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summarize the whole meeting .[SEP] <s>project manager: yep . soon as i get this . okay . this is our last meeting . um i 'll go ahead and go through the minutes from the previous meeting . uh and then we 'll have a , the prototype presentation . um then we will um do an evaluation . uh or we 'll see what , what we need to have under the criteria for the evaluation . then we 'll go through the finance and see if we fall within the budget . um then we 'll do the evaluation , and then we can finish up after that with um any changes that we 'll need to make , or hopefully everything will fall right in line . um let 's see , minutes from the last meeting . um we looked at uh the the trends . we had uh the fashion trends that people want a fancy look-and-feel . it was twice as important as anything else . um they liked fruit and vegetables in the new styles . um and a spongy feel . so we were talking about trying to incorporate those into our prototype . um they wanted limited buttons and simplicity . um then we looked at the uh the method for coming up with our own remote . um looking at other other devices . um the ipod , we really liked the look of that . um we also had uh the kid 's remote for a simple idea . um a two part remote , which was what were were originally looking at . uh and then um there was talk of spee uh speech recognition um becoming more uh predominant and easier to use . but i think we 've still decided not to go with that . then we looked at the components um the materials for the case , the different energy sources , the different types of chips , um and made a decision on what we were going to use to make our remote . um and basically how , what were making for the prototype . so i 'm going to leave it at that and let you guys take over . user interface: the prototype discussion . project manager: the prototype yeah . do you need a this ? user interface: no . project manager: okay . industrial designer: can try to plug that in there user interface: there is our remo the banana . marketing: industrial designer: but user interface: um yeah basically we we st went with the colour yellow . um working on the principle of a fruit which was mentioned , it 's basically designed around a banana . project manager: user interface: um but it would be held in such a fashion , marketing: user interface: where it is , obviously it would n't be that floppy 'cause this would be hard plastic . these would be like the rubber , the rubber grips . so that 's so that would hopefully help with grip , or like the ergonomics of it . um but all the controlling would be done with this scroll wheel . you have to use your imagination a little bit . and this here represents the screen , where you , where you 'd go through . project manager: very nice . user interface: and the the simplest functions would be um almost identical to an ipod , where that one way ch through channels , that way th other way through channels . volume up and down . and then to access the more complicated functions you 'd you sorta go , you press that and go through the menus . it 's that that simple . that just represents the infrared uh beam . that 's a simple on and off switch . um i do n't know , we could use the voice . t that blue bits should be yellow , that that 'd be where the batteries would be i suppose . and um that 's about it . it 's as simple as you , we could make it really . industrial designer: right . user interface: is there anything you want to add ? industrial designer: that 's what we have there . that 's plastic . plastic covered with rubber . we might uh add some more underneath here . maybe give it , give it a form . i mean you 're supposed to hold it like that , but um just if you grab it , take it from somewhere , user interface: yeah . project manager: mm-hmm . industrial designer: so yeah , user interface: does n't make much make much difference . industrial designer: you have some rub yeah . user interface: you could work left-handed or right-handed i suppose . industrial designer: exactly , use both . might as well think about user interface: t the actual thing might be smaller . industrial designer: th think about the button as well . like either put either one one on either side or user interface: yeah . project manager: what but what 's that button ? industrial designer: not do it at all . it 's a quick on-off button . user interface: just the on and off . project manager: uh , 'kay . industrial designer: that 's um marketing: industrial designer: yeah i think it 's pretty important . so you do n't have to fiddle with that . project manager: 'kay . industrial designer: right ? um that 's not um project manager: industrial designer: i 'd say a bit smaller would probably be nice . you wan na play with that over there . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: there you go . user interface: it 's you know it 's flimsy 'cause it 's made out of heavy play-doh , marketing: project manager: would you like to uh industrial designer: right . user interface: but marketing: pretty impressive . project manager: well done . user interface: marketing: kind of a banana . user interface: and whether or not it would fall into the cost everything i suppose . with the scroll and the lcd . project manager: well luckily we are going to find out . or not luckily . um do you have a marketing presentation for us . industrial designer: marketing: i do . okay . you guys are gon na help me do an evaluation of the criteria . um . okay . so first i 'll just discuss some of the criteria that i found . just based on the past trend reports that i was looking at earlier . and then we 'll do a group evaluation of the prototype . and then we will calculate the average score to see how we did . um so the criteria we 're gon na be looking at are the complaints um that we heard from the users who were interviewed earlier . so we 're gon na be doing it based on a seven point scale . and one is going to mean true , that we did actually achieve that . with seven being false , we did not achieve that . . okay . so for the first one , we need to decide , did we solved the problem of the users who complained about an ugly remote ? industrial designer: . user interface: project manager: i think it 's definitely different than anything else out there . user interface: marketing: mm . user interface: yeah . project manager: so if they think that what is out there is ugly , then yes i would say , i would say most definitely . marketing: user interface: i would . project manager: it 's bright . user interface: it 's bright . it 's project manager: it still has your traditional black . user interface: it 's curved . it 's not there 's no sharp industrial designer: user interface: angles to it . project manager: yep , not angular . marketing: mm . industrial designer: i 'd say , when it comes to the ergonomics , the form and stuff , yes that 's definitely more beautiful than your average . marketing: industrial designer: however the colour , we do n't have a say in that . marketing: yeah i think the colours detract a little bit . user interface: some people might say it . yeah . industrial designer: that has been , that has been dictated pretty much by the company . project manager: mm . industrial designer: so uh to answer that honestly i would rather say like uh , we have not solved the problem completely with the ugly remote because the colour is ugly , definitely . project manager: yep . marketing: that 's true . yeah . project manager: user interface: yeah . industrial designer: 's nothing you can say about that . i mean i much prefer something like brushed chrome with that form . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: but project manager: yeah something more modern to go a a modern colour to go with the modern form . industrial designer: right . right . it 's different . you do n't want your uh three feet huge lcd dis display in your living room that 's hanging from the wall to be controlled with something like that . marketing: um okay so , do you think , since we this was a a sign criteria , do you think maybe we should put it somewhere in the middle then ? industrial designer: yeah . marketing: does that sound good ? project manager: yeah . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: marketing: what do you think ? three ? four ? project manager: i would say marketing: five ? project manager: four . industrial designer: yeah . marketing: four is fair . okay . project manager: very non-committal , four . marketing: okay , the second one . did we make it simple for new users ? industrial designer: it 's very intuitive , i think yeah . user interface: yeah . i think that was the main aim , one of the main aims that we had . industrial designer: s give it a one . marketing: one , project manager: yeah . marketing: 'kay . okay . um , do the controls now match the operating behaviour of the users ? user interface: uh yeah . 'cause we 've we 've brought it down to basically four controls most common , which are channel and volume . marketing: i 'd say that project manager: mm-hmm . industrial designer: right . user interface: and then the other ones are just a matter of just going , just scrolling further . project manager: s scrolling through and selecting a few . industrial designer: right . so that 's a one . marketing: so one ? project manager: i think that 's a one . marketing: yeah ? okay . okay um the fourth one . how about the problem of a remote being easily lost ? one of the number one complaints . industrial designer: something that big and that yellow you just do n't lose anymore . project manager: user interface: yeah . marketing: whether you want to or not , you 're not gon na lose it . user interface: it 's bright yellow . industrial designer: user interface: bright yellow 's hard to lose . but um if we were to , if we were , that , the speech recognition . that , we could maybe just use that solely for the the finding thing . that was what we 'd we 'd mentioned . project manager: so if we incorporate speech recognition into it then it could user interface: just just to use , to find it when it was lost . but like i said , like i do n't think you 'd lose something so yellow so easily . industrial designer: oops . hmm . user interface: and it 's not gon na fall , like a rectangle would slip down behind things . that 's gon na be a difficult shape to industrial designer: well what project manager: and it is quite bright and user interface: yeah . marketing: user interface: maybe in the middle again , three or four or something ? project manager: uh industrial designer: s marketing: okay . user interface: i mean you know loo losing things is one of those things that people can lose , i mean a million ways . project manager: yeah . user interface: you can pick it up and walk away with it and then you 've lost it . industrial designer: mm . marketing: that 's true . project manager: but if we do go with the , with the speech recognition , then it , then our scale goes up quite a bit i think . marketing: mm . industrial designer: oh yeah . you probably user interface: yeah . project manager: probably two . you know . if we eliminate the fact that you know it 's impossible to guarantee that it 's not gon na be lost then user interface: yeah . industrial designer: mm . project manager: i 'd say two . industrial designer: marketing: project manager: with the speech recognition , which of course may be changed depending on budget . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: y you could add an extra feature actually . which makes this thing raise hell when you remove it too far from the television . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: we could add that but that 's nothing we have thought of so far . project manager: which , which may be cheaper than speech recognition if it were just a industrial designer: yes . user interface: yeah true . but i mean d just those whistling , clapping key rings you have . they 're cheap . marketing: annoying alarm or something ? project manager: industrial designer: it 's it 's marketing: yeah . user interface: so it ca n't be that industrial designer: um the it 's based on this anti anti-theft technology for suitcases and stuff , user interface: expensive . project manager: some sort of proximity user interface: yeah . industrial designer: where you have one piece that 's attached to your luggage , another piece that starts beeping . that ca n't cost much . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: so that can also easily be integrated because these things are small enough to to hide , so you have one piece , you have to glue somewhere behind your stick it behind your tv and the other user interface: stick it on the tv . project manager: pray that you do n't accidentally lose that piece . industrial designer: right . user interface: marketing: industrial designer: that 'd be tough then . well also your remote would uh alarm you if somebody stole you t your television , yeah . ran off with it without taking the beautiful remote control . project manager: user interface: yeah . marketing: so . are we adding one of these two features ? industrial designer: let 's add one of those features and say yes . marketing: gon na say okay . project manager: okay . marketing: so we 're back to a one ? user interface: two . marketing: or a two ? project manager: two . industrial designer: two . marketing: two , 'kay . okay . are we technologically innovative ? industrial designer: uh user interface: i 'd say so . industrial designer: user interface: uh do n't get many mo remote controls with industrial designer: it 's all just user interface: screens on . industrial designer: it 's all just stolen technology when it comes down to user interface: yeah it 's stolen technology . marketing: from ipod yeah . project manager: it 's user interface: but we have . project manager: but there 's not a lot of yellow , there 's not a lotta yellow . industrial designer: right marketing: but for remotes yeah . project manager: course that was n't really industrial designer: right user interface: fa industrial designer: right right . project manager: we were kinda forced to take that colour . marketing: two ? three ? user interface: 'cause it 's stolen . project manager: i do n't know that we are that innovative , to tell you the truth . user interface: no maybe not . industrial designer: yeah not really . marketing: but how many remotes do you see like this ? user interface: project manager: if we added the screaming factor then we go up . industrial designer: marketing: not so many . industrial designer: user interface: marketing: project manager: um i would say we 're probably at four . industrial designer: right . marketing: really ? okay . that 's gon na hurt us . user interface: marketing: okay . um spongy material ? industrial designer: yeah well you have that , kind of , sort of . project manager: we have some spongy , yeah . user interface: yeah as much as as needed , i think . marketing: 'kay . industrial designer: it 's not a one though . project manager: no . industrial designer: one would be the whole thing project manager: yeah . because it 's only got what , these parts are the grips and perhaps the back side the bottom the underneath on the back . industrial designer: to fold and stuff . yeah . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: so that 's a four at most . project manager: probably a four at most . possibly even a five . marketing: and lastly , did we put the fashion in electronics ? project manager: industrial designer: y yes . user interface: yeah . marketing: i 'd say we did . project manager: if your fashion is b is carmen miranda , you betcha . industrial designer: more user interface: yeah . marketing: industrial designer: well the recent fashion is rather displayed in the in the lcd and the way you operate it than the form and the colour , user interface: on the project manager: it 's true . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: but it definitely is user interface: be what we were told , and they 'd say yeah , definitely . industrial designer: . marketing: 'kay . alright . now we just got ta calculate . six eight twelve sixteen . seventeen divided by s user interface: . project manager: seven is marketing: eight . project manager: two point marketing: project manager: two point four ? user interface: is that some long division ? no . project manager: something . marketing: well i have n't done math in years . industrial designer: marketing: what two user interface: marketing: i dunno . user interface: just , i 'm sure there 's a . marketing: okay we 'll say two point four two . right ? how does that look ? industrial designer: i 'm impressed . i ca n't do that without a calculator . user interface: no i ca n't do long marketing: it 's been a while . user interface: very impressive . project manager: and what what is the acceptable criteria ? is there like a scale that we have to hit ? marketing: oh no . they just told me to industrial designer: marketing: pick my own criteria and have you guys evaluate it basically . project manager: alright then . marketing: so that 's that . project manager: okay . well , let 's see . marketing: project manager: now we get to do the budget numbers . you did n't know that you were gon na have a budget . but we do . okay . user interface: yeah . yeah so . you 'd been going a long time dividing that . it 's two point four two eight five se it just keeps going on . marketing: oh my god . user interface: two point four two basically . marketing: okay . yeah we 'll go with that . project manager: so i have here an industrial designer: fifty percent , you 're kidding . marketing: not too shabby . project manager: yeah . industrial designer: p project manager: we want a fifty percent profit on this . oh you ca n't really see that very well . user interface: charge about three hundred quid for it . project manager: twelve and a half euros is what supposed to cost us . okay , so industrial designer: it 's too much . project manager: well let 's see . industrial designer: um project manager: the f the wonder if i can make this industrial designer: uh project manager: what the oh it wo n't let me do that . okay . alright so at top , i do n't know if you guys can read that or not . i ca n't 'cause i do n't have my glasses on , industrial designer: project manager: but so we 've got the energy source . there 's uh four , five , six categories . industrial designer: battery . project manager: we have energy source , electronics , case . then we have case material supplements , interface type , and then button supplements . okay so uh first of all energy source , we picked battery . um and how many batteries do we think this will probably take ? user interface: project manager: probably some e either two or four . industrial designer: two . project manager: two ? like it . industrial designer: at four it 's gon na be too heavy , so that that 's not our problem . people can change it every month . project manager: excellent . industrial designer: they wo n't know until after they bought it . user interface: marketing: project manager: this is consumerism . industrial designer: project manager: alright so for the electronics our choices are simpl simple chip-on-print , regular chip-on-print , advanced chip-on-print , sample sensor , sample speaker . industrial designer: . user interface: we 're advanced chip are we ? industrial designer: that 's the advanced chip-on-print , yeah . project manager: 'kay , we have one of those . 'kay then the case is a probably it 's double curved . industrial designer: double curved , yes . project manager: case materials are industrial designer: plastic . project manager: plastic . um i guess it 's two , since one for the top , one for the bottom . industrial designer: n no . project manager: is that right or is it just one ? industrial designer: no that 's just one . project manager: maybe it 's one because of the industrial designer: it 's just one mo single mould , we can do that . project manager: 'kay . user interface: yeah yeah . marketing: right . project manager: i guess it does n't matter 'cause the price on that one is zero , which is nice . industrial designer: exactly , right . marketing: oh . project manager: special colour ? industrial designer: that 's not a special colour . it 's a specially ugly colour , but it 's not special . marketing: bright yellow . project manager: interface type . we have pushbutton , scroll-wheel interface , integrated scroll-wheel pushbutton , and an lcd display . user interface: marketing: user interface: s industrial designer: s user interface: that 's yeah . project manager: so we actually have the lcd display marketing: user interface: and then project manager: and then is it the integrated or is it user interface: i 'd say the integrated . project manager: yeah . industrial designer: yes unfortunately . project manager: 'kay . button supplement ? special colour ? user interface: mm . project manager: um special form ? special material . industrial designer: we could of course make the buttons wood . project manager: user interface: marketing: industrial designer: say mahogany or so marketing: it 'd look really lovely . project manager: or titanium . industrial designer: mm-hmm or titanium . project manager: they cost us all the same . marketing: yeah . user interface: remote control . project manager: well we only have one button so really we should n't be charged , industrial designer: uh just marketing: industrial designer: project manager: we should n't be charged anything for the the button supplements . user interface: no that 's getting a bit tiny . project manager: um user interface: yeah . marketing: user interface: i 'd ignore that . marketing: leave it blank . project manager: okay . we 're gon na leave that one blank because we run on a lcd and scroll . so our total is fifteen point five . which i believe is industrial designer: yeah that 's too much . project manager: by three euros over . industrial designer: it 's hard to believe . so we 'll go for the hand dynamo huh ? project manager: user interface: marketing: project manager: so the only thing better than um a banana-shaped remote is one that you shake . user interface: if it w what if we completely took out the the one single button we 've got on . marketing: industrial designer: user interface: and just had a scroll wheel interface . and the lcd display . i suppose the lcd c_ display 's the one that 's pushing it up a bit though . project manager: yeah 'cause the marketing: project manager: well 'cause we have to have both right ? user interface: yeah . industrial designer: i mean let 's let 's face it , it also depends on the software on the on the television . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: you can have the the information that this thing transmits be being displayed on the on the screen . project manager: mm-hmm . industrial designer: so s yeah let 's take away the user interface: yeah you could maybe take out the lcd dis display even , industrial designer: yeah . yeah . user interface: if it if it comes up on the computer itsel on the tv itself . industrial designer: right . project manager: so we may not need the lcd display ? user interface: uh that is possible yeah . industrial designer: right . we may not need it . there you go . project manager: well there we go . industrial designer: perfect . project manager: twelve point five . user interface: there we go . marketing: perfect . project manager: okay . so we just remove our marketing: industrial designer: user interface: screen . marketing: project manager: screen here . user interface: make it a bigger dial . industrial designer: user interface: easier to use . even easier to use then . project manager: industrial designer: okay , the user interface: marketing: project manager: besides look at what the lcd does to our lovely remote . user interface: marketing: project manager: back to the design room boys . industrial designer: so we can just take away a heck of a lot of the marketing: user interface: marketing: . industrial designer: there you go . central ? marketing: what 's the blue part ? user interface: that was just industrial designer: oh that 's just user interface: we ran out of yellow . marketing: oh that 's the batteries . industrial designer: yeah . marketing: okay . industrial designer: there you go user interface: there you go . industrial designer: . oops . user interface: even simpler . marketing: looks more like a banana . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: there you go . user interface: for all those fruit lovers out there . industrial designer: one more criteria . project manager: marketing: project manager: okay so the costs under twelve point five euro . was no . we redesigned it . now it 's yes . user interface: yeah . marketing: project manager: next slide . project evaluation . uh project process , satisfaction with , for example , room for creativity , leadership , teamwork , means , new ideas found . um so i guess that let 's see here . i think that perhaps the project evaluation 's just supposed to be completed by me . but i 'd like to hear your thoughts . marketing: project manager: industrial designer: fair enough . user interface: marketing: trying to fill in some time there . project manager: uh h what did you think of our project process ? industrial designer: great . user interface: i think we did yeah i think we did quite well . um industrial designer: yeah . project manager: good . marketing: good teamwork . industrial designer: just half a day , you have a remote . there you go . user interface: yeah . right from the start of the day . project manager: yeah i think user interface: we sort of knew where we were going straight away i thought . project manager: we st we started off a little little weak . our leadership was quite weak in the beginning . marketing: project manager: um um marketing: project manager: but as the day went along we had more idea of what we were doing . um room for creativity ? there was that . um i think we tried a lotta different things and um i think it was um interesting as you guys brought up more um information and studies that we were right on with a lot of those things . um you guys worked together well as a team . and um the means ? which was the whiteboard and the pens . user interface: yeah . we 've used the whiteboard . industrial designer: super super . project manager: i had some problem with the pen i think , but minus your p marketing: minus your powerpoint fiasco . industrial designer: well that 's not my fault . that 's obviously the people i work for uh that work for me , marketing: no i know . i 'm project manager: well marketing: yeah . incom industrial designer: uh they 've just you know user interface: project manager: have a industrial designer: heads are gon na roll , believe me . project manager: we have a list of employees that you would like fired . user interface: marketing: user interface: industrial designer: yes yes . project manager: okay . n new ideas found ? um industrial designer: marketing: mm . kinda . project manager: yes for the remote . maybe no not f for user interface: technology used . project manager: technology . alright . closing . costs are within the budget . project is evaluated . um complete the final questionnaire and meeting summary . that 's it . user interface: excellent . project manager: and i still have to do my minutes for the last meeting . marketing: project manager: actually . um so there will probably be another questionnaire coming up . and then we 'll have to check with the main boss whether we can , what goes on after that . marketing: we might have a while though . industrial designer: . project manager: but that 's the end of our meeting . </s> [SEP]summarize the whole meeting . | firstly , project manager reviewed the overall process that the team designed the remote control that they had viewed the fashion trends and incorporated the key features . after that , user interface introduced the prototype of remote control based on the previous discussion of its function . the prototype was yellow like a banana with a simplest quick on-off button and could be used both-handed . secondly , marketing designed an evaluation test according to criteria found of the market trend as well as the customers ' complaints and the team gave one to seven points to the shape , colour , material , controls and functions of the product . thirdly , the team found that the current product exceeded the budget , so the team decided to completely discard the single button and lcd . lastly , the team gave positive feedback on the project and the process . |
how did project manager and user interface introduce the prototype of the remote control ?[SEP] <s>project manager: yep . soon as i get this . okay . this is our last meeting . um i 'll go ahead and go through the minutes from the previous meeting . uh and then we 'll have a , the prototype presentation . um then we will um do an evaluation . uh or we 'll see what , what we need to have under the criteria for the evaluation . then we 'll go through the finance and see if we fall within the budget . um then we 'll do the evaluation , and then we can finish up after that with um any changes that we 'll need to make , or hopefully everything will fall right in line . um let 's see , minutes from the last meeting . um we looked at uh the the trends . we had uh the fashion trends that people want a fancy look-and-feel . it was twice as important as anything else . um they liked fruit and vegetables in the new styles . um and a spongy feel . so we were talking about trying to incorporate those into our prototype . um they wanted limited buttons and simplicity . um then we looked at the uh the method for coming up with our own remote . um looking at other other devices . um the ipod , we really liked the look of that . um we also had uh the kid 's remote for a simple idea . um a two part remote , which was what were were originally looking at . uh and then um there was talk of spee uh speech recognition um becoming more uh predominant and easier to use . but i think we 've still decided not to go with that . then we looked at the components um the materials for the case , the different energy sources , the different types of chips , um and made a decision on what we were going to use to make our remote . um and basically how , what were making for the prototype . so i 'm going to leave it at that and let you guys take over . user interface: the prototype discussion . project manager: the prototype yeah . do you need a this ? user interface: no . project manager: okay . industrial designer: can try to plug that in there user interface: there is our remo the banana . marketing: industrial designer: but user interface: um yeah basically we we st went with the colour yellow . um working on the principle of a fruit which was mentioned , it 's basically designed around a banana . project manager: user interface: um but it would be held in such a fashion , marketing: user interface: where it is , obviously it would n't be that floppy 'cause this would be hard plastic . these would be like the rubber , the rubber grips . so that 's so that would hopefully help with grip , or like the ergonomics of it . um but all the controlling would be done with this scroll wheel . you have to use your imagination a little bit . and this here represents the screen , where you , where you 'd go through . project manager: very nice . user interface: and the the simplest functions would be um almost identical to an ipod , where that one way ch through channels , that way th other way through channels . volume up and down . and then to access the more complicated functions you 'd you sorta go , you press that and go through the menus . it 's that that simple . that just represents the infrared uh beam . that 's a simple on and off switch . um i do n't know , we could use the voice . t that blue bits should be yellow , that that 'd be where the batteries would be i suppose . and um that 's about it . it 's as simple as you , we could make it really . industrial designer: right . user interface: is there anything you want to add ? industrial designer: that 's what we have there . that 's plastic . plastic covered with rubber . we might uh add some more underneath here . maybe give it , give it a form . i mean you 're supposed to hold it like that , but um just if you grab it , take it from somewhere , user interface: yeah . project manager: mm-hmm . industrial designer: so yeah , user interface: does n't make much make much difference . industrial designer: you have some rub yeah . user interface: you could work left-handed or right-handed i suppose . industrial designer: exactly , use both . might as well think about user interface: t the actual thing might be smaller . industrial designer: th think about the button as well . like either put either one one on either side or user interface: yeah . project manager: what but what 's that button ? industrial designer: not do it at all . it 's a quick on-off button . user interface: just the on and off . project manager: uh , 'kay . industrial designer: that 's um marketing: industrial designer: yeah i think it 's pretty important . so you do n't have to fiddle with that . project manager: 'kay . industrial designer: right ? um that 's not um project manager: industrial designer: i 'd say a bit smaller would probably be nice . you wan na play with that over there . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: there you go . user interface: it 's you know it 's flimsy 'cause it 's made out of heavy play-doh , marketing: project manager: would you like to uh industrial designer: right . user interface: but marketing: pretty impressive . project manager: well done . user interface: marketing: kind of a banana . user interface: and whether or not it would fall into the cost everything i suppose . with the scroll and the lcd . project manager: well luckily we are going to find out . or not luckily . um do you have a marketing presentation for us . industrial designer: marketing: i do . okay . you guys are gon na help me do an evaluation of the criteria . um . okay . so first i 'll just discuss some of the criteria that i found . just based on the past trend reports that i was looking at earlier . and then we 'll do a group evaluation of the prototype . and then we will calculate the average score to see how we did . um so the criteria we 're gon na be looking at are the complaints um that we heard from the users who were interviewed earlier . so we 're gon na be doing it based on a seven point scale . and one is going to mean true , that we did actually achieve that . with seven being false , we did not achieve that . . okay . so for the first one , we need to decide , did we solved the problem of the users who complained about an ugly remote ? industrial designer: . user interface: project manager: i think it 's definitely different than anything else out there . user interface: marketing: mm . user interface: yeah . project manager: so if they think that what is out there is ugly , then yes i would say , i would say most definitely . marketing: user interface: i would . project manager: it 's bright . user interface: it 's bright . it 's project manager: it still has your traditional black . user interface: it 's curved . it 's not there 's no sharp industrial designer: user interface: angles to it . project manager: yep , not angular . marketing: mm . industrial designer: i 'd say , when it comes to the ergonomics , the form and stuff , yes that 's definitely more beautiful than your average . marketing: industrial designer: however the colour , we do n't have a say in that . marketing: yeah i think the colours detract a little bit . user interface: some people might say it . yeah . industrial designer: that has been , that has been dictated pretty much by the company . project manager: mm . industrial designer: so uh to answer that honestly i would rather say like uh , we have not solved the problem completely with the ugly remote because the colour is ugly , definitely . project manager: yep . marketing: that 's true . yeah . project manager: user interface: yeah . industrial designer: 's nothing you can say about that . i mean i much prefer something like brushed chrome with that form . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: but project manager: yeah something more modern to go a a modern colour to go with the modern form . industrial designer: right . right . it 's different . you do n't want your uh three feet huge lcd dis display in your living room that 's hanging from the wall to be controlled with something like that . marketing: um okay so , do you think , since we this was a a sign criteria , do you think maybe we should put it somewhere in the middle then ? industrial designer: yeah . marketing: does that sound good ? project manager: yeah . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: marketing: what do you think ? three ? four ? project manager: i would say marketing: five ? project manager: four . industrial designer: yeah . marketing: four is fair . okay . project manager: very non-committal , four . marketing: okay , the second one . did we make it simple for new users ? industrial designer: it 's very intuitive , i think yeah . user interface: yeah . i think that was the main aim , one of the main aims that we had . industrial designer: s give it a one . marketing: one , project manager: yeah . marketing: 'kay . okay . um , do the controls now match the operating behaviour of the users ? user interface: uh yeah . 'cause we 've we 've brought it down to basically four controls most common , which are channel and volume . marketing: i 'd say that project manager: mm-hmm . industrial designer: right . user interface: and then the other ones are just a matter of just going , just scrolling further . project manager: s scrolling through and selecting a few . industrial designer: right . so that 's a one . marketing: so one ? project manager: i think that 's a one . marketing: yeah ? okay . okay um the fourth one . how about the problem of a remote being easily lost ? one of the number one complaints . industrial designer: something that big and that yellow you just do n't lose anymore . project manager: user interface: yeah . marketing: whether you want to or not , you 're not gon na lose it . user interface: it 's bright yellow . industrial designer: user interface: bright yellow 's hard to lose . but um if we were to , if we were , that , the speech recognition . that , we could maybe just use that solely for the the finding thing . that was what we 'd we 'd mentioned . project manager: so if we incorporate speech recognition into it then it could user interface: just just to use , to find it when it was lost . but like i said , like i do n't think you 'd lose something so yellow so easily . industrial designer: oops . hmm . user interface: and it 's not gon na fall , like a rectangle would slip down behind things . that 's gon na be a difficult shape to industrial designer: well what project manager: and it is quite bright and user interface: yeah . marketing: user interface: maybe in the middle again , three or four or something ? project manager: uh industrial designer: s marketing: okay . user interface: i mean you know loo losing things is one of those things that people can lose , i mean a million ways . project manager: yeah . user interface: you can pick it up and walk away with it and then you 've lost it . industrial designer: mm . marketing: that 's true . project manager: but if we do go with the , with the speech recognition , then it , then our scale goes up quite a bit i think . marketing: mm . industrial designer: oh yeah . you probably user interface: yeah . project manager: probably two . you know . if we eliminate the fact that you know it 's impossible to guarantee that it 's not gon na be lost then user interface: yeah . industrial designer: mm . project manager: i 'd say two . industrial designer: marketing: project manager: with the speech recognition , which of course may be changed depending on budget . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: y you could add an extra feature actually . which makes this thing raise hell when you remove it too far from the television . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: we could add that but that 's nothing we have thought of so far . project manager: which , which may be cheaper than speech recognition if it were just a industrial designer: yes . user interface: yeah true . but i mean d just those whistling , clapping key rings you have . they 're cheap . marketing: annoying alarm or something ? project manager: industrial designer: it 's it 's marketing: yeah . user interface: so it ca n't be that industrial designer: um the it 's based on this anti anti-theft technology for suitcases and stuff , user interface: expensive . project manager: some sort of proximity user interface: yeah . industrial designer: where you have one piece that 's attached to your luggage , another piece that starts beeping . that ca n't cost much . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: so that can also easily be integrated because these things are small enough to to hide , so you have one piece , you have to glue somewhere behind your stick it behind your tv and the other user interface: stick it on the tv . project manager: pray that you do n't accidentally lose that piece . industrial designer: right . user interface: marketing: industrial designer: that 'd be tough then . well also your remote would uh alarm you if somebody stole you t your television , yeah . ran off with it without taking the beautiful remote control . project manager: user interface: yeah . marketing: so . are we adding one of these two features ? industrial designer: let 's add one of those features and say yes . marketing: gon na say okay . project manager: okay . marketing: so we 're back to a one ? user interface: two . marketing: or a two ? project manager: two . industrial designer: two . marketing: two , 'kay . okay . are we technologically innovative ? industrial designer: uh user interface: i 'd say so . industrial designer: user interface: uh do n't get many mo remote controls with industrial designer: it 's all just user interface: screens on . industrial designer: it 's all just stolen technology when it comes down to user interface: yeah it 's stolen technology . marketing: from ipod yeah . project manager: it 's user interface: but we have . project manager: but there 's not a lot of yellow , there 's not a lotta yellow . industrial designer: right marketing: but for remotes yeah . project manager: course that was n't really industrial designer: right user interface: fa industrial designer: right right . project manager: we were kinda forced to take that colour . marketing: two ? three ? user interface: 'cause it 's stolen . project manager: i do n't know that we are that innovative , to tell you the truth . user interface: no maybe not . industrial designer: yeah not really . marketing: but how many remotes do you see like this ? user interface: project manager: if we added the screaming factor then we go up . industrial designer: marketing: not so many . industrial designer: user interface: marketing: project manager: um i would say we 're probably at four . industrial designer: right . marketing: really ? okay . that 's gon na hurt us . user interface: marketing: okay . um spongy material ? industrial designer: yeah well you have that , kind of , sort of . project manager: we have some spongy , yeah . user interface: yeah as much as as needed , i think . marketing: 'kay . industrial designer: it 's not a one though . project manager: no . industrial designer: one would be the whole thing project manager: yeah . because it 's only got what , these parts are the grips and perhaps the back side the bottom the underneath on the back . industrial designer: to fold and stuff . yeah . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: so that 's a four at most . project manager: probably a four at most . possibly even a five . marketing: and lastly , did we put the fashion in electronics ? project manager: industrial designer: y yes . user interface: yeah . marketing: i 'd say we did . project manager: if your fashion is b is carmen miranda , you betcha . industrial designer: more user interface: yeah . marketing: industrial designer: well the recent fashion is rather displayed in the in the lcd and the way you operate it than the form and the colour , user interface: on the project manager: it 's true . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: but it definitely is user interface: be what we were told , and they 'd say yeah , definitely . industrial designer: . marketing: 'kay . alright . now we just got ta calculate . six eight twelve sixteen . seventeen divided by s user interface: . project manager: seven is marketing: eight . project manager: two point marketing: project manager: two point four ? user interface: is that some long division ? no . project manager: something . marketing: well i have n't done math in years . industrial designer: marketing: what two user interface: marketing: i dunno . user interface: just , i 'm sure there 's a . marketing: okay we 'll say two point four two . right ? how does that look ? industrial designer: i 'm impressed . i ca n't do that without a calculator . user interface: no i ca n't do long marketing: it 's been a while . user interface: very impressive . project manager: and what what is the acceptable criteria ? is there like a scale that we have to hit ? marketing: oh no . they just told me to industrial designer: marketing: pick my own criteria and have you guys evaluate it basically . project manager: alright then . marketing: so that 's that . project manager: okay . well , let 's see . marketing: project manager: now we get to do the budget numbers . you did n't know that you were gon na have a budget . but we do . okay . user interface: yeah . yeah so . you 'd been going a long time dividing that . it 's two point four two eight five se it just keeps going on . marketing: oh my god . user interface: two point four two basically . marketing: okay . yeah we 'll go with that . project manager: so i have here an industrial designer: fifty percent , you 're kidding . marketing: not too shabby . project manager: yeah . industrial designer: p project manager: we want a fifty percent profit on this . oh you ca n't really see that very well . user interface: charge about three hundred quid for it . project manager: twelve and a half euros is what supposed to cost us . okay , so industrial designer: it 's too much . project manager: well let 's see . industrial designer: um project manager: the f the wonder if i can make this industrial designer: uh project manager: what the oh it wo n't let me do that . okay . alright so at top , i do n't know if you guys can read that or not . i ca n't 'cause i do n't have my glasses on , industrial designer: project manager: but so we 've got the energy source . there 's uh four , five , six categories . industrial designer: battery . project manager: we have energy source , electronics , case . then we have case material supplements , interface type , and then button supplements . okay so uh first of all energy source , we picked battery . um and how many batteries do we think this will probably take ? user interface: project manager: probably some e either two or four . industrial designer: two . project manager: two ? like it . industrial designer: at four it 's gon na be too heavy , so that that 's not our problem . people can change it every month . project manager: excellent . industrial designer: they wo n't know until after they bought it . user interface: marketing: project manager: this is consumerism . industrial designer: project manager: alright so for the electronics our choices are simpl simple chip-on-print , regular chip-on-print , advanced chip-on-print , sample sensor , sample speaker . industrial designer: . user interface: we 're advanced chip are we ? industrial designer: that 's the advanced chip-on-print , yeah . project manager: 'kay , we have one of those . 'kay then the case is a probably it 's double curved . industrial designer: double curved , yes . project manager: case materials are industrial designer: plastic . project manager: plastic . um i guess it 's two , since one for the top , one for the bottom . industrial designer: n no . project manager: is that right or is it just one ? industrial designer: no that 's just one . project manager: maybe it 's one because of the industrial designer: it 's just one mo single mould , we can do that . project manager: 'kay . user interface: yeah yeah . marketing: right . project manager: i guess it does n't matter 'cause the price on that one is zero , which is nice . industrial designer: exactly , right . marketing: oh . project manager: special colour ? industrial designer: that 's not a special colour . it 's a specially ugly colour , but it 's not special . marketing: bright yellow . project manager: interface type . we have pushbutton , scroll-wheel interface , integrated scroll-wheel pushbutton , and an lcd display . user interface: marketing: user interface: s industrial designer: s user interface: that 's yeah . project manager: so we actually have the lcd display marketing: user interface: and then project manager: and then is it the integrated or is it user interface: i 'd say the integrated . project manager: yeah . industrial designer: yes unfortunately . project manager: 'kay . button supplement ? special colour ? user interface: mm . project manager: um special form ? special material . industrial designer: we could of course make the buttons wood . project manager: user interface: marketing: industrial designer: say mahogany or so marketing: it 'd look really lovely . project manager: or titanium . industrial designer: mm-hmm or titanium . project manager: they cost us all the same . marketing: yeah . user interface: remote control . project manager: well we only have one button so really we should n't be charged , industrial designer: uh just marketing: industrial designer: project manager: we should n't be charged anything for the the button supplements . user interface: no that 's getting a bit tiny . project manager: um user interface: yeah . marketing: user interface: i 'd ignore that . marketing: leave it blank . project manager: okay . we 're gon na leave that one blank because we run on a lcd and scroll . so our total is fifteen point five . which i believe is industrial designer: yeah that 's too much . project manager: by three euros over . industrial designer: it 's hard to believe . so we 'll go for the hand dynamo huh ? project manager: user interface: marketing: project manager: so the only thing better than um a banana-shaped remote is one that you shake . user interface: if it w what if we completely took out the the one single button we 've got on . marketing: industrial designer: user interface: and just had a scroll wheel interface . and the lcd display . i suppose the lcd c_ display 's the one that 's pushing it up a bit though . project manager: yeah 'cause the marketing: project manager: well 'cause we have to have both right ? user interface: yeah . industrial designer: i mean let 's let 's face it , it also depends on the software on the on the television . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: you can have the the information that this thing transmits be being displayed on the on the screen . project manager: mm-hmm . industrial designer: so s yeah let 's take away the user interface: yeah you could maybe take out the lcd dis display even , industrial designer: yeah . yeah . user interface: if it if it comes up on the computer itsel on the tv itself . industrial designer: right . project manager: so we may not need the lcd display ? user interface: uh that is possible yeah . industrial designer: right . we may not need it . there you go . project manager: well there we go . industrial designer: perfect . project manager: twelve point five . user interface: there we go . marketing: perfect . project manager: okay . so we just remove our marketing: industrial designer: user interface: screen . marketing: project manager: screen here . user interface: make it a bigger dial . industrial designer: user interface: easier to use . even easier to use then . project manager: industrial designer: okay , the user interface: marketing: project manager: besides look at what the lcd does to our lovely remote . user interface: marketing: project manager: back to the design room boys . industrial designer: so we can just take away a heck of a lot of the marketing: user interface: marketing: . industrial designer: there you go . central ? marketing: what 's the blue part ? user interface: that was just industrial designer: oh that 's just user interface: we ran out of yellow . marketing: oh that 's the batteries . industrial designer: yeah . marketing: okay . industrial designer: there you go user interface: there you go . industrial designer: . oops . user interface: even simpler . marketing: looks more like a banana . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: there you go . user interface: for all those fruit lovers out there . industrial designer: one more criteria . project manager: marketing: project manager: okay so the costs under twelve point five euro . was no . we redesigned it . now it 's yes . user interface: yeah . marketing: project manager: next slide . project evaluation . uh project process , satisfaction with , for example , room for creativity , leadership , teamwork , means , new ideas found . um so i guess that let 's see here . i think that perhaps the project evaluation 's just supposed to be completed by me . but i 'd like to hear your thoughts . marketing: project manager: industrial designer: fair enough . user interface: marketing: trying to fill in some time there . project manager: uh h what did you think of our project process ? industrial designer: great . user interface: i think we did yeah i think we did quite well . um industrial designer: yeah . project manager: good . marketing: good teamwork . industrial designer: just half a day , you have a remote . there you go . user interface: yeah . right from the start of the day . project manager: yeah i think user interface: we sort of knew where we were going straight away i thought . project manager: we st we started off a little little weak . our leadership was quite weak in the beginning . marketing: project manager: um um marketing: project manager: but as the day went along we had more idea of what we were doing . um room for creativity ? there was that . um i think we tried a lotta different things and um i think it was um interesting as you guys brought up more um information and studies that we were right on with a lot of those things . um you guys worked together well as a team . and um the means ? which was the whiteboard and the pens . user interface: yeah . we 've used the whiteboard . industrial designer: super super . project manager: i had some problem with the pen i think , but minus your p marketing: minus your powerpoint fiasco . industrial designer: well that 's not my fault . that 's obviously the people i work for uh that work for me , marketing: no i know . i 'm project manager: well marketing: yeah . incom industrial designer: uh they 've just you know user interface: project manager: have a industrial designer: heads are gon na roll , believe me . project manager: we have a list of employees that you would like fired . user interface: marketing: user interface: industrial designer: yes yes . project manager: okay . n new ideas found ? um industrial designer: marketing: mm . kinda . project manager: yes for the remote . maybe no not f for user interface: technology used . project manager: technology . alright . closing . costs are within the budget . project is evaluated . um complete the final questionnaire and meeting summary . that 's it . user interface: excellent . project manager: and i still have to do my minutes for the last meeting . marketing: project manager: actually . um so there will probably be another questionnaire coming up . and then we 'll have to check with the main boss whether we can , what goes on after that . marketing: we might have a while though . industrial designer: . project manager: but that 's the end of our meeting . </s> [SEP]how did project manager and user interface introduce the prototype of the remote control ? | project manager introduced that the prototype incorporated fashion trends that people prefer fancy looking products like fruit and vegetable . after that , user interface presented the product which looked like a banana and was bright yellow except for the blue button . the style was as simple as possible in order to fit the customers ' need for simplicity . also , the product could be curved and used both-handed with advanced chips hidden inside , which seemed quite creative and identical to ipod features . in the end , industrial designer commented that the remote control could be smaller in size . |
how did marketing design the product evaluation ?[SEP] <s>project manager: yep . soon as i get this . okay . this is our last meeting . um i 'll go ahead and go through the minutes from the previous meeting . uh and then we 'll have a , the prototype presentation . um then we will um do an evaluation . uh or we 'll see what , what we need to have under the criteria for the evaluation . then we 'll go through the finance and see if we fall within the budget . um then we 'll do the evaluation , and then we can finish up after that with um any changes that we 'll need to make , or hopefully everything will fall right in line . um let 's see , minutes from the last meeting . um we looked at uh the the trends . we had uh the fashion trends that people want a fancy look-and-feel . it was twice as important as anything else . um they liked fruit and vegetables in the new styles . um and a spongy feel . so we were talking about trying to incorporate those into our prototype . um they wanted limited buttons and simplicity . um then we looked at the uh the method for coming up with our own remote . um looking at other other devices . um the ipod , we really liked the look of that . um we also had uh the kid 's remote for a simple idea . um a two part remote , which was what were were originally looking at . uh and then um there was talk of spee uh speech recognition um becoming more uh predominant and easier to use . but i think we 've still decided not to go with that . then we looked at the components um the materials for the case , the different energy sources , the different types of chips , um and made a decision on what we were going to use to make our remote . um and basically how , what were making for the prototype . so i 'm going to leave it at that and let you guys take over . user interface: the prototype discussion . project manager: the prototype yeah . do you need a this ? user interface: no . project manager: okay . industrial designer: can try to plug that in there user interface: there is our remo the banana . marketing: industrial designer: but user interface: um yeah basically we we st went with the colour yellow . um working on the principle of a fruit which was mentioned , it 's basically designed around a banana . project manager: user interface: um but it would be held in such a fashion , marketing: user interface: where it is , obviously it would n't be that floppy 'cause this would be hard plastic . these would be like the rubber , the rubber grips . so that 's so that would hopefully help with grip , or like the ergonomics of it . um but all the controlling would be done with this scroll wheel . you have to use your imagination a little bit . and this here represents the screen , where you , where you 'd go through . project manager: very nice . user interface: and the the simplest functions would be um almost identical to an ipod , where that one way ch through channels , that way th other way through channels . volume up and down . and then to access the more complicated functions you 'd you sorta go , you press that and go through the menus . it 's that that simple . that just represents the infrared uh beam . that 's a simple on and off switch . um i do n't know , we could use the voice . t that blue bits should be yellow , that that 'd be where the batteries would be i suppose . and um that 's about it . it 's as simple as you , we could make it really . industrial designer: right . user interface: is there anything you want to add ? industrial designer: that 's what we have there . that 's plastic . plastic covered with rubber . we might uh add some more underneath here . maybe give it , give it a form . i mean you 're supposed to hold it like that , but um just if you grab it , take it from somewhere , user interface: yeah . project manager: mm-hmm . industrial designer: so yeah , user interface: does n't make much make much difference . industrial designer: you have some rub yeah . user interface: you could work left-handed or right-handed i suppose . industrial designer: exactly , use both . might as well think about user interface: t the actual thing might be smaller . industrial designer: th think about the button as well . like either put either one one on either side or user interface: yeah . project manager: what but what 's that button ? industrial designer: not do it at all . it 's a quick on-off button . user interface: just the on and off . project manager: uh , 'kay . industrial designer: that 's um marketing: industrial designer: yeah i think it 's pretty important . so you do n't have to fiddle with that . project manager: 'kay . industrial designer: right ? um that 's not um project manager: industrial designer: i 'd say a bit smaller would probably be nice . you wan na play with that over there . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: there you go . user interface: it 's you know it 's flimsy 'cause it 's made out of heavy play-doh , marketing: project manager: would you like to uh industrial designer: right . user interface: but marketing: pretty impressive . project manager: well done . user interface: marketing: kind of a banana . user interface: and whether or not it would fall into the cost everything i suppose . with the scroll and the lcd . project manager: well luckily we are going to find out . or not luckily . um do you have a marketing presentation for us . industrial designer: marketing: i do . okay . you guys are gon na help me do an evaluation of the criteria . um . okay . so first i 'll just discuss some of the criteria that i found . just based on the past trend reports that i was looking at earlier . and then we 'll do a group evaluation of the prototype . and then we will calculate the average score to see how we did . um so the criteria we 're gon na be looking at are the complaints um that we heard from the users who were interviewed earlier . so we 're gon na be doing it based on a seven point scale . and one is going to mean true , that we did actually achieve that . with seven being false , we did not achieve that . . okay . so for the first one , we need to decide , did we solved the problem of the users who complained about an ugly remote ? industrial designer: . user interface: project manager: i think it 's definitely different than anything else out there . user interface: marketing: mm . user interface: yeah . project manager: so if they think that what is out there is ugly , then yes i would say , i would say most definitely . marketing: user interface: i would . project manager: it 's bright . user interface: it 's bright . it 's project manager: it still has your traditional black . user interface: it 's curved . it 's not there 's no sharp industrial designer: user interface: angles to it . project manager: yep , not angular . marketing: mm . industrial designer: i 'd say , when it comes to the ergonomics , the form and stuff , yes that 's definitely more beautiful than your average . marketing: industrial designer: however the colour , we do n't have a say in that . marketing: yeah i think the colours detract a little bit . user interface: some people might say it . yeah . industrial designer: that has been , that has been dictated pretty much by the company . project manager: mm . industrial designer: so uh to answer that honestly i would rather say like uh , we have not solved the problem completely with the ugly remote because the colour is ugly , definitely . project manager: yep . marketing: that 's true . yeah . project manager: user interface: yeah . industrial designer: 's nothing you can say about that . i mean i much prefer something like brushed chrome with that form . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: but project manager: yeah something more modern to go a a modern colour to go with the modern form . industrial designer: right . right . it 's different . you do n't want your uh three feet huge lcd dis display in your living room that 's hanging from the wall to be controlled with something like that . marketing: um okay so , do you think , since we this was a a sign criteria , do you think maybe we should put it somewhere in the middle then ? industrial designer: yeah . marketing: does that sound good ? project manager: yeah . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: marketing: what do you think ? three ? four ? project manager: i would say marketing: five ? project manager: four . industrial designer: yeah . marketing: four is fair . okay . project manager: very non-committal , four . marketing: okay , the second one . did we make it simple for new users ? industrial designer: it 's very intuitive , i think yeah . user interface: yeah . i think that was the main aim , one of the main aims that we had . industrial designer: s give it a one . marketing: one , project manager: yeah . marketing: 'kay . okay . um , do the controls now match the operating behaviour of the users ? user interface: uh yeah . 'cause we 've we 've brought it down to basically four controls most common , which are channel and volume . marketing: i 'd say that project manager: mm-hmm . industrial designer: right . user interface: and then the other ones are just a matter of just going , just scrolling further . project manager: s scrolling through and selecting a few . industrial designer: right . so that 's a one . marketing: so one ? project manager: i think that 's a one . marketing: yeah ? okay . okay um the fourth one . how about the problem of a remote being easily lost ? one of the number one complaints . industrial designer: something that big and that yellow you just do n't lose anymore . project manager: user interface: yeah . marketing: whether you want to or not , you 're not gon na lose it . user interface: it 's bright yellow . industrial designer: user interface: bright yellow 's hard to lose . but um if we were to , if we were , that , the speech recognition . that , we could maybe just use that solely for the the finding thing . that was what we 'd we 'd mentioned . project manager: so if we incorporate speech recognition into it then it could user interface: just just to use , to find it when it was lost . but like i said , like i do n't think you 'd lose something so yellow so easily . industrial designer: oops . hmm . user interface: and it 's not gon na fall , like a rectangle would slip down behind things . that 's gon na be a difficult shape to industrial designer: well what project manager: and it is quite bright and user interface: yeah . marketing: user interface: maybe in the middle again , three or four or something ? project manager: uh industrial designer: s marketing: okay . user interface: i mean you know loo losing things is one of those things that people can lose , i mean a million ways . project manager: yeah . user interface: you can pick it up and walk away with it and then you 've lost it . industrial designer: mm . marketing: that 's true . project manager: but if we do go with the , with the speech recognition , then it , then our scale goes up quite a bit i think . marketing: mm . industrial designer: oh yeah . you probably user interface: yeah . project manager: probably two . you know . if we eliminate the fact that you know it 's impossible to guarantee that it 's not gon na be lost then user interface: yeah . industrial designer: mm . project manager: i 'd say two . industrial designer: marketing: project manager: with the speech recognition , which of course may be changed depending on budget . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: y you could add an extra feature actually . which makes this thing raise hell when you remove it too far from the television . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: we could add that but that 's nothing we have thought of so far . project manager: which , which may be cheaper than speech recognition if it were just a industrial designer: yes . user interface: yeah true . but i mean d just those whistling , clapping key rings you have . they 're cheap . marketing: annoying alarm or something ? project manager: industrial designer: it 's it 's marketing: yeah . user interface: so it ca n't be that industrial designer: um the it 's based on this anti anti-theft technology for suitcases and stuff , user interface: expensive . project manager: some sort of proximity user interface: yeah . industrial designer: where you have one piece that 's attached to your luggage , another piece that starts beeping . that ca n't cost much . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: so that can also easily be integrated because these things are small enough to to hide , so you have one piece , you have to glue somewhere behind your stick it behind your tv and the other user interface: stick it on the tv . project manager: pray that you do n't accidentally lose that piece . industrial designer: right . user interface: marketing: industrial designer: that 'd be tough then . well also your remote would uh alarm you if somebody stole you t your television , yeah . ran off with it without taking the beautiful remote control . project manager: user interface: yeah . marketing: so . are we adding one of these two features ? industrial designer: let 's add one of those features and say yes . marketing: gon na say okay . project manager: okay . marketing: so we 're back to a one ? user interface: two . marketing: or a two ? project manager: two . industrial designer: two . marketing: two , 'kay . okay . are we technologically innovative ? industrial designer: uh user interface: i 'd say so . industrial designer: user interface: uh do n't get many mo remote controls with industrial designer: it 's all just user interface: screens on . industrial designer: it 's all just stolen technology when it comes down to user interface: yeah it 's stolen technology . marketing: from ipod yeah . project manager: it 's user interface: but we have . project manager: but there 's not a lot of yellow , there 's not a lotta yellow . industrial designer: right marketing: but for remotes yeah . project manager: course that was n't really industrial designer: right user interface: fa industrial designer: right right . project manager: we were kinda forced to take that colour . marketing: two ? three ? user interface: 'cause it 's stolen . project manager: i do n't know that we are that innovative , to tell you the truth . user interface: no maybe not . industrial designer: yeah not really . marketing: but how many remotes do you see like this ? user interface: project manager: if we added the screaming factor then we go up . industrial designer: marketing: not so many . industrial designer: user interface: marketing: project manager: um i would say we 're probably at four . industrial designer: right . marketing: really ? okay . that 's gon na hurt us . user interface: marketing: okay . um spongy material ? industrial designer: yeah well you have that , kind of , sort of . project manager: we have some spongy , yeah . user interface: yeah as much as as needed , i think . marketing: 'kay . industrial designer: it 's not a one though . project manager: no . industrial designer: one would be the whole thing project manager: yeah . because it 's only got what , these parts are the grips and perhaps the back side the bottom the underneath on the back . industrial designer: to fold and stuff . yeah . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: so that 's a four at most . project manager: probably a four at most . possibly even a five . marketing: and lastly , did we put the fashion in electronics ? project manager: industrial designer: y yes . user interface: yeah . marketing: i 'd say we did . project manager: if your fashion is b is carmen miranda , you betcha . industrial designer: more user interface: yeah . marketing: industrial designer: well the recent fashion is rather displayed in the in the lcd and the way you operate it than the form and the colour , user interface: on the project manager: it 's true . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: but it definitely is user interface: be what we were told , and they 'd say yeah , definitely . industrial designer: . marketing: 'kay . alright . now we just got ta calculate . six eight twelve sixteen . seventeen divided by s user interface: . project manager: seven is marketing: eight . project manager: two point marketing: project manager: two point four ? user interface: is that some long division ? no . project manager: something . marketing: well i have n't done math in years . industrial designer: marketing: what two user interface: marketing: i dunno . user interface: just , i 'm sure there 's a . marketing: okay we 'll say two point four two . right ? how does that look ? industrial designer: i 'm impressed . i ca n't do that without a calculator . user interface: no i ca n't do long marketing: it 's been a while . user interface: very impressive . project manager: and what what is the acceptable criteria ? is there like a scale that we have to hit ? marketing: oh no . they just told me to industrial designer: marketing: pick my own criteria and have you guys evaluate it basically . project manager: alright then . marketing: so that 's that . project manager: okay . well , let 's see . marketing: project manager: now we get to do the budget numbers . you did n't know that you were gon na have a budget . but we do . okay . user interface: yeah . yeah so . you 'd been going a long time dividing that . it 's two point four two eight five se it just keeps going on . marketing: oh my god . user interface: two point four two basically . marketing: okay . yeah we 'll go with that . project manager: so i have here an industrial designer: fifty percent , you 're kidding . marketing: not too shabby . project manager: yeah . industrial designer: p project manager: we want a fifty percent profit on this . oh you ca n't really see that very well . user interface: charge about three hundred quid for it . project manager: twelve and a half euros is what supposed to cost us . okay , so industrial designer: it 's too much . project manager: well let 's see . industrial designer: um project manager: the f the wonder if i can make this industrial designer: uh project manager: what the oh it wo n't let me do that . okay . alright so at top , i do n't know if you guys can read that or not . i ca n't 'cause i do n't have my glasses on , industrial designer: project manager: but so we 've got the energy source . there 's uh four , five , six categories . industrial designer: battery . project manager: we have energy source , electronics , case . then we have case material supplements , interface type , and then button supplements . okay so uh first of all energy source , we picked battery . um and how many batteries do we think this will probably take ? user interface: project manager: probably some e either two or four . industrial designer: two . project manager: two ? like it . industrial designer: at four it 's gon na be too heavy , so that that 's not our problem . people can change it every month . project manager: excellent . industrial designer: they wo n't know until after they bought it . user interface: marketing: project manager: this is consumerism . industrial designer: project manager: alright so for the electronics our choices are simpl simple chip-on-print , regular chip-on-print , advanced chip-on-print , sample sensor , sample speaker . industrial designer: . user interface: we 're advanced chip are we ? industrial designer: that 's the advanced chip-on-print , yeah . project manager: 'kay , we have one of those . 'kay then the case is a probably it 's double curved . industrial designer: double curved , yes . project manager: case materials are industrial designer: plastic . project manager: plastic . um i guess it 's two , since one for the top , one for the bottom . industrial designer: n no . project manager: is that right or is it just one ? industrial designer: no that 's just one . project manager: maybe it 's one because of the industrial designer: it 's just one mo single mould , we can do that . project manager: 'kay . user interface: yeah yeah . marketing: right . project manager: i guess it does n't matter 'cause the price on that one is zero , which is nice . industrial designer: exactly , right . marketing: oh . project manager: special colour ? industrial designer: that 's not a special colour . it 's a specially ugly colour , but it 's not special . marketing: bright yellow . project manager: interface type . we have pushbutton , scroll-wheel interface , integrated scroll-wheel pushbutton , and an lcd display . user interface: marketing: user interface: s industrial designer: s user interface: that 's yeah . project manager: so we actually have the lcd display marketing: user interface: and then project manager: and then is it the integrated or is it user interface: i 'd say the integrated . project manager: yeah . industrial designer: yes unfortunately . project manager: 'kay . button supplement ? special colour ? user interface: mm . project manager: um special form ? special material . industrial designer: we could of course make the buttons wood . project manager: user interface: marketing: industrial designer: say mahogany or so marketing: it 'd look really lovely . project manager: or titanium . industrial designer: mm-hmm or titanium . project manager: they cost us all the same . marketing: yeah . user interface: remote control . project manager: well we only have one button so really we should n't be charged , industrial designer: uh just marketing: industrial designer: project manager: we should n't be charged anything for the the button supplements . user interface: no that 's getting a bit tiny . project manager: um user interface: yeah . marketing: user interface: i 'd ignore that . marketing: leave it blank . project manager: okay . we 're gon na leave that one blank because we run on a lcd and scroll . so our total is fifteen point five . which i believe is industrial designer: yeah that 's too much . project manager: by three euros over . industrial designer: it 's hard to believe . so we 'll go for the hand dynamo huh ? project manager: user interface: marketing: project manager: so the only thing better than um a banana-shaped remote is one that you shake . user interface: if it w what if we completely took out the the one single button we 've got on . marketing: industrial designer: user interface: and just had a scroll wheel interface . and the lcd display . i suppose the lcd c_ display 's the one that 's pushing it up a bit though . project manager: yeah 'cause the marketing: project manager: well 'cause we have to have both right ? user interface: yeah . industrial designer: i mean let 's let 's face it , it also depends on the software on the on the television . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: you can have the the information that this thing transmits be being displayed on the on the screen . project manager: mm-hmm . industrial designer: so s yeah let 's take away the user interface: yeah you could maybe take out the lcd dis display even , industrial designer: yeah . yeah . user interface: if it if it comes up on the computer itsel on the tv itself . industrial designer: right . project manager: so we may not need the lcd display ? user interface: uh that is possible yeah . industrial designer: right . we may not need it . there you go . project manager: well there we go . industrial designer: perfect . project manager: twelve point five . user interface: there we go . marketing: perfect . project manager: okay . so we just remove our marketing: industrial designer: user interface: screen . marketing: project manager: screen here . user interface: make it a bigger dial . industrial designer: user interface: easier to use . even easier to use then . project manager: industrial designer: okay , the user interface: marketing: project manager: besides look at what the lcd does to our lovely remote . user interface: marketing: project manager: back to the design room boys . industrial designer: so we can just take away a heck of a lot of the marketing: user interface: marketing: . industrial designer: there you go . central ? marketing: what 's the blue part ? user interface: that was just industrial designer: oh that 's just user interface: we ran out of yellow . marketing: oh that 's the batteries . industrial designer: yeah . marketing: okay . industrial designer: there you go user interface: there you go . industrial designer: . oops . user interface: even simpler . marketing: looks more like a banana . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: there you go . user interface: for all those fruit lovers out there . industrial designer: one more criteria . project manager: marketing: project manager: okay so the costs under twelve point five euro . was no . we redesigned it . now it 's yes . user interface: yeah . marketing: project manager: next slide . project evaluation . uh project process , satisfaction with , for example , room for creativity , leadership , teamwork , means , new ideas found . um so i guess that let 's see here . i think that perhaps the project evaluation 's just supposed to be completed by me . but i 'd like to hear your thoughts . marketing: project manager: industrial designer: fair enough . user interface: marketing: trying to fill in some time there . project manager: uh h what did you think of our project process ? industrial designer: great . user interface: i think we did yeah i think we did quite well . um industrial designer: yeah . project manager: good . marketing: good teamwork . industrial designer: just half a day , you have a remote . there you go . user interface: yeah . right from the start of the day . project manager: yeah i think user interface: we sort of knew where we were going straight away i thought . project manager: we st we started off a little little weak . our leadership was quite weak in the beginning . marketing: project manager: um um marketing: project manager: but as the day went along we had more idea of what we were doing . um room for creativity ? there was that . um i think we tried a lotta different things and um i think it was um interesting as you guys brought up more um information and studies that we were right on with a lot of those things . um you guys worked together well as a team . and um the means ? which was the whiteboard and the pens . user interface: yeah . we 've used the whiteboard . industrial designer: super super . project manager: i had some problem with the pen i think , but minus your p marketing: minus your powerpoint fiasco . industrial designer: well that 's not my fault . that 's obviously the people i work for uh that work for me , marketing: no i know . i 'm project manager: well marketing: yeah . incom industrial designer: uh they 've just you know user interface: project manager: have a industrial designer: heads are gon na roll , believe me . project manager: we have a list of employees that you would like fired . user interface: marketing: user interface: industrial designer: yes yes . project manager: okay . n new ideas found ? um industrial designer: marketing: mm . kinda . project manager: yes for the remote . maybe no not f for user interface: technology used . project manager: technology . alright . closing . costs are within the budget . project is evaluated . um complete the final questionnaire and meeting summary . that 's it . user interface: excellent . project manager: and i still have to do my minutes for the last meeting . marketing: project manager: actually . um so there will probably be another questionnaire coming up . and then we 'll have to check with the main boss whether we can , what goes on after that . marketing: we might have a while though . industrial designer: . project manager: but that 's the end of our meeting . </s> [SEP]how did marketing design the product evaluation ? | marketing had some evaluation criteria in mind , based on previous marketing strategy , on the latest trends , and on user preferences . the team should figure out whether their product could solve the complaints of the ugly remote control . there was a seven-point scale rating for each criterion . the team would give comments to each feature listed and agree on the final rating . |
what did the team discuss during the product evaluation about its feature to solve customers ' concerns ?[SEP] <s>project manager: yep . soon as i get this . okay . this is our last meeting . um i 'll go ahead and go through the minutes from the previous meeting . uh and then we 'll have a , the prototype presentation . um then we will um do an evaluation . uh or we 'll see what , what we need to have under the criteria for the evaluation . then we 'll go through the finance and see if we fall within the budget . um then we 'll do the evaluation , and then we can finish up after that with um any changes that we 'll need to make , or hopefully everything will fall right in line . um let 's see , minutes from the last meeting . um we looked at uh the the trends . we had uh the fashion trends that people want a fancy look-and-feel . it was twice as important as anything else . um they liked fruit and vegetables in the new styles . um and a spongy feel . so we were talking about trying to incorporate those into our prototype . um they wanted limited buttons and simplicity . um then we looked at the uh the method for coming up with our own remote . um looking at other other devices . um the ipod , we really liked the look of that . um we also had uh the kid 's remote for a simple idea . um a two part remote , which was what were were originally looking at . uh and then um there was talk of spee uh speech recognition um becoming more uh predominant and easier to use . but i think we 've still decided not to go with that . then we looked at the components um the materials for the case , the different energy sources , the different types of chips , um and made a decision on what we were going to use to make our remote . um and basically how , what were making for the prototype . so i 'm going to leave it at that and let you guys take over . user interface: the prototype discussion . project manager: the prototype yeah . do you need a this ? user interface: no . project manager: okay . industrial designer: can try to plug that in there user interface: there is our remo the banana . marketing: industrial designer: but user interface: um yeah basically we we st went with the colour yellow . um working on the principle of a fruit which was mentioned , it 's basically designed around a banana . project manager: user interface: um but it would be held in such a fashion , marketing: user interface: where it is , obviously it would n't be that floppy 'cause this would be hard plastic . these would be like the rubber , the rubber grips . so that 's so that would hopefully help with grip , or like the ergonomics of it . um but all the controlling would be done with this scroll wheel . you have to use your imagination a little bit . and this here represents the screen , where you , where you 'd go through . project manager: very nice . user interface: and the the simplest functions would be um almost identical to an ipod , where that one way ch through channels , that way th other way through channels . volume up and down . and then to access the more complicated functions you 'd you sorta go , you press that and go through the menus . it 's that that simple . that just represents the infrared uh beam . that 's a simple on and off switch . um i do n't know , we could use the voice . t that blue bits should be yellow , that that 'd be where the batteries would be i suppose . and um that 's about it . it 's as simple as you , we could make it really . industrial designer: right . user interface: is there anything you want to add ? industrial designer: that 's what we have there . that 's plastic . plastic covered with rubber . we might uh add some more underneath here . maybe give it , give it a form . i mean you 're supposed to hold it like that , but um just if you grab it , take it from somewhere , user interface: yeah . project manager: mm-hmm . industrial designer: so yeah , user interface: does n't make much make much difference . industrial designer: you have some rub yeah . user interface: you could work left-handed or right-handed i suppose . industrial designer: exactly , use both . might as well think about user interface: t the actual thing might be smaller . industrial designer: th think about the button as well . like either put either one one on either side or user interface: yeah . project manager: what but what 's that button ? industrial designer: not do it at all . it 's a quick on-off button . user interface: just the on and off . project manager: uh , 'kay . industrial designer: that 's um marketing: industrial designer: yeah i think it 's pretty important . so you do n't have to fiddle with that . project manager: 'kay . industrial designer: right ? um that 's not um project manager: industrial designer: i 'd say a bit smaller would probably be nice . you wan na play with that over there . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: there you go . user interface: it 's you know it 's flimsy 'cause it 's made out of heavy play-doh , marketing: project manager: would you like to uh industrial designer: right . user interface: but marketing: pretty impressive . project manager: well done . user interface: marketing: kind of a banana . user interface: and whether or not it would fall into the cost everything i suppose . with the scroll and the lcd . project manager: well luckily we are going to find out . or not luckily . um do you have a marketing presentation for us . industrial designer: marketing: i do . okay . you guys are gon na help me do an evaluation of the criteria . um . okay . so first i 'll just discuss some of the criteria that i found . just based on the past trend reports that i was looking at earlier . and then we 'll do a group evaluation of the prototype . and then we will calculate the average score to see how we did . um so the criteria we 're gon na be looking at are the complaints um that we heard from the users who were interviewed earlier . so we 're gon na be doing it based on a seven point scale . and one is going to mean true , that we did actually achieve that . with seven being false , we did not achieve that . . okay . so for the first one , we need to decide , did we solved the problem of the users who complained about an ugly remote ? industrial designer: . user interface: project manager: i think it 's definitely different than anything else out there . user interface: marketing: mm . user interface: yeah . project manager: so if they think that what is out there is ugly , then yes i would say , i would say most definitely . marketing: user interface: i would . project manager: it 's bright . user interface: it 's bright . it 's project manager: it still has your traditional black . user interface: it 's curved . it 's not there 's no sharp industrial designer: user interface: angles to it . project manager: yep , not angular . marketing: mm . industrial designer: i 'd say , when it comes to the ergonomics , the form and stuff , yes that 's definitely more beautiful than your average . marketing: industrial designer: however the colour , we do n't have a say in that . marketing: yeah i think the colours detract a little bit . user interface: some people might say it . yeah . industrial designer: that has been , that has been dictated pretty much by the company . project manager: mm . industrial designer: so uh to answer that honestly i would rather say like uh , we have not solved the problem completely with the ugly remote because the colour is ugly , definitely . project manager: yep . marketing: that 's true . yeah . project manager: user interface: yeah . industrial designer: 's nothing you can say about that . i mean i much prefer something like brushed chrome with that form . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: but project manager: yeah something more modern to go a a modern colour to go with the modern form . industrial designer: right . right . it 's different . you do n't want your uh three feet huge lcd dis display in your living room that 's hanging from the wall to be controlled with something like that . marketing: um okay so , do you think , since we this was a a sign criteria , do you think maybe we should put it somewhere in the middle then ? industrial designer: yeah . marketing: does that sound good ? project manager: yeah . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: marketing: what do you think ? three ? four ? project manager: i would say marketing: five ? project manager: four . industrial designer: yeah . marketing: four is fair . okay . project manager: very non-committal , four . marketing: okay , the second one . did we make it simple for new users ? industrial designer: it 's very intuitive , i think yeah . user interface: yeah . i think that was the main aim , one of the main aims that we had . industrial designer: s give it a one . marketing: one , project manager: yeah . marketing: 'kay . okay . um , do the controls now match the operating behaviour of the users ? user interface: uh yeah . 'cause we 've we 've brought it down to basically four controls most common , which are channel and volume . marketing: i 'd say that project manager: mm-hmm . industrial designer: right . user interface: and then the other ones are just a matter of just going , just scrolling further . project manager: s scrolling through and selecting a few . industrial designer: right . so that 's a one . marketing: so one ? project manager: i think that 's a one . marketing: yeah ? okay . okay um the fourth one . how about the problem of a remote being easily lost ? one of the number one complaints . industrial designer: something that big and that yellow you just do n't lose anymore . project manager: user interface: yeah . marketing: whether you want to or not , you 're not gon na lose it . user interface: it 's bright yellow . industrial designer: user interface: bright yellow 's hard to lose . but um if we were to , if we were , that , the speech recognition . that , we could maybe just use that solely for the the finding thing . that was what we 'd we 'd mentioned . project manager: so if we incorporate speech recognition into it then it could user interface: just just to use , to find it when it was lost . but like i said , like i do n't think you 'd lose something so yellow so easily . industrial designer: oops . hmm . user interface: and it 's not gon na fall , like a rectangle would slip down behind things . that 's gon na be a difficult shape to industrial designer: well what project manager: and it is quite bright and user interface: yeah . marketing: user interface: maybe in the middle again , three or four or something ? project manager: uh industrial designer: s marketing: okay . user interface: i mean you know loo losing things is one of those things that people can lose , i mean a million ways . project manager: yeah . user interface: you can pick it up and walk away with it and then you 've lost it . industrial designer: mm . marketing: that 's true . project manager: but if we do go with the , with the speech recognition , then it , then our scale goes up quite a bit i think . marketing: mm . industrial designer: oh yeah . you probably user interface: yeah . project manager: probably two . you know . if we eliminate the fact that you know it 's impossible to guarantee that it 's not gon na be lost then user interface: yeah . industrial designer: mm . project manager: i 'd say two . industrial designer: marketing: project manager: with the speech recognition , which of course may be changed depending on budget . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: y you could add an extra feature actually . which makes this thing raise hell when you remove it too far from the television . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: we could add that but that 's nothing we have thought of so far . project manager: which , which may be cheaper than speech recognition if it were just a industrial designer: yes . user interface: yeah true . but i mean d just those whistling , clapping key rings you have . they 're cheap . marketing: annoying alarm or something ? project manager: industrial designer: it 's it 's marketing: yeah . user interface: so it ca n't be that industrial designer: um the it 's based on this anti anti-theft technology for suitcases and stuff , user interface: expensive . project manager: some sort of proximity user interface: yeah . industrial designer: where you have one piece that 's attached to your luggage , another piece that starts beeping . that ca n't cost much . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: so that can also easily be integrated because these things are small enough to to hide , so you have one piece , you have to glue somewhere behind your stick it behind your tv and the other user interface: stick it on the tv . project manager: pray that you do n't accidentally lose that piece . industrial designer: right . user interface: marketing: industrial designer: that 'd be tough then . well also your remote would uh alarm you if somebody stole you t your television , yeah . ran off with it without taking the beautiful remote control . project manager: user interface: yeah . marketing: so . are we adding one of these two features ? industrial designer: let 's add one of those features and say yes . marketing: gon na say okay . project manager: okay . marketing: so we 're back to a one ? user interface: two . marketing: or a two ? project manager: two . industrial designer: two . marketing: two , 'kay . okay . are we technologically innovative ? industrial designer: uh user interface: i 'd say so . industrial designer: user interface: uh do n't get many mo remote controls with industrial designer: it 's all just user interface: screens on . industrial designer: it 's all just stolen technology when it comes down to user interface: yeah it 's stolen technology . marketing: from ipod yeah . project manager: it 's user interface: but we have . project manager: but there 's not a lot of yellow , there 's not a lotta yellow . industrial designer: right marketing: but for remotes yeah . project manager: course that was n't really industrial designer: right user interface: fa industrial designer: right right . project manager: we were kinda forced to take that colour . marketing: two ? three ? user interface: 'cause it 's stolen . project manager: i do n't know that we are that innovative , to tell you the truth . user interface: no maybe not . industrial designer: yeah not really . marketing: but how many remotes do you see like this ? user interface: project manager: if we added the screaming factor then we go up . industrial designer: marketing: not so many . industrial designer: user interface: marketing: project manager: um i would say we 're probably at four . industrial designer: right . marketing: really ? okay . that 's gon na hurt us . user interface: marketing: okay . um spongy material ? industrial designer: yeah well you have that , kind of , sort of . project manager: we have some spongy , yeah . user interface: yeah as much as as needed , i think . marketing: 'kay . industrial designer: it 's not a one though . project manager: no . industrial designer: one would be the whole thing project manager: yeah . because it 's only got what , these parts are the grips and perhaps the back side the bottom the underneath on the back . industrial designer: to fold and stuff . yeah . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: so that 's a four at most . project manager: probably a four at most . possibly even a five . marketing: and lastly , did we put the fashion in electronics ? project manager: industrial designer: y yes . user interface: yeah . marketing: i 'd say we did . project manager: if your fashion is b is carmen miranda , you betcha . industrial designer: more user interface: yeah . marketing: industrial designer: well the recent fashion is rather displayed in the in the lcd and the way you operate it than the form and the colour , user interface: on the project manager: it 's true . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: but it definitely is user interface: be what we were told , and they 'd say yeah , definitely . industrial designer: . marketing: 'kay . alright . now we just got ta calculate . six eight twelve sixteen . seventeen divided by s user interface: . project manager: seven is marketing: eight . project manager: two point marketing: project manager: two point four ? user interface: is that some long division ? no . project manager: something . marketing: well i have n't done math in years . industrial designer: marketing: what two user interface: marketing: i dunno . user interface: just , i 'm sure there 's a . marketing: okay we 'll say two point four two . right ? how does that look ? industrial designer: i 'm impressed . i ca n't do that without a calculator . user interface: no i ca n't do long marketing: it 's been a while . user interface: very impressive . project manager: and what what is the acceptable criteria ? is there like a scale that we have to hit ? marketing: oh no . they just told me to industrial designer: marketing: pick my own criteria and have you guys evaluate it basically . project manager: alright then . marketing: so that 's that . project manager: okay . well , let 's see . marketing: project manager: now we get to do the budget numbers . you did n't know that you were gon na have a budget . but we do . okay . user interface: yeah . yeah so . you 'd been going a long time dividing that . it 's two point four two eight five se it just keeps going on . marketing: oh my god . user interface: two point four two basically . marketing: okay . yeah we 'll go with that . project manager: so i have here an industrial designer: fifty percent , you 're kidding . marketing: not too shabby . project manager: yeah . industrial designer: p project manager: we want a fifty percent profit on this . oh you ca n't really see that very well . user interface: charge about three hundred quid for it . project manager: twelve and a half euros is what supposed to cost us . okay , so industrial designer: it 's too much . project manager: well let 's see . industrial designer: um project manager: the f the wonder if i can make this industrial designer: uh project manager: what the oh it wo n't let me do that . okay . alright so at top , i do n't know if you guys can read that or not . i ca n't 'cause i do n't have my glasses on , industrial designer: project manager: but so we 've got the energy source . there 's uh four , five , six categories . industrial designer: battery . project manager: we have energy source , electronics , case . then we have case material supplements , interface type , and then button supplements . okay so uh first of all energy source , we picked battery . um and how many batteries do we think this will probably take ? user interface: project manager: probably some e either two or four . industrial designer: two . project manager: two ? like it . industrial designer: at four it 's gon na be too heavy , so that that 's not our problem . people can change it every month . project manager: excellent . industrial designer: they wo n't know until after they bought it . user interface: marketing: project manager: this is consumerism . industrial designer: project manager: alright so for the electronics our choices are simpl simple chip-on-print , regular chip-on-print , advanced chip-on-print , sample sensor , sample speaker . industrial designer: . user interface: we 're advanced chip are we ? industrial designer: that 's the advanced chip-on-print , yeah . project manager: 'kay , we have one of those . 'kay then the case is a probably it 's double curved . industrial designer: double curved , yes . project manager: case materials are industrial designer: plastic . project manager: plastic . um i guess it 's two , since one for the top , one for the bottom . industrial designer: n no . project manager: is that right or is it just one ? industrial designer: no that 's just one . project manager: maybe it 's one because of the industrial designer: it 's just one mo single mould , we can do that . project manager: 'kay . user interface: yeah yeah . marketing: right . project manager: i guess it does n't matter 'cause the price on that one is zero , which is nice . industrial designer: exactly , right . marketing: oh . project manager: special colour ? industrial designer: that 's not a special colour . it 's a specially ugly colour , but it 's not special . marketing: bright yellow . project manager: interface type . we have pushbutton , scroll-wheel interface , integrated scroll-wheel pushbutton , and an lcd display . user interface: marketing: user interface: s industrial designer: s user interface: that 's yeah . project manager: so we actually have the lcd display marketing: user interface: and then project manager: and then is it the integrated or is it user interface: i 'd say the integrated . project manager: yeah . industrial designer: yes unfortunately . project manager: 'kay . button supplement ? special colour ? user interface: mm . project manager: um special form ? special material . industrial designer: we could of course make the buttons wood . project manager: user interface: marketing: industrial designer: say mahogany or so marketing: it 'd look really lovely . project manager: or titanium . industrial designer: mm-hmm or titanium . project manager: they cost us all the same . marketing: yeah . user interface: remote control . project manager: well we only have one button so really we should n't be charged , industrial designer: uh just marketing: industrial designer: project manager: we should n't be charged anything for the the button supplements . user interface: no that 's getting a bit tiny . project manager: um user interface: yeah . marketing: user interface: i 'd ignore that . marketing: leave it blank . project manager: okay . we 're gon na leave that one blank because we run on a lcd and scroll . so our total is fifteen point five . which i believe is industrial designer: yeah that 's too much . project manager: by three euros over . industrial designer: it 's hard to believe . so we 'll go for the hand dynamo huh ? project manager: user interface: marketing: project manager: so the only thing better than um a banana-shaped remote is one that you shake . user interface: if it w what if we completely took out the the one single button we 've got on . marketing: industrial designer: user interface: and just had a scroll wheel interface . and the lcd display . i suppose the lcd c_ display 's the one that 's pushing it up a bit though . project manager: yeah 'cause the marketing: project manager: well 'cause we have to have both right ? user interface: yeah . industrial designer: i mean let 's let 's face it , it also depends on the software on the on the television . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: you can have the the information that this thing transmits be being displayed on the on the screen . project manager: mm-hmm . industrial designer: so s yeah let 's take away the user interface: yeah you could maybe take out the lcd dis display even , industrial designer: yeah . yeah . user interface: if it if it comes up on the computer itsel on the tv itself . industrial designer: right . project manager: so we may not need the lcd display ? user interface: uh that is possible yeah . industrial designer: right . we may not need it . there you go . project manager: well there we go . industrial designer: perfect . project manager: twelve point five . user interface: there we go . marketing: perfect . project manager: okay . so we just remove our marketing: industrial designer: user interface: screen . marketing: project manager: screen here . user interface: make it a bigger dial . industrial designer: user interface: easier to use . even easier to use then . project manager: industrial designer: okay , the user interface: marketing: project manager: besides look at what the lcd does to our lovely remote . user interface: marketing: project manager: back to the design room boys . industrial designer: so we can just take away a heck of a lot of the marketing: user interface: marketing: . industrial designer: there you go . central ? marketing: what 's the blue part ? user interface: that was just industrial designer: oh that 's just user interface: we ran out of yellow . marketing: oh that 's the batteries . industrial designer: yeah . marketing: okay . industrial designer: there you go user interface: there you go . industrial designer: . oops . user interface: even simpler . marketing: looks more like a banana . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: there you go . user interface: for all those fruit lovers out there . industrial designer: one more criteria . project manager: marketing: project manager: okay so the costs under twelve point five euro . was no . we redesigned it . now it 's yes . user interface: yeah . marketing: project manager: next slide . project evaluation . uh project process , satisfaction with , for example , room for creativity , leadership , teamwork , means , new ideas found . um so i guess that let 's see here . i think that perhaps the project evaluation 's just supposed to be completed by me . but i 'd like to hear your thoughts . marketing: project manager: industrial designer: fair enough . user interface: marketing: trying to fill in some time there . project manager: uh h what did you think of our project process ? industrial designer: great . user interface: i think we did yeah i think we did quite well . um industrial designer: yeah . project manager: good . marketing: good teamwork . industrial designer: just half a day , you have a remote . there you go . user interface: yeah . right from the start of the day . project manager: yeah i think user interface: we sort of knew where we were going straight away i thought . project manager: we st we started off a little little weak . our leadership was quite weak in the beginning . marketing: project manager: um um marketing: project manager: but as the day went along we had more idea of what we were doing . um room for creativity ? there was that . um i think we tried a lotta different things and um i think it was um interesting as you guys brought up more um information and studies that we were right on with a lot of those things . um you guys worked together well as a team . and um the means ? which was the whiteboard and the pens . user interface: yeah . we 've used the whiteboard . industrial designer: super super . project manager: i had some problem with the pen i think , but minus your p marketing: minus your powerpoint fiasco . industrial designer: well that 's not my fault . that 's obviously the people i work for uh that work for me , marketing: no i know . i 'm project manager: well marketing: yeah . incom industrial designer: uh they 've just you know user interface: project manager: have a industrial designer: heads are gon na roll , believe me . project manager: we have a list of employees that you would like fired . user interface: marketing: user interface: industrial designer: yes yes . project manager: okay . n new ideas found ? um industrial designer: marketing: mm . kinda . project manager: yes for the remote . maybe no not f for user interface: technology used . project manager: technology . alright . closing . costs are within the budget . project is evaluated . um complete the final questionnaire and meeting summary . that 's it . user interface: excellent . project manager: and i still have to do my minutes for the last meeting . marketing: project manager: actually . um so there will probably be another questionnaire coming up . and then we 'll have to check with the main boss whether we can , what goes on after that . marketing: we might have a while though . industrial designer: . project manager: but that 's the end of our meeting . </s> [SEP]what did the team discuss during the product evaluation about its feature to solve customers ' concerns ? | generally speaking , the team agreed that the product was intuitive and had successfully incorporated main aims that the team had . the team believed the customers were not likely to lose the remote control since it was big and bright yellow with speech recognition . moreover , industrial designer suggested adding an extra feature for the product to raise volume like hell when it was removed so far from the tv . however , the team also noted that costs should be compared when deciding to use annoying alarms or others . |
how did the team evaluate the product about its technologically innovative features ?[SEP] <s>project manager: yep . soon as i get this . okay . this is our last meeting . um i 'll go ahead and go through the minutes from the previous meeting . uh and then we 'll have a , the prototype presentation . um then we will um do an evaluation . uh or we 'll see what , what we need to have under the criteria for the evaluation . then we 'll go through the finance and see if we fall within the budget . um then we 'll do the evaluation , and then we can finish up after that with um any changes that we 'll need to make , or hopefully everything will fall right in line . um let 's see , minutes from the last meeting . um we looked at uh the the trends . we had uh the fashion trends that people want a fancy look-and-feel . it was twice as important as anything else . um they liked fruit and vegetables in the new styles . um and a spongy feel . so we were talking about trying to incorporate those into our prototype . um they wanted limited buttons and simplicity . um then we looked at the uh the method for coming up with our own remote . um looking at other other devices . um the ipod , we really liked the look of that . um we also had uh the kid 's remote for a simple idea . um a two part remote , which was what were were originally looking at . uh and then um there was talk of spee uh speech recognition um becoming more uh predominant and easier to use . but i think we 've still decided not to go with that . then we looked at the components um the materials for the case , the different energy sources , the different types of chips , um and made a decision on what we were going to use to make our remote . um and basically how , what were making for the prototype . so i 'm going to leave it at that and let you guys take over . user interface: the prototype discussion . project manager: the prototype yeah . do you need a this ? user interface: no . project manager: okay . industrial designer: can try to plug that in there user interface: there is our remo the banana . marketing: industrial designer: but user interface: um yeah basically we we st went with the colour yellow . um working on the principle of a fruit which was mentioned , it 's basically designed around a banana . project manager: user interface: um but it would be held in such a fashion , marketing: user interface: where it is , obviously it would n't be that floppy 'cause this would be hard plastic . these would be like the rubber , the rubber grips . so that 's so that would hopefully help with grip , or like the ergonomics of it . um but all the controlling would be done with this scroll wheel . you have to use your imagination a little bit . and this here represents the screen , where you , where you 'd go through . project manager: very nice . user interface: and the the simplest functions would be um almost identical to an ipod , where that one way ch through channels , that way th other way through channels . volume up and down . and then to access the more complicated functions you 'd you sorta go , you press that and go through the menus . it 's that that simple . that just represents the infrared uh beam . that 's a simple on and off switch . um i do n't know , we could use the voice . t that blue bits should be yellow , that that 'd be where the batteries would be i suppose . and um that 's about it . it 's as simple as you , we could make it really . industrial designer: right . user interface: is there anything you want to add ? industrial designer: that 's what we have there . that 's plastic . plastic covered with rubber . we might uh add some more underneath here . maybe give it , give it a form . i mean you 're supposed to hold it like that , but um just if you grab it , take it from somewhere , user interface: yeah . project manager: mm-hmm . industrial designer: so yeah , user interface: does n't make much make much difference . industrial designer: you have some rub yeah . user interface: you could work left-handed or right-handed i suppose . industrial designer: exactly , use both . might as well think about user interface: t the actual thing might be smaller . industrial designer: th think about the button as well . like either put either one one on either side or user interface: yeah . project manager: what but what 's that button ? industrial designer: not do it at all . it 's a quick on-off button . user interface: just the on and off . project manager: uh , 'kay . industrial designer: that 's um marketing: industrial designer: yeah i think it 's pretty important . so you do n't have to fiddle with that . project manager: 'kay . industrial designer: right ? um that 's not um project manager: industrial designer: i 'd say a bit smaller would probably be nice . you wan na play with that over there . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: there you go . user interface: it 's you know it 's flimsy 'cause it 's made out of heavy play-doh , marketing: project manager: would you like to uh industrial designer: right . user interface: but marketing: pretty impressive . project manager: well done . user interface: marketing: kind of a banana . user interface: and whether or not it would fall into the cost everything i suppose . with the scroll and the lcd . project manager: well luckily we are going to find out . or not luckily . um do you have a marketing presentation for us . industrial designer: marketing: i do . okay . you guys are gon na help me do an evaluation of the criteria . um . okay . so first i 'll just discuss some of the criteria that i found . just based on the past trend reports that i was looking at earlier . and then we 'll do a group evaluation of the prototype . and then we will calculate the average score to see how we did . um so the criteria we 're gon na be looking at are the complaints um that we heard from the users who were interviewed earlier . so we 're gon na be doing it based on a seven point scale . and one is going to mean true , that we did actually achieve that . with seven being false , we did not achieve that . . okay . so for the first one , we need to decide , did we solved the problem of the users who complained about an ugly remote ? industrial designer: . user interface: project manager: i think it 's definitely different than anything else out there . user interface: marketing: mm . user interface: yeah . project manager: so if they think that what is out there is ugly , then yes i would say , i would say most definitely . marketing: user interface: i would . project manager: it 's bright . user interface: it 's bright . it 's project manager: it still has your traditional black . user interface: it 's curved . it 's not there 's no sharp industrial designer: user interface: angles to it . project manager: yep , not angular . marketing: mm . industrial designer: i 'd say , when it comes to the ergonomics , the form and stuff , yes that 's definitely more beautiful than your average . marketing: industrial designer: however the colour , we do n't have a say in that . marketing: yeah i think the colours detract a little bit . user interface: some people might say it . yeah . industrial designer: that has been , that has been dictated pretty much by the company . project manager: mm . industrial designer: so uh to answer that honestly i would rather say like uh , we have not solved the problem completely with the ugly remote because the colour is ugly , definitely . project manager: yep . marketing: that 's true . yeah . project manager: user interface: yeah . industrial designer: 's nothing you can say about that . i mean i much prefer something like brushed chrome with that form . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: but project manager: yeah something more modern to go a a modern colour to go with the modern form . industrial designer: right . right . it 's different . you do n't want your uh three feet huge lcd dis display in your living room that 's hanging from the wall to be controlled with something like that . marketing: um okay so , do you think , since we this was a a sign criteria , do you think maybe we should put it somewhere in the middle then ? industrial designer: yeah . marketing: does that sound good ? project manager: yeah . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: marketing: what do you think ? three ? four ? project manager: i would say marketing: five ? project manager: four . industrial designer: yeah . marketing: four is fair . okay . project manager: very non-committal , four . marketing: okay , the second one . did we make it simple for new users ? industrial designer: it 's very intuitive , i think yeah . user interface: yeah . i think that was the main aim , one of the main aims that we had . industrial designer: s give it a one . marketing: one , project manager: yeah . marketing: 'kay . okay . um , do the controls now match the operating behaviour of the users ? user interface: uh yeah . 'cause we 've we 've brought it down to basically four controls most common , which are channel and volume . marketing: i 'd say that project manager: mm-hmm . industrial designer: right . user interface: and then the other ones are just a matter of just going , just scrolling further . project manager: s scrolling through and selecting a few . industrial designer: right . so that 's a one . marketing: so one ? project manager: i think that 's a one . marketing: yeah ? okay . okay um the fourth one . how about the problem of a remote being easily lost ? one of the number one complaints . industrial designer: something that big and that yellow you just do n't lose anymore . project manager: user interface: yeah . marketing: whether you want to or not , you 're not gon na lose it . user interface: it 's bright yellow . industrial designer: user interface: bright yellow 's hard to lose . but um if we were to , if we were , that , the speech recognition . that , we could maybe just use that solely for the the finding thing . that was what we 'd we 'd mentioned . project manager: so if we incorporate speech recognition into it then it could user interface: just just to use , to find it when it was lost . but like i said , like i do n't think you 'd lose something so yellow so easily . industrial designer: oops . hmm . user interface: and it 's not gon na fall , like a rectangle would slip down behind things . that 's gon na be a difficult shape to industrial designer: well what project manager: and it is quite bright and user interface: yeah . marketing: user interface: maybe in the middle again , three or four or something ? project manager: uh industrial designer: s marketing: okay . user interface: i mean you know loo losing things is one of those things that people can lose , i mean a million ways . project manager: yeah . user interface: you can pick it up and walk away with it and then you 've lost it . industrial designer: mm . marketing: that 's true . project manager: but if we do go with the , with the speech recognition , then it , then our scale goes up quite a bit i think . marketing: mm . industrial designer: oh yeah . you probably user interface: yeah . project manager: probably two . you know . if we eliminate the fact that you know it 's impossible to guarantee that it 's not gon na be lost then user interface: yeah . industrial designer: mm . project manager: i 'd say two . industrial designer: marketing: project manager: with the speech recognition , which of course may be changed depending on budget . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: y you could add an extra feature actually . which makes this thing raise hell when you remove it too far from the television . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: we could add that but that 's nothing we have thought of so far . project manager: which , which may be cheaper than speech recognition if it were just a industrial designer: yes . user interface: yeah true . but i mean d just those whistling , clapping key rings you have . they 're cheap . marketing: annoying alarm or something ? project manager: industrial designer: it 's it 's marketing: yeah . user interface: so it ca n't be that industrial designer: um the it 's based on this anti anti-theft technology for suitcases and stuff , user interface: expensive . project manager: some sort of proximity user interface: yeah . industrial designer: where you have one piece that 's attached to your luggage , another piece that starts beeping . that ca n't cost much . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: so that can also easily be integrated because these things are small enough to to hide , so you have one piece , you have to glue somewhere behind your stick it behind your tv and the other user interface: stick it on the tv . project manager: pray that you do n't accidentally lose that piece . industrial designer: right . user interface: marketing: industrial designer: that 'd be tough then . well also your remote would uh alarm you if somebody stole you t your television , yeah . ran off with it without taking the beautiful remote control . project manager: user interface: yeah . marketing: so . are we adding one of these two features ? industrial designer: let 's add one of those features and say yes . marketing: gon na say okay . project manager: okay . marketing: so we 're back to a one ? user interface: two . marketing: or a two ? project manager: two . industrial designer: two . marketing: two , 'kay . okay . are we technologically innovative ? industrial designer: uh user interface: i 'd say so . industrial designer: user interface: uh do n't get many mo remote controls with industrial designer: it 's all just user interface: screens on . industrial designer: it 's all just stolen technology when it comes down to user interface: yeah it 's stolen technology . marketing: from ipod yeah . project manager: it 's user interface: but we have . project manager: but there 's not a lot of yellow , there 's not a lotta yellow . industrial designer: right marketing: but for remotes yeah . project manager: course that was n't really industrial designer: right user interface: fa industrial designer: right right . project manager: we were kinda forced to take that colour . marketing: two ? three ? user interface: 'cause it 's stolen . project manager: i do n't know that we are that innovative , to tell you the truth . user interface: no maybe not . industrial designer: yeah not really . marketing: but how many remotes do you see like this ? user interface: project manager: if we added the screaming factor then we go up . industrial designer: marketing: not so many . industrial designer: user interface: marketing: project manager: um i would say we 're probably at four . industrial designer: right . marketing: really ? okay . that 's gon na hurt us . user interface: marketing: okay . um spongy material ? industrial designer: yeah well you have that , kind of , sort of . project manager: we have some spongy , yeah . user interface: yeah as much as as needed , i think . marketing: 'kay . industrial designer: it 's not a one though . project manager: no . industrial designer: one would be the whole thing project manager: yeah . because it 's only got what , these parts are the grips and perhaps the back side the bottom the underneath on the back . industrial designer: to fold and stuff . yeah . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: so that 's a four at most . project manager: probably a four at most . possibly even a five . marketing: and lastly , did we put the fashion in electronics ? project manager: industrial designer: y yes . user interface: yeah . marketing: i 'd say we did . project manager: if your fashion is b is carmen miranda , you betcha . industrial designer: more user interface: yeah . marketing: industrial designer: well the recent fashion is rather displayed in the in the lcd and the way you operate it than the form and the colour , user interface: on the project manager: it 's true . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: but it definitely is user interface: be what we were told , and they 'd say yeah , definitely . industrial designer: . marketing: 'kay . alright . now we just got ta calculate . six eight twelve sixteen . seventeen divided by s user interface: . project manager: seven is marketing: eight . project manager: two point marketing: project manager: two point four ? user interface: is that some long division ? no . project manager: something . marketing: well i have n't done math in years . industrial designer: marketing: what two user interface: marketing: i dunno . user interface: just , i 'm sure there 's a . marketing: okay we 'll say two point four two . right ? how does that look ? industrial designer: i 'm impressed . i ca n't do that without a calculator . user interface: no i ca n't do long marketing: it 's been a while . user interface: very impressive . project manager: and what what is the acceptable criteria ? is there like a scale that we have to hit ? marketing: oh no . they just told me to industrial designer: marketing: pick my own criteria and have you guys evaluate it basically . project manager: alright then . marketing: so that 's that . project manager: okay . well , let 's see . marketing: project manager: now we get to do the budget numbers . you did n't know that you were gon na have a budget . but we do . okay . user interface: yeah . yeah so . you 'd been going a long time dividing that . it 's two point four two eight five se it just keeps going on . marketing: oh my god . user interface: two point four two basically . marketing: okay . yeah we 'll go with that . project manager: so i have here an industrial designer: fifty percent , you 're kidding . marketing: not too shabby . project manager: yeah . industrial designer: p project manager: we want a fifty percent profit on this . oh you ca n't really see that very well . user interface: charge about three hundred quid for it . project manager: twelve and a half euros is what supposed to cost us . okay , so industrial designer: it 's too much . project manager: well let 's see . industrial designer: um project manager: the f the wonder if i can make this industrial designer: uh project manager: what the oh it wo n't let me do that . okay . alright so at top , i do n't know if you guys can read that or not . i ca n't 'cause i do n't have my glasses on , industrial designer: project manager: but so we 've got the energy source . there 's uh four , five , six categories . industrial designer: battery . project manager: we have energy source , electronics , case . then we have case material supplements , interface type , and then button supplements . okay so uh first of all energy source , we picked battery . um and how many batteries do we think this will probably take ? user interface: project manager: probably some e either two or four . industrial designer: two . project manager: two ? like it . industrial designer: at four it 's gon na be too heavy , so that that 's not our problem . people can change it every month . project manager: excellent . industrial designer: they wo n't know until after they bought it . user interface: marketing: project manager: this is consumerism . industrial designer: project manager: alright so for the electronics our choices are simpl simple chip-on-print , regular chip-on-print , advanced chip-on-print , sample sensor , sample speaker . industrial designer: . user interface: we 're advanced chip are we ? industrial designer: that 's the advanced chip-on-print , yeah . project manager: 'kay , we have one of those . 'kay then the case is a probably it 's double curved . industrial designer: double curved , yes . project manager: case materials are industrial designer: plastic . project manager: plastic . um i guess it 's two , since one for the top , one for the bottom . industrial designer: n no . project manager: is that right or is it just one ? industrial designer: no that 's just one . project manager: maybe it 's one because of the industrial designer: it 's just one mo single mould , we can do that . project manager: 'kay . user interface: yeah yeah . marketing: right . project manager: i guess it does n't matter 'cause the price on that one is zero , which is nice . industrial designer: exactly , right . marketing: oh . project manager: special colour ? industrial designer: that 's not a special colour . it 's a specially ugly colour , but it 's not special . marketing: bright yellow . project manager: interface type . we have pushbutton , scroll-wheel interface , integrated scroll-wheel pushbutton , and an lcd display . user interface: marketing: user interface: s industrial designer: s user interface: that 's yeah . project manager: so we actually have the lcd display marketing: user interface: and then project manager: and then is it the integrated or is it user interface: i 'd say the integrated . project manager: yeah . industrial designer: yes unfortunately . project manager: 'kay . button supplement ? special colour ? user interface: mm . project manager: um special form ? special material . industrial designer: we could of course make the buttons wood . project manager: user interface: marketing: industrial designer: say mahogany or so marketing: it 'd look really lovely . project manager: or titanium . industrial designer: mm-hmm or titanium . project manager: they cost us all the same . marketing: yeah . user interface: remote control . project manager: well we only have one button so really we should n't be charged , industrial designer: uh just marketing: industrial designer: project manager: we should n't be charged anything for the the button supplements . user interface: no that 's getting a bit tiny . project manager: um user interface: yeah . marketing: user interface: i 'd ignore that . marketing: leave it blank . project manager: okay . we 're gon na leave that one blank because we run on a lcd and scroll . so our total is fifteen point five . which i believe is industrial designer: yeah that 's too much . project manager: by three euros over . industrial designer: it 's hard to believe . so we 'll go for the hand dynamo huh ? project manager: user interface: marketing: project manager: so the only thing better than um a banana-shaped remote is one that you shake . user interface: if it w what if we completely took out the the one single button we 've got on . marketing: industrial designer: user interface: and just had a scroll wheel interface . and the lcd display . i suppose the lcd c_ display 's the one that 's pushing it up a bit though . project manager: yeah 'cause the marketing: project manager: well 'cause we have to have both right ? user interface: yeah . industrial designer: i mean let 's let 's face it , it also depends on the software on the on the television . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: you can have the the information that this thing transmits be being displayed on the on the screen . project manager: mm-hmm . industrial designer: so s yeah let 's take away the user interface: yeah you could maybe take out the lcd dis display even , industrial designer: yeah . yeah . user interface: if it if it comes up on the computer itsel on the tv itself . industrial designer: right . project manager: so we may not need the lcd display ? user interface: uh that is possible yeah . industrial designer: right . we may not need it . there you go . project manager: well there we go . industrial designer: perfect . project manager: twelve point five . user interface: there we go . marketing: perfect . project manager: okay . so we just remove our marketing: industrial designer: user interface: screen . marketing: project manager: screen here . user interface: make it a bigger dial . industrial designer: user interface: easier to use . even easier to use then . project manager: industrial designer: okay , the user interface: marketing: project manager: besides look at what the lcd does to our lovely remote . user interface: marketing: project manager: back to the design room boys . industrial designer: so we can just take away a heck of a lot of the marketing: user interface: marketing: . industrial designer: there you go . central ? marketing: what 's the blue part ? user interface: that was just industrial designer: oh that 's just user interface: we ran out of yellow . marketing: oh that 's the batteries . industrial designer: yeah . marketing: okay . industrial designer: there you go user interface: there you go . industrial designer: . oops . user interface: even simpler . marketing: looks more like a banana . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: there you go . user interface: for all those fruit lovers out there . industrial designer: one more criteria . project manager: marketing: project manager: okay so the costs under twelve point five euro . was no . we redesigned it . now it 's yes . user interface: yeah . marketing: project manager: next slide . project evaluation . uh project process , satisfaction with , for example , room for creativity , leadership , teamwork , means , new ideas found . um so i guess that let 's see here . i think that perhaps the project evaluation 's just supposed to be completed by me . but i 'd like to hear your thoughts . marketing: project manager: industrial designer: fair enough . user interface: marketing: trying to fill in some time there . project manager: uh h what did you think of our project process ? industrial designer: great . user interface: i think we did yeah i think we did quite well . um industrial designer: yeah . project manager: good . marketing: good teamwork . industrial designer: just half a day , you have a remote . there you go . user interface: yeah . right from the start of the day . project manager: yeah i think user interface: we sort of knew where we were going straight away i thought . project manager: we st we started off a little little weak . our leadership was quite weak in the beginning . marketing: project manager: um um marketing: project manager: but as the day went along we had more idea of what we were doing . um room for creativity ? there was that . um i think we tried a lotta different things and um i think it was um interesting as you guys brought up more um information and studies that we were right on with a lot of those things . um you guys worked together well as a team . and um the means ? which was the whiteboard and the pens . user interface: yeah . we 've used the whiteboard . industrial designer: super super . project manager: i had some problem with the pen i think , but minus your p marketing: minus your powerpoint fiasco . industrial designer: well that 's not my fault . that 's obviously the people i work for uh that work for me , marketing: no i know . i 'm project manager: well marketing: yeah . incom industrial designer: uh they 've just you know user interface: project manager: have a industrial designer: heads are gon na roll , believe me . project manager: we have a list of employees that you would like fired . user interface: marketing: user interface: industrial designer: yes yes . project manager: okay . n new ideas found ? um industrial designer: marketing: mm . kinda . project manager: yes for the remote . maybe no not f for user interface: technology used . project manager: technology . alright . closing . costs are within the budget . project is evaluated . um complete the final questionnaire and meeting summary . that 's it . user interface: excellent . project manager: and i still have to do my minutes for the last meeting . marketing: project manager: actually . um so there will probably be another questionnaire coming up . and then we 'll have to check with the main boss whether we can , what goes on after that . marketing: we might have a while though . industrial designer: . project manager: but that 's the end of our meeting . </s> [SEP]how did the team evaluate the product about its technologically innovative features ? | to start with , the team agreed that the remote control was indeed innovative with the lcd display incorporated and the way it could be used both-handed with an alarming feature . also , it aimed at the recent fashion trend since it looked like a banana with a special yellow colour . although some of its features were identical to an ipod , the team believed that it was a creative design for remote control . |
what did the team discuss about the product cost ?[SEP] <s>project manager: yep . soon as i get this . okay . this is our last meeting . um i 'll go ahead and go through the minutes from the previous meeting . uh and then we 'll have a , the prototype presentation . um then we will um do an evaluation . uh or we 'll see what , what we need to have under the criteria for the evaluation . then we 'll go through the finance and see if we fall within the budget . um then we 'll do the evaluation , and then we can finish up after that with um any changes that we 'll need to make , or hopefully everything will fall right in line . um let 's see , minutes from the last meeting . um we looked at uh the the trends . we had uh the fashion trends that people want a fancy look-and-feel . it was twice as important as anything else . um they liked fruit and vegetables in the new styles . um and a spongy feel . so we were talking about trying to incorporate those into our prototype . um they wanted limited buttons and simplicity . um then we looked at the uh the method for coming up with our own remote . um looking at other other devices . um the ipod , we really liked the look of that . um we also had uh the kid 's remote for a simple idea . um a two part remote , which was what were were originally looking at . uh and then um there was talk of spee uh speech recognition um becoming more uh predominant and easier to use . but i think we 've still decided not to go with that . then we looked at the components um the materials for the case , the different energy sources , the different types of chips , um and made a decision on what we were going to use to make our remote . um and basically how , what were making for the prototype . so i 'm going to leave it at that and let you guys take over . user interface: the prototype discussion . project manager: the prototype yeah . do you need a this ? user interface: no . project manager: okay . industrial designer: can try to plug that in there user interface: there is our remo the banana . marketing: industrial designer: but user interface: um yeah basically we we st went with the colour yellow . um working on the principle of a fruit which was mentioned , it 's basically designed around a banana . project manager: user interface: um but it would be held in such a fashion , marketing: user interface: where it is , obviously it would n't be that floppy 'cause this would be hard plastic . these would be like the rubber , the rubber grips . so that 's so that would hopefully help with grip , or like the ergonomics of it . um but all the controlling would be done with this scroll wheel . you have to use your imagination a little bit . and this here represents the screen , where you , where you 'd go through . project manager: very nice . user interface: and the the simplest functions would be um almost identical to an ipod , where that one way ch through channels , that way th other way through channels . volume up and down . and then to access the more complicated functions you 'd you sorta go , you press that and go through the menus . it 's that that simple . that just represents the infrared uh beam . that 's a simple on and off switch . um i do n't know , we could use the voice . t that blue bits should be yellow , that that 'd be where the batteries would be i suppose . and um that 's about it . it 's as simple as you , we could make it really . industrial designer: right . user interface: is there anything you want to add ? industrial designer: that 's what we have there . that 's plastic . plastic covered with rubber . we might uh add some more underneath here . maybe give it , give it a form . i mean you 're supposed to hold it like that , but um just if you grab it , take it from somewhere , user interface: yeah . project manager: mm-hmm . industrial designer: so yeah , user interface: does n't make much make much difference . industrial designer: you have some rub yeah . user interface: you could work left-handed or right-handed i suppose . industrial designer: exactly , use both . might as well think about user interface: t the actual thing might be smaller . industrial designer: th think about the button as well . like either put either one one on either side or user interface: yeah . project manager: what but what 's that button ? industrial designer: not do it at all . it 's a quick on-off button . user interface: just the on and off . project manager: uh , 'kay . industrial designer: that 's um marketing: industrial designer: yeah i think it 's pretty important . so you do n't have to fiddle with that . project manager: 'kay . industrial designer: right ? um that 's not um project manager: industrial designer: i 'd say a bit smaller would probably be nice . you wan na play with that over there . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: there you go . user interface: it 's you know it 's flimsy 'cause it 's made out of heavy play-doh , marketing: project manager: would you like to uh industrial designer: right . user interface: but marketing: pretty impressive . project manager: well done . user interface: marketing: kind of a banana . user interface: and whether or not it would fall into the cost everything i suppose . with the scroll and the lcd . project manager: well luckily we are going to find out . or not luckily . um do you have a marketing presentation for us . industrial designer: marketing: i do . okay . you guys are gon na help me do an evaluation of the criteria . um . okay . so first i 'll just discuss some of the criteria that i found . just based on the past trend reports that i was looking at earlier . and then we 'll do a group evaluation of the prototype . and then we will calculate the average score to see how we did . um so the criteria we 're gon na be looking at are the complaints um that we heard from the users who were interviewed earlier . so we 're gon na be doing it based on a seven point scale . and one is going to mean true , that we did actually achieve that . with seven being false , we did not achieve that . . okay . so for the first one , we need to decide , did we solved the problem of the users who complained about an ugly remote ? industrial designer: . user interface: project manager: i think it 's definitely different than anything else out there . user interface: marketing: mm . user interface: yeah . project manager: so if they think that what is out there is ugly , then yes i would say , i would say most definitely . marketing: user interface: i would . project manager: it 's bright . user interface: it 's bright . it 's project manager: it still has your traditional black . user interface: it 's curved . it 's not there 's no sharp industrial designer: user interface: angles to it . project manager: yep , not angular . marketing: mm . industrial designer: i 'd say , when it comes to the ergonomics , the form and stuff , yes that 's definitely more beautiful than your average . marketing: industrial designer: however the colour , we do n't have a say in that . marketing: yeah i think the colours detract a little bit . user interface: some people might say it . yeah . industrial designer: that has been , that has been dictated pretty much by the company . project manager: mm . industrial designer: so uh to answer that honestly i would rather say like uh , we have not solved the problem completely with the ugly remote because the colour is ugly , definitely . project manager: yep . marketing: that 's true . yeah . project manager: user interface: yeah . industrial designer: 's nothing you can say about that . i mean i much prefer something like brushed chrome with that form . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: but project manager: yeah something more modern to go a a modern colour to go with the modern form . industrial designer: right . right . it 's different . you do n't want your uh three feet huge lcd dis display in your living room that 's hanging from the wall to be controlled with something like that . marketing: um okay so , do you think , since we this was a a sign criteria , do you think maybe we should put it somewhere in the middle then ? industrial designer: yeah . marketing: does that sound good ? project manager: yeah . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: marketing: what do you think ? three ? four ? project manager: i would say marketing: five ? project manager: four . industrial designer: yeah . marketing: four is fair . okay . project manager: very non-committal , four . marketing: okay , the second one . did we make it simple for new users ? industrial designer: it 's very intuitive , i think yeah . user interface: yeah . i think that was the main aim , one of the main aims that we had . industrial designer: s give it a one . marketing: one , project manager: yeah . marketing: 'kay . okay . um , do the controls now match the operating behaviour of the users ? user interface: uh yeah . 'cause we 've we 've brought it down to basically four controls most common , which are channel and volume . marketing: i 'd say that project manager: mm-hmm . industrial designer: right . user interface: and then the other ones are just a matter of just going , just scrolling further . project manager: s scrolling through and selecting a few . industrial designer: right . so that 's a one . marketing: so one ? project manager: i think that 's a one . marketing: yeah ? okay . okay um the fourth one . how about the problem of a remote being easily lost ? one of the number one complaints . industrial designer: something that big and that yellow you just do n't lose anymore . project manager: user interface: yeah . marketing: whether you want to or not , you 're not gon na lose it . user interface: it 's bright yellow . industrial designer: user interface: bright yellow 's hard to lose . but um if we were to , if we were , that , the speech recognition . that , we could maybe just use that solely for the the finding thing . that was what we 'd we 'd mentioned . project manager: so if we incorporate speech recognition into it then it could user interface: just just to use , to find it when it was lost . but like i said , like i do n't think you 'd lose something so yellow so easily . industrial designer: oops . hmm . user interface: and it 's not gon na fall , like a rectangle would slip down behind things . that 's gon na be a difficult shape to industrial designer: well what project manager: and it is quite bright and user interface: yeah . marketing: user interface: maybe in the middle again , three or four or something ? project manager: uh industrial designer: s marketing: okay . user interface: i mean you know loo losing things is one of those things that people can lose , i mean a million ways . project manager: yeah . user interface: you can pick it up and walk away with it and then you 've lost it . industrial designer: mm . marketing: that 's true . project manager: but if we do go with the , with the speech recognition , then it , then our scale goes up quite a bit i think . marketing: mm . industrial designer: oh yeah . you probably user interface: yeah . project manager: probably two . you know . if we eliminate the fact that you know it 's impossible to guarantee that it 's not gon na be lost then user interface: yeah . industrial designer: mm . project manager: i 'd say two . industrial designer: marketing: project manager: with the speech recognition , which of course may be changed depending on budget . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: y you could add an extra feature actually . which makes this thing raise hell when you remove it too far from the television . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: we could add that but that 's nothing we have thought of so far . project manager: which , which may be cheaper than speech recognition if it were just a industrial designer: yes . user interface: yeah true . but i mean d just those whistling , clapping key rings you have . they 're cheap . marketing: annoying alarm or something ? project manager: industrial designer: it 's it 's marketing: yeah . user interface: so it ca n't be that industrial designer: um the it 's based on this anti anti-theft technology for suitcases and stuff , user interface: expensive . project manager: some sort of proximity user interface: yeah . industrial designer: where you have one piece that 's attached to your luggage , another piece that starts beeping . that ca n't cost much . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: so that can also easily be integrated because these things are small enough to to hide , so you have one piece , you have to glue somewhere behind your stick it behind your tv and the other user interface: stick it on the tv . project manager: pray that you do n't accidentally lose that piece . industrial designer: right . user interface: marketing: industrial designer: that 'd be tough then . well also your remote would uh alarm you if somebody stole you t your television , yeah . ran off with it without taking the beautiful remote control . project manager: user interface: yeah . marketing: so . are we adding one of these two features ? industrial designer: let 's add one of those features and say yes . marketing: gon na say okay . project manager: okay . marketing: so we 're back to a one ? user interface: two . marketing: or a two ? project manager: two . industrial designer: two . marketing: two , 'kay . okay . are we technologically innovative ? industrial designer: uh user interface: i 'd say so . industrial designer: user interface: uh do n't get many mo remote controls with industrial designer: it 's all just user interface: screens on . industrial designer: it 's all just stolen technology when it comes down to user interface: yeah it 's stolen technology . marketing: from ipod yeah . project manager: it 's user interface: but we have . project manager: but there 's not a lot of yellow , there 's not a lotta yellow . industrial designer: right marketing: but for remotes yeah . project manager: course that was n't really industrial designer: right user interface: fa industrial designer: right right . project manager: we were kinda forced to take that colour . marketing: two ? three ? user interface: 'cause it 's stolen . project manager: i do n't know that we are that innovative , to tell you the truth . user interface: no maybe not . industrial designer: yeah not really . marketing: but how many remotes do you see like this ? user interface: project manager: if we added the screaming factor then we go up . industrial designer: marketing: not so many . industrial designer: user interface: marketing: project manager: um i would say we 're probably at four . industrial designer: right . marketing: really ? okay . that 's gon na hurt us . user interface: marketing: okay . um spongy material ? industrial designer: yeah well you have that , kind of , sort of . project manager: we have some spongy , yeah . user interface: yeah as much as as needed , i think . marketing: 'kay . industrial designer: it 's not a one though . project manager: no . industrial designer: one would be the whole thing project manager: yeah . because it 's only got what , these parts are the grips and perhaps the back side the bottom the underneath on the back . industrial designer: to fold and stuff . yeah . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: so that 's a four at most . project manager: probably a four at most . possibly even a five . marketing: and lastly , did we put the fashion in electronics ? project manager: industrial designer: y yes . user interface: yeah . marketing: i 'd say we did . project manager: if your fashion is b is carmen miranda , you betcha . industrial designer: more user interface: yeah . marketing: industrial designer: well the recent fashion is rather displayed in the in the lcd and the way you operate it than the form and the colour , user interface: on the project manager: it 's true . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: but it definitely is user interface: be what we were told , and they 'd say yeah , definitely . industrial designer: . marketing: 'kay . alright . now we just got ta calculate . six eight twelve sixteen . seventeen divided by s user interface: . project manager: seven is marketing: eight . project manager: two point marketing: project manager: two point four ? user interface: is that some long division ? no . project manager: something . marketing: well i have n't done math in years . industrial designer: marketing: what two user interface: marketing: i dunno . user interface: just , i 'm sure there 's a . marketing: okay we 'll say two point four two . right ? how does that look ? industrial designer: i 'm impressed . i ca n't do that without a calculator . user interface: no i ca n't do long marketing: it 's been a while . user interface: very impressive . project manager: and what what is the acceptable criteria ? is there like a scale that we have to hit ? marketing: oh no . they just told me to industrial designer: marketing: pick my own criteria and have you guys evaluate it basically . project manager: alright then . marketing: so that 's that . project manager: okay . well , let 's see . marketing: project manager: now we get to do the budget numbers . you did n't know that you were gon na have a budget . but we do . okay . user interface: yeah . yeah so . you 'd been going a long time dividing that . it 's two point four two eight five se it just keeps going on . marketing: oh my god . user interface: two point four two basically . marketing: okay . yeah we 'll go with that . project manager: so i have here an industrial designer: fifty percent , you 're kidding . marketing: not too shabby . project manager: yeah . industrial designer: p project manager: we want a fifty percent profit on this . oh you ca n't really see that very well . user interface: charge about three hundred quid for it . project manager: twelve and a half euros is what supposed to cost us . okay , so industrial designer: it 's too much . project manager: well let 's see . industrial designer: um project manager: the f the wonder if i can make this industrial designer: uh project manager: what the oh it wo n't let me do that . okay . alright so at top , i do n't know if you guys can read that or not . i ca n't 'cause i do n't have my glasses on , industrial designer: project manager: but so we 've got the energy source . there 's uh four , five , six categories . industrial designer: battery . project manager: we have energy source , electronics , case . then we have case material supplements , interface type , and then button supplements . okay so uh first of all energy source , we picked battery . um and how many batteries do we think this will probably take ? user interface: project manager: probably some e either two or four . industrial designer: two . project manager: two ? like it . industrial designer: at four it 's gon na be too heavy , so that that 's not our problem . people can change it every month . project manager: excellent . industrial designer: they wo n't know until after they bought it . user interface: marketing: project manager: this is consumerism . industrial designer: project manager: alright so for the electronics our choices are simpl simple chip-on-print , regular chip-on-print , advanced chip-on-print , sample sensor , sample speaker . industrial designer: . user interface: we 're advanced chip are we ? industrial designer: that 's the advanced chip-on-print , yeah . project manager: 'kay , we have one of those . 'kay then the case is a probably it 's double curved . industrial designer: double curved , yes . project manager: case materials are industrial designer: plastic . project manager: plastic . um i guess it 's two , since one for the top , one for the bottom . industrial designer: n no . project manager: is that right or is it just one ? industrial designer: no that 's just one . project manager: maybe it 's one because of the industrial designer: it 's just one mo single mould , we can do that . project manager: 'kay . user interface: yeah yeah . marketing: right . project manager: i guess it does n't matter 'cause the price on that one is zero , which is nice . industrial designer: exactly , right . marketing: oh . project manager: special colour ? industrial designer: that 's not a special colour . it 's a specially ugly colour , but it 's not special . marketing: bright yellow . project manager: interface type . we have pushbutton , scroll-wheel interface , integrated scroll-wheel pushbutton , and an lcd display . user interface: marketing: user interface: s industrial designer: s user interface: that 's yeah . project manager: so we actually have the lcd display marketing: user interface: and then project manager: and then is it the integrated or is it user interface: i 'd say the integrated . project manager: yeah . industrial designer: yes unfortunately . project manager: 'kay . button supplement ? special colour ? user interface: mm . project manager: um special form ? special material . industrial designer: we could of course make the buttons wood . project manager: user interface: marketing: industrial designer: say mahogany or so marketing: it 'd look really lovely . project manager: or titanium . industrial designer: mm-hmm or titanium . project manager: they cost us all the same . marketing: yeah . user interface: remote control . project manager: well we only have one button so really we should n't be charged , industrial designer: uh just marketing: industrial designer: project manager: we should n't be charged anything for the the button supplements . user interface: no that 's getting a bit tiny . project manager: um user interface: yeah . marketing: user interface: i 'd ignore that . marketing: leave it blank . project manager: okay . we 're gon na leave that one blank because we run on a lcd and scroll . so our total is fifteen point five . which i believe is industrial designer: yeah that 's too much . project manager: by three euros over . industrial designer: it 's hard to believe . so we 'll go for the hand dynamo huh ? project manager: user interface: marketing: project manager: so the only thing better than um a banana-shaped remote is one that you shake . user interface: if it w what if we completely took out the the one single button we 've got on . marketing: industrial designer: user interface: and just had a scroll wheel interface . and the lcd display . i suppose the lcd c_ display 's the one that 's pushing it up a bit though . project manager: yeah 'cause the marketing: project manager: well 'cause we have to have both right ? user interface: yeah . industrial designer: i mean let 's let 's face it , it also depends on the software on the on the television . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: you can have the the information that this thing transmits be being displayed on the on the screen . project manager: mm-hmm . industrial designer: so s yeah let 's take away the user interface: yeah you could maybe take out the lcd dis display even , industrial designer: yeah . yeah . user interface: if it if it comes up on the computer itsel on the tv itself . industrial designer: right . project manager: so we may not need the lcd display ? user interface: uh that is possible yeah . industrial designer: right . we may not need it . there you go . project manager: well there we go . industrial designer: perfect . project manager: twelve point five . user interface: there we go . marketing: perfect . project manager: okay . so we just remove our marketing: industrial designer: user interface: screen . marketing: project manager: screen here . user interface: make it a bigger dial . industrial designer: user interface: easier to use . even easier to use then . project manager: industrial designer: okay , the user interface: marketing: project manager: besides look at what the lcd does to our lovely remote . user interface: marketing: project manager: back to the design room boys . industrial designer: so we can just take away a heck of a lot of the marketing: user interface: marketing: . industrial designer: there you go . central ? marketing: what 's the blue part ? user interface: that was just industrial designer: oh that 's just user interface: we ran out of yellow . marketing: oh that 's the batteries . industrial designer: yeah . marketing: okay . industrial designer: there you go user interface: there you go . industrial designer: . oops . user interface: even simpler . marketing: looks more like a banana . user interface: yeah . industrial designer: there you go . user interface: for all those fruit lovers out there . industrial designer: one more criteria . project manager: marketing: project manager: okay so the costs under twelve point five euro . was no . we redesigned it . now it 's yes . user interface: yeah . marketing: project manager: next slide . project evaluation . uh project process , satisfaction with , for example , room for creativity , leadership , teamwork , means , new ideas found . um so i guess that let 's see here . i think that perhaps the project evaluation 's just supposed to be completed by me . but i 'd like to hear your thoughts . marketing: project manager: industrial designer: fair enough . user interface: marketing: trying to fill in some time there . project manager: uh h what did you think of our project process ? industrial designer: great . user interface: i think we did yeah i think we did quite well . um industrial designer: yeah . project manager: good . marketing: good teamwork . industrial designer: just half a day , you have a remote . there you go . user interface: yeah . right from the start of the day . project manager: yeah i think user interface: we sort of knew where we were going straight away i thought . project manager: we st we started off a little little weak . our leadership was quite weak in the beginning . marketing: project manager: um um marketing: project manager: but as the day went along we had more idea of what we were doing . um room for creativity ? there was that . um i think we tried a lotta different things and um i think it was um interesting as you guys brought up more um information and studies that we were right on with a lot of those things . um you guys worked together well as a team . and um the means ? which was the whiteboard and the pens . user interface: yeah . we 've used the whiteboard . industrial designer: super super . project manager: i had some problem with the pen i think , but minus your p marketing: minus your powerpoint fiasco . industrial designer: well that 's not my fault . that 's obviously the people i work for uh that work for me , marketing: no i know . i 'm project manager: well marketing: yeah . incom industrial designer: uh they 've just you know user interface: project manager: have a industrial designer: heads are gon na roll , believe me . project manager: we have a list of employees that you would like fired . user interface: marketing: user interface: industrial designer: yes yes . project manager: okay . n new ideas found ? um industrial designer: marketing: mm . kinda . project manager: yes for the remote . maybe no not f for user interface: technology used . project manager: technology . alright . closing . costs are within the budget . project is evaluated . um complete the final questionnaire and meeting summary . that 's it . user interface: excellent . project manager: and i still have to do my minutes for the last meeting . marketing: project manager: actually . um so there will probably be another questionnaire coming up . and then we 'll have to check with the main boss whether we can , what goes on after that . marketing: we might have a while though . industrial designer: . project manager: but that 's the end of our meeting . </s> [SEP]what did the team discuss about the product cost ? | project manager first introduced the budget and broke it down to parts like batteries , electronics , case material supplements , interface type and then button supplements . the team agreed that the push button , integrated scroll-wheel and the lcd display cost a lot but case materials were all the same . in this case , the team decided to discard the lcd since the information it could transmit could also be simply displayed on the screen . as for the recognition feature , the team decided to make it a big deal to be alarming . and lastly , the product would be pure yellow instead of a blue button . |
"what did the team say about the project and overall process ?[SEP] <s>project manager: yep . soon a(...TRUNCATED) | "the team thought they had a really great team work experience . everyone had put efforts into the p(...TRUNCATED) |
"summarize the whole meeting .[SEP] <s>project manager: that should hopefully do the trick , um . 'k(...TRUNCATED) | "industrial designer and user interface presented a prototype of the new remote control according to(...TRUNCATED) |
"what did the group discuss about budget balancing ?[SEP] <s>project manager: that should hopefully (...TRUNCATED) | "the use of the lcd screen and the advanced chip cost the team half of the expenditure . due to the (...TRUNCATED) |
"summarize the conclusion of the incorporation of articulation when discussing budget balancing .[SE(...TRUNCATED) | "in the budget balancing , user interface desired an articulation , which would , however , lead the(...TRUNCATED) |
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