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What does point 8 of Article 7 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | A Bhutanese citizen shall have the right to own property, but shall not have the right to sell or transfer land or any immovableproperty to a person who is not a citizen of Bhutan, except inkeeping with laws enacted by Parliament. |
What does point 9 of Article 7 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | A Bhutanese citizen shall have the right to practice any lawful trade, profession or vocation. |
What does point 10 of Article 7 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | A Bhutanese citizen shall have the right to equal pay for work of equal value. |
What does point 11 of Article 7 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | A Bhutanese citizen shall have the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of association, other than membershipof associations that are harmful to the peace and unity of thecountry, and shall have the right not to be compelled to belongto any association. |
What does point 12 of Article 7 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | Every person in Bhutan shall have the right to material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production ofwhich he or she is the author or creator. |
What does point 13 of Article 7 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | A person shall not be deprived of property by acquisition or requisition, except for public purpose and on payment of faircompensation in accordance with the provisions of the law. |
What does point 14 of Article 7 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | All persons are equal before the law and are entitled to equal and effective protection of the law and shall not bediscriminated against on the grounds of race, sex, language,religion, politics or other status. |
What does point 15 of Article 7 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | A person charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty in accordance with thelaw. |
What does point 16 of Article 7 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | A person shall not be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. |
What does point 17 of Article 7 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | A person shall not be subjected to capital punishment.19. A person shall not be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful interference with his or her privacy, family, home orcorrespondence nor to unlawful attacks on the person’s honourand reputation. |
What does point 18 of Article 7 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | A person shall not be subjected to arbitrary arrest or detention.21. A person shall have the right to consult and be represented by a Bhutanese Jabmi of his or her choice. |
What does point 19 of Article 7 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | Notwithstanding the rights conferred by this Constitution, nothing in this Article shall prevent the State from subjectingreasonable restriction by law, when it concerns: (a) The interests of the sovereignty, security, unity and integrity of Bhutan; (b) The interests of peace, stability and well-being of the nation; (c) The interests of friendly relations with foreign States;(d) Incitement to an offence on the grounds of race, sex, language, religion or region; (e) The disclosure of information received in regard to the affairs of the State or in discharge of official duties; or (f) The rights and freedom of others. |
What does point 20 of Article 7 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | All persons in Bhutan shall have the right to initiate appropriate proceedings in the Supreme Court or High Court for theenforcement of the rights conferred by this Article, subject tosection 22 of this Article and procedures prescribed by law. |
Summarize the key provisions of Article 7 (Fundamental Rights) in the Bhutan Constitution | Article 7 of the Bhutan Constitution, which deals with Fundamental Rights, contains 20 key provisions that establish: . All persons shall have the right to life, liberty and security of person and shall not be deprived of such rights except inaccordance with the due process of law. 2. A Bhutanese citizen shall have the right to freedom of speech, opinion and expression. 3. A Bhutanese citizen shall have the right to information. 144. A Bhutanese citizen shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. No person shall be compelled tobelong to another faith by means of coercion or inducement. |
What does Article 8 of the Constitution of Bhutan state? | . A Bhutanese citizen shall preserve, protect and defend the sovereignty, territorial integrity, security and unity of Bhutanand render national service when called upon to do so byParliament. 2. A Bhutanese citizen shall have the duty to preserve, protect and respect the environment, culture and heritage of the nation. 173. A Bhutanese citizen shall foster tolerance, mutual respect and spirit of brotherhood amongst all the people of Bhutantranscending religious, linguistic, regional or sectionaldiversities. 4. A person shall respect the National Flag and the National Anthem. 5. A person shall not tolerate or participate in acts of injury, torture or killing of another person, terrorism, abuse of women,children or any other person and shall take necessary steps toprevent such acts. 6. A person shall have the responsibility to provide help, to the greatest possible extent, to victims of accidents and in timesof natural calamity. 7. A person shall have the responsibility to safeguard public property. 8. A person shall have the responsibility to pay taxes in accordance with the law. 9. Every person shall have the duty to uphold justice and to act against corruption. 10. Every person shall have the duty to act in aid of the law.11. Every person shall have the duty and responsibility to respect and abide by the provisions of this Constitution. 18Article 9 Principles of State Policy 1. The State shall endeavour to apply the Principles of State Policy set out in this Article to ensure a good quality of lifefor the people of Bhutan in a progressive and prosperouscountry that is committed to peace and amity in the world. 2. The State shall strive to promote those conditions that will enable the pursuit of Gross National Happiness. 3. The State shall endeavour to create a civil society free of oppression, discrimination and violence, based on the rule oflaw, protection of human rights and dignity, and to ensure thefundamental rights and freedoms of the people. 4. The State shall endeavour to protect the telephonic, electronic, postal or other communications of all persons in Bhutan fromunlawful interception or interruption. 5. The State shall endeavour to provide justice through a fair, transparent and expeditious process. 6. The State shall endeavour to provide legal aid to secure justice, which shall not be denied to any person by reason of economicor other disabilities. 7. The State shall endeavour to develop and execute policies to minimize inequalities of income, concentration of wealth, andpromote equitable distribution of public facilities amongindividuals and people living in different parts of the Kingdom. 198. The State shall endeavour to ensure that all the Dzongkhags are treated with equity on the basis of different needs so thatthe allocation of national resources results in comparable socio-economic development. 9. The State shall endeavour to achieve economic self-reliance and promote open and progressive economy. 10. The State shall encourage and foster private sector development through fair market competition and preventcommercial monopolies. 11. The State shall endeavour to promote those circumstances that would enable the citizens to secure an adequate livelihood. 12. The State shall endeavour to ensure the right to work, vocational guidance and training and just and favourableconditions of work. 13. The State shall endeavour to ensure the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodicholidays with pay. 14. The State shall endeavour to ensure the right to fair and reasonable remuneration for one’s work. 15. The State shall endeavour to provide education for the purpose of improving and increasing knowledge, values and skills ofthe entire population with education being directed towardsthe full development of the human personality. 2016. The State shall provide free education to all children of school going age up to tenth standard and ensure that technical andprofessional education is made generally available and thathigher education is equally accessible to all on the basis ofmerit. 17. The State shall endeavour to take appropriate measures to eliminate all forms of discrimination and exploitation againstwomen including trafficking, prostitution, abuse, violence,harassment and intimidation at work in both public and privatespheres. 18. The State shall endeavour to take appropriate measures to ensure that children are protected against all forms ofdiscrimination and exploitation including trafficking,prostitution, abuse, violence, degrading treatment andeconomic exploitation. 19. The State shall endeavour to promote those conditions that are conducive to co-operation in community life and theintegrity of the extended family structure. 20. The State shall strive to create conditions that will enable the true and sustainable development of a good and compassionatesociety rooted in Buddhist ethos and universal human values. 21. The State shall provide free access to basic public health services in both modern and traditional medicines. 22. The State shall endeavour to provide security in the event of sickness and disability or lack of adequate means of livelihoodfor reasons beyond one’s control. 2123. The State shall encourage free participation in the cultural life of the community, promote arts and sciences and fostertechnological innovation. 24. The State shall endeavour to promote goodwill and co- operation with nations, foster respect for international law andtreaty obligations, and encourage settlement of internationaldisputes by peaceful means in order to promote internationalpeace and security. |
What is Article 8 of the Bhutan Constitution about? | Article 8 of the Bhutan Constitution is about Fundamental Duties. It establishes and regulates: . A Bhutanese citizen shall preserve, protect and defend the sovereignty, territorial integrity, security and unity of Bhutanand render national service when called upon to do so byParliament. 2. A Bhutanese citizen shall have the duty to preserve, protect and respect the environment, culture and heritage of the nation. 173. A Bhutanese citizen shall foster tolerance, mutual respect and spirit of brotherhood amongst all the people of Bhutantranscending religious, linguistic, regional or sectiona |
What does point 1 of Article 8 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | A Bhutanese citizen shall preserve, protect and defend the sovereignty, territorial integrity, security and unity of Bhutanand render national service when called upon to do so byParliament. |
What does point 2 of Article 8 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | A Bhutanese citizen shall have the duty to preserve, protect and respect the environment, culture and heritage of the nation. |
What does point 3 of Article 8 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | A Bhutanese citizen shall foster tolerance, mutual respect and spirit of brotherhood amongst all the people of Bhutantranscending religious, linguistic, regional or sectionaldiversities. |
What does point 4 of Article 8 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | A person shall respect the National Flag and the National Anthem. |
What does point 5 of Article 8 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | A person shall not tolerate or participate in acts of injury, torture or killing of another person, terrorism, abuse of women,children or any other person and shall take necessary steps toprevent such acts. |
What does point 6 of Article 8 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | A person shall have the responsibility to provide help, to the greatest possible extent, to victims of accidents and in timesof natural calamity. |
What does point 7 of Article 8 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | A person shall have the responsibility to safeguard public property. |
What does point 8 of Article 8 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | A person shall have the responsibility to pay taxes in accordance with the law. |
What does point 9 of Article 8 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | Every person shall have the duty to uphold justice and to act against corruption. |
What does point 10 of Article 8 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | Every person shall have the duty to act in aid of the law.11. Every person shall have the duty and responsibility to respect and abide by the provisions of this Constitution. 18Article 9 Principles of State Policy |
What does point 11 of Article 8 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The State shall endeavour to apply the Principles of State Policy set out in this Article to ensure a good quality of lifefor the people of Bhutan in a progressive and prosperouscountry that is committed to peace and amity in the world. |
What does point 12 of Article 8 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The State shall strive to promote those conditions that will enable the pursuit of Gross National Happiness. |
What does point 13 of Article 8 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The State shall endeavour to create a civil society free of oppression, discrimination and violence, based on the rule oflaw, protection of human rights and dignity, and to ensure thefundamental rights and freedoms of the people. |
What does point 14 of Article 8 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The State shall endeavour to protect the telephonic, electronic, postal or other communications of all persons in Bhutan fromunlawful interception or interruption. |
What does point 15 of Article 8 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The State shall endeavour to provide justice through a fair, transparent and expeditious process. |
What does point 16 of Article 8 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The State shall endeavour to provide legal aid to secure justice, which shall not be denied to any person by reason of economicor other disabilities. |
What does point 17 of Article 8 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The State shall endeavour to develop and execute policies to minimize inequalities of income, concentration of wealth, andpromote equitable distribution of public facilities amongindividuals and people living in different parts of the Kingdom. |
What does point 18 of Article 8 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The State shall endeavour to ensure that all the Dzongkhags are treated with equity on the basis of different needs so thatthe allocation of national resources results in comparable socio-economic development. |
What does point 19 of Article 8 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The State shall endeavour to achieve economic self-reliance and promote open and progressive economy. |
What does point 20 of Article 8 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The State shall encourage and foster private sector development through fair market competition and preventcommercial monopolies. |
What does point 21 of Article 8 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The State shall endeavour to promote those circumstances that would enable the citizens to secure an adequate livelihood. |
What does point 22 of Article 8 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The State shall endeavour to ensure the right to work, vocational guidance and training and just and favourableconditions of work. |
What does point 23 of Article 8 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The State shall endeavour to ensure the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodicholidays with pay. |
What does point 24 of Article 8 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The State shall endeavour to ensure the right to fair and reasonable remuneration for one’s work. |
What does point 25 of Article 8 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The State shall endeavour to provide education for the purpose of improving and increasing knowledge, values and skills ofthe entire population with education being directed towardsthe full development of the human personality. |
What does point 26 of Article 8 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The State shall provide free education to all children of school going age up to tenth standard and ensure that technical andprofessional education is made generally available and thathigher education is equally accessible to all on the basis ofmerit. |
What does point 27 of Article 8 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The State shall endeavour to take appropriate measures to eliminate all forms of discrimination and exploitation againstwomen including trafficking, prostitution, abuse, violence,harassment and intimidation at work in both public and privatespheres. |
What does point 28 of Article 8 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The State shall endeavour to take appropriate measures to ensure that children are protected against all forms ofdiscrimination and exploitation including trafficking,prostitution, abuse, violence, degrading treatment andeconomic exploitation. |
What does point 29 of Article 8 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The State shall endeavour to promote those conditions that are conducive to co-operation in community life and theintegrity of the extended family structure. |
What does point 30 of Article 8 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The State shall strive to create conditions that will enable the true and sustainable development of a good and compassionatesociety rooted in Buddhist ethos and universal human values. |
What does point 31 of Article 8 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The State shall provide free access to basic public health services in both modern and traditional medicines. |
What does point 32 of Article 8 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The State shall endeavour to provide security in the event of sickness and disability or lack of adequate means of livelihoodfor reasons beyond one’s control. |
What does point 33 of Article 8 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The State shall encourage free participation in the cultural life of the community, promote arts and sciences and fostertechnological innovation. |
What does point 34 of Article 8 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The State shall endeavour to promote goodwill and co- operation with nations, foster respect for international law andtreaty obligations, and encourage settlement of internationaldisputes by peaceful means in order to promote internationalpeace and security. |
Summarize the key provisions of Article 8 (Fundamental Duties) in the Bhutan Constitution | Article 8 of the Bhutan Constitution, which deals with Fundamental Duties, contains 34 key provisions that establish: . A Bhutanese citizen shall preserve, protect and defend the sovereignty, territorial integrity, security and unity of Bhutanand render national service when called upon to do so byParliament. 2. A Bhutanese citizen shall have the duty to preserve, protect and respect the environment, culture and heritage of the nation. 173. A Bhutanese citizen shall foster tolerance, mutual respect and spirit of brotherhood amongst all the people of Bhutantranscending religious, linguistic, regional or sectiona |
What does Article 10 of the Constitution of Bhutan state? | . There shall be a Parliament for Bhutan in which all legislative powers under this Constitution are vested and which shallconsist of the Druk Gyalpo, the National Council and theNational Assembly. 2. Parliament shall ensure that the Government safeguards the interests of the nation and fulfils the aspirations of the peoplethrough public review of policies and issues, Bills and otherlegislations, and scrutiny of State functions. 3. The election of the members of Parliament shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Electoral Laws of theKingdom. 4. A person shall not be a member of the National Council as well as the National Assembly or a Local Government at thesame time. 5. The Druk Gyalpo shall summon the first sitting of Parliament after each general election. 226. At the commencement of each session of Parliament, the Druk Gyalpo shall be received in a joint sitting of Parliament withChibdrel Ceremony. Each session shall be opened with a Zhug-drel-phunsum tshog-pai ten-drel and each session shallconclude with the Tashi-mon-lam. 7. The Druk Gyalpo may address or sit in the proceedings of either House or a joint sitting of Parliament as and whendeemed expedient. 8. The Druk Gyalpo may send messages to either or both the Houses as deemed expedient. 9. The House receiving the message shall, as early as possible, consider the matter referred to in the message and submit itsopinion to the Druk Gyalpo. 10. The Prime Minister shall present an Annual Report on the state of the nation, including legislative plans and the annualplans and priorities of the Government, to the Druk Gyalpoand to a joint sitting of Parliament. 11. Both Houses shall determine their rules of procedure, and the proceedings of each House shall be conducted in accordancewith its own rules. The rules of procedure in each House shallprovide for the appointment of Committees to carry out thebusiness of Parliament. 12. The Speaker and the Chairperson shall convene an extraordinary sitting of Parliament on the command of theDruk Gyalpo if the exigencies of the situation so demand. 2313. Each Member of Parliament shall have one vote. In case of equal votes, the Speaker or the Chairperson shall cast thedeciding vote. 14. The presence of not less than two-thirds of the total number of members of each House respectively shall constitute aquorum for a sitting of the National Council or the NationalAssembly. 15. The proceedings of Parliament shall be conducted in public. However, the Speaker or the Chairperson may exclude thepress and the public from all or any part of the proceedings ifthere is a compelling need to do so in the interests of publicorder, national security or any other situation, where publicitywould seriously prejudice public interest. 16. The Speaker shall preside over the proceedings of a joint sitting and the venue for the joint sitting of the Houses shall be thehall of the National Assembly. 17. When the office of a member of Parliament becomes vacant for any reason other than the expiration of term, an election ofa member to fill the vacancy shall be held within ninety daysas from the date of the vacancy. 18. The members of Parliament shall take an Oath or Affirmation of Office, as provided for in the Third Schedule of thisConstitution, before assuming their responsibilities. 19. The Prime Minister, the Ministers, the Speaker, the Deputy Speaker, the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of theNational Council shall take an Oath or Affirmation of Secrecy,as provided for in the Fourth Schedule of this Constitution,before assuming office. 2420. Every member of Parliament shall maintain the decorum and dignity of the House and shall desist from acts of defamationand use of physical force. 21. The members of Parliament or any Committee thereof shall be immune from any inquiry, arrest, detention or prosecutionon account of any opinion expressed in the course of thedischarge of their functions or vote cast in Parliament and noperson shall be liable in respect of any report, paper orproceedings made or published under the authority ofParliament. 22. The immunities herein granted shall not cover corrupt acts committed by the members in connection with the dischargeof their duties or cover other acts of accepting money or anyother valuables in consideration to speak or to vote in aparticular manner. 23. The concurrence of not less than two-thirds of the total number of members of each House respectively is required to removethe right of immunity of a member. 24. The National Assembly and the National Council shall continue for five years from the date of the first sitting of therespective Houses. While the National Council shall completeits five-year term, premature dissolution of the NationalAssembly may take place on the recommendation of the PrimeMinister to the Druk Gyalpo or in the event of a motion of noconfidence vote against the Government being passed in theNational Assembly or in accordance with section 12 of Article15. 2525. Except for existing International Conventions, Covenants, Treaties, Protocols and Agreements entered into by Bhutan,which shall continue in force subject to section 10 of Article1, all International Conventions, Covenants, Treaties, Protocolsand Agreements duly acceded to by the Government hereafter,shall be deemed to be the law of the Kingdom only uponratification by Parliament unless it is inconsistent with thisConstitution. |
What is Article 10 of the Bhutan Constitution about? | Article 10 of the Bhutan Constitution is about Parliament. It establishes and regulates: . There shall be a Parliament for Bhutan in which all legislative powers under this Constitution are vested and which shallconsist of the Druk Gyalpo, the National Council and theNational Assembly. 2. Parliament shall ensure that the Government safeguards the interests of the nation and fulfils the aspirations of the peoplethrough public review of policies and issues, Bills and otherlegislations, and scrutiny of State functions. 3. The election of the members of Parliament shall be in accordance |
What does point 1 of Article 10 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | There shall be a Parliament for Bhutan in which all legislative powers under this Constitution are vested and which shallconsist of the Druk Gyalpo, the National Council and theNational Assembly. |
What does point 2 of Article 10 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | Parliament shall ensure that the Government safeguards the interests of the nation and fulfils the aspirations of the peoplethrough public review of policies and issues, Bills and otherlegislations, and scrutiny of State functions. |
What does point 3 of Article 10 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The election of the members of Parliament shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Electoral Laws of theKingdom. |
What does point 4 of Article 10 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | A person shall not be a member of the National Council as well as the National Assembly or a Local Government at thesame time. |
What does point 5 of Article 10 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The Druk Gyalpo shall summon the first sitting of Parliament after each general election. |
What does point 6 of Article 10 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | At the commencement of each session of Parliament, the Druk Gyalpo shall be received in a joint sitting of Parliament withChibdrel Ceremony. Each session shall be opened with a Zhug-drel-phunsum tshog-pai ten-drel and each session shallconclude with the Tashi-mon-lam. |
What does point 7 of Article 10 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The Druk Gyalpo may address or sit in the proceedings of either House or a joint sitting of Parliament as and whendeemed expedient. |
What does point 8 of Article 10 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The Druk Gyalpo may send messages to either or both the Houses as deemed expedient. |
What does point 9 of Article 10 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The House receiving the message shall, as early as possible, consider the matter referred to in the message and submit itsopinion to the Druk Gyalpo. |
What does point 10 of Article 10 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The Prime Minister shall present an Annual Report on the state of the nation, including legislative plans and the annualplans and priorities of the Government, to the Druk Gyalpoand to a joint sitting of Parliament. |
What does point 11 of Article 10 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | Both Houses shall determine their rules of procedure, and the proceedings of each House shall be conducted in accordancewith its own rules. The rules of procedure in each House shallprovide for the appointment of Committees to carry out thebusiness of Parliament. |
What does point 12 of Article 10 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The Speaker and the Chairperson shall convene an extraordinary sitting of Parliament on the command of theDruk Gyalpo if the exigencies of the situation so demand. |
What does point 13 of Article 10 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | Each Member of Parliament shall have one vote. In case of equal votes, the Speaker or the Chairperson shall cast thedeciding vote. |
What does point 14 of Article 10 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The presence of not less than two-thirds of the total number of members of each House respectively shall constitute aquorum for a sitting of the National Council or the NationalAssembly. |
What does point 15 of Article 10 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The proceedings of Parliament shall be conducted in public. However, the Speaker or the Chairperson may exclude thepress and the public from all or any part of the proceedings ifthere is a compelling need to do so in the interests of publicorder, national security or any other situation, where publicitywould seriously prejudice public interest. |
What does point 16 of Article 10 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The Speaker shall preside over the proceedings of a joint sitting and the venue for the joint sitting of the Houses shall be thehall of the National Assembly. |
What does point 17 of Article 10 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | When the office of a member of Parliament becomes vacant for any reason other than the expiration of term, an election ofa member to fill the vacancy shall be held within ninety daysas from the date of the vacancy. |
What does point 18 of Article 10 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The members of Parliament shall take an Oath or Affirmation of Office, as provided for in the Third Schedule of thisConstitution, before assuming their responsibilities. |
What does point 19 of Article 10 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The Prime Minister, the Ministers, the Speaker, the Deputy Speaker, the Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson of theNational Council shall take an Oath or Affirmation of Secrecy,as provided for in the Fourth Schedule of this Constitution,before assuming office. |
What does point 20 of Article 10 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | Every member of Parliament shall maintain the decorum and dignity of the House and shall desist from acts of defamationand use of physical force. |
What does point 21 of Article 10 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The members of Parliament or any Committee thereof shall be immune from any inquiry, arrest, detention or prosecutionon account of any opinion expressed in the course of thedischarge of their functions or vote cast in Parliament and noperson shall be liable in respect of any report, paper orproceedings made or published under the authority ofParliament. |
What does point 22 of Article 10 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The immunities herein granted shall not cover corrupt acts committed by the members in connection with the dischargeof their duties or cover other acts of accepting money or anyother valuables in consideration to speak or to vote in aparticular manner. |
What does point 23 of Article 10 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The concurrence of not less than two-thirds of the total number of members of each House respectively is required to removethe right of immunity of a member. |
What does point 24 of Article 10 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The National Assembly and the National Council shall continue for five years from the date of the first sitting of therespective Houses. While the National Council shall completeits five-year term, premature dissolution of the NationalAssembly may take place on the recommendation of the PrimeMinister to the Druk Gyalpo or in the event of a motion of noconfidence vote against the Government being passed in theNational Assembly or in accordance with section 12 of Article15. |
What does point 25 of Article 10 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | Except for existing International Conventions, Covenants, Treaties, Protocols and Agreements entered into by Bhutan,which shall continue in force subject to section 10 of Article1, all International Conventions, Covenants, Treaties, Protocolsand Agreements duly acceded to by the Government hereafter,shall be deemed to be the law of the Kingdom only uponratification by Parliament unless it is inconsistent with thisConstitution. |
Summarize the key provisions of Article 10 (Parliament) in the Bhutan Constitution | Article 10 of the Bhutan Constitution, which deals with Parliament, contains 25 key provisions that establish: . There shall be a Parliament for Bhutan in which all legislative powers under this Constitution are vested and which shallconsist of the Druk Gyalpo, the National Council and theNational Assembly. 2. Parliament shall ensure that the Government safeguards the interests of the nation and fulfils the aspirations of the peoplethrough public review of policies and issues, Bills and otherlegislations, and scrutiny of State functions. 3. The election of the members of Parliament shall be in accordance |
What does Article 11 of the Constitution of Bhutan state? | . The National Council shall consist of twenty-five members comprising: (a) One member elected by the voters in each of the twenty Dzongkhags; and (b) Five eminent persons nominated by the Druk Gyalpo. 2. Besides its legislative functions, the National Council shall act as the House of review on matters affecting the securityand sovereignty of the country and the interests of the nationand the people that need to be brought to the notice of theDruk Gyalpo, the Prime Minister and the National Assembly. 3. A candidate to or a member of the National Council shall not belong to any political party. 4. At the first sitting after any National Council election, or when necessary to fill a vacancy, the National Council shall elect aChairperson and Deputy Chairperson from among itsmembers. 265. The Druk Gyalpo shall, by warrant under His hand and seal, confer Dakyen to the Chairperson. 6. The National Council shall assemble at least twice a year. |
What is Article 11 of the Bhutan Constitution about? | Article 11 of the Bhutan Constitution is about The National Council. It establishes and regulates: . The National Council shall consist of twenty-five members comprising: (a) One member elected by the voters in each of the twenty Dzongkhags; and (b) Five eminent persons nominated by the Druk Gyalpo. 2. Besides its legislative functions, the National Council shall act as the House of review on matters affecting the securityand sovereignty of the country and the interests of the nationand the people that need to be brought to the notice of theDruk Gyalpo, the Prime Minister and the National Ass |
What does point 1 of Article 11 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The National Council shall consist of twenty-five members comprising: (a) One member elected by the voters in each of the twenty Dzongkhags; and (b) Five eminent persons nominated by the Druk Gyalpo. |
What does point 2 of Article 11 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | Besides its legislative functions, the National Council shall act as the House of review on matters affecting the securityand sovereignty of the country and the interests of the nationand the people that need to be brought to the notice of theDruk Gyalpo, the Prime Minister and the National Assembly. |
What does point 3 of Article 11 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | A candidate to or a member of the National Council shall not belong to any political party. |
What does point 4 of Article 11 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | At the first sitting after any National Council election, or when necessary to fill a vacancy, the National Council shall elect aChairperson and Deputy Chairperson from among itsmembers. |
What does point 5 of Article 11 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The Druk Gyalpo shall, by warrant under His hand and seal, confer Dakyen to the Chairperson. |
What does point 6 of Article 11 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The National Council shall assemble at least twice a year. |
Summarize the key provisions of Article 11 (The National Council) in the Bhutan Constitution | Article 11 of the Bhutan Constitution, which deals with The National Council, contains 6 key provisions that establish: . The National Council shall consist of twenty-five members comprising: (a) One member elected by the voters in each of the twenty Dzongkhags; and (b) Five eminent persons nominated by the Druk Gyalpo. 2. Besides its legislative functions, the National Council shall act as the House of review on matters affecting the securityand sovereignty of the country and the interests of the nationand the people that need to be brought to the notice of theDruk Gyalpo, the Prime Minister and the National Ass |
What does Article 12 of the Constitution of Bhutan state? | . The National Assembly shall have a maximum of fifty-five members, elected from each Dzongkhag in proportion to itspopulation, provided that no Dzongkhag shall have less thantwo members or more than seven members, for which purposeParliament shall, by law, provide for each Dzongkhag to bedivided into constituencies through appropriate delimitation,and for the voters in each constituency directly electing onemember to the National Assembly. 2. The number of elected members from each Dzongkhag shall be reapportioned to reflect the changing registered voterpopulation after every ten years, subject to the limitation of aminimum of two and a maximum of seven members fromeach Dzongkhag. 3. At the first sitting after any general election, or when necessary to fill a vacancy, the National Assembly shall elect a Speakerand a Deputy Speaker from among its members. 4. The Druk Gyalpo shall, by warrant under His hand and seal, confer Dakyen to the Speaker. 5. The National Assembly shall assemble at least twice a year. 27Article 13 Passing of Bills 1. A Bill passed by Parliament shall come into force upon Assent of the Druk Gyalpo. 2. Money Bills and financial Bills shall originate only in the National Assembly whereas any other legislative Bill mayoriginate in either House. 3. A Bill pending in either House shall not lapse by reason of the prorogation of either House. 4. A Bill shall be passed by a simple majority of the total number of members of the respective Houses or by not less than two-thirds of the total number of members of both Houses presentand voting, in the case of a joint sitting. 5. Where a Bill has been introduced and passed by one House, it shall present the Bill to the other House within thirty daysfrom the date of passing and that Bill may be passed duringthe next session of Parliament. In the case of Budget and UrgentBills, they shall be passed in the same session of Parliament. 6. Where the other House also passes the Bill, that House shall submit the Bill to the Druk Gyalpo for Assent within fifteendays from the date of passing of such Bill. 7. Where the other House does not pass the Bill, that House shall return it to the House in which the Bill originated withamendments or objections for re-deliberation. If the Bill isthen passed, it shall be presented to the Druk Gyalpo for Assentwithin fifteen days from the date of passing of such Bill. 288. Where the House in which the Bill originated refuses to incorporate such amendments or objections of the other House,it shall submit the Bill to the Druk Gyalpo, who shall thencommand the Houses to deliberate and vote on the Bill in ajoint sitting. 9. Where the other House neither passes nor returns the Bill by the end of the next session, the Bill shall be deemed to havebeen passed by that House and the House in which the Billoriginated shall present the Bill within fifteen days to the DrukGyalpo for Assent. 10. Where the Druk Gyalpo does not grant Assent to the Bill, He shall return the Bill with amendments or objections todeliberate and vote on the Bill in a joint sitting. 11. Upon deliberation and passing of the Bill in a joint sitting, it shall be resubmitted to the Druk Gyalpo for Assent thereto,whereupon Assent shall be granted to the Bill. |
What is Article 12 of the Bhutan Constitution about? | Article 12 of the Bhutan Constitution is about The National Assembly. It establishes and regulates: . The National Assembly shall have a maximum of fifty-five members, elected from each Dzongkhag in proportion to itspopulation, provided that no Dzongkhag shall have less thantwo members or more than seven members, for which purposeParliament shall, by law, provide for each Dzongkhag to bedivided into constituencies through appropriate delimitation,and for the voters in each constituency directly electing onemember to the National Assembly. 2. The number of elected members from each Dzongkhag sh |
What does point 1 of Article 12 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The National Assembly shall have a maximum of fifty-five members, elected from each Dzongkhag in proportion to itspopulation, provided that no Dzongkhag shall have less thantwo members or more than seven members, for which purposeParliament shall, by law, provide for each Dzongkhag to bedivided into constituencies through appropriate delimitation,and for the voters in each constituency directly electing onemember to the National Assembly. |
What does point 2 of Article 12 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The number of elected members from each Dzongkhag shall be reapportioned to reflect the changing registered voterpopulation after every ten years, subject to the limitation of aminimum of two and a maximum of seven members fromeach Dzongkhag. |
What does point 3 of Article 12 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | At the first sitting after any general election, or when necessary to fill a vacancy, the National Assembly shall elect a Speakerand a Deputy Speaker from among its members. |
What does point 4 of Article 12 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The Druk Gyalpo shall, by warrant under His hand and seal, confer Dakyen to the Speaker. |
What does point 5 of Article 12 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | The National Assembly shall assemble at least twice a year. 27Article 13 Passing of Bills |
What does point 6 of Article 12 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | A Bill passed by Parliament shall come into force upon Assent of the Druk Gyalpo. |
What does point 7 of Article 12 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | Money Bills and financial Bills shall originate only in the National Assembly whereas any other legislative Bill mayoriginate in either House. |
What does point 8 of Article 12 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | A Bill pending in either House shall not lapse by reason of the prorogation of either House. |
What does point 9 of Article 12 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | A Bill shall be passed by a simple majority of the total number of members of the respective Houses or by not less than two-thirds of the total number of members of both Houses presentand voting, in the case of a joint sitting. |
What does point 10 of Article 12 in the Bhutan Constitution state? | Where a Bill has been introduced and passed by one House, it shall present the Bill to the other House within thirty daysfrom the date of passing and that Bill may be passed duringthe next session of Parliament. In the case of Budget and UrgentBills, they shall be passed in the same session of Parliament. |
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