and definately in my idiotic mind", "i feel like im being naughty coming home on a tuesday morning", "when i nearly caused a traffic accident with my car", "i can t escape the feeling that i m being punished", "i feel insecure and lack of confidence", "i was able to go to a st party i am back feeling sociable and i really hope to get back into going to the munch but that requires a walk a min bus journey another walk then the munch and then all that back again which at the moment is a little too much", "i grew up feeling ugly and inadequate", "i feel like i am being deprived of oxygen", "i was feeling very bah humbugish coming out of this year s thanksgiving weekend and was not thinking pleasant christmas thoughts about the gift giving guilt trip conspiracy run by the marketing racket the decorating and the whole thing in general", "im getting the feeling that my classes are a little intimidated by the concept of a lit", "i don t know but it seems important to them that i feel unwelcome", "i feel embarrassed but i don t want others to take pity on me i have too much pride", "i have had the luxury of expressing myself and my feelings without the fear of getting beaten up or scolded", "i social and dreaming about things that make you feel so melancholy", "i feel bore and restless", "i feel truly heartbroken that hyun joongs fans can be so hateful", "i feel really dirty now but it felt really nice", "i am on so many social networks right now and sometimes i feel like that i am pretty talked out", "i sometimes feel nostalgic happy restless angry all at the same time", "im feeling scared and the rage filled im mad at me", "i was i might be buying stuff from there but i feel the clothes are too casual", "i feel quite idiotic but whatever" ]
i waited in line longer than usual i didnt feel impatient that my business was delayed i listened to the master about why this was occurring and how i could be of service during that moment
[ "i did feel that the ending was fairly rushed and didnt provide the closure i was looking for but regardless this was historical fiction at its finest", "i also feel like i was being way too irritable today", "i am just remembering it now and i should have told him it was birthday but i am such a selfish idiot and was feeling jealous of all the people who met nao", "i feel a bit frustrated with myself as i know i m not getting out of my dogs in the ring or at training if i m honest at moment due to me but i ll continue to do the remaining shows i ve entered until the end of july as long as we re all enjoying it", "i love that this is a place a series with no real heroes and i love that the way the couples in these books fall in love feels just as violent and crazy as the place that they call home", "i feel she was wronged", "im feeling so angry because that was just wasted work from her side", "i know the pain parents feel when an enraged child becomes violent", "i hear you loud and clear that this is an important issue for you but in the grand scheme of things i cant help but feel that this is so petty", "i get the feeling that the rest of yall are a little appalled about it", "i don t want to i feel irritated", "i am asleep i would feel no pain but that violent act would be completely unjustified all the same", "i almost feel too stubborn to come back as i said that i was leaving", "i kept staring at her quivering flower feeling that it was like a violent flower in time lapse photography a flower shivering with vigorous growth as it accelerated out to the flickering sun racing sky heralding the end of our relationship before it had even started", "i think i m feeling dissatisfied with my life", "im down to blogging again simply because im feeling very distracted though im suppose to study cell bio now" ]
[ "i feel ive been loyal", "i left to the shower questioning what i feel she was gorgeous such a fantastic body so confident in her movement effortlessly graceful", "i don t want any of you to feel left out i am offering a discount on my tea totes to you my beloved readers beginning today through april th", "i am actually quite likes this kind of busy feeling just because i am forget every unhappy things then i wont keep on think of it", "i received a lousy results slip ive decided to retain i had the worst first few months in school i made friends in class friends who made my life easier in school who made me feel more accepted in the class", "i feel a strong link to that in what i am doing now", "i feel assured the world around me seems brighter", "i got a great pump and halfway through the workout i started to feel fantastic", "i left feeling hopeful given i had felt some really good twinges releases aaaaaaand", "i may feel that i am not precious to others", "i wanted to be here and it seems as though the feeling is mutual the club was keen to keep me", "i feel vulnerable as i did very much yesterday i cant say i felt a strong sense of self worth but maybe according to brown i could get better at accepting those vulnerable imperfect aspects of myself", "i am not feeling fabulous i can now speak", "i spent a lot of time earlier this year feeling stressed out about capacity and resistant to stretching it because it felt like stretching me", "i have wanted to perhaps convey my feelings of a matter instead of my thoughts and have rejected it because i have thought feelings in the matter irrelevant", "i don t think i d feel this way so often if teachers were more respected and allowed to have more autonomy", "i thought maybe once i started running i would feel ok", "i feel like he moves sleep i am glad i enjoyed that week of good sleep that i mentioned because i have a feeling that is over with now", "i posted about feeling like a super mom because i managed to care for myself my children my fiance and my house for one day while working and on little sleep", "i didnt feel overly creative i really needed this weekend off just relaxing resting my leg and not stressing myself out", "im feeling generous with my words", "i am so happy because i finally feel like i m doing something that i am compassionate about", "i was feeling and how rich we are", "i wanted to because he loves me and i feel like if he cares enough about me even if he doesnt care about the wedding itself he should be more supportive and not throw it in my face", "i tween sat for my moms boss year old and year old boys this weekend id say babysit but that feels weird considering there were n", "i would feel differently if i believed that the leaders were perfectly truthful", "i mean it didnt feel like one it felt like a casual outing just meeting up to catch up and all", "i think the thing of it is that i feel like i get to be thankful more easily than a lot of people", "i just feel more comfortable and i feel like im not in it alone sure he doesnt express his love much but his tiny actions make up for it", "i feel like i am really valuable to him", "i remember feeling surprised that i had the option not to listen", "i looked down at my sweet boy hudson i knew this was my calling and that his spirit needed me at all times even when im frustrated and feel helpless and lost as a mother", "im lucky enough in life to meet someone who makes me feel safe happy secure and loved i feel theres no reason to wait", "i feel strange coming back to work after my one day holiday", "i don t want you to feel pressured into making love", "i noticed earlier not involved in the group s turn to speak in front of the class and you could feel how nervous he was", "i was way up ahead of raphael and laiya jennifer had stayed behind to watch our stuff since i was feeling particularly energetic and scampering up the mountain", "im feeling much more optimistic than i was just before coming here or en route here", "i feel like every day i grow stronger and become less needy of someone to fill that role", "i feel confident that my prayer will be granted", "i basically wrote this for my future self i m feeling generous and think like i should just give the guy a break and list all the queries", "i asked zack if i could go all out and write what i was feeling and he was gracious enough to let me do so", "i know takes a lot of present moment awareness and part will be the challenge of accepting things as they are so i don t set up a feeling of wanting or discontent", "i had been feeling conflicted and disheartened by my choice to get a new job even though i know this is what god has for me right now", "i tried to answer as generally as i could but ive been struggling with my work lately and feeling pretty morose", "im feeling a lot more optimistic about my future", "i am feeling quite well this morning", "i felt joyful then it subsided now i feel joyful again", "i made sure to go all out for him since i was feeling him and i liked how we complimented each other", "i have been starting to feel drained", "i say we because it makes all the difference as a parent when you have an open and easy to talk to teacher who you really feel is the perfect fit for your child", "i feel fearless when i am right", "i went i was amazed at what i have and i began to feel when the woman canal spoke about the divine hierarchies and they wanted us to do for a new era of spiritual evolution", "i was actually feeling very distressed", "i was feeling a little adventurous and ordered the seafood paella and lemonade and after the drink arrived i kicked myself as i should have ordered a glass of sangria", "im not planning to get hammered i warned feeling virtuous", "im wondering why i feel submissive sometimes more than others because im feeling it", "i used to feel devastated when someone criticized what i did", "i wasnt actually a registered conference goer well i was in one dealing with sexual abuse in the gay community that kind of awoken some feelings i had repressed for a long time", "i was learning to just deal with the nausea amp manage the unpleasantness of it at work trying to keep anyone from knowing but my sister told me there was no need to suffer amp feel miserable amp to call my dr for some zofran", "i have been feeling really creative and have been trying out new things", "i feel only a little bit weird about making decisions without him", "i seem to be feeling a little less anxious this week but i sure wish that i could check on her every week at the doctor instead of the that are scheduled", "i alight in front of the hotel i can feel the bellmen s appreciative glances", "i if your feeling brave", "i didnt feel much maybe just a sting but i was terrified because i didnt know if it was going to hurt or not if there would be a problem and if he knew what he was doing really who does in this situation", "i do like hearing about ministries that reach out to people that need it but one concern i have is that they may feel pressured to except jesus into their hearts by accepting care from the ministries", "i didnt feel as if i was supporting the whole conference but as i pulled gunk out of the drain in one of these sinks i wondered whether the folks who once again came through to make the conference work might be feeling some frustration if they didnt do the work nothing would be done", "i started to feel so overwhelmed", "i feel a little mellow today", "i didnt feel very accepted by most of my family members so my relationship with my church family made up for that", "i shouldnt be afraid to go out in public and feel paranoid because ive done nothing wrong", "i feel so contented with my job", "ive been saying things for a number of days that i feel may be too optimistic", "i left feeling satisfied that donna knew what she was doing and i was in capable hands", "i ignore this voice as well knowing by now it doesn t matter if i feel humiliated by what you request of me i like that feeling i welcome that flushed hot feeling of embarrassment that you can arouse in me", "i feel relieved to have the big moving of furniture over with", "i am feeling increasingly hopeful", "i sat down at the table for lunch after proclaiming how amazing i felt considering i started to feel weird", "i guess it doesn t help that i got sick on black friday and was forced against my will to maintain my promise to stay in but being back in the city feels amazing", "i feel confident that ive put in the time and done everything possible to win but that decision is out of my hands", "i m feeling very much relax and calm", "this happened a year when i was having a hard time", "i was overcome with heat and i started feeling very weird", "i feel like special honored guests", "i know in advance then i am fine with it but if i make plans and they change or fall through i end up not knowing what to do with myself and feeling very restless and angsty", "i feel you jerked a little surprised at the hand that touched you", "i feel honored that the veil was lifted in that moment", "i feel like im finally out of my box and free to be the person i was called to be", "i didnt feel too much it was just casual", "i feel gracious what about you", "i have to say i really feel a little useful for the progress of the second half the replacement of the shirt plus the coach s hairdryer", "i feel like the emotional fog is finally starting to lift", "i don t feel betrayed coz the backstabber had no grounds for their accusation but i m just amazed at some people s ability to do such things", "i have exactly weeks to train and prepare which is perfect and so now with week one almost done im feeling excited and trying not to get too nervous as i look ahead at some of the longer runs on the schedule", "ill find that elusive second wind and feel more hopeful but today i am a href http www", "i had a post about english plurals that i started in between acts over the weekend but that ll have to wait until i m feeling with it enough to be clever without being snarky", "i know i haven t posted anything for months and i feel kind of guilty big thanks to the exams tests and assignments and all but so far so good", "i got to chat with rustie dean from my hometown moose jaw and everyone made me feel so welcomed and comfortable", "i feel safer so i didnt have that horrible panicky feeling like i used to after nightmares in the old place but i couldnt get back to sleep", "i thought i would miss feeling useful", "i was feeling a bit lonely because poor henrietta had been in the shop for so long and ariel was right in chelmsford waiting for me", "i resorted to yesterday the post peak day of illness when i was still housebound but feeling agitated and peckish for brew a href http pics", "i do not always find myself feeling thankful but over the years i ve gathered a few tricks that allow me to feel grateful in the face of moments when the last thing i want to do is say thanks", "i woke up i feel thankful to god for giving me another day to go on", "i feel reluctant to leave", "i was just feeling a little bit creative", "im feeling productive and brave", "i feel blessed that i was there at the right time in the right place to see them and to feel a part of something that i hope will give the people of kuwait hope for progress", "i feel very blessed and loved by the people around me", "im just not mentally there but can still feel the itch in my legs to run and once i get out there im so glad i did", "i eat out at such hyped diners feeling satisfied but not extremely contented because the hype felt greater than what i have experienced", "i did not feel frightened just frustrated that i wanted to go back to sleep but felt there were unfinished tasks i needed to attend to there wasn t other than to edit two articles on freud s dream of irma s injection which were near completion and have subsequently been posted on this blog", "i left the office feeling discouraged", "i got everything squared away and was feeling fairly productive already", "i go back to feeling smart again", "i would have been happy to have had a nap but since we were already here steve and i then wandered around the botanical gardens getting a feel tor where i could go to get some lovely shoots for families", "i need instead to focus on feeling that ecstatic feeling to make phone calls without being attached to outcomes amp believe that the money to move will come without wondering exactly how or where or when", "i feel unwelcome at work sometimes and think people might be talking about me", "i feel comfortable with it" ]
i always think of you as such a violent band violently feeling violent lyrics musically violent
[ "i used to get the worthless feeling like i said previously my gear was going on ebay but now catch or not i m not bothered it is all about having a go i think a little more when fish are thin on the ground but not dejected or angry", "i hate talking about presents because i feel greedy", "i guess i wont feel too jealous since i often do my mothering at the pool but its nice to have a husband again", "i feel distracted or scattered i take a few moments to close my eyes and just breathe", "i feel about petty games", "i was expecting to say this is a very bittersweet feeling but all im feeling is bitter", "i just feel cold said rachel", "i type this i can see my unacceptably huge muffin top protruding out of my top and i feel disgusted that i am letting all my hard work of previous rounds go to waste", "i sort of suspected i was going to feel resentful and not really show my best side", "i know it wouldn t have solved anything but i m sure that it would have momentarily made me feel less agitated for sure", "i often feel fucked regardless", "i also didnt feel i could be mad at god because i know inside me that god does nothing without a purpose", "i found myself feeling so angry", "i feel so damn fucking disgusted violated and hurt and angry and everything", "i feel especially strongly about this since i have hated my teeth forever i was one of the unlucky ones who got bad genetics and an even worst orthodontist and pediatric dentist", "i often feel very angry seeing these things around" ]
[ "i dont know why but every time i feel like i am doing someone a favor all the time i start to feel burdened and stressed by that", "i cant help but feel sentimental about the fact that we were drawn here", "i feel i cant breathe at times but its the cute nervous where you know this person is the one you should be with because you dont feel it with anyone else", "i told her yeah they feel insecure and they bully people because it makes them feel powerful physically", "i was washing the trees hoping it would do some good and concurrently in the general trajectory of my life feeling more and more suspicious of much of the trappings of christianity and even sometimes maybe just kinda or a lot suspicious of its heart and in my head is this song", "i always feel kind of thing empty feeling", "i cant feel dont turn your back on me i wont be ignored time wont heal dont turn your back on me i wont be ignored", "i overly pc in feeling a little shocked", "i was so nervous all i remember is my heart beating loudly and feeling insecure as others watched me from off stage", "i feel awful everytime ac", "i go to the range i feel like im like russell crowe in robin hood or merida in brave", "i feel in they talk the brother in law is extremely popular the one that had no me to think is so stiff", "i feel like i am being punished for something that i didn t even do", "i feel so fucking heartbroken", "i just saw a post on one girls facebook page that said something to this effect im feelin horny", "i feel my own heart a lot to make sure i am still there", "i feel like this because i start being naughty in order to validate my existance", "i am most defensive when i feel most threatened", "i have been out there over the last few weeks i experienced for the first time a feeling of loving the actual act of running of pushing my daughter in the jogger of getting outsprinted by my wife although this would happen if i was in top shape anyway of having cold air nail you in the face", "i feel that theyve suddenly isolated me into a corner of the past but its as if i have suddenly become a memory attached to a name on a phone list", "i feel like it is cool for now but we wonder when fabolous plans to release his long awaited losos way rise to power album", "i know first hand and all too well those feelings of pain hurt embarrassment and even shame over self image body shape physical features weight etc because of what i have let my body become", "i realized that i m feeling artistic in the extreme because the justice center has not been very kind to me lately", "i am fascinated with the structure and function of the brain its so incredible that everything we think and feel all our memories and emotions are created and stored in this strange convoluted structure", "i feel terrified of the future", "i have come to understand that feelings are neither positive nor negative", "i know what god has said about stuff and yet right now i am beginning to feel anxious about it", "i feel like it just gets ignored or perhaps i really have done a damn good job convincing the world that alls well when really i was only dreaming as one omd song goes", "i don t need to drop feelings like a hot potato or slam the door shut on them", "i still have the lurgy and feel rotten", "i was studying i always had the feeling that the process was unpleasant but it was absolutely necessary", "i also feel its a transition piece for me still sweet and classy adding that touch to my more goth punk rebellious style im falling into lately", "i feel hate whoever that love me or caring towards me", "i want to feel pain in my chest when something terrible happens and i want to cry happy tears when something good happens", "i wake up feeling fearful and helpless", "i seriously feel like a prisoner and i feel awfully gloomy when im in school thats why i always want to get out of the gates as early as possible", "i feel weepy a lot", "i feel suffocated yet charmed my brain pauses logic", "i cant help how i feel im sorry", "i feel all festive sitting down with my address book and list christmas songs in the background and writing a personal message in each one congratulations on your exam results", "i sometimes feel doomed that the way my life is is the way it will be for the rest of my life", "i know that car enthusiasts are a bit tribal and youre all starting to feel suspicious about a car journalist whos turned to the dark side but dont worry i still prefer four wheels to two", "i am feeling like i need to add this photo to my if he wasn t rich she wouldn t be with him a title there is no way this man would have this chick if he wasn t rich biggie kevin hart wiz khalifa bu thaim and jay z href http www", "i want to commit to continuing to post here once a week or so but i want those posts to only be about books i feel completely passionate about or have a diversionary story to connect to them that might make you laugh", "ive been judged and looked down on more times that i can count for being too many shades of grey having too many feelings and being too gentle in a world that will walk all over you given the chance", "i realize that i let a lot of things bother me that really shouldn t bother me at least to the extent that i am moved to feel this passionate bothered feeling", "i feel no joy like that the faithful feel viewing the glories of their holy place an horror of great darkness is upon me a fearful dread hath overwhelmed me", "i feel too energetic and some days i just feel the opposite", "i feel a little uptight because i have to really be conscious and careful about everything that happens", "i have to say however is that is is awfully difficult to feel glamorous and sensational in all this heat ash stench greasy hair and your basic post yeast infection mode", "i feel like my relationship with christ has been shaky", "i feel my heart aching really", "i actually feel solidarity with the americans who went on to cry for blood in iraq tortured prisoners and the stripping of the bill of rights", "im and i feel ive got a lot of years to go zenden told boston online amsterdam reuters explosions damaged a dutch court on monday hours before the trial of the kidnapper of beer magnate freddy heineken was set to begin dutch police said", "i feel stupid img width height src http voicesfromkrypton", "ive been kicked in the stomach by the eating disorder so many times that i feel kind of numb", "i could maybe get away with simpler folk melodies on some of the songs something fairly predictable but if its just me and a guitar it would end up feeling dull", "i have the power to make another do what i want but in reality feel threatened and desire to control this other person so i am not a href https eqafe", "i feel like some heroine of some tragic manga", "im so tired and heavy all the time its a familiar feeling though not a pleasant one", "i bring you opis im feeling sashy a gorgeous cool toned grey purple lavander creme", "i could only describe as feeling like there s something moving inside you it s not pleasant but it s nothing like true cramps impossible to describe unless you ve been poked from the inside out", "i realize that i sound a little overdramatic when i say that but if you sincerely feel that way you have clearly missed the point of all of these posts", "i was feeling pretty strange like dinosaur soldier after i read them because in a weird sort of adult or perhaps college aged way my brain was analyzing the books", "i cant help how i feel aside with a few like dick hobbs and rebecca mcpherson im not exactly a popular guy at school", "i feel enough something way deeper and sincere than love", "ill feel so troubled over the most trivial matters", "i often used the word poggy when we were growing up together when we were feeling particularly ugly or generally not very good those days when all you want to do is stay in bed and hide from the outside world", "i left feeling very distressed", "im still feeling shaky i realized that i felt intolerably hot all the time which i may mention is the polar opposite of what i normally feel like", "i feel like a strange antisocial creature difficult for the cooperation", "i can feel you moving everyday now and its kind of weird to not be able to call you by name", "i have been feeling suitably punished", "i had continued to think along those lines i probably would have done the dishes in anger and when he got up wed have had a fight about that with me feeling completely abused", "i feel inside cause life is like a game sometimes but then you came around me the walls just disappeared nothing to surround me and keep me from my fears im unprotected see how ive opened up youve made me trust", "i feel i can do anything my beloved season calls me hyde count down seasons call a href http bookmark", "i got lots o crazy shit going on but i am loved and feel hopeful about the future", "im with you i feel like were always entertained simply because were content just being with each other", "i add ciaran and his feelings into all of this it becomes a very messy oozing and uncomfortable topic", "i feel like im being punished and it makes me sad stressed worried", "i see that i have pageviews and im just guessing that of them are actually me so i feel reaaallyyyy popular and that was total sarcasm", "i shouldnt feel threatened by that", "i can feel its suffering", "i feel like a paranoid victim of the system in fear of something learing in the depths", "i was in sams angsty headspace jensens voice singing bon jovi was making me feel horny as hell", "i feel like i have an artistic block right now and my artwork looks stiff and forced when that happens", "i guess sometimes you arent aware of your true feelings until a playful kiss exposes them", "i wake up feeling like something terrifyingly bad is bound to happen to me before i even get a chance to stick a limb outside of my covers", "i feel this strong urge to stop the work trip", "i can do all things through christ who gives me strength is a lovely little verse that i repeat over and over when im feeling a little unsure about something", "i am quite a regular reader of your blog and each time i read an experience i feel the greatness and kindness of our beloved father sai", "i feel blank the more it freaks me out", "i normally associate with a tough workout moving from side to side in bed has become more of an effort my sleep is pretty interrupted and uncomfortable in general although much better with the aid of a benadryl and there are times when i feel like i could never be energetic again", "i am also not a perfect girl friend and im always a disappointment always feeling so doubtful and always putting you through a hard time with my mood swings and sudden outburst of low emo mood", "i came out of there feeling so abused", "i feel as though i have merely accepted what has been done and that no matter what time has gone by it will always be with me", "i feel you are very charming but do the other people feel very terrible", "i looked down and feasted on the view of my own legs and knees and memorized the feel of the cars gentle rocking", "i feel that this is something i m curious about as someone who listens to current music but i realized that songs become weird and their unique vibe gets lost when non korean songs are translated into korean", "i feel like i may be veering into some stereotypes pretty soon", "i feel summer session title bookmark at digg rel nofollow target blank img src http www", "i feel like the little dorky nerdy kid sitting in his backyard all by himself listening and watching through fence to the little popular kid having his birthday party with all his cool friends that youve always wished were yours", "im still feeling a bit shaken", "i feel agitated and annoyed more than worried or fearful but these feelings can easily lead to being short tempered with my family and feelings of disharmony", "i feel about it has me shocked", "i have been feeling awful", "i mean people are discussing things about which they feel passionate", "i will close my eyes and recite the following mantra every day and whenever i m feeling unsure frustrated or shiftless with my progress towards my top body", "ive been consumed by guilt and other feelings of discontent", "ive been feeling very sentimental and reflective the past few days", "i spontaneously come up with a new tune or when i am taking a solo and feel myself in that creative flow just going for it not knowing what i am going to play next and surprising myself he answers indisputably", "i never stop feeling thankful as to compare with others i considered myself lucky because i did not encounter ruthless pirates and i did not have to witness the slaughter of others", "i feel whiney winey lush lush i just know everyone thinks im scummy and annoying", "i understand the feeling so i wouldnt be shocked", "i get through it pretty quickly but it just makes me feel like im not being respected", "i feel passionate about and that i want to spend my life doing", "i always feel scared when i see a cop instead of feeling safe", "i feel ashamed of you", "i email or try to communicate in any capacity even if it s to go tell me to go pound sand feeling respected and loved is something that doesn t happen a whole lot in my life right now", "i already feel him kicking my ribs making it harder to breath sometimes and taking over precious space where my stomach once was" ]
i feeling dangerous at wimbledon width
[ "i am feeling especially irritated", "i am reminded of pavement yurusei yatsura and coheed and cambria without feeling offended that they have ripped them off", "i feel angry because instead of asking how am i with my problem he accusing me and i am mad because it finally confirm what kind of person he is", "i could feel that the person was pissed at me because that person didnt understand what i was trying to say and so there was further personal attack again asking me whats my nationality giving me that shit face and blah blah", "i feel so greedy of holidays and forgetting my responsibilities", "i could not help feeling thatrupert meant to be rude to my father though his words were quite polite", "i am no longer feeling any effects from ibs irritable bowel syndrome that i suffered with for years", "i brought up privately a couple weeks ago that i felt targeted after feeling frustrated and belittled", "i feel irritated pissed even like when someone wakes me up at that moment when i m on the edge of falling into a deep slumber", "i posted this lovely picture on instagram and was feeling slightly rebellious walking on that plane feeling", "i also find it the most challenging to wrap up a story that brings good closure and a conclusion that doesn t leave that reader feeling cheated or rushed", "i still feel like i was somehow one of the family members horribly wronged by the tragic events that have transpired today", "i feel like a cold object with no identity", "i usually just feel aggravated with the unprofessional attitude of the rest of the cast", "i have even a time or two found myself feeling a bit jealous of the mothers who had perfect babies who have been sleeping through the night since they were three months old and speaking in sentences by age two", "im feeling it would be obnoxious" ]
[ "im temporarily wounded feeling like an idiot and have already missed yoga because of the fall", "i have angel alone and although i feel a little more relaxed i know im still stressing majorly about travelling tomorrow and all of the things we need to do before tomorrow", "ive been sitting in my wheel chair to move laundry and while the chair isnt terribly maneuverable due to the confines of the small laundry area at least it feels fairly safe even it it is still quite a struggle", "i feel like a crappy mummy if were stuck in but there are days where i really cant face much else then venturing out to the garden at pm", "i feel like a horrible rotten person for thinking that this is the most isolating thing a woman can go through and some days being tough is not an option", "i feel fearful of being near them", "i do and it is really starting to make me feel really distraught and upset all the time", "i then had my watch from am this morning but was feeling just fine so did an additional hour so my dad could rest a little longer", "i do feel a bit guilty about the mean things ive said about jahmene as i heard his brother committed suicide so i think that abuse by their dad must have been pretty hardcore", "i know this makes me a bitch and a half but i cannot help but feel a little triumphant when i see an old nemesis come into my workplace pregnant kid in tow fat husband waiting in the pickup truck rushed and clearly unhappy", "i may be having a constant dullness and heaviness over my heart that makes me feel restless bored and unsatisfied however i know very well that such feelings are evoked by the time of the month", "i feel i should as a gracious gesture apologizing for my latest post about the osp and the rand license terms", "i am now feeling much more positive about her agility future because i could actually see it is there shes due her second measure some time over the next months and i would so love her to measure into small", "i must not feel complacent", "i feel like my life is not moving smoothly i immediately look around amp see if i can be at service while focusing on giving and supporting others", "i feel you are so delicate now", "i think i feel myself flushing don t be alarmed i m on a headache medicine that causes that sometimes", "i walk into a restaurant well any public place i feel like all eyes are on me and i feel really paranoid", "i feel all funny sometimes", "i even feel a little shaky", "i winced and said that does not feel funny", "i feel your pain whether you want me to or not and its pity implies that for some unfortunate people justice is not enough", "i had thought but i feel scared and somewhat trepidatious nervous and sad", "im used to being up and around until the wee hours of the morning after changeling so anyone is feeling sociable give me a call im me or stop by", "i have now and feeling like people think it means im just ok and dont need to talk about jeremy anymore", "i would give everything to know you share my pain feel the aching caused by our parting", "i can pick at my skin for a while and make myself feel terrible and then when i feel bad enough that i need to make myself feel better i can stop and theres the illusion of released pressure", "i was feeling pret t y tender let me tell you", "i suspect feel less than fond in private", "i think im going to go play with larry now and feel awkward about my singing instead of all that i admitted up there", "i feel like im unwelcome", "i sound feeling ballroom cd rel nofollow target blank va prandi sound feeling ballroom cd", "i am left feeling happy about having the time to rest and take care of me but at the same time this huge sense of guilt builds up inside of me for not having respected our date for being an unreliable teacher a selfish friend", "i don t want to use this space as a political soap box i feel we have reached an important crossroads that may strongly affect the future of our food in this country and possibly in this world", "i tried to explain what my lyme and coinfections feel like i guess i could say it is a horrible painful nightmare that just won t end", "im feeling hot already after tackling the front hedge", "i can see a lot of strain on people i can tell they are feeling pretty shitty or not what they are supposed to be pretending", "i was lured into the idea of the event with the promise of free champagne you know me and a brilliant talk by bestselling author kathy lette but left feeling genuinely inspired and empowered", "i dnt want yu guys t feel shamed fr knwing nthing instead f pretending r having plastikan with me", "i am feeling so hyper and bouncy", "i wasn t feeling very joyful at all despite being on a caribbean island with fantastic diving learning new and exciting skills as a dive master and coaching my clients in north america all of which should bring me joy", "i just feel you so so dont be afraid and pray again i need you go back in time forgive my sins so so sloth", "i felt such a resonance with your words i feel so ashamed that my feelings seem to have gotten the better of me", "i get to that point i often feel i have nothing to lose so i will try anything and that playful approach often takes me to the next level or it is a good time for a nap", "i went to an lds step meeting and was so overwhelmed by evil feelings and just broke down and said so at the meeting and expressed how low i felt and how ready i was for these feelings to leave my body", "i just have a general feeling of this unpleasant heaviness from my stomach up", "im so stoned on endorphin that all i can feel is my leg muscles seizing into petrified meat", "i feel unwelcome at work sometimes and think people might be talking about me rel bookmark i feel unwelcome at work sometimes and think people might be talking about me april a class url fn n href http www", "i feel horrible about wanting sonipro amp source geekparty linkedin a target blank title share on tumblr rel nofollow href http www", "i had feeling that if i didn t help that this can turn into a bad scene", "i feel so vulnerable to criticism like if my lunch stinks or if somebody comments on what i eat i have this embarrassed feeling", "i do feel something of an aversion to it within maybe because i still feel like its a vain thing or that i may be seeking some sort of outer affirmations from others who might stumble upon it ive mentioned this before but the truth is who cares about all that", "i feel a litte shaken up by this point", "i feel like this is a perfectly acceptable number since baby is really starting to crowd my lungs a bit more now", "i remember seeing it on the monitor and feeling like i had a truck on my chest and couldnt breathe my husband told me theyre going to intubate you now i wasnt convinced i would survive and wanted to live so badly", "i could feel myself getting that shaky feeling", "i feel like something tragic is going to have to happen for people to wake up and see how vulturous sic and poisonous it s all gotten", "i feel even more beaten down without the encouragement and am afraid i might try to hide from the world in bed feeling like i ve already lost", "im feeling the moxie fab love cath script src http www", "i would lie in bed and feel it somehow sparkle and i knew that even if most meningiomas are benign mine was growing and needed to come out sooner rather than later", "i try to remember that quote when i feel i may be hitting a wall in a marathon or even a training run and i know it is time to find that perfect song that fuel", "im not sure why but im just feeling delicate", "i have to do what i have to do i feel like a little kid who is being punished by her mother for something she did wrong", "i am feeling soooooooo giggly", "i keep feeling like i should pinch myself to make sure its real because the sheer quantity of awesomeness im about to receive is amazing", "i feel shy about it all and also a little concerned whether my new title will distance me away from people i care for", "i hope the sensibilities of these deep feeling individuals arent too badly shaken with the display of the pink locker room", "i am feeling a bit overwhelmed tired anxious etc", "i have to admit i am feeling a bit intimidated by the challenge of", "ive become anxious about in recent times is this there is certainly a feeling amongst some people of belief that they are under siege that they are often disadvantaged that they are looked at and considered in some way different and their faith makes them less worthy of regard he said", "i sense and keeps catching my attention is the feeling of the beloved s love pouring out of and through me touching those i encounter in a palpably strong way", "i feel like flagellating myself like the weird albino priest in angels and demons every time i see his face", "i am starting the menopause constantly suffer with mood swings temper floods of tears unable to sit for long periods and concentrate feel constantly weepy and on edge feel unable to cope with the day to tasks of ordinary life", "i got really fucked up last night i got really really really fucked up on loads of downers it was such a bad idea such a bad idea i feel like a neurotic mess right now i cant handle it i cant handle it i cant handle it", "i feel foolish for how much i ve analyzed this one solitary choice to go or not to go", "i was feeling particularly beaten up by istanbul and homesickish i passed a burger king and the door opened and the smell hit me full in the face and suddenly i was in snowpea my white nissan stanza in the drive thru of the burger king on rt", "i feel so lousy but i shouldnt be focusing on me now", "i will not go into details from that long night but i woke up for our am bus feeling like i could barely stand and not trusting the pit in my stomach", "i feel as though my own snowglobe is being shaken and im still flying through the air", "i start to feel unsure", "i like to know just because i hate feeling like the drama doesn t know but in this case i feel like there s so much territory to mine that i m content to enjoy the ride", "im feeling playful and humorous", "i feel the need to compensate with only the most perfect jacket as a topper to cover where my boobs do not fulfill their duties", "i want a natasha gan dress just cos i can wear it out and feel fab i want blue suede boots the colour of the ocean i want i want i want i need none of the above but it won t stop me going to chadstone tonite or tomorrow", "i feel like im a shy enormous pink flamingo man", "i make it to am and then i make it to pm and then when i make it to the night that s when i feel triumphant and beaten down", "i feel like im being punished if i have to sit facing the wall", "i feel crazily indecisive impulsive just in a", "i do not like exposing myself because i end up feeling vulnerable", "i feel special a href http facsimilogos", "i stand here i feel empty a class post count link href http mooshilu", "i cant shake the im hiding how i feel about myself beneath a fab jacket vibe and this style doesnt mesh well with most of the clothes i wear", "i feel my foot is aching my thigh is numb from the knee to the hip although i haven t gained weight i feel like it is shifting to my middle and i feel like i m a little trapped in this crumbling body", "i know i should just let the words flow like how they do when i blog but still i feel the pressure and that is making me unsure of my skills", "i hope your words make you feel brave and scared and everything else in between", "i tend to agree and so when i feel the burn i call forth for you my aching siren s song echoing through the years and dark leaves until you arrive wet with rain and anticipation", "i quickly learned just by moving from sauna to ice cold bath to steam room to shower until you feel like a tortured goldilocks who wants nothing more than to find the middle ground between too hot and too cold", "i feel strange out of sorts and i wont resort to this again", "i feel a pang every time i read an amazing canadian literary magazine for instance that id love to submit to only to see im on the do not enter list", "i feel i would be ungrateful to god and undutiful to the church if i did not use my poor efforts on the side of truth and peace", "i wouldnt have beared witness to the incredibly well spoken bouncer making an emo kid feel completely unwelcome", "i was feeling particularly glamorous in my charlies angel on the weekend travel outfit and comfortably passed three hours in the zoo that is gates by reading fashion mags", "i could feel the depth and richness of the hot pot starting to develop but every small event took me away from gathering the heat to speed along the process", "i the ultimate place to restore the peace to feel divine to kneel for worship and to attain hapiness", "i began feeling shaky my heart was sort of skipping around i felt like someone who had been drinking coffee all day long", "i continue to feel nervous inside and long to talk sensibly even just one time around someone its so wrong to have these feelings for on so many levels i have no clue", "i was feeling pretty anxious and overwhelmed as a friend rightly noted probably because i was on a boat with my mom grandmother and great aunt and no where to flee except the damn cold baltic sea", "im feeling somewhat optimistic that in i wont be that damn coward", "i have the capacity for great care and compassion as well as the ability to bite metaphorically speaking when i feel threatened", "i could continue feeling awful and crying to all my friends and focus on how wronged i had been and end up feeling worse", "i should have left this movie feeling frightened or at the very least convinced that this number held some kind of mystical power or was the key to some government conspiracy but no", "i expressed my concerns that jens mobility had really declined to the point that she now sometimes uses crutches and on a good day the doctor suggested occupational therapy and said he would contact our local occupational therapist and we went on our merry way feeling rather disheartened", "i dont recall just now yet vividly recall looking at you as you said it and you i think looking back at me and my feeling very sympathetic or maybe empathetic is the better word of course you needed a space", "i feel weird having to yank it down and readjust it at points", "im referring to a comment in the pattern right now not feeling that divine really since i probably was born with a set of dpns in my hands", "when i nearly caused a traffic accident with my car", "im feeling shy im feeling mad im feeling sad", "im feeling kind of naughty", "i just feel so overwhelmed by the feeling of balance that i just", "i started to mess around something must have distracted me cause now im feeling playful" ]
i always had this negative perception when i was asked about getting pregnant and my misscariage i always walked away from those conversations feeling somewhat offended
[ "i feel more irritable and i feel more sensible now than ever", "i feel like drinkin drinkin angry someones gonna die whiskey and beer les paul a href http farm", "i was capable of doing the same as of late ive been feeling pretty bitter and depressed and not a lot of gratitude in general", "i didnt feel that way with this we got to be with everyone on the dangerous path to freedom", "i feel resentful and irritable", "i was feeling rather cranky cos i was thinking about the lack of sleep i had bah", "i feel it is dangerous especially for the new believer who is not grounded in the word of god", "i wasnt going to post anything about his death because i made me feel mad and shitty", "i feel irritated a lot", "i don t know it s just that it was like on top of our head so much of yesterday that it was really bothersome and we re still feeling a little mad about it", "i admittedly feel like crap and want to sleep all day and am so cranky i just want to yell at everyone", "i no raphael says grasping for his usual eloquence and feeling it slip from his fingers with spiteful ease", "i cant help but feel that if i hadnt had been so selfish then i could have sheltered you from feeling this way now", "i cant really understand my feeling cause its a mixture between bitter and a sour one which even i dont get", "i feel a bit frustrated with myself as i know i m not getting out of my dogs in the ring or at training if i m honest at moment due to me but i ll continue to do the remaining shows i ve entered until the end of july as long as we re all enjoying it", "i feel irritable about the number of people that came into our office whining about their own circumstances i realize im not practicing thinking about the good things and i find it a better way to pull yourself into the present" ]
[ "i said though i am feeling gloomy", "i went to the doctor a few days into feeling weird", "i have gained lbs back and i feel terrible about it", "i feel like i missed numerous vantage points", "i feel like i hated them when we argue", "i want to say that i feel vulnerable writing and sharing this info", "i didnt end up with that popular guy before the feeling i had when i was rejected its like a break up what i thought during that time la", "i acted withdrawn and cold towards others in situations that required empathy its not that i dont care i just dont always feel the feelings so i fake it", "i resisted doing because i didn t feel it would be acceptable and one of the group leaders encouraged me to do it anyway", "ive been feeling restless in my career", "i couldn t feel positive emotions of any sort", "i feel stupid because i didnt buy in sooner", "im being accused of feeling superior to the characters its usually by people who themselves feel superior to others", "i always feel afraid of telling people because i dont want them to see me differently my self image is very poor and i dont want to transcribe that onto them", "i received a lousy results slip ive decided to retain i had the worst first few months in school i made friends in class friends who made my life easier in school who made me feel more accepted in the class", "im feeling the fight as i struggle with feelings that im sure are not right", "i forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to feel uncertain about my application within this i reveal that i feel uncertain within myself", "i have days weeks when i feel a little deprived", "i feel rotten all week because i hardly ever see you that s why i wrote this hopeless song i ve never been in love with a girl like you before darling come with me such a wonderful thing has never happened to me before you re the only one who touched my heart it s all a question of courage", "i can t feel saddened or that i should just stop caring", "i feel a little ashamed that i had such low expectations in the first place", "i need when i feel beaten down", "i was so uncomfortable and feeling weird feelings but wasn t sure if they were contractions since i never really felt contractions with jared until they jacked me up with pitocin", "i feel tortured so much", "i feel kind of pathetic that i have such a hard time with this all", "i feel like its not worth trusting him", "i didn t feel amazed", "i am really hurt and i feel unimportant and that sucks", "i get through it pretty quickly but it just makes me feel like im not being respected", "i feel devastated disgusted and betrayed", "i just think the media in general i just don t really get portrayed as someone who has feelings or who is sympathetic", "i am feeling shamed like i should not be enjoying this and i certainly should not have sex kissing is so far enough", "i need to find a way to get over this yet i feel hopeless", "i chose to go with my gut feeling i think this only amused laetshi further if i d been the easily flustered type he d have probably said something", "i cant stop talking even though im already feel weird uncomfortable feeling swarming me but still my mouth keeps saying unnecessary word", "i feel like a lame wife", "i always feel vaguely suspicious giving my personal details to random strangers i tell myself not to give her my real date of birth", "i do feel a bit deprived of a typical experience", "i am end up feeling devastated that i have borne such a social monster", "i feel humiliated by my ignorance and lack of ability to accommodate the other", "i feel burdened both figuratively and literally", "i was feeling awful on sunday", "i feel ashamed that i again let it come that far", "i feel you re in for an unpleasant surprise", "i feel like i cant afford to be afraid to show that i am sometimes weak to allow others to see me as anything less than the strong wife and mom that i feel i am", "i feel suffocated and paranoid", "i follow through with the feelings that have been repressed for years months or days", "i feel unimportant so inadequate", "i can feel rejected just because someone needs to sleep", "i always feel guilty and come to one conclusion that stops me emily would be so disappointed in me", "i look at it like if someone doesnt like me or care about me in a way thats different than just friends i feel unimportant like no one cares about me", "i feeling so low now", "i feel like i come from a pretty innocent happy go lucky idealistic mindset that i feel like make me not such an ideal candidate to help those in the church fully understand who they are in christ and how they can live for him", "i feel so repressed with this one now", "im just feeling insecure and while i can easily diagnose these dispositions it doesnt help", "ive been told over and over im not allowed to feel unhappy", "i went to training feeling very disheartened", "i feel like a paranoid stalker or something", "i feel so paranoid i don t want to feel like i did back then ever again", "i look and feel miserable", "i feel like i m in some weird limbo between childhood and adulthood", "i have to admit i was feeling very skeptical", "i am starting to feel really isolated and it frustrates me", "im moved in ive been feeling kind of gloomy", "i should feel blessed to have but what about me cause i thought i mattered in this situation", "i could also feel very bad about myself for not being able to keep up", "i feel dirty and cheap just talking about going this far", "i feel this way is probably because i am dumb and i try my hardest to cover it up by reading lots and lots of books or you know becoming a doctor", "i have now and feeling like people think it means im just ok and dont need to talk about jeremy anymore", "i feel dumb putting so much thought to such a stupid little thing but its getting to me", "i have been feeling listless and loopy", "im feeling a little smug this evening", "i try that i just feel that im being judged by eyes that only see me as a weird and vain bastard who thinks so much of himself", "i feel pressure to act like im so heartbroken but secretly i dont really care that much", "i do not feel reassured anxiety is on each side", "im re reading that sentence and feeling foolish", "i came up with the following i m drawing a blank as to what this is called to help me when i am feeling fearful or attacked", "i went around for the rest of the day feeling distressed that i changed my appearance based on someones comments how i made myself even by coincidence more appealing to him and that just felt wrong wrong wrong", "i feel gloomy and tired", "i always read but feel hesitant to comment and unsure of what to say", "when my elders do not understand me in the right way", "i feel shy because of what i am wearing", "ive spent a while with i still cant make good conversation with and feel awkward around", "i really lose a lot of my nesting homemaking instinct and desire when i am pregnant and the longer im pregnant the worse it gets though i do get about a month reprieve where i feel creative again around the six month mark and youll notice that is when i did a post for halloween", "i did not feel love from the men who abused", "i felt ok about not feeling ok", "im feeling indecisive about what i want to do with the rest of my life", "i feel like after everything ive been nothing but sincere what bothers me the most is that you wanted to hurt me you even told me", "i just know to begin with i am going to feel shy about it", "i feel very emotional down and i tried to put a strong front no matter what his instinct is always right about me being not okay", "i feel so fucking lame saying that however immature it may be something that i just imagine have imagined all this time", "im just feeling very delicate today", "i feel as if it only engrains these prejudiced ideas more", "i say no i feel guilty begins by giving you the reasons for and benefits of being assertive without being aggressive", "im not going to tell you to feel loving feelings toward her", "i feel really stressed out", "i had felt kind of ick but just figured it was nerves or feeling anxious", "i guess its because i feel like if im too passionate about something it will get taken away from me", "i was feeling compassionate at that time though ive no tissue so i thought my form of compassion lol of asking around for it but i cant stand the look on her face ah", "i feel like half the time i just dont show affection and interest to anyone outside my little circle of comfort where a sincere response is guaranteed", "im feeling smug that i didnt wear pearls", "i dont know how to deal with this i feel like its becoming apart if who i am im afraid that im going to associate it with regular things so that i will never forget it", "ive been holding onto that are making me feel rotten", "i feel im getting less and less vigorous", "i feel somewhat hopeless and pitiful", "im sure ive got it right and my state of unencumberedness despite many years of feeling like i couldnt keep up anybody else is causing me to see my life as charmed", "i feel ashamed of my unproductive days", "i feel strange with the judge passing sentence in such a manner", "i feel like a rag doll badly abused", "i get the feeling that im butchering a feeling that was as delicate as it was wordless but so be it", "i do not want others to feel unhappy just because they have to accommodate to me", "i feel insecure about my arms", "i feel sort of helpless", "i feel abused and maligned but mostly tired of the nervous feeling anticipating danger", "i am no longer red it feels weird", "i feel like ive been shaken around a thrown down", "i think came from the weird catholic way we d been raised to feel ashamed about sex", "i feel sympathetic enough to call him off", "i feel helpless about it", "i know its an unfair reaction but i have run out of ways to explain how i feel shaken is the best i can come up with right now" ]
im home i can feel how the cold has seeped into my arms and legs
[ "i usually just feel aggravated with the unprofessional attitude of the rest of the cast", "i went for the large double double along with a chocolate chip muffin i was feeling dangerous", "im feeling rather cranky and impatient with my little one", "i feel the need to emphasize these things at the moment because of how grumpy i have been this last week", "i am feeling rushed or overwhelmed to have the perfect house that my brain explodes and all proper decision making skills get lost in the debris", "i could feel this way but i honestly believe that he was and is a very violent and dangerous man", "i feel not offended in any form and should not make this big and in the end it doesnt bother me at all but ive learned to show some balls in the past and say what i think not anonymous so if we would give some weight to the content of these comments there would be the questions what is behind it", "i feel insulted whenever people say guys cant cry or feel emotional", "i needed some space i needed to grow i was in the midst of some serious change and ok yes they had also hurt my feelings pretty badly and i was a bit spiteful", "i mean i know quite a few causes as to why i feel fucked in my head", "i was feeling wronged and impotent", "i could even feel his cold breath on my neck whispered hertha as she ran her fingers across the side of neck", "i was feeling kind of hostile anyway so that was okay with me", "im just tired of feeling bitchy and completely worthless", "i feel mmf and i cant be bothered to fight it", "i really feel bothered about this specific issue because it feels like i just thrown a couple hundred euros against the wall" ]
[ "i am feeling hmmmmm melancholy", "i woke up feeling crappy headache sore throat congestion but emotionally calm", "i feel intimidated like i just want to turn around and head back into the safety of my yoga class or hop on the tried and trusty treadmill", "im tired but i feel fabulous and i am so freaking proud of myself at this moment for continuing to push myself to train and to get so far out of my comfort zone", "i wanna scream out my feelings that i keep until it bleeds the life is sometimes prejudiced it kills happiness thus it becomes even worst feeling like the life is now meaningless why should i be the victim", "i feel as though i am going to be victimized", "i feel lousy and seem to have a frown i remember all the funny times and you just turn it upside down", "i still have cramps plus i get really dizzy when i stand up and my whole body is aching and i just generally feel extremely uncomfortable", "i just found out that my gut feeling unpleasant though it was was correct", "i feel a little brave and venture out of my comfort zone and into the kitchen", "i am feeling the strange mix of extremely proud relieved she is on the path to her fabulous future but gutted she has chosen to move out to live in halls of residence at uni", "i think also i have changed obviously i am making more effort to go to things and make friends i feel less shy and less bothered about peoples judgement of my appearance", "i could feel the delicate pressure of her fingers searching to feel my arm beneath the course fabric", "i feel their pain and its not pleasant", "im feeling a little less disheartened about it", "i woke up often got up around am feeling pukey radiation and groggy", "ive been feeling very sentimental and reflective the past few days", "ive been waking up to a bladder that feels extremely unhappy and i found any type of exercise made it worse or definitely irritated it", "i should feel burdened that the slightest touch from that body even now still lingers upon my skin", "i feel so disheartened at things", "i feel about the scratches the way i feel about my wrinkles i am fond of them and regard them as evidence of a life well lived", "i feel that peaceful feeling leave me and i feel down", "i understand that you re feeling anxious", "i sit here feeling dazed after spending most of the afternoon in a comatose state i realise that hours in a day is not enough to do things we really want to", "i am going to several holiday parties and i can t wait to feel super awkward i am going to several holiday parties and i can t wait to feel super awkward a href http badplaydate", "i slept and woke up feeling much better as if i had come out of a foggy haze the headache had subsided and the shakiness was gone", "i feel damaged from just witnessing it", "when i had to come back from my village last christmas", "i didn t feel useless anymore", "i must not feel complacent", "i am going to feel for caring so much and letting people in my world then this shall be the last time i am doing so", "i don t like being at home it feels so unwelcome in fact i despise it", "i ask to know things and then everything changes and then i feel a bit shaky as i try to keep up with my own leading edge and the huge amount of change i m invited to allow as i come into alignment with and catch up with me", "im feeling a little less jaded", "i overly pc in feeling a little shocked", "i am starting the menopause constantly suffer with mood swings temper floods of tears unable to sit for long periods and concentrate feel constantly weepy and on edge feel unable to cope with the day to tasks of ordinary life", "i find myself having much more time to think about myself without feeling depressed to actually be able to write and imagine without feeling trapped or like i am missing out on something a near constant feeling i have in cities", "i could feel blake more sharply and i felt a little more delicate i guess you could say", "im back to feeling fine running", "i came home with these bits and bobs feeling very pleased with myself and ready for some sunny british weather", "i feel supporting herself and four", "i found myself feeling a bit overwhelmed", "im not allowed to do anything outside of the house until ive lost weight until im thin enough to feel acceptable", "i don t always feel quite as graceful but that s a story for another time", "i also feel so awful feeling this way", "i feel lethargic and lazy and completely uncomposed if i m not dressed in something like that", "i just know that im feeling so hot now", "i am generally a pretty happy and positive person there are times when the nerves kick in and i am not feeling quite so happy and smiley", "i feel so overwhelmed im nauseous", "i remember feeling equally dazed and road rollered when the twins came home and that was with the pee and poo all neatly tied up in diapers", "id just had a terrible nightmare and was feeling a little disturbed", "i started to feel so overwhelmed", "i feel like i m falling quicker and quicker but i m not quite sure what i m falling into i m calling it love because that s what it feels like since my heart is beating rapidly and i can t seem to keep this tiny little smile off my face no matter what hour of the day", "i havent been measuring out food drinking nearly enough water tracking any fitness and overall i feel completely shaken and unfocused because i dont feel like my foundation is steady at the moment", "i cant blame anything or anyone but myself and ive spent the day feeling miserable crying again whenever i remember realizing it was all my fault", "i feel like a soda in a can shaken turbulently and flew violently out of its container the moment it felt air exchanging its freedom to you", "i dropped back to sleep for an hour or two and had very realistic peculiar dreams which are now stuck in my head making me feel a bit dazed", "i dont even know what i am going to write about but the wines been flowing and the dining rooms are playing on pandora so i am feeling cosmopolitian and artistic tonight", "im feeling terrible i couldnt feel worse", "i finally know what it feels like to be heartbroken", "i really feel so vunerable and frightened", "i suspect i was also dealing with caffeine withdrawal but i think i have now figured out a system of eating which works well for me and i feel fab", "i feel like i ve been put in a bag and shaken up but otherwise ok", "i am feeling discouraged it is", "i will not feel so alone anymore", "i dont know why but i feel emotionally assaulted by this fact", "i feel like i ve regained another vital part of my life which is living", "i do feel super strong you should see how the biceps on my left arm are shaping up", "i realize that while i am feeling generous i should definitely get myself some shoes it has been over a year and i do not have any for the fall", "im kinda exhausted today and you might be feeling exhausted reading this post too", "i am gonna feel lousy i might as well feel lousy while i am doing something", "i did take a surprise two hour nap this afternoon though and woke up feeling not as exhausted as i did this morning so maybe thats a good sign", "im feeling restless and frustrated right now in that way specific to people who are recovering from illness or injury", "i also feel like i have been accepted with open arms hearts and minds thanks for facilitating this welcoming and supportive community marie", "i got to feel carefree on the ice with the cold air nipping my face", "i feel much gratitude and thanks for finally after months and days i get to know my beloved deedee is fine", "i am limiting myself to what i can reasonably do without causing greater injury but i have to do some sort of physical exercise or i start to feel horrible about myself", "i feel even more disturbed by that than what happened prior to me going to sleep", "i still feel crappy ill take it as a sign that i need to get things finalized here for the kid", "i realised that this was no longer the truth it was merely the truth i remembered i began to feel disheartened", "i sooooo understand feeling like an ugly brown pair of shoes in a world of designer tuxedos complete with diamond cufflinks", "i understand that any of my extremely positive attributes and there are some are overshadowed by my weakness and subconsciously some people are wired up to feel superior to others and thereby treat them differently", "i might be afraid to leave the house to nurse in public to commit to a social engagement or to wear anything that makes me look worse than i already feel so in honor of fearless friday i invite our newbie mom readers to do something that scares them", "i punched out of work sunday sighed and the brunch trumpeter waldo carter said from behind i know exactly how you feel this startled me and i flinched", "i still feel the days are precious commodities dissolving away never to be seen again like a frosty ice cube melting under a glaring afternoon sun", "i am not feeling fearful", "i am left feeling rather distressed and torn", "i have to say i really feel a little useful for the progress of the second half the replacement of the shirt plus the coach s hairdryer", "i woke up today feeling kind of strange", "i feel so relieved about what i had been through i can sense a big transparence burden was lifted and thrown into a deep cliff", "ive been feeling rather defeated and stressed out but this appointment reminded me that though i may be failing in other areas im doing a pretty dang good job at growing this baby", "i don t feel well enough to cook", "i feel a little isolated being in my house all the time", "i hate this feeling to see you that way youre so talented yet you cover yourself you locked yourself", "i am left feeling happy about having the time to rest and take care of me but at the same time this huge sense of guilt builds up inside of me for not having respected our date for being an unreliable teacher a selfish friend", "i feel like you re important to me", "i feel like it was just a title mimm fall inspired weekend href http thislifeissparkling", "i dont mean that id like to chicken out but i am feeling more insecure about myself and maybe doubting the fact that i should be able to run km tomorrow", "im feeling all sentimental too and i cannot wait to be up in vermont for christmas with the whole ryan family", "i feel pretty in transition", "i feel so rotten that i need to tell myself all this is just a passing cloud that ill be laughing at years from now", "the day i got to know that i would get a shared dwelling with my boyfriend my parents place was getting a little crowded with my growing bother wanting a room to himself i first felt doubt", "i think this is the last week of softball and im likely going to suck it up and at least try to play but i feel absolutely rotten going to see what some aggressive hydration does", "im not taking naps during the day i havent really been feeling sleep deprived during the day and ive cut my caffeine intake to a third of what it used to be since coming back from the uk", "i guess it doesn t help that i got sick on black friday and was forced against my will to maintain my promise to stay in but being back in the city feels amazing", "ive been doing hour weeks and ill get paid for the extra time but i am starting to feel a bit abused they are putting a lot of pressure on me to look after both kids and do all of the cooking and cleaning", "i was up to my eyes and studying and feeling pretty jaded a href http maturestudenthanginginthere", "i feel ugly i cover myself with a beautiful blanket in a make believe gown", "i was making up a batch of waffles for breakfast the other morning it occurred to me that i might be feeling homesick", "i can feel their afraid", "i feel heartbroken and sad", "i was feeling quite groggy in the days before the race the glands in my neck were sore and swollen and i could tell my body was fighting a bug of some kind", "i wish that there were some way i could numb myself when i need it but i either feel everything or go completely numb", "i imagine how would it feel to hold you nothing perverse just to know you to feel the heat of your breathe moving through me your feet tangled with mine", "i feel helpless lost upset and worst of all", "i feel like ive reached the point where we are doing more emotional damage than health fixing especially since you know we arent cathing", "i feel naughty saying how beautiful it was feeling that heat on my bones yesterday", "i feel a little bit more vital", "im feeling really lethargic and weird today", "i feel like it was all in vain cant be right and feel this wrong this heart of mine is just" ]
im feeling awfully irritated and worried and for a few good reasons
[ "i am feeling very pissed now", "i can feel this really effecting my attitude toward her i feel bitter and angry", "i feel almost angry that i have been fed like a lab rat for so many years", "i put forward to all their social diktats make them feel i am rebellious towards their authority", "i feel about petty games", "i feel a bit stressed even though all the things i have going on are fun", "i feel a tad bit envious of my younger self i was in great running shape young and had my whole life ahead of me", "i mean their puzzle section is about on par with my coffee numb mental faculties right now but still crosswords shouldnt be able to make me feel that dissatisfied", "i started to feel cranky and tired up until i resupplied with these vitamins", "i dream of jeannie i could still feel the violent grip of his hands on my shoulders", "i am feeling very cranky this christmas", "i experience all my normal moods feel annoyed when my year old whines or my baby wants to be held while im making dinner but i no longer feel consumed by these emotions", "i hope to see or feel a mad glint in your eye because some madness some pathological curiosity is needed", "i have a feeling im going to be seriously envious of whoever wins because i really want this one all to myself", "i have struggled to fit all the work in for this module and have felt frustrated at times feeling that my blogs were rushed and although i have read with great interested fellow students blogs i feel i havent interacted as much as i could have done this is a definite area for development", "i felt like facebook was a catalyst for me to feel that way about myself and i started to see it as a bit of a hostile online community" ]
[ "i hope she s feeling ok", "i feel like maybe he is going to stop loving me or maybe its true and im a terrible wife", "i feel a little discouraged here", "i feel unwelcome at work sometimes and think people might be talking about me rel bookmark i feel unwelcome at work sometimes and think people might be talking about me april a class url fn n href http www", "ive been doing and still not feeling good enough but greater", "i finished our drinks and left and i came to feel more and more sympathetic and bad for this old man to the point where im still thinking about it hours later", "i hang my head down and feel even more embarrassed to complaint about such minor things in my life when others are having a hard time just surviving minute to minute of the day", "i feel a little skeptical but what have i got to lose", "i wear it i feel anxious visable spotlighted different unfashionable stupid embarrassed ashamed and paranoid", "i feel my life being threatened by illness i lose my mind", "i feel devastated that this occured but it was for a good cause hopefully no more dogs run around acting like that so they too dont get shot down", "im feeling really thankful for everything ive been blessed with in my life right now i wont be eating any turkey no tofurkey either yes thats a real thing", "i find myself feeling so lost and desperate because of the things that happen every day but being a human of course i have times where i just cannot be comforted", "i was like should i feel sweet or feel offended", "i get the added bonus of feeling superior and healthy because of everything weve been hearing lately about a href http apps", "i normally associate with a tough workout moving from side to side in bed has become more of an effort my sleep is pretty interrupted and uncomfortable in general although much better with the aid of a benadryl and there are times when i feel like i could never be energetic again", "i feel extremely needy though i dont feel this way too often", "i have been feeling so overwhelmed lately", "i feel the presence of god something fearful happens i became aware of my own unworthiness my own short comings and yes my own sin", "i do this if i allow myself to sit in this cycle today i will cause a nasty big blow up fight in public and i will feel humiliated and proven right that i am an unstable bad person", "i feel like im being really needy", "i am nauseous and dizzy and feel all gloomy or at least not attached to my body anymore", "i m being reserved kind i feel so loads and loads and loads of mood swings i am not caring eh", "i can not help but feel distraught about it", "i woke up early and felt strangely alert and good in contrast to my usual mornings feeling groggy cranky and sore", "i cannot help but feel that my life is a series of not so unpleasant accidents stumbling about trying to do the right thing", "i could feel was peace which was welcomed after a week of packing saying good bye and dealing with an overwhelming feeling of displacement", "i like to think i present myself and the life and times of the working mum to a good standard and if i ever do miss a apostrophe or miss spell a particular word please feel free to call me on it", "i have a strange feeling that this is going to turn out quite ok and soon enough the ladies pictured above will probably be begging me to brew more of this stuff", "i feel a little frantic because i know peoples will be leaving soon and just a little while ago i felt like i had hella time to waste and to hold off on things", "i wasnt feeling too well", "i am left feeling unsure and confused", "i went around for the rest of the day feeling distressed that i changed my appearance based on someones comments how i made myself even by coincidence more appealing to him and that just felt wrong wrong wrong", "i then felt a feeling of awkwardness and discontent cuz he said yeah me too and not im sorry", "i wind up feeling like the butt end of some divine comedy and somewhere in the universe the muses are all having a good laugh at my expense", "i think i just mostly feel uncertain", "i beg and crave a particular something that im convinced will bring happiness and yet when it arrives im left feeling jaded and used", "i really appreciated this even thought i m not christian any type of prayers are welcome and i d been feeling so lost and so out of it", "im actually feeling a little smug", "i just was expressing myself and her unexpected and kind gesture made me feel bad for a short moment as that was not my intent but for a larger moment which remains with me it reminded me of my blessings like having good friends that have your back", "i feel like i should be spending this precious last half hour of ness and doing something fun and interesting to roll into my new year and by not doing so im letting myself down", "ive been feeling weird because i am weird", "i am feeling the past few days a little distressed about not writing here as much", "im feeling a little apprehensive about it because i feel like im suddenly way too old compared to my mental age of about", "im okay but feeling a little apprehensive as my dad has a minor operation today", "i feel much less dismayed", "i was feeling quite nervous", "i feel my heart aching really", "i feel like at times i am lauren for trying to help my friend see that her boyfriend is a lousy guy yes they might be best friends and never let that go but they re both not good for each other", "i feel perfect with you comments img src http sadlovequotesforhim", "i feel strong and good overall", "i don t like feeling vulnerable or exposing all my worries and concerns mostly because i have felt the need to hold it together to be the strong one", "i dont have a solid reason for beginning self harm it was a number of things really but i just had these feelings of being worthless that no one would ever like me that i was ugly that i didnt fit in that i was horrible", "i went to an lds step meeting and was so overwhelmed by evil feelings and just broke down and said so at the meeting and expressed how low i felt and how ready i was for these feelings to leave my body", "i have been asking myself some difficult questions in an attempt to understand why i feel this strange push and pull between different aspects of my life", "i feel like an impostor in my work as i smile and talk about behavior contracts positive reinforcement cognitive reframing physical activity and other means for diminishing dissolving or deferring the pain of reality", "i feel for you despite the pain makes me suspicious that it might be so", "i just woke up from my nap and i feel extremely agitated and grumpy", "i remember being so disappointed with not showing for about months and now i actually feel like my less than lady like movements are more acceptable", "im feeling how char had blamed me of doing a few weeks ago", "i start feeling smug that ive been good about writing posts i blink and then a month vanishes", "i was just feeling needy", "i can feel a little better about sunday maybe i can continue that good feeling and get back to the little hot bod i once rocked", "i found myself feeling a bit overwhelmed", "i say nothing then i my feelings are hurt i feel uncomfortable and direspected", "i am feeling a little skeptical today", "i have only a few short weeks here and im feeling many things including sentimental and very grateful for the year ive spent here", "i tell my a little how much i hate feeling needy how i hate that moment when i know ive become too attached in my own head", "i feel very resolved yet somehow very depressed", "i possibly feel foolish for", "im reminding myself to feel calm", "i was feeling pretty rotten", "im feeling like a shitty person right now because i just did or worse", "i feel listless and completely unmotivated to do anything but i will bake some almond poppy seed bread and make a pot of chicken noodle soup in an effort to be less than useless today", "i have a rough day every now and then where i feel exhausted all day no matter how much sleep i get and then im good for a week or so", "i smokes hi feels more hat ome and kind o contented like", "ive noticed this week that im not the only one who struggles with feeling a little depressed after mothers day", "i still second guess myself and still have a terrible time making definitive decisions but there are certain truths that i do know about myself and i feel assured by those truths", "i know what i believe and how i feel but some part of me is still hesitant because the old me would have said that anyone who believed there was a god was crazy", "i am responsible for picking a man who on occasion reminds me of people from my past like my mom and i threaten myself i can break this pattern by conducting myself in a different way even when i feel scared because deep down i know he s a good man", "i allowed myself to feel the really shitty feelings while i was running because a the endorphins were flowing so it hurt less and b so i could pretend i was running away from them", "i feel terrible that i am not consumed by guilt", "i anyone another lovely day today weather am running late with life generally and not done any art today yet feel deprived bit of", "i notice a lump or feel pain in any part of my body i will somehow become fearful or scared", "i have also realized that while i may feel fabulous some days today is proof that im still right there in it with all my listeners", "i feel so relieved but at the same time i feel so lost", "i dont call what i am feeling as nervous but more anxious", "i am feeling a bit gloomy i guess", "ive been devoting myself to you monday to monday and friday to friday not getting enough retribution or decent incentives to keep me at it im starting to feel just a little abused like a coffee machine in an office so im gonna go somewhere cozy to get me a lover and tell you all about it", "im by no means huge however as im only i find that any extra weight at all makes me feel very uncomfortable in myself as well as my clothes", "i feel like i should also mention that there was some content that i wasnt thrilled with either", "i usually feel regretful and guilty after the quarrel usually its me who turns the talk into a quarrel i yell loudly and throw the things beside me with mama", "ive had so much more energy no more slugging around feeling lethargic after massive takeaways and choccy binges and my skin started to clear up instantly", "im not feeling well a href http", "i will not go into details from that long night but i woke up for our am bus feeling like i could barely stand and not trusting the pit in my stomach", "im feeling more than a little dazed", "i am thankful for not attending therapy but am really no further forward in fact probably feeling more isolated misunderstood and lonely in it", "i am constantly overwhelmed by the feeling that i am not smart enough not pretty enough not nice enough not talented enough and worst of all that i am not doing enough to make any of these things better", "i feel like this is a perfectly acceptable number since baby is really starting to crowd my lungs a bit more now", "i havent been measuring out food drinking nearly enough water tracking any fitness and overall i feel completely shaken and unfocused because i dont feel like my foundation is steady at the moment", "i actually answered you pathetic fucking e mails but no thats too fucking easy just call andintrupte what was a wonderful fucking day with you trad trash what the fuck slave he felt the feeling come over him he bagan to shiver and shaken with fear", "i am terrified and not feeling terribly keen right now", "i had grand plans of baking through my two days off but i mostly ended up just curled up on the couch pouting about not feeling well", "i feel a bit ungrateful that i feel like leaving already once i get everything taken care of laundry packing some winter clothes etc", "im honest when i say a part of me feels tortured as though this is part of the system of function in your life the one that allows you to order and manipulate people in such a way so that they are lined up and positioned to serve their prupose when you should need them", "i encourage you next time youre feeling a little uncomfortable do your best to embrace it", "im sure ill get through it im just feeling whiney today", "i dont have the hatred for juice that i had last night at this time but im not feeling too fond of the veggie smell in my kitchen", "i have an ed i will tell you that i know i shouldn t feel shamed of eating a protein bar for breakfast and the fact that i ate one isn t what makes me shameful it s the fact i didn t make it is what made me hang my head and tuck tail", "i feel humiliated embarrassed or foolish i will remember that others have felt the same way because of the same kinds of things and i will be kind and helpful and accepting", "i only feel vaguely remorseful", "i said i have such mixed feelings about because on the one hand im glad benny survived but on the other hand its just preposterous", "i am feeling much like the guy in the pic above a little overwhelmed and starved for time but very delighted to be making new work and preparing my little florida bungalow for thanksgiving guests this weekend", "im feeling very uptight right now", "im not feeling too hot this week so it has been a minor struggle but im pushing through and trying to smile my way through it", "i feel depressed my old sexual demon returns and that banishes my despair in mad displays of wild exhibitionism april part two a href http newrhinegargoyle", "i feel dazed and unsure of a world in which dying young and disasters that sacrifice so many lives in one swath happen let alone happen with frequency great enough to make me cringe", "i trust my kids however i feel helpless enough in here over so many things and i m upset at the lack of respect for the few little things i asked them not to do", "i don t know when i will want to tell her and feel guilty and disappointed that everything i am thinking about her and our relationship right now is negative", "i currently feel like crap but have to at least show my face at work lest they get suspicious at my ringing in sick the day after my holidays" ]
sometime back another girl who was in terms with my exboyfriend came to shout at me at twelve midnight it was because she thought i was still interested in the boy
[ "i no longer have that angst inside me the kind of yelping passion and feeling of being wronged or what have you that drove my initial connection to emo", "i would just hurt others feelings i am so selfish", "i feel like a cold object with no identity", "im feeling pissed off about my aac or feeling kind of miserable and frustrated with life this whole week", "i feel complimented or insulted", "i feel i just couldn t be bothered with some of the things that used to keep me up at night", "i feel the weight of my single dom pulling me under like a dangerous rip tide that is relentlessly surrounding every inch of my body", "im feeling really really sarcastic caustic or theres been an influx of idiots into my flists daily lives", "i hope to see or feel a mad glint in your eye because some madness some pathological curiosity is needed", "im feeling a little cranky negative after this doctors appointment", "i did the yelling the feeling of being extremely mad", "i am feeling impatient i havent been blogging because each day was pretty similar sleep eat pregnancy pains sleep etc", "i look at others and feel jealous", "i hear someone say we should just let gardeners be let folks do whatever they want i feel pretty aggravated", "i feel so disgusted with myself for feeling the way i do", "i walked around my yard and even got down by the waterside of the lake i live by i couldnt feel my fingers it was so cold" ]
[ "i am feeling very restless irritable and discontent", "i feel dirty talking to people for my personal gain", "im feeling really shaken up today my stomach hurts ibleeditout i ran into some friends and kodi has been a complete brat", "i went i was amazed at what i have and i began to feel when the woman canal spoke about the divine hierarchies and they wanted us to do for a new era of spiritual evolution", "i was pleasantly surprised to read that i was just as susceptible to falling under dessen s romance spell but other parts of the novel did feel like missed opportunities", "im still a little mixed on how i feel about him back especially because i liked the a href", "i might hold a sense of satisfaction at feeling superior and giving advice", "i was beginning to feel anxious about it and i asked him to help me out", "i feel there is a shortage of loyal people whom you can trust", "i feel the pain again until i came from school and its still aching", "i still feel terribly devastated", "i have no i am super to think but the small pistil says she has been feeling i am very kind very brave have manliness so much is a href http www", "i am feeling afraid cos he isnt answering me again", "i feel my children are in harms way i feel frightened", "i feel like people dont really want me in their company but also they dont want to hurt my feelings", "im feeling a little dirty", "i also feel fearful and concerned for them both worried", "i feel like i m always beaten up by some sort of evil people", "i was feeling sort of heat exhausted", "i feel at ease in those moments but the last few nights have been troubled", "i lost a very dear friend in the maschke family who now wants nothing to do with me because they feel that i am unsavory or mean or cruel", "i lift different now because it hurt so bad the day it happened that i can t get it out of my mind and i feel myself being a bit timid", "i am so trying to understand why my feelings should be ignored", "i was missing him desperately and feeling idiotic for missing him", "i feel i cant stop aching", "i just want someone who ll make feel that i m terrified the one who ll make me crazily say i m in love i m terrified for the first time", "i will take care of the flashback of swingsets and telling the tiniest of white lies for the sake of feeling free for several hours arriving home late after staying out past curfew to watch some horror movie well sort of", "im more attracted to him because i feel that he knows that hes weird and being a weirdo myself i figure things might work out", "i hauled it i feel dumb i got my lock and key i paid a man his fee now i wait and see frank black amp the catholics devils workshop released simultaneously with black letter days i initially felt this was the better of the two", "i will think of something else feel all passionate about that and then it too would stop", "i feel at this point i have to give some credit to my beloved former teacher ajahn brahmavamso as well as all other little and big gurus and lovers i had in my life", "i do feel more special than i did when i was single", "i have these bunch of friends im grateful to have the squad mates and the teammates but theres another bunch of people out there that made me feel so worthless because everything i try to do with them it seems so forced conversations it seems like i am forcing my words on them and everything else", "i feel bouncy and twitchy all of a sudden", "i am that woman who will notice and i will send one your way even on days when i feel discouraged myself", "i am feeling i still should be caring and concerned", "i soon went back to feeling shitty again", "i feel as if this opportunity to return to moz is gods gracious gracious way of giving me that heat desire despite my own self doubt and uncertainty in the past", "i remember feeling terrified as a child", "i went crazy non stop dancing at rouge with her only because the live band was very good i was feeling very troubled and wanted to dance my problems away", "i also feel less inhibited about interacting with them", "i am feeling like it might look just a little suspicious if i go home and dont meet with him", "i have done quite a bit of traveling together and so know how to keep the other laughing when we re feeling defeated or stressed and the addition of audie and mona only multiplied the laughter", "i tend to become a little animated when i talk about something in which i feel passionate", "i know hes upset that ryan did this to me he liked him when he met him and he even thought his feelings for me were sincere", "im still feeling quite lively", "i feel like i am supposed to be faithful to her", "i lose interest in reading stories when i feel like the tension has been resolved which did happen a few times and yet i kept wanting to read more", "i look at it like if someone doesnt like me or care about me in a way thats different than just friends i feel unimportant like no one cares about me", "i am now drunk again and feel fab", "i feel a strange sensation course through my limbs", "i feel sort of dazed and cross eyed", "i started to feel crappy", "i have the best conversations and the best time together unlike any ive had before but i feel like being totally in love with him does no good when he could care less about some stupid sophomore", "i get upset that i try to rekindle some sort of feeling excitement remorse longing anything but like i said even this feeling becomes a temporary phase", "i tried hard to avoid kim and her insults i tried hard not to feel as though i wasnt really respected by anyone or perhaps i wasnt at all welcome", "i totally laughed out loud at the first statement and then the second statement made me feel kind of sad", "i see myself feeling hurt or let down or uncertain", "i really feel so vunerable and frightened", "i feel permanently heartbroken but at the same time if she were to ask me out again i would mend it right up and do it again", "i was feeling so rotten about it", "i was feeling so regretful i didnt get it the other time", "i want to feel respected", "i still feel like i deserve to be punished for things that i would instantly forgive from strangers", "i feel like i m being mentally and emotionally assaulted with something and i just wanted to write that down somewhere", "i have tried sometimes to spend time with them to make them feel less miserable in school and have usually had my offers thrown back in my face", "i walked away from her i was left feeling slightly crappy about my life she s one of those women who ll subtly put you down put your children down too given half the chance", "i was sleeping when i heard the neighbours screaming", "i see the starlight caress your hair no more feel the tender kisses we used to share i close my eyes and clearly my heart remembers a thousand good byes could never put out the embers", "i ever get to feel what these needy feel if i stay away from them", "i think i m also feeling restless", "i then asked as i often do in these situations how i could fix this so she wouldnt feel like i hated her because of my lack of postings on her facebook page", "i feel lonely i remember my moms saying", "i feel unwelcome at work sometimes and think people might be talking about me", "i feel intimidated by these colleagues of mine", "i was feeling adventurous and took the stairs", "i get the feeling he has naughty intentions", "i feel frightened i hear a mighty roar", "im just feeling bashful whenever i talk to you", "i remember feeling awkward and strange during my first few weeks", "i get what she s saying and i feel somewhat remorseful for not being the kind of friend or giving the kind of support she wanted or needed throughout the past years of our friendship oh yes it goes back that far", "ive been feeling restless in my career", "i feel like i am not alone", "i could try to reach my tongue out to lick it but in vain so close i could feel the divine warmth from her pussy but in vain", "i felt the bubbling feeling and pretty soon i was at my peek and climaxed on her hands and her cute little dress", "i have a bad feeling about something that should be respected", "i feel its a weird turn of events which is marred a bit by a slightly weird prose", "i feel humiliated when mistress watches me mince into bed wearing my frilly pink bloomers and pink babydoll", "i know both of them feel threatened by the job i do even after long years but i get really tired of the ganging up i get from them", "i feel a bit dazed but so excited i am going to be so protective she is not going to be let out until she is", "i have a feeling it could be an unpleasant experience working with her", "i feel very suspicious of all of them", "i was down and feeling doubtful", "i cant be sure if i subconsciously feel abit guilty for arguing with my mum", "i feel tortured by this sense of wrong", "i was feeling out of sorts anxious not sure what to do with myself", "i can make someone feel unwelcome rrreeaallyy fast without saying a word", "i don t really feel attracted to people who are cool and normal", "i did feel bad for her because she did feel like she was getting pressured to get her cherry popped", "i would constantly feel agitated", "i a bad person for feeling burdened by our relationship", "i smoothly hand her a twenty feeling smug that they are both interested", "i have been talking with a growing number of friends over the past few months who have been telling me stories of feeling emotionally beaten up by life", "i began to feel isolated frustrated and of low esteem", "i once told my friends that i feel like doing some sort of backpacking but instead of supporting me with this idea all i got from them were raised eye brows and some sarcastic remarks", "im feeling a bit sentimental", "i feel super reassured or that until i move on from this", "i feel this strange bonding with my bed and wardrode have been using both a little more than a decade", "i didnt feel like i missed out one bit", "im still feeling a bit stunned by an experience i had tonight while watching a movie", "i feel gutted now i am joyful and at the same time enraged", "i started feeling festive a little early this year", "i am a year later heavier than ive ever been i gained back that lbs in the weeks i was pregnant trying to sort out feelings for my troubled marriage missing my hearts dream of dance wondering if ill ever want more kids again and if that makes me a horrible person", "i feel shaken open as though my heart were broken into and there are no words to speak", "i remember a totally different feel having been a faithful dukes watcher growing up", "i and was feeling nostalgic about that time in their lives", "i attempted to call my mom to talk to her but she answered the phone with suck fake regard for my feelings she had her jolly voice on and i just told her nevermind and she said okay i have a couple guests walking through the door so i have to go and feed them some pie", "i feel around someone the more idiotic i feel hence the unintelligible blabbering", "i said i wanted to give you a little sample of the writing i denied you then but i m feeling a little more generous today i suppose because i just have to share one little taste", "i feel like i m in some weird limbo between childhood and adulthood" ]
i feel its rude to take someone s photo but rather that i feel awkward asking to take the photo
[ "i imagine you re going to come away from it feeling a little jealous you can t quite", "i feel time is running out so i m not bothered with myself now", "i feel jealous on sumthg tat i thk of", "in certain occasion i have a fight with my boyfriend during the fight i closed the door at his face he went away but came back next day", "i feel that someone has wronged me in some way its impossible sometimes hard for me to get past it without an apology from the guilty party", "im always feeling so agitated overly excited and impatient to those who are close to me", "i feel so selfish wanting him home his help getting the girls to bed", "i feel that sometimes i ve been distracted and neglectful i am thankful that this is not about adding another box to check in my otherwise busy days", "i don t know how i feel i should be bothered", "i do feel stressed i have a bunch of tools in my pocket to fight back with", "in ward a was an epileptic patient who was burnt the whole body and was stinking very much such that the whole ward was affected few people could come near him", "i feel pretty fucked up these days cant breathe properly", "im feeling bitchy and unappreciated today", "i am walking around feeling quite tortured because i spent so many hours on it and it is still not finished but i have learned a few things", "i know its only the beginning of and im already feeling fucked", "i am still working through the guilt of feeling selfish for self preservation without the justification that i must survive to bring up my babies" ]
[ "i feel i find i felt target blank clasheen by nicola brown a href http keepmeinstitchez", "i got on and was nervous feeling very timid and shy but after a while we were talking like weve known each other our whole lives", "i get scared i feel ignored i feel happy i get silly i choke on my own words i make wishes i have dreams and i still want to believe anything could happen in this world for an ordinary girl like you like me for an ordinary girl like you like me how are you", "i feel pained if people are making this kind of statement", "i am by no means very claustrophobic when crunched up like that i can t help but feel a little agitated", "i wouldnt buy it but if someone gave me some id wear it if i was feeling a particularly vain that day but not really", "i think browsers are more comfortable in my booth if all my attention is not focused on them and they don t feel pressured to make a purchase", "i have a sick feeling a longing for each second to be with you even though that will inevitably make it worse when you leave liverpool", "i do feel that you are a little needy because of the tone in your note to me", "i start feeling myself getting overwhelmed or frustrated i have tried to open up more about it instead of pushing it down deep slapping on a fake smile and waiting until i boil over", "i beside see smiling feel very funny", "i find this meeting a little scolding when anyone with less than five years of sobriety attempts to engage theres a definite feeling in the air that some horrible crime is being committed", "i have been labeled the accuser and for this reason i feel it is my responsibility to bring to your attention this information about whom you have believed to be faithful", "i have a feeling this is a bit naughty scanning an article from a magazine but i know that so many people would love to read thi", "i know i dont normally share other peoples give aways unless i feel very passionate about them", "i feel like a bit of a strange one", "i have a heart to serve to better their situation but in that moment i feel so helpless", "im simply feeling just a little unhappy about the whole skinnyg and even the charming customer provider hasnt made that go away", "i don t feel guilty like i m not going to be able to cook for him", "i have been out there over the last few weeks i experienced for the first time a feeling of loving the actual act of running of pushing my daughter in the jogger of getting outsprinted by my wife although this would happen if i was in top shape anyway of having cold air nail you in the face", "i feel so humiliated because as i was spending my days off planning a beautiful wedding he was calling texting taking some other girl out and fucking her", "i suppose its only natural to squeeze every half hour out of the last five days to spend the time with family making memories and with friends promising more but it feels like someone elses life in a numb way", "i agree with that overall life philosophy but sometimes people and even kids need their negative emotions acknowledged so that they don t feel ignored and negated in what they are truly feeling", "im old enough that graduation and yk feels like just yesterday i find myself a bit stunned by this", "ill be darned if i will feel shamed for caring about the blogging community", "i have to take jenny in to be spayed so of course im feeling nervous and guilty", "i have decided that i want to go to school for mortuary science ok ok i know playing with dead people is morbid but lets face it this is something we will have to deal with one day and i feel as though i am intelligent enough to do it as well as compasionate to be there for greiving families", "i feel this triumphant pride as i stand at the counter like i am achieving some high level male honor because i am a female doing this a redhead to boot", "i feel myself falling into the pit of buying it from her i think he s for real i m just skeptical of the women", "i feel strongly about or a line that i want to draw in the sand so to speak i shouldn t be afraid especially at this point to bring up how i feel about what my conclusion should entail etc", "i feel foolish amazed and yet i feel foolish a href http dkang", "i feel i should as a gracious gesture apologizing for my latest post about the osp and the rand license terms", "i cant help feeling this way", "i couldnt help but feel a little curious about it though which is what finally led me to plan to rent it this evening", "i really like this person feel that the question was really asked out of a sincere place of love and concern about how to move forward in light of what the sexuality study recently a href http www", "i go onto the officer down memorial page and reflect on my feelings about that wonderful officer which seems to make me feel a little better", "i don t expect you to feel sorry for me", "im feeling so sally field like these days surprised by all the love and always with a brown mop of hair atop my head", "i ask you when folks park why do they feel it is smart to park with only or inches separating your car from the one in front or behind you", "im feeling sentimental or in need of reassurance", "i can feel that gentle rhythm imprinted on my skin i vibrates up my arm my stomach clenches my legs squeeze i forget his own leg has somehow ended up between mine", "i feel like i need to officially address this because it is just so fucking dumb", "ive been feeling a bit shitty about myself these past few days and there has been a sudden drop of self esteem going on", "i feel hesitant because i don t want to put too much stock in the possibility that maybe today marks the end of a hard year and the start of one that might be better", "im freaking out worried feeling rejected", "i feel indecisive about baker although my room is the smallest double it still seems big but i hate how loud the guys across the hall are", "i really need to find my nitch up here in vt i feel very lonely and bored and it s taking it s toll a href http twitter", "ive somehow had a few epiphanies and toned down the need for validation its still a work in progress but i feel less need to be liked by people who dont deserve the attention", "i don t exactly feel sociable still", "im older and i adopt children if they are born gay which i do believe is a born thing feel free to discuss i shall respect that just like i will accept if they are born left handed or ginger", "i thought getting confirmation on publishing would make it so easy to sit down and write and it for sure is a great feeling but i am terrified", "i dont want flowers or candy but the kind of guy that knows i like thinly sliced limes in my mineral water because it makes me feel glamorous and is humored by how pretentious that is", "i tell mummy that my stomach really not feeling well i really wanna go to toilet mummy ask me keep on eating", "i dont know if it was because i almost got a feeling that he actually might like me or if it was because i got the feeling that he liked olivia", "i feel the frames could give the works an elegant appearanc ewhich i am more interested in after movign on from the images created in my final drawing assessment", "i feel very uncomfortable around people with down syndrome", "i feel remorseful about leaving food behind and make an effort to eat at least half of it but after stuffing myself at fruits parlor and eating this hamburger steak and all", "i feel slightly disturbed by the whole thing", "i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to feel more than and superior when as i see perceive someone worshiping me for my progress instead of realising that i am defeating the whole point of process within doing so", "i feel its a pathetic way to get sympathy", "i so much appreciate all of my readers and followers but please feel free to skip this pity party post", "i feel like i could have treasured the time we had together more like i could have made more of an effort to see you talk to you", "ive seen the way serina feels strange if shes not being useful and it sure helps that the cleaner is pretty expensive and not having to pay that money would be pretty great", "i feel like valentines day should about confessing romantic love said jin hee oh an office worker shopping at lotte department store", "i feel so emotionally drained i really really hate feeling this way and i hate keeping things from people i love and i hate having to pretend everything is normal i want it to be normal and i hate that my happiness is coming from someone else and im so tired i really need a break", "i feel ugly he can smile at me with this look in his eye and i know that not only does he love me but he is still in love with me", "i feel i have to write about it it was truly innocent even though there was quite a bit of feeling involved", "i feel really strange without my bangs and sometimes i want just to cut my hair", "i feel pathetic and that i shouldnt make myself feel this way", "i want to be able to declare how excited i am in the most sickening sing songy voice that anyone has ever heard but frankly i feel more terrified than anything", "i feel people are scared of me or given up on me", "i feel a little lame admitting it because these are not high ticket price items however i didnt want to buy both so i had to make a choice", "i like your t shirt can achieve that and instill a sense of making the customer feel valued as a person but such comments should be sincere", "i finished checking in bruce had already left and yiling was just leaving so i don t feel i had a chance to properly thank them for being so considerate and making sure we got settled in", "i feel that people are a shamed of me", "i feel almost embarrassed to mention the single redshank and common sandpiper but there again who would not want to mention the lone wood sandpiper present at the waters edge", "i feel as though i cant bear the motion of quilting it even though the idea of it delighted me so only a few days ago", "i replied feeling strange at giving the orders", "i usually start feeling anxious", "i feel hesitant to share something i know and have experienced personally that can offer hope amp eternal life", "i make a big deal out of yours i d like you to at least buy me a card so that i can feel special", "i let my fingers stroke across his chest to his heart marveling at the feel of him terrified that this is a step too far", "i feel helpless about it", "i want to shout say something dont just smile all the time touch me so i can feel that delicious feeling inside", "i am limiting myself to what i can reasonably do without causing greater injury but i have to do some sort of physical exercise or i start to feel horrible about myself", "i feel low not coz of the situations distance or the person but its that one thing that hurts you and makes you feel responsible for what i have done to myself", "i need to really appreciate not wearing a coat and feeling the hot sun and going to the pool and eating ice cream", "i am not sure if anyone at all can understand how i feel toward them but i almost feel like one of those troubled teens they often have on maury", "ive been feeling a bit messy but im hoping this fresh look will help me figure out a better way to deal", "i wonder if they will even think back to the times that i have begged them to just be there for me or just be on my side or just offer me any kind of suppport or the feeling of them caring at all", "i feel a bit ungrateful that i feel like leaving already once i get everything taken care of laundry packing some winter clothes etc", "i feel humiliated when mistress watches me mince into bed wearing my frilly pink bloomers and pink babydoll", "im feeling clever right now so if anyone attempts to burst my bubble ill just have to burst yours right back by telling your children that you know who is not real", "i aware and concerned for everyone will give attention not only marriages and deaths but also with equal seriousness to the elderly woman who feels helpless because she does not know which oven to buy", "i feel neglectful but i shouldnt", "i feel pathetic because i feel like you never once called me your bestfriend and i just continued to call you my bff and i just get treated like a friend", "im re reading that sentence and feeling foolish", "i feel burdened a href http scratcheverything", "i feel like its become socially acceptable to allow traditional views to be threw under the bus without a fight because youll offend someone if you stand up", "i look back on that moment of my writing life and feel a bit ashamed that there is a part of me that wants to wrap up the everything theory series and then pack up the story ideas and call it a day", "i know is that by the end of the reception i was feeling a little left out so when chris asked me to dance i was thrilled to accept", "im not feeling too keen on that", "i feel reluctant to share because my experiences feel incomplete especially now that my ideas are making a shift", "i feel less intimidated with her here to help", "ive been has been in the seat beside me in an airplane when i feel smug because they have to stop reading when the announcement goes out and my book is still open", "i had to have a blood test yesterday so perhaps im feeling particularly fond of it right now because of the doctors needle that was inside of me and the time spent with the dizzy head of a non meat eating nineteen year old female", "i anyone another lovely day today weather am running late with life generally and not done any art today yet feel deprived bit of", "i feel none of that and because i am a hopeless romantic shrouded in reality i know for a fact that this person is not me", "i feel these days living in fears just another way of dying before your time so today i am declaring myself fearless", "ive never behaved like that in front of my husband and i feel a mixture of shame and relief that only the shedding of many tears and saying truthful but hurtful things can bring on", "i feel sometimes like i want to say things that i am sure will offend", "i feel terrible about that", "im totally walking on sunshine feeling lighter and less burdened by excess weight but then people snicker or i get on the bus and people would rather stand than sit next to me and im reminded of how much work i still have to do", "i can understand that you may feel youd rather not do your bit for the vulnerable and homeless in london in that precise way", "i promise to respect my personal boundaries acknowledge that i am a perfect and divine being and that i have the right to say no when i need to without feeling guilty", "i get the feeling that i m doing something naughty", "i made the other day which more or less sums up how i feel about the delusion of my life for the past years or so i became somewhat frightened of myself and decided to get a little distance from that guy", "i feel like i should just bite the bullet and do it but every time i think about it i feel stressed because im not fully supported on my decisions", "i wanted to take this opportunity to express the way i feel about myself the blog and your lovely selfs of course", "i feel shaky discussing it with anybody especially in public as though i m a little ball of explosive tears just waiting to spill out everywhere" ]
i am feeling cranky today is due to me not getting enough sleep due to the unexpected long outing yesterday night
[ "i know nothing is going to change even i feel very envious to these people but i cant stop feeling jealous to these people because its a human beings instinct to act so", "i was starting to feel a little bitchy by this point", "i am hating myself at the moment because i feel so hateful to another person", "i have also always been afraid of the cold pool but i realized that it actually doesn t feel cold after about laps", "i feel disgusted with my body", "ill find you everyday if you feel not annoyed", "i feel violent wanna kill someone anyone or kiss them", "i guess you could say i am teeter totering right now on the edge and i feel like im dangerous", "i feel furious on your behalf", "i feel so spiteful towards people sometimes just the way they look makes me want to hurt them", "i no longer have that angst inside me the kind of yelping passion and feeling of being wronged or what have you that drove my initial connection to emo", "i feel cranky and annoyed when i dont", "i posted on my facebook page earlier this week ive been feeling a little grumpy and out of sorts the past few days", "i truly feel but its somehow not enough for me to hate him or to get mad", "i feel like a rebellious year old that stands in the doorway flicking the lights off and on in the depths of my spirit", "im feeling awfully spiteful right now" ]
[ "i feel like i m in a frantic race with the clock and i can t figure out why", "i am terrified and not feeling terribly keen right now", "im not feeling so well right now so ill write some other day", "i begin to feel a dull ache in my left side", "i sit here tonight i m pensive tense and feeling a little fearful", "i began feeling shaky my heart was sort of skipping around i felt like someone who had been drinking coffee all day long", "i feel doubtful in my abilities", "i woke up monday feeling like crap and blamed it on the weather", "i feel badly enough about myself and everything thats going on and some of these people that are supposed to be helping me arent particularly sympathetic", "i noticed myself feeling victimized resentful fearful ripped off crazy my body reacted with sensations of tension and chaos", "i must bring some perspective into the equation consider how you would feel if you went a week without calling and then phoned up to find out youd missed your final opportunity to talk with a parent", "im afraid to call the guy from yesterday because i think hell be angry because i think my boss is angry because i dont communicate with him and i feel like im doing a shitty job and i project my fears onto him", "i just need to rant right now i feel so ignored in life my friends are too busy for me when we hang out we do have fun but only occasionally do we get the chance plus i always seem to be the one organising things or at least partially involved", "i am feeling depressed cursing my luck", "i come out of that fight feeling whipped and saddened and hated for who i am and i have to put on my big girl panties and pretend hey everything s fine even though we re pissy at each other", "i managed a whole tuesday of eating clean but have caffeined up today and am feeling rather shaky", "i was feeling like a pretty crappy mom", "i rarely feel happily joyful and dont walk about smiling much", "i get really sweaty during these episodes and my stomach will feel really funny like i m free falling", "i just go to bed with my feeling of discontent", "i was feeling kind of discouraged because nothing happened", "i am feeling shaky all day too", "i have been feeling really stressed out due to homework and my studies that have increased rapidly over the last week", "i feel as the sleep drained from my head i sat up my dog nudging me for affection my wife too has been wanting affection", "i almost inexplicably burst into tears in front of my mother its kind of a long story unfounded guilt about feeling ungrateful earlier today but ive been cleaning and trying to keep myself active so i dont keep falling back into slumps", "i were saying that we were feeling overwhelmed with our life right now", "im feeling horny right now", "i feel strange pangs of loneliness or emptiness bubble up", "i feel better i dont for a little bit", "im stressed angry upset to the point where im feeling numb but one more bad thing is sure to set me over the edge", "i feel crazily indecisive impulsive just in a", "i feel very regretful for what i might done i dont think i remember it", "i feel soo disturbed by it", "i think the answer to my problems can be found in the bottom of a bottle of cheap alcohol and logically i know that nothing waits for me there except a headache come the following morning a dull ache at my temple like the feeling of repressed tears", "i feel heartbroken and sad", "im feeling more hopeful today than i did yesterday", "i was feeling so reluctant the whole day today the only thing that i feel like doing is just sticking my ass on the benches ground having heart to heart talks with my favs staring into space and nothing", "i feel like a regretful soul", "i feel miserable and even more alone", "i feel a little abused about this whole situation", "i am so very tired and feeling overwhelmed with my everyday responsibilities which brings me to the point of this post", "i feel genuinely stressed with work", "i may be having a constant dullness and heaviness over my heart that makes me feel restless bored and unsatisfied however i know very well that such feelings are evoked by the time of the month", "im beginning to feel listless and a bit lonely", "im feeling more energetic less tired and im down two pounds", "i don t feel like i m welcomed at home even though i am its different than before", "i now feel like i look really ugly some people think i look retarted", "i upset you over the last few days i m ok the clouds are clearing and i m feeling more positive", "i tend to lose feel for the water pretty quickly when im not in the water every other day and i felt this during the race", "i was starting to feel alarmed", "i feel guilty that s why", "i have a full stomach and this is my nd class of the day im pretty much pooped and feeling lethargic", "i just cant contain my joy but right now i feel troubled", "i got when i went home sick today i m still feeling a bit shaky and for david helping me fix the broken handrail on the basement stairs", "i feel like a wimpy blubbering fool right now", "im stuck feeling too casual and frumpy when i return to the office", "i have this nasty feeling that i am being an ungrateful wretch", "i started this off feeling a little melancholy but i think the holy spirit must have come in and given me a hand because i feel like now i understand my situation better than i did half an hour ago", "i feel like im being punished for existing", "i feel sad about it", "i hate feeling that a day got away from me and nothing not one thing productive got done", "i feel dirty and don t know why", "i feel vulnerable and alone", "i decided to focus on how i was feeling and what needs were not being met for me in this situation rest calm enjoyment relaxation", "i do not feel reassured anxiety is on each side", "i eat biscuits crisps and ice cream all day yeah it tastes great but it makes me feel so groggy the following day take more photos", "i am not a deep thinker and sometimes i leave feeling depressed and not inspired", "i was feeling a bit shaky and a bit off centre but i think most of that was worrying about things out of my control", "i feel all hot and bothered and most of all i worry and worry some more and boy do i worry", "i do this if i allow myself to sit in this cycle today i will cause a nasty big blow up fight in public and i will feel humiliated and proven right that i am an unstable bad person", "i feel like ive been running around without any sense of direction or longing of purpose or life goals", "i have an ed i will tell you that i know i shouldn t feel shamed of eating a protein bar for breakfast and the fact that i ate one isn t what makes me shameful it s the fact i didn t make it is what made me hang my head and tuck tail", "i stop feeling ok and started to feel pretty awesome", "i come home and feel so shitty i cant bring myself to do all the work i need to do", "i wasnt feeling like going on easter holidays i dont even know why at least i hope these days can be very productive for me", "i was feeling a little shaky and called it a day on the small bike", "i am already feeling anxious then how is going off my anti anxiety medicine going to help me", "im feeling a little less jaded", "im gonna end up pressuring myself and feeling really disappointed when i get to doing the actual thing and its on tuesday and i really should study but i cant jhbdjhdfbjdfhbfd or maybe when i get off this comp ill go start typing stuff up", "i feel more well rested though my sinuses still hurt and my voice isn t quite back to normal", "i feel terrible that i am not consumed by guilt", "i cant blame anything or anyone but myself and ive spent the day feeling miserable crying again whenever i remember realizing it was all my fault", "i am not surprised cause its like ok when you feel crappy and it just continues for like days or so you really try to avoid getting that sickness again", "i feel the need to have a reason or everything i hated that i had to be subjected to thunder and lightening when it was unnecessary", "i am beginning to feel startled by how little of last week i remember", "im not the only person in the world to feel miserable from time to time", "i have learned to not take myself seriously enough to feel humiliated", "i feel hopeless i cannot cope", "i do this i feel lethargic uninspired and the next morning have a go at myself", "i feel guilty after i do these things", "i know at this point is im starting to feel doubtful of the decisions i made", "i mentioned in my last post i was still feeling completely exhausted on the weekend", "i feel weird about my self this doesn t feel like me", "i knew i was shaking for many reasons a big one being since this cyst drama started i get so cold so fast and feel drained", "i feel overwhelmed how about you", "i sneeze i have dark circles under my eyes i feel miserable really", "im tired but i feel fabulous and i am so freaking proud of myself at this moment for continuing to push myself to train and to get so far out of my comfort zone", "i know i am feeling discouraged and cynical", "i feel pain or aching in can stop", "ive had a few rough days since then and in the midst of crying and dealing and feeling just so defeated and emotional i put my coat on and curled up and created this safety nest inside my coat", "im feeling a bit listless but after the weekend from hell it had good points also im glad for some time to wind down", "i did in fact feel very strange", "i feel like i should say something emotional and touching about the fleeting nature of time but damn im feeling like ive been flung into a first day of school suddenly huge to do list tornado", "i didnt know anyone but why did i feel helpless confused angry tired", "i started the third block feeling hot and cold and tingly all at the same time knowing that i still had five hours of examination ahead of me having no idea if any of it would do any good", "i suddenly feel anxious im crying over little things", "i began to feel agitated slightly dizzy amp very hungry", "i was thrilled to have that outcome but because i was feeling so crappy i couldn t even celebrate that until i started feeling better which mainly seems to have occurred with an increased dosage of my thyroid replacement hormone and supplemental estrogen", "im lying in bed feeling very anxious and have a knot in my stomach", "i am already feeling frantic", "im so tired and heavy all the time its a familiar feeling though not a pleasant one", "im feeling mentally burdened with many things to get done", "i really feel very bad", "i had a feeling when i left that i just wasn t that relaxed enough to really do it justice", "i feel kinda lousy about myself", "i remind myself or am reminded of my passions and opinions i just feel incredibly agitated and frustrated there is this ball of energy with no channel to travel", "i do not feel useful", "im sure ill feel more playful soon but i just cant right now", "ive been feeling very mellow this evening", "i feel like im in this weird in between stage" ]
i feel disgusted embarrased and sad about how i handled the situation
[ "i wasnt feeling particularly bitter on my birthday in fact i had a fantastic day", "i am waking up in the middle of the night again with aches and pains and generally feeling grumpy", "i write i feel a little dissatisfied", "i was feeling impatient and took pills", "i see people who have accomplished so much more than me and i feel envious and incompetent", "i feel can you stop being so obnoxious and think for me at the very least", "im thinking of locking myself in my house until i manage to get it all organized but i have a feeling i may become as cranky and isolated as this dear friend a href http", "i am drawn to totally solid neutral bags in black and brown throw in a vibrant patent red and maybe if i m feeling dangerous a metallic clutch but that s usually the most adventurous i get with my accessories", "i feel like i should be offended but yawwwn", "i basically feeling a bit grumpy most of the time coz i was hungry", "i feel so despised and i feel this world is crumbling onto me again", "i feel like im being petty about this", "i didnt really want to talk about it with anyone because its kind of selfish and i feel that id rather ignore it than to be selfish about it", "i didnt think i was angry but now that im typing away feeling my words evaporate into cyberspace i am very pissed that this is happening", "i read which i feel i didn t need to read makes me a little grumpy", "being subject to unfair treatment in a working group" ]
[ "im feeling a little smug this evening", "i even feel punished lately it s really not like that", "i cant help but think if id just shut up if id just not made a big deal of what was essentially two adults meeting at the same table for a hot beverage then perhaps i wouldnt have spent the bulk of the weekend feeling like a stupid shit", "i have these terrible feelings that i hyped myself up to be more talented than i am", "i feel agitated and annoyed more than worried or fearful but these feelings can easily lead to being short tempered with my family and feelings of disharmony", "i feel like the helpless duckie target for the commies and feds while at other times i want to run and hide", "i feel all hot and bothered and most of all i worry and worry some more and boy do i worry", "i feel moronic for a lot of the things i have said to people in the name of progress and i have no new ism to espouse now", "i guess they cant help but at least feel remorseful that she died so horribly and im pretty sure matt wasnt crying because he cared", "i feel like these unfortunate events fit in with my thought quote i posted above", "i am feeling so helpless ma i am being unable to fight your illness i am being unable to take you out from that pain i feel helpless today", "i feel worthless and the precious time i lost is unbearable", "i feel a litte shaken up by this point", "i dunno where that feeling came from and im not terribly keen to feel it again", "im not really a fan of seafood and all that so i feel quite sorry when people kill live clams and prawns and shark fins", "i feel completely shaken up", "i feel miserable on the inside but on the outside i just like i", "i remember in particular one new years day in high school when i was feeling all tragic and melancholy and generally fifteen year old girl ish", "i hate being in an environment where im constantly feeling rejected cast aside and forgotten e", "i was just yesterday feeling uncomfortable with highschool sigh", "i feel if journalists then blamed me", "i started pin pointing faults at home and with relationships feeling left out and confused about my purpose in peoples lives that i had once been close to", "i have to admit i have been feeling very disheartened and disillusioned with the whole publishing community for months", "i don t believe in my weakness he is strong i don t believe i am more than a conqueror and i feel like i m a real fake and it s not fine", "i allowed myself to eat foods that i know bother me because after all since i feel awful it may as well have come as a direct result of eating something i enjoy", "im so great for having gone to that class feeling was gone replaced by a sense of melancholy for what once was for the body that used to be able to move", "i hate these feelings in my heart i hate that work stressed me out i hate that cornelius wont let me get my way im frustrated lord", "i think people are merely lacking of professionalism and ethics when executing their duties which gives rise to condescending attitudes feeling superior when all they do best is boiling water and being completely imperturbable when making mistakes which may be utterly cataclysmic to others", "i feel rotten but no amount of suggesting that losing a sense of smell is a terribly disorientating experience for a wine person seems to convince people that i might not actually live to feel good again", "im tired of feeling like damaged goods for being a victim", "i don t feel comfortable doing it is what i m trying to say", "i feel indecisive it feels like the security that i usually feel from sensing the ground beneath my feet is suddenly gone and i am left feeling wobbly and unhappy", "i duno i feel as if im doomed for ther rest of mi life", "i feel victimized like im getting robbed", "i compare myself whether it s to her lifestyle business acumen or physical beauty i set myself up for failure immediately feeling ugly and a tsunami of self doubt ensues", "i feel like i am not accepted here i and bucking this force that is coming from all quarters that tells me that something is wrong with me if i am not married with children", "i drew this because i feel hated", "i feel like i need to officially address this because it is just so fucking dumb", "i only know that i feel useless and it s a nasty feeling", "i suddenly felt how statesmen feel when mobbed by the press or how doomed men feel right before they are lynched or stoned by a mob", "i feel excluded and worthless my connection to everyone summarily cut off", "i feel too overwhelmed to clean anything so i just let it all pile up until it makes my whole life feel like it is going to come crashing down around me and i am helpless to stop it", "im feeling are happiness wholeness and excited anticipation sometimes im reduced to tears and can barely begin to put my feelings into words", "i feel useless because i feel like i should have dealt with this ages ago", "i called myself pro life and voted for perry without knowing this information i would feel betrayed but moreover i would feel that i had betrayed god by supporting a man who mandated a barely year old vaccine for little girls putting them in danger to financially support people close to him", "i feel like this really heartbroken little year old all over again she explained", "i find it may be a way for me to release my feelings so that i am not troubled when i face the one who has punished my family", "i guess this is a memoir so it feels like that should be fine too except i dont know something about such a deep amount of self absorption made me feel uncomfortable", "i wasnt supposed to be with n to just let it happen so i could feel the hurt and move on and be with who i was supposed to be with", "i have paused on purpose that i must step back and recognize why im walking around feeling discontent and then make the needed adjustments", "i didnt want to feel humiliated and was beginning to regret my decision to stay", "i feel dazed and unsure of a world in which dying young and disasters that sacrifice so many lives in one swath happen let alone happen with frequency great enough to make me cringe", "i was telling obbie last night i feel like a terrible christian", "i finally allowed my feelings up and accepted them and myself the internal boundary began to dissolve i began to see how i was projecting my suppressed feelings out and creating a lot of pain in and around me", "i could have just kept going but i could tell that she was feeling really defeated and needed a friend", "i feel the sting of the words as a dull ache and heavy tear ducts not for my miserable highschool life or for having always been the target", "i tried to explain what my lyme and coinfections feel like i guess i could say it is a horrible painful nightmare that just won t end", "i feel inadequate and i shut down and feel cross with the world", "im heartbroken about in love with the world but i think maybe im feeling heartbroken so acutely is it came to me today that every time ive been asked to stay somewhere in the past years or so ive left", "i feel so dismayed because i still have loads in miniature terms of weird pink clay left and didnt know what to do with it", "i couldnt help but feel totally distraught and utterly helpless when lorena was kidnapped and tortured almost to death by a band of enemies i was desperate for her freedom", "i could feel myself being pulled in as if some evil vampire wanted to suck me into the pits of hell", "i feel like i am as fearful now as i was when i first threw my leg over the top tube after my surgery", "i was going to feel worthless around skinny people while i m humungous", "ive been feeling a little defeated maybe even over looked", "i had feeling that if i didn t help that this can turn into a bad scene", "i don t want you my reader friends to feel like you need to feel sorry for me", "im so going to end up feeling slutty and be like ah", "i feel like half the time i just dont show affection and interest to anyone outside my little circle of comfort where a sincere response is guaranteed", "i feel pretty terrible physically today", "i feel overwhelmed with the uncertainties of life the sorrows lurking about the fears eating at peoples peace the sad choices friends make the effects of those sad choices on loved ones broken relationships etc", "i try that i just feel that im being judged by eyes that only see me as a weird and vain bastard who thinks so much of himself", "i am feeling somewhat melancholy over that", "i feel pathetic to report that i know about as much korean after these three months as i did italian after a three week vacation in italy", "i feel alarmed her fingers gripping tight i see her pleading eyes so i start to disguise and say that everythings alright", "i was powerless over my life and the things that left me feeling abused unhappy and generally discontent and miserable i was stuck", "i imagine being a man it s like being kicked in the nuts repeatedly that s how bad it feels you feel like you want to curl up and die a devastated schalm said after the bout", "i know how you feel i m sorry you feel like that", "i guess it comes from believing that when i was younger anger was not a feeling that was acceptable so i tried not to have it", "i feel guilty leaving an f", "i feel like an emotional train wreck", "i have a bad feeling about something that should be respected", "i feel like this was kind of a melancholy post with all my talk about anti love and fears", "i am no i feel melancholy despondent often angry", "i feel depressed i feel like they would ve been negative because i hadn t been the most influential big brother", "i get i will drill into the subjects soul with an icy stare until it feels as disturbed as i do and leaves", "i came home last night from a charity man auction more on that another time hoo boy feeling pretty smug", "i felt really bad because claudia and i have always had an amazing time in la and i could feel that she was disappointed that this trip was not turning out to be as fun and amazing as it could have been", "i feel that chris is not too impressed with my stuff so naturally i hate myself and want on the next plane back to seattle as soon before the showcase as possible", "i doubt that makes any sense to any one but me when i feel emotional the metaphors come tumbling out like a rock slide see", "i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to express myself in such a way so that i could feel superior and more than others", "i have noticed a strange feeling of discontent encompass my very being", "i am feeling really sad", "i could be in a pile of mud you can take this figuratively or literally at this point with the gross feeling of just being dirty", "i had friends being sad feeling rejected from the world i think i finally realize that friends arent what i thought they were", "i make jokes about being happy to get rid of them for the school year but its just because i feel incredibly vulnerable about sharing them with others", "i will nolonger tell anybody how i feel or what im thinking cause all it seems to do is get me more hated than i already am", "i hate being selfish but i gotta admit i feel so depressed about it", "i feel a worthless maid", "i see you i feel so helpless", "i feel a bit rotten putting a post about teaching into the stones tag list for this blog its not really a grumble or groan subject for me to be honest", "i feel unwelcome and out of place buti cant decide if i am just too scared to do anything about this ok situation or if i am staying here in this dead end situation because i am afraid things will get worse", "i was feeling rather smug about being a black toenail virgin despite having run for a little over years now", "i could just feel the joy rage coming at me for that one but i m glad you re feeling back at it and i m also glad we went to yoga tonight because sometimes you just need to know that you re better than your crossfit coach at side plank img src http s", "ive heard stories about julie baileys treatment before now but this is the first time i seen anything in print and it makes me feel deeply ashamed that someone who stood up neglected nhs patients and their families can become so isolated in her own community", "i would force myself to eat my normal routine clean meals a day but then i just started feeling so awful", "i then feel like a hopeless case beside them", "i do when i feel guilty a href http douevenlift", "i feel sad when i see your son uhuru being persecuted by men of ill will and a woman martha karua is carrying their bags", "i was a little sprog and feeling all throw up y and listless and unable to eat mum would go okay think about this what in the whole world could you possibly eat", "i feel somewhat hopeless and pitiful", "i feel like an idiot for looking a bunch of keys that weren t there and i m getting frantic about nick not letting me in for forgetting my keys", "i am sitting on the couch and im feeling rather ashamed so to get in the act of things i slap myself", "i do feel a little bashful about it", "i feel like on my ugly days or ugly phases as i call them i m not just unattractive but that i m unattractive in an odd way", "im getting is that since i feel that i accepted the mark of the beast when they shot me up and i thought they where going to kill me and i screamed so loud that i didnt want to die", "i feel heartbroken that a group of my fellow americans fell for the prosecutions fear mongering theory elashis daughter noor said outside the courthouse late monday", "im feeling all bashful exposed and vulnerable because my blog crush is out in the open now", "i feel like im not serving a purpose to anyone whether it be keeping them from committing suicide or just a casual conversation partner at a social gathering i am transported to a dark spot", "i feel dirty if i dont" ]
i feel your pulse against my lips as i chase the dragon suck your lips and is your heart and tongue wish begging for my part and fingers translate your sorrow as you reach inside my soul angered in my breath of mercy the story will no unfold
[ "i feel tortured delilahlwl am considering i had one the other day about one of my closest friends raping and killing chicks", "i just cant make proper conversation and feel annoyed by little things", "i just feel too stubborn to give up on a dream", "i feel like most teams would have appeased jackson at this point but the eagles are terribly stubborn", "i feel like thats a pretty petty thing to complain about", "when i saw a man hitting a child of years without any consideration", "i end up getting unwanted attention from boys i want little to do with or ill be sort of starting something with a boy then find myself flirtiing with others in his presence or ill feel really insincere around boys that i do like", "listening to my roommate boasting about her new clothes", "i feel could have been avoided with some blazes markers or cairns i was very annoyed at this point", "i am feeling a little grumpy but that could be pms too", "i see other people writing about love when they have just brokeup and finding another person in his her life i kinda feel so disgusted", "i feel insulted by this technique which is also proven to be one of the worst for educating because i already read the slide faster than he was able to speak", "im feeling angry at someone i do something thoughtful for her and my feelings toward her soften", "i feel this violence is petty and impractical", "i always had this negative perception when i was asked about getting pregnant and my misscariage i always walked away from those conversations feeling somewhat offended", "i was feeling stubborn so when my friend said that i had to come to her if i wanted a hug i said well come halfway but no so i just walked off and shes leaving today" ]
[ "i got separated from the man i loved", "i always feel a little sad when he goes as we sorta have a ren and stimpy theme about us oil and water gemini and scorpio soulmate friends", "i feel very numb at the moment", "i was experiencing a ton of pain in my leg muscles and was feeling hopeless", "i feel hopeless and bored", "i write these words i feel sweet baby kicks from within and my memory is refreshed i would do anything for this boy", "i think about how u could make me feel and realize that everything will be ok", "i cannot seem to shake this feeling of being completely numb", "i feel that the content i have in mind isnt really that great after all", "i feel unimportant so inadequate", "i feel is a dumb plot idea", "im feeling shades of foolish", "ive had this urgent feeling to write to you and tell you how the files make me feel but have felt hesitant because of fear as to where it will lead me", "i woke up feeling very distraught and aware of something terrible which will happen soon", "i feel pressured to do well and i fe", "i now know how bad it feels like to have someone disappointed in me", "i have been feeling overwhelmed and time poor", "i feel the divine presence merge into mine", "i must say to get to this point where i feel nothing but just friendly feelings towards him takes alot of time", "i feel humiliated by the person who phoned", "i feel kind of strange", "i am feeling adventurous and extra musical", "i may feel a bit gloomy", "i don t understand why musicians sometimes feel inhibited", "i feel terrible when i hurt peoples feelings worse afterwards and i always hope never to do it again", "i am reliving all of the feelings of being rejected less than and not good enough from years ago", "i have been staying in the word and memorizing scripture and through this i feel that god is showing me just how ugly my heart is", "i never want her to feel the pain of struggle of suffering", "i am feeling rather artistic and felt like sharing some of my artwork", "i admit that i feel as if i only have a little but that little i am determined to offer to the lord bit by bit to do as he pleases when he pleases where he pleases how he pleases", "i feel dirty and ashamed for saying that", "i try to pick a song title or lyric that semi fits the situation am i posting about but today i wasnt feeling all that clever", "im wondering why i feel submissive sometimes more than others because im feeling it", "i have a good idea for a post but am feeling too low to write it", "i dont really know why im bothering to do my homework but i get the feeling that it will be in vain", "i feel like i talented young man i don t feel talented then i don t to work with", "i feel amazed and surprised when the exact question i am trying to ask", "i am feeling lousy right now", "i feel you jerked a little surprised at the hand that touched you", "i feel a gentle tap on my shoulder", "i feel all glad not being with you", "i already went out of my way to be as considerate as possible to others but now i feel like i am being abused", "i want to feel like i m important", "i did not feel love from the men who abused", "i hate these feelings in my heart i hate that work stressed me out i hate that cornelius wont let me get my way im frustrated lord", "i know my feelings being kinda numb pathetic and full of sorrow about a useless thing called love", "i was feeling brave so continued and it wasnt me that couldnt stand up", "i cant get traction and start feeling tortured by time as my friend denise puts it", "i could feel myself getting that shaky feeling", "i lve the fact that yu genuinely feel scared when playing this game", "i believe in luck and when luck is not on my side i feel beaten and sometimes upset", "i sometimes feel a bit unwelcome", "im feeling playful a href http", "i feel like a paranoid stalker or something", "im feeling really lonely and feeling like im missing a part of myself", "i fight for him when i feel it is just he said and alexander s gaze seemed to turn curious", "i feel pressured to talk to them", "i have written i don t know why this would make me feel shy", "i feel the sting of the words as a dull ache and heavy tear ducts not for my miserable highschool life or for having always been the target", "i am really not expecting it somehow it made me feel shy but then it s been a while part", "i want you to feel just as humiliated as you made me feel in school", "i would not have known the details i just had a feeling in my gut that i ignored", "im feeling a little anxious", "i get involved into a tale of good versus evil i want to feel afraid of the dark to a certain extent", "i don t know but it seems important to them that i feel unwelcome", "im feeling a little stressed", "i feel as though i broke the plane if he is there then ill be aware and use my faith to wish him gone", "ill feel even more pressured", "i just can feel so pain but nothing to do blank and speechless", "i wanted to feel like i could depend on you and put in ur care and dare i say tender hands some of the things i hold dear u like a winter never seen in these lands became so cold", "i have wanted to perhaps convey my feelings of a matter instead of my thoughts and have rejected it because i have thought feelings in the matter irrelevant", "i feel like there is too much suffering for those of us in christ jesus", "i feel slightly disturbed by the whole thing", "i feel scared rather than curl up like a threatened porcupine", "id feel triumphant or something", "i am feeling a lil bit gloomy", "i pull this out and reread it when im feeling low", "i could feel the frantic need in him the need to make me his", "i feel even if he killed himself it was because he was agonized to that extent", "i feel like everything that i hope to become a piller in my life i cling to i despise myself for clinging to something like a hopeless fucking baby", "i look at it and again i feel horrible", "i always feel so pressured", "im kinda relieve but at the same time i feel disheartened", "i imagine that in the end it might feel like you do about not fully loving", "i feel so scared when the voices from there start to speak to me", "i will feel what i feel and tell you and together we will apologize and make up and keep loving each other to bits and bits", "i feel like damaged goods because every time i start to really like someone i get hurt", "im still feeling a bit drained", "i feel like im just not passionate about anything anymore", "i am ready to cry because i feel such a sweet presence of the ruach hakodesh the holy spirit in my room with me right now", "i don t have the feeling of divine vibrations", "i used to want to get married so i feel a little heartbroken", "i feel low energy i m just thirsty", "i shouldnt feel threatened by that", "im being particular but id feel uncomfortable even asserting ive ever been in love", "i feel all betrayed and disillusioned", "i rarely feel inspired and ready to write", "i want to tell you what im feeling but i dont know where to start i want to tell you everything but im afraid youll break my heart why would something easy be so hard to do", "i would feel that a few words would be not only inadequate but a travesty", "i feel so fucking horny", "i don t feel you all the time and you re not always on my mind but i ve got you from time to time and i know the divine yes i know the divine it all began at mount sinai", "i just didn t feel thrilled by the whole experience", "i want to do is sleep and i feel so bad for the boy", "im feeling regretful tonight too", "im sorry if ive made any of you feel unimportant", "im not feeling outgoing and am in no mood to put the game face on and smooch", "im still feeling very emotional", "i feel so heartbroken but in a silly way of course", "i feel when i have to sit alone", "i always feel pressured when i play against someone", "i feel overwhelmed when i think of a country suffering", "im in so much pain and i feel like a useless lump face", "i am feeling a little lost without it", "i feel like life is very delicate", "i feel nothing just empty until the nothing becomes something just a deep ache longing to be filled", "ive been feeling a little defeated maybe even over looked", "i how he is feeling about the fight i m disappointed and kind of disgusted with myself", "im feeling drained as usual", "i actually answered you pathetic fucking e mails but no thats too fucking easy just call andintrupte what was a wonderful fucking day with you trad trash what the fuck slave he felt the feeling come over him he bagan to shiver and shaken with fear", "i just want to share and i feel like its not socially acceptable to do so right now" ]
i pray that the eyes that read this the minds that comprehend this and the hearts that feel this will not be offended
[ "i grit my teeth shook my head and spent the next minutes feeling irritated", "i have a task i hate to do i put the kitchen timer on for fifteen minutes it makes me feel like i wont be tortured for long", "i don t know if i should be feeling this way because it would seem greedy and not nice to expect someone to splurge on the spur of the moment just because i asked", "i went to a lecture and once again it had been cancelled", "i feel like i should rely entirelly on gods word yet i am impatient to wait", "i feel so resentful and hateful and downright furious about this", "im not feeling violent im feeling creative with weapons", "i know its been months but i still feel envious of my friends who are having their school holidays", "i see what being unhealthy does and i can feel the weight that i ve gained back and i am pissed that i let some of it creep back on", "i had a dream in which i was infuriated with my husband and so i woke up feeling infuriated with him but unfortunately a i couldnt remember the substance of the dream so i couldnt adequately express myself and b it was just a stupid dream", "i just grab something and hit myself just to feel pain damn i know the risks and injuries that might occur i know its dangerous", "i feel like i got resentful and tired and i just wanted to talk to him so badly", "i feel that i annoy everyone much too much when im obnoxious and yeah", "i feel like affirmation however petty is what i really need", "i feel like there is a violent war going on in my stomach", "i carry the usual guilt of feeling selfish and self centered if i spend time or anything on myself" ]
[ "i feel that being faithful isnt enough in your eyes", "i decided that this one lesson i had had was enough practise for me so its fair to say i was feeling slightly apprehensive walking over to the nursery slopes", "i feel neglectful but i shouldnt", "i for one sit and stare at a blank computer screen for a while scratch my head a few times drink a couple pots of coffee and then feel triumphant once i write my first sentence and that first sentence usually consists of a poop joke", "i are both aware i have many personal reasons to feel less than fond shall we say of your prince and i suppose it s only human of me to wish to make that point abundantly clear to him", "i really hope you guys can understand that some of the things i do is really because i feel either rejected or not right at the place", "i know i know you have looked at these pictures and are likely not feeling too sorry for us", "i feel special a href http facsimilogos", "i feel accepted and appreciated by my teammates and peers", "i feel our relationship is more divine and informal", "i feel some people shouldn t answer if they are not considerate and serious", "i feel this product deserves a positive review i do want to leave you with a somewhat contradictory final thought", "i actually stop to think about it it makes me feel quite overwhelmed", "im feeling so emotional today", "i feel it all one of the many standouts from feist s dare i say masterpiece album the reminder broke down the usual barrier between audience and performer", "im nervous but feeling passionate", "i am in front of a blank canvas i feel calm and focused", "i feel reassured that i am dealing with my diet in the right way and that all is good", "im feeling kind of unwelcome", "im feeling a little overwhelmed here recently", "i dare not say i feel ecstatic now but hey", "i am not feeling as joyful as some might urge me to", "i have immense sympathy with the general point but as a possible proto writer trying to find time to write in the corners of life and with no sign of an agent let alone a publishing contract this feels a little precious", "i do not feel rejected anymore for i decide what my value is", "i herself wearing some of the items and they make me feel optimistic", "i am full of feeling not empty", "i am feeling very appreciative tonight", "i hope he will pull out the tissue paper himself but i feel like to him sunday will be just another day to be cute and wonderful", "i read of my friends good news and have an unexplained feeling of melancholy what s up with that", "i forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to feel uncertain about my application within this i reveal that i feel uncertain within myself", "i feel that i need some divine direction in order to move forward with the things that god has called me to do", "i feel so special amp blessed to have my caring amp creative family", "i feel fine class pin it button count layout horizontal pin it", "i do things according to my own feelings intuition disturbed by tuitions studies sci volunteer corps hauntings dogs charmed guitar piano horror movies thrillers mysteries lame movies lame cartoons any songs with good lyrics music", "im feeling indecisive and it scares me", "i can t imagine a real life scenario where i would be emotionally connected enough with someone to feel totally accepted and safe where it it morally acceptable for me to have close and prolonged physical contact and where sex won t be expected subsequently", "im feeling pretty good now and ignoring the fact that ill probably feel worse before i feel better a href https lh", "i suggest before you begin you take some time to reflect on your relationships and understand what specifically makes you feel valued and loved and what makes you feel insecure and unnecessary", "i need instead to focus on feeling that ecstatic feeling to make phone calls without being attached to outcomes amp believe that the money to move will come without wondering exactly how or where or when", "i definitely feel there s some useful information here for anyone facing similar questions to those i had during this time of my life", "i can feel my self as a fearless continuous being", "i think she apologizes for a little too much stuff that s not in her control i get the feeling she was sincere about this one", "i would just outright tell you what the girl book is about but i feel like you guys are so smart and so clever youve probably already formed some sort of idea of the themes and ideas this book is wrapped around", "i feel content if not happy", "im feeling a little stressed out with it all", "i cried through it all but i remember them blessing us to feel comfort and i remember feeling a sweet spirit", "i cant be bothered as coming and doing is a pleasant pass time followed by cascades of positive feelings unless you are sexualy troubled", "i feel the jersey could be a bit more adventurous but i wont let that take anything away from this jersey", "i still feel uncertain with many new paths i must travel and as lost as i feel sometimes i am sure heavenly father is lifting me up and helping me to feel joy in the things that matter most", "i am feeling pretty optimistic about the final product", "i was feeling quite nervous", "im feeling quite well acquainted with", "i am sure there will be many nervous times ahead but today i feel very hopeful and im going to enjoy the feeling for as long as it sticks around", "im feeling a little less jaded", "i dont know i think her choice was the right one i do know how it feels to have to find a community in which you are valued taken seriously and appreciated", "im feeling a little apprehensive about tomorrows weigh in", "i feel accepted and loved and a place where i belong", "i feel my repressed emotions surfacing im glad for the solace i can seek in my writing", "ive waited my whole life to feel this blessed now im comparing the dream to the way it is and everybodys looking there very best remembering times when they were just like this my imagination never felt so clear so no i know this is for real", "i have a feeling its going to be a little sweet for my tastes", "im here to tell you you arent alone if you feel vulnerable", "i said in the words of a devotee that i feel relieved when i hear the your title as deen bandhu as i am the most fallen person but i become afraid at your title of uplifter of devotees as i don t consider myself to be a true devotee and hence unworthy to benefit from the aspect of your personality", "i don t doubt that i m right in this case because i feel that you are a faithful gamer", "i may feel stress unhappy", "i just want to stop feeling this terrified of the unknown", "i just sit and feel thankful", "i think and it feels a little weird", "i wasn t sure what prompted the thought since i m feeling so blessed these days and the idea of giving up hasn t been a part of my thought process and rarely is in as long as i can remember", "i tend to pretend i understand what someone says even when i dont fully understand because i dont want them to feel embarrassed or to seem like im not in the know", "i just keep on feeling blessed", "im just being straightforward theyd feel hurt", "i feel it in every cell of my being god really really loves him intensely and is being faithful in fulfilling all his promises to him to us as he is also doing for you and yours", "i want to feel safe and well and that maybe just maybe theres a small chance my i can feel joy and my dreams can come true", "i falter and blurt out something that offends you please understand that i am still learning and i will probably feel as foolish as i just sounded", "i feel an emotional reaction but a lot of times that emotion is accompanied by a physical reaction as well", "i feel that i really ought to assert myself in some way but she smiles a pleasant blonde woman of early middle age young to me and it seems fine to drift on", "i could just take my beliefs and feelings and lock them in a safe somewhere until i get my human life squared away i and just about everyone i know would be a lot happier or perhaps not", "im feeling kinda shaky my mind is full of doubt good luck love you", "i think its just a subconscious acknowledgement about my feelings towards eddie eg ignored", "i was feeling pretty overwhelmed and stressed out over the whole affair but a few minutes of straightforward logical there totally is a right answer algebra combined with overhearing some trigonometry another tutor and tutee were working on at the library calmed me right down", "i folk if im feeling sociable", "i cant dos that leave me feeling helpless", "i feel so blessed and beyond thankful for the opportunity to paint for my readers its been the best", "i had seen a solopgangfor to see the love in my woman s eyes feel the touch of a precious barnog know a mother s love", "i talk to you i feel like a lot gets resolved", "i feel my heart aching really", "i feel so strongly about telling my loved ones", "i feel honoured that my clients walk through my doors sometimes for the very first time and trust me with their brand new one week old bundles of joy", "i have a feeling all these days of troubled minds are useless i will let it remain status quo eventually d", "i feel so peaceful to be around and myself", "i feel confident that you and i have something solid", "i know different because i feel in your hugs and kisses that im perfect just the way i am", "i feel very confident that its a good one", "i got lots o crazy shit going on but i am loved and feel hopeful about the future", "i feel kinda lost posted by a href http jumbleupon", "i am feeling pretty fearless", "i feel like i should be more appreciative but im struggling", "i disinterested but when i do read it i leave off feeling inadequate", "i feel all respected trusted give him all i know im a good kisser nijifagilie", "i feel pressured at times to succumb to fear and insecurities but thankfully i am still able to hold it on my own", "i know what that feels like and i hate it so i try to be considerate and listen to them", "i will try and stay focused in order to avoid that feeling of a reluctant finish", "i must comment that i believe medications are life saving in many situations but i also feel that it is important to report the full story", "i feel about cool newbie leave a note", "i stopped feeling intimidated when looking at a wod i guess that means i am learning how to find a right balance where to scale down and where to push harder", "i have read and personal stories that have been shared with me so i feel that it is totally ok to share", "i breathe into the feelings in my body resisting my mind s clever attempts to analyse what i m feeling", "i feel confident that my issue is being regarded with the highest sense of urgency", "i think i m still feeling tender", "i feel the wind blow and i feel the love and presence of the rest of my divine family a href http soulbitesblog", "i feel youre faithful over me as i sing amp worship you i find no words to describe you", "i feel the love for anyone who is properly appreciative of patrick and", "i end the day feeling hopeful and relaxed", "i am feeling fine i take suppliments for health", "im putting it in my palm and blowing on it hoping it gets to the ears of the universe and its feeling a little generous the day it reaches them", "i was washing the trees hoping it would do some good and concurrently in the general trajectory of my life feeling more and more suspicious of much of the trappings of christianity and even sometimes maybe just kinda or a lot suspicious of its heart and in my head is this song", "i am feeling currently but as with anything when it s all resolved feelings will change", "i also has the meaning of trusting oneself trusting that we have what it takes to know ourselves thoroughly and completely without feeling hopeless without turning against ourselves because of what we see", "i reply i do my best to reply to questions but feel free to contact me via twitter isobelmeg xx", "i said earlier that the overall feeling is joyful happy thankful and that s spoken in just about every other post i have of mason" ]
i ended up with a perfect studio and now when i walk into it i feel aggravated yes it is bizarre
[ "ive always been a giver not a taker i feel selfish in considering this idea", "i was feeling annoyed suddenly", "im feeling dangerous and ill just write and figure out where the hell itll take me", "i feel jealous angry or bitter ask why", "i feel truly impatient that this is taking so long", "i feel that i can answer in a completely un sarcastic way", "i think feeling insulted was a good thing maybe if we all felt insulted and made that clear when someone attacks with a racial religious slur even though it is not aimed at you personally those that made the comment might learn something", "i feel less bitchy in the morning", "i often feel very angry seeing these things around", "i feel i was appalled to see a misused apostrophe on the bbc and an incorrect spelling on itv last week", "i feel selfish for it", "im feeling really stressed at work too because theyre piling so much stuff for me to do and expect me to do all this creative stuff or decorate or make this", "ive been feeling really spiteful lately so i think ill just sit here and listen to rammstein", "i feel really angry sometimes because for the love of god havent we been through enough", "i feel violent wanna kill someone anyone or kiss them", "i could walk at a slow pace browse each booth as long as i wanted and dart in and out of the shops on main street without feeling rushed" ]
[ "i feel the weight of emotional issues much more now", "i was feeling quite something im not sure", "i need to know that it can be fixed and that i m going to feel gorgeous in this dress", "i started going down the adventure feeling totally ludicrous and wondering if this wasnt all just a waste of my time thats when i saw this screenshot", "i feel uncertain and not entirely safe", "i feel so dumb about it", "i don t know how i feel about all this how i feel about my place in it if i think that my work is more or less sincere than other gen xers and so on", "i feel like i am being punished for the choices i made in the past", "i can feel more submissive", "i still feel a little dazed and high which is alarming since its been hours or so", "i feel incredibly nervous about it", "im feeling really shaken up today my stomach hurts ibleeditout i ran into some friends and kodi has been a complete brat", "i mean as a group thing it felt good to get in there and add something relevant for us but im still not really feeling delicious as a tool for me", "i feel delighted toward something it could be an acheivment i did or my surrounding or even unexpected event that happen to me", "ill add i havent tried all that time but i do feel as i adapt and pick up techniques quickly this is one of the things im amazed that its taken me this long", "i had a hard time focusing on my life and walked around feeling dazed and confused", "i feel dirty srcurl http draftbloger", "ive had that vomity shocked feeling from jealousy before and its not something you want to keep feeling and its definitely something you want to get resolved as soon as possible", "i can use these moments as an opportunity to feel that radiant beautiful soul that has been hidden for so long behind those walls", "i love my tango family sometimes especially when i m feeling ugly and awkward and like an outsider i need something from tango that i can t get when i know everyone at the milonga", "i shouldnt feel threatened by that", "i have been feeling strong and optimistic and then bam", "i see the areas where i should be doing better and i feel discouraged and condemned but i feel tempted to turn to numbing pleasures more than to despair", "i continue to define and discover what home can mean here in amsterdam whenever i feel a pang of blank sickness it is more in line with missing the cultural mindset of american city life which is much different from the cultural mindset of amsterdam", "i was beginning to feel defeated", "i feel depressed my old sexual demon returns and that banishes my despair in mad displays of wild exhibitionism april part two a href http newrhinegargoyle", "i suppose i felt odd and different too and liked to feel accepted even on a superficial level for an hour or two", "i feel quite naughty but the", "i am feeling a little lost without it", "i would have liked to go but that i wouldnt leave without reason because that would feel highly uncomfortable", "i started feeling a bit alarmed but i was not afraid for some reason", "ive always been able to produce work despite a day job and that i suspect professional pressures might add to a feeling of artistic foment it would take quite a bit to get me out of the saddle", "i hate feeling discontent but its what im feeling right now and im tired of hiding it", "i feel like im a gorgeous person", "i still feel tortured by feelings or thoughts or memories", "i feel like maybe a yoga class and later a long hot soak in the tub with some beautiful perfumed bath salts", "i don t always feel a bit homesick", "i think whenever we moved to a new place i had to find some way to feel accepted", "im not going to lie it feels really weird to be writing this right now", "i feel like flagellating myself like the weird albino priest in angels and demons every time i see his face", "i know this makes me a bitch and a half but i cannot help but feel a little triumphant when i see an old nemesis come into my workplace pregnant kid in tow fat husband waiting in the pickup truck rushed and clearly unhappy", "i remember feeling awkward and strange during my first few weeks", "i go to school after having a horrible morning and i feel like i am meing hated on my every and i feel alone and i always have been and i am emotionaly very far away from everyone else", "i understand that any of my extremely positive attributes and there are some are overshadowed by my weakness and subconsciously some people are wired up to feel superior to others and thereby treat them differently", "i feel a bit depressed", "i tgt v u but i still feel unhappy", "i hurt and feel suspicious and definitely get angry", "i always feel this way in these moods but it s still unpleasant", "i find myself buying into and reacting to the conflicts of modern life more than i did before and feeling more jaded", "i wrote it feels slightly strange starting to write this about cambodia as i sit in lax airport waiting to bi", "i feel the frames could give the works an elegant appearanc ewhich i am more interested in after movign on from the images created in my final drawing assessment", "i wind up getting more things checked off the list but i feel lousy and frazzled by early evening", "i had it in my head as it relates to the workplace because i had just been irritable to someone a tiny bit lower in status than myself in response to someone who is higher than me making me feel momentarily pressured", "i get a little gripped about timing i feel frantic in my thoughts", "i feel more sure with where i am going in my business", "im beginning to feel like i know the terrain ive lived numb for so long now numb feels like norm thats where the story ends and this is where the fairy tale starts im beginning to feel happy", "i hate these feelings of not being complacent", "i was already going to feel giggly about it", "i still feel brave when i walk into the saudi perfume scented terminal at dulles where my flight will leave from in an hour", "i feel like ive hit a sweet spot in life", "i feel so horny horny", "i just feel so unsure of myself and everything in my life", "i feel intimidated by the tasks you feel overwhelmed by huge and complicated tasks", "i would ideally like to be able to come to terms with it at one point and have acim happily integrated with all the abraham processes just so i can feel resolved", "i appreciate the mix of modern hard rock and classic heavy metal on faithsedge s new album the answer of insanity i also feel the album lack of strong melodies", "i cannot seem to shake this feeling of being completely numb", "id told him about my private session with cn was that it was remedial sparring help so i was feeling a little unpleasant pressure from the beginning to pull off something spectacular and it was difficult to try to relax", "i feel content if not happy", "i feel weirdly thrilled by that", "im sure its a great film but i guess i wasnt feeling too appreciative and just had a long day", "im feeling abit uncertain now", "im starting to feel submissive by just admitting that", "im happy but i feel all this pressure to do one thing or another amp it makes me unhappy", "i feel frightened in a kind of a raw way", "i often feel that they are not an extremely clever and talented people", "i realise im sounding surprisingly like every other person on this site i wish i liked mud wrestling or something a bit more outrageous i feel rather dull and dare i say average", "i began the day feeling intimidated courthouses are designed to intimidate but ended the day cheerfully chatting with the judge in his chambers", "i know i have certain aspects of my personality attitude that could be improved i have been under the impression that everythings been fine feel absolutely assaulted by the statement that my co workers have been complaining about me behind my back", "i am feeling very touch deprived with all that has been happening", "i feel like parts of me that were repressed and buried for so long are just now surfacing", "i was studying i always had the feeling that the process was unpleasant but it was absolutely necessary", "i just found out that my gut feeling unpleasant though it was was correct", "i feel now so uncomfortable with all of them i guess is me", "i wake up feeling dazed from deep slumber and convoluted sometimes exhausting dreams a bit like a href http skdd", "i feel as if im in some strange catholic vortex", "i feel that this is going to get very messy to get fixed and back on the road again", "i have not been feeling very sociable", "i also feel so awful feeling this way", "i feel as dirty as fuck", "i noticed in myself that there are times when i m tired of drama tired of feeling either physically mentally emotionally or spiritually exhausted and just hope to feel my normal self again", "i am just kind of left feeling insecure and uneasy in my own skin", "im feeling like a tortured teen i decided to pile on the neon which was the shizz in my day", "i mean memories that make me feel dirty and unworthy", "i am tired of feeling unloved undesired unappreciated and unsupported", "i feel desperately unhappy if this is me missing richard then i can t handle it it s too much i ve had enough of it i m a mess i know it s not me i still feel like myself", "i just feel very cheated and quite frightened that i was invaded like this", "i always jumble words and letters and i feel like the inhalers i took back in college are the culprit for my brain being permanently damaged", "i am feeling a tad smug right now", "i feel stressed tired worn out out of shape or neglected", "i had this feeling that i would be welcomed by the art scene here", "i feel like i ve been having some issues with focus and exposure lately and i m not sure if it is my camera or me", "i am at work today in my new job still feels really strange tbh but i m sure i ll soon settle in", "i get to this store and feeling almost defeated i tell my mom it would be so crazy if they didnt have a printing service", "i just cant stand that thick dragging feeling of oil paints so im glad i had the underlying texture on the wood to give the painting some extra interest", "i never know how to talk to people after shows i always feel a bit dazed so i hope they didnt think i was rude", "im already feeling stressed without trying to sort that lot out", "i remembered that i gave my day to the holy spirit and filled with his grace how could i feel disturbed with this situation", "i m filled with astonishment and feel amused about what this city has witnesed today", "i can feel it physically sort of aching and now im kind of expecting a response i dont know what it would say but ive got a good idea", "i think i started to feel a little homesick", "im happy i feel out of energy and not very inspired to do my crafts", "im feeling pretty freakin fab", "i feel very reluctant to have to walk through", "i felt like i was losing control of my body and it was hard for me to feel calm and positive about that because it wasn t an irrational thought", "i have not spent that much time with them but i just don t feel that comfortable there", "i want to feel less stressed", "im still feeling shaky i realized that i felt intolerably hot all the time which i may mention is the polar opposite of what i normally feel like", "i feel like a hot mess and i probably am", "i am feeling a little apprehensive about the whole thing", "i don t fit in and never will despite the fact if you gave me the option i would still choose to be an outsider and combined with the lack of creativity and originality and dare i say it the utter conformity of the student body it just makes me feel depressed" ]
i see those forms that i havent do yet i just feel very agitated
[ "i am so happy but yet i feel enraged", "i was feeling a bit annoyed but it didnt really affect me very much", "i feel the cold terrribly", "i still do feel left out i do feel like the most hated kid in the asian crew", "i feel like he is snobbish snooty gauche a drunk and offensive", "i like to pray a decade whenever im feeling stressed or scared", "i feel oh so irritable and then it all spins round again", "i was using it to vent out ugly feelings and be vicious and nasty rather then deal with them like an adult", "i was feeling grouchy and the old man has mentioned that retail therapy is great", "i just smile because it feels rude not to do so if you make eye contact i also can t really help myself", "i feel angry because i have led myself to leading people to believe i couldnt do this", "i kinda like you when i saw hannah montana but since you broke up with nick i feel like you are so a heartless person", "i feel distracted when people think i m overreacted", "i feel bitter but i want to rise up", "i think i was right to feel insulted", "i feel that if he hadnt appeared out of nowhere and distracted me i would have noticed the light change and none of this would have happened" ]
[ "i feel so nervous anxious and i dont know why", "i could have possibly forgotten that would make me feel as idiotic as last years whole forgot to pack shirts thing did", "i feel now so uncomfortable with all of them i guess is me", "i can feel the awkwardness and that weird kind of tension", "im tired of feeling unhappy about things and unmotivated", "ill just cut amp paste it next time i feel the urge to type something as whiney as that", "i tell myself i dont open my mouth and say what i really feel because i know im a loon and im smart enough to know im a loon and i never ever know if what im doing the choices i make are really what i want or need or even the right thing or if its the disease", "i have gradually morphed into someone who feels superior when other peoples kids complain about dinner or dont want to eat their zucchini or are allowed to eat pop tarts or sugary cereal or white bread for breakfast", "i feel disappointed by myself", "i feel like my life has been taken over by a video game and im doomed to repeat the same set of circumstances over and over again until i collect all of the special powers knowledge and treasures to finally advance me to the next level", "i feel like im sinking and i feel helpless and that makes me even more frustrated", "i make a mistake i cringe feel idiotic and become filled with self loathing", "i suppose thats wonderful because it means that they can learn so much so quickly and also make me feel like an idiot much the way i did to my parents when they couldnt figure out how to leave an outgoing message on the answering machine", "i feel like ive lost my mind", "i feel hopeless to cure their disorders i can remember that i am working with human beings with feelings and fears just like me", "i am working on one thing that i feel unsure of completing", "i feel needy and cagey during this wait for leaving to practice my new self in my old settings", "i feel pressured to say something", "i feel bad for searching for rule", "i am feeling so helpless ma i am being unable to fight your illness i am being unable to take you out from that pain i feel helpless today", "i still feel like the admission that i don t like this popular show puts me in a category with people who kick puppies or people who or who steal the ratty clothes off the backs of dickensian orphans", "i also feel overwhelmed by to do lists", "i feel i can rely on my instincts more than my intellect but im starting to doubt whether my intuition is as keen as it should be", "im feeling deeply overwhelmed by these ordinary tasks", "i feel moronic for a lot of the things i have said to people in the name of progress and i have no new ism to espouse now", "i wont discuss any further made me feel really restless", "i feel a pang every time i read an amazing canadian literary magazine for instance that id love to submit to only to see im on the do not enter list", "i am not a deep thinker and sometimes i leave feeling depressed and not inspired", "i also get this as another take home message you need to push your own limits do things that make you feel uncomfortable that scare you", "i dont know if i feel apprehensive about it or apathetic", "i feel pretty rotten when i cant", "i started to feel really confused", "i have spent days on the problem i am now feeling eager to finish the job the plan is go into work try my solution and then get on the phone to tell the customer what to do div style clearboth padding bottom", "i know what i believe and how i feel but some part of me is still hesitant because the old me would have said that anyone who believed there was a god was crazy", "i hope that one day i can escape tia place that i feel has held me back that has inhibited me from reaching my potential but that isnt me for decide just to pray on", "i feel suspicious of informality and a lack of credentials", "ive been doing and still not feeling good enough but greater", "im shocked i feel my own little problems put into perspective and i feel heartache for the innocent lives that have been ended", "i had just bought some stuff in guardian for contests and was feeling a bit too over the top if i grabbed indiscriminately in caring as well", "i feel awful but i just don t know how to get a child to write letters draw certain things or make up words with the paper letters i had to back onto card laminate and cut without totally losing my shit", "i felt humiliated and belittled me because it keyed into all of my trigger points it made me feel stupid and inarticulate and laughable and flattened about something i m passionate about knowledgeable about and see as my place in the world", "ive been feeling restless in my career", "i feel like i m running in circles and i m terrified", "i have to look for more problems to heap on myself when i already am feeling burdened", "i feel a bit reluctant to write this", "i will not convey all the relevant information perhaps because i feel intimidated embarrassed or too deferential", "when going to the exam", "i was asked to do the illustration work for the second volume of the city of hell chronicles i was really excited but i couldn t help feeling a little apprehensive at the same time because as i have described before i m fairly new to all this", "i feel humiliated since a boy has to lead me through it gt lt gets sick ive avoided the dance through all folkeskole and im not going to chance that", "i feel tortured by all this and im not quite sure how to handle it other then getting drunk non stop so as to not feel anything at all", "i feel like i should have something more intelligent to say about this but that s all i ve got right now", "i am going to have to check on in just a few minutes but there is this clock up above the screen that keeps ticking down the minutes i have left so am feeling a bit frantic", "im not sure if the energy in trying to sew up the race to dubai and competing in the fedex cup has taken more out of me than maybe i thought because while i am feeling ok physically mentally i feel really tired he said", "im still feeling a little hesitant but plunging in with a multitude of colored pencils nonetheless", "i left that meeting feeling helpless and betrayed by the very laws that are supposed to protect me and other people in this state", "im feeling mentally burdened with many things to get done", "i remember feeling hair and being confused my kids dont have hair at birth but not having the presence of mind to really process what i was feeling", "i feel ashamed to have not read it yet", "i am going to print this and refer to it as often as i can so that when i feel things which arent so pleasant i can remember that now is the only moment i have to live in so make the most of it", "i feel uncomfortable and slobby", "i feel like one of those dirty confidential intermediaries that i so dislike", "i know first hand and all too well those feelings of pain hurt embarrassment and even shame over self image body shape physical features weight etc because of what i have let my body become", "i feel fake and forced where as the need to express myself as a woman seems true and natural but undeveloped", "i know theres no hurry to get it done but it still feels a bit weird to not be checking out the newest patch content", "i am also feeling awful", "i know is that right now i feel like i am still in th grade trying to be as useful as my little legs will let me be", "i am feeling a bit agitated or stressed i find a surprising amount of relief from cleaning and decluttering my house or even just a small space like a closet", "i wrote it feels slightly strange starting to write this about cambodia as i sit in lax airport waiting to bi", "id never do but i woke feeling stressed", "i always think say now feel a little hesitant i always think say now feel a little hesitant posted on may th by admin", "i can t stop thinking about it i feel paranoid like they re judging me i know they re probably now but i just feel that way", "i feel helpless lost upset and worst of all", "i feel as if im a doomed to fail b setting myself up to think that im doomed to fail", "i feel nevertheless not convinced which g is the be all and end all which sprint is creating it away to be", "i feel like my meds arent working correctly and idk its weird", "i feel like everything i do i will make a mistake and i will be punished", "i even got mad at god a little because i feel like im being punished", "i feel confused and so uncertain of where im even at", "i hate this feeling to see you that way youre so talented yet you cover yourself you locked yourself", "i get projects where i am stuck and i feel so foolish when i have so many questions to ask", "i feel like an ugly monster where i cannot show who i really am lest i seem weird or just plainly an outcast", "i was starting to feel alarmed", "i realise that desiring a substance to feed a feeling only compounds the desire to feed the feeling i realise ive abused substances since early childhood", "i am i cant help but feel skeptical about the whole thing", "i feel a bit funny actually", "i feel afraid agn lol whats new", "i feel like i should go for a run to expend all this idiotic energy but iv decided to do some homework now instead and store the energy for a social event im going to this evening", "i try to stuff my wildly feeling heart and messy insides safely and politely back where they belong but instead im like the scarecrow from the wizard of oz anxious and undone", "i don t spew my desperation all over these situations that already feel uncertain to me", "i feel ignored i feel this boredom like a little sword straight to my chest straight to my chest to my chest to my chest straight to my chest straight to my chest to my chest to my chest straight to my chest straight to my", "i feel this way is probably because i am dumb and i try my hardest to cover it up by reading lots and lots of books or you know becoming a doctor", "ive recently had one of those experiences that left me feeling inadequate", "i am feeling extremely devastated right now because ebloggy does not work just when the mental sewage system is clogged up its diarrhoea time and there is no virtual toilet paper in sight", "i feel like but im not very fond of that word", "i feel horrible about wanting sonipro amp source geekparty linkedin a target blank title share on tumblr rel nofollow href http www", "i feel like i m murdering innocent brain cells thinking so hard about all these rather meaningless issues but i really want to maximise the use of weekends during this effed up army phase", "i can tell you that i feel oddly vulnerable and disjointed and like i just dont want to come out and play a lot of the time", "i normally would call meaningless and stupid but i guess im feeling a little bit adventurous", "i have really notcied is my mental clarity like im finally beginning to wake up after years of a foggy brain and feeling lethargic", "i feel that such knowledge would be abused", "i shouldnt feel altogether mellow", "i felt overly hopeful last week and now i feel like i am more resigned to waiting the next week or potentially longer", "i am writing this feeling hopeless hopeless about the people around me this is a crazy absurd world with absurd people in it", "i read up on the practicies and cult like beliefs of falun gong and now i feel sceptical and a tad bemused", "i know sweetie turning in a month but you re still years old it s hard to comprehend what s going on except that the feeling isn t pleasant", "i am feeling quite apprehensive regarding this module as it will be the first time i ve dissected a human body wonderfully donated to the biomedical services of the university by generous members of the public and the first time i ve had to learn anatomy in detail", "i feel marginalised frequently intimidated on the roads and i often feel that both the law and the rules that define what a safe road layout looks like simply dont make any sense when im using a bicycle as my mode of transport", "i am baffled hurt that i feel assaulted and unsafe", "i just didnt feel inspired", "i feel embarassed humiliated sad miserable a title permanent link to what if i have already fallen in love", "i also suspect that like me those who feel like they want to die will be reluctant to share that information with anyone because it is so freaking scary", "i exhausted and feeling a little morose but now im livid on top of everything else", "i dunno where that feeling came from and im not terribly keen to feel it again", "i feel like i am caring less about getting things done than actually relishing in the experience of doing and learning mathematics of course i probably will be working on things last minute but i wont let the pressure get to me", "ive been resting and feeling generally unpleasant and queasy but in that frustrating background way where you dont feel right but cant place an exact cause", "i feel like some of you have pains and you cannot imagine becoming passionate about the group or the idea that is causing pain", "i am feeling so hyper and bouncy", "i could just feel the joy rage coming at me for that one but i m glad you re feeling back at it and i m also glad we went to yoga tonight because sometimes you just need to know that you re better than your crossfit coach at side plank img src http s", "i just feel extremely stressed because everything is happening so fast i cant manage to get my head around it", "i was up to my eyes and studying and feeling pretty jaded a href http maturestudenthanginginthere" ]
i needed a plan on how to get rid of that feeling it was totally taking over everything i am totally distracted at work with everything i m trying to do in any free time i have in the evenings the projects are taking over my life and the fact that i totally feel burnt out by it all
[ "i also feel that i am often a burden and in the way more than anything as a nursing student to the other nurses yet i must remember that while some may be grumpy at our presence everyone has to learn somewhere and boo friggety hoo if some medical personnel are irritated by the nursing students", "i feel disgusted to even be associated with this woman by my race and nationality", "i said well we can but i m feeling greedy with your time", "ive vented and cried and now im a little more calm and feeling less hostile", "i feel for you you guys who been insulted ill treated lathi charged at the grounds", "i cant do either of these things so i end up trying my hardest to suppress these feelings which makes me irritable and is very tiring", "when they changed my office to another room without my agreement", "i began to feel like maybe i had rushed into this and not prayed or thought through it enough", "i am not angry at him i kindda let my negative feelings towards him away but something is still bothering me maybe i m a little bit jealous at him because he won for him it was easier to let things go and have fun whereas at my side things aren t that simple", "i hate it i am feeling bothered by my boob size", "im feeling really annoyed today", "i feel but not to such a hostile extent", "i don t want to cry either because i know she ll think i feel tortured having to eat the black part of the rice", "i know that this pair of socks took about two months to make but i feel that was because yours truly was truly distracted by the strings as i like to call it", "i could feel that the person was pissed at me because that person didnt understand what i was trying to say and so there was further personal attack again asking me whats my nationality giving me that shit face and blah blah", "im feeling angry at someone i do something thoughtful for her and my feelings toward her soften" ]
[ "i feel the amazing abundance of my life most keenly", "i am feeling abused for having wasted hundreds of dollars a year in subsidization for this crap and though im not sure whether or not im mad as hell im surely not going to be taking it anymore", "i feel a little abused about this whole situation", "i do feel has conditions it hurts deeply and it is not pleasant", "i am feeling stupid and stuck and i know that the best way to get it to end is just to get it to end", "i don t even feel faithful about all this", "i drank a lot and i got my hands on all sorts of drugs but most of the pain im feeling today can be blamed on lack of sleep and the hours we spent walking around atlanta", "i started feeling my back aching especially the lower back", "i was pretty tired feeling a little homesick and not at all in the mood to mingle", "im feeling discontent with my sex life i feel like crying like venting about it", "i have been feeling quite productive", "i have been feeling pretty crappy", "i managed to put a stop to all the things i had been doing that left me feeling regretful and miserable everyday", "i write that i feel a bit anxious", "i didn t feel pressured or constrained in my choices to behave in a particular way i just felt very busy", "ive been feeling so anxious and nauseous and tired but also so elated that some nights its all i can do to crawl into bed", "im feeling a little bit embarrassed about the serious lapse in blogging but ive had an extremely busy past few months trying to finish new work in time for the toronto outdoor show as well as a number of other exhibitions", "i do feel a little needy", "i am left feeling dazed and confused", "i am already feeling very much lousy i seriously do not need anyone to give me comments", "ive been desperately trying to finish up my machine learning p set but im now far enough along that im no longer in complete panic mode i feel like my mood is on a spinner is she detachedly amused or freaking the fuck out", "i feel like i am losing confidence but for now i feel calm", "i am feeling overwhelmed i dont feel hopeless to often but i do cycle through frustration anxiety and sometimes anger that i have to go through this", "i am no longer red it feels weird", "i said im beat and not feeling too creative but this was one hell of a day", "i am feeling pressured and backed into a corner", "i was studying i always had the feeling that the process was unpleasant but it was absolutely necessary", "ive been resting and feeling generally unpleasant and queasy but in that frustrating background way where you dont feel right but cant place an exact cause", "i frantically try to get it done and now feel frantic as i walk in the studio", "i feel a strong shift recently", "i guess i could say i was feeling pretty shitty like all the feelings ive suppressed from truc were starting to arise", "i feel groggy but ok get up and leave the house with a luxurious baby free day in the office ahead of me", "i feel a bit discouraged", "i am finally starting to feel better but darn it how frustrating", "ive been feeling a bit discontent with my music for a while now", "i feel pained and wistful and suddenly the hot tub didn t seem like very much fun anymore", "i feel like i m being mentally and emotionally assaulted with something and i just wanted to write that down somewhere", "i will confess to you i have had moments of feeling overwhelmed and ill admit being a bit melancholy", "im sick of feeling unimportant like nobody needs me", "im feeling pretty guilty for not even being in the library whilst writing this so imma get my stuff together and dramatically exclaim", "i breaking skin feels like and it s not pleasant", "i am saying that i am feeling helpless now that i have to walk on toes", "im not feeling very glamorous at the moment to sat the least", "i realize how much my little family leans on me and it felt so overwhelming and i feel so inadequate", "i am lacking sleep a bit but i also feel like i have a blank sheet of paper in front of me in many areas of church life", "i felt i handled it okay but the class really began to feel like instead of caring about the subject matter it was turning into a fight for my grade", "i also know what it feels like to be in a relationship where you feel like a burden and too much and not worth loving or pursuing and its just", "i feel that peaceful feeling leave me and i feel down", "i sure would love to stop feeling so horny all the time", "i feel some kind of sincere connection to everyone i talk to while im working", "i am feeling more pain and hurt than i did before", "i used to wake up feeling horny sometimes and have to finish myself off before i got up", "i feel so horny horny", "i just feel so hopeless sometimes", "i can feel my artistic side melting away into nothing", "im not feeling very loyal toward them", "i began to feel isolated frustrated and of low esteem", "i feel like i m going to be living a rich and sustained life throughout this year due to work", "i feeling confused with my life and want to know why my life", "i start to feel unloved and unappreciated", "i am feeling very unloved", "i think about the book i wrote that i feel like i ve talked incessantly about to you gracious beautiful you but i think about it because it s coming close to the point where i no longer have a hand in the words anymore the point where my hands are off and yours are on", "im not sure why today i feel so horrible", "i feel so deprived on calories a day", "i don t feel so fearless", "i am feeling uncertain and insecure and fearful", "im feeling rather angsty and listless", "i feel restless and move walking a long way to find another right place", "i am fighting with all my might to not feel defeated from the sinus allergy situation", "occured while preparing for a midterm in social welfare that i thought was going to be very hard and felt unprepared for", "im feeling as though this is all pretty boring", "im stressed angry upset to the point where im feeling numb but one more bad thing is sure to set me over the edge", "i am feeling so remorseful now", "im afraid that if i do that and he doesnt have feelings for me our working relationship will be irreparably damaged and i may lose my job", "i see the areas where i should be doing better and i feel discouraged and condemned but i feel tempted to turn to numbing pleasures more than to despair", "i feel listless and things have been rather strained around here lately", "i wasnt feeling sociable i really wasnt", "i just want to achieve something to make myself feel worthwhile to dig myself out of this gaping hole of depression and ridiculous anguish i feel every day", "i stop feeling so depressed and", "i feel so neurotic sometimes because usually even if i know we dont have something etc", "i feel funny things happening to my face and all over my body", "i am feeling shaky and weak", "i feel so lame complaining that for minutes i get some blurry vision and then have to take it easy the rest of the day", "i cant help how i feel im sorry", "i feel very regretful i wasn t able to finish what i set out to do data url http www", "i feel lost without you", "i feel is manifesting in strange ways", "i feel humiliated and i don t want to face the world", "i had a feeling when i left that i just wasn t that relaxed enough to really do it justice", "i mention that i feel really unwelcome", "i feel like i m the one being punished", "i feel i learn more when things dont turn out perfect", "i feel like there must be more to life than this and i m afraid there isn t", "i feel troubled i guess would be the best word for it", "i see myself feeling hurt or let down or uncertain", "i hate feeling like im not strong", "i was supposed to be working on a grant application but feeling overwhelmed i decided to curl up with my computer and netflix", "i have realized that by ignoring it i am no better and it is heartbreaking to feel so helpless against it", "i know ill feel shitty the whole time", "im feeling pretty shaken at the moment", "im feeling fairly miserable about this", "i work myself like crazy doing extra stuff around the house or volunteering and serving other people in an attempt to feel productive and useful to someone anyone pleeeeeease", "i was speaking a lot of that to myself because well i feel very discontent where i am at in life", "im feeling really lethargic and weird today", "i now feel almost resigned to the loss of the hopes and dreams i once had", "im getting things done that i really need to and i feel good about it", "i just feel jaded about it all now", "i am feeling terribly burdened by impending anxiety i am trying to just keep my eyes on the prize", "i feel lonely and sad when i cannot talk to you during the day while i get a moment at my desk", "i was actually feeling somewhat listless and unmotivated earlier this afternoon but then i had a cup of coffee medium strength coffee at that and now im bursting at the seams", "i feel like being ignored", "i am feeling quite smug", "ive come to a point where i do not feel my submissive self is up to the task of handling them", "im beginning to feel listless and a bit lonely", "i sometimes feel doomed that the way my life is is the way it will be for the rest of my life", "i feel overwhelmed with the uncertainties of life the sorrows lurking about the fears eating at peoples peace the sad choices friends make the effects of those sad choices on loved ones broken relationships etc", "im not feeling all that happy or thankful today", "ive been feeling a bit paranoid like its really noticable that im off and that everyone can see that", "i would like to take the opportunity to describe one day this week when i was feeling particularly gloomy", "i don t feel special and when i feel alone in this busy ever moving world" ]
i feel resentful about being a giver
[ "i should feel complimented or insulted", "i feel the vile rising in my throat flipping up the lid on the toilet to let it out", "i am feeling cranky today is due to me not getting enough sleep due to the unexpected long outing yesterday night", "i finally found this afternoon and i wear it feeling like a vicious lurker", "i look at others and feel jealous", "i am feeling cranky or not cooperative i should be allowed to sleep or relax and if i am not given this opportunity it s not my fault if i body slam my bosses or harass museum visitors", "i was really upset when he went away though i can understand how he must feel and i wont be greedy and pester him about it", "i guess in non metaphoric terms i seem grumpy unhappy unfeeling and bitchy", "im feeling distracted and likewise attracted to all the things that you let me know all the things that you cant let go youre waiting", "i was feeling very bitter towards him so my responses where kind of cold", "i want to find peace because there are so many things going on in the world that affect so many others and i feel selfish for being so sad four years later", "i look in my wallet and i feel a cold chill", "i feel like a very impatient mensa member at such times", "i get one i feel like i need to either even things out by immediately giving one back or make things even less even by using a comeback as if i was just insulted", "i thought id talk today about getting cold feet im sure every bride will know that feeling when hubby to be did something that reeeeeeeeally pissed us off and we start yelling that we just cant do this anymore i cant marry someone like you", "i feel frustrated cause i think i know whats best" ]
[ "i am just kind of left feeling insecure and uneasy in my own skin", "i had faced were loneliness anxiety and feeling homesick comparing each penny spent here and converting same in indian currency feeling like i have spent a lot getting nervous in early days of new responsibility and last but not the least uk weather", "i mean change is great though unless i feel like i am not alone in what i experience with having high functioning autism it s scary to make decisions and to want to work on myself in order to be the person i want to be", "i just want people to leave me alone and not make me special because i feel really vain and bad when people pay that much attention to me", "im not some outcast always feeling a fake sense of belonging", "i feel im being hated", "i am not an expert i am simply a filmmaker and i feel really uncomfortable speaking from a level higher than the audience especially when there are often real experts in the audience who know much more about medical and radiation issues than i do", "im a lover and a listener i just cuddle and listen and i cant do the cuddle thing so i feel a bit listless", "i feel kinda mellow though i think that time of the month is going to turn me into a raging bitch i had my moments last night when i felt totally angry and just like cranky and really restless", "i would take days that i would feel low tuck them away and ignore it rather than sitting in it like i had learned to do in the past to get through these moments", "i start feeling crappy i just have to toss this on and bam i am singing and dancing and shimmy ing my shoulders just like whitney", "i have noticed my body has not been to happy when i eat red meat and last week i was feeling lethargic and a little seedy nothing i put in seem", "i always feel like im entirely pathetic and needy but those people usually tell me that i was neither just quieter than usual", "i dnt want yu guys t feel shamed fr knwing nthing instead f pretending r having plastikan with me", "i stand here i feel empty a class post count link href http mooshilu", "i guess it s all about trying to internalize the serenity prayer without also feeling walked over and abused", "i feel empty a href http mohdashif", "i feared would happen with a amp a after last weeks ep is now playing out just as i had pictured it in a way that makes every scene with annie and auggie just make me feel miserable", "i refuse to cut my hair too early and then possibly throw myself into some sort of depression because i don t like the length of it or don t feel pretty enough", "i am feeling quite apprehensive regarding this module as it will be the first time i ve dissected a human body wonderfully donated to the biomedical services of the university by generous members of the public and the first time i ve had to learn anatomy in detail", "i do my best to remain cordial and express what is authentic the real love and gratitude i feel for a devoted father and the nostalgia i feel towards someone i had selected as a life partner as exemplified by an unforgettable blowout wedding at the a href http www", "i understand that any of my extremely positive attributes and there are some are overshadowed by my weakness and subconsciously some people are wired up to feel superior to others and thereby treat them differently", "i have a hard time putting into words how good it feels to spend an hour serving as a friendly face to people who are oftentimes unable to leave home without the help of others", "i think that now if i were to ride it without you or with another person present i would feel disheartened", "i found myself agreeing with a lot of her thoughts about how pregnant women are wrong in feeling superior to others about how each man basically just wants a woman who lets him do anything he wants", "i dont know if its easier to have a mental illness or watch someone you love battle with it but today i think the hardest thing is feeling helpless to stop it", "i wonder if they feel like i do sometimes that all the joy of what we do is no longer as joyful because now it s based on research methods keynotes comparisons and appearances", "im being particular but id feel uncomfortable even asserting ive ever been in love", "i must say im not feeling very optimistic", "im feeling jolly but at the same time im feeling down nao", "i dont want her to beg at my feet but a how are you courtney or a hows your new project coming courtney would give me some affirmation that i dont feel like a submissive slug", "i also feel sometimes that ive missed out on things because of the amount of times ive had to leave somewhere early to take someone home", "i used to feel guilty about the large portion of my time and income devoted to various craft hobbies but eventually i realised that i am stress busting and its cheaper than therapy", "i feel hurt by the lack of any thought for me i knew she was busy with needin to drop beth off n that but only takes a second to bob in n give me a kiss goodbye or even a text", "i couldn t see a future without the pain and i was feeling heartbroken i d gone from being a very happy and active mum doing lots of outdoor activities with my children", "i get mad at my brain for slowing down in the summer and i have gotten frustrated that my work doesnt get done and i forget things and on top of it i feel lousy for a good chunk of the year", "im feeling generous for my fellow bookworms and kiddies even if youre just a kid at heart", "i have an insane appreciation for simplicity and i feel so much compassionate again but still feel like i have that sarcastic sense of humor", "i eat or sleep i cant get myself to feel the life loving energy i felt so easily before", "i feel like ive missed my calling to be a vet because i could spend all day every day visiting with gods precious and magnificent creatures", "i do know is that even though its hard and sometimes we feel inadequate drained and like we cant go any further and just need a break even for a week or two", "i also suspect that like me those who feel like they want to die will be reluctant to share that information with anyone because it is so freaking scary", "i am the only bright spot he has now i feel as if i have been burdened with more than i initially thought", "i hate the moment when i completely feel perfect with people around me whom i love the most suddenly disappear", "i feel like ive been held back a lot this summer with soccer and my mom not trusting me", "i am finally starting to feel better but darn it how frustrating", "i feel horrible because youd think id know after a mountain together", "i also need to remember how bad overeating makes me feel not just the fullness but the hangover i get from food thats too rich or too sugary", "i dont know where she gets her energy frombut i feel slightly shamed about how moody i feel when i havent slept well enough", "ive done while not writing was had flowers delivered to someone just because brought a meal to a new mom on a day she was feeling overwhelmed and now im stumped trying to remember what has been done", "i know that i love what i do but struggle with feeling content and balanced", "i coaxed myself up onto a high horse reminding myself how gratuitously and nastily homophobic stand up comedy tends to be and how even if sam kinison s semi famous friend or his opening acts did not happen to fit that bill i still didn t feel like supporting the industry", "ive been feeling incredibly inadequate more so than usual and its gotten to a point where i almost feel paralyzed by it", "i do know im feeling times more guilty", "i really lose a lot of my nesting homemaking instinct and desire when i am pregnant and the longer im pregnant the worse it gets though i do get about a month reprieve where i feel creative again around the six month mark and youll notice that is when i did a post for halloween", "ive been more intensely feeling unloved", "i know i have my family and friends and god but some point in your life in my life i want to feel romantic love again", "i do however feel like one of those pathetic girls who make up excuses because of a guy", "i either have to feel submissive and as such agree to taking pain for someone or there has to not be an option presented", "i feel kind of pathetic that i have such a hard time with this all", "im thinking well i could be a bit smaller but for health reasons and i should see a doctor more regularly because im feeling crappy", "i feel pressured to be the perfect happy woman but it s because i have a hard time letting people in past a certain level so it just is easier to default to happy go lucky which i usually am anyway", "i have tried sometimes to spend time with them to make them feel less miserable in school and have usually had my offers thrown back in my face", "i feel unprotected if i do though", "i am feeling shamed like i should not be enjoying this and i certainly should not have sex kissing is so far enough", "i feel loving me no one but i will be fighting for anyone pagetype item url http mimedoger", "i sent my boyfriend bobby when i was feeling particularly melodramatically helpless i miss having a home in the states and i miss my sweatshirt and i miss taco bell", "i try that i just feel that im being judged by eyes that only see me as a weird and vain bastard who thinks so much of himself", "i dunno how it feels to be completely happy the real world has taught me about struggle but what i m going thru is nothing close to struggle", "i have also known the pain of feeling worthless too broken too scarred to ever span style mso bidi font size", "i am feeling really lousy i take out the diy therapy chart and look up the emotion i am experiencing", "i volunteered for everything and wound up feeling overwhelmed and people got mad at me for not being able to meet my obligations", "i have to care about and care for people with disabilities who are targeted by sensationalist media reports as well as at the same time feel the sorrow i do for the parents family members and community in newtown connecticut that is stunned by the events of today", "i hold space for these feelings the anger the jealousy sadness and despair the longing i can relate to those feelings but not have them devour me", "i hate the feeling that i can t do anything useful", "i don t want you my reader friends to feel like you need to feel sorry for me", "i have wonderful family who are constantly on the lookout for me make phone calls for me do pr for me but i feel helpless and folks i am a doer so i always feel like if i cant help myself then", "i keep these things predominantly for fix functions and will not arranged right now to create a style applying twelve months previous ingredients until i m feeling much more perverse than usual", "im pretty sure and its been about a week and a half so although im feeling kind of betrayed and disillusioned by men at the moment everythings okay", "i shall never feel like i am less than a valued human but i will always know that my needs can and will be met by gods people if i get rid of my pride and ask", "i feel some sort of treachery towards beloved if i do go out and fuck someone", "i feel so empty while i m turning your corpse inside out like something broken never actually alive but now you re ended one more for my collection", "i feel dirty for loving comments", "i know it is really hard on him to not be here i think he feels like he misses out on a lot with our sweet girl", "i feel a worthless maid", "i have been feeling generally disheartened by my continually plummeting tots score despite the fact that my stats are improving so much", "i always feel vaguely suspicious giving my personal details to random strangers i tell myself not to give her my real date of birth", "i mean memories that make me feel dirty and unworthy", "i cant say that i feel as peaceful when my loved ones are the sufferers", "i worked as an editor and part of my job was to reject manuscripts i hated it because in those cover letters i could feel the writer s anticipation and longing", "i feel ugly to stop being lazy so i dont embarrass my friends to wear white so i could have short hair without feeling fat not that i really want short hair but still to be able to kiss someone without feeling like i have to pull away", "i am feeling a little disheartened", "i feel no positive regard", "i feel like its at times like these when things seem a little more uncertain that i thank god more for the small things", "i feel like i should also mention that there was some content that i wasnt thrilled with either", "i know i dont normally share other peoples give aways unless i feel very passionate about them", "i keep going back to people are douche canoes because they need to feel superior they need that ego boost they need someone to look down upon", "i feel i am suffering from several related factors that in regarding treatment acne less likely to remove scars left behind by proving your diet and extract", "i be made to feel rotten", "i have to cop out on feeling regretful", "i feel this perverse pleasure in knowing how were so much the opposite of everything youre supposed to do", "ive collected as i feel its vital to create something precious from those items as a tribute to the earth and its power generosity", "im totally digging and all the band business over the last little while i feel like ive been totally socially and emotionally neglectful of a lot of shit in my world", "i have to feel whiney when i m just today one week out of surgery major abdominal surgery", "i woke up yesterday morning wondering if i had hurt my mommys feelings and just had this horrible feeling in my stomach and horrible chest pains", "i feel needy when i ask someone to hang out with me and i end up not trying after a few times of being told no i have plans sorry", "i feel lethargic and do not really look forward to anything or take joy in anything and i kinda felt like that last night", "i know how i sound and i feel lousy about myself for sounding that way and for feeling the way i sound but i made a good contribution at work today and now the chip is on my shoulder when i think about the mistreatment that i have received", "i feeling so miserable when actually my mum should be the one feeling miserable", "i must admit that tonight i am feeling a bit homesick for my little", "im trying to be intuitive often just makes me feel sort of confused and nauseous", "im feeling regretful about not writing back to you i felt the exact same things you did and i would have also loved to have you read my letters", "i am feeling better though i still feel like passing out or tossing my cookies if im up for too long but theres definitely a light at the end of this tunnel", "i don t know if anybody will ever be able to feel how i feel or at least relate when everything is lost you find yourself missing and longing for it them", "i don t like feeling vulnerable or exposing all my worries and concerns mostly because i have felt the need to hold it together to be the strong one", "i may feel uncomfortable or just want to give up", "i realized now that i lived my whole life loving some ppl who now i hate the most cause they alll have changed they all became veryy tough ppl after i got used to feel their tender touch in my life", "im starting to feel really pathetic giving the bulk of my enthusiasm these days to the kardashians us weekly and roseanne marathons and completely ignoring this blog", "i could go on and on right now about what weve been through this year and what ive learned what micah could do when and such but i wont because this would be a book and honestly im not feeling fabulous today and micah has been dealing with a giant cold since thursday and we are wiped", "i had been feeling like a lost duck because experiences in my life have aged my soul faster than my physical age and i didnt have many who understood" ]
ive predicted angle to win and im feeling slightly less grumpy than when i wrote that lets say that gallows wins clean here to keep things tight
[ "i have reason to wonder to be confused to feel angered to say youre selfish to say youre cold", "i thought i would grumpily curse the world and remain angry about oh i don t even really know sometimes it feels like i m angry about absolutely everything", "i started to feel a lil bit pissed off when i shared out advertorial by creating blog post or sharing in my social networking but there are some other people out there sharing out their adverts by asking people to click on those links", "i even had a deep feeling for alaska and the cold and snowy and yet big open land with the pine trees and mountains but im destined to live in southern california", "i never feel like it s actually dangerous but the sirens drown out the pogues and the reggae both about three times an hour", "i would feel so pissed off", "i feel as if i m one of the stubborn ones", "i feel agitated and simply irritated", "i guess we would naturally feel a sense of loneliness even the people who said unkind things to you might be missed", "when people harrass me i feel oppressed by their behavior", "i made this i felt some relief from the fear and anxiety but i started feeling pissed again with a whole new set of memories", "i did on weekends was sleep and feel bitter about the world", "i have noticed my own increasing frustration with what i feel to be petty artificially created drama", "i still feel jealous of my friends when their moms talk politely with them", "i would like to reduce the amount of jealousy i feel god commands us not to be jealous and i feel that every jew religious or not should obey that prohibition", "im feeling stubborn today and got home and was like no way im gonna go get that mri soon" ]
[ "i am sure im not alone when i say i am feeling drained from the events of the past week", "i am trying to work hard with these feelings and i understand that they have to be resolved and put behind me", "i feel excited for this episode", "i basically wrote this for my future self i m feeling generous and think like i should just give the guy a break and list all the queries", "i came home looking good and feeling much more outgoing", "i was having a cig and feeling like ok ill just write my colomn about how conservatish men are tha best bfs and tha best lovers", "im spending less especially on stuff that wont last long not bringing tons of stuff into the house and i feel more positive about my holiday gift giving", "i get through feeling weepy about it sometimes i get resentful about it", "i feel a little discouraged here and there but i m not giving up", "i can stop feeling discouraged or full of self pity when another wave crashes down on us", "i feel bad enough now", "i had a feeling that he would be the one eliminated but wasn t completely convinced his cooking skillz were da bomb yes i m whipping out the early s lingo", "i was feeling a little vain when i did this one", "i kind of feel lame but still dont regret coming", "im going to let myself feel tender about it blog about it then let it go", "i feel pretty officer krupke and somewhere", "i feel like its the perfect time to enlist some extra help", "i feel naughty by ratbagx", "i feel amazing about tonight", "i hope youre all feeling very fond of me by now", "ive spent a good chunk of the day feeling quite agitated in a taut way as though it wouldnt take much for me to really snap and chew someones head off", "i ain t shot a bitch since this morning so i m feelin a little gun horny", "i am feeling confident to pursue multiplayer flash games next on my agenda", "i sometimes feel is a gentle reminder of why we are adopting", "i feel impressed to discuss sin again though i do not know why", "im feeling hopeful about a great deal of things which is a good thing", "i enjoy about his work is the genuine feel and the pleasant message he is trying to deliver with all this", "i can stop relying on the views of others for my self worth and thus not feel so threatened by their behaviors", "i am comforted knowing that i can use my gun for my protection and will not be put behind bars for using it when i feel threatened", "i have a neutral feeling about two broke girls because while i like kat denningss deadpan delivery and a href http media", "i feel more energetic than i have in years", "i wouldnt have thought that id be feeling this way but i feel amazing and am glad for what happened", "i guess i m a sucker for the grand and endless battle between apparent good and apparent evil and i m no different than anyone else who feels they have the divine gift of discernment in situations like this", "i can only have a rest when i feel that i have fully resolved a problem then i can turn my attention towards something else", "i feel this product deserves a positive review i do want to leave you with a somewhat contradictory final thought", "i feel like if there are pickles in the fridge everything will be ok", "i am feeling so happy", "i really feel that my life is perfect right now and if it isnt too much to ask for i just hope that everything would stay the same", "i was feeling creative and making things better in my house", "im feeling a lil restless about axel", "i know how it feels when i have read someone suffering in pain mentally", "im feeling a little more hopeful about my future and like matty always says i want my world to get bigger", "i feel like when you re passionate about something it s okay to be vocal about it as well", "i got a very encouraging phone call the other day and im feeling very hopeful", "i feel like these unfortunate events fit in with my thought quote i posted above", "i feel that if we decided to just be friends as long as it didnt come about in some unfortunate way that i would be completely good with that", "i was uptight today over work issues but when i saw him all my tense emotions dissipated coz all i felt at that moment was this warm fuzzy feeling that feeling i get when im laying with him on my bed in a tender embrace and i plant sweet kisses on his cheeks", "i ever get to feel what these needy feel if i stay away from them", "im starting to feel a bit jaded", "i feel like i am the keeper of these precious years", "i feel without being disturbed by it", "i only get a couple of s i feel that my posts have been useful and when i get comments i am really chuffed", "im feeling far more mellow than normal", "i like colbert because he makes me feel like i could be fully self assured someday", "i feel so respected and seen", "im sure it feels wonderful", "i feel he is an terrific really worth bet", "i feel pretty relieved and psyched that they actually got to see something penn said as members of the production team sifted through the mounds of trash pulling out boxes games and other atari products", "i feel like supporting a yorkshire team you never know they could be the surprise packet of the round ha ha ha", "i feel kind of talented right now lol hmmm", "i am feeling like i have more energy and loving every minute of it", "i feel a strong link to that in what i am doing now", "i shalt say we did cos i din feel a thing when he wrote hw he is keen on xxx", "ive been here for the last two or three months and yes i am playing with vinnie kompany but the other guys are good joleon kolo toure and they can also play well but im feeling good", "i feel like i ve been put in a bag and shaken up but otherwise ok", "i feel like i liked my hair much better before i was using a sulfate free brand and i believe i am using a reputable brand", "i feel more virtuous than when i eat veggies dipped in hummus", "i am feeling brave i will attempt it", "i believe even though at the time i didn t feel i should be hospitalized i m pretty sure it was a good thing i was", "i feel blessed to see darn good talent right here", "i see that through waiting it out on some of these desires and wrestling through the questions and feelings of purpose i see that god has been faithful and has now made a way for it to happen", "i feel slightly disturbed by the whole thing", "i feel i can step into the world of men with a dignified stance", "im sure ill feel more playful soon but i just cant right now", "i pray that you will join me by leaving comments and ideas and leave each time feeling a little more tranquil and a little less stressed", "i send an email and show my true feelings on an issue i do run risk of it being ignored", "i feel honored and humbled by this turn of events", "i really like the color scheme since it makes me feel peaceful clean and simple", "ive already noticed that ive lost weight i feel lighter and more energetic and i feel happier", "ive been feeling kinda gloomy lately", "ive lost lbs between january of this year and now i have this wicked part of me that feels very keen to try on new clothing and to tell myself that i deserve new clothing", "i am sure there will be many nervous times ahead but today i feel very hopeful and im going to enjoy the feeling for as long as it sticks around", "i was feeling pretty overwhelmed and stressed out over the whole affair but a few minutes of straightforward logical there totally is a right answer algebra combined with overhearing some trigonometry another tutor and tutee were working on at the library calmed me right down", "i guess this isnt a very exciting story but it really meant a lot to me and made me feel less crappy about my job and less fearful of the strangers of this world because some can actually turn out to be quite nice and quite funny", "im feeling cool showing skin and feel like a woman should", "i think your viewers tonight will enjoy the show coming from malm they will like some things be less fond of other things but hopefully they will feel entertained and smitten and feel the urge to cast a vote regardless if your country is voting tonight or not", "i feel invigorated full of energy ready for the day ahead", "i could just feel the joy rage coming at me for that one but i m glad you re feeling back at it and i m also glad we went to yoga tonight because sometimes you just need to know that you re better than your crossfit coach at side plank img src http s", "i feel a little hesitant to leave this time", "i feel respected and secure where i can journey toward loving and be loved in return", "i was like should i feel sweet or feel offended", "i want to be recless but im feeling so uptight put your mamma in a headlock baby and do it right whooooos got the crack whooooooooos got the crack whooooo s got the crack whos got the craaaaaaack", "i along happy peaceful feeling fantastic", "im feeling a little more adventurous", "i feel lively enough to do something other than laying down", "i feel like i have been beaten up and looking back on my week i can see why", "i think it to want you to settle immediately each other not to feel unpleasant", "diagnosis that i have a stomache ulcer", "i feel sure that this will be a night to remember", "im feeling a lot less ugly duckling and a lot more a href http", "i don t feel like i lost too much fitness during my three weeks off either", "i feel a little disheartened", "i will review the film after this blog entry but for now as i have david sitting here in my garden feeling slightly smug after just discovering his film had been shortlisted for best film out of entries", "i am a good person or that how i feel is acceptable or somehow normal", "i have here is that whilst in one turn ill want people to make me feel better but on the other i dont want to have to think about it at all", "i feel it was perfect as a jumping off point for what is to come", "i am really excited because i didnt really stand out a lot in high school i was just slightly above average and decently friendly and i feel like delivering this speech will be a cool legacy i can leave on the school", "i can feel myself slowly uncoiling from the fearful place inside and enjoying the time as i hope he can enjoy it and starting to actually swim around a bit rather than just walk in the water", "i had to choose the sleek and smoother feel of the sweet revenge made drawing and handling the blaster a bit nicer", "i definitely feel like i don t have a spot assured he said but didn t seem too stressed about spring training", "i should somehow feel hesitant about that", "i feel hopeful and will do my best to give it a go next week despite having dozens of final assignments to mark", "i may not feel it i m sure the wisdom that comes with age will help", "i feel it is safe to say that i will send my first v and v for the matter before the end of the year", "i ended up feeling really proud of the final product", "i feel a lil bit gloomy", "i sing i swim this feels like a pleasant passing of time song", "i have the same feelings toward the word passionate", "i feel it is vital to lay everything on the table now im not interested in setting myself up for further humiliation and disappointment", "i feel pleased about this issue there are a lot of beautiful pieces in it for example maggie lees poem titled a href http vol" ]
i found myself feeling jealous though
[ "i am sure the organisation themselves have the best of intentions though i disagree with them whole heartedly its just i get the feeling that some of the demostrators will be slightly hostile to students", "i go from your presence from praying for wisdom and patience and feel so instantly furious", "i used to always feel jealous about most things they received from compliments to some valuable stuffs", "ive been feelin cranky about my blog im feeling its still a bit childish for me already i dont know if its the blog itself the address or something else", "out on a weekend with a group of people", "i feel like life gave me a plenty of changes to shine and i pissed all over each and every one of them", "i got a stitch in my side during the first mile couldnt feel my feet it was so cold etc etc", "i try and try to keep up with other bloggers and read whats scheduled so that my review goes up close to when everyone elses does but im tired of feeling rushed tired of the pressure that i put upon myself", "i actually feel agitated which led to a terrible day yesterday in which i was unable to concentrate on anything and basically piddled the day away", "i came home one day and discovered that my sister had borrowed my car and had gotten into an accident with it my entire front bumper was destroyed", "i feel that these children will become violent and mentally unsafe as they get older because they are constantly in a dangerous environment", "i was feeling resentful enough to want to write about it here which means i need to work on look getting my hackles raised when others judge me", "i feel like im the bitter old lady who has had such a long life and just cant deal with it anymore", "ive been hearing about too many things happening back i singapore and it gets me feeling irritated and depressed about not being able to be there", "i kind of feel a little petty about this", "i did on weekends was sleep and feel bitter about the world" ]
[ "i have depression and things just started getting better but today i felt so bad you know they feeling in the pit of you heart that your a worthless failure", "i remember a totally different feel having been a faithful dukes watcher growing up", "i was feeling amazed because i didnt find myself that good as what they have commented", "im trying to go on how i feel hopefully next time i brave the scales i will have been good for a few days and will see a nicer number", "i struggle with those pressures when i don t feel like pulling myself together when i want to toss a scarf over my messy hair and grab some milk at the store when i want to snarl at someone rather than do racism for the umpteenth time", "i didn t ride on sunday and was still feeling a little apprehensive on monday so decided to a title lunge href http en", "i feel so passionate about it and know this is where god wants me to be but i am human and i do have flaws and short comings", "i am trying to work on finding the joy in the simple thing that god is finding joy in my obedience to him even if it doesn t feel very joyful in the way that i am used to", "i still second guess myself and still have a terrible time making definitive decisions but there are certain truths that i do know about myself and i feel assured by those truths", "i still feel disappointed though", "i am starting to feel the strain of not having enough time i did however make up some lost time with a vengeance yesterday and today and got s of the giant granny panties quilted", "i love this or that it s an unconscious attempt to cover up or remove the deep seated feelings that always accompany the ego the discontent the unhappiness the sense of insufficiency that is so familiar", "i dont even think i would be ready to be fuck buddys because if theres emotions from him i would feel horrible when im not giving them back", "i feel sometimes more joyful after i have read scriptures or prayed after i have done those things than while i am doing those things", "i sat down at the computer feeling nervous excited and more than a little silly", "i was just reporting to a dear soul that the energies feel strange today and wondered if somethings up", "i miss not feeling guilt over so much stuff because i reacted in a terrible way or said no to my kids just for the sake of saying no", "i feel so needy latley", "i thought i exhausted all emotions i held all the frustration and confusion and still here i am having so much more to give so much more to feel i look at this blank white piece of paper and i want to fill it with colours with motion but it still seems so blank", "i got home from work i was feeling adventurous and was also feeling him very active in there and so i decided to start poking on my belly to see what would happen", "i feel as if this opportunity to return to moz is gods gracious gracious way of giving me that heat desire despite my own self doubt and uncertainty in the past", "i don t i risk feeling vulnerable the feeling that everyone is staring at me and examining every little dimple in my thigh and sag in my arm", "i feel like a horrible person a href http bryangregorylewis", "i feel simultaneously thrilled and shy about this its both unsettling and exciting to see myself in this way", "im done with putting up with this constant bullying because that is what it is when you feel threatened and constantly on the defensive and i am tired of constantly defending myself to others", "i was measuring a week big and that was enough to just make me feel lousy about myself", "i feel ugly to stop being lazy so i dont embarrass my friends to wear white so i could have short hair without feeling fat not that i really want short hair but still to be able to kiss someone without feeling like i have to pull away", "i wind up getting more things checked off the list but i feel lousy and frazzled by early evening", "i cant help but feel distraught", "i almost feel a little bit weird about saying anything because it would almost feel like gossip", "i got high in the pleasing feelings that appear deceptively benevolent like convenience or comfort", "i feel like my only role now would be to tear your sails with my pessimism and discontent", "i am feeling very insecure and sensitive", "i feel sad about it", "im like not even that relieved that its done because i know i could have done better so i feel kind of regretful about that", "ive been feeling helpless since superstorm sandy hit one of my favorite places in the world and i suspect a lot of you share that feeling", "i even remember trying them on last year and feeling crappy because i was nowhere near closing them", "i was i admit very worried about feeling isolated i work in a cubicle pretty much on my own unless someone needs me", "i think i should ignre this feeling for the sake of our precious friendship", "i have cried in my loneliness and smoked because i felt like i had something that made me feel accepted no matter what and also made me not care about what wasn t family spouse and children", "i feel passionate about these issues i want to see others become as passionate and the blog hop becomes fun for me in spite of how much work goes along with it", "i tend to have a discomforting feeling or maybe get disturbed but that sense of emotion only plays out the way the book is being interpreted", "i have this feeling that if i have anymore vigorous sexual activity in the coming yes i misspelt that as cumming days parts of me will begin to fall off", "i was hoping by then i would feel ok", "i feel very lucky to have had some alone time with my little one but i am also anxiously awaiting the return of my guys", "i visited finland a couple of weeks ago and albeit it was wonderful and extremely refreshing to be back in my hometown for the first time in four weeks after spending only a few days there i begun to feel slightly homesick homesick for tallinn", "i remember feeling so disappointed and discouraged when i realized after my first two that the baby belly on some women i", "i know that if my core perception doesnt shift then no matter how many times i am able to check off something ive gained a friend better health rewarding work i will simply move down my list and find something else to feel needy about", "i can t get past feeling like a poseur to become an advocate i was ecstatic to see that keiko zoll has done it", "i nearly barfed on the day before came inside to ask me how i was feeling and as i assured her i was better and it was most likely something i ate she winked at me and said well you know there is something else that can make young women sick like that as well", "i feel so pained by a situation or circumstance or i become so frustrated by something that is so out of my control and completely unacceptable that instead of looking like a crazy person running around cursing and screaming i throw a tantrum in my mind", "i was well and feeling a bit of cabin fever i unwisely convinced spooky to take me to a matin e screening of scott stewarts legion", "i guess you could say i am a loner but i feel more lonely in a crowed room with boring people than i feel on my own", "ive been disregarded devalued or heartbroken or when i am between boyfriends and in need of someone to make me feel valued attractive loved and adored i have certain men i call", "i fought back the blush on his cheeks one hand resting over his heart feeling the frantic beating almost positive kai could hear it", "i also feel sometimes that ive missed out on things because of the amount of times ive had to leave somewhere early to take someone home", "i love reading i feel positively rich when the house is full of new books learning new things and as the pain is relentless i can t really pace myself i spend my days pottering from job to job depending on how stupid i feel like being", "i finished our drinks and left and i came to feel more and more sympathetic and bad for this old man to the point where im still thinking about it hours later", "i feel like my life has been taken over by a video game and im doomed to repeat the same set of circumstances over and over again until i collect all of the special powers knowledge and treasures to finally advance me to the next level", "i remember in particular one new years day in high school when i was feeling all tragic and melancholy and generally fifteen year old girl ish", "i always thought that if i contracted something from one of those people and passed it on to him that i d feel awful but after i got the sti test i thought i was basically in the clear", "i feel over the moon when the guy i liked started a class cbc read more href http jazzyboy", "i feel these unwelcome guests beginning to take hold of me i will retreat to pray if but only for a moment", "i feel im back to being that bouncy little chickie i was when i first found the scene but with a lot more depth and understanding of myself and the world around me", "i get to feeling vain about it i start thinking of it as a battle scar and one that i will wear proudly", "i am feeling like a delicate wee flower and have given myself permission to lay around drinking tea and eating cream buns and reveling in my passion for poetry", "i feel this triumphant pride as i stand at the counter like i am achieving some high level male honor because i am a female doing this a redhead to boot", "i just feel insecure so what should i do sis", "i was feeling quite emotional as i always do watching my little white boy who is getting to be medium sized putting his heart and soul into his haka performance in particular overwhelmed by the effect of all these children performing together in a form unique to new zealand", "i could feel ediths meanness could feel stoners withdrawal and the cool pity of their friends", "ill find that elusive second wind and feel more hopeful but today i am a href http www", "i heard that he still has feelings for me i make him horny and i believe he even made mention of hooking up but it wouldn t be fair to insert her here", "i am inferior to them then i feel as i did as a child who was not respected not listened to and not allowed to have an opinion", "i love female vocalists though admit to feeling slightly embarassed of the femininely romantic theme of this piece", "i resorted to yesterday the post peak day of illness when i was still housebound but feeling agitated and peckish for brew a href http pics", "i go onto the officer down memorial page and reflect on my feelings about that wonderful officer which seems to make me feel a little better", "im starting to feel more sociable again i actually feel like going out and seeing friends rather than crying off because im feeling like a twisted knotted ball of pain", "im feeling so devastated by losing something that others may see as trivial my god takes on that weight as if it was his own", "i feel so utterly humiliated and at the same time humbled by the goodness of her heart", "i feel uptight my day is complete when hes around i feel so right a little nervs i dream about what we can do date and all the things we can pursue wedding i always dream that your mine very day min", "i know is what you do when someone gets engaged made him feel like they were supporting her marrying someone who doesnt always treat her well", "i was overwhelmed by the feeling of being impressed i think these kids theyre years younger than me i can call them kids right", "i miss everybody i am still feeling relieved because i am pretty sure i will be able to catch up on much needed sleep that has eluded me the last couple of days", "im only and that most people havent exactly settled down yet but the other part of me feels like i missed my chance", "i know i shouldn t be upset shouldn t feel this melancholy that is eating away at my insides leaving tears in my eyes and an ache in my heart", "i dont know if its easier to have a mental illness or watch someone you love battle with it but today i think the hardest thing is feeling helpless to stop it", "i am still feeling unhappy and upset about the big changes happened befoe but i know times will heal everything img src http s", "i feel shy about it all and also a little concerned whether my new title will distance me away from people i care for", "i have been a procrastinator i have endless potential and passion inside yet im stuck in the cage of my own soul the unresolved feelings hurt resentment that i hold inside has built up even do i try to build myself back up again", "ive always felt like ill finish my masters i was raised and told that its really important to finish university and i kinda feel like im intelligent enough to really finish it see my pride", "i try to hang out with the both of them then i feel like this awkward third wheel", "i could have just kept going but i could tell that she was feeling really defeated and needed a friend", "i parted feeling that we had created some wonderful memories", "i am overwhelmed with the deep heart hurt that feels like an empty ache that starts in my chest and spreads through my soul", "i say the feeling of being betrayed was never a pleasant feeling to begin with", "i love my tango family sometimes especially when i m feeling ugly and awkward and like an outsider i need something from tango that i can t get when i know everyone at the milonga", "i think about it with the anticipation i was feeling yesterday its kind of a miracle that i didnt like fake an injury or something just to be able to go to the hospital to see them", "i can peruse a few pages before i feel that dull headache building at the base of my skull and by that point i m kicking myself for bringing on a dreaded case of car sickness", "i must say that there were all familiar faces since i go to that church since but there was this feeling that i was shy and i just wanted to stay there with my friend and be clingy with her all through out the meeting", "i may be smitten or shy and i might even bat my eyelashes a few times and smile because i just cant help but feel charmed by you", "i survey my own posts over the last few years and only feel pleased with vague snippets of a few of them only feel that little bits of them capture what its like to be me or someone like me in dublin in the st century", "i guess i m a sucker for the grand and endless battle between apparent good and apparent evil and i m no different than anyone else who feels they have the divine gift of discernment in situations like this", "i woke up feeling fabulous and im sure that half of that stems from the fact that ill be finishing my undergraduate studies in about weeks", "i am also not a perfect girl friend and im always a disappointment always feeling so doubtful and always putting you through a hard time with my mood swings and sudden outburst of low emo mood", "i wasnt so self conscious of my atrocious singing i think id be tempted to break out into this whenever a colleague is feeling defeated", "i know i did and im still feeling the effects of rich dinners and sweet treats", "i get up to refill my coffee and feel that pleasant and familiar ache it reminds me how much i miss the whole body conversations you can have when you re sitting on a good good horse", "i looked down and feasted on the view of my own legs and knees and memorized the feel of the cars gentle rocking", "i dont know if i feel thrilled at finally getting to go camping again with people i like and know first time where thats happened", "i think i agree but it does give me an extra measure of humility when i feel really stupid", "i am feeling very strange but this is also present movement and i am trying this as one of way", "i honestly loved this place and felt pretty comfortable here but after this i don t really know how to feel the school has taken action to help me get through this unfortunate situation which i am really happy about because i wasn t expecting any support", "i felt like i couldnt let myself believe the feelings i was getting from these men that the phone call had been a fake", "i feel discouraged why should the shadows come why should my heart be lonely and long for heaven heaven and home when when jesus is my portion my constant friend is he oh his eye is on the sparrow and i know he watches watches it over me", "i was feeling a bit jaded that day but told myself why the hell not", "i had to go to the gym so many times this last spring that i just kind of got used to feeling neurotic and then the neurotic feeling kind of went away", "i truly am i feel so disillusioned with the world after years of believing in helping others and getting immense joy from doing so", "i feel awful for making this all about me and my flawed academia instilled value system but my brain won t shut up about it", "i feel specially fond of", "i do this if i allow myself to sit in this cycle today i will cause a nasty big blow up fight in public and i will feel humiliated and proven right that i am an unstable bad person" ]
i was left with my integrity and my dignity intact but feeling pissed off
[ "i tend to be a little more relaxed with our days im forced to be a bit more flexible with toddlers but a lot of days im left feeling frustrated that i didnt get more done", "i feel the market is in a somewhat dangerous position for traders who end up on the wrong side right now", "i was feeling impatient and took pills", "i am standing so close to said cow her name is gabriella btw i feel rude calling her a cow", "i feel stubborn and strong and ready to fight this disease", "i only feel irritated by it", "ive a feeling briar beagle would give me one of her disgusted looks if i even tried exercising her in these souless surroundings", "i feel annoyed that those who bought tickets and sat through the screening could even find distraction with such offensive scenes and sounds flashed before them", "i feel like theres a dangerous chance that im pulling a don quixote on this blinding rushing at the windmill that is my eventual marriage or future child", "i feel so fucked up now i want to shut myself up", "i don t want to feel frustrated about this anymore", "i can feel violent biff whole length is hit by thunder same desire fire is ignited very quickly", "i used to always feel jealous about most things they received from compliments to some valuable stuffs", "i feel like im not as stubborn", "i am generally not a fan of tingling cleansers as my skin can be quite sensitive but this doesnt give me rashes or leave my skin feeling too irritated", "i feel attacked or insulted it is helpful to realize that the idea of attack is alive and well in my own mind" ]
[ "i decided that since things were finally starting to go well but i was still feeling a little uncertain i d give myself a little more time to let the training come together", "i remember feeling dirty after the swallow bridgewater race and i wasnt even paying too close attention to it", "i talked with the zone leader this morning he listened carefully as i explained what i was feeling and then reassured me that everything i was feeling was okay and normal and that in fact im supposed to be feeling this way right now", "i got a sore throat then a runny nose then a full blown congested head cold which fell on the bank holiday tuesday and has left me feeling low and blue and bleurgh since then", "i feel as though ive been robbed because much of my summer was not so pleasant and although i started with grand ideas about projects that would be done and structure that would be kept and clever new places that we would go", "i woke up later in the morning it was clear that she was feeling pretty lousy and luckily our normal vet had an appointment available later that morning", "i have this nasty feeling that i am being an ungrateful wretch", "i set aside that feeling and happily helped them now that every thing was been normalized and the students had liked me they change my schedule and i am just forgotten to oblivion", "i was okay with it but still little have feeling for that my brother was more amazed he like mihm but he wasn t going to get playing time", "i don t exactly feel sociable still", "i do know that the stresses from this past week sensory overload oh and i have not been sleeping well are all contributing to my stoic type of feel however i am rather jolly and do not feel like i am in an icky mood at all", "i feel totally awful and end up going through that whole nightmarish surgery and feeling good was just around the corner", "i finish this note not wanting to sound sad i feel positive and happy iv written it down its gone from my head so i can stop dwelling and move on to making it happen", "i also feel i do not deserve anyones sympathy or help or caring because i do not feel worthy of anything", "im not gonna lie i was kinda sad and down and feeling pretty lonely", "im just not fully feeling it on an emotional level", "i figured out why i feel so crappy and so now i don t feel so crappy because a lot of feeling crappy comes from trying to figure out why certain negative emotions exist especially when my life is pretty damn good most of the time ya", "i am feeling a tad smug right now", "i am just feeling that i really want to treat my parents nicely and i did it somehow as for him i need to be more generous as don t get jealous easily rawr i am a person with strong possession", "i will not go into details from that long night but i woke up for our am bus feeling like i could barely stand and not trusting the pit in my stomach", "i don t talk about it a lot but a majority of my time is spent at work and at work i m feeling generally unhappy lonely frustrated and even a little bitter from past events that just won t go away", "i need the cantor ministry after you made me feel that they all hated me and supported your views of me", "i see how it turns out i ll talk more about it right now i m feeling proud and scared and a little sick i think that s adrenaline though", "i know my feelings being kinda numb pathetic and full of sorrow about a useless thing called love", "i was also feeling unimportant", "i zoom into those difficulties into feeling like having to give up everything and feeling more then helpless alone in a desert cast out by the ways voices and actions of others that is another story when i zoom into it i also temporarily loose the view of the full picture", "i once told my friends that i feel like doing some sort of backpacking but instead of supporting me with this idea all i got from them were raised eye brows and some sarcastic remarks", "i decide to look for professional help and when i find a ceramics repairment atelier that describe themselves as artisans of patrimony specialized in primitive arts and antiquities i feel relief that my damaged fish shape ashtray will finally be in safe hands", "i feel uptight love had to show me one thing i was so right", "i don t like feeling vulnerable or exposing all my worries and concerns mostly because i have felt the need to hold it together to be the strong one", "i know exactly how put out you are and feel like it is only really acceptable to foist that inconvenience on family", "i am grateful that i no longer feel a frantic urge to fix the emotional upsets of those around me", "i needed to know i mattered that my feelings were important and that i mattered enough to be pursued and cherished and protected", "i feel a little disheartened but i dont think i feel bad as maybe i should", "i went into that feeling more than a little bit scared as my running training to date had been almost non existent", "i do think as he was feeling a bit of humiliated they did not have an excellent alternative they wanted all of us to clarify the fact that stop mortgage is working", "i were honest i could admit to those feelings from time to time but as jonah knows god is gracious and lucky for jonah and me god is still gracious gracious to people like us", "i have arrived home feeling some remorse and a bit troubled", "i chose to share that little personal snippet in my phone because i know i m not the only one that feels this way and i know i m not the only one that was petrified to face it", "i still have the lurgy and feel rotten", "i electrocuted my thumb and i cant type too well because i cant really you know feel some of my fingers as an acceptable excuse for a late paper", "i would experience this a number of times later in life but this was my first experience with an icky racism that prevails in all cultures and skin colors around the world it made me feel dirty", "i have really notcied is my mental clarity like im finally beginning to wake up after years of a foggy brain and feeling lethargic", "i feel defeated and low", "i proclaim to have lost a bit of my sanity and feel so shaky", "im feeling pretty guilty for not even being in the library whilst writing this so imma get my stuff together and dramatically exclaim", "i don t feel particularly elegant though", "i must say that i feel that i accepted something of a poisoned chalice", "i had finished my first leg the toughest longest and hottest one of my three but i was not feeling so hot", "i was sitting here feeling defeated", "i feel beaten by it", "i feel a little discouraged here", "im not feeling too keen on that", "i go to school after having a horrible morning and i feel like i am meing hated on my every and i feel alone and i always have been and i am emotionaly very far away from everyone else", "i didnt feel so hot", "i feel like it was pathetic myself hellip hellip even if any director saw it they wouldn t want me so rather than a drama i want to try a sitcom", "i miss lev and i didnt think that i would cos lately at school weve been rubbing eachother the bad directions i think but i feel as if break is serving as a splendid cleansing time", "i arrived at the gym she was such a ball of sunshine and made me feel very welcomed at the gym although i felt like a dorky unfit rotund sloth that did not fit in with the environment of buffed fit looking and fierce looking bloke", "i just finished a long day of work and am feeling a bit sentimental and its been a few weeks so i thought id get on here and write a few words", "i finally got tired of feeling like no matter how smart or well educated or determined i was i was never going to get ahead in vancouver", "i shut the door but i didn t feel triumphant", "i feel heartbroken but for some reason not strong enough to say i m finished with him", "i feel rejected and unwanted", "i am a month later feeling as hurt as i did that november th when i got his email", "i also feel like maybe you dont want the real messy authentic mark", "i feel damaged from just witnessing it", "i wasnt the only one feeling very pleased about it all laurie was beside himself that all the old structures and artefacts were still sitting around untouched in pretty much the same condition as the day the last locomotive went through", "i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to feel terrified when i can not move myself or speak or scream in sleep paralysis", "i feel as defeated as i did today i wonder if im doing this parenting thing all wrong", "i dont know how to explain to you all the emotions that i felt at that moment but i can assure you of one thing i didnt have to convince myself to feel passionate about dominican republic", "i feel guilty after i do these things", "i had been feeling which was longing to be able to put my comfy amp forgiving yoga pants on at the end of the work day", "i then asked as i often do in these situations how i could fix this so she wouldnt feel like i hated her because of my lack of postings on her facebook page", "i havent let myself truley sink into a depressed state of mind feeling like everyone is against me and trusting no one and just basically wanting to die since freshman year", "i falter and blurt out something that offends you please understand that i am still learning and i will probably feel as foolish as i just sounded", "i devised myself rather than had suggested to me the flower distribution and im esp pleased as i bought the flowers when i didnt have my bank card it feels much harder to be generous when having to be especially careful with money and im now wondering if that was the lesson of losing it", "i certainly do sound like some lowdown bitch who is just countering back what people have to say but whatever it is what exactly bothers me oh well bet that hit one of their aims is that i wonder why people feel so entertained exhilarated thrilled excited when they provoke the feelings of others", "i was healthy then this mild but annoying cold ad now a new cold which made me feel just awful for he past day", "i felt like earlier this year i was starting to feel emotional that it was all over but now its just surreal confusion to be quite honest", "i somehow feel more vulnerable without it", "i could be in a pile of mud you can take this figuratively or literally at this point with the gross feeling of just being dirty", "im feeling very remorseful at the moment", "i have turned that page i feel like there is no way of getting back my irresponcible years of carefree college", "im not quite sure why and she treated me well but the entire time i was there i got this distinct feeling that she wasnt impressed", "i wasnt feeling too well", "i feel like im being punished for existing", "i am but all of a sudden i feel ignored and unloved and forgotten and i know its probably mostly in my head but what if it isnt", "i feel like a regretful soul", "i tell myself i dont open my mouth and say what i really feel because i know im a loon and im smart enough to know im a loon and i never ever know if what im doing the choices i make are really what i want or need or even the right thing or if its the disease", "i feel so wiggy about everything maybe ill just drop my virtuous lib stance and join georgie porgie", "i personally feel that i did this crime should be punished pubicly whether he belong to any caste creed color any elite or mogul group", "i had an epiphany that i should feel proud of myself img src http expansiveperspective", "i left the eagles complex sunday feeling cooper will have the chance to as he told the team when the news broke last week make it right", "i feel sort of helpless", "i saw a gain on the scale this morning which didn t surprise me but it did make me feel pretty lousy a lot of it is water weight and disgestive issues which will pass but i need to put some work in to push on now months till christmas did i hear you say", "i am baffled hurt that i feel assaulted and unsafe", "i believed it was true love and feel devastated i wanted to settle down and have the whole marriage and kids thing with him", "i did some really valuable spiritual work and grew of course but i came out of the whole thing feeling stronger not more mellow", "i suppose i felt odd and different too and liked to feel accepted even on a superficial level for an hour or two", "i feel idiotic but now my friends and family are going to make fun of me for it and now that i thought i had a good reason to be proud this shit happens", "i trust my kids however i feel helpless enough in here over so many things and i m upset at the lack of respect for the few little things i asked them not to do", "i feel humiliated embarrassed or foolish i will remember that others have felt the same way because of the same kinds of things and i will be kind and helpful and accepting", "i say no i feel guilty begins by giving you the reasons for and benefits of being assertive without being aggressive", "i was beginning to feel almost jaded by backpacking i guess the endless bouncing around a title comfort v cash my backpacker struggle with overland travel href http www", "i am feeling a little lost without it", "i might not feel so cool", "im feeling defeated or doubtful", "i have cried in my loneliness and smoked because i felt like i had something that made me feel accepted no matter what and also made me not care about what wasn t family spouse and children", "i had a blister the size of a quarter on my right foot so i wore my flip flops feeling badly about it until we got there and saw how casual the atmosphere was", "i feel that the project went smoothly and successful however i did hit a few obstacles such as issues with my memory stick corrupting however i soon managed to resolve that through back up", "i have to squint with a magnifying glass to read it i chose the little oxford dictionary of english grammar at least this makes me feel intelligent even if wrecking my eyesight to read it makes me an idiot", "i just want to warn you that im feeling rather delicate at the moment so dont expect too much from me", "i feel isolated as a stay at home mum shonas story notes d athe only negative for me is that i feel isolated as a stay at home mum", "i how he is feeling about the fight i m disappointed and kind of disgusted with myself", "i usually doubt my self at this point as i feel i should be that amazing housewife who motors all day and has a list of things they can tell theyre husband they did all day while they were at work and i was at home", "i feel like an idiot for looking a bunch of keys that weren t there and i m getting frantic about nick not letting me in for forgetting my keys", "im not appreciative enough does not love and care for myself enough and does not feel contented of what i have now i will never be happy", "i find myself seeking and yearning for love and acceptance from people that can not provide it and then being disappointed when i am alone and feeling unloved and unworthy", "i am writing this i remember between feeling assured i wasnt dead and checking the window that me and my mom started fighting", "i left to the shower questioning what i feel she was gorgeous such a fantastic body so confident in her movement effortlessly graceful" ]
i felt doubtful and the image that popped into my mind was of dealing with a big knot in my shoelace and then feeling frustrated
[ "i feel angry at him for being so selfish and giving me absolutely nothing to go on", "i feel frustrated or impatient", "i feel really angry sometimes because for the love of god havent we been through enough", "i always plant a big section of lettuce and i leave it open for those pesky bunnies so that they can feel all rebellious as if they are raiding my garden", "i do feel a bit obnoxious it is definately the weather", "im not sure if all my stuff with andy as in me feeling annoyed at him was just my messed up chemicals", "at a certain situation i felt myself neglected and undeservedly harmed", "ive got a feeling she will be just like her momma stubborn strong willed amp full of tx sassiness", "i was feeling very bitter towards him so my responses where kind of cold", "i get the feeling that the relationship would be more sarcastic than sweet or sure", "i feel a bit rude writing to an elderly gentleman to ask for gifts because i feel a bit greedy but what is christmas about if not mild greed", "i do love life and i do love to laugh and i enjoy the funny side of things because honestly if i dont look at the funny side of things i would spend the majority of my life feeling pissed off over the stupid things that people do", "ive missed over a month of training and organised etape prep rides including the etape caledonia and am generally feeling pretty pissed off and depressed about the whole affair so have avoided thinking about it", "i feel that cold breeze", "i feel disgusted and lose respect for them as a lady he said", "i even had a deep feeling for alaska and the cold and snowy and yet big open land with the pine trees and mountains but im destined to live in southern california" ]
[ "ive come to a point where i do not feel my submissive self is up to the task of handling them", "i dont know how i feel about it at the moment my charming naive style of drawing just looks like i cant draw to me", "i had been feeling conflicted and disheartened by my choice to get a new job even though i know this is what god has for me right now", "i express zooms on with all its faults and foibles and entertains non stop in a rather odd manner where you are left feeling rather inadequate that something is not fully right that something better could have been done with a little bit of application a little bit of better storytelling", "im feeling mentally burdened with many things to get done", "i cant dos that leave me feeling helpless", "i begin to feel uncomfortable internally feeling nauseous light headed and experienced shortness of breath", "i feel like i have to be a perfect person because trust me i dont want to be perfect", "i had a strange dream last night and woke up today feeling a bit shaken up", "i was afraid i was going to freaking explode my muscles locked into place and all i could feel was the absolutely ecstatic sensations ivy s hands were creating", "i feel badly about something that makes me really happy", "i feel uglier and more strange deformed and awkward looking than i had already felt", "ive been feeling a bit discontent with my music for a while now", "i am feeling pretty fearless", "i think it is super nervous for me i always feel not contented and even greedy so when there s a choice that problem would just worsen", "i feel lost as in what the fuck am i doing", "i feel very miserable now", "i feel so beaten down and defeated", "i would constantly feel agitated", "im going to say is that i know my activities are out of balance when i start feeling burdened by something that is supposed to be fun", "i feel aching all over my body", "i feel like i ve been put in a bag and shaken up but otherwise ok", "i feel like i have to dumb myself down in order to communicate effectively", "i know and in the back of my mind i feel like im not being loyal trusting but i need to make sure that im doing the best thing", "i feel like ive missed the boat", "i was blessed but in some ways i feel like im being tortured by divinity", "i feel an emotional reaction but a lot of times that emotion is accompanied by a physical reaction as well", "i feel my children are in harms way i feel frightened", "i feel like ya maybe i am dumb weird and strange", "i paused feeling that what would come next would be fake", "ive had a somewhat difficult time trying to find something to feel thankful for", "i just wish okay so i was thinking about it earlier today and heres the thing being all cooped up amp restless has made me feel so needy", "i find daunting my feelings soon change to that of wishing to rise to the challenge call it determined or even stubborn", "i said something familiar such as i would love to be present with you now and i feel too anxious about time", "i feel uncertain of how i can keep my personal development of fitness and health going in the right direction", "i ask to know things and then everything changes and then i feel a bit shaky as i try to keep up with my own leading edge and the huge amount of change i m invited to allow as i come into alignment with and catch up with me", "i often find myself feeling assaulted by a multitude of sense impressions", "i imagine being a man it s like being kicked in the nuts repeatedly that s how bad it feels you feel like you want to curl up and die a devastated schalm said after the bout", "i feel slightly pained and jolted like frozen toes thawing out after a long afternoon of sledding in the snow", "i have a desk job and sit on my ass all day long so sometimes i feel paranoid that i m not being active enough and think things like dear god what if i get so fat that i can never lose the baby weight", "i have often observed that at times when it seems i should feel something im surprised by how disconnected i feel to the people and world around me", "i feel so exhausted by a", "i feel like maybe he is going to stop loving me or maybe its true and im a terrible wife", "i feel that if i make one mistake everything will shatter like a delicate crystal flower that slipped from my grasp", "ive been medicated today but i feel funny", "im not used to feeling the dependency or the neediness for being needy is not me or at least wasnt prior to recently", "im not feeling real strong lately", "i have to mention that i feel slightly unhappy because i have yet to get back any of my prelim papers maths aside and because of that ive been feeling stuck in limbo for the last weeks because i cant really start studying properly until i get back my papers", "i could before the actual thing and then if i still couldn t figure out if i d feel embarrassed not knowing how to get in line or how to get a drink or where to park my car or whatever i just wouldn t go", "i feel like i m in some weird limbo between childhood and adulthood", "i was feeling strong and ready", "ive been doing and still not feeling good enough but greater", "i alternated between wishing i would die and then feeling terrified that something would happen to me leaving my newborn son without a mother", "i am sometimes confused as well for a moment in a time of need when the day to pay a bill has come and we dont have the money we need i sometimes feel confused as well", "i was up to my eyes and studying and feeling pretty jaded a href http maturestudenthanginginthere", "i feel its a reminder that im taking care of something so precious and need to treat myself better", "i have written i feel suddenly hesitant to post it", "i am not even sure how to formulate my thoughts since i just put it down and am feeling slightly overwhelmed", "i wake up feeling fearful and helpless", "i feel very inadequate physically", "i often feel discouraged and frustrated and i am not where i want to be in life right now", "i do when i m feeling a bit weird to reground myself", "i feel funny things happening to my face and all over my body", "i am feeling really sad", "i will confess to you i have had moments of feeling overwhelmed and ill admit being a bit melancholy", "i feel afraid but i have learned to allow myself to be afraid", "i feel like i have all these cute things but i dont feel comfortable in them and dont know how to put them together", "i feel idiotic and wierd in this class", "i soon went back to feeling shitty again", "i feel horrible most of the time", "ive been feeling far from perfect in the area of motherhood", "i needed to get all that out of my head and onto a screen where i can come and reread it later to see that while we have numerous blessings there are some challenges and that its okay for me to feel overwhelmed at times", "i feel bad for searching for rule", "i feel victimized like im getting robbed", "i have paused on purpose that i must step back and recognize why im walking around feeling discontent and then make the needed adjustments", "i was feeling shaken walking along the streets and less able to concentrate on not having an accident while simultaneously worrying about having one due to not concentrating", "i need these crutches but i feel like i cant help it i resigned myself to a position of being miserable so long ago that its taking me baby steps to realize i dont have to be", "i feel so damaged in that i cannot speak", "i feel as if it was a way of distracting me from my positive thoughts and i had to work really hard to switch my thoughts around today but i did it", "i want to be recless but im feeling so uptight put your mamma in a headlock baby and do it right whooooos got the crack whooooooooos got the crack whooooo s got the crack whos got the craaaaaaack", "i have analyzed and overanalyzed my aversion to this suggestion and in the end have accepted my gut feeling this was not an acceptable solution for alex at that time and place", "i just went about my script of would you like mustard or sauce with that and started to feel really startled", "i started feeling my left arm aching", "i should be rushing around packing my kit ready to fly out to gambia on tuesday but instead i am sat here feeling rather melancholy after an emotional supping a small well fairly small", "i wake up feeling like something terrifyingly bad is bound to happen to me before i even get a chance to stick a limb outside of my covers", "i start to feel ugly unloved poor and unhappy", "i know it s kind of funny that i m feeling hesitant about making fashion from something we use to scent our clothes but it does worry me a bit", "i really have gotten to a place where if i go for more than a day or two without writing i begin to feel very anxious very displaced", "i feel a little disheartened but i dont think i feel bad as maybe i should", "i got really fucked up last night i got really really really fucked up on loads of downers it was such a bad idea such a bad idea i feel like a neurotic mess right now i cant handle it i cant handle it i cant handle it", "i resisted doing because i didn t feel it would be acceptable and one of the group leaders encouraged me to do it anyway", "i would feel miserable but i believe this misery comes from me not placing my faith in the works of christ", "i hate feeling like im not strong", "i feel like an idiot for looking a bunch of keys that weren t there and i m getting frantic about nick not letting me in for forgetting my keys", "i have been feeling strong and optimistic and then bam", "i feel if it aint broke why fix it", "i would come inside in the evenings bone weary and covered in muck feeling like i was finally accomplishing something worthwhile something in which i could have real pride and joy", "i still feel a little dazed and have that sort of disbelieving feeling of oh my god", "i feel so foolish and ashamed", "i mentioned in my last blog that i have started to get the feeling that i have been pressured into studying things i do not like which has also made me into a person i might not fully be", "i feel like i need to keep pinching myself to be sure tis is all real", "i reluctantly ate a piece of string cheese but i was both cranky that i hadn t lost more weight and feeling vain about the way i was looking ironic i know so i decided to throw up again", "i am having my usual october where things are drastically in flux where i am feeling melancholy at best and where god is asking me to step off the cliff and have faith he will provide", "i feel that defeated feeling it moves on and i start hearing whisperings of hope and what if s", "i was sitting here feeling defeated", "i feel insecure about my arms", "i have learned to not take myself seriously enough to feel humiliated", "i feel doubtful even when i am struggling a bit with my faith even when times seem dark or i feel alone i know that god is with me", "i often times feel helpless in regards to my life s path", "i feel which is ludicrous", "i just can t feel accepted", "i woke up feeling distraught", "i havent been feeling too well lately", "i have to cop out on feeling regretful", "im feeling indecisive about what i want to do with the rest of my life", "i have finished reading i am feeling so insecure", "i feeling so uncertain concerned afraid of this person circumstance environment change", "i feel extremely needy though i dont feel this way too often", "i was also feeling unimportant", "i feel like my meds arent working correctly and idk its weird" ]
i feel i really wronged commodore
[ "i could not help feeling thatrupert meant to be rude to my father though his words were quite polite", "i mean i know quite a few causes as to why i feel fucked in my head", "i began to feel bitter towards them", "i just feel so fucked up these days", "im feeling very bitter against knight in shining denim because i asked him a year ago to go to the gym with me and he wouldnt spend the money", "when i had a serious argument with a dear person", "i felt even more frustrated and discouraged when i realized my reputation had been damaged but i also realized i had a choice i could feel resentful for the situation i was in or i could rebuild my good reputation", "im not sure how i feel about him yet he seemed kind of distracted and out of it but we decided wed give him until the end of the week to prove himself to us", "i walk by those temptations i feel disgusted", "i feel offended when friends especially married friends somehow judge me for not being married yet", "i wake up ill feel really really mad", "i was starting to feel resentful towards ah kiat with regards to his obsessive and anal approach towards the house and forgetting he has only treated me with lots of love care and attention so far since weve been together", "having unwanted attention paid to me in my place of work harrassment and sexual harrassment by another worker disgusted by his implications", "i see women wearing boots i feel envious that i want to curse them", "i can t shake the feeling of being fundamentally dissatisfied with my selection in the democratic primaries", "i feel if i say anything it just makes me look petty" ]
[ "im really feeling very disheartened by it", "i know its been a long time and i feel so pathetic why i have to feel this way but i do", "i decide that picking the easy route would get me nowhere and i feel like other people want me tortured so i follow the blue path", "i was sick with a cold amp not feeling well wondering if i would even be able to have the patience to go to whitleys month photo shoot", "ive never been the mother of a teenage girl before but i sure as hell have been one and this little episode would have left me at feeling ugly and crappy and humiliated", "i lost a few pounds but i also started to feel really awful", "ive ever invented hail ember and flake are probably the three that are the most me so this story feels especially vulnerable", "ive been feeling super run down all morning and debated whether or not to leave my usual closed for business type illness post", "i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to feel terrified when i can not move myself or speak or scream in sleep paralysis", "i walked near the hotel and i felt very obvious and uneasy all the warnings about petty crime i read in the guidebook and maybe some residual from years ago left me feeling threatened", "i was so traumatised by the pestilence that i was feeling quite delicate and couldnt cook so we had to buy expensive and unhealthy convenience foods from the supermarket in order to avoid starvation", "im also feelin a lil uptight and sucky lately and you know the reason", "i know he s feeling to me is sincere so i could tolerate these small trouble but i can t stand his this character in the performance of the sex life of husband and wife", "i a bad person for feeling burdened by our relationship", "i feel like this leads me to be not as gentle and kind as i should be", "i feel so worthless and useless these past weeks just because im a certified by stander at home", "im sorry if ive made any of you feel unimportant", "i feel like an ungrateful ass", "i feel inside cause life is like a game sometimes but then you came around me the walls just disappeared nothing to surround me and keep me from my fears im unprotected see how ive opened up youve made me trust", "i do not feel particularly delighted in", "i start i feel like i should reiterate a fact that im not sure ive made clear yet just because i post all these despondent incidents on mermaidhaire does not mean that i am sad like all the time", "i could have just paid and rushed off i dont think they could really have stopped me but i was also feeling my submissive sissy emotions bubbling to the surface", "i feel dumb for asking ryan said but ben cut him off", "i left you i was feeling pretty defeated", "im not feeling quite as jolly though", "i feel shitty about myself or my work on the heels of feeling great for someone else s accomplishments", "i feel bad for the creature", "i have been a pro at hiding my true feelings but the cracks are coming through so i am going to repair them and throw myself into being the supporting happy rock again", "i got a bad feeling ryodan doesn t plan to leave me alone in there too long with all those computers", "i literally fell on my knees during one episode which feels so pathetic", "im overreacting or perhaps the feeling i felt was just an amplified reaction to the way she has ignored almost everything ive said in class or the stupid smile and her tone she has been using in those rare cases she hasnt ignored me", "i feel so dumb witted because i feel like i dont understand his answers towards me", "i feel stupid the pointlessness of the cu", "i feel pathetic and i want to push myself but the idea of chicken mince wheat free pasta rice spelt bread and fruit sorbet is quite scary", "i feel like im collapsing slowly like a bouncy castle with a small tear", "i started to explain how miserable ive been this year and all of the reasons why and its just so pathetic feeling that im too embarrassed to even describe", "i always feel slightly worthless almost self condemning like i should be doing more amounting more saving the world one day at a time a preacher on a podium a counselor for teen single struggling mom s a writer a motivational speaker a super mom to my baby boy", "i choose mouse because i feel cute as of now that i am i tripped over the piles of sand repeatedly while vigorously directing", "i was blessed but in some ways i feel like im being tortured by divinity", "i came to utah freaking out about not knowing what i was doing with my life feeling less worthwhile because of not going on a mission like every other girl and just being stressed by the daily stresses my life has lovingly given me", "i feel guilty not doing everything i use to i feel worried that i am a bad officer", "i feel embarassed humiliated sad miserable a title permanent link to what if i have already fallen in love", "i feel like i have to shy away from triggering some stereotype of a person who will scream and break things because they didnt get to eat their favorite kind of sandwich", "i wanted to really love this book social thought provoking personal histories are just my thing but i left feeling disappointed by this one", "im going to help you in this so if you feel that regretful then buy me an ice cream the next time we see each other", "i don t get it you ate because you wanted the good sensation that eating provided the full feeling the delicious soporific effect that luscious hazy dreamy state that ice cream gave you and now you re going to put yourself through torture", "i do feel so funny about myself because i seems to want to have good guy image although i have been keep saying wanna go clubbing but ended up did not even go once", "i used to always throw out twd as an example of dual excellence whenever anyone would defend some tedious issue superhero story but recently i feel like the single issues are suffering a bit", "i came to the place on base because i wasnt feeling like i should wander too far afield but now i wish i had been more adventurous as i have heard wonderful things about those salons", "i still feel like i missed out on a critical part of the soap and for a", "i really am feeling skeptical about politicians lately and all of the tomfoolery and shenanigans that are going on in washington so it s nice to read a book that is about that subject and about some people taking action though no i don t advocate the actions they took", "i started feeling doubtful so i just sat in my seat disappointed", "i was left feeling a little disheartened", "i remember that i moved them but i cant remember where and i feel so foolish", "i feel sorry for you guys", "i was little i always had this exciting jittery feeling the day before i went on holiday but now im pretty meh about it", "i forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to feel humiliated and rejected because someone was chosen over me", "i feel that horrible helplessness to make things better for them and that feels like it will kill me inside", "i feel guilty and sorry to them", "i feel that perhaps an opportunity was missed to look a little closer at the individual stories of the indigo tribe in their offline state it s easy to see that with the hal sinestro antics and the william hand side plot oh", "i feel like its not worth trusting him", "i feel bashful under his teasing scrutiny", "i just sat there in my group feeling really depressed because my book just had to go missing at this time", "i have to admit i m feeling a little victimized", "i just decided to put a closure on the irritant and avoid them altogether or make their presence feel equally unwelcome", "i begin to feel embarrassed about the way i acted and sometimes i just feel downright unloveable", "i was so irritated because i just knew i wasnt pregnant and i was wasting my time and feeling lousy for no reason", "i have to cop out on feeling regretful", "im feeling clever right now so if anyone attempts to burst my bubble ill just have to burst yours right back by telling your children that you know who is not real", "i feel as if someone has bumbed my delicate set up", "i feel a worthless maid", "i guess it comes from believing that when i was younger anger was not a feeling that was acceptable so i tried not to have it", "i feel stupid because i didnt buy in sooner", "i am starting to feel the strain of not having enough time i did however make up some lost time with a vengeance yesterday and today and got s of the giant granny panties quilted", "i know karen wouldnt see it that way if i addressed these things with her it would open a whole miserable can of worms she wouldnt see that shes doing anything wrong and wouldnt be open to hearing how i feel it would turn into an ugly confrontation and i hate confrontation", "im feeling regretful tonight too", "i spent most of that game feeling unsure about where i needed to be what i should be doing and just mostly feeling completely lost", "i could point to incidents in my childhood or blame my upbringing but that contradicts the notion of being aware of how i m feeling in the moment and choosing between intelligent options now", "i feel very unfortunate to have only in the last couple days have even discovered that seventy times seven even existed and hearing the twosongs together brought somewhat of a closure to a certain part of my musical life", "i really feel disturbed over all this mayhem as i have been to this heavenly vale twice and personally know all the ground realities", "i personally feel that i did this crime should be punished pubicly whether he belong to any caste creed color any elite or mogul group", "i feel discouraged when being peter varvel isnt good enough i put on a persona someone who inspires me whether theyre real or imagined", "i feel like an ungrateful asshole", "i think im going to go play with larry now and feel awkward about my singing instead of all that i admitted up there", "i feel like i am not accepted here i and bucking this force that is coming from all quarters that tells me that something is wrong with me if i am not married with children", "i feel so inhibited in someone elses kitchen like im painting on someone elses picture", "i did not know was that she was of the damned and that she had had centuries to hone the very words she wielded against me with their razor edge in hindsight i cannot help but feel resigned to the fate that inevitably followed for i was helpless to withstand her", "i feel so emotional when i saw those touch flusher but the position is still on the back when youre in seated position", "i think even as christians our trust and assurance in the lord is weak when we feel the most helpless", "i realized grudgingly that a feeling of discontent had begun to rise in me", "i need to be wise and hide some things from him because if he really knew all about me then he would feel too safe would get bored and will go find his adventure somewhere else", "i would have smiled except i was starting to feel like any more uptight comments and my jaw would fall right out of my head", "i feel incredibly disappointed in myself", "i feel kind of sorry for him and the flirtiness between peeta and the heroine of the book makes me feel like i really dont want him to die even if just for katnisss feelings", "i am plagued by awkward feelings the charming tale of a not so charming gal named me", "i feel was not acceptable and had this been better would of allowed me to meet the needs of some of the students in a more targeted way", "i feel lame saying mommy just needs to pay this bill call a guy about the camper and paint bedrooms to be more neutral", "i feel that anger toward someone else not caring about someone else being selfish creating a negative impression of someone else not noticing the person next to them not saying hello to someone they must recognize where is my good heart", "i just wasnt feeling it so i willfully broke my routine", "i am feeling quite disheartened", "i said look your moving to fast i am at the point in my life where i feel like a victimized child a child that needs to talk and get things out", "im wound a little too tightly for it i remember the paranoid feelings more vividly than the mellow ones", "i feel so regretful not going but", "i should just leave him be so he could go on his merry way and so i could stop feeling like i was just unimportant to him now", "ive been feeling like i cant put a lot into this because hes not caring about it anyway", "i did feel bad for her because she did feel like she was getting pressured to get her cherry popped", "i sin against him and am filthy before him and yet i only feel his gentle love beckon me back into his arms and feel his righteousness rush over me", "i feel for the genuinely shy and cautious women at home who after reading shades think that theres something wrong with them that they dont orgasm when someone touches their boob", "i was feeling this really weird sense of isolation that would have creeped me out pretty bad if i was alone", "i feel deeply remorseful and regretful", "i was joking around and feeling good and the next hour i would feel horrible", "i feel awkward and laugh with me when i make mistakes and have open arms for me even though mine sometimes dangle at my sides hesitant", "ive been trying to tell you how i feelbut was never very smart", "i would like to experience but i just wished to depart from the others to lay down and relieve myself from this odd sense of nausea and avoid having to make anyone feel bad about having brought up the restaurant in the first place", "i say i only sort of knew him and i don t want to make it like i m personally devastated by it i m certain those who were close with him are feeling devastated and i don t want to appropriate that or disrespect that grief", "i was feeling like amy winehouse and planning my own trip to the betty ford clinic upon my less than triumphant return to australia", "i was having a horrible day and decided i would only feel better if i didnt have red hair anymore so i immedietly went to wal mart and found a box of hair color with the description soft dark brown", "i am having really badly cannot wear anything without causing spasms diarrhea or eat more than a few of mouthfuls i am feeling very miserable", "i feel that the director editor missed a teachable moment when tiphany makes her comments about it being nice to feel like everyone else", "i just feel for my hubbie all this rubbish is really starting to knock his confidence in the people hes supposed to be trusting his heart to" ]
i feel like it was a bit rushed
[ "i was feeling a bit rebellious today", "i feel so pissed off that i can bite off a fucking tree log", "i see women wearing boots i feel envious that i want to curse them", "i already feel impatient and cancel hyundai tucson last year waiting almost for seven months", "i did feel like their relationship seemed a little rushed though", "i feel jealous when i know he go out with other women", "id done that though it kind of did a on me and i found myself sympathizing with the demons as the church called them and feeling more disgusted with the people who were supposed to be trying to fight them off", "i feel that rushed prize giving really dilute the event and in future prize givings will be not rushed and will be on timetable", "i told her that i woke up feeling mad that i am a woman and that i am probably always going to have to worry about being raped", "i feel so enraged that i want to punch him but i don t because he s only years old", "i am feeling that it my be a more dangerous task than dancing in a lightening storm with an umbrella", "i took for granted a few weeks ago is really weird and makes me feel really agitated and frustrated", "i enjoyed it for the most part for an entertainment value due to it being a fast and mostly fun read i also had several qualms with it at the same time that left me feeling dissatisfied", "i would feel a violent stab of loneliness", "i feel furious about him not leaving", "i get the feeling that theyll all gel together anyway because im too impatient to wait on change" ]
[ "i find myself buying into and reacting to the conflicts of modern life more than i did before and feeling more jaded", "im still not a fan but i feel less agonized by it and the teachers comments after the fact made the struggle really worth it", "i wish i wouldve stopped and just walked my knee is ridiculous and acts up from time to time usually after miles it starts to feel tender while running but i can deal with it no biggie", "i was also feeling pretty low being fired four days before christmas", "i feel like i am meant to partner up be supportive lend a hand or a heart and yet i resent this feeling", "i feel shitty because she quit a job to come here but there is only so much hand holding and training that i am willing to do", "i feel that theyve suddenly isolated me into a corner of the past but its as if i have suddenly become a memory attached to a name on a phone list", "i feel fake and forced where as the need to express myself as a woman seems true and natural but undeveloped", "i came down into the kitchen of my childhood still in a dream i was like a mini baby on the kitchen table and i told my mother that she should expect to get this kind of a damaged child because she was so narrow and unwilling to feelings and emotional support", "i feel badly enough about myself and everything thats going on and some of these people that are supposed to be helping me arent particularly sympathetic", "i must say to get to this point where i feel nothing but just friendly feelings towards him takes alot of time", "i feel civilly disturbed class delicious title share this on del", "i wasnt feeling like going on easter holidays i dont even know why at least i hope these days can be very productive for me", "i don t whoop and holler unless there s a special occasion going on but i was feeling suitably jubilant and a tad proud so out came the somewhat constipated yhhhay", "i thought i d get enough info to know about the subject but i went home feeling comfident that i could actually do it and keen to get started experimenting", "i gotta tell you for a while i been feeling gloomed and doomed and some ugly grey clouds been hanging round me", "i feel a bit strange saying it", "i did feel slightly weird in that costume", "i feel dull and tired and blah about this school stuff i thought so important at the start of the school year", "i feel lethargic slogging through work outs and finishing each evening with popcorn and a glass of pinot gris", "i have often observed that at times when it seems i should feel something im surprised by how disconnected i feel to the people and world around me", "i feel lousy on what happen", "i didnt cry but something inside was feeling incredibly doomed", "i feel could be amazing but like wonder woman is rarely handled well", "i read the book and feel like i am travelling those journeys sometimes i am amazed sometimes i cry sometimes i laugh sometimes i yearn for what is written sometimes i remember my friends my family and the deceased and realise there is so much to do for them", "i didn t think it was possible to make a cover that expressed the personality of the novel since it s a strange cross genre story but the photo that was found nails the heart of the book so closely that i feel a bit stunned", "i feel really damn terrified and rushed to my classroom where my friends are playing and joking around", "i was thinking about a post i wrote earlier mulling over the memories it brought to the surface tossing them around in my head and began to feel this gentle tug this little nudge deep down that began to vibrate and morph into something solid", "i don t know why i feel disheartened about the league because of so many draws it is the mark of a tightly contested competitive organization with important results", "i had to choose the sleek and smoother feel of the sweet revenge made drawing and handling the blaster a bit nicer", "ive been feeling mellon collie aka melancholy the past few days and i", "im not sure your going to feel so gracious in return", "ive been struggling lately whenever i feel like saying something between having a reaction to myself of oh julia youre so clever and witty", "i feel also just drained", "i tried to reconcile the two feelings into one piece of music the unease and tender nostalgia present in martin s song of wwii france is different from the sharp bleeding ache i was feeling", "im feeling a little apprehensive as we come near the time we go back to mayo clinic", "i feel as if this opportunity to return to moz is gods gracious gracious way of giving me that heat desire despite my own self doubt and uncertainty in the past", "i left feeling helpless and more than a little sad", "i feel so wiggy about everything maybe ill just drop my virtuous lib stance and join georgie porgie", "i still feel that i expect pieces of the world from him but im afraid to come close and place those expectations upon him again in fear that hell disappoint me", "i begin to have these doubts my stomach clenches my heart races and i feel fearful", "i just want that feeling of not caring about unnecessary stuff like i felt before", "i was feeling so reluctant the whole day today the only thing that i feel like doing is just sticking my ass on the benches ground having heart to heart talks with my favs staring into space and nothing", "i feel todays schedule was an aching am to pm backed up by a mere hours of sleep one sandwich and tall espresso", "iv tried it once and reading back to my problems made me feel like a superior helping out a young naive person", "i feel lame i cant help but to shake the fear and i feel like im failing samuel by being afraid", "im feeling really stupid and more than a bit panicky but i phone the doctors and they see me straight away", "i was feeling severely beaten and whooped by the beer bat and not looking forward to be being on my unsteady feet for the duration of the show", "id have spent more time with her on reading i feel a bit guilty about that", "i feel like there is a fragment sweet scent hang on my tongue it instantly disappear as if saying i was paranoid", "i mean they were minor pains as there was minuscule growth but you get the feeling tampons and period cramps for the firs times in life was certainly not my dad s idea of a carefree holiday", "i just finished watching a korean drama secret garden omg and am feeling the way girls do after such shows a mixture of hope and a little tug of truth that says those romantic gestures only exist in films", "i do know is that even though its hard and sometimes we feel inadequate drained and like we cant go any further and just need a break even for a week or two", "i was healthy then this mild but annoying cold ad now a new cold which made me feel just awful for he past day", "im feeling a little lost at the moment amp a little low to boot", "i feel like i missed numerous vantage points", "i feel a bit intimidated by", "i suppose thats why i feel so melancholy about the whole thing", "i feel uglier and more strange deformed and awkward looking than i had already felt", "i woke up feeling crappy headache sore throat congestion but emotionally calm", "i was feeling more than a little apprehensive as i was traveling on an emergency issued passport kindly supplied by the british consulate in los angeles a week ago", "i get an anxious feeling i feel xox soon itll be the real thing already so i need to be flawless", "i was still having some contractions but i was feeling slightly defeated", "i must say that i feel that i accepted something of a poisoned chalice", "i started to feel a lack of connection to my husband i m sure as a direct result of not spending much one on one time together", "i was beginning to feel almost jaded by backpacking i guess the endless bouncing around a title comfort v cash my backpacker struggle with overland travel href http www", "i had my hand on my beads consciously breathing consciously working to feel calm about my list of things to accomplish that afternoon", "i would say no not yet and i would feel superior and in fact self righteous even if i would not admit it back then because i remember looking at the point so i can see that the point did come up but i could did not face it to protect my ego", "i need to do after much prayer considering things like this but i still always feel a little reluctant to act but i do anyway", "i feel like im just on the edge in this microcosm one more awkward moment or missed party and id be on the outside", "i brought to his attention tonight is i don t feel that he is very considerate", "i didn t feel terrific", "im not yet feeling terrified of failing i honestly feel like im overconfident right now because i believe that ive done my best", "i feel more anxious than i have in quite some time in fact", "i feel it s a bit of a from how i was dressing in summer with mostly jeremy scott murua amp glad news", "im feeling a little overwhelmed here recently", "im not trying to disagree with same sex intercourse or what to me it just feels weird gt", "im totally digging and all the band business over the last little while i feel like ive been totally socially and emotionally neglectful of a lot of shit in my world", "i was feeling a bit gloomy over the weekend maybe it was all these grey days weve been having", "i also began to feel my contractions at a very dull intensity", "i feel like a bit of an ungrateful fool for not having written anything about him last week", "i havent exactly felt too positive lately so feel free to remind me of things ive missed in the comments if youd like", "i remember looking out car windows as i was passengered around those first few months and feeling vaguely surprised as i was already deep in shock at how different things looked", "ive stamped out old relationships feeling like the distance and time apart would cause people to forget or somehow give enough reason for them to stop caring about me", "i had been feeling slightly distressed and my pride was resisting me just waiting for the next peregrinos to walk past and help me out", "i said im only pages and this book feels so tortured and you can really feel the pain of the characters", "i sometimes feel shitty and guilty for buying into them without actively making any choices i am about as normative you can get in terms of the fashion blogosphere", "i feel beaten and tattered and washed up and drowning and i rise up for air just for a moment just to hear a little praise and another wave or gust of wind knocks me down again", "i am feeling inspired to write a parody piece but not today as i have been in too much of a bad mood", "im now wondering if that was supposed to be a metaphor for his feelings for neal im not convinced thats the case because he seemed pretty into her but who knows", "i feel ugly to stop being lazy so i dont embarrass my friends to wear white so i could have short hair without feeling fat not that i really want short hair but still to be able to kiss someone without feeling like i have to pull away", "i don t want to go home to toronto and feel like a nobody tortured artist loser for two weeks and smoke pot alone in my bedroom and watch degrassi junior high and then weep", "ive had a lot of good days where i feel fabulous and have lots of energy but lately ive also had some bad days where i feel gigantic and slow and clumsy", "i got a bad feeling ryodan doesn t plan to leave me alone in there too long with all those computers", "i legitimately feel less intelligent at the end of the day because of how worthless and stupid it all is like how you feel after sitting through a michael bay movie", "i kept feeling like i missed something and i needed to go back and re read", "im so great for having gone to that class feeling was gone replaced by a sense of melancholy for what once was for the body that used to be able to move", "i was cleaning up the place and about minutes in i started feeling paranoid and what i can only assume is the beginning of a psychotic episode", "i woke up this morning feeling like the unfortunate drain cover that a href http www", "i have to deal with the fact that society wants everyone to feel like they re in fake love for a couple of days and then we can all forget what emotions are", "i had faced were loneliness anxiety and feeling homesick comparing each penny spent here and converting same in indian currency feeling like i have spent a lot getting nervous in early days of new responsibility and last but not the least uk weather", "i know im quite selfish but sometimes i feel like i dont want to throw everything just for something that is uncertain", "i want to write about this because i left campus feeling truly thankful to wesleyan for putting on the kind of event i never dreamed i d be able to attend after just a fairly short car ride", "i needed to get all that out of my head and onto a screen where i can come and reread it later to see that while we have numerous blessings there are some challenges and that its okay for me to feel overwhelmed at times", "i realized this weekend that i am feeling somewhat apprehensive about this surgery", "i am excited to be introduced to a new kind of library environment but at the same time i am feeling stressed about it because it means that i am not really getting a holiday", "i feel a little jaded after the banking crisis but i will vote labour and hope for the best", "i feel a little scared about this because it is new to me and i have a lot to learn but im sure everything is going to be fine and we can do this together", "i could before the actual thing and then if i still couldn t figure out if i d feel embarrassed not knowing how to get in line or how to get a drink or where to park my car or whatever i just wouldn t go", "i feel eager to do well and i feel like ive got more titles in me he concluded ominously", "i sit here just a few hours after seeing this fucking thing and swimming in post traumatic combat shock i am reminded that clich s flaws and feeling like a supporting character in your own movie are what often define our real lives and the world we live in", "i was feeling lethargic hahaha", "i think i started to feel a little homesick", "i feel so blank and then like im going to explode", "im feeling too jaded and bitter to even bother to do a google search at this time aka tltg or too lazy to google", "ive been feeling a bit shitty about myself these past few days and there has been a sudden drop of self esteem going on", "i do however feel a tinge of regret now that i know how its damaged my abilities to breast feed", "i purposely put that statement in the negative to show that im now feeling gun shy", "im not feeling terrific but have nonetheless managed to drag my carcass over to nordstroms a couple times so theres life in me yet", "i feel intimidated like i just want to turn around and head back into the safety of my yoga class or hop on the tried and trusty treadmill" ]
im sure you know the feeling of cant be bothered i just feel poo
[ "i cant even get through schindlers list much less see the actual death chambers and feel the ghosts of the tortured around me", "i feel there are dangerous games or activities", "i couldnt help feel infuriated when i had left the building", "i feel i cant talk move sometimes even breath with the fear of some kind of rude hateful comment", "i just act how i feel im becoming what ive always hated", "i keep waiting for some grand stroke of wisdom and peace to overcome me but all i feel is irritable and bewildered", "i have a feeling i will be dissatisfied several times", "i wish santa claus was a real person cause i didnt feel as greedy when i was a kid and thought i was getting my loot for free", "i feel like theres a dangerous chance that im pulling a don quixote on this blinding rushing at the windmill that is my eventual marriage or future child", "im feeling bitchy on saturday", "i feel almost outraged that such a crap day should fall on my most favourite of days", "i just go into these modes where i want to write then feel disgusted and do not what to write at all", "i needed some space i needed to grow i was in the midst of some serious change and ok yes they had also hurt my feelings pretty badly and i was a bit spiteful", "whenever i put myself in others shoes and try to make the person happy", "i feel like a greedy easily pound overweight american", "i felt out of control i hated myself for feeling it then felt more out of control hated myself for hating that i hated it and it just got worse until i was walking to work in a haze trying to not curl up on the pavement and just" ]
[ "i feel so helpless i have no one to talk to", "i feel pretty pathetic right now", "i want to feel and maybe something i am feeling convinced myself of the nvm state of mind i am in after due deliberations", "im feeling a little anxious about the whole thing", "i feel all mellow right now but i dont think i have anything on my mind worth writing about", "ive been feeling weird because i am weird", "i feel more shitty and emotional and helpless", "i am not feeling good pretty much everyday", "i make my intentions known here i feel rotten if i dont go", "i should not feel afraid we can stop shoulding all over ourselves", "im busy i just bask in that fabulous overwhelming feeling and when i have really nothing to do i just live my life as a cat would just caring about sleeping and eating", "ill feel so troubled over the most trivial matters", "ive had that vomity shocked feeling from jealousy before and its not something you want to keep feeling and its definitely something you want to get resolved as soon as possible", "i am already feeling like i am being less productive", "i feel civilly disturbed class delicious title share this on del", "i know i won t last long being ambulatory i feel it even though i try to be as positive as i possibly can", "i can finally stop feeling listless and like a waste of space", "i kind of feel like im losing a part of myself as lame as that is to say", "i always regret it when i do because it makes me feel crappy during my run but i knew i wouldnt be home and showered until about which is nearly lunchtime for me", "i am a big believer in the phrase that some people are all style no substance and i feel that if you have nothing worthwhile to say just dont say it", "i feel a little damaged", "i feel like i m going to struggle and fail and suffer and be really dumb", "i feel like a kid that s been naughty", "i was wondering if you will focus on the problems because any way you are not care for themselves when complaining or feeling needy", "im the only one with all the feelings and emotions and thats just pathetic of me to do so", "i feel guilty that s why", "i mean i m feeling pretty good but why ask for trouble you know what i mean", "im feeling a bit weepy today", "i am supposed to feel joyful b", "i just feel so discontent about my life these days", "ill feel less burdened and confused sighs", "i feel so dumb about it", "i will probably do but for some reason i feel a bit agitated by it all", "i am not always feeling creative", "i feel like an indecisive idiot", "i somehow feel terrified as though if i dare slow down or walk in place to catch my breath billy blanks will jump out of the screen and yell into my face with all his fierceness", "i was actually feeling somewhat listless and unmotivated earlier this afternoon but then i had a cup of coffee medium strength coffee at that and now im bursting at the seams", "i feel soo naughty today", "i feel bouncy and twitchy all of a sudden", "i do not feel like supporting this country however", "i want to feel but my body is numb", "i am feeling a curious sense of relief a lightness that i never thought possible back when sex seemed to be the most desirable of desires and the ultimate act of self validation", "i thought i exhausted all emotions i held all the frustration and confusion and still here i am having so much more to give so much more to feel i look at this blank white piece of paper and i want to fill it with colours with motion but it still seems so blank", "im feeling quite lethargic somehow today and very worn out lately as i barely have any time to sit down as im constantly on my feet which originally i wasnt complaining about as its helping me lose weight but when youre starting to get poorly its not good to move around a lot", "i woke up feeling crappy tired and fighting this feeling all day maybe it is all the pollen the barometric pressure i dont know i know i was off kilter", "i hate the feeling of being needy or vulnerable to something or someone that sometimes it seems like youre an addict", "i have times when i feel insecure", "i am in no way complaining or whining or feeling ungrateful", "i ought not come for i stipulation them to feel sorrowful for their skeered rupees which they re assert to the field but i will console for i allusion massou to live", "i feel like everything that i hope to become a piller in my life i cling to i despise myself for clinging to something like a hopeless fucking baby", "i was really feeling shitty both physically and emotionally and it even took me some time to realize that a nailart session would have been the right positive treat to cheer myself up", "i did not feel in the least smart", "i feel ungrateful for being unhappy but i cant seem to move on properly", "im tired of feeling like im worthless and like there is no future for me", "i am full of feeling not empty", "im feeling particularly melancholy i will talk myself into a place of peace", "im feeling so so insecure", "i am not feeling fearful", "i was feeling shitty inside but never show it", "i dont recall just now yet vividly recall looking at you as you said it and you i think looking back at me and my feeling very sympathetic or maybe empathetic is the better word of course you needed a space", "i feel like it might just be ok", "i sooooo understand feeling like an ugly brown pair of shoes in a world of designer tuxedos complete with diamond cufflinks", "i have been feeling so overwhelmed lately", "i feel vulnerable as i did very much yesterday i cant say i felt a strong sense of self worth but maybe according to brown i could get better at accepting those vulnerable imperfect aspects of myself", "i started to feel really confused", "i am left to feel helpless to do anything", "i admit im feeling a little bit unloved at this point", "i refuse to stay in this place we all have moments of feeling exhausted from very hard work and needing some validation in return", "i cant give you all what i wanted to and i feel it in my aching heart my sweaty palms and my sleep deprived addled brain", "i feel that there is a clever caption in the making here but im not quite feeling well enough to provide one myself", "i feel less keen about the winston churchill quote really i feel less keen about the winston churchill quote a href http www", "i am feeling vulnerable nervous worried anxious and a bit lost", "i feel like when ever i start to feel happy for a consistent amount of time it all has to end", "i am feeling overwhelmed i want to physically shake everything off me the way i would if there was a spider in my shirt", "i feel so numb f", "i feel pained if people are making this kind of statement", "i do feel completely isolated", "i am not feeling well or grouchy or lazy ill sometimes forego my bed in favor of our futon couch for a little shut eye", "i figured out why i feel so crappy and so now i don t feel so crappy because a lot of feeling crappy comes from trying to figure out why certain negative emotions exist especially when my life is pretty damn good most of the time ya", "i keep feeling that im unloved unwanted unimportant in everyones eyes at all", "i feel inside coz i m so fucking horny", "i feel horribly insecure about it all", "diagnosis that i have a stomache ulcer", "i was reluctant but hey i was feeling so lousy i had nothing to lose", "i was feeling pretty wimpy in it", "i am feeling stupid and stuck and i know that the best way to get it to end is just to get it to end", "i feel like i cant be respected if i have self respect because it is so regular to now hate your self", "i had that kinda feeling but ignored it", "im not used to feeling the dependency or the neediness for being needy is not me or at least wasnt prior to recently", "i almost inexplicably burst into tears in front of my mother its kind of a long story unfounded guilt about feeling ungrateful earlier today but ive been cleaning and trying to keep myself active so i dont keep falling back into slumps", "ive learned how to turn off all my emotions more and more and i often find myself feeling completely blank while my mother is crying continuously over my suicidalness", "i found myself feeling lousy which is pretty unusual for me", "i started to feel so overwhelmed", "i can t believe i feel so petrified", "i feel completely shaken up", "i have reached the conclusion that what i feel is most important is what i think will most likely make me feel good or and keep away bad or unhappy feelings", "i begin to feel burdened by things amp long to be empty again", "i lose it and make myself heard i feel like an idiot because i suddenly realize my point was either unimportant or unnecessary", "ive been more intensely feeling unloved", "im feeling a little giggly here", "i feel like i have gone for broke", "im just really hurting and feeling a bit overwhelmed", "i dont think thats what ill do because i feel its just really awkward", "i also remember feeling like all eyes were on me all the time and not in a glamorous way and i hated it", "i wasnt very interested in it but it evoked the feeling of an earth grittily doomed by aliens quite well", "i feel like a horrible person a href http bryangregorylewis", "i feel so emotional today", "i am feeling a bit overwhelmed here", "i feel resigned right now", "ive been feeling pretty punished lately", "i feel the most unloved and unlovable", "im not making some sort of music i feel useless", "i have been aware of one traumatic memory that has been surfacing on and off leaving me feeling nauseas and gently terrified always", "im waiting to go to my decal right now and i feel really shitty so i dont want to do any studying for the time being", "i hate being selfish but i gotta admit i feel so depressed about it", "i feel like hiding and i also feel triumphant over apathy", "i guess this is a memoir so it feels like that should be fine too except i dont know something about such a deep amount of self absorption made me feel uncomfortable", "i have to fight from feeling overwhelmed by it all", "i know it meant that i will get ignored more and that i will have that feeling more still i did keeping all the sadness and all the ignored feeling", "i always end up feeling unwelcome and sad" ]
id have to get to the class for eight dance for an hour nine get home ten if im lucky eat i cant eat before a class as dancing when full makes me feel vile sit around digesting etc ish then get to bed and try to sleep before getting up unnaturally early
[ "i realized that constantly checking my phone and multitasking made me feel rushed and ragged by the time i reached my destination even if i was talking to someone i really like", "i think too much about how i sit how my voice sounds if i ve gotten any food on my mouth and the feeling that i need to make my way around to everyone so as not to be rude", "i am so happy but yet i feel enraged", "i promised myself that i wont enter anymore giveaways because i feel greedy but i couldnt resist this one", "i feel the cold more than him", "i do feel jealous sometimes especially when it comes to friends", "i dontknow why but i never feel this way with anyone else i really cant be without linus i love him which i never thought i could ever love anyone after went through few fucked up relationship", "i feel like my go to emotion is angry", "i just want him to see how it feels when he does something that i feel is obnoxious", "i get a sort of tunnel vision heart rate increases i cant feel my arms or legs and i cant hear a thing this being the more dangerous of the side effects that have meant i cant hear the stop whistle if i have injured my opponent and thus has lead to tournament disqualifications and fines", "i don t have any issues with the obvious i went chinese with them yesterday and i wasn t feeling hostile towards any of them", "i even started feeling impatient with myself when that didn t exactly happen", "i feel cranky and annoyed when i dont", "i know nothing is going to change even i feel very envious to these people but i cant stop feeling jealous to these people because its a human beings instinct to act so", "i feel like popping them in the face with my fist because they re obnoxious", "i was feeling pretty grumpy at this point but for whatever reason seeing this flower made me very happy" ]
[ "i feel so hopeless because i m not doing well and i m really scared", "im feeling oddly festive already", "ive been feeling so restless at home these days probably because i had been cooped up at school and home for way too long", "i am still working on how to get past feeling deprived by saying no to foods that are fat sugar filled", "i am feeling uncertain and insecure and fearful", "i had to preform a few poems to the class so i will feel confident when i preform", "i wiggle my toes to feel the cool sheets across my skin bringing awareness back into my body as i descend down from a dream state back into my bed", "i miss feeling like im cute enough to be considered to be taken home", "i feel invigorated and ready to go", "i feel so because i feel reluctant", "i know ken has this down but im feeling really inadequate what am i doing wrong", "i feel quite disappointed in myself for being sucked into the charade", "i started feeling my back aching especially the lower back", "i feel soo naughty today", "i don t know i feel really helpless about it", "i was feeling quite nervous", "i am feeling a bit crappy it is not as bad as it was two weeks ago", "i was going to say that it makes me feel all unloved and shit but thats just me being overly dramatic", "im feeling kind of naughty", "i hate not feeling useful", "im feeling confused but ill keep trudging through", "i was thankful to at least feel well enough to sit with my husband and kids at the table even if it was only for minutes before i felt like passing out which carson actually accomplished into his sweet potatoes no less poor guy was sooo tired", "i have been feeling especially emotional for some reason", "i feel rotten my feet still swell up and after i eat i feel bad and the more i eat i feel bad", "i needed to feel energetic and confident", "i do feel drained and totally exhausted today", "i feel more shitty and emotional and helpless", "i am feeling very anxious and frustrated right now", "i am feeling very unsure of my future", "im going to sleep now while i still feel triumphant", "i am feeling horny so i ask her that lets go home", "i feel like im just on the edge in this microcosm one more awkward moment or missed party and id be on the outside", "i feel not loved i always get kicked around or shoved", "i am feeling depressed cursing my luck", "i feel so incredibly hopeless about losing weight", "i almost fall asleep but i feel so awkward sleeping beside her", "i am feeling overwhelmed with excitement and anxiety as i prepare for my flight to florence in a few hours", "i was feeling emotionally drained", "i dont want to deny what i feel my body aching for", "i feel like i should also mention that there was some content that i wasnt thrilled with either", "i now don t want to feel slutty", "i dont eat a lot of bread as i find carbohydrates leave me feeling groggy and expand my waistline faster than you can say why the heck dont my jeans fit", "i just feel so hopeless sometimes", "i feel im simply doomed to repeat the cycle of obesity over and over again", "i wasnt feeling that playful or that drunk", "i find myself chasing the needles and feeling stressed during the entire process", "i feel a little dull", "i feel less valued cause i dont look good", "i feel like i m defective or something for not having baby fever", "im not feeling quite as jolly though", "i feel the need to be out of the house and doing something worthwhile and productive but also i have a huge desire to curl up in my room and hide my existence from the world", "i feel it like a dull ache", "i just hate the feeling of being unhappy", "i feel a bit sentimental", "i went to bed one night with my stomach in knots and woke up the next day feeling fantastic", "i hate feeling discouraged but i keep trying to start the couch to k again and it just isnt going well at all", "i feel a bit more inadequate in every aspect and it just breaks me down further", "i need to feel like my time is valuable", "i feel so doomed all the time", "i don t feel successful if that makes sense", "i feel very reluctant to have to walk through", "i feel humiliated at her apartment i came here to this family i feel stuckin this life and go the hell i do not want to be more present in my life", "i feel so burdened as if something is holding me still and weighing me down", "i look down feeling alone and wantig to be that way", "i am not working i can cope with but days like today when i am i just feel awful", "i can but i feel massively uncomfortable doing it it consumes massive amounts of processing power and i associate it with some very bad situations ive been in recently", "finding out that i am not an as able student as i thought", "i would come home and pour a glass of wine sulk in my feelings until the sweet rest of intoxication took over and sleep pulls me into her bosom", "i feel a little intimidated", "i cannot wait for school to end so i can change into a tank top and shorts and head to the gym and then to release my toxins and stretch and realize that homework is important but feeling good is even better", "i have wasted entirely too much time feeling insecure about my body", "i feel awkward and so i start acting awkward lol", "i feel like a whore and im ashamed of", "i dont think thats what ill do because i feel its just really awkward", "i have keep posting up sleeping pictures when i was feeling exhausted like as of right now especially after lunch getting stuck in the office in midst of the rain nice air conditioning", "i say this mostly because i wasnt feeling so well later that evening", "i could before the actual thing and then if i still couldn t figure out if i d feel embarrassed not knowing how to get in line or how to get a drink or where to park my car or whatever i just wouldn t go", "i feel weird about my self this doesn t feel like me", "i feel is manifesting in strange ways", "i now can t help but feel like i ve been sloughed over like an unwelcome burden kathumped on the ground", "i for one am feeling a bit anxious at how long we are staying but i know we need to do this", "i was feeling lethargic hahaha", "i felt myself shrinking and feeling horrible about myself", "i struggle with feeling so low amp so agitated", "i feel completely shaken up", "im going to be after the birth of this baby feels shaky", "i was able to go to a st party i am back feeling sociable and i really hope to get back into going to the munch but that requires a walk a min bus journey another walk then the munch and then all that back again which at the moment is a little too much", "im tired of feeling lethargic hating to work out and being broke all the time", "im not feeling particularly creative at the moment", "i feel like i have doomed myself to failure", "i have a feeling itll be a little more messy going home though", "i feel depressed or even short tempered some days", "i feel intimidated by the tasks you feel overwhelmed by huge and complicated tasks", "i think from being sick all last week i just got into a rut and once i feel low like that it is so hard to get back into a routine", "i do not feel assured", "im feeling so guilty helpless and hopeless", "i feel a litte shaken up by this point", "i was feeling out of sorts anxious not sure what to do with myself", "i can t help but feel jaded", "im too used to having too many expectations and too much pressure put upon me to achieve things that i feel inadequate when i take it slowly", "i feel like my meds arent working correctly and idk its weird", "i want to stop feeling so worthless", "i complete the act i feel temporarily satisfied but the feeling quickly goes away and i feel ashamed or guilty", "im also feeling more energetic and able to keep going for a better part of the day", "i feel so out of the loop and have missed alot but i am catching up", "i feel so squeezed hate this feeling thats why i dont really like squeezing on buses or in the mrt unless im with people which wont be that bad as compared as being alone", "i feel lousy pain in my leg and foot falling back pain my guts were a mess around easter", "i don t get it you ate because you wanted the good sensation that eating provided the full feeling the delicious soporific effect that luscious hazy dreamy state that ice cream gave you and now you re going to put yourself through torture", "i am already feeling anxious then how is going off my anti anxiety medicine going to help me", "i had grand plans of baking through my two days off but i mostly ended up just curled up on the couch pouting about not feeling well", "i want to feel intelligent sexy cute funny", "im going to feel fabulous and amazing and healthy", "i am terrified and not feeling terribly keen right now", "i feel horny tonight a href http www", "i do feel a little needy", "i feel im not sure if ill do this again or not", "i attended a session in the pub afterwards and i m feeling a bit tender this morning", "i am feeling miserable and sick but hoping that with the amount of sleep i am getting i havent had much choice i have had zero energy cold meds vitamins and lots of fluids i have high hopes to feel better tomorrow", "i know that i love what i do but struggle with feeling content and balanced", "ive been doing hour weeks and ill get paid for the extra time but i am starting to feel a bit abused they are putting a lot of pressure on me to look after both kids and do all of the cooking and cleaning" ]
i asked that no one gift me but if i go to my sister s house when everyone gathers for the holiday i will feel impolite to show up empty handed
[ "i can remember when cammie was a couple of months old looking at her sweet innocent face and just sobbing thinking about her going to school the thought that someone would hurt her feelings be unkind to her be unfair to her the thought that a teacher might be mean to her or not love her", "i just act how i feel im becoming what ive always hated", "i feel so heartless right now", "i know what it feels like to face irate customers", "i feel that i dont have to get so envious", "i feel irritated useless and hopeless", "when we rearranged furniture in our flat and got stuck in a chair", "im able to refine my poses and concepts without feeling rushed", "im also feeling cranky about it because the main characters scientist brother observing the moon mentions that there is zero gravity there", "i feel like most teams would have appeased jackson at this point but the eagles are terribly stubborn", "i growled at her i began to feel extremely annoyed with her", "i listen to it i feel all rebellious", "i do not want to accept that it s inevitable that we all become grumpy old men and women as we age and i do not want to accept that feeling irritated and annoyed by trivial little things is normal", "i was feeling like i said humour gets me through im one of those people who even if i spoke about my issues no one would be too bothered or would care that thought was in my head and wasnt true that way of being like i dont want to burden you sort of thing", "i started to feel like i was going mad as i was sure i could see stars floating in the water but whenever i went to grab one i came up with nothing", "im so full of life i feel appalled" ]
[ "im always disappointed that no ones perceptive enough but then again if im worried about people watching me then should i feel disappointed at myself for not watching them", "i hate you for making me feel unimportant", "i just feel like i dont like supporting walmart because maceys has such good family values and is closed on sundays and isnt trying to take over mom and pop stores but i have to be a smart consumer too", "i also feel less inhibited about interacting with them", "i feel kinda strange too cause i didnt encountered with such feelings last year", "i do find new friends i m going to try extra hard to make them stay and if i decide that i don t want to feel hurt again and just ride out the last year of school on my own i m going to have to try extra hard not to care what people think of me being a loner", "i feel unimportant when he spends nights out with sara and i get no phone call", "im frightened and feeling paranoid", "im so overwhelmed with feeling blessed by you i have to pray the fears of this being the last time i say happy birthday to you", "i feel that the leader i admired is being selfish", "i so much appreciate all of my readers and followers but please feel free to skip this pity party post", "i feel like im over reacting by feeling so gloomy about it all", "i feel a bit dumb", "i get disappointed it makes me feel so rejected especially being disappointed by a loved one", "i feel kind of pathetic that i have such a hard time with this all", "i feel the other person is unimportant but it is my interpretation see the trend that i have been misunderstood and that instead of wasting time hence the impatience part having them explain what i feel is already a misunderstanding i try to reexplain my intent", "i was going to feel worthless around skinny people while i m humungous", "i don t have to go around questioning broads or feeling suspicious", "im not going to fix things with ml either by feeling awkward and frustrated and annoyed at some things she does", "i still feel so empty and lonely", "i am left feeling unsure and confused", "i feeling so low now", "i was feeling so overwhelmed that i asked my bqff to keep of them at her house until theyre ready to be loaded so i dont feel so behind", "i don t always feel a bit homesick", "i just cant help it from feeling so insecure", "i only feel curious impatient eager and confused", "i feel so vulnerable to criticism like if my lunch stinks or if somebody comments on what i eat i have this embarrassed feeling", "i shouldnt be afraid to go out in public and feel paranoid because ive done nothing wrong", "im not sure how i feel about needing to exercise so as to maintain a pleasant demeanor", "i feel strange pangs of loneliness or emptiness bubble up", "i feel rejected like i dont belong to the circle those circles that i realised i never was comfortable there", "i can drop people who are using me no problem and i can certainly assert myself with the children but asking nik to leave early on an easy day just because im feeling weepy and want a hug", "i have one of the guest rooms in our current house that was supposed to be my craft office closet but i honestly never use it since it is up stairs in a cold or hot room that i feel i can t get messy", "i just feel totally useless today", "i actually feel frightened of people here right now", "i feel even more regretful that i didnt get to go to her senior presentation", "im alone in this apartment i get this overwhelming feeling like im being watched and that im unwelcome", "i am in italy and i feel as useless as i could possibly feel i need to occupy my time not to get crazy", "i declined this invitation but secretly i could not help but feel curious", "i start to feel emotional", "i feel ashamed of you", "i feel it needs to be respected for its own sake", "i had been out of sorts and feeling a bit isolated", "i have a headache and feel weepy", "i have that overwhelming feeling of not being good enough recently", "i feel unpleasant time is long", "i started on this day and no matter how well i did i would feel horrible", "i left feeling entertained but empty", "i do not always find myself feeling thankful but over the years i ve gathered a few tricks that allow me to feel grateful in the face of moments when the last thing i want to do is say thanks", "i possibly feel foolish for", "i function best with a lot on my plate and feel very uncomfortable with my life if i have nothing to do", "i feel having to work with a useless good for nothing like you", "i have a confession to make and i feel so rotten about this", "i view much like a little sister has a habit of building me up on the darkest of days and she has done a remarkable job lately even just by asking my advice she makes me feel valued", "im feeling as though this is all pretty boring", "i feel so beaten down", "i am the type of person that absolutely hates to let anyone down and i feel like any time i have to tell him were broke im letting him down", "i never feel like im not supporting", "i was feeling particulary generous today so im giving away packages instead of", "i must say that i m feeling drained of any poetic inclinations", "i know its not my fault but after failing to keep three babies alive in my womb how else should i feel two friends came by with a sweet gift and a sandwich for todd", "i ahem guess i havent been feeling compassionate", "i can t even stand this feeling because i realize that everything is for nothing i will never be with you and i will never see you in my life it hurts but i keep supporting you", "i feel like no other day should be less valuable than another because of a certain event is going to happen", "i will admit that some days i yell some days i dont want to get out of bed some days i cuss and freak out even some days i dont even really want to talk to anyone because i feel a little numb and im afraid people will know that im not ok", "ive been feeling kinda gloomy lately", "i feel so jaded and bored", "i might do so simply because i couldnt keep my mouth shut makes me feel terrible", "i feel so unimportant it sucks", "i feel dazed and empty and like somthing is missing in my brain", "im feeling virtuous ill make do with a rich tea or hobnob but if money and calories are no object it has to be a k", "i feel so disheartened that i feel nauseous and sick", "i feel like a hot mess", "i feel that one has to be passionate but not tensed", "i know that i should feel some sort of melancholy but i don t", "im feeling discouraged sad angry afraid of tomorrow ect", "ive started feeling like almost nothing is worth getting agitated about", "i feel so damaged in that i cannot speak", "i feel like im just on the edge in this microcosm one more awkward moment or missed party and id be on the outside", "i feel like life is so vain", "i know that he hasnt even heard what i was saying so it makes me feel unimportant to him", "i was feeling so reluctant the whole day today the only thing that i feel like doing is just sticking my ass on the benches ground having heart to heart talks with my favs staring into space and nothing", "i am feeling all melancholy", "i can cry and feel bad without an explanation at all", "i kind of asked somebody if they confirmed my feeling and they ignored me so i guess i went on", "i feel shy of my broken english", "i guess you could say i am a loner but i feel more lonely in a crowed room with boring people than i feel on my own", "i feel that my labors are in vain when i don t see the expected results of my efforts", "i feel burdened by my goals", "i feel like i have an uncomfortable limit", "i would feel ashamed or guilty if i were to take too much of the commons for myself", "i know at least one other person besides myself was feeling nervous and anxious about getting started", "i cant find it and yet i feel that i am longing for something", "i am feeling oh so low", "id never do but i woke feeling stressed", "i am rushed about here there and everywhere by my family or friends i am often left feeling very drained and exhausted", "i feel shame in a strange way", "i did not feel in the least smart", "i feel that it is not user friendly", "i can t help but feel considerate towards others", "i am feeling emotionally and physically exhausted", "i hope she didnt get that feeling i didnt want to make her feel bad about bringing it up", "i want to be able to have someone stop by on a whim and not have to feel ashamed of the and a half inches of dust on my shelves and tv stand", "i feel sad about it", "i was going to say that it makes me feel all unloved and shit but thats just me being overly dramatic", "i feel depressed or even short tempered some days", "i feel like im just not passionate about anything anymore", "i am going to several holiday parties and i can t wait to feel super awkward i am going to several holiday parties and i can t wait to feel super awkward a href http badplaydate", "i feel pretty awful about that", "i was part of the family and have a feeling of being accepted", "i feel humiliated when i am forced to make decisions i do not want to make simply to please my parents", "i would take days that i would feel low tuck them away and ignore it rather than sitting in it like i had learned to do in the past to get through these moments", "i feel like a regretful soul", "i feel uncertain and not entirely safe", "im referring to a comment in the pattern right now not feeling that divine really since i probably was born with a set of dpns in my hands", "i feel humiliated to introduce you to my colleagues as my wife", "i feel so idiotic right now", "i cant help feeling ugly", "i feel all kinds of dirty and not a good dirty src http nevercontrary", "i feel stupid typing that" ]
i carry the usual guilt of feeling selfish and self centered if i spend time or anything on myself
[ "i have a feeling some violent surprises are in the offing", "i write now it feels like furious abandonment to embrace a cliche", "i woke up emotionally drained and anxious and immediately my defenses rise and i feel irritated that this is my story my life", "i prayed for love for the people that i was feeling bitter towards and that they would find what was best for them", "sometime back another girl who was in terms with my exboyfriend came to shout at me at twelve midnight it was because she thought i was still interested in the boy", "i feel like im gonna be so greedy with him cuz i just love him so much", "i start to feel annoyed about the whole thing and end up ordering pizza", "i wasnt feeling at all irritated", "i kinda feel like being rebellious a libertine you know", "a girl entered in the division where i work and greeted everybody but not me", "im feeling rushed and like i should have planned certain things this summer that i can no longer do", "i don t know what to do about it or how to do it almost feeling angry within myself that i can t do something tangible and pragmatic to help my sisters", "i posted on my facebook page earlier this week ive been feeling a little grumpy and out of sorts the past few days", "i feel like a heartless b tch for hating him so much", "i highly recommend visiting on a wednesday if youre able because its less crowded so you get to ask the farmers more questions without feeling rude for holding up a line", "i would hate to be bit imagine if the secretary is feeling irritable that day eh" ]
[ "im wondering why i feel submissive sometimes more than others because im feeling it", "i was feeling a bit shaky and a bit off centre but i think most of that was worrying about things out of my control", "i have found both in my own life and from coaching hundreds of people during the past years that one of the main things that makes it hard for us to make good decisions is our feelings especially the unpleasant ones such as sadness rejection fear etc", "i thought of that feeling of delicious isolation i feel when i am absorbed in a quest each revelation leading to questions then answers then more questions a cave came to mind at first lined with ancient and wisdom filled tomes a deep comfortable chair and large paper strewn table in the centre", "i may be starting to feel paranoid or maybe insecure but im just a mere human being who yearns to be loved to be cared of and to be noticed", "i feel a bit reluctant to turn to other people", "i feel so often when i roll through my beloved new york that so little is done for so many if i start to write about race colour religion and sexual preference and gender identity my readers will say hey mia what s up are you confused", "i used to have this friend who always always had to have a boyfriend and if she didnt she would get majorly depressed and feel defective or something and i think she was that way because of her mom and i always felt really bad for her", "i feel tender when i have not done anything", "i know i have some obnoxiously immature sounding verbal tics and my voice is kind of nasal and i don t always come across like the sharpest tool in the shed especially when i m feeling awkward but there s knowing and there s knowing you know", "i regret it because i feel shitty that i cant enjoy things if im alone i ended up seeing my brother afterwards who was in baltimore with his new girlfriend and wanted to see me as well as introduce me to her", "i feel like an ungrateful bitch because of what i made you see", "im not going to lie some days i feel uber supportive and other days i feel uber frustrated", "im going to have to tell myself this a lot today when i feel so defeated", "i feeling im look a like those innocent lame hunting group old dirty hyena so not have any hope and ways to be free of dead", "i do not feel comfortable staying in my house i feel relentless when im asked to do something tired almost all the time and bored without my own money", "i feel listless and completely unmotivated to do anything but i will bake some almond poppy seed bread and make a pot of chicken noodle soup in an effort to be less than useless today", "i already went out of my way to be as considerate as possible to others but now i feel like i am being abused", "i know ill feel shitty the whole time", "im postponing feeling virtuous about this labor", "i dont want to rely on a guy to pay my bills but at the same time i am a free spirit and i feel like im being punished for being a free spirit", "i feel as if i should be punished for neglecting you", "i try to hold my tongue try to see it from his point of view but inside i am feeling agitated and irritable about all this pressure to please him when i cannot seem to get my own self in order", "i am feeling out of balance or troubled about something i have a few guiding principles that i consider choose the highest priority", "id have spent more time with her on reading i feel a bit guilty about that", "i am not feeling like a very valued customer", "i feel so dumb when at first run through it all seems over my head amp a little too much for my struggling brain", "i feel when that imperfection is shamed coerced or mocked", "i suppose thats why i feel so melancholy about the whole thing", "i feel melancholy always the period plus just dont feel like myself", "i woke up and felt sad all over again but that was quickly replaced with a feeling that reassured me things will work themselves out on their own time", "i certainly do sound like some lowdown bitch who is just countering back what people have to say but whatever it is what exactly bothers me oh well bet that hit one of their aims is that i wonder why people feel so entertained exhilarated thrilled excited when they provoke the feelings of others", "im still feeling shaky i realized that i felt intolerably hot all the time which i may mention is the polar opposite of what i normally feel like", "i feel like an ass saying that since my sweet sister has gone through quite possibly the worst year of her life at the same time", "im feeling fairly miserable about this", "i wonder how this feeling of being sentimental can help me through the agony of writing a report which dues tomorrow", "i feel slightly dazed and tired and angry but that is a normal emotion and mood for me to experience from day to day or week to week", "i always feel a little sad when he goes as we sorta have a ren and stimpy theme about us oil and water gemini and scorpio soulmate friends", "i just feel awful and unlovable and thoroughly sorry for myself", "i am feeling drained it is because i am not taking this aspect seriously enough", "i live in between my moments of sun sometimes i feel like a doll on a shelf or some perverse performing puppet", "i basically wrote this for my future self i m feeling generous and think like i should just give the guy a break and list all the queries", "im the only one with all the feelings and emotions and thats just pathetic of me to do so", "i have had my treasury selection on the front page a couple of times and believe me it is a real squeeee moment you feel jolly and smug and treat yourself to extra chocolate that day", "i feel that sometimes im not talented enough", "i regularly feel embarrassed about", "i cant help but feel distraught", "i settle in other ways based on feeling worthless", "i was tossing and turning and feeling very anxious about the fact that i was not doing this work that i felt needed to be done", "i am feeling super lazy no screenshots to guide you today p hence read carefully before you proceed", "i feel like i am being one person whom his life will be very miserable and not doing the best", "im feeling virtuous ill make do with a rich tea or hobnob but if money and calories are no object it has to be a k", "i am worried that you might feel pressured or obligated that wasnt my intention and i am sensitive to your situation", "i feel like i am not very smart", "i feel in my heart and definately in my idiotic mind", "i want to say i feel numb but if i was numb i wouldnt have this pain and i probably wouldnt be able to cry so much", "i feel in my heart and how much im hurt", "im feeling a little stressed about it", "i feel somewhat remorseful that i wont be around for this move in weekend but i think its for the better that i do this study if it doesnt seem like a good thing i can always back out and come home to oakland and everyone", "im feeling sorry for myself i think of miss jimmy who had nothing and yet was thankful for everything", "i cant help to also feel a little restless", "i would like to experience but i just wished to depart from the others to lay down and relieve myself from this odd sense of nausea and avoid having to make anyone feel bad about having brought up the restaurant in the first place", "i ever feel ugly or ashamed of my body", "i feel as if im a doomed to fail b setting myself up to think that im doomed to fail", "i feel so disheartened at things", "i am feeling very restless irritable and discontent", "i refuse to cut my hair too early and then possibly throw myself into some sort of depression because i don t like the length of it or don t feel pretty enough", "i feel that i have often entertained people by not saying what came to my mind in that moment and instead by making up stories or adding some extras especially because", "i hate hate hate watching people work and me sitting and most of all i hate people having to take care of me so i thought i was healing at a fine rate i was feeling fairly strong and energetic just seemed to get tired quickly and i could manage the surgery healing pain", "i feel very alone in part because everyone has there opinion of what is going on or not going on and sometimes i feel that if i challenge those people they will be upset with me", "i feel hurt and i decide not to say that i am hurt but instead make up a story that takes the other person off the hook for being rude mean or unkind to me", "i also feel paranoid and anxious", "i might push myself little too hard sometimes to feel better but there is no one else out there to do that for me", "i should not feel afraid we can stop shoulding all over ourselves", "i would feel miserable but i believe this misery comes from me not placing my faith in the works of christ", "i do know is that even though its hard and sometimes we feel inadequate drained and like we cant go any further and just need a break even for a week or two", "i know i will feel quite melancholy this weekend as its our very last bit of relaxation downtime within those four walls before a week of working packing and then eventually moving", "i dont know what mediation means to everyone else but to me this process only has value if i freely express how i feel and as this will inevitably leave me feeling vulnerable and exposed the longer the delay the more i can feel anxiety building", "i had been feeling extremely troubled and still am so the note was welcome as roy has a philosophy of life that is very salutary and calming", "i celebrate in a year and how i feel about supporting some of them when the history behind most of our traditional holidays is based on some ugly stuff or at least in a lot of cases a lot stuff that i don t believe in or support", "i hate to feel devastated so much so that i have an unhealthy habit of suppressing my feelings", "im feeling rather rotten so im not very ambitious right now", "i feel shitty these few days because of work", "i feel lonely so unbearably crushingly lonely you are not the only one a href http creativeliar", "i feel sad and discouraged", "i feel bore and restless", "ive been feeling so restless at home these days probably because i had been cooped up at school and home for way too long", "i literally just text tychelle to see if she wants to hang out because reading what i just wrote about my nonexistent social life made me feel so pathetic", "im not feeling too keen on that", "i know if i do ill get guilted about making her feel unwelcome", "i knew i was going to look at the mess and feel guilty for not pushing myself to get it taken care of", "i feel it isnt enough times i dont feel respected or special or that this relationship is good for me", "i hate the feeling of being needy or vulnerable to something or someone that sometimes it seems like youre an addict", "i would have to think oh the poor lady always being sick always being stressed feeling so isolated", "i honestly feel is almost tragic", "i get of oz is the occassional viewings of home and away and even a bit of neighbours if im feeling really tragic", "i was feeling super pressed for time the other day i did cut back on the amount of time i meditated but i didn t skip it altogether", "i don t like it when i hmmm feel devastated then i try to be driven towards things that are potentially more devastating just so i can forget about that thing that has devastated me first", "i am writing this at a time when i have also had an upset with the only real parent i have had almost constantly in my life and when theres no brothers and sisters around either i am an only child it feels kinda lonely", "i don t get it you ate because you wanted the good sensation that eating provided the full feeling the delicious soporific effect that luscious hazy dreamy state that ice cream gave you and now you re going to put yourself through torture", "i cant help but think if id just shut up if id just not made a big deal of what was essentially two adults meeting at the same table for a hot beverage then perhaps i wouldnt have spent the bulk of the weekend feeling like a stupid shit", "i posted about feeling like a super mom because i managed to care for myself my children my fiance and my house for one day while working and on little sleep", "i often play the role of a loquacious hunters always feel superior to others than he who long off than he beautiful really a flower plug in cow dung and marry him though he be like a big grievance", "i hate the fact i feel so miserable most of the time when im not usually and i hate the fact i feel as if im moaning", "i could loose my job i would be so f amp ed for xmas i hate xmas i hate holidays i wish they would go away i feel nervous i feel sad what if i disappoint my family my friends", "i am feeling overwhelmed i dont feel hopeless to often but i do cycle through frustration anxiety and sometimes anger that i have to go through this", "i was to worried about them knowing if i was high or not and feeling a little paranoid and i have never never been that type of person that would think and care about what people think about me and would always focus on what i had to do to get to where i needed to get in life", "ive been feeling restless inside and i dont understand why", "i feel really overwhelmed with mine", "im already not feeling terrific", "i am a year later heavier than ive ever been i gained back that lbs in the weeks i was pregnant trying to sort out feelings for my troubled marriage missing my hearts dream of dance wondering if ill ever want more kids again and if that makes me a horrible person", "i feel beaten by it", "i guess no matter how much i think im feeling ok im as nervous as hell on the inside about the scan revealing something i dont want to know again", "i left kicking myself for the awkwardness of my departure but feeling triumphant at not only having succeeded at my mission but having enjoyed myself as well", "i feel it and im unhappy", "i have that overwhelming feeling of not being good enough recently", "i don t need to though i must admit i kept comparing myself to the skinny japanese girls i see everyday on the street and just writing that here makes me feel ludicrous", "i am writing this on a sunday evening feeling considerably more relaxed well sort of than i did this time last sunday and also at the end of what has been a long stressful but ultimately rewarding week", "i feel like i mostly post when im feeling bad so i wanted you to know that i have good days too", "i have been busy pleasing people which i currently feel so regretful about today" ]
i feel utterly disgusted that they would look at me in such a way but the thing continues
[ "i feel so pissed off over an old friend and some friends", "i was still feelin kind of irritable and funky from the day before but so it goes", "i would buy something from tropical smoothie and eat half of it and then feel like i was disgusted to even take an extra sip or bite", "im feeling enraged at another persons actions i have to consider what i was thinking about in the moments prior to the incident", "i feel but i m trying to be stubborn and ignorant at the same time so that i can keep going", "i feel that the students in this classroom are very hostile towards any display of intellect just like the rest of society", "i imagined its what zombies must feel like because each time i would wake up pissed", "im currently feeling cranky for silly reasons im now going to complain", "i understand and feel for her pain neferet remains my most hated character in the house of night", "i was feeling pretty grumpy at this point but for whatever reason seeing this flower made me very happy", "im just feeling so fucked up nothing can cheer me up", "i guess in non metaphoric terms i seem grumpy unhappy unfeeling and bitchy", "i don t like the feeling i get when someone is even a little bit offended by some offhand remark i ve made", "ive been cleaning the apartment trying to get life back in order after vacation and holiday mayhem and instead of feeling grumpy about it like i usually would i am feeling overwhelmingly blessed", "i actually was in a meeting last week where someone yelled at an older lady because her phone rang i felt terrible for her your boss treats you unfairly or in this case someone makes you feel you are not worth anything is only allowing those who offended to steal your joy", "i know exactly how she feels because i hated it so badly i got so depressed i was cutting myself when i got so low i started thinking about suicide i did run away to nyc the farthest place from them where they wouldnt be able to find me" ]
[ "i was feeling the shake shack love this day i guess because i look like a hamburger with dirty clothes and hair because my luggage hadnt come yet", "i feel like someone has literally drained all of the energy from my body", "i really feel like an idiotic", "i feel im ugly i feel that i dont deserve to exist in this world", "i cant believe with that statement being said that im already feeling sexually deprived", "i feel the moment that i know im real they judge without supporting facts ive cut there is no going back", "i just feel rejected by him over and over which is just weird", "i feel like a moronic bastard", "i probably feel the need to move on every years and the fact that ive been here over years now makes me feel totally worthless somewhere", "i will admit that some days i yell some days i dont want to get out of bed some days i cuss and freak out even some days i dont even really want to talk to anyone because i feel a little numb and im afraid people will know that im not ok", "im seeing on facebook right now make me feel proud and excited for their parents and them but also sad that the babies and little squirts they once were are now gone forever", "i made the other day which more or less sums up how i feel about the delusion of my life for the past years or so i became somewhat frightened of myself and decided to get a little distance from that guy", "i don t fit in and never will despite the fact if you gave me the option i would still choose to be an outsider and combined with the lack of creativity and originality and dare i say it the utter conformity of the student body it just makes me feel depressed", "i feel most apprehensive about each week probably because it is the one most likely to unavoidably show me my shortcomings as a runner", "i actually answered you pathetic fucking e mails but no thats too fucking easy just call andintrupte what was a wonderful fucking day with you trad trash what the fuck slave he felt the feeling come over him he bagan to shiver and shaken with fear", "i feel a little suspicious", "i first got my eye infection i have to back up and if possible make you feel less sympathetic for me than you probably already do", "i feel pathetic because i feel like you never once called me your bestfriend and i just continued to call you my bff and i just get treated like a friend", "i see are self centered statements about you and your feelings and your looking for a sympathetic ear from anyone that will listen", "i feel like im just on the edge in this microcosm one more awkward moment or missed party and id be on the outside", "i say the feeling of being betrayed was never a pleasant feeling to begin with", "i have been feeling beaten down sick and utterly devoid of hope that i will ever have the life i want", "i feel is that i cant get far enough away from what feeds melancholy for long enough that it would just wither and die off", "i vent outrageously with tourette s like unpredictability occasionally leaving behind me a wake of hurt feelings and messy rooms and other not so nice carnage", "i feel the sting of the words as a dull ache and heavy tear ducts not for my miserable highschool life or for having always been the target", "i feel low confidence sometimes", "i always end up crying and feeling so hurt like its the end of the world", "i have to visit them every after school and later i have to go tuition and i do not have the time to even study for my exam next week and i have a feeling that i am so going to fail a lot of my subjects and to be blamed for either not concentrating during class or not studying", "i feel like people seem to be intimidated by me or this blog", "i have been going around feeling like i have roundly abused my poor tongue so ravaged by hops has it become i think it is a challenge to think of taste as a really physical sensation", "i ahem guess i havent been feeling compassionate", "im not feeling jolly in the least", "im feeling so lousy they tried to cheer me up during school time and during choir practice", "i came to this realization that i was often feeling blamed or being blamed for things that were utterly outside of my control", "i cant seem to get passed feeling stunned", "i feel so fucking worthless", "i have wonderful family who are constantly on the lookout for me make phone calls for me do pr for me but i feel helpless and folks i am a doer so i always feel like if i cant help myself then", "i feel embarrassed for others that something so small makes them feel awkward", "i dont show my insecurity in my persona if not i might come off as a mad bitch whod practically hated on everyone just because shes feeling insecured and being too overly paranoid", "i feel so horrible that you had to go through all that just because you grew up a little earlier than your friends", "i see what the ritalin culture is doing to the children and their flias i feel shocked", "i was like oh thats awesome blah but then he was like reminding me hes interested in this other girl and i was like i know this but what concerns me more is if it makes you feel too weird to be with me like this", "i also know that if today i refuse to hate jews or anybody else it is because i know how it feels to be hated", "im betraying my youth and class origins here but the working world still feels very strange to me", "i feel broke inside but i won t admit", "i may feel that i am not precious to others", "im waiting in my paper gown and plastic slippers for them to call me feeling very apprehensive but a bit dopey in the head due to lack of food", "i think about it how harmless that insect is i feel pathetic to be so overpowered by fear", "ive never thought i would feel so guilty for trying to protect someones feelings", "i feel tortured by my self inducing deprecation and resentment", "i feel so distraught and sad", "i feel like a worthless ugly fat unattractive piece of shit", "i cannot begin trying to understand how it must feel to be surprised by an earthquake or see the devastating pictures live to escape from a tsunami", "i have a pit in my stomach feeling disappointed", "i said in the words of a devotee that i feel relieved when i hear the your title as deen bandhu as i am the most fallen person but i become afraid at your title of uplifter of devotees as i don t consider myself to be a true devotee and hence unworthy to benefit from the aspect of your personality", "i hate hate hate watching people work and me sitting and most of all i hate people having to take care of me so i thought i was healing at a fine rate i was feeling fairly strong and energetic just seemed to get tired quickly and i could manage the surgery healing pain", "i keep feeling that im unloved unwanted unimportant in everyones eyes at all", "i feel paranoid that every time i log onto facebook or attend church that im about to find out yet another friend is pregnant", "i have that overwhelming feeling of not being good enough recently", "i feel like i m going to struggle and fail and suffer and be really dumb", "i know they don t really mean anything by it but when you are feeling as crappy as i am you find yourself really wanting to give them a wakeup call", "i scare myself so much with these dreams wake up feeling out of control and convinced that ive hurt somebody", "im feeling very uncomfortable there the comfort and warmth is just not there any more", "i am just feeling too rotten to put on a happy face for the night", "i wasnt sure if i could be concerned when there were people around me feeling incredibly apprehensive some turning back while i may as well have been dancing up the cliff face", "i am left feeling very confused and blah", "i was so nervous all i remember is my heart beating loudly and feeling insecure as others watched me from off stage", "i know i feel vulnerable", "i popped a fever and even my co workers we urging me to go home before i even had a chance to open my mouth and voice the obligatory i m not feeling so hot", "i feel so un smart yo", "i feel stupid whenever this happens", "i possibly feel foolish for", "i worry theyll feel rejected or take my chosen plans as an insult", "i feel like i have to make the suffering i m seeing mean something", "i feel they think im always glad but theres something they dont no im the one whos feeling sad", "im starting to feel really pathetic giving the bulk of my enthusiasm these days to the kardashians us weekly and roseanne marathons and completely ignoring this blog", "i remember feeling shocked and somewhat embarrassed that the adf unity rite i was consecrated in was so much about me", "im being particular but id feel uncomfortable even asserting ive ever been in love", "i did not know was that she was of the damned and that she had had centuries to hone the very words she wielded against me with their razor edge in hindsight i cannot help but feel resigned to the fate that inevitably followed for i was helpless to withstand her", "i feel so damaged in that i cannot speak", "i still feel a little dazed and have that sort of disbelieving feeling of oh my god", "i feel lousy on what happen", "i feel like ive been defeated", "i feel people around me do not understand it they have no acceptance that i might need to grieve and suffer not only from the loss of my mother but the grief of never having a loving relationship expressed in ways i would want", "i seem to see the five years after the chinese pavilion which is the content of the exhibition on immigration but to see the plateau province in this country is treated as one country so i feel very unhappy and i think this is a national tourist attraction they point then why not prudent", "i have to admit i feel shaken up", "i feel like ive been shaken around a thrown down", "i reconciled and life goes on as does marriage but i feel terrible for what i did to her and to the one with whom i had the affair", "i feel liked i talked about mass effect to death in these posts but i m going to have to again i m afraid", "im feeling relieved yet painful but something inside me is creepily numb i feel like a ghost in the hallways the way i used to just dont tell me its only another time to succumb", "i just want someone who ll make feel that i m terrified the one who ll make me crazily say i m in love i m terrified for the first time", "ive been consumed by guilt and other feelings of discontent", "i wish i didnt do butttt semuanya sudah terlambat dan i feel so stupid everytime i think about it and i think about it every time means i feel stupid everytime", "i cant help but wince as i do that feeling an unpleasant tightness in my back and a dull ache in my head since ive opted for resting it against the wall behind me", "i feel like ive been to submissive and let too many people just walk over me", "i find myself feeling paranoid that something is going to ruin what could only be described as my fairy tale love affair", "i don t want you my reader friends to feel like you need to feel sorry for me", "i feel like everyone will think i am a fake and point and laugh at me", "i remember seeing it on the monitor and feeling like i had a truck on my chest and couldnt breathe my husband told me theyre going to intubate you now i wasnt convinced i would survive and wanted to live so badly", "i feel pretty rotten when jake takes off down the street on his hot rod mongoose and jordan strikes out trying to chase him down like an orphan straight out of a href http en", "i feel so overwhelmed im nauseous", "i wake up feeling like something terrifyingly bad is bound to happen to me before i even get a chance to stick a limb outside of my covers", "i just feel that anybody who is fully satisfied with what they are doing is never going to make any progress and sometimes feeling bad about feeling bad can act as a motivational tool", "i guess no matter how much i think im feeling ok im as nervous as hell on the inside about the scan revealing something i dont want to know again", "im feeling terrified no control and now my world is shaking the curtains close and it tingles and tickles inside in my pulse", "i have been perspiring like crazy even in school that makes me feel so dirty and muddy", "i am fatter because the only thing in my life that can remain under my control is whether or not i get to eat peanut butter on bread when i get home from an impossible day of to first world looking yet third world feeling hell of needy and neglected little girls", "i feel the presence of god something fearful happens i became aware of my own unworthiness my own short comings and yes my own sin", "i feel rotten but no amount of suggesting that losing a sense of smell is a terribly disorientating experience for a wine person seems to convince people that i might not actually live to feel good again", "i feel like something tragic is going to have to happen for people to wake up and see how vulturous sic and poisonous it s all gotten", "i feel as if the leaders of countries do not depict the people of their countries because for the love of god i hope no one thought at all i was in any way supportive or like george w", "i feel like im the one to be blamed for all things", "i do feel sad for myself for not wanting that and thoughts extend up to a point that ill die alone", "i feel like i m worthless and i can t do any good for anyone even tought i try and try very hard", "i began to feel if i keep on supporting this system i became a part of the blood sucking everything for profit machinery", "i see food weight gain and feeling punished rather than why i have this need to be in control at all times you know those pesky underlying issues", "i feel like a totally horrible person but i really wish he was coming another weekend", "i feel like an idiotic herd mentality mindless follower when i m walking down the street with a large group of people", "i feel funny things happening to my face and all over my body", "i would constantly feel agitated" ]
i realized today that i dont know what i want and thats the primary reason why i feel so dissatisfied so often
[ "i was half feeling very irritated and just wanted to get out of a amp f lol", "i am feeling rather grouchy too this morning since i didnt sleep last night on purpose", "i feel jealous of him touching someone else", "i feel not for you this savage deal leave me with my speedy clutch leave me with brown sugar lunch", "i have a feeling this is going to be really long and obnoxious", "i feel tortured delilahlwl am considering i had one the other day about one of my closest friends raping and killing chicks", "i feel grouchy or short tempered then the guilt kicks in", "i was feeling angry at myself for feeling self conscious about my shorts or for wishing that i wasnt alone", "i lets me into his fucked up world and he usually does i feel fucked up too and honestly a little scared", "im feeling a bit cranky today", "i am trying not to feel bitter but how else can i feel when it seems my desire is pretty much impossible", "i feel all rushed to get ready for tomorrow", "id gotten the feeling that her friend hated me deeply for whatever id done to her", "i was feeling and i said impatient", "i feel very dissatisfied with myself", "i feel disgusted to even be associated with this woman by my race and nationality" ]
[ "i havent been like that lately and i am seriously feeling depressed about it", "i feel so emotionally drained i really really hate feeling this way and i hate keeping things from people i love and i hate having to pretend everything is normal i want it to be normal and i hate that my happiness is coming from someone else and im so tired i really need a break", "i have been feeling so drained like there is no strength left inside of me to fulfill the simplest of tasks", "i get scared i feel ignored i feel happy i get silly i choke on my own words i make wishes i have dreams and i still want to believe anything can happen in this world for an ordinary girl like you like me for an ordinary girl like you like me how are you", "i am not giving up but i am feeling discouraged", "i always feel this way in these moods but it s still unpleasant", "im feeling so insecure financially right now that i dont want to spend the", "i feel scared and stupid", "i dont want to pretend i am someone and i am not because i dont feel comfortable", "im feeling a bit gloomy and blah today so this a href http lunajubilee", "i feel jaded at some point of time", "i feel burdened by the desire to do something but what can we do", "i am feeling rather overwhelmed with all that is on my to do list", "i was hoping by then i would feel ok", "i feel like im being punished and it makes me sad stressed worried", "i didnt respond because i feel that some days i cant just put on a fake smile and pretend like life is great and not let the negativity creep in", "i almost always feel awkward", "i often feel this is a very unfortunate flaw that i possess", "i wanted to create this feeling of longing and sadness", "i had this odd realization this week as i battled feeling completely gloomy", "i made the other day which more or less sums up how i feel about the delusion of my life for the past years or so i became somewhat frightened of myself and decided to get a little distance from that guy", "i have mishandled things alongside the rest and im feeling remorseful about it right now as opposed to my very initial reaction of not wanting to care because maybe somewhere deep down in me im hoping things might be like before", "i feel most passionate about", "i would feel i was devastated", "i hate that feeling it makes me feel so ashame and stupid", "i feel like i have to dumb myself down in order to communicate effectively", "i feel most vulnerable exhausted and plum used up i look up to the heavens and catch myself muttering pleading god be enough", "ive been feeling incredibly inadequate more so than usual and its gotten to a point where i almost feel paralyzed by it", "i start to feel a little overwhelmed knowing i have to make still", "i just want to stop feeling so shitty i feel terrible and horrid and eurgh", "i feel a funny mix of emotions", "i exist for does my existence even mean anything to anyone apart from my family i always wonder about my existence and the fuck now i feel so dumb ive never thought about the purpose of it", "i am bogged down by the feelings of being unloved it only ends up making me feel worthy of love that is being showered upon me how can i feel the love and joy if i feel deep within me unworthy", "i just cant help it from feeling so insecure", "i just feel very dull right now", "i feel more shitty and emotional and helpless", "im just feeling very delicate today", "i feel like my mind is blank and empty", "i feel i begin to compare myself to others what an ugly and painful thing to do", "im honest when i say a part of me feels tortured as though this is part of the system of function in your life the one that allows you to order and manipulate people in such a way so that they are lined up and positioned to serve their prupose when you should need them", "i cant help but feel helpless and overwhelmed by the mistakes ive made", "i dont know how to explain it very well its like i am happily bobbing along exploring an abstract universe all on my own but when i make contact with something i get excited and happy and i feel satisfied like ive formed a special bond with whatever ive encountered", "i feel so helpless i have no one to talk to", "i am feeling so remorseful now", "i feel so pathetic that i stoop down to that level but i really really just want to be happy with whatever i have", "i was feeling helpless as i could not explain it to him", "i dont want to deny what i feel my body aching for", "i feel like i come from a pretty innocent happy go lucky idealistic mindset that i feel like make me not such an ideal candidate to help those in the church fully understand who they are in christ and how they can live for him", "i must confess im feeling a little overwhelmed", "i quit my job in financial services feeling disheartened and disillusioned and i took a complete u turn in my career returning to university and studying something very different from what id been doing in my job", "i have not always believed that i deserved to feel this divine guidance", "i can tell you exactly what is wrong at this very moment this very second i grieve for my son i miss my son i feel as though i am being punished and living in a hell at times", "i want to without feeling too inhibited", "i hate feeling that a day got away from me and nothing not one thing productive got done", "i don t feel brave though", "i get scared i feel ignored i feel happy i get silly i choke on my own words i make wishes i have dreams and i still want to believe anything could happen in this world for an ordinary girl like you like me for an ordinary girl like you like me how are you", "i feel miserable after my break up self", "i want change but i feel like im discouraged because im living so comfortably", "im meant to feel longing", "i feel longing in myself or see it in others it rises up as a need that will never be quenched a desire never to be extinguished", "i spent most of that game feeling unsure about where i needed to be what i should be doing and just mostly feeling completely lost", "i guess its because i feel like if im too passionate about something it will get taken away from me", "im bored and feeling ignored", "i feel like i should have something more intelligent to say about this but that s all i ve got right now", "i must say that i feel a little depressed because everything i know could be completely meaningless", "id been feeling a bit funny all day verging on the kind of pre menstrual where you hate yourself so id been trying to take it really easy and just doing my own thing", "i feel like it was all in vain cant be right and feel this wrong this heart of mine is just", "i was thrilled to have that outcome but because i was feeling so crappy i couldn t even celebrate that until i started feeling better which mainly seems to have occurred with an increased dosage of my thyroid replacement hormone and supplemental estrogen", "i feel like i find this graceful yet sharp peace within myself but then it seems to dissappear so quickly when that peace within the heart that feels like its breaking", "i feel lethargic and do not really look forward to anything or take joy in anything and i kinda felt like that last night", "im feeling a little dirty", "i still second guess myself and still have a terrible time making definitive decisions but there are certain truths that i do know about myself and i feel assured by those truths", "i hate that i m sitting here at the hostel writing this and feeling so perfectly fine and than i get home and it s me and my problems and a wall", "i feel damaged from just witnessing it", "i was sitting here feeling defeated", "i feel hopeless helpless and paralysed", "i feel so dumb witted because i feel like i dont understand his answers towards me", "i am tired and feeling giggly but not witty", "i don t like pushy sales folk and ask for help when i need it but sometimes i struggle and feel too proud to reach out and that s when i need others to reach out their hand", "i am feeling depressed cursing my luck", "i feel listless and things have been rather strained around here lately", "i thought maybe i can get through this but now today and i am up crying already and feeling incredibly depressed", "i was also feeling unimportant", "i feel also just drained", "i feel lonely leave a comment", "i feel ashamed of my unproductive days", "i feel like a hot mess and i probably am", "i feel so weird that it feels like i wanna curse everything and bang my head onto the wall so that my world will be back to its focus", "i dont know why but i had started to feel the weird pressure of a largely silent audience and with it a falsely inflated sense of importance in expressing myself and my ever so articulate opinions to said audience", "im feeling surprisingly blank about the whole thing not good not bad not happy not sad", "i feel insecure all the time", "i must not be left to feel foolish lost unhappy and with distaste", "i feel quite helpless in all of this so prayer is the most effective tool i have because i have no answers and there is nothing else i can offer them right now", "i can feel dazed by all those choices so much so i find myself standing still in front of that blank page unable to make a move", "i feel all funny sometimes", "i wonder are you jealous or feeling of discontent or covetousnes", "im feeling very uptight right now", "i didn t feel talented at anything i was doing and eventually wasn t putting fully into it", "i didint feel any love and caring now", "finding out that i am not an as able student as i thought", "i feel like i should be thrilled and i am but at the same time i feel like crap", "i guess i could have done so many things before giving up i suppose i feel so content with loosing that like with the rest of things that should matter in this world i just dont care", "i really feel so lame today", "i feel badly about something that makes me really happy", "i feel im ugly i feel that i dont deserve to exist in this world", "i feel a sense of loss when an extremely talented and passionate engineer who wants to work on certain dsp design eventually takes up a job at a financial number crunching software company only because he did not get the right kind of job", "im feeling more than a little dazed", "i only feel curious impatient eager and confused", "i have come to a place in my life where i feel having a romantic partner is unnecessary", "i dont give a fuck because i feel like i cannot elicit any positive change or shifts within my current client load", "i was feeling pretty rotten", "i do feel a bit deprived of a typical experience", "i was back in my hometown feeling unhappy in need of an escape", "i feel even more empty", "i left that appointment feeling really bummed that the option of a vbac had been snatched from me but also sort of content with the fact that i had prayed for and possibly received a sign of gods will for this birth", "i am just kind of left feeling insecure and uneasy in my own skin", "i feel like a bit of a strange one", "im feeling mentally burdened with many things to get done", "i feel im being ignored", "i liked my keyboard being kicked in my teeth and feeling lousy about myself as a writer but because i want to know how i can improve and wonder what i did wrong to earn only one star" ]
i have to do this and make some vj feel jealous
[ "i realized today that i dont know what i want and thats the primary reason why i feel so dissatisfied so often", "i do feel stressed i have a bunch of tools in my pocket to fight back with", "i feel grumpy i am short with my wife or children", "i need a break or im feeling stressed out", "i is feeling particularly hostile shell say no red shirt today nickey", "i feel violent wanna kill someone anyone or kiss them", "i can feel violent biff whole length is hit by thunder same desire fire is ignited very quickly", "my flatmate was asking questions about my relationship with my boyfriend", "i was feeling a bit annoyed but it didnt really affect me very much", "i have a feeling there will be many sarcastic quotes in this and future posts about him yikes", "i hear someone say we should just let gardeners be let folks do whatever they want i feel pretty aggravated", "i type this i can see my unacceptably huge muffin top protruding out of my top and i feel disgusted that i am letting all my hard work of previous rounds go to waste", "i feel insulted that he doesnt know me better than that", "i feel so pissed off that i can bite off a fucking tree log", "in ward a was an epileptic patient who was burnt the whole body and was stinking very much such that the whole ward was affected few people could come near him", "i feel completely rude with not keeping up with some of you over the course of the year but it has been a mightily busy one" ]
[ "i just want to share and i feel like its not socially acceptable to do so right now", "i can feel the awkwardness and that weird kind of tension", "i feel they think im always glad but theres something they dont no im the one whos feeling sad", "ive said that i feel like i should explain it so yall dont think im perverse", "i feel intimidated like i just want to turn around and head back into the safety of my yoga class or hop on the tried and trusty treadmill", "i tell myself i dont open my mouth and say what i really feel because i know im a loon and im smart enough to know im a loon and i never ever know if what im doing the choices i make are really what i want or need or even the right thing or if its the disease", "i would then plunge into the icy depths feeling invigorated and invincible", "i want people to have the same feeling of delighted shock i had when i saw it", "im lulled into a fantasy of walking hand in hand in some remote location preferably the beach at sunset its cliched i know and feeling love and loving in return", "im feeling very jaded and uncertain about love and all basically im sick of being the one more in love of falling for someone who doesnt feel as much towards me", "i do feel insecure sometimes but who doesnt", "i went on to the holiday party that evening courtesy of another journalism sibling whom i call my big bro feeling a little unsure on why i was really attending", "ive decided to intentionally make it easier on myself even though it makes me feel wimpy admitting that is the reason but this girl does have to work a day job", "i feel it is unfortunate that in the end my year old will hate her father unless he ceases to use his daughter as a pawn to impress these women while she s still young enough to not realize what is really going on", "i know how vital daily practice is in my souls development and i can feel the energetic thunk when i drink in the charged water from my kala glass", "i love loving people and when i get the opportunity to really show how i feel i m going to do it no matter how stupid it sounds", "i want you to snap out of it and simply feel simply live laugh enjoy this life no matter how idiotic it is", "i feel so amazing and i m so by a href http yourweightlossmethods", "i was a little worried about telling her the thing about voldemort but i know how id feel if i still liked someone and they started dating someone else", "ive been feeling a bit guilty lately that i havent indulged my project lovin girl with creative things during our afternoons together", "i could better understand and feel the desires of his most sweet heart", "i just cant shake the feeling that my impulse to add endgame bonuses or special actions would make a rather elegant game needlessly complex", "im feeling discontent or too comfortable because there is always something i should be working on in my spiritual life", "i feel much more comfortable finding those people who have articulated a vision that matches mine who have found the words to say what i am thinking and more importantly what i am feeling i am an a href http en", "i have ever seen in my life was laceys constant disapprovements of rikkis extreme happiness when she just wasnt feeling quite as carefree as he was", "im feeling a craving for a naughty sweet snack this is what i choose", "i feel like the helpless duckie target for the commies and feds while at other times i want to run and hide", "ive never been the mother of a teenage girl before but i sure as hell have been one and this little episode would have left me at feeling ugly and crappy and humiliated", "i am feeling a little overwhelmed but ive been given some amazing tools met some wonderfully creative fun and crazy people and was reminded that i have a voice that has been silent for too long", "i feel the need to layer on fake tan for a night out to give me a bit of colour my clothes do it for me", "i feel i am really a cute pirate girl than the somewhat cute landlubber man that i sort of am", "i can t let go of that sad feeling that i want to be accepted here in this first home of mine", "i flipped out at guys i feel terrible today i flipped out at guys i feel terrible a href http www", "im going to be talking a bit about how i feel about the important role of the fan in this wonderful game we call music", "i have this feeling whenever i write a song and if i think that the song has legs enough to be popular or for people to really respond to it i get this feeling", "i visit m ller in my country and go to the expensive make up stands the sales assistants are always standing right next to me and looking at me like im going to steal something so i feel really uncomfortable shopping there", "i feel more excitment than reluctant xdd hohoho looking foward tmr xd cya tmr", "i am wishful of gaining a feeling of responsibility from the planning of this event as well as commitment", "i was going to say that it makes me feel all unloved and shit but thats just me being overly dramatic", "i am starting to feel the strain of not having enough time i did however make up some lost time with a vengeance yesterday and today and got s of the giant granny panties quilted", "i guess i would feel more like joseph with walt trusting me to care for mother and over the finances which he did six months before he died there are times i want to defend my self but god makes me be quiet", "i had always dreamed of doing and it was a good feeling a fantastic feeling to be able to give them this", "i could have just paid and rushed off i dont think they could really have stopped me but i was also feeling my submissive sissy emotions bubbling to the surface", "im feeling a bit needy i keep thinking i would appreciate any attention but of course that is not true", "im a rather confident person i understand that a lot of times they just cant help it but feel lousy about themselves", "i feel lame for not posting the recipe but mi madre is protective of em and i respect that", "i currently feel like crap but have to at least show my face at work lest they get suspicious at my ringing in sick the day after my holidays", "i can feel superior on that point", "i did see a few people looking at the points and steps on the board behind me when they forget the next one which made me feel glad to have the aid in the back to prevent me from running back and forth to people who required help constantly", "i supposed to feel about a persom that i was wickdly in love with for so long for me who tells me that he will not see me when hes got a girlfriend because he can not be faithful to her if im around", "i have tried sometimes to spend time with them to make them feel less miserable in school and have usually had my offers thrown back in my face", "i just feel so smug that we got the exploited and she gets bruno marzzz", "i feel like i have a job to do on this planet so as soon as my purpose is determined i plan to try my hardest to fulfill it", "i feel most passionate about", "i still feel crappy ill take it as a sign that i need to get things finalized here for the kid", "i feel the pain but with my family and friends support make it sure that no negative thoughts overtake me", "i feel so frightened i wanna run to you i wanna call but i ve been hit by lightning just can t stand up for falling apart can t see through this veil across my heart over you you ll always be the one you were the first you ll be the last", "i mean really really hard works to obtain such a high technical skill in wushu feel kinda ashamed but somehow motivated when i saw kids doing wushu performances whole heartedly despite their tiredness", "i feel indecisive about baker although my room is the smallest double it still seems big but i hate how loud the guys across the hall are", "i feel them gnawing out holes all throughout my flawless soul", "i and kiyoshi for sharing your feelings and memories from such a delicate personal time in your lives", "i feel like im becoming the most dull witless stupid zombie by spending my life with him and his friends", "i feel that i really ought to assert myself in some way but she smiles a pleasant blonde woman of early middle age young to me and it seems fine to drift on", "i have decided that i will not let the feeling demotivate me and here i am with all my enthusiasm and this diwali special recipe", "im feeling all sentimental too and i cannot wait to be up in vermont for christmas with the whole ryan family", "i am pinned as the culprit of digging out their inferiority and made them feel useless again", "i feel like im so fucking loyal i would never do that to my boyfriend so why am i settling for someone who doesnt have the same values", "i feel some sort of disdain that im ashamed to even verbalize and yet i cant bring myself to deny or convince myself otherwise", "i begins to feel herself grow too fond of him and asks him to leave her alone for good", "i realise that desiring a substance to feed a feeling only compounds the desire to feed the feeling i realise ive abused substances since early childhood", "i feel like if i continue i ll start the babble and bore the heck out of anyone reading so i ll just try to finish it with a few thankful thoughts", "i am feeling like a delicate wee flower and have given myself permission to lay around drinking tea and eating cream buns and reveling in my passion for poetry", "i see are self centered statements about you and your feelings and your looking for a sympathetic ear from anyone that will listen", "ive been feeling the desire for a romantic interest even with my circumstances i feel as though im emotionally ready for a special someone in my life", "i feel particularly uncomfortable with how much a driver is looking down on the phone i shout eyes on the prize", "i get more angry at what you have done that i must tell you how i feel its not that you broke up with her but how you did it and the speed in which you made that decision", "i know i should feel dismayed or at least sheepish that one of my friends basically believes i have an eating disorder but actually my emotional response to his statement was one of genuine surprise and pleasure that someone had noticed and remembered something about me", "im feeling a little vain today in outfit", "i make myself show up and feel isolated in the crowd ill know i was wrong about the anti social feeling", "i feel pretty shitty and it s not my fault other people don t appreciate what i do but still i can t help feeling as if i deserve it", "i feel like im getting there i have to admit i was stunned when i realized my list my entire laundry list of here to for impossible pie in the sky dreams", "i feel it my solemn duty to warn you", "i have these random moments where i feel suddenly very creative and would love to sit down and hear the tick tick tick of the keyboard keys as my thoughts spilled out onto the screen", "i feel like a kid that s been naughty", "i know is what i feel and i feel absolutely terrified so overwhelmed with desire and like all i can do is cry and drink beer and prey that maybe i will find a way to make all of these lyrics work within my thought process", "i must say that there were all familiar faces since i go to that church since but there was this feeling that i was shy and i just wanted to stay there with my friend and be clingy with her all through out the meeting", "i feel like im supportive of my friends and their endeavors and i dont do that for the sole purpose of having it returned but i often find myself thinking why am i having to beg for support right now", "i could sit for hours with some old friends catching up and just feel like i am in a uber gorgeous", "im starting to feel more sociable again i actually feel like going out and seeing friends rather than crying off because im feeling like a twisted knotted ball of pain", "i will go to the supermarket and feel up tomatoes and hope life imitates art and some cute guy will ask me out", "im so afraid that im bipolar because that feels too much like being like that kids i hated in th grade the kids who nearly drove me to suicide for the first time in my life", "i did not really want to die but i wanted out of the pain that i was experiencing and that i was allowing others to experience by watching me and feeling helpless to do anything about it", "i feel your prick every night when you re dreaming about me and i she paused dramatically i am not impressed", "i am available what am i going to do with my day i need to feel useful maybe i can still contribute my time part time i dont want to let anyone down", "im actually going to try again this month because i had a lot of my mind in june and i think that led to me feeling a bit lethargic so fingers crossed ill do better this time", "im feeling uber romantic and lovey dovey this week", "i feel passionate about sharing it with you", "i did not feel inhibited by the fact that the woman s clodia s husband sorry i mean brother i always make that slip is my personal enemy everitt", "i went to was to see jreyez back in may just havent been feeling like going out but jenny convinced me to go this time amp after some persuasion i decided to go lol", "i think since im compelled to act all meek and asian in front of my own kind i feel a tad inhibited to the extent that i cant even be myself", "i have that spring fling feeling again and like a flower unfurling my artistic soul is ready for some sunshine", "im feeling playful and humorous", "i feel like im taking up some more needy persons place in the er", "i feel like that im hated by most of the girls is it becoz im a good dancer", "i feel virtuous for going to spin class then driving all the way to blackburn in the manual unsupervised and sucessfully handbrake starting", "i may finally sit down and feel sweet release only to notice i have misplaced my glasses or that the kids have found a unique place for them", "im so excited but feeling kind of shy about it smile", "i feel naughty saying how beautiful it was feeling that heat on my bones yesterday", "i have some great friends who help me deal with my issues because you cant always leave your baggage at the door see offspring feelings you guys know who you are and thanks again for being supportive", "ill feel uncomfortable although i always heard people or friends around calling their loved one honey babe my angel darling peaches pickle gt", "i noted that the instructions suggested youd need people so i was feeling pretty smug that id managed it alone", "i am able to write a full letter in insular minuscule and i will probably never have the skill of xviith century writing masters such as maria strick or jan van den velde but i feel that learning a craft is a worthwhile effort in and for itself", "i think like all australians i know the image so well it will be interesting to see how i feel when were there and yes lovely kay we are going to view it at sunrise", "i wish that i didnt feel the way i do i wear my heart on my sleeve you have to believe the things i say arent in vain believe me theyre true", "i know that its hard cos you might feel helpless or anything but sometimes its something that is beyond what you can do", "i can then sit seeing a random picture of colored christmas lights and feel my heart hurt from missing him so much", "i want or need to hear to make me feel valued", "i felt like talking too but i didn t know what to say to cause any real damage so that at least my cousin didn t feel alone not that he needed me anyway i tell you he could take on a battalion if necessary", "i feel so squeezed hate this feeling thats why i dont really like squeezing on buses or in the mrt unless im with people which wont be that bad as compared as being alone", "i have spoken about before but the feeling is getting stronger and i am curious if others have similar thoughts" ]
i don t know why i am feeling so sarcastic tonight but christian seems to enjoy my banter and every time seth apologizes for my behavior christian tells him it s quite alright and locks eyes with me
[ "i have come from the summer time and feeling like coach hated me", "i remember feeling outraged to my core when i read a particularly heinous series of articles in the friday times where else if not this paper", "i feel like i am a selfish person", "i don t feel like i have a cold i just feel sick", "i feel as hungers savage tooth and when no dinner is in sight the dinner bells a sound of ruth", "i was feeling pretty bitchy and horrible but dont worry", "i am feeling resentful because i am thinking to myself that she should trust me", "i try explaining my feelings and someone dismisses them blindly i feel frustrated and disinterested in discussing my opinions because they cannot put themselves in my place and know what i have experienced by living there", "i feel furious at myself for being so pathetic furious at her for various reasons", "i was feeling pretty cranky about it but when i called the garage door guy this morning he said that his scheduler wasnt in because her husband had a massive heart attack over the weekend hes okay so he couldnt give me a time the repairman will call before he comes", "i am going to clean the slate by unilaterally forgiving those i feel have wronged me or someone i love intentionally or through carelessness so that i thereby in time can forget the perceived insults and abuses", "i need some to hold me to hug me like they love me really love me to be there in quiet to just sit to be there just to stop me doing something stupid it cant be my parents cos i know id just run i cant run from other people i feel rude", "i wish santa claus was a real person cause i didnt feel as greedy when i was a kid and thought i was getting my loot for free", "i feel like i m so distracted by silly things like twitter that i can spend an entire evening with the kids and not actually hear a thing that they re saying", "i remember as a child feeling totally scandalized and outraged when i found out that girls didnt play in the nfl", "i don t know why perhaps because other girls in the office had nice short hair or perhaps i was just feeling rebellious" ]
[ "i feel all slutty for some reason oh wait i know ive had like guys talk to me about sex and stuff one guy dave was like", "im feeling a little more hopeful about the future of my career", "i will feel what i feel and tell you and together we will apologize and make up and keep loving each other to bits and bits", "im still feeling intimidated but i feel like i do actually have something to say", "i feel like i havent been as compassionate toward him as i should be", "im in a strange situation or feeling awkward i sometimes switch into comedian mode a bit of a defence mechanism from my self conscious school days and turned some of the sessions into katrinas minute stand up routine", "i still need to feel listened to even if iam idiotic and naive in relation", "i feel that way about popular culture", "i feel for him and im sympathetic because i have known people who have struggled with alcohol and drug addiction", "i used to feel when i was still a child being very curious and innocent with everything and everyone around me", "i feel like hes too carefree to be as serious as i want him", "i know what you mean about feeling agitated", "i am feeling a little sorry for myself and worse for him", "i feel really thrilled to learn", "i feel assured that everything will be alright regardless of what im currently going through", "i like to feel that is exactly what i do for my beloved graham", "i get out if bed and look in the mirror i feel brave", "i feel like im being punished for something that i didnt do", "im thankful for music that makes me laugh music that makes me feel strong music that makes me believe in myself", "i feel let alone give a shit", "i feel like these lenses look so cute", "i remembered that i gave my day to the holy spirit and filled with his grace how could i feel disturbed with this situation", "i feel honoured to be teamed with jim whom i first met about ten years ago", "i already can imagine and feel so excited if im in his shoe", "i basically wrote this for my future self i m feeling generous and think like i should just give the guy a break and list all the queries", "i feel much more relaxed going into this race", "i feel so blessed to have been able to help", "i feel that i helped to bring some happiness into the life of my troubled friend and to this day the zz top logo keychain hangs in my room and wherever he is i know that he s doing just fine cheers man", "i feel about perfect endings", "i was feeling calmer and more trusting on his restraints that he was helplessly trying to remove", "i feel you jerked a little surprised at the hand that touched you", "i used to down a large mushroom pizza and a pitcher of beer and feel positively virtuous afterward", "i upload music i others like feel liked song", "i think i agree but it does give me an extra measure of humility when i feel really stupid", "i have to cop out on feeling regretful", "im moving forward and feeling optimistic for the first time in months", "im not sure how i feel more than anything im keen to see it as a test to see if im over him yet and ready to view him as a friend", "i feel quite researched and intelligent about my confidence in consuming meat", "i began to feel accepted by gaia on her own terms", "i sense this is wat has let you feeling unsure", "i just feel like im being punished for it now even after i said sorry", "i feel a little intimidated", "i feel dirty talking to people for my personal gain", "i feel like life is an affectionate older sibling", "i should feel contented with what ive now", "i stack pillows on his side of the bed just so it feels less empty but its really nice to have a real person back in bed", "i only talk when i feel like i have something valuable to say", "i feel a need to suddenly try and change myself to be accepted by", "i feel cute and sexy all at once and its not so sheer i feel naked", "i dont know how to explain it very well its like i am happily bobbing along exploring an abstract universe all on my own but when i make contact with something i get excited and happy and i feel satisfied like ive formed a special bond with whatever ive encountered", "i feel pretty pleased about all day i was worried that perhaps i should have guessed riva but i thought that this was harvey weinstein s one big chance for a win and he s really good at helping people get oscars", "i now feel less doubtful towards that person about his her sincerity in rebuilding our relationship", "i refuse to feel guilty", "i want to feel happy", "i am living a joyful life and i feel this divine beings as part of my daily life", "i still feel vulnerable around him", "i created a new profile before and i feel ok cuz i already know who i added", "i feel more confident already a href http johnnykaje", "i relaxed and nodded feeling assured that someone i love is safe and pampered even if he s no longer with me", "i feel like im not gonna lie im really surprised that i feel like i should share this", "i feel his hand on me to stay faithful", "i have found if i can make time for quiet reflection or even just pause in the chaos i can feel god s peace and his gentle comfort", "i know have no problem meeting new people and feeling accepted", "i like the small town feel and friendly open polite conversations", "i do i really do think i have some justification for feeling smug", "im feeling overwhelmed i can just give people the middle finger or tell them to f off", "i would add when i m feeling optimistic but a perfectly average person", "i have also been getting back into my gym routine so im feeling positive about this now", "i always forgive and am still feeling hurt", "i feel out of place because im more relaxed and informal", "i was feeling pretty satisfied with everything and i was eating fairly well also", "i feel are most valuable i think he discounts as annoying or silly", "i know is that afterward i feel a hell of a lot more mellow amp relaxed merely by laughing and the stress of being down in the dumps just melts away", "i guess sometimes you arent aware of your true feelings until a playful kiss exposes them", "i feel much lighter clearer and more energetic", "i like my new bunnysuit when i wear it i feel cute", "i feel like hes trying to be the one to comfort me and help me get over yash which is sooo sweet of him but at the same time it makes me love yash more because he cant compare to yash i feel like i cant trust fateh", "i know and trust how i feel but i generally shy away from it with strangers", "im feeling a bit listless but after the weekend from hell it had good points also im glad for some time to wind down", "i feel this was an acceptable substitute", "i feel that everyone is entitiled to their opinion and that opinion should be respected", "i ask him if he is feeling adventurous and wants to see that one since he already booked his friday and saturday nights and i already know he has church stuff on sundays", "i feel very blessed to be given the chance to do what i love", "i left for work feeling still unpleasant and cheered up a mite bit once i got there", "i feel as if i could speak volumes and be ignored", "i encourage you next time youre feeling a little uncomfortable do your best to embrace it", "im still a little mixed on how i feel about him back especially because i liked the a href", "i realize i should be extremely grateful for your act of kindness lord i m feeling quite distressed at the moment", "i feel like living in austin was really sweet in other ways", "i feel jaded at some point of time", "im feeling ok to say il tough it out at the time it was pretty unpleasant", "i have lost kg and feeling fab", "i sure hope it helps im tired of feeling so lousy", "i feel like when you re passionate about something it s okay to be vocal about it as well", "i feel pretty confident giving endless opinons about", "i feel wonderful and i m very very grateful for all the support", "i choose to feel terrific a href http www", "i feel so carefree nowwwwww", "i want to share my feelings but don t want to feel humiliated", "i have been feeling restless lately", "i am feeling unsure about my words but it also means i am writing which is good", "i have been feeling pleased with myself for being really healthy this pregnancy", "i stick to my values i feel like i broke my promise", "i feel very blessed to know some of you personally and admire all the things that you all have accomplished", "i am feeling good and the runs feel normal", "i feel strange talking about less serious things right now like cooking", "i feel terrible that i am not consumed by guilt", "i try my best to love on them shed some light but i feel deeply compassionate with their problems and hurt even if its someone in the media", "i feel now its simply wonderful", "i feel like a little giggly schoolgirl but its all in fun", "i am feeling really adventurous", "i have spoken about before but the feeling is getting stronger and i am curious if others have similar thoughts", "ive been saying things for a number of days that i feel may be too optimistic", "i feel honored to wear usa on my back", "i got high in the pleasing feelings that appear deceptively benevolent like convenience or comfort", "im a rather confident person i understand that a lot of times they just cant help it but feel lousy about themselves", "i certainly do sound like some lowdown bitch who is just countering back what people have to say but whatever it is what exactly bothers me oh well bet that hit one of their aims is that i wonder why people feel so entertained exhilarated thrilled excited when they provoke the feelings of others", "i feel so relieved like finally i knew what i was thinking how i was feeling", "i feel like going out with friends and having some wonderfully innocent youthful fun with", "i feel more energetic and motivated" ]
i can feel the beginnings of a cold so i figured i deserve a heinously hot bath
[ "i feel there are dangerous games or activities", "i feel rude for ignoring your plea for help and its all your fault", "i didn t wish to be the president i hardly know these people and i got the feeling that they hated me for being quiet and not smiling", "i feel frustrated or the world around me lies shattered i just go and walk in the rain so that no body could see my eyes full of tears this is the delivery system of justice as conceptualized by our courts which we are learning the hard way", "i think feeling insulted was a good thing maybe if we all felt insulted and made that clear when someone attacks with a racial religious slur even though it is not aimed at you personally those that made the comment might learn something", "im just feeling particularly obnoxious tonight", "i am reminded of pavement yurusei yatsura and coheed and cambria without feeling offended that they have ripped them off", "i feel like we just rushed around trying to see things its still quite beautiful", "i feel greedy with my self as of late", "one of my very good friends came to me for advice as her boyfriend had been hitting her and beating her quite harmfully", "im feeling suitably annoyed by the panel and its time to get you a recipe for these previously deemed unworthy treats", "i have a feeling some violent surprises are in the offing", "i feel pissed my friend didnt offer me a soda", "i were to create a piece similar to this again i would improve on it by spending more time on the background as i feel i rushed this and it could have been more detailed", "i just act how i feel im becoming what ive always hated", "i still feel like the debate was vicious on both sides" ]
[ "i dont need that sense of social approval that i craved right now i dont even feel that aching guilt that so often gave me headaches", "i was feeling excited and motivated", "i am feeling incredibly agitated today", "i figured out why i feel so crappy and so now i don t feel so crappy because a lot of feeling crappy comes from trying to figure out why certain negative emotions exist especially when my life is pretty damn good most of the time ya", "i have a feeling im going to get an unpleasant comment anyway", "i feel ridiculously glamourous in it i never want to take it off i may become a recluse just so that i can wear this dressing gown all day swan about", "i am tired and feeling giggly but not witty", "i had it in my head as it relates to the workplace because i had just been irritable to someone a tiny bit lower in status than myself in response to someone who is higher than me making me feel momentarily pressured", "i feel stupid and thoughtless", "i feel that there is a clever caption in the making here but im not quite feeling well enough to provide one myself", "i feel like a super hero of sorts", "i was feeling on the upswing and mentally i felt well stable", "i am right now made me feel special", "i just needed some sun but for the first time in a long time im feeling really excited about my life", "i definitely feel like hot stuff strutting down the road in it a href http", "i said look your moving to fast i am at the point in my life where i feel like a victimized child a child that needs to talk and get things out", "i ever feel ugly or ashamed of my body", "i feel like the emotional fog is finally starting to lift", "i have been feeling pretty fabulous for me that means my pain is about a out of for the past three days", "i can feel something inside me something delicate and peaceful unfurling inside my chest", "i remembered that i gave my day to the holy spirit and filled with his grace how could i feel disturbed with this situation", "i wasn t motivated i was tired and my guilt was making me feel worthless", "i was able to feel pretty", "i was already nervous about this match but by the time i got there i was simply feeling glad to be alive after a treacherous journey through foul weather", "ive been a bad bad lazy girl i can feel my muscle aching", "i feel better without it", "im feeling homesick this week", "i am starting to feel the strain of not having enough time i did however make up some lost time with a vengeance yesterday and today and got s of the giant granny panties quilted", "i possibly feel foolish for", "im lying in bed writing this feeling exceptionally smug about the fact ive got two more days off cos ive got lots of lovely plans", "im feeling a bit distressed about it", "i was also feeling the ole restless leg syndrome as i shifted back and forth between legs trying to do something with my excess energy that just hit me", "i feel better about myself almost tasting my success", "i feel like im being really needy", "i dragged my lazy ass albeit a cute one out of bed this morning i suddenly feel morally superior to everyone else", "i had my hand on my beads consciously breathing consciously working to feel calm about my list of things to accomplish that afternoon", "i found myself feeling shaky and dizzy while i exercised and a part of my weight loss could have been due to getting a throat infection", "ive been desperately trying to finish up my machine learning p set but im now far enough along that im no longer in complete panic mode i feel like my mood is on a spinner is she detachedly amused or freaking the fuck out", "i feel rotten but no amount of suggesting that losing a sense of smell is a terribly disorientating experience for a wine person seems to convince people that i might not actually live to feel good again", "i use this day and night and sometimes when i feel my face is really dirty ill use this img height id irc mi src http c", "i feel hated betrayed paranoid childish and hurt", "i should just relax for now but it feels so distinctly strange for me", "i feel like there is a fragment sweet scent hang on my tongue it instantly disappear as if saying i was paranoid", "i view much like a little sister has a habit of building me up on the darkest of days and she has done a remarkable job lately even just by asking my advice she makes me feel valued", "i feel as though i am living on an island as i put the delicious moisturiser on a sample which is lasting a very very long time used twice a day and the rest of the products are so gentle yet cleansing and moisturising", "i just don t feel i have it in me to get out of bed i can will the dull throbbing of hopelessness to give way and let forth a renewed sensed of hope reflect back on my accomplishments and dig up the inner strength i ve worked so very hard to reestablish", "i feel safer so i didnt have that horrible panicky feeling like i used to after nightmares in the old place but i couldnt get back to sleep", "i feel tender when i have not done anything", "im feeling a little stressed out with it all", "i feel like ive lost my mind", "i feel uncertain and uneasy", "i remember the same giddy feeling of contented good fortune lucky lucky me here safe in our cozy home watching my fabulous man head off for the day knowing he ll be coming home to me in a few hours", "i arrived home with a strange feeling of happiness and discontent", "i woke up feeling rather devastated", "ive just been told that i should feel more remorseful about the whole thing and that i should hang my head low for a long while because im pond scum", "i understand that you re feeling anxious", "i woke up and felt sad all over again but that was quickly replaced with a feeling that reassured me things will work themselves out on their own time", "i feel more of numb now", "i can legitimately offer to anyone in the program somehow i feel they would be less than impressed by adrasteius and eulalias adventures tho i submit that they are fan freaking tastic", "i feel the determined nudge of the holy spirit to end my slumber and self love", "i could have done more but i was feeling a pleasant tiredness and had a good sweat going so i stopped at that", "i feel it and im unhappy", "im wound a little too tightly for it i remember the paranoid feelings more vividly than the mellow ones", "i must be really feeling shitty if im sinking down to that level", "i was feeling brave so continued and it wasnt me that couldnt stand up", "i feel so weird about it", "id ever known so i figured it was normal for me to feel ugly dumb and weird", "i feel a little less burdened", "i just was expressing myself and her unexpected and kind gesture made me feel bad for a short moment as that was not my intent but for a larger moment which remains with me it reminded me of my blessings like having good friends that have your back", "i am feeling much better and thought i should get going on the blogging front", "i start feeling myself getting overwhelmed or frustrated i have tried to open up more about it instead of pushing it down deep slapping on a fake smile and waiting until i boil over", "ive been honestly self indulgent and rather reckless with my consumption of caffeine cigarettes and junk food which combined with the dangerous ingredient of freezing weather has caused me to feel lethargic fat and unfit", "i caressed it affectionately and she curled up ever so close to me giving me that wonderfully warm feeling of divine mother s loving sparsh which i cannot forget", "i feel terrible about that", "i also feel the need to say thank you to the boy who helped me realize the above for showing me an absolutely splendid and hot night", "i am feeling a little bouncy right now", "i found out on a day when i was feeling stressed and unsure of my abilities", "i am feeling really adventurous", "i have personally experienced this gut wrenching feeling and kicked myself later for making those dumb mistakes that result when anxiety gets in the way", "i feel so pained by a situation or circumstance or i become so frustrated by something that is so out of my control and completely unacceptable that instead of looking like a crazy person running around cursing and screaming i throw a tantrum in my mind", "i have to admit these hilarious e cards are seriously exactly how i feel i am so stressed out i feel at any moment i could start hy", "i manage to complete the lap not too far behind the front runners and am feeling pretty jubilant until i realise that this is just the warm up", "im feeling pretty proud most of the elements in the room somehow worked their way onto my body", "i could feel blake more sharply and i felt a little more delicate i guess you could say", "i keep feeling like i should pinch myself to make sure its real because the sheer quantity of awesomeness im about to receive is amazing", "i feel like i have had a sweet tooth this week", "i feel kind of shamed about myself", "i am going to print this and refer to it as often as i can so that when i feel things which arent so pleasant i can remember that now is the only moment i have to live in so make the most of it", "i don t know but i enjoy watching movies where pain transcends on me like i can feel my heart aching or i can cry a pail of tears", "i do have to say that at first listen yunhos raps gave me that wtf feeling but after listening a couple times im determined to learn them", "i was feeling discouraged and disgruntled and i was a href http tracifishbowl", "i also get this as another take home message you need to push your own limits do things that make you feel uncomfortable that scare you", "i wish to feel your tender bites", "i was afraid i was going to freaking explode my muscles locked into place and all i could feel was the absolutely ecstatic sensations ivy s hands were creating", "i could feel myself putting on that i m simply splendid", "i suck in a deep breath and my lungs are left feeling needy", "i feel relaxed and comfortable", "i really feel rotten and my ear hurts so bad but i still managed to work out days and really push the intensity", "i just found out that my gut feeling unpleasant though it was was correct", "i feel like a fake a fraud a hypocrite", "i am already feeling broke", "i begin to feel embarrassed about the way i acted and sometimes i just feel downright unloveable", "i started feeling overly lethargic my whole body feels like lead", "i was sitting here feeling defeated", "i feel like life is very delicate", "i walk out of the studio feeling exhausted soaking wet with sweat and with a startling clarity of focus and quiet inside", "i have a feeling of being scared but also knowing that i am in for some really big changes in my mind body and spirit", "i realised that this was no longer the truth it was merely the truth i remembered i began to feel disheartened", "i have been feeling overwhelmed and time poor", "im feeling clever right now so if anyone attempts to burst my bubble ill just have to burst yours right back by telling your children that you know who is not real", "i had been feeling suspicious all day", "im fighting some sniffles that developed last night wasnt feeling the most energetic this morning", "i cry about feeling shitty i cry because dad made fun of me for being sick haha i kid you not that has happened many times all in good fun i cry because thats what i do in all adverse situations", "im feeling pretty on top of things", "i had to sacrifice my comfort so he wont feel unwelcome", "i feel like im at the spa getting a wonderful facial when i use them", "i was upset and feeling weepy my mom wanted me to drink a mainstream caffeinated tea that she thought would help me feel calmer and more relaxed", "i feel humiliated and i don t want to face the world", "i wake up i realize that my panty is wet and i feel very horny", "i were any sort of poet i am convinced i would be sucked in to the romantic literary style and simply write for days about the turning of the leaves the feeling of the cool wind with the warm sun" ]
i am feeling that cranky voice inside my head that just wants to eat whatever it wants
[ "i have nothing but respect for not only jerry sloan but the utah jazz as a whole i feel wronged that we were forced to stomach this series", "i know that god has a huge plan for my life but i cant stop myself from feeling impatient and i know its bad but i sometimes well almost all the time question him about this", "i feel petty for thinking like i have i feel stupid that i let things get to me so easily", "i feel irritated a lot", "i feel really pissed off justanswer", "i have been feeling very insincere", "i think just noticing this in me that i m more prone to feel jealous right now is helping me show up with a bit more intentionality than at other times in my life", "i dont have a god to turn to doesnt mean i dont feel offended by that", "i feel if i say anything it just makes me look petty", "i don t want to cry either because i know she ll think i feel tortured having to eat the black part of the rice", "i always think of you as such a violent band violently feeling violent lyrics musically violent", "i glanced out the window at the people strolling on the sidewalks carefree suddenly feeling envious of them for reasons i couldn t explain", "im blocked i could at least be doing something constructive my room needs a major cleaning for instance but i feel agitated if im not at least doing research for this story it does require a lot of research", "i feel you see there is always the possibility that someone might laugh or feel disgusted and it is easier for her too to express her feelings about a story and not about her boyfriend", "i also cant sleep because all my life feels totally totally fucked and it makes no sense at all on one level i am sober and therefore all should be well but i have been living in so much self centered self willed thought and action and iam in such a world of pain right now", "i feel tortured and tragic enough as it is without having any importance or sparkle" ]
[ "i feel pretty jaded lately with the pace of my life so i dont mind doing something fun like killing zombies in real life xd but if it dont happen then more reason for me to get off my butt and do something fun", "i actually feel really horribly vain posting this but im kinda curious", "i start to feel a little overwhelmed knowing i have to make still", "i have not been feeling very sociable", "i got really fucked up last night i got really really really fucked up on loads of downers it was such a bad idea such a bad idea i feel like a neurotic mess right now i cant handle it i cant handle it i cant handle it", "im feeling a little stressed out with it all", "i can t help but feel jaded", "i feel eager to do", "i feel like a soda in a can shaken turbulently and flew violently out of its container the moment it felt air exchanging its freedom to you", "i must not feel complacent", "i have been feeling so strange and frankly bad about how not sad i am", "i felt humiliated and belittled me because it keyed into all of my trigger points it made me feel stupid and inarticulate and laughable and flattened about something i m passionate about knowledgeable about and see as my place in the world", "im feeling agitated again the usual evening mood that is becoming the norm", "i feel certifiably idiotic right now", "i left that appointment feeling really bummed that the option of a vbac had been snatched from me but also sort of content with the fact that i had prayed for and possibly received a sign of gods will for this birth", "i falter and blurt out something that offends you please understand that i am still learning and i will probably feel as foolish as i just sounded", "i felt confused me sometimes that makes me feel useless", "i feel like i m on a roller coaster of craziness but i keep in mind that my throne is precious to my lady and i and i will do anything to keep it the way it is even if that means killing the people around me", "im so stoned on endorphin that all i can feel is my leg muscles seizing into petrified meat", "i devote a significant amount of emotional energy to feeling anxious and thus become irritable or frustrated with very little provocation", "i write that i feel a bit anxious", "i feel im back to being that bouncy little chickie i was when i first found the scene but with a lot more depth and understanding of myself and the world around me", "im feeling a little dazed and confused today", "i tend to agree and so when i feel the burn i call forth for you my aching siren s song echoing through the years and dark leaves until you arrive wet with rain and anticipation", "i feel somewhat hopeless and pitiful", "i did not sleep better my food did not taste better my thoughts were not clearer i did not feel more vigorous i was in essence pounds of body and mind almost exclusively devoted to thinking about the cigarette i wanted but could not have", "im feeling a bit jaded", "i feel pain or aching in can stop", "i don t know about you but i m feeling pretty punished myself right about now", "i see that i have pageviews and im just guessing that of them are actually me so i feel reaaallyyyy popular and that was total sarcasm", "i want something that gives me a major orgasm that will make me feel so horny ill screw anything that moves", "i have admitted defeat and asked the other half to come back from the lake coz i just feel so uptight already", "i let myself think about my behaviour towards you when we were children i feel a strange mix of guilt and admiration for your resilience", "i dont know why but i feel emotionally assaulted by this fact", "i feel like i am that damaged can of corn with the big dent on the side and the label half torn off at the grocery store that is off that everyone pushes to the side and no one buys", "i guess the bottom line is i feel like damaged goods and i m not sure how to fix that or if it is even fixable", "i mean already as a parent from the moment the iolani left my body i can tell you i feel like im constantly fearful for something horrible happening to her thats out of my control", "i am feeling overwhelmed by god s grace", "i feel disappointed and want to tear up some paper and throw it across the room and write a giant letter of why things are unfair i just think of perspective", "i might push myself little too hard sometimes to feel better but there is no one else out there to do that for me", "i spontaneously come up with a new tune or when i am taking a solo and feel myself in that creative flow just going for it not knowing what i am going to play next and surprising myself he answers indisputably", "i often feel real gloomy theres always another large government program on the horizon our freedoms are consistently contracted our wallets are pilfered for the benefit of fat cat corporate bankers and the public continues to vote in the politicians who steal from us every day", "i feel most vulnerable exhausted and plum used up i look up to the heavens and catch myself muttering pleading god be enough", "i gotta say i m feeling a little slutty here", "i feel surprised and disturbed actually", "i always feel horny nowadays", "ive been feeling delicate this week", "im going to force him to read dianne wayne jones which even i cant read and hell develop a complex with the realisation that hes just asking questions i cant answer because hes an insecure little berk who needs to feel superior to everyone around him", "ive this bad feeling that im being hated", "ive had a few moments the past couple of days were i feel so restless like i need to be moving around constantly", "ive been feeling a little burdened lately wasnt sure why that was", "im feeling relieved yet painful but something inside me is creepily numb i feel like a ghost in the hallways the way i used to just dont tell me its only another time to succumb", "i wake up feeling all beaten up and i dont feel that way right now im probably going to be tempted to do the lake again", "i dont even know how to describe how i feel its like im sad but i can understand his decision but i cant control myself to not be mad at him", "i feel a spectator to this assumption and amused and wistful that i can t ease all the pain", "im not feeling well a href http", "i prove myself wrong here i am feeling ugly because i made no attempt to get out of my sleeping clothes oh and my eyebrows", "i get scared i feel ignored i feel happy i get silly i choke on my own words i make wishes i have dreams and i still want to believe anything can happen in this world for an ordinary girl like you like me for an ordinary girl like you like me how are you", "im feeling that longing urge to create something again", "i remember feeling uncertain about what to say well erm we are trying and my period is due this week so erm", "i feel ugly i mean i m being calle", "im feeling a little stressed about it", "i hate these feelings of not being complacent", "i feel a discontent an almost constant pull to travel need for an adventure to find my purpose and loneliness", "i get the feeling that im butchering a feeling that was as delicate as it was wordless but so be it", "im feeling overwhelmed i can just give people the middle finger or tell them to f off", "i begin to write back to god expressing to him my thoughts and feelings my fears my desires during those times are when i feel my soul being content", "i feel pressured helpless because i dont have control over this", "i have a bad feeling about something that should be respected", "i have mishandled things alongside the rest and im feeling remorseful about it right now as opposed to my very initial reaction of not wanting to care because maybe somewhere deep down in me im hoping things might be like before", "i will close my eyes and recite the following mantra every day and whenever i m feeling unsure frustrated or shiftless with my progress towards my top body", "i feel more satisfied with what i eat i feel full longer and i dont feel like snacking later", "i began to feel woeful as i stared into the abyss of goal less task less list less ness but luckily huda came to the rescue with in", "i know those feelings stem from this part of me that is not accepted mainstream more importantly in the communities to which i seek belongingness", "i am struggling to enjoy the things i used to love i go out and surround myself with people despite that all i really want to do is isolate myself from everyone and hide under the duvet i feel lonely and apathetic to almost everything around me", "i am feeling pressured and backed into a corner", "i do feel pressured to do this though", "i have been in my mm comfort zone for too long and i feel the need to get a bit more creative with my composition", "i dunno how else to describe how great i feel i swear ive been giggly all day", "i feel slightly dazed and tired and angry but that is a normal emotion and mood for me to experience from day to day or week to week", "i feel so uptight and tense", "im feeling a bit overwhelmed tonight and not really for any good reason", "i just take what i feel like would taste delicious and start off", "im feeling really lonely and feeling like im missing a part of myself", "i am starting to feel like a worthless person", "i feel disturbed by the more and more unreasonable lie my life is taking towards", "i am not wishing november away or trying to forget about thanksgiving but i need to be mindful of what really matters when i feel overwhelmed", "im just feeling really shitty about life in general now that i want to just write continuously", "i realize that this conversation can make some people feel paranoid or upset generally", "i feel a strange sensation course through my limbs", "i got home from work i was feeling adventurous and was also feeling him very active in there and so i decided to start poking on my belly to see what would happen", "i really feel like i am very eager to destroy someones life and yet i always want to help everyone around me", "i was feeling pretty crampy", "i also feel valued as a whipping girl for him to take out frustration and anger on maybe to a bit less of a degree than i would like", "i feel lethargic and getting pressure between my eyes and i just rfttttttttttsjiowefmklldkavsvdsbtwrsbdvfocxfibjxrklrgrmvaeridubneosdvfrwfd okay stressing doesnt help at all it makes it worse so im trying to be calm", "i know i would feel weird about that and probably act strangely for a few days", "i feel beaten by it", "i feel distressed music on my mind rewrite fma op", "i havent been feeling too well lately", "i feel lousy on what happen", "i feel like in spite of having so many amazing things to be thankful for life is just one big demanding wave after wave and i m being tossed around like a rag doll", "i feel like being sociable and just aaaah", "i live in between my moments of sun sometimes i feel like a doll on a shelf or some perverse performing puppet", "i wonder what he thinks about now when he hears this song i feel a little disturbed listening to it but then again i was always a disturbed individual", "i see a woman sitting alone at a table in starbucks or at a restaurant if i m feeling playful and can t come up with an observation or something to say that s based on the moment i ll just sit down and say", "i anger people because when i feel agitated with something i get frantic and speak fast and snippy", "id just had a terrible nightmare and was feeling a little disturbed", "i begin to feel uncomfortable internally feeling nauseous light headed and experienced shortness of breath", "i feel like i cant be respected if i have self respect because it is so regular to now hate your self", "i knew i was just feeling unsure amp scared and so i let it overpower me and i gave in to those feelings and gave up", "i feel ungrateful for wanting more but the truth is", "im starting to feel unwelcome in there", "i like frappes and shit when im feeling naughty but i drink tea daily", "i did not feel frightened just frustrated that i wanted to go back to sleep but felt there were unfinished tasks i needed to attend to there wasn t other than to edit two articles on freud s dream of irma s injection which were near completion and have subsequently been posted on this blog", "i feel so deprived on calories a day", "i woke up yesterday morning wondering if i had hurt my mommys feelings and just had this horrible feeling in my stomach and horrible chest pains", "i really enjoy cabernet for how aggressive the flavors tend to be and while this isnt exactly a light wine it still has a general congenial feel to it that i find a very pleasant", "i came to a theory whereby even if you feel that you do not want to hear the truth in the end you would have to face it for my case i had to read it which was a remorseful feeling for me", "ive been feeling mellon collie aka melancholy the past few days and i", "i can t help but feel troubled by this" ]
im feeling suitably annoyed by the panel and its time to get you a recipe for these previously deemed unworthy treats
[ "i have my own mind and i feel like my mind is dangerous to my life", "i am yelling at my kids at the drop of a hat for no reason possess no energy to do anything just feeling irritable and sad about everything", "i was somewhat coerced into this blog review so i feel a bit rushed and flustered", "i was beginning to feel fear nevertheless a stubborn person i am i swept the superstition away but i reminded myself to pay extra caution", "i feel they are the last of the tortured fandoms remaining save saints football fans but thats the wrong sport", "i feel i had to make as a hateful bastard is too stupid to make any assumed connections that are not themselves hateful", "when i learnt that my best friend had failed the exams", "i want to wimp out on feeling outraged", "i know all art animals are lame and i feel particularly violent about the crabs", "i cannot remember in which mix i heard this first and not remembering it is making me feeling all irritable", "i remember as a child feeling totally scandalized and outraged when i found out that girls didnt play in the nfl", "i find it helps to let go of self will by saying let your will be done not mine or when i m feeling particularly impatient in god s time not my time", "i feel frustrated and upset and demotivated when i dont see a whole picture of the curriculum that im studying for example english class", "i already feel like i fucked up though because i dont usually eat at all in the morning", "i feel like throughout my life to this point in time i can say that ive fucked quite a few people", "i was sipping my diet coke watching my the swimming lessons and feeling aggravated that my mousekins were not being better listeners the thought crossed my mind" ]
[ "i feel underappreciated and under valued", "i feel for those highly intelligent mammals destined only to become somebody s four course sake accompaniment", "i feel like i just am so discontent with my work load and with myself", "i saw a gain on the scale this morning which didn t surprise me but it did make me feel pretty lousy a lot of it is water weight and disgestive issues which will pass but i need to put some work in to push on now months till christmas did i hear you say", "im feeling the fight as i struggle with feelings that im sure are not right", "i feel like this is a dirty confession", "ive been feeling sort of depressed", "i don t feel guilty like i m not going to be able to cook for him", "i feel like i m defective or something for not having baby fever", "im feeling a little giggly here", "i just feel totally useless today", "i just have to feel threatened to be reminded that i will be saved", "i get changed i am feeling insecure", "i feel is manifesting in strange ways", "i don t know why this makes me feel so distraught", "ill be whingeing about how much i ache but at least i can feel slightly virtuous about it too", "i feel as if i could speak volumes and be ignored", "i feel like i have to pay a fee for my broke heart", "i lose it and make myself heard i feel like an idiot because i suddenly realize my point was either unimportant or unnecessary", "i actually feel frightened of people here right now", "i asked feeling slightly wimpy", "i feel all kinds of dirty and not a good dirty src http nevercontrary", "i was really feeling shitty both physically and emotionally and it even took me some time to realize that a nailart session would have been the right positive treat to cheer myself up", "i was beginning to feel defeated", "i feel curious and bewildered", "i feel wholly inadequate to the task before me", "i can feel its suffering", "i feel like im some troubled sad anti social person", "i was feeling out of sorts restless", "i do feel discouraged by what my supervisor said", "i was starting to feel a little stressed", "i now feel that food is to be enjoyed and not abused", "im feeling disheartened and have not been looking for matthew guion pictures", "i also feel devoted to my profession because i get ever so annoyed when i see things that would adversely bring adverse publicity on our profession like some hearnsays from ill informed patients the media and some ignorant politicians making use of health care as a tool to boost their publicity", "i have feeling this is fake", "i feel beaten a href http ediebloom", "i feel like i hated them when we argue", "i feel like i just doomed myself", "i dont like christmas because i feel like it has lost its meaning", "i feel like doing something productive on this", "i am end up feeling devastated that i have borne such a social monster", "i feel like ive been neglectful", "i want to be recless but im feeling so uptight put your mamma in a headlock baby and do it right whooooos got the crack whooooooooos got the crack whooooo s got the crack whos got the craaaaaaack", "i know but i m also upset because i increasingly get the feeling that i m a pleasant accessory", "i feel a pang every time i read an amazing canadian literary magazine for instance that id love to submit to only to see im on the do not enter list", "i feel pressured helpless because i dont have control over this", "i have admitted defeat and asked the other half to come back from the lake coz i just feel so uptight already", "i went to training feeling very disheartened", "i feel the need to knock one of my beloved darlings off of my list to make room for hugh laurie aka dr", "ive been doing hour weeks and ill get paid for the extra time but i am starting to feel a bit abused they are putting a lot of pressure on me to look after both kids and do all of the cooking and cleaning", "i told you how i felt and you treated me bad you made me feel so stupid but you know what", "i realize that i sound a little overdramatic when i say that but if you sincerely feel that way you have clearly missed the point of all of these posts", "i feel like i was a naughty girl and should have said no way", "i said i feel ugly today", "i am feeling all melancholy", "i have not always believed that i deserved to feel this divine guidance", "i am not feeling calm yet must act that way", "i feel i would be ungrateful to god and undutiful to the church if i did not use my poor efforts on the side of truth and peace", "i have a feeling that its something ive missed because it shouldnt be that tedious", "i feel embarrassment and shame of being victimized", "i feel absolutely defeated socially", "i hate feeling stupid and incompetent", "im kinda relieve but at the same time i feel disheartened", "im feeling a little apprehensive about this party", "i didn t feel well", "im really not taking in information lately it could explain why ive been feeling sort of discontent lately", "i feel as though you are determined to annoy me you know i dont want you listening to the radio", "i feel hated betrayed paranoid childish and hurt", "i feel so disturbed and unsettled that i m not sure what to do at this point", "i feel like im being punished if i have to sit facing the wall", "im under a lot of stress and feeling overwhelmed", "i feel not too terribly fond of the majority at this precise time", "im feeling really lethargic and weird today", "i feel threatened by not talking about it", "i am feeling rejection low self esteem and purposeless", "i feel horrible rel bookmark permalink", "i need to eat bread for breakfast and constantly feel the need to snack or munch on something sweet or savory by pm", "i feel gloomy or get really bad cabin fever", "i feel beaten down and i feel void", "i feel suffocated and paranoid", "im tired of feeling lethargic and im hungry and im going to eat this bread and the sausage and the entire chocolate bar the minute i get home", "im feeling like i want to take one of the superior caps just because theyre supposed to be stronger and curiosity is killing me i think i will", "im going to be honest with you i feel distraught", "i feel like im a shitty friend", "im feeling festive and i dont think i posted a good picture of our tree", "i feel slightly unfortunate in the sense that the calendar year wasn t a great year for the systems if i m honest", "im kind of at a stage whereby im feeling disillusioned about being myself", "i dont agree with this neo religious terminology or practice as i feel if one is to be faithful to a certain custom how is it believed that say a year old modification in commandment will be just as or more bona fide and sacred than its original gesture", "i am in caretaker mode i feel disillusioned with the computer", "i feel extremely needy though i dont feel this way too often", "im just feeling really shitty about life in general now that i want to just write continuously", "i am feeling not so cute and my clothes are kind of snug so its time to clean up my act", "i feel as if i havent been very productive over the past six months", "im meant to feel longing", "i am no fan of the current president i am a conservative and it made me feel unwelcome", "i just feel overwhelmed thinking about it", "i feel strange with it because it started to be sale", "i feel i might have lost the potty training train", "i was starting to feel defeated", "i feel less valued cause i dont look good", "i feel horrible for making everyone else so worried", "i would like to experience but i just wished to depart from the others to lay down and relieve myself from this odd sense of nausea and avoid having to make anyone feel bad about having brought up the restaurant in the first place", "i feel like such a crappy mom right now", "im not feeling joyful or spiritually fit", "i feel useless return false", "im not sure i relish the feeling of squelching mud between my toes when its contents are uncertain", "i feel that i am not accepted and am forced to hide this part of who i am", "i told him well that just makes me feel really unimportant that you cant make the effort to get it straight", "im definitely feeling remorseful about", "i feel agitated right on through", "i was angry and feeling so disillusioned", "i feel im being ignored", "i rely on certain add ons that are not available to midori that i feel its inadequate", "i am really hurt and i feel unimportant and that sucks", "i do not feel like supporting this country however", "i feel so disturbed i have been having difficulties sleeping", "i feel these people are utterly useless in my view", "i often feel that they are not an extremely clever and talented people", "i feel horrible most of the time", "i sit here sipping my pear blueberry smoothie im feeling pretty smug" ]
i often feel offended by life
[ "i am feeling stressed and more than a bit anxious", "i become aware that i m feeling impatient and thinking things are not going fast enough i can choose to change my thinking and remind myself that god s timing is perfect", "i imagined its what zombies must feel like because each time i would wake up pissed", "i was already packed didn t want to wait around for her to talk to her friend was feeling irritable tired and eventually gave up on trying to go in the first place made me feel more down about my situation", "i feel this way i withdraw become irritable", "i didnt think that it would come that fast or would come at all but i suppose it is because i feel cranky today", "when a friend of mine keeps telling me morbid things that happened to his dog", "i dont really know why but ive also been feeling really rebellious", "i am feeling bitchy cross whatever", "i also feel that i am often a burden and in the way more than anything as a nursing student to the other nurses yet i must remember that while some may be grumpy at our presence everyone has to learn somewhere and boo friggety hoo if some medical personnel are irritated by the nursing students", "i feel that it is a little dangerous to let scientists be independently funded while working in these communal labs with no supervision or regulation", "i am sure the vast majority of decent working class people feel insulted about being derided as unable to be respectful towards referees and are the parents who watch their child s match shouting abuse and swearing etc", "i feel infuriated every time that the christmas season draws near", "i am not a people person but for some fuckin reason people feel that they can come bore me with their fuckin petty garbage", "i hope you enjoy and do not feel offended", "i like to think i can handle a lot but when i feel like my cup runneth over i get irritable" ]
[ "i feel like i have an uncomfortable limit", "i cant help but wince as i do that feeling an unpleasant tightness in my back and a dull ache in my head since ive opted for resting it against the wall behind me", "i feel strange being thankful when such awful things on the other sides of the oceans that surround that country happen on a daily basis", "i woke up feeling crappy tired and fighting this feeling all day maybe it is all the pollen the barometric pressure i dont know i know i was off kilter", "i love my tango family sometimes especially when i m feeling ugly and awkward and like an outsider i need something from tango that i can t get when i know everyone at the milonga", "i find it hard to breathe and sometimes feel a little shaken up by the days events", "im feeling restless and frustrated right now in that way specific to people who are recovering from illness or injury", "i feel very giggly and upbeat even though i feel like i should probably be morose and sombre", "i apologise i really shouldn t be thinking that but it just makes me feel that the person isn t taking into consideration the fact that we need to watch other videos to it s called supporting our subscribers does it make me a bad person thinking and feeling this", "im so overwhelmed with feeling blessed by you i have to pray the fears of this being the last time i say happy birthday to you", "i go onto the officer down memorial page and reflect on my feelings about that wonderful officer which seems to make me feel a little better", "i feel like im assaulted by constant flakiness", "i feel very complacent with my experiences here in this program even if i sometimes find the concepts we ve done to be big drags there s still no room for scrutiny", "i will share my home my life and what i feel is gorgeous fun and noteworthy all the while tracking my existence day to day", "i cant help how i feel im sorry", "i have spent the majority of my life trying to change how i look in order to feel accepted by others to feel loved by other to feel better than people around me because in my mind my physicality is the only thing that i have to offer", "i use the noticer to discover the source of my feelings it allows me to understand and realize that there is no solution for these past feelings i am grappling with only compassionate awareness", "i am not sure if anyone at all can understand how i feel toward them but i almost feel like one of those troubled teens they often have on maury", "i feel most passionate about that arouse my emotions seem to be the things i need to learn something about my emotion tells me there is a need to grow in some direction", "i feel rubbish today having a bad cold and cough really isn t ideal and the thought of attempting to leave the sofa fil", "i feel isolated as a stay at home mum shonas story notes d athe only negative for me is that i feel isolated as a stay at home mum", "i am feeling shamed like i should not be enjoying this and i certainly should not have sex kissing is so far enough", "i think about how great everyone elses life is i feel that much more crappy about mine", "i feel threatened or anxious i become numb and detatched from my emotions and environment", "i guess the bottom line is i feel like damaged goods and i m not sure how to fix that or if it is even fixable", "i feel like im being punished and it makes me sad stressed worried", "i feel that i know god is real and that he is loving if i feel that i have air tight reasons for such notions what kind of sense would it make to blame him for the misfortunes that befall us when in fact jesus warns that will have tribulation in the world", "i guess it all just depends on my mood whether im feeling sociable or not", "i normally associate with a tough workout moving from side to side in bed has become more of an effort my sleep is pretty interrupted and uncomfortable in general although much better with the aid of a benadryl and there are times when i feel like i could never be energetic again", "ive told my mom and my friends and they all react as if i told them im joining the circus and it makes me feel so isolated", "i sci makes you feel like the earth and life as we know it is doomed", "i start to see it s a problem when one afternoon i feel so depressed i can t wait the one hour until my friend comes back to talk to her", "im listing some reference verses to look up and read to remind you when thoughts and feeling of rejection haunt you that you are a beloved child of god", "i am left feeling happy about having the time to rest and take care of me but at the same time this huge sense of guilt builds up inside of me for not having respected our date for being an unreliable teacher a selfish friend", "i often feel that everything around me is so vain and purposeless", "i al feeling rather agitated and i am not totally sure where it is coming from", "i cant seem to command it a feeling im sure anyone can relate to", "i leaned my head back and took a deep breath it s awful this feeling is awful it s making me sick", "i always feel slightly embarrassed", "i used to feel homesick but now theres just loneliness sometimes and a sort of urgent need to get away from my parents", "i have not always believed that i deserved to feel this divine guidance", "i either feel like crap about myself all day and try to make up for it the rest of the day and am exhausted", "i really lose a lot of my nesting homemaking instinct and desire when i am pregnant and the longer im pregnant the worse it gets though i do get about a month reprieve where i feel creative again around the six month mark and youll notice that is when i did a post for halloween", "i feel that positive vibe just bashing its way slowly but surely through this door of negativity and yet i feel like its not nearly close enough", "i find daunting my feelings soon change to that of wishing to rise to the challenge call it determined or even stubborn", "i just know i feel like i m on potentially shaky ground", "i feel defeated that i have to take advil again but i suppose to get the inflammation down inside as well as outside its necessary", "i am left feeling heartbroken about losing that child and then guilty because my parenting and wife ing has been so far below par for the last months", "i feel so dumb when at first run through it all seems over my head amp a little too much for my struggling brain", "i feel very apprehensive to adopt labels and to even identify myself as queer it seems that im still quite unclear on that subject and it keeps me feeling separate from the queer community like joel", "i feel the pain of this in ways that only a tortured ti could possibly understand", "i understand that any of my extremely positive attributes and there are some are overshadowed by my weakness and subconsciously some people are wired up to feel superior to others and thereby treat them differently", "i was feeling especially disillusioned and unhappy allowing the last lines to make the most difference but most this is especially telling of how much my life has changed since i was fourteen how my experiences have altered my perceptions", "i saw a gain on the scale this morning which didn t surprise me but it did make me feel pretty lousy a lot of it is water weight and disgestive issues which will pass but i need to put some work in to push on now months till christmas did i hear you say", "i am depressed and feeling worthless getting on my gmc denali bike and conquering miles makes me feel less powerless", "i can t take medication because its triggering i have to be really at the point of i can t stand what i m feeling anymore just so i can get past that barrier but medicine has me afraid of vomiting", "ive been meeting up many people since this semester but tonight at cinderalla i couldnt help but feeling sorrowful and down", "i feel bad for a lot of these people because i know from watching documentaries that people who do these drugs are trying to fill a void something that hurt them in the past that they are trying to fill with this drug that makes them feel temporary happiness", "i know people usually feel devastated when someone they know dies the fact that they didnt invite me to the funeral has hurt a lot", "i think what i m going to do is care less about anything that doesn t matter and won t make me feel successful in life", "i do feel a bit rotten", "i feel miserable on the inside but on the outside i just like i", "i cant begin to think of how that would feel morose doesnt even begin to cover it", "im feeling a bit needy i keep thinking i would appreciate any attention but of course that is not true", "i feel myself slowly not caring about living up to other peoples standards when it comes to aesthetics and how i present myself", "i regularly feel embarrassed about", "i feel this perverse pleasure in knowing how were so much the opposite of everything youre supposed to do", "i feel quite uncertain that the art i create and my personal brand of creative living are what im here to contribute", "i said eventually it brings me down again not only because of the sugar that it contains which as i said ends up making me feel groggy and gives me a tummy ache but also because of the guilt i feel afterwards", "i always make things harder which im not going to lie i sometimes have a way of complicating the very simple however a new baby is a pretty big undertaking and from this comment and many many others i feel like he sees himself as being disturbed very little", "i cried like an effing baby for half the day and just sat in bed again so depressed stressing over the decisions i make and everything is oh so focused on me i feel when really i cant be blamed for this", "i keep asking if ive finally grown that th head that was coming in or not because i feel like people are looking at me like ew when i try to be friendly", "i sleep in a dreamy state waking up feeling dazed every now and then yet the cyber slut in me craves to creep up on here every evening", "i am in true victim style feeling shamed for being me for having ptsd for going to them in good faith and then the symptoms of my trauma showing itself", "ive struggled with feeling inadequate or subpar in various areas of my life and i know i always will", "i dont see how we can move beyond it but then rarely do i feel this uncertain about things", "im not trying to disagree with same sex intercourse or what to me it just feels weird gt", "i cry about feeling shitty i cry because dad made fun of me for being sick haha i kid you not that has happened many times all in good fun i cry because thats what i do in all adverse situations", "i lie in bed knowing that the holy spirit has got to do the work but i feel burdened that i m not working hard enough", "i feel disheartened about that", "i am still feeling extremely damaged from many different events some of them seeming to repeat themselves i havent given up nor do i ever plan on", "i have personally experienced this gut wrenching feeling and kicked myself later for making those dumb mistakes that result when anxiety gets in the way", "ive been thinking about what it is that drives me not only with fashion as pretentious as this is gonna make me sound i am studying fashion design so i do feel its kinda vital to understand what im trying to do there but in life as a whole", "i write this i giggle and shake my head in humbling shame but in a way i feel somewhat triumphant", "i attributed this depression to feeling inadequate against the unrealistic ideals of the lds church and while i still hold those ideals somewhat responsible i recognize this pattern of behavior", "i also always feel a little scared", "i have to say im feeling very tender about a great many things today being a mom is one", "i am here again feeling confused of what is happening around me looking for a plane to grasp a reality to settle that feels like it is my own", "i feel one with the divine intelligence of life and can see it s creative expressions everywhere", "i say this because she never truly gets a choice or the freedom to decide what to do with her life which makes it hard not to feel like she got the less dirty end of a really shitty stick", "i look back at i feel very guilty about the money i spent on myself which could have been spent on the family", "i might not feel so cool", "i have many days where i feel hopeless today the light at the end of my yellow brick road was shining just a little brighter", "i wish i could feel more assured of myself my decisions my thoughts my perception hellip but it seems that every now and then someone comes along and shoots one or more of those down", "i feel super bad that thanksgiving seems to disappear more and more each year but i would be lying if i said that i werent excited for official christmas time", "i know how it feels to suffer pain and sorrow and loneliness and to know that mom is suffering because of her illness", "im tired of feeling like im worthless and like there is no future for me", "i have mishandled things alongside the rest and im feeling remorseful about it right now as opposed to my very initial reaction of not wanting to care because maybe somewhere deep down in me im hoping things might be like before", "i guess i feel insecure and anxious", "i feel humiliated embarrassed or foolish i will remember that others have felt the same way because of the same kinds of things and i will be kind and helpful and accepting", "i feel so weird about it", "ive ever invented hail ember and flake are probably the three that are the most me so this story feels especially vulnerable", "i struggle with feeling so low amp so agitated", "i shy away from songs that talk about how i feel toward god or that maybe even talk about my faithful response toward god", "i thought about it a lot this weekend because i watched the fault in our stars which is about two kids who have cancer so that made me feel really weird and anxious", "i have been anticipating so i am somewhat surprised uncertain and to some degree annoyed about their presence in my daily experience especially in light of the fact that i have at other times been feeling more joyful and confident in my abilities as a loving human being than ever before", "i just have a general feeling of this unpleasant heaviness from my stomach up", "i sympathize with this person but i also feel a bit skeptical the theme is loss because everyone looses", "i was okay but thats an awful feeling to be falling with no way to stop it maybe thats why to this day im so afraid of falling", "i have wanted to perhaps convey my feelings of a matter instead of my thoughts and have rejected it because i have thought feelings in the matter irrelevant", "im afraid to call the guy from yesterday because i think hell be angry because i think my boss is angry because i dont communicate with him and i feel like im doing a shitty job and i project my fears onto him", "i wish i can wake up and find peace see little kids flying their kites catch hope and not only feel it but taste how delicious a four letter word can give me the shelter i need", "i feel frightened by it all", "i might tackle a memoir but i feel i need to live longer before i qualify to have anything useful to say", "i refuse to stay in this place we all have moments of feeling exhausted from very hard work and needing some validation in return", "i feel it pinging my brain and its not pleasant", "i feel there isnt much meat but yoshidas perspective grows ever tragic", "i hurt went on and found someone more worthwhile so why when i cast my mind back to those times does it still make me feel ashamed", "im still feeling shaky i realized that i felt intolerably hot all the time which i may mention is the polar opposite of what i normally feel like", "i dunno where that feeling came from and im not terribly keen to feel it again" ]
i am feeling resentful because i am thinking to myself that she should trust me
[ "i can get away these days with the gag line when i feel like being sarcastic that i feel sorry for anyone who wasn t fortunate enough to be born mexican", "i get frustrated when i know that some of the things i am thinking or feeling are very very petty so i try and limit myself to opinions that have some sort of validity", "i feel and im irritated by it", "i don t feel whack or messed up i know i m psychologically fucked up because i can feel the difference but i don t feel like i m as fucked up as i could be", "i feel violent and crazy and i feel myself slowly losing patience", "i am yelling at my kids at the drop of a hat for no reason possess no energy to do anything just feeling irritable and sad about everything", "i feel the vile rising in my throat flipping up the lid on the toilet to let it out", "i feel really fucked up why do such things always happen to me", "i must say that the initial splash was not too bad but after a few strokes you could feel the cold getting into your bones", "i realized today that i dont know what i want and thats the primary reason why i feel so dissatisfied so often", "i feel offended by this girl", "i dont even know all i know is that i feel like im getting fucked from behind", "i feel a bit dissatisfied", "i feel that this is neither impatient nor dickish and here are some reasons why", "i feel your pulse against my lips as i chase the dragon suck your lips and is your heart and tongue wish begging for my part and fingers translate your sorrow as you reach inside my soul angered in my breath of mercy the story will no unfold", "i try to speak up stand up for myself or simply try to insert myself into a conversation i feel selfish like an attention whore" ]
[ "i feel a hesitant touch at my back and i lean back into the familiarly small hands", "i am sure many more others would feel troubled by the things which affect me but they prefer to find comfort and solace in justifying them reasoning out how there is no point being troubled by them and thus effectively accepting them", "i see food weight gain and feeling punished rather than why i have this need to be in control at all times you know those pesky underlying issues", "i sometimes feel a bit unwelcome", "i feel that being faithful isnt enough in your eyes", "i ask her what shed like to do and she just says she doesnt mind so i am always making suggestions and just feel like im having to try every day to keep her entertained", "i feel virtuous for a few seconds when i reflect that i did spend something when i went to the swimming pool working towards personal fitness yes", "i know both of them feel threatened by the job i do even after long years but i get really tired of the ganging up i get from them", "i remember the very first day of feeling lousy years ago and how i believed my body was betraying me", "i have i feel pathetic for lying if i say no", "i think one of the most important things is not to allow anything at all to make you feel fearful because fear and any of the other negative emotions pull down your vibration", "i feel shame in a strange way", "i feel pressured in social situations yes but not as much anymore i love my body enough to not abandon it for the sake of someone else s beliefs", "im feeling apprehensive about it", "im not feeling like that to be truthful", "im too used to having too many expectations and too much pressure put upon me to achieve things that i feel inadequate when i take it slowly", "i feel i cant breathe at times but its the cute nervous where you know this person is the one you should be with because you dont feel it with anyone else", "i want to feel your sweet embrace but dont take that paper bag off your face i love your smile face and eyes damn im good at telling lies", "i feel confident to be me again in personal life and right when my work life was going well with my boss slowly understanding why i continually ask for and demand we address the tough issues that cause problems with our various departments", "i know myself and see how entrenchedly selfish i can be to feel accepted at the same time is a deeply moving experience and is at the heart of pureland buddhism", "i feel that i really need to let her know that i am still thinking of her and caring for her intense or not why not keep calling plus there is sms and im like any relationship communication is the key to keeping it alive best wishes", "i just feel you so so dont be afraid naega deo apaya hae and pray again dasi neol chajeul su itge sigani heureulsurok gaseumi apawa i need you go back in time dan hanbeon manirado forgive my sins wo doedollil suman itdamyeon i gotong ttawin naegen so so sloth", "i have tried to see what it would be like if i liked one of my girl friends but it has never really worked and i can only ever feel an emotional connection to them because they are my friends", "im feeling somewhat verbally lame as i listen for the eighth time to suzanne vegas nine objects of desire", "i occasionally find myself feeling desiring the room and time to distill and slowly mull over consider and explore the rich complexities that surround the foggy notion that there is an objective definitive knowledge of tantric buddhism", "i see a liberal women get challenged on something she says there are comments about not feeling safe and the so called intimidation they are feeling", "i breathe into the feelings in my body resisting my mind s clever attempts to analyse what i m feeling", "i could tell but the pain you feel in your own heart from those whom you have abused will torture you for the duration of your life", "i had been feeling conflicted and disheartened by my choice to get a new job even though i know this is what god has for me right now", "i relaxed and nodded feeling assured that someone i love is safe and pampered even if he s no longer with me", "i trust he has a plan and if i stay true to and listen to the promptings in my heart i feel assured that everything will be okay and will be worked out for his plan", "i know that this is somewhat strange but i can feel that my cat is very unhappy and it is making me kind of sad", "im hoping theyll like this new draft better this time so that i wont end up feeling as devastated as i did the last time i turned in a draft i was devastated because a href http neuroticworkaholic", "im feeling thankful for the man snoring in bed beside me the girl laying cross wise on my pillow the baby who woke me at a", "i feel i should as a gracious gesture apologizing for my latest post about the osp and the rand license terms", "i feel troubled lord and i honestly don t know why", "im starting to feel and think as if i dont want to continue to pray for him anymore because its making me feel hopeless", "i feel repressed enough as it is and these sorts of repressive measures and guidelines only succeed in making me want to have more sex and partaking of the revelry that comes with being a dirty slut", "i know those feelings stem from this part of me that is not accepted mainstream more importantly in the communities to which i seek belongingness", "i suppose to feel terrified", "i am tired of feeling more than someone else feels and being embarrassed that i said something that was not mutual", "i have heard that there are women out there whose pinterest experiences causes them to feel inadequate as mothers wives and friends", "i from behind she could practically feel his outraging distress which amused her slightly", "im like not even that relieved that its done because i know i could have done better so i feel kind of regretful about that", "i found myself feeling inhibited and shushing her quite a lot", "i feel quite nervous and scared too x scared cos ill be taking the plane back to singapore on my own cos i cant stay as long as my two other friends have planned t", "i wonder how this feeling of being sentimental can help me through the agony of writing a report which dues tomorrow", "i honestly feel at heart we should be faithful to each other if its yo girl", "i even picked out beautiful pearly looking snaps and is soft and comfy feels like caring for myself", "i try so hard to help them see the joy in life i always feel i can help these damaged and empty people and each time i fail i have to accept it as their failure not mine and i have a hard time doing that", "i do for a living and lately more often than not both me and my wife who s also an ubuntu user have been feeling a bit uncertain about linux being the platform where we want to keep working", "i subconsciously feel a little bashful at the display of nakedness in front of me while watching the maid wipe windows on the outside of the room actually its just her shadow behind the drawn curtains", "i devised myself rather than had suggested to me the flower distribution and im esp pleased as i bought the flowers when i didnt have my bank card it feels much harder to be generous when having to be especially careful with money and im now wondering if that was the lesson of losing it", "i understand because of what but even towards the end when she starts going outside again i feel like she ll never be truly happy again", "i feel guilty i wont be able to give this little one the same amount of time with just me", "ive been feeling an aching loss a void in my life in the place that she filled", "i kinda feel like i dont ever want to write again until i can make a character more beloved than harry potter because otherwise what is my story going to be to anyone", "i feel about them i still end up nervous and have those naughty butterflies flying around my stomach", "ill get mopey about what occured in the past but the frequency of that has been decreasing in a logarythmic scale and even then its only when im feeling self doubtful which is also occuring less", "i shared previously the tv program and another minor disagreement before bed left me feeling rejected and lonely", "i feel hesitant unsure doubtful of myself", "i am fucking it up with my pattern of wanting craving addiction to attention and specialness my way of feeling loved by another", "i feel like i ought to be working on casual activism but that construes something that is potentially stressful so there wont be any update tomorrow", "i feel so humiliated because as i was spending my days off planning a beautiful wedding he was calling texting taking some other girl out and fucking her", "i feel very apprehensive to adopt labels and to even identify myself as queer it seems that im still quite unclear on that subject and it keeps me feeling separate from the queer community like joel", "i feel i know myself well enough to know what i will or will not do can or can not do what can be tolerated or not", "i could almost feel her gentle touch in the moonbeam she sent to shine over me he added touching his face dreamily", "i feel that it only makes you a person that i love who happened to do something that i don t find acceptable", "im feeling very indecisive about turning eighteen but hey the age does come with its own ups and downs right", "i feel a little bit chukey and unfortunately for us you like to sing all the inapporpriate words to fergie s glamorous", "i do my best to remain cordial and express what is authentic the real love and gratitude i feel for a devoted father and the nostalgia i feel towards someone i had selected as a life partner as exemplified by an unforgettable blowout wedding at the a href http www", "i cant help feeling this way", "i feel isolated as a stay at home mum shonas story notes d athe only negative for me is that i feel isolated as a stay at home mum", "i could have just paid and rushed off i dont think they could really have stopped me but i was also feeling my submissive sissy emotions bubbling to the surface", "i will put my hand on his scar covered chest and feel that half of a heart beating oh its in there beating and feel the sweet rhythm and remind him that we are not alone", "i just feel like someone out there has to listen and be sympathetic and then", "i had to have something to give the katy and the danny and of course they stalk my blog and of course i couldnt leave erica feeling unloved", "i dont know what mediation means to everyone else but to me this process only has value if i freely express how i feel and as this will inevitably leave me feeling vulnerable and exposed the longer the delay the more i can feel anxiety building", "ive started to delve deep into myself and evaluate everything that has made me feel insecure or unworthy", "i did behave the same way when she was going through all this maybe i was the same or acted the same i don t think i did but i guess it is a matter of perception but when it happens to you you feel devastated", "im feel a little bit shy to talked to her for a second but manage myself because i saw from her eyes that theres something with this girl", "i actually answered you pathetic fucking e mails but no thats too fucking easy just call andintrupte what was a wonderful fucking day with you trad trash what the fuck slave he felt the feeling come over him he bagan to shiver and shaken with fear", "i felt a stronger wish to be free from self cherishing through my refuge practice and a return to the feeling of freedom and protection from suffering which i stayed with for the rest of the meditation", "i feel guilty for protecting myself when instead i should put more effort into supporting those around me", "i may feel that i am not precious to others", "i must admit that tonight i am feeling a bit homesick for my little", "i feel at the person who broke in and stole my gift which represents a very nice memory and turning it into something not so nice", "i am close to her i get this complete fuzzy loved feeling grew so fond of", "i know shes right because i feel more energetic awake patient and happy when im running daily but i still feel a little bad too because i believe breast milk is so much better for babies than formula", "i cant shake the feeling that i wouldnt have liked this book if i hadnt already felt a connection to these characters", "i attempted to call my mom to talk to her but she answered the phone with suck fake regard for my feelings she had her jolly voice on and i just told her nevermind and she said okay i have a couple guests walking through the door so i have to go and feed them some pie", "i feel when i read your words and realize one more time just how very good of a writer you are the feeling of shared sympathies", "i didn t ride on sunday and was still feeling a little apprehensive on monday so decided to a title lunge href http en", "i always thought that if i contracted something from one of those people and passed it on to him that i d feel awful but after i got the sti test i thought i was basically in the clear", "i feel like a paranoid stalker or something", "i get the feeling that im butchering a feeling that was as delicate as it was wordless but so be it", "i cant help but feel somehow he was punished in heather mills divorce settlement he is he does have a good sense of hum", "i feel and the longing i feel for is the connections i already have but have not been brave enough to complete my friendships", "im tired of my family being so concerned about stevens man feelings when he does stupid shit that pisses me off like wrecking my expensive sweater and my pendleton blanket", "i don t want to tell people how my first was with you and how you made me feel i don t want to think that you re the most gorgeous guy i ve ever seen and i love how other people disagree because i don t want them to see how truly wonderful you are to me", "i feel like an idiot for looking a bunch of keys that weren t there and i m getting frantic about nick not letting me in for forgetting my keys", "i just feel very cheated and quite frightened that i was invaded like this", "i feel so fucking lame saying that however immature it may be something that i just imagine have imagined all this time", "i wake up in morning and when i go to sleep at evening i feel that seed voice in my heart that is screaming out from my empty stitched heart", "i do feel pressure to provide my faithful reader with a mock draft ive decided to go forth promising to emphasise speculation rather than educated mock over draft", "i feel the need to knock one of my beloved darlings off of my list to make room for hugh laurie aka dr", "i don t feel brave though", "i feel i have to agree with her even though i can imagine some rather unpleasant possible cases", "i do not feel assured", "i go back to my point about what an easy sell getting folk to feel really virtuous for not doing what they dont want to do anyway", "i feeling suspicious i snooped computer", "i left that meeting feeling helpless and betrayed by the very laws that are supposed to protect me and other people in this state", "i can talk to her about almost anything i want to and she just listens and she doesnt make me feel like a whiney brat and she helps me sort my thoughts and make decisions while keeping me where she feels im safe", "i feel like they don t think it s sincere when it really is she told us exclusively", "i feel so drained at the end of a novel because i try my very hardest to get something from it that will change and impact my life", "i take lightly but if youre like me you re probably feeling a little skeptical of product that is being sold on the internet as the way to become successful online", "i had horrible anxiety dreams every night last week and it made me feel really paranoid and of course all of that reading about conspiracy theories and unsolved crimes online didnt hugely help matters", "i sometimes had the feeling she wasn t being entirely truthful with me about things she had no reason to lie about", "i have been so happy these past two months you give me so much that i feel ungrateful admitting i think i need more", "i came up with the following i m drawing a blank as to what this is called to help me when i am feeling fearful or attacked" ]
i feel less bitchy in the morning
[ "im feeling jealous just thinking of you all wrapped up all clean warm and soft", "i didn t feel rushed to finish millions of things and i was able to focus on each task separately", "i was for awhile and i started feeling irritated and annoyed each time one of my kids filled up their pants again", "im feeling irritable and sick", "ive planned and there are still days when i feel stressed to the point of tears and helpless but the good far outweighs the bad and i can honestly say that im happy in this moment", "i do however feel a bit envious of people who have different perfumes for different seasons", "i did not feel dangerous enough to get in", "i have my own mind and i feel like my mind is dangerous to my life", "im totally feeling bitchy and resentful about it", "i don t feel they re being rude or impudent", "i feel jealous becasue i wanted that kind of love the true connection between two souls and i wanted that", "when i was still a child", "i feel more disgusted with the woman who s undoubtedly banking off this incident the one who handed the pictures off to political pundits who she has to have known would use them in not nice ways", "i cant help but feel someones going to end up pissed at me", "ive spent years feeling resentful and trying to curb that feeling of resentment", "i get frustrated that unresolved issues from my past have had a severe negative effect on my behavior and feel he must be angry that i have not resolved them by now" ]
[ "i didnt really feel that embarrassed", "i feel less weird about soliciting guys for them because well i am a guy i guess and i dont feel bad about exploiting them maybe", "i feel when you dont talk to me my friend so loyal and free i dont want it to stay like this i want to have that bliss", "i would not be bragging about what amounts to a b but i feel very triumphant about it because i had such a struggle in algebra before and would have been thrilled to get a b then", "ive been resting and feeling generally unpleasant and queasy but in that frustrating background way where you dont feel right but cant place an exact cause", "i know i have some obnoxiously immature sounding verbal tics and my voice is kind of nasal and i don t always come across like the sharpest tool in the shed especially when i m feeling awkward but there s knowing and there s knowing you know", "i don t know what to feel as in i am not sure should i feel sad cause it is ending or should i feel glad that it is over and i can move on", "i haven t yet experienced the totality of this is that i am getting to use my gifts again without feeling like someone is threatened jealous or competing against me", "i feel low low low just feel like i dont fail because i cant i fail because its my fault whether actually im able to do it but i just sigh its major fail fail fail", "i feel so grounded delighted in a good mood and filled with a positive energy", "im feeling very optimistic about my stash reducing abilities this month too so you can expect a really big empties post next time", "im feeling glad that we got that first show out of the way and its in the rear view mirror", "i didn t need to mention our difference but i was feeling very vulnerable because of the differences and was having a bit of fear that in someway i am doing something wrong", "i feel like these were pretty productive days although i couldve cut back on the thinking as usual", "im feeling morose as i tend to do when im awake and writing here at almost am", "i check you when you re sleeping feel your nose and toes to be sure you aren t too hot or cold", "i feel indecisive about baker although my room is the smallest double it still seems big but i hate how loud the guys across the hall are", "i do i really do think i have some justification for feeling smug", "i don t know how i feel i guess it s one of those moments where you want to feel like you re accepted even though whatever you did or did not get mattered to you the most", "i will close my eyes and recite the following mantra every day and whenever i m feeling unsure frustrated or shiftless with my progress towards my top body", "i love the liz earle moisturizer it does really leave the skin feeling lovely but i think i will purchase the lighter version next time", "i usually feel regretful and guilty after the quarrel usually its me who turns the talk into a quarrel i yell loudly and throw the things beside me with mama", "i want to push myself to think more in terms of discipline and what is a pro goal and pro me choice and not immediately default to feeling deprived", "i am feeling fine november pat bertram a href http ptbertram", "i feel dirty if i haven t washed my nose then my teeth brush with electric brush brush way back with small brush brush between with xmas tree brush massage around teeth with that rubber pointy thing and then floss", "i have grown i m blessed i m proud to say that i am a healthy year old black male with no children and it feels good", "i feel joyful of my new beginning", "i finally allowed my feelings up and accepted them and myself the internal boundary began to dissolve i began to see how i was projecting my suppressed feelings out and creating a lot of pain in and around me", "i was feeling a bit like the internet is replacing valuable face to face interpersonal relations but now that i viewed this and had a few other positive internet cyber relations today ive been restored to the internet is awesome and i honestly dont think i could live without it mindset", "i achieved was deepening my realization that i need to plan ahead to feel satisfied and avoid making silly food choices", "im not yet feeling terrified of failing i honestly feel like im overconfident right now because i believe that ive done my best", "i have spent days on the problem i am now feeling eager to finish the job the plan is go into work try my solution and then get on the phone to tell the customer what to do div style clearboth padding bottom", "i have to get on my bike days straight so feeling tender a day after playing rugby is good prep for that", "i am feeling fairly contented", "i came to utah freaking out about not knowing what i was doing with my life feeling less worthwhile because of not going on a mission like every other girl and just being stressed by the daily stresses my life has lovingly given me", "ive been feeling a little homesick these days a usual thing around holidays but have been bringing some things from home into our celebrations here to ease the feeling of being far away", "i feel more like the manager everyday and i feel more respected by the day as well", "i was sitting in class on tuesday afternoon and all of a sudden that same feeling came over me a delicious feeling of being slightly out of control and out of my depth a thrill of adrenaline that left me weak and drained yet excited and inquisitive all at once", "i didn t burst into tears or some other devastating release of feelings or thoughts because i seemed to know that rich also had to go through his own space without me just dumping on him", "i ran upon it while looking for a cute saying to add to address change cards planning ahead and feeling positive", "i work well with almost every client ive ever been in contact with because i know what it means to feel depressed angry frustrated irritated hopeless and apathetic because i feel it daily", "i feel i was successful in doing that for the waxing moon it s quite a bit different than the hidden sun", "ive been coughing for the past few days now and my stomach muscles are definitely feeling rather tender the sore throat is a new development as is the runny nose", "i say this mostly because i wasnt feeling so well later that evening", "i feel the show was a success for me and i am glad that i did it and i have decided that i will do pg live in may too so better get planning", "i came up with the following i m drawing a blank as to what this is called to help me when i am feeling fearful or attacked", "i didn t mean to get angry with you bommie i just can t control my feelings hellip i just hated myself why i am like this the dara who can t get over with that b", "i go to school after having a horrible morning and i feel like i am meing hated on my every and i feel alone and i always have been and i am emotionaly very far away from everyone else", "ill even come out of it as one of those people who can have a small piece of dark chocolate here and there and feel completely satisfied when its gone", "im now winded at the end of a tough rally but during the rally i feel good enough to stay in the point", "i feel like watching a show or a movie after the kids are in bed i make sure to hop on my elliptical or spin bike for at least minutes of the show before i settle down and stretch out for the night", "i keep in the fridge and take out whenever i feel too hot spray on my face and it cools me down immediately let alone it smells like oranges", "i don t recall ever truly feeling sorry for myself or playing the victim and if i did it was short lived and i would move ahead", "i like the person i have become because i feel so much more carefree and liberated but at the same time i dont recognize myself", "i suppose i am a bit on occasion but now ive become this horrible annoying person and i feel so strange about it", "i feel pretty oh so pretty i feel pretty and", "i know that next time i get feeling all needy and want something no matter how petty i am going to say so", "i hauled it i feel dumb i got my lock and key i paid a man his fee now i wait and see frank black amp the catholics devils workshop released simultaneously with black letter days i initially felt this was the better of the two", "i look pretty today without feeling vain", "i feel so strong and i find a new way you never come back and i try to stay on the sunny side of life and i know that i will forget you i feel it deep in my heart no matter that you never loved me i do not regret the separation i welcome the new start", "i feel nothing he replies suddenly relaxed", "im very much the opposite of it my cool is based on drinking and socializing without rememberiing meeting and trying to know people just to feel accepted for the first time in my life", "i can often go a week or two without iming anyone at all if im not feeling especially outgoing and no one pokes at me", "i havent hopped on one yet but i definitely will and speaking of cardio exercise i was feeling all kinds of superior after a href http emilyhursh", "i love that i feel valuable i love making the choice i love that it s easy to make the choice to feel good", "i feel content i think", "i feel so happy today me so", "im finally feeling a little more productive", "i had an epiphany that i should feel proud of myself img src http expansiveperspective", "i was pregnant with emily and therefore always feeling exhausted it wasn t that hard to sleep when walter slept if i needed the extra rest", "i feel peaceful and not particularly stressed about anything", "i really feel this way there is not a single day that has gone by that ive felt insecure with jerome", "i feel like if i train smart and take it easy i will be back to my former self in no time", "i feel listless but today was aiiiiighhhht", "i feel much peaceful today", "i feel like i am the most creative and talented person ever okay well maybe not but i do feel pretty good about myself", "i have paused on purpose that i must step back and recognize why im walking around feeling discontent and then make the needed adjustments", "i just really feel content and really don t feel the ne", "i do not always find myself feeling thankful but over the years i ve gathered a few tricks that allow me to feel grateful in the face of moments when the last thing i want to do is say thanks", "i will adress those issues and attempt to reason with them so they may feel less threatened and more supported and loved", "i am not thinking about a certain person before i sleep i end up having strange dreams about him and when i wake up after those dreams i feel shaken and stunned", "i had finished my first leg the toughest longest and hottest one of my three but i was not feeling so hot", "i discovered this feeling of being a successful grown up when i decide make and indulge in a meal that hits the spot", "i wondered if inside there was more of that initial warmth i felt that poignant piercing penetrating feeling that despite being a figment of the computer suspiciously felt pleasant", "i will be able to feel a little bit more emotional freedom", "i didnt want aubrey to feel pressured or rushed into baptism but then i realized that she doesnt need to have a perfect knowledge in order to be baptized", "i was feeling fairly comfortable and i could think out a plan now", "i feel stress being relieved each time i run on the treadmill or swim in our multi coloured pool every other day", "i got up feeling horny this morning", "im excited for these new changes cause i really feel like it will help me feel like myself again in this funny blogging world", "i woke up this morning wanting to cry and the feeling hasnt been shaken yet", "i am tired of feeling sorry for myself so i decided to just be thankful and praise the lord as we rode", "i must tell you that i have been doing much more yoga lately and i feel all lovely and loose in my joints and muscles", "i feel so empty idk i came home early from school", "i am pleased and a little disturbed i guess that these feelings of melancholy lead me right back to the thing that brings them on", "i came home last night from a charity man auction more on that another time hoo boy feeling pretty smug", "i have a feeling she will sleep through the night more and be a little less agitated", "i feel like i should try to calm her down shes been very good to me since the games ended but i can see katniss getting more and more tense with every schedule adjustment", "i know that if my core perception doesnt shift then no matter how many times i am able to check off something ive gained a friend better health rewarding work i will simply move down my list and find something else to feel needy about", "i believe feeling duality spirituality suffering and growth in an upright position offers the manifestation of happiness simple joys and fulfillment", "i feel inside cause life is like a game sometimes but then you came around me the walls just disappeared nothing to surround me and keep me from my fears im unprotected see how ive opened up youve made me trust", "i feel could be unpleasant is layered with love healing forgiveness and the expectation that things will turn out well", "i said im beat and not feeling too creative but this was one hell of a day", "i woke up this morning to a text from mr c declaring he was walking to work as he typed miles and was therefore feeling virtuous", "i feel satisfied knowing the dirt and hair is no longer in the car and house", "i feel a sweet sense of optimism touched with anxiety about the coming days", "i feel respected so his notions of feeling good or thinking good about someone become my notions of ensuring respect", "i feel like ive never felt this lonely or depressed or unhappy with my life but i still smile and maintain and good mood in school", "i hated the day job and after a few months of feeling like i was being cosmically punished for doing a good deed i was getting ready to quit when i met the woman that would become my wife", "i wonder if im vain because i love dressing up and attempting to be fashionable but then i realized that there is nothing wrong with dressing so that you feel pretty cute smart whatever", "i think i brag and it feels strange because i still see myself as a little fattie pre teen unworthy of any male attention", "i don t know how i feel about today because part of me is convinced that i am making this so much more difficult than it actually is or as mehow casually remarks in the april infield insider getting out of the box you are in that was never there in the first place", "i feel ecstatic relived and most of all from the bottom of my heart truely grateful to", "i think it will make for an overall more pleasant experience read better wifi accessibility better fitness facilities and just a better overall quality of life but i cant shake the feeling that im still not really doing something that is supporting the warfighter", "i texted haircute rather than haircut but since i feel like i was cute afterwards haircute is justified", "i have a mini list of good things about me that i can refer to the next time i m feeling shitty", "i mean they were minor pains as there was minuscule growth but you get the feeling tampons and period cramps for the firs times in life was certainly not my dad s idea of a carefree holiday", "i certainly get worked up about feminist and other issues at times i also have periods of feeling fairly mellow", "i would have smiled except i was starting to feel like any more uptight comments and my jaw would fall right out of my head", "i had a hour training class yesterday which will help me feel a little less stressed with the techniques i learned" ]
im feeling rather bothered because my physical and mental clock is still in october
[ "i squeek at the intimate scenes not once did i feel grossed out or appalled in anyway and not because im a freak but because when you read about these two loving people you forget that theyre brother and sister", "i was feeling whether it be mad sad disappointed or peaceful", "i just feel like no one cares and no one can be bothered to make the effort and meet up", "i feel irritable or depressed during the course of the day i just stop and think am i too hungry angry lonely or tired", "i feel like i should be offended but yawwwn", "i bet almost each of us though once in their life ever had this kind of feeling called jealous", "i want to wimp out on feeling outraged", "i could not help feeling thatrupert meant to be rude to my father though his words were quite polite", "i have rarely left a meeting feeling more angry and upset", "i would watch him and feel frustrated he didn t realize that fifteen feet away was the ocean the freaking wave crashing covering the majority of the earth ocean", "i feel so frustrated but i cant tell them i am", "i was not wrong to feel angry but i was wrong for what i said", "i get the feeling that theyll all gel together anyway because im too impatient to wait on change", "i was tempted to feel a little bitter but then i saw this", "i feel less agitated but a bit more sad sometimes", "i feel stressed out i would watch movies alone or just walk on the streets alone" ]
[ "i went around for the rest of the day feeling distressed that i changed my appearance based on someones comments how i made myself even by coincidence more appealing to him and that just felt wrong wrong wrong", "i can feel the hesitation the temptation to pull back and dull the activities of the season out of habit", "i have spent the last few weeks feeling sort of uncertain if you will", "i feel ugly to stop being lazy so i dont embarrass my friends to wear white so i could have short hair without feeling fat not that i really want short hair but still to be able to kiss someone without feeling like i have to pull away", "im feeling rather rotten so im not very ambitious right now", "i feel like i am being punished for the choices i made in the past", "i feel blank and at a loss but hey that s old hat", "i don t really feel that that will happen in my lifetime but still working in publishing i know that it s coming so i should be supporting bookstores", "i still have the wtf feeling and regretful feeling until today though just a kiss but a stranger", "i told myself that i was feeling lethargic and tired that i had other things to do like wasting time on facebook that i needed to eat blah blah blah", "im feeling it now my soul cries it aches for your laugh that sweet melodious voice it pains my dear", "i feel crazily indecisive impulsive just in a", "i am feeling very restless irritable and discontent", "i only have a few things on my list i feel super guilty and can t relax", "im starting to feel that im suffering from fatigue", "im watching my sodium which mostly means im feeling stunned and overwhelmed at how much is in everything we eat", "i feel glad that the stress that went into making sterile sky from spending nine months in senegal writing non stopped to facing some initial rejections at home farafina and cassava republic rejected the manuscript and to burdening friends with the manuscript is not in vain after all", "i feel frightened by it all", "im feeling lousy i may dismiss a gorgeous day if im feeling bright and cheerful then the most dreary of days becomes tolerable", "i can totally sympathize with everyone here who doesn t speak native english as i feel like a brain damaged five year old whenever i try to speak japanese for any length of time", "i feel like i am now at an age where it is not as socially acceptable to hang with the guys haha and i have to force myself to make conversation with their wives girlfriends", "i hate feeling discontent but its what im feeling right now and im tired of hiding it", "i feel for the genuinely shy and cautious women at home who after reading shades think that theres something wrong with them that they dont orgasm when someone touches their boob", "i feel like in the last year especially i ve gone from a girl to a woman and despite how hesitant i have always been about getting older next year i will be twenty four i am surprised at how pleased i am to have done so", "i do find new friends i m going to try extra hard to make them stay and if i decide that i don t want to feel hurt again and just ride out the last year of school on my own i m going to have to try extra hard not to care what people think of me being a loner", "i feel disturbed by the more and more unreasonable lie my life is taking towards", "ive been taking or milligrams or times recommended amount and ive fallen asleep a lot faster but i also feel like so funny", "im putting my books in a stack and wondering when ill stop feeling so sad about the passing of ray bradbury", "im just feeling so lethargic", "i feel hesitant around it", "i remember feeling hair and being confused my kids dont have hair at birth but not having the presence of mind to really process what i was feeling", "i feel like im collapsing slowly like a bouncy castle with a small tear", "i do feel a little bashful about it", "i feel weird taking up time and making these sometimes terrible sounds that people have to hear", "im feeling a bit sentimental", "im not sure if anyone else is like this but especially when im feeling low i dont particularly want to wear vintage clothing", "i feel bad about being depressed because theres still a part of me that wants to believe that i can think my way out of this then i feel bad about wanting to starve so i do the opposite", "i was feeling quite impressed with myself for taking just eight months to finish just the lyrics for one fairly simple though sufficiently tortured emo song", "i feel lethargic instead which is almost worse", "ive been feeling a bit guilty lately that i havent indulged my project lovin girl with creative things during our afternoons together", "i admit is inexcusable giving you to feel slightly naughty bestial heck macho even", "i feel ive been physically uncomfortable for the last months of my life so nothing new there", "im feeling doodly playful artistic hungry puzzled trendy stellar and wonderful", "i have gradually morphed into someone who feels superior when other peoples kids complain about dinner or dont want to eat their zucchini or are allowed to eat pop tarts or sugary cereal or white bread for breakfast", "i just feel you so so don t be afraid i should hurt even more and pray again so i can find you again the more time passes the more it hurts i need you go back in time just one time forgive my sins if only i could turn things back this pain would be so so sloth", "i feel relieved get a job but i cant lie i feel my free time will be lost slowly then ill work in whole day", "i don t feel the issue is resolved", "i feel pleased but at the same time i really don t understand why do we feel this patriotism only twice every year", "i dont think many people will get how i feel going through menopause im sure a few will think great no periods", "im happier when im feeling curious and genuinely looking forward to the next page alone in my reading chair next to the heater curled up in a blanket than when im muddling through guild wars or wot", "i feel threatened by not talking about it", "i feel unwelcome and out of place buti cant decide if i am just too scared to do anything about this ok situation or if i am staying here in this dead end situation because i am afraid things will get worse", "i can be mettaful and be feeling crappy", "i must admit ive been feeling pretty low about it the last couple of weeks", "i feel sure the nervousness and fear will always lurk in my mind but i feel at ease in my heart hopeful about theo ad and eli being happy healthy and safe and living to be old people with fulfilled lives", "i am thinking about everyones future and not my own i feel so alone useless and am wondering what the hell am i doing wrong that i only feel like a roommate and nothing else", "i have been really feeling my age and beyond this week i thought a gentle reminder was in order", "i like to do it makes me feel very out of control and since i went through a stage of not caring about my diabetes and not checking my levels i don t really want to feel like that again", "i feel guilty that s why", "i feel low low low just feel like i dont fail because i cant i fail because its my fault whether actually im able to do it but i just sigh its major fail fail fail", "i feel that i ll be doomed to long pants and ugly shoes for the rest of my life and i m not even yet", "i get a day off from writing and feeling pressure to be funny and get to laugh at your stories and share some blog love monday is the wonderful a href http geremiafamily", "i do not like feeling unsure and uncertain", "i am feeling really sad", "i learned the hard way and after being here for about three hours you ll feel like you ve been here for months from all the friendly people you ll stop and talk to", "i strongly dislike feeling stupid which is a feeling that comes up for me at least once per day and often more frequently than that", "i look back on that moment of my writing life and feel a bit ashamed that there is a part of me that wants to wrap up the everything theory series and then pack up the story ideas and call it a day", "i feel a bit dumb", "i feel ungrateful and i know i feel ungrateful and i hate myself for feeling ungrateful hellip and yet i don t get that last bit", "i feel very discontent right now", "im left with today is feeling anxious and sad and lonely", "i wasnt feeling like going on easter holidays i dont even know why at least i hope these days can be very productive for me", "i feel like a blundering idiot around these people which might be exactly what i need but it doesn t make it any more pleasant", "i feel that there is a clever caption in the making here but im not quite feeling well enough to provide one myself", "i can t get past is that feeling when a friend walks out of your life and you re unsure why that feeling of not being valued or important enough", "im not feeling very glamorous at the moment to sat the least", "im tired of feeling troubled stressed up feeling down and falling sick", "i always feel pressured to socialize or i get eight missed calls and some texts from my host brother in the span of an hour", "im not feeling very hopeful about the coming summer", "i m being reserved kind i feel so loads and loads and loads of mood swings i am not caring eh", "i feel so squeezed hate this feeling thats why i dont really like squeezing on buses or in the mrt unless im with people which wont be that bad as compared as being alone", "i feel doubtful in my abilities", "i wonder how this feeling of being sentimental can help me through the agony of writing a report which dues tomorrow", "im contemplating and feeling skeptical", "i find that i cant do as much as i used to do without feeling exhausted", "i have been feeling restless and not quite grounded", "i compare myself whether it s to her lifestyle business acumen or physical beauty i set myself up for failure immediately feeling ugly and a tsunami of self doubt ensues", "i feel like the helpless duckie target for the commies and feds while at other times i want to run and hide", "im going through some feels today and ive got to admit theyre pretty unpleasant", "i feel to write something is making me reluctant", "i am feeling drained it is because i am not taking this aspect seriously enough", "i think it is super nervous for me i always feel not contented and even greedy so when there s a choice that problem would just worsen", "i feel which is ludicrous", "i feel a flare of anger because it still pains me to think of mal being abused like that but i can t help wonder now if he might be right", "i can feel an unpleasant pressure from it", "i start to feel emotional", "i feel all festive sitting down with my address book and list christmas songs in the background and writing a personal message in each one congratulations on your exam results", "i also have to attire my regular moisturizer and an oil based primer below it yet with all those points along my skin color feels and looks tender and great all time of day something thats normally not attainable to me", "i may attempt a hair coloring session later if i m feeling brave crazy saturday nights over here", "i feel like i m going to struggle and fail and suffer and be really dumb", "i am not actively seeking gods heart i feel lethargic directionless and slow when it comes to who i see god as and even more so how i think god sees me", "i dance the more i feel joy the more generous i become with myself the more i live in the present the more i let myself off the trauma hook the less important the past becomes", "i am not feeling good pretty much everyday", "i can t help but feel a bit miserable", "ill find that elusive second wind and feel more hopeful but today i am a href http www", "ive spent a good chunk of the day feeling quite agitated in a taut way as though it wouldnt take much for me to really snap and chew someones head off", "i woke up twas am according to the clock on my bedside table with my heart racing and i was feeling very very hot", "i feel like i should try to calm her down shes been very good to me since the games ended but i can see katniss getting more and more tense with every schedule adjustment", "i started to feel some dull cramps that lasted for about two hours i thought maybe the babies didnt like mexican which is cray cray because its my favorite", "i feel abused and maligned but mostly tired of the nervous feeling anticipating danger", "i had horrible anxiety dreams every night last week and it made me feel really paranoid and of course all of that reading about conspiracy theories and unsolved crimes online didnt hugely help matters", "im feeling a little uptight and pinched today", "i have also realized that while i may feel fabulous some days today is proof that im still right there in it with all my listeners", "i feel overwhelmed how about you", "i seem to be feeling a little less anxious this week but i sure wish that i could check on her every week at the doctor instead of the that are scheduled", "i knew i was shaking for many reasons a big one being since this cyst drama started i get so cold so fast and feel drained", "i have been aware of one traumatic memory that has been surfacing on and off leaving me feeling nauseas and gently terrified always", "i am right now i feel amused the sounds i hear are my aircleaner around me i see my bed and my cat i feel most connected to this person michael i think it s weird that im a mom", "i still feel its a little shaky at times and can move into the slightly odd jades hair in particular seems prone to this but generally it works well with spencers writing", "i feel isolated as a stay at home mum shonas story notes d athe only negative for me is that i feel isolated as a stay at home mum" ]
im feeling irritated by her friggin name
[ "i still do feel left out i do feel like the most hated kid in the asian crew", "i feel i cant talk move sometimes even breath with the fear of some kind of rude hateful comment", "i began to feel a cranky feeling of why the hell do i do what i do", "i often feel angry or wound up about all the injustices and while the concerns are important and taking action is worthwhile existing in a constant state of feeling over wound cant be healthy", "i feel selfish but she would insist", "i end up feeling very rushed and exhausted by the time we sit down to eat and i don t take the time to really think about what i am thankful for much less take time express that to god", "i wanted to press charges against the people up the street and i guess he didnt feel like being bothered", "i feel another violent daydream coming up and i bet it has something to do with me getting my hands on a saint just costume", "i have to say i feel slightly envious of julian", "i feel like im the bitter old lady who has had such a long life and just cant deal with it anymore", "i was thinking about how you all were watching general conference and i was feeling a bit jealous", "i apologise in advance i m feeling somewhat angered and stressed and the following is just going to have to come out", "i listen to it i feel all rebellious", "i am feeling a little stressed about my book club coming up and dont know how im going to fit people into that place", "i feel like a greedy little traitor i m looking looking among these covers hey little snotface take me", "i am trying not to feel bitter but how else can i feel when it seems my desire is pretty much impossible" ]
[ "i have begun to feel really burdened for the women in our slums particularly my mamas in kina", "i already did feel deprived when after claire was born i reacted to the epidural and experienced extreme shakes for a couple of hours and was unable to hold her during that special quiet alertness newborns experience", "is eyes its questionable whether shes feeling gracious today", "i feel like a wimpy blubbering fool right now", "i feel threatened because she attacked me in the arena", "i feel about as helpless and superfluous as i did when jenn had elaine naturally", "i watch her silently feeling dazed from my memory loss", "i still feel sleep deprived she is almost sleeping through the night giving us", "i lose it and make myself heard i feel like an idiot because i suddenly realize my point was either unimportant or unnecessary", "i feel like i m murdering innocent brain cells thinking so hard about all these rather meaningless issues but i really want to maximise the use of weekends during this effed up army phase", "i feel paranoid but atleast now i get some comfort with dd she is the only person that i can talk to and not feel lie total crap around she is the nicest kindest most caring person i have ever met and i dont think that i will ever find anyone as great as her in my life", "i know and i am eternally torned about it because i feel helpless and useless", "i will choose not to focus on him instead focusing on how i feel i will try not to focus on him and instead of being agitated by him i will choose to let the negative feeling go", "i feel this gentle desire to treat my body differently like a pregnant woman whose in the process of giving birth to her new self", "i do not feel unhappy miserable wretched glum gloomy forelorn or heartbroken", "i feel this ad does i m not impressed", "i feel special now its just fun to say lol amvassago of the i just cant stop laughing when ever i read something and then i see beefy amkris toshibalol amits an epic word so is beef cake amvassago of the nooo", "i always flashback to her talking about feeling burdened appearing on a radio show alone on lee jaeryong jungeuns good morning", "i often play the role of a loquacious hunters always feel superior to others than he who long off than he beautiful really a flower plug in cow dung and marry him though he be like a big grievance", "i feel lame i cant help but to shake the fear and i feel like im failing samuel by being afraid", "im gonna end up pressuring myself and feeling really disappointed when i get to doing the actual thing and its on tuesday and i really should study but i cant jhbdjhdfbjdfhbfd or maybe when i get off this comp ill go start typing stuff up", "i cant seem to command it a feeling im sure anyone can relate to", "i feel could be amazing but like wonder woman is rarely handled well", "i feel very mislead by someone that i really really thought i knew and liked very much so", "i just feel like you got to pay to play sweetheart because i dont know not one person in my life that has been faithful", "i feel particularly uncomfortable with how much a driver is looking down on the phone i shout eyes on the prize", "im in so much pain and i feel like a useless lump face", "ive ever invented hail ember and flake are probably the three that are the most me so this story feels especially vulnerable", "i have been perspiring like crazy even in school that makes me feel so dirty and muddy", "ive been waking up to a bladder that feels extremely unhappy and i found any type of exercise made it worse or definitely irritated it", "i get scared i feel ignored i feel happy i get silly i choke on my own words i make wishes i have dreams and i still want to believe anything can happen in this world for an ordinary girl like you like me for an ordinary girl like you like me how are you", "i feel like we are pressured into being young beautiful thin and depending on the trend having the girls rejuvenated or butt implants", "i feel some sort of disdain that im ashamed to even verbalize and yet i cant bring myself to deny or convince myself otherwise", "i act as head of family when he is far too young for this and making sasuke feel that he has to support her instead of her supporting him which by right should be her duty because she is the mother and he is the child and he is fatally ill and not she", "i am feeling mellow excited about it partly because i know annie will churn all kinds of emotions inside of me esp", "i feel is strange rel bookmark november a href http eagleandhammer", "i was already feeling kind of frantic and upset because im spending another year in that god forsaken school", "i feel it is because mccarthy isn t at that place yet in her career where she can really consistently humanize a character while balancing out the fact they are supposed to be funny", "i feel a bit rotten putting a post about teaching into the stones tag list for this blog its not really a grumble or groan subject for me to be honest", "i flipped out at guys i feel terrible today i flipped out at guys i feel terrible a href http www", "i feel kind of unwelcome in many catholic communities but i hope that isnt the case here", "i met up with some friends to watch the hockey game and headed off to a local pub called pig and duke ate some parmesan truffle wings not sure how i feel about those and some prawn lollipops delicious but terrible name", "i feel ugly i cover myself with a beautiful blanket in a make believe gown", "i have given said friend space distance talked to friend about problems given friend more space and now i am left with a sour friendship that will never be what it was and a feeling of being ignored", "im feeling quite distressed about the amount of horses whose jaws are jammed shut with what i consider to be excessive nosebands along with a considerable amount of metal in their mouths", "i feel i hate that cute patterns go out of print but similar variations of the same crappy skirt seem to last forever im looking at you simplicity", "im feeling wildly supportive as i swallow my tension that every single other five year old i know of not only knows his letters but knows them backward", "i feel like i am now at an age where it is not as socially acceptable to hang with the guys haha and i have to force myself to make conversation with their wives girlfriends", "i feel it breeds loneliness and discontent and then we were onto the economy and recession and how stressful money and unemployment can be for people then she wanted to know what caused the recession and then the topic came to divorce", "i just have this awful feeling that im going to do something really idiotic like decide to make my simple quick to make mini tote a more tricky project by deciding to use two pieces which need to be stitched together", "i already feel he is using us it feels weird because i havent even done anything there yet but i feel it coming like ministry coming at me", "i have been anticipating so i am somewhat surprised uncertain and to some degree annoyed about their presence in my daily experience especially in light of the fact that i have at other times been feeling more joyful and confident in my abilities as a loving human being than ever before", "i feel so unwelcome its sickening", "ill feel so troubled over the most trivial matters", "i feel all slutty for some reason oh wait i know ive had like guys talk to me about sex and stuff one guy dave was like", "i believe that if i by myself make a person feel uptight and want to be envous of me then they have another sin called jealousy", "im feeling a little melancholy tonight kinda like the paint on this door", "i just feel like im being punished for it now even after i said sorry", "im now wondering if that was supposed to be a metaphor for his feelings for neal im not convinced thats the case because he seemed pretty into her but who knows", "i really hope so i feel so isolated right now and on top of feeling overwhelmed confused lonely stressed and nervous it s really difficult at the moment", "i have to take jenny in to be spayed so of course im feeling nervous and guilty", "i was little i always had this exciting jittery feeling the day before i went on holiday but now im pretty meh about it", "i couldnt help but feel like that smug bastard on tv already called the first number on the ticket and it wasnt even close to what i picked", "i always feel this tangle in my stomach i never just feel content and wanted", "i began to feel a little anxious about may almost being over as obviously time is running out amp to be honest im just plumb out of excuses", "im feeling a bit needy i keep thinking i would appreciate any attention but of course that is not true", "i feel that karma punished me because i don t know the meaning of contentment img src http www", "i fully understand the frustration that many fans are feeling but as a target blank href http twitter", "i feel simultaneously superior and inferior to each other writer and i wish i could take back some off the things i said", "i feeling so miserable when actually my mum should be the one feeling miserable", "i could just feel the joy rage coming at me for that one but i m glad you re feeling back at it and i m also glad we went to yoga tonight because sometimes you just need to know that you re better than your crossfit coach at side plank img src http s", "i feel really disheartened and sad and i tried to call ashley and later tried to call rommel", "i feel honored or insulted", "i was learning to just deal with the nausea amp manage the unpleasantness of it at work trying to keep anyone from knowing but my sister told me there was no need to suffer amp feel miserable amp to call my dr for some zofran", "i feel victimized by someone or something", "i feel like nothing i do will be successful against him and that helpless feeling is super sucky and counterproductive", "im trying to wein off them with doctors guidance of course but if i miss a day i feel agitated about everything", "i feel that horrible helplessness to make things better for them and that feels like it will kill me inside", "im feeling like i want to take one of the superior caps just because theyre supposed to be stronger and curiosity is killing me i think i will", "i say no i feel guilty img src http var", "i often feel like i am punished for the strengths i do have which is almost worse than no one even noticing my value", "i think it is super nervous for me i always feel not contented and even greedy so when there s a choice that problem would just worsen", "i feel you re in for an unpleasant surprise", "i also feel strange that by the ripe old age of twenty three i want a goddamn life partner", "i cant helped but to feel burdened and anxious about this", "i feel like the one who is being blamed and the one who would get upset if problems arose in the future", "ive had too much training in grammar and language and reading something written like this kind of feels like im being assaulted", "i get scared i feel ignored i feel happy i get silly i choke on my own words i make wishes i have dreams and i still want to believe anything could happen in this world for an ordinary girl like you like me for an ordinary girl like you like me how are you", "i ended up asking my seminar professor is it completely normal to have these alternating periods of intense paranoia at my own inadequacies and at times feeling completely self assured and annoyingly pompous and accomplished", "i feel terrible about the lady driver though", "i dont come from a perfect past i come from a past that feels very messy and loud and chaotic and full of words words words that never really meant much or were lies", "i know they don t really mean anything by it but when you are feeling as crappy as i am you find yourself really wanting to give them a wakeup call", "i couldnt help but feel totally distraught and utterly helpless when lorena was kidnapped and tortured almost to death by a band of enemies i was desperate for her freedom", "i just have a general feeling of this unpleasant heaviness from my stomach up", "i just can t feel accepted", "im feeling fairly miserable about this", "i find myself more and more lately feeling like i m a shitty wife and mom", "i just feel rejected by him over and over which is just weird", "i feel a little bit weird", "i like doing leaving me feel inadaquate under valued and under appreciated", "i have to do what i have to do i feel like a little kid who is being punished by her mother for something she did wrong", "i am feeling somewhat melancholy over that", "i feel so unwelcome here now and im leaving tonight once benno finishes his motorcycle lesson", "i feel sympathetic towards her she was tired and weary and i can see how a split second doubt could make the effortless action of standing still seem like the better option", "i start i feel like i should reiterate a fact that im not sure ive made clear yet just because i post all these despondent incidents on mermaidhaire does not mean that i am sad like all the time", "ive lived too long feeling shitty being picked on and feeling like the odd one out", "i feel at leaving work is hot and complicated and tempered with the disquiet of a future that feels out of my hands", "i needed to look for something to assist us because it does not bring a good feeling for her supporting the family", "i feel so unimportant right now like i am not worth the time people waste on me i tried to be happy and not seem like something is wrong but i come back to the realization that something is wrong and i feel like i am worthless again", "i like to know just because i hate feeling like the drama doesn t know but in this case i feel like there s so much territory to mine that i m content to enjoy the ride", "i just want someone who ll make feel that i m terrified the one who ll make me crazily say i m in love i m terrified for the first time", "i feel heartbroken again i feel dead inside lost angry at myself", "i began my focus on scripture a good hours ago and i still feel like a rejected woman who has no control but the feeling of abandonment has begun to subside", "im feeling a bit out of my depth with my colouring skills amongst all this talent though so please be gentle with me", "im wrestling with the inclination to not go to school today but after reading jamies status on facebook now i feel shamed into going", "i feel like they think i hate them or something and its just weird", "i feel idiotic but now my friends and family are going to make fun of me for it and now that i thought i had a good reason to be proud this shit happens", "i know that i feel awful when i ask my husband to watch audrey just long enough for me to take a shower", "i wrote it feels slightly strange starting to write this about cambodia as i sit in lax airport waiting to bi", "i guess she has opened up and known him longer but i cant help feeling a little ignored" ]
i feel angry because i have led myself to leading people to believe i couldnt do this
[ "im feeling rather bothered because my physical and mental clock is still in october", "i have to find myself sitting in front of the consultant feeling furious and increasingly upset at her patronising refusal to allow me to make a choice over the kind of birth i wanted", "i feel really irritated when i talk about my problems and people start talking about theirs", "i also love seeing a star emerge and i feel like in a few years everyone is gonna know and i can be one of those people who says obnoxious things like bah", "i feel cheated and wronged let down and spurned the vine i tended and nursed how could it do this to me", "i feel bitter theofilou said of the lack of support to nods of agreement by kastrioti who waited for her turn to board", "i do not know what to say here i could not get a feeling for this soundtrack it rather distracted me and did not seem to really fit", "i actually just took a two hour break because i was feeling too pissed to keep writing", "i decided to lay down in my bed but then i started to feel really violent like i wanted to punch and kick things except i didnt wnat to hurt anything", "i took part in a football match the referee was extremely partial to the opposite team this stirred up my discontent and anger", "i finally fell asleep feeling angry useless and still full of anxiety", "i feel like i just cant be bothered", "im not dressed up and im already feeling sort of bah humbug today but i am really annoyed at a type today", "i listened to oral arguments for a case that left me feeling frustrated and confused", "i feel generally dissatisfied and lost", "i get home i laze around in my pajamas feeling grouchy" ]
[ "i don t fit in and never will despite the fact if you gave me the option i would still choose to be an outsider and combined with the lack of creativity and originality and dare i say it the utter conformity of the student body it just makes me feel depressed", "ive learned not to depend on nor expect my body to perform but rather keep a flexible hope expectation that i can fulfill my duties despite how i feel im thankful that most people around me have been understanding and flexible right along with me", "im gonna list my favorite work out stuff because once i say stuff on my blog i feel shitty backing out on it", "i finished our drinks and left and i came to feel more and more sympathetic and bad for this old man to the point where im still thinking about it hours later", "i feel as though i broke the plane if he is there then ill be aware and use my faith to wish him gone", "i was feeling so rotten about it", "i feel like i just dont have it in me to keep loving him and he deals me a card and it says mercy", "i feel tortured so much", "i feel even more hated", "i closed my eyes tightly and covered my ears and thank god i woke up before i apologize for the brutality of my nightmare it left me feeling shaken and nauseous to say the least", "i am sure many more others would feel troubled by the things which affect me but they prefer to find comfort and solace in justifying them reasoning out how there is no point being troubled by them and thus effectively accepting them", "i feel convinced that im going to shy away from whatever is really good for me", "i shouldnt feel threatened by that", "i just decided to put a closure on the irritant and avoid them altogether or make their presence feel equally unwelcome", "i feel dumb putting so much thought to such a stupid little thing but its getting to me", "i sit here just a few hours after seeing this fucking thing and swimming in post traumatic combat shock i am reminded that clich s flaws and feeling like a supporting character in your own movie are what often define our real lives and the world we live in", "i feel so humiliated because as i was spending my days off planning a beautiful wedding he was calling texting taking some other girl out and fucking her", "im feeling awfully overwhelmed by everything right now the demands from mother the needs of my family trying to shield my dear husband from as much as possible the list goes on and on", "i was trying really hard to be a people pleaser and itd left me feeling so defeated", "i had been feeling slightly distressed and my pride was resisting me just waiting for the next peregrinos to walk past and help me out", "i still go out sometimes but when i do i come home and cry i can feel how people look at me they know i am worthless too", "i feel horrible that i had to cancel on one of my best guy friends but the trip was stressing me out because my babysitting hours got cut and i couldn t afford it", "im feeling a bit scared to consider putting myself out there by posting my work on a website frequented by professional artists but i decided to suck it up be a big girl and ask for feedback", "i actually answered you pathetic fucking e mails but no thats too fucking easy just call andintrupte what was a wonderful fucking day with you trad trash what the fuck slave he felt the feeling come over him he bagan to shiver and shaken with fear", "i have no i am super to think but the small pistil says she has been feeling i am very kind very brave have manliness so much is a href http www", "i know i won t last long being ambulatory i feel it even though i try to be as positive as i possibly can", "im feeling less than thrilled about having to go back to my second choice donor now that mr", "i hate being in an environment where im constantly feeling rejected cast aside and forgotten e", "i have a serious question for some of you why do you feel it is ok to support a healthcare plan that tramples on anothers beliefs", "i dont know if its easier to have a mental illness or watch someone you love battle with it but today i think the hardest thing is feeling helpless to stop it", "i am not scared to let myself feel deeply many people are too frightened to let themselves div style clearboth padding bottom", "i feel skeptical about relationships between others when they seem so upfront about there emotions", "im feeling pretty guilty for not even being in the library whilst writing this so imma get my stuff together and dramatically exclaim", "i started feeling intimidated by the thought", "i like to look at this ring when im feeling doubtful or down and it reminds me that honestly i dont have any regrets and i know im where im suppose to be", "i could before the actual thing and then if i still couldn t figure out if i d feel embarrassed not knowing how to get in line or how to get a drink or where to park my car or whatever i just wouldn t go", "i think that now if i were to ride it without you or with another person present i would feel disheartened", "tutorial again a fearful feeling came to me when i sat on the chair and looked at my fellow students all around i was really scared that they would ask me some questions or challenge the ideas that i had presented", "i try not to let their ignorance get to me if i have the energy and it feels important sometimes ill engage them in a little light debate and try and to broaden their view of the world", "i feel it and im unhappy", "i found out in a nutshell at this time you are feeling uptight and you are urgently in need of rest and relaxation but perhaps even more than that you need to overcome that feeling that you have been hard done by and treated with a complete lack of consideration", "im just feeling very uncertain and", "i have been made to feel totally unwelcome by my managers at work i ve gone from being one of the most trained in my team to human being of the least", "i feel like im so fucking loyal i would never do that to my boyfriend so why am i settling for someone who doesnt have the same values", "i feel like the one who is being blamed and the one who would get upset if problems arose in the future", "i was in a dark moment of my life at that precise moment so each time i read her stuff the fleeting feeling of empathy for her and her triumphs was quickly succeeded by bitterness and guilty resentment towards her", "i was washing the trees hoping it would do some good and concurrently in the general trajectory of my life feeling more and more suspicious of much of the trappings of christianity and even sometimes maybe just kinda or a lot suspicious of its heart and in my head is this song", "i feel as if i was abused in some way", "im feeling rotten and pretending it just aint so", "i still feel uncertain with many new paths i must travel and as lost as i feel sometimes i am sure heavenly father is lifting me up and helping me to feel joy in the things that matter most", "i hope you will also feel a little foolish for doing so", "i see a liberal women get challenged on something she says there are comments about not feeling safe and the so called intimidation they are feeling", "i am feeling quite smug", "i have reported feeling marginalized intimidated and or subjected to threats of retaliation", "i will not respond i am not trying to trap any one or make you feel burdened upon or threatened for your opinion", "i felt like i couldnt let myself believe the feelings i was getting from these men that the phone call had been a fake", "i feel rejected so i must not measure up", "i cant help but wince as i do that feeling an unpleasant tightness in my back and a dull ache in my head since ive opted for resting it against the wall behind me", "i may feel discouraged and frustrated", "i was feeling pretty anxious and overwhelmed as a friend rightly noted probably because i was on a boat with my mom grandmother and great aunt and no where to flee except the damn cold baltic sea", "i feel awful still but really", "i feel my life being threatened by illness i lose my mind", "i feel as though at least in the range of age being doubtful or not believing in religion is not so uncommon while my mother who was born in sees being an atheist means you cannot be a moral person", "i act as head of family when he is far too young for this and making sasuke feel that he has to support her instead of her supporting him which by right should be her duty because she is the mother and he is the child and he is fatally ill and not she", "i was feeling a bit jaded that day but told myself why the hell not", "i cant shake the im hiding how i feel about myself beneath a fab jacket vibe and this style doesnt mesh well with most of the clothes i wear", "i tend to avoid the news because i often feel like it doesn t add value to my life and only makes me fearful anxious and slightly paranoid", "i feel like posting something clever problem is of course im not an extremely clever person", "i feel afraid i hold tighter to my faith and i live one more day and i make it through the rain", "i cant help but feel a little bit agitated", "i hate that feeling it makes me feel so ashame and stupid", "i feel like i m the one being punished", "i feel i know myself well enough to know what i will or will not do can or can not do what can be tolerated or not", "i actually found myself resenting the song for making me feel which is weird for me because i used to play guitar and sing in church like all the time and music was a huge part of my life in college and high school", "i will close my eyes and recite the following mantra every day and whenever i m feeling unsure frustrated or shiftless with my progress towards my top body", "i found it really sad here are people feeling unhappy because the expectations they have about marriage and relationships are based on ideas that dont seem to connect with their real lives", "i am struggling to enjoy the things i used to love i go out and surround myself with people despite that all i really want to do is isolate myself from everyone and hide under the duvet i feel lonely and apathetic to almost everything around me", "i feel like i am meant to partner up be supportive lend a hand or a heart and yet i resent this feeling", "i am feeling so low lately just feeling of hopelessness is very disturbing making me tired and sick entire of living this kind of life", "i am but all of a sudden i feel ignored and unloved and forgotten and i know its probably mostly in my head but what if it isnt", "i woke up feeling distressed instead of rested and it can be hard to change gears after that just ask mike two nights ago i dreamed that we were at my master s graduation which was in my dream held at a water park", "i feel hesitant to comment because i don t want to add to a pileon but it seems clear to me that those involved haven t learned from their past experiences nor are they interested in applying that learning to future projects", "ive had too much training in grammar and language and reading something written like this kind of feels like im being assaulted", "i feel hesitant because i don t want to put too much stock in the possibility that maybe today marks the end of a hard year and the start of one that might be better", "i feel like i am an island of pain and i need to be isolated from them all so i dont contaminate them with my sadness", "i knew it would feel empty and there would be the potential to feel like i wasnt doing well as i wasnt passing folks", "i feel as i did when i was troubled easily agitated and indecisive", "i feel doubtful even when i am struggling a bit with my faith even when times seem dark or i feel alone i know that god is with me", "i can insist and insist that i am a mother but i feel like a pretty rotten one", "i still don t feel so hot i said as aj frowned", "i feel like i need to officially address this because it is just so fucking dumb", "i lost my special mind but don t worry i m still sane i just wanted you to feel what i felt while reading this book i don t know how many times it was said that sam was special but i can guarantee you it was many more times than what i used in that paragraph did i tell you she was special", "i resisted doing because i didn t feel it would be acceptable and one of the group leaders encouraged me to do it anyway", "i will scream or cry when theres too many ppl but i feel insecure and wanted hide from them and i will sweat a lot", "i feel so fucking stupid for doing so", "i have that feeling that spark and i am not sure where it is going or if it will ever turn into that flame", "i feel so depressed i don t know what about just feels like i have a big rock inside me weighing me down", "i must bring some perspective into the equation consider how you would feel if you went a week without calling and then phoned up to find out youd missed your final opportunity to talk with a parent", "i cant totally defend her the woman wanted to be famous and nobody around her seems to be able to tell her how to handle fame britney leave los angeles when you can for starters but i am starting to feel a lot more sympathetic toward her", "im glad i feel this way because if i didnt then id know that i had finally hit that point of not caring about anyone or anything", "i feel like i ll never be as graceful an", "ive lost lbs between january of this year and now i have this wicked part of me that feels very keen to try on new clothing and to tell myself that i deserve new clothing", "i also hate the feeling of forcing my values onto others not celebrating not buying others gifts for the sake of not supporting consumerism", "i leave feeling defeated hopeless and too weak to keep pressing into god and recovery", "i squirmed against it but the pain was starting to get to him so he stopped feeling resigned", "i consulted my aunt a doctor partially because i wanted counsel without copay but mostly because i had a feeling my doctors would be skeptical", "i kind of asked somebody if they confirmed my feeling and they ignored me so i guess i went on", "i am responsible and would feel terribly dismayed at my lack of caring towards my job but lately i really have been irresponsible in regards to my shit job and i dont even feel like im letting anyone down", "ive decided that the exes you had a real strong feeling whether love or just extremley caring you cant be just friends with them because it will eventually blow up in your face", "im feeling particularly brave my armpits but common sense be damned", "i cant help but feeling a little hesitant about my decision just because of the magnitude of the decision", "i cannot help but feel that my life is a series of not so unpleasant accidents stumbling about trying to do the right thing", "im writing for those who have been told that they are weak or that their strengths are weaknesses and they were made to feel ashamed", "i almost feel damaged some how", "i feel quite idiotic but whatever", "i feel pressured helpless because i dont have control over this", "i feel always a tad bit more troubled at the conclusion with the days due to the fact i really often desire to hit my personal sales aim at the office", "i do know what it feels like when no one seems to be supporting your vision and just admiring it from the outside when you not only invest your time but your personal money that should be feeding your family and still not seeing anything", "i try to stuff my wildly feeling heart and messy insides safely and politely back where they belong but instead im like the scarecrow from the wizard of oz anxious and undone", "i feel like it just gets ignored or perhaps i really have done a damn good job convincing the world that alls well when really i was only dreaming as one omd song goes" ]
ill just have to make some local friends i can go to the movies with and know for a fact they wont even without meaning to cause i seriously doubt there was any actual intention to hurt my feelings or actually call me heartless a moral or brainless it just came across that way to me
[ "i realized today that i dont know what i want and thats the primary reason why i feel so dissatisfied so often", "i last saw him and already im feeling this agitated", "i am exceedingly lucky and i don t work this hard because i feel some sense of frustrated obligation that is resented", "i feel like a selfish bitch for feeling this way when countless impoverished people are suffering surely a hundred folds more than i am", "i am feeling rebellious i will start from the end instead of the beginning a very good place to start", "im feeling really really sarcastic caustic or theres been an influx of idiots into my flists daily lives", "i just feel annoyed at the way they share their success or even just the way they talk", "i was feeling a bit rushed and the kitchen has just been cleaned so i mixed up in the blender which i find works just as well provided your butter is really cold and you dont over do the pulse", "i feel incredibly sarcastic right now", "i feel so spiteful towards people sometimes just the way they look makes me want to hurt them", "i feel everything around me is fucked everyone around me is falling to pieces", "i was feeling rather cranky cos i was thinking about the lack of sleep i had bah", "i feel like i should rely entirelly on gods word yet i am impatient to wait", "im sure that the folks in virginia florida and the other handful of swing states agree feel not only put upon but insulted by the constant barrage", "i feel like people are aggravated with me but why", "im not going to lie i feel a little insulted" ]
[ "i am a happily married man shows me his wedding ring and i swear i am not hitting on you but i just feel this sweet energy from you like i know you but i dont know you right", "i usually am all over that it probably comes to the fact that vm i feel entertained by and like but am not in love with any of the characters", "i feel like i have to shy away from triggering some stereotype of a person who will scream and break things because they didnt get to eat their favorite kind of sandwich", "i feel accepted and respected i am loving loyal and generous", "i also feel more outgoing which is strange because ive always considered myself to be more introverted but here ive been making more friends and putting myself out there more", "i really wanted to like this one and whilst a couple of performances and the setting made this worth seeing it is developed in a way which is pedestrian at best and critically flawed when i feel less generous", "ive gotten so used to them to the extent that im actually feeling weird without them", "i hope your words make you feel brave and scared and everything else in between", "i feel fine about that", "i honestly feel a little bit relieved", "i was feeling doubtful and sad about the relationship i have with this man", "i have been feeling a strong ability to step out of my mind", "im just feeling strangely indecisive and also because i dont really believe that", "i feel like i knew some of it though so it wasnt a total bombing of the innocent", "i trust he has a plan and if i stay true to and listen to the promptings in my heart i feel assured that everything will be okay and will be worked out for his plan", "i feel sure the nervousness and fear will always lurk in my mind but i feel at ease in my heart hopeful about theo ad and eli being happy healthy and safe and living to be old people with fulfilled lives", "i started feeling intimidated by the thought", "im starting to feel a bit more resolved", "i feel welcomed by my confidence that i belong here", "i feel i am so strong enough to take this pain thinking how you did me wrong", "i am just kind of left feeling insecure and uneasy in my own skin", "i will adjust to it but for now it feels so strange", "ive been feeling a little bit anxious of late as far as my relations or lack thereof with some of the ward and some of the investigators go so im excited to be able to ponder that in the temple and see if i can come up with a plan with the lords help", "ive been feeling myself with a fake sense of purpose", "ive never in my life had anyone make me feel as unimportant as insignificant as you did", "i feel reluctant in applying there because i want to be able to find a company where i know at least one person", "i am working to create a nice community page for you guys so you can connect easily without feeling awkward about approaching people", "i hope youre all feeling very fond of me by now", "i know for a fact that he treated everyone this way his love seemed boundless but he also made me feel important", "i feel a strange sense of foreboding", "i feel is very delicate", "i feel more reassured now", "i think its fair to say that in this life we all want to feel sincere connections with other people to experience bonding through similar beliefs or experiences to have true synchronicity with the people in our lives", "i feel confused after that", "i love but these are just a few that i ve been thinking of lately feel free to comment tell me i am an idiot or whatever", "i feel a little overwhelmed", "ive started feeling like almost nothing is worth getting agitated about", "im starting to feel content just being and not talking", "i got a feeling like something tragic is going to happen and im praying to god im not like kristie and that im completely wrong on this one and that everything is fine", "i do feel slightly ungrateful about it but i can only spend so much time with them before going mad", "i just naturally feel like i m a better player", "i do not like chain letters or anything that says you must we all have too many things we feel we must do so i give it to you freely with no obligation that you must do anything except the sincere wish for you to be happy", "i feel almost virtuous almost as though ive rejected being tethered to material goods but of course i still have two suitcases full of cashmere sweaters and rainboots", "i may feel discouraged and frustrated", "i had to work in one i would not feel quite so affectionate", "i want people to have confidence that if they were in my chair they would leave looking and feeling amazing", "i feel suspicious of informality and a lack of credentials", "i cant help feeling agitated about", "i havent been feeling fantastic this week so i thought id do something different and easier to write that i thought could be fun", "i learned about taking a dip in the dating pool its that in relationships its always better to feel surprised than disappointed", "i feel as though i am going to be victimized", "i suppose i felt odd and different too and liked to feel accepted even on a superficial level for an hour or two", "i feel that he is sincere in his feelings for me and i know that i care for him very much but is that enough this time around i dont know", "i dont know if i feel thrilled at finally getting to go camping again with people i like and know first time where thats happened", "im sure ill also feel a bit nervous", "i feel a little hopeless sometimes", "im saying i feel fake", "i didnt feel like i was respected", "i commented trying to keep my voice reasonably free from the feelings which gripped me i believe were beaten hendricks", "i feel when you dont talk to me my friend so loyal and free i dont want it to stay like this i want to have that bliss", "i go closest to feeling the joys when i am physically beside friends i adore and am spending precious quality time together", "i agree with that overall life philosophy but sometimes people and even kids need their negative emotions acknowledged so that they don t feel ignored and negated in what they are truly feeling", "i think its the feeling stupid part because i couldnt tell you were lying", "i didn t burst into tears or some other devastating release of feelings or thoughts because i seemed to know that rich also had to go through his own space without me just dumping on him", "i feel ive been loyal", "i should feel thankful or totally pani", "i had to do was heal they said and i was feeling pretty hopeful about that", "i don t feel that talented at impacting how things end up at the moment", "i feel like i come from a pretty innocent happy go lucky idealistic mindset that i feel like make me not such an ideal candidate to help those in the church fully understand who they are in christ and how they can live for him", "im not feeling very glamorous at the moment to sat the least", "i think most people have little problem expressing but once in a while i can t help but feel that we shouldn t be afraid to let it all hang out there and express the other emotions that don t get nearly as much airtime", "i dont know why but i just cant help but feel this innocent yet awkward feeling towards her", "i have studied logic and ethics and i know with certainty that the motivation of feeling superior is not an excuse for judgement finger pointing and its eventual consequence hatred and in this case homophobia", "i mean i care very much for my family that s going through these things but it was becoming something that was making me feel almost morose", "i still think that shes being insensitive with my feelings but i am just glad that im not on her shoes", "i feel quite idiotic but whatever", "i feel quite nervous and scared too x scared cos ill be taking the plane back to singapore on my own cos i cant stay as long as my two other friends have planned t", "i am going to get out my soapbox and talk about something that i feel really passionate about", "i want to feel and maybe something i am feeling convinced myself of the nvm state of mind i am in after due deliberations", "i twisted that to mean that i did not have to use them if i was feeling ok", "i don t feel i need to stop being festive", "i feel gentle as if i have let go of so much", "ive been feeling needy lately", "i am feeling a little lonely", "im still not feeling these days but cuddling with them almost always makes me feel a little bit better", "i feel i cant be disturbed to lift upon with hold up anymore it seems as if i dont know what to do or what i m vital for", "i thought id try to demonstrate the difference as i know if i hadnt seen it for myself i may still be feeling doubtful", "i keep asking if ive finally grown that th head that was coming in or not because i feel like people are looking at me like ew when i try to be friendly", "i felt good in a way where i really didn t feel the tension of being punished for a day", "i am wearing and feeling confident about myself", "i feel like this is something i can do well and its helped me out of tough spots before", "i feel like this inside theres one thing i wanna know whats so funny bout peace love and understanding", "i trust you enough to share a pretty humiliating experience remember this and feel honoured as you guffaw at whats to come", "ive been feeling better about myself", "im sorry i feel so uncertain about it", "i feel so regretful not going but", "i feel i cant breathe at times but its the cute nervous where you know this person is the one you should be with because you dont feel it with anyone else", "i feel like a letdown and i feel like i allow myself to be hurt", "i feel like im finally out of my box and free to be the person i was called to be", "i almost feel hesitant to write about this it s a topic that s so near and dear to my heart", "i have to admit i m feeling a little victimized", "i feel a peaceful calm come over me", "i didn t feel useless anymore", "i love it dont get me wrong i just dont want to keep feeling lame whilst i learn", "went to a movie with a date", "i remember being so disappointed with not showing for about months and now i actually feel like my less than lady like movements are more acceptable", "i am just feel so shy cause i realized those people behind me just didnt dance and look at us gt", "i can t quite figure out how i feel i m not devastated like i was with lucy and i m not sure if that s because it s easier to do after the first time or what", "i understand where they are coming from and why they feel the way they feel and i respect that they have the strength to say what they believe however popular or unpopular it is", "i do not feel like supporting this country however", "i generally feel just hopeful enough to get by", "i already feel myself becoming more casual in my fandom", "i feel like trusting the driver", "i dont know i feel all mellow and normal and good", "i truly feel that we are family and for that i am so thankful", "i feel confident that it wasn t my company that was bothering him", "i feel like pulling a paige from charmed just dont hurt me ok", "i wear this story as a protection from feeling the vulnerability of merely loving and depending on another human", "i didnt feel particularly sociable", "im feeling slightly more graceful in the ballet of it all but thats always temporary" ]
i feel so pissed off over an old friend and some friends
[ "i guess were annoyed agiatated and my sis feels hated darn cos i told her shes a geek i love you amy", "i feel like a heartless b tch for hating him so much", "im feeling stubborn today and got home and was like no way im gonna go get that mri soon", "i get what shes saying but on another i feel pissed that she has to have a thick skin to put up with the crap women heap on each other", "i empathize with the feeling of being dissatisfied not where i want to be but no i dont feel that way", "i was down feeling greedy and depressed", "i actually started this about hours ago and got distracted and now the flow is all odd and my roommate is here so i feel very rude just typing away", "i feel any team pretty dangerous in playoffs york left wing ruslan fedotenko notes said", "i help a lot of people at a later time when i m feeling pissed off with things i might look back at my life and say hey i m not that bad a person", "i feel stressed he gets upset for that too", "i feel generally dissatisfied and lost", "i am not okay with feeling annoyed at myself and at life all the time", "i feel extremely jealous when ranbir works with other directors ayan mukerji filmfare", "i feel when my socks bunch up under my feet that it makes me cranky and liable to bite someone s head off for saying hello", "i headed there fully expecting them to have been sold out ages ago and that i would find myself staggering back upstairs without them feeling all bitter twisted and disappointed but at least with some of the allocated pennies still lurking in my own bank account", "i am feeling that cranky voice inside my head that just wants to eat whatever it wants" ]
[ "i feel so awful she said", "i am thinking about everyones future and not my own i feel so alone useless and am wondering what the hell am i doing wrong that i only feel like a roommate and nothing else", "i was tired of feeling hurt", "i dont know why but i had started to feel the weird pressure of a largely silent audience and with it a falsely inflated sense of importance in expressing myself and my ever so articulate opinions to said audience", "i keep asking if ive finally grown that th head that was coming in or not because i feel like people are looking at me like ew when i try to be friendly", "i cant help how i feel im sorry", "i feel all agitated and moody and wanting wanting wanting", "i feel strange and weird about this entire struggle am i the only one who deals with this kind of conflict", "i feel like people have shamed me for being so", "i feel ashamed afraid to let people come over to see my messy house afraid i ll be pulled over and my car towed for my unpaid ticket afraid that blood work will come back with a diagnosis of imminent death", "i feel that i was a girl that always being foolish and annoyed by boys", "i know i shouldn t be upset shouldn t feel this melancholy that is eating away at my insides leaving tears in my eyes and an ache in my heart", "i begins to feel herself grow too fond of him and asks him to leave her alone for good", "ive been feeling a bit remorseful about our decision kicking myself that i was too cheap for my own good", "i have also known the pain of feeling worthless too broken too scarred to ever span style mso bidi font size", "i feel a dull aching a sharp pain in my chest an overwhelming emptiness", "i feel a bit shaken though", "i feel like one of those dirty confidential intermediaries that i so dislike", "i do feel blamed for everything i", "i can just feel all of our stress and discontent levels rising", "i feel like a snow globe that has been all shaken up and i m still waiting for the dust to settle", "i am currently feeling like you know that kind of devastated desperate feelings trapped inside like somewhere between screaming and crying more of like you want to slash your wrist but you are afraid of death", "i learned the silent crushing pain of not being wanted and feeling i was unloved", "i feel a spectator to this assumption and amused and wistful that i can t ease all the pain", "i let myself think about my behaviour towards you when we were children i feel a strange mix of guilt and admiration for your resilience", "i don t know how i feel about today because part of me is convinced that i am making this so much more difficult than it actually is or as mehow casually remarks in the april infield insider getting out of the box you are in that was never there in the first place", "im just really hurting and feeling a bit overwhelmed", "im wound a little too tightly for it i remember the paranoid feelings more vividly than the mellow ones", "i feel very deprived i feel like i did so many things right amp so many things just went wrong", "i woke up feeling this aching in my heart", "i feel remorseful for the crimes that were committed intentionally or unintentionally and whether or not i had known about it or not known about it", "i feel fucking woeful looking at the other girls", "i drew this because i feel hated", "i am not that organised but i am feeling smug that i have at last managed to list a couple of fathers day cards in my etsy and folksy shops", "i feel lousy pain in my leg and foot falling back pain my guts were a mess around easter", "i have a hard time caring about the family of the main characters although the early seasons close attachment to dons marriage made bettys stories feel worthwhile because she was being lied to be an identify thief", "i feel like a horrible rotten person for thinking that this is the most isolating thing a woman can go through and some days being tough is not an option", "i am feeling a little disheartened", "i was feeling stressed we were all like coiled springs and it wasnt going to end well", "i know suicide is selfish but right now i feel like i am worthless and that in the long run it would be better for everybody else", "i feel pretty rotten when jake takes off down the street on his hot rod mongoose and jordan strikes out trying to chase him down like an orphan straight out of a href http en", "i am the one feeling punished", "i couldnt hellip even when it made my heart ache to simply look at you hellip because i loved you so much and i knew you would never return my feelings hellip and i couldnt bring myself to hate you for the idiotic stunt you pulled in the other room either though i do ask that you dont repeat it", "i was feeling rather smug about being a black toenail virgin despite having run for a little over years now", "i have succumbed to the dreaded commuter virus and feel altogether a little bit rotten", "i was wrong loads of times so much so that i feel kind of embarrassed thinking back now", "i liked my keyboard being kicked in my teeth and feeling lousy about myself as a writer but because i want to know how i can improve and wonder what i did wrong to earn only one star", "i spent a lot of time earlier this year feeling stressed out about capacity and resistant to stretching it because it felt like stretching me", "i feel so vulnerable to criticism like if my lunch stinks or if somebody comments on what i eat i have this embarrassed feeling", "im also worried that youre feeling a little lost in the middle these days and like youre not getting enough attention from us", "i cant help but feel that youll just break me again and that you might not be as faithful as you seem", "i would give everything to know you share my pain feel the aching caused by our parting", "i was so scared that i would walk out from the saloon feeling regretful about cutting my hair because i always miss my old hair when i get a new haircut", "i woke up this morning with a cold and have been feeling groggy all morning but that didnt stop my sister and her husband from leaving me to babysit all day quite annoyed i kept it too myself and stayed in chill mode", "im trying to wein off them with doctors guidance of course but if i miss a day i feel agitated about everything", "i feel so strongly and passionate about so hearing that just made my heart sink", "i might i could not stress to her how important it is to me not to expose my friends to a situation where they may have cause to feel unwelcome or uncomfortable", "i feel like im unwelcome", "i feel horrible because youd think id know after a mountain together", "i found it really sad here are people feeling unhappy because the expectations they have about marriage and relationships are based on ideas that dont seem to connect with their real lives", "i alive i feel so defeated with this issue", "i don t feel superior to people who have made different choices or threatened by them", "i did blog about some really stupid stuff in the past and i cant stop feeling so embarrassed that i speak or think in that manner but i guess since this is a new phase in my life i would like to pen some thoughts down", "im feeling relieved yet painful but something inside me is creepily numb i feel like a ghost in the hallways the way i used to just dont tell me its only another time to succumb", "i should welcome feeling those that have gone before me i almost feel doomed by it", "i was so nervous all i remember is my heart beating loudly and feeling insecure as others watched me from off stage", "i always feeling strange internal feeling like continuous wailing of siren in my head and when nobody hears i couldnt help crying like a siren when no one heard", "i used to walk over to my neighbors and hang out with him while he worked in his shop but i kinda got the feeling i was unwelcome", "i probably love a handful of friends too but i always feel a bit strange when describing this as love", "i am feeling so ridiculously uncomfortable these days the rising temperatures dont help and i have added wicked heartburn to the list of things keeping me up at night", "i know luh feeling damn awkward can", "i dont know why i feel disheartened", "i hate to have to clear my voice i hate to stammer i hate to feel the way i do now humiliated and frightened to the bones what do you want of me", "i cannot deny that right now i am feeling disillusioned with the avon", "i get so irritated with the fact that i am a feeling emotional person but can t cope with feelings of rejection", "ive last posted not that my mind hasnt been flooded with topics that i feel need to be entertained but more so to do with the influx of feelings and opinions without clarity as life happened", "i was a feeling a bit low a few weeks back and i just focused on all the things that werent right in my life at the moment the requests that i had made that hadnt been granted", "i feel so dismayed because i still have loads in miniature terms of weird pink clay left and didnt know what to do with it", "i feel i hated you despised you yet you can make me happy even when i was sad in a matter of minutes", "i sent my boyfriend bobby when i was feeling particularly melodramatically helpless i miss having a home in the states and i miss my sweatshirt and i miss taco bell", "i have hurt so much and been told to stop so much that i suppose it all leaked into my brain and now i feel guilty when i hurt", "i am not going to get into saturday night all im going to say is i once again went home sat with billy for a bit then went to bed feeling alone wasted not in the good way and abandoned", "i don t want to feel resigned to the typically american life and i know a lot of others aren t happy with that either", "i am at a point where i dread anyone asking me for anything because i feel like it is just one more opportunity for me to fail at something and that is a very horrible place for me to be", "i admit is inexcusable giving you to feel slightly naughty bestial heck macho even", "i was feeling discouraged and disgruntled and i was a href http tracifishbowl", "i am feeling rather damaged", "i make myself show up and feel isolated in the crowd ill know i was wrong about the anti social feeling", "i could sit for hours with some old friends catching up and just feel like i am in a uber gorgeous", "i continue to feel nervous inside and long to talk sensibly even just one time around someone its so wrong to have these feelings for on so many levels i have no clue", "i hate that feeling it makes me feel so ashame and stupid", "i ahem guess i havent been feeling compassionate", "i keep finding all these people who make me feel so terrible about life", "i have the power to make another do what i want but in reality feel threatened and desire to control this other person so i am not a href https eqafe", "ive been struggling a lot lately with feeling inadequate and unsuccessful by societys standards as i watch my peers attending graduating from college and finding jobs that fulfill them", "i also told my cousin that i feel like the other family members do not know how to talk to me or are afraid to talk to me", "i found having old pip constantly on stage rather disruptive he sometimes reacted along with young pip and sometimes didn t he sometimes moved position in dramatic scenes and he just left me feeling rather awkward", "i am also feeling awful", "i know i should be excited about going away for a few days but instead i feel nothing and that makes me feel like an ungrateful horrible person", "i was fond of but to whom i have remained quiet about my liking for them either because i am confused about my feeling or because i feel inadequate about myself", "i have now and feeling like people think it means im just ok and dont need to talk about jeremy anymore", "i take the offense that is most frightening to me when i am feeling the most vulnerable in close relationships with others and i draw that offense and all my frightful vulnerability into the love of god into the mercy seat that fills me full", "i should just let him calm down on his own but then ill feel like a neglectful aunt and i so cant have that", "i can feel it running through my veins and at the end is an unpleasant sight", "i remember wanting to fit in so bad and feeling like no one liked me", "i must not be left to feel foolish lost unhappy and with distaste", "i still feel crappy ill take it as a sign that i need to get things finalized here for the kid", "i just want people to leave me alone and not make me special because i feel really vain and bad when people pay that much attention to me", "im tired of feeling like damaged goods for being a victim", "i hate that i m sitting here at the hostel writing this and feeling so perfectly fine and than i get home and it s me and my problems and a wall", "i feel victimized by the drag on our country with heads in the sand traditionalists i hesitate to call them conservatives for fear of offending real honest to god conservatives who still think the world was created years ago and that stuff like skeletal remains are some kind of hoax", "i also feel i do not deserve anyones sympathy or help or caring because i do not feel worthy of anything", "i have often observed that at times when it seems i should feel something im surprised by how disconnected i feel to the people and world around me", "i feel dazed and unsure of a world in which dying young and disasters that sacrifice so many lives in one swath happen let alone happen with frequency great enough to make me cringe", "i feel shocked robbed and shaken of everything i thought i wanted", "i have to admit i m feeling a little victimized", "i celebrate in a year and how i feel about supporting some of them when the history behind most of our traditional holidays is based on some ugly stuff or at least in a lot of cases a lot stuff that i don t believe in or support", "i feel cheated and at another i feel ashamed to have missed such a glaring defect", "i do and it is really starting to make me feel really distraught and upset all the time", "i still feel like im being punished" ]
ive found my interest in s u waning and ive even come away from some portrayals of their relationship feeling dissatisfied
[ "i feel i am beyond pissed off disappointed frustrated with myself", "i know it seems strange writing to you after all this time and i honestly feel appalled at my behavior as a mother", "i got the feeling she hated that that i would not admit it let it in i know ive hated every single obstacle that kept it from her every single leaden block that kept being placed in our once clear path to one anothers arms", "i feel disgusted by most people", "i perform a submarine cartwheel before i feel a violent tug on my ankle as my board gets hauled towards the beach", "i was feeling frustrated and tired today", "i feel just bcoz a fight we get mad to each other n u wanna make a publicity n let the world knows about our fight", "i feel stressed he gets upset for that too", "i mention that im feeling cranky", "i felt a little bit of cramping and the same feelings i had been feeling for weeks so was not bothered by it", "i feel so damn agitated", "i feel that i can answer in a completely un sarcastic way", "im feeling so irritable about todays class", "i feel when i mad at you", "i could feel that the person was pissed at me because that person didnt understand what i was trying to say and so there was further personal attack again asking me whats my nationality giving me that shit face and blah blah", "i constantly feel lied to and wronged by them i love these people to death" ]
[ "i get the feeling that i m totally isolated from them all and that they talk about me and my low self esteem behind my back and how they don t think much of me and how i m kind of a killjoy sometimes and how disappointed they must be because of the failure that i am", "i cant helped but to feel burdened and anxious about this", "i feel very confused and cant stop myself from digging in a bit more", "i complete the act i feel temporarily satisfied but the feeling quickly goes away and i feel ashamed or guilty", "i don t want him to feel disrespected or unloved", "i was also feeling unimportant", "i was just wondering if that is common and why some girls feel the need to seem less intelligent than they really are", "i feel fearful of being near them", "ill start with the one about interlochen i see jonathan the boy who asked me out and was a freak and i used to like him until i realized how stupid he was and i sang a recording for him and i feel so regretful of the whole ordeal with him and yeah", "i feel those submissive feelings ill write down what i was doing or what brought them on", "i was hurt by this comment because it made me feel unimportant and like he wants to date many women", "i am quite perplexed by liam i m trying to figure out if he s always been submissive or does he feel he needs to be submissive to mark and johnny", "i am feeling so remorseful now", "i feel like i talented young man i don t feel talented then i don t to work with", "i feel it pinging my brain and its not pleasant", "i feel like im unwelcome", "im feeling pretty miserable and sorry for myself", "i can t stand it i feel like hes spying on me and not trusting me and above all of that i feel disrespect to my personality", "im feeling a little anxious about the whole thing", "i must say i do feel troubled a href http emillionstars", "i feel like im worthless", "i do feel has conditions it hurts deeply and it is not pleasant", "im feeling apprehensive about it", "i left feeling slightly dazed confused and disappointed", "i left feeling anything but valued and i found myself feeling discriminated against", "im contemplating and feeling skeptical", "i feel a little intimidated", "i feel rejected for trying to find my path to a stronger relationship and bond with god", "i don t always feel smart sometimes i feel lazy and i want to be doing something else that feels easier", "i cant decide how i feel about some of the supporting roles particularly the girlfriend and alfred molina both quite funny but were they one dimensional caricatures or legitimate characters simply overshadowed by a fantastic lead", "i haven t seen that side of him for a couple of years now that hes on some medications may be depression is genetic and thats why i feel so shitty all the time", "im feeling rather listless right now", "i feel depressed moody and just lethargic and tired", "i feel its a pathetic way to get sympathy", "i feel like i m being punished gt gt gt gt gt something which you could have avoided by gosh just being honest", "i express zooms on with all its faults and foibles and entertains non stop in a rather odd manner where you are left feeling rather inadequate that something is not fully right that something better could have been done with a little bit of application a little bit of better storytelling", "i feel bad the photo does not do it justice", "im not trying to disagree with same sex intercourse or what to me it just feels weird gt", "i didnt feel that there were enough strong smart and funny female main characters in fiction and since thats what i imagine myself to be i started writing", "im still feeling pretty gloomy if truth be told", "im actually feeling a little smug", "i feel a bit less burdened with things hanging over my head", "i feel neglectful but i shouldnt", "i feel awful when reading someones emotional posts especially when i am was having mine", "i am left feeling happy about having the time to rest and take care of me but at the same time this huge sense of guilt builds up inside of me for not having respected our date for being an unreliable teacher a selfish friend", "i feel some sort of disdain that im ashamed to even verbalize and yet i cant bring myself to deny or convince myself otherwise", "i feel a litte shaken up by this point", "i often feel this is a very unfortunate flaw that i possess", "i feel like i have doomed myself to failure", "i sometimes feel that this is inadequate that my mind too often slips from focusing on god and jumps to my own selfish thoughts and the tasks at hand in the classroom", "i feel so ugly lately", "i am bothered is that he might changed his feelings once he get back in us and leave me heartbroken", "i really feel like damaged goods", "i feel like im over reacting by feeling so gloomy about it all", "i feel terrible for mrs", "i said in the words of a devotee that i feel relieved when i hear the your title as deen bandhu as i am the most fallen person but i become afraid at your title of uplifter of devotees as i don t consider myself to be a true devotee and hence unworthy to benefit from the aspect of your personality", "i still feel heartbroken over alot", "i feel very unhappy and incomplete", "i feel depressed i feel like they would ve been negative because i hadn t been the most influential big brother", "i feel like ive hated on this series a lot since ive started blogging so a little honesty is in order", "i have a hard time caring about the family of the main characters although the early seasons close attachment to dons marriage made bettys stories feel worthwhile because she was being lied to be an identify thief", "i feel like an ungrateful ass", "i used to feel homesick but now theres just loneliness sometimes and a sort of urgent need to get away from my parents", "im feeling homesick for him", "i feel devastated disgusted and betrayed", "i feel kind of uncomfortable as i m about to write a not so favorable review about starters", "i had a really good first impression of them but i feel one of them dont really like us because she wasnt as friendly as when we first moved in", "i cant tell if the moments of shock that im not feeling are because im jaded or if lovecraft actually missed the note to use a musical analogy", "i feel quite jaded and unenthusiastic about life on most days", "i hate feeling discontent but its what im feeling right now and im tired of hiding it", "i searched long and hard for a bad review telling me that i shouldnt buy into something i feel so apprehensive about but i only found that people loved and swore by f", "i have a positive or negative experience depends largely on how much i feel control was either respected or taken from me", "i feel like a dirty heal and unconformable", "i am feeling quite curious and concerned", "i feel as if work that doesnt have a sort of depth to it isnt nearly as successful as work that is created with a meaning and leaves the viewer wanting to know more about the subject that the artist presented", "i feel like when i entered my relationship with mike i became unwelcome in your life", "i feel awkward saying such things", "i start feeling smug that ive been good about writing posts i blink and then a month vanishes", "i spend a lot of time feeling disappointed with myself for not doing a better job at attaining my goals", "i can t escape the feeling that i m being punished", "i used to feel sadness about this having fond memories of formation and friendships in tec parishes", "i will not convey all the relevant information perhaps because i feel intimidated embarrassed or too deferential", "i feel a despairing sadness because after so much time working on this we have to cut ties", "i actually feel a bit reluctant to really tell you too much about it", "i am still feeling gloomy and down", "i get that feeling that my life has been a miserable waste happens less and less as i get older btw ill look at this playlist page of comments and remember", "i feel very miserable now", "i feel about watching romantic movies", "i get to know about it the more guilty i feel for not being as faithful as these guys are", "i can feel an unpleasant pressure from it", "i write when i m feeling low", "i want to feel less stressed", "im feeling as if im not caring and i dont want to fail my finals", "ive been having trouble sleeping my anxiety is causing my social life to suffer i lack the motivation that used to drive me work is quickly becoming a chore where i was once satisfied and i feel dull and uninteresting", "i confess to struggling this weekend many times at the end of the day i would feel sad and whine to my af adorable fiance that i waaaant to eaaaat", "i mean my feelings are always sincere i just think part of me tends to repress certain things in order to somehow lessen the blow that will eventually hit when the relationship ends", "i feel so inhibited in someone elses kitchen like im painting on someone elses picture", "im feeling a little melancholy tonight days ago", "i feel some sort of treachery towards beloved if i do go out and fuck someone", "ive been feeling myself with a fake sense of purpose", "i love this community to death but sometimes i feel there at times we arent as supportive", "i have been feeling awful", "i asked feeling slightly wimpy", "i don t feel super strongly about it", "i mention that i feel really unwelcome", "im feeling less like a woman and more like an embarrassed girl", "i found myself feeling fairly ignored sort of taken for granted you know", "i al feeling rather agitated and i am not totally sure where it is coming from", "i was feeling quite something im not sure", "im feeling so so insecure", "i feel bad about school", "im very hurt and i feel unimportant", "i now feel less doubtful towards that person about his her sincerity in rebuilding our relationship", "i felt such a resonance with your words i feel so ashamed that my feelings seem to have gotten the better of me", "i feel so strange with english right now", "im feeling a bit homesick", "i feel as confused about life as a teenager or as jaded as a year old man", "i get the feeling im watching to see charlie be charming and zen rather than because i actually care what hes going through", "i feel tortured when i hear them talk or sing or laugh or cry", "i feel unsure or scared i talk" ]