???ana???tot? h ?ele?? o onon n?????lolowo?ere???? o?? c ????????rar??e e i ?????e.e??212?????0000000E00?????U,U?AWAWFW???FJF???XEXE8E?Z,Z,d,dodoro??????,2??5,5,1,??909?????00????U U?CACANAN'N?????T T JT JUJ??????E!E??"T"????E E???ACA?KEKERE?S S???????GRG?REAREATAT AT?SNS?ACACKAC?! !?NON???HOH??ES?TOTORO???? A???????????E ?SE??A SA ??????VEV????CRC???????, S, ??????????????ATIAT??G G?POP???ATOAT??CH???????UTUT ????TET?ER ER???R R Y ?YOUYOU.U?????ES? I ????IFI?FEF?EREERENENTN?????VOVOR??? B ?BUTBUT T IT ? P PR PRE???R ?TH????????. ?I I HI ?AV?E ??FOUFO?UNDUN??????????????LT LT C????????????????ERE?NT????? SO S????PUPURURCR?CHACH??????SOSOMSOMEMETMETIT?ME?S S VS VEVERVE????SAL??Y ??ANDAN???SOM??????ES ????DLD???Y ANY A????AL???, M, ????T B????? PR?OBO??????ON ??THETHE ???????????ON LON ????????????????ACKEACKERERSER
? B ??COCOMO?? A ADADDDDIDICI?????, ,???????S S????CACAUAUSU?E E RE ?ICICEIC??ISI????ODOD D???R R U ?US!US????101???B0B?????P5P?6U6U,U??10???????F9F??8U8??KaKara????? K ???l,l????,5,5,5,1,111171727??88888?00???????????lel?????!??!??I'I'm'? s ?? d ??????????eded d?ththehese?e e??areare ?unu??vavaiva???bl?e e re ririgrighghth??non?????? LO L????????e ?crc??????? w ?itith? c ???????he?es?ese ese?- - i it?'s'??mym???avavoav????????nacnack???? h ?opo??e te ththe???beb????e ?avavaavaiailailalab??le le? ag a???????ono???! I ! I?????????????thethemthe???anyan??he??e!e??212??????00??PP????U,AU,??MDM??TKT?0D0???AIAIN??"x"???xo xo " ????????iri??""??,1????????????9696060000,00,L00,??veved?!,!?,"I,"?I gI ??t ????????ofo??????? f??????? l ?ococac?? g ???cec?????????e a?ndn??d tad t?st???? th???m fm fof?? t??????irsirst???imi? T. ?o o mo ?me,me?????they they?
BECOME ADDICTING, BUT ITS OK CAUSE RICE IS GOOD FOR US!" 2104,B000EPP56U,A10JAUM70F9M8U,Kari L. Kail,2,2,5,1172188800,Unavailable?!?!?,I'm so dissapointed these are unavailable right now! I LOVE these crackers with cream cheese - it's my favorite snack! I hope they become available again soon! I can't find them anywhere! 2105,B000EPP56U,A3MDETK0D5UAIN,"xoxo ""woodfairy""",1,1,5,1349049600,Loved!,"I got 1 pack of these from my local grocery store and tasted them for the first time. To me, they t
??sts?e e j juj????lil??????rnr??????. . T ???? a ?rer?e qe ?uiu?????ar??, , s ????????ldl???? r ????????? t ?o ?ana??ono??e we whwhoho ???????????ke? h ha har????ooo?dsd?? T?heheyhey ??arear?e c????pyp??y any and? d ?ele??????? s?nan???????ho.ho. . W. ?????bubuyuy ???oreor???:D:D"D""2?????B0B000??????6U6U,U?A3A???YDY??????????SkS?y ??lulueu?????,4,4,4?,12,1252???262646??00,00??xcxcecel?lel?enten????????lutlu?tente????od???t,t???ThiTh?is is i is?is ais ?an an???xcexc?ellelleell????pr?ododu??? f?or????? n???on-gon-????en?? di d???. ????????re re?gogoo???????e ?as?????????, ?or???youyo??????????ke ake a a????????meameal? w??ithit? t th???? by b??ususius?ngn? t th??????ricrice???????erersr?s as ??as aas ?????e ?foforfor r??pr?eae???????lilitli?tlt?le le????ispis?py py???????????s. ? E Ex???ll?en?ent ????ststist?ituit??? f??r ?crc?????erser??co
aste just like corn nuts. They are quite hard, so I wouldn't recommend to anyone who doesn't like hard foods. They are crispy and delicious snacks tho. Will buy more. :D" 2106,B000EPP56U,A379YDTPAAOKDS,Sky Blue,1,1,4,1250726400,Excellent non-gluten product,"This is an excellent product for the non-gluten diet. They're good alone as a snack, or you can make a light meal with them by using these rice crackers as a base for spreads or little crispy sandwiches. Excellent substitute for crackers co
n???ininin????glg?ututet??? ?OnOnlnlyly y??rir?titici???m m?- -????? t tht?? p ??????????? c co como?e e de ????n."n.""?212???,B,???????565?U,U,A,?1C1C1C????J5J?3S3??HJH?,",?B.B??HuH??ntent?r r " ??????? g??????????,1,,1,4,4,4?,12,1232??636323??????mmm?mmmmm?mmm???????????? go g?odo??asas as???smsmasmara??? Sa S??ororyr???ic?e ??????????? t??hesheses??????e ave a????aba?lel??e ate a? l ??as?t.t. . T. ???y y ay ?areare are?????? go??od.od???or???heheahe??????th?ana?? po p????to to c???psp??????d a d a??igi?geger????un?chc????????mmmmmmmm mmm . ??????"2"??0808,8???000000E000EP??P56P5???????OSO?JUJ?0I0???3B3B,B??yeyeze???idi????pep???0,???????494?????00???ri??? a???d dd ??lil??????s /s ???xtxtrt??meme me? pr p?ricriceric????kek???FiF?rsr???????????????f f???-M-????RicRi?ce ce???aca?????? an???I'I?m m vm ?ereryery ???pr???se???. T???hesehes??e are a?????
ntaining gluten. Only criticism - wish the price would come down." 2107,B000EPP56U,A1C11J6J53SEHJ,"B. Hunter ""photo geek""",1,1,4,1231632000,Mmmmmmmmm,"Not as good as Sesmark Savory Rice Minis, but these are available at least. They are VERY good. More healthy than potato chips and a bigger crunch. Mmmmmmmm . . ." 2108,B000EPP56U,A21POSJU0IYG3B,eyez wide open,0,0,5,1349049600,Crisp and delicious / extreme price hike,"First time buyer of KA-ME Rice Crackers and I'm very impressed. These are ver
y????ghg???????sps???ndnd d?????ororfr??l.l? T ThTheh?y ??????? g ????d pd ???ini??? as as??????????wiw??????????????????itit,it??ete?c.c?????or?????????, ?th??????s s Is I I?pup?rcrchc???ede?????y by bebe ??thethe the???????????????m m????????ururcur???. R. RiR????? af aftf??? I I I p??urc????????the???ozo??n ?pap?ckcksks,????e ??riricri?????r r dr ?dozdoze???in?cr???aseas?ed ed??4%4? t?o o?it??s ps ????enenten??????999?. ?FoFor??un?at????? I??????e ee ?enoen???????? la??t ?a a? wh whi???, ??utut ut????umu?in????? the the p?????e se ????s ??thethe ???????? the??se se??rere ?mymy y ly ???? K ?A-A?MEME.E??2?????????????6U6????2M2??ELE????F3F??3,3?"B"BaB?????a a Aa ???BlB?od?ge??????bbb????ge?get"get?????????,1,?313???282????0,R0,???????????????ar??e ge grg???????WaW?as as???ladla???o o fo ?
y light, crisp and flavorful. They are as good plain as they are with cold cuts, fruit, etc. Unfortunately, the ones I purchased may be the last I get from this source. Right after I purchased the dozen packs, the price per dozen increased 44% to its present $37.99. Fortunately, I have enough to last a while, but assuming the price stays the same, these are my last KA-ME." 2109,B000EPP56U,A12M0EL1SKF3C3,"Barbara A. Blodgett ""bblogget""",0,0,5,1319328000,Rice,"Crackers are great. Was glad to fi
?ndn???????????????s s???gog??????lel??titioi?n n?ofo? f ???vovoro???. . ??????????tete ?is????ltl??d,d? b bub?? t??her????rere re o???ere????oio?cecese??????101????????P5P??U,U?A2A?636?DRD???6S6SISIFIFNF??,W,????????0,0,00,?????313?424???404?00,00,",?VeV?eryer???googo?????od??ct??, e, ?????iai?????fof?or or??lulut?ene??ana?? d ????????reeree e fe ?ririeien???",",","L,"???alal al? av avavai?la?bibililil?ityity ??? t???e Pe PlPla?ini???varva?rieri?tyty ??f f tf th???? c????kek??s ???s ????en en???prprepr?????aba??? w ?it?h h s?tot???es es??ririmrimmmmim???? in i?veven?totortory????nd nd dnd ??roproppppip?ing???????utut ut t? the??????????vo??lumlu??e Se ???s.? B BuBuyuyiy?ing??????????????????mam?ke??????????rdr?dabda??????????o o f? far far,r????li????????2121121??,B,B0,B???????6U?,A?HUH?NHN????KHKHZHZJZJNJ????hnh?????????????5,15,?2626726
nd them. There is a good selection of flavors. My favorite is salted, but there are other choices." 2110,B000EPP56U,A263DRVW6SIFNC,W. Munn,0,0,5,1314230400,"Very good product, especially for gluten and dairy free friends","Local availability of the Plain variety of these crackers has been unpredictable with stores trimming inventory and dropping all but the highest volume SKUs. Buying on subscription makes it affordable and, so far, reliable." 2111,B000EPP56U,AHUNHC41KHZJN,John Wolfe,0,0,5,1267
?050?606?00??crc????? c ?cracr??kek?rsr??????GlG?utu??n,n,",???????ri?cec??????????s as ?rer?e te ?rurulu?y ???????????????heehe?esees?e oe ????eae?nunut????uttut???. .? A ?lslsos??????an an?ea?t t????????? w??? G Gl G?lutlu??????s s Is ??amam m a ala???erger????toto o wo ??heahe?t,t?? eg e????????uteut??????d d?BaBanannan?asa?.<.???r /r />/>T>??isis is?????y ????or?????sns??ck??????unu?dadaya?y ny nin?ghghth??s. s.??????cocomo?????om????????? s???e e me ??????ey??. T. ?ThaThanankan??yoy??. . J. J.J???olo????212??2,2?????????56U56???????IGIGVG???????KeK???????herhe?ryr?????,5,5,5?1212612????404?000000,000????????entent t st snsnasn??ack,ack?I I lI ?ovo?e ???heshesese se? cr??ack???????Pe??fef????????????? w wh w???n In ???eee?????memetme?hihiningn? s sa sal sa??????un???y ?????teate?d ????popoto???o o co ???psps ?or?????her????reare?????????.
056000,crispy crackers w/o Gluten,"These rice crackers are truly delicious w/cheese or Peanut butter. Also I can eat crackers w/o Gluten. As I am allergic to wheat, eggs, Gluten, and Bannas.<br />This is my favorite snack on Sunday nights. They come promptly and save me money. Thank you. J. Wolf" 2112,B000EPP56U,AR87OIGVA7VLL,Kerri Cherry,0,0,5,1266624000,Excellent snack,I love these crackers! Perfect snack for when I need something salty/crunchy instead of potato chips or other greasy snack.
????eae????heh?m m????oto?t tt ?? h ???? m ???????????weweee?? m me meaealealsl?? ??he???rir??????n an ama??zozon???? g ???eateat t ct coc????????toto to m my m? l lo loco?ala?? ma m???et??? ??igighg?lyly ??????me?ndn????2?111???B0B???EPE?????????????AZA?4W4????,J,J.J?. S. StSteteieini?????,0,0,0?,0,,0??????4949696060000000?00,00,G,GrGrereare???SnSnan?ckc????ot??tomtom ?lil?ineine,e? t th t???e ??rar??ke?rsrs ?ar?????gr????????ck?. . . ?????ri??g g b by by ????e c???se se s sa s??vesves s ss ??omeom??momon??y ?co??????red red?????thethe the??3.3??? c ?hah????ed ed l lo??calca?? ???aia??, ??onion??on,on??, or, or ?sesessesas??e ?(I(??ve????????trt???ed ??the????asaasaba???????se??ar?are are? a a???w w f fafatat,at??rereareasrea?????????e cale calolorloririe? s???nacknac? e ea e???? e??th??? p????? o???wiwitithit????ome?th??ingin??on???????????e one o???????d t??in
I eat them a lot to hold me over between meals. The price on amazon is great compared to my local markets. Highly recommended! 2113,B000EPP56U,A1TFP53AZ4WDW6,J. Steinberg,0,0,5,1254960000,Great Snack,"Bottom line, these crackers are a great snack. Ordering by the case saves some money compared to the $3.45 charged locally. Whether plain, onion, or sesame (I've never tried the wasabi) these are a low fat, reasonable calorie snack eaten either plain or with something on it. The only sad thin
????? t ???????fifiri?????rdr?ererereded d t th t??? i?? 2 ?000?8 8? fo f????????er? c cac???.".?2????,B,??00000???P5P?6U6???JSJ???UCUC7C???MWM?????. .?BeBehe?????g "g ?"d"dud?????"""""?,0,0,0?7,7???,12,1??494?373767606????rorono??? pr p???????,"I,"????????d d Kd ??-m-?????????rur?????????keker??????????????????????KaKa-Ka?????lul?uteutene?????e e re ???ce ce? cr???ke????????gigin?alal,l????l l?nan?atuat??ralra?. ? U UnU??orortortut???????, , t, ?theth?y y??havha?ve ve???????rod?ucu?????? t th thi th?is is??? crac cra??????ndnd ?th??re??forforere re? I I c ca c?an'an??t et ??????. ??ThT????????s s ds ?ififfffef??en?t ??frofr??m tm ??? p pi p?ictic????re tre ???????meme me?wiwitithth th????e c?????ckercke???? I o I ?ord????????????re?ntntlt?ly ly?????????????????the???oxo?????????ke???."??????,B??000?616??XBX??????5Z5????????ZG,ZG??R.R
g is that I first ordered them in 2008 for $21 per case." 2114,B000EPP56U,AJSTGUC7GWMWD,"E. Behling ""dutch""",0,7,1,1244937600,Wrong product,"I ordered Ka-me rice crunch crackers, plain. I received Ka-me gluten-free rice crackers, original, all natural. Unfortunately, they have soy products in this cracker and therefore I can't eat it. This looks different from the picture that came with the crackers I ordered. Apparently I can't return the box of crackers." 2115,B00061EXBU,AHS5ZGN797CZG,"R.
E EtEttttet?r r?"""?RhR?o"o???????????262????242?000??ChCheh??????frfror?? P ??ntn?a.a??om??I I??oooo o h hahava??????unu? t to to o do ??ini?????lyly y? Pe P???? w wawata?????????????sos???????????cec???ara????to to d ?dridr??k ?ththe?????er?er wer wawatwate??. .???I fI fifin??? th tha?t t???e e pe prp?ricrice????? th??? wa w??erer ???s cs ?he?apapeaper?er fer ???????? the a the ??tut??? w?ebe????te te?[.[??..]..? a??d ???gegete???frefr?????ipi??iningin?????? fe f?????betbe???er er oer ???rar????ana??? wi w???? I I c I ??ulu??d gd ge???th?is?????fff?f bf byb?y ty thy the???alallalloallon?. ??GrG????t Pt ???????? an and and ?????l wl ?????? th the the ???icicece ?fof?or or???????pr??oveov???fef?eel?in??? of? w we wel we??? be b?????2???6,6?B0B0000000?616??XBX?U,U?A2A?C6C???1616O16?????????????te?nonoto?,0,?0,00,0,??????797?686????,M,?ucuchuc??????????????ugu?h ??PenPe??a'a??s Ws ?eb??
Etter ""Rho""",1,1,5,1264982400,Cheaper from,I too have begun to drink only Penta water unless absolutely neccessary to drink the other water. I find that the price of the water is cheaper from the actual website [...] and I get free shipping. I feel better overall and wish I could get this stuff by the gallon. Great Product and well worth the price for the improved feeling of well being. 2116,B00061EXBU,A2C6CB16OESI3D,C. Fontenot,0,0,5,1327968000,Much Cheaper through Penta's Websi
t??,Y,YoY?? c ??n n??uru?chc???????isi???oro???????? i ini??lulududid??????????????ing????rar?igi??t t???????ene??????WeW?bsb?ititete.te.<.??r ?/>/><>??????I I?re????y y e ??jojoyoy y dy ????kik??ing ?ththith??. .?????n ?se???a a???fff?ere????e ??itithith h??????er?ydydad?????fefe.fe???111????????1E1???U,U?A1A??C5C?A1?????????????in??ousou????ded??ririnringng-g??oooolo???????"""""?????242?,1????????848??00,00,w,?owow w??????????? i??s is ????????le??,","y,"??ou ou?????t ?BEB????VEVE E??????ananyan??????s ts ?thithisthi????????t ???s ?s sas sava??d d m???y liy l???? ?? o ononln???gagav??e ie it???nen??e ste statarta?????cauca??se se i i' i??m sm soso o???hyhyd??ratrate?d d fd ?roromro????in?????ing ring re?gug????r wr ?watwa?terter r ar al?? w???k k?????causcau????? ra r?? o ou o???ofo???????y by ??fo????? my my p pe pen??ta ta?? ran ran ???t.t. ?????
te,You can purchase this for $35.00 including free shpping straight from Penta's Website.<br /><br />I really enjoy drinking this. I can see a difference with my everyday life. 2117,B00061EXBU,A1ZC5A146ECNKK,"numinous ""derring-doolittle""",11,24,1,1190678400,wow this stuff is incredible!,"you won't BELIEVE how many ways this product has saved my life! I only gave it one star because i'm so dehydrated from drinking regular water all week because i ran out of money before my penta ran out. when
??????????fof???????tht??r r???ipi?memene??? i i' i?lll? j jaj?????t t????k k uk upu? t tot? 5 5 5???ARA?S!S!<!???r /r />/>s>?ererierioiouo?sls??, ?fo?lkl??---?? SO S?MEM??waw?????? ju j?????unun ?th????ghgh h?yoy????sys?sts?temtem m a an?d ???u u?pepeee? t??hemhe??alall? o ??t ?t rit r??ghtgh?t at ??waywa?. .????t t Pt ?????! !????????????to to? yo youourour our r ???s s ls liliki?????atmat?????, r, ??st?or??ngng g y yo you yourur ???????s ns nanat????? t??enden??encen?????????devde??lol?p ????????hethe?????????????ti?tic tic? re r????rar?atiat??n.n?. . ??utu?t it ???????t ?t wet weie?????you? d ?????!<b!<???/>/>o/>????r ?th?in??????hah????????????????????isi??prprorodro?????<b???r />r /?<b<br<br <br / /> />I>?? ac a??cidci?????allal?????ropro??pedpe????? ce c???l pl ??ononeon????to????glglal?sss?s os ofo? i? it, it??an?????henhe??????????????ou?????? h ??d d bd beb????????
i can afford another shipment, i'll jack it back up to 5 STARS!<br />seriously, folks-- SOME waters just run through your system and you pee them all out right away. not PENTA! it sticks to your ribs like oatmeal, restoring your body's natural tendencies to develop sympathetic electrolytic rehydration. but it won't weigh you down!<br />other things i have noticed about this product:<br /><br />I accidentally dropped my cell phone into a glass of it, and when i pulled it out, it had better rec
e?ptp???n!n???? / ?????????oioini?? t ?????scs?????????y y??idi???afaftf?ere??tht???y ty ?rir??d d?????leleae?? m my m???omo?pup???????th??itit,it, ,??ntntitiltil l??? di dis?co????ed?? th t?ata????t It IMI?PRP????? i? its it?s fs fuf?uncun?????ala?litlityt?!<?brbr br? /> /??? th?rerewe???om????umu?mpimp?????????s is in???? th?e ???????, , a, an?d ?ththeth?????t t dt dad??y iy ? h ??d d ad ??????????bab?????ogogogo go s?titictickcksks ???owo?winwingng ng? in in n mn ????refre??rigri?ereraerat?oro?!<?!<br!<b????????r />r /???y,y?????????????l ul upu? y ???r r sr ??lal?r ?r shr s??oweow?er er????????isis is???ufu?f,f, ?yo?you you w??????eve????ne?????soasoapa?? ??????????s ats a??a ????cece,e?, b, bub??? it????so? s?up?er???!<br!<br !<br???????? />I />??f y?????????tirti??d d wd ????????? un u???viv???????ing???, bo, b?orior?inging ing?ololdl?d sd sws???????the?r r pr ???plpleple ?cacalallal????
eption!<br />I was going to discipline my kids after they tried to clean my computer with it, until i discovered that it IMPROVED its functionality!<br />I threw some jumping beans into the bottle, and the next day i had a pair of baby pogo sticks growing in my refrigerator!<br /><br />hey, if you fill up your solar shower with this stuff, you won't even need soap. it comes at a price, but it's so super!<br /><br />If you are tired with the uninvigorating, boring old swill other people call ""w
?ata?ere?"""???oro? a ????????ar????????m m a????th??? u ?????????d d b ?lal????ha?????sos???ada???theth?y y????'t'? a??tataca?h ?? h hih?ghg???????keket???ala???e te tot??, a, ???????'r're?? so so o oo ???????the the c?he?apa??, r, rereare?????y ay ?vavaiva??aba??e e ae an???????to??redre?d Cd ???? y yo??r r Mr McM?BuBur???a a pa prp???fef????, t, ??thenthe? l???k k?non??fuf?????r.r.".??212???????????XBXBUB????????????GGGG2G??,","R"???????????????ha?hat hat?isi???ipi??"????????2,2??????505040404?00000?????o wo ??????y ?rerecre??????colcollllell????onon,on,"??? bo b???ghtght t bt ??tt????s os ofo?????? s?????????aua??e e oe of???tst????????? I I ?hahavha??? a a????I rI re????ord ord?wa?sh???g g?????hinhinene ne??o ???et ??????ununkunk ???t ??of of tof ???the gthe grthe g?rooroov?????in in? my m?y ry rey r???ordord ord cord ?????????????YoY?? b ba bas basis??al
ater"", or are lethargic from all that unenhanced blah that's so bad they can't attach a higher market value to, and you're so over the cheap, readily available and monitored CRAP your McBurbia proffers, then look no further." 2118,B00061EXBU,A143VWWW5CGG2S,"Richard Lee ""What is Hip?""",4,12,5,1175040000,To wash my record collection,"I bought bottles of this stuff because of its purity. I have a VPI record washing machine to get the gunk out of the grooves in my record collection. You basical
l?y y???????tht???????????anandnd d?vav????????he he???????ffff f??sisini?? a? m ??????f wf ???ere???ndnd nd?ded??????ntnt.t? ??hih?s ??watwa?ter? i ?? s?????re???????er???in?ksk???deedeepe????in?????e ge ????ve??s as anandan??????? vi v???blb?ly ly??etettet??????nen???atatiat??g ????idi?d cd ?comco?????d ?tot?????????eded d wd ???erer ????h h l ??sss????p ??OHOH H??O!O????????r wr ??thth th?????? its its s is ???ururiurititiit????. . Y YoY?u u??ou?ldl?????be??ieievie????owow w g????at at??y y ry ??cocorcordrdsrd????aya????cec?e te th?????arear?e de de???p cp clc?????ed.ed????????fef????an an? al alw al????????ll ??he?n n?I I???m pm ???ayiay????????l l??nsn????d d od ofof of a? a C a CDC??""""I"?t ?juj????????????or??e ae alalilivli?????????he he she ???s.??????is is wis ?wat?water???s ??highighg?ly???rec????en???d ????? th thi th?is ????popososes???
ly scrub the records and vacuum the glop off using a mix of water and detergent. This water is so pure it ever sinks deeper in the grooves and is a visably better penetrating fluid compared to distilled water much less tap (OH NO!) water with all its impurities. You wouldn't believe how great my records play once they are deep cleaned. My wife can always tell when I am playing vinyl instead of a CD ""It just sounds more alive""---she says. This water is highly recommended for this purpose.
?????? e ??????rir?????????????????omeomete???? t ??? se seee?e we whw??????l l???e e fe ???s s i???????t.t????111???B0B???6161E1????????G1G??1515G5GGGGAG??2N2N,N,",???itithith h??ha??????""""T"TeT????"""""""????9,9,59,???11511?888?8838832320200?,r,?????venve?????g g?????????I lI ???ve ve? th???s ws wa?teter?. .?????????ververyry y uy ??????????? I I I??ee?l ?beb??te?r r d?ririnri??in?? i??? ??? i is? a ara?????????reeree,e????loulo???ded?e f?re??, , c, chc?????umum m 6 6 6???ee?, , c, ch, chlh???rin???e fr???????????be be f? fre?e-e?so?me?tht?ining?ing aing ?aboabououtou???revre??versverse?? os o?????is ??andand ??????in???????????????? r ?reare???????rkr?????AtAt t wt ?worwork?, ????????non????????? al a?llollowo???d td ?????in?k k sk ???? i?????????asa?ssrss????s,s???so so???bo?????????e ??en?tata a wa wa??????? I a I ?m m hm hohooooko?ede
I may even drink some of it sometime to see what all the fuss is about." 2119,B00061EXBU,A2RG1K15GGAI2N,"Edith Wharton ""Terri""",2,9,5,1158883200,rejuvenating water,"I love this water. It is very uplifting. I feel better drinking it. It is arsenic free, flouride free, chromium 6 free, chlorine free,and mtbe free-something about reverse osmosis and medicinal grade oxygen really works. At work, we are no longer allowed to drink soda in our classrooms, so I bought some Penta water. I am hooked
?? ???lil?keke e???e ?ono?e ????erer r???????oto??lel?s.s?? I I I w ???????????oulou?????llll l t???sese ?ala?????????asa?? lu l???? t?o o????chc?asasease ?th?is????????th?y ????ne ne?????ketke?! ! ! B BuBuyuy y ty ?thithisthi?????????????0,0,B,?000???MEM????????YDY????ZQZ????,f,??ugugag??shshosh?ppp?erer,er?0,???1,1,1,131323272747444?969????DoDonDo???t wt ?waswa???????????oneoneyey,y??ThT??? si sitite??dod?es????t lt ??st?? th?e ???grgrer?did????????? t? the?iri?r pr ??odo??uctuc????onlon? ???????I kI knk?????? the the the p pr p??duducductc????????????f f??raranansans ??????????????no?t ??havha??????er????? ur?????elsel?? ??ar????????hyh???ratra???d =d = =??ar?artiart???????yd???gegen?at?eded.ed???????hahav??e t?o o lo ?auaug????at at? th? the ?wawaywa???mam??????ctuctur?ererser??s wis w????trt???y toy to o fo fo??l l tl
. I like the one liter size bottles. I wish you would sell those also! I was lucky to purchase this at Dorthy Lane Market! Buy this water!" 2120,B0064MEUS6,AQXYD1H2ZQ9NN,frugalshopper,0,0,1,1327449600,Don't waste your money,"The site doesn't list the ingredients for their products online. Had I known the product was full of trans fats I would not have ordered it. Watch your labels. Partially hydrated = partially hydrogenated. You have to laugh at the ways manufacturers will try to fool t
??? p ??blblil?c.c. . ?InI??????fuf?tut????I I?wiwili????otot t???dederer r a ???rorododuducu?t t tt ???t t dt dod?ese??????????iti?? i ???????ene?????nln???e ??? t?hah?????nsn?umu?er??????????????fofor?me????ur?????????brb??/>/??<br<br ?r />r /?DiD?d d td trt?y y? th??e pe ?ro??ducdu?ct ct? an andn??????nd nd? it i?t t?asa??eleleles?s.s?? N ???he?at???????e ae ??d d id ???le????a a wa waw???y fy ???????? th???rorooro?? o of of ?th????????, ,????? b ??e fe frfro??m tm ?????????????????oio?ingin????o so ??nd?nd ind ??it tit ???mymy y sy ?sonso??inin in? co colo??ege?e e be ?ut????sss???d i???t int in ?th???trtratr???? in ins?tet?ada??. . T. ThThe???ad? t? thi th?inging ing????????t t??heyhey y dy ??? NO N?? h ???e ?to?????e t?????s fs faf??s ????gegetget ???????. ?. T???hey hey j ???t ?t dot d????????????????,B,????EGE????6,6???K4K?AIA??????AGA?F,F????????
he public. In the future I will not order a product that doesn't list its ingredients online so that consumers can make informed purchases.<br /><br />Did try the product and found it tasteless. No heat/spice and it left a waxy film on the roof of the mouth, must be from the wax. I was going to send it to my son in college but tossed it in the trash instead. The sad thing is that they do NOT have to use trans fats to get flavor. They just don't care." 2121,B000EGX2E6,A1K4AIPL0NFAGF,Constanc
e???????????????????121??0,??etet't???????totoooo o??uiuici??lyly!y!,!,",???????? t tr t?iei?????eseses?e ie ini????????????f f? ot o???r r????tet??-f-?rereee?e pe ?rorodo?ucu???? a?????t ?waw???sos????????????I ?de?cic?????d tod t??bu?????t it in??????, , a, ana?????? e ??pip??ata?ioiono???atateat????s s os ??ly?? th t?????mom??ththsth????????????? g?ivi?????mosmo??? of o??????????????????I ??id??'t't t ht ???ve ve??imi??e te ?????? a?????? t? the the ????????????? I I???ceceie???ed.ed??ThT?he he???astastete te??s s o??? n ???t tt totooto??sws?eeeetee?, ?bubutbu?t It I ?????d ?mym???lfl????ttt???g g????k k? of??????as?ast.ast?""????2,2,B,?0000000???X2X??????????CICIGIG2G242??SLS?,A,An,A????iaia ????AuA??rilri?io??,0,,0,0,0,?0,50,5,5,1,12,1232??535???00?,B?es??????????eae???SuS????owo??r ??seese???!,!,"!,"T"?TheTh??e ?ara?
e Cade,0,0,3,1316131200,Get's old too quickly!,"I first tried these in a bundle of other gluten-free products, and it was so fresh. So I decided to buy it in bulk, and the expiration date was only three months. I ended up given most of it away because I didn't have time to eat all of the 12 packages I received. The taste is ok, not too sweet, but I found myself getting sick of it fast." 2122,B000EGX2E6,A371DBCIG24BSL,Antonia C. Aurilio,0,0,5,1233532800,Best way to eat Sunflower seeds!,"These are
? m ???????????oro?iti???nunutut ??nan?ckc????SuS?nfn?lol??????s s m???????lul?uteut?e fe ??vo???te?? b ??? t ?heh?e ae ala???ndnd,d??????hewhe??(v(vev???y by bu???????y any a?nd nd??????????nd ??eae??ama????rere ?rereare???y y gy ?rereareatrea???????? H ??aveave ??ivi???????gi???s ???? e ???ry?ononeon?????????s us ?????????? me m??whw??????he???cacancan ?bu???????. ?. G. ??rea??? fo for? t? the th???ididdd?os?, , t, to, t??????????B0B?????V6V??????VPV?848??SOSOWO??CACAIAI,I,","L"L.L. . R. ???? S?r.r??"""????n Ln ???????","?0,0,0?,5,??12????696969?0000,00?,Aw,A?weswe??me????????????lo?ve? t? thi this??ca??????y andy and d ad ??? i???a a l??t ????? k ?????????as??beb????ve?veryver???harhardrd ?to? f?ini???????nyn?y sy ststostororeor?????I aI ?? s soso so g?laladad ?I ?????d ?????? A AmA???????ThThe???hih???in???wawasas as fas ??st?? an??
my most favorite nut snacks. Sunflower is my absolute favorite, but the almond, cashew (very buttery and rich), and seasame are really great, too. Have given as gifts and everyone follows up to ask me where they can buy them. Great for the kiddos, too!" 2123,B0017OV6LA,A3VP845SOWSCAI,"L. Ruth Sr. ""Sun Lover""",0,0,5,1277769600,Awesome Candy!!,I love this candy and ate it a lot as a kid. It has been very hard to find in any stores. I am so glad I found it on Amazon. The shipping was fast and
???e e p ??????t t??rrr??veveded d i ???exexcx??????t ????did?????. . I ?t ?????? h ????????sas??????avavov?r r a?ftf??r r ar ??ll ll oll ??? th t????e ye ????????ryr??????????ndyndy y iy ??????????????????t.t????ou ou?wiw?llll ll lll ???ve ve ive it????o!o???1212424,4??000???Q9Q??HAH?,A,A2A?XYXYBY??????????,M,?on??eye???????1,1??,4,???353505?????00?,",???ea???pr???ucuctuc??? po p?ooroo?r pr ?acackc???????",",","T,"???is is f frfrereereeze???drdririeri??? ic i?? c??????????rerea?t!t! !????tat??tetestes ?ex????????????? the th???or???ex?pepen??????????d wd ???th th t th the????strst??nan??? o ?????????????e,e????? a a a? fr f??act??????of of t?????????. ????erer er?rerecrece??iviiv??? t th????, I, ??unu???erser?stast????????y ity it ???st?s ?????s ts ??an? t? the? the " the ???astastrast?ronronaron??t"t?"" "" k ????????he he??????gigingingn? s ??in
the product arrived in excellent condition. It still has the same flavor after all of these years. Try this candy if you love coconut. You will love it too! 2124,B003SQ9WHA,A2XYB0KM1NXYEO,Monkey Mama,1,1,4,1350086400,"Great product, poor packaging.","This freeze dried ice cream is great! It tastes exactly like the more expensive kind with the astronaut on the package, for a fraction of the price. After receiving this, I understand why it costs less than the ""astronaut"" kind. The packaging stin
k?? o ????cec??<b<??????<br<br ??????????????????e e d ?????????msm??ara???pap?ckc?aga??? i in i???irir ?titigi?htht,t??fofoio????????papacpack?ag?????sos? a asa??toto ?non????????t t lt ??????, a, ???d md ????t it ??pop????????, ??ir??? int in??????e p?ac?ka???. . A AiA??ir iir ???s ths t???ene???? o of o? f?re??????dridr?iedie?d id it???????ececac?usu??e ie ???cocon?tataita??s ??moimo???uru??. . T. ???he phe ?????ctc???arrar???eses es i it?? is is ??in in a???n ain a?ir ?ti?gh???ca????whw?????????ne???ed ted ??to oto ?????????h ah ?? ca c???????er?????nsins????, t, ?he?he ihe ??????iduid?al????rvrvivinvi??s ?ofo??ic????re???? ar a?re ?inin ??pappape??r wr wrw?apa?pe????s th????wi?????OTO? k kek?eepeep p a ai a??????t ot ??? th????????ct????br br? /> /><?br???/>I/>ItI??gegetge??s ws wow???????hehe ?he pahe p??erer er????appap???pers pers a??????t ???ly?? NO N??
ks on ice.<br /><br />Normally, freeze dried items are packaged in air tight, foil type packages, so as to not permit light, and most importantly, air into the package. Air is the enemy of freeze dried items, because it contains moisture. The product arrives it is in an air tight can, which you need to open with a can opener. Inside, the individual servings of ice cream are in paper wrappers that will NOT keep air out of the product.<br /><br />It gets worse. The paper wrappers are not only NOT
aaia?? t tit????? b ?utut t t???? a ??? a al alsl?????L L?slslil?????enen.n??EvEvev??y ??er?vivini????s s???litli?????? i??n sn ??ve??ala? p ????????????cac??n s?aya?s s ts ??o to trt?ranra?sfsfeferer er t????se???????s is in????????pl?ocockc?????g ag ??d d????????mum??h h a??ir ir????? as a??????ibi???????is? m ?????r ??mayma???otot ????p p? th? the the p????uc?t t ft frf????, ?bubutbu?t dt dodoio?????so so????bebet??erer ???????leale??vin?g ??theth???ce???re?????? t th??????n.<n.<b<??r /r />/??<br<b??r />r /??it?h h mh ??inein??, I, ?????????????h ah ?airai??ou?t ????? the the the b the ?ag?? as? as I as ???????, ?, by, b?y cy ???osios??? t th the?? the ba the bagag ??????????? as p as ?pospo?????????rouro???????trtratrawa???????thenthe?n s???ke???th?? a??????ut ?ununtun???l Il ??I coI c???d d gd ?????? m mo m?rere re a?? air air o??ut,ut, , t, ????? sl sli sl???pedpe?d td thd the????????? out ou?
air tight, but they are also ALL slit open. Every serving is slit open in several places. The can says to transfer the servings into a ziplock bag and get as much air out as possible. This may or may not keep the product fresh, but doing so is better than leaving the ice cream in the can.<br /><br />With mine, I got as much air out of the bag as I could, by closing the bag as much as possible around a straw. I then sucked the air out until I could get no more air out, then slipped the straw out,
? w whw??????????????ththeh???aga???? o ono??e se ??????momototit?on???YoYouou u?MUM????dod? t th t?hishi??????????mem?e ye ??? o???????e ?????????ete??????e ae ???er??????????aia????wilwi?l l??uiu?in in tin ?????ele?igi??tft?ulu???????????f f t?????cec??crc?reare???. S. SoS?o bo beb??prpre???re?d d w???th th??ar?geg????plplo??? b?ag???ana?d ????strst?????f ?yo????rdr???r tr ?thithisi??????????????????000????????,A,A1A??RXR??FGF??????8,8,",????? " ??"EO"E???","???,2,,2,5,???????525?00??,I,I I? do don????knk???w ww ??ata?????d dd do??? wit wi??ououtou???thi??????,"M,"???171??mo?????olo??d cd ?????asa???y ?eae?????? the w the ?whowh???????an ian in??ononeone ?????if??????lel????????????OVOVEV?? t th? thes the?????????? He H??jujusust?? mu m?ncnchc???s os ?on on? th??m m l?iki?e e te ?the?y ?ar?e e c?hoh?coc?olaol?ateat?????
whilst closing the bag in one swift motion. You MUST do this every time you open the bag to retrieve a serving, or air will ruin the delightful texture of the ice cream. So be prepared with large ziplock bags and a straw if you order this product." 2125,B004ET9OIW,A1TRXOFG4XVIR8,"Eliz ""EO""",2,2,5,1322352000,I don't know what I'd do without this...,"My 17 month old can easily eat the whole can in one day if I'd let him. He LOVES these puffs! He just munches on them like they are chocolate (or
s??mem????ngn???????????rer???????ovo???????I I j ???????y y ay ???unu??? o on o??hi?s s??iti??lel??tat?blb?? a ana???????ili?ll ll????t ?????? th theh???upu?????faf??????? a as as s ss ?sooso?on on???? he he he i ??s ds ?on???he????ll sll ??ara?????hinhi?in??g fg ??r r?mom?oreor???HeHe ????? n nonotot ???? th?atat at w ?witwi?????y ??othot?herhe????aca??? I???s s is in?sas?anean????I hI hah???????????theth???? and an???I mI mum?ustust ust????fef???s ts ???????re re??ooo??, ,???t ??anan an g?et? e ?xpx???sis??ve ?ifi?? ba b????geg??s ??ddddid?ictic?ed??????????. I. I ???viv?ouo?uslus??????y ty ?????e ie ????????. W. ???????onlon???trt???ed ??the? c?ar?ror???chchecheeees??????. I . I t????????the ?ototh?erer ?????oror or???????e ??????????reere?????lo???mam???? con co????? h?imim m bm bu?t t It ?I wI wi??ll ll tll trtrytry ??hoh?sese se a as???????asas as??oo
something that one really loves!). I just lay a bunch on his little table and he will just pick them up so fast and as soon as he is done he'll start whining for more. He does not do that with any other snack! It's insane! I have tried them and I must confess they are good, but can get expensive if baby gets addicted to them. I obviously buy these in bulk. We've only tried the carrot/cheese... I think the other flavor because of the green color may confuse him but I will try those as well as soo
n??asa??????rer?e de ?ononen????thth h??thith?s s ps ???k!k?????2626,6????4E4??9O9?IWI?,A,A3A??J9J??S7S????????????MoM????????,5,????32532?808??800800000,00??e ???VEV???heh?????? p ??????aseas?? t???????oro? o ??ur ur????mom??????????wi??s ?????????bab??? a?????heheyhe? a ab a??olo?utu?ele???lol?veved??? the them the?. . T ?he?hey hey?? are are ?non??? 13 1????ont??s ???? s ????? l ?lovlove? t???????????prp??????????? ov ove?r ?r thr the??HaH???yMy??eltel??, ,?eve?venve?n tn ththoth?ougou??h th ????y l???e ???thostho??? as a??????. . B. ??eloel?ow ow i ?is is??y ?y pry p??????s ??isistis??<b<?????<b?r r /?>P>PrP??????? / ??BoBoto???ba?bibiei?? l?????e the t????<br???>T>???????? o ov??eraer??ll ll h he??altal??y,???ava???????s ss sosodso???m,m????? t??anan ?ot??????propr???ctc?? o?f f? th the?? sa samamem??e tye typypepe ?????nanac?ack<ack<b?<br ???? l? lot lo????
n as we are done with this pack!" 2126,B004ET9OIW,A32J92S7GY8JG0,TwinMommy,1,1,5,1325808000,We LOVE these,"I purchased these for our 10 month old twins a while back and they absolutely loved them. They are now 13 months and still love them. They prefer them over the HappyMelts, even though they like those as well. Below is my pro/cons list:<br /><br />Pros:<br />Both babies love them<br />They are overall healthy, have less sodium, etc than other products of the same type of snack<br />A lot of
m??????ese????????????ntn????ere???r r????rerea?t t??rir?cec??onon on?AmA?aza?onon ??iti?????bsb?crc??beb?e &e ?? Sa S?????r ?/>/></><b?? / /> /?CoC??s:s?<b??<br /<br ????eye??ara????????y ay ?s ?????? ea e?asiasili??????mbm??e ?ana?? t ??therthere?re are ar???? l ?????????????????blebl?es es? in i???thethe the??ot?tot???????the????nt??ainai?????<br <br /???ThiTh??s ps ??????ulu????flf???oror ?isis is???ortor?t o??????????leslesss???? m?????owo??ve?r,r??mym???wi?????????to??did???????e we ????? my m?y t???????????2?121?7,7,B,???4E4?T9T9O9???????9W9???????UXU?1,1?C.C. .????eses,es,1,??????,13,1313?????202?00,00???ealealtl?thyth??????k,k?"I"I I? am a??? m??? o of? 3 ? k ?idi????WiW??????? ol o?ded?er er t????I ????d sd sus???????harha??d td ti??me me? fi f?indin??ngn?????na??? f fo for? t??????????????'t'?????????????
munchies in each container<br />Great price on Amazon with Subscribe & Save<br /><br />Cons:<br />They are messy as they easily crumble and there are a lot of tiny crumbles in the bottom of the container<br />This particular flavor is sort of flavorless to me, however, my twins seem to disagree with my taste buds" 2127,B004ET9OIW,A219WUOP4BNUX1,C. Jones,1,1,5,1310947200,Healthy snack,"I am a mom of 3 kids. With my older two I had such a hard time finding a snack for them that didn't have so much
????iui????WhWheh?? m mym??????cac??? a ????g,g????ppppyp???amiamili?????????????d Hd ??pp?yMy?ununcn????s.s?????asa?????tht??nknkfkfuf???????????a a??nan?????lowlo? i ?in in?? sod so?diudi?um um????????? a??????tat???????o!o??AnAnd? t to?????? it i????????? i is i???rgr????????? I I k ?????it????s fs ???e ??of of?pepes???iciic??????sisid?ueu??????????!"!???121?8,8??????????????P3P?BAB???9H9?????TaT?ani?a a Ga GoG??zazalaleal?????,1,,1????303060??727?28028?00,00,S,??pe?r r h ??al?th??????????y ???????ththetheme?,B?????????ves ves??? to f to fefee?d d hd ?herhe?ses???? an?d ???thesthese? a?re? a????reareatat ?on? t th t???gog????ti??on.on. ???e he ha??? t??ie???oto?thetherthe??brb?an??s ????????? b bub?t ?th?is?? is is is???? f ??vov?orior?iteit??byby ????r ar ?????I dI ??on'on??????????d ????????? the th?em em??? to h to he
sodium! When my 3rd came along, HappyFamily introduced HappyMunchies. I was so thankful to find a snack low in sodium and with a vegetable too! And to top it off, it is organic so I know it is free of pesticide residue and GMOs!" 2128,B004ET9OIW,A4P3BAGC9HE3H,Tania Gonzalez,1,1,5,1306972800,Super healthy and Baby loves them,Baby loves to feed herself and these are a great on the go option. We have tried other brands (Gerber) but this is her favorite by far and I don't feel bad giving them to he
?r r?asas s??????? t ???t t??heheyey y a?rere e?hih?????uau??iti?y.y?????????rir????????tet???? a a???w ???ayay ??herhe?? a??? t???rere ?as? w ??lll???????2929,9???040?ETET9T????,A,?232???I6I6H6HOH???VVV????scscoc?????,0???,1,??404??646??00?,","g"????d td ??astaste?????by? l ??vev???it"it","???'v'?ve ve???ugu??t ???????ana?y ?y tiy t?memes??. G. ???????al???y y ay ??d d gd ?googo??? ta t??asteast??, b, ?babba??by lby lo???ve ive ?it,it, ??????? lo l????e ite it ???oo.oo????ccc????menmend??it??""2?13?0,?????ET??9OI9O??,A??999???????HAH?????liliclicec?????"A"AlAliAl?ce? M ??"""""",??0,00,??2,2,1,13,1????????00,??????? d ?????no?t ???kek?????????? b????hth?t t??hishi???????????????oro?gag???ic ic?chcheheehe?esees????????????on? l???ve ?GeG????????eeees?? L ???? C ???ncn??????. I. I ?ththothou?gh?????????y ly li?likelik?e te ??
r as I know that they are high quality. Hubby tries to steal a few away here and there as well :) 2129,B004ET9OIW,A23HXI6HOU5VVP,cscopa,0,0,5,1340064000,"good taste, baby love it","I've bought them many times. Good quality and good taste, baby love it, and I love it too. Reccommend it." 2130,B004ET9OIW,A5993LK5CYHAA,"Alice M ""Alice M""",0,0,2,1339113600,My son does not like it...,"I bought this because it's organic cheese puff. My son love Gerber cheese Lil' Crunchies. I thought he may like thi
????ooo?????????crcrir?????????cec?e ae ??mom??????NoN?? t th t?ere?????s 4s 4 4 c cac???s ns nonoto????ene???ThT????ded?a ??? m???iningn???heheehe??????? c????????s ?grgre??????utu??th??ereer?e i????? t ta tasa???e fe ?oro? t th???? ch??es????nanaca?k.k?????????? n ??? ch???ese? f ???vov??? in i? t????pup?????MyM????on on? op o??nen??d td ???????????d kd ?eeeepee???????inging ?th????pufpu?ff ff? to t??mem???????on???ovovev???apappp??bab?byb?'s'???????????????, b, ?beebe?????ewe?????appap?py py b?????ba?nanannana?????t t bt ????beberbe?rryrry y ay anand? S SpS???ac????????o ?????PeP???. . T. Th???????heeshee?se se????f ??oeoes???ot?ot wot ?or????or??hih?m.m?""???3131,1,B,B0B?????????,A,??5K5?XVX????DFD?DND?????orior??PaPala???r,r,0,?,0??????3131531??????,",???????in??a ????nchnc????pop????ablab?e,e??, he, hea???
s too. I subscribe it once a month. Now there is 4 cans not open. The idea of mixing cheese and carrot is great, but there is no taste for this cheese snack. There is no cheese flavor in the puff. My son opened the can and keeps giving the puff to me. My son love Happybaby's yogurt melts, beef stew, happy baby banana beet blueberry and Spinach, Mango and Pear. This cheese puff does not work for him." 2131,B004ET9OIW,A35KXVK3WDFDNL,Lori Palmer,0,0,5,1331510400,"Great in a pinch...portable, health
?y"y?,","W"?hih?lel??I I?????y y t ??ata??? a amam m t???????? m ???bababa?y y ty tot??beb????sns??????, ,??heh??e ?e are arer????erfer?ece?????????e ???-b-??twt????? ti t???? f fo??? my my ?? y ?eaearear r or ?ldl????aza??????he??????? t te???? m me m?e te ththath?at at t? the???ara???? h he?ala?th?ieierer er????????fofor??? my my b??abyab?y ty thy thahanha???thethe ?e tye t?pip???? g??oco??????to???????????lt?er?na????e.e?????iki?????o ko ke??? t? the?????????? c ca c???????did???perpe?r br ???g fg ???for hfor ??lpl?pinpi??? to to to? ca??m m mm ??????tlt?????e e we ?hi????waw??????????for mfor ??????ete?c.c??????????th?thinthinkn?????? t????e ??????me??????t ht ?he ??uru?????tst?????????ke?ke tke ?????y ary a?re ?gogoioinoingng ??to to d????????????ThaTh???mam??keske??me? h?ap?????????2,2?B0B??????OIO?W,W?A3A???MMMM7M??????????
y","While I worry that I am teaching my baby to be a snacker, these are perfect for the in-between times for my 1 year old grazer. The label tells me that they are a healthier choice for my baby than the typical grocery store aisle alternative. I like to keep these in the car and diaper bag for helping to calm my little one while waiting for meal, etc. I don't think they taste awesome, but he sure eats them like they are going to disappear. That makes me happy!" 2132,B004ET9OIW,A338MM7JNN7Y1,"T.
??LaL?nen?????????iri???"""""""??0,0?????131????????0,??umu?mymy y h ?????thyth?y sy ?nan????????ovo?????e e l?ovoveov???????? T ?he???he?????? ca c??rorotot t?????oro???? f fa farar ar???ttt?????thath?an an??the???????? fl f???vorvo???MyM???????teterte?? a ?gege e 2e ????iki???????m m??otothot????utu??bebecbecac????????sn??????n ??the?m m im ???n thn t??he che ????? o ????????? the the e ce ?????ar????carrcar?rotro??whw???? i ??????????? m ??e t?oooo.o. ?I ??lovloveve ve t th tha th??t tt ?????ar???he?????thy thy a????I ????n fn ???????????????? g?ivi?in????erer er? th? thes the?se se ise ??????d ??f f s ??meme me??ririgighghtghtlt?????lo???d ????ste??????hinhi??s.s. ???ove????""2???3,3???00400???9O9OIOIWIW,W?????XBX??????SQSQBQB,B,O,???an?ic???????,0,,0,0,0,?0,50,?????????32032????YumYumm?????My???????boyboysy??lolov?e ???he he Hhe ?
Lane ""luvnbirth""",0,0,5,1328745600,Yummy healthy snack we love,"We love these. The cheddar carrot flavor is far better than the green flavor. My daughter, age 2, likes them both, but because we snack on them in the car I opt for the cheddar carrot which is tasty to me too. I love that they are healthy and I can feel great about giving her these instead of some brightly colored mystery things. Love em" 2133,B004ET9OIW,A18EXBM5U6KSQB,Organic Mama,0,0,5,1327363200,Yummy!,"My two boys love the Ha
??pyp? M ????hih??? C ??ede?dadara????heehe?esees??CaCararrar???. .?????y ry rer?ququeu??t t????m m?asa?????iri???nan??k k???s t???????????????ir ir?"""????w"w""??ono???.v.v.v??????vev??? tha th?at at???eye?????e le ?lowlo???n n sn sosodo?iui??? i??????es??2525m5?? o?? c ??ololil?inein??????r ser s?erver???g ??whw???????????at?at fat ????ththetheithe?ir ??eyeey??)a)??????????es ges ????,so???the???y ary are? K KoKososh??er er??er?titifi??iedied ??whiwh?????s ?? p ??luslu??s ass as ???????. I . I? lo lov????? p?utu???the?????? b ???gigieiesies s a????kekeee?? t?? them them m im in????y py pup???se se f ?forfo????????ncncync?y sy ??acackac???on???????o.o??HeH???????, c, crc?ununcunch???????????sts?t bt ?uyu??""2????,B,?000???T9T????,A,??DWD???IW???R4R???,v,vi?????tst????????0,40,???13113???????00,00,",???astasteast??es ges goes g??od,od?, l, lo???? of? c cr cru?????,"?
ppy Munchies Cheddar Cheese/Carrot. They request them as their snack as they watch their ""show"" on t.v. I love that they are low in sodium, includes 25mg of choline per serving (which is great for their eyes)and tastes great. Also, they are Kosher certified which is a plus as well. I love to put these in baggies and keep them in my purse for emergency snacks on the go. Healthy, crunchy and a must buy." 2134,B004ET9OIW,A2DWOZIWZ4R43S,vincentsmom,0,0,4,1317340800,"Tastes good, lots of crumbs","M
?y y 1 1 1 y ?eae?????? s ?????oeo?s s r ??????y ly ?iki??????????ana??th?eye????rtr????ly? t??ststet????????r tr th??an an??omo?e ??? t th t??????therthe?????????fof?odo??????????????????ly ??sss?ueu???????erereere ?ararear?????s ?of???rur??bsbs s is ?in in? th the the the? ca c???th?????????e ine i????? i ?t t??????me???y y iy ifi??yoy????an????? d???? t? the??? in intn???? b ????iei???forfor ?????????o.o???????,B,??0404E4????IWI?,A,??XZX??ZUZ??808??IGI??,S,?araraar???.L.LeLeeee,e?0,0,0?????13113141?14??????FaF?????tit?c,c?Th?es?????re re???????t t at ?????nanatnati????to?to cto ???psp?s. s.????????'t'???sursu???????? the??????????e ??????d od ??on oon ot?he???re??????????????m ???ada?d Id ?I bI ?????t ?t tht the?m ?an??d wd wiw????I ?????????????nd?????????on? I I??avaveve ve? tw t??
y 1 year old son does really like these- andthey certainly taste better than some of the other finger food snacks. The only issue is there are lots of crumbs in the can they come in, so it gets messy if you want to dump them into a baggie for on the go." 2135,B004ET9OIW,A1XZBZUY80ZIGP,Sara M.Lee,0,0,5,1314144000,Fantastic,These are a great alternative to chips. I wasn't sure how they would be based on other reviews but I am glad I bought them and wish I would of found them sooner. I have twin
???8 8???ntn?h h o olo??s s?ana???th??y y?cacan?????ete?t et ??ouo?????f f t????. . I I I l ??????????????2?????B0B000????9O9???????HDH??7F7?????YCY?,C,?. . B. ??rlr?et?????,0,,0?5,5???????161??00,00,m,???sos??????????? thes the???????y soy s??on ion ???ononlonlyly ?9m9????????? c ca can??????????????, ????t ht ???LO??VESVE????????. . H ??e ge ?????exe?cic?iteiteded ?whwhe?n n?? e ????? ta t?ke??? the??? ou o?ut ut? of o???the? p ??antan???!!!? I????????the??faf???t tt ?thathata?????y ??????rgr????????nd nd??????hah?veve ve?? car ca????ts.ts????????????4ET4E??????A1A??O7O???NDN????323??pep??????????5,????1818918???00??grg??at????????,M,?My My??onon ?lol?vevesve???????????I I cI ??n ????ve ?????? to? h???????????? th???y my mem??t t it in????s s ms ??ut???????????? ch c?oko?????? t?? they?
18 month olds and they can't get enough of them. I like them too! 2136,B004ET9OIW,A3PHDG7F14VQYC,C. Berlett,0,0,5,1312761600,my son LOVES these,"My son is only 9mo, so he can't say it yet, but he LOVES these. He gets excited when I even take them out of the pantry!! I like the fact that they are organic and also have carrots." 2137,B004ET9OIW,A17O707NDMA132,peanut,0,0,5,1311897600,great snacks,My son loves them and I can give them to him knowing they melt in his mouth so won't choke and they
???? g ?ooo?d d?fof???hih?? t ???????383??B0B?????9O9OIOIWI??AHA?YEY?CMCMJM???????,R,?ehehth?a,a??,2,2,2????313??31?686??00,00???usu?????ryr? e ??????y (y ??us?? e ev eve?ry?whwheh?ereer??? a ??d ???heyhe??dodono?????tasta??e ??as as? go goo??d ad as??GeG??beb?????he????tlt??e oe ???mym?y ry ?revre???w w???ysys s?????lll? ( ?as?as las ???g g? as as ?it?it dit ????????ete?t ct ????????????ese?e ???ve??? l lo???????e a????ini? t th t??m m tm ?thathanan an? th?e ???rbrbe?????ittittl??e Ce ???ncn?hihiehi???. T. ?The?se??crc???sh sh e????remre?elely????asias???y ay ??d ?ge?????st??cr??mbm???ala?ll ll????ver ver?????plplal???. . A. ??sos?? t?? they the?y d?????????astas?te te??eaearea?lyly ????gogoogo?? a as as as t? the???Ger?beberber ber????tl?????CrunCrunc?hihie?s.s?????hey hey m?igi??ht ht b ???????terte????r ?yoy???, a, an???? l??kek??th???t it ????hasha?????inintin????f vf ???gigie
are good for him too. 2138,B004ET9OIW,AHYECMJGIGU4S,Rehta,1,2,3,1314316800,Crush very easily (dust everywhere!) and they don't taste as good as Gerber,"The title of my review says it all (as long as it didn't get cut off). These have a lot more air in them than the Gerber Little Crunchies. These crush extremely easily and get dust/crumbs all over the place. Also, they do not taste nearly as good as the Gerber Little Crunchies. They might be better for you, and I like that it has a hint of veggie
s? i ?n n? it i?? b ??? m ?y y?171?????tht? o ?ldl? i????t ??????hahapa????wiw?th??????? S ?heh??lll??????k k o?????????f f t?ha???s ???????????ptptit??? a ??????????????llylly ??unungn??ry,ry??bu??t st ??e e?ded????????ly ly w ?wilwill??non??t ct ?hoh?ososese e te ???????e ?fi??stst t gt gog??? th??????eveve?rar?al al m mo?????s as ???? an a?nd nd s sh s?????s has h??d td ???? sa s??????acactac?tiotion??????? them them ?ev??eryer??titimti????in?????hehenhe??""??????B0B000????9O9??W,W,A,??797????SAS?????3,3,g,??ge??0,0???5,5?1313213?353????00?????????????????on???ly oly ?oneon??,","H"???????byby ?Ha???ymy?????iei?es es B ??kekeded ???gagan??c c?ChC?heehees????????eg????????????Ch?ededdeddadarar r Cr Ch?CheeChees?ese/ese???arrarror?????????????es?es (es ??ac?? O Of Of ??)<)???r /r ?><>?<br<b??????ellel????ththith??s is ?is is???x x?????s s ss shshosh
s in it, but my 17 month old isn't very happy with them. She'll snack on them if that's her only option and she's really hungry, but she definitely will not choose them. We first got these several months ago and she's had the same reaction to them every time since then." 2139,B004ET9OIW,A3796OXSA7XVN3,gege,0,2,5,1323561600,Why I received only one?,"Happybaby Happymunchies Baked Organic Cheese and Veggie Snack, Cheddar Cheese/Carrot, 1.63 Ounces (Pack Of 6)<br /><br />Hello, this is six items sho
?ulu??????ini????llllel??? b bu butu? I ???????rer?cec??????a,a???I wI wiwiti???????????on???ctct ??????obo????y ry ??asa??on on Ion ?, ????as??e ve ??????????so???on aon ????oso?sis????, ????????e re ??isiss??????thath?nkn? y ?ouo??!!??""2?????B0B?010?HTH???VWVW,W???????????6O6?N,N???ararprpsp?wewelell?WoW?????""""H????????llW?om???""??????????292?101??525202?00,00?VeV???y ty ?tasta??y ?????st??ththethe ????hth??????????f f s?alaltal??t ant andn???re???h fh flflal?vov???,"??I pI ?ururcr??as??d ?ththith?? a?????y ly ?ococacal????????h f???od od s??????an?d d Id I ??? e ?njn?oyo?ininging g i it it t it ??me??????????he? j???ce???asas ?????iceic??? ro r?obuob??????xtx?ur?e,????? i??? is i?? no n?t ?t ovt ove??lyly ly? sa?ltl?y.? T?hehe ?fl???or??? is is a??az??ing?ly??frfrefresesh? a?ndnd nd r re r?????????.<.??r r?????????
uld be installed, but I only received a, I with amazon contact but nobody reason I, please verify as soon as possible, give me reissue, thank you!!!!" 2140,B001HTG9VW,AXJ1QYBUL86ON,"HarpswellWoman ""HarpswellWoman""",2,2,5,1291075200,Very tasty - just the right amount of salt and fresh flavor!,"I purchased this at my local health food store and I am enjoying it immensely. The juice has a nice, robust texture, and it is not overly salty. The flavor is amazingly fresh and refreshing.<br />I combi
????iti??wiw?ithith h?OdOdwd?alalll?a a?flf?lasla????asa????????? 1 101000?? c ???roroto?t jt juj?ici?????????wew??ll-ll???ovo??-a????aga???ve?ge???ablablel???????e te ththah????? a a a???odo??ene?nernergr?????osost?????????aka?ese?s fs ??r ????rer??at at???te???at?????tot?????angan??????ce???r ?????? s ?we?ete??t jut jui??cesce?????????njn???!"!???141?1,1,B,???2B2?B7B7E7???????????RARA2A??N9N?M,M?ElE?iz????etheth,h???,2,,2?5,5???????????,",??????at iat ?nvn?????onon,n? t?????, ?he???th????,"W,"WeWe ?lolovoveove ?e the t?heshe??????????????thith??gsg?????? a l a ????????ouo??h.h??????ooo? m ??uchuc????????er ter ?? f??eded ed t?o ???ba?byby ???? to?ddddldle????????????. ??ur???onon on l ??????sus??kikin?????????????ou??t at ??d ?we? a ar are?????as?eded ??thath????????s bs ????? or?gag???? a?nd????
ne it with Odwalla flash-pasteurized 100% carrot juice for a well-above-average vegetable juice that is a good energy-booster and makes for a great alternative to orange juice or other sweet juices.<br />Enjoy!" 2141,B002BB7EWI,A3QOK68RA24N9M,Elizabeth,2,2,5,1280275200,"Great invention, tasty, healthy","We love these baby food things in a little pouch. Sooooo much easier to feed to a baby or toddler on the go. Our son loves sucking the fruit out and we are pleased that it is both organic and hea
l?tht??????th th???????? a ????d d?- -????? f frf????? F ??r r?sms?ala?????ono???????? g ?ooo??d td tot???letlet t tt ??emem m h ????le? i ?? t ???????????, b, bebece?aua??e e????y ??ovo?ve ve???o so ?ququeu???e e ie ????whwhih???? ge g???? th thi th??gsg???veververyr???erereere.e. ??????ldlde??r o?ne?s s cs ?????eeeedee???????them????????. I. ???ikikeke ???? 3 ???????ze? r rar???therthe??????? th?e e be bibigi??er? o on?e e te the thahatha??????m Om OrO????ic?s s hs ??s ?fofor? s so s?????f f t????????ther ther f fl flalava??orsor??????asa???rer?es es t??at????e we ?wilwill??eae?at at aat ?allal?? or o??momosost????????in?????? si?ttttitin?? r ra r???????ha?n ?ha?viv???ing ting ????avaveav???om??e fe ?forfo?r lr la??er??????????? al alslsoso so? ta t???????s ??iz??e oe one o?n an ?iri?plp?lanla?nes???it??ou?t t ht ?????ing ??o o ho hahav?e e i????esestes??????? e??pl???ivi???s -s ???
lthy with nothing added - just fruit. For smaller ones, not good to let them handle it themselves, because they love to squeeze it, which gets things everywhere. But older ones can feed to themselves. I like the 3.17 size rather than the bigger one that Plum Organics has for some of the other flavors. It assures that he will eat all or most of it in one sitting rather than having to save some for later. You can also take this size on airplanes without having to have it tested for explosives - no
?t t??heh???asa?e ?wiw?th? t????bib?ggg??r r??ouo?chc?????????soso o l lil?????thath???it??????PAP? f ?rer??. ????yoyouourou????????????e le ?liklikekeske?s ts ??????????erier?ngng g? in i?? bu b?lkl? a????wiwitwi??th sth ??????ibi?????? s sas????????? t th the themem em m mumuc?????????er er????an an a at a?????? st s??oreore.e."e.??212?????000???????I,I??181?OJO??ERE?S7S??2J2??,S,??????ShS??ppppe?r,r,1,?1,11,?1,31,3,3,1??040????606????oto???mpmprp??????,",??I rI ?reare???? w wa w?????d md ??y ky kikidi???s tos t???ovo?ve ve i it i?: :????????re? v ??????ononvon????ene??t ot on?? th? the the g ????andan???hohouho?ulduld d bd be????li??ioi??????. o. or?? so so ???????????. U. ???????nan??ele?ly,ly???on?e ?????the?????ds ds? ca cara??d d fd ????itit ???? it? t?as??????lik??e se ststat?gege ge??? ba b?byb??fo??d d (d ?ve??y y by blblalanand??? an and an?d id ?is is???eryer?y ry ???nyn???tootoo,o??
t the case with the bigger pouches. I also like that it is BPA free. If your little one likes them, ordering in bulk and with subscribe and save makes them much cheaper than at the store." 2142,B002BB7EWI,A18OJ0ERS7S2J1,Smart Shopper,1,1,3,1304121600,Not impressed,"I really wanted my kids to love it: these are very convenient on the go and should be delicious... or so it seemed. Unfortunately, none of the kids cared for it -- it tastes like stage 1 baby food (very bland) and is very runny too, s
????t t c ?ana???ete??quq???e e m ??sss?y y? if if f?yoyouou u????eeeeze???a a?????lel??totooo?o ho hah????oro?? if if if???e ??hihilildl?d dd ???psp?????""2????,B,B0B??2B2BBBB7B??WIW???1K1?SPSP4P??????6U6UWUW,W?????ee????,1,,1???,12,1282???????00,00,T,?asa????????coc?nvnvev???en????"I"I I???scs?covco??rer?????esesees???hehenhe?n mn ???dad??????r ??asas as??bob??t ?????on??thsth??????. I. I ???ishish h?????d d fd fof??????????eae???lieli? ?y ary a??????an???? t??????????????arear?e ee ?easeasysy sy?foforfor r tr ?todtoddddldle?rsr??toto to?ha?????? an and? v ??????conco?nvenven????????? al alwl?waywa?????eepee?????? i????y ?pupurursrsers??e ane a?nd ?ini????? c??? w ???? w??????ou??? an????????. . T???? a???re nre ?oto?????ssyssy,y???nln?lesle????f ????ursur???????hey dhey ????????o ?????eezeeze????? p ??oucou??????ic?????lyl????ppp?
o it can get quite messy if you squeeze a little too hard or if the child drops it." 2143,B002BB7EWI,A1KSP4V0KK06UW,S. Lee,1,1,5,1289865600,Tasty and convenient!,"I discovered these when my daughter was about 15 months old. I wish I had found them earlier. They are organic, taste great, are easy for toddlers to handle and very convenient! I always keep some in my purse and in the car when we're out and about. They are not messy, unless of course they decide to squeeze the pouch, which only happe
??????????s ws whwheh?n n??hehe'he????otot t??unu??ryr??????/>/??<br<b??r />r />T>ThT?? P ???m m?OrO????ici?s ????e e????o o i ??clc??ded?????mem??vav?????????????????????????vevege???aba?leleses es?mimixixex??d td tot??getge???????TheTh??????????uru?prp??sis??glg????oooodo?d ad anandand and??rer???ne? w ?aya?????gegetget get?????ic??y y ey eae?te?????to eto ???t st ??somesom??e vee v????ies???YoY?u u c cacan??????????? v????ietieti?eses ?atat at r ?reare??on????? p pr???????? A ??azazozon?, ,??othothe?????re? m?ororeor????pepen???ve? f??or or????? r re r????n.n????abiab????? U ?s ?hah????ada?????al???e eve e??ry? o???therther ????th? o???????he?hereher??yoy?????????????themthe?m fm fo??r $r ?1 1???chc?????yoyouyo???????he?????? se s?etset??????. . T. ThThaTh???isi????????????en??I I??to???? up up p???????????xtx??twt???momonmontn?
ns for us when she's not hungry.<br /><br />The Plum Organics line also includes some varieties with fruits and vegetables mixed together. They taste surprisingly good and are one way to get my picky eater to eat some veggies. You can find some varieties at reasonable prices on Amazon, others are more expensive for some reason. Babies R Us has had a sale every other month or so where you can get them for $1 each if you buy them in sets of 8. That is usually when I stock up for the next two month
?s.s??????212?444?,B,?000???B7B7E7?WIW??????V1V???838???6K6K,K,M,?ililala a??ovo?????l,l???,1,,1,5,??????????000000,0??rer??? i ????! !?YuY?????prprorododuducuctc??,",????dad?ugu????? w ??illil? s ststat????scs????ol ol?ththih????????ana?? i??????????ererner????aba?ouo?t ?lulunu?????????d fd ???iti???o-o??go go?ch?oio?cecesce???WeW?'v'??????????????????did?ffffeferereer????fr??uitui?t pt ???uchuc?heshe????t at ?a la ?????al oal ????anianic???to?rere re a ?????hehe he???nd nd???????d ???es?e ??????oso??. ???t it ???non??t ot ?oveov????y sy ????t ??anand???a sa ?????????y y vy ??ariar?at??on???s ????ll)ll),)???????????alallally? g go??????????canca??ea??il??y ey ?eatea??? o ?f f? th t??hesehes????er??y dy day d?y.y.<.?brb?r /r ???I rI ??realrea?llyll?????e ???he he fhe fafacfa???? tha th?? i it i??hah?? n?? s su s????? an?d ????lorlo??adadddde???+ + i it it it i????orgor
s. :)" 2144,B002BB7EWI,A1QEV11J83426K,Mila Dovgopol,1,1,5,1282608000,Great idea! Yummy product!,"My daughter will start school this fall and i was concerned about lunches and fruit-to-go choices. We've bought several different fruit pouches at a local organic store and she and I loved these the most. It it not overly sweet (and a strawberry variation as well), tastes really good. She can easily eat 2 of these every day.<br />I really like the fact that it has no sugar and color added + it is org
a?nin?c.c. .????????uiuiti??pup???e.e?????/>/><><b<br<b?r /r ??I,I??pep????????????????????e e?babananaan?????ara?iai?tit????????????? j ??ustust ?beb???us????? m ???owownw? p??????nalna????refrefef?ereer?ncn?ese???????ke??????? b ba b??ananana?nasna?s ms ?orore??tht??an an c coc?oko???),)??ototh?erer er? th t??n n tn ???????? d ??????erer ????????d d????l ol ?of of f?lal???orsor??toto o 1 ???ststast???.".??212????B0B?020??????????????G6G???LCL???,k,ke??llelleye?y,0y,?,0,????????????0000,00???umu?????s ths t?????st??,",???um?? pr pro prodo?ucu????ar?e ???uchuch ?a a???????fufulu??anandan????ummum???????a fa fofor?????e te ???dld??????heche?? e eve?venven ?n thn thehe he a??duldu???fr?????timti???e toe to o to ??????????epep p?? f?ul??l sl ????? o?f ???????????vorvo?r fr ?????t pt pot pououc????????????s s fs ???r tr ????????. ???????
anic. Just fruit puree.<br /><br />I, personally, don't like banana variation, but it's just because of my own personal preferences (i like fresh bananas more than cooked), other than that, my daughter approved all of flavors to 10 stars." 2145,B002BB7EWI,A2ESMRG6O3LC2E,kelley,0,0,5,1321401600,Plum is the best!,"Plum products are such a wonderful and yummy idea for the toddler, heck even the adult from time to time. I keep a full stock of every flavor fruit pouch Plum makes for toddlers. They ma
??e e?a a g grgrer????????? t ??????owo???? t??e e de didiai?pep?????g g o ???ba?ck????????????heherhe?r yr ??u u????? pa p????ingin????????? t???p p????????sts???????chchoh?????unu?chchech?? o or o????ininging ing????????eye?????? T ??heshe???pop?oucou?chechesche???ava?????aveav?? t????dad????ananyany ?mamanma?y ?tit?mem?????????ve ve?eve??????aba????? on o????or or tor ??o ??????d ??to to????lu?nc?? w?hehenhe??????th????frfruruiuitit t wt ????av???????????r ?meme,me??anandan??it?? wa w?????alallllyl?y gy ??????????ave????? w?il??l al alalwal????s rs ?recrecocomo???nd?nd Pnd ??lumlum m t to? to e to ev?????pa???????I kI knknonowno???2212141?6,6?????BBB?7E7????A2A???L0L0H0??????ZKZ???????an,an?0,0?,0,,0???131303090?????00????ve??it????lolov???Pl???m om ?orgor??anian????ou???. . . ?GoG?? t??is? o??e ????sas?aleal?. ???y ??babba?y ?
ke a great snack to throw in the diaper bag or back pack, whether you are packing a for a trip to the store, school lunches or going to Disneyland! These pouches have saved the day many many times. I have even grabbed one or two to add to my lunch when no other fruit was available for me, and it was really good! I have and will always recommend Plum to every parent I know!" 2146,B002BB7EWI,A2FKL0HK0AYGZK,S. Wan,0,0,5,1309219200,Love it,I love Plum organic pouch. Got this one on sale. My baby a
????tot??dld?ere? L ??VEV?? th t??? s ?o o??ucuchc???????3 3 y ???rsrs ?ololdl???lwl?ayaysys s as asa??? me m??fof???mom?oreor??2212141?7,7,B,?????????I,I?????S9S??GOG?IFIFAF?DQD???lil?nan???,0????13130302?828252???00,00,G,?rereaeatea?? fo f?? t tr trar?????ngn????or tor tht?rorowo?in??g ig ????ouo?????apapep?er er?babaga??????onon n??ovo?vesve???theth?ses?e ae ??nd nd t? the th??y ay ???e ge ??reare????to to t? thr thro???inin in yin ?ou???r dir d?iapia???r br ba?g ?oror ?????e we wiwitwi??? on o??trt?ipi??. ?????oto???????mem????cac??'t'?t ft fif??????resreshsh h f?????t wt whw??le??wewe e ae are are??????an?d ??bob????t tht thah?????y sy ?sonso??(h(heh??isis is??????? e ?? ??ThT??se????????ea??????????se ise ??????s acs a??????? fru fr??t t a?nd?nd hnd ??? ca can can ?eaeat?????sts??aia?ghghth??t frt f?????? the the?????????JuJus??t mt ??akeak???????yo??????p p? th??????the the f fi f??rstrs?t ct ??????????
nd toddler LOVE this so much. My 3 years old always ask me for more. 2147,B002BB7EWI,A37DS9ZGOIFADQ,Alina,0,0,5,1302825600,Great for traveling or throwing in your diaper bag,My son loves these and they are great to throw in your diaper bag or take with on trips. A lot of time I can't find fresh fruit while we are out and about that my son (he is 1) can eat. These are great because it is actual fruit and he can eat it straight from the pouch. Just make sure you help them the first couple of t
???ese? o ??????e e y ????????????vev??? b ?????f f???memesmesss???????,B,???2B2BBB?7E7???,A,??ALA???3E3ERE?GRG???M,M????i i???ellel?????,5,?,1,131?00001001414714??0000,00??ou??? b bu buyuy y a?gag??????av?????????heh??r br ????????iki???????????or????????????? al a??????????yey?d ?ththeth??? ????????er?????rer???lyl???ooo??d bd ??argargagaiga?? o?????aleal???2??14914?????2B???????A1A??GMGMTM??????????SCS?MoMomo???,0????5,??1301300???7272072?????m-m-Y-?YumYum m??isishishMh?????MyM??8 8 m mo mono??th th??ldld ld?lol?ve????thi?s ?? h????nono o???obo???????ld?iningin???????susucu?kik????????????????. . . T???? i????re?ata?t ft ???r or ?on on??he? g gogo!go????505?0,B0,??0202B02?BB7BB?7EW7E?WI,WI??2T2TBTBDB???X8X??O0O080?L,L?????kyk??????,0,0,,0,0,5??,12,1?989???76760600??whwhahatha??anan an???????e ???ea?!,!?th????
imes or else you might have a bit of a mess. 2148,B002BB7EWI,A2ALTJ3ERGRZBM,Kari Sell,0,0,5,1300147200,Would buy again,"Have had other brands like this before, and have always enjoyed them. These were a really good bargain on sale." 2149,B002BB7EWI,A1PGMTRXUFCK2F,SCMomma,0,0,5,1300147200,Yum-Yum MishMash,My 8 month old loves this & has no problem holding it & sucking the food out. This is great for on the go! 2150,B002BB7EWI,A2TBDYGX87O08L,slinky41,0,0,5,1298937600,what an awesome idea!,this m
a???s s???ede?????ono??ththeh? g ?? s ?o o eo ??????mym?? on onen??yey????olo???wiw???????? d ???n n an a a??ouo????in???? mi min??tet???????shs?????veves????eme????151?1,1??????B7B7E7???????E1E???M6M6G6??????????????hohomo???,0?,5,?,1,??989888???20200??????? a?????y ???????ve?????????"I"???????t t???isi??fof????? 1 ?15 15????????????????ho?????????????a a va ?????????????????as??ofo???ata??. .????wawan???????????n ann a???????? wa w??y ty ??????e e se susuru????he ???tst????s s f?rur????an?d d vd ???gig???e see s?rvr??ingingsgs ?ea???h dh ?ayay.ay. ? T Th??is is???es?es tes thes t??????ickic??! ! H HeH??lo???????em??? and an???he he che cac?an an?????d hd hid h?msm??lfl??. ?????????e ??canca?n In ??sas?ay?ay? ?????h,h??????tut?alallllyll?y ty try t????? on?e,e, ?an??? th?eyey ??reare???y ?ar??
akes feeding on the go so easy! my one-year-old will suck down a pouch in 5 minutes and she loves them! 2151,B002BB7EWI,AQAE1BZM6GQ2I,BarRhettThom,0,0,5,1298851200,YUMMY and my son loves them!,"I bought this for my 15 month old son who has become a very picky eater as of late. I wanted a fun and easy way to make sure he gets his fruit and veggie servings each day. This does the trick! He loves them and he can feed himself. What more can I say? (Oh, I actually tried one, and they really are
?gog??d!d???22121515252,2,B,B0B?020??B7B7E7EWE????2Q2??XBX???????F6F?,L,LoL??lilipi??pbpbrb??t,t,0,??,0,,0?5,5?121??????????"G"?rer????????adadudulu???? t ?oo????,"I,"????ieiede? t???? p prpror??????bebececac?usu?? i ?t ?????????FrFriridridad????????alal"l????ndn???? c ??ugu?hth?t mt ?y ??yey?e ie ??it bit ?beibe?ngn? 1 101??? f fr f?uiu??it ait ana??? 10 1?????orgorgag??icic.c. .????dod????t ht hah?????anyany ?chchi??drd?renre?, , b, bubutut ??hihishi?s ls ?ooookookek????ntntet?re?sts?in??g tg ?? t tr try try y by ??cacau?sese se I???????ene?????ining? t?o o??????eaealea???hiehi?? a??d d sd ?????timti??s ???????harha???to???????? r ???om???ndndended??ama????? o of o??? fru frui??????vivin?ingsings ?s a s a d ??y.y?. . ? I I???????ruiruit?it b?utut ut? it i?t at alalwal??ysys ?????s ??to to g????ad??? bef befo????????n n en ea?????? al a??. . ???bob?ougough?t t tt tht theh?e be ?banba????a ma ???? m?as?h h ah ???so,so??
good!)" 2152,B002BB7EWI,A2Q5XBEY1EE6F6,Lollipopbrat,0,0,5,1298073600,"Great for adults, too!","I tried this product because it was a ""Friday Special"" and it caught my eye it being 100% fruit and 100% organic. I don't have any children, but this looked interesting to try because I've been trying to eat healthier and sometimes it's hard to get my recommended amount of fruit servings a day. I buy fruit but it always seems to go bad before I can eat it all. I bought the banana mish mash also, a
????????lyly y l ?iki?e e?itit,t, ,?tot??? ??? li l?ikeik?e te ?? a ???d id ????o o?mym??????ea?l,l??oror r?sps???ad???t t o ono? t to top to????????????utu???ut??erer r tr ?????? o??r jr juj??st st????????lfl??????o co ???rir???y ty ?heh???ngn??redre????tst????? h ?as?????difdi??er?en???frf???its?????t ?ju?st?st pst ??acachch h???nd nd n ?notno??t jut jus????????????????ouous??ly,ly?, I, ?'m'? o ok ok k?????h th ???s.s?..?jujus???wawanantan?tedte?d td ?to ???ror??????t ?ououtou????er?ere.ere?. ???herhe??????re mre ??????lele ??????s s? I I???vev???bobouout?????? p ???dud?ctc?. ?????ere ere g gogoeo?s.???an?d d nd ?not????n an an?y ????ti?????ar ar o?????????brb??????????y ?y toy t?o oo ????, ??ononvonve???????, r, ?resre???alaalab?le?? po p?oucouch?<b<br<b???>2>2)2?) I) ???????testes ?????t!t?<b???/>?3)3????? n na nat?uru???, ?101000?????ui??t..t.??no???
nd really like it, too. I like to add it to my oatmeal, or spread it on top of my peanut butter toast, or just by itself! To clarify the ingredients- it has 3 different fruits, not just peach and not just banana. Obviously, I'm ok with this...just wanted to throw that out there. There are multiple things I love about this product. Here goes.. and not in any particular order...<br />1) Easy to open, convenient, resealable pouch<br />2) It tastes great!<br />3) All natural, 100% na
ssts????rer???rvrvav?tit?vev?? o ??????????????????????0000%0% %? or o?gagananinic?<b????>5>5)5?) G) GrG?reare???fof?or or?eve?ververyryoy??e,e, , n ??t t j ???st st???bib????<b<br????6)6????he he???????????ooo?? c??mpm????d ?????? ot o???? s ????lal?ar ar?? pro prod????s,s???andan???????ve ve???the the?????????ppp???g!g!"!""2?????B0B00??BBBB7B?????A2A2C2???J5J??????????? J ??hnh?????0,0?,0,,0?5,5??292979?????00000?????at?at tat ??st??ingin???lulumum m??ot???otot ot a ?as as??????? as as ????the sthe st???????????????sti????????????e.e?????????? t?hrhror????n n???????erer ?ba?g ???or por ???? by ??? d???????ele?y ?? g???d d dd ded?ealea??whwhe???itit'it????? s?alaleal?e.e.2?15???,B0,B?002002B002?BB7BB???????R9R??U4U4H4HOH???????GaGararyar??FoF???bisbis,????0,50,??1212912?595919???60060??MyM??7 7??on??th th o??d ?d dad d???
sty preservatives or chemicals<br />4) 100% organic<br />5) Great for everyone, not just babies.<br />6) The price is good compared with other similar products, and I love the free shipping!" 2153,B002BB7EWI,A2CU3J5TSL9M5M,M. Johnson,0,0,5,1297296000,Great tasting Plum Tot,Not as tasty as the strawberry but still very nice. Great to throw in a diaper bag or purse. Spendy but definitely a good deal when it's on sale. 2154,B002BB7EWI,A2R9FU4HOE1QN7,Gary Forbis,0,0,5,1295913600,My 7 month old daugh
t??r r???d d?181?mom???h h?????twt??? n nin?ece?e e??????????? l ?ovo?e e te th??ses?,T,????se se???e ?awa?es??meme ??nd?nd ind ?? y ????knk??w w ww ?he??? t ???fif??????? d ???coc???? c co?dedes???he????an? b ?e ??upupeper? i ??exe???????????I I l lo l?oveove ??he?????????uru?alal al i?ngn???di??antan?? a an?d d Id ????tutuatu????y fy ??nd??ththe??????tatasa??????????????????????y py ??? a????ttt?lel??????y ??oldol??r ?????s os ????meameal??an????d thed theyey y ly lo??????t tt ???????????????? o?f f mf my? d??ugughghth??rsr?????y ????d ?bub?ut ut?? thi th?is is? gr gre?????oro????? th????o o oo or? a????????????????<b<?r ?/>/?<b????????twtwitw?????ec??e a??d ?????hewhew ?w whw w???arare?re 1re ?? m mo m?onton????s ols o?? l lo lov lo?ve ve tve ???se???as as? a a s a ????? a??????????stest??er ser ??ysys s ts ?the?????e e s?o ??
ter and 18month old twin niece and nephew love these,These are awesome and if you know where to find the discount codes they can be super inexpensive. I love the all natural ingrediants and I actually find them to taste great. I actually put a little in my older kids oatmeal and they love it too. I make 90% of my daughters baby food but this great for on the go or as a supplement.<br /><br />My twin niece and nephew who are 18 months old love these as a snack and my sister says they are so gr
e?ata? f ?????ara?????eses s o ???trtri?psp???????e e?mum??eue??. .? I ???igi??lyly y r ??cocomommm?ene??????eseese ??????????ototht????????y fy fo????prp?od?ucu?t.t..2??555?,B,?000?2B2BBB???WIW??A3A383898?ZIZ?W1W?414????0,0,l,??g,g,0,?0,00,??5,???858????????????at at????odu??ct/ct??ririlri??iai????pap?ckckakaga?iningn?!,!???????isis is?????ec?t ?foforfo?r br bar bab??es???andan???todto?dldlel?erser??ono? t? the? g ???????ststatar?tet????usius????? the? the b the ?babba??????sis???? wh w??n ??y ???ugugh????r wr ???????in?faf??ant-ant----i-?t ?is???????????to to?? thr th??? a? p?ouo?uchuc???nd?? a a b a ??babybab?????????intinto?????e de did??????ba???. n. ???w tw th?at?????da???hth???????s ols o?de??? s ????? is is???le? t??o fo ??ed? h????elelfl?????????? p????uch.uch???????gi?ve?????r ?????dledler??????????uch uch?? and an?d t?he?y ?wiw???? sq s
eat for car rides or trips to the museum. I highly recommend these over any other baby food product. 2155,B002BB7EWI,A389ZIW141LE50,lcg,0,0,5,1285545600,great product/brilliant packaging!,"this is perfect for babies and toddlers on the go! we started using the baby version when my daughter was an infant--it is so easy to throw a pouch and a baby spoon into the diaper bag. now that my daughter is older, she is able to feed herself with the pouch. just give your toddler the pouch and they will sq
u?eeeeze?????ckc????e e?frf?uiuiti???utu???f f i ??. . n ??t ???lyl?? is is s???? p ??ck?????? g grg??atat,t???utut ut?????????t t tt tat??tet??s gs ?oooodod d a asas as?wewele?????ndnd d yd yeyeses,es?, I, ???????ta??stest???eve?ververyr?????g ?ththath?? I ????eedee??mym???aua????terter)r).)???my my d ?dauda???hteht???lol???s s ts th???????????ololel????aceace ??igi??tst?s us ?? w?he?? I???an?d ?he?her her?? p??oucouchc?????151565?,B,B0B??????EWE????171???WVW??NKN?L2L???,P,?ha??mDm?????,3,?????535303080???00,00,G,????ifififiei??? ba b?????????"I"???no???????e ???? s ?supsupep?? t????ndynd????????????, a, ??? I I ??ot??ll?y ???antan???d td ???????e te the t???s ps prp???uc????oror,r?, t, toto ???e me ?or????xaxac?t,? I??wa??teted????????dldle?r ?to??????????is is??rorodro?uc??).). ).???e t????k ok ?nen?e t?as?te???ha??????it?? ba bac ba?? t??? me me,e
ueeze/suck the fruit out of it. not only is the packaging great, but the fruit tastes good as well (and yes, I have tasted everything that I feed my daughter). my daughter loves this--her whole face lights up when I hand her a pouch." 2156,B002BB7EWI,A17RAWV3NKL27C,PharmD,0,1,3,1295308800,Glorified baby food,"I know these are super trendy right now, and I totally wanted to love this product (or, to be more exact, I wanted my toddler to love this product). He took one taste, handed it back to me,
??????sasaia?d,d??????????u u????????e be ?ababyb??fof??d,?? mo momo?????I I?????eded ?iti?, ????d hd ?e e ie isi? r ririgi??????? t???te?????stst st???keke ??ara?rer?? b ba??? f ?foofo??. . S. ??????????????????non????anyany y ty ?hihici?ke??????oooo.oo???f f???ourour r k ??????ikeik?s ???????ckckack??ini??, ????ata?t. t.??f f yf ?youyo?r ???d ?dod?????t,?????? i ??? is i??s jus j?ustust ??rea?lll?y,y?, r, ???reallreally???????nsins??ve ve b??abyaby y fy foy foo??????? g go g?in?g g? to to o? gi g????th?? r?es????to to m???babab??y, y,??????????ddd????r ir ?? n nonotnot ??he???leale??ast ast b?itit ??????????????212?5757,7??000??K6K676?818????????????????E,E??ayayly??r,r,2,?,2,2,,2,5,???????????00,00?MiM???-M-????!!!????????, m, mam?aybaybebe ??'m'm 'm????e fe fif???st ??oneone ??o ??????w w? th??is ?wow????erfer??l l?????t,??bub???I ??no??w Iw ?
and said, ""Why you gave me baby food, mom?"" I tasted it, and he is right. It tastes just like jarred baby food. Same consistency (not any thicker), too. If your kid likes the packaging, great. If your kid doesn't, then it is just really, really expensive baby food. I'm going to give the rest to my baby, as the toddler is not the least bit interested." 2157,B004K6781Y,A2YVSM9R9P9SPE,Taylor,2,2,5,1312156800,Miam-Miam!!,"Well, maybe I'm the first one to review this wonderful treat, but I know I'
???non???????fif?rsr???????hahava??ngn???rir??d d??????????? t??eae??t it ????? s sa s??????heahe????y,y, ??????umu?mym???????? n?atatiat?vev?e le ?????aga??? M MiMiaiamam-m??MiaMiam? i ?????r r??um?-Y-????????/>/>T>ThTheThere??e ye yoy????o.o? N ?ot?? to t??o so ?weweeeetet,t??yeyet? n?ot?ot lot ??ckc?in?g ?????????s.s. . Y. YoYou? c cac???????ststest????e ????????ienie????bob?ve? t??e ?e ote o?theth?er er???? ( ?OKO???beb??????? th? the the? co c???onuonutut,???inincin?e ?e ite i?'s's ??oso???????dede de o????????itit'??s ss ?? g??oodoo?????????<br<br <br?/>?Th???is iis isis ?a a r ??????ood????????t t t??hathat ?????be??n ??dehde??????ed?????lol?????????, i??t's?? re rea????? ni nici?????????e ???o oo ??r ??????? (W (WeWe e h?av?e ???? of of?? the them the?????nd nd t?? they the??lo?ve?ve ive ?it)it).)???????uru?rsers??e it?????????? mo m????????ensen
m not the first one having tried them! This treat is so safe, healthy, and yummy! In my native language, Miam-Miam is for Yum-Yum!<br />There you go. Not too sweet, yet not lacking sweetness. You can't taste one ingredient above the other one (OK, besides the coconut, since it's mostly made of it), it's so good.<br /><br />This is a raw food product that has been dehydrated at low temps, it's really nice to give to our kids. (We have 7 of them, and they love it). Of course it's a bit more expens
iivi?e e t ?hahana??yoy??r r??ve??????trt???tst?/c/cacan????s,s???????????whw???wawan?ts? t to to ?coc???lal????<??brb???><><b???r />r /?DoD????u u????? c crc???pyp? c?an?????????? d ???????he???????s as ??????oko??? ( (s(????????ala?lyl???oio???n)n????????? w??ntn??toto ???????????FOF?????or?? yo y????ele??? an a?d ?yo??r ?kik?dsd???<b?<?? / ???<br<br <br /??I I????????pep?????????????to to?????re?pap?rere re???heshe?? t?rereareatatsats ??????givgive???????? to to????iri??????? s ?????????????beb?e l???s ?fif?llllelled? w???th ???pe?rgr????????rorom???es, es, A ????, A, ADADHAD??D kD ?kidki?? e ?etcetc.c??.....??<br?<br /<br ????br ??/>T/>ThThih?is is?????????????ha?t ?yo????onon'n???re??re??t ht ?????? s?pe?nt?????????on on i it it,t??unu??????ofof ???urursur??????????ar???so????sedse???to
ive than your average treats/candies, but hey, who wants to complain?<br /><br />Do you want crappy candies with dyes, chemicals and cooked (so basically poison), or you want to give REAL FOOD for yourself and your kids?<br /><br />I bet if people learn to do/prepare these treats and give that to their kids, school would be less filled with Asperger Syndromes, ADD, ADHD kids etc....<br /><br />This is a treat that you won't regret having spent money on it, unless of course... you are so used to
??????he???????loloao??eded-d??ese?tit?iciic?dede-de?he??bib?????de-ode-??ere?lyl???ooo??????igi?h h F ?rurucu???ses?e Ce CoC????SySyry??p-p??yeyeded ed c ca c???dy,dy? t ???n ????????? f fofor?????.<.?brb??/>/?<b????????? y?ou?r ???nen?y ?ini?ststesteae????yoyouyo???l ?neneene??ed ied ??????or tor ?????bilbi???s ys ?????????ve? w whw?????you??gog???o o to th?the the nthe nun???eroerou?????????????ca????t ht he???p yp ??you ???????uru??????. .??ororror?????.:.:(:?""??151??,B,?000?4K4????1Y1?????????9T9??LOL???,K,??at,at???,0,,0??????232???????gogojgo?i i????caoca??& &???ca? y????,T,??isis ?flf????or ??is is a awa???l!l?????aba??????ele?? l???e ???ll ll???he he o ???her?? fl f?lavla???????ut ut????ji ji c?? caca cac??o &????acaaca a???is ris ?ea?ll??y dy did??fif??ul????????t ????n.n?. I. I I??ivive???allal?l tl ????ototh??????????s ???st??
the chemical loaded-pesticide-herbicide-overly cooked-High Fructose Corn Syrup-dyed candy, then it's not for you.<br /><br />Keep your money instead, you'll need it for the bills you'll have when you go to the numerous Docs that can't help you and your kids. Sorry....:(" 2158,B004K6781Y,A2XXCSM9TULOV1,Kat,0,0,1,1342396800,goji cacao & maca yuck,This flavor is awful! We absolutely love all the other flavors but goji cacao & maca is really difficult to get down. I give all the other flavors 5 star
s?????5959,9,B,????K6K??818?????K7K??363????YUYU2U?,s,??orortr?ana???weweeeete?????,5,???313191????4040000,00?ThT???e e??????mamaza??ngng.g.,.,",??ele?ici?ioiouousu? a?ndnd nd?????iti?????? W ?e e le li??e ?fof???coc??conco??t t? an?????????eaeatatst?s ss ??incin??e we ???????t ???t t gt grg?????????henhen n?I I w ?anantan?t tt ?o o s spsplp???geg?, ,??????? u upu??????? o ofo?????se??frf??? W? Who Wh?lel??????ds ds???????????? i ??did????heaheal?tht????torto????ThTheTh??y ay ???raragra?ge ge???rouro??nd ???0 0????re re??nln???s ??????????? s????. ?:):) )???d d ld ?loolo?oovoove? t????????????? b?uyu?y ty ?thethesthe?se ?in?? bu????. Y. ?YUMYUM M??????2?161????0000000??5X5XCXCPCPMP???????EGE?K2K?YBY?TSTSZS?,C,?. ??vyv?,1,13,1?????????00???727??????alfal??emempm?tyty y cy cac?ansan?????????easea?y ?in?????sissi?tet?ntnt ?in?grgre??diedi????????? ha havaveav?e be be
s! 2159,B004K6781Y,ANK76360Q8YU2,shortandsweet,0,0,5,1319846400,These are amazing.,"Delicious and nutritious! We live for coconut and nut treats since we don't eat grains. When I want to splurge, I pick up a bag of these from Whole Foods or my local indie health store. They average around $10 here unless they're on sale. :) I'd looove to be able to buy these in bulk. YUM YUM!" 2160,B000N5XCPM,A2H1JEGK2YBTSZ,C. Ivy,13,13,1,1200787200,Half-empty cans and greasy inconsistent ingredients,"We have be
??? f ?eee?did?ngn??tht?????????r r?dodogo??s fs fof????vevere??? y ?eae?r.r???OvO???r tr ththethe e?????? fe f???mom?????, , w ????ava???ha?d d a ??prp???lel??? wi witithth th???????????ofof f???ama????s ????t Pt PiP?e ?e cae c??s.s?. . ??omo?e ??e cane cansns ns??er??e fe ???????f cf ???nknksk???f ?????????a ???ici????arardard-d??iki???????? w? wit wi????????ggg?ieiesie??? an a?????omeom???????? we??e ?e fie f?inein??wiw??h h??chich??ke???anandand and v ve?veggveg??es?,e,???. . W. ??hathat ??hapha???eneen?? t??????th?th ith ????aba?ele?????? W ?e ?ala?so???adad d td ??? p pr prorobroblbleblemem em?????h th ?the???canca????beibe???????y ?????-f-??llll ll???memetme?????????? d do d??????re??geg?ettet?tinti????ad????ararhar?????ro??m tm ?????????in ??thethe the fthe fothe f???d sd sod s??wewe we?? had ha???o o so ststost?? g gi g??in????????MeMer??ic??????r /r ??? T ?????neneeeedeed ??d to d to? st s
en feeding this to our dogs for over a year. Over the past few months, we have had a problem with the cases of Grammy's Pot Pie cans. Some cans were full of chunks of fat and a thick lard-like gravy with no veggies, and some cases were fine with chicken and veggies,etc. What happened to truth in labeling? We also had the problem with the cans being only half-full sometimes. Our dogs were getting bad diarhea from the fat in the food so we had to stop giving them Merrick.<br /> They need to st
a?????esests??ngn????eie???fofoooodod d??????. .??ItI?t ut usu?eded ??? b beb? g grg?eae??. ? L ?oo????t ???he he?????rerevre?iei??? f?roromom m??????yey?????ndn????fo??????212161616????00?N5N??CPC???A3A?2J2???DXD?????ZMZ??"S"?????nen??E.E?. L. LeLeoe???ttt?ti ti??????g eg ?????????????,8,????3,3,1,????????0000,00???fifili?lel????an?????'v'vev????en?? fe f?edediedin??g tg ???s ?wew???fofoofoodod od? to t???? d dodogdogsgs ???? 3 ? y ye y?ear?s,????? a????my my?huh??baban?d ??as???ai????""i""????ouou u?? thr th??ugu?h h?????in in?? c????k k pk ????????????vedve??it?? to to to???????for dfor did???nerner r ir i i?wowou??ld ld h?ava?ve ve?non??idi??ea ea? it it ?waw???do???????."?" "?BuB??t it i t i????a a l?????le le u upupsp?setse?t w?itithith h th ???e f??ctc?t t??hatha????????????arear?en'en??t ft fut f??ll.ll. . I. ???? thi th?is is l?as?????aseas?e se ?omomeome ????re re?evevevenve???onlon?
art testing their food again. It used to be great. Look at the old reviews from last year and before." 2161,B000N5XCPM,A32JCNDXDPFXZM,"Suzanne E. Leonetti ""dog enthusiast""",8,8,3,1191974400,unfilled cans,"I've been feeding this wet food to my dogs for 3 years, and as my husband has said ""if you through it in a crock pot and served it to me for dinner i would have no idea it was dog food."" But i am a little upset with the fact that the cans aren't full. In this last case some were even only
??hahala?f f???????I I???vev???????????? t ???s ???ufufff??is???t t c chc?????""???6262,2?B0B000?????CPC??,A,A2A????????U7U??????tet?php?hanha?iei??T.T????raracacac?????,1,????010181878757??0000,00??lel?????????k k T ??ici??????"P"??ea???e te ????nk nk???????????t t pt ??urcurch?????????hishi?s ps ??odo?ucu????esespspep????allallyl?????????? hav haveve ve a a a???alall??????d ???g.g??????? l lulur?ed? b byby ?th??e ce cuc?uteut??, g, ????????y ly ????????????? so s????????????????did??????lisli?????????????????ed??MeM???ic???????ed??????? to t???oto?th th????mym??????, , a, an???BOBOTO??? ti t????, , B, BOBOTBOTH???og?????????????????d wd ?witwithth ?pap?ancan?????iti??s ????????llllnll?nesnessss s w????ch ch??s ???angan?????s,? e???????elyel??????fu?l l?? to to t? the?? an??imaim?al,al??, an, a?
half full. I have 4 dogs and this stuff isn't cheap." 2162,B000N5XCPM,A2VO7BD7JU7OMY,Stephanie T. Muraca,5,5,1,1301875200,Please Think Twice...,"Please think twice about purchasing this product, especially if you have a small-breed dog. I was lured by the cute, gimmicky labeling and sold by the ingredient list, but I twice fed Merrick canned food to both of my dogs, and BOTH times, BOTH dogs were diagnosed with pancreatitis -- an illness which is dangerous, extremely painful to the animal, and
?whwhihicichc?????uiu?????hoh???ititat?lil???titioiono????'m'????????re???? t ?????????on??ene??t it ?n n???hosho????ara???cuc?lal???????????s hs ?highi?????? i??????rir??k k?usu?sesse???an an i in i?grgreredre??enenten??ada?di???veve ?????????ehe??? s?ic???eneen?????????f ?????????lalatla?tedte?) ) d dod?gsg????utu???????????d md ??adead????hemhe?m vm ?verve?y y iy ?lll??????????theth??? s??????d hd ?????ta?li??????on on???? p papanpa?????????is,is??I I???????????h o?th?therther ???lkl????ho???ad???tot??peped???eeeed???g g?????icick????????eirei?????ll??????ed ???gs?????r tr thr the????me??????on?on -on ?- -?? the?????od od c? cau ca???ed ?vov???iti????, d, ??????heahe?, , a, ??d d ld ?????rgr???y iny i?n tn ?the?ir???????""?????,B,B0B???????PMP??A3A???XZX??DJD??HIH????????????????s,3s,??3,?
which requires hospitalization. I'm not sure if the fat content in those particular cans was high, or if Merrick uses an ingredient/additive that somehow sickened both of my (unrelated) dogs, but this food made them very ill. After their second hospitalization for pancreatitis, I spoke with other folks who had stopped feeding Merrick to their small-breed dogs for the same reason -- the food caused vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy in their pets." 2163,B000N5XCPM,A380XZXDJJHIJ5,Alex Vrenios,3,3,5
?????????404?0,0?GrG??ata????amam m???sts? p ??sss?ini?? a al alolono?ng ng t tht?e e??-s-?stast?? r ?????????omom ????r tr th??reere?e Me ????at??ureure e Se ????aua?zez???. .?ThThih????stust?fff??is??? b bibigi???hithi??at???ourou??hoh??????WeW??gig???e te ???m ?ea??ch ch a???????? to t??????st? k ???blb???e the t??????????????r t??hemhem ???????t ?? t????es?pop????ofo???otot ???????? to??. . N. ??o mo mom???e t??urnur??d ?upu???osose??s ns ??w w??????y ?wow?lfl????????? do dowownw?????e se sus?????????x x i??t ut ?up up? re r????????? be befe?forfo?? s se ser??ining??2212161??,B,B0B00?0N0?5X5????,A,?1L1????KMK????????"J"?ava???????????????????",",2,2,2?,2,,2???????????0000,00?MyMy y dy dod????lovlo?ve ve t???is!is??,"I,"I ????st ??wiw?itcitch??????romro????errerrir?ckc? W WhWho?le??EaEar??? b?ra??nd nd????????yly????o ????is ????
,1153958400,Great,I am just passing along the 5-star rating from our three Miniature Schnauzers. This stuff is a big hit at our house. We give them each an easy to digest kibble that's good for them and put a tablespoon of Pot Pie on top. No more turned up noses now - they wolf it all down. Be sure to mix it up real good before serving. 2164,B000N5XCPM,A1LPIWKM3RHPJI,"Javapie3 ""Javapie3""",2,2,5,1326412800,My dog love this!,"I just switched from Merrick Whole Earth brand pate style to this upgr
?adaded?d d l ???? b ?????rrr???k k??ndn???y y dy ??g g???vev??????? T ???????????t t?????????s ts ??at????keke ????????????ooo?d.d.".??????,B,B0B??00N00???CPC?M,M,A,A3A???LRL??UFU?TTT??TDT??L.L? E ?. ?ThThoTh?????2,2?,2,,2,5,5,???????808?00000?????LoLov????????my'my????"W"We???do????ed ed? an an n?8-8?yeyea????ldld d Dd DaD?lmlma???????????er??th?is??ye?arar,r?? an?d ?heh??????????????aua?ti?ono????????es?? ab abob?utut ut????cicia?? d??etet.t. . B. ??ut ut wut wewe ?coc????n'n't'?????s ???????????a ??????? t th thi??s ds dodog?? fo???---??ad???????????ec???????of ?ththeth???????. W. WeWelWe??????? l lo?vevesve??it?! ??o o???? i???'s 's?????????ia??????cascasis??on on f???d.??WeWe ?mim??? ha hal???????an ??itithit?? a a????????drd?ry,ry?, 2, ??/d/?aya?? w ?witwi?th th n no n?o no ????y ??sidsi????fff??ectec?ts.ts
aded line by Merrick and my dog loves it! This a great for dogs that like ""human"" food." 2165,B000N5XCPM,A3NGLRNUFTTKTD,L. E. Thomas,2,2,5,1135728000,We Love Grammy's!,"We adopted an 8-year-old Dalmatian earlier this year, and heard lots of cautionary tales about special diet. But we couldn't pass up trying a can of this dog food--sadly, just because of the name. Well, she loves it! So now it's her special occasion food. We mix half a can with a cup of dry, 2X/day, with no nasty side effects.
??????alalslsos? l ????s s W WiW??????ingin? a??d d??he?????a a????????ofoffffef?????s ???omo?? th thih??s cs coc?????y.y. .????s ?hihighi???in??prpro??eie?????????rkrksk?s f?or??usu?!"!""2?161??,B,?00000???XCX???,A,?1B1?????404?????8,8,L,LCLC,C?1,1???????353?131????00,00????rar???????rieri?????ovo?e e te th??is is??tutufu?ff,ff???? h hah???????????nd???thithisthi?????linli?e ??or????rereae?so?????????ricri?e.e. ??my???wo??dod???????????hishis ??????? an?d d id itit t dt ????n'n??t ut upu???t ????eirei????om??chchsh?. . . P. ??????? lo lov??? th??at at???t'st'???????ada???inin ??chichin?a a oa or??so??????????????n n y ??????oko? a at a?????he fhe ??????? it it??????? pr???tyt?y cy clc??sese se? to to ????????????. . Y. YoY?ou ???? s se seee?e re re?alal al?chchuch?unkunks?ks oks of?? ch c???kekenke?n an ??????????'on?'t 't???
She also likes Wingaling and the Napa Valley offerings from this company. It's high in protein and works for us!" 2166,B000N5XCPM,A1BDBT140CCAP8,LC,1,1,5,1335139200,my rat terriers love this stuff,"so happy we found this online for a reasonable price. my two dogs love this stuff and it doesn't upset their stomachs. Plus I love that it's not made in china or something. when you look at the food, it looks pretty close to people food. You can see real chunks of chicken and veggies. I don't wan
???tot? g gig?????y y d ?ogo????????an???acactctutururerede? s ???fff???utu?t at ????o do ???'t't t ht ??ve?? th t???????????????e oe ??ur ur?????????????.".""??????B0B???N5N?XCX?PMP??A2A?9U9???OSOS5S???????"O"??RAR?H H?????ere??FiF? " ?"D"?eve??? D ?????",",2,?,3,3,3,5,??????282???00???OR???THTHAH???A A???ZEZENE????ARA???? g gi g?iveiv?e Me MeMer??ici?k k??an?nen?ed ed f???????????re?ata??t ant a??d md mim?????t tt ?? m my m??do????s ds ????kik???lel?e (e ????d td tht???????ev?ene????tsts ??? ta t?astas??????????non?????????enen.en. .?? Th T?????ic????n Pn ??t t Pt PiP?????melmelll?? b??ettet?terte?r tr ??an? a? any an?y hy huh???????hichick?en??pop?ot ot? pi p?? I ???canca???remre??mbm???..?212????????N5?????,A,A1,A??????M8M???434353??PuP????erier?nono,no??,0,0,,0??,1???797929????????etset?s ms ?my my?????y ?????eaeat???g.g???,"??????
t to give my dogs any manufactured stuff but also don't have the time to make our own dog food." 2167,B000N5XCPM,A29U9JOS54XZCH,"OORAH Semper Fi ""Devil Dog""",2,3,5,1191283200,MORE THAN A DOZEN STARS,I give Merrick canned food as a treat and mix it to my dog's dry kibble (and the cat even gets a taste) every now and then. The Chicken Pot Pie smells better than any human chicken pot pie I can remember. 2168,B000N5XCPM,A1YG7OEM8LT435,Pufferino,0,0,4,1347926400,Gets my picky dog eating...,"My dog
?tht????s s??? w ?asa???????in?toto o t??he he g ????ryr???ndn?? is i??en?tit??????to??fifin???did????? e ?aca?? e ev e?en?in??????ccccoc?ordor?dindi????, ,???????l l?nonoto????????aia?? k ????le?. ?? A A????opo??ofof f?? thi thisi?s os onon ?hihishis ?drd?????odo?????lil??tl????atateat?r r?????aka???grg??????andan?????rer???oooodoo??????????OrO?????inging ing???????e fe frfror?m m???mazma??? w wa w??? wa???????er????an??pip?ckcki?ngng ng?upu??in?????duduauala?l cl ??nsn?s as at?? th????ete?t st ???????to??o. o.???ll???????l,l, ????????sss?s fs ?or? u??.".??212???????00N00?????????B2B??22R22?Z5Z545?ETET1T1D1D,D,T,ToTobo??ucuucusu?,0,???????282???828?????MoM?oreor???ra?mmmmym?y Py PoPot???ie????????????I I? sw s?????ed?? to????errerriric?k k d ??????odod od??eve?verve?????eaearea????gogo go ( ?202?00700?) )??hehenhen ?n aln a?ll ??theth???og?
thinks he was born into the gentry and is entitled to fine dining each evening. Accordingly, he will not eat plain kibble. A scoop of this on his dry food, a little water to make gravy and we're good to go. Ordering a case from Amazon was way easier than picking up individual cans at the pet store, too. All in all, a success for us." 2169,B000N5XCPM,A1B222RZ54ET1D,Tobucus,0,0,5,1286582400,More Grammy Pot Pie Please!!,"I switched to Merrick dog food several years ago (2007) when all the dog
ffof??????eme?????o o?????????????ititht?? th t?e ???????isisos?? - - -? sp s?ececic??ici?llllyl? A ?????ptpte???? - - - a ?????????ete???ingin??????se se??y ??theth??dad?????? / ??<b????????dod???????????ifeif????d ?????????????e be ????n dn ?evevav?????tedte??d tod t?o ko ?nonowo??I ??hadha?d fd fef??ed hed he?r ?so?me?????ing ing??????? wou??ld ld?hahavha?? c ???????d thd the?? su s??fe?????g ag an?and and????????hedhed ?de???h ?an??and iand ili????ssss ??thath?????anyan?y oy ofo?? th?esesees??pe?tst??ha?????eeneen ??forfo?cec??ed ted to????????????? I? s???rtr????????????????nd? a?????ou??nd nd ind ?? a?????llill?ing???tha????thetherthe?? w?asas as? su suc su?h ?????lel?e oe ??????????inin ???pet pet???odod od????uf?aca??ur?e ?e ane a??????????????ara??in?ing ??????????ts? a??????????????. I. ??kn??w ??tha??????
food seemed to be tainted with the rat poison - specificlly Aminopterin - and was getting worse by the day.<br /><br />My dog is my life and I would have been devastated to know I had fed her something that would have caused the suffering and anguished death and illness that many of these pets had been forced to endure. So, I started to look around and found it appalling that there was such little oversight in pet food manufacture and control regarding ingredients and labelling. I knew that it w
a????OTO? n ??tut?rar???fof????ogo???whw????adad d?beb????cac????????s ???r ?tht?houhoususas?ndn???ofo???eaear?s ????be???????g g??allal?????????oco?esesses??d ???scs????""?? an and? b bo b?nen??ea?l ?- - n??????tetere?r hr ho?w w t ?theth???omo??ananianieies? t tr t??????? " ""?rer???aba??????iti???I I????o ??thoth??ghg?????newne???how? c cr c??????l ??????????or or? an???malma?????o go geg??? cr??itiit?ca?? m ???ro?????ri??enten???inin in????propr?pr??????y y b ba b?alaal?ancan???????el?s ????d id it???ou???d bd ?????uaual??y ??ev???tat??iningin???for? s sosomsomemeomeon?e e ue ?ne??????tedte???n n an ??animanima??? nu n??????on???? t????? t??atat at???????????????t ????me??cocooco??' '???eal?s ?s whs w??chc?????uldul?d ld led leaeavea????apa??????olole???????thethesthe?se se e????ntnti?????????alalsal?, ???itait?????s a?nd??
as NOT natural for dogs who had been carnivores for thousands of years to be eating all this processed ""scrap"" and bonemeal - no matter how the companies tried to ""re-label"" it. I also though, knew how critical it was for animals to get critical micro-nutrients in appropriately balanced levels and it could be equally devastating for someone uneducated in animal nutrition to think that they could just 'home-cook' meals which could leave gaping holes in these essential minerals, vitamins and m
iici?ror??nun???iei??tsts;s; ;???? t ????en?????? th t?e e????tioti?s s?ofo???atatsats,s? o???s,????rotro???????hah?? t th?e ?ana??mamalalsls ls? ne n?????SoS??, I, ??????????chc???g g???r r?a a??omo???anyan???I cI ???ldl???????????r /r />/?<b??r /?>I>I I fI ?ouounundnd ???rrr??ckck k a an a?nd nd??havhavev?????t tt ?ururnr??????ckck!ck?????ha???e n?eve?verve??beb??n ?????ie?????d ???????othot??GrGra????y Py ?otot ot?????KiK????e ???s ws wewelelll???s ????e ??of of????se?????ne?d ??????foofoodo????????? th?ou?ghg?h sh sis?incin?e ??we??? ar a?e e a? s sms??ll??dodogdo?g wg we??us?e ????????smasmal?le???"" "" s?izi??????canscan?s (s ?cacatca???foo???????d ??????? T??he he c ca can????arear??iriroronroni???ll?y y ey ??ou????- ?fif?????d wd wiw?thth th i ?ing????ie??ntsnt?????t ?yoy?? c? can ca??re?ada????? U ?NDN?ERERSR????ND.ND?????ou cou ??? a?????gogo o to
icro-nutrients; not to mention the ratios of fats, oils, proteins that the animals need. So, I was searching for a company I could TRUST!<br /><br />I found Merrick and have not turned back! We have never been happier and use both Grammy Pot Pie Kibble as well as some of these canned dog food cans - though since 'we' are a small dog we use the ""smaller"" sized cans (cat food sized 5.5oz) The cans are ironically enough - filled with ingredients that you can read and UNDERSTAND. You can also go t
?o o t ththeheie?r r?wew?bsb??????ndnd d?fifini?? o ?utu????ata?t at ?????ingin??????ntn?????at at??aya?y sy sos?ounou??nd 'nd ???re??gng???re????y ???????????y ty th??y ?usu?????t t -t ???????oundound ???t ??heheyhey y wy ?werwe??? al a?????t a????aysay????nan???????????ededied??nt???hahatha?????????????na??ivi??e te ?????????????d d cd chchehemhemim????????? als also? f fo????nd ind it?????foforfo???ng? t??????arart?ic?ululal?arlar?ly ly??it?h h? th?e e ce ????????foofo??d Id ??co??uldul?d o??en? i?? a??d ??????????? in ing in??gredgre?diedi??tsts ??iki?e ?a ??????????oko?????li??ke ke? a a?sus?pr??iseis???POP????O!O! ! O OrOr r ar ???eae??, c, ?????t,t, ???c.c?. M. MyM???????OVO??? t??is???????ickic? f???od od???????????ve??r br bebeee??en hen ?heaheal??????! ! O! OuO????vetve??coconco????antan??????mmm?menme???s os ??? he her? b ?lo???????k k lk ?eve?
o their website and find out what any ingredient that may sound 'foreign' really is and why they used it - I found out they were almost always a natural ingredient that is an alternative to a processed chemical. I also found it comforting that particularly with the canned food I could open it and RECOGNIZE ingredients like a potato looking like a suprise, POTATO! Or a pea, carrot, etc. My dog LOVES this merrick food and has never been healthier! Our vet constantly comments on her blood work leve
l?s s c ?omo???g g???ckc???? " """?pep???ece???lelevevev??ls"ls""?? an a?d d??????s ???????t 9t 9.9? H HeH?er er????at at???s rs rer????????alaltal?hyhy ?anandnd nd??ror???????whw??at at iat isis is???tit??eded ??y ?mo?????etet ???nener??s a?ndnd ?????????th???momos????plp???sas?antan??? as a??????????is?????, ,?????hahathat ?????ha?????lmolm???t Nt ????asas as??? d do d?n'n????iviveve ve? he her??mumucu?? i?f f????y py ??????e fe ?ooo????iti?the??) )???t ?wh???????? is? is g is ????n ????herhe?? br b?an???????? ca c????e e re ??alall??y hy ha?rdr?d td ???sis?it it??ea?r ??? o ??asassassi????:):????I ??????k tk ?the?? ph p?ra?ses?e ye yoy????????outou?t w?ha?hat hat?????pup??????apappp?????????e e ae as?as was wew?ellel?....... ..????????? not no????witwi??ch ch???romro?????rir????fofoofo?od od - ???eveev?er!er??????onlonly???regre??????is is tis ??at???????d nd no??t s
ls coming back at ""perfect levels"" and she is almost 9. Her coat is really healthy and probably what is noticed by most pet owners and yet not the most 'pleasant' aspect to discuss, is that she has almost NO gas (I don't give her much if any people food either) but when she is given other brands she can be really hard to sit near on ocassion :) . I think the phrase you get out what you put in applies here as well... I will not switch from Merrick food - ever! My only regret is that I did not s
?tatarartr???eee?did?????? l ?iti?tlt?? f fo f???????geg?? o ononen???ere????k k?????????????????????????,A,??????D5D5F5F2F2C2??????? S ?tet??????0,??????????20200?,W,WaW?? s??urpur??risrises?ed ?wiw?ithit? t ?????aya?????f f f??????? to topo??? of of??on????tst?.,.?"I"???????????????s s ws ??? w ?on??ererferfuf?l l???nnn????fof?oodood,d? s?? I ??trt????ed ied ?????? m??????y y fy ???sysy ?scs????????. . I. I ????s fs fif???????????????tot?o so ???e ae a a?????er ??????at at? on on n???????p ???henhe?n In I ?????ned?? th the th??cac????.....????scrsc??pep?ed ed ted thed t?????ffff ??andan?????dedde??d a d a c co c??plp?le le??popoo?nfn?fulfu????????????y.y..???anand????he ????ff?????t t at ??and ????????????? S???he dhe ????s ss se?seemsee? t to?? li liki?? t???????rrirr????BGB?????y f???ood.ood. ?? c???se??? the the the b the bub??ffaffala
tart feeding my little four-legged one Merrick sooner!" 2170,B000N5XCPM,A39RNHD5F2CLXU,D. Stein,0,0,1,1230163200,Was surprised with the layer of fat on top of contents.,"I had heard this was wonderful canned food, so I tried it for my very fussy schnauzer. I was first surprised to see a layer of fat on the top when I opened the can....I scraped that off and added a couple spoonfuls to her dry....and she sniffed it and walked away. She does seem to like the Merrick BG dry food. I chose the buffal
o???lal?????????mym?????? s sasaya????hihisi???is is?? w ??????.".???171?????00??????M,M??????3W3???6O6?RCR?C,C?ShS???rl,rl?1,????????242??323?00??????ogo??LoL???????hishi???ooo??,","M"????itittt?????hah??sa sa A ???o ???? w??? d ?????ososes??????? d di dia???tet?????coc??????ofof f m???th?????o,o????????ou?nd? M ???ririci?????GrG??mmm??'s? P PoPotot t???e ????????owo? g????eme?????an??d dd ded????dedded ?????ryr?y iy ??? H HeH?e le lol???es ???????oo??? I ?????s ????????of????otaot????es,es, ?cac?????s,s, ???nd ????as,as???notno??to?to mto ?enent?????????kek?? a?ndnd ?apappp??es???Th????onlon??????nsnsis?ideide ?ababob??t ??????rinri??g ig ??? fr froromro????aza?????is ?th?e e de ??li??verve?ry ry??etethet????????????? th t?? f fo foo fo?od od? wa was wa??????????ed,ed, ???vav??? pu p?????d ud
o flavor and my girl says this is a winner." 2171,B000N5XCPM,A2MRM3W966ORCC,Shirl,1,2,3,1342483200,My Dog Loves This Food,"My little Lhasa Apso mix was diagnosed with diabetes a couple of months ago, so I found Merrick's Grammy's Pot Pie to be low glycemic, and decided to try it. He loves this food! It has chunks of potatoes, carrots, and peas, not to mention chicken and apples. The only downside about ordering it from Amazon is the delivery method. The day the food was delivered, a van pulled u
?p p???????ntn???? m mym??hoh??sese e a ??? l ??ftf?t tt ?heh??5 5?cac?se??? of o???????I I? ha hada?d od oro??ere??d ???tstsis?????? m??????????in??? fe f??????exe????o o?th??????lbl??x.x?????edledle??s s ts ?o o so ???, ,???????e ????????havhavev??tataka?enen en? it i?t it ifi??????dnd??t ????en ?ththe??????veverve???wow???an an??ro????????????'m'm m??lsl??????sabsablb???, ???d ??if if? it??? had hadn?'t??beb?eenee????? m? my my??nexne?????????neine???boborbor ????inging g o?????de??atat ???????????I ?????ldnld????ha???e ge ?????en ?en then t??he che ca?se????? of f of fofoofo??? in i?ntont???my my? ho h??sese se w ??ithitho?ut????? h he hel he??????anyan??????he???????wew????????o eo ex??re????y y dy de????ed.ed??DeD?li?ve??in???????s s ts ths thihisis is???ay ay??s ??ot?????cepceptpta?????. I???ou????d had h?ve??gigiv?????en thien thisis ???????
p in front of my house and left the 5 cases of food I had ordered outside of my chain link fence next to the mailbox. Needless to say, someone could have taken it if I hadn't seen the delivery woman drop it off. I'm also disabled, and if it hadn't been for my next-door neighbor being outside at the time, I couldn't have gotten the cases of food into my house without her help. Many of the cans were also extremely dented. Delivering items this way is not acceptable. I would have given this review
????tat??s s?????t t?hah??????beb??n n?fof?r r??hehe e d ????vevere????2212??2,2,B,???????CPC?M,M???2R2RRR??IGIGRGR2R2Y2Y9Y?GRGR,GR,j,jaj?nen??gug?ttt?mamanan,an??,2,??1,????010???????CAC??TITIOI???DED????D D????S,S?????ava???a a???????? n ?????s ps pe??t at anandan??????chc??d ?fo?r ??????igi??????odo?????ini???e Ae ?mamazma??n ???s s bs ?beebeen??????iveiv???stast?? r ?ese?????? I I ????ses???????ve???????iei?????????????anyan? o ????????an??????????tet?ed.ed. ? S???I ??havha?ve ??to to??os?s ???themthe?? or o??????????ThT??????????ig?? ha has hasss??e ???ut ut??ou?????ot??eveve?r r fr fef?eedeed ????den?????ca??n tn ???mym??be???ve?d ?????? B BeB???t tt ???pup??ch?asase?? at a????he he???pet pet??to???????????dentldentlyl??""2"?21721??,B,B0,B??????????,AY,A????FLF???3F3F3F?X,X,R,RuR?mRm???ne???????5,5,1
5 stars if it hadn't been for the delivery." 2172,B000N5XCPM,A12RRBIGR2Y9GR,jane guttman,1,2,1,1330128000,CAUTION/DENTED CANS,"I have a special needs pet and searched for the right food. Since Amazon has been a five star resource I chose to have Pot Pie shipped. Many of the cans are dented. So I have to toss them or return. This is a big hassle but would not ever feed a dented can to my beloved boy. Best to purchase at the pet store, evidently." 2173,B000N5XCPM,AY1ZLFLOD3F3X,RumRunner,1,2,5,1
1181?030???404?0,0?GrGrar??mym?'s's s??oto????e e f fof???DoD????? D Do Dog?????vev??????ThThih????anannn?????ooo??d hd ????????????nkn???ofo???????ene? i ?n ?iti???????? l lol???????????okoks? a ???d sd sms????????????r tr ?ha?n ??humhu?an????????y y c?anannan???????????tewte? ( ???ke???in?tyt??MoMooooroo??????171747?,B,????HOHOSO?HUH?0,?????1R1?D8D???QKQ??3,3??P P M ??bebe be " """?"P "P??ab????????2,2?????464616?????0,???0 0?CaC???oriorie?s ?BUBUTU?...????????? o ???t ft ??r ?r thr t??e fe ??????9g9g g o of o????t ?pep???17?g ???erver??ingin?.<.<b<????><><b<br<b??r />r /?????????????newne?????????????????hi??h h???at ?bubutut ut s ?omo?????w Iw ????????ucu??? on o??th??????100100 100 C?al?aloralo???ies.ies?.....?????<br <br?/>/>T/>?TheTh???lal?vov?or or? of? t th????? is is ??el???ioi???. ????? w ????abiabi i????????ha
180310400,Grammy's Pot Pie for Dogs - Dogs Love It!,This canned food has real chunks of chicken in it. Dogs love it. Looks and smells better than human-quality canned beef stew (like Dinty Moore). 2174,B004HOSHU0,A3MH1RD8BXQKK3,"P Mabe ""P Mabe""",1,2,4,1346112000,100 Calories BUT...,"Watch out for the fat-- 9g of fat per 17g serving.<br /><br />I guess I knew that nuts have high fat but somehow I was stuck on the ""100 Calories...""<br />The flavor of these is delicious. The wasabi flavor ha
?s s??????t t o ofo????????ese???????/>/???r ?/>/>(/>??????ththeh? p ?acackc?????????? /??????????????????ONONDN??? V ?EGE?????LELE E?????(C(??NON?????SAS?FFF????ERE?? AN AND???????NFNFL?????),)???UGU??R,R?, M, ?????IE???COC?????TA????, ??AL??????Y Y??AUA?????SOS??BEB????, W, ???EATEA?T, T,???LTL?? H ??ORSOR???????????NIN?ONON,ON??, SP, S??CE??????CTCTITIO?NANATA???????CONCO???????? AN AND AN????R PR ?????KEKER????L OL OI?????GARGA????, , M???ALTOALT??EXE?TRT??IN,IN, ????STST ST?ESE????????NANATNA??RARALRAL ?FLFLAFL??????CIC?TR?IC??????????????IUIUMUM ??UAU?ANYANYLY???TE TE? AN AND AND AND D ?DIS?DISODDISO?DIUDI?? I IN?OSOSIS????E<E?<br??/>??FROFR?M M CM ??LILIFLI???ORNIORN??????????????ing ing? Si S?zez??- - 1 1717g7? (?ono???bab?????? / />?CaCalaloloro?ieies? 1 10 1??? . ???FaF?????????<b<br????????al al??FatFat ??g ?..?? s??
???faf?? 0 ?.5.?<b<??????odo??umu????mgm?<b???/>???tat??sis????111?????brbr br??>T>?ot????cac??? 3 3g3??g<brg<br ?r />r />D>DiD?ete?tartaryry y f fi f??????????? /> />S />???ar??????g<br??????ot???n n 3?g<??g<br ?g<br />g<br /?CaCal?cic?ium??4%4????????ro????? .???.. V.. ?iti?????????0%0?% .% ?...... . M. ?????si???? 10 1?0%"0%""??171????0000000L00?KTK???????SYS???????Q9Q9U9?,M,??tht?knkninigighghtht,t,1,1,1???5,5,15,????040444??0000,00???eae?? t tet?????owow w?lel????e e?sts??tarttart t bt byb?????in??????diddi???????????thith??s ts ????as? a a a d??????upuppp??lemle???t.t. . I. I I b??ug??ht ht t th t??is is? be b?ca???e ??I tI ?ririeiedie??it?? fr fro????????????stost?rere re a?s ?I ???as ?lo??kik?????or??????tea tea t th?at??hah??????????pp?????ntnt nt i ???it??bu???no??t st sot so o??ucuchch h??t t wt ?waswa?s os ?????pop??er????????e ??a fa fufululll???????rmr??mintmin??te?
. fat 0.5<br />Sodium 70mg<br />Potassium 110mg<br />Total carb 3g<br />Dietary fiber 2g<br />Sugars 1g<br />Protein 3g<br />Calcium 4% ... Iron 4% ... Vitamin E 20% ... Magnesium 10%" 2175,B000LKTDNE,ALSYGPNMPPQ9U,Mythknight,1,2,5,1316044800,Great tea.,Now let me start by saying I did not buy this tea as a diet supplement. I bought this because I tried it from a local store as I was looking for a tea that had some peppermint in it but not so much it was over-powering like a full peppermint tea
????????hahasas ???stst t t ???????????mom?unu???ofo??????perpe?mim???????????? w wiw?th? a a a g grg??ene? t????. O. OvO????lll???it it? is i?s as a a pa plp???sas?nt???????e te th?atat ??? co c?????????? a?????????212?????000???????W,W,A,????S9S??????????NeNele????????????lal??????jej???ellel?lewle???","?2,2???4,4??292??090???0000,00????asteast??s vs ???? g go gooo?d!d!!!!!!!,!!???????teate?a ia isis is v ????? go goo go?????I ???iscis??vever?????t ??????? vi v?isiis??iningin?????CaC??ifi?oro???a.a. a.???????memen?t t It I t I g go??t ht ??????????rcrchc?????????????oreoreses es f ??? i it? a?ndn?d Id I ?wawas? n ?oto?t a??le?le tle ?o o f????????. ?????allal???????cic??eded ???? se s?????????zoz???ha??d i?t ???????heyhey ?di??d ad ??? I?????gh???twt???boboxbo????. ?AsAs ?lolonlongn??as?as tas ????y my ?????it?????ilill?
. This has just the right amount of peppermint combined with a green tea. Overall it is a pleasant taste that I could drink all day. 2176,B002SW7ZOW,ABZZS9PEI350E,"Nell from Maryland ""jenellew""",2,2,4,1294099200,Tastes very good!!!,This tea is very good. I discovered it while visiting in California. The moment I got home I searched local stores for it and I was not able to find it. Finally I decided to see if Amazon had it and they did and I bought two boxes. As long as they make it I will
?bub??????2212?777????????7Z7??W,W,A,?????L4L??656?????,A,Ap,A??ili?????,5,????848464686818161??00,00,W,?????????"T"??e e???a a? ta tasastste????rer??t t?ana?????lpl?eded d md ??e ce ???? c ??avaviv????????????didiei??????????e te teteate??wawas?? in inen???penpensnsis????anandan????meme me?????????????????retre?tyty y by ???. ???The The???agsag??ara?????imimsm?y,y, , b bu b???I I j ???????rorowo?? th?e ?babagba??in?????tea???????wiwit?h h n ????oro???????????????ono????ueue ??o o ko ???p p???isi?s os ?? h ha h??and and a???????t ot ?f f m ?????tea ?cocolo?llellecectc???????21217??,B??002002S??W7ZW7??W,?A2A2C2???HVH?CGC?2F2?XSX????YLY???AmA??????"""????uvAuv????onon"on???????2,42,?????68268?26526?6060060??FiF?ineine ???alalial?ityity y Ty ???!,!,I,?I lI ??veve ve t th? this thi?s Ts ??????t t ht ?????a va ????y sy smsmom??thth ???astas?????nd nd? no notot ot?????????????
buy it. 2177,B002SW7ZOW,A1RPCL4E65WA4Y,April,2,2,5,1284681600,Wu-yi is,"The tea tastes great and helped me curb cravings during dieting. The tea was inexpensive and came packaged in a pretty box. The bags are flimsy, but I just throw the bag in a tea ball with no worries. I will continue to keep this on hand as part of my tea collection." 2178,B002SW7ZOW,A2CIIHVCG2FXSP,"YLuvAmazon ""YLuvAmazon""",2,2,4,1268265600,Fine Quality Tea!,I love this TEA. It has a very smooth taste and not bitter like o
?ththeh?r r??????ofo???????? d ????grg???? th t?atat t?????????inging g s ses?eemee??? to t??coc????????t ??easea????????????ana?????????thth th? th???????o bo ?????ea?l!l? T ThT?? q ??ala????y oy ????????aka??s s us ?p p f ???r tr ththath??"So"S??apmap?makmake???"""""??4,4,5,5,5???????74??56056?00,00?????????????????lal?ar ar? st stotor??,","I,"?I fI fofoufo?undund ?ththithisi?s es exe???t ??samsa?me me? st stu st?fff?f af ?? t th?????ll?ar??st???ore.ore??? It I?????????ty? g ????????NotNo?t at ??s gs go??od od??r r ar ?as as?? str st???????as mas ???????? w ??ololeol????eafeaf ????? b??ut ut???? t???????????it it?ca?????beb????atat.????agsags ????????verve???s s g????d ad ?????osose?se lse ?lealeafa?. ?????useus?e i?t ?????????t ???e ??????? cu c???. ?. I . I s st?????my????
ther kind of tea. I do agree that the string seems to come apart easily but I can live with that. No big deal! The quality of TEA makes up for that. 2179,B002SW7ZOW,A3H15E995IH56,"Susan Fliss ""Soapmaker""",4,5,4,1274745600,Found at the dollar store,"I found this exact same stuff at the dollar store. It is pretty good. Not as good or as strong as my loose whole leaf tea, but for the price it can't be beat. Bags are never as good as loose leaf. I use it if I want one quick cup. I steep my loo
??e e?lel?afaf f??????????????, ,??o o???hah????tot???havhave? t? tim time? t??????nkn???-3? c ?upu??. .? I I I?gagavaveav???????4 4? st s??????ece???sese se i ?t t i???? g go g?odo???ea??????? th t????ono?eye? p ???chchahasha?sedsed ??ror??????e de ?ololll?????????. ???????aka????ysyseselse????a ma ??g,g???ndnd ?be?cacauca??????? is? c?he?????????use use?? b bab??s.???I I wI ???????hav?e ?be?enen n? di d????????te?d ????????d d pd ?aia?d ??hehe he??orior???inain??l pl prpri??e ????????????r ir itit ???ou??h.h?""2????????2S2SWS?7Z7??W,W,A,?191?ZAZAMA????BAB?CDC?A,A?E.E?????ithith,h????,2,????????????,N,?oto?????????me me tme te???..?,I,?????derde????d thd thrh??ug?h h s????rcerce ??n ???the the p pa p??t ?????ca?ncncecelce?llell??????mememme?be????hiphip p? du d????o ???the ????cesce??ivi?ve ???ar???es es?eve?ververyry y m??onton??????waw?
se leaf tea 2-3 times, so I have to have time to drink 2-3 cups. I gave this 4 stars because it is a good deal for the money purchased from the dollar store. If I make myself a mug, and because it is cheap, I use 2 bags. I would have been disappointed if I had paid the original price on here for it though." 2180,B002SW7ZOW,A19ZAMNNIBACDA,E. Smith,1,1,2,1320105600,Not the same tea...,I ordered through source in the past and cancelled my membership due to the excessive charges every month. I was
? h ????y y t tot??lol??????????zoz?on on???d d??inind????hatha??? c ?ouo??d ??uru?chc?hashases???oro??mum???????apapeap??r ar anand?nd und ?????y ???imimem???cccco???t.t. .?ThThih?? t?eaea ea? IS I? N ?OTO?? TH T?? S SAS?MEM?E AE ?S ?THT?HE HE?????TH?ATA??CACAM????N N T TH THE TH??BLB??CKC? B ?OXOX.X???TheTh????igi????? te tea tea a i isis is b ????n ????????s ?tet????is ??rer??n.n..??th??e pe pap???hlh??????is tis ?thethe the?sas??????sis??????s t?hehe he????therthe??????ththe????aga??le? t?????ag?s ?????????sa?????utu???the????a a ia ?is is dis did???????t.t. t.?????? on onen??co?me????pacpa???????mu??ch ch pch ?????iei??? bu?????t dt ???????t ???sts???? the? s???ame.ame???I hI ??vev?e le ???st st?202????ounou?ndsnd???????? the l the ??astas?t 2t ? m?on????s bs ??y dy ???nkn??inging g? th thi th?is is t?????????????????? a an and and ??onlonlyl?????terter ?ththrthro??ghg?ou??t t?he?
happy to look on amazon and find that I could purchase for much cheaper and use my prime account. This tea IS NOT THE SAME AS THE ONE THAT CAME IN THE BLACK BOX..The orignal tea is brown and this tea is green...the pamphlet is the same inside as the other and the fragile tea bags are the same but the tea is different. This one comes packaged much preetier but it does not taste the same. I have lost 20 pounds in the last 2 months by drinking this tea in the morning and only water throughout the
ddadayay y t tht???????mym???nln????iei?t ??ha?ngn?e.e? I I I u ????? th theh??????r r???? f fof????a ma ?on?th?????d hd ???f f? an a?nd nd??????nen?w w t te??a fa foforfo??3 3 w ??????non????????onont???anantant ??o o??to????aka???? t th?e ??ea? j juj??t ????????asasese se? it i??t ist is ?ththethe the? co conont?rir?bubutu??r ?to?? my m?????ghg??????s.s????he he n ne nexe??????erer er I????lll? t tr t????the?????????ea????at??yoyouo????vev????o po ??? f?or????ipippp?iningin??????? h??pepe ?I ?cacanca? f??indin?d td ?thithis????gig?inainala???stust?ffff ?????????????s is ????notnot ?t itt it.t?2?????????SWS??ZOZ??????YYY?MAM??6N6???KMK?????????O.O.,.???1,??????949454565606??0,0,",???cec???lal?vov?or,or? g ??ea????al?????,"?NoNotot ot? mu m?ch????se???to to sto sasayay.ay??????kekee???a ???x x???n mn ?my my?de??k k?????????wow?orkork,k, , a, ?????????
day that is my only diet change. I used the other tea for a month and half and this new tea for 3 weeks now.. I dont want to stop taking the tea just is in case it is the contributor to my weight loss. The next order I will try the other tea that you have to pay for shipping on. I hope I can find this orginal stuff because this is not it. 2181,B002SW7ZOW,A30YYMAI6NXWKM,Thomas O.,1,1,5,1299456000,"Nice flavor, great value!","Not much else to say... I keep a box in my desk here at work, and I can
??njnjoj???????p p??????mem?! !???icicec?????vov???? an?? n ?o o????tet??????, ?sos?o Io ? c??? d drd?ini?k k?itit it????aiaigi??t t???????t ?????????? / ???<br<br r /r ?/>P/>PrP??s:s???FlFla??????andan?d vd ????????<br <br / /> /><??br br???CoCononsns:? I ????an??t ??o o mo ??y ty ?axa?es?? fo f?? m me??..???????? r ???allal????bob?outou???????????????inkin????. . ???l"l????8282,2??????W7W7Z7???,A,ABA????1T1??????W,W,CW,CaC?at at???vev?er,er??,1??????????29629??????reareat???ololoolon?g g???r ???e ?prpri?ce??"I"?????t tt ???redre?d od ?????verve?pap??in?????or ???a ?at??TeT?eaveava?nan???so so? de d??idi?ede??tot????y ??hih?s s bs ?brabr????????ol??ngn???tea??? and????s s ps ??ea????tlt?ly ly??????risrises????It? h ??s ???wow???derde??????lalav?or???and??lilikikek?e te ?thethe the??????????????ewe???? I? j ?????????
enjoy a cup anytime! Nice flavor, and no bitterness, so I can drink it straight without sugar!<br /><br />Pros: Flavor and value.<br /><br />Cons: It can't do my taxes for me... that's really about all I can think of. lol" 2182,B002SW7ZOW,ABGKH1T5ASBWW,Cat lover,1,1,4,1290729600,Great oolong for the price,"I got tired of overpaying for tea at Teavana so decided to try this brand of Oolong tea and was pleasantly surprised. It has a wonderful flavor and like the previous reviewer, I just put t
?heh? b ??? i ?????tet?a ??balba?l l??o o???mpm????atate??foforo?? th t?he he????? q ?????????????e ?ba?gsg?? Y ???????? c????t t bt ????t tt tht????????e oe ?of of????? t?ea???2212????B0B???SWS??ZOZ???A2A2K2?GJG??ZNZN8N8D8????1,1,S,SaS???nnnnan?a Ma ?. ??ere???iri?a,a?0,0,0??5,5?131323??????00???ovo??????????????th???s is ?????hih??? q qu quaualuali?tyty ty? oo oolo??ngng ????a aa anandand d? i i? ca????t gt ??o bo ?bacba?? t to to to? bi bigigeig?lolowlo?? t? tha th?????????sus?re?! !??? the the??asa?stest?e ie ??is gis ???atat,at???it it i???sa??d ????????e se ??limlimmm??ingin?g bg bebenbe??fif?itsits,s, ?an?and and? th? the ???tea tea??ag??????? a a?hihighi??er? q? qua qu???ityity ????? d dod???n't n't??om?e ???????????lyl?.".?"2"2121821???,B0,B?00200?????ZOWZO????JXJ??ORO????RYR??????. W. ????eee??,0??????????92????00,00,q00,?quaqu?ali?ty??tetea??I I?gogotgo?t tt twt t??o b??ags?? fr f??om om??
he bag in a tea ball to compensate for the poor quality of the bags. You just can't beat the value of this tea!" 2183,B002SW7ZOW,A2KGJNZN8DI5C1,Savanna M. Ferreira,0,0,5,1322179200,love this tea!,"this is a high quality oolong tea and i can't go back to bigelow, that's for sure! the taste is great, it is said to have slimming benefits, and the tea bags are a higher quality that don't come apart easily." 2184,B002SW7ZOW,A1JXEOR4N9RYQS,J. W. Peek,0,0,5,1321920000,quality tea,I got two bags from my
??frf?ieiene?d d??hoh????t t i ???frfrofr??????? fr f??????wh?o ?????d id it? w??????rimri????SoS?o Io ??chc??ckckekede????emem ????? z ?????ocock? w??henhe?????gotgot ???????3 3??mosmo?. ?lal???? I I ?opo??eneen??? it i??ana??? ha h??d sd sos??e e?tot?dad??. ?I ??m ??nlnlilinineine ??ryryiy??g g? to t?o fo ??indin?d md ?mormo??e.e.2???5,5?????????OWO?????SDSDWD??1T1?FJF????????om?ooo?,0,??????????030?363?????????????? fa f??, ,?non?????????tr?em???? i im i??????ivi?e.e. e.??????as?????? b ??e he ??nen?estest ?????t t at ant a??th???ing ing??pepecpe???l l ( ?i'i???? ha??????H H????te??? a an a??nd fnd fof??r tr ??????ici?e ?????????? wha what? y ???u pu ????????. a. ?a ba bibit?it ait ?annan?noyno????th?????????tr??ing?ing iing ?? s????r ??chech??????????waw?aysay??fafalallallsl?????????t it itt it ??am??e ne ??iceic?elyel?y py ???ckackagageg?????d d a??
friend who got it from his friend who said it was primo. So I chucked them in a zip-lock when I got home. 3 mos. later I opened it and had some today. I am online trying to find more. 2185,B002SW7ZOW,A1LSDWC1TFJACI,cocomoo,0,0,3,1311033600,,"so far, nothing extremely impressive. the taste to be honest isn't anything special (i've had MUCH better) and for the price you get what you pay for. a bit annoyed that the string is super cheap and always falls off but it came nicely packaged and arr
??vev????UCUCHCH H?????ere??tht????i i e ?????????(b(??????e e 5 ?????s)s) )?????? su s???oso????thath?????a a??lul??? a??? i???ala?ll,ll?? if if f????????????iningng g?????so?mem?????g ??extextrt???aga??antan???ke????????????. a. ?????r ???e ?'b'????fif?????, h, ??????t t?re????y ??oto?icicec?ed ed???yty?thi????????.... ..?bub????'l'?? k ?kee???drd?ininkin?kin?g ??or? a????????e we ????s ??andan??se??????? th tha??t gt ????, ??????up????? m ???re??iei?w.?..?.. t.. ?tiltillll ??the?then,then??yeyeaeaha? m??aybay??? i i s i shs??????i ???????ed???? s?omo?metme??????g elg elsl???(b??? s????ce ce? it i?????as bas bab????ly ly?????mom???y ??i gi gug??esses????dididi??n'tn'???????oo oo????).)?.."..?????6,6????2S2???ZOZ???A2A2525F5F5F???K2K?GNG???????me???????,1,????535???00???ea? i???????..?. ?te??
ived MUCH faster than i expected (by like 5 days) so i suppose that's a plus. all in all, if you're looking for something extravagant, keep looking. as for the 'benefits', haven't really noticed anything new... but i'll keep drinking for a couple weeks and see how that goes, then update my review... till then, yeah maybe i should i invested in something else (but since it was barely any money i guess i didn't do too bad).." 2186,B002SW7ZOW,A25F57YK2GN6ST,Emme,3,6,2,1266537600,Tea is okay... teab
?aga? i ?sns?'t'????JuJusu?????t ?????eae?bab???????ayay,y????????e e f ??rsrst? b babagbag ?I I m ??ded??teteate???iti?h.h??.. ..???e e pe paparartr???f f t??? t??eabea?bag?? wh whe??e ???he he?????ngng ??????nnnnenece???d ?????? the ?ba?????re????ror?sss?s ts th??e be ?bag??afaftf???? se s?epe?in????????he bhe ??bag ???ma???????intin???ct ct???ouo???? T???he she ???onondon?d bd ?bagbag,bag?, w, ???lele ??nwn???ppp??ng??? the? the t the ??teabtea??bag.bag??. . t. ???? ta t???ri??????? the the the b????ri???t t o???n.n.<.<b<??????????>T>??e ??ea??? tas ta?stest?ed ?fifinfi?ne,ne, , n, ??? v ?ere?????strostron?????????os?t t o???therthe?r or ???onong????asa?. . . ???????alalilitli???of?? th??? the te the tea?????bag ibag is?is lis ?liklikeke ke? so s???????????ma???? ??wowo o oo ??t t o???twt?????? ... I ???ueu??ss ss?? n ?neene????? b be b???oro?????arearefe?ulu???????????otothot?????
ag isn't.,"Just got my teabags today, and the first bag I made tea with... the part of the teabag where the string is connected to the bag tore across the bag after seeping. The bag remained intact though. The second bag, while unwrapping the teabag... the tag ripped the bag right open.<br /><br />The tea tasted fine, not very strong like most other oolong teas. The quality of the tea bag is like some flimsy material. Two out of two broke... I guess I need to be more careful with the others."
??212181878??B0B???QUQ??9L9?O,O???F7F?NPN????5O5???????efe?? G ?aia?pop??????effeff"f??","??,0,0,,0??????949?????00,00????d d ' 'o'????????? B ?ub??????asa???! !????,"??ouo???usustst st c cacana????beb??????e ??as??????f tf ????oro???ini??l ???bb??????ubb?le????mbm???????ItIt t rt rerea???????ese??n'tn'??mam??teterte?????? t??? t??????e one onln?ly ly?????????????te ??or or???? b bu b?????????? w whw??y Iy ? b bo b???hth???he??tut????ThT?he ?? tu t?ub ub??y ???? w wa w????is is?vev????coc?????iei??t ???ndnd ??as? s sh s????eded d td tot?o mo ??e ie in?????++ ++??on???titioion????f ???ourou??lolon??gingingn???or??th?the the cthe clc??ssssis?c c????stest????o fo ?forfor ?it?????u u wu ???? n ?oto???? d?????ppp??inintin???!"!""22121818818????000000E0EPE?P5P??K,K,A???????????434????KrK?risri????????? "????yo???jrj???????
2187,B000QUZ9LO,A2F7NP03S5OYJW,"Jeff Gaipo ""Jeff""",0,0,5,1339459200,Good 'ol Dubble Bubble Taste! :-),"You just can't beat the taste of the original Dubble Bubble Gumballs! It really doesn't matter that the taste only last a minute or so, but that is why I bought the tub! The tub by the way is very convenient and was shipped to me in A+++ condition! If your longing for the classic taste go for it! You will not be dissappointed!" 2188,B000EPP56K,A2DYW9Y2D8E43L,"Kris Cayocca ""Cayotejr""",2,2
,,2,2,2,1,?161???242???????sts????utut.t????????y ??owo???????????nen???? s ???n n t ?hih?? m ??chc? g ?rer?as????n ???????d d???odo??????iki??e te th????! ! ??lslsoso,o???t t ht ??s ???ouo???h sh ?ala??t tt tot? k ?ililll? a ??????iri?? f ?amamim??y y oy ??? sl s?ug????! U! UsUse?????in? y ??ourou????rdrded??, , d, dodono???t et ???t i???""???898???00?0E0?PPP???K,K,A,?1K1????R4R??EJEJ6J?QNQ?,"????eveevenen en????ngn? " ???????uct?s"s??????????,11,1?16816?303??????SaS?tat???NoN??odlod???,"???in??????e ee ?ent???e e se ?sausa??????ckc?ketket ??s ???????il???, l, le?av?in?? a???al??? g?????y ??udu???le le???????????to?? o ????hehe he c cacar????? O ???therthe??is?e ????dldledles???rere re wre wew?llll ll? ma m????, a, an?d ??????e i?????????aba?????welwe?ll ?????oro?redred.d?. Q. ???????ndn???easea?y,y?, a? n???brbraraia?inein???
,2,1169424000,Tasty but...,"Holy cow! I have never seen this much grease in a boxed product like this! Also, it has enough salt to kill an entire family of slugs! Use it in your garden, don't eat it!" 2189,B000EPP56K,A1KYF8R4TEJ6QN,"Steven Chang ""products""",2,2,4,1168300800,Satay Noodles,"Using the entire sauce packet is over kill, leaving a salty greasy puddle at the bottom of the carton. Otherwise noodles are well made, and sauce is reasonably well flavored. Quick and easy, a no brainer."
??????,B,???00E00????6K6??????3F3???505?????WiWisi?tet?ririai?RoRoso???2,2??????161????888?00???oooo o o ???????????????flflalavla?????I I h ??d ????? h ho h?pep???fof???tht?????ror?duducu??????? I ???iri????????eded ???e e p pap???aga?????cac?usu?? t?????oo?dld??es es????? a a?????t ???????re re???????e e se ?au?cec??????ed?? ap a???ala???g.g?????????od?????????y ????prprepr?pa?re??atat at m mymy y wy ?or???????. ? H HoH?wew????? to t?o mo mem????? the the? ta tas?te? w??s ?????y oy ????? an?????ava???le????. . I. ?'m'???????? pe pea?nunutut t st ????????an an a an and and and? wa? was was???pe?????ed med ???e ?e spe s?ici?? i ?????? the f the ?????vor.vor.".""?21219???B0?????PP5PP????A3A????5B5BCBCOC???X1X??,"???????? " ???bob?ookook"ook???,1???,1,4,1,4,4,1?,116,116767367?50??????tattatst?sy!sy!,!,"?Th?isis is i???????tyt??gogoo???st?
2190,B000EPP56K,ASK53FE650NLF,WisteriaRose,2,2,1,1167868800,Too oily and lacks flavor,"I had high hopes for this product when I first opened the package because the noodles had a great texture and the sauce looked appealing. The food was easy to prepare at my workplace. However to me, the taste was very oily and flavorless. I'm a big peanut satay fan and was expected more spice in the flavor." 2191,B000EPP56K,A37GT5BCO92X1X,"D. Book ""dbook""",1,1,4,1167350400,tatsy!,"This is pretty good stu
f?f.f. . Y ????cac?????exexpx?ecectc?t at ?????lel????????omom m?ini?ststatan?????x-x??-n-????le????bub???tht?isi? i?????e ???st??????ofo? a ala?? t ?the?? ot oth?therthe? b?raran?dsd??I'I'v'vev?????ede?? be b???rere.e???heh???noonood???les les?????????d ???????ncncyc?? an a??????????anuan???????e ?is????al?lyly ???st???asas ?wew?ll??????m gm go????? to to o b????mom???e."e.""????2,2,B,????EPE??????A2A2G2??G7G????????N,N?????ou?????????,1??585???323????ReReae?all??y Gy GoG?oodood,ood?"""???t ??as???es es b be??teterte????an????t lt lo????""???asas as??he???????st tst ??????I I? sa saia?d d td thd the???a sa ??????cacalcal ?????????r ?loloolooklookik?????t ???????nunut??sa??????s s is ???????e oe ?????????the the mthe ???rorowro???e.???UnU??????nan????????it'it's'???as ??atattat????????s ????????ks,ks???o ?
ff. You can't expect a whole lot from instant box-o-noodles, but this is the best out of all the other brands I've tried before. The noodles have good constancy and the peanut sauce is really tasty as well. I'm going to buy more." 2192,B000EPP56K,A2GHG7FA6YLGWN,E. Houde,1,1,4,1158883200,Really Good,"""It tastes better than it looks"" was the first thing I said the a skeptical co-worker looking at my peanut satay as it came out of the microwave. Unfortunately, it's as fattening as it looks, so I
???iki?ele?????n'n????????????sisiningng g i itit ?ofo????. . ?I I c ??????ses?e ????s s????in??g wg wiwit?h h? ch c?hichi?kekenke? o ?r r???eefee? a ?????as??in?ing ing????????ttt?terte????ou??h!h?""???939??????EPE??5656K6?,A,??U5U??1010L0???4D4DQD?F,F????an?????nsnse??nd,nd???,0,,0???131???????00?????ttttytt??gogooo???sts??fff???whw??lel??????nonoto??trt?ada??itiit?ononaon?? s?ata???????t it ?is is??ververyr???oooodood d t?????ilil l il ?is ?oko? c ca c??????it?ithoithou??t i??t it it? w???ldld ld? be be be????????, ,??????????e e o?????ese?se ???at???ere?? a????arar ?????a a? ha h?alfal?????ld ild i i??ad??e i???anand? i? it it? wa w????in????i ?wi?llll l bl bub??y ay agagag?inin"in?"2"21????B0??00E??PP5PP?56K56???262?????YGY?CGC??NUN???hi?rlr?????0,??,1,13,1?31831????202?????????le??s s Ss SlSlul??gege,?"I"I I lI ?ovo??? pe pea??utut t st ?????. ????hishi???
likely won't be purchasing it often. I could see this mixing with chicken or beef and tasting even better though!" 2193,B000EPP56K,A1U5010LTB4DQF,Brian Townsend,0,0,4,1319932800,pretty good stuff,"while its not traditional satay it is very good the oil is ok cause without it it would be too dry, i had some of these that were a year and a half old i made it and it was fine, i will buy again" 2194,B000EPP56K,A26G6S0YGCG5NU,Shirlz,0,0,1,1318723200,Flavorless Sludge,"I love peanut satay. This pr
???ucuctc????????lyl???ere??ibi??e.e. .??InIn n??o o w wawaya??dod?????????????bleble e?????t dt ?????? O OiO???? s sas?????ana????asasts?????????. . . D. ??n'n???????????ourou????oneon?y ????? thi th???brb??andan?????191???B0B??????565??????IEI?JIJIKI????VHV?????. J. J.J?. F. ?????estes??0,0????,1,???868616111?????"S"SuSuru????sis?ngn??? F ?lalava?????ul,ul??BuB?t t Dt ?????????????ri????","????ada?dordo???????s bs ??anand? o ????????ut ut? sa s?ataat?????od??????????iki?????e ????er? e ???nin???fofoooodoodsds-s????boboxo????a-a?????s ns ??od???es ??and?and sand ??uc????es ares a???flflalavla??rfr?fulfu? a an a????????ioi??s.s. s. ???wew???er,er???the??re're's??cec?erter??ininlinly?ly aly ????ownow????????ThT????di????is?is gis ?re?????, f, faf??te?ni??ng,ng?, a, ?andand ?hi??h ???n cn cacalaloal????????????youyou u??rea???th?the the??
oduct is truly terrible. In no way does it resemble that dish. Oily, salty and tastes lousy. Don't waste your money on this brand." 2195,B000EPP56K,A3MIEJIKUB5VHQ,E. J. Forrest,0,0,4,1268611200,"Surprisingly Flavorful, But Dine With A Friend","I adore this brand of peanut satay noodles. Unlike the other ethnic-foods-in-box, Ka-Me's noodles and sauces are flavorful and delicious. However, there's certainly a downside. This dish is greasy, fattening, and high in calories. If you read the nu
?trtririti?ioi??ala??????????tiotion???yoyouo?'l'lll??fifin??????? t???s s? ti t??????x x c ?????????twtwow??ses???????s t??????rer????????????at ??ndnd ????t vt ?????fi???ining??<b<?????????/>/>M/>?y ??dvd?vicvicec?? ??plp???????? d ??ishis??wiw??h ????ririeri??? a?????????????? a a a?????????erver??????? r ???ce.ce? T ThTheh?e se ?aua?cece ce????flf???or???l ????d pd ?????t ?en???gh? t? tha that??it??blb??ede???in?????theth????riceric?. ???????instins???t ??andand and? ta t???y y my ????????shs???eae??!"!??????,B,?000??EPE?P5P?6K6K,K????HIH??TUT?CQCQZQZQZQ2Q2,2??????,0,????????070????????? R ?????PePeaeaneanun???????y,y?"T"??is???is ?NON????eaealeal eal??ea?eanuean????????y by bub?ut ?foforfor ???the the????rice? i it it t it ?is is nis ????babad???I I?li?????to to g ??????????? and and ????? t?????? in in m ?
tritional information, you'll find that this tiny box contains two servings that are high in fat and not very filling.<br /><br />My advice? Split this dish with a friend and serve with a small serving of rice. The sauce is flavorful and potent enough that it bleeds into the rice. An instant and tasty multi-dish meal!" 2196,B000EPP56K,AO1HIVTUCQZQ2,Mon,0,0,3,1251072000,Not Real Peanut Satay,"This is NOT real peanut satay but for the price it is not bad. I like to get these and keep them in my
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desk at work for the days that I don't have time to go out to lunch. These are really easy to make; just mix together the cooked noodles and the bag of sauce and microwave for about 2 minutes. You will not get a restaurant quality meal out of this but it is decent for just over $2.00 a box. The box says it is 2 servings but if you are not mixing in any meat or anything, it really is only 1 serving." 2197,B008YAXFWI,AY12DBB0U420B,Gary Peterson,0,0,4,1346630400,"Mild Taste, But Delicious.","A nea