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picnic with a bright, happy, vivacious group. Sit down at a corn roast; |
a marshmallow toast; join in singing popular songs; drink a quart of |
good, rich milk; burrow into that big lunch box; and all such things |
as banks, stocks, and family bills, will vanish on fairy wings, into |
oblivion. |
But this is not a claim that Man should stay always youthful. Supposing |
that that famous Spaniard, landing upon Florida's coral strands, had |
found that mythical Fountain of Youth; what a calamity for mankind! A |
world without maturity of thought; without man's full-grown muscular |
ability to construct mighty buildings, railroads and ships; a world |
without authors, doctors, savants, musicians; nothing but Youth! I can |
think of but a solitary approval of such a condition; for such a horror |
as war would not,--could not occur; for a child is, naturally, a small |
bunch of sympathy. I know that boys will "scrap;" also that "spats" |
will occur amongst girls; but, at such a monstrosity as killings by |
bombing towns, sinking ships, or mass annihilation of marching troops, |
childhood would stand aghast. Not a tiny bird would fall; nor would |
any form of gun nor facility for manufacturing it, insult that almost |
Holy purity of youthful thought. Anybody who knows that wracking sorrow |
brought upon a child by a dying puppy or cat, knows that childhood can |
show us that our fighting, our policy of "a tooth for a tooth," is |
abominably wrong. |
So, now to start our story:-- |
Branton Hills was a small town in a rich agricultural district; and |
having many a possibility for growth. But, through a sort of smug |
satisfaction with conditions of long ago, had no thought of improving |
such important adjuncts as roads; putting up public buildings, nor |
laying out parks; in fact a dormant, slowly dying community. So |
satisfactory was its status that it had no form of transportation to |
surrounding towns but by railroad, or "old Dobbin." Now, any town thus |
isolating its inhabitants, will invariably find this big, busy world |
passing it by; glancing at it, curiously, as at an odd animal at a |
circus; and, you will find, caring not a whit about its condition. |
Naturally, a town should grow. You can look upon it as a child; which, |
through natural conditions, should attain manhood; and add to its |
surrounding thriving districts its products of farm, shop, or factory. |
It should show a spirit of association with surrounding towns; crawl |
out of its lair, and find how backward it is. |
Now, in all such towns, you will find, occasionally, an individual born |
with that sort of brain which, knowing that his town is backward, longs |
to start things toward improving it; not only its living conditions, |
but adding an institution or two, such as any _city_, big or small, |
maintains, gratis, for its inhabitants. But so forward looking a man |
finds that trying to instill any such notions into a town's ruling body |
is about as satisfactory as butting against a brick wall. Such "Boards" |
as you find ruling many a small town, function from such a soporific |
rut that any hint of digging cash from its cast iron strong box with |
its big brass padlock, will fall upon minds as rigid as rock. |
Branton Hills _had_ such a man, to whom such rigidity was as annoying |
as a thorn in his foot. Continuous trials brought only continual |
thorn-pricks; until, finally, a brilliant plan took form as John |
Gadsby found Branton Hills' High School pupils waking up to Branton |
Hills' sloth. Gadsby continually found this bright young bunch asking:-- |
"Aw! Why is this town so slow? It's nothing but a dry twig!!" |
"Ha!" said Gadsby; "A dry twig! That's it! Many a living, blossoming |
branch all around us, and this solitary dry twig, with a tag hanging |
from it, on which you will find: 'Branton Hills; A twig too lazy to |
grow!'" |
Now this put a "hunch" in Gadsby's brain, causing him to say; "A High |
School pupil is not a child, now. Naturally a High School boy has not |
a man's qualifications; nor has a High School girl womanly maturity. |
But such kids, born in this swiftly moving day, think out many a notion |
which will work, but which would pass our dads and granddads in cold |
disdain. Just as ships pass at night. But supposing that such ships |
should show a light in passing; or blow a horn; or, if--if--if--By |
Golly! I'll do it!" |
And so Gadsby sat on his blossom-bound porch on a mild Spring morning, |
thinking and smoking. Smoking can calm a man down; and his thoughts |
had so long and so constantly clung to this plan of his that a cool |
outlook as to its promulgation was not only important, but paramount. |
So, as his cigar was whirling and puffing rings aloft; and as groups |
of bright, happy boys and girls trod past, to school, his plan rapidly |
took form as follows:-- |
"Youth! What is it? Simply a start. A start of what? Why, of that most |
astounding of all human functions; thought. But man didn't start his |
brain working. No. All that an adult can claim is a continuation, or |
an amplification of thoughts, dormant in his youth. Although a child's |
brain can absorb instruction with an ability far surpassing that of a |
grown man; and, although such a young brain is bound by rigid limits, |
it contains a capacity for constantly craving additional facts. So, |
in our backward Branton Hills, I just _know_ that I can find boys and |
girls who can show our old moss-back Town Hall big-wigs a thing or two. |
Why! On Town Hall night, just go and sit in that room and find out just |
how stupid and stubborn a Council, (put _into_ Town Hall, you know, |
through popular ballot!), can act. Say that a road is badly worn. Shall |
it stay so? Up jumps Old Bill Simpkins claiming that it is a townsman's |
duty to fix up his wagon springs if that road is too rough for him!" |
As Gadsby sat thinking thus, his plan was rapidly growing; and, in a |
month, was actually starting to work. How? You'll know shortly; but |
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