?????????????waw??? t ?? g ?????????? tr t??, ????????????????ThT??e te ?eae??????nln???????????theth??????ve ve t??ieieded,d???utu????????fof??? th t?he he?momor?????s!s????292????????????4Y4Y,Y???????TGT??O1O?????"P"PuP???????tct?ata?????????????????","???7,7???????202????????anianili????did????????????Th?e ?????aga?gingi????s ???ea?eat eat???????????t. t. ? Th T??????????s as ???????ama?????????shs?apapep?. ????s fs ??? a ???tat??te???, if, i? y ?????re re jre ???st st???oko?in?? f?oror or aor a ??tea?????at at?????????????va?????????????????????????ranra?d d??????dod?o io it?? fo??r yr ???. ??????you'you'r??????okiok???????????ibi??s ????????th th?????e pue p?????????????????????????????????ioi???????van???
nt, or just want to give it a try, it's worth it. The tea is unlike any other I've tried, but great for the mornings!" 12900,B004U7QZ4Y,A3LAYCTGSO1IQR,"Purrrfectcat ""purrfectcat""",3,7,3,1318204800,vanilla disflavored,"The packaging is great for a gift. The teabags are pyramidal in shape. As far as taste, if you're just looking for a tea that tastes like vanilla, then this Tazo brand will do it for you. If you're looking for rooibos tea with the pure rooibos taste, then the addition of vanill
??????lel???????????????ana?????????? T ?azazoz?, , w, ?ili???????????intin????????????ra??? ro r??oiboi???????tet???, wi, w???ou??t tt th???????imi????vev?memene?????????h h??s ??an?ilillil??, , i, ?? f ??ll??bo???ede????d ????????????????????ta???e.e. ??I I f fo f??????ysy????f bf beb???g g d???????????e toe t??????pupurure?????????????????romro?? Tw T???ninni?????ReR???????? of o?f Tf TeT????????NuN??i.i??????010???000?4U4???????????2D2DHD??333??????????0,0??????3333633????606????????????????????cycycy????????I I lI ??oveov??awa????e te tee t???????ut Iut I ??m ??????????????cac??????ete?t t?he?he lhe ????lsl?s o??f ???the the??????o ?????????. ?NoNor???an? y???? co c?????st st????e ne ????????gs?????????acackc???????????
a at least in this brand of tea, Tazo, will disappoint you. The raw rooibos taste, without these ""improvements"" such as vanilla, is full-bodied and has its own unique taste. I found myself being drawn more to the pure rooibos teas from Twinings, Republic of Tea, and Numi." 12901,B004U7QZ4Y,A2YB2DHL33U17B,Mom,0,5,2,1336521600,But what about recycling?,"I love awake tea, but I am mad that you can't get the labels off the tin to reuse it. Nor can you compost the nylon bags. The packaging is no
t??????????iei??dldlyl???????en en??thoth?ugu?h ?????ve???heh????? l le l???vesve??????s cs ??????d-d???????bub???? the th??????r r??aca????ini?g.g?????atat't??s ws wrw??ngng ng??????yoy?? T TaTaza?o?o???tat????????? ? ???????'t't ?????thath???bab????o o????e ae a a????fef??????????e fe ?oror ?????cuc????e tie t?insin??????e ???n n??tot?oreore e re ???????????????????????r ????t ??????????????????????it it?????gingi?n tn ???????? t??????????????r fr ?ababr????????????? te?a ?????????s ????on on? as a?????????I ??wilwi?l l? be b?????????l cl ?????????""??????????????Z4Z???A3A3B3?O5O????????HRHR,R?scs???????,1,??8,8?,1,,1???303????????WoWor????RoR??ibi?oso?,",???????? t? thi th?s ????????????????dud?uctuc??????to to??????bosbo?? ???
t earth friendly. Even though I love the tea leaves less chopped-up, I buy the other packaging. What's wrong with you Tazo? Starbucks? It can't be that bad to use a different glue for the cute tins so we can store rubber-bands in them!<br />It can't hurt your profit margin too much to use another fabric for your tea bags. As soon as you do I will be a loyal customer!" 12902,B004U7QZ4Y,A3BO53PLZP6JHR,schulzey,1,8,1,1330646400,Worst Rooibos,"I tried this tea as my introduction to Rooibos. I w
??? v ???? e ??cic??????ftf??? h heh?????g g?ofo????? b ??????????????oioibi?????????mym?y dy ??????oi???mem??t t????????hth?t tt ?thith?? t te t????????????sts????!<!???r /r ???<br<b??????ucu?????????????'t'??gig??????????d td ?ri?eded ed???????????????NuN????????YoY?????rer? g ?re???? o??f rf ????bo????andand ???????er???ala??????tatas?ti???. . ? Th T?????????asas ???st??????????lala ????stest?e te ???? c coc???????????????s s us ???????nan?atuat????l fl ???vov??????ro?????????StS?????wawaywa??frf?????????????. ?PlP??????oo???ibosibos s ws ??ithit?houho?????????????????is?is pis ????ece????n n???'s's ??????1121????????????Z4Z?Y,Y,A,A3A????????????????????anani????????????????????????I ???????????
as very excited after hearing of the benefits of rooibos. To my dissapointment I thought this tea was disgusting!<br /><br /> Luckily, I didn't give up and tried other brands (Numi and Yogi are great) of rooibos and they were all fantastic. This tea has a stale vanilla taste that completely covers up the natural flavor of rooibos. Stay away from this tea. Plain rooibos without added flavors is perfect on it's own." 12903,B004U7QZ4Y,A3TTIGRDKH9T6O,Jeff Maniatis,1,18,1,1316044800,I Will Never
k????????ili?????????kn????hohow?????s s??????????????????AmAmam????????????????ho??? t ???se???? th t?????????????????e e re ?eqequq????mem?ntnt ?I ????? f ???? it i??????? t? the???wow?????dodo ?th???????? $ ???.0.??????er????is bis ??????????????wo?????ndnd nd? am am m? no n???ho??? t???si???????????????s.s????????????????????retre??rnr???d ad ????Am????on/on?????????s ????????????re?plp???????????????s o????eveev?en en???etuet???n mn ????on?ey??????????is????n mn myn m????irsir?t ??Ama???n ??is????oio??tmt???? a? and an??I I hI ???ve ve??benbe????cuc???omo??r r fr ????neneane??????????????1?292??????????????,A,???PWP???ZIZ??FUF?????he???MoM???B,B????,3,3,3?????737?767606?????????OKO?, ,????????
know,I will never know how this product is.<br />Amazon/Starbucks chose to send this order with the requirement I sign for it! Why they would do this on a $20.00 order is beyond me. I work and am not home to sign for packages. The package was returned and Amazon/Starbucks has yet to reply to my emails or even return my money.<br />This in my first Amazon disappointment and I have ben a customer for nearly 10 years. 12904,B000SR1392,A3TPWH4ZI6FU5T,Chef Mom B,0,0,3,1201737600,"Just OK, nothing
?????iai??????? D ?????-F-????!"!????hih???is??? n nin?????????????????oro??????mim???? if if f??????????????ve ve???? d ??????, b, ???????dod????????omo????????e te ?o o???e ???????????????"" ""? T??????????????????la???toto to???????isu???????kek??? i?? m ?minmi?????????t ??s ??????cakca??,"??????????e tee texextxtuturu?re re i??? no n?th??????????????e fae f??ou????es??serse?t.t???????5,5,B,B0B???IZI?????????????8O8????B,B?C.C?????waw?y,????????????646?808?00,00???y Dy ??g g????vesve????es??????? v ????ririn???????????olo??gigis???re???????ndend??????????????y ?1 1 y???r ?ololdol????lll??w w? la l??? as a??s a s a?crc????hyh???????cecemce??????forfor ??????????????e ??????? t??o fo ??gug?????outou????atat ???
special, but DAIRY-FREE!","This is a nice alternative for Tiramisu if you can't have any dairy, but it doesn't come close to the ""real thing."" The flavor is similar to Tiramisu, but keep in mind that it is a ""cake,"" so the texture is nothing like the famous dessert." 12905,B000IZTDWS,AAWGG308OSZ9B,C. Conway,0,0,5,1201564800,My Dog Loves These!,"My veterinary dermatologist recommended these for my 1 year old yellow lab as a crunchy replacement for rawhides while we try to figure out what he
?isi? a ???????c c?tot????????????????y y l ??vev?s ????????????rg????????e oe ????????tst???oro????fef????ininun????? fo for??hih?????? t???????e ne ???????allal?ly ??????lal?ce???????forfo??????????????, ??ut? a at a?t lt ??asastst st??t ???ve?????m m?????th????????????????????????????le??n n???????ete?????????titisisfis??y hy ??????eedee??????chechew????ThThe? v ???t tt ??ldl????? th?????????????? s?tat?????y ??ar??etet,et, ????????y ???on'on?????MyMy ??onlonly???????ai?????????at??ththethey?? ar a??? a ?lil???????xpx??nsnsis??,5,???171???747?????????????????????????d ?????????m tm ??o,o?"I"I I p ??????aseasede????????fo???????picpickc?
is allergic to. He absolutely loves them! A large piece only lasts for a few minutes for him, so they're not really a replacement for the rawhides, but at least it gives him something crunchy to chew on to clean his teeth and satisfy his need to chew. The vet told me that they would stain my carpet, but they don't. My only complaint is that they are a little expensive." 12906,B000IZTDWS,ACJ3LD3PUCJKG,T. Young,0,0,5,1170374400,Dogs love em and good for them too,"I purchased these for my picky
??????r.r??HeH???oto?????????ese?? th t????????isis ?a a???????????????????????ve ve?????????????f f????????imeim?????e ie ????allal?lerle????????????? o ????dogdo????????????????tst???????s ?veverve????lal????????????????, , h??e he ????????all?????? r ??aca????????s ands an????realrea??????????????? I I I jI jujusu????is?????????????????????????rrr?iei????d thed th???""?121?909???B0B?????1B1?4I4I,I???FRF?6G6?????SJS????????????????????????????757???00???no??????BoB??se?nbn???ry????res?????????????beebe??????kik???????? th??is ????rese????????? my m??wi?????ThT?hishi?s is ??is his ???r fr ?????iti??? pr p?res??reservreserve?????hehe he i???????????fornfornin?a ???????nd????????? i?????? k ???????s bs ????y ?
eater. He totally loves them. He is a large dog but they gave him plenty of chew time. He is allergic to a lot of dog foods and treats. I was very glad to find these, he had no allergic reactions and really loved them. I just wish my local pet stores carried them." 12907,B001FA1B4I,A1FR6GC1XUSJ45,Michael Small,2,2,5,1333756800,Knott's Boysenberry Preserves,I've been looking for this preserve for my wife. This is her favorite preserves. She is a california girl and grew up in the knott's berry f
?ara???pap????ararear??????? h hah????hihisi?? pe p???er?vev???????mo???ngn??????????????????CoCouo????non????????itit ?????whw??????er??e ie ?????????asas as?????????????????????????????????I ???????????????????????n n??hihishi??????????ar????????????????ufufff???????????ou.ou..??????????????????A2A????????1F1F0F??????????????,3,3,3,3????????727?????,Y,????y ????ffeff???"B"???????????e Ie ??ha??? f ??unu???????????. I . I?usu?sedse????o bo ??uy<uy<b<???????????????????????t ??????st hst ???f f? th the th?e ce ???????? he???.<.?<br<br r /r ????????????lol????r ?????s ?it?. ??ar????d to d to b be bele???????????<br???????ouldoul??drd?opo????????????. ?????e(e????????????????y wy wiw??ll<ll??<br
arm park area. She had this perserve most morings for breakfast. Could not find it any where here in Arkansas and thought I would try Amazon. I really made points when this package arrived. Great stuff. Thank you. 12908,B0036FOV2O,A21M3Y07V1F0EC,Redgreybee,3,3,5,1311724800,Yummy coffee,"Best coffee I have found to buy. I used to buy<br />It at CostCo for at least half the cost on here.<br />CostCo no longer sells it. Hard to believe they<br />Would drop such a gem. Maybe(hopefully) they will<br
/??BrBririni?g g???????k.k??ItI??? a ? v vev????sts???ng????roromromam??ici???????????? & ????ococlclal????y cy coc??fef?e.e. ???ooo???????????ic?ioi??????????GlG?ladlad ????????? it it ?heher?? o ???????onon ?????2X2???????? /???????????????he???????e ????????""?121?909?????????OVOV2V?O,O?A2A?????????TNT??G,G???????????3,?2,2???080?????????on?'t'??wawasa????yoy????????ey,ey?"T"????????viv???????re re a?????ro??? so s?mem???????gog??, a, ???????????s ws ??hathat ?????????d wd ?waswas ????e e ae ?? t?????????e. e.??utu?????????????? an a???ne????????????for for????me ???odod ??wa?nd???????????ri??ghtght t nt non????????notno????st???yo??r ?r mor m?oneon??. ?I I hI ????ve tve ??astas??d ??trutruetru????goodgoo?d R??????an ???ff??????whiwhic??????
/>Bring it back. It's a very strong, aromatic,<br />Rich & choclatey coffee. Smooth and delicious.<br />Glad I found it here on Amazon for 2X the<br />Price! Love the coffee though." 12909,B0036FOV2O,A2ZKLDWOZ2TNZG,Lucky13,3,3,2,1308873600,Don't waste your money,"These reviews are all from sometime ago, and perhaps what was said was true at that time. But let me warn anyone looking for some good Rwandan coffee right now, do not waste your money. I have tasted true good Rwandan coffee, which is v
e????sis?????r r t ?o o??ene???n n c ??????. .??oso?? A ?frfririci?????of???????asa?????????????y cy ?iti?rur????????????dod???????owo???hah??? wa was???n ????e be ?????????????? a ?aroaromo???? was wa???er?????????????????????????????????allal??? ab a????beb?????????ddd??flf??????fr??????omeom???in???????) )? an andn???????????d jd jujus?????????????????had had t?????????????????nd??ba?g.g.".????????B0B000030?6F6???2O2??AYAY1Y????????????GaG???y Py PeP?????????,5,??,5,,5,1,??646??????????ondon???fuf?? A??om?????I'I?vev?????sus??????????ee ee e ????r sr ?sinsi?cec???????outou??????n thn t???????. N. NoNow???aya??s Is ????????????us???wh??le? b?????co?????s ???d d Id ??ve?? be bec be???????me?????????????eveev?en en?????e.
ery similar to Kenyan coffee. Most African coffees taste naturally citrus sweet. I don't know what was in the bag I got. The aroma was terrible (like the beans had partially absorbed some odd flavor from something else) and it tasted just the same. I had to toss the 3 pound bag." 12910,B0036FOV2O,AY12DBB0U420B,Gary Peterson,4,5,5,1264809600,Wonderful Aroma.,"I've consumed coffee ever since my youth in the 50s. Nowadays I will only use whole bean coffees and I've become somewhat fussy even there.
????????tht?????? t????????????????????idi???????????e fe ????d d????t t??????????e'?????? K ?iri????????igi??????re re h ???????????xcx????????sesele?lecle??????s os ???whw?ololele le??eaeanan an?????eee?????t vt ???y y????so????le??pr???es?. ?ThT?????an?an ban ?????veryver??gog????????????????????as???beibe????ex?ce??????????fefeefees?????e ?????????latla???t ?????????????????is? K??????and? S ???gnagn?atu??re ????????an Wan ???????ea?????rk?????astas?????????????????t ???t at ????y ??????l wl ???rehre??????????re ????????????pop????nd bnd ??g.g.<.??r ???????????e e Ae ????? i??s ts ?theth????irsir?st st?? thi th????????ll??non??ticti??. ?BoB?????????????????????me???ll gll ?????? Th T?he ??????? is???
Plus, there's the price to be considered. I've found that Trader Joe's and Kirkland Signature have some excellent selections of whole bean coffees at very reasonable prices. They can be very good values, as well as being excellent coffees. One of the latest I've discovered is Kirkland Signature Rwandan Whole Bean Dark Roast Coffee. I bought it at my local warehouse store in a three-pound bag.<br /><br />The Aroma is the first thing you'll notice. Boy, does this stuff smell good! The aroma is wo
?ndnded????????????????vev????????? t ??hanha??????????eee???????????lel??se??????????????????as??? n ???????????????en???. I. ???????st st? sa s????????hatha???f f?yoy??????t ?tot???mpm??????????ts?, , j, ju???????n n un ?p p????????????????stust?ff????????e ?co?????????ili??????ll ll???. ??????????????tsets?????????it??????el?????, ??????????oulou??? ex e?????t. t.?ItI?????s as a ???ce? a????????d ???rir?????ara???? tas ta?????MyM? o ??n n t???????mim?????pr??feferfer r a???lilig??????????????ro????, ??????????s s os ??ly??mymy ?ow?????st?stesste??s ans a??nd nnd nonotot t t??????ul??t ot ?????the the????offeoff??. ??f ??????????? t???? ri r?????????, ??strst?ronrongnglng??????ffeff?????????redre????????gig??
nderful, perhaps even better than the coffee itself. Please don't take that as a negative statement. I'm just saying that if you want to impress guests, just open up a bag of this stuff and the comments will roll in. The coffee itself is quite excellent, as you would expect. It has a nice aroma and a rich dark taste. My own tastes might prefer a slightly lighter roast, but that's only my own tastes and not the fault of the coffee. If you prefer the rich, deep, strongly-coffee-flavored brew, give
????????????????????????ere????????? i ????s as ata?? a a?????on???????osost????????????/>??ara???PeP???????.".""1121292919????000????????????????QGQ?7R7???9,9?????RiR?chchah?ardardsd?????????iei?????nen????????1,51,?,1,13,1?????848???,C,CoC??ffeff?e ??????s's' '????st,st???????? a?nd????vev????enen en????????????offof?ee???lll? m ?????fe?????????????????????re??????n ?????????? th t?e ??959???'s.'s???????????????I ?mam??e ?e a e a?????blebl?e Ee ??????? ?in??takta?ke ke???or or???e ???????I sI ?????m m dm ?dridr?inkink k?'r'?regre????? c? cof coff??ffee'ffee????? it???s ?????????wew??????????? h ????????????nt?????????utut ???????e te ???is ???is ois on??????? the the the??es??t ct co?????????on on??????
this stuff a try. Wonderful! And it's at a reasonable cost.<br /><br />Gary Peterson." 12911,B0036FOV2O,A1HDDI9QG7RUS9,"E. Richardson ""Ancient One""",1,1,5,1348358400,Coffee at its' best,I am 78 and have been drinking coffee all my life. Began drinking Espresso in Italy in the 1950's. Each morning I make a double Espresso.That is my coffee intake for the day. I seldom drink 'regular coffee' as it is far too weak. We all have different taste but for me this is one of the best coffee's on the ma
???ete?..1????????030363???V2V????1Y1?878????????????JeJefe?? Y ?????ef??????",",1,???????303????????,E,?xcx?elelll??????ofo??eee?????nsn?- -??igighg????sts??MoM?????g g??ava??,"???????????????????????e ae ???????y y????????tet?????mam???? a????????????re??????? o of??????? .?????usustus????ugu?ghtgh??a a? co??uplup?le le? of o??bab??????t Ct ??????? an???d thd t???y sy ???????avaveav???the???fof??????????????a a ta ????????????????????ieied????he he???ma?trt????cofco????e a?????????y ??iki?kedke?d t????????wew???????o ??ar??????ve????t ?t bet bee????isi?apa???????d ?????h ah ?anyan?y oy ??of tof ???????rklrklal?andand and????ffe????????????????nd ??o o lo ?likli????a ma ??ore???obo??ustust ust????????????????????e fe ???????thethe
rket. 12912,B0036FOV2O,A1Y87FI0EKD274,"Jeff Y ""Jeff Y""",1,1,5,1303689600,Excellent Coffee Beans- High Test Morning Java,"I've used these before and they are quite aromatic and make a great cup of coffee. I just bought a couple of bags at Costco and they still have them for $13.99 for a three lb. bag. I tried the Sumatra coffee and really liked that as well. So far I have not been disappointed with any of the Kirkland coffee beans. I tend to like a more robust coffee and this one fills the
????l.l????vev???????e e?? s st s?????????inindin?????mym??????????eee??????s s??? ca c??????eeee ee???ininging ing??????. . ?? I w I ??s ??lml??????? " ??crc????????dede"e?????? I I w???????n ??????sss?????an an? a a?pop????????????feefe??????????d md ?my my???????ing ?jaj????????????thith?????????????""??????????????V2V??,A,?2F2?252?060?????HVH??,",?????olo???""??of????????e""e"??,0,?,0???,1,1313513??????????rer??????ff?????????KiK????anand???????tut??? b????????????????????Gr?ea???. E. ???????????ha????tst??????on????? I?'v'?????????ththathat?? I ????????????????so??? I'm I'?? go??????? y ???r ?ar??ounoundound.d??. B. ???????y fy ????m Cm ???stcst?co co?????????e ne ?????????????????????g.g.<.?????><><b?
bill. Ever since I started grinding my own coffee beans I can't see going back. I was almost in ""crisis mode"" as I was down to less than a pound of coffee and need my morning java. Give this one a try." 12913,B0036FOV2O,A2F25068IEUHV8,"G. Wold ""Coffee Joe""",0,0,5,1350172800,Great Coffee,"The Kirkland Signature bagged coffee's are Great. Each roast has its season and I've found that I like all three so I'm good all year around. But buy from Costco they are now about $19.00 a bag.<br /><br
?????waw????an,an? G GuG?????????an, an,?? S ????trtrar? a al??????eee? a ar a????re??at!at?? U ??????th????????????????????????4,4???????OVO??????????GEG??????8,8????????????aha???????,5,5,5???????727202????o o?momoro?????ara????ngn???I I??usu??????????? m?? f fi f?rsr?? b ??g g???? th????????da???????ee??????wa?????????did?????????????he???????????o ???????al??COCOSOSTS??????????????????????d nd nonono??e ie ?????????????m m????d ??I cI cacanca?????er???it it? on o???mamazma???????I tI ?????d md ????y dy ????????nt nt?????ndsnd??, l, ?loolooko?????????????realrea??????odo????????f cf ???ffeff????????t nt ???????? st stit?????????ithit?? th??s.s??. I. I . I????????????wa???????????igig ?????????????anan an? co c?
/>Rwandan, Guatemalan, & Sumatra all three are great! Use with the AeroPress ;)" 12914,B0036FOV2O,A1SQKXGE8YT5N8,Roger D. Leahey,0,0,5,1349827200,No more searching,"I just finished my first bag of this Rwandan coffee and was quite disappointed when I went to my local COSTCO and found they had none in stock. I'm glad I can order it on Amazon. I tried many different brands, looking for a really good cup of coffee, but now I'm sticking with this. I so look forward to my big cup of Rwandan cof
??????n n t ??????rnr??????????151?????????????????F1F171??POP????F,F?????l l??CamCa???????0,0????5,15,131??818?????????????sts???????e ???rkrklk???d'd?s s N ?????????? i is i?s ns non?????aia???blb?????hih???sesee???????se?st? ???n qn ???lil???? ??av???waw??????fofor? K ????????????brb??ing?? it i??????????utu????????????ing uing ??????o ????? g?rer???????fe?e"e"???91?????????FOVFOV2?O,?????E1E?????????,P,???e,e,0e,???????13313???808?????????????trt?unu?? E ???????ri????????hah??????????????ot ot f??????thisthi????????.<.??? / ???s ??????????????forfo??, ??????? n ??? su s????letle??, ???????? w ?onon'on??t b?e ????ckickin???ou??????????of of???lacla?????????t ot or?????????? blo bl?ossosso??m om ???whw??
fee in the morning!" 12915,B0036FOV2O,A1SNF17YPODOBF,Capel Campbell,0,0,5,1348185600,the best,"since Kirkland's New Guinea is not available, this seems closest in quality. Have waited for Kirkland to bring it back, but am getting used to this great coffee" 12916,B0036FOV2O,A21GE1X9W90IPJ,Pete,0,0,4,1334880000,Highly Strung East African,"I have a soft spot for this coffee.<br />As mentioned before, it has no subtlety, and you won't be picking-out notes of blackcurrant or orange blossom or what
????r r????hih????????ghg?????oao????? s ??????????????st st???????????ststrstro?ngn??? st s?ro?rongron? c ???????????ve ve????d pd ??????y oy ??????er????????????ee??????? the th? p pap???????????????????blb???dud????o o??eie??g ?ovo??r-r??????eded ed????dedeae??? ( ???rhrha?????????isgisgug??????ububbb????????nsn?).)????????? t th??is ?CoCoso??co? R ????????ono??????rksrk????houho???, ?????? st???????fof?????d ????????????ter ter? co c?offoffeoff????????????ch???rer???????at wat ????? I I??????t ???n mn mym????????????erer er????? be b??ns???us????in???ofof ?shs???ttett????????vivin?ing ing?????????????e.e.<e.??r ??????????????????ing ?ses???linli??????????????????s ts th????it??????????ce??? a?s ???ro????? e ese
ever - this is highly roasted stuff that just tastes of strong, strong coffee. I've had plenty of supermarket coffees in the past that were terrible due to being over-roasted to death (perhaps to disguise rubbish beans). Somehow this Costco Rwandan one works though, as a straightforward rich, bitter coffee. It's so charred that when I put it in my hand-grinder the beans just kind of shattered, giving no resistance.<br />Its main selling selling point for me is that it works nicely as a robust es
???ese?????????y y??olo????CrC???????909???????? as a????pup?????y fy ?ili???????fff?eee???brbr r?????????s ?????????? /???????????171???????FOF????????G6G???WXW?4R4??TOT?????ded?????????,0?,1,1,1?????????????nrn???????e e??????????I I l ?ovovev?????k k??????, ????????????????????cofco????s ????nd tnd ?hoh??ghghtht t t ???is is???????????d cd ?chochoio?????as???d od onon n tn ?theth??re?viv????. .?????????????????? b ???????the the athe ??????????????en??t at ???????did????an????heh???????????peapear??ed ed????????as????d a?nd??????d and an d an??????????pearpea?an????. . ?WhW???????????????????st st bst ?????? my my ????? o?bsb??erverve????????????????????????????ttt????, ???????re re???earea???????le???
presso (in my Solis Crema SL90), and as a punchy filter-coffee.<br />PS it's cheap.<br />Mmm." 12917,B0036FOV2O,A33G6BAWX4RPTO,Glider Geek,0,0,1,1315958400,Unreliable Quality,"I love dark roast, strong and robust coffees and thought this was a good choice based on the reviews. Upon opening the bag, the aroma was pungent and acidic, and the beans appeared over-roasted and had an oily appearance. When I made the first batch my wife observed that the aroma was off-putting, nowhere near the pleasa
??? c ?hah?????????omo???????ewe????? ra r??????????. . ??heh?e te ????????? s????lyl?? aw a?????????????????oao??te????????? an a? u ???plepl???????ha?rsr????????thath????????????meme me??f f b ????????hih?????????????????????????????????????????????????uauala???????rir???an ????fefeee????????ininain?allal?? d ??cic????d td ?? b?lel????????????????????????edied???????st?????????an?an aan ???????t ?????? i ??????????????h th ???????tortore?????e ?drd?rinri????ili??tyt?. . ?MoM???????apa?????tit?inging ????auausu?e ?? b?ele???eveev????? r???vievi?????????????vedve?d id ??????el??????t at ??gogoogo?????????????????t t ct ???????ly???????ot??????121???????030?????2O2???????VHV???5G5?OWO
nt character some reviewers raved about. The taste was simply awful - way over-roasted, with an unpleasant harshness that reminded me of burned Chickory or an over-strong Sumatran rather than a quality African coffee. We finally decided to blend this 50/50 with a medium roast Colombian and that toned it down enough to restore some drinkability. Most disappointing because I believe the reviewers who loved it likely got a good batch - we most certainly did not..." 12918,B0036FOV2O,AX1RJVH5N5GOW
??????,0???????848??????0,B0,??????ofo?fefeee???e'e???e ee ???? h ???,W,???????e ve ?ver?y y?????????????????????ststcst????????? c ca c??ryr????????????? W WhW????? f ??????itit it????AmA??????????reare?????ma?????????????WeWe We w???? S ????bub???s s??????????????????an??????????????? a? c????cec??e one o??tht??is is???????? c co c???????it ?tutururnr???????t tt ?to to?bebe e be be?ttt??r r tr ??an?an San ?StaSt???????! ! G ??ODOD D? ST S?????????292?1919,9,B,??00300363???????,A3,A??TNT??????????,S,?an??DiD????????????,0,0,0,?0,50,??????????00000???usu????ouougou????ThT????????????"I"???????t ut un????st??andand.and??????????????htht ht? th t??his his? la l??st ??????????????????for for? $1 $13?. ?. D. DoD???theth??????mo??te te t?????co???????n ?di????
,AL,0,0,5,1308441600,Best coffee we've ever had,We were very disappointed when Costco did'nt carry it anymore. When I found it on Amazon it really made our day. We were Starbucks fans for so long and when we took a chance on this Rwandan coffee it turned out to be better than Starbucks! GOOD STUFF!!! 12919,B0036FOV2O,A38TNB70G6CKDI,San Diego Paula,0,0,5,1301616000,Just Bought This for $13,"I don't understand. I just bought this last week at Costco for $13. Do they promote this coffee in differ
?ene?????oro?eses s a ????????re????????es es???? th t????eae?r?r?? I ????s as ama?????????utut ?????sns???t wt ?or?????????herhe?????earea????0 0?????o o??olo?????s a???????1?292??0,0??000?363??????????????????KLK?F,F,C,?. .????pap???o,o,1,??2,2,5,??????696????0,?PeP???fecfe???cuc???????s s hs ha???gog?t ?????????? o?f ?th?????estes?t c???????es Ies ?????eve???r hr ???????????????is????st???????lolon???? c ?????es????isis ????dud???????ili?e ?th?theythe?????????? co c????????juj???????? $ $1 $?????er er ber ??? o? or or??jusjust????????$4 $4????????????re???????????????????cofco??eeee ??????????????t cat cana???????? p?aya?in??????????????me me? to t?o fo ???????ne????avavov??ititeit?.".????92?1,?????WMW????????????TMT??
ent stores at different times of the year? It's amazing, but it isn't worth anywhere near $40 or so dollars a bag!" 12920,B0036FOV2O,A29YKKSF74QKLF,C. Chaparro,1,2,5,1282694400,Perfect cup,"This has got to be one of the best coffees I've ever had, sad thing is Costco no longer carries this product, while they did the cost was just over $13 per bag or just over $4 lb. I'm sure gonna miss this coffee since I just cannot see paying $12 lb, time to find a new favorite." 12921,B004WMB132,A2VKSITMLG
???????? P ?. ?????????0,0???4,4??????262???????ananon??a a???fff??? m ?ixix,x,",?????ewe???l l?prp???????????tht???ghg?? pr p?icicec??, ?ara????ere???gogooo????HiH????ququau????y ??proprod?????? wi w????hihig?h h th ???tet????????. V. ??ndndod???????? v ??????????. P. ??????????ri??????????????????ll??????aga?ede????12????????4W4?MBM??13213???????C5C???A0A?I3I???????y,??????4,14,13?????888???,E??????en??????st st?? pri pr?????????ve,ve????????????????cacaka?keske??? T ?????xtx?????"s"?omo?ete???????? wi?????the????????s os ????ra??????????????se se??????th?the ?????????????t tat t???? a???????xtuxturu??????????veryver?????????????????ly ly a?sksks???or???????????????eveveever??y my ????????????e ae ?????
8IEB,E. P. Ovaduke,0,0,4,1337126400,granola waffle mix,"Stonewall products, although pricey, are very good. High quality products with high taste value. Vendor rated very high. Product arrived early, and well packaged." 12922,B004WMB132,A2TN9C5E4A0I3F,Jimmy,0,0,4,1336348800,Excellent just pricey,"Love, love these pancakes. The extra ""something"" with the chunks of granola put these over the top. Great taste and texture and everyone in the family asks for them..nearly every morning! We are al
?rer???????nsn???f f???an????????????????s fs fuf?n n????trt?????MyM?y oy ?nln???prpror??lel???????hehe e????ouo???????s s as ?re????????mam???????????on??ly ly???????????????h h?????anancan?cakca??s ????? ou o????famfa?ili??. ?. I. IfI??????????????s s a???re mre ma?makimakini??? th the th???????n in iti?????????????ppp?proproxo?. ??????????tchtche???bub??t tt ??????s a???. ????? m???ki?ds? d dodon?'t't ????????y y oy ony o??????ancaanc??????theth??????? se s?????????th????????????????????d.d???? ????????????????????t ???? p?er?so??????, ?????? on o???????er??????pep????? o?????th? c????????""1??????????????????2D2??????????GSG???????,0,0,,0????353505???????,M,???????ad???sss?,T,?ThiThis????tc?tchatch?????pr??
ready fans of granola so this was fun to try. My only problem is the 1 pound cans are very small. This only makes one batch of pancakes for our family. If just two kids are making them then it will make approx. 2 1/2 batches but that's all. No, my kids don't eat only one pancake, they eat several...they are just too good. :) Highly recommend but we, personally, will only order on special or with coupons." 12923,B007HP9T5S,A2DKVL26ZX0WGS,Sil,0,0,4,1350000000,Mango Madness,This matcha is pret
t?y y???????????apa??uru?iningn?? th t????lal?vov??? o ????ana??????????????y.y?????? L ????????????ysys ???????ododud???ed ed? a a???ala???? p?????????t ???????????????pripr????? I ?????????????????haha ha??????????ththe?????????????????of of?juj????y ry ???????????os wos wiw?ithit??????bab??????? of o???????s ??????t art are??ju????????t ??rip?????I I??ara???????rlr?? l ??kek?????is is?? mat ma??????????????nin???g sg ?mo??ththi????????4,4??????????S,S??AHA??????P1P??OZO??????a ????????,0,???,4,4,???484838?585??????????? F ?rur????????atchatcha?,",?????????e mane ma????es es?????????????????cha,cha, ,?so?????is ????????e pee p??fefece?????mbm?? f fof?or or m?????owo??ve???, t, ??????isnis??t ?yoy??????????????
ty close to capturing the flavour of mangos accurately. Red Leaf as always has produced a quality product at a reasonable price. In the mango matcha there is the deliciousness of juicy ripe mangos with the balance of mangos that are just about ripe. I particularly like this matcha in my morning smoothie! 12924,B007HP9T5S,AAH6764FP1GOZ,Clara English,0,0,4,1348358400,A Good Fruity Matcha,"I love mangoes and I love matcha, so this is the perfect combo for me! However, this isn't your plain old m
???gog???eaea a??????? T ????????go go?as???????? q quq??te???ntn??rer????????it???s ns ??t ??????? ma man???????eshes???????mom?re??liliki??...???yoy????????, w, ???n n y??????????????? a a m??ng?o ??andan????????????mem?e fe ??????????????ere? y??????????t t st ????????????? y?????????h h??n ?th???????????geg?????????????????????ang????????? b bu b?ut ut? al als al??????????????y gy ?????????asas as w ?el????thath??t a?????? w wo w????????lmlmo??? t??????tat??????WeW???, ?th???'s??????????e me ??ng??? is is ????????hereher????????????t'??s ks ??????f f n ???e,e???quiquit?????fff?????nt nt?????? ot oththe???ma?mangman??????as ?I'I???????ede????r ?/>/?????r />r /?????ere'ere???al???so aso a ???intin?????cic??rur??, ????
ango tea taste. The mango aspect is quite interesting--it's not juicy mango flesh, but more like... you know, when you're cutting a mango and there's some flesh left after you peel it so you scrape your teeth on the rind to get it all? You get mango flesh, but also some rind-y goodness as well that adds a woodsy, almost tangy taste. Well, that's what the mango is like here! Rind-y. It's kind of nice, quite different from other mango teas I've tried.<br /><br />There's also a hint of citrus, a le
??onon-n????????????????oeo???????? wi w?????heh? m ???????? wh w????e ge ?rar???ini?????????????????tot????? m????go/go?????????? ???frf?????????????t ??cec?d!d?""?121292?2525,5????7H7?P9P9T9???,A,???UBUB9B979???5P5PDP?7,7?MeM?ghg???????ovo?anan,an????,5,?5,15,131??????????????????r r a ???on????????ov???????tchtc?ha ha????? fr f??reshres?h mh ??????s!s????????????????????s t?????? w wo w??ded???ulu?. ?????????????????frefr???h m???????uiuic???????????????????????????? v ??eryer?y cy ???anan an?????re??????in?ing ing???melme?ll,ll?, w, ?????h ih ???ho??????eeeelel el???????momosmo??t m?????as????????ll ll???soso ?sasaya??th???????hadha??nono ???susueues??????????mpm?s.s. ?????ve??????n vn ?verve????????ul???o ??????????e te
mon-y quality. It goes well with the matcha, whose grassiness really adds to the mango/lemon tastes. Refreshing, great iced!" 12925,B007HP9T5S,AS9UB97EO5PD7,Meghan Donovan,0,0,5,1347235200,Great for anyone who loves matcha and fresh mangoes!,"The smell of this tea is wonderful. It smells like fresh mango juice. I would describe it as a very clean and refreshing smell, which is how I feel about most matchas. I will also say that I had no issues with clumps. I have been very careful to check the t
?????rar????e e o ??????waw???er er???fof??re re?ada?didini????????????????? a??????o fo faf?r r h hah??????????d d ad ?????????????????ter??? T ??????angan?o o mo ???chc???????? g ?ra???y ????????ssss ss?? tha that??ded???iniin?iteit??y ??ee???????e me ?????o to ???tete.te?. T. ??e ?acactc?tuatu?l l f ??av????? is i??'t't ????st???????s ?ththe?he she ?memel???, b, bub???I I?????????????????oulouldl?d bd ?? o ov o?verve???????ingin??ifi?f if ??it wit ???????lolovo??????s ?bob????????? and and ??????????ichic?????lil?????ed?gege ?????? t to to ?o tho thehe ???eded ed???versversis?????????????t ??????ed ied ???yeyet??????????ot??????????? a am a? t???nkn??ing?ing iing ????????????????tasta?????????????trytr?y ay ??di??ng ?????????????????gug?urtur????andand ?????waswas was? al a???????perpe????
emperature of my water before adding it to the tea, and so far have not had any bitter disasters. The mango matcha has a grassy sweetness that definitely keeps the mango taste. The actual flavour isn't as strong as the smell, but I think that it would be overpowering if it was. I love this both hot and iced, which a slight edge going to the iced version. I haven't tried it yet in a smoothie, but I am thinking it would be fantastic. I did try adding a bit to some yogurt, and it was almost perfect
??? t ?hih????????theth???nln?? t???????????clc???????????I ???????as??'t'??vevere???pap??iei?ntn?????????????ixi? i iti??????? tog to??th??r.r? I??????????????????????chcha??e ?????????in??, a, ????cac?an'an?????????????????????????ReR?d ?LeL?afa?????s.s?""??????????7H7??9T9???,A,?????XVX??????HMHM,M???????????,0,?????,1,?????080808?00000??????????y My ??????,",?AfA????????????so???? of o?f tf ?the??glg?owo???? r ??viv??wsw???????hi????at??????????????????y iy ??????ryiryinrying???????o Do ???????fr??????vi?????????cec??tlt?????has has???rouro??????aca??????mi??? m??????? o?? m???????????????????ngo? f??????. ?I ????????go????n n i????in in t th????????ofof ?so?????????kek??
- this was the only time I had clumps, but I also wasn't very patient trying to mix it all together. I would definitely purchase this again, and can't wait to try more from Red Leaf Teas." 12926,B007HP9T5S,A3OGYXV9S7MJHM,Rita Lonie,0,0,3,1336608000,Leggo my Mango!,"After seeing some of the glowing reviews for this matcha, I had to try it. Trying Mango Diablo from DavidsTea recently has brought back to mind my love of mangos and real mango flavor. I had forgotten it in the face of so much fake-t
????ini???mamana????flflal????ede?????????????andyand??ouo?????ere? ut?? u ?ses?? t?????g ?mym?????????????????uyu????ma????????????????fef????????????????????an an?????ining??in????????????tltlyly ??ipi??? ma man??o.o???????s as ?????ala?? me m?esses???????????????????astas???? the th????????????it??????t ?????waswa??soso,o??????or??h h???. . S. ?????????hah?????mesme?????ooo???, s??????? c ??????indin?????????ng?? f???vo?????ithit?ououtou???theth?e m???ess,ess??? a????allall ??forfo?????? It I??????? b??????orror???????ou????? this thi???ea???ftf??? t?????trt?anangangeange ?????ter?nen?ess?? of o?f tf ??? P ????????? L ????n ??flafl????s,s, ???????????s ls ??fe??????????????w w rw ri????????????????s ??me me???
asting mango flavored tea and candy out there. But I used to beg my mom to let me buy a mango. There are few things better than slicing into a perfectly ripe mango. Makes a royal mess to eat it (at least, the way I did it), but it was so, so worth it. Still, I hate messy food, so if I can find that mango flavor without the mess, I am all for it! It was a bit worried about this tea after the strange bitterness of the Peach and Lemon flavors, but what's life without a few risks? Mango makes me thi
??k k??f f???mmm??r r??ndnd d t ???????????ooo???ieiese???ndnd nd??vev?eryer???ini?g g???????????in??lilifli??.<.<b<brb?????<br<b?????o o w ????????????????? i ?it it????????t t????????????????PeP?aca???? and and ?????????????s ??????a a f ??????hi?????????????????????????gogot?????rir???. .?StStit???, ??????????t it ??????????????????? a?????? t??o to ??? n ????????gsgs.s????mam???e ae a ???????f tf ????s ts ?????kek????? wo????wiw???????????d t?d thad than??k gk ?googo??ne???s Is ??did??????????s as ????????????y ????d Id ???????ra?????????????? the th?e ee ?ene??????????it????????????wa?????t tt ?thathatthat ?grg?????????????tedte??lilikli??????????ma?????fl?????????? a? b???????????????em???????
nk of summer and tropical smoothies and everything delicious in life.<br /><br />So when I opened it, it had that same smell the Peach and Lemon flavors had, a faint hint of bitterness, and I got worried. Still, never let it be said that I'm afraid to try new things. I made a cup of this to take to work with me, and thank goodness I did, it was a hellish day and I desperately needed the energy from it. wasn't that great. It tasted like decent mango flavor with a back hint of chemicals.
??????????non??????t ????t ist i???bub?t ???tht??nkn??I ????????ede? t ???st????????????m m? th t????it??us???ro??????? fl f???oro?ed????atcat???s.s. .???he he????????redreded?eemee??ed ?it???lfl????ene????????sos??????????????????wiw??l l d?????? s??????I'I'm'?????in?????????????y ????????s s????ay aay ?lsl?? b????kek??ed??????it,it??????????en en? sp s???????????the????????ouo?us ?????????s os ?? t??e ?????o ???????o fo fr??? D ???idi??? s so s??o myo m????????onson?s o??????the mthe ?man?????????????????ha?????????did???????t ???f If ?I hI ???dn'dn???????n dn ?????in??????ons ons????th???Ma?????????bloblo o lo ??????????atat'at???mym?y ny ne?????stansta??ara??d fd ?????man?mangomang???la??vorvo?????????????st?? do??????????
I don't know what it is, but I think I just need to stay away from the citrus group of flavored matchas. The Peach redeemed itself when iced, so maybe the mango will do the same. I'm hoping it does. My feelings may also be skewed a bit, I've been spoiled by the delicious goodness of the Mango Diablo from Davids, so my opinions on the mango flavor might have been different if I hadn't been drinking tons of the Mango Diablo lately. That's my new standard for mango flavor and this just doesn't matc
????p p?tot???????? / ????r r /r ?/>S/>StS?????????wiw????beb??non?o go ????????rdr????p ?????inininisi?sh sh? th t?????????????????llyll???? s ?mom?????es? o??????????????????????????th????ItI????no???t hot h?????????it???????????? f??or or m???. B. BuB?????ybybebe be?????????tet??????atuat????????????p ???or for ??ndn???? a??notnothnot?herhe???ayay ay??o o do ?ri???????. O. ????????e oe ?nen??????y ??ri???ndsnd?????? t???y iy ??? an and an????kek???????????????? w??????havhave????????????????121??272?????00W00??PWPWQWQ0Q??????CXC???????????????0,?????????????00???????tat??te????????s,s,",??y y dy ?????????s t?he?ses???????s ???????th? h?????????itiit????????aca????????????e e ne no??prp?????emsems ???us??? the
h up to it.<br /><br />Still, it will be no great hardship to finish this off, especially in smoothies over the coming summer months. It's not horrible, it's just not for me. But maybe a lower temperature will help or finding another way to drink it. Or maybe one of my friends will try it and like it and then it will have a good home!" 12927,B000WFPWQ0,AESUCX545MQNQ,janey,0,0,5,1343865600,Iams tarter treats,"My dog loves these treats and with her sensitive stomach, there are no problems plus the
?????epe?????????????? g ?rer?atat t???????ioionon.on?""??292??????00????GYGYYY??????NSNS5S????272?????yny??????????????????,1,??878?101?00800??00,00?DrD????????rrr???? a ??re re?????cic??usus!s???????? dr dririe?d ?BiB?ingin? c ch?er??rie???????aba?sos??????y ??delde?????us??. I. ? h???e ????????hemhe????????wilwi??d rd ?ricri?e ?????????tetedte????cac??s ?foforo?r ar ??sis??de de???shs??. I????anan an? to? u ????? the th??????th th a a a?ror????????????nd??????in in??ooo????ExE???????t ??????tyt??an?????ric???1???29??????????????3S3S4S??????ISI?????S.S??????????????????27????????????chc???ri???,",?????dnd?'t'?????????y ????s ????????at'at's's s ss ?????ing ing? so?mem??????????aua??????henhe??????????y y cy ?chech??errierr?iesie????????e se
y keep her teeth in great condition." 12928,B00016JGYY,A3I5NS5CVC275F,Lynne H. Reese,3,3,5,1287100800,Dried cherries are delicious!,These dried Bing cherries are absolutely delicious. I have used them with wild rice and toasted pecans for a side dish. I plan to use them with a roast pork tenderloin soon. Excellent quality and price. 12929,B00016JGYY,A3S4SJZECISISD,S. Foster,3,3,4,1242777600,good cherries,"I didn't find any pits and that's saying something because whenever I buy cherries in the s
t????? t ??eyey y???waw???????? " ??????????aiaini???iti?????????????????????, I, ????????s fs fif?indin?????????????????????????it?????? a a?????ofo????????????, a, ???????????????????e ?th?e ???????????ve???lal???or.or?????????B0B?00????????A3A???????696??????????an,an,0,0,???????????????0,s0,??talta?????????????herhe?rir????ri??e,????mmm?????drd?rieri??, ??nyn?y wy wa?????cac?????et et????m.m. ? I ????ve eve eae?????????of?? di d?????????kik???????of dof ????????uiu?? f??????????ere?nt????????er????Th??esees?????????al?e ?an???I ?en?????upu?????????? t??emem ??out??????29329??????000L000???????AEA?????7C7????????????stist?inain????????,12,1????????????????y Gy ??oodoo??ItI?????
tore, they always warn ""may contain pits"" and sure enough, I always find one. These were good without a lot of sweetener, and also didn't have the preservative flavor." 12930,B00016JGYY,A3OKDVWZ69GGIT,Susan,0,0,2,1338336000,stale,"I love cherries ripe, jammed, dried, any way I can get them. I've eaten lot of different kinds of dried fruit from different providers. These were stale and I ended up throwing them out." 12931,B000LRFZIY,AE68E37CBU8FH,Christina,1,1,5,1288569600,Pretty Good,It's a
?grg???? o oio???????????t ot ???l pl ??????g g?????????ryr????atiat??fif??d d?????ptp???????????coc?????????????chc??eapeapep?erer??????,B,?????F3F???Q,Q,A,A1A1N1?LVL?BXB??PYP???LJLJ,J,m,?ar?is???????????333???????????????erfer??? t?ea?, ,??oro??????ea?t"t???I I?usu?uau?????????? l lel?eaveave???????revre????s ?????t sit s???? t????????ucu?t ??? w??????y ay ?????theth????s ?non????eedee?????????al?l ???????dededde????o do dod?? ??????????d t????????? be b??????e Ie ?????????mem?????stostopo??athat?????????y by ?re?asa????huhururt??????????in?ing ing?????ycyclcle?. ?ThT?hinhi??s ????me??????????t a t a??????????? a a???????????????aga???????????id?ed?????gig?????????????????ry.ry?. I??? com co?me me??ro?m m???co????????
great oil to start oil pulling with. Very satisfied except shipping could've been cheaper 12932,B000FF3E2Q,A1NLVBX9PY8HLJ,marisol,0,0,5,1330646400,"wonderful tea, works great","I usually never leave any reviews but since the product is worthy and there's no feedback at all I decided to do it. I ordered this tea because I have some mastopathy and my breasts hurt much during my cycle. Things seemed to get a bit worse a couple months ago so I decided to give this tea a try. I come from a country wh
??????heherereer????????????f f??????????he???ala????????inein?????????ono??allal???waw?????pop??????o o??hih???se??????balba????????nen?e ae ?? w????????????ouo???????shs??ulu??? tr????????????iti??????????????????????cec???????aya????????????????se???re?????????????????isis is???????mymy ?brb????????????ucuchc?????????, a, ??mo?stst st??????sense?????????????ll,ll???us????? bi b?? b?????e ????????????? it i??. I. ???ili?????????ueu?????????? i??????????????cocomo????nd ??????????? my m?????lfl????enden?s ????????? s ????? pr p?obo?????????t it ist i??na????al????it it dit ???sns?'t't ?????????? any an???????ne??s as ???? it it it D it ?????????. ???? ta t?astas??????????uc??????e ?
ere there is a lot of trust in herbal medicine, I personally was exposed to Chinese herbal medicine as well so I thought I should try. I drank it for about a month once per day and I already see results! During this cycle my breasts got much better, almost not sensitive at all, just a bit by the very end of it. I will continue drinking it and will recommend it to all my girlfriends with the same problems. It is natural, it doesn't contain any hormones and it DOES work. It tastes very much like r
??????? g ???????eae????tht????sms????(b(?ece??usu?e e?it??hahas???????????orortr?????ofo?????? o ?????????????????????hyh??I I???????????????????? dr dririn?k k i it i???befbe?or???????g g????bebedbe??be??cauca??e ?itit it cit ????kekeeeepee????u u?????????????????????????of??????????? a a a???????porpo?????).)???????ink???????????????? the the ????nin????????????????h th ????, , i, ????asastas???s gs gogoogoodo????nd nd????????youyou ??to to? wa waka?? u??p( p( a??d ???????ke cke ???????, g, ?????n tn ????????????????geg??yo?????idi?????).?""??????????????2N2?????DADAAA????5T5??????????????????????GeGer?be??????? D ????"""""??????????????848???????????w w?CaCal????ufuff??????????????????? a? and??
egular green tea with jasmine(because it has a small portion of both of them) and that's why I don't recommend to drink it before going to bed because it can keep you up( green tea has a bit of caffeine, a tiny portion). I drink it either in the morning or at lunch time, it tastes good and helps you to wake up( and unlike coffee, green tea doesn't damage your kidneys)." 12933,B0001392N2,A2DAAQI25T42JS,"Dr. Jeffrey D. Gerber ""ER Doc""",1,1,5,1214438400,Best Low Cal Truffle,"As a Physician and S
????????- -?I I???????y y?????ererner?ede?????h h?????????ici???????ne?sss? o ????y ?pap??iei???????????aya???????ufu??????????? wi w????????????????????????? " """"l"lol??????????????????es es? I I??avave???ve?r r t???teteded.ed??????av??????????e ??????????????col?????, , b, ???? th t???y ay ??? a????ve???????????????drd????aca???- ????y y a???????????????????th?????ortorti???????re ?????????ut?ut sut ???????iningn??????/>/?????????er?????????????ele????1121??????000????????,A,?????NZN???VOV??????. C. CuC?????????,5,??????858575767?0000,00?,At,A?????????????ve???ri???? al????or????????????????andand ??????d ?pip???? s ?sausa??????or???eaear?????????e we ??ereer??bebetbe????
urgeon - I am very concerned with the physical fitness of my patients. The Gayles Truffles are, without question, the best ""low cal"" chocolates I have ever tasted. My favorites are the milk chocolates, but they are all very good. Only drawback - they are expensive, and the portions are small, but satisfying.<br />Dr. J. Gerber, Los Angeles" 12934,B001SAQDYS,ATUFINZCIVODV,W. Curtin,4,5,5,1324857600,At last!!!,"I've tried all sorts of bottled and canned pizza sauces for years. None were better
???ana???ededid??crcrer????????me? w ?????re????y y??????? ?? w??????al?waw?????? b ???? t tot?o mo ????????po?"""" ""??????? I I? ma m????????????asases??ofof f??uiuiri?????????cec?????omaom?????s -s ???as??y y by ???????ll???????????????o o m????????????????e ?cr??sts??????le le b??kik????. . ???????ly ly t tr t??ed??th?the the?PaP????????i.i????OYO???S S??T T G???D!D????????????odo????mam???eye???lalava?or???non???ovo????heh??????or?? ga g???iciceic?ed,ed??no???sas?altal???, a, ??????????????geg?th?therthe?????????ookoo??????????r r tr ???????oggog????g g????????rur????. ?????????????????ato??frfririerien??????TBT? o or o???? w wi wiii????fff??????????????????. G. GrGre????????f!f????????????000??SAS?QDQ?????????????
than mediocre and some were really awful. I would always go back to my ""polpo"" which I make with a base of Muir Glen diced tomatoes - tasty but still would dump too much water on the crust while baking. Finally tried the Pastorelli. BOY IS IT GOOD!!!!<br />Good tomatoey flavor, not over-herbed or garliced, not salty, and it held together when cooking rather than soggying up my crust. My new best tomato friend. 2TB or so wii suffice for a pizza. Great stuff!!!" 12935,B001SAQDYS,A2CC7OO0C5
???????imi??????????0,0,0???,1,131?505?????000??UnU???liliei???blb?? t ?heh??bebesbe?st st?sas?ucu??????? ???wnwn.n???AsA???? se s????????????ede???izi?zaz????????????????atatitin???frfro???StSt.t???ououiu?s,s????ene????????????in in???ici??????an?????mpm??????pip?izzizza??????????????????????t t????????f tf ????????st pst ?pripriz?ed?????????oio?intin???????????????ryry,y???????????????????????onaon?l ??????mptmp?????? b???an??????????????n ???????s s a????????thith??????ime ime??????????stost??????'s???wn????????????ts???????? c ????pyp???????) )????nd tnd ???the dthe ??????en????varva????tieti?????????sto?????li'li??'s s's ?sausa?????. . ????????? f?????or or????????an?ce? o???????cesce???
8C01,Jim Hurster,0,0,5,1350345600,Unbelievably the best sauces ever....hands down.,"As a self proclaimed pizza expert, originating from St. Louis, then residing in Chicago, and sampling pizza around the nation, at some of the most prized pizza joints in the country, as well as international attempts...I began making my own pizza's again..this time using Pastorelli's own pizza crusts (thin, crispy style) and the different varieties of Pastorelli's sauces. The full flavor and balance of spices in
???hih?s s s ???fff?????faf??ulu????s es ????ghg???????????lll??????????f ff ??omo????? c ???'.'????er??ou??ly?. . . ???at? a ????ede????????th????I I???vev??asasks?????????????f pf pip??????hoh???????erser?????????? r ?eseststast?????????attatte?????' '???t pt ???????recre??pep??????hatha?t st sasau???????y ???e.e...??????????????????h fh ?ooo???ses??viv??? i??tem?s s fs fr???????lel??alaleal????????tot????llill? D ??????elell???????????????????????????. ???????is????he he w???d ????????????????s,??????d sod s???????????ronro??? in in n??????? sp spi??ces???????????amiam??? o????????sis?inein??s ????????????ciecien????????????????eded ?do???????and ????????????y oy ????ll????????stost????li????????
this stuff is fabulous enough to literally 'eat if from the can'. Seriously. What amazed me is that I have asked dozens of pizza shop owners, and new restaurant 'attempts' at pizza recipes, what sauce they use....many going with food service items from wholesalers (Pastorelli DOES sell food service quantities). Bland is the word with many sauces, and some too strong in their spices. This family owned business has this science and art nailed down, and the quality of all of Pastorelli product
????s ????mim?umu????itiththoh????? h ?igi?h h???ici??????. .???? y yoyou?? wa w??????????????ene?????th???beb?????????mam????????a,a?, t, ??????asa?????????????izziz?za za?sas???cesces ??re???heh??ONO???????y t??????????????cacan?????ar ar????ueu??????????????????me??ofo??th??????????rurusu????????????????????????ourou?r or ????re??ipi?????????ee??????????????. ???????au??ce ce?????rir????????????izzaizz???????????as??? s sa????es es aes ar???ama???ini?????????oto???asasyas??y toy to y to? fi f??d.d???.h.?hopho??????y ?y thy t????????trt?????ioi?n ??wilwi?ll ll???????. ????????al?ly?, ?????????????on.on???????I'I????????. T????k k???? R RiRicickic??PaPasPast??rerel??i i? fo f??or cor coc??????????? the? b ??????n ???ma?
s is premium, without a high price tag. If you want to really enjoy the best home made pizza, then Pastorelli's pizza sauces are the ONLY way to go. Buy a can, jar (squeeze), and grab some of their new crusts, and then make up your own recipes and see for yourself. The sauce 'carries' the pizza. Their pasta sauces are amazing, yet not easy to find....hopefully their distribution will expand. Personally, I love I'm set. Thank you Rick Pastorelli for continuing the best in tomat
o???...?????a a??????"""???????/w/?wwww.ww??mamazazoz???????gpg?????duducu?t/t?????SAS???W0W?""??PaP???????????izi??a ?????? I ItI????anan n?????????????????PaPacPa?k k???????????????939?6,6????01S01??QDQ????A3A??????SWS???????MaM????0,0???????????????,A????HE?????UCU???DID???????????????????ses???chchih?????????ea??s s???or ????????r r?sas????????an an?????????????????ieiede??ma??????????????????and??en??d ud ????oioin??g bg bab??????herhe??. ?? Pa Pas????rel????????????k ak ???and hand ??s s a??nin???????serse?tit?vev??????to???????????????e ????????is is?????????iti??ttertter ???and and aand ??????ngeng?entent.t???I'I???????ng ng t??? tr t????ixixixin?????????????????gag?ar ar???????ineine ?????t tt ti???????
oes.....<a href="""">Pastorelli Pizza Sauce Italian Chef, 15-Ounce (Pack of 12)</a>" 12936,B001SAQDYS,A3KG9HESWEZ1I3,Mark,0,0,3,1348358400,ANOTHER SAUCE DISAPPOINTMENT,Been searching for years for a better sauce than Pizza Quick. Tried many other brands and end up going back there. Pastorelli is thick and has a nice assertive tomato flavor but the pizza is fairly bitter and astringent. I'm going to try mixing in a little sugar and wine next time. Th
????????????r r??heh??pep?????t t????cec???????ono??..?????373?????1S1???????????S5S5C5??EBE?MVM??T,T?"M"????????J.J. .????veveie??????"Mi"M?????","?????2,2?131?393?898?1212012??,N,?????????whw???????ththeth????????????????????idid d??? ta t?sts??????st st???thth th?????ama???ly ly??????????wow??????e ????????pip?zzz????????????????ore?ll????????on??PeP?pi?????ThT????????th sth ????????? ro r??gh???ly tly ??the the???mem???????????othot??????????uraur?????ithit??no?????se??????ve?s,s????o to ?the?the othe ?onlon??????ctoct??????ngn??????????herhe?????s ts ????????he??Do??n Pn Pe?????o wo ?wonwo???favfa?????is?????????st ????lal???? f fa fam?il???y byy by ???????????is????e w?????????????storsto????? s sa sau sauc sau?? i???????? it i???
e search for the perfect sauce goes on... 12937,B001SAQDYS,A3T5S5CEEBMVTT,"Michael J. Craveiro ""Mike""",0,0,2,1339891200,Not sure why all the hype,"I recently did a taste test with my family between two store bought pizza sauces. Pastorelli and Don Pepino. They both sell for roughly the same price, both are natural with no preservatives, so the only factor being judged here is taste. The Don Pepino won favoritism amongst my large family by 100%. The issue with the Pastorelli sauce is that it is
???vev??????????????????????t t???ata?????????u u???tet???????a a???????????????????????? th????????rer???i.i????? n ?oto?t st ??????????t et ?ve??yo????????????t ????????? p?izi??????? on o????????e te ?????????????????????st,st, ???ucu???????he????????mpm?li??ene???????????er?? an andn??????????????endende????????e oe ?f f? al a??????eee???ThT?he ?DoD?????????????????????? ??????f f tf ?the?????hth?t at al??????????Do?n ?n Pen P???ino?? sl s????????re???on??e be bub????????????????????y oy ???????????lli? s??????????????????????010???QDQ???????????????????onon on???. H. ?ososfs?????0,0????????747??202?00000?0,T0,?ThiTh?????is eis ????ll???t ????????????e.,e.?
overpowering to the point that when you bite into a slice all you taste is the Pastorelli. I'm not sure about everyone else, but my ideal pizza is one where the three parts (crust, sauce, & cheese) compliment each other and create a blended taste of all three. The Don Pepino did just that. At the end of the night all of the Don Pepino slices were gone but there were plenty of Pastorelli slices left." 12938,B001SAQDYS,A8ZCG7KIM6ZND,Jon C. Hosford,0,0,5,1337472000,This is excellent pizza sauce.,T
?????????tit??????sas??d d ' ??????????theth??????ece??????cec??? an a??d Id I'I?m m????t st ???????????????. .????mbm?in?ede??wiwitithit?????????????e-e??????crc????????is ??????????be????????????000??????????????HYH??????MJMJ,J,",????????????ara?icichic?h "h ?"i"ili?flf???????????????????131???????????????????????,"I,"???????us??? P ???stost?????? P????a a???????????????, , m??anyany ?yey????s as an????he?????e me ???????? T ??nnn???ses??e Ie ?I wI ?????????????? g ?ete??it???o ?no?w w?or?????????y ??thethe the???se?????oveov????????????0,B0,?B00B0????????,A??C7C??????????????????N.N?????????????,1,,1???,5,,5,1???12012?707?40??????e oe ofo????????st????????sa???uce uce? is i??on????f ????the b???
he advertising said 'this is the perfect sauce' and I'm not sure it's wrong. Combined with a spicy home-made crust this can't be beat. 12939,B001SAQDYS,A278YHYE17ZIMJ,"Alice Kauzlarich ""ilflatlander""",0,0,5,1335139200,Great sauce!,"I have used Pastorelli Pizza Sauce for many, many years and when we moved to Tennessee I wasn't able to get it so now order it by the case. Love it!" 12940,B001SAQDYS,ALC7T3CQDWVDY,Thomas N. Tostanoski,1,2,5,1312070400,one of the best,"This sauce is one of the best
???hah?vev???????.I.I ??????????????rer???asa????lll?????????????ed a?ndn? b bobooo?????????s.s.T.ThT?????auaucu??e se ???????? k ?????? c ????e ie ?? m ????anantn??y,y,a,??????ca????e oe ofo? 8 ??z z s ??????????????????????????????as???theth?????? w??th???????????????????PrePr????????????""???949?????????QDQ?YSY???3030J0??????DCD????,S,???????????. . B ????scs????,0,0,0????,1????????00?,B????????zaz?????uceuc?????ver.ver??????????d td ???ickic????? w???????????sausa?uce????????d b??e -e ???????????terte???mem????????wawaywa?????the rthe ????t ot ???????m am ??????????st??fff??????l ol ??of fof flf????r.r??????????00100?1SA1SAQ??DYSDY??AKA?CIC???????VDV????????????byb??????????????080?????????????
I have tried.I have used jarred as well as packaged and book recipes.This sauce shines.I keep a case in my pantry,and because of 8oz size there is never any waste as the case with jars.Good Price-Premium sauce!" 12941,B001SAQDYS,A30JY2XH0DCMHQ,Stephanie A. Bundschuh,0,1,5,1313452800,Best pizza sauce ever.,Nice and thick the way pizza sauce should be - not a watery mess the way the rest of them are. Good stuff full of flavor. 12942,B001SAQDYS,AKCIZFSQO8VDL,Billy Bobby,4,16,5,1327708800,A pizza d
?rer?????????????????r r???earea????ndn????????? h hah??e ??co??????ththeh?e le ??????n n?ses?????????? p ?????????cece ?th??t t w ?????????????y y???verve??????ingin?????iri?????? p pi p????????????and????heehe??e ???? a ????????????r mr ???????estes????????ntn???forfo????ye?????in????e ?de????rt rt?????se??ver??l ??thoth????????????rs irs ???????r ?????cesce????????????????allallyl???decde??dededde????????????PaP???????????brb?r /r ????r ??????t mt ?? t???l ???????PaPasPa???????? i?s ??a da drdrereareamrea??co??me ??????. E. EvEve?veryver?y ty ???me ??????????????????????????????????????? i it?, ????????lil???????? o??????? of o?f tf ??? w???ldl?. ??I tI th??????ococe??d ?????o ?????? my my y by bab?aseas???????
ream come true,"For years and years I have scoured the land in search of a pizza sauce that will quench my everlasting desire for pizza sauce and cheese in a bowl. After my ancestors spent forty years in the desert and several thousand years in other places, somebody finally decided to create Pastorelli.<br /><br />Let me tell you - Pastorelli is a dream come true. Every time I mix it with cheese in a bowl and eat it, I feel like I am on top of the world. I then proceed to go into my basement an
d?????????????????heh???rer?????????whwhih??h h????????????prp??????????????????????s ??? am a?? ra r?????????????r /r ??<b<br<b?r /?>N>??????? m??????l l??ouo???th?e ???????????I ???le????h ah ??te?????tit????PaP????re??llill??????????????ene???, b, ???? I I t?????? th??at ?????????ortorthth th i???""1121292????????M2M?BMB???,A,???BVB????Y0Y?3X3????ChC?????????????4,4?????????????????es?t ????????????????iei????I ?????se?ara???ed????or or y????s s fs ??or ?a a da de???? c ????????????????????? wo won wo?????ulu??flf??????of?? a a f???l-l-b-??didie???co??????????in??ll????????d id ?? w??henhen n In ????ie?ied ied?? the th?????ma??????wnw???????? G Gr???????????, g, ??reareat????mpm??????????y ?
d run a mile on the treadmill, which takes me approximately 9 minutes as I am rather fat.<br /><br />Now let me tell you, the turd that I unleash after eating Pastorelli is not pleasent, but I think that it is worth it." 12943,B001M2BMBQ,A19BVOLZY03XV2,Cheryl Graham,4,5,5,1236902400,Best decaf I have tried,"I had searched for years for a decaf coffee that kept the wonderful flavor of a full-bodied coffee. I finally found it when I tried the Newman's Own Decaf! Great taste, great company, happy c
u??????r!r??1????4,4????????CIC????1Q1?????????????"N"???? L ???y y " ??? r ?????nan?blblel??pep??????"""""????????????373??????????ese?st st?quq?alalil?????ara??ipi????????d d??on on???????he he?st??????herhe?????ThThih?? g ??????us??????zezede??????unu?ce? b bab???????ovo????ed ed?????????????????e-e???????????????????????brb????<b?????????????NieNied????gggge?r ???????e be ????????????t t??uaualuali??ty ty????Ma???ip???? T ??????is ?a ????ele??? gi gifi???????/>/>h/>????ly??????recre????????KeK?????????mom?onton?????kek??p p? it i?t ct ????????? in????????????br br????????/>N/>??????????ger ger M???zizipzipapanpa????????ke ke???????therthe?? S ??earea??????????n ?????????fo?? t?????ulullll l s??torto???????
ustomer!" 12944,B004H0ZCI4,A1Q7A78VSQ5GQ4,"Nice Lady ""a reasonable person""",1,1,5,1325376000,Highest quality Marzipan. Read on for the story here.,"This generously sized, 7 ounce bar is covered in dark chocolate-a superb combination.<br /><br />Lubeck Niederegger is the best, highest quality of Marzipan! This is a lovely gift-<br />highly appreciated. Keeps for months (keep it cool, OK in fridge).<br /><br />Niederegger Marzipan is like no other! Search them on the web for the full story. High
??????????????ara???????oro????????d d???????????????????heh???????anansan??????n ?????TuTurTu??????????p p???rorouo??? E ?????????????????????????? G ?????????????na????the??y by ?ro??ughug??????????? w ?????ththe??. ??????????????????eae????????????????????) )??????????lol?opeop????? w??rnr?n pn ???oplop????thethe the???urkurksk?s ws ????e ce ????????br??????r r /r ??????GeGer????????????, ???????an?ans,ans, ??nd? S ??????????e me ??????en???????fofor? M Ma Mar????????????ro???. ????????utu????the ??ieiediede?re??geg?er er?sis???e -e -a-??????????????rereare?at at s???????ar?????ou????ar??ip????????????????ce sce ???oryory.y.<.<b????><????????ed?ederede???ge?????????an??is?????de de????
est quality Marzipan originated in Turkey, under the Ottomans. When the Turks came up through Europe, all the way to the Gates of Vienna, they brought Marzipan with them. -The Croissant bread (Turkish Crescent) was developed to warn people the Turks were coming-<br /><br />The Germans, Swiss, Austrians, and Swedes are most renowned for Marzipan in Europe. Check out the Niederegger site -a nice site! Great site-learn about Marzipan quickly-nice story.<br /><br />Niederegger Marzipan is made with
m ???????????s,s??lel???????ara???fif??????tht???????erersr?????mpm?????grg???nd????lmolm?nd?s,? r ro????waw???er,er???????????es?? th t?e ?????????ziz?pap???. . ????????er???????????? e ?xtx???????<b<???/>/>L>????? q ?????????????????????????at???ini??e ?????????e e ae a a???????????????at??on?????????????<b???????<br <br?????????WIW??????the the???fef?e Ne ?iei?edeed??????er ??????????, ????ma?nyn?y (y (E(??stst t Gt ??rmr?????????????????arsar????waswa??????ro????: :????? " ?"T"????cac?af&af????????? wa was? d ????????????y by bob?mbm????? an a???????????an???s ?????????s ws wewenwe???upu??inin ??????????????/>?<b?<br ???Th?an?????llyll???? the the ????? ??????rebre??il??t &t ??? thi th?s ????? M Ma Mar Marzr?
more Almonds, less sugar, filler than others. Simply, ground almonds, rose water, sugar makes the best Marzipan. No filler, no almond extracts.<br />Lower quality Marzipans need that since they have a lower concentration of almonds.<br /><br />With WWII, the Cafe Niederegger in Lubeck, Germany (East Germany for many years) was destroyed: 1942 ""The caf&eacute; was destroyed by bombing and the company's archives went up in flames.""<br /><br />Thankfully, the cafe was rebuilt & this fine Marzi
p???????sts???l l a ?????aba???????????????an an??????????ti???, ,?????s ?????er? t ??????????is is??re??at at???????panpa????ai???. H. ?igi???y y? re r???????????""???949454?,B,????H0H??????????????A3A??J3J?,s,??????,0,,0??5,15,??404????40400400,0,y0,?umumm??????????at???????ereer??????????????om????????e..e.???<b<?? / ??whw?at??mom?re? n ????????????sas????????????is ais ??ese??omeom????????????????aca????????????????dad????????????the the?????????? /> /???y ay ???????ulu?? a????????bribr?ngng g m??????is ??hohocho??colacolat??????????<br /<br ?/>s?heh???wouwo???????Ge??????????????????oc??olaol?????????<br??<br /><br /??????????ackac????????????rir??????12??????00??????CI4CI?????3R3???????????ol??,0??
pan is still available. With German reunification, it is easier to get this great marzipan again. Highly recommended!" 12945,B004H0ZCI4,AKCLHLHLA3MJ3,syl,0,0,5,1340582400,yummy,"Chocolate covered marzipan from Europe....<br />what more needs to be said, this is awesome<br />stuff. Back in the olden days, like the 70's,<br />my aunt would always bring me this chocolate when<br />she would go this chocolate also<br />brings back happy memories." 12946,B004H0ZCI4,A4P3R5U9Y7XTX,Loli,0,1
?,5,??????282??606?????????????mom???s!s!,!????ede???egeggg?????ara?zizipipapana? h hah????lotlo??????????????????t.t. .?IfI??yoyouo? e ?xpx????? al alm???d d???ava?????g g i ??? it i????hih????ror???????s s ns ??????or or??youyo??????949?7,7?B0B????????4,4??????6L6L6L???KUK??L,L?????????????,1????????00???????????VeV??? d ?????????????wiwit?????e e? ta t?astas???? of of?????????oduod?????it it??????y ????????????or.or????????????????????? w?????unu?????????????????r r?Ma??rzirz??????????????n ??tot?ck?????294294848,8??0000000??????2,????NMN???EIE?IE??????????it????4,44,??4,4,4,4?????60660????00,00,E00,???????? f?????????? m?an????????er???brbro????n,Tn,?heheshe?e e ae ??????lilici???????cracr??ackeacker?? w???????stastayay y ny ?ic
,5,1325289600,lots of almonds!,"Niederegger marzipan has lots of almonds in it. If you expect almond flavoring in it, this product is not for you." 12947,B004H0ZCI4,A2ASW6L6IEKU5L,john m,0,1,2,1324771200,Marzipan,Very disappointed with the taste of this product;it really lacks flavor.In the future i will wait until Schluckwerder Marzipan is back in stock. 12948,B000ET93N2,A16NM65EIIEID1,J. Smith,4,4,4,1246060800,Excelent flavor but many crackers broken,These are delicious crackers which stay nic
????ndn?????sps?????ene????n hn huh???????ata??????????????????????is? p ???rtirt?????? p pa p????gigin?? s seseeeeme???ve?ryr??prp???e ????????????????????sis???. T. ????????????asa??e ???????????? th t???? I I I w ??????????????? i? in in???????????????????????ing ?whw?herhe???? the??y sy sey s?eemee?????????????t t bt ?ete?????????????000???T9T?3N3??,A,?????????JWJ?OGO????????????,1,,1???????????0000,00??ese??ar????????????????iai????cecelellel????????'v'?ve ve????n n bn ??yiy??????????? a a?????????? y ?ea?????br????????/>?????????? th????????ckcka???es es??? S ?????????????????at at???y hy hohouo??????masmashs?hedhe??????it?s.??????st st???????e e ???????iduid???l bl bob????es les ?????d ?lil??ke ke? th the??
e and crispy even in humid weather. Unfortunately this particular packaging seems very prone to breaking in transit. They still taste good but I think I will order them in the different packaging where they seem to transport better. 12949,B000ET93N2,A1FID72GLJWOGQ,Razins,1,1,5,1286236800,Sesmark,"The product ia excellent. I've been buying it for a number of years.<br /><br />However, the 12 packages of Sesmark arrived at my house smashed to bits. Most of the individual boxes looked like they
???d d??????????ede?????????????????e ???????????he he f ?????????????pep?????????exexax?ctc???y 1y ?????olo??e ue ????mam?geged???????kerke?????????????ly???????mem??d ?????????????ac???????????????????????veve e se ????????????????<b<brbr ????<br<br r /r />r /?Th?an?k k??ouo??????????? / /> />J>???????????rn"rn??????0,0?B0B??00E00?T9T??N2N???3C3?????1U1?5E5??FLFL,L?"H"????trtra?ttt?on? " ?????????""???????4,4???848??636????????????????e,e? e?ve??n in ?????????",?????? t?????????, ?bub????at ????ast????lfl??????thethe ?cr????????in???ve?ryr??pa???ag??????????????ere??.".??1212912????????00ET00E?T93T9???2,A2,?????????G3G?PQP??,m,??????r,r???????12????????????????????????ers,ers??te??rir?
had been kicked all the way here by UPS. The first box I opened had exactly 17 whole undamaged crackers. I strongly recommend redesigned packaging or an alternative shipping policy.<br /><br />Thank you.<br /><br />Joan Mewborn" 12950,B000ET93N2,A3CON8X1U5EXFL,"H. Stratton ""cstulsa""",1,1,4,1284163200,"Great taste, even in pieces","Love the taste, but at least half of the crackers in every package were shattered." 12951,B000ET93N2,A2F0PCVFFG3PQZ,merstar,1,1,4,1265673600,"Great crackers, terrib
??? p ???kak????????????ede?????bubuyu?? th t?ese?se se??????????????????? a ?t t?mym????alaltl?????odo????????????t ?th??y y sy ??topto???? c?ar?ryr???? t???m.m? I I ?????????y ??? f?in?????????????????????t ?whw???? my m???????????ivi?????th?theythe???er?e e ae ?????roroko????upu??????????????? s ????????ece????. I. ?I aI ?askas????????? r rerepe??ac??????????d ?itit ???mem???????lyl???, bu, b?ut ut? ag a??????????????????????ckeck??s s ws ?werwe?????okokeok?? u????????oeo???????????li?keke ke??? the the p the ?????????????gogoio????????mpm????ve ve?? any any y ty tiy t?imeim????oonoo?n, n,???????ver,ver, ??????t't??????????????hen? I I I????????t tht thehemhe????? my? h ???????fo??? s??tortore?, ????y ???ere?? al a????n ??????piepiec?e,e, ?????bvb?io
le packaging","I used to buy these delicious crackers at my health food market, but they stopped carrying them. I was happy to find them at Amazon, but when my order arrived, they were all broken up, many in very small pieces. I asked for a replacement, and it came quickly, but again, many of the crackers were broken up. It doesn't look like the packaging is going to improve any time soon, if ever, and it's a shame. When I bought them at my health food store, they were all in one piece, so obvio
u?sls??? i ?????????ibiblb?e.e???????????00????3N3???????????2L2??????"J"J.J???ala??owo?aya? " ???????????????????????????,1,,1???,11,1???030????????st??????????????????er??,"?????????racra??er???ara??e ce cr?????ana??????ici?? . ???????arear???????cr??ncn?chych???nd???????? l ????????uncun?chy?????ke ??????, t, ??????????ili?? l lo l??? t ?????. ????????? w ??ellell l w??ithit???ipi??? m ?y y fy ???????e ??????????errer?ry ry c?????????????? t?????aka?????????????nen?????? e?????????????????535???????????????8J8JMJ??????????,r,?????dad????andan??on??????3,????,1,1,1,??????????00,L00,????e te th?the the??????er???= =????? a??????????TAT??????????BUB????I ???o no ?????????
usly, it's possible." 12952,B000ET93N2,A1WXU0BY2L7ZL9,"J. Galloway ""Master Technologist""",1,1,5,1163030400,Best snack cracker ever!,"These crackers are crisp and delicious. They are very crunchy and if you like crunchy like I do, then you will love these. They go well with dip - my favorite is raspberry chipotle. The teriyaki flavored ones are even better." 12953,B000ET93N2,A28JM8VJFK7WFW,rainydaysandmondays,3,4,1,1165363200,Love the crackers = they are FIVE STAR. . . . BUT,"I do not love t
????????y y a ?rrr??????????????sms?malma????????????ece?????RaR??heherhe??did????cuc????????????????????????onon n cn ????bsb??????uldul?????yoy?ou ou? sa s??????????<br<b?????igi????I I???????????hatha??t th???????? i??????ke????????????????? f ??tut????????????<br <br??>I>I ?waw?????ll??????ses?ed ed???????? f??????????? o??n ln ???e ?as????'s's ?a a?coc???tat??t ?se?ar??h h? tr t?????? to t?????????????????????????????????d ??????????momoro?????????????sws??r ??????gog???????romrom m om ??e ?grg????ryry ry???????????r ir ??? at a????????to?? lo l?cac?????????? H ?owo????r,r?, a, ???????thesethes?e be ?brobr?????????kekerkersker??s wis w?????havhave?????ou???????in??????inin ?bebefefof??????he he????????????
hat they arrived in many small broken pieces. Rather difficult to spread something on crumbs, wouldn't you say?<br /><br />Might I suggest that this item is marked FRAGILE in the future?<br /><br />I was well pleased when DH found these on line as it's a constant search trying to find this particular cracker and seemed a more logical answer than going from one grocery to another in attempts to locate them. However, all these broken crackers will have me out looking again before the weekend and
??????ere????2 2???xex???cac?ses???????959??,B,?000??ETE?????????????A7A?ILI???????????????DoDowo???????,0,0,,0??2,12,131???????00?,S,??????K K R ?????CRC????ERE?S,S,A?????? op o?????????e ???x x?????????ingin???????????elell?????? a a a?se???ofo????aiairi?s.s?????ostost ???????????????rs rs i??n tn ?the??pap?ackac?????????????????????d ????????????mbm?s.s. s.?????huh???ana???????????????totolo???????an????????ikeik?es ???????????ke?kersker?s. ??I ????esses???????????beb?e oe or??????? t????? th???s w?aya???agaag????? W ??e ae ?????????vev??y ???????????ed??1?2929529555?,B,B0,B?????????,A,A1,A??????PKP???S5S?F,F?????????????on? " ??????es?essiess??onaon?? f?????????o o?????????????,0,0,0,????12??858??????
I ordered 2 boxes/cases." 12954,B000ET93N2,A3BIAXCA7ILMUH,Rosemarie Dowdell,0,0,2,1351123200,SESMARK RICE CRACKERS,After opening the box it looking like it fell down a set of stairs. Most of the crackers in the packages were cracked and full of crumbs. My husband is gluten intolerant and he likes these crackers. I guess we won't be ordering them this way again. We are both very disappointed. 12955,B000ET93N2,A102D7NPKXXS5F,"L. Richardson ""Professional female who loves ...",0,0,3,1288569600,
?"T"??? B ?????????????????, ,????t Ct ????????acackac?ini????tit???????cec????????????LOL??? t ?he??????racra??er??. .??????????e ge grgrereareatat ??iti?? e ??ereryer???????????????eme? w ??????? to t???h h?????epe?????????? a ??? t??inin in s ???cece ce??????iaiaga???? Bu B??? wh w?henhen n????? c ????e ie in????????piepi????, ??the????????nln??ly gly ??odod ???????????????tet????????s s?nen?????ack???????????it?????'t'?t w????????. . ???????st st? or o?de???waw??????. . W. ??????s us ?p?p??????? te t??tst??th?????????????????enendn???????themthe?????? i???? p??????????? p????????1?292???,B,???????????????L5L535??UVU??H1H???KHKH,H,0,???,5,?,1,?????????????sms???k k r ???e ????rackrac???s,???he???ror??????ar??rivri??
"The Best Cracker Made, but Change packing--tiny pieces ugly","I LOVE these crackers. They are great with everything. (Try them with a touch of pepper jelly and thin slice of Asiago) But when they come in tiny pieces, they are only good for soup! Whatever this new packaging is, it isn't working. My last order was ok. What's up? Who tests this packaging? Sending them back is a pain in the patoot!" 12956,B000ET93N2,A2Q4L53HUVHH1P,KH,0,0,5,1281225600,Sesmark rice crackers,"The product arrived
???? e ?xcx??????t t c ???did??????ana?????s s f ???shs?. .? T ????prp??ce???as???????????????s ts ??an???????e ?pap?idi????t Wt ?????rtr?t at ?andan????argar?ete?????th?????ththoth??e ?sts????????eme????????ve????sps??????c c????????????????s ?prpropr???ct???sos?o Io ?????s gs ???????????????????????. . ??????????????d!d???????7,7????????3N3??,A,??6J6????????LWL?M,M?????at?????????????s ????????php?????n,n???,0,,0?4,4,1,????????????????t ??????????????er???"B"?????????e le ????e Ce ?el??ac???????????owo???????????or or?????llellen?????ing eing ?entente?????nin?ing?. ??osost?????????????ckeck??ers ers????ve ve hve ?????serse?ve??d ld ??????a a? fi fin finen??du?????oao?ati????????thethe the???allal???, ??or ??the??y hy ??
in excellent condition and was fresh. The price was actually less than I have paid at Walmart and Target. Both of those stores seem to be very sporadic in carrying this product, so I was glad to find it online. Very satisfied!" 12957,B000ET93N2,A16J5HGMGX5LWM,Enovative Solutions Inc Stephenson,0,0,4,1265846400,Almost perfect crackers,"Being the lone Celiac in the crowd makes for challenging entertaining. Most of the crackers I've had/served leave a fine dust coating on the pallet, or they hav
????n n a af aftf??????????ThT????????kek?? d ?oeo?s s Ns ???????????'s'??a a???????????????onon on t ?????es??????lal???????????? r ??ala??????s a???rereare?????????r r??? s ???vev???????????ete?????he????????????It???as?? a a??ea?l l? cr cro??? p ?le????er ???? ou o??????lidli??????????ini???????d ??sevse?verve?????on???ele?liali????????ly ly??memme?????????d fd frf?????s s ns ?????keeke?p p???t ot ??????? i??????iri??????ri???s js ?????????us???ofo?? th t????????te. te.??nen??e ofe o????????????s ts ?????I I??????????dnd?'t'??ke?????????d ?????whw????????ut ut a???????le le g??rlr???/o/?????????????????????n on ?????e of e of? th??ese? c????ackeack???????? to top to????? it?????? a????dbd???it oit ????????d d sd sad s???monmo???
e an aftertaste. This cracker does NEITHER. It's a little strong on the sesame flavor, but it really is a great cracker to serve with Alouette cheese, etc. It was a real crowd pleaser at our holiday gatherings, and several non-Celiac family members and friends now keep it on hand in their pantries just because of the taste. One of the things that I just couldn't keep plated was when I put a little garlic/onion cream cheese on one of these crackers and topped it with a tidbit of smoked salmon. ;
????ThT?e e??nln?????????????(a(???d td ??e ????????????on on?????????????????5 5 s ????????????ata???the? c crc??ckc??r r??ete?s ????????? y yoy???plplalat?e ??????????????????????? m ??inuin???s ???????????viv?????????ou? r?????????ve???o ??????it???as as????????, o, ?or or??etet et? it i??????????????e/e??????blb??????????????re?????on Ion I ???lyly ??givgi??ve ive ??it 4it ?? st stat????I'I'm'???is???ing????????auaututiut??????y sy ?sta??????????<b<???/>/???r ??????TIT??????????non??????titiftifi???? gl g?ut?en??frf???, , a, anandand ?d tod t????????wlw?ledle???????'s?????? te t???tedte??. T. ????e ??????????ut?utenute?n in in??re??ieien????, a????????ve????t t rt ??????ted,ted????? i???????????????????hahasha?s a??n i????stansta?
-) The only bad thing (and the first reason I won't give it 5 stars) is that the cracker gets soggy if you plate the stuff even just 30 minutes before serving, so you really have to make it as needed, or let it be self-serve/assemble. The other reason I only give it 4 stars I'm listing as a cautionary statement...<br /><br />CAUTION: it's not certified gluten free, and to my knowledge, it's not tested. There are no gluten ingredients, and I have not reacted, but if you are one who has an instant
? a ??d d??????e e????????n,n? c cocon????????e e me ?an??fafac?????? f ??????toto o??????y y????ththeth????he??ir ir?????????ionio??????????, e, ??????????????e fe ????????""?????8,8??000?00E00?T9T??N2N?,A,??PGP?????2O2?????,",?????boboyo???????innin?nbonb?????????,0,,0??????????00000??,"????????????ererser???PoP??or or??????gig?????????????????y ty ???? ta tasa???????????ngn??????en? t th????????sms??rkrk k?? say sa?????NoN????inging'ing????hahan??gedge???????????????o ?????? th?esesees?????ckc???????We We??????to to????y t??hemhe??????he? g ??rocro????????oreor??bubutbut t ft ??unu??nd tnd ?????????ma????on aon ????iti??????????????tet?er ????????????>A>?????n n wn ?????havha???ing ing i ????????it??h sh ??ipi??in??????????? cr c????ker??
and severe reaction, contact the manufacturer first to verify whether their production methods, etc., are safe for you." 12958,B000ET93N2,A1PG5SA22OY2EL,"minnboyz ""minnboyz""",0,0,5,1265760000,"Great Crackers, Poor Packaging, And recently the taste has changed even though Sesmark says ""Nothing's Changed""!","We use to love these crackers. We use to buy them at the grocery store but found them on Amazon and it's a much better price!<br />Amazon was having issues with shipping and the crackers
?beb?ini?g g????y y b brbror????????en en d ???ivi???????? t ????ghg?t t??he????in?ala???????????t ???????????????re???????????g bg ?utu??????????t b?????????????? w??????enten???in in t????????????????? th??????????? c???????in ain ?????????theth???????????iveive ?pa?ckckack??????. A. ?????????? o of o???????cracr?????????re ?soso ?br??????th????????????d ???????uru???ou?t t wt ????????cece ce??goegoeses ?????? wh w??????????ThT??s ??ewe???????h oh ??f cf ??????ers???lsl????????????y ??????????????te???MuM???? mo m????????y ????????s ??????? s??ed? t? tas ta????. W. ?he???I ????tat???tedte?d t??he ???????y ?y aby a???????????hanha?ngeng???n ??tasta??????wawas?????d:d? " ??????hinhi?????as ?ch?????
being very broken when delivered. I thought they finally got that better with more packaging but the last box I received was sent in the original box the crackers come in and no other protective packaging. Almost all of the crackers are so broken that it's hard to figure out what piece goes with what.<br />This new batch of crackers also has a very different taste. Much more salty and less sesame seed taste. When I contacted the company about the change in taste I was told: ""Nothing has changed
? o ?ththeh?r r t ?????wew??ada?ded??????ama?ini??E E??????hah???shs????????????ngn??e te ??the the?flflal?vov??????????.....????omo?????????idi??????I I???? t?????knk??? i ?it'it?s s?no???th?the ???ameam?????????? n??veverer er??otot ot b??ckck k? to to o?me??. I. ??gug?????th??? d do d???????????????????????????????havha???ch??angan???d ad and a?nd nd????tot????ers ers? wi wili????ot??cece.e??We?? ca can???harha??lyl?y ey ?????? them the????w!w?<a<??????="=""""h""?ttt???????????????????????prp?odo?ucu???B0B????????2"2????????????av?or?y ??hih?insin?? O ????in??????.2.2-2?????? P PaPacack???gesge?s (s (P(???ck ck??????????????12912???????????3N???A3A????????OYO??5W5??????????FrF?ritri????0,0????,1,????????????????at Cat ?????????!,!?"T"?TheTh????????ackeack???????
other then we added vitamin E but that shouldn't change the flavor"". Well.... Something did and I let them know it's not the same and they never got back to me. I guess they don't care that their crackers have changed and customers will notice. We can hardly eat them now!<a href="""">Sesmark Savory Thins, Original, 3.2-Ounce Packages (Pack of 12)</a>" 12959,B000ET93N2,A3KEHW84FOYZ5W,Lynn S. Fritts,0,0,5,1265414400,Great Crackers!!,"These crackers were
? e ?xax??tlt????hah???????s s??????????????. .?????????????at? a????????mam??????? a an a????????? t??????????????ri???e be ?eie??????????????at tat ???? sh shohowo?????rer????wiw??? c ch????sesse????ala?????????????c.c????ha?????????969???B0B????????2,2??2N2??????????????????????ankan??????????????878??????????kekere??????y oy ??dederer er? wa??s ms ?isi?-s-?hi?ppp?ed??. I. ????cic???????????ror??? f fl f??vovorvo?????????zozon????????reare??, ?th???y ry ??????cedce??????m wm ??th????the ?????rec??????? a??d ??????mem?e te tot???keekeepe???????mismi???shish?ip.ip?"????????????????????????????????????ol???. ????g,g???,0,?4,4??????747???????hip??in???????s ???lpl??"W"???????he?????????
exactly what I was searching for. Tried them at a Christmas Expo and wanted to avoid the price being charged at the show. Great with cheeses, salad, dips, etc. Thanks!" 12960,B000ET93N2,A2N0VZV7AN8YBY,Robert Rankin,0,0,5,1254873600,Crackers,"My order was mis-shipped. I recieved the wrong flavor but Amazon was great, they replaced them with the correct item and told me to keep the mis-ship." 12961,B000ET93N2,A2DRVV481OYNEU,Carol L. Hoag,0,0,4,1245974400,Shipping needs help,"While the crackers
w wew??? a ????????????? w??????????????d d?vev????????? an a?d ???????????brb????n.n????292???,B,???????????????6Y6???N0N0H0??9I9????????RoRowo?????,0,?????????93???????I I??? a?ddd???tet??? to t?? th t???????"I"???ava?? b??????etettettit?ngng g?????????romro?m Pm ?????e Ce ChC?????er er i ?in in P PaP????, ?KSKS.S???????verve??, I, I ???????aia?d ??thethey???ili???????beb??ststot?ckckick????th???????????. ?????y ?ha??ve ??redredud??????the? p??ricricece ce? an????I tI ?thithin???I ??m m tm ??the the othe ???y ????????????????!!?????t ??????ackac?kerke?s s w????? a a???ow ow c?????????trtritr???????es??e fe ??? b???????st????erery?????????al??????????loriloriei??. ??ouou u c??????t ?????? br?????as?????in ain ?????gig?? a??? g go g???????????
were awesome, they were not packed very well and many were broken." 12962,B000ET93N2,A2XU6Y4XN0HM9I,Donna Rowlett,0,0,5,1239321600,I am addicted to these!!,"I have been getting these from Price Chopper in Paola, KS. However, I am afraid they will not be stocking them anymore. They have reduced the price and I think I am the only one trying them!!I eat 7 crackers with a low calorie string cheese for breakfast every AM. Total 150 calories. You can put your breakfast in a baggie and go!" 12963,B0
??????3N3?2,2,A,???CWC???????????JaJ??ete??????s,s?0,0,0??4,4?121???010??20200?,S,SeS?????? c crc???????????????????er?s/s?ththih??? a ??????????????d ??????arartar??cuc???arlar?y y?????tente????? ?ThTheTheye?y hy hah???????????ltl??????????whw???????ke??????????od?????oso??????rereses es???????cac?arrar???th??? s ?? I I I???ke??d td ??? i ???? o ?f f??rdr?derde??ing? a?????k ??of of??????a ?AmA???????om????????<b????/>J/>JaJanJa??????969???B0B???0ET0ET9????2,A2,??????????9Q9?????. . P. ???????ch??errer?????????????,0?????,1?181888??????????????????????ofof ????????ers ers??? e ??rtr?th,th??YoY?????????ececo????????ictictetedte??????????????????????????????????????ve?????e e oe ?of ?mym?????rienrie????????????
00ET93N2,A1OCWU2XTZBHBV,Janet Yates,0,0,4,1212019200,Sesmark crackers,These crackers/thins are so good and not particularly fattening. They have some salt to them which makes them good. Most stores don't carry them so I liked the idea of ordering a Pack of 12 via<br /><br />Janet 12964,B000ET93N2,A2X03R55ZW9QE,"H. Pham ""cherries Katie""",0,0,5,1188864000,The best kind of crackers on earth,"You will become addicted to it once you eat it, I promise. Everyone of my friends agreed."
????????000????939?N2N?,A,A1A???????1B1BYB???,C,?????????????s,s???????????29?????????????on?,W,?? l ?iki??????ses??????ke???????????????t ?twt??????es????????ere?ede????hemhem m?alalll??th???brb??/>/?????/>???ac??ker???we?????mam????d.d?1????????00000???9393N93N2???2020F20???KHK??????J,J???. .?McM??????er er " ?"C"CrCraracrack??er ??CraCr???"""""""?,0??????????727????????? b??estes????????t t ct ???ck????????????????er??????tyty ???????????????????????????tatasast?????? th??????ama?me me???????????? sea seasasoas?????s.s. ? M?osost????rac??ker????re????????????????ithit? a???salsa??ty ty???????e soe s??yoyou????an'an???ene??oyo??yo???????????? sp sprp????ds ds???ut ut t??is?is iis ?is ?juj?????ererfer???????????t t?he??
12965,B000ET93N2,A10LWR021BY2D,Carol Reynolds,0,0,3,1175299200,Condition,We like these crackers but the last two times we ordered them all the<br /><br />crackers were smashed. 12966,B000ET93N2,A20FT7KH9GV26J,"J. McCarter ""Cracker Crazy""",0,0,5,1170720000,The best gourmet cracker!,This is a very tasty gourmet cracker! It has a taste of the sesame seeds and seasonings. Most crackers are overwhelmed with a salty taste so you can't enjoy your dips or spreads but this is just perfect! I eat them
????hoh??? a ananyn??kik??????????????? or o???ipi???????! !???????somso?e e???????lll???ovovev?e ie ?????????292???????00E00???3N3??,A,A1A?U6U6D6??????5F5????????????????????????12012?????vovorory?????????? th t???????aca?????! ? T?he?y ?????????heherhe??????cr???????r wr whw??n n?????????????y ty ???e be ????????686?,B???????93N93????1T1?HUH????1111N11??R1R?????????t,t???????11???????00?????ata???????????re re???ur ur???????iteit??sns???? c cr????ererser??????????????cri?????nd??? thi th?in in????h h????ono?ndend????????ut ut????????e fle f?????r tr ??????????????t t wt ????????y t???pipin?g.g???We???or?????????? c????tonto???????????????) )?? and and ?????? ar arr arri??vedve?d id ?in ?pep??????????di?tit??????thth ?
without any kind of spreads or dips also! Try some you will love it too! 12967,B000ET93N2,A1U6D9Q8SX5FGH,CMarie,0,0,5,1169251200,Savory,We love these crackers! They are fresher and crispier when purchased by the box. 12968,B000ET93N2,A1THUJCB11NGR1,S. Gantt,0,0,5,1169078400,Great!,These are our favorite snack crackers. They are crisp and thin with a wonderful but subtle flavor that goes great with any topping. We ordered two cartons (24 packages) and they arrived in perfect condition with v
???????????okokek?? u ????????ana?????????????rcrchc?hasha?ede???oco???lyl?????????B0B?040???????????CMC??????303??,R,?? C ??shshih????0,0???????????????,b,?ese??????????????? my m??bab??????urur ur?????????????????s ????mu?????????????????t ???? y ????????t ??????????????????? w ??hichi?????s ws ?whawhata??t prt p???????????o o??ry? i?????t.t?. O. ?OurOur r dr ????hth????????thoth???? s ???e ce ???n'tn'????????????llll ll?????????????? li lik???????. W. ??'v'??????????????????ama???????dsd??an???? thi th??? is i?????????????e ????at at???????? s se s??? t? to to?????????r r sr ??omoma???!"!?1???????B00B0??3838M8?MLHML???,A1,A?6P6??????????6,6??ili??,6,6,????5,15,?12912?????????DeDele??????s!s????????en???
ery few broken unlike many we have purchased locally. 12969,B004LWX2SU,AU2CMLFJBX30I,R. Cashier,0,0,5,1333411200,best formula for my baby,"Our daycare uses this formula as the default (if you don't provide your own), which is what promted us to try it out. Our daughter (although she can't talk to tell us for sure) likes it. We've tried all the name brands and this is the only one that doesn't seem to upset her stomach!" 12970,B00438MLHK,A16PI051YKM276,Lily,6,6,5,1293062400,Delicious!,"I recently
??gog???mom??e e c ????ini??s s???? s ????in?eses ???????????'t'???an?t t tt tot? p pap??????3 3??or?????????? s sa s???????. . I??? saw sa??tht?esesees??????????ghg????mmm??..?????beb????????????iti?t at ?a ta ??y.y?. D. DeDefe????iteit?????????? th t?he he?????y.??????????????????y oy ??in?inioini??? it it ??????? r ??ala???????d.d????????mokmo????lal?????isi???theth?re? a ??and and? it??ene???????es tes ?????????or ?of???????ine?s.s???????s a s a p pr p??????dedece???t ???ort???on ?an??and eand ?as?????????????????ve??n'tn't t tt trt t????????y o???ththe??faf??????????didindinedin??es les ?iki?? f???????paipa??????????th???????o o I?????????????????di????ereeren?????. Th. T??????????re??????y ty ???msm?????s ???????????????s :s ????ve?????????wo?
got more cravings for sardines and I didn't want to pay $2-3 for a can of sardines. I saw these and thought hmm... maybe I'll give it a try. Definitely worth the money. So I think in my opinion it tastes really good. The smoke flavor is there and it enhances the flavor of sardines. It's a pretty decent portion and easy pull tab. I haven't tried any of the fancier sardines like from Spain or something, so I don't know the difference. These are great by themselves or on crackers :) Overall, I wou
??? b bub?????aia??????292????B0B???383???HKH?,A,???8282R2?242?????I7I??????ChC?????y "y ??????fy?""?????????????707??808???NoNotot t????????xtxtrt?a a???ala???????????????,"???cic???? C?rer???????did?ineineses es?cacanca???e e????????????s.s. . S. ?omo????me???I I?gegete????ardar????????th??????????alaleal????thathata?t It I ???????lll?????????o o????h h?????????rd?er? t???????umu?>/><>?<br<b??????heshe??e se ????ll ll? ta t???e e ge ?re?at???????????an?????????utu????e e ee ?ext??? o??? w??????????????????? tap ta?? wa w??er??toto to r?????e e ce ?calcalol?????????????????????gargard???????? ' ?????ed?' '???av?or????????oneon???ly?ly tly ?as???e ne non?????????ibi???e de ?difdi?????????????flaflav???r fr ?rorom????e e Pe ?PacPa??????CrCre
ld buy again." 12971,B00438MLHK,A1K82R24ROO2I7,"A. Cheffy ""Cheffy""",4,4,4,1308700800,Not bad...extra scaly this time...,"Pacific Crest Sardines can be hit and miss. Sometimes I get sardines with extra scales that I literally have to wash off in order to consume.<br /><br />These still taste great and you can rinse out the extra oil with a bit of hot tap water to reduce calories.<br /><br />Regarding the 'smoked' flavor...I honestly taste no discernible difference in flavor from the Pacific Cre
?????????nen?s s????waw?????..???st????????????????ececacaua?useus?????????? p ??ckc????????????ana???ili???????eadead ??????ateat? r????<br<b?????he??e ??????????????e 8e ??????s s os of?of fof ?????erer ??canca?????????yoy????rinrinsn??????m m o?????????????????y ?ararear??clc?????????????coc?????nt nt????? the th??PaP?????? C ??es????sarsa????es? i??? wa???r r wr ?????????? h ?????? g???????? f ????? per pe??cacan?.".""??292??2,2,B,??040434???????A1A?VIV????????????"K"????????WiWil???ongon???????ilfoilf??????","?????1,1???29???12??00,00??omo?????e ae ?andan??chchichil??? ar a???????????????????????? c ???se ???of eof ????????e e te ???????e c?hi?lil???????? the the w???st??????????????ve ???verve???ri???????? t
st Sardines in water...just a bit richer because of being packed in soybean oil instead of water.<br /><br />These sardines have 8 grams of fat per can but if you rinse them off, they probably are closer in fat content to the Pacific Crest sardines in water which only have 3 grams of fat per can." 12972,B00438MLHK,A1VILR21LY2PJQ,"Kris C. Wilfong ""wilfongk""",5,6,1,1329091200,Tomatoe and chili are terrible,"I ordered a case of each. The tomatoe chili are the worst sardines I've ever tried. The t
?iti??? s shs???ldl????ada?????did????????????totoeto?e ae ?ndn???ugu?ar?????s ss ?ug??ar ar??s s ps ??aca?????????????????diadi???????????? sa s?ltl? o or??chc?ililil??????ere??????idi?????thethe ???ucu????he??fif?????????oto????????????vev??gog?????la??????it?he??r. r. T ???he che ??aseas?e i??? sm smomoko???? oi oil?????e ???????e goe g????, g, ???? t??????e ane a??????e fe ????sh wsh ????????????sis?????wiw????????????????an?d ??????? I. ???ou?????at???????m 4m 4 4???????????????????? to?????? c????li li?????erver?ve ve???? st??ars??? or or???ga???veve ve sve ????????121??737????040??8M8?LHL???????NLNL6L?????????RiR??chach?ardar????????gege,e?0,0??,5,????????????0,G0,???? b ????????utrut???ioi???????????? su s???crc?????????????
itle should read sardines in tomatoe and sugar, as sugar is placed in the ingrediants before salt or chili powder. Besides the sauce the fish did not seem to have good flavor either. The case in smoked oil were quite good, good taste and the fish were medium sized with good flavor and texture. I would rate them 4 or 5 stars but the tomatoe chili deserve no stars or negative stars." 12973,B00438MLHK,A17UNL6JSUWN7E,Richard Ratledge,0,0,5,1346544000,Good basic nutrition,I have a subscription for th
?????tot???ete???????????????????eve??ryr??? m ???????????????h h? ar a?e ?e fae f??????????wiw???????o ????????Th???on??y ?coc???????? I I I h ?????????????th??e se ?cacalca?????????imi????????????. I. ???sas?ysy??????ed???n n?????bubutu?????????reare?????????oiloi?????er?????? ????? an and an?d pd ??urur ?it?it dit ??wnw??ththethe the s si sininkn????ece??mmmme??de????121??747?,B,B0B???????????191?????????D7D?????ahahNh????,3,3,3???1,1???97???55255202?00,00,G,??????t ift i????????????ou?r ?chc??co???????????a ????de de o??f bf ?odo???lol??ioi???????boubo??????hih???????? o???a ?????????aua????I I lI lo?ve????????????????? t?????????co??????. I ?fi??ur?ed??????????????????likli??ke ake ???????????
ese to get a case (50 cans) every 2 months. The fish are fair sized with 5 to a can. The only complaint I have is that the scales sometimes detract. It says packed in oil but it is really an oil/water broth. I pop the can and pour it down the sink. Recommended. 12974,B002SW9J8W,A19G8B2QYETD7W,NyahNyah,3,4,1,1297555200,Great if you like your chocolate with a side of body lotion,"I bought this candy on a whim because I love pretty much all things coconut. I figured it would taste like a m&m's vers
?ioi???????n ????????????????s s??heh??????ondondsond?? b bub?? w ??????chch h?????????????? I ???tat??????????????????????weweeeete??wawaxwa?y ?coc????????odo??y ly ?????n,n????thth th? a a??inint????f cf ?choch??olo?ata?te te a?ndn????andan????????????TET???? D ?ISI??USU????????oooo o l ??????????otiot???? o??????e ie ??????iei?????????????????????o ?????conucon?????????? to t?o bo bebe ????????????????? ar artr??fif???al???lalavla?oro????.<.<b<???/>/?I I??ada???????ror????????????wa?????121??757??B0B??????J8J?W,W????GSG????????1K1???????h ??????????lolovlo?????of of??????????????????,3,??4,4?5,????????????????????umu?mym?????wa????????????e ?e are arrr?rivri?????????????????sadsa???????theythe?????????
ion of an almond joy minus the almonds, but was much disappointed. It tasted like an overly sweet waxy coconut body lotion, with a hint of chocolate and candy shell. UTTERLY DISGUSTING. Too late, i noticed on the ingredients list there was no coconut at all to be found--it's all artificial flavoring.<br />I had to throw the bag away." 12975,B002SW9J8W,A2DGSXV9XPBM1K,"Sarah Barnes ""lover of all things odd""",3,4,5,1267747200,really yummy,"I was glad these arrived quickly but sadly, they were gon
?????????s s?quq????????I I??ili?????ded?r r????e ?sos??n.n???121??????000070????????????3Z3??????898??,A,An,A???? B ????aya?????roron????????131?????444??00,00????faf??????e ?????bub??ksk?s bs ???????"I"?I hI ?????trt??eded d??????heh???iai???bleblen???, ,???????????????????y f????????????????rb???ucksuck????ribri???te.te??????waw???????????he????he????ana???????as????eaear?????????????p p???? th?e ?CoC?????????????waywa???gog???????? I??hahavha????alwal??????ovo??????????????ThThe????herhe???y iy ?????????????nd ???ese?s ns ???????????ro?????as ?a ????lavla????. ???I dI ?do do??not? l ??????????rer?ed ed c??fff?eeee.e?. ?????eatea?t tt ?thithis?????????????????ve ve f ??????? m?in??uteut??????a ???g g o of of f
e just as quickly. I will order more soon." 12976,B007GFLXVM,A2BK3Z3E2QL89P,Anita Bucsay Damron,3,3,5,1332374400,My favorite Starbucks blend!,"I have tried all the Via blends, and my favorite by far is still Starbucks Tribute. It was so sad when they ran out last year. My back-up is the Columbian, always good, but I have always loved Sumatra. The cherry is a note, and does not come across as a 'flavor'. I do not like flavored coffee. I heat this in the microwave for two minutes in a mug of
?1%1???????ici????lkl?. .??????????? / ???<br<b????????bub?????wrw?ititetese???????. .???"S"??????? C ChC?????"""" ""?an???????????????s fs frf??? a??????????????he????orlor????????fefee????????? r ?????nsn?s .s ?. .?????geg?d ????????????????rieri????ea????????????ioiopio?piapi????ndn???cofcoff???s ?s frs f?romro?????uau????w w????????? and an??CoC????bibiai???????????th?????? c ???atateat???hih???spspi??????????????odo?iei?ed ??????????? d dad??k k????rr?y ???te?????""?????7,7????7G7??LXL??M,M??1W1WMW?????OWO?O4O?????efe?????inging,g?1,1?,1,,1????????????00,00???ooo?????????????and???oo????eaealea?????I I????????e e Ve ???????om?????ininsin??tanta????of??feefe???ItI???? me m??iui?? b bu b???st???l ???li?ttttlt??????? f
1% organic milk. Yummy!<br /><br />Starbucks writes: . . . ""Spicy & Cherry"" and ""With beans from all three of the world's coffee-growing regions . . . Aged Sumatra, sun-dried beans from Ethiopia, and coffees from Papua New Guinea and Colombia come together to create this spicy and full-bodied blend with dark cherry notes.""" 12977,B007GFLXVM,A1WMKMEAOWO4CZ,Jeff Jing,1,1,5,1335571200,"Good product, and good deal.","I like the VIA Colombia instant coffee. It's medium but still a little dark f
o??????????I I m??????????upu??????????eee???iti?? o?????????????????r /r />/???ryr? g gog?odo??????????? A AmAmam????? co comompompa????tot?o to ??????????ini?n sn ??????????r />r /???lll???utut t t?????prp?????t ?aga????.".""??????????7G7?FLF???????XZXZJZ?????????????????,5,???343??????00000??GrG???t ??????????I'vI'?????earea???d ???????? ca c?????to???????the the? to topo????f tf ?????pacpa?ckeck????????h h ih ?????????idide?? th?????icricroro-ro?grg???????cofco?fe?????n hn ?al????????it????ke?s s as a a????????p ???? co??ffeff?ee!ee?????????? to??knknon???hoh????????ouo?????????????cup cup i ???, o, ????????? may may ??e ????iningin? v ??????trt?ronro?g ????fe??. .????ry ery ????ri??????????????it tit ???????r ?e ????? h h???? i???iviviiv
or me, so I make two cups of coffee with one pack... :)<br />Very good deal from Amazon compare to the price in store.<br />I'll but this product again." 12978,B007GFLXVM,AQXZJ05XAHKUZ,Hos,1,2,5,1340928000,Great Coffee,"I've learned that I can cutopen the top of the packet, pinch it to divide the micro-ground coffee in half, and it makes a nice cup of coffee! Be sure to know how many ounces your cup is, or, you may be making very strong coffee. Try experimenting a bit to s t r e t c h the indivi
d?????pap?ckckek?????????gsg???????????9,9????????????AMA?????V3V???BZB??????????????????????????????YOY??????E E?????LYLY Y????????Y ???????????"M"?y y???????d d????d Id ???grgrer??????t t tt ??isis s b brb?rewre? i ????reare?allal??????in?ara??. ?????ouou u??ono??????ke?????????????? s??????????????, t, ?thi?s ????ndnd nd?????????youyo?! !??t t rt ????indin??s ms ????????????ff?eeee ee?????????? d???inkin??????re????ind????g Lg ???aza?zaz?, , a, ??????alial?an???cofcoffcoffe?????????drd?ununkn?????cec???0000700????????????meme me h??meme ??????FrF????????????memme?????es es o???????? di d??????????es?so?. ???????we'we??e ?gog???????????????????????the the S StS???bub???????? i it itatalta??????????t it ????an????
dual packet servings. :)" 12979,B007GFLXVM,AMHMMIV3YGBZH,Sue B.,1,3,3,1331856000,IF YOU LIKE REALLY ORDINARY COFFEE...,"My husband and I agree that this brew is really ordinary. If you don't like espresso, or strong coffee, this blend if for you! It reminds me of the coffee I used to drink before finding Lavazza, an Italian coffee we've drunk since 2007 when we came home from France with memories of that divine espresso. Now, we've gotten lazy and enjoy the Starbucks VIA italian roast instant co
f?fef?e-e???hehe e??????????r r???????iai????? b beb????????????on????????????ITI?TET????????r.r?""?121?989??????1H1??????,A,????PKPKHKHKH???????????? & ????????????????,0,???????303????08080???"a"??? t??o to ?????????? sa s???????o,o, ,?????????l l???ou ou?????e t???dod?o io ?????y ?iti??on???????????d yd ?youyo?????ll ll?????rsrst??and?????????rere re a??re ?jujusu?? n ??t ????dsd???? d ?desde?crc?ibi?be be t??is??mom???????n ?????????????uc???????????????? i?n ???la???er? s si sizi??????????????????d ?????ooo??????????ferfe????it iit ???????la????r ?sis???e. e.?????yo?you you????l ???antan??????????he?he lhe ????er????ze??????y they th??cac????...?.....????????????????????? sa???uce!uce?????????????
ffee--the key to our appreciation being the strong but NOT BITTER flavor." 12980,B001HTKZK8,A2HZPKHK37ZTCK,lisa & tim s rochford,0,0,5,1300060800,"add to the beans sauce two, too!",all you have to do is try it one time and you will understand why there are just not words to describe this more than wonderful sauce. they make it in a larger size and amazon would be good to offfer it in the larger size. and you will want to buy the larger size by the is great sauce!!!! this and
?????????????tht??????????eaeara??rer??????? be beaeasea????????1????????00??Y3Y?????A2A????2I2????1X1??U,U???ene???hih??????????343????12?????????????????oxo????f Cf ????ie?s,s???heh?e Pe ?re????or?????legle????????pypy ???????????ithit??HaHaza?????t t Ft FiF??llill?ingin? a ?arear??a a?????y,y, ,?????chc???????????????????ofof ??a da ?ryr???????r.r?. . ???henhe??I I?????????????, I, ?????inkin? o????re?????fi?????ng,ng???ut? t??hishis s? wa w??????e ???????dridr??????????ut??pap?astas??????????????????ava?e ?? g gog??d ???????????? th???e ??????????????of??th????in????nin??????ox.ox?????? b? box bo???s ????reseres??entaent?blb?le le??enoenouougu????or?or tor ??? c??????ies ??????? a ??litlittt???e ge ??????????????????. I. ?
hot stuff with little bear refried beasn. ole' 12981,B000QY3MYG,A2UTD2I12C1X9U,AgentChin,0,0,4,1348531200,Gift Worthy Box of Cookies,"The Presidor Allegro Crispy Cookies with Hazelnut Filling are a tasty, crunchy treat with kind of a dry center. When I see filling, I think of creamy filling, but this was more of a dried Hazelnut paste. The cookies have a good flavor and there are two rows of them in a nice box. The box is presentable enough for the cookies to be a little gift for someone. I
?ene??oyo?eded d t tht?eme????ncn????????????rsr???????? d ??????????????????e te ????????????oko????faf???ririti????????????????????the???????t pt ??ricri?ce,ce??I I wI ??ulu?d d bd ????ththe??m am ??aia???""?????2,2????1K1????G8G???????0B0??????W,W??????????????????363686????????????????s,??ThT?????wew?????re?atat,t????????d ?th??them them????????????te????????did????????????????????????iteit??. ? T ??????????????????? fr f??shs???. T. ???ankanksk?"????????00??1KT1KT6T60T6????A1A??0L0?8N8??DTD??V0??,","C"?????aha???????. S.. S?????,1,,1,1?????????????000,000???????????sos????????se?? ar a??re tre ?????????????????coc????????andan??? ??????? thi th??????my???????????k ak ?and??? a p a ????
enjoyed them hence the 4 stars, but I don't really crave them as a cookie favorite or 5 stars. At the right price, I would buy them again." 12982,B001KT60G8,AZV6V0B15VK9W,larry,2,2,5,1307836800,Andes Candies,"These were great, we used them at my daughter's wedding (they are her favorite). They were nice and fresh. Thanks" 12983,B001KT60G8,A1Q0L8NXDTJV07,"C. Shah ""C. S.""",1,1,5,1296000000,Simply Awesome,"these are the best mint chocolate candies. i would keep this at my work desk and a pack
??? 2 242????????????e e??vev?r r?????????????eee?ksk?? e ?veverve????e ?????? j ????????? b?????nd nd????? a?????.".???292??4,4???010?????G8G????7R7???RHR???TZT?4040,40?RuR??????????131???84?00??00,00,Y,?????an??????? f fr f????? an and???????d ??????? I IfIf ???????re re???????g g f fo f?????ulkul?? of o????????????ctct ct???????s ????oo?d ??????? g???????ou????????? t???e pe ?????e he hah????????y ?????????sisin?cece ce????rdr??????????????????oreor??frf??e ??????in???????????????5D5???O,O?,AJ,A??F4F???A3A????D,D??tpt???,1??????12?6161717817?????????????????????????omo?e ????????t at ????????at?????????????????alalial?tyt???um?an????radra??? al a??????????ene????? co c????????????s ?
of 240 ct will be over in under 2 weeks, everyone would just stop by and grab a few." 12984,B001KT60G8,A17R8NRH2UTZ40,Rueg,0,0,5,1347840000,Yum,Candy was fresh and a good value. If you are looking for bulk of this product this is a good way to go. Though I see the price has really gone up since I ordered them. No more free shipping? 12985,B001E5DXPO,AJRF413A32JCD,btpmc,1,1,5,1261785600,great product!,awesome product at a great price - high quality human grade allergy friendly cookies! dogs l
??vev??eme??????????000????????,A,????????EAE????,n,???mam???geg??,0,???,5,???????????00,00???????? l ?ov????heh??????My My? do d????lolovlo??????????????faf???? t????????????fef?e (e ????????????se)se???????s ??hih??????????y ?????s hs ?apa???????er???????g g?hoh??e ??ror?? a ???????????oio??g ??intin?? t th??iri?r cr ????e.e. .? T ????y ly ????? th? them the?? al a?????????mum??ch ????????????1????????00100????XP??O,AO,?BJBJMJ??????CWC??3,3?JiJ??????????,0?,0,0,0,?????13013?????????????? th????eae????????????y Biy B??cucuiu???????????d d?? w??s ?aba?????o o fo ???d ??thethesthe?????n An ??????n an ???????odo???????? M ???lo??????stost?oreor???to???????selse?llill?inging ing?? the?????? t???????la???sesse?s fs ?????????????
ove em! 12986,B001E5DXPO,AHOR2BD5EA4VS,netmanager,0,0,5,1344211200,My dogs love them!,"My dogs love them....In fact, these are safe (stomach wise) treats which keep my pets happy after coming home from a walk or going into their crate. They like them almost as much as cheese!" 12987,B001E5DXPO,ABJMZRM04CWA3,Jillian Aru,0,0,5,1303430400,Love the healthy Buddy Biscuits,"So glad I was able to find these on Amazon at a good price. My local store stopped selling these in this molasses flavor & these
? a ??e e???e ?he?????esests?????cuc??tst????ouo?????????? t????????iteitede?d id ???????ienie??ts ts ( ???????????MyM??dod????ovovev?es es????m m???? I ?????w w??? they the???re re????????lel???wiw?ithith h? a a?????h ????????oro?????????I wI ???ll ll????re?-o-orordor??rir?????he?n n I???m lm ???? ag a????. ??????????????g ????oulou??????eae???ing???? thes the?e e fe ????? a t a ?????????stest??d ????????????er?y y sy ???oreor????????????coc?o so ??????BuB?ddd??y By ?is?cu??????? but bu????? t??isis is?????or??ana??????????e ??EAEALALLL????????????? th??re?re &re ???rar??????????s us ?????to??????ll tll ???se???????t not n?ow ??asa??????lacla???d t?????wi?th?????iri??ow?n ??sto?????????????????ui?????? w??ici???????cac????MEM???????????t &t ??
are the healtiest biscuits around due to the limited ingredients (only 5). My dog loves them and I know they're not filled with a bunch of fat or salt. I will be re-ordering when I'm low again. Everyone's dog should be eating these for a treat instead of the grocery store junk. Petco sells Buddy Biscuits, but not this flavor and they are REALLY expensive there & Trader Joe's used to sell these, but now has replaced them with their own store brand of buscuits in which you can SMELL the fat & s
??ltl??(t(??? b ?????????????B0B???E5E???????????????????????????ete???KaK?hnh?,0,0,0?????????111101040?00??????ogo??????????tet?d d t to???heh?ses???isiscis?????????????????th??e be ???t ???????ts???vevere????My My??????????dsd???the??????????imi???????aya???ShS?????kek??es aes ??????????????????????weweee????oto????????he?? v ve???????or??????????898??,B0,B?00100????????ALA???OZO?L8L???????????eye?,0?????5,15,????191????0,???STS????G G???????!!??!!!?????????ewew w?yey???rs rs?????? w ?????????????on?? in i??????andand d sd sas????thethesthe?se se ise ??n Tn ???adeader??JoJ?es????I ??????d ??to ??rir??g ??????????????????????????? wh whoh????????????????????s ???????BuB??dydy;y??? whe wh??????sawsa
alt (too bad)." 12988,B001E5DXPO,A1SV9IWNPK9RIN,Elizabeth Kahn,0,0,5,1299110400,My dog is addicted to these biscuits,"These are the best biscuits ever. My dog demands them three times a day. She likes all the flavors, but sweet potato is her very favorite." 12989,B001E5DXPO,ALDLOZL8OMSI0,Smiley,0,0,5,1292198400,BEST DOG TREAT!!!!!!!!!,"A few years ago I was on vacation in CA and saw these in Trader Joes. I wanted to bring a treat back for our dog, whose name just happens to be Buddy; when I saw
?????ses? I ??knk??? I????? t?o o?????????????BuB??????bsb?????????flf??????d od ??? o ???r r? th t??se??????????? bi bisi?????s,s??????h h??rer????????????????????e ge gigini????brbre??????opo???????owo???????????????? d ?????? as asks? h?imi????? he he ????ts? a???ud?????????uituit ???????????s ??o ??thethe ??????ryr????????????????????reatrea?????? k?epeptp??????????astas???????. . ??????ge?????????????????????thesthese?se fse ??????rir?istis?mam?as as t th?????eae??????????????in????????????????earearcr???????unund???????????sis????????th?the the? be besestes?????????""??????,B,??010??12C12???O,O???Y4Y??????????????????stst t At ??dr?ic????????orreorr????"""""",",1,??2,2,2??,13,1???878?202????No???exe?
these I knew I had to get a box. Buddy absolutely flipped out over these molasses bisquits, which are shaped like little gingerbread people. Now, all I have to do is ask him if he wants a Buddy bisquit and he runs to the laundry room where his treats are kept in a plastic tub. He's getting a 6 pack of these for Christmas this year!! After doing a lot of research I found this web site has the best price!!" 12990,B00112CG4O,A1Y4NQ8TL8DY0N,"Forrest Aldrich ""Forrest""",1,2,2,1315872000,Not exa
?ctc????????????xpx?????d,d????? c cac??e ?????????????????mom???he????lil?ke??????????) )?mo?????ueu???? t ???????????? p ??ckckak??in???---- -???t lt ??ookoo?????????????????????????enen n v ???uuu?? s????????brb??????r ?/>??veverve????l tl ??????astas?? w?as?n'n????????? e ex e??ec?????????? wa?s ?kikin????yuy?????papaspa??y.y. .??Th?e e ie ine i?grg??did??????sh??????????yry?upup,p?? wh w?icichc?????non??t st sut suiu?????????? a???????cakca????lalaza??. . . ? Th T???tatas????e ise i??????????????????????????????????????????????????blblebl????????? se, se????t t It I I dI dod?oubou?t ????????????th???????????br?????????????????cacanca??????????th?????cic????quq??????????.".???292??????????WGWGJG???
ctly what I expected,"The cake arrived askew (smooshed, like a smiley) more due to the internal packaging -- it looks like it should have been vacuum sealed.<br /><br />Overall the taste wasn't what I expected - it was kinda yucky/pasty. The ingredients show corn syrup, which is not suitable for a rum cake glaze. The taste is likely due to use of a starch. It's not ""terrible"" per se, but I doubt I'd buy another.<br /><br />I think they can improve the recipe quite a bit." 12991,B0001VWGJQ,A
?505???TTT?PJP?I3I?BTB?,",??????a a G ??? " """?CoC???umu???e e???????kek?r"r?"""""?,4,4,4??,5?????929?????????hah?????o o?????d pd ???dud??????I I?neneee???ed ed?????????ninipipep?????????????rar????????ra??tente????????. .? C ????????????d ??he??????????????re,re? s?????? p ????aseas????????nd?????? h??????????y ????????????th th??ra???????on?. ??????????????????????????010??WGW?JQJ?????YVY?O6O??GLG????????rtr?y,y??????????????????GoG??????ppp????r r????nd pnd ???????????? s? sup su?pplpp???ier ier????????ed med ????o ?????????hethe??????????????grg?????or????????????ieiesies ??whiwh?chch ch???th????????????????????????????????up.up?????????????????rivri?vedve?d id in??????????ic ic b???
50BYTTPJI3BT,"Nevada Gal ""Consumate Homemaker""",4,5,5,1289260800,A hard to find product!,"I needed these Juniper berries fora Sauerbraten recipe. Couldn't find them in any store, so was pleased to find them here. Very pleased with transaction. Will be back!" 12992,B0001VWGJQ,A1RYVO6VGL1JU4,marty,0,0,3,1342310400,Good supplier and product,"The supplier emailed me to check whether I wanted green or black berries which I thought was an impressive followup. The berries arrived in a plastic bag
??heh?n n????asa??exe???ctc?iningn???????assas?s cs ?ono???ininein??????pe????he? a??vev???tisti????????????? H ???????? a?lll???????l ??I wI wawaswa??hah?????????????????viv????anandnd d t?he??prp???ucu??????????????00100?VWV??????HQH????????1V????ynynt?????????iei??sense???,0??5,5???????????,W,WhW???????????per per??er????s,s????se????????er er?beb?????? w????e ee ?exaex???????whawhatat at I???eee?ded?? t???????????ewe????ermermam?an an a??? D DaDan???h ????hehes????????????pp?y ???o fo ?????th?thesthe???????????in?????????oco????????cerce?????tortore??dod????'t'? c????ry ry t????????29929????00??1V??????,A1,A????FFF????1P1????????????PaP?????,0??0,?4,???????????????? B????????????????? t th???????????heyhe
when I was expecting a glass container as per the advertising pitcure. However, all in all I was happy with the service and the product." 12993,B0001VWGJQ,AHQKTT3JST1VJ,Cynthia Mathiesen,0,0,5,1319846400,Whole Juniper Berries,These juniper berries were exactly what I needed to cook a few German and Danish dishes. I was happy to find these online since the local grocery store doesn't carry them. 12994,B0001VWGJQ,A1KHLFFVR81PHJ,John T. Parker,0,0,4,1310774400,Good Buy,Good price on these and they
? s ses??? t ?o o???????gog??????????y.y???? c ??n n????????vev??it?????????? si sinincn???????????????e ??????s ??? e ?aca?????g g??????????to???????ltl???ede?????????oro?????,B,B0B?????????,A,???????????GLGL,L,H,?olo???????owo???5,??5,5??12???????00??FrFre?shs????d ?????????? tha th?????ca??????????????waw??s vs ?verve??????od,od?? co com??????n 2n 2 2??????at????ele?? s??alalealed? c co?ntn?taita???erser?/b/??????in??a a? ca car???oao??? b????????likli?ed?????? i ???????iviividi????????to 2to ???or??ioi??????ici?ch ch?????????res??nen?????????????ch ???????? t????n bn ???in?????t ft frfrofr?? A ???????al???igi???????mam????sh??psp?????????????????????, ??????? f ??es??herher.r???br br??????
seem to be of good quality. I can only give it 4 stars since there is some debris in each bag that has to be filtered out before use. 12995,B001VNEA9M,AFGZIFDR9K2GL,Holden Brown,5,5,5,1294099200,Fresh and cheaper than local,"Packaging was very good, comes in 2 separate well sealed containers/bags, in a cardboard box. I liked that it's divided into 2 portions which means freshness. It's much cheaper than buying it from ALL local big and small shops I've bought it from, and is fresher.<br /><br
/???y y?mom?m m???s s?????ysy??????ede????????????e we ?????????????ha???? s??om??chc???????????? s???mem?ed ed??? w ??????? m?????????? p pop??????d wd ???m ?????????????????er???inin ??meame??s ?????????e a????ittit???????????? t??he he?????????or???re? g ???sysy.y?. H. ?opopep?e te ?thith?? h??????????????????????????????QIQ????WBW?LZL?????l l D ?. . R. ????,4,????????????????????onton??er?? he?????---??????????h h q ?????????????havhave? p??????????????????????er?en??????????????s ???romro??????ontiont????????????????????, ,???sts????d sd ?????, a, ?anian??????c c i ??????????? s si sizi??????-- a-- an?????????y ly ????? th??????????y. y. ????is????ettet??r ???????hahat?? I I??
/>My mom has always boiled some anise when someone had a stomachache and it seemed to work. I make a big pot and warm up a cup after certain meals that are a little heavy on the stomach or are gassy. Hope this helps." 12996,B001VNEA9M,A2WZ4QI938WBLZ,Paul D. Ross,4,4,5,1284768000,Frontier herbs -- very high quality.,"I have purchased several different herbs/spices from Frontier -- the dill weed, mustard seed, anise etc in the bulk sizes -- and really like the quality. It is better than what I ca
?? g ??? i ?????? g?ror???????tot????? i in i?????in??????????lulublu?????????e ????????ara???vev??y y ry re??sos???blb?????????????? th t??m m a ??e e ae ????????le le w ??th?? th??e fe ???????????????ptp??onon,on?, s, soso so????????????????????or? c ??onson?idi??????????????????000????EAE?9M9??????????SQS??O2O???"S"???brb??wnw????????????ladla?y"y??","?1,1,1???????454????????????????VEVENE???????????EDE????????????????? 9 ?????????1/1??????????????????ainai????????????????????????ede???. . i?????soso so sso ????ed?? ab a???????????? c?????ar?y ?popospo????il?it??? t. ?the??????????????e fre f???? a?????mem????d ????ndendererfer???. ????????? bu b???????m Fm ???????????ai???????
n get in the grocery stores, including Sam's Club, and the prices are very reasonable. A lot of them are available with the free shipping option, so that was also a major consideration." 12997,B001VNEA9M,A3B6TOEXSQVO24,"S. brown ""shiney lady""",1,1,5,1304553600,SPICE HEAVEN ANISE SEED,"i received two 9 in x 9 1/2 inch bags containing 1 pound of anise seeds. i am so stoked about the the culinary possibilities. the spices were fresh and smelled wonderful. i will buy from FRONTIER again. i l
oooooko?ede??upu??sosomo????nfn???ono??tht??e Ie ?????nenete???????? in i?did????tedte??????????????rtr?t at ????ror????????avavov??? to??? toa to????beb???????sis?ingin??????????OTO????ITI???????ARA??T CT COC????????????????????????ONONTN?????????989???000?????????A2A??????????WC?M,???????,0,,0??????777?080??00??PeP???????"I"I ???? a ??lil??tlt?e ???????us us??bob?????ordor??erier????????????????????aua???????????iceic?????????eme?melme??????????nd?? I I t???????t mt ?aya???????o go ????????????r ur ?usius??ing ??the???????????????n sn ?????????th?the ??????????? a?????????????????frf???????????uru??????????????????????????edsed????????????, t, ???y ???????frefr????an??????te??????
ooked up some info on the Internet which indicated that to impart a stronger flavor to toast before using. I CANNOT WAIT TO START COOKING!!! thank you, FRONTIER" 12998,B001VNEA9M,A21YWC8LKA9WCM,Gil,0,0,5,1327708800,Perfect,"I was a little nervous about ordering this product because the price is extremely good, and I thought maybe too good. After using the product I can say that the quality is as good as I get from some gourmet spice shops. The seeds are clean, they look fresh and taste great