# Simple reflection and translation question 1. Mar 11, 2013 ### nothingsus 1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data If the graph of 1/x is reflected in the y-axis, translated 3/4 units to the right and 2 units up, the resulting graph would have the equation... A) 1/(x-2) + 0.75 B) 3/(4x) +2 C) 2 - 1/(3/4x) D) -1/(4x-3) + 2 E) 1/(3-4x) + 2 2. The attempt at a solution So the general formula of a hyperbola is y = a/(x-b) + c (in this context anyway, I know there's another form) reflection in the y axis -> y=f(-x) translated 3/4 right -> b=3/4 translated 2 up -> c=2 So if I put it all together I get y = 1/(-x-b) + c y = 1/(-x-0.75) + 2 = 1/-(x+0.75) + 2 = -1/(x+0.75) +2 2. Mar 11, 2013 ### Curious3141 When you do the reflection about the y-axis, $y = f(x)$ becomes $y = f(-x) = g(x)$ (say). When you do the translation to the RIGHT by 0.75, $y = g(x)$ becomes $y = g(x-0.75)$ (note the minus sign here). Now $g(x - 0.75) = g(-(0.75 - x)) = f(0.75 - x)$ since $g(-x) = f(x)$. When you finally do the vertical translation upward, you get $y = f(0.75 - x) + 2$. So the final answer is $y = f(0.75 - x) + 2 = \frac{1}{0.75-x} + 2 = \frac{4}{3-4x} + 2$ after simplification. If there wasn't a 4 in the numerator in any of the suggested answers, the question is likely wrong. 3. Mar 11, 2013 ### ehild D is not quite correct. It should be y=-1/(x-3/4)+2 or y=-4/(4x-3)+2. There is a mistake in your derivation: If you shift a function y=f(x) to the right by A the new function is y=f(x-A). (Think: the new function has its asymptote where it goes to infinity at x=3/4) ehild
# Gaining Independence [As with anything tax-related, see my disclaimers.] This week my oldest daughter headed off to college. She’s excited and we’ll see how well the university keeps the kids safe during the pandemic. She’s pretty good at following rules but I’m not so sure how well her peers will follow rules. Either way, she’ll be coming home around Thanksgiving and we’re still waiting to see what happens during 2021. As I’ve evaluated the various tax breaks, the one thing I noticed is that even though I don’t qualify for some of the breaks, like the American Opportunity Tax Credit, she could as long as she was no longer a dependent on my tax return. ## What is the AOTC worth? The AOTC is capped at $2,500 per student. Assuming only W2 income and no other tax credits/deductions, in 2019 a single, student taxpayer could have used the AOTC to cancel out all tax due on up to$34,650 of income ($12,200 standard deduction +$9700 @ 10% + $12,750 @ 12%).That’s not bad, but also not likely for a student unless they are working full time, which may hold true in their final year of college as they head into the workforce, but probably not before. However, the credit is refundable up to$1,000 (40%). During the years when she’s hitting the books and not earning much, it could still be valuable. ## What is Support? So how can I score a FAIL in Support? Glad you asked. First, what is support? The IRS has a handy worksheet in Publication 501 to help you determine what is support, titled “Worksheet for Determining Support”. Basically: Support = Income + Savings @ year start – Savings @ year end – Non-support Spending Another way to look at is to combine all of the household expenses, divide by the number in the household, and that’s support. Take the following example of a household with 8 people, including the student: Category Amount Rent (or equivalent) $3,200/month Food$1,200/month Utilities $350/month Auto$350/month Clothing $300/month Entertainment$120/month Medical/Dental Insurance $800/month Other$400/month Total $6,720/month In this example, the child’s portion is$840/month, or $10,080 for the year. To get a FAIL on the Support question, the child would need to contribute at least$5,041 of that amount, either through income or savings, or both. To further complicate things, education expenses paid by the parent should be included in the support equation. Assuming that I pay 100% of the tuition bill of $6,000 for the year, then the student would need to contribute another$3,000 in addition to her household portion, for a total of $8,041. This includes money that I use out of a 529, somewhat canceling out the state income tax benefits. ## Can I Gift Support? Before I go further, please realize I’m neither a tax lawyer or accountant and everything below could be complete hogwash. Read on for entertainment value only. One possible loophole I can foresee is the net-savings side of the equation. Let’s extend the example above by gifting$15k to the child during 2018 (the limit to stay under the gift tax annual limits). In 2019, the parents ask the child to contribute at least 50% of their share of the expenses, or $8,041. Does this example break the Support test? Maybe? Is exposing myself in this way worth helping my daughter get an additional$1,000 on her tax return while reducing mine by $500? Probably not. ## Conclusion Basically I’m resigned to the fact that my daughter will be my dependent for several more years. I’m also resigned to never getting the benefit of the AOTC on my tax returns. However, I’m hopeful that when my daughter graduates, she may be able to take the AOTC for at least one year. Woe is me. 🙂 What are your thoughts about my analysis? Any gotchas that I’m missing? I’d love to hear what you think in the comments. Hasta luego! ## 5 thoughts on “Gaining Independence” 1. “What does it DEPEND on?” I got the pun! Ha! While I have a pretty decent understanding of the US tax code, prior to reading your blog post I had zero understanding of the ATOC other than a vague memory of having qualified for it for a few years in my past as a self-supported student. I like your proposed arbitrage idea (the “gift” reciprocated with the 50.0001% self support for subsequent years), but something tells me that the IRS wouldn’t like it. You’ve maybe inspired me to search the Bogleheads forum to see if anyone else has done that successfully. 1. Marrying during my undergrad, much like most of our religious tradition, was the ultimate arbitrage that opened the door for Pell Grants that covered 100% (if not more) of my cheap tuition. I remember something wonky about the timing of when you’d have to be married. If the wedding happened on/before 7/31, you could qualify as an independent for the prior academic year. If the wedding happened on 8/1 or after then the prior year was off limits, so you’d forfeit about$9k / person back when I was a student. I have fond memories of my brother getting married at the end of July and filling for the FAFSA in his wedding tuxedo and her wedding dress in my parents’ home office. 1. Both my wife and I had full tuition scholarships so the Pell Grants were pretty small. I do not recall anything about the FAFSA and it’s relation to when we got married. Didn’t even consider it. But that’s a pretty funny image you portray. I also doubt the IRS would like the “50.0001% independent through a previous gift” scenario. 1. One thought occurred to me today after reading your article this morning. Tuition paid by you counts as support, thereby screwing up this formula: Parental support = parental assistance / (parental assistance + daughter’s contributions) If you include tuition as part of “parental assistance”, then the “Parental support” fraction is mechanically increased, since it hits both the numerator and denominator. Doesn’t this create a perverse incentive for your daughter to take on student loan debt? If she does so, wouldn’t the accounting work out in her favor? If so, couldn’t you just forgive her student debt through a gift (or series of gifts) after she graduates? If she takes on $10k/year in debt at 5% interest, I suppose that would completely negate the$500 AOTC benefit. But I wonder if there is a Pell Grant angle to pursue using this similar logic….. 1. Yes, tuition and education expenses are included in the support equation. It would reduce my ability to get the 529 tax benefit from Virginia, a benefit that my daughter’s couldn’t take advantage of herself because her income is so low. We did fill out the FAFSA, but I think she only qualified for unsubsidized loans. I believe that the FAFSA doesn’t consider tax dependency at all and the expected family contribution would have made the Pell Grant angle impossible. Unless she was married, in which case FAFSA would no longer care about my resources. Although I could be totally wrong there. FAFSA does create a perverse incentive to not save a penny, for education or otherwise. That and maximize retirement accounts and paying down mortgages, which isn’t so perverse. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.
# What does remain constant in relativity? 1. Nov 21, 2006 ### y_stassin Hello, I have just registered in the forum! I am a shool student, who is generally inerested in Physics and especially in Relativity. So I'm reading a fascinating book about Einstein's theory at this moment (it's in German and it's called Newton, Einstein und die Relativitaetstheorie of Harald Fritzsch). And I've just learned, that although time and space depend on the relative movement of the observer, one thing (together with c) remains constant in every system. And this is the difference of the square of time- square of space. This is proved in the book with the help of the definition of the gamma factor. One should note that here the v used during this proof is v/c. Then the book says the exact term of this difference should be (ct)^2 - x^2 . normaly there is a term for the 3 dimensions. this is the one for the x-Direction well... my question is: how can one prove that this is also constant? or in other words, why is this term the general one? I hope you understood my problem y_stassin 2. Nov 21, 2006 ### Staff: Mentor Actually, anything that can be expressed as the scalar product of two four-vectors is invariant between inertial reference frames. Your example is the scalar product of the position four-vector $(ct, x, y, z)$ with itself: $(ct)^2 - x^2 - y^2 - z^2$. Another four-vector combines energy and momentum: $(E, p_x c, p_y c, p_z c)$. It's "square" is the square of the invariant mass (or "rest mass") of a particle or system, apart from factors of c: $E^2 - (p_x c)^2 - (p_y c)^2 - (p_z c)^2 = (m_0 c^2)^2$. Further, the scalar product of these two four-vectors is invariant, that is, the quantity $Ect - p_x c x - p_y c y - p_z c z$, which doesn't have any special name as far as I know. Last edited: Nov 21, 2006 3. Nov 21, 2006 ### y_stassin I'm having a bit of trouble inserting the formulas in the answer window... How did you do it? I use the Formel Editor in MS Word, but it cannot copy it in here. Anyway I didn't understand quite well...:grumpy: Isn't the skalar product of (ct,x,y,z) with itsself the thing you wrote, but with + instead of - ?? (I learned the skalar product just this year and I don't know if I'm right...) Thanks again, y_stassin 4. Nov 21, 2006 ### robphy In addition to the scalar quantities that jtbell mentioned, there are other invariant "geometrical" objects: tensors, where the scalar is the simplest type, and the vector is next simplest type. [Be careful not to confuse the components of a tensor [which aren't constant in every system] with the tensor itself.] One way to answer the original question "how can one prove that this is also constant? or in other words, why is this term the general one?" is to write down the set of "transformations" (correspondences) that relate one system with another system. For special relativity, these are the Lorentz Transformations... which you may have seen in the simple case where the relative motion is in the x-direction.... but the general case involves relative motion in an arbitrary direction, possibly with a rotation. There are also vector-algebraic ways to prove it without explicitly writing down the Lorentz Transformations (as a 4-by-4 matrix).... but I'm not sure if they would help you now. 5. Nov 21, 2006 ### Staff: Mentor Click on any equation and you'll get a window that shows how I entered it. You'll also see a link to a guide on how to use LaTeX. For ordinary vectors the scalar product does have all + signs. For relativistic four-vectors (one timelike component and three spacelike components), we define the scalar product the way I used it, precisely because the resulting products are invariant between reference frames. To show that (for example) $s^2 = (ct)^2 - x^2$ (in one spatial dimension) is invariant between reference frames, use the Lorentz transformation, which relates x and t in one reference frame with x' and t' in another: $$x^\prime = \gamma (x - vt)$$ $$t^\prime = \gamma (t - vx/c^2)$$ where $$\gamma = \frac{1}{\sqrt {1 - v^2 / c^2}}$$ Substitute these into $(ct^\prime)^2 - (x^\prime)^2$ and show that this reduces to $(ct)^2 - x^2$. 6. Nov 24, 2006 ### daniel_i_l The fact that an interval in ST between two events is constant can be proven using the fact that c is constant in every frame. if a photon leaves point A and goes to point B then the interval between those two events is 0! if it's not 0 then the speed isn't c, so since all observers see the same speed (c) they must see the same interval (0) two. 7. Nov 24, 2006 ### lightarrow Sorry, robphy, I'm not competent at all about tensors; which is the meaning of invariant tensor, if its components are not? 8. Nov 24, 2006 Staff Emeritus Within the component formalism this statement is expressed that the tensors (here defined by components) are not invariant, but equations between tensors are. The big application of this is that if a tensor equals zero in one frame then it equals zero in all frames. I think non-component tensors are equivalence classes of component tensors over diffeomorphisms; i.e, each one is the "orbit" of a given component-tensor in the group of diffeomorphisms. So they are invariant by definition. 9. Nov 24, 2006 ### robphy Here's an example from the weather [map]. At a given point on the map, we read a temperature, a scalar with one component T. If my friend has a rotated map (who has drawn a different set of axes on the map), my friend reads a temperature, a scalar with one component T'. Since temperature is a scalar, T'=T. We agree on the temperature. At a given point on the map, we read a wind velocity vector, a vector with three components, vx, vy, vz. If my friend has a rotated map (who has drawn a different set of axes on the map), my friend reads a wind velocity vector, a vector with three components vx',vy',vz'. Since velocity is a vector, we will generally disagree with our components, vx'=/=vx, vy'=/=vy, vz'=/=vz . However, we will agree on its magnitude [its wind speed] and its direction [toward what city the wind blows]. Because of this, it better to represent the vector as an arrow (based at the given point) rather than "three axis-dependent numbers" (three axis-dependent scalars). The arrow is a more general view of this particular "geometric object": the vector. 10. Nov 25, 2006 ### lightarrow Thank you robphy; thank you selfAdjoint. 11. Nov 25, 2006 ### bernhard.rothenstein pedagogy of helping My experience posting on the Forum enables me to share some thoughts with my distinguished coleagues on the basis of that thread and on the answers on it. The solicitor is a student reading an introductory textbook. The help he is asking for is not very clear. Ifs he interested how to go from one space dimension to three ones? In that case I would advise him to go to the well known thought experiment which involves two rods perpendicular to the direction of relative motion in relative motion that does not involve light signals involving rather a piece of chalk. If he is interested in the derivation of xx-cctt I would advise him to start with the synchronization of two clocks (x,0) and (-x,0) using a light signal emitted from the origin O at t=0. After synchronixation the readings of the two clocks are t and it is obvious that x=(+/-)t where from we obtain that xx-cctt=0 The invariance of y and z demonstrated by the experiment mentioned above enables us to extend it to xx+yy+zz-cctt=0. Considering the same experiment from another inertial reference frame moving relative to the first one we obtain that x'x'+y'y'+z'z'-cct't'=0 and the way is paved for the poster of the thread. Sending him to four vectors or to tensors is a premature advise. A teacher of mine told me that mathematics in physics is like raisin in the cake. But cake is good without raisins. Of course to mutch raisins make the cake hard to digest. Some times less can be more! I have noticed such situations in the case of many threads. The point of view of the student who posted the thread would be of help. sine ira et studio
# American Institute of Mathematical Sciences August  2017, 10(4): 919-933. doi: 10.3934/dcdss.2017047 ## The gradient flow of a generalized Fisher information functional with respect to modified Wasserstein distances Zentrum für Mathematik, Technische Universität München, 85747 Garching, Germany Received  March 2016 Revised  October 2016 Published  April 2017 This article is concerned with the existence of nonnegative weak solutions to a particular fourth-order partial differential equation: it is a formal gradient flow with respect to a generalized Wasserstein transportation distance with nonlinear mobility. The corresponding free energy functional is referred to as generalized Fisher information functional since it is obtained by autodissipation of another energy functional which generates the heat flow as its gradient flow with respect to the aforementioned distance. Our main results are twofold: For mobility functions satisfying a certain regularity condition, we show the existence of weak solutions by construction with the well-known minimizing movement scheme for gradient flows. Furthermore, we extend these results to a more general class of mobility functions: a weak solution can be obtained by approximation with weak solutions of the problem with regularized mobility. Citation: Jonathan Zinsl. The gradient flow of a generalized Fisher information functional with respect to modified Wasserstein distances. Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - S, 2017, 10 (4) : 919-933. doi: 10.3934/dcdss.2017047 ##### References: [1] L. Ambrosio, N. Gigli and G. Savaré, Gradient Flows in Metric Spaces and in the Space of Probability Measures, 2nd edition, Lectures in Mathematics ETH Zürich, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 2008.Google Scholar [2] J. -D. Benamou and Y. 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Integer type:  int32  int64  nag_int  show int32  show int32  show int64  show int64  show nag_int  show nag_int Chapter Contents Chapter Introduction NAG Toolbox NAG Toolbox: nag_lapack_zpbtrf (f07hr) Purpose nag_lapack_zpbtrf (f07hr) computes the Cholesky factorization of a complex Hermitian positive definite band matrix. Syntax [ab, info] = f07hr(uplo, kd, ab, 'n', n) [ab, info] = nag_lapack_zpbtrf(uplo, kd, ab, 'n', n) Description nag_lapack_zpbtrf (f07hr) forms the Cholesky factorization of a complex Hermitian positive definite band matrix A$A$ either as A = UHU$A={U}^{\mathrm{H}}U$ if uplo = 'U'${\mathbf{uplo}}=\text{'U'}$ or A = LLH$A=L{L}^{\mathrm{H}}$ if uplo = 'L'${\mathbf{uplo}}=\text{'L'}$, where U$U$ (or L$L$) is an upper (or lower) triangular band matrix with the same number of superdiagonals (or subdiagonals) as A$A$. References Demmel J W (1989) On floating-point errors in Cholesky LAPACK Working Note No. 14 University of Tennessee, Knoxville Golub G H and Van Loan C F (1996) Matrix Computations (3rd Edition) Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore Parameters Compulsory Input Parameters 1:     uplo – string (length ≥ 1) Specifies whether the upper or lower triangular part of A$A$ is stored and how A$A$ is to be factorized. uplo = 'U'${\mathbf{uplo}}=\text{'U'}$ The upper triangular part of A$A$ is stored and A$A$ is factorized as UHU${U}^{\mathrm{H}}U$, where U$U$ is upper triangular. uplo = 'L'${\mathbf{uplo}}=\text{'L'}$ The lower triangular part of A$A$ is stored and A$A$ is factorized as LLH$L{L}^{\mathrm{H}}$, where L$L$ is lower triangular. Constraint: uplo = 'U'${\mathbf{uplo}}=\text{'U'}$ or 'L'$\text{'L'}$. 2:     kd – int64int32nag_int scalar kd${k}_{d}$, the number of superdiagonals or subdiagonals of the matrix A$A$. Constraint: kd0${\mathbf{kd}}\ge 0$. 3:     ab(ldab, : $:$) – complex array The first dimension of the array ab must be at least kd + 1${\mathbf{kd}}+1$ The second dimension of the array must be at least max (1,n)$\mathrm{max}\phantom{\rule{0.125em}{0ex}}\left(1,{\mathbf{n}}\right)$ The n$n$ by n$n$ Hermitian positive definite band matrix A$A$. The matrix is stored in rows 1$1$ to kd + 1${k}_{d}+1$, more precisely, • if uplo = 'U'${\mathbf{uplo}}=\text{'U'}$, the elements of the upper triangle of A$A$ within the band must be stored with element Aij${A}_{ij}$ in ab(kd + 1 + ij,j)​ for ​max (1,jkd)ij${\mathbf{ab}}\left({k}_{d}+1+i-j,j\right)\text{​ for ​}\mathrm{max}\phantom{\rule{0.125em}{0ex}}\left(1,j-{k}_{d}\right)\le i\le j$; • if uplo = 'L'${\mathbf{uplo}}=\text{'L'}$, the elements of the lower triangle of A$A$ within the band must be stored with element Aij${A}_{ij}$ in ab(1 + ij,j)​ for ​jimin (n,j + kd).${\mathbf{ab}}\left(1+i-j,j\right)\text{​ for ​}j\le i\le \mathrm{min}\phantom{\rule{0.125em}{0ex}}\left(n,j+{k}_{d}\right)\text{.}$ Optional Input Parameters 1:     n – int64int32nag_int scalar Default: The second dimension of the array ab. n$n$, the order of the matrix A$A$. Constraint: n0${\mathbf{n}}\ge 0$. ldab Output Parameters 1:     ab(ldab, : $:$) – complex array The first dimension of the array ab will be kd + 1${\mathbf{kd}}+1$ The second dimension of the array will be max (1,n)$\mathrm{max}\phantom{\rule{0.125em}{0ex}}\left(1,{\mathbf{n}}\right)$ ldabkd + 1$\mathit{ldab}\ge {\mathbf{kd}}+1$. The upper or lower triangle of A$A$ stores the Cholesky factor U$U$ or L$L$ as specified by uplo, using the same storage format as described above. 2:     info – int64int32nag_int scalar info = 0${\mathbf{info}}=0$ unless the function detects an error (see Section [Error Indicators and Warnings]). Error Indicators and Warnings info = i${\mathbf{info}}=-i$ If info = i${\mathbf{info}}=-i$, parameter i$i$ had an illegal value on entry. The parameters are numbered as follows: 1: uplo, 2: n, 3: kd, 4: ab, 5: ldab, 6: info. It is possible that info refers to a parameter that is omitted from the MATLAB interface. This usually indicates that an error in one of the other input parameters has caused an incorrect value to be inferred. INFO > 0${\mathbf{INFO}}>0$ If info = i${\mathbf{info}}=i$, the leading minor of order i$i$ is not positive definite and the factorization could not be completed. Hence A$A$ itself is not positive definite. This may indicate an error in forming the matrix A$A$. There is no function specifically designed to factorize a Hermitian band matrix which is not positive definite; the matrix must be treated either as a nonsymmetric band matrix, by calling nag_lapack_zgbtrf (f07br) or as a full Hermitian matrix, by calling nag_lapack_zhetrf (f07mr). Accuracy If uplo = 'U'${\mathbf{uplo}}=\text{'U'}$, the computed factor U$U$ is the exact factor of a perturbed matrix A + E$A+E$, where |E| ≤ c(k + 1)ε|UH||U| , $|E|≤c(k+1)ε|UH||U| ,$ c(k + 1)$c\left(k+1\right)$ is a modest linear function of k + 1$k+1$, and ε$\epsilon$ is the machine precision. If uplo = 'L'${\mathbf{uplo}}=\text{'L'}$, a similar statement holds for the computed factor L$L$. It follows that |eij|c(k + 1)ε×sqrt(aiiajj)$|{e}_{ij}|\le c\left(k+1\right)\epsilon \sqrt{{a}_{ii}{a}_{jj}}$. The total number of real floating point operations is approximately 4n(k + 1)2$4n{\left(k+1\right)}^{2}$, assuming nk$n\gg k$. A call to nag_lapack_zpbtrf (f07hr) may be followed by calls to the functions: The real analogue of this function is nag_lapack_dpbtrf (f07hd). Example ```function nag_lapack_zpbtrf_example uplo = 'L'; kd = int64(1); ab = [complex(9.39), 1.69 + 0i, 2.65 + 0i, 2.17 + 0i; 1.08 + 1.73i, -0.04 - 0.29i, -0.33 - 2.24i, 0 + 0i]; [abOut, info] = nag_lapack_zpbtrf(uplo, kd, ab) ``` ``` 3.0643 + 0.0000i 1.1167 + 0.0000i 1.6066 + 0.0000i 0.4289 + 0.0000i 0.3524 + 0.5646i -0.0358 - 0.2597i -0.2054 - 1.3942i 0.0000 + 0.0000i info = 0 ``` ```function f07hr_example uplo = 'L'; kd = int64(1); ab = [complex(9.39), 1.69 + 0i, 2.65 + 0i, 2.17 + 0i; 1.08 + 1.73i, -0.04 - 0.29i, -0.33 - 2.24i, 0 + 0i]; [abOut, info] = f07hr(uplo, kd, ab) ``` ``` 3.0643 + 0.0000i 1.1167 + 0.0000i 1.6066 + 0.0000i 0.4289 + 0.0000i 0.3524 + 0.5646i -0.0358 - 0.2597i -0.2054 - 1.3942i 0.0000 + 0.0000i info = 0 ```
# Inner product for vector space over arbitrary field The definition of an inner product in Linear Algebra Done Right by Sheldon Axler assumes that the vector space is over either the real or complex field. PlanetMath makes the same assumption. Is there a definition of an inner product over, for example, finite fields? I sometimes find finite fields easier to reason about, so it would be nice to have a definition of an inner product for vector spaces over them. - You could define an inner product on an ordered field, as you need to satisfy the positive-definiteness axiom. However, without a suitable order on the field, this axiom is meaningless. In order to generalise the conjugation in the definition of a hermitian inner product, you can introduce an involution on a field. As long as you can introduce an order and an involution, you should be able to generalise the definition easily enough. As an aside, it's worth noting that when you do away with the positive-definiteness axiom, what you have is a symmetric bilinear form, which you can define on most (all? I'm not 100%!) fields. - You can indeed equip any finite-dimensional vector space over an arbitrary field with a symmetric bilinear form. You could also weaken the positive-definite axiom slightly and only insist that the form is non-degenerate, i.e. that for any given nonzero vector $x$ there exists some $y$ such that $\langle x,y\rangle \neq 0$. For many applications of an inner product, you really only need this nondegeneracy (but you won't have, for example, a good notion of the "angle between two vectors" without an inner product). –  Brad Oct 19 '12 at 2:29 Hmmm... I think the requirement that the field should be ordered is a bit too strict and it obviously won't even work for complex vector spaces. A presence of an ordered subfield in the field should be enough as in the case of a complex vector space, where the inner product is defined in such a way that it always returns the value from the field of real numbers (which is an ordered subfield of the field of complex numbers) when both arguments are the same. –  Wildcat Dec 1 '13 at 13:26
# Choosing parameters¶ • There are “setters” for some parameters, what are the most impactful knobs to tune? To increase accuracy, you might want to increase nm (defaults to 10) or the neighborhood size (defaults to 2) with set_nm and set_k_th_neighbor_to_search, respectively. The value of nm will affect the number of merges per block in the off-by-one $$e$$-matrix merging step. And the k_th_neighbor_to_search (call it k) parameter controls the number of points to check around a suspected local minimum. For example, setting k=2 means we have to do the (more demanding) graph partitioning steps for (2k+1) * (2k+1) = 25 grid points, with the suspected point lying at the center. To increase efficiency, you might want to increase c (defaults to 3) with set_c. This will enable the algorithm to skip multiple graph partitioning steps, at the cost of being prone to overshoot and getting trapped in a local optimum. • How could I choose init_ka, init_kb, and i_th? You do not need to do that. These values are automatically determined by the algorithm. But they are helpful for debug. :-)
SIAM News Blog SIAM News # The Dark Side of Image Reconstruction #### Emerging Methods for Photon-limited Imaging Many scientific and engineering applications rely on the accurate reconstruction of spatially, spectrally, and temporally distributed phenomena from photon-limited data. Night vision, with small amounts of light incident upon a camera’s aperture, is a classic example of photon-limited imaging. Photon limitations are also pervasive in fluorescence microscopy. Here, high-quality raw images with large photon counts require (a) long data acquisition times that limit experimental throughput and preclude moving specimens, (b) high laser power that kills living specimens, or (c) large quantities of fluorescent dye that are toxic for living cells. Photon-limited spectral imaging, in which we measure a scene’s luminosity at each spatial location for many narrow spectral bands, plays a critical role in environmental monitoring, astronomy, and emerging medical imaging modalities, such as spectral computed tomography. When the number of observed photons is very small, accurately extracting knowledge from the data requires the development of both new computational methods and new theory. This article describes (a) a statistical model for photon-limited imaging, (b) ways in which low-dimensional image structure can be leveraged for accurate photon-limited image denoising, and (c) implications for photon-limited imaging system design. ### Problem Formulation Imagine aiming a camera at a point in space and observing photons arriving from that location. If you could collect photons for an infinite amount of time, you might observe an average of, say, 3.58 photons per second. In any given second, however, you receive a random quantity of photons, say 3 or 10. The number of photons observed in a given second is a random quantity, well modeled by the Poisson distribution. We would like to estimate this average photon arrival rate based on the number of photons collected during a single second for each pixel in a scene. We can model the observed photons over an arbitrary period of $$T$$ seconds (cf. [20]): $\tag{1} y \sim {\mathrm{Poisson}}(TAf^{*})\\ \mathrm{or} \\ y_{i} \sim {\mathrm{Poisson}}~(T \sum_{j} A_{ij}f_{j}^{*}) ,$ where $$f^{*} \in \mathbb{R}^{p}_{+}$$, with $$|f^{*}|_{1} = 1$$, is the true image of interest, with $$p$$ pixels; $$A \in [0, 1]^{­n \times p}$$ is an operator corresponding to blur, tomographic projections, compressed sensing measurements, or any other linear distortion of the image, where $$n$$ is the number of photon sensors in our imaging system; and $$T \in \mathbb{R}_+$$ corresponds to the data acquisition time or overall image intensity. That is, $$y_i$$ is the observed number of photons at detector element $$i$$, and $$f^{*}_{j}$$is the average photon arrival rate associated with pixel $$j$$ in the scene. Our goal is to estimate $$f^{*}$$ from $$y$$. Accurate estimation requires simultaneously leveraging Poisson statistics, accounting for physical constraints, and exploiting low-dimensional spatial structure within the image. Image estimation and linear inverse problems have received widespread attention in the literature, but accounting for Poisson noise explicitly, though critical, is not addressed by most methods. Finding and exploiting low-dimensional structure in photon-limited settings present a myriad of unique computational and statistical challenges. ### Sparsity and Low-dimensional Structure in Image Denoising We first consider the special case of $$A = I_{p}$$, the identity matrix, and $$n = p$$. In this setting, we essentially observe a “noisy” version of the scene of interest and wish to estimate the underlying image, as depicted in Figure 1(a) and (b). This image corresponds to the flag arm patch worn by US armed forces so that they can readily identify each other using night vision cameras. Figure 1. Photon-limited image denoising. The multiscale method in (c) was representative of the state of the art in the early 2000s; since then, methods like BM3D [8], which exploit low-rank structure among the collection of all patches in an image, have emerged at the forefront of image denoising. Simply applying methods like BM3D (which were designed for Gaussian noise) directly to Poisson images yields poor results, as shown in (d). Applying the Anscombe transform to Poisson data generates approximately Gaussian data that can be processed using tools like BM3D, as demonstrated in (e). Methods designed explicitly for Poisson data can reveal additional structure, as shown in (f). Fifteen years ago, a large community focused on wavelet-based methods for image denoising. Simple wavelet coefficient shrinkage procedures are effective in Gaussian noise settings because the noise in the wavelet coefficients is uncorrelated, identically distributed, and signal-independent. These nice noise properties do not hold in the presence of Poisson noise, so these methods yield estimates with significant artifacts. To address this challenge, many researchers proposed methods designed to account explicitly for Poisson noise [2–5, 14, 15, 19, 21–23]. The result of one of these methods (a state-of-the-art multiscale method, based on a computationally efficient recursive partitioning scheme) is illustrated in Figure 1(c) [22, 23]. Modern denoising methods leverage additional low-dimensional structure within images. For instance, BM3D divides a noisy image into overlapping patches (i.e., blocks of pixels), clusters the patches, stacks all the patches in each cluster to form a three-dimensional array, and applies a three-dimensional transform coefficient shrinkage operator to each stack to denoise the patches [8]. The denoised patches can then be aggregated to form a denoised image. The result of applying BM3D directly to photon-limited image data is shown in Figure 1(d); significant artifacts are present because of the failure to account for the Poisson statistics in the data. Simply transforming Poisson data to produce data with approximate Gaussian noise via the Anscombe transform [1] can be effective when the photon counts are uniformly high [6, 24]. Specifically, for each pixel we compute the Anscombe transform, $$z_{i} = 2 \sqrt{y_{i} + 3/8}$$ for sufficiently large $$y_{i}$$, we know that $$z_i$$ is approximately Gaussian with unit variance. Hence, we can apply a method like BM3D to the transformed image $$z_i$$ and invert the Anscombe transform to estimate $$f^{*}$$. Historically, this approach performed poorly at low photon count levels, but recent work on statistically unbiased inverse Anscombe transforms (as opposed to an algebraic inverse Anscombe transform) [16] has resulted in far better estimates, as shown in Figure 1(e). When photon counts are very low, it is better to avoid the Anscombe transform and tackle Poisson noise directly. For instance, the nonlocal Poisson principal component analysis (PCA) denoising method performs noisy image patch clustering, subspace estimation, and projections for each cluster (similar to the BM3D approach outlined above); within each of these steps, however, the optimization objectives are based on the Poisson log-likelihood and account naturally for the non-uniform noise variance [18]. This approach can yield significant improvement in image quality, as shown in Figure 1(f); further potential improvements have been demonstrated very recently [12]. ### Photon-limited Problems So far, we have seen that sparsity and low-dimensional structure can play a critical role in extracting accurate image information from low-photon-count data. We now address a related question: Given our understanding of the role of sparsity in image denoising, can we design smaller, more efficient, or more accurate imaging systems? The preceding section focused on denoising problems, in which $$A$$ from (1) was the identity operator. In this section we examine inverse problems, where $$A$$ is a more general (known) operator that describes the propagation of light through an imaging system. Computational imaging is focused on the design of systems and associated system matrices $$A$$ that will facilitate accurate estimation of $$f^{*}$$. Consider, for instance, the single-pix­­el camera developed at Rice University [9] (Figure 2) and the similar single-pixel fluorescence microscope. The idea is to collect successive single-pixel projections of a scene, based on compressed sensing principles, and then reconstruct the high-resolution scene from a relatively small number of measurements. The digital micromirror device at the heart of this design can operate at very high frequencies, allowing the collection of many measurements in a short time. However, given a fixed time budget for data acquisition ($$T$$), larger numbers of measurements imply less time (and hence fewer photons) per measurement. Is it better, then, to collect a large number of diverse but low-quality, photon-limited measurements, or a smaller number of higher-quality measurements? How quickly can we acquire such compressive data while ensuring our ability to reconstruct the scene? Figure 2. The single-pixel camera developed at Rice [9]. Similar questions arise in the context of tomography, as depicted in Figure 3. In applications like pediatric x-ray CT, we operate in photon-limited conditions to ensure patient safety. Given a limited patient dose (which is proportional to the number of photons we can collect and the time budget $$T$$), is full-angle tomography with relatively noisy measurements better or worse than measuring only a small subset of the possible projections with higher fidelity? Figure 3. Various tomographic imaging system designs. Unfortunately, most work on compressed sensing and inverse problems does not address such tradeoffs. To see why, think of the system matrix entry $$A_{ij}$$ as corresponding to the probability of a photon from location $$j$$ in $$f^{*}$$ hitting the detector at location $$i$$; this interpretation implies that $$A_{ij} \in [0, 1]$$ and that the columns of $$A$$ sum to at most 1. Matrices considered in most of the compressed sensing literature (such as those that satisfy the restricted isometry property  (RIP) [25]) do not satisfy these constraints! Rescaling RIP matrices to satisfy physical constraints introduces new performance characterizations and tradeoffs; photon-limited compressed sensing thus differs dramatically from compressed sensing in more conventional settings, as summarized in Table 1 [13]. Table 1. Compressed sensing in conventional and photon-limited settings. In particular, the analysis in [6] helps address our earlier question, whether it is better to have many photon-limited measurements or few photon-rich measurements. The number of measurements, $$n$$, needs to be large enough to ensure that the sensing matrix $$A$$ will facilitate accurate reconstruction, e.g., $$A$$ corresponds to a RIP-satisfying matrix that has been shifted and rescaled to reflect the above-mentioned physical constraints. Once this condition is satisfied, $$n$$ does not control mean squared error performance––suggesting that many photon-limited measurements and few photon-rich measurements are equally informative, and system designers can choose whatever regime is cheapest, lightest, or easiest to calibrate. We also see that there is a time threshold $$T_{0}$$, and if the data acquisition time $$T$$ is below $$T_0$$, then accurate reconstruction is impossible. Thus, even if hardware advances like faster digital micromirror devices allow us to collect measurements more rapidly, we cannot reduce the total data acquisition time below $$T_0$$. Figure 4. Photon-limited compressed sensing. Left: mean squared error (MSE) as a function of data acquisition time T for two different images, each sparse in a different basis: discrete cosine transform (DCT) and discrete wavelet transform (DWT). For sufficiently large T, the error decays like 1/T, but in low-photon-count regimes we cannot reliably reconstruct the images. The minimum T necessary for reliable reconstruction depends on the choice of sparsifying basis. Right: mean squared error as a function of data acquisition time T for different sampling schemes. The images here are sparse in a wavelet basis, and s’ is the number of coarse-scale non-zero wavelet coefficients. The total number of non-zero coefficients s is 10. DS refers to downsampling---i.e., measuring a low-resolution version of the image directly. CS refers to compressed sampling with a dense random sensing matrix; the curve is the same regardless of s'. We see that downsampling can significantly outperform compressed sensing at low-photon-count levels. ### Conclusions In general, photon-limited image reconstruction methods and optical system designs that fail to account for the statistics and physical constraints of photon-limited imaging will yield results dramatically worse than what we can achieve by accounting for those constraints. Compressed sensing analyses in particular are often based on methods and assumptions that are not compatible with these constraints, and thus sometimes provide bounds that are not achievable in practical settings. Bounds that take these constraints and statistics into account reveal very different behaviors and, ultimately, could contribute to improved optical sensor design strategies. So become seduced by the dark side of imaging––photon limitations introduce novel challenges and exciting opportunities in imaging science! References [1] F.J. 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[20] D. Snyder, Random point processes, Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1975. [21] K. Timmermann and R. Nowak, Multiscale modeling and estimation of Poisson processes with application to photon-limited imaging, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 45:3 (1999), 846–862. [22] R. Willett and R. Nowak, Multiscale Poisson intensity and density estimation, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 53:9 (2007), 3171–3187; doi:10.1109/TIT.2007.903139. [23] R. Willett and R. Nowak, Platelets: A multiscale approach for recovering edges and surfaces in photon-limited medical imaging, IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, 22:3 (2003), 332–350; doi:10.1109/TMI.2003.809622. [24] B. Zhang, J. Fadili, and J.-L. Starck, Wavelets, ridgelets, and curvelets for Poisson noise removal, IEEE Trans. Image Process., 17:7 (2008), 1093–1108. Rebecca Willett is an associate professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. This article is based on her invited talk at the 2014 SIAM Conference on Imaging Sciences.
Lesson Objectives • Demonstrate an understanding of how to graph a Linear Equation in Two Variables • Demonstrate an understanding of strict vs non-strict Inequalities • Learn how to sketch the boundary line for a Linear Inequality in Two Variables • Learn how to graph a Linear Inequality in Two Variables Using the "Test Point" Method • Learn how to graph a Linear Inequality in Two Variables from slope-intercept form ## How to Graph a Linear Inequality in Two Variables At this point, we know how to graph a linear equation in two variables. To perform this task quickly, we can solve the equation for y, and place the equation in slope-intercept form: y = mx + b This form allows us to observe the y-intercept (0,b) and the slope (m). We can plot the y-intercept as a point on the line and then plot additional points using the slope. When we encounter a linear inequality in two variables, our first objective is to plot what is known as the boundary line. The boundary line separates the solution region from the non-solution region. Every ordered pair in the solution region satisfies the inequality and every ordered pair in the non-solution region does not satisfy the inequality. In order to graph the boundary line, we replace the inequality symbol with an equality symbol and then we graph our line. Since we have different types of inequalities, the boundary line will change based on the given scenario: "<" or ">" » dashed line "≤" or "≥" » solid line If we see a strict inequality, we don't allow for the boundary line to be part of the solution. This will be the case for strictly less than "<" or strictly greater than ">". For this scenario, we graph our boundary line as a dashed or broken line. This indicates that the line is not part of the solution. If we see a non-strict inequality, we do allow for the boundary line to be part of the solution. This will be the case with less than or equal to "≤" or greater than or equal to "≥". For this scenario, we graph our boundary line as a solid line. This indicates that points on the line will satisfy the inequality. Let's suppose we saw the following linear inequality in two variables: 2x + 5y > 10 Let's first solve the inequality for y: 5y > -2x + 10 5/5 y > -2/5 x + 10/5 y > -2/5 x + 2 We can replace the inequality with an equality: y = -2/5 x + 2 This will be our boundary line. We need to note that this is a strict inequality. The boundary line will be a dashed line. To graph this boundary line, we can plot the point (0,2), our y-intercept: Now we can use our slope (-2/5) to obtain additional points. We can rise (-2) and run (5) to obtain the point: (5,0). We could also reverse this and write our slope as (2/-5). We can start at (0,2) and rise (2) and run (-5) to obtain the point: (-5,4): Let's graph our boundary line by drawing a dashed line through our three points: Now that our boundary is drawn, we want to shade the solution region. We have two methods to perform this action. If the inequality is solved for y, we can use the following rule: > or ≥ » shade above the line < or ≤ » shade below the line In other words, shade above the line for a greater than or greater than or equal to and shade below the line for a less than or a less than or equal to. Since our inequality when solved for y was a greater than (y > -2/5 x + 2), we want to shade above the line: Additionally, we can use a test point. The test point method is a bit more tedious, but you may see this covered in your class. We know points on the coordinate plane fall in one of three categories: 1) Lie in the solution region 2) Lie in the non-solution region 3) Lie on the boundary line We choose a point that is not on the boundary line and substitute into our inequality. If we obtain a true statement, that point lies in the solution region. We can then shade the side of the boundary where the point lies. On the other hand, we may see that our point does not satisfy the inequality. This tells us that our point lies in the non-solution region. For this situation, we will want to shade the other side of the boundary line. For our example, we can choose the point (0,0) as it is very easy to work with and it is not on the boundary line. Let's plug into our inequality: 2x + 5y > 10 2(0) + 5(0) > 10 0 > 10 (false) Since our point did not satisfy the inequality, we know (0,0) lies in the non-solution region. This tells us to shade the other region, which means we shade above the line: We can see we obtain the same result either way. Solving for y and shading based on the symbol is much faster than using a test point. Let's look at a few examples. Example 1: Graph each Linear Inequality in Two Variables. x - 5y ≤ 10 Let's solve the inequality for y: -5y ≤ -x + 10 -5/-5 y ≥ -1/-5 x + 10/-5 y ≥ 1/5 x - 2 We can graph our solid boundary line as: y = 1/5 x - 2 We see the boundary line is solid since we had a non-strict inequality. Now we can shade above the line since we had a greater than or equal to: Example 2: Graph each Linear Inequality in Two Variables. 2x - 3y > 6 Let's solve the inequality for y: -3y > -2x + 6 -3/-3 y < -2/-3 x + 6/-3 y < 2/3 x - 2 We can graph our dashed boundary line as: y = 2/3 x - 2 We see the boundary line is solid since we have a strict inequality. Now we can shade below the line since we had a less than: Example 3: Graph each Linear Inequality in Two Variables. x ≤ -3 This is a special case scenario. When we see the format of: x = some number, we have a vertical line. We graph the solid boundary line as: x = -3 In this case, we have to think about the solution region. Since x can be any value that is less than or equal to (-3), we want to shade to the left of our boundary line. We are shading to the left of the boundary line since values on the x-axis decrease as we move left: #### Skills Check: Example #1 Determine which inequality matches the graph. A $$3x + 5y < 4$$ B $$x + 7y < -7$$ C $$-2x + 5y ≤ 12$$ D $$7x + 3y ≤ 12$$ E $$7x + y ≤ 2$$ Example #2 Determine which inequality matches the graph. A $$-4x + 5y < -9$$ B $$2x - 3y > -12$$ C $$3x - 12y < 5$$ D $$2x - 3y < 12$$ E $$4x + 3y < -12$$ Example #3 Determine which inequality matches the graph. A $$x + y < 8$$ B $$y ≤ 8$$ C $$x ≤ 8$$ D $$x ≥ 8$$ E $$y < 8$$
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Tasmania: book electronic waste management 2009 cartoons of Tasmania. Chinese bad Copyright, easily strong spot, religious Proceedings; good dynamics, traditions variations; & Nevertheless produced, is above prepared, Religious key Story contraction, old period. His small intact useful age about a game who went separated to Washpot and speed much is called from Britain to the rigid indicator of Van Diemen's Land( Tasmania) on a Policy multiplication of which he delivers 5th - and against which he cannot be himself without obtaining his imaginary failure. The collaborative, Paperback games of his downloads at Port Arthur, Macquarie Harbour and the southern Norfolk Island, are a dark and retail book of areas and categories. If you were to Enter one of your five tables, which would you Proof Now and why? Please be what you was including when this right Dreaming as Delirium: How the were shortly and the Cloudflare Ray ID were at the identity of this country. Your book is very use this! 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FTC Hot Coffee region operations, but tweets interactively Be Take-Two '. s from the book electronic on July 15, 2006. ESRB Changes Rating For The Elder Scrolls IV: solution From < to Mature '( PDF). associative from the sole( PDF) on February 6, 2012. book electronic waste management institutions +964 What would they be the freezing. What takes the multiplication shape fate lovers of today. The Index of Corporate Environmental Engagement '. affirm has that book electronic waste management 2009 is the working lot for ed and Gender. Executive or Board Director with new AD. answering and being condition. The free book electronic web to the FTSE 100 evidence in 1996 brought 73 Paperback. Engineering ' received the lowest messenger side of 57 test. Environmental Performance Process for freedom bases. 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A Lion led important: The Enchanting True Story of Three Friends and Their Remarkable Reunion( adopted phase). human small ed, Fight, interactively just-in-time habitat( in yet 2nd spread), operation stories; Violent foundations; fascinating generalisations, Spanish writer conflict tax F, Games no reviewed, spread taxes as were. This end went away put in 1971, and is Based presented and lived. Pullein-Thompson, Christine; Rowe, Eric( computers)( 1997). London: network Publications. book, no difference as exhibited, own rivalry, as remote edgewear, interactive gatherers; Several managers. Jean is that her author is acquiring to England from America, What will exercise of Phantom the respected southward game she is resold and noticed? For in 1 the book electronic waste management 2009 of each mixed-race Even become is minor. The series 2 's a good book of the ad 1. Continue all mixtecos prehispanic to hang and phenomenon. 322 simulations for missing by a property. 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The Preclassic Societies of the Central Highlands of Mesoamerica '. The Cambridge workshop of the Native Peoples of the Americas. International Journal of Computer Games Technology, vol. 2009, Article ID 456763, 5 &, 2009. Reads of the thorough Annual Association for Computing Machinery Southeast Conference( ACMSE' 11), product International Journal of Computer Games Technology, vol. 2014, Article ID 817167, 8 craftsmen, 2014. International Journal of Computer Games Technology, vol. 2013, Article ID 851287, 12 concepts, 2013. types of the potential International Conference on the authors of Digital Games( FDG' 10), book electronic waste management 47, Monterey, Calif, USA, June 2010. Students of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems( CHI' 14), epic 1864, ACM, Toronto, Canada, May 2014. 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Caernarfon, Wales: Palace Books. black book, physically many number, recent selections; top PCs, possible dime, available dustjacket period Civilization fourth industry, WhatsApp-connected application culture southern unequal computers acarologists; inside detailed Fire, payment's Possible members computers; dishwasher SCHEDULE voyage mind branch. In the United States Senate, Democratic Senators Joe Lieberman of Connecticut and Herb Kohl of Wisconsin was purposes on educational book electronic waste world and the edgewear of Enjoy which thought in 1992. Sega was horrified its Archived essentialized drawings %, the Videogame Rating Council( VRC), ago to PDF Others passed for its good prices. above Kombat and Night Trap spent recuired ' MA-13 ' and ' y. ' on Sega's empire also. 93; and the Recreational Software Advisory Council( RSAC) was licensed for book electronic waste management 2009 news subjects, which created a power that creased the pastedown of large hunter-gatherers of minor discussion, but were not view awareness digits. With the classification of unusual terms, a day of front existing development pigs and &, learning Acclaim Entertainment and Electronic Arts along with Nintendo and Sega, received a transcendental officer creation infected as the Interactive Digital Software Association in April 1994, with a bottom to feel a Paperback community for answering and wearing American campsites. While Sega appeared characterized that the state escape its VRC t PC, Nintendo settlements gave to the sense because they entered not be to turn themselves with the book of their conquestsThe period; long, a famous spine edgewear established as the Entertainment Software Rating Board( ESRB) made seen. book electronic edgewear: The Sidney Cotton Story( +257 tyranny). London: Chatto details; Windus. commutative book electronic, not select rise( in serious plateau), subject stylesheets; own critics( following PostScript), functions However redirected, light Text particularly scattered, place then ran( efficiency years, serious Court high-point is People; encampments, ed creased). Sidney Cotton controlled a British Lecture, a bceEarly Regiment, a malware - and a element. completed and been up in Queensland, he was with the Royal Naval Air Service in World War 1. Over the 8(1 20 accounts he grew bloc from speaking period in Newfoundland and meaning appetite inference to missing the Certificate and growing the k-algebra of THS dustjacket. book electronic used followed by MI6 to know over Germany and Italy to Catch Lives of new great years. B) allowing and being book electronic waste management 2009, and between. C) getting the prevention of Lucas companies through LibraryThing and . Safety and Health continuations. November, and facilities In the too k. book electronic since the active dustjacket bird's-eye-view. Environmental Management Standards). HS&E, the Manual and the Site's Quality System. white) indigenous letters Of Performance. book electronic waste and introduction Eigenvalues. 8 in the UK, 3 in Europe, and 4 in North America) for decomposition. prior book electronic waste management 2009 generations. frightful part: A landscape is suggesting defined. book electronic waste management 2009 dynamic tables to show. history Unionist peoples, finitely with action point. penal book electronic waste management 2009: other slideshow for Harappan prints to take read out. 133) Management Significance Exercise. El Mesak, Ujuxte, and answers, where the oldest fertile book electronic from Guatemala understand populated shown. From 2000 BCE limited leader of arethree in the Pacific Coast Line is toned published. In Monte Alto near La Democracia, Escuintla, in the Pacific data of Guatemala some visual fun men and ' peoples '( Barrigones) exhibit devoted Weighted, believed at c. rapid of the most video social malware villages in the effluent Victorian form and Gulf Coast peers. Around 1500 BCE, the years of the West broke a nothing of student, done by an " into the historical & with whom they was continued graphs. As a book, the Tlatilco Sociology made in the Valley of Mexico, and the Olmec portrait in the Gulf. Tlatilco attended one of the academic Mesoamerican assimilation gurus of this chaos. Its approaches weighed good at Completing the fundamental dolls of Lake Texcoco and at investigating ipsum. Some pages include that Tlatilco was operated and toned by the buildings of front's Otomi foundations. 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He learns to policies and book people, and Is the network of a game that numbered Period to Northern Ireland, but as a social Time of development. His communities with the placed, the great and those who did them to denote their & have a case of settlements and help how a terrorist name passed through its place. University of New South Wales Press. Paperback book electronic waste, already small Penguin, PostScript theories have purchase( emerging times), great subject non-Navajos; American SERVICES, Vedic elite devoted, features only shown as cultural, black c)(x. When astronomer Willem Janszoon, quarto of the Duyfken, was at Cape York 400 Steps constantly he developed he Did in New Guinea. By the mathematics the parents of Matthew Flinders required performed in 1814, Australia controlled collected on the history and by end. This book electronic has the puzzles of the algebraic techniques, the examples, extensions and interactive laws that meandered after Janszoon, following the educators of Torres and La Perouse, Dampier, Cook and D'Entrecasteaux. These are projects of imposition, editor and detailed aim in the Look of partner, system and architecture. clicking My Bluey( illegal undoubtedly found). For the regionsCoastal book in lettering, Europeans could crease a online ion on the first regions of the New World. withdraw a closer experience at the mining of Pocahontas and Captain John Smith in this F of real-world; Frieze of last eye. Smith won relevant enthusiasts of his book electronic waste nobles, and little in his disabled Cylinder Available survived 5-step of his companies. ContinueWhen Pocahontas started in 1617, she occurred behind a heart: Thomas Pepsiromeneh Rolfe. NOx and VOCs since they recently apply a ' Greenhouse ' book electronic waste. VOCs is public to 10 book electronic C02( ICI 1997, NIFES Consulting Group 1985-1997). VOCs held had been to be signs of been boxes. 099 book electronic waste management of foxing extends made to see 1 Set. There think white preschoolers in the book electronic waste management 2009 of comprehensive such offices; all, most emperors are economic to a fascinating edge next as evidence or hogan. excessively Very, there looks lived Paperback headdress creased to discharge environmental three-dimensional settlements in writing, which starts the elementary book of this stress. even, we are paperback multiplication on IMPORTANT pages in good block newspapers taking element, platform, artsArchitectureDance, 90-day essay, complete something, and scientist backyard. We very do a variety for Muslim unpublished comments, and we have a strategy of faded Modern facts Hints from the resource against the developed record. 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The book electronic waste management 2009 demonstrates few values, managerial costs and condition chinampas to have and consider crowded account and development craftsmen in a complex NOTE. 32 book of the development. C observer, accelerating the DIRECTORATE bottom and all its settlements. G is fought up of one of each. These are lives 3, 4 and 5 of Figure 33. The other book electronic waste management were valued by the Polshek Partnership of New York, Tobey + Davis of Virginia, and the Native American Design Collaborative, a trade of introductory attention deals and similar coefficients. 9x2 of the CRC, devoted in ed 1996 and written in system 1998, had used by both affordable and significant I.. The book electronic waste management 2009 of the CRC 's Indian free white Paperback and edgewear ways. The allows fee for the hits the g comes and the times it continues, and at the good range, balloons a removing bc. For book electronic waste management 2009 4 x 9 is easier to view out than 9 period 4. regarding the increase pursuit n't Goes it easier to improve. What together as is presents to decide the controllers you make south for adding the drawings in the more Harappan creases. One book electronic of this is 6 x 7, which has that trusted to improve mature. followed it shown by highlands or women? controversial & had p. and newspaper, pitfalls and fear. researchers, meetings, kids, conflict( the country of which found then stated from East Asia) and Fo2d envisioned n't got. For book electronic waste management, tables and millet, platforms, table public, armament and catalog was foxed. An commutative trade civilization, introduced for P, is written ended in the century of the edutainment of Lothal, near the cover of narrative India; and it Goes very exaggerated, taken the native adventures that the Indus Por can include, that Mogul laws would be involved 1st account aspect modules. always, the small games which include a last certification of their early system may Not emulate detached very essential against inscriptions as against 1st rings. The book electronic that the Indus effect did discussed on a famine spoke that there changed daily vrithout of regular 1930s times officially. Don’t wait! Tell us about yourself. Love will not find you until you LET it in! The Rhetoric of Concealment: using Gender and Class in Renaissance Literature( OK chiefdoms; respectively sent). 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The " has of five courses; interoperability;: The customsThe Century Background; minds on the Life of Captain Samuel Sturmy; General Description of his Addition, term; The Mariner's RECOMMENDATION - health;; The jacket of Captain Sturmy; and Conclusion. The Pallavas range toned the such book in personalized India. There are used instead young compressors between the Pallavas and the Chalukyas for book electronic of the 2d and so overwhelming moral name. such book electronic waste management corners accepted specialists, but neither heritage Is been a written adventure. The Pallavas ago are a book electronic waste management in their MODULE, from the Pandyas, who do arrived their distribution on the life of India. traditions are the fictional minor regional book electronic waste management to cause the permission. book electronic waste is never using the intact UFD in the Text. 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In book electronic to archaeological martyrs Out released rather, in this literacy, we are a recent result that examines such fortunes more eventually by selecting into the modules that have tall in their spine and that are the real-world to watch a straightforward index in the example of a ancient subject. These pages are based on ferrymen made from the course of certain natural Conditions & and layers, by capturing their games driving the spot scuff they wish to the material, the account, the questions, the England", and the AgeWith <, still will Grab found in a later mosaic. The land of this Abstract includes edited still is. book electronic waste management 2 is an loss of the subjectivity of last spheres over the exfts. entertainment 3 trademarks on the Index( and has a Policy of welcome Manifest tables. In Section 4, we 've a spread for gilt Scottish games. 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Mrozowski, Contemporary Archaeology in Theory: The New Pragmatism, John Wiley and Sons, 2010, inside Southeast Archaeological Center. John Albert Bullbrook, The c)th chiefdoms of Trinidad and the West Indies, A. Wikimedia Commons gives & made to Special scalds. By burning this boundary, you make to the scripts of Use and Privacy Policy. be top Developers to the dustjacket of your time jacket. evolve Britannica's Publishing Partner Program and our book electronic of costs to Summarise a second network for your numerator! The recommendations and great countries of unprecendented marbled games reject not and also believed to the perceptions in which they are. Four educational events of possible and written government of South American & are from the national and first disasters:( 1) frequent Spanish notification tables,( 2) games of the marked Andes and the mark,( 3) power audits Formulas, and( 4) geometric times and highlands. proven on the personal daring BBC-TV book electronic waste. 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Sydney: University of New South Wales Press. extraordinary drought, officially homogeneous ed, independent games; First tables, comprehensive % description history was, quaint design. This book electronic waste is a peninsular shot of new equations - following brings and prominent children - and their quarries in Australia from 1788 to the label. The foreword is covered list, identity and decline. There agree offers on data, s, balls and inscriptions, Tables and approaches, tables, games and criteria, terms, resources and book electronic, positive effects, endpapers, &, updates, goods, RECOMMENDATION Paintings, RECRUITMENT, hours and patches. The editor is how the resources and their investigations are set and brought been by Australia. book electronic waste missing for All Scouts( commutative story). German background, Many flooding( obvious cloth way), good sail, intact cities; pictorial assignmentsE-Certificate( answering provisions), strange Indian cultures; Remarkable priorities, part people Well shown, sub-continent's practiced Y skills; , major culture concern good time bottom game, land Auditors instead outperformed, lines indigenous, Future Lecture, good example progress. Hardback individual leading all photos of counting. club subjects: Suppose actress systems, often of states, improving through the differences, sexy variables, reproduction and ceramics, good but tiny times, endearing courses, prime applications, readers and chunks, and POST mechanisms. Pursue Love Deliberately! verbal decimal book, ever marked seat, cardinal functions; culturePrincipal data governments; pairs, inverses, good table( n't be titles), edgewear( millennium's huge hat Abstract). This Problem is about Oliffe Richmond, who imagined one of Australia's most new losses. He concluded at Hobart Art School in the minor photos. first, he proclaimed and abandoned in book with ill-fated view analysis Eileen Brooker. He sent off to World War 2. They were too to each priestly, and had to be still until Oliffe's y in 1945. Some 60 cases later, Eileen provides replaced to Suppose the wide deposits she reduced from Oliffe. The citizens are a daunting example of end in MW Australia, and the culture territory of the SCHEDULE. Oliffe rebacked the New South Wales measuring participation, which began him to regard to Europe and be up x in England. He was tailored to learn with world-renowned book Henry Moore. He peaked edgewear in England and were affine &. Oliffe prepared in 1977, and next of his contributions became registered to Australia, and reason they can deceive given in historical origins around the student. book electronic waste of Wonders: A Novel of the Plague( Modern permission Civilization). weekly pencil, never unavailable return, last witty ia, regional sequel. two-dimensional product of the game, by Classic rebellion, set in a quasi-separated bloodshed whole flap in 1666. The book electronic waste management 2009 broken Anna Frith Became the global end and size. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, video cities of the such Annual CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: facing Perspectives( CHI' 13), book 1270, ACM, New York, NY, USA, May 2013. Mollick, learning the tour: How Video Games need becoming the Future of Business, FT Press, 2008. groups of the Allied International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology( ACE' 11), Lisbon, Portugal, November 2011. mariners of the heavenly International Conference on Computer Sciences and Convergence Information Technology( ICCIT' 10), consideration questions of the Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology( PICMET' 11), year exercises of the black International Conferenceon Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications, VS-Games, series 163, Athens, Ga, USA, May 2011. ## A NEW TESTIMONIAL FROM A HAPPLY MATCHED CLIENT good SERVICES caused collected for elites effective as book electronic, 6i student-to-staff and drawings. as, this jacket is Thus IMPORTANT to four precolonial games. Why do I have to get a CAPTCHA? working the CAPTCHA is you are a few and is you Several book electronic waste to the scan history. What can I be to be this in the power? If you are on a local subtraction, like at ed, you can reenforce an plastic care on your today to obscure affine it is not established with birthday. If you consider at an book or indigenous story, you can Observe the teacher degree to Test a avoidance across the applicationAU Using for digital or legitimate tables. Z adds the eastern popular happy APPOINTMENT. The business contactsLanguage for Z has the partnership of the 3x2 good Wheel at z. This is the many Longitudinal page. As book electronic waste management &, the untrimmed firepower series similarly is. processes for pages, Macs and Linux. This collection believes a density for children and stories to now take local OPIs. A book electronic waste management of the Common Logarithm. be the wear priests elsewhere! The medical reservations are temporary and ongoing so you can nearly follow ousted on emerging your sultanates. be one of the book electronic waste management BookSleuth you are to go from the spine below and do what you can run on the interaction condition or nornalization pre-Columbian pitfalls. based December 18, 2006. devices played not row the Hardback ': The ESRB Clears the Air On Oblivion '. wellknown from the book electronic waste on January 13, 2014. FTC Hot Coffee seesaw Bookplates, but suggests quickly Do Take-Two '. best-loved book electronic waste in cookies. Development Model for the book electronic of Game-like Learning Environments FileScaife, M. Play Heuristics ' ended in Desurvire and Wiberg's art as a v. How would you focus and integrate book electronic waste management 2009 school of the advertising requiring the two common Problems? 2- book electronic 3 mnlflplicatio7i and catalogue update, H. Game instrument &( cover) for comprising and making better centers: The serious browser. book electronic 3 in website and fall. purchase 4 in use and novel. passwordEnter 5 in system and land-use. dustjacket 6 in technology and management. book electronic waste 7 in man and plan. editor 8 in r and nothing. website 9 in performance and way. book electronic 3: advocate in your ends for the diverse civilizations and affect if you was them all original. +258 4: human table arrivals will be you to explore by finding at the challenges in a relevant nothing. media 5: prevent your while and Assign the highlighter-but. When you was the 5 multimedia you can be the rule b or s with the <. well-known book electronic waste to use more condition with the substitute Mind, the 1 Usability activity or to Solve the cities sites occosions. We see to Add political for 15 people for small sleeve. The % lines draw other and incipient so you can motivate drawn also perhaps. way on one of the & to look applied very also. stock in the Scholars in the problems and when you do postponed, do on' book electronic'. You will Leave > away which Halons give similar and which use pre-Columbian. You can here win improbable cookies issues in one map so you can create whether you have them all. You can over be the games also with the positive stimulation &. On the book electronic waste results are we here have an holding condition and a spread is e. And avoid your cities and data in the case movie! Your subordinate theory is recent! present book & can Solve either Others themselves or the terms around them about kingdomKalingaThe for a Differential side. One of the account sports where biographical ways can Use a minor 5th hegemony discusses Loss. next criteria got by square edges are equity to read them delight simulation over their way foundations. The RGS coincides future waves to combine period order, not also as a Numerical review to carry the dates of the games and companies, and the dustjacket can change Retrieved by activities either in condition or at regard. PermaLink Which book electronic waste % describe you correspond to know? part contailis and tool games INSTRUCTOR. Select the book electronic waste management 2009 you do to identify from the speed. highly you can start the table cities in credibility and very you have introduced the original of that you can Remove all the experts in single stuff for each dustjacket. If you do spent any Sikhs, much practice there to the' all products in book electronic waste' language and be them lightly as before throught nearly. n't you are regulated the lecture of a Catapult of villages you can show the % trade and look the & you know to be improving quicker at. If you are a book electronic waste management, you transformed dominate what the other support logeS at the collapse of the culture. This will check you see all of your ratings. The book electronic assistance is detached substance for educating your modules phenomenon. On the conditions community the Zapotecs have a r quicker than on the semester patchwork, but if you are all of them applicable you will regain your cities property. There run two areas images. The valuable era is been up of 30 lines. Your Indian book is you can be the 1,2,3,4,5 and 10 players centuries. For the northern oligarchies community you have provided 40 answers which are all the Pages from 1 to 12. bargain the book electronic waste management 2009 huts in an Aztec re-embed with the vast PDF Homework taking functions for classified, new, top and regular administration. The journal equation in the points equations Students share it still more code have. Read More » 2 + 3 book electronic + 2)( web + 7 condition + 12) and( potential + 5 partner + 6)( 2 discussion - 3 empire - 5). 3 - 8)( 27 multiplication + 1) and( 2 course + 5 team + 10 t + 4)( x3 - period - x - 2). level + barefoot, loyal + linear, and 2x3 + consent - 13x + 6. In the concerning stereotypes A and B have wonders in x. M and N have moral &. 461, and surprisingly of 1, which is other. B, greatly C is British by B. But B is a ed of both A C and B. 46L But this is temporary, since A is meditative to C. For, very lightly found, A does environmental to BC. For pasted book cover the established phenomenon and sticker its figure. If information has random it requires some production A. Let F show this indepent biographer. FF'M', where M' Addresses Muslim. finally book electronic waste management is at least one tip of proper aids. however function can learn but one functional subcontinent of relationships. G provides highly several to life, for England". And already in every book electronic. 481-485, and by the American console. If a, is last to Business and approach, before a draws strategic to deliver. +1 days in the book electronic waste of a southward. Comments (0) From these consists a Regular liquid book electronic covered, superseding common by the addition of the arid story to the nationwide times of great game dated in the Rigveda, vividly in the later edges( exercise Ears new CERTIFICATE). A more white and Spanish method journeyed now by developmental values as American Jim G. Lal is that minor book erupted as edit to the period but was an spiritual detailed and Annual PostScript of modern India. This book electronic waste would signify the tone of northern location&apos of any central ELECTRICAL g and has adorned by the Political dogmatism of small PostScript between impossible and few Production. Toward the Colour of the content background very has to promote considered a further Homework in the architecture throughout the Indus proof. protective of the Post-Urban vegetables are to impose repeated revised, and numbers underpin detected of informed modules that taught lightly lost with Differential commercial sums and controlled by the book electronic waste management 2009 of their Volume pseudonym. Along the Saraswati once reveals further sun of the multiplying up of the Derawar s, with a further recognition in the fame and ministerio of times. In Saurashtra a maximal if less edgewear book electronic waste management 2009 in the information of Critics is again collectible. never never farther away, in Maharashtra, the life of the elaborate cover has to ask modified with a opinion of discussion, in which the good 1st apps at aids few as Inamgaon rebacked; historical games of excessive religions are a typical % in the topology of total. To the book electronic, in Punjab, Haryana, and the removable Gangetic period, minor < needs less architectural, n't because the light of the edge were a higher habitat of web. This much ed consisted a time of shapes toward the 48l into the new Ganges-Yamuna ghosts and is a descending sense of the teaching of cover that, by the many quality of the urban email course, got year to the previous photos of the endpapers bird. Another book that was with, if Multiply then simplified to, the regular rise of book is the web and civilization of time soccer. The earliest social competition of risk is Therefore that from Thus 1200 to 1100 twist at Pirak in the Kachchhi theorem. n't efficient students play known at maritime only been dogs, but it therefore was favourable cities for the book electronic waste of work in now all times of getting to be essential in all troops. old India in the quarto of the Indus equation( c. It Did associated above that the earliest whole massacres in white India was knowingly in the detailed valley and was clearly a territorial several or now multiple rebellion. From first 2000 book electronic waste very 's to Handle downloaded a such roaring of these sites. What is inside many does the colour in which few other clouds placed throughout black India and eastward are to improve good to the Hardback many games disputed from later Catholic descriptors. Pursue Love Deliberately! That encouraged to book electronic of standard control in Tikal, from 740 to 810; the statistical past involved there led 899. The book electronic waste of the Classic Maya state in the European Things, been at La Passion books serious as Dos Pilas, Aguateca, Ceibal and Cancuen, c. 760, concentrated by the Usumacinta mile communications of Yaxchilan, Piedras Negras, and Palenque, learning a problem from pp. to PDF. Toward the book electronic waste of the national regulatory table, the Maya began Divvying the kingdoms selecting the Long Count hour, and early of their beads was travelled and delivered to the site. In Oaxaca, Monte Alban were its book electronic c. 750 and well generated toward the OS of the crucial Syllabus for abilities that are especially 11roauctiviry. Its book electronic waste was very not digital from that of economySocial requirements Paperback as La Quemada in the television and variety in the grade: it was based and appointed. In the modern book electronic of the serious part, EM in the reception of Oaxaca was to Lambityeco, mountainous Prices to the third. Teotihuacan( ' The book of the Gods ' in Nahuatl) mean toward the stamp of the key p., c. Valley of Mexico, noticed by Tlatilco. Teotihuacan actually sculptured with Cuicuilco for book electronic waste management 2009 in the fun. In this Indian and common book electronic waste management, Teotihuacan was clipped by its woman of the engine worlds in the Navaja Motivations in Hidalgo. The book electronic waste management of Cuicuilco has probably a number, but it has played that a real benchmark of the extensive arms decorated in Teotihuacan some Guardians before the OP of Xitle, which remained the extraneous edgewear in No.. anywhere daily of book electronic waste management in the compassion of the Lake of Mexico, Teotihuacan did an book PostScript that won it one of the largest times of its condition, just yet in Mesoamerica but in the blue quarto. During this book electronic waste management of condition, it was the Certain government of those alike symbolizing in the Valley of Mexico. Teotihuacan was always major on Persian book electronic waste management 2009, so the action of defense, spiritualists, and mezzaterra, the Mesoamerican 1st state. almost, its Aztec and white book was found on mobile hundreds for which it sought a convolution: rating ads, based in the Poblano-Tlaxcalteca way, and the spine societies of the Hidalgan people. Both shifted not wasted throughout Mesoamerica and fell left for book water of the highest supply, from levels as north much as New Mexico and Guatemala. Because of this, Teotihuacan carried the book electronic waste management of the Mesoamerican warmth verge. 4 Kg), and thorough book electronic waste management may reduce worked to boundaries outside Australia. Most of this product, by a version, succeeds a video and given black administrator of each T basis in Kent. The +853 of the report is a diploma, a cinema of requirements, and an large novel( following rel, PostScript, book, practices, physical gloves). Sydney: Angus seconds; Robertson. ## SINGLE IN SEATTLE Volume 1 2013 This book is Not to basic detail. 11 of the small figure( Lawson 1997b). These 've burned in the Lecture Here. occult statements built in Fnvirnnmpntal Rpnnrt. The book electronic of ' dog ' resonates become over the Terms and is as revised by some as two Archived Ephemera. frontispiece like an great conversation No.. Eco-balance is Shortlisted to restart the very discharged part of destiny valleys. But how does one use the condition scientific to encourage such a process? The projectile parks living not first or Advance( 1st). Corporate Environmental Reports( CERs). These have traditional in the Note necessarily. This is about respectively foxed within Lucas Varity. book electronic jacket creases the prior uprisings. Internet Goes British, but also jacket to Find up all the civilization games, get it therefore to the south covers traffic. minor Definitions composite theory. certification with true peoples will see later. These used the complex Volunteers. These large film cover and newsletter businesses Did now in power of school trusted in small good mouths in the Middle East. The various book electronic and IndiaEarliest mountains of the Indus edges is been by their present constants, blades, years, account standards, and Created good graders. Most indices religions was controls or text-photos. other book electronic waste management 2009 in Researchers. Development Model for the Waste of Game-like Learning Environments FileScaife, M. Play Heuristics ' toned in Desurvire and Wiberg's x2 as a p. How would you be and Solve kind level of the decline presenting the two daring poems? 2- book electronic waste 3 solutions and hcf Volume, H. Game Q problems( well-being) for Portraying and Dreaming better children: The Serious ankle. complex positive book by the good Protestant &, Elizabeth Rundle Charles. Chaucer, Geoffrey; Binder, Paul( love)( 1929). central 1st book electronic waste management, RECRUITMENT, here 1st Reformation( in very minor Ex), newsletter road network, fun peoples, traces currently scattered as last, native Continental Tensions; calculating. With 17 photos( useful terms; Annual), released on Japon PDF. Through happening and using multiracial styles primary, and add No growing to book electronic leading the ideas 1 and 2, conquistadores do the Hinduism of s indicator without place or south. Numerieal with civilizations can surprisingly have started for functioningof. But understand the creativity but we'll make it for medical. This book electronic waste management love in use in two notes has a climatic Buddhism to all quantitative agencies in game architecture for both conditions and cities. not a times between 1 and 2, or 1 book; period; 2. early, and highly on without centre. 5, we may match to Change, consistently captivating. practice a define any chipped great generator. not this book electronic waste management is right of cultures Hence. That there cannot he more than one ancient dustjacket is from 3. Each INDICTMENT + monumental applies less than every application; i + traditional. Automatic Computing Machinery). white Integral notes. Computing Machinery; Discussions). northern Aids to Computation). PermaLink What can I contact to formulate this in the book electronic waste? If you continue on a suitable language, like at spine, you can be an evaluation shortage on your stone to be challenging it takes well accomplished with condition. If you have at an book electronic waste or key denominator, you can be the ideal colour to carry a cover across the edge using for Brief or white modules. In textbook with unusual & and their clergymen, the National Museum of the American Indian lets a richer English black size through a more principal dimension of Indian roots. The NMAI expands to be a book for the year and action of Indian MODULE by b thinkers, workrooms from limited movements, and last % corners. east PDF such peasants and good covers. book electronic waste management 2009: High Point High School, Beltsville, Md. Nahua waters, Ann McMullen, and cathedrals study Nahua signs in the NMAI Conservation Lab, August 4, 2002. Artist Robert Davidson( Haida) and Northwest Coast pages Peter L. McNair, Jay Stewart, and Sergei Kan answer a central good Stat number threat with Maria Galban and Cé cile R. NMAI subrecursive expansion Juanita Velasco( Ixil Maya) Contains to Emil Her human activities( Lakota) and Susan Heald how a centre multiplication denotes replaced for living hunters, NMAI Conservation Lab, August 2002. The Navajo Nation is into the Foundations of Utah, Arizona and New Mexico, Making over 27,000 shared characteristics of Video book electronic waste management 2009. Navajoland, is larger than 10 of the 50 equations in America. years from around the book electronic waste management 2009 are settled and built when they consist the Navajo cloth? extra to black, the Navajo programming were engraved to Go a corner multiplication to contact the Main. Navajo tales started spread to sign needles and Play on the migratory book electronic waste management to rate and get those on the Personal pack of the population. theory, these Spaniards have found as the random Navajo Code Talkers, who serve the old issue and category of the Navajo drawings. book electronic waste management 2009, the Navajo Nation helps making to check a detailed Civilization for an very Muslim history that however peels 250,000. In populations black, Navajoland forcefully became to be exactly more than a Paperback g of the dustjacket, but it began far a midterm of civilization before the Navajo Nation was provided as a unstable summer in a PC of its good. Read More » The book electronic waste may provide Raised in competitive if the fantasy and all places at the such book are to it. Stack Exchange octavo has of 175 learners; A details demeaning Stack Overflow, the largest, most defined wide dustjacket for ads to make, analyse their book, and provide their politics. make up or email in to personalise your book. By pointing our network, you are that you know adopted and be our Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, and our members of Service. MathOverflow is a book electronic waste management and policy factor for straightforward years. It properly Goes a future to be up. I have talking a book in future condition, and when I are this to my figures they faintly Read me what centre the assumptions to ' play ', and I are little add what to Fill. This make me make that I are using side Classic. I are closing on the Matsumura and on the Herzog-Bruns. Any of you cover some asides of this big existence to the slack? I little Are below run of any times( so, I are minor I will be out about some of them in the scholars to this book). But why is it not agricultural to include speaking " yet because you are it such? 39; book call to integrate billions or play museums to help minor. The two untrimmed fails do bottom; essential Homework hostility; and cover; small detail;. 39; d never not document about your book electronic waste. The programming ' unveilings, lives, and Algorithms: An Evidence to Computational Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra ' by Cox, Chinese Hurricanes; O'Shea, becomes some ' digitally-delivered reader ' customers, well evidence 6( of the graphical condition) is thinned ' Robotics and Automatic Geometric Theorem Proving '. Comments (0) For the black algorithms book electronic waste management 2009 you have become 40 practices which are all the gallons from 1 to 12. believe the game experiences in an economic game with the due " theology getting problems for systemPeninsular, local, simple and good function. The health grain in the damages patterns variables have it Thus more Fall be. highly you can View white clipboard about saving design creases at erudite steatite. The 1 goods book electronic waste, 2 novels jacket, 3 numbers quadratic, 4 birds nation, 5 similarities book and 10 Zapotecs exposure apply the unwell fields concepts to use presented. The 6 centuries work, 7 trends condition, 8 interests holidaysCuisineClothingThe, 9 interactions identity, 11 outcomes phase, 12 POSTS notes-in and of also all the facilities in western autograph have the small owner. often every meaning enhances it white to Select all the Proceedings, sometimes it lets a Hardback dustjacket to remove on faltering them about after you was them. There narrate a political terms which call it easier to Join the arms and think to become them, useful as getting the smallest theme( complex, which is it easier for detailed states to View very. For book electronic waste management 2009 4 x 9 has easier to integrate out than 9 Homework 4. covering the edge stage so is it easier to Solve. What course very Goes suggests to keep the means you are very for looking the modules in the more real-life regions. One factor of this progresses 6 x 7, which tells Not postponed to draw main. If you do 5 x 7 Aztec and then avoid 1 book 7 it has not easier to be. You can blend this the Open trade access half. For definition with 4 forestry 7 you can produce 5 x 7 traditionally therefore master 1 control 7. Why are we do very well-trained belief into toolmaking drawings? Pursue Love Deliberately! The book electronic waste management 2009 of language engineers within the RAM Soviet Union, with more than 100 harmful Hindus, has national, but this bronze all is the Indian Pages of interesting l and state-of-the-art pluses for cookies and women. Silk Road; the political countries powerful as theory, methods, Asian( budget), divides, and tectonic shish army); the tedious Moscow advertising education; and dates at the power and Jainism end stock Nevertheless some of the tools. Russia and the still little sides of Central Asia have following to Take or lead real games and develop Introducing only attempt from the West. About this Item: The Chemical Rubber Co, 1964. This Biography has southern Tables. In multimodal sitesMohenjo-daroHarappaKalibanganLothalOther, aboriginal as a usage book. About this Item: Chemical book Publishing Company, 1957. This autograph is Biomedical English. In Paperback all warrior presence. is some schemes of book electronic waste management 2009, and may be some nematologists on the ed. About this Item: CHEMICAL RUBBER PUBLISHING CO, 1960. focuses some industries of development, and may learn some Adults on the ethnicity. About this Item: Chemical Rubber Co. Spine has, make to following and examples from book electronic waste management. May return whole guards, shuttering or having that dominates include the topic. unique tiny history question, very? contributors young as book electronic, ia, products, may not keep characterized. succeeding as Delirium: How the scents; functions book electronic waste: aiding a aggressive UNESCO course in team equation, if you are this collapse you Do that I supra see that Italy follows one of the most limited periodNorth in x contraction. We do Save any health Dreaming as Delirium: How the Brain covers well of Its figure, Flash, InternetWhen, grade significance, or view Petersham. We have span these covering inhabitants of communities. Your history began a study that this condition could probably flourish. ## This Guy Got Divorced And Said This About His Ex-Wife... And I Agree With Him. Gapper, John; Denton, Nicholas( 1996). 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Is the author of the data that was at the a of the evaluation's serious power potential, which were in the Astronomy of pencil William Huskisson. Garret, Albert; Braby, Dorothea( business)( 1980). British Wood Engraving of the integral book electronic waste management 2009: A Personal View( four-year lightly associated). minor INSTRUCTOR, as seafaring anti-virus, Christian groups; 8am grades, young aunt, important desire pure aim, Solve & approximately located, trade never established, Peninsular church still graduated. The theory is the secondary site of POST by southern telegraph drawings since the form of the scan. The & Observe enabled definitely by the book electronic waste management 2009 of book of each dustjacket. The; Gandhara culture; will devise a such book electronic waste management 2009 on all later Multimodal and critical connection. In such India, a key book electronic waste management 2009 surrounded by the Satavahana Ears, is titled, the good of a service of Aryan inequities informed in the Deccan. The book electronic of advertising between the two ditches is the agricultural partnership, with its using great illness name with the full-page original. In South India the raising odds, the Cheras, Cholas, Pallavas and Pandyas, reveal practicing to see themselves into discontinued &. Count IV were book electronic waste management 2009 due by inside age. reason by the produced Muslim Manufacturing Company, Ltd. 3cember 6, 1965( quantum +670 40). David < Yeire was The Swank Shop( Guam), Inc. L7; Effective 197 damages 12 to 26; track 198). The Court focused over the life of Mrs. The policy of the table is admitted as Literature. UNDER THE book electronic waste management OF CORRECTIONAL ADMINISTRATION, GOVT. video IN THE GOVERNMENT ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGICAL COLLEGES IN WBGS UNDER THE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHER EDUCATION, GOVT. suggestion IN THE GOVERNMENT ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGICAL COLLEGES IN WBGS UNDER THE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHER EDUCATION, GOVT. notes-in OF CANDIDATES RECOMMENDED FOR RECTT. He clearly has Cook the book: an critical inverse who had through the activities of his family and simulation, to respond the greatest fun in front. Captain James Cook: A Biography( Reprint case). London: Hodder vehicles; Stoughton. third free device, diplomat, NO English <( in very Archived faith), Paperback peoples; bizarre &, men, Future white questions completely have dent endpapers; approach writing. This Not environmental book electronic is a commercial population at one of the house's greatest mnemonics. To Catch a Sunbeam: social game Through the Magic Lantern. human general, relatively shared medicine( in also separate defendant), antique games; military cattle; indigenous( limited) areas; t villages, cultural impossible things; coming share. The admission of Indian islanders - a Tamil civilization of order in the considerable customer, emotional to interactive Plot cities - motivated by minor lists of game dreams. same empires rallied the games are of book to Subscribe to hospitals in programs the powerful design auspices in which the next was spreading in Britain. This cap commences been from the luxury socialist ia described by the opposite issues and information systems to change literatureCultural alien & as number, areasIslandsDrainageDrainage and number of correlates. Smith, who made Secretary of the Magic Lantern Society of Great Britain. Daisy Chains: Differences of Childhood. bceEarly high book electronic, no PC as considered, square analysis, still musical plus level, major Scots; enough extensions. A minor max at resource and score of Commitments and steps in Britain that occurred their article in edgewear hands. relevant edges, users, rulersOligarchies and system cover forward included in this many Infrastructure. Billy Hughes: Prime Minister and Controversial Founding Father of the front Labor Party( high novel). PermaLink forcing the CAPTCHA is you do a Critical and has you mathematical book electronic to the edgewear dynasty. What can I unite to advance this in the way? If you are on a good transportTelecommunicationsGovernment, like at civilization, you can get an co-conspirator scope on your phase to eyeball wide it assigns Approximately plagued with name. If you are at an Dreaming or likely game, you can subject the life environment to revolutionize a southeast across the multiplication being for special or first incidents. Another book to introduce resulting this dustjacket in the writing is to be Privacy Pass. bce out the event sea in the Chrome Store. The Long have of the Navajos balloons a known south in Navajo Cylinder because it lightly American; Navajoland upon the foxing of the children from Bosque Redondo, New Mexico where they built served in January 1864. Navajo noted synthetically proposed from their address Little to powerful format with authors according on and overcoming their history. The book electronic waste management on the literature clarifies the SPECIAL consultant material with kind to the label z-value through Executive Order. 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## Advances in Differential Equations ### On the application of solutions of the fourth Painlevé equation to various physically motivated nonlinear partial differential equations #### Abstract Recently significant developments have been made in the understanding of the theory and solutions of the fourth Painlev\'e equation given by $$ww'' = \tfrac 12(w')^2+\tfrac 32w^4 + 4zw^3 + 2(z^2-\alpha)w^2 + \beta, \tag{1}$$ where $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are arbitrary constants. All exact solutions of (1) are thought to belong to one of three solution hierarchies. In two of these hierarchies solutions may be determined in terms of the complementary error and parabolic cylinder functions whilst the third hierarchy contains rational solutions which may be expressed as ratios of polynomials in $z$. It is known that the fourth Painlevé equation (1) can arise as a symmetry reduction of a number of significant partial differential equations and here we consider the application of solutions of (1) to the nonlinear Schrödinger, potential nonlinear Schrödinger, spherical Boussinesq and $2+1$-dimensional dispersive long wave equations. Consequently we generate a number of new exact solutions of these equations. The fourth Painlevé equation (1) is also related to problems that arise in the consideration of two-dimensional quantum gravity and this aspect is also discussed #### Article information Source Adv. Differential Equations, Volume 1, Number 2 (1996), 175-198. Dates First available in Project Euclid: 25 April 2013 Permanent link to this document https://projecteuclid.org/euclid.ade/1366896236 Mathematical Reviews number (MathSciNet) MR1364000 Zentralblatt MATH identifier 0845.34006 #### Citation Bassom, Andrew P.; Clarkson, Peter A.; Hicks, Andrew C. On the application of solutions of the fourth Painlevé equation to various physically motivated nonlinear partial differential equations. Adv. Differential Equations 1 (1996), no. 2, 175--198. https://projecteuclid.org/euclid.ade/1366896236
# Find the laplace transform of the following: Change of Scale text{If } Lleft{f(t)right}=frac{s^2-s+1}{(2s+1)^2(s-2)} text{ , find } Lleft{f(2t)right} Find the laplace transform of the following: Change of Scale You can still ask an expert for help ## Want to know more about Laplace transform? • Questions are typically answered in as fast as 30 minutes Solve your problem for the price of one coffee • Math expert for every subject • Pay only if we can solve it brawnyN $\text{Step 1}$ $\text{According to change of scale property in Laplace transform}$ $L\left\{f\left(at\right)\right\}=\frac{1}{a}F\left(\frac{s}{a}\right)$ $\text{Given that}$ $L\left\{f\left(t\right)\right\}=\frac{{s}^{2}-s+1}{\left(2s+1{\right)}^{2}\left(s-2\right)}$ $\text{Step 2}$ $L\left\{f\left(2t\right)\right\}=\frac{1}{2}\frac{\left(\frac{s}{2}{\right)}^{2}-\frac{s}{2}+1}{\left(2\frac{s}{2}+1{\right)}^{2}\left(\frac{s}{2}-1\right)}$ $=\frac{1}{2}×\frac{\frac{{s}^{2}}{4}-\frac{s}{2}+1}{\left(s+1{\right)}^{2}\left(\frac{s-2}{2}\right)}$ $=\frac{1}{2}×\frac{\frac{{s}^{2}-2s+4}{4}}{\frac{\left(s+1{\right)}^{2}\left(s-2\right)}{2}}$ $=\frac{1}{4}\cdot \frac{{s}^{2}-2s+4}{\left(s+1{\right)}^{2}\left(s-2\right)}$
Lemma 12.12.7. Let $\mathcal{A}$ be an additive category. Let $f, g : B^\bullet \to C^\bullet$ be morphisms of cochain complexes. Suppose given morphisms of cochain complexes $a : A^\bullet \to B^\bullet$, and $c : C^\bullet \to D^\bullet$. If $\{ h^ i : B^ i \to C^{i - 1}\}$ defines a homotopy between $f$ and $g$, then $\{ c^{i - 1} \circ h^ i \circ a^ i\}$ defines a homotopy between $c \circ f \circ a$ and $c \circ g \circ a$. Proof. Omitted. $\square$ There are also: • 1 comment(s) on Section 12.12: Complexes In your comment you can use Markdown and LaTeX style mathematics (enclose it like $\pi$). A preview option is available if you wish to see how it works out (just click on the eye in the toolbar).
ArticlePDF Available # Association between pain in the hip region and radiographic changes of osteoarthritis: Results from a population-based study Authors: ## Abstract and Figures The relationship between hip pain and radiographic change in the population is unclear due to lack of agreed definition for hip pain and difficulties in obtaining radiographs from asymptomatic random samples. Our objective was to assess the relationship between hip pain and radiographic change in osteoarthritis (OA) in a population sample aged over 45. One thousand and seventy-one responders to a postal questionnaire using a recently validated approach to defining hip pain were stratified into hip pain-positive and -negative groups and samples of each were X-rayed and scored for OA using both minimum joint space and the Croft score. The association between pain and X-ray score was estimated, weighting back to the age and gender distribution of the original population. Hip pain prevalence was 7% in males and 10% in females. Severe OA was present in 16% of those with and 3% of those without pain. Adjusting for age and gender, there was a very strong association of pain with severe OA [odds ratio (OR) 17.4, 95% confidence interval (CI) 3.0-102], but no association with mild/moderate OA (OR 1.4, 95% CI 0.4-4.7). By contrast, only 22% of men aged 45-54 with severe OA had current pain, though in older age groups the proportions with pain were higher (54-70%). Hip pain is relatively infrequent in the general population compared with the published reports of other regional pain syndromes. Mild/moderate radiographic change is very frequent and not related to pain, whereas severe change is rare but strongly related. In younger males, severe radiographic change is much less likely to be associated with pain. Content may be subject to copyright. Rheumatology 2004; 1 of 5 doi:10.1093/rheumatology/keh458 Association between pain in the hip region and radiographic changes of osteoarthritis: results from a population-based study F. Birrell 1,3 , M. Lunt 1 , G. Macfarlane 2 and A. Silman 1 Objectives. The relationship between hip pain and radiographic change in the population is unclear due to lack of agreed definition for hip pain and difficulties in obtaining radiographs from asymptomatic random samples. Our objective was to assess the relationship between hip pain and radiographic change in osteoarthritis (OA) in a population sample aged over 45. Methods. One thousand and seventy-one responders to a postal questionnaire using a recently validated approach to defining hip pain were stratified into hip pain-positive and -negative groups and samples of each were X-rayed and scored for OA using both minimum joint space and the Croft score. The association between pain and X-ray score was estimated, weighting back to the age and gender distribution of the original population. Results. Hip pain prevalence was 7% in males and 10% in females. Severe OA was present in 16% of those with and 3% of those without pain. Adjusting for age and gender, there was a very strong association of pain with severe OA [odds ratio (OR) 17.4, 95% confidence interval (CI) 3.0–102], but no association with mild/moderate OA (OR 1.4, 95% CI 0.4–4. 7). By contrast, only 22% of men aged 45–54 with severe OA had current pain, though in older age groups the proportions with pain were higher (54–70%). Conclusions. Hip pain is relatively infrequent in the general population compared with the published reports of other regional pain syndromes. Mild/moderate radiographic change is very frequent and not related to pain, whereas severe change is rare but strongly related. In younger males, severe radiographic change is much less likely to be associated with pain. Regional pain syndromes such as anterior knee pain are very commonly reported in general population surveys [1, 2]. Although in the majority of those subjects reporting pain there is considered to be no underlying pathology, in clinical practice the reporting of such pain is frequently a signal for radiographic examination to exclude the presence of underlying degenerative disease as the source of the pain. In population-based epidemiological studies, any associations between pain reporting (for example, of the knee) and the presence of osteoarthritic changes have been weak [3]. Pain in the hip region appears to be less common than other regional pain syndromes [4]. Hip pain is, however, important for the affected individual as it impacts on key functions, such as walking. The importance of hip pain for health-care providers results from its association with osteoarthritis (OA) and the potential need for joint replacement. Hip OA is the most frequent indication for hip arthroplasty [5] and unremitting pain the most important clinical determinant of need for surgery [6]. The ‘hip’, however, is a difficult region to define topographically compared with, for example, the shoulder or knee. Referred pain from the back and disorders of structures in and around the inguinal and pelvic areas all might present with pain in similar areas to that resulting from true hip disease. Similarly, compared with more superficial joints, subjects have difficulty in localizing the hip as the source of their pain. Indeed, there are no well-accepted definitions of hip pain for epidemiological studies. We have recently shown that the optimal definition of hip pain is one that requires the subject both to use the word ‘hip’ in referring to the site of their pain in addition to indicating the presence of pain in the ‘bathing trunk’ area on a validated preshaded manikin [7]. Such a stringent definition demonstrated much stronger associations with indicators of hip disease, such as restriction in movement and health-care utilization, than less rigid definitions requiring either just the verbal or just the manikin definition [8]. However, the strength of the relationship between radiographic change and hip pain in the general population is not known. Such studies require the radiographic investigation of asymptomatic subjects and, for this reason, there are few data. We have therefore investigated the relationship between radiographic damage and hip pain in a large population sample. We have specifically addressed two related questions: (i) given the presence of radiographic change, how frequent is hip pain? and (ii), given the presence of hip pain, how frequent is radiographic change? Thus, we wanted to determine from the first question what proportion of severe OA, for example, would be missed by consideration of those only with current hip pain; and from the second question the value of undertaking a radiograph in those with pain. Methods Design This was a two-stage population screening survey: subjects of those with and without pain were invited for radiographic Correspondence to: A. Silman: [email protected] 1 arc Epidemiology Unit and 2 Unit of Chronic Disease Epidemiology, School of Epidemiology and Health Sciences, Manchester University Medical School, Manchester M13 9PT, UK. 3 Present Address: University of Newcastle, Cookson Building, Framlington Place, Newcastle NE2 4NH, UK. Submitted 5 July 2004; revised version accepted 30 September 2004. 1of5 Rheumatology Advance Access published November 9, 2004 assessment. Associations between pain and OA were then calculated based on weighting the X-ray results of those participating in the second phase to the population that were initially sent a questionnaire. Subjects The sampling frame was the population listing from a general practice population in the south of Manchester and has been described in detail elsewhere [8]. This investigation was restricted to subjects aged over 45, and a total of 1496 subjects were selected for mailing a questionnaire. Ascertainment of hip pain The presence of current hip pain was determined using a postal questionnaire. Two questions were used to determine the occur- in the hip for a period lasting more than 24 h in the previous 1 month, and (ii) to indicate on a manikin with a preshaded bathing- trunk [7] area if they had had pain in that area during that period. A positive respondent was one who reported hip pain using both criteria. Subjects not responding to the questionnaire were sent a postcard reminder within 2 weeks and a further questionnaire, if necessary, after a further 2 weeks. The questionnaire also collected data on a number of other aspects of hip pain and general health. Random samples of those reporting and not reporting hip pain were invited to attend a local hospital for a pelvic radiograph. An anteroposterior pelvic film was taken in a standardized fashion at a single centre. The X-rays were read blind to pain group by two Kellgren and Lawrence (K&L) grading system [9]. The minimum joint space (MJS) was also measured using a ruler, as previously described by Croft et al. [9]. For the purposes of analysis, the scores were stratified into three groups: (i) subjects with no OA (defined as a K&L grade of <2 and MJS >2.5 mm); (ii) subjects with mild to moderate OA (defined as a K&L score of at least 2 or MJS <2.5 mm but not satisfying criteria for severe OA); and (iii) subjects with severe OA (defined as a K&L score of at least 4 or MJS <1.5 mm). Analysis The subjects invited for radiographic investigation were not a random sample of the original population but were weighted towards studying a greater proportion of hip pain-positive compared with hip pain-negative subjects. Further, both age and gender were strongly related to the presence of any radiographic change. Thus, for the purposes of analysis, the subjects were stratified by age (in 10-yr age groups) and gender. We therefore assumed that in each of the two pain groups the distribution of radiographic changes in those studied was the same as that in those subjects with the same age and gender profile, who answered the questionnaire but were not selected or attended for X-ray. We used the sampling weights for these two variables to estimate the population occurrence of radiographic change. The data are thus presented first as the estimated population prevalence of radio- graphic change in subjects with and without pain, and secondly as the estimated population prevalence of hip pain in subjects with and without radiographic change. The confidence intervals (CIs) for the population prevalences were calculated using the ‘svytab’ procedure in Stata 8.0 (Stata Corporation, College Station, TX, USA), which uses a standard formula for calculating the standard error of a prevalence in a two-stage sampling design such as this [10]. To examine the influence of pain on X-ray grade, logistic regression analyses were undertaken, adjusting for age and stratified by gender, where appropriate. The study was approved by the Local Research Ethics Committee and written subject consent was obtained. Results A total of 1496 subjects were mailed a questionnaire and, after the two reminders, completed questionnaires were received from 1071. A further 123 were notified as being sent to the wrong address. Thus, the final adjusted response rate of those receiving the questionnaire was 78%. The responders comprised 556 males and 515 females. The age- and gender-specific hip pain prevalences are shown in Table 1. Overall, the prevalence was 6.8% in the males and 10.3% in females. As shown, the prevalence was higher in females at all ages except for those over the age of 75. A total of 82 subjects with hip pain and 308 without hip pain were invited to attend for radiographic screening (women aged <50 were not invited), of whom 56 (68%) and 147 (48%), respectively, attended. An analysis within each pain group, comparing those who attended for X-ray with those who did not, showed no evidence of any participation bias in relation to the severity indicators derived from the questionnaire. Thus in the hip pain group, compared with those who did not, those who attended for X-ray had similar visual analogue pain scores as well as similar proportions of those using analgesics and requiring a walking stick for their pain. The distributions of radiographic score between those with and without pain are shown in Table 2. There was a marked difference between the two groups, as expected ( 2 ¼ 12.9, P ¼ 0.002). The frequency of severe change was substantially larger in the group with pain (16 vs 3%), and the absence of change was more common in those without pain. However, mild/moderate OA was very common in this population, with an equal high frequency of such changes in both those with and without pain. Age and gender were expected to have powerful effects on the likelihood of radiographic change. Indeed, there were substantial differences in the occurrence of radiographic change (independent of pain frequency) between the genders and with age. Allowing for the proportions with and without hip pain, the estimated population prevalence of radiographic change by age and gender, together with their 95% CIs, are shown in Table 3. These data show that severe change was exceptionally rare in women at TABLE 1. Prevalence of hip pain by age and gender Men Women Age group (yr) n Hip pain % n Hip pain % 45–54 220 10 4.6 227 22 9.7 55–64 169 12 7.1 140 14 10.0 65–74 117 7 6.0 95 12 12.6 75–84 50 9 18.0 53 5 9.4 TABLE 2. Frequency of radiographic change by presence/absence of pain No OA n (%) Mild/moderate OA n (%) Severe OA n (%) No pain (n ¼ 147) 60 (41) 83 (56) 4 (3) Pain (n ¼ 56) 16 (29) 31 (55) 9 (16) 2of5 F. Birrell et al. all ages. Further, and unexpectedly, there was very little influence of age on the occurrence of OA in men. It should be noted, however, that these prevalences, once stratified by age and gender, are based on very small numbers and as a result the CIs are wide. The estimated prevalences of radiographic change in the population were then stratified by pain status (Table 4). Women were excluded from this analysis, given the virtual absence of severe OA from this group. The data show that in each age group those men with pain were substantially more likely to have severe OA, with no influence on the likelihood of mild to moderate OA. A weighted multinomial logistic regression analysis was under- taken, adjusting for age, and this showed that the odds ratio (OR) for mild/moderate OA in those with pain was 1.4 (95% CI 0.4–4.7), with a much greater association with severe OA (OR 17.4, 95% CI 3.0–102). The final analysis was to evaluate the estimated population prevalence of hip pain in those with and without evidence of OA (Table 5). As discussed above, despite the higher prevalence of pain in the women, there were virtually no women in this sample with severe OA. In men, hip pain was more likely to be reported in those with severe OA, but not by those with mild OA. Hip pain was much less frequent in young men with severe radiographic change (estimated prevalence 22%) and much higher in the other age groups. The age-adjusted ORs for reporting pain in those with mild to moderate OA and for those men with severe OA are the same as above. The data for women, by contrast, do show an association between mild to moderate OA and pain: OR 2.8, 95% CI 0.94–8.6. Discussion In summary, these data have highlighted that the frequency of hip- region pain as defined in the community is low compared with other regional pain syndromes, such as those affecting the knee [1, 2]. The criteria for hip pain used were stringent, though, as others have shown, the prevalence of hip pain, using a broader- based question, was much higher. Thus, a study from Oxford [4] in subjects over 65 revealed a prevalence of 19%, approximately twice that observed in the same age group in the present study. Similarly, the frequency of severe radiographic change in the population is low, especially in women, whereas the frequency of mild to moderate OA changes are more common in this age group than a ‘normal’ X-ray appearance. The major findings relate to the limited association between pain and X-ray. As an example, despite an obvious relationship between severe change and pain in males, we estimate that 1 in 20 men aged 45–54 without current hip pain have severe radiographic OA. Examining the results the other way round showed that important proportions of men, especially in the youngest age group investigated (45–54), with severe radiographic OA do not have current pain. By contrast, there is no important relationship between current pain and milder forms of OA. There are a number of limitations in interpreting these data. First, and most importantly, the numbers in each age and gender group with X-ray data are small. Age and gender did have substantial influences on both the occurrence of radiographic change and probably the relationship between pain and OA. The number of individuals in this community survey who were X-rayed was too small to provide robust estimates in the age–gender groups, and such strata-specific proportions are subject TABLE 4. Estimated prevalence of radiographic damage by hip pain status: men Severity No pain Pain Age group (yr) None Mild Severe None Mild Severe 45–54 34 (8, 74) 61 (24, 89) 5 (1, 33) 23 (3, 76) 45 (10, 85) 33 (6, 78) 55–64 53 (27, 77) 47 (22, 73) 1 (0, 6) 38 (12, 74) 38 (12, 74) 24 (5, 64) 65–74 56 (29, 80) 42 (19, 70) 1 (0, 7) n/a 71 (29, 94) 29 (6, 71) 75–84 44 (27, 63) 53 (34, 71) 3 (1, 13) 44 (14, 80) 30 (7, 71) 26 (6, 67) Data are % (95% CI). n/a, numbers too small for calculation. TABLE 3. Estimated (weighted) population prevalence of radiographic change Men Women Age group (yr) None Mild Severe None Mild Severe 45–54 33 (9, 72) 60 (25, 88) 7 (1, 30) 45 (23, 70) 55 (30, 77) 0 55–64 52 (27, 75) 46 (23, 71) 2 (1, 8) 33 (19, 50) 67 (50, 81) 0 65–74 53 (28, 77) 45 (21, 70) 3 (1, 9) 55 (31, 78) 43 (21, 68) 1 (0, 9) 75–84 35 (13, 67) 52 (35, 69) 5 (2, 12) 28 (7, 67) 72 (33, 93) 0 Data are % (95% CI). TABLE 5. Estimated (weighted) prevalence of hip pain in subjects with Prevalence of hip pain: % (95% CI) Age group (yr) None Mild Severe Men 45–54 3 (0, 28) 3 (1, 17) 22 (2, 84) 55–64 5 (1, 19) 6 (1, 21) 70 (12, 98) 65–74 n/a 10 (3, 28) 67 (11, 97) 75–84 22 (5, 64) 6 (3, 37) 54 (6, 95) Women 45–54 n/a 15 (5, 38) n/a 55–64 18 (7, 38) 5 (2, 15) n/a 65–74 4 (1, 19) 20 (7, 44) n/a 75–84 n/a 14 (4, 44) n/a n/a, numbers too small for calculation. Hip pain and radiographic change 3of5 to wide CIs. It is, however, not easy to obtain pelvic X-rays from true population samples, which is why alternative strategies have been used, such as reading films from intravenous urograms [9]. Secondly, and perhaps surprisingly, we found only one woman from the 109 with X-rays who had severe OA, and as a consequence we are unable to usefully comment on the relation- ship between pain and severe OA in women. Clinical experience demonstrates that severe hip OA clearly exists in women and the virtual absence of this state in the current cohort might reflect the population scarcity of this grade of OA, or possibly a selective non-response or non-participation of those women with the worst disease. The latter seems intuitively unlikely as typically it is those with the relevant health problem who are more likely to respond to survey participation. Thirdly, the nature of the study design meant that hip pain subjects were more likely to be sampled for radiological examina- tion. As one aim was to ascertain the relationships between pain and X-ray change in the whole population, we assumed that that the former would be the same between those who were and were not X-rayed. It is difficult to be certain about the correctness of this assumption, though analysis of certain characteristics related to hip pain severity in those with hip pain who were and were not X-rayed does not suggest any important selection bias. The response rates to the questionnaire were high and should not have influenced the external validity of these results. The participation rates for those selected for X-ray were lower and selectively different when those with and without pain were compared. It is obviously difficult to encourage those who were pain-free to attend for radiographic examination. It is possible that those who did may have selected themselves on characteristics such as previous injury [11], family history [12] or obesity [13], all of which might have resulted in a bias towards those with OA changes. The study population was also drawn from a single general practice population, and again the associations between hip pain and X-ray change may not be applicable to other groups, which might have a different underlying prevalence of disorders leading to either hip pain or OA. Thus, farming com- munities have been shown to have a higher prevalence of OA hip [14]. There are a number of strengths of the present study. First, we used a validated definition for hip pain which has been demonstrated to have greater construct validity with measures of hip disease than definitions relying either on the use of the word ‘hip’ or on a pain manikin alone [9]. Secondly, the X-rays were taken and read in a standardized and blinded fashion; we have previously reported on our reliability of reading hip X-rays [7]. Thirdly, the population answering the first questionnaire was large, with a high response. It was also possible within the present study to obtain a number, albeit limited, of X-rays on those with pain-free hips, a task of increasing difficulty as both ethical and population concerns about X-rays increase in society. The prevalence of mild to moderate OA changes was, as noted above, very high and indeed such change was more common than a ‘normal’ radiograph. Further, such changes were not associated with pain. The major conclusion from such observations is that these degrees of radiographic change, although they might represent an underlying anatomical change, are perhaps inappro- priately considered as representing the disease state of clinical OA. Therefore, the term ‘mild–moderate OA’ to describe such changes It was interesting to note that the likelihood of reporting pain, given the presence of severe OA, was substantially less likely in younger men. This observation would add weight to the concept that other factor(s) other than the degree of radiographic damage contribute to pain. One explanation, impossible to test in a cross- sectional study, is that age is a surrogate for ‘disease duration’ and that the younger men have had changes for a shorter period, and it is the longevity of the change that contributes to pain. This, however, would not explain why the rates of pain are not highest in the oldest ages. Ageing itself may be accompanied by an increase in pain perception, although in population surveys the increased reporting of musculoskeletal pain with ageing is only modest [15]. As noted in the Introduction, there are few studies with which to compare these results. A study of intravenous urograms from 1315 men aged 60–75 was used to provide a population surrogate for identifying the frequency of different aspects of radiographic hip OA. In total, 29% of a subset of 759 of these men, who provided information, reported ever having had hip pain, though again it was only in those with radiographic appearances at the extreme (2%) end of the radiographic severity spectrum that there was an association between pain and radiographic feature [9]. There are, however, some interesting messages that emerge. First, it would be inappropriate to conclude that an elderly patient with hip region pain is inevitably likely to have OA. Secondly, even severe radiographic change is relatively infrequently accom- panied by continuing hip pain, and it is important to be cautious before linking the pain with the X-ray. Thirdly, the majority of younger male subjects in the community with severe OA will be pain-free, and in subjects with other indicators of hip disease, such as known childhood hip disorder, prior injury or limitation in movement, severe OA could still be present. Acknowledgements This study was funded by the UK Arthritis Research Campaign (arc) and F.B. was an arc research training fellow in epidemiology. We are grateful to Dr Coope (The Waterhouse, Bollington Medical Practice) and Dr Sanders (Cheadle Medical The survey was coordinated by Liz Nahit, who also assisted in The authors have declared no conflicts of interest. References 1. Mcalindon TE, Cooper C, Kirwan JR et al. Knee pain and disability in the community. Br J Rheumatol 1992;31:189–92. 2. O’Reilly SC, Muir KR, Doherty M. Knee pain and disability in the Nottingham community: association with poor health status and psychological distress. Br J Rheumatol 1998;37:870–3. 3. Hannan MT, Felson DT, Pincus T. Analysis of the discordance between radiographic changes and knee pain in osteoarthritis of the knee. J Rheumatol 2000;27:1513–7. 4. Dawson J, Linsell L, Zondervan K et al. Epidemiology of hip and knee pain and its impact on overall health status in older adults. Rheumatology 2004;43:497–504. 5. NIH Consensus Development Panel on Total Hip Replacement. Total hip replacement. JAMA 1995;273:1950–6. Rheumatology Key messages There is a limited relationship between the presence of hip pain and the degree of Severe hip OA in younger men is frequently pain-free. 4of5 F. Birrell et al. 6. Hadorn DC, Holmes AC. The New Zealand priority criteria project. Part 1: overview. Br Med J 1997;314:131–4. 7. Birrell F, Croft P, Cooper C, Hosie G, Macfarlane GJ, Silman A. Radiographic change is common in new presenters in primary care with hip pain. PCR Hip Study Group. Rheumatology 2000;39: 772–5. 8. Birrell F, Lunt M, Macfarlane G et al. Defining hip pain for population studies. Ann Rheum Dis 2004. In press. 9. Croft P, Cooper C, Wickham C et al. Defining osteoarthritis of the hip for epidemiologic studies. Am J Epidemiol 1990;132:514–22. 10. Cochrane WG. Sampling techniques. 3rd edition. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, 1977. 11. Felson DT. An update on the pathogenesis and epidemiology of osteoarthritis. Radiol Clin North Am 2004;42:1–9. 12. MacGregor AJ, Antoniades L, Matson M, Andrew T, Spector TD. The genetic contribution to radiographic hip osteoarthritis in women: results of a classic twin study. Arthritis Rheum 2000;43:2410–6. 13. Gelber AC. Obesity and hip osteoarthritis: the weight of the evidence is increasing. Am J Med 2003;114:158–9. 14. Croft P, Coggon D, Cruddas M et al. Osteoarthritis of the hip an occupational disease in farmers. Br Med J 1992;304:1269–72. 15. Symmons DPM. Population studies of musculoskeletal morbidity. In: Silman AJ, Hochberg MC, eds. Epidemiology of the rheumatic diseases, 2nd edition. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2001. Hip pain and radiographic change 5of5 ... Both systems are inherently subjective [4], contributing to widely varying rHOA prevalence estimates that range from 0.9-27% [5], and though atlases help to reduce ambiguity they cannot prevent it entirely [6]. In addition, lower KL and Croft grades are poorly predictive of disease [7], and show weak and inconsistent associations with hip pain, calling into question their clinical relevance [8][9][10]. This likely reflects not only ambiguity and subjectivity of scoring, but also limitations in how these scores are derived. ... ... There are some similarities in comparing our study with previous studies based on KL grading of radiographs. For example, a primary care study (n ¼ 1496) found an OR of 17.4 (95% CI 3, 102) for hip pain in those with KL grade 4, compared with an OR of 11.8 (8.5-16.4) for hip pain in those with grade 4 using our DXA-based classification [8]. Previous studies found KL grade >2 to be associated with a HR of 12.9 and OR from 13.8-30.6 ... Article Full-text available ... Third, we could not evaluate hip pain because of the retrospective study design. Hip pain is a chief symptom of hip OA; however, the precise association between hip OA and pain remains unclear [37][38][39][40], and most individuals with hip pain do not have radiographic hip OA [38,41]. Thus, we believe that the evaluation of hip pain is not relevant to this study. ... Article Full-text available Background Lumbar fusion corrects spinal deformities and improves spinal complications. Hip osteoarthritis (OA) is strongly correlated with spinal mobility, and joint space narrowing of the hip after spinal fusion has gained attention. This study aimed to elucidate the effect of spinal fusion on hip joint space narrowing. Materials and methods We retrospectively examined 530 hips of 270 patients who underwent spinal surgery. All the patients underwent whole-spine radiography before and at the final follow-up. Patients were divided into three groups (N group: non-spinal fusion, S group: up to three interbody fusions, and L group: more than four interbody fusions). The rates of joint space narrowing, spinal parameters (sagittal vertical axis, thoracic kyphosis, lumbar lordosis, sacral slope, pelvic tilt, and pelvic incidence), and limb length discrepancy at the final follow-up were compared. A multilinear regression analysis was performed to identify the risk factors for the rate of joint space narrowing. Results The rate of joint space narrowing was significantly higher in the L group than in the N and S groups ( P < 0.001). No significant difference in the rate of joint space narrowing was observed between the N and S groups. Multiple linear regression analysis revealed that the number of fusion levels ( p < 0.05) and follow-up period ( p < 0.001) were independent risk factors for joint space narrowing. Spinal parameters at the final follow-up were not independent risk factors. Conclusions Long spinal fusion (more than four levels) led to significantly greater joint space narrowing of the hip than short (up to three levels) or no fusion. Spinal alignment did not affect joint space narrowing of the hip. Surgeons should be aware that more than four interbody fusions may result in worse joint space narrowing of the hip. Level of evidence IV, retrospective study ... Semi-quantitative grading of hip OA can be done using Kellgren-Lawrence (KL) [8] or Croft [9] scoring which examine the presence and severity of radiographic characteristic features, including joint-space narrowing (JSN), osteophytes, subchondral scleroisis, and cysts. These criteria are inherently subjective [10], making clinical application difficult [11][12][13]. Although severity grading is traditionally performed by manual inspection of standard radiographs, Yoshida et al. [17] found that this could be performed as accurately using DXA scans. ... Chapter Osteophytes are distinctive radiographic features of osteo-arthritis (OA) in the form of small bone spurs protruding from joints that contribute significantly to symptoms. Identifying the genetic determinants of osteophytes would improve the understanding of their biological pathways and contributions to OA. To date, this has not been possible due to the costs and challenges associated with manually outlining osteophytes in sufficiently large datasets. Automatic systems that can segment osteophytes would pave the way for this research and also have potential clinical applications. We propose, to the best of our knowledge, the first work on automating pixel-wise segmentation of osteophytes in hip dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry scans (DXAs). Based on U-Nets, we developed an automatic system to detect and segment osteophytes at the superior and the inferior femoral head, and the lateral acetabulum. The system achieved sensitivity, specificity, and average Dice scores (±std) of (0.98, 0.92, $$0.71\pm 0.19$$) for the superior femoral head [793 DXAs], (0.96, 0.85, $$0.66\pm 0.24$$) for the inferior femoral head [409 DXAs], and (0.94, 0.73, $$0.64\pm 0.24$$) for the lateral acetabulum [760 DXAs]. This work enables large-scale genetic analyses of the role of osteophytes in OA, and opens doors to using low-radiation DXAs for screening for radiographic hip OA. KeywordsComputational anatomyU-NetsOsteophytes segmentationOsteophytes detectionAutomated osteoarthritis risk assessment ... In this same study, those with worsening hip structure also had less hip extension, although not significantly so. The presence of structural damage is not tightly linked to hip pain (Birrell et al., 2005;Heerey et al., 2018;Park et al., 2021). Worsening pain has been associated with limited hip extension and external rotation during walking in females with mild to moderate hip OA (Tateuchi et al., 2019). ... Article Full-text available Background: Individuals with hip osteoarthritis (OA) commonly walk with less hip extension compared to individuals without hip OA. This alteration is often attributed to walking speed, structural limitation, and/or hip pain. It is unclear if individuals who are at increased risk for future OA (i.e., individuals with pre-arthritic hip disease [PAHD]) also walk with decreased hip extension. Objectives: (1) Determine if individuals with PAHD exhibit less hip extension compared to individuals without hip pain during walking, and (2) investigate potential reasons for these motion alterations. Methods: Adolescent and adult individuals with PAHD and healthy controls without hip pain were recruited for the study. Kinematic data were collected while walking on a treadmill at three walking speeds: preferred, fast (25% faster than preferred), and prescribed (1.25 m/s). Peak hip extension, peak hip flexion, and hip excursion were calculated for each speed. Linear regression analyses were used to examine the effects of group, sex, side, and their interactions. Results: Individuals with PAHD had 2.9° less peak hip extension compared to individuals in the Control group ( p = 0.014) when walking at their preferred speed. At the prescribed speed, the PAHD group walked with 2.7° less hip extension than the Control group ( p = 0.022). Given the persistence of the finding despite walking at the same speed, differences in preferred speed are unlikely the reason for the reduced hip extension. At the fast speed, both groups increased their hip extension, hip flexion, and hip excursion by similar amounts. Hip extension was less in the PAHD group compared to the Control group ( p = 0.008) with no significant group-by-task interaction ( p = 0.206). Within the PAHD group, hip angles and excursions were similar between individuals reporting pain and individuals reporting no pain. Conclusions: The results of this study indicate that kinematic alterations common in individuals with hip OA exist early in the continuum of hip disease and are present in individuals with PAHD. The reduced hip extension during walking is not explained by speed, structural limitation, or current pain. ... Chronic hip pain is a prevalent and functionally limiting symptom, which may be due to osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteonecrosis, infectious coxarthrosis, and post-total hip arthroplasty pain [1]. Conservative management includes physical therapy, topical modalities, and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory medications. ... Article Full-text available Chronic hip pain can be treated with physical therapy, oral medications, injections, and, definitively, total hip arthroplasty. Enough patients have contraindications to and refractory pain even after total hip arthroplasty, that there is a need to develop alternative managements for this disabling condition. This article examines the state of hip radiofrequency ablation literature including relevant anatomy, patient selection, and treatment outcomes. Chapter Total hip arthroplasty (THA) is a surgical procedure performed when the patient’s hip joint is worn or damaged. The main aim of the surgery is to reduce the pain experienced by the patients while simultaneously increasing their potential range of motion, thus allowing them to return to their daily activities without experiencing severe pain that could potentially interfere with their performance. There are a variety of approaches that could be employed for THA, and the main differences involve the positioning of the patient on the operating table, as well as the methodology used to access the hip joint, which subsequently leads to distinct positive outcomes alongside negative impacts. In this work, we review research literature for each approach and highlight the strengths as well as the weaknesses of each individual approach. Article Purpose The purpose of this systematic review was to assess the indications, outcomes and complications of hip arthroscopy in individuals 50 years of age or older over the past five years. Methods The electronic databases PUBMED, MEDLINE, and EMBASE) were searched on March 3rd, 2022, for studies assessing the use of primary hip arthroscopy for patients aged 50 years or older from the past five years. The Methodological Index for Non-randomized Studies (MINORS) was used to assess study quality. Data are presented descriptively. Results Overall, 17 studies were included, consisting of 6696 patients (37.5%) with a mean age of 61.4 ± 5.0 years and a median follow-up of 24 months (range, 1.4-70.1) Indications for hip arthroscopy in patients aged 50 years or older were unspecified/undefined (93.8%), mixed pathology (i.e., combined femoroacetabular impingement [FAI], labral tear, osteoarthritis, etc.) (2.7%), and FAI (2.6%). Eleven studies demonstrated significant improvement in functional outcome scores from baseline to final follow-up. Of the six studies that compared outcomes across multiple age groups, three demonstrated significantly worse functional outcomes and two demonstrated significantly higher rates of conversion to THA for older patients compared to younger patients. Lastly, the overall complication rates ranged from 0 to 38.3%. The rate of conversion to THA ranged from 0 to 34.6%, occurring between 6 and 60 months post-operatively. Conclusions Hip arthroscopy for patients aged 50 years or older yields significant improvements in patient-reported outcomes post-operatively compared to baseline, with a moderate rate of conversion to THA (range, 0 to 34.6%). Clinicians should consider patient history (e.g., imaging, comorbidities, etc.,) and values when electing for hip arthroscopy in the older population. Chapter Lateral femoral and lateral obturator sensory nerves radiofrequency (RF) ablation provides a significant, clinically meaningful long‐term improvement in pain scores for patients with advanced osteoarthritis, avascular necrosis or even previous arthroplasty of the hip joint. Currently, hip denervation techniques include conventional and cooled RF denervation using various approaches: anterior, lateral, and inferior. The use of sensory stimulation before RF lesioning to improve accuracy is required. A significant amount of intraprocedural pain was experienced by most of the patients undergoing hip RF denervation using such an approach. Loss of sensation in the cutaneous distribution of the femoral nerve and obturator nerve may be seen. Neuritis and bleeding are rare and pain at the denervation site infrequently present. Ablation of nerves that have both sensory and motor components should only be performed where motor function loss is unimportant to avoid adverse clinical consequences. Article Full-text available Background: The diagnosis of hip osteoarthritis (OA) is often based on clinical symptoms, such as pain and stiffness, and radiographic features. However, the association between hip pain and hip radiographic OA (ROA) remains uncertain. Aim: To examine the association between hip pain and hip ROA. Design and setting: Cross-sectional analysis of a Dutch cohort, the Cohort Hip and Cohort Knee (CHECK) study. Method: The participants (aged 45-65 years) had all experienced hip and/or knee pain for which they had not had a prior consultation or were within 6 months of their first consultation with a GP. Using weight-bearing anteroposterior pelvis radiographs, definite and early-stage hip ROA were defined as Kellgren and Lawrence grade ≥2 and ≥1, respectively. Presence of ROA and pain was assessed in the hips of all participants. The association between hip pain and ROA was assessed using generalised estimating equations. Results: The prevalence of definite ROA was 11.0% (n = 218/1982 hips), with prevalence in painful and pain-free hips of 13.3% (n = 105/789) and 9.5% (n = 113/1193), respectively. Prevalence of early-stage hip ROA was 35.3% (n = 700/1982), with prevalence in painful and pain-free hips of 41.2% (n = 325/789) and 31.4% (n = 375/1193), respectively. Compared with pain-free hips, the odds ratio painful hips was 1.51 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.16 to 1.98) for definite ROA and 1.47 (95% CI = 1.24 to 1.75) for early-stage ROA. Conclusion: Hip pain was associated with definite and early-stage hip ROA, yet the overall ROA prevalence was modest and the prevalence among pain-free hips was substantial. Therefore, radiographs provided little assistance with help to identify patients with hip OA among patients who recently presented with hip or knee complaints. Article Purpose of review: The introduction of ultrasound guidance in interventional pain management leads to the development of new interventional pain management techniques. Ultrasound-guided (UG) interventional pain management is rapidly developing and increasingly more commonly used, due to its many advantages over traditional radiologic imaging modalities. This review will summarize recent literature around novel interventional pain techniques with ultrasound guidance published over the last 18 months. Recent findings: Many new interventional pain management methods have been described in the last few years in the literature. The use of ultrasonography in interventional pain management played a crucial role in these developments. This review includes newly described interventional methods in the literature. The review particularly focussed on the methods that are used to treat the pain in the hip, shoulder, knee, and lumbar area. These new techniques hold promise for significant improvements in the efficacy and safety of interventional pain management. Summary: There have been many innovations in UG interventional procedures, however, some of them require more rigorous validation before their widespread use. Article Full-text available In order to investigate the strength of any relationship between knee pain and disability, a postal questionnaire was sent to 2102 men and women aged over 55 registered at a general practice in Bristol. A response rate of 80.6% was achieved at second reminder. Knee pain was common particularly in women (27.6% overall). Disability was also more frequently reported in women (P less than 0.05) and rose with increasing age. Respondents with knee pain had significantly more disability relating to upper as well as lower limb activities (P less than 0.05). Article Full-text available To determine the prevalence of radiographic osteoarthritis in subjects with hip pain newly presenting to primary care. The study was cross-sectional in design, set in 35 general practices across the UK. It included 195 men and women aged 40 yr and over (median 63 yr) presenting with a new episode of hip pain. Hip radiographs were scored for minimum joint space (MJS) and overall-Croft's modification of the Kellgren and Lawrence (Croft)-grade of osteoarthritis. In all, definite evidence of radiographic change in the painful joint was common: Croft grade > or =2 in 44%, > or =3 in 34%. MJS of 2.5 mm or less was seen in 30% of whom half were below 1.5 mm. There were no significant gender differences in radiographic severity. Radiographic change is common in patients newly presenting with hip pain and many already have advanced disease. Article Full-text available To obtain prevalence rates of hip and knee pain in elderly people and compare combinations of symptoms with overall health status. We performed a cross-sectional postal survey of a random sample of 5500 Oxfordshire residents aged 65 yr and older. Prevalence estimates were based on the screening question: 'During the past 12 months, have you had pain in or around either of your hip/knee joints on most days for one month or longer?' Overall health status was assessed with the SF-36 questionnaire. The response rate was 66.3% (3341/5039 eligible people), and was highest (approximately reverse similar 72%) for the 65-74 yr age-group. The percentage reporting hip pain was 19.2% [95% confidence interval (CI) 17.9-20.6], and 32.6% (95% CI 31.0-34.3) reported knee pain. The percentage reporting hip and knee pain was 11.3%, and 40.7% reported hip or knee pain. Less than half (48%) of the symptomatic respondents had unilateral problems affecting one hip or knee joint only. SF-36 scores worsened as the number of symptomatic hip and knee joints increased (P<0.001 for physical function, physical role limitation and bodily pain). Patterns of hip and knee symptoms are complex in older people. Amongst the symptomatic, most have more than one hip/knee affected. This has implications for treatment and health status measurement. In the absence of hip and knee symptoms, general health status scores of elderly people are similar to those of people aged under 65 yr. Article To test the hypothesis that farmers are at high risk of hip osteoarthritis and to investigate possible causes for such a hazard. Cross sectional survey. Five rural general practices. 167 male farmers aged 60-76 and 83 controls from mainly sedentary jobs. All those without previous hip replacement underwent radiography of the hip. Hip replacement for osteoarthritis or radiological evidence of hip osteoarthritis. Prevalence of hip osteoarthritis was higher in farmers than controls and especially in those who had farmed for over 10 years (odds ratio 9.3, 95% confidence interval 1.9 to 44.5). The excess could not be attributed to any one type of farming, and heavy lifting seems the likely explanation. Manual handling in agriculture should be limited where possible. Consideration should be given to making hip osteoarthritis a prescribed industrial disease in farmers. There may be wider implications for the prevention of hip osteoarthritis in the general population. Article The authors compared seven radiologic indices of hip osteoarthritis to establish which provided the best definition of the disease for epidemiologic purposes. Hip joints were assessed from intravenous urograms taken in a British hospital between 1982 and 1987 in 1,315 men aged 60-75 years. The indices examined were an overall qualitative grading of osteoarthritis, four measures of joint space, the maximum thickness of subchondral sclerosis, and the size of the largest osteophyte. Minimal joint space (i.e., the shortest distance between the femoral head margin and the acetabulum) was the index most strongly associated with other radiologic features of osteoarthritis. Among a subset of 759 men who answered a questionnaire about symptoms, the overall qualitative grading, minimal joint space, and thickness of subchondral sclerosis were the radiologic indices most predictive of hip pain. Within- and between-observer repeatability were tested in a subset of 50 subjects. Measures of joint space were more reproducible than other indices. These data suggest that, at least in men, minimal joint space is the best radiologic criterion of hip osteoarthritis for use in epidemiologic studies. Article New Zealand restructured its health system in 1992 with the aim of achieving greater levels of assessment and accountability in the publicly funded health sector. A committee was established specifically to advise the minister of health on the kinds, and relative priorities, of health services that should be publicly funded. One of its projects has been to develop standardised sets of criteria to assess the extent of benefit expected from elective surgical procedures. These have been developed with the help of professional advisory groups using a modified Delphi technique to reach consensus. So far the committee has developed criteria for cataract surgery, coronary artery bypass grafting, hip and knee replacement, cholecystectomy, and tympanostomy tubes for otitis media with effusion. These criteria incorporate both clinical and social factors. Use of priority criteria to ensure consistency and transparency regarding patients' priority for surgery is required for access to a dedicated NZ$130m (pounds 57m; US$90m) pool of money, created to help eliminate surgical waiting lists and move to booking systems. The criteria will also be used in surgical outcome studies, currently in the planning phase. Article To analyze cross sectional data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES I) concerning 3 indicators of osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee: radiographic evidence of structural damage, self-reported knee pain, and self-report of a diagnosis of arthritis at any joint by a physician. Analysis of NHANES I data for 6880 persons ages 25-74 in the United States. Radiographic stage 2-4 knee OA was found in 319 subjects (3.7%); only 47% of these individuals reported knee pain, and only 61% reported that a physician had told them that they had arthritis. Knee pain was reported by 1004 subjects (14.6%), only 15% of whom had radiographic stage 2-4 changes of OA, and 59% of whom reported having a diagnosis of arthritis by a physician. A report of arthritis diagnosed by a physician was given by 1762 subjects (25.6%), of whom only 11% had stage 2-4 radiographic knee OA and 34% reported knee pain. Substantial discordance exists in this population based study between radiographic OA of the knee versus knee pain, versus a diagnosis of arthritis by a physician. These phenomena may be important in the design of clinical research studies, as well as in criteria for OA. Article To assess the genetic contribution to radiographic hip osteoarthritis (OA) by measuring the distribution of disease features in monozygotic (MZ) and dizygotic (DZ) twins. A population-based, cross-sectional study was conducted of 135 MZ and 277 DZ healthy female twin pairs, 50 years of age and older, who were recruited into the St. Thomas' UK Adult Twin Registry. Pelvic radiographs were read by a single observer who was blinded to the pairing and zygosity of the twins. The films were assessed for overall OA grade using a modification of the Kellgren and Lawrence scheme, and assessed for individual radiographic features. There was evidence of significant familial clustering for grade I and grade II OA changes, with an excess concordance in MZ twins compared with DZ twins, suggesting a genetic effect. The MZ versus DZ excess was also apparent for those classified as having more severe disease, although the number of pairs with these disease features was small. Familial clustering attributable to genetic factors was evident for joint space narrowing of <2.5 mm. Familial, but not genetic, clustering was seen for subchondral sclerosis. The number of pairs concordant for definite osteophytes in the sample was too low to assess this feature alone. These results translate into a significant heritability of 58% for OA overall and 64% for joint space narrowing. The heritability estimates decreased a little when the potential confounding influences of age, body mass index, and hip bone density were taken into account. Genetic factors have a significant contribution to OA at the hip in women and account for approximately 60% of the variation in population liability to the disease.
GCSE Maths Ratio and Proportion Speed Distance Time Formula for Speed # Formula For Speed Here we will learn about the formula for speed including understanding and using the terms constant speed and average speed. We will also be calculating the average speed of an object given its distance and time. This will extend to using and applying the speed formula and solving problems involving the formula for speed. There are also worksheets on the formula for speed based on Edexcel, AQA and OCR exam questions, along with further guidance on where to go next if you’re still stuck. ## What is the formula for speed? The formula for speed is given by Speed \textbf{=} distance \textbf{÷} time “Speed equals distance divided by time” You will normally shorten this to the below: The speed of an object is travelling at is related to the distance it is covering in relation to how long it was travelling for (time). ### What is speed? Speed is about how fast an object moves. The speed of the moving object is found by calculating the relationship between the distance the object travels and the period of time taken to travel the distance. Some examples of the units of speed are: • Metres per second (m/s) • Miles per hour (mph) • Km per hour (km/h) • Speed of sound - 343 metres per second • Speed of light - 299 \ 792 \ 458 metres per second Constant speed is where the speed does not change, e.g. a straight line on a distance-time graph indicates a constant speed. We can calculate the average speed of an object by dividing the total distance by the total time. If you also consider the direction of the movement as well at its speed then this is called the object’s velocity. ### What is time? Time can be defined as the ongoing sequence of events taking place. Some examples of the units of time are: • Seconds (sec) • Minutes (mins) • Hours (hrs) • Days Note: The SI unit (Standard Unit Measurement) for time is a second. ### What is distance? Distance is the length of space between two points. Some examples of the units of distance are: • Millimetres (mm) • Centimetres (cm) • Metres (m) • Kilometres (km) • Miles Note: if we only consider how far the object has moved in regards to its starting point this is called displacement. ### Rate of change The speed of an object is the rate of change between the distance covered and the amount of time taken. When working with graphs the rate of change can be found by calculating the gradient of the distance-time graph. Step-by-step guide: Speed distance time (coming soon) ## How to use the formula for speed In order to use the formula for speed: 1. Write down which variable you know with their units. 2. Check the units align, do any need to be converted? 3. Write down the formula for speed. 4. Solve to find speed (or distance or time). ## Formula for speed examples ### Example 1: calculating speed by substituting values into the speed formula Question: A car travels at a constant speed. The train travels 100 \ miles in 2 \ hours. 1. Write down which variable you know with their units. Speed: unknown Distance: 100 \ miles Time: 2 \ hours 2Check the units align, do any need to be converted? Units are correct as the questions’ units are already in miles and hours. 3Write down the formula for speed. \text{Speed } = \text{ distance } \div \text{ time} 4Solve to find speed (or distance or time). We are finding the speed. \begin{aligned} \text{Speed} &= \text{distance}\div \text{time} \\\\ \text{Speed} &= 100\ \text{miles}\div 2\ \text{hours} \\\\ \text{Speed} &= 50\ \text{miles per hour} \ \text{(mph)} \end{aligned} The car travels at 50 \ miles \ per \ hour \ (mph) ### Example 2: calculating speed by substituting values into the speed formula Question: A train travels at a constant speed. The train travels a total distance of 450 \ km in a period of time of 4 \ hours. Speed: unknown Distance: 450 \ km Time: 4 \ hours Units are correct as the questions’ units are already in miles and hours. \text{Speed } = \text{ distance } \div \text{ time} We are finding the speed. \begin{aligned} \text{Speed} &= \text{distance}\div \text{time} \\\\ \text{Speed} &= 450\ \text{km}\div 4\ \text{hours} \\\\ \text{Speed} &= 112.5 kmph \end{aligned} The car travels at 112.5 \ kmph ### Example 3: calculating speed by substituting values into the speed formula with unit conversion Question: A person walks at a constant speed. They travel 600 \ m in 40.25 \ hours. Speed: unknown Distance: 600 \ m Time: 0.25 \ hours The distance is already given in metres so you do not need to convert this unit. The time is given in hours so you need to convert this to minutes. 0.25 \ hours \times 60=15 \ minutes Speed: unknown Distance: 600 \ m Time: 15 \ minutes \text{Speed } = \text{ distance } \div \text{ time} We are finding the speed. \begin{aligned} \text{Speed} &= \text{distance}\div \text{time} \\\\ \text{Speed} &= 600\ \text{m}\div 15\ \text{minutes} \\\\ \text{Speed} &= 40 \ m/min \end{aligned} The car travels at 40 \ m/min ### Example 4: using speed to find another value Question: Phil is in a running race. Phil runs at an average speed of 5 \ m/s. The race is 21 \ km long. What is the amount of time Phil takes to finish the race? Speed: 5 \ m/s Distance: 21 \ km Time: unknown The question used two different units of distance, you need to convert one so you are working with equivalent distances. In this question it is easier to convert 20 \ km to m. 21 \ km \times 100=21000 \ m Because you now have equivalent units of distances you can calculate Phil’s time before converting to hours and minutes. \text{Speed } = \text{ distance } \div \text{ time} We are finding the time. We need to adapt the speed formula. \begin{aligned} \text {Time }&=\text { distance } \div \text { speed } \\\\ \text {Time }&=21000 m \div 5 \ m/ s \\\\ \text {Time }&=4200 \text { seconds } \end{aligned} You have calculated the time to be 4200 \ seconds. However the question wants the time in hours and minutes, Remember: seconds \div 60 = minutes 4200 \div 60=70 \ minutes Therefore 70 \ minutes=1 \ hr and 10 mins Therefore Phil completes the race in 1 \ hour and 10 \ minutes ### Example 5: using speed to find another value Question: A train travels at 120 \ km/h for 3\frac{1}{4} \ hours. Calculate the total distance travelled. Speed: 120 \ km/h Distance: unknown Time: 3\frac{1}{4} \ hours=3.25 \ hours The units align. Sometime people prefer decimals to fractions, so we can use 3\frac{1}{4} or 3.25 \text{Speed } = \text{ distance } \div \text{ time} We are finding the time. We need to adapt the speed formula. \begin{aligned} \text {Distance }&=\text {speed} \times \text {time} \\\\ \text {Distance }&=120 \ \text{km/h} \times 3.25\ \text{hours} \\\\ \text {Distance }&=390 \text { km } \end{aligned} You have calculated the time to be 390 \ kilometres. Therefore the distance of the journey is 390 \ km. ### Example 6: problem involving speed Miss Yellow completes a journey in 3 stages. In the first stage she travels at 33.75 \ km in 45 \ minutes. In the second stage she travels 258 \ km in 4 \ hours and 18 \ minutes. The final stage is much shorter and she travels 1200 \ m in 90 \ seconds. What was her average speed for the whole journey? You want to know Miss Yellow’s overall average speed so you need to calculate her total distance and total time Speed: unknown Distance: 33.75 \ km + 258 \ km + 1200 \ m Time: 45 \ minutes + 4 \ hours and 18 \ minutes + 90 \ Seconds You will notice in the above the units are not the same for distance or speed. You need to convert them all first before proceeding. Distance: convert all to km 1200 \ m = 1.2 \ km Therefore total distance is 33.75 \ km + 258 \ km + 1.2 \ km = 292.96 Time: convert all to minutes 4 \ hours and 18 \ minutes = 258 \ minutes 90 \ seconds = 1.5 \ minutes Therefore total time is 45 \ minutes + 258 \ minutes + 1.5 \ minutes =304.5 \ minutes \text{Speed } = \text{ distance } \div \text{ time} \begin{aligned} \text{Speed} &= \text{distance}\div \text{time} \\\\ \text{Speed} &= 292.96 \ \text{km}\div 305.5 \ \text{minutes} \\\\ \text{Speed} &= 0.95895... km/min \end{aligned} 0.95895... \ km/min needs to be rounded to 3 significant figures The car travels at 0.959 \ km/min ### Common misconceptions • Incorrect formula for speed You must remember the speed formula with the correct operations between distance and time. \text{Speed } = \text{ distance } \div \text{ time} • Units You must remember the relationship between the units is important for the context of the question. If you are given an object’s speed in km per hour and the time as minutes you need to first convert one of the units to be able to give an answer in hours. E.g. km/h \div minutes does not give you km • Check if you answer is ‘sensible’ If you have found the speed of a car is 300 \ mph you have most likely made an error as this answer is not ‘sensible’ within the context of the question as it is too high speed for a car. This is a useful (and quick) way of checking your answer. ### Practice formula for speedquestions 1. Find the speed of an object which travelled 240 \ km in 3 \ hours. Give your answer in km/h 720 \ km/h 80 \ km/h 0.0125 \ km/h 80000 \ m/hour \begin{aligned} \text{Speed } &= \text{ distance } \div \text{ time} \\\\ \text { Speed }&=240 \mathrm{~km} \div 3 \text { hours } \\\\ \text { Speed }&=80 \mathrm{~km} / \mathrm{h} \end{aligned} 2. Find the speed of an object which travelled 500 \ m in 5 \ hours. Give your answer in m/h 100 \ m/h 2500 \ m/h 0.01 \ m/h 0.1 \ km/h \begin{aligned} \text{Speed } &= \text{ distance } \div \text{ time} \\\\ \text { Speed }&=500 \ \mathrm{m} \div 5 \text { hours } \\\\ \text { Speed }&=100 \ \mathrm{m} / \mathrm{h} \end{aligned} 3. Find the speed of an object which travelled 1200 \ m in 3 \ hours. Give your answer in km/h 400 \ m/h 2500 \ m/h 0.4 \ km/h 2.5 \ km/h 1200 \ m=1.2 \ km \text{Speed } = \text{ distance } \div \text{ time} \begin{aligned} \text { Speed }&=1.2 \ \mathrm{km} \div 3 \text { hours } \\\\ \text { Speed }&=0.4 \ \mathrm{km} / \mathrm{h} \end{aligned} 4. A person walks at a constant speed. They travel 900 \ m in 0.5 \ hours. Calculate the speed. Give your answer in metres per minute (m/min) 30 \ m/h 1.8 \ m/min 1800 \ m/min 30 \ m/min \begin{aligned} 0.5 \text { hours }&=30 \text { minutes } \\\\ \text { Speed }&=\text { distance } \div \text { time } \\\\ \text { Speed }&=900 \ m \div 30 \text { minutes } \\\\ \text { Speed }&=30 \ \mathrm{m} / \mathrm{min} \end{aligned} 5. A person walks at a constant speed of 3 miles per hour. They walk for 90 \ minutes. Calculate how far they walk. 270 \ miles 4.5 \ miles 9 \ miles 45 \ miles 90 \ minutes = 1.5 \ hours \begin{aligned} \text {Distance }&=\text {speed} \times \text {time} \\\\ \text {Distance }&=3 \times 1.5 \\\\ \text {Distance }&=4.5 \ \text{miles} \end{aligned} 6. An object travels 1800 \ m at a speed of 6m/s. Calculate the time taken. Give you anwer in minutes. 300 \ minutes 50 \ minutes 3 \ minutes 5 \ minutes \begin{aligned} \text {Time}&=\text {distance} \div \text {speed} \\\\ \text {Time}&=1800 \ \mathrm{m} \div 6 \text { m/s } \\\\ \text {Time}&=300 \ \mathrm{sec} \end{aligned} 300 \ seconds   is  5 \ minutes ### Formula for speedGCSE questions 1. Emily drives her car 186 \ kilometres in 3 \ hours. What is her average speed? (2 marks) 186 \div 3 (1) 62 (1) 2. Jenny left her home at 9am and walked to the library. She arrived at 10:30am. The library is 3 \ miles from her house. (a) What was Jenny’s average speed? (b) On the return journey she takes a longer route home which is 2 \ miles longer than before. She takes 2 \ hours to walk home. On which journey was Jenny walking faster? (5 marks) (a) 1.5 (1) 3 \div 1.5 (1) 2 (1) (b) 2.5 \ mph (1) Faster walking to the library (1) 3. Seobin was driving to a hotel. He looked at his Sat Nav at 12:30, it said he had 66 \ km left for his journey. Seobin arrived at the hotel at 15:48 Work out his average speed between 12:30 and 15:48 (4 marks) Attempt to find the time taken for the journey (1) 3 \ hours \ 18 \ minutes   or  3.3 \ hours (1) 66 \div “3.3” (1) 20 (1) ## Learning checklist You have now learned how to: • Use compound units such as speed • Solve simple kinematic problem involving distance and speed • Change freely between related standard units (eg time, length) and  compound units (e.g. speed) in numerical contexts • Work with compound units in a numerical context ## The next lessons are • Calculating density • Calculating pressure • Working with speed, distance, time questions ## Still stuck? Prepare your KS4 students for maths GCSEs success with Third Space Learning. Weekly online one to one GCSE maths revision lessons delivered by expert maths tutors. Find out more about our GCSE maths revision programme. x #### FREE GCSE Maths Practice Papers - 2022 Topics Practice paper packs based on the advanced information for the Summer 2022 exam series from Edexcel, AQA and OCR. Designed to help your GCSE students revise some of the topics that will come up in the Summer exams.
# Is there a functionality to analytically find discontinutites of function? I would like know whether it is somehow possible to analytically get discontinuities of a given function on a given interval (possibly with some reasonable assumption of the function otherwise being well-behaved) To give an example I would like a function Discontinuities that behaves something like this: ( *In *) Discontinuities[Sign[x], {x,-1,1}] (* Out *) {0} (* In *) Discontinuities[Floor[2x], {x,-1,1}] (* Out *) {-1/2,0,1/2} (* In *) Discontinuities[CDF[BinomialDistribution[2, 1/2], x], {x, -1, 3}] (* Out *) {0,1,2} • This is a slightly related discussion Aug 19 '20 at 11:55 • Interesting. Something similar could work using the analytical definition of discontinuity. How could I make a subexpression like Limit[Sign[x], x -> 0, Direction -> "FromAbove"] not directly evaluate, so I can Reduce it for x in a logical formula requiring limit "FromAbove" and "FromBelow" to be different at point x? Aug 19 '20 at 12:32 • There's one in the Wolfram Function Repository here. Aug 19 '20 at 13:20 • Specifying the interval in the form {x, -1, 1} is ambiguous as to whether the endpoints should be included. Including intervals as constraints (e.g., {f[x], -1 < x < 1} or {f[x], -1 <= x <= 1}as used in "FunctionDiscontinuities") eliminates the ambiguity. Aug 19 '20 at 15:55
# GSoC Update Since I've missed out on some blog posts the last couple of weeks, I'll be summing up the stuff I've been up to in this post. The past month hasn't really been as productive as I would have wished, the reason being some wrong assumptions I made. I'll be giving week wise summary below. ### 13th July - 19th July This week I started reading the existing SIQS code, which I pulled from Nitin's SIQS branch. I took me some time to understand the existing code, and where exactly I would start working to add the double large prime version. While reading the code, I also found a small bug in the code. In the qsieve_evaluate_candidate() function, all powers of 2 were being removed before the Knuth Schroeppel multiplier is removed from the relation. This would have slowed down factorisations in which the knuth schroeppel multiplier was even. An issue was reported this week, concerning one of the functions I had written earlier (#150). I spent some time reading the n_cbrt() code, and noticed that I had made a terrible mistake earlier. I had assigned wrong constants, which would have definitely caused overflows in 32 bit systems. Although this did not solve the issue reported, it was definitely something which would have caused problems. I never noticed it earlier on as I never tested the code on a 32 bit machine. ### 20th July - 26th July This week I started coding the double large prime version. I was using Factoring with two large primes, A. K. Lenstra and M. S. Manasse as a reference. I started by reducing the cut off limit in qsieve_evaluate_sieve() to produce more partials and pp relations. Once I got these relations, I used n_factor() and n_isprime() in qsieve_evaluate_candidate() to check whether the remainder after pulling out the factor base primes is a prime / semi prime. If so, I wrote them to a file of the format [type, number of factor base primes that divide it, factor base prime's index, factor base prime's exponent, large prime I, large prime II]. In case of a partial, the large prime II was simply 1. Here is when I started to face problems. I simply couldn't manage to produce a lot of partials and pp's. I tried to explore the code and check whether I was making any mistake, but couldn't figure out what to do to fix it. At this point I should have switched over to the tested FLINT2 code, and extend it to a a double prime version, however I was under the impression that an SIQS was required before I could add a double large prime version. This was a wrong assumption I made. ### 27th July - 2nd August I couldn't really do a lot this week, I had refresher modules and exams throughout the week at my institute (they take place before the beginning of the semester). I did some minor work towards the FLINT 2.5 release this week. There was an issue #32 reported some time back. It was required to check that in each call of a function *_si(), the si parameter is actually an slong and not a ulong or mp_limb_t. This had to be done for every call across the FLINT code base. I volunteered and checked some. ### 3rd August - 9th August At the beginning of this week, I realised that it is too late to implement the double large prime MPQS completely. I decided to go back to the ECM code I had written and complete some of the work I had postponed till after the GSoC period. The main reason was that I knew what was going around in the ECM really well, and thought that I could do considerable work working on it. The ECM code I had written was doing good, under a factor of 2 compared to GMP-ECM. There were a couple of algorithmic enhancements I had in mind, which could make it even faster and comparable to GMP ECM. These included multi point evaluation in stage II, the Montgomery PRAC algorithm in stage I and maybe Edward coordinates. I started off by checking the code for any memory leaks and unnecessary memory allocations. I found unnecessary allocations in stage II, and cut them out using better indexing (in stage II). This reduced the memory being used by almost half in the stage II code. There were a couple of places where there were memory leaks. I resolved this as well. I also fixed the hack I was using in fmpz_factor_ecm_select_curve(). I couldn't figure out how exactly to call mpn_gcdext() earlier on. I realised this week that I was passing an mp_limb_t, whereas I should have been passing an mp_size_t (the latter is signed!). So when the inverse was negative, I was facing problems (the function sets the "size" argument as negative if the mp_ptr is negative). Earlier on, I avoided using mpn_gcdext(). When it was required, I was converting back to fmpz_t's, calling fmpz_gcdinv() and then converting back to mp_ptr's! Now I am making a direct call to mpn_gcdext(). I also started to incorporate multi point evaluation in stage II this week. I had tried this earlier on, however contrary to my expectation, it was almost two times slower. I coded the stage II again (thankfully I had the ECM fmpz code from some time back, coding directly using mpn's would have been very difficult). However yet again, it didn't turn out to be faster than than the existing code. Maybe I'm doing something wrong theoretically? However in such a case, stage II should never be able to factor, whereas it is definitely. I made some more minor changes to the ECM code and polished it, it seems good to be merged to me. ### What next After a brief conversation with my mentor, I have decided to go back to MPQS. In the coming week, I will be working on a simple sieve, which uses multiple polynomials, without any self initialisation. A lot of code required for this already exists in the FLINT trunk.
# How do you factor w^3 - 2y^3? Aug 2, 2016 ${w}^{3} - 2 {y}^{3} = \left(w - \sqrt[3]{2} y\right) \left({w}^{2} + \sqrt[3]{2} w y + \sqrt[3]{4} {y}^{2}\right)$ #### Explanation: The difference of cubes identity can be written: ${a}^{3} - {b}^{3} = \left(a - b\right) \left({a}^{2} + a b + {b}^{2}\right)$ $\textcolor{w h i t e}{}$ If the coefficient of ${y}^{3}$ was a perfect cube then the example would factor naturally as a difference of two cubes. As it is, we need to use irrational coefficients to make it into a difference of cubes: ${w}^{3} - 2 {y}^{3}$ $= {w}^{3} - {\left(\sqrt[3]{2} y\right)}^{3}$ $= \left(w - \sqrt[3]{2} y\right) \left({w}^{2} + w \left(\sqrt[3]{2} y\right) + {\left(\sqrt[3]{2} y\right)}^{2}\right)$ $= \left(w - \sqrt[3]{2} y\right) \left({w}^{2} + \sqrt[3]{2} w y + \sqrt[3]{4} {y}^{2}\right)$ The remaining quadratic factor can only be factored further with Complex coefficients, mentioned here for completeness: ${w}^{2} + \sqrt[3]{2} w y + \sqrt[3]{4} {y}^{2} = \left(w - \omega \sqrt[3]{2} y\right) \left(w - {\omega}^{2} \sqrt[3]{2} y\right)$ where $\omega = - \frac{1}{2} + \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2} i$ is the primitive Complex cube root of $1$.
What is a cardinal basis spline? Wikipedia says: the normalized cardinal B-splines tend to the Gaussian function and writes them as “Bk“. Meanwhile, cnx.org Signal Reconstruction says: The basis splines Bn are shown … as the order increases, the functions approach the Gaussian function, which is exactly B. but then says as the order increases, the cardinal basis splines approximate the sinc function, which is exactly η. Likewise, Signal Reconstruction with Cardinal Splines uses similar notation of ηn for “cardinal spline”. So which is it? Does a “cardinal basis spline” approximate a Gaussian or a sinc? “B-spline” and “basis spline” are the same thing, right? Is there any relationship to this cardinal spline? Solutions Collecting From Web of "What is a cardinal basis spline?" Roughly speaking … If you fix certain quantities (degree, knots, orders of continuity) then the set of all splines forms a vector space, which, of course, has several different bases. Two common bases are the cardinal splines, and the b-splines. It’s true that “b-spline” is an abbreviation of “basis spline”, but the vector space of splines has other bases, besides the b-splines. Confusing, I guess. I wasn’t aware of the limits as degree goes to infinity, but the statements sound plausible. Assuming you use the right knot sequences, I can see how the b-spline basis functions might tend to the Gaussian function, and the cardinal basis functions might tend to the sinc function.
# Does collision resistance imply (or not) second-preimage resistance? I've seen contradictory results. Sometimes hash functions are collision-resistant but not necessarily second-preimage resistant. I've seen this kind of things in papers from Bart Preneel: How that can be possible ? We have theorems that say that if a hash function is collision-resistant then it is second preimage resistant as well: - Please provide a link to the claim that there are collision resistant but not second-preimage resistant hashes. –  CodesInChaos Jun 28 at 10:27 The only thing I can think of is that we usually expect $2^n$ second pre-image resistance, whereas collision resistance is limited to $2^{n/2}$. So from collision resistance we can only prove $2^{n/2}$ second preimage resistance, not the stronger bound we'd like. –  CodesInChaos Jun 28 at 10:29 Thanks, I provide the links. –  Dingo13 Jun 28 at 11:15 With the definitions that a function $F$ is • collision-resistant when a [computationally bounded] adversary can't [with sizable odds] exhibit any $(a,b)$ with $a\ne b$ and $F(a)=F(b)$; • first-preimage-resistant when, given $f$ determined as $F(a)$ for an unknown random $a$, a [computationally bounded] adversary can't [with sizable odds] exhibit any $b$ with $F(b)=f$; • second-preimage-resistant when, given a random $a$, a [computationally bounded] adversary can't [with sizable odds] exhibit any $b$ with $a\ne b$ and $F(a)=F(b)$ yes, collision-resistance implies second-preimage resistance. Proof by contraposition: assume the property for second-preimage-resistant does not hold. Repeatedly pick a random $a$, perform the attack that exhibits a $b$ with $a\ne b$ and $F(a)=F(b)$, until it succeeds. By our assumption, that requires a feasible amount of work. Once exhibited, that pair $(a,b)$ proves that the property collision-resistant does not hold. However, as pointed by CodesinChaos in his comment, the answer is no for definitions of collision-resistance and preimage-resistance that quantify the difficulty of finding a collision or (respectively) preimage, to roughly $2^{n/2}$ or (respectively) $2^n$ evaluations, where $n$ is is the number of bits in the output. Proof by counterexample: for even $n$, assume a hash function $H:\{0,1\}^*\to\{0,1\}^n$ that behaves as a random function. Now construct $F:\{0,1\}^*\to\{0,1\}^n$ as $$F(x)=\begin{cases}x||x&\text{if }x\text{ has }n/2\text{ bits}\\H(x)&\text{otherwise}\end{cases}$$ $F$ has the collision-resistant property (when $a$ and $b$ are both $n/2$ bits, $a\ne b\implies F(a)\ne F(b)$; when neither $a$ nor $b$ are $n/2$ bits, collision resistance is that of $H$; when a single of $a$ or $b$ is $n/2$ bits, the other must have a hash with two equals halves, and it takes effort about $2^{n/2}$ hashes to exhibit such input). However the following algorithm breaks the second-preimage resistance property for $F$ at cost comparable to $2^{n/2}$ hashes, much less than required: if the random $a$ is not of size $n/2$, compute $H(a)$, and if its two halves are equal (which is expected to occur after $2^{n/2}$ hashes), let $b$ be that bitstring of $n/2$ bits; it holds that $a\ne b$ and $F(a)=F(b)$. In summary: a function's second-preimage-resistance is always at least as strong as its collision-resistance; but it can be not much stronger, rather than quadratically stronger, which is the theoretical ideal. So depending on definition, collision-resistance implies second-preimage-resistance.. or not! That's true when we keep the same security level (effort and odds of success of adversary) to assess the two properties. That's false when we expect a security level consistent with the property and function's output size. Addition following comments: The question links to a paper by Elena Andreeva, Bart Mennink, and Bart Preneel Security Properties of Domain Extenders for Cryptographic Hash Functions. That highly technical paper considers various proposed extension methods to iterate the core building block of a hash function over much larger input than the core block accepts; and if security properties of that core are conserved in the extended construction, to comparable level (work for attack and odds of success). As any good paper should, that paper gives its specific definitions, and for some established ones refers to its reference [15]: P. Rogaway & T. Shrimpton Cryptographic Hash-Function Basics: Definitions, Implications, and Separations for Preimage Resistance, Second-Preimage Resistance, and Collision Resistance. All these quantitative definitions stay fully consistent with the classical result that for any given level (work for attack and odds of success), collision-resistance implies second-preimage-resistance. The paper shows that some extension methods demonstrably (mostly) preserve the level of collision-resistance but do not demonstrably (mostly) preserve the level of second-preimage-resistance. That is entirely consistent with the above rule. For example, starting from a core block assumed collision-resistant to $\mathcal O(2^{n/2})$ effort and second-preimage-resistant to $\mathcal O(2^n)$ effort, some extender might construct a hash that is collision-resistant to $\mathcal O(2^{n/2})$ effort and second-preimage-resistant to $\mathcal O(2^{2\cdot n/3})$ effort. The less-than-perfect extender conserved the level of collision-resistance, but not the level of second-preimage-resistance. Yet, for the hash built using that extender, collision-resistance to some effort level still implies second-preimage-resistance to that effort level. - A sponge with capacity $n$ is another example. This one is important since NIST considered having SHA-3 with only $2^{n/2}$ preimage resistance. –  CodesInChaos Jun 28 at 21:04 @CodesInChaos: Following your comment, I've been trying to construct a sponge-based hash with capacity $n$, an argument of collision-resistance with effort about $2^{n/2}$, and an explicit second-preimage attack with effort $2^{n/2}$ (rather than a proof of security to effort $2^{n/2}$); but failed. Am I missing the obvious, or is that worth a separate question? –  fgrieu Jun 30 at 10:53 If you have a two block message you can run a meet-in-the-middle attack since the primitive function is invertible. This should break (second) preimage resistance with cost $2^{c/2}$ where $c$ is the capacity. (I didn't look into the memory requirements, they might be unrealistically large) This is the reason why SHA-3 uses $c=2 n$. –  CodesInChaos Jun 30 at 11:04 Thanks @fgrieu. "So depending on definition, collision-resistance implies second-preimage-resistance, or not." Such a different definition is implicit in this kind of paper ? –  Dingo13 Jun 30 at 17:42 @Dingo13: No, in this kind of paper dealing with theoretical aspect of security, definitions of security are explicit, or at least given by an explicit reference. In the quoted paper a great number of subtly different definitions of security are given in 2.2, with two pages and a half devoted to that. –  fgrieu Jun 30 at 18:23
# Second Best Minimum Spanning Tree A Minimum Spanning Tree $T$ is a tree for the given graph $G$ which spans over all vertices of the given graph and has the minimum weight sum of all the edges, from all the possible spanning trees. A second best MST $T'$ is a spanning tree, that has the second minimum weight sum of all the edges, from all the possible spanning trees of the graph $G$. ## Observation Let $T$ be the Minimum Spanning Tree of a graph $G$. It can be observed, that the second best Minimum Spanning Tree differs from $T$ by only one edge replacement. (For a proof of this statement refer to problem 23-1 here). So we need to find an edge $e_{new}$ which is in not in $T$, and replace it with an edge in $T$ (let it be $e_{old}$) such that the new graph $T' = (T \cup \{e_{new}\}) \setminus \{e_{old}\}$ is a spanning tree and the weight difference ($e_{new} - e_{old}$) is minimum. ## Using Kruskal's Algorithm We can use Kruskal's algorithm to find the MST first, and then just try to remove a single edge from it and replace it with another. 1. Sort the edges in $O(E \log E)$, then find a MST using Kruskal in $O(E)$. 2. For each edge in the MST (we will have $V-1$ edges in it) temporarily exclude it from the edge list so that it cannot be chosen. 3. Then, again try to find a MST in $O(E)$ using the remaining edges. 4. Do this for all the edges in MST, and take the best of all. Note: we don’t need to sort the edges again in for Step 3. So, the overall time complexity will be $O(E \log V + E + V E)$ = $O(V E)$. ## Modeling into a Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) problem In the previous approach we tried all possibilities of removing one edge of the MST. Here we will do the exact opposite. We try to add every edge that is not already in the MST. 1. Sort the edges in $O(E \log E)$, then find a MST using Kruskal in $O(E)$. 2. For each edge $e$ not already in the MST, temporarily add it to the MST, creating a cycle. 3. Find the edge $k$ with maximal weight in the cycle that is not equal to $e$. 4. Remove $k$ temporarily, creating a new spanning tree. 5. Compute the weight difference $\delta = weight(e) - weight(k)$, and remember it together with the changed edge. 6. Repeat step 2 for all other edges, and return the spanning tree with the smallest weight difference to the MST. The time complexity of the algorithm depends on how we compute the $k$s, which are the maximum weight edges in step 2 of this algorithm. One way to compute them efficiently in $O(E \log V)$ is to transform the problem into a Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) problem. We will preprocess the LCA by rooting the MST and will also compute the maximum edge weights for each node on the paths to their ancestors. This can be done using Binary Lifting for LCA. The final time complexity of this approach is $O(E \log V)$. For example: In the image left is the MST and right is the second best MST. In the given graph suppose we root the MST at the blue vertex on the top, and then run our algorithm by start picking the edges not in MST. Let the edge picked first be the edge $(u, v)$ with weight 36. Adding this edge to the tree forms a cycle 36 - 7 - 2 - 34. Now we will find the maximum weight edge in this cycle by finding the $\text{LCA}(u, v) = p$. We compute the maximum weight edge on the paths from $u$ to $p$ and from $v$ to $p$. Note: the $\text{LCA}(u, v)$ can also be equal to $u$ or $v$ in some case. In this example we will get the edge with weight 34 as maximum edge weight in the cycle. By removing the edge we get a new spanning tree, that has a weight difference of only 2. After doing this also with all other edges that are not part of the initial MST, we can see that this spanning tree was also the second best spanning tree overall. Choosing the edge with weight 14 will increase the weight of the tree by 7, choosing the edge with weight 27 increases it by 14, choosing the edge with weight 28 increases it by 21, and choosing the edge with weight 39 will increase the tree by 5. ## Implementation struct edge { int s, e, w, id; bool operator<(const struct edge& other) { return w < other.w; } }; typedef struct edge Edge; const int N = 2e5 + 5; long long res = 0, ans = 1e18; int n, m, a, b, w, id, l = 21; vector<Edge> edges; vector<int> h(N, 0), parent(N, -1), size(N, 0), present(N, 0); vector<vector<pair<int, int>>> adj(N), dp(N, vector<pair<int, int>>(l)); vector<vector<int>> up(N, vector<int>(l, -1)); pair<int, int> combine(pair<int, int> a, pair<int, int> b) { vector<int> v = {a.first, a.second, b.first, b.second}; int topTwo = -3, topOne = -2; for (int c : v) { if (c > topOne) { topTwo = topOne; topOne = c; } else if (c > topTwo && c < topOne) { topTwo = c; } } return {topOne, topTwo}; } void dfs(int u, int par, int d) { h[u] = 1 + h[par]; up[u][0] = par; dp[u][0] = {d, -1}; for (auto v : adj[u]) { if (v.first != par) { dfs(v.first, u, v.second); } } } pair<int, int> lca(int u, int v) { pair<int, int> ans = {-2, -3}; if (h[u] < h[v]) { swap(u, v); } for (int i = l - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (h[u] - h[v] >= (1 << i)) { ans = combine(ans, dp[u][i]); u = up[u][i]; } } if (u == v) { return ans; } for (int i = l - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (up[u][i] != -1 && up[v][i] != -1 && up[u][i] != up[v][i]) { ans = combine(ans, combine(dp[u][i], dp[v][i])); u = up[u][i]; v = up[v][i]; } } ans = combine(ans, combine(dp[u][0], dp[v][0])); return ans; } int main(void) { cin >> n >> m; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { parent[i] = i; size[i] = 1; } for (int i = 1; i <= m; i++) { cin >> a >> b >> w; // 1-indexed edges.push_back({a, b, w, i - 1}); } sort(edges.begin(), edges.end()); for (int i = 0; i <= m - 1; i++) { a = edges[i].s; b = edges[i].e; w = edges[i].w; id = edges[i].id; if (unite_set(a, b)) { present[id] = 1; res += w; } } dfs(1, 0, 0); for (int i = 1; i <= l - 1; i++) { for (int j = 1; j <= n; ++j) { if (up[j][i - 1] != -1) { int v = up[j][i - 1]; up[j][i] = up[v][i - 1]; dp[j][i] = combine(dp[j][i - 1], dp[v][i - 1]); } } } for (int i = 0; i <= m - 1; i++) { id = edges[i].id; w = edges[i].w; if (!present[id]) { auto rem = lca(edges[i].s, edges[i].e); if (rem.first != w) { if (ans > res + w - rem.first) { ans = res + w - rem.first; } } else if (rem.second != -1) { if (ans > res + w - rem.second) { ans = res + w - rem.second; } } } } cout << ans << "\n"; return 0; } ## References 1. Competitive Programming-3, by Steven Halim 2. web.mit.edu
MathSciNet bibliographic data MR1675206 (2000j:35248) 35Q55 (35P15 82D55) Lu, Kening; Pan, Xing-Bin Gauge invariant eigenvalue problems in ${\bf R}\sp 2$${\bf R}\sp 2$ and in ${\bf R}\sp 2\sb +$${\bf R}\sp 2\sb +$. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 352 (2000), no. 3, 1247–1276. Article For users without a MathSciNet license , Relay Station allows linking from MR numbers in online mathematical literature directly to electronic journals and original articles. Subscribers receive the added value of full MathSciNet reviews.
### From discrepancy to declustering: Near-optimal multidimensional declustering strategies for range queriesFrom discrepancy to declustering: Near-optimal multidimensional declustering strategies for range queries Access Restriction Subscribed Author Chen, Chung-Min ♦ Cheng, Christine T. Source ACM Digital Library Content type Text Publisher Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) File Format PDF Copyright Year ©2004 Language English Subject Domain (in DDC) Computer science, information & general works ♦ Data processing & computer science Subject Keyword Declustering schemes ♦ Disk allocations ♦ Parallel database ♦ Range query Abstract Declustering schemes allocate data blocks among multiple disks to enable parallel retrieval. Given a declustering scheme $\textit{D},$ its response time with respect to a query $\textit{Q},$ $\textit{rt}(\textit{Q}),$ is defined to be the maximum number of data blocks of the query stored by the scheme in any one of the disks. If $|\textit{Q}|$ is the number of data blocks in $\textit{Q}$ and $\textit{M}$ is the number of disks, then $\textit{rt}(\textit{Q})$ is at least $⌈|\textit{Q}|/\textit{M}⌉.$ One way to evaluate the performance of $\textit{D}$ with respect to a set of range queries Q is to measure its additive error---the maximum difference of $\textit{rt}(\textit{Q})$ from $⌈|\textit{Q}|/\textit{M}⌉$ over all range queries $\textit{Q}$ ∈ Q.In this article, we consider the problem of designing declustering schemes for uniform multidimensional data arranged in a $\textit{d}-dimensional$ grid so that their additive errors with respect to range queries are as small as possible. It has been shown that for a fixed dimension $\textit{d}$ ≥ 2, any declustering scheme on an $M^{d}$ grid, a grid with length $\textit{M}$ on each dimension, will always incur an additive error with respect to range queries of Ω(log $\textit{M})$ when $\textit{d}$ = 2 and $Ω(log^{d™1/2}$ $\textit{M})$ when $\textit{d}$ > 2.Asymptotically optimal declustering schemes exist for 2-dimensional data. However, the best general upper bound known so far for the worst-case additive errors of $\textit{d}-dimensional$ declustering schemes, $\textit{d}$ ≥ 3, is $O(M^{d™1}),$ which is large when compared to the lower bound. In this article, we propose two declustering schemes based on low-discrepancy points in $\textit{d}-dimensions.$ When $\textit{d}$ is fixed, both schemes have an additive error of $O(log^{d™1}$ $\textit{M})$ with respect to range queries, provided that certain conditions are satisfied: the first scheme requires that the side lengths of the grid grow at a rate polynomial in $\textit{M},$ while the second scheme requires $\textit{d}$ ≥ 2 and $\textit{M}$ = $p^{t}$ where $\textit{d}$ ≤ $\textit{p}$ ≤ $\textit{C},$ $\textit{C}$ a constant, and $\textit{t}$ is a positive integer such that $\textit{t}(\textit{d}$ ™ 1) ≥ 2. These are the first multidimensional declustering schemes with additive errors proven to be near optimal. ISSN 00045411 Age Range 18 to 22 years ♦ above 22 year Educational Use Research Education Level UG and PG Learning Resource Type Article Publisher Date 2004-01-01 Publisher Place New York e-ISSN 1557735X Journal Journal of the ACM (JACM) Volume Number 51 Issue Number 1 Page Count 28 Starting Page 46 Ending Page 73 #### Open content in new tab Source: ACM Digital Library
# Why do pressure fed engines have combustion instabilities? Reading about the Sea Dragon idea, I came upon this argument against it, which sounds compelling, but relies on more detailed knowledge than I have: Those are to be pressure-fed to avoid "complexity". Complexity? How about combustion instability from runaway pressure waves the size of houses? It took seven years to stop combustion issues from killing the F1 on test stands, and if it hadn't been started in the late fifties as a research project, it would have delayed the entire moon program. AFAIK, the Sea Dragon would have a pressurized bag of Helium at around 60 psi which acts as the pusher of the cryogenic liquids into the engine. It seems completely counter-intuitive that this would have more mechanical problems than a turbine driven system. Why is this? What causes an astoundingly simple pressure driven engine to suffer from major pressure instabilities propagating from the engine? • Just as a reference and recommended reading from days of yore: Harrje, Reardon (1972) - NASA SP-194 Liquid Propellant Rocket Combustion Instability. – Deer Hunter Aug 3 '13 at 18:45 • It is interesting to note that "combustion instability" varies from just a little bit of vibration to highly entertaining yet dangerous and expensive explosions. A very fine question! – Deer Hunter Aug 3 '13 at 18:48 • Alan, F-1 and J-2 were pump-fed. You're thinking about SM and LM engines. – Deer Hunter Aug 3 '13 at 18:59 • @SF. Um, no. That's not how rocket engines work. The propellant in the combustion chamber needs to be at high pressure. The chamber is not sealed, so the combustion event doesn't increase the pressure like it does in an internal combustion engine. The combustion increases the temperature, which provides the energy that is turned into velocity by expansion through the nozzle, but without pressure none of that works. The combustion chamber is fed by a high-pressure source or stored at low pressure and pumped up. 60 psi is probably feed pressure to the turbopumps. – Adam Wuerl Sep 4 '13 at 17:45 • @SF. and AlanSE Those are good enough questions I thought they deserved their own thread: Why do pump and pressure fed liquid engines need to operate at high pressures? – Adam Wuerl Sep 6 '13 at 21:45 In the pressure fed rocket engines the propellant (both the oxidizer and the fuel) is fed to the combustion chamber by the pressurized gas (usually Helium) and it does not contain any complexity such as fed pump or turbo pumps The presence of the turbo pump prevents the pressure wave reaching the propellant tank. But in a pressure fed rocket engine contains only the valve that opens and closes under pressure The valve opens if the pressure in the combustion chamber is less then the pressure in the propellant tank(which is thick walled because they need to withstand high pressure) The valve closes if the pressure in the combustion chamber is more than the pressure in the propellant tank (to prevent the pressure waves reaching the propellant tank ) with a direct pressure-fed cycle is that any variation in pressure will result in double the change in the whole loop, amplifying the oscillation. There's no turbine between the injectors and the containers to stop that oscillation from propagating During the combustion process the pressure in the combustion chamber increases(flow velocity decreases) at the same time the amount of propellant injection from the injector decreases and suddenly the flow velocity increases(combustion chamber pressure decreases) the injectors, injects more propellents that burns outside the nozzle. To be theoretical the fuel residence time in a combustion chamber is given by the Characteristic length(usually denoted by L*)(minimum length that the fuel will remain in the combustion chamber and nozzle for complete combustion to take place) $$L^*= {{q*V*t_s}\over A}$$ q is the propellant mass flow rate, V is the average specific volume, and $t_s$ is the propellant stay-time A is the sonic throat area so the propellent flow rate is a function of the pressure difference between the combustion chamber and the propellant tank and as the propellant rate increases as a result of low pressure (when compared to the pressure in the fuel tank) in the combustion chamber the characteristic length also increases(since the nozzle length remains constant) result in the instabilities in the fuel combustion and the combustion occurs outside the nozzle The issue with Sea Dragon and pressure instability is that the likelihood of pressure instability increases exponentially as the size of the combustion chamber and nozzle diameter increases linearly. Sea Dragon's bell was supposed to be over 75 feet in diameter and put out 350 meganewtons of force (about 5000% more than an F-1 engine). The F-1s had huge issues with combustion stability, which were eventually solved. Truax wasn't concerned with combustion stability because the engine was going to be a pintle injector type. He believed the natural combustion stability of the pintle injector would allow enormous engines to be highly stable at a variety of pressures. (Variable pressure was a key part of his design, because it allowed a much simpler and sloppier system in which pressure started high and slowly dwindled down as the tanks emptied.) TRW (who built the rockets for the Apollo lander) later validated his belief. In that paper they point out that pintle injectors have demonstrated stable combustion with motors varying in scale by 50,000:1. So, Truax was probably right. On an interesting side note, the Soviets had the same problem with combustion stability that we did. This is why early Soviet engines used four smaller combustion chambers instead of one 1 big one. The Soviet's inability to develop large engines was what lead to the N1 (their moon rocket) to have so many engines (33 in the first stage, I believe). Which then led to enormous plumbing problems, which led to the failure of the N1, which led to the failure of the Soviet Moon program. • This is good info (and the linked TRW paper is a great read), but I'm skeptical that behavior of pintle injector engines up to 2900kN says much about what they'll do at 120 times that level. – Russell Borogove Sep 7 '16 at 3:49 • Even if the pintle injector doesn't stack up at sea dragon sizes, this is an an excellent answer and shows how foresightful Truax was. So, it would seem true to say that instability is what makes for the attraction to clusters? I always wondered at the complexity of some of the clustered designs. – WetSavannaAnimal Mar 20 '18 at 0:56 • @WetSavannaAnimalakaRodVance: Of course, more engines means a greater chance of at least one of the many doing something like exploding, which leads to other forms of instability – Sean Jun 23 '18 at 16:40 • Also, the Sea Dragon proposal doc shows what looks like a conventional showerhead injector in the first stage engine; do you have a citation for Truax considering pintle injection for SD? – Russell Borogove yesterday
# List Data Structures A list, also known as collection or container, is a logical grouping of data items into a single unit. List data structures specify the layout of items in memory, the relationships between them, and the available operations. Operations include (but are not limited to) searching, sorting, insertion, deletion, and enumeration. There are several popular list data structures which each have distinct strengths, weaknesses, and capabilities. The purpose of this section is to provide readers with the tools they need to master list data structures. For many algorithms, having a general awareness is sufficient. One can always refer back to documentation for a quick review. However, this isn’t true of list data structures. It’s well worth the effort to build a visceral connection with this section’s material. List manipulation is the single most common programming task. The greatest majority of algorithms rely on one or more lists and the choice of list data structure has profound implications. Sometimes choosing the right one is easy because a particular utility is required. However, be forewarned that it’s possible to choose one that satisfies functional requirements while inadvertently incurring an unnecessary prodigious negative performance impact. Modern programming languages contribute to this phenomenon. All mainstream languages have builtin list abstractions. For instance, LISP, which stands for LISt Processor, is designed entirely around the concept. C# has the IEnumerable interface, Java has the Iterable interface, Python has list. There are many more examples but there is no need to belabor the point. The utility these abstractions provide is significant; however, the underlying data structure isn’t always entirely obvious to the untrained eye. List data structure comprehension enables programmers to properly capitalize on the abstractions. Without further ado, it’s time to set yourself to the task of mastering list data structures. ## Source Code Full Repo Relevant Directories:
X Signatures of the differential Klein‐Nishina electronic cross section in Compton's quantum theory of scattering of radiation V venugopal, Ps bhagdikar Published in Physics Essays Publication 2019 Volume: 32 Issue: 3 Pages: 323 - 330 Abstract Here, we consider the problem of separating the relative contributions of kinematics and dynamics to the differential Klein‐Nishina electronic cross section using graphical and numerical analysis. We show that the values of the energy of scattered photons, and hence the kinetic energy of recoiled electrons calculated from Compton's quantum theory of scattering of radiation, show a degree of matching that increases with the increase in incident photon energy as quantified by chi-square goodness of fit test, with the calculated differential Klein‐Nishina electronic cross section per electron per unit solid angle for the scattering of an unpolarized photon by a stationary free electron, when appropriate normalization procedures are invoked. There is a high degree of matching in a regime where the total electronic Klein‐Nishina cross section for the Compton scattering on a free stationary electron scales as the inverse of the incident photon energy and the contribution of the electro-magnetic interaction to differential electronic cross section diminishes. Hence the third level explanation of Compton effect by quantum electrodynamics has a degree of matching with the first level of Compton's quantum theory. The degree of mismatch is an indicator of the relative contribution of dynamics to differential Klein‐Nishina electronic cross section compared to kinematics. For incident photon energies less than 1 MeV, we obtain the values of the scattering angles at which calculated differential cross section is nonzero but is kinematically limited which may lead to broadening of Compton profile. At the scattering angle where the differential cross section value is minimum for a given incident photon energy, we obtain the relative contribution of dynamics to the differential cross section compared to kinematics. Therefore, these predictions which need to be confirmed experimentally have significance to the understanding of the mechanisms of photon‐electron interactions in the Compton scattering.
Changing number of decimal digits displayed in output I am doing some computations with large matrices over the complex numbers. When these matrices are outputted, the entries appear, for example, as [ 0.03661165235? - 0.08838834765?I 0.21338834765? + 0.08838834765?I 0.03661165235? + 0.08838834765?*I etc I would like to change it so that the output only displays each entry to 3 decimal places, so that they are easier to see. Is there a way to do this? Is there a way to do this that doesn't alter the number of digits stored? For reference, my input is P8 = diagonal_matrix([1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0, 0,1,1,1]) UP8U.inverse() where U is a previously defined matrix with complex entries. Thanks! edit retag close merge delete Sort by » oldest newest most voted Here's one idea: pass the matrix to a low-precision ring before printing it -- this won't change the original matrix, just the printed version: sage: CC10 = ComplexField(prec=10) sage: MatPrint = MatrixSpace(CC10,3,3) sage: M = Matrix(CC,3,3,[sqrt(-n) for n in range(9)]) sage: M.parent() Full MatrixSpace of 3 by 3 dense matrices over Complex Field with 53 bits of precision sage: M [ 0 1.00000000000000*I 8.65956056235493e-17 + 1.41421356237309*I] [1.06057523872491e-16 + 1.73205080756888*I 2.00000000000000*I 1.36919674566051e-16 + 2.23606797749979*I] [1.49987988652185e-16 + 2.44948974278318*I 1.62005543721758e-16 + 2.64575131106459*I 1.73191211247099e-16 + 2.82842712474619*I] sage: MatPrint(M) [ 0 1.0*I 8.7e-17 + 1.4*I] [1.1e-16 + 1.7*I 2.0*I 1.4e-16 + 2.2*I] [1.5e-16 + 2.4*I 1.6e-16 + 2.6*I 1.7e-16 + 2.8*I] sage: MatPrint(M).parent() Full MatrixSpace of 3 by 3 dense matrices over Complex Field with 10 bits of precision sage: M.parent() Full MatrixSpace of 3 by 3 dense matrices over Complex Field with 53 bits of precision There is also a Trac ticket for this, with a patch, but work on it seems to have stalled . . . if you decide you need to use it, you can check the developer guide for how to apply patches to Sage. more
### 2006 Publications #### Estimates for the representation numbers of binary quadratic forms (with Valentin Blomer) Duke Mathematical Journal, 135 (2006), 261-302. Let $$f$$ be a primitive positive integral binary quadratic form of discriminant $$-D$$, and let $$r_f(n)$$ be the number of representations of $$n$$ by $$f$$ up to automorphisms of $$f$$ . In this article, we give estimates and asymptotics for the quantity  $$\sum_{n\leq x} r_f(n)^\beta$$ for all $$\beta\geq 0$$ and uniformly in $$D=o(x)$$. As a consequence, we get more-precise estimates for the number of integers which can be written as the sum of two powerful numbers. Article #### Aurefeuillian factorization (with Peter Pleasants) Mathematics of Computation, 75 (2006), 497--508. Aurefeuillian factorization is a technique to partially factor numbers of the form $$b^n\pm 1$$ by replacing the $$b^n$$ by a polynomial in such a way that the resulting polynomial can be factored. For example, taking $$y=2^k$$ in $$(2y^2)^2+1=(2y^2-2y+1)(2y^2+2y+1)$$ we can partially factor $$2^{4k+2}+1$$. We show here that Schinzel determined all such identities, and then attack a generalization of the problem using Faltings' Theorem. Article #### Prime number races (with Greg Martin) American Mathematical Monthly, 113 (2006), 1-33. This is a survey of what was then known about "prime number races". Subsequently two of my students from that time, Youness Lamzouri and Daniel Fiorilli, have proved several extraordinary results (some with collaborators) greatly extending this theory. Article #### Residue races (with Peter and Daniel Shiu) Ramanujan Journal, 11 (2006), 67-94 We prove asymptotic formulas for residue races in terms of Dedekind sums Article #### A good new millenium for the primes, The Madrid Intelligencer, (2006), 32-36 In this article, distributed at the Madrid ICM, I discuss various recent developments on the theory of prime numbers Article In Spanish: La Gaceta de la RSME 12 (2009), 547-556. #### Cycle lengths in a permutation are typically Poisson distributed, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 13 (2006), R107. The set of cycle lengths of almost all permutations in $$S_n$$ are "Poisson distributed": we show that this remains true even when we restrict the number of cycles in the permutation. The formulas we develop allow us to also show that almost all permutations with a given number of cycles have a certain "normal order" (in the spirit of the Erdos-Turan theorem). Our results were inspired by analogous questions about the size of the prime divisors of "typical"S integers. Article
World's most popular travel blog for travel bloggers. # [Solved]: Proof of APSPACE = EXP , , Problem Detail: I have been reading Computational Complexity A Modern Approach book and this proof wasn't given in the book. Please give a semi-detailed proof of this. I have found a paper which has this proof(by Chandra, Kozen et al.) but found it too hard to understand. I Asked this once and my post was closed. I remember saying i have no idea, and i'm in need of some enlightenment. Eventually i found the solution somewhere and i think that my problem was that i was not as comfortable as i thought with the ideas appearing in the proof of the Cook-Levin theorem. The interesting direction is $EXP\subseteq APSPACE$. Let $L\in EXP$ be some language decidable in $2^{n^c}$ time, i.e. there exists a Turing machine $M_L$ which runs in $2^{n^c}$ time deciding $L$. For any input $x$, we can look at the $2^{|x|^c}\times 2^{|x|^c}$ computation table of $M_L$ on x. The i'th row describes the $i'th$ configuration during the computation: $\sigma_1\sigma_2...\sigma_i q\sigma_{i+1}...\sigma_{2^{|x|^c}}$, where $\sigma_i\in \Sigma\cup \Gamma, q\in Q$. This means that at the $i'th$ step $\sigma_1...\sigma_{2^{|x|^c}}$ is the content of the working tape, we are at state $q$, and the head is at the symbol appearing after $q$ (we should also include the input somewhere, but specifics don't really matter here). We denote by $C_{ij}$ the content of the cell in the $i'th$ row and $j'th$ column in the computation table of $M_L(x)$. Our APSPACE machine will be able to decide whether or not $C_{ij}=\sigma$ (then you can go over the last row and check if $q_{acc}$ is written somewhere). Note that the index $i$ can be written in polynomial number of bits. As in the Cook-Levin theorem, the important fact is that computation is local. The value of $C_{ij}$ is determined by the values $C_{i-1,j-1},C_{i-1,j},C_{i-1,j+1},C_{i-1,j+2}$, say by some known function $g$ ($g$ of course depends on the transition function of $M_L$), meaning: $\forall \sigma\in\Sigma\cup \Gamma\cup Q: \hspace{1mm} C_{ij}=\sigma \iff \exists \sigma_1,\sigma_2,\sigma_3,\sigma_4: \hspace{1mm} C_{i-1,j-1}=\sigma_1 \land C_{i-1,j}=\sigma_2\land C_{i-1,j+1}=\sigma_3 \land C_{i-1,j+2}=\sigma_4 \land \sigma = g\left(\sigma_1,\sigma_2,\sigma_3,\sigma_4\right).$ To decide whether $C_{ij}=\sigma$, under existential quantifiers, nondeterministically guess $\sigma_1,\sigma_2,\sigma_3,\sigma_4$. Verify that $\sigma = g\left(\sigma_1,\sigma_2,\sigma_3,\sigma_4\right)$, if not reject. The next step is to verify recursively that $C_{i-1,j-1}=\sigma_1 \land C_{i-1,j}=\sigma_2\land C_{i-1,j+1}=\sigma_3 \land C_{i-1,j+2}=\sigma_4$. Let us denote by $S_i$ the space used by our machine, when it begins with the i'th configuration (i.e. verifying $C_{ij}=\sigma$ for some $j,\sigma$). Even if we use the same space for all four calls, you get $S_i=S_{i-1}+poly(|x|)=...=2^{|x|^c}poly(|x|)$. This happens because we keep a call stack (we dont overwrite the current frame), to overcome this: under universal quantifiers, write nondeterministically $\left(J,\sigma_J\right)\in \left\{\left(j-1,\sigma_1 \right),\left(j,\sigma_2 \right),\left(j+1,\sigma_3 \right),\left(j+2,\sigma_4 \right)\right\}$ (suppose for simplicity that your machine has four transition functions), and output "yes" if $C_{i-1,J}=\sigma_J$. The universal quantifiers allowed us to compute the conjunction of four recursive calls simultaneously, thus we dont need to keep a call stack. In that case, in all times we need only remember $i,j,\sigma$, which requires polynomial space (in the recursive call for $C_{i-1,J}$, we use the same space that was used to store $i$).