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"A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"what is pulmonary thrombosis definition"
] | [
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"Pulmonary embolism is a blockage in one of the pulmonary arteries in your lungs. In most cases, pulmonary embolism is caused by blood clots that travel to the lungs from the legs or, rarely, other parts of the body (deep vein thrombosis). Because the clots block blood flow to the lungs, pulmonary embolism can be life-threatening. However, prompt treatment greatly reduces the risk of death."
] | [
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"A common type of venous thrombosis is a deep vein thrombosis (DVT), which is a blood clot in the deep veins of the leg.The embolism effects your lungs, the aneurysm can affect your heart or brain.. The other difference is that an embolism is usually associated with a blood clot, whereas an aneurysm is a weakening of the walls of a blood vessel causing a balloon like bulge."
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"Pulmonary embolism (PULL-mun-ary EM-bo-lizm), or PE, is a sudden blockage in a lung artery. The blockage usually is caused by a blood clot that travels to the lung from a vein in the leg. A clot that forms in one part of the body and travels in the bloodstream to another part of the body is called an embolus (EM-bo-lus)."
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"Heparin Sodium Injection is indicated for: 1 Prophylaxis and treatment of venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism; 2 Prevention of postoperative deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism in patients undergoing major abdominothoracic surgery or who, for other reasons, are at risk of developing thromboembolic disease;"
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"Practice Essentials. Thromboembolism encompasses two interrelated conditions that are part of the same spectrum, deep venous thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE) (see the image below). The spectrum of disease ranges from clinically unsuspected to clinically unimportant to massive embolism causing death."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it.\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', '1 Applying for a passport card costs $20 for adults and $10 for children. 2 Applicants must also submit two 2-inch by 2-inch color photos with the passport application. 3 Passport photos cost about $15, and can be taken at certain branches of the US Post Office, FedEx and UPS stores and photography studios.']\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'how much does a kids passport cost']\"",
"Pulmonary fibrosis (literally scarring of the lungs) is a respiratory disease in which scars are formed in the lung tissues, leading to serious breathing problems."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Saddle pulmonary embolism (SPE) is defined as the presence of a thromboembolus. located at the bifurcation of the main pulmonary artery. Radiological evidence of SPE is. found in approximately 2% to 5% (4) (5) of all PE patients."
"Represent this:",
"Pulmonary Embolism Support Group By far the most common form of pulmonary embolism is a thromboembolism, which occurs when a blood clot, generally a venous thrombus, becomes dislodged from its site of formation and embolizes to the arterial blood supply of one of the lungs."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"Pulmonary heart disease, also known as cor pulmonale is the enlargement and failure of the right ventricle of the heart as a response to increased vascular resistance (such as from pulmonic stenosis) or high blood pressure in the lungs.[1]"
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"Thrombosis. 1 Eight times the risk than after vaginal deliveries. 2 Commonly occurs in the leg or pelvic veins. 3 Risk that the thrombus may embolise to a pulmonary vessel. 4 Prophylactic anticoagulation is given, particularly for those at highest risk (age over 35, anaemia, history of thrombosis, obese)"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Must Read Articles Related to Pulmonary Embolism. Blood Clot in the Legs Deep vein thrombosis (blood clot in the leg, DVT) is a learn more >>. Phlebitis Phlebitis is the inflammation of a vein. Superficial phlebitis affects the veins on the surface of the skin."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"Pulmonary embolism is the sudden blockage of a major blood vessel (artery) in the lung, usually by a blood clot. In most cases, the clots are small and are not deadly, but they can damage the lung. But if the clot is large and stops blood flow to the lung, it can be deadly."
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"A pulmonary nodule is a small round or oval-shaped growth in the lung. It is sometimes also called a spot on the lung or a coin lesion. Pulmonary nodules are generally smaller ⦠than 3 centimeters in diameter. If the growth is larger than that, it is known as a pulmonary mass. A mass is more likely to represent a cancer than is a nodule."
"phlebothrombosis, venous thrombosis-thrombosis of a vein without prior inflammation of the vein; associated with sluggish blood flow (as in prolonged bedrest or pregnancy or surgery) or with rapid coagulation of the blood. thrombus-a blood clot formed within a blood vessel and remaining attached to its place of origin."
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"Renal vein thrombosis (RVT), an uncommon disorder, is a blood clot in one or both of the veins that carries blood from the kidneys back to the heart. In infants, the condition may occur suddenly and result in kidney failure and severe acute illness."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"pulmonary embolism(Noun) The embolism or obstruction of a pulmonary artery, usually by a detached blood clot from a leg or pelvic vein, which causes a stoppage of blood into the lungs; symptoms include shortness of breath, chest pain, fainting, and sometimes death."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Introduction. A pulmonary embolism is a blockage in the pulmonary artery, the blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the lungs. This blockage â usually a blood clot â is potentially life-threatening because it can prevent blood from reaching your lungs.ntroduction. A pulmonary embolism is a blockage in the pulmonary artery, the blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the lungs. This blockage â usually a blood clot â is potentially life-threatening because it can prevent blood from reaching your lungs."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A pulmonary embolism is a blood clot that occurs in the lungs. It can damage part of the lung due to restricted blood flow, decrease oxygen levels in the blood, and affect other organs as well. Large or multiple blood clots can be fatal. The blockage can be life-threatening."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"pulmonary disease, any abnormal condition of the respiratory system, characterized by cough, chest pain, dyspnea, hemoptysis, sputum production, stridor, or adventitious sounds."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Health Library » Cardiovascular Diseases. A pulmonary embolism (PE) is a blood clot that develops in a blood vessel elsewhere in the body (most commonly from the leg), travels to an artery in the lung, and forms an occlusion (blockage) of the artery."
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"Definition. 1 Pulmonary hypertension is a rare lung disorder characterized by increased pressure in the pulmonary artery. The pulmonary artery carries oxygen-poor blood from the lower chamber on the right side of the heart (right ventricle) to the lungs where it picks up oxygen."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Coronary thrombosis, arterial thrombosis in a coronary artery, is a complication of coronary atherosclerosis. A thrombus in one of these arteries will block part of the blood supply to the heart muscle and cause severe myocardial infarction, which is a medical emergency."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Pulmonary Embolism Support Group. By far the most common form of pulmonary embolism is a thromboembolism, which occurs when a blood clot, generally a venous thrombus, becomes dislodged from its site of formation and embolizes to the arterial blood supply of one of the lungs."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n------\nExample:\nProvided: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Write a review about a product or service associated with this THORSTREAM trademark. Or, contact the owner Thorstream of the THORSTREAM trademark by filing a request to communicate with the Legal Correspondent for licensing, use, and/or questions related to the THORSTREAM trademark.']\" Match: \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'is thorstream legal']\"",
"A pulmonary embolism (PE) is a blood clot that develops in a blood vessel in the body (often in the leg). It travels to a lung artery where it suddenly blocks blood flow. A blood clot that forms in a blood vessel in one area of the body, breaks off, and travels to another area of the body in the blood is called an embolus. An embolus can lodge itself in a blood vessel."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nTo give you a sense - \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.', \"A puppy's weight increases rapidly in the first months of life. If people varied as much as our canine buddies, we would range from 2 to 30 feet tall. Dogs' sizes range from 2-pound Chihuahuas to 200-pound mastiffs. Your little buddy stops growing before he's 1 year old, while your gentle giant won't reach full growth until he's 3.\"]\" should be close to \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'at what age do puppies stop growing']\"",
"A pulmonary embolism (PE) is a blood clot that has traveled to the lung from another place in the body. A PE can be life-threatening. Blood clots are common in patients with cancer. Many patients are not aware of the risks, symptoms, and signs of a blood clot."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
": a condition marked by the formation of a thrombus within a deep vein (as of the leg or pelvis) that may be asymptomatic or be accompanied by symptoms (as swelling and pain) and that is potentially life threatening if dislodgment of the thrombus results in pulmonary embolism Postsurgical risk of deep vein thrombosisâdangerous blood clots that form ..."
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"Compression stockings. Deep vein thrombosis treatment is aimed at preventing the clot from getting any bigger, as well as preventing the clot from breaking loose and causing a pulmonary embolism.After that, the goal becomes reducing your chances of deep vein thrombosis happening again.Deep vein thrombosis treatment options include:eep vein thrombosis treatment is aimed at preventing the clot from getting any bigger, as well as preventing the clot from breaking loose and causing a pulmonary embolism. After that, the goal becomes reducing your chances of deep vein thrombosis happening again. Deep vein thrombosis treatment options include:"
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Deep vein thrombosis: A blood clot within a deep vein, typically in the thigh or leg. The blood clot (thrombus) can break off as an embolus and make its way to the lung, where it can cause lung problems. Abbreviated DVT."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"pulmonary embolism. A condition in which an embolus (blood clot, formed in a vein) breaks off and blocks a pulmonary artery which supplies blood to the lungs. It can result in pain, breathlessness, and sudden death."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A pulmonary embolism is a blood clot in the lung that occurs when a clot in another part of the body (often the leg or arm) moves through the bloodstream and becomes lodged in the blood vessels of the lung."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Pulmonary embolism is the sudden blockage of a major blood vessel (artery) in the lung, usually by a blood clot . In most cases, the clots are small and are not deadly, but they can damage the lung. But if the clot is large and stops blood flow to the lung, it can be deadly."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Pulmonary emboli are blood clots that have been carried through the blood into the pulmonary artery (the main blood vessel from the heart to the lung) or one of its branches, plugging that vessel. Emboli is the plural of embolus, a word that comes from the Greek embolos meaning a wedge or plug."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Pulmonary Embolism. Sudden blockage of a major artery in your lung. Usually due to a blood clot that develops in another part of your body, breaks off and travels in the blood stream into the lung where it blocks the pumping of your heart and prevents it from taking in oxygen."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Thrombosis is the formation of a blood clot inside a blood vessel, obstructing the flow of blood through the circulatory system. When a blood vessel is injured, the body uses platelets and fibrin to form a blood clot to prevent blood loss. Even when a blood vessel is not injured, blood clots may form in the body under certain conditions. A clot, or a piece of the clot, that breaks free and begins to travel around the body is known as an embolus. Thrombosis may occur in veins or in arteries. Veno"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Pulmonary Embolism. A pulmonary embolism is the sudden blocking of one of the arteries of the lung by matter in the blood, such as a blood clot, fat, fragments of a cancerous tumor or an air bubble. The blockage prevents enough oxygen-rich blood from reaching the tissues of the lung, causing lung tissue to die (pulmonary infarction)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A pulmonary embolism is a blood clot that occurs in the lungs. A pulmonary embolism can damage part of the lung due to restricted blood flow, decrease oxygen levels in the blood, and damage other organs.Large or multiple blood clots can be fatal. pulmonary embolism is a blood clot that occurs in the lungs. A pulmonary embolism can damage part of the lung due to restricted blood flow, decrease oxygen levels in the blood, and damage other organs."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The American Heart Association explains venous thromboembolism, or VTE, as well as what causes it. VTE is a combination of a pulmonary embolism (PE) and deep vein thrombosis (DVT)"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A pulmonary embolism is a part of a blood clot that travels to the lungs. The most common cause of a pulmonary embolism is a blood clot (thrombus) in a large leg vein of the leg that breaks off and travels to the lungs (embolus). An embolus may be from clots in other parts of the body.Or they may be made up of other solids, liquids, or gases that travel to the lungs.revention of pulmonary embolism. An effective way to prevent a blood clot in the lungs is to prevent blood clots from forming in other parts of the body. This is especially important during hospitalization. Methods include: Medicine. Anticoagulants and/or aspirin are often given to prevent blood clots."
"Represent this text",
"Pulmonary embolus: A blood clot or foreign material that has been carried through the blood into the pulmonary artery or one of its branches, plugging the vessel."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"pulmonary heart disease (cor pulmonale) is hypertrophy of the right ventricle of the heart (with or without failure) resulting from disorders of the lungs, pulmonary vessels or chest wall. Heart failure resulting from pulmonary disease."
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"Arterial thrombosis is the formation of a thrombus within an artery. In most cases, arterial thrombosis follows rupture of atheroma (a fat-rich deposit in the blood vessel wall), and is therefore referred to as atherothrombosis."
"Represent the following document",
"Pulmonary heart disease, also known as cor pulmonale is the enlargement and failure of the right ventricle of the heart as a response to increased vascular resistance or high blood pressure in the lungs. Chronic pulmonary heart disease usually results in right ventricular hypertrophy, whereas acute pulmonary heart disease usually results in dilatation. Hypertrophy is an adaptive response to a long-term increase in pressure. Individual muscle cells grow larger and change to drive the increased co"
"Represent the following document",
"Pulmonary hemorrhage. Pulmonary hemorrhage (or pulmonary haemorrhage) is an acute bleeding from the lung, from the upper respiratory tract and the trachea, and the alveoli. When evident clinically, the condition is usually massive."
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"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A pulmonary sequestration (bronchopulmonary sequestration or cystic lung lesion), is a medical condition wherein a piece of tissue that ultimately develops into lung tissue is not attached to the pulmonary arterial blood supply, as is the case in normally developing lung. Contrast-enhanced MRA or even conventional T1-weighted spin-echo (SE) images may help in the diagnosis of pulmonary sequestration by demonstrating a systemic blood supply, particularly from the aorta, to a basal lung mass."
"Pulmonary fibrosis is a chronic, progressive fibrosing interstitial pneumonia of unknown cause and results in the lungs becoming thick and stiff, or scarred, over time. PF may be caused by medications, exposures, or underlying diseases of the autoimmune system. Common symptoms."
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"Protein S deficiency may result in venous thromboembolic phenomena including deep venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolus, inferior vena cava thrombosis, renal or hepatic vein thrombosis, and intracranial venous and dural sinus thrombosis [2,3,11,12], as well as arterial thrombosis leading to stroke [3,13-17]."
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"Hemoptysis is a common symptom of acute pulmonary venous thrombo-embolism disease and result from pulmonary infarction (14,35, 130). Pleuretic chest pain and sudden shortness of breath strongly suggest the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism in the absence of fever."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A pulmonary embolism is the sudden blocking of one of the arteries of the lung by matter in the blood, such as a blood clot, fat, fragments of a cancerous tumor or an air bubble. The blockage prevents enough oxygen-rich blood from reaching the tissues of the lung, causing lung tissue to die (pulmonary infarction)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Health Library » Respiratory Disorders » Lung Disorders and Diseases. A pulmonary embolism (PE) is a blood clot that develops in a blood vessel elsewhere in the body (most commonly from the leg), travels to an artery in the lung, and forms an occlusion (blockage) of the artery."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"What is a pulmonary embolism? A pulmonary embolism (PE) is a blood clot that develops in a blood vessel elsewhere in the body (most commonly from the leg), travels to an artery in the lung, and forms an occlusion (blockage) of the artery."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Family history of deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism; Malignancy . Deep Vein Thrombosis Symptoms. Deep vein thrombosis is typically accompanied by leg swelling and pain. 5 In rare cases, swelling can occur in both legs."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Pulmonary Embolism. A pulmonary embolism (PE) is a blood clot that develops in a blood vessel elsewhere in the body (most commonly from the leg), travels to an artery in the lung, and forms an occlusion (blockage) of the artery. Learn More."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"What is pulmonary embolism? Pulmonary embolism is the sudden blockage of a major blood vessel (artery) in the lung, usually by a blood clot . In most cases, the clots are small and are not deadly, but they can damage the lung. But if the clot is large and stops blood flow to the lung, it can be deadly."
] |
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"what family tomatoes in"
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"Matthioliâs classification of the tomato as a mandrake had later ramifications. Like similar fruits and vegetables in the solanaceae familyâthe eggplant for example, the tomato garnered a shady reputation for being both poisonous and a source of temptation."
] | [
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"characteristics of tomatoes. in tomato: History. ...as a food because botanists recognized it as a relative of the poisonous belladonna and deadly nightshade. Indeed, the roots and leaves of the tomato plant are poisonous and contain the neurotoxin solanine."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Physalis. These fruits encased in an unusual, lantern-like husk are part of the nightshade family and thus share a relation with the much more familiar tomato.Since it has a mild, refreshing acidity similar to the tomato, it can be used in many of the same ways.hysalis. These fruits encased in an unusual, lantern-like husk are part of the nightshade family and thus share a relation with the much more familiar tomato. Since it has a mild, refreshing acidity similar to the tomato, it can be used in many of the same ways."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Tomato Juice. Our tomato juice is the easy, tasty way to give your family a full dayâs serving of vegetables. Fat free and made with tomatoes picked at the peak of ripeness. Water, Tomato Concentrate, Salt, Citric Acid, Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Tomato (firmware) Tomato is a partially free HyperWRT-based, Linux core firmware distribution for a range of Broadcom chipset based wireless routers, most notably the older Linksys WRT54G series, Buffalo AirStation, Asus routers and Netgear WNR3500L."
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"(Interestingly, you can find this Latin root not in the cabbages that so commonly represent the broader family of cruciferous vegetables, but in cauliflower, which is another important member of this vegetable group.) Cruciferous vegetables are also sometimes referred to as the mustard family vegetables, since the widely popular mustard greens â and ..."
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"We have analysed a centromeric satellite DNA family that is conserved in several commercial and non-commercial oyster species (Ostrea edulis, O. stentina, Crassostrea angulata, C. gigas, C. gasar, C. ariakensis, C. virginica and C. sikamea)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Allergy or Intolerance. More persons actually have a food intolerance for tomatoes and not a full-blown tomato allergy. An intolerance for tomatoes usually creates gastrointestinal problems, such as diarrhea, cramps or vomiting. A protein found in tomatoes is generally what creates the allergic reaction by the bodyâs immune system."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"5 Types of Tomatoes. Tomatoes are a favorite food of many and are great on their own, in a salad, or accompanying any meal. Although technically a fruit, most people - including chefs - categorize tomatoes as a vegetable. Tomatoes grow on a vine that often reaches ten feet in length."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"It was at one time considered that the common tomato belonged to the genus Solanum. In fact Linnaeus originally classified the tomato within this genus as Solanum lycopersicon but each are now considered to belong to a seperate genus based on differences in leaf type and pollen dispersal from the anthers. upright tomato-plants are upright and erect, very compact. There are quite possibly >10,000 varieties in existence today. Searching just one of the USDA holdings will give one the idea of what is available (~5,000)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Purple Cherokee tomatoes are beefsteak in style, with green shoulders across the top. It was one of the first of the black color group of tomatoes. This variety is over 100 years old and was originally grown by the Cherokee Indians The tomato has an excellent rich flavor and is considered one of the best heirlooms."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n------\n\nThe provided query could be \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'A ventricular assist device (VAD), also known as a heart pump, is a mechanical device that helps pump blood from the heart to the rest of your body. A VAD can be implanted in the chest or worn outside the body. If it is implanted, surgery is done to place it in the chest area. The pump part of the VAD is placed in a small space in your upper abdomen.']\" and the positive \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'what is a vad?']\"",
"Sometimes even vegetables get a bad rap. Take the nightshade vegetables or Solanaceae, a plant family that includes eggplant, peppers, potatoes and tomatoes."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Most tomato plants have compound leaves, and are called regular leaf (RL) plants, but some cultivars have simple leaves known as potato leaf (PL) style because of their resemblance to that particular relative."
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"Tomato allergies are not as common as other food allergies. Tomatoes are a part of the ânightshadeâ allergy family. However, those that do have a severe tomato allergy face the possibility of anaphylactic shock and death. More persons actually have a food intolerance for tomatoes and not a full-blown tomato allergy."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"(Note: Sweet potatoes are part of the morning glory family, not the nightshade family, and perfectly safe to feed to your chickens.) No tomato leaves and no eggplant leaves both of which are also part of the nightshade family and potentially toxic."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"TOMATO Overview Information. Tomato is a plant. The fruit is a familiar vegetable, but the fruit, leaf, and vine are used to make medicine. Tomato is used for preventing cancer of the breast, bladder, cervix, colon and rectum, stomach, lung, ovaries, pancreas, and prostate."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The tomato didnât get blamed just for what was really lead poisoning. Before the fruit made its way to the table in North America, it was classified as a deadly nightshade, a poisonous family of Solanaceae plants that contain toxins called tropane alkaloids."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"The genus Lycopersicon has one closely related genus Solanum (of which Irish potatoes belong) which may one day provide other useful traits provided the technology of gene transfer progresses. It was at one time considered that the common tomato belonged to the genus Solanum. In fact Linnaeus originally classified the tomato within this genus as Solanum lycopersicon but each are now considered to belong to a seperate genus based on differences in leaf type and pollen dispersal from the anthers."
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"Lyco - persicon = wolf - peach. esculentum = edible. The tomato and its close relatives are believed to have originated in the mountainous regions of the Andes (Peru, Ecuador and Chile). Other distinct relatives are found among the flora of the Galapagos Islands."
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"In Mexican cuisine, salsa verde is typically based on the tomatillo. These are small green vegetables that look like mini-tomatoes. Tomatillos are from the same family as tomatoes, but really they are more closely related to the gooseberry."
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"Tomatoes come in about every color from white to purple, pink, yellow, orange, mottled, or, yes, striped. (No polka-dots.) Commonly grown varieties include Beefsteak, Big Boy, Brandywine and Boxcar Willie, to touch only on the Bs."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The family breaks down into three major groups: 1 direct descendents of ancient sea cabbages that grew right on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. 2 the mustard side of the family that grew further inland, and. 3 the newcomers who, measured on the agricultural timescale, came on the scene much more recently."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"Secrets on How to Grow the Biggest Tomato. Big tomatoes come from plants given excellent care since the seed. Although many gardeners are content to grow tomatoes so abundant that they have plenty to give away to friends and family, others have dreams of growing the biggest tomatoes in the country."
"Beefsteak tomatoes are the largest type of tomatoes, often weighing one pound or more. At maturity, they have a ribbed outer texture and show a pink to red coloring. Beefsteaks are indeterminate growers, and typically require 80-100 days after transplanting to reach maturity."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"But if you are trying to conceive, donât overdo it! Watermelon, like tomatoes, contains the antioxidant lycopene, which is in the same family as carotene and therefore has the same beneficial antioxidant effects. On the one hand, thatâs great since carotene, found in many brightly coloured foods, has been shown to lower the risk of cancer and heart disease."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Fusarium Wilt. Fusarium oxysporum. This fungal disease most often affects tomatoes, but may also be found on eggplant, peppers, potatoes, peas and squash family crops. It enters a plant through natural openings and wounds in the roots and grow up into the stem, where it blocks the supply of nutrients and water to the leaves."
"Represent the input",
"An heirloom tomato (also called heritage tomato in the UK) is an open-pollinated (non-hybrid) heirloom cultivar of tomato.he hybrids often exhibit hybrid vigor in the first generation, but the second generation tends to exhibit many undesirable recessive traits. Heirloom tomato varieties are open pollinating, and cross-pollination is common without human intervention."
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"Tomatoes originated from the Andes, in what is now called Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Ecuador - where they grew wild. They were first cultivated by the Aztecs and Incas as early as 700 AD."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The tomato does not have a phylum. Phyla are used to classify animals, not plants. The equivalent term in the plant kingdom is division; tomatoes belong to the division Angi ⦠ospermae (angiosperms, or flowering plants).6 people found this useful.he tomato does not have a phylum. Phyla are used to classify animals, not plants. The equivalent term in the plant kingdom is division; tomatoes belong to the division Angi ⦠ospermae (angiosperms, or flowering plants). 6 people found this useful."
"That's because the lycopene in deep red tomatoes is mostly trans-lycopene, and the lycopene in orange/tangerine tomatoes is mostly tetra-cis-lycopene. In a recent study, this tetra-cis form of lycopene turned out to be more efficiently absorbed by the study participants."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The carrot family, Apiaceae includes dill, parsley, chervil, cilantro (also known as coriander), fennel, and lovage. They are all grown for foliage, and some for seeds as well. These plants have a more upright, leggy habit, and require somewhat moister conditions, and deeper, looser soil."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\nFewshot example: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Roselle is a village in DuPage County and Cook counties in northeastern Illinois, United States. It was first incorporated in 1922 and is a bedroom community, with residents generally commuting to Chicago or nearby suburbs for their jobs.']\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what county is roselle, il in']\"",
"Nightshades are a family of plants which include peppers, aubergines, white potatoes and tomatoes. Read more about how Nightshade Plants affects psoriasis. Nightshades are a family of plants which include peppers, aubergines, white potatoes and tomatoes. Nightshades produce alkaloids, natural pesticides that can affect the nervous system by blocking communication between nerves and muscles."
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"This article relies too much on references to primary sources. (June 2011) Tomato is a partially free HyperWRT-based, Linux core firmware distribution for a range of Broadcom chipset based wireless routers, most notably the older Linksys WRT54G series, Buffalo AirStation, Asus routers and Netgear WNR3500L."
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"The plural form of tomato is tomatoes. The plural form of tomato is <i><b>tomatoes</b></i>."
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"Tomato Varieties for Florida - Florida âRed Rounds,â Plum, Cherries, Grapes, and Heirlooms. Tomatoes were introduced to European culture more than a hundred years before Linnaeus developed the binomial system of naming plants."
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"Distributed 04/18/03. The cucumber family, or Cucurbitaceae, provides a wide variety of vegetables popular in the home garden. Members of that family, which can be planted now, include summer squash, winter squash, mirliton, pumpkin, gourd, cucuzzi, watermelon, cantaloupe, cushaw, luffa and, of course, cucumber."
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"The tomato (see pronunciation) is the edible, often red berry-type fruit of the nightshade Solanum lycopersicum, commonly known as a tomato plant. The tomato is consumed in diverse ways, including raw, as an ingredient in many dishes, sauces, salads, and drinks."
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"As a member of the Solanaceae family, the eggplant is a type of plant known as a nightshade. Itâs thus closely related to tomatoes and potatoes. Eggplants grow wild, but theyâre also cultivated as an annual crop in areas with a temperate climate. Eggplant is known for its fleshy, meaty texture."
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"Recipe: Fried Green Tomatoes with Buttermilk-Feta Dressing. Fried green tomatoes are a Southern delicacy. Add this recipe to your repetoire for a no-fail crowd pleaser that will be a winner with friends and family no matter what the occasion. When you're looking for a more powerful flavor in the dressing, substitute blue cheese for the feta."
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"Tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) are an annual in Colorado, where U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones range from 3 to 7, though they're technically perennial in USDA zone 12. Tomatoes require special care in Colorado."
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"Strawberry Family . Family is a subdivision of order. Strawberry family is Rosaceae. Identification of Scientific Name of Strawberry is done by considering its genus and species. Species having similar characteristics are placed in a particular genus. Strawberries are placed under Fragaria genus."
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"Tomatoes are also the richest source of the exceptionally potent antioxidant lycopene, a substance that prevents cancer, particularly cancer of the prostate. Tomatoes also have high levels of beta carotene, an antioxidant that supports the immune system. They have high dietary fiber and taste delicious raw or cooked."
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"Jill MacKenzie. Garden huckleberry. Garden huckleberry or wonderberry (Solanum melanocerasum, syn S. nigrum guineense) is not related to true huckleberries, woody plants in the heath family. Instead, it is an herbaceous annual in the nightshade family, related to tomatoes, peppers, tobacco, eggplant and potato.arden huckleberry. Garden huckleberry or wonderberry (Solanum melanocerasum, syn S. nigrum guineense) is not related to true huckleberries, woody plants in the heath family. Instead, it is an herbaceous annual in the nightshade family, related to tomatoes, peppers, tobacco, eggplant and potato."
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"Tomatoes. Gardening is a hobby for some people while for others it is how they feed their family sometime. The most popular thing to grow right in your back yard are tomatoes. Tomatoes are used for just about everything so there is a high demand for them."
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"The tomato listed as simply Brandywine is one of the tomato varieties responsible for the ascendance of the popularity of heirloom varieties due to its excellent flavor and somewhat clouded history."
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"Most tomatoes are high in lycopene, the pigment that makes tomatoes red. Tomatoes also have varying proportions of betacarotene, the yellow-orange pigment found in carrots and other orange vegetables. Red tomatoes can range in color from deep purple, fiery red to pink."
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"The L.esculentum complex consists of six other species which are relatively easy to cross with the common tomato. All species in this group are diploid (2n = 2x = 24). Most (except L. hirsutum f. typicum and some L. pennellii) are self-compatible."
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"Nightshades: In some people, foods from the nightshade family (eggplant, tomatoes, potatoes [not yams or sweet potatoes, which come from other plant families], etc) are pro-inflammatory. They contain components which can irritate your digestive system, producing diarrhea."
"Represent this text",
"Plant Kingdom. Tomatoes belong to the plant kingdom, a broad classification that they share with other species such as moss, ferns and trees. Plants are multi-cellular organisms, and their cells contain a true nucleus, but the most important distinction of the plant kingdom is its ability to produce its own food.lant Kingdom. Tomatoes belong to the plant kingdom, a broad classification that they share with other species such as moss, ferns and trees. Plants are multi-cellular organisms, and their cells contain a true nucleus, but the most important distinction of the plant kingdom is its ability to produce its own food."
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"how long do baked beans keep in fridge"
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"Commercially prepared baked beans should keep for at least a week after opening, if stored in a refrigerator, in a sealed non-metallic container. I've frequently kept them for 10 days without any problems."
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"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Re: Q: How long do cooked beans keep in the fridge? Just cook em up again and eat em. With enough heat, anything that started growing on them will be dead anyway. If they have visible mold growing on them, take the mold off, throw it away, and heat up the rest of it to eat. When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty."
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"Store dried kidney beans in an airtight container in a cool, dry and dark place where they will keep for up to 12 months. Cooked kidney beans will keep fresh in the refrigerator for about three days if placed in a covered container."
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"How long can pinto beans stay in the fridge before they go bad? How long can you keep homemade chicken soup in the fridge after thawing from freezer? Ask New Question"
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"Follow these easy steps to make old-fashioned baked beans. 1. Soak the Beans. Dried beans are very hard, so soaking allows them to rehydrate and soften. 1 For 10-12 side-dish servings, rinse 1 pound (about 2-1/3 cups) dried navy beans or Great Northern beans in a colander under cool running water. Drain beans, reserving the liquid. 2 Baked Beans Tip: You can get a head start on baked beans by soaking them (Step 1) and cooking them (Step 2) in advance. 3 Cover and store the soaked, cooked beans in the refrigerator for up to 3 days, then continue as directed below."
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"Home » Bean Cuisine » Storing Beans. Uncooked, dry beans should be stored in tightly sealed containers and kept in a cool, dry area.While storage time does not affect nutrient value, beans may require longer cook times as they age. Cooked beans, if refrigerated, will keep for up to five days in a covered container.Do not store beans in their original cooking pot! After cooking, place leftover beans in tightly covered containers to allow for proper cooling and storage.Cooked beans may also be frozen for later use.ooked beans, if refrigerated, will keep for up to five days in a covered container. Do not store beans in their original cooking pot! After cooking, place leftover beans in tightly covered containers to allow for proper cooling and storage. Cooked beans may also be frozen for later use."
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"The rule of thumb for most cooked foods in the fridge is no more than 3 - 4 days. You might try freezing your beans for later use. jeannette p · 1 decade ago."
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"Seasoning cooked beans with salt can prolong their shelf life in the refrigerator to about one week. Salt acts as a natural preservative, making food last longer."
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"Cooked green beans can probably be kept for a few days in the frIdge (up to a week) if they're dry. If they're in a sauce they generally get soggy after 2-3 days. Categories: 1 Answered questions. Food."
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"To maximize the shelf life of muffins, cover with foil or plastic wrap or place in plastic bag to prevent drying out. Properly stored, freshly baked muffins will last for about 1 to 2 days at normal room temperature. How long do muffins last in the fridge? Freshly baked muffins will keep well for about 1 week in the fridge when properly stored."
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"Properly stored, freshly baked donuts (not cream-filled) will last for about 1 to 2 days at normal room temperature; cream-filled donuts should be stored in the refrigerator. How long do donuts last in the fridge? Freshly baked donuts will keep well for about 1 week in the fridge when properly stored."
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"Quick Answer. Refried beans potentially go bad if they are left in the refrigerator for more than four days. The beans retain their best quality for one to two months in the freezer. Continue Reading."
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"In a dry state, the beans do not need refrigeration and will last for up to two years in a sealed container in the pantry, but cooked black beans or an open can of black beans require special handling before refrigerating them. You cannot just leave them in the can or cooking pot."
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"Uncooked beans can be stored in glass containers for up to a year, while cooked beans should be refrigerated and can last for up to a week. This bean may also be referred to as a cave bean, a New Mexico cave bean, a New Mexico appaloosa, the Aztec bean, and Jacob's cattle bean.eans should be stored in a cool place. If they are not going to be used for 2 or 3 days, store in a perforated bag in the crisper area of the refrigerator. They can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. They are best if eaten shortly after harvesting."
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"Cooked green beans can probably be kept for a few days in the frIdge (up to a week) if they're dry. If they're in a sauce they generally get soggy after 2-3 days. Categories: Answered questions."
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"A: Refried beans potentially go bad if they are left in the refrigerator for more than four days. The beans retain their best quality for one to two months in the freezer. Storing refried beans in cans is not advisable. It is best to remove the beans from the can after opening, then store them in a plastic or glass container with an airtight cover. A heavy-duty freezer bag is acceptable for storing refried beans in the freezer for an extended amount of time. Unopened canned beans are good for two to five years or until the stamped expiration date."
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"Free Trial at platejoy.com. I would not keep them longer than 2-3 days in the fridge. A better way to keep refried beans is the following. Take them out of the can, put them in a glass jar with lid and keep them in the freezer. You could also make smaller portions and keep them in little sandwich bags in the freezer. I do the same with cooked rice, because it does not keep for long in the refrigerator."
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"Cook until the beans are tender, from one to two hours. Stir occasionally during the cooking time to prevent the beans from sticking to the pot's bottom. Drain the beans. Use them immediately, or store them in their cooking liquid for up to three days in the refrigerator or up to three months in the freezer."
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"You can refrigerate them for up to 5 days as long as they are stored properly â wrapped in a paper towel and then sealed inside a plastic bag. Fresh Beans/Peas: Depending on the variety, they can be kept, tightly wrapped, in the refrigerator for 3-5 days.ooked Food: Leftover, cooked foods should be kept in the refrigerator in an airtight container and eaten within 4-5 days. Food, whether cooked or not, should not be left at room temperature for more than 4 hours otherwise the risk of food poisoning increases."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers To give you a sense - \"['', 'Each about the size of a fist, these organs act as sophisticated filters for the body. They process about 200 quarts of blood a day to sift out about 2 quarts of waste products and extra water that eventually leave the body as urine. Blood enters the kidneys through arteries that branch inside the kidneys into tiny clusters of looping blood vessels. Each cluster is called a glomerulus, which comes from the Greek word meaning filter. The plural form of the word is glomeruli. There are approximately 1 million glomeruli, or filters, in each kidney. The glomerulus is attached to the opening of a small fluid-collecting tube called a tubule.']\" should be close to \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'what does the glomeruli filter']\"",
"Beans are a high-protein, low-acid food. Keep hot dishes at temperatures above 140 degrees F. and cold dishes at less than 40 degrees F. Store cooked beans in sealed containers for up to three days in the refrigerator and several weeks or even months in the freezer."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nFewshot example: \"['Represent the next text.', \"A Dutch oven is a slang term for lying in bed with another person and pulling the covers over the person's head while flatulating, thereby creating an unpleasant situation in an enclosed space. This is done as a prank or by accident to one's sleeping partner.\"]\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is dutch oven']\"",
"Refried beans potentially go bad if they are left in the refrigerator for more than four days. The beans retain their best quality for one to two months in the freezer."
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"Refried beans stay good for two or three days if kept in a refrigerator. Once you have opened a can of refried beans, refrigerate the leftovers in a non-metal container.They will stay good for two...ompston Eric answered on 4/19/2014. Refried beans, a common part of Mexican cuisine, will keep in the refrigerator for two or three days before spoiling. Canned refried beans that have been opened should be used within two days of being refrigerated."
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"Cooked green beans can probably be kept for a few days in the frIdge (up to a week) if they're dry. If they're in a sauce they generally get soggy after 2-3 days. Categories: 1 Answered questions. 2 Food. 3 Food Storage. Add category."
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"How long is it safe to keep an open jar of commercial tomato sauce in the refrigerator? How long can an open can of spaghetti sauce keep in the fridge? How long can you keep an open jar of marinara sauce in the fridge? How long does a jar of opened salsa last in the refrigerator? How long do you keep a bottle of spaghetti sauce in the fridge after opening it? Is it safe to keep Alfredo sauce in a glass jar? Do you keep your tomato sauce in the cupboard or the fridge?"
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"Baked potatoes should be stored in the refrigerator and used within 3-4 days. You may reheat them (to 165 degrees) as many times as you like within that 3-4 day period."
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"Not everyone is aware of the answer to the most commonly asked question, How long do refried beans last in the fridge? . Well, they can potentially go bad, especially if left in the fridge for more than four days. Always keep in mind that beans will lose their best quality if they are kept in the freezer for more than two months. It is worth noting that storing refried beans in a can is not a good idea."
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"Store unwashed fresh beans in a reusable container or plastic bag in the refrigerator crisper. Whole beans stored this way should keep for about seven days. Freezing Green Beans: Rinse your green beans in cool water and then drain. Cut the ends of the beans off and then cut the beans to whatever length you prefer."
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"Report Abuse. 1 The rule of thumb for most cooked foods in the fridge is no more than 3 - 4 days. You might try freezing your beans for later use. 2 3 days. arveen paria arasuk · 1 decade ago."
"Refried beans stay good for two or three days if kept in a refrigerator. Once you have opened a can of refried beans, refrigerate the leftovers in a non-metal container.They will stay good for two...Read More ».efried beans, a common part of Mexican cuisine, will keep in the refrigerator for two or three days before spoiling. Canned refried beans that have been opened should be used within two days of be..."
"You can refrigerate them for up to 5 days as long as they are stored properly â wrapped in a paper towel and then sealed inside a plastic bag. Fresh Beans/Peas: Depending on the variety, they can be kept, tightly wrapped, in the refrigerator for 3-5 days."
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"A: Refried beans potentially go bad if they are left in the refrigerator for more than four days. The beans retain their best quality for one to two months in the freezer. Storing refried beans in cans is not advisable."
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"Storage: Sprouted mung beans stay fresh for 1-2 days in refrigerator. It is good to consume them fresh. Why donât green gram sprout? Certain variety of the mung beans donât sprout, they are typically too hard and can be identified when nibbled. These are usually sold in the local farmers markets."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Properly stored, freshly baked muffins will last for about 1 to 2 days at normal room temperature. How long do muffins last in the fridge? Freshly baked muffins will keep well for about 1 week in the fridge when properly stored."
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"Uncooked: Avoid the refrigerator! Instead, keep dried beans, peas and lentils in airtight containers and store them in a dry, cool, dark place. If you do it right, beans will last up to a year, lentils, up to 6 months. Cooked: Refrigerate cooked beans in a covered container for up to 5 days.If it's really warm in your kitchen, soak the beans in the refrigerator instead to avoid fermentation.). Quick soak: Put beans into a large pot and cover with 2 to 3 inches of cool, clean water. Bring to a boil then boil briskly for 2 to 3 minutes. Cover and set aside off of the heat for 1 hour; drain well."
"Represent text",
"how to store: Canned beans have a shelf life of 2 to 3 years. Store dried beans in a covered container for up to 1 year. You can precook great Northern beans and store them, refrigerated, in their cooking liquid for up to 3 days."
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"Refried beans potentially go bad if they are left in the refrigerator for more than four days. The beans retain their best quality for one to two months in the freezer.... Refried beans potentially go bad if they are left in the refrigerator for more than four days. The beans retain their best quality for one to two months in the freezer. Continue Reading"
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"Cooked green beans can probably be kept for a few days in the frIdge (up to a week) if they're dry. If they're in a sauce they generally get soggy after 2-3 days. Categories: 1 Answered questions. 2 Food. Food Storage."
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"Vegkitchen.com reports that red beans will last in the refrigerator for up to a week, and in the freezer for up to 6 months. (Be careful if you have cooked with sausage ⦠or another type of meat."
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"Uncooked: Avoid the refrigerator! Instead, keep dried beans, peas and lentils in airtight containers and store them in a dry, cool, dark place. If you do it right, beans will last up to a year, lentils, up to 6 months."
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"Whole beans last 1 to 3 weeks in your pantry. 7. Chicken or Beef Broth: That recipe called for a half-cup of broth, so now you're stuck with the rest. If the broth was canned, pour it into another container, refrigerate, and use it up in a few days."
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"How long does cooked chicken stay good in the fridge? Vegetables with higher water content like broccoli and asparagus lose taste and quality more quickly than those which contain little water. Canned vegetables that have been cooked, such as baked beans, can be safely stored for 7 to 10 days."
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"Seasoning cooked beans with salt can prolong their shelf life in the refrigerator to about one week. Salt acts as a natural preservative, making food last longer. Show Comments"
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"Cooked beans and other legumes, however, are more likely to allow harmful bacteria to multiply and should be refrigerated as soon as possible. It's best to refrigerate them within one hour. Choosing a Storage Container or Wrap"
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"If you want to store them in the freezer for a longer period of time, it is advisable to use a heavy-duty freezer bag. On the other hand, an unopened can of beans is good for two up to five years or until the stamped expiry date. Always discard cans that are dented or bulging. Tips For Storing Refried Beans In The Fridge. Canned refried beans are usually smooth pinto beans, with or without added fat."
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"How long do green beans last? Fresh and cooked green beans will last for 5-7 days in the refrigerator. The shelf life of green beans, like most other fresh vegetables may not have a sell by date, use by date, or best before date so you have to go with purchase date in most cases. Besides being full of fiber and many nutrients..."
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"does allegra cause drowsiness"
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"Allegra is in a class of medications known as antihistamines, which stop the effects of histamine, a substance in your body that causes allergic symptoms by blocking the histamine receptor known as the H1 receptor. Allegra causes less drowsiness than other antihistamines. It can help alleviate symptoms such as runny nose and sneezing; red, watery, or itchy eyes; itchy nose, throat or roof of the mouth; or itchy skin and rash. Allegra comes in tablet and liquid form. It was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1995."
] | [
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"Allegra D (Pseudoephedrine / Fexofenadine) is a combination medicine that relieves allergy symptoms. Fexofenadine (an antihistamine) prevents allergy symptoms like runny nose, sneezing, and itching. Pseudoephedrine (a decongestant) clears your sinuses. Drug class."
"Represent the following document",
"Antihistamine pills and liquids work by blocking histamine to relieve watery, itchy eyes. They include Allegra (fexofenadine), Benadryl (diphenhydramine), Claritin or Alavert (loratadine), and Zyrtec (cetirizine), among others. Some may cause drowsiness."
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"Allegra (fexofenadine hydrochloride) is an antihistamine used to treat allergic symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis (sneezing, runny nose, itchy or watery eyes), and urticaria (hives). Allegra is available as a generic drug. Common side effects of Allegra include. nausea,"
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"Last reviewed on RxList 6/9/2015. Allegra-D (fexofenadine hcl and pseudoephedrine hcl) is a combination of an antihistamine and a decongestant used to treat sneezing, cough, runny or stuffy nose, itchy or watery eyes, hives, skin rash, itching, and other symptoms of allergies and the common cold."
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"Treats allergy symptoms. Allegra (Fexofenadine) relieves allergy symptoms without making you feel drowsy. Relieves allergy symptoms. Nasacort Aq (Triamcinolone) is the only medication in its class available over the counter for treating stuffy and runny nose due to allergies. You have to use it every day for it to work."
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"Antihistamines block histamines, thereby preventing some or all of the allergen's effects, but early antihistamines often caused drowsiness. A non-sedating antihistamine is one that is less likely to cause patients to feel sleepy or tired."
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"Allegra (fexofenadine) allergy: I am not quite sure of the question. Allegra (fexofenadine) is a non drowsy antihistamine to treat symptoms of allergic or non allergic rhinitis. The symptoms include runny stuffy nose, sneezing, itchy and watery eyes. It can also help itching of the skin."
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"Allegra breastfeeding has certain side effects. It is not unusual as most drug use carries the risk of side effects. These side effects may be mild to severe. If you plan to use fexofenadine while breastfeeding, observe any symptoms, you experience after taking a dose."
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"If Claritin worked well without sleepiness, you should go back to it. Allegra is an alternative since sleepiness is not a side effect. Question: Are any over-the-counter allergy medications effective at reducing mild allergy/hay fever symptoms...in my experience, I haven't found one that helps at all. Answer: Over-the-counter antihistamines are effective. Benadryl works well but can make you drowsy."
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"No, allergra doesn't aspirin. Allegra (fexofenadine) is an antihistamine that reduces the natural chemical histamine in the body. Histamine can produce symptoms of sneezing, itching, watery eyes, and runny nose. Allegra is used to treat the symptoms of seasonal allergies (hay fever) in adults and children."
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"Allegra tablets 180mg contain the active ingredient fexofenadine, an antihistamine used to reduce symptoms of allergic rhinitis or urticaria (hives). They also contain starch, magnesium stearate and lactose."
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"details. Get relief from indoor or outdoor allergies including hay fever with Allegra adult 24 hr tablets. They're non-drowsy allergy tablets for anytime use. These tablets help subdue allergy symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes for up to 24 hours.Ages 12 and up.Health Concern: seasonal allergies, Allergies. Health Facts: Non-drowsy. Symptoms: Allergies, Runny Nose, Sinus Pressure.hese tablets help subdue allergy symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes for up to 24 hours. Ages 12 and up. Health Concern: seasonal allergies, Allergies. Health Facts: Non-drowsy. Symptoms: Allergies, Runny Nose, Sinus Pressure."
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"Allegra (fexofenadine hydrochloride) is an antihistamine used to treat allergic symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis (sneezing, runny nose, itchy or watery eyes), and urticaria (hives).Allegra is available as a generic drug termed fexofenadine hydrochloride.top taking fexofenadine and call your doctor if you have fever, chills, body aches, cough, or other flu symptoms. Less serious side effects may include: 1 nausea, diarrhea, upset stomach; 2 menstrual cramps; 3 drowsiness, tired feeling; 4 headache; or. 5 muscle or back pain."
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"They tend to cause more side effects, particularly drowsiness. Newer-generation antihistamines such as Allegra, Clarinex, and Zyrtec and have fewer side effects, so they may be a better choice for some people. Some of the main side effects of antihistamines include: 1 Dry mouth. 2 Drowsiness. 3 Dizziness.4 Nausea and vomiting. 5 Restlessness or moodiness (in some children).6 Trouble urinating or not being able to urinate. 7 Blurred vision. 8 Confusion.ome of the main side effects of antihistamines include: 1 Dry mouth. 2 Drowsiness. 3 Dizziness. 4 Nausea and vomiting. 5 Restlessness or moodiness (in some children). 6 Trouble urinating or not being able to urinate. 7 Blurred vision. 8 Confusion."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Drowsiness can also result from sleep deprivation (a lack of enough sleep). The use of alcohol or street drugs, such as marijuana and narcotics, can also cause drowsiness. Some over-the-counter and prescription medications can cause drowsiness as a side effect."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Newer-generation antihistamines such as Allegra, Clarinex, and Zyrtec and have fewer side effects, so they may be a better choice for some people. Some of the main side effects of antihistamines include: 1 Dry mouth. 2 Drowsiness.3 Dizziness. 4 Nausea and vomiting. 5 Restlessness or moodiness (in some children).6 Trouble urinating or not being able to urinate. 7 Blurred vision. 8 Confusion.ome of the main side effects of antihistamines include: 1 Dry mouth. 2 Drowsiness. 3 Dizziness. 4 Nausea and vomiting. 5 Restlessness or moodiness (in some children). 6 Trouble urinating or not being able to urinate. 7 Blurred vision. 8 Confusion."
"Allegra-D 12 Hour. Uses. This combination medication is used to temporarily relieve symptoms caused by the common cold, flu, or allergies. It contains 2 medications: fexofenadine and pseudoephedrine. Fexofenadine is an antihistamine that helps relieve watery eyes, itchy eyes/nose/throat, runny nose, and sneezing. Pseudoephedrine is a decongestant that helps relieve stuffy nose and ear congestion symptoms."
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"Last reviewed on RxList 8/18/2015. Allegra-D 24 Hour (fexofenadine hcl 180 and pseudoephendrine hcl 240) is a combination of an antihistamine and a decongestant used to treat sneezing, cough, runny or stuffy nose, itchy or watery eyes, hives, skin rash, itching, and other symptoms of allergies and the common cold. Allegra-D 24 Hour is available over-the-counter and in generic forms."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Allegra-D 24 Hour (fexofenadine hcl 180 and pseudoephendrine hcl 240) is a combination of an antihistamine and a decongestant used to treat sneezing, cough, runny or stuffy nose, itchy or watery eyes, hives, skin rash, itching, and other symptoms of allergies and the common cold."
"Hello and hope you are doing well. Side effects to ALLEGRA (fexofenadine hydrochloride) include body pain, headache, dizziness, vomiting and diarrhea are the common side effects of this medication."
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"Common side effects of Allegra-D 24 Hour include nausea, stomach pain or upset, loss of appetite, constipation, trouble sleeping (insomnia), headache, dizziness, nervousness, dry mouth, skin rash or itching, drowsiness, problems with memory or concentration, or ringing in your ears."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Allegra (fexofenadine hydrochloride) is an antihistamine used to treat allergic symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis (sneezing, runny nose, itchy or watery eyes), and urticaria . Allegra is available as a generic drug. Common side effects of Allegra include. nausea, diarrhea, upset stomach, muscle or back discomfort or pain, sleepiness, drowsiness, tiredness, headache, and; menstrual cramps. Contact your doctor if you have serious but less common side effects of Allegra including. allergic reactions, fever, chills, body aches, cough, or"
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"Allegra may interact with other medicines that make you sleepy (such as cold or allergy medicine, sedatives, narcotic pain medicine, sleeping pills, muscle relaxers, and medicine for seizures, depression, or anxiety), ketoconazole, or erythromycin."
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"Side effects, drug interactions, and pregnancy safety should be reviewed prior to taking this medication. fexofenadine and pseudoephedrine fexofenadine and pseudoephedrine (Allegra-D) is a medication prescribed for the temporary relief of sneezing, runny nose, and nasal stuffiness from the common cold."
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"Fexofenadine (Allegra), a popular non-drowsy antihistamine available over-the-counter (OTC) can interact not only with grapefruit juice, but also with apples and orange juice. However, in the case of fexofenadine, blood levels of the drug go down and the effectiveness of the antihistamine may be reduced."
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"1 Some over-the-counter antihistamines and some prescription antihistamines can cause drowsiness. 2 Be sure you know when it's safe to use them. 3 Don't drink alcohol while taking antihistamines. 4 Don't take antihistamines without your doctor's approval if you're pregnant, trying to get pregnant, or nursing.ome can cause drowsiness or sedation, however. There are newer antihistamines available that don't cause as much drowsiness. These include the the prescription drug Allegra (fexofenadine), and Zyrtec (cetirizine) and Claritin (loratadine), which are now available without a prescription. Sedating Antihistamines."
"Get relief from indoor or outdoor allergies including hay fever with Allegra adult 24 hr tablets. They're non-drowsy allergy tablets for anytime use.These tablets help subdue allergy symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes for up to 24 hours.Ages 12 and up. Health Concern: seasonal allergies, Allergies. Health Facts: Non-drowsy. Symptoms: Allergies, Runny Nose, Sinus Pressure.hese tablets help subdue allergy symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes for up to 24 hours. Ages 12 and up. Health Concern: seasonal allergies, Allergies. Health Facts: Non-drowsy. Symptoms: Allergies, Runny Nose, Sinus Pressure."
"Represent the following document",
"The ENT suggested to take Sudafed along w/Allegra for that, which I fear doing b/c I don't want to be all jittery (and I'm on other meds: Prozac, Xanax, Prevacid, Hyoscyamine). I'm dizzy a couple times/day, like a spinning dizziness, like you're going to lose your balance. I'm scared to go off the Allegra b/c I believe it may be helping the excruciating pain in my ear. But the pressure is really getting to me."
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"Allegra (fexofenadine hydrochloride) is an antihistamine used to treat allergic symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis (sneezing, runny nose, itchy or watery eyes), and urticaria (hives). Allegra is available as a generic drug. Common side effects of Allegra include."
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"Hello, I have discontinued Allegra after having anxiety and nervous side effects. I am feeling better, but not 100%. It has been 4 days, so I am beginning to wonder how long it takes to rid the body of the drug entirely. Thanks so much."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Allegra (fexofenadine) allergy: Allegra is a brand name for a medication used to treat hay fever and allergy symptoms. It is a type of anti histamine that reduces or blocks histamine. Histamine can cause itching, sneezing, runny nose, and watery eyes. Antihistamines stop these allergy symptoms."
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"Because BuSpar can cause dizziness/drowsiness, people who are taking this drug should not drive or operate heavy machinery until it is known how they react to the medication. Alcohol use may increase side effects and should be limited."
"Allegra is used in adults and children (2 years and older for allergies, 6 months and older for hives) for the control and reduction of the above symptoms. Some common side effects of Allegra include nausea, diarrhea, upset stomach, muscle or back discomfort or pain, sleepiness, headache, and menstrual cramps. Contact your doctor if you have less common side effects of Allegra including allergic reactions, fever, chills, body aches, cough, or other flu symptoms."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"A: Allegra (fexofenadine) is an antihistamine commonly used to treat the symptoms of seasonal allergies including sneezing, runny nose, cough, and itchy watery eyes. Both adults and children can take Allegra (fexofenadine) for their allergy symptoms.t can help alleviate symptoms such as runny nose and sneezing; red, watery, or itchy eyes; itchy nose, throat or roof of the mouth; or itchy skin and rash. Allegra comes in tablet and liquid form."
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"I have indoor and outdoor allergies and Zytrec stopped working after many years of us. Dr. prescribed Allegra but I developed a cough, could not sleep, was nervous (hyper), made me thirsty and itchy. It did not stop my post nasal drip and runny nose. I stopped it after 10 days because of the problems."
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"Re: non-drowsy allergy medications. If you take the allergy medication such as zyrtecD, ClaritanD, AllegraD. Those will not make you sleepy. They have the sudafed in them that helps dry up the mucous. I have tried all accept the zyrtecD, and they do not make me sleepy."
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"1 They work by preventing histamines from attaching to certain sites on cells and causing allergic reactions and allergy symptoms. 2 Some over-the-counter antihistamines and some prescription antihistamines can cause drowsiness. 3 Be sure you know when it's safe to use them. 4 Don't drink alcohol while taking antihistamines.ome can cause drowsiness or sedation, however. There are newer antihistamines available that don't cause as much drowsiness. These include the the prescription drug Allegra (fexofenadine), and Zyrtec (cetirizine) and Claritin (loratadine), which are now available without a prescription. Sedating Antihistamines."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Antihistamine Pills and Eye Drops. Antihistamine pills and liquids work by blocking histamine to relieve watery, itchy eyes. They include Allegra (fexofenadine), Benadryl (diphenhydramine), Claritin or Alavert (loratadine), and Zyrtec (cetirizine), among others. Some may cause drowsiness."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Other chemicals, such as histamine, can cause sneezing, itching, and irritation. Allegra is classified as an antihistamine. Allegra blocks the effects of histamine (hence its classification as an antihistamine). This can relieve allergy symptoms. However, since histamine is not the cause of nasal congestion, Allegra will not help open nasal passages."
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"Some common side effects of Allegra include nausea, diarrhea, upset stomach, muscle or back discomfort or pain, sleepiness, headache, and menstrual cramps.ess serious side effects may include: 1 nausea, diarrhea, upset stomach; 2 menstrual cramps; 3 drowsiness, tired feeling; 4 headache; or."
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"Allegra and Itching - from FDA reports. Summary. Itching is found among people who take Allegra, especially for people who are female, 60+ old , have been taking the drug for < 1 month, also take medication Singulair, and have Hypersensitivity. This review analyzes which people have Itching with Allegra."
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"A: Allegra (fexofenadine) is an antihistamine commonly used to treat the symptoms of seasonal allergies including sneezing, runny nose, cough, and itchy watery eyes. Both adults and children can take Allegra (fexofenadine) for their allergy symptoms. Common side effects associated with Allegra (fexofenadine) include nausea, diarrhea, upset stomach, menstrual cramps, drowsiness, headache, and muscle pain."
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"(see less) Allegra tablets 180mg contain fexofenadine 180mg, which is an antihistamine that blocks the action of histamine in allergic reactions, and they are used to treat symptoms of allergic rhinitis (runny itchy nose and sneezing) and urticaria or hives (red itchy limps on the skin). Further Information. (see less)"
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"What is Allegra? Allegra (fexofenadine) is an antihistamine that reduces the effects of natural chemical histamine in the body. Histamine can produce symptoms of sneezing, itching, watery eyes, and runny nose. Allegra is used to treat the symptoms of seasonal allergies (hay fever) in adults and children. Allegra is also used to treat skin itching and hives caused by a condition called chronic idiopathic urticaria in adults and children."
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"Newer-generation antihistamines such as Allegra, Clarinex, and Zyrtec and have fewer side effects, so they may be a better choice for some people. Some of the main side effects of antihistamines include: 1 Dry mouth. 2 Drowsiness. 3 Dizziness. 4 Nausea and vomiting. 5 Restlessness or moodiness (in some children)."
"Awful medicine! Mimicked the symptons I was taking it for..very painful facial,pain, ear pain, chills, fever, had to have a cat scan and see a ENT dr. I didn't have a sinus infection or allergies but Allegra induced problems. Stopped taking the Allegra and most of the symptons went away.."
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"Newer-generation antihistamines such as Allegra, Clarinex, and Zyrtec and have fewer side effects, so they may be a better choice for some people. Some of the main side effects of antihistamines include: 1 Dry mouth. 2 Drowsiness."
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"1 Antihistamines work best when taken before you're exposed to allergens. 2 They work by preventing histamines from attaching to certain sites on cells and causing allergic reactions and allergy symptoms. 3 Some over-the-counter antihistamines and some prescription antihistamines can cause drowsiness.ome can cause drowsiness or sedation, however. There are newer antihistamines available that don't cause as much drowsiness. These include the the prescription drug Allegra (fexofenadine), and Zyrtec (cetirizine) and Claritin (loratadine), which are now available without a prescription. Sedating Antihistamines."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Allegra is used in adults and children (2 years and older for allergies, 6 months and older for hives) for the control and reduction of the above symptoms. Some common side effects of Allegra include nausea, diarrhea, upset stomach, muscle or back discomfort or pain, sleepiness, headache, and menstrual cramps."
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"Non-drowsy, noticeable relief that starts in just 1 hour and stays strong for 24 hours. 1 Meet our Allegra family. Learn about our products GO. 2 The Allegra difference. See how we compare to the competition GO. 3 Get our coupons. Sign up for monthly savings and more GO."
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"This generation of allergy medications are known to cause sedation and drowsiness because they pass the blood brain barrier and act in the nervous system. The second generation group includes drugs such as loratadine (Claritin) and cetirizine (Zyrtec)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"If you're taking an antihistamine that causes drowsiness, try to take it before bedtime. Donât take it during the day before driving or operating heavy machinery. Read the label before you take an allergy drug. Antihistamines may interact with other medications you are taking.ewer-generation antihistamines such as Allegra, Clarinex, and Zyrtec and have fewer side effects, so they may be a better choice for some people. Some of the main side effects of antihistamines include: 1 Dry mouth. 2 Drowsiness."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\nFor example, ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'The building cost of new housing constructed averaged R5 908 per square metre in the period January to April this year, resulting in an increase of 3.2% year-on-year on the building cost of R5 724 per square metre in the corresponding period last year.mail Print Share. The building cost of new housing constructed averaged R5 908 per square metre in the period January to April this year, resulting in an increase of 3.2% year-on-year (y/y) on the building cost of R5 724 per square metre in the corresponding period last year.'] should be similar to ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'average cost to build a house 2015']",
"I started taking Allegra at the start of allergy season, and immediately I started to have an extreme uneasy feeling. My sex drive is practically nonexistent at the moment and I haven't pooped in 5 days! I feel like I have a higher heart rate, and a general unwillingness to do anything."
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"how long can hepatitis survive outside the body"
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"The hepatitis C virus, or HCV, can live outside the body for up to 4 days. However, many experts think it usually survives up to 16 hours at room temperature."
] | [
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"member of the american chemical society acs hep c can live outside the body for up to 4 days however many think it survives only for 16 hours at room temperature"
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"Research published in the April 2014 Journal of Infectious Diseases found that hepatitis C virus can survive on an inanimate surface and still be potentially infectious for up to six weeks. 1 #hepatitis C. 2 #virus."
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"Communities>Hepatitis B>How long can Hep B live outside the body on surfaces? How long can Hep B live outside the body on surfaces? I know all the sources say at least a week or up to a week but those two phrases are different and at least means it could survive longer."
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"Find out how long hepatitis C can live outside the body, plus the answers to nine common questions about how the virus can spread. Find out how long hepatitis C can live outside the body, plus the answers to nine common questions about how the virus can spread."
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"The hepatitis viruses are hardy, and one can survive longer than the other. Generally speaking hep c can survive up to 4 days and in room temp, usually less than a day. The hepatitis viruses are hardy, and one can survive longer than the other. Generally speaking hep c can survive up to 4 days and in room temp, usually less than a day. In brief: Up to 4 days approx. The hepatitis viruses are hardy, and one can survive longer than the other. The hepatitis viruses are hardy, and one can survive longer than the other."
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"Brady, Emergency Care, 9th edition. (my bold added). HIV can't survive more than 10 minutes outside the body, even in blood spatters of significant volume it doesn't do well once the temperature starts to lower, and the virus is outside the host body. from her husband (who had acquired HIV and Hep. C from his medication). We also try to keep track of those who are dually diagnosed with HIV and Hep C, and thirty percent of those we know about report being men who have sex with men but NOT injection drug users. I suspect that many of them acquired it sexually."
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"Hepatitis B virus particles can be found on objects, even in the absence of visible blood. The virus can. remain infectious and capable of spreading infection. for at least seven days outside the human body. Hepatitis B is not spread through food or water, shar-. ing eating utensils, hugging, kissing, coughing, and."
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"Updated May 08, 2016. Viruses and bacteria have a lifespan all of their own, and the longer they can live outside a host, the more contagious they can be. That's why many people wonder how longer the viruses that cause hepatitis can live outside the body, and how long the virus is infectious. A good rule of thumb is that moist or material is infectious and dried material is much less infectious."
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"How long can hepatitis C survive on a surface? Research published in the April 2014 Journal of Infectious Diseases found that hepatitis C virus can survive on an inanimate surface and still be potentially infectious for up to six weeks. #hepatitis C."
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"A 2003 review in Australia concluded that HIV can survive outside the human body for periods up to several weeks. âViral survival is influenced by virus titre, volume of blood, ambient temperature, exposure to sunlight and humidity.â."
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"How long can HCV live outside the body and transmit infection? Tags: hcv, live, outside Recent studies suggest that HCV may survive on environmental surfaces at room temperature at least 16 hours, but no longer than 4 days."
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"How Long Can HCV Survive Outside The Body - Transmission of Hepatitis C Virus Among People Who Inject Drugs: Viral Stability and Association With Drug Preparation Equipment. Download the PDF here. The Journal of Infectious Diseases Jan 15 2013."
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"Transmission. Hepatitis B is a hardy virus. Although HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, can only live for 24 hours in dried blood, the hepatitis B virus can survive for at least a week in dried blood at room temperature on floors and tables."
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"hiv survival outside of the body -- divergence of opinions. I've seen many people say that the virus dies very quickly when exposed to air but I've found information elsewhere saying HIV can survive for 5-6 days outside the body in room temperature and drying does not affect its infectivity."
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"The herpes virus does not survive outside the body for more than about 10 seconds, and although it can survive for slightly longer in warm, damp conditions, it dies very quickly once exposed to the air. The herpes virus does not live very long outside the body."
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"The hepatitis C virus can live outside the body in some circumstances, although it is unusual for a person to be infected by the virus in this way. We find out more about how long the virus can survive, and how hepatitis C usually spreads. Hepatitis C is a viral infection that affects the liver. Viral means caused by a virus, a small particle that can grow and multiply within the human body and cause disease."
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"In 2010 a study was released detailing how long the hepatitis C virus lives. inside a syringe. The study found that the hepatitis C virus can live for up. to 63 days in a high volume tuberculin syringe with a detachable needle. compared to 7 days in a low volume syringe (insulin syringe with permanent. needles)."
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"Prior to this study, scientists believed that HCV could survive for up to four (4) days on surfaces outside of the body."
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"Other factors affecting how long germs can survive outside of the body are the temperature of the environment, its humidity and the amount of virus deposited on the surface. Several of these variables have a direct impact on how long HCV can survive outside the body."
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"Hepatitis C Virus Can Live on Surfaces for Up to 6 Weeks. 1 The mean volume of an accidental drop was 29 mcl (range 20-33 mcl). 2 At storage temperatures of 4° and 22° C, viable HCV was recovered from low titer spots after up to 6 weeks. 3 At 37° C, infectious HCV was recovered only up to 7 days."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The chimpanzeeâs. blood was dried (7 days, 4 days and overnight) and reconstituted. It was. found that the hepatitis C virus could survive on surfaces for at least 16 hours. but no longer than 4 days.1 In a study released in 2013, Yale researchers."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.\n\n------\n\nGiven ['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.', 'Tuberculosis Tuberculosis usually infects the lungs, causing a bad cough with blood, chest pain, fever, chills, and fatigue. Lung cancer (non small cell) Non-small cell lung cancer is the most common type of lung cancer and can cause a cough, chest pain, and more.'], a positive would be ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'bleeding in the lungs']",
"Acute hepatitis B infection lasts less than six months. Your immune system likely can clear acute hepatitis B from your body, and you should recover completely within a few months. Most people who get hepatitis B as adults have an acute infection, but it can lead to chronic infection. Chronic hepatitis B infection lasts six months or longer. It lingers because your immune system can't fight off the infection. Chronic hepatitis B infection may last a lifetime, possibly leading to serious illnesses such as cirrhosis and liver cancer."
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"Hepatitis C Survival on Inanimate Objects. 1 As reported in the June 15, 2010 edition of The Journal of Infectious Diseases, researchers from Germany confirmed that HCV survives longer in liquids than it does when dried on surfaces. They found that in a liquid environment, HCV was detectable for up to five months at lower temperatures."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Hep c could survive outside the body on s surface for up to 4 days but usually for 16 hours. In brief: HIV. HIV does not survive long outside the human body (such as on surfaces), and it cannot reproduce. Hep c could survive outside the body on s surface for up to 4 days but usually for 16 hours. HIV does not survive long outside the human body (such as on surfaces), and it cannot reproduce."
] |
"Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results:",
"why is my georgia tax refund taking so long"
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"Georgia will review state tax returns amid fraud concerns. Georgia tax regulators are reviewing every state tax return they receive amid worries of rampant fraud. State Department of Revenue Commissioner Lynne Riley said Friday tax refunds filed through TurboTax will be delayed after the popular service temporarily halted the online filing of state tax returns."
] | [
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"Estate Tax. Georgia Estate Taxes - 2017 Georgia Inheritance Taxes Guide. The Federal Estate Tax or FET, for short, has been around for literally 100 years. Misinformation has spread rampantly about this tax, mostly by those who call for its repeal; the owners of large estates, you know, the wealthy. They give it the name Death Tax and the plebeians begin singing of its horrors in the streets. Latest Georgia Estate Tax Forum Posts Trump's Tax Plan Breakdown - How it May Affect Income Tax Brackets"
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"Georgia tax returns are due April 15, or the next business day if that date falls on a weekend or holiday. Taxpayers ages 62 to 64 or those permanently and totally disabled may exclude up to $35,000 of retirement income."
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"The state of Georgia has penalties for late filing, late payment, frivolous return, negligent underpayment, fraudulent underpayment, and a failure to file an estimated tax penalty.The penalty for filing late is 5% per month, but will not exceed a total of 25% of the tax due.The penalty for late payment is 0.5% per month, but will not exceed a total of 25% of the tax due. Also, the late filing and late payment penalties can't exceed 25% when combined.he state of Georgia has penalties for late filing, late payment, frivolous return, negligent underpayment, fraudulent underpayment, and a failure to file an estimated tax penalty."
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"Georgia Income Tax Filing Deadline The regular deadline to file a Georgia state income tax return is April 15.repare and efile your Georgia state tax return (resident, nonresident, or part-year resident) and federal tax return together or separately at efile.com (View the federal tax return filing requirements)."
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"â tool. Just fill in your Social Security number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, expected refund amount, and the filing tax year, and you can get instant information about your refund. The Georgia Tax Center is a secure, electronic self-service system. It allows you to submit payments securely and view account balances, make payments for returns and assessments, protest appeal assessments, and view copies of correspondence."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Can I direct deposit my state income tax refund? How can I check the status of my state tax refund and how long does it take to receive it? How do I get a refund of excess SDI? My refund was authorized but I never received it. What do I do? I lost my refund check. What do I do? How can I check the status of a prior year tax refund? I received a letter saying you sent my refund to another agency. Why? My spouse has passed away. You sent a refund with both our names on it. What do I do? Why did you take my federal tax refund? Why did you or another state take (offset) my tax refund? Do you have an old refund check that you canât ..."
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"1. The tax return processing is depending on how you filed your tax, If you used e-Filing to send the file it should be received and reviewed within 24 hours. But the approval of refund will depend if you have errors, incomplete information and others that will cause delay. 63% - Do you know how long does it ake for the irs to approve my 2012-2013 refund? 2 32% - How long once the irs has accepted my refund and is processing it will the refund be loanded onto my card? 3 51% - Why is it taken so long for my tax refund i filed on the 5 & got accepted?"
"Represent this text",
"1 36% - What is the average time that it may take to get a federal tax refund this year done by mail? 2 20% - What is the average length of time it takes to get your refund anticipation check from h r block?3 34% - Average time it takes for fed refund to be released with a ga state tax offest being in place?he average waiting period for the refund is 21 days.... 0. 0. The average waiting period for the refund is 21 days, this is after the return has been accepted by IRS."
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"In this instance a part-year resident married filing joint income tax return gives them the largest refund. Georgia Form 500 Page 6, Schedule 3 - Computation of Georgia Taxable Income for Part-Year Residents and Nonresidents will be generated."
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"Georgia state tax refund deposit days for 2013 What date is the 2011 hst check direct deposit? If you e-file and get direct deposit about how long does it take to recieve your new york state tax refund?"
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"Items paid for before the closing must be noted as POC (âpaid outside closingâ) items. RESPA requires lenders to keep the statements for two years. The Georgia real estate license law requires brokers to keep these and all other sale documents for three years."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Investigating Tax Refund Fraud. FBI Works Cooperatively with Federal Partners. A Georgia woman was recently sentenced to 27 years in prison for stealing the identities of nursing home patients and using their information to apply online for about half a million dollars in fraudulent tax refunds from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)."
"How long does it take for South Carolina tax refund to direct deposit? Depending on what way the tax payer filed for their taxes it varies. Taxpayers in South Carolina can expect their tax refund to deposit anywhere from 10 days to 3 weeks out."
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"If you are a new Georgia resident, you may pay half of the TAVT instead. 1 The remaining half is due in 12 months. You will not receive your title until you have paid 100% of the taxes due. 2 If you are purchasing your vehicle from a dealership, the dealership will charge you the TAVT at the dealership."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"My minnesota refund says its been processed how long will it take to get. State of minnesota income tax refund, how long will it take to get if filed 10 days ago? Why is it taking minnesota so long to give me my tax refund? it has been accepted for over a week and they state they wil be giving me my refund in ma"
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"Can I direct deposit my state income tax refund? How can I check the status of my state tax refund and how long does it take to receive it? How do I get a refund of excess SDI? My refund was authorized but I never received it. What do I do? I lost my refund check. What do I do? How can I check the status of a prior year tax refund? I received a letter saying you sent my refund to another agency. Why? My spouse has passed away. You sent a refund with both our names on it. What do I do? Why did you take my federal tax refund? Why did you or another state take (offset) my tax refund? Do you have an old refund check that you canât cash?"
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"1 63% - Do you know how long does it ake for the irs to approve my 2012-2013 refund? 2 32% - How long once the irs has accepted my refund and is processing it will the refund be loanded onto my card? 3 51% - Why is it taken so long for my tax refund i filed on the 5 & got accepted?he tax return processing is depending on how you filed your tax, If you used e-Filing to send the file it should be received and reviewed within 24 hours. But the approval of refund will depend if you have errors, incomplete information and others that will cause delay."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"How long does it take to get a vermont tax refund if you efile? If you e-file and you have chosen direct deposit, most people will receive their refund within 5 business days. If you have chosen to receive a paper check you should add 2- ⦠4 business days for processing. 20 people found this useful."
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"For those Alabamians who expect to receive a tax refund from the state, you may be watching the mailbox for a couple more weeks. For those Alabamians who expect to receive a tax refund from the state, you may be watching the mailbox for a couple more weeks. The Alabama Department of Revenue said the average turnaround time for a refund that does not require further examination - meaning one free of any problems or omissions- is about 6-8 weeks from the filing date. There's a catch, though."
] |
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"what is an advanced practice nurse prescriber"
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"Advanced practice registered nurse. (Redirected from Advanced Practice Registered Nurse) An advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) is a nurse with post-graduate education in nursing. APRNs are prepared with advanced didactic and clinical education, knowledge, skills, and scope of practice in nursing."
] | [
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"Prescribing will be limited to NPs' defined clinical areas of practice and by authorisation to prescribe included on their annual practising certificates (APCs). Nurse prescribing a reality at last: it's been a long time coming but nurse prescribing has finally arrived. From November 1, nurse practitioners will be able to prescribe within their defined areas of clinical practice. What will this mean for these new prescribers and for the profession?"
"1 Advanced Practice Status-Approval date of license, Prescriptive Authority Status, Collaborating Physician Termination Date. 2 Optional Secure FTP Service-Daily file of all nurses on watch list delivered to secure ftp server for file automation purposes."
"represent text",
"-- Advanced practice nurses are not extending into medicine, but are already. health care delivery, providing services within their scope of practice which AMA's own report lauds as essential and high-quality. xix. In fact, if anyone is extending RNs into medicine, it's medicine itself."
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"A nurse practitioner is a registered nurse with formal education in the care of the sick plus advanced education and training in the diagnosis, treatment and management of common and chronic illnesses.hysicians are in school longer and their focus is on the study of disease. Many if not most NPs are already skilled and experienced RNs before going on for advanced education and training in advanced practice. NPs care for patients in all aspects of their lives."
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"Vary in the services they can offer, depending on their education, level of training, experience and state law. Can assess, diagnose and treat mental illnesses, depending on their education, training and experience. Can â if state law allows â prescribe medication if they're an advanced practice nurse."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"If youâre interested in becoming an advanced practice nurse, consider a job as a clinical nurse specialist. If youâre interested in becoming an advanced practice nurse, consider a job as a clinical nurse specialist. What Youâll Do. Provide expertise in a specialty area by developing standards of practice. Review treatment programs and adjust as necessary. Create and uphold policies and procedures and standards."
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"An applicant for licensure as an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) shall furnish evidence satisfactory to the board. that the applicant: (1) has met all qualifications for licensure as a registered nurse; and. (2) holds current specialty certification by a board-approved credentialing organization."
"Represent the next text",
"Nurse Practitioner Career Basics. Nurse practitioners (NPs) are a type of Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) whose specialized education and clinical training allow them to provide higher levels of care and perform a variety of tasks that RNs are not licensed to do."
"Credentials. 1 Nurse Practitioner (NP) help A nurse practitioner (NP) is an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) who has completed advanced coursework and clinical education beyond that required of the generalist registered nurse (RN) role."
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"One of the best ways to become familiar with dialysis treatments as a student is to request a clinical rotation in a dialysis setting. Nurses who want to become advanced practice nurses (APRN) in dialysis can choose either a nephrology nurse practitioner program or a nephrology clinical nurse specialist program."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"NPs - Nurse Practitioners: Nurse Practitioners, also called Advanced Practice Nurses (ANP) are usually the most educated of nurses. In addition to their bachelor's degrees in nursing, they also earn a master's degree, often specializing as described above."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Determining Scope of Practice for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) The American Nurses Association (ANA) is often asked questions regarding the scope of practice of advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs). âIs it within the scope of practice for a nurse practitioner to __________?â. âIâm an Acute Care NP being asked to see pediatric patients â is that within my scope of practice?â. âDo certified nurse-midwives see male patients?â. âDo Clinical Nurse Specialists have prescribing privileges?â."
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"Certification and Licensing. Employers require that acute nurse practitioners be licensed registered nurses. Depending on the employer, a critical care nurse may need to have a state-specific advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) credential. Acute care nurse practitioners may need state authorization to prescribe medications."
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"Nurse practitioners (also referred to as advanced practice nurses, or APNs) have a master's degree in nursing (MS or MSN) and board certification in their specialty. For example, a pediatric NP has advanced education, skills, and training in caring for infants, children, and teens."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"With the evolution of the NICU specialty, careers for advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) have proliferated. Neonatal nurse practitioners (NNPs) work in conjunction with a multidisciplinary team to assess, diagnose, initiate medical treatment orders, and perform procedures. They may also conduct research, act as consultants, and educate other nurses and health professionals."
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"Nurse practitioner (NP) A nurse practitioner (NP) is a nurse with a graduate degree in advanced practice nursing. This type of provider may also be referred to as an ARNP (Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner) or APRN (Advanced Practice Registered Nurse). Types of health care providers is a related topic."
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"No. Advanced practice registered nurses are regulated solely by the Texas Board of Nursing. As RNs, advanced practice registered nurses may only delegate tasks to unlicensed staff or assistive personnel utilizing the applicable RN Delegation Rules 224 or 225 as appropriate and in compliance with Rule 217.11(3)(B)."
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"If youâre interested in becoming an advanced practice nurse, consider a job as a clinical nurse specialist. What Youâll Do. Part of the elite group of advanced practice nurses, a clinical nurse specialist (CNS) has a special set of skills and knowledge."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"With the evolution of the NICU specialty, careers for advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) have proliferated. Neonatal nurse practitioners (NNPs) work in conjunction with a multidisciplinary team to assess, diagnose, initiate medical treatment orders, and perform procedures."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Certification is common, and sometimes required, for the four advanced practice nursing specialtiesâclinical nurse specialists, nurse anesthetists, nurse-midwives, and nurse practitioners. Upon completion of their educational programs, most advanced practice nurses become nationally certified in their area of specialty."
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"(For example, list backup Licensed Practitioner(s)). 1 A description of the time and manner of the Licensed Practitioner's review of the Advanced Practice Nurseâs prescribing practices. 2 A list of all other written collaborative practice agreements including the Licensed Practitioner and Advanced Practice Nurse. 3 The duration of the written 4 ... The ..."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Ohio Nursing Salary Average. 1 Licensed Nursing Assistant: $24,700. 2 Licensed Practice Nurse: $40,550. 3 Registered Nurse: $61,750. 4 Advanced Practice Registered Nurse: >$80,000*. *The Salary of an advanced practice nurse in Ohio can vary widely based upon specialization."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Nurse Practitioners, also called Advanced Practice Nurses (ANP) are usually the most educated of nurses. 1 In addition to their bachelor's degrees in nursing, they also earn a master's degree, often specializing as described above. (Note: some of the earliest NPs do not necessarily have advanced degrees."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The practice of the psychiatric-mental health nurse (PMHN) as a Clinical Nurse Specialist or Nurse Practitioner is considered an advanced specialty in nursing. APRNs practice as Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNSs) or Nurse Practitioners (NPs).he practice of the psychiatric-mental health nurse (PMHN) as a Clinical Nurse Specialist or Nurse Practitioner is considered an advanced specialty in nursing. APRNs practice as Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNSs) or Nurse Practitioners (NPs)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Kaplan University School of Nursing's Know Your Advance Practice RN campaign is our effort to help bring clarity and promote the important role of advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) to the delivery of health care in the United States."
] |
"represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results\n\nFewshots:\n'['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what kind of steel golden gate bridge']' == '['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Click here to listen to Kevin Starr talk about Golden Gate Bridge Consulting Architect Irving Morrowâ\\x80\\x99s selection of the International Orange color. When the steel for the Golden Gate Bridge was fabricated by Bethlehem Steel at its foundries in PA and NJ, the steel was coated with a red lead primer.']' != '['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.', 'The Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District requests proposals from qualified bidders to construct a suicide deterrent on the Golden Gate Bridge. The details of the RFP may be found here: http://goldengate.org/contracts/documents/2016-b-01-notice.pdf.he suicide deterrent design is a long, stainless steel net along the length of the Golden Gate Bridge, on both sides. The cantilevered net will be located about 20 feet down from the Bridge sidewalk, extending out 20 feet, with a slight upturn at the outside edge.']'",
"how can you decorate a cake to be frozen"
] | [
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"1 When freezing a cake, be sure that it is completely cooled before wrapping. 2 Wrap the cake tightly in plastic wrap and then wrap it again in foil before placing it in the freezer. 3 If you do not have time to freeze the cake overnight, freezing it for 2 or 3 hours will help when it comes time to decorate it. Place the frosted cake on a solid flat surface that can be used to hold the cake when placed in the freezer, such as a cookie sheet, cake board, or cutting board. 2 Place the unwrapped cake in the freezer. 3 Freeze unwrapped until the frosting and decorations are frozen hard."
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"up vote 6 down vote accepted. Most cakes will freeze and keep fine if prepared properly-obviously they will not have the same fresh baked attributes that a freshly baked cake would bring to the party, but it should still taste nicely. 1 Wait for the cake(s) to be completely cooled before preparing them to be frozen.p vote 6 down vote accepted. Most cakes will freeze and keep fine if prepared properly-obviously they will not have the same fresh baked attributes that a freshly baked cake would bring to the party, but it should still taste nicely. 1 Wait for the cake(s) to be completely cooled before preparing them to be frozen."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers Given ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"Amazing pictures show one of the world's best surfers take on the planet's biggest wave in daredevil Portuguese festival. 1 Massive waves crash into beaches of Praia do Norte in Nazare caused by powerful storms in the North Atlantic. 2 It's the site of the world record surf where US board rider Garrett McNamara rode along the top of a 100ft wave.\"], a positive would be [\"represent the next text\\n------\\nE.g.\\nis mortgage insurance a fraud == Mortgage fraud is a criminal offense and primarily involves fraud against mortgage lenders. Generally speaking, it occurs when facts are misrepresented: the value of a house is inflated, or the lender is misled about the buyer's income, credit history or financial situation. != They will often be less willing to accept claims that you were unwittingly involved if you have not applied appropriate due diligence. This practice note highlights the warning signs of mortgage fraud and outlines how you can protect yourself and your firm from being used to commit mortgage fraud. Legal status Show\", 'where are the biggest waves in the world']",
"To keep cakes for longer than a week, try freezing them. ⢠Frosted and Un-Cut Cake-The frosting actually acts like plastic wrap here, protecting the cake from air and moisture in the environment. A frosted cake can be kept at room temperature for 4-5 days.Cover it with a cake keeper or an overturned bowl to protect it from dust, pet hair, and other things in the air (plastic wrap isn't necessary and would smoosh up the lovely frosting). frosted cake can be kept at room temperature for 4-5 days. Cover it with a cake keeper or an overturned bowl to protect it from dust, pet hair, and other things in the air (plastic wrap isn't necessary and would smoosh up the lovely frosting)."
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"1 Place the wrapped cake in an airtight rigid container or cake box to help protect it if there is potential for it to be damage when stored in the freezer. 2 Place back in the freezer as soon as possible."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"To keep cakes for longer than a week, try freezing them. ⢠Frosted and Un-Cut Cake - The frosting actually acts like plastic wrap here, protecting the cake from air and moisture in the environment. A frosted cake can be kept at room temperature for 4-5 days. Cover it with a cake keeper or an overturned bowl to protect it from dust, pet hair, and other things in the air (plastic wrap isn't necessary and would smoosh up the lovely frosting)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"To keep cakes for longer than a week, try freezing them. ⢠Frosted and Un-Cut Cake-The frosting actually acts like plastic wrap here, protecting the cake from air and moisture in the environment. A frosted cake can be kept at room temperature for 4-5 days.Cover it with a cake keeper or an overturned bowl to protect it from dust, pet hair, and other things in the air (plastic wrap isn't necessary and would smoosh up the lovely frosting).hen proceed with covering and storing the cake as for the un-cut version. Cut cake keeps for a little less time, about 3-4 days. ⢠When to Refrigerate Cakes-Cakes both frosted and unfrosted, cut and un-cut, are perfectly fine at room temperature for several days."
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"Finally, kids can show how old they are by putting the correct number of candles on the cake! Cakes can be printed out or saved on the computer! Make a Cake is a fun computer activity for kids to learn mouse manipulation skills, letters and numbers one to ten!First, children select a cake to decorate. Next, they add different color frosting, designs, letters and numbers!ake a Cake is a fun computer activity for kids to learn mouse manipulation skills, letters and numbers one to ten! First, children select a cake to decorate."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Popular How-To Topics in Cake Decorating. 1 Icing letters on cake. 2 Make buttercream flowers for cake decorating. 3 Fondant bag cake tutorial. 4 Make a fondant butterfly. 5 Decorate a cake with icing carrots. 6 Ice a cake with royal icing. 7 Decorate a cake without frosting. 8 Make an edible cake topper. 9 Make a high heel shoe cake. Decorate a cake with icing carrots. 2 Ice a cake with royal icing. 3 Decorate a cake without frosting. 4 Make an edible cake topper. 5 Make a high heel shoe cake. 6 Gumpaste orchid flowers. 7 Making dora with fondant. 8 Make buttercream icing flowers. 9 How to Cat fondant cake."
"Represent the following document",
"This is why you DON'T want the cake to cool completely before removing it. If you are frosting with a ready-made, canned frosting (which is very creamy), just frost the cake at room temperature. If you are using a firmer frosting, you may want to put the cake in the freezer for about 10 minutes. This will make the cake firmer to the touch so that the frosting is less likely to pick up crumbs as you spread it. (This is a trick some cake decorators use.) Happy Baking and enjoy that cake!"
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"Unfrosted cakes will keep for months (again well wrapped is the key). You can freeze a butter cream frosted cake as well, although other types of icing tend to separate (especially those made with egg whites and/or brown sugar). In all cases, cool baked goods completely before freezing or they will end up soggy."
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"Storing Cakes. Let your cake cool completely on a baking rack before storing. Tightly wrap each cake layer in plastic wrap and store for up to five days in a cool, dark area, such as a refrigerator or pantry area. Freeze your unfrosted cake for up to two months by wrapping each layer separately in plastic wrap."
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"If the cake has a fluffy or cooked frosting, insert a teaspoon handle under the edge of the cover to prevent an airtight seal and moisture buildup. Cakes with whipped cream frostings should be stored in the refrigerator. Unfrosted cakes can be frozen for up to 4 months if well wrapped in plastic. Thaw in their wrappers at room temperature. Frosted cakes should be frozen unwrapped until the frosting hardens, and then wrapped and sealed; freeze for up to 2 months."
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"If you have a cake box, place the wrapped cake inside. If not, simply place the wrapped cake at the back or the side of your freezer. 3. Wait one blissful year, and pull out the cake from itsâ deep freeze. Unwrap the cake and remove and discard the wrap and the foil."
"Represent text",
"Place the wrapped cake in a container â This is also optional, it just depends on how much room you have in the freezer. Remember, your cake will be taking up room for quite some time. Thaw the cake in the fridge - Let it sit in the fridge for some time before unwrapping it to eat. Yes, itâs that easy. Different kinds of cake freeze differently â If in doubt, contact your baker and ask for advice on how to properly freeze your cake."
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"Bonus: This cake recipe can be frozen for a full month, making it one of our favorite make-ahead recipes. Coconut Layer Cake Rich and midly sweet coconut fills the layers of our impressive cake recipe. To make the scrumptious dessert in advance, freeze the layers for up to one month."
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"Method for wrapping and defrosting your cake. 1 1. Place cake in refrigerator the night of the wedding and leave to cool overnight. 2 3. Wait one blissful year, and pull out the cake from itsâ deep freeze. 3 4. Leave the cake in the fridge until a couple of hours before you want to eat, 2-4 hours."
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"Tip #5: Freezing is a great way to extend shelf lifeâif the food is wrapped right. Many newlyweds freeze a chunk of their wedding cake and save it to celebrate with on their first anniversary. Youâll enjoy your defrosted wedding cake (or any other food) more if youâve wrapped it well to avoid freezer burn."
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"Freezing baked goods eliminates last-minute baking and gives you time to enjoy the party. You can freeze cakes or cupcakes for that birthday bash, or maybe both! Treats arenât the only food you can freeze: Planning ahead and freezing savory food makes life easier any day of the week. Freeze until dough is completely frozen. 2 Transfer dough from tray to freezer-style resealable plastic bag; freeze until ready to use. 3 When ready to bake, thaw frozen dough on baking sheets, then bake as directed in recipe. 4 For cut-out cookies, pat dough into a disk and double wrap in plastic wrap."
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"So be sure to wait until the cake has reached room temperature, then wrap tightly all over with plastic. Do not wrap it on top of a plate or platter â be sure the plastic is sealing in all sides of the cake. For cupcakes or loaf cakes, if theyâll fit and the seal closes, you can use a freezer-type bag with a seal."
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"If that doesnât work, try this method on your frozen cake. Take a small butter knife or offset spatula and run it around the cake rim to loosen it from the sides of the pan.Working your way around the whole cake, insert two forks on the opposite ends of the pan and use the forks as levers, squeezing and nudging the cake to loosen it.lip the pan over the board and the cake should come out. Tip: If neither of these methods work, just frost the cake and serve it directly from the pan like a sheet cake. Tip: Never deal with a baked-in cake again. Watch this video to learn how to prepare cake pans properly."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Freeze iced cakes for up to two months. 6. Freezing cake mixture. It is possible to freeze cake mixture that hasn't been baked yet. Either place in an airtight container or place in a pre-prepared baking tin or muffin pan, already greased or lined with baking paper.rap an uniced cake and place in the freezer; Place an iced cake into the freezer until the icing hardens. Then wrap in plastic wrap or greaseproof paper and finish with a layer of aluminium foil."
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"To freeze a layer cake, place cooled unfrosted layers on baking sheets and freeze until firm. Place the frozen layers in freezer bags or wrap and seal in freezer wrap and store in the freezer up to four months. Be sure to label and date. Freeze for up to 2 months.If freezing the cakes longer than one week you can also add a third layer, using tin foil, to help prevent frost buildup on the cake.) If you have already iced the cake, stick it in the freezer to harden the frosting first, then wrap it in plastic wrap."
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"1 If you have a frozen cake, you can use a serrated (bread) knife, but be extra careful not to cut yourself. 2 When pulling the floss across the cake, make sure you are tightening it into a circle of floss.3 You can also use a thin wire, invisible sewing thread, or heavy fishing line in the same manner.dit Article. If you need to cut cake layers in half, there is a simple and accurate method that does not involve messing with knives or having your cake roll across the countertop."
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"Freezing the top tier of your wedding cake is a wonderful tradition. You can defrost it and share it for dessert on your first anniversary. Freeze the cake for five to six hours to set the frosting, then wrap it in several layers of plastic."
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"Editor: Carolyn, the short answer is yes! Many cakes freeze very well even after being decorated. In fact, the icing can even help preserve and insulate the cake â it will stay moister after being frosted. Many baking companies ship fully-frosted cakes after freezing."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"I have never frozen a cake - just cool, torte and ice - but when you wrap anything that is still even remotely warm, it will cause condensation inside the wrapping. Then, if you freeze it right away, that may turn into ice crystals (for lack of a better term) so that when you defrost, it makes your cake sticky."
"Most cakes will freeze and keep fine if prepared properly - obviously they will not have the same fresh baked attributes that a freshly baked cake would bring to the party, but it should still taste nicely. 1 Wait for the cake(s) to be completely cooled before preparing them to be frozen."
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"The night of your wedding, or the next day at the latest, freeze the top layer of your cake for one day. 2. After itâs frozen, wrap it in plastic over and over and over and over. 3. Then, wrap it in a thick piece of aluminum foil and place it back in the freezer until the day before your one-year anniversary."
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"Glazes and icing without butter or shortening don't freeze well, so apply it immediately before serving the sponge cake. Place the frosted cake on a cookie sheet. Set the cookie sheet in the freezer for four to eight hours. Remove the cake from the freezer once it is completely frozen."
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"Different cakes freeze better or worse than others, it completely depends on the cake. But freezing might be unnecessary altogether. Most cakes are better not frozen if it's only going to be frozen for shorter than the times below.p vote 6 down vote accepted. Most cakes will freeze and keep fine if prepared properly-obviously they will not have the same fresh baked attributes that a freshly baked cake would bring to the party, but it should still taste nicely. 1 Wait for the cake(s) to be completely cooled before preparing them to be frozen."
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"Sugar cookies, like most cookies, can be frozen, but if you are planning to decorate your sugar cookies with frosting, freeze before decorating. As with most cookies, you can freeze sugar cookie dough or freeze baked sugar cookies.If you want to freeze the dough before baking, you can shape it into a disk (like pie dough) or log, wrap tightly in plastic wrap and put in an airtight container before freezing.Or you can do the rolling and cutting before you freeze the dough, then place the unbaked sugar cookies on waxed paper-lined cookie sheets.ugar cookies, like most cookies, can be frozen, but if you are planning to decorate your sugar cookies with frosting, freeze before decorating. As with most cookies, you can freeze sugar cookie dough or freeze baked sugar cookies."
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"Let your cake cool. Before you can freeze your cake for later consumption, you must let it cool. So if you've just baked a cake, put it aside for about three hours. Lightly place your hand on it to make sure it's cool to the touch."
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"Move the cake from the freezer to the coldest part of your refrigerator. Remove the aluminum foil and plastic wrap from the cake to prevent condensation from ruining the texture of the cake. Place it in a cake box or another loosely covered container. Return it to the refrigerator to finish thawing."
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"To freeze a layer cake, place cooled unfrosted layers on baking sheets and freeze until firm. Place the frozen layers in freezer bags or wrap and seal in freezer wrap and store in the freezer up to four months. Be sure to label and date. Freeze for up to 2 months."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Let your cake cool. Before you can freeze your cake for later consumption, you must let it cool. So if you've just baked a cake, put it aside for about three hours. Lightly place your hand on it to make sure it's cool to the touch. cake will generally freeze well for a few months, but not more than that. Whilst freezing initially retains the moisture of a pre-baked cake, cakes will tend to dry out after two months of freezing and you can expect the flavor to change at around four months."
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"Keep your cake in the freezer within certain time limits. A cake will generally freeze well for a few months, but not more than that. Whilst freezing initially retains the moisture of a pre-baked cake, cakes will tend to dry out after two months of freezing and you can expect the flavor to change at around four months.f your cake doesn't have fat (like fat-free cakes), it won't freeze well and you should avoid putting it in the freezer. 3. Select the right wrapping to freeze it in. Your cake has to be protected from freezer condensation, so using a moisture-proof wrapping is key to preserve your cake's flavor and texture."
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"Tips. 1 Refrigerate immediately any cake that contains frosting or filling made with dairy products or eggs, such as buttercream, whipped cream or custard frostings or fillings. 2 When refrigerating, cover with foil or plastic wrap to prevent cake from drying out. 3 To freeze, wrap cake tightly with aluminum foil or plastic freezer wrap, or place in ..."
"Or, place cake in freezer until frosting is frozen. Then wrap tightly in plastic wrap or foil and freeze up to 3 months. Cooked, boiled or fruit frostings and fillings donât freeze as well. Place layer cakes in a box or cake container to prevent crushing, then wrap the box in foil or plastic wrap before freezing."
"How to Thaw an Undecorated Cake. 1 Remove the frozen cake from the freezer and remove the foil covering but leave it wrapped in the plastic wrap. Allow it to set at room temperature until thawed; thawing may take 2 to 3 hours, depending on the size of the cake. 2 Remove the plastic wrap and begin frosting and decorating."
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"Things You'll Need. 1 Large plastic airtight container. 2 Plastic wrap. 3 Freezer bags. Vacuum sealer or 1 straw. Remove the top layer of cake from the rest of the cake, and remove the cake topper or anything else that isn't edible. Refrigerate the cake overnight in order to firm up the icing."
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"Buttercream also freezes well. The best way to freeze a cake is to bake the layers as usual, let them cool completely, and then ice them. Then clear out your freezer and put the iced cake on a tray in the freezer â completely unwrapped. Let it freeze until solid â at least four hours."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Most cakes will freeze and keep fine if prepared properly-obviously they will not have the same fresh baked attributes that a freshly baked cake would bring to the party, but it should still taste nicely.1 Wait for the cake(s) to be completely cooled before preparing them to be frozen.p vote 6 down vote accepted. Most cakes will freeze and keep fine if prepared properly-obviously they will not have the same fresh baked attributes that a freshly baked cake would bring to the party, but it should still taste nicely. 1 Wait for the cake(s) to be completely cooled before preparing them to be frozen."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Let your cake cool. Before you can freeze your cake for later consumption, you must let it cool. So if you've just baked a cake, put it aside for about three hours. Lightly place your hand on it to make sure it's cool to the touch.f your cake doesn't have fat (like fat-free cakes), it won't freeze well and you should avoid putting it in the freezer. 3. Select the right wrapping to freeze it in. Your cake has to be protected from freezer condensation, so using a moisture-proof wrapping is key to preserve your cake's flavor and texture."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"1 How to Color your fondant for cake decorating. 2 How to Make a Valentine's Day sheep cake topper. 3 How to Make marshmallow fondant icing. 4 How to Make a gumpaste baby Cookie Monster cake topper. Decorate a cake with icing carrots. 2 Ice a cake with royal icing. 3 Decorate a cake without frosting. 4 Make an edible cake topper. 5 Make a high heel shoe cake. 6 Gumpaste orchid flowers. 7 Making dora with fondant. 8 Make buttercream icing flowers. 9 How to Cat fondant cake."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"As each sheet fills up, put it in the freezer so that the balls harden. How to decorate the cake pops. Melt chocolate or white chocolate in a double boiler on the stove. If you want to make the coating a little more resistant to melting, add a small square of wax to the pot and let it melt too. Stir well. Dip each ball into the chocolate until covered."
"1 Wrap them well in plastic wrap and freeze. 2 To defrost, unwrap and let them thaw in the refrigerator. ( 3 For a frosted cake you probably want to freeze it first on a cookie sheet, then wrap it in plastic.). 4 Freeze the slices. 5 Slice your pie or cake or cheesecake.ES. I even freeze my cheesecakes!! There are two ways to do freeze a cake, cheesecake, or pie. 1 Freeze them whole. 2 Let them cool completely. 3 Wrap them well in plastic wrap and freeze. 4 To defrost, unwrap and let them thaw in the refrigerator."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"âLearn how to make cake pops the easy way. Who needs Starbucks cake pops when you can make and decorate cake pops at home! Easy tips for the perfect cake popsâ. Watch me make these cake pops from start to finish! I thought I HATED cake pops."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"1 Cut cake around circle with small knife to make 6-inch round layer; place on 9-inch layer, attaching pieces with small amount of frosting. 2 Frost with a thin layer of frosting. 3 Refrigerate or freeze 30 to 60 minutes to set frosting. 4 3 Frost cake.5 Trim hat with ribbon and flowers. 6 Store loosely covered in refrigerator. 2 Cut 6-inch circle out of waxed paper; place on 8-inch layer. 2 Cut cake around circle with small knife to make 6-inch round layer; place on 9-inch layer, attaching pieces with small amount of frosting. 3 Frost with a thin layer of frosting. 4 Refrigerate or freeze 30 to 60 minutes to set frosting. 5 3 Frost cake."
"Represent the natural language.",
"Answer: Crumb coat your cakes while they are frozen. This will help to keep the cakes fresh and are so much easier to work with. Plus you can trim them if needed while they are super cold. I'm sure these questions have been answered but I'm having a hard time understanding exactly what to do."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Method for wrapping and defrosting your cake. 1 1. Place cake in refrigerator the night of the wedding and leave to cool overnight. 2 3. Wait one blissful year, and pull out the cake from itsâ deep freeze. 3 4. Leave the cake in the fridge until a couple of hours before you want to eat, 2-4 hours. At which point remove the cake and place it on your countertop and let it come to room temperature. 5. Cut the cake with a cake knife or a serrated knife."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"1 Remove the cake from the freezer just before you are ready to work with it. 2 If you elect not to freeze the cake before frosting or decorating, be sure it is completely cool before you begin. 3 Do not store in the refrigerator because this will cause it to lose some of its moisture."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"First, know your cake â and set your expectations. Freezing your cake for a whole year, then expecting it to taste the same as it did on your wedding day is a tall order. A frost-free freezer (which has a defrosting mechanism to prevent icy buildup) can dry the cake out."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Remove the cake from the freezer and unwrap it. Take a small butter knife or offset spatula and run it around the edges of the cake to loosen it from the sides of the pan. Flip the pan over and tap an edge onto a board while holding the pan at a 45-degree angle to pop the entire cake out."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"1 Dip the tip of the cake pop sticks into the white chocolate and insert into the cake balls about half-way. 2 Freeze for about 20 minutes. 3 Meanwhile prepare all of your decorating supplies. 4 Melt the remaining chocolate in a large cup."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Remove the cake from the freezer and unwrap it. Take a small butter knife or offset spatula and run it around the edges of the cake to loosen it from the sides of the pan. Flip the pan over and tap an edge onto a board while holding the pan at a 45-degree angle to pop the entire cake out.lip the pan over the board and the cake should come out. Tip: If neither of these methods work, just frost the cake and serve it directly from the pan like a sheet cake. Tip: Never deal with a baked-in cake again. Watch this video to learn how to prepare cake pans properly."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Then clear out your freezer and put the iced cake on a tray in the freezer â completely unwrapped. Let it freeze until solid â at least four hours. Then remove and wrap securely in plastic wrap and a final layer of aluminum foil."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"I want to decorate cakes! So, you want to learn how to bake and decorate cakes but donât know how. Here are some ways to learn. You can look in the yellow pages of your telephone book for cake decorators and ask them how they learned. You can call craft stores and ask if they offer classes about cake baking and decoratingâ many of them do."
"Represent the next text",
"Place Angel food, sponge and chiffon cakes unfrosted in large freezer bags and freeze for up to 3 months. To thaw frozen home-baked cakes, loosen wrap on frozen unfrosted cakes and thaw at room temperature 2 to 3 hours. Loosen wrap on frozen frosted cakes and thaw overnight in refrigerator.If freezing the cakes longer than one week you can also add a third layer, using tin foil, to help prevent frost buildup on the cake.) If you have already iced the cake, stick it in the freezer to harden the frosting first, then wrap it in plastic wrap."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Report Abuse. Yes. Put in freezer for about 1/2 hour to stiffen the frosting/icing, then wrap tightly and store up to one year in the freezer. When you thaw it, take off any tight wrap and cover with a lid, you can serve it frozen with ice cream or thaw about 12 hours in frig and serve cold with ice cream or by itself."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"1 Freeze them whole. 2 Let them cool completely. 3 Wrap them well in plastic wrap and freeze. 4 To defrost, unwrap and let them thaw in the refrigerator. ( 5 For a frosted cake you probably want to freeze it first on a cookie sheet, then wrap it in plastic.). 6 Freeze the slices.7 Slice your pie or cake or cheesecake.ES. I even freeze my cheesecakes!! There are two ways to do freeze a cake, cheesecake, or pie. 1 Freeze them whole. 2 Let them cool completely. 3 Wrap them well in plastic wrap and freeze. 4 To defrost, unwrap and let them thaw in the refrigerator."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"To store the cake: 1 Designate a person to save the top tier once the cake cutting begins. 2 Set aside any fragile and large ornaments or decorations, such as the cake topper. 3 To avoid a stale cardboard taste, ensure the cake sits on wrapped cake board. A cardboard cake board should be wrapped with foil. Place the cake in a freezer until the icing becomes firm, 20 minutes to three hours, depending on the icing. Cover all of the cake's surface area with a generous amount of plastic wrap, avoiding air pockets. Follow plastic wrap with two layers of aluminum foil."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Try to find recipes that are designed specifically for a sheet configuration. Place your baked sheet cake in the freezer or at least the fridge wrapped in plastic before you stack them to ensure they are easier to handle. Always chill the sheet cake if you are going to torte it so it is firm and cuts smoothly."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Method for wrapping and defrosting your cake. 1. Place cake in refrigerator the night of the wedding and leave to cool overnight. 2. The next morning, make sure that you wrap your cake very tightly. Wrap the cake so no air can touch the surface with three separate layers of cling wrap."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Wrap each layer in plastic wrap. Next, place the cake layer or layers in resealable freezer bags. The un-frosted layers will maintain their flavor for at least 3 months. If you decide to freeze an already frosted cake, place it in the freezer on a foil lined baking sheet. Freeze it for at least 8 hours or overnight."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"1 If you elect not to freeze the cake before frosting or decorating, be sure it is completely cool before you begin. 2 Do not store in the refrigerator because this will cause it to lose some of its moisture. 3 Keep it at room temperature unless you decide to freeze it first."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Now I can bake cake the week before and freeze & make the icing and fondant the day before, which leaves me down to just assembling and decorating the day before it's needed. So much easier, and I have noticed no side effects to the cake. So much different then freezing an iced cake for a year ;).When people find out I freeze cakes they are always shocked and want to know more, today I'm finally getting around to that. Of course you can also freeze cupcakes and cake pops.Which comes in SO handy! I often bake cupcakes in set of 24 but only need 12 so I pop the extras in the freezer.o much easier, and I have noticed no side effects to the cake. So much different then freezing an iced cake for a year ;). When people find out I freeze cakes they are always shocked and want to know more, today I'm finally getting around to that. Of course you can also freeze cupcakes and cake pops."
] |
"a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"is clinical active serum"
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Product Description. iS Clinical Active Serum is an exceptional multipurpose formula. It is designed to generate rapid and dramatic improvements in overall skin quality. Active Serum diminishes fine lines and wrinkles, evens pigmentation, smoothes, and controls acne."
] | [
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"SUPER SERUM ADVANCE+ is a scientifically-advanced, clinically-proven formula that, for the first time, combines a 15% concentration of our next generation L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C) with Copper tripeptide growth factor (bioidentical), for enhanced anti-aging properties."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Use acids without alcohol and menthol, avoid Active serum, Pro-Heal serum and Hydra-Cool serum by Is Clinical. They have 3 good product in their range - Cleanser, Super Advanced serum with vitamin C and Youth eye cream. The rest of their line is a harmful expensive disaster."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Serum angiotensin converting enzyme is elevated in 50% of cases of sarcoidosis but not in cases of active tuberculosis or Hodgkin disease. Increases are less frequent when sarcoidosis is inactive.6 Some 80% to 90% of patients with demonstrably active sarcoidosis have elevated serum ACE. Angiotensin converting enzyme activity is also increased in sarcoid lymph node homogenate. The diagnosis of sarcoidosis is an histopathologic/clinical complex."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A topical vitamin C serum is an oil-and-water-based cosmetic product that delivers concentrated vitamin C. Vitamin C serums, whether from the drugstore or a high-end department store, offer two major advantages over moisturizers: rapid absorption and deep penetration."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!\n\nThe provided query could be \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"A Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport, the world's fastest road legal production car with a top speed of 431 km/h (268 mph). Top speed (mph) by year. This is a list of the world's record-breaking top speeds achieved by a street-legal production car (as opposed to concept cars or modified cars).\"]\" and the positive \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what the fastest mph ever on car']\"",
"Serum. Serum is blood plasma with the blood clotting proteins removed. Serum is prepared by removing blood from the subject, allowing the blood naturally to form a blood clot, and then using a centrifuge to remove the red blood cells and the blood clot. The blood clot takes the form of an indistinct clump."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Serum (blood) Preparation of serum cups for a lipids panel designed to test cholesterol levels in a patientâs blood. In blood, the serum (/ËsɪÉrÉm/ or /ËsɪrÉm/) is the component that is neither a blood cell (serum does not contain white or red blood cells) nor a clotting factor; it is the blood plasma not including the fibrinogens."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!', 'The Wraith. The Wraith is a 1986 American independent action-horror film produced by John Kemeny, written and directed by Mike Marvin, and starring Charlie Sheen, Sherilyn Fenn, Nick Cassavetes, and Randy Quaid. The film was released theatrically on 288 screens in the U.S. by New Century Vista Film Company (later New Century Entertainment Corporation).']\" Match: \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results.', 'the wraith cast']\"",
"Acute vs Convalescent titer. active=serum taken while illness is syptomatic, convalescent=serum taken after symptoms subside, significant of the 4 fold increase in titer, significance of Igm vs IgG (only make IgM early on in primary infection; if making IgG cant tell if its primary infection or from a memory reponse)."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nFewshot example: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Conservation of energy is the principle that energy is not created nor destroyed; it only moves from one place to another - from one type of energy to another. There are many types of energy. For example, a radio turns electrical energy into sound energy.']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'conservation of energy definition']\"",
"The serum acetaminophen concentration is the basis for diagnosis and treatment. A diagnostic serum concentration is helpful, even in the absence of clinical symptoms, because clinical symtpoms are delayed."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Medication Summary. No reliable method exists for determining the activity of arteritis. According to vascular specimens obtained at the time of bypass surgery and sequential angiographic studies, active vasculitis is present in approximately 50% of patients who lack symptoms of active inflammation or have a normal ESR."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries. To give you a sense - \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', \"At 19 cm long, Thomas Wedders, born in Yorkshire, England in the 18th century, had the world's longest nose. His nose measured 7.5 inches (19 cm) long. He worked in a sideshow for a circus, Thomas Wedders' nose was the longest recorded in human history.\"]\" should be close to \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'longest nose in the world']\"",
"If there is a question as to a patient's therapeutic compliance, a serum test request for the specific drug of interest may be of help. Benzodiazepines are extensively metabolized, and the parent compounds are not detected in urine."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Buy your iS CLINICAL Super Serum Advance+ now. This exceptional super serum from iS CLINICAL skin care products combines advanced ingredients and scientifically proven antioxidants for a smoother texture and an even skin tone. Use it regularly and youâll get brighter, more beautiful skin. Some of the innovative ingredients in this serum include:"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"iS CLINICAL Pro Heal Serum Advance+ is a retinol, vitamin E and vitamin C serum. Made with a complex blend of high-quality ingredients, this vitamin C serum provides maximum levels of antioxidant protection. These ingredients provide excellent inflammation relief for compromised skin, leaving it calm and soothed. A 15% concentration of vitamin C renews skin and fights free radical damage."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"iS Clinical C-15 Serum Advance+ is the best treatment for those who have a great effect of nominal irritation. Formulated with powerful peptides, enzymes, key growth factors and antioxidants which works together to rapidly reduce fine lines and wrinkles, puffiness, and dark under-eye circles."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Indirect Agglutination. To test patient serum for the presence of antibodies against soluble antigens serum is mixed with latex spheres with the soluble antigens attached. Antibodies will then cause visible agglutination of the latex spheres with the soluble antigens attached. Alternatively, antibodies may be attached to the latex spheres to test for the presence of soluble antigens in patient serum."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"iS CLINICAL Super Serum Advance+ is an effective, multifaceted anti wrinkle treatment that works. Formulated with a potent combination of superior ingredients, this anti aging serum minimizes the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, scar tissue, stretch marks and age spots while it protects against future damage."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The observation that serum creatinine, proteinuria, and urine sediment are poor predictors of renal pathology led Roberti and associates to conduct a prospective, double-blind study comparing the urinalysis findings with renal biopsy results in 15 patients with active SLE."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
": Love the Active Serum. I have been using this serum for six months now and my skin looks great. I have oily skin that breaks out and it is difficult to find a balance between oily and too dry while getting rid of my blemishes."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"In blood, the serum is the component that is neither a blood cell nor a clotting factor; it is the blood plasma not including the fibrinogens. Serum includes all proteins not used in blood clotting and all the electrolytes, antibodies, antigens, hormones, and any exogenous substances. The study of serum is serology which may also include proteomics. Serum is used in numerous diagnostic tests, as well as blood typing. Measurements of serum concentrations has proved useful in many fields including"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The study of serum is serology, which may also include proteomics. Serum is used in numerous diagnostic tests, as well as blood typing. Measurements of serum concentrations has proved useful in many fields including clinical trials of therapeutic vs toxic response."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"iS Clinical Super Serum Advance + combines a 15% concentration of scientifically-advanced vitamin C (stabilized L ascorbic acid) with copper tripeptide growth factors (HGF), powerful botanical antioxidants, and safe brighteners. Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"I really like this whole line of IS Clinical serums. I feel that they have high quality ingredients that really provide results. I believe this serum has improved the overall appearance of my skin. A little goes a long way too, so the tiny bottle lasts a long time."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Like many other skin products, serums are designed to focus on different actions â anti-ageing, brightening, acne prevention, etc. Because of the high concentrations of the active elements, it is common for cosmetic serums to contain only a few active ingredients which provide intensive nutrition for the deeper layers of your skin."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Guide. A serum osmolality test measures the amount of chemicals dissolved in the liquid part (serum) of the blood. Chemicals that affect serum osmolality include sodium, chloride, bicarbonate, proteins, and sugar (glucose). This test is done on a blood sample taken from a vein. substance called antidiuretic hormone (ADH) partly controls serum osmolality. Water constantly leaves your body as you breathe, sweat, and urinate. If you do not drink enough water, the concentration of chemicals in your blood (serum osmolality) increases. When serum osmolality increases, your body releases ADH."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"1 Long-acting beta 2 -adrenergic agonists (LABA), such as salmeterol, one of the active ingredients in ADVAIR DISKUS, increase the risk of asthma-related death. 2 Available data from controlled clinical trials suggest that LABA increase the risk of asthma-related hospitalization in pediatric and adolescent patients."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Hair: Blond, Other, Other. Eyes: Blue. I'm deeply in love with iS Clinical's cleansing complex and youth eye complex. I've had a rather unpleasant experience with their blue Active Serum, which immensely aggravated my acne and pores. However, I thought this serum would not break me out since it doesn't contain alcohol."
"represent this\n\nFor example, ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', \"Many of the chemicals in some glues comes from the protein of waste animals, including horses. I know that at least in Australia, all materials in glue are now synthetic. Also, don't let anyone tell you that chewing gum is still made out of cows feet. They slaughter horses for their meat.\"] should be similar to ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'what does glue come from']",
"Patients with signs or symptoms of active cardiovascular disease should be evaluated with appropriate testing, regardless of their preoperative status. Electrocardiography is recommended for patients undergoing high-risk surgery and those undergoing intermediate-risk surgery who have additional risk factors."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"This condition, when. uncomplicated, is associated with elevated serum bilirubin only of the direct type. Measurement of total bilirubin and determination of the direct and indirect fractions is important. in routine screening for and the differential diagnosis of jaundice. Specimens for bilirubin determination should be protected from light, since bilirubin is light-. sensitive and will break down under exposure."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Emil von Behring: The Founder of Serum Therapy. 1 Based on an exhibition at Marburg Castle. arranged and documented by Kornelia Grundmann*. 2 Translated by Gabriella Nichols, Department of Anatomy, Philipps University Marburg, Germany. * 3 The exhibition was from October to December 2001."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Facial Serum: Antioxidant. $80.00. - All skin types. - 100% Whole Plant Organic. - 27 Beneficial Active Ingredients. - 30ml. The Antioxidant Facial Serum is an ideal moisturizer for all skin types. Itâs full of skin nourishing plants high in antioxidants, making this the ideal anti-aging serum.80.00. - All skin types. - 100% Whole Plant Organic. - 27 Beneficial Active Ingredients. - 30ml. The Antioxidant Facial Serum is an ideal moisturizer for all skin types. Itâs full of skin nourishing plants high in antioxidants, making this the ideal anti-aging serum."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"A new crop of products promise to give skin its daily dose of D. Dr. Dennis Gross Active Vitamin D Serum Oil, $65, contains an active form of D that Dr. Gross says provides the skin (not the body) with sufficient levels of vitamin D through topical application."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"An active metabolite is an active form of a drug after it has been processed by the body."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nGiven ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.', \"The gestation periods of other animal reveals that the length of the gestation period is largely a matter of the animal specie's size. Asian elephants have a gestation period of 645 days and African elephants 640 days. Dogs and other canines have a gestation period of about 60, which is also the period for cats. Even within the species of apes and monkeys gestation period seem to be a matter of size.\"], a positive would be ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results:', 'how long are asian elephants pregnant']",
"iS Clinical offers effective and technologically advanced treatments for aging and acne-prone skin. Using only the best active ingredients, its products rejuvenate the complexion while clarifying, balancing and nourishing."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"To the best of our knowledge, our active vaccine is the first to ablate lethal doses of any drug of abuse, said TSRI Research Associate Atsushi Kimishima, co-first author of the new study with TSRI graduate student Paul Bremer. This surprised us the most, added Bremer."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Pinterest. Our most popular product, this fast-acting, long-term, âresults-orientedâ formula decreases the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, evens skin tone, and is excellent for acne-prone skin. Touted by physicians as âremarkableâ and âphenomenal,â ACTIVE SERUM usually produces results within a couple of days."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Active Serum is widely endorsed by leading physicians and experts, who describe Active Serum as remarkable, amazing, miraculous, and one of the most important discoveries in the field of skincare. Active Serum begins working immediately upon application, as demonstrated by a tingling sensation."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Serum includes all proteins not used in blood clotting (coagulation) and all the electrolytes, antibodies, antigens, hormones, and any exogenous substances (e.g., drugs and microorganisms). The study of serum is serology which may also include proteomics. Serum is used in numerous diagnostic tests, as well as blood typing."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Not for purists, this vitamin C serum goes above and beyond. Our Rating: 4 stars. I pondered iS Clinical Pro-Heal Serum Advance+ ($82/0.5 oz) for a while, trying to reconcile what appeared to be a vitamin C serum with claims for healing, repair, anti-acne and anti-redness. However, during my test, it turned out to do all of these and be much more than a vitamin C serum."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Serum is that part of blood which is similar in composition with plasma but exclude clotting factors of blood. Fibrinogen is a protein that is involved in blood coagulation. Fibrinogen is an inactive protein and it performs its functions by converting into fibrin (active form of fibrinogen).ifference in Medical Use: Serum is the most preferred part of blood used in checking blood groups and diagnosis of diseases whereas plasma is delivered to the patients who lack blood cells. Like fresh frozen plasma is used in Hemophilia B. It can also be used for diagnosis of diseases. Summary:"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"We'll begin by defining three important terms: ANTIBODY-The molecule present in serum and other body fluids which mediates humoral immunity, and which can bind specifically to an antigen. Serum which contains antibodies (directed against one or more antigens) is termed an antiserum."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The best at-home solution: what the beauty industry calls an active treatment, such as an over-the-counter vitamin A (known as retinol) cream, vitamin C serum, and alpha or beta hydroxy acids (AHAs or BHAs). These usually go on at night and help skin renew itself faster and look firmer."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Active Surveillance occurs when a health department is proactive and contacts health care providers or laboratories requesting information about diseases. While this method is more costly and labor intensive, it tends to provide a more complete estimate of disease frequency."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"This shopping feature will continue to load items. In order to navigate out of this carousel please use your heading shortcut key to navigate to the next or previous heading. iS CLINICAL Youth Eye Complex, 0.5 oz. iS CLINICAL Youth Intensive Crème, 1.7 oz. iS CLINICAL Youth Serum, 1 fl. oz. iS CLINICAL Reparative Moisture Emulsion, 1.7 oz."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Relieve inflammation with this vitamin C serum from iS CLINICAL skin care products. iS CLINICAL Pro-Heal Serum Advance+ is a potent anti-aging serum that provides anti-bacterial, antimicrobial and antioxidant protection."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Pumped with Peptides is the ONLY face serum that is made with the Highest percentage of Active Ingredients! Now, the only way we are able to do this, is because we do not have the overhead of a large company, and we do not charge more for fancy boxes, bottles, etc.Similar face serums are between $139 and $199.umped with Peptides has THE highest percentage of peptides!! Our peptides are highly bioactive and are deeply skin penetrating. They are able to activate the tissue growth factor (TGF) that stimulates collagen synthesis in the skin."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Serum Costs, Serum Benefits. Because active ingredients are more expensive than thickeners, serums are also the costliest product in many skin care lines. But when applied properly, a 1-ounce container of serum should last months."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"AMPOULE | Ampoules are considered a 'super serum'. They are often more concentrated in their active ingredients than a serum, therefore making them the priciest item discussed in this post. Small molecule size and high concentrations of active ingredients penetrate the skin and make short work of specific skincare concerns."
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"Long-acting beta 2-adrenergic agonists (LABA), such as salmeterol, one of the active ingredients in ADVAIR DISKUS (fluticasone propionate) ®, increase the risk of asthma-related death. Available data from controlled clinical trials suggest that LABA increases the risk of asthma-related hospitalization in pediatric and adolescent patients."
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"I love the idea of making your own serums like that, but I just don't know how stable the vitamin C would be in such a formulation. There are a lot of tricks that the skin care companies have to keep it stable (and therefore active) for a long time.s I understand it, most of the Vitamin C in our bodies is in the Ascorbic Acid form (top right). If it accepts an electron (as part of being an anti-oxidant) it becomes the Ascorbate Ion."
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"My chest X-ray is normal and I feel fine. The good news is that you do not have active tuberculosis, an infectious disease that kills more people each year than almost any other. However, a positive tuberculin skin test or positive Quantiferon TB test indicates prior exposure to the tuberculosis germ. This germ has been known to lay latent in the body for months to decades before it becomes active and causes serious illness."
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"Active Biogenic Concentrated At Sanitas SanÃtas skincare we focus on skin. Health our products are based on the, simple scientific: Formula Skin + Stimulation Topical = Nourishment Healthy. skinur products are based on the simple, scientific formula: Skin Stimulation + Topical Nourishment = Healthy Skin. We feature active, biogenic, paraben-free and preservative-free ingredients in highly concentrated amounts that stimulate and nourish skin tissue."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nFor example, '['represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"The Young Men's Christian Association (commonly known as YMCA or simply the Y) is a worldwide organization based in Geneva, Switzerland with more than 57 million beneficiaries from 125 national associations.he goal of the YMCA is to strengthen communities through youth development, healthy living and social responsibility.. Each location supports a neighborhood, so in the YMCA's terms the YMCA serves, or is anchored in, about 10,000 communities.\"]' should be close to '['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is a YMCa']'",
"Rejuvenate and brighten your complexion with this serum. This exceptional super serum from iS CLINICAL skin care products combines advanced ingredients and scientifically proven antioxidants for a smoother texture and an even skin tone."
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"uncomplicated, is associated with elevated serum bilirubin only of the direct type. Measurement of total bilirubin and determination of the direct and indirect fractions is important. in routine screening for and the differential diagnosis of jaundice. Specimens for bilirubin determination should be protected from light, since bilirubin is light-. sensitive and will break down under exposure."
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"Competition assays were carried out in 2 steps: in the first step, diluted immune serum (1:200) was injected into the Teflon cell and the chip was washed with PBS for 5 min; in the second step, relevant (competition) or irrelevant (control) free peptide (8, 15, and 24 [micro]mol/L) diluted in PBS was injected."
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"pl. sera, serums [L.] the clear portion of any animal or plant fluid that remains after the solid elements have been separated out. The term usually refers to blood serum, the clear, straw-colored, liquid portion of the plasma that does not contain fibrinogen or blood cells, and remains fluid after clotting of blood. Blood serum from persons or animals whose bodies have built up antibodies is called antiserum or immune serum."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"This serum fades dark circles under eyes and puffiness. iS CLINICAL Youth Eye Complex features an advanced formula that helps smooth and soften the complexion. It contains sodium hyaluronate, a type of hyaluronic acid that begins plumping the skin immediately after you apply this serum."
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"The study of serum is serology, which may also include proteomics. Serum is used in numerous diagnostic tests, as well as blood typing. Blood is centrifuged to remove cellular components. Anti-coagulated blood yields plasma containing fibrinogen and clotting factors."
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"LCR Health Active-PK is a new supplement created by Dr. Rand McClain, who is described as a âworld-famous doctorâ known for keeping celebrities and professional athletes healthy and beautiful."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Skin Actives version of popular hyaluronic acid serums, our Dermagen is totally clear. It will moisturize your skin and provide very useful hyaluronic acid and collagen peptides."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Active Clinical Trials. Numerous clinical trials are always active (ie, open and enrolling patients) in the ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group, which focuses its research on adults who have or are at risk of developing cancer. The buttons below depict the general research categories being investigated in ECOG-ACRIN clinical trials. To access information within a particular category, click on the relevant button. Upon clicking, the color of the button will change from grey to red, and a table will appear on screen."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Serum and Urine Osmolality. Osmolality of body fluid is a measure of its solute/water ratio. The osmolality of serum, urine, or other body fluids depends on the number of osmotically active ions and molecules dissolved in a kilogram of body water. Sodium, potassium, chloride, bicarbonate, glucose and urea are the osmotically important body fluid solutes."
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"Clinical significance of elevated serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) level in acute viral hepatitis A (AHA). Seo SI, Kim SS, Choi BY, Lee SH, Kim SJ, Park HW, Kim HS, Shin WG, Kim KH, Lee JH, Kim HY, Jang MK. BACKGROUND/AIMS: The clinical course of acute viral hepatitis A (AHA) is highly variable. Serum alphafetoprotein (AFP) level is often elevated in various types of acute liver injuries, indicating active liver regeneration. This study was aimed to investigate the clinical significance of serum AFP level in the aspect of the early recovery in AHA. METHODOLOGY: A total of 238 patients with AHA, confirmed by IgM anti-hepatitis A virus, were included. The patients were classified according to serum AFP level."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"categories: Articles. I have written these hyaluronic acid serum reviews to help you decide which facial serum is the best for your concerns. Whilst I was writing them, I realized that an article explaining the benefits of each active ingredient was a good idea. So whilst every serum is unlikely to have all of the following ingredients, I have covered the most common ingredients here."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Active Hyperemia. Active hyperemia is the increase in organ blood flow (hyperemia) that is associated with increased metabolic activity of an organ or tissue.n example of active hyperemia is the increase in blood flow that accompanies muscle contraction, which is also called exercise or functional hyperemia in skeletal muscle."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"ABEM MOC Requirements To renew certification and to be considered as meeting the ABEM MOC requirements, clinically active physicians must meet all ABEM MOC requirements. Physicians who are clinically inactive must meet all ABEM MOC requirements except APP."
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"Because it hydrates the skin, this anti-aging eye serum creates a smoother texture and a plumper complexion. Strengthen and repair cells for a more youthful eye area with this serum. iS CLINICAL Youth Eye Complex features an advanced formula that helps smooth and soften the complexion. It contains sodium hyaluronate, a type of hyaluronic acid that begins plumping the skin immediately after you apply this serum."
] |
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"ken erickson softball coach"
] | [
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"The Art of Coaching Softball. Clinician: Ken Erickson, head coach of the USA National Team. Purpose: To develop base running strategy when a runner is on third base. How it works: When a runner reaches third base, serious strategy usually comes into play."
] | [
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"Eric Bowling is one of the leading strength coaches in Los Angeles. He has helped thousands of people become stronger and sexier versions of themselves. Eric Bowling is one of the leading strength coaches in Los Angeles."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"NCAA Softball. Three SEC finalists for National Freshman of the Year. Three student-athletes from the SEC are among the 25 initial finalists for the Schutt Sports/NFCA Division I National Freshman of the Year award. Martin Jarmond has been hired by Boston College and will become the youngest Power 5 athletic director in the nation."
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"By Ken Eriksen. Head Coach â University of South Florida. The thumb is an important part of performing the skills of fastpitch softball. There have been exceptions to this rule (when the non-throwing thumb is injured) but by and large to perform at a productive level, we need eight fingers and two thumbs."
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"Erica Beach. New Mexico softball head coach Erica Beach enters her sixth season at the helm of the program in 2015-16. The 2014-15 season was one for the books in the Beach era, as she increased her wins by 13 more than previous season, finishing fourth in the conference after being picked last in the preseason Mountain West polls."
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"Ken Simonton rushed for 85 yards and a touchdown against Notre Dame. Of Notre Dame, no less. The Fiesta Bowl trophy is the latest example of how quickly and how well Dennis Erickson has turned around the Oregon State program. When you step on the field, you respect Notre Dame, said Oregon State linebacker Darnell Robinson, the defensive player of the game."
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"Ken Jacome. Ken Jacome is in his 11th year at New Mexico, joining the staff in the summer of 2004. Prior to joining the Lobos, Jacome was the head coach at El Paso Community College for six seasons and then handled the Lobo pitching staff before shifting to infield coach/recruiting coordinator following the 2008 season."
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"October 16, 2014 - Softball Moorhead named new softball coach MESA, AZ â Former Mesa and Southern Mississippi assistant coach Grady Moorhead has been named the new head softball coach at Mesa Community..."
"Famous Alumni: Dennis Erickson (Football Coach) Jan Stenerud (NFL) Cass Bauer (WNBA) Craig Kilborn (Actor) Doug Coombs (Skiing) Fun Fact: MSU was ranked No. 1 in the country for undergrads angling for an education near trout streams by âFly Rod & Reelâ magazine, July-October 2005."
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"You brace for impact.. It was like my face was crushed by a bowling ball, a bowling ball going 95 mph.. -- Royals hitting coach Kevin Seitzer, on being hit in the face by a pitch by Scott Erickson in 1995."
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"Alexandria, LA â LSUA softball coach Jerry Breaux closed out his summer recruiting class this morning as Hallie Saintignan signed a letter of intent to join the Generals for the 2018 season."
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"Don Mattingly. For the Canadian football player, see Don Mattingly (Canadian football). Donald Arthur Mattingly (born April 20, 1961) is an American professional baseball first baseman, coach and current manager of the Miami Marlins. Nicknamed The Hit Man and Donnie Baseball, he spent his entire 14-year career playing with the New York Yankees and later managed the Los Angeles Dodgers for five years."
"Represent the input",
"Davis was hired as the head football coach at the University of Miami in January 1995. Not long after Davis' arrival, the Hurricanes were found to have committed several violations of NCAA rules during the tenure of his predecessor, Dennis Erickson."
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"Each time I vowed to quit, never to return again, until I would see my softball coach, Rosemary, run by with a smile so bright it could light up Texas. More: 7 Tips for Your First 5K. I wanted to run. I just couldn't figure out how and didn't think I had the body of a runner."
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"Sharon athletic director Dr. Nicholas Schlierf announced last week that the school has hired former Rockland High assistant coach and current Duxbury High softball coach Sandra Lombardi as the new girlsâ basketball coach, replacing Cliff Tomassian, who stepped down this summer after three seasons."
"Zorn moved up to the pro coaching ranks in 1997 with the Seattle Seahawks as quarterbacks coach under head coach Dennis Erickson. He then spent three seasons with the Detroit Lions (1998 â 2000) under head coach Bobby Ross, and was instrumental in the development of rookie quarterback Charlie Batch in 1998."
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"Big 12 Coach of the Year (2002, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2010, 2011) August Edmun Garrido, Jr. (born February 6, 1939) is a former head coach in NCAA Division I college baseball and is current special assistant to the athletic director at the University of Texas."
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"Pat Casey, Oregon State Beavers baseball coach, says he 'might' be interested in AD job. Oregon State Beavers baseball. Oregon State baseball coach Pat Casey is an intriguing option to follow Bob De Carolis as athletic director."
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"Watson comes to Arizona after eight years with the Los Angeles Dodgers, where he was most recently the vice president for player development. Stewart, the Diamondbacks' fourth general manager, is the only current GM to play and coach in the majors. He is the fourth active manager who played in the majors, joining Ruben Amaro Jr., Billy Beane and Jerry DiPoto. The last person to play in the majors and coach prior to becoming a GM was Bob Watson of the New York Yankees from 1995 to 1998."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Christopher Scott Chris Petersen is an American football coach. He is the current head coach at the University of Washington. Previously the head coach for eight seasons at Boise State University, Petersen guided the Broncos to two BCS bowl wins: the 2007 and 2010 Fiesta Bowls. He is the first two-time winner of the Paul Bear Bryant Award, which he won in 2006 and 2009. Petersen also won the Bobby Dodd Coach of the Year Award in 2010."
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"The coaching staff consists of highly experienced baseball and softball personnel who specialize in practical and theoretical training of baseball fundamentals. Learn more about the the MLB Urban Youth Academy and Wesley Barrow Stadium here and here."
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"Bethel Athletic Director Tom Visker is pleased to announce that Scott Reese has been selected as the next head coach for the Bethel softball program. Coach Reese will be the eighth head coach of the Pilots softball team, which was established in 1977 and owns an overall record of 818-543-3."
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"Staff Contacts. 1 Brenda Erickson. 2 Kae Warnock. 3 Larry Morandi. 4 Brian Weberg. 5 NCSL welcomes additional resources that enhance the web page by contacting Brenda Erickson 303-364-7700."
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"As the Bruin womenâs head soccer coach, Coach Carmichael has led the women to national championships in 2013 and 2015, just a few years after the programâs inception, and was named NSCAA and NCCAA Coach of the Year for Division II also in 2013 and 2015 and NCCAA Regional Coach of the Year in 2015."
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"â Jacob Copeland (@JCope1era) February 6, 2018 Ultimately, Copeland, who is rated as the No. 132 overall prospect in the 2018 class by Rivals.com, opted to stay in-state and play for new Florida coach Dan Mullen."
"Represent this",
"Associate Head Softball CoachUniversity of Virginia. Pitching coach (2008-2013), catching and hitting coach (2013 â present), and recruiting coordinator. In 2015, team set program record for home runs. In 2013, pitcher Melanie Mitchell set multiple school records including wins, strikeouts, innings pitched, and complete games. Serve as the primary softball contact for admissions, financial aid, marketing & promotions, sports information and fundraising."
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"Strategic decisions with a runner on third. Clinician: Ken Erickson, head coach of the USA National Team. Purpose: To develop base running strategy when a runner is on third base. How it works: When a runner reaches third base, serious strategy usually comes into play."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Chris Petersen. Christopher Scott Petersen (born October 13, 1964) is an American football coach who is currently the head coach at the University of Washington. Previously the head coach for eight seasons at Boise State University, Petersen guided the Broncos to two BCS bowl wins: the 2007 and 2010 Fiesta Bowls. He is the first two-time winner of the Paul Bear Bryant Award, which he won in 2006 and 2009. Petersen also won the Bobby Dodd Coach of the Year Award in 2010"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Pat Casey, Oregon State Beavers baseball coach, says he 'might' be interested in AD job. Oregon State baseball coach Pat Casey is an intriguing option to follow Bob De Carolis as athletic director. KEIZER -- Pat Casey epitomizes sports' one-day-at-a-time mantra. So it was no surprise that Wednesday night, when the Oregon State baseball coach was asked about the Beavers' athletic director job, he focused on the present."
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"Princeton University Softball Program Coaching & Recruiting Staff. If you are looking to get recruited it's important to know who to get in front of - and NCSA has the information you need. The Asst. Coach of the Princeton University Softball program is Nicole Arias."
"Lane Kiffin, the one-time USC offensive coordinator who then became the head coach of the Oakland Raiders and Tennessee Volunteers, has been named the Trojansâ head football coach, USC athletic director Mike Garrett announced."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"CEO at Eric Bowling Fitness: Education: National Academy of Sports Medicine, College of the Canyons, Valencia High School: Summary: Eric Bowling is one of the leading strength coaches in Los Angeles. He has helped thousands of people become stronger and sexier versions..."
"represent the following document",
"Gabe Kapler on Friday continued to add to his 2018 coaching staff by naming Jim Gott the Phillies' bullpen coach. Gabe Kapler on Friday continued to add to his 2018 coaching staff by naming Jim Gott the Phillies' bullpen coach."
"OUR TEAM. Coach Erik is the founder of the CSW Association and the creator of the CDP â Coach Development Program. The CDP is a program specifically designed to bring up professional coaches that can deliver the various programs of the association."
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"Position 2. This is the âKâ position that so many pitching coaches talk about. As you can see, the body forms the letter K. The arm is relaxed with a slight bend in the elbow, ball facing outâtoward the third base line for Jillian and Yukiko who are righties, first base line for Monica whoâs a lefty."
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"Darryl Sydor is in his fourth season as an Assistant Coach with the Minnesota Wild. Sydor served as an Assistant Coach for Mike Yeo with the Houston Aeros of the American Hockey League (AHL) in 2010-11. In his first season as a professional coach, the Aeros went 46-28-1-5 and advanced to the...more."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"Head coach Erica Beach and the University of New Mexico softball is excited to announce the hiring of new assistant softball coach Kim Reeder, who will be in her first season as assistant coach. Reeder comes to New Mexico after spending the last two years with the Central Coast Girls Athletic Foundation."
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"Head coach Erica Beach and the University of New Mexico softball team announced the hiring of assistant softball coach Alicia Herron on September 20, 2016. Most recently, Herron worked with Make the Team in Ohio, developing and training kids in fundamentals and mechanics in the game of softball."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Pitman volleyball head coach Kristen Pontes-Christian stands with the 2014 Northern Regional Championship plaque, which earned the Pride a spot in ..."
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"Samuel Stewart. Head Coach. Email. Coach Stewart took over as head coach of the Enid YMCA swim team in December of 2013 after serving as the assistant coach for about a year and a half. since then he has led the team to win 5 YMCA State Championships breaking 61 YMCA state records and 10 USA state records in that time."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Darryl Sydor is in his fourth season as an Assistant Coach with the Minnesota Wild. Sydor served as an Assistant Coach for Mike Yeo with the Houston Aeros of the American Hockey League (AHL) in 2010-11.In his first season as a professional coach, the Aeros went 46-28-1-5 and advanced to the...more.arby Hendrickson is in his fifth season as an Assistant Coach with the Minnesota Wild. Hendrickson was an original member of the Wild and one of the most popular players in team history, playing four seasons (2000-04)...more."
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"ESPNâs Heather Cox, the sideline reporter for the game, caught up with Alabama coach Nick Saban at halftime to lob a few softball questions at him, including one about Alabamaâs running backs by committee setup."
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"Eric Byrnes: The World's Highest Paid Softball Player. May 14, 2010. Eric Byrnes is back in the lineup as an everyday player! Well, sort of. Byrnes is now the starting left fielder for the Dutch Goose, a slow-pitch softball team sponsored by a bay area burger joint. Until a week and a half ago, Byrnes was a Seattle Mariner, so some might see this as a step down."
"Represent this text",
"Ken Jr. was a member of three Super Bowl Champion teams as a player and one as an assistant coach. He later became the linebackers' coach for the Seattle Seahawks and formerly worked as the defensive coordinator for the Oakland Raiders. Ken Norton's son Keith Norton was once the weekend sports anchor for KPRC in Houston, Texas."
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"The best investment we have ever made in our children's baseball/softball training by far. We had tried other facilities without great results. Grand Slam USA ...and Norberto Martin have made the difference we were looking for. My son went yard for the first time and the first person he wanted to tell was Norberto. It's more than a lesson it is a relationship and a lifetime use of fundamentals."
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"Softball Fielding Tips â How Catchers Can Protect Their Thumb. 1 By Ken Eriksen. Head Coach â University of South Florida. 2 The thumb is an important part of performing the skills of fastpitch softball."
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"COACHING STAFF. Head Coach and Camp Director Scott Heather. Scott Heather was named the head coach of the Bucknell baseball program on June 18, 2012, succeeding the retiring Gene Depew. Heather spent the previous eight years as an assistant coach at Bucknell, helping the Bison to a pair of Patriot League Tournament titles and NCAA appearances."
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"Enquist played softball at UCLA under Sharron Backus from 1975 to 1978. She helped lead UCLA to its first national softball championship in the 1978 and became UCLA's first All-American softball player. Her career batting average of .401 was the UCLA team record for 24 years."
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"On April 9, 2009, Pennell was hired as head coach of the men's basketball team at Division II Grand Canyon University, a member of the Pacific West Conference.) After the end of the season, various coaching names were considered to succeed Lute Olson on a permanent basis."
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"Duane Charles Bill Parcells, also known as The Big Tuna, is a former American football coach, best known as a head coach in the National Football League for 19 seasons. He rose to prominence as the head coach of the New York Giants, whom he led to two Super Bowl titles. Parcells later served as the head coach of the New England Patriots, New York Jets, and Dallas Cowboys. Throughout his career, he coached teams that were in a period of decline and turned them into postseason contenders. He is"
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"Ken played infield (shortstop, as I recall) for Coach Ted Thoren during his freshman year. This would have been Spring 1966. Obviously, the remainder of his career at Cornell â¦was devoted to hockey. This man is a class act and one of the finest individuals I met on campus."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A former professional baseball player and D1 collegiate baseball and football player, John specializes in both physical and mental player development of pro, collegiate and amateur baseball and softball players as well as recruitment consultation for high school and draft-eligible athletes. E-mail Coach Denny."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it:\n\nFor example, ['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:', 'Skin tags are very common and generally occur after midlife. They are said to be caused by bunches of collagen and blood vessels which are trapped inside thicker bits of skin. They are believed to be the result of skin rubbing against skin.That is why they are generally found in skin creases and folds.kin tags can appear on any part of the surface of the body (skin), but most typically exist in areas where skin may rub against skin, such as the: 1 Eyelids. 2 Axillae (armpits). 3 Under the breasts. 4 Groin.'] should be similar to ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results:', 'what kind of virus causes skin tags']",
"Erickson Advantage Plans (H-5652) Earns 5-Star CMS Quality Rating. The 5-Star Quality Rating System for Medicare Advantage Plans is a program that measures overall health plan performance. It's administered by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), the federal agency that oversees Medicare."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"â The James Madison lacrosse program has added Emily Garrity as an assistant coach, head coach Shelley Klaes-Bawcombe announced Thursday. Garrity was a two-time captain for the North Carolina lacrosse team, which won the 2013 NCAA championship."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Home Women's Softball Coach Salary. Women's Softball Coach average salary is $34,211, median salary is $33,771 with a salary range from $33,066 to $35,796.Women's Softball Coach salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position.omen's Softball Coach Salary. Women's Softball Coach average salary is $34,211, median salary is $33,771 with a salary range from $33,066 to $35,796. Women's Softball Coach salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Coach Kendyl started swimming at age 6 for WHCC and MTV Age Group. She swam for MVHS team all 4 years and g raduated from MVHS in 2012. She was the assistant coach for MVHS Girls Golf team during the 2014 season and s he also assisted WHCC swim team the summer of 2014."
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"Butler head coach Chris Holtmann and assistant coach Terry Johnson were on hand Saturday to watch the 17U Indy Hoosiers in the Adidas Invitational. Joey Brunk, a 2016 center, has already verbally committed to play his college ball for the ⦠Continue reading."
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"Promoted Ron Warner to assistant field coordinator; Dane Sorensen to director of baseball development; Jeremy Cohen to director of baseball analysis and systems; Patrick Casanta to manager, baseball systems and Erick Almonte to hitting coach for Palm Beach (FSL)."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n------\nE.g.:\n['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', \"Bosporus Strait. The Bosporus Strait (or Bosphorus) connects the Black Sea to the Sea of Marmara. It also separates Asian Turkey from European Turkey (Trace), thus it separates the two continents.Bordered on both sides by the massive city of Istanbul, the strait is one of the planet's most strategic waterways.osporus Strait. The Bosporus Strait (or Bosphorus) connects the Black Sea to the Sea of Marmara. It also separates Asian Turkey from European Turkey (Trace), thus it separates the two continents.\"] == ['represent text', 'name of strait between sea of marmara']",
"College Coaches from the Division II level: Coach Bree Nasti and Coach Ophir Sadeh/Women's Softball at Adelphi University and Coach Meghan Mc Namara/Women's Lacrosse at LIU Post led the discussion. Glen Cove High School Coach Chris Mac Donald also was a member of the panel."
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"Womenâs Hockey. 1 Womenâs Golden Gopher Hockey Team (Minneapolis, MN) Not one person, but an entire team. 2 Natalie Darwitz (Eagan, MN) University of Minnesota. 3 Laura Halldorson (Plymouth, MN) Team USA Assistant Coach. 4 Gigi Marvin (Warroad, MN) University of Minnesota. 5 Jenny Potter (Edina, MN) University of Minnesota â Duluth."
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"Timothy F. Conway, Head Coach. Coach Tim Conway is entering his fourth season as Assistant Coach to Head Coach Ralph Raymond. Coach Raymond has been grooming Coach Conway to take over the duties as Head Coach of the Worcester Hawks 18U Gold travel softball team. He has coached in the ASA 18U Gold Nationals for the past three years. College: Becker College â Associate Head Coach â 2013 to Present."
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"The Lady Blazer Softball Team began in 1992 under head coach Ron Durante. Thomas Macera has been the head softball coach since 2006. Macera attended Valdosta State and was an assistant coach at VSU under Durante in the 1990s. Macera became the winningest coach in Valdosta State softball history in 2012 passing Durante's record of 303 wins."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Dr. Eric J. Fuchs, ATC, EMT, who is the Athletic Training Program Director at Eastern Kentuck University was invited by the Ohio University Divsion of Athletic Training and the Athletic Training Student Associaton to give the keynote to the Divisons Graduates. Dr."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Viterbo University Softball Program Coaching & Recruiting Personnel. For anyone who is trying to get recruited it is critical to understand who to talk to - and NCSA provides the information you'll need. The Head Coach of the Viterbo University Softball program is Brandi Alonzo."
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"Shelly Carlin Donates $170,000 to CSUB Softball. Bakersfield native Shelly Carlin has donated $170,000 to CSUB softball for the installation of new dugouts and a graduate assistant coach position for the defending WAC Champions."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Heidi Freitager-Kirkaldy. Heidi Freitager-Kirkaldy is in her eighth year at Virginia and serves as the associate head softball coach. Since Coach Miller's arrival in 2013, Freitager-Kirkaldy has served as the catching and hitting coach while spearheading all recruiting efforts. She also still works closely with the Cavalier pitchers."
] |
"represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results\n\n\nExamples:\n'['', 'who invented the flat iron for hair']' == '['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'The first straightener. The first Straightening Comb invented by Marcel Grateau in 1872 started using heated rods to straighten or style hair and caused less damage.The Hair straightener or some may call them hair tongs either way they have become the modern day must have hair accessory for women and now many men.']' != '['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!', '1890 by a french woman-Alexandre F. Godefroy. the hair dryer was invented by Alexandre in 1890 but the first had held hair dryer was invented 1971.']'",
"what can happen if you're severely dehydrated"
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"When the body becomes dehydrated, you start to feel the effects of it both physically and mentally. By the time you feel thirsty, you may be well on your way to dehydration. If you don't replenish your water intake soon, you can start to feel very sick as more of your organs are affected by the lack of water. Prevent dehydration by following some guidelines regarding fluid intake."
] | [
"Represent this text",
"RELATED: 3 Signs You're Dehydrated During a Workout. Roughly 24 Hours Without Water (Severe dehydration) Defined as a 3 to 4 percent drop in body weight due to lack of water, Lieberman says more-severe levels of dehydration will intensify the brain problems his research uncovered."
"Infants and young children are especially vulnerable to dehydration caused by diarrhea. During episodes of diarrhea, the body loses the fluids and electrolytes it needs to function correctly. Electrolytes are minerals that affect your muscle function, the amount of water in your body, and the acidity of your blood."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nE.g.:\n['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Oelrichs (Lakota: Å¡uÅ\\x8bkpÈ\\x9fawaksa; Å¡uÅ\\x8bkpÈ\\x9fáwaksa Severed Horse) head is a town In Fall River, County South, Dakota United. States the population was 126 at the 2010. census'] == ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what county is oelrichs, sd in?']",
"For example, oliguria in infants and children is most often secondary to dehydration and reverses without renal injury if the dehydration is corrected. However, prolonged renal hypoperfusion can result in a deleterious shift from compensation to decompensation."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"These conditions may be a cause or symptom of Dehydration or be a condition for which you may be at increased risk. 1 Kidney Failure Kidney failure can occur from an acute event or a chronic condition or disease. 2 Kidney Stones Kidney stones are solid masses of crystalline material that form in the kidneys."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"What do you know ... work follow up and my liver enzymes were still elevated, I go back tomorrow for follow up blood work ... to the er with a severe headache I was severely dehydrated and my liver enzymes were really high and my ..."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Avoid alcohol when you're dehydrated. On a hot day when you're likely to become dehydrated, accompany any alcohol with water, since alcohol can cause further dehydration. Caffeine also exacerbates dehydration, so stay away from colas, coffee and tea during hot weather.void alcohol when you're dehydrated. On a hot day when you're likely to become dehydrated, accompany any alcohol with water, since alcohol can cause further dehydration. Caffeine also exacerbates dehydration, so stay away from colas, coffee and tea during hot weather."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Vomiting and diarrhea caused by chemotherapy are two of the most common risk factors for developing dehydration. Both of these side effects of chemotherapy cause the body to lose water and electrolytes faster than they can be replaced. Therefore, severe or prolonged episodes should be of special concern."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Rotavirus is a contagious virus that can cause gastroenteritis (inflammation of the stomach and intestines). Symptoms include severe watery diarrhea, often with vomiting, fever, and abdominal pain. Infants and young children are most likely to get rotavirus disease.They can become severely dehydrated and need to be hospitalized and can even die.ymptoms include severe watery diarrhea, often with vomiting, fever, and abdominal pain. Infants and young children are most likely to get rotavirus disease. They can become severely dehydrated and need to be hospitalized and can even die."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"However, when youâre pregnant, it can be even easier for you to become dehydrated and miss the symptoms altogether. Dehydration is more common in pregnancy. For one thing, your blood volume when you become pregnant drastically increases to provide your baby with nutrients. When blood volume is high, itâs more difficult for your body to retain fluids, so you become dehydrated quicker. You are also at a higher risk for dehydration during your pregnancy because you have a greater tendency for nausea and vomiting."
"Represent the following document!",
"Prolonged diarrhea can cause dehydration. Even though the last thing you want to do is put more food or liquids in your mouth, staying hydrated will do wonders for your recovery. Water, sports drinks and clear juices are best. Wait it out."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"If volume depletion is severe, GFR falls, but it has been thought to be completely reversible with hydration, unless ischemia results in acute kidney injury (AKI). Nevertheless, AKI is thought be largely reversible. Hence, dehydration has not been classically considered a risk factor for chronic kidney disease (CKD). In recent years, the concept that dehydration does not cause CKD has been challenged. This has been highlighted in recent studies investigating a mysterious form of CKD that has been epidemic in Central America [2,3]."
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"Save to mypetMD. Dehydration occurs when there is excessive loss of water in the horse's body. Generally due to strenuous exercise or long bouts of diarrhea, this loss of water and electrolytes -- minerals like sodium, chloride, and potassium -- is a serious emergency that can lead to kidney failure if the horse is not quickly rehydrated."
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"Hyperemesis gravidarum is extremely severe nausea and excessive vomiting during pregnancy. Hyperemesis gravidarum differs from ordinary morning sickness. If women vomit often and have nausea to such an extent that they lose weight and become dehydrated, they have hyperemesis gravidarum. If women vomit occasionally but gain weight and are not dehydrated, they do not have hyperemesis gravidarum. The cause of hyperemesis gravidarum is unknown. The thyroid gland may become slightly and temporarily overactive (called hyperthyroidism). Rarely, hyperemesis gravidarum continues after 16 to 18 weeks of pregnancy. If it does, it may severely damage the liver, causing jaundice and degeneration of liver tissue. If hyperemesis gravidarum severely damages the liver or causes severe dehydration, women can become confused."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"High-Protein Diets Cause Dehydration. April 22, 2002 -- Even super-fit endurance athletes can become dangerously dehydrated while adhering to popular high-protein diets, new research shows. Researchers presented their findings today at the Experimental Biology meeting in New Orleans."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"In order to get your body back to its normal state, you had to go through the process of replacing the missing water or hydration. One way to know that you are no longer dehydrated, is that the signs of dehydration will disappear rather promptly."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"When your water intake does not equal your output, you can become dehydrated. Fluid losses are accentuated in warmer climates, during strenuous exercise, in high altitudes, and in older adults, whose sense of thirst may not be as sharp."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Dehydration occurs when the body loses more water than it takes in. Vomiting, diarrhea, the use of drugs that increase urine excretion (diuretics), profuse sweating (for example, during heat waves, particularly with prolonged exertion), and decreased water intake can lead to dehydration.ehydration occurs when the body loses more water than it takes in. Vomiting, diarrhea, the use of drugs that increase urine excretion (diuretics), profuse sweating (for example, during heat waves, particularly with prolonged exertion), and decreased water intake can lead to dehydration."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Do NOT use lithium if: 1 you are allergic to any ingredient in lithium. 2 you have moderate to severe kidney or heart problems. 3 you have low blood sodium levels. you are severely dehydrated, ill, or weakened."
] |
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"what food contains polyunsaturated fats"
] | [
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"Omega 6's are found in vegetable oils, some whole-grain products, nuts and some seeds. Some of the foods with the most significant amounts of polyunsaturated fats include vegetable oils like safflower, sunflower, corn and soybean oils, as well as the following foods. Flaxseed."
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Color code for the Ketogenic Diet food list : Green = Excellent: Low Carbohydrates, High (Polyunsaturated or Saturated) Fats. Blue = Good: Low Carbohydrates, Low-Moderate Fats. Orange = Acceptable: Moderate Carbohydrates, High (Polyunsaturated or Saturated) Fats."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"1 Polyunsaturated fat. 2 This is a type of fat found mostly in plant-based foods and oils. 3 Evidence shows that eating foods rich in polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs) improves blood cholesterol levels, which can decrease your risk of heart disease. 4 PUFAs may also help decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes.5 Omega-3 fatty acids. Polyunsaturated fat. 2 This is a type of fat found mostly in plant-based foods and oils. 3 Evidence shows that eating foods rich in polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs) improves blood cholesterol levels, which can decrease your risk of heart disease. 4 PUFAs may also help decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes. 5 Omega-3 fatty acids."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"component in the lotion 3. Find a food label that contains lipids, cut it out and glue it in the space below. What food item is it? List which of the following lipids (and how much) your food items hasâ¦. a. Saturated Fats _____ b. Trans Fats_____ c. Polyunsaturated Fats _____ d. Monounsaturated Fats _____ 4."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Foods from animal sources that are rich in saturated fats include beef, beef fat, veal, lamb, pork, lard, poultry fat, butter, cream, milk, cheeses and other dairy products made from whole and 2 percent milk. All these foods also contain dietary cholesterol.xamples of foods that contain these fats include salmon, trout, herring, avocados, olives, walnuts and liquid vegetable oils such as soybean, corn, safflower, canola, olive and sunflower."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it:\n\n------\n\nExample:\nProvided: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"Absorbent Glass Mat commonly known as AGM, is a type of battery under sealed lead-acid batteries. AGM batteries' glass fibers make the battery spill-proof, Absorbent Glass Mat commonly known as AGM, is a type of battery under sealed lead-acid batteries. They are created in a flat, rectangular design. One feature of AGM batteries is the thin glass fibers interwoven into a mat. This makes the battery spill-proof, as the fibers containing the glass mat do not absorb the acid composition. Because of this, AGM batteries can be used without the limitations of hazardous materials. AGMâ\\x80\\x99s unique composition allows the batteries to produce high currents and longer life span.\"]\" Match: \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is an agm battery used for?']\"",
"Monounsaturated fats â like all fats â contain nine calories per gram. For good health, the majority of the fats that you eat should be monounsaturated or polyunsaturated. Eat foods containing monounsaturated fats and/or polyunsaturated fats instead of foods that contain saturated fats and/or trans fats."
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"They are mostly found in plant foods, such as nuts and oil. They include unsaturated fats -- monounsaturated and polyunsaturated -- and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish, walnuts, and flaxseed oil, are thought to reduce the risk of heart disease. For this reason, three servings of fish a week are recommended. Types of Healthy Fats. 1 Monounsaturated fat is in olive and canola oil, avocados, nuts, and all-natural peanut butter."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"1 Polyunsaturated fat. 2 This is a type of fat found mostly in plant-based foods and oils. 3 Evidence shows that eating foods rich in polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs) improves blood cholesterol levels, which can decrease your risk of heart disease. 4 PUFAs may also help decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes.5 Omega-3 fatty acids.here are numerous types of fat. Your body makes its own fat from taking in excess calories. Some fats are found in foods from plants and animals and are known as dietary fat. Dietary fat is a macronutrient that provides energy for your body."
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"Foods generally contain a mixture of fats, but selecting foods that are rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (including omega-3 fatty acids) instead of trans and saturated fats helps lower your risk of many diseases."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Foods from animal sources that are rich in saturated fats include beef, beef fat, veal, lamb, pork, lard, poultry fat, butter, cream, milk, cheeses and other dairy products made from whole and 2 percent milk. All these foods also contain dietary cholesterol."
"So, while polyunsaturated fats are definitely âgoodâ and âhealthyâ and a key part of your fat intake and overall diet, itâs the essential fatty acids (and their ratio in your diet) that makes it so âgoodâ and âhealthyâ in the first place.onounsaturated fat, which is most abundant in foods like nuts and various plant oils (olive oil, canola oil, etc.), will most often end up comprising the majority of your total fat intake. For the most part, this is a good thing."
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"Even though milk has good simple carbs, opt for milk that is low-fat or fat-free to avoid consuming too much harmful saturated fat. Vegetables, especially potatoes, corn, yams and peas, are high in good starchy carbohydrates, as well as fiber.All plant-based foods, including fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes and nuts are high in fiber.ost monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats come from plant-based foods, although some meats and seafood also have high amounts. Foods high in these good fats often contain both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, but may have higher amounts of one type over the other."
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"1 One type of polyunsaturated fat is made up of mainly omega-3 fatty acids and may be especially beneficial to your heart. 2 Omega-3, found in some types of fatty fish, appears to decrease the risk of coronary artery disease.3 It may also protect against irregular heartbeats and help lower blood pressure levels. Polyunsaturated fat. 2 This is a type of fat found mostly in plant-based foods and oils. 3 Evidence shows that eating foods rich in polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs) improves blood cholesterol levels, which can decrease your risk of heart disease. 4 PUFAs may also help decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes. 5 Omega-3 fatty acids."
"represent the following document",
"In Health. Most foods which contain any fat supply both. The foods most rich in saturated fats are from animal source-butter, pork, liver Unsaturated fats are found in most oily pl ⦠ant origin foods like nuts, seeds, olives, however salmon, eggs (and other animal source lean produce) also contain unsaturated fats.Grace Saville.29,275 Contributions.n Health. Most foods which contain any fat supply both. The foods most rich in saturated fats are from animal source-butter, pork, liver Unsaturated fats are found in most oily pl ⦠ant origin foods like nuts, seeds, olives, however salmon, eggs (and other animal source lean produce) also contain unsaturated fats."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"1 Use oils high in polyunsaturated fats like corn, soybean, safflower, sunflower, and cottonseed oils instead of coconut oil, palm oil, or hydrogenated vegetable fats.2 Use liquid oils instead of butter, lard, or hardened vegetable shortening. Canola, olive, and peanut oils, and avocados are sources of monounsaturated fat. 2 Both types of unsaturated fats may help lower your blood cholesterol level when used in place of saturated fat in your diet. 3 Remember to be moderate in your intake of all types of fat."
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"A Marisa Moore, Nutrition & Dietetics, answered on behalf of Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Most foods contain a mixture different types of fats. Monounsaturated fat makes up the majority of the fat in olives, olive oil, canola oil, avocado, peanuts, sesame seeds and a number of other nuts and seeds and their oils."
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"High-oleic safflower oil contains monounsaturated fats, while high-linoleic safflower oil contains polyunsaturated fats. Polyunsaturated safflower oil is good for unheated foods and monounsaturated safflower oil is good for high-heat cooking, making it a good substitute for olive oil when cooking."
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"Monounsaturated fats are mainly found in natural foods like nuts, avocados, olive oil, and grape-seed oil, corn oil and canola oil. Olive oil, a key component of the much-vaunted Mediterranean diet, known for its cardiovascular health promoting benefits, is the best source of monounsaturated fat at 75 percent.onounsaturated fats are mainly found in natural foods like nuts, avocados, olive oil, and grape-seed oil, corn oil and canola oil. Olive oil, a key component of the much-vaunted Mediterranean diet, known for its cardiovascular health promoting benefits, is the best source of monounsaturated fat at 75 percent."
"Represent the input",
"What Is Unsaturated Fat? Unsaturated fats are typically liquid at room temperature. They differ from saturated fats in that their chemical structure contains one or more double bonds. They can be further categorized as: Monounsaturated fats: A type of unsaturated fat that contains only one double bond in its structure. Monounsaturated fats are typically liquid at room temperature and include canola oil and olive oil. Polyunsaturated fats: Another type of unsaturated fat that contains two or more double bonds in their structure. They are liquid at room temperature. Polyunsaturated fats include safflower oil, sunflower oil, and corn oil."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"1 Polyunsaturated fat. 2 This is a type of fat found mostly in plant-based foods and oils. 3 Evidence shows that eating foods rich in polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs) improves blood cholesterol levels, which can decrease your risk of heart disease. 4 PUFAs may also help decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes. Monounsaturated fat. 2 This is a type of fat found in a variety of foods and oils. 3 Studies show that eating foods rich in monounsaturated fats (MUFAs) improves blood cholesterol levels, which can decrease your risk of heart disease."
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"polyunsaturated fat this is a type of fat found mostly in plant based foods and oils evidence shows that eating foods rich in polyunsaturated fats pufas improves blood cholesterol levels which can decrease your risk of heart disease pufas may also help decrease the risk of type 2 diabetesomega 3 fatty acidsour body makes its own fat from taking in excess calories some fats are found in foods from plants and animals and are known as dietary fat dietary fat is a macronutrient that provides energy for your body fat is essential to your health because it supports a number of your body s functions"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"1 Polyunsaturated fat. 2 This is a type of fat found mostly in plant-based foods and oils. 3 Evidence shows that eating foods rich in polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs) improves blood cholesterol levels, which can decrease your risk of heart disease. 4 PUFAs may also help decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes.5 Omega-3 fatty acids. Monounsaturated fat. 2 This is a type of fat found in a variety of foods and oils. 3 Studies show that eating foods rich in monounsaturated fats (MUFAs) improves blood cholesterol levels, which can decrease your risk of heart disease."
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"Peanuts are the legume that is richest in monounsaturated fats. Peanut butter is also an excellent food source of this fat. Sesame seeds, as well as sesame seed butter or paste -- also known as tahini -- , is high in monounsaturated fatty acids."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A Intermountain Healthcare answered. Unsaturated fat is a type of fat that is liquid at room temperature and comes mostly from plant sources. Eating foods high in unsaturated fat -- especially in place of foods with a lot of saturated fat -- may help lower low density lipoprotein (LDL), or bad, cholesterol levels.This helps lower your risk of heart disease.here are two main types of unsaturated fat: monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. Monounsaturated fats occur mostly in plant oils. Good sources of monounsaturated fats include: Polyunsaturated fats are found in plant foods and some fish."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"1 Eat foods high in unsaturated fats like fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, tuna) instead of meats high in saturated fat. 2 Incorporate foods high in polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats like avocados, nuts, and olive oil into your salads instead of using products high in saturated fats like mayonnaise based dressings. Canola, olive, and peanut oils, and avocados are sources of monounsaturated fat. 2 Both types of unsaturated fats may help lower your blood cholesterol level when used in place of saturated fat in your diet."
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"The truth is that saturated fat is not the root of all evil. Peanut butter also contains an abundance of good fats, or, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. One serving has 8 grams of monounsaturated fats and 4 grams of polyunsaturated fats."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"While foods tend to contain a mixture of fats, monounsaturated fat is the primary fat found in: 1 olive, canola, and sesame oils. 2 avocado. 3 nuts, such as almonds, cashews, and pistachios; peanuts and peanut butter."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Foods generally contain a mixture of fats, but selecting foods that are rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (including omega-3 fatty acids) instead of trans and saturated fats helps lower your risk of many diseases.âGoodâ fats lower âbadâ cholesterol in the blood, decreasing risk of heart attack.oods generally contain a mixture of fats, but selecting foods that are rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (including omega-3 fatty acids) instead of trans and saturated fats helps lower your risk of many diseases."
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"Lean meats like buffalo, venison, turkey, fish and chicken breast contain less fat than pork and beef. Some fishes are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, a healthy fat that promotes nervous system and cardiovascular health. As with any food, smoked meats are best consumed in moderation."
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"MUFAs are also high in vitamin E, a vitamin and antioxidant that keeps your body healthy by protecting your cells from damage. Most foods contain a combination of fats, but avocados, peanut butter, nuts, seeds, olive oil, peanut oil, canola oil, sesame oil and sunflower oil are particularly high in monounsaturated fats."
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"The good news is that nuts are cholesterol-free. Only animal foods contain cholesterol. Even better news is nuts contain polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs) and monounsaturated fats (MUFAs), both of which reduce cholesterol levels when consumed in moderation. A typical nut serving is 1 ounce, or 1/4 cup.Walnuts take the crown when it comes to polyunsaturated fat content.nly animal foods contain cholesterol. Even better news is nuts contain polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs) and monounsaturated fats (MUFAs), both of which reduce cholesterol levels when consumed in moderation."
] |
"a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"what is dbf format"
] | [
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"DBF is the file extension for a generic database file. Since it is the native file format of dBase Inc. (later renamed dataBased Intelligence Inc.) database software, it is also called dBase. This simple file format is so popular that almost any database program can easily open, edit, and save it."
] | [
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"Notes about the DBF file extension: The DBF file type is primarily associated with 'Database'. Started as dBASE II then proceeded through versions III, III+, and IV. Most of these files can usually be opened in Excel or Access.ncorrect file associations could be the result of underlying issues within your PC system. As such it is highly recommended to scan your PC for invalid registry entries, unused processes and other unfavourable system settings to identify slowdown issues. The DBF file type is primarily associated with 'Database'."
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"It is somewhat similar in purpose and design to the PostScript format used in the Unix world. WMF file is a 16-bit format introduced in Windows 3.0; a newer 32-bit version with additional commands is called Enhanced Metafile (EMF). EMF is also used as a graphics language for printer drivers."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"SDF is an acronym for Standard Database Format. Files that contain the .sdf file extension normally contain standard database files that store data in a structured file format. These SDF files are often used to transfer data between different database applications."
"Represent the following document.",
"Powerful utility to convert DBF to any format An advanced utility which converts your DBF files to any format you wish (XLS, CSV, XML, PDF, HTML, CHM, RTF, HLP, DOC, and more).The software supports a batch. Convert PDF to DBF-Free Downloads of Convert PDF to DBF Convert PDF to DBF: wma video wav files jpg.ree pdf file convert to dbf file Download-pdf file convert to Free download pdf file convert to dbf file Files at Software Informer-Some Text to PDF Converter is a compact tool that can create or convert any text file to a PDF. 5Star-Shareware - 5 stars."
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"Multiple index file (dBase IV). MDX is a data file format used by dBASE IV. MDX files are multiple index files which are used to hold database information. Many .MDX files are created along side a .DBF file.MDX files can be opened by dBASE and Borland InterBase programs.ultiple index file (dBase IV). MDX is a data file format used by dBASE IV. MDX files are multiple index files which are used to hold database information. Many .MDX files are created along side a .DBF file."
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"Easy-to-use DBF management solution with a user-friendly interface. DBF Viewer 2000 ® is very easy to use, with an extremely intuitive interface and a simple initial learning curve, saving you time and effort.DBF Viewer 2000® simplifies modification of DBF file structure.dvanced DBF export to formats including CSV, HTML, SDF, SQL, TXT, XLS, XLSX, XML and to MS SQL, MySQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL scripts from GUI or command line."
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"Documentation. See DBF for general documentation for the dBase Table format. The Shapefile format, including the constraints on the dBASE Table File for use in a Shapefile, is defined in ESRI Shapefile Technical Description, July 1998. The description of the .dbf file is on page 25.Adoption. See ESRI_shape.ee DBF for general documentation for the dBase Table format. The Shapefile format, including the constraints on the dBASE Table File for use in a Shapefile, is defined in ESRI Shapefile Technical Description, July 1998. The description of the .dbf file is on page 25. Adoption. See ESRI_shape."
"represent the next text:",
"CDF FILE. Description. The CDF file describes the layout for an Affymetrix GeneChip array. There are two formats of this file, the first is an ASCII text format used by the MAS and GCOS 1.0 software and the second is a binary format used by later versions of GCOS - this format is also referred to as the XDA format."
"Universal Disk Format (UDF) Universal Disk Format (UDF) is a CD-ROM and DVD file system standard developed as a means of ensuring consistency among data written to various optical media, by facilitating both data interchange and the implementation of the ISO/IEC 13346 standard. UDF is required for DVD-ROMs, and is used by DVD to contain MPEG audio/video streams."
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"A DB file is a database file used on mobile devices such as Android, iOS, and Windows Phone 7 mobile phones. It is often used to store contacts and SMS information but may store any type of device or application data. DB files are commonly stored in an SQLite database format but may also be locked or encrypted so the user cannot see the data directly."
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"CDF - channel definition format An open source RDBMS that started as a research project at Berkeley in the 1970's. There are now two strains of Ingres; the university Ingres (also known as Berkeley Ingres), which is open source, and also a commercial version called OpenIngres, which uses SQL and some forms of QUEL as its language for queries and database transactions."
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"LAST UPDATE: December 22nd 2010, 08:38 GMT. EMF stands for Enhanced Metafile Format and it represents a vector graphics format that incorporates both vector graphics and bitmap elements. EMF is in fact a 32-bit version of the WMF format (Windows Metafile Format) that only supported 16-bit data. EMF files do not support CMYK (Cyan Magenta Yellow Black) data since they only save data in RGB (Red Green Blue). In order to be able to adjust EMF images, users will need to choose one of the compatible graphic editors."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"What is a SDF file? SDF is an acronym for Standard Database Format. Files that contain the .sdf file extension normally contain standard database files that store data in a structured file format. These SDF files are often used to transfer data between different database applications."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Dbf Converter Print. The data table is a easy-to-use viewer and editor of your data. You can Edit dbf record by clicking on it and the edit box is displayed. If Edit mode is toggled on, edit box string shows in blue letters.ree dbc edit download tool for viewing, editing, filtering, copying, exporting tables of different formats (DB, DBF, MDB, XLS, GDB, IB, HTML, UDL, DBC, TXT, CSV) to clipboard or file (text. How to: Edit XML Files The XML Editor is the new editor for XML files."
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"Depends on the types of data stored. The values in a DBF file consisting of fixed-length character fields (data type C) and fixed length numeric fields stored as strings (data type N) can be viewed with a text editor.escription. File format used originally by the dBASE database management system to store tables of data and later adopted by similar DBMS packages. The file format was appealing because of its combination of a simple structure and support for data types appropriate for business use."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Optimising DBF file structure is very straightforward with DBF Viewer 2000, enabling you to easily add, edit, reorder, delete and rename fields. DBF Viewer 2000® allows data import from many formats.You can import data via the GUI or command line interface, and from a variety of formats, including CSV, TXT, Excel as well as DBF. DBF Viewer 2000® supports advanced data export.dvanced DBF export to formats including CSV, HTML, SDF, SQL, TXT, XLS, XLSX, XML and to MS SQL, MySQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL scripts from GUI or command line."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
".dbf. The .dbf file extension represents the dBASE database file. The file type was introduced in 1983 with the introduction of dBASE II. The file structure has evolved over the years to include many more features and capabilities and has introduced various other files to help support data storage and manipulation. The current .dbf file level is called Level 7."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"The Advanced Authoring Format (AAF) is a professional file interchange format designed for the video post-production and authoring environment. It was created by the Advanced Media Workflow Association."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Additive Manufacturing File Format (AMF) is an open standard for describing objects for additive manufacturing processes such as 3D printing."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nFor instance, <<['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!', 'Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts.']>> to \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is culture definition']\"",
"Variant Call Format. The Variant Call Format (VCF) specifies the format of a text file used in bioinformatics for storing gene sequence variations. The format has been developed with the advent of large-scale genotyping and DNA sequencing projects, such as the 1000 Genomes Project."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The .dbc file is mostly used to define database parameters,stands for database connect descriptor file, used to connectto database, it authenticate users against database in FND_USER table. Let's see how it work's."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"what is a .cdf file? The CDF in files with the .cdf extension stands for computable document format, and this file format was developed by Wolfram Research as a multimedia encoding standard of interactive documents that can contain different text formatting attributes and multimedia elements."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Modify DBF File Structure. To modify the fields of the DBF file, click File | Modify menu. Modify dbf file structure dialog box opens. To add new field click New field and fill in the following fields: â¢.Field-type in the name of the field. â¢. Type-select the filed type: Character, Numeric, Date, Logical or Memo.â¢.odify DBF File Structure. To modify the fields of the DBF file, click File | Modify menu. Modify dbf file structure dialog box opens. To add new field click New field and fill in the following fields: â¢."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"QuickTime File Format. QuickTime File Format (QTFF) is a computer file format used natively by the QuickTime framework. Contents. Design. The format specifies a multimedia container file that contains one or more tracks, each of which stores a particular type of data: audio, video, or text (e.g. for subtitles)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Trusted Data Format. The Trusted Data Format (TDF) is an XML based file format used by the United States Intelligence Community for the purposes of enabling file level tagging and security features. These features include assertion of data properties or tags, cryptographic binding and data encryption."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nExample:\nProvided: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'In 2011, the marginal cost of production for oil was $92.26 for the 50 largest listed oil and gas companies, according to the Wall Street Journal.This will climb to $100 a barrel in 2012.n 2011, the marginal cost of production for oil was $92.26 for the 50 largest listed oil and gas companies, according to the Wall Street Journal.']\" Match: \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'marginal production cost oil']\"",
"Computable Document Format Computable Document Format (CDF) is an electronic document format designed to allow easy authoring of dynamically generated interactive content. CDF is a published public format created by Wolfram Research."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"A DB file is a generic database file that stores data in a structured format, typically with an arrangement of tables, table fields, field data types, and field values. It can be created by various database programs and exported into different formats, such as .CSV files."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"DBF Import Export Wizard is a tool for anyone needing to import DBF files into SQL Server or to export SQL Server tables to a DBF file. This project was created to supplement the lack of this functionality in SQL Server versions after 2000."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The program allows you to add, delete, recall, sort, zap, pack records, view and edit files in DOS or Windows character sets, get detailed database information,export dbf files to txt/html format, convert csv and xls / xlsx to dbf format, import/export from MS Excel (including MS Excel 2007! ), and search in a file."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"File type specification: Database file type. The DBF file extension is associated with Clipper, a computer programming language that is used to create software programs that originally operated primarily under DOS.Although it is a powerful general-purpose programming language, it was primarily used to create database/business programs.bf file editor and apps that can edit dbf file-CLIPPER database file. Click on the link to get more information about DBF Converter & DBF Viewer for edit dbf file action."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Project Description. DBF Import Export Wizard is a tool for anyone needing to import DBF files into SQL Server or to export SQL Server tables to a DBF file. This project was created to supplement the lack of this functionality in SQL Server versions after 2000."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"CDF FILE. The CDF file describes the layout for an Affymetrix GeneChip array. There are two formats of this file, the first is an ASCII text format used by the MAS and GCOS 1.0 software and the second is a binary format used by later versions of GCOS - this format is also referred to as the XDA format."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The .dbf file extension represents the dBASE database file. The file type was introduced in 1983 with the introduction of dBASE II.The file structure has evolved over the years to include many more features and capabilities and has introduced various other files to help support data storage and manipulation.The current .dbf file level is called, Level 7.he dBASE III file format is not compatible with the dBASE III+ format. dBASE III+ â MS-DOS (Level-3) this starts the modern era of dBASE .dbf files. The dBASE III+ was introduced in December 1985 when the product was released."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"Media Descriptor File (MDF) is a proprietary disc image file format developed for Alcohol 120%, an optical disc authoring program. Daemon Tools, MagicISO, and PowerDVD can also read the MDF format. A disc image is a computer file replica of the computer files and file system of an optical disc. Unlike an ISO image, a Media Descriptor File can contain multiple layers (as used in dual-layer recording) and multiple optical disc tracks. Like the IMG file format, a Media Descriptor File is a raw image of an optical disc."
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"Compound File Binary Format. Compound File Binary Format (CFBF), also called Compound File, Compound Document format, or Composite Document File V2 Document (CDF), is a compound document file format for storing numerous files and streams within a single file on a disk. CFBF is developed by Microsoft and is an implementation of Microsoft COM Structured Storage."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"QuickTime File Format. QuickTime File Format (QTFF) is a computer file format used natively by the QuickTime framework."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The Broadcast eXchange Format (BXF) defines the format and content of XML Messages for the interchange of data and metadata among professional systems, as follows: (1) Broadcast schedules, including playout and record schedules (2) As run information (3) Content metadata, such as Content ID, Title, ..."
"Represent the following document",
"File type specification: Database file type. File extension sdf is most likely best know for its use in Microsoft SQL Server for a compact database files, also used in various third-party software programs as embedded database files for storing various data in single file like using Microsoft SQL server."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"DBF File structure. A DBF file consists of a header record and data records. The header record defines the structure of dbf file and contains any other information related to the table.The header record starts at file position zero. Data records follow the header, in consecutive bytes, and contain the actual text of the fields.BF File structure. A DBF file consists of a header record and data records. The header record defines the structure of dbf file and contains any other information related to the table."
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"I am using the following source code to import a dbf (DBASE) file into C# dataset and it is giving the error 'External table is not in expected format'."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Cdf Computable Document Format is an electronic document format designed to allow easy authoring of dynamically generated interactive content. CDF is a published public format created by Wolfram Research. see more »"
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"), sort, export dbf to txt/html format, search in a file, get detailed database information, view and edit files in DOS or Windows character sets, delete, convert csv and xls / xlsx to dbf format, pack records.DBFView comes with Installer/Uninstaller, documentation in HTML format, and sample files.BF file extension (FoxPro Table) such as how to open, play, create, edit and convert this file type. File Extension .DBF (dBASE Database) - Free programs to Open and Free programs to use file extension."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Microsoft Channel Definition Format. CDF is a file extension for the Microsoft Channel Definition Format. The Channel Definition Format was an application of Extensible Markup Langugage (XML) that Microsoft proposed as a standard way to describe a Web site channel, consisting of a website or group of sites. A CDF file identifies the page and subpages a user sees after selecting a channel on the browser."
"Represent the next text",
"Multiple index file (dBase IV) MDX is a data file format used by dBASE IV. MDX files are multiple index files which are used to hold database information. Many .MDX files are created along side a .DBF file. MDX files can be opened by dBASE and Borland InterBase programs. MIME: application/dbase, application/x-dbase. Learn more about .MDX files: Visit the dBase web page. Search for .MDX-related questions on IT Knowledge Exchange."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Publisher's Description. From Elphsoft: DBF Commander is a powerful and easy-to-use MDI (Multi Document Interface) application for Windows to work with DBF files-dBase, FoxPro and other formats with supporting of all of the code pages. It provides the actions: Create, open, view, edit DBF files; Execute SQL queries.rom Elphsoft: DBF Commander is a powerful and easy-to-use MDI (Multi Document Interface) application for Windows to work with DBF files-dBase, FoxPro and other formats with supporting of all of the code pages."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The .sdf (Sqlce Database File) naming convention is optional and any extension can be used. Setting a password for the database file is optional. The database can be compressed and repaired with the option of the compacted/repaired database to be placed into a new database file."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"DXF (Drawing Exchange Format) is a CAD data file format, an open vector data format, it is used for data exchange between AutoCAD and other software, it has two types: ASCII format (more readable) and binary format (more smaller), this file format is also widely used now, almost all CAD systems can import or export DXF data."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"dBase (also stylized dBASE) was one of the first database management systems for microcomputers, and the most successful in its day. The dBase system includes the core database engine, a query system, a forms engine, and a programming language that ties all of these components together. dBase's underlying file format, the .dbf file, is widely used in applications needing a simple format to store structured data. dBase was originally published by Ashton-Tate for microcomputer operating system CP/M in 1980, and later ported to Apple II and IBM PC computers running DOS."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"From Elphsoft: DBF Commander is a powerful and easy-to-use MDI (Multi Document Interface) application for Windows to work with DBF files-dBase, FoxPro and other formats with supporting of all of the code pages.rom Elphsoft: DBF Commander is a powerful and easy-to-use MDI (Multi Document Interface) application for Windows to work with DBF files-dBase, FoxPro and other formats with supporting of all of the code pages."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Convert DBF to Excel 2007. The data table is a easy-to-use viewer and editor of your data. You can Edit dbf record by clicking on it and the edit box is displayed. If Edit mode is toggled on, edit box string shows in blue letters.Press ENTER to save any changes you make.onvert DBF to Excel 2007. The data table is a easy-to-use viewer and editor of your data. You can Edit dbf record by clicking on it and the edit box is displayed. If Edit mode is toggled on, edit box string shows in blue letters."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Project Description. DBF Import Export Wizard is a tool for anyone needing to import DBF files into SQL Server or to export SQL Server tables to a DBF file. This project was created to supplement the lack of this functionality in SQL Server versions after 2000. This was developed using C#."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"DBF Import Export Wizard is a tool for anyone needing to import DBF files into SQL Server or to export SQL Server tables to a DBF file."
"represent the natural language!",
"B.1 Image File Formats. Image file formats are listed alphabetically. BMPF is the Microsoft Windows bitmap format and is based on the internal data structures used by Windows to store bitmap data in memory. This format is used extensively by Microsoft Windows, and a variant of this format is used by the IBM OS/2 operating system."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"For the British law firm, see DWF LLP. Design Web Format (DWF) is a secure file format developed by Autodesk for the efficient distribution and communication of rich design data to anyone who needs to view, review, or print design files."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The Standard MIDI File (SMF) is a file format that provides a standardized way for music sequences to be saved, transported, and opened in other systems. The compact size of these files led to their widespread use in computers, mobile phone ringtones, webpage authoring and musical greeting cards."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Advanced DBF export to formats including CSV, HTML, SDF, SQL, TXT, XLS, XLSX, XML and to MS SQL, MySQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL scripts from GUI or command line.dvanced DBF export to formats including CSV, HTML, SDF, SQL, TXT, XLS, XLSX, XML and to MS SQL, MySQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL scripts from GUI or command line."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"Design Web Format. DWF redirects here. For the British law firm, see DWF LLP. Design Web Format (DWF) is a secure file format developed by Autodesk for the efficient distribution and communication of rich design data to anyone who needs to view, review, or print design files."
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"Notes about the DBC file extension: The DBC file type is primarily associated with 'CANdb' by Vector Informatik GmbH. The file name extension .DBC is used to store all information that describes the network. DBC files are created and administered with either the CANdb editor or the CANdb++ editor. They can be read by CANalyzer, CANoe and all other Vector CAN software."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"SWF (/Ëswɪf/ SWIF) is an abbreviation for small web format, an Adobe Flash file format used for multimedia, vector graphics and ActionScript."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Export an Excel table to .dbf format in ArcGIS: 1 In Excel 2007, save the table as, 'Excel 97-2003 Workbook' (.xls format). 2 Navigate to the .xls table location through ArcCatalog, and expand the file to view the worksheets. 3 Right-click on the worksheet representing the table. Select Export > To dBase (single)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"How to Convert Sdf to Xls. A .Standard Database Format (sdf) file is a database file storing information in fields of fixed length. A Microsoft Excel (xls) is a spreadsheet file, storing data entries in rows and columns. A .sdf file can be converted to an .xls file using the appropriate software application."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Object (ShockWave Flash) SWF is a file extension for a Shockwave Flash file format created by Macromedia and now owned by Adobe. SWF stands for Small Web Format. SWF files can contain video and vector based animations and sound and are designed for efficient delivery over the web. SWF files can be viewed in a web browser using the Flash plug in."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"SQL Server Master Database File (MDF/.mdf) Overview. An MDF (Master Database File) file is the primary database file of Microsoft SQL Server with an extension .mdf, which contains the data as well as schema. We can create more than one data file with .mdf file extension for a database whether it does exist in a filegroup or by generating a new filegroup. Database Files."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"The Standard MIDI File (SMF) is a file format that provides a standardized way for sequences to be saved, transported, and opened in other systems. The compact size of these files has led to their widespread use in computers, mobile phone ringtones, webpage authoring and greeting cards."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Dbf File Viewer View, edit and print your dbf files! A#vbUL_izmlsa{display:none} Css Drop Down Menus by Vista-Buttons.com v3.70. DBFView is a terse but powerful application for printing, viewing, editing DBF-format databases-screen shot. It supports dBase, Visual FoxPro, FoxPro, Clipper and other DBF formats.In contrast to many analogues, DBFView is completely a Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP/Vista application. The user friendly graphic makes working with databases facile and hassle free.ree pdf file convert to dbf file Download-pdf file convert to Free download pdf file convert to dbf file Files at Software Informer-Some Text to PDF Converter is a compact tool that can create or convert any text file to a PDF. 5Star-Shareware - 5 stars."
] |
"A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"dorn vamc address"
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Dorn Vamc is a Military Hospital in Columbia, South Carolina. The NPI Number for Dorn Vamc is 1760680854. The current location address for Dorn Vamc is 9 Wiltshire Ct, , Columbia, South Carolina and the contact number is 803-865-7990 and fax number is --. The mailing address for Dorn Vamc is Po Box 290843, , Columbia, South Carolina - 29229-0015 (mailing address contact number - 803-865-7990)."
] | [
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"Come and see our large selection of new and used cars, trucks and SUVs and let one of our knowledgeable staff help you find the right one for you. If you are a Rochester Chevrolet customer looking for a trusted dealer, Doan Chevrolet is located at 5035 Ridge Rd W. Spencerport, NY 14559. Rochester Chevrolet seekers, we are just five miles west of the mall at Greece Ridge."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"Find Official Address of Northern Virginia Community College Contact,: 6699 springfield center dr springfield, va 22150, usa. Send your email to northern virginia community college contact, at the above address or you can personally visit the place on the given address. You can personally visit the location of at the given address."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Prmc Home Scripts Ocean Pines in Berlin - Pharmacy Location, Contact. Prmc Home Scripts Ocean Pines (PENINSULA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER) is a Community/Retail Pharmacy in Berlin, Maryland. The NPI Number for Prmc Home Scripts Ocean Pines is 1851795017. The current location address for Prmc Home Scripts Ocean Pines is 11101 Cathage Rd, , Berlin, Maryland and the contact number is 410-543-4769 and fax number is 410-543-4770. The mailing address for Prmc Home Scripts Ocean Pines is 11101 Cathage Rd, , Berlin, Maryland - 21811 (mailing address contact number - 410-543-4769)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Visiting Specialists. The ACMC-Willmar Main Clinic is the hub of our 11-clinic system with more than 170 providers and over 40 specialty departments. ACMC physicians serve Rice Memorial Hospital, a 100-bed regional facility, and the Willmar Surgery Center, an outpatient surgery facility located on our campus. ACMC also provides services at our ACMC-Willmar Skylark Center location. ACMC-Willmar is accessible by wheelchair. Please let us know if you have a hearing, visual or physical impairment, or need an interpreter so that we can best accommodate your needs."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"AFSC/Magellan Federal. 2800 S Shirlington Road Ste 350, Arlington, VA 22206; 888 AFSC-USA (888-237-2872) [email protected]"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"In person, Veterans and their families can walk in to any of the Vet Centers throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, and Guam. A full listing of locations can be found on the Vet Center program website; Readjustment Counseling Service VA Central Office 202-461-6525"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Dobre Gymnastics Academy. About. Dobre Gymnastics Academy is located at the address 9168 Gaither Rd in Gaithersburg, Maryland 20877. They can be contacted via phone at (301) 977-3262 for pricing, hours and directions. For maps and directions to Dobre Gymnastics Academy view the map to the right."
"Represent this!",
"Adopt Abroad Inc. has obtained the follow information pertaining to the US military personnel entitled DoD Adoption Reimbursement Program. You may either read the information below, or download it by pressing either button below: National Military Family Association. 2500 North Van Dorn Street, Suite 102."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"210 Franklin Rd, SW Roanoke, VA 24011 800-827-1000 314: Intake Site At Fort Eustis: 210 Franklin Rd. SW Roanoke, VA 24011 800-827-1000 314: Intake Site At Fort Lee: 1403 Mahone Ave Fort Lee, VA 23801"
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Measure Visits Counter. Welcome to the website of Strength & Honor Motorcycle Club's IRONCLAD Chapter located in the Hampton Roads, Virginia AOR. Strength & Honor Motorcycle Club (SHMC) was founded on 12/04/05 as a law enforcement motorcycle club (LEMC)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Orlando VAMC Urgent Care facility at Lake Nona is now open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week including holidays, to provide Veterans with walk-in clinical care. The Urgent Care facility is located on the first floor of the Lake Nona Hospital, to the left of the main hospital entrance at the rear of the facility. The main number for Urgent Care is 407-631-1712 or 1709. ****PLEASE NOTE âThe Emergency Department is NOT open at this time.****."
"Boston Medical Center (BMC) is a 496-bed academic medical center located in Boston's historic South End, providing medical care for infants, children, teens and adults. One Boston Medical Center Place. Boston, MA 02118. 617.638.8000."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Bath VA to hold veterans event in Westfield. The Bath VA Medical Center (VAMC) is holding a veterans economic hardship event on Thursday, March 27, from 10 a.m. to noon. The event will be conducted out of the VA Mobile Clinic Van at the Westfield Community Center, 429 East Main Street."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Key Facts. Delnor Community Hospital is located in Geneva, Illinois. Patients reported that they did not receive an outstanding level of care at this facility; only 71% would definitely recommend this hospital to others. This is the only hospital in Geneva, so if you want to seek treatment elsewhere, you may have to travel farther."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Portions of the 22043 zip code are contained within or border the city limits of Idylwood, VA, Pimmit Hills, VA, McLean, VA, Merrifield, VA, Dunn Loring, VA, Jefferson, VA, Tysons Corner, VA, Arlington, VA, and Falls Church, VA. Zip code 22043 is part of area code 703 and area code 571.ortions of the 22043 zip code are contained within or border the city limits of Idylwood, VA, Pimmit Hills, VA, McLean, VA, Merrifield, VA, Dunn Loring, VA, Jefferson, VA, Tysons Corner, VA, Arlington, VA, and Falls Church, VA. Zip code 22043 is part of area code 703 and area code 571."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"DMC does not collect nor have information concerning medical billing statements. Go to Pay.gov if you wish to make a VA medical co-payment. please call 1-866-400-1238 if you need help completing the co-payment form."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Our specialty services include audiology, cardiac catheterization, sine-angiography, neurosurgery, orthopedic surgery, renal transplants, vascular laboratory services, and specialized low vision care. The Kansas City VAMC is located on a 40 acre campus in eastern Kansas City. This is a major metropolitan area with a population exceeding 1.5 million. Our primary service area includes over 200,00 veterans, some 25 percent of whom are over 60."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Dorn VAMC is a level 1C teaching hospital, providing a full range of patient care services, with state-of-the-art technology, education, and research. Comprehensive health care is provided through primary care, tertiary care and long-term care in areas of medicine, surgery, psychiatry, physical medicine and rehabilitation, cardiology, neurology, oncology, dentistry, geriatrics, and extended care."
"'Basic Listing Information: 54768 Dornbush Rd is more than just a Callahan, FL address. It is a home with 5 beds, 3+ baths, and 3,294 square feet. At $$250,000 it is a Callahan property for sale.'"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"8:00 am - 4:30 PM Monday - Friday. Veteran patients consider ease of access when choosing a health care plan. Through a contract with Sterling Medical Co., the White River Junction VA Medical Center is now able to offer primary health care services to veterans in yet another area distanced from our main campus. The VA Littleton CBOC will serve the primary health care needs of eligible veterans. Most of the cost of services provided to veterans enrolling in the plan will be paid by the Department of Veterans Affairs."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Dornbusch (Frankfurt am Main) Dornbusch (literally: thornbush) is a city district of Frankfurt am Main, Germany. It is part of the Ortsbezirk Mitte-Nord. Dornbusch has a local U-Bahn station of the same name that is served by lines U1, U2, U3 & U8. It can be found on eschersheimer landstraÃe and is located alongside the Sinaipark."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"DOAN Buick GMC 4389 Ridge Road W Rochester, NY 14626 855-998-2413. DOAN Dodge Chrysler Jeep Ram 4477 W Ridge Rd Rochester, NY 14626 855-998-2559. DOAN Fiat 4477 Ridge Road W Rochester, NY 14626 855-998-2443. DOAN E-Z Auto 5018 Ridge Road W Spencerport, NY 14559 585-352-1111."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"To view this data, go to http://www.va.gov/health/access-audit.asp. What to Expect on Your Initial Appointment. Patients who elect to have their primary care delivered at the Wm. Jennings Bryan Dorn VA Medical Center will be assigned a primary care provider."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"District Response to Local Levy Issue and Teacher Salaries â Bellevue School District. On July 19, 2016, Randy Dorn, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, filed a complaint with King County Superior Court challenging the state-wide practice of using local levy funds for staff salaries."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The Kansas City VA Medical Center (KCVAMC) is a general medical, surgical, psychiatric, and ambulatory care facility located on a 37-acre site just six miles from downtown Kansas City, Missouri. The Medical Center places special emphasis on maintaining its role as a major teaching hospital."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Veterans Health Administration - VISN 5: VA Capitol Health Care Network Skip Veterans Health Administration; Station ID: Facility: Address: Phone: 688: Fort Belvoir Outpatient Clinic: 9300 DeWitt Loop Sunrise Pavilion Fort Belvoir, VA 22060 571-231-2408 613GF: Harrisonburg Contract Outpatient Clinic"
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"dmc imaging center lbn derry medical center 6 tsienneto rd derry, nh 03038-1584 phone: 603-537-1300 fax: website:"
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"Maryland Center for Veterans Education and Training: Contact Name: Lt. David Clements: Address: 310 North High Street City/State/Zip: Baltimore, Maryland 21202: Phone: 410-576-9626: Email:.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) Web: http://www.mcvet.org"
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nFor example, '['Represent', 'Playa del Carmen: Annual Weather Averages. May is the hottest month in Playa del Carmen with an average temperature of 28°C (83°F) and the coldest is January at 23°C (74°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 11 in May. The wettest month is September with an average of 173.1mm of rain.']' should be close to '['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'average temps in playa del carmen in january']'",
"Virginia Commonwealth University Department of Neurology P.O. Box 980599 Richmond, Virginia 23298-0599 E-mail us. Express mailing address: Jennifer Rew, M.Ed. Education Coordinator VCU Department of Neurology 1101 East Marshall Street P.O. Box 980599 Richmond, Virginia 23298. For medical student shadowing opportunities, please contact: Dennis Henson PCM Education Specialist VCU School of Medicine (804) 828-5525 [email protected]"
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"LOGISTICS ACRONYMS. Recommended Changes to this training aid should be sent to the Logistics Training Department, QMC&S, 1831 A Avenue, Fort Lee, Virginia, 23801-1621 (phone DSN 687-3195, comm. (804) 734-3195 or email: [email protected]."
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"Mather Field/Mills Station is the closest Light Rail station. A VANCHCS Shuttle Bus operates between the Sacramento VAMC and the Mather Field Light Rail Station every 45 minutes. The first shuttle departs the VAMC at 7:45 AM. and the last shuttle departs the VAMC at 4:45 PM. Travel time estimated at 10 minutes."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n\nFor example, ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', '2017-03-05T22:21:14-05:00. The federalist wanted the bill of rights added. The 9th amendment states-The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. e 10th states-The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.'] should be similar to ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what group wanted a bill of rights']",
"Dorn Method What is the Dorn Method? The Dorn Method is a gentle, effective and safe way to correct misalignments of the Spinal Column and other joints, helping relieve back pain, neck pain, headaches, hip, sciatica, jaw, knee, shoulder and many more problem areas."
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"Jennings Bryan Dorn VA Medical Center. The William Jennings Bryan Dorn VA Medical Center (VAMC) opened in 1932 at its current location. Dorn VAMC has 204 skilled nursing beds, which includes acute medical, surgical, psychiatric, and long-term care. The hospital provides primary, secondary, and some tertiary care. In Fiscal Year (FY) 2013, Dorn VAMC gained 2.8 percent in enrolled patients."
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"Additional Information About 54768 Dornbush Rd, Callahan, FL 32011 54768 Dornbush Rd, Callahan, FL 32011 is a single family home for sale, and has been listed on the market for 273 days. 54768 Dornbush Rd is in the Nassau Village-Ratliff neighborhood, which has a median listing price of $250,000."
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"Parent Facility: VA North Texas Health Care System. Phone: (214) 742-8387 or (800) 849-3597. Sam Rayburn Memorial Veterans Center (SRMVC) in Bonham, Texas provides a full range of primary and geriatric care programs as well as outpatient mental health services to Veterans in North Texas and Southern Oklahoma. The 78-acre campus includes:"
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"NPI Number: 1992834568: LBN Legal business name: DERRY MEDICAL CENTER: DBA Doing business as: DMC IMAGING CENTER: Authorized official: DOREEN DALLON - (OFFICE MANAGER) Entity: Organization: Organization subpart 1: No Enumeration date: 03/02/2007: Last updated: 06/17/2008 - About 10 years ago: Identifiers: n/a"
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"He had also served as acting director of the Robert J. Dole VA Medical Center in Wichita, Kan., and as associate director for the Miami VA Health Care System and served in the Army Medical Department from 1987 to 2007."
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"28 August 2006. Recommended Changes to this training aid should be sent to the Logistics Training Department, QMC&S, 1831 A Avenue, Fort Lee, Virginia, 23801-1621 (phone DSN 687-3195, comm. (804) 734-3195 or email: [email protected]. LOGISTICS ACRONYMNS."
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"According to a 2013 report by the VA's inspector general, there was gross mismanagement of the gastroenterology program at the Dorn VA Medical Center. The report said 52 patients had cancer that were associated with delays in diagnosis and treatment."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Eisenhower Army Medical Center Logo. The Dwight D. Eisenhower Army Medical Center (EAMC) is a 93-bed medical treatment facility located on Fort Gordon, Ga., located near Augusta, Georgia that previously served as the headquarters of the Army's Southeast Regional Medical Command (SERMC)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, which has cared for hundreds of thousands of soldiers and dignitaries for the past 96 years, is slated to close as part of the base realignment and closure process."
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"Hector MN 55342 Fairfax Clinic 507â426â7228 300 South Park St Fairfax MN 55332 ACMC Willmar Clinic 320â231â5000 Redwood Clinic 507â697â6650 Granite Falls Clinic 320â313â4060 Litchfield Clinic 320â693â3233 101 Willmar Ave. SW Willmar, MN 56201 1100 East Broadway Redwood Falls, MN 56283"
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"The Dorn Method is a long-established, non-invasive holistic therapy that can help you with back pain, sciatica, scoliosis, neck & joint pains and migraines The Dorn Method is a long-established, non-invasive holistic therapy that can help you with back pain, sciatica, scoliosis, neck & joint pains and migraines"
"Represent the natural language",
"Dallas VAMC, T: 214-857-0462 Bonham, T: 903-583-6216 Fort Worth, T: 817-730-0009"
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"Walk-ins are welcome, however, due to volume of customers you may experience lengthy wait times. There are three locations at Naval Station Norfolk. Other locations are also available in the Hampton Roads area. PSD NAVSTA Norfolk, 445-5202 Building A-48, 1755 Powhatan Street Hours of operation: Mon-Fri â 0730-1530 NSN Navy Exchange, 444-8263"
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"Veterans are still eligible for specialty outpatient care and inpatient care as well as all other benefits offered through the White River Junction VA Medical Center. HOW TO ENROLL: Just complete an application and mail it in to the VAMC (04D), 215 North Main St., White River Junction, VT 05009."
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"Cancy McArn is the interim director of human resource services and the BTSA induction/intern support program leader with the Sacramento City Unified School District, Sacramento, California."
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"Jennings Bryan Dorn VAMC. Wm. Jennings Bryan Dorn VAMC offers a variety of health services to meet the needs of our nation's Veterans. For additional contact information you may also view our phone directory or A to Z List of Services. Our administrative hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m."
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"If you have a question or need information on the expansion please contact [email protected] or call 781-687-4988. Of course, Bedford VAMC will continue the to fully operate out of the Addison Gilbert Hospital location until a new site is secured and construction complete in Gloucester for the new clinic."
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"Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps (HQMC), located in Arlington, Virginia, consists of the Commandant of the Marine Corps and those staff agencies that advise and assist him in discharging his responsibilities prescribed by law and higher authority."
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"Find Official Address of Northern Virginia Community College Contact,: 6699 springfield center dr springfield, va 22150, usa Send your email to northern virginia community college contact, at the above address or you can personally visit the place on the given address. You can personally visit the location of at the given address. Call Northern Virginia Community College Contact,: on The Phone Number: - +1 703-323-3000"
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"649 Dornbush St, Pittsburgh, PA 15221 is a Single Family Residence property with 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and is approximately 2,127 sq feet of living space. The estimated market value for 649 Dornbush St, Pittsburgh, PA 15221 is $61,000, based on recent sales of similar homes and other property assessment information. Built in 1940, this Single Family Residence is located in Pittsburgh, PA in the zip code 15221. The nearest zip codes are 15120 , 15122 , 15136."
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"Check the Dorn Vamc company profile in Columbia , SC . Find the latest business information using the D&B Business Directory at DandB.com."
"Represent the following document",
"The Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (WRNMMC), formerly known as the National Naval Medical Center and colloquially referred to as the Bethesda Naval Hospital, Walter Reed, or Navy Med, is a tri-service military medical center located in the community of Bethesda, Maryland, near the headquarters of the National Institutes of Health."
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"c/o James E. Van Zandt VA Medical Center. 2907 Pleasant Valley Boulevard. Altoona, PA 16602. For the location of an inpatient, or their phone number, dial the VA medical center at (814) 943-8164 or 1-877-626-2500, and press 0 for assistance. Telephone Care. Please contact our telephone care line if you need medical advice, have a question about your medication, or need to schedule a non-urgent appointment."
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"Dorn Vamc is in the Business Activities At Non-commercial Site business. View competitors, revenue, employees, website and phone number."
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"Dorn Vamc was founded in 2008. Dorn Vamc specializes in Business Services At Non-commercial Site."
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"GSMC is located at 9370 East Washington St on the ground of Memorial Park Cemetery.. Originally built in the 1920âs, this historic building served as the offices of Memorial Park until the 1990's. Now it is ours for many years to come."
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"Written by Jon Haws. Jon RN CCRN is a critical care nurse at a Level I Trauma center in Dallas, TX. His passions include learning about anatomy and physiology and teaching. When he isn't busting out content for NRSNG.com he loves spending time with his family. Array."
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"Veterans Health Administration - VISN 6: VA Mid-Atlantic Health Care Network Skip Veterans Health Administration; Station ID: Facility: Address: Phone: 590: Hampton VA Medical Center: 100 Emancipation Drive Hampton, VA 23667 757-722-9961 652: Hunter Holmes McGuire VA Medical Center"
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Virginia Beach VA. 23459-2617. Located on board the Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-FT Story in Virginia Beach, Virginia, the Naval School of Music provides specialized training for selected personnel of the Navy and Marine Corps."
"Glenn Costie | 937-262-2114. Mr. Glenn Costie is currently serving in the Senior Executive Service as the Medical Center Director of the Dayton VA Medical Center (VAMC), Dayton Ohio. As Director, he is responsible for providing care for more than 38,000 Veterans and their families in a sixteen (16) county area in Ohio, and one (1) county in Indiana."
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"2012 â 2016 - Associate Director, Salem VAMC 2010 â 2012 - Associate Director, William Jennings Bryan Dorn VAMC, Columbia, SC Assistant Medical Center Director, VAMC, Dayton, OH Service Line Manager, Extended Care and Rehabilitation Service, VAMC Lebanon, PA AA to Chief of Staff and Performance Improvement Specialist, VAMC, Lebanon, PA Program Coordinator, Day Treatment Center, VAMC Memphis, TN Recreation Therapist, VAMC Palo Alto, CA education:"
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"The Salem VAMC also has Community Based Outpatient Clinics (CBOCs) in Danville, Lynchburg, Staunton, Tazewell, and Wytheville. The Medical Center serves as a tertiary referral center and is classified as a Complexity Level IC Facility."
] |
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"what are the visible characteristics of a copperhead snake"
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"In some areas they are more common than in other areas. Copperhead Appearance: Copperhead snakes are considered a medium sized snake with a wide body and a broad head. The snake has a distinctive neck, unlike in other species where that characteristic is indistinguishable.n enzyme in the venom of copperheads has been discovered to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. This enzyme, called contortrostatin, is being studied for further usage in human medicine. This snake gets its name from the unique copper hue present on the scales of its head."
] | [
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"COPPERHEAD SNAKES. All you ever wanted to know and some things you did not. Agkistrodon contortrix. Copperhead snakes are pit vipers or crotalids (family Crotalidae); poisonous snakes that are named for the two heat sensing pits used to locate prey that are positioned between the eyes and the nostrils. The genus Agkistrodon includes 10 species."
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"Copperhead Bites. Venom from copperheads is not deadly, and when people die from copperhead snake bites it is due to an allergic reaction. People who are weak or either very old or very young may experience a significant impact on their body functions from a copperhead snake bite."
"Represent this",
"A large, social venomous snake, the northern copperhead ranges across the eastern half of the United States. They live in habitats ranging from terrestrial to semi-aquatic. Even just-hatched copperheads have fully functional fangs capable of injecting venom. These hatchlings have venom that is just as toxic as adults' venom. The copperhead is the cause of many snakebites yearly but they are rarely fatal. Bites occur by accidentally stepping on or touching the snake, which tends to be well camouflaged with its surroundings."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers Fewshot example: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Sedimentary rock, rock formed at or near the Earthâ\\x80\\x99s surface by the accumulation and lithification of sediment (detrital rock) or by the precipitation from solution at normal surface temperatures (chemical rock).']\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is sedimentary']\"",
"The northern copperhead is one of two venomous species of snake found in New Jersey (the other being the timber rattlesnake). It may grow to a length of 22-53 inches. When alarmed, it may violently vibrate its tail."
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"How to Avoid a Copperhead Snake: Unfortunately, because of their amazing camouflage and unusual reaction of freezing position when in danger, avoiding copperhead snakes is not always easy. Most bites occur when a person isnât even aware of the snake. If you are in copperhead country, always be aware."
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"The northern copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix mokasen) is the most widely distributed and locally abundant of Pennsylvania's three native venomous snake species. The timber rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus horridus) and eastern massasauga rattlesnake (Sistrurus catenatus catenatus) are the other two.he northern copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix mokasen) is the most widely distributed and locally abundant of Pennsylvania's three native venomous snake species. The timber rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus horridus) and eastern massasauga rattlesnake (Sistrurus catenatus catenatus) are the other two."
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"The distinguishing features of a northern snakehead include a long dorsal fin with 49â50 rays, an anal fin with 31â32 rays, a small, anteriorly depressed head, the eyes above the middle part of the upper jaw, a large mouth extending well beyond the eye, and villiform teeth in bands, with large canines on the lower jaw and palatines."
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"Copperheads, Agkistrodon contortrix, belong to a subfamily of venomous snakes, known as pit vipers, which also includes the cottonmouth and rattlesnakes."
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"Confidence votes 36. The general color of a Water Moccasin (also called Copperhead and other names) is brown, gray, tan, yellowish love or black to suit it's ground cover. The dorsal banding is staggered and brighter in color, but as the snake ages the colors conform to olive brown, gray/brown or black. The belling is white/yellow/white or tan marked with dark spots."
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"Copperhead. Agkistrodon contortrix VENOMOUS Description: Variable in coloration, this pit viper is generally a peachy-tan color with dark crossbands that can be brown to reddish-orange (or a copper color)."
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"Blackrat Snake). Probably the most common snake misidentified as a copperhead is the harmless juvenile eastern ratsnake (formerly called the blackrat snake). The eastern ratsnake starts life with a strong pattern of gray or brown blotches on a pale gray background."
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"Agkistrodon contortrix is a species of venomous snake endemic to Eastern North America, a member of the Crotalinae (pit viper) subfamily. The common name for this species is the Copperhead. The behavior of Agkistrodon contortrix may lead to accidental encounters with humans. Five subspecies are currently recognized, including the nominate subspecies described here."
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"Copperheads are born alive and with the exception of the tail tip, they are colored and patterned the same as adults. The following four photographs are of baby/juvenile northern copperheads. Note the sulfur yellow colored tail tip. The yellow tail tip is used as a lure for frogs, lizards and other prey items. As the snake ages the bright tail tip fades."
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"The northern copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix mokasen) is the most widely distributed and locally abundant of Pennsylvania's three native venomous snake species. The timber rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus horridus) and eastern massasauga rattlesnake (Sistrurus catenatus catenatus) are the other two."
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"Copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix) â VENOMOUS (Poisonous)* This is the only venomous snake found in the DC metro and surrounding counties. Copperheads, like all snakes, will leave you alone if you leave them alone. This beautiful snake has eyes like a cat so it can hunt at night."
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"All you ever wanted to know and some things you did not. Agkistrodon contortrix. Copperhead snakes are pit vipers or crotalids (family Crotalidae); poisonous snakes that are named for the two heat sensing pits used to locate prey that are positioned between the eyes and the nostrils.The genus Agkistrodon includes 10 species.opperhead snakes are pit vipers or crotalids (family Crotalidae); poisonous snakes that are named for the two heat sensing pits used to locate prey that are positioned between the eyes and the nostrils."
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"Agkistrodon contortrix is a species of venomous snake endemic to North America, a member of the Crotalinae (pit viper) subfamily.The common name for this species is the copperhead.The behavior of Agkistrodon contortrix may lead to accidental encounters with humans.Five subspecies are currently recognized, including the nominate subspecies described here.he common name for this species is the copperhead. The behavior of Agkistrodon contortrix may lead to accidental encounters with humans. Five subspecies are currently recognized, including the nominate subspecies described here."
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"Copperhead snakes are some of the more commonly seen North American snakes. They're also the most likely to bite, although their venom is relatively mild, and their bites are rarely fatal for humans. These snakes get their name, fittingly, from their copper-red heads, according to the biology department at Pennsylvania State University."
"One is that black snakes can interbreed with copperheads to make a venomous black snakeâthe black snake is probably a rat snake. Another one is that it smells like cucumberâwhich is generally not true, as they only secrete an odor resembling cucumber when they feel threatened, such as when intruders pass by. The funniest myth about the copperhead snake is that juvenile copperhead snakes are more venomous than adults."
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"The copperhead injects its venom through ducts in its fangs. Its venom disrupts the red blood cells of its prey that in turn becomes completely subdued. Copperhead snakes have jaws that are flexible enough to swallow prey larger than twice its own diameter.pproximately 37 percent of all venomous snake bites are from copperheads. In some states, the percentage of venomous snake bites by the Agkistrodon is much higher. Over a 40-year period in North Carolina, 64 percent of all venomous bites were from the copperhead snake."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nExamples:\n\n\"['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!', 'Eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines Asian Disaster Reduction Center The regional office of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) had reported a total of 657 persons dead, 184 injured and 23 missing as of 29 September 1991.']\" == \"['represent the next text', 'when did mount pinatubo erupt']\"",
"The Copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix) is by far the most wide spread venomous snake of Georgia (and the U.S.). They can be found ALL over Georgia (except some southern counties bordering Florida). There are five sub-species of copperhead (3 are in Georgia); Since many share overlapping territories they will often cross breed. It is more likely to find one with traits from several sub-species. The good news is that all Georgia's copperheads are close enough in appearance. If you can learn to identify one, you can easily identify all."
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"QUICK BABY COPPERHEAD IDENTIFIER: Copperhead juveniles will have a caudal lure on the tip of their tale. This is a brightly colored tip usually yellow, green or white-ish. As adults this darkens and disappears. In Georgia small snakes less than 12 inches without a caudal lure are most likely NOT juvenile copperheads.eorgia is home to over 40 different snake species (only 6 are venomous). While copperhead juveniles DO resemble their adults, some other snake species depending on age and stage of development can have drastic differences in juvenile and adult appearance."
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"Genus Crotalus. Venomous Snakes-Throughout the world there are many snakes whose venomous bite can be fatal to humans. In the United States, however, there are only four: the coral snake, the copperhead, the cottonmouth water moccasin and the rattlesnake.Rattlesnake Description & Identification-There are 32 known species, which contain numerous subspecies with many color variations.olors range from shades of brown, gray and black, to tones of yellow, cream, rust, olive and light pink. A rattlesnake's skin may display a pattern that is banded, diamond shaped, or blotched, though some species of rattlesnake have no identifying pattern at all."
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"Copperheads and Cottonmouths have little or no shine. keeled-snakes with keeled scales appear rough and usually have little or no shine (the Glossy Crayfish Snake is the only indigenous SC species with keeled scales which appear very shiny)."
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"Common names for A. contortrix include: copperhead (snake), chunk head, highland moccasin, (dry-land) moccasin, narrow-banded copperhead, northern copperhead, pilot snake, poplar leaf, red oak, red snake, southeastern copperhead, white oak snake, American copperhead, southern copperhead, and cantil cobrizo (Spanish).he venom of the southern copperhead has been found to hold a protein called contortrostatin that halts the growth of cancer cells in mice and also stops the migration of the tumors to other sites. However, this is an animal model, and further testing is required to verify safety and efficacy in humans."
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"Steelhead, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Identifying characteristics: (Non-Native Fish) Two dorsal fins including one adipose fin, mouth and gums are light, small spots along rays on entire tail, 10-12 rays in anal fin. Steelhead is a name given to rainbow trout which live in the Great lakes."
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"Other characteristics are unique to certain venomous snakes: 1 Rattlesnakes rattle by shaking the rings at the end of their tails. 2 Water moccasins' mouths have a white, cottony lining. Coral snakes have red, yellow and black rings along the length of their bodies."
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"Copperheads are considered medium-sized snakes and average 24 to 36 inches long. Adult male copperheads generally grow to longer lengths than females. Thus, a copperhead 36 or 39 inches long is likely a large male. Copperheads may reach a maximum length of over 43 inches."
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"Water moccasins (cottonmouths) , radiated rat snakes, Australian copperheads and sharp-nosed pit vipers are all sometimes called copperheads, but these are different species from the North American copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix). Copperheads are pit vipers, like rattlesnakes and water moccasins. copperhead snake, like the one pictured here, had a litter of four offspring in 2009. The problem was, the snake hadn't had any contact with a male in five years. Scientists confirmed recently the female copperhead was the first evidence of virgin birth in a pit viper snake."
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"The copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix) is a member of the pit viper family, like most of the venomous snakes in North America. The copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix) is a member of the pit viper family, like most of the venomous snakes in North America."
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"The copperhead has solenoglyphous fangs that can be .3 inches (7.2 mm) in length. The length of the fangs is related to the length of the snake; the longer the snake, the longer the fangs. Even newborn copperheads have fully functional fangs that are capable of injecting venom that is just as toxic as adult venom."
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"2.) As with this cottonmouth, venomous snakes often have a stout, heavier bodies, compared to the thin, lighter bodies of many non-venomous snakes. 3.) Most venomous snakes have elliptical pupils that resemble long narrow slits, as seen in the baby copperhead below, rather than the round pupils you find in most creatures."
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"Copperheads have hemotoxic venom, said Beane, which means that a copperhead bite often results in temporary tissue damage in the immediate area of bite.. Their bite may be painful but is very rarely (almost never) fatal to humans.. copperhead snake, like the one pictured here, had a litter of four offspring in 2009. The problem was, the snake hadn't had any contact with a male in five years. Scientists confirmed recently the female copperhead was the first evidence of virgin birth in a pit viper snake."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Snakes are limbless reptiles with elongateââ bodies that are covered with scales. All snakes lack external ear openings and eyelids and have loâng, forkeâd tongues. Two Maryland species, the copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix) and timber rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus) are in the viper family (Viperidae)."
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"Like most snakes, copperheads are not dangerous unless cornered or threatened and even then they prefer to escape without incident. Sometimes they remain motionless, relying on their natural camouflage to conceal them from danger.When provoked however, the copperhead can and will strike more than once.hough often the target of rashly misguided shovels and hoes, the copperhead is one of Oklahoma's most beautiful and valuable reptiles. One of the three venomous snakes found in Oklahoma, the copperhead (Agkistrodon contortix) inhabits the eastern and central portions of Oklahoma."
"Copperhead snakes are some of the more commonly seen North American snakes. They're also the most likely to bite, although their venom is relatively mild, and their bites are rarely fatal for humans."
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"Rattlesnakes, copperheads and cottonmouths are all pit vipers. Pit vipers are snakes with two pits under their nostrils to detect heat, thus enabling them to hunt warm-blooded prey. The pits are so sensitive that the snake can determine the size of the warm-blooded animal and can even detect prey in complete darkness."
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"Copperheads(Agkistrodon contortrix)ARE venomous, and bites are not pleasant, but they are not usually fatal. Recently, an elderly man in TX died after being bitten by a Copperhead, but an investigation is still on-going to determine if another factor, such as a heart condition, might have been involved.dults are usually in the range of 24 to 36 inches in length, although specimens of greater than 42 inches are not rare. They give live birth to young. Copperheads eat small rodents, birds, lizards, snakes, amphibians, and insects. Copperheads are venomous, pit vipers."
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"Agkistrodon contortrix is a species of venomous snake endemic to North America, a member of the Crotalinae (pit viper) subfamily. The common name for this species is the copperhead.The behavior of Agkistrodon contortrix may lead to accidental encounters with humans.he venom of the southern copperhead has been found to hold a protein called contortrostatin that halts the growth of cancer cells in mice and also stops the migration of the tumors to other sites. However, this is an animal model, and further testing is required to verify safety and efficacy in humans."
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"Pit Vipers. Members of the pit viper family, rattlesnakes, copperheads and water moccasins, have broad triangular heads. Non-venomous snakes have narrow rounded heads. Pit vipers have elliptical shaped pupils. Non-venomous snakes typically have more rounded pupils. Pit vipers have prominent curving fangs. Non-venomous snakes tend to have many small teeth. Pit vipers have a deep pit located between the nostril and the eye, thus the term âpit viper.â Non-venomous snakes do not have this pit. Coral Snakes. Coral snakes are known for their distinctive color pattern of red, black and yellow."
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"Baby Copperhead Snake Facts. A baby copperhead snake is mostly common to North America. They are also among the most likely to bite snake species. They are poisonous but their bites have rarely been fatal. The name comes from the copper color of their heads.A baby copperhead snake is a pit viper, like water moccasins or rattlesnakes.hey have very distinct necks and large vertical pupils like a cat. The young baby copperhead snake is a bit more grayish in color compared to the adults. They have yellow tails that are used as bait for their prey by flicking them back and forth. The coloring will begin to fade as the young copperheads mature."
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"Like most snakes, copperheads are not dangerous unless cornered or threatened and even then they prefer to escape without incident. Sometimes they remain motionless, relying on their natural camouflage to conceal them from danger. When provoked however, the copperhead can and will strike more than once."
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"The ADW explains that when attacking large prey, copperheads bite the victim, and then release it. They let the venom work, and then track down the prey once it has died. The snakes usually hold smaller prey in their mouths until the victim dies.ater moccasins (cottonmouths) , radiated rat snakes, Australian copperheads and sharp-nosed pit vipers are all sometimes called copperheads, but these are different species from the North American copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix)."
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"Though often the target of rashly misguided shovels and hoes, the copperhead is one of Oklahoma's most beautiful and valuable reptiles. One of the three venomous snakes found in Oklahoma, the copperhead (Agkistrodon contortix) inhabits the eastern and central portions of Oklahoma. Highly adaptable, it thrives in close proximity to man and encounters, though rare, are occasionally unpleasant."
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"Copperheads, Agkistrodon contortrix, belong to a subfamily of venomous snakes, known as pit vipers, which also includes the cottonmouth and rattlesnakes.opperheads, Agkistrodon contortrix, belong to a subfamily of venomous snakes, known as pit vipers, which also includes the cottonmouth and rattlesnakes."
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"Agkistrodon contortrix. Copperhead snakes are pit vipers or crotalids (family Crotalidae); poisonous snakes that are named for the two heat sensing pits used to locate prey that are positioned between the eyes and the nostrils. The genus Agkistrodon includes 10 species."
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"Unlike most venomous snakes, copperheads give no warning signs and strike almost immediately if they feel threatened. Copperheads have hemotoxic venom, said Beane, which means that a copperhead bite often results in temporary tissue damage in the immediate area of bite. Their bite may be painful but is very rarely (almost never) fatal to humans."
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"Copperheads are thick bodied snakes reaching adult lengths of 2 to 3+ feet in the wild. Copperheads in captivity may grow to longer lengths. Some as long as 48 inches (but this is uncommon). They adapt well to just about any topography Georgia has and don't seem to mind the presence of other snakes."
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"Copperhead Basics. The Southern Copperhead Agkistrodon c. contortrix is, in my opinion, one of the most elegant venomous snakes in the world. The subtle beauty of this snake, coupled with a mild temperament, make it ideal for captive collections. Let me state that I do not condone the keeping of venomous snakes by inexperienced herpetoculturists."
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"All you ever wanted to know and some things you did not. Agkistrodon contortrix. Copperhead snakes are pit vipers or crotalids (family Crotalidae); poisonous snakes that are named for the two heat sensing pits used to locate prey that are positioned between the eyes and the nostrils."
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"The copperhead was responsible for approximately 37 percent of all venomous snake bites in the U.S. in 2001 (Lavonas E.J. et al., 2004) 1, and most bites from the copperhead snake are in the eastern parts of the U.S., where they are more abundant.opperheads can reach lengths of 40 inches (1.05 meter), but the normal size is in the 24 to 36 inch range. Copperhead snakes eat small animals, such as rodents, cicadas, birds, lizards, amphibians, and all sorts of invertebrates, such as insects. They are nocturnal and primarily forage during the night."
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"Animals with 900+ answers. A baby copperhead honestly looks nearly identical to an adult copperhead, only smaller. So it's really not at all challenging. A copperhead's markings are very distinctive - beautiful tans and dark browns in irregular bands that make them blend with fallen leaves. And the very little babies have a yellow tail tip which they use for luring small prey such a lizards to them! Of course they have the blunt, triangular-shaped head of a viper."
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"Adults eat mostly mice but also small birds, lizards, small snakes, amphibians, and insects--especially cicadas. Copperheads have fangs that inject prey with a hemolytic venom (causes the breakdown of red blood cells) which subdues its prey, making it easy for the snake to swallow it.he copperhead has solenoglyphous fangs that can be .3 inches (7.2 mm) in length. The length of the fangs is related to the length of the snake; the longer the snake, the longer the fangs. Even newborn copperheads have fully functional fangs that are capable of injecting venom that is just as toxic as adult venom."
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"Copperhead Bites. Venom from copperheads is not deadly, and when people die from copperhead snake bites it is due to an allergic reaction. People who are weak or either very old or very young may experience a significant impact on their body functions from a copperhead snake bite.pproximately 37 percent of all venomous snake bites are from copperheads. In some states, the percentage of venomous snake bites by the Agkistrodon is much higher. Over a 40-year period in North Carolina, 64 percent of all venomous bites were from the copperhead snake."
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"what is in an income statement edu"
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"Along with the balance sheet, cash flow statement and the statement of changes in ownersâ equity, the income statement is also one of the essential means of financial reporting. It indicates whether or not the firm has made money during the period reported."
] | [
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"The contribution margin income statement is all about behavior. Remember the format and ignore the traditional (absorption) income statement. Most students that have trouble with this statement try to relate it back to what is happening on the traditional income statement."
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"Below are a few of the informational documents that the Division of the Budget makes available to investors. Annual Information Statement (AIS) The Annual Information Statement is the Stateâs principal means for disclosing information regarding the financial condition of the State of New York."
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"Creating an Income Statement. 1 1. Identify all of the income statement accounts on your general ledger. 2 2. Create a spreadsheet document in a spreadsheet software program or a columnar pad, if you are preparing a handwritten financial statement. 3 3. Create a subheading called “Income” in the left-most column on the document."
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"The income statement will recognize revenue of $3 (the increase in the net assets created by the sale) and cost of goods sold of $2 (the decrease in net assets resulting from the sale). Both the revenue and the related expense are recorded on Friday when the sale took place and the inventory was removed."
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"Recording the initial part of the transaction will not flow through the income statement but only on the balance sheet. As the lease payments are made, unearned income will shift into earned income at a constant rate based on the term of the lease. As the income is earned, it will flow through the income statement."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"Income Statement. You could think of a company's income statement as a record of its financial transactions with the outside world.. When the company earns money from customers, it goes down as revenue on the income statement.When it incurs an expense, that expense goes on the income statement.ncome Statement. You could think of a company's income statement as a record of its financial transactions with the outside world.. When the company earns money from customers, it goes down as revenue on the income statement."
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"LLC Income Statement. Your LLC reports its performance on its profit-and-loss, or income, statement. The income statement shows the sales, expenses and resulting profits or losses your company generates during a specific period, often a month or a year. Although the income statement shows your LLC's financial performance, your company claims its profits or losses on its tax return."
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"Depreciation expense flows through an income statement, and this is where accumulated depreciation connects to a statement of profit and loss -- the other name for an income statement or P&L.epreciation expense flows through an income statement, and this is where accumulated depreciation connects to a statement of profit and loss -- the other name for an income statement or P&L."
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"The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit (CTC) are successful federal tax credits for low- and moderate-income working people that encourage work, help offset the cost of raising children, and lift millions of people out of poverty."
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"What is the difference between an income statement and a balance sheet? The balance sheet illustrates a companyâs book value, and the income statement shows how assets and liabilities are used. Read Answer >>"
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"Preparing the Income Statement. 1 1. Set up the income statement page. The income statement shows how much money a company earned and spent over a period time. 2 2. List sources of revenue. List the different sources of income and the amounts that were earned. 3 3. Report the costs of goods sold."
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"What should I point out when I'm presenting an income statement, a balance sheet, and cash flow? How does a debt on a balance sheet go away? What is the difference between the cash flow statement, the balance sheet, and the income statement?"
"The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit (CTC) are successful federal tax credits for low- and moderate-income working people that encourage work, help offset the cost of raising children, and lift millions of people out of poverty. Income from these credits leads to benefits at virtually every stage of life."
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"May 24, 2016. The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit (CTC) are successful federal tax credits for low- and moderate-income working people that encourage work, help offset the cost of raising children, and lift millions of people out of poverty. Income from these credits leads to benefits at virtually every stage of life."
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"Budgeted Income Statement. Budgeted Income Statement Definition. The budgeted income statement contains all of the line items found in a normal income statement, except that it is a projection of what the income statement will look like during future budget periods.or analysis purposes, the number of line items in a budgeted income statement may be compressed or contracted in comparison to the line items normally used for an actual income statement."
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"May 24, 2016. The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit (CTC) are successful federal tax credits for low- and moderate-income working people that encourage work, help offset the cost of raising children, and lift millions of people out of poverty."
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"what is mers servicer id"
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"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Mortgage Electronic Registration System (MERS) is a privately held company that operates that operates an electronic registry designed to track servicing rights and ownership of mortgage loans in the United States. In 2007 MERS was set up in Texas.To be a member of MERS, you must be a mortgage lender or banker.ortgage Electronic Registration System (MERS) is a privately held company that operates that operates an electronic registry designed to track servicing rights and ownership of mortgage loans in the United States. In 2007 MERS was set up in Texas. To be a member of MERS, you must be a mortgage lender or banker."
] | [
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"Open iTunes to buy and download apps. Description. Meraki Systems Manager is Cisco Systems' Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) solution that allows you to manage all of your iOS devices from a central web dashboard. Installing this app on an iOS device provides enhanced MDM and MAM functionality that includes features such as a managed app store, content delivery with backpack, and GPS location reporting."
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"MERS reserves the right to correct any errors, and presents this information without warranties, express or implied, regarding the information?s accuracy, timeliness or completeness. If you believe the information is inaccurate, out-of-date, or incomplete, or if you have problems accessing or reading the information, please call MERS at 800.767.MERS (6377)."
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"(MERP) A medical reimbursement plan (MERP) is any plan or arrangement under which an employer. reimburses an employee for uninsured health or accident expenses incurred by the employee or. their dependents. Health or accident expenses are defined in IRC Section 213(e). If done. correctly, these reimbursements are paid to the employee tax-free."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Caller ID (caller identification, CID) is a telephone service, available in analog and digital phone systems and most voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) applications, that transmits a caller's number to the called party's telephone equipment during the ringing signal, or when the call is being set up but before the call is answered."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n------\nFor example, ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', \"Cut in half and discard the seeds and fibrous core. It is indeed 'bitter', even if grilled; not a pleasant taste. To reduce the bitterness, blanch in boiling water for 2 to 3 minutes. The skin is edible and the melon is not typically peeled.The seeds are also edible, unless very hard, and are included in some recipes. Bitter melon is commonly stuffed, curried or pickled. It can also be used in stir-fry and soup and may be steamed.Garlic or chili peppers are often added to recipes with bitter melon to offset the bitter taste.ut in half and discard the seeds and fibrous core. It is indeed 'bitter', even if grilled; not a pleasant taste. To reduce the bitterness, blanch in boiling water for 2 to 3 minutes. The skin is edible and the melon is not typically peeled.\"] should be similar to ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'is riped bittergourd seeds edible']",
"Each set of wireless devices communicating directly with each other is called a basic service set (BSS). Several BSSs can be joined together to form one logical WLAN segment, referred to as an extended service set (ESS). A Service Set Identifer (SSID) is simply the 1-32 byte alphanumeric name given to each ESS. For example, a departmental WLAN (ESS) may consist of several access points (APs) and dozens of stations, all using the same SSID."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Electronic Service Record. âThe Electronic Service Record (ESR) provides individual sailors, Personnel Support Detachments (PSD), Personnel Offices that are service record holders (PERSOFF), Navy Operational Support Centers (NOSC) and customer commands of PSD(s) with secure worldwide internet access to personnel, training and awards data."
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"Merchant Accounts , Merchant/Reseller Interface (Web Interface) Answer A merchant ID--sometimes called a merchant account number, service entitlement number, or service establishment number--is a number that is associated with a merchant account, which is used to handle credit card funding."
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"MERT is the term we use for top-of-the-line emergency care training for corporations and industry. The concept behind MERT is to form a dedicated group to respond to problems within a facility or company. The program has an specific emblem and product line associated with it. MERT products are available only through Less Stress Instructional Services. MERT has a great product line that is consistent with the course recommendations, policies, and the whole concept of bystander emergency care."
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"it is easier to understand what mers is if you first understand why it was created a mortgage loan has two parts a promissory note and a mortgage instrument mortgage deed or deed of trustthe mortgage instrument must be recorded with a governmental officehink of mers as a club with membership open to mortgage loan originators buyers and sellers the mortgage loan originator who is a mers member has the borrower sign a note payable to the originator and a mortgage instrument in favor of mers the borrower is charged the recording fee as a closing cost"
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"What is the Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value? The Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value, also known simply as MERV, measures the performance of air purifiers, specifically large purifiers intended to clean an entire house or building. Large, whole-house purifiers are not evaluated in the same manner used to measure the effectiveness of small, portable air cleaners, which are sometimes given Clean Air Delivery Ratings (CADR) instead."
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"All MERS mortgages (or deeds of trust) registered on the MERS® System are recorded in the public land records. The MERS® System is not a system of public record, nor a replacement for the public land records. No interests in those mortgages (or deeds of trust) are transferred on the MERS® System; they are only tracked."
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"MERTS is a software application designed to allow state level committees that file with the Michigan Secretary of State - Bureau of Elections, to file required campaign finance statements electronically over the Internet or other removable medium."
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"The emergence of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) in the eastern Mediterranean and imported cases to Europe has alerted public health authorities. Currently, detection of MERS-CoV in patient samples is done by real-time RT-PCR.iral RNA. Viral RNA are listed in table 1. MERS-CoV was provided by Ron Fouchier, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands and the sample preparation was performed at the Robert Koch-Institut in Berlin, Germany under the ECDC Framework Service Contract Ref. No. ECDC/2008/011."
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"When borrowers sign the mortgage security instrument at closing, they agree to standard language that grants and conveys legal title of the mortgage to MERS as mortgagee, giving the company the right to act on behalf of the current and subsequent owners of the loan."
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"MICR stands for Magnetic Ink Character Recognition, is a character recognition technology used primarily by the banking industry to facilitate the processing of cheques.he MICR Code is a numeric code that uniquely identifies a bank-branch participating in the ECS Credit scheme."
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"Fact sheet N°401June 2015. 1 Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) is a viral respiratory disease caused by a novel coronavirus (MERSâCoV) that was first identified in Saudi Arabia in 2012."
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"Understanding MERV Ratings. MERV is an acronym which stands for, Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value. It is Standard 52.2 which was developed by ASHRAE (American Society of Heating Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers) in the late 1980s to determine the overall efficiency of media air filters."
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"Key facts. 1 Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) is a viral respiratory disease caused by a novel coronavirus (MERSâCoV) that was first identified in Saudi Arabia in 2012."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"What is Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)? Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) is a viral respiratory disease caused by a coronavirus (MERSâCoV) that was first identified in Saudi Arabia in 2012."
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"Service Tag is essentially your computer's 'serial number', set/locked in the BIOS by Dell, and is the primary number that Dell uses to track your system for support and billing purposes. Asset Tag is a secondary tag, set by the user in BIOS, that can be used by organizations to track a system for inventory purposes. The Service Tag can ONLY be set using a special non-public utility from Dell."
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"Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) is viral respiratory illness that was recently recognized in humans. It was first reported in Saudi Arabia in 2012 and has since spread to several other countries, including the United States."
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"MERS, he testified, could quickly produce every one of those files. As for homeowners, Mr. Arnold said they could log on to the MERS system to identify their loan servicer, who, in turn, could identify the true owner of their mortgage note."
"An ERN is a unique reference number used to identify your business. Itâs provided by the HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) when you register your business as an employer. Typically, your ERN will consist of letters and numbers â with a three digit HMRC office number followed by a forward slash and a unique code that is used to identify your business."
"Now that youâve left your employer, you â and your spouse and other dependents â can use your MERS Health Care Savings Program account for tax-free medical expense reimbursements. You must be vested at termination to withdraw your employerâs contributions. How it works."
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"Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), also known as camel flu, is a viral respiratory infection caused by the MERS-coronavirus (MERS-CoV). Symptoms may range from mild to severe. They include fever, cough, diarrhea, and shortness of breath. Disease is typically more severe in those with other health problems."
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"Mortgage lenders, or other mortgage servicing companies, collect payments from borrowers and manage their loans. Borrowers who have questions about their loans, or who need help with foreclosure prevention, should contact the company they send their payments toânot MERS or MERSCORP Holdings."
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"MERS finally vindicated. Intercontinental Exchange, ICE, announced on Friday that it plans to acquire a majority equity position in MERSCORP Holdings, the owner of Mortgage Electronic Registrations Systems, collectively known MERS, sending a signal to the market that MERS is finally vindicated."
"Represent the input",
"Locating a Lender/Servicer of a trust deed or mortgage. Almost all new institutional trust deed/mortgage liens now being recorded bear MERS' mortgage identification number so now it's just a matter of a minute or two to find out who is the current owner of an existing mortgage that's in their system."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers The provided query could be \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:', '3. Visit Stonehenge by train. If you travel by rail, you can get direct service from the Waterloo Station in London to the train station in Salisbury, which is 9.5 mi (15 km) from Stonehenge. The trip will take about 90 minutes, and trains leave hourly.']\" and the positive \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results!', 'how to get to stonehenge from london']\"",
"Format for interchanging spreadsheet/database data; recognized by Filemaker, Excel, and others. MER stands for Format for interchanging spreadsheet/database data; recognized by Filemaker, Excel, and others."
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"Merchant Identification Number (MID Merchant Identification Number (MID) Acquirer term: An alphanumeric identifier provided by the acquirer uniquely identifying the merchant on their system. See also: Acquirer account code, Company identification number, Terminal ID (TID)."
"GREENSBORO, N.C., Jan. 4, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Merz Pharmaceuticals, LLC, today announced that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has assigned a product-specific Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) billing code, J0588 INJECTION, INCOBOTULINUMTOXIN A, 1 UNIT for Xeomin® (incobotulinumtoxinA), effective beginning ..."
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"(Redirected from MERS-CoV). This article is about the virus. For the disease, see Middle East respiratory syndrome. The Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), or EMC/2012 (HCoV-EMC/2012), is a novel positive-sense, single-stranded RNA virus of the genus Betacoronavirus.or the disease, see Middle East respiratory syndrome. The Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), or EMC/2012 (HCoV-EMC/2012), is a novel positive-sense, single-stranded RNA virus of the genus Betacoronavirus."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Quick Launch. âThe Electronic Service Record (ESR) provides individual sailors, Personnel Support Detachments (PSD), Personnel Offices that are service record holders (PERSOFF), Navy Operational Support Centers (NOSC) and customer commands of PSD(s) with secure worldwide internet access to personnel, training and awards data."
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"How to Implement MERS Rider (Form 3158) To implement the MERS Rider (Form 3158) in specified geographic areas (Montana, Oregon and Washington), lenders must create a new version of the MERS security instrument for the applicable state. Refer to the security instrument Instructions for additional information."
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"A: MERS-CoV is the acronym for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus, the virus that causes MERS. When referring to the virus and not the illness, CDC uses this acronym.When referring to the illness, CDC uses MERS. The virus was first reported in 2012 in Saudi Arabia.: No. MERS-CoV is not the same coronavirus that caused severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in 2003. However, like the SARS virus, MERS-CoV is most similar to coronaviruses found in bats. CDC is still learning about MERS."
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"The standard language is approved and used by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Ginnie Mae, the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) and the Veterans Administration (VA). In cases where MERS is not named as the original mortgagee on the security instrument, a lender can record an assignment of the mortgage to MERS after closing."
"Now, MERS prohibits the filing of foreclosure lawsuits in its name. So, in order to foreclose, a MERS mortgage must be assigned from MERS to the current owner and holder of the promissory note (the entity that actually owns the debt obligation). Then, when the servicer files the foreclosure lawsuit, it names the current owner of the mortgage as the plaintiff."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"User Locator Service (ULS) is a type of Internet directory service for conferencing clients, such as NetMeeting. Exchange 2000 Server and Exchange 2000 Conferencing Server do not implement a ULS, but rather take advantage of Active Directory for directory services (by TCP port 389)."
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"MERS is a serious respiratory illness caused by a virus (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus, or MERS-CoV). The virus can be transmitted from animals to humans.It can also spread from person to person. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) , about 36 percent of people known to have MERS have died.ERS is a viral disease that affects the respiratory system. Symptoms of MERS include cough, shortness of breath, and fever. Diarrhea and vomiting are less common symptoms."
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"transfers and other assignments of the mortgage loan unless and until ownership or servicing is transferred (or. the mortgage loan is otherwise assigned) to an entity that is not a merS member. in this way, merS serves as. a central system to track changes in ownership and servicing of the mortgage loan."
"Represent text.",
"Payroll service ID (PSID) A unique number assigned to each payroll processing entity in the Ceridian Payroll System (formerly Signature). The Payroll System uses this number to divide your company into groups for payroll processing. Your company can have several PSIDs, depending on its size and complexity."
"represent the following document. Given ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', '1 An electric water heater can cost $400-$3,000 or more for complete installation of a conventional storage-tank model and $1,800-$4,500 or more for a tankless model (including a 220V/240V outlet). 2 Electric water heaters typically cost less than gas units but are more expensive to operate.'], a positive would be [\"represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results\\n\\n\\nFor instance you may be given 'Wheel size on Infiniti Q50 stport' and it should match with 'So browse today our cheap package specials of discount 17, 18, 20 and 22 inch wheels, rims and tires for your Infiniti Q50. And for your convenience we also have a devoted tech center to help answer your questions.' but not with 'For this drive, Infiniti supplied me with a Red Sport 400, the enthusiast-facing, high-performance version of the Q50, which starts at $51,000 for the rear-wheel drive version and $53,000 for all-wheel drive.'.\", 'cost of water heater installation']",
"Q: Why is it sometimes called MERS-CoV? A: MERS-CoV is the acronym for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus, the virus that causes MERS. When referring to the virus and not the illness, CDC uses MERS-CoV. When referring to the illness, CDC uses MERS. The virus was first reported in 2012 in Saudi Arabia."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"MERV is the Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value, which is the scale designed by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) to rate the effectiveness of air filters. Basically, the higher MERV rating indicates higher filtering performance."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"learn about mers a mers cov is the acronym for middle east respiratory syndrome coronavirus the virus that causes mers when referring to the virus and not the illness cdc uses this acronym when referring to the illness cdc uses mersthe virus was first reported in 2012 in saudi arabia no mers cov is not the same coronavirus that caused severe acute respiratory syndrome sars in 2003 however like the sars virus mers cov is most similar to coronaviruses found in bats cdc is still learning about mers"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"An âassignmentâ is the document that is the legal record of this transfer from one mortgagee to another. In a typical transaction, when the mortgagee sells the debt to another bank, an assignment is recorded and the promissory note is endorsed (signed over) to the new bank. (Learn more about assignments and endorsements.) What is MERS?"
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Jane Goodall was born on April 3, 1934, in London, England, to Mortimer Herbert Goodall, a businessperson and motor-racing enthusiast, and the former Margaret Myfanwe Joseph, who wrote novels under the name Vanne Morris Goodall. Along with her sister, Judy, Goodall was reared in London and Bournemouth, England.']\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results!', 'when was judy goodall born']\"",
"Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) is a viral respiratory disease caused by a coronavirus (MERSâCoV) that was first identified in Saudi Arabia in 2012. Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that can cause diseases ranging from the common cold to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).iddle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) is a viral respiratory disease caused by a coronavirus (MERSâCoV) that was first identified in Saudi Arabia in 2012. Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that can cause diseases ranging from the common cold to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"MERSCORP Holdings, Inc. is a privately held corporation that owns and manages the MERS® System and all other MERS® products. It is a member-based organization made up of more than 5,000 lenders, servicers, sub-servicers, investors and government institutions."
"Represent text",
"Frequently Asked Questions on Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERSâCoV) Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) is a viral respiratory disease caused by a coronavirus (MERSâCoV) that was first identified in Saudi Arabia in 2012. Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that can cause diseases ranging from the common cold to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"mers is a respiratory disease that is caused by the middle east respiratory syndrome coronavirus mers cov mers is in the same family of viruses as sars and the common cold but it appears so far to be less transmissiblehe cdc has frequently said that cases of mers in the u s have been expected so the arrival is not a surprise the third case as mentioned was someone in contact with the first u s mers patient in illinois on desktop roll over this graphic to get a closer look on mobile click to zoom"
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Al Jazeera English newsroom, Doha, 2008. News is information about current events. Journalists provide news through many different media, based on word of mouth, printing, postal systems, broadcasting, electronic communication, and also on their own testimony, as witnesses of relevant events.']\" Match: \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is news://']\"",
"a mers cov is the acronym for middle east respiratory syndrome coronavirus the virus that causes mers when referring to the virus and not the illness cdc uses this acronymwhen referring to the illness cdc uses mers the virus was first reported in 2012 in saudi arabia no mers cov is not the same coronavirus that caused severe acute respiratory syndrome sars in 2003 however like the sars virus mers cov is most similar to coronaviruses found in bats cdc is still learning about mers"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Radio Service Code(s) Advanced Wireless Service (AWS) is the collective term the FCC uses for innovative fixed and mobile terrestrial wireless services using bandwidth that is sufficient for the provision of a variety of applications, including those using voice and data (such as internet browsing, message services, and full-motion video) content."
"Electronic Service Record Available for Enlisted Sailors. MILLINGTON, Tenn. (NNS) -- The Navy has officially launched the Electronic Service Record (ESR) within the Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System (NSIPS)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"How it works. At the time a new trust deed or mortgage is created by a lender member in the MERS system, it is assigned a unique 18 digit MERS Identification Number (MIN) for electronic tracking purposes. The MIN appears on the face of the recorded trust deed or mortgage."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Meru Networks is a dedicated wireless vendor with a range of solutions including security for wireless LANS. Motorola have a wireless LAN portfolio which includes access points, wireless controllers, management and security software, client radio devices, wireless broadband and wireless accessories."
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"A Service Profile Identifier (SPID) is a number issued by ISDN service providers in North America that identifies the services and features of an ISDN circuit. Service providers typically assign each B channel a unique SPID."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"What is the MERS® eRegistry. It is the system of record that identifies the current Controller (Holder) and Location (Custodian) of the Authoritative Copy of an eNote. The Controller of an eNote has the equivalent rights as that of a âHolder in Due Courseâ of a paper negotiable promissory note."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"No. MERS, MERSCORP Holdings or the MERS® System are not document custodians and do not hold promissory notes or mortgage documents on behalf of lenders, servicers or investors. We are not responsible for keeping mortgage recordsâthe servicer maintains the loan files."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"What is a MER file? Every day thousands of users submit information to us about which programs they use to open specific types of files. While we do not yet have a description of the MER file format and what it is normally used for, we do know which programs are known to open these files. See the list of programs recommended by our users below."
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"By Tim Gray, TMCnet Web Editor. MERA Systems (News - Alert), a developer of tandem softswitches and session border controllers for VoIP, has launched MERA VoIP Transit Softstwitch Pro (MVTS Pro). The solution is a next generation Class 4 softswitch with session border controller functionality."
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"Service set identifier (SSID) Each BSS or ESS is identified by a service set identifier (SSID); a sequence of 0â32 octets. It is used as an identifier for a wireless LAN, and is intended to be unique for a particular area."
] |
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"what are poinsettia scientific name"
] | [
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"Scientific Name(s):Varieties of Euphorbia pulcherrima Wild. ex Klotzsch Family: Euphorbiaceae (spurges) Common Name(s): Poinsettia , Christmas flower , Easter flower , papagallo , Mexican flame leaf , lobster flower plant. Poinsettias are used as Christmas ornamentation; their latex for a dipilatory; and for other uses such as pain relief, antibacterial and emetic."
] | [
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"A small tree or shrub from Mexico and Guatemala, poinsettia is cultivated for its striking red bracts, and potted forms are the basis of a lucrative Christmas industry. Euphorbia pulcherrima is a popular garden plant in tropical and subtropical areas and is well-known as a pot-plant associated with winter festivities in temperate regions."
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"During the holidays, Poinsettias are a popular Christmas plant. Though they have a bad rap, poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) plants are only mildly toxic to cats and dogs.The milky white sap found in poinsettias contains chemicals called diterpenoid euphorbol esters and saponin-like detergents.hough they have a bad rap, poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) plants are only mildly toxic to cats and dogs."
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"These lovely birds are mostly known as budgies, however, they can also be called budgerigar parakeets, just parakeets or grass parakeets, and in a more formal setting they are called budgerigars! Budgerigar is the most accurate name for these lovely little parrots, with budgie being the more relaxed, familiar name.And for those who are interested in such things, their scientific name is Melopsittacus undulates.udgerigar is the most accurate name for these lovely little parrots, with budgie being the more relaxed, familiar name. And for those who are interested in such things, their scientific name is Melopsittacus undulates."
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"Poinsettias are semitropical, and cannot tolerate cold temperatures or rapid temperature changes. Temperatures between 65 and 70 degrees are ideal. Place the plant in good light, but not direct sun. And finally, after blooming, discard or begin preparing the plant to bloom again next year."
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"Poinsettias at Christmas. Poinsettia plants are native to Central America, especially an area of southern Mexico known as 'Taxco del Alarcon' where they flower during the winter. The ancient Aztecs called them 'cuetlaxochitl'."
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"The poinsettia has a long history of cultivation starting with the Aztecs in Mexico. The poinsettia is called cuetlaxochitl by Native Americans and this woody shrub to small tree is native to the tropical areas of southern Mexico and Central America."
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"Myths and rumors about the toxicity of the poinsettia plant are common late in the year, when the popular red-leaved plants take center stage in holiday decorations. While the genus (Euphorbia) to which the poinsettia plant belongs does contain some highly toxic plants, the popular poinsettia itself is not toxic. Some sources attribute the rumor about the dangers of poinsettia leaves to a case of poisoning in 1919 that led to the death of a two year-old child. At the time, the cause of the poisoning was incorrectly determined to be a poinsettia leaf."
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"During the holidays, Poinsettias are a popular Christmas plant. Though they have a bad rap, poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) plants are only mildly toxic to cats and dogs."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Scientific name: Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench. Common name: eastern purple coneflower, purple coneflower, echinacea, snakeroot. Conservation status: Not assessed according to IUCN Red List criteria. Habitat: Rocky open woodlands; occasionally in prairies.Key Uses: Medicine, ornamental.chinacea purpurea is a member of the daisy family (Compositae) or Asteraceae (APG III, 2009). The generic name comes from the Greek word for hedgehog (echinos) inspired by the spiky projections in the centre of its flower head in the seed stage. The specific epithet purpurea refers to the purple colour of the flowers."
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"The Mexican Poinsettia, known as the Christmas flower in North America, is used in most Christmas decorations, owing to its bright red color and its blooming season coinciding with the Christmas holiday season. The Mexican poinsettias are commonly bright red."
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"Scientific names: Turnera diffusa, T. aphrodisiaca, T. microphylla. Common names: Damiana also is known as herba de la pastora, Mexican damiana, old woman's broom, and rosemary (not to be confused with the spice Rosmarinus officinalis)"
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"Many people prefer the traditional red poinsettia and do not like the new colors and forms that plant breeders have introduced over the past 30 years. It is no surprise that nearly 75 percent of the poinsettias sold are red. The Paul Ecke Ranch in Encinitas, California, developed Winter Rose(tm) poinsettias."
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"The scientific name for gonorrhea is gonococcus. Neisseria gonorrheae is the scientific name, its caused by a virus called gonococcus."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Asparagus Fern (Asparagus, Emerald Feather, Emerald Fern, Sprengeri Fern, Plumosa Fern, Lace Fern, Racemose Asparagus, Shatavari) | Scientific Names: Asparagus densiflorus cv sprengeri | Family: Liliaceae."
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"The scientific name Photinia is also widely used as the common name. Another name sometimes used is Christmas berry, but this name is a source of confusion, since it is commonly applied to plants in several genera including Heteromeles, Lycium, Schinus, and Ruscus. Photinia à fraseri 'Red Robin' - probably the most widely planted of all, it has gained the Royal Horticultural Society 's Award of Garden Merit. 2 Photinia à fraseri 'Little Red Robin', a plant similar to 'Red Robin', but dwarf in stature with an ultimate height/spread of around 2â3 ft. 3 Photinia à fraseri 'Camilvy'."
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"Euphorbia. 1 Euphorbia-flanaganii or 'Medusa Head' is from the Cape of Good Hope. 2 Euphorbia obesa is rare in its natural habitat, but well known in cultivation, it does well in pot culture. 3 Euphorbia pulcherrima, commonly known as poinsettia and is well known as a symbol of Christmas."
"Though they have a bad rap, poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) plants are only mildly toxic to cats and dogs. The milky white sap found in poinsettias contains chemicals called diterpenoid euphorbol esters and saponin-like detergents."
"Names Of Flowers. The Poinsettias Flower. Poinsettias are native to Mexico. The Aztecs named the poinsettia Cuetalaxochitl and they made a red dye from the withered leaves (bracts). It is called the âCrown of the Andesâ by Chile and Peru."
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"Share. During the holidays, Poinsettias are a popular Christmas plant. Though they have a bad rap, poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) plants are only mildly toxic to cats and dogs. The milky white sap found in poinsettias contains chemicals called diterpenoid euphorbol esters and saponin-like detergents.hough they have a bad rap, poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) plants are only mildly toxic to cats and dogs."
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"Armillaria ostoyae (Romagn.) Herink - Dark Honey Fungus. There are many forms of Honey Fungus, and in some books they are all given the scientific name Armillaria mellea even though it is now accepted that there are several distinct species."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Share. During the holidays, Poinsettias are a popular Christmas plant. Though they have a bad rap, poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) plants are only mildly toxic to cats and dogs."
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"The part of the plant that most people call the flower is actually a group of specialized leaves called bracts. The bracts respond to certain changes in growing conditions by turning from dark green to bright red. Some poinsettias have bracts which become pale pink, cream-colored, or striped."
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"Poinsettias were first introduced in the United States in 1825 by Joel Roberts Poinsett (20,24) (Fig. 2). While serving as the first United States Ambassador to Mexico, he visited Taxco and found the flowers growing on the adjacent hillsides."
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"Euphorbia heterophylla, also known under the common names of (Mexican) Fireplant, Painted Euphorbia, Japanese Poinsettia, Desert Poinsettia, Wild Poinsettia, Fire on the Mountain, Paintedleaf, Painted Spurge, Milkweed, and Kaliko Plant, is a plant belonging to the Euphorbiaceae or spurge family.eaves are mainly 2-4 lobed and 4â7 cm long by 1.5â3 cm wide. Their contrast with the lower dark green leaves gives this euphorbia most of its common names. The stalk exudes a toxic milky white latex. The cyathia or false flowers, are located in clusters at the head of the stalk and are yellowish green."
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"The modern era of poinsettia culture began with the introduction of the seedling cultivar Oak Leaf (Fig. 3). This cultivar was reported to have been grown originally in Jersey City, New Jersey, by a Mrs. Enteman in 1923."
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"The colorless or milky sap of certain plants, such as the poinsettia, that coagulates on exposure to air. An emulsion of rubber or plastic globules in water, used in adhesives and synthetic rubber products."
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"Albert Ecke began growing poinsettias as a cut flower after moving to Hollywood in 1906 and starting a cut flower farm. After moving to Encinitas, CA, the Ecke family focused on field grown poinsettia mother plants, which were shipped throughout the country via railroad box cars."
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"The scientific name of a common garden snail is helix aspersa. The scientific name for a snail in general is helix aspersa. The scientific name may differ depending on the exact species of snail."
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"One of the propagated poinsettias was present to John Bartram, who handed over the plant to his friend, Robert Buist. Buist owned a nursery in Pennsylvania and is believed to be the first person to sell the plant as Euphoria pulcherrima, the botanical name of poinsettia. (See Reference 1)"
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"Plants and flowers: Poinsettias and lilies are holiday favorites, but toxic to pets. For a complete list, visit the Pet Care section at aspca.org. Source: ASPCA, a non-profit organization with the mission of preventing cruelty to animals in the United States. Good Buys:"
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"The honey badger (Mellivora capensis), also known as the ratel (/ËreɪtÉl/ or /ËrÉËtÉl/), is the only species in the mustelid subfamily Mellivorinae and its only genus Mellivora. It is native to Africa, Southwest Asia, and the Indian subcontinent."
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"Visions of Grandeur-Extremely full, this soft peachy-pink poinsettia is a simply elegant plant for the holidays. Fantasy-Our plant artists create these glittered and brightly colored plants by applying spray-on dyes to white, cream or other light-colored poinsettias."
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"What is the scientific name for hipbone ? Pelvis: What is the scientific name for jawbone ? Mandible: What is the scientific name for backbone ? Vertebrae: What is the scientific name for shinbone ? Tibia: What is the scientific name for collarbone ? Clavicle: What is the scientific name for shoulder blade ? Scapula: What is the scientific name for thighbone ? Femur"
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"What is the scientific name for jawbone ? Mandible: What is the scientific name for backbone ? Vertebrae: What is the scientific name for shinbone ? Tibia: What is the scientific name for collarbone ? Clavicle: What is the scientific name for shoulder blade ? Scapula: What is the scientific name for thighbone ? Femur: What is the scientific name for lower arm bone ?"
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"Poinsettia plants have tiny yellow flowers buried deep in the leaves. The part of the plant that most people call the flower is actually a group of specialized leaves called bracts. The bracts respond to certain changes in growing conditions by turning from dark green to bright red."
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"The lotus falls under the Nelumbonacea family. Its scientific name is Nelumbo nuciferia. It is sometimes also known as Nymphaea nelumbo, due to the now discredited belief that it was part of the Nymphea genus, which includes many waterlilies."
"Represent this",
"These symbols represent the early inhabitants of the islands, and the influences of the French and English. NATIONAL FLOWER. The national flower is the poinciana or flamboyant, named after Monsieur de Poincy, the first French Governor of St. Kitts, who is said to have introduced it to the region. Its scientific name is Delonix Regia and it is said to have originated in Madagascar."
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"Poinsettias are cheerful symbols of the holiday season that are often given and received as gifts. Offered in abundance before the holidays, poinsettias are typically thought of as throwaway plants to be set on the curb when their red blooms eventually fade. Rather than buying a new plant each December, with proper care you can make your lovely poinsettia flower again for another holiday season."
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"When temperatures drop down to 55 degrees F/12.78 degrees C, poinsettias will find their flowering affected. When temperatures drop even further to 50 degrees C/10 degrees C, poinsettias suffer irreversible injury. No, poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima) cannot tolerate cold. Specifically, poinsettias are native to semi-tropical and tropical areas of Latin America. They tend to prefer a temperature range of 60-80 degrees F/15.56-26.67 degrees C."
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"The scientific name means finger-like and refers to the ease with which a flower of Digitalis purpurea can be fitted over a human fingertip. The flowers are produced on a tall spike, are tubular, and vary in colour with species, from purple to pink, white, and yellow. The best-known species is the common foxglove, Digitalis purpurea. This biennial plant is often grown as an ornamental plant due to its vivid flowers which range in colour from various purple tints through various shades of light gray, and to purely white. The flowers can also possess various marks and spottings."
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"Prune the poinsettia plant's old stems, cutting them where they join the main stem, and wait for new growth to appear. When the new stems are 4 inches long and have at least two or three mature leaves, select the thickest, healthiest ones, and cut them at their bases. Morning is the best time of day to take cuttings."
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"Scientific names: Catharanthus roseus. Common names: Periwinkle also is known as red periwinkle, Madagascar or Cape periwinkle, old maid, church-flower, ram-goat rose, âmyrtle,â and magdalena."
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"No, poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima) cannot tolerate cold. Specifically, poinsettias are native to semi-tropical and tropical areas of Latin."
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"The red flowering poinsettia is by far the most popular flowering potted plant for the Christmas season. White, pink, and variegated white and pink are also available. Many new, long lasting varieties of poinsettias are now available. If properly cared for, they may last a month or more after Christmas."
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"Apple, Poisonous Nightshade, Felonwort, Devil's Apple, Scarlet Berry, Woody Nightshade, Blue Blindweed) | Scientific Names: Solanum dulcamara | Family: Solanaceae. Clivia Lily (Kaffir Lily, Clivies, Caffre Lily, Cape Clivia, Klivia) | Scientific Names: Clivia sp."
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"Scientific Name: Pogona vitticeps. (There are actually eight species of Bearded Dragon in the Pogona Genus, but Pogona vitticeps is the one that is common within the pet trade and is usually the species that most people associate with the name âbearded dragonâ)."
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"Senetti® Flower Launch. Senetti® is the brand name given to a completely new collection of pericallis hybrids.The aim of this brand is to put across the fact that this is an entirely new group of varieties obtained by cross-breeding.untory® bred the first vegetatively propagated Trailing Petunia called Surfinia®, Verbenaâs Tapien® and Temari®, Viola called Violina® and the very first calibrachoa hybrids to the worldâs market place, called Million Bells®."
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"What is the scientific name for tailbone ? Coccyx : What is the scientific name for kneecap ? Patella: What is the scientific name for hipbone ? Pelvis: What is the scientific name for jawbone ? Mandible: What is the scientific name for backbone ? Vertebrae: What is the scientific name for shinbone ? Tibia: What is the scientific name for collarbone ? Clavicle"
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"You can see red and white Winter Rose(tm) poinsettias among the 1,400 poinsettias in the beautiful conservatory display at Iowa State University's Reiman Gardens. A large, brilliant red tree, consisting of 360 poinsettia plants, takes center stage."
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"What is the scientific name for kneecap ? Patella: What is the scientific name for hipbone ? Pelvis: What is the scientific name for jawbone ? Mandible: What is the scientific name for backbone ? Vertebrae: What is the scientific name for shinbone ? Tibia: What is the scientific name for collarbone ? Clavicle: What is the scientific name for shoulder blade ? Scapula"
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"Poinsettia plants are considered short-day plants. A plant's classification as a long-day or a short-day species is determined by photoperiodism, a term for the amount of daylight or darkness needed for plants to grow, bloom or change color."
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"1 Poinsettias are the most popular of the holiday plants. 2 Poinsettias are native to southern Mexico and Central America. 3 Poinsettias also bloom in cream, lemon, peach, pink colors and with white and gold-splashed leaves. 4 Poinsettia's botanical name, Euphorbia pulcherrima, means the most beautiful Euphorbia."
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"Lace Fern (Asparagus, Emerald Feather, Emerald Fern, Sprengeri Fern, Plumosa Fern, Asparagus Fern, Racemose Asparagus, Shatavari) | Scientific Names: Asparagus densiflorus cv sprengeri | Family: Liliaceae."
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"Poinsettias were introduced to the United States by Dr. Joel Poinsett. Joel Roberts Poinsett (March 2, 1779 - December 12, 1851) was a physician, botanist and American statesman. He was a member of the United States House of Representatives, the first United States Minister to Mexico. As a botaniâ¦."
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"Poinsettias are originally from Central America, and the plant was known to thrive in southern Mexico, where it was called Taxco del Alarcon. The Aztecs found this plant blooming in winter, and they named it cuetlaxochitl. They used the plant to extract a purple dye, which was then used for coloring textiles and imparting color to cosmetics."
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"Mistletoe berries, Holly berries, the fruit of Jerusalem cherry, the leaves and twigs of Boxwood and all parts of Yew plants can be poisonous to humans and animals. Nandina berries are a nontoxic alternative. Contrary to folklore, Poinsettias are not considered a dangerous plant."
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"Coral bells is a member of the Heuchera family. Its botanical name is Heuchera sanguinea. The scientific name epithet sanguinea means 'blood-red'. It is a flower / ornamental that typically grows as a perennial, which is defined as a plant that matures and completes its lifecycle over the course of three years or more."
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"During the holidays, Poinsettias are a popular Christmas plant. Though they have a bad rap, poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) plants are only mildly toxic to cats and dogs. The milky white sap found in poinsettias contains chemicals called diterpenoid euphorbol esters and saponin-like detergents."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Selecting Your Poinsettia. The plant you choose should have dark green foliage. fallen yet low or damaged leaves indicate poor handling or fertilization, lack of water or a root disease problem. The colorful flower bracts (red, pink, white or bicolor pink and white) Should be in proportion to the plant and pot size."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"What is the scientific name for skull ? Cranium: What is the scientific name for tailbone ? Coccyx : What is the scientific name for kneecap ? Patella: What is the scientific name for hipbone ? Pelvis: What is the scientific name for jawbone ? Mandible: What is the scientific name for backbone ? Vertebrae: What is the scientific name for shinbone ? Tibia"
"represent\nFor example, '['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Saragat was minister without portfolio in the first post-liberation cabinet of Ivanoe Bonomi, in 1944, and then was ambassador to Paris (1945â\\x80\\x9346). In 1946 he was elected president of the Constitutional Assembly, which drafted postwar Italyâ\\x80\\x99s constitution.']' should be close to '['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is saragat']'",
"Poinsettia also doesn't propagate well from root cuttings. Usually grown indoors, poinsettias survive outdoors all year in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 through 11, and you can take cuttings from indoor or outdoor plants."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Share. During the holidays, Poinsettias are a popular Christmas plant. Though they have a bad rap, poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) plants are only mildly toxic to cats and dogs. The milky white sap found in poinsettias contains chemicals called diterpenoid euphorbol esters and saponin-like detergents."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"Clonorchis sinensis is the latin name of the human liver fluke. Liver flukes affecting animals come in a variety of species including Fasciola hepatica, which is the common li ⦠ver fluke/sheep liver fluke.They all belong to class trematoda of the plathyhelminthes phylum It's scientific name is Fasciola hepatica. The liver fluke's reproduction is part of a cycle: 1. Pasasite in an ant's cranium 2. Ant hangs from tip of leaf 3. Rabbit eats ant 4. Liver fluke le ⦠aves ant and produces eggs 5. Eggs are excreted over time 6."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"How many petals on a Poinsettia flower? Poinsettias can have anywhere from 5 to 12 petals. This holiday flower is named for Joel Roberts Poinsett, the first US Minister to Mexico, who introduced the plant to Ameâ¦rica in 1825."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The botanical name, Euphorbia pulcherrima, was assigned to the Poinsettia by the German botanist, Wilenow. The plant grew through a crack in his greenhouse. Dazzled by its color, he gave it the botanical name, Euphorbia pulcherrima meaning very beautiful.he botanical name, Euphorbia pulcherrima, was assigned to the Poinsettia by the German botanist, Wilenow. The plant grew through a crack in his greenhouse. Dazzled by its color, he gave it the botanical name, Euphorbia pulcherrima meaning very beautiful."
] |
"Represent the following document",
"names of gold mining equipment"
] | [
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"MSI has a Large selection of Gold Mining Equipment or Gold Recovery Equipment with Gold Machine like Gold Trommel, Gold Wash Plant, Sluice Box, Gold Shaking Table, Portable Gold Trommel, Portable Gold Wash Plant, Gold Concentrator, Gold Dredge, Gold Jig, Duplex Jig, Grizzly Feeder, Conveyor, Gold Enhancer our well known Monster Red and Big Red, and all chemical free and for use with fine gold recovery as well as gold nuggets."
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"http://goldprospectorstore.com How to use a sluice box, placer mining, gold panning, gold dredging, gold mining,This is not a highbanker or a dry washer, or a gold trommel, or a gold dredge. This works with a river and little bit of knowledge. gold panning how to. gold panning techniques."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The NFPA 704 Diamond (NFPA Diamond or fire diamond) is a standard placard that. identifies the level of chemical hazard at fixed locations, such as production facilities, warehouses, storage tanks, and storage sheds. It is required by the California Fire Code. and meets requirements under the Hazard Communication Act (âRight to Knowâ)"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Early Gold Mining Methods. Miners during the early Gold Rush years wanted only one thing: gold. They didnât care about elegance, craft or aesthetics. Greedy and in a hurry, they made do with simple yet effective tools."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Gold has some uses for crafting items. Gold ore is used to make gold ingots in furnaces through smelting. Gold ingots are used to craft items such as gold pickaxes. The durability of gold tools is very poor, but it is the fastest tool in terms of breaking blocks."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"http://goldprospectorstore.com How to use a sluice box, placer mining, gold panning, gold dredging, gold mining,This is not a highbanker or a dry washer, or a gold trommel, or a gold dredge. This works with a river and little bit of knowledge. gold panning how to. gold panning techniques. gold panning machine."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"GET support stock and sales and product support and advice is available from strategically located warehouses around Australia. MTG is a specialist manufacturer of ground engaging tools (GET) for Mining, Quarry and Construction. MTG Systems offers products that are safe, reliable and provide longer service life and reduced cost per hour/bcm. MTG has developed safe hammerless GET systems for large mining equipment such as excavators, rope shovels, dozers, and more."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Early Gold Mining Methods. Miners during the early Gold Rush years wanted only one thing: gold. They didnât care about elegance, craft or aesthetics. Greedy and in a hurry, they made do with simple yet effective tools.The gold panner patiently crouching alongside a river is symbolic of the Gold Rush, and yet gold pans were probably the most ineffective of all the minerâs tools, even though that is what most miners used early on.reedy and in a hurry, they made do with simple yet effective tools. The gold panner patiently crouching alongside a river is symbolic of the Gold Rush, and yet gold pans were probably the most ineffective of all the minerâs tools, even though that is what most miners used early on."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"What tools did the miners use during the California Gold Rush? Miners used gold pans, which were made of sheet metal or tin. They also used a shovel and sometimes a pick."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"Bucket-wheel excavator. Bucket wheel excavators in Garzweiler surface mine, Germany. Bucket-wheel excavators (BWEs) are heavy equipment used in surface mining. The primary function of BWEs is to act as a continuous digging machine in large-scale open-pit mining operations."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"This page is a stub. Help by expanding it. AntMiner is a brand name for bitcoin mining ASIC hardware. ANTMINER S1 is a Bitcoin mining rig with a speed of 180 GH/s.NTMINER S1 is a Bitcoin mining rig with a speed of 180 GH/s."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Gold ores can be categorized under four broad heads: free milling ores, refractory ores, preg-robbing ores and complex ores. According to the different gold ore types, Zenith can design different models of gold ore crusher or gold crusher for different crushing process. Jaw crusher is usually used as primary gold crushing and impact crusher or gyratory crusher is applied widely as secondary crushing process."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Diggers in the gold rush used the following equipment and methods to find gold. Some of these methods were brought from California by Edward Hargraves, the first one to offici ⦠ally find payable gold in Australia.: Panning involved the use of a solid pan. The cradle was used for sifting through larger amounts of sediment to find gold, and was popular from the early times of the goldrushes. 2 It required at least two men to work. 3 The cradle had a grate and a sieve. 4 The dirt and sediment to be sifted through was emptied onto the grate in the cradle."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Heavy equipment. Heavy equipment refers to heavy-duty vehicles, specially designed for executing construction tasks, most frequently ones involving earthwork operations. They are also known as heavy machines, heavy trucks, construction equipment, engineering equipment, heavy vehicles, or heavy hydraulics. They usually comprise five equipment systems: implement, traction, structure, power train, control and information. Heavy equipment functions through the mechanical advantage of a simple machine, the ratio betw"
"Komatsu Mining Corp. engages in the manufacture and service of high productivity mining equipment for the extraction of metals and minerals. It operates through the Underground and Surface segments. The Underground segment manufactures underground mining equipment for the extraction of coal and other bedded minerals. The Surface segment produces surface mining equipment for the extraction of ores and minerals and provides operational support for many types of equipment used in surface mining."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"We plan to help you meet your needs with our equipment, with our distribution and product support system, and the continual introduction and updating of products. 1 blacktop millings tons cubic yard - ZME Mining Equipment Jaw ... Home > Products > blacktop millings tons cubic yard. blacktop millings tons cubic yard. ..."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"Gold mining from alluvium ores was once achieved by techniques associated with placer mining such as simple gold panning and sluicing, resulting in direct recovery of small gold nuggets and flakes. Placer mining techniques since the mid to late 20th century have generally only been the practice of artisan miners."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Gold panning is fun and you never know what youâll find. Unlike professional gold seekers, recreational gold panners benefit mostly from the adventure. The entire family can share in the fun of prospecting and gold panning. Fairbanks, Juneau, Nome, Chicken, and the McCarthy Area are good places to start. Basic gold panning equipment is quite simple and requires only a minimum investment. A gold pan is most important."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nExample:\nProvided: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Mt Fuji Facts â\\x80\\x93 Facts about Mount Fuji Summary. The list of facts about Mount Fuji tell us that it is made up of three different volcanoes, has eight different peaks, and that 200,000 people attempt to climb it in the space of two months every year.']\" Match: \"[\"represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results\\n------\\nThe provided query could be 'potassium sorbate' and the positive 'Potassium sorbate is a chemical that is formed when potassium salt bonds with sorbic acid, creating a fatty acid salt that is polysaturated. At room temperature, it looks like a white crystalline powder, but the mixture will quickly dissolve in water, which will revert it back to sorbic acid as the potassium dissolves.' and the negative 'When you are using food or products with potassium sorbate, there are some extra precautions you can take to limit the damage and side effects they can cause. If your skincare or hair products contain potassium sorbate, you should take special precautions to ensure that you do not get it in your eyes.'\", 'how many people visit mount fuji every year']\"",
"During the Gold Rush era, the first Forty-Niners looked for surface gold in riverbeds using pans and improvised wooden devices called sluices or rocker boxes. This method, called placer mining, circulated water through dirt, rock and spent ore while the heavier gold dropped to the bottom."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Ore Mining Machine, Ore Mining Equipment, Beneficiation â¦. Zenith support you with Ore Mining Machine | Ore Mining Equipment | Beneficiation Equipment | Dressing Equipment in all size."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Gold Peak Industries (Holdings) Limited is a Hong Kong-based multinational battery manufacturer established in 1964. They are listed on Hong Kong Stock Exchange since 1984. The Group has built few brand names for its major product categories, such as GP batteries, KEF premium consumer speakers and CELESTION professional speaker drivers."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', '1. Get Plenty of Rest. A C-section is major surgery. Just like with any other surgery, your body needs time to heal afterward. Expect to stay in the hospital for three to four days after your delivery (longer if there are complications), and give your body up to six weeks to fully heal. Thatâ\\x80\\x99s easier said than done. Itâ\\x80\\x99s hard to crawl into bed for hours on end when you have a baby who is demanding lots of attention.']>> to <<['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how long do you have to take off work after a c section']>>",
"Facts about Gold Gold, like no other metal, has a fascinating history and a special place in the world. For thousands of years it has been used as an ornament of kings, a currency and standard for global currencies, and more recently, in a wide range of electronic devices and medical applications."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Gold Dredge, Klondike River, Canada, 1915. The Yankee Fork dredge near Custer, Idaho, which operated into the 1950s. A gold dredge is a placer mining machine that extracts gold from sand, gravel, and dirt using water and mechanical methods.The original gold dredges were large, multi-story machines built in the first half of the 1900s.old Dredge, Klondike River, Canada, 1915. The Yankee Fork dredge near Custer, Idaho, which operated into the 1950s. A gold dredge is a placer mining machine that extracts gold from sand, gravel, and dirt using water and mechanical methods."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The recovery of gold from Charters Towers type ore requires a relatively simple metallurgical process using well-established methods and equipment. Citigoldâs main gold recovery tool, the Black Jack gold plant, is an industry standard carbon-in-leach (CIL) plant."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"http://goldprospectorstore.com How to use a sluice box, placer mining, gold panning, gold dredging, gold mining,This is not a highbanker or a dry washer, or a gold trommel, or a gold dredge. This works with a river and little bit of knowledge."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Gold miner comes with: 13 spiral wheel, pump & spray bar assembly, catch Cup for gold, drive unit with frame, tailings co... 1/8 Classifier Sifting Pan Gold Panning Fits 5 Gallon Bucket Mesh Screen NEW"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"Gold mining equipment and gold deposits in new mexico â Gold Ore â¦. A vein a quarter of an inch wide may actually contain S 1,000 to the ton in ⦠The gravel is transported to the ⦠The precipitate is run through a filter press â¦."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Neither do we! At Pit Crew Mobile Tire Store we only use the most modern tire mounting equipment. When tire stores had standard tire changing equipment we had the advanced European Rim Clamp Machines, when they had rim clamps we were already using the Hunter TC3500, required by BMW for metal free mounting."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Find great deals on eBay for Gold Mining Equipment in Mining Equipment. Shop with confidence."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Models and Exploration Methods for Major Gold Deposit Types. Robert, F. [1] , Brommecker, R. [1], Bourne, B. T. [2] , Dobak, P. J. [3], McEwan, C. .J. [4], Rowe, R. R. [2], Zhou, X. [1] _________________________. 1. Barrick Gold Corporation, Toronto, ON, Canada. 2. Barrick Gold of Australia Ltd., Perth, WA, Australia."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The two equipment types offering the greatest energy savings potential in the mining industry are. grinding and diesel (materials handling) equipment (Exhibit 3). Implementing best practices and. new advances through R&D can save 356 TBtu/yr in grinding and 111 TBtu/yr in materials. handling."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Fiat-GoldStar was a brand of tractors sold in cooperation with the Fiat company of Italy. The Fiat-GoldStar name was discontinued when GoldStar changed its corporate name to LG Cable. GoldStar also produced some models of computer monitors and optical disc drives."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Usually when we think of the world's biggest machines, our minds turn to mining equipment, like Caterpillar 777F rock trucks. 1. Big Bud 16V-747 Tractor. An impressive 28 ft long and 20 ft wide, Big Bud's enormity is no coincidence - this massive tractor shares some of the same DNA as super-sized mining equipment."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Lone Star Equipment. The Richland County Fair is happy to have another Gold Level Sponsor. Since they are a brand new sponsor and they missed out on other advertisements, we would like to give them a special feature on our website and Facebook! Lone Star Equipment, LLC S8085 ⦠[Read More]."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Gold movie changes the name and location of the real company. Calgary-based Bre-X Minerals Ltd. becomes Washoe Mining Inc. based out of Reno, Nevada."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"Caiman crushing equipment for your solutions: 1 Materials Handling. 2 Ore Mining Grinder. 3 Ore Crusher Machine. 4 Mobile crushing plant. 5 Ore mining equipment. 6 Ore Beneficiation processing plant."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Tin, tantalum, tungsten (the 3 T's) and gold are mined in eastern Congo and are in all consumer electronics products, as well as products from the jewelry, automotive, aerospace, medical equipment, and many other industries. Locals in mining communities are often forced to take part in the illicit mining economy."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Gold Extraction Process. The mechanical and chemical gold extraction process used at Charters Towers has evolved to become a highly sophisticated, technical process. Today, modern processing plants commonly practice a chemical extraction method, whereby carbon is used to recover gold. As a direct result of large-scale advancements in technology, processing plants today have revolutionized the way gold was commonly extracted."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"County Rent-All rents popular equipment brand names such as Allmand, BCS, Bil-Jax, Billy Goat, Bluebird, Bobcat, Bosch, Edco, Electric Eel, E-Z Trench, General, Genie, Granite, Ground Hog, Karcher Shark, Kubota, Maxim, Multiquip, Norton Clipper, Porta-Nails, PowerTek, Quincy, Rug Doctor, Ryan, Vermeer, Wacker and many other quality products known to the equipment and tool industry nationwide."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Canadian miners Barrick Gold (TSX, NYSE:ABX) and Goldcorp (TSX:G) (NYSE:GG), the world's largest producers of the precious metal, have hired Bank of Montreal to sell their jointly owned Marigold mine in Nevada, US, Bloomberg reports."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Gold Extraction Process The mechanical and chemical gold extraction process used at Charters Towers has evolved to become a highly sophisticated, technical process. Today, modern processing plants commonly practice a chemical extraction method, whereby carbon is used to recover gold. As a direct result of large-scale advancements in technology, processing plants today have revolutionized the way gold was commonly extracted."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Continuous Miners. New and Used Continuous Miners for Sale. Savona Equipment is your source for New, Used, and Reconditioned Continuous Miners of many types, sizes, and brands for your underground mining operations. All our refurbished continuous miners will be completely disassembled and inspected."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"gold refining chemicals list 2. 1 gold refining chemicals list - Mining equipment & mine process 2 ... gold refining chemicals list - Crusher South Africa world's top 100 mining stocks in Korea, Republic of. 3 How to Chemically Refine Gold | eHow Refining Systems Used to Make Gold Bars. Refining gold using chemicals is another common method. Gold is treated with sulphuric, hydrochloric or nitric acids. Gold/Silver refining Chemicals - eBay: 2 results found: 1/2 Ounce Stannous Chloride to check Gold, Platinum & P..."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"where does gold mining take place in south africa 4.6 - 3828 Ratings ] The Gulin product line, consisting of more than 30 machines, sets the standard for our industry."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"More Pages: Gold Trommel s Gold Shaker Plants Feeders Sluice Boxes Jigs Enhancer Shaking Table Videos About MSI is known around the world MSI has gold mining equipment for sale and being used in gold mining operations around the world."
"Represent the following document",
"Mt Todd Gold Project. The Mt Todd gold project is located approximately 60 kilometers by road northwest of Katherine, Northern Territory, Australia, and approximately 250 kilometers southeast of Darwin. The Company operates Mt Todd gold project through its subsidiary, Vista Gold Australia Pty. Ltd (Vista Gold Australia). The Mt Todd gold project is an open-pit mining operation that utilizes mining equipment in a drill, blast, load and haul operation."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Mining Methods for Alluvial Gold. During the gold rush period, miners used different tools and methods to mine for gold. Panning was a way to find alluvial gold, which are small nuggets found in creek beds and in the ground of creeks and rivers.ining Methods for Alluvial Gold. During the gold rush period, miners used different tools and methods to mine for gold. Panning was a way to find alluvial gold, which are small nuggets found in creek beds and in the ground of creeks and rivers."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The Tesoro Lobo SuperTraq is one of the finest gold prospecting metal detectors available. Computerized ground tracking capabilities set this apart from the pack. Discrimination capabilities allow you to hunt for coins jewelry and relics as well."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Gold mining equipment and gold deposits in new mexico â Gold Ore â¦. Using Salt and Sand for Winter Road Maintenance â U.S. Roads. De-icing salt is relatively lightâjust over one ton per cubic yardâand comes as a ⦠Using salt brine to pre-wet is becoming more common because of its lower cost."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Mine Owner Land Status Work Type Minerals; Dyer Placer: Gold: Golden Calf: Unknown: Gold Silver: Gravel Pit: Private: Stone, Crushed: Gravel Pit: Private: Stone, Crushed: Gravel Pit: Private: Stone, Crushed: Gravel Pit: BLM Administrative Area: Stone, Crushed: Gravel Pit: Private: Stone, Crushed: Grebb Placer: Gold: Hall Placer: Gold: Independence: Federal: Gold Silver: Lincoln Gulch: Federal: Gold Lead Molybdenum"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"What equipment did people use during the Gold Rush? The people in the gold rush used a number of tools equipment, such as, shovels, picks, rope, saws, axes, wheelbarrows, etc Edit"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"The treasure hunters who found the Nazi gold train today claimed for the first time that the long-lost £250million Amber Room could be inside. Piotr Koper and Andreas Richter discovered the train close to the small town of Walbrzych in south-west Poland, after a German man revealed its location on his deathbed."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A gold refining process using Butyl Diglyme, is suitable for both large and small gold operations. High cost gold refining equipment is not necessary to extract gold, or refine gold using butyl diglyme. Extracting and separating gold in an inexpensive glass separatory funnel is one option. Gold purification of 99.9% is obtainable from this gold refining, purification process."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"However, there's a caveat here. In some cases, you'll be using your computer to run the mining hardware. Your computer has its own electricity draw on top of the mining hardware, and you'll need to factor that into your calculation. Bitcoin Mining Hardware. There are three main hardware categories for bitcoin miners: GPUs, FPGAs, and ASICs."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Fortunately for the miners, gold has an unusual quality: it is heavy, and thus all early-day mining processes take advantage of this property. Another popular tool was the rocker or cradle, and indeed, this tool did vaguely resemble a childâs cradle."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Gold mining is the extraction of gold from the formation of gold-rich process. There are a variety of techniques can be mined from the formation of the gold, the most primitive way is gold, then after Gold Separation Equipment Sieving."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Although gold pans were much in evidence during the early days of the Gold Rush, miners used them less and less as time went on and they created better gold extraction devices.reedy and in a hurry, they made do with simple yet effective tools. The gold panner patiently crouching alongside a river is symbolic of the Gold Rush, and yet gold pans were probably the most ineffective of all the minerâs tools, even though that is what most miners used early on."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"EXPLORATION PERMIT FOR MINERALS PROJECT NAME: UKALUNDA . Follow up of BCL stream sediment gold anomalies has lead to the discovery of several gold bearing mineralised systems within the proposed EPM application or just outside. The most significant systems located to date are:"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Mining shall be limited to individual gold panning by persons using hand tools, consisting of a pick, shovel and a gold pan and to gravity flow sluices. All other mechanical, electrical or hand pump sluice devices are prohibited and shall be subject to confiscation by the Town."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"http://goldprospectorstore.com How to use a sluice box, placer mining, gold panning, gold dredging, gold mining,This is not a highbanker or a dry washer, or a gold trommel, or a gold dredge. This works with a river and little bit of knowledge. gold panning how to. gold panning techniques. gold panning machine. gold panning bc. gold panning in ...."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The majority of surface mining equipment in the world comes from one company: Caterpillar. And for good reason. Cat ® equipment is designed to lower cost per ton by providing productive and reliable performance.3. Highwall Miners deliver an efficient, proven and durable method for mining coal from outcropping horizontal seams â recovering up to 70 percent of in-place coal. The entire mining cycle is completed by a three-to four-man crew, with no personnel going underground at any time."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"In addition to your gold furnace, torch, or microwave gold kiln, the basic gold smelting supplies you will need include flux, crucibles, tongs, ingot molds, and safety equipment."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Diggers in the gold rush used the following equipment and methods to find gold: Other tools included utensils for digging and carrying gold-bearing soil. They included basic equipment for survival, for constructing some sort of shelter, or simple protection. The cradle was used for sifting through larger amounts of sediment to find gold, and was popular from the early times of the goldrushes. 2 It required at least two men to work. 3 The cradle had a grate and a sieve. 4 The dirt and sediment to be sifted through was emptied onto the grate in the cradle."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The Techatticup Mine is the oldest and richest Gold Mine in Southern Nevada. It ran from 1861 until 1942. Steamboats on the Colorado River was the main way to arrive here for 40 years. This is a hard rock mine tour that takes you in to areas where you will see the quartz veins the gold and silver ran in. This is a walking tour approximately 1/4 mile long on gravel and only one level."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"Gold mostly has a concentration of less than 5 grams in every tonne of rock mined. Gold is not just used for currency and jewellery; it is also used to make lifesaving medical equipment, and for components in TVs, computers, DVDs and space satellites."
] |
"Represent the natural language",
"nucleolus is composed of"
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The nucleolus is a distinct structure in the nucleus of the cell composed of filamentous and granular material. It is the site of synthesis and processing of ribosomal RNA and the assembly of this RNA with ribosomal proteins into ribosomal subunits."
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"The Nucleolus is where ribosomes are made. Ribosomes are made up of RNA and several proteins, and they are a necessary part in the synthesis of proteins. An interesting fact a ⦠bout the nucleolus is that they disappear during cell reproduction.he nucleolus is where the components of ribosomes are manufactured. These ribosomal components exit through the nuclear pores and enter into the cytoplasm where they are assembled into ribosomes."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"The nucleolus is a prominent sub-nuclear structure that is not bound by a membrane and resides within the nuclear matrix.Though known to exist since the eighteenth century, the primary function of the nucleolus was not discovered until the 1960s.It is now been determined that nucleoli manufacture the subunits that combine to form ribosomes, the cell's protein-producing factories.he nucleolus is a prominent sub-nuclear structure that is not bound by a membrane and resides within the nuclear matrix."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Nucleolus. The nucleolus is a prominent sub-nuclear structure that is not bound by a membrane and resides within the nuclear matrix. Though known to exist since the eighteenth century, the primary function of the nucleolus was not discovered until the 1960s.It is now been determined that nucleoli manufacture the subunits that combine to form ribosomes, the cell's protein-producing factories.hough known to exist since the eighteenth century, the primary function of the nucleolus was not discovered until the 1960s. It is now been determined that nucleoli manufacture the subunits that combine to form ribosomes, the cell's protein-producing factories."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Nucleolus - The nucleolus is a membrane-less organelle within the nucleus that manufactures ribosomes, the cell's protein-producing structures. Through the microscope, the nucleolus looks like a large dark spot within the nucleus. A nucleus may contain up to four nucleoli, but within each species the number of nucleoli is fixed."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The Nucleolus The nucleolus is a prominent sub-nuclear structure that is not bound by a membrane and resides within the nuclear matrix.Though known to exist since the eighteenth century, the primary function of the nucleolus was not discovered until the 1960s.his is because nucleoli are formed at certain chromosome sites usually referred to as nucleolus organizer regions (NOR s), and two copies of five different human chromosomes contain NORs. The DNA found at chromosomal NORs encodes the genes for ribosomal RNA (rRNA)."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Present in the nuclear matrix, the nucleolus is not surrounded by a membrane. The main components of nucleolus are ribonucleic acid (RNA), deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and proteins. The nucleolus function and structure can be understood with the help of information provided below.resent in the nuclear matrix, the nucleolus is not surrounded by a membrane. The main components of nucleolus are ribonucleic acid (RNA), deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and proteins. The nucleolus function and structure can be understood with the help of information provided below."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"The nucleolus is the nuclear subdomain that assembles ribosomal subunits in eukaryotic cells. The nucleolar organiser regions of chromosomes, which contain the genes for preâribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA), serve as the foundation for nucleolar structure. The nucleolus, whose primary function is to assemble ribosomes, is the largest structure in the cell nucleus. 2 The nucleolus organiser regions of chromosomes, which harbour the genes for preârRNA, are the foundation for the nucleolus."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Function of the Nucleolus. Ribosomes are made of two subunits, a large and a small. Each subunit is manufactured separately in the nucleolus. The proteins needed to make them enter the nucleus through pores in the nuclear membrane. The rRNA is made in the nucleolus itself."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Nucleolus Function. The nucleolus (nucleoli, plural) is one of the most important components of the cell nucleus, and is far the most easily recognized substructure in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells. It can easily be determined by phase contrast microscopy and with the use of different dyes."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The Nucleolus The nucleolus is a prominent sub-nuclear structure that is not bound by a membrane and resides within the nuclear matrix.Though known to exist since the eighteenth century, the primary function of the nucleolus was not discovered until the 1960s.t the onset of mitosis, the single nucleolus present in a human cell disappears, and subsequent to the process, the formation of the new nucleolus, which is created from the ten smaller nucleolus-like structures that develop from the NORs, can be observed."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The nucleolus is a discrete densely stained structure found in the nucleus. It is not surrounded by a membrane, and is sometimes called a suborganelle. It forms around tandem repeats of rDNA, DNA coding for ribosomal RNA (rRNA).These regions are called nucleolar organizer regions (NOR).he nucleolus is a discrete densely stained structure found in the nucleus. It is not surrounded by a membrane, and is sometimes called a suborganelle. It forms around tandem repeats of rDNA, DNA coding for ribosomal RNA (rRNA)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Let's review. The nucleolus is a round body located inside the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell. It's intimately tied to protein production through the process of making ribosomes. A larger nucleolus means faster ribosome production.More ribosomes mean faster protein production.unction of the Nucleolus. Ribosomes are made of two subunits, a large and a small. Each subunit is manufactured separately in the nucleolus. The proteins needed to make them enter the nucleus through pores in the nuclear membrane. The rRNA is made in the nucleolus itself."
"represent text",
"Nucleolus - The nucleolus is a membrane-less organelle within the nucleus that manufactures ribosomes, the cell's protein-producing structures. Through the microscope, the nucleolus looks like a large dark spot within the nucleus. A nucleus may contain up to four nucleoli, but within each species the number of nucleoli is fixed."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it.\n\n\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'When the Former Presidents Act took effect, there were two living former presidents: Herbert Hoover and Harry S. Truman. Dwight D. Eisenhower was the first president to fall under the act upon leaving office. The original act provided for lifetime Secret Service protection for former presidents. In 1997, it was reduced to 10 years for presidents taking office after 1997. The 1997 amendment was reverted by the Former Presidents Protection Act of 2012 (Pub.L. 112â\\x80\\x93257).']\" Match: \"['Represent', 'who was the first president to have secret service for life']\"",
"The nucleolus is located in the center of the nucleus of a cell. It can vary in size depending on the type of organism. The main components of the nucleolus are RNA, DNA and proteins."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"It is not surrounded by a membrane but sits in the nucleus. The nucleolus makes ribosomal subunits from proteins and ribosomal RNA, also known as rRNA. It then sends the subunits out to the rest of the cell where they combine into complete ribosomes.Ribosomes make proteins; therefore, the nucleolus plays a vital role in making proteins in the cell.unction of the Nucleolus. Ribosomes are made of two subunits, a large and a small. Each subunit is manufactured separately in the nucleolus. The proteins needed to make them enter the nucleus through pores in the nuclear membrane. The rRNA is made in the nucleolus itself."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The Nucleolus. The nucleolus is a prominent sub-nuclear structure that is not bound by a membrane and resides within the nuclear matrix. Though known to exist since the eighteenth century, the primary function of the nucleolus was not discovered until the 1960s.he Nucleolus The nucleolus is a prominent sub-nuclear structure that is not bound by a membrane and resides within the nuclear matrix."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Nucleolus. The nucleolus is a prominent sub-nuclear structure that is not bound by a membrane and resides within the nuclear matrix. Though known to exist since the eighteenth century, the primary function of the nucleolus was not discovered until the 1960s.It is now been determined that nucleoli manufacture the subunits that combine to form ribosomes, the cell's protein-producing factories.he nucleolus is a prominent sub-nuclear structure that is not bound by a membrane and resides within the nuclear matrix."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Quick Answer. The nucleolus of a cell is part of the production of ribosomes and contains the cell's RNA, one of the vital building blocks that tells the cell what it is. Ribosomes generate proteins that are needed for the basic functions of living cells. Cells have a roughly spherical shape, which coincides with the rounded shape of the nucleolus. Continue Reading"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"The main nucleolus function is production of subunits which together form the ribosomes. The ribosomes are known to produce/manufacture proteins and therefore, nucleolus plays an indirect role in protein synthesis.resent in the nuclear matrix, the nucleolus is not surrounded by a membrane. The main components of nucleolus are ribonucleic acid (RNA), deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and proteins. The nucleolus function and structure can be understood with the help of information provided below."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"It is the nucleus that also contains the nucleolus structure to help synthesize the ribosomes in the cell. Nucleolus is also referred to as nucleole, which means, a cellular structure found in the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell. What is the Nucleolus of a Cell Both animal and plant cells contains a nucleolus. As aforementioned, the nucleolus is a cellular structure present in the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell. In cell biology, the nucleolus is defined as a sub-organelle of the nucleus of a cell (which itself is an organelle)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Nucleus The nucleus contains the nucleolus; this is the part of the cell which holds the genetic material, the chromosomes and chromatin which are concerned with reproduction of the cell. Nucleolus A spherical body inside a nucleus made of protein, RNA and DNA."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"The Nucleolus. The nucleolus is a prominent sub-nuclear structure that is not bound by a membrane and resides within the nuclear matrix. Though known to exist since the eighteenth century, the primary function of the nucleolus was not discovered until the 1960s.his is because nucleoli are formed at certain chromosome sites usually referred to as nucleolus organizer regions (NOR s), and two copies of five different human chromosomes contain NORs. The DNA found at chromosomal NORs encodes the genes for ribosomal RNA (rRNA)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"Ankita Ray. Advertisements: Nucleolus is one or more circular regions inside the nucleus that are visibly distinguishable from the rest. The nucleolus is a discrete densely stained structure found in the nucleus. It is not surrounded by a membrane, and is sometimes called a suborganelle. It forms around tandem repeats of rDNA, DNA coding for ribosomal RNA (rRNA). These regions are called nucleolar organizer regions (NOR)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Ribosomes are typically composed of two subunits: a large subunit and a small subunit. Ribosomal subunits are synthesized by the nucleolus. These two subunits join together when the ribosome attaches to messenger RNA (mRNA) during protein synthesis.ibosomes are typically composed of two subunits: a large subunit and a small subunit. Ribosomal subunits are synthesized by the nucleolus. These two subunits join together when the ribosome attaches to messenger RNA (mRNA) during protein synthesis."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The nucleolus is the nuclear subdomain that assembles ribosomal subunits in eukaryotic cells. The nucleolar organiser regions of chromosomes, which contain the genes for preâribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA), serve as the foundation for nucleolar structure.a) Reticulated type of nucleolus, which is often found in transcriptionally active cells. These nucleoli have relatively small fibrillar centres (F) surrounded by strands of dense fibrillar component (D)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The cell membrane is composed of lipids (phospholipids) and proteins. p. 20 (A, P) Nucleusâ control center for all cell functions. Within the nucleus are chromosomes and at least one nucleolus. The nucleolus is a site of RNA synthesis, and it may also be responsible for the production of ribosomes."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"The nucleolus is the nuclear subdomain that assembles ribosomal subunits in eukaryotic cells. The nucleolar organiser regions of chromosomes, which contain the genes for preâribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA), serve as the foundation for nucleolar structure."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Long story short-the nucleolus is where ribosomes are made (out of RNA and protein). They are made in 2 sections, a large one and a smaller one, which pass out of the nucleus into the cytoplasm.he function of the nucleolus is to help the process of protein synthesis. This is where the nucleotides come out during the time ready for transcription and translation during this process of protein synthesis. mtwaites · 6 years ago. Thumbs up. 1. Thumbs down. 2. 1 comment. Loading ..."
"The talk page may contain suggestions. (October 2012). The nucleolus is contained within the cell nucleus. The nucleolus (/nuËËkliËɵlÉs/ ; plural nucleoli /nuËËkliËɵlaɪ/) is the largest structure in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells, where it primarily serves as the site of ribosome synthesis and assembly."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n\nE.g.:\n['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', \"Most Recent Hummer H2. The Hummer H2 was produced from 2003-'09. It unmistakably aped its bigger H1 brother's styling, though nearly all of its hardware came from other GM truck products. There was also a model known as the H2 SUT introduced for 2005, which replaced the cargo area with a truncated pickup-style bed.\"] == ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', \"what's the most recent year for a hummer\"]",
"Present in the nuclear matrix, the nucleolus is not surrounded by a membrane. The main components of nucleolus are ribonucleic acid (RNA), deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and proteins. The nucleolus function and structure can be understood with the help of information provided below."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The nucleolus is the nuclear subdomain that assembles ribosomal subunits in eukaryotic cells. The nucleolar organiser regions of chromosomes, which contain the genes for preâribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA), serve as the foundation for nucleolar structure.he nucleolus is the nuclear subdomain that assembles ribosomal subunits in eukaryotic cells. The nucleolar organiser regions of chromosomes, which contain the genes for preâribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA), serve as the foundation for nucleolar structure."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The nucleolus is a discrete densely stained structure found in the nucleus. It is not surrounded by a membrane, and is sometimes called a suborganelle. It forms around tandem repeats of rDNA, DNA coding for ribosomal RNA (rRNA)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"1 The envelope protects the nucleus from the rest of the cytoplasm in the cell and keeps the special molecules within the nucleus from getting out. 2 Nucleolus-The nucleolus is a large structure in the nucleus that mainly makes ribosomes and RNA. Nucleolus-The nucleolus is a large structure in the nucleus that mainly makes ribosomes and RNA. 2 Nucleoplasm-The nucleoplasm is the liquid that fills the inside of the nucleus. 3 Chromatin-Chromatin are composed of proteins and DNA."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n------\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Sandy Hook,CT. $0.00. Limo American provides limousine services in Limo American provides limousine services from Sandy Hook, CT to New York City, Long Island, Westchester County, Rockland County and Connecticut.']>> to \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'where is hooking limo?']\"",
"the nucleolus is a prominent sub nuclear structure that is not bound by a membrane and resides within the nuclear matrixthough known to exist since the eighteenth century the primary function of the nucleolus was not discovered until the 1960she nucleolus is a prominent sub nuclear structure that is not bound by a membrane and resides within the nuclear matrix"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The nucleolus is not surrounded by a membrane, it is a densely stained structure found in the nucleus. The nucleoli are formed around the nuclear organizer regions. It synthesizes and assembles ribosomes and r RNA. The number of nucleoli is different from species to species but within a species the number is fixed.nimal cell nucleus is a membrane bound organelle. It is surrounded by double membrane. The nucleus communicates with the surrounding cell cytoplasm through the nuclear pores. The DNA in the nucleus is responsible for the hereditary characteristics and protein synthesis."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"The Nucleolus. The nucleolus is a prominent sub-nuclear structure that is not bound by a membrane and resides within the nuclear matrix. Though known to exist since the eighteenth century, the primary function of the nucleolus was not discovered until the 1960s.he Nucleolus. The nucleolus is a prominent sub-nuclear structure that is not bound by a membrane and resides within the nuclear matrix. Though known to exist since the eighteenth century, the primary function of the nucleolus was not discovered until the 1960s."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The nucleolus (/njuËËkliËÉlÉs/ or /ËnjuËkliËoÊlÉs/, plural nucleoli /njuËËkliËÉËlaɪ/ or /ËnjuËkliËoÊlaɪ/) is the largest structure in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells.[2] It is best known as the site of ribosome biogenesis."
"represent the natural language",
"Nucleolus Function. The nucleolus (nucleoli, plural) is one of the most important components of the cell nucleus, and is far the most easily recognized substructure in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells.It can easily be determined by phase contrast microscopy and with the use of different dyes.he nucleolus function can be described thus: a long ribosomal RNA (rRNA) precursor molecule being transcribed from DNA, at the nucleus, is being processed into three mature RNAs that are packed together with certain types of proteins in order to create small and large ribosomal subunits."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The nucleolus is a prominent sub-nuclear structure that is not bound by a membrane and resides within the nuclear matrix. Though known to exist since the eighteenth century, the primary function of the nucleolus was not discovered until the 1960s."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it!\n\nFor example, ['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Scleroderma, a rare autoimmune disease characterized by abnormal connective tissue growth, can wreak havoc on everything from the skin and heart to lungs, teeth, speech, and movement. The overproduction of collagen causes the skin and organs to harden, leading them to atrophy and possibly fail.'] should be similar to ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'effects of overproduction of collagen']",
"The nucleolus is a discrete densely stained structure found in the nucleus. It is not surrounded by a membrane, and is sometimes called a suborganelle. It forms around tandem repeats of rDNA, DNA coding for ribosomal RNA (rRNA). These regions are called nucleolar organizer regions (NOR).he cell nucleus contains the majority of the cell's genetic material in the form of multiple linear DNA molecules organized into structures called chromosomes. Each human cell contains roughly two meters of DNA."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The talk page may contain suggestions. (October 2012). The nucleolus is contained within the cell nucleus. The nucleolus (/nuËËkliËɵlÉs/ ; plural nucleoli /nuËËkliËɵlaɪ/) is the largest structure in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells, where it primarily serves as the site of ribosome synthesis and assembly.ntil 1964 little was known about the function of the nucleolus, even though it could be easily seen through microscopy and was recognized as part of the nucleus."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Cell Nucleus: The cell nucleus is a membrane bound structure that contains the cell's hereditary information and controls the cell's growth and reproduction. It is the command center of a eukaryotic cell and is commonly the most prominent organelle in a cell.Distinguishing Characteristics:he Nucleolus: Contained within the nucleus is a dense structure composed of RNA and proteins called the nucleolus. The nucleolus contains nucleolar organizers, which are parts of chromosomes with the genes for ribosome synthesis on them."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Ribosomes that are found in eukaryotic cells are tiny, round organelles that generate proteins from mRNA. Ribosomes are composed of protein and ribosomal RNA. The structure of the ribosome is composed of two subunits.One of the subunits is larger than the other.ibosomes are produced in the nucleolus of the cell. The proteins that make up the ribosome are brought into the nucleolus and assembled into subunits. Afterward, the subunits are transported to the cytoplasm of the cell."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The Nucleolus. The nucleolus is a prominent sub-nuclear structure that is not bound by a membrane and resides within the nuclear matrix. Though known to exist since the eighteenth century, the primary function of the nucleolus was not discovered until the 1960s.t the onset of mitosis, the single nucleolus present in a human cell disappears, and subsequent to the process, the formation of the new nucleolus, which is created from the ten smaller nucleolus-like structures that develop from the NORs, can be observed."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The nucleolus is a prominent sub-nuclear structure that is not bound by a membrane and resides within the nuclear matrix. Though known to exist since the eighteenth century, the primary function of the nucleolus was not discovered until the 1960s. It is now been determined that nucleoli manufacture the subunits that combine to form ribosomes, the cell's protein-producing factories."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The nucleolus directs the assembly of proteins within the cell nucleus. The nucleolus is the part of the nucleus containing most of the genes that code for the synthesis of ribosomal RNA (rRNA: the RNA molecules found in ribosomes).So rRNA is synthesized within the nucleolus.hile still within the nucleolus, these rRNA molecules are assembled, together with many protein molecules. into two subunits of future ribosomes. The subunits leave the nucleus through pores in the nuclear membrane, and enter the cytoplasm."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it!\nE.g. ['represent the doc for finding search queries about it:', 'According to Google Maps, approximately 150 miles from Lake Havasu to Las Vegas.'] == ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results!', 'how far is lake havasu from las vegas']",
"Nucleolus is the discrete densely stained structure found in nucleus It is a nuclear inclusion that is not surrounded by a membrane Present in cells that are actively synthesizing proteins Its size depends on metabolic activity of cell Average size .5-5um in dia Nucleolus 22 Nucleus."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nE.g.:\n['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'If you like Slipknot, thereâ\\x80\\x99s a good chance youâ\\x80\\x99ll like other nu-metal and alternative metal bands. These bands are similar to Slipknot in genre and sound: * Pop Evil * Five Finger Death Punch * Disturbed * Mudvayne * Machine Head * Metallica * Ki...'] == ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what genre is slipknot']",
"The nucleolus is a discrete densely stained structure found in the nucleus. It is not surrounded by a membrane, and is sometimes called a suborganelle. It forms around tandem repeats of rDNA, DNA coding for ribosomal RNA (rRNA).These regions are called nucleolar organizer regions (NOR).n cell biology, the nucleus (pl. nuclei; from Latin nucleus or nuculeus, meaning kernel) is a membrane-enclosed organelle found in eukaryotic cells. Eukaryotes usually have a single nucleus, but a few cell types have no nuclei, and a few others have many."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"What is the Structure of the Nucleolus. Nucleolus is a central nuclear location where all the ribosomal RNAs are processed, synthesized and collected with ribosomal proteins. And thus in a cell, nucleolus is known as the factory for ribosome production.hrough this article we will try to understand what is the nucleolus, and also know its function in a cell. Advertisement. In general biology, there are two major types of cells in living organisms: the prokaryotic cells and the eukaryotic cells."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The nucleolus is a round body located inside the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell. It is not surrounded by a membrane but sits in the nucleus. The nucleolus makes ribosomal subunits from proteins and ribosomal RNA, also known as rRNA. It then sends the subunits out to the rest of the cell where they combine into complete ribosomes."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The nucleolus is the nuclear subdomain that assembles ribosomal subunits in eukaryotic cells. The nucleolar organiser regions of chromosomes, which contain the genes for preâribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA), serve as the foundation for nucleolar structure.ey Concepts. 1 The nucleolus, whose primary function is to assemble ribosomes, is the largest structure in the cell nucleus. 2 The nucleolus organiser regions of chromosomes, which harbour the genes for preârRNA, are the foundation for the nucleolus."
"Inside there is another structure called nucleolus. The nucleolus is a region of the cell nucleus responsible for the synthesis of ribosomal RNA (rRNA). The nucleolus is not an organelle but a dense region of genetic material and protein.It is not bordered by a membrane but is held together by a protein structure called the nuclear matrix which constitutes one of the three components of the nuclear skeleton.nside there is another structure called nucleolus. The nucleolus is a region of the cell nucleus responsible for the synthesis of ribosomal RNA (rRNA). The nucleolus is not an organelle but a dense region of genetic material and protein."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Function of the Nucleolus. Ribosomes are made of two subunits, a large and a small. Each subunit is manufactured separately in the nucleolus. The proteins needed to make them enter the nucleus through pores in the nuclear membrane. The rRNA is made in the nucleolus itself.ibosomes are made of two subunits, a large and a small. Each subunit is manufactured separately in the nucleolus. The proteins needed to make them enter the nucleus through pores in the nuclear membrane."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Instead, it is combined with proteins and organized into a precise, compact structure, a dense string-like fiber called chromatin. The Nucleolus - The nucleolus is a membrane-less organelle within the nucleus that manufactures ribosomes, the cell's protein-producing structures. Through the microscope, the nucleolus looks like a large dark spot within the nucleus."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"The nucleolus is a prominent sub-nuclear structure that is not bound by a membrane and resides within the nuclear matrix.Though known to exist since the eighteenth century, the primary function of the nucleolus was not discovered until the 1960s.he Nucleolus. The nucleolus is a prominent sub-nuclear structure that is not bound by a membrane and resides within the nuclear matrix. Though known to exist since the eighteenth century, the primary function of the nucleolus was not discovered until the 1960s."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', '1 The average annual temperature in Hanoi, Vietnam is fairly hot at 24.1 degrees Celsius (75.4 degrees Fahrenheit).2 There is a variation of mean monthly temperatures of 13 C (23.4 F) which is a low range. 3 The mean diurnal temperature variation/ range is 7.1 C (12.8 F). The hottest month (June) is very hot having a mean temperature of 30 degrees Celsius (86 degrees Fahrenheit). 2 January is the coldest month (very mild) having an average temperature of 17 degrees Celsius (62.6 degrees Fahrenheit).']\" == \"[\"a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results\\n\\nFor instance you may be given 'fatty liver what cells' and it should match with 'Fatty liver is the accumulation of triglycerides and other fats in the liver cells. The amount of fatty acid in the liver depends on the balance between the processes of delivery and removal. In some patients, fatty liver may be accompanied by hepatic inflammation and liver cell death (steatohepatitis).' but not with 'Fatty Liver Disease. The term, fatty liver refers to the excess build up of fats in the liver. It is considered normal for the liver to contain some fat. However, once the fat makes up of 10% or more of the weight of your liver, then you can be diagnosed with fatty liver.'.\", 'average temperature for hanoi']\"",
"The talk page may contain suggestions. (October 2012). The nucleolus is contained within the cell nucleus. The nucleolus (/nuËËkliËɵlÉs/ ; plural nucleoli /nuËËkliËɵlaɪ/) is the largest structure in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells, where it primarily serves as the site of ribosome synthesis and assembly.he talk page may contain suggestions. (October 2012). The nucleolus is contained within the cell nucleus. The nucleolus (/nuËËkliËɵlÉs/ ; plural nucleoli /nuËËkliËɵlaɪ/) is the largest structure in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells, where it primarily serves as the site of ribosome synthesis and assembly."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The Nucleolus The nucleolus is a prominent sub-nuclear structure that is not bound by a membrane and resides within the nuclear matrix.Though known to exist since the eighteenth century, the primary function of the nucleolus was not discovered until the 1960s.he Nucleolus The nucleolus is a prominent sub-nuclear structure that is not bound by a membrane and resides within the nuclear matrix."
] |
"represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results",
"what maiden name means"
] | [
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The definition of a maiden name is the surname or birth name a woman has before she marries and takes her husband's last name."
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"If a woman is born with the name âJane Smithâ and she chooses to marry âJohn Jones,â she might choose to change her last name to Jones, becoming âJane Jones.â In this scenario, âSmithâ would be Jane's maiden name. maiden name is the last name used by a woman before changing her name upon marriage. The practice of adopting the husband's surname after marriage is less common than it once was."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"maiden മലയാള à´µàµà´¯à´¾à´àµà´¯à´¾à´¨à´, à´
à´°àµâà´¥à´. Malayalam meaning and translation of the word maiden"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Of, relating to, or befitting a maiden. 2. Being an unmarried girl or woman: a maiden aunt. 3. Being a racehorse that has never won a race. 4. First or earliest: a maiden voyage; a maiden speech in the Senate."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Also traditionally, when a woman marries, she takes the family name of her husband. At⦠that point the family name she used to use, the family name of her father, is called her maiden name because it was her name when she was a maiden. Your mother's maiden name is usually the surname (or family name) of your maternal grandfather."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The mother's maiden name is her surname by birth (the last name of her parents.) Example: A woman's name would be 'Jane Mary Doe' when born and she keeps that name until she m ⦠arries and then she changes her last name to that of her husbands who is John Smith and her name would be Jane Mary Smith.efore marriage, she would use the surname of her father. When a woman was not married, she was a maiden, a woman who never had sexual relations. So the maiden name of a woman is the surname she used before marriage, usually that of her father."
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"Virginia [vir-ginia]â¼ as a girls' name is pronounced vir-JIN-yah. It is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Virginia is maiden. The name was originally spelled Verginia, and was the feminine form of an ancient Roman clan name Verginius. With time, its spelling changed due to its association with the Latin term virgo, meaning maiden."
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"No, your gf is correct. Your maiden name is only referred to a female, of course. Your mother's maiden name is her last name before she married or birth name given.deedee · 6 years ago. just now. Report Abuse. Maiden name is your mother first name, middle name and last name when she was single or not married with your father, it is her complete birth name recorded in her birth certificate."
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"Jennifer [jen-nifer]â¼ as a girls' name is pronounced JEN-ee-fer, JEN-if-er. It is of Welsh origin, and the meaning of Jennifer is fair and smooth. From Gwenhwyfar, which also can mean white waves. Variant of Guinevere. Mythology: in Arthurian tales, Guinevere was Arthur's queen. The name is made popular by film celebrity Jennifer Jones. Literary: Bernard Shaw used the name for the character of Jennifer Dubedat in The Doctor's Dilemma (1905). Jenifer is a spelling variant used especially in Cornwall. See also Gaynor and Ginevra. Actresses Jennifer Gray, Jennifer Jones, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Jennifer O'Neill, Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Connelly, Jennifer Garner, Jennifer Lopez."
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"The mother's maiden name is her surname by birth (the last name of her parents.) Example: A woman's name would be 'Jane Mary Doe' when born and she keeps that name until she m ⦠arries and then she changes her last name to that of her husbands who is John Smith and her name would be Jane Mary Smith."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries For example, ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'What Is a Mononucleosis Spot Test? A mononucleosis spot (or Monospot) test is a blood test used to determine whether or not you are infected with the Epstein-Barr virus, which is the organism that causes infectious mononucleosis. Your doctor may order this test if you have symptoms of mononucleosis.'] should be similar to ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what test would you do for mono']",
"MAIDEN NAME This is not relevant to a person's ability to perform a job and could be used for discriminatory purposes. For example, a woman's maiden name may be used as an indication of her religion or national origin. This item also constitutes an inquiry into marital status which is discussed separately."
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"In German, the name Brunhilde means - an armed warrior maiden.The name Brunhilde originated as an German name. The name Brunhilde is most often used as a girl name or female name. German Name Meaning - an armed warrior maiden. Origin - Germany."
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"When a person (traditionally the wife in many cultures) assumes the family name of his or her spouse, that name replaces the person's birth name, which in the case of the wife is called the maiden name."
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"Best Answer: Shaq's the oldest; he took his mother's maiden name (O'Neal) for a reason. Yes, of course that means what you think it means. He has younger siblings, like Hanan said."
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"In the English-speaking world, until recently it was the universal custom that upon marriage the woman would take the surname of her husband. Before marriage, she would use the surname of her father. When a woman was not married, she was a maiden, a woman who never had sexual relations. So the maiden name of a woman is the surname she used before marriage, usually that of her father. Your mother's maiden name is the surname your mother used before she ever married, and is thus her father's (your maternal grandfather's) surname."
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"You searched for: meaning mothers maiden name ( English - Telugu )"
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"The mother's maiden name is her surname by birth (the last name of her parents.) Example: A woman's name would be 'Jane Mary Doe' when born and she keeps that name until she m ⦠arries and then she changes her last name to that of her husbands who is John Smith and her name would be Jane Mary Smith.our mother's maiden name is her surname before she got married for the first time and took her husband's surname. 2 people found this useful. Edit. Share to: Dodi Tov. 275,914 Contributions. Old ladies are dangerous. Always remember that. I'm an old lady. Follow the logic."
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"Maiden and married names. When a person (traditionally the wife in many cultures) assumes the family name of his or her spouse, that name replaces the person's birth surname, which in the case of the wife is called the maiden name. Birth name is also used as a gender-neutral or masculine substitute for maiden name.."
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"Definition of maiden. 1 1a (1) : not married a maiden aunt (2) : virginb of a female animal (1) : never yet mated (2) : never having borne young. 2 2 : of, relating to, or befitting a maiden. 3 3 : first, earliest a ship's maiden voyage the maiden flight of a spacecraft."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"At ⦠that point the family name she used to use, the family name of her father, is called her maiden name because it was her name when she was a maiden. Your mother's maiden name is usually the surname (or family name) of your maternal grandfather. + 60 others found this useful.Projjal Seal.efore marriage, she would use the surname of her father. When a woman was not married, she was a maiden, a woman who never had sexual relations. So the maiden name of a woman is the surname she used before marriage, usually that of her father."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"At ⦠that point the family name she used to use, the family name of her father, is called her maiden name because it was her name when she was a maiden. Your mother's maiden name is usually the surname (or family name) of your maternal grandfather."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Best Answer: Shaq's the oldest; he took his mother's maiden name (O'Neal) for a reason. Yes, of course that means what you think it means."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n------\nGiven ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'June 24, 2015. Demi Mooreâ\\x80\\x99s recent photo showing off her toned bikini body is quickly becoming the talk of the internet because despite being 52 years old, the actress still looks absolutely stunning. As reported by Hollywood Life,Demi Moore recently celebrated Fatherâ\\x80\\x99s Day with her daughters Tallulah and Scout.'], a positive would be ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results:', 'how old is demi moore?']",
"When a person (traditionally the wife in many cultures) assumes the family name of his or her spouse, that name replaces the person's birth name, which in the case of the wife is called the maiden name. married name is a family name or surname adopted by a person upon marriage. In some jurisdictions, changing one's name requires a legal procedure."
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"exists and is an alternate of . Answers.com® is making the world better one answer at a time. This feminine given name means honest, trustworthy, intelligent, kind, helpful, and beautiful. It can also mean responsible, respectful, and courageous."
"Before marriage, she would use the surname of her father. When a woman was not married, she was a maiden, a woman who never had sexual relations. So the maiden name of a woman is the surname she used before marriage, usually that of her father.Your mother's maiden name is the surname your mother used before she ever married, and is thus her father's (your maternal grandfather's) surname.efore marriage, she would use the surname of her father. When a woman was not married, she was a maiden, a woman who never had sexual relations. So the maiden name of a woman is the surname she used before marriage, usually that of her father."
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"The feminine name Jennifer is taken from the Cornish version of the Welsh name Guinevere, which was originally from the Norman French elements â gwen or âfair and whiteâ and hwyfar or âsmoothâ. The meaning of the name is perfect for the fair, white, smooth actress Jennifer Lawrence. The name became common in the English-speaking world after it was changed to Jennifer, since the 20th century. The name spread like wildfire after George Bernard Shaw featured it in his play âThe Doctorâs Dilemmaâ in 1906. Nowadays, the name has many variations from Jen to Jennie, and can be found all over the world."
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"Meaning of Lassie. Irish name. In Irish, the name Lassie means - young girl, maiden. Other origins for the name Lassie include - Irish, English.The name Lassie is most often used as a girl name or female name. Irish Name Meaning - young girl, maiden."
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"When a person (traditionally the wife in many cultures) assumes the family name of his or her spouse, that name replaces the person's birth name, which in the case of the wife is called the maiden name. Birth name is also used as a gender-neutral or masculine substitute for maiden name.."
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"English to Telugu Dictionary: maiden Meaning and definitions of maiden, translation in Telugu language for maiden with similar and opposite words. Also find spoken pronunciation of maiden in Telugu and in English language. Tags for the entry maiden What maiden means in Telugu, maiden meaning in Telugu, maiden definition, examples and pronunciation of maiden in Telugu language."
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"The name Arwen is of English origin, and it means Royal maiden .he name Arwen is of English origin, and it means Royal maiden ."
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"If you were explaining it to a child, you would say that mother's maiden name is your mother's full name before she got married, that is, her name with her original family name (or surname), the name she used when she was a girl and a young woman, before she started using the title Mrs.."
] |
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"what does ifc drawings mean"
] | [
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"IFC (Issued for construction) means that the drawings and specifications have been approved by the local governing agencies and that these are the plans by which the project will be constructed. Shop drawing is a drawing or set of drawings produced by the contractor, supplier, manufacturer, subcontractor, or fabricator."
] | [
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"An IFSP is a document or written plan. The term âIFSPâ also. refers to the process of determining what services a young. child with developmental delays or disabilities needs. It. uses an âinteragencyâ approach by involving representatives. of several agencies (usually education, health, and human."
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"Interferential Current Therapy (IFC). Targeting the pain site, not the entire body. Interferential Current Therapy (IFC) is a noninvasive therapy indicated for the symptomatic relief from, and management of, chronic intractable pain and post-surgical and post-trauma acute pain.echanism of Interferential Current Therapy. When two medium-frequency circuits of slightly different cycles per second are superimposed, interference is formed which blocks the transmission of pain messages at the spinal cord level."
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"Meaning: A United Nations agency that invests directly in companies and guarantees loans to private investors; affiliated with the World Bank. Classified under: Nouns denoting groupings of people or objects. Synonyms: IFC; International Finance Corporation. Hypernyms (IFC is a kind of...): UN agency; United Nations agency (an agency of the United Nations)"
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"Goal This workbook is intended to familiarize readers with the hazards involvedwith high-piled combustible storage and to provide a basic understanding ofthe high-piled combustible storage provisions in Chapter 32 of the 2012 edi-tion of the International Fire Code ® (IFC ®)."
"Represent the next text",
"Dr. Bhagwagar indicates that sudden changes in the nature of drawings, especially toward Monsters, guns, weapons, âghostsâ, or other such violent or threatening drawings may indicate some inner turmoil. 2."
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"Center for Student Involvement. Interfraternity Council. The Interfraternity Council (IFC) is the governing body for eight of UD's fraternal organizations. The council aids the chapter fraternities in the areas of recruitment, academics, service, public relations, financial and educational programming, and risk management."
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"Interferential Current (IFC) Equipment Interferential current (IFC) therapy is a therapeutic modality that is used often in an orthopedic physical therapy setting. The following article serves as a brief introduction to the modality and itâs uses. A piece of equipment commonly used by physical therapists is the interferential current machine."
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"Statewide Inmate Family Council Message: Local Inmate Family Councils (IFC's) are a gathering of family and friends of the incarcerated who meet regularly with Wardens to support visiting since keeping strong family connections with loved ones is a powerful rehabilitative tool."
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"PDF FILE - CLICK HERE FOR PRINTABLE WORKSHEET. CNC means Computer Numerical Control. This means a computer converts the design produced by Computer Aided Design software (CAD), into numbers. The numbers can be considered to be the coordinates of a graph and they control the movement of the cutter. In this way the computer controls the cutting and shaping of the material."
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"'IFC', All Acronyms, 15 January 2018, <http://www.allacronyms.com/IFC/drawing> [accessed 15 January 2018] Bluebook All Acronyms, IFC (Jan. 15, 2018, 6:01 PM), available at http://www.allacronyms.com/IFC/drawing. CSE All Acronyms. IFC [Internet]; January 15, 2018 [cited 2018 JAN 15]. Available from: http://www.allacronyms.com/IFC/drawing. MHRA 'IFC', All Acronyms, 15 January 2018, <http://www.allacronyms.com/IFC/drawing> [accessed 15 January 2018] Bluebook All Acronyms, IFC (Jan. 15, 2018, 6:01 PM), available at http://www.allacronyms.com/IFC/drawing. CSE All Acronyms. IFC [Internet]; January 15, 2018 [cited 2018 JAN 15]."
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"IFC (Independent Film Channel) (TV channel on DISH Network) DISH Network Channel Number: 133. Broadcast Resolution: High Definition (HD) Channel (100% digital) Video on Demand (VOD) Availability: Not yet available. We have IFC (Independent Film Channel) listed as a General Entertainment TV channel offered by DISH."
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"OPC typically means O rdinary P ortland C ement. This is standard concrete used for many purposes. PPC mean P ozzolanic P ortland C ement. Pozzolans are siliceous material than can be added to concrete mixtures, potentially lower the mix cost without harming the performance characteristics.rdinary Portland Cement (OPC) and Portland Pozzolana cement (PPC) differ primarily in their composition ultimately affecting its applicability. PPC commonly has pozzolan material added to cement (either before clinkering or added to ground clinker). Pozzolan commonly used is fly as and is put upto 15%."
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"Ryan Quincy, who created IFC's 2013 Out There, a lovely small-town coming-of-age cartoon in which he did not bother to make his characters look consistently human, is back in a noisier way with this Disney XD slapstick sci-fi series about a boy and his best friend, a big talking worm with a bushy blond hairdo and beard, rock-hard abs, the manner ..."
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"IFSC is 11 alpha numeric characters code assigned by Reserve Bank of India to bank branches for facilitating online money / fund transfer using NEFT, RTGS or ECS between two bank accounts. The code consists of 11 Characters : (ICIC0002360) 11 alpha numeric characters code assigned by Reserve Bank of India to ICICI Bank Ltd Hyderabad Dlf Branch"
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"What is IFSC code ? The Indian Financial System Code (IFSC) is an alphanumeric code, used to identify a bank-branch participating in the two main electronic funds settlement systems in India, that is, RTGS and NEFT systems which facilitates electronic fund transfer throughout the nation. IFSC is a code is of 11 characters. The first part is the first 4 alphabets representing the Bank. Next character is 0(zero), which is available for future use. The last six are the branch code characters."
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"PDF FILE-CLICK HERE FOR PRINTABLE WORKSHEET CNC means Computer Numerical Control. This means a computer converts the design produced by Computer Aided Design software (CAD), into numbers. The numbers can be considered to be the coordinates of a graph and they control the movement of the cutter. In this way the computer controls the cutting and shaping of the material. HOW THE COORDINATES WORK The way coordinates are used can be seen opposite. The X, Y and Z axis control the movement of the cutter on a 3D CNC machine. This allows materials to be machined in three directions (3D manufacture)."
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"Return to top. A GIC is a group annuity contract issued by a life insurance company to a tax-qualified pension plan as an investment. The acronym refers variously to Guaranteed Interest Contracts, Guaranteed Investment Contracts, and Guaranteed Insurance Contracts."
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"The International Building Code (IBC) is a model building code developed by the International Code Council (ICC). It has been adopted throughout most of the United States.or example, the building code sets criteria for the number, size and location of exits in the design of a building while the fire code requires the exits of a completed and occupied building to be unblocked."
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"What does THOT mean? What does IANAL mean? What does MCM mean on Instagram? What does Ayy LMAO mean? What does WCW mean? What does TBT mean? What does OOTD mean? What does SMH mean? What does OOH KILL âEM mean? What does TLDR mean? TL;DR; Plural of Crisis; What does igers mean on Instagram? What does FOH mean on Instagram; What does FBF mean on Instagram? What does FML mean?"
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"IFC Certification Ltd is a UKAS accredited and internationally recognised provider of high quality customer focused independent third party certification. IFC Certification Ltd is also a Notified Certification Body for certificating products for CE Marking under the Construction Products Directive."
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"You can import .ifc files into the SolidWorks software to include information from models originally created with structural software applications. IGES Files (*.igs, *.iges) The IGES translator can import and export IGES surfaces and BREP solids. JPEG Files"
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"The Interfraternity Council (IFC) is the coordinating and governing board of 18 social fraternities at the University of Arizona. IFC is made up of 8 executive officers in charge of various aspects of Greek Life, as well as the president and delegate from each fraternity. Our goal as an organization is to lead the U of A's Greek Community, one of the nation's strongest, in the right direction."
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"Interferential Current (IFC) Equipment. Interferential current (IFC) therapy is a therapeutic modality that is used often in an orthopedic physical therapy setting. The following article serves as a brief introduction to the modality and itâs uses.A piece of equipment commonly used by physical therapists is the interferential current machine.This machine produces electrical currents (~4000HZ) that pass through the affected area of the patient.he following article serves as a brief introduction to the modality and itâs uses. A piece of equipment commonly used by physical therapists is the interferential current machine. This machine produces electrical currents (~4000HZ) that pass through the affected area of the patient."
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"IFC. A form of electrotherapy in which a current having specific properties is used to alleviate pain or facilitate healing in deep body tissues. The current used in IFC is produced by the interference of two medium-frequency (kiloHertz) sinusoidal alternating currents of slightly different frequencies. The nature of this interference creates an amplitude-modulated current that can be adjusted to produce various physiological effects. 1 Facebook."
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"Utility-Scale Solar Photovoltaic. Power Plants. In partnershIp wIth. a project Developerâs GuIDe. The material in this work is copyrighted. Copying and/or transmitting portions. or all of this work without permission may be a violation of applicable law. IFC does not guarantee the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the content."
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"ORC is a realistic racing simulator that is based on real world cars using a physics engine that was developed in partnership with a formula 1 team. This means that the simulator has been tried by a team of formula 1 engineers and tested by a formula 1 driver to ensure maximum realism."
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"IFSC is a 11 digit code The first four characters of this alphanumeric code disclose the name of the bank. The fifth character has been kept zero to accommodate expansion of branches. Last 6 characters in the code tell the exact location of the bank. The IFSC code is even printed on the cheque books issued by all banks and one can know the IFSC code by looking at the cheque slip. ICIC BANK BRANCH (ICICI BANK LTD)"
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"1 Q: In 2005 or near that time, I watched a movie on IFC that was a simulated newscast about a group of young people in a tent in the New Jersey woods being pursued by someone or something. 2 Can you tell me the name of the movie and whether it is available o."
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"What is an Indefinite Quantity Contract (IQC)? An Indefinite Quantity Contract (IQC) is an umbrella contract that allows USAID missions to use the services of prequalified contractors through a limited competitive bidding process or by sole-sourcing, thereby expediting the award-making process. The awards, called task orders, can be for any value."
"An offshore financial centre (OFC) is a small, low-tax jurisdiction specializing in providing corporate and commercial services to non-resident offshore companies, and for the investment of offshore funds. The term was coined in the 1980s. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) defines an offshore financial centre as a country or jurisdiction that provides financial services to nonresidents on a scale that is incommensurate with the size and the financing of its domestic economy.."
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"Traders decide to open positions of high or low volumes. So, trading volume is the size of a position that is opened, no matter the position is long or short. Mainly, position volumes are expressed in lots, while in NetTradeX trading station, provided by IFC Markets all positions are expressed in volumes, not in lots."
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"At other times, they do not intersect and the amplitude is the difference of the two frequencies. Indications IFC is used for pain management, edema reduction, and muscle spasm reduction. AdministrationTechniques IFC settings may differ from machine to machine."
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"The most important concept of IFR flying is that separation is maintained regardless of weather conditions. In controlled airspace, air traffic control (ATC) separates IFR aircraft from obstacles and other aircraft using a flight clearance based on route, time, distance, speed, and altitude."
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"What does de mean? What does derecho mean? What does esta mean? What does Juez mean? What does poder mean? What does por favor mean? What does puede mean? What does que mean? What does ser mean? What does su mean What does tener mean? What does tiene mean? What does un mean? What does usted mean? workers compensation"
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"Inferential current (IFC) electrical stimulation is a type of electrical stimulation that your physical therapist may use to help decrease your pain and improve circulation to injured tissues. The IFC works much like TENS, but the current can be easily moved and varied to target your most painful area of injury."
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"Guidance for Schools. About IFC. IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, creates opportunity for people to escape poverty. and improve their lives. We foster sustainable economic growth in developing countries by. supporting private sector development, mobilizing capital for private enterprise, and pro-."
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"The Indian Financial System Code (IFSC) is an alphanumeric unique arrangement of digits and letters or code which represents a particular bank or a particular branch taking part in four main Electronic Funds Settlement Systems prevalent in India.These four Electronic Funds Settlement Systems are: 1 1.ach bank has a unique IFSC code. The IFSC code is primarily used by the RTGS, NEFT, CFMS and IMPS systems to relay the messages from the source to the destination, In short IFSC is used to route the message from originating bank to the destination bank."
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"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The Indian Financial System Code (IFS Code or IFSC) is an alphanumeric code that facilitates electronic funds transfer in India."
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"ARCHIVED: What is UNC? Universal Naming Convention (UNC), also called Uniform Naming Convention, is a NetBIOS naming format for identifying and specifying the location of servers, printers, and other resources on a local area network (LAN)."
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"Instrument meteorological conditions. Instrument meteorological conditions (IMC) is an aviation flight category that describes weather conditions that require pilots to fly primarily by reference to instruments, and therefore under instrument flight rules (IFR), rather than by outside visual references under visual flight rules (VFR)."
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"The International Building Code (IBC) is a model building code developed by the International Code Council (ICC). It has been adopted throughout most of the United States.ome changes in the use of a building often expose the entire building to the requirement to comply fully with provisions of the code applicable to the new use because the applicability of the code is use-specific."
"Represent the input!",
"The Independent Film Channel (IFC) can be found on Channel #564 on the DIRECTV Channels List. It is also available in HD (High Definition). Only 3 DIRECTV packages carry this channel. If you are interested in signing up and you want this channel, then you will find it on Choice, Choice Ultimate and Premier. IFC is a channel that delivers independent movies and TV shows. If you are a film fan, you will appreciate what this channel has to offer. Not only are the independent movies great, but you also get to see fan favorites, TV shows that were rescued from cancellation, original series and so much more."
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"Quaeitur Mod'elle Lille, France. French. IFC - Issued for construction. This is in a list of definitions at the beginning of a document describing the requirements of a client regarding a building he wants constructed. There is nothing more, and I can't find a definition, let alone an appropriate translation."
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"Shop Drawings. T. he review and approval ofshop drawings is a careful. and methodical process. After âcheckingâ structural. steel shop drawings for. nearly 30 years, I have developed my. approach to the procedure, based on. the one that is described in the AIA. General Conditions of the Contract of Con-. struction as follows: â4.2.7: The Architect will review and."
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"International Building Code. The International Building Code (IBC) is a model building code developed by the International Code Council (ICC). It has been adopted and use as a base code standard throughout most of the United States. The IBC addresses both health and safety concerns for buildings based upon prescriptive and performance related requirements."
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"Both are very good at modelling (visually and with IFC attributes etc) the building, it's services and structure. Both can create good rendered images and fly-throughs, without resorting to different software and both will import SketchUp 'sketches'."
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"IFR=Instrument flight rules. Short answer, ATC knows where you are, who you are, and where you're going, they keep track of you by voice and on radar and provide navigation services. And yes, jets only use IFR. VFR=Visual flight rules. You're on your own, you don't talk to anyone and are responsible for your own navigation. Of course, ATC is at your disposal and will help in every way possible whether you are VFR or IFR. Thats their job, thats what they do, a lot of pilots are afraid to call them up when they are VFR."
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"Indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA)âthis is a method in which a person's blood sample is mixed with cells that are affixed to a slide. Autoantibodies that may be present in the blood react with the cells. The slide is treated with a fluorescent antibody reagent and examined under a microscope."
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"DEFINITION of 'Fully Funded Documentary Letter Of Credit-FFDLC'. A written promise of payment provided by a buyer to a seller that is guaranteed to clear by a particular bank.Once an FFDLC document is presented by the seller to the involved bank, the bank is obliged to remit full payment to the seller.The seller may be required to fulfill certain conditions, such as providing proof of shipment of the goods sold to the buyer, before collecting payment from the bank.nce an FFDLC document is presented by the seller to the involved bank, the bank is obliged to remit full payment to the seller. The seller may be required to fulfill certain conditions, such as providing proof of shipment of the goods sold to the buyer, before collecting payment from the bank."
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"Your ANC can indicate your risk of infection. ANC is computed from a blood test called a differential, which shows the percentages or quantities of various types of white cells in your blood. For more information about your ANC and what it means, see ANC: Absolute Neutrophil Count."
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"iFrame is a digital video format developed by Apple. It is based on existing industry standards, such as AVC/H.264, AAC and QuickTime, and can be used with compatible Mac and PC applications. The format has been created to simplify video editing."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Interferential current (IFC) therapy is a therapeutic modality that is used often in an orthopedic physical therapy setting.The following article serves as a brief introduction to the modality and itâs uses. A piece of equipment commonly used by physical therapists is the interferential current machine.This machine produces electrical currents (~4000HZ) that pass through the affected area of the patient.he following article serves as a brief introduction to the modality and itâs uses. A piece of equipment commonly used by physical therapists is the interferential current machine. This machine produces electrical currents (~4000HZ) that pass through the affected area of the patient."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Why people doodle, what the shapes mean and how to interpret doodle drawings and scribbles. Discover the meaning and symbolism of doodles. Why people doodle, what the shapes mean and how to interpret doodle drawings and scribbles."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Clients view IFC as a provider and mobilizer of scarce capital, knowledge, and long-term partnerships that can help address critical constraints in areas such as finance, infrastructure, employee skills, and the regulatory environment. IFC is also a leading mobilizer of third-party resources for its projects. Our willingness to engage in difficult environments and our leadership in crowding-in private finance enable us to extend our footprint and have a development impact well beyond our direct resources."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"A battery eliminator circuit (BEC) is an electronic circuit designed to deliver electrical power to other circuitry without the need for multiple batteries. Historically the expression was sometimes used to describe devices used to power battery-driven equipment from mains electricity."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Budget Division. The Interim Finance Committee (IFC) is composed of members of the Senate Committee on Finance and the Assembly Committee on Ways and Means from the preceding session."
"Represent text",
"File a complaint with the FTC The Internet Fraud Complaint Center (IFCC) addresses fraud committed over the Internet. For victims of Internet fraud, IFCC provides a reporting mechanism that alerts authorities of a suspected criminal or civil violation. File a complaint with the IFC; Better Business Bureau has resources to help facilitate the resolution of your complaint."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"TERM DEFINITION Authorization Request Cryptogram (ARQC) A cryptogram used for a process called Online Card Authentication. This cryptogram is generated by the card for transactions requiring online authorization. It is the result of card, terminal, and transaction data encrypted by a DES key."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"IFR stands for instrument flight rules â the set of rules that govern aircraft that fly in IMC, or instrument meteorological conditions. In general terms, instrument flying means flying in the clouds. Itâs called instrument flight because the pilot navigates only by reference to the instruments in the aircraft cockpit."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"About IFC. The Interim Finance Committee (IFC) is composed of members of the Senate Committee on Finance and the Assembly Committee on Ways and Means from the preceding session."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"IFD (Issued for Design) An Issued for Design (IFD) means that drawings or documents are issued for further development of design or used for other disciplinesâ design. Related Definitions: Document Review and Approval. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window) Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"M. GPM means gallons per minute. N. Hydrant branch means the pipe leading from the water main to the hydrant. O. IBC means the International Building Code as adopted and amended by the city of Mill Creek. P. IFC means the International Fire Code as adopted, updated, and amended by the city of Mill Creek."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Answer added by: Jose Rodriguez Architectural Coordinator 3 years ago. Issued for Construction drawings are sets of detailed design drawings prepared by the Design Consultant and are integral part of the Contract Documents. Contractual issues arise between Tender Drawings and IFC Drawings, as the case maybe."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"issued for construction drawings are sets of detailed design drawings prepared by the design consultant and are integral part of the contract documents contractual issues arise between tender drawings and ifc drawings as the case"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A table of contents, usually headed simply Contents and abbreviated informally as TOC, is a list, usually found on a page before the start of a written work, of its chapter or section titles or brief descriptions with their commencing page numbers. Contents."
] |
"represent this",
"what airports access jackson hole wy"
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"West Yellowstone Airport. If you're traveling to the Jackson area in summer, West Yellowstone Airport provides the closest access to Yellowstone National Park. You can rent a car at the airport, then drive south 130 miles through Yellowstone and Grand Teton via U.S. Highway 191 to reach Jackson."
] | [
"The Jackson-Evers International Airport is located 12 miles east of downtown Jackson. There are no hotels in the Jackson Airport. 1 room 2 rooms 3 rooms 4 rooms 5 rooms 6 rooms 7 rooms 8 rooms 9 rooms 10+."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"All Homewood Suites by Hilton Jackson Hotel, WY - Exterior-with-Mountain-closeup-of-entry-from-street Enjoy the quaintness and spectacular scenery of Jackson Hole from the Hilton Garden Inn Jackson, Wyoming. Located walking distance to the historic Jackson Hole town square."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Jackson WY Police Jail. Jackson WY Police Jail. Jackson WY Police Jail is a police jail for housing inmates immediately after their arrest. Inmates are only held here temporarily and are provided with meals and access to bathroom facilities. Use the inmate search feature to find an inmate here."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Western Wyoming fire closes route to Jackson Hole. This photo provided by the U.S. Forest Service shows a dirt road that leads toward a wildfire that has burned at the Bridger-Teton National Forest near Moran, Wyo., Tuesday, July 19, 2016."
"Represent text",
"Travel time is an important point to know with the driving distance. Hence you might also want to know the Travel Time from Jackson Hole to COLTER BAY VILLAGE YELLOWSTONE WY. This will help you estimate how much time you will spend travelling for the distance from Jackson Hole to COLTER BAY VILLAGE YELLOWSTONE WY."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Over the course of May at Jackson Hole Airport, the length of the day is rapidly increasing. From the start to the end of the month, the length of the day increases by 1 hour, 1 minute, implying an average daily increase of 2 minutes, 3 seconds, and weekly increase of 14 minutes, 19 seconds."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Jackson is served by Jackson-Evers International Airport, located at Allen C. Thompson Field, east of the city in Pearl in Rankin County. Its IATA code is JAN. The airport has non-stop service to six cities throughout the United States and is served by 4 scheduled carriers (American, Delta, United, and US Airways).n Jackson, shortly after midnight on June 12, 1963, Medgar Evers, civil rights activist and leader of the Mississippi chapter of the NAACP, was murdered by Byron De La Beckwith, a white supremacist."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"View our Video. View All Events Photo Gallery. Your passport to the ultimate Jackson Hole adventure is here at The Inn at Jackson Hole in Teton Village, Wyoming. Our Jackson Hole hotel is located at the base of Jackson Hole Mountain Resort, steps from the entrance to Grand Teton National Park, and an hour from Yellowstone National Park."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Hotels near Jackson Airport - JAN. The Jackson-Evers International Airport is located 12 miles east of downtown Jackson. There are no hotels in the Jackson Airport. The closest hotels are south of the airport near US 80."
"Jackson Hole, Wyoming: gateway to Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks, world-class skiing, and abundant wildlife. Toggle navigation Town Of Jackson About Jackson"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport (IATA: DTW, ICAO: KDTW), sometimes called Detroit Metropolitan Airport, Detroit Metro Wayne Airport, Metro Airport, or simply DTW, is a major airport in Romulus, Michigan, a suburb of Detroit. The airport is accessible from I-94, which is the closest entrance to the Berry and Smith Terminals. The McNamara Terminal is immediately accessible from I-275. John D. Dingell Drive is an expressway that runs from I-94 to Eureka Road. This expressway was built in 1999 for access to the McNamara Terminal."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The length of the day at Jackson Hole Airport varies significantly over the course of the year. In 2017, the shortest day is December 21, with 8 hours, 56 minutes of daylight; the longest day is June 21, with 15 hours, 26 minutes of daylight."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Check the Flight distance between Jackson Hole and COLTER BAY VILLAGE YELLOWSTONE WY.Travel time is an important point to know with the driving distance. Hence you might also want to know the Travel Time from Jackson Hole to COLTER BAY VILLAGE YELLOWSTONE WY."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The clearer part of the year at Jackson Hole Airport begins around June 10 and lasts for 126 days, ending around October 14. On July 28, the clearest day of the year, the sky is clear, mostly clear, or partly cloudy 78% of the time, and overcast or mostly cloudy 22% of the time."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Jackson Hole in Mid-March (4 replies) Jackson Hole Honeymoon (4 replies) Latest news from Jackson, WY collected exclusively by city-data.com from local newspapers, TV, and radio stations. Ancestries: German (16.4%), English (12.0%), United States (11.2%), Irish (7.7%), Italian (3.3%), Scottish (2.8%)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The latest sunrise of the month at Jackson Hole Airport is 6:14 AM on May 1 and the earliest sunrise is 30 minutes earlier at 5:44 AM on May 31. The earliest sunset is 8:25 PM on May 1 and the latest sunset is 31 minutes later at 8:57 PM on May 31."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Most of the parking near Jackson Jackson Evers International Airport is run by the Parking Authority and offers on-site airport parking."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Major airports near Jackson-Medgar Wiley Evers International Airport: The nearest major airport is Meridian Regional Airport (MEI / KMEI). This airport has domestic flights from Meridian, Mississippi and is 85 miles from JAN. Another major airport is Hattiesburg-Laurel Regional Airport (PIB / KPIB), which has domestic flights from Hattiesburg, Mississippi and is 93 miles from JAN."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"How much would be the distance if one could just fly from Jackson Hole to COLTER BAY VILLAGE YELLOWSTONE WY like a bird in a staight line? Check the Flight distance between Jackson Hole and COLTER BAY VILLAGE YELLOWSTONE WY."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Jackson Hole JAC. Jackson, WY (0 miles) Fanning Field IDA. Idaho Falls, ID (67 miles) Bozeman Yellowstone BZN. Belgrade, MT (152 miles) Billings Logan BIL. Billings, MT (187 miles)"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Jackson-Medgar Wiley Evers International Airport. Planning a trip on a budget is easy with Orbitz.com, which can help travelers locate cheap flights from Jackson. The Jackson-Medgar Wiley Evers International Airport is located nine miles from downtown Jackson, Mississippi on International Drive."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Distance, Gas Consumption and Emission Notes Distance from Yellowstone National Park, WY to Jackson Hole, WY is 100Miles or 161 Km. You can get this distance about 2 hours 16 mins."
] |
"A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"diet to reduce eye pressure"
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Avoid trans fats. As mentioned above, omega-3 fatty acids help to reduce intraocular pressure. However, foods that are high in trans fats prevent the omega-3s from working properly, which can lead to increased eye pressure. 1 As a result, it's a good idea to limit your intake of foods rich in trans fats."
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Daily supplements of flaxseed oil or fish oil, when used alone or in tandem with lubricating eye drops, appear to reduce dry eye symptoms, including burning, stinging, redness and intermittent visual disturbances. If you are a vegetarian, ground flax seeds or flaxseed oil will likely be your preferred choice. 2 Ground flax seeds are more economical than either fish oil or flaxseed oil supplements. 3 The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classifies omega-3 fatty acids from fish as GRAS (Generally Regarded as Safe)."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n------\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'â\\x80¢ Genus is the first name, and the species is the second name of a scientific name of any organism. â\\x80¢ Genus ranks higher compared to species in the hierarchy of taxonomy. â\\x80¢ Two fertile animals from one species can produce a fertile progeny, whereas two animals from one genus could or could not do so.hese two are the lowest considerable taxonomic levels, but rank above subspecies or breeds or types. However, many used to confuse the two terms, genus and species. Before understanding the difference between the two, it is important to know the meanings of genus and species, and this article follows that.']\" Match: \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is the difference between genus and species names?']\"",
"Foods such as carrots, tomatoes, bell peppers, strawberries, pumpkin, corn and cantaloupe are excellent sources of vitamins A and C. And carotenoids the compounds that give these fruits and vegetables their yellow, orange and red pigments are thought to help decrease the risk of many eye diseases. Legumes."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Foods rich in sulfur, cysteine, and lecithin help protect the lens of your eye from cataract formation. Excellent choices include garlic, onions, shallots, and capers. Anthocyanin-rich blueberries, grapes, and goji berries have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can help improve your vision."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, which has been shown to help reduce blood pressure. An Australian study found that by getting at least 25 mg of lycopene in your diet every day, you can lower your LDL (the 'bad' cholesterol) by up to 10 percent. Researchers say that's as much a difference as a low dose statin."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"1 Foods rich in sulfur, cysteine, and lecithin help protect the lens of your eye from cataract formation. Excellent choices include garlic, onions, shallots, and capers. Anthocyanin-rich blueberries, grapes, and goji berries have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can help improve your vision."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, which has been shown to help reduce blood pressure. An Australian study found that by getting at least 25 mg of lycopene in your diet every day, you can lower your LDL (the 'bad' cholesterol) by up to 10 percent.Researchers say that's as much a difference as a low dose statin.ne study in particular said just two bananas a day can reduce your blood pressure by 10 percent! Other potassium-rich foods include potatoes, dates, and avocados. 2. Egg Whites. You can start your day off with a blood-pressure easing breakfast. Have some eggs, but go easy on the yolk."
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"These reduce the production of fluid in your eye, thereby lowering the pressure in your eye (intraocular pressure). Examples include timolol (Betimol, Timoptic) and betaxolol (Betoptic). Possible side effects include difficulty breathing, slowed heart rate, lower blood pressure, impotence and fatigue."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"This product contains two drugs used to treat high pressure inside the eye due to glaucoma (open angle-type) or other eye diseases (e.g., ocular hypertension). Lowering high pressure inside the eye helps to prevent blindness. This medication works by decreasing the amount of fluid within the eye."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Eating a diet that is rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products and skimps on saturated fat and cholesterol can lower your blood pressure by up to 14 mm Hg. This eating plan is known as the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet.ven a small reduction in the sodium in your diet can reduce blood pressure by 2 to 8 mm Hg. The effect of sodium intake on blood pressure varies among groups of people. In general, limit sodium to less than 2,300 milligrams (mg) a day or less."
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"Prescription eyedrop medications include: 1 Prostaglandins. These increase the outflow of the fluid in your eye (aqueous humor) and reduce pressure in your eye. 2 Beta blockers. These reduce the production of fluid in your eye, thereby lowering the pressure in your eye (intraocular pressure). 3 Alpha-adrenergic agonists."
"Represent the following document",
"1. Maintain a balanced diet. A diet composed of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy can lower your blood pressure by as much as 14 mm Hg, especially when that diet also contains minimal amounts of saturated fats and cholesterol. 1 Dietary changes are usually the first step in dropping your blood pressure. Scientists generally agree that potassium is a vital addition to any diet designed to lower blood pressure. 2 Good sources of potassium include peas, bananas, potatoes, tomatoes, orange juice, kidney beans, cantaloupe, honeydew melons, and raisins."
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"Spinach: Rich in vitamins A and C, which help to prevent the clogging plaque from developing. Popeyeâs favorite food also contains lots of potassium and folic acid, thus lowering blood pressure. 7. Olive oil: A source of omega-3 fatty acids, olive oil is one of the good oils."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Easy Ways to Lower Cholesterol and Reduce Blood Pressure. 1 6 tips for getting your heart in shape from an NFL nutritionist. 2 1. Get Trim. 3 2. Cut Back on âBadâ Fats. 4 3. Eat at Least 25 Grams of Fiber Daily. 5 4. Have Fish Twice a Week. 6 5. Exercise for 30 Minutes Nearly Every Day. 7 6. Make Friends with Your Doctor."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Healthy food can help control blood pressure and lower the risk of high blood pressure (hypertension). The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) eating plan: 1 Emphasizes vegetables, fruit, and fat-free or low-fat dairy products. Includes whole grains, fish, poultry, vegetable oils, and beans, seeds, and nuts."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"Eating a diet that is rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products and skimps on saturated fat and cholesterol can lower your blood pressure by up to 14 mm Hg. This eating plan is known as the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet."
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"Eye pressure may also increase due to the use of topical steroid eye drops, which are used to treat eye inflammation. Typically, a healthy eye has an eye pressure of between 10 and 21 mm of mercury. On a daily basis this can increase or decrease due to exercise, stress, fluid consumption and even caffeine."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\nFewshot example: \"['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.', 'Location of Napa on a map. Napa is a city found in California, The United States Of America. It is located 38.30 latitude and -122.29 longitude and it is situated at elevation 9 meters above sea level. Napa has a population of 76,915 making it the 110th biggest city in California. It operates on the PDT time zone, which means that it follows the same time zone as Los Angeles.']\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results.', 'where is napa']\"",
"Healthy Foods to Protect Eye Health. Eating right can keep our eyes healthy and lower the risk of eye disease. There are some foods that are particularly important for maintaining eye health. These are the foods that are rich in lutein, zeaxanthin, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids and fiber. Kale: Like other leafy dark green vegetables, Kale is rich in lutein and zeaxanthin. These nutrients are concentrated in the retina and lens, playing an important role lowering risk of AMD and cataracts, and providing protection against retinal damage."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"To improve your eyesight, you must regularly eat spinach along with other green vegetables, such as kale, Swiss chard, turnips, mustard leaves and collard greens. Spinach contains a lot of nutrients including vitamin A, lutein and zeaxanthin that are good for the eyes."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Apart from maintaining good eye health with regular visits to the optician, there are diet changes you can make that will help improve your eyesight and general eye health: Eat leafy greens, kale and spinach. Studies show that eating foods rich in carotenoids reduce the risk of age-related eyesight degeneration."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Just as you reduce stress to reduce your blood pressure, you should try reducing stress in order to reduce your eye pressure as elevated levels of stress have been linked with elevated eye pressure. Physicians report that stress is a rising concern for people in all types of jobs."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Natural Ways to Lower Your Eye Pressure. You do have another option, though, as surprising as it may sound the same lifestyle changes that lower blood pressure typically also work to lower your eye pressure, thereby helping to prevent and even treat glaucoma without a risk of side effects."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Dietary recommendations for lowering blood pressure, such as the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet, include reducing your intake of fat, sodium, and alcohol. The DASH guidelines also suggest eating more foods rich in potassium, calcium, and magnesium. In general, you should eat more low-fat protein sources, whole grains, and plenty of fruits and vegetables. The following slides present some of the best foods you can eat to lower your blood pressure."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The DASH diet encourages you to reduce the sodium in your diet and eat a variety of foods rich in nutrients that help lower blood pressure, such as potassium, calcium and magnesium. By following the DASH diet, you may be able to reduce your blood pressure by a few points in just two weeks.he DASH diet encourages you to reduce the sodium in your diet and eat a variety of foods rich in nutrients that help lower blood pressure, such as potassium, calcium and magnesium. By following the DASH diet, you may be able to reduce your blood pressure by a few points in just two weeks."
"represent the next text.",
"Latanoprost was the first prostaglandin to be approved as first-line treatment for elevated eye pressure. Three newer prostaglandins are travoprost (Travatan), bimatoprost (Lumigan),and tafluprost (Zioptan). These drugs are used to reduce eye pressure in patients with open-angle glaucoma and high ocular pressure. Side effects include itching, redness, and burning during administration. Muscle and joint pain may also occur."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"Certain fruits and vegetables with higher vitamin A and C content have been shown to reduce glaucoma risk as well. Some of the most helpful fruits and vegetables for healthy vision are: collard greens, cabbage, kale, spinach, Brussels sprouts, celery, carrots, peaches, radishes, green beans, and beets. Because oxidative stress is associated with damage to the optic nerve in glaucoma, antioxidants may help to prevent further injury."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Prescription medicines to lower the pressure inside the eye (intraocular pressure, or IOP) are used to treat all types of glaucoma. They work either by reducing the amount of fluid (aqueous humor) that is produced by the eye or by increasing the amount of fluid that drains out of the eye. These medicines may be given as eyedrops, as pills, in liquid form by mouth, or through a vein (in emergency situations). In most cases, eyedrops are used first."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Along with being a food to help lower blood pressure, spinach is also packed with dietary fiber, iron, and vitamins A and C, making it an essential food in any diet. Thinkstock Eat Flaxseed for Omega-3 Fatty Acids and to Help Lower Blood Pressure"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"There's more to eye nutrition than just carrots. Learn which foods boost your eye health and help protect against sight-threatening diseases. Fish. Cold-water fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines and mackerel are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which may help protect against dry eyes, macular degeneration and even cataracts."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"There's more to eye nutrition than just carrots. Learn which foods boost your eye health and help protect against sight-threatening diseases. Cold-water fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines and mackerel are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which may help protect against dry eyes, macular degeneration and even cataracts."
"Therefore, I always recommend an anti-inflammatory diet for anyone who has recently suffered a concussion, and dark chocolate is certainly included in this diet because of its beneficial anti-inflammatory properties. Dr. Stekaâs article also states that flavanols can help reduce blood pressure."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A glaucoma valve is a medical shunt used in the treatment of glaucoma to reduce the eye 's intraocular pressure (IOP). glaucoma valve is a medical shunt used in the treatment of glaucoma to reduce the eye 's intraocular pressure (IOP)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Eating a diet that is rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products and skimps on saturated fat and cholesterol can lower your blood pressure by up to 14 mm Hg. This eating plan is known as the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet.ating a diet that is rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products and skimps on saturated fat and cholesterol can lower your blood pressure by up to 14 mm Hg. This eating plan is known as the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Getting your exercise may be a natural way to help reduce eye pressure, states the Mayo Clinic. An isokinetic exercise, such as riding a stationary bike at a controlled rate of speed, has shown dramatic results in lowering intraocular pressure."
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"Answers (2) Yes, it is normal for you to have the eye pressure go up and down because the eye pressure is influenced by many factors. If your mood is not stable, your eye pressure may easily be unstable. If your everyday diet is not that healthy, your eye pressure may get high."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The type of eye pressure you experience will determine how effective exercise will or will not be. If you have open-angled glaucoma, for instance, exercise will help reduce your eye pressure. In all cases, do not do head-down yoga positions or stretches. These postures are known to increase eye pressure. Avoid isometric exercises, otherwise known as muscle contractions, since these also raise eye pressure."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"1. Spinach. To improve your eyesight, you must regularly eat spinach along with other green vegetables, such as kale, Swiss chard, turnips, mustard leaves and collard greens. Spinach contains a lot of nutrients including vitamin A, lutein and zeaxanthin that are good for the eyes."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Good Eyesight: Spinach is a rich source of beta carotene, lutein and xanthene, all of which are beneficial for eyesight. Beta carotene is supplied to the eyes by cooked spinach. It can prevent people from suffering from vitamin A deficiency, itching eyes, eye ulcers and dry eyes."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Research indicates that eating more omega-3 fatty acids may relieve the symptoms of dry eyes. This fat is known to reduce inflammation in the body. It may help relieve dry eyes by reducing eye inflammation, allowing for more tear production and higher quality tears. You can use omega-3 supplements, or eat more foods rich in this nutrient, such as:"
"Represent the input",
"Eye Benefits of Vitamins and Micronutrients. A healthy diet for your eyes should include plenty of colorful fruits and vegetables. The following vitamins, minerals and other nutrients have been shown to be essential for good vision and may protect your eyes from sight-robbing conditions and diseases.eta-carotene. 1 Eye benefits of beta-carotene: When taken in combination with zinc and vitamins C and E, beta-carotene may reduce the progression of macular degeneration. 2 Food sources: Carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, kale, butternut squash. 3 RDA: None (most supplements contain 5,000 to 25,000 IU)."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"Dietary recommendations for lowering blood pressure, such as the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet, include reducing your intake of fat, sodium, and alcohol. The DASH guidelines also suggest eating more foods rich in potassium, calcium, and magnesium.In general, you should eat more low-fat protein sources, whole grains, and plenty of fruits and vegetables. The following slides present some of the best foods you can eat to lower your blood pressure.mprovements in this ratio can help with lowering blood pressure. Leafy greens like romaine lettuce, arugula, kale, turnip greens, collard greens, and spinach are high in potassium. Try to opt for fresh or frozen greens, as canned vegetables often have added sodium."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A diet high in saturated fats and sugar lacks the antioxidants needed for good eye health. A diet high in saturated fats also creates substances that put the health of your eyes at risk, such as arterial plaque, which can cause restricted blood flow in the blood vessels in your eyes.ome Excellent Choices for Feeding Healthy Eyes. The following list of foods provides good to excellent antioxidant support for your eyes: 1 Green vegetables like broccoli, green beans, spinach, peas and Brussels sprouts. 2 Carrots, celery and corn. 3 Leafy lettuce. 4 Sweet potatoes and yams."
"3. Eat a healthy diet. Eating a diet that is rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products and skimps on saturated fat and cholesterol can lower your blood pressure by up to 14 mm Hg. This eating plan is known as the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"1 And, it can damage the blood vessels in your retina, also obstructing blood flow. Eat plenty of fresh, dark green leafy vegetables, especially kale. Your mother was right â eat your vegetables. Studies have shown that a diet rich in dark leafy greens helps support eye health."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Blueberries, grapes, and goji contain anti-inflammatory properties, such as anthocyanin, that will help improve your vision. About 1,000 mg of omega-3 fatty acids per day will help prevent macular degeneration (AMD) and dry eyes. Salmon, mackerel, herring, flaxseeds, and walnuts are high in omega-3 fatty acids."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Following a diet that emphasises the intake of vegetables, fruits and whole grains, including low-fat dairy products, such as in the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) , may be combined with exercise and weight loss to maximise blood pressure reduction."
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"Spinach, collard greens, and kale can help the eyes as well as the prostate. These leafy green vegetables have plenty of lutein and zeaxanthin. Both nutrients protect against cataracts and age-related macular degeneration, an eye disease that impairs vision."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Carrots are a rich source of vitamin A, or beta-carotene, which helps protect the surface of your eyes. Other foods that are rich in vitamin A are liver, milk, pumpkins, eggs, sweet potatoes, and spinach. Vitamin A can help to prevent cataracts and dry eye syndrome."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"But eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetablesâparticularly dark leafy greens, such as spinach, kale, or collard greensâis important for keeping your eyes healthy, too. Research has also shown there are eye health benefits from eating fish high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, tuna, and halibut."
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"Dietary recommendations for lowering blood pressure, such as the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet, include reducing your intake of fat, sodium, and alcohol. The DASH guidelines also suggest eating more foods rich in potassium, calcium, and magnesium.In general, you should eat more low-fat protein sources, whole grains, and plenty of fruits and vegetables. The following slides present some of the best foods you can eat to lower your blood pressure.kim milk is an excellent source of calcium and is low in fat, another important element of a diet for lowering blood pressure. Swap out your higher-fat milk for skim milk, or if you donât care for milk, eat more low-fat or non-fat yogurt. Just watch out for those that are high in sugar."
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"COMBIGAN® lowers eye pressure slightly less than taking both brimonidine tartrate taken 3 times a day and timolol maleate taken 2 times a day.7. COMBIGAN® is approved to lower pressure in the eyes of people with primary open-angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension (both conditions involve high pressure in the eye)."
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"A healthy diet rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables and low-fat foods can lower your blood pressure and promote overall heart health. Reduce sodium in your diet can also help. Limit sodium to 2,300 milligrams (mg) a day or less."
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"Strengthening Your Eyesight with Nutrition. 1 1. Increase your lutein intake. Lutein is a nutrient sometimes known as the eye vitamin. 2 2. Include omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. These essential nutrients can slow macular degeneration, help prevent cataracts, and improve dry eye symptoms."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"How about a simple list of 10 foods to eat for healthy eyes? Whole Grains. Whole Grains are good for your eyes, because they have a low glycemic index as opposed to other common types of carbs (white rice, pasta, processed bread). Eat foods like quinoa, brown rice and whole wheat and oats to protect your eyes. Whole grains also contain Vitamin E, Zinc and Niacin. Fish. Fish are one of the best foods for eye health, because they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These acids help protect against dry eyes, cataracts, AMD and more. They are also lower in fat than most other meat, which is always a dieting plus!"
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"Prescription medicines to lower the pressure inside the eye (intraocular pressure, or IOP) are used to treat all types of glaucoma. They work either by reducing the amount of fluid (aqueous humor) that is produced by the eye or by increasing the amount of fluid that drains out of the eye. These medicines may be given as eyedrops, as pills, in liquid form by mouth, or through a vein (in emergency situations). In most cases, eyedrops are used first. In congenital glaucoma, medicines may be used to decrease the pressure in the eyes and reduce the cloudiness of the clear front surface (cornea) of the child's eye. Medicines are usually only used until surgery can be done."
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"Study after study have shown consuming fish oil, which is high in EPA and DHA forms of omega-3 fatty acids, reduces inflammation of the body. So, taking a high quality, 1,000 milligram fish oil dose every single day with your meals is one of the best natural ways to lower blood pressure."
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"1 Lay them across your eyes for about 10 minutes to promote circulation and reduce puffiness. 2 Elevate the head while sleeping, and let gravity do the work of preventing fluid buildup. 3 Avoid foods and beverages that encourage fluid retention such as alcohol, coffee, white sugar, fried foods, white flour, and salt."
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"Choosing foods with omega-3 fatty acids and mono- and polyunsaturated fats (like salmon, avocado and peanut butter) can help lower blood pressure and cholesterolâeven more than limiting the cholesterol you eat, says Penny Kris-Etherton, PhD, RD, a professor of nutrition at Penn State University."
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"There are a few things that you can do, that do have an effect in reducing your eye pressure. Caffeine is known to have an effect on the intraocular eye pressure (IOP), even if this is a small increase it would be worthwhile to reduce your caffeine intact or eliminate it all together. Large consumption of caffeine and glaucoma really do not mix!"
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"Consuming a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products has been shown to reduce blood pressure by as much as 14 mm Hg. Avoid foods high in saturated fats and cholesterol to lower your blood pressure. Foods high in potassium, which is important for regulating diastolic pressure. Examples include bananas, apricots, lima beans, avocados, spinach, prunes, oranges, and tomatoes."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"1 Garlic, onions, and caper should be in your diet to get sulfur, cysteine, and lecithin, which protect the lens of your eyes from forming cataracts. Blueberries, grapes, and goji contain anti-inflammatory properties, such as anthocyanin, that will help improve your vision."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"One dose daily to lower and control eye pressure. How TRAVATAN Z ® Solution Works. TRAVATAN Z ® (travoprost ophthalmic solution) 0.004% is a once-a-day eye drop you take in the evening to help reduce the elevated pressure inside your eye. It belongs to a class of drugs called prostaglandin analogs. These drugs work by increasing the drainage of fluid inside the eye."
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"These simple lifestyle changes can really help you reduce your eye pressure. Remember that when you take care of your body, you reap the benefits tenfold! Many of the things that your physician has been telling you to do for your overall health are probably similar to our suggestions."
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"1 Avoid over-the-counter eye drops that contain preservatives. 2 Blink more often. 3 Increase your intake of vitamins A and C by making sure your diet consists of many green, leafy vegetables, fish, nuts, citrus fruits, and vegetables. 4 Do not ignore symptoms of dry eye syndrome."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A diet containing foods with a low glycemic index (GI) can help reduce your risk for age-related macular degeneration. Swap refined carbohydrates for quinoa, brown rice, whole oats and whole-wheat breads and pasta. The vitamin E, zinc and niacin found in whole grains also help promote overall eye health. Citrus Fruits and Berries. Oranges, grapefruits, lemons and berries are high in vitamin C, which may reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"How XALATAN lowers eye pressure. 1 The front of your eyes is naturally filled with a watery fluid. 2 XALATAN® (latanoprost ophthalmic solution) is not recommended in patients with a known hypersensitivity to latanoprost, benzalkonium chloride, or any other ingredients in this product."
] |
"a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results\n\nE.g.\n\"['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'how long does it take to become a phlebotomist']\" == \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Step 2: Get a Certificate or a Degree. Phlebotomy Technician Certificate (Offline) 3 months to a year. You can get a technician certificate from a college or a technical school. These short term training programs will teach you the basic skills you need in order to become a successful phlebotomist.']\" != \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Phlebotomy Career Training now offers the complete medication course online for $300.00 Students across the U.S. are welcome to take this course. Certifications will be mailed out within two weeks after course completion.']\"",
"hog cost"
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"1 Typically, a whole hog should cost anywhere from $2 to $4 per pound. 2 Again, this is not going to include the butchering costs. 3 A half of hog, which is usually purchased by families of four or more, will generally cost around $80 to $300, including processing fees."
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"On Thursday, the average negotiated barrow and gilt base purchase price on a live weight basis was $73.87/cwt which was 79.6 per cent of the dayâs average base carcass price of $91.16/cwt.igh Live Hog Prices Continue. Ron Plain. US-The average price of pork at retail during March was $3.357 per pound, writes Ron Plain. That was 7.4 cents higher than in February, 44.3 cents higher than in March 2010, and the second highest month ever behind October 2010."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"hog noun [C] (ANIMAL). ⺠US a âpig, âespecially one that is âallowed to âgrow âlarge so that it can be âeaten ⺠UK a âmale âpig with âits âsexual âorgans âremoved, âkept for âits âmeat Compare boar sow. Compare. boar."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"The Bureau of Labor Statistics pegged the price of a pound of bacon in urban supermarkets at $4.92 this past June -- up 14 percent from June 2012 and another all-time high. Good growing conditions for corn have kept prices of hog feed down, so there's no reason to cry aporkalypse quite yet."
"Most will charge you a flat rate for the slaughtering and a per pound charge for processing. So let's say your hog we ⦠ighs 230 lbs when you take it in. The flat rate for slaughter may be around $25.00, plus $.40/lb for processing 230x$.40=$92.00+$25.00=$117.00."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"But for a hog roast for around 100 guests with a chef I'd say £600 was a good deal. The price per head would reduce as the number of guests increases so for 200 guests you could look to pay around £800. That's if you just want the pig-other stuff would be extra obviously."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Samplers are available as the High-on-the-Hog and the economical Farmerâs Basket each of which is about a quarter pig of pork cuts. Whole Pigs: The price for a whole pig is $3.75/lb based on final hanging weight at the butcher after slaughter. A typical pig hangs at 180 lbs so the pig cost is typically $675 or so.amplers are available as the High-on-the-Hog and the economical Farmerâs Basket each of which is about a quarter pig of pork cuts. Whole Pigs: The price for a whole pig is $3.75/lb based on final hanging weight at the butcher after slaughter. A typical pig hangs at 180 lbs so the pig cost is typically $675 or so."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"They are predicting 1.4% more pork in 2016 and an average price for market hogs that is $1 to $4/cwt lower than this year. The national negotiated barrow and gilt price on the morning report today was $69.82/cwt, down a penny from last Friday morning.here were no negotiated price quotes this morning for the eastern corn belt. Peoria had a top live price today of $49/cwt, up $5 from last Friday. The top price today for interior Missouri live hogs was $48.25/cwt, unchanged from the previous Friday. This morning's pork cutout value was $88.34/cwt FOB the plants."
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"1 On average, depending on the type, the costs of a pork roast are going to range anywhere from $5 to as much as $13 per pound. 2 For instance, a boneless shoulder/butt roast retails for $5 to $8 per pound while a bone-in butt roast can retail for $5 to $8 per pound. In some farms, the processing fee can be as much as $125 for a whole hog and $65 for a half hog, while the processing charges include a $35 kill fee and a $0.50/lb processing fee."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"On average a Lamb on the Spit (to feed 40ppl) is about £400, a Hog Roast (to feed about 150ppl) comes in at £600, if you are looking at something that includes salads and side dishes etc you are looking at a per head pricing of about £13-£14 per person.he price per head would reduce as the number of guests increases so for 200 guests you could look to pay around £800. That's if you just want the pig-other stuff would be extra obviously. These guys did our wedding and have a pretty comprehensive prices page on their website."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.\n------\nFor example, '['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Osteoarthritis (OA) is a form of degenerative joint pain caused by wear and tear on your joints. As you age, the cartilage that cushions your joints starts to wear down, causing the bones to rub together. The bone-on-bone action leads to inflammation of the joints. Osteoarthritis most commonly affects the joints in your arms and legs, including your fingers, wrists, knees, ankles, and hips. The lower back is also a common source of OA pain. Let your doctor know if youâ\\x80\\x99re suffering from the early symptoms of osteoarthritis.']' should be close to '['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what caused my knee degeneration']'",
"Typically our animals are raised until they are 7-9 months old and weigh approximately 250 â 300 lbs live with an average hanging weight of 180-200 lbs. A whole hog will yield approximately 120 â 130 lbs of meat, and a half hog is typically 65 â 75 lbs of meat.(See chart below for specifics.) There are many variables that play into the actual finished weight such as the size of the pig, and how you choose to have the meat processed and packaged.urrent prices for custom pork orders are: Price per pound is the same whether you order a half or whole hog. All orders are charged a slaughter fee (by the butcher); $60 per whole hog and $30 per half hog."
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"Braithwaite said all of Hogle Zoo's special memberships also increased. Basic membership rose from $40 to $50, and the couple membership rose from $50 to $60. The family membership went up from $65 to $80. The last time Hogle Zoo raised its admission prices was in 2005. Hogle Zoo, 2600 E. Sunnyside Ave., also started its summer operating hours on March 1, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the gate and until 6:30 p.m. on the grounds."
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"On average a Lamb on the Spit (to feed 40ppl) is about £400, a Hog Roast (to feed about 150ppl) comes in at £600, if you are looking at something that includes salads and side dishes etc you are looking at a per head pricing of about £13-£14 per person."
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"1 Typically, a piglet that is 8 to 10 weeks old can cost $80 to $200. 2 The costs for butchering will depend on the type of end products with which you want to end up. 3 Hence, if you want to make sausages, then most likely you will need to pay an additional amount to mince and crush the hog meat into tinier pieces."
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"A hog can run up to 1000 pounds but typical is 500. A cow or steer can run 1500 or more. A typical black tail here weighing about 180 to 200 pounds will cost about $240 cut packaged and frozen and giving you about 110 pounds of useable meat. A cow or pig is livestock."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"Hogs are currently trading at four-year lows on the futures market. Supermarkets are paying less for pork wholesale, and they have begun passing along the savings in the form of cheaper ham, pork loins, and yes, bacon. Last summer, the average retail price for a pound of bacon was over $6 per pound.By December 2014, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a pound of bacon was averaging $5.53 in U.S. grocery stores, and $5.10 in the Midwest.ogs are currently trading at four-year lows on the futures market. Supermarkets are paying less for pork wholesale, and they have begun passing along the savings in the form of cheaper ham, pork loins, and yes, bacon. Last summer, the average retail price for a pound of bacon was over $6 per pound."
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"LINK / CITE ADD TO WORD LIST. noun. A pair of hogs. A pair of hogs. Hog is defined as a selfish or very dirty person, or is slang for a large motorcycle. 1 An example of a hog is someone eating the last of the food, their third helping, before others have had a chance to have any of the food. 2 An example of a hog is a Harley-Davidson."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The cost of the rack of lamb depends on the cost of living in your area and, of course, the quality of the meat. On average, it will cost about $15 to $24 per pound. For example, Costco offers rack of lamb that is already vacuumed sealed and prepared for around $14 per pound. What is going to be included? Usually, a rack of lamb with six to eight chops, which is good for 2 to 4 people, weighs three to four pounds. It will be French roast and ready to broil. It can also be boned, semi-boned or boneless."
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"The average market hog price is multiplied by 74 percent to make the conversion to a live hog price. Final sale values are adjusted by 98.4 percent in order to account for light weight cull hogs. Cull hogs are assumed to make up 3 percent of the market hog volume and are discounted 45 percent on a per head basis.ull sows are assumed to weigh 450 pounds when sold for the average weekly live basis price according to the 450-499 pound weight class in the USDA report, LM_HG201. Rather than using natural service, semen is purchased or collected at a cost of $14.29 per litter assuming 84 percent double dose conception."
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"A deposit of $50 is required to hold a hoglet. Deposits are non refundable. Your deposit goes toward the total cost of the hedgehog which is $200 for a hoglet of any color or gender.Cash on pick up or Paypal processed AT LEAST the day before pick up is preferred.No personal checks, please.If you want to do paypal, let me know and I will invoice you.our deposit goes toward the total cost of the hedgehog which is $200 for a hoglet of any color or gender. Cash on pick up or Paypal processed AT LEAST the day before pick up is preferred. No personal checks, please."
"represent text",
"Add to Watchlists. US Hog Farm Price Received is at a current level of 59.30, down from 59.50 last month. This represents a monthly annualized growth rate of -4.03%, compared to a long term average annualized growth rate of 6.96%. 1 Category: Agriculture and Livestock. 2 Region: United States. 3 Report: USDA Farm Price Received."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"This resulted in a marketing year hog to corn ratio of 9.3 for 2012. The market year average price per bushel of corn. in 2014 was $3.65 leading to a marketing year hog to corn ratio of 21.0 for 2014 compared to a ratio of 11.6 in 2008. (page 11). Federally Inspected slaughter weights and dressing percentages have increased steadily for the last twenty years (page 12)."
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"The price to Davidson's includes slaughter, processing, cutting, wrapping in freezer paper, and freezing. For each pig, it is $65.00 for slaughter and $0.55 per lb. on the hanging weight. *If you are only purchasing half of a pig, you will pay half of the slaughter fee ($32.50).*Price subject to change Below is a sample cut sheet for hogs.he price to Davidson's includes slaughter, processing, cutting, wrapping in freezer paper, and freezing. For each pig, it is $65.00 for slaughter and $0.55 per lb. on the hanging weight. *If you are only purchasing half of a pig, you will pay half of the slaughter fee ($32.50)."
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"If you own a Harley-Davidson, and you are not already a full member of National H.O.G, call 1-800-CLUB-HOG (1-800-258-2464) to join or go to HOG.com to join online. Have your motorcycle VIN available. The cost for a 1-year full membership is $45.00. The cost for a 1-year associate membership is $25.00. You may choose to join National H.O.G. for a 2- or 3-year period, or as a life member, see below. Costs for these memberships are reduced from the annual rate and are listed at HOG.com."
"Served to groups over 75 guests â add $2.00 per person for groups of 40-75. We roast pig at our facility and deliver in roaster with Chef carving on-location.$15.95 per person with TWO side dishes.OST OF HOG⦠$3.00 per pound. Customer is responsible for cleanup of roaster, or a cleanup fee will apply. Actual size of pig to be butchered cannot be guaranteed. We are in the hands of Mother Nature on this â so cost of hog can vary based on final size."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"was a dramac setback for US pork producon, which has been steadily. increasing in recent years. Excellent proï¬ts in 2014 and corn prices in the. $4 range are expected to further bolster hog numbers in 2015 and 2016."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"Beginning the month of October 2016, everyone can renew their membership to IV HOG. Please complete the new/renewal membership form, found on the IV HOG website, or stop by Hannumâs H-D of Sellersville and include the total payment of $25.00. The payment covers $15.00 for the IV HOG membership fee and the additional $10.00 fee goes towards the monthly meeting costs/administrative expenses. The officers decided to divide the cost of the monthly meetings among all members and the former $2.00 monthly fee will be discontinued as of January 1, 2014."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Guinea Hog. Guinea Hog feeding time video. The Guinea Hog is a small, black breed of swine that is unique to the United States. Also known as the Pineywoods Guinea, Guinea Forest Hog, Acorn Eater, and Yard Pig, the breed was once the most numerous pig breed found on homesteads in the Southeast.uinea Hog. Guinea Hog feeding time video. The Guinea Hog is a small, black breed of swine that is unique to the United States. Also known as the Pineywoods Guinea, Guinea Forest Hog, Acorn Eater, and Yard Pig, the breed was once the most numerous pig breed found on homesteads in the Southeast."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Buyers then pay anywhere from $750 to over $3,500 for their teacup pig. The buyer then watches as that tiny pig becomes a larger adolescent pig, then a very large, very non-teacup-sized hog."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Imports of live hogs from Canada were down 24.2% in June, but up 1.1% in the first half compared to January-June 2015. Friday morning's pork cutout value was $75.26/cwt FOB the slaughter plants. That is down $2.03 from the week before. Loin, butt, and belly prices were lower than last Friday."
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"Industry Size, Value, and Location. Hog and pig sales were $4.4 billion, or 24.6 percent, higher in 2012 than 2007, when the agriculture census was last conducted. Iowa had the largest increase in sales (up $1.9 billion), followed by Minnesota (up $0.6 billion) and Illinois (up $0.4 billion)."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"$1050.00 per person, you get a 3 day meat hog hunt, guides and room and board. 4 hog limit per person. Need at least 2 but no more then 6 hunters. You can use Dan's dogs or your own dogs. Bow or gun hunters can hunt in blinds or stalk. CALL US TODAY: (361)645-4695"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"However, leases specific to hog hunting, deer hunting leases that include hog hunting, and commercial or guided hog hunts are available. The feral hog is not classified as a game animal in Oklahoma. However, a hunting license is required to hunt them on public hunting areas.owever, leases specific to hog hunting, deer hunting leases that include hog hunting, and commercial or guided hog hunts are available. The feral hog is not classified as a game animal in Oklahoma. However, a hunting license is required to hunt them on public hunting areas."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:\nExample:\nProvided: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', \"National Girlfriends' Day is celebrated on August 1st of every year. It is a special day dedicated to celebrating and honoring girlfriends around the world, both romantic and platonic gf's. It is common for people to spoil their girlfriends on this day with flowers, cards, meals,massage, gift cards, and lots of love.\"]\" Match: \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results:', 'when is national girlfriends day 2015']\"",
"If you want a RIP Roaring Hunt, come take a Texas Grizzly with dogs and knife. 2 DAY Hog Hunting Special Extended because of popularity- $750.00 per person, you get a 2 day meat hog hunt, guides and room and board. 3 hog limit per person."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Skid Steer Bush Hog Attachment 72 Wide 15-25 gpm Industrial Series. Our Price $5,995.00. Our Industrial Series Bush Hog comes in a 60â, 72 and 78 mowing deck. A flow of 15-25 gpm is required for standard flow units and 26-32 or 33-40 gpm for high flow units. There are 3 bi-directional blades, a 40HP... Our Industrial Series Bush Hog comes in a 60â, 72 and 78 mowing deck."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"So let's say your hog we ⦠ighs 230 lbs when you take it in. The flat rate for slaughter may be around $25.00, plus $.40/lb for processing 230x$.40=$92.00+$25.00=$117.00. Just call a local butcher and ask their slaughtering/processing fees."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"National Daily Base Lean Hog Carcass Slaughter Cost; National Daily Direct Hog Prior Day â Purchased Swine; National Daily Direct Hog Prior Day â Slaughtered Swine; Illinois Direct Hogs; St. Joseph Hog Report; Sioux Falls Hog Report; Weekly Reports. Weekly Livestock Market Report â Commentary; National Weekly Direct Swine Non-Carcass Merit Premiums"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"was a drama c setback for US pork produc on, which has been steadily increasing in recent years. Excellent proï¬ts in 2014 and corn prices in the $4 range are expected to further bolster hog numbers in 2015 and 2016. The ques on is whether at some point in the fall of 2016 industry once again bumps against slaughter capacity constrains."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The cost for a comprehensive hog roast from us varies, and depends upon numerous factors which contribute to the price that is incurred to you, our customer.arger functions donât just denote the idea that more food will be needed, but that more staff will be required to service your guests. As a money saver, having a large hog roast party is a good solution; as a large hog or two will feed up to 500 people."
"Represent text",
"Hog casings. 1 Small casings - fresh sausage, Bockwurst, Polish sausage, frankfurters, and chorizos. 2 Hog middles - are the large intestines of a pig, also called chitterlings. 3 Hog bungs - are the colon of the pig. Hog stomachs - head 1 cheese. Hog bladders - luncheon meats."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Skid Steer Bush Hog Attachment 60 Wide 15-25 gpm Industrial Series. Our Price $5,800.00. Our Industrial Series Bush Hog comes in a 60â, 72 and 78 mowing deck. A flow of 15-25 gpm is required for standard flow units and 26-32 or 33-40 gpm for high flow units. There are 3 bi-directional blades, a 40HP..."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:', 'â\\x80¢ Eccentricity is the measure of elongation of a conic section. â\\x80¢ Concentricity is the measure of alignment of two or more shapes on the same axis. Related posts: 1 Difference Between Eccentric and Concentric.']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results!', 'what is concentricity']\"",
"Special for Bow Hunters Only $550.00 for a two day hunt. $750,00 for a three day hunt. $950.00 for a four day hunt. Unlimited Hogs per hunter, room and board and guides. Minimum of 3 hunters and maximum of 5 hunters."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A huge drop in cost of production, and high hog prices set up high returns, Hurt said. The agricultural economist mentioned that in 2013 the 100-pound live weight quarterly average was $64, and the estimated quarterly average for 2014 per 100-pound live weight is $69. The 2014 quarterly breakdown is as follows: 1 The first quarter will be $65 per 100-pound live weight."
] |
"Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"what is the nsf"
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"The National Science Foundation (NSF) is a United States government agency that supports fundamental research and education in all the non-medical fields of science and engineering. Its medical counterpart is the National Institutes of Health."
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The NSC is a post-office savings scheme while the PPF was established by the central government in 1968. But both are very safe since they are backed by the government."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Appliances and Home Products. NSF, the organization that has been ensuring safe design of commercial kitchen appliances and tools since the 1950s, now offers the same assurance for users of appliances and home products. Certification Process."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Based in the United States, the NSF International provides certification of products around the world that meet their standards for consumer safety. Contrary to what some salesmen may tell you, NSF is not a government entity, but an independent, non-profit organization.or the professional kitchen, NSF certification is very important. For many restaurants, the use of NSF certified products is a necessity to show the company has done their job in protecting their customers by selecting products known and tested to be safe."
"represent text The provided query could be \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Initial Public Offering (IPO) Definition: The first sale of securities (almost always as stock) in a corporation under the regulations governing a public company . Large amounts of capital have been raised in recent years by small companies that went public.']\" and the positive \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'ipo definition']\"",
"NSF International was founded in 1944 from the University of Michigan's School of Public Health as the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) to standardize sanitation and food safety requirements."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"The NSF's director and deputy director are appointed by the President of the United States, and confirmed by the United States Senate, whereas the 24 presidentially appointed members of the National Science Board (NSB) do not require Senate confirmation."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Forestry Services. NSF International is a global leader in registrations and certifications. As a third-party provider, we conduct independent audits of your organizationâs forestry operations, giving you a competitive edge as a leader in running an environmentally-conscious business."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"NSF International standards are recognized by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the Dutch Council for Certification (RVC), which is the equivalent organization in the European Community. The ANSI is a private, nonprofit corporation that was founded in 1918."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"NSFW is an abbreviation for words like Not Safe For Wife, Not Suitable For Work, but mostly accepted as Not Safe For Work. It is an internet slang that is often used to describe online posts that are mainly associated with heavy nudity, sexual, heavy profanity and other things that could often link with pornography."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"NSF International. Founded in 1944, our mission is to protect and improve global human health. Manufacturers, regulators and consumers look to us to develop public health standards and certifications that help protect food, water, consumer products and the environment. As an independent, accredited organization, we test, audit and certify products and systems as well as provide education and risk management."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"The Central Provident Fund (CPF) is a mandatory social security savings scheme funded by contributions from employers and employees. Find out about CPF, who is entitled to CPF contributions and what employers need to do."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"NSF maintains laboratories in North America, South America, Europe and China. NSF's laboratories are accredited by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the Standards Council of Canada."
"Backus-Naur notation (shortly BNF) is a formal mathematical way to describe a language, (to describe the syntax of the programming languages)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"When discussing restaurant equipment and supplies, NSF and UL are frequently mentioned. Briefly, let's discuss what these two organizations do and what their certifications mean. NSF International was formerly known as the National Sanitation Foundation. It is a not for profit organization that provides public health and safety safety risk management solutions."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"The United States Navy Working Capital Fund (NWCF) is a branch of the family of United States Department of Defense (DoD) Working Capital Funds. The NWCF is a revolving fund, an account or fund that relies on sales revenue rather than direct Congressional appropriations to finance its operations."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n\nE.g.:\n['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'The suffix is -able, meaning able to be.. Predictable = able to be predicted The prefix is pre-, meaning before. The root is dict, meaning â\\x80¦ spoken Predictable = able to be spoken of before (something happens). 1 person found this useful. 123123. 251 Contributions.'] == ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what suffix means before']",
"Why is an approval from NSF, the National Sanitation Foundation, important? Many of the manufacturers whose products we carry here at MetroKitchen.com, such as John Boos cutting boards and Shun cutlery, list their products with the National Sanitation Foundation for commercial safety. The NSF is a non-profit testing organization that certifies materials used in the construction of products for the food service industry. The NSF tests materials such as the stainless steel and hardwoods used in products like John Boos cutting boards and Shun cutlery."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"What is NF. Neurofibromatosis (NF) is a genetic disorder of the nervous system which causes tumors to form on the nerves anywhere in the body at any time. This progressive disorder affects all races, all ethnic groups and both sexes equally. NF is one of the most common genetic disorders in the United States (one in every 2,500 to 3,000 births)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"On our site what we try to do is let people know when a fitting is NOT NSF rated. Most of the fittings we sell are NSF rated, however, not all. What this means is if the project has to pass an inspection by a building inspector for residential or commercial building, you can't use a fitting that is not NSF rated."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"The National Security League (NSL) was an American patriotic and nationalistic nonprofit, nonpartisan organization. It supported a greatly expanded military based upon universal service, the naturalization and Americanization of immigrants, Americanism, meritocracy and government regulation of the economy to enhance national preparedness."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"NSF and HACCP. NSF has been providing HACCP services for more than 10 years, with several related achievements, including: NSF is a longstanding and credible HACCP training provider, recognized by the International HACCP Alliance and The Seafood HACCP Alliance."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A returned item/non-sufficient funds (NSF) fee is assessed when an item such as a check or other transaction presented for payment is returned unpaid because the available balance in your deposit account is less than the amount of the Item."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The National Qualifications Framework (NQF) is a credit transfer system developed for qualifications in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The Framework has nine levels covering all levels of learning in secondary education, further education and vocational higher education.he National Qualifications Framework (NQF) is a credit transfer system developed for qualifications in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The Framework has nine levels covering all levels of learning in secondary education, further education and vocational higher education."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Neurofibromatosis (NF) is a group of three conditions in which tumors grow in the nervous system. The three types are neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1), neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2), and schwannomatosis. In NF1 symptoms include light brown spots on the skin, freckles in the armpit and groin, small bumps within nerves, and scoliosis."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A check not honored by the bank on which it was written because of insufficient funds in the drawer's account. An NSF check is an overdraft."
"NSF International was founded in 1944 from the University of Michigan 's School of Public Health as the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) to standardize sanitation and food safety requirements."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n------\nGiven ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!', 'For cooked onions, you can find one answer here: http://www.stilltasty.com/fooditems/index/17825. 1 3-5 days in the refrigerator. 2 refrigerate withing 2 hours of cooking. 3 refrigerate in covered container or wrap tightly with heavy-duty aluminum foil or plastic wrap.'], a positive would be ['', 'how long is onion good for in the fridge']",
"Updated July 20, 2017. NSFW is a warning for an email subject line. It means 'not safe for work' or 'not safe to be viewed at work'. It is used to warn the recipient to not open the message at the office or near young children because the message contains sexual or repulsive content."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Because of three letters: NSF. NSF certification is your key to making sure that the products you use meet strict standards for public health protection. Choosing a product certified by NSF lets you know the company complies with strict standards and procedures imposed by NSF. From extensive product testing and material analyses to unannounced plant inspections, every aspect of a product's development is thoroughly evaluated before it can earn our certification."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The NSFR is defined as the amount of available stable funding (ASF) relative to the amount. of required stable funding (RSF). The ASF is defined as the portion of capital and liabilities. expected to be reliable over the time horizon considered by the NSFR, which extends to. one year."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"The National Safety Code (NSC) is a code of minimum performance standards for the safe operation of commercial vehicles and has been adopted by all jurisdictions in Canada. The NSC applies to all people responsible for the operation of commercial vehicles which include trucks, buses, power units and trailers."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"What is NSF Certification? You may see the words NSF Certified or NSF Certification littered around the Filter Butler website. Companies like ours that have NSF Certifications have undergone strict procedures that involve extensive product testing and material analysis in order to earn this prestigious certification."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.\nE.g. ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Plumbers are making $1,500 a day. Most charge callout fee + $80 per hour, way more than most I.T. contractors. There is a shortage in Australia. Computer jobs are being exported to India by the hundreds.'] == ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'average wage for a plumber in australia']",
"NSF certification is a voluntary process and NSF International charges a fee to the manufacturer to have the product certified. Many products are manufactured that meet or exceed the NSF safety standards but are not inspected or certified by NSF."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"NSF International has been collaborating with the World Health Organization since 1997 in water quality and safety, food safety and indoor environments. NSF operates more than 165,000 square feet (15,300 m2) of laboratory space and serves companies in more than 150 countries worldwide."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"NSF Food Safety Certification, LLC is accredited to certify to the BRC Global Standard for Food Safety, developed by the British Retail Consortium. The standard helps promote consistency across the supply chain for food and ingredient manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Neurofibromatosis, also known as NF, is a genetically inherited disorder of the nervous system (brain and spinal cord) which mainly affects the development of nerve (neural) cell tissues, causing tumors (neurofibromas) to develop on nerves, and may cause other abnormalities."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Yes. A returned item [also known as a non-sufficient funds (NSF) item] occurs when Wells Fargo returns an item (such as a check or other transaction presented for payment) unpaid because there is not enough money in the account. Our fee for an overdraft or a non-sufficient funds (NSF) item is the same."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"National Socialist Movement. An organization that specializes in theatrical and provocative protests, the National Socialist Movement (NSM) is one of the largest and most prominent neo-Nazi groups in the United States."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"In many fields such as mathematics, computer science and the social sciences, NSF is the major source of federal backing. MORE. How NSF determines which research has the greatest potential and would be the most fruitful investment of taxpayer dollars, NSF's Merit Review Process. View a two-minute video overview of NSF's"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The National Safety Code (NSC) is a code of minimum performance standards for the safe operation of commercial vehicles and has been adopted by all jurisdictions in Canada."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\nFor example, '['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', \"Home treatment will help you manage the pain while you heal. Pain relief can help you feel better and let you take deeper breaths. A fractured rib usually takes at least 6 weeks to heal. To help manage the pain while the fracture heals: 1 Put ice on the injured area. 2 Get extra rest.3 Take pain medicine such as aspirin or ibuprofen. 4 Your doctor may prescribe a stronger pain medicine if over-the-counter medicines don't work.ome treatment will help you manage the pain while you heal. Pain relief can help you feel better and let you take deeper breaths. A fractured rib usually takes at least 6 weeks to heal. To help manage the pain while the fracture heals: 1 Put ice on the injured area. 2 Get extra rest.\"]' should be close to '['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results:', 'how long does it take broken ribs to heal']'",
"The National Qualifications Framework (NQF) is a former credit transfer system developed for qualifications in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. It was replaced in 2010 with the Qualifications and Credit Framework.7 countries participating in the Bologna Process are committed to producing a national qualifications framework. Other countries not part of this process also have national qualifications frameworks."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"What is NF? Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1) Neurofibromatosis Type 2 (NF2) What is NF? Neurofibromatosis (NF) is a set of complex genetic disorders that affects almost every organ system, causing tumors to grow on nerves in the brain and throughout the body. While half of all affected people inherit the disorder, new cases can arise spontaneously through mutations (changes) in the NF genes."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"NSF International standards are recognized by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the Dutch Council for Certification (RVC), which is the equivalent organization in the European Community."
"Represent text",
"NSF's mission is to advance the progress of science, a mission accomplished by funding proposals for research and education made by scientists, engineers, and educators from across the country. toggle menu search"
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"NSF certification is a voluntary process and NSF International charges a fee to the manufacturer to have the product certified.Many products are manufactured that meet or exceed the NSF safety standards but are not inspected or certified by NSF.or the professional kitchen, NSF certification is very important. For many restaurants, the use of NSF certified products is a necessity to show the company has done their job in protecting their customers by selecting products known and tested to be safe."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nFewshot example: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Recombinant DNA is the general name for a piece of DNA that has been created by the combination of at least two strands. Recombinant DNA molecules are sometimes called chimeric DNA, because they can be made of material from two different species, like the mythical chimera.']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'define recombinant dna']\"",
"Meaning; NAWF: New Age Wrestling Federation: NAWF: North American Wrestling Federation: NAWF: National Agricultural Workers Forum: NAWF: New Age Wealth and Fame: NAWF: Nigeria Amateur Wrestling Federation: NAWF: Nitric Acid Wash Facility"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Search for NSF Certified Dietary Supplements. Searching for NSF Certified Dietary Supplements is quick and easy. If you have any problems, please contact NSF International. For more info, visit the NSF Dietary Supplements Program."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Not Safe for Work (NSFW) Definition - What does Not Safe for Work (NSFW) mean? Not safe for work (NSFW) is an Internet slang term used in email subject lines, online discussion boards, online videos and other Internet media. It is meant to warn a potential viewer that the content is not suitable for viewing in a work environment or near children, usually because because of sexual or other explicit content."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"What Is an Electrocardiogram? An electrocardiogram (e-lek-tro-KAR-de-o-gram), also called an EKG or ECG, is a simple, painless test that records the heart's electrical activity. To understand this test, it helps to understand how the heart works. With each heartbeat, an electrical signal spreads from the top of the heart to the bottom. As it travels, the signal causes the heart to contract and pump blood. The process repeats with each new heartbeat.\"]>> to <<['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is ecg test']>>",
"The Central Provident Fund (CPF) is a mandatory social security savings scheme funded by contributions from employers and employees."
] |
"Represent the natural language",
"calories fun size snickers"
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"There are 80 calories in 1 bar (0.6 oz) of Snickers Snickers Chocolate Bar, Fun Size. You'd need to walk 21 minutes to burn 80 calories. Visit CalorieKing to see calorie count and nutrient data for all portion sizes."
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Calories in snickers bite size. Find nutritional information like calories, carbs, fat, protein and fiber for snickers bite size. Your search - snickers bite size - did not match any foods. Suggestions: Make sure all words are spelled correctly. Try different keywords. Try more general keywords. Try browsing categories rather than searching."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Nearly half the calories in a single bite-size Snickers comes from fat; however, when your treat is so tiny, this only amounts to 2.25 g of fat. There is 4.5 g of carbohydrates and .75 g of protein in a bite-size Snickers."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"How could we forget the Twix bar! The fun size has 80 calories, 4 grams of fat and 8 grams of sugar."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"There are 280 calories in a 1 bar serving of Snickers Snickers Bar (2.07 oz). Calorie breakdown: 45% fat, 50% carbs, 6% protein."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"1 Calories In Snickers Ice cream pie. 332 calories, 17g fat, 41g carbs, 4g protein, 1g fiber. 2 Calories Burned For Treadmill: 10% Incline, 6.6 mph (9 minutes per mile) Calories Burned For Treadmill: 10% Incline, 7.5 mph (8 minutes per mile)"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Serving Size Servings by Calories Calories from Fa Fat (g) Sat. Fat (g) Cholesterol (mg Sodium (mg) Carbs (g) Dietary Fiber (g) Sugars (g) Protein (g) Vitamin A Vitamin C Calcium Iron. FROZEN CUSTARD FLAVORS grams. Caramel Snickers Swirl KIDS 70 134 56 7 4 29 90 20 0 15 3 4 0 9 0."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The USDA lists the caloric value of a 2-ounce (57 gram) Snickers bar as 280 kilocalories (1,200 kJ). As of 2016, the United Kingdom bar has a weight of 48g, with 245 kcal, and the Canadian bar 52g with 250 kcal. The four-pack bar in the United Kingdom has a weight of 41.7g, with 213kcal."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"1 bar (57g) = 271 calories There are about 250 calories in a Snickers bar."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The new Snickers Crisper is filled with crisped rice and peanuts, topped with a layer of caramel and coated in milk chocolate. The bar contains fewer than 200 calories â a first for Snickers â and the singles pack contains two squares, each with fewer than 100 calories. âSnickers is all about satisfying hunger and we're excited to do that in a new and delicious way with Snickers Crisper, Snickers brand director Allison Miazga-Bedrick said."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"There are 90 calories in a 1 bar serving of Snickers Mini Ice Cream Bars. Calorie breakdown: 57% fat, 38% carbs, 4% protein."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Source of Calories. Nearly half the calories in a single bite-size Snickers comes from fat; however, when your treat is so tiny, this only amounts to 2.25 g of fat. There is 4.5 g of carbohydrates and .75 g of protein in a bite-size Snickers. Considerations."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"There are 266 calories present in 1 Snickers bar that is 2 oz. Thirty-seven percent of those calories are from fat, 55 percent from carbohydrates and 8 percent from protein. According to the website Fatsecret.com based on 2,000 calories per day a Snickers bar contains 13 percent of our daily recommended amount."
"A Snickers Almond bar has 236 calories. One bar contains 11.2 grams of fat, 4.267 grams of which are saturated fat. That's 21 percent of the DV for saturated fat. This bar contains 2 percent of the DV of cholesterol, which is 7 milligrams. It also has 27 grams of sugar."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Mixed Candy Bars. 1 100 Grand Bars Fun size (11 grams): 50 calories and 8 grams carb. 2 100 Grand Bars Fun size (21 grams): 95 calories and 15 grams carb. 3 Almond Joy Snack size (15 grams): 80 calories and 10 grams carb. 4 Baby Ruth Bar, Fun size (18 grams each): 85 calories and 13 grams carb."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Calories in 2 bite-size Snickers bars. *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs. Some of these foods were entered by users and are subject to error."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"There are 190 calories in a 2 bars serving of Snickers Snickers Crisper. Get full nutrition facts for other Snickers products and all your other favorite brands. Register | Sign In"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Calories. According to the Milky Way website, Milky Way Brand Fun Size candy bars were designed for kids to take to school and as a mid-day or after-dinner snack. One Milky Way Fun Size bar contains 75 calories, of which 50 calories are from fat. There are two candy bars in a 150-calorie serving. Each serving has 6 grams of fat, 5 milligrams of cholesterol and 24 grams of carbohydrates."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"filter results. There is much to love about this favorite candy treat, SNICKERS Fun Size Candy Bars are an ideal chocolate snack for parties, office rewards or Halloween trick-or-treaters. Satisfy hunger with these fun size chocolate candy bars."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"There are 190 calories in a 2 bars serving of Snickers Snickers Crisper. Calorie breakdown: 41% fat, 53% carbs, 6% protein."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Minis mini mix twix, milky way, 3 musketeers, snickers, milky way midnight. Per 1 serving - Calories: 190 kcals. Fat: 7g; Carbs: 29g; Protein: 1g"
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n------\n\nFor example, '['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Rockefeller founded Standard Oil Company, Inc. in 1870 as an Ohio partnership with his brother William along with Henry Flagler, Jabez A. Bostwick, Samuel Andrews, and a silent partner, Stephen V. Harkness. He ran it until officially retiring in 1897.']' should be close to '['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what did rockefeller own']'",
"Snickerâs offering merges the best of a Snickers bar with the Easter-friendly egg shape. The 1.1-oz egg is 160 calories, not much more than a Cadbury Creme crème. Egg however it packs 9 grams of fat and 5 grams of saturated. Fatâreese S (egg 170) calories 1. egg"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"One Kit Kat wafer bar provides 218 calories, 11 grams of fat, 27 grams of carbohydrate, 20 grams of sugar and 2.7 grams of protein. One standard-size Snickers bar provides 215 calories, 11 grams of fat, 28 grams of carbohydrate, 20 grams of sugar and 3 grams of protein. One standard-sized Twix bar provides 286 calories, 14 grams of fat, 37 grams of carbohydrate, 28 grams of sugar and almost 3 grams of protein."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Snickerâs offering merges the best of a Snickers bar with the Easter-friendly egg shape. The 1.1-oz egg is 160 calories, not much more than a Cadbury Creme crème. Egg however it packs 9 grams of fat and 5 grams of saturated. fatnickerâs offering merges the best of a Snickers bar with the Easter-friendly egg shape. The 1.1-oz egg is 160 calories, not much more than a Cadbury Creme crème. Egg however it packs 9 grams of fat and 5 grams of saturated. Fatâreese S (egg 170) calories 1. egg"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"As a result of the size changes, the number of calories in a Mars bar has dropped from 260 to 229 and in a Snickers bar from 280 to 245. Mars said it had little choice but to reduce the size of the products because there was a limit to what could now be achieved through reformulation."
"Represent this text",
"One Kit Kat wafer bar provides 218 calories, 11 grams of fat, 27 grams of carbohydrate, 20 grams of sugar and 2.7 grams of protein. One standard-size Snickers bar provides 215 calories, 11 grams of fat, 28 grams of carbohydrate, 20 grams of sugar and 3 grams of protein. One standard-sized Twix bar provides 286 calories, 14 grams of fat, 37 grams of carbohydrate, 28 grams of sugar and almost 3 grams of protein. One standard-sized Milky Way bar provides 264 calories, 10 grams of fat, 41 grams of carbohydrate, 35 grams of sugar and 2.3 grams of protein. The calories in a marshmallow depend on the size that you consume. Those tiny mini-marshmallows provide only 2 calories per treat. Bigger marshmallows contain about 25 calories. Choosing and Keeping Candy"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"The bite-size Snickers bar, also known as Snickers Miniature, is the smallest offering in the Snickers candy bar family. Bite into a bite-size Snickers bar for a tiny treat that packs bite-sized calories."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Products containing Snickers. Containing approximately 450 calories (1,900 J) per bar, deep fried chocolate bars (including Snickers and Mars bars) became a specialty in fish and chips shops in Scotland in 1995, and in the early 2000s, became popular at US state fairs."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Starburst, Fun size (2 pieces per stick): 40 calories and 10 grams carb Twizzlers Mini-bars (14 grams): 11 grams carb Twizzlers Strawberry Twists, Short (9 grams): 32 calories and 7 grams carb"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Those calories come from 13.59 grams of fat, 35.1 grams of carbohydrates and 4.3 grams of protein. A regular Snickers bar is made with peanuts, milk chocolate, egg whites and hydrogenated soybean oil."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Chocolate Bars and Kisses (Mostly Chocolate) 1 M&Ms, Peanut 1/4 cup candy: 220 calories and 24 grams carb. 2 Miniature Bars (Milky Way, Snickers, Twix, 3 Musketeers): average 38 calories and 5 grams carb each bar. 3 Mr. Goodbar Snack size (17 grams): 90 calories and 9 grams carb. 4 Nestle's Crunch Bars Fun size (10 grams) 50 calories and 7 grams carb."
"Represent this",
"Jr. Mints, Fun size (10 grams): 50 calories and 12 grams carb; Mike and Ike small box (14 grams): 50 calories and 12 grams carb; Pop Rocks: small packet (10 grams): 7 grams carb; Raisinettes, Fun size (16 g: about 16 pieces): 56 calories and 11 grams carb; Smarties Candy, Roll: 25 calories and 6 grams carb; Whoppers small tube: 30 calories and 5 grams carb"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"There are 190 calories in a 8 pieces serving of Snickers Snickers Bites. Calorie breakdown: 42% fat, 52% carbs, 6% protein."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Heath Bar, Snack size (13 grams): 74 calories and 9 grams carb Kit Kat, Fun size (14 grams): 73 calories and 9 grams carb Milky Way bar, Fun size (17 grams): 75 calories and 12 grams carb"
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The USDA lists the caloric value of a 2-ounce (57 gram) Snickers bar as 280 kilocalories (1,200 kJ). As of 2016, the United Kingdom bar has a weight of 48g, with 245 kcal,and the Canadian bar 52g with 250 kcal. The four-pack bar in the United Kingdom has a weight of 41.7g, with 213kcal."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"How much sugar is in that fun-sized Snickers bar? How many calories in that tiny pack of M&M's? Whereas full-sized packages of candy have the nutritional information on the package, the deluge that comes home from trick or treating usually does not."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A Snickers bar is worth 8 Weight Watcher points. Have a great day and ! How many Weight Watcher Points is a Snicker bar that's 280 calories? A Snicker's bar is 5 Weight Watchers points. If you have one be sure to work it... What is the Weight Watchers points plus value of a Snickers candy bar? Snickers bar nutrition facts :266 calories , and 5 weight watchers points. ! How many weight watchers points are in a snickers candy bar? There are 5 Weight Watchers Points in a Snickers Candy Bar. Thanks for doing the . How many weight watchers points are in a fun size kit kat? Yikes!"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"There are 190 calories in a 8 pieces serving of Snickers Snickers Bites. Get full nutrition facts for other Snickers products and all your other favorite brands. Register | Sign In"
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"Beer is deceptively high in calories, and while I would very rarely sit down to a king-sized snickers bar (about 450 calories) in an evening Iâm quite happy to toss back a couple IPAs. However, a mid-alcohol IPA, say the 6.8% Sierra Nevada Celebration, has over 200 calories in a 12 ounce bottle."
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"Calories in Mars Candy bars 3 musketeers, snickers, twix, starburst, fun size. 1 facebook. 2 twitter. 3 google+. 4 pinterest. 5 linkedin. 6 email."
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"Snickerâs offering merges the best of a Snickers bar with the Easter-friendly egg shape. The 1.1-oz egg is 160 calories, not much more than a Cadbury Creme crème. Egg however it packs 9 grams of fat and 5 grams of saturated. fat"
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"There are 190 calories in a 2 bars serving of Snickers Snickers Crisper. Calorie breakdown: 41% fat, 53% carbs, 6% protein."
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"Unhealthiest Candy Options. 1 One Hershey's Milk Chocolate Bar with Almonds (King Size) provides 380 calories, 24 grams of fat, 12 grams of saturated fat, 39 grams of carbohydrate and 36 grams of sugar. 2 One Kit Kat wafer bar provides 218 calories, 11 grams of fat, 27 grams of carbohydrate, 20 grams of sugar and 2.7 grams of protein. One standard-size Snickers bar provides 215 calories, 11 grams of fat, 28 grams of carbohydrate, 20 grams of sugar and 3 grams of protein. One standard-sized Twix bar provides 286 calories, 14 grams of fat, 37 grams of carbohydrate, 28 grams of sugar and almost 3 grams of protein. One standard-sized Butterfinger bar provides 275 calories, 11 grams of fat, 44 grams of carbohydrate, 28 grams of sugar and about 3 grams of protein"
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"Snickers Peanut Butter Squared Fun Size nutritional information. Find Snickers Products nutrition. View calories, fat, carbohydrates, protein, sugars, and more."
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"SNICKERS® brand is available in a variety of pack sizes to suit your individual needs. 1 calories. 2 total fat. 3 sat fat. 4 sugars. sodium."
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"what is igg positive"
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"A positive IgG means you are immune - and that is a good thing! If you were NOT immune, you could get rubella if you are exposed to it during pregnancy. (And your doc would also recommend getting an MMR vaccine after this baby is born to protect any future pregnancies). posted 10/02/2012 by jlks83."
] | [
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"T PALLIDUM IGG + IGM [86781E] in 3 - 4 weeks. -The most common cause of a false negative syphilis serologic test is. performance prior to the development of diagnostic antibodies. 5. Positive T PALLIDUM IGG + IGM [86781E] with a non-reactive RPR and. non-reactive TPPA is most likely a false positive T PALLIDUM IGG + IGM."
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"IgG Testing: This test checks your blood for the presence of food-specific immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies. Unlike IgE antibodies, which occur in abnormally large quantities in people with allergies, IgG antibodies are found in both allergic and non-allergic people."
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"en español Análisis de sangre: inmunoglobulinas (IgA, IgG, IgM) What It Is An immunoglobulin test measures the level of certain immunoglobulins, or antibodies, in the blood. Antibodies are proteins made by the immune system to fight antigens, such as bacteria, viruses, and toxins. The body makes different immunoglobulins to combat different antigens."
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"Medical Definition of IgG. 1 1: a class of immunoglobulins that include the most common antibodies circulating in the blood, that facilitate the phagocytic destruction of microorganisms foreign to the body, that bind to and activate complement, and that are the only immunoglobulins to cross over the placenta from mother to fetus."
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"Immunoglobulin G, also known as IgG, is the most common type. It makes up as much as 80 percent of all the antibodies in the blood. IgG is broken into four different subclasses, IgG1 through IgG4.IgG is always available to help ward off infections. blood test that measures immunoglobulin can show abnormally low levels of the antibodies and diagnose IgG deficiency. It's possible to have a normal level of total IgG, so the testing of the IgG subclasses is important."
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"If the rheumatoid factor is present in the patientâs blood it attaches to the IgG coating the latex particles causing clumps. This is called agglutination. Agglutination is considered a positive reaction that indicates the presence of rheumatoid factor at a detectable level."
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"IgG is an antibody. Antibodies are proteins produced by our immune system when we have some kind of infection. IgG antibodies typically remain for a personâs lifetime and usually indicate that a person had the infection at some point in the past (non-acute). Fasting is not required for this test. Take all medications as prescribed."
"Prognosis and management depends on the type of infection in a particular patient. 1 In acute HDV infection (usually coinfection) both HDV IgM and IgG can be positive, but IgM predominates. In chronic HDV infection (usually superinfection), both IgM and IgG levels are typically high and long-lasting."
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"He found persistent antibodies of both the IgM and IgG class. Igenex has clinical studies: the presence of 2 specific IgM (or IgG) bands shows exposure to Borrelia burgdoreri (Lyme) . There are studies which discuss false positive reaction as well as studies which discuss the specificity of certain antibodies."
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"In other words, a positive allergy test result to a food that your child has eaten without any problems, or has never eaten. IgE mediated hypersensitivity/allergy â Commonly referred to as âfood allergyâ, in which IgE antibody specific for a food is formed and attaches to the allergy cells throughout the body. Whenever that food is ingested, it causes immediate onset symptoms, usually within minutes or up to 3 hours after ingestion."
"Represent text",
"patients, a positive T PALLIDUM IGG + IGM [86781E] indicates exposure. to syphilis and it does not indicate untreated syphilis. 2. If the RPR is also positive (especially at >1:8) and there is no history of. treatment for syphilis, a diagnosis of syphilis is made and the patient. should receive treatment."
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"CMV IgG is a type of blood test to test the presence of IgG antibodies which are active in the event of a CMV or cytomegalovirus infection.IgG antibodies are protein substances that are produced by the body to fight the infection caused by the cytomegalovirus.O fasting is required when taking the CMV IgG blood test. The blood sample of the patient involved will be studied in the laboratory for the presence of IgG antibodies or proteins. A positive result could mean that the person being tested has had a past or recent infection with the cytomegalovirus."
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"Definition of IgG. 1 1 : a class of immunoglobulins including the most common antibodies circulating in the blood that facilitate the phagocytic destruction of microorganisms foreign to the body, that bind to and activate complement, and that are the only immunoglobulins to cross over the placenta from mother to fetus."
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"A test for quantitative immunoglobulins (Igs) is used to detect an excess or deficiency in the three major classes of immunoglobulins (IgG, IgA, and IgM).bnormal test results typically indicate that there is something affecting the immune system and suggest the need for further testing. Quantitative immunoglobulins testing is not diagnostic but can be a strong indicator of a disease or condition."
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"When the Monospot test is negative, a combination of EBV antibody tests for IgM and IgG to the viral capsid antigen, IgM to the early antigen, and IgG antibody to the nuclear antigen may be requested, as well as antibody tests for cytomegalovirus (CMV) or Toxoplasma gondii."
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"IgG is the most abundant of the five classes of immunoglobulins. Its normal mean serum concentration is 1240 mg/dl. It is the major antibody in the secondary humoral response of immunity, serves to activate the complement system, and is frequently involved in opsonization.gG is the only immunoglobulin that crosses the placenta and is the major component of passive maternal antibody transfer via colostrum and yolk. IgM is the first antibody produced in the primary immune response."
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"A test for quantitative immunoglobulins (Igs) is used to detect an excess or deficiency in the three major classes of immunoglobulins (IgG, IgA, and IgM).he results of the tests for IgG, IgA, and IgM levels are usually evaluated together. Abnormal test results typically indicate that there is something affecting the immune system and suggest the need for further testing."
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"IgG Subclass Deficiency. The main immunoglobulin (Ig) in human blood is IgG. This is the second most abundant circulating protein and contains long-term protective antibodies against many infectious agents. IgG is a combination of four slightly different types of IgG called IgG subclasses: IgG1, IgG2, IgG3 and IgG4.gG2 or IgG3 deficiencies are the most common IgG subclass deficiencies. Since IgG1 comprises 60% of the total IgG level, deficiency of IgG1 usually drops the total IgG level below the normal range, resulting in hypogammaglobulinemia."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!\n\n\nE.g. ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', \"Ablation which is often considered as an alternative to hysterectomy a surgery performed remove woman's uterus and cervix. A hysterectomy is a major operation with long recovery time and only considered poses some risks of minor complications. 11 jan 2016 a hysterectomy is a surgical procedure to remove a woman's uterus. This may a hysterectomy is major surgery that can lead to complications including of used, considered surgical procedure with the removal uterus and sometimes cervix supporting tissues. Approximate recovery time six hysterectomy is the surgical removal of uterus.\"] == ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'why is a hysterectomy a major surgery']",
"Accesa Labs is pleased to offer the QuantiFERON-TB Gold (IGRA) blood test to screen for tuberculosis. This highly accurate test detects whether a positive skin test is a false positive or false negative.Through us, you can order your test for an affordable price, walk into a lab station near you and get tested.ccesa Labs is pleased to offer the QuantiFERON-TB Gold (IGRA) blood test to screen for tuberculosis. This highly accurate test detects whether a positive skin test is a false positive or false negative."
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"While IgM is an indicator of a current infection, an IgG indicates a recent or past exposure to the illness. IgM is the first antibody that the body produces in an acute infection. It is approximately six times larger than IgG and is multivalent. This means that it has multiple binding sites. In the case of IgM, the number of binding sites is 10! However, only about half of these can actually bind to an antigen. IgM is a temporary antibody that disappears within two or three weeks. It is then replaced by IgG which lasts for life and provides lasting immunity to the person."
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"Immunoglobulin G (IgG) is a type of antibody. Each IgG has two antigen binding sites. Representing approximately 75% of serum antibodies in humans, IgG is the most common type of antibody found in the circulation. IgG molecules are created and released by plasma B cells."
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"IgG Subclass Deficiency. The main immunoglobulin (Ig) in human blood is IgG. This is the second most abundant circulating protein and contains long-term protective antibodies against many infectious agents. IgG is a combination of four slightly different types of IgG called IgG subclasses: IgG1, IgG2, IgG3 and IgG4. When one or more of these subclasses is persistently low and total IgG is normal, a subclass deficiency is present."
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"HBsAg reactive and HBsAb negative - means that you are infected with the virus (in this case HepB Core IgM and IgG tells you if you're in the acute or chronic state). It means that you are infected with hbv or you have cleared the virus. HepB Core Antibody Total = HepB Core IgM Antibody + HepB Core IgG Antibody. If HepB Core IgG Antibody is reactive, than you are in a chronic state or you had an infection in the past, which was resolved by your immune system."
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"CMV IgG is a helpful diagnostic test especially during the primary and acute phase of CMV infection. Patients who may have infectious mononucleosis and women who are pregnant are typically advised to undergo the CMV IgG blood test in order to determine if they were exposed to the cytomegalovirus in the recent past.Cytomegalovirus is a type of virus that belongs to the herpes virus family.O fasting is required when taking the CMV IgG blood test. The blood sample of the patient involved will be studied in the laboratory for the presence of IgG antibodies or proteins. A positive result could mean that the person being tested has had a past or recent infection with the cytomegalovirus."
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"IgG test. IgG test. IgG test: The IgG (immunoglobulin G) test is a laboratory test used to quantitate circulating IgG molecules in a blood sample. IgG test: Other Names. Other names for IgG test include: Immunoglobulin G assay system."
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"The Interferon Gamma Release Assays (IGRAs), are a new type of more accurate TB test. In this context referring to an assay is simply a way of referring to a test or procedure. T-SPOT® TB Test © Oxford Immunotec. IGRAs are blood tests that measure a personâs immune response to the bacteria that cause TB.alse positive results happen with the TB skin test because the person has been infected with a different type of bacteria, rather than the one that causes TB. It can also happen because the person has been vaccinated with the BCG vaccine. This vaccine is widely used in countries with high rates of TB infection."
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"IgG antibody usually appears after the initial IgM response and reaches peak levels 3-4 weeks later. IgG antibody may persist for life. Individuals who have a mild infection or are treated early in the course of the disease may revert to an apparent negative IgG status over time."
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"Gliadin antibodies are from gluten-related inflammation. On a gluten-free diet, IgA antibodies typically disappear within 6 months and IgG antibodies within 1 year. Any positive IgA test suggests celiac disease. All site users should consult with a physician for specific health concerns."
"A test for quantitative immunoglobulins (Igs) is used to detect an excess or deficiency in the three major classes of immunoglobulins (IgG, IgA, and IgM)."
"Definition of IGG. 1. : a class of immunoglobulins including the most common antibodies circulating in the blood that facilitate the phagocytic destruction of microorganisms foreign to the body, that bind to and activate complement, and that are the only immunoglobulins to cross over the placenta from mother to fetus. a class of immunoglobulins including the most common antibodies circulating in the blood that facilitate the phagocytic destruction of microorganisms foreign to the body, that bind to and activate complement, and that are the only immunoglobulins to cross over the placenta from mother to fetus."
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"A. IgG and IgM are short for immunoglobulin G and immunoglobulin M. Immunoglobulins are also known as antibodies and are substances produced by the body's immune system in response to foreign substances such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or other substances like animal dander or cancer cells.gG antibodies are important for fighting bacterial and viral infections. IgG antibodies are the only type of antibody that can cross the placenta, therefore the IgG antibodies of a pregnant woman can also help protect her baby in its initial weeks of life before its own immune system has developed."
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"Immunoglobulin G ( IgG ) is a type of antibody . Each IgG has two antigen binding sites. Representing approximately 75% of serum antibodies in humans, IgG is the most common type of antibody found in the circulation. IgG molecules are created and released by plasma B cells . Functions Antibodies are major components of humoral immunity . IgG is the main type of antibody found in blood and extracellular fluid allowing it to control infection of body tissues . By binding many kinds of pathogens such as viruses , bacteria , and fungi , IgG protects the body from infection."
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"WHAT IS IMMUNE GLOBULIN? Immune globulin (IgG or IVIg) is a solution of highly purified immune globulin G, derived from large pools of human plasma that contain antibodies against a broad spectrum of bacterial and viral agents."
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"A Toxoplasma-positive reaction, stained by immunofluroescence (IFA). The diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is typically made by serologic testing. A test that measures immunoglobulin G (IgG) is used to determine if a person has been infected. If it is necessary to try to estimate the time of infection, which is of particular importance for pregnant women, a test which measures immunoglobulin M (IgM) is also used along with other tests such as an avidity test."
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"While presence of IgG indicates either an old infection or immunity against infection. Dr.S.A Alam: So presence of these antibodies are actually a good marker an indicate good immunity against infection. So presence of these antibodies are actually a good marker an indicate good immunity against infection."
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"Immunoglobulin G (IgG) is the most abundant circulating antibody, making up 80% of the total antibodies and 75% of that found in serum. It contains a single antibody protein complex, with two heavy chains and two light chains."
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"IgG antibodies signify exposure to productsâ not allerg y. IgG may actually be a marker for food tolerance, not intolerance, some research suggests: 1 Children with eczema and egg or milk allergies with higher levels of IgG to milk/egg were more likely to be tolerant of these foods at a later age."
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"1 out of 1 found this helpful. It depends on what you tested positive for... An ELISA (quick and dirty) test for toxoplasmosis will test your IgG and IgM antibodies. If you are ONLY IgG positive, then it means you probably acquired the infection >=12 months ago."
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"A test for quantitative immunoglobulins (Igs) is used to detect an excess or deficiency in the three major classes of immunoglobulins (IgG, IgA, and IgM).his test is ordered when a person has symptoms of an immunoglobulin deficiency such as recurrent infections, especially of the respiratory tract (sinus, lungs) or gastrointestinal tract (stomach, intestines), and/or chronic diarrhea."
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"IgG is the major immunoglobulin in blood, lymph fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, and peritoneal fluid and a key player in the humoral immune response. Serum IgG in healthy humans presents approximately 15% of total protein beside albumins, enzymes, other globulins and many more."
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"In other words, a positive allergy test result to a food that your child has eaten without any problems, or has never eaten. IgE mediated hypersensitivity/allergy â Commonly referred to as âfood allergyâ, in which IgE antibody specific for a food is formed and attaches to the allergy cells throughout the body."
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"In the setting of a positive syphilis IgG screening result and a negative RPR, a positive TP-PA result is consistent with either 1) past, successfully treated syphilis, 2) early syphilis with undetectable RPR titers, or 3) late/latent syphilis in patients who do not have a history of treatment for syphilis."
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"Thank you! It depends on what you tested positive for... An ELISA (quick and dirty) test for toxoplasmosis will test your IgG and IgM antibodies. If you are ONLY IgG positive, then it means you probably acquired the infection >=12 months ago."
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"IgG is the only immunoglobulin that can pass through the placenta. The mother's IgG antibodies provide protection to the fetus during pregnancy and to the baby during its first few months of life. There are four subclasses of IgG: IgG 1, IgG 2, IgG 3, and IgG 4."
"IgG Is the Major Antibody in the Blood, but It Is Able to Enter Tissue Spaces and CoatAntigens, Speeding Antigen Uptake IgG, primarily induced by protein antigens, constitutesabout 80% (12.5 mg/ml) of the antibody in serum."
"A positive TST or IGRA test result means that the person is likely to have been exposed to TB. It may be due to a latent or active TB infection. If a health practitioner suspects that someone has active tuberculosis, other tests, such as chest X-rays and AFB laboratory testing, are used to confirm the diagnosis."
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"The skin is from a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus and shows IgG deposit at 2 different places: the first is a band-like deposit along the epidermal basement membrane (lupus band test is positive); the second is within the nuclei of the epidermal cells (anti-nuclear antibodies)."
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"The role of IgG in the immune response. IgG is the major immunoglobulin in blood, lymph fluid, cerebrospinal fluid and peritoneal fluid and a key player in the humoral immune response. Serum IgG in healthy humans presents approximately 15% of total protein beside albumins, enzymes, other globulins and many more."
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"The results of the IgG blood test are read as either high or low. Increased levels are commonly associated with an infection within the body. However, high amounts may also indicate autoimmune disorders, Cirrhosis and extreme reactions from exposure to other substances.he results of the IgG blood test are read as either high or low. Increased levels are commonly associated with an infection within the body. However, high amounts may also indicate autoimmune disorders, Cirrhosis and extreme reactions from exposure to other substances."
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"Testing for IgG antibodies to dsDNA is indicated in patients who have a positive test for antinuclear antibodies (ANA) along with signs and symptoms that are compatible with the diagnosis of SLE. If the ANA test is negative, there is no reason to test for antibodies to dsDNA.(2)."
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"Immunoglobulin G: A class of immunoglobulins found in all body fluids. They are the smallest but most common antibodies (75 percent to 80 percent) in the body. Abbreviated IgG. IgG antibodies are very important in fighting bacterial and viral infections. IgG antibodies are the only type of antibody that can cross the placenta in a pregnant woman to help the fetus."
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"1 Agglutination with Polyspecific AHG indicates a positive DAT, due to either IgG antibodies or complement coating the patient's cells. 2 Agglutination with Anti-IgG indicates antibody (immunoglobulin) is coating the cells. Agglutination with Anti-C3 indicates complement is coating the cells."
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"If all of the blood test results are positive a celiac disease diagnosis is 90% accurate. However, there are several circumstances in which the tests can be inaccurate. IGA and IGG are two different varieties of antibodies which are produced by most peoples immune systems."
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"Immunoglobulin G (IgG) is a type of antibody. Each IgG has two antigen binding sites. Representing approximately 75% of serum antibodies in humans, IgG is the most common type of antibody found in the circulation. [1] IgG molecules are created and released by plasma B cells."
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"IgG Subclass Deficiency. The main immunoglobulin (Ig) in human blood is IgG. This is the second most abundant circulating protein and contains long-term protective antibodies against many infectious agents. IgG is a combination of four slightly different types of IgG called IgG subclasses: IgG1, IgG2, IgG3 and IgG4."
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"Immunoglobulin G (IgG). A group of antibodies against certain viral infections that circulate in the bloodstream. One type of IgG is specific against the mumps paramyxovirus."
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"The interferon gamma release assay (IGRA) is a newer type of blood test for TB that is becoming more widely available. The IGRA may be used to help diagnose latent TB: 1 if you have a positive Mantoux test. 2 if you previously had the BCG vaccination (as the Mantoux test may not be reliable in these cases). 3 as part of your TB screening if you have just moved to the UK from a country where TB is common."
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"How long after infection does it take for IgG antibodies to build up such that my test result would appear... show more I tested positive for herpes with the IgM test and negative with the IgG test. The IgM antibodies can appear positive during an outbreak, so that's not surprising. I am curious about my negative IgG test. How long after infection does it take for IgG antibodies to build up such that my test result would appear... show more I tested positive for herpes with the IgM test and negative with the IgG test. The IgM antibodies can appear positive during an outbreak, so that's not surprising."
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"But in the report i see something like this below: Rubella (AB) Result : Positive Reference Range : NEG Indicates Presence of IgG Antibody. A positive result indicated immunity. What does this... show more Hi, My wife had some blood tests done due to her pregnancy. It found that she is not pregnant. But in the report i see something like this below: Rubella (AB) Result : Positive Reference Range : NEG Indicates Presence of IgG Antibody. A positive result indicated immunity. What does this... show more Hi, My wife had some blood tests done due to her pregnancy. It found that she is not pregnant. But in the report i see something like this below: Rubella (AB) Result : Positive Reference Range : NEG Indicates Presence of IgG Antibody. A positive result indicated immunity. What ..."
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"what space probes have visited venus"
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"The first successful flyby of Venus was performed by NASAâs Mariner 2 spacecraft on 14 December 1962, following failed attempts by both the Soviet Union and the USA. The first successful landing was the Soviet Venera 4 lander, which touched down on the surface on 18 October 1967."
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"5. Atmospheric Probes: These space probes remain in, or transit through the atmosphere of the planet or moon and study weather patterns and atmospheric peculiarities until its end. The Huygens probe to Titan acted as an atmospheric probe and then a lander once it was on the surface of Saturn's moon."
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"On December 15, 1970 an unmanned Soviet spacecraft, Venera 7, became the first spacecraft to land on another planet. It measured the temperature of the atmosphere on Venus. In 1972, Venera 8 gathered atmospheric and surface data for 50 minutes after landing. On Oct. 22, 1975, Venera 9 landed on the surface of Venus.It took the first close-up photograph of the planet's surface. Three days later Venera 10 landed on Venus.n December 15, 1970 an unmanned Soviet spacecraft, Venera 7, became the first spacecraft to land on another planet. It measured the temperature of the atmosphere on Venus. In 1972, Venera 8 gathered atmospheric and surface data for 50 minutes after landing. On Oct. 22, 1975, Venera 9 landed on the surface of Venus."
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"View full size image. Mars and Venus, those seemingly contrasting planets of self-help book fame, have more in common than you might think. Two nearly identical spacecraft around Mars and Venus have compared the two worlds' atmospheres and found them to be surprisingly similar. The ESA's Mars Express and Venus Express are currently in orbit around the planets taking measurements of their atmospheres as they interact with solar radiation. The data show that charged particles from the gas layers around both planets are being scavenged by solar wind and storms."
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"But now weâve sent robotic spacecraft to all of the planets in the Solar System, including Mercury. Hereâs a listing of the missions that have gone to Mercury, and a few that will be going shortly. Mariner 10. Mariner 10 was launched on November 3, 1973 to fly past Mercury and Venus. It was the last spacecraft in the Mariner program (Mariner 11 and Mariner 12 were renamed to Voyager 1 and 2)."
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"Noun. 1. space probe-a rocket-propelled guided missile that can escape the earth's atmosphere; makes observations of the solar system that cannot be made by terrestrial observation. guided missile-a rocket-propelled missile whose path can be controlled during flight either by radio signals or by internal homing devices."
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"A space probe is a spacecraft which travels into space with no people in it, usually in order to study the planets and send information about them back to earth. Its rings were discovered by telescope from Earth, but space probes later found that spectacular rings surround some other planets. The Pioneer probes have on board ultra-violet instruments which are measuring light that we can't measure on the earth."
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"So, how long does it take to get to Venus from Earth? The first spacecraft ever launched towards Venus was the Soviet Venera 1 spacecraft. It was launched on February 12, 1961 on course to Venus. Unfortunately, scientists lost contact with the spacecraft on February 17th."
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"Artist's concept of Mariner 9, the first probe to orbit Mars. Image credit: NASA We received this question from fourth-grade students in Fresno, California. JPL's Homework Help page provides basic information and suggestions for further research. A probe is a spacecraft that travels through space to collect science information. Probes do not have astronauts. Probes send data back to Earth for scientists to study. The First Probes Sputnik 1 was the first probe to go into space. It was launched on Oct. 4, 1957, by the former Soviet Union. On Jan. 31, 1958, the United States sent a probe called Explorer 1 into space. These first probes studied Earth from space. They also learned what it's like to be in space. This was the beginning of the Space Race between the United States and Soviet Union."
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"During its four years in orbit around Earth's sister planet, the spacecraft has radar-mapped 98 percent of the surface and collected high-resolution gravity data of Venus. The purpose of the crash landing is to gain data on the planet's atmosphere and on the performance of the spacecraft as it descends."
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"Mariner 10 - USA Mercury/Venus Flyby - 526 kg - (November 3, 1973 - March 24, 1975) Mariner 10 was the first dual planet mission. It flew past Venus on February 5, 1974 for a gravity assist to the planet Mercury. Mariner 10 was the first spacecraft to have an imaging system. It flew past Mercury 3 times on March 29, 1974, September 21, 1974, and March 16, 1975. These three encounters produced over 10,000 pictures with 57% planet coverage. It recorded surface temperatures ranging from 187°C to -183°C on the day and night sides."
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"The Venus flytrap is one of the most captivating plants around. Learn all about Venus fly traps, including Venus fly trap care, Venus flytrap feeding, growing Venus flytraps indoors, facts about Venus flytraps and more."
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"Simultaneous observations of Mars and Venus by two European spacecraft are providing scientists with a unique opportunity for comparative planetology. The study will help scientists understand the past environments of both planets."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Source(s): Geocentric models cannot explain the phases of Venus. They cannot explain retrograde motion of Mars. The order of planets in the geocentric model: Moon, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, fixed stars-does not match what is seen when probes are launched into our Solar System."
"Represent this.",
"Non-Video Streams (Images, Blogs) 1 Solar Dynamic Observatory Venus Transit Real Time Images. 2 NASA Venus Transit Observing Challenge Flickr Stream. 3 International Space Station. European Space 1 Agency. Coca-Cola Space Science Center. Hubble to use Moon as a mirror to see Venus 1 Transit. Norway."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"India's first Mars satellite 'Mangalyaan' enters orbit. Read more about sharing. India has successfully put a satellite into orbit around Mars, becoming the fourth nation or geo-bloc to do so. The Mangalyaan robotic probe, one of the cheapest interplanetary missions ever, will soon begin work studying the Red Planet's atmosphere. A 24-minute engine burn slowed the probe down enough to allow it to be captured by Mars's gravity."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Voyager 2. Voyager 2 is a space probe launched by NASA on August 20, 1977, to study the outer planets. Part of the Voyager program, it was launched 16 days before its twin, Voyager 1, on a trajectory that took longer to reach Jupiter and Saturn but enabled further encounters with Uranus and Neptune."
"represent this",
"The probe's primary mission objectives included flybys of Jupiter, Saturn, and Saturn's large moon, Titan. While the spacecraft's course could have been altered to include a Pluto encounter by forgoing the Titan flyby, exploration of the moon, which was known to have a substantial atmosphere, took priority."
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"It measured the temperature of the atmosphere on Venus. In 1972, Venera 8 gathered atmospheric and surface data for 50 minutes after landing. On Oct. 22, 1975, Venera 9 landed on the surface of Venus. It took the first close-up photograph of the planet's surface. Three days later Venera 10 landed on Venus."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Mariner 2 was the first successful mission to another planet by any country. During a 42 minute scan, the spacecraft showed that the surface temperature on Venus was at least 797 degrees Fahrenheit (425 degrees Celsius) -- hot enough to melt lead. It also showed that Venus rotates in the opposite direction from most planets in our solar system."
"List of Solar System probes. This is a list of space probes that have left Earth orbit (or were launched with that intention but failed), organized by their planned destination. It includes planetary probes, solar probes, and probes to asteroids and comets, but excludes lunar missions, which are listed separately at List of lunar probes and List of Apollo missions."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"The Huygens probe, supplied by the European Space Agency (ESA) and named after the 17th century Dutch astronomer who first discovered Titan, Christiaan Huygens, scrutinized the clouds, atmosphere, and surface of Saturn's moon Titan in its descent on January 15, 2005.assini is the fourth space probe to visit Saturn and the first to enter orbit, and its mission is ongoing as of 2015. It has studied the planet and its many natural satellites since arriving there in 2004. Development started in the 1980s. Its design includes a Saturn orbiter, and a lander for the moon Titan."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"How far has a space probe gone into space? This is the probe Voyager 1, which was launched on 5th July 1977 on NASA's second mission to study Jupiter, as well as to study Saturn.ne of the Voyager probes has left the Solar System, at least it is beyond the orbit of Pluto. Answer Voyager 1 is over 15.89 terameters (15.89Ã1012 meters, or 15.89Ã109 km, 106.26 AU, 14.72 light-hours, or 9.87 billion miles) from the Sun as of May of 2008."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Space probes have yet to reach the area of the Oort cloud. Voyager 1, the fastest and farthest of the interplanetary space probes currently leaving the Solar System, will reach the Oort cloud in about 300 years and would take about 30,000 years to pass through it."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"A large spacecraft carrying two probes and a lander would be sent out to investigate the ice planet orbiting in the far reaches of the Solar System some 2.8 billion miles from the Sun. Until now, the only spacecraft to visit Neptune was Voyager 2, which flew by the giant planet in 1989. Voyager 2, which has traveled to more planets than any other probe in history, probably still will be operating as the new probe arrives at Neptune."
"Voyager 2 is a space probe launched by NASA on August 20, 1977 to study the outer planets. Part of the Voyager program, it was launched 16 days before its twin, Voyager 1, on a trajectory that took longer to reach Jupiter and Saturn but enabled further encounters with Uranus and Neptune."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"It's not that I don't want to answer this question, it's that it's scope is beyond Answers.com. There have been scores of space probes sent into space (taking all nations into ⦠consideration). Your best bet is to research space probes launched from earth."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For a list of active probes only, see List of active Solar System probes. For a list of landers only, see Landings on other planets. This is a list of all space probes that have left Earth orbit (or were launched with that intention but failed), organized by their planned destination. It includes planetary probes, solar probes, and probes to asteroids and comets, but excludes manned lunar spacecraft (listed separately at List of Apollo missions). Flybys (such as gravity assists) that were incidental to the main purpose of the mission are also included."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Northrop Grumman has come up with a Venus mission concept called VAMP (Venus Atmospheric Maneuverable Platform): An inflatable propeller plane that could cruise Earth's super-heated sister planet for years, sampling the acidic alien atmopshere directly and safely observing the venusian surface from 50 kilometers up."
"Credit: NASA. Galileo was the first spacecraft to examine Jupiter and its moons for an extended period. It launched from the payload bay of space shuttle Atlantis in 1989, got some speed boosts by swinging past Earth twice and Venus once, then arrived at Jupiter at last in 1995."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"space probes Technicians work on the Ulysses space probe. A space probe is a scientific space exploration mission in hich a robotic spacecraft leaves the gravity well of Earth and approaches the Moon or enters interplanetary or interstellar space; approximately twenty are currently extant."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Cassini is one of the most successful space probe missions in history. The craft has been orbiting Saturn for years capturing images and analyzing it' s atmosphere, rings, and moons. Cassini completed its initial four-year mission to explore the Saturn System in June 2008. Now, the healthy spacecraft is working overtime on the Cassini Equinox Mission, seeking answer to new questions raised in Cassiniâs first years at Saturn."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"But why land a probe on a comet? The Rosetta spacecraft launched in March 2004 and began its 10-year journey across the solar system into deep spaceâmore than five times the distance between the Earth and the Sunâto rendezvous with Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, which occurred on August 6, 2014."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Mission controllers didnât get a chance to put in a course correction that would have directed it closer to Venus, so itâs thought to have passed within 100,000 km of the planet on May 19th. Thatâs a total time of 97 days; just over 3 months.The first successful Venus flyby was NASAâs Mariner 2.ission controllers didnât get a chance to put in a course correction that would have directed it closer to Venus, so itâs thought to have passed within 100,000 km of the planet on May 19th. Thatâs a total time of 97 days; just over 3 months. The first successful Venus flyby was NASAâs Mariner 2."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Source of the image above with hyperlinks for each mission. Missions to the Moon have been conducted by the Soviet Union, United States, European Space Agency, Japan, India and the People's Republic of China. The Moon has also been visited by five spacecraft not dedicated to studying it; four spacecraft have flown past it to gain gravity assists, and a radio telescope, Explorer 49, was placed into selenocentric orbit in order to use the Moon to block interference from terrestrial radio sources."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) is a robotic space probe mission to Mars launched by NASA on November 26, 2011, which successfully landed Curiosity, a Mars rover, in Gale Crater on August 6, 2012."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The first successful space probe was the Soviet Luna 1 flyby of the Moon in 1959. Luna 1 reached the escape velocity of the Earth, and passed within 5,995 km (3,725 mi) of the Moon's surface after 83 hours of flight."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Astronaut Don Pettit onboard the International Space Station (ISS) discusses the scientific and historical aspects of the June 5, 2012 Transit of Venus across the Sun and his plans for photographing the event through some of the optical quality windows onboard the ISS including Cupola Window 1, the port forward window in Docking Compartment 1, and ..."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The other note is that this list is of space vessels, and not just starships â if it travels in space, it counts for the purposes of this list. With those two caveats, enjoy. 15) Whale Probe, Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home truly changed how people viewed science fiction."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"View full size image. The unmanned Voyager 1 and 2 probes were launched in 1977 on a mission to visit all the outer planets of the solar system. After 35 years in space, the twin probes are approaching the edge of our solar system. [ See how the Voyager spacecraft worked in this SPACE.com infographic here ]. Credit: Karl Tate, SPACE.com."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A large spacecraft carrying two probes and a lander would be sent out to investigate the ice planet orbiting in the far reaches of the Solar System some 2.8 billion miles from the Sun. Until now, the only spacecraft to visit Neptune was Voyager 2, which flew by the giant planet in 1989. Voyager 2, which has traveled to more planets than any other probe in history, probably still will be operating as the new probe arrives at Neptune. However, Voyager 2 will be much farther away, some 10.5 billion miles from the Sun near the edge of the Solar System."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The study of the outer planets has since been revolutionized by the use of unmanned space probes. The arrival of the Voyager spacecraft at Saturn in 1980â1981 resulted in the discovery of three additional moonsâAtlas, Prometheus and Pandora, bringing the total to 17."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Since its 1977 launch, the Voyager 1 probe has passed gas-giant planets, beamed back the famous Pale Blue Dot picture of Earth from afar, and is now passing through the limits of the solar wind's reach. Its sister craft, Voyager 2, took the first pictures of the outer gas giants, Uranus and Neptune."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The mission will complete what NASA calls the reconnaissance of the classical solar system, and it makes the U.S. the first nation to send a space probe to every planet from Mercury to Pluto. The probe has traveled more than 3 billion miles to reach Pluto."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:\n\n------\n\nGiven ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.', 'What kind of cancer did Michael landon have? Michael Landon had pancreatic cancer which took his life in July of 1991. He was an actor best known for his roles on Little House on the Prairie and Highway to Heaven.'], a positive would be ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what did michael landon die from']",
"This solar wind flows from the sun at speeds close to 400 km/s (895,000 mph.). Space probes, such as the Voyager probes, have measured the magnetic fields of the planets and even auroras have been photographed on other planets. The spacecraft Mariner 10 flew by Mercury in 1974 and surprised the science community."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nFor example, ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Foreign Intelligence Entity. Any known or suspected foreign organization, person, or group (public, private, or governmental) that conducts intelligence activities to acquire US information, block or impair US intelligence collection, influence US policy, or disrupts US systems and programs.'] should be similar to ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is foreign intelligence entity']",
"Although Nasaâs Mariner 10 mission performed three flybys of Mercury in 1974, Messenger is the first probe to ever circle the planet. Messenger began its mission when it launched from Cape Canaveral aboard a Delta II rocket on August 3, 2004. ⢠Mercury close up: The best pictures from Nasa's Messenger spacecraft mission."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Mars (left), Earth (middle), Venus (right) with relative sizes. Credit: NASA Using two ESA spacecraft, planetary scientists are watching the atmospheres of Mars and Venus being stripped away into space."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Huygens discovered Titan, and Cassini discovered a few more of Saturn's moons. The mission was commonly called Saturn Orbiter Titan Probe (SOTP) during gestation, both as a Mariner Mark II mission and generically.assini is the fourth space probe to visit Saturn and the first to enter orbit, and its mission is ongoing as of 2015. It has studied the planet and its many natural satellites since arriving there in 2004. Development started in the 1980s. Its design includes a Saturn orbiter, and a lander for the moon Titan."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"The planet was observed by the Mariner 10 space probe from March 29, 1974 to March 16, 1975. This was the only close observation until three flybys by the Messenger probe on January 14, 2008, October 6, 2008, and September 29, 2009. Messenger will begin its orbital mapping of Mercury on March 18, 2011."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"2. Flyby Probe: In this type of space probe the robotic space explorer collects information in the form of images and other telemetry as it flies very close by the celestial object. NASA's Voyager 1 and 2 to Jupiter and beyond are an example of flyby probes. 3."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The surface of Venus is covered by a dense atmosphere and presents clear evidence of former violent volcanic activity. It has shield and composite volcanoes similar to those found on Earth. Relative to the Moon, Mars or Mercury, Venus has few small impact craters.fter the Moon, Venus was the second object in the Solar System to be explored by radar from the Earth. The first studies were carried out in 1961 at NASA 's Goldstone Observatory, part of the Deep Space Network."
] |
"A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"weather in boca raton in january"
] | [
"Boca raton: Annual Weather Averages. July is the hottest month in Boca raton with an average temperature of 29°C (84°F) and the coldest is January at 20°C (68°F). Loading weather data."
] | [
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Averages for Lanzarote in January. Weather overview. The average temperature for Lanzarote, Canary Islands in January remains constant at 17°C across the whole month. Daily highs are around 20°C â rarely going over 22°C or falling below 18°C.Daily lows are around 15°C â rarely going over 17°C or falling below 12°C.he average sea temperature for Lanzarote in January is 19°C. Everyone is different, so whilst some people will find this temperature too cold for swimming, others will find it perfect. Either way, itâs common to see sunbathers and swimmers on the beaches of Lanzarote in January."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Boca Raton, FL 68° New York, NY 34° Miami, FL 66° Los Angeles, CA 70° Browse for your location"
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Weather in Florida in January. The average maximum daytime temperature in Florida in January is a warm 24°C (75°F). There are usually 7 hours of bright sunshine each day, which represents 66% of the 11 hours of daylight. The average sea temperature in and around Florida in January is 24°C (75°F)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Weather in Florida in January. The average maximum daytime temperature in Florida in January is a warm 24°C (75°F). There are usually 7 hours of bright sunshine each day, which represents 66% of the 11 hours of daylight. The average sea temperature in and around Florida in January is 24°C (75°F). Expect 61mm (2.4 inches) of rainfall across the whole of January with 7 days with some rain falling. Maximum UV levels will be high (6 UV index) at midday when the skies are clear."
"Represent the following document",
"Realtime weather, 14 day weather forecast, historical weather at Boca Raton (33481) Monthly Climate Averages"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"More about Florida weather in January. The average maximum daytime temperature in Florida in January is a warm 24°C (75°F). There are usually 7 hours of bright sunshine each day, which represents 66% of the 11 hours of daylight. The average sea temperature in and around Florida in January is 24°C (75°F)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Average Weather in Dadeville for January : Sunlight 3 hours a day: Coldest January temperature-21°C : Coldest daily temperature: 1°C : Average daily temperature: 3°C : Warmest daily temperature: 11°C : Warmest January temperature: 25°C : Morning Humidity : 79%: Evening Humidity : 62%: Rain in January: 125 mm: Wet days for January: 11 days"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Intellicast.com: The Authority in Expert Weather Boca Raton, Florida weather conditions and forecast (33431). Today's Boca Raton, Florida weather report: current observations, hourly forecast, 10-day forecast calendar and chart. Intellicast.com The Authority in Expert Weather Weather Emails Alerts Hurricanes Help"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Boca Raton, FL 33431. OCTOBER 2015 -- About 200 friends of Research Park at FAU set sail Friday from the Boca Raton Resort and Hotel to celebrate its 30th anniversary."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Average Weather in January in Philipsburg Sint Maarten. In Philipsburg, the month of January is characterized by essentially constant daily high temperatures, with daily highs around 83°F throughout the month, rarely exceeding 85°F or dropping below 80°F. Daily low temperatures are around 75°F, rarely falling below 72°F or exceeding 78°F."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Holiday Weather. The warmest day over the next 7 days in Boca raton is forecast to be 20th April at 29°C (84°F) and the warmest night on 18th April at 24°C (75°F). The average temperature over the next 7 days is forecast to be 28°C (82°F) and there will be 5 days of sunshine . The average for April is 0°C (0°F) in Boca raton."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"34240, Sarasota, Florida weather text for Sun 07 th January The 34240, Sarasota, Florida weather is going to be partly cloudy. 34240, Sarasota, Florida visibility is going to be around 20 km i.e. 12 miles and an atmospheric pressure of 1026 mb. The daytime temperature is going to reach 19 °c and the temperature is going to dip to 11 °c at night."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Temperatures average around 68 degrees during the winter months and rise to the mid 80's during the summer. The weather in Boca Raton, Florida, is generally comfortable, although some people find the summer heat and humidity displeasing. Summer temperatures may reach the high 90's, but the winters are always pleasant, with temperatures in the 60's and 70's during the day and in the 40's and 50's at night."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"7 Day - 24 Hour QPF Forecast for Boca Raton Friday: 0 mm | 0 in Saturday: 0 mm | 0 in Sunday: 0 mm | 0 in Monday: 1 mm | 0.02 in Tuesday: 0 mm | 0 in Wednesday: 0 mm | 0 in Thursday: 0 mm | 0 in 7 Day - 24 Hour Maximum Wind Speed Forecast for Boca Raton"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Beware: Boca Raton, like most of Florida, is susceptible to hurricanes. The hurricane season in Florida runs from about the beginning of June to the end of November. Boca Raton is affected (meaning it is hit or brushed) by a hurricane approximately every 2.6 years. Most recently, Boca Raton was hit by hurricane Wilma on October 24 of 2005. The resulting damage was extensive."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Boca Raton, FL. Online Offers. Boca Raton ( /boÊkÉ rÉtoÊn/) is a city in Palm Beach County, Florida, USA, incorporated in May 1925. In the 2000 census, the city had a total population of 74,764; the 2006 population recorded by the U.S. Census Bureau was 86,396. However, the majority of the people under the postal address of Boca Raton, about 200,000 in total, are not actually within Boca Raton's municipal boundaries."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:\n\nE.g. ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Breakout Cable A type of Fiber optic Cable containing several fibers, each with its own Jacket and all of them surrounded by one common jacket. Breakout cables are designed for convenient installation of Fiber Optic Connectors but tend to have high Transmission losses due to bends in the fibers.'] == ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'what is breakout fiber optic']",
".21. .10. .05. In the absence of water temperature for Boca Raton that for Miami used.Water temperature available twice a month in warm months and monthly in cold ones. 1966-95 ave.21. .10. .05. In the absence of water temperature for Boca Raton that for Miami used."
"Kaohsiung, Taiwan (8,798 miles away) is the far-away foreign place with temperatures most similar to Boca Raton (view comparison). Clouds In Boca Raton, the average percentage of the sky covered by clouds experiences significant seasonal variation over the course of the year. The clearer part of the year in Boca Raton begins around October 12 and lasts for 7.5 months, ending around May 26."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"CLIMATE OVERVIEW. Boca Raton, Florida, gets 56 inches of rain per year. The US average is 39. Snowfall is 0 inches. The average US city gets 26 inches of snow per year. The number of days with any measurable precipitation is 84."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The climate of Boca Raton (Florida - United States of America) Boca Raton is a small city located on the coast of Florida between the cities of Fort Lauderdale and Palm Beach. The Florida Atlantic University can be found here. Boca Raton is a peaceful city."
"Represent the next text",
"Average temperatures in January. High °F. Climate records for the central Florida region include cities in the counties of Brevard, Hillsborough, Orange, Pinellas, Polk and Volusia. North Florida temperatures are for weather stations in the counties of Alachua, Baker, Columbia, Duval, Hamilton, Madison, Marion, St Johns and Suwannee."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Florida Weather > Boca Raton Weather. Boca Raton, FL climate is hot during summer when temperatures tend to be in the 80's and mild during winter when temperatures tend to be in the 60's."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The climate profile is taken from closest available data source to Providenciales Island. Temperature. Throughout the month of January daytime temperatures will generally reach highs of around 29°C that's about 84°F. At night the average minimum temperature drops down to around 19°C, that's 66°F."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Average January temperatures in Cody are a maximum of 35.9 °F and a minimum of 12.8 °F. Annual snowfall averages about 39 inches. The winds can come from any direction and can be quite strong at 30 to 40 mph, lasting for several days."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Average Weather in January in Philipsburg Sint Maarten. In Philipsburg, the month of January is characterized by essentially constant daily high temperatures, with daily highs around 83°F throughout the month, rarely exceeding 85°F or dropping below 80°F. Daily low temperatures are around 75°F, rarely falling below 72°F or exceeding 78°F. For reference, on August 28, the hottest day of the year, temperatures in Philipsburg typically range from 80°F to 88°F, while on February 13, the coldest day of the year, they range from 74°F to 82°F."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Access hourly, 10 day and 15 day forecasts along with up to the minute reports and videos for Boca Raton, FL 33432 from AccuWeather.com Get the Boca Raton weather forecast. Access hourly, 10 day and 15 day forecasts along with up to the minute reports and videos for Boca Raton, FL 33432 from AccuWeather.com Get the Boca Raton weather forecast."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Average Weather in March in Raton New Mexico, United States. In Raton, the month of March is characterized by rising daily high temperatures, with daily highs increasing by 7°F, from 52°F to 59°F over the course of the month, and rarely exceeding 71°F or dropping below 39°F."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Boca Raton Average Weather. 1 In the event that the weather data was unavailable for this city, estimates based upon nearby cities were used. 2 In the event that the air quality/pollution data was unavailable for this city, estimates based upon nearby cities were used."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers For example, ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!', 'Henri Becquerel, Pierre Curie and Marie Curie shared the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903. Marie Curie received the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1911. Marie Curie was the firstâ\\x80¦ person honored with 2 Nobel Prizes -in physics and Chemistry. 1 person found this useful.'] should be similar to ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'did pierre curie win a nobel prize']",
"Expect 61mm (2.4 inches) of rainfall across the whole of January with 7 days with some rain falling. Maximum UV levels will be high (6 UV index) at midday when the skies are clear. The average sea temperature in and around Miami in January is 24°C (75°F). The weather in Miami in January is represented by Miami. Miami sunrise & sunset times for January 2018. Browse the sunrise & sunset times for Miami in January 2018. Select a month to view Miami sunrise & sunset times for the next twelve months."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Boca Raton Weather Forecast You may find a weather forecast for Boca Raton, Florida, from a variety of websites, and these reports usually include information like high and low temperatures, sky conditions, wind speed and direction, visibility, humidity, or the UV index."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Weather in January is usually very nice but often windy. The temperature can get as high as 80 but it can also get chilly , as in 60 degrees. The weather changes quickly so the cold spells are not long lasting. So,to answer your question , yes it's warm enough to lay on the beach most of the time.It is also one of the least rainy month."
"Boca raton: Annual Weather Averages. 1 Average Temperature: Boca raton. 2 Average High/Low Temperature: Boca raton. 3 Chance of sunny day: Boca raton. Chance of rain: Boca 1 raton. Chance of windy day: Boca raton. Chance of cloudy day: Boca 1 raton. Chance of fog day: Boca 2 raton. Chance of snow day: Boca raton."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"January is one of the months with the lowest temperatures. The typical Punta Cana weather in January temperature can be as high as 81 degrees Fahrenheit during the day to 71 degrees Fahrenheit in the late evenings. It is perfect weather to visit some of the known tourists attractions during the day and to sleep comfortably without the air conditioner during the evenings."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The maximum dew point (an indicator of humidity) in Nassau in January is 20° which is somewhat uncomfortable for most people in cities but fine on a beach. The dew point is 21° in the previous month and 20° in the next month. The average maximum relative humidity in Nassau in January is typically 90.9%."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"Boca raton: Weather Forecast. The warmest day over the next 7 days in Boca raton is forecast to be 20th April at 29°C (84°F) and the warmest night on 18th April at 24°C (75°F). The average temperature over the next 7 days is forecast to be 28°C (82°F) and there will be 5 days of sunshine . The average for April is 0°C (0°F) in Boca raton."
"Represent the following document",
"Wednesday, Apr 12. Description. This is the wind, wave and weather forecast for Boca Raton in Florida, United States. Windfinder specializes in wind, waves, tides and weather reports & forecasts for wind related sports like kitesurfing, windsurfing, surfing, sailing or paragliding. The Forecast is based on the GFS model."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"January is the hottest month in Hilton Head Island with an average temperature of 27°C (81°F) and the coldest is January at 27°C (81°F). Loading weather data."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Boca Raton (/ËboÊkÉ rÉËtoÊn/; Spanish: [Ëboka raËton]) is the southernmost city in Palm Beach County, Florida, United States, first incorporated on August 2, 1924 as Bocaratone, and then incorporated as Boca Raton in 1925. The 2014 population estimated by the U.S. Census Bureau was 91,332."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Boca Raton, Florida Weather Report · Interactive Map · Extended Forecast · Hourly Forecast · Past Observations · Historic Averages Current Conditions - °F | °C"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Boca Raton Inlet water temperatures peak in the range 29 to 30°C (84 to 86°F) on around the 10th of August and are at their lowest on about the 10th of February, in the range 22 to 24°C (72 to 75°F). Year round warm water temperatures at Boca Raton Inlet climb to their highest in early to mid August."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Guide to Miami weather in January. The average maximum daytime temperature in Miami in January is a warm 24°C (75°F). The average night-time temperature is usually a comfortable 16°C (61°F). There are usually 7 hours of bright sunshine each day, which represents 66% of the 11 hours of daylight."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"4. 6. Climate data for raton filter plant, Longitude: -104.433, Latitude: 36.9194. Average weather Raton, NM - 87740 - 1981-2010 normals. Jan: January, Feb: February, Mar: March, Apr: April, May: May, Jun: June, Jul: July, Aug: August, Sep: September, Oct: October, Nov: November, Dec: December."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"=============================================================. Heavy rain and wind have caused numerous problems in southern Palm Beach County. American Heritage of Boca Delray will be closed May 3rd due to severe flooding, a school spokesperson said. A possible tornado may have touched down in the 3000 block of North Federal Highway in Boca Raton. Several YouReporters reported damage to a homeowner's roof in the area. NewsChannel 5's Dan Corcoran discovered damage to the Bike America store at 3150 North Federal Highway and a neighboring dentist office."
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"Boca Raton, FL Real Estate Insights. Boca Raton is a hotspot for retirees and vacation homeowners alike, given its relaxing, laidback atmosphere complete with warm annual temperatures. The city's landscape is nothing short of beautiful, covered in 15.64 percent tree canopy. Plus, Boca's setting is prime on the east coast of Florida, just a 20-minute drive from Fort Lauderdale."
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"The climate of Boca Raton (Florida - United States of America) Boca Raton is a small city located on the coast of Florida between the cities of Fort Lauderdale and Palm Beach. The Florida Atlantic University can be found here. Boca Raton is a peaceful city. You can go for long walks here along the beautiful sandy beaches or one of the many footpaths."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Boca Raton, FL. Sponsored Topics. Boca Raton ( /boÊkÉ rÉtoÊn/) is a city in Palm Beach County, Florida, USA, incorporated in May 1925. In the 2000 census, the city had a total population of 74,764; the 2006 population recorded by the U.S. Census Bureau was 86,396."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Key weather averages for Fort Walton Beach in January. 1 16. 16°C max day temperature. 2 5. 5 hours of sunshine per day. 3 10. 10 days with some rainfall. 4 4. 4°C min night temperature. 5 10. 10 hours of daylight per day. 6 0. No heat & humidity. 7 99. 99 mm of monthly rainfall. 8 4. 4 (Moderate) UV index. 9 17. 17°C sea temperature."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"In the absence of water temperature for Boca Raton that for Miami used. Water temperature available twice a month in warm months and monthly in cold ones. 1966-95 ave."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Boca Raton, FL Weather. Boca Raton, FL climate is hot during summer when temperatures tend to be in the 80's and mild during winter when temperatures tend to be in the 60's."
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"Today's Boca Raton Inlet sea temperature is 25.9 °C. Very warm in and out of the water temperature at Boca Raton Inlet today, but forecast to be overcast. With sea temperatures of 25 °C and a wind chill of 22 °C, most surfers will choose a shorty, boardshorts or a summer suit."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Weather in Hilton Head Island in January. The average maximum daytime temperature in Hilton Head Island in January is a comfortable 14°C (57°F). There are usually 6 hours of bright sunshine each day, which represents 55% of the 10 hours of daylight. The average sea temperature in and around Hilton Head Island in January is 17°C (63°F)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The national weather service for 34240, Sarasota, Florida is reporting Wednesday 10 th January to be the wettest day in the coming week with around 0.40mm (or 0.0 inches) of rainfall. Make sure to carry an umbrella if you are out and about in 34240, Sarasota, Florida."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Based on the tourism score, the best time of year to visit Boca Raton for warm-weather activities is from early November to early May. Temperature The hot season lasts for 3.8 months, from June 6 to October 1, with an average daily high temperature above 86°F."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Boca Raton Resort. Boca Raton (/ËboÊkÉ rÉËtoÊn/; Spanish: [Ëboka raËton]) is the southernmost city in Palm Beach County, Florida, United States, first incorporated on August 2, 1924 as Bocaratone, and then incorporated as Boca Raton in 1925. The 2015 population estimated by the U.S. Census Bureau was 93,235."
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"Find the most current and reliable 7 day weather forecasts, storm alerts, reports and information for Boca Raton, FL, US with The Weather Network."
"Represent the input",
"Todayâs and tonightâs Boca Raton, FL weather forecast, weather conditions and Doppler radar from The Weather Channel and Weather.com Todayâs and tonightâs Boca Raton, FL weather forecast, weather conditions and Doppler radar from The Weather Channel and Weather.com Connection restored! Show me the weather in... city, zip, or place"
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"PALM BEACH COUNTY, Fla. - UPDATE: A team from the National Weather Service confirms that a tornado touched down Thursday afternoon in the 3000 block of North Federal Highway in Boca Raton."
"Represent text",
"Weather for Boca Raton, FL - Boca Raton, FL Weather, Current Weather in Boca Raton, FL. Local weather report for Boca Raton, FL, Local Boca Raton, FL weather. Forecast for Boca Raton, Florida, Boca Raton, FL weather forecast. Find your local Boca Raton weather forecast. Boca Raton, FL weather conditions."
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"YOU ARE INVITED: To Experience Three Unforgettable Days In February In Florida February 23, 24 & 25, 2018 We invite you to join us over three spectacular days, February 23, 24 & 25, as we commemorate the 12th Annual Boca Raton Concours dâElegance."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"The 33434, Boca Raton, Florida weather is going to be patchy rain possible. 33434, Boca Raton, Florida visibility is going to be around 19 km i.e. 11 miles and an atmospheric pressure of 1023 mb. The daytime temperature is going to reach 26 °c and the temperature is going to dip to 15 °c at night."
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"Just 13.7 miles from North Palm Beach County Airport, and 23.2 miles from Boca Raton airport, itâs easy to reach West Palm Beach from anywhere in the world. The wonderful climate sees warm sunny days and temperatures from 75 to 85 throughout the year so any time is ideal to visit."
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"Boca Raton Restaurants Things to Do in Boca Raton Boca Raton Travel Forum Boca Raton Photos Boca Raton Map Boca Raton Travel Guide All Boca Raton Hotels; Boca Raton Hotel Deals; Last Minute Hotels in Boca Raton; By Hotel Type Boca Raton Family Hotels; Boca Raton Business Hotels; Boca Raton Luxury Hotels; Romantic Hotels in Boca Raton; Boca Raton Beach Hotels"
] |
"Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results",
"how !amg beats per minute is normal for a dog"
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"In a resting dog that is not panting, it is 70-180 beats per minute - smaller dogs at the top of the range. This should be accompanied by a respiration (breathing) rate, at rest, of 12-30 breaths per minute, again with smaller dogs on the top of the range. Source(s): worked at a vet's."
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"1 The resting adult heart rate is normally 60 to 100 beats per minute. 2 Athletes or people on certain medications may have a lower resting normal rate. 3 The normal heart rate for children aged 1 to 8 years is 80 to 100 beats per minute. 4 The normal heart rate for infants age 1 to 12 months is 100 to 120 beats per minute. The normal heart rate for children aged 1 to 8 years is 80 to 100 beats per minute. 2 The normal heart rate for infants age 1 to 12 months is 100 to 120 beats per minute."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Normal Pulse Rates for Women. A pulse is the measurement of how many times your heart beats per minute. The normal pulse for a healthy adult is between 60 and 100 beats per minute. A number of factors determine where your pulse should range.First, women over 13 generally have a higher pulse than do men. pulse is the measurement of how many times your heart beats per minute. The normal pulse for a healthy adult is between 60 and 100 beats per minute. A number of factors determine where your pulse should range."
"1 A dogâs heart rate is naturally much higher than that of a human. 2 It takes much more activity to get the heart rate up and maintain the increased heart for a workout session. 3 The fastest electric dog treadmill on the market has a top speed of 8 miles per hour."
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"Dogs at rest have a normal respiration rate of 10 to 35 breaths per minute. Practice checking your dogâs respiration rate at home, when you and your dog are both relaxed, so youâll recognize quickly when something is wrong.I always tell folks to watch and listen to their pets every day.oogle+. Thinkstock. Dogs at rest have a normal respiration rate of 10 to 35 breaths per minute. Practice checking your dogâs respiration rate at home, when you and your dog are both relaxed, so youâll recognize quickly when something is wrong. I always tell folks to watch and listen to their pets every day."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Dogs at rest have a normal respiration rate of 10 to 35 breaths per minute. Practice checking your dogâs respiration rate at home, when you and your dog are both relaxed, so youâll recognize quickly when something is wrong."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"Normal Pulse Rates for Women. A pulse is the measurement of how many times your heart beats per minute. The normal pulse for a healthy adult is between 60 and 100 beats per minute. A number of factors determine where your pulse should range."
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"For a golden retriever, the resting heart rate should be between 70 and 120 beats per minute. To determine whether your golden retriever has an elevated heart rate, stand over the dog with his head facing away from you. Position your hands on the dog's ribs and move your hands slowly until the heartbeat can be felt easily."
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"The heart rate is an important guide as to whether the heart is struggling or not. A cat's normal heart rate is approximately 120-140 beats per minute. A stressed cat will have a faster heart rate, meaning that the vet's measurement could be high. While a cat is at the vet, most vets consider up to around 180 beats per minute to be normal. Out of the vet's office, 180 beats is very concerning. A cat's heart may be beating fast to maintain circulation if its heart is failing."
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"dogs have higher body temperature than we do therefore even if your dog may feel hot or feverish to you his body temperature may still be within normal limit the normal dog temperature is 101 5 f 38 6 c a body temperature of 102 f 38 9 c or above is considered a feverdogs can run a high fever of 104 f 40 c and sometimes up to 105 f 40 5 c according to many holistic veterinarians we need not be alarmed unless the dog body temperature reaches 103 f since a fever is generally a good sign read dog fever belowherefore even if your dog may feel hot or feverish to you his body temperature may still be within normal limit the normal dog temperature is 101 5 f 38 6 c a body temperature of 102 f 38 9 c or above is considered a fever"
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A normal ECG is illustrated above. Note that the heart is beating in a regular sinus rhythm between 60 - 100 beats per minute (specifically 82 bpm). All the important intervals on this recording are within normal ranges. 1. P wave: upright in leads I, aVF and V3 - V6."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"A normal ECG is illustrated above. Note that the heart is beating in a regular sinus rhythm between 60 - 100 beats per minute (specifically 82 bpm). All the important intervals on this recording are within normal ranges. 1. P wave: 1 upright in leads I, aVF and V3 - V6."
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"⢠The baseline must be for a minimum of 2 minutes in any 10-minute segment, or the baseline for that time period. is indeterminate. In this case, one may refer to the prior 10-minute window for determination of baseline. ⢠Normal FHR baseline: 110â160 beats per minute. ⢠Tachycardia: FHR baseline is greater than 160 beats per minute. ⢠Bradycardia: FHR baseline is less than 110 beats per minute."
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"The dog respiratory rate may be influenced by a number of factors, but the average respiratory rate of the pet is considered to be 24 breaths every minute. Knowing your dog's normal range of breaths per minute is important, so that you can detect if he is ill."
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"A dog respiratory rate under 10 breaths per minute is considered abnormal, and so is a rate of more than 30 breaths per minute. If your pet's respiratory rate is abnormal, this may be due to a wide range of illnesses.An increased respiratory rate may be indicative of:1 Heat stroke.2 Exhaustion.3 Poisoning. dog respiratory rate under 10 breaths per minute is considered abnormal, and so is a rate of more than 30 breaths per minute. If your pet's respiratory rate is abnormal, this may be due to a wide range of illnesses. An increased respiratory rate may be indicative of: 1 Heat stroke. 2 Exhaustion. 3 Poisoning."
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"Like discussed earlier, panting in dogs is normal. However, excessive panting in dogs may not always be okay. At its onset, respiration tends to increase rapidly from between 30 and 40 perspirations per minute to about 300 to 400 perspirations for the same amount of time."
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"It takes much more activity to get the heart rate up and maintain the increased heart for a workout session. The fastest electric dog treadmill on the market has a top speed of 8 miles per hour. This will not get a dogs heart rate up and will not promote gains in strength, speed or endurance."
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"Dogs have higher body temperature than we do. Therefore, even if your dog may feel hot or feverish to you, his body temperature may still be within normal limit. The normal dog temperature is 101.5°F (38.6°C). A body temperature of 102°F (38.9°C) or above is considered a fever.Dogs can run a high fever of 104°F (40°C) and sometimes up to 105°F (40.5°C).ere are the steps to follow when taking your dog's pulse: 1 Use your index and middle fingers to feel inside of your dog's hind leg just below the point where it joins the body (the femoral artery resides there). 2 A pulse occurs with every heart beat."
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"My 16 month old Border Collie recently went to a vet (not my normal vet) for a health certificate. The vet observed that her heartrate was slow - 50 bpm at rest and told me to keep an eye on it. The normal canine heartrate is 60-120 bpm."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"normal pulse rates for women a pulse is the measurement of how many times your heart beats per minute the normal pulse for a healthy adult is between 60 and 100 beats per minute"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Normal resting heart rates range anywhere from 40 beats per minute up to 100 beats per minute. Ideally you want to have a resting heart rate between 60-90 beats per minute. The average resting heart rate for a man is 70 beats per minute, and for a woman 75 beats per minute."
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"What Is a Dog Fever? The normal body temperature for dogs is between 101 and 102.5 F, compared to 97.6 to 99.6 F for humans. This means your dog may feel feverish to you even when his temperature is completely normal. The word âfeverâ is typically used to describe elevated body temperature caused by infection or inflammation."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Example: Suppose a data set (80 males) of pulse rate of males has a mean x = 67 . 3 beats per minute with the standard deviation s = 10 . 3 beats per minute. Is a data 45 beats per minute unusual? Minimum usual value = 67 ."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Dogs at rest have a normal respiration rate of 10 to 35 breaths per minute. Practice checking your dogâs respiration rate at home, when you and your dog are both relaxed, so youâll recognize quickly when something is wrong. I always tell folks to watch and listen to their pets every day."
] |
"Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results",
"what circumstances can a president be impeached"
] | [
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The president may be removed from office and never allowed to hold a government position again if he is found guilty. Our 17th president, Andrew Johnson, was impeached while in office. Thirty-five senators found him guilty -- just one vote short of the two-thirds vote necessary to convict him. President Richard Nixon resigned from office rather than face impeachment charges in the Watergate scandal in 1974. President Bill Clinton became the second president to be impeached by the House in 1998. Later, the Senate found him not guilty."
] | [
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"Vice President Temer Would Lead Brazil If The President Is Impeached. Vice President Temer Would Lead Brazil If The President Is Impeached. If impeached, Brazil's president would be suspended for months while tried on charges she used state funds to plug budget gaps. The man running the country would be Vice President Michel Temer. In Brazil, Dilma Rousseff may be facing her last few hours as president."
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"Impeachment is the charge made by the House of Representatives and requires a simple majority vote. A trial is then held in the Senate. For the president to be removed from office, he must be convicted in the Senate by a at least a two-thirds vote. Impeach Obama â Sample Letter to Congress."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"What happens if Obama gets impeached? If Obama were to be impeached by the House of Representatives, he would then face trial in the Senate. If he were found guilty of High Crimes and Misdemeanors he would be remoâ¦ved from office and Joe Biden would become President."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n------\n\nFor instance, <<['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'The price of a patio depends on the material you choose. Regular concrete costs up to $5 per square foot, while stamped concrete runs $8 to $12 per square foot. Brick costs about $7 to $8 per square foot.Concrete patio pavers cost about $10 to $20 per square foot, and natural stone costs about $15 to $30 per square foot.All prices include installation.he price of a patio depends on the material you choose. Regular concrete costs up to $5 per square foot, while stamped concrete runs $8 to $12 per square foot. Brick costs about $7 to $8 per square foot.']>> to \"['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'cost per square foot for stamped concrete vs pavers']\"",
"Impeachment means that a charge of misconduct is filed against the president. A majority of the members of the House must vote for these charges in order to impeach the president. After the charges of misconduct are filed, the Senate has the power to try impeachment cases like a court."
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"President Bill Clinton, like Johnson, was impeached but the Senate lacked the voted needed to remove the President from the White House. none-only two presidents were ever impeached and neither was convicted and removed from office.resident Bill Clinton, like Johnson, was impeached but the Senate lacked the voted needed to remove the President from the White House. none-only two presidents were ever impeached and neither was convicted and removed from office."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A simple majority of the U.S. House of Representatives (at least 218 votes) is required to impeach a U.S. President, followed by a two-thirds majority vote in the Senate (at least 67 votes). The number of votes required make impeachment difficult. No American President has been removed from office by impeachment."
"To convict an impeached official requires the vote of two-thirds of the Senators present and voting. When the President has been impeached, the Chiefs Justice of the United States presides over the trial in the Senate. 2) International treaties: The Senate has the exclusive constitutional power, by a two-thirds majority of the Senators present and voting, to authorize the President to ratify a treaty that has been negociated on behalf of the United States."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Only two presidents in history have been impeached, but murmurs continue to surround Trump. Hereâs how the process would work â if it would at all. Tom McCarthy in New York. Wednesday 22 March 2017 03.30 EDT First published on Wednesday 22 March 2017 02.00 EDT."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Bill Clinton was impeached by the House of Representatives but was not removed from office by the Senate. No president to date â¦has been removed from office. Richard Nixon was facing impeachment, but resigned the Presidency to avoid it. There have been 2 Presidents Impeached in the U.S. history."
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"The only power a President has is because people do,what they say. If a President were impeached and convicted, people would stop obeying their orders. They would be, in the most literal sense, powerless. If they chose to stay sitting in a particular chair, the new President might ask the White House security staff to remove them with minimum necessary force."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Under what circumstances would the vice president not preside over an umpeachment trial? when the president is on trial Who presides over the impeachment trial when the vice president does not? Cheif Justice of the Supreme Court How many senators must vote for a conviction to remove an impeached official from office?"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"US Presidents who faced impeachment Only two Presidents in the United States history have been impeached but were not convicted; The 17th US President, Andrew Johnson (1865-69)"
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"For the office of the US President, the impeachment process has happened three times, with two (A. Johnson, Clinton) being impeached but found not guilty, and a third (Nixon) resigning prior to the full-House vote for impeachment."
"represent text.\n\n\nFor example, ['', 'List of Major League Baseball single-game hits leaders. Wilbert Robinson (left) and Rennie Stennett (not pictured) hold the record for most hits in a nine-inning game with seven, while Cal McVey (right) amassed six hits in each of two consecutive games.'] should be similar to [\"represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results\\n\\n\\nFewshots:\\n'who is eligible for social security income' == 'Supplemental Security Income is available to individuals who meet the following eligibility requirements: 1 65 or older OR blind OR disabled. 2 U.S. citizen or legal resident. 3 Meets income and resource limits. Applies for any other available cash benefits, including Social Security.' != 'To qualify for SSI, you must have limited income and few assets. Social Security requires SSI recipients to have less than $2,000 in assets, for a single person, and $3,000 for a couple.The income limit is more complicated.The way Social Security counts income is different than the way we usually think of income.o qualify for SSI, you must have limited income and few assets. Social Security requires SSI recipients to have less than $2,000 in assets, for a single person, and $3,000 for a couple.'\", 'most hits in a game']",
"The President of the Senate may also preside over most of the impeachment trials of federal officers. However, whenever the President of the United States is impeached, the US Constitution requires the Chief Justice of the United States to preside over the Senate for the trial. The Constitution is silent as to the presiding officer in the instance where the vice president is the officer impeached."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Clinton, the nation's 42nd president, was impeached by the House of Representatives on December 19, 1998, for allegedly misleading a grand jury about his extramarital affair with Lewinsky in the White House, and then persuading others to lie about it, too.hough Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton are the only two presidents to have been impeached, two others came very close to being charged with crimes. Related: 5 Members of Congress Who Want to Impeach Obama."
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"To bring articles of impeachment against a president requires a majority vote in the House of Representatives. When the case is tried by the Senate, a vote of at least 2/3 of those present is required to convict and remove the president from office. The law of presidential powers and duties is ill-defined."
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"4 years each term they are elected, up to 2 terms. The extra 2 years are for special circumstances. Like a vice president for an impeached or assassinated president can serve two more terms if they take over office within 2 years of end of term. lindstar1 · 5 years ago."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Making the world better, one answer at a time. If Obama were to be impeached by the House of Representatives, he would then face trial in the Senate. If he were found guilty of High Crimes and Misdemeanors he would be removed from office and Joe Biden would become President."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Second President to be Impeached but the first elected president to be Impeached. President Clinton's impeachment. First President to use the Line-Item Veto. George W. Bush. First President to be born in Connecticut. First President to have an M.B.A Degree. Second President who was a son of a former President."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"So being impeached does not mean the person has been removed, rather they went through with the trial to get removed. And to date, only two presidents have been through this process, Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton. Andrew Johnson was charged with 11 charges for high crimes and misdemeanors.."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Clinton, the nation's 42nd president, was impeached by the House of Representatives on December 19, 1998, for allegedly misleading a grand jury about his extramarital affair with Lewinsky in the White House, and then persuading others to lie about it, too.nly two president have been impeached in United States history, and neither was convicted of the charges filed against him. No president has been convicted of the charges filed against him during impeachment proceedings."
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"On February 24, 1868, something extraordinary happened in the U.S. Congress. For the first time in history, the United States House of Representatives impeached a sitting president, Democrat Andrew Johnson. Now, Johnson faced trial before the U. S. Senate. If convicted, he would be removed from office."
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"President Nixon came close to being impeached by the House of Representatives for his involvement in the Watergate Scandal. He resigned as President on August 8,1974, before the impeachment made it to trial at the Senate. In doing so, he became the first US President to resign from office before being impeached."
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"Here's a look at the presidents who were impeached and a couple who came very close to being impeached. President Andrew Johnson, the 17th president of the United States, was accused of violating the Tenure of Office Act. National Archives / Newsmakers."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"When an impeachment process involves a U.S. President, the Chief Justice of the United States is required to preside during the Senate trial. In all other trials, the Vice President would preside in his capacity as President of the Senate.he removal of impeached officials is automatic upon conviction in the Senate. In Nixon v. United States (1993), the Supreme Court determined that the federal judiciary cannot review such proceedings."
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"However, if, theoretically, a President tried to grant a pardon for an impeachment offense - like when Alcee Hastings was impeached as a Federal District Judge and removed from office for judicial corruption - that would be beyond the Presidentâs power to pardon."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"4 years each term they are elected, up to 2 terms. The extra 2 years are for special circumstances. Like a vice president for an impeached or assassinated president can serve two more terms if they take over office within 2 years of end of term.lindstar1 · 4 years ago.he extra 2 years are for special circumstances. Like a vice president for an impeached or assassinated president can serve two more terms if they take over office within 2 years of end of term."
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"Presidential Impeachment: The Legal Standard and Procedure The involuntary removal of a sitting President of the United States has never occurred in our history. The only legal way such can be accomplished is by the impeachment process."
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"Only two presidents in the nationâs history have been impeached and tried in the Sen-ate. The first was Andrew Johnson in 1868, who escaped conviction in the Senate by one vote, and the second was Bill Clinton in 1998, who escaped conviction by a wider margin. Each time Congress attempts to impeach a president and fails to remove him from office, it becomes more difficult to use"
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"View Full Document. Only two presidents in the nationâs history have been impeached and tried in the Sen- ate. The first was Andrew Johnson in 1868, who escaped conviction in the Senate by one vote, and the second was Bill Clinton in 1998, who escaped conviction by a wider margin. Each time Congress attempts to impeach a president and fails to remove him from office, it becomes more difficult to use it as a check."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The President of the Senate may also preside over most of the impeachment trials of federal officers. However, whenever the President of the United States is impeached, the US Constitution requires the Chief Justice of the United States to preside over the Senate for the trial."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"On February 24, 1868, something extraordinary happened in the U.S. Congress. For the first time in history, the United States House of Representatives impeached a sitting president, Democrat Andrew Johnson. Now, Johnson faced trial before the U. S. Senate. If convicted, he would be removed from office.or the first time in history, the United States House of Representatives impeached a sitting president, Democrat Andrew Johnson. Now, Johnson faced trial before the U. S. Senate. If convicted, he would be removed from office."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Two U.S. presidents have been impeached: Andrew Johnson, the seventeenth chief executive, and William J. Clinton, the forty-second. tootsie1115 · 9 years ago."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present. The essential powers and procedures for Senate impeachment trials are set forth in this clause."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Two presidents, Bill Clinton (1998) and Andrew Johnson (1868). (Congress may also impeach judges.) Articles of impeachment were passed against Richard Nixon by a congressional committee, but Nixon resigned before the House of Representatives could vote on the matter, meaning that technically he was not impeached."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Impeachment by the House (like a grand jury indictment) is followed by a trial in Senate and convicâ¦tion by the Senate is required in order to force the president out of office. Impeachment requires only a simple majority, but conviction requires that two-thirds of the voting Senators vote to convict."
] |
"Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results",
"tito's calories per shot"
] | [
"There are 70 calories in a 1 shot serving of Tito's Handmade Vodka. Calorie breakdown: 0% fat, 0% carbs, 0% protein."
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"There are 85-130 calories in a shot of liquor. The number of calories in alcohol or liquor (gin, rum, scotch, vodka, whiskey) depends on the proof (alcohol content) of the liquor. On average, 70 proof liquor (35% alcohol) has 85 calories per shot (1.5 ounces). This is approximately 55 calories per ounce."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"â 80 proof vodka yields 100 calories per shot, or 65 calories per ounce. Its alcohol content is 5 percent stronger than 70 proof. â 90 proof alcohol contains even more calories at 115 calories per shot, or 75 calories per ounce."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Popov Vodka. 121 calories per 1.5oz shot. 50% ABV. If you're shocked that vodka has this many calories in a single shot, you're clearly not up on your vodka facts: the stuff's made with potatoes, wheat, and/or corn after all."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"It depends on the proof of the vodka. For a 1.5 ounce shot here are the calories: 70 proof: 85 calories. 80 proof: 100 calories. 90 proof: 115 calories. 100 proof: 130 calories. 80 proof vodka contains 40% alcohol. 1 gram of alcohol has 7 calories (7 calories per gram) 1 shot is about 45 milliliters by volume."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"A standard 1.5-ounce shot of most coconut rum brands, such as Malibu, contains only 76.5 calories. This is because coconut rum usually has a lower alcohol proof of roughly 40, compared to traditional white or silver rums that weigh in at 80-proof."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"There are 69 calories in a 1 shot serving of Ciroc Vodka. Calorie breakdown: 0% fat, 0% carbs, 0% protein."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"There are 69 calories in a 1 shot serving of Smirnoff Vanilla Vodka. Calorie breakdown: 0% fat, 0% carbs, 0% protein."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Overall, Iâd say Titoâs is better than a vodka like Smirnoff, but itâs not worth $20 a fifth, and itâs not fit for drinking straight. My personal favorite for shots and martinis is still the Russian Standard series. I gave Titoâs 2 stars, taking into consideration both flavor and price."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"If you opt for a vodka with a high percentage of alcohol -- 50 percent alcohol amounts to 100-proof alcohol -- youâll get nearly 125 calories from a 1.5-ounce shot. Having vodka that is 90-proof, or 45 percent alcohol, supplies you with 110 calories per 1.5-ounce pour. But if your vodka is the 80-proof variety, or 40 percent alcohol, youâll get less than 100 calories in a 1.5-ounce shot."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"There are 75 calories in a 1 lolly serving of Swizzels Matlow Drumstick. Calorie Breakdown: 13% fat, 86% carbs, 1% prot."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Dancers can expect to burn about 500 calories in a typical session. Spinning. Get motivated with this stationary bike class that takes you through pretend hills and valleys. With your legs and heart pumping, you could burn about 700 calories per session."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"There are 85-130 calories in a shot of vodka. The number of calories in vodka depends on the vodka proof (alcohol content). On average, 70 proof vodka (35% alcohol) has 85 calories per shot (1.5 ounces). This is approximately 55 calories per ounce. On average, 80 proof vodka (40% alcohol) has 100 calories per shot (1.5 ounces)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Titoâs Handmade Vodka is simply ethanol and water. The only taste is the standard ethanol burn. The shot went down smooth and required no chaser. Titoâs vodka achieved the goal of making a vodka even girls could drink straight."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A single shot of 80-proof plain vodka, which is 1.5 ounces, contains approximately 97 calories and no significant nutritional value, while a single shot of 100-proof plain vodka contains approximately 123 calories. Flavored vodkas, which contain added sugars and fruits, range from 69 to 125 calories per single shot."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Note that there is one exception to the 97 and 121 rule in Devotion Vodka. Devotion has added protein, so even though itâs 80 proof, it checks in at 105 calories. Aside from the exception, in anything labeled âvodka,â all of the carbohydrates have been fermented into alcohol. think yâall are getting calories in an âounceâ OZ, confused with a âshotâ. A âshotâ is 1.5 oz, or one and half ounces. 68 cal per ounce, is 97 cal per shot (1.5oz)."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Smirnoff Citrus Vodka has 87 calories per shot, according to CalorieKing, just a few less than the non-flavored version. Many flavored vodkas also contain less alcohol. Some companies make low-calorie flavored vodkas. Smirnoff Light Lemon Sorbet Vodka, for example, contains 78 calories per 43-gram (1.5-ounce) serving."
"represent\nFewshot example: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'As you can see, there are a few ways how you can freeze cabbage. You should choose a way that is the most appropriate for your needs. You should also remember that frozen and defrosted cabbage works best in cooked dishes like soups or stews.reezing cabbage leaves or wedges. If youâ\\x80\\x99d like to freeze cabbage leaves or wedges, you can freeze them in a container or in a freezer bag. After youâ\\x80\\x99ve prepared cabbages and blanched them (if you want to), itâ\\x80\\x99s time to fast-freeze them.']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'can you frezze cook cabbage']\"",
"There are 85-130 calories in a shot of vodka. The number of calories in vodka depends on the vodka proof (alcohol content). 70 Proof Vodka. On average, 70 proof vodka (35% alcohol) has 85 calories per shot (1.5 ounces). This is approximately 55 calories per ounce. 80 Proof Vodka."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Smirnoff Vanilla has 35 percent alcohol by volume, which is lower than most pure vodkas. A 1.5-oz. shot of Smirnoff Vanilla has 92 calories, according to the CalorieKing website. While pure distilled vodka does not have any nutritional value, Smirnoff Vanilla does have some carbohydrates from its flavoring. The 1 g of carbohydrates in a serving accounts for 4 calories from carbohydrates."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"But little do they know about the number of calories in a tequila shot. Different shots of tequila are made up of various ingredients and contents. There are alcoholic and non-alcoholic shots that are available. 1 shot of tequila is approximately 4 gm of the liquid and it has 96 calories. Each time you drink a shot, you gain 288 kilojoule energy. This shot do not contain any carbohydrate and fat. The cholesterol, Potassium and Sodium value is 0 mg in each oz of Tequila shot. This calorie count varies from brand to brand."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The actual number of calories in vodka depends on the amount of alcohol in the variety that you choose. Even though there are only 56 calories in a shot of 80 proof vodka, there are approximately 97 calories in a taller shot (1.5 ounces) in the 80-90 proof range. So even if vodka tastes light and clean, it still provides almost as many calories as many other types of alcohol."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"A standard 1.5-ounce shot of 80-proof rum contains roughly 96 calories. The total calorie content in a shot may vary depending on the brand and proof of the rum as well as whether it contains any added flavorings."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"About 97 calories per shot or jigger â although it depends on the proof. (See the chart below for the calorie details.). But be careful with your mixers, or youâll get many more calories than you expected! Our tips (below) will help you keep your vodka low-calorie."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Description. Personalized health review for Tito's Handmade Vodka: 100 calories, nutrition grade (N/A), problematic ingredients, and more. Learn the good & bad for 250,000+ products. Download on the App Store Get it on Google Play"
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"There are 69 calories in a 1 shot serving of Jim Beam Red Stag Black Cherry Bourbon. Calorie breakdown: 0% fat, 0% carbs, 0% protein."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Cazadores Reposado. 104 calories per 1.5oz shot. 40% ABV. Assuming you're not allergic to agave, this is all great news, and the lower calorie count in each splash of tequila means you've got a little more wiggle room when it comes to putting together potentially gut-busting (but delicious) tequila cocktails."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The flavored versions may have some though. Pure alcohol contains 7 calories per gram. According to Nutrition for Health, Fitness and Sport by Melvin H. Williams, a 1.25-oz. shot of 80-proof vodka contains 14 g of alcohol and 100 calories. Other sources, however, state there are between 64 and 69 calories per fl oz."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"â 80 proof vodka yields 100 calories per shot, or 65 calories per ounce. Its alcohol content is 5 percent stronger than 70 proof. â 90 proof alcohol contains even more calories at 115 calories per shot, or 75 calories per ounce. It has 10 percent more alcohol content than 70 proof."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Cognac â a 30ml shot provides approximately 64 calories, of which there are 0g of fat, carbs or protein (In fact, all spirits, including vodka, whisky and gin have approximately the same calorific value) Prosecco â a small glass (105ml) provides 69 calories. Milk â a glass (200ml) of semi skimmed provides 92 calories."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Smirnoff Citrus Vodka has 87 calories per shot, according to CalorieKing, just a few less than the non-flavored version. Many flavored vodkas also contain less alcohol. Some companies make low-calorie flavored vodkas. Smirnoff Light Lemon Sorbet Vodka, for example, contains 78 calories per 43-gram (1.5-ounce) serving. Voli Vanilla Espresso contains 81 calories per serving. And, according to the SkinnyGirl website, all of their naturally flavored vodkas contain 75.8 calories per serving."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"â 70 proof vodka carries 85 calories per shot, or 1.5 ounces. This evens out to 55 calories per ounce. â 80 proof vodka yields 100 calories per shot, or 65 calories per ounce. Its alcohol content is 5 percent stronger than 70 proof."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"How many calories in a Vodka Shot? A typical shot of vodka is 1.5 fluid oz. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, calories in vodka is determined by the proof/percent alcohol of the alcohol. So we can break it down like this: 1.5 oz = 97 Calories. 1.5 oz = 110 Calories."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Results for Tito's. 1 Blue Corn Tortilla Chips (Tito's) 12 chips, 140, 6g, 19g, 2g. 2 Organic Yellow Corn Tortilla Chips (Tito's) 1 oz, 140, 6g, 19g, 2g. 3 Taco (Titos) 1 Taco, 500, 0g, 0g, 0g. Enchilada-Chicken W/ Cilantro Cheese Sauce (Tito's) 2 enchilada, 420, 22g, 36g, 1 24g. Volkda (Titos) 1 oz, 0, 0g, 0g, 0g."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Vodka Shot/ Jigger (1 serving) 1 Calories: 64, Fat: 0g, Carbs: 0g, Protein: 0g. 2 Calories: 52, Fat: 0g, Carbs: 0g, Protein: 0g. 3 Calories: 64, Fat: 0g, Carbs: 0g, Protein: 0g. 4 Calories: 100, Fat: 0g, Carbs: 0g, Protein: 0g. 5 Calories: 52, Fat: 0g, Carbs: 0g, Protein: 0g. 6 Calories: 55, Fat: 0g, Carbs: 0g, Protein: 0g."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"1.5 ounce shot of vodka (or other liquor i.e. tequila, rum) at 80 proof has 100 calories. At 100 proof a shot has 124 calories. 80 proof vodka contains 40% alcohol. 1 gram of alcohol has 7 calories (7 calories per gram) 1 shot is about 45 milliliters by volume. A shot of 80 proof vodka would consist of 18 milliliters of alcohol (40%) and 27 milliliters of water (60%) 1 ml of alcohol weighs .8 grams."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A shot (1.5 ounce serving) of 80 proof (40% Alc. Vol.) of tequila (average of all brands) contains about 104 calories, 0 grams of protein, 0 grams of fat and 0 grams of carbohydrates. The following is from Calorie King. Serving size 1 x 1 jigger (1.5 fl. oz) Calories: 97 | (Kilojoules 405)"
"Represent the natural language",
"well, experiments show, the average amount of calories in tator tots are around 765 calories.. you're welcome=) NO WRONG TATER TOTS ARE YUMMY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ⦠!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! about 3 or 4 dozen, your miliage may vary...."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"How many calories in a jello shot? Elsewhere on WikiAnswers, it says there are 160 calories in one cup of flavored Jell-O. There are about 5.3 shots (1.5 ounces) in a cup, so that makes a shot havâ¦e 30 calories from the Jell-O. The recipe I found for Jell-O shots recommends an alcohol to water ratio of 10 to 6. So a 1.5 ounce shot will have 0.9 ounces of, say, vodka."
"Represent this",
"The sugar-free shots are not only portable but also lower in calories than most energy drinks. The 2-ounce 5-Hour Energy shot, which is artificially sweetened, has 4 calories. A regular 8-ounce Red Bull energy drink, by comparison, has 100 calories, and a sugar-free Red Bull has 10 calories."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.', 'Roasting vegetables at 300 F brings a sweet, full flavor to such vegetables as onions, carrots, squash and asparagus. This low temperature allows the more delicate vegetables,... Roasting vegetables at 300 F brings a sweet, full flavor to such vegetables as onions, carrots, squash and asparagus. This low temperature allows the more delicate vegetables,...']>> to \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'temperature to bake carrots']\"",
"Calorie Count. If you opt for a vodka with a high percentage of alcohol -- 50 percent alcohol amounts to 100-proof alcohol -- youâll get nearly 125 calories from a 1.5-ounce shot. Having vodka that is 90-proof, or 45 percent alcohol, supplies you with 110 calories per 1.5-ounce pour. But if your vodka is the 80-proof variety, or 40 percent alcohol, youâll get less than 100 calories in a 1.5-ounce shot."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Close to 100 Calories. Each shot of bourbon that you enjoy increases your caloric intake for the day by nearly 100 calories. Bourbon, like other 80-proof spirits, contains an average of 97 calories per 1.5-ounce shot, according to the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Other spirits, including gin, vodka, tequila and rum, provide roughly the same number of calories."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"1.5 ounce shot of vodka (or other liquor i.e. tequila, rum) at 80 proof has 100 calories. At 100 proof a shot has 124 calories. 80 proof vodka contains 40% alcohol. 1 gram of alcohol has 7 calories (7 calories per gram) 1 shot is about 45 milliliters by volume. A shot of 80 proof vodka would consist of 18 milliliters of alcohol (40%) and 27 milliliters of water (60%) 1 ml of alcohol weighs .8 grams. 1 shot would contain about 14.4 grams of alcohol (18 X 0.8) by weight. 14.4 grams X 7 calories per gram =100.8 calories in one shot of 80 proof vodka."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"On average, 90 proof liquor (45% alcohol) has 115 calories per shot (1.5 ounces). This is approximately 75 calories per ounce. 100 Proof Liquor. On average, 100 proof liquor (50% alcohol) has 130 calories per shot (1.5 ounces). This is approximately 85 calories per ounce. The greater the proof (alcohol content) of the liquor, the more calories per ounce. For an easy way to estimate the number of calories per ounce of liquor, subtract 15 from the proof. Example: 80 proof liquor"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Tito's nutrition facts and nutritional information. Find calories, carbs, and nutritional contents for Tito's and over 2,000,000 other foods at MyFitnessPal.com. Calorie Counter"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Ciroc Coconut Vodka provides 94 calories per shot, about the same as the unflavored variety. Smirnoff Citrus Vodka has 87 calories per shot, according to CalorieKing, just a few less than the non-flavored version. Many flavored vodkas also contain less alcohol."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Personalized health review for Tito's Handmade Vodka: 100 calories, nutrition grade (N/A), problematic ingredients, and more. Learn the good & bad for 250,000+ products. Download on the App Store Get it on Google Play."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Titoâs has exploded from a 16-gallon pot still in 1997 to a 26-acre operation that produced 850,000 cases last year, up 46% from 2011, pulling in an estimated $85 million in revenue. One vodka basically tastes the same as any other."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"On average, 100 proof vodka (50% alcohol) has 130 calories per shot (1.5 ounces). This is approximately 85 calories per ounce. The greater the vodka proof (alcohol content), the more calories per ounce. For an easy way to estimate the number of calories per ounce of vodka, subtract 15 from the vodka proof."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Taco (Titos) 1 Taco, 500, 0g, 0g, 0g. Enchilada-Chicken W/ Cilantro Cheese Sauce (Tito's) 2 enchilada, 420, 22g, 36g, 24g. Volkda (Titos) 1 oz, 0, 0g, 0g, 0g. Beef Empanada (Tito's) 1 empanada, 128.2, 3g, 19.1g, 5.6g. Pickled Jalapeno Slices (Titos) 1 Package, 5, 0g, 1g, 0g. Titos Vodka and Sprite Zero (Titos) 8 oz, 65, 0g, 0g, 0g."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"How many calories does a stair stepper burn? Quick Answer. According to Shape Magazine, a person can burn up to 400 calories in 30 minutes on a stair stepper. On average, a person who weighs approximately 150 pounds burns about 100 calories every 15 minutes, using regular settings."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Tito's Handmade Vodka is a 40% ABV vodka from the United States. It is filtered with Charcoal. The vodka is produced by Fifth Generation Inc. The quality is considered to be amazing. The average price is around $18.32 per 750mL."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Gummy Bear results. 1 CVS. CVS gummy bears Per 17 pieces, 39 g - Calories: 140 kcals. 2 shot. shot gummy bear Per 1 shot - Calories: 109 kcals. 3 CVP. CVP gummi bears Per 15 pieces - Calories: 130 kcals. 4 Yupi. Yupi mini gummi bears Per 1 pack - Calories: 40 kcals. 5 Yupi. Yupi gummy bears biggy Per 45 g - Calories: 156 kcals. 6 Target."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Standard Shot Calories. Smirnoff's lowest ABV vodka, the red label, is 40 percent alcohol and contains 97 calories per 1.5-ounce pour, a standard shot. The silver label, which is around 45 percent ABV, has 111 calories per shot. The highest ABV product that Smirnoff sells is the blue label, which is 50 percent alcohol."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"How many calories are in a shot of vodka? A shot of vodka, gin, rum, whiskey, brandy, cognac, or tequila has 65 calories. Regular vodka, as well as other mentioned distilled spirits, is 80 proof. Beverages that are lighter in proof, such as for example, domestic grain vodka, are also lighter in calories. Vodka, gin, rum, whiskey, brandy, cognac, and tequila contain no protein, carbohydrates or fat."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Their ingredients vary, but most contain caffeine, B vitamins, and taurine (an amino acid found in food from animal sources) as well as flavorings and artificial sweeteners. The sugar-free shots are not only portable but also lower in calories than most energy drinks. The 2-ounce 5-Hour Energy shot, which is artificially sweetened, has 4 calories. A regular 8-ounce Red Bull energy drink, by comparison, has 100 calories, and a sugar-free Red Bull has 10 calories."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Hopefully nobody actually wants to know the answer to this, but for 80 proof vodka, here it goes: 1 750mL (a fifth) â 1640 calories. 2 1 liter â 2190 calories. 3 1.75 L (handle) â 3830 calories. think yâall are getting calories in an âounceâ OZ, confused with a âshotâ. A âshotâ is 1.5 oz, or one and half ounces. 68 cal per ounce, is 97 cal per shot (1.5oz)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"Brandy (2 oz.) A single shot of brandy only contains 56 calories, so a double will barely top the 100-calorie mark. Most light beers (12 oz.) There are many light beers on the market with less alcohol and fewer calories. Daiquiri cocktail (2 oz.) This cocktail can make or break your diet."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Harvard Health Publications notes a 125-pound person burns about 165 calories in 30 minutes of disco or square dancing, while a 155-pound person burns about 205 calories while performing the same types of dance. The same two people burn 90 and 112 calories, respectively, during 30 minutes of the waltz or foxtrot."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"How many calories in a Vodka Shot? A typical shot of vodka is 1.5 fluid oz. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, calories in vodka is determined by the proof/percent alcohol of the alcohol. So we can break it down like this: 1.5 oz = 97 Calories."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The number of calories in vodka depends on the vodka proof (alcohol content). On average, 70 proof vodka (35% alcohol) has 85 calories per shot (1.5 ounces). This is approximately 55 calories per ounce. On average, 80 proof vodka (40% alcohol) has 100 calories per shot (1.5 ounces)."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', \"Rebecca Doughty. Banksy is a graffiti artist based in England. He is best-known for his political and satirical style artwork featured on walls and bridges throughout the world. Banksy's artwork grew out of the Bristol Underground Scene, and since then he has slowly become famous for his art throughout the world.\"]\" Match: \"['', 'what is banksy known for']\"",
"There are 85-130 calories in a shot of vodka. The number of calories in vodka depends on the vodka proof (alcohol content). 70 Proof Vodka. On average, 70 proof vodka (35% alcohol) has 85 calories per shot (1.5 ounces). This is approximately 55 calories per ounce."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The number of calories in alcohol or liquor (gin, rum, scotch, vodka, whiskey) depends on the proof (alcohol content) of the liquor. 70 Proof Liquor On average, 70 proof liquor (35% alcohol) has 85 calories per shot (1.5 ounces)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Personalized health review for Tito's Handmade Vodka: 100 calories, nutrition grade (N/A), problematic ingredients, and more. Learn the good & bad for 250,000+ products."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Well, a standard 1.5 oz (44 ml) shot or cocktail jigger of 80 proof vodka has 97 calories. Take a look at our Vodka Calories Chart to see the calories for different vodka proofs and amounts. But (of course), itâs not quite that simple because most people drink their vodka in a cocktail or a mixed drinkâ¦."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"There are 85-130 calories in a shot of liquor. The number of calories in alcohol or liquor (gin, rum, scotch, vodka, whiskey) depends on the proof (alcohol content) of the liquor. 70 Proof Liquor. On average, 70 proof liquor (35% alcohol) has 85 calories per shot (1.5 ounces). This is approximately 55 calories per ounce. 80 Proof Liquor"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Ciroc Coconut Vodka provides 94 calories per shot, about the same as the unflavored variety. Smirnoff Citrus Vodka has 87 calories per shot, according to CalorieKing, just a few less than the non-flavored version."
] |
"represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"how much food to feed a african turtle"
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Meat (such as chicken and beef) should never be fed to your aquatic turtle. Turtle pellets should include the calcium and other vitamins and minerals that your turtle needs. Feeding your turtle as much as he will eat in a 15-30 minute period daily is all he needs in a day.Remove the uneaten food so that it doesn't spoil or clog the filter.eat (such as chicken and beef) should never be fed to your aquatic turtle. Turtle pellets should include the calcium and other vitamins and minerals that your turtle needs. Feeding your turtle as much as he will eat in a 15-30 minute period daily is all he needs in a day."
] | [
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"In the morning (when the turtle is likely to eat) it is removed from the cage and placed in a large plastic bucket with food such as earthworms. After the turtle eats, the bucket is rinsed (it helps to have two buckets per turtle) and 1 or so of lukewarm (90 degrees F) water is placed in it along with the turtle."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"If your turtle needs a meat-based diet, you can feed it mealworms, earthworms, crayfish, minnows, snails, slugs, and wax worms. These can be purchased at pet shops that sell turtles and other reptiles. Do not try to find worms yourself or go to a tackle shop for supplies."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"There are about 300 species, and they have all kinds of needs. Pond turtles, like Red-ear sliders or Spotted turtles-. - Eat 'aquatic meat' when small (fish, worms, insects, crustaceans, and pretty much anything else they can get), and add vegetable matter as they get older and slower. - Live to be about 20 in the wild."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"One of the more healthy foods for turtles are fruits but don't feed fruit to them all the time. They need their protein. You can buy special turtle food diet pellets at the pet store. You can also feed your turtle insects like worms, grasshoppers."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"a few more african lion facts. 1 Lions can consume up to 40 pounds of meat in a single meal. 2 African lions sleep-or doze, rather-about 20 hours a day. 3 The big cats are the tiger, lion, leopard and jaguar-the only 4 members of the genus Panthera. 4 The big cats are the only cats who can truly roar."
"represent the natural language",
"Or consider this suggested menu for an African meal: 1 Koki, an appetizer made from black-eyed peas. 2 Peanut Soup, a pan-African and African-American favorite. 3 Jollof Rice, a main dish that Maya Angelou reports was a smashing success. 4 Okra & Greens, a traditional African dish for a side."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The amount of food items per feeding depends how much the gecko will eat in You will need to buy dozens of crickets at a time, and so this is where the  . How much should I feed my baby leopard gecko. I got a baby leopard gecko, about 3 or 4 months old, a week ago. Ive been feeding it about 5 small crickets a day (no wider than its head) and every now and . Leopard Gecko Care Sheet."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The staple food in different parts of the world is a function of weather patterns, local terrain, farming constraints, acquired tastes and ecosystems. For example, the main energy source staples in the average African diet are cereals (46 percent), roots and tubers (20 percent) and animal products (7 percent).In Western Europe the main staples in the average diet are animal products (33 percent), cereals (26 percent) and roots and tubers (4 percent).ther staple foods include pulses (dried legumes), sago (derived from the pith of the sago palm tree), and fruits such as breadfruit and plantains. Staple foods may also contain, depending on the region, sorghum, olive oil, coconut oil and sugar."
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"Young turtles tend to feed more on animal protein while adults tend to feed more on vegetation. In the wild they start by eating a wide variety of snails, fish fry, small crustaceans, insect larvae and amphibian larvae, together with a variety of land and water plants."
"Whether or not a turtle is a carnivore, a herbivore, or an omnivore really depends on the particular species. For instance, tortoises are almost always exclusively herbivores. Their diets usually consist 100% of plant origin.Most aquatic turtles are carnivores.or turtles that require a herbivore diet mixed green leaf vegetables should be fed 90% of the time and more. A few things that one can incorporate into this diet include: 1 Dandelions. 2 Cabbage. 3 Kale."
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"How to Feed Your Turtles. Aquatic turtles need to eat in the water to be able to swallow. If you put food on land, they might eat it there but most likely will haul it into the water. Thus, you should be present as your turtle eats and remove any uneaten food after about five minutes."
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"1 large green coconut crab, about 1.5 kg, cleaned 1 litre 2nd extract coconut milk (see Note) 6 small green chillies, coarsely chopped 2 limes, juiced salt, to taste 2 parrotfish or other reef fish, about 2 kg each, gutted and scaled 10 small land crabs, about 100 g each 2 kg large sea snails boiled cassava, to serve Chilli and lime sauce"
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Nigerians eat 2 lb. of feed a day, which is 4 c. of the alfalfa/bermuda blend pellets. We have figured that it costs us about $12 a month in hay/pellets to feed one Nigerian Dwarf goat. If they are giving 7-15 gallons a month of milk, then it comes out to an average of $1.50/gallon of milk."
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"Feed your pet vitamin A during the summer. Before you fast your turtle or tortoise, you should feed your pet higher levels of vitamin A since hibernation depletes stores of vitamin A. At the beginning of summer (12-16 weeks before hibernation), begin adding vitamin A-rich foods to the turtle's diet."
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"How much to feed: How much you feed your dog will depend on how much they weigh, how active they are, how well they absorb their food and several other factors. As a general rule, dogs will eat around 2 to 3 percent of their body weight in fresh food daily (use cooked weights for foods that are cooked).ow much to feed: How much you feed your dog will depend on how much they weigh, how active they are, how well they absorb their food and several other factors. As a general rule, dogs will eat around 2 to 3 percent of their body weight in fresh food daily (use cooked weights for foods that are cooked)."
"Represent text",
"All turtles need fruits and vegetables for proper growth. Good vegetables for most water turtles include kale, dandelion greens, mustard greens, turnip greens, collards and carrots. Most turtle species need significantly more vegetables than fruit or meat as adults.Give fruit in smaller quantities, every other day or so.Too much fruit can cause digestive problems.Good fruits include bananas, tomatoes, raspberries and blueberries.ood vegetables for most water turtles include kale, dandelion greens, mustard greens, turnip greens, collards and carrots."
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"So if your turtle is 4â around he needs at least 10 to 12â of water to swim. For ONE 4 to 5 inch long sliders, the recommended minimum enclosure surface area is 50 gal plus tank with an extra square foot for each additional turtle.What to Feed In the wild, re-eared sliders eat both animal and plant sources of food.However, juveniles are mainly meat eaters but still love the greens.hen I had my turtles I would put in purified water or declorinated water. Also there was a liquid which I would add (can't remember exact name) but it helped maintain the turtles water clean for longer. They produce a lot of fecal matter, so a good filter is recommended."
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"Plantain, the fruit (of the Musa genus), is high in starch and relatively high in sugar, so it should be strictly limited in a rabbit's diet or avoided entirely. The House Rabbit Society recommends no more than 2 tablespoons of fruit daily for a normal, healthy 6 pound rabbit."
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"The staple food in different parts of the world is a function of weather patterns, local terrain, farming constraints, acquired tastes and ecosystems. For example, the main energy source staples in the average African diet are cereals (46 percent), roots and tubers (20 percent) and animal products (7 percent).ther staple foods include pulses (dried legumes), sago (derived from the pith of the sago palm tree), and fruits such as breadfruit and plantains."
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"Makes 8 servings. A staple throughout West Africa, including Ghana, is fufu (boiled plantain, cassava, or rice that is pounded with a large mortar and pestle into a round ball). Other commonly eaten vegetables include spinach, okra, eggplant, onions, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, beans, corn, and cocoyams.Some villagers eat bangu, a fermented corn dish, or corn on the cob with pieces of coconut. Boil the water in a large saucepan. 2 Add the instant flour mix and potato flakes to the boiling water and mix well. 3 Cook, stirring constantly for 10 to 15 minutes. 4 This is best accomplished by two people working together: one to hold the pot while the other stirs vigorously with a strong, wooden spoon."
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"Feeding Your Turtle. 1 1. Feed young turtles often. Juvenile turtles need lots of food, and need to be fed more often than mature turtles. 2 2. Don't feed adult turtles every day. Once your turtle becomes more mature his eating habits will change and you should not feed him every day. 3 3. Provide the right amount of food."
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"Just three of them, rice, maize and wheat, provide 60 percent of the world's food energy intake. The main staple foods in the average African diet are (in terms of energy) cereals (46 percent), roots and tubers (20 percent) and animal products (7 percent).f more than 50 000 edible plant species in the world, only a few hundred contribute significantly to food supplies. Just 15 crop plants provide 90 percent of the world's food energy intake, with three rice, maize and wheat-making up two-thirds of this. These three are the staples of over 4 000 million people."
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"Sea turtles feed on a wide range of animals and plants. They are mostly omnivorous in their adult life, except the green sea turtle which is herbivorous, changing from a carnivorous diet when young.long a 20-mile stretch of beach on the east coast of Florida sea turtles lay over 150,000 lbs of eggs in the sand. Dune vegetation is able to grow and become stronger with the presence of nutrients from sea turtle eggs, unhatched nests, eggs and trapped hatchlings."
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"Nigerians eat 2 lb. of feed a day, which is 4 c. of the alfalfa/bermuda blend pellets. We have figured that it costs us about $12 a month in hay/pellets to feed one Nigerian Dwarf goat. If they are giving 7-15 gallons a month of milk, then it comes out to an average of $1.50/gallon of milk.otal milk per day is 1/2 gallon or 15 gallons a month. Very gradually, your goatâs milk production will start to go down. At about 5-6 months after freshening, a Nigerian Dwarf will give about 3 cups at MORNING and again at NIGHT. Total milk per day is 1 1/2 quarts, or 11 gallons a month."
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"The giant African snail is a macrophytophagous herbivore; it eats a wide range of plant material, fruit, and vegetables. It will sometimes eat sand, very small stones, bones from carcasses and even concrete as calcium sources for its shell.he shell has a conical shape, being about twice as high as it is broad. Either clockwise (dextral) or counter-clockwise (sinistral) directions can be observed in the coiling of the shell, although the right-handed (dextral) cone is the more common. Shell colouration is highly variable, and dependent on diet."
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"FOOD: Sea turtles eat jellyfish, seaweed, crabs, shrimp, snails, algae and mollusks. BEHAVIOR: Sea turtles spend most of their time in the water. When they do come to the shore, to lay eggs for example, traveling on land is awkward.t is 24 to 30 inches long and weighs 90 to 100 pounds. Leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea): This species is the largest living sea turtle. They average six feet long and can weigh 1,400 pounds."
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"As an adult, it is the only sea turtle that is completely herbivorous, its finely serrated jaws well adapted to eating sea grasses and algae. The largest green sea turtle collected was 871 pounds, but they are normally between 150 and 410 pounds and are about 4 feet long."
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"Juvenile turtles are the ones who need the most frequent feeding. They need vitamin and calcium supplements about three times a week and should be fed every day. They're typically the most active during mornings and afternoons, so those are good times to feed your turtle."
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"Black Beans. Each cup of cooked black beans supplies you with 17 grams of fiber. Also known as turtle beans, black beans have an earthy flavor and are commonly used in Caribbean or Latin American soups or rice dishes. Allow plenty of time for black beans to cook, cautions Bittman.lack Beans. Each cup of cooked black beans supplies you with 17 grams of fiber. Also known as turtle beans, black beans have an earthy flavor and are commonly used in Caribbean or Latin American soups or rice dishes. Allow plenty of time for black beans to cook, cautions Bittman."
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"Among the plants that the turtles will eat we find: water hyacinth, water lilies, elodia, duckweed. Feeding your turtles with aquatic plants is an excellent idea because they have a high content of Vitamin A, and also provide cover to your turtle.ry cat feed is can also be used as meal for a turtle. You might want to soak them for given them, which makes eating them easier. It has all the nutrients your turtle need but can be fat, salty and high in protein and should not be used as the main source of protein."
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"Best Answer: well ive have a razor top turtle smaller than a the palm of ur hand and your supposed to feed him lettuce carrots squash and varios fruits or vegetables. also it can go a whole month without eating."
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"Just three of them, rice, maize and wheat, provide 60 percent of the world's food energy intake. The main staple foods in the average African diet are (in terms of energy) cereals (46 percent), roots and tubers (20 percent) and animal products (7 percent).taple crops are shown in bold type. A staple food is one that is eaten regularly and in such quantities as to constitute the dominant part of the diet and supply a major proportion of energy and nutrient needs. A staple food does not meet a population's total nutritional needs: a variety of foods is required."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it The provided query could be \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Chief of Naval Operations. The Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) is a statutory office (10 U.S.C. § 5033) held by a four-star admiral in the United States Navy, and is the most senior naval officer assigned to serve in the Department of the Navy. The office is a military adviser and deputy to the Secretary of the Navy.']\" and the positive \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'who is the cno']\"",
"Coastal East Africa hosts the second largest population of savanna elephants in Africa. Wild dogs, black rhinos and lions also roam its forests and grasslands. Along the beaches and within coral reefs and seagrass beds, five species of marine turtles nest and feed: green turtle, hawksbill, olive ridley, loggerhead and leatherback."
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"Feeding. Although turtle foods have come a long way they are not recommended as a sole source of food for aquatic turtles. Most are omnivores (and preferences for different foods might change at different points in the life cycle), and offering a good variety of foods is the best way to feed most turtles.any people also do not realize how big aquatic turtles can get. Red eared sliders and a couple of the other commonly available pet species will grow to at least 10-12 inches long and thus will require correspondingly large enclosures."
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"1 A healthy diet for a water turtle will contain some combination of: earthworms, snails, well-washed butter lettuce, melon, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, vegetable scraps, peas, tomatoes, cooked sweet potatoes, dandelion flowers and leaves and mulberry leaves.hen it comes to water turtles, males should be at least three years old, and females need to be about five years old. Neither male nor female box turtles will breed before they're at least five years old. 1 Don't plan to breed a recently acquired turtle."
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"The rest of the box turtle's diet is composed plant matter. A large part of which is fungi (mushrooms etc). Moss, berries and grass are also eaten. Box turtles also consume stones and sand."
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"If there are 60 - 70 crabs, they will feed about 10 - 12 people depending upon what else is on the menu. If you have all kinds of food, such as salads, hot dogs, chicken, etc., you'll probably need half as many crabs. If you serve only steamed crabs, clams, corn and beverages, you'll need the whole bushel. back to top."
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"Young musk and mud turtles will feed on a variety of food. They love guppies and mosquito larvae and will feed on blackworms and small redworms and will soon begin taking a variety of commercial pelleted food."
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"Feed your freshwater turtles a well-rounded diet. Offer your captive turtles reptile sticks and feeder worms as directed on the package labeling. A sprinkling of leafy, green vegetables also helps round out their diet. Add live feeder fish, such as guppies and goldfish to your turtle tank, too. This gives the freshwater turtles an opportunity to hunt for their lunch."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The staple food in different parts of the world is a function of weather patterns, local terrain, farming constraints, acquired tastes and ecosystems.For example, the main energy source staples in the average African diet are cereals (46 percent), roots and tubers (20 percent) and animal products (7 percent).ther staple foods include pulses (dried legumes), sago (derived from the pith of the sago palm tree), and fruits such as breadfruit and plantains. Staple foods may also contain, depending on the region, sorghum, olive oil, coconut oil and sugar."
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"a few more african lion facts. 1 Lions can consume up to 40 pounds of meat in a single meal. 2 African lions sleep - or doze, rather- about 20 hours a day. 3 The big cats are the tiger, lion, leopard and jaguar - the only 4 members of the genus Panthera. The big cats are the only cats who can truly roar."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The staple food in different parts of the world is a function of weather patterns, local terrain, farming constraints, acquired tastes and ecosystems. For example, the main energy source staples in the average African diet are cereals (46 percent), roots and tubers (20 percent) and animal products (7 percent)."
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"a few more african lion facts. Lions can consume up to 40 pounds of meat in a single meal. African lions sleep - or doze, rather- about 20 hours a day. The big cats are the tiger, lion, leopard and jaguar - the only 4 members of the genus Panthera."
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"The Goldfish Guy on September 2, 2011 â 8 Comments. How much food do you feed your goldfish is a very good question. There are a couple of different things we need to look at when determining how much food to feed them."
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"âSupplement fruits and vegetables with reptile calcium and vitamin powders.â. If you have a land turtle, or tortoise, for a pet, they eat a strict herbivore diet. This means that their food should consist of only fruits and vegetables, usually a dietary mix of 20% and 80% respectively."
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"Feeding Your Turtle. 1 1. Decide how much to feed your turtle. How much and how often to feed baby turtles is contested by turtle owners and experts. 2 2. Give the turtle food. Refrain from feeding your turtle by hand. 3 3. Deal with eating problems. Baby turtles are sometimes hesitant to eat, especially when first introduced to a tank."
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"black bean = turtle bean = black turtle bean = turtle soup bean = Mexican black bean = Spanish black bean = frijole negro Equivalents: 1 pound of dried beans = 2 cups dried beans = 6 cups of cooked beans Notes: These beans are a staple of Latin American and Caribbean cuisine, where they're used to make side dishes, soups, bean dips, and salads."
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"Only 35% of the African-Americans consume two or. more fruits per day and only 24% consume three or more. vegetables a day [58]. Soul food, a dietary staple in many African. American kitchens, is high in fat, sugar and sodium and further."
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"Food Sources. Meat, seafood, eggs and dairy are rich in vitamin B-12. Three ounces of steamed crab has nearly 9 micrograms, and the same amount of grilled beef offers more than 2 micrograms. Having a whole egg at breakfast offers about .5 micrograms, while 8 ounces of milk contains almost 1 microgram.ou need 2.4 micrograms of vitamin B-12 each day. If you are pregnant, your recommendation goes up to 2.6 micrograms, which increases further to 2.8 micrograms while you are breastfeeding, explains the Linus Pauling Institute. Meat, seafood, eggs and dairy are rich in vitamin B-12."
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"Black beans, also known as turtle beans, have the same amount of dietary fiber in every 1/2-cup serving as pinto beans: 6.1 grams. However, black beans have more of an equal distribution of soluble and insoluble fiber."
"A wide variety of fruits and vegetables should be offered to your box turtle daily in order to provide a balanced diet. 1 Items should be clean and pesticide free and some people strongly recommend feeding only organic items. 2 Typically they are only recommended as a supplement to a variety of fresh foods."
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"What human food can I feed my fish? Have cherry barbs, neons, zebra danios, guppies, pangio loaches. What I can feed them to increase their variety of diet, be sure to provide enough vitamins, while lesson cost to buy food just for fish? Though cost is NOT my primary concern since fish food is pretty cheap here."
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"Sunseed Vita Exotics Hedgehog Food 25oz Free Shipping Designed specifically for the African Hedgehog, the species most commonly kept as pets. This product features multiple protein sources (crab, shrimp, tuna & mealworms) and vitamin/mineral fortification."
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"Imagine eating nothing but jelly all your life. Itâs hardly the richest source of food, and you might expect an animal with such a menu to be small and feeble. Youâd be wrong. The leatherback turtle eats jellyfish and little else, but it grows up to 640 kilograms in weight, and can migrate over thousands of kilometres."
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"1 Therefore, they will dirty their aquarium if they eat in it. 2 Feed your pet baby turtle, feeder fish and crickets, for some meals. 3 Feed baby turtles two or three time a day. Leave your baby turtle's food in the tank for a half hour, and then remove what's left. You can feed it to your turtle again later."
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"A Golden Tabby Tiger can eat upwards of 18 pounds per feeding 7 days a week. Additional vitamins and minerals are added to complete the balance of the diet. what they eat in wild: wild boar."
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"How Much. As for how much food to feed, a good rule of thumb is to feed no more than the fish will consume completely in less than five minutes. When in doubt, underfeed! You can always give them another small feeding if necessary.s for how much food to feed, a good rule of thumb is to feed no more than the fish will consume completely in less than five minutes. When in doubt, underfeed!"
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"There are a variety of foods which are universally accepted by eastern box turtles, which include earthworms, snails, slugs, grubs, beetles, caterpillars, grasses, fallen fruit, berries, mushrooms, flowers, bread, duck weed, and carrion."
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"Sea turtles typically feed on jellyfish, sponge and other soft-bodied organisms. Some species of sea turtle with stronger jaws have been observed to eat shellfish, while some species, such as the green sea turtle, do not eat any meat at all and, instead, have a diet largely made up of algae."
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"Is the food something the turtle wants to eat? Wild turtles are omnivores and in will eat earthworms, snails, grubs, beetles, caterpillars, carrion, grasses, fallen fruit, berries, mushrooms and flowers. They will take a bite of anything that smells edible. This is the diet that is best to follow. Give in moderation all types of edible food."
] |
"represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results\nE.g. \"[\"a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results\\nExamples:\\nProvided: is dark brown stool normal Match: Stool color, texture, and form changes facts. 1 The normal stool (poop, feces) usually is light to dark brown. 2 Although changes in stool color or texture may be normal, most changes should be evaluated. hemorrhoids. Hard Negative: White stool isn't normal and should be evaluated promptly by a doctor. White stool is caused by a lack of bile, which may indicate a serious underlying problem. Bile is a digestive fluid produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder.Stool gets its normal brownish color from bile, which is excreted into the small intestine during the digestive process. If the liver doesn't produce bile or if bile is obstructed from leaving the liver, stool will be light colored or white.hite stool isn't normal and should be evaluated promptly by a doctor. White stool is caused by a lack of bile, which may indicate a serious underlying problem. Bile is a digestive fluid produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder.\", 'zubehör gmbh']\" == \"['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Volkswagen Zubehör GmbH was founded in 1974 as Volume Trade and Export Gesellschaft (Votex for short). Today, it counts more than 230 employees who are responsible for the complete value added chain for Volkswagen Genuine Accessories - from the product idea through development to marketing, logistics and sales. Volkswagen Zubehör GmbH is certified in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001.']\" != \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Relationships. 1 wbc.exe (cFos Broadband Connect Installer by cFos Software GmbH) 2 cfosspeed.dll (cFosSpeed Install DLL by cFos Software GmbH) 3 speedsrv.dll (cFosSpeed Install & Service DLL by cFos Software GmbH) 4 spd.exe (cFosSpeed Service by cFos Software GmbH)']\"",
"timeline js"
] | [
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"As explained on the Timeline.JS website, making a timeline is as easy as following these steps: 1 Create a Google Spreadsheet. Copy the Timeline.JS spreadsheet template and insert your data, making sure not to remove any columns or column headers or to leave any blank rows. 2 Publish the spreadsheet."
] | [
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.', \"SpeechRuntime.exe is known as Microsoft Windows Operating System, it also has the following name MicrosoftR WindowsR Operating System or Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center or Microsoft? Windows? Operating System or and it is developed by Microsoft Corporation, it is also developed by. We have seen about 23 different instances of SpeechRuntime.exe in different location. So far we haven't seen any alert about this product.\"]>> to <<['Represent text', 'what is speech runtime']>>",
"A timeline is a chart that depicts how a set of resources are used over time. If you're managing a software project and want to illustrate who is doing what and when, or if you're organizing a conference and need to schedule meeting rooms, a timeline is often a reasonable visualization choice. One popular type of timeline is the Gantt chart."
"90s Timelines-Includes Important Events in Politics, Society, Technology, Music, TV, and Movies. Just click a date above (or text link below) to get the 411 on what happened that year."
"processing-js/processing-js forked from jeresig/processing-js. A port of the Processing visualization language to JavaScript. http://processingjs.org/. 1 3,815 commits. 3 branches."
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"Because the timer functions are globals, there is no need to call require('timers') to use the API. The timer functions within Node.js implement a similar API as the timers API provided by Web Browsers but use a different internal implementation that is built around the Node.js Event Loop."
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"These libraries provide full functionality of core functions. Other types of JavsScript Libraries which can be used in conjunction with the core libraries include js effects libaries, js tools libraries, js graphing libraries, js ajax libraries, js maths libraries and more (see below for a complete list of libraries). DOJO."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Node.js is an open source, cross-platform runtime environment for developing server-side and networking applications. Node.js applications are written in JavaScript, and can be run within the Node.js runtime on OS X, Microsoft Windows, and Linux. Node.js also provides a rich library of various JavaScript modules which simplifies the development of web applications using Node.js to a great extent. Node.js = Runtime Environment + JavaScript Library Features of Node.js. Following are some of the important features that make Node.js the first choice of software architects. 1 Asynchronous and Event Driven â All APIs of Node.js library are asynchronous, that is, non-blocking. 2 Very Fast â Being built on Google Chrome's V8 JavaScript Engine, Node.js library is very fast in code execution."
"represent this!",
"A timeline is a way of displaying a list of events in chronological order, sometimes described as a project artifact. Timelines can use any time scale, depending on the subject and data. Most timelines use a linear scale, where a unit of distance is equal to a set amount of time."
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"Japan Standard Time or JST (æ¥æ¬æ¨æºæ, Nihon HyÅjunji, or ä¸å¤®æ¨æºæ ChÅ«Å HyÅjunji) is the standard timezone in Japan, 9 hours ahead of UTC (i.e. it is UTC+09:00). There is no daylight saving time, though its introduction has been debated several times. During World War II, it was often called Tokyo Standard Time."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"ChronoZoom is an example of interactive, zoomable timeline software. The bronze timeline Fifteen meters of History with background information board, Ãrebro, Sweden. A timeline is a way of displaying a list of events in chronological order, sometimes described as a project artifact. It is typically a graphic design showing a long bar labelled with dates alongside itself and usually events labelled on points where they would have happened. 1 Overview."
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"An easy to customize, horizontal timeline powered by CSS and jQuery. Our vertical timeline is so far one of the most popular resources on CodyHouse. Many of you asked us to include a horizontal timeline as well. Here it is! Building a horizontal timeline was a bit tricky, because you canât rely on the vertical (more intuitive) scrolling behaviour. We decided to separate timeline and events, with the first one working like a slider, while the second one occupying the full width and showing a single event at a time."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Best Answer: There are 5 greats lakes, but only 4 of them (lake michigan, lake huron, lake superior and lake erie) actually surround michigan. Michigan is bordered by four of the Great Lakes (Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, and a little bit of Lake Erie). Lake Ontario is east of Niagara Falls, so it borders New York and maybe part of Pennsylvania. Source(s): I live in Michigan. sarge927 · 9 years ago.']\" == \"['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what lakes surround michigan']\"",
"The Timeline is an interactive visualization chart to visualize data in time. The data items can take place on a single date, or have a start and end date (a range). You can freely move and zoom in the timeline by dragging and scrolling in the Timeline. Items can be created, edited, and deleted in the timeline."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"A timeline is a way of displaying a list of events in chronological order, sometimes described as a project artifact. It is typically a graphic design showing a long bar labelled with dates alongside itself and usually events labelled on points where they would have happened."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"What is a JS file? Files containing the .js extension are most commonly associated with JavaScript files. These JS files contain JavaScript code that is used to execute instructions in a Web page that uses client-side scripting."
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"Building a Vertical Timeline With CSS and a Touch of JavaScript. In this tutorial, weâll learn how to build a responsive vertical timeline from scratch. First, weâll create the basic structure with minimal markup and the power of CSS pseudo-elements. Then, weâll use some JavaScript to add some transitional effects as we scroll down the page."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n------\nFor example, '[\"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\\n\\nFor example, 'Home Facts Arts and Crafts. China dance, as a comprehensive art form, is an important part of the ancient Chinese term Yue which includes several elements such as poems, songs, dances and music.' should be close to 'what is china's music'\", 'Cosbyâ\\x80\\x99s wife of more than 50 years was notably absent when the 78-year-old (pictured) stumbled into a Pennsylvania court to face sexual assault charges on Wednesday. Cosby walked with a cane and stumbled as he was helped into the Montgomery County District Court in Philadelphia for his arraignment this week.']' should be close to '['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how long has camille and cosby been married?']'",
"A: Timeline is a section of a Facebook user's account that replaces the Profile and Wall pages, and merges them together. It shows the story of your life, as you choose to tell it or as Facebook has recorded it, in a visual, scrolling, reverse-chronologically ordered timeline."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The timelines of Earth One and Earth Thirty Eight are a series of significant events listed in chronological order. The timeline is subject to change is always in a constant flux when a person with access to some form of time travel, goes backwards in time and change events, creating a new timeline from that moment onward."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Timeline definition: A timeline is a visual representation of a sequence of events, especially historical... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples English Dictionary | Thesaurus | Translator | Grammar | Scrabble | Blog"
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"Angular.js is a complete, JavaScript-based, open-source, front-end web app framework maintained by Google. It is a common technology to provide a solid base foundation for developers working with the latest industry standards and requirements. The framework provides a set of modern features for rapid app development."
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"As an asynchronous event driven framework, Node.js is designed to build scalable network applications. In the following hello world example, many connections can be handled concurrently. Upon each connection the callback is fired, but if there is no work to be done Node is sleeping."
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"Jeavons syndrome (JS, eyelid myoclonia with absences [EMA]) consists of a triad of symptoms including eyelid myoclonia that may be accompanied by absence seizures, eye closure-induced EEG paroxysms or seizures, and photosensitivity. The age of onset ranges between 2 and 14 years with symptoms peaking between 6 and 8 years of age."
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"Backbone.js is a lightweight MVC framework. Born in 2010, it quickly grew popular as a lean alternative to heavy, full-featured MVC frameworks such as ExtJS. This resulted in many services adopting it, including Pinterest, Flixster, AirBNB and others."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"There was an error emailing this page. JavaScript is eating the world, with new tools and enhancements arriving at a breakneck pace. With Node.js, an open source runtime system invented in 2009 by Ryan Dahl, that reach has extended to the server side."
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"A timeline or lifeline exercise is a grid that allows you to have a birdâs eye view of your life, and to see the positive and negative shifts along the way on a single trajectory.Even more, it can be a tool to make conscious self-directed changes that, literally, rewire your brain to heal itself.tâs an excellent exercise to complete together with your partner in life or a group of friends, extended family members or even business associates. Potentially all of the above hint at an even more important benefit. Your timeline can be a way to uncover and potentially âreworkâ your lifeâs story."
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"JS HOME JS Introduction JS Where To JS Output JS Syntax JS Statements JS Comments JS Variables JS Operators JS Arithmetic JS Assignment JS Data Types JS Functions JS Objects JS Scope JS Events JS Strings JS String Methods JS Numbers JS Number Methods JS Math JS Random JS Dates JS Date Formats JS Date Methods JS Arrays JS Array Methods JS Array Sort ..."
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"The Timeline contains the sequence of individual images that make up an animation. The Timeline consists of layers, frames, and scenes that make up a Flash document. Layers appear on the left side of the Timeline and frames contained in each layer appear as multiple cells in a row to the right of the layer. The Timeline header above the frames displays the frame numbers."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"JS is a file extension for a JavaScript source code file format. JavaScript is used in Web development to do such things as: 1 Automatically change a formatted date. 2 Cause a linked-to page to pop up in a new window.3 Cause text or an image to change during a mouse rollover.S is a file extension for a JavaScript source code file format. JavaScript is used in Web development to do such things as: 1 Automatically change a formatted date. 2 Cause a linked-to page to pop up in a new window."
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"Scheduling Timers#. A timer in Node.js is an internal construct that calls a given function after a certain period of time. When a timer's function is called varies depending on which method was used to create the timer and what other work the Node.js event loop is doing."
"JavaScript (/ËdÊÉËvÉËskrɪpt/), often abbreviated as JS, is a high-level, dynamic, weakly typed, object-based, multi-paradigm, and interpreted programming language. Alongside HTML and CSS, JavaScript is one of the three core technologies of World Wide Web content production."
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"J-School Legacy. Out of Missouriâs storied newspaper history evolved two forces that would shape the future of journalism: Walter Williams (1864-1935) and the Missouri Press Association (est. 1867). Both played integral roles in the founding of the worldâs first school of journalism in the most unlikely of places â the middle of Missouri. A Brief History The Journalist's Creed"
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"Chart.js is a JavaScript library that allows you to draw different types of charts by using the HTML5 canvas element. Since it uses canvas, you have to include a polyfill to support older browsers. The one suggested by the author is ExplorerCanvas, so you may want to stick with it."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"History Timelines of Events provide fast facts and information about famous events in history, such as those detailed in the Technology Timeline, precipitated a significant change in World history."
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"TimelineJS Retweeted. Klyntâ @klynt_app 11 Dec 2013. New post in our blog: Racontez-moi la chute de #Fortis by @NicolasBecquet integrating a @TimelineJS! Made with #Klynt http://klyntlab.tumblr.com/post/69066413144/racontez-moi-la-chute-de-fortis-une-production-de â¦."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Node.js was developed by Ryan Dahl in 2009 and its latest version is v0.10.36. The definition of Node.js as supplied by its official documentation is as follows â Node.js is a platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for easily building fast and scalable network applications."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"Translations for 'timeline'. British English: timeline NOUN. A timeline is a visual representation of a sequence of events, especially historical events. The timeline shows important events from the Earth's creation to the present day. American English: timeline. Brazilian Portuguese: linha do tempo. Chinese: éæå°¤æåå²äºä»¶."
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"Pick from 10 Timeline templates, enter the data, personalize the Timelines to suit your project needs, and finally click Finish. You can even copy and paste data from Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Project to quickly create timelines. Office Timeline comes in two editions. The Free Edition lets you to do basic timelines."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"More media types will be supported in the future. Creating one is as easy as filling in a Google spreadsheet or as detailed as JSON. Add it to your site Using Inline (easiest) Place the embed code where you want the timeline to show in the <body> of your site. See Config Options for a full list of what you can set in the config."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"JS is a file extension for a JavaScript source code file format. A JS file is used mainly to run client side JavaScript code on a webpage. The JS file contains all the HTML HEAD and BODY objects in the tags of an HTML page."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nThe provided query could be \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'The Constitution says that the United States must have a President and a Vice President. These two people and the people who work for them belong to the Executive Branch of the federal government. It is the duty of the President of the United States to run the federal government and to see that the laws of our nation are carried out. The President is the highest representative of the people of our nation.']\" and the positive \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'who is the current u.s federal executive branch']\"",
"JS is a file extension for a JavaScript source code file format. JavaScript is used in Web development to do such things as: 1 Automatically change a formatted date. 2 Cause a linked-to page to pop up in a new window.3 Cause text or an image to change during a mouse rollover. JS file is used mainly to run client side JavaScript code on a webpage. The JS file contains all the HTML HEAD and BODY objects in the tags of an HTML page. MIME type: application/x-javascript, text/javascript. Learn more about JS files: Visit the Java website. See the JavaScript learning guide at Search Domino."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"A: Timeline is a section of a Facebook user's account that replaces the Profile and Wall pages, and merges them together. It shows the story of your life, as you choose to tell it or as Facebook has recorded it, in a visual, scrolling, reverse-chronologically ordered timeline.very Timeline entry has two icons for editing: a pen icon in the upper right corner where you can hide or delete the object, and a cog or silhouette (depending on the type of object) found next to the time or date of the activity, that lets you adjust who can see the activity. See the image above for an example."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"We explain what JS files are and recommend software that we know can open or convert your JS files. Files containing the .js extension are most commonly associated with JavaScript files. These JS files contain JavaScript code that is used to execute instructions in a Web page that uses client-side scripting."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"JavaScript® (often shortened to JS) is a lightweight, interpreted, object-oriented language with first-class functions, and is best known as the scripting language for Web pages, but it's used in many non-browser environments as well."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A timeline is a type of graphic organizer that shows specific events in sequence, usually with dates, in a linear fashion. Timelines are particularly useful for studying or reviewing history, because the timeline will visually display major events over a period of time."
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"The JS file type is primarily associated with 'JavaScript'. This extension can be captured by a number of applications including: Windows Script Host, Dreamweaver MX, Notepad, Netscape Navigator, PavScrip, UltraEdit. The files are generally text files."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"What is Timeline? Your Timeline is the space on your profile where you can see your own posts, posts from friends and stories you're tagged in organized by the date they were posted. Learn more. More info. Get help for mobile apps and browsers."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"JS is a file extension for a JavaScript source code file format. JavaScript is used in Web development to do such things as: Automatically change a formatted date. Cause a linked-to page to pop up in a new window. Cause text or an image to change during a mouse rollover."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A timeline is a way of displaying a list of events in chronological order, sometimes described as a project artifact. It is typically a graphic design showing a long bar labelled with dates alongside itself and usually events."
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"d3.js (data-driven documents). - D3.js (data-driven documents) is a library of JavaScript code that enables users to input their own data into prebuilt visualizations. The code allows users to generate graphics in frequently used ... (SearchBusinessAnalytics.com)."
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"Japan Standard Time or JST (æ¥æ¬æ¨æºæ Nihon HyÅjunji or ä¸å¤®æ¨æºæ ChÅ«Å HyÅjunji) is the standard timezone in Japan, and is 9 hours ahead of UTC, i.e. it is UTC+09:00. There is no daylight saving time, though its introduction has been debated several times. During World War II, it was often called Tokyo Standard Time."
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"You may just want to use the timeline template, but if you are creating your chart from scratch, follow these steps to add durations to events: 1 Create a new column in your data table for the Duration (number of days) of an event. 2 In the Horizontal Error Bars tab, select the Plus direction and the No Cap end style.reate the Timeline Chart. The next step is to create a Scatter Chart with the Height values as the Y-axis (vertical axis) and the Axis values as the X-axis (horizontal axis). 1 Select cell E31:E40 (the Height values). 2 New Chart Tools contextual tabs will show up with the chart is selected."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Best of all, you can create a vertical timeline on your own website with a little bit of CSS and JavaScript. The point of this blog post is to give you a basic understanding of how you can do so. We will include some examples of code."
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"The 'beforeExit' event is emitted when Node.js empties its event loop and has no additional work to schedule. Normally, the Node.js process will exit when there is no work scheduled, but a listener registered on the 'beforeExit' event can make asynchronous calls, and thereby cause the Node.js process to continue. The listener callback function is invoked with the value of process.exitCode passed as the only argument."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"A timeline is an actual picture of events that happened in history. Timelines can be LINEAR or COMPARATIVE: A linear timeline shows a picture of events as they occurred in a certain period of time."
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"Mini Bio (1) Jenni 'Jwoww' Farley was born on February 27, 1986 in Franklin Square, New York, USA. She is an actress and producer, known for Snooki & JWOWW (2012), Jersey Shore (2009) and MTV Europe Music Awards 2011 (2011). She has been married to Roger Mathews since October 18, 2015. They have two children."
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"Vertical timelines will be easier to display and read on most kinds of screens as well as standard paper orientations. Select a timeline template from this collection and click the download buttons to see how you can get them. Many will be available for free, though there are editable templates also for sale."
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"Following are some of the important features that make Node.js the first choice of software architects. 1 Asynchronous and Event Driven â All APIs of Node.js library are asynchronous, that is, non-blocking. It essentially means a Node.js based server never waits for an API to return data."
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"1 15-20 events is a good number to include for most timelines. 2 You don't always have to start a timeline with a person's birth or end it with his or her death. 3 Get creative with your start and end dates.ketch a line on a piece of paper. To get a sense of how your timeline should look, take a large piece of paper and a pencil and draw a sketch. At the far left edge of the paper, draw a vertical hash mark."
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"1 Try to write small unless you are using a poster. 2 If you make a timeline on historical events, research library books, journals, encyclopedias and magazine articles on precise facts and dates. 3 Be sure to refer to your sources properly.4 The general APA-citation style will do for most timelines.ketch a line on a piece of paper. To get a sense of how your timeline should look, take a large piece of paper and a pencil and draw a sketch. At the far left edge of the paper, draw a vertical hash mark."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"A timeline is a way of displaying a list of events in chronological order, sometimes described as a project artifact. It is typically a graphic design showing a long bar labelled with dates alongside itself and usually events. 1 Overview."
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"Japan Standard Time. Japan Standard Time or JST (æ¥æ¬æ¨æºæ, Nihon HyÅjunji, or ä¸å¤®æ¨æºæ ChÅ«Å HyÅjunji) is the standard timezone in Japan, and is 9 hours ahead of UTC (i.e. it is UTC+09:00). There is no daylight saving time, though its introduction has been debated several times. During World War II, it was often called Tokyo Standard Time."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"1. countable noun. A timeline is a visual representation of a sequence of events, especially historical events. A unique 13,000-word timeline runs through the full-colour volume, detailing events from the Earth's creation to the present day."
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"Timeline infographics are infographics with a timeline as its focus. Timelines are useful when youâre trying to tell a story or convey information over a chronological time period. Timelines can also be used to feature information in a sequence, or to show the progression of a subject matter over a time period."
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"IE enforces the JavaScript standard, and simply doesnât recognize the DATETIME format as being a valid date. The way I solved this was to parse the DATETIME string by splitting it into arrays and instantiating the JS Date object by using the ânew Date(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond)â syntax. Below is a function that will take a string in the SQL DATETIME format and will return a JS Date object:"
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"2 Answers 2. active oldest votes. up vote 10 down vote accepted. In ./models/todo, the period indicates that node will look in the same folder that api.js is in, which would look for \\Todo List\\routes\\models\\todo.js. This does not start from the root of the application. To require this, you'll need to us two periods to jump up a level, and specify the app path as well:"
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"Embedded Timelines. Embedded timelines are an easy way to embed multiple Tweets on your website in a compact, single-column view. Display the latest Tweets from a single Twitter account, multiple accounts, or tap into the worldwide conversation around a topic grouped in a search result."
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"Minifying https://vujar.com//assets_horizon/common/js/global.js?_=2017-12-01_10_04_14 could save 1.2KiB (20% reduction) after compression."
] |
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"what does the name nana mean"
] | [
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"The name Nana is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Nana is: Grace. American Meaning: The name Nana is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Nana is: Grace.Hawaiian Meaning: The name Nana is a Hawaiian baby name. In Hawaiian the meaning of the name Nana is: Name of a spring month; name of a star.Spanish Meaning: The name Nana is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Nana is: grace; favor.n Hawaiian the meaning of the name Nana is: Name of a spring month; name of a star. Spanish Meaning: The name Nana is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Nana is: grace; favor."
] | [
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"The nene, also known as nÄnÄ and Hawaiian goose, is a species of goose endemic to the Hawaiian Islands. The official bird of the state of HawaiÊ»i, the nene is exclusively found in the wild on the islands of Oahu, Maui, KauaÊ»i, Molokai, and HawaiÊ»i. The Hawaiian name nÄnÄ comes from its soft call. The specific name sandvicensis refers to the Sandwich Islands, a former name for the Hawaiian Islands. It is thought that the nene evolved from the Canada goose, which most likely arrived on ..."
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"The word nan for grandma is a shortening of the word nana. Both of these words probably are child pronunciations of the word nanny."
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"Nana is a St. Bernard who appears in Disney's 1953 animated feature film Peter Pan. She is the nursemaid of the Darling children. Nana is very caring toward the Darling children and treats them as..."
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"What Does Name Fiona Mean. You are kind, home-loving, hospitable and friendly. Since you take responsibility well, you are a good organizer of social affairs. Compassion for others is an outstanding trait. You are a great lover and a great flirt â an artist, musician, actor, teacher, nurse. Your character can be contradictory."
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"The companyâs name was inspired by rapper Foxy Brownâs tune âIll Nanaâ â meaning illest female, or a woman of absolute power. Theyâve since added the tag DiverseCity Dance Company (DCDC) to pay homage to queer identity, while also giving respect to Toronto. These dancers have something special going on."
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"Nanabozho is a Native American creator figure who takes the shape of a rabbit and is characterized as a trickster. In his rabbit form, he is called Mishaabooz (Great rabbit or Hare) or Chi-waabooz (Big rabbit). He was sent to Earth by Gitchi Manitou to teach the Ojibwe."
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"Check out our list of traditional grandmother names. By The Editors. Print. traditional grandmother names. ... I chose to be called Nana which is what I called my own grandmother. I figured it would be easy for them to pronounce at an early age, and it would be a nice tribute to my Nana as well."
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"Look out for other favourites: dog, duck, ball, shoe and nana. It still counts as a word if itâs not quite right but itâs used to mean the same thing every time, like âbahâ for ball. A good way to show them the correct way without deflating their self-esteem is to say, âBah."
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"What does a 1 next to a person's name in the chat box mean? What does a 1 next to a person's name in the chat box mean? Related Help Center FAQs; What does it mean to see first? What does active mean in messages on Facebook? What does it mean to Like something? What does it mean to unfollow someone? What does it mean if the pixel status says No activity yet... What does it mean to follow someone or a Page?"
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"[ 3 syll. na-na-mi, nan-ami ] The baby girl name Nanami is pronounced N AA-Naa-Miy- â .Nanami's origin and use are both in the Japanese language. The meaning of Nanami is 'seven seas'. Nanami is uncommon as a baby girl name.It is not in the top 1000 names. 3 syll. na-na-mi, nan-ami ] The baby girl name Nanami is pronounced N AA-Naa-Miy- â ."
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"Nana (ãã ,), often stylized as NANA, is a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Ai Yazawa. The manga was published in Shueisha's manga magazine Cookie. Viz Media licensed the series for release in North America and published it in their Shojo Beat magazine. Nana was put on hiatus in August 2009, when Yazawa suddenly fell ill."
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"Nana Yaa Asantewaa. Nana Yaa Asantewaa (c. 1840 â 17 October 1921) was appointed queen mother of Ejisu of the Ashanti Empireânow part of modern-day Ghanaâby her brother Nana Akwasi Afrane Okpese, the Ejisuhene âruler of Ejisuâ. In 1900 she led the Ashanti rebellion known as the War of the Golden Stool against British colonialism."
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"Zina is also a derivative of the Latin name Diana. Zana, zâna a pronunciation, variant means a (fairy-demi goddess of a place such as a, forest, river meadow.), etc coming originally from The roman Goddess. Diana one other form Is cosanziana cosânziana which survives From The Latin Quo. sancta dianaina means ,good witch ,fairy (usually beautiful) in Romanian folklore. Zina is also a derivative of the Latin name Diana. Zana, zâna a pronunciation, variant means a (fairy-demi goddess of a place such as a, forest, river meadow.), etc coming originally from The roman Goddess. diana"
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"The name Mona is a Native American baby name. In Native American the meaning of the name Mona is: Gathers jimson weed seed.SoulUrge Number: 7. Expression Number: 7. People with this name have a deep inner need for quiet, and a desire to understand and analyze the world they live in, and to learn the deeper truths.he name Mona is a Native American baby name. In Native American the meaning of the name Mona is: Gathers jimson weed seed. SoulUrge Number: 7. Expression Number: 7. People with this name have a deep inner need for quiet, and a desire to understand and analyze the world they live in, and to learn the deeper truths."
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"Her signature detailed style reflects a refined monochrome pallette with her name 'Nanami' (meaning 'Seven Seas' in Japanese) stamped in red. Fluid line-work, watery creatures and Goldfish are some of her favourite subjects, and distinctive forms which are featured in her artworks.er signature detailed style reflects a refined monochrome pallette with her name 'Nanami' (meaning 'Seven Seas' in Japanese) stamped in red. Fluid line-work, watery creatures and Goldfish are some of her favourite subjects, and distinctive forms which are featured in her artworks."
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"Santa Ynez Valley. 1,022 Saves | 2 Questions. The plant in the urn is a Pittosporum crassifolium 'Compactum' or 'Nana' It's goes by two names in the industry. This is an example of a mediterranean landscape in Santa Barbara with a container garden.,022 Saves | 2 Questions. The plant in the urn is a Pittosporum crassifolium 'Compactum' or 'Nana' It's goes by two names in the industry. This is an example of a mediterranean landscape in Santa Barbara with a container garden."
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"I'm Italian and grew up in an all Italian neighborhood. We called our great grandmother and grandmother, Nana and grandfathers Nano. Our nieghbors and friends did the same in their families. My kids call my parents Nana and Nano. Hallmark and other greeting card companies use Nana."
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"The origin of the name Baphomet is not clear. It appears to be a combination of two Greek words baphe and metis meaning absorption of knowledge. Other authors claim it is a corruption of Mohamet (Mohammed), but the first definition seems to be more accurate.Baphomet has its origins in the Goat of Mendes.Baphomet was also one of the aliases of Aleister Crowley. Baphomet has also been called the Goat of Mendes and the Black Goat.. The goat also has to do with fertility and is symbolic of the Magnum Opus of alchemy when one's energies from kundalini increase.Spiritual alchemy is of Ancient Egypt and is the transformation of the human soul into the godhead.he origin of the name Baphomet is not clear. It appears to be a combination of two Greek words baphe and metis meaning absorption of knowledge. Other authors claim it is a corruption of Mohamet (Mohammed), but the first definition seems to be more accurate."
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"Nanaimo /nÉËnaɪmoÊ/ (Canada 2016 Census population 90,504) is a city on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada. It is known as The Harbour City.."
"represent the input",
"Disclaimer: ill nana-ish definition / meaning should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. All content on this website is for informational purposes only."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"An American girl's grandmother is Italian. In the Irish-Italian neighborhood where I grew up, a lot of grandmothers were called Nana. But I can't remember if they were Italian or not. I have the girl calling her grandmother Nana Maria.."
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"Nana to Kaoru. Alt title: Nana and Kaoru. On the surface, Nana Chigusa appears to be a typical honor student, loved by the student council and her peers, and surrounded by admirers and friends. But deep down, even good girls need a way to blow off a little steam and de-stress, and for Nana, that means secretive, intense S&M sessions with Kaoru, a well-known pervert and her childhood friend."
"Represent this text",
"Nana is a somewhat popular first name for women (#2677 out of 4276, Top 63%) and an even more popular last name for both adults and children (#67317 out of 150436, Top 45%).ana /nana/ [2 sylls.] as a girls' name is pronounced NAH-nah. It is of Hawaiian origin. Name of a spring month and the name of a star. The Spanish Nana is a pet form of Ana."
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"Spanish to English: more detail... 1 nana: lullaby. 2 Wiktionary: nana â nursemaid, nanny, maid, lullaby. nana â lullaby, cradlesong, craddle-song, nanny."
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"Originally from the Old English nunne, from Late Latin nonna nun, tutor, originally (along with masculine nonnus) a term of address to elderly persons, perhaps from children's speech, reminiscent of nana(?)."
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"A simple name on your grandchildren's lips could melt your heart. Iâve heard the names my whole life: Grandma, Grampy, Mimi, Bube, Grandpa, Papa, Nonna. Nonny, Nana. Grandfather, Grandmother. But I never knew these names were magic until one was said to me."
"1 Nana means seven in Japanese, which is why all friends start to call her Hachi (ãã, lit. eight) to differentiate her from Nana Osaki. 2 Some of her friends also call her HachikÅ after the famous dog in Japan, who waited at Shibuya Station for his owner many years after his death."
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"The other subspecies of the plant, J. communis nana, is a matted shrub that grows close to the ground. There might also be a third subspecies, J. communis hemisphaerica, found on sea cliffs in Cornwall and Pembrokeshire. Juniper has been part of human life for centuries."
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"Nana (ãã) is a Japanese shÅjo manga series written and illustrated by Ai Yazawa, serialized in Cookie published by Shueisha. The manga derives its title from the name of the two main characters, both of whom are called Nana.Nana Komatsu is a small town girl who goes to Tokyo to follow her boyfriend and college friends, with the hope of having her dream life. Nana Osaki was in a popular punk band in her home town.he manga derives its title from the name of the two main characters, both of whom are called Nana."
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"In the story, since both main characters have the same first name, to differentiate one Nana to the other, Nana Osaki affectionately called Nana Komatsu Hachi, because she thinks Nana Komatsu behaves like a dog, faithful but sometimes annoying. This is actually a play of word. The female name Nana is a homonym of the Japanese word nana that means seven, and while Hachi is a common dog name in Japan, it is also a homonym of the word hachi that means eight."
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"Example Sentences Including 'nana'. De hecho, en la grabacion grabación pueden detectarse ruidos de trafico tráfico rodado y hasta, una nana integrados en un hilo conductor musical, sin fisuras. ni concesionesxample Sentences Including 'nana'. De hecho, en la grabacion grabación pueden detectarse ruidos de trafico tráfico rodado y hasta, una nana integrados en un hilo conductor musical, sin fisuras. ni concesiones"
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"Nanabhozo or Mahnabohzo. Nanabozho is a Native American creator figure who takes the shape of a rabbit and is characterized as a trickster. In his rabbit form, he is called Mishaabooz (Great rabbit or Hare) or Chi-waabooz (Big rabbit). He was sent to Earth by Gitchi Manitou to teach the Ojibwe."
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"1 Nana (given name) , including a list of people and characters with the given name.2 Nana (surname) , including a list of people and characters with the surname. Nana (given name) , including a list of people and characters with the given name."
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"The origin of the name Baphomet is not clear. It appears to be a combination of two Greek words baphe and metis meaning absorption of knowledge. Other authors claim it is a corruption of Mohamet (Mohammed), but the first definition seems to be more accurate. Baphomet has its origins in the Goat of Mendes.Baphomet was also one of the aliases of Aleister Crowley. Baphomet has also been called the Goat of Mendes and the Black Goat.. The goat also has to do with fertility and is symbolic of the Magnum Opus of alchemy when one's energies from kundalini increase.Spiritual alchemy is of Ancient Egypt and is the transformation of the human soul into the godhead.t is possible, they learned of the Goat of Mendes as the Moslems kept records and had knowledge of the history of Ancient Egypt where the Goat of Mendes originated. The Templars grew in both size and wealth, reaching their peak in the 14th century."
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"American definition and synonyms of nana from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Publishers Limited.hesaurus. The thesaurus of synonyms and related words is fully integrated into the dictionary. Click on the thesaurus category heading under the button in an entry to see the synonyms and related words for that meaning."
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"The nene (Branta sandvicensis), also known as nÄnÄ and Hawaiian goose, is a species of goose endemic to the Hawaiian Islands. The official bird of the state of Hawai Ê» i, the nene is exclusively found in the wild on the islands of Oahu, Maui, Kaua Ê» i, Molokai, and Hawai Ê» i. The Hawaiian name nÄnÄ comes from its soft call."
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"Akanfo manifest a unique expression of Nanasom-Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit Ancestral Religion, as do all other Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit ethnic groups (Ewe, Yoruba, Igbo, Bakongo, Dinka, etc.) . Our Khanit (Akanni) Ancestresses and Ancestors left an enduring record of this expression in ancient Khanit and Kamit.he Twi language is derived of our Ancestral language of ancient Khanit (Keneset) and Kamit (Nubia and Egypt). We therefore find that in the metutu (hieroglyphics) the term na means: great, greatness; benevolence. The related term naanu means good, beautiful while nanu means 'grains' or 'seeds'."
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"(nänâ²jÄngâ²) also Nan·king (nÄnâ²kÄngâ², nänâ²-) A city of east-central China on the Yangtze River northwest of Shanghai. An imperial capital and an early capital of the Republic of China, it was the site of a massacre by invading Japanese forces in 1937. The city is now the capital of Jiangsu province."
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"nursemaid; nanny â niñera; nana. female servant or cleaner. maid â fregona; gata; muca; nacha; cholera; chopa; chacha; señora de servicio; cachifa; sirvienta; asesora del hogar; asistenta; mucama; nana; criada; doméstica; empleada doméstica; muchacha de servicio. a soothing song to lull children to sleep."
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"Trey Songz NaNa is an urban-R&B song about a guy taking a girl home after she acted too naughty. NaNa by Trey Songz was premiered on Christmas Day 2013.It's said to be part of the recording session of Trey's sixth studio album, due in stores in 2014. NaNa was produced by DJ Mustard.rey Songz NaNa is an urban-R&B song about a guy taking a girl home after she acted too naughty. NaNa by Trey Songz was premiered on Christmas Day 2013."
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"Traditional Grandmother Names. By The Editors. Print. traditional grandmother names. ... I chose to be called Nana which is what I called my own grandmother. I figured it would be easy for them to pronounce at an early age, and it would be a nice tribute to my Nana as well."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'FHA base loan amount $96,500 x applicable upfront fee (chart below) 0.85% = $820.25 annually. $820.25 / 12 = $68.35 FHA monthly mortgage insurance. This amount is added to your principal, interest, taxes & insurance payment.Our FHA mortgage payment calculator does all this for you. Use our FHA Calculator for more examples.HA base loan amount $96,500 x applicable upfront fee (chart below) 0.85% = $820.25 annually. $820.25 / 12 = $68.35 FHA monthly mortgage insurance. This amount is added to your principal, interest, taxes & insurance payment.']\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results!', 'how much is the monthly payment for fha insurance']\"",
"Incoming search terms: meaning of tayla, tayla meaning, what does tayla mean, what does the name tayla mean, meaning of tayla name. Meaning of TAYLA name, name definition, origin of TAYLA name, Popularity of name, analysis, gender of TAYLA, Acrostic Poem, other details; Advertisement.ncoming search terms: meaning of tayla, tayla meaning, what does tayla mean, what does the name tayla mean, meaning of tayla name. Meaning of TAYLA name, name definition, origin of TAYLA name, Popularity of name, analysis, gender of TAYLA, Acrostic Poem, other details; Advertisement."
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"I was a little surprised because I had only ever called my grandparents âabuelitaâ and âabuelito.â Pretty generic and boring. I learned that Americans have all sorts of wacky names for grandparents â Nana, Pop Pop, Grammy, Nona, Pappy, Gramps, etc. I was fascinated. When my husband and I found ourselves pregnant my mom immediately started brainstorming nicknames for our baby to call her."
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"Meaning of Nanami. Japanese name. In Japanese, the name Nanami means-Seven seas..The name Nanami originated as an Japanese name. The name Nanami is most often used as a girl name or female name.Japanese Name Meaning-Seven seas.apanese name. In Japanese, the name Nanami means-Seven seas..The name Nanami originated as an Japanese name. The name Nanami is most often used as a girl name or female name. Japanese Name Meaning-Seven seas."
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"People who like the name Nanami also like: Kaida, Nariko, Misa, Nami, Kasumi, Sakura, Kohana. Hotaru, Akio, Mizu, Daisuke, Raiden, Ryu, Katsu. Notes: Could be 3 different names: aãªa¿ªãâ¬â¬(ªa ªã), a¸ã (no + meaning), ae¸ä· (Æc¾ž + Æ羞). seven beauties ae ä Æaeµ Ææµ seven seaseople who like the name Nanami also like: Kaida, Nariko, Misa, Nami, Kasumi, Sakura, Kohana. Hotaru, Akio, Mizu, Daisuke, Raiden, Ryu, Katsu. Notes: Could be 3 different names: aãªa¿ªãâ¬â¬(ªa ªã), a¸ã (no + meaning), ae¸ä· (Æc¾ž + Æ羞). seven beauties ae ä Æaeµ Ææµ seven seas"
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"They are definitely either virgins or widows. The word ânunâ by the way, comes from the Latin nonna â a term of endearment for a grandmother. It is directly related to the English Nana. The consecrated widows, then, bore the title of grandmotherly endearment. In the second century, Saint Justin Martyr attests to consecrated virgins in Rome."
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"Nana to Kaoru (OAV) Plot Summary: Nana is an honor student who the entire school respects and admires. Kaoru is a known pervert who gives most of the girls the creeps. But these two have a secret and that secret is they both love S&M and they meet secretly to experiment with each other. Arithmetic mean: 6.044 (Decent), std."
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"What Does My Name Mean. To know what does your baby name mean, type your baby name or any name in the search box and know the meaning and origin of that name.hat Does My Name Mean. To know what does your baby name mean, type your baby name or any name in the search box and know the meaning and origin of that name."
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"God came to me in a dream and stated There's no sleep till Brooklyn. What does this mean? No Sleep till Brooklyn (Beastie Boys) or Kool Thing (Sonic Youth)? Answer Questions Iâve been looking for a song with a girl singing that goes âna nana nana naâ towards the end?"
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"[ 2 syll. na-na, nan-a ] The baby girl name Nana is also used as a boy name. It is pronounced N AA-Naa- â . Nana's origin is Hebrew and Hawaiian, and its use, English, Spanish, African, French, Japanese, and Swahili.ana is also a form (English and Japanese) of the English Nan. Nana is also a form of the English and Dutch Nancy. Forms of Nana include the name Nanah and the English Nanna. Nana is not popular as a baby girl name."
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"1 Nana (surname) , including a list of people and characters with the surname. Nana (given name) , including a list of people and characters with the given name."
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"Nana is generally used as a girl's name. It consists of 4 letters and 2 syllables and is pronounced Na-na. In the U.S. in 2014, it ranked 6327 in baby name popularity for girls with 20 occurrences. It ranked 3408 in popular baby names for boys with 32 occurrences.nglish names generally consist of a given name, middle name and family name. Many English speaking countries have fairly flexible naming laws. This allows the multicultural families that live in these countries to merge the naming conventions of their faiths or previous nationalities with their current homeland."
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"A: In the book Peter Pan, Nana is described as a Newfoundland who has been adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Darling to act as a nurse to their children. Nana appears as a Saint Bernard in Disney's 1953 animated movie, Peter Pan.."
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"Common Names: pineapple and ananas in English, piña in Spanish, nanas in Javanese and Malay, apangdan in Tagalog (Filipino), and yaannat, sapparot, or bonat in Thai. Family: Bromeliaceae Related Species: bromiliads, Spanish moss, and tillandsia."
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"Metis in English. Metis (Greek) [cf Sanskrit mati counsel from man to think from the verbal root ma] Wisdom; the first spouse of Zeus, and often called the mother of Athena, goddess of wisdom. She represents divine wisdom, of which water is a symbol."
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"Baby names meanings search results: The name Nova is a baby girl name. The name Nova comes from the Native American origin. In Native American The meaning of the name Nova is: Chases butterfly (Hopi).he name Nova comes from the Native American origin. In Native American The meaning of the name Nova is: Chases butterfly (Hopi)."
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"In the scientific binomial Ananas comosus, ananas, the original name of the fruit, comes from the Tupi word nanas, meaning excellent fruit, as recorded by André Thevet in 1555, and comosus, tufted, refers to the stem of the fruit."
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"Nanami (ãªãªã¿, ããã) is a popular feminine Japanese given name which is also used as a surname. Lucia Nanami (ä¸æµ·), the main protagonist of the anime and manga series Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch. 2 Nanami Yasuri (é¢ ä¸å®), sister of the main character and an antagonist from Katanagatari."
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"Possibly derived from Old Norse nanþ meaning daring, brave. In Norse legend she was a goddess who died of grief when her husband Balder was killed.ossibly derived from Old Norse nanþ meaning daring, brave. In Norse legend she was a goddess who died of grief when her husband Balder was killed."
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"Incoming search terms: what does rodney mean in hebrew, what does the name rodney mean in hebrew, biblical meaning of rodney, what does the name Rodney mean, rodney meaning."
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"The name Nova is a baby girl name. The name Nova comes from the Native American origin.In Native American The meaning of the name Nova is: Chases butterfly (Hopi).he name Nova comes from the Native American origin. In Native American The meaning of the name Nova is: Chases butterfly (Hopi)."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Nana, played by Arthur Lupino in 1904. Nana is the nurse of Wendy, John, and Michael Darling, hired by their parents to look after the children on George Darling 's modest income. Even though he is somewhat embarrassed (sometimes angry, as in the 2003 Warner Brothers film) to have a dog in his employ, Nana is good at her job."
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"What does Min mean? M in as a name for girls has its roots in German and Old German, and the name Min means love; determined protector. Min is an alternate spelling of Mina (German). Min is also a variant of Minna (Old German). Min is also used as a form of Wilhelmina (Old German). STARTS WITH Min-ASSOCIATED WITH determined, protector (defender) Variations"
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"And the modern Nana, Nana OZAKI who is independent and strong enough to brave any storms in her life, is given by Heaven a grandiose label, a huge (o) mountain summit (zaki). Comically, Mount Everest sprang from my head when I made the analogy. Their names are so self-explanatory, so graphic, so vivid."
] |
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"how to price a plumbing job"
] | [
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"How to price plumbing jobs-Costs Less than $3 a day. Free How to price plumbing jobs, HVAC, Electrical trial. http://profitrhino.com/ . Find your flat rate price book for plumbing, HVAC and electrical 100% online with app http://profitrhino.com/ .Take your plumbing flat rate price book where you need it...in the field. Call us at 855-710-2055 for the best How to price plumbing jobs.Our free How to price plumbing jobs costs less than $3 a day after your free trial. No credit card required for a free How to price plumbing jobs free trial.ree How to price plumbing jobs, HVAC, Electrical trial. http://profitrhino.com/ . Find your flat rate price book for plumbing, HVAC and electrical 100% online with app http://profitrhino.com/ ."
] | [
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"The path you take in your plumbing career will depend on your personal objectives. The good news is that there is a wide variety of plumbing work available and the pay is generally quite attractive. Pay varies greatly, but generally starts between $13,000 â $25,000."
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"National averages for plumbing work are around $4 per square foot for rough-in plumbing as of 2012, but some areas, such as San Francisco for example, can run more than $5 per square foot depending on the professional you are dealing with."
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"It is very hard to give plumbing costs estimates without all the facts that are to be considered. But if you are doing new installation and needed a figure to work from, the national average is about $4.50 plumbing cost per square foot of the size of your house.If you have the necessary skills to do this work you may save about half of these costs.ut if you are doing new installation and needed a figure to work from, the national average is about $4.50 plumbing cost per square foot of the size of your house. If you have the necessary skills to do this work you may save about half of these costs."
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"Plumbing a new home using PEX for the water supply lines can cost $5,000-$21,000 or more depending on location, the size of the house and the number of fixtures, or typically about $2,000-$5,000 less than using copper pipes."
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"After careful review of your plumbing costs estimator project where you Hire a contractor, do None of the work yourself and use Average cost materials, we estimate the cost will be between $10,500 and $12,100.We also estimate the payback (the amount your home will appreciate by doing the remodel) will be $800.or an initial budget you can use industry cost averages â like $20,000 for a kitchen remodel or $10,000 for a bathroom remodel, but no one lives in an average house in an average city! Another common method is to create an estimate using a cost per square foot method."
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"1 Plumbing a new home using PEX for the water supply lines can cost $5,000-$21,000 or more depending on location, the size of the house and the number of fixtures, or typically about $2,000-$5,000 less than using copper pipes. These can cost $50-$200 each, depending on size and type; a basic PEX tool kit typically costs about $90-$150. 2 Get several estimates. 3 Ask about the plumber's experience with PEX. 4 Homewownernet.com explains how to hire a plumber."
"Represent the following document",
"It is very hard to give plumbing costs estimates without all the facts that are to be considered. But if you are doing new installation and needed a figure to work from, the national average is about $4.50 plumbing cost per square foot of the size of your house.If you have the necessary skills to do this work you may save about half of these costs.emember, t hese are national averages and the costs in your area may be lower or higher. It will give you an idea of what to expect. It is a good idea to always know what the average plumbing cost per hour is in your area. You can find more plumbing cost information on our tips & tricks page."
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"We use prices of between $1200 and $2000 to estimate the total cost of electrical and plumbing work and $140 per cabinet for the cost of installing all the cabinets, benchtops, splashback, and appliances."
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"We use prices of between $1200 and $2000 to estimate the total cost of electrical and plumbing work and $140 per cabinet for the cost of installing all the cabinets, benchtops, splashback, and appliances. The default prices we set are all 'middle-of-the-road'. You can change them to match your own research findings."
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"Plumbing Licensing Requirements. Those individuals seeking a plumbing license with the Department must fill out a plumbing license application 30 days before the exam date and pay the required fee of $175 for in-state applicants or $225 for Chicago and out-of-state applicants."
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"1 Plumbing for new house construction can cost $200 -$800 per fixture in low-cost, rural areas or $800-$1,100 or more per fixture in high-cost urban areas, with a toilet sink and bathtub each considered an individual fixture; a house with 10 fixtures could cost $2,000 -$11,000."
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"1. Estimation Based On Square Foot Costs. According to reports, the national average cost of plumbing work per square foot amounted to $4 in 2012. However, note that there are areas that charge more and areas that charge less. For instance, reports claimed that plumbing companies in San Francisco charged $5, a dollar more than the national average."
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"According to project data from HomeAdvisor members, the average cost to hire a plumber ranges between $170 and $458. The average cost per hour for a plumber ranges from $45 to $150 per hour depending on the job, timing and location. Services may include drain cleaning, faucet replacement or installation, and toilet repair. Plumbing is a pretty broad category."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it.\n\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'North Carolina Republican Senators Thom Tillis and Richard Burr applaud the Senate for passage of this critical legislation that will support our wounded warriors, servicemembers, and their families, ...']\" Match: \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what are the north carolina senators']\"",
"1 State licensing for plumbers costs $75-$300 and lasts 1-2 years. 2 Tennessee issues a two-year plumbing license for $75. 3 Georgia 's plumbing license fee is $30 for the application and a $75 renewal fee every two years, and Alaska's fee is a $50 application and $200 license fee every two years. Additional costs for plumbing training range from $500-$10,000, and may include books, tools, uniforms and living costs. 2 AC/C Tech in Indianapolis estimates additional plumbing program costs as $328 for tools and $369 for books, uniforms and safety equipment."
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"1 An online training program in plumbing costs $800-$1,000. 2 For example, Penn Foster offers a plumbing technology program for $868, and Ashworth College has similar coursework for about $800.3 A certificate program in plumbing costs $1,250-$3,000. Additional costs for plumbing training range from $500-$10,000, and may include books, tools, uniforms and living costs. 2 AC/C Tech in Indianapolis estimates additional plumbing program costs as $328 for tools and $369 for books, uniforms and safety equipment."
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"Pay by Industry. In plumbing, the average hourly rate also varies based on the industry. The hourly rate in the sector with the largest number of plumbers -- building equipment contractors -- is $26.37. The industry with the highest hourly rate of $38.22 is the amusement and recreation sector."
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"Electrician's fees: It will cost $200 to apply for the contractor license, $100 for the master license and $50 for the electrician license. Plumber's Licenses. To operate a plumbing business in Kentucky you need a master plumber license.To install plumbing you need a journeyman license.t will cost you $150 to apply and $250 for the license. You need to have a journeyman's license to take the master exam. The journeyman exam has written questions, chart work, and a practical section."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Find A Plumber; Average Cost To Hire A Plumber. When it comes to a plumbing problem, letting a leak go unrepaired can result in hundreds or even thousands of dollars in damage. On the other hand, hiring a plumber to fix the problem usually costs much less. The average cost to hire a plumber is $284. Although plumbing projects can run as low as $95 or as high as $800, most homeowners spend between $170 and $458. Some plumbers charge a flat-rate service call plus an hourly rate for their labor. The plumber may be able to break down their labor rate into quarter-hours. The average hourly rate ranges from $45 to $150."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"We use prices of between $1200 and $2000 to estimate the total cost of electrical and plumbing work and $140 per cabinet for the cost of installing all the cabinets, benchtops, splashback, and appliances.The default prices we set are all 'middle-of-the-road'. For a small kitchen we use $1200 for the cost of all electrical & plumbing work, $1500 for a medium kitchen and $2000 for a large kitchen."
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"Cost breakdown. 1 Labor: professional plumbers typically charge between $45-$65 per hour. 2 Materials and supplies: the basic materials and supplies to complete the plumbing in a bathroom includes adhesives, fittings, sealers 1, and finishes. 3 Fixtures: the cost of the fixtures will depend greatly on the style and quality chosen. For a low cost bathtub expect to pay $400-$1500. A shower will cost between $450-$2000. A new sink will cost around $100-$500."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"1 Plumbing a new home using PEX for the water supply lines can cost $5,000-$21,000 or more depending on location, the size of the house and the number of fixtures, or typically about $2,000-$5,000 less than using copper pipes."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Function. Mechanical contractors are the professionals responsible for the installation of plumbing, heating, cooling, air-conditioning, refrigeration and ventilation systems.efore beginning a job, a mechanical contractor estimates in writing how long it will take to complete a particular job and how much it will cost, and then must complete all required work according to that schedule and in that price range."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"We use prices of between $1200 and $2000 to estimate the total cost of electrical and plumbing work and $140 per cabinet for the cost of installing all the cabinets, benchtops, splashback, and appliances. The default prices we set are all 'middle-of-the-road'."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Plumbing for new house construction can cost $200 -$800 per fixture in low-cost, rural areas or $800-$1,100 or more per fixture in high-cost urban areas, with a toilet sink and bathtub each considered an individual fixture; a house with 10 fixtures could cost $2,000 -$11,000."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"On the other hand, hiring a plumber to fix the problem usually costs much less. The average cost to hire a plumber is $284. Although plumbing projects can run as low as $95 or as high as $800, most homeowners spend between $170 and $458. Some plumbers charge a flat-rate service call plus an hourly rate for their labor. The plumber may be able to break down their labor rate into quarter-hours. The average hourly rate ranges from $45 to $150."
"Represent this text",
"Determining the square footage of a project will provide a solid baseline, upon which you can start building. The national average for a major plumbing project is about $4.50 per square foot of construction area. There will be variances in this rate, according to project location market fluctuation. Yet the general guideline remains: the more square footage the plumber will be working on, the higher the cost will be."
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"Plumbing rates are typically calculated by the hour and vary between the different plumbing contractors (click here for more information on plumbers hourly rates). Usually plumbing costs will further include time taken to pick up plumbing parts essential to conduct the job at hand."
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"At the beginning of their career while taking plumbing classes, an apprentice may earn $15,000-$20,000 in the first few years. In contrast, an experienced Master Plumber could earn more than $200,000 at the higher end of the scale. The path you take in your plumbing career will depend on your personal objectives."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"1 Plumbing for new house construction can cost $200 -$800 per fixture in low-cost, rural areas or $800-$1,100 or more per fixture in high-cost urban areas, with a toilet sink and bathtub each considered an individual fixture; a house with 10 fixtures could cost $2,000 -$11,000. Most plumbers charge a two-hour minimum or a service call fee of $75 -$150, and some plumbers bill a flat fee per job instead of an hourly rate. 2 Either away, exact costs will depend on the complexity and type of work done."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Price Range: $3,000 (DIY) to $12,000. What you might get: You probably wonât be able to move any plumbing around, but you could replace fixtures and other materials with stock, off-the-shelf products like youâd find in a big-box store."
"Represent the input",
"The average cost to hire a plumber is $284. Professional plumbers must be licensed, and most are also bonded and insured. Some plumbing repairs require permits, which can add to the cost of the project.n addition to the service call and labor fee, homeowners will also need to pay for the cost of any necessary supplies to complete a plumbing repair or installation. When plumbing services are needed overnight, on weekends or holidays, homeowners may have to pay an additional fee or a higher rate per hour of service."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Plumbing is a major construction trade and a demanding field. It provides hands-on work for innovative thinkers along with the opportunity to have pride in specialized skills and earn a good income. Graduates usually start at $12 an hour; within five years they can reach $20 an hour."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Summary: How much does a bathroom sink cost, average bathroom sink installation costs and average price for a bathroom sink. Fitting a bathroom sink is a moderately skilled job, but it is possible to do it yourself if you have some basic plumbing knowledge."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"1 An online training program in plumbing costs $800-$1,000. For example, Penn Foster offers a plumbing technology program for $868, and Ashworth College has similar coursework for about $800. A certificate program in plumbing costs $1,250-$3,000."
"Mr. Price Book - Best Plumbing Pricing Books. Mr. Price Book, is a uniquely designed guide to provide pricing structure, scheduling estimates and general âpartâ information pertaining to specific tasks performed by companies providing plumbing services to both residential and commercial clients."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"We use prices of between $1200 and $2000 to estimate the total cost of electrical and plumbing work and $140 per cabinet for the cost of installing all the cabinets, benchtops, splashback, and appliances.The default prices we set are all 'middle-of-the-road'. You can change them to match your own research findings.e use prices of between $1200 and $2000 to estimate the total cost of electrical and plumbing work and $140 per cabinet for the cost of installing all the cabinets, benchtops, splashback, and appliances. The default prices we set are all 'middle-of-the-road'."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"Rough-in costs about $425 per plumbing drop, and fixtures can be estimated at $350 each. Examples of plumbing fixtures include hot water heaters, tubs, showers, sinks, and toilets. This price should include the installation and all rough plumbing materials. Electrical. Wiring will costs about $4.50 per square foot of living area plus the cost of light fixtures."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Average Cost to Hire A Plumber. The average cost to hire a plumber is $284. Professional plumbers must be licensed, and most are also bonded and insured. Some plumbing repairs require permits, which can add to the cost of the project."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The average cost to hire a plumber ranges from $170 to $430. Expect to pay a premium for emergency plumbing service after hours, on weekends, or on holidays. Professional plumbers handle a wide range of essential tasks, including repair or replacement of old fixtures or pipes, and installation of new plumbing."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"If the answer is yes, you can expect to pay from $225 to $325, typically, for your plumber's labor and supplies. The cost to repair a plumbing leak can vary quite a bit, though, depending on a number of important points: the severity and cause of the leak. its location and accessibility."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Private Plumbing Costs. These are your costs of hiring a private contractor or plumber to connect your building to the sewer branch at your property line. The city does not do this work or regulate the costs, and costs vary. They typically range from $2,500 to $7,000.City permits and inspection are required.rivate Plumbing Costs. These are your costs of hiring a private contractor or plumber to connect your building to the sewer branch at your property line. The city does not do this work or regulate the costs, and costs vary. They typically range from $2,500 to $7,000. City permits and inspection are required."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n\nFor instance, <<['represent the doc for finding search queries about it.', 'Basic Hours. The New York Stock Exchange now is NYSE Euronext, with a merger of New York and European markets and subsequent acquisition of the American Stock Exchange and some regional exchanges. NYSE and Amex trading is done in New York from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, except holidays.']>> to \"['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'when does the ny stock exchange close']\"",
"It is very hard to give plumbing costs estimates without all the facts that are to be considered. But if you are doing new installation and needed a figure to work from, the national average is about $4.50 plumbing cost per square foot of the size of your house. If you have the necessary skills to do this work you may save about half of these costs."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Answers. Best Answer: Typical rates are $50.00-$75.00 + trip charge and materials. It will cost you more to have this done by the hour. Get a plumber who will give you a firm estimate in writing, which is usually not free as you could then shop it and the plumber looses time spent.I would charge $75.00 for an estimate.Most plumbers charge per fixture. One rate to rough it in and one rate to trim it out + materials. Not knowing details of existing plumbing, an estimate of time required is impossible. Just guessing, 6 hours to rough in & 4 hours to trim out.nswers. Best Answer: Typical rates are $50.00-$75.00 + trip charge and materials. It will cost you more to have this done by the hour. Get a plumber who will give you a firm estimate in writing, which is usually not free as you could then shop it and the plumber looses time spent."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"In some cases, it can cost four times more to do a job with copper, as opposed to its nearest competitor, PVC. An average size home plumbing installation, done with copper, can cost anywhere from $131 to $532 depending on location and number of water outlets."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"How to Install a Toilet. Step-by-step instructions to get the job done right. Trust The Home Depot for Pipes, Fittings, Valves & Other Plumbing Accessories. We carry high-quality plumbing parts and plumbing repair products so you can get the job done right. You can find PVC pipes, fittings, toilet repair kits, specialty pipes and more at The Home Depot. Our buying guides can help you determine the perfect part or product for your plumbing project. If you want to do it yourself, we offer plumbing project guides that provide step-by-step instructions."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Local professional plumbers share their estimates and various repairs and plubming jobs. Plumbing cost by service: Fix a slab leak: $1,000 to $3,000 Stop drippy fixtures and running toilets: $100 to $200 Clear a clogged drain: $100 to $300 Replace a water heater: $1,200-$4,000. Tip: The average cost of a plumbing service charge is $150. Pro Tip: Ask if the plumber charges a flat hourly rate or works on commission. Those that work on commission get paid for selling added repairs, routine maintenance plans and charging for new fixtures instead of repairing existing ones."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Print Page. Summary: How much does a bathroom sink cost, average bathroom sink installation costs and average price for a bathroom sink. Fitting a bathroom sink is a moderately skilled job, but it is possible to do it yourself if you have some basic plumbing knowledge.rint Page. Summary: How much does a bathroom sink cost, average bathroom sink installation costs and average price for a bathroom sink. Fitting a bathroom sink is a moderately skilled job, but it is possible to do it yourself if you have some basic plumbing knowledge."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"After careful review of your plumbing costs estimator project where you Hire a contractor, do None of the work yourself and use Average cost materials, we estimate the cost will be between $10,500 and $12,100. We also estimate the payback (the amount your home will appreciate by doing the remodel) will be $800."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"We use prices of between $1200 and $2000 to estimate the total cost of electrical and plumbing work and $140 per cabinet for the cost of installing all the cabinets, benchtops, splashback, and appliances.The default prices we set are all 'middle-of-the-road'.You can change them to match your own research findings.e use prices of between $1200 and $2000 to estimate the total cost of electrical and plumbing work and $140 per cabinet for the cost of installing all the cabinets, benchtops, splashback, and appliances. The default prices we set are all 'middle-of-the-road'. You can change them to match your own research findings."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"1 Provide plumbing to code-The average plumber is going to base their pricing on each individual element of the project. 2 For example, the under-sink plumbing will tend to come in at an average cost of $45 to $65 per hour, plus materials. Installation should be included.; and. 2 Vinyl floor tile-Average of $25 to $35 per square yard, for a total of $775. 3 Provide electrical wiring and lighting to code-This is going to depend upon the amount of work required, but electricians average from $65 to $85 per hour."
"Represent text",
"Everything always depends on the size of the house, the number of bathrooms and fixtures, and the quality of the products you want in it. plumbing could cost anywhere from 2500.00 to 100000.. you chose.. if it where me i would just use PVC and PEX. forget copper and cast iron."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
", works at Plumbing. Rates for a plumber vary widely around the country. I have recently moved 90 miles from rural to city. The rate went from $50 and hour to $112. This is in Des Moines, a small town compared to NY. It is best to find out in advance what the rates are before accepting work."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"For basic plumbing services, such as leak repair or installing new traps, you'll pay $45 to $65 per hour in addition to parts, which the plumber will mark up from his wholesale price. For weekend or night calls, you'll pay as much as $100 just for the call and $75 an hour after that.hough the plumber might spend only an hour at your home, you pay for his time (driving to and from the job, picking up parts) and more. For a plumber specializing in drain-clearing services, expect to pay at least $70 per hour for drain lines and $125 per hour for sewer lines."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Continue Reading. The cost of a plumber ranges from $160 to $430 for a typical job with the average cost per hour ranging from $45 to $150. This can include jobs like repairing faucets, toilets, sinks or bathtubs.Some plumbers may also charge a flat rate depending on the job.lumbing Cost Guides. Rarely does somebody set out to upgrade their plumbing. The pipes transporting fresh water to your home and waste water from your home tend to do their jobs with the kind of anonymity reserved for theatrical stage hands."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n\nTo give you a sense - \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'You can calculate the periodic rate by dividing the APR by the number of billing periods in the year. For example, a monthly periodic rate is calculated based on the APR divided by the number of months in a year, or 12. A credit card with an APR of 12% would have a monthly periodic rate of 1%.']\" should be close to \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'monthly periodic rate']\"",
"On the other hand, hiring a plumber to fix the problem usually costs much less. The average cost to hire a plumber is $284. Although plumbing projects can run as low as $95 or as high as $800, most homeowners spend between $170 and $458. Some plumbers charge a flat-rate service call plus an hourly rate for their labor. The plumber may be able to break down their labor rate into quarter-hours."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"1 Plumbing a new home using CPVC for the water supply lines and PVC for the drains can cost $6,000-$22,000 or more depending on location, the size of the house and the number of fixtures, or typically about $2,000-$5,000 less than using copper pipes. The company may also charge $50-$150 to be present during required inspections by the local building or planning department department. 2 Prices can vary significantly, so get several estimates. 3 Ask about experience with the PVC and CPVC pipe. 4 Homewownernet.com explains how to hire a plumber."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"1 Plumbing for new house construction can cost $200 -$800 per fixture in low-cost, rural areas or $800-$1,100 or more per fixture in high-cost urban areas, with a toilet sink and bathtub each considered an individual fixture; a house with 10 fixtures could cost $2,000 -$11,000. Plumbers' rates vary significantly by location. 2 In some areas plumbers charge $45 -$75 an hour; in other regions the hourly rate can be $75 -$150. 3 Most plumbers charge a two-hour minimum or a service call fee of $75 -$150, and some plumbers bill a flat fee per job instead of an hourly rate."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"How could I have forgotten to mentionâ¦. Plumbing with PEX piping is also cost effective! Two reasons why Plumbing with PEX is cheaper than plumbing with copper is that the material is cheaper and it requires a lot less effort from Plumbers to implement a new plumbing system using PEX pipes. I want to share another photo of a PEX plumbing job we did recently."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"Costs vary with project size, job quality and time of year. For typical Plumbing Vent Installation expect to pay between $79.88 to $239.63 for each vent line. Additional fees are typically charged for small projects or rush jobs."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"HomeAdvisor's Plumber Cost Guide surveys homeowners to reveal the average price to hire a plumber to install pipes, fix leaks, make repairs, install bathroom fixtures, and more."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"1 Plumbing a new home using PEX for the water supply lines can cost $5,000-$21,000 or more depending on location, the size of the house and the number of fixtures, or typically about $2,000-$5,000 less than using copper pipes. Specialized tools are required to cut PEX tubing, install connections and check the tightness of crimped connections. 2 These can cost $50-$200 each, depending on size and type; a basic PEX tool kit typically costs about $90-$150. 3 Get several estimates."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"1 Provide plumbing to code-The average plumber is going to base their pricing on each individual element of the project. 2 For example, the bathroom is going to require plumbing of the new drains, faucets and sink plumbing, at an average cost of $45 to $65 per hour, plus materials; Polished nickel faucets-Average cost is $400 each plus four hours of installation; 2 Install ceramic tile floor-Average of 884 tiles to be installed for the 120 square feet. 3 Standard prices for installation are between $11 to $22 per square foot for a total of roughly $1320;"
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"If the answer is yes, you can expect to pay from $225 to $325, typically, for your plumber's labor and supplies. The cost to repair a plumbing leak can vary quite a bit, though, depending on a number of important points: 1 the severity and cause of the leak. its location and accessibility."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"It is very hard to give plumbing costs estimates without all the facts that are to be considered. But if you are doing new installation and needed a figure to work from, the national average is about $4.50 plumbing cost per square foot of the size of your house.If you have the necessary skills to do this work you may save about half of these costs.t will only cost about $5.00 and it is a very simple repair. If you call a plumber, except to pay around $100.00 for the repair and service call to your home. 5."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Electrician's fees: It will cost $200 to apply for the contractor license, $100 for the master license and $50 for the electrician license. Plumber's Licenses. To operate a plumbing business in Kentucky you need a master plumber license. To install plumbing you need a journeyman license."
] |
"Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"chlorine cost per pound"
] | [
"Chlorine is very cheap and on average costs $1.25 per pound. However, growing worldwide demand is causing chlorine prices to rise gradually. Powder chlorine costs $1.23 per pound and bleach $1.43 per pound. Chlorine occurs naturally in ionic solids such as NaCl and KCl. It only needs one electron to achieve the electron configuration of Argon. There are a number of very important uses for chlorine in todayâs society."
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"From 2009 through 2015, anhydrous ammonia had an average price equal to $.45 per pound of actual nitrogen (N). This $.45 price was lower than the prices for urea ($.54 per pound) and liquid N ($.61 per pound). From 2009 through 2015, nitrogen prices averaged less in the fall than in the spring. Often, applying anhydrous ammonia in the fall is one of the lowest cost methods of placing nitrogen on fields."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Jwalnuts cost $6.80 per pound and almonds cost $6.40 per pound. Jean Valijean owns a nut shop where walnuts cost $6.80 per pound and almonds cost $6.40 per pound. Jean gets and order that specifically requests a 30-pound mixture of walnuts and almonds that will cost $6.65 per pound."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"One gallon of bleach is equal in chlorine content to 2/3 lb. of shock (calcium hypochlorite). Put another way, one gallon will add about 2 ppm chlorine to a 30,000 gallon pool. And baking soda, at $0.40/lb. is a whole lot cheaper than Alkalinity Increaser for $1.10/lb. Both are 100% sodium bicarbonate."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"As far as cost is concerned, if you used 2 tablets per week, on average, you are using 104 tablets per year. If you buy a 50 lb. bucket (100 tablets) of Leslieâs tablets for $139.99, you roughly spend $140/year to maintain a chlorine level in your pool."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The chlorine capacity of new activated carbon is 1 pound of chlorine per pound of carbon at a flow rate of 3 to 5 gpm/cu.ft. and a bed depth of 3 feet. Chloramine removal by activated carbon is a much slower reaction. The predominant species of chloramine in city water supplies (pH about 7 to 8) is monochloramine."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nFewshot example: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'One exception . . .. if you come in on a ship and you dock out near the ferry terminal on Halibut Point Road - - then you will need to take the bus into town and then walk from there. Sitka now has two deep water ship cruise docks - one right in town and the other one out the road near the Ferry terminal.']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'where do cruise ships dock in sitka alaska']\"",
"In summary, if the process used one pound of chlorine, the process will use one. 1 gallon of sodium hypochlorite at strength of 120 GPL available chlorine. 2 2. 3 If sodium hypochlorite is purchased in any other strength, the same conversion can be. used to determine pounds per gallon of available chlorine in the solution."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"For the comparison to be fair, evaluate each type of fertilizer on a cost per pound of actual nitrogen basis. Calculate the cost per pound of nitrogen with the following formula: fertilizer cost per ton ÷ pounds actual nitrogen per ton = cost per pound of nitrogen.Calculate pounds of nitrogen in a ton of material by multiplying the percentage of nitrogen in the product x 2,000.or the comparison to be fair, evaluate each type of fertilizer on a cost per pound of actual nitrogen basis. Calculate the cost per pound of nitrogen with the following formula: fertilizer cost per ton ÷ pounds actual nitrogen per ton = cost per pound of nitrogen."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Confidence votes 293. 0.60 cents per pound. This price can vary daily, depending on location and metal markets. Call recycling center in your city and call to get a recent quote. + 188 others found this useful."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Compare that to the cost of a 50-pound bag of sodium carbonate, which runs in the neighborhood of $18. If we were looking at an apples-to-apples dosage rate for pH control, this would indicate a savings of $0.10 per pound."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"During the past 15 months, the national average price of post-consumer colored high-density polyethylene (HDPE) has doubled from 15.4 cents per pound, to the current 30.4 cents per pound (see graph)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Monthly average North American Special High Grade (SHG) zinc prices began the year at $0.97 per pound in. January, peaked in February at $1.01 per pound, and then declined through the following months, reaching a low of. $0.91 per pound in August. By mid-October, prices averaged about $0.92 per pound."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"I paid $19.99 per pound at a local grocery store (Indiana) on 2/28/09. It was very tender. I have been buying tenderloin for years at Hy Vee for about $20.00 a lb. I started shopping around and found that meat markets have it for about $16.00+ a lb. What really surprised me is that my small local grocery store butcher can order Black Angus tenderloin (never frozen) for me for $12.99 a lb with no minimum order."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Yes, salt chlorine generators do cost a good bit of money. The average system is anywhere between $800-$2000 installed, but look at it this way: Swimming pool owners that use salt, in many cases, will spend less than $100 a year on chemicals. Yep, $100."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Therefore a salt water pool is a chlorine pool, you are just ⦠introducing the chlorine to the water a different way. The cost is based on the price of the chlorine generator you buy and the amount of salt required for the number of gallons in your pool. If you buy a system from the internet and install it yourself, a typical model for a 25,000 gallon pool is about $1,000. The cost is based on the price of the chlorine generator you buy and the amount of salt required for the number of gallons in your pool. If you buy a system from the internet and install it yourself, a typical model for a 25,000 gallon pool is about $1,000."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\nFor example, '['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', \"Radiant Logistics, Inc. (NYSE MKT: RLGT), a domestic and international freight forwarding and logistics services company, today announced that in accordance with the terms of its 9.75% Series A Cumulative... Today we've highlighted five stocks that are currently trading for under $10 per share.\"]' should be close to '['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'radiant global logistics stock price']'",
"1 Ammonium Chloride Untreated Purified 50 Lb Bag -- NEW CUSTOMERS (CALL, EMAIL or QUOTE) for PRICE. 2 Ammonium Fluoborate 300 Lb Drum HAZMAT -- NEW CUSTOMERS (CALL, EMAIL or QUOTE) for PRICE. 3 Ammonium Fluoborate Ammonium Fluoborate 25 Lb Pail -- NEW CUSTOMERS (CALL, EMAIL or QUOTE) for PRICE. Ammonium Persulfate Technical Grade 225 Lb Drum HAZMAT -- NEW CUSTOMERS (CALL, EMAIL or QUOTE) for PRICE. 2 AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE DIBASIC TECHNICAL GRADE (1 LB BOTTLE) -- NEW CUSTOMERS (CALL, EMAIL or QUOTE) for PRICE."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Yes, salt chlorine generators do cost a good bit of money. The average system is anywhere between $800-$2000 installed, but look at it this way: Swimming pool owners that use salt, in many cases, will spend less than $100 a year on chemicals.Yep, $100.he average system is anywhere between $800-$2000 installed, but look at it this way: Swimming pool owners that use salt, in many cases, will spend less than $100 a year on chemicals."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The size of your pool has a big influence on the cost for chemicals, such as chlorine, each month. The warmer the climate, the faster algae tends to grow if the pool isn't treated. According to Dave Cook, president of Supplies Company Pool Corp., the typical cost for pool chemicals is $500 to $800 a year."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"âIt Costs Too Much'. Yes, salt chlorine generators do cost a good bit of money. The average system is anywhere between $800-$2000 installed, but look at it this way: Swimming pool owners that use salt, in many cases, will spend less than $100 a year on chemicals. Yep, $100.It Costs Too Much'. Yes, salt chlorine generators do cost a good bit of money. The average system is anywhere between $800-$2000 installed, but look at it this way: Swimming pool owners that use salt, in many cases, will spend less than $100 a year on chemicals. Yep, $100."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"190 ml. of chlorinated caustic per keg works out to 6.33 fluid oz. per each keg: (190 ml./ 30 ml/oz = 6.33 oz.) Avery was paying $6.95 per gallon for Chlorinated caustic in the 30 gallon drums. So, this works out to a use cost of $0.34 per keg. ($6.95/128 oz. per gal. = 5.43 cents per oz."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"A small amount more bromine is usually needed, as compared to Trichlor tablets. This is because Trichlor tablets are usually 90% available chlorine, whereas Bromine tablets are just under 70%. Thus, pound for pound, chlorine is more potent. However, chlorine also dissolves more quickly than bromine, and is more active, which results in more rapid dissipation."
"Represent the following document",
"Because of this, saltwater is considered to be very gentle to your skin and hair. Itâs also gentler to your swimming garments than liquid chlorine is. The biggest drawback to going with a saltwater pool is initial cost. Estimates vary, but it can cost as much as $2,000 to switch from a chlorine pool to saltwater.Long-term costs are less, however, since adding salt is a lot less expensive than adding chlorine.alt Water Or Chlorine Pools. There are many benefits to using saltwater in your pool over chlorine. There are also drawbacks. First of all, understand that a saltwater pool *is* a chlorine pool. Itâs simply different in the manner in which the chlorine is delivered."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"âIt Costs Too Much'. Yes, salt chlorine generators do cost a good bit of money. The average system is anywhere between $800-$2000 installed, but look at it this way: Swimming pool owners that use salt, in many cases, will spend less than $100 a year on chemicals. Yep, $100."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Finance. It costs roughly $1,300 to purchase a salt-water converter. Installation takes about two hours and typically runs about $150-$200. The price of chlorine has increased by 40% in the last year, and continues to go up.For owners of chlorinated systems, thatâs only the beginning.t costs roughly $1,300 to purchase a salt-water converter. Installation takes about two hours and typically runs about $150-$200. The price of chlorine has increased by 40% in the last year, and continues to go up."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"At an average cost of $13 for a 50-pound bag of sodium bicarbonate, a cost of $0.26 per pound, this adjustment would cost the service company $5.45. At an average of $18 for the same volume of sodium carbonate, a cost of $0.36 per pound, this same adjustment would cost the service company $0.27."
"Represent text",
"1 As of October 2012, it is revealed that the price is just about $1 per pound. 2 Overall, depending on the type of coffee bean which you would like to buy, the prices will be around $1 to $7 per pound. 3 It is also not too uncommon to see premium name-brand names go for as much as $10 to $18 per pound. As of October 2012, it is revealed that the price is just about $1 per pound. 2 Overall, depending on the type of coffee bean which you would like to buy, the prices will be around $1 to $7 per pound. 3 It is also not too uncommon to see premium name-brand names go for as much as $10 to $18 per pound."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"From 2009 through 2015, anhydrous ammonia had an average price equal to $.45 per pound of actual nitrogen (N). This $.45 price was lower than the prices for urea ($.54 per pound) and liquid N ($.61 per pound). From 2009 through 2015, nitrogen prices averaged less in the fall than in the spring."
"Represent the natural language",
"A non-heated pool will cost around 20 dollars a month in electrical costs; that is if you run it around 3-4 hours a day. Chlorine runs me about 100 dollars every 2-3 months. Muratic Acid is about 10 dollars every 2-3 months. Figure about $130 every 2-3 months, or about $50/month."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Yes, salt chlorine generators do cost a good bit of money. The average system is anywhere between $800-$2000 installed, but look at it this way: Swimming pool owners that use salt, in many cases, will spend less than $100 a year on chemicals.Yep, $100.It Costs Too Much'. Yes, salt chlorine generators do cost a good bit of money. The average system is anywhere between $800-$2000 installed, but look at it this way: Swimming pool owners that use salt, in many cases, will spend less than $100 a year on chemicals. Yep, $100."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Yes, salt chlorine generators do cost a good bit of money. The average system is anywhere between $800-$2000 installed, but look at it this way: Swimming pool owners that use salt, in many cases, will spend less than $100 a year on chemicals."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"âItâs because water spends less time in contact with the coffee generally,â he said. Beans that have been decaffeinated can cost between 50 cents to a $1 more per pound. Thatâs why decaf can be more expensive, or roasters compensate by using cheaper beans on the front end."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.', 'DNA replication is the process of producing two identical replicas from one original DNA molecule. This biological process occurs in all living organisms and is the basis for biological inheritance. number of proteins are associated with the replication fork which helps in terms of the initiation and continuation of DNA synthesis. Most prominently, DNA polymerase synthesizes the new DNA by adding complementary nucleotides to the template strand.']>> to \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'example of dna replication']\"",
"CHLORZOXAZONE helps to relieve pain and stiffness in muscles and can treat muscle spasms. The lowest GoodRx price for the most common version of chlorzoxazone is around $24.53, 67% off the average retail price of $74.86."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"The problem has been price. But thatâs changing. Experts say that the price for standard grades, such as those in cars, will drop from the $10 to $17 per pound range to the $5 to $10 per pound range in the next 4-5 years.endrik Mainka, a VW project engineer, says that lignin costs about $1.1 per pound versus $1.35 per pound for PAN. Even bigger savings would come with polyethylene as a precursor, because it is less expensive ($0.92 per pound), and has a significantly higher conversion rate than lignin or PAN."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Even still, a tri-chlor feeder pushing about 0.25 to 0.5 ppm (average tested amount) would probably be sufficient for most residential use and would stretch the chlorine purchase to about 25-40 pounds a year, max."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"For example, to determine the cost of a new chlorine plant in. February 2001 using capacity factored estimates where the cost of a similar chlorine plant built in 1994. was $25M, first the cost of the 1994 must be normalized for 2001. The CE index value for 1994 is 368.1. The February 2001 value is 395.1."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it:\nFor instance, <<['represent the next text', 'Asparagus season is quickly approaching, so it is a good time to consider this tender and succulent member of the lily family. Asparagus is a good source of fiber and protein, both essential for good digestion and immunity. It contains a number of anti-inflammatory compounds that protect you from type 2 diabetes and heart disease.']>> to <<['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', \"what's the benefits of asparagus\"]>>",
"1 Chemicals-between the chlorine, pH testing strips, and other materials, the average pool owner spends roughly $80 per month for above ground swimming pools and $95 per month for inground swimming pools. Chemicals-between the chlorine, pH testing strips, and other materials, the average pool owner spends roughly $80 per month for above ground swimming pools and $95 per month for inground swimming pools."
"represent the next text",
"For more than 50 years, prices of carbon fiber were extremely high, and the material was viewed strictly as an exotic option for very high-end cars, such as the Chrysler Viper. Prices have steadily dropped since they were above $120 per pound ($1,000 per pound in some cases) 40 years ago.endrik Mainka, a VW project engineer, says that lignin costs about $1.1 per pound versus $1.35 per pound for PAN. Even bigger savings would come with polyethylene as a precursor, because it is less expensive ($0.92 per pound), and has a significantly higher conversion rate than lignin or PAN."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"R22 Freon will be much higher per pound in 2015. The average price will be around a $100 per pound. EPA Finalizes R-22 Phaseout Plan. Final Rule Limits Production to 22 Million Pounds Starting Jan. 1, 2015. By Peter Powell.22 Freon will be much higher per pound in 2015. The average price will be around a $100 per pound. EPA Finalizes R-22 Phaseout Plan. Final Rule Limits Production to 22 Million Pounds Starting Jan. 1, 2015. By Peter Powell."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Both tended to cut into exports, even as domestic demand for scrap remained flat, according to industry publication Scrap Price Bulletin. Further declines are expected in 2015. Harlan Hartstein, owner of Wichita Iron and Metal, 922 Merton, said that copper was $4 a pound in mid-2013. Now itâs $2.19 per pound."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Chlorine producers have nominated a $30 per ton price increase to offset shrinking margins within the industry. Chlorine prices are hovering at around $60 per ton, and the price of caustic soda, chlorine's coproduct, dropped to $110 per ton at the end of February. In addition, producers warn that caustic soda may fall even further."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Sodium bicarbonate is widely available in most supermarkets and discount chains across the country at a cost of just over $2 per pound. Many different sizes are available depending on your needs ranging from 1 lb packages up to 14 lb packages. (normally used by people with pools to adjust pool water pH)."
"represent the natural language",
"Similarly, the national average price of post-consumer natural high-density polyethylene (HDPE) has also risen steadily from 33.8 cents per pound in July 2013 to the current 52.1 cents per pound."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nFor example, '['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Personal property: Chattels. The term chattel sometimes refers to all kinds of personal property, but often it refers only to tangible personal property (such as nose flutes and toenail clippers) as opposed to intangible property. A chattel, such as a furnace, can be affixed to land and become part of the real property. Such chattels are called fixtures. However, fixtures may retain their quality as separate personal property for certain purposes.']' should be close to '['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'is land considered tangible property']'",
"For a pool that contains no salt to begin with, add about 30 pounds of salt per 1,000 gallons. For a 20,000-gallon pool to reach 3,000 PPM, you would need 83 pounds of salt. As of 2015, a 40-pound bag of pool salt will typically cost $5 to $10, depending on your location."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"How much does carbon cost per pound? The average cost of carbon is $24 per kilogram as of September 2014. This would make the average price for one pound of carbon $10.89."
"Carrot seedlings, such as imperator, cosmic purple, hybrid, and atomic red, can cost $1.50 to $3 per pound. The USDA says the average canned carrot will cost $1.06 per pound, while frozen will be closer to $1.46 per pound. Raw baby carrots average $1.46 per pound and raw whole carrots can cost $0.74 per pound."
"Represent this text",
"For single nutrient fertilizer products such as anhydrous ammonia (82-0-0) or 28% UAN (28-0-0), calculating the costs per pound of nutrient is simple. Fertilizer sources and retail prices used for this example are anhydrous ammonia ($285/ton) and 28% UAN ($225/ton)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"These types of oranges, depending on the same factors mentioned, can cost closer to $3 to $6 per pound. Clementine oranges, often sold by the âCutiesâ brand, sells for $3 to $7 per three-pound bag. What is going to be included? Typically, oranges are going to come in a mesh bag that weights up to five pounds."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"The overall season average price was $1.40 per pound, up 22 cents from the previous year. The average fresh market price was $1.44 per pound, while the processing price was $1.05 per pound.The processing price per pound was 21 cents above the 2013 price level of $0.84 per pound. New Jersey ranked fifth in the nation in the production of cultivated blueberries in 2014.Georgia was ranked first.Utilized production was up 18 percent from 2013 to 56.7 million pounds.he processing price per pound was 21 cents above the 2013 price level of $0.84 per pound. New Jersey ranked fifth in the nation in the production of cultivated blueberries in 2014. Georgia was ranked first. Utilized production was up 18 percent from 2013 to 56.7 million pounds."
"The cost of carbon per pound ranges anywhere between $10 to $17 dollars.This is very low compared to over 40 years ago when carbon was $120 per pound. Edit. Share to: Gerald Clay. 59,762 Contributions. 60+ years experience in auto repair.he cost of carbon per pound ranges anywhere between $10 to $17 dollars."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"âIt Costs Too Much'. Yes, salt chlorine generators do cost a good bit of money. The average system is anywhere between $800-$2000 installed, but look at it this way: Swimming pool owners that use salt, in many cases, will spend less than $100 a year on chemicals. Yep, $100.he average system is anywhere between $800-$2000 installed, but look at it this way: Swimming pool owners that use salt, in many cases, will spend less than $100 a year on chemicals."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Chemicals. The size of your pool has a big influence on the cost for chemicals, such as chlorine, each month. The warmer the climate, the faster algae tends to grow if the pool isn't treated. According to Dave Cook, president of Supplies Company Pool Corp., the typical cost for pool chemicals is $500 to $800 a year."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"On average, plan on spending around $6 to $13 per pound of cheddar. The cost will depend on the age, type, ingredients and where itâs purchased. Cheddar aged for more than three years, for example, could cost upwards of $20+ per pound. For instance, this one-pound block of extra-sharp cheddar cheese retails for $11.99."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Similarly, the national average price of post-consumer natural high-density polyethylene (HDPE) has also risen steadily from 33.8 cents per pound in July 2013 to the current 52.1 cents per pound. This is not quite the doubling price of its colored counterpoint, but nevertheless still a very strong upward trend."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The average cost of carbon is $24 per kilogram as of September 2014. This would make the average price for one pound of carbon $10.89.he cost of carbon per pound ranges anywhere between $10 to $17 dollars."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Like many other minerals, the cost of olivine lowers as the production increases. The average price of ground olivine is $25 per ton. Olivine, also called as chrysolite, is a magnesium iron silicate and as a gem, it is known as peridot. It is one of the most common minerals on Earth. The amount of iron in olivine decides the color of the stone. It is the transparent kind that is used for jewelry."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Upgrading your laundry detergent can increase the price per pound. Using Tide, for example, may cost less than using an eco-friendly detergent. LaundryLocker.com, for example, charges $0.09 per pound more if you want Tide and $0.16 per pound more if you want to use Woolite Dark. Using a name brand bleach can cost an additional $0.06 to $0.10 per pound."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"In the example shown, the cost of a 2.5-mil thick coating using a powder costing $2.50 per pound and having specific gravity of 1.4 is 4.6 cents per square foot. This assumes 100 percent efficiency. If overspray recovery is 98 percent, the cost would be about 4.69 cents per square foot."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Whether youâre building a new pool (which, averages $50,000 for a concrete, shotcrete or gunite pool) or converting a standard chlorinated pool, it will cost between $1,500 and $2,500 for the saltwater chlorination system, depending on the size of the pool."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Divide the number of gallons in the pool by 120,000. All pool measurements are in parts per million. One pound of pure chlorine will raise the chlorine concentration of 1 million pounds of water by one part per million.Therefore, adjust the pool in question by the ideal pool of 120,000 gallons, or 1 million pounds of water.ivide the number of gallons in the pool by 120,000. All pool measurements are in parts per million. One pound of pure chlorine will raise the chlorine concentration of 1 million pounds of water by one part per million."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"In Western countries, the average retail price in 1974 was $1,000 per pound, or US$2,200 per kilogram. In February 2013, a retail bottle containing 0.06 ounces could be purchased for $16.26 or the equivalent of $4,336 per pound or as little as about $2,000/pound in larger quantities.oughly 150 flowers together yield 1 g (0.035 oz) of dry saffron threads; to produce 12 g (0.42 oz) of dried saffron (or 72 g (2.5 oz) moist and freshly harvested), 1 kg (2.2 lb) of flowers are needed; 1 lb (0.45 kg) yields 0.2 oz (5.7 g) of dried saffron."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Chlorine is quite expensive at around $60 per bucket. The salt water pool cost is lower because salt makes its own chlorine. So, you just need to buy the salt. Most pools use less than $20 worth of salt every summer.he least expensive option is vinyl, which usually doesnât cost more than $15,000 and can even cost as low as $6,000. Of course, these are all in-ground options. You can also check out above-ground salt water pool cost ranges, which are usually about $2,000 to $5,000, again depending on size and shape."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The cost of carbon per pound ranges anywhere between $10 to $17 dollars.This is very low compared to over 40 years ago when carbon was $120 per pound.he cost of carbon per pound ranges anywhere between $10 to $17 dollars."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"In Chemistry. The cost of carbon per pound ranges anywhere between $10 to $17 dollars. This is very low compared to over 40 years ago when carbon was $120 per pound.he cost of carbon per pound ranges anywhere between $10 to $17 dollars."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Assuming a 10 pound adult cat requires 2% of his body weight in food daily, the cost to feed one cat is: At $1.00 per pound for meat/bones/organs the cost is $0.20 per day; At $2.00 per pound the cost is $0.40 per day; At $3.00 per pound the cost is $0.60 per day;"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Protect your chlorine from being destroyed by the sun and reduce monthly costs on chemicals with our Chlorine Stabilizer Water Conditioner. Dosage: 2.5 lbs per 10,000 gallons."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"1 Percentage of Available Chlorine. 2 Trichlor tablets or sticks can be as high as 90% available chlorine, and liquid chlorine can be as low as 10% available. 3 What this means is that pound for pound, the 90% available chlorine has more chlorine creating potential than the 10%, 9 times more, to be exact."
] |
"A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"home remedies for panic attacks and anxiety"
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Lavender is a fantastic herbal remedy to fight panic attacks. It efficiently soothes the nervous system and relaxes your brain cells. The best part is, Lavender can be consumed in different forms. The Lavender tea is commonly served in hilly regions and is the easiest form of Lavender herb to consume."
] | [
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Home Remedies for Upset Stomach #4 â Chamomile and Peppermintâ¦. Chamomile and peppermint are excellent for soothing the muscle lining of the digestive tract. They both contain some potent anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties and are known to quickly calm an upset stomach."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"When panic and anxiety symptoms escalate into anxiety attacks and panic attacks, it may be an anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders include generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety, and panic disorder. Anxiety attacks and panic attack symptoms can be treated with medication and psychotherapy."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Lavender (Essential oil) for anxiety and sleep problems. Inhale 2 to 4 drops in 2 to 3 cups of boiling water. For Anxiety. Some research shows that taking lavender oil by mouth for 6-10 weeks improves anxiety and sleep and prevents anxiety recurrence in people with mild-to-severe anxiety. 11. GABA (gamma-Aminobutyric acid) May inhibit production of chemical messengers in the brain involved in regulation of mood."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The physical symptoms of anxiety during a panic attack can be severe and include a thumping heart (palpitations), trembling, feeling short of breath, chest pains, feeling faint, numbness, or pins and needles. Each panic attack usually lasts 5-10 minutes, but sometimes they come in waves for up to two hours."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Possibly: Inositol is a natural supplement that may help anxiety by reducing the stress response. In two small studies, doses of 12 to 18 g per day was as effective for reducing intensity and frequency of panic attacks as ssri and better than placebo for reducing intensity and frequency of panic attacks.f that's what interfering with your sleep, inositol may help. However there have been a few case reports of inositol possibly inducing mania -- in which case the person would have insomnia."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Parsley: Parsley leaves are excellent natural home remedies for skin abscess and boils that cure them over short intervals of time that too without causing any infections or pain. Take 5 to 6 parsley leaves and boil them in water. After the water gets the first boil, take them out and put them over your skin boils as a bandage."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Others herbs can help underlying anxiety or depression. List of Home remedies for Alcohol Detox. Acorn***âQuercus robur glandium: Diminishes alcoholic craving, antidotes its effects, such as enlarged spleen and liver. Diarrhea may appear during treatment as a curative effect. Available as a homeopathic liquid under the name Ouercus glandis."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Vitamin C. Next on the list of vitamins for anxiety is vitamin C, which helps us cope with stress and in large doses, produces a calming effect. Healthy people can take 1000 mg vitamin C in a time release form. It can be found in cabbage, tomatoes, lettuce, peas, lemons, grapefruit, and oranges, which should be eaten raw."
"Represent the following document",
"For some of the milder detoxing symptoms, a few home remedies have proven to be useful: 1 Hot soaking baths can help the emotions as well as the body. 2 Drink plenty of water and clear liquids, just like for the flu. Cranberry juice has been used effectively for years by recovery houses to help purify and cleanse the body."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The treatment of panic disorder. Certain types of seizures, specifically petit mal seizures, akinetic seizures, and myoclonus, as well as Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. Clonazepam maybe used alone or together with other medications for these seizure disorders. The short-term relief of symptoms of anxiety."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The starting dose for treating anxiety is 0.25-0.5 mg 3 to 4 times daily using immediate release tablets. The dose may be increased every 3-4 days to a maximum dose of 4 mg daily. The starting dose for treating panic attacks is 0.5 mg 3 times daily. Doses can be increased every 3-4 days but by no more than 1 mg daily. The effective dose for preventing panic attacks may be as high as 10 mg daily for some patients. The starting dose when using extended release tablets to treat panic disorder is 0.5 mg once daily and the average dose is 3-6 mg once daily. Alprazolam may be taken with or without food."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Taking a dose of the homeopathic remedy Aconite is effective in stabilizing the nerves as well as aids the patient in assessing his/ her condition in the event of trepidation and anxiety threatening to bring on a terrified condition in the wake of any trauma or an accident."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Herbal and natural remedies are simply a great way to treat your anxiety and your anxiety symptoms. They're non-addictive, won't change your personality, and are generally free of side effects when taken as directed."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Ignatia (St. Ignatius bean): One day this remedy will be used by the majority of psychiatrists. It is one of the leading homeopathic medicines for acute grief, anxiety, and depression, especially after a death or separation from a loved one.The person sighs frequently, has a lump in the throat, and may tremble.ypically, the person's symptoms are worse in a warm room and are relieved in a cool room or in the open air. Arnica (mountain daisy): This is the #1 remedy in sports medicine and first aid. It is used for shock and trauma from injury. It also helps to reduce pain from injury and to speed the healing process."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Luckily, there are many herbal remedies and supplements available for those living with anxiety. These natural remedies have fewer side effects and are made with all natural ingredients, and some of them are as powerful or more powerful than many prescription medications.here are herbs that are effective for anxiety itself, as well as several herbal remedies that are perfect for issues related to anxiety, such as: 1 Heart Palpitations. 2 Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). 3 Emotional Instability and More."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Caffeine Provokes Anxiety, Insomnia, and Panic Attacks. Caffeine holds a special danger for anxiety sufferers, and particularly for people with panic disorder. Studies on caffeine and anxiety sufferers have shown that caffeine can: -- Increase anxiety in anxiety sufferers. -- Cause insomnia (lack of sleep can promote panic attacks in people that are susceptible to panic attacks). -- Provoke panic attacks in people that have panic disorder."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A panic attack is a sudden attack of anxiety that may occur as part of another anxiety disorder. Panic attacks may happen due to stress or for a reason not known. A panic attack is a period of extreme panic (you may feel frozen in place) that lasts for about five to 30 minutes. Symptoms of a panic attack include tightening of the throat, pressure in the chest, rapid heart rate (tachycardia), dizziness, sweating, trembling, nausea, tingling or numbness, and hot flashes. You may feel like you are in a dream, like you have no control over your body, or like you are going crazy."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Magnesium and calcium. Magnesium is a calming mineral that nourishes the nervous system and helps prevent anxiety, fear, nervousness, restlessness and irritability. Magnesium is also very protective of the heart and arteries; again, this is important if you suffer from anxiety or panic attacks."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"L-theanine, an amino acid found in black and green tea, has been shown to reduce stress responses without causing drowsiness, and there is some evidence that the herbs passionflower and lemon balm may be helpful for anxiety."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"There are some immediate remedies for anxiety nausea and vomiting: 1 The best remedy is to keep yourself calm: Keeping yourself calm can end an active stress response and its changes. 2 When your stomach or digestive system is upset, we can expel the contents in one of two ways: Through the mouth or the anus."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"anti anxiety supplements. Multi-Vitamins and Supplements. There are some very popular multi supplement on the market â See the POSITIVE PANIC ATTACK Resource page. They combine all sorts of vitamins and supplements into one tablet that you can take daily. You can compare prices for them here."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Treatment can help reduce the intensity and frequency of your panic attacks and improve your function in daily life. The main treatment options are psychotherapy and medications. One or both types of treatment may be recommended, depending on your preference, your history, the severity of your panic disorder and whether you have access to therapists who have special training in panic disorders."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"In a study of people with panic disorder, OCD and depression the B vitamin inositol in amounts of up to 18 grams daily was as effective and had fewer side effects than an anti-anxiety medication.ood food sources of the B vitamins include liver, meat, turkey, whole grains, potatoes, bananas, chiles, legumes, nutritional yeast and molasses. Magnesium is a calming mineral that nourishes the nervous system and helps prevent anxiety, fear, nervousness, restlessness and irritability."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n\nFor example, '['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Authors earned an average of $68,060 a year in 2011, reports the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Like any average, high salaries can skew the figure, and median wage is often a better indication of an authorâ\\x80\\x99s earnings. Half of all authors earned less than $55,870 a year.']' should be close to '['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results:', 'average book writer salary']'",
"Lavender, Roman chamomile, and tea tree oil are useful essential oils for earaches and ear infections. Learn about aromatherapy blends that adults and children can use for ear pain. Essential oils for panic attacks may help you manage your symptoms or stop a panic attack."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"By using grounding techniques you can keep yourself in the present and prevent your symptoms from taking over your life. The first thing to do to ground yourself during a panic attack is to regain control over your symptoms."
"Represent the natural language",
"Anxiety attacks, also referred to as panic attacks, are episodes of high intensity fear and anxiety. Panic attacks often occur suddenly and 'out of the blue.' Sometimes the cause of a panic attack is obvious, such as when you feel in immediate danger with no escape."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nE.g.:\n['Represent the input', 'Define straddling. straddling synonyms, straddling pronunciation, straddling translation, English dictionary definition of straddling. v. strad·dled , strad·dling , strad·dles v. tr. 1. a. To stand or sit with a leg on each side of; bestride: straddle a horse. b. To be on both sides of;...'] == ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is straddling']",
"4. Peppermint. Peppermint is one of the best home remedies for IBS treatment. It helps you in reducing IBS symptoms such as bloating, diarrhea and cramping. In addition, peppermint oil is often used in herbal treatments for irritable bowel syndrome."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Triple Complex Calm Tonic is the premier safe and effective, non-addictive, natural remedy for occasional bouts of anxiety. It contains 100% homeopathic ingredients especially selected to temporarily relieve stress, worry and nervous tension, all without side effects.irst Dose: Take 0.25 mL to 0.50 mL every hour for up to 10 doses or until symptoms subside. Daily Use: Take 0.25 mL to 0.50 mL 3 times a day. Note: It is recommended that Triple Complex Calm Tonic be used concurrently with PureCalm as it supports nervous system health."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nFor example, '['represent the doc for finding search queries about it.', 'The Renaissance (UK /rɨË\\x88neɪsÉ\\x99ns/ , US /Ë\\x88rÉ\\x9bnɨsÉ\\x91Ë\\x90ns/) is a period in Europe, from the 14th to the 17th century, considered the bridge between the Middle Ages and modern history.']' should be close to '['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what time period was the renaissance in']'",
", Prescribed several antipsychotics and antidepressants, well versed. None that are actually meant for the sole purpose of treating those disorders. However, there are OTC remedies of sorts that may help alleviate feelings of stress and anxiety. They are called coping methods, and they can include: Meditation/relaxation."
"Kava Marketplace on June 20, 2016 at 1:37 pm. Amy, Kava is certainly something that can be helpful for managing the symptoms of a panic attack. The tincture is a great way to take kava in this sort of a situation because it goes to work almost immediately, unlike the capsules which can take 10-15 minutes to kick in."
"White Food. With a few exceptions, such as cauliflower, most white food is not good for your anxiety, panic or depression. For the most part, white foods are simple carbohydrates."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"They also support heart health, which is important if you suffer from anxiety or panic attacks, which stress the heart. Good food sources of the B vitamins include liver, meat, turkey, whole grains, potatoes, bananas, chiles, legumes, nutritional yeast and molasses."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"Below is a list of anxiety medications commonly prescribed for anxiety disorders and panic attacks. If you are have anxiety and panic problems, you may be feeling desperate. We totally get this and feel for you! Anxiety and depression can negatively impact your life and make you feel helpless and hopeless."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"This calming breathing technique for stress, anxiety and panic takes just a few minutes and can be done anywhere. You will get the most benefit if you do it regularly, as part of your daily routine. You can do it standing up, sitting in a chair that supports your back, or lying on a bed or yoga mat on the floor."
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"There are two great, natural treatments for anxiety-related stomach issues: Lemon balm has been used since the Middle Ages as a calming herb. Take 400 mgs twice daily to prevent your stomach from reacting to your worried thoughts, available in drugstores for about $4. You can also try iberogast, available in health food stores for around $20. Iberogast is a blend of plants and herbs, including caraway, chamomile, licorice, milk thistle and peppermint. Adding 20 drops to your water can sooth the receptors in your stomach when anxiety hits. Take an Integrative Approach to Worry: Focus on the Mind-Body Connection"
"represent the input",
"In addition to treating headaches and just about any other physical symptom, homeopathy is the best medicine we know of for mood swings, such as Alicia's, as well as depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and other problems."
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"1. Lavender. One of the most common aromas to help treat anxiety disorder is that of lavender. This essential oil is extracted via steam distillation of the lavender flowers. Within lavender there are over 150 different components that interact to help produce a healing effect."
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"Natural Remedies for Anxiety Low Energy Anxiety is both emotionally and physically draining. Every day you suffer it can feel as though all of your natural vitality is gone, and you are left as a shell of yourself, almost as if you completed an intense exercise right before bedtime."
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"Refocus on Something Else. After a panic attack, your personal thoughts and energy may be overly focused on your anxiety and other symptoms. Instead of feeding your anxiety with more attention or worry, try to concentrate on something that brings you some happiness or sense of peace."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Luckily, there are many herbal remedies and supplements available for those living with anxiety. These natural remedies have fewer side effects and are made with all natural ingredients, and some of them are as powerful or more powerful than many prescription medications."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Last week, I wrote about Ten Things To Do For a Panic Attack. Here is a list of things you can do for yourself to help with your anxiety overall. 1. Write a list of your skills and knowledge.Write down things that you know logically that counter what the anxiety is telling you is truth.For example, âStatistically very few planes crash.â or âI can handle going in the store.ast week, I wrote about Ten Things To Do For a Panic Attack. Here is a list of things you can do for yourself to help with your anxiety overall. 1. Write a list of your skills and knowledge."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Anxiety Symptoms (including Anxiety Attacks, Disorder, and Panic Signs and Symptoms) There are over 100 anxiety symptoms and signs for anxiety, anxiety attacks (panic attacks), and other anxiety disorders including symptoms:"
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"Take a look at the next page for a few home remedies you can implement to easily reduce your anxiety. 1 To see all of our home remedies and the conditions they treat, go to our main page. 2 To learn more about the science of depression, read Depression Overview. 3 To understand stress and how it can impact anxiety, try How Stress Works. 4 can help you ... To understand stress and how it can impact anxiety, try How Stress Works. 2 can help you understand ways to protect yourself from the various stressors in your life. 3 Home Remedies for Stress."
"represent the natural language\n\n\nThe provided query could be \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Oceanic crust is the uppermost layer of an oceanic tectonic plate. The crust overlies the solidified and uppermost layer of the mantle. The crust and the solid mantle layer together comprise an oceanic plate.The plates of the Earth together are referred to as the lithosphere.Oceanic crust is the result of erupted mantle material originating from below the plate, cooled and in most instances, modified chemically by seawater.This occurs mostly at mid-ocean ridges, but also at scattered hotspots, and also in rare but powerful occurences known as flood basalt eruptions.he crust overlies the solidified and uppermost layer of the mantle. The crust and the solid mantle layer together comprise an oceanic plate. The plates of the Earth together are referred to as the lithosphere.']\" and the positive \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what are oceanic plates']\"",
"The humble ginger herb is another great way to reduce symptoms of pain and anxiety, and is a great Lyrica alternative. To use this treatment, all you need to do is find some Ginger tea, stocked in almost every good supermarket, and brew yourself at least two cups a day. This is best taken at morning and at night."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Instead you should be drinking water and herbal teas such as nettle, peppermint or ginger tea which will all soothe an upset stomach, naturally. Keep some raw ginger or tea bags in the back of the cupboard as a stand-by natural remedy for stomach flu in case of emergences or surprise viruses."
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"Home Remedies for Diarrhea. Some of the home remedies for diarrhea include the use of starchy liquids like barley water, coconut water, green tea, curds, yogurt, ginger, lemon juice, gooseberry, apple cider vinegar, cumin and fenugreek seeds mixture, and basil leaves in various forms."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"One of the best home remedies for an upset stomach is baking soda. This is a great historic remedy for many types of stomach ailments and nausea. Just dissolve one teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of warm water and drink quickly."
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"So diet, vitamins and minerals, natural anxiety supplements, watching your âmood foodsâ, getting plenty of sleep and exercising, are very effective anxiety relief techniques. These are not all of them! There are others, such as meditation and yoga just to name a couple more."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"The B vitamins are essential for the nervous system to function properly. It balances and prevents changes in the lactate levels in the body. Vitamin B1 and B6 are shown to have a calming effect and to help reduce anxiety.Niacinamide (vitamin B3) is needed in the production of neurotransmitters used by nerve cells to communicate with each other. The benefits of taking vitamin B for anxiety symptoms reduction are supported by clinical studies.owever, panic attack is a health condition that is a subtype of generalized anxiety disorder. If anxiety and stress levels can be controlled with a vitamin B complex supplement, then it is reasonable to believe that it might reduce the severity and frequency of panic attacks."
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"Benzodiazepines may be used at the beginning of therapy to lessen symptoms while the antidepressants take effect, which may take 4 to 6 weeks. Benzodiazepines such as clonazepam (Klonopin), lorazepam (Ativan), diazepam (Valium) and alprazolam (Xanax) are useful for panic attacks."
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"Drink chamomile tea. Chamomile can help relieve anxiety, stress, and insomnia. It may be especially effective for people with mild to moderate general anxiety disorder. To make chamomile tea, pour 1 cup of boiling water over 2 to 3 teaspoon of dried flowers, and steep for 10 to 15 minutes."
"represent the natural language",
"Tryptophan in the form of meat, has been shown to reduce anxiety disorders! 6. Turmeric. Curcuminoids, the antioxidants in turmeric, have a neuroprotective quality and help enhance your mood. It was shown in a randomized controlled trial to be an effective option for major depressive disorder, which is closely linked to anxiety disorders. 7. Organ Meats"
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"Nine Remedies For a Calm Mind. The most common remedies for nuisance anxiety and nervousness are listed below but chronic anxiety disorders will need a course of treatment so for best homeopathic results do make an appointment with a qualified homeopath."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Anxiety Overview. When panic and anxiety symptoms escalate into anxiety attacks and panic attacks, it may be an anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders include generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety, and panic disorder. Anxiety attacks and panic attack symptoms can be treated with medication and psychotherapy. Anxiety and Panic Disorders News."
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"Chamomile is also popular for anxiety in children. Fennel. Fennel isn't for anxiety specifically, but it is linked to treating some of the most common symptoms of anxiety, including digestion, coughing (many with anxiety have a nervous cough), and asthma (anxiety can exacerbate asthma symptoms)."
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"Anxiety Symptoms (including Anxiety Attacks, Disorder, and Panic Signs and Symptoms) Over 100 anxiety symptoms and signs for anxiety, anxiety attacks (panic attacks), and other anxiety disorders including the following anxiety symptoms:"
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"Herbs for anxiety and stress relief are commonly available in grocery and health food stores as single herbs or combination remedies. You can use them in a variety of ways based on your needs and interests. Feel free to experiment and see what works best for you. If a cup of relaxing tea is for you, look for names such as Tension Tamer by Celestial Seasonings or Kava Stress Relief by Yogi Teas (one of my favorites for nervousness in social settings). Or make your own brew from loose herbs. Slowing down to make a pot of tea is very relaxing and centering in and of itself."
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"For some of the milder detoxing symptoms, a few home remedies have proven to be useful: 1 Hot soaking baths can help the emotions as well as the body. 2 Drink plenty of water and clear liquids, just like for the flu. 3 Cranberry juice has been used effectively for years by recovery houses to help purify and cleanse the body."
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"Include Omega-3-Rich Foods to Help With Anxiety Evidence continues to mount that consuming omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA), found in fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, lake trout, herring, mackerel, anchovies, and sardines, can be uplifting and enhance your mood."
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"Here are the top 10 home remedies for rashes. 1. Olive Oil. Extra-virgin olive oil works as a great skin moisturizer, facilitates healing and promotes skin renewal as it is rich in vitamin E and antioxidants. It will also soothe your skin and reduce itching. Simply rub extra-virgin olive oil or a combination of equal parts of olive oil and honey on your rash a few times daily until it heals completely."
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"How to Soothe Panic Attacks and Severe Anxiety. Out of the blue without warning, itâs that overwhelming sense of dread and fearâ¦your heart pounds so loud that your ears ring and the sudden onset of panic leaves you paralyzed. If that sounds familiar, youâve suffered a panic attack before. For many, panic attacks are more common. They can cause you to become depressed, fearful of leaving the house and even cause you to totally withdraw from social activities you once loved."
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"1 You can take a vitamin B supplement or eat foods that are rich in B vitamins to ward off anxiety. 2 These include beef, pork, chicken, leafy greens, legumes, oranges and other citrus fruits, rice, nuts, and eggs. A deficiency in B vitamins such as folic acid and B12 can trigger depression in some people. 2 You can take a vitamin B supplement or eat foods that are rich in B vitamins to ward off anxiety."
] |
"Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"what is ugly in spanish"
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Spanish insults for times when a person's appearance is in question. Tu eres más feo que el culo de un mono - You are uglier than the butt of a monkey. Tu feo - You're ugly. Tu madre es muy gorda y fea - Your mother is very fat and ugly."
] | [
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"exists and is an alternate of . The Spanish slang word pendejo is a vulgar term literally translated to mean pubic hair. It's a term used in anger to describe someone who is unpleasant, rude, obnoxious or arrogant (like a**hole in English). Over the years, like many crude slang terms, some classless groups have even adopted it as a semi-acceptable funny greeting between friends."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A popular adjective for an aggressive disease or lesion Infectious disease An ' ugly ' infection responds poorly to aggressive antibiotic therapy , which most commonly occurs in immunocompromised Pts or those with terminal CA Oncology An ' ugly ' malignancy is characterized by fulminant deterioration , multiorgan failure , infection , poor response ..."
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"1 An example of an ugly person is someone who is very unattractive and unpleasant to look at. 2 An example of an ugly attitude is a person who is mean and pessimistic all the time. 3 An example of ugly weather is a dark sky with storm clouds."
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"How to Deal With Being Called Ugly. Some girls and guys have been dealing with the emotional pain of being called ugly by others. Ugly is a strong word, and the potency of this accusation causes the victim to reflect on the comment every time they see themselves in the mirror, in photos, and in other reflections.Many people labeled as ugly do not know how to deal with the feelings this word raises within them. Being called ugly is different from being called not well taken care of or unkempt. 2 Take responsibility for your image, for things that you can change. 3 Always consider the source."
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"Originally Posted by ilt. the typical stereotype of Spanish women is that the all look like models and spend all their time perfecting that image so i was wondering what are Spanish women really like and what is considered beautiful/ attractive in Spain. I'm from Spain."
"represent this text\n------\nE.g. ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'How it spreads. Rubella is caused by a type of virus called a togavirus. It is spread in a similar way to a cold or flu, through droplets of moisture from the nose or throat of someone who is infected. These droplets are released into the air when someone coughs, sneezes or talks.'] == ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is rubella caused by']",
"Meaning softened to very unpleasant to look at late 14c. Extended sense of morally offensive is attested from c.1300; that of ill-tempered is from 1680s. Among words for this concept, ugly is unusual in being formed from a root for fear, dread.. More common is a compound meaning ill-shaped (e.g. Greek dyseides, Latin deformis, Irish dochrud, Sanskrit ku-rupa). Another Germanic group has a root sense of hate, sorrow (see loath). Ugly duckling (1877) is from the story by Hans Christian Andersen, first translated from Danish to English 1846."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The Spanish slang word <i>pendejo</i> is a vulgar term literally translated to mean pubic hair. It's a term used in anger to describe someone who is unpleasant, rude, obnoxious or arrogant (like a**hole in English)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Moreno/a: A term used in Spanish to refer to individuals of dark skin tones. It is not considered offensive, and is commonly used as an endearing term.Unfortunately, because of language and cultural differences, it can be difficult to think of calling someone moreno (dark-skinned one) as endearing.orena is a spanish term to distinguish dark skin people. Usually of native decent,like azte, mayan decendents as well as native american people or of belonging too."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nFor example, ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'At least six actors have played Al Capone: Paul Muni, Rod Steiger, Neville Brand, Jason Robards, Ben Gazzara, and Robert DeNiro. Brand played him twice: in The Scarface Mob (1959) and Spin of a Coin (1962).'] should be similar to ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'who played al capone in scarface']",
"1. beautiful. 1 very unattractive or unpleasant to look at; offensive to the sense of beauty; displeasing in appearance. 2 disagreeable; unpleasant; objectionable:ugly tricks; ugly discords. 3 morally revolting:ugly crime. 4 threatening trouble or danger:ugly symptoms."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"Spanish Insults & Bad Words. Learn How to Insult in Spanish and Say Bad Spanish Words. This page provides a list of Spanish insults and bad words and phrases divided up into a number of different themes - stupid, ugly, fat, various bad words and phrases, yo momma type insults, and some general/non-categorized insults."
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"Slang terms with the same root words. Definitions include: an ugly face. Definitions include: a person who behaves in an offensive, pompous manner; ass. Definitions include: a lie that is so obvious that it is detected immediately."
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"One word that I have always found ugly, though itâs meaning is not, is the word âglowed.â I just despise the sound of it, though itâs most likely because my instinct is to make the past-tense of similar-sounding words ending in-ow to-ew, so that instead of glowed it should be glew.. like blow/blew, know/knew.."
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"As a literary work, The good, the Bad and the Ugly is deeply rooted in the tradition of the picaresque novel and the commedia dell'arte, two Latin literary traditions. It's also a character study Artaud style, which means the characters are illustrated by means of their actions and by confronting them to each other."
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"1 very unattractive or unpleasant to look at; offensive to the sense of beauty; displeasing in appearance. 2 disagreeable; unpleasant; objectionable:ugly tricks; ugly discords. 3 morally revolting:ugly crime. 4 threatening trouble or danger:ugly symptoms. 5 mean; hostile; quarrelsome:an ugly mood; an ugly frame of mind."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"The word puto literally translates as man-whore, which is often used as a derogatory term for gay males in Mexican Spanish, similar to the American slang word faggot. It is also used to mean bastard. However the term is also used to describe an unmanly act such as cowardice."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Confidence votes 1.7K. The Spanish slang word pendejo is a vulgar term literally translated to mean pubic hair. It's a term used in anger to describe someone who is unpleasant, rude, obnoxious or arrogant (like a**hole in English)."
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"English Collins Dictionary-English synonyms & Thesaurus  . ugly (uglier comparative) (ugliest superlative) 1 adj If you say that someone or something is ugly, you mean that they are very unattractive and unpleasant to look at., (Antonym: beautiful) ...an ugly little hat..., She makes me feel dowdy and ugly."
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"Synonyms: ugly, grotesque, hideous, ill-favored, unsightly. These adjectives mean offensive to the sense of sight: ugly furniture; a grotesque monster; a hideous scar; an ill-favored countenance; an unsightly billboard. (ËÊÉ¡lɪ)"
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"How to Say Beautiful in Spanish. There are many ways to say beautiful in Spanish. Whether you want to compliment a man or a woman, or just say something is beautiful, saying beautiful in Spanish is easy."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"What is the Spanish word for jamelgo? What is the Spanish word for Jame? What is the Spanish word for Jambu? What is the Spanish word for jambs? What is the Spanish word for jambro? What is the Spanish word for jamboree? How to say jamie rden in Spanish How to say jam it in Spanish What is the Spanish word for jammed? What is the Spanish word for jamming? How to say jamming tiger in Spanish What is the Spanish word for jammy? Dominate Words With Friends! Win all of your matches by finding the highest scoring words with our new Words With Friends Word Finder!"
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"It is added to the end of an adjective that ends in a consonant; if it ends in a vowel, the vowel is dropped first. Feisimo, feÃsimo very. Ugly, carisimo carÃsimo. very expensive"
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"Guapo in spanish means handsome. When applied in this sense it is used as a paradox to that definition however. Guapo is usually used by a group of friends as a nickname to the kid in the group who is the fattest and ugliest as a put down. It is basically a form of sarcasm."
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"An oxymoron is a figure of speech in which two opposing terms are put together. A good example is the term âpretty ugly.â You have to think for a minute before realizing that the phrase contains two words that are the exact opposite because chances are that oxymora are such an accepted part of your speech that youâre not even aware of them."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"exists and is an alternate of . The Spanish slang word pendejo is a vulgar term literally translated to mean pubic hair. It's a term used in anger to describe someone who is unpleasant, rude, obnoxious or arrogant (like a**hole in English)."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"As anyone who speaks more than one language knows, words don't always translate precisely. In Spanish that's particularly true of curse words. Many Spanish swear words and insults cover similar territory to their English counterparts.Defecation, genitalia and sex provide the basis for a lot of both languages' more taboo expressions.But there's a lot of Spanish words out there whose literal meaning differs considerably from its figurative meaning.any Spanish swear words and insults cover similar territory to their English counterparts. Defecation, genitalia and sex provide the basis for a lot of both languages' more taboo expressions. But there's a lot of Spanish words out there whose literal meaning differs considerably from its figurative meaning."
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"Spanish profanity. The overwriting text in blue says putos, an insult meaning faggot / poof (graffiti on a wall in Montevideo, Uruguay). The Spanish language employs a wide range of swear words that vary between Spanish speaking nations, and in regions and subcultures of each nation. As in most languages swear words tend to come from semantic domains considered taboo such as the domains of human excretions, sexuality, and religion."
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"It is added to the end of an adjective that ends in a consonant; if it ends in a vowel, the vowel is dropped first. Feisimo, feÃsimo very. Ugly, carisimo carÃsimo. Very, expensive peorisimo. peorÃsimo very poor"
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"Color is the same word in Spanish and English, but with a slightly different pronunciation. Spanish puts the accent on the last syllable, koh-LOR. The plural is colores ⦠, koh-LOR-ehs."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Definitions include: an ugly face. Definitions include: a person who behaves in an offensive, pompous manner; ass. Definitions include: a lie that is so obvious that it is detected immediately. Definitions include: a general insult."
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"The story of The Good, the Bad and the Ugly is relatively simple. Tuco, a Mexican outlaw, teams up with Blondie, an American bounty hunter, Blondie. The American will turn him in, collect the reward money, but rescue him from hanging by shooting through the rope."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Spanish insults are often of a sexual nature, taking the form of implying a lack of sexual decency if the insulted person is a woman (e.g. puta, ramera whore, perra bitch) or implying a lack of masculinity if the insulted person is male (e.g. maricón faggot, puto male prostitute)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"spanish slang, with different meanings depending on the context. Can mean asshole, or dumbass (idiot, stupid) but much less severe than english cuss-words. Can be a casual insult, depending on the context in which it is used."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"What does despedida mean in spanish? The Spanish word despedida is the feminine version of the English word fired. The word despedida is describing in Spanish a woman who is fired from her job."
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"Spanish profanity. (Redirected from Pendejo) The overwriting text in blue says putos, an insult meaning faggot / poof (graffiti on a wall in Montevideo, Uruguay). The Spanish language employs a wide range of swear words that vary between Spanish speaking nations, and in regions and subcultures of each nation."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Learn More about unpleasant. Dictionary: Definition of unpleasant Spanish Central: Translation of unpleasant Nglish: Translation of unpleasant for Spanish speakers Britannica English: Translation of unpleasant for Arabic speakers."
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"Spanish: Hijo De Puta. Type: Popular Slang. Literal Meaning: son of a whore. Meaning: son of a bitch. Ese hijo de puta me rob a m, minti a mi madre, y abandon a mi hermana. Lo odio. (That son of a bitch robbed me, lied to my mother, and abandoned my sister. I hate him.) CLICK HERE FOR MORE MEXICAN SLANG...."
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"What beautiful titles! Word that is ugly: panties. They are lingerie, a very pretty word, By the way, referring to the phrase cellar door, you might want to refer back to the eighties band Poisonâs hit song âTalk Dirty to Me â."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"What is the meaning of the Spanish word asese? What is the meaning of the Spanish word asesas? What is the meaning of the Spanish word asesarÃa? What is the meaning of the Spanish word asesaren? What is the meaning of the Spanish word asesarán? What is the meaning of the Spanish word asesar? What is the meaning of the Spanish word asesiná? What is the meaning of the Spanish word asesinaba? What is the meaning of the Spanish word asesinaban? What is the meaning of the Spanish word asesinad? What is the meaning of the Spanish word asesinada? What is the meaning of the Spanish word asesinadas?"
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"Most of these are no longer used but in Spain at least the typical clasifications would be: Blanco/a - any European Caucasian that doesn't tan easily and tends to burn in the sun, doesn't matter the hair color. Moreno/a - medium to dark olive skin that easily tans. Negro/a - anyone with clear African decent."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"How to say corn griddlecake in Spanish What is the Spanish word for cornflowers? What is the Spanish word for cornflower? What is the Spanish word for cornflour? How to say corn flakes treats in Spanish How to say corn flakes is in Spanish What is the Spanish word for cornice? What is the Spanish word for cornices? How to say corniculado cartilage in Spanish How to say corn is in Spanish What is the Spanish word for Cornish?"
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"The word translated covetousness here is the Greek word pleonexia. It is an ugly word describing an ugly sin. It is ugly because it is idolatry and destructive. Lexicons describe pleonexia as the insatiable desire to have what rightfully belongs to others.."
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"You're so ugly, when you threw a boomerang it didn't come back. You're so ugly, when you went to the zoo they refused to let you out. You're so ugly, you can't get a date off the calendar. You're so ugly, when your mother went into labor the doctors went on strike. You're so ugly, your last name is Link and your first is Missing. You're so ugly, people put your picture in their car window as an anti-theft device."
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"The ugly truth is a a reality that is distateful or painful to accept, but because it is known to be true, one must accept it. For example: Eating one's offspring is unt ⦠hinkable, yet the ugly truth is that it is commonly observed behavior among many species of animals.t means that they want you to realize that he is their. Dont be that over it. i know that this boy called me ugly and i got mad and i was confuzed cuz he would flirt with be ⦠too but i dont care now if he would ask me out then i would be scard!"
"Idioms often reflect cultural mores, traditions, and values. For example, in English, you say someone is as good as gold; in Italian, someone is buono come il pane (good as bread). Something terrible in English can be ugly as sin; in Italian, that same something is brutto come la fame (ugly as hunger). A nonverbal idiom to be aware of is whistling."
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"Aviso: Esta nota contiene palabras que podrian podrÃan ofender a. Algunos as anyone who speaks more than one language, knows words'don t always translate. Precisely In spanish'that s particularly true of curse. Words Many spanish swear words and insults cover similar territory to Their english. counterpartsany Spanish swear words and insults cover similar territory to their English counterparts. Defecation, genitalia and sex provide the basis for a lot of both languages' more taboo expressions. But there's a lot of Spanish words out there whose literal meaning differs considerably from its figurative meaning."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The Spanish slang word pendejo is a vulgar term literally translated to mean pubic hair. It's a term used in anger to describe someone who is unpleasant, rude, obnoxious or arrogant (like a**hole in English). Over the years, like many crude slang terms, some classless groups have even adopted it as a semi-acceptable funny greeting between friends."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"[Spanish, perhaps from churro, coarse, (sheep) having coarse wool, (one) speaking Spanish with an Aragonese accent (the fritter perhaps being so called because of its appearance or its possible place of origin), probably of Iberian origin; akin to Portuguese surro, uncleanliness, filth (as from sweat).] (ËtÊuËrÉÊ)"
"For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/avGmm. it doesn't have an exact translation (it can't be translated word by word: that is what it is, as they say), it's like saying that is really eso si que es feo = that is really ugly I hope this helps. Krista · 1 year ago."
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"Definitions include: a woman with an attractive body, but an ugly face. Definitions include: a person who is butt ugly or stupid. Definitions include: a person who has large, deep, pit-like scars on their face, typically caused by severe acne. Definitions include: a general insult. Definitions include: an unkind person; jerk; ass."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"to be as ugly as a mud fence definition, to be as ugly as a mud fence meaning | English dictionary. Search also in: Web News Encyclopedia Images. ugly. adj , -lier, -liest. 1 of unpleasant or unsightly appearance. 2 repulsive, objectionable, or displeasing in any way. war is ugly. 3 ominous or menacing."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"The ugly truth is a saying that relates to a truth that may not be positive or not something a person would be glad to hear. It can be thought of as a truth that may need to b ⦠e said, despite being bold or negative.4 people found this useful.t means that they want you to realize that he is their. Dont be that over it. i know that this boy called me ugly and i got mad and i was confuzed cuz he would flirt with be ⦠too but i dont care now if he would ask me out then i would be scard!"
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"coyote ugly. adjective. extremely ugly. See more words with the same meaning: unattractive, ugly. Last edited on May 04 2010. Submitted by Kevin Henson from Fresno, CA, USA on May 02 1998."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"1 In Somali, it is called il, or Ilaaco or Qumayo (first word literally meaning eye and the other two words meaning envy eye). 2 In Spanish, mal de ojo literally means evil from the eye as the name does not refer to the actual eye but to the evil that supposedly comes from it."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries For instance, <<['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', \"A: An insurance broker makes money off commissions from selling insurance to individuals or businesses. Most commissions are between 2 and 8% of premiums, depending on state regulations.Brokers sell all types of insurance, including health insurance, homeowner insurance, accident insurance, life insurance and annuities. The broker is supposed to represent his clients' best interests.or this reason, brokers are paid a commission rather than receiving payment from insurance companies, which could create negative incentives that damage trust between the broker and client. A broker has an important responsibility to help people navigate between insurance plans, many of which have subtle differences.\"]>> to \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'how do insurance brokers make money']\"",
"Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word coyote ugly. Wiktionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: coyote ugly(Adjective) A (U.S. pejorative slang) Very ugly, nearly always applied to a non-canine female. Origin: Folk etymology: Trappers in early America would often find a coyote foot in their traps; the coyote would be so desperate to escape they presumably chewed their own limb off."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"by Carie Report definition; Designated Ugly Fat Friend by Hank Report definition; A unattractive female who is always seen with another female who's marginally more appealing. It is almost always impossible to get aided by the hotter female with no duff obtaining her fair share associated with action. by Abbey Report definition"
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"How to Say Beautiful in Spanish. There are many ways to say beautiful in Spanish. Whether you want to compliment a man or a woman, or just say something is beautiful, saying beautiful in Spanish is easy. If you want to learn how to say beautiful in Spanish in any context, just follow these easy tips.Ad.. Saying something is beautiful. Just as in English, you can use the word beautiful to describe many things in Spanish, such as the weather, an item of clothing, or a beautiful view. There is no set rule for when to use which synonym for beautiful."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly is actually a really awful film. The plot is slow and ponderous, the Italian actors are not very good (the dubbed voices are especially bad), and there is a lot of senseless violence. But this is why everyone loves this film."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Beautifully ugly. Grotesque is a word commonly known as something that could mean odd, distorted, ugly or repulsive. At the same time though, it could also mean bizarre or so shocking and horrible it could be fantastic. And though rarely thought of this was in English language, it could mean both beautiful and ugly at the same time."
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"'ugly' is a norse word added to english by the Vikings. ''At this time, the vocabulary of Old English consisted of an Anglo Saxon base with borrowed words from the Scandinavian languages (Danish and Norse) and Latin. Latin gave English words like street, kitchen, kettle, cup, cheese, wine, angel, bishop, martyr, candle."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"1 very unattractive or unpleasant to look at; offensive to the sense of beauty; displeasing in appearance. 2 disagreeable; unpleasant; objectionable:ugly tricks; ugly discords. 3 morally revolting:ugly crime. 4 threatening trouble or danger:ugly symptoms."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"1 acronym of big ugly fat fucker - that is, an extremely large and unattractive person. 2 See more words with the same meaning: acronyms (list of) . 3 See more words with the same meaning: overweight, obese, fat person."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Used mostly by Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, Cubans, Dominicans and other spanish speakers: This word is mainly used to describe or address a man who is attractive. BUT it's also used to describe something that is cute, like someone's shoes or a baby. Adios, chulo!. Bye, handsome/ hottie/ cutie!"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"See more words with the same meaning: unattractive, ugly. Last edited on May 04 2010. Submitted by Kevin Henson from Fresno, CA, USA on May 02 1998. origin. When caught in a trap, a coyote will sometimes chew it's leg off to escape. A person that is coyote ugly is so ugly, that when waking up next to that person with one's arm underneath them, one would rather chew one's own arm off than risk waking them by pulling one's arm out. Last edited on May 04 2010. Submitted by Kevin Henson from Fresno, CA, USA on May 02 1998."
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"Example Sentences Including 'ugly'. My ugly , workaday sword in its battered sheath was hanging on the wall in my little chamber. THE GOLDEN FOOL: Book Two of the Tawny Man (2002) Not only did we have the London office and the African know-how, we were new faces, and not ugly ones. BLOOD IS DIRT (2002) The container yards and the sprawl of industrial buildings on the east shore are as ugly as the dull grey waters of the bay."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Ugly American. Ugly American or similar could refer to: The Ugly American, a 1958 novel by William Lederer and Eugene Burdick. The Ugly American (film), a 1963 film starring Marlon Brando, based on the 1958 novel. Ugly American (pejorative), a term used to refer to perceptions of arrogant behavior by Americans abroad."
] |
"A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"most dangerous military branch"
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Salvation Army. They are all dangerous. There is no military duty that is without risk. Ships sink for the Navy, the Coast Guard, and the Marines. On the battle field, the enemy is firing real ammunition at the Army and the Marines."
] | [
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Originally Answered: What is the most powerful branch in the federal government? Depends on what your definition of power is. As others have commented, the President controls the military as well as the day-to-day operations of the federal government."
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"Men would be annoyed if women had the same amount of power as them.) The people have zero training, are lousy marksmen, and enjoy firing them at random into the air for fun. Consequently, it's one of the most dangerous places on the planet. Blood feuds and kidnapping for ransom are rife."
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"The ______ branch of the military chain of command is the most familiar to the majority of military leaders. It proceeds from the Secretary of Defense through the Secretaries of the military departments and then to the Service Chiefs."
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"This Man Is the Most Dangerous Political Operative in America. Steve Bannon runs the new vast right-wing conspiracyâand he wants to take down both Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush."
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"The United States Air Force (USAF) is the aerial warfare service branch of the United States Armed Forces and one of the seven American uniformed services. Initially part of the United States Army, the USAF was formed as a separate branch of the military on 18 September 1947 under the National Security Act of 1947. It is the most recent branch of the U.S. military to be formed, and is the largest and one of the world's most technologically advanced air forces."
"Represent the following document",
"âJuarez juà rez is today the most dangerous city In mexico And i thinkâit s the most dangerous city in the, hemisphere if not the.â Worldâthat s What William, brownfield The Assistant secretary Of state for The bureau Of International narcotics And Law Enforcement, affairs said to A.U. s congressional panel In. marchJuarez juà rez is today the most dangerous city In mexico And i thinkâit s the most dangerous city in the, hemisphere if not the.â Worldâthat s What William, brownfield The Assistant secretary Of state for The bureau Of International narcotics And Law Enforcement, affairs said to A.U. s congressional panel In. march"
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"1 Eye-opening infographic reveals the extensive destruction Coca-Cola unleashes on internal organs. 2 The United States government has become the world's most dangerous terrorist organization, warns former Reagan official."
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"#1 Posted by catlin_czirr (2545 posts) - 8 years, 9 months ago. I would really like to join the military, but my family automatically assumes that means going to Iraq and dying, I was wondering, which branch is the safest? Meaning least likely chance of fighting in Iraq? Or fighting at all."
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"Army â As the oldest branch of the Military, the Army protects the security of the United States and its resources. Marine Corps â Working closely with the Navy, the Marine Corps is often first on the ground in combat situations."
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"Mexican Mafia: The Most Dangerous Gang Surenos you encounter are taking their orders from a higher authority."
"Initially part of the United States Army, the USAF was formed as a separate branch of the military on 18 September 1947 under the National Security Act of 1947.[9] It is the most recent branch of the U.S. military to be formed. The USAF is the largest and one of the most technologically advanced air forces in the world."
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"Nerve agents are the most toxic of all the weaponized military agents. These agents can cause sudden loss of consciousness, seizures, apnea, and death. Sarin (GB), one of the more commonly stockpiled nerve agents, may be inhaled as a vapor, or cause toxic effects by contact with the skin in the liquid form.VX is mainly a liquid skin hazard at normal ambient temperatures. These chemicals are easily absorbed through the skin, eyes, and lungs.arin (GB), one of the more commonly stockpiled nerve agents, may be inhaled as a vapor, or cause toxic effects by contact with the skin in the liquid form. VX is mainly a liquid skin hazard at normal ambient temperatures."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Federalist 67. To Hamilton and Madison, the biggest threat to the gov't is the legislature. The legislative branch should be the strongest because it is the branch most closely tied to the people."
"Exar Kun was once the most dangerous and powerful of the Ancient Sith Lords, responsible for the deaths of millions in the republic.. Exar Kun was the heir to the Ancient Sith and he learnt from many holocrons and scrolls as well as Massassi priests themselves to gain immense prowess in Sorcery."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The mexican mafia is the largest and most deadliest out of all the prison gangs. The mexican mafia also has control over the mexican drug cartels, such as Los zetas. known as eMe biggest latin american gang in the world - anthonybecerra831. Mexicans are like the most dangerous race in the US already so yea"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"1 Feature Local aid workers on the front line of South Sudanâs civil war 18 May 2017 South Sudan is the most dangerous place in the world to be an aid worker. None are as vulnerable as local staff, targeted by both..."
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"âSo, in a sense, the most dangerous thing in the world is apathy. We think of weapons, violence, warfare, disease as terrible dangers, and indeed they are, but we can take measures to avoid them.So, in a sense, the most dangerous thing in the world is apathy. We think of weapons, violence, warfare, disease as terrible dangers, and indeed they are, but we can take measures to avoid them."
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"Below is a list of the top ten, most elite special operation units in the US military and a brief overview of each. View a brief video on the movie - Zero Dark Thirty. 10. USMC Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team."
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"MS-13 is the most dangerous of all time they said it on the news and on a lot of channels, the Nazi Party might me demented but these guys leave em for dead. - roblist It's so cool, but it's dangerous..."
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"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Military branch (also service branch or armed service) is according to common standard the subdivision of the national armed forces of a sovereign nation or state. In classical terminology, the three basic military branches are the Army, Air Force, and Navy. Army. Air Force."
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"For 2nd U.S. Cavalry Regiment, since reflagged as 5th Cavalry, assignment to the Lone Star State in 1855 consequently demanded the adoption of long-distance raiding methodology to combat, and eliminate, the most lethal cavalry society in North America: the fierce Comanche."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"1 Army â As the oldest branch of the Military, the Army protects the security of the United States and its resources. 2 Marine Corps â Working closely with the Navy, the Marine Corps is often first on the ground in combat situations."
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"The numbers are NOT exact as the reporting system was quite poor and many who died were not accounted for by the side that they had been fighting for. THe ACW is by quite a large margin, the most deadly war that Americans were ever involved in."
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"The United States Army remains one of the most powerful forces in the world based on recent combat experiences, equipment and training. The US Army maintains a long-standing tradition dating as far back as 1775 when the first companies of riflemen were formed by the Continental Congress.ore recently, U.S. Army personnel have been involved as part of the 2001 War in Afghanistan and the 2003 Invasion of Iraq. The branch is regarded as one of the most powerful in the world based on combat experience, equipment quality and training."
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"MILITARY INTELLIGENCE (MI) One of the largest branches with specialties in tactical intelligence, counter-intelligence, signals and electronic intelligence security, surveillance, and aerial reconnaissance. Click here to visit Fort Huachuca- The Home of the Military Intelligence."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"1. Cassowary. The Southern Cassowary is the most dangerous bird in the world which is known for their powerful kicks. These birds are deadly enough to kill human-beings and domestic animals by their aggressive kicks. If you look closer to these animals, you can find close resemblance to dinosaurs."
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"Photo credit: Crewof42.com. The scariest of anxieties for any country involve an incompetent military commander in crisis. Thatâs what weâve come to in America. Barack Obama, the commander in chief of the most powerful army on Earth, has had no military training. Yet he continuously refuses the best advice of the worldâs most competent field commanders. He fires commanders who disagree with him."
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"The Army allows recruits with a college degree to enter with a rank as high as E-4, which is higher than the Air Forceâs E-3 rank for recruits with only some college credits. ASVAB Score â The Coast Guard is the most difficult branch of the military to enter with a minimum ASVAB score of 40 required to enlist. A waiver is possible if a recruitâs scores on subtests outside of the AFQT, such as Mechanical Comprehension, make the recruit eligible for a specific job and the recruit is willing to agree to enter that job upon enlistment."
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"South Africa is the most dangerous place in the world to be a rhinoceros. South Africaâs Great Rhino Airlift Nina Strochlic August 16, 2014. In and among the rest he inserted the words ârhinocerosâ and âanthropoid.â. Portrait of the Consummate Con Man John Lardner May 16, 2014."
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"Agro Gede Train Railroad, Indonesia. The journey from Jakarta to Bandung with the greenish mountain, through the valley of the river and the most dangerous place to pass is Cikurutug high bridge overlooking the expanse of green field that seem to claim and makes it the dangerous rail path in the world."
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"In the October 2012 issue of Americaâs 1st Freedom, LaPierre wrote, âOf all the threats to American liberty posed by the [President Barack] Obama administration, the most dangerous is the corruption of the U.S. Department of Justice where high-level misfeasance, malfeasance, and nonfeasance have become the norm."
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"Charles Bronson's most dangerous inmates: Britain's worst criminals behind bars REVEALED. NOTORIOUS prisoner Charles Bronson â once known as Britain's most violent inmate â has revealed who he believes are the country's most dangerous criminals. By Tom Rawle, EXCLUSIVE / Published 26th September 2015."
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"69 CommentsLeave a comment. 1 I find this list inacurate now, since al qaeda has said isis is too extreme for them, and boko haram has joined with isis. 2 isis,boko,taliban,al queda are not Islamic organization. 3 well, I think israel was the most dangerous terorist organitation, they kill alot of children and women."
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"Combat branches of the US Army include Air Defense Artillery, Armor, Aviation, Engineers, Field Artillery, Infantry, and Special Forces (SOF). Figure A-1 lists some types of units that deploy to support operations. The Army classifies combat arms units as heavy, light, or special operations forces."
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"SEALs will say that they receive the most lethal hand-to-hand combat training. Rangers, Green Berets, Recon, and Air Force Special Forces operatives will say the same. That's just the way these warriors are. The fact is, they're all right."
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"Combat: The Army is the oldest branch of the American military and they have earned the respect and honor in this self explanatory area. Combat training is superb and the mission clear. You will learn to be prepared to defend your country while learning from the best."
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"The 3 Most Dangerous Terrorist Organizations. Share. The world has been chaotic since the start of the 21st century. Many people think this could have been preventable if the United States had stuck to invading Afghanistan (opposed to Afghanistan and Iraq) to seek out the killers of 3,000 innocent civilians."
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"Most dangerous tree. A member of the spurge family, the world´s most dangerous tree is the manchineel (Hippomane mancinella) of the Florida Everglades and the Caribbean coast.ost dangerous tree. A member of the spurge family, the world´s most dangerous tree is the manchineel (Hippomane mancinella) of the Florida Everglades and the Caribbean coast."
"Represent this text:",
"For anyone who thinks that Samantha Power is just some low level cog in the Washington machine, the New York Times just did a nice profile on her role in the current administration. It turns out that Mrs. Cass Sunstein is probably the most dangerous woman in America, after all."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Initially part of the United States Army, the USAF was formed as a separate branch of the military on 18 September 1947 under the National Security Act of 1947. It is the most recent branch of the U.S. military to be formed, and is the largest and one of the world's most technologically advanced air forces."
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"Follow @TMFJLo. The world is dangerous. The U.S. State Department has travel warnings for 38 countries, and the worst of the worst go far beyond lost baggage fears. With fears about everything from pirates to turf wars to keep tourists from traveling, here are the three most dangerous countries in the world. 3. Somalia."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Experiencing WWII from the inside of a M4 Sherman tank was famously dangerous. Henry J. Earl retells his experience with the Sherman in a 1983 letter to Lt Colonel Haynes Dugan, one of the G-2 intelligence officers for the 3 rd Armored Division."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Military branch (also service branch or armed service) is according to common standard the subdivision of the national armed forces of a sovereign nation or state.In classical NATO terminology, the three basic military branches are the Army, Air Force, and Navy.Army,ilitary branch (also service branch or armed service) is according to common standard the subdivision of the national armed forces of a sovereign nation or state."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries For instance, <<['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', \"a metric unit of weight equal to one thousandth of a kilogram. the quantity of an element whose weight in grams is numerically equal to the atomic weight of the element. the molecular weight of a substance expressed in grams; the basic unit of amount of substance adopted under the Systeme International d'Unites.\"]>> to <<['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is the metric unit for weight']>>",
"Ratings: 6.62/10 from 139 users. The MS13 gang, aka Mara Salvatrucha 13, is one of the most violently dangerous gangs in the United States - and one of the most organized. The MS13 gang has cliques, or factions, located throughout the United States and is unique in that it retains is ties to its El Salvador counterparts."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"And for good reasonâit is the most expensive nuclear bomb project ever. In terms of sheer destructive capability, the B61-12 is nowhere near Americaâs most dangerous nuclear weapon. Indeed, the bomb has a maximum yield of just 50-kilotons, the equivalent of 50,000 tons of TNT. By contrast, the B83 nuclear bomb has a maximum yield of 1.2 megatons (1,200 kilotons). What makes the B61-12 bomb the most dangerous nuclear weapon in Americaâs arsenal is its usability."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"U.S. officials frequently cite al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), the terror group's franchise based in Yemen, one of the most dangerous terror groups in the world based on their previous attempts to attack U.S. interests and their stated goal of striking Western interests."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A phalanx is a formation used in battle. Soldiers line up shoulder to shoulder with their shields overlapping each other. This is to protect the soldier to their left. The rig ⦠ht flank is the most vulnerable place in a phalanx and is where the most expierienced soldiers were put. Spears were used in this formation. With huge shields protecting them and spears protruding it was a dangerous formation to charge."
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"Gamma rays are the most dangerous form of ionizing radiation. These extremely high energy photons can travel through most forms of matter because they have no mass. It takes several inches of lead -- or several feet of concrete -- to effectively block gamma rays."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"In terms of sheer destructive capability, the B61-12 is nowhere near Americaâs most dangerous nuclear weapon. Indeed, the bomb has a maximum yield of just 50-kilotons, the equivalent of 50,000 tons of TNT."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"1 Army â As the oldest branch of the Military, the Army protects the security of the United States and its resources. 2 Marine Corps â Working closely with the Navy, the Marine Corps is often first on the ground in combat situations. Army â As the oldest branch of the Military, the Army protects the security of the United States and its resources. 2 Marine Corps â Working closely with the Navy, the Marine Corps is often first on the ground in combat situations."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"More recently, U.S. Army personnel have been involved as part of the 2001 War in Afghanistan and the 2003 Invasion of Iraq. The branch is regarded as one of the most powerful in the world based on combat experience, equipment quality and training. The US Army maintains a long-standing tradition dating as far back as 1775 when the first companies of riflemen were formed by the Continental Congress."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"It feels good to be badâ¦Assemble a team of the worldâs most dangerous, incarcerated Super Villains, provide them with the most powerful arsenal at the governmentâs disposal, and send them off to a mission to defeat an enigmatic, insuperable entity."
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"The 8 most elite special forces in the world. Elite special forces are some of the best-trained and most formidable units a country can boast. They go where other soldiers fear to tread, scoping out potential threats, taking out strategic targets, and conducting daring rescue missions. These really are the best of the best."
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"Slideshow: Unabomber â Ted Kaczynski >>> Known as the âAlcatraz of the Rockies,â ADX is considered to be Americaâs toughest prison, where the nationâs most dangerous criminals are locked away and meant to be forgotten."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Flightless feathered family. The cassowary is a large, flightless bird most closely related to the emu. Although the emu is taller, the cassowary is the heaviest bird in Australia and the second heaviest in the world after its cousin, the ostrich.It is covered in dense, two-quilled black feathers that, from a distance, look like hair.he cassowary is rightfully considered the most dangerous bird in the world! Each 3-toed foot has a dagger-like claw on the inner toe that is up to 4 inches (10 centimeters) long!"
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"There are five active branches of the Military. 1 Army â As the oldest branch of the Military, the Army protects the security of the United States and its resources. 2 Marine Corps â Working closely with the Navy, the Marine Corps is often first on the ground in combat situations."
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"Sometime train needs to pass these most dangerous railroads in the world along their journey. Those dangerous railroads sometime makes some of the passenger fell fear but some of the passenger is enjoying those dangerous railroads. Hereâs top 10 most dangerous railroads in the world. 10. Kuranda Scenic Railway, Australia. Scenic means beautiful view but also has a dizzying path."
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"There is also a US Merchant Marine...which sustained the highest casualty rate of all services during WW-II. Four official branches: Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines. Coast Guard is considered a fifth, but is governed by Homeland Security (or some such organization, it's somehow a bit different). All five branches also have Reserves. Army and Air Force have National Guard units."
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"The United States is the most formidable military power the world has ever seen. Arguably, since the end of the Cold War, America has enjoyed a level of dominance unparalleled in historyâneither Rome nor the British Empire enjoyed such a level of superiority over rival powers."
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"SGM / CSM Branch Command Management Branch (CMB) Operations Management Division (OMD) Individual Ready Reserve Individual Mobilization Augmentee Military Schools Branch Managers"
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"2. BASE Jumping. This is the most dangerous recreational sport in the world, with one death recorded for every 2,317 jumps. Jumpers throw themselves off one of the BASE structures, meaning from a building, antenna, span or bridge, and earth or cliffs. Parachutes are then deployed for a safe landing."
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"Book #5. Michael, Taylor, Ostin, and the rest of the Electroclan go on their most dangerous mission yet as the thrilling action continues in this electrifying fifth installment of the New York Times bestselling series! The resistance movement has been compromised."
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"In a conventional force of Navy, Army, Airforce a Special Forces branch of the Army would be the most likely to commit to operations first, Marines included. At th ⦠is point it would still be considered Clandestine warfare."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Gamma rays are the most dangerous. Externally, gamma radiation is dangerous because it can penetrate the body. Alpha is most dangerous if ingested. gamma if you're counting external damage, and alpha if you're counting internal. The type of radiation with the most penetrating capabilities is gamma radiation. It is a form of ionizing radiation ."
] |
"Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results!",
"what will the slope of a speed-versus- time graph give you"
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Acceleration The slope of the line of a speed-versus-time graph will give you acceleration."
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Velocity, displacement [s], momentum, force and acceleration are vectors. 6. Speed, distance [d], time, and energy (joules) are scalar quantities. 7. The slope of the velocity-time graph is acceleration. 8. At zero (0) degrees two vectors have a resultant equal to their sum. At 180. degrees two vectors have a resultant equal to their difference. From the difference. to the sum is the total range of possible resultants."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"As discussed in the previous part of Lesson 4, the shape of a velocity versus time graph reveals pertinent information about an object's acceleration. For example, if the acceleration is zero, then the velocity-time graph is a horizontal line (i.e., the slope is zero)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Best Answer: Specifics depend on the specific case, obviously. Generally speaking, a slope is a rate of change and the y-intercept is the starting point. For instance: suppose you're going to rent a car. It costs $25 plus $0.50 per mile. If x is the number of miles you drive and y is the cost you pay, then y = 25 + 0.50x."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Questions. 1 Write and graph an equation in two variables that shows the relationship between the time and distance traveled. 2 How do you calculate the gradient of a curved distance-time graph? 3 Looking at velocity time maps (velocity vs. time), determine the units for a square area on a graph."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n\nFewshot example: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"Nitrogen is classified as an element in the 'Non-Metals' section which can be located in groups 14,15 and 16 of the Periodic Table. Non-metallic elements exist, at room temperature, in two of the three states of matter: gases (Oxygen, Hydrogen & Nitrogen) and solids (Carbon, Phosphorus, Sulfur and Selenium).\"]\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'whoch state if matter would nitrogen at room twmp be in']\"",
"Instantaneous and Average Velocity. instantaneous velocity of an object at a particular time is equal to the slope of its position vs. time graph at that time. On the other hand, the average velocity between two times is equal to the slope of the line joining the two points on the position vs. time graph."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The slope of the acceleration vs. reciprocal of the mass of the system (1/Mass of System)is in the unit m/s 2 /1/kg. One can change this to say kgm/s 2 which is also known as N. Therefore, the slope of the graph represents the net force acting on the cart. g) See âObservations and Calculationsâ."
"Represent the next text",
"Acceleration. The slope of a graph gives the rate of change of one thing with respect to another. In a velocity time graph, the slope gives the rate of change of velocity ⦠with respect to time, that is how velocity changes over time."
"1 On a velocity-time graphâ¦. 2 positive slope implies an increase in velocity in the positive direction. 3 negative slope implies an increase in velocity in the negative direction. 4 zero slope implies motion with constant velocity."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"If a graph shows time on the horizontal axis and speed on the vertical axis a straight horizontal line across the graph would indicate what? Constant speed The graph you described is a speed-time plot."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Note that a motion described as a changing, positive velocity results in a line of changing and positive slope when plotted as a position-time graph. The position vs. time graphs for the two types of motion - constant velocity and changing velocity (acceleration) - are depicted as follows."
"Represent the natural language",
"Explain. You can decide the issue by checking for coherence between the velocity and acceleration graphs. The velocity graph is negatively sloped the whole time, including when the cart rolls back down the ramp. So, the acceleration is negative the whole time."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"for example, the slope of a position vs time is velocity. and velocity vs time is acceleration."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"relationship between instantaneous acceleration and the slope of the line tangent to the velocity vs. time curve. the instantaneous acceleration of an object at a given time equals the slope of the tangent to the velocity vs. time graph at that time."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"on 4th May, 2011. Anonymous. 0. The slope of an inverse of mass vs acceleration graph represent the force applied on the object which causes the acceleration of the object."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"In a velocity-time graph: 1 The acceleration can be determined from the slope/gradient of the graph. 2 The steeper the gradient the higher the average speed. 3 A horizontal line indicates the object is moving at constant velocity. 4 The area under the graph gives the total distance travelled."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"How the information about motion can be obtained from a position-vs-time graphs in the following case: Determine the direction of motion. by noting the sign of the slope. Positive slopes correspond to positive velocities and, hence, to motion to the right (or up)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Acceleration is the rate of change of the velocity vector, , which expresses itself as the slope of the velocity vs. time graph. For a velocity vs. time graph, the acceleration at time t is equal to the slope of the line at t. What is the acceleration of our ant at t = 2.5 and t = 4? Looking quickly at the graph, we see that the slope of the line at t = 2.5 is zero and hence the acceleration is likewise zero."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n------\nFor instance, <<['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Predators of caterpillars Butterfly and moth larvae are taken in huge numbers by predators. A study of predation on Pieris rapae estimated that 52% and 63% of 1st / 2nd instar larvae were eaten in 2 consecutive years by invertebrate predators including Carabid beetles, Hemipteran bugs, wasps, mites and spiders.unting spider Pisaura mirabilis Adrian Hoskins Male hunting spiders Pisaura mirabilis attack butterflies that settle on low herbage. They wrap their victims tightly in silk and present them to the female spider as a courtship gift.']>> to <<['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'what are the gatekeeper butterflies predators are']>>",
"Instantaneous Velocity, Acceleration, Jerk, Slopes, Graphs vs. Time. This is how kinematics begins. In calculus, finding the slope of curve f(x) at x=x0 is equivalent to finding the first derivative: $\\frac{df(x)}{dx}|_{x=x_0}$."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Obviously the speed is zero, so the graph is a straight line with a slope of zero. The length of the line represents the length of time (45 minutes) spent at the pub. After lunch, the journey continues for 2 km at an average speed of 10 km per hour."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"One velocity will be positive, and the velocity in the other direction will be negative. The vertical axis of a velocity-time graph is the velocity of the object and the horizontal axis is the time taken from the start. Features of the graphs. When an object is moving with a constant velocity, the line on the graph is horizontal. When an object is moving with a steadily increasing velocity, or a steadily decreasing velocity, the line on the graph is straight, but sloped. The diagram shows some typical lines on a velocity-time graph. Speed - time graph The steeper the line, the more rapidly the velocity of the object is changing."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"So the slope of a position graph has to equal the velocity. This is also true for a position graph where the slope is changing. For the example graph of position vs. time below, the red line shows you the slope at a particular time. Try sliding the dot below horizontally to see what the slope of the graph looks like for particular moments in time. The slope of the curve between the times t=0 st=0\\text{ s}t=0 st, equals, 0, space, s and t=3 st=3 \\text{ s}t=3 st, equals, 3, space, s is positive since the slope is directed upward."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"C) the two balls will have the same speed. An object is moving with constant non-zero acceleration in the +x direction. The velocity versus time graph of this object is. A) a horizontal straight line. B) a vertical straight line. C) a straight line making an angle with the time axis."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"So the slope of a position graph has to equal the velocity. This is also true for a position graph where the slope is changing. For the example graph of position vs. time below, the red line shows you the slope at a particular time."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"If you then graph acceleration (on the y-axis) vs 1/mass (on the x-axis), the slope would be your constant net force (Fnet). For a graph of 1/mass (on the y-axis) vs acceleration (on the x-axis), the slope would be 1/Fnet. This relationship is shown by Newton's second law, Fnet=ma or a=Fnet/m."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Velocity-time graphs. You should be able to explain velocity-time graphs for objects moving with a constant velocity or a changing velocity. The velocity of an object is its speed in a particular direction. This means that two cars travelling at the same speed, but in opposite directions, have different velocities."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Acceleration vs. time graphs tell us about an objectâs velocity in the same way that velocity vs. time graphs tell us about an objectâs displacement. The change in velocity in a given time interval is equal to the area under the graph during that same time interval."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Then by calculating average speed you actually calculate the slope of the distance time graph. that allows you to figure out distance travelled in a certain time. This only works when the accelleration is constant. then the average speed has the same value as the slope of the distance time graph."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"What does the slope on an acceleration vs mass graph represent? Acceleration vs. mass is a curved graph. You need calculus to figure that out and it depends at what point on the graph you want the slope."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"The instantaneous velocity does not have to equal the average velocity. However, if the slope is constant for a period of time (i.e., the graph is a straight line segment), then the instantaneous velocity will equal the average velocity between any two points on that line segment."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"What does the slope of a force divided by mass vs acceleration graph represent? Nothing. Because Force divided by mass is acceleration and you get expect to get something by taking gradient of acceleration-acceleration graph."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Look at the slope on the previous graph of velocity vs time. The slope on the velocity vs time graph equals the acceleration. Let's change the situation again. Instead of the car traveling at a constant acceleration suppose its acceleration changes by 1 m/s 2 every second."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"The area under a speed-time graph is equal to the total distance traveled. The shape of a graph with speed increasing followed by a steady speed, like the graph below, is a trapezoid. Students can calculate the total distance traveled by calculating the area of the trapezoid."
"Represent this",
". The velocity-vs-time plot starts with +20m/s (upward) at time t=0 and changes ata steady rate of -10 m/s 2 (decreasing 10m/s each second). Positive velocities correspond to upwardmotion; negative velocities correspond todownward motion. . The slope is constant and negative (forconstant downward acceleration)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"You can calculate average speed using the equation: Speed = distance ÷ time. Distance-time graphs represent how an object moves. They show how the distance moved from a starting point changes over time."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The instantaneous velocity of a particle at any point on its x vs. t graph is the slope of the line tangent to the. curve at that point. Since in the case at hand the curve is a straight line, the tangent line is the curve itself."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Velocity is speed in a given direction; speed and direction of a moving object. Like displacement, velocity is a vector. Changes in velocity may be due to changes in speed, changes in direction or both. Graphing Speed. you can show the motion of an object on a line graph in which you graph distance versus time."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"The instantaneous rate of reaction at any moment in time can be calculated from a graph of the concentration of the reactant (or product) versus time. The graph below shows how the rate of reaction for the decomposition of phenolphthalein can be calculated from a graph of concentration versus time. The rate of reaction at any moment in time is equal to the slope of a tangent drawn to this curve at that moment."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"From 0 s to 4 s: slope = 0 m/s/s. From 4 s to 8 s: slope = 2 m/s/s. A motion such as the one above further illustrates the important principle: the slope of the line on a velocity-time graph is equal to the acceleration of the object."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Instantaneous and Average Velocity. The instantaneous velocity of an object at a particular time is equal to the slope of its position vs. time graph at that time. On the other hand, the average velocity between two times is equal to the slope of the line joining the two points on the position vs. time graph. Run the applet to the right to make sure that you understand these two concepts -- both their similarities and differences."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"This probably sounds obvious, but be forewarnedâvelocity graphs are notoriously difficult to interpret. People get so used to finding velocity by determining the slopeâas would be done with a position graphâthey forget that for velocity graphs the value of the vertical axis is giving the velocity."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The principle is that the slope of the line on a velocity-time graph reveals useful information about the acceleration of the object. If the acceleration is zero, then the slope is zero (i.e., a horizontal line)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The shapes of the position versus time graphs for these two basic types of motion - constant velocity motion and accelerated motion (i.e., changing velocity) - reveal an important principle. The principle is that the slope of the line on a position-time graph reveals useful information about the velocity of the object. Whatever characteristics the velocity has, the slope will exhibit the same (and vice versa). If the velocity is constant, then the slope is constant (i.e., a straight line)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Velocity vs. time graph shows the variation of velocity with time. If the velocity-time graph is a straight line parallel to the x axis, the object moves with constant velocity. If the graph is a straight line (not parallel to the x axis), the velocity is increasing uniformly i.e. the body moves with constant . The slope of the graph at any point gives the value of acceleration at that point."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The velocity-time graph shows a line with a positive (upward) slope (meaning that there is a positive acceleration); the line is located in the negative region of the graph (corresponding to a negative velocity).he velocity-time graph shows a line with a positive (upward) slope (meaning that there is a positive acceleration); the line is located in the negative region of the graph (corresponding to a negative velocity)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"What does an acceleration vs time graph show (what does the trendline represent)? for example, the slope of a position vs time is velocity and velocity vs time is acceleration"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The slope of the tangent line of a position versus line curve at every point on the curve, generally it changes at every point. If the velocity can be expressed as a continuous function of time (no gaps/holes) over some continuous time interval, the Velocity function has a defined bale at every point along that time, interval called. v(t) = 3 (m/s) What is the relationship between instantaneous velocity and average velocity in this situation."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"There are other, simpler ways to find the instantaneous speed of a moving object. On a distance-time graph, speed corresponds to slope and thus the instantaneous speed of an object with non-constant speed can be found from the slope of a line tangent to its curve. We'll deal with this later in this book."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Normal scale charts compare price against time. You would graph the speed of a car in a similar manner: distance (y) over time (x). If a car travels at a constant velocity, the graph will be a straight line. If stopped, the line will be horizontal. If accelerating, the graph will show a curve."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Velocity-time graphs/ speed-time graphs : A velocity-time graph has the velocity or speed of an object on the vertical axis and time on the horizontal axis. The distance travelled can be calculated by finding the area under a velocity-time graph."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"If the acceleration is negative, then the velocity-time graph is a downward sloping line (i.e., the slope is negative). If the acceleration is great, then the line slopes up steeply (i.e., the slope is great). This principle can be extended to any motion conceivable."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"For instance, the y-axis of an acceleration vs. time graph gives us acceleration, and the x-axis gives us time. Acceleration multiplied by time gives us the change in velocity, which is what the area between the graph and the x-axis represents."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"How the information about motion can be obtained from a position-vs-time graphs in the following case: Determine the object's velocity at time t. by finding the slope of the position graph at that point."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"Graphs of the position vs. time and velocity vs. time for such objects share a number of features. In this experiment, you will observe a number of objects that change speed and direction as they go back and forth. Analyzing and comparing graphs of their motion will help you to apply ideas of kinematics more clearly."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'edit Etymology. The term Hogwash is derived from the English words hog, a slang term for a large member of the Suidae family, and wash, a term used to describe the frequent ritual cleanings practiced by Druidic monks for sacrifices at Stonehenge.ogwash is one of the most abundant elements in the known Universe. It is third in line of prevalence behind crap and tedium and before the fourth most common element poppycock.']>> to \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what does hogwash mean']\"",
"Velocity vs. time graph shows the variation of velocity with time. If the velocity-time graph is a straight line parallel to the x axis, the object moves with constant velocity. If the graph is a straight line (not parallel to the x axis), the velocity is increasing uniformly i.e. the body moves with constant acceleration. The slope of the graph at any point gives the value of acceleration at that point. The steeper the curve at a point, the greater is the acceleration."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"As you can see momentum vs. time graph and velocity vs. time graphs of the system are similar because momentum is directly proportional to the velocity. Example The graph given below belongs to an object having mass 2kg and velocity 10m/s.t moves on a horizontal surface. If a force is applied to this object between (1-7) seconds find the velocity of the object at 7. Second. Area under the graph gives us impulse. First, we find the total impulse with the help of graph given above then total impulse gives us the momentum change."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Describing the motion of an object is occasionally hard to do with words. Sometimes. graphs help make motion easier to picture, and therefore understand. Remember: ⢠Motion is a change in position measured by distance and time. ⢠Speed tells us the rate at which an object moves. ⢠Velocity tells the speed and direction of a moving object. ⢠Acceleration tells us the rate speed or direction changes. DISTANCE-TIME GRAPHS. Plotting distance against time can tell you a lot about motion."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"This larger slope is indicative of a larger velocity. The object represented by the graph on the right is traveling faster than the object represented by the graph on the left. The principle of slope can be used to extract relevant motion characteristics from a position vs. time graph."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"This is also true for a position graph where the slope is changing. For the example graph of position vs. time below, the red line shows you the slope at a particular time. Try sliding the dot below horizontally to see what the slope of the graph looks like for particular moments in time. The slope of the curve between the times t=0 st=0\\text{ s}t=0 st, equals, 0, space, s and t=3 st=3 \\text{ s}t=3 st, equals, 3, space, s is positive since the slope is directed upward."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"Say you know the start speed of a car and you know the ending speed when it crossed the finish line and you know it accellerated at a constant rate. Then by calculating average speed you actually calculate the slope of the distance time graph. that allows you to figure out distance travelled in a certain time."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"If the graph is flat or horizontal, then the object is not moving, the slope is zero, and the velocity is zero. It is important that when you have a graph, there is a title, axes labels, and units. The faster the object goes, the greater the slope of the graph."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Velocity vs. time graph shows the variation of velocity with time. Explanation: If the velocity-time graph is a straight line parallel to the x axis, the object moves with constant velocity."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"In our graph, is the change in the y direction and is the change in the x direction, so v is a measure of the slope of the graph. For any position vs. time graph, the velocity at time t is equal to the slope of the line at t."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Lesson 3 focuses on the use of position vs. time graphs to describe motion. As we will learn, the specific features of the motion of objects are demonstrated by the shape and the slope of the lines on a position vs. time graph."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Interpret the slope and y-intercept. The slope is -0.5. What this mean is that for every increase of 1 in x there is a decrease of 0.5 in y. In the context of the question, we can say that on average, as a child ages one year their time to run a mile goes down by 30 seconds (half a minute)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Figure 1: Graph of velocity vs. time for a car undergoing constant acceleration. Because the velocity changes at a constant rate, the slope of the velocity vs. time graph is constant. Notice the equation of the line that fits the velocity vs. time data: y = mx + b. where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept. Logger pro will assign values to m and b in order to best fit the data."
] |
"represent the following document\nE.g.\n'['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'wadmalaw island is in what county']' == '['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"Wadmalaw Island, South Carolina South Carolina Charleston County Wadmalaw Island Wadmalaw Island is located southwest of Johns Island in Charleston County. Driving onto the island on SC 700, you can stop and visit America's only working tea plantation. The rich soil and temperate climate of Wadmalaw Island has supported commercial and family farms for generations. Long famous for tomatoes, the island is also dotted with u-pick family farms and Community Sponsored Agriculture cooperatives. Charleston is the largest city near Wadmalaw Island. Here is a map of the Charleston area. General Information, Jobs. Weather â\\x80\\x93 Current conditions â\\x80\\x93 10-day forecast; Tides, currents â\\x80\\x93 Next 2 days - plus sunrise, moonrise â\\x80\\x93 This year - Wadmalaw River, Church Creek bridge; Job openings. Recreation, Entertainment, Tourism. Arts, entertainment, dining\"]' != '['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.', 'Search land for sale in Wadmalaw Island SC. Find lots, acreage, rural lots, and more on Zillow.']'",
"what is rabies"
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Rabies is a viral disease that causes inflammation of the brain in humans and other mammals. Early symptoms can include fever and tingling at the site of exposure."
] | [
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Rabies is usually caused by a bite from an infected mammal. The virus is introduced through the skin or mucus membrane .The virus attacks nervous tissue, it begins to replicate in the muscle, at the wound site. This can go on for hours or weeks."
"Rabies Incubation Period. The rabies incubation period is the length of time between infection with the rabies virus and the onset of symptoms. While the incubation period for rabies may vary from a few days to several years, it usually lasts one to three months. During the rabies incubation period, a bite from the infected animal does not carry a risk of rabies because the virus is not yet in the saliva."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"In most cases of rabies, symptoms first appear one to three months after infection with the virus. When a person is infected with the rabies virus, the virus multiplies within the body until symptoms develop. This time period between infection and the onset of symptoms is called the incubation period. The rabies incubation period may vary from a few days to several years, but is typically one to three months."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Diseases that can be passed from animals to people are known as zoonotic, and rabies is one of the zoonotic diseases that keeps public-health officials up at night. A rabid pet is relatively rare, but rabid wild animals â bats, raccoons, skunks, foxes â are not."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Animal bites always leads to the fear of contracting rabies, and newspapers readily report rabies outbreaks. Have you ever wondered what makes rabies so news... Animal bites always leads to the fear of contracting rabies, and newspapers readily report rabies outbreaks. Have you ever wondered what makes rabies so news... Skip navigation"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Viral infections. Rabies (hydrophobia) is a fatal viral disease that can affect any mammal, although the close relationship of dogs with humans makes canine rabies a zoonotic concern. Vaccination of dogs for rabies is commonly required by law. Please see the article dog health for information on this disease in dogs."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The preferred scientific name for rabies is the rabies virus. The rabies virus, which is an RNA virus, is part of the Rhabdoviridae family of viruses. It appears that there are several variations of the rabies virus that are able to cause rabies."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Animal bites always leads to the fear of contracting rabies, and newspapers readily report rabies outbreaks. Have you ever wondered what makes rabies so newsworthy? What makes rabies a serious infection?"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"system of humans and other mammals. People get rabies from the bite of an animal with rabies (a rabid animal). Any wild mammal, like a raccoon, skunk, fox, or bat, can have ra-bies and transmit it to people. It is also possible, but quite rare, that people may get rabies if infectious material from a rabid animal, such as saliva, gets directly into their eyes, nose, mouth, or a wound. Because rabies is a fatal disease, the goal of public health is, first, to prevent human exposure to rabies by education and, second, to prevent the disease by anti-rabies immuniza-tion if exposure occurs. Tens of thousands of people are suc-"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The Rabies Virus is an organism that frightens many people. It causes the disease known as Rabies. Viruses are microscopic organisms, so you can't see them with your eyes. Other viruses you've probably heard of are flu viruses and AIDS.Scientists are still learning about viruses.he Rabies Virus is an organism that frightens many people. It causes the disease known as Rabies. Viruses are microscopic organisms, so you can't see them with your eyes. Other viruses you've probably heard of are flu viruses and AIDS. Scientists are still learning about viruses."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"What are my chances of getting rabies from an animal bite? Getting rabies is unlikely. Most animals with rabies (skunks, bats) are wild. Any wild animal could have rabies, but rodents, rabbits, and squirrels almost never do. The last known cat in Indiana with rabies was in 1984; the last known dog was in 1989."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries Example:\nProvided: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"The North Sea crude oil fields are still fairly full, and are arguably the second most influential oil field in economic terms. Texas, once the world's major oil region, is now almost completely dry. In 1859 Edwin Drake sank the first known oil well, this was in Pennsylvania. Since this time oil and petroleum production figure grew exponentially. Originally the primary use of petroleum was as a lighting fuel, once it had been distilled and turned into kerosene. When Edison opened the world's first electricity generating plant in 1882 the demand for kerosene began to drop.\"]\" Match: \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'when was petroleum first used']\"",
"What is meant by a rabies vector species? Rabies vector species are species of animals with a high rate of carrying the deadly rabies virus. Rabies is a neurological virus which is transmitted through saliva and can be passed between animals and humans. Here is a definition along with information of rabies: Rabies."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Rabies is caused by the Rhabdovirus family and transmitted in the saliva of infected domestic and wild animals after they bite or scratch another animal or a human. Rabies is 100% fatal if untreated. In the early stages rabies symptoms are non-specific but usually suggest involvement of the respiratory, gastrointestinal and/or central nervous system. Death due to respiratory failure is typical in untreated persons usually within the first 7 days of illness."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Raccoon rabies is a strain of rabies carried mainly by raccoons. Raccoon rabies is rabies. It can be spread to farm animals, pets and people through the saliva of an infected animal in the same ways as other strains of rabies. Raccoon rabies kills raccoons, other animals and humans in the same way as other strains of rabies do."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers E.g.:\n['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'A carbon monoxide blood test is used to detect poisoning from breathing carbon monoxide. You might have this test if you have been exposed to the gas or if you have unexplained symptoms, such as: 1 Headache, dizziness, or vision problems. Nausea or vomiting.'] == ['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results\\n\\nGiven definition of sense, a positive would be sense-the meaning of a word or expression; the way in which a word or expression or situation can be interpreted; the dictionary gave several senses for the word; in the best sense charity is really a duty; the signifier is linked to the signified. signified. & a negative would be [sens] 1 1. a faculty by which the conditions or properties of things are perceived. 2 2. pertaining to the sense strand of a nucleic acid. 3 sense of equilibrium the sense of maintenance of or divergence from an upright position, controlled by receptors in the vestibule of the ear. 4 kinesthetic sense muscle sense.', 'does carbon monoxide shows in your blood']",
"The rabies virus(https://www.cdc.gov/rabies/transmission/virus.html) infects the central nervous system, ultimately causing disease in the brain and death. The early symptoms of rabies in people are similar to that of many other illnesses, including fever, headache, and general weakness or discomfort. As the disease progresses, more specific symptoms appear and may include insomnia, anxiety, confusion, slight or partial paralysis, excitation, hallucinations, agitation, hypersalivation (increase in saliva), difficulty swallowing, and hydrophobia (fear of water)."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"What materials can spread rabies? What kind of animal did you come in contact with? Domestic Animals; Exotic Pet Species; Bats; Other wild animals; Wildlife reservoirs for rabies; What type of exposure occurred? Is the animal available for testing? Medical care. Human rabies immune globulin; Rabies vaccine; Programs for uninsured and underinsured patients; Risk for pets"
] |
"Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"average australian cricketer salary"
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Average Cricket Player Salaries. The average salary for cricket player jobs is $55,000. Average cricket player salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits. This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term cricket player anywhere in the job listing.verage Cricket Player Salaries. The average salary for cricket player jobs is $55,000. Average cricket player salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits. This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term cricket player anywhere in the job listing."
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"At the Australian Open, gold badge umpires earn about $383 for each main draw day, and they make overtime if they work more than 10 hours, a perk none of the other Grand Slam tournaments provide. Cricket umpires can make anything from $30,000 to $45,000 in annual salary.f course, rookie (first year) referees make much less, and verteran referees can make up to $200,000 per season. In tennis, the idea is different. Umpires get paid by the match, since every tournament has a different level of importance (Grand Slams being the most important)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"On average, Australians earned $51,923 in Wages and salaries income in 2010-11. Table 1 shows the Australian Capital Territory with the highest average of $60,987, followed by Western Australia ($57,365) and the Northern Territory ($54,082).raph 1 and Table 3 show average annual growth rates for Wages and salaries income between 2005-06 to 2010-11. Of all jurisdictions, Western Australia recorded the highest average annual growth rate of 6.9%. Its component regions, Greater Perth (7.0%) and the Rest of WA (6.8%) were similarly prominent."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"But the average salary of $200,000 in New Zealand is in line with other major nations. According to the Australian Rugby Players' Association, the annual salary of a Super 14 player in Australia last year was A$202,000 ($230,000).In France, the average wage of professional players is ¬12,000 per month, which is ¬144,000 a year or $266,000.ccording to the Australian Rugby Players' Association, the annual salary of a Super 14 player in Australia last year was A$202,000 ($230,000). In France, the average wage of professional players is ¬12,000 per month, which is ¬144,000 a year or $266,000."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"But the average salary of $200,000 in New Zealand is in line with other major nations. According to the Australian Rugby Players' Association, the annual salary of a Super 14 player in Australia last year was A$202,000 ($230,000).In France, the average wage of professional players is ¬12,000 per month, which is ¬144,000 a year or $266,000.n the next few weeks, someone is going to have their bones rattled by Jerry Collins and find themselves prostrate on the turf wondering if they get paid enough to endure this professional rugby lark. In comparison with New Zealand's average salary of $40,000, top rugby players seem to have it pretty good."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"the average premiership footballers salary is 676000 that figure which equates to 13000 per week typically rises by between 60 % and 100 % when performance related bonuses are taken into accountstrikers have the highest average annual salary with 806000 while midfielders earn about 754000he average premiership footballers salary is 676000 that figure which equates to 13000 per week typically rises by between 60 % and 100 % when performance related bonuses are taken into account"
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Retired Test greats Brett Lee and Adam Gilchrist, both with earnings of $1.5 million, join Ryan Harris ($1.3 million) to round out the 11.Lucrative overseas contracts in the Indian Premier League, increased Cricket Australia salaries and personal sponsorship deals have tipped the balance in cricketâs favour.leven cricketers appear in the annual BRW's Top 50 sports earners list, beating golf and soccer, with 10 names each, for the first time."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"1 George Carter (footballer, born 1900) (1900â1981), West Ham United footballer. 2 George Carter (Essex cricketer) (1901â1994), English cricketer. 3 George Carter (Australian footballer) (1910â1971), Australian rules footballer for Collingwood and Hawthorn."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"1 In 2001-2002 the median Australian wage was $31,483 and the average Australian wage was $35,667. 2 This calculates the median at about 88% of the average wage. 3 In 2002-2003 the median Australian wage was $32,698 and the average Australian wage was $37,632."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Average Wages in Australia 1998 to 2014. The average wage in Australia for a MALE working FULL TIME is now $1,649 per week, or $85,779 per year."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Rating Newest Oldest. Best Answer: In Sri Lanka, top 5 or 10 international cricketers earn about USD 50,000 a year as the contract money with Sri Lanka Cricket. This is excluding their sponsorship earnings, and other earnings from appearing on TV commercials etc.And, they get more incentives on tours abroad.n total, in a peak performing season, a top class professional cricketer will earn above USD 200,000 a year. If they get a good sponsorship deal with a company like Pepsi or Coke, things will be extremely different!"
"Average salaries around the world vary from a low of $30,208 in India to a high of $72,363 in Australia. Back in 2008, investor Peter Thiel posited that a low CEO salary was the best predictor of startup success: âThe lower the CEO salary, the more likely it is to succeed."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"In Australia, the average professional soccer player's salary ranges from $25,000 to $35,000. Salary may vary depending on team and years with the team."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"on average australians earned $ 51923 in wages and salaries income in 2010 11 table 1 shows the australian capital territory with the highest average of $ 60987 followed by western australia $ 57365 and the northern territory $ 54082able 5 groups the regions accordingly whether their average annual incomes in 2010 11 fell in the top or bottom 20 % of all sa2s and whether their average growth rate in average wages and salaries over 2005 06 to 2010 11 was above or below the australian level of 4 9 %"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Take a look at some of the stats that came up in several surveys on GP salaries in Australia. 1 The average income for a full time general practitioner in Australia is about $2000,000 or more a year."
"represent the next text.",
"Austrailian League Salaries. In Australia, the most important rugby competition is the National Rugby League. This is one of the top rugby leagues in the world in terms of both talent and compensation. The Brisbane Times reported that in 2011 the top salary paid in the NRL was $700,000 to Jonathan Thurston.The average salary among the top 42 players in the NRL during the same year was just under $140,000 as reported by Rugby publication Zero Tackle.he top professional rugby players in France receive the highest salaries in the world. In fact, four of the five highest paid professional rugby players in the world all played for teams in France's Top 14 -- the most competitive league in France -- in 2011."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"average australian wages the average annual income for all australian male full time workers based on total income from the abs feb 2010 report has risen from $ 68468 in feb 2009 by 6 06 % to $ 72618 in feb 2010 and $ 83486 in may 2013the annual changes based on the february may from 2012 quarter figures areverage australian wages the average annual income for all australian male full time workers based on total income from the abs feb 2010 report has risen from $ 68468 in feb 2009 by 6 06 % to $ 72618 in feb 2010 and $ 83486 in may 2013 the annual changes based on the february may from 2012 quarter figures are"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"on average australians earned $ 51923 in wages and salaries income in 2010 11 table 1 shows the australian capital territory with the highest average of $ 60987 followed by western australia $ 57365 and the northern territory $ 54082asmania had 19 8 % of its wage and salary earners in the lowest $ 0 to less than $ 15600 income range more than the corresponding national level of 18 1 % high proportions were also recorded by south australia and victoria both with 18 4 %"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"1 In 1999-2000 the median Australian wage was $29,509 and the average Australian wage was $32,978. 2 This calculates the median at about 89% of the average wage. 3 In 2000-2001 the median Australian wage was $30,470 and the average Australian wage was $34,414."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"30,000. Answer In Australia the average salary is $27,000.00 per annum. The average annual salary for a botanist is 62,461 dollars. Salaries for botanists range from 41,668 to 90,412 dollars depending on area and experience."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"International cricket career batting averages (Jan 2004). Note Bradman's Test average of 99.94. In cricket, a player's batting average is the total number of runs they have scored divided by the number of times they have been out."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"This salary even includes 5 crores as his bonus amount. Income from Endorsements. He is known to make huge revenue from endorsements of approximately INR 17 crores which even seems to head over the income of two successful Indian cricketers. On annual basis, he is known to head over with $10 million from endorsements.et Worth. He is one of the richest athletes in the Indian cricket team who has un-defeatable net worth of $20 million. But as per Forbes, it has been estimated to be around $12 million that even appears to be impressive. Remarkable Salary."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Richard Haynes may refer to: Richard Haynes (cricketer) (1913â1976), English cricketer. Richard Haynes (criminal lawyer) (born 1927), American defense attorney. Richard Haynes (musician) (born 1983), Australian clarinetist."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The average full-time Australian worker earns about $72,000 a year and today's wage increase boosts the typical federal backbencher's base salary to $195,130."
"(Australia). A Medical Transcriptionist earns an average wage of AU$24.81 per hour. For the first five to ten years in this position, pay increases sharply, but any additional experience does not have a big effect on pay.AU$20,412 - AU$57,779.Australia). A Medical Transcriptionist earns an average wage of AU$24.81 per hour. For the first five to ten years in this position, pay increases sharply, but any additional experience does not have a big effect on pay."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Also featuring in the list are David Warner ($3.8 million), David Hussey ($2.0 million), who had both a CA and IPL contract in 2013, retired Test captain Ricky Ponting ($2.0m), current Australian players Brad Haddin ($1.8 million), Glenn Maxwell ($1.8 million) and Cameron White ($1.5 million).leven cricketers appear in the annual BRW's Top 50 sports earners list, beating golf and soccer, with 10 names each, for the first time."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Nicholas Smith may refer to: Nicholas Smith (actor) (1934â2015), English television actor. Nicholas Smith (cricketer) (born 1946), New Zealand cricketer. Nick Smith (footballer born 1984), Australian rules football player for Melbourne."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"On average, Australians earned $51,923 in Wages and salaries income in 2010-11. Table 1 shows the Australian Capital Territory with the highest average of $60,987, followed by Western Australia ($57,365) and the Northern Territory ($54,082)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Ausa Salary 15 15 16. Ausa average salary is $88,334, median salary is $85,000 with a salary range from $70,000 to $110,000. Ausa salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position. Ausa salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only."
"6. Australia's women's cricketers now have even more reason to celebrate © ICC/Getty. Members of the Australia women's cricket team will be among the country's highest-paid female athletes as part of a restructure of the Cricket Australia contract system.here has also been a substantial increase in the player tour payments from $100 a day to $250 a day, which could add up significantly over the next year, when the national team will be touring for 85 days."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"The average Premiership footballers salary is 676,000. That figure, which equates to 13,000 per week, typically rises by between 60% and 100% when performance-related bonuses are taken into account.Strikers have the highest average annual salary, with 806,000, while midfielders earn about 754,000.Defenders earn 653,000 on average and Premiership goalkeepers make 533,000.hat figure, which equates to 13,000 per week, typically rises by between 60% and 100% when performance-related bonuses are taken into account. Strikers have the highest average annual salary, with 806,000, while midfielders earn about 754,000."
"Represent the next text",
"Nitin Reddy ⢠Request Bio. 916 Views. The cricketers are paid based on which contract they fall under..If a cricketer falls in grade A then he is paid 1 crore.. 50 lacs for grade B and 25lacs for grade C. This grading is done every year and it is concerned to India.The payment is for 1 year.itin Reddy ⢠Request Bio. 916 Views. The cricketers are paid based on which contract they fall under..If a cricketer falls in grade A then he is paid 1 crore.. 50 lacs for grade B and 25lacs for grade C. This grading is done every year and it is concerned to India."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"(Australia). A Medical Transcriptionist earns an average wage of AU$24.81 per hour. For the first five to ten years in this position, pay increases sharply, but any additional experience does not have a big effect on pay.AU$20,412 - AU$57,779. Total Pay combines base annual salary or hourly wage, bonuses, profit sharing, tips, commissions, overtime pay and other forms of cash earnings, as applicable for this job."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Average Wages in Australia 1998 to 2014. The average wage in Australia for a MALE working FULL TIME is now $1,649 per week, or $85,779 per year.This is a 2.8% increase during the previous 12 months. Full time Females average 78% of the Male rate, at $1,292 per week.The Average wage is NOT the mean wage, which I have shown to be about 86% of the average, in previous posts.ull time Females average 78% of the Male rate, at $1,292 per week. The Average wage is NOT the mean wage, which I have shown to be about 86% of the average, in previous posts."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"super league player earn in the region of £65,000 a year to £500,000 a year. In Australian NRL the average salary would be $100,000-$150,000. The top earn about $300,000-$50 ⦠0,000.owever Rugby Union players earn £50,000 - £300,000 a year roughly, and even more. Hence Kyle Eastmond leaving to Rugby Union club Bath, where his wages will be significantly better than at Saint. Saints being a top flight club, most players will be earning circa £80,000 - £100,000 per year."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nFor example, ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'If you refrigerate the rice, and you want to eat it cold, its perfectly fine. People eat cold rice salads all the time. Cold rice pudding is fine. Its just sitting around at room temperature that is the problem.'] should be similar to ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'can you eat cold rice from the night before']",
"But many may also be surprised at how much some of the cricketers playing in the select few Test-class cricket teams earn, compared to perceptions of what a top-class professional sportsman makes.espite failing to come even close to their football playing counterparts earning power, the members of the England cricket team do much better. The central contract system is understood to give them between £250,000 to £400,000 a year â about four week's wages for a top Premier League footballer."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The average income of all working Australians last year was, by Australian Bureau of Statistics figures, $57,460. This is less than 25 per cent of the average AFL player salary.The working fanâs pay packet grew by 4.8 per cent, comparable with the AFL player.he average income of all working Australians last year was, by Australian Bureau of Statistics figures, $57,460. This is less than 25 per cent of the average AFL player salary."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Best Answer: In Sri Lanka, top 5 or 10 international cricketers earn about USD 50,000 a year as the contract money with Sri Lanka Cricket.This is excluding their sponsorship earnings, and other earnings from appearing on TV commercials etc. And, they get more incentives on tours abroad.n total, in a peak performing season, a top class professional cricketer will earn above USD 200,000 a year. If they get a good sponsorship deal with a company like Pepsi or Coke, things will be extremely different!"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Average Wages in Australia 1998 to 2014. The average wage in Australia for a MALE working FULL TIME is now $1,649 per week, or $85,779 per year. This is a 2.8% increase during the previous 12 months. Full time Females average 78% of the Male rate, at $1,292 per week."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Anushka Sharma. Virat kohli is the dazzling and dynamic cricketer of ICC with an impressive net worth of $20 million or Rs 120 Crore as per Forbes in 2015.et Worth. He is one of the richest athletes in the Indian cricket team who has un-defeatable net worth of $20 million. But as per Forbes, it has been estimated to be around $12 million that even appears to be impressive. Remarkable Salary."
"The IPL is worth between $400,000 to $2M for an Indian player, depending on how much they get at auction. In Australia, total income excluding IPL salaries was about $2m for international players, of which $200,000 to $500,000 was from Cricket Australia contracts.Each state paid the squad about $20,000 to $75,000 each.n Australia, total income excluding IPL salaries was about $2m for international players, of which $200,000 to $500,000 was from Cricket Australia contracts."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"General practitioner salary in Australia. On an average, the general practitioner in Australia receives an average hourly wage ranging from between AU$ 135 â AU$ 150 per hour, which averages to a yearly salary ranging from between AU$39,506 â AU$195,533 per year. physician or general practitioner working in South Africa can expect to earn an average yearly salary of R431,778, with a range of R207,583 to R785,071. Along with the salary, there are also bonuses and benefits, which can vary between institutions."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The average Premiership footballers salary is 676,000. That figure, which equates to 13,000 per week, typically rises by between 60% and 100% when performance-related bonuses are taken into account. Strikers have the highest average annual salary, with 806,000, while midfielders earn about 754,000."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"According to the Australian Rugby Players' Association, the annual salary of a Super 14 player in Australia last year was A$202,000 ($230,000). In France, the average wage of professional players is ¬12,000 per month, which is ¬144,000 a year or $266,000."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"But the average salary of $200,000 in New Zealand is in line with other major nations. According to the Australian Rugby Players' Association, the annual salary of a Super 14 player in Australia last year was A$202,000 ($230,000)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"But that is long enough now for a player to collect more than $1 million, along with free tertiary education, a cache of frequent-flier points and valuable off-field connections. The average AFL player salary last season was $265,179 - up $13,620 or 5.4 per cent on the 2012 average.And the divide with the average fan-who is generating the growing pots of gold and adulation for the new generation of AFL players-is deepening while the playersâ financial portfolios are growing.he average income of all working Australians last year was, by Australian Bureau of Statistics figures, $57,460. This is less than 25 per cent of the average AFL player salary."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"But with IPL teams now paying top players as much as $1.55 million for just a five week season, versus $500,000 to $1 million, depending on the country, for an almost year-long slate of national team games, cricket is in the midst of a dramatic shift.In Pictures: The Highest-Earning Cricketers.he Kings XI Pubjabâs highest-paid player is Yuvraj Singh, who earned just over $1 million from the team and another $4 million from endorsements, primarily from Reebok and. , making him the third richest cricketer over the last 12 months."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Paralegal Salary. (Australia). A Paralegal earns an average salary of AU$51,435 per year. For the first five to ten years in this position, pay increases sharply, but any additional experience does not have a big effect on pay.Most people move on to other jobs if they have more than 20 years' experience in this field.AU$36,862 - AU$71,478. Paralegal earns an average salary of AU$51,435 per year. For the first five to ten years in this position, pay increases sharply, but any additional experience does not have a big effect on pay. Most people move on to other jobs if they have more than 20 years' experience in this field. AU$36,862 - AU$71,478."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The best Indian players, such as Sachin Tendulkar and Rahul Dravid, earn a basic salary of more than £80,000 - a figure that soars with match and tour fees, sponsorship deals and Indian Premier League contracts.espite failing to come even close to their football playing counterparts earning power, the members of the England cricket team do much better. The central contract system is understood to give them between £250,000 to £400,000 a year â about four week's wages for a top Premier League footballer."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"1 In 2001-2002 the median Australian wage was $31,483 and the average Australian wage was $35,667. 2 This calculates the median at about 88% of the average wage. 3 In 2002-2003 the median Australian wage was $32,698 and the average Australian wage was $37,632. In 1996-1997 the median Australian wage was $26,919 and the average Australian wage was $30,077. 2 This calculates the median at about 90% of the average wage. 3 In 1997-1998 the median Australian wage was $27,775 and the average Australian wage was $31,008. 4 This calculates the median at about 90% of the average wage."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A special team headed by former Australian representative Ian Schubert deals with salary cap issues and monitors teams on a yearly basis. As of 2013 the club grant is $7.1 million which covers the salary cap of $5.85 million for the top twenty-five players at each club.The salary cap will increase to $6.3 million in 2014, $6.55 million in 2015, $6.8 million by 2016 and $7 million in 2017.The minimum wage from 2013 onwards is $80,000 for the top twenty-five players. special team headed by former Australian representative Ian Schubert deals with salary cap issues and monitors teams on a yearly basis. As of 2013 the club grant is $7.1 million which covers the salary cap of $5.85 million for the top twenty-five players at each club."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Average salaries around the world vary from a low of $30,208 in India to a high of $72,363 in Australia. Back in 2008, investor Peter Thiel posited that a low CEO salary was the best predictor of startup success:"
"Despite failing to come even close to their football playing counterparts earning power, the members of the England cricket team do much better. The central contract system is understood to give them between £250,000 to £400,000 a year â about four week's wages for a top Premier League footballer.t would be small change for most international cricketers, but is more than three times the £1,300 he earns a month from his Pakistan Cricket Board contract. Although the Pakistanis are thought to pick up around £3,000 per Test, that is still half as much as the English and Australian players."
"Donald Bradman was a famous Australian cricketer, who narrowly missed scoring an average of 100, by four runs. Being the best batsman in the world."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"On average, Australians earned $51,923 in Wages and salaries income in 2010-11. Table 1 shows the Australian Capital Territory with the highest average of $60,987, followed by Western Australia ($57,365) and the Northern Territory ($54,082).2010-11 was the first time in recent years that New South Wales missed the 'top three'.able 1 shows the Australian Capital Territory with the highest average of $60,987, followed by Western Australia ($57,365) and the Northern Territory ($54,082). 2010-11 was the first time in recent years that New South Wales missed the 'top three'."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"6.3k Views. Cricket umpires do not get paid as much as their football counter parts. Herald newspaper from Australia got the insight information on cricket umpires salaries for 2013 year and here are the details of how much umpires in elite panel get paid.ICC pays them the retainer/basic salary for a year while they also get match fee for every match they officiate.mpires in elite panel also paid match fees which is $3000 for test match, $1000 for odi match and $500 for T20 match."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Average Wages in Australia 1998 to 2014. The average wage in Australia for a MALE working FULL TIME is now $1,649 per week, or $85,779 per year. This is a 2.8% increase during the previous 12 months."
"Represent the input",
"The average wage in Australia for a MALE working FULL TIME is now $1,649 per week, or $85,779 per year. This is a 2.8% increase during the previous 12 months. Full time Females average 78% of the Male rate, at $1,292 per week."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Anesthesiologists are also referred to as anesthetists in Australia. The average median anesthesiologist salary in Australia AU$159,000 per year. The salary range is between AU$125,000 and AU$200,000 per year. Anesthesiologists working in Canada should expect an annual salary of between CA$97,000 and CA$180,000."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"How much on average does a england cricket player get paid? The latest 12-month central contracts for England cricket players are graded in three bands which are worth between £100,000 and £150,000.ow much on average does a england cricket player get paid? The latest 12-month central contracts for England cricket players are graded in three bands which are worth between £100,000 and £150,000."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Richard Haynes may refer to: 1 Richard Haynes (cricketer) (1913â1976), English cricketer. 2 Richard Haynes (criminal lawyer) (born 1927), American defense attorney. 3 Richard Haynes (musician) (born 1983), Australian clarinetist. Richard Septimus Haynes (1857â1922), Australian barrister and politician."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!\n\n\nE.g.:\n['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Beryllium fluoride is essentially an ionic compound, whereas the other three halides are largely covalent. Beryllium fluoride, BeF 2, is produced commercially by the thermal decomposition of diammonium tetrafluoroberyllate, (NH 4) 2 BeF 4.'] == ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what are the beryllium halides']",
"Austrailian League Salaries. In Australia, the most important rugby competition is the National Rugby League. This is one of the top rugby leagues in the world in terms of both talent and compensation. The Brisbane Times reported that in 2011 the top salary paid in the NRL was $700,000 to Jonathan Thurston.The average salary among the top 42 players in the NRL during the same year was just under $140,000 as reported by Rugby publication Zero Tackle.ustrailian League Salaries. In Australia, the most important rugby competition is the National Rugby League. This is one of the top rugby leagues in the world in terms of both talent and compensation. The Brisbane Times reported that in 2011 the top salary paid in the NRL was $700,000 to Jonathan Thurston."
"Represent this text",
"Take a look at some of the stats that came up in several surveys on GP salaries in Australia. 1 The average income for a full time general practitioner in Australia is about $2000,000 or more a year. While it is true that the average GP income is less than that of other medical specialists, most general practitioners will attest to the fact that their lifestyle of flexible, sociable hours and more part-time options is far better than money in the bank."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"But the average salary of $200,000 in New Zealand is in line with other major nations. According to the Australian Rugby Players' Association, the annual salary of a Super 14 player in Australia last year was A$202,000 ($230,000).In France, the average wage of professional players is ¬12,000 per month, which is ¬144,000 a year or $266,000.n England, Premier League footballers can expect an average salary of £656,000 ($1.51 million) but even that is dwarfed by the colossal $6.6 million which is the average salary paid to professional basketballers in America's NBA."
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"State players will also benefit from the cash injection, with Cricket Australia to provide each state and the ACT with $100,000 a year to help fund minimum standards for women's cricketers contracted to play in the national competitions.here has also been a substantial increase in the player tour payments from $100 a day to $250 a day, which could add up significantly over the next year, when the national team will be touring for 85 days."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The maximum player salary is $175,000, Australian dollars. That is just over $179,000 American dollars. The minimum is around 30 ⦠,000, so the average is about 70,000 or about $72,000 American dollars.he average teen working full-time in Australia makes about 300 dollars a week. The average part time workers made 174 dollars for around twenty hours. The average hourly ⦠wage is $7.50. Answered."
] |
"Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"who voiced space ghost"
] | [
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"During its original run, there were a total of 42 Space Ghost episodes and 18 Dino Boy episodes. The series ended in 1968, but remained in syndication during the 1970s. Space Ghost was voiced by Gary Owens, who is best known for being the announcer for Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In."
] | [
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Roger L. Jackson. For similarly named people, see Roger Jackson (disambiguation). Roger Labon Jackson (born July 13, 1956) is an American voice actor. He is best known for voicing the killer Ghostface in the Scream films for which E!: Entertainment Television named him as the forty-sixth Best Kept Secret of Hollywood. He is also well known for voicing the character Mojo Jojo in The Powerpuff Girls."
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"Dick Tufeld, the voice of the Robot in the 1960s science-fiction TV series⦠Dick Tufeld, a longtime radio and TV announcer who intoned Danger, Will Robinson! as the voice of the Robot in the 1960s science-fiction TV series Lost in Space, has died. He was 85. Tufeld died Sunday at his home in Studio City while watching the NFL playoffs, his family said."
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"Danny Fenton/Danny Phantom (voiced by David Kaufman) is the series' titular protagonist. Danny is a clumsy 14-year-old who gains ghost powers in a lab accident when he steps into and activates his parents' Ghost Portal."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"He also served as the announcer on dozens of TV and radio shows and was the voice of ABC daytime for 30 years. Dick Tufeld, who spent three decades as the voice for ABC daytime programming and achieved pop-culture status as the voice of the robot in 1960s series Lost in Space, died Jan. 22 at his home in Studio City. He was 85."
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"Though much is unknown about Fallout 4's Characters, at least one voice actor has confirmed his involvement with a Fallout project. Erik Todd Dellums, who voiced Galaxy News Radio DJ Three Dog in the game, tweeted earlier today that it looked like he would be reprising his role in the near future."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"He also served as the announcer on dozens of TV and radio shows and was the voice of ABC daytime for 30 years. Dick Tufeld, who spent three decades as the voice for ABC daytime programming and achieved pop-culture status as the voice of the robot in 1960s series Lost in Space, died Jan. 22 at his home in Studio City."
"Represent text",
"Space Ghost has a temper tantrum and he leaves the show. While he's gone, Zorak, Moltar and Dave Thomas have a great time. Meanwhile, Space Ghost tries to make friends with the superheroes at the Hole of Justice, but they beat him up."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"In Lost in Space, producer Irwin Allen's futuristic retelling of the Swiss Family Robinson story that aired on CBS from 1965 to 1968, actor Bob May wore the Robot costume and Tufeld provided the voice."
"George Lowe (II) George Lowe was born on November 10, 1958 in Dunedin, Florida, USA. He is an actor and producer, known for Space Ghost Coast to Coast (1994), Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters (2007) and Cartoon Network: Punch Time Explosion (2011). See full bio »."
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"The original series debuted in 1966. In the original series, Space Ghost was an intergalactic crime fighter from the Ghost Planet. He had the ability to be invisible (via his belt), fly, and shoot various rays from the powerbands on his wrists."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nTo give you a sense - \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Bill Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States, was impeached by the House of Representatives on two charges, one of perjury and one of obstruction of justice, on December 19, 1998.hortly after the elections, Gingrich, who had been one of the leading advocates for impeachment, announced he would resign from Congress as soon as he was able to find somebody to fill his vacant seat; Gingrich fulfilled this pledge and officially resigned from Congress on January 3, 1999.']\" should be close to \"['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'was clinton impeached or did he resign']\"",
"Kevin Spacey was not the first choice to voice Hopper. John Lasseter previously offered the role twice to Robert De Niro, who turned it down. Lasseter met Spacey at the 1995 Academy Awards (where Toy Story won for Best Original Song and Spacey for Best Supporting Actor) and offered him the role, which he accepted."
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"Space Ghost loses the show to the owner of a liquor store, and he is forced to use a shark as the show's new mascot. A bear wanders onto the set, upsetting the normal routine by repeatedly attacking Space Ghost. Later, the shark explodes, attracting giant Space Bees. EP 2."
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"Van Susteren made a special celebrity guest appearance on the Cartoon Network original series Space Ghost Coast to Coast in 1998. In 2002, Van Susteren switched to the Fox News Channel after a highly publicized contract-bidding war. She hosted the current affairs show On the Record w/ Greta Van Susteren."
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"Space ghost's home on Ghost Planet. Welcome to the Space Ghost wiki! This wiki is for information on the various cartoon shows based on the character Space Ghost and his universe. If you're a fan have fun helping this wiki grow! The original Space Ghost cartoon was a 1960s superhero cartoon show set in outer space."
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"Just after Space Ghost fired him! The Brak Show belongs to [adult swim]. 1 Film & Animation. 2 Standard YouTube License."
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"In the 1990s, Space Ghost was brought back as a host for his own fictional late-night talk show, Space Ghost Coast to Coast, on Cartoon Network and Adult Swim. In the 2000s, he was revamped as a serious superhero once again in a mini-series by DC Comics."
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"The current voice of George Jetson is Jeff Bergman, who voiced George (and also Mr. Spacely) in some parts of the movie after O'Hanlon's death, and also voiced George in The Funtastic World of Hanna-Barbera and The Jetsons & WWE: Robo-WrestleMania! as well as for the cameo in the Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law episode Shaggy Busted and Spümcø's two Jetsons cartoons: Father & Son Day and The Best Son."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Gary Owens (born Gary Bernard Altman; May 10, 1934 â February 12, 2015) was an American voice actor, disc jockey, radio announcer and personality. His polished baritone speaking voice generally offered deadpan recitations of total nonsense, which he frequently demonstrated as the announcer on Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In. Owens was equally proficient in straight or silly assignments and was frequently heard on television and radio as well as in commercials. He was best known, aside from being the announcer on Laugh-In, for providing the voice of the titular superhero on Space Ghost. He also played himself in a cameo appearance on Space Ghost Coast to Coast in 1998. Owens' first cartoon-voice acting was performing the voice of Roger Ramjet on the Roger Ramjet cartoons."
"Represent text",
"Billy West. Billy West has had a long, successful career as a voice-over actor. He is the voice of a variety of characters on Futurama. Mostly he plays Fry, the pizza delivery boy who wound up frozen, but he is also the voice of Professor Farnsworth, Dr. Zoidberg, Zapp Brannigan and even President Richard Nixon's head."
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"Jonathan Harris played Dr. Zachary Smith in Lost in Space. He was the only member of the original cast to reprise his role in Lost in Space (a Hanna-Barbera animated episode). Jonathan Harris (born Jonathan Charasuchin, November 6, 1914 â November 3, 2002) was an American character actor."
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"Space Ghost shows off his versatility by emceeing Cartoon Network's World Premiere Toon In. Members of the Council of Doom appear as judges in a beauty pageant-style competition between five cartoon directors. Blip also makes an appearance, prompting Space Ghost to croon, Oh, what a monkey he is!."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"For the Venezuelan pitcher, see Alex Torres (baseball). Spaceballs is a 1987 American science fiction parody film co-written, produced and directed by Mel Brooks. Starring Brooks, Bill Pullman, John Candy, and Rick Moranis, the film also features Daphne Zuniga, Dick Van Patten, and the voice of Joan Rivers. In addition to Brooks in a supporting role, the film also features Brooks regulars Dom DeLuise and Rudy De Luca in cameo appearances."
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"However, it was another Allen series that made Tufeldâs voice beloved to millions â the campy 1965-68 CBS science-fiction series Lost in Space, which had Tufeld speaking for the B9 Robot with such monotone sayings as âWarning, warning,â âDanger, Will Robinson!â and âIt does not compute.â"
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"This animated series featured real life celebrities being interviewed by Space Ghost. It ran for 10 seasons, a total of 104 episodes. Batman: Brave and the Bold - Space Ghost appears in the episode Bold Beginnings! where he and Batman team up to battle the Creature King after he captures Jan, Jayce, and Blip."
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"Dave voiced Peter Venkman for The Real Ghostbusters cartoon, and the Cartoon Networks' Robot Chicken. Dave is also teamed-up with Dave Thomas on The Bob and Doug (McKenzie) animated series. Dave has just started his second season on China, IL for Cartoon Networks' Adult Swim lineup."
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"Main article: Space Ghost (TV series) The original series debuted in 1966. In the original series, Space Ghost was an intergalactic crime fighter from the Ghost Planet. He had the ability to be invisible (via his belt), fly, and shoot various rays from the powerbands on his wrists."
"Here's the voice of and the man inside the B9 Robot. Dick Tufeld Bob May. Bob May, back row left, is seen in this 1995 photo with the original cast of the TV series Lost in Space. Joining him (clockwise from May) are Bill Mumy, Mark Goddard, Jonathan Harris, Angela Cartwright, Marta Kristen and June Lockhart."
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"Brak is a supervillain on the 1966 Hanna-Barbera animated series Space Ghost, portrayed as a catlike alien space pirate trying to conquer the galaxy."
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"Chris Wiggins, Sailor Moonâs narrator and the voice of Mr. Baxter, has died at age 87. I am sad to report that Chris Wiggins, a voice actor from the original English dub of the Sailor Moon anime, has died at age 87. He passed away on February 19th after a long battle with Alzheimerâs disease. The provided the voice of Mr. Baxter from the episode âAn Unnatural Phenomenonâ."
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"Brak says you'd better have a listen to these sounds! Brak is one of the hosts of Cartoon Planet, along with Space Ghost and Zorak, and one of the funniest guys currently on TV. The cat-like Brak was one of space's most terrible pirates, until he had the misfortune to run foul of Space Ghost. He's voiced by Keye Luke."
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"Brak and his brother Sisto returned in the premiere episode of Space Ghost Coast to Coast in 1994, appearing as a parody of Beavis and Butt-Head."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Voice actor(s) (English) Project 2501, also known as the Puppet Master(or the Puppeteer) from the film and manga, Ghost in the Shell is an artificial intelligence program secretly developed by Section 6 of Public Security that develops sentience. It is voiced by Tom Wyner."
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"The voice of the Lost in Space Robot was provided by Dick Tufeld, a popular freelance announcer in Hollywood. Mr. Tufeld also did the Robots voice for the feature film version of Lost in Space released in 1998. When an episode was filmed, Bob May from inside the robot would say the Robot's lines."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"List of The Jetsons characters - George Jetson's workplace. 1 Cosmo G. Spacely is George's moneygrubbing boss, originally voiced by Mel Blanc. 2 Spacely is president and owner of 'Spacely Space Sprockets', where George Jetson works. 3 Mr. Cogswell (voiced by Daws Butler): is Spacely's big competitor."
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"Space Ghost loses the show to the owner of a liquor store, and he is forced to use a shark as the show's new mascot. A bear wanders onto the set, upsetting the normal routine by repeatedly attacking Space Ghost. Later, the shark explodes, attracting giant Space Bees. Justice Hole."
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"Known ghost singers include: 1 India Adams, who dubbed for Cyd Charisse in The Band Wagon (1953). 2 Bill Shirley, who dubbed for Jeremy Brett in Warner Bros. My Fair Lady (film). Jo Ann Greer, who dubbed for Rita Hayworth, Kim Novak and Dorothy Malone."
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"Clay started out mimicking Don's voice for Zorak but found it was too hard on his throat to do for long periods of time and so he lightened it up after the first few episodes. In a commentary on Space Ghost Coast to Coast, Clay said the new voice is Zorak's real voice. His old voice is his World Domination voice."
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"And in case you wanted anymore fun facts about The Real Ghostbusters, Peter Venkman was originally voiced by Lorenzo Music, who was also the voice of Garfield, who went on to be voiced by Bill Murray on the big screen. Music ended up being replaced by Dave Coulier eventually."
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"1 During Haunted Mansion Holiday, the Ghost Host is voiced by Corey Burton. 2 In an interview with Corey Burton, he stated, the Ghost Host, to me, is the voice of the structure itself. It comes from the walls.. In the opening titles of the film, the line, Welcome foolish mortals, is heard."
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"Bob May (actor) Bob May (September 4, 1939 â January 18, 2009) was an American actor best remembered for playing The Robot on the television series Lost in Space, which debuted in 1965 and ran until 1968. May appeared in all 83 episodes inside a prop costume built by Bob Stewart; the robot's voice was dubbed by Dick Tufeld, who was also the narrator of the series."
"Represent the natural language.",
"Brooksfilms / Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) PHOTOS: Ghostbusters cast reunites after 30 years! Tom [Meehan], who wrote it with me, has great ideas and I would love to do Spaceballs 2, Brooks added. We even have the title because in Spaceballs I said, Maybe we'll do Spaceballs 2: The Search for More Money. That's what I would call it. It's the perfect title."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"William Shatner Sings Deep Purpleâs Space Truckinâ. Shatner, The Transformed Man, continues his musical career. His new album is called, Searching For Major Tom. Guest musicians: Johnny Winter (guitar), Deep Purpleâs Ian Paice (drums)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Pizza Planet Truck is in every single Pixar film, except The Incredibles, though it can be found in The Incredibles video game. 2. In A Bugâs Life, John Lassetter repeatedly attempted to get Robert DeNiro to voice Hopper, the grasshopper, but DeNiro repeatedly declined. DeNiro didnât do animated voice work at the time. Kevin Spacey was offered the part after the 1995 Academy Awards, and he delightfully accepted."
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"Zachry Dean Callison, simply known as Zach Callison, is an American voice, television, and film actor. He voices Steven Universe, Onion, the Watermelon Stevens, Patient #2 from Nightmare Hospital, Melon Mutt from Super Watermelon Island, one of the Cluster's voices, and Pumpkin in Steven Universe."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Tufeld also worked as a sports and news announcer for local TV and radio stations and narrated hundreds of commercials. He returned as the voice of the Robot in the 1998 Lost in Space feature film. By 2004 he was still playing the Robot, for an episode of The Simpsons.."
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"More recently, Beaky Buzzard has had minor roles in various Warner Bros. projects, such as Tiny Toon Adventures, where he plays the mentor of the minor character Concord Condor, and the movies Space Jam and Looney Tunes: Back in Action, where he has a short cameo and is voiced by Joe Alaskey."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"This article is about the character himself. For the original 1960s TV series, see Space Ghost (TV series). For the 1990s revival series, see Space Ghost Coast to Coast. Space Ghost is a fictional character created by Hanna-Barbera Productions and designed by Alex Toth for CBS in the 1960s."
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"Hanna-Barbera Studios : S : Space Ghost and Dino Boy : Space Ghost. Space Ghost Episode Guide -Hanna-Barbera. Space Ghost is one of the most popular superheroes to come out of Saturday morning. Unlike comic book heroes Superman, Batman and Spider-Man, Space Ghost originated on television, embodying animation in the 60's. Legendary animator Alex Toth's use of bright colors, sleek lines and an almost sinister costume gave Space Ghost an undefinable hipness that TV watchers immediately clung to."
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"Galvatron: Frank Welker. Frank Welker voiced many of the recurring characters in the original 1980âs Transformers cartoon series and continues to lend his voice to Michael Bayâs Transformers franchise. He voiced Shockwave, Barricade and Soundwave in Transformers: Dark of the Moon. In Age of Extinction he voices Galvatron, who is a human-made Transformer who becomes possessed by Megatron's mind, making him the new Decepticon leader. Galvatron transforms into a black and grey 2014 Freightliner Argosy cab over trailer."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Vocalist Marni Nixon, Lip-Syncer Extraordinary : 'Ghost' singing: She supplied the vocals for Deborah Kerr in 'The King and I' and backed Natalie Wood in 'West Side Story.'."
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"In the 2003 video game, the Mouth of Sauron was voiced by Roger L. Jackson, who also played Mojo Jojo, Ghostface, and the White Pumpkin (while in her suit), although she is a female."
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"1 Isaac Clarke is voiced and modeled after Gunner Wright in Dead Space 2 and Dead Space 3. 2 Prior to this in Dead Space, Isaacâs face appeared somewhat more rounded, along with a wider jawline."
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"Space Ghost welcomes two talk-show experts, Bill Carter and Joe Franklin. Carter, author of The Late Shift,explains why Space Ghost was excluded from his book. Franklin, the world's first TV talk show host, gives him a few pointers. Moltar introduces his fascination with the television series CHiPs,a theme that will resurface again and again."
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"At Phantom Manor in Disneyland Paris, the Ghost Host's role is played by a character called The Phantom, who was voiced by Vincent Price in English, but due to legal complications with the French government requiring that the audio be in mostly French, Price's voice was eventually replaced by that of Gerard Chevalier."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Space Ghost is a character from the 1960s. He and his sidekicks (Jan, Jace and Blip the monkey) fight super-villains in outer space."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n------\n\nE.g. ['Represent the input', 'It depends whether you subscribe or not. Subscription (known as Spotify Premium) costs £9.99 a month. Spotify Free requires an email invite from a friend, plus you get short, 20-second adverts every five songs or so. Premium has no advertising of any sort, as well as the ability to make your playlists available offline.'] == ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'does spotify cost money?']",
"Zorak on The Brak Show. Zorak first appeared in the original Space Ghost series in 1966. He was one of Space Ghost's most feared enemies and appeared in 6 episodes. Zorak is the bandleader in The Original Way Outs on Space Ghost Coast to Coast and held captive by Space Ghost along with Moltar the show's director."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"At Disneyland and the Magic Kingdom, the Ghost Host is voiced by Paul Frees. Corey Burton provided the voice for Disneyland's seasonal Haunted Mansion Holiday and for most of his other later appearances. At Tokyo Disneyland, he is voiced by Teichiro Hori. On the record album Story and Song from The Haunted Mansion, he was voiced by Pete Renaday, who was also an early choice for the role."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"He gets on best with Moltar but has low tolerance for Space Ghost, other characters and guests. He has flirted with a few of the female guests but it was mostly to annoy Space Ghost. He gains satisfaction from using Brak in The Brak Show. Brak thinks of Zorak as a friend, Zorak likes to think he has no friends."
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"(As Cheryl Stoppelmoor) Amy (a Probe control agent), Search (alsoknown as Probe), NBC, 1972-73. (As Cherie Moore) Singing voice of Melody Valentine, Josie and the Pussycats in Outer Space (animated), CBS, 1972-74."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Scooby Doo, The Transformers, The Real Ghostbusters, Aladdin. Frank Welker (born March 12, 1946) is an American voice actor. He is responsible for a broad spectrum of character voices, noises, and other vocal effects that have appeared over the last 40 years in American TV shows and movies."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"Ghost-Eyes (voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson) â An inmate at the Gravity Falls Prison who is friends with Gideon. Xyler and Craz (voiced by John Roberts and Gregory Michael Cipes) â The two main characters of Mabel's favorite movie, Dream Boy High, who often appear in her daydreams."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"On October 10, 2017, Keke Palmer confirmed in an interview that Roger L. Jackson, who voiced Ghostface in the film series, would return for the third season, replacing Mike Vaughn, who served as the voice for The Killer in the first two seasons."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nFor example, '['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Are health insurance premiums tax deductible? Yes, in certain circumstances, you can deduct your health insurance premiums as part of your overall medical expenses. But you can deduct only premiums that you pay with after-tax money from your own pocket.']' should be close to '['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'is health-insurance a tax-deductible']'",
"He was annoyed to find out Space Ghost had got him on Cartoon Planet too, where he was reduced to being nicer, although he couldn't keep it up for long, and singing songs. Then since Brak was so popular with fans, Brak got his own spinoff and Zorak was also one of the main characters in that."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Voice cast. 1 George Jetson â George O'Hanlon. 2 Jane Jetson â Penny Singleton. 3 Elroy Jetson â Daws Butler. 4 Judy Jetson â Janet Waldo. 5 Astro the Space Mutt/RUDI/Uniblab/Mac â Don Messick. 6 Rosie/Mrs. Spacely/Miss Galaxy â Jean Vander Pyl. 7 Cosmo Spacely â Mel Blanc. 8 Spencer Cogswell â Daws Butler."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"For the Tesla vehicular mode, see Tesla Model S. Spaceballs is a 1987 American science fiction parody film co-written, produced and directed by Mel Brooks. Starring Brooks, Bill Pullman, John Candy, and Rick Moranis, the film also features Daphne Zuniga, Dick Van Patten, and the voice of Joan Rivers. In addition to Brooks in a supporting role, the film also features Brooks regulars Dom DeLuise and Rudy De Luca in cameo appearances."
] |
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"do you need a physical to get medicare"
] | [
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"That being said, Medicare does not require the patient to actually visit the certifying physician or NPP, although that physician or NPP may require a visit. The plan of care must include, at a minimum, diagnoses, long-term treatment goals, and the type,quantity, duration and frequency of therapy services."
] | [
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"Medicare. Learn how Medicare works; Sign up for Medicare (Parts A and B) What do Medicare Parts A and B cost and cover? Prescription drug coverage (Part D) Medigap (Medicare Supplement) plans. What is a Medigap plan and why should I buy it? How much do Medigap plans cost and what do they cover? When can I sign up or switch plans? Medicare Advantage plans (Part C) New Medicare cards are coming; Get free unbiased Medicare counseling in your area; Need help paying for Medicare?"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"What You Need To Know About Medicare Gap Insurance. A lot of people still do not know what Medicare gap insurance is. To define it simply, Medicare gap insurance is designed to blanket medical costs that Medicare does not cover. There are 12 different kinds of standardized Medigap policies, and you can get this insurance from a private insurance company rather than from the federal government."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Medicare Open Enrollment is coming soon â do you need to make a change? As the days get shorter and the nights get cooler, you can already see the leaves starting to change. Like the changing leaves, the fall also brings your chance to make changes to your Medicare coverage. Thatâs because October 15 â December 7 is Medicare Open Enrollment. Itâs your chance to review your health care coverage and see if you need to make any changes for next year. Or, you may decide youâre happy with the plan you have now."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"If it's in check, I don't see why they'd not approve based on diabetes. The physical abilities test (at least the one I took) is two parts: aerobics and lifting. For both you wear a heart monitor. For the first part you go up and down a step stool to the tune of a metronome at various paces."
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"Through our Medicare Eligibility Verification tool, you can check Medicare eligibility in real time. Use this function by itself or as a complement to the solutionâs batch processing. This lets you get the answers you need, when you need them. eSolutions' Medicare Eligibility Verification also features real-time change reporting."
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"1 Patients covered by United One can expect a $35 copay, while those with CareFirst Blue Cross Blue Shield can expect a $25 copay. 2 For patients without health insurance, an annual physical typically costs $50-$200 or more. For patients without health insurance, walk-in clinics, a mainstay for corporations like CVS and Walmart, offer services at significantly cheaper costs. 2 Walmart's Get Well Stay Well visits, which include some preventive and routine health services such as cholesterol and blood pressure screenings, cost $65 or less."
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"A person can become a physical therapist after majoring in just about anything as an undergrad. What's important to do as an undergrad is to take all of the prerequisite courses you need to get into a physical therapy program."
] |
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"which is the lining of the uterus"
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"The condition, though non-cancerous, is sometimes associated with uterine cancer. Endometrial hyperplasia describes a condition in which the lining of the uterus, called the endometrium, becomes too thick. The condition itself is not cancerous; however, it sometimes can lead to uterine cancer."
] | [
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The endometrium is the inner epithelial layer, along with its mucous membrane, of the mammalian uterus. It has a basal layer and a functional layer; the functional layer thickens and then is sloughed during the menstrual cycle or estrous cycle. During pregnancy, the glands and blood vessels in the endometrium further increase in size and number. Vascular spaces fuse and become interconnected, forming the placenta, which supplies oxygen and nutrition to the embryo and fetus. The presence of commensal bacteria in the uterus and endometrium has been identified."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"NIH. This graphic shows the differing thicknesses in the uterine lining throughout one normal menstrual cycle. The answer is prostaglandins. These are the chemical signals girls' and women's bodies make and send to the uterus to tell it to contract, thus expelling the uterine lining at the end of the menstrual cycle."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The uterus, also commonly known as the womb, is a hollow muscular organ of the female reproductive system that is responsible for the development of the embryo and fetus during pregnancy.uperior to the body is a domed region known as the fundus of the uterus. The fallopian tubes extend laterally from the corners of the fundus. Three distinct tissue layers make up the walls of the uterus: 1 The perimetrium is the outermost layer that forms the external skin of the uterus."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"The uterus is located in the lower abdomen between the bladder and the rectum. The uterus is also called the womb. It is pear-shaped, and the lower, narrow end of the uterus is the cervix. When a woman is pregnant, the baby grows in the uterus until he or she is born. On each side of the uterus at the top are the fallopian tubes and ovaries."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"What is Implantation Bleeding? Implantation bleeding may occur after a fertilized egg, now called a blastocyte, has attached itself to the lining of the uterus. This process of attachment can cause irritation and movement to the lining, which may cause some bleeding from the uterus lining."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The endometrium is the inner epithelial layer, along with its mucous membrane, of the mammalian uterus. It has a basal layer and a functional layer; the functional layer thickens and then is sloughed during the menstrual cycle or estrous cycle. During pregnancy, the glands and blood vessels in the endometrium further increase in size and number."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Uterine polyps. Uterine polyps are growths attached to the inner wall of the uterus that extend into the uterine cavity. Overgrowth of cells in the lining of the uterus (endometrium) leads to the formation of uterine polyps, also known as endometrial polyps."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Inflammation of the lining of the womb (endometritis) can be caused by vaginal bacteria entering the womb (uterus) during childbirth and causing infection within six weeks of the birth (postpartum endometritis)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The endometrium is the inner epithelial layer, along with its mucous membrane, of the mammalian uterus. It has a basal layer and a functional layer; the functional layer thickens and then is sloughed during the menstrual cycle or estrous cycle. During pregnancy, the glands and blood vessels in the endometrium further increase in size and number."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The blood lining of the uterus gradually thickens during a woman's menstrual cycle in order to be prepared to receive the fertilized egg. This lining will shed during the ⦠menstrual period if no fertilized egg has implanted.Answered.he blood lining of the uterus gradually thickens during a woman's menstrual cycle in order to be prepared to receive the fertilized egg. This lining will shed during the ⦠menstrual period if no fertilized egg has implanted. Answered."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Some of the problems that can affect your uterus are: 1 Noncancerous growths in the uterus, called fibroids, which can cause pain and bleeding. 2 Endometriosis, a condition in which the tissue that forms the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus.3 Heavy bleeding each time you have your period or between periods.he uterus is also called the womb. It is pear-shaped, and the lower, narrow end of the uterus is the cervix. When a woman is pregnant, the baby grows in the uterus until he or she is born. On each side of the uterus at the top are the fallopian tubes and ovaries."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"Possible causes fall into the following three areas: 1 Uterine-related problems Growths or tumors of the uterus that are not cancer; these can be called uterine fibroids or polyps. Cancer of the uterus or cervix. 2 Hormone-related problems."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Causes of Period Problems. 1 Polyps â Disorders of the lining of the uterus such as polyps, or a thickened lining, can contribute to heavy bleeding and cramps. Enlargement of the uterus â This can occur naturally as the uterus is made up of muscle which is constantly contracting."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nFor instance, <<['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Employees who are eligible for FMLA leave who want to take leave to care for a child 18 years of age or older must jump through five hoops to qualify. 1 First, the child must meet the FMLA definition of a â\\x80\\x9cson or daughter.â\\x80\\x9d. 2 Second, the child 18 years of age or old must be â\\x80\\x9cincapable of self-care.â\\x80\\x9d.']>> to \"['', 'is there an age limit for fmla for child']\"",
"Uterine polyps are growths attached to the inner wall of the uterus that extend into the uterine cavity. Overgrowth of cells in the lining of the uterus (endometrium) leads to the formation of uterine polyps, also known as endometrial polyps."
"represent this text",
"Inflammation of the Uterus The uterus, often called the womb, is the most delicate organ of woman. It is liable to disorders of various kinds. Inflammation of this organ is common occurrence in women. It may be acute or chronic. When it affects the muscular coat and substance of the uterus, it is termed metritis. Endometritis may be confined to the lining membrane of the cervix or neck of the uterus or it may attack the lining membrane of the entire organ."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The normal size of the uterus is about that of a lemon. The uterus is divided into three parts. The great bulk of the uterus is composed of smooth muscle and forms a thick uterine wall. The inside of the uterus is lined with a glandular epithelium which is supported by the endometrial stroma."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Studies have found the following risk factors for. uterine cancer: ⢠Abnormal overgrowth of the endometrium. (endometrial hyperplasia): An abnormal increase in. the number of cells in the lining of the uterus is a. risk factor for uterine cancer. Hyperplasia is not. cancer, but sometimes it develops into cancer."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Endometrium and Cervix. The cervix is the lower part of the uterus that opens into the vagina. It is also called the neck of the uterus. The endometrium is the mucous membrane that lines the inside of the uterus (womb)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"The endometrium, a mucous membrane, is the innermost layer of tissue. It lines the uterine cavity and contains numerous glands, blood vessels and lymphatic spaces. The middle layer of tissue, the myometrium, is very firm and muscular and makes up most of the uterus. The endometrium, a mucous membrane, is the innermost layer of tissue. It lines the uterine cavity and contains numerous glands, blood vessels and lymphatic spaces. The outside layer is the peritoneum. This membrane secretes a blood-like fluid that partially covers the uterus."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"What Is Postpartum Bleeding? After childbirth the lining of the uterus is shed over 3 to 6 weeks in the form of vaginal bleeding called lochia. It will start out as a heavy flow, typically within a few hours of birth, which is bright red in color and may contain small clots (about the size of a grape)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The wall of the uterus is thick and has 3 layers: 1 endometrium â The inner layer that lines the uterus. 2 It is made up of glandular cells that produce secretions. 3 myometrium â The middle layer, which is made up mostly of smooth muscle."
"The wall of the uterus is thick and has 3 layers: 1 endometrium â The inner layer that lines the uterus. 2 myometrium â The middle layer, which is made up mostly of smooth muscle. 3 perimetrium â The outer serous layer that covers the body of the uterus and part of the cervix."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The endometrium-specific proteome. The endometrial mucosa lines the inner wall of the uterus and prevents adhesion between the opposed walls to maintain the patency of the uterine cavity. The endometrium in fertile women undergoes hormone-driven cyclic regeneration, coarsely divided into a menstrual, a proliferative and a secretory phase."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"By Mayo Clinic Staff. Uterine polyps are growths attached to the inner wall of the uterus that extend into the uterine cavity. Overgrowth of cells in the lining of the uterus (endometrium) leads to the formation of uterine polyps, also known as endometrial polyps."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Ovaries produce oestrogen (which helps control the menstrual cycle, eg. by causing the release of an egg, and repairs uterus lining) and also produces progesterone (which thickens the lining of the uterus)."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The upper part of the uterus is called the corpus; the lower, narrower part of the uterus is called the cervix. The cervix is the opening between the uterus and the vagina. The outer layer of the uterus is called the myometrium. The myometrium is thick and composed of strong muscles."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Endometriosis is a condition in. which cells from the lining of the. uterus (womb) grow in places outside. the uterus. During your period, these cells may. grow and break down in the same. way as those in the lining of the. uterus."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"[edit on Wikidata] The endometrium is the inner epithelial layer, along with its mucous membrane, of the mammalian uterus. It has a basal layer and a functional layer; the functional layer thickens and then is sloughed during the menstrual cycle or estrous cycle. During pregnancy, the glands and blood vessels in the endometrium further increase in size and number. Vascular spaces fuse and become interconnected, forming the placenta, which supplies oxygen and nutrition to the embryo and fetus. The presence of comme"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The uterus (from Latin uterus, plural uteri) or womb is a major female hormone-responsive reproductive sex organ of most mammals, including humans.One end, the cervix, opens into the vagina, while the other is connected to one or both fallopian tubes, depending on the species.n cases where the uterus is tipped, also known as retroverted uterus, women may have symptoms of pain during sexual intercourse, pelvic pain during menstruation, minor incontinence, urinary tract infections, fertility difficulties, and difficulty using tampons."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Your uterus is an important part of your reproductive system, mainly because of what it contains inside of it. Your uterus contains various special linings that help you both to menstruate and nourish your baby."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Implantation bleeding may occur after a fertilized egg, now called a blastocyte, has attached itself to the lining of the uterus. This process of attachment can cause irritation and movement to the lining, which may cause some bleeding from the uterus lining."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The uterus, also commonly known as the womb, is a hollow muscular organ of the female reproductive system that is responsible for the development of the embryo and fetus during pregnancy. Inside the myometrium is the endometrium layer that borders the hollow lumen of the uterus. 2 The endometrium is made of simple columnar epithelial tissue with many associated exocrine glands and a highly vascular connective tissue that provides support to the developing embryo and fetus during pregnancy."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nFor instance, <<['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Merrillville ( /mÉ\\x9brÉ\\x99lvɪl/) is a town in Ross Township, Lake County, Indiana, United States. The population was 35,246 at the 2010 census. Merrillville is located in the east-central portion of Lake County. Merrillville is located at 41°29â\\x80²08â\\x80³N 87°20â\\x80²07â\\x80³W / 41.485669°N 87.335390°W / 41.485669; -87.335390.']>> to \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'where is merrillville indiana']\"",
"The thick wall of the uterus is formed of three layers: endometrium, myometrium, and serosa. The endometrium (uterine mucosa) is the innermost layer that lines the cavity of the uterus."
] |
"Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results",
"what is an ogg file format"
] | [
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it.\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'If another suitable opportunity does not exist, a foster family may choose to seek permanence either by adoption or legal guardianship. Guardianship, as opposed to foster care, is a more permanent solution and is typically used for cases involving relative caregivers. Kinship care is usually preferred over foster care so that a child is able to maintain relationships with extended family in a safe and familiar environment. If a reunion with birth parents is ruled out, a guardian assumes legal and financial duty until the child reaches the age of 18.']\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'is foster care legal custody']\"",
"The OGG file format is frequently used to create and distribute music and movie files. While the OGG file format is somewhat similar in nature to the MP3, VQF and AAC formats, unlike these formats the OGG file format is free and unpatented. Final Media PlayerVerifiedProgram has been verified by file.org to work with OGG files."
] | [
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Online music converter. With this free online OGG converter you can convert to OGG from a variety of audio source formats. Just upload your file and the OGG conversion process starts immediately. You can also upload a video to extract the audio track to the OGG format.1 Upload your audio you want to convert to OGG: 2 Or enter URL of the file you want to convert to OGG: (e.g. http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/videos/wise/20120608/wise20120608-1280.m4v). 3 Or select a file from your cloud storage for a OGG conversion: Upload your audio you want to convert to OGG: 2 Or enter URL of the file you want to convert to OGG: (e.g. http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/videos/wise/20120608/wise20120608-1280.m4v). 3 Or select a file from your cloud storage for a OGG conversion:"
"JPG, PNG, and OGG are the kinds of files used on the Encyclopedia. Wikipedia's instructions for using images is useful in learning what to do with images once you've uploaded them. In order to add an image to a page, find the name of the image, click the button and you get this. . Replace. with the name of your image. ==== Media link button: ==== Used for sound files, the rules are the same as with the image button."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n------\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', \"Hillary Clinton's IQ is 140. Hillary Clinton's IQ is 140, Is Hillary Clinton's IQ actually 140?I have seen this claim many times on the internet, but nobody offers any proof. I have spent a lot of time looking for some type of proof, but I can't find any. Please give me a link to a legitamite source to prove your case.\"]\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', \"what is hillary clinton's iq\"]\"",
"DWG (drawing) is an AutoCAD (Computer Aided Design) file format used for storing two and three dimensional design data and metadata. It is one of the most commonly used design data formats, which is also supported by IntelliCAD and all its variants, PowerCAD, and several other software applications."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Step 1: Free download this Ogg player (5kplayer) on this page, and then install it. Step 2: Launch 5KPlayer. You have three ways to enable this Ogg player to play Ogg files: 1 Click Music on the main interface to add Ogg file. Drag & Drop Ogg file from your local folder towards the icon of this Ogg player."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"ADG file is an Albatross Design Group 3D Scene. ADG File Format is a unique format for creation, delivery, viewing and controlling of 3D objects in multi-user environment on the Internet."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"How to play OGG files. This guide shows methods to play OGG audio files (with a .ogg extension) in a variety of media players, including adding support to Windows Media Player (WMP) and other DirectShow-based players. It also shows how to add support for informative tags embedded in some OGG container files."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"1 Ogg (Speex Profile) SPX has traditionally been used for Speex files within Ogg and should be considered for backwards-compatibility. 2 This association is classified as Audio. 3 The Mime types used with this association are: audio/ogg."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Other applications associated with file type SPX: 1 Ogg (Speex Profile) SPX has traditionally been used for Speex files within Ogg and should be considered for backwards-compatibility. 2 This association is classified as Audio. 3 The Mime types used with this association are: audio/ogg."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Dual Independent Map Encoding (DIME) â A historic GIS file format, developed in the 1960s Geographic Data Files (GDF) â An interchange file format for geographic data GeoPackage (GPKG) â An standards-based open format based on the SQLite database format for both vector and raster data"
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"With this free online OGG converter you can convert to OGG from a variety of audio source formats. Just upload your file and the OGG conversion process starts immediately. You can also upload a video to extract the audio track to the OGG format. ogg converter. Upload your audio you want to convert to OGG:"
"represent this\nFor example, ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'The average wedding in Canada has about 120-130 people with an average of 150-200$ a head; cutting down this list alone could help you save thousands of dollars.champagnesweets.com.hough budget, has become a conscious and growing concern amongst most people; the average cost of a wedding in Canada has increased by 8 percent in 2013 alone.'] should be similar to ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'cost of average wedding in canada']",
"Step 1: Free download this Ogg player (5kplayer) on this page, and then install it. Step 2: Launch 5KPlayer. You have three ways to enable this Ogg player to play Ogg files: Click Music on the main interface to add Ogg file."
"Represent this text",
"You can convert any audio format to Ogg Vorbis. However, converting from one lossy format, like MP3, to another lossy format, like Vorbis, is generally a bad idea. Both MP3 and Vorbis encoders achieve high compression ratios by throwing away parts of the audio waveform that you probably won't hear."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n------\n\nE.g.:\n['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Descripcion DESCRIPCIóN EN. Espanol Español Goya sazonador total has all the ingredients you need to season, your food all in. One Product Goya (sazonador total) complete seasoning contains the most aromatic spices with the most flavor to make your dishes. super specialescripcion DESCRIPCIóN EN. Espanol Español Goya sazonador total has all the ingredients you need to season, your food all in. One Product Goya (sazonador total) complete seasoning contains the most aromatic spices with the most flavor to make your dishes. super special'] == ['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is sazonador seasoning']",
"JPG files, also known as JPEG files, are a common file format for digital photos and other digital graphics, using a lossy compression. JPG files, also known as JPEG files, are a common file format for digital photos and other digital graphics, using a lossy compression. JPG Files: What They Are and When to Use Them Search the site GO"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"FileZigZag is a free online file converter that can convert MIDI files to MP3, WAV, AAC, FLAC, OGG, WMA, and several other audio formats. Other tools can be used to convert MIDI files too, which you can see in this list of Free Audio Converter Software Programs."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"W3c vector graphics image file format. SVG is a file extension for a vector graphics image file format created by the W3C to describe such images by mathematical equations. SVG uses XML (Extensible Markup Language). Some existing variants of SVG in use are SVG 1.0, SVG 1.1 and SVG Tiny 1.2), SVG Tiny (SVGT) and SVG Basic (SVGB)."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'GLOSSARY LIST OF COMMONLY USED TERMS. 1 Allowable Charge: The amount a benefit plan determines to be a reasonable charge for a service. 2 Ambulatory Surgery: Surgery performed on an outpatient basis where the patient goes home the same day of the surgery.']\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'benefit terms glossary']\"",
"As McRoger already pointed out VLC plays ogg-files. But as stated at http://www.vorbis.com/setup_osx/ there's also. a QuickTime component available that allows iTunes to play ogg vorbis files. It's called [Ogg Drop|http://www.nouturn.com/oggdrop> (click the link)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"ISO and IMG are both archival formats. Each file contains a copy of the contents of the original disc the archive was made from, plus information about the file structure of the disc. They are designed to make archiving the disc easier and make creating an exact duplicate copy easier."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"DWG (drawing) is an AutoCAD (Computer Aided Design) file format used for storing two and three dimensional design data and metadata. It is one of the most commonly used design data formats, which is also supported by IntelliCAD and all its variants, PowerCAD, and several other software applications. DWG was originally developed in the late 1970s by Mike Riddle and licensed in 1982 by Autodesk."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The SEG Y (sometimes SEG-Y) file format is one of several standards developed by the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) for storing geophysical data. It is an open standard, and is controlled by the SEG Technical Standards Committee, a non-profit organization."
"Here is the list of 21 Best Free SVG Viewer Software For Windows. SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) file is a vector image format file, which is developed in XML (Extensible Markup Language). It means SVG file can be viewed or edited in text editor and image/drawing software. This article contains 17 software and 4 popular web browsers which can let you view SVG image file."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is an XML-based vector image format for two-dimensional graphics with support for interactivity and animation. The SVG specification is an open standard developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) since 1999. SVG images and their behaviors are defined in XML text files."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Repeat for each Graph Window of interest and for each Project file. You can open these OGG files into any Project by using File:Open and selecting OGG from the Files of Type drop-down list. Now that the windows are in one project, you can merge your graphs onto one page by select Graph:Merge Graph Windows."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"JPEG and GIF are lossy image formats. Audio: WAV, FLAC, and ALAC (Apple Lossless Audio Codec, used by iTunes) are all lossless audio formats. MP3, MP4, and OGG are lossy audio formats. Video: Few lossless video formats are in common consumer use, as they would result in video files taking up a huge amount of space."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"What is IMG file format? The IMG file format is one of the following files: 1.A CD or DVD image file, essentially equivalent to an ISO file. On such a file, simply changing the extension from IMG to ISO can make it usable as the latter by most programs. 2.An archive format used for creating a disk image of floppy disks and HDDs."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n------\nFor instance, <<['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Based on the given excerpt above from Banaras Hindu University Speech by Ghandi, the purpose of using hypophora in this excerpt is that he wants to compel the audience to think about the actions of anarchists. The answer to this would be the first option. Hope this helps.']>> to \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', \"what is the purpose of gandhi's use of hypophora in this excerpt from his banaras hindu university speech?\"]\"",
"OBJ (or .OBJ) is a geometry definition file format first developed by Wavefront Technologies for its Advanced Visualizer animation package.The file format is open and has been adopted by other 3D graphics application vendors. For the most part it is a universally accepted format.TL files are commonly accompanied by and referenced from OBJ files that define geometry upon which the materials of the MTL file are mapped. The MTL format, although still widely used, is outdated and does not fully support later technologies such as specular maps and parallax maps."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"About the file extension ogv. Our goal is to help you understand what a file with a *.ogv suffix is and how to open it. The Ogg Video file type, file format description, and Mac, Windows, Linux, and iOS programs listed on this page have been individually researched and verified by the FileInfo team. We strive for 100% accuracy and do not publish any information we have not been able to verify."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Other formats. 1 Dual Independent Map Encoding (DIME) â A historic GIS file format, developed in the 1960s. 2 Geographic Data Files (GDF) â An interchange file format for geographic data. 3 GeoPackage (GPKG) â An standards-based open format based on the SQLite database format for both vector and raster data."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"An Ogive (cumulative frequency graph) is a graph that represents the cumulative frequencies of the classes in a frequency distribution. It shows the data below or above a particular value."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"With this free online OGG converter you can convert to OGG from a variety of audio source formats. Just upload your file and the OGG conversion process starts immediately. You can also upload a video to extract the audio track to the OGG format. Your file is currently uploading."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Line 1 tells the browser that a video is to be inserted and to give it default controls. Line 2 offers an Ogg Theora video and uses the type attribute to tell the browser what kind of container format is used (by giving the fileâs MIME type) and what codec was used for the encoding of the video and the audio stream."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"Image file formats are standardized means of organizing and storing digital images. Image files are composed of digital data in one of these formats that can be rasterized for use on a computer display or printer. An image file format may store data in uncompressed, compressed, or vector formats.GM (Computer Graphics Metafile) is a file format for 2D vector graphics, raster graphics, and text, and is defined by ISO/IEC 8632. All graphical elements can be specified in a textual source file that can be compiled into a binary file or one of two text representations."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"1 Upload your audio you want to convert to OGG: 2 Or enter URL of the file you want to convert to OGG: (e.g. http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/videos/wise/20120608/wise20120608-1280.m4v). 3 Or select a file from your cloud storage for a OGG conversion: Upload your audio you want to convert to OGG: 2 Or enter URL of the file you want to convert to OGG: (e.g. http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/videos/wise/20120608/wise20120608-1280.m4v). 3 Or select a file from your cloud storage for a OGG conversion:"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Computer Science. JPG files, also known as JPEGs, are a common file format used primarily for digital photographs and other complex still images. JPG is pronounced jay-peg and stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group, the committee that created the file type."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"1 If the .ogg file for the music disk 11 is turned into a spectrogram in an audio editor, the static at the end displays what seems to be the main character's face and the numbers 12418. 2 The data values used by music discs range from 2256 - 2267, while all other blocks/items use the first free data value available."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Batch Convert with WavePad Sound Editor, Edit with WavePad Sound Editor, Batch Convert with WavePad Sound Editor, Edit with WavePad Sound Editor. Low. In the following table, you can find a list of file types information that is associated with .ogg extension."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Click to expand... Its a lossless format like .WAV, but is non-proprietary. Its also slightly compressed, so its smaller than .WAV, but doesn't lose its quality. As for the OP, you already know the answer for .OGG. But .FLAC isn't quite as straightforward. It can play them, but not natively. The only media player that I know of that can play .FLAC is Meridian (its free)."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"OGV files are also associated with Theora Ogg Transport Stream Video File (Xiph.Org Foundation) and FileViewPro. Additional types of files may also be using the OGV file extension. If you are aware of any other file formats using the OGV file extension, please contact us so that we can update our information accordingly."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nFor example, ['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!', \"New Alexia Smart Classics are roasted - never fried - and are available in three varieties: straight-cut fries, crinkle-cut fries and skillet-style, tri-cut potatoes. With Alexia's new Smart Classics Fries and Potatoes, consumers can now enjoy 98 percent fat-free fries with 100 calories per serving, straight out of their oven. (PRNewsFoto/Alexia Foods) Facebook Twitter Pinterest.\"] should be similar to ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'can i fry alexia smart classics']",
"For other uses, see SVG (disambiguation). Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is an XML-based vector image format for two-dimensional graphics with support for interactivity and animation. The SVG specification is an open standard developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) since 1999. SVG images and their behaviors are defined in XML text files."
"5KPlayer is a free Ogg player which not only supports the Ogg multimedia container, but also supports the Vorbis, Themora and Speex formats, which means it is able to play the vast majority of Ogg files once you have installed on your PC or Mac."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"JPG files, also known as JPEGs, are a common file format used primarily for digital photographs and other complex still images. JPG is pronounced jay-peg and stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group, the committee that created the file type. JPG files have the file extension .jpg or .jpeg and are, in fact also called JPEGs. They are the most common file type for images taken with digital cameras and are widely used for photos and other graphics used on websites."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n------\nFewshot example: \"['', \"The Earth is a watery place. But just how much water exists on, in, and above our planet? About 71 percent of the Earth's surface is water-covered, and the oceans hold about 96.5 percent of all Earth's water. Water also exists in the air as water vapor, in rivers and lakes, in icecaps and glaciers, in the ground as soil moisture and in aquifers, and even in you and your dog. Water is never sitting still.\"]\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results!', \"about what percent of earth's water can be found in the oceans\"]\"",
"While this article takes you through the steps if converting ESRI shapefiles to KML, the GDAL utilties, in particular OGR, can be used to convert from a wide variety of file types, including CSV, PostGRES/PostGIS databases, and a variety of other formats. Most major data formats you'll encounter are supported."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is an XML-based vector image format for two-dimensional graphics with support for interactivity and animation. The SVG specification is an open standard developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) since 1999.SVG images and their behaviors are defined in XML text files.VG was developed by the W3C SVG Working Group starting in 1998, after Macromedia and Microsoft introduced VML whereas Adobe Systems and Sun Microsystems submitted a competing format known as PGML. The working group was chaired by Chris Lilley of the W3C. 1 SVG 1.0 became a W3C Recommendation on 4 September 2001."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Music File Formats explained (WMA, AAC, MP3, OGG, FLAC). As this is a site about music and video dowloads, how about an article about the actual file formats of these downloads. So in no particular format:-."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Thankfully, there is an alternative that can be played on all computers without restriction â Ogg. With Ogg, professional grade multimedia formats such as Vorbis, Theora, Speex and FLAC come to life! Vorbis and Theora are used extensively by free software projects, artists and a growing number of music and video distributors."
"Online music converter. With this free online OGG converter you can convert to OGG from a variety of audio source formats. Just upload your file and the OGG conversion process starts immediately. You can also upload a video to extract the audio track to the OGG format. ogg converter. 1 Upload your audio you want to convert to OGG: 2 Or enter URL of the file you want to convert to OGG: (e.g. http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/videos/wise/20120608/wise20120608-1280.m4v) Or select a file from your cloud storage for a OGG conversion:"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The OBJ file format is a simple data-format that represents 3D geometry alone â namely, the position of each vertex, the UV position of each texture coordinate vertex, vertex normals, and the faces that make each polygon defined as a list of vertices, and texture vertices."
"Represent the next text",
".ogg Extension - List of programs that can open .ogg files. In the following table, you can find a list of programs that can open files with .ogg extension.This list is created by collecting extension information reported by users through the 'send report' option of FileTypesMan utility."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Configuration file. CFG is a configuration file format used for storing settings. CFG files are created by many programs to store information and settings that differ from the factory defaults.CFG files usually appear as text documents, and can be opened by word processors though it is not recommended.he editing or deletion of a .CFG file outside of the program it was created by will affect the settings in the program and how it runs. If one wishes to set a program back to the factory settings, however, moving or deleting the .CFG files will do so."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The OBJ file format is a simple data-format that represents 3D geometry alone â namely, the position of each vertex, the UV position of each texture coordinate vertex, vertex normals, and the faces that make each polygon defined as a list of vertices, and texture vertices.TL files are commonly accompanied by and referenced from OBJ files that define geometry upon which the materials of the MTL file are mapped. The MTL format, although still widely used, is outdated and does not fully support later technologies such as specular maps and parallax maps."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"Step 1) Find your music files you wish to add as background music. Check the file type: if they are .ogg files, perfect, skip to step 3! If not, thereâs the extra step of converting them. Step 2) Converting your files to .ogg can be done in a few different ways."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Perhaps you will also need to use the IP of another country, if geo-restriction alerts continue to appear. In this case your main solutions may be a smart-DNS service or a specialist VPN to unblock Spotify. In reality, itâs not worth the bother. Youâll eventually end up with a 160kbps OGG file."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"DWG (from drawing) is a proprietary binary file format used for storing two- and three- dimensional design data and metadata. It is the native format for several CAD packages including DraftSight, AutoCAD, IntelliCAD (and its variants), Caddie and Open Design Alliance compliant applications."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"Click Save The File and enter the name for your file. Files are saved in OGG format. If your media player does not support it, you can convert it to MP3. This composition contains sounds from the following sources: 1 By dobroide. 2 20100627.creek.wav. 3 By Erdie. 4 thunderstorm2.flac. 5 By RHumphries. 6 rbh rain 01.wav."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The easiest general solution is to convert the OGG file to WAV before importing it into Audacity. You can convert from OGG to WAV in SuperPlayer for Windows, FFMPEGX on a Mac, or mplayer on Linux.lternatively, iTunes users can add OGG support to iTunes by installing the OGG codecs for QuickTime. You can then convert the OGG to WAV or AIFF by right-clicking or control-clicking over the file in iTunes and using the Convert to option on the context menu."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"W3c vector graphics image file format. SVG is a file extension for a vector graphics image file format created by the W3C to describe such images by mathematical equations.SVG uses XML (Extensible Markup Language). Some existing variants of SVG in use are SVG 1.0, SVG 1.1 and SVG Tiny 1.2), SVG Tiny (SVGT) and SVG Basic (SVGB).VG is a file extension for a vector graphics image file format created by the W3C to describe such images by mathematical equations."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"Freemake Audio Converter is a free tool that letâs you convert almost all non-protected audio files into: MP3, OGG, WMA, FLAC, OGG, AAC and other format. It also accepts most popular video formats in case you need to extract audio from video. The software has a number of ready presets as well as custom mode to edit bitrate, sample rate and channel. Besides that Freemake Audio Converter can convert files in a batch and/or join them in a one long track. Unfortunately, there are no more additional options."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics. The files that contain the .svg file extension store two-dimensional graphics. The SVG file format is based on the XML markup language.This means that even though the file contains an image, the file itself is actually stored in a text-based file format. The SVG file format was created by the World Wide Web Consortium as a standard way to display vector graphics on the Internet.Files with the .svg extension are often created in Adobe Creative Suite applications, but are not solely reserved for the Adobe programs.he files that contain the .svg file extension store two-dimensional graphics. The SVG file format is based on the XML markup language."
".dwg. DWG (from drawing) is a proprietary[2] binary file format used for storing two- and three- dimensional design data and metadata. It is the native format for several CAD packages including DraftSight, AutoCAD, IntelliCAD (and its variants), Caddie and Open Design Alliance compliant applications."
"Represent this",
"An Ogive (cumulative frequency graph) is a graph that represents the cumulative frequencies of the classes in a frequency distribution. It shows the data below or above a particular value. The two types of Ogives are less than Ogive and greater than or more than Ogive."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers For instance, <<['Represent the input', \"A professional limited liability company, or PLLC, is a type of limited liability company that is owned and operated by members of the same profession and can only offer services related to its profession. Lawyers, for example, would be the members of a law firm structured as a PLLC, and a lawyer's PLLC can only offer legal services. Some states require that any lawyers who operate a legal business must form a PLLC.\"]>> to <<['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'define pllc']>>",
"JPG files, also known as JPEG files, are a common file format for digital photos and other digital graphics, using a lossy compression."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"IMG (file format) This article is about a raw disk image file format with .img filename extension. For Apple Inc.'s disk images using the .img filename extension, see Apple Disk Image. For disk images based on the ISO 9660 file system, see ISO image. For the GPS device map format, see Garmin .img."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"An ArcPad Graphics layer (filename.APG) is a vector file format written in XML. The XML tags used by the ArcPad Graphics layer are described in the ArcPad Studio Help. The ArcPad Data Manager for ArcGIS Desktop includes tools for exporting ArcGIS graphic elements to ArcPad graphics layers, and vice versa."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The JPEG file format is a compressed format, with some loss of quality during compression. It is a popular web format due to the generally smaller size of files compared to other formats. File extensions are .jpg, .jpeg, and .jpe. It's a file extension for graphic files with the certain method of compression. Usually jpg files take less disk space then, for instance, tiff files. The extension JPG refers to JPEG files. The E is omitted to fit it into the (deprecated) 8.3 file name notation. JPEG stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group, the name of the committee that created the image standard."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"4.The IMG file format, also known as GEM IMG, is an image file format used to store bitmap digital images on Graphical Environment Manager. 5.A graphics image format used in various ways by many different graphics software packages. IMG files are used for:"
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"CFG is a configuration file format used for storing settings. CFG files are created by many programs to store information and settings that differ from the factory defaults. CFG files usually appear as text documents, and can be opened by word processors though it is not recommended."
] |
"Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"what is an npt thread"
] | [
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"NPT is defined by ANSI/ASME standard B1.20.1. Nominal Pipe Size is loosely related to the inside diameter of Schedule 40 pipe. Because of the pipe wall thickness, the actual diameter of the threads is larger than the NPS, considerably so for small NPS."
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"vs. MedSphere OpenVista. Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) is a medical code set that is used to report medical, surgical, and diagnostic procedures and services to entities such as physicians, health insurance companies and accreditation organizations."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"There are also three less common thread types used in the plumbing industry. The Garden Hose Thread (GHT) and the Fire Hose Thread (NST) have coarse threads. The seal is made with a gasket or washer and are used mainly for attaching (joining) hoses to valves quickly, without the use of a wrench."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Search form. Pacesetters Program. NCWIT Pacesetters is a unique, fast-track program in which committed corporate, entrepreneurial, and academic leaders work across organizational boundaries to accelerate change that improves the meaningful participation of technical women, both within their own organizations and nationally."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"(Learn how and when to remove these template messages) Netscape Plugin Application Programming Interface (NPAPI) is an application programming interface (API) that allows plug-ins (more specifically, browser extensions) to be developed for web browsers. It was first developed for Netscape browsers, starting in 1995 with Netscape Navigator 2.0, but was subsequently adopted by other browsers."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Additional sealing aids such as pipe dope and Teflon tape are often used with theses threads. If the male has a 30 seat it will mate with the 30 cone seat in the NPSM straight thread swivel female, usually found on adapters, and is mechanically held together by the threads. NPTF and NPSM are not interchangeable with the British pipe threads. Click here for a guide on how to properly measure threads. Click here for a printable, actual size pipe fitting profiles. You will need to have Adobe Reader to view and print the file."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"PIPE / PIPE THREAD DIMENSIONS Nominal Pipe sizes do not match any of its actual physical dimensions The OD of pipe / fitting must be measured & compared to the table for identificationFor example, a 3/4 NPT pipe thread has an outside diameter of 1.050 inches and 14 threads per inch.IPE / PIPE THREAD DIMENSIONS Nominal Pipe sizes do not match any of its actual physical dimensions The OD of pipe / fitting must be measured & compared to the table for identificationFor example, a 3/4 NPT pipe thread has an outside diameter of 1.050 inches and 14 threads per inch."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Thread Gages. Advantages of Balax Thread Gages; ANSI Thread Gages; Metric Thread Gages; ANSI pre-plate Thread Gages; Metric pre-plate Thread Gages; ANSI STI Thread Gages; Metric STI Thread Gages; ANSI Miniature Thread Gages; Metric Miniature (UNM) Thread Gages; NPT Thread Gages; Tapping Oil. Bal-Tap-S Tapping Fluid; Technical Information. Thredfloer Material Application Data"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"netdiag is a powerful, network-testing utility that performs a variety of network diagnostic tests that can help you to pinpoint a networking problem. The output listing below shows the output from a typical execution of the Netdiag command."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Male connections can be provided with NPT, BSPT, or other thread styles, in sizes from 1 / 8 through 1 / 2 .A high-pressure, 9 / 16 LHT Autoclave connection is also available. The mountinglocation indicates where the connection protrudes from the case."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The National Clinical Terminology Service (NCTS), operated by the Australian Digital Health Agency, is responsible for managing, developing and distributing national clinical terminologies and related tools and services to support the digital health requirements of the Australian healthcare community."
"Hello! I have some problem with the different between pipe thread of PT, NPT, FPT. I used to supply aome air valve with port size from 1/4NPTF to 1/2. NPTF. Because a customer if require NPTF thread then he /she will states NPTF."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"MedSphere OpenVista. Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) is a medical code set that is used to report medical, surgical, and diagnostic procedures and services to entities such as physicians, health insurance companies and accreditation organizations."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"275 - 330 Gallon IBC Tote Tank DRAIN ADAPTER 2 Coarse Thread x 2 NPT Male Pipe Thread, converts your coarse tank drain thread which is actually 60MM or 2.36 to the fine National Pipe Thread which i..."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Dimension: 42.000 mm Length. Crouse-Hinds Cable gland is made of nickel-plated brass for superior corrosion resistance. Cable provides a flameproof and weatherproof seal on the outer sheath of the cable. It has a thread length of 20.2 mm NPT and entry thread size of 1/2 Inch NPT."
"Represent this text:",
"NPH insulin, also known as isophane insulin (INN) and by various trade names, is an intermediate-acting insulin given to help control the blood sugar level of people with diabetes. It is a neutral-pH suspension of crystalline zinc insulin combined with positively charged protamine (a fish protein)."
] |
"Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.",
"does s corporation file florida return"
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Florida S Corporations and tax-exempt organizations are generally not required to file a Florida corporate income tax return if they do not have federal taxable income. If they have federal taxable income, however, they are then required to file a Florida corporate income tax return and pay any tax due."
] | [
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"If you chose to file as a C corporation, you must file Form 1120, US Corporate Income Tax Return, by March 15. If you opted to be taxed as an S corporation, you must file Form 1120S, US Income Tax Return for an S Corporation, by March 15."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Florida corporations are subject to Floridaâs corporate income tax. There are two different methods to compute this tax, and the corporation is required to use whichever method results in the higher tax. For 2012, the first $25,000 of income is exempt. Starting January 1, 2013, the first $50,000 of income is exempt."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Extending Due Date. Both C and S corporations can obtain an automatic six-month extension of time to file tax returns. To obtain this extension, Form 7004 must be filed, either electronically or by mail, with the Internal Revenue Service by the original tax return deadline."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nFewshot example: \"['Represent the following document', 'Sponsored Topics. Levittown is a census-designated place (CDP) and planned community in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, United States, within the Philadelphia metropolitan area. The population was 52,983 at the 2010 census. It is 40 feet (12 m) above sea level.']\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what borough is levittown in']\"",
"If your company (or your client's company) provides one of the above-listed taxable services, then the company MUST file a Form DR-1 to register with the Florida Department of Revenue to collect and remit sales tax."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"How to File Your Taxes in Florida. Florida, the sunshine state, the income tax free state! Floridians are not required to pay state income taxes on personal income. Florida residents are still required to file a federal income tax return by April 18. Another thing to keep in mind is that corporations, business and non-profit organizations are required to pay certain taxes."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Florida Limited Liability Company or LLC Forms. ***Do not use for corporations. Corporations are not Limited Liability Companies or LLC's.***. Note: Please make ALL checks payable to the Florida Department of State.Shown below are forms to assist you in filing with the Division of Corporations.**Do not use for corporations. Corporations are not Limited Liability Companies or LLC's.***. Note: Please make ALL checks payable to the Florida Department of State."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Florida estate tax replaced the inheritance tax for decedents who died on or after Jan. 1, 1980. A Florida Estate Tax Return (DR 1210) must be filed if a United States Estate (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return (federal form 706, or 706NA for a nonresident alien decedent) is required to be filed."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Electronic filing for Florida Corporate Income Tax is accomplished by filing the Florida Corporate Income / Franchise and Emergency Excise Tax Return (Form F-1120) through the IRS's 1120 Federal/State Electronic Filing Program using approved software."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"If you do not file or extend the S corporation's return by March 15, it may owe a penalty of 5% of the unpaid tax for each month the return is late, up to a maximum of 25% of the unpaid tax."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Florida Specific Filing Requirements: 1 Florida maintains a Division of Corporations, and any Limited Liability Company looking to do business in Florida must register their name with the DoC. 2 Some form of 'Limited Liability Company' must be included in the business's name.3 This can be abbreviated to L.L.C or L.C. Florida maintains a Division of Corporations, and any Limited Liability Company looking to do business in Florida must register their name with the DoC. 2 Some form of 'Limited Liability Company' must be included in the business's name. 3 This can be abbreviated to L.L.C or L.C."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Foreign Limited Liability Company or LLC Forms. ***Do not use for corporations. Corporations are not Limited Liability Companies or LLC's.***. Note: Please make ALL checks payable to the Florida Department of State. Shown below are forms to assist you in filing with the Division of Corporations.orporations are not Limited Liability Companies or LLC's.***. Note: Please make ALL checks payable to the Florida Department of State. Shown below are forms to assist you in filing with the Division of Corporations."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nTo give you a sense - \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"The alligator's upper jaw is wider than its lower jaw, and the teeth in the lower jaw fit into small depressions in the upper jaw.The upper and lower jaws of the crocodiles are the same width, and teeth in the lower jaw fall along the edge or outside the upper jaw when the mouth is closed.When the crocodile's mouth is closed, the large fourth tooth in the lower jaw fits into a constriction in the upper jaw.he alligator's upper jaw is wider than its lower jaw, and the teeth in the lower jaw fit into small depressions in the upper jaw.\"]\" should be close to \"[\"a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results\\n\\nFor instance you may be given 'what size post is used for the typical barbed wire fence?' and it should match with 'Post diameter depends on the strength of the fence. Gerrish says the lightest-duty fence, such as a 1- or 2-wire, high-tensile pasture subdivision fence, only requires a 4- to 5-inch-diameter post. A 5-strand barbed wire fence, or 5- or 6-strand high-tensile fence, requires a 6- to 7-inch-diameter post. For net wire fences, Gerrish recommends an 8-inch-diameter post. Keeping corner posts in the ground is Derynckâ\\x80\\x99s chief concern.' but not with 'Alternatively you can use an auger to speed up the process of digging the fence post holes. Make sure you make the holes sufficiently wide enough for the posts, e.g. approximately 8-10 inches in diameter. After digging a fence post hole, set a post into the center of it and use a 4 to 6 foot level to plumb the pole. Also make sure it is in line with the other fence posts. Using a string line along the length of the staked out fence line is helpful in positioning each fence post.'.\", 'what is the difference between a alligator and a crocodile']\"",
"The loopholes are so gaping that an estimated 1.3-million businesses in Florida are not even required to file a corporate income tax return, much less pay the tax. And almost 90 percent of the businesses that do file returns pay nothing."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"1 Second, be sure to incorporate a FL S- Corp business as a corporation in the state where the majority of the business will take place. Third, review the required qualifications listed above to be 100 percent sure that your company meets the eligibility criteria for registering as an S Corporation."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Florida State Tax Extension. The state of Florida does not have an income tax and hence there is no need of any extension as far as individual income tax is concerned. However, there is an extension of form available for corporate businesses in Florida. Form F-7004 must be filed with payment of tax by the original due date of the Florida return."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Florida Sales Tax: Florida sales tax rate is 6%. Florida State Tax: Florida does not have a state income tax. Florida Corporate Income Tax: Corporations that do business and earn income in Florida must file a corporate income tax return (unless they are exempt). Florida Property Tax: Florida Property Tax is based on market value as of January 1st that year."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Welcome to the Florida Corporate Income Tax (CIT) internet site, where you can file the Florida Corporate Extension of Time (F-7004), Florida Corporate Short Form Income Tax Return (F-1120A), or make payments for the Florida Corporate Income Tax Returns (F-1120 or F-1120A), Florida Corporate Extension of Time (F-7004) and the Florida Corporate ..."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Floridians are not required to pay state income taxes on personal income. Florida residents are still required to file a federal income tax return by April 18. Another thing to keep in mind is that corporations, business and non-profit organizations are required to pay certain taxes."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"The amount of taxes a corporation owes is based on the federal taxable income, with any modifications from Florida adjustments and deductions. To file a corporate income tax return, file form F-1120 (Florida Corporate Income/Franchise and Excise Tax Return)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"If the S corporation is unable to file by March 15, it can obtain an automatic six-month extension of time to file by filing IRS Form 7004. The shareholders who pay tax on the corporate income are subject to the same deadlines the IRS imposes on individual taxpayers, which in most cases is April 15 every year."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"S Corporation 1120S Return Due Date. Generally, an S corporation must file Form 1120S by the 15th day of the 3rd month after the end of its tax year. For calendar year corporations, the due date is March 15, 2017. A corporation that has dissolved must generally file by the 15th day of the 3rd month after the date it dissolved."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Florida is like most states in that it has a corporate income tax, but unlike many states in that it does not have any franchise or privilege tax generally applicable to businesses. Moreover, as mentioned above, Florida does not have a personal income tax. Thus, for the most part, unless your business is a traditional corporation (a C corporation), neither your businessâs income nor its net worth will be subject to state taxation."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Corporation Service Company, 1201 Hays Street, Tallahassee, FL 32301-2525, is the companyâs registered agent. According to the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Enhanced Recovery Company was the subject of more than 80 complaints through December 2013. The complaints have alleged that the company:"
"Represent the following document",
"Corporate Tax Return. An S corporation files an information return using IRS Form 1120S, on which it calculates profits or net operating loss on its business activities. The corporate tax return includes standard tax deductions for ordinary and necessary business expenses."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Benefits of an S Corporation. If your company qualifies for Subchapter S in Florida Corporation status, there are certainly many benefits that you will enjoy. Higher Level of Credibility Many Florida Subchapter S companies experience higher earnings due to the level of credibility attached to running one."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"It does not report any additions to and/or subtractions from federal taxable income other than a net operating loss deduction and/or state income taxes, if any. It is not included in a Florida or federal consolidated corporate income tax return."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"If you believe that you are being illegally harassed by the debt collection efforts of Portfolio Recovery, Inc. or PRA LLC, you should contact the Florida Debt Fighters without delay. We will review your case free of charge, and advise you of your legal options to put an end to any illegal debt collection practices."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Composite returns. Many states allow multistate S corporations to file a composite tax return on behalf of all shareholders of the S corporation. With it, the income of each shareholder is reported to the state, and the S corporation pays the tax on behalf of the shareholder. The advantage is that shareholders do not have to file individual income tax returns for that income with any state where the S corporation filed a composite tax return."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"There is no personal income tax in Florida. Florida Sales Tax: Florida sales tax rate is 6%. Florida State Tax: Florida does not have a state income tax. Florida Corporate Income Tax: Corporations that do business and earn income in Florida must file a corporate income tax return (unless they are exempt). Florida Property Tax: Florida Property Tax is based on market value as of January 1st that year."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"(This option creates a Florida Limited Liability Company or LLC. You cannot use this option to form a corporation. A Limited Liability Company or LLC is not a corporation.).Please Note! An Annual Report. be filed from this page. Click here to file your annual report online.All correspondence for corporate electronic filings will be returned via email. Limited Liability Company or LLC is not a corporation.). Please Note! An Annual Report. be filed from this page. Click here to file your annual report online. All correspondence for corporate electronic filings will be returned via email."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"This form creates a Florida Profit Corporation OR corrects your rejected online filing. Review and verify your information for accuracy. Once submitted, the Articles of Incorporation cannot be changed, removed, canceled or refunded. Review the instructions for filing the Articles of Incorporation for Florida Profit Corporations."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"such an LLC must file a Florida corporate income tax return. Yes New registration fee (domestic of foreign): $100; Annual report fee is $138.75 ($538.75 if received after May 1). STATE FRANCHISE OR ENTITY TAX TAX RETURNS ANNUAL REPORT FILING FEES Georgia Georgia does not require LLCs to pay a tax based on net income unless they"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"But if your business is taxed as an S corporation, an informational return must be filed on Form 1120S each year. If the 1120S is filed after the deadline, the IRS charges each shareholder a late-filing penalty in the amount of $195 for each month, or part of the month, that the return is late for up to 12 months."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"SC1120S-WH is not required to be filed if the S Corporation has no South Carolina taxable income for the year. S Corporations that report the income of their nonresident shareholders on a composite return are not required to withhold tax, file SC 1120S-WH or file affidavits."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A. Every S-Corporation deriving income from sources within Delaware is required to file a Form 1100S, S-Corporation Reconciliation and Shareholders Information Return. Delaware recognizes the federal S election and does not impose corporate income tax on pass-through income."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"C corporation and S corporation business owners are required to file their income tax returns on the 15th day of the third month after the end of the tax year. For calendar-year corporations, the return is due by March 15. C corporations file corporate tax return Form 1120 and S corporation file Form 1120S. To get an automatic six-month extension of time, file Form 7004, Application For Automatic Extension of Time To File US Individual Tax Return."
"If you opted to be taxed as an S corporation, you must file Form 1120S, US Income Tax Return for an S Corporation, by March 15. If you need additional time, C and S corporations can file Form 7004 and get a six-month extension. Your return will be due on Sept. 15."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it!\nTo give you a sense - \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', \"Related to blunted affect: Flat affect. [af´ekt] the external expression of emotion attached to ideas or mental representations of objects. see also mood. blunted affect severe reduction in the intensity of affect; a common symptom of schizophrenic disorders. constricted affect restricted affect. flat affect lack of emotional expression. inappropriate affect affect that is incongruent with the situation or with the content of a patient's ideas or speech. labile affect that characterized by rapid changes in emotion unrelated to external events or stimuli.\"]\" should be close to \"['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'difference between flat and constricted affect']\"",
"Florida Limited Liability Company or LLC Forms. ***Do not use for corporations. Corporations are not Limited Liability Companies or LLC's.***. Note: Please make ALL checks payable to the Florida Department of State.Shown below are forms to assist you in filing with the Division of Corporations.You have two choices: print out the selected form, then prepare it; or fill-in the form online, then print it out. MAIL your completed form with the appropriate fee to the Division of Corporations for processing and filing.hown below are forms to assist you in filing with the Division of Corporations. You have two choices: print out the selected form, then prepare it; or fill-in the form online, then print it out. MAIL your completed form with the appropriate fee to the Division of Corporations for processing and filing."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nFewshot example: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!', \"Of course, what you really want to know is when you can get back in the game after breaking your wrist. There's no easy answer. Here are some things to keep in mind during recovery from a broken wrist: It might take eight weeks or longer for your wrist to heal. More severe breaks may not fully mend for six months.\"]\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how long does it take to heal a wrist after falling on ice']\"",
"A single member LLC disregarded for Florida and federal income tax purposes is not required to file a separate Florida corporate income tax return. The income must be reported on the ownerâs return if the single member LLC is owned, directly or indirectly, by a corporation."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Section 193.052, Florida Statutes, requires that a tangible personal property tax return shall be filed. After the initial year of filing, if the assessed value on the return is greater than $25,000, a return should be filed."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"A âFlorida partnershipâ is a partnership doing business, earning income, or existing in Florida. A limited liability company (LLC) classified as a corporation for Florida and federal income tax purposes is subject to the Florida Income Tax Code and must file a Florida corporate income tax return."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Example: In 2000, David's Toy, Inc., a Nevada S corporation, opens an office in California. Since the S corporation is doing business in both Nevada and California, it must file Form 100S (California S Corporation Franchise or Income Tax Return) and use Schedule R to apportion income between the two states."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Seeking and receiving S corp status obligates you to file an annual tax return. Even though S corps pay no taxes, they must still file a return using Form 1120S to document their profits and losses. Their shareholders are responsible for taxes on any profits, but they can also write off losses."
"If you file a business return such as a Schedule C, S corporation or LLC, there are other triggers. Some of them also apply to rental properties. 19. Travel and entertainment. Because of the recordkeeping requirements, and the fact that some deductions can be questionable, this is always a ripe area for the IRS."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"If you do not file or extend the S corporation's return by March 15 (unless another date due to holidays or weekend), it may owe a penalty of 5% of the unpaid tax for each month the return is late, up to a maximum of 25% of the unpaid tax."
"Represent the following document",
"1 If you do not file or extend the S corporation's return by March 15, it may owe a penalty of 5% of the unpaid tax for each month the return is late, up to a maximum of 25% of the unpaid tax."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"There is no personal income tax in Florida. Florida Sales Tax: Florida sales tax rate is 6%. Florida State Tax: Florida does not have a state income tax. Florida Corporate Income Tax: Corporations that do business and earn income in Florida must file a corporate income tax return (unless they are exempt)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"However, owners of an S Corporation can report their share of profit and loss in the company on their individual tax returns. An S Corporation files IRS Form 1120s to report income. S Corporations have a number of restrictions. Most notably, only U.S. citizens or permanent residents may own an S Corporation."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"If I'm an LLC that has filed Federal Form 2553 to file as an S-Corp in previous years, is it permissible to simply revert back to filing as a ... Ivan Gaviria, Partner at Gunderson Dettmer http://www.about.me/ivang aviria. 1.9k Views."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"1 An LLC treated as a C corporation for federal tax purposes, or an S corporation. 2 These LLCs are required to file a New York State Corporation Franchise Tax Return. 3 An LLC treated as a sole proprietorship.4 These LLCs must report all business income and expenses via the sole proprietorâs personal income tax returns. An LLC treated as a C corporation for federal tax purposes, or an S corporation. 2 These LLCs are required to file a New York State Corporation Franchise Tax Return. 3 An LLC treated as a sole proprietorship."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"There is no personal income tax in Florida. 1 Florida Sales Tax: Florida sales tax rate is 6%. 2 Florida State Tax: Florida does not have a state income tax. 3 Florida Corporate Income Tax: Corporations that do business and earn income in Florida must file a corporate income tax return (unless they are exempt)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"There is no personal income tax in Florida. 1 Florida Sales Tax: Florida sales tax rate is 6%. 2 Florida State Tax: Florida does not have a state income tax. Florida Corporate Income Tax: Corporations that do business and earn income in Florida must file a corporate income tax return (unless they are exempt)."
"Florida S Corporation advantages and disadvantages-S Corporation status is recognized by the State of Florida. Further, Florida does not have a personal income tax; thus shareholders would not be taxed on corporate earnings. A separate state election from the federal election is not required."
"Represent the natural language",
"1 Florida Sales Tax: Florida sales tax rate is 6%. 2 Florida State Tax: Florida does not have a state income tax. 3 Florida Corporate Income Tax: Corporations that do business and earn income in Florida must file a corporate income tax return (unless they are exempt)."
"represent the next text",
"In Florida, HOAs that are required to file federal returns on Form 1120, or that elect to file federal returns on Form 1120, must file a Florida Form F-1120 annually regardless of whether any tax is due."
"If you need to file a state income tax return for the S corporation, you should consult your stateâs tax agency for specific instructions on how to obtain a filing extension."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"No Filing Requirement. Florida law does not require filing minutes of the annual shareholders' meeting with any state agency. The minutes should be kept with the corporation's other important records, such as the articles of incorporation, bylaws and resolutions of the board of directors.lthough Florida law requires all corporations to make and keep appropriate minutes of meetings, the corporation is not required to file the minutes with any state agency."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"You may have to file more than one state income tax return if you have income from, or business interests in, other states. Here are some examples: 1 You are an S corporation shareholder and the corporation does most of its business in a state other than the state where you live.ou may have to file more than one state income tax return if you have income from, or business interests in, other states. Here are some examples: 1 You are an S corporation shareholder and the corporation does most of its business in a state other than the state where you live."
"Represent this",
"1 Florida Sales Tax: Florida sales tax rate is 6%. 2 Florida State Tax: Florida does not have a state income tax. Florida Corporate Income Tax: Corporations that do business and earn income in Florida must file a corporate income tax return (unless they are exempt)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Department of the Treasury. Internal Revenue Service. U.S. Income Tax Return for an S Corporation. ⶠDo not file this form unless the corporation has filed or is. attaching Form 2553 to elect to be an S corporation. â¶See separate instructions. OMB No. 1545-0130. 2011. For calendar year 2011 or tax year beginning , 2011, ending , 20. TYPE."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nTo give you a sense - \"['represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"Instructions. Factor in the hourly work for the contractor. It's hard to determine the length of the project, but you can figure out how much you're paying per hour. Most concrete contractors charge between $60 and $95 per hour.Add the cost of the concrete for your project. The cost of the concrete is generally around $75 per cubic yard. Figure out if you need to move around dirt to complete your concrete work, such as when you're building a house foundation.This type of work can cost around $50 per hour.t's hard to determine the length of the project, but you can figure out how much you're paying per hour. Most concrete contractors charge between $60 and $95 per hour. Add the cost of the concrete for your project. The cost of the concrete is generally around $75 per cubic yard.\"]\" should be close to \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how much to charge for concrete work']\"",
"An LLC treated as a C corporation for federal tax purposes, or an S corporation. These LLCs are required to file a New York State Corporation Franchise Tax Return. An LLC treated as a sole proprietorship. These LLCs must report all business income and expenses via the sole proprietorâs personal income tax returns."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Yes, a composite return may be filed by the S corporation to report the income and pay the tax for the nonresident shareholders. Use Form PTE-C. The return is due the 15th day of the third month following the end of the S corporation tax period. Yes, if the non-resident completes Schedule NRA (Alabama Pass-Thru Entity Non-Resident Agreement). This form should be attached to Form 20S when the corporation files."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"S-corp income tax return deadline. An S corporation must always file its annual tax return by the 15th day of the third month following the end of the tax year, generally March 15. The business is responsible for reporting all financial activity on Form 1120S and attaching a Schedule K-1 for each shareholder."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"To e-file the Florida Corporate Long Form Income Tax Return (F-1120), the return must be filed through the Internal Revenue Serviceâs Modernized e-File (MeF) Program using approved software. Read more about electronic filing and payment of corporate income tax."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"The LLC will also be treated as an S corporation for the state and must file Form 100S (California S Corporation Franchise or Income Tax Return). California and federal laws treat these companies as corporations subject to California corporation tax law."
] |
"a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.\n\n\nExamples:\n\nGiven ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'how to cook baked potatoes in the oven'] it matches with ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.', '1 Bake the potatoes: You can bake the potatoes directly on the oven rack, or you can place them a few inches apart on a foil-lined baking sheet. 2 Bake the potatoes for 50 to 60 minutes.3 Flip them over every 20 minutes or so and check them for doneness by piercing them with a fork. Bake the potatoes: You can bake the potatoes directly on the oven rack, or you can place them a few inches apart on a foil-lined baking sheet. 2 Bake the potatoes for 50 to 60 minutes.'] but not with ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Related Posts. 1 How to Boil Potatoes Boiling potatoes is a very easy to do and anyone can learn how to do it. 2 How to Cook Mung Beans It was in China and India that mung beans were first cultivated. 3 How to Cook Ribs in the Oven Ribs are among the popular oven baked or grilled meats.']",
"who was the actor for galvatron"
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Galvatron: Frank Welker. Frank Welker voiced many of the recurring characters in the original 1980âs Transformers cartoon series and continues to lend his voice to Michael Bayâs Transformers franchise. He voiced Shockwave, Barricade and Soundwave in Transformers: Dark of the Moon. In Age of Extinction he voices Galvatron, who is a human-made Transformer who becomes possessed by Megatron's mind, making him the new Decepticon leader. Galvatron transforms into a black and grey 2014 Freightliner Argosy cab over trailer."
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"May 8, 2014 | 04:35PM PT. John Goodman and Ken Watanabe are on board to voice new autobots in Paramountâs âTransformers: Age of Extinction.â. Michael Bay is directing the movie with Mark Wahlberg and Jack Reynor starring. Goodman will play Autobot Hound, Watanabe will play Drift, while Peter Cullen reprises his role as the voice of Optimus Prime and Frank Welker takes on another new character, Galvatron."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Galvatron was one of the villains who the Autobots had to defeat to protect the Earth. He had numerous Stingers under his command. 1 Galvatron constructed a Star Harvester to destroy Earth's sun. He also had his minions collect lost fragments of the AllSpark in a bid to build a Decepticon army on Earth."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Whether he was born from the fires of Unicron himself, or was an ancient Transformer warlord, or something else altogether, one thing is always certain: Galvatron is a focal point of power and madness given form. He is blind to all but his lust for power; his whims and desires can be sacrificed in a moment's rage."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Albus Dumbledore was played by Richard Harris in the first two Harry Potter movies. Michael Gambon played Dumbledore in the remainder of the movies. Ian McKellan played Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings. So, no, they weren't the same actor. I've heard that McKellan was offered the role of Albus Dumbledore after the death of Harris."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"GalvatronPrime Almost Not a Noob Joined: Oct 28, 2001. Messages: 10,999. Date Posted: Nov 23, 2003 #17. I have heard that the Wachowski's had planned on having the whole The Oracle lost her shell subplot and changing actresses from day one, they just weren't sure on how to break it to Gloria Foster."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Brains revealed Galvatron's scheme to Cade Yeager, who called Joyce and alerted him of the danger Galvatron posed should he obtain the Seed. Having ended his deal with Lockdown, Attinger handed over the Seed he'd received in exchange for Optimus."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Transformers: Generation 1. Powerful and intelligent, although with questionable sanity, Galvatron's primary weapon is his particle accelerator cannon, mounted on his right arm, which can fire blasts of assorted types, including electrochemical energy and particle beams."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Eugene Simon is an English actor, born 11 June 1992. He plays Lancel Lannister in the series. He is best-known for playing the younger version of Ben-Hur in the 2010 mini-series and the younger version of Casanova in the 2005 TV series."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Gal Gadot is an Israeli actress and model. She won the Miss Israel title in 2004. She portrays Gisele Yashar in the The Fast and the Furious franchise. In 2008, Gadot starred in the Israeli drama Bubot. She appeared as Gisele Yashar in Fast & Furious, the fourth film in The Fast & the Furious franchise, having won the role over six other actresses. In 2010, she had a small role in the action-adventure Knight and Day."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Transformers 4 will also see the first appearance of new Decepticons leader Galvatron. New characters in the film include Lockdown, Stinger, Crosshairs and Drift."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"John Smith. Biography: Actor John Smith may best be remembered for starring in the television westerns Cimarron City (1958-60) and [[Feature~V98629~Laramie~laramie]] (1959-63), but he also played supporting roles in numerous feature films. Smith was born Robert Earl Van... Continued."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Sir Ian McKellen has revealed why he never took on the role of Albus Dumbledore in the Harry Potter movies. The 77-year-old English actor â known for playing Gandalf, another famous and bearded wizard from Lord of the Rings â said he was contacted by producers from Harry Potter to play Dumbledore, but turned down the part."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Birth Name: Robert Earl Van Orden. Biography: Actor John Smith may best be remembered for starring in the television westerns Cimarron City (1958-60) and [[Feature~V98629~Laramie~laramie]] (1959-63), but he also played supporting roles in numerous feature films. Smith was born Robert Earl Van... Continued."
"Represent text",
"He voiced Shockwave, Barricade and Soundwave in Transformers: Dark of the Moon. In Age of Extinction he voices Galvatron, who is a human-made Transformer who becomes possessed by Megatron's mind, making him the new Decepticon leader. Galvatron transforms into a black and grey 2014 Freightliner Argosy cab over trailer."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"6' (1.83 m) Chris Galya was born on June 12, 1987 in The Bronx, New York, USA. He is an actor, known for Jessie (2011), Momma's Man (2008) and Acting Dead (2014). Other Works | Publicity Listings | Official Sites | Contact Info."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'otitis media. An infection of the middle ear that sometimes causes damage to the eardrum and loss of hearing. It is often caused by bacteria entering the middle ear via the eustachian tube (tube that connects the middle ear to the nasal cavity). ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:']\" Match: \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'otitis media definition']\"",
"John Krasinski. Tall, handsome American film and television star John Krasinski is probably best known for his role as sardonic nice guy Jim Halpert on NBC's popular TV series, The Office (2005), for which he won a 2007 and 2008 Screen Actors Guild Award for outstanding performance by an ensemble in a comedy series."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"David Keith McCallum, Jr. (born 19 September 1933) is a Scottish actor and musician. He first gained recognition in the 1960s for playing Russian spy Illya Kuryakin in the television series The Man from U.N.C.L.E. and as interdimensional operative Steel in Sapphire & Steel."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"He would voice Soundwave again, as well as take on the roles of Shockwave and Barricade, in the 3rd film, Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011). And in Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014) he reprised his role as Galvatron, albeit with a much different voice as his performance in the 1980s series."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Sigourney Weaver, born in New York City, Manhattan, New York (68 years old) (born Susan Alexandra Weaver; October 8 1949) is an American actress. She is known especially for the lead role of Ellen Ripley in the four Alien films: Alien Aliens Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Galvatron's toy bio establishes him as a new character with a rank of 9 and the function City Commander who covets the leadership of the Decepticons. No mention is made of him having once been Megatron."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"40 comments: 1 Anonymous5/08/2014 10:08 PM. It's something to nibble on. 2 Anonymous5/09/2014 8:37 AM. Welker did not use a different voice for soundwave; it is the same in the movie as it is in the 80's cartoon. 3 Anonymous5/09/2014 8:51 AM. Whatever. 4 Anonymous5/09/2014 11:54 PM. Maybe we'll get G1 megatron voice in galvatron body."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Galvatron was one of the villains who the Autobots had to defeat to protect the Earth. He had numerous Stingers under his command. The Autobots thwarted several of his schemes: Galvatron constructed a Star Harvester to destroy Earth's sun."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n------\nFor example, ['represent text', '1 Post caps and brackets are cheap, around $2.50 apiece. 2 Fence posts cost $10-$30, depending on the material. 3 Chain link, vinyl and wooden fence installation all generally call for posts to be spaced 6 to 10 feet apart. 4 An easy way to determine how many posts are needed is to take the total linear feet and divide by ten. When receiving an estimate from a contractor, most will give a price per linear foot and not differentiate between materials and labor. 2 The prices below reflect an average fence height of 5-6 feet tall. 3 Wood fence installation costs $15-$25 per linear foot.'] should be similar to [\"represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results\\n\\n------\\n\\nFor example, 'where the thyroid gland is located' should have a representation like 'Your thyroid is a gland located at the base of your neck, just below your Adamâ\\x80\\x99s apple. It is shaped like a butterfly â\\x80\\x93 each wing, or lobe of your thyroid lies on either side of your windpipe.' but very far from 'Chronic thyroiditis (Hashimoto disease) Chronic thyroiditis is caused by a reaction of the immune system against the thyroid gland. It often results in reduced thyroid function (hypothyroidism). The disorder is also called Hashimoto disease. The thyroid gland is located in the neck, just above where your collarbones meet in the middle.'.\", 'cost for having a wooden fence installed']",
"Together, Galvatron and his new minions trashed KSI's lab as they searched for the Seed. However, Joyce was able to flee the facility with the Seed, escaping both Galvatron and the CIA. He attempted to rendezvous with the Autobots and Yeagers in Hong Kong."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Galvatron; Transformers character: Voiced by: Daniel Riordan: Information; Affiliation: Decepticon: Japanese name: Devil Gigatron: Sub-group: Six Changers, Ten Changers, Ultra Beasts: Function: Decepticon/Predacon Leader, Dark God of Destruction, Ultimate God of Destruction: Alternate modes: Dragon, gargoyle, car, spaceship, hand, jet, and twin-headed dragon."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers To give you a sense - \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'The Rhombus. A rhombus is a four-sided shape where all sides have equal length. Also opposite sides are parallel and opposite angles are equal. Another interesting thing is that the diagonals (dashed lines in second figure) meet in the middle at a right angle.In other words they bisect (cut in half) each other at right angles.uadrilaterals. Quadrilateral just means four sides. (quad means four, lateral means side). A Quadrilateral has four-sides, it is 2-dimensional (a flat shape), closed (the lines join up), and has straight sides.']\" should be close to \"['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is the name of a four sided shape']\"",
"Galvatron was the leader of the anti-Patterner chaos cult named Random during the Age of Origins before the Quintesson invasion. Azimuth considered him the opposite of everything she believed in and stood for. Galvatron and his Random followers believed in the opposite of the dominant Patterner philosophy of their day."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n------\nE.g.:\n['Represent text', '1.1 What is Oracle Fusion Middleware? Oracle Fusion Middleware is a collection of standards-based software products that spans a range of tools and services: from Java EE and developer tools, to integration services, identity management, business intelligence, and collaboration. Oracle Fusion Middleware offers complete support for development, deployment, and management.'] == ['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results\\n\\nExamples:\\n\\nGiven where is the corps castle located it matches with Historical Vignette 090 - The Corps Castle Can Be Found in Unusual Places. Strength, pride, heraldry, prestige, and honor. The castle remains the premier symbol of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The medieval castle is inseparably connected with fortifications and architecture. In heraldry, the castle and the tower are often used on coats of arms. but not with A Corps of Engineers Lake located in the Ouachita National Forest of more than 1.8 million acres with 20,000 pristine forested acres of Corps property. surrounding the lake. Yet Ouachita is only 13 miles from the Spa City of Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas.', 'what is fusion middleware']",
"In the Japanese-exclusive animated series, Beast Wars II, a character named Starscream was one of Galvatron 's most loyal minions. Like the Decepticon air commander who came before him, Starscream is both ambitious and deadly. He makes up for his lack of size with unmatched speed and maneuverability."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Biography: Actor John Smith may best be remembered for starring in the television westerns Cimarron City (1958-60) and [[Feature~V98629~Laramie~laramie]] (1959-63), but he also played supporting roles in numerous feature films. Smith was born Robert Earl Van... Continued."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"John Smith Movies. Biography: Actor John Smith may best be remembered for starring in the television westerns Cimarron City (1958-60) and [[Feature~V98629~Laramie~laramie]] (1959-63), but he also played supporting roles in numerous feature films. Smith was born Robert Earl Van... Movie."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Comparision of the voice over actors who have been the voice of Galvatron with sound clips and images. Franchise: Transformers. Perhaps one of the more controversial Voice Compares due to the fact that a large portion of the fandom views Galvatron and Megatron as one in the same."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Leonardo de caprio was the actor who played jack in the movie."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"1 Galvatron constructed a Star Harvester to destroy Earth's sun. 2 He also had his minions collect lost fragments of the AllSpark in a bid to build a Decepticon army on Earth. He later had his minions steal Transformium from KSI. Transformers: Age of Extinction."
"Ansel Elgort (born March 14, 1994) is an American actor and DJ under the stage name Ansolo (sometimes stylized as Ansølo). As a film actor, he is known for playing Tommy Ross in Carrie (2013), Caleb Prior in The Divergent Series (2014) and Augustus Waters in The Fault in Our Stars (2014)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Galvatron is a name adopted by several fictional characters in the Transformers franchise."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Rutina Wesley. Rutina Wesley (born February 1, 1979)[1] is an American film, stage, and television actress best known for her roles as Tara Thornton on the HBO series True Blood and Nova Bordelon on the OWN series Queen Sugar."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Nathan Fillion (/ËfɪljÉn/; born March 27, 1971) is a Canadian-American actor and voice actor best known for his role as Richard Castle on the ABC series Castle, as well as his earlier portrayal of the lead role of Captain Malcolm Reynolds in the television series Firefly and its feature film continuation, Serenity."
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"Max Adler (actor) Max Adler (born January 17, 1986) is an American actor, best known for his role as Dave Karofsky on the television series Glee and Tank on the television series Switched at Birth. Contents."
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"The main characters are Jeff Bridges (who plays such broad roles like The Muse, The Contender, and Sea Biscuit), John Goodman (who should have won an oscar for best supporting actor for his character, Walter Sobchak)Juliane Moore (Maude Lebowski)and Steve Buscemi (who is unique in every Coen Brother movie)."
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"The Actor. Paul Bettany plays Vision in Avengers: Age of Ultron, but despite the fact that the character has been a major part of Avengers stories in Marvel Comics for decades, the studio has been secretive about just who the guy is, and how he fits into the story. That shot above is the first time heâs shown up in a trailer, and thatâs all we really see."
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"Ansel Elgort. Ansel Elgort (born March 14, 1994) is an American actor, singer and DJ under the stage name Ansolo (sometimes stylized as Ansølo). As a film actor, he played Tommy Ross in Carrie (2013), Caleb Prior in The Divergent Series (2014) and Augustus Waters in The Fault in Our Stars (2014). 1 Early life."
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"Comparision of the voice over actors who have been the voice of Galvatron with sound clips and images. Perhaps one of the more controversial Voice Compares due to the fact that a large portion of the fandom views Galvatron and Megatron as one in the same."
"Represent text",
"Gal Gadot is playing Princess Diana in the new DC film Wonder Woman. Gal Gadot is a 32-year-old Israeli actress and model best known for her role as Gisele Yashar in the Fast & Furious franchise as well as playing Wonder Woman in the DC Extended Universe. She served in the Israeli military for two years from the age of 20 and began modelling in the early 2000s."
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"~ Galvatron, suffocating Hot Rod. Galvatron is the secondary antagonist of The Transformers: The Movie and the main antagonist of The Transformers TV series in seasons 3 and 4. He is Megatron's more powerful upgraded form. Galvatron (The Transformers: The Movie)"
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"Drew Seeley is a actor and singer. if you've seen high school musical he dubs zac effron's singing and he is in another cinderellla story."
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"Megatron in Transformers Animated would not become Galvatron in this series, remaining Megatron for a full three seasons, however Galvatron would be referenced several times by Cyclonus, a Decepticon who claims to be from a possible future."
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"Sir John Hurt played Ollivander in the Harry Potter films (Picture: Warner Bros) In the wake of the death of Sir John Hurt, Harry Potter fans have been remembering his stellar turn as wand-maker Mr Ollivander in the film series. Hurt first played the role in Harry Potter and the Philosopherâs Stone, and reprised his part in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Fun fact â Ollivander was reportedly meant to appear in Goblet Of Fire, but his character was cut from the film."
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"Philip Morant-one of the five actors who played John Tregorran-in 1969. Carol and John Tregorran were stalwarts of Ambridge for over 30 years. Hereâs a reminder of them for long-standing listeners, and an introduction for more recent converts.een to stay in Ambridge, John asked if he could put up at the Bull. But the landlords Jack and Peggy Archer (now Woolley) were distrustful and refused. Eventually ramshackle farmer Walter Gabriel allowed him to stay in his rickyard."
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"Gal Gadot is an Israeli actress and model. As an actress, Gadot is known for her role, which began in 2009, as Gisele in The Fast and the Furious film series, and for the role of Diana Prince / Wonder Woman in the DC Extended Universe, starting with Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)."
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"Dan Bucatinsky had already played a gay man in the 2001 film, âAll Over The Guy,â which he wrote and produced. And he had also already auditioned for âScandal.â First he tried for US Attorney for the District of Columbia, David Rosen, then for Huck, who is one of Olivia Popeâs Gladiators. (The roles went to Joshua Malina and Guillermo Diaz, respectively.) When he read for Huck, he was in awe of the material."
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"In 2001, Peterman was cast as Barbra Jean Booker-Hart in Reba opposite country music singer Reba McEntire and television veteran Christopher Rich. The show was the most-watched comedy on The WB in its debut season. In 2007, the show ended its run after six seasons."
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"Galvatron, however, was not content to serve under Unicron, and instead captured Autobot leader Emirate Xaaron, forcing him to fully awaken Primus, who possessed Xaaron's body and summoned Transformers from all across the universe back to Cybertron."
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"Paul Bettany is an English actor. He is known for his voice role as J.A.R.V.I.S. and the Vision in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, specifically the films Iron Man, Iron Man 2, The Avengers, Iron Man 3, Avengers: Age of Ultron, and Captain America: Civil War. He first came to the attention of mainstream audiences when he appeared in the British film Gangster No. 1, and director Brian Helgeland's film A Knight's Tale. He has gone on to appear in a wide variety of films, including A Beautiful Mind,"
"Represent the next text",
"Actor | Producer | Soundtrack. Tall, handsome American film and television star John Krasinski is probably best known for his role as sardonic nice guy Jim Halpert on NBC's popular TV series, The Office (2005), for which he won a 2007 and 2008 Screen Actors Guild Award for outstanding performance by an ensemble in a comedy series."
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"Apr 04, 2017. 1 Sir Ian McKellen has revealed why he never took on the role of Albus Dumbledore in the Harry Potter movies. 2 The 77-year-old English actor â known for playing Gandalf, another famous and bearded wizard from Lord of the Rings â said he was contacted by producers from Harry Potter to play Dumbledore, but turned down the part. His reason: Richard Harris, who played Dumbledore in the franchise before his death in 2002."
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"Doug Cockle Doug Cockle is an actor who voiced Geralt of Rivia in the English version of The Witcher, and was the second actor (the other being Jacek Rozenek) from the first game to reprise his role in the sequel, The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings."
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"Tilda Swinton. Katherine Mathilda Swinton (born 5 November 1960) is an English actress well known for both arthouse and mainstream movies, which include The Chronicles of Narnia. Swinton was born in London to John Swinton (born 1925) and Australian Judith (née Killen). She graduated from New Hall in 1983. While at college, she joined the Communist Party. Swinton worked with the Traverse Theatre in Edinburgh and the Royal Shakespeare Company. She worked with director Derek Jarman for most of her early movies. Filmography"
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"Lock Martin (October 12, 1916 â January 19, 1959) was the stage name of American actor Joseph Lockard Martin, Jr. He is best remembered for playing the robot Gort in The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951). He was from Pennsylvania and had a series of odd jobs before going into acting."
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"Earlier on Thursday, we spoke to Sir Ian about another one of his iconic roles, Gandalf in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, (the full conversation will publish closer to the release of The Hobbit), but McKellen did comment on his return to the X-Men universe and his opinions on Michael Fassbender as Magneto."
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"Jonathan Quayle Higgins III is a fictional character in the 1980-1988 comedy and crime television series, Magnum, P.I. portrayed by actor John Hillerman.Hillerman won an Emmy for the role in 1987.The character of Higgins appeared in two other television shows: Simon & Simon in 1982, and Murder, She Wrote in 1986. In addition, a 1991 episode of Quantum Leap included a Magnum P.I. fan watching a scene with Higgins in it.he character of Higgins appeared in two other television shows: Simon & Simon in 1982, and Murder, She Wrote in 1986. In addition, a 1991 episode of Quantum Leap included a Magnum P.I. fan watching a scene with Higgins in it."
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"Dean Butler played Almanzo Wilder, the man who won Laura's heart. She called him Manly; he called her Beth.. Butler, 59, serves as the narrator on the Little House documentaries featured in the 40th anniversary Blu-ray releases."
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"Tobin Bell (born Joseph Henry Tobin, Jr.; August 7, 1942) is an American film and television character actor, known for his portrayal of John Kramer/Jigsaw of the Saw film series."
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"James Mason can be seen visiting the set of Stanley Kubrick's The Shining (1980) in Vivian Kubrick's TV documentary Making 'The Shining' (1980). Stanley Kubrick did not usually allow visitors to his set, but made an exception for Mason, who had memorably played Humbert Humbert for him in Lolita (1962)."
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"First of all, Galadriel is not a queen.. She is the Lady of Lorien, and though she is ruler of Lothlorien, she is not a monarch and should not be titled as such. In the films, Galadriel is played by Australian actress Cate Blanchett. In the London theater production, Galadriel was played by Laura Michelle Kelly."
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"While Megatron does not rename himself Galvatron in the series, Transformers Prime Beast Hunters: Predacons Rising depicts Unicron reformatting Megatron into a new form which somewhat resembles the original incarnation of Galvatron as well as Unicron himself, but is never referred to as such in the movie itself."
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"The name or term Galvatron refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Galvatron (disambiguation). Galvatron uses the energon grid to move Cybertron, then carries the fight to the Autobots aboard Miranda II. As Alpha Q observes, the Decepticons have captured planet Cybertron. Aboard the Miranda II, the Autobots plan their next move: Kicker and Arcee, who are unaffected by the energon gas, will go to the planet's surface and shut off the gas grid."
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"Character(s): Lanya (pictured above); Elizabeth Cutler (pictured below) Kellie Suzanne Waymire (27 July 1967 â 13 November 2003; age 36) was an American actress who is known to Star Trek fans for her portrayal of recurring character Elizabeth Cutler on the first season of Star Trek: Enterprise. She previously guest-starred as Lanya in the Star Trek: Voyager episode Muse."
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"minimum age for senate?"
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"In Malaysia, any citizen 21 years of age or older can become a candidate and be elected to the Dewan Rakyat and Dewan Undangan Negeri. Minimum age for the Senator is 30. As of 2015, Malaysia is not considering lowering the age of candidacy to 18. However, since 2015, any citizen not less than 18 years of age and not older than 30 years of age can become a candidate and be elected to the Youth Parliament of Malaysia."
] | [
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"The Senate has 54 Republicans, 44 Democrats, and 2 Independents, who. both caucus with the Democrats. The average age of Members of the House at the beginning of the 114th Congress was 57.0 years; of Senators, 61.0 years."
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"the average age of Senators at the beginning of the 110 th Congress was 61.73. years."
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"There are two senators elected from each of the fifty states, making a total of 100 senate positions available. For those seeking a job in politics, becoming a senator is one of the most highly prized positions in the political arena.A senator must be at least thirty years old in order to pursue election. They are also required to be a United States citizen for nine years prior to their election.Once elected, a senator will serve a term of six years, and are able to seek reelection without restriction (as of 2011).here are two senators elected from each of the fifty states, making a total of 100 senate positions available. For those seeking a job in politics, becoming a senator is one of the most highly prized positions in the political arena. A senator must be at least thirty years old in order to pursue election."
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"Anyone over the age of 18 can marry in Spain. Spain's parliamentary justice commission has now approved a new law to raise the minimum age to 16 with permission from a judge or parents. The legislation is now expected to be debated in the senate. Children's rights group Unicef in Spain has campaigned for years to raise the minimum marriage age in the country."
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"Here are the requirements and recommendations for becoming a United States senator for all of our budding politicians out there who want to help the world. 3 Eligibility Requirements in the Constitution: 1 One must be at least 30 years old before being sworn into office.2 One must inhabit the state they want to represent.n reality, there are few requirements insisted on by the Constitution. Being a senator can be challenging and rewarding, especially for one advocating for the worldâs poor. During the six-year term after the election, a senator reviews specific bills and votes on whether or not they should become laws."
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"Interestingly, English law at the time set the minimum age for members of the House of Commons, the lower chamber of Parliament, at 21, and at 25 for members of the upper house, the House of Lords. Citizenship"
"Alaska: Lisa Murkowski (R), Iowa: Joni Ernst (R), Maine: Susan Collins (R), Nebraska: Deb Fischer (R), West Virginia: Shelley Moore Capito (R). The current average age of all 100 Senators: 68. The United States Senate elections will be held on November 6, 2018. Thirty-four of the 100 Senate seats are up for reelection."
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"A state representative is an elected official who serves in either the state Senate or House of Representatives. There is no formal education or professional experience requirement for becoming a state representative. Some states may have minimum age, residency or citizenship requirements."
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"Senators from even-numbered districts are chosen in the off year elections. Each senator must be at least 30 years of age; a qualified voter of the state for three years; and of the district he represents for one year. The Lieutenant Governor is president and presiding officer of the Senate.In his absence, the President Pro Tem, who is elected by the Senate members, presides. The House of Representatives consists of 163 members, elected at each general election for two-year terms.ach senator must be at least 30 years of age; a qualified voter of the state for three years; and of the district he represents for one year. The Lieutenant Governor is president and presiding officer of the Senate."
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"Attorney General Ernie Preate Jr. told the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday that because of recent rulings by the U.S. Supreme Court, Pennsylvania's death penalty is constitutionally questionable and should be amended to set a specific minimum age for capital punishment.t marks us for the kind of people we are.. Crawford said there were 12 enlightened states, including California, New Jersey, Connecticut and Illinois, that had established 18 as the minimum age for the death penalty, while 15 others did not have capital punishment."
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"What are the minimum age requirements to run for California State Senate, California State Representative and Governor? I know what they are nationally, but have been unable to find the information regarding California."
"Senate has 45 Republicans, 53 Democrats, and 2 Independents, who caucus with the Democrats. The average age of Members of the House at the beginning of the 113th Congress was 57.0 years; of Senators, 62.0 years. The overwhelming majority of Members of Congress have a college. education. The dominant professions of Members are public service/politics, business, and law."
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"The age, residency, and citizenship requirements for the Senate have not, themselves, been the subject of judicial dispute. The clause makes it clear that one must be a resident of the state at the time of election, but the Senate has adopted the practice of receiving into its membership Senators who attain the minimum age or length of citizenship subsequent to their election but prior to assuming office."
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"A person must be at least 18 years old to be appointed to the Senate and must be at least 30 to be President or Vice-President of the Senate. As only members of the House of Representatives are eligible to be appointed Prime Minister, the Prime Minister must be at least 18 years old.n Italy a person must be at least 50 to be President of the Republic, 40 to be a Senator, or 25 to be a Deputy, as specified in the 1947 Constitution of Italy. 18 years of age is sufficient, however, to be elected member of the Council of Regions, Provinces, and Municipalities (Communes)."
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"what is the name of the test to check for blocked arteries"
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"FULL STORY. Widespread screening or routine ultrasound for blocked neck arteries to determine stroke risk isn't necessary, according to new guidelines from the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association, American College of Cardiology and other groups."
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"Angioplasty can improve symptoms of blocked arteries, such as chest pain and shortness of breath. Angioplasty can also be used during a heart attack to quickly open a blocked artery and reduce the amount of damage to your heart. Related. Coronary angioplasty and stents."
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"What are the exams and tests for renal artery stenosis? Blood tests. Screening blood tests may be done as part of the general evaluation of high blood pressure and may include a complete blood count, electrolytes, kidney function tests, and a urinalysis. Imaging. Renal artery narrowing can be detected with ultrasound or computerized tomography angiography or arteriography."
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"Voiding Cystourethrogram (VCUG). A VCUG, or a voiding cystourethrogram, is a minimally invasive test that uses a special x-ray technology called fluoroscopy to visualize your child's urinary tract and bladder. A VCUG can help: 1 diagnose vesicoureteral reflux-a condition in which urine flows the wrong way, from the bladder back up to the kidneys."
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"TEE (Trans-Esophageal Echocardiogram). The TEE test takes a detailed picture of your heart and its major blood vessels. This test helps to detect heart valve disease, heart tumors, and blood clots inside the heart.It also helps detect an aneurysm (AN-your-izm), which is a swelling, like a balloon, in a blood vessel.TEE stands for trans-esophageal (trans-ee-SOFF-uh-jee-ul) echocardiogram (ek-oh-CAR-dee-oh-gram). doctor will perform your TEE test with the help of a nurse or technician. The technician will help you onto a bed and ask you to lie on your left side. You will be connected to machines that monitor your blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen levels during the test."
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"This is the best test for the diagnosis of coronary artery disease. It assesses the severity of stenosis AND helps rule out. Prinzmetalâs angina (clean coronary arteries producing. ischemia as a product of vasospasm - treat with CCB)."
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"Dexamethasone suppression test. The dexamethasone suppression test (DST) is used to assess adrenal gland function by measuring how cortisol levels change in response to an injection of dexamethasone. It is typically used to diagnose Cushing's syndrome."
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"Coronary Calcium Scan. Test Overview. Coronary calcium scans use a special X-ray test called computed tomography (CT) to check for the buildup of calcium in plaque on the walls of the arteries of the heart (coronary arteries ). This test is used to check for heart disease in an early stage and to determine how severe it is."
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"Heart scan (coronary calcium scan) Heart scan (coronary calcium scan) A heart scan (coronary calcium scan) provides pictures of your heart's arteries. Doctors may use this test to look for calcium deposits in the coronary arteries that can narrow your arteries and increase your heart attack risk."
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"This test is one of the main methods your doctor uses to make a diagnosis of gallbladder disease. An ultrasound can evaluate the gallbladder for the presence of gallstones, thickened walls, polyps, or masses. It can also identify any issues within your liver. HIDA scan. A HIDA scan looks at the duct system within the gallbladder and liver."
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"Cholescintigraphy is a test done by nuclear medicine physicians to diagnose obstruction of the bile ducts (for example, by a gallstone or a tumor), disease of the gallbladder, and bile leaks. It sometimes is referred to as a HIDA scan or a gallbladder scan."
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"Why it's done. Heart scan (coronary calcium scan) Heart scan (coronary calcium scan) A heart scan (coronary calcium scan) provides pictures of your heart's arteries. Doctors may use this test to look for calcium deposits in the coronary arteries that can narrow your arteries and increase your heart attack risk."
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"1 Ultrasound is the preferred technique to test for gallstones or an infected gallbladder. 2 The ultrasound can reveal the stones as well as signs of infection, including thickening of the gallbladder wall and fluid surrounding the gallbladder. 3 The ultrasound may find blockage in the bile ducts."
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"Treatment for Blocked Arteries in the Legs. Blocked arteries in the legs may not require surgical intervention. Treatment for blocked arteries in the legs, or peripheral artery disease, will involve consulting a physician to assess the degree of obstruction and symptoms the patient is experiencing."
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"New procedure safely opens blocked carotid arteries, experts say. FULL STORY. Physicians at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center are the first on the West Coast to perform a new, less-invasive procedure that is part of a clinical trial to help clear plaque-ridden carotid arteries. The procedure took place on March 28."
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"Before any of these procedures, a doctor must find the blocked part or parts of the coronary arteries. He or she will guide a catheter through an artery in the arm or leg and into the coronary arteries, then inject a liquid dye through the catheter."
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"Cholescintigraphy is a test done by nuclear medicine physicians to diagnose obstruction of the bile ducts (for example, by a gallstone or a tumor), disease of the gallbladder, and bile leaks."
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"People with a history of heart diseases, like, arteriosclerosis, atherosclerosis, etc., should be on the look out for symptoms of blocked neck arteries. Symptoms of Severely Blocked Arteries. If the TIA goes undetected, then you are at the risk of having a stroke, caused due to complete blockage of carotid artery.ymptoms of Blocked Arteries in Neck. Blocked arteries in neck, produce symptoms only when the blockage is severe. Let us understand in detail, what are these symptoms like, from the following Buzzle write-up."
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"Here's a look at some blood tests you may have to diagnosis and manage heart disease. Cholesterol test A cholesterol test, also called a lipid panel or lipid profile, measures the fats (lipids) in your blood. The measurements can indicate your risk of having a heart attack or other heart disease. The test typically includes measurements of: Total cholesterol. This is a sum of your blood's cholesterol content."
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"Your doctor uses the calcium-score screening heart scan to evaluate risk for future coronary artery disease. If calcium is present, the computer will create a calcium score that estimates the extent of coronary artery disease based on the number and density of calcified coronary plaques in the coronary arteries. Absence of calcium is considered a negative exam."
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"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"What the Procedure Does. Treats blocked heart arteries by creating new passages for blood to flow to your heart muscle. It works by taking arteries or veins from other parts of your body â called grafts â and using them to reroute the blood around the clogged artery (View an animation of blood flow)."
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"Imaging Tests Detect Coronary Artery Disease Long Before It Strikes. 1 Mar. 24, 2015 â Adding two non-invasive imaging tests to traditional cardiovascular disease risk factor assessment more precisely predicts a healthy patientâs future risk of heart attack, stroke, or premature ..."
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"A disida scan is a test that looks at the flow of bile through your liver and gallbladder ducts. may also hear this test called a hepatobiliary scan. This scan is done to check the function of your liver and gallbladder. of possible gallstones, or if you have a blockage in the bile ducts that drain your liver."
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"A special form of MRI called magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) is helpful to assess the vessels of the chest cavity (arteries and veins). MRA can also demonstrate an abnormal ballooning out of the wall of an artery (aneurysm) or a torn inner lining of an artery (dissection). See the MRA page for more information."
"Represent this text",
"Overview. Doctors usually use stress testing to help diagnose coronary heart disease (CHD), also called coronary artery disease. They also use stress testing to see how severe CHD is in people who have it. CHD is a condition in which a fatty material called plaque (plak) builds up in the coronary arteries."
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"What is a Voiding Cystourethrogram (VCUG) test? A voiding cystourethrography (VCUG) is an imaging study that allows us to evaluate the functioning of your childâs bladder, urethra, and kidneys, and to detect reflux (a condition in which urine backs up to the kidneys instead of flowing out through the urethra)."
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"The test evaluates blood flow to the kidneys. It is used to diagnose narrowing of the arteries that supply the kidneys. This is a condition called renal artery stenosis. Significant renal artery stenosis may be a cause of high blood pressure and kidney problems."
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"Most heart attacks are due to coronary arteries being blocked by blood clots that form when plaques of cholesterol rupture. The lack of blood flow through the blocked arteries results in heart muscle dying â hence the name âheart attack.â."
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"When the blood pressure is significantly lower in one or both legs than it is in the arms, it points to peripheral arterial disease.â. Another diagnostic test, called the CVProfilor®, measures the elasticity of the large and small arteries to detect hardening of the arteries. âSt. Lukeâs is currently the only San Francisco hospital that uses this test to guide patient treatment,â McAleer notes."
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"TEE (Trans-Esophageal Echocardiogram) The TEE test takes a detailed picture of your heart and its major blood vessels. This test helps to detect heart valve disease, heart tumors, and blood clots inside the heart. It also helps detect an aneurysm (AN-your-izm), which is a swelling, like a balloon, in a blood vessel. TEE stands for trans-esophageal (trans-ee-SOFF-uh-jee-ul) echocardiogram (ek-oh-CAR-dee-oh-gram)."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:', \"Call your doctor if your cough doesn't go away after several weeks or if you or your child is: 1 Coughing up thick, greenish-yellow phlegm. 2 Wheezing. 3 Experiencing a fever more than 100 F (38 C) 4 Experiencing shortness of breath.\"]>> to <<['', 'when to take child to doc for cough']>>",
"Coronary Calcium Scan. Guide. Coronary calcium scans use a special X-ray test called computed tomography (CT) to check for the buildup of calcium in plaque on the walls of the arteries of the heart (coronary arteries). This test is used to check for heart disease in an early stage and to determine how severe it is.Coronary calcium scans are also called cardiac calcium scoring. The coronary arteries supply blood to the heart. Normally, the coronary arteries do not contain calcium.Calcium in the coronary arteries may be a sign of coronary artery disease (CAD) . A CT scan takes pictures of the heart in thin sections.uide. Coronary calcium scans use a special X-ray test called computed tomography (CT) to check for the buildup of calcium in plaque on the walls of the arteries of the heart (coronary arteries). This test is used to check for heart disease in an early stage and to determine how severe it is."
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"ceramic braces price"
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"Expect to pay around £2,000 â £3,000 for ceramic braces from a private dentist. Lingual braces are made in the same way as metal braces, but there is a major difference as this type is actually placed on the inside of the teeth rather than the outside."
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"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Prices range from £1500 - £2500. Lingual braces-these braces which are fitted to the inner surface (back) of your teeth are the gold standard in invisible orthodontics. Not all practitioners can fit lingual braces and this requires additional training to learn this more specialised technique."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"In general, the average cost of braces can be anywhere from $3,000 to $7,000, depending on the severity of the problem, if braces are placed on one or both arches and the type of braces you choose. The following factors contribute to the cost of braces; knowing what you're paying for can help you make a decision."
"represent this\nFor example, ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'The dealership wants to see you every three months.â\\x80\\x9d. But he acknowledged that â\\x80\\x9c3,000 miles strikes a deep chord with the consumer,â\\x80\\x9d adding: â\\x80\\x9cIt feels good to get an oil change. If you fill up the car with gas, wash it and change the oil, it runs better.'] should be similar to ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what happens if i go over my oil change miles']",
"The cost of braces varies, but you can expect the cost for conventional metal braces to average $5,000 (or less in rural areas). Some insurance carriers provide partial coverage for orthodontic treatment, so check with your insurance provider for the specifics of what your policy covers."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Most people wear braces for one to three years, depending on what conditions need correcting. The cost of braces can range from $2,000 to $7,000. Removable appliances: Shaped like a mouth guard, removable appliances (sometimes called retainers) are small, custom-fit devices made of plastic and metal."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Braces can range in price from $3,000-$6,000, and jaw surgery can range from $20,000-$30,000. Earlier is better in this situation. Underbite treatment can be cost effective and affordable if treatment is sought when the patient is under the age of 13."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"With metal braces, you have the option of adding colored elastics (rubber bands) for a more unique and colorful smile. Ceramic/porcelain braces Ceramic braces are made of clear materials and are therefore less visible on your teeth than metal braces."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Braces cost is around $4000-$6000. Braces cost $3,000-$10,000 depending on location and also on what kind of dentist does them, general dentist (cheaper) or orthodontist (more expensive)."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"But, they're more expensive too. average price of braces for teeth The average price of braces for teeth varies based on braces type, insurance, and your dental provider. Metal braces range from $3,000-$7,000. price range for braces There are several factors that can affect the price range for your child's braces treatment -- find out what they are. teeth braces prices If you're the parent of an adolescent or teenager, considering the price of braces can be daunting."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Looking for Ceramic Braces? Choose from Ceramic Braces Clinics in India and compare prices, patient reviews, and availability. Find the Best Price for Ceramic Braces in India. Compare how much Ceramic Braces cost at all clinics and save money on your treatment. 4.9 / 5 Outstanding."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Metal braces tend to be the most inexpensive type of braces, costing between $1,800-$5,500 (depending on the amount of treatment required). They are suitable for more intensive treatment, such as for cross-bites or very crooked teeth."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Traditional metal braces range from $3,000 to $7,000. The price you pay for your child's braces largely depends on why your child needs braces. If the braces are needed for medical reasons, many insurance policies will help cover the cost of treatment."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The cost of braces depends on the type you select. On average, metal braces cost $5,000 to $6,000. Keep in mind that your out-of-pocket costs will likely be higher if you choose non-metal braces."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"According to costhelper.com, the national average cost for metal braces runs about $5,400 and can go as high as $7,600, but this varies depending on your city and type of treatment needed. Bracesinfo.com offers a dental cost calculator for more exact calculations.t is also possible to have the braces placed on the back of the teeth, which will bring the cost of braces up an extra $2,000 to $5,000, depending on the configuration of your teeth when treatment begins."
"Represent the input",
"1 Traditional braces with metal brackets can cost $1,500-$10,000 depending on the severity of the problem, the length of time the braces will be in place and if they are on one set of teeth or both (upper and lower)."
"Ceramic Braces. Ceramic braces are made of clear materials and are therefore less visible on your teeth than metal braces. For this reason, ceramic braces are used mainly on older teenagers and adult patients who have cosmetic concerns."
"Popular types of invisible braces include ceramic brackets, inside braces and clear aligners. Ceramic braces are just like metal braces, except that they use tooth-colored brackets (and sometimes tooth-colored wires) rather than metal to straighten teeth."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Note: The following prices are ranges and can vary based on insurance and dental care provider. Metal wired braces. Still the most popular type of braces, metal wired braces are made from stainless steel and feature metal brackets that shift teeth into place over time. Average cost: $3,000 - $7,000."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\nExample:\nProvided: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Lake Tahoe Airport (IATA: TVL, ICAO: KTVL, FAA LID: TVL) is a public airport three miles southwest of South Lake Tahoe, in El Dorado County, California. This general aviation airport covers 348 acres (141 ha) and has one runway. The airport is sometimes called Tahoe Valley Airport.']\" Match: \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'does lake tahoe have an airport']\"",
"1 Traditional metal braces can cost $1,500 -$10,000 or more depending on the severity of the bite and positioning problems that need to be fixed, the length of time the braces will be in place and whether the braces are on one set of teeth or both (upper and lower)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Traditional metal bracesâAlthough traditional metal braces are the most noticeable type, they are the least expensive orthodontic treatment option. The Consumer Guide for Dentistry estimates that traditional braces can cost anywhere from $3,000 to $7,000, depending on whether or not you have insurance coverage. Traditional braces also require frequent visits to the orthodontist, which can drive up the cost."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Although the cost of braces can vary, the average price of traditional metal braces for teeth in the U.S. ranges between $3,000 and $7,000. This price can rise dramatically if your child needs (or wants) a different type of braces."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"According to costhelper.com, the national average cost for metal braces runs about $5,400 and can go as high as $7,600, but this varies depending on your city and type of treatment needed. Bracesinfo.com offers a dental cost calculator for more exact calculations.etal braces are the traditional orthodontic treatment. Every patient is different and may have various dental needs in addition to a need for tooth straightening, such as bridge and crown work or jaw discrepancies."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"According to costhelper.com, the national average cost for metal braces runs about $5,400 and can go as high as $7,600, but this varies depending on your city and type of treatment needed. Bracesinfo.com offers a dental cost calculator for more exact calculations."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Cons: The main downside of traditional braces is that they are very noticeable to people with whom you interact. Metal Braces Cost Here in Australia, the average cost of traditional braces runs from about $4,500 to $8,000, depending on duration of treatment, according to Aboutbraces.com.au."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"1 Traditional metal braces can cost $1,500 -$10,000 or more depending on the severity of the bite and positioning problems that need to be fixed, the length of time the braces will be in place and whether the braces are on one set of teeth or both (upper and lower). CostHelper readers with insurance coverage for braces report paying $1,500 -$8,500 out of pocket for traditional metal braces, at an average out-of-pocket expense of $3,407."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Damon Braces-this brand of low friction braces boasts faster treatment times than standard braces and the costs are higher. Prices range from £3000 to £6000. 6 month smiles / social 6 braces-these brace systems only focus on cosmetic teeth straightening of the front teeth and do not correct your bite."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Hi Kristy, as stated in the article, the cost for braces very depending on the type you choose and what your orthodontist determines to be the best treatment method. Traditional, stainless steel braces are one of the most popular options because of their affordability and durability. I was an adult braces wearer and opted for ceramic brackets so they'd be less noticeable, but that added an additional $800 in total cost."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The cost of braces varies, but you can expect the cost for conventional metal braces to average $5,000 (or less in rural areas)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"The average cost of braces for children can be more than what many families can afford. The average cost ranges from $3,000 to $7,000, depending on a number of factors. But there are many ways to keep the cost more affordable and have you and your child smiling."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n------\n\nThe provided query could be \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Water and Sunlight. Basil plants are low-maintenance and do not require much care. What little care they require, however, is important to keeping the herb healthy and the foliage supple. Too much water, too little water and lack of sun will turn the basil leaf tips brown and cause them to curl. Basil -- whether growing indoors or out -- requires at least six hours of full sun to keep it healthy.']\" and the positive \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results!', 'what causes brown edges on basil leaves']\"",
"Braces typically consist of brackets (bonded to the teeth), bands and wires. Typical costs: CostHelper readers without dental insurance coverage for braces report paying $3,000-$7,350 for traditional metal braces, at an average cost of $4,937. Traditional metal braces can cost $1,500-$10,000 or more depending on the severity of the bite and positioning problems that need to be fixed, the length of time the braces will be in place and whether the braces are on one set of teeth or both (upper and lower)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Traditional metal bracesâAlthough traditional metal braces are the most noticeable type, they are the least expensive orthodontic treatment option. The Consumer Guide for Dentistry estimates that traditional braces can cost anywhere from $3,000 to $7,000, depending on whether or not you have insurance coverage."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"What is the Average Price of Braces for Teeth? Although the cost of braces can vary, the average price of traditional metal braces for teeth in the U.S. ranges between $3,000 and $7,000. This price can rise dramatically if your child needs (or wants) a different type of braces."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Adult metal braces cost between £2,000 â £2,500 when fitted by a private dentist, or with NHS treatment you can expect to pay around £219 if itâs not purely a cosmetic treatment."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nFor instance, <<['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Single displacement reaction. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A single-displacement reaction, also named single-replacement reaction, is a type of oxidation-reduction chemical reaction when an element or ion moves out of one compound and into another-that is, one element is replaced by another in a compound. This is represented by the general reaction scheme:']>> to \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'single reaction definition']\"",
"Traditional metal braces can cost $1,500-$10,000 or more depending on the severity of the bite and positioning problems that need to be fixed, the length of time the braces will be in place and whether the braces are on one set of teeth or both (upper and lower)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"As with children, adults may need to wear a retainer to maintain the results of treatment after braces are removed. The cost of braces depends on the type you select. On average, metal braces cost $5,000 to $6,000. Keep in mind that your out-of-pocket costs will likely be higher if you choose non-metal braces."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Make sure you know what is included in your upfront fee and how much additional work will cost. Aesthetic preferences can have a big effect too; clear or tooth-colored braces typically cost more than undisguised metal. The national average without insurance for standard metal braces is $4,937."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Without insurance, 2014 costs for traditional metal braces (commonly recommended) ranged from $3,000 to $7,500 according to patient reports, but the overall cost varies by state, according to the Journal of Clinical Orthodontics."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"How Much Do Teeth Braces Cost? The average cost of traditional metal braces for teeth ranges from $3,000 to $7,000. Metal braces are the most common and cheapest option for dental braces. Each child's treatment is different, which is why the price may rangeâif one child requires more orthodontic care than another, the price will be higher."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"1 Traditional metal braces can cost $1,500 -$10,000 or more depending on the severity of the bite and positioning problems that need to be fixed, the length of time the braces will be in place and whether the braces are on one set of teeth or both (upper and lower).ype of Braces: Metal. My 10 year old daughter will start with a palate ex-pander which will cost $1050...then braces immediately after. I do not have insurance so we will be paying $1472 as a down payment and $108 monthly for 36 months."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Pros. 1 Orthodontic treatment is done discreetly because ceramic braces are less noticeable than conventional metal braces. 2 Ceramic braces align the teeth much faster than other orthodontic options. 3 Ceramic braces do not require frequent office visits, like in the case of traditional orthodontics."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"How Much Do Dental Braces Cost? Traditional metal braces range from $3,000 to $7,000. However, the price you pay for your child's braces largely depends on why your child needs braces."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Knowing what different types of braces cost plays a big part in which one you choose for yourself or a family member. In general, the average cost of braces can be anywhere from $3,000 to $7,000, depending on the severity of the problem, if braces are placed on one or both arches and the type of braces you choose. The following factors contribute to the cost of braces; knowing what you're paying for can help you make a decision."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The cost of a Dynamic Triplanar Orthosis varies. The brace provided by EastPoint Prosthetics & Orthotics costs between $3,000 and $4,000, and the orthosis created by DynamicBracingSolutions⢠costs between $8,000 and $10,000. The latter brace is the best in the industry, and the price is well worth the results."
] |
"a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.",
"who is the countess of wessex married to"
] | [
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nFor example, '['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\\nExamples:\\n\\n\\n\"KeyBank Corporate Offices. KeyBank Corporate Office Headquarters. KeyCorp. 127 Public Square. Cleveland, OH 44114 USA. Corporate Phone Number: 1-216-689-6300. Fax Number: 1-216-689-0519. Customer Service Number: 1-800-539-2968.\" == \"keybank corporate office phone number\"', \"Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. A Novel in Three Volumes by the Author of Sense and Sensibility. First published in 1813, Pride and Prejudice has consistently been Jane Austen's most popular novel.\"]' should be close to '['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'who is the author of pride and prejudice']'",
"Name: Sophie Helen (née Rhys-Jones) Title: Her Royal Highness The Countess of Wessex. Born: 20 January 1965. Parents: Christopher Bournes Rhys-Jones and Mary (née O'Sullivan) Married: Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex."
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Newlyweds: Jeremy London (left in 2013) married actress Juliet Reeves (right) this week, according to a Monday report from TMZ. Reeves is an actress who made the horror film Girl In Woods with London in Tennessee. The film is currently in post production but is expecting a release date later this year."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Prince Edward married Sophie Rhys-Jones at St George's Chapel in Windsor. At the couple's request, the ceremony was primarily for family and friends and did not follow the pattern of previous royal weddings.Photo: Prince Edward, his wife Sophie Rhys-Jones and her pageboys and bridesmaids leave St George's Chapel in Windsor after their marriage, 19 June 1999.t the couple's request, the ceremony was primarily for family and friends and did not follow the pattern of previous royal weddings. Photo: Prince Edward, his wife Sophie Rhys-Jones and her pageboys and bridesmaids leave St George's Chapel in Windsor after their marriage, 19 June 1999."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex, KG, GCVO, CD, ADC(P) (Edward Antony Richard Louis; born 10 March 1964) is the youngest of four children and the third son of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. At the time of his birth, he was third in line to succeed his mother; as of 2017, he is ninth in line."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"However, given the Prince's theatrical links and the Royal Family's policy of slimming down their size â and Edward's being seventh in the order of succession to the British throne, the Earldom of Wessex was recreated, Earl being a lesser title than Duke."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!', 'Tar (for Tape ARchive) is a UNIX shell command that creates a single file called an archive from a number of specified files or extracts the files from such an archive. A tar archive has the file suffix .tar. The files in a tar archive are not compressed, just gathered together in one file.']\" Match: \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is .tar']\"",
"As the author of two books on the former residents of the country estate, the current Countess of Highclere, Lady Fiona Carnarvon (married to George Herbert, the 8th Earl of Carnarvon) has become the face of the real Downton Abbey."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Princess Margaret married Antony Armstrong-Jones at Westminster Abbey in the spring of 1960. It was the first royal wedding to be broadcast on television and more than 20 million viewers tuned in to watch it. Photo: Princess Margaret and her husband, the photographer Antony Armstrong-Jones, wave from Buckingham Palace."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"The Royal visit by the Earl and countess of Wessex to the territory raised tensions in Spain. Edward's Visit to Gibraltar Stirs Up Spanish Anger Tom Sykes June 14, 2012 The countess deftly steered the lifeboat, a resolute and unlikely vision in her ermine and pearls."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Take your pick. Kate will automatically become the Duchess of Cambridge, the Countess of Strathearn and the Baroness of Carrickfergus now that she's married to William, royal historian Robert Lacey said. The queen visited Cambridge a few days ago, sparking rumors that a dukedom might be in line for William."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Kate will automatically become the Duchess of Cambridge, the Countess of Strathearn and the Baroness of Carrickfergus now that she's married to William, royal historian Robert Lacey said. The queen visited Cambridge a few days ago, sparking rumors that a dukedom might be in line for William."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"But now, finally married to the man she has loved for 34 years, the new Duchess of Cornwall has allowed friends to speak to the author, who gets an unprecedented look at the hurt and heartbreak, the campaign for acceptance, and the blossoming glamour and philanthropy at Prince Charlesâs side."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The Baroness Schreider, who the Captain plans to marry, is based on Princess Yvonne. As with the Baroness in the Sound of Music, Princess Yvonne had indeed planned to ship the von Trapp children off to boarding school after she and the Captain were married."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"I am Alessia Caro, and I have the honor to be the wife of the Count, Marius Caro.. If you approach her as an Argonian, she will hint at her dislike of beast races: I am Countess Alessia Caro, wife to Count Marius. I think Leyawiin would be better off if we removed all the dirty Argonians such as yourself."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"James, Viscount Severn (James Alexander Philip Theo Mountbatten-Windsor; born 17 December 2007), is the younger child and only son of Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex, and Sophie, Countess of Wessex, and the youngest grandchild of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. He is tenth in line of succession to the British throne"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Prince Edward married Sophie Rhys-Jones at St George's Chapel in Windsor. At the couple's request, the ceremony was primarily for family and friends and did not follow the pattern of previous royal weddings."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"EDWARD THE CONFESSOR 1042-1066. Following the death of Harthacanute, Edward restored the rule of the House of Wessex to the English throne. A deeply pious and religious man, he presided over the rebuilding of Westminster Abbey, leaving much of the running of the country to Earl Godwin and his son Harold."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Her wedding to the Prince of Wales on 29 July 1981, held at St Paul's Cathedral, reached a global television audience of over 750 million people. While married, Diana bore the titles Princess of Wales, Duchess of Cornwall, Duchess of Rothesay, Countess of Chester, and Baroness of Renfrew. The marriage produced two sons, the princes William and Harry, who were then respectively second and third in the line of succession to the British throne."
"represent text\n\n------\n\nFor instance, <<['represent the following document Examples:\\n\\n\"Bellamy Young. Bellamy Young (born Amy Maria Young; February 19, 1970) is an American actress, singer and producer, best known for her role as Senator Melody Mellie Grant in the ABC drama series Scandal (2012â\\x80\\x93present). In 2014, for her portrayal of Mellie, Young won the Critics\\' Choice Television Award for Best Supporting Actress in a Drama Series.\" == \"who plays mellie grant\"', \"Darkman is a 1990 American superhero action film directed and co-written by Sam Raimi. It is based on a short story Raimi wrote that paid homage to Universal 's horror films of the 1930s.\"]>> to \"['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'in what year was the movie darkman']\"",
"In 1946, Gerda Weissmann married her liberator, Kurt Klein (1920â2002), an American intelligence officer, in Paris. After their marriage, they traveled to the United States, where Kurt Klein owned a printing business and was an editor."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"comments. 1 Sophie, Countess of Wessex, said Lady Louise, 12, and James, Viscount Severn, (pictured in December) should not expect to follow in their parentsâ footsteps by working for the family âfirmâ."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Princess Sophie, the Countess of Wessex, spent yesterday, sampling the latest technology available to people with disabilities in Qatar, during a visit to Mada, Qatar Assistive Technology Centre."
"Represent the next text",
"âAlice Maud Mary Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Princess of the United Kingdom, Grand Duchess of Hesse. b. 25 April 1843, d. 14 December 1878. married Ludwig IV Friedrich Wilhelm Karl GroÃherzog von Hessen und bei Rhein (the Grand Duke of Hesse) on 1 July 1862."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"This was a departure from the weddings of Edward's older siblings, which were large, formal events at Westminster Abbey or St Paul's Cathedral. On his wedding day, Prince Edward was created Earl of Wessex with the subsidiary title of Viscount Severn, breaking from a tradition whereby sons of the sovereign were created royal dukes."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Celebrity Biographies. Dionne Warwick has been divorced from William Elliott since 1975. They had been married for 7.2 years. Dionne Warwick is currently available. Dionne Warwick."
"Represent this:",
"Warren Buffett and Astrid Menks, photographed in July, have married. It did not move markets, and Berkshire Hathaway shares barely budged, but the marriage of Warren E. Buffett, the Omaha billionaire, to his longtime companion, Astrid Menks, had the financial world all abuzz yesterday."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"A year later, out of duty she married his brother the new Tsarevich and sailed for Russia in Empress Marie, born Princess Dagmar, was the daugher of King Christian IX of Denmark and sister of Queen Alexandra of Great Britain, Edward VII's wife. She was betrothed to Tsarevitch Nicholas of Russia, a love match on both sides, but tragically he died months before the wedding."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Prince Amadeo, son of Belgian Princess Astrid and Prince Lorenz, is to marry his girlfriend, Italian Elisabetta Rosboch von Wolkenstein, later this year. Photo: REUTERS/FREDERIC SUERAKOWSKI/POOL. Princess Elisabetta and Prince Amedeo of Belgium announced the name of their first child, a baby girl. The couple left the Saint-Pierre University Hospital in Brussels Friday. As they posed for photographers, Amedeo, 30, and his wife Elisabetta, 28, told reporters that they have named their little princess Anna Astrid."
"Represent the following document",
"Sophie at 50: The Queen's quiet favourite. THE Countess of Wessex is more than just a regular riding companion for her mother-in-law, which is why sheâs been given the highest seal of approval. 00:01, Tue, Jan 20, 2015."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"In recent years, The Countess of Wessex has become involved in the world of agriculture and held the position of Show President of the Royal Bath and West Show in 2010 before becoming Vice Patron in 2011."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Is she the most gorgeous Royal? How a computer database of all her clothes, a £1,000 bike and a man called 'Quicky' who does up her zips transformed the once frumpy Sophie Wessex. The Countess of Wessex looks sleeker than she has done for a decade."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"(Bernardine Eugénie) Désirée Clary, one-time fiancee of Napoleon I; later Queen Desideria of Sweden as wife of Charles XIV John Désirée Elisabeth Sibylla, Princess of Sweden, Baroness Silfverschiöld, granddaughter of King Gustaf VI Adolf Désirée Margarethe Victoria Louise Sibylla Katharina Maria, Princess of Hohenzollern; daughter of Princess Birgitta of Sweden and Prince Johann Georg of Hohenzollern Desiree Hartsock, American reality TV personality (The Bachelor, and The ..."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Her husband was the marquis of Lorne when she married him, later the 9th Duke of Argyll. Queen Victoria's Illegitimate Grandchild Tom Sykes November 28, 2013 marquis says online ads, phone calls, and follow-up emails soliciting money directly for Ken Cuccinelli will follow shortly."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Prince Alwaleed & Princess Ameerah at the British royal wedding. If there was any doubt that royalty trekked from around the globe to attend Kate Middleton and Prince Williamâs wedding on April 29, look no further than the photo of billionaire Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal and his wife Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"Share Tweet Share Email Follow. Carole, Princess Antoni Radziwill, is the widow of husband Anthony Stanislas Radziwill, who died in a plane crash. They were married for four years prior to Anthonyâs death as the two married August 27, 1994, in East Hampton, New York."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Trivia. 1 The title is a reference to the fabled execution method of the Vikings. 2 Kings Ecbert of Wessex and Aella of Northumbria were not exact contemporaries in real life. 3 The marriage between Judith and Aethelwulf of Wessex took place in 856 CE, more than fifty years later than depicted in the series."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"47-year-old Elizabeth Buffy Franks was married for 17 years to NASCAR star Michael Waltrip. The couple split in 2010 she remarried and he is participating in DWTS season 19! 47-year-old Elizabeth Buffy Franks was married for 17 years to NASCAR star Michael Waltrip."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"First was the announcement that Edward had been created Earl of Wessex â a romantic title for sure, but not the Dukedom that was expected. Then came the news that he would one day succeed to his fatherâs title of Duke of Edinburgh, something that has caused mental somersaults for title fans ever since.or that day, 19 th of June 1999, was not just one of the first really nice days of the year â it was the wedding of Prince Edward, the Queenâs youngest son to the beautiful and charming Sophie Rhys-Jones."
"represent text",
"Sylvana Palma Windsor, Countess of St Andrews (born Sylvana Palma Tomaselli on 28 May 1957), is the wife of George, Earl of St Andrews, elder son and heir of Prince Edward, Duke of Kent. A historian at the University of Cambridge, she is usually known in academic circles as Dr Sylvana Tomaselli. 1 Early life."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Princess Beatrice does a lot for the Berkshire Community Foundation. They - and, in the fullness of time, the Wessex children - could be very useful. Louise, the Wessex daughter, was much to the fore at the Queen's 90th birthday charity tea in the Mall this summer."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"How Sophie Wessex has risen to become the Queen's favorite in-law... leading to chilly relations with Kate Sophie free from being talked of as the natural successor to Princess Diana With focus turning on Kate, Countess of Wessex has escaped limelight"
"represent the natural language",
"Royal Family - Sophie, Countess of Wessex. The Countess of Wessex was born Sophie Rhys-Jones in Oxford in 20 January 1965. She has royal ancestry as a descendant of Henry II of France, and both Welsh and Scottish ancestry."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"On 3 September 2007, Kingsley married Daniela Lavender, a Brazilian actress, at Eynsham Hall, in North Leigh, Oxfordshire. Honours"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"From frumpy to fabulous: How Sophie Wessex 'caved in' to royal style demands, ditched her boring trouser-suits and became one of Vanity Fair's best dressed. 1 Countess of Wessex, 50, says she 'wrestled' with wearing designer outfits. 2 Worried her outfits would overshadow the charities she has supported."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Her husband was the marquis of Lorne when she married him, later the 9th Duke of Argyll."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"Peri Baumeister. Uhtred married the Danish Gisela, sister of King Guthred of Northumbria. When Uhtred was betrayed by Guthred as part of Guthred's alliance with Ãlfric, Gisela was devastated. She determinedly waited for Uhtred to return and soon after Uhtred took Dunholme, they were married. She often relies on Viking runes to tell her of the future, sharing her predictions with Uhtred."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"After being refused marriage to Peter Townsend and Townsend leaving for a post in Belgium, Princess Margaret moved on with her life. Eventually, Princess Margaret married the photographer Antony Armstrong-Jones at Westminster Abbey on 6 May 1960."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Wessex is still a recognised geographical area of south /southwest England and is in the Queens prerogative to grant titles as she wishes. I understand that this is a stop gap title for Edward until both The Queen and Prince Philip are dead when he will inherit his fathers title of Duke of Edinburgh."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The year is 1485 and Princess Elizabeth, daughter of âThe White Queen,â has been pledged in marriage to the newly anointed King Henry Tudor in hopes that it will bring peace to a war-torn country."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:', '5. Your lender requires you to have mortgage insurance so that if you can no longer make payments on your home, the lender will still get paid (through the insurance policy). Mortgage insurance basically safeguards the lender in the event of borrower default.ortgage lenders make many borrowers purchase mortgage insurance to protect the lender if the borrower is unable to pay the mortgage. In other words, mortgage insurance guarantees your lender will get paid if you default.']\" Match: \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'can you add lenders mortgage insurance to your loan']\"",
"Year in review: The Earl and Countess of Wessex's work in 2016. Published 13 April 2017. It is our duty to remember and honour those who served so valiantly and who gave so much here at Vimy Ridge and throughout the First World War. A message from The Queen on the 100th anniversary of the battle of Vimy Ridge."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Alice. ii. Walter de Burgh, Lord of Connaught, 1st Earl of Ulster (d 28.07.1271). BE1883 and BP1870 (Clanricarde) identify Walter's wife as Maud de Laci, daughter of Hugh de Laci (Constable of Ireland, Earl of Ulster) by his marriage to Emeline de Ridelesford."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The Prince of Wales visits Caerphilly; TRH attend the Grenfell Memorial Service; HRH becomes the new Royal Patron of a Roald Dahl charity; TRH visit Borough Market; The Duchess visits The Silver Line and Emmaus; Ed Sheeran, MBE; HRH joins ICAP on an annual charity day; TRH in Stoke-on-Trent; Prince Henry of Wales & Meghan Markle are engaged to be married; More news"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"BREAKING: Princess Margaret's former husband Lord Snowdon dies Born Anthony Armstrong-Jones, he was made the Earl of Snowdon a year after his marriage to Princess Margaret in 1960. Princess Margaret and Tony, as he was known by friends, were introduced at a dinner party in May 1958."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Also present were Andrew and his daughter Princess Beatrice, and the Earl and countess of Wessex."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex, is a son of Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh, and is still alive."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Theirs is a famous, and sadly tragic love story. Princess Margaret and Peter Townsend met when she was just a teenager. He was married, twice her age, and a father of two to boot. This was when he obtained the position of equerry to her father King George VI. Townsend eventually divorced his wife in 1952, and when the princess was a more appropriate age, 22, the two began their romance."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Sophie is married to Sherlock star Benedict Cumberbatch. It's believed the pair first met on the set of thriller Burlesque Fairytales in which she played one of his side-kicks Annabel Blythe-Smith. At the time Benedict was dating actress Olivia Poulet but they split in 2011."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Mildrith is Uhtred's first wife, who first appears in The Last Kingdom. They were married as part of an arrangement whereby Uhtred gained command of the tiny Wessex fleet. The two do not really love each other, as a result of their vastly different outlooks on life and religion."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Prince Edward became the Earl of Wessex and Viscount Severn on his wedding day in 1999. Yet William could request that he remains simply HRH Prince William of Wales instead. According to royal protocol, Kate Middleton would not become HRH Princess Catherine of Wales, as she is not a Princess in her own right. Instead, she would become HRH Princess William of Wales, in the same vein as Princess Michael of Kent."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Princess Margaret and Peter Townsend, a former Battle of Britain pilot, fell in love when he was an equerry first to George VI and then to Elizabeth II. In 1952 he divorced his wife on the grounds of her adultery and subsequently proposed to Margaret."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Sophie Wessex: The unsung star of the Royal family. While the Duchess of Cambridge dominates front pages, the Countess of Wessex is quietly growing in confidence and developing her style as she takes on a higher profile role. The Countess of Wessex poses for a portrait in the courtyard of the Museum of Islamic Art in Qatar Photo: Getty."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Red Granite Co-Founder Riza Aziz's Mother Is the Imelda Marcos of Malaysia. 6:30 AM PDT 9/21/2016 by. Rosmah Mansor is wife of the prime minister, owns a $200,000 crocodile Hermes Birkin bag and is believed to use (and possibly abuse) as much power as her husband."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The prince and Mrs Parker Bowles first met at a polo match in 1970 Prince Charles will marry his long-term partner Camilla Parker Bowles on 8 April, Clarence House says. Mrs Parker Bowles will take the title HRH Duchess of Cornwall after the civil ceremony at Windsor Castle. When the Prince of Wales, 56, becomes king, 57-year-old Camilla will not be known as Queen Camilla but as the Princess Consort, Clarence House added."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"There have been rumors about Mira Rajput married Shahid Kapoor or Shahid Kapoor wife pregnant but the actor has denied it all and has come out open about his relationship. Shahid Kapoor Mira Rajput wedding date was 07 July, 2015 and Mira Rajput marriage with the star Bollywood actor shall mark enormous grandeur."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Even as she charms crowds on tour Down Under, Prince Charles' wife, Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, faces an awkward future with an awkward title when her husband becomes king, according to his official website."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"And Bethenny's still trying to get a divorce, Luann said. She was in The Daily Mail today. She's dating married men, not me.. The countess is referring to a report published by The Daily Mail on Tuesday that features photos of Bethenny holding hands with Dennis Shields, the executive chairman of Esquire Bank."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Countess of Wessex, 50, says she 'wrestled' with wearing designer outfits. Worried her outfits would overshadow the charities she has supported. But admits she's caved in to fashion demands in recent years. Doesn't have a stylist but still made Vanity Fair's 2015 Best Dressed list."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"Sometimes we have personal reasons for responding to a film. âLetters to Julietâ is about Sophie (Amanda Seyfried), an American girl who visits Verona with the man she's engaged to marry (Gael Garcia Bernal). He's always leaving her behind to investigate wine and truffles for his New York restaurant. She visits the house allegedly inhabited by Shakespeare's Juliet."
] |
"a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"what are informal and formal services by elders?"
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"Both informal and formal support can play a positive role in the life of an older adult. Formal support includes the services provided by professional, trained employees, typically paid for their work, while informal support includes the support provided by her social network and community."
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"There are two major types of assessments namely formal and informal assessments. There are differences between formal and informal assessments that make both of them equally important to teachers and educators. Therefore, it is important to know the difference between formal and informal assessment. What is Formal Assessment?"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The Elderly Services Program (ESP) helps older adults remain safe and independent in their homes. It expands care that may be provided by family and friends. ESP can delay or prevent nursing home placement."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Abilene, Texas metropolitan area. The Abilene Metropolitan Statistical Area is a metropolitan area in west central Texas that covers three countiesâ\\x80\\x94Taylor, Jones, and Callahan. As of the 2000 census, the MSA had a population of 165,252 (though a 1 July 2011 estimate placed the population at 166,416). Contents.']\" == \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'abilene tx population']\"",
"In an earlier post I was not as accurate as I should have been about activities of daily living. The functional tasks in the daily lives of older seniors are divided into two parts, activities of daily living (ADLâs) and instrumental activities of daily living (IADLâs)."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"ï¶ Formal organizations refers to the âofficialâ hierarchy and lines of authority, with their spans of control, and Informal organizations refers to the ways in which official rules are negotiated or subverted through the infromal practices of subordiates."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Formal and informal supports. When working with clients with complex needs, it's important to make use of supports beyond your service, including families, carers, other services and referrals. Involving families, carers and formal supports."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Elderly people in the community: formal care. Some elderly people in the community had a great deal of informal care from. one or more sources, but others, some of whom were very frail, had little or no. informal care, often because they had few or no relatives. Friends and neighbours."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Informal mentoring will sometimes even develop into a long-term friendship. Formal mentoring is structured, is based on a specific business objective, is often measured, and brings people together on the basis of compatibility."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Difference between Formal vs. Informal Counseling. A survey of mental health and includes diagnosis, counseling and effectiveness of counseling. Discuss differentiation of formal (professional) from informal (non-professional) counseling."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The use of appropriate formal services (e.g., respite care, In-Home Supportive Services, case management, etc.) can be crucial for maintaining community independence and providing needed backup and relief to the informal, family support system."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nFewshot example: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', \"Fortune (Chris Brown album) (Redirected from Stuck on Stupid) Fortune is the fifth studio album by American singer Chris Brown, released on June 29, 2012. The album is Brown's first release through RCA Records, following the disbandment of Jive Records in October 2011.\"]\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', \"who said 'stuck on stupid\"]\"",
"Formal and informal supports. When working with clients with complex needs, it's important to make use of supports beyond your service, including families, carers, other services and referrals. 1 Involving families, carers and formal supports. Partnerships with other services."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"An informal carer is a person, such as a family member, friend or neighbour, who provides regular and sustained care and assistance to the person requiring support.Use of the adjective 'informal' does not imply that the care provided is thought to be casual or lacking in structure and process.f the service users with a carer, most (84%) reported that their informal carer was also their primary carer, and nearly three-quarters were cared for by their mother (72%). As the age of the service user increased, so did the likelihood that their carer was their spouse or partner."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"An informal group is a voluntary group of people casually acquainted with each other for their own personal fulfillment because they have some common and shared backgrounds, characteristics and concerns (values / interests / hobbies / friendship)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"An adult family member or another individual who is an informal provider of in-home and community care to an older individual. (NOTE: Informal caregiving is a catch-all phrase that refers to unpaid care and financial support provided by family members or friends to people with chronic illness or disabilities.)"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"How leaders conduct a particular AAR determines whether it is formal or informal. A formal AAR is resource-intensive and involves the planning, coordination, and preparation of supporting training aids, the AAR site, and support personnel."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Abigail is an older adult with a support system, a set of people and services that help maintain quality of life and social engagement. Abigail receives both informal and formal support as she goes about everyday life. Formal support includes the services provided by professional, trained employees, typically paid for their work, such as the personal care assistant who helps her with bathing, or facilities, such as a nursing home."
"Represent text",
"informal (ɪnfÉËʳmÉl ) 1. adjective. Informal speech or behaviour is relaxed and friendly rather than serious, very correct, or official. She is refreshingly informal. His friend was less good-looking, but a lot more informal and relaxed."
"Represent the natural language",
"Formal LTC is provided by various community-based and institutional agencies who get reimbursed for the services they deliver. Informal LTC is provided by family and friends who do not get paid for the services they provide. Informal care reduces the use of formal home health care and delays nursing home enty."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Whatâs the difference between a formal and an informal trust account? An informal trust is typically opened by an adult for the benefit of another person, usually a minor. Less legal documentation is required to open an informal trust than in a formal trust, but it may be treated differently under the law."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The functional tasks in the daily lives of older seniors are divided into two parts, activities of daily living (ADLâs) and instrumental activities of daily living (IADLâs)."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:\n\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Types of triangles based on their sides. 1 An EQUILATERAL triangle has all three sides the same length. 2 An ISOSCELES triangle has two sides with the same length. 3 A SCALENE triangle has all three sides different lengths.']>> to <<['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'types of triangles by sides']>>",
"Understanding the difference between formal and informal can help you to better understand many rules in English grammar. The two words formal and informal are antonyms. Informal has been made by adding the prefix in- to the word formal. Moreover, both formal and informal are adjectives."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"There are several basic situations when an informal is written. 1 Congratulating on a wedding, birthday, birth of a child, graduation, etc. 2 Thanking for a favor, invitation, advice, etc. Inviting someone to a wedding, retirement party, housewarming party, baby shower or any other celebration."
"Full Answer. Formal meetings have a formal agenda, but many informal meetings do not. Unlike formal meetings, participants are free to speak their minds in informal meetings. Informal meetings have no formal requirements, while formal meetings are conducted by a chairperson and follow an agenda. Informal meetings can take place anywhere, such as a restaurant or a coffee shop, while a formal meeting takes place at a pre-planned place at a particular time."
"In Christianity the specific names and roles of clergy vary by denomination and there is a wide range of formal and informal clergy positions, including deacons, elders, priests, bishops, preachers, pastors, ministers and the Pope."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Most parents tap a broadrange of informal and formal supports forhelp in fulfilling their responsibilities, look-ing to family, friends, and neighbors, as wellas to child care, health, education, and socialservice providers."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Department Description: The Council on Aging provides information, services, programs and activities for elders, caregivers and the community. These include a Daily Luncheon Program (M-F), Meals on Wheels, an Adult Supportive Day Program, Transportation and a full range of activities."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Finding the answers to questions about elder issues can sometimes be confusing. The Attorney General's Office has a statewide, toll-free telephone hotline to help with issues affecting elders. The hotline, which is staffed by senior volunteers, provides dispute resolution services and is a comprehensive resource for information and referral on a full range of concerns."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Informal Leadership. Informal leadership is more of an abstract concept, but it's one that we should all be familiar with. Informal leaders are those who are not officially designated as leaders but are often called upon or considered by their peers to be the authoritative figure."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"This agency is staffed by professionals who are knowledgeable about elder programs and services, including available financial sources in your area. Staff is often aided by volunteers who serve as drivers for transport and Meals-on-Wheels, for respite services and other duties."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"Informal Meetings. Another type is an informal meeting. This type of meeting is used to address daily operational and policy issues. Your department meeting is a type of informal meeting. This meeting should have an agenda in order to keep the discussion on track, and there will probably be notes taken by the attendees."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Informal caregiving refers to the help and support family members and friends provide daily to individuals who are either temporarily or permanently unable to function independently."
"represent the following document",
"Massachusetts State Plan on Aging, 2014-2017 1 The Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs The Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs (EOEA) be came one of the nation's first cabinet-level agencies responsible for addressing the needs of elders in 1971. Originally a small"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The rationale for this analysis is that some studies have found a relationship between the amount of care and assistance an elderly person receives from family or friends (i.e., informal care) and the amount of formal care (i.e., provided by the health care system) he or she utilizes."
"Represent the input",
"Informal care always involves a life change that is caused by a family memberâs disability or illness. Informal care affects all members of the entire family instead of being a lifestyle supported by the carer and care receiver.A majority of this care is carried out with the help of family members, relatives and friends without any official forms of support.The importance of recognizing informal care situations cannot be stressed enough, because it makes a more timely inclusion in service system possible.rom a municipal viewpoint, informal care is a very inexpensive form of arranging care. However, the service system has not developed to support informal care, and developments in this matter have been just the opposite."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Informal gatherings for adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder who are able to discuss and problem solve their own and others' concerns. One focus of this group is developing a support system among the group members. Appointment Type: Support/Education Group. Duration: 1 to 2 hours."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Let's take a closer look. 1. Formal vs. Informal Counseling. A survey of mental health and includes diagnosis, counseling and effectiveness of counseling. Discuss differentiation of formal (professional) from informal (non-professional) counseling."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Informal caregivers: Patients with complex health care needs, particularly those with physical or cognitive functional decline, often need the assistance of informal caregivers to actively participate in care management."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"informal-used of spoken and written language. informal-not formal; conservative people unaccustomed to informal dress; an informal free-and-easy manner; an informal gathering of friends."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"What is Informal Organization? The informal organization is the interlocking social structure that governs how people work together in practice. It is the aggregate of behaviors, interactions, norms, and personal/professional connections through which work gets done and relationships are built among people."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Formal groups determine culture, codes of conduct and core values, and informal groups form more personal relationships that align with the mission statement. Informal encounters between employees help each understand their role in the organization."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Q. What kind of services do you provide? A: Companion care and personal care services (hygiene assistance) are designed to take over or assist in the activities that elders need to be able to stay at home safely and with dignity."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"You can have an informal leader who handles the situation with grace and ability or one who is unable to get the results required by your company's standards. That's where formal leaders shine; despite the more authoritative atmosphere workers, are more likely to stay on task and projects are better handled."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Much of the research on informal networks, church supports, and extended family in the Black community was done in the early to mid 1980s. Intergenerational family support and support from the extended family has been the hallmark of health care in the African American community. Formal and informal supports are used by both Whites and Blacks in need of help."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"It is also associated with official norms. Formal and informal are antonyms to each other. Formal defines an official style or manner. On the other hand, informal can be associated with a casual or a friendly manner. Thus, anything that is associated with the 'formal' attribute is regarded to be in accordance to certain rules and regulations or based on a standard format. Informal is just the opposite of formal. Something that is informal need not follow rules or regulations."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Under formal leadership, employees tend to seek approval from the leader. With informal leaders, employees often seek advice. The formal leader tends to judge employees and this makes communication somewhat intimidating. The informal leader is more likely to mentor employees and therefore may give guidance instead of reprimands."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Even when elderly people had a lot of support from their informal. network, many were in need of formal services, not least because nearly. two-thirds were living alone and over a fifth were living with an equally elderly. spouse."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"What Are The Differences Between Formal And Informal Data Collection Processes 1.1. Background In this study I aim to investigate formal, non-formal and informal Art education/training in South Africa."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Formal care was provided by the institutionalized health or social care systems and was defined as a recipient of home care (yes or no), and number of GP visits, specialist visits, and nights in hospital. A European database of roughly 22,000 Europeans aged 50 or older was used for the analysis."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The OAA also includes community service employment for low-income older Americans; training, research, and demonstration activities in the field of aging; and vulnerable elder rights protection activities."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Insightful formal group members recognize the value of informal interaction with employees and the value they create in reaching organizational objectives and department goals. Informal groups serve as the grapevine within an organization, but shared information is skewed by personal dislikes, prejudices, attitudes and emotions."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"elders in african families often taught traditions to the younger generations. f. it was the responsibility of children in african families to pass on oral traditions and local history. f. the tang used patronage and family connections to award the best government positions to loyal follwers."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Elderly care. Elderly care, or simply eldercare (also known in parts of the English speaking world as aged care), is the fulfillment of the special needs and requirements that are unique to senior citizens. This broad term encompasses such services as assisted living, adult day care, long term care, nursing homes (often referred to as residential care), hospice care, and home care."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"There are several types of meetings, including formal, semi-formal and informal. Formal meetings follow set meeting procedures that are not always used for informal meetings."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Services and Benefits. The Elderly Services Program provides in-home care for eligible seniors who might otherwise be forced to leave their homes and enter a nursing facility. ESP provides services such as Meals on Wheels, personal care (bathing and grooming), home-making and emergency response devices, to name a few."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"An informal carer is a person, such as a family member, friend or neighbour, who provides regular and sustained care and assistance to the person requiring support.Use of the adjective 'informal' does not imply that the care provided is thought to be casual or lacking in structure and process.n informal carer is a person, such as a family member, friend or neighbour, who provides regular and sustained care and assistance to the person requiring support."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Some situations where formal counseling is used: â Mental illness â Marriage and Family therapy â Couples therapy â Child therapy. Informal counseling consists of nothing more than pulling someone aside for a quiet word about some problem they're having. It can be done on the spur of the moment about something that happened only a second ago. In fact, this is probably the best use of this type of counseling. Often times Informal counseling is referred to as coaching. Informal counselors may or may not have formal training. Even a formally trained counselor will be an informal counselor when dealing with family, friends, or coworker."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Adult family members (age 18 years or older) or other adult informal caregivers providing care to: 1 Individuals 60 years of age and older. 2 Individuals any age with Alzheimerâs disease and related disorders."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Formal organization, no doubt, is an important part of the organization. But informal organization is also not less important. If handled properly, it will help in performing the activities of the organization very efficiently and effectively. Informal organization may act to fill in gaps in a manager's ability. For instance, if a manager is weak in planning, one of his subordinates may informally help him in such a situation."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Generally, the first person elders turn to for help with problems that require mental health treatment is their primary care physician. Many of these physicians have limited training in the care and management of geriatric patients."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Formal and informal support networks can work together, and both are often needed to help a person thrive. For example, without a personal care assistant, a type of formal support, Abigail's son, who has a job and family, would need to find a way to take time to help his mother with personal care."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"1. adjective. 1 Informal speech or behaviour is relaxed and friendly rather than serious, very correct, or official. 2 An informal situation is one which is relaxed and friendly and not very serious or official. 3 Informal clothes are casual and suitable for wearing when you are relaxing, but not on formal occasions."
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"Q. What kind of services do you provide? A: Companion care and personal care services (hygiene assistance) are designed to take over or assist in the activities that elders need to be able to stay at home safely and with dignity.: Use our office locator or call 800-365-4189 to find a caregiver near you. We will have our staff come to your home and conduct a free, no obligation assessment. We will then, at your direction, identify caregivers who have the skills, personality and availability to assist you."
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"The informal organization is the interlocking social structure that governs how people work together in practice."
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"This study demonstrated that informal care provided by children or grandchildren to their single-living elderly parents substituted for formal home care (e.g., provided by the institutionalized health and social care systems in Europe), but complemented physician visits and nights in hospital."
"Leadership roles are either formal or informal. In formal roles, leaders have a designated responsibility within their position that causes employees to follow them. Informal roles include situations in which leaders use personal traits like empathy, charisma, inspiration and compassion to naturally motivate others to act."
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"What Is Informal Leadership? Informal leadership is the ability of a person to influence the behavior of others by means other than formal authority conferred by the organization through its rules and procedures. Informal leadership is basically any type of leadership that is not based upon formal authority."
] |
"what does canis lupus baileyi mean"
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"⢠CANIS LUPUS (noun). The noun CANIS LUPUS has 1 sense: 1. a wolf with a brindled grey coat living in forested northern regions of North America. Familiarity information: CANIS LUPUS used as a noun is very rare. CANIS LUPUS (noun). The noun CANIS LUPUS has 1 sense: 1. a wolf with a brindled grey coat living in forested northern regions of North America. Familiarity information: CANIS LUPUS used as a noun is very rare."
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Bailey is of Old English origin and it is used mainly in English. The name Bailey means 'bailiff; berry wood'. It is derived from baili meaning 'bailiff' ; baiulus 'porter, messenger ' ; beg ' berry ' ; leah ' wood, clearing, meadow '. It represents the transferred use of the job title and the surname as a given name."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"[woo lvz] /wÊlvz/ (Show IPA) 1. any of several large carnivorous mammals of the genus Canis, of the dog family Canidae, especially C. lupus, usually hunting in packs, formerly common throughout the Northern Hemisphere but now chiefly restricted to the more unpopulated parts of its range. 2. the fur of such an animal."
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"The name Bailey is of English origin. The meaning of Bailey is bailiff, law enforcer. Bailey is used as both a boys and girls name. It consists of 6 letters and 2 syllables and is pronounced Bai-ley."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Canis simensis is a carnivore, generally preying on rodents ranging in size from the giant mole-rat Tachyoryctes macrocephalus (900 g) to that of the common grass rats (Arvicanthis blicki, Lophuromys melanonyx; 90-120 g) (Ginsberg and Macdonald 1990)."
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"Although the term is frequently used alone to designate lupus vulgaris and sometimes lupus erythematosus, without a modifier it has no meaning. The Latin word lupus means wolf; erythematosus refers to redness."
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"Lupus is a chronic, autoimmune disease that can damage any part of the body (skin, joints, and/or organs inside the body). Chronic means that the signs and symptoms tend to last longer than six weeks and often for many years.upus is a chronic, autoimmune disease that can damage any part of the body (skin, joints, and/or organs inside the body). Chronic means that the signs and symptoms tend to last longer than six weeks and often for many years."
"Represent the following document!",
"The generic name Canis means dog in Latin. The term canine comes from the adjective form, caninus (of the dog), from which the term canine tooth is also derived. The canine family has prominent canine teeth, used for killing their prey."
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"Canis lupus - the gray wolf. Five subspecies of gray wolf are recognized and are distinguished primarily on the basis of their current and/or former geographic distribution. Canis lupus occidentalis (Alaskan wolves) are found in most of Alaska and Western Canada."
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"Present distribution of subspecies (excluding dingos and domestic dogs). Canis lupus, the gray wolf, has 40 subspecies currently described, including the dingo, Canis lupus dingo, and the domestic dog, Canis lupus familiaris, and many subspecies of wolf throughout the Northern hemisphere.The nominate subspecies is Canis lupus lupus.Canis lupus is assessed as Least Concern by the IUCN, as its relatively widespread range and stable population trend mean that the species, at global level, does not meet, or nearly meet, any of the criteria for the threatened categories.wo subspecies not mentioned in the list above are the Italian wolf (Canis lupus italicus) and the Iberian wolf (Canis lupus signatus)."
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"lupus vulgaris, a rare cutaneous form of tuberculosis in which areas of the skin become ulcerated and heal slowly, leaving deeply scarred tissue. The disease is not related to systemic lupus erythematosus."
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"lupus vulgaris. n. 1. (Pathology) tuberculosis of the skin, esp of the face, with the formation of raised translucent nodules."
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"a wild member of the family Canidae. A brownish-gray dog which resembles a German Shepherd dog with a long nose and a bushy tail, noted for its ferocity as a hunter of game. Called also Canis lupus, other species Canis rufus (red wolf)."
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"Canis familiaris is used for domestic dogs, although taxonomically it should probably be synonymous with Canis lupus.. In 1982, the first edition of Mammal Species of the World included a note under Canis lupus with the comment: Probably ancestor of and conspecific with the domestic dog, familiaris."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"[ 2 syll. bai-ley, ba-il-ey ] The baby girl name Bailey is also used as a boy name, though it is far more popular for girls. It is pronounced B EY-Liy- â . Bailey is of Old English origin and it is used mainly in English. The name Bailey means 'bailiff; berry wood'.It is derived from baili meaning 'bailiff' ; baiulus 'porter, messenger ' ; beg ' berry ' ; leah ' wood, clearing, meadow '. It represents the transferred use of the job title and the surname as a given name.ailey is of Old English origin and it is used mainly in English. The name Bailey means 'bailiff; berry wood'. It is derived from baili meaning 'bailiff' ; baiulus 'porter, messenger ' ; beg ' berry ' ; leah ' wood, clearing, meadow '."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"C. lupus is but one of many Canis species called wolves, most of which are now extinct and little known to the general public.ne of these, however, the dire wolf, Canis dirus, has gained fame for the thousands of specimens found and displayed at the La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles, California. The dire wolf is an example of the word wolf being applied to a canid other than C. lupus."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"[ 2 syll. bai-ley, ba-il-ey ] The baby boy name Bailey is also used as a girl name, with the latter form being much more common. It is pronounced as B EY-Liy- â .Bailey is largely used in the English and German languages, and its origin is Old English. The name's meaning is bailiff; berry wood. 2 syll. bai-ley, ba-il-ey ] The baby boy name Bailey is also used as a girl name, with the latter form being much more common. It is pronounced as B EY-Liy- â ."
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"Best Answer: The grey wolf or gray wolf (Canis lupus), also known as the timber wolf or simply wolf, is the largest wild member of the Canidae family. Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Carnivora Family: Canidae Genus: Canis Species: C. lupus."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"C. lupus is but one of many Canis species called wolves, most of which are now extinct and little known to the general public.olves, dogs, and dingoes are subspecies of Canis lupus. The original referent of the English word wolf, the Eurasian wolf, is called C. l. lupus to distinguish it from other wolf subspecies, such as the Indian wolf (C. l. pallipes), the Arabian wolf (C. l. arabs), or the Tibetan wolf (C. l. chanco)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"For the domesticated subspecies of Canis lupus, see Dog. For the wild dog, see Dingo. The gray wolf or grey wolf (Canis lupus), also known as the timber wolf or western wolf, is a canine native to the wilderness and remote areas of Eurasia and North America. It is the largest extant member of its family, with males averaging 43â45 kg (95â99 lb), and females 36â38.5 kg (79â85 lb)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"1 On June 13, 2013, the Service concurrently proposed a rule in the Federal Register to remove the gray wolf (Canis lupus) from the Federal List of Threatened and Endangered Species and list the Mexican wolf (Canis lupus baileyi) subspecies as endangered and expand recovery efforts in the Southwest."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) that affects the kidneys is called lupus nephritis. Lupus is an autoimmune disease, meaning your immune system (your bodyâs defense system), which usually protects the body from disease, turns against the body. This causes harm to organs and tissues, like your kidneys."
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"Erythema migrans is the name for the bull's-eye rash that occurs with Lyme disease. Histoplasmosis is a fungal infection of the lungs causing muscle aches, fever, chest pain, cough, and more. Anemia , a lack of red blood cells, can cause fatigue, pale skin and gums, brittle nails, irritability, and more."
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"Canis lupus) ancestor, can take on such a dramatic variety of forms. But among dogs, which are well known for their hybrid (or mongrel) varieties, different breeds can mate and have viable offspring, so they are all found under the umbrella of a single species, Canis familiaris.anis lupus) ancestor, can take on such a dramatic variety of forms. But among dogs, which are well known for their hybrid (or mongrel) varieties, different breeds can mate and have viable offspring, so they are all found under the umbrella of a single species, Canis familiaris."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nFor instance, <<['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Disadvantages of a DBPP. 1 More difficult to understand and communicate than a DCPP. 2 Employees rarely participate in investment decisions. 3 Employees receive reasonable rates of return on termination. Actuarial evaluations required by 1 law. Possible problems with pension surplus or overfunding issues.']>> to \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'defined benefit plan disadvantages']\"",
"The gray wolf or grey wolf (Canis lupus) also known as the timber wolf, or western wolf, is a canid native to the wilderness and remote areas of North America and Eurasia.It is the largest extant member of its family, with males averaging 43â45 kg (95â99 lb), and females 36â38.5 kg (79â85 lb).he gray wolf is one of the world's best known and well researched animals, with probably more books written about it than any other wildlife species."
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"Subspecies of gray wolves in North America include the Arctic wolf (Canis lupus arctos), northwestern wolf (Canis lupus occidentalis), Great Plains wolf (Canis lupus nubilus), Mexican wolf(Canis lupus baileyi) and the eastern timber wolf (Canis lupus lycaon), which is debated by some as a distinct species, the eastern wolf (Canis lycaon)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"⢠CANIS (noun). The noun CANIS has 1 sense: 1. type genus of the Canidae: domestic and wild dogs; wolves; jackals. Familiarity information: CANIS used as a noun is very rare.anis aureus; jackal (Old World nocturnal canine mammal closely related to the dog; smaller than a wolf; sometimes hunts in a pack but usually singly or as a member of a pair). Holonyms (Canis is a member of...): Canidae; family Canidae (dogs; wolves; jackals; foxes)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Grey wolf. The grey wolf (Canis lupus), or just wolf, is a mammal of the order Carnivora, and the ancestor of the domestic dog. It is sometimes called timber wolf. A recent study found that the domestic dog is descended from wolves tamed less than 16,300 years ago south of the Yangtze River in China."
"Canis is a genus containing seven to 10 extant species, including the domestic dog, wolves, coyotes, and jackals, and many extinct species. Wolves, dogs, and dingoes are subspecies of Canis lupus.he Canidae are the biological family of carnivorous and omnivorous mammals that includes domestic dogs, wolves, foxes, jackals, coyotes, and many other lesser known extant and extinct dog-like mammals. This family is like a house divided family."
"Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is the form of lupus that can harm your skin, joints, kidneys and brain and may be fatal. The other form of lupus is called discoid lupus erythematosus, which affects only your skin. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) that affects the kidneys is called lupus nephritis. Lupus is an autoimmune disease, meaning your immune system (your bodyâs defense system), which usually protects the body from disease, turns against the body. This causes harm to organs and tissues, like your kidneys."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Canis is a genus containing seven to 10 extant species, including the domestic dog, wolves, coyotes, and jackals, and many extinct species.olves, dogs, and dingoes are subspecies of Canis lupus. The original referent of the English word wolf, the Eurasian wolf, is called C. l. lupus to distinguish it from other wolf subspecies, such as the Indian wolf (C. l. pallipes), the Arabian wolf (C. l. arabs), or the Tibetan wolf (C. l. chanco)."
"any of several large carnivorous mammals of the genus Canis, of the dog family Canidae, especially C. lupus, usually hunting in packs, formerly common throughout the Northern Hemisphere but now chiefly restricted to the more unpopulated parts of its range. the fur of such an animal."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"The gray wolf or grey wolf (Canis lupus) also known as the timber wolf, or western wolf, is a canid native to the wilderness and remote areas of North America and Eurasia.It is the largest extant member of its family, with males averaging 43â45 kg (95â99 lb), and females 36â38.5 kg (79â85 lb).he gray wolf or grey wolf (Canis lupus) also known as the timber wolf, or western wolf, is a canid native to the wilderness and remote areas of North America and Eurasia. It is the largest extant member of its family, with males averaging 43â45 kg (95â99 lb), and females 36â38.5 kg (79â85 lb)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"All species of domestic dogs are classified as Canis lupus familiaris. Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Carnivora Family: Canidae Genus: Canis Species: C. lupus Subspecies: C. l. familiaris Both cocker spaniel and boxers are breeds of dogs which don't have taxonomic classification.owever, opinion varies on whether they are a species in their own right, Canis familiaris, or a subspecies of the grey wolf, Canis lupus, which is their ancestor (this would make dogs Canis lupus familiaris). It's worth considering the following points: dogs and wolves are not genetically identical."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The noun CANIS FAMILIARIS has 1 sense: 1. a member of the genus Canis (probably descended from the common wolf) that has been domesticated by man since prehistoric times; occurs in many breeds. Familiarity information: CANIS FAMILIARIS used as a noun is very rare.Dictionary entry details.. a member of the genus Canis (probably descended from the common wolf) that has been domesticated by man since prehistoric times; occurs in many breeds. Familiarity information: CANIS FAMILIARIS used as a noun is very rare. Dictionary entry details."
"Canis Major is a constellation in the southern sky. Its name means âthe greater dogâ in Latin. Canis Major represents the bigger dog following Orion, the hunter in Greek mythology. The dog is often depicted pursuing a hare, represented by the constellation Lepus."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Summary of Invasiveness. Canis lupus familiaris (the dog) is possibly the first animal to have been domesticated by humans.It has been selectively bred into a wide range of different forms. They are found throughout the world in many different habitats, both closely associated with humans and away from habitation.ummary of Invasiveness. Canis lupus familiaris (the dog) is possibly the first animal to have been domesticated by humans."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'NEW YORK â\\x80\\x94 Not only are the Dallas Cowboys the most valuable team in the NFL, they are worth more than any franchise in sports. Forbesâ\\x80\\x99 NFL valuations show the Cowboys worth $4.2 billion, easily topping the league for the 10th straight year. Next closest are the New England Patriots at $3.4 billion. Earlier this year, Forbes cited Jerry Jonesâ\\x80\\x99 team as the worldâ\\x80\\x99s most valuable franchise.']\" == \"['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'forbes nfl team worth']\"",
"The first word in the scientific name Canis is the genus (...which is sort of like the family, but less broad...), and Lupus is the species. Lupus is the Latin word for wolf aâ¦nd canis is the Latin word for dog. Canis domesticus is the name for a domestic dog."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris or Canis familiaris) is a usually furry, carnivorous [2] [3] [4] canid carnivoran mammal. Domestic dogs are commonly known as man's best friend. The dog was the first domesticated animal [5] [6] and has been widely kept as a working, hunting, and pet companion."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"The gray wolf or grey wolf (Canis lupus) also known as the timber wolf, or western wolf, is a canid native to the wilderness and remote areas of North America and Eurasia. It is the largest extant member of its family, with males averaging 43â45 kg (95â99 lb), and females 36â38.5 kg (79â85 lb).lobally, gray wolf taxonomy has been subject to numerous revisions, particularly in North America. As of 2005, 37 subspecies of C. lupus are recognised by MSW3. Its list includes the domestic dog, dingo, eastern wolf and red wolf, but lists C. l. italicus and C. l. communis as synonyms of C. l. lupus."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The gray wolf or grey wolf (Canis lupus) also known as the timber wolf, or western wolf, is a canid native to the wilderness and remote areas of North America and Eurasia. It is the largest extant member of its family, with males averaging 43â45 kg (95â99 lb), and females 36â38.5 kg (79â85 lb).he gray wolf or grey wolf (Canis lupus) also known as the timber wolf, or western wolf, is a canid native to the wilderness and remote areas of North America and Eurasia. It is the largest extant member of its family, with males averaging 43â45 kg (95â99 lb), and females 36â38.5 kg (79â85 lb)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Canis is a genus containing seven to 10 extant species, including the domestic dog, wolves, coyotes, and jackals, and many extinct species.ome experts have suggested some subspecies of C. lupus be considered Canis species distinct from C. lupus. These include Central Asia 's Himalayan wolf, and the Indian wolf, as well as the North America 's red wolf and eastern wolf."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Canis lupus lycaon (Eastern wolves) are found in southern Canada and the northeastern United States. There is still some debate about how to classify this animal (as a unique species, as a subspecies of gray wolf, or as a close relative of the red wolf), but USFWS is currently managing it as a subspecies of the gray wolf."
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"The coat of the domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris) refers to the hair that covers its body. A dog's coat may be a double coat, made up of a soft undercoat and a tougher topcoat, or a single coat, which lacks an undercoat."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) that affects the kidneys is called lupus nephritis. Lupus is an autoimmune disease, meaning your immune system (your bodyâs defense system), which usually protects the body from disease, turns against the body. This causes harm to organs and tissues, like your kidneys. Lupus nephritis causes inflammation (swelling or scarring) of the small blood vessels that filter wastes in your kidney (glomeruli) and sometimes the kidneys, by attacking them like they would attack a disease."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Wolves, dogs, and dingoes are subspecies of Canis lupus. The original referent of the English word wolf, the Eurasian wolf, is called C. l. lupus to distinguish it from other wolf subspecies, such as the Indian wolf (C. l. pallipes), the Arabian wolf (C. l. arabs), or the Tibetan wolf (C. l. chanco).ne of these, however, the dire wolf, Canis dirus, has gained fame for the thousands of specimens found and displayed at the La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles, California. The dire wolf is an example of the word wolf being applied to a canid other than C. lupus."
"The grey wolf (Canis lupus), or just wolf, is a mammal of the order Carnivora, and the ancestor of the domestic dog.It is sometimes called timber wolf. A recent study found that the domestic dog is descended from wolves tamed less than 16,300 years ago south of the Yangtze River in China.he grey wolf (Canis lupus), or just wolf, is a mammal of the order Carnivora, and the ancestor of the domestic dog."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris or Canis familiaris) is a member of genus Canis (canines) that forms part of the wolf-like canids, and is the most widely abundant carnivore."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Lupus nephritis (LN) is inflammation of the kidneys that results from an autoimmune disease known as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Lupus is a latin word for wolf since some patients develop a skin rash on the nose, which resembles a wolf bite."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The gray wolf (Canis lupus), also known as the timber wolf or western wolf, is a canine native to the wilderness and remote areas of Eurasia and North America. It is the largest extant member of its family, with males averaging 43â45 kg (95â99 lb) and females 36â38.5 kg (79â85 lb)."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nGiven ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Look for the preset NETGEAR wireless network name (SSID), and select it. The preset Wi-Fi network name (SSID) is located on the product label on the. bottom of the router. Note: If you changed the name of your network during the setup process, look. for that network name.'], a positive would be ['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how to get the network key for netgear wireless router']",
"The domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris or Canis familiaris) is a domesticated canid which has been selectively bred for millennia for various behaviors, sensory capabilities, and physical attributes.he domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris or Canis familiaris) is a domesticated canid which has been selectively bred for millennia for various behaviors, sensory capabilities, and physical attributes."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Removing the Gray Wolf (Canis lupus) From the List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Maintaining Protections for the Mexican Wolf (Canis lupus baileyi) by Listing It as Endangered; Proposed Rule; extension of public comment period and announcement of public hearings."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Subspecies of Canis lupus. Canis lupus has 38 subspecies currently described, including the dingo, Canis lupus dingo, and the domestic dog, Canis lupus familiaris, and many subspecies of wolf throughout the Northern Hemisphere. The nominate subspecies is Canis lupus lupus."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"2. chilblain lupus erythematosus. systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) a chronic inflammatory disease, usually febrile and characterized by injury to the skin, joints, kidneys, nervous system, and mucous membranes. It can, however, affect any organ of the body and usually has periods of remissions and exacerbations.. chilblain lupus erythematosus. systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) a chronic inflammatory disease, usually febrile and characterized by injury to the skin, joints, kidneys, nervous system, and mucous membranes. It can, however, affect any organ of the body and usually has periods of remissions and exacerbations."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Lupus and Kidney Disease (Lupus Nephritis). Lupus is a short name for a disease called lupus erythematosus.. The word lupus means wolf in Latin. The skin rash that some patients get can form a butterfly pattern over the bridge of the nose, resembling the bite of a wolf. Lupus is called an autoimmune disease because the immune system, which usually protects the body from disease, turns against the body, causing harm to organs and tissues."
"On June 13, 2013, the Service concurrently proposed a rule in the Federal Register to remove the gray wolf (Canis lupus) from the Federal List of Threatened and Endangered Species and list the Mexican wolf (Canis lupus baileyi) subspecies as endangered and expand recovery efforts in the Southwest."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"⢠CANIS (noun). The noun CANIS has 1 sense: 1. type genus of the Canidae: domestic and wild dogs; wolves; jackals. Familiarity information: CANIS used as a noun is very rare.anis familiaris; dog; domestic dog (a member of the genus Canis (probably descended from the common wolf) that has been domesticated by man since prehistoric times; occurs in many breeds)."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it.\nTo give you a sense - \"['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.', 'Take your total square footage (length x width of room), and divide that number by nine. That will give you the what that space equals in square yards (with a square yard equaling 3 sq. ft.). Average vinyl floor costs for installation is around $4 to $6 per square yard.ith a comparatively easy installation process, products such as Armstrong vinyl tile provide quality flooring option at an affordable price. The 12â\\x80³ x 12â\\x80³ tile comes packaged with 40 pieces per container, at a cost of about $32 per container, or 80¢ per sq.ft. Vinyl sheeting comes in sizes ranging from 6â\\x80² to 12â\\x80² wide.']\" should be close to \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'average price to install vinyl interlocking flooring']\"",
"Current taxonomy identifies 10 taxonomic synonyms for the term Canis lupus dingo, the majority of which referred to the Australian dingo, one to the New Guinea Singing Dog, and 3 that refer to dogs that were once thought to be dingoes that were found in Southern and Southeast Asia."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The gray wolf or grey wolf (Canis lupus) also known as the timber wolf, or western wolf, is a canid native to the wilderness and remote areas of North America and Eurasia.It is the largest extant member of its family, with males averaging 43â45 kg (95â99 lb), and females 36â38.5 kg (79â85 lb).he gray wolf is the second most specialised member of the genus Canis, after the Ethiopian wolf, as demonstrated by its morphological adaptations to hunting large prey, its more gregarious nature, and its highly advanced expressive behavior."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Present distribution of subspecies (excluding dingos and domestic dogs). Canis lupus, the gray wolf, has 40 subspecies currently described, including the dingo, Canis lupus dingo, and the domestic dog, Canis lupus familiaris, and many subspecies of wolf throughout the Northern hemisphere.The nominate subspecies is Canis lupus lupus.Canis lupus is assessed as Least Concern by the IUCN, as its relatively widespread range and stable population trend mean that the species, at global level, does not meet, or nearly meet, any of the criteria for the threatened categories.as the largest range among wolf subspecies and is the most common in Europe and Asia, ranging through Western Europe, Scandinavia, Caucasus, Russia, China, Mongolia, and the Himalayan Mountains. Habitat overlaps with Indian wolf in some regions of Turkey."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Removing the Gray Wolf (Canis lupus) From the List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Maintaining Protections for the Mexican Wolf (Canis lupus baileyi) by Listing It as Endangered: Proposed rule; announcement of public hearing. 2015-02-20 00:00:00.0."
"Species: Canis lupus. Canis lupus has 39 subspecies currently described, including two subspecies of domestic dog, Canis lupus dingo and Canis lupus familiaris, and many subspecies of wolf throughout the Northern hemisphere. The nominate subspecies is Canis lupus lupus.he Canidae are the biological family of carnivorous and omnivorous mammals that includes domestic dogs, wolves, foxes, jackals, coyotes, and many other lesser known extant and extinct dog-like mammals. This family is like a house divided family."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"There are two types of lupus. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is the form of lupus that can harm your skin, joints, kidneys and brain and may be fatal. The other form of lupus is called discoid lupus erythematosus, which affects only your skin. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) that affects the kidneys is called lupus nephritis. Lupus is an autoimmune disease, meaning your immune system (your bodyâs defense system), which usually protects the body from disease, turns against the body. This causes harm to organs and tissues, like your kidneys."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The grey wolf (Canis lupus), or just wolf, is a mammal of the order Carnivora, and the ancestor of the domestic dog. It is sometimes called timber wolf. A recent study found that the domestic dog is descended from wolves tamed less than 16,300 years ago south of the Yangtze River in China.he grey wolf (Canis lupus), or just wolf, is a mammal of the order Carnivora, and the ancestor of the domestic dog. It is sometimes called timber wolf. A recent study found that the domestic dog is descended from wolves tamed less than 16,300 years ago south of the Yangtze River in China."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Dog (subspecies name Canis lupus familiaris) also known as hound is a subspecies of the grey wolf (Canis lupus), a member of the Canidae family of the mammilian order Carnivora. The term domestic dog is generally used for both domesticated and feral varieties."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Historical (red) and modern (green) range of wild subspecies of C. lupus. The gray wolf or grey wolf (Canis lupus), also known as the timber wolf or western wolf, is a canid native to the wilderness and remote areas of Eurasia and North America. It is the largest extant member of its family, with males averaging 43â45 kg (95â99 lb), and females 36â38.5 kg (79â85 lb)."
] |
"Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"what is sensory im"
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Sensory impairment is often regarded from a medical/disability point of view and its effects on mental health can be poorly recognised. Communication is a key issue for deaf and deafâblind people and difficulties here underlie developmental, psychological and emotional problems and delay or prevent appropriate assessment and treatment."
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"But what im tryin to say is that what hes doing what im kind of doing except im doing it on a way smaller scale. I m still a free like hes free and i can do that--and he should definitely be ok with tha like im ok with him doing what hes doing and that should be the way of things for you too."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Next. im trying to be healthier because my health is getting bad so i need to watch what i eat, but im not sure how many calories im suppose to eat a day and what should i eat to be healthier?"
"I'm so embarrassed but im not exactly sure what a female Organism is.. Im not the Sex type of girl so im new to this stuff... please help me .. no hate please. Update: Like im not sure what happens ..."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"What are other possible diagnoses for symptoms seen in migraine with aura? Who gets migraine aura without pain? What is migraine aura without pain? What are the symptoms of sensory aura? What causes sensory aura? What is sensory aura? What causes visual aura? What is visual aura? What are the different types of migraine aura? Can migraine cause vision changes? What causes aura? What is migraine aura?"
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nFor instance, <<['represent the next text:', 'Get the Latest health and medical information delivered direct to your inbox! The stomach is a muscular sac located on the left side of the upper abdomen. The stomach receives food from the esophagus. As food reaches the end of the esophagus, it enters the stomach through a muscular valve called the lower esophageal sphincter. The stomach secretes acid and enzymes that digest food. Ridges of muscle tissue called rugae line the stomach. The stomach muscles contract periodically, churning food to enhance digestion. The pyloric sphincter is a muscular valve that opens to allow food to pass from the stomach to the small intestine.']>> to \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what side of the body is the stomach located']\"",
"sensory receptors. afferent neurons which enter the CNS. synapses at inter-neurons in the CNS. efferent neurons which exit the CNS. effector organs (muscles or glands) that respond to the original signal."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"im 16 and i live in Florida and im wondering what is the legal age to smoking here. most people say their is no law of what age to smoke but it is illegal to buy it. Update: im 16 and i live in Florida and im wondering what is the legal age to smoking here. most people say their is no law of what age to smoke but it is illegal to buy it until 18."
] |
"represent the natural language",
"http://www.credit union of texas/"
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"3.0 stars based on 2 reviews. Credit Union of Texas has been open since 1931. It's the 14th largest credit union in Texas and the 13th largest in the United States with assets totaling $1.35 Billion and providing banking services to more than 147,000 members."
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"East Texas Professional Credit Union Phone Number: 903-323-0223 East Texas Professional Credit Union Routing Number 311985788 Routing number is a 9 digit number generally found at the bottom-left corner of the paper check."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"In today's video, Christopher Greene of AMTV explains that Texas will be the first state to Secede from the Union. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GreeneWaveTV. Twitter: https://twitter.com/GreeneWave. Donate: http://www.amtvmedia.com/donate/. Website: http://www.amtvmedia.com/."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"ASSOCIATED CREDIT UNION - I need to enter my savings account. I do not have a checking account with this credit union. - James McCaleb. FIRST NATIONAL BANK TEXAS - To verify First National Bank of Texas routing number please call 800-903-7490."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"About Mountain Star Federal Credit Union. Mountain Star Federal Credit Union was chartered on Jan. 1, 1935. Headquartered in El Paso, TX, it has assets in the amount of $27,145,257. Its 4,618 members are served from 2 locations. Deposits in Mountain Star Federal Credit Union are insured by NCUA."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Directory of State Chartered Credit Unions. Don't see your credit union on this list? Only DBO-licensed credit unions are listed here. Your credit union may be a national credit union, or a state credit union headquartered in another state. Try searching these credit union bank directories: http://www.ffiec.gov/nicpubweb/nicweb/nichome.aspx or http://cuonline.ncua.gov/CreditUnionOnline."
"represent text",
"Learn more about Truwest Credit Union on 13609 N Interstate 35 in Austin, Texas (bank hours, contact details and bank overview.)"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"These are the Credit Union hours for East Texas Professional Credit Union. Call 903-323-0223 to learn more about local branch office hours. Please note that these bank hours are general and other hours of operation may apply on certain federal bank holidays."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Please see the credit unions website or contact them by phone at (202) 863-2800 or email them at none to get exact details . There are many other credit unions with branch office locations in the local area. See them all here. Credit Unions in WASHINGTON, DC."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"We provide the best savings account rates in Texas from local, regional and national financial institutions for you to search online. GOBankingRates.com offers the best savings account rates from over 5,000 banks and credit unions in Texas."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Navy Federal Credit Union Opens New Texas Branch. The $54 billion, 4.3-million member Navy Federal Credit Union has opened a new branch in Copperas Cove, Texas, bringing its branch total to 235, the Vienna, Va.-based cooperative said. The branch houses an image-enabled ATM and a coin machine, and its staff also includes a mortgage lending officer."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"San Antonio Credit Union | San Antonio Checking Accounts | San Antonio Online Checking Accounts | Checking Accounts | Really Free Checking. Austin Credit Union | Austin Checking Accounts | Austin Online Checking Accounts © Randolph-Brooks Federal Credit Union 2000-."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'supination of the forearm is to rotate from the position of palm down, to palm facing up. While pronation of the forearm is the opposite coming from palm facing up to palm f â\\x80¦ acing down. 2 people found this useful.']>> to <<['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results!', 'what action turns the palm up']>>",
"Membership is also open to immediate family of current members. Contact University of Kentucky Federal Credit Union. Contact the Hamburg Main Office location at 2557 Sir Barton Way by calling (859) 264-4200 or contact the credit union by any of these means: Phone: (859) 264-4200."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"TEXAS PARTNERS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION ROUTING ABA NUMBER. 311985416 routing number is a 9-digit number designed and assigned to Texas Partners Federal Credit Union by The American Bankers Association (ABA) to identify the financial institution upon which a payment was drawn."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Map and Driving Directions to Community Resource Credit Union Branch Office. To get directions to Community Resource Credit Union located at 6218 Fm 2100 Crosby, Tx 77532, please click on the google places icon (), then click Directions or Search Nearby for more information."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Cal Com Credit Union in Victoria, Texas Routing Number, Address, Swift Codes. 2 branches found. S.t.e.c. A routing number is a 9 digit code for identifying a financial institution for the purpose of routing of checks (cheques), fund transfers, direct deposits, e-payments, online payments, and other payments to the correct bank branch."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"We provide the best savings account rates in Texas from local, regional and national financial institutions for you to search online. How to Find the Best Savings Account in Texas. GOBankingRates.com offers the best savings account rates from over 5,000 banks and credit unions in Texas. You can browse savings accounts online with GOBankingRates to find high-yield money market savings accounts and innovative financial institutions that make going to the bank a thing of the past."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"In some cases the order of the checking account number and check serial number is reversed. Search all TEXAS DOW EMPLOYEES CREDIT UNION routing numbers in the table below. Use the Search box to filter by city, state, address, routing number. Click on the routing number link in the table below to navigate to it and see all the information about it (address, telephone number, zip code, etc.)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Contact Hereford Texas Federal Credit Union. Contact the Main Office location at 330 Schley Avenue by calling (806) 364-1888 or contact the credit union by any of these means: Phone: (806) 364-1888. Fax: (806) 364-8638."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Houston Federal Credit Union Sugar Land, Texas ABA (RTN) 3131 8336 8 Credit: (Memberâs Name) (Account Number) (Account Type: âCheckingâ or âSavingsâ) It is important that wiring instructions be exact."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Power Thesaurus. 1969. union thesaurus http://www.powerthesaurus.org/union/synonyms (accessed January 12, 2018). Harvard Power Thesaurus 1969, union thesaurus, Power Thesaurus, viewed 12 January, 2018, <http://www.powerthesaurus.org/union/synonyms>."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"First Community Credit Union Attn: Real Estate PO Box 840129 Houston, TX 77284-0129"
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Austin, TX 78757 (512)302-5555 Austin Telco Federal Credit Union Austin 12188 Jollyville Rd Austin, TX 78759 (512)302-5555 Bastrop Austin Telco Federal Credit Union Bastrop 530 Highway 71 W Bastrop, TX 78602-3735 (512)302-5555 Cedar Park. There are 2 Austin Telco Federal Credit Union Cedar Park branch locations. The addresses are: Austin Telco Federal Credit Union Cedar Park"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Start your search by typing in the business name below. Lubbock, TX Credit Unions. YP - The Real Yellow PagesSM - helps you find the right local businesses to meet your specific needs. Search results are sorted by a combination of factors to give you a set of choices in response to your search criteria."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Contact JSC Federal Credit Union. Contact the Texas City - Mainland Branch location at 2300 Gulf Freeway by calling (281) 488-7070 or contact the credit union by any of these means: Phone: (281) 488-7070. Toll Free: (800) 940-0708."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nExample:\nProvided: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'LINK / CITE ADD TO WORD LIST. verb. The definition of determine is to set limits, make a decision or find out exactly. 1 An example of determine is measuring a piece of fabric before cutting it to size.2 An example of determine is deciding to paint your house a certain color.INK / CITE ADD TO WORD LIST. verb. The definition of determine is to set limits, make a decision or find out exactly. 1 An example of determine is measuring a piece of fabric before cutting it to size.']\" Match: \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'determines meaning']\"",
"In order to pay online, you must create an account on the Hereford Texas Federal Credit Union online website. Please visit Hereford Texas Federal Credit Union's website for more details on how to register."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nE.g. ['Represent the following document.', 'Many films are considered hybrids - they straddle several film genres. Genres History: By the end of the silent era, many of the main genres were established: the melodrama, the western, the horror film, comedies, and action-adventure films (from swashbucklers to war movies).'] == ['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'different genres of movies']",
"There are many other credit unions in the local area. See them all here. Credit Unions in Universal City, TX. The data for Randolph-brooks FCU was updated on 04/20/2017 with data from 3/31/2017 which is the most current available public information."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"union thesaurus. Retrieved January 12, 2018, from http://www.powerthesaurus.org/union/synonyms: Chicago: Power Thesaurus. 1969. union thesaurus http://www.powerthesaurus.org/union/synonyms (accessed January 12, 2018). Harvard: Power Thesaurus 1969, union thesaurus, Power Thesaurus, viewed 12 January, 2018, <http://www.powerthesaurus.org/union/synonyms>. MLA: Power Thesaurus. union thesaurus 31 December 1969. Web. 12 January 2018. <http://www.powerthesaurus.org/union/synonyms>"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"TEXELL FEDERAL CREDIT UNION : Office Type: Main office: Delivery Address: PO BOX 983, TEMPLE, TX - 76501 (0983) Telephone: 254-773-1604: Servicing FRB Number: 111000038 Servicing Fed's main office routing number: Record Type Code: 1 The code indicating the ABA number to be used to route or send ACH items to the RFI. 0 = Institution is a Federal Reserve Bank"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"About Austin Telco Federal Credit Union Austin Telco Federal Credit Union was chartered on Jan. 1, 1941. Headquartered in Austin, TX, it has assets in the amount of $1,307,343,059. Its 75,091 members are served from 23 locations. Deposits in Austin Telco Federal Credit Union are insured by NCUA."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"East Texas Professional Credit Union Website Home Page East Texas Professional Credit Union Phone Number: 903-323-0223. East Texas Professional Credit Union Routing Number 311985788. Routing number is a 9 digit number generally found at the bottom-left corner of the paper check. It is also used to identify a bank uniquely."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Search-Search for a bank's routing number, branch locations and more. Browse-Browse through our bank's routing number database. List - View bank locations and routing numbers by listing. Recent Users' Comments CREDIT UNION OF TEXAS - reorder checking for line of credit - Carol Woodson Arrington"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Shell Federal Credit Union has been open since 1937. It's the 25th largest credit union in Texas with assets totaling $827.21 Million and providing banking services to more than 82,000 members. Contact Shell Federal Credit Union. Contact the Wilson Road Branch location at 4787 Wilson Road by calling (713) 844-1100 or contact the credit union by any of these means: Phone: (713) 844-1100. Toll Free: (800) 388-5542."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"(806) 364-1888. There are several routing numbers for Hereford Texas Credit Union reported in our bank database. Please call Hereford Texas Credit Union branch office at (806) 647-5169 to get an accurate routing number for Hereford Texas Credit Union wire transfer, reorder checks or setting up Hereford Texas Credit Union direct deposit."
"Yes, Hereford Texas Federal Credit Union's website can be viewed from your phone. In addition to that, you can also use Prism to see not only your Hereford Texas Federal Credit Union bill, but also all the rest of your monthly bills in one app."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"1 American Airlines Federal Credit Union has 3 locations in California, 5 in Florida, 3 in Illinois, 2 in Massachusetts, 1 in Missouri, 1 in New Jersey, 3 in New York, 1 in North Carolina, 3 in Oklahoma, 1 in Tennessee, 11 in Texas and 1 in Washington D.C.. 2 Find a credit union by city, state, or name: 3 Look up other Texas credit unions."
"represent this!\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Condensation is the name for the phase of a gas changing to a liquid state. It is the opposite of vaporization, which is when a liquid changes to a gas state. An example of condensation is when water vapor condenses on the side of a cold bottle or glass when it makes contact with the surface.']\" == \"['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'process that changes liquid to gas']\"",
"TC Teachers Federal Credit Union 1700 9th Ave N Texas City, TX 77590."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"There are several routing numbers for Texas Dow Employees Credit Union reported in our bank database. Please call Texas Dow Employees Credit Union branch office at (979) 297-1154 to get an accurate routing number for Texas Dow Employees Credit Union wire transfer, reorder checks or setting up Texas Dow Employees Credit Union direct deposit."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"A short history of Texas Tech FCU. Since its inception in 1959 the Texas Tech Federal Credit Union has been serving its members in and around the LUBBOCK, Texas area with exceptional financial products."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Please call East Texas Professional Credit Union representative at (903) 323-0223 for more information. 1 Routing Number: 311985856. 2 PO BOX 6750. 3 Phone Number: (903) 323-0223."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"AMOCO Federal Credit Union 2401 5th Ave S Texas City, TX 77590."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Discover the many benefits of membership at the Hereford Texas Federal Credit Union, and take a look at the many services you'll find listed below. Through this complete range of services, the Hereford Texas Federal Credit Union is committed to serving the financial needs of its members efficiently, competitively, and conveniently. We invest in these services to make our membership more valuable and to make sure that we are your one-stop shop for all of your financial needs."
"Represent the next text",
"ASSOCIATED CREDIT UNION - I need to enter my savings account. I do not have a checking account with this credit union. FIRST NATIONAL BANK TEXAS - To verify First National Bank of Texas routing number please call 800-903-7490."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Join our community â and enjoy a more personal experience where people care about other people. Since 1954, Brazos Valley Schools Credit Union has been committed to its membersâ financial well-being across a 13-county area of Texas. We offer individualized customer service, numerous products and services to benefit you, educational resources to keep you informed and several convenient locations near you."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Routing Number: 311989250: Institution Name: TEXELL FEDERAL CREDIT UNION : Office Type: Main office: Delivery Address: PO BOX 983, TEMPLE, TX - 76501 (0983) Telephone: 254-773-1604: Servicing FRB Number: 111000038 Servicing Fed's main office routing number: Record Type Code: 1 The code indicating the ABA number to be used to route or send ACH items to the RFI"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"311079238 Routing Number (TEXAS DOW EMPLOYEES CREDIT UNION) 311079238 is assigned to TEXAS DOW EMPLOYEES CREDIT UNION, LAKE JACKSON, Main Office by American Bankers Association (ABA). TEXAS DOW EMPLOYEES CREDIT UNION Main Office is located at 1001 F M 2004, LAKE JACKSON, TX. In case of any confusion regarding the routing number, one call the bank directly at (979) 297-1154. FedACH Routing Number"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Please call A+ Federal Credit Union representative at (512) 302-6800 for more information. 1 Routing Number: 314977104. 2 P O BOX 14867. AUSTIN, TX 78761-4867. 3 Phone Number: (512) 302-6800."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"In August 1959, the field of membership was amended to include Brooks Air Force Base and on October 25, 1961, the credit union name changed from Randolph Federal Credit Union to Randolph-Brooks Federal Credit Union. In 1995, the credit union merged with an Austin-based institution, Central Texas Catholic Credit Union."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"TEXAS PARTNERS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION ROUTING ABA NUMBER. The last reported ABA Number for Texas Partners Federal Credit Union is 311985416. According to our bank database, this bank location is a main office and servicing FRB number is 311985416. There are several Texas Partners Federal Credit Union routing numbers reported in our bank database. Please call (254) 526-3081 to verify routing number for your bank wire transfer, reorder Texas Partners Federal Credit Union checks or setting up direct deposit."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Truwest Credit Union in Austin, Texas Routing Number, Address, Swift Codes. 3 branches found. A routing number is a 9 digit code for identifying a financial institution for the purpose of routing of checks (cheques), fund transfers, direct deposits, e-payments, online payments, and other payments to the correct bank branch."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Texas Trust (15) Firstmark (15) Credit Union Routing Number. A routing number is a 9 digit code for identifying a financial institution for the purpose of routing of checks (cheques), fund transfers, direct deposits, e-payments, online payments, and other payments to the correct bank branch."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"University Federal Credit Union is a member-owned, not-for-profit cooperative that is proudly diverse and non-discriminatory with respect to whom it serves. We strive always to offer exceptional service & competitively priced, contemporary financial products to the greater Austin and Galveston communities."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n------\n\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', \"Photosynthesis is a process used by plants and other organisms to convert light energy, normally from the Sun, into chemical energy that can be later released to fuel the organisms' activities.arbon dioxide is converted into sugars in a process called carbon fixation. Carbon fixation is an endothermic redox reaction, so photosynthesis needs to supply both a source of energy to drive this process, and the electrons needed to convert carbon dioxide into a carbohydrate.\"]\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'That energy stored in sugar is released during the process what is that called']\"",
"Search all EAST TEXAS PROFESSIONAL CREDIT UNION routing numbers in the table below. Use the Search box to filter by city, state, address, routing number. Click on the routing number link in the table below to navigate to it and see all the information about it (address, telephone number, zip code, etc.)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Texas Partners Federal Credit Union Routing Number. 311985416 routing number is a 9-digit number designed and assigned to Texas Partners Federal Credit Union by The American Bankers Association (ABA) to identify the financial institution upon which a payment was drawn."
] |
"Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"what county is waynesville mo"
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Waynesville is the county seat of Pulaski County, in south central Missouri. Parts of the town line the âRoaring Roubidouxâ to the north and south, and the âOld Wire Roadâ to the east and west. In 1837-39 the Northern Route of the infamous Trail of Tears traveled through Waynesville and encamped at the Roubidoux Springs in Laughlin Park."
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Located in Pulaski County, in the beautiful south central Missouri Ozarks, Candlewood Suites on Fort Leonard Wood, is near Waynesville and St. Robert and 2 miles south of Interstate 44. St. Louis is a two View More"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Waynesville is located in De Witt County, IL. The population is 556, making Waynesville the 4th largest city in De Witt County. There are 0 public schools in Waynesville with an average Homefacts rating of NA. The total crime rate for Waynesville is low, and there are 1 registered sex offenders residing in the city."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"detailed map of Waynesville and near places. Welcome to the Waynesville google satellite map! This place is situated in Haywood County, North Carolina, United States, its geographical coordinates are 35° 29' 19 North, 82° 59' 20. West and its original name (with diacritics) is Waynesville. See Waynesville photos and images from satellite below, explore the aerial photographs of Waynesville in United States."
"Represent this",
"Homefacts City Report. Waynesville is located in Warren County, OH. The population is 2,867, making Waynesville the 7th largest city in Warren County. There are 3 public schools in Waynesville with an average Homefacts rating of A-. The total crime rate for Waynesville is low, and there are 8 registered sex offenders residing in the city."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"For other uses, see Stewartsville (disambiguation). Stewartsville is a city in DeKalb County, Missouri, United States. The population was 750 at the 2010 census. The community is named for Robert M. Stewart, a former Missouri governor. It is part of the St. Joseph, MOâKS Metropolitan Statistical Area."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Greene County was established in 1796 and it is located in the south western region of the state. With a population of approximately 38,686 the county has a total area of 578 square miles, and the county seat is Waynesburg. Help Needed If you are a firefighter in Greene County, we need your help to verify the station information shown below is current and correct. If you have any information to add to this section, please email us"
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Kirksville is the county seat of Adair County, Missouri, United States. It is located in Benton Township. The population was 17,505 at the 2010 census. Kirksville also anchors a micropolitan area that comprises Adair and Schuyler counties. The city is perhaps best known as the location of Truman State University and A. T. Still University. Kirksville is located at 40°11â²37â³N 92°34â²58â³W / 40.19361°N 92.58278°W / 40.19361; -92.58278 (40.19368958, -92.58285181)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Kirksville is a city in and the county seat of Adair County, Missouri, United States. Located in the Benton Township, its population was 17,505 at the 2010 census. Kirksville is home to two colleges: Truman State University and A.T. Still University."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nFor instance, <<['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Poland Table of Contents. During the reign of Empress Catherine the Great (1762-96), Russia intensified its manipulation in Polish affairs. Prussia and Austria, the other powers surrounding the republic, also took advantage of internal religious and political bickering to divide up the country in three partition stages. The third partition in 1795 wiped Poland-Lithuania from the map of Europe.']>> to \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'the partitions of poland']\"",
"Waynesville, in scenic Roubidoux Creek Valley, became the county seat in 1843, but court first met here, 1835. Named for Revoultionary War General Mad Anthony Wayne, the town was a stage stop on St. Louis to Springfield Road, also called Wire Road for the telegraph line strung by Union Army."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nTo give you a sense - \"['represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Cymopteris fendleri Common name: chimaja Alternate names: Indian parsley Part used: leaves Family: Apiaceae Plant Description Chimaja is a small, dwarf, compact perennial herbaceous plant no more than 1-3 inches tall in the parsley family. It has glossy, deep green, dissected, pleasantly fragrant leaves.']\" should be close to \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is chimaja']\"",
"Wayne County Mayor 714 Wayne Street Waynesboro MS 39367 39.2 miles from Moselle 601-735-4874 Mendenhall Mayor 172 West Maud Avenue Mendenhall MS 39114 47.1 miles from Moselle 601-847-1212 Poplarville Mayor 200 Mississippi 26 Poplarville MS 39470 50.4 miles from Moselle 601-795-8161"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"The Village of Waynesville had a population of 2,904 as of July 1, 2015. The primary coordinate point for Waynesville is located at latitude 39.5319 and longitude -84.0909 in Warren County."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Waynesville is a village in Wayne Township, Warren County, Ohio, United States.The population was 2,834 at the 2010 census. It is named for General Mad Anthony Wayne. The village, located at the crossroads of U.S. Route 42 and State Route 73, is known for its antique stores and its annual sauerkraut festival.Caesar Creek State Park is located 5 miles (8.0 km) east of the village.Waynesville is served by the Mary L. Cook Public Library.t is named for General Mad Anthony Wayne. The village, located at the crossroads of U.S. Route 42 and State Route 73, is known for its antique stores and its annual sauerkraut festival. Caesar Creek State Park is located 5 miles (8.0 km) east of the village. Waynesville is served by the Mary L. Cook Public Library."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Wayne is a village in Wood County, Ohio, United States. The population was 887 at the 2010 census.he median income for a household in the village was $46,071, and the median income for a family was $52,750. Males had a median income of $34,135 versus $22,386 for females. The per capita income for the village was $17,028."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Located in Pulaski County, in the beautiful south central Missouri Ozarks, Candlewood Suites on Fort Leonard Wood, is near Waynesville and St. Robert and 2 miles south of Interstate 44. St. Louis is a two hour drive to the east along I44. Springfield, Missouri is a little more than an hour's drive to the west on I44."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"LandWatch.com has thousands of rural properties in Stewartsville, DeKalb County, Missouri, including hunting & fishing properties, cabins, Land for sale and land auctions. Choose from small acreage lots to massive 500+ acre estates."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Waynesville, Ohio is located in Warren County. Waynesville is a suburban community with a population of 2,928. The median household income is $49,576. In Waynesville, 51% of residents are married, and families with children reside in 35% of the households."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"de kalb county historical society museum & genealogy library in maysville missouri A motto, which had been suggested by Harley Fisher, was chosen, A county that forgets its past will never have a future."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"Wayne is a village in DuPage and Kane County, Illinois. The eastern portion, in DuPage County, is in Wayne Township, while the western portion, in Kane County, is in St. Charles Township.The population was 2,431 at the 2010 census. with over 70% of families reporting income over $100,000 in recent census figures.n DuPage County, a minimum of 2 acres (8,100 m 2) is needed to keep horses. In Kane County, property outside of subdivisions must be at least 4 acres (16,000 m 2). A property with at least 2 acres (8,100 m 2) in either county is locally called zoned horses with one horse allowed per acre."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it.\n\nE.g. ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"George A. Romero's Night of the Living Dead is considered a progenitor of the fictional zombie of modern culture. A zombie (Haitian French: zombi, Haitian Creole: zonbi) is a fictional undead being created through the reanimation of a human corpse. Zombies are most commonly found in horror and fantasy genre works.\"] == ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is zombie?']",
"Waynesville, IL Homefacts Overview of De Witt County includes data on offenders, schools, foreclosures, environmental hazards, and more. Toggle navigation Log In"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Camp Crowder is located in Newton County. The nearest urban area is Neosho, MO., with a population of 9,500, 2 miles distant. Commercial air service, bus terminal, taxi service and car rental service is available in Joplin, MO., 25 miles distant. Taxi service is available in Neosho, MO."
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"Just a few miles away from our Waynesville bed and breakfast is the Blue Ridge Parkway, one of the most scenic drives in the county. A drive down the Blue Ridge Parkway is slow paced and relaxing with non-stop natural beauty. There are many places to stop along the way."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"Waynesville, Ohio is located in Warren County. Waynesville is a suburban community with a population of 2,928. The median household income is $49,576. In Waynesville, 51% of residents are married, and families with children reside in 35% of the households.he median age of homes in Waynesville, OH is 30 years, with 67% of those homes owned, 28% rented, and 5% not occupied. In the previous year, 30 Waynesville properties were sold."
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"Zip Code 65583 is located in the state of Missouri in the Springfield metro area. Zip code 65583 is primarily located in Pulaski County. The official US Postal Service name for 65583 is WAYNESVILLE, Missouri. Portions of zip code 65583 are contained within or border the city limits of Fort Leonard Wood, MO, Waynesville, MO, and St. Robert, MO. The area code for zip code 65583 is 573."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Wayne County, with a population of 13,521, is located in the northeastern portion of the Ozark Foothills Region. Some major industries and employers in the county include Windsor Foods, Clark Mountain Nursing Home, Corlair Corporation, Nu-Dell Plastics, McAllister Software, and Hickory Specialties."
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"According to the United States Census Bureau, Wayne County has a total area of 751 square miles (1,950 km 2), of which 726 square miles (1,880 km 2) is land and 25 square miles (65 km 2) (3.3%) is water. The terrain of the county is varied."
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"Village of Waynesville, Warren County. Report on the Termination of the Village of Waynesville. Financial Planning and Supervision Commission. - 6 -. It is understood that this reportâs determination is for the use of the Financial Planning and Supervision."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"- 5 -. Report on the Termination of the Waynesville Financial Planning and Supervision Commission. At the request of the Financial Planning and Supervision Commission (the Commission), of the Village of. Waynesville, Warren County, Ohio, as provided by Section 118.27(B) of the Revised Code, the Auditor."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"The Pulaski County Insider [15] is run by a group of St. Robert and Waynesville residents and maintained and hosted by a Potosi resident. The Pulaski County Web [16] is run and maintained by a Devil's Elbow resident. A PBS show called Postcards from Buster created a 30 minute video of Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Dent County Clerk 400 North Main Street Salem MO 65560 20.4 miles from Licking 573-729-4144. St Robert Clerk 194 Eastlawn Avenue St. Robert MO 65584 26.4 miles from Licking 573-451-2000. Pulaski County Clerk 301 Route 66 Waynesville MO 65583 29.3 miles from Licking 573-774-4701. Doolittle City Clerk 380 Eisenhower Street Newburg MO 65550 30.4 miles from Licking 573-762-2601. Phelps County Clerk 200 North Main Street Rolla MO 65401 31.1 miles from Licking 573-458-6101. Shannon County Clerk PO Box 187 Eminence MO 65466 36.7 miles from Licking 573-226-3414"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Sponsored Topics. Waynesboro is a city in Wayne County, Mississippi, United States. The population was 5,197 at the 2000 census. It is the county seat of Wayne County. Waynesboro is located at 31°40â²26â³N 88°38â²37â³W / 31.67389°N 88.64361°W / 31.67389; -88.64361 (31.674026, -88.643553), just east of the Chickasawhay River."
"Waynesville is a village in Wayne Township, Warren County, Ohio, United States. As of the 2000 census, the village population was 2,558, up from 1,949 in 1990. It is named for General Mad Anthony Wayne. The village, located at the crossroads of U.S. Route 42 and State Route 73, is known for its antique stores and its annual sauerkraut festival. Caesar Creek State Park is located five miles east of the village. Waynesville is served by the Mary L. Cook Public Library. In 2005, the library loaned more than 203,000 items to its 8,000 cardholders. Total holdings in 2005 were over 67,000 volumes with over 110 periodical subscriptions."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"1 Waynesville, IL shared De Witt County Museum's photo. 2 Waynesville, IL. 3 Waynesville, IL shared Waynesville Christian Church's photo. 4 Waynesville, IL. 5 Waynesville, IL shared Waynesville Christian Church's photo. 6 Waynesville, IL. 7 Waynesville, IL shared Channen Isaac Settles's event. 8 Waynesville, IL shared Channen Isaac Settles's event. 9 Waynesville, IL."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Wayne County is a county in the U.S. state of Ohio. As of the 2010 census, the population was 114,520.Its county seat is Wooster. The county is named for General Mad Anthony Wayne.ccording to the U.S. Census Bureau, the county has a total area of 557 square miles (1,440 km 2), of which 555 square miles (1,440 km 2) is land and 1.9 square miles (4.9 km 2) (0.3%) is water."
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"After the Lewis and Clark Expedition of the early 19th century, white settlers came to the area, many from Kentucky, Tennessee and the Carolinas; the earliest pioneers appeared to have settled as early as 1818, and the town of Waynesville was designated the county seat by the Missouri Legislature in 1833."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"United States Missouri Wayne County. Guide to Wayne County, Missouri ancestry, family history, and genealogy birth records, marriage records, death records, census records, family history, and military records."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Find Public Records in Wayne County, Missouri. This page lists public record sources in Wayne County, Missouri. Additional resources can be found on our Missouri State Public Records page, on city pages, and on topic pages using the navigation above. Recommend a link for this page. Wayne County, Missouri - General County Info."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Closest Airport to Fort Leonard Wood, MO The closest airport to Fort Leonard Wood is Waynesville-St. Robert Regional Airport (TBN). Distance from Waynesville-St. Robert Regional Airport to Fort Leonard Wood, MO is 4,2 kilometers (2,6 miles). Waynesville-St. Robert Regional Airport (TBN) Waynesville-St. Robert Regional Airport is located approximately 4,2 kilometers (2,6 miles) north of Fort Leonard Wood and about 40,0 kilometers (24,9 miles) southwest of Rolla."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries. To give you a sense - \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'This is a list of arteries of the human body. 1 The aorta. 2 The arteries of the head and neck The common carotid artery Relations. 3 The arteries of the upper extremity The subclavian artery. The arteries of the trunk The descending aorta The thoracic 1 aorta. The arteries of the lower extremity The femoral artery.']\" should be close to \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'how type of arteries do human have']\"",
"Learn more by clicking the Google or Facebook button below. Population Demographics for Waynesville, Missouri in 2016 and 2017. Other Counties and Cities in Missouri."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Stewartsville is a city in DeKalb County, Missouri, United States. The population was 759 at the 2000 census. The community is named for Robert M. Stewart, a former Missouri governor. It is part of the St. Joseph, MOâKS Metropolitan Statistical Area. West (39.752627, -94.498624)."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Cass County, Missouri. Cass County is a county located in the western part of the U.S. state of Missouri. As of the 2010 census, the population was 99,478. Its county seat is Harrisonville. The county was organized in 1835 as Van Buren County but was renamed in 1849 after U.S. Senator Lewis Cass of Michigan who later became a presidential candidate."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Prior to county formation in 1818, what became Wayne County was a part of St. Francois Township of Cape Girardeau County. Wayne County, Missouri is one of Missouri's oldest counties. Wayne County was organized as a county of Missouri Territory on 11 December 1818 by an act of the territorial legislature. This law became effective 1 November 1813. The county was created from parts of Cape Girardeau and Lawrence Counties."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Town of Stoutsville, Stoutsville, Monroe County, MO. Rights Advisory: No known restrictions on images made by the U.S. Government; images copied from other sources may be restricted."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Pulaski County Daily News · January 10 at 2:35pm · Dr. Brian Henry, Superintendent of the Waynesville R-VI School District, opened the time capsule today that was found during demolition of the old Waynesville Middle School which will soon be the site of the new Pulaski County Jail."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Stewartsville is a city in DeKalb County, Missouri, United States. The population was 759 at the 2000 census. The community is named for Robert M. Stewart, a former Missouri governor. It is part of the St. Joseph, MOâKS Metropolitan Statistical Area. Stewartsville is located at 39°45'9 North, 94°29'55."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Wayne is a sixth-class county in Pennsylvania. The county's population was 52,822 at the time of the 2010 United States Census. The county seat is the Borough of Honesdale."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Find Public Records in Wayne County, Missouri. This page lists public record sources in Wayne County, Missouri. Additional resources can be found on our Missouri State Public Records page, on city pages, and on topic pages using the navigation above. Population: 13,112."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"If you work at Hanksville - Wayne County Fire Department and have the authority to update fire dept. info, you can apply to manage this profile. To find additional fire departments in your region please use the following links:"
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nExample:\nProvided: \"['represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Sodium hydroxide poisoning. Sodium hydroxide is a very strong chemical. It is also known as lye and caustic soda. This article discusses poisoning from touching, breathing in (inhaling), or swallowing sodium hydroxide. This article is for information only. Do NOT use it to treat or manage an actual poison exposure.']\" Match: \"['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'is lye sodium hydroxide']\"",
"38.5 Acres Stewartsville, DeKalb County, Missouri. $399,000. 38.5 ACRESMOTIVATED SELLERThis large 4 bedroom, 5 bath home has room for everyone! The main floor features a 30 x 35 Great Room with wet bar and beautiful stone fireplace."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Waynesboro, Mississippi. Waynesboro is a city in Wayne County, Mississippi, United States. The population was 5,197 at the 2000 census. It is the county seat of Wayne County. Contents."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"VacantLand property for sale in Stoutsville,MO (MLS #17073259). Learn more from Kelly Hager Group | Keller Williams Realty Chesterfield. Monroe County, Missouri is waiting for your new home!."
"Items placed in the new capsule will include memorabilia from the current school year and city coins presented by City of Waynesville MO Municipal Government Mayor Luge Hardman, a former Waynesville history teacher, and St. Robert Mayor George Lauritson, a former Waynesville principal, both of whom were at today's ceremony."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Wayne ranks in the upper quartile for Population Density and Diversity Index when compared to the other cities, towns and Census Designated Places (CDPs) in Ohio. See peer rankings below. The primary coordinate point for Wayne is located at latitude 41.301 and longitude -83.4717 in Wood County.The formal boundaries for the Village of Wayne (see map below) encompass a land area of 0.32 sq. miles and a water area of 0 sq. miles. Wood County is in the Eastern time zone (GMT -5).The elevation is 699 feet.The Village of Wayne (GNIS ID: 2400111) has a C1 Census Class Code which indicates an active incorporated place that does not serve as a county subdivision equivalent.ood County is in the Eastern time zone (GMT -5). The elevation is 699 feet. The Village of Wayne (GNIS ID: 2400111) has a C1 Census Class Code which indicates an active incorporated place that does not serve as a county subdivision equivalent."
"1 Missouri T runs north from Highway 17 at Waynesville to Swedeborg, where it meets and ends at Highway 133 about halfway between Richland and Crocker. Highway 28 crosses Interstate 44 at exit 163 at the eastern edge of St. Robert, runs north through Dixon, and then runs north out of the county."
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"STEWARTSVILLE, DEKALB COUNTY, MISSOURI LAND FOR SALE: 1 - 15 of 25 listings. 1. 38.5 ACRESMOTIVATED SELLERThis large 4 bedroom, 5 bath home has room for everyone! The main floor features a 30 x 35 Great Room with wet bar and beautiful stone fireplace. Also conveniently located on the main floor are the bedrooms, laundry, kitchen and dining room."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Haywood County is a county in the western portion of the U.S. state of North Carolina. As of the 2010 census, the population was 59,036. Its county seat and largest city is Waynesville. Haywood County is part of the Asheville, NC Metropolitan Statistical Area."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Waynesville is located just outside the Pisgah National Forest and is close to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and the Blue Ridge Parkway. Waynesville and Haywood County are part of the four-county Asheville Metropolitan Statistical Area, currently the 5th largest metropolitan area in North Carolina."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"[Waynesville] is the oldest town in DeWitt county and is situated...in the southern edge of the Kickapoo timber. It was named by George Isham in honor of Gen. ... Anthony Wayne, of whose exploits and generalship Isham was a great admirer...The first goods sold in the town (being the first in the county) were by Greenman & Dunham in 1830, two years before the town was laid out."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"To find additional fire departments in your region please use the following links: Millersville, MO Fire Departments » Cape Girardeau County, MO Fire Departments » Missouri Fire Departments."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Sponsored Topics. Waynesville is a village in Wayne Township, Warren County, Ohio, United States. As of the 2000 census, the village population was 2,558, up from 1,949 in 1990. It is named for General Mad Anthony Wayne."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Pike County, Missouri. Pike County is a county in the eastern part of the U.S. state of Missouri. As of the 2010 census, the population was 18,516. Its county seat is Bowling Green. The county was organized December 4, 1818, and named for explorer Zebulon M. Pike."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Millersville, Missouri. Millersville is an unincorporated community in western Cape Girardeau County, Missouri, United States. It is located six miles (10 km) west of Jackson on Route 72. Millersville is part of the Cape GirardeauâJackson, MO-IL Metropolitan Statistical Area."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Compare Waynesville, MO Demographics To Other Cities. Waynesville population breakdown by race. In Waynesville, 5.5% of people are of Hispanic or Latino origin. Please note: Hispanics may be of any race, so also are included in any/all of the applicable race categories above."
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"Wayne County Land Info. Located in Missouri, 774-square-mile Wayne County accounts for less than one percent of the state's total land area. Of Missouri's 115 counties, Wayne County ranks 76th in terms of the size of its population (13,405, according to 2015 Census estimates). Recent Lands of America data places the average value of ranches, land, farms and other recreational acreage for sale in Wayne County at $2,876 per acre."
] |
"Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results",
"are rainbow trout related to salmon"
] | [
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"Scientific Name: Oncorhynchus mykiss (Previous names include Salmo gairdneri and Salmo irideus. There are several subspecies.). Description: Rainbow trout/steelhead are ray-finned fishes in the salmon family, and they are one of the top sport fish in North America. Rainbow trout and steelhead are the same species, but they have different lifestyles."
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Salmon /ËsaemÉn/ ËsæmÉn is the common name for several species of fish in the Family. Salmonidae other fish in the same family include, trout, char grayling and. Whitefish salmon are native to tributaries of The North (atlantic Genus) salmo And Pacific (ocean Genus). oncorhynchus"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"A rainbow trout that spends time in the ocean is called a steelhead. Arctic char and brook trout are part of the char family. Trout are an important food source for humans and wildlife including brown bears, birds of prey such as eagles, and other animals. They are classified as oily fish."
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"Rainbow trout, aka Steelhead: rainbow refers to the colors on the sides of the stream-dwelling type; steelhead refers to the steel-gray head color of the type that runs to the ocean (in Lake Superior in our case) Oncorhynchus (on-co-wren´-cuss) means hooked snout in Greek."
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"Gone Fishin! Lake Willoughby contains rainbow trout (wild and stocked), brown trout and state record lake trout after rainbow trout, land locked salmon, rainbow smelt, burbot, yellow perch, and round whitefish, a native species to Vermont. Get Ready for Spring/Summer/Fall Events 2017."
"Represent this text",
"These fish are called rainbow trout. The steelhead that migrate to the ocean develop a slimmer profile, become more silvery in color, and typically grow much larger than the rainbow trout that remain in fresh water. Adults migrate from a marine environment into the freshwater streams and rivers of their birth in order to mate (called anadromy). Unlike other Pacific salmonids, they can spawn more than one time (called iteroparity). Migrations can be hundreds of miles. Young animals feed primarily on zooplankton. Adults feed on aquatic and terrestrial insects, mollusks, crustaceans, fish eggs, minnows, and other small fishes (including other trout)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Trout is the common name for a number of species of freshwater fish belonging to the genera Oncorhynchus, Salmo and Salvelinus, all of the subfamily Salmoninae of the family Salmonidae. The word trout is also used as part of the name of some non-salmonid fish such as Cynoscion nebulosus, the spotted seatrout or speckled trout."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"What Eats Them? Young rainbow trout often are eaten by a variety of piscivorous (fish-eating) fishes, such as sculpins, smallmouth bass, and larger trout. When in shallow water, they also are fed upon by kingfishers, herons, eagles, osprey, otters, and raccoons. Humans are the most frequent predators of larger rainbows."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"The main stem of the Salmon River provides habitat for a variety of fish species. These include cutthroat trout, bull trout, rainbow trout, mountain white fish, sockeye salmon, chinook salmon (spring/summer/fall run), steelhead, smallmouth bass, squawfish, sucker and sturgeon."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Since rainbow and steelhead trout are the same species there are no major physical differences between them, however, the nature of their differing lifestyles has resulted in subtle differences in color, shape, size, and general appearance."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"country. Stream-dwelling rainbow trout are usually found in small to moderately large, but shallow, rivers with gravel bottoms and pool-riffle habitats. Lake-resident rainbow trout are usually found in deeper, cool lakes with adequate shallows and vegetation for good food production. There must be a gravelly tributary to the lake with adequate flows for spawning. What do they eat? Rainbow trout mainly eat leeches, crustaceans, molluscs, and insects such as caddis flies and black flies, but they also eat salmon eggs when available. Most often it is those rainbow trout that eat fish (piscivorous) or run to the sea (steelhead), that reach a large size. What is their life cycle like? Rainbow trout usually spawn for"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Salmon /ËsæmÉn/ is the common name for several species of ray-finned fish in the family Salmonidae. Other fish in the same family include trout, char, grayling and whitefish. Salmon are native to tributaries of the North Atlantic (genus Salmo) and Pacific Ocean (genus Oncorhynchus). Many species of salmon have been introduced into non-native environments such as the Great Lakes of North America and Patagonia in South America."
"represent this text",
"A rainbow trout that spends time in the ocean is called a steelhead. Trout are an important food source for humans and wildlife including brown bears, birds of prey such as eagles, and other animals. They are classified as oily fish."
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"The brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) is a species of freshwater fish in the salmon family Salmonidae.It is native to Eastern North America in the United States and Canada, but has also been artificially introduced elsewhere in North America and to other continents.n parts of its range, it is also known as the eastern brook trout, speckled trout, brook charr, squaretail, or mud trout, among others. A potamodromous population in Lake Superior is known as coaster trout or, simply, as coasters."
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"Rainbow trout are coldwater fish that have long. been symbolic of clear, healthy mountain. streams and lakes in North America. Because of. their ability to thrive in hatcheries, rainbow trout. have been introduced into much of the United. States and now inhabit many streams and lakes. throughout the country."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Description Original range of the rainbow trout was from Northern Mexico to the Kuskokwim River, Alaska. Some stocks existed in the Great Basin and in British Columbia, but none was native to any part of the Colorado River. Introduced to Arizona in 1898."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Golden Rainbow Trout is a different species than the Golden Trout (Oncorhynchus aguabonita) of some California streams. In fish hatcheries, the Rainbow Trout has occasionally produced other unusual genetic mutations, such as the Blue Rainbow Trout, whose body color is sky-blue.he Golden Rainbow Trout is a different species than the Golden Trout (Oncorhynchus aguabonita) of some California streams. In fish hatcheries, the Rainbow Trout has occasionally produced other unusual genetic mutations, such as the Blue Rainbow Trout, whose body color is sky-blue."
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"3. Medium color and oil rich: amberjack, Arctic char, Coho salmon, Hawaiian kampachi, mahimahi, paddlefish, pompano, Sockeye Salmon, wahoo, yellowfin tuna. 4. White, lean, and flaky: Atlantic croaker, black sea bass, branzino, flounder, rainbow smelt, red snapper, tilapia, rainbow trout, weakfish (sea trout), whiting."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The main stem of the Salmon River provides habitat for a variety of fish species. These include cutthroat trout, bull trout, rainbow trout, mountain white fish, sockeye salmon, chinook salmon (spring/summer/fall run), steelhead, smallmouth bass, squawfish, sucker and sturgeon.t originates in the Sawtooth and Lemhi Valleys of central and eastern Idaho, and snows from the Sawtooth and Salmon River Mountains in the south, and the Clearwater and Bitterroot Mountains in the north, feed this river."
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"(Walbaum, 1792); SALMONIDAE FAMILY; also called steelhead, Kamloops, redband trout, Eagle Lake trout, Kern River trout, Shasta trout, San Gorgonio trout, Nelson trout, Whitney trout, silver trout."
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"Rainbow trout and steelhead are the same species, but they have different lifestyles. Steelhead are anadromous, meaning they spend part of their lives in the sea, while rainbow trout spend their lives mostly or entirely in freshwater."
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"rainbow trout. 1. a trout, Salmo gairdnerii, native in the coastal waters and streams from Baja California to Alaska, used as a food and game fish. The majority of these rainbow trout were apparently in the condition best described as well-mended. The lake contains Loch Leven, German brown and rainbow trout."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"There would be no fishing for the runs of large trout coming out of lakes. We would have to close some streams for most of the year as various species spawned. There would be no spring bass and bluegill fishing. The rainbows of Alaska would be off limits, because they feed on salmon spawn or salmon fry."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Salmon /ËsaemÉn/ ËsæmÉn is the common name for several species of fish in the Family. Salmonidae other fish in the same family include, trout, char grayling and. Whitefish salmon are native to tributaries of The North (atlantic Genus) salmo And Pacific (ocean Genus). oncorhynchusosalmo driftwoodensis, the oldest known salmon in the fossil record, helps scientists figure how the different species of salmon diverged from a common ancestor. The British Columbia salmon fossil provides evidence that the divergence between Pacific and Atlantic salmon had not yet occurred 40 million years ago."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Carlo A/Getty Images. Freshwater trout, such as rainbow trout, is a mild white fish that's low in mercury. Freshwater trout is high in omega-3 fatty acids, protein, calcium, magnesium, and niacin. Nutrition Information for Rainbow Trout."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"â L.F. Steelhead troutâs pink flesh resembles salmon, but it is a different fish. A. We checked the federal game and fish website, as well as the NOAA Fisheries Office of Protected Resources.The bottom line is steelhead is a trout, as one would guess from its name.And steelhead trout are a unique species. However, the species (Oncorhynchus myskiss) belongs to the same family (Salmonidae) as do all salmon, other trout and chars. L.F. Steelhead troutâs pink flesh resembles salmon, but it is a different fish. A. We checked the federal game and fish website, as well as the NOAA Fisheries Office of Protected Resources."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"Rainbow trout, Baja California rainbow trout, coast angel trout, coast rainbow trout, coast range trout, hardhead, Kamchatka steelhead, Kamchatka trout, Kamloops, Kamloops trout, lord-fish, redband, redband trout, salmon trout, silver trout, steelhead, steelhead trout, summer salmon."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The rainbow trout readily hybridizes with other âblack spottedâ trout, especially with the cutthroat and golden trout. In fact, all these trout hybridize wherever they occur together producing fertile offspring with all manner of confusing color combinations and intermediate characteristics."
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"The golden trout is native to Golden Trout Creek (tributary to the Kern River), Volcano Creek (tributary to Golden Trout Creek), and the South Fork Kern River.The California golden trout is closely related to two other rainbow trout subspecies.The Little Kern golden trout (O. m. whitei), found in the Little Kern River basin, and the Kern River rainbow trout (O. m. gilberti), found in the Kern River system.he golden trout is native to Golden Trout Creek (tributary to the Kern River), Volcano Creek (tributary to Golden Trout Creek), and the South Fork Kern River."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Rainbow trout were stocked into Oahe Reservoir and its tailwaters to add diversity to that coldwater fishery. In Oahe, the. rainbows prefer temperatures of 55 to 60 F (13-16 C). That is the temperature found at about a depth of 30 feet (9 m). Chinook salmon prefer cooler temperatures and are found much deeper, at around 80 feet (24 m)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Freshwater trout, such as rainbow trout, is a mild white fish that's low in mercury. Freshwater trout is high in omega-3 fatty acids, protein, calcium, magnesium, and niacin."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Trout is the name for a number of species of freshwater fish belonging to the genera Oncorhynchus, Salmo and Salvelinus, all of the subfamily Salmoninae of the family Salmonidae. The word trout is also used as part of the name of some non-salmonid fish such as Cynoscion nebulosus, the spotted seatrout or speckled trout."
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"All trout are great fun, but pound for pound rainbows have the edge for fighting style. They are especially known for jumping, though less inclined to do so in cold water. (Photo by Mike Bleech) Brown trout, brook trout and rainbow trout are stocked into many streams and lakes. While the three have similarities, they also have important differences. One difference is eating habits. Since eating habits is what fishing is all about, different fishing tactics should be used for rainbow trout."
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"There are three subspecies of rainbow trout that occur in Washington, but only two are native; the coastal rainbow trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss irideus) and the Columbia Basin redband trout (O. mykiss gairdneri). The coastal rainbow trout occurs in western Washington and in the lower Columbia River."
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"There are seven species in genus Oncorhynchus (Pacific Salmon) two of which are trout*: 1 Chinook (King) 2 Coho. 3 Chum. Sockeye (sub species - Kokanee) 4 Pink. Cutthroat*. Steelhead* (sub species - Rainbow Trout)"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Rainbow trout is native to the west coast of the United States from California up to Alaska. Today however, you can find this species all across the country and even in parts of Australia, South America, New Zealand and Europe."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Difference Between Sockeye Salmon & Atlantic Salmon. The Atlantic salmon is more closely related to the brown trout than its Pacific cousin, but once the two reach the table, the difference is less distinct."
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"No it is not. Salmon are a species of fish just like sharks, trout, tuna, clownfish and catfish are."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Steelhead troutâs pink flesh resembles salmon, but it is a different fish. A. We checked the federal game and fish website, as well as the NOAA Fisheries Office of Protected Resources. The bottom line is steelhead is a trout, as one would guess from its name. And steelhead trout are a unique species. However, the species (Oncorhynchus myskiss) belongs to the same family (Salmonidae) as do all salmon, other trout and chars. So, if someone says the fish is a salmon, that is not correct, but if they say it is from the family Salmonidae, they are correct."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Plus, due to their feed, farmed salmon contain significantly higher levels of PCBs than wild salmon, prompting the Environmental Defense Fund to warn against feeding kids more than one portion each month. This Lemon Grilled Dill Salmon recipe is a no-fail fish dish for the family. Unlike certain types of farmed fish, freshwater rainbow trout is a great choice for dinner because itâs raised in an ecologically responsible way, is replete with B vitamins, and has a soft texture and full flavor that kids naturally like."
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"During spring and fall our fishing quarry are Salmon River steelhead â trophy ocean-run rainbow trout that return to the Salmon River in the fall, robust and heavy from 1 to 2 years of feeding in the Pacific."
"Represent the natural language",
"Salmon and Trout are both members of the fish family known as salmonids. The following is a description of the stages they go through when growing from egg to adult - the Salmonid Life cycle. ⢠Salmon and trout return to the rivers where they hatched from eggs to breed. This means travelling upsteam from the sea in the case of salmon and seatrout."
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"Generally people think of rainbow trout as only inhabiting cold clear rivers, streams and lakes but both of the subspecies can be anadromous (sea going). Anadromous rainbow trout are commonly known as steelhead. Steelhead are also highly regarded game fish and it is he state of fish of Washington."
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"General Information. Rainbow trout are coldwater fish that have long. been symbolic of clear, healthy mountain. streams and lakes in North America. Because of. their ability to thrive in hatcheries, rainbow trout. have been introduced into much of the United. States and now inhabit many streams and lakes."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
": The golden rainbow trout is a gold-orange rainbow trout raised under. artificial fish culture conditions and stocked as a novelty for angling sport. The golden rainbow. was developed from one fish, a single female trout with a genetic mutation that gave her a. mixed golden and normal rainbow trout coloration."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The main forage for trout and salmon in Lake Ontario are the alewife and rainbow smelt. Like the trout and salmon, smelt and alewives also have a preferred temperature zone and are usually found in and around the thermocline."
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"The scientific name of the rainbow trout is Oncorhynchus mykiss. The species was originally named by German naturalist and taxonomist Johann Julius Walbaum in 1792 based on type specimens from the Kamchatka Peninsula in Siberia."
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"British Columbiaâs rainbow trout are descended from two ancient lines, and can be divided into two types: the coastal rainbow trout and the interior red-band trout. The coastal rainbow is heavily spotted with irregularly-shaped spots above and below the lateral line; a rose-red lateral line is present at some stage of the life-"
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"Two stocks of rainbow trout are used in Lake Roosevelt; the Spokane stock (100% triploid) and the Phalon Lake stock, which are interior redband rainbow trout native to the Kettle River system. The primary reason for triploiding the rainbow trout is to reduce interactions with native trout."
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"Young rainbow trout often are eaten by a variety of piscivorous (fish-eating) fishes, such as sculpins, smallmouth bass, and larger trout. When in shallow water, they also are fed upon by kingfishers, herons, eagles, osprey, otters, and raccoons. Humans are the most frequent predators of larger rainbows."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Salmon /ËsaemÉn/ ËsæmÉn is the common name for several species of fish in the Family. Salmonidae other fish in the same family include, trout, char grayling and. Whitefish salmon are native to tributaries of The North (atlantic Genus) salmo And Pacific (ocean Genus). oncorhynchusalmon /ËsaemÉn/ ËsæmÉn is the common name for several species of fish in the Family. Salmonidae other fish in the same family include, trout, char grayling and. Whitefish salmon are native to tributaries of The North (atlantic Genus) salmo And Pacific (ocean Genus). oncorhynchus"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Salmon /ËsæmÉn/ is the common name for several species of ray-finned fish in the family Salmonidae. Other fish in the same family include trout, char, grayling and whitefish. Salmon are native to tributaries of the North Atlantic (genus Salmo) and Pacific Ocean (genus Oncorhynchus)."
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"Fipronil is very highly toxic to bluegill sunfish and highly toxic to rainbow trout on an acute basis. The results of a fish early lifestage toxicity study in rainbow trout show that fipronil affects larval growth with a NOEC of 0.0066 ppm and an LOEC of 0.015 ppm."
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"First of all, speckled trout are closely related to weakfish, redifsh and croakers...and they are not a member of the trout family at all. This is important information any serious fishermen must be aware of when asking the questions, Where do I find them?, and What makes them bite?."
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"Predation: Rainbow trout/steelhead are food for many different predators depending on the region and habitat. Their predators include lampreys, fish, birds, bears, river otters, raccoons, and humans. In the sea steelhead are eaten by many species including seals, sea lions and orcas."
"Represent the natural language",
"Steelhead and Rainbow Trout are the same species of fish. The difference between the two are that the rainbow trout remain in fresh water, while the steelhead are anadromous â living in both fresh water and the ocean for parts of their lives."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A new study out of Oregon State University found sea-run steelhead mate with stay-at-home rainbow trout â and that the two fish populations in the Pacific Northwest are more interdependent than people once thought. OSU researchers spent 15 years analyzing the genetics of 12,725 steelhead from Oregonâs Hood River."
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"Steelhead Trout. Steelhead Trout and Rainbow Trout are the same species, Oncorhynchus mykiss, but are different strains. Rainbow Trout is the freshwater variety and Steelhead is the seagoing variety. There a few physical differences between these varieties but coloration varies, with Steelhead having more silvery skin and redder flesh than Rainbow Trout."
] |
"a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"what are the 5 natural landforms in arizona"
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Landforms Arizona landforms took millions of years to develop, and when the earth ceased its restlessness, a pattern of great variety and contrast covered the land. The Colorado Plateau, a series of flat lands, gorges, mountains and valleys, extends south into Arizona, and covers most of northern half of the state."
] | [
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"Visit the heart of Arizona, and the soul of the Navajo Nation. Antelope Canyon from Logan Havens on Vimeo. Located on Navajo land near Page, Arizona, Antelope Canyon is the most-photographed slot canyon in the world. Visit and experience a harmony your've never before felt."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Also known as: New Lake Pleasant. One of the finest water recreation areas in Arizona, Lake Pleasant is true to its name - a pleasant oasis in a desert setting. Lake Pleasant's 9,200 surface acres offer wonderful opportunities for outdoor activities including boating of all types, camping, hiking, and fishing."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Arizona Plants Guide Arizona Living Landscape & Design in Queen creek, San Tan Valley, Gilbert, Chandler, & Mesa AZ 480-390-4477 Click on the images for larger pictures and details of the plants. Some images and content courtesy of Mountain States Wholesale Nursery."
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"Arizona Ironwood, Palo-de-Hierro, Palo-de-Fierro are some of names that the Desert Ironwood is known as. The desert ironwood is a plant found in the Sonoran desert. The ironwood is an essential part of the life cycle within the Sonoran desert as it is the food supply for many plants and animals. The growth of the desert ironwood causes it to change its surroundings and produces a micro-habitat around itself."
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"The pattern of use seen at sites in and around the Tucson Mountains can be found throughout the Hohokam region, from Phoenix to Green Valley and from Sells and Gila Bend to the San Pedro River. Because of the geological and biological diversity of the Sonoran Desert there are, of course, variations in the pattern."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"List of counties in Arizona. There are 15 counties in the U.S. state of Arizona. Four counties (Mohave, Pima, Yavapai and Yuma) were created in 1864 following the organization of the Arizona Territory in 1862. The now defunct Pah-Ute County was split from Mohave County in 1865, but merged back in 1871."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nFor example, ['Represent the next text:', 'If your income range is between $19,401 and $145,460, your tax rate on every dollar of income earned is 6.5%. If your income range is $145,461 and over, your tax rate on every dollar of income earned is 6.75%. Income tax brackets data last updated March 3rd, 2009. Filing for Wisconsin State Income Tax Return.'] should be similar to ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is the tax percent on income in wi']",
"What Are Landforms? A landform is any natural formation of rock and dirt, found on Earth. A landform can be as large as a mountain range, or as small as a hill. It can be as large as a continent, or as small as a pond. Geologists study how landforms are created, and how they interact with one another."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Here is a list, from the largest scale to the smallest, of the various series of topographic maps available for Arizona. * 1 1:24,000. 7.5-Minute Series (Topographic). * 2 1:50,000. Arizona 1:50,000 [15 Minute Series (Topographic)]. * 3 1:62,500. 15-Minute Series (Topographic). * 4 1:100,000. 30 x 60 Minute Series (Topographic)."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nExample:\nProvided: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Properties of Hydrochloric Acid. Hydrogen Chloride gas is very soluble in water, and a solution of the gas forms Hydrochloric Acid. When 1 kgm. of water is saturated with the gas at 15 degC It increases in weight to 1.75 kgm., and the relative density is 1.231.ydrochloric Acid is available in two forms. (i) as a solution or (ii) as a fuming gas.: (i) as a solution of Hydrogen Chloride in water, where the molecule is dissociated in solution into its ions.']\" Match: \"['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what properties does hydrogen chloride have']\"",
"There are three distinct populations of desert tortoises, which are adapted to these different habitat types. Sonoron desert tortoises inhabit the Sonoron desertscrub of western Arizona, where paloverdes, saguaros, and ironwoods are the most prominant plants."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!\n\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.', \"DEFINITION of 'Juris Doctor-JD'. A law degree in the United States that was originally designed as a replacement to the Bachelor of Laws degree. A Juris Doctor or Juris Doctorate (JD) represents professional recognition that the holder has a doctoral degree in law.EFINITION of 'Juris Doctor-JD'. A law degree in the United States that was originally designed as a replacement to the Bachelor of Laws degree. A Juris Doctor or Juris Doctorate (JD) represents professional recognition that the holder has a doctoral degree in law.\"]\" == \"['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'is a juris doctorate a doctorate degree']\"",
"Arizona Base and Elevation Maps. 1 The two maps shown here are digital base and elevation maps of Arizona. 2 This Arizona base map highlights the location of the state capitol, Phoenix, and other major cities throughout the state. 3 This elevation map of Arizona illustrates the number of feet or meters the state rises above sea level. The lowest areas of the state are along the Colorado River where a low point of 70 feet above sea level is reached. The highest point in Arizona is in the northern part of the state."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"With the inclusion of the Arizona Territory boundary, the site became known as Four Corners. The original survey monument, a sandstone marker, was erected in 1899, and was replaced with a small metal and cement marker in 1912."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The pure white waxy blossom of the giant saguaro cactus was designated the state flower of Arizona in 1931. All State Flowers. The giant saguaro cactus (Cereus giganteus) is indigenous to Arizona; it grows to a height of forty to fifty feet and lives to an age of 150 to 200 years.he pure white waxy blossom of the giant saguaro cactus was designated the state flower of Arizona in 1931. All State Flowers. The giant saguaro cactus (Cereus giganteus) is indigenous to Arizona; it grows to a height of forty to fifty feet and lives to an age of 150 to 200 years."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"There are 15 counties in the U.S. state of Arizona.[1] Four counties (Mohave, Pima, Yavapai and Yuma) were created in 1864 following the organization of the Arizona Territory in 1862. The now defunct Pah-Ute County was split from Mohave County in 1865, but merged back in 1871. All but La Paz County were created by the time Arizona was granted statehood in 1912. Eight of Arizona's fifteen counties are named after various Native American groups that are resident in parts of what is now Arizona, with another (Cochise County) being named after a native leader."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The Sand to Snow National Monument may stake a claim to being North America's most diverse protected area including alpine peaks, conifer forests, pinyon forests, Joshua tree woodlands, mountain rivers and desert wetlands, coastal chaparral, Mohave and Sonoran Desert landscapes.he monument status sought in Senator Feinstein's Senate Bill 2921 would create a consolidated vision for a remarkable landscape owned by multiple federal and state agencies and nonprofit organizations. This regions rich ecology is known as a laboratory of evolution where mountain, coastal, and desert species hybridize."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Landforms are the natural shapes, or features on Earth. Landforms are shaped by earthquakes, volcanic activity, and the movement of tectonic plates."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"With more than 72 million acres, Arizona was one of the largest states in the country. However, much of the land was undeveloped and unusable for agricultural purposes, leading to a valuation of just $315 billion, or $4,300 per acre, nearly one-third the value of an average acre in the lower 48 states."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Landforms are the natural shapes, or features on Earth. Landforms are shaped by earthquakes, volcanic activity, and the movement of tectonic plates. They are also shaped by processes like weathering and erosion."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The earth is made up of landforms that define its landscape and beauty. Landforms are natural features on the surface of the earth that make up a given terrain. Examples of landforms include hills, mountains, and shoreline features. They may increase in size if sediments, soil, and rocks are added to them. A geological process in which sand and pebbles are added to landforms is known as deposition."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Red Rock State Park is a state park of Arizona, USA, featuring a red sandstone canyon outside the city of Sedona.The main mission of this day-use park is the preservation of the riparian habitat along Oak Creek.ed Rock State Park is a state park of Arizona, USA, featuring a red sandstone canyon outside the city of Sedona. The main mission of this day-use park is the preservation of the riparian habitat along Oak Creek."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Flavoring herbs and potherbs are easily grown in Arizona. gardens. They cover a wide range, from wild herbs such. as yarrow to tender introduced plants such as basil. Many. herbs belong to two large families, the mint family. (Labiatae), and the parsley family (Umbelliferae). The."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Arizona Plants Guide. Arizona Living Landscape & Design in Queen creek, San Tan Valley, Gilbert, Chandler, & Mesa AZ 480-390-4477. Click on the images for larger pictures and details of the plants. Some images and content courtesy of Mountain States Wholesale Nursery. Also check out their plant catalog."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The Arizona Trail. The Arizona National Scenic Trail is a complete non-motorized path, stretching 800 diverse miles across Arizona from Mexico to Utah. It links deserts, mountains, canyons, forests, communities and people. Mission."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Geology of Sedona. Sedona is located just at the base of the Mogollon Rim, an escarpment that runs east-west through the middle of Arizona and defines the boundary between the Colorado Plateau to the north, and the Basin and Range to the south.he deep red color for which Sedona is famous is due to the presence of hematite (iron oxide, otherwise known as rust) that stains the sandstone of the Schnebly Hill and Hermit Shale layers."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Sedona. 1 Central ArizonaSedona is known by many as Red Rock Countryâ and is a magical place of art and culture located in Central Arizona. 2 Southern UtahTravel information on the North Rim Grand Canyon, Zion National Park, Lake Powell, Kanab and Bryce Canyon Nation Park - Visit the Heart of the Parks."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"The desert is about 120 miles (190 km) long by about 60 miles (97 km) wide, making it roughly 7,500 square miles (19,425 km 2) in area. Bordering southwest and south is the Mogollon Plateau, and on the plateau's south border the Mogollon Rim, the north border of the Arizona transition zone.uch of the area within the Petrified Forest National Park is protected as the Petrified Forest National Wilderness Area. Much of the Painted Desert region is within the Navajo Nation."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Phoenix, Arizona â South Mountain Park. With 16,283 acres, this is the largest city park in the United States. The land making up South Mountain Park was purchased and developed throughout the 20âs and 30âs. South Mountain Park is part of the Sonoran desert, with 58 miles of trails available to hikers and bikers. Look for petroglyphs throughout the park."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A landform is a term that describes the shape of a natural land feature. Landforms are created by different forces of nature. For example, mountains, oceans, valleys and deserts can be called landforms. A group of landforms in one area makes up a landscape."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"The point where Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona meet is called Four Corners and is unique among the states. Arizona base map, Courtesy of Maps.com. This elevation map of Arizona illustrates the number of feet or meters the state rises above sea level. The lowest areas of the state are along the Colorado River where a low point of 70 feet above sea level is reached. The highest point in Arizona is in the northern part of the state."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Resources. 1 National Park Guide: Arizona. 2 Wickenburg Chamber of Commerce: Gold Rush Days and Rodeo. 3 Royal Faires: Annual Arizona Renaissance Festival and Artisan Marketplace. 4 Ski the Lemon: Ski Valley, Mt. Lemmon, Arizona. 5 Arizona Hiking Trails: Welcome to Arizona Hiking Trails."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n\nE.g.:\n['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'MATH: Algebraic expressions: mathematical phrases. Aalgebraic expressions. Mathematical phrases. Mathematical phrases can be written as verbal sentences You should be able to: - translate verbal sentences into algebraic expressions,- translate algebraic expressions into phrases. Example: The product of two and three.'] == ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'in what math sentence is product used']",
"This is a list of mountain ranges in the U.S. state of New Mexico, listed alphabetically, and associated landforms. This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it. âAlamo Hueco Mountains. âAnimas Mountains. âBrazos Mountains. âBrokeoff (Breakup) Mountains. âBrushy (Teethy) Mountains."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"plateaus,rivers,lakes,plains,and waterfalls The plains, plateaus, and rivers and lakes are the major landforms of Texas. I would't say waterfalls though."
] |
"represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results\nExamples:\nProvided: ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'What is the average cost to attend a MLB game?'] Match: ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', \"As Major League Baseball kicks off its 2015 season, ticket prices are more expensive than ever. And you may be surprised by which teams' tickets are going for top dollar. According to secondary ticket site TiqIQ, the average cost to attend an MLB game this year is $83.On the primary marketâ\\x80\\x94buying tickets directly from the teamsâ\\x80\\x94prices are cheaper, averaging $29 per ticket.nd you may be surprised by which teams' tickets are going for top dollar. According to secondary ticket site TiqIQ, the average cost to attend an MLB game this year is $83.\"] Hard Negative: ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'The average MLB salary is over $4 million and players still get $100 a day in meal money.']",
"qualifications required to become a social worker"
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"A four-year Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) is required for entry into the field in most parts of Canada. In Alberta, the entry-level requirement is the diploma in social work practice. A Master's degree in Social Work (MSW) is usually required to provide psychotherapy treatment. social worker, practicing in the United States, usually requires a doctoral degree (Ph.D or DSW), master's degree (MSW) or a bachelor's degree (BSW or BASW) in social work from a Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) accredited program to receive a license in most states."
] | [
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Becoming a Social Worker in Indiana. You will need a master's degree to become a clinical social worker in Indiana. You can become a nonclinical social worker with either a bachelor's or a master's; with the lower degree, there will be additional post-degree requirements."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Become a Social Worker: Starting Out. If you are interested in becoming a social worker, the first step, from a licensing standpoint, is to get a Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) accredited social work degree. But in reality, the first step is to make yourself competitive for admission.earn more about the paths to become a social worker if you don't have a CSWE accredited undergraduate degree by reading through this informative article : Options for Students Without CSWE Accredited Bachelorâs Degrees ."
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"Social Work Salaries. The following is a breakdown of the average social worker salaries in all 50 states and for several different specializations, courtesy of the Bureau of Labor Statistics.Social worker salaries can vary widely depending on several factors, including your specialization, state and qualifications.Qualifications can range from the number of years spent as a social worker, whether or not you have a Masters of Social Work and what types of special certifications you might hold.ocial worker salaries can vary widely depending on several factors, including your specialization, state and qualifications. Qualifications can range from the number of years spent as a social worker, whether or not you have a Masters of Social Work and what types of special certifications you might hold."
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"How to Become a Social Worker: Education and Career Roadmap. Learn how to become a social worker in a healthcare, school or other setting. Explore the education and licensing requirements that can help you start a rewarding career in social work."
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"If you are interested in becoming a social worker, the first step, from a licensing standpoint, is to get a Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) accredited social work degree.But in reality, the first step is to make yourself competitive for admission.ecome a Social Worker: Starting Out. If you are interested in becoming a social worker, the first step, from a licensing standpoint, is to get a Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) accredited social work degree. But in reality, the first step is to make yourself competitive for admission."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The following is a breakdown of the average social worker salaries in all 50 states and for several different specializations, courtesy of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Social worker salaries can vary widely depending on several factors, including your specialization, state and qualifications. Qualifications can range from the number of years spent as a social worker, whether or not you have a Masters of Social Work and what types of special certifications you might hold."
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"Purporting to be either a social worker or a student social worker without registering with the relevant Social Work Register and holding or undergoing training for the recognised qualifications is now a criminal offence.Social workers must renew their registration every three years.urporting to be either a social worker or a student social worker without registering with the relevant Social Work Register and holding or undergoing training for the recognised qualifications is now a criminal offence."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Become a Social Worker: Starting Out. If you are interested in becoming a social worker, the first step, from a licensing standpoint, is to get a Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) accredited social work degree. But in reality, the first step is to make yourself competitive for admission.ecome a Social Worker: Starting Out. If you are interested in becoming a social worker, the first step, from a licensing standpoint, is to get a Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) accredited social work degree. But in reality, the first step is to make yourself competitive for admission."
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"Follow these steps to become a child protective services worker. A bachelor's degree is a common requirement to become a CPS worker. Though a social work major isn't required, it's recommended by the National Association of Public Child Welfare Administrators and the Child Welfare League of America."
] |
"Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results!",
"what is a monochrome laser printer"
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"A monochrome laser printer is a laser printer that only prints black, but it is generally faster and produces higher-quality printouts than an inkjet printer. Monochrome printers are used primarily to produce letters and other documents, which makes them more common in business environments. Continue Reading."
] | [
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"Add to Favorites. 1 Brother mono printer is compact enough for small home offices. 2 Laser printing technology with a resolution of up to 2400 x 600 DPI ensures detailed, high-quality prints. 3 Print speed of up to 20 pages per minute produces black-and-white pages quickly and efficiently."
"Represent this",
"In September 2001 HP entered the low-end laser printer market with the introduction of the LaserJet 1000: the first sub-$250 LaserJet and the lowest-priced monochrome (black and white) HP LaserJet printer to date."
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"Samsung Wireless Monochrome Printer (SL-M2020W/XAA... Pros: Users can print from their smart device with the Samsung SL-M2020W/XAA, printing is fast and of good quality. Toner is not much more expensive than inkjet cartridges and lasts longer. Cons: Users have reported difficulties with set up and unhelpful tech support from Samsung. Some users say prints are streaked and the machine will not print more than a few copies."
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"On a monochrome setting it will print black, grey and white shades only. But contrary to what some believe about a monochrome setting it still uses the color ink. Only if a printer is set to black cartridge only does a printer use the black cartridge only. Eye see! · 9 years ago."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"Mono (black & white) laser printer for personal use or small workgroups (1 to 5 people). Laser printing technology, prints at 1200x1200 dpi resolution and 2400 Image Quality. Built-in duplexing feature for 2-sided printing. Supports wireless printing with the optional Wi-Fi adapter."
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"Laser Printer is a type of printer that utilizes a laser beam to produce an image on a drum. The light of the laser alters the electrical charge on the drum wherever it hits. The drum is then rolled through a reservoir of toner, which is picked up by the charged portions of the drum."
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"Whether you are looking for the best multifunction color laser printer, the best monochrome laser printer, or another kind of laser, our expert reviews and printer ratings will help you choose. See hands-on reviews of our current 10 top laser printers below.Read the review.hether you are looking for the best multifunction color laser printer, the best monochrome laser printer, or another kind of laser, our expert reviews and printer ratings will help you choose. See hands-on reviews of our current 10 top laser printers below. Read the review."
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"LaserJet as a brand name identifies the line of dry electrophotographic (DEP) laser printers marketed by the American computer company Hewlett-Packard (HP). The HP LaserJet was the world's first desktop laser printer. As of 2016, Canon supplies both mechanisms and cartridges for all HP's laser printers."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n------\n\nExample:\nProvided: \"['', 'American television host, actress, producer, philanthropist and entrepreneur Oprah Gail Winfrey was born on January 29, 1954, in Kosciusko, Mississippi.']\" Match: \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'when was orphan winfrey born and where']\"",
"For example, a LaserJet monochrome printer can have a different cartridge design than an HP color LaserJet printer. Color printing is more complex than monochrome printing and the cartridges used in color printing can differ significantly between different HP color printer models."
"Monochrome means one color. Typically one color is presented in different values and intensities â or different shades of the single color. Monochrome is a phrase often associated with older computer system monitors. Monitors, for example, can be monochrome, grayscale or color. Monochrome monitors actually use two colors, one for the display image (the foreground) and one for the background. Graphic and digital images can also be monochrome, grayscale, or color. In photography a monochromatic image is usually in the form of a black and white photograph, which can be produced using black and white film or by removing colors in post-production."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Asker's rating. 1 What Is A Monochrome Printer. 2 This Site Might Help You. 3 Monochrome in printer terms is all shades of black through to white. 4 What Does Monochrome Mean. 5 Monochrome means capable of printing in one colour that is BLACK. 6 Black ink only. 7 It prints in black only. 8 no idea."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The term monochrome refers to any technology that produces output in a single color. Early computer monitors that displayed white or green text on a black background are categorized as monochrome and so are printers that only print with black ink."
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"High-priced laser printers are a thing of the past. Laser printers are more affordable than ever and now represent the speed you'd expect from a laser printer with the print quality you want from an inkjet. This combination of speed and quality make color and monochrome laser printers great for your small business or home office setting."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nGiven ['', 'In technology. Minion (cannon), a type of cannon with a small bore during the 16th and 17th centuries. Minion (chat widget), a chat widget that runs in web browsers. Minion (solver), constraint solver.'], a positive would be ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results!', 'what is a minion']",
"1 Laser printer prints up to 2400 x 600 dpi resolution for professional images. 2 Black and white automatic duplex printing prints at speeds of 27 ppm with a monthly duty cycle of 10,000 pages for busy offices."
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"Black and White Digital Photography. A monochrome image is an image consisting of a single color against a neutral background. For example, old green screen monitors were called monochrome monitors because they used a single color (green or amber) against a neutral background (black)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Monochrome Laser Printers. Get More Bang for Your Buck with Black and White Laser Printers from Brother. A Brother monochrome laser printer is designed for speed, but does not compromise quality to achieve it. With select models printing up to 42 pages per minute, you can spend more time being productive either at home or at work and less time waiting for your documents to print."
"Represent the input",
"Pro Mono. The MFC-L2740DW is a fast, professional, network-ready mono laser printer, scanner, copier and fax perfect for the Small or Home Office.ro Mono. The MFC-L2740DW is a fast, professional, network-ready mono laser printer, scanner, copier and fax perfect for the Small or Home Office."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nGiven ['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Bovine spongiform encephalopathy. Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), commonly known as mad cow disease, is a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy and fatal neurodegenerative disease in cattle that may be passed to humans who have eaten infected flesh. BSE causes a spongiform degeneration of the brain and spinal cord.'], a positive would be ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is bovine extract bse']",
"Should I buy a color laser multifunction printer for $240, or a monochrome laser printer and a color inkjet multifunction printer for $60 each... What are the dangers of inhaling the toner dust from a laser printer on a single occasion?"
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"Brother monochrome laser printers go beyond just a low initial purchase price; they offer a low cost per page with features such as: Learn More About Brother Black and White Laser Printers. To learn more about Brother monochrome laser printers and how they can help you, click through the products above. 1 ENERGY STAR® Qualified: : Brother black and white laser printers enter an energy-saving sleep mode after being inactive for a certain period of time, which you can customize."
"Represent the following document",
"By M. David Stone If you need a monochrome laser multifunction printer (MFP) with the ability to scan duplex (two-sided) documents, be sure to include the Canon imageClass MF229dw ($299) on your short list.ut for those who need it, the MF229dw offers everything that makes the Canon MF227dw our top pick, and adds the duplexing ADF as well. View all 4 photos in gallery Basics The MF229dw's basic MFP features include the ability to print and fax from a PC, scan to a PC, and work as a standalone copier and fax machine."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Mono laser printer for crisp, clear black-and-white prints Prints at 600 x 2400 dpi for easily readable prints Delivers the first page in approximately 5 seconds and prints as fast as 27ppm for efficient operation"
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"Staples's selection of black & white / color laser printers are ideal for large-volume print jobs and high-frequency printing. Black-and-White Printing Produce monochrome documents at extremely fast speeds of up to 40 pages per minute with black-and-white laser printers."
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"Our top performing printers â the Xerox ColorQube 8570, Xerox Phaser 3320 and Brother HL-L8350CDW â display all of the printing and cost-saving attributes that encompass an elite laser printer. Keep in mind that the Xerox Phaser is a monochrome printer and doesn't make color prints."
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"As with digital photocopiers and multifunction printers (MFPs), laser printers employ a xerographic printing process but differ from analog photocopiers in that the image is produced by the direct scanning of a laser beam across the printer's photoreceptor."
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"The Samsung CLX-3305FW colour laser printer will require that all four of the black, cyan, magenta and yellow toner cartridges are installed with some remaining toner in each cartridge for it to work. We advise you to check your Samsung CLX3305FW printer manual for further information on mono print settings.esign. Measuring 16 x 14.3 x 13.1 inches and weighing 30.8 lbs, the Samsung CLX-3305FW wireless 4 in 1 colour multifunction printer does not take up a lot of space. This unit has a 40-sheet automatic document feeder on top of the flatbed scanner and a 150-sheet paper tray on the base."
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"The different planographic printing are Lithography, Monotyping. 1 Lithography: Lithography is a process of printing an image using a stone or metal plate with a smooth flat surface. 2 Monotyping: Monotyping is done by drawing an image on a smooth and non-absorbent surface."
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"Speed, economy, quiet operation, better-quality text. That is what laser printing is all about. Recommended to use with plain paper; Get exceptional printing results with 32 ppm Mono and 32 ppm color speed while reducing total operating costs"
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"Laser printing is an electrostatic digital printing process. It produces high-quality text and graphics (and moderate-quality photographs) by repeatedly passing a laser beam back and forth over a negatively charged cylinder called a drum to define a differentially charged image."
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"The professional mono laser. Mobile device compatible. Connect with your smartphone or tablet. Connect directly to popular cloud services like Facebook and Dropbox. Wireless compatible.Compatible with AirPrint by Apple.ro Mono. The MFC-L2740DW is a fast, professional, network-ready mono laser printer, scanner, copier and fax perfect for the Small or Home Office."
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"Laser Printer. Type of high-speed, high-quality nonimpact printer that creates images using a laser beam and powdered ink, called toner. The laser beam produces an image on a special drum inside the printer. The light of the laser alters the electrical charge on the drum wherever it hits, causing toner to stick to the drum. The toner then is transferred to paper through a combination of pressure and heat."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Brother mono printer is compact enough for small home offices. Laser printing technology with a resolution of up to 2400 x 600 DPI ensures detailed, high-quality prints. Print speed of up to 20 pages per minute produces black-and-white pages quickly and efficiently."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Laser printing is an electrostatic digital printing process. It produces high-quality text and graphics (and moderate-quality photographs) by repeatedly passing a laser beam back and forth over a negatively charged cylindrical drum to define a differentially-charged image."
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"Monochrome laser printers use a single black toner cartridge. Color laser printers use four: one each for cyan, magenta, yellow and black."
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"As a rule of thumb, the cheaper the printer, the smaller the cartridge, and the lower the page yield.. Samsung's ML2160 monochrome laser printer, for example, costs about £50. But the cartridges also cost £50 â and print a comparatively modest 1,500 pages."
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"Price of Color laser Printer. A color laser printer that offers a variety of great features sold in the range of $200 and higher and the devices basically are larger and heavier than Inkjet printers. All in all, you will spent more money in comparison with standard inkjet or even monochrome laser printers."
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"Instead of ink, laser printers use toner to print. As with inkjet printers, you'll have a choice between multifunction models, and those that simply print. Once you've made that decision, you then have to decide whether you want a color or monochrome laser printer."
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"Printer Maintenance Information. Beginning with the Hewlett Packard Laserjet IIIsi, the higher volume HP monochrome printers have had scheduled maintenance cycles. At a predetermined page count, a message will appear on the display indicating it is time to Perform Printer Maintenance."
"Represent the following document.",
"Laser printers come up short in a number of ways. First, laser printers, while still cheap, are far more expensive than inkjet printers. Second, while a monochrome laser printer is only marginally more expensive than an inkjet printer, a color laser printer costs two to five times more than a color inkjet printer."
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"Best Answer: A laserjet that does not print in color, but only prints in black/white. A good monochrome laser printer is the HP 1018. People who do not print color documents are better off purchasing a mono laserprinter. Although a toner cartridge will cost around $70, you can print over 2000 pages with one cartridge as opposed to around 500 pages with a $25 ink cartridge on an inkjet printer. Thus the cost per page is cheaper on a mono laser jet than the more common inkjet."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Our black and white laser printers offer a variety of time, money and even space-saving features that make our products both reliable and cost-effective. Brother Monochrome Laser Printers for Low Cost of Ownership."
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"â¡/â See the individual detail product pages for all conditions & system requirement links. Monochrome Laser Printers. Get More Bang for Your Buck with Black and White Laser Printers from Brother. A Brother monochrome laser printer is designed for speed, but does not compromise quality to achieve it. With select models printing up to 42 pages per minute, you can spend more time being productive either at home or at work and less time waiting for your documents to print."
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"The Samsung ML-2851ND, finally, combines extraordinarily fast speed, impressive text quality, and a surprisingly low cost per page (but not as low a cost as the FS-1300D). If you're in the market for a monochrome laser, one of these printers should be a good match for your needs."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A chromogenic print, also known as a dye coupler print or a silver halide print, is a photographic print made from a color negative, transparency, or digital image and developed using a chromogenic process. They are the most common print for printing color photographs."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Printers that deliver outstanding print quality. The new HL-2040 and HL-2070N monochrome laser. printers from Brother are ideal for home or home. office use. Offering a compact footprint, fast print speed, excellent print quality, robust standard memory, and. flexible connectivity, these printers deliver both the."
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"Laser Printers. Normally laser printers are found in offices, however the cost for laser printers has become so reasonable that it is possible to own a professional quality laser printer in your own home. The average resolution of today's laser printer is 1200 x 1200 DPI. This resolution will give you very high quality document printouts. The majority of laser printers on the market today can print an average of 20 PPM (or more) in (black/monochrome)."
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"How often do you have to replace cartridges on Laser Printer by slipd / July 27, 2009 12:46 AM PDT I was just about to buy a monochrome laser printer when I read a review that you need to replace the laser printer's cartridge or drum or something every 3 toners, and each cartridge costs just as much as the laser printer."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"How often do you have to replace cartridges on Laser Printer. I was just about to buy a monochrome laser printer when I read a review that you need to replace the laser printer's cartridge or drum or something every 3 toners, and each cartridge costs just as much as the laser printer."
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"4. HP LaserJet Pro M225dn Monochrome Printer with Scanner, Copier and Fax, (CF484A) 1 It copies only in black and white. 2 The paper tray holds only 250 sheets â a bit on the small side for a business machine. 3 The scan function is not very good â the resolution could be better."
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"Epson M100 Inkjet Printer (Monochrome Printer) Network Ready Price: BDT. 13,800 Status: Available"
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"Xerox Phaser monochrome and color printers are known for fast print speeds and high print quality in a compact footprint for small and mid-sized work teams. Xerox ColorQube Solid Ink color printers bring rich, vibrant colors to the printed page. Cartridge-free Solid Ink also offers high environmental responsibility and low total cost of ownership with a very affordable cost per page."
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"Xerox Office Printers. When looking for high-quality and affordable office printers, you can start and end your search with Xerox. We invented office printing more than 75 years ago, and our monochrome and color printers and multifunction printers have won awards and industry accolades ever since. We pay special attention to print quality, reliability and ease of use when designing our laser printers, Solid Ink printers and LED printers."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Laser printing is an electrostatic digital printing process. It produces high-quality text and graphics (and moderate-quality photographs) by repeatedly passing a laser beam back and forth over a negatively charged cylindrical drum to define a differentially-charged image.owever, laser printing differs from analog photocopiers in that the image is produced by the direct scanning of the medium across the printer's photoreceptor."
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"At Printerland, we have accrued a huge range of A3 printers, utilising both laser and inkjet print technologies. Stocking both A3 Colour Laser Printers and A3 Mono Laser Printers, we can help you find the machine which best suits your specific requirements."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"This review is from: Brother MFC-L2740DW 2400 x 600 dpi Wireless/USB Monochrome Multifunction Laser Printer. Pros: Didn't have chance to try the printer. Cons: I had this for less than 2 weeks and now I am getting vertical black and white lines and when I power it on I get a ringing sound.his review is from: Brother MFC-L2740DW 2400 x 600 dpi Wireless/USB Monochrome Multifunction Laser Printer. Pros: Didn't have chance to try the printer. Cons: I had this for less than 2 weeks and now I am getting vertical black and white lines and when I power it on I get a ringing sound."
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"Answer Wiki. A monochrome image is an image consisting of a single color against a neutral background. For example, old green screen monitors were called monochrome monitors because they used a single color (green or amber) against a neutral background (black)."
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"The HL-2040 is a fast, compact and. affordable monochrome laser. printer. Ideal for personal use, it. features a print speed of up to. 20ppm, HQ1200 resolution and. 8MB of standard memory. The HL-2040âs small footprint can fit. almost anywhere, even in the most. crowded workspace. In addition, its stylish design and."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The monochrome printers in this roundup range in price from about $150 to $530. Despite the range, however, all are suitable for both home and office, and as either shared printers on a network or personal printers for one person's desk. And, of course, each boasts certain advantages."
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"Asker's rating. 1 What Is A Monochrome Printer. Source(s): https://shrinks.im/a8oVu. 2 This Site Might Help You. RE: 3 Monochrome in printer terms is all shades of black through to white. On a monochrome setting it will print black, grey and white shades only. 4 What Does Monochrome Mean. Source(s): https://shrink.im/a8Zc9."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Multifunction laser printer that can also scan, copy and fax. Many laser printers have a controller that is capable of handling several jobs at once, putting them in a queue and then printing them. Xerox, the company famous for copy machines, developed the first laser printer in 1971."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Part of the Printers glossary: A laser printer is a popular type of personal computer printer that uses a non-impact (keys don't strike the paper), photocopier technology. When a document is sent to the printer, a laser beam draws the document on a selenium-coated drum using electrical charges.art of the Printers glossary: A laser printer is a popular type of personal computer printer that uses a non-impact (keys don't strike the paper), photocopier technology. When a document is sent to the printer, a laser beam draws the document on a selenium-coated drum using electrical charges."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n\nExample:\nProvided: \"['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'LongHorn Steakhouse. LongHorn Steakhouse was founded in 1981 by George McKerrow, Jr. and his father. McKerrow was a former manager at Steak and Ale. The first location, originally called LongHorn Steaks Restaurant & Saloon, opened on Peachtree Street in Atlanta, Georgia. It was a former antique store then a porn peep show place.']\" Match: \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'where was the first longhorn steakhouse']\"",
"Color laser printers that transfer all four of their toners to a single drum -- rather than applying one toner to the paper at a time with individual drums -- must do more work than a monochrome device just to produce a single page. At the same purchase price, expect a monochrome device to outpace a color laser printer."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Monochrome lasers are faster than almost any inkjet, and they print better-looking text. Don't let the claimed speeds for inkjets fool you. Even inexpensive inkjets claim faster speeds than many monochrome lasers, but the actual speeds are far slower."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"What is a mono laser printer? Laser printers create sharper type because the toner in the laser cartridges fuses with the paper. With an inkjet printer, the ink gets absorbed into the paper, creating a slightly blurry character."
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"As we said before, you won't want to use a color laser printer for printing photos, but they are excellent for printing color business graphics. If you'll be printing mostly text, however, a mono laser printer should be fine. Laser printers can vary wildly in price."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"laser printer definition. A type of printer that provides high-resolution images. A laser produces an image on a rotating drum, which is then rolled through a type of ink that transfers to the places illuminated by the laser. A non-impact high-resolution printer which uses a rotating disk to reflect laser beams to form an electrostatic image on a selenium imaging drum. The developer drum transfers toner from the toner bin to the charged areas of the imaging drum, which then transfers it onto the paper into which it is fused by heat."
] |
"Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"what is foam paneling"
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"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Acoustic foam is an open celled foam used for acoustic treatment. It attenuates airborne sound waves by increasing air resistance, thus reducing the amplitude of the waves. The energy is dissipated as heat. Acoustic Foam can be made in several different colors, sizes and thickness. Acoustic foam comes in a variety of sizes and can be attached to walls, ceilings, doors, and other features of a room to control noise levels, vibration, and echoes."
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Roofing With Foam. These roofs are either framed with deep roof trusses, or are framed with roof rafters that are separate from the lower ceiling joists (creating a cramped attic between the flat roof and the ceiling)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"EPS AGED FOAM BOARD. Insulation Foam for EIFS. Cross Country Supply, Home of the EIFS Depot is an experienced source for expanded polystyrene (EPS), commonly referred to as foam or aged board, used for Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS)."
"represent the next text",
"While you can attach foam insulation panels using nails, gluing them is less labor intensive. Glue also seals best to underlying metal components, such as metal studs or flashing installed around the perimeter of the insulation area. credit: Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"â Foam Type: Plant-based / Natural. An aloe vera mattress. Also known as an eco or natural memory foam mattress, this is quickly becoming one of the most popular choices amongst consumers. The plant-based solution replaces a portion of the gel or petroleum-based substances for plant extract as its filling."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Flexible Polyurethane Foam Flammability. Flexible polyurethane foam (FPF) is an organic material and, like all organic materials, is flammable. Organic materials include a variety of common substances including wood, paper, cotton, wool, nylon, polyester, polyethylene, and polystyrene and other plastic materials. Polyurethane Foam Association members have provided their customers with educational materials about FPF flammability for more than 20 years."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Distressing © Crafterâs Companion 2010 Cut-n-Dry Foam Cut-n-Dry foam is a dry double-sided stamp pad foam sheet for use with pigment and viscous inks, paints and glues. It works brilliantly with Tim Holtz Distress Inks to blend colours and spread the ink evenly around the outside of a card or other crafting project."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Aspen paneling. Cedar paneling. If our great selection of log siding products isnât what you picture on the inside of your home or getaway â or you want more of a variety of patterns and textures, then our tongue-and-groove wood paneling (or panelling, if you like to spell it that way) is exactly what you need.f our great selection of log siding products isnât what you picture on the inside of your home or getaway â or you want more of a variety of patterns and textures, then our tongue-and-groove wood paneling (or panelling, if you like to spell it that way) is exactly what you need."
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"This thin, foam screening spline is used for holding screening securely in windows and doors, allowing continued support of the screen regardless of expansion/shrinkage effects of weather conditions. This type of foam screening spline gives makers of screen frames leeway in terms of tolerance levels of the frames for easier installation."
"Infill walling is the generic name given to a panel that is built in between the floors of the primary structural frame of a building and provides support for the cladding system.ome examples of lightweight cladding attached to infill walls are shown in the figures on the right. In most uses of rainâscreen cladding, a sheathing board is attached to the external face of the infill walls to provide for weather resistance, both in the construction and in-service conditions."
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"Also consider using insulating wall sheathing rather than wood sheathing products, as they provide superior R-value. Foam sheathing: Provides a continuous layer of insulation, which reduces thermal bridging through wood studs, saving energy and improving comfort."
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"Foam Board Insulation. At Owens Corning, we deliver proven, advanced insulation solutions and leading-edge tools designed to help our customers maximize their investment â today, tomorrow and for future generations.oam Board Insulation. At Owens Corning, we deliver proven, advanced insulation solutions and leading-edge tools designed to help our customers maximize their investment â today, tomorrow and for future generations."
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"Formaldehyde is found in many products such as particle board, plywood, paneling, pressed-wood products and urea formaldehyde foam insulation. Some synthetic fabrics, especially permanent press, shampoos and cosmetics may also contain small amounts."
"Represent this",
"Because memory foam contours to the sleeperâs body and disperses weight across the face of the mattress a highly desirable floating-like effect is created that provides total support and comfort. But it also tends to trap heat in ways that traditional mattresses do not, and that has been a problem for some users."
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"Closed cell spray polyurethane foam provides more than 3x the waterproofing and 4x the compressive strength of Extruded Polystyrene (EPS) which are the pink boards sold at Home Depot, Menards, Lowes, etc. These pink boards allow water to permiate through them reducing their thermal efficiency and letting water through."
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"The panel system that uses headliner board finished with ultra lightweight foam backed headliner fabric has become the standard for newer vehicles. The benefits of the newer system Headliner fabric can also come in suede, vinyl material and other synthetics but the ideal material is lightweight and will not promote premature sagging."
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"Insulation - Roofing - Waterproofing. Spray Foam Systems are performance-based âGREENâ products for use in a variety of Spray Foam Insulation, Roofing and Waterproofing applications. Spray Polyurethane Foam, commonly referred to as Spray Foam or SPF, has many uses and applications. The most common being Insulation, Roofing and Dome style homes/hurricane shelters. Spray Foam offers better insulation value and eliminates air infiltration, which is as much as 40% of normal energy loss."
"Represent text",
"Infill walling is the generic name given to a panel that is built in between the floors of the primary structural frame of a building and provides support for the cladding system.n multi-storey framed construction, it is now common practice to use light steel infill walls to create a rapid dry envelope to support the external cladding. The same form of construction may be used as separating or compartment walls between different parts of the building."
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"Well the hot coffee is kept from scalding your mitts by 1/4â of polystyrene foam. Imagine how well 2 or 4 inches would insulate (Answer: much better). XPS foam board is an insulation material similar to polyisocyanurate in its texture and rigidity. It is usually blue or pink in color, with a smooth plastic surface. Like fiberglass, the pink and blue colors are not natural but part of the manufacturing companyâs marketing efforts."
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"A. Handi-Foam® One-Component Window & Door foam is classified as a UL/ULC polyurethane foam sealant. All One-Component Foams cure when moisture found in the air reacts with the chemistry of the dispensed foam."
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"Energy Panel (EP) Formerly called an RDG - removable double glazing, is a piece of glass annealed or tempered, and finished on the edges by a surround. EPs are applied to windows or doors and rest on the glazing stop. EPs offer the homeowner added energy efficiency."
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"Upholstery Foam. You need upholstery foam at least 2 inches thick or thicker cut to the shape of the wooden board or MDF. A serrated knife easily slices through the foam to size it to the shape of the wood. Cover the foam with the polyester batting stapled to the wrong side of the wood to keep the foam in place. If you plan to put buttons on a tufted headboard, first create the pattern on the wood and drill holes through it to secure the buttons through the foam, batting and upholstery material."
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"This system is a sprayable, rigid, closed-cell polyurethane cellular plastic foam insulation. designed to insulate buildings. The sprayed product, properly installed, results in a seamless, monolithic and durable insulation fully adhered to the substrate, which is Lavender in color."
"These flat profile wall panels provide 40â of coverage in four. foam core thickness options; 2ââ 2 1/2â, 3â or 4â. Basic Use: Insulated Heavy Embossed Flat Profile panels, a. steel clad factory insulated wall covering system, installed. with related accessories and trims, create an air and water. tight wall system."
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"Foam thermoset plastics reduce conductive heat transfer due in part to having very loose molecular bonds; In addition the cells of the installed spray foam are either filled with air in the case of open cell foam or 245fa in closed cell foam."
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"This is beneficial for padding packages for shipping. This foam can be use when your equipment weights 50 pounds and under. Minicell and Polyethlene is a closed cell which is a stronger, firmer type of foam that can be use when your equipment weights 50 pounds and higher. Closed cell foam is recommended for multiple uses to prevent wear and tear. All thicknesses are in stock and can be custom cut to fit your needs."
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"Based on Googling, not experience, it seems that Foamex can be printed on directly and is flexible either 3mm or 5mm thick. Foam core (this I use) is a mount board to which prints are mounted. It can be thicker than Foamex and is defiantly not flexible except maybe a tiny bit in the thinner versions. For the type of display you're planning I would absolutely use foam core. IMHO only."
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"Gatorfoam Board. Gatorfoam, also know as Gator Board, is the industry's leading heavy-duty foam board. Instead of foam board's paper surface, Gatorfoam is comprised of a wood pulp impregnated with plastic surface. The wood fiber veneer provides a high structural strength. It is extremely durable, long lasting, and reusable."
"represent the natural language\nGiven ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Types of Tests. The Rapid HIV test is useful for routine testing and/or if you donâ\\x80\\x99t want to wait several days for the results. The Rapid HIV test detects HIV antibodies in the blood. Most guys (about 90%) will develop enough HIV antibodies to be detected three to four weeks after infection. The Rapid HIV test gives you a result in a few minutes, eliminating the stress of waiting a week for results.'], a positive would be ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what type of of test for hiv']",
"Open-cell spray foam (ocSPF) has an open cell structure where the cells are filled with air. The open-cell structure renders soft, flexible foam, with a density of about 0.5-0.8 pounds per cubic foot (pcf). Still air is the primary insulation medium in ocSPF, fiberglass and cellulose."
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"Melamine foam(melamine foam resin), a foam - like material consisting of formaldehyde-melamine-sodium bisulfite copolymer, it is a new type of environmental sponge which being widely used in the world. Feature: Cas no:3089-11-0. Hs code:3921199000. The specification of our melamine foam as following: Color:white. density(kg/m3):7.5min."
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"OVER 5000 PROFILES TO FIT ANY METAL OR POLYCARBONATE PANEL. All common panels available Specializing in âhard to findâ custom panels Decking closure strips and plugs available CUSTOM CUT PROFILES TO FILL ANY VOID OR ROOF DECK. AVAILABLE IN A MATERIAL TO MEET YOUR SPEC. EPDM foam rubber."
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"Foam fillers and additives are used to improver the combustion performance of the foam, to make the cushion feel heavier and more luxurious, or to improve support, but may have a negative effect on other foam properties."
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"3M VHB⢠Tapes. This versatile acrylic foam tape with modified acrylic adhesive adheres to the broadest range of substrates including metals, glass, rigid PVC, Acrylic, polycarbonate, ABS, Polystyrene, most powder-coated paints, painted/sealed wood and concrete."
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"Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) is a plastic composite material used for a variety of commercial, governmental and industrial building projects. It is composed of a polymer over a fiberglass weave. Highly desirable for their lightweight, durability, and ease of care, FRP wall panels have become a go-to choice for many commercial builders."
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"Our EVA Foam Tile Matting is a high quality, dense and durable expanded EVA foam floor or wall mat.ur EVA Foam Tile Matting is a high quality, dense and durable expanded EVA foam floor or wall mat."
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"Installation: The best way to display foam board signs is to install them as pieces of wall art. Hang them on interior walls or over point-of-sale counters. They can also be hung in retail windows or from ceilings using string or ropeâjust make sure they are high enough not to get bumped or knocked down."
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"Beadboard Paneling. Beadboard paneling is a popular way to cover walls in a home. It is different to other panels on the market such as hardwood and bamboo because it is made up of a variety of materials including wood and MDF."
"Foam systems usually consist of a foam storage tank, an incoming firewater line, a mixing fixture, foam / water piping up the side of the tank, and foam/water applicator nozzles. The systems for fixed roof tanks are designed to create a foam layer over the flammable material in the tank."
"Represent this",
"Gatorfoam® is the industry's leading, unique, heavy-duty, foam board for more than 30 years. It is comprised of extruded polystyrene foam bonded between two layers of wood-fiber veneer. Made In USA. The original, unique, heavy-duty graphic arts board."
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"EPS AGED FOAM BOARD Insulation Foam for EIFS. Cross Country Supply, Home of the EIFS Depot is an experienced source for expanded polystyrene (EPS), commonly referred to as foam or aged board, used for Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS)."
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"Definition of panelboard. 1 : a drawing board with an adjustable outside frame that is forced over paper so as to hold and strain it. 2 : a strong rigid paperboard used for paneling in automobile bodies and in building construction."
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"2 Gatorfoam foam board is the board of choice for mounting, exhibits and signs where strength and rigidity is key. 3/16 Gatorfoam foam board is an extruded polystyrene foam board bonded between two layers of Luxcell wood-fiber veneer. It's a heavy duty yet versatile foam board and is great for everything. 1/2. Gatorfoam foam board is the board of choice for mounting, exhibits and signs where strength and rigidity is key."
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"What is open cell soy spray foam? Open cell spray foam is a material that is used to insulate your home against outside air, moisture and sound. This open cell foam is professionally sprayed into your home, where it dries slowly, allowing the pockets of air in it to pop (thus, the name) and keeping the substance relatively soft and somewhat flexible."
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"Formaldehyde is found in many products such as particle board, plywood, paneling, pressed-wood products and urea formaldehyde foam insulation. Some synthetic fabrics, especially permanent press, shampoos and cosmetics may also contain small amounts.ormaldehyde is found in many products such as particle board, plywood, paneling, pressed-wood products and urea formaldehyde foam insulation. Some synthetic fabrics, especially permanent press, shampoos and cosmetics may also contain small amounts."
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"They will stick to the building materials, but not to the backer rod. For this reason, the foam is also called a bond breaker. There are only a few scenarios in which backer rods are essential, but theyâre almost always really helpful."
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"Disadvantages. If not sealed with tape or spray foam, air will leak between the joints of foam board insulation sections, and between the insulation and wall studs or other adjoining material. Foam board can only be installed in existing walls by removing the wall sheathing and any existing installation.isadvantages. If not sealed with tape or spray foam, air will leak between the joints of foam board insulation sections, and between the insulation and wall studs or other adjoining material. Foam board can only be installed in existing walls by removing the wall sheathing and any existing installation."
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"Installing EVA Foam Flooring. EVA foam floor tiles and all over flooring can be installed in a variety of different areas as foam is a multiâpurpose floor covering. From home gym and exercise flooring to kid play mats and learning mats, there are tons of possible uses for foam flooring.VA flooring can be cut into any size simply by using a razor knife and a straight edge (for a more precise cut) to carefully cut through the materials. Always remember to measure twice and cut once! Recommendation: Glueâless interlocking foam flooring tiles are very DIY friendly."
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"When combined with compressed air using specialized equipment, the foam insulation flows throughout the wall filling any irregular voids and hard-to-reach spaces resulting in a building that is well-insulated, quiet and energy efficient. All cfiFOAM products are Class A Fire Rated."
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"Wood paneling is often installed without a drywall backing. Removing wood paneling is not a particularly difficult job in and of itself. Removing the paneling and not damaging it, or removing the paneling and replacing it with drywall, can be a more difficult task.rywall or No Drywall. If you find that your paneling is installed directly over the wall studs, you will need to install drywall once your paneling is removed. This is significantly more work than merely removing the paneling and painting the walls."
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"Polyurethanes are the most well known polymers used to make foams. If you're sitting on a padded chair right now, the cushion is more than likely made of a polyurethane foam.Polyurethanes are more than foam.Much more than foam! Polyurethanes are the single most versatile family of polymers there is.Polyurethanes can be elastomers, and they can be paints.f you're sitting on a padded chair right now, the cushion is more than likely made of a polyurethane foam. Polyurethanes are more than foam. Much more than foam! Polyurethanes are the single most versatile family of polymers there is. Polyurethanes can be elastomers, and they can be paints."
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"Control Foam with proven Silicone Antifoams from Dow Corning. Foam control is required in dozens of industries and Dow Corning products are designed for both immediate (defoamer) and persistent control (antifoam) formulations, and are available in compound, emulsion, and powder forms, for both aqueous and non-aqueous systems. Chemical Process."
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"Foam cell Foam Cells are lipid-loaded macrophages that have surrounded large amounts of a fatty substance, usually cholesterol. These can be found in blood vessel walls that are crammed with fatty material."
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"Mantel Shelves . Standard Sized Shelves; Custom Sized Shelves; Fireplace Facing Systems. Granite Facings; Marble Facings; Slate Facings; Paneling + Planking + Cornices. Plywood Wall Paneling. Rustic Paneling | 4x8. For Rustic Cabins; Wall Paneling | 9-groove ; For Mountain Lodges; For Hunting Camps; Beadboard Paneling | 4x8; Decorator Paneling | 4 x 8; Library Paneling | 4 x 8"
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"Urethane foam is an artificial material with several different uses. The manufacturing process can produce foams of varying densities and flexibilities, which means that it can serve functions as diverse as bedding, packaging and footwear."
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"High Resilience foam, or HR foam, is open-cell, flexible polyurethane foam that has a less uniform (more random) cell structure that helps add support, comfort, and resilience or bounce.hile HR foams are a significantly smaller part of what Bergad offers, we do offer foams in a wide range of physical characteristics, with: 1 Densities from 2 to over 30 pounds per cubic foot, 2 Firmnesses (25% IFD) from 15 to over 300 pounds,"
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"Originally aired in 2003. The first foam sample, a ceramic based acoustical material, does not burn. It is a Class A material. The second sample, a polyurethane acoustical foam, will burn but eventually extinguish.It is a Class C material. The third foam, which is for use as bedding-not as an acoustical product, ignites immediately and flames continue to spread even after the fire source is removed.Bedding or packing foam is not intended for use on vertical surfaces such as walls, or on ceilings.riginally aired in 2003. The first foam sample, a ceramic based acoustical material, does not burn. It is a Class A material. The second sample, a polyurethane acoustical foam, will burn but eventually extinguish."
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"A 103 plasma display panel by Panasonic, on display in August 2009. A plasma display panel (PDP) is a type of flat panel display common to large TV displays 30 inches (76 cm) or larger.They are called plasma displays because they use small cells containing electrically charged ionized gases, which are plasmas. 103 plasma display panel by Panasonic, on display in August 2009. A plasma display panel (PDP) is a type of flat panel display common to large TV displays 30 inches (76 cm) or larger."
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"Related: acoustic foam studio foam bass trap soundproofing acoustic diffuser acoustic treatment sound diffuser soundproofing foam acoustic foam panels acoustic diffusor Refine more Format"
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"Ceramic Foam Filtration is a recognised technology for reducing casting upgrading by. removing non-metallic inclusions and oxide films from the metal stream as the mould fills. The ability of the filters to remove the energy that causes turbulence, and introduce laminar. flow to the metal stream, is also considered a major benefit resulting in improved casting. homogeneity and surface finish. Keywords: Steel Casting, Metal Stream, Filtration, Ceramic Foam, remove Inclusions."
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"We will only use epoxy as resin: no polyester or vinylester. Foam sandwich is a well proven material, light and strong. It is particularly well adapted to the building of one-off hulls. It is well suited to amateur boat building because it does not require a female mold or any special equipment. We will describe what is commonly called the open mold method."
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"Insulated siding refers to siding material, usually vinyl, that has a polystyrene foam backing. This foam adds to the insulating value of the siding and helps it resist denting and cracking. It also provides a degree of soundproofing. Cost: insulating foam adds another 30 to 50% to your total cost."
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"Melamine foam. Melamine foam is a foam-like material consisting of a formaldehyde-melamine-sodium bisulfite copolymer. The foam is manufactured by a number of manufacturers worldwide, most notably by Germany-based BASF under the name Basotect."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n------\nExample:\nProvided: \"['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries. E.g. The sleep/wake button is button on the top edge of the iPad, the home button is the button the front of the iPad below the screen. If you want to try a soft-reset (i.e. a reboot) then press and hold both of those buttons for 10 to 15 seconds, after which the Apple logo should appear. == where is sleep/wake button on ipad', 'Although the Suez Canal has been closed since June 6, 1967, this waterway is frequently compared to the Panama Canal. The two canals differ significantly. The Suez is a sea-level canal in an arid region where blowing sand is an operational problem. Panama is a lock-type canal through a humid, mountainous rain forest.Suez was realized by private enterprise, while the Panama Canal was a United States accomplishment.lthough the Suez Canal has been closed since June 6, 1967, this waterway is frequently compared to the Panama Canal. The two canals differ significantly. The Suez is a sea-level canal in an arid region where blowing sand is an operational problem. Panama is a lock-type canal through a humid, mountainous rain forest.']\" Match: \"['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what type of canal is panama canal']\"",
"VPF(SM) uses a fully enclosed environmental chamber to control the conditions under which the polyurethane foam is produced and allows independent control of foam properties and performance characteristics not normally possible in conventional foam making."
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"Use a straight edge or T-square to guide your cuts. Position the first foam panel perpendicular to the wall or ceiling framing. Hold the foam in place while you use 2-inch ring-shank nails to fasten the board to the framing. Use a nail every 12 inches along each edge. The plastic cap of the ring-shank nail prevents the head from sinking into the foam. Butt the next panel tightly against the first without overlapping."
] |
"represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"what side of the brain is the cerebral cortex"
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The cerebral cortex is the cerebrum 's (brain) outer layer of neural tissue in humans and other mammals.It is divided into two cortices, along the sagittal plane: the left and right cerebral hemispheres divided by the medial longitudinal fissure.he cerebral cortex plays a key role in memory, attention, perception, awareness, thought, language, and consciousness. The human cerebral cortex is 2 to 4 millimetres (0.079 to 0.157 in) thick. In large mammals, the cerebral cortex is folded, giving a much greater surface area in the confined volume of the skull."
] | [
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nFor instance, <<['Represent the next text', 'In the deciduous forest, the temperature ranges can vary during both the summer and winter seasons. During the summer, temperature can be between 27 and 32 degrees Celsius â\\x80¦. In the winter, the temperature is between -1 and -30 degrees Celsius.']>> to \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is the temperature range in a forest']\"",
"The cerebral cortex is the part of the brain that most strongly distinguishes mammals. In non-mammalian vertebrates, the surface of the cerebrum is lined with a comparatively simple three-layered structure called the pallium.he brain is waking and with it the mind is returning. It is as if the Milky Way entered upon some cosmic dance. Swiftly the head mass becomes an enchanted loom where millions of flashing shuttles weave a dissolving pattern, always a meaningful pattern though never an abiding one; a shifting harmony of subpatterns."
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"The cerebral cortex is one and a half to five millimetres thick. It is the layer of the brain often called âgray matterâ. It is called gray as the nerves in this area donât have the insulation that makes most other parts of the brain look white."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it.\n\n\nFor example, '['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', \"Rochelle /ro-chel-le/ [2 sylls.] as a girls' name is pronounced roh-SHELL. It is of French and Old German origin, and the meaning of Rochelle is little rock; rest. May be based on the French place name of La Rochelle.Also feminine variant of Rocco (Italian).Saint Rocco (14th century) was a pilgrim and healer.ochelle is a very popular first name for females (#443 out of 4276, Top 10%) and also a very popular last name for all people (#8766 out of 150436, Top 6%). (2000 U.S. Census).\"]' should be close to '['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what the name rochelle means']'",
"After originating from the cortex, the neurones converge, and descend through the internal capsule (a white matter pathway, located between the thalamus and the basal ganglia). This is clinically important, as the internal capsule is particularly susceptible to compression from haemorrhagic bleeds, known as a âcapsular strokeâ. Such an event could cause a lesion of the descending tracts. After the internal capsule, the neurones pass through the crus cerebri of the midbrain, the pons and into the medulla. In the most inferior (caudal) part of the medulla, the tract divides into two: The fibres within the lateral corticospinal tract decussate (cross over to the other side of the CNS)."
"represent text",
"The cerebral cortex in the brain interprets these sensations as things such as hunger, fullness, pain, nausea, gas, cramping, etc. The cell bodies are located in the dorsal root ganglia and the fibers travel together with the autonomic nervous system. Since it piggybacks the autonomic nervous system, we get something called referred pain. For example, pain from the heart can be perceived on the left shoulder and arm."
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"Parts of the telencephalon. 1 Cerebral cortex â The cerebral cortex is the âgray matterâ of your brain, and is comprised of the fissures (valleys) and gyri (hills). 2 Corpus callosum â The white matter in the brain that connects the left and right hemispheres."
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"divided into right and left halves, called cerebral hemispheres. If we pry apart the two halves of the brain, we see that this fissure descends to a structure called the corpus callosum. The largest and most complex part of the human brain - includes the brain areas that are responsible for our most complex mental activities, including learning, remembering, thinking, and consciousness."
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"The cerebral cortex is responsible for higher brain functions like language and memory. The cerebral cortex is a layer of the brain responsible for complex functions. The cerebral cortex is the outermost layer of brain.View slideshow of images above.he cerebral cortex is responsible for higher brain functions like language and memory. The cerebral cortex is a layer of the brain responsible for complex functions. The cerebral cortex is the outermost layer of brain. View slideshow of images above."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"The Cerebral Cortex. The cerebral cortex is the most important part of our brain (at least in the field of psychology) because it is what makes us human. The cerebral cortex (sometimes referred to as called gray matter, is actually densely packed neurons."
"Represent the input",
"Parts of the telencephalon. 1 Cerebral cortex â The cerebral cortex is the âgray matterâ of your brain, and is comprised of the fissures (valleys) and gyri (hills). Most information processing occurs in the cerebral cortex. 2 Corpus callosum â The white matter in the brain that connects the left and right hemispheres."
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"The Cerebrum: Also known as the cerebral cortex, the cerebrum is the largest part of the human brain, and it is associated with higher brain function such as thought and action. Nerve cells make up the gray surface, which is a little thicker than our thumb. White nerve fibers beneath the surface carry signals between nerve cells in other parts of the brain and body. Its wrinkled surface increases the surface area, and is a six-layered structure found in mammals, called the neocortex. It is divided into four sections, called âlobesâ."
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"The cerebral cortex is the most complex part of the brain and scientists were startled to find neuron formation in this high brain area. The cerebral cortex is responsible for higher level decision making and learning."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Which portion of the cerebral cortex is most directly involved in making plans and formulating moral judgments? What is the part of the cerebral cortex that directs the muscle movements involved in speech is known as what? Why does the cerebral cortex have that name? Cerebral cortex literally means brain husk or shell. It comes from the Latin cerebrum meaning brain and cortex meaning husk or shell. So, the outer covering of the brain is caâ¦lled its shell. 2 people found this useful."
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"Top 10 amazing movie makeup transformations. The cerebral cortex is the outermost layer of the brain in complex animals such as mammals, including humans. Despite a thickness of less than 0.2 inch (5 mm), it is responsible for most higher brain functions, including language, memory, and consciousness.he cerebral cortex is responsible for higher brain functions like language and memory. The cerebral cortex is a layer of the brain responsible for complex functions. The cerebral cortex is the outermost layer of brain. View slideshow of images above."
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"Best Answer: The cerebral cortex is a structure within the brain that plays a key role in memory, attention, perceptual awareness, thought, language, and consciousness.The human cerebral cortex is 2-4 mm (0.08-0.16 inches) thick.he bumps or ridges on the surface of the brain are called gyri (singular = gyrus). The folding of the cortex increases the cortical surface area. The cerebral cortex, made up of four lobes is involved in many complex brain functions including memory, perceptual awareness, thinking, language and consciousness."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"In short, the cerebral cortex is the outer and largest part of the brain, that covers its smaller parts and is usually easily visible on brain illustrations. It contai ⦠ns gray matter (neurons) responsible for the higher functions of thinking and information processing. In short, the cerebral cortex is the outer and largest part of the brain, that covers its smaller parts and is usually easily visible on brain illustrations. It contai ⦠ns gray matter (neurons) responsible for the higher functions of thinking and information processing."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Parts of the telencephalon. Cerebral cortex â The cerebral cortex is the âgray matterâ of your brain, and is comprised of the fissures (valleys) and gyri (hills). Most information processing occurs in the cerebral cortex. Each of its 6 layers has different composition in terms of neurons and connectivity."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"What part of the brain controls memort? The part of the brain that controls human memory is the neocortex, situated in the cerebral cortex. The cerebral cortex also controls language skills and thought. Edit"
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"The cerebral cortex is the most important part of our brain (at least in the field of psychology) because it is what makes us human. The cerebral cortex (sometimes referred to as called gray matter, is actually densely packed neurons."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Cerebral Cortex-The Cerebral Cortex is the largest part of your brain. It does a lot of brain work, like thinking, decisions, and creativity. It's responsible for thinking and learning as well as the five senses, memory and emotion."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The cerebral cortex is a structure within the brain that plays a key role in memory, attention, perception, thought, language, & consciousness. It is the layer of the brain often referred to as.... The brain has 6 structures with distinct purposes."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"The human brain as viewed from above, showing the cerebral hemispheres. The anterior aspect (front) of the brain is to the right. A cerebral hemisphere (hemispherium cerebrale) is defined as one of the two regions of the brain that are delineated by the body's, the left hemisphere and right hemisphere. median plane. The brain can thus be described as being divided into left and right cerebral hemispheres. Each of these hemispheres has an outer layer of grey matter called the cerebral cortex that is supported by an inner layer of white matter."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"1 The cerebral cortex is the part of the brain that ï¨ is visible from the outside. 2 The cerebral cortex is the outermost layer of the brain and consists of a collection of nerve cell bodies made up of gray matter. 3 The axons of these neurons extend in toward the center of the brain and into the white matter.4 2. The cerebral cortex is the outermost layer of the brain and consists of a collection of nerve cell bodies made up of gray matter. 2 The axons of these neurons extend in toward the center of the brain and into the white matter. 3 2. 4 The brain is divided into two hemispheres, ï¨ each of which has slightly different functions."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Best Answer: Yes. The cerebral cortex is the most superior (highest) part of the brain. Source(s): http://www.1800duilaws.com/article/scien...est Answer: Yes. The cerebral cortex is the most superior (highest) part of the brain. Source(s): http://www.1800duilaws.com/article/scien..."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Cerebrum/Cerebral Hemispheres. The largest area of the brain is the cerebrum, which consists of the left and right cerebral hemispheres. Generally speaking, the right cerebral hemisphere controls the left side of the body and the left cerebral hemisphere controls the right side of the body.he brain stem is the bottom-most portion of the brain, connecting the cerebrum with the spinal cord. The midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata, and reticular formation are all part of the brain stem. Midbrain. The midbrain is the short portion of the brain stem between the pons and the cerebral hemispheres."
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"The cortex also covers the cerebellum. The cerebrum is the most highly developed part of the human brain and is responsible for thinking, perceiving, producing and understanding language. Most information processing occurs in the cerebral cortex.he cerebral cortex covers the outer portion (1.5mm to 5mm) of the cerebrum. It is the layer of the brain often referred to as gray matter."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The human brain as viewed from above, showing the cerebral hemispheres. The anterior aspect (front) of the brain is to the right. A cerebral hemisphere (hemispherium cerebrale) is defined as one of the two regions of the brain that are delineated by the body's, the left hemisphere and right hemisphere. median plane.inear reasoning functions of language such as grammar and word production are often lateralized to the left hemisphere of the brain. In contrast, holistic reasoning functions of language such as intonation and emphasis are often lateralized to the right hemisphere of the brain."
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"Please refer to the Brain Map at the bottom of this page for an illustration of the main areas of the brain. cerebral cortex Frontal Lobes: Most anterior, right under the forehead."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Cerebral cortex. The gray, convoluted covering of the cerebral hemispheres that is responsible for the higher mental processes of language, memory, and thinking; Contains three types of areas: sensory input areas, motor areas (voluntary movement), and association areas. Association areas."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The cerebral cortex is the layer of the brain often referred to as gray matter. The cortex (thin layer of tissue) is gray because nerves in this area lack the insulation that makes most other parts of the brain appear to be white."
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"The main functional cell type of the brain's cerebral cortex is the cortical neuron. These neurons are packed into the cortex, also called the gray matter, which is up to four millimeters thick along both cerebral hemispheres. Cortical neuron activity moderates perception and communication in the brain, and also effects musculoskeletal control, the basis of voluntary movement, like walking."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Cerebral Cortex Lobes The cerebral cortex is the layer of the brain often referred to as gray matter. The cortex (thin layer of tissue) is gray because nerves in this area lack the insulation that makes most other parts of the brain appear to be white."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The cerebral cortex plays a key role in memory, attention, perception, awareness, thought, language, and consciousness. The human cerebral cortex is 2 to 4 millimetres (0.079 to 0.157 in) thick. In large mammals, the cerebral cortex is folded, giving a much greater surface area in the confined volume of the skull.n the human brain more than two-thirds of the cerebral cortex is buried in the sulci. The cerebral cortex is gray matter, consisting mainly of cell bodies (with astrocytes being the most abundant cell type in the cortex as well as the human brain as a whole) and capillaries."
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"In each hemisphere of the mammalian brain the insular cortex (often called insula, insulary cortex or insular lobe) is a portion of the cerebral cortex folded deep within the lateral sulcus (the fissure separating the temporal lobe from the parietal and frontal lobes). Cerebral Cortex."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The neurons were added to the cerebral cortex of the brain. The cerebral cortex is the most complex part of the brain and scientists were startled to find neuron formation in this high brain area. The cerebral cortex is responsible for higher level decision making and learning."
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"a) Neuroscience perspective. 1 The cerebrum has 2 parts: the right cerebral hemisphere and the left cerebral hemisphere. 2 The part of the brain that is responsible for complex thinking is the Frontal LobeâLocated under the forehead, the frontal lobe controls reasoning, planning, voluntary movement, and some aspects of speech. The prefrontal cortex is the part of the frontal lobe right behind the forehead."
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"The cerebral cortex is the part of the brain that most strongly distinguishes mammals. In non-mammalian vertebrates, the surface of the cerebrum is lined with a comparatively simple three-layered structure called the pallium.he brain is located in the head, usually close to the primary sensory organs for such senses as vision, hearing, balance, taste, and smell. The brain is the most complex organ in a vertebrate's body."
"Represent this:",
"The Cerebral Cortex. This is the outer covering of the brain, the one with all the bumps (gryi or the singular gyrus) and folds (sulci or the singular sulcus). The cortex has a large number of connections â 75% in total.The other 25% of connections link to other brain regions, such as the nervous system.he Cerebral Cortex. This is the outer covering of the brain, the one with all the bumps (gryi or the singular gyrus) and folds (sulci or the singular sulcus). The cortex has a large number of connections â 75% in total."
"Represent the natural language",
"Share. The cerebral cortex is the layer of the brain often referred to as gray matter. The cortex (thin layer of tissue) is gray because nerves in this area lack the insulation that makes most other parts of the brain appear to be white. The cortex covers the outer portion (1.5mm to 5mm) of the cerebrum and cerebellum.The portion of the cortex that covers the cerebrum is called the cerebral cortex.hare. The cerebral cortex is the layer of the brain often referred to as gray matter. The cortex (thin layer of tissue) is gray because nerves in this area lack the insulation that makes most other parts of the brain appear to be white. The cortex covers the outer portion (1.5mm to 5mm) of the cerebrum and cerebellum."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Cerebral Motor Cortex. As the name of the disorder suggests, cerebral palsy affects the cerebrum, the largest portion of the brain. The cerebrum controls voluntary movements, thinking, reasoning and emotions, as well as some specialized functions such as visual processing, speech and hearing.lthough the gray matter processes the information in the brain, the white matter transmits the signals to the rest of the body. Some cerebral palsy occurs due to damage to the white matter, a condition known as periventricular leukomalacia--PVL. The damage in PVL looks like tiny holes in the white matter."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Key Points. 1 The cerebral cortex, the largest part of the brain, is the ultimate control and information-processing center in the brain. 2 The cerebral cortex is responsible for many higher-order brain functions such as sensation, perception, memory, association, thought, and voluntary physical action."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The cerebral cortex is the most complex part of the brain and scientists were startled to find neuron formation in this high brain area."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The human brain as viewed from above, showing the cerebral hemispheres. The anterior aspect (front) of the brain is to the right. A cerebral hemisphere (hemispherium cerebrale) is defined as one of the two regions of the brain that are delineated by the body's, the left hemisphere and right hemisphere. median plane. The brain can thus be described as being divided into left and right cerebral hemispheres."
] |
"Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"how many days a week should you do yoga"
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"HOW OFTEN SHOULD I PRACTICE HOT YOGA? If you come 1-2 times a week, we promise youâll feel good. At 3-4 times a week, a new awareness develops and the physical, mental and spiritual changes happen more rapidly. As yoga author Baron Baptiste says, âFor life-changing results practice 5-6 times a week.â Thatâs a lot of yoga though, and not always realistic for everyoneâs schedule. Just come whenever you can."
] | [
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"A toning style core routine can be performed 4-6 days per week once you have built up your tolerance for those exercises, but if you become overly sore you may need to take a 48 hour break to allow muscles to properly heal. Just make sure you take at least one day off each week, even if you never get sore."
"Represent the following document",
"Some days, it's just not possible to put in a full hour and a half of yoga. But most days will allow for this 10- to 15-minute sequence that stretches the back, hamstrings, and hips, problem areas for many people. Think of this sequence as your maintenance plan. It will keep you running smoothly until you can get in for a full tune up."
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"How many times a week should I do HIIT? I lift weights 4 days a week and I do about 45 minutes of cardio on treadmill after my work out. To burn even more calories, I decided to add HIIT before I go to bed. How many minutes should I start out with and how many days a week should I add to my current excercise program?"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"How Long Are You Practicing? You also need to consider the length of your practice. Obviously practicing yoga for 90 minutes every day is a lot more physically exhausting, as well as time constraining, than fitting in 30 minutes into your morning or evening routine."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"He said there was a huge difference between working out two and three days a week. While any amount of exercise is an improvement over none at all, if you're already in decent shape, exercising for just two days a week will not get you much additional benefit. Here's what he told us when we asked him how often you should exercise: A minimum of three days per week, for a structured exercise program."
"represent this text",
"In a yoga teacher certification course, our curriculum foresees 5 to 8.25 hours of classes daily. Asana practice takes three hours per day. Morning warm-up class is 45 minutes long and is optional. Lectures are 1 to 2 hours per day. There is one 60 minutes asana alignment workshop in a day. After dinner, we practice meditation for 30 minutes to an hour. Shatkarma classes take about 30 minutes and are three times a week. That's 15 minutes a day. Pranayama practice takes another 15 minutes daily."
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"Some people prefer more than four strength training days per week but thatâs a hell of a lot to recover from. The only way that can really work is if you are training very submaximally. But I really see no point in that nor is it remotely enjoyable.Iâd much rather do yoga or for a swim then do an easy workout.ow intensity work actually enhances your recovery between hard training sessions. So make some time at least 2-3 days per week to go for a long hike, walk, bike ride, etc. for 30 minutes."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Add five minutes to your workouts each week, aiming for an eventual goal of 30 minutes of exercise each time. If you can do three 10-minutes workouts each day, youâll get the same benefit as a 30-minute workout, according to the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"While any amount of exercise is an improvement over none at all, if you're already in decent shape, exercising for just two days a week will not get you much additional benefit. Here's what he told us when we asked him how often you should exercise: A minimum of three days per week, for a structured exercise program. Technically, you should do something every day, and by something I mean physical activity â just move."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"First, it tells us that Iyengar yoga, when practiced twice weekly for 60 minutes per session, may be as effective for young women as a walking program at improving IBS symptoms.x17Self-regulation evaluation of therapeutic yoga and walking for patients with irritable bowel syndrome: a pilot study. Psychol Health Med."
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"Just wanted to take a brief survey to see how many days a week I should place him in doggy daycare. (1) How long does ur furbaby stay home alone during the work week? (2) Do you place your furbaby in doggy daycare? (3) If yes, how many days a week does ur furbaby attend doggie daycare? Thanks everyone......."
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"I think it is overwhelming to start off thinking you need to work out 6 days a week. I have been maintaining a 3-4 day a week workout schedule for a year and a half and i have stuck to it. I could never stick to 6 days. Honestly, I find that 3-4 days a week is ideal for me, works with my schedule, and has helped me shape my body the way I want."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Do 30 minutes of cardio training [dancing, jogging, aerobics, yoga , running, bicycle, swimming, kick boxing ... ] and 30 minutes of strength train [weights, arms, setup, crunches for abs, legs workout and stretches]workout 3-6 times on week."
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"When trying to gauge how to fit yoga into a busy life, there is nothing wrong with adopting a mix match of short and long sessions. Fitting three 20-minute yoga sessions during the week and one longer 60-minute session on the weekend into oneâs routine will go a long way!1). In addition, yoga practiced in shorter sessions works well when fitting a workout into a busy schedule. Short duration yoga sessions allow portable workouts-they can be done pretty much anywhere-so long as a yoga mat is handy."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"As the mind tunes in, it synchronizes with the body. Yoga practitioners immediately notice healthy cravings, improved posture, and deeper breathing. As yoga becomes constant, life begins to flow towards an improved balance. Practice yoga once a week for increased flexibility. Full range of motion begins to deteriorate over time. While people are born with flexibility, sedentary lifestyles wreak havoc on joints and muscles."
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"For each of the first four exercises, do one to three sets of 8 to 12 repetitions, 2 or 3 days a week: Even if you've been walking regularly, the demands of hiking (hills and rough terrain) require more from your cardiovascular system, your muscles, and even your balance."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"But that doesn't mean you should rule out yoga, says Chrissy Carter, creator of Beginning Yoga by Gaiam ($10; amazon.com) and a NYC-based yoga instructor. Carter says these moves will help you feel calmer, sleep better, and yes, get more flexible. Hold each position for 5 to 10 breaths."
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"If you work out every day, you'll never give your muscles the chance to get bigger and stronger. Plan to work out 3 or 4 days per week, remembering to rotate muscle groups. On your off days, it's fine to go for a run, a bike ride, or do some other type of exercise to keep yourself moving and relax your muscles."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends the following for physical activity: 1 At least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity at least five days per week for a total of 150 minutes OR at least 25 minutes of high-intensity aerobic activity at least three days per week for a total of 75 minutes."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Q: How often should I work out? A: The amount of exercise you need depends on the type of lifestyle you want to maintain. For beginners, most experts recommend at least 20 minutes of exercise three times a week. These 20 minutes can be a combination of four 5-minute sessions of exercise, two 10-minute sessions or 20 continuous minutes. Just doing something is better than no exercise at all."
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"Can you advise me on how many calories I should eat to maintain my weight and how many I should eat to lose the extra 7lbs that I out on 5 months ago please.I have a BMR of 1340. I train 8 hours per week, power yoga and cardio."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Q. How often should I do Pilates each week? The ideal practice of Pilates is 3 times per week. However, you need to take into consideration â time, finances, stress level and burning out. We suggest starting with one session (100% more than you are doing now!) and adding more sessions when you can."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Exercising for 30 minutes on most, or all, days can benefit your health during pregnancy. Exercising for just 20 minutes, 3 or 4 days a week, is still beneficial, as well. The important thing is to be active and get your blood flowing. To have success in completing exercises during pregnancy, it is a good idea to plan the days and times during the week when you will exercise. As shown in the photo above, prenatal yoga is a great, low impact exercise that can be highly beneficial for pregnant women. Here are some of the benefits from exercise during pregnancy you may experience: 1 Helps reduce backaches, constipation, bloating, and swelling. 2 May help prevent, or treat, gestational diabetes. 3 Increases your energy. 4 Improves your mood. 5 Improves your posture. 6 Promotes muscle tone, strength, and endurance. 7 Helps you sleep better."
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"For people with diabetes, The National Institutes of Health (NIH) recommends 150 minutes of aerobic exercise each week. Exercise is so important for people with diabetes that the American Diabetes Association recommends that these patients miss no more than two days of aerobic exercise in a row."
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"I've consistently exercise about 60-90 minutes almost every day- 25 minute run and 45 min-90 min of yoga per day since the beginning of January. I lost 8 lbs and it's the last bit of weight I need to lose- the stubborn bit- so I agree with this article."
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"1 Be sure to pick a time when you know there will be no interruptions or distractions, such as early in the morning or late at night. 2 You can practice yoga for however long you like. 3 It might be anything from a few rounds of sun salutations to a full 90 minutes session. Be sure to pick a time when you know there will be no interruptions or distractions, such as early in the morning or late at night. 2 You can practice yoga for however long you like. 3 It might be anything from a few rounds of sun salutations to a full 90 minutes session."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Itâs true; practicing yoga has many proven benefits â both mental and physical. Before you embark, however, you should address a few starter questions. First, figure out exactly why you want to begin practicing yoga. Knowing this will help you decide how many times you should practice it each week. Finding Tranquility"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"That means, AT THE VERY MOST, you should be exercising 6 times per week total (and again, this includes weight training, cardio, and any other form of exercise). Iâm setting this rule because I am pretty confident that there is no one reading this that needs to be or would benefit from working out 7 days a week."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"He said there was a huge difference between working out two and three days a week. While any amount of exercise is an improvement over none at all, if you're already in decent shape, exercising for just two days a week will not get you much additional benefit. Here's what he told us when we asked him how often you should exercise: A minimum of three days per week, for a structured exercise program. Technically, you should do something every day, and by something I mean physical activity â just move."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"You might like to try a yoga pose where you lie on the floor for 10 minutes or so, with your legs resting up the wall. This can help decrease the collection of lymph in the legs and should make you heavy legs feel lighter."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"How Much Should You Exercise and How Often? Aim for at least 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity activity (such as brisk waking). That amounts to about 30 minutes a day at least 5 days a week. If you're just getting started, you can slowly build up to that. In time, you can make your workouts longer or more challenging. Do that gradually, so your body can adjust. When you work out, keep your pace low for a few minutes at the start and end of your workout. That way, you warm up and cool down each time. You don't have to do the same exact thing every time. It's more fun if you change it up."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Most of men prefer weight lifting and running to yoga classes. Check out the yoga calories burned chart below and determine how many calories burned during yoga class, on average. Average yoga class held three times a week with 90 minute sessions."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"According to a TimeOut New York round-up of yoga classes around New York City, typical yoga classes in a studio last 60 to 90 minutes.Ninety-minute sessions can be a little more challenging, and are usually recommended for more advanced yogis.ccording to a TimeOut New York round-up of yoga classes around New York City, typical yoga classes in a studio last 60 to 90 minutes."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Not quite. The researchers didnât look at the one-day-a-week option specifically (just one-to-four days, and five-to-seven), so itâs a stretch to say that you can work out just once and see the same health benefits as hitting the gym daily."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"And that rule is: take at least 1 full day off per week from all forms of exercise. That means, AT THE VERY MOST, you should be exercising 6 times per week total (and again, this includes weight training, cardio, and any other form of exercise). Iâm setting this rule because I am pretty confident that there is no one reading this that needs to be or would benefit from working out 7 days a week."
"How Many Times Per Week Should I Do Pilates? Pilates can be quite effective over time even if you only can do one session a week. Clients vary their schedules to include mat and apparatus two to three times a week. . However, TTBF recommends applying your Pilates knowledge to other activities for a well rounded program. How Quickly Will I See Results?"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Yes, consistent practice is the key. You may notice some increased flexibility soon, but it depends on what other physical activities you do. Warm body, deep breath, and longer holds are the key. It is ideal to ease your way into it; 3 classes a week for beginners is a good start..3k Views. If you practice regularly it should only take a few weeks. I also find that i lose a lot of my strength and flexibility if i take some time off. Yoga is a practice that you can continuously improve at."
"A yoga session can be as long or as short as your schedule allows. At times, you might only need five or 10 minutes to shut your office door and practice breathing exercises and a few different poses to energize your body midday. Or, borrow a yoga DVD from the library.ome yoga classes are more intensive and will last up to 90 minutes. Express yoga classes cater to those with busy schedules and might be as short as 30 minutes. Sixty-minute long classes are also common."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Disclaimer: as with all guidelines, they are generally applicable and may require further customization to help you get the results you want. For weight loss, increased flexibility, strength building and stress relief: Yoga 3 times per week, cardiovascular exercise 2-3 times per week, healthy diet."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Include vigorous activity in your workout sessions at least three days each week. Although you need about 60 total minutes of exercise a day, the length of any one exercise session can be shorter. For example, you could do two 30-minute sessions or four 15-minute sessions spread throughout your day."
"While any amount of exercise is an improvement over none at all, if you're already in decent shape, exercising for just two days a week will not get you much additional benefit. Here's what he told us when we asked him how often you should exercise: A minimum of three days per week, for a structured exercise program. Technically, you should do something every day, and by something I mean physical activity â just move. Because we're finding more and more that the act of sitting counteracts any of the activity you do."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nFor instance, <<['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Methocarbamol is a muscle relaxant and active ingredient of Robaxin. It is FDA-approved for the treatment of muscle spasms and skeletal muscle conditions. How the drug works to prevent muscle spasms is not yet known, but it is similar in structure to guaifenesin (another muscle relaxant) and appears to be quite safe when used correctly.']>> to <<['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'what is robaxin given for']>>",
"Create a session of your own that moves through a few simple yoga poses to wake yourself up every morning, or to calm down after a stressful day. Practice a daily Sun Salute routine that you can repeat for as briefly as five minutes.ccording to a TimeOut New York round-up of yoga classes around New York City, typical yoga classes in a studio last 60 to 90 minutes."
"represent the input\n\n------\n\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Despite its praise, it has only a 72% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Forrest Gump won six Academy Awards for Best Picture, Best Actor in a Leading Role, Best Director, Best Visual Effects, Best Adapted Screenplay, and Best Film Editing.']\" Match: \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what academy awards did forrest gump win']\"",
"Since one pound is equal to 3,500 calories, you must create a daily deficit of 500 to 1,000 calories to lose 1 to 2 pounds per week. A gentle hatha yoga practice may burn about 200 to 300 calories per hour, while a more vigorous flow-style class can burn 300 to 400 calories in the same time span."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"If you go to a gym, the average yoga class will last around 45 minutes. To burn at least 800 calories during that class, it would need to be as strenuous as running at 6.7 miles per hour during the entire class."
"Represent the following document",
"When I work with my clients, my tips and suggestions concerning how often to exercise mainly depend on the individual factors and aspects discussed above. In general, three to five workouts per week (or in other words, three to five hours of physical exercise) tend to produce good results. Beginners as well as more advanced fitness levels will see the biggest benefits if they work out three to four times a week. The main thing is that you schedule a rest day between the different sessions."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"In Pilates, as with many other fitness systems, performing workouts a minimum of three times per week is a good rule of thumb. This is a schedule that will increase strength, flexibility, and endurance."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"7.3k Views. If you practice regularly it should only take a few weeks. I also find that i lose a lot of my strength and flexibility if i take some time off. Yoga is a practice that you can continuously improve at.The longer you have been practicing, the stronger and more flexible you become..3k Views. If you practice regularly it should only take a few weeks. I also find that i lose a lot of my strength and flexibility if i take some time off. Yoga is a practice that you can continuously improve at."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"So, if youâre losing weight, be sure to give your skin time to adjust. Rapid weight loss doesnât allow the skin time to adjust; you should only lose three pounds per week max. These yoga abdominal exercise poses will help tighten loose stomach skin -- especially skin below the navel."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Sometimes it is advisable to change the number of workouts you have per week to prevent adaptations from occurring. If you usually perform 4 workouts per week and you have hit a plateau, try doing 3 workouts per week for 1-3 weeks."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Meditate on a daily basis. According to Readerâs Digest, practicing meditation for 20 minutes per day was found to lower plaque levels in individuals. Yoga can also be done to naturally lower plaque buildup by causing you to relax for a set period of time. Step 4. Stop smoking. If you want to clean the arteries naturally, quit this unhealthy habit."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"For most people, MayoClinic.com recommends a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate exercise, such as jogging, each week for basic physical fitness. Workouts should be spaced out during the week. For example, you might jog 30 minutes a day five days a week. However, you can achieve better physical fitness and greater health benefits if you increase this to about 300 minutes, or five hours, each week. If you jog five days a week, your workouts need to average 60 minutes each to reach this goal."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Yoga Tips - How Long Should You Hold Yoga Poses? Many practitioners of Hatha Yoga often wonder how long each pose should be held. During the process of holding Yoga poses (asanas), there is actually no definitive amount of time that should be applied to each move."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"According to strength and conditioning specialist Keith E. Cinea, you should allow your muscles 48 to 72 hours of rest in between workouts. Workouts per Week. To allow for 48 to 72 hours of rest, you should work your muscles two to three days per week. If you complete three workouts per week, schedule your workouts on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays or on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. If you decide to work out two days per week, a Monday and Thursday schedule or Tuesday and Friday routine would be ideal. Benefits of Split Schedule"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Some people prefer more than four strength training days per week but thatâs a hell of a lot to recover from. The only way that can really work is if you are training very submaximally. But I really see no point in that nor is it remotely enjoyable. Iâd much rather do yoga or for a swim then do an easy workout."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Regular yoga increases your fitness and skill level. Most run about a month because of the often cited â21 day rule:â it apparently takes 21 days to form a new habit. For a studio, a challenge also helps draw in new students. Over a month, challengers take a range of classes and meet a lot of teachers and fellow yogis."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'They are the cells which produce pancreatic enzymes needed for digestion of food. Canine Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas that can occur in two very different forms. Acute pancreatitis is sudden while chronic pancreatitis is characterized by recurring or persistent form of pancreatic inflammation. Cases of both can be considered mild or severe.']>> to <<['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results.', 'what defines pancreatitis as acute? quizlet']>>",
"Experienced yoga instructors are able to teach between 10 and 12 classes per week, and are also able to supplement their income with private and corporate classes, which range from $60 to $100 a session."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"For beginners, the guide recommends doing Zumba DVDs five days a week. On day one and two, the guide recommends doing the Basics DVD, a workout that's approximately one hour long. On the third day, the guide recommends doing the 20-minute Express DVD, a shorter version of the workout."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"In the Ornish Diet, Dr. Ornish also encourages people to get 30 minutes of exercise five days a week or 60 minutes of exercise at least three days a week. And he emphasizes a combination of aerobic activity combined with resistance exercise and stretching."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"New guidelines issued from the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) state that 30 minutes of exercise, 5 days a week might not be enough. In 2001, ACSM recommended that overweight and obese adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week to improve their health."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Some days, it's just not possible to put in a full hour and a half of yoga. But most days will allow for this 10- to 15-minute sequence that stretches the back, hamstrings, and hips, problem areas for many people. Think of this sequence as your maintenance plan."
"Short Yoga Sessions (60 minutes or less). The benefits of yoga sessions lasting less than 1 hour mirror those of longer sessions in many ways. They can drastically improve flexibility and joint mobility when made a regular part of someoneâs weekly exercise routine.1). In addition, yoga practiced in shorter sessions works well when fitting a workout into a busy schedule. Short duration yoga sessions allow portable workouts-they can be done pretty much anywhere-so long as a yoga mat is handy."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Researched nutrition for 2-3 years. 1 You should be able to practice yoga on a daily basis or whenever you feel tight in a specific areas. 2 In general you can practice full body yoga for 10 min or so every day and then add additional stretches whenever you feel any specific part of your body requires more attention."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Adding regular exercise on most days of the week is optimal. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends 150 minutes of cardiovascular exercise a week and doing strength building exercise two days a week. The good news is, in time the negative effects of physical inactivity may be reversed or decreased."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"A typical yoga class for beginners will last one hour to 1 1/2 hours, but class times can vary depending on multiple factors such as class level, type of class, preferences of the teacher, needs of the students and sought-after objectives. typical yoga class for beginners will last one hour to 1 1/2 hours, but class times can vary depending on multiple factors such as class level, type of class, preferences of the teacher, needs of the students and sought-after objectives."
] |
"a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results!",
"what is the name of wesleyan college, ft. worth, tx"
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"In May 1935 the name of Texas Wesleyan College was changed to Texas Wesleyan Academy, and the number of board members was reduced from twenty-five to nine. In 1936 the academy agreed to loan $100,000 to Texas Wesleyan College at Fort Worth."
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Amon G. Carter Stadium. Amon G. Carter Stadium is an open-air football stadium on the campus of Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, Texas. It is the home stadium of the TCU Horned Frogs football team. It is named after Amon G. Carter, a prominent Fort Worth businessman, newspaper publisher, and city booster."
"Represent the next text.",
"Wesleyan University (/ËwÉzliɨn/ WEZ-lee-in or /ËwÉsliɨn/ WES-lee-in) is a private liberal arts college in Middletown, Connecticut, founded in 1831."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Indiana Wesleyan University. (Redirected from Hodson Hall) Indiana Wesleyan University (commonly referred to as IWU) is a private, evangelical Christian, liberal arts university headquartered in Marion, Indiana, that is affiliated with the Wesleyan Church denomination."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Indiana Wesleyan University. Indiana Wesleyan University (commonly referred to as IWU) is a private, evangelical Christian, liberal arts university headquartered in Marion, Indiana, that is affiliated with the Wesleyan Church denomination."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Summary. West Virginia Wesleyan College is a private institution that was founded in 1890. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 1,390, its setting is rural, and the campus size is 110 acres.It utilizes a semester-based academic calendar. West Virginia Wesleyan College's ranking in the 2016 edition of Best Colleges is Regional Colleges (South), 14. Its tuition and fees are $28,992 (2015-16).ummary. West Virginia Wesleyan College is a private institution that was founded in 1890. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 1,390, its setting is rural, and the campus size is 110 acres."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Tarrant County College, Fort Worth, Texas. 31K likes. TCC is a comprehensive two-year institution dedicated to providing quality education that exceeds... Jump to"
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"For more information, or to set up a payment plan, contact the North Carolina Wesleyan Business Office at 252.985.5104. Some students end up paying less at a private college than a public institution due to the increased availability of merit and need-based scholarships."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"Originally called Tarrant County Junior College (TCJC), the school began on July 31, 1965 after voters approved a bond election for the formation of a junior college district. In 1967 the first campus, the South Campus, opened in south Fort Worth and soon after in 1968, the Northeast Campus was built in Hurst."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"City of Fort Worth. Polytechnic/Wesleyan Urban Village. The Polytechnic/Wesleyan village is located in southeast Fort Worth along East Rosedale Street between Collard Street and Conner Avenue in Council District 8."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Wesleyan College is a private, liberal arts women's college located in Macon, Georgia, United States. The Wesleyan College Historic District was listed on the National Register of Historic Places on April 2, 2004. It is the oldest member of the prestigious Seven Sisters of the South colleges."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 2,928, its setting is urban, and the campus size is 316 acres. It utilizes a semester-based academic calendar. Wesleyan University's ranking in the 2016 edition of Best Colleges is National Liberal Arts Colleges, 14."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Indiana Wesleyan University (commonly referred to as IWU) is a private, evangelical Christian, liberal arts university headquartered in Marion, Indiana, that is affiliated with the Wesleyan Church denomination."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Colleges/universities with over 2000 students nearest to Benbrook: 1 Texas Christian University (about 6 miles; Fort Worth, TX; Full-time enrollment: 9,131) 2 Tarrant County College District (about 9 miles; Fort Worth, TX; FT enrollment: 33,775) 3 Weatherford College (about 20 miles; Weatherford, TX; FT enrollment: 4,080)"
"Represent this text",
"West Virginia Wesleyan College was founded in 1890 in downtown Buckhannon by the West Virginia Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Originally known as the West Virginia Conference Seminary, by the time of its first graduating class in 1905 it was called Wesleyan University of West Virginia."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Colleges/universities with over 2000 students nearest to Rio Vista: 1 Hill College (about 24 miles; Hillsboro, TX; Full-time enrollment: 2,968) 2 Texas Christian University (about 33 miles; Fort Worth, TX; FT enrollment: 9,131) 3 Tarrant County College District (about 36 miles; Fort Worth, TX; FT enrollment: 33,775)"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Wesleyan is one of the three colleges in the historic Little Three colleges, alongside Amherst and Williams College. Wesleyan University accommodates around 3,000 undergraduates, a number that is small compared to other universities but significantly bigger than the other two colleges in the consortium."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Indiana Wesleyan University is a large four-year, private not-for-profit school with 15,580 students enrolled. This institution was founded in 1920 and is one of the 2 colleges located in Marion, Indiana.t Indiana Wesleyan University you can get your several-month certificate, associate's degree, bachelor's degree, postbaccalaureate certificate, master's degree, postmaster certificate, or doctoral degree."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Wesleyan College has an undergraduate student population of around 700. It has a student-faculty ratio of 8:1 and an average class size of 20 students. Students from more than 20 states and over 20 countries around the world attend the school each year."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Tuesday, April 18, 2017. Indiana Wesleyan University is an evangelical Christian comprehensive university that is committed to liberal arts and professional education. U.S. News & World Report ranks Indiana Wesleyan University as one of the best Master's universities in the Midwest.."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Indiana Wesleyan University is noted for its award-winning 345-acre (140 ha) main campus in Marion, Indiana. During the past two decades, nearly $250 million has been spent on new construction and renovation, and the campus is valued in excess of $360 million."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Sporting affiliations. Baylor University (BU) is a private Baptist university in Waco, Texas. Chartered in 1845 by the last Congress of the Republic of Texas, it is the oldest continuously-operating university in Texas and one of the first educational institutions west of the Mississippi River in the United States."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"The Alamo Colleges. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The Alamo Colleges (previously the Alamo Community College District, or ACCD) is a network of five community colleges in San Antonio, Texas (USA), and serving the Greater San Antonio metropolitan area."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The application fee at West Virginia Wesleyan College is $35. It is selective, with an acceptance rate of 77.6 percent. For more information about the tests, essays, interviews and admissions process, visit the Applying to College knowledge center.ummary. West Virginia Wesleyan College is a private institution that was founded in 1890. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 1,390, its setting is rural, and the campus size is 110 acres."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"North Carolina Wesleyan College is referred to as âone of the true gemsâ. The main campus sits on 200 beautiful acres just north of Rocky Mount, NC with easy access to I-95 and Hwy 64 (Future I-495). You have to see it to believe. Tour Our Main Campus."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n\nTo give you a sense - \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Framed Surname History and Coat of Arms. The origins of the name Everett are with the Anglo-Saxon tribes of Britain. The name is derived from the Germanic personal name Eberhard. Everett is a patronymic surname, which belongs to the category of hereditary surnames.']\" should be close to \"['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'where did last name everett originate from']\"",
"It is the oldest chartered university in California, the first independent co-educational campus in California, and both the first conservatory of music and first medical school on the West Coast. It was first chartered on July 10, 1851, in Santa Clara, California, under the name California Wesleyan College. The school moved to San Jose in 1871 and then to Stockton 93 years ago in 1923. Pacific is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Colleges/universities with over 2000 students nearest to Godley: 1 Texas Christian University (about 21 miles; Fort Worth, TX; Full-time enrollment: 9,131) 2 Tarrant County College District (about 24 miles; Fort Worth, TX; FT enrollment: 33,775) 3 Weatherford College (about 26 miles; Weatherford, TX; FT enrollment: 4,080)"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Forbes Lists. Profile. Founded in 1850, Illinois Wesleyan University is a private liberal arts university located in Bloomington, IL. With an intimate average class size of 17, Illinois Wesleyan offers more than 80 programs of study."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Summary. Wesleyan University is a private institution that was founded in 1831. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 2,928, its setting is urban, and the campus size is 316 acres. It utilizes a semester-based academic calendar."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Baylor University (BU) is a private Baptist university in Waco, Texas. Chartered in 1845 by the last Congress of the Republic of Texas, it is the oldest continuously-operating university in Texas and one of the first educational institutions west of the Mississippi River in the United States."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Texas Woman's University (historically the College of Industrial Arts and Texas State College for Women, commonly known as TWU) is a co-educational university in Denton, Texas, United States with two health science center branches in Dallas and Houston."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"This article is about Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut. For a list of other colleges and universities with names including Wesleyan, see Wesleyan University (disambiguation). Wesleyan University (/ËwÉzliáµ»n/ WEZ-lee-in or /ËwÉsliáµ»n/ WES-lee-in) is a private liberal arts college in Middletown, Connecticut, founded in 1831."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Photo: Wesleyan University. Wesleyan University is a prestigious liberal arts college that specializes in the arts and sciences. Students may also obtain doctoral degrees in mathematics and the sciences. The emphasis of the college is graduate research and academic excellence in numerous academic disciplines. There are a high percentage of undergraduates that obtain their terminal degrees after finishing their bachelorâs degrees in Wesleyan."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The Rams currently play at Sycamore Park right next to the campus and have a coaching staff with possibly the most major league experience in the nation. Along with Jeffcoat, Texas Wesleyan also has assistant head coach and former major league catcher Kelly Shoppach, a Fort Worth Brewer alum who played nine seasons in the show. âFor ten years, we played at LaGrave Field,â added Jeffcoat."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Wesleyan College is the birthplace of the first sororities: the Adelphean Society in 1851, now known as Alpha Delta Pi and the Philomathean Society in 1852, now known as Phi Mu. The two sororities together are referred to as the Macon Magnolias."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Tarrant County College District is a dynamic and growing community college in Tarrant County, Texas, serving over 100,000 credit and non-credit students annually through five major campuses in the cities of Hurst/North Richland Hills (Northeast Campus), Fort Worth (South, Northwest and Trinity River Campuses), and Arlington (Southeast Campus)."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Tarrant County College. Tarrant County College (TCC) or Tarrant County College District (TCCD) is a community college serving Fort Worth and other cities in Tarrant County, Texas, providing degree programs toward an Associate of Arts, an Associate of Science, an Associate of Applied Science or Associate of Arts in Teaching."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Colleges/universities with over 2000 students nearest to Azle: 1 Tarrant County College District (about 16 miles; Fort Worth, TX; Full-time enrollment: 33,775) 2 Texas Christian University (about 17 miles; Fort Worth, TX; FT enrollment: 9,131) 3 Weatherford College (about 19 miles; Weatherford, TX; FT enrollment: 4,080)"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"However, Wesleyan College in Macon, Georgia, a four-year liberal arts college founded in 1836, has the distinction of being the world's first degree-granting college for women. Today it is recognized as one of the nation's most diverse and affordable selective colleges."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nFor example, ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'LINK / CITE ADD TO WORD LIST. adjective. A palatial staircase. A palatial staircase. The definition of palatial is spacious, grand or resembling a palace. A huge, grand mansion that is castle-like is an example of a palatial home.'] should be similar to ['', 'definition for palatial']",
"The Alamo Colleges. The Alamo Colleges (previously the Alamo Community College District, or ACCD) is a network of five community colleges in San Antonio, Texas (USA), and serving the Greater San Antonio metropolitan area."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Wesleyan University is a private institution that was founded in 1831. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 2,928, its setting is urban, and the campus size is 316 acres. It utilizes a semester-based academic calendar."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The West Virginia Wesleyan College Catalog is published by West Virginia. Wesleyan College, Buckhannon, West Virginia 26201-2998. The provisions. of this catalog are not to be regarded as an irrevocable contract between the. student and the College. The College reserves the right to make and designate."
"Indiana Wesleyan University is a private institution that was founded in 1920. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 2,910, its setting is urban, and the campus size is 345 acres. It utilizes a semester-based academic calendar.Indiana Wesleyan University's ranking in the 2016 edition of Best Colleges is Regional Universities (Midwest), 30. Its tuition and fees are $24,728 (2015-16).ndiana Wesleyan University is a private institution that was founded in 1920. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 2,910, its setting is urban, and the campus size is 345 acres. It utilizes a semester-based academic calendar."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Central Pilgrim College was renamed Bartlesville Wesleyan College in 1968, following a merger of the Pilgrim Holiness Church and the Wesleyan Methodist Church to become the Weslayan Church. In August 2001, Bartlesville Wesleyan College became Oklahoma Wesleyan University."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Ranked at No. 17, Wesleyan University is a private liberal arts school located in Middletown, CT. It was established in 1831 by the Methodist Church and is considered one of the Little Ivies, a highly selective group of liberal arts schools with similar academic rigor and atmosphere as their Ivy League counterparts."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Wesleyan University is a private institution that was founded in 1831. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 2,928, its setting is urban, and the campus size is 316 acres."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"(December 2012) Amon G. Carter Stadium is an open-air football stadium on the campus of Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, Texas. It is the home stadium of the TCU Horned Frogs football team. It is named after Amon G. Carter, a prominent Fort Worth businessman, newspaper publisher, and city booster."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"P.E.O. was founded on January 21, 1869, by seven students at Iowa Wesleyan College in Mount Pleasant, Iowa. This circle of kindred spirits â bonded by their enthusiasm for women's opportunities â eventually expanded to include women off campus, as well."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nFor instance, <<['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'History Wolumla is an historical village located between Bega and Merimbula. A gold discovery in 1896 helped found the township and remained a primary industry for the area for some years. Gold was first discovered at Wolumla by C. Momsen in June 1896. The find was made about two kilometres south of the Wolumla Post Office on the side of a hill later known as Mt Momsen.']>> to <<['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'where is wolumla']>>",
"Oklahoma Wesleyan University (OKWU) is an evangelical Christian university of the Wesleyan Church located in Bartlesville, in the U.S. state of Oklahoma."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"North Carolina Wesleyan College. This business has not yet been claimed by the owner or a representative. Claim this business to view business statistics, receive messages from prospective customers, and respond to reviews."
"Represent the following document",
"North Carolina Wesleyan College offers 22 majors, 19 minors and a number of career preparation options in a traditional college setting. Courses are offered primarily during the day on our beautiful 200 acre campus in Rocky Mount, North Carolina."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Wesleyan University - 21 reviews - Middletown, CT 06459. The Athletics Department is currently seeking an Assistant Baseball Coach to assist the head coach with on field instruction during practices and games...."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097; telephone number 404-679-4501) to award masterâs and doctoral degrees."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"Brightwood College in San Antonio (Ingram), TX is accredited by the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools (ACICS): 750 First Street NE, Suite 980, Washington DC 20002-4242. For questions about our accreditation, call 202.336.6780. The ACICS website is located at www.acics.org."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Belk Box Office. Dunn Center for the Performing Arts. North Carolina Wesleyan College. 3400 N. Wesleyan Blvd. Rocky Mount, NC 27804-8699. Contact/ Ticket Info. 252-985-5197. 800-303-5097."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"COLLEGE PROFILE. North Carolina Wesleyan College. North Carolina Wesleyan, founded in 1956, is a private, church-affiliated, liberal arts college. Its 220-acre campus is located four miles north of Rocky Mount, 57 miles from Raleigh."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Summary. Wesleyan College is a private institution that was founded in 1836. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 665, its setting is suburban, and the campus size is 200 acres. It utilizes a semester-based academic calendar."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Now letâs turn to black freshmen at the nationâs highest-ranked liberal arts colleges. In the 14 years during which JBHE has collected data on the highest-ranked liberal arts colleges, Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut, had enrolled the highest percentage of black first-year students on five occasions."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Indiana Wesleyan University is a truly great Christian university serving the world. The primary value for Indiana Wesleyan University is Christlikeness. The challenge to follow Christ compels us to pursue a personal and professional lifestyle of Commitment, Leadership, Service, Stewardship, Innovation and Diversity. Last updated: 01/06/2017."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Fort Worth Christian School. 6200 Holiday Lane North Richland Hills, TX 76180. 817.520.6200. [email protected]"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"It was first chartered on July 10, 1851, in Santa Clara, California, under the name California Wesleyan College. The school moved to San Jose in 1871 and then to Stockton in 1923. Pacific is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC)."
"represent text.",
"Colleges/universities with over 2000 students nearest to Godley: 1 Texas Christian University (about 21 miles; Fort Worth, TX; Full-time enrollment: 9,131). 2 Tarrant County College District (about 24 miles; Fort Worth, TX; FT enrollment: 33,775). 3 Weatherford College (about 26 miles; Weatherford, TX; FT enrollment: 4,080)."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Welcome to the College of Education and Human Development. Welcome to the website for the College of Education and Human Development (COEHD) at the University of Texas at San Antonio. The College is the leading provider of educators in the San Antonio area and one of the largest in the state of Texas. View Dean's Welcome"
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Texas Christian University (TCU) is a private, coeducational university located in Fort Worth, Texas established in 1873 by Addison & Randolph Clark as the AddRan Male & Female College. The campus is located on 272 acres (1.10 km2) about three miles (8 km) from downtown Fort Worth."
] |
"Represent the following document",
"what part of the eye that is blind"
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"blind spot. The beginning of the optic nerve in the retina is called the optic nerve head or optic disc. Since there are no photoreceptors (cones and rods) in the optic nerve head, this area of the retina cannot respond to light stimulation.As a result, it is known as the blind spot, and everybody has one in each eye.he reason we normally do not notice our blind spots is because, when both eyes are open, the blind spot of one eye corresponds to retina that is seeing properly in the other eye. Here is a way for you to see just how absolutely blind your blind spot is."
] | [
"Represent text",
"The eye and vision errors. The cornea is a part of the eye that helps focus light to create an image on the retina. It works in much the same way that the lens of a camera focuses light to create an image on film. The bending and focusing of light is also known as refraction."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"They can still have clear central vision, but because it is so narrow it is restricted to a very small area, like looking through a toilet paper tube. This is called tunnel vision and a person is considered legally blind if this tunnel is narrower than 20 degrees. Another way to have a restricted visual field is through central vision loss, like in macular degeneration. In macular degeneration, vision is lost from the inside out."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Astigmatism. If you have astigmatism in one or both eyes, your vision may be out of focus at any distance. It happens when the cornea, the clear âwindowâ that covers the front of the eye, is misshapen. Light rays can scatter to different points on the retina, rather than focus on a single point."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The best part of a blind is the fact that it can be fitted to any size to cover a window or a gap in the wall. Among the verities of blinds most preferable and popular ones are; roller blinds, roman blinds, venetian blinds. Like May 14, 2012 at 4:20AM. Thank you for reporting this comment."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Bitemporal hemianopsia. Bitemporal hemianopsia (or Bitemporal hemianopia) is the medical description of a type of partial blindness where vision is missing in the outer half of both the right and left visual field. It is usually associated with lesions of the optic chiasm, the area where the optic nerves from the right and left eyes cross near the pituitary gland."
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"! in the case that lucas has only an eye, his wife would have married a blind in one eye. in the case that lucas has only an eye, his wife would have married a blind in one eye. n. au cas que lucas n'ait qu'un oeil, sa femme aurait epouse épousé un. ! borgne in the land of the, blind who has one eye is Called. mr"
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"Definition (MEDLINEPLUS) Glaucoma is a group of diseases that can damage the eye's optic nerve. It is a leading cause of blindness in the United States. It usually happens when the fluid pressure inside the eyes slowly rises, damaging the optic nerve."
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"Part 2 of the U.S. definition of legal blindness states this about visual field: OR a visual field (the total area an individual can see without moving the eyes from side to side) of 20 degrees or less (also called tunnel vision) in the better-seeing eye."
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"1 Optic neuritis is inflammation of the optic nerve, the structure that connects the eye to the brain. Blindness is the state of being sightless. Causes of blindness include macular degeneration, stroke, cataract, glaucoma, infection and trauma."
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"Here is the acuity definition: A visual acuity of 20/200 or less in the better-seeing eye with best conventional correction (meaning with regular glasses or contact lenses).. What that means is that neither eye can see better than 20/200 in order to be considered legally blind."
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"The cornea is the transparent part of the eye that covers the front portion of the eye. It covers the pupil (the opening at the center of the eye), iris (the colored part of the eye), and anterior chamber (the fluid-filled inside of the eye). The cornea's main function is to refract, or bend, light. The cornea is responsible for focusing most of the light that enters the eye."
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"It is usually associated with lesions of the optic chiasm, the area where the optic nerves from the right and left eyes cross near the pituitary gland. In bitemporal hemianopsia vision is missing in the outer (temporal or lateral) half of both the right and left visual fields. Information from the temporal visual field falls on the nasal (medial) retina."
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"For other uses, see Cornea (disambiguation). The cornea is the transparent front part of the eye that covers the iris, pupil, and anterior chamber. The cornea, with the anterior chamber and lens, refracts light, with the cornea accounting for approximately two-thirds of the eye's total optical power. In humans, the refractive power of the cornea is approximately 43 dioptres."
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"The cornea is the transparent front part of the eye that covers the iris, pupil, and anterior chamber. The cornea, with the anterior chamber and lens, refracts light, with the cornea accounting for approximately two-thirds of the eye's total optical power. In humans, the refractive power of the cornea is approximately 43 dioptres. While the cornea contributes most of the eye's focusing power, its focus is fixed."
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"The main parts of the eye are: 1 The cornea -- the transparent front of the eyeball. 2 The lens -- Inside the eye, behind the cornea, the lens completes the job of focusing an image at the back of the eye. 3 The iris and pupil -- The iris is a circular arrangement of muscle lying in front of the lens."
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"Your retina is a thin layer of tissue that lines the back of your eyeball. It turns light into signals to the brain, which interprets them as sight. When a vein in the retina becomes blocked, itâs called retinal vein occlusion. This can give you blurry vision or even sudden permanent blindness in that eye. It's similar to retinal artery occlusion, which is sometimes called an eye stroke. The damage happens when a blocked vein keeps blood from draining from the retina. That raises pressure inside your eye, which can cause bleeding, swelling, and fluid leaks. Retinal vein occlusion can harm your eye in minutes. Usually, a blood clot blocks the vein."
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"Glaucoma and Physostigmine. Glaucoma is a group of diseases that can damage the eye's optic nerve. It is a leading cause of blindness in the United States. It usually happens when the fluid pressure inside the eyes slowly rises, damaging the optic nerve. Often there are no symptoms at first."
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"OD is thus right eye. 1 The cornea is the outer cover of the eye's hole allowing light in. 2 The iris is the muscle that pulls the opening in the eye (the pupil) open (the coloured bit). The lens is like an internal pair of glasses that focuses the light that comes through the cornea onto the retina."
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"Iris and Pupil. The colored part of the eye is the iris. It is a muscle that controls the pupil, the opening in the middle of the eye that controls the amount of light coming in. Lens and Retina. The lens is behind the pupil and focuses light onto the retina, the light-sensitive cells on the back of the eyeball."
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"Blindness is the inability to see anything, even light. If youâre partially blind, you have limited vision. For example, you may have blurry vision or the inability to distinguish the shapes of objects. Complete blindness means that you canât see at all and are in total darkness. Legal blindness refers to vision thatâs highly compromised. What a person with healthy eyes can see from 200 feet away a legally blind person can see only from 20 feet away."
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"© 2013 WebMD, LLC. All rights reserved. The eye is a slightly asymmetrical globe, about an inch in diameter. The front part of the eye (the part you see in the mirror) includes: ⢠The iris (the pigmented part). ⢠The cornea (a clear dome over the iris). ⢠The pupil (the black circular opening in the iris that lets light in)."
"Filed Under: Contact Lenses Tagged With: Contact Lenses, legally blind prescription, what is legally blind prescription, what prescription is legally blind. yagman says: The severity of your prescription doesnât have anything to do with whether you are legally blind or not. In the state of Oklahoma, legal blindness is defined as being unable to see better than 20/50 in the best eye with BEST CORRECTION."
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"Hemianopsia is a loss of vision in half of the visual field of one eye or both eyes. Common causes are stroke, brain tumor, and trauma to the brain. Normally, the left half of the brain receives vision from the right eye, and vice versa. Information from... Read more."
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"Iris/Pupil: The iris is the colored part of the eye. It is disc shaped with a hole in the middle (the pupil). Muscles in the iris cause the pupil to constrict in bright light and to dilate in dim light. The change in pupil size regulates the amount of light that reaches the posterior (back) part of the eye."
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"Third Eye Blind concert tickets are on sale. You can find the list of Third Eye Blind tour dates here. Third Eye Blind is an American alternative rock band formed in the early 1990s in San Francisco."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Glaucoma is the name for a group of eye diseases that damage the optic nerve. This nerve carries information from the eye to the brain. When the nerve is damaged, you can lose your vision. Glaucoma is one of the most common causes of legal blindness in the world. At first, people with glaucoma lose side (peripheral) vision. But if the disease isn't treated, vision loss may get worse. This can lead to total blindness over time."
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"The front of the eye. The coloured part of your eye is called the iris. In the middle of the iris is the pupil, which is the hole that lets light into your eye. The iris and the pupil are covered by a clear layer called the cornea."
"represent the natural language\n\n\nExample:\nProvided: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Pimples and bumps may appear and in severe cases, excess tissue may make the nose appear swollen and misshapen, creating the bulbous nose effect. The skin may thicken and develop uneven surface lumps. In rare cases the eyes may also be affected, a condition known as ocular rosacea.']\" Match: \"['represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results\\n------\\nE.g. \"temperature on the forehead accurate\" == \"Rectal, Forehead or Ear temperature: 100.4 F° (38.0° C) or higher. Oral (Mouth) temperature: 100° F (37.8° C) or higher. Under the arm (Armpit) temperature: 99° F (37.2° C) or higher. Caution: Ear temperatures are not accurate before 6 months of age.\" != \"You can take a temperature using the mouth (oral), anus (rectal), armpit (axillary), or ear (tympanic). But the temperature readings vary depending on which one you use, and you need an accurate body temperature to determine if a fever is present. A rectal temperature is 0.5°F (0.3°C) to 1°F (0.6°C) higher than an oral temperature. 2 An ear (tympanic) temperature is 0.5°F (0.3°C) to 1°F (0.6°C) higher than an oral temperature. 3 An armpit (axillary) temperature is usually 0.5°F (0.3°C) to 1°F (0.6°C) lower than an oral temperature.\"', 'causes of bulbous nose']\"",
"The branches of the central artery of the retina are endarteries, so that an occlusion causes loss of vision in the corresponding part of the visual field. The fundus oculi is the posterior part of the interior of the eye as seen on ophthalmoscopy (fig. 46-9)."
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"The part of the eye with the sharpest vision is called the macula. The macula is the central part of the eye. However, we use the retina to actually focus on what we're seeing. The part of the eye with the sharpest vision is called the macula. The macula is the central part of the eye. However, we use the retina to actually focus on what we're seeing."
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"the innermost of the three tunics of the eyeball, surrounding the vitreous body and continuous posteriorly with the optic nerve. The retina is composed of two parts: an optical part in the fundus of the eye that is sensitive to light, and a nonsensitive pigmented part that lines the ciliary body and iris."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"When you examine the âwhite partâ of a patientâs eyes, youâre actually looking through the semi-transparent conjunctiva to the white sclera of the eyeball underneath. The conjunctiva starts at the edge of the cornea (this location is called the limbus)."
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"Hemianopsia is a loss of vision in half of the visual field of one eye or both eyes. Common causes are stroke, brain tumor, and trauma to the brain. Normally, the left half of the brain receives vision from the right eye, and vice versa...."
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"There are many different parts of the eye that help to create vision. We âseeâ with our brains; our eyes collect visual information and begin this complex process. 1 Light passes through the cornea, the clear, dome-shaped surface that covers the front of the eye. 2 The cornea bends-or refracts-this incoming light."
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"Bleeding, Bleeding in eye, Bruising or discoloration, Gritty or scratchy eyes. Bleeding in eye, Blindness, Blinking eyes, Blurred vision. Bleeding in eye, Blurred vision, Dry eyes. Bleeding in eye, Blind spot in vision, Change in vision, Distortion of part of visual field."
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"blind spot. n. 1. See optic disk. 2. The area of blindness in the visual field corresponding to the optic disk. Also called physiologic scotoma, punctum cecum. 3. An area or facet of one's personality of which one remains ignorant or fails to gain understanding."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"We're sorry, an error occurred. The cornea is the transparent part of the eye that covers the front portion of the eye. It covers the pupil (the opening at the center of the eye), iris (the colored part of the eye), and anterior chamber (the fluid-filled inside of the eye). The cornea's main function is to refract, or bend, light."
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"A scotoma (Greek ÏκÏÏοÏ/ skotos, skótos; darkness: plural scotomas or) scotomata is an area of partial alteration in the field of vision consisting of a partially diminished or entirely degenerated visual acuity that is surrounded by a field of â normal or relatively-well â preserved. visionhe presence of the blind spot scotoma can be demonstrated subjectively by covering one eye, carefully holding fixation with the open eye, and placing an object (such as one's thumb) in the lateral and horizontal visual field, about 15 degrees from fixation (see the blind spot article)."
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"The iris is the colored part of the eye that controls the amount of light that enters into the eye. It is the most visible part of the eye. The iris lies in front of the crystalline lens and separates the anterior chamber form the posterior chamber. The iris in part of the uveal tract which includes the ciliary body that also lies behind the iris. The iris tissue makes up the pupil. The pupil is the hole in the iris in which light passes through to the back of the eye. The iris controls the pupil size. The pupil is actually located with its center a little below and slightly to the nasal side of the center of the cornea."
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"Eyes are made of several different parts. The white part of the eye is called the sclera.(It is interesting to note that only in Human Species among all other creatures that sclera is visible when the eyes are open). This part covers the surface of the eyes except at the very front. At the front of an eye is a cornea."
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"When the stroke affects most of the occipital lobe on one side of the brain, the visual problem that arises is called homonymous hemianopia. This describes loss of half of the vision out of each eye. A stroke survivor who has homonymous hemianopia is not able to see objects that are on the opposite side of the stroke."
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"Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases causing optic nerve damage. The optic nerve carries images from the retina, which is the specialized light sensing tissue, to the brain so we can see. In glaucoma, eye pressure plays a role in damaging the delicate nerve fibers of the optic nerve. When a significant number of nerve fibers are damaged, blind spots develop in the field of vision. Once nerve damage and visual loss occur, it is permanent. Most people don't notice these blind areas until much of the optic nerve damage has already occurred. If the entire nerve is destroyed, blindness results."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"What structure in the eye creates a visual blind spot?-fovea centralis-ora serrata-optic disc-macula lutea"
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"The colored part of the eye around the pupil. The part of the eye that focuses light rays upon the retina. The opening in the center of the Iris that looks like a black spot. It is the only part of the eye where light can enter the eye. Its size is regulated by the expansion and contraction of the Iris."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:\n\nGiven ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Motorola was the first company to produce a handheld mobile phone. On 3 April 1973 when Martin Cooper, a Motorola researcher and executive, made the first mobile telephone call from handheld subscriber equipment, placing a call to Dr. Joel S. Engel of Bell Labs.otorola was the first company to produce a handheld mobile phone. On 3 April 1973 when Martin Cooper, a Motorola researcher and executive, made the first mobile telephone call from handheld subscriber equipment, placing a call to Dr. Joel S. Engel of Bell Labs.'], a positive would be ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results', 'when was the first cell phone invented']",
"A tough white covering called the sclera protects the eye. Part of the white sclera can be seen in the front of the eye. A clear, delicate membrane called the conjunctiva covers the sclera. At the front of the eye is the cornea. The cornea is the clear part of the eyeâs protective covering. It allows light to enter the eye. The iris is the colored part of the eye that contracts and expands so the pupil can let just the right amount of light into the eye. The light is directed by the pupil to the lens. The lens focuses the light onto the retina (lining the back of the eye)."
"98% of the time the PVD detaches from over the optic nerve, the blind spot in the eye, and appears suddenly as it floats in front of the center of vision (the macula). PVD will often be accompanied by a crescent shaped flashing light, which is usually seen in the dark."
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"The posterior in an eye is the back two-thirds of the eye that includes the anterior hyaloid membrane and all of the optical structures behind it: the vitreous humor, retina, choroid, and optic nerve.[1] The portion of the posterior segment visible during ophthalmoscopy (or fundoscopy) is sometimes referred to as the posterior pole, or fundus. Some ophthalmologists specialize in the treatment and management of posterior segment disorders and diseases."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The posterior in an eye is the back two-thirds of the eye that includes the anterior hyaloid membrane and all of the optical structures behind it: the vitreous humor, retina, choroid, and optic nerve. The portion of the posterior segment visible during ophthalmoscopy (or fundoscopy) is sometimes referred to as the posterior pole, or fundus. Some ophthalmologists specialize in the treatment and management of posterior segment disorders and diseases."
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"Blindness is frequently used today to describe severe visual decline in one or both eyes with maintenance of some residual vision. Vision impairment, or low vision, means that even with eyeglasses, contact lenses, medicine, or surgery, someone doesn't see well. Vision impairment can range from mild to severe."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"We're sorry, an error occurred. The cornea is the transparent part of the eye that covers the front portion of the eye. It covers the pupil (the opening at the center of the eye), iris (the colored part of the eye), and anterior chamber (the fluid-filled inside of the eye). The cornea's main function is to refract, or bend, light. The cornea is responsible for focusing most of the light that enters the eye."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Get help from a doctor now â\\x80º. Spasms: can be caused by a neurological condition. They can also be mini cramps. Cramping is usually caused by an electrolyte imbalance or dehydration. If it is happening all of the time, I would see my primary care doctor and then probably a neurologist.']\" == \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'what causes muscle spasms in fingers']\"",
"What part of the eye is the white part? The white part of the eye is the sclera, the colored part is the Iris, and the 'black dot' (which is actually just a hole reaching the back of the eye) is the pupil Edit Share to:"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"The cornea is the anterior, transparent part of the eye, and it forms about one-sixth of the circumference of the fibrous coat. Most of the refraction by the eye takes place not in the lens but at the surface of the cornea. The cornea is continuous with the conjunctiva and the junctional region is known as the limbus."
] |
"represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results!",
"what is the elevation of raton new mexico"
] | [
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"Sign marking the elevation of the Raton Pass tunnel. Raton Ratón (pass 7834 feet or 2388 meters) elevation is a mountain pass on The Santa Fe trail along The-Colorado New mexico border in The United. states"
] | [
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"The area has 3,100 ft (940 m) of vertical, rising to an elevation of 11,053 ft (3,369 m), and enjoys a long ski season."
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"Tortugas Mountain has an elevation of 4,931 feet and a prominence of 601 feet. It is an area landmark located on the eastern edge of the city of Las Cruces in southern New Mexico. Tortugas, Spanish for tortoise, gets its name for its resemblance to the slow-moving reptile when viewed from the south."
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"Sierra Blanca Peak, 11,977 feet. Wikimedia Commons/Breeze333 cbx. SIerra Blanca, in the Sacramento Mountains near Capitan, scores the title of highest peak in the southern half of New Mexico. It also has the highest prominence in the state, so it appears particularly impressive!"
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"New Mexico, fifth largest State in the Union, with a total area of 121,412 square miles, is approximately 350 miles square, and lies mostly between latitudes 32° and 37° and longitudes 103° and 109° W. The State's topography consists mainly of high plateaus or mesas, with numerous mountain ranges, canyons, valleys, and normally dry arroyos."
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"Mexico City: Metropolitan Cathedral Metropolitan Cathedral at night in Mexico City. Geoff Tompkinson/GTImage.com The largely volcanic Sierra Madre Occidental, which forms the western border of the Mexican Plateau, has an average elevation of 8,000â9,000 feet (2,400â2,700 metres) and extends roughly 700 miles (1,100 km) from north to south."
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"9.8%. According to our research of New Mexico and other state lists there were 23 registered sex offenders living in Raton, New Mexico as of March 31, 2017. The ratio of number of residents in Raton to the number of sex offenders is 287 to 1."
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"It is the second-largest county in New Mexico by area, after Catron County, New Mexico. Socorro County ranges in elevation from approximately 4,528 ft (1,380 m) on the banks of the Rio Grande to 10,784 ft (3,287 m) at the top of South Baldy peak in the Magdalena Mountains. The southern portion of the Rocky Mountains extend into New Mexico and Socorro County."
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"Colfax County Attractions. For centuries explorers cut through the rugged Rocky Mountains through Raton Pass to enter the rolling prairies, rimrock mesas and alpine meadows of Colfax County. Located along New Mexico's border with southeast Colorado, Colfax County is diverse in geography and industry."
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"Mexico City, the nationâs capital, has an average elevation of about 2250 meters (7400 ft.), similar to that of nearby Puebla. Toluca, the capital city of the state of Mexico, méxico is almost 400 m, higher while Both huixquilucan And (zinacantepec also in the state Of) mexico méxico are at an elevation of over. 2700 meters moving Northwards From, mexico city numerous major cities are at elevations of between 1500 meters and 1850 meters above. sea level"
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"This elevation map of New Mexico illustrates the number of feet or meters the state rises above sea level. As you can see by the map, New Mexico resides at elevations well over 2,000 feet above sea level. The mean elevation of the state is 5,700 feet above sea level ranking New Mexico as the fourth highest state. The lowest point in New Mexico, 2,842 feet above sea level, is at the northern end of the Red Bluff Reservoir on the Pecos River."
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"View of the Vermillion Cliffs from the Kaibab Plateau. The Kaibab Plateau is located in northern Arizona in the United States. The plateau, part of the larger Colorado Plateau, is bordered on the south by the Grand Canyon and reaches an elevation of 9200 feet (2817 m) above sea level.he highest point has an elevation of 9,200 feet. The plateau is bounded on the south by the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River, the elevation in this southern area of the plateau varies from 8,800 feet to slightly less than 6,000 feet."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Wheeler Peak near Taos at 13,161 feet above sea level is New Mexico's highest elevation and Red Bluff Reservoir at 2,842 in the southeast corner of the State is the lowest poi ⦠nt. 5 people found this useful."
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"Santa Fe is located at 7,000 feet (2134 m) above sea level, making it the highest state capital in the United States. The highest state capitals are: 1. Santa Fe, New Mexico â 7,199 ft (2134 m) right through the center of the Capitol building."
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"The elevation of Sedona, AZ is about 4,500 feet. Driving up Oak Creek Canyon from Sedona the elevation gains 2,000 feet from the bottom to the top of the rim on Highway 89A towards Flagstaff. The weather chart below reflects average high and low temperatures in Sedona but does not account for the elevation gain up Oak Creek Canyon. The higher the elevation, the cooler the temperatures."
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"Las Vegas, NM is located 110 miles (180 km) south of Raton, New Mexico, 65 miles (105 km) east of Santa Fe, New Mexico, 122 miles (196 km) northeast of Albuquerque, New Mexico, 257 miles (414 km) south of Colorado Springs, Colorado, and 326 miles (525 km) south of Denver, Colorado."
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"Former Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad car displayed at Raton. Colfax County is a county in the U.S. state of New Mexico. As of the 2010 census, the population was 13,750. Its county seat is Raton. It is south from the Colorado state line. This county was named for Schuyler Colfax (1823-1885), seventeenth Vice President of the United States under U.S. President Ulysses S. Grant."
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"Raton, NM. Sponsored Topics. Raton is a city in Colfax County, New Mexico, United States. The population was 7,282 at the 2000 census. It is the county seat of Colfax County. The city is located just south of Raton Pass. Ratón is the Spanish word for a mouse (literally small rat)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Ratigan Lake is located in Kent County in the State of Michigan. The Ratigan Lake is located at the latitude and longitude coordinates of 43.0347517 and -85.430301 at an elevation of 254 feet. The topological map of Ratigan Lake is drawn on and part of the United States Geological Service (USGS) area map of Cannonsburg. Fishing enthusiasts interested in fishing near Ratigan Lake should print out the Topo map and take it with them on their fishing trip."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Like most South Florida cities, Boca Raton has a water table that does not permit building basements, but there are several high points in the city, such as 4th Avenue which is aptly named High Street. The highest point in this area is the guard shack at Camino Gardens, which is 24 ft (7.3 m) above sea level."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'However, Soma and anxiety is not one of these situations. Since the anti-anxiety effects of Soma are not very strong, you would need to take unsafe amounts to treat your anxiety. A good doctor would not prescribe Soma for your anxiety and would suggest other alternatives.']\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'is soma used for anxiety']\"",
"Or more formally, what is the highest elevation in New Mexico? To find the highest point in New Mexico, we looked at the distance between sea level and high points in the state of New Mexico. The place with the highest distance to sea level would be the highest point in New Mexico. The highest point in New Mexico is at the top of Wheeler Peak.The elevation at the top of Wheeler Peak is 13,167 feet above sea level."
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"santa fe is the highest capital city in the united states at 7000 feet above sea level the province that was once spanish new mexico included all of present day new mexico most of colorado and arizona and slices of utah texas oklahoma kansas and wyoming"
"Just north of Wheeler Peak is Mount Walter. At 13,141 feet (4,005 m) it is the second highest named summit in New Mexico, but it is not usually considered an independent peak as it has only about 53 feet (16 m) of topographic prominence. It is sometimes mistaken for Wheeler Peak, since it is along the standard route to Wheeler."
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"The Tryon range, which culminates in Tryon Peak at the north, lies in a NE by SW direction, and the northern portion, easily visible from the town, extends for about 10 miles. Starting at the south, the mountain bearing the radio towers with their blinking night lights, is Hogback, 3226 feet; then Rocky Spur, 2500 feet."
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"It lies in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, the southernmost subrange of the Rocky Mountains. The peak's elevation is 13,161 feet (4,011 m). Formerly named Taos Peak, after the nearby town of Taos, New Mexico, it was renamed Wheeler Peak in 1950."
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"The city itself has been built within the Cordillera Central mountain range in northern Luzon at an altitude of about 5100 feet above sea level (just shy of Denverâs 5280 foot elevation and well below Mexico Cityâs 7350 feet), and has a population of just over 300,000."
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"Durango Mountain Resort offers a top elevation of 10,822 feet in Durango, Colorado. Nederland's Eldora Mountain Resort tops out at 10,800 feet, Idaho Springs' Echo Mountain at 10,650 feet and Steamboat Ski Resort at 10,568 feet in Steamboat, Colorado."
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"Wildhorse Ranch New Mexico is located in the northeast corner of Catron County New Mexico. It is a subdivision of 20+ acre lots in pinon/juniper country at an elevation of 7,000-8,000 feet. Even in summer the nights are cool and the Milky Way is as plain at night as if painted with a broad brush over the canvas of the heavens."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The pass is located on the eastern side of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains between Trinidad, Colorado and Raton, New Mexico, approximately 100 miles (160 km) northeast of Santa Fe."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 7.8 square miles (20.3 km 2), all land. The elevation at the center of Pleasanton is 360 feet (110 m) above sea level. The average annual temperature of Pleasanton is 70 °F (21 °C)."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n------\nGiven ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.', 'Patent Application Fees. For utility patents, the small entity fees include a $165 filing fee ($82 if filing electronically), as well as a search fee of $270 and an examination fee of $110.For large entities, the filing fees are a $330 filing fee, a search fee of $540, and an examination fee of $220.aying USPTO Fees. The third major cost when preparing and filing a patent application are the fees that are paid to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). These fees are broken down for specific purposes and activities. You can pay these fees by personal check, money order, or credit card.'], a positive would be ['', 'what is patent application fee']",
"Average Weather in March in Raton New Mexico, United States. In Raton, the month of March is characterized by rising daily high temperatures, with daily highs increasing by 7°F, from 52°F to 59°F over the course of the month, and rarely exceeding 71°F or dropping below 39°F."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Recent posts about Raton, New Mexico on our local forum with over 2,000,000 registered users. Raton is mentioned 699 times on our forum: Latest news from Raton, NM collected exclusively by city-data.com from local newspapers, TV, and radio stations."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Just north of Wheeler Peak is Mount Walter. At 13,141 feet (4,005 m) it is the second highest named summit in New Mexico, but it is not usually considered an independent peak as it has only about 53 feet (16 m) of topographic prominence."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Boca Raton is a city found in Florida, The United States Of America. It is located 26.36 latitude and -80.08 longitude and it is situated at elevation 11 meters above sea level. Boca Raton has a population of 84,392 making it the 30th biggest city in Florida. It operates on the EDT time zone, which means that it follows the same time zone as Jacksonville. Quick facts"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Colorado Web Cams. Raton Pass, Colorado. (on the New Mexico/Colorado border) (Note: This page may need reloading on some browsers for new views) I-25 at Raton Pass - looking north. (from CDOT. I-25 at Raton Pass - looking south."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"New Iberia is located at 30°0â²13â³N 91°49â²6â³W / 30.00361°N 91.81833°W / 30.00361; -91.81833 (30.003577, â91.818454) and has an elevation of 20 feet (6.1 m). According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 10.6 square miles (27.4 km²), all land."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"This elevation map of New Mexico illustrates the number of feet or meters the state rises above sea level. As you can see by the map, New Mexico resides at elevations well over 2,000 feet above sea level. The mean elevation of the state is 5,700 feet above sea level ranking New Mexico as the fourth highest state. The lowest point in New Mexico, 2,842 feet above sea level, is at the northern end of the Red Bluff Reservoir on the Pecos River. In Eddy County, New Mexico, this low point is located about 40 miles north of Pecos, Texas. The highest point in New Mexico, Wheeler Peak at 13,161 feet above sea level, is found in northern New Mexico's Sangre de Cristo Range, at the southern end of the Rocky Mountains. Taos is located around 15 miles to the southwest."
"Represent the input",
"COLFAX COUNTY. Located along New Mexico's border with southeast Colorado, Colfax County is diverse in geography and industry. Plains and ranch land cover expanses of land near Springer and Miami. In the northernmost portion of the county, Raton is the gateway to Colorado."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Altitude Sickness and High Altitudes. Though Albuquerque is a desert, the cityâs altitude is over 5,000 feet, at least one mile above sea level. The surrounding mountains are even higher. The Sandia Mountains are over 10,300 feet above sea level, with the highest crests at over 12,000 feet."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Ruidoso, New Mexico is high in the Rocky Mountains of southeastern New Mexico. Towering above the Village of Ruidoso is Sierra Blanca at 11,981 feet above sea level and the New Mexico ski resort, Ski Apache."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"It is the second-largest county in New Mexico by area, after Catron County, New Mexico. Socorro County ranges in elevation from approximately 4,528 ft (1,380 m) on the banks of the Rio Grande to 10,784 ft (3,287 m) at the top of South Baldy peak in the Magdalena Mountains."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"(Not verified at present) In New Mexico the highest point of the range is North Anthonys Nose at 5388 ft. Hueco Mountains This range in Otero County also extends into Texas and the highest point there has not been determined. In New Mexico the highest peak is Bassett BM, 6057 ft., on the Mountain Tank map."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"These mountains run along the eastern edge of the Rio Grande River and include Wheeler Peak, which reaches the highest point in New Mexico at 13,161 feet above sea level. To the west of the Rio Grande are the Nacimiento and Jemez Mountain ranges."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Location of Boca Raton on a map. Boca Raton is a city found in Florida, The United States Of America. It is located 26.36 latitude and -80.08 longitude and it is situated at elevation 11 meters above sea level. Boca Raton has a population of 84,392 making it the 30th biggest city in Florida. It operates on the EDT time zone, which means that it follows the same time zone as Jacksonville."
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"Ski Santa Fe is nestled high in the beautiful Sangre de Cristo Mountains just 16 miles from the heart of historic Santa Fe, New Mexico. With a base area elevation of 10,350 feet, Ski Santa Fe is among the highest ski areas in the continental United States. The Millennium Triple Chairlift will take snow sport enthusiasts to a new height of 12,075 feet and some of the southwest's finest skiing."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"1 View all Reliant Rehabilitation jobs in Raton, NM - Raton jobs. 2 Salary Search: PRN Occupational Therapist salaries in Raton, NM. 3 Learn more about working at Reliant Rehabilitation. Related forums: Reliant Rehabilitation - Raton, New Mexico."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"For the purposes of this report, the geographical coordinates of Boca Raton are 26.359 deg latitude, -80.083 deg longitude, and 3 ft elevation. The topography within 2 miles of Boca Raton is essentially flat, with a maximum elevation change of 33 feet and an average elevation above sea level of 6 feet."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Raton, New Mexico. Raton is a city and the county seat of Colfax County in northeastern New Mexico. The city is located just south of Raton Pass."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"4. 6. Climate data for raton filter plant, Longitude: -104.433, Latitude: 36.9194. Average weather Raton, NM - 87740 - 1981-2010 normals. Jan: January, Feb: February, Mar: March, Apr: April, May: May, Jun: June, Jul: July, Aug: August, Sep: September, Oct: October, Nov: November, Dec: December."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"View from the pass toward South Park (Park County, Colorado) . Wilkerson Pass, elevation 9,504 ft (2,897 m), is a mountain pass in the Rocky Mountains within Pike National Forest of Colorado and marks the eastern boundary of South Park (Park County, Colorado). The pass is traversed by U.S. Highway 24 with a Forest Service visitor center at the summit along with a few short trails."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"It is located northeast of Taos and south of Red River in the northern part of the state, and just 2 miles (3.2 km) southeast of the ski slopes of Taos Ski Valley. It lies in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, the southernmost subrange of the Rocky Mountains. The peak's elevation is 13,161 feet (4,011 m). Formerly named Taos Peak, after the nearby town of Taos, New Mexico, it was renamed Wheeler Peak in 1950."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"In Eddy County, New Mexico, this low point is located about 40 miles north of Pecos, Texas. The highest point in New Mexico, Wheeler Peak at 13,161 feet above sea level, is found in northern New Mexico's Sangre de Cristo Range, at the southern end of the Rocky Mountains. Taos is located around 15 miles to the southwest. New Mexico elevation map, Courtesy of Maps.com."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Albuquerque is located on a semi-arid plateau at over 5,300 feet above sea level - making it the highest metropolitan city in the United States. Situated along the Rio Grande River, the city is bounded by the Sandia Mountains to the east."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Capulin Volcano National Monument near Raton, New Mexico. This image, high on the volcano, shows the access road that winds two miles to the top of the crater. The view is north. The peak on the horizon piercing the clouds is Robinson Peak. 4: View is northeast from along the access road overlooking the adjacent volcanic fields."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"What is the highest and lowest point of New Mexico? Wheeler Peak near Taos at 13,161 feet above sea level is New Mexico's highest elevation and Red Bluff Reservoir at 2,842 in the southeast corner of the State is the lowest poiâ¦nt."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Aconcagua Elevation: Guided climb to 22,841 feet/6962 meters. Aconcagua, often referred to as the Stone Sentinel, is the highest peak in South America, the highest peak in the world outside of Asia, and one of the Seven Summits. A guided climb of Aconcagua, which rises 4,000 feet above neighboring peaks, is a great way to experience the spectacular Andes of Argentina."
"Represent the next text.",
"Ruidoso, New Mexico is high in the Rocky Mountains of southeastern New Mexico. Towering above the Village of Ruidoso is Sierra Blanca at 11,981 feet above sea level and the New Mexico ski resort, Ski Apache. Ruidoso Cabin Rentals and Vacation Information."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"The road from Hoover Dam to I-40 is dangerous in that it is extremely boring, very straight and flat. At 7,834', Raton Pass on the border of CO and NM is the highest point on this route (I believe), far lower than the nearly 11,000' on I-70. Despite its longer distance, I'd suggest driving this way just to be safe."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Climate Raton - New Mexico. °C | °F. Climate data for raton filter plant, Longitude: -104.433, Latitude: 36.9194. Average weather Raton, NM - 87740 - 1981-2010 normals. Jan: January, Feb: February, Mar: March, Apr: April, May: May, Jun: June, Jul: July, Aug: August, Sep: September, Oct: October, Nov: November, Dec: December."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The coordinates are: 34°59â²58â³N 117°38â²59â³W / 34.99944°N 117.64972°W / 34.99944; -117.64972. Boron is 65 miles (105 km) north of Palmdale, 85 miles (137 km) east of Bakersfield, and 40 miles (64 km) west of Barstow in the Antelope Valley region of California's Mojave Desert. Its elevation is 2,467 feet (752 m)."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Sometimes, the bilirubin simply canâ\\x80\\x99t make it to your digestive tract, where it normally would be removed through your stool. In other cases, there may be too much bilirubin trying to enter the liver at once, or too many red blood cells dying at one time. Jaundice in adults is often indicative of: 1 alcohol abuse. 2 liver infection. 3 liver cancer. 4 cirrhosis (scarring of the liver, usually due to alcohol).']\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'causes of jaundice diarrhea in adults']\"",
"The highest point in New Mexico, Wheeler Peak at 13,161 feet above sea level, is found in northern New Mexico's Sangre de Cristo Range, at the southern end of the Rocky Mountains. Taos is located around 15 miles to the southwest. New Mexico elevation map, Courtesy of Maps.com."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers: The provided query could be \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.', \"In Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra, Antony can be considered a tragic hero as he is lead into misfortunate, unfavourable situations and ultimately his death, not by vice or depravity but by his own fatal flaw; his love for the Eygptian queen Cleopatra.ntony is often talked of as a tragic hero, a great and admiral man ... This is Cleopatra saying that even though Antony was the greatest soldier in the world, he has now become the greatest liar. This statement is very important as it claims that Antony has another fault.\"]\" and the positive \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'can antony be considered as a tragic hero']\"",
"Akot is located at 21°06â²N 77°04â²E / 21.1°N 77.06°E / 21.1; 77.06. It has an average elevation of 345 metres (1131 feet)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"kgb answers » Local & Lookup » Weather » Raton pass Colorado current weather and road condition. Get the latest forecast for weather in Raton NM along with updates about temperature, humidity, weather radar and more on Weather.com. Raton Pass is located at the border of present day New Mexico and Colorado. It was one of the most important, yet treacherous, segments of the Mountain Branch of the Santa Fe Trail."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Elevation and season determines average temperatures. The elevation of Payson is 5,000 feet. However, the top of the Mogollon Rim averages 7,500 feet which carries temperatures of 12 to 12 degrees Fahrenheit higher than those in the town of Payson."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"New Mexico has six vegetation zones, which are determined mainly by elevation. The Lower Sonoran Zone, in the southern sections of the Rio Grande and Pecos valleys and in the stateâs southwestern corner, usually occurs at elevations below 4,500 feet (1,400 metres)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Take a train to Raton, NM (40 miles north of Cimarron), and have a friend pick you up, or arrange for bus service or car rental. Note: There is no ticket agent in Raton, but the train does stop for ticketed passengers. Buy tickets online here: Amtrak Train Service."
] |
"A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"who is the author of pride and prejudice"
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. A Novel in Three Volumes by the Author of Sense and Sensibility. First published in 1813, Pride and Prejudice has consistently been Jane Austen's most popular novel."
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"Mr. Darcy. For other uses, see Darcy (disambiguation). Fitzwilliam Darcy, generally referred to as Mr. Darcy, is one of the two central characters in Jane Austen's novel Pride and Prejudice. He is an archetype of the aloof romantic hero, and a romantic interest of Elizabeth Bennet, the novel's protagonist."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Pride and Prejudice continues to be popular today not only because of its memorable characters and the general appeal of the story, but also because of the skill with which it is told. In Pride and Prejudice, Austen displays a masterful use of irony, dialogue, and realism that support the character development and heighten the experience of reading the novel."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice. It was a journey of only twenty-four miles, and they began it so early as to be in Gracechurch Street by noon."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nE.g. ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Jurisdiction, in general, is the power to exercise authority over persons and things within a territory. In its legal use, jurisdiction means the power of a court to hear and decide a case or issue a decree. Jurisdiction can also relate to a geographical area in which a political authority is recognized.'] == ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what does the term original jurisdiction mean']",
"Late 19th to 21st centuries. 1 In 2003 the BBC conducted a poll for the UK's Best-Loved Book in which Pride and Prejudice came second, behind The Lord of the Rings. 2 In a 2008 survey of more than 15,000 Australian readers, Pride and Prejudice came first in a list of the 101 best books ever written."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Set in England in the early 19th century, Pride and Prejudice tells the story of Mr and Mrs Bennet's five unmarried daughters after the rich and eligible Mr Bingley and his status-conscious friend, Mr Darcy, have moved into their neighbourhood.lizabeth's father, Mr Bennet, is a bookish man, and somewhat neglectful of his responsibilities. In contrast Elizabeth's mother, Mrs Bennet, a woman who lacks social graces, is primarily concerned with finding suitable husbands for her five daughters."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"On 29 January 1813 Jane Austen (1775-1817) wrote to her sister Cassandra with exciting news: âI want to tell you that I have got my own darling child from London.â The âdarling childâ was a copy of her newly published book Pride and Prejudice."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The title Pride and Prejudice refers (among other things) to the ways in which Elizabeth and Darcy first view each other. The original version of the novel was written in 1796-1797 under the title First Impressions, and was probably in the form of an exchange of letters."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"â Joy Harjo, author of She Had Some Horses, 2013 American Book Award winner for Crazy Brave: A Memoir. âRichard Vargas is one of the best Chicano poets writing today, a voice for all as he explores the predicaments of the modern world with tenderness and fury."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Actress takes on 'Pride & Prejudice' adaptation. Given Natalie Portmanâs elegant demeanor, a turn in a period Jane Austen adaptation was inevitable. Portman will star in and produce âPride and Prejudice and Zombies,â a film that is based on the bestselling book written by Seth Grahame-Smith and Austen. Lionsgate will finance and distribute."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Published 200 years ago, Jane Austen's immortal 'Pride & Prejudice' continues to enchant readers with the story of how proud rich Mr. Darcy falls in love with and eventually wins the vivacious Elizabeth Bennet."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Catherine must balance the love and the responsibility she feels for David with the embarrassment and res Rules, by author Cynthia Lord, is a touching look at the life of a young girl, Catherine, who's coping with the conflicting emotions of living with her autistic brother, David. And I was coping with the conflicting emotions of annoyance and boredom of reading this book."
"Represent the next text",
"Historical Context of Pride and Prejudice The Georgian Era Between 1797, when a young Jane Austen began work on what would become Pride and Prejudice, and 1813, when the novel was published, the French Revolution was fought, Marie Antoinette was guillotined and Napoleon rose to power and conquered most of Western Europe."
"represent the natural language",
"Who was proud and who was prejudiced in the Jane Austen novel 'Pride and Prejudice'? I have read the novel (an abridged edition) and also seen the movie (the one with Keira Knightly). Is Elizabeth more proud than Darcy or he is more prejudiced than her? It would be great if quotes are presented in support of your answer."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Scholar and writer Mary Poovey said that Austen's goal is to make propriety and romantic desire absolutely congruent.. The opening quote is a good example of how the literary world felt about Jane Austen's book Pride and Prejudice.Using her literary wit she defined the impact of female social dependence on men for livelihood and any type of quality of life.ost of the time, it was for money, wealth, and position, seldom for love. In Pride and Prejudice, both Elizabeth Bennett and Lord Darcy have to overcome pre-conceived notions and prejudices to arrive at a mutual understanding of each other and eventually true love."
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"When Jane Austen published Pride and Prejudice in 1813, people were still getting used to the idea that women would do something so totally immodest and exhibitionist as to actually have strangers reading something she wrote for money. Oh, how shocking and taboo!"
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A first sight, Pride and Prejudice seems to be a novel about first impressions, but the truth of the matter is that this novel of five-hundred something pages goes further, because its main attempt is to reveal the constant fascination of the 19th century British society in being someone in life using social standing, wealth, and of course ..."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Thesis Statement / Essay Topic #1: Elizabethâs Pride and Darcyâs Prejudice. The pride and the prejudice referred to in the title of this Jane Austen novel prepare the reader for the character flaws of the main characters, Elizabeth and Darcy. Elizabethâs pride and Darcyâs prejudice prevent the two from recognizing and admitting their love for one another."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Elizabeth tells her father that Darcy was responsible for uniting Lydia and Wickham. This is one of the two earliest illustrations of Pride and Prejudice. The clothing styles reflect the time the illustration was engraved (the 1830s), not the time the novel was written or set.lizabeth's father, Mr Bennet, is a bookish man, and somewhat neglectful of his responsibilities. In contrast Elizabeth's mother, Mrs Bennet, a woman who lacks social graces, is primarily concerned with finding suitable husbands for her five daughters."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"They were in fact very fine ladies; not deficient in good humour when they were pleased, nor in the power of making themselves agreeable when they chose it, but proud and conceited. Pride and Prejudice by Austen, Jane View in context."
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"First published in England by John Benjamin Brookes, the book was not widely known until it was reprinted by William Dugdale in 1893. This tale of sex and sadism consists largely of a series of letters written by its heroine, Emily Barlow, after being abducted by Moorish pirates and held prisoner in an Algerian harem."
"Represent the input",
"Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (film) Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (stylised as Pride + Prejudice + Zombies) is a 2016 British-American historical comedy horror film based on Seth Grahame-Smith's 2009 novel, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, which parodies the 1813 novel Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Encouraged by this success, Jane Austen turned to revising First Impressions, a.k.a. Pride and Prejudice. She sold it in November 1812, and her own darling child (as she called it in a letter) was published in late January 1813. She had already started work on Mansfield Park by 1812, and worked on it during 1813."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Today marks the 200th anniversary of the publication of Pride & Prejudice, a story retold dozens of times in novels, films, TV shows and now a popular Internet video series. It's often said that women like Jane Austen because they LOVE Mr. Darcy, the unlikely romantic hero of Pride and Prejudice.."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Foreign language translations first appeared in 1813 in French; subsequent translations were published in German, Danish, and Swedish. Pride and Prejudice was first published in the United States in August 1832 as Elizabeth Bennet or, Pride and Prejudice."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"1 NEW: Biographer says whatever disease killed Jane Austen, it affected her writing. Austen, the author of Pride and Prejudice, presumed to have died of rare illness called Addison's disease."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Fitzwilliam Darcy, generally referred to as Mr. Darcy, is one of the two central characters in Jane Austen 's novel Pride and Prejudice.He is an archetype of the aloof romantic hero, and a romantic interest of Elizabeth Bennet, the novel's protagonist.ingley] than to myself. Although he doesn't realize it, Elizabeth's discovery of Darcy's interference in Bingley and Jane's budding relationship, and Mr. Wickham 's tale of how Darcy mistreated him, has caused her to dislike him intensely."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Sample ENG 1001 Essay on Orwell's Shooting an Elephant. The Price of Pride, written by Dennis Crask when he was a student in ENG 1001, is an excellent essay on George Orwell's Shooting an Elephant..he Price of Pride{1} Unanticipated choices one is forced to make can have long-lasting effects.{2} In Shooting an Elephant, by George Orwell, the author recounts an event from his life when he was about twenty years old during which he had to choose the lesser of two evils."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The index to passages referring to the themes of pride and prejudice has additional insights into some of the characters. The Bennets: Mr. Bennet, Mrs. Bennet, Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, Kitty, Lydia."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Her younger half-siblings James Edward (1798-1874) and Caroline (1805-1880) also solicited their aunt's opinions on their youthful literary efforts (James Edward wrote a poem on being informed that Aunt Jane was the author of Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice)."
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"By all that I have ever read, I am convinced that it is very common indeed; that human nature is particularly prone to it, and that there are very few of us who do not cherish a feeling of self-complacency on the score of some quality or other, real or imaginary. Pride and Prejudice by Austen, Jane View in context."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Pride and Prejudice (1813 book): How did Lady Catherine find out about Darcy's affection for Elizabeth? Who would have been in a position and ... Pride and Prejudice (1813 book): Does Elizabeth Bennet truly love Darcy or does she only marry him for his wealth? In the 1813 book Pride and Prejudice, why did Mr. Darcy call Elizabeth tolerable at the ball?"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Adam Mitzner, a lawyer by day, is the author of Losing Faith, A Case of Redemption, and A Conflict of Interest. He lives with his family in New York City."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The novel was also adapted into a movie in 1965 and a U.S. TV miniseries in 2002. Austen is the icon for classic romance novels. Not only is Pride and Prejudice one of the most popular books in the English language, it's also one of the most romantic love stories you can find."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Charles Bingley is one of the main characters in Pride and Prejudice. He is married to Jane Bennet and is the brother of Louisa Hurst and Caroline Bingley. He is the son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet and the brother-in-law of Mr. Hurst, Elizabeth Bennet Darcy, Mary Bennet, Catherine Bennet, and Lydia Bennet Wickham. He is 22 at the beginning of the novel."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"And now sources have revealed who will be playing the villain. According to sources at THR, Zach Galifianakis is in final negotiations to voice the Joker in LEGO Batman, which is written by author-screenwriter Seth Grahame-Smith (Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Elizabeth tells her father that Darcy was responsible for uniting Lydia and Wickham, one of the two earliest illustrations of Pride and Prejudice. The clothing styles reflect the time the illustration was engraved (the 1830s), not the time in which the novel was written or set."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"In Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, women are thought of as objects and wives. Also in Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, there are social class prejudices. Darcy did not consider Elizabeth as a possible wife because of her low social status."
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"Pride & Prejudice (2005) PG | 2h 9min | Drama, Romance | 23 November 2005 (USA) Sparks fly when spirited Elizabeth Bennet meets single, rich, and proud Mr. Darcy. But Mr. Darcy reluctantly finds himself falling in love with a woman beneath his class."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nFor example, ['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Max. rise is now 7-3/4, and minimum run is 10, nose-to-nose, with at least a 3/4 bullnose required, so the step is actually about 11 long. For commercial or multi-family stairs, it is still 7 max and 11 min.ax. rise is now 7-3/4, and minimum run is 10, nose-to-nose, with at least a 3/4 bullnose required, so the step is actually about 11 long. For commercial or multi-family stairs, it is still 7 max and 11 min.'] should be similar to ['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'longest run for stairs before landing']",
"Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy first appeared in Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice. Mr Darcy is the central male character and Elizabeth's (second) love interest in the novel. He is an intelligent, wealthy, handsome and reserved 28-year-old man who often appears haughty or proud to strangers. He is the nephew of Lady Catherine de Bourgh and brother of Georgiana Darcy."
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"This Friday, Jane Austenâs classic novel Pride and Prejudice gets a dose of the undead as Screen Gems releases writer and director Burr Steersâ big-screen take on Seth Grahame-Smithâs tongue in cheek literary adaptation, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies."
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"Text Preview. Character Analysis: Mr. Darcy. Introduced to Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice as a tall, handsome, self-absorbed aristocrat, Darcy experiences a change in personality and character. In order to dispose of his existent views on money and marriage, Darcy needed to feel something, to fall in love."
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"PD James: the 5 novels you should read. From the first Adam Dalgleish novel to the acclaimed Pride and Prejudice sequel, here are 5 novels demonstrating the breadth of PD James's writing talent. Clive Owen in Children of Men, a film adaptation of PD James's 1992 novel Photo: Rex."
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"What relationship did Elizabeth Bennet have with Mr. Darcy at the beginning of the book Pride and Prejudice? In Pride and Prejudice, Elizabeth Bennet and her aunt and uncle are invited into Mr. Darcy's estate by the housekeeper for a tour."
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"Welcome back Mr. Darcy! Sam Riley to play Jane Austenâs leading man in Pride And Prejudice And Zombies opposite Lily James. Heâs one of literatureâs most famous romantic heroes, and now Mr. Darcy will be brought to life once more. In the cinematic adaption of Pride And Prejudice And Zombies, the parody novel written by Seth Grahame-Smith, the prideful character will be played by British star Sam Riley. Sam, who most recently appeared in Disneyâs Maleficent, will be the Mr. Darcy to Lily Jamesâ Elizabeth Bennet."
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"Thanks to Laurel Ann for asking us to participate in her Pride and Prejudice Without Zombies event! An authorâespecially a talented and clever one like Jane Austenâsubtly imparts information about her characters with details such as their occupation, their mode of conversation, and even something seemingly so minor as their carriage."
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"Elizabeth Bennet thinks so, too. Sure, Pride and Prejudice is full of $10 words and long sentences. But it's about real people living lives just (okay, almost) like yoursâbecause Jane Austen just about invented English-language novels."
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"NEW: Biographer says whatever disease killed Jane Austen, it affected her writing; Austen, the author of Pride and Prejudice, presumed to have died of rare illness called Addison's disease; But Addison's sufferer Katherine White has studied Austen's letters, and concluded that key symptoms just don't match"
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Book Review: Rules by Cynthia Lord. Autism. Lord is up there with major writers like Jerry Spinelli and Beverly Cleary as a creator of real, fresh, believable children who experience the world in all its colors. For families and teachers with autistic children in their lives, this novel is a terrific way to open the door to conversations."
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"Christy Lemire of RogerEbert.com gave the film one and a half out of four stars, saying Like the novel Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, the movie Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is predicated on a simple, single gimmick: Itâs Pride and Prejudice ⦠with zombies."
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"People could answer that with long studies and surveys, which could take years. In the book Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen uses irony, metaphors, and characters to appoint a heart throbbing tone, which answers one scenario of a common goal of people. Irony is a major device that is often used in Pride and Prejudice."
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"If George Washington was the father of the nation, then von Steuben, a gay man, was the father of the United States military. Mark Segal is founder and publisher of Philadelphia Gay News, the countryâs oldest LGBT newsweekly. Sometimes called the Dean of the Gay Press, Segal is an award-winning columnist and is fascinated by history."
"Which makes Welsh actor Matthew Rhys rather brave for taking on the role in a new BBC adaptation. He will play the Pride and Prejudice hero in Death Comes to Pemberley, a novel by crime writer PD James, which tells the story of Jane Austenâs Mr Darcy and Elizabeth Bennett six years after they married."
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"But the irony of our obsession with Jane Austen the woman is that during her lifetime, her works were all published anonymously. Her first novel to be published, Sense and Sensibility, was simply 'By a Lady'. Her next published novel, Pride and Prejudice, was 'By the Author of Sense and Sensibility.'."
"On this the 200th anniversary of its publication Pride and Prejudice is an undisputed literary classic, as popular with readers today as it was in 1813. But the novelâs path to publication was a long one. Jane Austen began writing novels while still a teenager."
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"Pride and Prejudice was talked about by people like the playwright Richard Sheridan and Anne Milbanke, who would go on to be the wife of the poet Lord Byron."
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"what kind of rock is the appalachian mountains"
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"The Appalachian mountains are made of segments of sedimentary, volcanic and ancient oceanic floor (from plate collision) rock."
] | [
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"Appalachian Mountains-a mountain range in the eastern United States extending from Quebec to the Gulf of Mexico; a historic barrier to early westward expansion of the United States."
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"The rocks of the Highlands Province are a part of the Crystalline Appalachians.. This name refers to the term crystalline rock, a general term for igneous and metamorphic rock (as opposed to sedimentary rock) where the rock consists of minerals in an obviously crystalline state.he rocks of the Highlands Province are a part of the Crystalline Appalachians.. This name refers to the term crystalline rock, a general term for igneous and metamorphic rock (as opposed to sedimentary rock) where the rock consists of minerals in an obviously crystalline state."
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"As Pangaea began to break up around 220 million years ago, geologic pressures declined, as erosion wore down the upthrusts, folds and peaks that had formed. By the end of the Mesozoic Era, about 75 million years ago, the Appalachian Mountains had been eroded to almost a plain. A new period of volcanic and tectonic activity that began in the Cenozoic Era, about 65 million years ago, created new folds and peaks that ongoing erosive processes have carved into the Appalachian Mountains we know today."
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"1 Mount Mitchell, with a height of 6,684 ft is the tallest mountain in the Appalachian range. 2 The Appalachians have rich deposits of coal, iron, petroleum, and natural gas. 3 A chain of lowlands referred to as the Great Appalachian Valley, lies towards the west and south of Hudson river valley."
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"The Appalachians. The Appalachians are the chief mountain system of eastern North America, and the oldest mountains in the United States.They stretch southwestward for about 1,500 miles from Quebec in Canada to central Alabama.The mountains form the eastern continental divide between the rivers that flow into the Atlantic Ocean and those that drain into the Gulf of Mexico.he chief peaks of the range include Mount Washington in New Hampshire (6,288 feet; 1,916 m.), Clingmans Dome in Tennessee (6,642 feet; 2,024 m.) and the highest peak of the entire system, Mount Mitchell in North Carolina (6,684 feet; 2,037 m.), which is also the highest point east of the Mississippi River."
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"The Appalachians Mountains, often called the Appalachians are a system of mountains that are located in southern Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland. In this map of Canada's landform regions it is highlighted in pink."
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"Appalachian Mountains. The Appalachian Mountains is a landform region that is located in Canada, presently in Newfoundland, Quebec, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick.This landform region was formed about 480 million years ago due to volcanic activity and was formed throughout the Paleozoic Era.Appalachian Mountains. The Appalachian Mountains is a landform region that is located in Canada, presently in Newfoundland, Quebec, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A: The Appalachian Mountains were formed when colliding tectonic plates folded and upthrusted, mainly during the Permian Period and again in the Cretaceous Period. The folds and thrusts were then eroded and carved by wind, streams and glaciers. These erosive processes are ongoing, and the topography of the Appalachian Mountains continue to change."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"The Appalachian Mountains (/ËaepÉËleɪÊɨn/ ËæpÉËleɪÊɨn /or/ , ËaepÉËlaetÊɨn: ËæpÉËlætÊɨn French), les appalaches often Called, the appalachians are a system of mountains In Eastern. north americahe Appalachian Mountains (/ËaepÉËleɪÊɨn/ ËæpÉËleɪÊɨn /or/ , ËaepÉËlaetÊɨn: ËæpÉËlætÊɨn French), les appalaches often Called, the appalachians are a system of mountains In Eastern. north america"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Appalachian Mountains The Appalachian Mountains are the oldest mountain chain in North America. They sweep from Newfoundland to Alabama. The Appalachian Mountains are made up of mountains, ridges, and valleys. The Great Smoky mountains are in this region. They run from Tennessee to North Carolina. The Blue Ridge mountains are the backbone of the system. They extend from Georgia to Pennsylvania. In the Appalachian mountains there is Mt. Mitchell. This is the highest mountain on the eastern coast. The name Appalachian comes from the Apalachee Indians."
"The Appalachian Orogeny is generally separated into three periods, referred to as the Taconic, Acadian, and Alleghenian orogenies. In West Virginia, the evidence for these three events is limited to the thick sedimentary rock units that were deposited in the basin that formed to the west of the mountains.he Taconic Orogeny is thought to be the result of the collision of a volcanic arc with the east coast of North America. Extensive folding and metamorphism from New England to southeastern Pennsylvania is attributed to this event."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Appalachians Mountains, often called the Appalachians are a system of mountains that are located in southern Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland.In this map of Canada's landform regions it is highlighted in pink.he Appalachians Mountains, often called the Appalachians are a system of mountains that are located in southern Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland."
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"Vegetation. In the central part of the Appalachian mountains, there is a wide variety of deciduous and coniferous trees. Some vegetation in higher parts are white spruce, balsam fir and black spruce and feather moss. In the lower elevations by rivers are different. Some trees include sugar maple and white pine.ost of the ranges found in the United States. The mountains are for the most part low because of the erosion. Over time the Appalachianâs sharp peaks have eroded and turned into smooth mountains and hills. The Appalachian region also has many rivers."
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"Appalachian Mountains. Appalachian Mountains, also called Appalachians , great highland system of North America, the eastern counterpart of the Rocky Mountains."
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"The resulting metamorphic rocks form the cores of large mountain chains like the Appalachians. Local metamorphism happens at a much smaller level, usually from nearby igneous intrusions. It is sometimes referred to as contact metamorphism - more on that later."
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"Appalachian Mountains-a mountain range in the eastern United States extending from Quebec to the Gulf of Mexico; a historic barrier to early westward expansion of the United States. Appalachians. Appalachia-an impoverished coal mining area in the Appalachian Mountains (from Pennsylvania to North Carolina)."
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"Ancestral rock. The rocks in the Rocky Mountains were formed before the mountains were raised by tectonic forces. The oldest rock is Precambrian metamorphic rock that forms the core of the North American continent. There is also Precambrian sedimentary argillite, dating back to 1.7 billion years ago."
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"The Appalachians are some of the oldest mountains on the planet, predating the formation of the North American continent. The mountain chain system is divided into a series of ranges, with the individual mountains averaging a height of 900 m (3,000 feet)."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"Appalachian Mountains. The Appalachian Mountains is a landform region that is located in Canada, presently in Newfoundland, Quebec, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick. This landform region was formed about 480 million years ago due to volcanic activity and was formed throughout the Paleozoic Era."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Appalachian Mountains is a landform region that is located in Canada, presently in Newfoundland, Quebec, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick."
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"Geologists say this because the rocks in the Appalachian Mountains of Nova Scotia and Newfoundland are similar to the rocks found in Wales and Scotland The Appalachian Mountains formed from volcanic activity and the collision of plates."
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"The Appalachian Mountains are made from Crustal Deformation's and the plates that made it were the Oceanic-Continental."
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"The Appalachian Mountains are the oldest mountain chain in North America. They sweep from Newfoundland to Alabama. The Appalachian Mountains are made up of mountains, ridges, and valleys. The Great Smoky mountains are in this region."
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"Carbonates and sediments from mountains formed in the Appalachian Orogeny were away to form limey rocks in a shallow sea that was later uplifted and now forms the majority of Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana and Ohio. The Appalachian Orogeny is an excellent example of a mountain building event resulting from tectonics. The Appalachian Orogeny resulted from three separate continental collisions formed the Appalachian Mountains and Allegheny Mountains at the end of the Paleozoic."
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"As the magma cools, interlocking crystals of feldspar, quartz, and mica form. One example is Old Rag Granite, which forms some of the mountainous peaks of Shenandoah National Park in the Blue Ridge Province, including Old Rag Mountain.oal is an organic sedimentary rock that is composed primarily of fossilized plant matter. Coal in Virginia occurs as layers in sedimentary rocks in the Appalachian Plateaus and Valley and Ridge provinces, and Mesozoic Basin sub-province of the Piedmont."
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"The Appalachian Mountains are nearly 500 million years old. They were formed by a shift in the tectonic plates in that area, creating a new subduction zone."
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"The Appalachian Mountains include from west to east: the Appalachian Plateau, Valley and Ridge, the Blue Ridge Province, and the Piedmont Region. The Blue Ridge Province is bounded on the west by the Great Smokies Fault near the Tennessee boundary and on the east by the Brevard Fault Zone."
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"The highest of the group is Mount Mitchell in North Carolina at 6,684 feet (2,037 m), which is the highest point in the United States east of the Mississippi River. The term Appalachian refers to several different regions associated with the mountain range.ecause North America and Africa were connected, the Appalachians formed part of the same mountain chain as the Little Atlas in Morocco. This mountain range, known as the Central Pangean Mountains, extended into Scotland, from the North America/Europe collision (See Caledonian orogeny)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Appalachian Mountains is one of the largest mountain ranges in the United States. But the question is: Where are the Appalachian Mountains? Where Exactly are the Appalachian Mountains Located?"
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"Print Email. The Appalachian Mountains, often called the Appalachians, are a system of mountains in eastern North America. The Appalachians first formed roughly 480 million years ago during the Ordovician Period, and once reached elevations similar to those of the Alps and the Rocky Mountains before they were eroded."
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"The highest of the group is Mount Mitchell in North Carolina at 6,684 feet (2,037 m), which is the highest point in the United States east of the Mississippi River. The term Appalachian refers to several different regions associated with the mountain range.he Appalachian Trail is a 2,175-mile (3,500 km) hiking trail that runs all the way from Mount Katahdin in Maine to Springer Mountain in Georgia, passing over or past a large part of the Appalachian system."
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"1. Appalachian Mountains-a mountain range in the eastern United States extending from Quebec to the Gulf of Mexico; a historic barrier to early westward expansion of the United States. Appalachians. Appalachia-an impoverished coal mining area in the Appalachian Mountains (from Pennsylvania to North Carolina)."
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"The Appalachian Mountains in North Carolina. The Appalachian Mountains (French: les Appalaches) are a large group of North American mountains. They are partly in Canada, but mostly in the United States. They form an area from 100 to 300 miles wide, running 1,500 miles from the island of Newfoundland in Canada to central Alabama in the United States. The individual mountains average around 3,000 ft (900 m) in height."
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"Quick Answer. The Appalachian Mountains were formed when colliding tectonic plates folded and upthrusted, mainly during the Permian Period and again in the Cretaceous Period. The folds and thrusts were then eroded and carved by wind, streams and glaciers. These erosive processes are ongoing, and the topography of the Appalachian Mountains continue to change."
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"Valley and Ridge Province. The erosional characteristics of the sedimentary rock formations exposed along great anticlines and synclines of the Appalachian Mountains are responsible for the characteristic Valley and Ridge topography.alley and Ridge Province. The erosional characteristics of the sedimentary rock formations exposed along great anticlines and synclines of the Appalachian Mountains are responsible for the characteristic Valley and Ridge topography."
"In geological terms, ââorogenyââ refers to the process of mountain building. The Appalachian Orogeny, previously called the Appalachian Revolution, describes the collective geological events that produced the belt of folded, faulted, and metamorphosed rock that stretches from Newfoundland to northern Alabama.All of West Virginia is included within this belt.he Taconic Orogeny is thought to be the result of the collision of a volcanic arc with the east coast of North America. Extensive folding and metamorphism from New England to southeastern Pennsylvania is attributed to this event."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Appalachian Mountains. The Appalachian Mountains is a landform region that is located in Canada, presently in Newfoundland, Quebec, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"The Appalachian Mountains (pronounced /ËaepÉËleɪÊɨn/ (ËæpÉËleɪÊɨn) listen /or/), ËaepÉËlaetÊɨn ËæpÉËlætÊɨn often Called, the appalachians are a vast system of mountains In Eastern. north americahe highest of the group is Mount Mitchell in North Carolina at 6,684 feet (2,037 m), which is the highest point in the United States east of the Mississippi River. The term Appalachian refers to several different regions associated with the mountain range."
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"White Mountains. There are three mountains that make up the Appalachian mountain range. These mountains are the Green Mountains, White Mountains, and the Catskill Mountains. The Appalachian Mountain range begins in Canada and ends in Alabama. The Green Mountain range is in Vermont.The white Mountains are called the White Mountains because there is snow on the mountains. It starts in New Hampshire and Ends in Maine. The Catskill Mountains are in New York.The Green Mountains are called the Green mountains because they have evergreen trees.he white Mountains are called the White Mountains because there is snow on the mountains. It starts in New Hampshire and Ends in Maine. The Catskill Mountains are in New York. The Green Mountains are called the Green mountains because they have evergreen trees."
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"The Appalachian Mountain range is one of the oldest continental mountain systems in the world. The tallest mountain in the range is the 6,684-foot Mount Mitchell, located in North Carolina. Compared with the Rocky Mountains of western North America, which have 50 plus peaks over 14,000 feet in elevation, the Appalachians are rather modest in height."
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"The rocks that form the knife-edged backbone of the Chimney Tops are visible beneath lush vegetation. Most of the rocks in Great Smoky Mountains National Park are sedimentary and were formed by accumulations of clay, silt, sand, gravel, and minor amounts of calcium carbonate in flat-lying layers. The oldest sedimentary rocks were formed during the Proterozoic Era some 800-545 million years ago."
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"The rocks in the Rocky Mountains were formed before the mountains were raised by tectonic forces. The oldest rock is Precambrian metamorphic rock that forms the core of the North American continent. There is also Precambrian sedimentary argillite, dating back to 1.7 billion years ago."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Because North America and Africa were connected, the Appalachians formed part of the same mountain chain as the Little Atlas in Morocco. This mountain range, known as the Central Pangean Mountains, extended into Scotland, from the North America/Europe collision (See Caledonian orogeny).he highest of the group is Mount Mitchell in North Carolina at 6,684 feet (2,037 m), which is the highest point in the United States east of the Mississippi River. The term Appalachian refers to several different regions associated with the mountain range."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Appalachian Mountains are the oldest mountain chain in North America. They sweep from Newfoundland to Alabama. The Appalachian Mountains are made up of mountains, ridges, and valleys. The Great Smoky mountains are in this region.They run from Tennessee to North Carolina. The Blue Ridge mountains are the backbone of the system. They extend from Georgia to Pennsylvania. In the Appalachian mountains there is Mt. Mitchell.This is the highest mountain on the eastern coast. The name Appalachian comes from the Apalachee Indians.hey extend from Georgia to Pennsylvania. In the Appalachian mountains there is Mt. Mitchell. This is the highest mountain on the eastern coast. The name Appalachian comes from the Apalachee Indians."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Appalachian Mountains (/ËaepÉËleɪÊɨn/ ËæpÉËleɪÊɨn /or/ , ËaepÉËlaetÊɨn: ËæpÉËlætÊɨn French), les appalaches often Called, the appalachians are a system of mountains In Eastern. north americahe range is mostly located in the United States but extends into southeastern Canada, forming a zone from 100 to 300 mi (160 to 480 km) wide, running from the island of Newfoundland 1,500 mi (2,400 km) southwestward to Central Alabama in the United States."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\n\nTo give you a sense - \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'A: Metformin (Glucophage) is a medication used for the treatment of diabetes or high blood sugar. It works by decreasing the production of glucose by the liver. The main side effects of metformin (Glucophage) are gastrointestinal in nature and include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and flatulence.']\" should be close to \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'medication metformin']\"",
"Flat sections are few and far between. The Appalachian Trailâs tallest peak, Clingmans Dome in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, tops out at a mere 6,643 feet above sea level, whereas nothing in the Mid-Atlantic or southern New England states even reaches 4,000 feet."
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"Chimney Rock. is the natural fulfillment of your trip to the North Carolina mountains. Take a deep breath of refreshing mountain air, become invigorated by our hiking trails, and let your cares fade away in the cool mist of Hickory Nut Falls. This is the perfect place to reconnect with nature and spend time with family and friends. Only minutes from Lake Lure, Chimney Rock offers the best of the mountains in one place â spectacular 75-mile views, hiking trails for all ages, a 404-foot waterfall, a variety of events and more."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Appalachian Mountains (/ËaepÉËleɪÊɨn/ ËæpÉËleɪÊɨn /or/ , ËaepÉËlaetÊɨn: ËæpÉËlætÊɨn French), les appalaches often Called, the appalachians are a system of mountains In Eastern. north america"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"The highest peak of the Appalachian Mountains is Mt. Mitchell at 6,684 ft. This peak is roughly 100 miles Northwest of Charlotte, in North Carolina: The Appalachian Mountains are about 480 million years old."
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"The majority of the surface rocks on the North American continent are sedimentary. The mountainous regions of the west and southwest are made of igneous rocks. The Appalachian Mountain region of the eastern U.S. and most of eastern Canada are made of metamorphic rocks."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The rocks in the Rocky Mountains were formed before the mountains were raised by tectonic forces. The oldest rock is Precambrian metamorphic rock that forms the core of the North American continent. There is also Precambrian sedimentary argillite, dating back to 1.7 billion years ago.n the south, an older mountain range was formed 300 million years ago, then eroded away. The rocks of that older range were reformed into the Rocky Mountains. The Rocky Mountains took shape during an intense period of plate tectonic activity that resulted in much of the rugged landscape of the western North America."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"They sweep from Newfoundland to Alabama. The Appalachian Mountains are made up of mountains, ridges, and valleys. The Great Smoky mountains are in this region. They run from Tennessee to North Carolina. The Blue Ridge mountains are the backbone of the system. They extend from Georgia to Pennsylvania.In the Appalachian mountains there is Mt. Mitchell.This is the highest mountain on the eastern coast.The name Appalachian comes from the Apalachee Indians.hey run from Tennessee to North Carolina. The Blue Ridge mountains are the backbone of the system. They extend from Georgia to Pennsylvania. In the Appalachian mountains there is Mt. Mitchell. This is the highest mountain on the eastern coast. The name Appalachian comes from the Apalachee Indians."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The Appalachian Mountains are made up of mountains, ridges, and valleys. The Great Smoky mountains are in this region. They run from Tennessee to North Carolina. The Blue Ridge mountains are the backbone of the system. They extend from Georgia to Pennsylvania. In the Appalachian mountains there is Mt. Mitchell."
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"The terrain is predominantly spruce forest and meadows, but many of the slopes are noticeably comprised of large talus/boulder slabs. This rock type is mostly Pennsylvanian Pottsville Sandstone, a type of bedrock only found in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, and western Maryland."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"In Pennsylvania, there are over sixty summits that rise over 2,500 ft (800 m); the summits of Mount Davis and Blue Knob rise over 3,000 ft (900 m). In Maryland, Eagle Rock and Dans Mountain are conspicuous points reaching 3,162 ft (964 m) and 2,882 ft (878 m) respectively.he highest of the group is Mount Mitchell in North Carolina at 6,684 feet (2,037 m), which is the highest point in the United States east of the Mississippi River. The term Appalachian refers to several different regions associated with the mountain range."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Granite. The Valley and Ridge is the westernmost physiographic province of the Appalachian Mountains. It Is bounded to the east by the Blue Ridge, the south by the Piedmont, and the northwest by the Appalachian Plateau. This region has alot of mountains and hills.This region also contains igneous and metamorphic rocks.he Valley and Ridge is the westernmost physiographic province of the Appalachian Mountains. It Is bounded to the east by the Blue Ridge, the south by the Piedmont, and the northwest by the Appalachian Plateau. This region has alot of mountains and hills. This region also contains igneous and metamorphic rocks."
"represent the next text\nGiven ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'vsserv.exe is a process which forms a critical part of the Bull Guard Internet Security suite and the BitDefender AntiVirus.This application protects your computer against Internet-bound threats. This program is important for the stable and secure running of your computer and should not be terminated.sserv.exe is a process which forms a critical part of the Bull Guard Internet Security suite and the BitDefender AntiVirus.'], a positive would be ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'what is vsserv.exe process']",
"The Appalachian Mountains (/ËaepÉËleɪÊɨn/ ËæpÉËleɪÊɨn /or/ , ËaepÉËlaetÊɨn: ËæpÉËlætÊɨn French), les appalaches often Called, the appalachians are a system of mountains In Eastern. north americahe Appalachian Trail is a 2,175-mile (3,500 km) hiking trail that runs all the way from Mount Katahdin in Maine to Springer Mountain in Georgia, passing over or past a large part of the Appalachian system."
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"In the southern section, the Appalachian Plateau and Valley and Ridge provinces make up the western border of the system and are composed of sedimentary rocks like sandstone, limestone and shale. To the east lie the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Piedmont, composed primarily of metamorphic and igneous rocks."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"By Laura Klappenbach. The Appalachian Mountain Range is an ancient band of mountains that stretches in a southwestern arc from the Canadian province of Newfoundland to central Alabama, the heart of southeastern United States.ome of the places you can see wildlife along the Appalachians include: 1 Appalachian National Scenic Trail (stretches from Maine to Georgia). 2 Cuyahoga Valley National Park (Ohio). 3 Great Smoky Mountains National Park (North Carolina and Tennessee). 4 Shenandoah National Park (Virginia)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Appalachian Mountains. The Appalachian Mountains is a landform region that is located in Canada, presently in Newfoundland, Quebec, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick.This landform region was formed about 480 million years ago due to volcanic activity and was formed throughout the Paleozoic Era.his pollution is damaging vegetation, bodies of water, and wildlife and this results in huge negative impacts on ecosystems. The Appalachian Mountains are very resourceful, yet we need to limit the pollution in this landform region of Canada."
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"The Appalachian Mountain range is one of the oldest continental mountain systems in the world. The tallest mountain in the range is the 6,684-foot Mount Mitchell, located in North Carolina."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Regional metamorphism is associated with mountain building like these rocks on the cliff face of the Black Canyon of The Gunnison. It is mostly a metamorphic rock called gneiss. See picture below. The pink rocks you see are pegmatites which are igneous rocks that have squeezed their way into cracks in the older gneiss."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"the proclamation of 1763. what did the proclamation of 1763 forbid colonists to do. settle west of the appalachian mountains. what was the proclamation of 1763. a law that forbade british colonists to settle west of the appalachian mountains."
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"The trail extends along the Blue Ridge and other high ridges of the Appalachian Mountains from Georgia to Maine. Great Smoky Mountain National Park, photo date 3/86, © J.S. Aber. 1 Valley and Ridge -- Paleozoic sedimentary rocks are thrust and folded into large anticlines and synclines."
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"In the central part of the Appalachian mountains, there is a wide variety of deciduous and coniferous trees. Some vegetation in higher parts are white spruce, balsam fir and black spruce and feather moss.In the lower elevations by rivers are different.ost of the ranges found in the United States. The mountains are for the most part low because of the erosion. Over time the Appalachianâs sharp peaks have eroded and turned into smooth mountains and hills. The Appalachian region also has many rivers."
] |
"Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"what is tilling the soil"
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"What Tilling Is. Tilling is simply turning over and breaking up the soil. Exactly how deep you till and how fine you break up the soil depends on your reason for tilling. To make the task of tilling easier, you can purchase or rent an engine-powered tiller from a garden supply center."
] | [
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"Soil Forming Processes. There are five key processes by which soil is formed, they are: Leaching-leaching is the removal of soluable components of the soil column.lluviation-here soil particles held in suspension, such as clay, are accumulated (eg. deposited). Podsolisation-podsolisation occurs when strongly acid soil solutions cause the breakdown of clay minerals. As a result silica, aluminium and iron form complexes with organic substances in the soil."
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"Leaching is the removal of soil particles that have become dissolved in water, but at that time, of course, there was no soil. There were only rocks and minerals, but these features of the geosphere, along with the chemical elements in the atmosphere and hydrosphere, were enough to set in motion the development of soil."
"represent this text",
"No-till on a farm refers to a practice where farmers do not use tillage methods, such as plowing to disturb the soil (Blanco et al., 2008). When farmers use no-till, they do not disturb the soil until the seed is planted. Things such as old corn stalks and leaves are left on the soil surface (Blanco et al., 2008)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"The purpose of a lawn tiller is to break up hard and compact soil, whereas a garden cultivator like the Husqvarna T300RH petrol cultivator serves to mix up soil that is already loose and stir in compost or fertiliser so that it is ready for planting."
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"I am in the process of mulching and tilling my back garden. The soil is very heavy clay and easily gets water logged. i've been adding organic matter and sand but so far i've not seen much improvement in the soil. What is the best and quickest and cheapest way of turning the soil into good plantable soil."
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"(i) Primary/Properly Tillage: a. The tillage operation which constitutes the initial measure soil working operation. It is normally design to reduce soil strength, cover plant material and rearrange aggregates and mainly for seed bed preparation."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"After you have determined when to till a garden, you can start tilling the dirt. 1 Mark out the area where you will be tilling your soil. 2 Start at one end of the marked out area with your tiller. 3 Slowly make your rows. 4 You will only be tilling the dirt in each row one time."
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"One of the most prominent new techniques is no-till farming, which is done with new machines that cut thin parallel grooves in soil and simultaneously plant seeds, which not only minimizes runoff but reduces a farmerâs cost."
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"Tilling should be done on moist, but not wet, soils. The depth of tilling for most turf establishments should be at least four inches. One or two passes with a rototiller is usually sufficient to mix and loosen soil. Tilling should break the soil into small aggregates, creating a loose, crumbly structure."
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"If you till and keep the ground bare between your plants, youâll have to keep on hoeing throughout the growing season or youâll suffer reduced or nonexistent yields. Thereâs no doubt about it: tilling tears things up, kills off a lot of microorganisms, can pack the soil and leads to wonderful crops of weeds."
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"Primary tillage such as ploughing tends to produce a rough surface finish, whereas secondary tillage tends to produce a smoother surface finish, such as that required to make a good seedbed for many crops.illage can also mean the land that is tilled. The word cultivation has several senses that overlap substantially with those of tillage. In a general context, both can refer to agriculture. Within agriculture, both can refer to any of the kinds of soil agitation described above."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"How to Till a Garden. After you have determined when to till a garden, you can start tilling the dirt. 1 Mark out the area where you will be tilling your soil. 2 Start at one end of the marked out area with your tiller."
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"1. Primary tillage. Primary tillage is the first soil tillage after the last harvest. It is normally conducted when the soil is wet enough to allow plowing and strong enough to give reasonable levels of traction. This can be immediately after the crop harvest or at the beginning of the next wet season."
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"Tillage and planting practices that reduce erosion include contour cultivation and strip-cropping. Contour cultivation is cultivation that follows the contours of a field, producing furrows that run perpendicular or at angles to the slope-line of a field.heet erosion is caused by raindrops. Sheet erosion is defined as the uniform removal of soil in thin layers from sloping land. This, of course, is nearly impossible; in reality the loose soil merely runs off with the rain."
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"Soil Compaction and Conservation Tillage. Soil is a complex medium, but for simplicity we can think of it as a combination of solid mineral and organic particles and pore space. Pore space allows for air and water storage and movement in soils. Compaction squeezes the soil and, since solids do not compress, pore space is reduced."
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"With conventional tillage (complete turning over of the soil), the bare soil is exposed to the erosive action of water, which, in many areas is the major route of soil loss. Under conservation tillage, the crop residue buffers the raindrops' energy, so water has less erosive force when it reaches the soil.onservation tillage is basically any system of cultivating that reduces soil or water loss when compared to conventional moldboard plowing, which turns over the soil completely."
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"Preparation of soil is the first step in cultivating a crop for food production. The soil is prepared for sowing the seeds of the crop, by ploughing, leveling and manuring. Let us now discuss these steps in detail. 1. Ploughing. The process of loosening and upturning the soil is called ploughing."
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"soil quality and fertility and contributes to sequestration of C (Six et al., 2000; Mikha and Rice, 2004; Wright and Hons, 2005a). The impact of tillage modiï¬ cation depends on soil type, residue management practices, and climate (Paustian et al., 1997). Soil aggregate formation and stabilization are linked to SOM dynamics. Aggregation is controlled by microbiota, soil organic C, clay, and carbonate content of the soil (Bronick and Lal, 2005). The distribution of organic C in different aggregate size classes may affect erosion (Eynard et al., 2005). Decomposition of crop residues promotes soil aggregate for-mation (Tisdall and Oades, 1982), which has been shown to protect entrapped organic matter (Hassink et al., 1993; Wander and Bidart, 2000; Wright and Hons, 2005a) thereby contributing to C retention in soils."
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"CHAPTER 6 (Weathering and Soil) 1 1. Weathering is a term which describes the general process by which rocks are broken down at the Earthâs surface into such things as sediments, clays, soils and substances that are dissolved in water. 2. The process of weathering typically begins when the earthâs crust is uplifted by tectonic forces."
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"See more at Wikipedia.org... Till is the mixture of rocks, boulders, and soil picked up by a moving glacier and carried along the path of the ice advance. The glacier deposits this till along its path: on the sides of the ice sheet, at the toe of the glacier when it recedes, and across valley floors when the ice sheet melts. These till deposits are akin to the footprint of a glacier and are used to track the movement of glaciers."
"Represent text",
"Formation of Soil-Weathering and Transportation. Weathering refers to the interaction of rock masses with the atmosphere. Weathering is a geological process and soil obtained from it can broadly be divided into two main categories: residual soil and transported soil."
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"Culture: the art of preparing ground for seed and raising crops by tillage. Agriculture for Beginners Charles William Burkett. tillage is given for several reasons, and one is the destruction of weeds. Crops and Methods for Soil Improvement Alva Agee. Not an acre or a foot of the land is oosur, or unfit for tillage."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Connective tissue (CT) is one of the four types of biological tissue that support, connect, or separate different types of tissues and organs in the body. The other three types are epithelial, muscle, and nervous tissue.Connective tissue is found in between other tissues everywhere in the body, including the nervous system. In the central nervous system the outer membranes, the meninges, that cover the brain and spinal cord are composed of connective tissue.ther kinds of connective tissues include fibrous, elastic, and lymphoid connective tissues. Fibroblasts are the cells responsible for the production of some CT. Type-I collagen, is present in many forms of connective tissue, and makes up about 25% of the total protein content of the mammalian body.']\" Match: \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is the purpose of connective tissue']\"",
"When to Till a Garden. Before you can learn how to till a garden, you need to know when to till a garden. For most people, the best time for tilling dirt is in the spring. Before tilling your soil, you must wait for two things: the soil must be dry enough and warm enough.hen to Till a Garden. Before you can learn how to till a garden, you need to know when to till a garden. For most people, the best time for tilling dirt is in the spring. Before tilling your soil, you must wait for two things: the soil must be dry enough and warm enough."
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"Tilling the field at right angles to the natural slope after drawing up the elevation contour lines is called contour ploughing in soil, prevents and reduces soil erosion. Terrace Farming In terracing, wide steps are cut around the slopes of hills to prevent soil erosion."
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"The definition of a tiller is a person or machine that turns over soil for planting crops, a handle that turns the rudder of a boat, or a shoot growing from the base of a plant. An example of a tiller is a vegetable farmer who uses a plow to turn over the soil in their field."
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"Preparing the land for planting a large vegetable garden or crops can seem like a daunting task. Donât get overwhelmed! For small acreage (under 2-3 acres), you can use a PTO-driven tiller on your tractor to till the soil. You can also hire someone to do the plowing, disking and harrowing."
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"mid-15c., the tilling of land, from Middle French culture and directly from Latin cultura a cultivating, agriculture, figuratively care, culture, an honoring, from past participle stem of colere tend, guard, cultivate, till (see cult). The figurative sense of cultivation through education is first attested c.1500."
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"Methods of conservation tillage Zero tillage (no-till, minimum tillage, or direct seeding). A system where the soil is not disturbed between harvesting one crop and planting the next. It is a crop production where the soil is not traditionally tilled or cultivated although sticks or other planting equipments are used to make the openings for seeds."
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"One of the earliest methods of conservation tillage came to be known as contour plowing, or plowing on the contour. Tilling the soil along the gentle slopes of a piece of cropland, instead of up and down the gradient, prevents fertile topsoil from being carried downhill by flowing rainwater."
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"In contour ploughing, the ruts made by the plow run perpendicular rather than parallel to slopes, generally resulting in furrows that curve around the land and are level. This method is also known for preventing tillage erosion. Tillage erosion is the soil movement and erosion by tilling a given plot of land. A similar practice is contour bunding where stones are placed around the contours of slopes."
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"1 Loosen-up (aerate) the soil. At a minimum, start by raking it vigorously with a dirt rake. 2 Spread the grass seed evenly over the tilled area. You can do it by hand or use a seed spreader for larger areas. Cover the seed with a light layer of soil."
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"Their conclusions draw from over 19 years of collaborated tillage studies. No-till stores more carbon in the soil and carbon in the form of organic matter is a key factor in holding soil particles together. The first inch of no-till soil is two to seven times less vulnerable than that of plowed soil."
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"Put simply, a garden tiller is designed to break up hard, compact soil into loose, broken-up dirt that can then be used for planting. Two different types of garden tillers are available: front-tine, or rear-tine. Here's how they differ."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"by sepe in Home & Garden. A tiller is a commonly used gardening tool used to turn or till the soil prior to planting. Huskee makes power tillers that are gas-powered and available in several sizes. Tractor SupplyTractor Supply Co. began selling its products to ranchers in North Dakota and now sells a variety of residential gardening tools, including the Huskee tiller."
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"Initial tilling, to a depth of at least 5 cm (2 inches), should be completed prior to adding any topsoil or soil amendments. This will control most annual weeds, alleviate subsoil compaction and permit a bonding of the topsoil to the subsoil and improve root penetration and water movement."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\nExample:\nProvided: \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'The Web browser that is launched when a Web address (URL) is clicked by the user in a non-Web application such as an e-mail client (Outlook, Eudora, etc.). Many users have more than one Web browser and can change the default from one to another as desired.']\" Match: \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is default browser?']\"",
"Weathering describes the means by which soil, rocks and minerals are changed by physical and chemical processes into other soil components. Weathering is an integral part of soil development. Depending on the soil-forming factors in an area, weathering may proceed rapidly over a decade or slowly over millions of years.oil Weathering and Soil Formation. Soil formation and development is a dynamic rather than static process. Soils were present when prehistoric animals roamed the Earth and, like those animals, some are no longer present or are preserved only as fossilized soils buried deep beneath our present soil."
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"No Till farming is the process of preparing a seed bed with minimal soil disruption, usually by utilizing equipment that is designed to penetrate crop residue, such as corn stalks from a previous years harvest."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"In no-till farming, crop residues are left on the surface, where the nutrients that result from their decay can leach into the soil. This leaching process is far more thorough than you might imagine. Fertilizersâincluding anhydrous ammonia, phosphorus, and potassiumâare at least as effective on the no-till fields where they've been dispersed as on the plowed plots."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"n cultivation of the land in order to raise crops. tilling the land with a plow. (agriculture) production of food by preparing the land to grow crops (especially on a large scale) Word Family. Usage Examples."
"Represent text",
"After you have determined when to till a garden, you can start tilling the dirt. 1 Mark out the area where you will be tilling your soil. 2 Start at one end of the marked out area with your tiller. 3 Much like you would when you are mowing the lawn, go across the soil one row at a time."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"tilling the soil. Relevance ranks synonyms and suggests the best matches based on how closely a synonymâs sense matches the sense you selected. Complexity sorts synonyms based on their difficulty. Adjust it higher to choose from words that are more complex."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Tillage is normally classified as primary or secondary tillage. While soil puddling can be classified as a secondary tillage its primary purpose is to restrict water movement from the surface layers. Primary tillage is the first soil tillage after the last harvest."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Tillage as a source of erosion. Tillage erosion is the downslope movement of soil by tillage. During tillage, soil is lifted and gravity moves soil downslope. Soil movement by tillage increases with slope steepness. However, net soil transport by tillage is determined by the change in slope."
"Farming is the practice of agriculture by specialized labor in an area primarily devoted to agricultural processes, in service of a dislocated population usually in a city. Tillage is the practice of plowing soil to prepare for planting or for nutrient incorporation or for pest control."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Tiller (botany) A tiller is a stem produced by grass plants, and refers to all shoots that grow after the initial parent shoot grows from a seed. Tillers are segmented, each segment possessing its own two-part leaf. They are involved in vegetative propagation and, in some cases, also seed production."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Tilling the field at right angles to the natural slope after drawing up the elevation contour lines is called contour ploughing in soil, prevents and reduces soil erosion. Terrace Farming In terracing, wide steps are cut around the slopes of hills to prevent soil erosion. Contour ploughing follows the ânatural shapeâ of the slope without altering it. Terrace farming alters the shape of the slope to produce flat areas that provide a catchment for water."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"How to Till a Garden. After you have determined when to till a garden, you can start tilling the dirt. 1 Mark out the area where you will be tilling your soil. 2 Start at one end of the marked out area with your tiller.3 Much like you would when you are mowing the lawn, go across the soil one row at a time.hen to Till a Garden. Before you can learn how to till a garden, you need to know when to till a garden. For most people, the best time for tilling dirt is in the spring. Before tilling your soil, you must wait for two things: the soil must be dry enough and warm enough."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Tillage can also mean the land that is tilled. The word cultivation has several senses that overlap substantially with those of tillage. In a general context, both can refer to agriculture. Within agriculture, both can refer to any of the kinds of soil agitation described above."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"The definition of a tiller is a person or machine that turns over soil for planting crops, a handle that turns the rudder of a boat, or a shoot growing from the base of a plant. 1 An example of a tiller is a vegetable farmer who uses a plow to turn over the soil in their field. 2 An example of a tiller is what a person uses to steer a boat."
"No-till is an agricultural technique which increases the amount of water that infiltrates into the soil and increases organic matter retention and cycling of nutrients in the soil. In many agricultural regions it can reduce or eliminate soil erosion.It increases the amount and variety of life in and on the soil, including disease-causing organisms and disease suppression organisms. The most powerful benefit of no-tillage is improvement in soil biological fertility, making soils more resilient.o-till farming is not equivalent to conservation tillage or strip tillage. Conservation tillage is a group of practices that reduce the amount of tillage needed. No-till and strip tillage are both forms of conservation tillage."
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"No-till farming (also called zero tillage or direct drilling) is a way of growing crops or pasture from year to year without disturbing the soil through tillage."
"Soil and water[edit] No-till farming improves soil quality (soil function), carbon, organic matter, aggregates, protecting the soil from erosion, evaporation of water, and structural breakdown. A reduction in tillage passes helps prevent the compaction of soil."
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"Erosion control. 1 Conservation tillage: It is used as a way to conserve soil and water resources as well as to mitigate the problems of erosion by tilling strips of soil for planting new crops and maintaining untilled portions of the land to serve as anchors for the soil."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Deep, frequent tillage creates a layer of compact soil vulnerable to water erosion, topped by loose soil easily removed by wind. Consider a zero-tillage approach using a coulter or other deep planting device. If this is not feasible, try a ridge-till or mulch-till system that leaves the lower soil levels untouched."
"Tillage erosion is the redistribution of soil through the action of tillage and gravity (Figure 8). It results in the progressive down-slope movement of soil, causing severe soil loss on upper-slope positions and accumulation in lower-slope positions."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Till is derived from the erosion and entrainment of material by the moving ice of a glacier. It is deposited some distance down-ice to form terminal, lateral, medial and ground moraines."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n\nE.g. ['represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Icebreaker (facilitation) An icebreaker is a facilitation exercise intended to help a group to begin the process of forming themselves into a team. Icebreakers are commonly presented as a game to warm up the group by helping the members to get to know each other. They often focus on sharing personal information such as names, hobbies, etc.'] == ['represent text', 'what is icebreaker']",
"Fall Tilling. Improving the soil is best done in the fall. Tilling in soil amendments at that time allows them to settle in and break down over the winter. When spring arrives, the garden is ready for a new crop. You can successfully till the soil for a new garden once it warms up in the spring as long as it's somewhat dry."
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"On the other ⦠hand, secondary tillage is done after primary tillage and it involves breaking the soil particles into smaller pieces and sometimes includes formation of rows for planting.+ 26 others found this useful.econdary tillage is any tilling don after primary tillage and is undertaken for. 1 reducing ped size, 2 weed control, 3 incorporation of fertilizers, 4 puddling and. 5 leveling soil surface."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Till, in geology, unsorted material deposited directly by glacial ice and showing no stratification. Till is sometimes called boulder clay because it is composed of clay, boulders of intermediate sizes, or a mixture of these. The rock fragments are usually angular and sharp rather than rounded, because they are deposited from the ice and have undergone little water transport."
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"The Black and Decker LGC120 garden cultivator/tiller is a cordless garden tool that is the perfect tool for tilling and cultivating garden beds, flower beds and for doing weeding as well. It easily breaks up the soil to allow the water and nutrients to get to the plantâs roots and do the plants the most good."
] |
"Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"is the grand coulee dam in the okanogan highlands"
] | [
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Natural History. Grand Coulee Dam is positioned in an area which sits on the edge of two geologic zones â the Okanogan Highlands and the Columbia Plateau. The dam sits on the solid granitic rock of the Okanogan Highlands, making a perfect base for the dam. The Columbia Plateau to the South consists of layers of softer basalts. The Columbia River in the Grand Coulee region was carved between these two geologic zones."
] | [
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"Grand Coulee is a hydroelectric dam, and part of the Columbia River Hydro System, a series of 14 dams harnessing the energy of the mighty Columbia River. Interestingly, the System is an example of the close ties between Canada and the US in this Pacific Northwest region, as it includes 3 dams above the border."
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"For a picture-perfect view of the Coulee Dam, and great picnic area, cross the Grand Coulee Bridge and turn right to Crown Point State Park (H3). Aside from the viewpoint and shade cover, there are no other amenities here. The byway continues by turning left after the bridge to Grand Coulee Dam (A1)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Okanagan Highland is the source of several rivers in addition to the Kettle and West Kettle, including the Sanpoil River."
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"It is the largest electric power-producing facility in the United States. The proposal to build the dam was the focus of a bitter debate during the 1920s between two groups. One group wanted to irrigate the ancient Grand Coulee with a gravity canal, and the other supported a high dam and pumping scheme."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Confidence votes 298K. The Grand Coulee Dam is located in the state of Washington in the United States. Currently, there are visitors that come to see the dam, with tours of the nearby power plant available nearly every day. The Grand Coulee Dam is located in the state of Washington in the United States."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"I had been going to the Grand Coulee Dam for the laser light show nearly every year for the last 20 years. We hadn't gone in 2-3 years and wow, we were so disappointed to see the new laser show this past week. It is flat AWFUL. What a waste of a vacation evening. The old show was fun, entertaining and educational."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"For the dam, see Grand Coulee Dam. Coulee Dam is a town in Douglas, Grant, and Okanogan counties in the State of Washington. The Douglas County portion of Coulee Dam is part of the WenatcheeâEast Wenatchee Metropolitan Statistical Area. The population was 1,098 as of the 2010 census."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Over time, additions were added to Grand Coulee Dam including the John W. Keys III Pump Generating Plant, completed in 1951, and the Third Power Plant and Forebay Dam in 1975. Today, Grand Coulee Dam is the largest concrete structure and largest producer of hydropower in the United States."
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"The Grand Coulee is an ancient river bed in the U.S. state of Washington. This National Natural Landmark stretches for about 60 miles (100 km) southwest from Grand Coulee Dam to Soap Lake, being bisected by Dry Falls into the Upper and Lower Grand Coulee.he Grand Coulee is part of the Columbia River Plateau. This area has underlying granite bedrock, formed deep in the Earth's crust 40 to 60 Ma (million years ago)."
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"Montane Spruce Zone overlooking Browne Lake in the Okanagan Highland. The Okanagan Highland is a plateau-like hilly area in British Columbia, Canada, and the U.S. state of Washington (where it is spelled Okanogan Highlands)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Laser Light Show. Grand Coulee Dam is truly magnificent to behold. Built from 1933 to 1975, it is 550 feet tall, from the 500 foot wide polished granite base, to the 30-foot wide crest which supports a paved two lane road. When you include the third powerhouse, Grand Coulee Dam is almost 1 mile long."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Grand Coulee Dam, on the Columbia River west of Spokane, Washington, is one of the largest structures ever built by mankind--a mass of concrete standing 550 feet high and 5,223 feet long--or just shy of a mile. Bureau of Reclamation."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Power from the dam helped make the aluminum used by the Boeing Airplane Company in Seattle which churned out a third of the planes used in the war effort, while in Portland, Grand Coulee's power brought 750 big ships to the high seas."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Eastern Washington State's Recreation Capital. Welcome to Eastern Washington State's Recreation Capital - the Grand Coulee Dam Area, presented by the Grand Coulee Dam Area Chamber of Commerce. Shop, dine and stay in the famous Grand Coulee Dam Area for a truly memorable experience."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"2 Contributions. Grand Coulee Dam The Grand Coulee Dam is said to be the largest concrete dam. Currently the world's largest concrete dam is the Itaipu Dam, an accomplishment of two neighborâ¦ing countries, Brazil and Paraguay in South America. Though it isn't finished yet, the Three Gorges (or Sandapong) Dam on the Yangtze River in China will take over as the largest upon its completion, which is slated for 2009."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"For its first approximately 150 miles (241 kilometers) in the United States, the Columbia forms the reservoir behind Grand Coulee Dam. The river then bends west, south and east through central Washington, turns south and then west, and forms the border between Oregon and Washington to the Pacific Ocean."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"(Redirected from Grand Lake (Oklahoma)) Grand Lake o' the Cherokees is situated in Northeast Oklahoma, nestled in the foothills of the Ozark Mountain Range. It is often simply called Grand Lake. It is administered by the Grand River Dam Authority (GRDA)."
"Represent text",
"The visitor center is located at the base of the dam in the town of Coulee Dam, Washington. Daily Free Tours. Grand Coulee Dam is truly magnificent to behold. Built from 1933 to 1975, it is 550 feet tall, from the 500 foot wide polished granite base, to the 30-foot wide crest which supports a paved two lane road."
"In the United States, the Grand Coulee Dam on the Columbia River, Washington, is the largest, with a generating capacity of about 6,800 MW (5th overall worldwide). Photo credit: Le Grand Portage, Wikipedia. To view PDF files, the latest version of Adobe Reader (free of charge) or similar software is needed."
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"Not to be missed. The grand scenery continues along WA-17 from Coulee City to Soap Lake. Just north of Coulee City the road crosses the top of Dry Falls Dam, which holds back Banks Lake. At Ephrata, you have the choice to take WA-283 and join up with I-90 for a spectacular Columbia River Crossing at Vantage."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Grand Coulee Dam is a gravity dam on the Columbia River in the U.S. state of Washington, built to produce hydroelectric power and provide irrigation water. It was constructed between 1933 and 1942, originally with two power plants. A third power station was completed in 1974 to increase its energy production."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Priest Rapids Dam. Priest Rapids Dam is located on the Columbia River, 24 miles south of Vantage and 200 miles downstream from Grand Coulee Dam. The dam was named in recognition of the Wanapum religious leader Smowhalla and the small band of indigenous people who lived during the winter at a village near the last of seven rapids, called Priest Rapids."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"While Big White Mountain, of the Beaverdell Range is the highest summit of the Okanogan Highlands, Mount Bonaparte, at 7,257 feet (2,211.93 meters) in northeastern Okanogan County, Washington State is the tallest summit in the highlands located in the United States."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Columbia River, United States. Washington Stateâs Grand Coulee dam is a classic. Itâs been around since 1933 and remains one of the biggest in the world. It has a generating capacity of 6,809 MW and is currently undergoing major overhauls."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Find Coulee Dam Washington assessor, assessment, auditor's, and appraiser's office, revenue commissions, GIS, and tax equalization departments. Assessors provide information on property and land tax assessment, property listings, values, valuations, property search, and records. Name. Okanogan County Assessor's Office."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Columbia River divides the Okanogan Highlands into two geographic regions-east and west. My primary focus is within the western region south of the Canada / U.S. border. In this blog I'll show portions of the Okanogan Highlands area touching on the landscape, wildlife, ecology, history, geology and archaeology."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Coulee Dam was founded by the U.S Bureau of Reclamation in 1933, to serve as headquarters for construction of the Grand Coulee dam. The Okanogan County portion was known a Mason City, location of the head contractor. The Portions in Douglas and Grant Counties was known as Engineers Town and was government owned."
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"The dam with the largest impoundment is Hoover Dam, on the Colorado River in Nevada, which stores approximately 30 million acre-feet of water. The dam that provides the most hydroelectric power in the United States is Grand Coulee Dam, on the Columbia River in Washington, which generates 6180 megawatts (MW) of power."
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"Inadequate rainfall was a problem but the abundance of water in the Columbia River was the answer. The solution was to build a concrete dam across the Columbia River to raise the water level and divert it south into the Grand Coulee, an immense natural channel which was carved by the Ice Age Floods."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Grand Coulee Dam. This scenic drive is begins in Omak and travels to Othello, but of course, you can do it in either direction. The byway heads east on WA-155, through the Colville Indian Reservation. There is a memorial to the 19th century leader of the Nez Perce tribe, Chief Joseph."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Harvest Festival. Harvest Festival in the scenic Grand Coulee Dam Area is a special event featuring a Pacific Northwest BBQ Association-sanctioned barbecue competition, a motorcycle poker run, community-wide. yard sale, kids activities, food booths, arts & crafts vendors, and beer garden."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Coulee Area Festivals and Events. Every year, several festivals and events are held in the Grand Coulee Dam Area, most of them sponsored by the Grand Coulee Dam Area Chamber of Commerce."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Grand Coulee Dam Area, Washington. Visit this Great Walled Wonder Called the Grand Coulee! The Grand Coulee Dam Area includes the towns of Grand Coulee, Coulee Dam, Electric City and Elmer City. Come for a camping trip or a picnic and swimming at one of our warm lakes. Go fishing from boat or shore."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Day 3 - Coulee Dam to Seattle. For a substantial breakfast try Melody's Restaurant, located in a concrete (the local building material of choice?!) block which also houses the local movie theatre. Melody's overlooks Grand Coulee Dam, the town's main attraction and one of the largest concrete structures in the world."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"About us. Guests come from around the world to explore the beauty of Grand Coule Dam, just minutes away from the comfortable Ephrata inn Motel. However, others are here for a fantastic concert at the Gorge Amphitheater. From Sun Lakes to days-long music festivals, thereâs something for everyone near the Ephrata Inn Motel."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Grand Coulee: Harnessing a Dream by Paul C. Pitzer and Isabel Valle. Informative book providing an in-depth look at the dam as well as the political decisions that allowed the dam to be built. Learn about the history of the dam from its first conception to modern times. Order now... Hidden Washington: Including Seattle, Puget Sound, San Juan Islands, Olympic Peninsula, Cascades and Columbia River Gorge (Hidden Travel) by Eric Lucas. This author gets to know each community by going from neighborhood to neighborhood."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Coulee Dam is a town in Douglas, Grant, and Okanogan counties in the State of Washington. The Douglas County portion of Coulee Dam is part of the Wenatchee-East Wenatchee Metropolitan Statistical Area. The Okanogan County potion lies within the Colville Indian Reservation, and forms the southern limit of the Okanogan Highlands."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Grand Coulee Dam, on the Columbia River west of Spokane, Washington, is one of the largest structures ever built by mankind--a mass of concrete standing 550 feet high and 5,223 feet long, or just shy of a mile. Grand Coulee contains 12 million cubic yards of concrete, or enough to build a highway from Seattle to Miami."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Generally speaking when referring to the Highlands its Okanagan when in Canada and Okanogan when state-side. Historically when referring the native peoples it is/was Okanagan, but referencing the Colville Tribal web-site one notes the use of Okanogan."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Priest Rapids Dam is located on the Columbia River, 24 miles south of Vantage and 200 miles downstream from Grand Coulee Dam. The dam was named in recognition of the Wanapum religious leader Smowhalla and the small band of indigenous people that lived during the winter at a village near the last of seven rapids, called Priest Rapids. A small group of the Wanapum continues to live alongside the tailrace of the dam."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Columbia River Basin in Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Montana & Wyoming. Reclamation. Pacific Northwest Region. Grand Coulee Dam."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Grand Coulee Dam, Hydroelectric Dams in the United States. Grand Coulee Dam is a hydroelectric dam in the United States. This dam is the largest dam in the United States, located on the Columbia River. Dam is a dam made of the structure of the concrete, it is amazing if the tourists visiting the Grand Coulee Dam and see the beauty of this dam."
"represent this\n\n\nExamples:\nProvided: \"['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'For 30 years, the Berlin Wall was the defining symbol of the Cold War, separating families and keeping the people from jobs and opportunity in the west. For nearly 30 years the Berlin Wall stood as a concrete manifestation of the Iron Curtain, preventing citizens in communist East Germany from fleeing to democratic, capitalist West Berlin.']\" Match: \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'why is the berlin wall important']\"",
"exists and is an alternate of . The Grand Coulee Dam is located in the state of Washington in the United States. Currently, there are visitors that come to see the dam, with tours of the nearby power plant available nearly every day. The Grand Coulee Dam is located in the state of Washington in the United States."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"May 28 September 14: 10 a.m., 11 a.m., noon, 1 p.m., 2p.m., 3 p.m., 4 p.m., & 5 p.m. Sept 15 Sept 30: 10am, noon, 2 pm & 4 pm. Visitor Center Shuttle to ride across top of the dam, with a stop on the spillway. Because tour times can change, please contact the Grand Coulee Dam Visitor Center at. (509) 633-9265 Open 7 days a week ~ see hours below."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"Rivers within the Okanogan Highlands include the Columbia Okanogan River, the Kettle River and West Kettle River, the Grandby River the Similkameen River and the San Poil River. The Columbia River divides the Okanogan Highlands into two geographic regions - east and west."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Finally, gravity dams are huge dams that are constructed to hold back water using only their own weight. To do this, they are constructed using extensive amounts of concrete, making them difficult and expensive to build. The Grand Coulee Dam in the U.S. state of Washington is a gravity dam."
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"Never the less, the hatchery is a key element of a comprehensive restoration and enhancement program for the Lake Roosevelt and Banks Lake fisheries, the two water bodies/reservoirs created by Grand Coulee Dam."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The idea for Grand Coulee Dam was born in 1918 in the dusty little town of Ephrata, Washington."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Grand Lake o' the Cherokees is situated in Northeast Oklahoma, nestled in the foothills of the Ozark Mountain Range. It is often simply called Grand Lake. It is administered by the Grand River Dam Authority (GRDA)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Across the street from the Grand Coulee Dam Visitor's Center / AAA rated / private decks / outdoor heated pool and Jacuzzi / European sauna / fitness center / fiber optics / cable TV / non-smoking rooms / no pets / guest laundry / senior discount available / conference room / 34 units. 401 Coulee Blvd."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Moses Lake, Washington. Before the construction of Grand Coulee Dam on the Columbia River in 1941 and Larson Air Base in 1942 the area was largely barren. Native Americans knew the area as Houaph, which meant willow."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Grand Coulee Dam is truly magnificent to behold. Built from 1933 to 1975, it is 550 feet tall, from the 500 foot wide polished granite base, to the 30 foot wide crest which supports a paved two lane road. When you include the third power house, Grand Coulee Dam is almost 1 mile long."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Grand Coulee Dam could produce up to 6.5 million kilowatts of electricity and has great benefits for the surrounding community. This is because the Grand Coulee Dam can irrigate more than half a million hectares of agricultural land."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\n\n\nThe provided query could be \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.', 'Distance, Gas Consumption and Emission Notes. Distance from Warsaw, Poland to Kraków, Poland is 183Miles or 295 Km. You can get this distance about 4 hours 7 mins. If you want to planning travel with plane for 157 Miles or 253 Km, You can get this distance about 50 mins . A car with an average MPG will needs 8.47 gallons of gas to get the route between these points.']\" and the positive \"['', 'distances between cities in poland']\"",
"Also, we copied what Mother Nature did in the past. During the last Ice Age (13,000+ years ago) the Cordilleran Ice Sheet blocked the Columbia River at the spot where the dam sits today. The ice formed a huge dam about 500 feet taller than Grand Coulee Dam."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"77 people died in building the original high dam. 4 more people died in the building of the Third Power Plant at Grand Coulee Dam in the 70's and early 80's. 20 people found this useful. Edit."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The height of Three Gorges is about 594 feet (181 meters (m)) and the length is about 7,770 feet (2, 335 m). The dam creates the Three Gorges Reservoir, which has a surface area of about 400 square miles (1,045 square kilometers) and extends upstream from the dam about 370 miles (600 kilometers). In the United States, the Grand Coulee Dam on the Columbia River, Washington, is the largest, with a generating capacity of about 6,800 MW (5th overall worldwide)."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"138 Miller Ave., Electric City, WA 99123 / 509.633.0290 / 800.708.3014. The only lakeside motel in the Grand Coulee Dam Area / Beach front / hot tub / heated outdoor pool / awesome views of Banks Lake / TV / high speed internet / handicap accessibility / 21 units (5 units with kitchens) / non-smoking."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"During the darkest days of the Depression when construction was started on Grand Coulee Dam, everything about it was described in superlatives."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Set between the Rocky Mountains to the east and the Cascade Mountains to the west the Okanogan Highlands is not only a geographic area but a geologic region of the inland Pacific Northwest. This area encompasses portions of southern British Columbia, Canada, and northeastern Washington State in the U.S.A."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Fish ladder, or pass, at Bonneville Dam on the Columbia River, between Oregon and Washington. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. Grand Coulee Dam, the largest and most complex of the Columbiaâs dams, augments the low winter flows when power demand is greatest."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Grand Coulee Dam, one of the largest concrete structures in the world, is an awesome sight. After decades of planning, it was built over an 8-year period, starting in 1933, as a depression relief project."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A moderate earthquake at 9:42 a.m. shook the ground in southeast Okanogan County in north of Nespelem Washington. It was measured at a magnitude of 4.3 and was felt over a wide area, law enforcement officials said. No damage or injuries were reported after the shaking. The â¦. A magnitude 4.3 earthquake struck about 25 miles north of the Grand Coulee Dam on Tuesday, Sept. 1."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"Directly to the west and above the Grand Coulee Dam, the North Dam was constructed. This dam, along with the Dry Falls Dam to the south, enclosed and created Banks Lake, which covered the northern 27 mi (43 km) of the Grand Coulee."
] |
"A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"average salary for wastewater treatment operators"
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Wastewater Treatment Operator Salary. Wastewater Treatment Operator average salary is $35,000, median salary is $- with a salary range from $35,000 to $35,000. Wastewater Treatment Operator salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position."
] | [
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers Given ['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', \"Okinawa is a region in the southernmost part of Japan where inhabitants have traditionally had the longest lifespans on earth. The Okinawan diet is made up mostly of vegetables and legumes, especially soy. It's low in calories and fat, and high in complex carbohydrates. Most of those carbohydrates come from vegetables, with only a small amount of grains or seeds, and no sugar or refined sweets.\"], a positive would be ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what do okinawans eat']",
"As of Jan 2018, the average pay for a Refinery Operator is $26.79 /hr or $72,225 annually."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"The lowest 10 percent earned less than $27,120, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $70,940. Most water and waste treatment plant and system operators work full time. Plants operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In small plants, operators are likely to work during the day and be on call nights and weekends."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Water Treatment Plant Laboratory Technician average salary is $-, median salary is $- with a salary range from $- to $-. Water Treatment Plant Laboratory Technician salaries are collected from government agencies and companies. Each salary is associated with a real job position.Water Treatment Plant Laboratory Technician salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only.They are presented as is and updated regularly.ater Treatment Plant Laboratory Technician salary is full-time annual starting salary. Intern, contractor and hourly pay scale vary from regular exempt employee. Compensation depends on work experience, job location, bonus, benefits and other factors."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) predicts that positions for water and wastewater treatment plant and system operators will increase by 8% between 2012 and 2022. This is about the same as most other jobs across the country."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Salary by Industry. The BLS reported in May 2012 that most probation officers and correctional treatment specialists were employed by state and local governments, with average salaries of $52,840 and $53,110, respectively.alary by Location. The highest probation officer and correctional treatment specialist employment level was found in California, Texas, Florida, New York and Pennsylvania. Average salaries were $75,370 in California, $40,450 in Texas, $38,800 in Florida, $66,070 in New York and $49,920 in Pennsylvania."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A Refinery Operator with mid-career experience which includes employees with 5 to 10 years of experience can expect to earn an average total compensation of $79,000 based on 47 salaries. An experienced Refinery Operator which includes employees with 10 to 20 years of experience can expect to earn an average total compensation of $84,000 based on 30 salaries."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Those in the early stages of their career can expect to make around $38K; however, individuals with five to 10 years of experience bring in $44K on average â a distinctly larger sum. Water Treatment Operators see a median salary of $46K after reaching one to two decades on the job."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Water and wastewater treatment plant and system operators held about 117,000 jobs in 2014, of which 78 percent were in local government. About 11 percent worked for water, sewage, and other systems utilities."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"(4) Experience gained as a certified wastewater treatment operator (not an OIT) may be used to substitute up to 2 years of the general experience requirement. Wastewater treatment operator experience is credited on a two-for-one basis (2 months in wastewater = 1 month in drinking water)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"According to the BLS, the following industries reported the highest national mean water and wastewater treatment plant and system operator salaries in 2012: 1 Metal Ore Mining: $65,420. 2 State Government: $64,400. 3 Scientific Research and Development Services: $62,110."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"National Salary Statistics. Chemical plant operators earn an average of $54,920 per year as of May 2011, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Indeed, 80 percent of all workers in this occupation reported salaries of between $34,430 and $74,480 per year."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Water and wastewater treatment plant and system operators held about 117,000 jobs in 2014. About 78% of water and wastewater treatment plant and system operators worked for local governments. About 11 percent worked for water, sewage, and other systems utilities."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"Pay by Experience for a Water Treatment Operator has a positive trend. An entry-level Water Treatment Operator with less than 5 years of experience can expect to earn an average total compensation of $38,000 based on 416 salaries provided by anonymous users. Average total compensation includes tips, bonus, and overtime pay."
"A Septic Tank Servicer or Sewer Pipe Cleaner can get wages of somewhere between 24000 and 36000 depending on the level of education. Septic Tank Servicers and Sewer Pipe Cleaners will most likely receive an average pay level of Thirty Three Thousand Seven Hundred dollars every year. Septic Tank Servicers and Sewer Pipe Cleaners receive the highest pay in Connecticut, which has job pay of close to $46600. This group of people have the most lucrative average salary level in Other Services (except Public Administration), where they can receive an average salary rate of $39630."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The average salary for ethanol plant operator jobs is $46,000. Average ethanol plant operator salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits. This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term ethanol plant operator anywhere in the job listing."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Compare your salary with the national and state salaries for Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant and System Operators. Make more money as a Water or Wastewater Treatment Plant or System Operator. Find out how much a Water or Wastewater Treatment Plant or System Operator get paid in your area."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"An entry level crematory operator (1-3 years of experience) earns an average salary of $23,033. On the other end, a senior level crematory operator (8+ years of experience) earns an average salary of $40,619."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Employment of water and wastewater treatment plant and system operators is projected to grow 6 percent from 2014 to 2024, about as fast as the average for all occupations. A growing population and increased demand for water and wastewater treatment services will drive employment growth."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n------\n\nFor instance, <<['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'SIP ALG should be disable into the router. I have manage to run following command to disable SIP ALG, no ip nat service sip udp port 5060. I cannot find any other command to disable SIP ALG. IP Phone provider said SIP ALG should be disable router wide and not just specific to one port. have manage to run following command to disable SIP ALG, no ip nat service sip udp port 5060. I cannot find any other command to disable SIP ALG. IP Phone provider said SIP ALG should be disable router wide and not just specific to one port.']>> to <<['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is sip alg cisco']>>",
"Common Career Paths for Water Treatment Operator. At the upper end, Water Treatment Operators who move into an Operations Manager role can end up with a hefty increase in pay. The average income for Operations Managers is a much higher $59K per year. It is not uncommon for a Water Treatment Operator to continue on to become a Water Plant Operator or a Water Treatment Plant Manager."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"A sizeable majority of Refinery Operators in the United States are men. In this role, average pay is around $27.01 per hour. Location is the biggest factor affecting pay for this group, followed by career duration. Most workers in this position report high levels of job satisfaction. Most report receiving medical coverage from their employers and a large number collect dental insurance."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The average salary for waste water treatment jobs is $56,000. Average waste water treatment salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits. This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term waste water treatment anywhere in the job listing."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Water treatment worker Water quality technician, water treatment operator. Water quality technicians clean drinking water and process wastewater. Salary: £14,500 to £32,000 average per year. Hours: 37 to 40 per week."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A sizeable majority of Refinery Operators in the United States are men. In this role, average pay is around $27.01 per hour. Location is the biggest factor affecting pay for this group, followed by career duration. Most workers in this position report high levels of job satisfaction."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Because of that, the BLS found that probation officers and correctional treatment specialists earned an annual average salary of $53,360 as of May 2014. A correctional treatment specialists salary will depend greatly on education, experience, and location. The BLS estimates the salary range as $32,810 to $83,920."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Employment of water and wastewater treatment plant and system operators is projected to grow 8 percent from 2012 to 2022, about as fast as the average for all occupations. Job prospects are expected to be excellent."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"What Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant and System Operators Do. Water and wastewater treatment plant and system operators manage a system of machines, often through the use of control boards, to transfer or treat water or wastewater."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"How much do water treatment operators make? As of this year, water treatment operators with 1 to 4 years experience earn average annual salaries between $29,295 and $42,202. Those with 5 to 9 years experience earn average annual salaries between $29,051 and $47,397."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Water Treatment Plant Operator/supervisor. Supervised, over 7,000 subordinates in the production over 12,000,000 gallons of Potable Water/Recipient of (10) performance-based awards. Maintenance Supervisor for $141,000,000 worth of assets/Received (3) performance-based accelerated promotions."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Average Ethanol Plant Operator Salaries. The average salary for ethanol plant operator jobs is $46,000. Average ethanol plant operator salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A Water Treatment Operator earns an average wage of C$22.66 per hour. People in this job generally don't have more than 20 years' experience."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A sizeable majority of Refinery Operators in the United States are men. In this role, average pay is around $27.01 per hour. Location is the biggest factor affecting pay for this group, followed by career duration."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"How much does a Waste Water Treatment Technician I make? The median annual Waste Water Treatment Technician I salary is $38,859, as of July 29, 2016, with a range usually between $33,023-$47,145, however this can vary widely depending on a variety of factors."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"For example the median expected annual pay for a typical Waste Water Treatment Technician I in the United States is $38,859, so 50% of the people who perform the job of Waste Water Treatment Technician I in the United States are expected to make less than $38,859. Percentile. Location."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"A Paving, Surfacing, or Tamping Equipment Operator can earn wages ranging between 24000 to 36000 based on tenure and industry expertise. Paving, Surfacing, and Tamping Equipment Operators can get a salary of Thirty Eight Thousand Five Hundred dollars on a yearly basis. Paving, Surfacing, and Tamping Equipment Operators can receive the highest pay in Hawaii, which has pay of just about $62830. These professionals can receive the best pay in Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services, where they get compensation, on average, of $49330."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"For instance, the BLS reports that the following states offered the highest mean waste and wastewater treatment plant and system operator salaries in 2012: 1 California: $64,400. 2 District of Columbia: $57,870. 3 Washington: $56.690."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"For example the median expected annual pay for a typical Waste Water Treatment Plant Manager in the United States is $78,396 so 50% of the people who perform the job of Waste Water Treatment Plant Manager in the United States are expected to make less than $78,396.Source: HR Reported data as of October 2015.ur team of Certified Compensation Professionals has analyzed survey data collected from thousands of HR departments at companies of all sizes and industries to present this range of annual salaries for people with the job title Waste Water Treatment Plant Manager in the United States."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"An entry level chemical water treatment plant operator (1-3 years of experience) earns an average salary of $34,140. On the other end, a senior level chemical water treatment plant operator (8+ years of experience) earns an average salary of $56,165."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"For example the median expected annual pay for a typical Waste Water Treatment Plant Manager in the United States is $78,396 so 50% of the people who perform the job of Waste Water Treatment Plant Manager in the United States are expected to make less than $78,396."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Waste Water Plant Operator Salary. (United States). The average rate for a Waste Water Plant Operator is $17.53 per hour. A skill in Operations Management is associated with high pay for this job."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"The average worker who claims fewer than five years of experience earns around $56K. In contrast, however, individuals who report five to 10 years in this occupation see a much larger median of $79K. For Refinery Operators, 10 to 20 years of experience on the job amounts to an average salary of $82K. More than 20 years of experience mean a somewhat bigger median paycheck of $85K, but it's not much more than what less experienced people make."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Employment of water and wastewater treatment plant and system operators is projected to grow 8 percent from 2012 to 2022, about as fast as the average for all occupations. A growing population and increased demand for water and wastewater treatment services will drive employment growth.ater and wastewater treatment plant and system operators must have the ability to apply data to formulas that determine treatment requirements, flow levels, and concentration levels. Mechanical skills. Water and wastewater treatment plant and system operators must know how to work with machines and use tools."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Career advancement for the typical Water Treatment Operator often leads to becoming a Water Treatment Plant Manager or a Water Superintendent; median salaries in these positions are $15K higher and $15K higher, respectively.en make up the majority of Water Treatment Operators in the United States, bringing in about $17.67 per hour. The pay spectrum stretches from $12.33 per hour to $25.63. Career length is the biggest factor affecting pay for this group, followed by geography."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Employment of water and wastewater treatment plant and system operators is projected to grow 8 percent from 2012 to 2022, about as fast as the average for all occupations. Job prospects are expected to be excellent.ater and wastewater treatment plant and system operators must have the ability to apply data to formulas that determine treatment requirements, flow levels, and concentration levels. Mechanical skills. Water and wastewater treatment plant and system operators must know how to work with machines and use tools."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Sewer Maintenance Worker salary The average Sewer Maintenance Worker salary in USA is $40,675 per year or $21 per hour. This is around 1.4 times more than the Median wage of the country."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"For example the median expected annual pay for a typical Waste Water Treatment Technician I in the United States is $38,859, so 50% of the people who perform the job of Waste Water Treatment Technician I in the United States are expected to make less than $38,859. Source: HR Reported data as of August 2016."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Pay by Experience for a Refinery Operator has a positive trend. An entry-level Refinery Operator with less than 5 years of experience can expect to earn an average total compensation of $58,000 based on 85 salaries provided by anonymous users. Average total compensation includes tips, bonus, and overtime pay."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The median total yearly operating cost was approximately $1000. Only 16 percent of the values exceed $2700; this conservative value is reasonable for estimating purposes. Conventional Plant Operating Costs Operating cost data for 26 conventional sewage treatment plants were availÂable for analysis."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Refinery Operator Salary Male Refinery Operators number significantly more than their female counterparts, and average earnings in this role come out to $27.03 per hour in the United States. The specific employer is the biggest factor affecting pay for this group, followed by geography and experience level."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Those in the early stages of their career can expect to make around $58K; however, individuals with five to 10 years of experience bring in $79K on average â a distinctly larger sum. Refinery Operators see a median salary of $84K after reaching one to two decades on the job. Refinery Operators who surpass 20 years on the job report pay that isn't as high as one would expect; the median compensation for this crowd sits around $86K."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries E.g.:\n['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'Osteichthyes /Ë\\x8cÉ\\x92stiË\\x90Ë\\x88ɪkθi.iË\\x90z/ , also called bony fish, are a taxonomic group of fish that have bone, as opposed to cartilaginous, skeletons.The vast majority of fish are osteichthyes, which is an extremely diverse and abundant group consisting of 45 orders, and over 435 families and 28,000 species.It is the largest class of vertebrates in existence today.Osteichthyes are divided into the ray-finned fish (Actinopterygii) and lobe-finned fish (Sarcopterygii).The oldest known fossils of bony fish are about 420 million years ago, which are also transitional fossils, showing a tooth pattern that is in between the tooth rows of sharks and bony fishes.t is the largest class of vertebrates in existence today. Osteichthyes are divided into the ray-finned fish (Actinopterygii) and lobe-finned fish (Sarcopterygii).'] == ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what are osteichthyes']",
"The average chemical water treatment plant operator salary in United States is $46,161 or an equivalent hourly rate of $22. In addition, they earn an average bonus of $706. Salary estimates based on salary survey data collected directly from employers and anonymous employees in United States."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Average Water Treatment Plant Operator Yearly Salary in Florida. Water Treatment Plant Operators earn a median salary of $45,150 per year. Salaries typically start from $31,570 and go up to $64,510. Learn more about the Water Treatment Plant Operator job market for salaries of real jobs in your area."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Average Water Distribution Operator Salaries. The average salary for water distribution operator jobs is $40,000. Average water distribution operator salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"An experienced Water Treatment Operator which includes employees with 10 to 20 years of experience can expect to earn an average total compensation of $46,000 based on 200 salaries. A Water Treatment Operator with late-career experience which includes employees with greater than 20 years of experience can expect to earn an average total compensation of $51,000 based on 68 salaries."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Earnings vary with the size of the plant and its location; and the duties and skills of the operator, as well as their education, experience, and certification. Fringe benefits for water and wastewater treatment plant operators are like those of other city, county, special district employees."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Sewer Maintenance Worker salary. The average Sewer Maintenance Worker salary in USA is $40,675 per year or $21 per hour. This is around 1.4 times more than the Median wage of the country. Entry level positions start at $28,000 while most experienced workers make up to $57,000. These results are based on 47 salaries extracted from job descriptions."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"For example the median expected annual pay for a typical Waste Water Treatment Technician I in the United States is $37,998, so 50% of the people who perform the job of Waste Water Treatment Technician I in the United States are expected to make less than $37,998. Source: HR Reported data as of October 2015.1 Salary.his chart describes the expected percentage of people who perform the job of Waste Water Treatment Technician I that make less than that salary. For example 50% of the people who perform the job of Waste Water Treatment Technician I are expected to make less than the median."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The average chemical water treatment plant operator salary in the United States is $46,161 or an equivalent hourly rate of $22. Salary estimates based on salary survey data collected directly from employers and anonymous employees in the United States"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Water Treatment Plant Laboratory Technician Salary. (United States). The average Water Treatment Plant Laboratory Technician in the United States earns approximately $16.87 per hour. Pay ranges from $11.63 per hour on the low end to $26.09 on the high end.Work is enjoyable for Water Treatment Plant Laboratory Technicians, who typically claim high levels of job satisfaction.A large number enjoy medical while a fair number get dental coverage. Vision coverage is also available to approximately half.ay ranges from $11.63 per hour on the low end to $26.09 on the high end. Work is enjoyable for Water Treatment Plant Laboratory Technicians, who typically claim high levels of job satisfaction. A large number enjoy medical while a fair number get dental coverage. Vision coverage is also available to approximately half."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The average Sewer Maintenance Worker salary in USA is $40,675 per year or $21 per hour. With neuvoo's salary tool, you can search and compare thousands of salaries in your region. Search jobs"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"Average Industrial Sewer Salaries. The average salary for industrial sewer jobs is $49,000. Average industrial sewer salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits. This salary was calculated using the average salary for all jobs with the term industrial sewer anywhere in the job listing."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"Water Treatment Operator Salary A Water Treatment Operator earns an average wage of $18.56 per hour. Most people with this job move on to other positions after 20 years in this career. A skill in Operations Management is associated with high pay for this job."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries:",
"The average salary for water distribution operator jobs is $40,000. Average water distribution operator salaries can vary greatly due to company, location, industry, experience and benefits."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"The average salary for water & sewer worker jobs is $69,021*."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Average salaries for inexperienced employees average out to around $50K, but folks who have five to 10 years of experience earn a higher median of $54K. Chemical Plant Operators claiming one to two decades of experience make an estimated median of $57K.n the world of Chemical Plant Operators, overall income ranges from $31K near the bottom to $80K at the top; this can include more than $4K from bonuses and more than $8K from profit sharing in exceptional cases. Nearly all enjoy medical while most get dental coverage."
] |
"Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"us shoe size width"
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Shoe Width Guide. The standard (medium) width for women is B, while the standard width for men is D. Shoe boxes and labels will only identify widths other than standard. Within the shoes, wide and narrow widths are identified on the label, underneath the tongue â ie. T005N(2E)."
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"2BigFeet.com specializes in large shoes for men. We have shoes from size 14 up to size 21 and widths up to 9E in men's shoes. We carry a wide selection of big footwear for men including athletic, casual, dress, boots, work shoes and boots, sandals, slippers, therapeutic shoes and more. 2BigFeet has been fitting big feet since 1999."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Making the world better, one answer at a time. The most popular women's shoe size is US 7.5 or Eur 39/40. Twenty-nine percent of women wear this size. The most popular women's shoe size is US 7.5 or Eur 39/40. Twenty-nine percent of women wear this size."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"According to a 2012 report by the National Shoe Retailers Association, the average American woman's shoe size is between size 8 1/2 and 9. This is a worldwide trend, as a 2012 British report found... According to a 2012 report by the National Shoe Retailers Association, the average American woman's shoe size is between size 8 1/2 and 9."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"the largest shoe size ever made for a person was a 37 but that's not what you asked. the largest shoes ever made are 529 centimeters long. & these would be roughly size 512 if they had a standard shoe size. & would need someone 125 feet tall to fill them."
"represent text",
"Report Abuse. 1 Shoe Width S. 2 For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/awmWe. 3 Either small of slender."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Shoe size is an alphanumerical indication of the fitting size of a shoe for a person. Often it just consists of a number indicating the length because many shoemakers only provide a standard width for economic reasons."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The high street chain is now considering stocking size 13 and 14 as a standard fitting across all of its ranges. Currently, the largest shoe it stocks as standard is a 12, but demand for this size has now outstripped size 7, which was the standard measurement 30 years ago. Medical experts believe that Britain's obesity epidemic is fuelling the increase in shoe size."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"You can convert womenâs shoe sizes to big kidsâ shoe sizes, but not to little kidsâ shoe sizes. To convert your womenâs shoe size to a big kidsâ shoe size, simply subtract 2 sizes from your womenâs shoe size. For example, a womenâs size 7 shoe is equivalent to a big kidsâ size 5 shoe."
"represent the following document",
"How to convert your women's shoe size to a men's shoe size. There is an approximate 1.5-size difference between men's and women's sizing. For example, a men's size 7 is roughly equivalent to a women's size 8.5. Widths, however, remain the same during conversion: if you wear a women's D width, you will also wear a men's D width. This table shows size conversions between women's and men's shoes. In most styles, the smallest men's size offered is 5.5:"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"First: Measure your foot width (see our How to Measure Shoe Size-guide.) Then: Find your European (EU) shoe size in the shoe width chart below (left column), and find the shoe width corresponding to your foot width."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Converting US shoe sizes to European is not as difficult, but it certainly can be a little confusing. When you convert US to European shoe size, it is the half sizes, which actually pose the challenge. For example, the US shoe size 2.5 for men is 35 European size."
"Shoe width is usually described with a letter or group of letters, such as âDâ or âEEEE.â Sometimes, the letters are replaced by a combination of letters and numbers, such as â4E.â Itâs important to note that the width sizing is also dependent on your footâs length."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"A shoe size is an indication of the fitting size of a shoe for a person. There are a number of different shoe-size systems used worldwide. While all of them use a number to indicate the length of the shoe, they differ in exactly what they measure, what unit of measurement they use, and where the size 0 (or 1) is positioned. Some systems also indicate the shoe width, sometimes also as a number, but in many cases by one of more letters."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"5'6 and size 12. To my fellow non-Americans, look up shoe size on Wikipedia and you can get it converted."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Most European sized shoes only come in medium width. A more medical brand tends to run wider than a fashion shoe brand. A diabetic shoe that comes in a wide width is more likely to provide a roomy fit. The difference in measurement between an E and and EE is 1/8 of an inch."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Other systems are for either gender. Shoe-size-conversion-table-UK-US-EU-Japan-Korea-Russia-Mexico-Inches-Cm Girl's Shoe Sizes Boys Shoe Sizes Kengaen kengän Kokotaulukko kansainvaelinen Kansainvälinen muunnostaulukko a shoe size is an alphanumerical indication of the fitting size of a shoe for. a personurther, size 0 (or 1) can just be a shoe with a given length, typically the shortest length deemed practical. This can be different for children's, teenagers's, men's, and women's shoes, making it impossible to compare sizes. For example, a women's shoe at size 8 is a different length from a men's shoe at size 8."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"1. Measure Your Feet. 1 Let us show you how to measure your feet width our Shoe Size Measure Guide (opens in a new window). 2 After measuring your feet, simply check our Men's Show Width Chart (opens in new window) to determine your actual shoe width size."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"There are three main shoe sizes in the world American, European, and Australian. A size 10 in ladies in Australian is equal to a size 42 in European sizing."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"While sizing may vary depending on the manufacturer, in most cases, a B in a woman's shoe size indicates a normal or regular-width shoe, and a B in a man's shoe is a narrow width. A normal or... While sizing may vary depending on the manufacturer, in most cases, a B in a woman's shoe size indicates a normal or regular-width shoe, and a B in a man's shoe is a narrow width."
"represent the next text",
"A shoe size is an indication of the fitting size of a shoe for a person. There are a number of different shoe-size systems used worldwide. While all of them use a number to indicate the length of the shoe, they differ in exactly what they measure, what unit of measurement they use, and where the size 0 (or 1) is positioned. Some systems also indicate the shoe width, sometimes also as a number, but in many cases by one or more letters."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Claus here-Lady Liberty's US Women's Shoe Size based on the standard formula would be a size 879 - that is some big shoe! Reagan Doran 0 6 years ago."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Let us introduce to you: shoe width (applause!) Since people with the same foot length often have different foot width, you also need to deal with a shoe width sizing system (in addition to the ordinary shoe size length system)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Shoe Widths Indicated by Letters. Shoe widths are indicated by letters from the alphabet. In men's shoes, letters most commonly used are C, D and E. In women's shoes, the most common letters are AA and B. There are other letters used for extreme sizes, but they're harder to find."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Shoes come in many different widths in addition to the standard length size. These different widths accommodate people with wider or narrower feet than the standard width. Widths use letters as a scale instead of numbers; as the widths increase, so do the letters. On the narrow end of the spectrum, more A's means a narrower shoe, while on the wide end, more E's means a wider shoe."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Quick Answer. According to a 2012 report by the National Shoe Retailers Association, the average American woman's shoe size is between size 8 1/2 and 9. This is a worldwide trend, as a 2012 British report found that the average British woman wears a British size 6, or U.S. size 8 shoe. Continue Reading."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.\n------\nGiven ['Represent the next text', \"The capital of the Mexican state of Chihuahua is the city of the same name (Chihuahua) located at the following coordinates: (28°38'7''N, 106°5'20''W).\"], a positive would be ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is the capital city in Chihuahua']",
"I wear a shoe size 38.am frm india.but wen i tried to buy shoes frm onlin.they are asking for shoe sizes in us or euro..so wat shoe size shud i order? B m d m what does it mean shoe sizes What does 9 1/2 m/w mean on boys sandals? what width are these? medium or wide?"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Size. Shoe molding commonly measures 1/2 inch in thickness and 3/4 inch in width. It is available in various lengths including six-foot and 12-foot. Before buying, measure your walls to determine the amount of molding needed."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"Shoe sizes differ all over Europe. The French shoe size is not the same as the German or the British. For example a foot with a length of 28 cm is a German 44 (= 44 times 1/4 of an inch = 44 x 0.635 cm = 27.94 cm) and a French 42 (42 times 2/3 of a cm = 42 x 0,6667 cm = 28 cm).Male and female sizes in Britain are identical. They differ from US sizes.he claim: ... with shoe sizes increasing in ½ rather than the â
cm intervals found in the European scheme. is contradicted by the table, e.g. 260 mm ist size 39, 300 mm is size 45, so for a difference of 40 mm, there are 6 sizes, 1 size thus equals 0.666 cm. Other, small differences are probably caused by rounding."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"A shoe size is an alphanumerical indication of the fitting size of a shoe for a person. Often it just consists of a number indicating the length because many shoemakers only provide a standard width for economic reasons. There are several different shoe-size systems that are used worldwide."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Claus here-Lady Liberty's US Women's Shoe Size based on the standard formula would be a size 879 - that is some big shoe! Reagan Doran 0 6 years ago. Claus here-Lady Liberty's US Women's Shoe Size based on the standard formula would be a size 879 - that is some big shoe!"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Convert your shoe size to the Dansko designation. The Dansko Professional clog comes in European whole sizes only. In general, a U.S. shoe size 6.5 or 7 would be a 37, a 7.5 or 8 would be a 38, an 8.5 or 9 a 39, and so on. However, you should try on a size up as well."
] |
"Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"roadrunner customer service number"
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"Roadrunner Customer Support. Roadrunner Customer Support +1-888-689-8972. Roadrunner mail is a very simple email messaging system which you can use from your home computer to connect to the rest of the world."
] | [
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n\nExamples:\n\n\n\"['represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Confidence votes 87.8K. The current leader of North Korea is a despotic dictator called Kim Jong Un. His father Kim Jong Il and grandfather Kim Jong-un were former dictators who oppressed the country. The current leader of North Korea is a despotic dictator called <strong>Kim Jong Un</strong>. <br /> <br /> His father Kim Jong Il and grandfather Kim Jong-un were former dictators who oppressed the country.']\" == \"['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'who is the leader of north korea today']\"",
"Why Choose Roadrunner Customer Service Phone Number? Highly skilled technicians at Email Customer Support Number are specially trained to provide you support to handle your roadrunner email account efficiently."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"When you're looking for a bus, van, or any type of Newport Beach Shuttle 92660 ground transportation service, make Roadrunner your first and only stop."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The customer service department closes at 5 PM on Sunday. 1 New Service Quotes: 1-877-896-9320. 2 Customer Service: 1-888-413-8970."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"After you file a report with the proper authority or organization (e.g. police, auto insurance, etc.), please contact DriveTime Customer Service at 888-977-7153 to handle your claim."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Contact Us Roadrunner Transportation Systems is dedicated to a customer-focused culture that provides flexible, responsive and comprehensive supply-câhain and logistics solutions. A major part of the unparalleled Roadrunner customer commitment is employees devoted to fulfilling that company mission."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The average weight is about 8â15 oz (230â430 g). The roadrunner is a large, slender, black-brown and white-streaked ground bird with a distinctive head crest. It has long legs, strong feet, and an oversized dark bill. The tail is broad with white tips on the three outer tail feathers."
"Represent the following document",
"Choose the appropriate customer service phone number for your comment or concern. 1 Online customer service: 1-800-933-2887. 2 Phone customer service: 1-800-284-3900. 3 Autoship customer service: 1-800-557-0714. 4 Place a new order: 1-800-284-5757. 5 TDD: 711. 6 Fax: 1-727-872-6559."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"CarMax Phone Number. â CarMax Customer Service (Toll-Free Contact Number): 1-800-519-1511. â CarMax Auto Finance: 1-800-925-3612. â Customer Relations Specialists: 1-800-519-1511."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"One Travel Customer Service Phone Number. Phone Number of One Travel is 1-866-883-0908 / Fax: +1-702-369-8497 . OneTravel is an online service for travel services. OneTravel enables the customers to book their travel tickets, hotels, holiday packages at topmost destinations around the world."
"Rush Limbaugh has shown its customer service address detail for its customers that are shown below. Address detail : 1270 Avenue of the Americas, New York 10020, United States. customer service number : +1-800-282-2882PreviousNext. Email address : [email protected]."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Contact Roadrunner Customer Service. Contacting Roadrunner Customer Service Center. Roadrunner is the Internet service sold by Time Warner Cable. Various service tiers are available ranging from download speeds of less than 10 mbps to more than 50 mbps."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Roadrunner Customer Service is available and active email service here.Our Road Runner Customer Service holds the compassion,user-friendly online work & the attitude to resolve all issues.Road Runner password recovery support providing organization and we have been providing support By availing our Road Runner customer service you'll get ..."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"If you cannot access the supported browsers or devices below and require assistance, please contact Customer Service at 1-800-242-2728. Please be aware they will not be able to help with software installation, but may be able to assist you with your Blue Nile shopping experience."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Our remote roadrunner customer support executive will access your PC and perform all required troubleshooting needed. Roadrunner Customer Service Number allows you to get connected with remote technicians easily and instantly. We provide roadrunner customer support services, especially for USA users."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"Customer Service Phone Number. Finding the phone number for customer service is very easy on the website and only takes two clicks of your mouse: 1. Click on Contact Us at the top right hand portion of the website. Look at the Phone Numbers area and see. Customer Service. Dial *611 from your cell phone. (800) 922-0204. Monday-Sunday 6am-11pm."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Customer Service Number: 1-800-580-2913. SHARE: ï ï ï ï
³ ï. Labels: Address , California , Contact , Corporate , Corporate Headquarters , Corporate Office , customer service , Florist , Flowers , phone number , Pro Flowers , Provide Commerce , Review , Reviews , Rush Limbaugh , San Diego."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Customer service is available by phone from 8 AM to 10 PM Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 8 PM Saturday and 10 AM to 7 PM Sunday. All hours are EST. Customer Service: 1-800-237-7691. Reseller/Sales: 1-616-453-4451."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"When customers want to contact the customer service team, you can do so by phone, email, traditional mail, on the corporate blog or visiting the social media sites. The customer service department is available Monday through Friday 8:30am to 5pm EST. Customer service: 1-800-859-5339."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"If you need to mail an overnight payment, use the following address: BMW Financial Services c/o Chase. 1820 East Sky Harbor Circle South. Phoenix, AZ 85034-9700. Pay by phone: Customers with a lease or loan through BMW Financial Services can contact customer service at 1-800-578-5000."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nThe provided query could be \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', \"Meladerm is proven to get rid of age spots and reduce hyperpigmentation. Keep in mind it takes time to heal years of sun damage, but you will ultimately return to a natural, healthy younger clear complexion without dark spots. The other products we tested either took too long to work or just didn't work at all.\"]\" and the positive \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results:', 'what gets rid of age spots on your face']\"",
"Roadrunner Shuttle and Limousine Service operates transfer service to and from Newport Beach Shuttle 92660 24 hours a day, 7 days a week."
"represent the next text!",
"All you need is Roadrunner Transportation tracking number. Enter Roadrunner Transportation Tracking Pro number / BOL / Bill of Lading Number / Waybill No in Below online tracker system to Track and Trace your Transportation Delivery information instantly. You will get information like current location, source, destination, dispatch & delivery date or any delay info."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Roadrunner Shuttle and Limousine Service operates transfer service to and from Rancho Palos Verdes Airport shuttle 90275 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.ust call us whenever you need a ride around Rancho Palos Verdes Airport shuttle 90275 so that we can give you the more cheap transportation in our quality vehicles."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Atlanta MARTA toll free customer service number : (404) 848-5000. Pedernales Electric toll free customer service number : +1-888-883-3379, +1-888-554-4732, +1-830-868-7155. dyson vacuum toll free customer service number : 0800 298 0298. Drugstore.com toll free customer service number : (425) 372-3200."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Sprint Customer Services, 6391 Sprint Parkway, Overland Park, KS 66251. Phone: 888-211-4727 No listing for Financial Services."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Herbalife Distributor toll free customer service number : +91-98881-58572. DTA Consulting toll free customer service number : +91 11 2323 2712, +91 11 2323 2714, 2323 3708, 2323 3709. Dominos Pizza Montreal toll free customer service number : +1-514-729-9111, 1-866-903-1151."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"For those customers who have not registered a maintainable account on the site, they may contact Journeys customer service at 1-888-324-6356 to have their information updated as needed. We may use customer information for marketing and promotional purposes."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Amazon Visa Credit Card toll free customer service number : 1- 866-2161072 Chase Airtran Credit Card toll free customer service number : 1-800-436-7943, (1-877-242-7372) Chase Credit Card Ohio toll free customer service number : 1-877-682-4273 Chase Toysrus Credit Card toll free customer service number : 1-855-389-2359"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"If you've got a commitment to safety and security and want to see how your business will succeed partnered with Roadrunner, give us a call at 800-560-3758 or email us at [email protected]. A friendly recruiter will be happy to answer all your questions."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"This is The Toll Roads's best phone number, the real-time current wait on hold and tools for skipping right through those phone lines to get right to a The Toll Roads agent. This phone number is The Toll Roads's Best Phone Number because 4,734 customers like you used this contact information over the last 18 months and gave us feedback. Common problems addressed by the customer care unit that answers calls to 949-727-4800 include and other customer service issues."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"I'm very happy with the service I received from RoadRunner. 1 Delivery was on time and the customer service reps were great with keeping me informed of where my vehicle was at all times.. Henry D - New Orleans, LA."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The provider Is Doing Business As Heartland Health Service - Broadway. The provider's business location address is: 2709 BROADWAY ST PEKIN, IL ZIP 61554-676 Phone: (309) 680-7600 Fax: (309) 681-8443 . The provider's authorized official is Charles Bandoian . The authorized official title is Ceo and has the following contact phone number (309) 680-7657."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"When you're looking for a bus, van, or any type of Bakersfield Airport shuttle 93305 ground transportation service, make Roadrunner your first and only stop. All this and more, at a cost we are sure will pleasantly surprise you when you compare it to the service standards of other transportation companies."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"You can also use your Air waybill number / AWB No / BL Number / Pod No / LR No / Docket no to Search your shipment status. Searches: roadrunner transportation services tracking, roadrunner trucking tracking, carrier roadrunner auto transport tracking"
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"For the best ground transportation provider in Newport Beach Shuttle 92660, consider Roadrunner Shuttle and Limousine Service."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"For the best ground transportation provider in Thousand Oaks Shuttle 91360, consider Roadrunner Shuttle and Limousine Service."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Some More Phone Numbers Related To UChoose Rewards. Rewards R Us toll free customer service number : (855) 389-2365, 1-800-869-7787, (855) 389-2359. Gamestop Power Up Reward toll free customer service number : 1-877-676-4263. Amtrak Guest Rewards toll free customer service number : 1-800-307-5000."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Contact Info: Customers have the ability to contact the customer service department 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by phone, email or by traditional mail. Phone Contact Numbers. Customer service: 1-888-536-9600."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"While 949-727-4800 is The Toll Roads's best toll-free number, there are 2 total ways to get in touch with them. The next best way to talk to their customer support team, according to other The Toll Roads customers, is by calling their 949-754-3400 phone number for their Customer Service department."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Below is a list of toll free 800 numbers. New Service: 1-844-712-3301. Moving: 1-844-712-3301. Promotions: 1-844-712-3301. Customer Service, Technical Support, Billing: 1-877-581-3485. Legacy Customer Service Menu. For what its worth, here is the previous phone menu for customer service."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Phone numbers for providers. 1 Customer Service: 1-800-4-HUMANA (1-800-448-6262) 2 Web Specialists: 1-877-845-3480."
"Enter Roadrunner Transportation Tracking Pro number / BOL / Bill of Lading Number / Waybill No in Below online tracker system to Track and Trace your Transportation Delivery information instantly. (OR) You will get information like current location, source, destination, dispatch & delivery date or any delay info."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Contact Info: When customers want to communicate with the customer service department, there are options. Customers can communicate by phone, email or traditional mail. Phone Contact Numbers. The customer service hotline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Customer Service (benefits): 1-800-552-8159."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"You can contact the customer service department by phone, email, traditional mail and even through social media. With a dedicated customer service team, we expect responses in a timely manner. 1 Customer service (main): 1-800-378-7262. Claims: 1-800-378-7262."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"We can place your account on hold if you fax us a copy of your driverâs license, phone number, and pass code to your account. We will leave the account on hold until your phone is found, or you request otherwise. Please contact customer care 1-800-550-2436 for assistance.ou can contact Page Plus customer care by calling 1-800-550-2436 (press â2â when prompted) from any phone, or by dialing #737 (press â4â when prompted) from your mobile phone. Our customer service agents are available Monday through Sunday from 8 AM â 12 AM EST."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Our independent contractors are some of the best in the business. And weâre always looking for more -- solo, team or fleet owners. If you've got a commitment to safety and security and want to see how your business will succeed partnered with Roadrunner, give us a call at 800-560-3758 or email us at [email protected]."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"A: Although Amazon doesn't officially list a customer service number, according to Slate, its customer service number is 800-201-7575, as of 2014. Slate acquired this number by requesting it from Amazon's corporate headquarters. GetHuman also suggests calling 866-216-1072, with extension zero, to reach a customer service representative, as of 2014."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"And weâre always looking for more -- solo, team or fleet owners. If you've got a commitment to safety and security and want to see how your business will succeed partnered with Roadrunner, give us a call at 800-560-3758 or email us at [email protected]."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"If you've got a commitment to safety and security and want to see how your business will succeed partnered with Roadrunner, give us a call at 800-560-3758 or email us at [email protected]."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"We understand the issue, and Roadrunner Customer Service Phone Number help customers who want to manage their inbox. With the help of folders and filters, customers can effectively manage their inbox. We help customers to understand the features and encourage them to use the tools to sort their inbox."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Roadrunner Tracking. To track Roadrunner Transportation you need to enter your AWB Number / Tracking number / Ref Number into the input box and press the tracking button. Please note that www.trackingy.com is in not way associated to any of the tracking services listed in our website."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"a)Call our Customer Service Department at 1-888-646-5354 or write to Pella Warranty Service, 2333 Eastbrook Drive, Brookings, SD 57006 USA. b)Furnish the original or a copy of the sales receipt or other documents showing the original purchase date and that you are the original purchaser of this door."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Customer Service Center: 1-800-FOR-ROAD (1-800-367-7623) Call VDOT's Customer Service Center at 1-800-367-7623 around the clock. TTY users can call 711. Report all unsafe and hazardous road conditions. Report work requests for state-maintained roads."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Select to provide Customer ID (called as RapidRez with Fastbreak Service number, Basic RapidRez number or an Online ID ). Providing it will apply non-secure customer account preferences (like car preference etc.). Note: Some of profile information may not be changed. If required, please call at 800-314-3932."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"And weâre always looking for more -- solo, team or fleet owners. If you've got a commitment to safety and security and want to see how your business will succeed partnered with Roadrunner, give us a call at 800-560-3758 or email us at [email protected]. A friendly recruiter will be happy to answer all your questions."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"One Travel Customer Service Phone Number Phone Number of One Travel is 1-866-883-0908 / Fax: +1-702-369-8497. OneTravel is an online service for travel services. OneTravel enables the customers to book their travel tickets, hotels, holiday packages at topmost destinations around the world."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"Customer service: 800-214-6094; Customer service (French): 800-268-8991; RapidRez and Fastbreak profile update: 800-314-3932; Insurance replacement service: 866-438-6165; Budget Business Program accounts: 877-516-7275; Corporate sales/accounts: 800-526-6406; Meetings: 800-842-5628; TTY/TTD: 800-826-5510; Drivers with disabilities: 800-314-3932"
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Roadrunner Shuttle and Limousine Service operates transfer service to and from Thousand Oaks Shuttle 91360 24 hours a day, 7 days a week."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Roadrunner is a leading Rancho Palos Verdes Airport shuttle 90275, Burbank Airport, Los Angeles International Airport Shuttle provider in Los Angeles, Ventura and Santa Barbara County, offering Burbank Airport, Los Angeles International Airport s shuttle service, since 1991.ust call us whenever you need a ride around Rancho Palos Verdes Airport shuttle 90275 so that we can give you the more cheap transportation in our quality vehicles."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Customers have the ability to contact the customer service department 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by phone, email or by traditional mail. Customer service: 1-888-536-9600."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Roadrunner Shuttle and Limousine Service operates transfer service to and from El Segundo Bus 90245 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you demand unbeatable service and value for your money, here are a few reasons why you should start or end your travel with Roadrunner."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!\nGiven ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', \"CRC - Costa Rican Colon. The Costa Rican Colon is the currency of Costa Rica. Our currency rankings show that the most popular Costa Rica Colon exchange rate is the USD to CRC rate. The currency code for Colones is CRC, and the currency symbol is â\\x82¡. Below, you'll find Costa Rican Colon rates and a currency converter.\"], a positive would be ['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what is the currency of costa rica']",
"Listing specific Roadrunner customer service phone numbers is nearly an impossible task. The company offers dedicated customer service numbers for each area, so customers must enter a zip code to access local customer service numbers. The company is spread from west coast to the east coast."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"Roadrunner Transportation Systems is dedicated to a customer-focused culture that provides flexible, responsive and comprehensive supply-câhain and logistics solutions. A major part of the unparalleled Roadrunner customer commitment is employees devoted to fulfilling that company mission."
"Represent the natural language",
"Customer Service Number of Rockstar GTA 5 : 866-922-8694 Address detail of Rockstar GTA 5 : New York City, New York, United States Address detail, email id and Customer Service Number of Rockstar GTA 5 as shown above can help you in conveying their problems, suggestions, possitive feedback, negative feedback as well as reviews related to the products and services of the Rockstar GTA 5."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Journeys Customer Support Service Phone Number. The customer support phone number of Journeys is 1-888-324-6356 / 1-866-322-9099 (Click phone number to call). The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Journeys Service Center and Journeys customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Journeys customer service phone number may or may not be toll free. Click Here To View Journeys Customer Service Phone Numbers"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Welcome to Roadrunner Shuttle and Limousine Service. Roadrunner provides safe, reliable, quality ground transportation solutions to and from your home, hotel, or office. Roadrunner shuttle and Limousine Service operates airport transfer service to and from point mugu nawc 24 hours a day, 7 days a week."
] |
"tukwila population"
] | [
"Tukwila Wa Population 2017. Tukwila Wa's estimated population is 19,107 according to the most recent United States census. Based on data from the American Community Survey, in 2015 there were 7,741 households in the city, with an average size of 2.68 people per household. The vacancy rate was 5.6%, with a median rent of $977/month."
] | [
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The City needs you! The City of Tukwila is assisted in its operations in several areas by the volunteers who serve on our Boards and Commissions. Volunteers serve an important function by offering their time and expertise as members."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The population was 90,927 at the 2010 census. Renton currently contains the 8th largest population in the state, and is the 4th largest in King County. The National Football League 's Seattle Seahawks have a training facility in Renton. It is the second-largest facility in the NFL at 200,000 square feet (19,000 m 2).enton is bordered to the south by the city of Kent, Washington. The western border consists of the city of Tukwila, Washington, and finally the unincorporated King County community West Hill and Lake Washington to the northwest."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Thurston County, Washington (WA) County population in 2014: 265,851 (79% urban, 21% rural); it was 207,355 in 2000. County owner-occupied with a mortgage or a loan houses and condos in 2010: 50,458. County owner-occupied free and clear houses and condos in 2010: 16,611."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:",
"DEADLINE EXTENDED: The City of Tukwila is looking for four community volunteers to sit on the Public Safety Plan Siting Advisory Committee This group will provide input and advice to City officials while siting new facilities for our first responders."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Tulare /tuËËlÉÉriË/ is a city in Tulare County, California. The population was 59,278 at the 2010 census. Tulare is located in the heart of the Central Valley, eight miles (13 km) south of Visalia and thirty miles northwest of Porterville, in the Visalia-Porterville Metropolitan Area.lthough the railroad was gone, the community of Tulare struggled to become an agricultural center for California, which it is today. Due to the inadequate 10 inches (250 mm) of rainfall per year, water resources had to be found."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Latest news from Tukwila, WA collected exclusively by city-data.com from local newspapers, TV, and radio stations. Ancestries: Somali (7.8%), Ethiopian (4.3%), German (2.8%), English (2.0%), Norwegian (1.8%), African (1.7%). Current Local Time: PST time zone. Incorporated in 1908."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Tuscumbia is a city in and the county seat of Colbert County, Alabama, United States. As of the 2010 census, the population was 8,423. The city is part of The Shoals metropolitan area. Tuscumbia was the hometown of Helen Keller (The little house). It is the location of the Alabama Music Hall of Fame."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Tulare County, California. Tulare County (/tÊËlÉÉri/ tuu-LAIR-ee) is a county in the U.S. state of California. As of the 2010 census, the population was 442,179. Its county seat is Visalia. The county is named for Tulare Lake, once the largest freshwater lake west of the Great Lakes."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Population of Mankato, KS Last official estimated population of Mankato city (Jewell County**, Kansas state) was 858 (year 2014) [1]. This was 0% of total US population and 0.03% of total Kansas state population. Area of Mankato city is 1.0 mi² (=2.6 km²) [6], in this year population density was 846.99 p/mi². If population growth rate would be same as in period 2010-2014 (-0.32%/yr), Mankato city population in 2018 would be 847*."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Tuscola is a city in Douglas County, Illinois, United States. The population was 4,480 at the 2010 census. It is the county seat of Douglas County."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"In addition, English language services and family support for refugees and immigrants help our international residents meet their needs. Tukwilaâs award winning Community Connectors program, in partnership with Global to Local and Forterra, allows new residents a meaningful link to their city."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"A Map Showing the Boundaries of Tukwila, WA. Permalink: https://www.maptechnica.com/city-map/Tukwila/WA/5372625."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Tuvalu ended 2014 with a population of 9,894 people, which represents a decrease of 1,106 people compared to 2013. Tuvalu ranks No. 196 among196 countries which published this information in countryeconomy.com. Tuvalu has a high population density, with 330 people per square km and it was in position 171th in our ranking of density population in 2014. In this page we show you the progression of the population in Tuvalu."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Tualatin, Oregon. Tualatin /tuËËÉËlÉtáµ»n/ is a city located primarily in Washington County in the State of Oregon. A small portion of the city is also located in neighboring Clackamas County. It is a southwestern suburb in the Portland Metropolitan Area that is located south of Tigard. The population was 26,054 at the 2010 census."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nE.g. ['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.', 'By Pejman Akbarzadeh. 19 November 2005 (CHN) -- Persian (Iranian) people in the English-speaking countries are the only community who use two different terms to refer to their language, Farsi and Persian.. This behavior has caused some confusion among the Westerners as to the appropriateness of these terms.'] == ['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results.', 'what language do persian speak']",
"Tullahoma is a city in Coffee and Franklin counties in the south-central part of the U.S. state of Tennessee. The population was 18,655 at the 2010 census. In 2014 the population was estimated to be 18,899."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Pushmataha County is a county located in the southeastern part of the U.S. state of Oklahoma. As of the 2010 census, the population was 11,572. Its county seat is Antlers. The county was created at statehood from part of the former territory of the Choctaw Nation, which had its capital at the town of Tuskahoma."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it!",
"Pushmataha County, Oklahoma. Pushmataha County is a county located in the southeastern part of the U.S. state of Oklahoma. As of the 2010 census, the population was 11,572. Its county seat is Antlers. The county was created at statehood from part of the former territory of the Choctaw Nation, which had its capital at the town of Tuskahoma."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"According to our research of Washington and other state lists there were 58 registered sex offenders living in Tukwila, Washington as of April 15, 2017. The ratio of number of residents in Tukwila to the number of sex offenders is 338 to 1. Nearest city with pop. 50,000+: Renton, WA (3.8 miles , pop. 50,052)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Demographics. Tulia has a population of 5,117, as reported in the 2000 census. The largest age segment is the 5-19 year-old category with 1,222. The adult population breakdown is:"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Tukwila, WA Weather. Tukwila, WA climate is mild during summer when temperatures tend to be in the 60's and cold during winter when temperatures tend to be in the 40's."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Tuscola is a city in Taylor County, Texas, United States. The population was 742 at the 2010 census. It is part of the Abilene, Texas Metropolitan Statistical Area."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"In Tukwila, your chance of becoming a victim of a property crime is one in 6, which is a rate of 167 per one thousand population. Importantly, we found that Tukwila has one of the highest rates of motor vehicle theft in the nation according to our analysis of FBI crime data."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\nFor example, '['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'The main difference in the southern region of Ireland is its average rainfall. January receives the most rain with an average of 27 inches, followed closely by October, November and December with 25 inches, while February, July and August average about 23 inches of rain. April, May, June and July have the least at 22 and 21 inches, respectively.']' should be close to '['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results.', 'weather in ireland in may and june']'",
"Location of Tuebingen on a map. Tuebingen is a city found in Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany. It is located 48.52 latitude and 9.05 longitude and it is situated at elevation 333 meters above sea level. Tuebingen has a population of 83,416 making it the 12th biggest city in Baden-Wurttemberg."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"TUKWILA, Wash. -- A list of most dangerous cities in America is out, and one Western Washington city is in the top two. Tukwila is listed as the second most dangerous city in the United States, trailing only Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, according to SafeWise.com, a home security consultant group founded in May 2013. The group said it issued the report with partial data gathered from the FBI."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The Tukwila City Council needs to confirm Bruce Linton as the new police chief. The confirmation is scheduled to be on the councilâs agenda for its meeting at 7 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 16. If confirmed, Linton will be the 24th leader of the Police Department and will be immediately sworn in."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Tuscaloosa has a total of 77,906 people and of those residents there are 37,081 males and 40,825 females. The median age of the male population is 27.5 and the female population is 29.3. There are approximately 2,331 births each year and around 1,476 deaths."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Tullahoma, Tennessee. Tullahoma is a city in Coffee and Franklin counties in the south-central part of the U.S. state of Tennessee. The population was 18,655 at the 2010 census. In 2014 the population was estimated to be 18,899."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Tutwiler City of City Hall. About. Tutwiler City of City Hall is located at the address 201 Tallahatchie Ave in Tutwiler, Mississippi 38963. They can be contacted via phone at (662) 345-8321 for pricing, hours and directions. For maps and directions to Tutwiler City of City Hall view the map to the right. For reviews of Tutwiler City of City Hall see below."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"All contracts and agreements are reviewed and executed in the Clerkâs Office, and the Tukwila Municipal Code is updated and published in the Clerkâs Office. Public Records Requests, Bids, Claims for Damages, and Litigation are received in the City Clerkâs Office, and the City Clerk is the liaison to King County for Voter Registration and Elections. The City Clerk facilitates the agenda and meeting management process and provides support for Council meetings."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Tupelo has a total of 34,211 people and of those residents there are 16,083 males and 18,128 females. The median age of the male population is 32.8 and the female population is 36.5. There are approximately 1,289 births each year and around 778 deaths."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"During 2015 Tuvalu population is estimated to be increased by 71 people and reach 10 140 in the beginning of 2016. The natural increase is expected to be positive, as the number of births will exceed the number of deaths by 141."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Tulare County, California (CA) County population in 2014: 458,198 (85% urban, 15% rural); it was 368,021 in 2000. County owner-occupied with a mortgage or a loan houses and condos in 2010: 57,613. County owner-occupied free and clear houses and condos in 2010: 18,973. County owner-occupied houses and condos in 2000: 67,904."
"Tukwila, WA Tukwila, WA boundary map 98168 boundary map 98188 boundary map 98178 boundary map 98057 boundary map 98108 boundary map 98032 boundary map 981 ZIP Code prefix boundary map 980 ZIP Code prefix boundary map King County WA boundary map Washington Congressional District 9 boundary map WA 9th congressional district boundary map Tukwila School ..."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Tumwater is a city in Thurston County, Washington, United States. It lies near where the Deschutes River enters Budd Inlet, the southernmost point of Puget Sound. The population was 17,371 at the 2010 census. Thurston County, which includes the cities of Lacey, Olympia and Tumwater, has a population of 252,264. Tumwater was founded next to the falls of the Deschutes River at the south end of Puget Sound as New Market in 1846 by a group of pioneers led by Michael Simmons and George Bush. It was the first American settlement on Puget Sound."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"According to our research of Washington and other state lists there were 58 registered sex offenders living in Tukwila, Washington as of April 15, 2017. The ratio of number of residents in Tukwila to the number of sex offenders is 338 to 1."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!",
"In 1853, the area was settled by Joseph Foster, a Canadian pioneer who had traveled to the northwest from Wisconsin. Foster would become known as the Father of Tukwila and serve King County, Washington Territory in the legislature for 22 years."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nFor example, '['represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.', \"Alzheimer's disease (AD), also referred to simply as Alzheimer's, is a chronic neurodegenerative disease that usually starts slowly and worsens over time. It is the cause of 60% to 70% of cases of dementia. The most common early symptom is difficulty in remembering recent events (short-term memory loss).\"]' should be close to '['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', \"alzheimer's definition\"]'",
"Thurston County, Washington. (Redirected from Olympia-Tumwater, WA Metropolitan Statistical Area) Thurston County is a county located in the U.S. state of Washington. As of the 2010 census, its population was 252,264. The county seat and largest city is Olympia, the state capital. Thurston County was created out of Lewis County by the government of Oregon Territory on January 12, 1852."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Population of Tuvalu 2014. As of 1 January 2015, the population of Tuvalu was estimated to be 10 069 people. This is an increase of 0.70 % (70 people) compared to population of 9 999 the year before. In 2014 the natural increase was positive, as the number of births exceeded the number of deaths by 140. Due to external migration, the population declined by 70. The sex ratio of the total population was 0.992 (992 males per 1 000 females) which is lower than global sex ratio."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Tukwila Assessor. Find Tukwila Washington assessor, assessment, auditor's, and appraiser's office, revenue commissions, GIS, and tax equalization departments. Assessors provide information on property and land tax assessment, property listings, values, valuations, property search, and records. Tukwila Assessor."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\n\nE.g.:\n['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', 'Functions of Warehousing means the wide ranges of activities, which are associated with the physical distribution of goods from end of production line to the final consumers. These activities include purchasing of goods, inventory management, storage, materials handling, protective packing and transportation.'] == ['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'what are the function for warehousing']",
"San Joaquin Valley: Census, Jobs, Tulare California had 33.9 million residents in April 2000, and for the first time, non-Hispanic whites were not a majority of the state's residents; whites were 47 to 49 percent of the state's residents."
"Represent this",
"Homefacts City Report. Tualatin is located in Washington County, OR. The population is 26,776, making Tualatin the 5th largest city in Washington County. There are 6 public schools in Tualatin with an average Homefacts rating of B+. The total crime rate for Tualatin is very low, and there are 0 registered sex offenders residing in the city."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Tulum (sometimes Tulum Pueblo) is the largest community in the municipality of Tulum, Quintana Roo, Mexico. It is located on the Caribbean coast of the state, near the site of the archaeological ruins of Tulum. The community had a 2010 census population of 18,233 inhabitants. 1 1 History. 2 Zona Hotelera Tulum."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Education: University of Washington, Bachelor of Arts, Political Science. Occupation: Water Quality Planner/Project Manager III, King County Natural Resources. Statement: I'm excited to bring my experience and passion for Tukwila to create a prosperous future where every resident feels included."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Study Names Tukwila, Washington, As âMost Dangerous City In Americaâ. Andrew Galbreath. Research of FBI crime statistics now say that Tukwila, Washington, is no longer the second-most dangerous city in America, but has now claimed the number one spot, according to a study released on Friday. Tukwila now tops the list of most dangerous cities in the United States, surpassing former champion Myrtle Beach, South Carolina."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Tulare County where Tulare resides is 4,839.09 square miles. The resident population of this county is 368,021 and has a population rank of 160 out of all the places in the United States. Tulare has a total of 43,994 people and of those residents there are 21,364 males and 22,630 females. The median age of the male population is 27.3 and the female population is 29.6. There are approximately 7,261 births each year and around 2,646 deaths."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it\nExamples:\n\n\"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it:', 'If it is a human zygote with no mutations, then it will contain 46 chromosomes. Each parent gives the zygote 23 chromosomes. All human gametes without mutations contain 23 and when joined during fertilization they form a zygote with 46 chromosomes. However, chromosome number varies by species, for example a normal pigeon zygote would have 80 chromosomes.']\" == \"['represent this bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results:', 'define gamete and zygote. what number of chromosomes does each have?']\"",
"Tutwiler is a town in Tallahatchie County, Mississippi, United States. The population was 1,364 at the 2000 census. In 1899 Tom Tutwiler, a civil engineer for a local railroad, made his headquarters seven miles northeast of Sumner. The town of Tutwiler was founded and named for him."
"Regardless of whether Tukwila does well or poorly compared to all other cities and towns in the US of all sizes, compared to places with a similar population, it fares badly. Few other communities of this size have a crime rate as high as Tukwila."
"represent the input",
"According to our research of Washington and other state lists there were 58 registered sex offenders living in Tukwila, Washington as of April 15, 2017. The ratio of number of residents in Tukwila to the number of sex offenders is 338 to 1. Median real estate property taxes paid for housing units with mortgages in 2015: $2,990 (1.1%) Median real estate property taxes paid for housing units with no mortgage in 2015: $3,181 (1.2%)"
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"8,303 residents are foreign born (9.9% Africa, 7.5% Asia, 7.0% Latin America). According to our research of Washington and other state lists there were 58 registered sex offenders living in Tukwila, Washington as of April 15, 2017. The ratio of number of residents in Tukwila to the number of sex offenders is 338 to 1. Median real estate property taxes paid for housing units with mortgages in 2015: $2,990 (1.1%) Median real estate property taxes paid for housing units with no mortgage in 2015: $3,181 (1.2%)"
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The Town of Tushka had a population of 318 as of July 1, 2015. The primary coordinate point for Tushka is located at latitude 34.3179 and longitude -96.1671 in Atoka County. The formal boundaries for the Town of Tushka (see map below) encompass a land area of 0.78 sq. miles and a water area of 0.02 sq. miles."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"It is the principal city of the Tuscaloosa Metropolitan Statistical Area, which includes Tuscaloosa, Hale and Pickens counties and has an estimated metro population in 2013 of 235,628. Tuscaloosa is also the home of The University of Alabama, Stillman College and Shelton State Community College."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"Delivered To Your INBOX. Study Names Tukwila, Washington, As âMost Dangerous City In Americaâ. Research of FBI crime statistics now say that Tukwila, Washington, is no longer the second-most dangerous city in America, but has now claimed the number one spot, according to a study released on Friday."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Sponsored Topics. Tumwater is a city in Thurston County, Washington, United States. It lies near where the Deschutes River enters Budd Inlet, the southernmost point of Puget Sound. The population was 17,371 at the 2010 census. Thurston County, which includes the cities of Lacey, Olympia and Tumwater, has a population of 252,264."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The following Cities are next to Tukwila, WA: 1 Seattle is 10.7 miles north of Tukwila, WA. 2 Kent is 6.6 miles southeast of Tukwila, WA. 3 Renton is 3.8 miles east of Tukwila, WA. Burien is 3.1 miles west of Tukwila, 1 WA. SeaTac is 2.4 miles southwest of Tukwila, 2 WA. Bryn Mawr-Skyway is 2 miles northeast of Tukwila, WA."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The population of 11,636 (est 2005) live on Tuvalu's nine atolls, which have a total land area of 10 square miles, or 27 square kilometres. This ranks Tuvalu as the fourth smallest country in the world, in terms of land area. The country name roughly translates to 8 standing together."
"Temperature variations between night and day tend to be moderate during summer with a difference that can reach 20 degrees Fahrenheit, and fairly limited during winter with an average difference of 11 degrees Fahrenheit. The annual average precipitation at Tukwila is 37.07 Inches. Winter months tend to be wetter than summer months. The wettest month of the year is November with an average rainfall of 5.90 Inches."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Tualatin ( /tuËÉËlÉtɨn/) is a city located primarily in Washington County in the U.S. state of Oregon. A small portion of the city is also located in neighboring Clackamas County. It is a southwestern suburb in the Portland Metropolitan Area that is located south of Tigard. The population was 26,054 at the 2010 census."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"According to data provided during 1991 the majority of the population at that time lived by way of farming. With an area of nearly 77,000 km 2, Turkana is the largest county, including the area covered by Lake Tukana, in Kenya. Its capital and largest town is Lodwar. The county has a population of 855,399 (2009 census)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Some of these include access to food banks, healthcare assistance, counseling, housing stability supports, domestic violence services, and more, through partnerships and grants with local non-profit agencies. The City also has a housing repair program available for Tukwila homeowners who meet income guidelines."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The ratio of number of residents in Tutwiler to the number of sex offenders is 587 to 1. The number of registered sex offenders compared to the number of residents in this city is smaller than the state average. Median real estate property taxes paid for housing units with mortgages in 2013: $530 (1.0%)"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The 2016 Puyallup, Washington, population is 39,659. There are 2,810 people per square mile (population density). The median age is 36.9. The US median is 37.4. 45.81% of people in Puyallup, Washington, are married. 14.38% are divorced."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Tulare County (/ t Ê Ë l ÉÉr i / tuu-LAIR-ee) is a county in the U.S. state of California. As of the 2010 census, the population was 442,179. Its county seat is Visalia. The county is named for Tulare Lake, once the largest freshwater lake west of the Great Lakes."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"With a crime rate of 174 per one thousand residents, Tukwila has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 6."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"North Tustin is a census-designated place and unincorporated community in Orange County, California. The population was 24,917 at the 2010 census, up from 24,044 at the 2000 census. It is Orange County's largest census-designated place. It is outside the city limits of Tustin and has a 92705 ZIP Code. The name was changed from Tustin Foothills in 2005."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Total Population. According to the 2006 census, the population of Kaduna city was 1,139,578. The projected city population in 2025 by the UN is 2,360,000. The same source estimates the current rate of growth of population at 2.53% per annum. The city is a cultural melting pot, with several distinct groups."
] |
"a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results",
"is cyprus in eu"
] | [
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Cyprus. Situated in the north-eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea and to the south of Turkey, Cyprus is the largest island in the eastern Mediterranean as well as being the third smallest country in the EU, after Malta and Luxembourg.o, Cyprus is not a member a member of the Schengen Area. Presidency of the Council: Cyprus has held the revolving presidency of the Council of the EU once, in 2012."
] | [
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Good Things Happen Daily! Cyprus Visa Requirements: Cyprus visa application form information on Cyprus visas for travel, tourist visa, visitor / transit visa, student visa. Cyprus embassy address, information on Cyprus immigration procedures for US citizens, Canadians, Indians, Australians, UK, EU citizens."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Eurasia. I don't consider Europe and Asia to be continents. The island of Cyprus is in the Mediterranean on the Eurasian plate, therefore it's part of Eurasia.Historically, I would consider it a part of Europe, because its history is more Greek than Turkish.And there is no continent called Oceania, Oceania is a region.ut isn't it true that Cyprus is a part of Europe and most of Turkey is a part of Asia, even though Cyprus is more geographically remoted to other European countries than Turkey? Please, if someone knows for... show more Someone stated that if Turkey doesn't belong to Europe, then most definitely nor Cyprys does."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Eurasia. I don't consider Europe and Asia to be continents. The island of Cyprus is in the Mediterranean on the Eurasian plate, therefore it's part of Eurasia.Historically, I would consider it a part of Europe, because its history is more Greek than Turkish.And there is no continent called Oceania, Oceania is a region. don't consider Europe and Asia to be continents. The island of Cyprus is in the Mediterranean on the Eurasian plate, therefore it's part of Eurasia."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Ten new countries joined the EU in 2004 - Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia. Bulgaria and Romania joined in 2007 and Croatia in 2013, bringing the current membership to 28."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Kýpros IPA:; Turkish: Kıbrıs IPA: ), officially the Republic of Cyprus (Greek: κÏ
ÏÏιακή δημοκÏαÏία, translit. Kypriakà DemokratÃa; Turkish: Kıbrıs Cumhuriyeti), is an island country in the Eastern Mediterranean and the third largest and third most populous island in the Mediterranean."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The eurozone consists of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Spain."
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Cyprus (/ËsaɪprÉs/ ( listen); Greek: κÏÏÏοÏ, translit. Kýpros IPA: [Ëcipros]; Turkish: Kıbrıs IPA: [Ëkɯbɾɯs]), officially the Republic of Cyprus (Greek: κÏ
ÏÏιακή δημοκÏαÏία, translit. Kypriakà DemokratÃa; Turkish: Kıbrıs Cumhuriyeti), is an island country in the Eastern Mediterranean and the third largest and third most populous island in the Mediterranean."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers.",
"The ten accession countries which will enter the EU on May 1 are: Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Cyprus is a major tourist destination in the Mediterranean. With an advanced, high-income economy and a very high Human Development Index, the Republic of Cyprus has been a member of the Commonwealth since 1961 and was a founding member of the Non-Aligned Movement until it joined the European Union on 1 May 2004."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Duty Free Cars and Goods. Goods in free circulation in the EU can move from one member state to the another without payment of further Customs import duty. To be exempt from paying further import duty in Cyprus, proof of Community status of the goods must be provided."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Best Answer: Europe consists of 47 independent countries. http://www.coe.int/T/e/com/about_coe/mem...But there is actually not an exact answer.Some sources consider the island of Cyprus belonging geographical to Asia, although it is a member of the Europian Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA). Taking that into consideration Europe would consists of 46 independent states (with Cyprus to be 47).If Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkey really count to Europe is questionable, but part of their homeland is in Europe and they are members of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE).est Answer: Europe consists of 47 independent countries. http://www.coe.int/T/e/com/about_coe/mem..."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nFor example, '['Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries', 'Connecticut â\\x80\\x93 if shift is 7.5 hours, 1/2 hour lunch after first 2 hours but before last 2 hours. Delaware â\\x80\\x93 if shift is 7.5 hours, 1/2 hour lunch after first 2 hours but before last 2 hours. Illinois â\\x80\\x93 required for hotel room attendants only. Kentucky â\\x80\\x93 reasonable meal period between 3rd and 5th hour of shift.']' should be close to '['A user is searching for a specific result. Represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'in ky how long of lunch do you get']'",
"Cyprus was placed under British administration in 1878 and formally annexed by Britain in 1914. The partition of Cyprus and creation of a Turkish state in the north became a policy of Turkish Cypriot leaders and Turkey in the 1950s.he international community considers the northern part of the island as territory of the Republic of Cyprus occupied by Turkish forces. The occupation is viewed as illegal under international law, amounting to illegal occupation of EU territory since Cyprus became a member of the European Union."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Cyprus (/ËsaɪprÉs/; Greek: κÏÏÏοÏ, translit. Kýpros IPA: [Ëcipros]; Turkish: Kıbrıs IPA: [Ëkɯbɾɯs]), officially the Republic of Cyprus (Greek: κÏ
ÏÏιακή δημοκÏαÏία, translit. Kypriakà DemokratÃa; Turkish: Kıbrıs Cumhuriyeti), is an island country in the Eastern Mediterranean and the third largest and third most populous island in the Mediterranean."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The EU countries are: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the UK."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"EU countries. The EU countries are: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the UK. The European Economic Area (EEA)"
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The members of the EU are Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, and Sweden. Several nations, including the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Turkey, are seeking membership."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"âThey want to give refugees the message: Donât come to Cyprus because if you do, you wonât get refugee status,â said Doros Polykarpou, executive director of KISA, a Cypriot nonprofit. âAnd it works.â. Migrants also shun Cyprus because it is not yet part of the Schengen Area, the EUâs passport-free zone. Visitors to the country need a visa to get to the rest of Europe. But because most refugees do not have valid passports, they canât get visas."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it.",
"Kýpros IPA: [Ëcipros]; Turkish: Kıbrıs IPA: [Ëkɯbɾɯs]), officially the Republic of Cyprus (Greek: κÏ
ÏÏιακή δημοκÏαÏία, translit. Kypriakà DemokratÃa; Turkish: Kıbrıs Cumhuriyeti), is an island country in the Eastern Mediterranean and the third largest and third most populous island in the Mediterranean."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Communicating the advantages and disadvantages of joining the European Union was an unprecedented challenge for the governments of the 10 accession countries (Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, the Slovak Republic and Slovenia) that became members in 2004."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The given Cyprus location map shows that Cyprus is located in the south-eastern side of Europe and western side of Turkey (Asia); however, Cyprus is also considered as Eurasian country.yprus map also shows that Cyprus is an island located in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Surprisingly, the small island country has very high income economy along with high Human Development Index."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The given Cyprus location map shows that Cyprus is located in the south-eastern side of Europe and western side of Turkey (Asia); however, Cyprus is also considered as Eurasian country.yprus map also shows that Cyprus is an island located in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Surprisingly, the small island country has very high income economy along with high Human Development Index. It is one of the favorite destinations for tourists."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries.",
"Cyprus is a Eurasian island country situated in the eastern Mediterranean, south of Turkey, west of Lebanon, Syria, and Israel, east of Greece, and north of Egypt.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyprus#Geography. votes Vote for this answer. All of my Encyclopedias-Norwegian and British-claim that Cyprus is in Asia, while Merriam Webster´s Geographical Dictionary places Cyprus on both its European and Asian maps. (!) The world´s most comprehensive atlas-The Times Atlas of the World-places Cyprus in Asia."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Orientation. Identification. Cyprus is an island in the eastern Mediterranean that was divided into a Greek southern side and a Turkish northern side after a coup instigated by the dictatorship ruling Greece in 1974 and a subsequent Turkish military offensive. Interethnic violence had earlier caused the partial separation of the two communities."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Cyprus Visa Requirements: Cyprus visa application form information on Cyprus visas for travel, tourist visa, visitor / transit visa, student visa. Cyprus embassy address, information on Cyprus immigration procedures for US citizens, Canadians, Indians, Australians, UK, EU citizens."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"The EU's 28 member countries are: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Best Answer: Boy I love this topic... Ok here is the thing.... Actually Cyprus is not in the original continental Europe. Imagine the map of Europe. The real Europe ends at the level of Bosphorus in Istanbul. One side of Istanbul is in Europe and the other side is in Asia.Turkey has a very small European lands when compared to her lands in Asia.yprus IS on the contintenal shelf of ASIA.In Geography books, the flag of Cyprus would be under the subject of Flags of Asia, not Flags of Europe."
"represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\nExample:\nProvided: \"['Represent the doc for finding search queries about it', '. . shows three of the Muses. The Muses lived on two sacred Greek mountain peaks, Olympus* and Helicon. Originally they were threeâ\\x80\\x94Melete (Practice), Mneme (Memory), and Aoede (Song)â\\x80\\x94but the Greek poet Hesiod named nine Muses in his Theogony (History of the Gods).']\" Match: \"['a user is searching for a specific result. represent the user query in a way that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'where did the muses live']\"",
"The European Union (EU) is the biggest single developed market in the world, with more than 450 million consumers. This page lists the countries of the EU. We hope you find this list of EU countries useful. 1 Austria. 2 Belgium. 3 Bulgaria. 4 Croatia. 5 Cyprus."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers:",
"In 2004, the EU saw its biggest enlargement to date when Malta, Cyprus, Slovenia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary joined the Union."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries\n\n------\n\nTo give you a sense - \"['Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers', 'However, the Favorites folder location for Microsoft Edge browser has changed. In IE, the Favorites folder is located in %UserProfile%\\\\Favorites, in which you can find all the Internet shortcuts of the web pages saved as Favorites. In Edge, the Favorites folder is now located at %UserProfile%\\\\AppData\\\\Local\\\\Packages\\\\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe\\\\AC\\\\MicrosoftEdge\\\\User\\\\Default\\\\Favorites.']\" should be close to \"['Represent this Bing query so that it can be used to retrieve relevant results', 'where to find favorites ,bookmarks etc']\"",
"According to a press release issued by the European Commission Representation in Cyprus, the results of the survey indicated that, while 82% of Greek. were satisfied-with 32% saying they were very satisfied which is the sixth highest percentage in the EU-the same did not apply for the Turkish. community."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Currently, international bodies recognize the Republic of Cyprus (2/3 of the island) as the official government of Cyprus. Turkish Cypriots remain as the minority with control of 1/3 of Cyprus. The self-declared republic of northern Cyprus is a semi-presidential democracy."
"Represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"Best Answer: Boy I love this topic... Ok here is the thing.... Actually Cyprus is not in the original continental Europe. Imagine the map of Europe. The real Europe ends at the level of Bosphorus in Istanbul. One side of Istanbul is in Europe and the other side is in Asia.Turkey has a very small European lands when compared to her lands in Asia.apan is also an island nation and belongs to the continental shelf of ASIA. Cyprus IS on the contintenal shelf of ASIA.In Geography books, the flag of Cyprus would be under the subject of Flags of Asia, not Flags of Europe."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The eurozone consists of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Spain.ine countries (Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Sweden, and the United Kingdom) are EU members but do not use the euro. Before joining the eurozone, a state must spend two years in the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM II)."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"Cyprus is a country with a small population which is located in the continent/region of Europe. Countries near Cyprus include Lebanon, Palestine, Turkey and Israel. Its biggest cities and towns include Lemesos, Larnaca, Gazimagusa and Nicosia.yprus is a country with a small population which is located in the continent/region of Europe. Countries near Cyprus include Lebanon, Palestine, Turkey and Israel. Its biggest cities and towns include Lemesos, Larnaca, Gazimagusa and Nicosia."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers!",
"The fact of the visit itself, the signing of documents on closer military cooperation between Cyprus and Russia, and the calls by the President of Cyprus for the resumption of security cooperation between the EU and Russia, represent a partial break by Cyprus with the EUâs policy of limiting high-level contacts, and the suspension of military ..."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"Accession negotiations open with Cyprus the Czech Republic Estonia Hungary Poland and Slovenia. A year later another group of countries gets its foot in the European door as the EU opens membership talks with Romania Slovakia Latvia Lithuania Bulgaria and Malta.ritain Denmark and Ireland apply to join the EEC. The UK's decision to apply for membership of the EEC was taken by the government of Harold Macmillan a Conservative. It was not welcomed by French President Charles de Gaulle who saw it as a threat to his goal of using the EEC to amplify France's voice in world affairs."
"Represent this Bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"But other members of the EU-Ireland, Malta, and Cyprus-are islands, and they do not object so much to handing powers to Brussels."
"Represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers",
"With Africa to the south, Turkey and central Europe to the north and Syria and the Middle East to the east, Cyprus is a major staging post used twice a year as birds move between Africa, Europe and Euro-Asia.ird-Tours Cyprus [email protected] Stylianou offers guided tours around the Republic of Cyprus. She has lived on the island since 1985, is an active birder and involved in birding projects for BirdLife Cyprus and others."
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"Notes. 1 The Turkish language is not an official language of the European Union. 2 Northern Cyprus is not recognised by the EU, so it is de jure part of the Republic of Cyprus and the EU, but de facto is outside the control of both entities and operates as an independent state recognised only by Turkey. See Cyprus dispute."
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"Cyprus is an island in the Eastern Basin of the Mediterranean Sea. It is the third largest island in the Mediterranean (after the Italian islands of Sicily and Sardinia) and the world's 81st largest island by area.he Republic of Cyprus, the internationally recognized government, occupies the southern two-thirds of the island. The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, diplomatically recognized only by Turkey, occupies the northern one-third of the island."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries!\n\n\nGiven ['represent this text such that it can be matched with a user search query that it adequately answers\\n\\n\\nExamples:\\n\\n\\n\"In 2011, the Wisconsin Legislature changed the interest rate on all civil money judgments, including small claims judgments, from 12 percent annually to an annual rate of 1 percent plus the prime rate in effect on Jan. 1 and June 30 in a given year.\" == \"what is the rate of interest for small claims cases\"', 'An instinct is something that is in-born, while a learned behavior is developed through training, repetition, experience, knowledge, etc. An instinct can be considered a talen â\\x80¦ t in a sense.'], a positive would be ['Represent the search query for retrieving a relevant results.', 'how are learned behaviors and instincts different']",
"Monaco and the British territories of Akrotiri and Dhekelia, Guernsey, Isle of Man and Jersey are integral parts of the EU's customs territory, while Andorra, San Marino and Turkey, a candidate for EU membership, are each in a customs union with the EU.onaco and the British territories of Akrotiri and Dhekelia, Guernsey, Isle of Man and Jersey are integral parts of the EU's customs territory, while Andorra, San Marino and Turkey, a candidate for EU membership, are each in a customs union with the EU."
"Represent the input.",
"The European Union (EU) is the biggest single developed market in the world, with more than 450 million consumers. This page lists the countries of the EU. We hope you find this list of EU countries useful. 1 Austria. 2 Belgium. 3 Bulgaria. 4 Croatia. 5 Cyprus. 6 Czech Republic."
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"Cyprus, officially the Republic of Cyprus, is an island country in the Eastern Mediterranean and the third largest and third most populous island in the Mediterranean. Cyprus is located south of Turkey, west of Syria and Lebanon, northwest of Israel, north of Egypt, and southeast of Greece. The earliest known human activity on the island dates to around the 10th millennium BC. Archaeological remains from this period include the well-preserved Neolithic village of Khirokitia, and Cyprus is home t"
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"Malta. Switzerland. Greece. Netherlands. You must still show a valid ID card or passport when travelling to or from Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Ireland, Romania and the United Kingdom. Though part of the EU, these countries do not belong to the border-free Schengen area."
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"Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean Sea, after the Italian islands of Sicily and Sardinia (both in terms of area and population). It is also the world's 81st largest by area and world's 51st largest by population.yprus was settled by Mycenaean Greeks in two waves in the 2nd millennium BC. As a strategic location in the Middle East, it was subsequently occupied by several major powers, including the empires of the Assyrians, Egyptians and Persians, from whom the island was seized in 333 BC by Alexander the Great."
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"The currency of Cyprus is the Euro. If youâre found with fake euro banknotes the police will be called and you may be prosecuted. Several British nationals have been convicted and imprisoned for possession of fake euros. There are some simple checks you can make before accepting notes:"
"represent the doc for finding search queries about it",
"The eurozone consists of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Spain.he eurozone consists of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Spain."
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"âThey want to give refugees the message: Donât come to Cyprus because if you do, you wonât get refugee status,â said Doros Polykarpou, executive director of KISA, a Cypriot nonprofit. âAnd it works.â Migrants also shun Cyprus because it is not yet part of the Schengen Area, the EUâs passport-free zone."
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"Cyprus - a country on the island of Cyprus; 80% of the people are of Greek origin and 20% or Turkish origin. Republic of Cyprus. enosis - the union of Greece and Cyprus (which is the goal of a group of Greek Cypriots) Cyprus - an island in the eastern Mediterranean. Cyprus, Republic of Cyprus - a country on the island of Cyprus; 80% of the people are of Greek origin and 20% or Turkish origin. Mediterranean, Mediterranean Sea - the largest inland sea; between Europe and Africa and Asia."
"represent this bing doc so that it can be used to find relevant user search queries",
"The Republic of Cyprus is a Eurasian island country located in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. It shares borders with Greece on the east, Israel on the south-east, Turkey on the south, Syria on the west, and Egypt on the north.he island located in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea is situated south of Turkey, west of Syria and Lebanon, east of Greece, and north of Egypt."
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"Cyprus is geographically in Western Asia (or the Near East), though politically and culturally it is considered as being in Europe. Historically, Cyprus has always been a bridgehead between Europe and Asia, with interchanging periods of Levantine, Anatolian, and Greek influences.ut it could also be called a transcontinental territory-i.e. part of both Europe and Asia. Geographically this is so. Culturally Cyprus is divided into a Greek part, which is culturally part of Europe, and a Turkish part, which is culturally moe or less part of Asia."
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