??iti???did?fff?eee?????lal???rsrs s?ofof f???rdrdi????????ppppep?rs???????a,a, ???d d a ??????ngn????ses? t th thahata??????d d gd gog? g ?googo?d ?wiwitwi????nyny y??th??er er?crc?aca?????. . T ????s is isis is p ????t ot ofof of??????????e te toto ????eaeala???????di?ete??, t, th??at at?? s??arartarteartede?????outou?t 6t ? y yeyeaearea?rs rs a?go???nonowow w a??t at aga???fif?iftif???. M. ????lolooo????????urure? & & &? ch choh?lel?estestet???? a?re??ththe? b beb??est est t th?????havha?????verve???eeeeneen.n. . M??????tit??t ???s ?eveveev?en en?? sta statateat????????msms ??arear????oko??ng? h he h?????hiehi???(n(no?????????eeeedeedidindingdin?g gg ???ms)ms) )? a a??iri??t ??????e.e. ?OnO? l ??inein???wit???ththe???teete?ethet??is??suesu?????heshe?se se p???bab?ablab?y ??areare are t to t?o ho ha?rdrd rd????or tor th???se ?wi??? l lo loooosoo?se ??or ?????? te t??? . B. BuButut ?ifif if y?ouou ou w waw???t at a t a? de d?cec???lyly ly??asa?ty
with diffeent flavors of sardines (kippers), tuna, and anything else that would go good with any other crackers. This is part of my change to a healthier diet, that I started about 6 years ago, now at age fifty. My blood pressure & cholesteral are the best they have ever been. My dentist has even stated my gums are looking healthier (no more bleeding gums) a first for me. On line with the teeth issue, these probably are to hard for those with loose or weak teeth. But if you want a decently tasty
??????ere?, ,??o o???plp???e e b ??? s ?nanacackackik?ngn??hah??iti??, , t, ????? p prp??????? i ?snsn'sn?? a ?nynytyth?iningin?g bg ?etettt?er???I I f fifirirsir??t ct ???e e ae ???rosro??? th theheshe???e ate at t Jt ?asa?onon'n?s s Ds DeD???, , s, ?? I I I????glg?eded d td ????? an andn??????????iei?wsws ??as as?yoyouou u a ar arere re d dodoioining? n ??w.w.I.?f f??ouou ou???e e ne ??t ???????f ?yo?u ???lll? l ????? th?em???ryr??geg??tit??ing ing ting ththethemthe?m am ata??yo?youryour ???ca?l ?dedeleliel?. . T. ThThe??y uy usususuasualall???ha?????? co c??plpleple e oe ?f ???lavlavov??s s as ans a?? a ar are? t th??? sm s?al?lelerler r cr cr???ackeack???????flflaflatatbat??rea???, b, bubutut t tt ??astas???? the the the s the ?am????????so oso ?????th?the the y ye y???rs rs I???havhavehave e me mom??ififiifie?d d wd ??hathat ?I ????, , f, ???rstrst ????tatartartrtetedted ????a a l?o-o-c-?carca???r,r, r,????stlst???eaeat??inging ing ming ??y fy ?avavovorvo?it??????eatseats s es ?????, b, bu, but? m?y ?trt????ici??erier?de???wew
cracker, to replace bad snacking habits, their probably isn't anything better. I first came across these at Jason's Deli, so I googled them and read reviews as you are doing now.If you are not sure if you will like them try getting them at your local deli. They usually have a couple of flavors and are the smaller cracker not flatbread, but taste the same. Also over the years I have modified what I eat, first I started as a lo-carber, mostly eating my favorite meats etc., but my triglicerides we
?rer? a ??waw??? h hihigighg?, ,??? I I I??tatara???d d???didiningn? s sa s??didindinenese?s &s ? m ?????nunututsts ???frf?????????ipi????g g mg momormo?re re ore ?ftf??n n s so somomem???of of? my my y????????eses es?lil??e ??frifriei?ed ed c ?hihichi??kenken.n. .??utut ut??av??????ndnd ??xcxcecele??enentn???& f& ???avoavor??ulul l a?ltl??rnrnan?tit???es,es???ar?k k c ch c??cocolola?te? A ?lmlmo??ndsnds,s?, s, so, som??e Se SaSararaar? L LeL?e ?brbrereareada??? l????ar?? b ?brabranand?nds nds?of??tot?ortor?tilti??asas.s.I.?I sI sts??????alallal????? o??????in in a?????lele le? & &????? ou out??????ten,ten, ??ut??al???ysys ys???t ????? o on?? co c???sese.e. . I. ??fef???l bl bebet???? a an a?nd nd h???ltlthlt?hiehierer r? & & a & ?actac??alallallyall?y ey en?joj??y &y & ?????k fk fofor?wawarwa?d ?to???at?ining?? al???tht????ar???ti?????of ?fo???? I?'v'?? p pap??insin?stastaka?kinki?nglng??y ry ?resreseseaseararcarchcheched?ed oed ovo????????yey?earears???WhWhi?hichhich h????????? on ????d,d?, s
re always high, so I started adding sardines & more nuts & fruits, skipping more often some of my favorites like fried chicken. But have found excellent & flavorful alternatives, dark chocolate Almonds, some Sara Lee breads, lo-carb brands of tortillas.I still fall off once in a while & eat out often, but always get back on course. I feel better and healthier & actually enjoy & look forward to eating all the varieties of foods I've painstakingly researched over the years. Which I keep on hand, s
????? n non?? t ???eae???babada?? to t??o oo ??tet?n.n.".""?595909?8,8????3K3????GWG?,A,A2A??QUQ???JEJ?LULUVUVLVLELE,E????reren? B B.B. . " ?"K????en ??????????????333???474???00,00,O,OmOmgm??gogoo??!,!??????e e a?re???he? b ?es??????ckc?erersr??I'I'v'veve e ee eveve?r r?ea?tetente??? t tw t?????????rs? s ????ad??wiw??h h c ??heehees???fefeee?? l lil?ke??? m ???l l tl ??? my m? b????y.y??I I s sp sprprepr??d ???emem m??itithit?h ah agageg??d bd ??????????????mg???????? W ??????veve ve?I ?nen?eveever? t tr trir??? o or or r er ev??? s???n ??the??se se????oro?re?re?"??"5"???9,9,B,B0,B?001001D1??M8M8K8????V5V5P5PTP?OAO?4J4JLJ?8T8TGT???SiSisi?sys?y Jy ?olo???e ?""?PrPra?????ala?l Gl ?ououru??metmet"t????3,3,3?,5?,1??373???00000000000,00,B00,BeBesest?????memeame???EvEvever????ThiTh?is is?????thethe the? on onlnlyly ly?????ea?? t???? m? my my f faf???ly?ly wly ??ll?? ev e???n cn ?ono????er??ea?eatieat?ngng.g. ???? ma m???
o as not to eat bad too often." 5908,B003KLSZGW,A2AQUIHJELUVLE,"Karen B. ""Karen B.""",0,1,5,1332547200,Omg good!,"These are the best crackers I've ever eaten. two crackers spread with cheese feel like a meal to my belly. I spread them with aged bleu cheese, omg good! Why have I never tried or even seen these before?" 5909,B001DIM8K8,AV5PTOA4JL8TG,"Sissy Jollie ""Practical Gourmet""",3,3,5,1237680000,Best Oatmeal Ever!,This is the only oatmeal that my family will even consider eating. I make
?iti???? t ??? c crc???????t ??veverernrnin????t at anandn???t ???????ayaysy?s rs rer???? w whwhe???wewe ?? I ??ususes???y ?smsmam??l l? cr c??ckck ck??otot ot f foforor r t?he???wow???? u?????? s sts?ar?t t wt wiw?ithit? a? 1 1/1?? c?upu?????oaoatatmt?ea??; ;? ad a???? d dad?shs?h oh ?of of c???nan??onon ??andand ?d a d a? sp splplalas?h ?h ofh o?f vf ???ililllla?; ??addadd d a???1/21/?2 c2 cuc??? of???ililkilk ???and and?2 ?2 cu2 cupupsup???ololdl??wa?????. ?PlP?lacla?????e e le ???d od on? t th the the ????ockoc????t t at ant a?nd nd? pl plul?? i it?? in i??????t wt wit wilillil??beb????adadyady ??in in?? the?????nininni???wh?ene?????????re. re.? I ?I lI lel???miminmi?e e c?ooooko?k ak apk a?prp??x x? 10 1?????rsr?s. s.??MyMy ?y smy s?malma?ll ll c??oc?? p? pot po?????????se?ttt??ingin??- -???ustus?t o?????r ??on.on. ????e l???e ?e toe t??adadd? s??me????rowro???susug??ar ar a an and?????ede??blb??ebebe?rrrririeri?s ??or or??rar??isiis?insins ??at at? th?????bl
it in the crock pot overnight and it is always ready when we are. I use my small crock pot for the two of us. I start with a 1/2 cup of oatmeal; add a dash of cinnamon and a splash of vanilla; add a 1/2 cup of milk and 2 cups cold water. Place the lid on the crock pot and plug it in. It will be ready in the morning when you are. I let mine cook approx 10 hours. My small crock pot has no settings- just off or on. We love to add some brown sugar and dried blueberries or Craisins at the tabl
ee.e?????0,0?B0B?010??IMIM8M8K8K8K8,8,A,A1A??ATATDT???MKM?RCRCVC??,J,?ene?nin?fefere????lll???aya??2,2,2,2,,2,5,?,1,121?383?808???00??ONO?LYL? W ??Y ??O O???AT AT?OAO?ATMAT?EA???!,!,",???mam??e e?a a??owo??????McM??CanCannnn'nn???eve??eryer? m mo morornrni??g g i ?????e ??itittt???e ce ?ror???popoto? f fofor?? my m?y by brb??akakfak????? a??d d a a a b?ana????? a???????? p ?????ctc?!!?????y ?it?? an?????u'u'l'llll ll n ?eveveeverer er?????'t'?theth?e oe ?othot??r r sr ?????? a ag agag??in!in?!!"!!""??91911911,1?,B0,B????IM?8K?8,8,A8,??UMU??G5G5N5?CDC??????,"K,"????ay?????aiaidai???"""?NiN??ahah h?YaY?ankan?keeke????,4,?,5?,5?,5,1,5,12??606???????SlSlolowow ow?coc???????,"I,"I'I??l ?bebe e he hoh?nenesne?st,st, ????yo?? w ???t ???quq????? br bre?ak???????onon'on't????rcr??asaseas?e te ?thithisis ?oao????ealeal.l. . B. ??????f ?yo??????? t?imi?? t?o o??pap?rere re??r ?do??'t't 't m't ?inindin??????ining????or ?sos??me me "me
e. 5910,B001DIM8K8,A1JATD0EMKRCV3,Jennifer Callaway,2,2,5,1238803200,ONLY WAY TO EAT OATMEAL!!,"I make a bowl of McCann's every morning in the little crockpot for my breakfast; add a banana, and it's perfect!! Try it and you'll never eat 'the other stuff' again!!" 5911,B001DIM8K8,A1UM2G5NCD6U2Z,"K. Saya-Braide ""NiJah Yankee""",4,5,5,1236038400,Slow cooking,"I'll be honest, if you want a quick breakfast don't purchase this oatmeal. But, if you have time to spare or don't mind waiting for some "
""g"gog?odo? e ????"""?? t ??????? t??????atmatmemea?l l??oro? y yoy??.<.<b<brbr ??><>?<br<b????StStet?? 1 ?? p popou?r ?sos??? m mimililklk k? in i????a a s ???cec??pap?????SteSt?ep ep??. ???d d ad a ?dad??? o????ala?t t??oror or?? sal sa????o ???astastete]te??; S; ?????????dddd dd??at?atmeatm?ealeal,eal?, m, mamaka?iningn????rere e ie ??t st sts?????????re??d bd byby y m?il?k;k; ?; St; S????4.4. ??ururnur?? on on ?st????e te ?to to l ???????? [ [n [??t ???o ??lowlo??bub?t ??efe?in??iteit????????t tot too??????, , a, as????? d dodono??t ????t t t??he he???lk???????apa???at??/d/????ou????eaeavea????g yg yo??????h h th ???ghgh gh o oa oat oa??? in??????? an a?d d cd co?????papanpa?n; n; S???tep tep????do???omomeome e le ?itittit?lele le????????ing ing? to? to b to bu?il??????ap?pepete???ite ite? ma m??????susurureure ?e toe to o co ??????????reresresss????rir?ododiod?cac?allal?ly;ly????????. ????d md momororeor?e me mimilmi??lk ilk ifi?f of oa
"good eats"", this is the oatmeal for you.<br /><br />Step 1. pour some milk into a sauce pan; Step 2. add a dash of salt [or salt to taste]; Step 3. add oatmeal, making sure it stays covered by milk; Step 4. turn on stove to low heat [not too low but definitely not too high, as you don't want the milk to evaporate/dry out leaving you with tough oats in pan] and cover pan; Step 5. do some little cleaning to built up appetite making sure to ck on progress periodically; Step 6. add more milk if oa
t?s s?ara?e e?????l l???? t?ouougughg???ndnd d??????t ?sisimimmm??r r f fof??r ar a a l?it?tltle?????ileil?????gegerer;er; ; S StS??p p 7 7.7. .???t t yt ?ou??r lr lal?dld???jujusu?st st p ?ou????iri?recre???????ntnto? a a a???wlwl ????d ad ?a fa ???????si???????nbnbeb?errer?iei??s/ys/?youyo???faf?vov??it???drdri??d ?frf???? a???d Ed ENENJNJOJ?Y!Y?""?595??2,2??000?1D1?????8,8?ADA?R4R??LYL?SJS?????,A,Am,Amam???onion?ana?,1,1,1????,1???757??727??00,00,M,??CaC????? st s?teeteele?l cl cuc????ata??meameala??PuP?urcur?hah?ses?ed ed?cacas??????6 6? ca c?ansan??frfrofromo??AmA?mazma?????om? f????[.[??..]..????ucu???s is ini???udu??ng?????ppp??inging.g.<.??r ??>G>GoGoooodoo??ququaualalial?ityity y? sl s?lowlow w cw ?coocooko?ininging ing o ???tmetm? d sd ?sheshelelfel?f lf lil??? o on o?? ca can ca?ns.ns?. T. ThT??s s is iss is s ts ththeh??slslolow?? co coo?ki????tytypypep????-4-4040 0??in?ut??es es? de d???ndndind?inging ing oing on?? pr p???ferfe??ncncenc?. ????????????oodood.ood
ts are still too tough and let it simmer for a little while longer; Step 7. get your ladle/just pour directing into a bowl add a few raisins/cranberries/your favorite dried fruit and ENJOY!" 5912,B001DIM8K8,ADR4ULYSJERNR,Amazonian,1,1,4,1237507200,McCanns steel cut oatmeal,Purchased case of 6 cans from for [...] bucks including shipping.<br />Good quality slow cooking oatmeal. Good shelf life on cans. This is the slow cooking type 20-40 minutes depending on preference. Taste is good.
5??131?????1D1DID??8K8???A2A?IPI?8P8PLP????ORO??D,D?PaP?lylyny?e e G ?aea?niniri?,0,??,0,,0???121?565?777??????NoN?ththihini?? l lil??e ????e ce crc??ppppyp??ststut?ffff f???grgrerewe????????,","M"?y y dy dadauaugughg???r r a anandnd d?????t t???w-w??ararbr??????chc? o??atmat?ea????s s?nonot? r ?reare?allal??, ,??????? w ?ayay.y. ?BuButu??I I wI ???????kik??g g fg ????sos?memetme???inging ing?th?atat at??e ?e coe cououlu???????inin in??hehe e me momor?????? th?atat at wat ??? n no not??????/d/da???y/y?egeggg?, ????d wd ???was gwas ?lulututeut?en-en-f-frf??e,e????? f ?ililll??ngng,ng, , w, ?iti??ou??????inging ing ping pup??re re? su s??ar?????????stst st b br bre?reakreakfk????st fst fo????s as an????spspep????allallyall?y gy grgragraia???. . I. I I dI ??????d ??o o? tr t?y y ty thy t?heshe????lonlongng-ng?-co-coo???????????h oh ?at???? We W??ususe??2 2????s ??watwa????an???1/1???cucupcu?p dp ??ry ry?? oat oatsts,s?, f, ?forfor ??????cup cup?dr??y ey ????. ??t ???
5913,B001DIM8K8,A2IP8PLL8JORVD,Palyne Gaenir,0,0,5,1256774400,Nothing like the crappy stuff I grew up on.,"My daughter and I eat low-carb. Which oatmeal is not really, by the way. But I was looking for something that we could eat in the morning that was not meat/dairy/egg, and was gluten-free, and filling, without being pure sugar like most breakfast foods and especially grains. I decided to try these long-cooking irish oats. We use 2 cups water and 1/2 cup dry oats, for 1/4cup dry each. It tak
e?s s???isi???tutufufff? 3 ????ini???es?? t to t?????k k s ????t t?is??non???faf????fofoo?d,d, ,??oror r???rere.e? B BuButut ut s??rar??gegelelyl???no?ugughg??, i, it?'s's s fs ??lll?iningin?. ???did?inging ing??????????plplel???aba?le??pop?????ofo?f cf crc?reare?m)m) ) t?? t???e se ?????ing???helhe?psps s ts ?thathat??of?? co c????????n n?an?????aseas??, i?t t it is??mum???? ta???iei???, a, ????????h mh mom?oreor??lolonongng-ng-l-?as?tit?inging ?foforfo???eee????ing ing uing usu???at????????? th?an? I I I???pep??????d, ad, ??and and???????isiisin?ingling?? s??ab??le le o???bl??oodood ood? su?gag?????oror or???? i?t t st se?t t ot ofoffof??f crf c?ravravivinvi????li???? mo m?st?st gst grgraraira?insins,s, ??ruruiu?itsit?????c.c?. d. ???o ifo i?f wf ??e ee ?at?at tat ?thoth?????? the th????ugaugararsar?s ds ??????st sst soso so s??lowlowlwly???? t??is??apa?????enten?????. It. I?t i?s s ms ?mormo?re re? so s?li?d ???and and nand ????y ???thantha?n tn th??e fe ?lalaklake??y qy ?uiuicui
es this stuff 30 minutes+ to cook so it is not fast food, for sure. But strangely enough, it's filling. Adding fats (couple tablespoons of cream) to the serving helps that of course. In any case, it is much tastier, and much more long-lasting for keeping us satisfied, than I expected, and surprisingly stable on blood sugar. Nor has it set off cravings like most grains, fruits, etc. do if we eat those; the sugars digest so slowly in this apparently. It is more solid and nutty than the flakey quic
??????s s???????????????? w?hih?chch h? I I n non??w cw cocono??idi?ere??a a g?umummmmym?? gl glul???y sy susugu??rbrbob?mbm? i ini??ulultl???o o? tr t??ue ue o oaoatoatsts.ts??ThT?eseses???re? h ?arardar?derder r tr ???fif?indin? a?ndn?d cd co?stst ???????utu??th?????re re wre ????th th i???""5??141?,B,?000?1D1DID??8K8?8,8?A3A?????8G8?LLL?4U4?3Y3Y,Y,","A"???thuth??r Br ?rar?dld??ey ey???"Ar"Artrthrt?urur ur?BrBraBr?????"""""""?,0,???,5,?????363?646404?000000,0,S0,SiS?mpmplp?le le?RERECECICIPI?E,E???er???psp???omomeom?e oe ofo? y ????????lil?keke e Ie ??????..?? wa w?ntn??ingin????o to tat?keke ke????????gege ????th?? h?????h ???nenefe??????????oatmoat??ealea?, , b, bubutbut t ut ???ererterta???? ho h?ow ow??? p ??repre?ar???????? t???t ??youyo???andan?????r r fr ???ili?????????ctc?uau??lyly ly e ????????AfA?teterer er? ex expx??erierim??ententitinti?g g ag a ??itit,it???and? r ??adadiadin?ing ing l loloto?ts ts ots ?? r re rece???pespes,s, , I, I'I'v'vev?e ce ???? u??
k-oats I grew up with, which I now consider a gummy gluey sugarbomb insult to true oats. These are harder to find and cost more but they're worth it." 5914,B001DIM8K8,A34IC48GLL4U3Y,"Arthur Bradley ""Arthur Bradley""",0,0,5,1253664000,Simple RECIPE,"Perhaps some of you are like I was... wanting to take advantage of the health benefits of oatmeal, but uncertain how to prepare it so that you and your family will actually eat it. After experimenting a bit, and reading lots of recipes, I've come up
w?iti?h h a ? s ???plplel?, , y ???????tyty y????y ty ?o o p prp??pap????McM?CACANA???? S StS?eee?l l??utut ?IrIrir??h ??atatmt????. .?GiG?vev??itit it??? tr tryr???ana??? yo youo? m mamayay ay d ???ididede de t th t????oao????al? c cac??????a a ha hehea?ltlth??y ay ?????delde?ici?cioci????ada?????onon n? to to ????r r b???aka?faf??t ??menmenun??<b<brbr ????<br<b??????eciec?pepe:e:<:??? / />?<b?<br ???- - S St S?tartartr?t bt ???brbribriningngig????3 3? cu c?psp???? w?at??r ??to to a???????(a(aba???ut ut?????inuinututeuteses ?in? t??????icric?owo????).)?.<b.<br?????- I- ??n an a ??medmedidiudi?m m s???cec??otot,t?, m, ????????ab????pop??on on???f bf bub?uttutte??r tr thr t?????dddd dd? 1 1? cu??????????. . T. ToToa???? th the the the o? oat oatst??????med?iui???he??at at fat fof?r ?ab?ou?t ???mi?????????<br <br /?>-??AdA?dd dd tdd ?thethe ?bo???in?ing ing? wa???ter ter t to to to?? the the ??????eded ?oa??? a??nd nd s????merme??fo?r ??5 5? mi??
with a simple, yet tasty way to prepare McCANN's Steel Cut Irish Oatmeal. Give it a try, and you may decide that oatmeal can be a healthy and delicious addition to your breakfast menu.<br /><br />Recipe:<br /><br />- Start by bringing 3 cups of water to a boil (about 3 minutes in the microwave).<br />- In a medium saucepot, melt 1 tablespoon of butter then add 1 cup of oats. Toast the oats on medium heat for about 3 minutes.<br />- Add the boiling water to the toasted oats and simmer for 25 minu
t?eses.s???onon'n?t t?????. ???t st shshoh???d d????t tt tot??? s so s?ftft t bt ???blblil???? si simimmmmem?r.??????>I>?f f i ?t t bt bot b??lsls s t ???????? y ??ou ou s???vev? i??s ss ??et et t to t????hotho?????o to tut??? i??t dt ???n n on oro?r ir ?it it?wiw?illill l?buburbu??.<.<b?????- -??ddd?d 1d 1 1 c cuc???of? m mimililkilk k ( ?or? c?????????ithith h a a a? mi mixix x?????milmi????andan?d bd bu?tttte??mi??k)k???br?? /> /?- ?????k ak ank a?n an ??ddiddititiit????l ??0 0???nunutu???, ?????ririn??g og ??cacasasis?ionionan?allal??.<.<b.<br.<b?r /??<b?<br <br? /> />M />?akakek?es es 4 ?-5-????oodoo??si????se??viv?ing?s s ws wiwitwi??h eh ??cecele??enentn??????turtu??e ae ??and and??ononson????en?cycy.y. y. I ?? t????ke????on?ce? i? it it s? sit si????a la li?ttttlttle?? bi b???. Y. ??ou ?cacancan ?in?crc????e ???or dor ?ece?crecreae??? t? the th?e me ??milk? t?? a?????????? c? con co?nsinsisi??stenste?cycy cy??s s ds ?desde?sirsi?redred.d???ouou ou c?????ls?o ?sasavaveve ve? it? it f it ?oror or uor upup up?
tes. Don't stir. It should get to a soft bubbling simmer.<br />If it boils to hard, you stove is set too hot, so turn it down or it will burn.<br />- Add 1 cup of milk (or can do with a mix of milk and buttermilk).<br />- Cook an additional 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.<br /><br />Makes 4-5 good size servings with excellent texture and consistency. It thickens once it sits a little bit. You can increase or decrease the milk to adjust the consistency as desired. You can also save it for up t
o??? w wew?eke? i ini????e e r rerefe????????oror r??itiththothouo?t t??ucu?? d didifi?fef????cec???? t??sts????JuJ?????stostor??e i???smsmam?llll l??eae???? b ??wlwlsl??. E. ?acach??cac?n n on ofof f M McM?CAC?NNNNsN????atmat??????makma?ese?s as ?bo?ut???6-6-2-202?? se ser servr????s.?<b<brbr ??><><b<br<b?r /?>E>??er????e e le lil?kekeske?s ts to? t?opo????d d sd ??weeweete?tenten ?th?eie??r or oa???meameal? d?ififfif????ntn?lyl??(s(sus???r,r?? br bror?ownow?n s?ug?arar,ar?, m, ???lel?e se sysyry??p,p?, r, ?raira?????, , e, ??c.c?).)?. O. OnO?ly? a ad addd???the? t to top to?pip??ingsings ?whw????yoyouyou'u????????y y ty ???????????nonotot t bt ?ef?or?????torto???? i in i?n t??he he r re?fr?????at???. . F. FoF?or or m my my ????vi??ng,ng??I I??likli????? a? add add ?? t???p op ?of of?? bro br??? s su s??ugarugar,r, r,? a a? sp s?ri?????????cic?innin?amamom??, ??aboabououtou????2 ????sp sp o??? bu bututtut???r, r, ar, ??d ?d thd t?henhen hen?? top??? wit wi?? c?hoh?oppoppep???pepecpe???s.
o a week in the refrigerator without much difference in taste. Just store in small sealed bowls. Each can of McCANNs oatmeal makes about 16-20 servings.<br /><br />Everyone likes to top and sweeten their oatmeal differently (sugar, brown sugar, maple syrup, raisins, etc.). Only add the toppings when you're ready to eat it, not before storing in the refrigerator. For my serving, I like to add 2 tsp of brown sugar, a sprinkle of cinnamon, about 1/2 tbsp of butter, and then top with chopped pecans.
?VeV??? t tat???y.y? H ??pepe e?yoy?? e enenjn?????brb??/>/><><b<br<br r /r ???leleae???e be ???kik?ndn???non???? t?? i ??didici?????ifi????viv???s s???re re h ??lpl???l.l???595?1515,5?B0B000?????????AEAEOE??L0L070???MSM???,","M"??arsar???lll??s s Ss ???cecese???"M"Ma"M?ars???ll???","??,0,0,,0,4,4,4?????????00??YoY?? h???????????IrIrir?sh?? to to to? ap a???recre??at??????is,is,","I,"I I l lil?kek?e ie ite it,t, , i it i? r re r????indsinds s ms ???ofo?f ff ?oooodod d fd frf??m m m ???chc?hilhildl???oodoo??. N. ????????tht?hinhingn? I?'d'???eatea??eveveevereryerydy?aya?? ???ind??? li lik?e e te the thee the ??ay? I? f ?eee?? a???outout ??ri?tst??. Y. ?YouYo?u nu ???d ?to? c coc??k k???hemhe??foforfo?r ar a a la lol?ngng ng t?????. H. HoHowHow w y????sesererver?? t???em em m?akake?????? t th?? d di?ffffe????cece ce??n n? th the? the w the wowororlr?ld.ld?? G GrG?reareatat at? fo for? b bab?akiakin?g,g?, b, ?utut ??youyou ???veve ?toto ?????w tw ??e e pe ??????t t bt bebefbefo?forefore
Very tasty. Hope you enjoy!<br /><br />Please be kind enough to indicate if reviews are helpful." 5915,B001DIM8K8,AEO1L073HMSPQ,"Marshall's Sauces ""Marshall""",0,0,4,1250294400,You have to be Irish to appreciate this,"I like it, it reminds me of food from my childhood. Not something I'd eat everyday. Kinda like the way I feel about grits. You need to cook them for a long time. How you serve them makes all the difference in the world. Great for baking, but you have to know the product before
y?ouou u?????bab??ini???wiw??? i it?. .??????????ReR??? w?hoholo??sos?mem???gog??? s ??ici??? to to o???urur r????? f ??oodood,d????akeakeses es????e e e efeffffo?rtr???iki???????ol??????ealea?th????eatea?in??? ?????.".""??919????000010?????K8K8,8,A,A2A262626282?AFA??GLGLVLVRVRYR??????ShS??ppppep??,0,????????????202?00000?0,G0,?oo????? wi w??h h ah ama?menmendnded????ooookooki??ng ng??irirerecectctitioti?????"I"IfIf f y??ou ou f?????w w t???e ce cocoocookoki????di???ct?ioi????, i, ?? m ??y oy opopip??io??, ?yo?you you??avaveve e we ?alallal?pap??perper ??paspa?stest?. . . ????????e ce coe cooookookiook??ing ing????me me f??om? 3 ?????inuin?uteutes??tot??20?? mi?nunut???s, s,?an?d d id ?it it??s ???chc??beb?tttte?????a a l li l?ittittlt?? c ch?ewe?y,y, , b, ??ut ut? th tha th?t't???hohowhow w Iw I I l???? i?t!t???????????t ?t tat tak????s mos moro??????annan???ing ing ning ??w,w, , s, ?in???e ie ???'s 's a a a? lo lon??erer er? co c???????ti??
you try baking with it. Taste? Real wholesome, good stick to your ribs food, takes some effort like granola. Healthy eating? Yes." 5916,B001DIM8K8,A2628AFUGLVRYG,NJ Shopper,0,0,4,1244592000,Good - with amended cooking directions!,"If you follow the cooking directions, in my opinion, you have wallpaper paste. Cut the cooking time from 30 minutes to 20 minutes, and it is much better - a little chewy, but that's how I like it! Breakfast takes more planning now, since it's a longer cooking time
? t ???? m mym? o ololdl? b ???andan??????t t?????d td tat??tete e a ?andand and???rtr??????""??919???B0B000010??IMI???8,8??212?2121021??12???161?K,K???ycycec?e Ye ?? R RoRouo?ndndydy,y?0,0,0??????424?868646??????ara????o o??inind??WeW??wewere?e e ie ???rorod?ucu?cedced d t???McMcCc??NNN?????ata???ala????????yeyea?rsr??agago?? by by y cy ??oso?e e fe ??ieienend??. ????? we w?ereer?e ae ??lel??????finfindnd nd??t ??loclocacal??y ??in in?????? s ???oreor?s ??ea?ear ear? wh w??????????veve.e. . ?HoH??wevwe??r r??hehe he t? the thes?e e f????st?storsto?resre?s gs ???dud???allyall??beb????????we????????????e pe prp???ducductc??wawas????o lo ??ngn?erer er? av a?aia?ilailabablablele le? to t?o uo usu????ThThih??s ls le?ftft ??????ithith h t?? the the i in i????ne??t at ?as ?ththe???nlnly???????????or or o??ta??iniin??g g t? thi thisis is p ????????. ?. Ho. Hopo?efe???lyly ?th??is ???resoresou?rcr?????????otot ????????wayway.y???br br /
than my old brand - but good taste and worth it." 5917,B001DIM8K8,A21210U121N16K,Joyce Y. Roundy,0,0,5,1242864000,Hard to find,We were introduced to McCANN's oatmeal a few years ago by close friends. We were able to find it locally in a few stores near where we live. However the these few stores gradually became fewer until the product was no longer available to us. This left us with the internet as the only option for obtaining this product. Hopefully this resource will not fade away.<br /
>><>??r r / ??JoJ?ycycec???9191818,8???0101D1??????8,A8,A2A282???101???N7N7C7CWCWVW???????????mimili?tot?n n?""""g"gag?rdrded??????????,0,,0??,1,121?414141484???????xcxce?llllel?enten????tmt????,V,?ereryer??sasatatiat??fifiei?d d?wiw?thth h??????????ucu?t ?; ;?exe??ele?llell?ent? f ?lal???????????extextut???; ?re??omo??menme???fof????hoh????lolooo?kik?ngng g f fo f?or or gor gogoooodood ????ea??????t ct ????cecece5???????00100????8K???8,A28,A?AFA?K8K8DK8??7474G4G3G?MGM???TeTex?asas as???GrGraran????""??,0,0,?0,??????41341393959?202?00,00,O00,?ATA?MEM??? - ? A ANA??THTHEHERER R C ?HOH?ICICEC?,D,DeD???ghg??tedte???witwi???mym????rsr?? e??erer er I IrIriris?????tsts/s?StS??el???utu??. . ? As A? a ?????beb?titicic ic t th?is????houho??????elpel????e we wiwit???????????? su s?gagargar ?---- ?nanat?ur?al? c ???b b w wi w?ithith h ah a a sa ??lowlo??re??leale?asease!e?<b????/></>??<br <br /?>C>?????upu????bab?????in? t????
><br />Joyce 5918,B001DIM8K8,A28VK10D0N7CWV,"W. D. Hamilton ""gardener""",0,0,5,1241481600,Excellent Oatmeal,Very satisfied with this product ; excellent flavor and texture; recomment for those looking for good breakfast choice 5919,B001DIM8K8,A2AFK8D674G3MG,"Texas ""Grandma""",0,0,5,1241395200,OATMEAL - ANOTHER CHOICE,Delighted with my first ever Irish Oats/Steel Cut. As a Diabetic this should help me with my blood sugar -- natural carb with a slow release!<br /><br />Cook up a batch in the s
llolowow w?cocooo??ere??anandn? u ususese e l ?????ovovev?erser?????crcrorow?avave????oror ?a a???upu??le le??f f??aya?s.s. .?????????. .. ?. .??wiwililll??????uru?????ini???mom?oreor??<b<???/>/><>????r />r /???hanha?ksks ?McMcCcCaCan?n'n?s s as ???d Ad ??aza?onon.n..5?929202??B0B??1D1?IMI??K8K8,8,A,A2A2I2????G1G1Y1YBY?1W1??8,???. ?ch??angang ?""""M"Mi"M?mi??????????2,2?5,5,1?232?9292392???200200,0,T0,?exe?tut??e ?an?? t ?hehe ??as?tet????re re t to t??talta???? di difi?fefer?ene???frfroromro????he he p ????sesedse?d od ?????,I,??ha??? b????? ha hav?ininging g Qg ????kerker r Or ??atmat?eaealea?????r yr ??srs?s s us ????il il t tr tryr???? t???s s ts ?odo??????TheTh?e te tee tex??turtu?re ???and ??thethe ???ast?e e a????co??pl?ete???y y dy ??iffif????nt?? fr f??? t??e e p??resressresse?? o? I. ItI????ortor????co?okokiokin??ing fing ??for for?? hal ha???hoh?ourou?. ???y sy soson? l?????itit t at at??? the the the f?????t bt bib????????8-8-m-??nt???
low cooker and use left overs (microwave) for a couple of days. Great . . . will be purchasing more.<br /><br />Thanks McCann's and Amazon. 5920,B001DIM8K8,A2I5EYG1YB1W58,"M. chang ""MimiMom""",1,2,5,1239235200,Texture and the taste are totally different from the pressed oats!,I have been having Quaker Oatmeal for yesrs until trying this today! The texture and the taste are completely different from the pressed oat. It worths cooking for half hour. My son love it at the first bite! My 8-month-o
?ldld d b bababa?y y i ???ala?sos???ovovev? i it it!t? I I I u ?auauaualua???????? t tht???poporortr??????hih???? wi w??ll ll b be be ?enenon????h fh ?????~3~3 3??aya????DrDroropo? o ?oneon??spspopoopo?on on????????????o to ththeth??wo?rmr???il?k ???????mom???iningin??????????mymy ???eae??faf?sts???ucuch?? mo mororeor??he????thith?????????s os ??one one i is i?s ss ?????oodood ??thathata?t it ?t t wt ?ilillill l? be be be?haharardr??fo?????e te to???o ???ckc????to pto ??resre?ses?d d od oao????al?.....??....???212?,B,?000010???????,A,?????DCDCXCXMXMZMZVZVGVGQG??,f,?foofoofofo?foo,foo,4,???,1,1,1,11,121?383868???????"g"??odo?d pd prproprododuoduc?t,t?????riribiblblel?e p?acack?aga?in??? by b???ma?zoz???",","?ThTheTh?????me?mealmeal ?in?sis??e e t??? c cacana??????s ??as????od??. . ??owowew??erer,er, , t, ?the? p ???kak?agiag???ing bing ???AmAmaAm??zonzo??wawaswa?s ts tetererr??iblib?le.le?. . E. ?????y sy si???lele le c ca c?an an? ar a?ririvri????de??ntent?ed,ed, ?an???se
ld baby is also love it! I uaually cook the portion which will be enough for 2~3 days. Drop one spoon or two into the worm milk every morning to make my breakfast much more healthier! This one is so good that it will be hard for me to go back to pressed oatmeal..... 5921,B001DIM8K8,A1CSPDCXMZVGQK,foofoo,4,7,1,1238630400,"good product, terrible packaging by Amazon.","The oatmeal inside the canisters was good. However, the packaging by Amazon was terrible. Every single can arrived dented, and se
?vevererarala? o ?f f?tht?e e????s s p pop???ede? o??penpe????AmAmamazazoz??? tr t???tst????odo??ctc?? t te t??????y.y...?.. ..?? h hah??venve???? or ordr??ereered??frfroromrom m??ma?zo????n n an a a l ?onongong g???meme,e, , n ??t ??inincin?e e te ?thetheye???ene?t ??me me?exexpx??re?????irair?ateate'e's'?s Bs ???otyoty,y, , w, ???chc? I? t to t??se?d.d. ?? I ????ugu????th?theythey y hy ?????ot??????ete?teterter r a ????de??ididededded ?tot??gig??? t??hemhe??an?otothot?herhe????y.y. y. W ??hathat ?a ? m ??sts?akakek?. ?. N. ???verver ?aga??????. C. ?usuststost?me??r sr ????ic??e ae ?at at A? Ama Am?azoaz??? le l??ve?s s ms ??????? b be b??????rered?, ??s s ws wewele?l.l?. . I. ????ou???et????????e,? t? the th????????robro?aba?blybl??????ak ak? br b?????n En ??glg?isishis??anandand and b be? v ve?veryvery ?y hay h?rd?? to???ndn??????and?. ?. T. ?he???ththetheythey they w ???????t t ut ???derdersder??stansta???? the?????bl?eme???. Y. ?ou????l hl ha?????????k k f
veral of the cans popped open. Amazon treats products terribly... I haven't ordered from Amazon in a long time, not since they sent me expired Pirate's Booty, which I tossed. I thought they had gotten better and decided to give them another try. What a mistake. Never again. Customer service at Amazon leaves much to be desired, as well. IF you get someone, they'll probably speak broken English and be very hard to understand. Then they will not understand the problem. You'll have to ask f
o?? a ? s ??pep??vivisisosor???hoho,o???ouo? h ?hopho????wiwili?l l? sp spe??k k b bebete?tet???EnE??lilis?????BeB? p ?????re?d d t tot???aia?t t???LOL?NGNG G t??meme ?fof????a sa su??perpe?rvirv?isoisor?, , a, anandnd d yd ??u ?mam???????is???????tetedted d sd ??vever???l tl titimimeimese?????forfo?? a?????allal??y gy gegetettet??ng???????ghg? t to t?o ao ?a s??upeup?ervervi????. . . T ThT?e ?su???erv???isoriso?????ll ll a??k ?fofor? e eveveev????pipiei?eceec?e oe ???idi?enentntitiftififici?atati?on? i im i???ini?????, , n, ???t st shsho?rtr????? yo y?????SNS??, b, ?befbe?for???e sae sayayiayin???, ", ??WeWele?????hahatat at?dod??yo???? wan wantnt nt???? to? d?o?o?"?????""""U""UhU??, y, yo??'r're??cuc???tomto??r r sr ??rvrvi?cec?...?.. ..?SeS??ervi??ce ce t? the th????ststost?memermer?mer??????"??""?"" "" ?AmAma?zozonon ?ha?s s ls ???? m my m??bubususiusininein?esses?????forevfore?verve??""?595929222???000??IMIMPM?IEI?A,A,A,A2A???CVC??4A4AVA???X,X?JaJ?anian?iceice ??. . E. ??mom?ondondsd??n,n,0,????
or a supervisor who, you hope, will speak better English. Be prepared to wait a LONG time for a supervisor, and you may be disconnected several times before actually getting through to a supervisor. The supervisor will ask for every piece of identification imaginable, not short of your SSN, before saying, ""Well, what do you want me to do?"" ""Uh, you're customer service... Service the customer???"" Amazon has lost my business forever." 5922,B003IMPIEA,A2MNCV64AV07X,Janice M. Edmondson,0,0,5
,,1,???030323?32?0000,0???ete?eae??azazoz??,",?I I????llllyly y?lilikikek? t ththihisi???????ctct t? to to o a ada????? w wawatate????o ???at? I I ?????t t ht hah???????drdrir?nkn???????uchuch h???atoatororar?adead??anandn??sws??et????d/d??cicidi?ici? b ?eveve????eses.s???? u ?ses??e the t???s bs ?becbecacaua?useus??I I hI ????????y y ly lol?? s?????m m?????elsels ?anandand ?mymy ??docdoct?or???do?????t wt wa????meme ??dridr??kik??g g??"f"?re??e we ?watwa?ter????<b<??r /r ?><><b?r ???ThT?e e oe ???ly ly???mpm???????I ?????e ie is? t??hathat ??t ?di?dnd?'t? a ar arrr???ve ve wve whw?henhe?????????? a an a?? I???????t t h??ave????????tit?me? t???tataka?? w wi w?ithith h mh ?me me ome ?? v va vac?atatiatioion???5595??23,23,B,?0000500?2323N23NRNRVR????3K3??WNW????4Q4QTQ?L6L????pripr???C,C?,1,,1,1,1,,1,5,1,??,13,1??32?????0,?????ecect? f fof???my?? ca can???y by bub????t!t??I I oI ??deder???ed ted ?theth?eseese ?foforfo?????upu??comco
,1340323200,eleteamazon,"I really like this product to add to water so that I don't have to drink so much Gatorade and sweetened/acidic beverages. I use this because I have very low sodium levels and my doctors do not want me drinking ""free water"".<br /><br />The only complaint I have is that it didn't arrive when promised and I didn't have it in time to take with me on vacation." 5923,B00523NRVO,A3KPWNITE4QTL6,April C,1,1,5,1323216000,Perfect for my candy buffet!,I ordered these for my upcom
i??????????g ?cac?????bub?????. .?? a ?m m d dodoioin?ing ing???? n nan????anandand d??hihiti?????nd nd t tht??ses???o o????fe??????????y ????e ie in?didivdivividi??ala??y y wy ?????pedped ?????? t tr t?????navna?? c ?ololol??. ??hehe he p pa p??kakaga????ing wing ?asa??grg??atat.t. t. E ???h h l ???llillipi?opo???s ??wrawr??pe?? i in i?? bu b?????e we ?wrawrapwra?. . L. ?????????!!?595??4,4,B,??050?232???VOVO,O??2J2JDJ??KFK?Z0Z0P0PFP?HKHKUK?,J,??ameames? W ?. ??hoh?ndndend?l,l?0,0,0?,5,?,1,?353??202???00?????e pe ???rferf?ctct ct p?op????????se se???ollol?ip???????????re re wre wewelwe?????oneon?, , l lo??k k?exexax??tltlytl?y ly ?liklikeke ??????ici???? a a ?sis??inglingle??on??? wa w?as as? br brorok??n!n?????y ??ac?ka????????ach ach l?????popoppop p sp sos?o no nin???????veverve?y ??mpmprpreresre??sedse??""?595??5,??B00B0??????VO??,A1,A1W1?8C8?CIC?JJJ?QLQLBLB9B???RyRyay?? f frf??m m Nm ?Y,Y,0,0,,0,0,0,???5,15,1313413474??
ing wedding candy buffet. I am doing all navy and white and these go perfectly. They are individually wrapped and a true navy color. The packaging was great. Each lollipop is wrapped in bubble wrap. Love them! 5924,B00523NRVO,A2JDXKFZ0PFHKU,James W. Shondel,0,0,5,1351209600,The perfect pop!,"These lollipops are are well done, look exactly like the picture. Not a single one was broken! They packaged each lollipop so nicely, very impressed!" 5925,B00523NRVO,A1W8CCIJJQLB9E,Ryan from NY,0,0,5,134758
??808???????????PePere??ece??? T ??????ararere re?grg???at at v ???tat?geg?e le lol?okokik????lo?lll????????oro???????vinvi??ag?e e we wew??didin??. .??oo???ququaualali?tyty.y????c c o????mamaza??n ?????ining????????s ??hahatat ???? g????5???????00000?BWB????S,S,A,A2A2X2??ZQZ???7H7?9090U0?E,E,R,RiRic?ha???d Hd H.H?. H. HiH?ll??manma???0,00,0,0,50,?,1,131323282??404???00,00?"A"AnAn n en ?xcxcec??llell?????unu?iqi?queque e se ???cece"ce","?,"A,"AbA?ououtout t t tet?en en y yey???s s as ????mymy y?wiw?fefe fe???d d Id ? s ??tayta?????at ?a a s??malma?ll ll r re??orortort ???ear?????????alal,al, , C, ??st??a Ra Ri???. . . ??izi?ana?o o wo ??s s os onon on e evevevereryery y ty ?tabtablblele e ie in????he he r??estes?tauta??anantant.t. t.? W ???e wee w????qu??????y hy hohoo?kek?ed.ed?. . L. ?????no no g?oeo??? gr gre?reatrea??wi??h h? eg e?gsg?, , b, ?eaeanea??? r?ic???, t, totorortortiortilillil???, , p, po?rkrk,k, ?fif???, , e, ?etcetc.c??. I. ItI?'s'?s rs re????y y ty tay t????????d nd nonotnoth
0800,Great!!,Perfect! These are great vintage looking lollipops for our vintage wedding. Good quality. Pic on Amazon selling page is what you get. 5926,B000BWO7XS,A2XDZQ4P7H90UE,Richard H. Hillman,0,0,5,1328140800,"An excellent, unique sauce","About ten years ago my wife and I stayed at a small resort near Domenical, Costa Rica. Lizano was on every table in the restaurant. We were quickly hooked. Lizano goes great with eggs, beans, rice, tortillas, pork, fish, etc. It's really tasty and noth
iini?g g??acacoco o???ucucece e o ????tet?akak k????ce?? ?WeW????e oe ?? o?uru?r sr ?ece?concondn????se???owo??? G GiG???e ie ???a a? tr t?y.y.".??595929272?????00B00BWBWOW??XSX??A3A313?M9M9595Q5QPQPIP???????bub??nsn?????????,1,11,1???141?080?00??ThT??e be ??????tabtablblel??co??didimi?ene??t yt ??u u w wiw??? e ???r r tr tatasta?stest??,",???ououtout ???en?tyty y y yey??rsrs s????, , I I I v ??sis???d d Cd CoCoso??a a Ra RiRicico??, a, ?ndnd nd o?n n mn mym??veververyvery y fy ?irirs??t nt ?igi????, I, ????????ed ed a at a????????ll ll r ??st??????t,t, t,??ndnd ??enden?eded ed ued ?p p??atatit???g wg ?hahat???? t th t?he he?????icaical? d ???h.h???RicRi?ce,ce?, w, ???? s so somo?? v??geg?ta??le??s ms ?ixixex?ed ????, a?lslsos??so?meme ???ic??enen.en??Th?????hichickcke??n an an??d vd ?vegve?????? ar a?re re? ch choh?oppoppepedpe?d ud ??? in intntonto o so smo sma?ll??????es????ndnd ?????ofof f? it i??is??cocoocooko?kedke?d id inin in a a a?pap???, a?, and, an?d sd se???vedved d wd waw??m.m?
ing taco sauce or steak sauce. We're on our second case now. Give it a try." 5927,B000BWO7XS,A31M95QPI76SL0,burnsey,1,2,5,1166140800,The best table condiment you will ever taste.,"About twenty years ago, I visited Costa Rico, and on my very first night, I stopped at a small restaurant, and ended up eating what is the typical dish. Rice, with some vegetables mixed in, also some chicken. The chicken and veggies are chopped up into small pieces, and all of it is cooked in a pan, and served warm.
?ItI? i ?s s?rer?alalll???????? b ?utut ?whwhah?t t rt rereare?allal?? m mamaka????itit t it is????? S SaS???a a?LiL??ana?o,o?, w, wh?????usu??? t??????ono??eve?ere?y y ty ???lele e ie inin ???sts????ic??o, o, n nonowno? y yoyouo? m ma m?y ???ve? t to???sks??foforo?? it it,t, , a, ?as as???????????llyll?????ulu???. . T ThT???is sis ???sasa sa??????????onon on???abbab?????, c, chchichic???????ic?e e de ?is?he?s,s, , j, ??ustus?t at ab????t a?nynytyth??ingin???? a al a?waway?s ??????????inintint t ot oft o? b?ri?ngng g?? b bo b????? o oror or t?wow????mem??????h mh meme,me????s i???t wat wasas as nas ??t ?po?sss???blebl????o po ?purpurcr???asease ?e ane a??????e e i??n An AmA??ri?? ?/>/><>?????? ? Tr T?us??? me m?e, e,??ryry ry???omeom????f tf ??????stust?fff??, y, yoyouyo??wi?ll? n no not? r??grgreretre??t itt i?????lsols?o, o, io, ?it it? is????not not??whawh?? I ???wouwoul?d ??on????derder ??a ha ???t st ???cec?. . S. SuSuru?re re i?? it h it ha??s as ?a la ??
It is really good, but what really makes it is the Salsa Lizano, which used to be on every table in Costa Rico, now you may have to ask for it, as it is really popular. This salsa is great on cabbage, chicken, rice dishes, just about anything. I always made a point of bring a bottle or two home with me, as it was not possible to purchase anywhere in America.<br /><br /> Trust me, try some of this stuff, you will not regret it. Also, it is not what I would consider a hot sauce. Sure it has a lit
???e e?heh??????????ere???mimili??????929??,B,B0B?010?????8E8E,E??3L3L2L?7V7?7T7TOTOGO?1J1?Z,Z,H,?ololll??,1,?1,1,1???1,1,11,121,1232????52520200?,","b"?e e ce cac?rerefe??l,l, ?mom??dydy ????dud?ctct,???SDS?A A??owo???nvn?ololvol?vedved"d","?,"M,"??y by ?ababyb??ene????eded d??????????????he?n n I I I p ?uru?????ed???t t at ?at at?? s ?tot? .?? I I?or?ded????????casca?? o?? i it?? fr f??m m A ?mam???n.n??????? wh w?????????e ae ????veved?? mo m?oldoldyoldy.y????????jaj?ar ar? po p???ed???whewhen????op??eneen?ed ?iti??to???, s, ????in?g g?? tha that?at iat ????as?????????ly ly s se sea?le??????I cI cocononton???teted???EarEa??th'th's'?s Bs ?ese? ?ThT?heyhe???aia?d ??theth??y wy wowouo????lol?okok k? in i??? i it? it b it ?butbu?t wt ?wouwoul?? n no n?????ollol??????? wi w??h h m me m?. . . G. GiG??en?en wen ?whawh????s ????inging ing o?n ???? ou o????oo?d ????????????I wI wiwilwi?ll ll n no not no?t pt ??rcrchrchahashasese ?ana?y ??
tle heat, but very mild." 5928,B001O2IX8E,A3L27V7TOG1JZ,Holly,11,11,1,1234915200,"be careful, moldy product, USDA now involved","My baby enjoyed this flavor when I purchased it at a store. I ordered a case of it from Amazon. the whole case arrived moldy. Each jar popped when I opened it too, showing that it was properly sealed. I contacted Earth's Best. They said they would look into it but would not follow up with me. Given what is going on in our food industry, I will not purchase any mo
?rere e??ror???ctc?s s?frfroromro???hih??s cs ?omo????y.y. .???t t?is?????scscacara?? w ?heh?n n? fe feee??ini?g g?a a b bab??y.y. y.????aza?ono?n rn ????ndndeded? m meme e be ?utut t dt ?????otot t tt ?aka?e ??????y ???rtr??ere????????ereryer?y cy ????refuref?????? i?nfn?oro?m m om ???herhe???amamimili?iei???????. ????ATA????? w?asas ?soso ??disdisas???oio?intinteted????ithit? t th the??lal??? o ofo??co???????fr??om om E ?arartarth?????BesBe?t ?t ant a???AmAmaAmaz?onon.on. ?. I. ?? co c???tacta???ed ??the??FDF?DA,DA? t? the th?y ???referefererrerreredre?d md ???? to to t th??????DA DA? be b?cacauca???????the pthe prproprod???t ?co?contcon??in??ed ?memeameata?. ??????y ty totootookok ??it it v veverve?? s se ser?ioi??us us a????hahada?d ad ???so so?re??ceiceivivevedve?d sd ?????al???????laila??intsint??. . T. Th. Thehey?????ve ve?? com come come ??????y hy hohou?se?? an and???rir?ittittetenten ?a ??reprepo???. ??. If. I?f af an?anyoanyon?e ?elelslselse e ne ?notnotitici???d td ??isis is pis ?proprobproblb?????
re products from this company. It is to scary when feeding a baby. Amazon refunded me but did not take it any further. Be very careful and inform other families too. UPDATE: I was so disappointed with the lack of concern from Earth's Best and Amazon. I contacted the FDA, they referred me to the USDA because the product contained meat. They took it very serious and had also received several complaints. They have come to my house and written a report. If anyone else noticed this problem pl
eeaeasasese e??onontntat????tht??e Ue ?SDS?A A?????88??676??-6????).).<.??r r / ?>t>tot?????orortrt ?yoyououru???lal?imi?/p/prpror?blb?eme???????? w wiw?????nvn?esests??????e te ??e ???oboblob??m m????? th the? E ?????'s's s B ??estes??PlPlalanlantnt nt??o ?mamaka???sus????e the t??hey hey a ar are???olo???wi?ngn????????titiotion??.".???929292?,B,B0B????2I2?X8X8E8??A3A3N3NHNHUHUQU????FHF??VMVM,M?CiCiti????? J ???n,n??9,99,????121????51512????MyM??BaB??ieieses es?LiLiki??d ????s ??nen????ighighth?t At ?waw?y,y,","I"?????esteestede?d td ththithis? o on??e oe ?? m ?y y ty twt?win????-m-momon??th th o??????abiabie?s ??andand d t??hey??????????????ededied?at?ele??. . . ???t wt ??s ?ththe?????ir??? b beb??f f a an and? t? the th?ir?????irstirst t st ??ininain??h.h. . . I. I ?hah??d ad ??re??adyad?????venve?????m ?chc?ici??????andand and?????y ry ??realreall??y ly liliklikeke ke? it? s ?????theythe?y ay ar?????t ??vegve?eteta?rir???s s ys ??
ease contact the USDA (1-888-674-6854).<br />to report your claim/problem. They will investigate the problem and the Earth's Best Plant to make sure they are following regulations." 5929,B001O2IX8E,A3NHUQ33CFH3VM,Citizen John,9,9,3,1255651200,My Babies Liked This One Right Away,"I tested this one on my twin 10-month old babies and they liked it immediately. It was their first beef and their first spinach. I had already given them chicken and they really like it so they are not vegetarians yet
? a ananynywy???. .???ososts????I I?wa?ntn?eded d t ??isis s?prp??dud?ctc?????? th t?e e s sps??nan??? a an andn??th?????ghg?herher ?iriro?? c ???ntent?nt??? S ?omo???owo? t th?????adadede e te ???? p pa parartrtiticicuc?lal?ar ar? fl fla???? b brbrar?andand ?d tad tasa???y fy ????bab???eses.s???? / />/><><b?r r /r ???I lI lil?kek???ete?titintingng g? th? thes theses?e be ?????? c ca c?aseas????th?therthe?????an an b bu b???inging ??thethemthem m??????ar aar ??t at a a???meme me a???ththethe ?ststostor?e e se sis?incin???2 2??????s ?eae?? s?? m mum??h.h. ???????gog??od od t?o o ko ????? se s??ere???? fl fla flava?vorvor r b?raranra???s as ??ouo??nd nd? to?o ???????k,k? t???gigiviveve ve y ????r b??abyab?y ay ?a va ???????y. y.? I I'I'm'm m sm ?ururer?e Ie ????????t a????the??????se se w?hehenhen ?ththithisthi?s os on??e ie ??????is?he?d.d.<?br?????<br? /???ngngrng??didieienie?ntsnt???erer er?? the the the l la?bebele?: :?WaW?ateat??????gag???ic ic C ????rotrotst??, O?rgrgarg???c c????el?
anyway. Mostly I wanted this product for the spinach and the higher iron content. Somehow they made this particular flavor brand tasty for babies.<br /><br />I like getting these by the case rather than buying them a jar at a time at the store since 2 babies eat so much. It's good to keep several flavor brands around too I think, to give your baby a variety. I'm sure I'll get another case when this one is finished.<br /><br />Ingredients per the label: Water, Organic Carrots, Organic Finely
??ror?unu???BeBeeeefef,f??OrO?gag?????SpSpip?nanaca???, O, Or?gaganga??c c Gc GaG?rbr???zoz? B?eaean? F ???ourour,r, ?, Or, Orgrgarg???ic ic T ToT????o ?PaP?sts??, , O?, Org, Orga???ic ic Wic WhWhoholo?????rur?????ea?t t F????ur.ur????NTNTAT????? W??EAE?T.T?<b<???/>/???r r /r />??hih?s s?hah?? 1 ?????alalo?ririeiese??, 3, ??? p ??rotrote???, ??10010??% v% viv??ama?in? A A,A??8%8?% v% vi% vit??amiam????, ?4%4???calcalclciciuiumum um?????4%? i iriro????????e ?bebee?????????eded d td ththa??t tt ?????ere?cec?ntn?tagtagege ?ofo??dad?ililyl??????????t ?is????sesed??ono??an???dudulu?t.t.".????303?,B,?000??O2O2I2IXIX8X?E,E,A,?3L3L2L??V7V??OGO??JZJZ,Z,H,HoH??ly??9,9,9????,12,1??????202?00,00?"c"ca?rer?efuef??, , m, ???dyd??pr??du?ctct,t???SDS?? n??????vov???vedved"d?,","M,"??y by ba??y ??enjenjojoyo?ed?ed ted ththith???flf??????whw??en en I??????????ed ed ied ????t ???st?ororeor?. . . I. I I??rdrdederereer?ed ed aed a a ca ca?se??????????
Ground Beef, Organic Spinach, Organic Garbanzo Bean Flour, Organic Tomato Paste, Organic Whole Durum Wheat Flour. CONTAINS: WHEAT.<br /><br />This has 110 calories, 31% protein, 100% vitamin A, 8% vitamin C, 4% calcium and 4% iron. I've been informed that the percentage of daily needs met is based on an adult." 5930,B001O2IX8E,A3L27V7TOG1JZ,Holly,9,9,1,1234915200,"careful, moldy product, USDA now involved","My baby enjoyed this flavor when I purchased it at a store. I ordered a case of it fro
m???mam?zozono?. .???hehe e???olo?e e ce ?asa?e ???????? m ??oldoldyd???????h h?jaj?ar ar?pop?ppp??ed ed w???? I ??op???????t t? to t??, ,?shs????ngn?? th thah?????? wa was?????opeoperoperlrlyl???eaeala?ledled.d. . . I. ?I cI ???tat??tet?????rtrth?'s'? B BeB???????he?y ??aia?????????ououluldld d ld lol??? i ???o o??t ???t ?????????t ?fofolollollo?? u upu? w wi w???h mh meme.e?. . G. ?iviveiv??? wh???? is is s gs gog??????? i in i??????fofoofo???in??????y,y, , I, ?I wI wiwilwilll???notno??pupururcr??as?e ??????mormorer?e pe ????ducductctst??????m tm th??s ????papanany???????t ist i??to?? sc sca??ry ry w wh whe wh???fef?ed???ing ing?a a?bababa??? A ??az?on?????unundn?ed?ed med meme me??ut? d ?idid id?????????????ananyan?y fy fu?rt???r.r. . ??Be Be v veverve?ry ??????fulfu??anandand ?d ind i????m m om ?othot?herher her? fa f?mimili?iei?es es t??o.o. ??????TET?? ?I ?I waI wasas as sas sos??????ppppoppoi???tedte?d wd ???? t? the th?e le ?????
m Amazon. the whole case arrived moldy. Each jar popped when I opened it too, showing that it was properly sealed. I contacted Earth's Best. They said they would look into it but would not follow up with me. Given what is going on in our food industry, I will not purchase any more products from this company. It is to scary when feeding a baby. Amazon refunded me but did not take it any further. Be very careful and inform other families too. UPDATE: I was so disappointed with the lack o
f? c ???cec??????????ara??h'h????esests??anandn???mam????????? co cononton?acactc?ede??th???FDF?A,A? t ththe?y y???fef???redred d md mem???o o? th thehe ??SDS?DA DA b beb?cacaua?sese ??he??prp?rodro?ucuct??????taita??ed??me???. . . T ?heheyhey ???okok k??t ?vev???y sy ???ioi?????ndnd nd???????soso o ro ?????vevedve???sevse?ververar?? c????lal?inintin??. ????eyey y hy ?????????e t???mymy ?y hoy h?ousouse??? and an???riritri??tenten ?a a r?epepoporortrt.rt???IfI?f af ???on???ele?lsels???oto???cedced d t?????prpropr??lel?????eae?se?se cse co???ac??t tt ??the the????DA ?(1(??????676747????????<b<???/>/>t>toto to? re rep re???? y yoyouyo???clc???m/m/p/???bl??em.em??. T???? w ???? i?????stist?gagatateat?e t??e ??pro??le??m am an??d t???e Ee Ea?rt?h'???Be??? P PlPla?????o o mo mao maka??e se ??ureure e t??e theye the???arear??fof?lllloll???ngn?? re?gug?????on??s."s.""5595939??,B,B0B??1O1O2O2I2??8E8E,E,A,A2A?7474R74??ARA??E1E??GLG?,K,
f concern from Earth's Best and Amazon. I contacted the FDA, they referred me to the USDA because the product contained meat. They took it very serious and had also received several complaints. They have come to my house and written a report. If anyone else noticed this problem please contact the USDA (1-888-674-6854).<br />to report your claim/problem. They will investigate the problem and the Earth's Best Plant to make sure they are following regulations." 5931,B001O2IX8E,A274R7AR2E1TGL,K
?? P ????,3,?,3???,1??383?636?040404???"r"ror?????????ldldydy y?fof?odo? = = = h ??alaltl?h h r ???k"k???I I?oro??ererereded ?? f???t t????????????eye??wew?ereer? o on o??sas?aleal?? t th?at? c ??ntn?aiaini??ed ed C ?hih?ckckek?en en A ??plplel???omo?pop????DiDin?ne?????t t ct ??nt?ai?ne????? of? t??hishis s v ?araririeri?tyt?y ay ???d hd he? l ?ikike?????the the f fi firi?sts??on???bub??t tt ?????othot???????????????prpro???rlr??y sy ses??leledled,d, , w, ??rere re s??oliol?d d ad and a?? m mo m???dy dy??andan?d sd ststist??kyk???brbr r / />/?OnOnene ne?? of of t of ?????uru?????did?????s s is in? t th the th??flf????waw??s as ???o o i ?????????????eal?ed?? t? the? l li l?id id??poppo??eded.ed. . W. ???wewerwerewer?????ckyck??bebece?aua?sese se?I I jI ??????apa?ppeppenppenened?? to t???he??ck ck? th tha th??????. ?NoNowo????m m? so???ar?????id id tid ??thattha??????ec?k k???????? of th of t?hemhe???sevsevever???? ti tim?ese?. . I. I . I c?al?le?led led?EaE?artar
. Pope,3,3,1,1238630400,"rotten, moldy food = health risk","I ordered a flat of food (they were on sale) that contained Chicken Apple Compote Dinner. It contained 3 of this variety and he liked the first one but the others, although properly sealed, were solid and moldy and stinky.<br />One of the Turkey dinners in the flat was also improperly sealed; the lid popped. We were lucky because I just happened to check that one. Now I'm so paranoid that I check all of them several times. I called Eart
h??s s B ??sts? a ana?? t ???y y????uru??d d md ?e e t?????th?eyey ey h ?havha?enen'n?t t ht ????ththith?????obo?lel?? b beb?foforore?? an and?????at at I I I???????????????y ???ou??t it ?t.t????m m sm ??? su s?pr??iseised?? th tha??t tt tht thih???gog?????ssssesseded ed Qed QAQA/A/Q/???ini?sps??ctc?ioionon n? at a??a a b??abyaby ??foofo?d ?d mad man??fafaca?ctuct?ureur?r.r. . W. ?hyh??wo??uldul?d ad ?a ca ???papanpa????aka??e te ?the?????? o ofof f?? bad bad ?pup?????itityit?y w????n bn ??aby??fofoo?d d md mad mand ma???ac??ur??rsr??re???y sy so? m mum?????n n an a a ra re??putpu??ti??on on o of o?f sf sas?fef??y?y?!<!?brbr r?/>/><>?<br<br ??/>W/>WeW??????so rso rerecrececen??ly?? op ope?nen?ed ?5 5 o ot o????r jr ?arars? i?n n tn th?thisthis s fs ?lalat????tet?er er m?y ??onon ?rerefre???ed??toto ??atat ??the??m am ?andan?d rd ?reare????ed?ed t?ha????t thet th????er????rotro?te???????? of of?? the th?? w we?re??co???le??????so??idid d a??????omeomed???at at t?he????????We
h's Best and they assured me that they haven't had this problem before and that I shouldn't worry about it. I'm so suprised that this got passed QA/QC inspection at a baby food manufacturer. Why would a company take the risk of bad publicity when baby food manufacturers rely so much on a reputation of safety?!<br /><br />We also recently opened 5 other jars in this flat after my son refused to eat them and realized that they were rotten. 3 of them were completely solid and domed at the top! We
? p ???ede? a ??tot?oto?????? d ?owo?? t to t? t?hehe e?bob???????f f?? the th?e je ?arar r? an a??d id ???waw??? dr d?y y?????ugughghoh?outou?? ???horhortr?????ftf??r ???titini?? h ?????as?t ?????erer er? of o????is?? bo b??? m ???sos??n sn ststatar?te??????????g g ag ?ndnd nd r rer?fuf?????????eateat.? ??e e he ??vev?e ce coc??ta??teted? t??? U USU?DADA A???bouboutut ?th????. . ??f ???hishi???haphappp?ene?s ????yoyouou,ou????eaeasea?se se s ??mem???youyo???jajarja?s ??? y??? c cac??????ve ve? th? them them ????e ie in???rmr???ioi???????????ed.ed. . ?????mayma????revre???t t ot ????r r br babababibieieses s fs ?????geg??ti??ng ng? si s????<b<?????I'I?llll l n ???????uyuy ?y any anynyty?thithinthingng ???????ar????????estest ?agagagaia??!"!""5??????000010??2I2IXI?8E8?,A,A3A3L3LWL????3H3HQH?IGI?7J7J,J???????_L_?ar?ryry,ry?2,???5,5?131?121?????????GlG?ladla??I I g ga gavaveav??th?thisthis this??? tr t?ry;ry?? go g?oodoo?
poked a toothpick down to the bottom of the jar and it was dry throughout. Shortly after eating his last dinner of this box, my son started vomiting and refused to eat. We have contacted the USDA about this. If this happens to you, please same your jars so you can give them the information they need. It may prevent other babies from getting sick.<br />I'll never buy anything from Earth's Best again!" 5932,B001O2IX8E,A3LWC833HQIG7J,austin_Larry,2,2,5,1312070400,"Glad I gave this a try; good
??ror???ctc??????? n nun?trtrir??ioi?n,n, ???heh?r r r ?????wsw??ara?? o ouo?utdut??tet???,Y,???s Is I I r?eaeadad d?th?????thetherthe??re??vievi?ewsew?. . A AnA??d gd gigivi?enen n t??????vi??w w??????s as ?ndnd nd??? o? oth ot?herhe??????erier?ienie???? w ???h h?????th'th's's ??es?? I ??waw???nonot???????ononcon????eded ed t???????e ??proproboblblel?msms ?mem??ti?on?ed?ed wed ????d ??ti?????e e ae anan an??ssssus?????AndAn??th?theythey y wy ????e ne ??t.t?????/>/?<b?r r /r />r /??e e he hahava?ve ve? tr tri?eded ??lml???? a al all???f f? th????????metme?t lt ???ne ne? of? E???arthart?'s's 's B ???st ?anandand ???heshe????rere re gre ?rereareat??fof????addaddid??? p ?proprotproteteitein?? to to to?yoyouourour our l ???tlt?? o??ne'ne?'s 's ('s ???) )?????t. t.?GoG?oogooglg??le tle ??the the? Ea?rtr?????est????we?bsb???????????mpm?le??te te n??????tiotiontio??in????. M. ?os?????????agagege ??oo???ha?ve?ve bve ?betbe?we????2 2 a an a????? gr grar???
product, good nutrition, other reviews are outdated",Yes I read the other reviews. And given the review dates and my other experiences with Earth's Best I was not too concerned that the problems mentioned would still be an issue. And they were not.<br /><br />We have tried almost all of the gourmet line of Earth's Best and these are great for adding protein to your little one's (LO) diet. Google the Earth Best's website for complete nutrition info. Most 2nd stage food have between 2 and 3 grams
o????ror?tet?ini????ses??????? T ThThih?? o ono?????s ?5g5grg??msm?s os of???rorotrote?inin in? an a?d d o???y y?2 2 g gr?am?s s o??f sf ?ugu?ara?s.s??OuOuru? L ?O O l ??kek?????e e te tat?astas?te te?? and and ??e e le lilikli?ke ke t th?e ???ingring??did???tsts s as ana??????riritri???? p???ofiof???. ?ReR??omommm??endended?d.d??595????B0B??1O1O2O2I2????,A,AAAAHA?6I6?7S7????????I.I??. Ol. O?livlivov?,2,2,2,2?,2,2,,2,1,2,????93??202?00,00,D,????t t???y y Ey ?????t At ?mam???on!on!,!??I I??on?on'ton'?t tt ????????'s's s Es EBEB,EB? I ?I tI th??????it'it's????az?on??. I. ??bu?y y Ey EBy EB B fB ?roromro? B ????iesies ?R R???????argargegete?t at ??d d Wd ????????odo??s, s, a an and and and h???enen'en?? h? had ha???anyan???propr??le?? I?????????y ty th??? sh s?hiphi?me???s ????om om A Am A??zo????????co????mom?????""?????,B?0000100?????X8EX8E,?A4A4H4???6565B5BRB????P,P,K,?. ????ining?er???????,1,1212812??151?????00,T00,??e e be ?es?t ???r
of protein a serving. This one has 5grams of protein and only 2 grams of sugars. Our LO likes the taste and we like the ingridients and nutrition profile. Recommended. 5933,B001O2IX8E,AAH6I7S7QTK4A,I. Olivo,2,2,2,1291939200,Don't buy EB at Amazon!,"I don't think it's EB, I think it's Amazon. I buy EB from Babies R Us, Target and Whole Foods, and haven't had any problems. It's only the shipments from Amazon that come moldy." 5934,B001O2IX8E,A4HCY65BRIL6P,K. Grainger,2,2,5,1286150400,The best for
?????y y??kik??nyny ?bababa?iei?s,s??????nin?????andan????ada?ede???iti?h h c ??lo???iesies,s, s,???t t????d pd prp?ototeteie??, , t, ??isi??ththeth???NLNLYL? b ?babba???fofoooodod ??it??????? t?hahatat ?mym??pi???y y ly lil?????e oe ?nen???wilwi?? h ??ppppipilpilyl???eatea?? ???veve ?fo?unund???????ve?ryr?y f?ewe???ro?cec???es??????? t th thi th?? n ??ar???? h ho h?meme me?????? I I??ivi???in? m?ete??ropropop?li???an an S SeS??eatteattltletle)e) )????d sd soso o???'ve'v?e re rer?esoes??????tot?o oo ?ordor?derde??ngng g i it i?t bt by??? the th?e ce cacascasese ?e fre fro????mam?zozon?. . . T ??e e f???????dadayay y sy shs???ppippin????????!"!????3535,5?B0B000???2I2???E,E?A3A3K3KDK?ZCZCQCQ8Q?2J2?FWF??N,N???oeo?bebe ?OhO??2,2,2??1,1??242454585????????om???brb???enen n j jajararsars,???he???? s??w ?sosomso?me ????? the the the E EaEar?th??s s Bs BeB?????jarja??s os ofoffof?er?????s ?????oldold d Bd ?oxo? d de deaealeal,l??I ?????mbmbe?re??d t
picky skinny babies,"Organic, and loaded with calories, fat and protein, this the ONLY baby food with meat that my picky little one will happily eat. I've found that very few groceries carry this near my home (and I live in metropolitan Seattle) and so I've resorted to ordering it by the case from Amazon. The free 2 day shipping Rocks!" 5935,B001O2IX8E,A3KDZCQ82JFWLN,Phoebe Oh,2,2,1,1245888000,Some broken jars,"When I saw some of the Earth's Best jars offered as a Gold Box deal, I remembered t
hhah?t t????eeeede?eded ed?toto o??fff?ere??? c cac?veveae?? t?o o oo oto?heher? p pap?rer?ntntsts.s?<b<brbr ?/>/????? c ch chih??drd??????veve ve?????ioiouoususls?y y ey ?????eded ?mamana?????????s s????t ?flf?av??rsrs,s???hi??????n gn ??eneen?eraer?? t?asa?stest? q ?uiuititet???oooodo?, ?????in in F FeFebe???????wh?en? t th t???????? a a a?????ot?ioionionan?? o?ff?erer ?th???ougoughgh ?AmAma??ono????????de????? tw twow??121???pacpackc??s. s.???henhe?n tn ??????????vedve??????? of of of? th???12????ck?s ???eemee??ed ???, , b, ?utut t tt ?thethe the o?ththe?r r 1r ??????k k c????aia??ed??????rar??al bal br?ok??en ????s ??andand ?wawasas ?lelea????g.g????t st sms?melme?leledled ?an?and and?lol?ookookek?????keke ke? th? ther therere re mre mimigigh?????e me mo????unu?deder? t th the the the p pl p???stist?c c t? tha th??at sat ??????????d td ?thethe the sthe se???????????ackac?.<????/>/> />???I nI nonototi??ed?ed ted ?thathatat ?ththe???hihiphippppipin??
hat I needed to offer a caveat to other parents.<br /> My children have previously enjoyed many Earth's Best flavors, which in general taste quite good, so in February when there was a promotional offer through Amazon, we ordered two 12-packs. When they arrived, one of the 12-packs seemed ok, but the other 12-pack contained several broken jars and was leaking. It smelled and looked like there might be mold under the plastic that surrounded the second 12-pack.<br /> I noticed that the shipping
??oxox x???ldldid??g g?ththehe e???o o 1 121?-p-????? h?ada??aia?r-r-f-???lel?d ?papadpaddddi??ng ng?onon n o on o?lyly y t th t????????idi??e oe ofof f?? the the e be ??????hih??h h?mem??ntn?? th?????theth?rere ?waw?s s ns ?o o po ???di????prp???ecectc?in???ththe???botbo???? s???e.e??brb??/>/? ?I I?dodon?'t'????nownow w? wh whe?????r sr sos??e ??f ??thethe ???rsr??hah?? b?rorokro??n ??at at??? the the???arear????sese ???r dr ?????? d de d???vevereryery,y??bub?t ?eieiti?the?? w? way way,y, y,???? was wa?????ai?d ??to to u ?useuse ??the?the uthe unu?br??????ja?rsrs rs t to too to??, b?ec????use use w??atat ????f thf t??he she ?sease?lsls ??ad?ad bad ?bro???ken ken??r r wr ??at????f tf thf thef ther???e wee wer?ere ere??mam??l l?pipiei????s os of? b br?ok??en en?glg?as?s s is ????de?? th????intintat??t ?jajar?s ?????<??<br<br ???FoForor r mr ???????rarabrablb???ititeitememsm???I ????llll ll?? ord ordederde????om??AmAmamazma??on,on, ?, bu, b?? I? I c I cacan?cec???? m?y ?sus?bsb?crcri
box holding the two 12-packs had air-filled padding on only the top side of the box, which meant that there was no padding protecting the bottom side.<br /> I don't know whether some of the jars had broken at the warehouse or during delivery, but either way, I was afraid to use the unbroken jars too, because what if the seals had broken or what if there were small pieces of broken glass inside the intact jars too?<br />For more durable items, I still order from Amazon, but I canceled my subscri
???ioionon n??f f t ?heh?????th?'s'??BeB????jaj????ana?? f frf????nonowo? o?n ?wiw??? b ??y y j?arars??ata?????hyhysy??cac??l sl ??oro??e we whw??rere re?? c ??n ???heche?? t th the??m fm ???????5?939??,B,B0B?010????????A2A?747???ARAR2R???TGT???????opo??????,2,2,???383???565?00??mimininene e w?asa?s a???o o i ??????perperlrlyl?y sy ??al?ede??I I aI al??so so??rdr??reredre???a fa ?lal??? of of ??ooo?d d (d ?ththeth????erereer??onon on?sasal??) )? th tha th???cocon??aiain?eded ed T ThT?? T Tu T???eyey ey? an and? W ???d d Rd RiR??e ?DiD?innin??r.r. ???ne?? of? t th?emem m wm waw??? al alslsols???impimprproprop?ererler????eaealea???; ;?? the????d ??op??pedpe??. ???e w???ere ere???ck?y ?bebececacaucaususe?? I I j ju j????hahapa???ne?d d td ?o o co ??ec?????at????e.e. . . N. ?????'m'???so ????ananoanoioid? t th??t t It I ??che?????????????????eve????al al??imimeimes?????I cI caI c???ledle?d Ed EaEarEa???'s?????t t a??
ption of the Earth's Best jars and from now on will buy jars at a physical store where I can check them first." 5936,B001O2IX8E,A274R7AR2E1TGL,K. Pope,2,2,2,1238025600,mine was also improperly sealed,I also ordered a flat of food (they were on sale) that contained The Turkey and Wild Rice Dinner. One of them was also improperly sealed; the lid popped. We were lucky because I just happened to check that one. Now I'm so paranoid that I check all of them several times. I called Earth's Best and
t ththeh?y y a asa?susuru??? m meme e t th thahata? t???? h ?havha?ene?'t't ??hadha?d td ?thith?s s?????lel?m m b ??foforo?? a an a??d t?????? s ?hohouo???n'?t ?????y y ay ababob?outou??iti?? I ???m sm sos??????is?ed?? th??at at?? thi this??gog???pap????ed ed Qed QAQA/A/Q/QCQ?????pep??titioi??? at a?????ababyab?y fy ??odo???ana???acactctuctur??r.r?. . ?WhWhyhy ???ululduld ?a ??omompmpapanpa??y ty ?akakek??th?e ???iskisk k o ??????d pd pup?bl??cic?ityity ???henhen ??ababy???foofoodfood ?d mad m?anuanuf?ac????urerurersrs ??relre?y y sy so? m???? o on o?n an ??re?pu?tatatta???? o?f ?sas??etetyt??!!?????,B,??010?O2O2I2IXI?8E8E,E??BEB?V5V?WFWFWFWF??YBY???JiJ????????. ?TaT?ateat????lol?s ?anangangeg?le?s s ss sosocso??olo??gigisistis??& &?did?...??????,2,,2,2?,2,1,2,121232??777797??????DeDel?iciciicioiouiousus ?????ucuctuc?? p?ooooror or??uaualali?ty????ntntrtro???","",?WeW???had?? th? the the?????????????it?????thisthis ?s prs p??duducuct????al??f tf ?the? f fl f???at wat waw
they assured me that they haven't had this problem before and that I shouldn't worry about it. I'm so suprised that this got passed QA/QC inspection at a baby food manufacturer. Why would a company take the risk of bad publicity when baby food manufacturers rely so much on a reputation of safety?! 5937,B001O2IX8E,ABEV5WFWF9YB,"Jillian A. Tate ""los angeles sociologist & di...",2,2,2,1235779200,"Delicious product, poor quality control","We had the same issue with this product. Half the flat wa
?s s?imimpm??opo?ererlrlyl? s ses???ede?, , a anandn??rerese??ltl?eded ed i??????exe?pipiri?????ooo???isissssu?????BuButu? y ?ouou u c cac????pop?t t tt ??e e???sasafa????ara?s ?beb???usu?? t ??eye?y hy ?????drdrir?ed??upu??& &? tu turu?????????d,?? re r???ultul?ini?? i? in in????ifi?feferfe???t t st so??undun????henhen ?????ene????AlA?soso,so?, w, ?whewhen? o ??eneneen?????the??se se "se """"b"?adad"d?"" "" j ja??? a?re???ouounou?ndend?ed ?ed uped up p ip ?in in t?hehe he m?id????? an?d d hd ?havhaveve ve a a a r a ??ttt???????llll.l??. I. ?t t mt mam?y ?be?? th?????he?he phe pr???????waw??s fs ?rorozro???en ien ?in in sin sh?ipippp?pinpi?ng,ng, ???d d td ?????expexpapan?sisioi??n cn ?cau????????he she ??????o o b brb???k.k. ?. I???hav??e re ?reqre?????tedted ??????unund?????? A Am A??zozon???br? / />/??<br<b????OuO??????y ?????lol???ve tve ???????ealea?? th?ou?ghgh h - - -??t t w?as?????ke ke??ha???sgs?????g ??????r.r??. T. Th????oneon?
s improperly sealed, and resulted in an expired food issue. But you can spot the unsafe jars because they have dried up & turned solid, resulting in a different sound when shaken. Also, when opened, these ""bad"" jars are mounded up in the middle and have a rotten smell. It may be that the product was frozen in shipping, and the expansion caused the seal to break. I have requested a refund from Amazon.<br /><br />Our baby did love this meal though - it was like Thanksgiving dinner. The ones
t tht??? w ?ere?e e s ????????ibi?lel????rere re???lil???ouo??, ,??????rere ???e ??? h ?isis s?fafava???????fof????.".???939???B0B000????????,A,?2E2EVEVUV???U5U???343??,A?. . B ??ellel????,1,,1?5,5,1??????444404?00,00?????? f?oror or t th theh??LiL?ittit?le??GuG?ysys,?"T"?hi??s js ?????of of???byby y f fo?od?? ha h??s 7s 7 7?????? o??f Ff ?AT? a?nd??1111010 0 c ???or?iei????? th?atatsat???riripri???le tle th?e ???at at???d ??ou?blbleble e te ?thethe the? ca c??or???es es o of of of??oso?? b?ab??y fy ???od!od? ?I I h hi higi???y ?re??omo?mem???nd fnd ?????babba?ie?s ??neene???ngng g? to t? p puputu?t ot on? s so som??e le ?????????wewelwell? a?? p??ickickyk??eae?ateaterersers.s. s.???I hI ?havhavev????o oo ????er er m my m???onon ???vav?ariar??tyt??of??7-7-8-8 8??? food foo??? ea e?????eaealeal ????eee?eseese,e????ac???do,do, , c, ch??nkn???of?of mof ?meame? )??/c/?????e tue tururnr?s ?????????ososeos??????????ch
that were still edible were delicious, and are one of his favorite foods." 5938,B001O2IX8E,A2EVUB2U53J34A,A. Bell,1,1,5,1284854400,GREAT for the Little Guys,"This jar of baby food has 7 GRAMS of FAT and 110 calories - thats triple the fat and double the calories of most baby food! I highly recommend for babies needing to put on some lbs - as well as picky eaters. I have to offer my son a variety of 7-8 foods each meal (cheese, avacado, chunks of meat...etc) b/c he turns up his nose at so much
??(a(anandn? I ??cac??????usu???sasayay y ' ?wew??l l t ??o o b ??d'd?? b/ b/c/c c??? d ????ere??tet?????eeeededsd?? th the? c???ororirieies?!)!???utu??tht?isi?????ono?ne ne? of of f? th?e ????ds? h he he e re ra?????? tu turu??s s ds ?owo?n.n. .???? hi higighghlh??y ry ?recre????ene???""?????,B,B0B000?1O1O2O??????A3A?????333?CFCFHFH3H3V3?M,M?CiCiti?izi?en???oho??,1,1,1?????????828242??00000?,H,??ad ad??????oboblb??m.m. . . T ?heheyhey ??iki??e Te ?ThiTh?is is Ois ????a a??????I ??on???re?????y y my ?y ?????on?thth th o???ds ??ik?eded ed t? thi th??????e se ?o o mo mum?chc????en??th??e oe ?othot?herher r?????iewie?s s ws ?werwererenre????soso so??ro???isiis?ngng.g??. T. ThTheTh?en ????ot??ed ????at at???? ha hasas ?????e ???? c? cal calo????es es??as as??? the the g ??reereenen ??eaeanan an??????eroer??? a?nd?? sw s?weewe??t it in???ed????tst?s ts ths thahat?at aat arare???ro??en?en wen ?winwi??nernersr??s wis wit?h h mh ???kik?????brb?r /r ?><>???r /?>H>
(and I can't just say 'well too bad' b/c he desperately needs the calories!) But this is one of the foods he rarely turns down. I highly recommend." 5939,B001O2IX8E,A3NHUQ33CFH3VM,Citizen John,1,1,4,1255824000,Had No Problem. They Like This One a Lot,"I wondered why my 10-month olds liked this one so much when the other reviews weren't so promising. Then I noted that it has twice the calories as the green bean casserole and sweet ingredients that are proven winners with my kids.<br /><br />H
e??????tht?e e i ini?grg????ene??????t:t???atatet????OrO?gag??ici? C CaC????tsts,s??Or?ga??nicni?c Mc ??angan???PuP?re????, Or, O?rgarg???????ineinelelyl? G GrGro?unu?d d C Ch Chih??keken??, O, Or, Org, Or??ganigan?ic ic Wic ????e ??GraGr?inin in?BrB???? R ??????lol?ur?, , O, Or?, Orga, Org?ani?c ???ellellolowlo? S ?plplilitlit ???? F Fl Flal?????????ciciui?? C??rbr???atateate.e?????/>/><><b<br<br ?/>?AnA?????inging g? th t??? s ststast??tsts ts w wiwiti?th th?????rotro??ts ats ????????????????inging ing???o bo ????aiairairlrlyly ly s sw sweweee??, , a, ?andand and? th??is ?on?e ????sws?weewe? T ??he he c?on????te?ncncyc?y sy ?????d ???eryery y ny ?orormrmamalma??, p, ???????s bs be?ca?ususe?? it it ?hahashas ?pl????y y oy ?f f??????r -r ??? tha th??'s?? th?e ???rsrst?? in ing??????nt??. . U ?????????stst st Est ??art????ese?st st fst flf?lavla????brbrabr?and?s,??th???s os on?? h ??? c ca c?alcalciciuci???. ???e ??stastatstatetedte?d ad ?mo?ununtunt ????353?? o ?of of t th?
ere's the ingredient list: Water, Organic Carrots, Organic Mango Puree, Organic Finely Ground Chicken, Organic Whole Grain Brown Rice Flour, Organic Yellow Split Pea Flakes, Calcium Carbonate.<br /><br />Anything that starts with carrots and mango is going to be fairly sweet, and this one is sweet. The consistency seemed very normal, perhaps because it has plenty of water - that's the first ingredient. Unlike most Earth Best flavor brands, this one has calcium. The stated amount is 35% of the
????dad??lyl? n nen?ede???????vev??bebee?n n i ??foforo??ed?????t t????????????agagege e oe ??? da daiailai??? ne n???? m me????????sesed??ono??????dudulu?????????<b?r r /r />r /???rer??omo?memenmendn??? thi this? p pap??tit??ululaular?????? C ?hih???enen en???angan?o o???isois?????, b, bebecbecac?ususe??? t? thi??? b?????s s ws wiw??l l??en???toto to???ke? i???as? m???e e de ?????br????<b<br<br <br???ThTheheshesese ??cascasesesse????????in?? d??li???re?d ????mymy ?hohomomeom?e ce ?????tanta??ly?, ?????erereer??????ariar?ietie???es es? of of f Ef ???th??s ?????????scscrcrir???tiotion?s.s. s.???n ??ccc?cas?ioion??a a?ca?casecase ?wiwilwi??l al ???rivri?ve ve i in in n a?? me mes??s ws wis w??th th??ne? o or o?r mr ?or??e b?ror?ke????ararsar??????ver ver????????fif?gug???? o??t t it itt i?t wt ?ouo????cocosco?st st?? the the e ve ve??ndond????ooo?????h h? to?? pa p??kak??e e te th?es????jarjarsr?s ws wes w????en?ouougou
ir daily needs. I've been informed that the percentage of daily needs met is based on an adult.<br /><br />I recommend this particular one, Chicken Mango Risotto, because I think babies will tend to like it as mine did.<br /><br />These cases are being delivered to my home constantly, different varieties of Earth's Best subscriptions. On occasion a case will arrive in a mess with one or more broken jars. Over time I figured out it would cost the vendor too much to package these jars well enoug
?h h??o o?????rere e n ?o ???reare?kak??e.e??NoN?? w ???? a a a???sese e ae ????vev?? w??thth ???e ??? m ?or??e be ??oko?????ararsars,s??I I?rerepre??ortor??it????d d c ca c????????reredre?it?ede???or?? th t????bro??kenke??on?es??on???. ?OfO???ouo????????s s ms ????y y? wh whehenhe??a ?ja??r ir ?s s bs ??brok??en,en???utu?t It I ??onon'on't'?t ht hahavave??? s ?to??re re??eae??byby ??thathata?t st ??lll?s s ts ththith?is is p ??ododud??????cecepeptp??onone? t? tha thatat at l ??ististst????it ait ????????he?r r pr prpripr?cece.ce?""?595949??,B,??010??2I2???E,E?A1A??9R9????UWUWKW???H,H?"S"???ve?r ??"E"???????cycy y Ny NuNur???????0,?0,??????40340??323203200?????reatrea?t bt babababy? f ?foofoodod,od??????otoththeth???re?viviei?wsws ??areare ????y y oy ?????ateated? & ? o??d.d. . W. ?????veverver ver?hahadha?????y iy isississusuesueses es wes wiwit????thethe the q ?uau??????y ofy of ?th??s s ps pr?od????????y dy ?????tet??? lo l?????it?; ; I
h to ensure no breakage. Now when a case arrives with one or more broken jars, I report it and can get credited for the broken ones only. Of course it's messy when a jar is broken, but I don't have a store nearby that sells this product except one that lists it at a higher price." 5940,B001O2IX8E,A119RW19UWK7PH,"Sylver ""Emergency Nurse""",0,0,5,1340323200,Great baby food,"The other reviews are very outdated & old. We never had any issues with the quality of this product. My daughter loved it; I
?????? t ?????acactc? t th thahatat t st ?he????s s g ?ete???ngng g g?ooo?d ????tet???. . M MoMosostst t ot ofo????e ?ot??herhe? e ???th??s s bs bebese??????y y f??oodoo??s hs hahavhaveve ve?cac?arrar?rotrot/t???????/s???etet et?popot?atatoat??es,es????ici?? i isis ?fifin????????ve?????y dy ??ugughg????r wr ???s ts ?ururnr??????rar???e ????m m s ?o o m ?ananyany ????angan???vevegve??? I. ?????ed? t? tha th??? th????ono?e e he ha???NONO O??????nge nge v ve v???ieiesies ??in in??? the the? in i?ngrngrer????????is?t.t. ???ligli?ghtghtltlyl????oreor?e ee ???enensnsis?veve ???anan an o????????????, w, whwhi???????thith?inkink k i???dudueue e te ?o ?ththe? f??????t ??hasha?s as a a???ot ot??????eateat ?t int in n??t.t."t.?5595??1,1?B0B000??O2O2I2?X8X8E8E,E,A,??D1D?WWW??RMRM8M?V2V??L,L,A??????W.W.H.H.H?,0,0,0?,0,,0??1,11,?333?????6060000,00,N,NaNas?tyt??"M"MyM?????ghght?er? t?? thin thinknksks s ts ths thihishis s t????es????astastyast????andand d Id I ?agagrg?reere?.
loved the fact that she was getting good protein. Most of the other earth's best baby foods have carrot/squash/sweet potatoes, which is fine, however my daughter was turning orange from so many orange veggies. I liked that this one had NO orange veggies in the ingredient list. Slightly more expensive than other meals, which I think is due to the fact it has a lot of meat in it." 5941,B001O2IX8E,A3D1WWGRM8V28L,Annie W.H.,0,0,1,1339977600,Nasty,"My daughter thinks this tastes nasty, and I agree.
???? i ?s s?????iti???e ??? c ??rrr?oto?, ,??????waw?????okokik??g g?fof???????oodoo? f? for for ?trtrar?????ththahatat t?ded?lil?iveiv???????tet?in?????t dt ???snsn'n??????????in cin ca???ot????hoh?ugu?h h? sh shehe he?eaeat?????????????ururkrkek??? an andn??pep??s ??lll?l tl ???e t?imi????shs?he he whe ?????n'n'tn't t et evevevenven n??akakeke ke a?? fu fulu??? bi b?iteite e oe ofo????? . I. I I tI ta???tedte?d ad a a la ?litli????e be ??it,it???nd??I I cI ?cancan n sn seseesee ????.".?5595949424???000???2I2???E,E??EQEQ5Q?????WZW????,","R"RiRicicoco co " """??R"R?"""""",",0,??,0,,0??,1,??272?707???00?,b,?aba????lovlove???th?the the??enenden???????f ??pip??aca????,"I,"IfI???babba?????kekeskes ?s ths t?hathat't's's s ws ???at at?mamatma???ersers!s! ! H HaHapa???y by ????! ?HaHapHa???y my ?omo?mym?y! y!????y y ty th?in????is is t??????lo????? f??????thath??????ainai????yty??????, b, bu??t, t,?oho???wew?ellell,l, ???st? w wa w?ashas?hedhe???igi
She is sensitive to carrot, so I was looking for a food for travel that delivers protein but doesn't contain carrot. Though she eats homemade turkey and peas all the time, she wouldn't even take a full bite of this. I tasted a little bit, and I can see why." 5942,B001O2IX8E,AEQ50BFWWZHOM,"Rico ""PR""",0,0,5,1327708800,baby loves the tender beef spinach!,"If baby likes that's what matters! Happy baby! Happy mommy! Only thing is the color of food that stain anything, but, oh, well, just washed rig
hhth????e e?wawaya?!"!""5595???,B,?0000101O1??????,A,?3D3DVDVMV?DRD?Z0Z???EXE???NaNatatatalaliliei??WiWilillllel?s,s,0,?,0???3,13,131?????????,G,?rar???????? a a a L ?????le le?OiO?ilyil??bub???ThT??ckc??????e ????d d od ?ththethere???revreviv?iewie??ersers s c cocomo?mem?ntnt ?????????al?oro?ie? c???????????? thi th????lalava??or or? an a?nd nd i ?it it m ???t t bt ??e he hi????bebecbecacaua?useuse e we whwhe???I I???s s ts ??yiy??g g??? w????h th th?? d ?is????I sI ???????itit it iit ?in in??n n wn wa???quq??iteite ??il?ily.ily. .????sos????t t ht hahas??? a b a bibitit ????a a g ??raira??y y ty ??xtx?????? and an???I tI ????? m my m??? m mo monont???olo????sonso?n fn ???dsd???hehe ????inain?chc??a ?li????le le dle didifdi??ficfi???t ????di??esestest.t??"5"?????,B0,B???1O21O2I2IX2IX8??E,AE,A2A???0I0I6I6T6TVTVDVDID?W5W???K.K?. S. SiS??s-s?DrD?rewre?,0,0,,0,0,0,???,1,13?161??????00,??vevenven n an ???rur?uitui??t hat h?ateater??lilikli????? it! it??????? m mo mo mo
ht the way!" 5943,B001O2IX8E,A3DVMDRZ0KOEXZ,Natalie Willes,0,0,3,1317686400,Grainy and a Little Oily but Thick,"I've read other reviewers comment on the calorie content of this flavor and it must be high because when I was trying to wash the dish I served it in in was quite oily. Also, it has a bit of a grainy texture and I think my 6 month old son finds the spinach a little difficult to digest." 5944,B001O2IX8E,A2MX0I6TVDIW5N,K. Sims-Drew,0,0,5,1316044800,Even a fruit hater likes it!,"My 7 mo
??ldl??ded??pip?ses?????? t ?????? f frf?????rerele?ata????(w(wew???hihinhi?k k i ???s s ts tot?? s ?we?????????erer)r) ) y ??et et??he??lil?kek?es ??thith?is is o ?nen?e je juj??t ??ininein?! ! ??'m'm m p peper???exexexeded ed? th???? so s???ananyny y??ththeth????????wewerwe???sas?y ??the?irir r br babababyb?y hy hah???es es ies ??, , a???????? I I I?mum??t ??dmd??it it????havha??n'n't'??tat??stest?????it mit ?????f.f. . ?FoFor??usus us???'s's 's? a a? ta t??tyty ?waw?? t to to o go geg?et ?he??r tr ?to to?eaeat?at aat ? l?it??le?? mo m???e fe ????t ??ve?ryry ?dad?ay.ay.".??????,B,B0B??1O1??IXI???,A,?CMCM3M?Z9Z??LSL??8S8?9,9,T,??????0,0,0???,1,?????353?2020000,00???? s??eme??s ts tos t?o lo lilikli?ke ke i??.,.,",?I I???rcr????sedse?d td ???s ??ror??ucuctct ??ro??m Bm B-B??-U-?S S??hehenhe? i it????? o?n ????le ???d d md ??????????msms ms?? to to l li?ke?ke ike ???. I. I I wI ?waswa??s scs s???redre???f f p??rev??ouousous ?s pos p?st? o???momololdold
old despises all things fruit-related (we think it's too sweet for her) yet she likes this one just fine! I'm perplexed that so many other reviewers say their baby hates it, although I must admit I haven't tasted it myself. For us it's a tasty way to get her to eat a little more fruit every day." 5945,B001O2IX8E,ACM3Z9NLSE8S9,Tracy,0,0,4,1314835200,Son seems to like it.,"I purchased this product from B-R-US when it was on sale and my son seems to like it. I was scared of previous post of mold
aana???I I???WAW?YSYS S d ??ubublblele e???????tht?he he??ooo?d d bd ???forforere e Ie I ???irir r a anandand d sd ?erervr?????e ???ememsm? t?o o???kek???t,t???utu? I I I?rerecre?omo?memene????he??????ckecken??SwS???t ??oto???o ???nnn??,6,B,?000?1O1O2O2I2?X8X????8E????Z7Z??M4M???,C,?????e,e,0,???,4,???313??848????0,0,S0,?mamala???JaJ?rsrs ??and? a a a???ittit??le le?????y y?- -???ikeik???oso?st st? co c?ommom?mermercrcic?al?? ba b??y y fy fo??odsod???LeL?? m ?me me s ststast????????aya??ingin? m my m?y 7y 7 7? mo m?ntnth????d ???on,on???hoh????s us ?se???toto to? my my my h ????me pme ???pap?arearede???ab?y ??oo?????????????is,is?, a, asa?s as a s a o on oncn??????? a b a ?blubl??e me moe m?oonoo??co???venvenin??encence??????? I?'v'??? tr tririe?d ???? an a?nd ?it?it tit ??st?ese?s ps pr??ettet?????ood?? to to to??? t????. R. ??are???????e ????? f fo f?ood?ood iood ?indindudus?????<b<?r ????<br<br ????I aI ?m m f???lloll?wiwin??
and I ALWAYS double check the food before I stir and serve. He seems to like it, but I recommend the Chicken Sweet Potato dinner." 5946,B001O2IX8E,A8EHJ3Z7DM4WM,Claire,0,0,4,1312848000,Small Jars and a Little Runny - like most commercial baby foods,"Let me start by saying my 7 month old son, who is used to my home prepared baby foods LOVES this, as a once in a blue moon convenience meal! I've tried it and it tastes pretty good to me too. Rare in the baby food industry.<br /><br />I am following
??????ninini???gug???e e??hah?? I ? u ???? f foforor r m ?y y d dadaua????ere???an?????t mt mamaka????yoyouo????ete????wawararyr?y oy ?? c ????erercercic??l l b ?????fofoofo?dsd???s ????iei????easea?ili???geg?? u????d td toto o t?hehe ?blb?an?and,and?, w, wa?teterteryry ry??asastaste? a an andn??????etiet???s s ts tatak????a la lol?t ?of???oao???ingin??to?? go go o bo ba??? t to to ?hoh?ome? m ma m?de?, ???alaltal???y my ????s,s, ????ulu??ininging ing i in?? pi pici??????ddddld?ererser?s a?nd?????ildil???n.n. . M ?y y dy ????ht?????????? 3 3 3 a? and an?d hd hahasha??????er ?re?????? a a a?ho?meme me???okoke????meamealmeal ?yeyet?, ???and and? I I? at a??????te?te tte ??at? t??? th?e e he haharha????or?k ??I pI ?ut? i in i? i?? t th the the the??iri??????? . A. ??notno?theth?????????m m????h h c co?mm?????ialial l bl ??babybaby ?y foy fooo??s s is ??s t??hatha?t tt ?thetheythe?y ay ???e ue us??alallal?? s ??????de?d ??outout ?wiw?ith? w?at?erer er ter ?thathattha
a weaning guide that I used for my daughter, and it makes you pretty wary of commercial baby foods as babies easily get used to the bland, watery taste and sometimes take a lot of coaxing to go back to home made, healthy meals, resulting in picky toddlers and children. My daughter is now 3 and has never refused a home cooked meal yet, and I attribute that to the hard work I put in in the first year. Another problem with commercial baby foods is that they are usually so padded out with water that
???ututrt???ioiononan?l l n ne n?ededsd? a ?rerene??t t f fuf?lll????????ururi??? t ?heh? d ?aya???????aba??ese?s cs ??????????????ngng ng?in?????? ni n???t ??ueu???o o g geg?enuen?????huhunu??ere?.<.<b<???/>/?<b???/>/>I/>I'I??d ld ??veve ?e toe to ?asasks???whw?o ???meme me?????it?h h???e ??aga????l l 4l 4o4ozoz z????asuas?ureureme??ntnt t ft fof??r ar ?allal?l sl st?agageage ??? ba b??y ?fofoofo?d ??ar???an?d d pd ?aca??etetsets,s, ?ththothouo??gh?gh? ? M ?y ??onon on t???eses es m mo m??e ?liliki???6o6?oz oz?ofo? m my my ?hohomhomeme ???repre?parpa?redre?d md ??al???whwhiwhic??h ah ar???????h "h ??fu?llllell?er"er""???soso so I I'?veve ve??adad ?to??????????ttttltlel?e se sws?ee????oto???to to tto ?to ?????s ts ?to to ito ??crc??asaseas?e t?he?????umu????AnAndnd nd i??t dt dot d??es ?sesee?m m?????llyll???ui??e e re rur????y a?nd?nd pnd pa????ed ed? ou o??? wi wit withth th w???terter,r, ?, so, s??I I?? add ad???? te t????????or??2 ???????e e ce ??ereer?ealea???to ?
nutritional needs aren't fully met during the day and babies can start waking in the night due to genuine hunger.<br /><br />I'd love to ask, who came up with the magical 4oz measurement for all stage 2 baby food jars and packets, though? My son takes more like 6oz of my home prepared meals which are much ""fuller"", so I've had to add a little sweet potato to this to increase the volume. And it does seem really quite runny and padded out with water, so I add a teaspoon or 2 of rice cereal to t
??icickckekenen n i ?t t????? l lil?????????fof???????g,g, , I I'I'm'? s susuru?re re h hehe'e'l'llll l j juj??t t bt beb???on on?? f fuf???????? ja j?rsr? w ??henhen n In ????veve ??himhi?m tm ?hi??.<.<b<brb?????<br<b??/>?AlAllll ?th???t st sas??d,d???I'lI'??ll rll ??it?????e,e??it???s ???alall???quq??iteite ite?????y ????????omo????cic??al al b ??byb??y foy f?odod,d, d,??ndn?? I I? ha havave???? p prp?oboblb?lemlem ?gigivgi?ini?ng ng? it it ?tot?????sos?on on oon on??e e ie ???? w???le??. I. ????o ro rerecre??mmmmemmenendend!d?""?595949??,B,??010???IXI??E,E???LWL??8383333H3???G7G7J7J,J??us??inin_in?LaLararrar?y,y??,0?,4,4,4?131???????0000,00,T,TwT?iciceic??th????????in?????otothot???r Er ??artar??'s'??bebesbe?st st? an?d ??babba?? f fo foooodood ?inin in gin geg???eraeralal,al?"T"??he he?EaEarEartr??th'sth'??s bes b?????grgrorouro?urmur?metme?????ineine e i?s ?he??avyavy y oy ??on ton ?the? p pr pro??teite? . A. ??? a?????ar ar? as as as? I I k I knk???? ad aded?qu???ate ate p pr????einei?n in ?????
hicken it up a little. Before long, I'm sure he'll just be on 2 full 4oz jars when I give him this.<br /><br />All that said, I'll reiterate, it is really quite tasty for a commercial baby food, and I have no problem giving it to my son once in a while. I do recommend!" 5947,B001O2IX8E,A3LWC833HQIG7J,austin_Larry,0,0,4,1309305600,Twice the protein of other Earth's best and baby food in general,"The Earth's best 'grourmet' line is heavy on the protein. And as far as I know adequate protein is imp
o????ntn? f ?or? b ??bib?????andan??ththeh?? n neneee?d,d, ,???kek????he he??esestes???? u usus,s??gog?odo?d id ??ono???evevev?lsl????? / ?><>??r ????hehe he bhe beb?eefee?f af anand????ini?acachc? c ????taitaininsins s 5s ???raramamsm?s ps ??r ?seserervervivin?g.g. . Y ??????an an c ch che??k k??ou???cacanansans,??????mom?stst t o??f tf ??e e oe ?ththe??'s'?s ws ??????e te th?????rotroteteie?in in????? g?raramrams??. O. ??????ugu???terter r lr ???????t.t???t ??is is a al a?lsols? t? the the ????stst st???pe?nsn?ivi?ve ve?ofof of??? the the ' ?go????etet't? l?inineine e ae ?andand ?th?is???is ??ot???omome?th?????I I???oulou????in??d id ind in n ln ??ca????totor? R. ?????????ed??""?595?484???000??O2O2I2IXI?8E8?,A,A1A141414??BYBYWY??????C,C,A,Am,A??andandaanda a H ?er?ma??,0,???????303???191?92092?00,00?NoN?????faf?an ??????rturt?unaun??teltelyl??????wawas? l???kik?inging ing f?or??an???heherhe??r dir d?inninne???to?? tr tryry ??andand ??decdecicidi??d
ortant for babies and they need, like the rest of us, good iron levels.<br /><br />The beef and spinach contains 5 grams per serving. You can check your cans, but most of the other's we use the protein is 2 grams. Our daughter likes it. It is also the least expensive of the 'gourmet' line and this is not something I could find in local stores. Recommended." 5948,B001O2IX8E,A141XBYWBW40UC,Amanda Herman,0,0,3,1309219200,Not a fan unfortunately.,"I was looking for another dinner to try and decided
??o o??pepene???ththeh? e exextxtrt?? m ????y y o on???hihisis s o on o? .??? t?????hth???. m. mym?y sy ???on lon ??vevese?s cs ?hi??kekenen en a ana?nd nd?????????so so w ?hyh????t t t th?? . H. ???is???notnot t at a ?fafan?. . H?e ???lll? s su s?fff?erer r???ror??ghgh gh h ??lfl?? a a???r,r? b ?utu?t wt ??ll???????????? a? a w a ??ololele ???e.e. ??I gI ??????iti??t wat w???a a la lil?????? to tooo??exexoex??ici? f????????9 9?????th th o????tat???e ??budbu???? W ???e wie wilillill l kl ??epep p? tr tryryiyiningin??<b<brb??/>/?<b?r ?r />r />H>?? l lolovlo???, , l, ?lov???, ??ovoveoveses es?? the th?e b??efef ??andan??spspispininainaca??? an a???wi?willwill ?al???????ry????henhe??? the?? ja jarar ar?is??go?ne????595????B0B000?1O1??????,A,??T6T???505??????,P,?atat ???0,0,0,0,,0????303????3636060000,00,",????TETERER,?? an and and ?mamaia??lyly ?cac?????s.??,","T,"ThThihishis his? wa w????OTO?? a a h a ??t!t! ! ?ItI?'s'????itt?er?, ?, li, l??? m ma may mayby?
to spend the extra money on this one. I thought.. my son loves chicken and mangos so why not this. He is not a fan. He will suffer through half a jar, but will not finish a whole one. I guess it was a little too exotic for his 9 month old taste buds. We will keep trying.<br /><br />He loves, loves, loves the beef and spinach and will almost cry when the jar is gone." 5949,B001O2IX8E,ART6IV50G99VR,Pat A,0,0,2,1308873600,"BITTER, and mainly carrots.","This was NOT a hit! It's bitter, like maybe
??ththehe e??ararrr????????????? s swsweweewe???anandn???r r n ???????lel?d?d?? a?nd????he he?mamaiainin n??ingin?reredre?iei??t ???s cs ca??rrorr???? ( (a(??mazmazoz??n sn ???ulu?d d i???lul?ded???thethe e ie ?ing????ieienie??s ?fof?? a al alll? i it i??msm?????????y y c co cononton?????sesee???????beb???an an? is isss?ueue.e??ThThih???? is is???e e se se????d ?""""g"?ouourourmr?????eae??""???????or ???ithith h? th thi th?is ?isissis???? I I I????????erer er??ad?? a a???ad ad ead exexpxpeperpe?ieieniencien?e ??witwi??? th? the the?EBE???????ctcts? b?efe??re?? v ??ryry ?di???????intin???".???9595050,0,B,B0B?010??????E,E??383????MHM????????CoC??nMnMoMomo?,0,0,??0,20,?,1,131303060616101080?808????MEM?SSSSYS?, ?????Y,Y, Y, M ??MESSMESSY?","????y gy gig?rlr???se??? t to? l li??e ??hi???????????? they they'y'v've?????y ?eveveever?er ser ?shosh?????an ????ososis????? t? to ???????bebeabean?s.s. ? B BuB??t i??t it ist i?s Ss ??
the carrots were not sweet and/or not peeled? and the main ingredient is carrots! (amazon should include the ingredients for all items) Quality control seems to be an issue. This is the second ""gourmet meal"" flavor with this issue. I had never had a bad experience with the EB products before, very disappointing." 5950,B001O2IX8E,A38IJWMH2C3I59,ConnMom,0,0,2,1306108800,"MESSY, MESSY, MESSY","My girls seem to like this food - they've only ever shown an opposition to green beans. But it is SO
?mem???y.y. .???t't?s s?apa????????y y t tot??atatoto-to?babasaseseded,d, ,? an andnd d??t t g ????s es eve???ywy?heherereere.e?. . ?WhW???re re w ???ususus?ala???????t ?wiwipipep?e te tht???r r??aca??es es? ge g?ententl?y,y??yoy???rereare????????ve ve? to t? c ????? t th t?????. I. ?It It??imimpm???ly tly tut???s s ts ????ir ir s sk s?inin n on oro??angan??. ??AnA???????bobowowlw??s as ??d d sd spspopooo???enenden???p p c?rarazra?y y oy ?ili???, e, ??????ftf???????ki?????5595?515??B0B?010???IXI?8E8?,A,AEA?XLXLGL??JNJNBN??QLQ??,H,?eaeatea?the???0,0,0??2,2?131?0000700?525????0,b0,?babba??bmbmom???"M"?y ?9 9?????olo???dad?ugu?hthte??r or ononlon?ly ????s s es eas earartar?th'th????esestes????ododuducuctc???????lol???s ??ll? o ?? t th? them them m?- - t th??? i?????xcx?cepce???th??s.s?. I. I I????'t't ?fif?gug?ureure ???t ?t wht w??t t it ?? i??????t ??e e fe ????allallyally ?cocon???ududed???? tha that that ??????melmellllsll??s a s a l ?it??????likli???cac????oodood.d
messy. It's apparently tomato-based, and it gets everywhere. Where we usually just wipe their faces gently, you really have to clean them. It simply turns their skin orange. And the bowls and spoon end up crazy oily, even after soaking." 5951,B001O2IX8E,AEXLGWJNBXQL6,Heather,0,0,2,1300752000,babybmom,"My 9 mo. old daughter only eats earth's best products and loves all of them - that is, except this. I can't figure out what it is, but we finally concluded that it smells a little like catfood.
??I I t trtrir?ede????edediedini???heherer r???isis s m ?ana?????????ene??????oro?r ar a a f fe fewe? d ??????en?t t t ti timimemeses ?an?d d sd shshehe he??ououluldld ??nln?y y e ??t t at ?a fa ?fewfe?w bw ?ititet???? I I?gagavaveave e?upup p a an?? d do dononaonat????? the th?e re re????toto ???he he fhe fof?odod d bd ???????????????meome???e ee ??ses?'s'?s cs chchich??ld ld? wo wou??ld ld lld lil??ke ke i ? I. I ????ave ave? ha hada???a ga ?oo??d ed exe???erier?ieniencncec?????h h t??? " """"s"?????????e ae ?????avaveave"ave?"" "" p prp?od?ucuctc?s s is in?? ge g?eneen??ala?? n ??????ke???jaj??s s a?ndnd ??thethe ???ici?ck ck d de d???vev?????is is???reare???. I. I . I f fi f?indin??d thd t????????s s cs chs c??apa??r ??thathanan an? wh whoh?lel???foofo??s s (s (e(eve??n ?wiwitwi?th th t?? the ????pop?onsons)s?. . T. ???s ?s iss i?s ts ththethe the??onlonly?? fl???oror or? of o??????th'th's's 's b ??????aba?y ??foofoodfoo???d thad th?at at? my m?y dy dad????te?r r dr ???li?kekeskes.s. . F. ?or???ha?hat hat? it it't????worwortrthth,th????susugsu?geg?
I tried feeding her this mango chicken flavor a few different times and she would only eat a few bites. I gave up and donated the rest to the food bank hoping someone else's child would like it. I have had a good experience with the ""subscribe and save"" products in general, no broken jars and the quick delivery is great. I find that it is cheaper than whole foods (even with the coupons). This is the only flavor of earth's best baby food that my daughter dislikes. For what it's worth, I sugges
?t t??kikipippp???g g????????e e? or or r t?ryryiy??g ?itit ??in in?a a????iei?tyt?????k k?fif???t.t?""?595959?2,2,B,??010????X8X8E8E,E???2727U7UXU???NLNLUL?G7G777?,K,?.M.????,0?,5,???12912??858??12012???SoS????ovo?ese?s ts ?thithisis is? fl f???oror!r!!!??MyMy ??picpi?ckycky ?eaeata?ere??LOL????? th t?hishis s fs ??lavlavovorvo?. .? E EaEac?h h?jajar?????111?0 0?cac????rieri?es es & ? 5 ? g ????s ??? f fa f?at at s so s?? th??is ?mom??mama ????VESVE???thi?s s fs fls fla?lavolav?? a as as s ws wew?lll??? I ??m m?? ord ordedererierininging ing?momormorere e be ?ece???sese e ie it??s ?s ths t?e ?ononeon????av?or?or (or (b(?????desdes ??gregreee????beabe??s)s) )? th????????owo?? my my ?soson?????? e ea?t.???????,B0,B00?1O1O21O?????E,AE,????OUO?6F6?JEJ?DHD?VXV?????nAnA,A??,0,0,0,?0,50,5,?1212812808050?343?40400??ExE?cec?ellel?en?????trt??tit????an?? g??reare?at at tat tatasa??e,e,T,???? i is is ?a a ta teterte???fificfi?? ba b???????d.d?. ??t ?hahas?? be bee??f af ??and and s??pinpi??achach ach A ??
t skipping this one or trying it in a variety pack first." 5952,B001O2IX8E,A127UX8YNLUG77,K.M.,0,0,5,1298851200,Son loves this flavor!!,My picky eater LOVES this flavor. Each jar is 110 calories & 5 grams of fat so this momma LOVES this flavor as well. I'm ordering more because it's the one flavor (besides green beans) that I know my son will eat. 5953,B001O2IX8E,A1T4OU6FJEDHVX,LynnA,0,0,5,1280534400,Excellent nutrition and great taste,This is a terrific baby food. It has beef and spinach AND
? t ?asa???s s?grg?eae?t!t? ??? w ?as?? th t?e e f ??????????t bt ??byb? f????? my my y sy ?ono???ouo???d ed ea? I ?? ta t???tedte????t mt mymysy?????ana?d d i???s s qs ??it?e e ge gogoo?d.d..5?959??,B,B0B?010??2I2?X8X?E,E?A1A?3737G7??????XOXO6O??,A,An,A?geg?????,0????121?????016016060000,00???byby by?rereare??????ikikekes? t th???s os on???MyM????????? 8 ? m?on?tht?s ????????uru????aseas?????e ?????memetme?t m??ealea???papacackc????he? r?ea?ealleal?ly ly???ke?d ??hih???????beb?????outou???f f af ??l l o ofof ???themthe??.5.????5,B5,??01?O2O2IO2IXIX8IX8E??,AV,AV9V?2D2D5D??E4E4L4???????mo?f3f3c3ch?iqi?quiqu????,0??0,?5,??12512?55555?646?808?00,?"G"??reareatrea???tasta???e, e,?nunutu?rir???ou??? a an and? o??gagananian?? a?ll??ini???oneone!one??,M????aua??hthteterter r l?????es tes th?is???????????pip???y ?y soy s???hehe he dhe dodoeo??n'n??t at ?alwal??ys? e ?eat? a as a?s ms ?????????ththythy ?fof??oodsoods
tastes great! It was the first meat baby food my son would eat. I tasted it myself and it's quite good. 5954,B001O2IX8E,A137GBOVLXXO67,Angela,0,0,5,1267401600,baby really likes this one,My baby is 8 months and I purchased the gourmet meals pack. She really liked this one best out of all of them. 5955,B001O2IX8E,AV92D51E4L6DJ,momof3chiquitos,0,0,5,1255564800,"Great taste, nutritious, and organic all in one!",My daughter loves this! She is picky so she doesn't always eat as many healthy foods
a?s s??heh???hoh????. .??ThThihisi????avavovoro? g ?ivivevese??heherhe?r tr ththe? v ve?gegetetataba?lel?????d d????teteieinin n?th?ata??? she sh?e ne ????s.s. . . I ItIt t it is? a a a???ttt?le? b ?it?? gr g????ieiere?r tr thr t?an? o ????her her? st statagta?ge ge 2 2 2 f fof???ds ds b???????????????usu?abablab??le fle ?forfo??bab?abiab?iesie?s os ??verver ?6 6 m mom?ntnth????595959??,B,?000010?O2O2I2???E,E,A,A1A???AWA?O9O95?SUS???L,L???. . A. AmA?brbro????o o?"""???nd??"""""",",0,0,0??????????898969609600??MyM??soson? l??oveov?es ????eseese!e!,!?,"I,"??hahavha?? n ???????ada?????rorobro???m m???????nynytyththithin????ro?m m Am ?????on.on??. I. ??hahavhavehav??or???ereereded ed? ab abob?outou???0 0 c ??aseas??????EaEara????s ?bebes??t bt ?????fofoofo?????ThThiTh?is ?isis ???the the m mo mosost????astastyt???andan????utrutririt??ou?s ?vav????tyty ty??heheyhey y oy 5????msm?s o?f f pf ???oteotei?n,n, ,? an and and ?151?? i iri?ronro??? I I???veve ve ive ?it it oit on?on mon ????
as she should. This flavor gives her the vegetables and protein that she needs. It is a little bit grainier than other stage 2 foods but still very usable for babies over 6 months. 5956,B001O2IX8E,A1BBAWO95SUWAL,"C. Ambrosino ""Cynd""",0,0,5,1249689600,My son loves these!,"I have never had a problem with anything from Amazon. I have ordered about 30 cases of Earth's best baby food. This is the most tasty and nutritious variety they offer. 5 grams of protein, and 15% iron! I have it on my su
??scscrcrir????ana?? s sas???? ????cacan????geg??t et ??ouougughg? o ???tht?isis,s???e e ee eae?tst? i itit t et evt eve??ydydadaya???5?9595757,7????1O1O2O?????,A,??3E3??8Y8??0909F9FEFEME?R,R,",?D.D?. A. ??bstbs??n n?""""T"????TNT??BuB??s"s???,0,?,0,0,,0?1,1??242???929??00?,"?DoDoeoeses ????????k k??ppppepetetietiziziziningn????andand ?babababyby y w ?wouwoulu???????eaeatea???",???ara?????s Bs BeB?estes???s s ss ?upupp?????d td to??be??????????????es?est est? ba b?abyaby ?fofoooodoo??? b?utu?t at apa??ararearen?tlt???mym???on??dod????s nos n???????e ae a a p ??lalat?e e fe fo?????????fofoofo???. . ??ay??be ???he dhe ???d nd nod notot ot??iki??e te ??e ?e tee t????rere e o???th?is? s?tu?fff?f (f (i(??? lo looookoo????????y)y).)??. H. ???no??mam?allal?? e ea eat??s as ?anyan?th?thinthi???? but bu?t wt ????ve??y ??lulug???ishis?h wh wiwit????????fo?foodfoo???????nin??g g h??is ??heahe???afa??ere??a a ca coc??plplele e o?? b????"??
bscribe and save. He can't get enough of this, he eats it everyday!" 5957,B001O2IX8E,A13E48YZ09FEMR,"D. Abston ""Two TN Bugs""",0,0,1,1246492800,"Does not look appetizing, and baby would not eat it.","Earth's Best is supposed to be one of the best baby foods, but apparently my son does not have a palate for their food. Maybe he did not like the texture of this stuff (it looks gritty). He normally eats anything but was very sluggish with this food...turning his head after a couple of bites." 5
9??8,8,B,??0101O1??IXI??E,E,A,????TAT?0606L6L6L?H3H?1X1?????QuQuiuininnn???,2,?,1????373?333???????t t????e e?bab?? b??fofororer?e we wew?e oe opopepenen,??? w ?asas s??ad? b be?????? we we e oe ope opepenpen n t ?heh??. . I. ? s ???????m m???henhen n wn we???oto?????did?d ????en.en. ?. It. It ?hahadad ad sad ???e ?sps?ot? g gr g???? c coc??oror.or???. I d. I di?d ???????nownow w ww ??hatha????t wt ?waswa?. . I??wa?? v vev??y y?????t.? D DoD? n ??t t bt bub?y y ty ?thith??s ps ?ror??ucuctc????95?9,9,B?0000100?1O21O???X8EX8?E,AE,????ZCZCQCQ8Q828??FWF??N,N,P,PhP??????????,1????121242?58?888??00000?0,S0,SoS?omeome ????kekenen ????s,s???hehenhen hen?I I sI sasawsaw ?so?me???f f? th?????artar?th'th's's ?BeBesestst t jt ??rs?? of o?fefer??????????ol??????? de deaeala??? I I r re?mememmembmbeberbere???ththathatat t It ?I nI ???edeed?????o oo ?offof?ferfe? a? c ca cava???? t????ththeth?? p ??arear?????<b<?? / ?> >??MyM?y cy chchih?ldl?re?????veve ve? pr pre????usu????????
958,B001O2IX8E,A3L8TA06L6H31X,J. Quinn,1,2,1,1237334400,It gone bad before we open,It was bad before we open them. I saw them when we got. I did open. It had some spot green color. I did not know what it was. I was very upset. Do not buy this product. 5959,B001O2IX8E,A3KDZCQ82JFWLN,Phoebe Oh,0,1,1,1245888000,Some broken jars,"When I saw some of the Earth's Best jars offered as a Gold Box deal, I remembered that I needed to offer a caveat to other parents.<br /> My children have previously enjoy
????mam??y y??arartr?h'h?s s B BeBese?????ava??rsrs,s???????????geg????ala? t ??????quq??tete ?gogooo?d,d, ???????FeFebebrb??????whwhewhen? t th t?er?????as as????ror?mom???ononanal??????????ro???h ?AmA?mazma?onon,on, ?wewe e oe ?ordorded??eredered ?twtwow??121???aca??s.s. .???henhe???theth??y ay ?arrar?ivi?ed?????e e o?f f???e ???-p???ks???eee???ed ed o????bub????thethe the? ot o?thetherther r?1212-12-p12-pa???????ta?in??ed ?sesevse??ra??l bl ??????en jen jaj?arsars ??andan?d wd ???s ls lel??kik?ingin??. I. ?t ?smsme??le?????and and?lol???kedked ?lil??ke ke t th??rere ??igi??t ?????olo?d ???de??r tr ?the?the pthe ?lalasla?stistic??????t s???ro?rounrou?ndend???th?the the sthe ?secse???nd nd 1 12 12-2-p2-?pac??.<.?br? / />/> >? I ? n non??????ed t?hah?at at? th? the the???hiphippppipin?ing ing b bob?x x?hoh??did???ing ting ?????twotwo o 1?2-?2-pa2-pac???s hs ???d ad aid airi????ll??ed ??padpa?di?ngn???n n on ??lyly y ty ?????opo?? si s??? o of o?f tf ??the the bthe bo?x,x?, w, wh, w?hichi
ed many Earth's Best flavors, which in general taste quite good, so in February when there was a promotional offer through Amazon, we ordered two 12-packs. When they arrived, one of the 12-packs seemed ok, but the other 12-pack contained several broken jars and was leaking. It smelled and looked like there might be mold under the plastic that surrounded the second 12-pack.<br /> I noticed that the shipping box holding the two 12-packs had air-filled padding on only the top side of the box, whic
?? m ?eaeana?? t tht??t ?????e e?wawasa??non??papada?did?ngn?????tet??titin??g tg th?? b bobot??omo? s sis?ded?.<.<b<???/>/> >??????n'n?t ????? w wh w???the?r ?sos?????? t?hehe he j ????s hs ?hadhad d? br bro??enen n a atat at????e we ??re?hoh?usu?e e oe ore or ??uru?in?ing ing? de d??ivi????, ,???t ?eie?????? wa w?y,y, y,?? w wa????frf??idid id t?o ??useuse e te th??the uthe ununbn??oko???n jn ????? to???????aua?use??? wha wh???????the??seseaseala??s hs has hadad ad?? bro br?????oror r wr ???t t it ifif if t?????? we w???e se smsmam?allal? p?iei???s s os of? b??????????assass s is ?insin???? t?? the the??intintat???? ja j??s s ts ??o?o?<?????????? m????e de ?durdu?rabrablb?????ememsm?, , I, ?I sI sts??lll?l ol ???derde?????om om A AmA?mazma???, , b, bu, b??? I I c I cac???????d md mym???????riripriptp??on?? of of f tf thf the???arartarthth'th??s Bs BeBesestest ?jajarjarsjar??????fr?fromfrom ?no?????n wn ?ilill?? bu?y y jy jajar??? at at t at ? p??ysysi?cacalcal l sl ??????? whe wh??ere ere I I
h meant that there was no padding protecting the bottom side.<br /> I don't know whether some of the jars had broken at the warehouse or during delivery, but either way, I was afraid to use the unbroken jars too, because what if the seals had broken or what if there were small pieces of broken glass inside the intact jars too?<br />For more durable items, I still order from Amazon, but I canceled my subscription of the Earth's Best jars and from now on will buy jars at a physical store where I
?cacanan n??heh????ththehemhe? f fif??sts???5?969??,B,B0B??????X8X??,A,????????2J2???LNL?,P,?hoh??????????7,7,1,1,1,1,12,1242??88888?00?0,?SoS???e be ?ror?????jaj??rs,rs,",?WhWhe?n n In ? s ???? so somomeom???f f t?hehe he???artar??'s'???ese?? j ????????ere??? a ?????GoG?????oxo????ala????I rI re????beberbe?redred ?th?atat t?? n ?eeeed??ed ed??? o?fff?????? ca c?vevea??t tt tot?o oo oto???? p papar?????.<.?br???????y y? ch c?ilildldrld??n ?hah???e pe ???vivioiouo????y ey ????yey?ed ???anyany y Ey ??rtrthth'th'sth's ??BesBest?st fst flf?av??rs?????hichi?ch ch????geg??er??? t??astas?e ???iti?? g gog??d,d??sos???in in F FeF?ebreb?uauararyar????en?? th the therereere ????? a ?????ot???nan????off??er ?ththrth???ghgh h A AmAma??onon,n?, w, ????????red?????o 1o ???pa?ckcksck?s os of????????enden?der??bebeebe??????inainaca??? W ??en?en ten ??theythey y ay ar??ivivevedved,d, d,? on one?? of of of t th??????-pa-p??ksks ???eemee?medmed
can check them first." 5960,B001O2IX8E,A3KDZCQ82JFWLN,Phoebe Oh,3,7,1,1245888000,Some broken jars,"When I saw some of the Earth's Best jars offered as a Gold Box deal, I remembered that I needed to offer a caveat to other parents.<br /> My children have previously enjoyed many Earth's Best flavors, which in general taste quite good, so in February when there was a promotional offer through Amazon, we ordered two 12-packs of the tender beef spinach. When they arrived, one of the 12-packs seemed
ookok,k??bub?? t ?heh? o ????? 1 ???papacackc???????ininenede???evevever??? b?rorokokeok???jaj????ana?d d wd wawasas ?lel?akakikin??. . I ?t ????lllle??d ad ?andand ?lolooookoke????ikikek?????rer??mim???t t bt ?e e m??ldl??unund??? t?hehe he??lal?astastitici??? tha thata?t st sut s?????undun??ed ed? th???se?coconcondnd nd??2-?papacpa???????/>/? I? n ?ot???eded ?ththathatat at? th??? sh shihipippp??ing???????ol?didin??ing ting ??the the t?wow??? 12- 12???ackac??s hs ??d ??irir-r?????ed???padpa???????n ??onlonlyly y t th? the ?totopop p s si s??de de??f f t?? the the b the ???, ???hichichc???meame???t tt ????t t??herhere??wa????????addaddidin??g pg ??rotro?????ngng ng t??? the b the bo the b?ottottotomto? s????.<.<b.<?? / ?/> /> ???dod?on'on't't ?knk???? wh whehetheth?ther????me? o of?? th??????rs rs??ad? b??okokeokenoke??at????the the wthe ?warwarerehre?houho?se????r dr dudur??ing?ing ding ???ivi???y,y??????eie?th??ther ?wa??y, y, I I ???? a?frf???d d td to????????he he uhe un??brobr?oke
ok, but the other 12-pack contained several broken jars and was leaking. It smelled and looked like there might be mold under the plastic that surrounded the second 12-pack.<br /> I noticed that the shipping box holding the two 12-packs had air-filled padding on only the top side of the box, which meant that there was no padding protecting the bottom side.<br /> I don't know whether some of the jars had broken at the warehouse or during delivery, but either way, I was afraid to use the unbroke
?????rsrs s???o,o???ececac?ususes??whwhah?t t?ifif f? th t?e ???????hahadha???roroko??n ??r r? wh w??????? th??rere ??erereere ?????? p pipieiec??s s os ?????rokro????glglal??s s is ini???dede e te tht????ntntataca??????? t??????? / ???oror or??????dud??abablb?e ???eme?s,s, ????tit?llll ?or??derde???ro?????mazma???, ?bubutu?t It I I cI cacanca?cec???d ?mymy y? su subu??crc??ptp???on on??of of t??????artarthth'th's's ?BeBesestes??t jat jararsar??anandn??fr???m nm non?w w??n n wn wiwil???bubuybu?y jy ??jarsjars ????a a p??ysy????l ???????????? I I I c??an an???heche?k k t?? them the??fif?????""?595969616????0101G1?M9M979?BEB???OLO?BCB?KSKS1S1D1DRDRHR???,l,???kak???n,0n,??0,0,50,?,1,131?070787838363?808?00,00,G,?re?at? C ?????tltle????astastete,te???e le ??vev??????thethe ???iddid?le?????no?whwhewh???ere sere soso o??????d d ud upup p o????derider??g g?a ??ot?? of o?f sf sps?picpi??s ???c.c. .?????at cat ??can'can?t ?be??fof?unu?nd nd??loclocacalcallcallyl
n jars too, because what if the seals had broken or what if there were small pieces of broken glass inside the intact jars too?<br />For more durable items, I still order from Amazon, but I canceled my subscription of the Earth's Best jars and from now on will buy jars at a physical store where I can check them first." 5961,B001GM97BE,AOLBCKS1DRHOR,lprkaun,0,0,5,1307836800,Great Chipotle Taste,We live in the middle of nowhere so we end up ordering a lot of spices etc. that can't be found locally
.? T ThT??? g gigivivevese?s gs ?rer?atat t c chc?hiphi?oto????tat?sts??????? j ?usu?st st?a a?lil?ittit?tletle e se ?prprir????ledle? o ono??? I I'I'm'? g go g?in?g g t to to o??????? a a??ewe??mom?re???f f??heheseseese ??????useuse e Ie ? n ?????r wr ?anantnt ?????unun n?????ofo??,A,?????R8R??F4F4F4??A6A?,",????nenerne??????ner ner " """?PuP??pyp?????er?""?","?1,1?,1,,1?5,5,1,12,1252???454??????at?uru??'s's ??????,","T,"Th?e ??rereere???r r or ofr o????????pypy py u ?use?s ????is,is? a an andn??I ??????inuin?ed???? f????ed wed ?witwi?th th t th????sus??upplupp?lemlemem?ntnt.nt???ogog og l???vesves s t??he he? ta tasastas?te,te, ???d d md ??????heherher ??or??inging ing??ryr?y fy ??odod ?d mod m?oreore e ie ???????stist?inging-ing????he he ghe ?obobbb?le????it it? up u??. I. I ?non????????? c co c??????is bis ?beabeau?ti?fuf?l.l???oo?d d id ???reredre???ententst?. . I???ouo???d rd ????mmm??????????""???963963,3??0000000??343??
. This gives great chipotle taste with just a little sprinkled on. I'm going to order a few more of these because I never want to run out of it. 5962,B000EUC8EC,A3OELR8EF4F9A6,"Berner owner ""Puppy owner""",1,1,5,1253145600,Nature's Logic,"The breeder of my puppy uses this, and I continued to feed with this supplement. Dog loves the taste, and makes her boring dry food more interesting- she gobbles it up. I notice her coat is beautiful. Good ingredients. I would recommend this." 5963,B00063480
??,A,A1A1H1H8H???VEVEQE?BPB?929?W,W,C,?yny???iai????,0,,0?2,2?131353?080868???00???ooo? S SmSmam??l,l???hishi? i ???fof?????ppppip??s ???e e?bab?g g i is i????upeupere???ma??ll!ll????hehe ??bagbag g dg did?dndn'n?t t?????t mt ?or?e ??thathanan n a ?????. .?????ouo?ghghtht t it itit ??asas as?fufunu????whwhehenhe???I gI gog???th?the the???? I I I t?hoh?ougou?????t ??asas as aas a ???ftft ?t tot t?o bo beb?e he hohonho?es??!!!!!!!?5??6464,64,B,B0B????343484????A2A232?999???Z5Z5R5?HMHMOM?G,G,",?pep?ppppepp?? l?ovo??e "e ??"pe"pep?pe?r"r?"""""?,0,0,?????,13,1????????00,???ldl?????he??????ba??d d Cd ???????y Cy ClC???sis?? S??????s f??or or?DoD?gsgs,s? M?ini????-N-????ie?r,r, ??0-0?PoPou????BoBoxox"x?",M",???dodogogsogs s ls ?????????e ?anandand ??ve????y y ay ????erger??y d???? c cac?an an?eaeata?t t?hehemhem m?????!!??brb?r /r />/?ththathantha?ksks ks f???or hor hah????? the thes??e oe ??????r r s??iteit???gagaia?? 5 ???stastararsr????ndnd nd p pa pawa?s
E,A1H8NAVEQBP92W,Cynthia,0,0,2,1350864000,Too Small,This is for puppies the bag is super small!!!The bag didn't last more than a day. I thought it was funny when I got the bag I thought it was a gift to be honest!!! 5964,B00063480E,A2399KWZ5RHMOG,"pepper love ""pepper""",0,0,5,1319673600,"Old Mother Hubbard Crunchy Classic Snacks for Dogs, Mini P-Nuttier, 20-Pound Box",My dogs love these and even my allergy dogs can eat them too !!<br />thanks for have these on your site again 5 stars! and paws
??p p?foforo? o olo?? m ??tht??r r hr ???bab?rdrd ????WeW????ese????rer??tst??brb?????thath?nkn??s<bs<brbr br????epe?peper???ovovev???969656???????343?808??,A,?34?????4545Q5??UAU??,C,C.C. .??ama??er?t,t?0,0??,5,?5,15,???12112????00?,M,MyMy y?pup?upsup???????? t th the?????wnw?!,!,","O"OlO?ld ld M MoM????r ??ub????? b ???cuc???ts ts????'v'????ririei??????eseese ????we?ll? a as????e ?????y y vy vav?????y)y????re re????? on onln?y y ty tr???e be bi??scusc????ts mts mym??????s ls ?iki?????he?y ???ulu?ld ld eld ?eateat t???? the w the ?hoh??e e be bae b?? i ?? I ??le????the????Th??e oe ?????y thy thih??g ?I I dI ????t t lt ???ke ke i?????theythey ????tat?inin in w ??eaeat?? b bu butut ???????g ?as?????r r dr ??? d???esnes?n'tn't ?hahavaveve ve ave a a w wh whe??at at???llell?erger????it?'s'?s ns ????????????????????d dd dedefdefifin?ititeit?????recre???mem?ndn?????????59596?6,6,B??00000??634634848048?0E,0E???
up for old mother hubbard & Wellness treats<br />thanks<br />Pepper Love 5965,B00063480E,A34A2SK45Q1UAO,C. Lambert,0,0,5,1212105600,My pups gobble them down!,"Old Mother Hubbard biscuits (we've tried these as well as the puppy variety) are the only true biscuits my dogs like! They would eat the whole bag if I let them. The only thing I don't like is they contain wheat, but as long as your dog doesn't have a wheat allergy, it's no big deal. I would definitely recommend them." 5966,B00063480E,A2W
????K2K2W2WVWVBVBPB???,J,??ycycec??E.E? C ChC?ene?eye?????,5,5,5??303020252???404000?????erer r????bsb??- - G ????t t t trt???atsat?????????sese se a ?s ?tr???tsts s fs fof????? f ??vev???? . ???e e oe ononln??y ty ththith?s s ts tys t?pep???as as??he?y y cy coc??tat?ini??? the th??????redredidieien?ts??I I??????okokikin??? fo for????????????????eat eat s ?izi?e ?fo?r r lr ?labla???? O OrOrdOr???red??? the them the??????yey??rsrs.s??. D. DoDogo?s s ls ?lovlo????? them them. them??????,B,B0B0000000?636??808?0E,0E????7I7??LCLCNC???JXJ?Y,Y,S,S.S. ?TiTigi?ne???,0,,0????3,13,11116167?787??40?0,0,R0,???l l?hah??rd rd B BiB????s,Ms,??y dy ?ogogsogs ?re?realrea??? d di??d nd ??t t ct cacararear?e f?or??th?????. w. ??ereer??nonotno?t rt re?realreal real???nunutu??????????,B0,B?001001N1????KCKC,C,A,A2,A2D2DCDCSCS0S0V0VQVQMQ?MHMHPH?????at?????ieliel ?V.V. ?GrGraGraha??m,m?2,2????????33433?????00,00?TeTer??????e ce ?he?apap p?ch?ocococolco???????or?or oor ouo?utrut?agagegeoe?ousous s ps prp?
0EIK2WVBP23,Joyce E. Cheney,0,1,5,1302566400,Order 10lbs - Great treats,Use these as treats for my five labs. Use only this type as they contain the ingredients I am looking for and are a great size for labs. Ordered them for years. Dogs love them. 5967,B00063480E,A2B7IYLCNXIJXY,S. Tigner,0,1,3,1167782400,Real hard Bites,My dogs really did not care for these. were not real p-nutty. 5968,B001NVEJKC,A2DCS0VQMMHP8X,Nathaniel V. Graham,2,2,1,1333497600,Terrible cheap chocolates for outrageous pri
??ese?.,.?"I"I I b ???ghg????heh?????oro? m ???wiw?fefe e fe ??r r hr he?r ????th?dad??????he he?LOL?VEVESES S???oco?ololalata???ana???????? s?tat?plp????ififtif??I ???veve ????? W ???l l??hihisis s ys yeyeaeara???I g??t t ht heher? t? the thes???????he ohe ono?lyl??atateate ?on??, , a, anandand ?puputu??ththethemem m???ay?. ??ereryr?y sy ????angangeg?. ??at?????????????heherher ???ttt??ngn? t th???m im ???? the??gag????? I ????iei???onone????quq????ly? r rer??lil???ed ed w wh w??y, y, t?????tatastaststeste ??????th?theythe????veve ve?nono o s???ar?? in i????themthem,m??, an, a?nd nd????aveav??????????rtartasast?????at????emieminindinded?????e o?f f b?ada?lyly ??uru?ntn?t t????t.t?. I. ?????d td ??o bo ????sh sh? my m?y ty tey teeeete?th th t?o o go ge??????he the ?tas??te te o ?outou??????e hae h?ad ad??? go g?odo?d ld ???ughugh ugh??bo?utut ut i??t. ?FoForortortutunu?at???ly ?I ?alalsl?o ???ave? h he h?er er? a a n a ?????lacla?ce ce?
ces.,"I bought these for my wife for her birthday, she LOVES chocolate and its a staple gift I give her. Well this year I got her these. She only ate one, and put them away. Very strange. Later I caught her putting them in the garbage. When I tried one I quickly realized why, they taste like they have no sugar in them, and leave an aftertaste that reminded me of badly burnt toast. I had to brush my teeth to get the taste out. We had a good laugh about it. Fortunately I also gave her a necklace w
h?icichc??shsheh????alalll?? d did?? l lol??e ??o o????y ??diddidnd??t t??uiu?n n h ?herher r b ??rtr?thdthdadaya?????? do dololl???s s??asa???d.d.".????6969,9,B,B0B?????EJEJKJ?C,C??3Q3?QTQ?QDQ???HEHE1E??A,A,A???rerewrew w L ?iui?,1,?,1???,1??777?333?767606??,L,?ov?e e te ?theth??e e ce ??oco??olaolatatetestes,s?"I"?'m'? n nonoto??mumucu?ch ch o ???????????at??e ae ??nd nd????nun?t t bt bub?uttut?terter r pr ?????n,n, , b?ut???he??? c ch c?oc??ola?te??? ar are? t th the th?e pe ??perfperfefece????comco????????on on o?f ??otothot?. . . T ??he he d di difi???re?ntn????lavlavov?rs?? ha h???? de d?????tetelte?ly ly m ??dede e me ?????faf??."?5?9797070,0,B?00?1N?VE?JKJKCJKC,C,AC,?2K2KUKUYUY0Y0D0?UFUFEF?QSQ?OLO???marmare?renaren?,0,???1,51,?5,15,?323262?3232632646404???grg?reareat? g ???t,t?,Bo,Bouougu?htht t tt ??isi????or or????ch??chocochoc?ola??e ?lo??verver r br ?boyboyfy?ririeiene???an?d ???he lhe ??loveloveded ed i ?it it?? h he h?e s?????ed ed ied it??wiwit???me? a an a???ththe?y y wy wew?rere ????ic??iouio
hich she really did love so they didn't ruin her birthday. 43 dollars wasted." 5969,B001NVEJKC,A3QQTQDVWHE1XA,Andrew Liu,1,1,5,1277337600,Love these chocolates,"I'm not much of a chocolate and peanut butter person, but these chocolates are the perfect combination of both. The different flavors have definitely made me a fan." 5970,B001NVEJKC,A2KUY0DUFEQSOL,marena,0,1,5,1326326400,great gift,Bought this for my chocolate lover boyfriend and he loved it ! he shared it with me and they were deliciou
????????k k y ???!!5595??????010??VEV?JKJ?????AWAWWW??5J5???VNV?UEU???afa?,0,0,0??1,51,?????636??646?0000,00??ovovev? i itit,t,s,????e oe ofo??tht??e be ???t t??????lalatatetes??? e ?ve?r r?????ede?????f yf yoyouyo? a ?rer??a a c??hocho??????s s????verver ver t??henhe? y?ouou ou????? t?o o???????es??5?97????00???????C,C,AC,A2A2Y2??????OOOODODCD?SISI,I?MiM?????,1,1,,1?5,5,15,131??3263326?3263264326??0,0,G0,?re????ChC?hochocohoc?olaolat?es?????ou ???an an t??stste???? the the???alalil?????????????ththathat?at gat gogoeoes???intintot???????? ch cho ch???ola?te?tes.tes???GreGr??at ????vovoro?, ,??? hi h????y y ry rerecreco?????d d id ??. . Y. YoYouYo??hahav??????o tro try???oror or y???rsr????!"!????7373,3,B,B0??00I00?6P6PXP????????DJDJDJDVD??OUO???N,N??ChiCh??DIDIYIY,Y??,1,1,1,???1,11,121,1???414????00,00,C00,Ch??mim???l l??asastaste????offoffef???,"I,"?I pI ??urcurchchachas??? t th thi th???co?fff????????????ic??ed ???
s. Thank you! 5971,B001NVEJKC,A3AWWK5JX4VNUE,Raf,0,1,5,1326326400,love it,some of the best chocolates i ever tasted. If you are a chocolates lover then you have to try these 5972,B001NVEJKC,A2YAC3AHOODCSI,Mina,0,1,5,1326326400,Great Chocolates,"You can taste the quality and care that goes into these chocolates. Great flavor, I highly recommend it. You have to try for yourself!" 5973,B000I6PXLW,A2MADJDVTOURXN,Chi DIY,1,1,1,1279411200,Chemical Taste Coffee,"I purchased this coffee to make iced cof
ffef?e e d ???nknksk?? ?ItI???asas s v ???y y?liliti?tlt??e 'e ??ofo???e'e? t ?as??e,e, , a ?ndn???heh???ararkrk k???ocococolco???? t ta t??asteast??isi????rer?e ce ch?ememim?cac?l l? th?an???ho??col?at?e.e. ? S ?????larla? t?o o?? the th?e te ??????of? f ???vovororiorin?g g u ?ses?d ??in in??aka??ing???brb??/>/???r ?r />r /?I I??ili???non??t bt bebe e pe ?uru?ch?????ing ing t th?is?? co c????? a ag a????. ???y ??ugu???????? t to??????se se c????????ininging ?a a p ??rc?ha??se se .se . . .. ??. . . .? bu b??y s?omo?????ing??ele?".??595?747???0000000I00???XLXLWL??A2A2K2KFKFCFCECERE???2P2??4Z4?,S,???phpheherhe???ssss,s,1,?,1??5,5?,12,1??434?555????,W,WoW???derde???l l cl co?ff??? w wi w??h h??in??t ot of????rkrk rk?? cho ch?ocoocololalatla????I ?nen?ve??????ankan?k ck ?cof??????in in min ?y y ly li?fefe fe - - -?re??eieivive?d ?a a ga ????????GhG???adadedelde???? ch??cocolcola?te??fl?ava???redred ????coffecoff?ee ????????risri????as as
fee drinks. It has very little 'coffee' taste, and the dark chocolate taste is more chemical than chocolate. Similar to the taste of flavoring used in baking.<br /><br />I will not be purchasing this coffee again. My suggestion to those considering a purchase . . . buy something else." 5974,B000I6PXLW,A2KFCERCI2P64Z,Shepherdess,1,1,5,1254355200,Wonderful coffee with hint of dark chocolate!,I never drank coffee in my life - received a gift of Ghiradelli chocolate flavored coffee for Christmas
?- -??eaeara????d d o ono??lilininene e a ??d d fd ?ouo????tht?isi????arkar????oco???ata?e e De ????dedenencn?e.e. .?ItI??isis is t??? a?bsb?ololuolututete te??esests??- - h- hah?veve ???t ot on?? bi b?-m-??ontonththlthlyly y s??bsbscbs?rir?ptptitioion??oro???? n ??? w ??ithith h A AmAmam??????IfIf f y ?ouou ou a?rer??? f ??an an???f df dad?ark??ch????????e -e - ?ththith?????????onondon?derderfderfuf??? co c??fefeeee ?e - e -??ververyr?y sy ????????it????usustst st????hinhintnt ?a ??darda?k k ck ???co???te??in??????babaca??grg???????De??liclicicio?usus us??wew???tentenenedned d wd ??thth ?ho???y y ay ???d md ??????AlA?so? d ????ineine e we ?wit??h Ah ?AlmAlmo?nd??MiMililkil??or??VaV??ilillilla? S SoSoyo?y My MiMilMi? . ? Co C?offoffe?e ???st??rsr?s ms ?makma?e ???ondondeonder??fulful l cl cocofco????..?????,B,B0B???I6I?PXPXLX??,A,AEAE4E???????EZEZAZ?U,U,",????isoison?on Hon ??and??eye??"""?ala????nd?hahanha?ndlndle???"""""????3,3??,1??????565??00,00,A,Al,Ali??on?,I,I I? am a?
- searched on line and found this Dark Chocolate Decadence. It is the absolute best - have it on bi-monthly subscription order now with Amazon. If you are a fan of dark chocolate - this is a wonderful coffee - very smooth with just a hint a dark chocolate in the background. Delicious sweetened with honey and milk. Also divine with Almond Milk or Vanilla Soy Milk. Coffee Masters make wonderful coffee. 5975,B000I6PXLW,AE4RBXRLSEZAU,"Alison Handley ""alisondhandley""",2,3,1,1240185600,Alison,I am
???g g???ffffef?? l lol?vev???????isi??waw???sos??e ?ofof of??hehe ?wow???? c co cof?????? h hah??ve ve????r r??ada??. . I ?t ?sms?melmellllsl???wonwo???erferfuf?l l b ??t ??theth??tat?astas?e e ie is?? ho hor?????e.e?. . I. I ?wowouwo?uldul? n nonoto???ece??mmm?menme?nd nd p pup???????????thith???co???ee?????alall???595????B0B?020?8P8PHPHHH?LULU,U,A,????YGY????????8,8,l,lilig?htht ?t ret reae?????0,0??,5,5,5,1,???5959359??????grg???at at?????e,e?"i"?? lo lovoveov?e t?hahatha???i ci ?anan n????t bt bobot???flf?av???s ??? o ono????concontntataitain???. ?an????????? a as a????s ?s sts stotor?e e ae ?ror?unundnd ??he??????m m a?t ?t tht theheyhey y??? f?or? a ab a??ut?? a a? bu bucu?????somso?metme????s ??????. s. ??? th thi????s ???fif?iniiniti??lyly y ay a a?? goo go?d ????al al? an a????eveevene?n cn ch?eaeapeapep????????yoy????ububsb?crc?ribribeb??????sas?aveav??5???7,7?,B0,B?00200?????HLUHLU,???PDPDHDHAH??RDRDSD????6,??efeff
big coffee lover. This was some of the worst coffee I have ever had. It smells wonderful but the taste is horrible. I would not recommend purchasing this coffee at all. 5976,B0028PHHLU,A3HPYGPNPSKL18,light reader,0,0,5,1345939200,great value,"i love that i can get both flavors in one container. and at the asians store around where i'm at they go for about a buck, sometimes more. so this is definitely a good deal and even cheaper when you subscribe and save" 5977,B0028PHHLU,A1PDHABRDSV816,Jeff
?????,5,5,5????909060686???0,??ooo?d d d ???l,l,","S"SaS?????tatabablblel?e ae anandnd ?gogoogo?? q ?uaualalial??y y??f f M ????i i???? Y?an???WhW??n n?I I?gogotgo? t tht?he he g go g?oodoo??de?alal al f frf????AmA??zoz??.c.coc?om,om? t th t??he phe prp??cec?e ie isi??eve????bebete??ere??? tha th?an an tan ???ses?e a????lalabablab???inin n ln lol?cac?????iaian?an san ststostoro?e,e?, w, ??icichich h? is is s rs ?reare???y ???re??""5?????????8P8???LULU,U,A,A2A2Y2?????7W7????UPU?,M,MoM????y Ly ???ririnrin,n?????5,???????????,G,?rereareatrea??PaP?????FaFava?or???,"?I ??ouo?ghghth??th???????or or m ?my my???on'on?s s 1s 1212t12????irirtr???aya?y py ??art?y y fy faf?avoavor????goodgoodid?e e be bab??. ? I It It't?? h hahar?d ????pup?t t t?ogo?????r ?a a? go goo go??ieie ie b ba bagag ag f fo?r ?1212 12 y yey??r ????d bd ??ysys,s, , b, ??ut ut???is???????memetmeth?in?? t?? that tha????er?yoyon??e le lilikikek????"5"59??9,9??000020028002??HH?LULU,LU,A??HOHOJOJHJ????????Y,Y?,"S,"?ueue e Ae
,0,0,5,1319068800,good deal,"Same stable and good quality of Meiji Yan Yan. When I got the good deal from, the price is even better than those available in local Asian store, which is really rare." 5978,B0028PHHLU,A2YQMXM7WYNGUP,Mommy Llorin,0,0,5,1295913600,Great Party Favors!,"I bought these for my son's 12th birthday party favor/goodie bag. It's hard to put together a goodie bag for 12 year old boys, but this is something that everyone likes!" 5979,B0028PHHLU,A2HOJHOLVH18IY,"Sue A
?? " ??ononlnlilini?e e s ???ppp?????mamavavevene?""?","?0,0,0?,5,5,5??262?494????0000,?DeD??licli?????,","I"ItI??s s e ????tltlyl??whw??t t?? w????eded.d. . I???s ????mym?. ?????e se ??rer?e ye ??ou ou???at at??youyour??chc??????????ipip p?beb?foforore? t ?????trt????berberrrryr??? be b?cac?ususeuse e y???ou wou wow???t t lt ??ke?????????oto???? w???y ay ?????d.? I???'s 's p ??rfrfef?ectec?.".""559598??0,B0,B0B????6767J7???,A,????F5F525202?TMT??0B0????????lel???0,0,00,0,0,50,5,?????64??64064????igi?hlh???re?????enenden???,","T,"ThThihisis s ms ?ixix x? is i?s es ?asa??y ty ?o o p??repre???e ??andan? v ?verve??????tyt????TheThe ???nlynly y py ?re?rep rep? wo w??k k? co con?sisis??s s os ofo?? cu cutu?tit????upup p ap a a?zuzucu?chchich???? wh whi?ch??? tak take???leleslessss ????????????uteute.e???The? s se s?easeasos?onion?ing??isis is e????ellelleell?enten?????veryver??flf?lavlavovor?fufulu????ut ut???ot ot????o so ??picpi???????ete?timti?mesme?s l?
b ""online shopping maven""",0,0,5,1264982400,Delicious,"It's exactly what I wanted. It's yummy. Make sure you eat your chocolate dip before the strawberry, because you won't like it the other way around. It's perfect." 5980,B004067J7C,AQBJF520TMK0B,A. Kelley,0,0,5,1330646400,Highly recommended,"This mix is easy to prepare and very tasty. The only prep work consists of cutting up a zucchini which takes less than a minute. The seasoning is excellent, very flavorful but not too spicy. Sometimes lo
?w-w-s-sasala????ixixexeses s?ararere e??pip?cecede??upu???iti???? l ?oto??ofof f?pep???perpe????????? t th??s s os ???? E ExE????lel??t ??oro???egegeg???????s.s.".??595??????010161???6565A5???2323H3?QDQ?UBU???KUK??F,F,F,??lemle?????,1,??????,13,1?323?545?727?00???or?sts????up up?????of??eee????ve? e eve?verve???tasta?stest?ed,ed?"I"I I??avaveve ?a a O OnO??:O:??e ??of???? P PoPodo??????ini?? a an andn?????ve ?orordor?erereredre???ododsods s os ons o?lilinineine ?beb???? ed??ooo?od od?? and and d sd ?ouounund?eded ??likli??? hi h?ghg?????alialitityit?? co c???offeeoffe??????beibeitit it?? a l a lilitlittt?lele le? pr p?iciceiceye??fo????2 2 p po pod???. . T. ???? w wa w?s s ts th?e e we ????st st c cu c??up oup ??of cof ?cofco??????? ha h?????eveever?? ta tasastas???! !? I ItI??lelefle?t t at ???itittit??r r t???asteast?e ie ?in in???????th????hathat t l?????re?? f ?forfor ????rs?. ????ckc????DoD?on'on?t t bt ?be be??oo?leledle????y ty ththe
w-salt mixes are spiced up with a lot of pepper but not this one. Excellent for vegetarians." 5981,B00168O65A,A23HQDUBVBKUXF,FlemingG,1,1,1,1332547200,worst cup of coffee I've ever tasted,"I have a One:One Coffee Pod machine and have ordered pods online before. These looked good and sounded like high quality coffee- albeit a little pricey for 12 pods. This was the worst cup of coffee I have ever tasted! It left a bitter taste in my mouth that lingered for hours. Yuck! Don't be fooled by the
???ana??????mem??anandand d??aca?kak?gig??g.g. . I ItIt t????????lil?keke e re ???ckecketet t ft fufueuelel.l. . . F FoF??????teteltelyly,y, ,?AmAmamazazoz?n n?rerefe??????d md ?y ?momononeon?y y wy whw?ene??? e ??plp?aia??eded ed???w w b ????iti?t wt ?????ThThrh?rowro????????????lele e be ?oxox x??wawaywa?!"!?5????,B,?000010?686?O6O?5A5A,A???ITITET?5O5OLO??2G2GBGBZB??,W,?or???lyly,ly?1,1???2,????16316393?040??00,00,","M"?isisrs???reresre??????d Kd ?on?? c ?ofo???e e "e """??le?nd??"""""?,"?????raralal l o ???? the th?e se se?lll?lerler'r's's s ls ?lisli?stist?ing????????ata???202?? K ???????len?d.d...????bubutu?t tt ??he ?????veververe???pr?odo?ucuctc?t dt dod?eses es N ??T T????? t th thi th??? pa pac???gege ??priprinintin?<.??r r?/>/>A>?s ??a la ??ongong-g-t-titimti????on?ona ona c co c???feefee ??rir?inkinkekerker,r??th?e e ce co?ntntetente???s as ars a?re re?momormo?re ?inind??icaicat?ivi??????????(o(or????essess)s? K? Kon Konana ???ff?? ?HaH????or?de???red red t?wiwicwicec?
fancy name and packaging. It tastes like rocket fuel. Fortunately, Amazon refunded my money when I explained how bad it was. Throwing the whole box away!" 5982,B00168O65A,A2ITE5OLE2GBZP,Worldly,1,1,2,1316390400,"Misrepresented Kona coffee ""blend""","Several of the seller's listings indicate 20% Kona blend.....but the delivered product does NOT have this package printing.<br />As a long-time Kona coffee drinker, the contents are more indicative of 10% (or less) Kona coffee. Have ordered twice.
.?..??ndnd d?coc???lel??ele?y y d did???ppp?oio??te?????595?838?,B,B0B000?????8080O0??A1A1Q1????4X4?1M1?OIO??????lylyalya,a,0,??,0,,0??,1,131?34?626??80800800,0,G0,GoGooo??????dodogo?????eses s??hihis? f ?lalavavovoror.r. .?QuQuaual????y oy ofo? c?ooookookikiei???oveovere?????is?is vis ve?ryr??gogoooodoo?d. d. T ThThi?s ?pap??titici?ulu????sms??ellell ??ririvi??s ?hihimhi???ra???!!!? O ?n n??mam?zozono?n In ???et??mum?chc?????pp?er?? th thah?an an??n n an a a s st stot?oreore.e????98498??????63?4848048?0O,0O?????BHB?Y3Y??M0M???0,??cac?arlarle??,0,0,?0,0,50,?????3303306?????????t t e evevever????og??s ls ??veve ve t??eme??????th?eye??????mamadmaded?e te ??the the??es?? w ???? T Th T??? a ar??? ab a?ouo?t ?$4$??00?? ch che ch??????????t tt ???the pthe pep????????es es a?????o o???x"x""5"??858?5,B5,B0B00B0??006300634????O,AO,?A1LA1?WOWO9O?O1O1G1?X3X3Y3Y4Y?????imi?m Am ApA?parpa??cic?o ????roroo?mmmmimisististrtre?sss????,0,0,?????,13,132???777???
...and completely disappointed." 5983,B00063480O,A1QQNN4X1MOIYT,Valya,0,0,5,1334620800,Good,My dog loves this flavor. Quality of cookie overall is very good. This particular smell drives him crazy!! On Amazon I get much chipper than in a store. 5984,B00063480O,A3C9BHY32M07K0,Scarlet,0,0,5,1333065600,Best ever,"Dogs love them and they are made the best way, They are about $4.00 cheaper that the pet stores and no tax" 5985,B00063480O,A1LWO9O1GX3Y4R,"Kim Aparicio ""groommistress""",0,0,5,1329177600
??BeBese?????eae??? E ?veverer!r!,!,","O"OlO?? M ??tht??? H HuH????rdr????reare?atsat?s as ararear? t ????beb?estes?t at anandnd d ad at? a a a?re??sos?nanabablb??e pe ?????. .? Th Theheiheiri?? tr trerea?ts? c cocomomem?e ie inin n a??lolotot ot o ???did?fff?er?enentnt t st ??zez?? a an a?nd nd f ???vov?rsrs.s??ThT?heyhey y? of o?ffeffer?er aer a a va ?ar?ieietetyt?y oy ?? p ??odo???????thath?at ??llll l? do d??s ???ll?? lo l?ve?. . M. ?y y ty ?thrth??e e b?lalacla?k k? la lababsab?s ls lo?????he?? pe p??nun??t bt ??uttut??er ??nd?nd Bnd ??c'c'N'?"""?ChChe??z.z.".???989868???000????484?0O0O,O?A2A2Q2??NDN?JCJC7C7P7PPPPMP??F,F???????iaia ?FlF?ynynnnn-n??????????0,0,2,?,3,???292939?34934??40400????? do?gs? l lo??ve ve tve th?????ststest?!,?????ceiceivivevedved ??hehe he she shs???memenme??? pr pror?ompomptp??? b ??t ??? m ?y y dy ?disdisms?ayay,y??itit t dt ?diddi?d nd ???ot cot co?ntntant??in in? th the th??mim???? tr??eatea?ts ts Its ??hah?d d od ?ordor???eredere??, b, ??but but???sm??????, ??hi?chch h??????no?t t t?hahathat ????
,Best Treats Ever!,"Old Mother Hubbard treats are the best and at a reasonable price. Their treats come in a lot of different sizes and flavors. They offer a variety of products that all dogs will love. My three black labs love the peanut butter and Bac'N""Cheez." 5986,B00063480O,A2QENDJC7PPMHF,Patricia Flynn-Williams,0,2,3,1293494400,My dogs love the taste!,"Received the shipment promptly but to my dismay, it did not contain the mini treats I had ordered, but ""small"", which were not that smal
??. .?????avavev? v ??ryr??sms??????ogo?? a anandn?? I I r ?eae?allal??y wy wawan???d d td ?heh?????isi?. ?I ?cocono?????tedte??d thd the?? se s???erer r ( ?PeP??co?????? a?ftf?terter ????????????s,s? t ?????????on??eded ed??ha?t t? I I c I ???ldl?d rd re??uru?? t??eme? b ??t t it ifi??? I r I rereoreorordrdederdereredre?d md ?minmi?nisni????? they the????ululdul?????llll ll?? sen se?nd ???? s sm smamalmall??beb????se??AmA?mazmazozonon on? ha h??d td th??e ie iti??m m nm ?umumbmbe?rsr??wrwroronongon? a an?d ?d th?d theyd the??do??'t'?t ht ?havha?? m miminminimin??. . T. ?????sasaia?d ?d th?????mpm???stst st? th thi th?ingin?g wg ?ououlou?? b???tot?? re retetuet?urnur?n tn ???m ?fof?? c ???rediredit?. . T. Th. T?is? d?????oto?t st se?????ecoec?onoon?mimicmi???llylly y fy fef?easea???lele,le??sos?o Io ?I aI ??m bm brb?reareakakikininging ing e?ac?h h o on???????o so smsmasm?allall all p ?iei?eceec?? w whwhi?chc?????veververyvery ???co???venve??ene??.".""5595989878???000??YXYXQX??V8V8,8?????R0R0O0?9Q9?KLK??????LeLesesles?ie???
l. I have very small dogs and I really wanted the minis. I contacted the seller (Petco) and after several days, they responded that I could return them but if I reordered minis, they would still send the small because Amazon had the item numbers wrong and they don't have minis. They said the simplest thing would be to return them for credit. This did not seem economically feasible, so I am breaking each one into small pieces which is very inconvenient." 5987,B001YXQ2V8,A38VR0O9QKLIT6,"Leslie A.
??RoR????tsts s?"""???????,1,?,2,?,5,?,1?303090?????????t't's'?s as alallll l a ??ouo???tht???coc?nvnvev?nin?en?cece.e...?????????? a?n n??ou?r r a??????ror?m m a?????totoro??s s ts th????????d d??ararrr??y ty ththith?s s ps ?ro??ucu???sos????t'st'??eaeasa?ieierier r ar ?ndn?????apa??? t th thahanan an??aka??ngn?? th the th?e te trt???..5?9898898?,B,B0B?000000I0?6P6PXP????A2A292??B8B8H8HFHFNFN0N??S5S??,",?WoW???g Bg ?a a??"l"lul????????"""""""",""",2,2,,2???3,3?,12,129?2424524???0000,00,s00,?mem?ll??s gs ?????????"I"?? d?????it??elyel????melme??? l ??kek????????ho?????ateat???ut? t? the?? ta t?????is????stst st a?veverve?agagege.???... ...?I I c ca?n'n???t sat s????????stest?e te the t?he he???da????????col???????cacadaded??enceenc??"".""??........ . A AnAnd? i?t'?? n ?oto?????t ?t stt s???ongong ong b ???t ut us??alallallyly ?????likelik???strst???ngenger??????iningin?g cg ???fef??e."e.??59598??,B?00?000I000???PXLPXLC???F7F7D7DUD?Y0Y?
Roberts ""LAR""",1,2,5,1309824000,It's all about the convenience...,We live an hour away from any stores that would carry this product so it's easier and cheaper than making the trip. 5988,B000I6PXLC,A29RB8HFN06S5G,"Wong Ba ""lung dong""",2,2,3,1292457600,smells good....,"It definitely smells like dark chocolate but the taste is just average.... I can't say I taste the ""dark chocolate decadence"".... And it's not that strong but usually I like stronger tasting coffee." 5989,B000I6PXLC,AF7DUY08
?T2T2J2J8J?7,7,E,ElE?????????&#&#3#3434;4?mim?sss?y&y&#???;,;,2,?,2?,5,?????050555?363606000??????d d c ??ffffef?e,e, , w ?itithth th s ??????xcxcecepe????nsn???,"??hehe ??irirsrstst t??ata?chc??I I g ?oto?????st st?hah????be??n n?a a? ba badad ?ba?????????auaus????? s???????tot????aveave ?a a "a ???ururnr??????ff?ee?"""" "" s sm sme??l,l, ?ana???sms??mellmel??ed ed??? bi bit????rer??lilikli???ch??????ateat?e re ?asa??????? o ??? so s??e e oe ??he?????????or ror ?ratraththeth???ththath?an an?????e ce che c?ococoocolo??tete.e? I ItIt ??ad?e ?meme me????deder?? wh w?hethe?????CoCof????e Me MaMasastasteterters? u us?usesuse? t ?thethe the s?????????????t ????mam?????????????choccho?col?at???rarasra?spbsp?ber?ry? f fl fla?lavolavoror or aor ??????he he?dad?rkr???hohocho???colatcola????ece???dendencn??? fl?av???, ???nd nd i ?f f??????flaflav?avoravorsrs rs grs ?gotgot t m?ixi?eded ???uriurini?????e ???anuan????tutur??ng? p pr p?oc??ss?.<.?brb
T2J87,Elizabeth &#34;missy&#34;,2,2,5,1250553600,"Good coffee, with some exceptions.","The first batch I got must have been a bad batch, because it seemed to have a ""burned coffee"" smell, and smelled a bit more like chocolate raspberry or some other flavor rather than pure chocolate. It made me wonder whether Coffee Masters uses the same equipment to make both a chocolate raspberry flavor and the dark chocolate decadence flavor, and if the flavors got mixed during the manufacturing process.<br
??><>???? /> /????cece e?ththeh?n,n????hahavavev????ded???? i ????eve?ververarala???or??e te tit??ese? a ana????havhave? b ??en?? mo m??ore ore s?atati????????itithit? i?t.t???heherherere re a???re tre ?timti?mesme???hohowowewev?er?, , w, ?he?n n???hoshose??????ed?????avoav?? n nonoto??????reere????aca?k k i in i?n, n,??depde??endendid?????n n tn ???????. . I. I I sI ????ti??es???on????r ir ?f f??ofo?fefee? M ?asastste??????ver???as???s ts ???iri?r br ????s.s???????<b??????I oI ?oriorigigig?????? b bo b??ghg?t ????s s cs ??offof???e ie ?insin??????ofof of? th?e e ce ??hocho?????? c co c????ee ???usu???d td tot??reregregug?la?rlr???????y ????t ct co??uldul???notno???finfi?nd nd o?n ?AmAmamaza?on?????rotroth?therthers??GoG??rmrmemet? C?of??offeeoffee ?ChCho?hocohoc?lalat?????wirwi???? T Th The????????ee Mee ?MasMa??sterstersrs ???rkrk k Ck ChChoCh?co?colacolatateat??DeD??adadead???ce ce b be b??n n in isis is d???kek??er, er,??ili?ieierier,r, ?an?d d rd rir?ch
/><br />Since then, I have ordered it several more times and have been more satisfied with it. There are times, however, when those burned flavor notes creep back in, depending on the bag. I sometimes wonder if Coffee Masters overroasts their beans.<br /><br />I originally bought this coffee instead of the chocolate coffee I used to regularly enjoy but could not find on Amazon, Brothers Gourmet Coffee Chocolate Swirl. The Coffee Masters Dark Chocolate Decadence bean is darker, oilier, and rich
e??????n n????????ththether?????an?????????ro???therthersrs ?bebeabean? c cocofo?fefeee??????ilildl?erer,er? m mom??e e le ???e ?SwS???s s cs chc???colco????.<.<b<brbr ?/>/><>??r r /r />r /???ststit?illill l m???hth? p ??refrefe??r tr ?thethe the? me mede??umu??????n Bn ?BroBr?othot??rsrs rs B Bl B??ndnd d o ovo?er????isis is c co c???feefe?, ????n ?ththoth??ghgh gh i ??t it is????????um? b???????d ?nonotot ot a a a da dad??k k?? bea bean??, a, asas ??thethe ???????? pr p???ilileil????astas?teste????oreore e le lie lik?e ?rereare?l l cl ch????la???.<.<b.<??????<br?? /> />U>?PDPDADATATETE:E????amam m???w w???titivtivevelvelyl???ee??iningng g???t t ct ??ff?ee?s ?s ths t???t at ar?e ????????adade? o?r r dr di??recrectct ct t?raradradede ?or??????rtr???e e ee ???ici??? p pr?aca???iceiceses.s??Th??sese se? th?at?? ig i?no??re re???e e pe ?liligligh???of?? th???fa?rmr?erer er aer anand? s?hohowho?w nw no?? tr?an???arare?ncn?y y iy inin in??? the the p the pr?ococeoc?essess ????th?the ?co?coffcof?
er than the Brothers bean. The Brothers bean coffee is milder, more like Swiss chocolate.<br /><br />I still might prefer the medium-bean Brothers Blend over this coffee, even though it is a medium bean and not a dark bean, as the flavor profile tastes more like real chocolate.<br /><br />UPDATE: I am now actively seeking out coffees that are fair trade or direct trade or advertise ethical practices. Those that ignore the plight of the farmer and show no transparency in the process of the coffe
?? f ???????ele???tot????blblel?????o ?non?t t b bubuyuy y a ananyn??lolono?geg????SoS?????s s?????d ?is??nono no l lolonlo???er er o ononeon???thath?t ??I wI ?ili?l l????chchahasasese.e. ?PlPlulusu???thetheyey y ey ?????ge ge?inin n f fa f?rmrmim?ingin? a ac a?titiviviviti?tietieses ??hahatha????e ???t ??coc??????ala????sos??ndn??. I. ??susuguggg?gesge?t t st ?stast?artarti??ng ng??witwi???InI??elellelliligi?gengent????.".???9999090,0,B,?00000?I6I6P6?????A2A?AAA????????TYT????ha?i i????LiLifi?e,e,2,?,2??5,5?121222262?444????0,?A A? tr t?eaeat????? a?ll?? th theh??sesense??sesse??,",?SoSouSounundun??s cs ????????t ?ohoh h s so????ueu?????hehe he? ar a???a a????pu?ng???? w wi w?ithit?????? sa s?????y s?mem??? o?? c ?cofco??feefe??an??? th the th?e se swe s???tntnenes?s ?ofof ??choch?cocolco?atateate.?e. e. ???he ???choccho???at?ate ate??la??vorvor r ir is?is ris riricichic?h yh yey?????elielicicaic??ate ate sate soso ??it it d do doeo??n'n?t ?t ovt o??erwer????m.m. . . ??? pu pur??chach????d fd
e from field to table I do not buy any longer. So this brand is no longer one that I will purchase. Plus they engage in farming activities that are not ecologically sound. I suggest starting with Intelligentsia." 5990,B000I6PXLC,A2AA1G6BYJETY1,Chai on Life,2,2,5,1226448000,A treat for all the senses.,"Sounds corny but oh so true. The aroma is pungent with the savory smell of coffee and the sweetness of chocolate. The chocolate flavor is rich yet delicate so it doesn't overwhelm. I purchased f
oououru? b ???s s????ththehe e????ounou???cocof??eee??fif?rsr?????r ??y y d ??ugu??tet???? S ShS???ininsnsis???ede?d Id ???asast????t ??vev?? t th t????I dI ?ono?'t'?????e ???????eded ed c co cof??ee? o or or ????rkr??? ch cho?co?lalatlate????????oyoyey?ed ed ied iti?????mumucu???? t to t??? b????k ak ????g g??nd????????aseaseded ed 4ed 4 4??? bags bags ??of of? th the the e we ?ho??????an?s ?????grigr?indin?????en en??ee?ded?ed ed fed ??r r tr ??atat t at ada?de????rer?shshnh?????. . ?WhWhih????? I w I wiw?illil????t t dt ?ririn?k ?flf????re?d ?co?fff?feefe???llll l tl ??e e te titimi?e,e? I??fefee?l l il ?it'it's'??a a ta ?re?atat at? to to to s ??ara?t t ot ?or or?en?d ??? d?aya?y wy wi?th?? a a? cu c??? of o?f tf ?thithis? d?ele??cicioi??????coffcof??fee.fee?. M. MyMy ????ughught???? al a?????njn?joyjo?s s t?hi?s s c????offeeoffee ??col?d.d?""5????,B,?000??I6I6P6???????8P8PTPTQTQZQ?3Q3?A0A????,M,?omo?????WheWh?eatea?s,s,1,??1,??,1,12,1?717171727????
our bags of the ground coffee first for my daughter. She insisted I taste it even tho I don't like flavored coffee or 'dark' chocolate. I enjoyed it so much I took back a bag and purchased 4 bags of the whole beans to grind when needed for that added freshness. While I will not drink flavored coffee all the time, I feel it's a treat to start or end my day with a cup of this delicious coffee. My daughter also enjoys this coffee cold." 5991,B000I6PXLC,A28PTQZ3QA09WX,Momma Wheats,1,1,4,1271721600
,??ere???ririci?????????jojoror r c ?chochoco??lal??? f flflalavlavovor??,W,???lil??e e te ?o o? mi m???ththih?s s?wiw??th th? re r?gugulu?larla?r cr ?cofco?fef????ececacauausu????????sos?o so ?trt?onongn? a?ndnd nd r ri ricichic??byby ???seselselfl? t?hah?at at?it?? ma m?kekeske????it git ?o ?fufuru??theth?? a an?????n'n't't t? to t?o ???er??owo??erier??????999??,B,B0B000??I6I6P6PXP??C,C,A,A1A1G1GDGDEDEQE?????RBRBNB??????babar?a a?EdE??arardar????,1?,5,???191??070727???0,0?RiR??ich ich a? and?? ch c?oc???at???"A"AnA?oto???????eaeat??hi?t ?frf?romro???ofoffffeffee? m ma?ststester?s!s! !??ThT????ononeone ???????riricri?????ar?k k c ch???ocoloco??te? f fl f?lav?or?????at'at's????t ??tootoo o io ?intin?tente??? b ?utu?t jt ??????rigri?htht.t?? T ???e ce ??coffcoffefeefee ???s fs fofol????odo??????andan?d vd ?verve?ry ry??mom?? . I I I? wi w?llll l? de defe?ininiinititeit?lyl??????er ?mo?rere re????? A ??mazma??on.on.".?5??993993,3????000I000I6I6PI6PX????,A2,A??0000Y00?ZBZ??OOOOMOM8M
,Very rich and major chocolate flavor!,We like to mix this with regular coffee because it's so strong and rich by itself that it makes it go further and isn't too overpowering. 5992,B000I6PXLC,A1GDEQIGFPRBNO,Barbara Edwards,1,1,5,1197072000,Rich and chocolaty,"Another great hit from Coffee masters! This one has a rich, dark chocolate flavor that's not too intense but just right. The coffee is foll-bodied and very smooth. I will definitely order more from Amazon." 5993,B000I6PXLC,A2L00YZBDOOM8
??,J,?? F ?ululll??r,r,0,????5,5?131?????121?0000,?A A?rer??l l?faf?n,n,",????avaveve e??ea??llyll? f????lenlen n f fo f??????avoavororeorede? c ???fef?ese? a ????????nsn?idideder? t ththehesesees?e te tot???e e se sosomomem???? t th t????esestes??- -?so? m ?ucu?h h????th????I'I'm'? o ???th???re?gug??ara????????ntn?t lt lilisi????owow.w. ?? I' I?'m 'm???rere re?? d ???nkn?? to toooo o mo ?mucmuch? o of of f? th thi th?is is b bu b??t It I ?lol?veve ve?? the the ??la????s.s?. . T. ??y y iy ?t,t, , I I'?m ??ur????????ll ll?li???e ie ?".""5?999?4,4??0000000?I6I6P6PXPXLX?C,C,A,AEA?MSM?Y9Y9H9?5H5HCH?PZP????HaHapa??y ??iei?wewer??????oviov?????ff???","?????????141??31631686?00???raran???? s sh s?opo??er?????e r????lyl?y ly ?liklikelike ???hishi??co?????, , i, ?? h ha h????gregr?eatea??fl???avoravo?r ar an???we?? ma makake??it?it sit ????ongong.g. ?We?? do d?o t?hehe ???bsb?crcri?bebe be t th thi?ngng g??????it it wit wow??ksk??ou??????????igighghth?."."."5
N,J. Fuller,0,0,5,1348531200,A real fan,"I have really fallen for flavored coffees and I consider these to be some of the best-- so much so that I'm on the regular shipment list now. I'm sure I drink too much of this but I love the flavors. Try it, I'm sure you'll like it." 5994,B000I6PXLC,AEMSY9H5HCPZB,"Happy Viewer ""movie buff""",0,0,5,1314316800,grandma shopper,"We really like this coffee, it has great flavor and we make it strong. We do the subscribe thing and it works out about right." 5
?999????000??I6I??XLX?????757?5252828W8?Z6Z???FRF????aza??n n????,1,??2,2?????151?383?88?00???:::??D:D?:::::?» »?«:«::«:?::E::?:::::????«::«:::«::?L:L???? « «: «::??I:I:::::??????«:::C«:::??:::?:::» :::» «?:::::???????:::» «:??::O::O:O?::::::»:::» ???:::» «::::::» «::???:::??????:::» «:::S:::» «:::?::?:::»??"T"?hih?? l lil?kek????mmmmymy y??????madmaded???hotho? c cococo???????tht???theth???enenenefe?it??????beibe?ngn? a ??de???cic????s cs cucupup p? of o????ffffefeee?, ??ooo?! !???ThiThis? i ?is is ais ??GRG??ATA???eae?l!l! ? G ?etet ????whwhi?lele ?itit ????tsts!s??! G! ??oodood d t?? t th t??e le ?laslast???roropo???yoyou?? co c???d d sd ???!<!??r r??>E>EnE???????????,B,B0,B0000000??I6PI6??LC?????WOW?3R3?DADAXA??4V4??,J,J.J???TTT?O,O,1O,???,1?,1????72720200??0,0,T,?Thi??????nonotot t tt th?????rer?????ouou ??ava?e ?????utu????lol?? o???susugugag??r ir ????th?is????to mto ???ke ke i????as????gogoo??. ??TheThe e ce ??coffcof???e je ???t
995,B000I6PXLC,A375528WZ6E0FR,Amazon Jo~,1,2,5,1215388800,«:::D:::» «:::E:::» «:::L:::» «:::I:::» «:::C:::» «:::I:::» «:::O:::» «:::U:::» «:::S:::»,"This like yummy homemade hot cocoa, with the benefit of being a delicious cup of coffee, too! This is a GREAT deal! Get it while it lasts! Good to the last drop, you could say!<br />Enjoy!" 5996,B000I6PXLC,A1EWO3RDAXB4VO,J. OTTO,1,7,1,1278720000,This is not that great,You have to put a lot of sugar in this to make it taste good. The coffee just
?????tst???f f??ini?d d??f ?hahasas s????titin????sms???l l l ??keke e?????opo????????? o oror ?a ????????? po p?oo oo? po?o o p?upu?pypy py????? a c a ?upup.up???exe?? t titimti?? I ? a am a??gog??inging g f ??or or?raras?????ryry ??lalavavov???d d cd coc?fff??e.e??..c..????se se? th thehe e ce chchoh?cocolco??tet???s ??likli??????p.p????????????,B,B0B??3S3SES?525?K8K??????7T7TBT???CPCP9P?5,5?LiL?indin?????ortortot????5,55,?5,5???313?13213282????00,00?"T"ThT?? " ?????s ??owownwn"n?"" ""??????it?????on??g cg ca?????? fo foooodoo??",","?MyMy ?y fey fememam???????iei?e Be BoBobo?????? P PaPaw????, ?isis is??extextrtrerem?el???y fiy f?iniin??kyky ky????utut t ht ?herher ??????d ?fofoofoodod.d?. . ???????lll?l tl to?????nonototht???? b ?ut? I??ststistin??????ra???it? f fo???ulu????anand? l??ickicksks ???????latlatelate ?e cle cleleale?? e ea e??ch ?mo?rnrnin? T. ThTheTh?e Ie InI??ti?ncn????????nd ind is?????????ing bing
by itself kind if has a stinky smell like a poopy diaper or a pee pee poo poo puppy in a cup. Next time I am going for raspberry flavored coffee...cause the chocolate is like poop. YUCK. 5997,B003SE52K8,AXSV7TB3PCP95,Linda Morton,5,5,5,1313280000,"The ""paws down"" favorite among canned food!","My female Pixie Bob cat, Pawnee, is extremely finicky about her canned food. She will touch nothing but Instinct's rabbit formula, and licks her plate clean each morning. The Instinct brand is nothing b