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52,900 | 1,435 | 39 | 2,176 | 944 | Harold avait attendu environ... 8 minutes maintenant. Personne ne semblait venir. Soupirant, Harold a remis ses lunettes, a saisi son sac d'ordinateur et a décidé qu'il utaliserait le pouvoir libre, le wifi, et la capacité d'obtenir de la nourriture que la cafétéria a fourni. Revenant lentement à l'endroit que Tim avait indiqué avant qu'ils n'allaient à leurs classes respectives, il se trouvait au bon endroit, regardant à travers la zone remplie d'étudiants de fraisage, dont beaucoup étaient assis en petits groupes. Généralement loin l'un de l'autre.
Il avait réussi à repérer ce Playboy d'avant de s'asseoir avec une autre fille, et pensait faire son chemin quand il a décidé de faire un autre balayage de la terre, et l'espoir de trouver quelqu'un qu'il pourrait s'asseoir. Il n'était pas vraiment intéressé à s'asseoir seul en ce moment, pas à cet endroit rempli. Comme chance, ou à certains, le destin, l'aurait eu, il a réussi à attraper l'apparition de Thisa à nouveau, et a déménagé pour enquêter sur cette possibilité.
Lorsqu'il l'a identifiée avec succès, il a discuté d'aller vers elle un moment, et a fait son chemin, marchant avec un glouton cool sur sa table. Il ne comprenait toujours pas pourquoi les gens pensaient que la façon dont il marchait avait "swag" mais il dégringola.
"Ah, hmm... salutations, Mlle Thisa. Est-ce que cela vous concernerait du tout si je devais m'asseoir ici, et utaliser la prise de courant?" Harold a souligné la sortie dans le mur à côté de la table, et semblait nerveux de commencer une conversation, ou de gâcher sa concentration. Elle semblait être très impliquée dans ses dessins une fois de plus après tout. | ##Timothy “Tim” Aquinas##
!( "Timothy")
An unassuming youth with pale skin, brown hair and emerald eyes, Timothy is lean and rather thin. Thin-framed eyeglasses sit upon the bridge of his nose, windows to eyes that brighten up in a charming, childlike way when he smiles. He stands at a good 6’0” tall, and prefers simple clothing: many of his shirts are black or grey and without print, and the ones that do have only minimalistic designs. His pants and other apparel are equally unassuming. But never is he seen without his only apparent accessory: a small pendant in the shape of an elaborate Celtic crucifix of silver, hanging from his neck by a chain.
Described by Cadwal as having a "cherub's melody," Timothy has a deceptively effeminate voice.
**Age:** 16
**Gender:** Male
*“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your Name give glory.”*
The foremost thing one might notice about Timothy is his zeal. A devout Catholic, he is well-read in the Bible and zealous. And unlike some others, Timothy has taken the teachings of the Scripture to heart, making him a genuinely friendly and caring person. Love his neighbor, love his enemy? Timothy most certainly does. Honest and loyal, his care for the well-being of others extends to the spiritual: he is convinced that those of heathen faiths – especially the People of the Book But Do Not Believe – and true unbelievers must be enlightened sooner or later. Then there are the Ones Who Come in His Name but Twist His Words, like Westboro, which he finds especially despicable.
Timothy is especially fond of literature, especially medieval history. He knows full well how Duke Enrique of Savoy invaded Monferatto from the Duke of Mantua as he had run out of patience with waiting for Emperor Rudolf of the Holy Roman Empire to answer his petition to have the mentioned territory transferred to the custody of his daughter, Margherita, as she was kicked out of the Mantuan Duke’s court for not having sired a child for her husband, the Duke’s late brother, before he died. Always hungry for more knowledge, his learning of this subject which he most adores is supplemented by the Holy Ghosts whom he summons and who are more than willing to answer his many, many questions. They may also be the reason why his favorite video game is Medieval II: Total War.
Quite softspoken, the mildness of his words is such that people are often left cynically wondering whether or not Timothy is mocking them. The sincerity with which he prays before eating his meals is viewed by some as merely an exaggeration: a mockery of those who practice Christianity. However, Timothy does not practice deceit. What he does is honest.
He believes his unique ability to summon fallen Crusaders is given to him by God.
*Esoteric Knowledge:* Timothy is well-read in obscure history books, and can regurgitate most of what he has learned, knowledge extracted from the literary works of people Like E.B Sledge, Sir Arthur Lloyd, and Peter H. Wilson. But, ever humble, Timothy only shares what he knows when the situation calls for it.
*Communicatio Larvali:* Timothy can communicate with summoned Holy Ghosts telepathically, surmounting any distance and time and in pure thought, eliminating the language barrier. Cadwal is a special case, and is an exception to the rule.
_Legiones Ecclesiae:_ At his command, Timothy can call forth Holy Ghosts of the most proactive members of the Church-Militant, namely, Crusaders. Having had this unique gift since early childhood, he has improved the ability in that he can keep indefinitely one Holy Ghost and dispel them at his whim. With a whispered plea and holding a holy symbol of Christianity (like a cross, or his pendant), Timothy beckons the departed souls of those who killed and died in the name of Christ from the ether and into the worldly earth. Fading into existence, they are then at the summoner's beck and call. However, the summoned are picked at random: Timothy does not yet have the ability to call specific people.
_Holy Ghosts_ are the summoned spirits of Christian martyrs. These can be an unknown Crusader or even someone famous like Joan of Arc. Partly transparent, hued an otherworldly blue, and possessed of bright, glowing eyes, these entities are twice as strong and fast as a man and immune to pain – but not harm. While they are ghosts in a sense, they are still shackled to following the laws of physics. However, they do not need their spectral organs to live as they are already dead. Therefore, a bullet is most effective at tearing a Holy Ghost's tendons than holing their heart.
Maintaining a Holy Ghost is done automatically by the soul but at the expense of the body. Timothy is completely alright with one summoned, but is easily winded when he has summoned two. At three and four, he is forced to sit down, with him being pale at the latter. Having five summoned simultaneously will knock him to deathly unconsciousness and will take heavy tolls on his health. While Timothy can keep one Holy Ghost indefinitely, having two or more will strain Timothy's soul so much that after fifteen minutes, they will be forcibly dispelled.
Holy Ghosts are summoned with what they had on their person the moment of their death. While her visit could potentially be a very enlightening experience, Joan of Arc would not fight at her fullest since she wore a dress during her death at the pyre. Crusaders who died in battle are more valuable in that they are usually in full gear when summoned. However, all are prized and valuable relics of the past, and some of them possess ancient knowledge no longer available in the present.
It would appear that Holy Ghosts have lost much of their personality during their centuries in limbo. What they haven't lost, however, is hatred of the heathen, the unbeliever, and the heretic.
Holy Ghosts, being soul-bound to their summoner, are able to communicate with Tim telepathically in pure thoughts, defeating language barriers.
Holy Ghosts can be seen, heard and touched by other people. However, they don't feel much due to their slightly incorporeal properties. They mimic the natural body temperature of a human being, but have got no odor of their own.
_Cadwal of Godwyn_ is a deceased English Crusader knight who perished in the First Crusade, struck down by an arrow to his thigh, knocking him off his horse, that subsequently became gangrenous and from which he did not recover. Acting as a sort of guardian angel, even he himself is not sure what is exactly at work as he shares his mind and soul with Timothy, acting as the boy's second conscience and trying to steer him towards the right path.
Cadwal "sleeps," becoming completely inactive for four hours each day. This is to relieve some of the stress of Timothy's soul from having to maintain another thought-form. Cadwal does his best to time this with Timothy's regular sleeping hours.
Born to two middle-class parents as the middle child of a litter of two boys and one girl, there isn't much to say about Timothy, considering his overall and overwhelming averageness which is offset only by his unique and (as he believes) God-given ability. While he was baptized, going to Church was never something routine for his family. Therefore, he sees his powers as a gift from God when they emerged when he was six years old.
Like many children, he thought up an imaginary friend. It was a knight, and his young mind could only describe it as "blue" and "like glass." When he was alone, he would play with the knight, and started a little game with his older brother and younger sister when he introduced the knight to them, and they made their own imaginary friends. Little did Timothy know, however, that his siblings' imagined creations were far different to what he had, for as time went on, the knight's responses became purely his own, and Timothy slowly lost the need to parrot them. Like another person living in his head, the knight would comment on day-to-day life, and when the young Timothy eyed upon a Bible, the knight energetically pleaded the boy to read it.
As little Tim read, his young mind was full of questions even from the starting book of Genesis. He would ask the knight in his head, who formally introduced himself as Cadwal of Godwyn, to explain it all for him, and he spent so many sleepless nights doing this sort of cooperative storytelling that his mother became worried at his lack of sleep and consulted a physician. On his third grade of elementary school, his family had to move elsewhere, and he was saddened by the sudden loss of friends; but Cadwal was always there and would never leave his mind. Upon his insistence, his father took him to Church one day, and was deeply happy at finally worshiping at a proper place.
As he became older and thus more aware of the sheer unnaturality of his unique ability, Tim wondered if he could do more with it. Praying to God, and after consulting Cadwal, he tried to call out an angel to advise him on what to do when his parents were divorcing. However, the only being that faded into existence was not a magnificent scion of Heaven, but a short-lasting, flickering blue ghost of a woman in armor. Timothy could not but gasp "Who are you?" at the figure, who replied with a sagely "Who I am is not important. But your faith in God is," before fading back into nothingness.
Encouraged by Cadwal, Timothy was henceforth convinced of his being blessed. Ever since then, he has been practicing and perfecting this unique ability of his by prayer and meditation.
Speaking with wizened words, Timothy prevented his parents' divorce by driving them to tears as he preached about the sanctity and inviolability of the oaths a couple takes in their marriage ceremony, with the help of his two beloved siblings.
Drowning in early adolescent male hormones, Timothy wanted to masturbate once (just to try it) but was halted by Cadwal (whom he thought was sleeping), who lectured him fiercely of the value of the "seed" and how it must not be wasted. |
52,901 | 1,435 | 40 | 993 | 1,646 | Ione sourit quand Saoji prit la main et l'embrassa, pensant _'Voyez? Vous pouvez être un gentleman aussi si vous essayez.Cependant, elle ne s'attendait pas à ce qui suit. L'histoire de Saoji était vraiment horrible, pour quelqu'un d'avoir vécu cela à un si petit âge. Ion ne savait pas comment se sentir.
"Attendez, attendez, attendez, attendez!!"** Paige lui a dit pendant que Saoji racontait son histoire. **"Ce n'est pas que tu lui tombes dessus, n'est-ce pas? N'est-ce pas? Je regrette de t'avoir dit de te rattraper! Avez-vous vu ces yeux d'avant? Ce sont les yeux d'un idiot qui tombe amoureux! Ne vous trompez pas, Ione!"** Paige a dit, mais je n'ai pas écouté. **"Ione, tu m'écoutes? Coucou!"**
Avec sa main, elle poussa son amie derrière elle, l'ignorant complètement et écoutant Saoji avec le plus d'attention qu'elle avait mis sur quelqu'un qui n'était pas un fantôme. Elle a visiblement remarqué ses yeux d'avant, et le sourire, mais elle n'aurait jamais pensé à cela d'une manière romantique n'avait pas été pour son amie. Mais non, ce n'était pas elle qui tombait pour lui. S'il y a quelque chose... je l'ai mis en colère. J'ai tellement à vivre à un si jeune âge. Elle s'est sentie comme avec Paige. Comme si Saoji était un petit garçon perdu et qui avait besoin de quelqu'un à ses côtés.
Après sa dernière "désolée", Ione mit sa main sur sa joue et le regarda profondément dans ses yeux, cassant dans un sourire aimable. **"Tu n'as pas besoin d'être désolé pour quoi que ce soit."**
**"Oh non! Non, non, non, non! C'est pas vrai! Si cet idiot est sur le point de tomber pour toi, continuer avec ce discours ne fera que le rendre plus dur!"** Elle savait que Paige exagérait, alors elle a juste continué. Elle était sur le point de continuer à parler quand elle a senti une petite main posant contre son autre main libre. C'est probablement Paige. Attends, qu'est-ce qu'elle...? À l'aide de l'extoplasme provenant des mains d'Ione, Paige a giflé le garçon et lui a ensuite montré sa langue, après avoir utilisé l'extoplasme pour rendre tout cela visible. Ione a pris Paige et l'a retenue.
"Désolé, Saoji! Elle a juste... Je ne sais pas ce qui lui est arrivé, s'il vous plaît ne la dérangez pas."** Elle a dit, avec un sourire apologétique et étouffé tenant son compagnon. | **Name:** Ione (Juliet) Barnett & Paige
This one is Ione!

This is Paige! (She's a ghost. :P)

**Age:** 17
**Gender:** Female
**Personality:** One way (Maybe the only way) to describe Ione is as odd. She is aloof, absent and some times, she seems to be looking more through you than at you. All of this combined with the fact that she talks a bit too much about ghosts and spirits make her seem crazy more often than not. You see, Ione has two personas inside her, but of course, this isn't a Multiple Personality Disorder, it is just her playing around, and also, a way to hide her bashfulness when talking to others, after all, who would be able to talk about ghosts, spirits, demons and such without feeling if even a little bit embarrassed? Her first persona is Juliet, a cold, sharp tongued girl who tries to scare others with her stories about ghosts (Yep, she named it). The second one is her real self that often peeks out when she is acting as her Juliet persona and someone shows some kind of interest in what she is talking about, the real Ione that is more of a ditzy, naive and a bit playful girl.
While it may seem that her ghost ramblings are nothing but nonsense, Ione does indeed have a talent for contacting the occult. Such talent allows her to speak with ghosts and even see them, and, given her lack of friends because of her odd personality, she spends a lot of time talking with her ghost friends. Given that she is one of the few people who can actually do that, she is often seen talking alone or with some imaginary friend, as they guess, though the reality is actually more spooky than that. Ione also has an unwavering love for Horror movies, though she often comments on the many discrepancies between the movies and actual ghosts.
Regarding her constant companion, the ghost Paige, she is a bit of a pervert that is deeply attached to Ione, and would do whatever Ione wants as long as it is reasonable. Regardless of her appearance and due to the fact that she's been dead for a long time, Paige is more mature than she lets others know, and also someone with very strict morals. She likes playing pranks, but she would never abide to do something that would put others in danger and will also pressure Ione to do the right thing sometimes. The two of the get along really well and are almost like sisters, so Paige is very prone to feel jealous when someone else interacts with Ione.
**Talent:** Mediumship, Ione is able to communicate with and see ghosts, to a really frightening extent, as she claims that, sometimes, she can even touch the ghosts without the use of her ability, though it is a limited and scarce number of ghosts she can actually touch. The reason as to why she can touch those ghosts is still unknown, but she thinks it is because of some kind of grudge they hold.
**Ability:** Poltergeist, Ione has the ability to secrete ectoplasm from her body, a substance invisible to those without her talents of mediumship. Through the secretion of ectoplasm, she can give a ghost the ability to touch things in the mortal realm, from objects to humans, giving the illusion that she has telekinesis instead. With enough extoplasm, a ghost can become visible to the naked eye of any passerby. Though her ability is useful, it does not give her the ability to control ghosts, so there are few ghosts who actually listen to her, though, luckily, she has one she is very good friends with. A ghost covered in her ectoplasm can also posses someone, however, the subject must be unconscious for it to succeed. It seems she can also use the ectoplasm for battle, but given that she barely knows how to fight, she doesn't know how.
**Bio:** Always the odd one out, Ione at first cursed her talent for seeing ghosts, since it caused nothing but troubles. In the past, she was always bullied, because of how she tried to include her invisible friends into conversations with others. Unable to see what Ione was talking about, the other kids merely tried to tell her that there was nothing there, and that she was crazy. At some point, and tired of being called crazy for believing in her ghostly friends, she distanced herself from them. She pretended as if they didn't exist, as if she couldn't hear them. She saw how they detached their own heads and things of the like in comic ways in an effort to make her laugh, but she choked down her laughs and put up a poker face.
She lived a normal life for a while but, to be honest, she found it boring. After being able to talk with ghosts that had been decapitated or had died young, well, she just found everything else boring. She had seen gory scenes before, but she didn't seem to really mind, in fact, that helped her develop one of her greatest interests in life, her love for horror movies. After a while, she finally realized that her fun days were because of her ethereal friends and decided to go back to them, instead of trying to be someone she wasn't with the other kids.
She apologized time and time again and the ghosts that were her friends eventually forgave her, with the sole condition that she wouldn't turn their back on them ever again. After agreeing to it, she was then introduced to the newest additions of the gang. Juliet and Paige, a pair of sisters that strayed all the way to where they were. Ione grew close to both sisters in a short time, but one day, Juliet, the bigger of the sisters, disappeared. Juliet always talked about how it would be great to finally pass on and let go of all her regrets and things left undone, though there was still something holding her down. Ione soon connected the dots and figured that she couldn't pass on because of her little sister Paige, but after Paige grew close to Ione, maybe Juliet knew that her little sister would be able to pass away eventually too, and left this world. Ione was now resolved, knowing that Juliet must now be able to be born again, and she decided to help all the other ghosts pass away and thus, her Juliet persona was born. She helped every and each one of her friends pass away, except for one. Paige was the only one that remained there and, though Ione didn't knew why, she decided she would think about it as it went, given that Paige never left her side.
**Other:** She likes to wear gothic lolita fashion. She is quite good at sewing and handicraft of the like, though she is terrible at cooking. |
52,902 | 1,435 | 41 | 156 | 2,749 | Poppy se leva rapidement et frotta ses paumes transpirantes sur son pantalon avant de le tenir pour Henrietta à prendre.
Poppy a souri à l'envers. Alors, oui, je ne me joindrais probablement à aucune de ces légions bizarres de choses démentes que vous avez en train de faire, mais... merci de m'avoir informé? Je crois. Oui, c'est ça.
Poppy a décidé qu'il serait préférable de s'asseoir avant qu'elle ne se rende folle d'elle-même et, en se tournant, son pied s'est heurté à la jambe de la table. Ses chaussures étaient faites d'un matériau pauvre et fragile, et donc ses orteils ont pris la plupart du choc. La douleur a éclaté dans son pied et Poppy a tenté d'étouffer la douleur avec ses mains tout en sautant sur un pied.
Fils de pute! | !( "Poppy O'Conner")
**Name:** Poppy O’Conner
**Age:** 16
**Gender:** Female
**Personality:** Poppy is an awkward girl who often says the wrong things when around people she doesn’t know well. When with friends, though, Poppy is loud, talkative, and, unfortunately, punny. She doesn’t understand the point of keeping things secret, so she has no qualms with saying exactly what is going on in her life or what of the likes if someone asks her. Poppy has the unfortunate habit of bottling up her emotions and, even when telling her “sob” story, keeps a straight face or shrugs it off when people ask her how she is feeling. The blonde has a hard time connecting with people on a personal level and when she attempts to express her sadness, she is often deterred by sympathetically distant responses. She is not particularly motivated to do anything and tries to find the easiest ways to do things. Her worst habit is procrastination and most of her work does not get done until the night before it’s due.
**Talent:**_ Learner_: Poppy learns new things with relative ease and has a near perfect memory where she can store all the new information. She dabbles in most genres of information and knows many random facts.
**Ability**: _Know-It-All_: By pressing her hand anywhere on a book, or anything that holds information, she can absorb the information and remember it completely. This gives her a higher level of intelligence than most. Due to absorbing psychology books and pamphlets, Poppy can easily read people by their body language. If an animal is sick? She can check for any symptoms of the million of diseases and illnesses in her knowledge. However, after absorbing too much information, Poppy gets queasy and dizzy; if she goes past that, though she never has so far, she would probably die.
Poppy is an American and was born on an Air Force base in Florida. Her father is in the military and she has had to move around a lot for his work. Her parents were always busy with work – not that Poppy minded, because when they weren’t, the family was always hanging out – and so Poppy took up the habit of reading constantly. Because of her father’s work, Poppy’s dad would get deployed many times and Poppy would be stuck with her mother.
It wasn’t that Poppy didn’t like her mother, in fact, Poppy adored her mother...that is before her alcoholism came back after ten years of sobriety (she quit before Poppy was born). Her mother spiraled into a pit of depression and, in turn, Poppy too had begun to feel depressed. Later on, she was diagnosed with depression and anxiety and was prescribed medicine to take. Poppy, often than not, does not take her medicine because “it makes her feel funny.”
One day, when Poppy was fourteen and her father was home from deployment, the blonde girl came home to her mother crying in her bedroom, drunk as per usual, and attempting to call a rehab facility. Not knowing what to do, Poppy attempted to call her dad to help her, but he wasn’t picking up. After the police came (one of the rehab centers had called the cops on her mom to make sure she wasn’t harming herself) and Poppy finally managed to get a hold of her dad, everything just froze for Poppy. Her mother went to rehab until the week before Poppy’s fifteenth birthday, but that wasn’t what the problem was for Poppy. She discovered that, in her time of need, she was having a hard time connecting with her friends. They would tell her that “it would be alright” and that “at least your mom is getting better” but that didn’t satisfy Poppy – they felt distant.
After her mom was released, Poppy’s dad got a new job in Wales and the O’Conner family jumped at the chance to go for it was “a new start.”
Other: Poppy is terrified of not being able to control herself (therefore, she stays away from drugs, alcohol and such and such) |
52,903 | 1,435 | 42 | 554 | 1,584 | Thisa réfléchissait sur son morceau de papier, elle envisageait beaucoup de choses, pour une façon d'empêcher les bras de se déchirer de façon alphabétisée du torse. Le problème de l'imperfection en tant que contrainte de conception était d'utiliser des matériaux imparfaits et une construction imparfaite, il faudrait une ingénierie très intelligente pour garder le robot naturel tout en restant dans une seule pièce. Harold inconnu de Thisa l'a approchée et lui a même posé une question, mais comme normal quand dans le mode de conception le monde peut aussi bien ne pas exister pour elle. Les secondes passèrent en minutes car Thisa n'a toujours pas remarqué Harold, inutile de dire que la situation devenait gênante. Ce n'est que par hasard, en regardant légèrement sur le côté, que Thisa a finalement vu Harold du coin de l'œil, et quelqu'un qui apparaissait soudain à l'existence était surprenant de le mettre en un sens.
Ça a sauté dans son siège et a failli faire tomber son crayon, "Oh, oh, désolé je suppose. Je ne sais pas depuis longtemps que tu es là, j'ai un peu d'entrainé quand tu griffonnes dans ce livre. Donc, à condition que tu n'oublies pas en m'attendant, tu as besoin de quelque chose? | Name: Saoji Makami
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Personality: Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are.
Talent: Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything.
Ability: Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals.
Bio: Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school. |
52,904 | 1,435 | 43 | 2,465 | 3,276 | Harold a attendu patiemment, comprendre la zone dans laquelle l'un d'un esprit créatif est entré tout en travaillant sur quelque chose qu'ils ont aimé et/ou apprécié. Il l'avait lui-même fait beaucoup de fois lui-même, alors il a juste attendu un point où elle a pris trop de temps, ou elle l'a finalement remarqué. Quand elle a sauté, il lui a donné un petit sourire et lui a hurlé avant de répéter ce qu'il disait avant:
"Greetings Mme Thisa. Est-ce que ça vous concernerait de m'asseoir ici, et d'utaliser la prise d'électricité? Je m'excuse aussi de vous avoir surpris. J'avais décidé que le bon plan d'action serait d'attendre pendant que vous continuiez votre conception actuelle. Et je n'ai pas attendu longtemps, et cela ne m'a pas été courtois. » Harold expliqua avec un peu de lueur dans sa voix à sa passion évidente pour son travail. | Name: Saoji Makami
Gender: Male
Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are.
Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything.
Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals.
Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school. |
52,905 | 1,435 | 44 | 554 | 1,584 | Harold semblait à l'aise, et surtout pas ennuyé de l'ignorer, de sorte qu'aucun dommage réel n'a été fait. Ceci scooté sur le côté, "Ici je pense qu'il y a une sortie là-bas, devrait être en mesure de l'atteindre." Intéressante pour elle de rencontrer Harold à nouveau, comme juste l'orge connaissance n'est pas comme ils se connaissaient vraiment, elle a dû se demander s'il est venu la trouver exprès ou était vraiment seulement une rencontre de chance comme avant. Quoi qu'il en soit, Harold était bon pour parler technique alors Thisa a mieux pensé que d'en parler, peut le faire fuir ou quelque chose comme ça.
"Alors... comment s'est passée ta journée scolaire? Le mien n'était pas vraiment mouvementé, travail de classe normal et des conférences normales comme toujours vraiment." | Name: Saoji Makami
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Personality: Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are.
Talent: Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything.
Ability: Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals.
Bio: Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school. |
52,906 | 1,435 | 45 | 2,176 | 944 | Les yeux de Saoji tombaient profondément dans les siens, semblait presque comme s'il s'aventurait dans un monde de magie. Ses yeux étincelaient comme des paillettes. Son humeur s'est améliorée une fois qu'elle a posé sa main sur sa joue. Il a cligné quelques fois quand son visage est devenu rouge. Bien que Saoji ait fait rougir d'autres avant lui, il n'était pas habitué à une fille qui le touchait. Pendant un moment, il s'est senti recherché... jusqu'à ce qu'il soit frappé par une force qu'il ne pouvait décrire. Il s'enflamma de la douleur et s'arrêta sur le côté de son visage pendant qu'il s'irritait. Il soupira et se leva, arrachant son livre de la table et s'éloignant. Il s'est arrêté et a regardé par-dessus son épaule à Ione.
"Qu'est-ce qu'elle a?" Il a demandé avant de quitter la cafétéria. | ##Timothy “Tim” Aquinas##
!( "Timothy")
An unassuming youth with pale skin, brown hair and emerald eyes, Timothy is lean and rather thin. Thin-framed eyeglasses sit upon the bridge of his nose, windows to eyes that brighten up in a charming, childlike way when he smiles. He stands at a good 6’0” tall, and prefers simple clothing: many of his shirts are black or grey and without print, and the ones that do have only minimalistic designs. His pants and other apparel are equally unassuming. But never is he seen without his only apparent accessory: a small pendant in the shape of an elaborate Celtic crucifix of silver, hanging from his neck by a chain.
Described by Cadwal as having a "cherub's melody," Timothy has a deceptively effeminate voice.
**Age:** 16
**Gender:** Male
*“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your Name give glory.”*
The foremost thing one might notice about Timothy is his zeal. A devout Catholic, he is well-read in the Bible and zealous. And unlike some others, Timothy has taken the teachings of the Scripture to heart, making him a genuinely friendly and caring person. Love his neighbor, love his enemy? Timothy most certainly does. Honest and loyal, his care for the well-being of others extends to the spiritual: he is convinced that those of heathen faiths – especially the People of the Book But Do Not Believe – and true unbelievers must be enlightened sooner or later. Then there are the Ones Who Come in His Name but Twist His Words, like Westboro, which he finds especially despicable.
Timothy is especially fond of literature, especially medieval history. He knows full well how Duke Enrique of Savoy invaded Monferatto from the Duke of Mantua as he had run out of patience with waiting for Emperor Rudolf of the Holy Roman Empire to answer his petition to have the mentioned territory transferred to the custody of his daughter, Margherita, as she was kicked out of the Mantuan Duke’s court for not having sired a child for her husband, the Duke’s late brother, before he died. Always hungry for more knowledge, his learning of this subject which he most adores is supplemented by the Holy Ghosts whom he summons and who are more than willing to answer his many, many questions. They may also be the reason why his favorite video game is Medieval II: Total War.
Quite softspoken, the mildness of his words is such that people are often left cynically wondering whether or not Timothy is mocking them. The sincerity with which he prays before eating his meals is viewed by some as merely an exaggeration: a mockery of those who practice Christianity. However, Timothy does not practice deceit. What he does is honest.
He believes his unique ability to summon fallen Crusaders is given to him by God.
*Esoteric Knowledge:* Timothy is well-read in obscure history books, and can regurgitate most of what he has learned, knowledge extracted from the literary works of people Like E.B Sledge, Sir Arthur Lloyd, and Peter H. Wilson. But, ever humble, Timothy only shares what he knows when the situation calls for it.
*Communicatio Larvali:* Timothy can communicate with summoned Holy Ghosts telepathically, surmounting any distance and time and in pure thought, eliminating the language barrier. Cadwal is a special case, and is an exception to the rule.
_Legiones Ecclesiae:_ At his command, Timothy can call forth Holy Ghosts of the most proactive members of the Church-Militant, namely, Crusaders. Having had this unique gift since early childhood, he has improved the ability in that he can keep indefinitely one Holy Ghost and dispel them at his whim. With a whispered plea and holding a holy symbol of Christianity (like a cross, or his pendant), Timothy beckons the departed souls of those who killed and died in the name of Christ from the ether and into the worldly earth. Fading into existence, they are then at the summoner's beck and call. However, the summoned are picked at random: Timothy does not yet have the ability to call specific people.
_Holy Ghosts_ are the summoned spirits of Christian martyrs. These can be an unknown Crusader or even someone famous like Joan of Arc. Partly transparent, hued an otherworldly blue, and possessed of bright, glowing eyes, these entities are twice as strong and fast as a man and immune to pain – but not harm. While they are ghosts in a sense, they are still shackled to following the laws of physics. However, they do not need their spectral organs to live as they are already dead. Therefore, a bullet is most effective at tearing a Holy Ghost's tendons than holing their heart.
Maintaining a Holy Ghost is done automatically by the soul but at the expense of the body. Timothy is completely alright with one summoned, but is easily winded when he has summoned two. At three and four, he is forced to sit down, with him being pale at the latter. Having five summoned simultaneously will knock him to deathly unconsciousness and will take heavy tolls on his health. While Timothy can keep one Holy Ghost indefinitely, having two or more will strain Timothy's soul so much that after fifteen minutes, they will be forcibly dispelled.
Holy Ghosts are summoned with what they had on their person the moment of their death. While her visit could potentially be a very enlightening experience, Joan of Arc would not fight at her fullest since she wore a dress during her death at the pyre. Crusaders who died in battle are more valuable in that they are usually in full gear when summoned. However, all are prized and valuable relics of the past, and some of them possess ancient knowledge no longer available in the present.
It would appear that Holy Ghosts have lost much of their personality during their centuries in limbo. What they haven't lost, however, is hatred of the heathen, the unbeliever, and the heretic.
Holy Ghosts, being soul-bound to their summoner, are able to communicate with Tim telepathically in pure thoughts, defeating language barriers.
Holy Ghosts can be seen, heard and touched by other people. However, they don't feel much due to their slightly incorporeal properties. They mimic the natural body temperature of a human being, but have got no odor of their own.
_Cadwal of Godwyn_ is a deceased English Crusader knight who perished in the First Crusade, struck down by an arrow to his thigh, knocking him off his horse, that subsequently became gangrenous and from which he did not recover. Acting as a sort of guardian angel, even he himself is not sure what is exactly at work as he shares his mind and soul with Timothy, acting as the boy's second conscience and trying to steer him towards the right path.
Cadwal "sleeps," becoming completely inactive for four hours each day. This is to relieve some of the stress of Timothy's soul from having to maintain another thought-form. Cadwal does his best to time this with Timothy's regular sleeping hours.
Born to two middle-class parents as the middle child of a litter of two boys and one girl, there isn't much to say about Timothy, considering his overall and overwhelming averageness which is offset only by his unique and (as he believes) God-given ability. While he was baptized, going to Church was never something routine for his family. Therefore, he sees his powers as a gift from God when they emerged when he was six years old.
Like many children, he thought up an imaginary friend. It was a knight, and his young mind could only describe it as "blue" and "like glass." When he was alone, he would play with the knight, and started a little game with his older brother and younger sister when he introduced the knight to them, and they made their own imaginary friends. Little did Timothy know, however, that his siblings' imagined creations were far different to what he had, for as time went on, the knight's responses became purely his own, and Timothy slowly lost the need to parrot them. Like another person living in his head, the knight would comment on day-to-day life, and when the young Timothy eyed upon a Bible, the knight energetically pleaded the boy to read it.
As little Tim read, his young mind was full of questions even from the starting book of Genesis. He would ask the knight in his head, who formally introduced himself as Cadwal of Godwyn, to explain it all for him, and he spent so many sleepless nights doing this sort of cooperative storytelling that his mother became worried at his lack of sleep and consulted a physician. On his third grade of elementary school, his family had to move elsewhere, and he was saddened by the sudden loss of friends; but Cadwal was always there and would never leave his mind. Upon his insistence, his father took him to Church one day, and was deeply happy at finally worshiping at a proper place.
As he became older and thus more aware of the sheer unnaturality of his unique ability, Tim wondered if he could do more with it. Praying to God, and after consulting Cadwal, he tried to call out an angel to advise him on what to do when his parents were divorcing. However, the only being that faded into existence was not a magnificent scion of Heaven, but a short-lasting, flickering blue ghost of a woman in armor. Timothy could not but gasp "Who are you?" at the figure, who replied with a sagely "Who I am is not important. But your faith in God is," before fading back into nothingness.
Encouraged by Cadwal, Timothy was henceforth convinced of his being blessed. Ever since then, he has been practicing and perfecting this unique ability of his by prayer and meditation.
Speaking with wizened words, Timothy prevented his parents' divorce by driving them to tears as he preached about the sanctity and inviolability of the oaths a couple takes in their marriage ceremony, with the help of his two beloved siblings.
Drowning in early adolescent male hormones, Timothy wanted to masturbate once (just to try it) but was halted by Cadwal (whom he thought was sleeping), who lectured him fiercely of the value of the "seed" and how it must not be wasted. |
52,907 | 1,435 | 46 | 156 | 2,749 | Poppy était heureuse quand la douleur était partie et souhaitait secrètement qu'elle ait une guérison radio ou autre. C'est pratique, vu la fréquence à laquelle Poppy est entré dans les choses. Sans égard au fait, il n'y avait aucun intérêt à souhaiter quelque chose qu'elle n'aurait pas pu avoir, Poppy s'assit dans sa chaise.
Alors qu'Henrietta s'étirait avec ses seins devenant très proéminents, Poppy ne pouvait pas aider mais regardait subrepticement la sienne. Les bosses de taille moyenne étaient juste sources de dépression et de déception alors Poppy soigneusement enveloppé sa veste autour d'elle.
Pas un rendez-vous. Poppy a répondu même si Timothy avait déjà dit quelque chose. La blonde se dirigea vers l'avant et posa sa joue sur sa paume, se détendant légèrement. | !( "Poppy O'Conner")
**Name:** Poppy O’Conner
**Age:** 16
**Gender:** Female
**Personality:** Poppy is an awkward girl who often says the wrong things when around people she doesn’t know well. When with friends, though, Poppy is loud, talkative, and, unfortunately, punny. She doesn’t understand the point of keeping things secret, so she has no qualms with saying exactly what is going on in her life or what of the likes if someone asks her. Poppy has the unfortunate habit of bottling up her emotions and, even when telling her “sob” story, keeps a straight face or shrugs it off when people ask her how she is feeling. The blonde has a hard time connecting with people on a personal level and when she attempts to express her sadness, she is often deterred by sympathetically distant responses. She is not particularly motivated to do anything and tries to find the easiest ways to do things. Her worst habit is procrastination and most of her work does not get done until the night before it’s due.
**Talent:**_ Learner_: Poppy learns new things with relative ease and has a near perfect memory where she can store all the new information. She dabbles in most genres of information and knows many random facts.
**Ability**: _Know-It-All_: By pressing her hand anywhere on a book, or anything that holds information, she can absorb the information and remember it completely. This gives her a higher level of intelligence than most. Due to absorbing psychology books and pamphlets, Poppy can easily read people by their body language. If an animal is sick? She can check for any symptoms of the million of diseases and illnesses in her knowledge. However, after absorbing too much information, Poppy gets queasy and dizzy; if she goes past that, though she never has so far, she would probably die.
Poppy is an American and was born on an Air Force base in Florida. Her father is in the military and she has had to move around a lot for his work. Her parents were always busy with work – not that Poppy minded, because when they weren’t, the family was always hanging out – and so Poppy took up the habit of reading constantly. Because of her father’s work, Poppy’s dad would get deployed many times and Poppy would be stuck with her mother.
It wasn’t that Poppy didn’t like her mother, in fact, Poppy adored her mother...that is before her alcoholism came back after ten years of sobriety (she quit before Poppy was born). Her mother spiraled into a pit of depression and, in turn, Poppy too had begun to feel depressed. Later on, she was diagnosed with depression and anxiety and was prescribed medicine to take. Poppy, often than not, does not take her medicine because “it makes her feel funny.”
One day, when Poppy was fourteen and her father was home from deployment, the blonde girl came home to her mother crying in her bedroom, drunk as per usual, and attempting to call a rehab facility. Not knowing what to do, Poppy attempted to call her dad to help her, but he wasn’t picking up. After the police came (one of the rehab centers had called the cops on her mom to make sure she wasn’t harming herself) and Poppy finally managed to get a hold of her dad, everything just froze for Poppy. Her mother went to rehab until the week before Poppy’s fifteenth birthday, but that wasn’t what the problem was for Poppy. She discovered that, in her time of need, she was having a hard time connecting with her friends. They would tell her that “it would be alright” and that “at least your mom is getting better” but that didn’t satisfy Poppy – they felt distant.
After her mom was released, Poppy’s dad got a new job in Wales and the O’Conner family jumped at the chance to go for it was “a new start.”
Other: Poppy is terrified of not being able to control herself (therefore, she stays away from drugs, alcohol and such and such) |
52,908 | 1,435 | 47 | 993 | 1,646 | **"Ah, s'il vous plaît... attendez! Elle est juste... être idiote. Elle peut devenir vraiment jalouse parfois et..."** Eh bien, elle ne peut pas dire que Paige savait qu'il regardait Ione comme un idiot, surtout parce que ce serait assez insultant de le dire. Peut-être qu'elle pourrait trouver une excuse. Elle pense juste que tu es dangereux, puisque je... t'ai traité de playboy et tout. Vous pouvez dire que c'est un peu ma faute. Désolé."** Elle a dit, prenant à nouveau son chapeau de la table et le mettant à nouveau. En respirant profondément, elle a décidé qu'il serait préférable de retourner à sa personnalité Juliette pour le moment.
**"De toute façon, si nous nous écartons d'avoir beaucoup de contact physique, Paige devrait être capable de se retenir au moins un peu. Alors... s'il vous plaît, ne partez pas. On vient de se réconcilier, après tout."* Elle a dit, un petit blush qui se met aux joues. **"Ou... tu ne peux pas être autour d'un fantôme?"** Elle a dit. Après tout, ce n'était pas une option pour elle de se séparer de Paige. | **Name:** Ione (Juliet) Barnett & Paige
This one is Ione!

This is Paige! (She's a ghost. :P)

**Age:** 17
**Gender:** Female
**Personality:** One way (Maybe the only way) to describe Ione is as odd. She is aloof, absent and some times, she seems to be looking more through you than at you. All of this combined with the fact that she talks a bit too much about ghosts and spirits make her seem crazy more often than not. You see, Ione has two personas inside her, but of course, this isn't a Multiple Personality Disorder, it is just her playing around, and also, a way to hide her bashfulness when talking to others, after all, who would be able to talk about ghosts, spirits, demons and such without feeling if even a little bit embarrassed? Her first persona is Juliet, a cold, sharp tongued girl who tries to scare others with her stories about ghosts (Yep, she named it). The second one is her real self that often peeks out when she is acting as her Juliet persona and someone shows some kind of interest in what she is talking about, the real Ione that is more of a ditzy, naive and a bit playful girl.
While it may seem that her ghost ramblings are nothing but nonsense, Ione does indeed have a talent for contacting the occult. Such talent allows her to speak with ghosts and even see them, and, given her lack of friends because of her odd personality, she spends a lot of time talking with her ghost friends. Given that she is one of the few people who can actually do that, she is often seen talking alone or with some imaginary friend, as they guess, though the reality is actually more spooky than that. Ione also has an unwavering love for Horror movies, though she often comments on the many discrepancies between the movies and actual ghosts.
Regarding her constant companion, the ghost Paige, she is a bit of a pervert that is deeply attached to Ione, and would do whatever Ione wants as long as it is reasonable. Regardless of her appearance and due to the fact that she's been dead for a long time, Paige is more mature than she lets others know, and also someone with very strict morals. She likes playing pranks, but she would never abide to do something that would put others in danger and will also pressure Ione to do the right thing sometimes. The two of the get along really well and are almost like sisters, so Paige is very prone to feel jealous when someone else interacts with Ione.
**Talent:** Mediumship, Ione is able to communicate with and see ghosts, to a really frightening extent, as she claims that, sometimes, she can even touch the ghosts without the use of her ability, though it is a limited and scarce number of ghosts she can actually touch. The reason as to why she can touch those ghosts is still unknown, but she thinks it is because of some kind of grudge they hold.
**Ability:** Poltergeist, Ione has the ability to secrete ectoplasm from her body, a substance invisible to those without her talents of mediumship. Through the secretion of ectoplasm, she can give a ghost the ability to touch things in the mortal realm, from objects to humans, giving the illusion that she has telekinesis instead. With enough extoplasm, a ghost can become visible to the naked eye of any passerby. Though her ability is useful, it does not give her the ability to control ghosts, so there are few ghosts who actually listen to her, though, luckily, she has one she is very good friends with. A ghost covered in her ectoplasm can also posses someone, however, the subject must be unconscious for it to succeed. It seems she can also use the ectoplasm for battle, but given that she barely knows how to fight, she doesn't know how.
**Bio:** Always the odd one out, Ione at first cursed her talent for seeing ghosts, since it caused nothing but troubles. In the past, she was always bullied, because of how she tried to include her invisible friends into conversations with others. Unable to see what Ione was talking about, the other kids merely tried to tell her that there was nothing there, and that she was crazy. At some point, and tired of being called crazy for believing in her ghostly friends, she distanced herself from them. She pretended as if they didn't exist, as if she couldn't hear them. She saw how they detached their own heads and things of the like in comic ways in an effort to make her laugh, but she choked down her laughs and put up a poker face.
She lived a normal life for a while but, to be honest, she found it boring. After being able to talk with ghosts that had been decapitated or had died young, well, she just found everything else boring. She had seen gory scenes before, but she didn't seem to really mind, in fact, that helped her develop one of her greatest interests in life, her love for horror movies. After a while, she finally realized that her fun days were because of her ethereal friends and decided to go back to them, instead of trying to be someone she wasn't with the other kids.
She apologized time and time again and the ghosts that were her friends eventually forgave her, with the sole condition that she wouldn't turn their back on them ever again. After agreeing to it, she was then introduced to the newest additions of the gang. Juliet and Paige, a pair of sisters that strayed all the way to where they were. Ione grew close to both sisters in a short time, but one day, Juliet, the bigger of the sisters, disappeared. Juliet always talked about how it would be great to finally pass on and let go of all her regrets and things left undone, though there was still something holding her down. Ione soon connected the dots and figured that she couldn't pass on because of her little sister Paige, but after Paige grew close to Ione, maybe Juliet knew that her little sister would be able to pass away eventually too, and left this world. Ione was now resolved, knowing that Juliet must now be able to be born again, and she decided to help all the other ghosts pass away and thus, her Juliet persona was born. She helped every and each one of her friends pass away, except for one. Paige was the only one that remained there and, though Ione didn't knew why, she decided she would think about it as it went, given that Paige never left her side.
**Other:** She likes to wear gothic lolita fashion. She is quite good at sewing and handicraft of the like, though she is terrible at cooking. |
52,909 | 1,435 | 48 | 554 | 1,584 | Ça ne pouvait pas s'empêcher de se serrer la tête et de se balancer, Harold avait vraiment un peu bizarre de parler, mais encore assez facile de le suivre indépendamment. Tout de même dire 'Aujourd'hui était normal, et les conférences n'étaient pas très mémorables' aurait atteint le point beaucoup plus rapidement. Il y avait toujours quelque chose d'attachant à ce sujet, donc Thisa ne s'en souciait pas.
"Ils vont bien, je dois juste continuer à déplacer les choses." Cecia pointé sur la page, "Comme ici, je suis en train de résoudre un problème des bras se déchirant du châssis, sa vitesse et la taille des moteurs que j'utilise. Bien qu'il soit inutile de dire que je ne peux pas exécuter de vrais tests, je peux exécuter les nombres et faire des simulations, donc à partir de ce que j'ai fait la configuration que j'ai maintenant ne fonctionne pas. Il y a beaucoup à travailler avec ici, les sources d'énergie ne peuvent être si lourdes avant d'être impraticables, parce que je continue de changer les sources la quantité d'énergie que je dois travailler avec les changements, et puisque ces changements je dois échanger des composants électriques qui s'intégreraient dans le budget d'énergie. Il y a d'autres questions auxquelles je m'attaque en ce moment, mais en ce moment je me concentre sur le travail des armes. » | Name: Saoji Makami
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Personality: Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are.
Talent: Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything.
Ability: Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals.
Bio: Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school. |
52,910 | 1,435 | 49 | 2,465 | 3,276 | Vous dormez, hein? Eh bien, je suppose que la bibliothèque est un bon endroit pour dormir, commente Henrietta, sa joue plantée sur la table. En regardant Poppy, elle voyait la déception sur son visage et souriait. "Pas de soucis, plus grand n'est pas toujours mieux! Certains types aiment les petits, tu sais? En outre, c'est toute attitude, Poppy - peu importe à quel point vous regardez bien, si vous ne pouvez pas le soutenir avec des mots et des actions, alors tout le monde se rendra compte que vous êtes juste un joli visage, et tout le monde sait _ceux_ ne durent pas pour toujours."
Henrietta a donné un sourire plus grand et lui a donné un pouce vers le haut. Assez drôlement, sa tête était encore sur la table.
"De toute façon, assez de cela, nous avons eu assez de leçons de vie pour le moment. Moi et mon ami ici sommes censés faire une étude des croisades pour notre journal d'études sociales."
La blonde sourit et se mit à parler rapidement. "J'ai adoré lire sur l'histoire, eh bien, lire en général, depuis que j'ai pu lire. J'ai engagé des informations sur les croisades à cœur, donc mes gars sont les seuls qui ont vraiment besoin d'aller à la bibliothèque. Je suis venu avec eux au cas où ils auraient besoin d'aide; hey, saviez-vous qu'il y avait environ onze croisades plus, mais seulement quatre d'entre eux étaient pertinents? Le quatrième était celui qui a prouvé que les croisades n'étaient pas seulement sur le point de reprendre les Terres Saintes, mais aussi contre quiconque l'Eglise a considéré un ennemi?" Le groupe derrière elle a sauté et soudain a commencé à prendre des notes, et elle a souri avec tact, sachant que ce serait leur réaction
Henrietta continua à draguer, montrant son intérêt évident pour le sujet mais aussi à parler très vite. « Et saviez-vous que peu importe le crime que vous avez commis, tant que vous n'avez pas été excommuniés, en rejoignant les croisades, vous avez obtenu le pardon immédiat? Beaucoup de gens se sont joints, certains vraiment remords, d'autres simplement désireux d'échapper à leurs crimes - ces derniers ne durent généralement pas trop longtemps et étaient généralement abattus par des flèches des forces opposées alors qu'ils essayaient de s'enfuir. »
La fille aux cheveux dorés a jeté un coup d'œil à son groupe et les a vus en train de les écrire et de comparer des notes et de rire silencieusement. Elle regarda Timothy et Poppy. Elle chuchotait : « Comme vous pouvez le voir, ils sont un peu trop dépendants des gens plus intelligents, alors j'aime jouer ce genre de blague sur eux de temps en temps. Il les garde sur leurs orteils." | Name: Saoji Makami
Gender: Male
Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are.
Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything.
Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals.
Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school. |
52,911 | 1,435 | 50 | 554 | 1,584 | Eh bien, je n'ai pas cherché de magasins dans l'école, mais... peut-être que si je devais passer un marché avec des mécaniciens locaux par ici, je pourrais avoir un espace de travail. A part ça, peut-être que faire entrer de l'équipement dans mon dortoir, pourrait être difficile de masquer le son, mais hey si la poussée vient à pousser, je trouverai le moyen d'obtenir quelque chose.
Herold s'est déplacé de son ordinateur portable, a semblé qu'il regardait le playboy et sa "compagne" qu'elle devait gifler le gars, mais Thisa n'a pas pu voir ce qui s'est passé, bien que encore une fois brave monsieur playboy fuyait. Thisa s'est arrêté de penser à s'il méritait vraiment quel que soit le traitement qu'il reçoit, ne sais pas peut-être que le gars était juste vraiment mauvais dans les milieux sociaux et n'était pas un sleazebag en réalité.
"Huh, c'est le gars de tout à l'heure? Tu connais celui qui voulait aider quand je suis tombée? Je me demande ce qui est arrivé à ces deux-là, même si je ne sais pas si nous devrions découvrir que je n'aime pas pousser dans les affaires de quelqu'un comme ça." | Name: Saoji Makami
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Personality: Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are.
Talent: Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything.
Ability: Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals.
Bio: Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school. |
52,912 | 1,435 | 51 | 732 | 8,849 | Saoji s'arrêta un peu et soupira. Il a vu à quel point Ione était apologétique et lui a souri. Cette gifle de Paige a fait très mal. Il ne fait aucun doute que c'était l'une de leurs capacités. Il a vu la visibilité de l'ectoplasme une fois qu'il a touché sa joue, laissant une légère teinte verte qui n'était pas tout à fait visible. Il s'est frotté la joue. En fait, il s'est senti un peu coupable, bouleversant Paige comme ça. Il aimerait pouvoir la voir physiquement pour pouvoir s'excuser auprès d'elle. Il se prosterna légèrement devant eux.
"Pardonne-moi, Paige... je ne voulais pas. Je ne lui ferai pas de mal, promis. Vous devez me croire."** il a dit un peu désespérément. Il voulait vraiment que Paige cesse de le torturer et de voir le potentiel en lui.
Il a regardé Ione.
"Je peux dire qu'elle est vraiment protectrice de toi... J'aimerais avoir ça dans ma vie. Il semble que je sois la seule personne à pouvoir me protéger. Tu veux aller à la bibliothèque avec moi? Après avoir lu ce livre... je veux trouver plus comme ça... je pensais vraiment regarder un film ou quelque chose là-bas... si vous voulez vous joindre à moi?"** il a dit en souriant.
C'était drôle à quel point Saoji pouvait oublier quelque chose qui s'est passé. Encore une fois, ce n'était pas grave. Ce n'était pas comme s'il avait été giflé au visage par quelqu'un physiquement où tout le monde pouvait voir. Paige était un fantôme, donc tout allait bien... il ne s'est pas senti aussi embarrassé. Il ne peut même pas la voir. Mais il a dû prouver à Paige qu'il n'était pas une mauvaise personne du tout. Que tout le monde l'a mal compris.
**"Alors? Qu'est-ce qu'il y a?"** il sourit. | Name: Mars
Picture/Description: !( "Mars")
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Personality: Tomboyish violent, easily offended. is willing to get into a fight over anything and is confident in herself enough that she believes that she will win. She can be very smart if she applies herself but usually can't concentrate that long, however she has an excellent tatical mind.
Talent: Boxing
Ability: Slight future sight. She can see the actions someone is going to do a second or two before they do it if she concentrates.
Bio: Mars was born into a troubled family and grew constantly wacthing her parents argue. When she was about 10 they finally divorced and she was given to her father, shse was constantly made fun of at school having no mother and got into a lot of fights. Her father made sure she could win them, he had done a lot of boxing in the past and Mars found it to be very helpful. Of course this skill naturally got her rectruited into a boxing club in which her skills improved further.
She quickly showed she was a natural at it and rose to the top, claiming first place in local competitions. Proud of her ablility she wanted to move to a different scholl, she was bored with hers and wanted to go out and find some poeple who didn't constantly tease her, even if they did it when she wasn't looking.
Other: |
52,913 | 1,435 | 52 | 554 | 1,584 | Herold semblait très excité, et même alors seulement dire qu'il était excité aurait été un euphémisme. Quoi qu'il courait dans sa tête, il devait être grand pour alimenter la passion qui allait presque couler de lui. Thisa a dû admettre qu'elle n'a jamais rencontré quelqu'un qui était si intéressé par son travail, il y a eu beaucoup d'autres qui ont donné des encouragements mais rien de plus. Une autre chose à considérer n'est pas comme elle avait de toute façon pour donner un robot "vrai" vie, le mieux qu'elle serait en mesure de faire est de tirer des protocoles simples d'une base de données en ligne, avoir quelqu'un comme Harold pour prêter un coup de main serait très utile.
Thisa a éclaté dans un large sourire et a ri, "Ne faites pas de piratage tout à fait encore, vraiment la dernière chose dont nous aurions besoin est pour vous de finir en prison. Dites-vous ce que si je ne trouve pas un moyen légal de trouver de l'espace et des ressources, alors nous irons sur le chemin sombre des marchés noirs ou du vol. » Elle tenait sa main, « Aussi je ne peux pas faire le meilleur robot imparfait moi-même, donc je serai plus alors heureux de vous accepter comme mon partenaire dans la création d'un chef-d'œuvre robotique. Je construis le corps et vous construisez l'esprit, deal?" | Name: Saoji Makami
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Personality: Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are.
Talent: Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything.
Ability: Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals.
Bio: Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school. |
52,914 | 1,435 | 53 | 2,176 | 944 | Alors qu'Henrietta baguait sur les Croisades, (ne sentait même pas sa bouche se relâcher lentement d'une demi-gape impressionnée dans un sourire ensanglanté, si fixé était-il sur elle. Et comme elle parlait avec énergie, il ne semblait pas qu'elle ait perdu aucune de son élégance. Du point de vue du garçon, chaque sourire et regard persistant de ses yeux sur les gens autour d'elle a été délivré majestueusement et expertement. Avec ses beaux regards naturels, ses maniérismes ont rendu impossible pour elle de ne pas être simplement attachante. Cadwal avait raison, pensait Timothy; elle était vraiment un maître tentatrice - non, pas tentatrice, c'est trop dur d'un mot; un maître charmeur, alors.
Et ce charme du sien, ce don de Dieu, doit lui permettre de maintenir une position de puissance parmi le corps étudiant diversifié. Son sourire promet tout. Son sourire est un outil efficace de manipulation. Mais qui devait-il remettre en question ses motivations comme ça? Timothée s'est mis en garde contre la présomption. Ce n'était pas bon de juger si facilement. Par conséquent, il était toujours cordial comme il le partageait, parlant rapidement:
"A-et c'était un noble normand du nom de Robert Guiscard qui a repris Naples et la Sicile musulmane, devenant le roi du sud de l'Italie. Ses conquêtes se révéleraient être parmi les forces les plus déstabilisantes au XIe siècle, car immédiatement après l'empereur byzantin Alexius, je demande l'aide occidentale contre les Seljuks, qui avaient conquis l'Asie Mineure. Le pape Urbain II, tout en s'inquiétant de la puissance croissante de Guiscard, a également vu la formation d'un Royaume chrétien de Sicile comme un bon signe, et a continué ainsi avec la première croisade: non seulement une guerre sainte au nom de Dieu, mais une pour réaffirmer l'autorité papale diminuée de quand, il ya des décennies, le Saint Empereur romain Henri IV a renvoyé Rome dans le point culminant d'une craque politique entre lui et le belligérant pape Grégoire VII, qui excommuniait l'Empereur _twice_."
Doucement essoufflé, et préoccupé par sa dignité extérieure par son éclat soudain d'énergie, il a offert: "Henrietta, je suis un gros buff de l'histoire concernant les croisades. J'adorerais que je puisse vous aider."
"Elle a jeté un os au chien et le chien est allé le chercher," Cadwal soupira.
"J'offre juste mon aide ici," " Timothy s'est défendu.
"Tu es le poisson, et tu as pris l'appât."_
"Je pensais que vous étiez tous pour moi d'aider les autres quand je pouvais?"_
Et je pensais que tu ne voulais rien avoir à voir avec Henrietta."_
J'ai dit que je ne voulais rien avoir à voir avec son gang. Ça ne veut pas dire que je ne peux pas lui parler."_
C'est ce qu'elle fait pour introniser des jeunes gens dans son gang."_ | ##Timothy “Tim” Aquinas##
!( "Timothy")
An unassuming youth with pale skin, brown hair and emerald eyes, Timothy is lean and rather thin. Thin-framed eyeglasses sit upon the bridge of his nose, windows to eyes that brighten up in a charming, childlike way when he smiles. He stands at a good 6’0” tall, and prefers simple clothing: many of his shirts are black or grey and without print, and the ones that do have only minimalistic designs. His pants and other apparel are equally unassuming. But never is he seen without his only apparent accessory: a small pendant in the shape of an elaborate Celtic crucifix of silver, hanging from his neck by a chain.
Described by Cadwal as having a "cherub's melody," Timothy has a deceptively effeminate voice.
**Age:** 16
**Gender:** Male
*“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your Name give glory.”*
The foremost thing one might notice about Timothy is his zeal. A devout Catholic, he is well-read in the Bible and zealous. And unlike some others, Timothy has taken the teachings of the Scripture to heart, making him a genuinely friendly and caring person. Love his neighbor, love his enemy? Timothy most certainly does. Honest and loyal, his care for the well-being of others extends to the spiritual: he is convinced that those of heathen faiths – especially the People of the Book But Do Not Believe – and true unbelievers must be enlightened sooner or later. Then there are the Ones Who Come in His Name but Twist His Words, like Westboro, which he finds especially despicable.
Timothy is especially fond of literature, especially medieval history. He knows full well how Duke Enrique of Savoy invaded Monferatto from the Duke of Mantua as he had run out of patience with waiting for Emperor Rudolf of the Holy Roman Empire to answer his petition to have the mentioned territory transferred to the custody of his daughter, Margherita, as she was kicked out of the Mantuan Duke’s court for not having sired a child for her husband, the Duke’s late brother, before he died. Always hungry for more knowledge, his learning of this subject which he most adores is supplemented by the Holy Ghosts whom he summons and who are more than willing to answer his many, many questions. They may also be the reason why his favorite video game is Medieval II: Total War.
Quite softspoken, the mildness of his words is such that people are often left cynically wondering whether or not Timothy is mocking them. The sincerity with which he prays before eating his meals is viewed by some as merely an exaggeration: a mockery of those who practice Christianity. However, Timothy does not practice deceit. What he does is honest.
He believes his unique ability to summon fallen Crusaders is given to him by God.
*Esoteric Knowledge:* Timothy is well-read in obscure history books, and can regurgitate most of what he has learned, knowledge extracted from the literary works of people Like E.B Sledge, Sir Arthur Lloyd, and Peter H. Wilson. But, ever humble, Timothy only shares what he knows when the situation calls for it.
*Communicatio Larvali:* Timothy can communicate with summoned Holy Ghosts telepathically, surmounting any distance and time and in pure thought, eliminating the language barrier. Cadwal is a special case, and is an exception to the rule.
_Legiones Ecclesiae:_ At his command, Timothy can call forth Holy Ghosts of the most proactive members of the Church-Militant, namely, Crusaders. Having had this unique gift since early childhood, he has improved the ability in that he can keep indefinitely one Holy Ghost and dispel them at his whim. With a whispered plea and holding a holy symbol of Christianity (like a cross, or his pendant), Timothy beckons the departed souls of those who killed and died in the name of Christ from the ether and into the worldly earth. Fading into existence, they are then at the summoner's beck and call. However, the summoned are picked at random: Timothy does not yet have the ability to call specific people.
_Holy Ghosts_ are the summoned spirits of Christian martyrs. These can be an unknown Crusader or even someone famous like Joan of Arc. Partly transparent, hued an otherworldly blue, and possessed of bright, glowing eyes, these entities are twice as strong and fast as a man and immune to pain – but not harm. While they are ghosts in a sense, they are still shackled to following the laws of physics. However, they do not need their spectral organs to live as they are already dead. Therefore, a bullet is most effective at tearing a Holy Ghost's tendons than holing their heart.
Maintaining a Holy Ghost is done automatically by the soul but at the expense of the body. Timothy is completely alright with one summoned, but is easily winded when he has summoned two. At three and four, he is forced to sit down, with him being pale at the latter. Having five summoned simultaneously will knock him to deathly unconsciousness and will take heavy tolls on his health. While Timothy can keep one Holy Ghost indefinitely, having two or more will strain Timothy's soul so much that after fifteen minutes, they will be forcibly dispelled.
Holy Ghosts are summoned with what they had on their person the moment of their death. While her visit could potentially be a very enlightening experience, Joan of Arc would not fight at her fullest since she wore a dress during her death at the pyre. Crusaders who died in battle are more valuable in that they are usually in full gear when summoned. However, all are prized and valuable relics of the past, and some of them possess ancient knowledge no longer available in the present.
It would appear that Holy Ghosts have lost much of their personality during their centuries in limbo. What they haven't lost, however, is hatred of the heathen, the unbeliever, and the heretic.
Holy Ghosts, being soul-bound to their summoner, are able to communicate with Tim telepathically in pure thoughts, defeating language barriers.
Holy Ghosts can be seen, heard and touched by other people. However, they don't feel much due to their slightly incorporeal properties. They mimic the natural body temperature of a human being, but have got no odor of their own.
_Cadwal of Godwyn_ is a deceased English Crusader knight who perished in the First Crusade, struck down by an arrow to his thigh, knocking him off his horse, that subsequently became gangrenous and from which he did not recover. Acting as a sort of guardian angel, even he himself is not sure what is exactly at work as he shares his mind and soul with Timothy, acting as the boy's second conscience and trying to steer him towards the right path.
Cadwal "sleeps," becoming completely inactive for four hours each day. This is to relieve some of the stress of Timothy's soul from having to maintain another thought-form. Cadwal does his best to time this with Timothy's regular sleeping hours.
Born to two middle-class parents as the middle child of a litter of two boys and one girl, there isn't much to say about Timothy, considering his overall and overwhelming averageness which is offset only by his unique and (as he believes) God-given ability. While he was baptized, going to Church was never something routine for his family. Therefore, he sees his powers as a gift from God when they emerged when he was six years old.
Like many children, he thought up an imaginary friend. It was a knight, and his young mind could only describe it as "blue" and "like glass." When he was alone, he would play with the knight, and started a little game with his older brother and younger sister when he introduced the knight to them, and they made their own imaginary friends. Little did Timothy know, however, that his siblings' imagined creations were far different to what he had, for as time went on, the knight's responses became purely his own, and Timothy slowly lost the need to parrot them. Like another person living in his head, the knight would comment on day-to-day life, and when the young Timothy eyed upon a Bible, the knight energetically pleaded the boy to read it.
As little Tim read, his young mind was full of questions even from the starting book of Genesis. He would ask the knight in his head, who formally introduced himself as Cadwal of Godwyn, to explain it all for him, and he spent so many sleepless nights doing this sort of cooperative storytelling that his mother became worried at his lack of sleep and consulted a physician. On his third grade of elementary school, his family had to move elsewhere, and he was saddened by the sudden loss of friends; but Cadwal was always there and would never leave his mind. Upon his insistence, his father took him to Church one day, and was deeply happy at finally worshiping at a proper place.
As he became older and thus more aware of the sheer unnaturality of his unique ability, Tim wondered if he could do more with it. Praying to God, and after consulting Cadwal, he tried to call out an angel to advise him on what to do when his parents were divorcing. However, the only being that faded into existence was not a magnificent scion of Heaven, but a short-lasting, flickering blue ghost of a woman in armor. Timothy could not but gasp "Who are you?" at the figure, who replied with a sagely "Who I am is not important. But your faith in God is," before fading back into nothingness.
Encouraged by Cadwal, Timothy was henceforth convinced of his being blessed. Ever since then, he has been practicing and perfecting this unique ability of his by prayer and meditation.
Speaking with wizened words, Timothy prevented his parents' divorce by driving them to tears as he preached about the sanctity and inviolability of the oaths a couple takes in their marriage ceremony, with the help of his two beloved siblings.
Drowning in early adolescent male hormones, Timothy wanted to masturbate once (just to try it) but was halted by Cadwal (whom he thought was sleeping), who lectured him fiercely of the value of the "seed" and how it must not be wasted. |
52,915 | 1,435 | 54 | 156 | 2,749 | Harold a remarqué que Thisa semblait prendre un moment pour réfléchir à quelque chose sur son esprit, avant qu'elle ne s'accorde et lui montre un beau sourire et rit. C'est alors qu'Harold a commencé à réfléchir à son offre. Le corps et l'esprit- L'équipe parfaite pour construire un robot. Il se demandait si elle savait qu'il ne pouvait pas laisser passer une telle offre. (Peut-être qu'elle a prévu ça quand elle m'a demandé ça?). Il va sans dire qu'Harold a senti n'importe quel point ou raison de refuser une telle offre s'effondrer en lui-même. Il n'y avait aucun moyen qu'il puisse passer cette opportunité! Ni cette fille incroyable avec qui il travaillerait... c'était toujours sympa de travailler avec des filles qui adoraient leur métier au lieu de dire qu'elles l'ont fait après tout.
Harold a donné un sourire taquin alors qu'il a répondu: "Je suppose que nous pouvons procrastiner en passant par le marché noir." Il l'empoigna aussi de lui offrir la main, et donna une poignée de main décisive, avec un peu d'exaguration sur les directions. « Ce serait mon honneur et mon plaisir d'aider à votre fin de faire vivre un tel chef-d'œuvre. Mon ordinateur est à vous, Mlle. C'est ça." Harold a eu un sourire beaucoup plus chaud et beaucoup plus heureux sur son visage pendant qu'il a répondu, son acceptation évidente va bien pour lui. | !( "Poppy O'Conner")
**Name:** Poppy O’Conner
**Age:** 16
**Gender:** Female
**Personality:** Poppy is an awkward girl who often says the wrong things when around people she doesn’t know well. When with friends, though, Poppy is loud, talkative, and, unfortunately, punny. She doesn’t understand the point of keeping things secret, so she has no qualms with saying exactly what is going on in her life or what of the likes if someone asks her. Poppy has the unfortunate habit of bottling up her emotions and, even when telling her “sob” story, keeps a straight face or shrugs it off when people ask her how she is feeling. The blonde has a hard time connecting with people on a personal level and when she attempts to express her sadness, she is often deterred by sympathetically distant responses. She is not particularly motivated to do anything and tries to find the easiest ways to do things. Her worst habit is procrastination and most of her work does not get done until the night before it’s due.
**Talent:**_ Learner_: Poppy learns new things with relative ease and has a near perfect memory where she can store all the new information. She dabbles in most genres of information and knows many random facts.
**Ability**: _Know-It-All_: By pressing her hand anywhere on a book, or anything that holds information, she can absorb the information and remember it completely. This gives her a higher level of intelligence than most. Due to absorbing psychology books and pamphlets, Poppy can easily read people by their body language. If an animal is sick? She can check for any symptoms of the million of diseases and illnesses in her knowledge. However, after absorbing too much information, Poppy gets queasy and dizzy; if she goes past that, though she never has so far, she would probably die.
Poppy is an American and was born on an Air Force base in Florida. Her father is in the military and she has had to move around a lot for his work. Her parents were always busy with work – not that Poppy minded, because when they weren’t, the family was always hanging out – and so Poppy took up the habit of reading constantly. Because of her father’s work, Poppy’s dad would get deployed many times and Poppy would be stuck with her mother.
It wasn’t that Poppy didn’t like her mother, in fact, Poppy adored her mother...that is before her alcoholism came back after ten years of sobriety (she quit before Poppy was born). Her mother spiraled into a pit of depression and, in turn, Poppy too had begun to feel depressed. Later on, she was diagnosed with depression and anxiety and was prescribed medicine to take. Poppy, often than not, does not take her medicine because “it makes her feel funny.”
One day, when Poppy was fourteen and her father was home from deployment, the blonde girl came home to her mother crying in her bedroom, drunk as per usual, and attempting to call a rehab facility. Not knowing what to do, Poppy attempted to call her dad to help her, but he wasn’t picking up. After the police came (one of the rehab centers had called the cops on her mom to make sure she wasn’t harming herself) and Poppy finally managed to get a hold of her dad, everything just froze for Poppy. Her mother went to rehab until the week before Poppy’s fifteenth birthday, but that wasn’t what the problem was for Poppy. She discovered that, in her time of need, she was having a hard time connecting with her friends. They would tell her that “it would be alright” and that “at least your mom is getting better” but that didn’t satisfy Poppy – they felt distant.
After her mom was released, Poppy’s dad got a new job in Wales and the O’Conner family jumped at the chance to go for it was “a new start.”
Other: Poppy is terrified of not being able to control herself (therefore, she stays away from drugs, alcohol and such and such) |
52,916 | 1,435 | 55 | 2,465 | 3,276 | Henrietta fixa Timothy pendant un moment alors qu'il donnait sa propre connaissance des croisades. Les gens derrière elle regardaient aussi, avant de se rendre compte qu'ils devraient probablement écrire ceci.
Henrietta a donné un autre pion de rire. "Wow! Je ne pensais pas que quelqu'un d'autre dans cette école l'avait lu. Je suppose que vous avez lu sur les croisades alors? Non, bien sûr que si. Après tout, ce n'est pas une information particulièrement courante, surtout sur le pape Grégoire VII - l'homme avait excommunié le roi Henry jusqu'à sa mort, et la plupart des problèmes des papes et des détracteurs étaient contre lui juste parce qu'il soutenait les Normands. "
La fille s'est assise droite, ne s'est plus émoussée et n'a plus l'air plus animée. « Puisque vous en savez beaucoup sur les croisades, vous pouvez alors nous aider à écrire le journal. Vous seriez surpris à quel point certaines années plus élevées trouvent des études sociales. C'est surtout l'Europe une fois que vous êtes en troisième année, donc la discussion va de l'avant les croisades aux guerres mondiales, et certaines personnes oublient en fait qui était Richard le rival des Lionhearts, je parle de Saladin bien sûr, mais vous saviez probablement déjà que...
Soudain, elle s'est serrée. J'ai tiré une main sur sa bouche, et j'ai rougi un peu. "Heh heh, je suis vraiment désolé pour ça. J'ai rarement la chance de parler avec des gens comme ça. Je n'ai jamais eu à parler à la première année comme ça, avant qu'ils ne découvrent ce que sont mes capacités et ne rejoignent d'autres groupes. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. qui ne m'aime pas particulièrement." Elle regarda Timothy et Poppy avec un sourire. C'était un peu triste à regarder.
« Je ne leur en veux pas, bien sûr; d'après les seuls faits, la capacité que j'ai obtenue est _pratiquement méchante_. J'ai de la chance d'avoir mon propre groupe avec qui sortir. C'est une chose que personne dans cette école ne peut nier: les groupes ici vous donnent une place à appartenir. Je ne veux pas avoir l'air de faire de la publicité, mais c'est vrai."
Elle soupirait. "Et maintenant j'ai l'air de prêcher. -Blegh, désolé pour ça, je suis juste dans l'humeur. De toute façon, vous avez quelque chose dont vous voulez parler? Vous êtes nouveau ici, donc vous devez avoir beaucoup de questions!" | Name: Saoji Makami
Gender: Male
Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are.
Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything.
Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals.
Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school. |
52,917 | 1,435 | 56 | 156 | 2,749 | Même si Poppy était maladroite et comment elle a essayé de l'éviter, c'était inévitable. Et ainsi, elle a pensé qu'être franc avec ses questions serait le meilleur cas tel qu'il est. Après tout, qu'est-ce qui pourrait arriver de plus? C'était mieux de tout mettre sur la table. Ou du moins c'était ce qu'elle essayait de se dire pour s'excuser de la curiosité qui lui tirait le meilleur d'elle.
Qu'est-ce que votre pouvoir? » Poppy s'est renseignée rapidement avant qu'elle ne puisse se retirer. Elle plié les bras sur la table et s'appuya sur eux, ses fesses se levant légèrement de la chaise. J'ai entendu dire que c'était "social".
Poppy avait un demi-esprit de demander si Henrietta était un maître manipulateur, mais a décidé que ce serait mieux pour plus tard quand elle avait plus d'une affaire à soulever que des soupçons. En plus, il n'y avait rien qu'Henrietta puisse vraiment obtenir en manipulant Poppy, pas vraiment. Poppy n'avait pas l'intention de rejoindre un camp et elle n'avait pas un pouvoir particulièrement avantageux. Tout ce qu'elle avait était la connaissance de son côté, et alors que la connaissance était puissante, dans une bataille contre... Quels étaient les autres dirigeants?
Et quels sont les autres dirigeants? | !( "Poppy O'Conner")
**Name:** Poppy O’Conner
**Age:** 16
**Gender:** Female
**Personality:** Poppy is an awkward girl who often says the wrong things when around people she doesn’t know well. When with friends, though, Poppy is loud, talkative, and, unfortunately, punny. She doesn’t understand the point of keeping things secret, so she has no qualms with saying exactly what is going on in her life or what of the likes if someone asks her. Poppy has the unfortunate habit of bottling up her emotions and, even when telling her “sob” story, keeps a straight face or shrugs it off when people ask her how she is feeling. The blonde has a hard time connecting with people on a personal level and when she attempts to express her sadness, she is often deterred by sympathetically distant responses. She is not particularly motivated to do anything and tries to find the easiest ways to do things. Her worst habit is procrastination and most of her work does not get done until the night before it’s due.
**Talent:**_ Learner_: Poppy learns new things with relative ease and has a near perfect memory where she can store all the new information. She dabbles in most genres of information and knows many random facts.
**Ability**: _Know-It-All_: By pressing her hand anywhere on a book, or anything that holds information, she can absorb the information and remember it completely. This gives her a higher level of intelligence than most. Due to absorbing psychology books and pamphlets, Poppy can easily read people by their body language. If an animal is sick? She can check for any symptoms of the million of diseases and illnesses in her knowledge. However, after absorbing too much information, Poppy gets queasy and dizzy; if she goes past that, though she never has so far, she would probably die.
Poppy is an American and was born on an Air Force base in Florida. Her father is in the military and she has had to move around a lot for his work. Her parents were always busy with work – not that Poppy minded, because when they weren’t, the family was always hanging out – and so Poppy took up the habit of reading constantly. Because of her father’s work, Poppy’s dad would get deployed many times and Poppy would be stuck with her mother.
It wasn’t that Poppy didn’t like her mother, in fact, Poppy adored her mother...that is before her alcoholism came back after ten years of sobriety (she quit before Poppy was born). Her mother spiraled into a pit of depression and, in turn, Poppy too had begun to feel depressed. Later on, she was diagnosed with depression and anxiety and was prescribed medicine to take. Poppy, often than not, does not take her medicine because “it makes her feel funny.”
One day, when Poppy was fourteen and her father was home from deployment, the blonde girl came home to her mother crying in her bedroom, drunk as per usual, and attempting to call a rehab facility. Not knowing what to do, Poppy attempted to call her dad to help her, but he wasn’t picking up. After the police came (one of the rehab centers had called the cops on her mom to make sure she wasn’t harming herself) and Poppy finally managed to get a hold of her dad, everything just froze for Poppy. Her mother went to rehab until the week before Poppy’s fifteenth birthday, but that wasn’t what the problem was for Poppy. She discovered that, in her time of need, she was having a hard time connecting with her friends. They would tell her that “it would be alright” and that “at least your mom is getting better” but that didn’t satisfy Poppy – they felt distant.
After her mom was released, Poppy’s dad got a new job in Wales and the O’Conner family jumped at the chance to go for it was “a new start.”
Other: Poppy is terrified of not being able to control herself (therefore, she stays away from drugs, alcohol and such and such) |
52,918 | 1,435 | 57 | 993 | 1,646 | Même si Paige savait que j'avais menti pour tout ça, elle hésitait encore à ce que Saoji disait. Principalement, parce que ceci et cela étaient deux choses tout à fait différentes. "Non, je ne veux pas. Ione est à moi et seulement à moi. Je ne te laisserai pas entrer entre nous!"** J'ai entendu tout ce qu'elle avait à dire, et j'ai souri à Paige. Même si ce n'était pas un sourire commun, c'était le sourire de quelqu'un qui était sur le point de faire quelque chose de mauvais, et Paige savait que le sourire était trop bien. "Attendez, l'un d'entre vous? Qu'est-ce que tu vas faire?"** Dans une poche de sa robe, elle a sorti un seul morceau de papier et l'a mis dans le visage de Paige. **"Noooo! Tout sauf les talismans!"** Alors qu'elle le faisait, elle sourit à Saoji, un peu plus normalement.
**"Ne vous inquiétez pas pour elle, Saoji, elle a dit qu'elle va essayer de retenir, ou faire face à la punition à la place."** Ione a quitté le talisman sur Paige et elle a soudainement perdu toute force.
**"Tu es si cruel..."** Paige a dit, avec la dernière de ses forces. Ione l'a prise et l'a mise sur son chapeau, pour la porter.
**"Il peut être étouffant parfois, pour être honnête avec vous. Paige me patronne trop, mais je suis sûr que quelqu'un est là pour toi. Je sais que je veux te protéger. Tu es mon ami, après tout."** Ione sourit à Saoji, sûr de ce qu'elle avait dit. Ça faisait un moment qu'elle n'avait pas quelqu'un qu'elle pouvait appeler un "ami", donc ça suffisait pour l'instant. **"Ce serait un plaisir de me joindre à vous, Saoji. Quel film voulez-vous regarder? Je connais de très bons films d'horreur."** Elle a dit, souriant plus comme un enfant et moins comme la personne froide qu'elle a posé. | **Name:** Ione (Juliet) Barnett & Paige
This one is Ione!

This is Paige! (She's a ghost. :P)

**Age:** 17
**Gender:** Female
**Personality:** One way (Maybe the only way) to describe Ione is as odd. She is aloof, absent and some times, she seems to be looking more through you than at you. All of this combined with the fact that she talks a bit too much about ghosts and spirits make her seem crazy more often than not. You see, Ione has two personas inside her, but of course, this isn't a Multiple Personality Disorder, it is just her playing around, and also, a way to hide her bashfulness when talking to others, after all, who would be able to talk about ghosts, spirits, demons and such without feeling if even a little bit embarrassed? Her first persona is Juliet, a cold, sharp tongued girl who tries to scare others with her stories about ghosts (Yep, she named it). The second one is her real self that often peeks out when she is acting as her Juliet persona and someone shows some kind of interest in what she is talking about, the real Ione that is more of a ditzy, naive and a bit playful girl.
While it may seem that her ghost ramblings are nothing but nonsense, Ione does indeed have a talent for contacting the occult. Such talent allows her to speak with ghosts and even see them, and, given her lack of friends because of her odd personality, she spends a lot of time talking with her ghost friends. Given that she is one of the few people who can actually do that, she is often seen talking alone or with some imaginary friend, as they guess, though the reality is actually more spooky than that. Ione also has an unwavering love for Horror movies, though she often comments on the many discrepancies between the movies and actual ghosts.
Regarding her constant companion, the ghost Paige, she is a bit of a pervert that is deeply attached to Ione, and would do whatever Ione wants as long as it is reasonable. Regardless of her appearance and due to the fact that she's been dead for a long time, Paige is more mature than she lets others know, and also someone with very strict morals. She likes playing pranks, but she would never abide to do something that would put others in danger and will also pressure Ione to do the right thing sometimes. The two of the get along really well and are almost like sisters, so Paige is very prone to feel jealous when someone else interacts with Ione.
**Talent:** Mediumship, Ione is able to communicate with and see ghosts, to a really frightening extent, as she claims that, sometimes, she can even touch the ghosts without the use of her ability, though it is a limited and scarce number of ghosts she can actually touch. The reason as to why she can touch those ghosts is still unknown, but she thinks it is because of some kind of grudge they hold.
**Ability:** Poltergeist, Ione has the ability to secrete ectoplasm from her body, a substance invisible to those without her talents of mediumship. Through the secretion of ectoplasm, she can give a ghost the ability to touch things in the mortal realm, from objects to humans, giving the illusion that she has telekinesis instead. With enough extoplasm, a ghost can become visible to the naked eye of any passerby. Though her ability is useful, it does not give her the ability to control ghosts, so there are few ghosts who actually listen to her, though, luckily, she has one she is very good friends with. A ghost covered in her ectoplasm can also posses someone, however, the subject must be unconscious for it to succeed. It seems she can also use the ectoplasm for battle, but given that she barely knows how to fight, she doesn't know how.
**Bio:** Always the odd one out, Ione at first cursed her talent for seeing ghosts, since it caused nothing but troubles. In the past, she was always bullied, because of how she tried to include her invisible friends into conversations with others. Unable to see what Ione was talking about, the other kids merely tried to tell her that there was nothing there, and that she was crazy. At some point, and tired of being called crazy for believing in her ghostly friends, she distanced herself from them. She pretended as if they didn't exist, as if she couldn't hear them. She saw how they detached their own heads and things of the like in comic ways in an effort to make her laugh, but she choked down her laughs and put up a poker face.
She lived a normal life for a while but, to be honest, she found it boring. After being able to talk with ghosts that had been decapitated or had died young, well, she just found everything else boring. She had seen gory scenes before, but she didn't seem to really mind, in fact, that helped her develop one of her greatest interests in life, her love for horror movies. After a while, she finally realized that her fun days were because of her ethereal friends and decided to go back to them, instead of trying to be someone she wasn't with the other kids.
She apologized time and time again and the ghosts that were her friends eventually forgave her, with the sole condition that she wouldn't turn their back on them ever again. After agreeing to it, she was then introduced to the newest additions of the gang. Juliet and Paige, a pair of sisters that strayed all the way to where they were. Ione grew close to both sisters in a short time, but one day, Juliet, the bigger of the sisters, disappeared. Juliet always talked about how it would be great to finally pass on and let go of all her regrets and things left undone, though there was still something holding her down. Ione soon connected the dots and figured that she couldn't pass on because of her little sister Paige, but after Paige grew close to Ione, maybe Juliet knew that her little sister would be able to pass away eventually too, and left this world. Ione was now resolved, knowing that Juliet must now be able to be born again, and she decided to help all the other ghosts pass away and thus, her Juliet persona was born. She helped every and each one of her friends pass away, except for one. Paige was the only one that remained there and, though Ione didn't knew why, she decided she would think about it as it went, given that Paige never left her side.
**Other:** She likes to wear gothic lolita fashion. She is quite good at sewing and handicraft of the like, though she is terrible at cooking. |
52,919 | 1,435 | 58 | 1,046 | 4,333 | Une Belle plutôt mécontente est tombée d'une des salles de classe, ses cheveux en désordre et pratiquement recouverts de différentes couleurs de peinture. Elle venait de se réveiller après avoir fait une sieste une fois son morceau terminé. Muse était partie pour l'instant, probablement dormant aussi. Un morceau de ses cheveux noirs avait d'une façon ou d'une autre trouvé que c'est dans sa bouche aussi bien et comme elle regardait autour du couloir, elle l'a sorti paresseusement.
Des yeux sombres, brun foncé profond, regardaient les différents côtés du couloir, décidant où aller. Cependant, son estomac a fait la première demande, faisant un bruit de grognement fort, assez dur pour faire la pauvre fille s'écraser un peu.
Avec cela établi, Belle a fait son chemin vers l'une des cafétérias. Peu importe lequel, le plus proche était bien. Zombifié, l'artiste aux cheveux noirs s'est déplacée vers la cafétéria de l'Est. Son seul espoir était qu'ils aient mangé de la pizza et du café aujourd'hui. Elle aurait son plein de pizza et ensuite prendre quelques photos d'espresso pour se réveiller un peu.
** "Merci à la Muse!"** Belle cria, tombant presque à genoux à la vue de la glorieuse pizza. Ses esprits se levèrent, elle courut au comptoir et se mit à empiler des pizzas sur son assiette, ignorant l'apparence qu'elle avait. | **Name:** Isabelle "Belle" Freyone
**Age:** 17
**Gender:** Female
**Personality:** Belle is known to be the loner. She does enjoy the company of others, but for whatever reason she will often times run off on her own to do her own thing. Not much is known about what she does but all know that it usually has something to do with the fine arts. She will often times lock herself up in her room to work on something, or even one of the classrooms, and will stay there for days.
_Fine Arts_: Belle is what one would call a crazed artist. Whether it's painting, drawing, music, or literature, Belle has dabbled in it all. She will often times become 'enlightened' by her 'Muse' and leave suddenly to go work on something.
_Muse_: Belle has an imaginary friend she calls Muse who talks to her and gives her ideas. He's mostly just a voice inside her head but sometimes he appears to give her characters inspiration or inspiration for a drawing, or a music piece.
_Paint/Sing_: Belle can use paint, ink, or her voice to inspire an emotion. She throws paint/ink onto someone and they suddenly are overcome by a certain emotion, be it sadness, fear or happiness. She can also do this through song. (Credit to idea goes to my good friend 'FaithRose')
_Listen_: Belle has very good ears and can hear whether or not someone is being honest. She can use this skill, along with another similar skill, to ascertain the intentions of someone.
_Heart's Song_: Belle can feel/hear the heart's song of the people around her. Through this, she can know if someone is sad, happy, or feeling vindictive. She can also hear these songs from anywhere in the school within about a 5 mile radius. Sometimes it can be a blessing and sometimes a curse and she finds it very hard to zero in on a certain song.
Belle grew up in an abusive home. She, herself, was never physically abused but she definitely was mentally abused in many ways. Her father was an alcoholic and would often beat her mother and blame Belle for it, saying she was the reason he had to do this to her.
The only way Belle was able to cope was when she ran away from home. That day, she found an abandoned home with books, art and writing aplenty. There, she met Him, her Muse. He stood in the door way, standing tall like a King and greeted her. He played games with her, made her feel like a princess. They played and played and played. That day, her parents found her, but since she has found ways to sneak out to this place and play with her Muse. Eventually, he even followed her home.
Since, Belle has been shipped off to Wales, to attend a school her grandfather suggested to her mother. She, and Muse, seem to like there but tend to keep to themselves for the most part.
Belle dislikes technology and will avoid it if at all possible but she does use a laptop for some of her writing and has a cell phone for practical purposes. |
52,920 | 1,435 | 59 | 993 | 1,646 | ##**Bibliothèque**
Après un bref échange de mots entre Ione et Saoji, ils se sont rendus à la bibliothèque de l'école. En chemin, Saoji ne pouvait s'empêcher de la regarder quelques fois de côté. Elle était si belle et si mignonne, il s'est presque perdu une deuxième fois en la regardant. Lorsqu'ils sont arrivés à la porte d'entrée, Saoji a tenu la porte ouverte pour elle, puis est entré après elle. À l'intérieur maintenant, Saoji a fait quelques pas en avant avant de passer devant un groupe d'individus près de la section du film. Il regarda Ione et sourit.
**"Eh bien, êtes-vous prêt?"** il a demandé avec un grand sourire.
Il s'est déplacé vers l'autre groupe qui était présent avec eux. Après eux, c'était là où se trouvaient les films, à quelques pas des tables où ils étaient assis. Il a commencé à parcourir la sélection jusqu'à ce qu'il entende le mot "pouvoir" et les "pouvoirs de chef" venant d'une des filles. Il clignait quelques fois alors qu'il continuait à écouter leur conversation et se tournait vers Ione.
**"Hé, Ione, tu te souviens quand je t'ai posé des questions sur les pouvoirs? C'est une meneuse? Est-ce qu'elle me dira comment les obtenir?"** il a dit, en pointant vers la blonde poilue fille. Il se demandait si c'était une leader. Elle semblait un peu trop puissante dans sa personnalité.
Saoji était très préoccupé par cette capacité que les étudiants sont supposés avoir. Mais il n'a montré aucun signe d'affichage dans une sorte de magie anormale ou quoi que ce soit. À part ce que les hommes qui l'ont poursuivi lui ont crié dessus.
Si vous pouvez localiser la présence de votre famille grâce à votre capacité de rêve, alors vous pouvez nous dire où ils sont maintenant! Ils ont crié.
Mais comment a-t-il pu faire une telle chose s'il ne se souvient pas? Sa capacité a-t-elle eu un effet secondaire? Après qu'il ait créé un rêve... cela affecte-t-il temporairement la mémoire de quelqu'un? Saoji ne pouvait que souhaiter qu'il le sache. Il a dû demander à cette blonde poilue, elle semble en savoir plus sur ce qu'il voulait savoir. En même temps, il ne voulait pas faire sauter quelqu'un comme avant et risquer qu'elle se fâche. Pour l'instant, il a simplement décidé de laisser tout aller et s'est tourné vers Ione une fois de plus.
**"Tu sais quoi... je n'ai jamais pensé. C'est notre heure, c'est ça! Je peux le découvrir une autre fois. Alors, tu as dit que tu connaissais un tas de films d'horreur? Hehehe, je n'ai jamais été un vrai d'entre eux... mais... je suis sûr que ce sera la peine de les regarder avec vous."** il a dit qu'il souriait beaucoup. | **Name:** Ione (Juliet) Barnett & Paige
This one is Ione!

This is Paige! (She's a ghost. :P)

**Age:** 17
**Gender:** Female
**Personality:** One way (Maybe the only way) to describe Ione is as odd. She is aloof, absent and some times, she seems to be looking more through you than at you. All of this combined with the fact that she talks a bit too much about ghosts and spirits make her seem crazy more often than not. You see, Ione has two personas inside her, but of course, this isn't a Multiple Personality Disorder, it is just her playing around, and also, a way to hide her bashfulness when talking to others, after all, who would be able to talk about ghosts, spirits, demons and such without feeling if even a little bit embarrassed? Her first persona is Juliet, a cold, sharp tongued girl who tries to scare others with her stories about ghosts (Yep, she named it). The second one is her real self that often peeks out when she is acting as her Juliet persona and someone shows some kind of interest in what she is talking about, the real Ione that is more of a ditzy, naive and a bit playful girl.
While it may seem that her ghost ramblings are nothing but nonsense, Ione does indeed have a talent for contacting the occult. Such talent allows her to speak with ghosts and even see them, and, given her lack of friends because of her odd personality, she spends a lot of time talking with her ghost friends. Given that she is one of the few people who can actually do that, she is often seen talking alone or with some imaginary friend, as they guess, though the reality is actually more spooky than that. Ione also has an unwavering love for Horror movies, though she often comments on the many discrepancies between the movies and actual ghosts.
Regarding her constant companion, the ghost Paige, she is a bit of a pervert that is deeply attached to Ione, and would do whatever Ione wants as long as it is reasonable. Regardless of her appearance and due to the fact that she's been dead for a long time, Paige is more mature than she lets others know, and also someone with very strict morals. She likes playing pranks, but she would never abide to do something that would put others in danger and will also pressure Ione to do the right thing sometimes. The two of the get along really well and are almost like sisters, so Paige is very prone to feel jealous when someone else interacts with Ione.
**Talent:** Mediumship, Ione is able to communicate with and see ghosts, to a really frightening extent, as she claims that, sometimes, she can even touch the ghosts without the use of her ability, though it is a limited and scarce number of ghosts she can actually touch. The reason as to why she can touch those ghosts is still unknown, but she thinks it is because of some kind of grudge they hold.
**Ability:** Poltergeist, Ione has the ability to secrete ectoplasm from her body, a substance invisible to those without her talents of mediumship. Through the secretion of ectoplasm, she can give a ghost the ability to touch things in the mortal realm, from objects to humans, giving the illusion that she has telekinesis instead. With enough extoplasm, a ghost can become visible to the naked eye of any passerby. Though her ability is useful, it does not give her the ability to control ghosts, so there are few ghosts who actually listen to her, though, luckily, she has one she is very good friends with. A ghost covered in her ectoplasm can also posses someone, however, the subject must be unconscious for it to succeed. It seems she can also use the ectoplasm for battle, but given that she barely knows how to fight, she doesn't know how.
**Bio:** Always the odd one out, Ione at first cursed her talent for seeing ghosts, since it caused nothing but troubles. In the past, she was always bullied, because of how she tried to include her invisible friends into conversations with others. Unable to see what Ione was talking about, the other kids merely tried to tell her that there was nothing there, and that she was crazy. At some point, and tired of being called crazy for believing in her ghostly friends, she distanced herself from them. She pretended as if they didn't exist, as if she couldn't hear them. She saw how they detached their own heads and things of the like in comic ways in an effort to make her laugh, but she choked down her laughs and put up a poker face.
She lived a normal life for a while but, to be honest, she found it boring. After being able to talk with ghosts that had been decapitated or had died young, well, she just found everything else boring. She had seen gory scenes before, but she didn't seem to really mind, in fact, that helped her develop one of her greatest interests in life, her love for horror movies. After a while, she finally realized that her fun days were because of her ethereal friends and decided to go back to them, instead of trying to be someone she wasn't with the other kids.
She apologized time and time again and the ghosts that were her friends eventually forgave her, with the sole condition that she wouldn't turn their back on them ever again. After agreeing to it, she was then introduced to the newest additions of the gang. Juliet and Paige, a pair of sisters that strayed all the way to where they were. Ione grew close to both sisters in a short time, but one day, Juliet, the bigger of the sisters, disappeared. Juliet always talked about how it would be great to finally pass on and let go of all her regrets and things left undone, though there was still something holding her down. Ione soon connected the dots and figured that she couldn't pass on because of her little sister Paige, but after Paige grew close to Ione, maybe Juliet knew that her little sister would be able to pass away eventually too, and left this world. Ione was now resolved, knowing that Juliet must now be able to be born again, and she decided to help all the other ghosts pass away and thus, her Juliet persona was born. She helped every and each one of her friends pass away, except for one. Paige was the only one that remained there and, though Ione didn't knew why, she decided she would think about it as it went, given that Paige never left her side.
**Other:** She likes to wear gothic lolita fashion. She is quite good at sewing and handicraft of the like, though she is terrible at cooking. |
52,921 | 1,435 | 60 | 2,176 | 944 | Toujours fixé sur la déesse aryenne avant lui, ( n'a même pas remarqué ( et ( entrant.
"Elle est gentille," c'est ce qu'il a décidé sur Henrietta. "Vraiment sympa. Heureuse, pétillante, charmante, et tout cela semble si authentique."_
Ses cheveux étaient comme de l'or précieux qui a encadré et couronné un beau visage si apparemment aussi fragile et délicat que la porcelaine fine. Ses yeux étaient d'une riche teinte cerulienne, et étaient aussi profonds que le bleu de l'océan. Il trouva alors ses propres yeux errants, traçant les contours de ses bras alors qu'il traçait les parties les plus curvaces de son corps dans sa vision périphérique. Étrangement, c'est là qu'il a remarqué ses seins : gros, doux, même à travers ses vêtements, et délicieusement rond. Une fille en bonne santé, c'est sûr. Une fille en bonne santé, c'est sûr; il ne pouvait pas voir au-delà de son estomac à travers la table damnantement obscurcie, mais avant qu'elle s'asseyât, il avait un joli regard sur ses hanches: large et agréablement accommodante.
"Au moins, on a des indices sur ses pouvoirs", a admis Cadwal. "Son charme en fait sûrement partie."_
"C'est une très bonne première impression," a admis Timothy. "Elle est... très gentille. Impossiblement. Quelle jolie fille."_
"Oh mon garçon."_
"Ça ne me dérangerait pas si je devenais son amie."_
"Tout cela semble assez inoffensif", a deviné Cadwal, griffant mentalement sa tête fantomatique, physiquement inexistante. "Je m'interposerai quand vous serez hypnotisé."_
Et donc quand il a entendu (questions, il l'a regardée droit dans les yeux et a tenu la main dans un geste de mise en garde, "Poppy, c'est quelque chose d'un peu trop direct pour demander à quelqu'un que vous venez de rencontrer." | ##Timothy “Tim” Aquinas##
!( "Timothy")
An unassuming youth with pale skin, brown hair and emerald eyes, Timothy is lean and rather thin. Thin-framed eyeglasses sit upon the bridge of his nose, windows to eyes that brighten up in a charming, childlike way when he smiles. He stands at a good 6’0” tall, and prefers simple clothing: many of his shirts are black or grey and without print, and the ones that do have only minimalistic designs. His pants and other apparel are equally unassuming. But never is he seen without his only apparent accessory: a small pendant in the shape of an elaborate Celtic crucifix of silver, hanging from his neck by a chain.
Described by Cadwal as having a "cherub's melody," Timothy has a deceptively effeminate voice.
**Age:** 16
**Gender:** Male
*“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your Name give glory.”*
The foremost thing one might notice about Timothy is his zeal. A devout Catholic, he is well-read in the Bible and zealous. And unlike some others, Timothy has taken the teachings of the Scripture to heart, making him a genuinely friendly and caring person. Love his neighbor, love his enemy? Timothy most certainly does. Honest and loyal, his care for the well-being of others extends to the spiritual: he is convinced that those of heathen faiths – especially the People of the Book But Do Not Believe – and true unbelievers must be enlightened sooner or later. Then there are the Ones Who Come in His Name but Twist His Words, like Westboro, which he finds especially despicable.
Timothy is especially fond of literature, especially medieval history. He knows full well how Duke Enrique of Savoy invaded Monferatto from the Duke of Mantua as he had run out of patience with waiting for Emperor Rudolf of the Holy Roman Empire to answer his petition to have the mentioned territory transferred to the custody of his daughter, Margherita, as she was kicked out of the Mantuan Duke’s court for not having sired a child for her husband, the Duke’s late brother, before he died. Always hungry for more knowledge, his learning of this subject which he most adores is supplemented by the Holy Ghosts whom he summons and who are more than willing to answer his many, many questions. They may also be the reason why his favorite video game is Medieval II: Total War.
Quite softspoken, the mildness of his words is such that people are often left cynically wondering whether or not Timothy is mocking them. The sincerity with which he prays before eating his meals is viewed by some as merely an exaggeration: a mockery of those who practice Christianity. However, Timothy does not practice deceit. What he does is honest.
He believes his unique ability to summon fallen Crusaders is given to him by God.
*Esoteric Knowledge:* Timothy is well-read in obscure history books, and can regurgitate most of what he has learned, knowledge extracted from the literary works of people Like E.B Sledge, Sir Arthur Lloyd, and Peter H. Wilson. But, ever humble, Timothy only shares what he knows when the situation calls for it.
*Communicatio Larvali:* Timothy can communicate with summoned Holy Ghosts telepathically, surmounting any distance and time and in pure thought, eliminating the language barrier. Cadwal is a special case, and is an exception to the rule.
_Legiones Ecclesiae:_ At his command, Timothy can call forth Holy Ghosts of the most proactive members of the Church-Militant, namely, Crusaders. Having had this unique gift since early childhood, he has improved the ability in that he can keep indefinitely one Holy Ghost and dispel them at his whim. With a whispered plea and holding a holy symbol of Christianity (like a cross, or his pendant), Timothy beckons the departed souls of those who killed and died in the name of Christ from the ether and into the worldly earth. Fading into existence, they are then at the summoner's beck and call. However, the summoned are picked at random: Timothy does not yet have the ability to call specific people.
_Holy Ghosts_ are the summoned spirits of Christian martyrs. These can be an unknown Crusader or even someone famous like Joan of Arc. Partly transparent, hued an otherworldly blue, and possessed of bright, glowing eyes, these entities are twice as strong and fast as a man and immune to pain – but not harm. While they are ghosts in a sense, they are still shackled to following the laws of physics. However, they do not need their spectral organs to live as they are already dead. Therefore, a bullet is most effective at tearing a Holy Ghost's tendons than holing their heart.
Maintaining a Holy Ghost is done automatically by the soul but at the expense of the body. Timothy is completely alright with one summoned, but is easily winded when he has summoned two. At three and four, he is forced to sit down, with him being pale at the latter. Having five summoned simultaneously will knock him to deathly unconsciousness and will take heavy tolls on his health. While Timothy can keep one Holy Ghost indefinitely, having two or more will strain Timothy's soul so much that after fifteen minutes, they will be forcibly dispelled.
Holy Ghosts are summoned with what they had on their person the moment of their death. While her visit could potentially be a very enlightening experience, Joan of Arc would not fight at her fullest since she wore a dress during her death at the pyre. Crusaders who died in battle are more valuable in that they are usually in full gear when summoned. However, all are prized and valuable relics of the past, and some of them possess ancient knowledge no longer available in the present.
It would appear that Holy Ghosts have lost much of their personality during their centuries in limbo. What they haven't lost, however, is hatred of the heathen, the unbeliever, and the heretic.
Holy Ghosts, being soul-bound to their summoner, are able to communicate with Tim telepathically in pure thoughts, defeating language barriers.
Holy Ghosts can be seen, heard and touched by other people. However, they don't feel much due to their slightly incorporeal properties. They mimic the natural body temperature of a human being, but have got no odor of their own.
_Cadwal of Godwyn_ is a deceased English Crusader knight who perished in the First Crusade, struck down by an arrow to his thigh, knocking him off his horse, that subsequently became gangrenous and from which he did not recover. Acting as a sort of guardian angel, even he himself is not sure what is exactly at work as he shares his mind and soul with Timothy, acting as the boy's second conscience and trying to steer him towards the right path.
Cadwal "sleeps," becoming completely inactive for four hours each day. This is to relieve some of the stress of Timothy's soul from having to maintain another thought-form. Cadwal does his best to time this with Timothy's regular sleeping hours.
Born to two middle-class parents as the middle child of a litter of two boys and one girl, there isn't much to say about Timothy, considering his overall and overwhelming averageness which is offset only by his unique and (as he believes) God-given ability. While he was baptized, going to Church was never something routine for his family. Therefore, he sees his powers as a gift from God when they emerged when he was six years old.
Like many children, he thought up an imaginary friend. It was a knight, and his young mind could only describe it as "blue" and "like glass." When he was alone, he would play with the knight, and started a little game with his older brother and younger sister when he introduced the knight to them, and they made their own imaginary friends. Little did Timothy know, however, that his siblings' imagined creations were far different to what he had, for as time went on, the knight's responses became purely his own, and Timothy slowly lost the need to parrot them. Like another person living in his head, the knight would comment on day-to-day life, and when the young Timothy eyed upon a Bible, the knight energetically pleaded the boy to read it.
As little Tim read, his young mind was full of questions even from the starting book of Genesis. He would ask the knight in his head, who formally introduced himself as Cadwal of Godwyn, to explain it all for him, and he spent so many sleepless nights doing this sort of cooperative storytelling that his mother became worried at his lack of sleep and consulted a physician. On his third grade of elementary school, his family had to move elsewhere, and he was saddened by the sudden loss of friends; but Cadwal was always there and would never leave his mind. Upon his insistence, his father took him to Church one day, and was deeply happy at finally worshiping at a proper place.
As he became older and thus more aware of the sheer unnaturality of his unique ability, Tim wondered if he could do more with it. Praying to God, and after consulting Cadwal, he tried to call out an angel to advise him on what to do when his parents were divorcing. However, the only being that faded into existence was not a magnificent scion of Heaven, but a short-lasting, flickering blue ghost of a woman in armor. Timothy could not but gasp "Who are you?" at the figure, who replied with a sagely "Who I am is not important. But your faith in God is," before fading back into nothingness.
Encouraged by Cadwal, Timothy was henceforth convinced of his being blessed. Ever since then, he has been practicing and perfecting this unique ability of his by prayer and meditation.
Speaking with wizened words, Timothy prevented his parents' divorce by driving them to tears as he preached about the sanctity and inviolability of the oaths a couple takes in their marriage ceremony, with the help of his two beloved siblings.
Drowning in early adolescent male hormones, Timothy wanted to masturbate once (just to try it) but was halted by Cadwal (whom he thought was sleeping), who lectured him fiercely of the value of the "seed" and how it must not be wasted. |
52,922 | 1,435 | 61 | 732 | 8,849 | Mars s'est finalement promène dans la bibliothèque et a été accueilli avec une grande quantité de poeple. Wierd, semblait comme la plupart des poeples ici actuly aimait apprendre plus qu'exercer. Curieuse d'entendre ce que le groupe discusait, elle se penchait contre une pile de livres et écoutait attentivement. S'ils discusaient leurs devoirs, peut-être qu'elle pouvait entendre des choses sur les croisades, ça semblait excitant, mais en réalité c'était un peu comme la plupart de ses cours, donc elle ne s'en souvenait pas beaucoup. | Name: Mars
Picture/Description: !( "Mars")
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Personality: Tomboyish violent, easily offended. is willing to get into a fight over anything and is confident in herself enough that she believes that she will win. She can be very smart if she applies herself but usually can't concentrate that long, however she has an excellent tatical mind.
Talent: Boxing
Ability: Slight future sight. She can see the actions someone is going to do a second or two before they do it if she concentrates.
Bio: Mars was born into a troubled family and grew constantly wacthing her parents argue. When she was about 10 they finally divorced and she was given to her father, shse was constantly made fun of at school having no mother and got into a lot of fights. Her father made sure she could win them, he had done a lot of boxing in the past and Mars found it to be very helpful. Of course this skill naturally got her rectruited into a boxing club in which her skills improved further.
She quickly showed she was a natural at it and rose to the top, claiming first place in local competitions. Proud of her ablility she wanted to move to a different scholl, she was bored with hers and wanted to go out and find some poeple who didn't constantly tease her, even if they did it when she wasn't looking.
Other: |
52,923 | 1,435 | 62 | 2,465 | 3,276 | Henrietta avait l'air surpris par l'anticipation de Poppy, mais ça ne semblait pas l'être. Elle gloussait un peu, puis s'appuyait sur son bras.
« Quand il s'agit des capacités des autres dirigeants, je ne pense pas avoir le droit de vous le dire : je n'aime pas quand quelqu'un d'autre que moi-même explique comment fonctionne mon pouvoir, donc je ne suis pas prêt à faire de même. Vous savez, la Règle d'Or: «Faites à d'autres comme vous voulez que d'autres vous fassent» - bien, jusqu'à présent cela n'a pas encore fonctionné, mais je suis prêt à continuer à essayer!»
La jeune fille ferma les yeux et s'arrêta un moment, pensant aux mots à dire ensuite. "Ma capacité. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Et bien, officiellement, il est listé comme hypnotisme de masse, mais tout le monde est d'accord pour dire que c'est une sous-estimation de son vrai pouvoir. Le nom de ma capacité est "Réseau social" et quant à la façon dont il fonctionne-"
"Henrietta", le garçon derrière elle s'interrompit, à l'air méfiant. La fille le fixa avec des lèvres serrées avant de soupirer.
« Oh, Bill, tu sais déjà comment ça se passe : si je n'explique pas ma capacité d'une manière complète et honnête, alors quelqu'un d'autre le fera, et qui que ce soit ne me fera certainement pas être quelque chose d'autre qu'une complète sorcière manipulatrice », a-t-elle déclaré. Le garçon, pour sa part, avait toujours l'air d'être contre, mais a décidé de se conformer à sa décision.
Henrietta a poursuivi son explication: "De toute façon, 'Réseau Social' a obtenu son nom en raison de son fonctionnement: C'est un _réseau_. Je peux hypnotiser et lire les pensées d'une grande quantité de peope à travers n'importe quelle forme d'interaction sociale. Et quand je dis n'importe quel genre, je veux dire, tous les genres. Parler, Internet, écrire - si vous pouvez communiquer avec elle, je peux vous hypnotiser avec elle. Je peux même contrôler la force de l'hypnotisme. Je peux le rendre assez fort pour ne faire de vous qu'une marionnette sans esprit, ou - et c'est la partie qui effraie les gens. C'est ce que j'ai dit. ."
Henrietta a pris une profonde inspiration, se préparant à laisser tomber la plus grande bombe qui venait avec ses capacités:
"Je peux rendre l'hypnotisme si subtil, vous ne sauriez même pas que vous êtes hypnotisé. Chaque action que tu fais, tu penses que c'est sous ton pouvoir quand j'aurais pu te jouer comme un violon. Je connais les limites de mes capacités : je pourrais même vous amener à commettre _suicide_ et à penser que c'était votre propre choix, et probablement vous amener à _enjoy_ mourir pendant que je le fais. Jusqu'à présent, la seule personne qui puisse contrer mes capacités est Little Louise : c'est pourquoi elle est si importante pour tant d'étudiants. Si pour beaucoup d'étudiants je suis Satan elle-même, Louise serait l'Ange de la Mort de Dieu, m'empêchant de les corrompre par sa présence.
"Non seulement cela, l'hypnotisme peut se propager des gens aux gens comme un virus: quiconque que j'ai hypnotisé avant qui n'a pas été 'curé' peut provoquer l'hypnotisme à se propager juste en interagissant avec une autre personne. Comme un virus zombie."
Henrietta a donné un sourire amer, et l'éclat dans ses yeux semblait un peu sombre. "Maintenant vous voyez pourquoi la plupart du corps étudiant ne me regardera même pas sauf ceux de mon groupe? Tout le monde pense que la seule façon de me faire des amis, c'est de les hypnotiser. Pour une fille qui est le passe-temps préféré est de socialiser et de se faire des amis. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Eh bien, vous pouvez voir pourquoi c'est particulièrement douloureux, n'est-ce pas?" | Name: Saoji Makami
Gender: Male
Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are.
Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything.
Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals.
Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school. |
52,924 | 1,435 | 63 | 156 | 2,749 | Poppy a senti son intérieur geler. Elle pourrait être manipulée si facilement, si facilement. Elle ne le remarquerait même pas. C'était sa pire peur. La peur de ne pas avoir le contrôle d'elle-même... sauf, tout le temps, elle pensera qu'elle a le contrôle d'elle-même et c'était quelque peu pire. Être malheureux sans savoir que ton misérable est nul. Poppy a regardé ses mains et a essayé d'avaler la peur rampant dans sa colonne vertébrale. Elle a regardé à Henrietta à travers ses franges blondes, l'analyse, l'inspecte.
Mais quel était l'intérêt. Elle aurait pu déjà obtenir sous la peau de Poppy, elle pourrait même connaître les pensées de Poppy, elle pourrait être _planter les pensées de _Poppy.
Comment puis-je vous connaître ne me manipulez-vous pas? » Poppy brouillé avant qu'elle puisse l'aider, la peur démangeant à l'arrière de son esprit. Vous dites que les gens ont peur de vous parce que c'est ce dont ils ont peur. Et, eh bien, comment les faire savoir que vous ne les manipulez pas? ‘Les jouer comme un violon'?
Et pourtant, malgré la peur qui se précipitait à travers son corps, il y avait quelque chose qui s'étendait au fond de lui, criblant comme du sable sous l'eau. Un respect indéniable. Le pouvoir d'Henrietta a, pourquoi, Poppy souhaite qu'elle l'ait. Même si elle devait être seule, ce serait un pouvoir incroyable à avoir. Poppy a serré ses poings ensemble. Même si elle était effrayante au-delà de l'enfer, Poppy l'aurait rejointe si elle devait rejoindre un côté. Avant qu'elle ne puisse penser davantage à l'étonnement qu'elle avait pour cet être, la peur s'est précipitée avec une pensée : _et si ce n'était pas son respect de donner?_ Et si elle était manipulée? Elle n'a pas fait comme si elle était manipulée. | !( "Poppy O'Conner")
**Name:** Poppy O’Conner
**Age:** 16
**Gender:** Female
**Personality:** Poppy is an awkward girl who often says the wrong things when around people she doesn’t know well. When with friends, though, Poppy is loud, talkative, and, unfortunately, punny. She doesn’t understand the point of keeping things secret, so she has no qualms with saying exactly what is going on in her life or what of the likes if someone asks her. Poppy has the unfortunate habit of bottling up her emotions and, even when telling her “sob” story, keeps a straight face or shrugs it off when people ask her how she is feeling. The blonde has a hard time connecting with people on a personal level and when she attempts to express her sadness, she is often deterred by sympathetically distant responses. She is not particularly motivated to do anything and tries to find the easiest ways to do things. Her worst habit is procrastination and most of her work does not get done until the night before it’s due.
**Talent:**_ Learner_: Poppy learns new things with relative ease and has a near perfect memory where she can store all the new information. She dabbles in most genres of information and knows many random facts.
**Ability**: _Know-It-All_: By pressing her hand anywhere on a book, or anything that holds information, she can absorb the information and remember it completely. This gives her a higher level of intelligence than most. Due to absorbing psychology books and pamphlets, Poppy can easily read people by their body language. If an animal is sick? She can check for any symptoms of the million of diseases and illnesses in her knowledge. However, after absorbing too much information, Poppy gets queasy and dizzy; if she goes past that, though she never has so far, she would probably die.
Poppy is an American and was born on an Air Force base in Florida. Her father is in the military and she has had to move around a lot for his work. Her parents were always busy with work – not that Poppy minded, because when they weren’t, the family was always hanging out – and so Poppy took up the habit of reading constantly. Because of her father’s work, Poppy’s dad would get deployed many times and Poppy would be stuck with her mother.
It wasn’t that Poppy didn’t like her mother, in fact, Poppy adored her mother...that is before her alcoholism came back after ten years of sobriety (she quit before Poppy was born). Her mother spiraled into a pit of depression and, in turn, Poppy too had begun to feel depressed. Later on, she was diagnosed with depression and anxiety and was prescribed medicine to take. Poppy, often than not, does not take her medicine because “it makes her feel funny.”
One day, when Poppy was fourteen and her father was home from deployment, the blonde girl came home to her mother crying in her bedroom, drunk as per usual, and attempting to call a rehab facility. Not knowing what to do, Poppy attempted to call her dad to help her, but he wasn’t picking up. After the police came (one of the rehab centers had called the cops on her mom to make sure she wasn’t harming herself) and Poppy finally managed to get a hold of her dad, everything just froze for Poppy. Her mother went to rehab until the week before Poppy’s fifteenth birthday, but that wasn’t what the problem was for Poppy. She discovered that, in her time of need, she was having a hard time connecting with her friends. They would tell her that “it would be alright” and that “at least your mom is getting better” but that didn’t satisfy Poppy – they felt distant.
After her mom was released, Poppy’s dad got a new job in Wales and the O’Conner family jumped at the chance to go for it was “a new start.”
Other: Poppy is terrified of not being able to control herself (therefore, she stays away from drugs, alcohol and such and such) |
52,925 | 1,435 | 64 | 2,176 | 944 | A cette révélation, ( senti complètement violé. Est-ce qu'elle lisait ses pensées en ce moment? Elle pourrait lire les pensées de Cadwal? Il l'avait traitée de garce et de truie! Jaw légèrement agape et sourcil légèrement sillonné, elle regarda dans ces merveilleux yeux et se demanda si leur éclat n'était qu'une illusion, si le blush sur ses joues était réel, s'il était ou non _triché_ par la beauté de ce sourire. Tim avait toujours pris du réconfort dans ses pensées, dans son propre esprit, croyant qu'elles étaient inviolables. Mais maintenant vient quelqu'un qui pourrait violer cette forteresse sacrée; et le fait qu'elle s'était comparée à Satan ne lui faisait aucune faveur.
"Attendez, ça veut dire que Timothy a commencé, mais Cadwal s'est interjecté.
"Elle peut nous entendre tout de suite?""_
"Donc," Timothy a commencé, après un long pas, montrant ses paumes comme il a demandé la confirmation: "Vous pouvez vraiment lire mon esprit?"
"Pouvez-vous lire mes pensées aussi?"_ Cadwal complété, pas sans alarme dans sa voix d'esprit. | ##Timothy “Tim” Aquinas##
!( "Timothy")
An unassuming youth with pale skin, brown hair and emerald eyes, Timothy is lean and rather thin. Thin-framed eyeglasses sit upon the bridge of his nose, windows to eyes that brighten up in a charming, childlike way when he smiles. He stands at a good 6’0” tall, and prefers simple clothing: many of his shirts are black or grey and without print, and the ones that do have only minimalistic designs. His pants and other apparel are equally unassuming. But never is he seen without his only apparent accessory: a small pendant in the shape of an elaborate Celtic crucifix of silver, hanging from his neck by a chain.
Described by Cadwal as having a "cherub's melody," Timothy has a deceptively effeminate voice.
**Age:** 16
**Gender:** Male
*“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your Name give glory.”*
The foremost thing one might notice about Timothy is his zeal. A devout Catholic, he is well-read in the Bible and zealous. And unlike some others, Timothy has taken the teachings of the Scripture to heart, making him a genuinely friendly and caring person. Love his neighbor, love his enemy? Timothy most certainly does. Honest and loyal, his care for the well-being of others extends to the spiritual: he is convinced that those of heathen faiths – especially the People of the Book But Do Not Believe – and true unbelievers must be enlightened sooner or later. Then there are the Ones Who Come in His Name but Twist His Words, like Westboro, which he finds especially despicable.
Timothy is especially fond of literature, especially medieval history. He knows full well how Duke Enrique of Savoy invaded Monferatto from the Duke of Mantua as he had run out of patience with waiting for Emperor Rudolf of the Holy Roman Empire to answer his petition to have the mentioned territory transferred to the custody of his daughter, Margherita, as she was kicked out of the Mantuan Duke’s court for not having sired a child for her husband, the Duke’s late brother, before he died. Always hungry for more knowledge, his learning of this subject which he most adores is supplemented by the Holy Ghosts whom he summons and who are more than willing to answer his many, many questions. They may also be the reason why his favorite video game is Medieval II: Total War.
Quite softspoken, the mildness of his words is such that people are often left cynically wondering whether or not Timothy is mocking them. The sincerity with which he prays before eating his meals is viewed by some as merely an exaggeration: a mockery of those who practice Christianity. However, Timothy does not practice deceit. What he does is honest.
He believes his unique ability to summon fallen Crusaders is given to him by God.
*Esoteric Knowledge:* Timothy is well-read in obscure history books, and can regurgitate most of what he has learned, knowledge extracted from the literary works of people Like E.B Sledge, Sir Arthur Lloyd, and Peter H. Wilson. But, ever humble, Timothy only shares what he knows when the situation calls for it.
*Communicatio Larvali:* Timothy can communicate with summoned Holy Ghosts telepathically, surmounting any distance and time and in pure thought, eliminating the language barrier. Cadwal is a special case, and is an exception to the rule.
_Legiones Ecclesiae:_ At his command, Timothy can call forth Holy Ghosts of the most proactive members of the Church-Militant, namely, Crusaders. Having had this unique gift since early childhood, he has improved the ability in that he can keep indefinitely one Holy Ghost and dispel them at his whim. With a whispered plea and holding a holy symbol of Christianity (like a cross, or his pendant), Timothy beckons the departed souls of those who killed and died in the name of Christ from the ether and into the worldly earth. Fading into existence, they are then at the summoner's beck and call. However, the summoned are picked at random: Timothy does not yet have the ability to call specific people.
_Holy Ghosts_ are the summoned spirits of Christian martyrs. These can be an unknown Crusader or even someone famous like Joan of Arc. Partly transparent, hued an otherworldly blue, and possessed of bright, glowing eyes, these entities are twice as strong and fast as a man and immune to pain – but not harm. While they are ghosts in a sense, they are still shackled to following the laws of physics. However, they do not need their spectral organs to live as they are already dead. Therefore, a bullet is most effective at tearing a Holy Ghost's tendons than holing their heart.
Maintaining a Holy Ghost is done automatically by the soul but at the expense of the body. Timothy is completely alright with one summoned, but is easily winded when he has summoned two. At three and four, he is forced to sit down, with him being pale at the latter. Having five summoned simultaneously will knock him to deathly unconsciousness and will take heavy tolls on his health. While Timothy can keep one Holy Ghost indefinitely, having two or more will strain Timothy's soul so much that after fifteen minutes, they will be forcibly dispelled.
Holy Ghosts are summoned with what they had on their person the moment of their death. While her visit could potentially be a very enlightening experience, Joan of Arc would not fight at her fullest since she wore a dress during her death at the pyre. Crusaders who died in battle are more valuable in that they are usually in full gear when summoned. However, all are prized and valuable relics of the past, and some of them possess ancient knowledge no longer available in the present.
It would appear that Holy Ghosts have lost much of their personality during their centuries in limbo. What they haven't lost, however, is hatred of the heathen, the unbeliever, and the heretic.
Holy Ghosts, being soul-bound to their summoner, are able to communicate with Tim telepathically in pure thoughts, defeating language barriers.
Holy Ghosts can be seen, heard and touched by other people. However, they don't feel much due to their slightly incorporeal properties. They mimic the natural body temperature of a human being, but have got no odor of their own.
_Cadwal of Godwyn_ is a deceased English Crusader knight who perished in the First Crusade, struck down by an arrow to his thigh, knocking him off his horse, that subsequently became gangrenous and from which he did not recover. Acting as a sort of guardian angel, even he himself is not sure what is exactly at work as he shares his mind and soul with Timothy, acting as the boy's second conscience and trying to steer him towards the right path.
Cadwal "sleeps," becoming completely inactive for four hours each day. This is to relieve some of the stress of Timothy's soul from having to maintain another thought-form. Cadwal does his best to time this with Timothy's regular sleeping hours.
Born to two middle-class parents as the middle child of a litter of two boys and one girl, there isn't much to say about Timothy, considering his overall and overwhelming averageness which is offset only by his unique and (as he believes) God-given ability. While he was baptized, going to Church was never something routine for his family. Therefore, he sees his powers as a gift from God when they emerged when he was six years old.
Like many children, he thought up an imaginary friend. It was a knight, and his young mind could only describe it as "blue" and "like glass." When he was alone, he would play with the knight, and started a little game with his older brother and younger sister when he introduced the knight to them, and they made their own imaginary friends. Little did Timothy know, however, that his siblings' imagined creations were far different to what he had, for as time went on, the knight's responses became purely his own, and Timothy slowly lost the need to parrot them. Like another person living in his head, the knight would comment on day-to-day life, and when the young Timothy eyed upon a Bible, the knight energetically pleaded the boy to read it.
As little Tim read, his young mind was full of questions even from the starting book of Genesis. He would ask the knight in his head, who formally introduced himself as Cadwal of Godwyn, to explain it all for him, and he spent so many sleepless nights doing this sort of cooperative storytelling that his mother became worried at his lack of sleep and consulted a physician. On his third grade of elementary school, his family had to move elsewhere, and he was saddened by the sudden loss of friends; but Cadwal was always there and would never leave his mind. Upon his insistence, his father took him to Church one day, and was deeply happy at finally worshiping at a proper place.
As he became older and thus more aware of the sheer unnaturality of his unique ability, Tim wondered if he could do more with it. Praying to God, and after consulting Cadwal, he tried to call out an angel to advise him on what to do when his parents were divorcing. However, the only being that faded into existence was not a magnificent scion of Heaven, but a short-lasting, flickering blue ghost of a woman in armor. Timothy could not but gasp "Who are you?" at the figure, who replied with a sagely "Who I am is not important. But your faith in God is," before fading back into nothingness.
Encouraged by Cadwal, Timothy was henceforth convinced of his being blessed. Ever since then, he has been practicing and perfecting this unique ability of his by prayer and meditation.
Speaking with wizened words, Timothy prevented his parents' divorce by driving them to tears as he preached about the sanctity and inviolability of the oaths a couple takes in their marriage ceremony, with the help of his two beloved siblings.
Drowning in early adolescent male hormones, Timothy wanted to masturbate once (just to try it) but was halted by Cadwal (whom he thought was sleeping), who lectured him fiercely of the value of the "seed" and how it must not be wasted. |
52,926 | 1,435 | 65 | 2,465 | 3,276 | Alors, c'était une meneuse, hein? La fille aux cheveux blonds. Simultanément, il entendait tout ce qu'Henrietta disait, tout en écoutant la recommandation d'Ione sur le film. Il ne pouvait cependant pas nier que le discours d'Henrietta l'intéressait un peu plus. Sa capacité semblait dangereuse et pouvait potentiellement causer des dommages à d'autres élèves. Une fois que ses pensées ont été éclaircies, il s'est concentré sur Ione. Tout ce qu'il a entendu à ce moment-là, c'est le film qu'elle a décidé de choisir. Il a souri un peu et a hurlé la tête.
**"C'est ça. Donc... exactement où devrait-on regarder ça? J'ai un joueur de cinéma dans ma chambre... Ma mère l'a acheté avant de partir à la maison au cas où nous n'aurions pas de télévision régulière."** il a dit, toujours dans l'angoisse d'entendre Henrietta parler de ses capacités.
Mais ses joues sont devenues un peu rouges, pas sûr si c'était une bonne idée.
Mais... si tu te sens mal à l'aise... je veux dire... je ne voudrais pas qu'il se passe quoi que ce soit... je veux dire... je n'ai pas de colocataire... donc... je reste presque tout seul et... »** il ne pouvait pas finir ce qu'il essayait de lui expliquer parce qu'il était si nerveux.
Il espérait ne pas l'avoir encore énervée... ou pire... Paige. Une fois qu'elle aura récupéré sa force et vu que Ione est seul avec lui dans sa chambre... elle pourrait lui donner une claque encore plus forte au visage. Il pouvait voir la douleur dont il pouvait être témoin maintenant... il tremblait à la pensée.
**"H-Et si on emmenait le film dans un...a...uhhh...théâtre de mouvement! Ouais! Ils vont le jouer pour nous, pas vrai?"** il a glissé. Essayer de jeter un sourire confiant pour cacher sa réponse hilarante à ses propres mots. | Name: Saoji Makami
Gender: Male
Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are.
Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything.
Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals.
Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school. |
52,927 | 1,435 | 66 | 993 | 1,646 | J'ai vu que l'attention de Saoji était éparpillée, allant et venant d'elle et d'Henrietta. C'était mauvais, elle savait ce qu'était la capacité d'Henrietta. Je ne savais même pas quoi penser d'Henrietta. À l'heure actuelle, elle jouait de l'héroïne tragique, mais ça pourrait ou non être un acte. En premier lieu, comment est-elle devenue dirigeante? Comment a-t-elle découvert son pouvoir? Ce n'était pas une coïncidence. Elle a soupiré. C'était bien que Ione ait été attachée comme un solitaire quand il s'agissait de choses comme ça, elle pouvait juste ignorer Henrietta et son pouvoir.
En ignorant complètement la mauvaise excuse d'une blague de Saoji, elle passe au sujet de l'endroit. "Ne sois pas si gêné. Même si vous vous attendiez à ce que quelque chose arrive, rien ne le serait, tout simplement."** Elle a dit, paraissant un peu froide. En tout cas, on peut aller le regarder dans ma chambre. Paige se sentirait plus à l'aise là-bas. J'ai aussi apporté un lecteur DVD avec moi. Je ne peux pas vivre sans mon vendredi de films d'horreur."** Ses yeux brillent un peu à la mention de ce qu'elle aime faire tous les vendredis soirs. Elle secoue la tête. Dans un mouvement soudain, elle se tourna pour voir Henrietta. C'était vraiment quelque chose d'autre, la regardant. Elle semblait si inoffensive, et pourtant, sa capacité était vraiment dangereuse.
Elle soupirait. **"Allons-y. Je préfère ne pas rester ici."** Elle a dit, elle l'a déjà emmenée en direction de la sortie de la bibliothèque. | **Name:** Ione (Juliet) Barnett & Paige
This one is Ione!

This is Paige! (She's a ghost. :P)

**Age:** 17
**Gender:** Female
**Personality:** One way (Maybe the only way) to describe Ione is as odd. She is aloof, absent and some times, she seems to be looking more through you than at you. All of this combined with the fact that she talks a bit too much about ghosts and spirits make her seem crazy more often than not. You see, Ione has two personas inside her, but of course, this isn't a Multiple Personality Disorder, it is just her playing around, and also, a way to hide her bashfulness when talking to others, after all, who would be able to talk about ghosts, spirits, demons and such without feeling if even a little bit embarrassed? Her first persona is Juliet, a cold, sharp tongued girl who tries to scare others with her stories about ghosts (Yep, she named it). The second one is her real self that often peeks out when she is acting as her Juliet persona and someone shows some kind of interest in what she is talking about, the real Ione that is more of a ditzy, naive and a bit playful girl.
While it may seem that her ghost ramblings are nothing but nonsense, Ione does indeed have a talent for contacting the occult. Such talent allows her to speak with ghosts and even see them, and, given her lack of friends because of her odd personality, she spends a lot of time talking with her ghost friends. Given that she is one of the few people who can actually do that, she is often seen talking alone or with some imaginary friend, as they guess, though the reality is actually more spooky than that. Ione also has an unwavering love for Horror movies, though she often comments on the many discrepancies between the movies and actual ghosts.
Regarding her constant companion, the ghost Paige, she is a bit of a pervert that is deeply attached to Ione, and would do whatever Ione wants as long as it is reasonable. Regardless of her appearance and due to the fact that she's been dead for a long time, Paige is more mature than she lets others know, and also someone with very strict morals. She likes playing pranks, but she would never abide to do something that would put others in danger and will also pressure Ione to do the right thing sometimes. The two of the get along really well and are almost like sisters, so Paige is very prone to feel jealous when someone else interacts with Ione.
**Talent:** Mediumship, Ione is able to communicate with and see ghosts, to a really frightening extent, as she claims that, sometimes, she can even touch the ghosts without the use of her ability, though it is a limited and scarce number of ghosts she can actually touch. The reason as to why she can touch those ghosts is still unknown, but she thinks it is because of some kind of grudge they hold.
**Ability:** Poltergeist, Ione has the ability to secrete ectoplasm from her body, a substance invisible to those without her talents of mediumship. Through the secretion of ectoplasm, she can give a ghost the ability to touch things in the mortal realm, from objects to humans, giving the illusion that she has telekinesis instead. With enough extoplasm, a ghost can become visible to the naked eye of any passerby. Though her ability is useful, it does not give her the ability to control ghosts, so there are few ghosts who actually listen to her, though, luckily, she has one she is very good friends with. A ghost covered in her ectoplasm can also posses someone, however, the subject must be unconscious for it to succeed. It seems she can also use the ectoplasm for battle, but given that she barely knows how to fight, she doesn't know how.
**Bio:** Always the odd one out, Ione at first cursed her talent for seeing ghosts, since it caused nothing but troubles. In the past, she was always bullied, because of how she tried to include her invisible friends into conversations with others. Unable to see what Ione was talking about, the other kids merely tried to tell her that there was nothing there, and that she was crazy. At some point, and tired of being called crazy for believing in her ghostly friends, she distanced herself from them. She pretended as if they didn't exist, as if she couldn't hear them. She saw how they detached their own heads and things of the like in comic ways in an effort to make her laugh, but she choked down her laughs and put up a poker face.
She lived a normal life for a while but, to be honest, she found it boring. After being able to talk with ghosts that had been decapitated or had died young, well, she just found everything else boring. She had seen gory scenes before, but she didn't seem to really mind, in fact, that helped her develop one of her greatest interests in life, her love for horror movies. After a while, she finally realized that her fun days were because of her ethereal friends and decided to go back to them, instead of trying to be someone she wasn't with the other kids.
She apologized time and time again and the ghosts that were her friends eventually forgave her, with the sole condition that she wouldn't turn their back on them ever again. After agreeing to it, she was then introduced to the newest additions of the gang. Juliet and Paige, a pair of sisters that strayed all the way to where they were. Ione grew close to both sisters in a short time, but one day, Juliet, the bigger of the sisters, disappeared. Juliet always talked about how it would be great to finally pass on and let go of all her regrets and things left undone, though there was still something holding her down. Ione soon connected the dots and figured that she couldn't pass on because of her little sister Paige, but after Paige grew close to Ione, maybe Juliet knew that her little sister would be able to pass away eventually too, and left this world. Ione was now resolved, knowing that Juliet must now be able to be born again, and she decided to help all the other ghosts pass away and thus, her Juliet persona was born. She helped every and each one of her friends pass away, except for one. Paige was the only one that remained there and, though Ione didn't knew why, she decided she would think about it as it went, given that Paige never left her side.
**Other:** She likes to wear gothic lolita fashion. She is quite good at sewing and handicraft of the like, though she is terrible at cooking. |
52,928 | 1,435 | 67 | 732 | 8,849 | Mars a froncé alors qu'elle écoutait les prédilections des leaders, on aurait dit qu'elle en avait eu beaucoup de mal. Il n'y avait rien que Mars aimait comme un défi. Mars sortit du mur sur lequel elle s'appuyait et se dirigea vers la table un peu bondée. « Eh bien, j'ai bien peur de faire un peu d'eavsropping parce que je m'ennuyais et je ne pouvais pas m'empêcher d'entendre votre problème. C'est une honte de pleurer quelqu'un d'aussi gentil et honnête que vous n'avez pas fait de nouveaux amis depuis le collège, donc vous pouvez commencer par moi. Mon nom est Mars, quel est ton ami?" Elle a demandé avec hardiesse. | Name: Mars
Picture/Description: !( "Mars")
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Personality: Tomboyish violent, easily offended. is willing to get into a fight over anything and is confident in herself enough that she believes that she will win. She can be very smart if she applies herself but usually can't concentrate that long, however she has an excellent tatical mind.
Talent: Boxing
Ability: Slight future sight. She can see the actions someone is going to do a second or two before they do it if she concentrates.
Bio: Mars was born into a troubled family and grew constantly wacthing her parents argue. When she was about 10 they finally divorced and she was given to her father, shse was constantly made fun of at school having no mother and got into a lot of fights. Her father made sure she could win them, he had done a lot of boxing in the past and Mars found it to be very helpful. Of course this skill naturally got her rectruited into a boxing club in which her skills improved further.
She quickly showed she was a natural at it and rose to the top, claiming first place in local competitions. Proud of her ablility she wanted to move to a different scholl, she was bored with hers and wanted to go out and find some poeple who didn't constantly tease her, even if they did it when she wasn't looking.
Other: |
52,929 | 1,435 | 68 | 2,176 | 944 | La tricherie. Ce concept était la pensée la plus importante dans (esprit, même pendant le spectacle d'Henrietta, qui, pensait-il, est venu assez brusquement. Mais il se sentait toujours pour elle. Elle était là, une fille qui s'exprimait vraie - ou non - aux gens qu'elle venait de rencontrer, aux gens qu'elle voulait connaître et peut-être se lier d'amitié, avant que d'autres ne peignent une mauvaise image d'elle. La pitié, l'empathie, la prudence et la méfiance ont fait une lumière émotionnelle de sa poitrine, et il n'était pas sûr avec quelle paire d'émotions il devait aller, car elle pouvait briser et lire son esprit même.
Ainsi, il s'appuya sur sa chaise, et prit une profonde respiration, son visage illisible comme il avait été mis dans l'indifférence au froid de pierre. Non pas qu'Henrietta ait besoin de le lire, bien sûr.
"Eh bien," il a finalement froncé. « Tout d'abord, je suis honoré que vous ayez confiance (étrangers avec les capacités de votre pouvoir. Deuxièmement, oui, pardonnez-moi, mais je suis soudain un peu méfiant de vous, mais," il sourit alors, "Je ne vous jugerai pas si facilement. Une partie de moi pense que cette confession n'est qu'un simple acte de sympathie, mais avec vos pouvoirs, vous auriez pu facilement le faire avant, donc je suis prêt à vous donner le bénéfice du doute. Ça m'inquiète que tu puisses lire dans mon esprit, mais ce n'est pas de ta faute, c'est inné. Dieu vous a donné vos dons, et je ne vous haïrai pas pour eux."
C'était mal à l'aise pour lui de parler. Timothy détestait la situation actuelle et la désamorçait, d'une manière ou d'une autre, ce qui le rendait plus vulnérable.
-- De toute façon, dit-il rapidement. "Si tu lisais mes pensées tout le temps, alors pardonne-moi pour toutes, euh, pensées inappropriées, et oui: je ne serais toujours pas d'accord si je pouvais être ton ami. Et j'aimerais encore vous aider dans votre projet d'histoire." | ##Timothy “Tim” Aquinas##
!( "Timothy")
An unassuming youth with pale skin, brown hair and emerald eyes, Timothy is lean and rather thin. Thin-framed eyeglasses sit upon the bridge of his nose, windows to eyes that brighten up in a charming, childlike way when he smiles. He stands at a good 6’0” tall, and prefers simple clothing: many of his shirts are black or grey and without print, and the ones that do have only minimalistic designs. His pants and other apparel are equally unassuming. But never is he seen without his only apparent accessory: a small pendant in the shape of an elaborate Celtic crucifix of silver, hanging from his neck by a chain.
Described by Cadwal as having a "cherub's melody," Timothy has a deceptively effeminate voice.
**Age:** 16
**Gender:** Male
*“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your Name give glory.”*
The foremost thing one might notice about Timothy is his zeal. A devout Catholic, he is well-read in the Bible and zealous. And unlike some others, Timothy has taken the teachings of the Scripture to heart, making him a genuinely friendly and caring person. Love his neighbor, love his enemy? Timothy most certainly does. Honest and loyal, his care for the well-being of others extends to the spiritual: he is convinced that those of heathen faiths – especially the People of the Book But Do Not Believe – and true unbelievers must be enlightened sooner or later. Then there are the Ones Who Come in His Name but Twist His Words, like Westboro, which he finds especially despicable.
Timothy is especially fond of literature, especially medieval history. He knows full well how Duke Enrique of Savoy invaded Monferatto from the Duke of Mantua as he had run out of patience with waiting for Emperor Rudolf of the Holy Roman Empire to answer his petition to have the mentioned territory transferred to the custody of his daughter, Margherita, as she was kicked out of the Mantuan Duke’s court for not having sired a child for her husband, the Duke’s late brother, before he died. Always hungry for more knowledge, his learning of this subject which he most adores is supplemented by the Holy Ghosts whom he summons and who are more than willing to answer his many, many questions. They may also be the reason why his favorite video game is Medieval II: Total War.
Quite softspoken, the mildness of his words is such that people are often left cynically wondering whether or not Timothy is mocking them. The sincerity with which he prays before eating his meals is viewed by some as merely an exaggeration: a mockery of those who practice Christianity. However, Timothy does not practice deceit. What he does is honest.
He believes his unique ability to summon fallen Crusaders is given to him by God.
*Esoteric Knowledge:* Timothy is well-read in obscure history books, and can regurgitate most of what he has learned, knowledge extracted from the literary works of people Like E.B Sledge, Sir Arthur Lloyd, and Peter H. Wilson. But, ever humble, Timothy only shares what he knows when the situation calls for it.
*Communicatio Larvali:* Timothy can communicate with summoned Holy Ghosts telepathically, surmounting any distance and time and in pure thought, eliminating the language barrier. Cadwal is a special case, and is an exception to the rule.
_Legiones Ecclesiae:_ At his command, Timothy can call forth Holy Ghosts of the most proactive members of the Church-Militant, namely, Crusaders. Having had this unique gift since early childhood, he has improved the ability in that he can keep indefinitely one Holy Ghost and dispel them at his whim. With a whispered plea and holding a holy symbol of Christianity (like a cross, or his pendant), Timothy beckons the departed souls of those who killed and died in the name of Christ from the ether and into the worldly earth. Fading into existence, they are then at the summoner's beck and call. However, the summoned are picked at random: Timothy does not yet have the ability to call specific people.
_Holy Ghosts_ are the summoned spirits of Christian martyrs. These can be an unknown Crusader or even someone famous like Joan of Arc. Partly transparent, hued an otherworldly blue, and possessed of bright, glowing eyes, these entities are twice as strong and fast as a man and immune to pain – but not harm. While they are ghosts in a sense, they are still shackled to following the laws of physics. However, they do not need their spectral organs to live as they are already dead. Therefore, a bullet is most effective at tearing a Holy Ghost's tendons than holing their heart.
Maintaining a Holy Ghost is done automatically by the soul but at the expense of the body. Timothy is completely alright with one summoned, but is easily winded when he has summoned two. At three and four, he is forced to sit down, with him being pale at the latter. Having five summoned simultaneously will knock him to deathly unconsciousness and will take heavy tolls on his health. While Timothy can keep one Holy Ghost indefinitely, having two or more will strain Timothy's soul so much that after fifteen minutes, they will be forcibly dispelled.
Holy Ghosts are summoned with what they had on their person the moment of their death. While her visit could potentially be a very enlightening experience, Joan of Arc would not fight at her fullest since she wore a dress during her death at the pyre. Crusaders who died in battle are more valuable in that they are usually in full gear when summoned. However, all are prized and valuable relics of the past, and some of them possess ancient knowledge no longer available in the present.
It would appear that Holy Ghosts have lost much of their personality during their centuries in limbo. What they haven't lost, however, is hatred of the heathen, the unbeliever, and the heretic.
Holy Ghosts, being soul-bound to their summoner, are able to communicate with Tim telepathically in pure thoughts, defeating language barriers.
Holy Ghosts can be seen, heard and touched by other people. However, they don't feel much due to their slightly incorporeal properties. They mimic the natural body temperature of a human being, but have got no odor of their own.
_Cadwal of Godwyn_ is a deceased English Crusader knight who perished in the First Crusade, struck down by an arrow to his thigh, knocking him off his horse, that subsequently became gangrenous and from which he did not recover. Acting as a sort of guardian angel, even he himself is not sure what is exactly at work as he shares his mind and soul with Timothy, acting as the boy's second conscience and trying to steer him towards the right path.
Cadwal "sleeps," becoming completely inactive for four hours each day. This is to relieve some of the stress of Timothy's soul from having to maintain another thought-form. Cadwal does his best to time this with Timothy's regular sleeping hours.
Born to two middle-class parents as the middle child of a litter of two boys and one girl, there isn't much to say about Timothy, considering his overall and overwhelming averageness which is offset only by his unique and (as he believes) God-given ability. While he was baptized, going to Church was never something routine for his family. Therefore, he sees his powers as a gift from God when they emerged when he was six years old.
Like many children, he thought up an imaginary friend. It was a knight, and his young mind could only describe it as "blue" and "like glass." When he was alone, he would play with the knight, and started a little game with his older brother and younger sister when he introduced the knight to them, and they made their own imaginary friends. Little did Timothy know, however, that his siblings' imagined creations were far different to what he had, for as time went on, the knight's responses became purely his own, and Timothy slowly lost the need to parrot them. Like another person living in his head, the knight would comment on day-to-day life, and when the young Timothy eyed upon a Bible, the knight energetically pleaded the boy to read it.
As little Tim read, his young mind was full of questions even from the starting book of Genesis. He would ask the knight in his head, who formally introduced himself as Cadwal of Godwyn, to explain it all for him, and he spent so many sleepless nights doing this sort of cooperative storytelling that his mother became worried at his lack of sleep and consulted a physician. On his third grade of elementary school, his family had to move elsewhere, and he was saddened by the sudden loss of friends; but Cadwal was always there and would never leave his mind. Upon his insistence, his father took him to Church one day, and was deeply happy at finally worshiping at a proper place.
As he became older and thus more aware of the sheer unnaturality of his unique ability, Tim wondered if he could do more with it. Praying to God, and after consulting Cadwal, he tried to call out an angel to advise him on what to do when his parents were divorcing. However, the only being that faded into existence was not a magnificent scion of Heaven, but a short-lasting, flickering blue ghost of a woman in armor. Timothy could not but gasp "Who are you?" at the figure, who replied with a sagely "Who I am is not important. But your faith in God is," before fading back into nothingness.
Encouraged by Cadwal, Timothy was henceforth convinced of his being blessed. Ever since then, he has been practicing and perfecting this unique ability of his by prayer and meditation.
Speaking with wizened words, Timothy prevented his parents' divorce by driving them to tears as he preached about the sanctity and inviolability of the oaths a couple takes in their marriage ceremony, with the help of his two beloved siblings.
Drowning in early adolescent male hormones, Timothy wanted to masturbate once (just to try it) but was halted by Cadwal (whom he thought was sleeping), who lectured him fiercely of the value of the "seed" and how it must not be wasted. |
52,930 | 1,435 | 69 | 554 | 1,584 | Ceci a rendu le sourire du programmeur, avec la même quantité de chaleur, c'était pour être un grand partenariat à coup sûr. Elle commençait à aimer ce type, il est peut-être sorti bizarre au début, mais comme elle interagissait avec lui plus il commençait à être clair qu'il est comme n'importe qui d'autre. "Oh au fait, vous pouvez juste m'appeler Thisa, Mme sonne trop bien quand c'est juste nous étudiants, je ne suis pas une pour des formalités comme ça en plus de me faire sentir vieux." Ceci a gâché, « Cela dit que j'ai hâte de travailler avec vous, vous venez comme une personne bonne et intelligente, je peux respecter cela. »
Celui-ci a regardé l'ordinateur d'Harold curieux sur ce qu'il faisait, il tapait quelque chose avant que le playboy se fasse gifler. "Qu'est-ce que tu fais de toute façon? En quelque sorte quoi voir ce que c'est." Elle s'est rapprochée de l'écran... et, involontairement, du Harold. | Name: Saoji Makami
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Personality: Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are.
Talent: Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything.
Ability: Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals.
Bio: Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school. |
52,931 | 1,435 | 70 | 156 | 2,749 | Je vais le faire. Jugez-vous, je veux dire... Poppy a dit rapidement après qu'une fille bizarre et Timothy soient tombées pour un tel acte.
Elle n'avait pas grand-chose, mais elle avait un esprit. Et jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit manipulée, elle ne ferait pas confiance à cette femme. Poppy a croisé les bras au-dessus de sa poitrine et a balayé son corps dans une tentative d'éveiller ses membres endormis. Néanmoins, des piqûres d'aiguilles ont saupoudré ses jambes.
Il n'y a aucune raison pour que je vous mente, vous pouvez déjà lire mon esprit. Je ne sais pas grand chose de ces pouvoirs, mais ils ont une sorte de lien avec notre personnalité et notre ensemble de compétences, ce qui est évident. Si votre capacité est d'hypnotiser les gens, votre personnalité ne devrait-elle pas être manipulatrice?
Malgré la raison, une partie d'elle était encore douteuse. Une partie d'elle pangée à la vue pitoyable de la déesse presque pleurant. Pourtant, elle est restée forte dans sa détermination. Il a déjà été dit, que pourrait-elle faire à ce sujet maintenant. | !( "Poppy O'Conner")
**Name:** Poppy O’Conner
**Age:** 16
**Gender:** Female
**Personality:** Poppy is an awkward girl who often says the wrong things when around people she doesn’t know well. When with friends, though, Poppy is loud, talkative, and, unfortunately, punny. She doesn’t understand the point of keeping things secret, so she has no qualms with saying exactly what is going on in her life or what of the likes if someone asks her. Poppy has the unfortunate habit of bottling up her emotions and, even when telling her “sob” story, keeps a straight face or shrugs it off when people ask her how she is feeling. The blonde has a hard time connecting with people on a personal level and when she attempts to express her sadness, she is often deterred by sympathetically distant responses. She is not particularly motivated to do anything and tries to find the easiest ways to do things. Her worst habit is procrastination and most of her work does not get done until the night before it’s due.
**Talent:**_ Learner_: Poppy learns new things with relative ease and has a near perfect memory where she can store all the new information. She dabbles in most genres of information and knows many random facts.
**Ability**: _Know-It-All_: By pressing her hand anywhere on a book, or anything that holds information, she can absorb the information and remember it completely. This gives her a higher level of intelligence than most. Due to absorbing psychology books and pamphlets, Poppy can easily read people by their body language. If an animal is sick? She can check for any symptoms of the million of diseases and illnesses in her knowledge. However, after absorbing too much information, Poppy gets queasy and dizzy; if she goes past that, though she never has so far, she would probably die.
Poppy is an American and was born on an Air Force base in Florida. Her father is in the military and she has had to move around a lot for his work. Her parents were always busy with work – not that Poppy minded, because when they weren’t, the family was always hanging out – and so Poppy took up the habit of reading constantly. Because of her father’s work, Poppy’s dad would get deployed many times and Poppy would be stuck with her mother.
It wasn’t that Poppy didn’t like her mother, in fact, Poppy adored her mother...that is before her alcoholism came back after ten years of sobriety (she quit before Poppy was born). Her mother spiraled into a pit of depression and, in turn, Poppy too had begun to feel depressed. Later on, she was diagnosed with depression and anxiety and was prescribed medicine to take. Poppy, often than not, does not take her medicine because “it makes her feel funny.”
One day, when Poppy was fourteen and her father was home from deployment, the blonde girl came home to her mother crying in her bedroom, drunk as per usual, and attempting to call a rehab facility. Not knowing what to do, Poppy attempted to call her dad to help her, but he wasn’t picking up. After the police came (one of the rehab centers had called the cops on her mom to make sure she wasn’t harming herself) and Poppy finally managed to get a hold of her dad, everything just froze for Poppy. Her mother went to rehab until the week before Poppy’s fifteenth birthday, but that wasn’t what the problem was for Poppy. She discovered that, in her time of need, she was having a hard time connecting with her friends. They would tell her that “it would be alright” and that “at least your mom is getting better” but that didn’t satisfy Poppy – they felt distant.
After her mom was released, Poppy’s dad got a new job in Wales and the O’Conner family jumped at the chance to go for it was “a new start.”
Other: Poppy is terrified of not being able to control herself (therefore, she stays away from drugs, alcohol and such and such) |
52,932 | 1,435 | 71 | 993 | 1,646 | En regardant l'expression d'Ione quand il se tourna et regarda Henrietta, il put dire qu'elle ne la favorisait pas autant. Étaient-ils ennemis? Si je n'aime pas Henrietta à cet égard, il vaut peut-être mieux l'éviter comme je l'ai fait et simplement la suivre hors de la bibliothèque. Malheureusement, il a trouvé cela assez difficile. Il y avait quelque chose qui tournait dans son esprit qui lui faisait penser à Henrietta plus. Ses yeux ne pouvaient pas modifier leur direction dans laquelle la blonde existait. Quelqu'un dirait peut-être que Saoji était obsédé par sa façon de regarder. Il a presque fait un pas en avant dans sa direction, mais dans une autre partie de son esprit, il a résisté. Il ne pouvait pas nier qu'au fond, il voulait aller la voir et lui poser un million de questions.
Enfin, il secoua la tête, effaçant les pensées de cette tentation. Il y avait quelque chose d'étrange chez elle. Ce qui était encore plus étrange, c'est à quel point il était attiré par elle. C'était son apparence? Sa personnalité? Il y avait juste... quelque chose. En regardant autour de lui, il a vu d'autres étudiants qui semblaient être attirés par elle comme il était, la regardant de loin comme des chiots brouillants. Il y avait quelque chose qui ne va pas ici. Saoji s'est alors rendu compte que personne ne prêtait à peine attention à Ione. Il a pensé, pourquoi quelqu'un voudrait être avec elle, quand il y a un million de gars là-bas qui ont braqué sur elle. Celui qui était son amant devait combattre un nombre infini de garçons et de filles. Ce serait complètement malsain pour son être.
Au lieu d'être pris dans une toile pleine de désir et de luxure, il a décidé de se concentrer à nouveau sur Ione. Il lui resserra les yeux pendant qu'elle partait, la suivant de derrière. Une fois qu'il l'a rattrapée, il a souri et s'est cogné la tête en regardant le film qu'elle a regardé. Il a dû admettre qu'il n'avait jamais vu ce film... puis quelque chose l'a frappé... Il allait dans sa chambre! Où étaient ses affaires personnelles... où elle dormait... où elle fait... d'autres choses! Il a glissé assez fort pour qu'elle entende comme une seule goutte de sueur est tombée du côté droit de son front. Mais pourquoi était-il nerveux? C'est juste une amie après tout, n'est-ce pas? Il a essayé de s'en convaincre, mais le fait est... qu'il allait dans une chambre privée de secrets de GIRL.
Il voulait dire quelque chose pour essayer de soulager sa propre humeur, mais rien ne m'est venu à l'esprit. Il était trop timide... et son visage a tout montré. Ses joues ont presque rougi de sang... mais il a dû dire quelque chose pour briser le silence maladroit... il a juste dû... Alors avec un commentaire maladroit il a dit...
**"Wow! C'est un bel après-midi!"** a-t-il dit, souriant à nouveau nerveusement.
Au fond de lui, il a lâché, sachant que ça ne s'est pas vraiment bien passé. J'ai probablement pensé que c'était un idiot... et peut-être... qu'il l'était. Il soupirait et se demandait ce qu'il faisait... était-il en train de faire un avenir prometteur avec un grand ami? ou se mettre en place pour une destruction complète et totale? Il ne voulait pas que les choses aillent si loin... il voulait juste que quelqu'un soit là puisqu'il n'a pas vraiment rencontré quelqu'un ici depuis son arrivée. Ione était le seul qui lui a donné l'heure de la journée, ce qui l'a fait coller à ses côtés encore plus. En même temps... il ne pouvait pas ébranler le fait qu'elle était aussi un peu comme lui dans une certaine mesure. Il a tenté de se faire paraître plus confiant en concentrant ses pensées sur quelque chose de différent.
_Il doit y avoir quelque chose de plus profondément enraciné dans cet endroit... Quelque chose ne se sent pas juste_ il pensait.
Ou peut-être que c'est juste moi...? Par rapport à mon frère et ma sœur, je n'ai pas vraiment quitté la maison comme ils l'ont fait. Ils ont pu expérimenter le monde... pas moi... Peut-être que c'est moi qui exagère... Calme-toi Saoji... tout ira bien..._ | **Name:** Ione (Juliet) Barnett & Paige
This one is Ione!

This is Paige! (She's a ghost. :P)

**Age:** 17
**Gender:** Female
**Personality:** One way (Maybe the only way) to describe Ione is as odd. She is aloof, absent and some times, she seems to be looking more through you than at you. All of this combined with the fact that she talks a bit too much about ghosts and spirits make her seem crazy more often than not. You see, Ione has two personas inside her, but of course, this isn't a Multiple Personality Disorder, it is just her playing around, and also, a way to hide her bashfulness when talking to others, after all, who would be able to talk about ghosts, spirits, demons and such without feeling if even a little bit embarrassed? Her first persona is Juliet, a cold, sharp tongued girl who tries to scare others with her stories about ghosts (Yep, she named it). The second one is her real self that often peeks out when she is acting as her Juliet persona and someone shows some kind of interest in what she is talking about, the real Ione that is more of a ditzy, naive and a bit playful girl.
While it may seem that her ghost ramblings are nothing but nonsense, Ione does indeed have a talent for contacting the occult. Such talent allows her to speak with ghosts and even see them, and, given her lack of friends because of her odd personality, she spends a lot of time talking with her ghost friends. Given that she is one of the few people who can actually do that, she is often seen talking alone or with some imaginary friend, as they guess, though the reality is actually more spooky than that. Ione also has an unwavering love for Horror movies, though she often comments on the many discrepancies between the movies and actual ghosts.
Regarding her constant companion, the ghost Paige, she is a bit of a pervert that is deeply attached to Ione, and would do whatever Ione wants as long as it is reasonable. Regardless of her appearance and due to the fact that she's been dead for a long time, Paige is more mature than she lets others know, and also someone with very strict morals. She likes playing pranks, but she would never abide to do something that would put others in danger and will also pressure Ione to do the right thing sometimes. The two of the get along really well and are almost like sisters, so Paige is very prone to feel jealous when someone else interacts with Ione.
**Talent:** Mediumship, Ione is able to communicate with and see ghosts, to a really frightening extent, as she claims that, sometimes, she can even touch the ghosts without the use of her ability, though it is a limited and scarce number of ghosts she can actually touch. The reason as to why she can touch those ghosts is still unknown, but she thinks it is because of some kind of grudge they hold.
**Ability:** Poltergeist, Ione has the ability to secrete ectoplasm from her body, a substance invisible to those without her talents of mediumship. Through the secretion of ectoplasm, she can give a ghost the ability to touch things in the mortal realm, from objects to humans, giving the illusion that she has telekinesis instead. With enough extoplasm, a ghost can become visible to the naked eye of any passerby. Though her ability is useful, it does not give her the ability to control ghosts, so there are few ghosts who actually listen to her, though, luckily, she has one she is very good friends with. A ghost covered in her ectoplasm can also posses someone, however, the subject must be unconscious for it to succeed. It seems she can also use the ectoplasm for battle, but given that she barely knows how to fight, she doesn't know how.
**Bio:** Always the odd one out, Ione at first cursed her talent for seeing ghosts, since it caused nothing but troubles. In the past, she was always bullied, because of how she tried to include her invisible friends into conversations with others. Unable to see what Ione was talking about, the other kids merely tried to tell her that there was nothing there, and that she was crazy. At some point, and tired of being called crazy for believing in her ghostly friends, she distanced herself from them. She pretended as if they didn't exist, as if she couldn't hear them. She saw how they detached their own heads and things of the like in comic ways in an effort to make her laugh, but she choked down her laughs and put up a poker face.
She lived a normal life for a while but, to be honest, she found it boring. After being able to talk with ghosts that had been decapitated or had died young, well, she just found everything else boring. She had seen gory scenes before, but she didn't seem to really mind, in fact, that helped her develop one of her greatest interests in life, her love for horror movies. After a while, she finally realized that her fun days were because of her ethereal friends and decided to go back to them, instead of trying to be someone she wasn't with the other kids.
She apologized time and time again and the ghosts that were her friends eventually forgave her, with the sole condition that she wouldn't turn their back on them ever again. After agreeing to it, she was then introduced to the newest additions of the gang. Juliet and Paige, a pair of sisters that strayed all the way to where they were. Ione grew close to both sisters in a short time, but one day, Juliet, the bigger of the sisters, disappeared. Juliet always talked about how it would be great to finally pass on and let go of all her regrets and things left undone, though there was still something holding her down. Ione soon connected the dots and figured that she couldn't pass on because of her little sister Paige, but after Paige grew close to Ione, maybe Juliet knew that her little sister would be able to pass away eventually too, and left this world. Ione was now resolved, knowing that Juliet must now be able to be born again, and she decided to help all the other ghosts pass away and thus, her Juliet persona was born. She helped every and each one of her friends pass away, except for one. Paige was the only one that remained there and, though Ione didn't knew why, she decided she would think about it as it went, given that Paige never left her side.
**Other:** She likes to wear gothic lolita fashion. She is quite good at sewing and handicraft of the like, though she is terrible at cooking. |
52,933 | 1,435 | 72 | 2,465 | 3,276 | Merci, c'est nouveau, personne ne s'est jamais porté volontaire pour être mon ami avant. Vous êtes un bon gars, Timothy, donc merci pour cela, a dit Henrietta, pratiquement rayonnant à Timothy, puis tourné, un regard de surprise sur son visage quand Mars est entré dans la pièce. Elle secoua la main de Mar, souriant l'oreille à l'oreille. "Bonjour? Je suis Henrietta Fawkes, ravie de vous rencontrer! »
L'étincelle dans les yeux était de retour et sa voix était un peu plus légère. Elle tremblait et avait le plus gros sourire sur son visage - c'était absolument aveuglant dans sa splendeur. Puis elle s'est tournée vers Poppy. Elle a fermé les yeux en pensant.
"Je ne le nierai pas: je suis manipulatrice - mais ce n'est pas dans votre façon de penser. La personnalité ne joue qu'un petit rôle dans la capacité que vous gagnez, la principale source de votre capacité est votre talent. Mon talent était de socialiser, j'ai toujours été socialiste. J'aime parler aux gens, discuter de sujets différents et. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. D'accord, je l'admets, je me livre à un peu de commérages!" Elle a admis un peu de moutons. "Ce que j'essaie de dire c'est. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Si tu ne me fais pas confiance, c'est bien. J'ai l'habitude. C'est une réaction normale de toute façon. Mais j'espère toujours être ami."
Henrietta tendit la main pour un tremblement. | Name: Saoji Makami
Gender: Male
Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are.
Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything.
Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals.
Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school. |
52,934 | 1,435 | 73 | 156 | 2,749 | Poppy mullait l'idée dans sa tête et tournait la langue dans sa bouche, comme si elle testait et goûtait l'idée. Ça ne pourrait pas faire mal? Elle n'aurait qu'à se souvenir d'être méfiante, non? Sûrement, la manipulation ne serait pas... aussi difficile à repérer? Mais si elle doutait d'elle-même, elle aurait juste besoin d'aller voir cette Louise, n'est-ce pas? Oui, ça le ferait.
"Okay." Poppy a finalement dit, se tenant la main et le secouer approximativement. C'était une telle surprise de voir à quel point ils différaient, mais tout semblait se résumer entre leurs mains. Henriettas était doux et petit, délicat, tandis que Poppys, bien que pas grand, était calmé et rugueux avec une poignée de main moyenne.
Pourtant, Poppy a dû la lui remettre. Même après tout le rejet, elle sourit toujours comme ça. C'était un peu attachant, devinait-elle. Un bon trait à avoir, celui que Poppy n'a certainement pas obtenu. Poppy ne pouvait pas aider à sourire d'un côté et a couru une main à travers ses cheveux blonds courts. | !( "Poppy O'Conner")
**Name:** Poppy O’Conner
**Age:** 16
**Gender:** Female
**Personality:** Poppy is an awkward girl who often says the wrong things when around people she doesn’t know well. When with friends, though, Poppy is loud, talkative, and, unfortunately, punny. She doesn’t understand the point of keeping things secret, so she has no qualms with saying exactly what is going on in her life or what of the likes if someone asks her. Poppy has the unfortunate habit of bottling up her emotions and, even when telling her “sob” story, keeps a straight face or shrugs it off when people ask her how she is feeling. The blonde has a hard time connecting with people on a personal level and when she attempts to express her sadness, she is often deterred by sympathetically distant responses. She is not particularly motivated to do anything and tries to find the easiest ways to do things. Her worst habit is procrastination and most of her work does not get done until the night before it’s due.
**Talent:**_ Learner_: Poppy learns new things with relative ease and has a near perfect memory where she can store all the new information. She dabbles in most genres of information and knows many random facts.
**Ability**: _Know-It-All_: By pressing her hand anywhere on a book, or anything that holds information, she can absorb the information and remember it completely. This gives her a higher level of intelligence than most. Due to absorbing psychology books and pamphlets, Poppy can easily read people by their body language. If an animal is sick? She can check for any symptoms of the million of diseases and illnesses in her knowledge. However, after absorbing too much information, Poppy gets queasy and dizzy; if she goes past that, though she never has so far, she would probably die.
Poppy is an American and was born on an Air Force base in Florida. Her father is in the military and she has had to move around a lot for his work. Her parents were always busy with work – not that Poppy minded, because when they weren’t, the family was always hanging out – and so Poppy took up the habit of reading constantly. Because of her father’s work, Poppy’s dad would get deployed many times and Poppy would be stuck with her mother.
It wasn’t that Poppy didn’t like her mother, in fact, Poppy adored her mother...that is before her alcoholism came back after ten years of sobriety (she quit before Poppy was born). Her mother spiraled into a pit of depression and, in turn, Poppy too had begun to feel depressed. Later on, she was diagnosed with depression and anxiety and was prescribed medicine to take. Poppy, often than not, does not take her medicine because “it makes her feel funny.”
One day, when Poppy was fourteen and her father was home from deployment, the blonde girl came home to her mother crying in her bedroom, drunk as per usual, and attempting to call a rehab facility. Not knowing what to do, Poppy attempted to call her dad to help her, but he wasn’t picking up. After the police came (one of the rehab centers had called the cops on her mom to make sure she wasn’t harming herself) and Poppy finally managed to get a hold of her dad, everything just froze for Poppy. Her mother went to rehab until the week before Poppy’s fifteenth birthday, but that wasn’t what the problem was for Poppy. She discovered that, in her time of need, she was having a hard time connecting with her friends. They would tell her that “it would be alright” and that “at least your mom is getting better” but that didn’t satisfy Poppy – they felt distant.
After her mom was released, Poppy’s dad got a new job in Wales and the O’Conner family jumped at the chance to go for it was “a new start.”
Other: Poppy is terrified of not being able to control herself (therefore, she stays away from drugs, alcohol and such and such) |
52,935 | 1,435 | 74 | 554 | 1,584 | > Cecia a rendu le sourire du programmeur, avec la même quantité de chaleur, c'était pour être un grand partenariat à coup sûr. Elle commençait à aimer ce type, il est peut-être sorti bizarre au début, mais comme elle interagissait avec lui plus il commençait à être clair qu'il est comme n'importe qui d'autre. "Oh au fait, vous pouvez juste m'appeler Thisa, Mme sonne trop bien quand c'est juste nous étudiants, je ne suis pas une pour des formalités comme ça en plus de me faire sentir vieux." Ceci a gâché, « Cela dit que j'ai hâte de travailler avec vous, vous venez comme une personne bonne et intelligente, je peux respecter cela. »
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> Cecia a regardé l'ordinateur portable d'Harold curieux sur ce qu'il faisait, il tapait quelque chose plus tôt avant que le playboy se fasse gifler. "Qu'est-ce que tu fais de toute façon? En quelque sorte quoi voir ce que c'est." Elle s'est rapprochée de l'écran... et, involontairement, du Harold.
Harold a rougi un peu avant de se gratter l'arrière de la tête. Il a noté à quel point Thisa était plus proche de lui et a rougi un peu plus quand il a réalisé qu'elle semblait tout aussi intéressée par son travail qu'il l'était dans le sien. Ils se sont vraiment bien entendus. Harold espérait que cela signifiait quelque chose de bon pour l'avenir, parce que jusqu'à présent, il se trouvait heureux d'être celui qui recevait des sourires comme cela d'elle.
Harold semblait très hors du commun en disant cela, évidemment pas l'habitude d'être si informel avec qui que ce soit. C'est probablement à cause du temps qu'il a passé avec des scientifiques, des professeurs et d'autres personnes importantes et respectables. Il est tombé dans l'habitude avec tout le monde qu'il a théorisé. « En outre, je prévois un avenir réussi pour cette relation en fonction de la façon dont nous avons progressé jusqu'à présent. Vous rencontrez vous-même une femme exceptionnellement intelligente, respectueuse, curieuse et informée. » Harold a encore un petit sourire quand il a dit ça. Il avait évidemment commencé à la voir comme son amie, et il s'est certainement trouvé à l'aimer.
Harold n'était vraiment pas sûr comment gérer l'intrusion soudaine dans son espace personnel, et a été laissé un peu d'un brouhaha blushing, rapide-feu clignotement désordre tandis que son esprit a essayé de rassembler ce qui se passait et pourquoi. "Je... euh... "Ah, Ahha! Je suis en train de progresser sur des idées pour le pouvoir interne et les systèmes de refroidissement, ainsi qu'une partie de la programmation nécessaire pour les fonctions de base." Il a finalement répondu. | Name: Saoji Makami
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Personality: Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are.
Talent: Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything.
Ability: Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals.
Bio: Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school. |
52,936 | 1,435 | 75 | 2,465 | 3,276 | Tout d'un coup, une jambe s'est levée du dessous de l'écharpe de Thisa, suivie lentement d'une autre jambe, qui s'est étendue jusqu'au sol. Ensuite, c'était coincé. Une voix appelée de l'écharpe:
"Um, excusez-moi, pouvez-vous lever votre écharpe un peu, je suis un peu coincé ici!" a pleuré une jeune voix. Une main sortit de l'écharpe et s'évanouissait pour n'importe quoi toucher. Ça a fini par atterrir sur le visage de Thisa. "Ou tu pourrais juste te lever! Vous portez une jupe, n'est-ce pas? Je peux sortir de là!
Les gens autour d'eux ont commencé à les regarder. Pour les étudiants plus âgés, ils savaient déjà qui c'était, donc ils sont juste retournés aux affaires; pour les nouveaux étudiants, ils ont continué à regarder dans une fascination horrifiée.
"Um, mademoiselle?" continua le seul et unique Michael Rezzo. Eh bien, son visage n'était pas encore sorti, mais il n'y avait vraiment qu'un seul élève à l'école qui pouvait faire ça. | Name: Saoji Makami
Gender: Male
Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are.
Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything.
Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals.
Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school. |
52,937 | 1,435 | 76 | 2,176 | 944 | Ce sourire, ce sourire - ( aimait son sourire. Le sourire éclatant d'Henrietta, ces dents parfaites barrées dans une majestueuse expression de gratitude et de cordialité. Et alors qu'il était caractéristique de Tim de regarder inébranlablement dans les yeux de quelqu'un avec qui il conversait, dans le contexte actuel, il a pris note de cela et est devenu plutôt conscient de soi. Chaque fois que ses yeux rencontraient le sien, il sentait toujours un petit bâillon, un peu sonnant d'une cloche, qui émanait au fond de sa poitrine. À ce stade, il avait peu d'intention d'interagir avec ( ( autour de lui.
Henrietta était tout simplement très belle. Et Timothy admirait de jolies fleurs en fleur.
"Alors, Henrietta," Timothy a commencé. "Vous avez un pouvoir incroyable et tout, mais jusqu'où votre lecture mentale s'étend-elle? C'est-à-dire, est-ce que je vais récupérer mon très, très, très, » il a serré les mains ensemble et les a traînés à temps avec ces deux mots, « l'intimité mentale précieuse une fois que je suis de retour au lit ce soir? »
Cadwal est resté silencieux dans l'esprit de Tim en attendant. | ##Timothy “Tim” Aquinas##
!( "Timothy")
An unassuming youth with pale skin, brown hair and emerald eyes, Timothy is lean and rather thin. Thin-framed eyeglasses sit upon the bridge of his nose, windows to eyes that brighten up in a charming, childlike way when he smiles. He stands at a good 6’0” tall, and prefers simple clothing: many of his shirts are black or grey and without print, and the ones that do have only minimalistic designs. His pants and other apparel are equally unassuming. But never is he seen without his only apparent accessory: a small pendant in the shape of an elaborate Celtic crucifix of silver, hanging from his neck by a chain.
Described by Cadwal as having a "cherub's melody," Timothy has a deceptively effeminate voice.
**Age:** 16
**Gender:** Male
*“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your Name give glory.”*
The foremost thing one might notice about Timothy is his zeal. A devout Catholic, he is well-read in the Bible and zealous. And unlike some others, Timothy has taken the teachings of the Scripture to heart, making him a genuinely friendly and caring person. Love his neighbor, love his enemy? Timothy most certainly does. Honest and loyal, his care for the well-being of others extends to the spiritual: he is convinced that those of heathen faiths – especially the People of the Book But Do Not Believe – and true unbelievers must be enlightened sooner or later. Then there are the Ones Who Come in His Name but Twist His Words, like Westboro, which he finds especially despicable.
Timothy is especially fond of literature, especially medieval history. He knows full well how Duke Enrique of Savoy invaded Monferatto from the Duke of Mantua as he had run out of patience with waiting for Emperor Rudolf of the Holy Roman Empire to answer his petition to have the mentioned territory transferred to the custody of his daughter, Margherita, as she was kicked out of the Mantuan Duke’s court for not having sired a child for her husband, the Duke’s late brother, before he died. Always hungry for more knowledge, his learning of this subject which he most adores is supplemented by the Holy Ghosts whom he summons and who are more than willing to answer his many, many questions. They may also be the reason why his favorite video game is Medieval II: Total War.
Quite softspoken, the mildness of his words is such that people are often left cynically wondering whether or not Timothy is mocking them. The sincerity with which he prays before eating his meals is viewed by some as merely an exaggeration: a mockery of those who practice Christianity. However, Timothy does not practice deceit. What he does is honest.
He believes his unique ability to summon fallen Crusaders is given to him by God.
*Esoteric Knowledge:* Timothy is well-read in obscure history books, and can regurgitate most of what he has learned, knowledge extracted from the literary works of people Like E.B Sledge, Sir Arthur Lloyd, and Peter H. Wilson. But, ever humble, Timothy only shares what he knows when the situation calls for it.
*Communicatio Larvali:* Timothy can communicate with summoned Holy Ghosts telepathically, surmounting any distance and time and in pure thought, eliminating the language barrier. Cadwal is a special case, and is an exception to the rule.
_Legiones Ecclesiae:_ At his command, Timothy can call forth Holy Ghosts of the most proactive members of the Church-Militant, namely, Crusaders. Having had this unique gift since early childhood, he has improved the ability in that he can keep indefinitely one Holy Ghost and dispel them at his whim. With a whispered plea and holding a holy symbol of Christianity (like a cross, or his pendant), Timothy beckons the departed souls of those who killed and died in the name of Christ from the ether and into the worldly earth. Fading into existence, they are then at the summoner's beck and call. However, the summoned are picked at random: Timothy does not yet have the ability to call specific people.
_Holy Ghosts_ are the summoned spirits of Christian martyrs. These can be an unknown Crusader or even someone famous like Joan of Arc. Partly transparent, hued an otherworldly blue, and possessed of bright, glowing eyes, these entities are twice as strong and fast as a man and immune to pain – but not harm. While they are ghosts in a sense, they are still shackled to following the laws of physics. However, they do not need their spectral organs to live as they are already dead. Therefore, a bullet is most effective at tearing a Holy Ghost's tendons than holing their heart.
Maintaining a Holy Ghost is done automatically by the soul but at the expense of the body. Timothy is completely alright with one summoned, but is easily winded when he has summoned two. At three and four, he is forced to sit down, with him being pale at the latter. Having five summoned simultaneously will knock him to deathly unconsciousness and will take heavy tolls on his health. While Timothy can keep one Holy Ghost indefinitely, having two or more will strain Timothy's soul so much that after fifteen minutes, they will be forcibly dispelled.
Holy Ghosts are summoned with what they had on their person the moment of their death. While her visit could potentially be a very enlightening experience, Joan of Arc would not fight at her fullest since she wore a dress during her death at the pyre. Crusaders who died in battle are more valuable in that they are usually in full gear when summoned. However, all are prized and valuable relics of the past, and some of them possess ancient knowledge no longer available in the present.
It would appear that Holy Ghosts have lost much of their personality during their centuries in limbo. What they haven't lost, however, is hatred of the heathen, the unbeliever, and the heretic.
Holy Ghosts, being soul-bound to their summoner, are able to communicate with Tim telepathically in pure thoughts, defeating language barriers.
Holy Ghosts can be seen, heard and touched by other people. However, they don't feel much due to their slightly incorporeal properties. They mimic the natural body temperature of a human being, but have got no odor of their own.
_Cadwal of Godwyn_ is a deceased English Crusader knight who perished in the First Crusade, struck down by an arrow to his thigh, knocking him off his horse, that subsequently became gangrenous and from which he did not recover. Acting as a sort of guardian angel, even he himself is not sure what is exactly at work as he shares his mind and soul with Timothy, acting as the boy's second conscience and trying to steer him towards the right path.
Cadwal "sleeps," becoming completely inactive for four hours each day. This is to relieve some of the stress of Timothy's soul from having to maintain another thought-form. Cadwal does his best to time this with Timothy's regular sleeping hours.
Born to two middle-class parents as the middle child of a litter of two boys and one girl, there isn't much to say about Timothy, considering his overall and overwhelming averageness which is offset only by his unique and (as he believes) God-given ability. While he was baptized, going to Church was never something routine for his family. Therefore, he sees his powers as a gift from God when they emerged when he was six years old.
Like many children, he thought up an imaginary friend. It was a knight, and his young mind could only describe it as "blue" and "like glass." When he was alone, he would play with the knight, and started a little game with his older brother and younger sister when he introduced the knight to them, and they made their own imaginary friends. Little did Timothy know, however, that his siblings' imagined creations were far different to what he had, for as time went on, the knight's responses became purely his own, and Timothy slowly lost the need to parrot them. Like another person living in his head, the knight would comment on day-to-day life, and when the young Timothy eyed upon a Bible, the knight energetically pleaded the boy to read it.
As little Tim read, his young mind was full of questions even from the starting book of Genesis. He would ask the knight in his head, who formally introduced himself as Cadwal of Godwyn, to explain it all for him, and he spent so many sleepless nights doing this sort of cooperative storytelling that his mother became worried at his lack of sleep and consulted a physician. On his third grade of elementary school, his family had to move elsewhere, and he was saddened by the sudden loss of friends; but Cadwal was always there and would never leave his mind. Upon his insistence, his father took him to Church one day, and was deeply happy at finally worshiping at a proper place.
As he became older and thus more aware of the sheer unnaturality of his unique ability, Tim wondered if he could do more with it. Praying to God, and after consulting Cadwal, he tried to call out an angel to advise him on what to do when his parents were divorcing. However, the only being that faded into existence was not a magnificent scion of Heaven, but a short-lasting, flickering blue ghost of a woman in armor. Timothy could not but gasp "Who are you?" at the figure, who replied with a sagely "Who I am is not important. But your faith in God is," before fading back into nothingness.
Encouraged by Cadwal, Timothy was henceforth convinced of his being blessed. Ever since then, he has been practicing and perfecting this unique ability of his by prayer and meditation.
Speaking with wizened words, Timothy prevented his parents' divorce by driving them to tears as he preached about the sanctity and inviolability of the oaths a couple takes in their marriage ceremony, with the help of his two beloved siblings.
Drowning in early adolescent male hormones, Timothy wanted to masturbate once (just to try it) but was halted by Cadwal (whom he thought was sleeping), who lectured him fiercely of the value of the "seed" and how it must not be wasted. |
52,938 | 1,435 | 77 | 554 | 1,584 | Qu'est-ce qui se passe ici au nom du Christ?** Ceci a pratiquement crié sans caractère, "**I-I-I-I... juste ce que c'est, juste bon pour sortir de mon écharpe okay?**" Cela a presque déchiré l'écharpe de son cou, et l'a jeté sur le sol sans se soucier de l'effet qui aurait pu avoir. Pour quelqu'un qui est toujours sous contrôle et calme, l'intrusion soudaine sur ce... personnel d'un niveau était suffisante pour renverser l'échelle. Sans une seconde pensée Thisa a couru derrière Harlod comme il était le plus proche, et seulement symbole de sécurité. | Name: Saoji Makami
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Personality: Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are.
Talent: Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything.
Ability: Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals.
Bio: Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school. |
52,939 | 1,435 | 78 | 2,465 | 3,276 | Henrietta rougissait et semblait conscient de lui-même alors que Timothée posait sa question. Elle toussa et répondit, ne rencontrant pas les yeux de Timothée. "À propos de ça, euh, jusqu'à présent, ma lecture mentale n'a pas vraiment une limite à la mesure dans laquelle elle peut s'étendre. Je peux l'allumer et l'éteindre et je peux me concentrer sur une personne particulière si je le veux, mais pour la plupart, personne n'est vraiment capable de s'échapper.
Henrietta a fait des recherches auprès de Poppy et Timothy. "Si ça aide, je ne lis pas vraiment l'esprit de personne la nuit. Les pensées d'adolescentes de garçons et de filles en hormone ne sont pas exactement le genre de ce que vous voulez voir. »
Les membres ont disparu dans l'écharpe, en disparaissant comme s'il n'était jamais là. Plusieurs étudiants plus âgés se sont ridiculisés; ils savaient ce qui allait suivre.
"Haaah~ C'est tellement mieux", a appelé la voix de tout à l'heure. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. sous la jupe de Thisa. Une main souleva légèrement l'ourlet et un jeune homme court sortit de dessous. "Merci d'être debout, Mlle! Les ombres des jupes sont tellement plus faciles à sortir! »
Le jeune homme avait des cheveux noirs épicés, et un visage impétueux qui brillait avec la gaieté d'un enfant; ses yeux étaient vert brillant. Il portait un long manteau de tranchée brun, un jean et des gants sans doigts. Il s'agenouillait et souriait à Harold et Thisa.
Dis bonjour à Michael Rezzo, "Nuit Stalker" | Name: Saoji Makami
Gender: Male
Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are.
Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything.
Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals.
Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school. |
52,940 | 1,435 | 79 | 993 | 1,646 | Ione est arrivée dans sa chambre et a presque immodément enlevé le talisman de Paige. Elle avait besoin de quelqu'un à qui parler. Cela prendrait du temps pour Paige de récupérer sa force, mais cela a aussi travaillé sur sa faveur. Elle pouvait mettre ses pensées en ordre pendant qu'elle attendait. Pourquoi j'ai dit ça? Saoji ne serait pas parti si j'avais juste gardé ma bouche fermée. Mais il semblait vraiment intéressé par Henrietta. Peut-être que ça marche dans les deux sens. Je dois peut-être l'éviter aussi maintenant, s'il parle avec cette fille.Elle s'est lentement mise dans une position assise et s'est serrée les genoux, tout en regardant Paige retrouver lentement sa mobilité. Elle a aussi enlevé son chapeau, il semblait suffocant.
"Geez, c'était pour quoi? Tu n'as pas à t'énerver pour une simple gifle! C'est juste... être... amical? Ione..."** Ione retirait les groupes de ses cheveux, la laissant à nouveau libre. Ses cheveux étaient très longs, bien que sa coiffure habituelle ne l'ait pas révélé. **"Pourquoi pleures-tu?"** La question de Paige l'a ramenée à la maison. Elle a été surprise par la mention de ses pleurs. Elle essuya rapidement les larmes de sa main, même si elle venait de les remarquer.
**"Je... Je... Je ne sais pas! Mais je vais bien. Je le jure... Je le suis."** Elle s'est battue contre ses larmes et ils se sont arrêtés. Elle était étonnamment bonne, après tout, quand il est venu de garder les larmes en contrôle. Elle pensait qu'il avait le même contrôle sur ses émotions, mais ça n'avait pas l'air d'être maintenant. "Je me sentais seule, c'est tout. Je suis... vraiment contente que tu sois là, Paige."** Elle a dit, souriant à Paige. Paige sourit avec empressement et s'apprêtait à embrasser son amie, mais le coup à la porte interrompit leur moment. Ion était sur le point de leur crier disant de s'enfuir, elle n'avait pas envie de prendre des invités en ce moment.
Cependant, quand elle a entendu que c'était Saoji, elle s'est sentie soulagée dans son cœur. Elle était plus heureuse, même si un peu. **"Coming!"** Elle a crié, de l'intérieur de la pièce. Paige était un peu déçue que leur moment émotionnel ait été interrompu, mais elle était heureuse de voir les esprits d'Ione monter à nouveau. Elle s'est rapidement levée et a enlevé toute poussière qui aurait pu être collée sur elle avec sa main. Après s'être débarrassée de sa gorge, elle était enfin prête à ouvrir la porte. Elle a ouvert la porte. **"Bienvenue."** Elle a dit, dans son ton froid habituel. **"C'est bien que tu sois venu."** Elle a changé encore une fois son ton, cette fois-ci sonnant beaucoup plus joyeux... Peut-être que la façon dont une fille de son âge devrait parler. Elle souriait aussi. Ce n'était pas un grand sourire, mais c'était en effet plus grand que les autres sourires qu'elle avait montrés à Saoji jusqu'à maintenant. | **Name:** Ione (Juliet) Barnett & Paige
This one is Ione!

This is Paige! (She's a ghost. :P)

**Age:** 17
**Gender:** Female
**Personality:** One way (Maybe the only way) to describe Ione is as odd. She is aloof, absent and some times, she seems to be looking more through you than at you. All of this combined with the fact that she talks a bit too much about ghosts and spirits make her seem crazy more often than not. You see, Ione has two personas inside her, but of course, this isn't a Multiple Personality Disorder, it is just her playing around, and also, a way to hide her bashfulness when talking to others, after all, who would be able to talk about ghosts, spirits, demons and such without feeling if even a little bit embarrassed? Her first persona is Juliet, a cold, sharp tongued girl who tries to scare others with her stories about ghosts (Yep, she named it). The second one is her real self that often peeks out when she is acting as her Juliet persona and someone shows some kind of interest in what she is talking about, the real Ione that is more of a ditzy, naive and a bit playful girl.
While it may seem that her ghost ramblings are nothing but nonsense, Ione does indeed have a talent for contacting the occult. Such talent allows her to speak with ghosts and even see them, and, given her lack of friends because of her odd personality, she spends a lot of time talking with her ghost friends. Given that she is one of the few people who can actually do that, she is often seen talking alone or with some imaginary friend, as they guess, though the reality is actually more spooky than that. Ione also has an unwavering love for Horror movies, though she often comments on the many discrepancies between the movies and actual ghosts.
Regarding her constant companion, the ghost Paige, she is a bit of a pervert that is deeply attached to Ione, and would do whatever Ione wants as long as it is reasonable. Regardless of her appearance and due to the fact that she's been dead for a long time, Paige is more mature than she lets others know, and also someone with very strict morals. She likes playing pranks, but she would never abide to do something that would put others in danger and will also pressure Ione to do the right thing sometimes. The two of the get along really well and are almost like sisters, so Paige is very prone to feel jealous when someone else interacts with Ione.
**Talent:** Mediumship, Ione is able to communicate with and see ghosts, to a really frightening extent, as she claims that, sometimes, she can even touch the ghosts without the use of her ability, though it is a limited and scarce number of ghosts she can actually touch. The reason as to why she can touch those ghosts is still unknown, but she thinks it is because of some kind of grudge they hold.
**Ability:** Poltergeist, Ione has the ability to secrete ectoplasm from her body, a substance invisible to those without her talents of mediumship. Through the secretion of ectoplasm, she can give a ghost the ability to touch things in the mortal realm, from objects to humans, giving the illusion that she has telekinesis instead. With enough extoplasm, a ghost can become visible to the naked eye of any passerby. Though her ability is useful, it does not give her the ability to control ghosts, so there are few ghosts who actually listen to her, though, luckily, she has one she is very good friends with. A ghost covered in her ectoplasm can also posses someone, however, the subject must be unconscious for it to succeed. It seems she can also use the ectoplasm for battle, but given that she barely knows how to fight, she doesn't know how.
**Bio:** Always the odd one out, Ione at first cursed her talent for seeing ghosts, since it caused nothing but troubles. In the past, she was always bullied, because of how she tried to include her invisible friends into conversations with others. Unable to see what Ione was talking about, the other kids merely tried to tell her that there was nothing there, and that she was crazy. At some point, and tired of being called crazy for believing in her ghostly friends, she distanced herself from them. She pretended as if they didn't exist, as if she couldn't hear them. She saw how they detached their own heads and things of the like in comic ways in an effort to make her laugh, but she choked down her laughs and put up a poker face.
She lived a normal life for a while but, to be honest, she found it boring. After being able to talk with ghosts that had been decapitated or had died young, well, she just found everything else boring. She had seen gory scenes before, but she didn't seem to really mind, in fact, that helped her develop one of her greatest interests in life, her love for horror movies. After a while, she finally realized that her fun days were because of her ethereal friends and decided to go back to them, instead of trying to be someone she wasn't with the other kids.
She apologized time and time again and the ghosts that were her friends eventually forgave her, with the sole condition that she wouldn't turn their back on them ever again. After agreeing to it, she was then introduced to the newest additions of the gang. Juliet and Paige, a pair of sisters that strayed all the way to where they were. Ione grew close to both sisters in a short time, but one day, Juliet, the bigger of the sisters, disappeared. Juliet always talked about how it would be great to finally pass on and let go of all her regrets and things left undone, though there was still something holding her down. Ione soon connected the dots and figured that she couldn't pass on because of her little sister Paige, but after Paige grew close to Ione, maybe Juliet knew that her little sister would be able to pass away eventually too, and left this world. Ione was now resolved, knowing that Juliet must now be able to be born again, and she decided to help all the other ghosts pass away and thus, her Juliet persona was born. She helped every and each one of her friends pass away, except for one. Paige was the only one that remained there and, though Ione didn't knew why, she decided she would think about it as it went, given that Paige never left her side.
**Other:** She likes to wear gothic lolita fashion. She is quite good at sewing and handicraft of the like, though she is terrible at cooking. |
52,941 | 1,435 | 80 | 2,176 | 944 | Saoji s'est gazé quand Ione a ouvert la porte. Ses cheveux, encore une fois, l'ont gagné. Il ne s'attendait pas à ce que ses cheveux soient aussi longs. Il a fait de sa longueur moyenne, les cheveux argentés ressemblent à des enfants jouer par rapport à la sienne. Elle semblait très heureuse de le voir à l'intérieur, regardant autour de sa chambre. Il a été très impressionné par la façon dont elle s'est maintenue. Autre chose qu'ils avaient en commun, ils étaient tous les deux des monstres. Étonnamment, il n'était pas aussi effrayé qu'avant, maintenant qu'il était déjà dans sa chambre au lieu d'avoir à attendre patiemment ce moment à venir.
Il regarda Ione et sourit.
**"C'est vraiment sympa, Ione! On a quelque chose en commun. Je déteste voir les choses malsaines. D'habitude, j'essaie de garder ma chambre aussi propre que la vôtre. Alors... où puis-je m'asseoir?"** il a demandé, ne voulant pas être impoli juste debout autour.
Le livre dans lequel il portait, intitulé "La vérité sur la révolution" a été gardé sous son bras. Il s'y tenait comme si c'était son trésor d'or. | ##Timothy “Tim” Aquinas##
!( "Timothy")
An unassuming youth with pale skin, brown hair and emerald eyes, Timothy is lean and rather thin. Thin-framed eyeglasses sit upon the bridge of his nose, windows to eyes that brighten up in a charming, childlike way when he smiles. He stands at a good 6’0” tall, and prefers simple clothing: many of his shirts are black or grey and without print, and the ones that do have only minimalistic designs. His pants and other apparel are equally unassuming. But never is he seen without his only apparent accessory: a small pendant in the shape of an elaborate Celtic crucifix of silver, hanging from his neck by a chain.
Described by Cadwal as having a "cherub's melody," Timothy has a deceptively effeminate voice.
**Age:** 16
**Gender:** Male
*“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your Name give glory.”*
The foremost thing one might notice about Timothy is his zeal. A devout Catholic, he is well-read in the Bible and zealous. And unlike some others, Timothy has taken the teachings of the Scripture to heart, making him a genuinely friendly and caring person. Love his neighbor, love his enemy? Timothy most certainly does. Honest and loyal, his care for the well-being of others extends to the spiritual: he is convinced that those of heathen faiths – especially the People of the Book But Do Not Believe – and true unbelievers must be enlightened sooner or later. Then there are the Ones Who Come in His Name but Twist His Words, like Westboro, which he finds especially despicable.
Timothy is especially fond of literature, especially medieval history. He knows full well how Duke Enrique of Savoy invaded Monferatto from the Duke of Mantua as he had run out of patience with waiting for Emperor Rudolf of the Holy Roman Empire to answer his petition to have the mentioned territory transferred to the custody of his daughter, Margherita, as she was kicked out of the Mantuan Duke’s court for not having sired a child for her husband, the Duke’s late brother, before he died. Always hungry for more knowledge, his learning of this subject which he most adores is supplemented by the Holy Ghosts whom he summons and who are more than willing to answer his many, many questions. They may also be the reason why his favorite video game is Medieval II: Total War.
Quite softspoken, the mildness of his words is such that people are often left cynically wondering whether or not Timothy is mocking them. The sincerity with which he prays before eating his meals is viewed by some as merely an exaggeration: a mockery of those who practice Christianity. However, Timothy does not practice deceit. What he does is honest.
He believes his unique ability to summon fallen Crusaders is given to him by God.
*Esoteric Knowledge:* Timothy is well-read in obscure history books, and can regurgitate most of what he has learned, knowledge extracted from the literary works of people Like E.B Sledge, Sir Arthur Lloyd, and Peter H. Wilson. But, ever humble, Timothy only shares what he knows when the situation calls for it.
*Communicatio Larvali:* Timothy can communicate with summoned Holy Ghosts telepathically, surmounting any distance and time and in pure thought, eliminating the language barrier. Cadwal is a special case, and is an exception to the rule.
_Legiones Ecclesiae:_ At his command, Timothy can call forth Holy Ghosts of the most proactive members of the Church-Militant, namely, Crusaders. Having had this unique gift since early childhood, he has improved the ability in that he can keep indefinitely one Holy Ghost and dispel them at his whim. With a whispered plea and holding a holy symbol of Christianity (like a cross, or his pendant), Timothy beckons the departed souls of those who killed and died in the name of Christ from the ether and into the worldly earth. Fading into existence, they are then at the summoner's beck and call. However, the summoned are picked at random: Timothy does not yet have the ability to call specific people.
_Holy Ghosts_ are the summoned spirits of Christian martyrs. These can be an unknown Crusader or even someone famous like Joan of Arc. Partly transparent, hued an otherworldly blue, and possessed of bright, glowing eyes, these entities are twice as strong and fast as a man and immune to pain – but not harm. While they are ghosts in a sense, they are still shackled to following the laws of physics. However, they do not need their spectral organs to live as they are already dead. Therefore, a bullet is most effective at tearing a Holy Ghost's tendons than holing their heart.
Maintaining a Holy Ghost is done automatically by the soul but at the expense of the body. Timothy is completely alright with one summoned, but is easily winded when he has summoned two. At three and four, he is forced to sit down, with him being pale at the latter. Having five summoned simultaneously will knock him to deathly unconsciousness and will take heavy tolls on his health. While Timothy can keep one Holy Ghost indefinitely, having two or more will strain Timothy's soul so much that after fifteen minutes, they will be forcibly dispelled.
Holy Ghosts are summoned with what they had on their person the moment of their death. While her visit could potentially be a very enlightening experience, Joan of Arc would not fight at her fullest since she wore a dress during her death at the pyre. Crusaders who died in battle are more valuable in that they are usually in full gear when summoned. However, all are prized and valuable relics of the past, and some of them possess ancient knowledge no longer available in the present.
It would appear that Holy Ghosts have lost much of their personality during their centuries in limbo. What they haven't lost, however, is hatred of the heathen, the unbeliever, and the heretic.
Holy Ghosts, being soul-bound to their summoner, are able to communicate with Tim telepathically in pure thoughts, defeating language barriers.
Holy Ghosts can be seen, heard and touched by other people. However, they don't feel much due to their slightly incorporeal properties. They mimic the natural body temperature of a human being, but have got no odor of their own.
_Cadwal of Godwyn_ is a deceased English Crusader knight who perished in the First Crusade, struck down by an arrow to his thigh, knocking him off his horse, that subsequently became gangrenous and from which he did not recover. Acting as a sort of guardian angel, even he himself is not sure what is exactly at work as he shares his mind and soul with Timothy, acting as the boy's second conscience and trying to steer him towards the right path.
Cadwal "sleeps," becoming completely inactive for four hours each day. This is to relieve some of the stress of Timothy's soul from having to maintain another thought-form. Cadwal does his best to time this with Timothy's regular sleeping hours.
Born to two middle-class parents as the middle child of a litter of two boys and one girl, there isn't much to say about Timothy, considering his overall and overwhelming averageness which is offset only by his unique and (as he believes) God-given ability. While he was baptized, going to Church was never something routine for his family. Therefore, he sees his powers as a gift from God when they emerged when he was six years old.
Like many children, he thought up an imaginary friend. It was a knight, and his young mind could only describe it as "blue" and "like glass." When he was alone, he would play with the knight, and started a little game with his older brother and younger sister when he introduced the knight to them, and they made their own imaginary friends. Little did Timothy know, however, that his siblings' imagined creations were far different to what he had, for as time went on, the knight's responses became purely his own, and Timothy slowly lost the need to parrot them. Like another person living in his head, the knight would comment on day-to-day life, and when the young Timothy eyed upon a Bible, the knight energetically pleaded the boy to read it.
As little Tim read, his young mind was full of questions even from the starting book of Genesis. He would ask the knight in his head, who formally introduced himself as Cadwal of Godwyn, to explain it all for him, and he spent so many sleepless nights doing this sort of cooperative storytelling that his mother became worried at his lack of sleep and consulted a physician. On his third grade of elementary school, his family had to move elsewhere, and he was saddened by the sudden loss of friends; but Cadwal was always there and would never leave his mind. Upon his insistence, his father took him to Church one day, and was deeply happy at finally worshiping at a proper place.
As he became older and thus more aware of the sheer unnaturality of his unique ability, Tim wondered if he could do more with it. Praying to God, and after consulting Cadwal, he tried to call out an angel to advise him on what to do when his parents were divorcing. However, the only being that faded into existence was not a magnificent scion of Heaven, but a short-lasting, flickering blue ghost of a woman in armor. Timothy could not but gasp "Who are you?" at the figure, who replied with a sagely "Who I am is not important. But your faith in God is," before fading back into nothingness.
Encouraged by Cadwal, Timothy was henceforth convinced of his being blessed. Ever since then, he has been practicing and perfecting this unique ability of his by prayer and meditation.
Speaking with wizened words, Timothy prevented his parents' divorce by driving them to tears as he preached about the sanctity and inviolability of the oaths a couple takes in their marriage ceremony, with the help of his two beloved siblings.
Drowning in early adolescent male hormones, Timothy wanted to masturbate once (just to try it) but was halted by Cadwal (whom he thought was sleeping), who lectured him fiercely of the value of the "seed" and how it must not be wasted. |
52,942 | 1,435 | 81 | 993 | 1,646 | **"Tu peux t'asseoir où tu veux. Le lit est confortable aussi. Je dois me laver le visage, alors attendez un peu."** Elle a dit et est entrée dans les toilettes de sa chambre, elle a dû effacer toute sorte de preuve qui pourrait ou non rester de ses pleurs. Ce serait vraiment embarrassant si Saoji l'avait remarqué. Elle profiterait également de cette occasion pour parler avec Paige.
C'était quelque chose de bien qu'elle n'ait pas de colocataire, donc elle n'a pas eu à s'expliquer à qui que ce soit pour juste entrer dans la chambre sans prévenir. Maintenant, le problème était Paige, elle n'a probablement entendu que des morceaux de la conversation d'avant en raison du talisman. **"Alors..."** C'est arrivé, ce que je m'attendais à ce qu'il se passe tôt ou tard. Qu'est-ce qu'il fait là? C'est lui qui t'a fait pleurer? Si oui, alors je...!"** L'un d'eux s'est lavé le visage et a regardé Paige avec une telle intensité qu'elle a commencé à ressentir des douleurs physiques, même sans corps.
** "Touch lui encore et je vous ferai exorciser."** Paige avait l'air vraiment effrayée et juste hoche la tête. **"Très bien, alors."** Ione est retourné dans la pièce où Saoji était dans et a procédé à mettre le film dans le lecteur DVD. "J'espère que vous n'avez pas trop attendu. Tu veux boire quelque chose? Je ne prends que du thé, malheureusement, mais on peut avoir des sodas au bout du couloir."** | **Name:** Ione (Juliet) Barnett & Paige
This one is Ione!

This is Paige! (She's a ghost. :P)

**Age:** 17
**Gender:** Female
**Personality:** One way (Maybe the only way) to describe Ione is as odd. She is aloof, absent and some times, she seems to be looking more through you than at you. All of this combined with the fact that she talks a bit too much about ghosts and spirits make her seem crazy more often than not. You see, Ione has two personas inside her, but of course, this isn't a Multiple Personality Disorder, it is just her playing around, and also, a way to hide her bashfulness when talking to others, after all, who would be able to talk about ghosts, spirits, demons and such without feeling if even a little bit embarrassed? Her first persona is Juliet, a cold, sharp tongued girl who tries to scare others with her stories about ghosts (Yep, she named it). The second one is her real self that often peeks out when she is acting as her Juliet persona and someone shows some kind of interest in what she is talking about, the real Ione that is more of a ditzy, naive and a bit playful girl.
While it may seem that her ghost ramblings are nothing but nonsense, Ione does indeed have a talent for contacting the occult. Such talent allows her to speak with ghosts and even see them, and, given her lack of friends because of her odd personality, she spends a lot of time talking with her ghost friends. Given that she is one of the few people who can actually do that, she is often seen talking alone or with some imaginary friend, as they guess, though the reality is actually more spooky than that. Ione also has an unwavering love for Horror movies, though she often comments on the many discrepancies between the movies and actual ghosts.
Regarding her constant companion, the ghost Paige, she is a bit of a pervert that is deeply attached to Ione, and would do whatever Ione wants as long as it is reasonable. Regardless of her appearance and due to the fact that she's been dead for a long time, Paige is more mature than she lets others know, and also someone with very strict morals. She likes playing pranks, but she would never abide to do something that would put others in danger and will also pressure Ione to do the right thing sometimes. The two of the get along really well and are almost like sisters, so Paige is very prone to feel jealous when someone else interacts with Ione.
**Talent:** Mediumship, Ione is able to communicate with and see ghosts, to a really frightening extent, as she claims that, sometimes, she can even touch the ghosts without the use of her ability, though it is a limited and scarce number of ghosts she can actually touch. The reason as to why she can touch those ghosts is still unknown, but she thinks it is because of some kind of grudge they hold.
**Ability:** Poltergeist, Ione has the ability to secrete ectoplasm from her body, a substance invisible to those without her talents of mediumship. Through the secretion of ectoplasm, she can give a ghost the ability to touch things in the mortal realm, from objects to humans, giving the illusion that she has telekinesis instead. With enough extoplasm, a ghost can become visible to the naked eye of any passerby. Though her ability is useful, it does not give her the ability to control ghosts, so there are few ghosts who actually listen to her, though, luckily, she has one she is very good friends with. A ghost covered in her ectoplasm can also posses someone, however, the subject must be unconscious for it to succeed. It seems she can also use the ectoplasm for battle, but given that she barely knows how to fight, she doesn't know how.
**Bio:** Always the odd one out, Ione at first cursed her talent for seeing ghosts, since it caused nothing but troubles. In the past, she was always bullied, because of how she tried to include her invisible friends into conversations with others. Unable to see what Ione was talking about, the other kids merely tried to tell her that there was nothing there, and that she was crazy. At some point, and tired of being called crazy for believing in her ghostly friends, she distanced herself from them. She pretended as if they didn't exist, as if she couldn't hear them. She saw how they detached their own heads and things of the like in comic ways in an effort to make her laugh, but she choked down her laughs and put up a poker face.
She lived a normal life for a while but, to be honest, she found it boring. After being able to talk with ghosts that had been decapitated or had died young, well, she just found everything else boring. She had seen gory scenes before, but she didn't seem to really mind, in fact, that helped her develop one of her greatest interests in life, her love for horror movies. After a while, she finally realized that her fun days were because of her ethereal friends and decided to go back to them, instead of trying to be someone she wasn't with the other kids.
She apologized time and time again and the ghosts that were her friends eventually forgave her, with the sole condition that she wouldn't turn their back on them ever again. After agreeing to it, she was then introduced to the newest additions of the gang. Juliet and Paige, a pair of sisters that strayed all the way to where they were. Ione grew close to both sisters in a short time, but one day, Juliet, the bigger of the sisters, disappeared. Juliet always talked about how it would be great to finally pass on and let go of all her regrets and things left undone, though there was still something holding her down. Ione soon connected the dots and figured that she couldn't pass on because of her little sister Paige, but after Paige grew close to Ione, maybe Juliet knew that her little sister would be able to pass away eventually too, and left this world. Ione was now resolved, knowing that Juliet must now be able to be born again, and she decided to help all the other ghosts pass away and thus, her Juliet persona was born. She helped every and each one of her friends pass away, except for one. Paige was the only one that remained there and, though Ione didn't knew why, she decided she would think about it as it went, given that Paige never left her side.
**Other:** She likes to wear gothic lolita fashion. She is quite good at sewing and handicraft of the like, though she is terrible at cooking. |
52,943 | 1,435 | 82 | 156 | 2,749 | "Merci mon dieu!" Poppy ne pouvait pas aider, mais dire quand elle a réalisé qu'elle avait au moins un peu d'intimité. Puis, en réalisant les connotations et les implications, ajouta rapidement, non pas que je fasse quoi que ce soit _accentué texte_inapproprié ou quoi que ce soit. Je veux dire, je suis un adolescent, mais je ne participe pas vraiment à ce genre d'activité, genre, du tout. Ce n'est pas que je suis un loser qui ne peut pas avoir un petit ami! Mais, euh, euh...
Poppy s'est effondrée vers l'avant et ses sourcils se sont sillonnés. L'air se sentait épais avec embarras, mais ça pourrait être comme ça que Poppy percevait les choses. C'était le problème avec la blonde – elle était un blob marchant de l'humiliation. Poppy avait donc deux options : rester ou fuir. Et, eh bien, la fuite semblait être une très bonne option pour le moment. Ça l'a aidée que son estomac grogne en ce moment.
La blonde bourdonnait, se levant si vite que la chaise tombait à l'envers et s'enfonçait fort au sol. La chaleur s'est levée sur ses joues et elle s'est brouillée pour soulever la chaise, la redressant gentiment sur ses jambes. Puis, comme si une courtoisie polie plutôt qu'une véritable invitation, Poppy a dit, Vous pouvez venir avec si vous voulez.
Sans attendre une réponse, elle s'est enfuie de la salle, sans se soucier s'ils suivaient ou non, et vers la cafétéria de l'Est. Elle est arrivée assez vite et s'est approchée de la nourriture – il semblait que la pizza était au menu aujourd'hui – et a procédé à mettre deux tranches sur une assiette. A côté d'elle, une pizza brune empilée après la pizza sur son assiette.
Pensez-vous que vous en avez assez? Ce n'est pas que vous soyez gros ou quoi que ce soit – ou moche. Non, vous êtes jolie et, wow, quelle belle figure. Pas que je te frappe ou rien! Je jure que je ne suis pas un pervers!
Ce jour-là, le visage de Poppy ressemblait à la fleur pour laquelle elle avait été nommée. | !( "Poppy O'Conner")
**Name:** Poppy O’Conner
**Age:** 16
**Gender:** Female
**Personality:** Poppy is an awkward girl who often says the wrong things when around people she doesn’t know well. When with friends, though, Poppy is loud, talkative, and, unfortunately, punny. She doesn’t understand the point of keeping things secret, so she has no qualms with saying exactly what is going on in her life or what of the likes if someone asks her. Poppy has the unfortunate habit of bottling up her emotions and, even when telling her “sob” story, keeps a straight face or shrugs it off when people ask her how she is feeling. The blonde has a hard time connecting with people on a personal level and when she attempts to express her sadness, she is often deterred by sympathetically distant responses. She is not particularly motivated to do anything and tries to find the easiest ways to do things. Her worst habit is procrastination and most of her work does not get done until the night before it’s due.
**Talent:**_ Learner_: Poppy learns new things with relative ease and has a near perfect memory where she can store all the new information. She dabbles in most genres of information and knows many random facts.
**Ability**: _Know-It-All_: By pressing her hand anywhere on a book, or anything that holds information, she can absorb the information and remember it completely. This gives her a higher level of intelligence than most. Due to absorbing psychology books and pamphlets, Poppy can easily read people by their body language. If an animal is sick? She can check for any symptoms of the million of diseases and illnesses in her knowledge. However, after absorbing too much information, Poppy gets queasy and dizzy; if she goes past that, though she never has so far, she would probably die.
Poppy is an American and was born on an Air Force base in Florida. Her father is in the military and she has had to move around a lot for his work. Her parents were always busy with work – not that Poppy minded, because when they weren’t, the family was always hanging out – and so Poppy took up the habit of reading constantly. Because of her father’s work, Poppy’s dad would get deployed many times and Poppy would be stuck with her mother.
It wasn’t that Poppy didn’t like her mother, in fact, Poppy adored her mother...that is before her alcoholism came back after ten years of sobriety (she quit before Poppy was born). Her mother spiraled into a pit of depression and, in turn, Poppy too had begun to feel depressed. Later on, she was diagnosed with depression and anxiety and was prescribed medicine to take. Poppy, often than not, does not take her medicine because “it makes her feel funny.”
One day, when Poppy was fourteen and her father was home from deployment, the blonde girl came home to her mother crying in her bedroom, drunk as per usual, and attempting to call a rehab facility. Not knowing what to do, Poppy attempted to call her dad to help her, but he wasn’t picking up. After the police came (one of the rehab centers had called the cops on her mom to make sure she wasn’t harming herself) and Poppy finally managed to get a hold of her dad, everything just froze for Poppy. Her mother went to rehab until the week before Poppy’s fifteenth birthday, but that wasn’t what the problem was for Poppy. She discovered that, in her time of need, she was having a hard time connecting with her friends. They would tell her that “it would be alright” and that “at least your mom is getting better” but that didn’t satisfy Poppy – they felt distant.
After her mom was released, Poppy’s dad got a new job in Wales and the O’Conner family jumped at the chance to go for it was “a new start.”
Other: Poppy is terrified of not being able to control herself (therefore, she stays away from drugs, alcohol and such and such) |
52,944 | 1,435 | 83 | 1,046 | 4,333 | Pizza dans la bouche, Belle tourna quand on lui parla aussi. Son front se leva à la vue de la jeune fille à la langue devant elle. Un petit mandrin a échappé à ses lèvres à travers la pizza qui n'a probablement pas l'air trop attirante à l'époque. Elle a posé l'assiette sur le comptoir et a mis la pizza dans sa bouche sur sa tour penchée de pizza.
**"C'est un plaisir de vous rencontrer aussi."** Belle plaisantait, souriant largement à la fille. **"Et oui, j'en ai assez. Tu veux manger avec moi?"** Elle demanda, ramassant déjà son assiette et poussant la fille vers une table. Belle n'a jamais été une pour 'non' ou attendre...
**"Oh, et merci pour le compliment."** Elle a dit à Poppy qu'elle l'avait poussée en rigolant. Elle a trouvé une table claire et a arrêté de pousser l'étranger à prendre place. Déjà en train de fourrer un morceau de pizza dans sa bouche, elle a demandé à la fille de s'asseoir de l'autre côté d'elle. "Je suis Isabelle Freyone mais n'hésitez pas à m'appeler Belle."** Elle s'est présentée, ses yeux flirtant sur le côté pour regarder l'agitation qui se passe avec le gars de l'ombre. Elle a cligné, les regardant avant de se tourner pour chercher son étrange nouvel ami à l'avance. Ce n'est qu'à présent que Belle regarda activement la fille. Les cheveux blonds tenus dans un lapin en désordre ont encadré son visage. Une peau douce et radieuse a fait paraître ses yeux bleus doux et chauds et ses lèvres tonifiées de pêche s'épanouissent et s'embrassent.
- Elle serait ravissante de peindre... - Belle a pensé à elle-même de façon décontractée.
En fait. Une telle beauté est rarement vue pour ce qu'elle est vraiment._ Muse a répondu de nulle part.
Aimiez-vous votre sieste?
C'était très joli. Comme cette fille avant toi. Quel est son nom?_
Je ne sais pas encore.
_Découvrez! Je dois connaître le nom de cette beauté. Je pense que c'est peut-être notre nouvelle muse, ma chère._
C'est ce que j'essayais de faire, Muse!
**"Et vous êtes?"** Elle demanda aux yeux brun foncé de fouiller le visage de la fille. | **Name:** Isabelle "Belle" Freyone
**Age:** 17
**Gender:** Female
**Personality:** Belle is known to be the loner. She does enjoy the company of others, but for whatever reason she will often times run off on her own to do her own thing. Not much is known about what she does but all know that it usually has something to do with the fine arts. She will often times lock herself up in her room to work on something, or even one of the classrooms, and will stay there for days.
_Fine Arts_: Belle is what one would call a crazed artist. Whether it's painting, drawing, music, or literature, Belle has dabbled in it all. She will often times become 'enlightened' by her 'Muse' and leave suddenly to go work on something.
_Muse_: Belle has an imaginary friend she calls Muse who talks to her and gives her ideas. He's mostly just a voice inside her head but sometimes he appears to give her characters inspiration or inspiration for a drawing, or a music piece.
_Paint/Sing_: Belle can use paint, ink, or her voice to inspire an emotion. She throws paint/ink onto someone and they suddenly are overcome by a certain emotion, be it sadness, fear or happiness. She can also do this through song. (Credit to idea goes to my good friend 'FaithRose')
_Listen_: Belle has very good ears and can hear whether or not someone is being honest. She can use this skill, along with another similar skill, to ascertain the intentions of someone.
_Heart's Song_: Belle can feel/hear the heart's song of the people around her. Through this, she can know if someone is sad, happy, or feeling vindictive. She can also hear these songs from anywhere in the school within about a 5 mile radius. Sometimes it can be a blessing and sometimes a curse and she finds it very hard to zero in on a certain song.
Belle grew up in an abusive home. She, herself, was never physically abused but she definitely was mentally abused in many ways. Her father was an alcoholic and would often beat her mother and blame Belle for it, saying she was the reason he had to do this to her.
The only way Belle was able to cope was when she ran away from home. That day, she found an abandoned home with books, art and writing aplenty. There, she met Him, her Muse. He stood in the door way, standing tall like a King and greeted her. He played games with her, made her feel like a princess. They played and played and played. That day, her parents found her, but since she has found ways to sneak out to this place and play with her Muse. Eventually, he even followed her home.
Since, Belle has been shipped off to Wales, to attend a school her grandfather suggested to her mother. She, and Muse, seem to like there but tend to keep to themselves for the most part.
Belle dislikes technology and will avoid it if at all possible but she does use a laptop for some of her writing and has a cell phone for practical purposes. |
52,945 | 1,435 | 84 | 554 | 1,584 | Qui était-ce, cette... arrogance qui sortait d'un endroit aussi privé. Thisa ne serait pas surpris si le gars s'était fait frapper au visage régulièrement, et s'il n'allait pas bien, il le méritait très bien. Elle était furieuse, plus juste furieuse elle était tout droit énervée, l'envie de battre Micheal dans une pulpe était en train de se lever, mais de toute évidence ce serait une très mauvaise idée peu importe qui il était. Celui-ci a saisi l'épaule d'Harold avec une main serrée et l'a tiré, peut-être un peu brusquement. Elle chuchotait d'un ton doux, mais vif, *"Quoi qu'il arrive, j'ai besoin de vous pour me retenir, vraiment si les choses empirent, je veux que vous fassiez tout ce que vous pouvez pour me retenir... utilisez la force si vous avez besoin, quoi qu'il arrive, je ne veux pas que cela s'aggrave."* Ceci respirait profondément, fermait les yeux et comptait jusqu'à dix. Elle libéra l'épaule d'Harold, se tint tout droit à partir de Micheal avec n'importe quoi, sauf un regard amical.
« Ce n'était pas très poli, je ne sais pas à quelle fréquence vous tirez ce genre de choses... mais si vous cherchez des alliés, ce n'est pas une bonne façon de le faire. Pourtant, je suppose que tu n'es pas là pour faire de la farce, que veux-tu que je me demande." | Name: Saoji Makami
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Personality: Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are.
Talent: Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything.
Ability: Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals.
Bio: Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school. |
52,946 | 1,435 | 85 | 2,465 | 3,276 | Henrietta a glouché. "Oh, un poète êtes-vous? J'aimerais peut-être voir ça un jour. Je suis intéressée de savoir exactement quels sont les sujets de vos pièces maîtresses », a-t-elle dit avec adoucissement.
Henrietta était légèrement amusé par la petite explosion de Poppy, et aurait proposé de donner quelques conseils sur l'obtention d'un petit ami (le seigneur sait qu'elle était bonne à ça) mais Poppy était déjà debout et partie. La fille s'est piqué un peu, mais a décidé de laisser tomber. -- Eh bien, s'il le faut. Arrêtez-vous à la salle de l'Orchestre. Je suis à la tête du club, ainsi qu'à la tête du comité de Beautification, donc si vous voulez avoir une conversation avec moi, arrêtez-vous, d'accord? » Elle a dit, avec un sourire qui promettait de grandes choses si elle le faisait.
La fille s'est tournée vers Timothy. "Maintenant, vous disiez quelque chose à propos de nous aider à écrire notre journal? Voyons voir, tu peux gérer Bill et Lily là-bas, et je vais aider Misha et Ronda. C'est comme ça qu'on s'est séparés, d'accord?
Michael sourit, apparemment ignorant de son vitriol. "Pas une farce et ne cherche pas d'alliés; des endroits pour se cacher cependant. C'est ce que j'ai dit. ."
Les seniors se sont tapés en arrière-plan. C'était toujours comme ça avec lui, c'est pourquoi les années plus élevées ont cessé de porter des jupes; si vous regardiez de près, toutes les filles de troisième année ou plus portaient un jean. Les jupes signifient ombres et ombres signifient des endroits où Rezzo pourrait soudainement apparaître. C'est aussi la raison pour laquelle ils ont cessé de porter de grandes vestes.
Michael a continué. "De toute façon, je dois me cacher d'Anderson et ce qui est-son-face. Je n'ai aucune idée de pourquoi ils pensent que je devrais être le juge de là-bas combattre bu-"
"Michael!"_ a crié une voix de l'entrée. Le jeune homme fit un visage et fondit rapidement dans l'ombre de son manteau de tranchée.
Une voix venait du col de la veste de Thisa. "S'il vous plaît restez calme et ne lui dites pas que je suis là. Cela serait nul s'il me trouvait, et je ne veux vraiment pas avoir à me cacher tout le chemin dans les dortoirs."
Pendant ce temps, un grand jeune homme aux cheveux blonds sales est entré dans la pièce, accompagné d'un garçon aux cheveux noirs qui avait l'air plus jeune que lui. La blonde avait un regard impatient sur son visage et pivotait la tête ici et là. Les gens de la cafétéria ont régné dans leur rire, mais c'était un travail _à peu près _pauvre.
**Temps de gauche jusqu'à la réunion: 3h : 5m : 20s** | Name: Saoji Makami
Gender: Male
Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are.
Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything.
Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals.
Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school. |
52,947 | 1,435 | 86 | 2,176 | 944 | ( n'avait pas beaucoup d'amis, même avant qu'il ne vienne à St. Dymphna.
Peut-être parce qu'il vivait dans la pire partie de la ville, mais sa gentillesse sincère a été traitée avec suspicion par la plupart de ses pairs, et son endoctrinement chrétien l'a fait s'abstenir de toutes les soirées de sommeil, les fêtes, les soirées de cinéma, le jeune amour, et peut-être même les vices de fumer et de boire alors qu'il était encore mineur : choses qu'il aurait dû vivre maintenant, avant qu'il n'ait eu 17 ans quatre mois plus tard - mais il ne l'a pas fait.
Il passa la plupart de son temps dans sa chambre, préoccupé toujours dans son petit monde de gloire historique comme il a appelé (et interrogé) les croisés passés et médité sur les conférences de Cadwal, s'il n'était pas un bon garçon et d'étudier. À la cafétéria de son ancienne école, il pensait qu'il trouverait de la bonne compagnie à la table des nerds, mais a été éteint par leur surveillance rampante de l'hentai et d'autres déviances sexuelles.
En retour, la plupart de ses interactions avec des personnes de son groupe d'âge impliquaient de copier les devoirs qu'elles ne faisaient pas, ou de faire le projet de groupe par lui-même. Non pas qu'il se souciait trop, mais Timothée était encore adolescent dans un monde moderne. Et il a trouvé ça juste un peu honteux.
Peut-être serait-ce la même chose ici, qu'après qu'il eut eu sa petite vague d'adieu ignorée (et il s'assit avec ses nouvelles charges et inspecta leurs papiers avec un véritable intérêt, les guidant avec sa connaissance ésotérique sans avoir l'intention de recevoir aucune forme de compensation autre qu'un peu de gratitude.
Ou, comme il a volé un petit coup d'œil innocent-assez à Henrietta, peut-être que ce ne serait pas.
Quoi qu'il en soit, il serait d'accord avec tout ça. | ##Timothy “Tim” Aquinas##
!( "Timothy")
An unassuming youth with pale skin, brown hair and emerald eyes, Timothy is lean and rather thin. Thin-framed eyeglasses sit upon the bridge of his nose, windows to eyes that brighten up in a charming, childlike way when he smiles. He stands at a good 6’0” tall, and prefers simple clothing: many of his shirts are black or grey and without print, and the ones that do have only minimalistic designs. His pants and other apparel are equally unassuming. But never is he seen without his only apparent accessory: a small pendant in the shape of an elaborate Celtic crucifix of silver, hanging from his neck by a chain.
Described by Cadwal as having a "cherub's melody," Timothy has a deceptively effeminate voice.
**Age:** 16
**Gender:** Male
*“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your Name give glory.”*
The foremost thing one might notice about Timothy is his zeal. A devout Catholic, he is well-read in the Bible and zealous. And unlike some others, Timothy has taken the teachings of the Scripture to heart, making him a genuinely friendly and caring person. Love his neighbor, love his enemy? Timothy most certainly does. Honest and loyal, his care for the well-being of others extends to the spiritual: he is convinced that those of heathen faiths – especially the People of the Book But Do Not Believe – and true unbelievers must be enlightened sooner or later. Then there are the Ones Who Come in His Name but Twist His Words, like Westboro, which he finds especially despicable.
Timothy is especially fond of literature, especially medieval history. He knows full well how Duke Enrique of Savoy invaded Monferatto from the Duke of Mantua as he had run out of patience with waiting for Emperor Rudolf of the Holy Roman Empire to answer his petition to have the mentioned territory transferred to the custody of his daughter, Margherita, as she was kicked out of the Mantuan Duke’s court for not having sired a child for her husband, the Duke’s late brother, before he died. Always hungry for more knowledge, his learning of this subject which he most adores is supplemented by the Holy Ghosts whom he summons and who are more than willing to answer his many, many questions. They may also be the reason why his favorite video game is Medieval II: Total War.
Quite softspoken, the mildness of his words is such that people are often left cynically wondering whether or not Timothy is mocking them. The sincerity with which he prays before eating his meals is viewed by some as merely an exaggeration: a mockery of those who practice Christianity. However, Timothy does not practice deceit. What he does is honest.
He believes his unique ability to summon fallen Crusaders is given to him by God.
*Esoteric Knowledge:* Timothy is well-read in obscure history books, and can regurgitate most of what he has learned, knowledge extracted from the literary works of people Like E.B Sledge, Sir Arthur Lloyd, and Peter H. Wilson. But, ever humble, Timothy only shares what he knows when the situation calls for it.
*Communicatio Larvali:* Timothy can communicate with summoned Holy Ghosts telepathically, surmounting any distance and time and in pure thought, eliminating the language barrier. Cadwal is a special case, and is an exception to the rule.
_Legiones Ecclesiae:_ At his command, Timothy can call forth Holy Ghosts of the most proactive members of the Church-Militant, namely, Crusaders. Having had this unique gift since early childhood, he has improved the ability in that he can keep indefinitely one Holy Ghost and dispel them at his whim. With a whispered plea and holding a holy symbol of Christianity (like a cross, or his pendant), Timothy beckons the departed souls of those who killed and died in the name of Christ from the ether and into the worldly earth. Fading into existence, they are then at the summoner's beck and call. However, the summoned are picked at random: Timothy does not yet have the ability to call specific people.
_Holy Ghosts_ are the summoned spirits of Christian martyrs. These can be an unknown Crusader or even someone famous like Joan of Arc. Partly transparent, hued an otherworldly blue, and possessed of bright, glowing eyes, these entities are twice as strong and fast as a man and immune to pain – but not harm. While they are ghosts in a sense, they are still shackled to following the laws of physics. However, they do not need their spectral organs to live as they are already dead. Therefore, a bullet is most effective at tearing a Holy Ghost's tendons than holing their heart.
Maintaining a Holy Ghost is done automatically by the soul but at the expense of the body. Timothy is completely alright with one summoned, but is easily winded when he has summoned two. At three and four, he is forced to sit down, with him being pale at the latter. Having five summoned simultaneously will knock him to deathly unconsciousness and will take heavy tolls on his health. While Timothy can keep one Holy Ghost indefinitely, having two or more will strain Timothy's soul so much that after fifteen minutes, they will be forcibly dispelled.
Holy Ghosts are summoned with what they had on their person the moment of their death. While her visit could potentially be a very enlightening experience, Joan of Arc would not fight at her fullest since she wore a dress during her death at the pyre. Crusaders who died in battle are more valuable in that they are usually in full gear when summoned. However, all are prized and valuable relics of the past, and some of them possess ancient knowledge no longer available in the present.
It would appear that Holy Ghosts have lost much of their personality during their centuries in limbo. What they haven't lost, however, is hatred of the heathen, the unbeliever, and the heretic.
Holy Ghosts, being soul-bound to their summoner, are able to communicate with Tim telepathically in pure thoughts, defeating language barriers.
Holy Ghosts can be seen, heard and touched by other people. However, they don't feel much due to their slightly incorporeal properties. They mimic the natural body temperature of a human being, but have got no odor of their own.
_Cadwal of Godwyn_ is a deceased English Crusader knight who perished in the First Crusade, struck down by an arrow to his thigh, knocking him off his horse, that subsequently became gangrenous and from which he did not recover. Acting as a sort of guardian angel, even he himself is not sure what is exactly at work as he shares his mind and soul with Timothy, acting as the boy's second conscience and trying to steer him towards the right path.
Cadwal "sleeps," becoming completely inactive for four hours each day. This is to relieve some of the stress of Timothy's soul from having to maintain another thought-form. Cadwal does his best to time this with Timothy's regular sleeping hours.
Born to two middle-class parents as the middle child of a litter of two boys and one girl, there isn't much to say about Timothy, considering his overall and overwhelming averageness which is offset only by his unique and (as he believes) God-given ability. While he was baptized, going to Church was never something routine for his family. Therefore, he sees his powers as a gift from God when they emerged when he was six years old.
Like many children, he thought up an imaginary friend. It was a knight, and his young mind could only describe it as "blue" and "like glass." When he was alone, he would play with the knight, and started a little game with his older brother and younger sister when he introduced the knight to them, and they made their own imaginary friends. Little did Timothy know, however, that his siblings' imagined creations were far different to what he had, for as time went on, the knight's responses became purely his own, and Timothy slowly lost the need to parrot them. Like another person living in his head, the knight would comment on day-to-day life, and when the young Timothy eyed upon a Bible, the knight energetically pleaded the boy to read it.
As little Tim read, his young mind was full of questions even from the starting book of Genesis. He would ask the knight in his head, who formally introduced himself as Cadwal of Godwyn, to explain it all for him, and he spent so many sleepless nights doing this sort of cooperative storytelling that his mother became worried at his lack of sleep and consulted a physician. On his third grade of elementary school, his family had to move elsewhere, and he was saddened by the sudden loss of friends; but Cadwal was always there and would never leave his mind. Upon his insistence, his father took him to Church one day, and was deeply happy at finally worshiping at a proper place.
As he became older and thus more aware of the sheer unnaturality of his unique ability, Tim wondered if he could do more with it. Praying to God, and after consulting Cadwal, he tried to call out an angel to advise him on what to do when his parents were divorcing. However, the only being that faded into existence was not a magnificent scion of Heaven, but a short-lasting, flickering blue ghost of a woman in armor. Timothy could not but gasp "Who are you?" at the figure, who replied with a sagely "Who I am is not important. But your faith in God is," before fading back into nothingness.
Encouraged by Cadwal, Timothy was henceforth convinced of his being blessed. Ever since then, he has been practicing and perfecting this unique ability of his by prayer and meditation.
Speaking with wizened words, Timothy prevented his parents' divorce by driving them to tears as he preached about the sanctity and inviolability of the oaths a couple takes in their marriage ceremony, with the help of his two beloved siblings.
Drowning in early adolescent male hormones, Timothy wanted to masturbate once (just to try it) but was halted by Cadwal (whom he thought was sleeping), who lectured him fiercely of the value of the "seed" and how it must not be wasted. |
52,948 | 1,435 | 87 | 554 | 1,584 | L'esprit d'Harold s'évanouissait encore de l'apogée soudaine de Michael de l'ENTREPRISE Thisa's SKIRT de tous les endroits. Harold passait soudain une très, très mauvaise journée. Et il semblait que ça ne ferait qu'empirer. Ceci avait serré son épaule assez lourdement, presque au point d'être douloureux, et avait parlé de l'arrêter si elle essayait quelque chose. Elle était plus sur la jupe que sur la jupe. Ce n'est pas qu'il l'a blâmée. Elle a juste un gamin aléatoire qu'elle ne sait pas venir de sa "jupe" de tous les endroits, et agir comme s'il ne s'en souciait pas du tout. À propos d'elle, sa jupe, sa téléportation pratique, les regards et les rires de tout le monde autour d'elle. Pas un seul souci.
Quand Michael a expliqué ce qu'il faisait à Thisa, l'esprit d'Harold a juste eu un moment où il s'est arrêté. Ce gamin, il s'en foutait du tout. Période. Et c'était juste parce qu'il voulait sortir de *juger un combat*. C'est ce qui a rendu Harold très... annoyé. Ce gamin était manifestement très irresponsable, et n'avait pas l'air d'avoir un cerveau quelconque. Il ne serait pas surpris si c'était vraiment le cas. De toute façon, Harold était sur le point de parler et de questionner l'adolescent, mais ensuite il a encore disparu. Harold *pensé* a entendu que la voix d'un gars venait de quelque part près de lui et Thisa, mais il ne pouvait pas être très sûr. Il a aussi espionné deux garçons qui couraient dans la cafétéria, tous deux apparemment soucieux de quelque chose. Ou quelqu'un* comme Harold se rappelait juste *pourquoi* Michael se cachait.
"Ah... Est-ce que vous êtes peut-être à la poursuite d'un garçon capable de voyager par des ombres?" Harold demanda de la meilleure voix qu'il pouvait mettre ensemble avec son esprit boueux en ce moment. | Name: Saoji Makami
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Personality: Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are.
Talent: Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything.
Ability: Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals.
Bio: Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school. |
52,949 | 1,435 | 88 | 156 | 2,749 | Poppy a été trop soulagé quand sa nouvelle connaissance n'a pas réagi négativement à son commentaire plutôt grossier – pas qu'elle voulait que ce soit impoli. C'est peut-être pour ça que la blonde s'est permise d'être tournée vers la table, en se concentrant sur le maintien de son équilibre sans fin alors qu'elle se tapait vers l'avant. Poppy a flippé dans un siège, agitant son corps pour se mettre à l'aise et a commencé à grignoter messly sur sa pizza. Elle a toujours eu une façon particulière de manger de la pizza : elle l'a plié horizontalement et l'a mangé comme un sandwich, et c'est ce qu'elle a fait. La sauce s'est dégoulinée et sur ses doigts qu'elle a sucé avec cupidité, ne voulant pas gaspiller une seule goutte d'eau. C'est tout en sucant sur une telle goutte sur le dos de sa main qu'elle s'est rendue compte que la fille parlait – en se présentant elle-même il semblait.
Poppy léché la pente rapidement, avalant et offrant sa main propre, souriant vers le bas, Poppy O.Conner. C'est génial de te rencontrer, Belle.
C'est seulement cette fois que Poppy a regardé la fille avant elle. Elle était jolie, comme super jolie, et Poppy a eu la démangeaison de s'étirer à nouveau dans son siège comme si cela pouvait calmer l'insécurité qui s'élevait dans son estomac. Puis, elle a eu l'envie écrasante de caresser ses cheveux noirs apparemment doux. Au lieu de cela, elle battait la main inutilement devant son visage comme en agitant quelque chose, avant de dire,
Désolé, je suis un mangeur désordonné. Prends-le, partout et tout. Oui. | !( "Poppy O'Conner")
**Name:** Poppy O’Conner
**Age:** 16
**Gender:** Female
**Personality:** Poppy is an awkward girl who often says the wrong things when around people she doesn’t know well. When with friends, though, Poppy is loud, talkative, and, unfortunately, punny. She doesn’t understand the point of keeping things secret, so she has no qualms with saying exactly what is going on in her life or what of the likes if someone asks her. Poppy has the unfortunate habit of bottling up her emotions and, even when telling her “sob” story, keeps a straight face or shrugs it off when people ask her how she is feeling. The blonde has a hard time connecting with people on a personal level and when she attempts to express her sadness, she is often deterred by sympathetically distant responses. She is not particularly motivated to do anything and tries to find the easiest ways to do things. Her worst habit is procrastination and most of her work does not get done until the night before it’s due.
**Talent:**_ Learner_: Poppy learns new things with relative ease and has a near perfect memory where she can store all the new information. She dabbles in most genres of information and knows many random facts.
**Ability**: _Know-It-All_: By pressing her hand anywhere on a book, or anything that holds information, she can absorb the information and remember it completely. This gives her a higher level of intelligence than most. Due to absorbing psychology books and pamphlets, Poppy can easily read people by their body language. If an animal is sick? She can check for any symptoms of the million of diseases and illnesses in her knowledge. However, after absorbing too much information, Poppy gets queasy and dizzy; if she goes past that, though she never has so far, she would probably die.
Poppy is an American and was born on an Air Force base in Florida. Her father is in the military and she has had to move around a lot for his work. Her parents were always busy with work – not that Poppy minded, because when they weren’t, the family was always hanging out – and so Poppy took up the habit of reading constantly. Because of her father’s work, Poppy’s dad would get deployed many times and Poppy would be stuck with her mother.
It wasn’t that Poppy didn’t like her mother, in fact, Poppy adored her mother...that is before her alcoholism came back after ten years of sobriety (she quit before Poppy was born). Her mother spiraled into a pit of depression and, in turn, Poppy too had begun to feel depressed. Later on, she was diagnosed with depression and anxiety and was prescribed medicine to take. Poppy, often than not, does not take her medicine because “it makes her feel funny.”
One day, when Poppy was fourteen and her father was home from deployment, the blonde girl came home to her mother crying in her bedroom, drunk as per usual, and attempting to call a rehab facility. Not knowing what to do, Poppy attempted to call her dad to help her, but he wasn’t picking up. After the police came (one of the rehab centers had called the cops on her mom to make sure she wasn’t harming herself) and Poppy finally managed to get a hold of her dad, everything just froze for Poppy. Her mother went to rehab until the week before Poppy’s fifteenth birthday, but that wasn’t what the problem was for Poppy. She discovered that, in her time of need, she was having a hard time connecting with her friends. They would tell her that “it would be alright” and that “at least your mom is getting better” but that didn’t satisfy Poppy – they felt distant.
After her mom was released, Poppy’s dad got a new job in Wales and the O’Conner family jumped at the chance to go for it was “a new start.”
Other: Poppy is terrified of not being able to control herself (therefore, she stays away from drugs, alcohol and such and such) |
52,950 | 1,435 | 89 | 2,465 | 3,276 | Les deux hommes plus âgés se sont approchés d'Harold alors qu'il leur parlait. "Ouais," grogne la blonde. "Enfant court, cheveux noirs, insupportablement enfantin et -"
Sa petite rancune a été coupée pour Thisa est beaucoup, beaucoup plus grande. Les deux de l'arrondi en état de choc à sa petite explosion et ils ont rapidement réalisé juste _pourquoi_ elle a explosé. Tout le monde dans la cafétéria a éclaté dans le rire pur et simple. "Homme! Combien ça fait maintenant?" a demandé à la RSA. L'une des femelles de la foule répondit avec honnêteté : « 47, environ un quart d'entre elles étaient de sexe masculin. »
"C'est drôle à chaque fois que je le vois," a chorté RSC. Plusieurs étudiants étaient d'accord, plusieurs non - mais ce sont surtout des étudiants qui ont été victimes eux-mêmes. Mais c'était encore un peu plus drôle pour eux, maintenant qu'ils n'étaient pas ceux qui étaient victimisés ; c'était une schadenfreude comme un sentiment.
Pendant ce temps, les deux mâles ont pratiquement téléporté devant Thisa. La grande blonde l'a attrapée par les épaules et l'a secouée à peu près. "Dammit Michael, sortez de là et ramenez votre cul de paresseux sur le terrain."
"Pour un homme qui demande à être son lieutenant, vous êtes très exigeant, sans parler de irrespectueux," a dit la jeunesse plus courte aux cheveux noirs. Il a ensuite rétréci les yeux sur le garçon plus grand. "De plus, j'apprécierais que tu ne sois pas aveugle avec des idiots et que tu réalises que tu secoues aussi une fille qui est une tête plus courte que toi et seulement la moitié aussi large."
La blonde l'a reniflé et l'a ignoré, griffant encore les épaules des filles. Il a crié à Thisa - c'était une expression d'impatience et très proche d'un taureau enragé. "Ecoute ma fille, dis à ce petit idiot de sortir son cul ici pour qu'on puisse tous les deux s'entendre avec des vies, hein?"
Le petit garçon était maintenant tout à fait éblouissant contre lui. "Lietman, je vous préviens, encore un orteil hors de la ligne et je vais ignorer votre défi de ma position et vous poser ici."
Le silence s'est répandu à travers la cafétéria. Personne ne riait plus; si les choses s'aggravaient au-delà de ce point, alors il y aurait une bagarre pleine de puissance sur leurs mains, et c'était entre deux élèves de la classe de lieutenant. Certaines personnes ont fait très rapidement et silencieusement pour la sortie. D'autres se tenaient debout et regardaient avec souffle battu, tandis que d'autres dans les lignes latérales se préparaient à intervenir. Un homme s'est approché d'Harold en silence. "Mère, sortons vite de là, d'accord? Vous êtes un peu trop près pour vous réconforter ici."
Henrietta a fait ses adieux à ses amis. Ils se dirigeaient vers leurs chambres respectives, pleinement satisfaits du travail qu'ils avaient accompli aujourd'hui. "Hé, nous avons fait du bon travail. Ils ont vraiment appris quelque chose aujourd'hui », a-t-elle dit. Cela aurait pu être moqueur, mais il y avait un soupçon d'affection familière dans son ton. Elle s'est tournée vers la seule personne restante à la bibliothèque.
"Eh bien Tim, je dois y aller maintenant, mais si jamais tu as besoin de moi pour quelque chose ou juste pour parler, passe près de ma classe ou de la salle d'orchestre. C'était vraiment, vraiment, vraiment, vraiment ravi de vous rencontrer, au fait. Je n'ai eu personne de nouveau à qui parler depuis des années. "
Soudain, elle se pencha vers l'avant et donna à Timothée un léger cou sur la joue.
"Et il y a ta récompense bien méritée. A tout à l'heure!" Avec un clin d'œil, Henrietta quitta la bibliothèque sans laisser à Timothée le temps de répondre. La bibliothécaire avait l'air de n'avoir rien d'inhabituel et de continuer son travail. | Name: Saoji Makami
Gender: Male
Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are.
Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything.
Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals.
Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school. |
52,951 | 1,435 | 90 | 2,176 | 944 | C'est pas vrai. Ça ne devait pas être comme avant. Ce seul acte de séparation significatif était le signe.
( ne pouvait s'empêcher de regarder le dos de l'ange en le laissant mijoter dans sa propre stupidité dans la bibliothèque avec seulement son bibliothécaire indifférent pour le tenir compagnie. Les secondes passèrent avant qu'il puisse sentir ses doigts à nouveau, et son premier acte fut de les amener à sa joue où elle l'avait embrassé. Ces lèvres douces et roses - elles lui ont fait la grâce à _cette_ partie, où son index et le bout des doigts du milieu se sentaient. La région s'est sentie doucement chaude, mais malheureusement pour l'imagination romantique errante de Tim, ce n'était pas sa chaleur persistante; c'était simplement il brillait brillamment pas contrairement (tout le chemin vers ses oreilles.
Dans son esprit, le silence de ses pensées gelées a été brisé par un bruit de claquement répété, tout à fait vis-à-vis du calme de la mort. Et en toile de fond, on pouvait entendre un léger snicking. Cadwal applaudissait lentement ses mains fantomatiques, et essayait de se contenir.
_"Cadwal..."_ était la seule chose que Timothy pouvait gérer; il allait lui dire de la fermer.
"Hé! Tu...,"_ le chevalier fantôme a lutté, "ne t'attendais pas à ça, n'est-ce pas?"_
_"... Je... Je ne l'ai pas fait."_
"Oh mon garçon, mais, ah," il a fini de rire, bien qu'ennuyeusement pour Tim, il l'avait traîné en premier. N'y pense pas trop sérieusement."_
Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire?"_
_"Le geste pourrait ne pas avoir de sens. Une fille comme ça, la sincérité est douteuse."_
"Tu crois?"_
"Je crois? Vous le savez. Ou avez-vous oublié qu'elle s'est comparée à Satan ou qu'elle s'est décrite comme un manipulateur? Ne me dis pas que tu as été aveuglé au point de croire tout ce qu'elle a dit, juste parce qu'elle était gentille avec toi? Elle est l'une des chefs de gang de cette école, et une qui est crainte pour la chose dont vous êtes victime."_
Peut-être parce qu'il n'a pas encore réfléchi, mais Tim s'est trouvé d'accord. Pourtant, il était toujours opposé à l'idée qu'on le jouait comme un idiot.
"Eh bien, je-"
"Hold that thought," Cadwal a interrompu. _"Parlons de cela où nous pouvons au moins faire semblant d'avoir plus d'intimité. Tu as l'air d'un désordre, mon garçon, et tu n'as même pas à regarder un miroir. Je pense que c'est fini pour la journée. Retournons dans ta chambre."_
"Oui," "il a finalement lâché sa joue, se résignant au conseil de Cadwal. - Allons-y."_ | ##Timothy “Tim” Aquinas##
!( "Timothy")
An unassuming youth with pale skin, brown hair and emerald eyes, Timothy is lean and rather thin. Thin-framed eyeglasses sit upon the bridge of his nose, windows to eyes that brighten up in a charming, childlike way when he smiles. He stands at a good 6’0” tall, and prefers simple clothing: many of his shirts are black or grey and without print, and the ones that do have only minimalistic designs. His pants and other apparel are equally unassuming. But never is he seen without his only apparent accessory: a small pendant in the shape of an elaborate Celtic crucifix of silver, hanging from his neck by a chain.
Described by Cadwal as having a "cherub's melody," Timothy has a deceptively effeminate voice.
**Age:** 16
**Gender:** Male
*“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your Name give glory.”*
The foremost thing one might notice about Timothy is his zeal. A devout Catholic, he is well-read in the Bible and zealous. And unlike some others, Timothy has taken the teachings of the Scripture to heart, making him a genuinely friendly and caring person. Love his neighbor, love his enemy? Timothy most certainly does. Honest and loyal, his care for the well-being of others extends to the spiritual: he is convinced that those of heathen faiths – especially the People of the Book But Do Not Believe – and true unbelievers must be enlightened sooner or later. Then there are the Ones Who Come in His Name but Twist His Words, like Westboro, which he finds especially despicable.
Timothy is especially fond of literature, especially medieval history. He knows full well how Duke Enrique of Savoy invaded Monferatto from the Duke of Mantua as he had run out of patience with waiting for Emperor Rudolf of the Holy Roman Empire to answer his petition to have the mentioned territory transferred to the custody of his daughter, Margherita, as she was kicked out of the Mantuan Duke’s court for not having sired a child for her husband, the Duke’s late brother, before he died. Always hungry for more knowledge, his learning of this subject which he most adores is supplemented by the Holy Ghosts whom he summons and who are more than willing to answer his many, many questions. They may also be the reason why his favorite video game is Medieval II: Total War.
Quite softspoken, the mildness of his words is such that people are often left cynically wondering whether or not Timothy is mocking them. The sincerity with which he prays before eating his meals is viewed by some as merely an exaggeration: a mockery of those who practice Christianity. However, Timothy does not practice deceit. What he does is honest.
He believes his unique ability to summon fallen Crusaders is given to him by God.
*Esoteric Knowledge:* Timothy is well-read in obscure history books, and can regurgitate most of what he has learned, knowledge extracted from the literary works of people Like E.B Sledge, Sir Arthur Lloyd, and Peter H. Wilson. But, ever humble, Timothy only shares what he knows when the situation calls for it.
*Communicatio Larvali:* Timothy can communicate with summoned Holy Ghosts telepathically, surmounting any distance and time and in pure thought, eliminating the language barrier. Cadwal is a special case, and is an exception to the rule.
_Legiones Ecclesiae:_ At his command, Timothy can call forth Holy Ghosts of the most proactive members of the Church-Militant, namely, Crusaders. Having had this unique gift since early childhood, he has improved the ability in that he can keep indefinitely one Holy Ghost and dispel them at his whim. With a whispered plea and holding a holy symbol of Christianity (like a cross, or his pendant), Timothy beckons the departed souls of those who killed and died in the name of Christ from the ether and into the worldly earth. Fading into existence, they are then at the summoner's beck and call. However, the summoned are picked at random: Timothy does not yet have the ability to call specific people.
_Holy Ghosts_ are the summoned spirits of Christian martyrs. These can be an unknown Crusader or even someone famous like Joan of Arc. Partly transparent, hued an otherworldly blue, and possessed of bright, glowing eyes, these entities are twice as strong and fast as a man and immune to pain – but not harm. While they are ghosts in a sense, they are still shackled to following the laws of physics. However, they do not need their spectral organs to live as they are already dead. Therefore, a bullet is most effective at tearing a Holy Ghost's tendons than holing their heart.
Maintaining a Holy Ghost is done automatically by the soul but at the expense of the body. Timothy is completely alright with one summoned, but is easily winded when he has summoned two. At three and four, he is forced to sit down, with him being pale at the latter. Having five summoned simultaneously will knock him to deathly unconsciousness and will take heavy tolls on his health. While Timothy can keep one Holy Ghost indefinitely, having two or more will strain Timothy's soul so much that after fifteen minutes, they will be forcibly dispelled.
Holy Ghosts are summoned with what they had on their person the moment of their death. While her visit could potentially be a very enlightening experience, Joan of Arc would not fight at her fullest since she wore a dress during her death at the pyre. Crusaders who died in battle are more valuable in that they are usually in full gear when summoned. However, all are prized and valuable relics of the past, and some of them possess ancient knowledge no longer available in the present.
It would appear that Holy Ghosts have lost much of their personality during their centuries in limbo. What they haven't lost, however, is hatred of the heathen, the unbeliever, and the heretic.
Holy Ghosts, being soul-bound to their summoner, are able to communicate with Tim telepathically in pure thoughts, defeating language barriers.
Holy Ghosts can be seen, heard and touched by other people. However, they don't feel much due to their slightly incorporeal properties. They mimic the natural body temperature of a human being, but have got no odor of their own.
_Cadwal of Godwyn_ is a deceased English Crusader knight who perished in the First Crusade, struck down by an arrow to his thigh, knocking him off his horse, that subsequently became gangrenous and from which he did not recover. Acting as a sort of guardian angel, even he himself is not sure what is exactly at work as he shares his mind and soul with Timothy, acting as the boy's second conscience and trying to steer him towards the right path.
Cadwal "sleeps," becoming completely inactive for four hours each day. This is to relieve some of the stress of Timothy's soul from having to maintain another thought-form. Cadwal does his best to time this with Timothy's regular sleeping hours.
Born to two middle-class parents as the middle child of a litter of two boys and one girl, there isn't much to say about Timothy, considering his overall and overwhelming averageness which is offset only by his unique and (as he believes) God-given ability. While he was baptized, going to Church was never something routine for his family. Therefore, he sees his powers as a gift from God when they emerged when he was six years old.
Like many children, he thought up an imaginary friend. It was a knight, and his young mind could only describe it as "blue" and "like glass." When he was alone, he would play with the knight, and started a little game with his older brother and younger sister when he introduced the knight to them, and they made their own imaginary friends. Little did Timothy know, however, that his siblings' imagined creations were far different to what he had, for as time went on, the knight's responses became purely his own, and Timothy slowly lost the need to parrot them. Like another person living in his head, the knight would comment on day-to-day life, and when the young Timothy eyed upon a Bible, the knight energetically pleaded the boy to read it.
As little Tim read, his young mind was full of questions even from the starting book of Genesis. He would ask the knight in his head, who formally introduced himself as Cadwal of Godwyn, to explain it all for him, and he spent so many sleepless nights doing this sort of cooperative storytelling that his mother became worried at his lack of sleep and consulted a physician. On his third grade of elementary school, his family had to move elsewhere, and he was saddened by the sudden loss of friends; but Cadwal was always there and would never leave his mind. Upon his insistence, his father took him to Church one day, and was deeply happy at finally worshiping at a proper place.
As he became older and thus more aware of the sheer unnaturality of his unique ability, Tim wondered if he could do more with it. Praying to God, and after consulting Cadwal, he tried to call out an angel to advise him on what to do when his parents were divorcing. However, the only being that faded into existence was not a magnificent scion of Heaven, but a short-lasting, flickering blue ghost of a woman in armor. Timothy could not but gasp "Who are you?" at the figure, who replied with a sagely "Who I am is not important. But your faith in God is," before fading back into nothingness.
Encouraged by Cadwal, Timothy was henceforth convinced of his being blessed. Ever since then, he has been practicing and perfecting this unique ability of his by prayer and meditation.
Speaking with wizened words, Timothy prevented his parents' divorce by driving them to tears as he preached about the sanctity and inviolability of the oaths a couple takes in their marriage ceremony, with the help of his two beloved siblings.
Drowning in early adolescent male hormones, Timothy wanted to masturbate once (just to try it) but was halted by Cadwal (whom he thought was sleeping), who lectured him fiercely of the value of the "seed" and how it must not be wasted. |
52,952 | 1,435 | 91 | 554 | 1,584 | Le tremblement de la blonde n'a guère aidé la situation en fait ne servant qu'à alimenter davantage le feu qui faisait rage dans l'esprit de Thisa. Elle s'est branlée pour briser n'importe quelle prise de la blonde qui aurait pu encore rester, elle avait besoin d'être libre. Sans une seconde pensée jetée sa veste, en dessous n'était rien d'autre qu'un t-shit blanc, d'habitude elle ne retire pas sa veste de toute façon. Ensuite, plus drastiquement, elle a pratiquement arraché son sketch, sans un bout de soin pour la modestie tout ce qu'elle voulait faire était se débarrasser de l'ombre. Sans ses vêtements réguliers, il y avait beaucoup moins à l'imagination car sa figure complète, les détails omis, était libre à tous de voir maintenant ne plus couvert. Ce n'était pas très important pour la situation entre les deux lieutenants, non elle avait quelque chose d'autre dans son esprit sauvage.
"Salut, trou du cul, L'AIDE à mes frais plutôt qu'à aider comme n'importe quel humain décent de HALF le ferait! Chacun d'entre vous a décidé de sortir d'ici maintenant que cette merde devient difficile, NON baisez ce FUCK chaque petit bout de ça. C'est pas vrai!"** La fureur de Thita s'adressait maintenant à la foule des étudiants qui restaient. Une petite partie de sa conscience refait surface en lui disant ce qu'elle allait faire était contre tant de règles... mais elle l'a rapidement tabassé.
Ceci a concentré son énergie dans un petit espace devant elle, le métal prêt à plier à son gré. Des morceaux de métal ont commencé à voler dans cet espace unique comme s'ils étaient attirés par un aimant puissant, et dans un endroit comme la cafétéria il y avait beaucoup de métal lâche, argenterie, plateaux de nourriture, vis tombées de meubles, et même des objets comme le propre ordinateur portable d'Harold. Les métaux se sont heurtés à une seule masse moulante de métal fondu, semblable à ce à quoi la formation des planètes doit ressembler. Une fois que cette balle était presque aussi grande, sinon plus grande alors Thisa elle-même, elle a commencé à mouler la balle en une forme humaine. Il a pris forme rapidement, et avant longtemps une machine en pleine forme a tenu son sol. C'était un robot, d'une certaine façon, très grand à sept pieds, il ressemblait à un chevalier en métal complet avec un grand bouclier de tour dans une main et un scimitar dans l'autre. Son corps ressemblait à un ensemble complet d'armure gothique couleur argent. Le chevalier se déplaçait, le câblage des moteurs et des servos pouvait être entendu au fur et à mesure qu'il se déplaçait. C'était sa capacité à créer des machines à partir de métaux.
Avec son chevalier à l'orteil Thisa a regardé dans la foule, essayer de se tenir droite la création du chevalier était extrêmement taxant en raison de sa taille et de la complexité pure pour la fonction même de base. Cecia sifflé, elle n'était pas préparée pour la quantité d'énergie qu'elle aurait pris, mais elle a dû faire un point, elle a dû faire un point FUCKING. Dans les régions arrières de son esprit s'est fait écho *Aidez-moi Harold... Je ne peux pas m'arrêter...* | Name: Saoji Makami
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Personality: Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are.
Talent: Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything.
Ability: Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals.
Bio: Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school. |
52,953 | 1,435 | 92 | 1,046 | 4,333 | Belle a fait de son mieux pour éviter que le snicker ne sorte de sa bouche alors qu'elle regardait la fille lui fourrer une pizza dans la bouche. Elle ne pouvait pas dire grand-chose depuis qu'elle avait fait la même chose quelques instants auparavant, mais quelque chose à propos de l'ironie de tout ça. Mais la fille avait aussi un joli nom.
Je suis d'accord. Muse a parlé soudainement, assis à côté de Belle, ses jambes noires d'ombre ont traversé.
"C'est un plaisir de vous rencontrer, Poppy."** Belle revint, souriant. **"Et... moi aussi, pour être honnête. Et d'habitude, je ne mange pas avec d'autres personnes. Mais je suis juste sorti de mon espace de travail après avoir fini une pièce alors je me laisse me mêler. C'est bon de le faire parfois."** Elle m'a expliqué qu'elle chuckling alors qu'elle a attrapé un morceau de pizza. Elle l'a cependant laissé tomber à l'explosion d'une fille à proximité.
Blinding, Belle regardait avec un œil curieux, une courbe assez étrange formée aux coins de sa bouche alors qu'elle regardait les pouvoirs de la jeune fille commencer à fonctionner. Elle se tourna pour voir des objets métalliques voler vers elle, des gens à peine esquivant le torrent de métal se précipitant sur eux.
_Une autre personne que je ne voudrais pas peindre..._ Belle a observé.
En fait, je suis d'accord avec quelque chose d'autre. Il y a certainement des êtres intéressants ici dans cet endroit._ Muse a parlé de sa position paresseuse.
_Oui! Je suis content qu'on soit venus ici.
Maintenant soucieux de regarder ce qui se déroulerait, Belle, avec une pizza en bouche, est restée tournée vers l'événement se déroulant devant elle et regardé comme si on allait regarder une émission de télévision. | **Name:** Isabelle "Belle" Freyone
**Age:** 17
**Gender:** Female
**Personality:** Belle is known to be the loner. She does enjoy the company of others, but for whatever reason she will often times run off on her own to do her own thing. Not much is known about what she does but all know that it usually has something to do with the fine arts. She will often times lock herself up in her room to work on something, or even one of the classrooms, and will stay there for days.
_Fine Arts_: Belle is what one would call a crazed artist. Whether it's painting, drawing, music, or literature, Belle has dabbled in it all. She will often times become 'enlightened' by her 'Muse' and leave suddenly to go work on something.
_Muse_: Belle has an imaginary friend she calls Muse who talks to her and gives her ideas. He's mostly just a voice inside her head but sometimes he appears to give her characters inspiration or inspiration for a drawing, or a music piece.
_Paint/Sing_: Belle can use paint, ink, or her voice to inspire an emotion. She throws paint/ink onto someone and they suddenly are overcome by a certain emotion, be it sadness, fear or happiness. She can also do this through song. (Credit to idea goes to my good friend 'FaithRose')
_Listen_: Belle has very good ears and can hear whether or not someone is being honest. She can use this skill, along with another similar skill, to ascertain the intentions of someone.
_Heart's Song_: Belle can feel/hear the heart's song of the people around her. Through this, she can know if someone is sad, happy, or feeling vindictive. She can also hear these songs from anywhere in the school within about a 5 mile radius. Sometimes it can be a blessing and sometimes a curse and she finds it very hard to zero in on a certain song.
Belle grew up in an abusive home. She, herself, was never physically abused but she definitely was mentally abused in many ways. Her father was an alcoholic and would often beat her mother and blame Belle for it, saying she was the reason he had to do this to her.
The only way Belle was able to cope was when she ran away from home. That day, she found an abandoned home with books, art and writing aplenty. There, she met Him, her Muse. He stood in the door way, standing tall like a King and greeted her. He played games with her, made her feel like a princess. They played and played and played. That day, her parents found her, but since she has found ways to sneak out to this place and play with her Muse. Eventually, he even followed her home.
Since, Belle has been shipped off to Wales, to attend a school her grandfather suggested to her mother. She, and Muse, seem to like there but tend to keep to themselves for the most part.
Belle dislikes technology and will avoid it if at all possible but she does use a laptop for some of her writing and has a cell phone for practical purposes. |
52,954 | 1,435 | 93 | 2,465 | 3,276 | Harold a rapidement fait le point sur la situation. Et ça n'avait pas l'air si mauvais... Non, c'était horrible! (Pas de pensées comme ça!) Harold a également noté à son plein plaisir, non, dis à cela, que Thisa avait arraché sa jupe et sa veste. Si elle s'en souvenait, elle serait probablement très mécontente... même si Harold ne l'était pas. Non, il l'était vraiment. Il déconne, c'est tout. Oui, complètement. C'est une plaisanterie. Dans le coin.
Quoi qu'il en soit, Thisa avait l'air d'avoir une panne majeure en ce moment. Et avec la façon dont les choses regardaient autour de la cafétéria, il pourrait juste finir par être le seul capable, et habilement disposé, de la calmer. Je veux dire, elle a convoqué un **Knight** de nulle part sur un caprice! Qui voudrait peut-être envoûter sa malice? Harold n'était en aucun cas un masochiste, mais il ne croyait pas qu'il laisserait son meilleur ami juste avoir un effondrement et un meurtre à cause d'un gamin immique et d'un groupe d'adolescents auto-absorbés, pas après cette humiliation. Harold a donc fait un pas en avant, vers Thisa.
"C'est ça! Qu'est-ce que tu comptes faire avec cette... glorieuse machine? Harold a été visiblement plus que légèrement secoué par la capacité récemment révélée de Thisa de construire....une Machine....à partir de rien!....Attendez. Elle a utilisé son ordinateur portable. L'œil d'Harold s'est ébranlé. Elle s'est encore ébranlée...
"OUI! Espèce de bâtard! Qu'est-ce que tu as fait à mon computer? Harold a soudainement explosé après avoir réalisé ce qui est arrivé à son ordinateur portable, sans relâcher un cri de rage provoqué au sommet de ses poumons nerveux.
Le Chevalier ne bougeait pas, mais il ne parlait pas comme une normale à la place sa voix résonnait dans l'esprit d'Harold et seulement son esprit, *"Je n'ai rien fait avec votre appareil, le Maker l'a vu apte à la construction."*
Harold a pris un moment pour traiter les mots de la machine. Son état de rage n'était pas vraiment d'humeur à des raisonnements logiques ou déductifs d'aucune sorte. "SO QUOI!?!? Qu'est-ce qui vous fait penser que vous pouvez juste prendre mon putain de laptop là-bas!?!?! Est-ce que ça ressemble à ton maître? C'est parce que je ne pense pas qu'il le fait!" Harold... était dans un état problématique lui-même. Non pas que quelqu'un dans la région pourrait probablement comprendre juste *pourquoi* il était si contrarié par le Chevalier lui-même pour avoir pris son ordinateur portable. Mais, cela n'a pas changé le fait qu'il n'était pas dans un bon état d'esprit d'être autour non plus. Quelques étudiants plus âgés ont commencé à se demander s'ils n'en auraient pas un, mais *deux* nouveaux étudiants montrant leurs capacités en plein jour.
*"Je n'ai rien fait avec votre "ordinateur portable" et ça ne ressemble pas au Créateur"* Le Chevalier a commencé à tenir une conversation pleine sur une ligne avec Harold il semblait.
Harold a essayé de respirer profondément pour se calmer un peu. Il savait, dans cette petite partie de son esprit qui lui permettait de garder sa vision de s'évanouir au noir, que cela était encore capable de penser. Non pas qu'il se débrouille très bien avec l'utalisation de cette partie, mais il essayait. Ce n'était pas aussi mal que son bureau. Quand cette chose est tombée... Eh bien, Harold peut, ou non, être devenu un pyromane pour la journée... peut-être. Se calmer à penser clairement, même si sa vue n'était pas vraiment, Harold a commencé à remarquer le fait que Thisa avait *sommé* un *Chevalier de machine* juste hors du bleu. Il n'avait jamais rencontré un tel exploit auparavant dans sa courte durée de vie. Puis il a réalisé autre chose. Il parlait. À une machine. Et c'était en train de reparler.
Harold commençait à se demander s'il avait perdu sa santé mentale au lieu de son contrôle émotionnel en ce moment. "Vous me parlez... Qu'est-ce qui se passe? Comment!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Harold traversait maintenant une dépression émotionnelle complète en ce qui le concernait. Il avait l'impression de vivre une multitude d'émotions avant qu'elles ne sortent de cette situation damnée.
"Oui, je vous parle, en tant qu'humain, vous ne devriez pas pouvoir m'entendre, comme vous le faites. Je n'ai pas de raison."* Le Chevalier répondit aussi cool que jamais.
"Vous savez quelque chose sur cette école? Ou à propos de ton ahm. "Fabricant"?" Harold était désespéré à ce stade. Il savait que plus tôt il pouvait comprendre *comment* il parvenait à parler à cette Machine, plus tôt il pouvait sortir de cette rapidement casser quelque chose.
"Non, je ne le fais pas. Quant au Créateur, mon seul objectif est de servir."* (Eh bien, c'est une existence plutôt déprimante).
"Pourquoi la servez-vous alors? Parce qu'elle vous a fait, ou parce qu'elle a un choix logique d'action avec lequel vous êtes d'accord?" (...ou quelque chose? C'est une machine Harold. Travaillez avec! Je ne... je veux pas... je veux frapper ces *idiots* qui sont juste là à regarder juste aussi stupides qu'ils travaillent probablement... peut-être que je devrais me concentrer sur le Chevalier?... oui, allons-y... faites ça....). L'esprit d'Harold était en course en ce moment, et il semblait mettre une pression sur son propre esprit avec cette conversation.
*"Il n'y a aucune raison, il fait partie de mon existence de servir."* Harold était un peu, non, plus qu'un peu mécontent de cette réponse. Une machine qui a pour seul but de servir? Vraiment?
( bien baise ma vie.) "...pour servir..." Harold murmurait pour lui-même. Il essayait de trouver un moyen de garder le chevalier qui commençait à avoir de plus en plus l'air... létal à chaque moment passé... de le choisir pour être la première cible. ".....Que faites-vous dans votre....servitude?" Plus il a pris de temps, plus la situation s'est détériorée.
"Protection, j'ai été convoqué pour la protection dans le besoin du Créateur."*
"Protection de quoi?" Harold a encore parlé.
"Par le mal."* Cela semblait être la seule raison derrière toute la portion de service que la Machine avait pour elle. Pas très compliqué, mais...
Mais c'est impossible. Vous, ni personne d'autre, êtes capable de protéger votre Créateur, ni aucun humain, du mal total. Votre existence est donc sans valeur. Qu'est-ce que vous avez pour contrer ce M. "Chevalier?"
*"Il est logique de dire ainsi, cependant seulement maintenant est la protection c'est mon objectif, tant que le Créateur est protégé maintenant je suis plein de mon objectif. C'est seulement pour protéger le Créateur."*
"De quel mal protégez-vous votre Créateur *de*?" Harold a commencé dans une autre partie de la séance d'interrogation.
*"Maladie physique."
-- Qu'est-ce qui lui ferait du mal ou qu'est-ce qui lui ferait du mal?
*"Toute action qui provoque la douleur du contact physique avec le Créateur et seulement le Créateur."* Le Chevalier répondit.
"Qu'est-ce qui serait en train d'essayer de causer du tort à votre Créateur, exigeant ainsi votre existence pour la protéger?"
*'Tout humain, ou toute autre créature vivante."
-- Et s'ils devaient partir?
« Cela ne signifierait rien tant que le Créateur n'aura pas atteint mon objectif."*
(.....encore, baise ma vie.) "Ahm... Très bien alors. Restez avec votre Créateur et protégez-la....Je vais essayer d'obtenir le reste des humains et des animaux dans la zone immédiate pour partir, accordant ainsi un plus grand niveau de protection pour vous Créateur. Serait-ce bien avec vous-même et votre Créateur?"
"Je connais votre intention, je dirai que je ne ferai rien à moins que le Créateur le veuille."*
"Ahm... Eh bien, je suppose que travailler serait dans mes meilleures intentions alors, n'est-ce pas?" Harold a demandé rhétoriquement. Il s'est ensuite tourné vers la foule qui était encore dans la cafétéria et a crié: "SI VOUS NE POISSEZ PAS HARME PHYSIQUE OU DE LA MORT SUR VOTRE FEU, partez. "Maintenant!"
* "Non" * C'était la réponse la plus simple qu'Harold ait encore été donné.
Harold a rapidement filé sur son talon et a affronté le Chevalier une fois de plus. "Comment ça, non?"
*"Non comme logiquement je ne vois pas comment cela aurait le Créateur sera mon objectif complet."*
"Il éliminera tout mal physique qui est susceptible d'être fait à elle au-delà de moi, et vous. Et je n'ai pas l'intention de faire du mal à Thisa en ce moment. Je ne comprends même pas comment elle a réussi à vous construire encore!...ou avoir mon ordinateur portable de retour pour cette matière..." Harold a murmuré la dernière partie, espérant que personne ne l'entendait, mais autrement essayait de suivre cette machine complètement logiquement pensée.
*"Il n'importe pas quelles conditions sont remplies, c'est mon but d'exercer cependant à la fin la volonté du Créateur est avant tout."* Ce Chevalier était évidemment un déprimant sur la vie. Pas que Harold se plaignait vraiment, mais cette conversation avait vraiment commencé à lui faire mal à la tête.
"... Très bien, d'accord." Harold soupira une fois de plus, arrachant son cerveau déjà tendu pour une idée. « Qu'est-ce qui a fait enrager exactement Thisa? »
*"Les facteurs mutliples, le manque de respect, le manque d'empathie, le manque de soutien."*
Est-il possible pour moi de « résoudre » ces facteurs et de la calmer? »
"Tu sais comment?" Harold n'avait pas le temps pour les bêtises que cette machine tirait sur lui.
-- Pouvez-vous, peut-être, m'expliquer comment? C'était frustrant à tant de niveaux en ce moment.
"Dans quel sens?"*
"Qu'est-ce qu'une façon efficace de calmer votre Créateur et d'empêcher cette foule d'être blessée?"
*"Consolation humaine."*
"Comment puis-je la réconforter spécifiquement pour la calmer?"
"Contact physique, ou mots."*
"Ce qui fonctionnerait mieux pour Thisa dans cette situation?"
*"Je n'ai pas d'émotions et je ne peux pas dire."*
(C'est des conneries.) "... Puis-je aller la réconforter alors, Mr. "Chevalier?" Harold était à bout de souffle. Il était au-delà de tout ce qu'il pensait d'autre pour être le chevalier à partir de maintenant.
* "Oui, à condition que vous n'apportiez aucun mal. Et aussi à cause de qui tu es."*
"Qui suis-je? Qu'est-ce que ça a à voir avec le calme de Thisa?"
*...Seul le Créateur le sait, je ne le sais pas. Allez-y, vous avez la prémission."* Le Chevalier a donné sa réponse finale.
"... Très bien alors." Après avoir mis fin aux (plus de) 20 questions, Harold est allé lentement à Thisa maintenant, espérant à Dieu qu'il n'a pas fait ou dit quoi que ce soit pour provoquer Thisa ou le Chevalier à le tuer.
"Cela. Cecia, pourriez-vous épargner une minute de temps pour tenir une conversation avec moi, peut-être?" Harold voulait vraiment que sa réponse soit un 'YES' ferme, solide et peut-être en colère. Surtout parce qu'il ne voulait pas mourir, mais aussi parce qu'il voulait parler à son meilleur ami. Et il serait damné bien avant qu'il ne l'abandonne juste parce qu'elle a fait un chevalier. En fait, c'est une chose plutôt séduisante, du moins dans l'esprit d'Harold. | Name: Saoji Makami
Gender: Male
Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are.
Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything.
Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals.
Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school. |
52,955 | 1,435 | 94 | 2,176 | 944 | La tranquillité tardive de l'après-midi, comme (il a pris la route panoramique sur son chemin vers sa chambre pour réfléchir sur le jour jusqu'à présent, a été brisé par des bruits alarmants à mesure qu'il passait par la cafétéria. Thunderclaps martelait à ses oreilles et secouait l'air comme un feu de canon, le surprenant sur ses orteils. Ses doigts, à travers un réflexe instinctif, s'emparaient déjà de son pendentif de crucifix car il semblait perplexe dans la direction générale d'où émanait la cacophonie impie; et peu de temps après, il sprintait après.
Il a éclaté par l'entrée de la cafétéria et le chaos qui a fait une épave de l'endroit était pire qu'il ne l'imaginait au début. Il semblait que presque tout le monde avait activé leurs capacités et martelait maintenant à la cible la plus évidente au centre proche de la pièce: un titan blindé, une parodie d'homme écailleuse cobbled ensemble à partir de la ferraille voisine et tout ce qui était disponible et maintenant forcé de marcher et balancer et glisser par son maître.
Mais qui l'a dirigé? Il ne pouvait pas savoir. Beaucoup trop de choses se passaient en même temps. Mais, il pensait qu'il pourrait faire un visage familier ou deux à travers l'ouragan de la puissance de feu.
"Qu'est-ce que c'est ruckus!"_ Cadwal a sous-estimé, l'exaltation cachée dans sa voix d'esprit. _"C'est presque aussi mauvais que quand je suis entré à Jérusalem pour la première fois!"_
Une fille avec des ailes puis soudain balayé par Timothée, envoyant une rafale de vent qui l'a presque vidé de ses lunettes.
"Bloody enfer, mon garçon, celui-là a des ailes d'anges!"_
"Qu'est-ce qui se passe ici?" Timothy cria, son visage contorsa dans la confusion et un peu d'irritation. Bien qu'une partie de lui ait voulu convoquer un ou deux Saint-Esprit juste alors et là, il ne voulait pas agir trop imprudemment ; il venait de découvrir qu'il faisait partie d'un anneau de spectateurs oisifs, et ce n'était probablement pas un gratuit pour tous.
Mais il tenait toujours l'argent qui lui pendait le cou. Si quelque chose s'est mal passé, il n'a fallu que quelques mots. | ##Timothy “Tim” Aquinas##
!( "Timothy")
An unassuming youth with pale skin, brown hair and emerald eyes, Timothy is lean and rather thin. Thin-framed eyeglasses sit upon the bridge of his nose, windows to eyes that brighten up in a charming, childlike way when he smiles. He stands at a good 6’0” tall, and prefers simple clothing: many of his shirts are black or grey and without print, and the ones that do have only minimalistic designs. His pants and other apparel are equally unassuming. But never is he seen without his only apparent accessory: a small pendant in the shape of an elaborate Celtic crucifix of silver, hanging from his neck by a chain.
Described by Cadwal as having a "cherub's melody," Timothy has a deceptively effeminate voice.
**Age:** 16
**Gender:** Male
*“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your Name give glory.”*
The foremost thing one might notice about Timothy is his zeal. A devout Catholic, he is well-read in the Bible and zealous. And unlike some others, Timothy has taken the teachings of the Scripture to heart, making him a genuinely friendly and caring person. Love his neighbor, love his enemy? Timothy most certainly does. Honest and loyal, his care for the well-being of others extends to the spiritual: he is convinced that those of heathen faiths – especially the People of the Book But Do Not Believe – and true unbelievers must be enlightened sooner or later. Then there are the Ones Who Come in His Name but Twist His Words, like Westboro, which he finds especially despicable.
Timothy is especially fond of literature, especially medieval history. He knows full well how Duke Enrique of Savoy invaded Monferatto from the Duke of Mantua as he had run out of patience with waiting for Emperor Rudolf of the Holy Roman Empire to answer his petition to have the mentioned territory transferred to the custody of his daughter, Margherita, as she was kicked out of the Mantuan Duke’s court for not having sired a child for her husband, the Duke’s late brother, before he died. Always hungry for more knowledge, his learning of this subject which he most adores is supplemented by the Holy Ghosts whom he summons and who are more than willing to answer his many, many questions. They may also be the reason why his favorite video game is Medieval II: Total War.
Quite softspoken, the mildness of his words is such that people are often left cynically wondering whether or not Timothy is mocking them. The sincerity with which he prays before eating his meals is viewed by some as merely an exaggeration: a mockery of those who practice Christianity. However, Timothy does not practice deceit. What he does is honest.
He believes his unique ability to summon fallen Crusaders is given to him by God.
*Esoteric Knowledge:* Timothy is well-read in obscure history books, and can regurgitate most of what he has learned, knowledge extracted from the literary works of people Like E.B Sledge, Sir Arthur Lloyd, and Peter H. Wilson. But, ever humble, Timothy only shares what he knows when the situation calls for it.
*Communicatio Larvali:* Timothy can communicate with summoned Holy Ghosts telepathically, surmounting any distance and time and in pure thought, eliminating the language barrier. Cadwal is a special case, and is an exception to the rule.
_Legiones Ecclesiae:_ At his command, Timothy can call forth Holy Ghosts of the most proactive members of the Church-Militant, namely, Crusaders. Having had this unique gift since early childhood, he has improved the ability in that he can keep indefinitely one Holy Ghost and dispel them at his whim. With a whispered plea and holding a holy symbol of Christianity (like a cross, or his pendant), Timothy beckons the departed souls of those who killed and died in the name of Christ from the ether and into the worldly earth. Fading into existence, they are then at the summoner's beck and call. However, the summoned are picked at random: Timothy does not yet have the ability to call specific people.
_Holy Ghosts_ are the summoned spirits of Christian martyrs. These can be an unknown Crusader or even someone famous like Joan of Arc. Partly transparent, hued an otherworldly blue, and possessed of bright, glowing eyes, these entities are twice as strong and fast as a man and immune to pain – but not harm. While they are ghosts in a sense, they are still shackled to following the laws of physics. However, they do not need their spectral organs to live as they are already dead. Therefore, a bullet is most effective at tearing a Holy Ghost's tendons than holing their heart.
Maintaining a Holy Ghost is done automatically by the soul but at the expense of the body. Timothy is completely alright with one summoned, but is easily winded when he has summoned two. At three and four, he is forced to sit down, with him being pale at the latter. Having five summoned simultaneously will knock him to deathly unconsciousness and will take heavy tolls on his health. While Timothy can keep one Holy Ghost indefinitely, having two or more will strain Timothy's soul so much that after fifteen minutes, they will be forcibly dispelled.
Holy Ghosts are summoned with what they had on their person the moment of their death. While her visit could potentially be a very enlightening experience, Joan of Arc would not fight at her fullest since she wore a dress during her death at the pyre. Crusaders who died in battle are more valuable in that they are usually in full gear when summoned. However, all are prized and valuable relics of the past, and some of them possess ancient knowledge no longer available in the present.
It would appear that Holy Ghosts have lost much of their personality during their centuries in limbo. What they haven't lost, however, is hatred of the heathen, the unbeliever, and the heretic.
Holy Ghosts, being soul-bound to their summoner, are able to communicate with Tim telepathically in pure thoughts, defeating language barriers.
Holy Ghosts can be seen, heard and touched by other people. However, they don't feel much due to their slightly incorporeal properties. They mimic the natural body temperature of a human being, but have got no odor of their own.
_Cadwal of Godwyn_ is a deceased English Crusader knight who perished in the First Crusade, struck down by an arrow to his thigh, knocking him off his horse, that subsequently became gangrenous and from which he did not recover. Acting as a sort of guardian angel, even he himself is not sure what is exactly at work as he shares his mind and soul with Timothy, acting as the boy's second conscience and trying to steer him towards the right path.
Cadwal "sleeps," becoming completely inactive for four hours each day. This is to relieve some of the stress of Timothy's soul from having to maintain another thought-form. Cadwal does his best to time this with Timothy's regular sleeping hours.
Born to two middle-class parents as the middle child of a litter of two boys and one girl, there isn't much to say about Timothy, considering his overall and overwhelming averageness which is offset only by his unique and (as he believes) God-given ability. While he was baptized, going to Church was never something routine for his family. Therefore, he sees his powers as a gift from God when they emerged when he was six years old.
Like many children, he thought up an imaginary friend. It was a knight, and his young mind could only describe it as "blue" and "like glass." When he was alone, he would play with the knight, and started a little game with his older brother and younger sister when he introduced the knight to them, and they made their own imaginary friends. Little did Timothy know, however, that his siblings' imagined creations were far different to what he had, for as time went on, the knight's responses became purely his own, and Timothy slowly lost the need to parrot them. Like another person living in his head, the knight would comment on day-to-day life, and when the young Timothy eyed upon a Bible, the knight energetically pleaded the boy to read it.
As little Tim read, his young mind was full of questions even from the starting book of Genesis. He would ask the knight in his head, who formally introduced himself as Cadwal of Godwyn, to explain it all for him, and he spent so many sleepless nights doing this sort of cooperative storytelling that his mother became worried at his lack of sleep and consulted a physician. On his third grade of elementary school, his family had to move elsewhere, and he was saddened by the sudden loss of friends; but Cadwal was always there and would never leave his mind. Upon his insistence, his father took him to Church one day, and was deeply happy at finally worshiping at a proper place.
As he became older and thus more aware of the sheer unnaturality of his unique ability, Tim wondered if he could do more with it. Praying to God, and after consulting Cadwal, he tried to call out an angel to advise him on what to do when his parents were divorcing. However, the only being that faded into existence was not a magnificent scion of Heaven, but a short-lasting, flickering blue ghost of a woman in armor. Timothy could not but gasp "Who are you?" at the figure, who replied with a sagely "Who I am is not important. But your faith in God is," before fading back into nothingness.
Encouraged by Cadwal, Timothy was henceforth convinced of his being blessed. Ever since then, he has been practicing and perfecting this unique ability of his by prayer and meditation.
Speaking with wizened words, Timothy prevented his parents' divorce by driving them to tears as he preached about the sanctity and inviolability of the oaths a couple takes in their marriage ceremony, with the help of his two beloved siblings.
Drowning in early adolescent male hormones, Timothy wanted to masturbate once (just to try it) but was halted by Cadwal (whom he thought was sleeping), who lectured him fiercely of the value of the "seed" and how it must not be wasted. |
52,956 | 1,435 | 95 | 554 | 1,584 | Alors que l'assaut sur Thisa était tout aussi furieux, ils avaient l'audace de l'attaquer, mais non... ils ne l'attaquaient pas, c'était le chevalier. Le chevalier a gardé une posture défensive, en utilisant son bouclier pour tenter de prendre le plus gros des dégâts, et plus précisément pour la garder hors du feu croisé. Le chevalier n'a répliqué que lorsqu'un étudiant s'est approché trop près, et même alors c'était seulement pour chasser la personne plutôt que pour poser un coup de mort. C'est alors que Thisa a réalisé ce qui se passait, elle était l'agresseur dans tout ça, le méchant, le méchant. Sa vision s'est faussée, le champ de bataille n'est devenu qu'une distorsion de couleur, elle a été aveuglée. A travers tout le chaos, Thisa a entendu une chose qu'elle a oubliée, Harold. Elle n'avait aucune idée de comment il a passé le chevalier mais il l'a fait et était juste là, pas que Thisa pouvait le voir. Il suffisait d'entendre sa voix et de sentir sa présence pour briser sa détermination et pour dissiper sa colère.
Qu'est-ce qu'elle faisait? Rien de tout ça n'était juste, elle a fait éclater une GUERRE à la cafétéria... pour rien d'autre que sa propre rage. Ceci a clignoté en essayant de donner un sens à ce qui se passait au-delà du mélange de couleurs, mais elle n'avait pas besoin de voir, elle savait parfaitement ce qui se passait qu'il fallait finir. Avec un balayage vers le bas de sa main, elle donna le commandement, le service du chevalier était complet. Le processus a été rapide, le robot a régressé dans son état primaire de métal fondu, puis de nouveau dans ses pièces constitutives, tout le métal qui était autrefois utilisé comme corps du chevalier. Avant le démantèlement le chevalier a contacté Harold encore une fois, *"Mon service est complet, je vous laisse ma place. Protégez le Créateur."*
Le monde a commencé à tourner, avant qu'elle le sache Thisa était à genoux, son endurance tout sauf disparue et son esprit s'est émoussé émotionnellement. Elle chuchotait peut-être à elle-même ou peut-être à Harold debout à côté d'elle, *"Je suis désolé... juste... tellement désolé pour ce que j'ai fait..."* avec que Thisa tomba à son côté maintenant enroulé dans la position foetale. Elle était encore consciente de sa consternation, si seulement tout ne s'est jamais passé, si seulement elle n'était pas là pour observer ce qui s'est passé ensuite. Ça ne le voyait pas, mais elle entendait la voix de Jason, elle n'avait pas besoin de savoir qui il devait savoir qu'il était un souverain. Elle ferma les yeux prêts pour la peine qui lui arrivait. | Name: Saoji Makami
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Personality: Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are.
Talent: Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything.
Ability: Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals.
Bio: Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school. |
52,957 | 1,435 | 96 | 156 | 2,749 | Même si cette fille, Belle, l'avait rassurée que ses habitudes sales n'était pas quelque chose dont elle devrait être consciente, Poppy a toujours attrapé une serviette et l'a balayée sur son visage, en retirant la sauce tomate de ses lèvres. La blonde a penché son poids sur son coude qui creusait dans la table, se disant de manger lentement et de savourer le goût. Pourtant, elle l'a dévoré à un rythme que la plupart tourneraient leur nez. Le silence devenait gênant pour Poppy, mais elle pensait que l'autre fille ne le sentait pas du tout – elle semblait si détendue.
Elle voulait finir sa phrase et demander sur quoi Belle travaillait; cependant, la commotion avait gagné son attention indifféremment.
Les fourches et les couteaux s'envolèrent brusquement au fur et à mesure que des cris se produisaient et Poppy descendit la tête, plaçant ses mains de façon protectrice sur sa tête. Ça serait nul si elle mourait par une fourchette, sérieusement. Plongée à travers ses franges maladroites, elle réussit à voir le chevalier qui s'était matérialisé sur une fille de colère. C'est à ce moment-là que le chaos éclata : les gens riaient, puis se battaient, ne faisaient rien et faisaient tout. Les couleurs tourbillonnaient dans une masse de puissance, de feu et de glace, de vol et de vitesse. C'était tout un flou pour Poppy alors qu'elle tentait de presser son visage dans la table. C'est seulement quand, après que tous les cris et les cris se soient arrêtés, que Poppy a levé la tête. Il n'y avait plus rien à attaquer – le chevalier était parti.
"On devrait aller voir ce qui s'est passé?" Poppy s'est renseigné en regardant Belle avec impatience. | !( "Poppy O'Conner")
**Name:** Poppy O’Conner
**Age:** 16
**Gender:** Female
**Personality:** Poppy is an awkward girl who often says the wrong things when around people she doesn’t know well. When with friends, though, Poppy is loud, talkative, and, unfortunately, punny. She doesn’t understand the point of keeping things secret, so she has no qualms with saying exactly what is going on in her life or what of the likes if someone asks her. Poppy has the unfortunate habit of bottling up her emotions and, even when telling her “sob” story, keeps a straight face or shrugs it off when people ask her how she is feeling. The blonde has a hard time connecting with people on a personal level and when she attempts to express her sadness, she is often deterred by sympathetically distant responses. She is not particularly motivated to do anything and tries to find the easiest ways to do things. Her worst habit is procrastination and most of her work does not get done until the night before it’s due.
**Talent:**_ Learner_: Poppy learns new things with relative ease and has a near perfect memory where she can store all the new information. She dabbles in most genres of information and knows many random facts.
**Ability**: _Know-It-All_: By pressing her hand anywhere on a book, or anything that holds information, she can absorb the information and remember it completely. This gives her a higher level of intelligence than most. Due to absorbing psychology books and pamphlets, Poppy can easily read people by their body language. If an animal is sick? She can check for any symptoms of the million of diseases and illnesses in her knowledge. However, after absorbing too much information, Poppy gets queasy and dizzy; if she goes past that, though she never has so far, she would probably die.
Poppy is an American and was born on an Air Force base in Florida. Her father is in the military and she has had to move around a lot for his work. Her parents were always busy with work – not that Poppy minded, because when they weren’t, the family was always hanging out – and so Poppy took up the habit of reading constantly. Because of her father’s work, Poppy’s dad would get deployed many times and Poppy would be stuck with her mother.
It wasn’t that Poppy didn’t like her mother, in fact, Poppy adored her mother...that is before her alcoholism came back after ten years of sobriety (she quit before Poppy was born). Her mother spiraled into a pit of depression and, in turn, Poppy too had begun to feel depressed. Later on, she was diagnosed with depression and anxiety and was prescribed medicine to take. Poppy, often than not, does not take her medicine because “it makes her feel funny.”
One day, when Poppy was fourteen and her father was home from deployment, the blonde girl came home to her mother crying in her bedroom, drunk as per usual, and attempting to call a rehab facility. Not knowing what to do, Poppy attempted to call her dad to help her, but he wasn’t picking up. After the police came (one of the rehab centers had called the cops on her mom to make sure she wasn’t harming herself) and Poppy finally managed to get a hold of her dad, everything just froze for Poppy. Her mother went to rehab until the week before Poppy’s fifteenth birthday, but that wasn’t what the problem was for Poppy. She discovered that, in her time of need, she was having a hard time connecting with her friends. They would tell her that “it would be alright” and that “at least your mom is getting better” but that didn’t satisfy Poppy – they felt distant.
After her mom was released, Poppy’s dad got a new job in Wales and the O’Conner family jumped at the chance to go for it was “a new start.”
Other: Poppy is terrified of not being able to control herself (therefore, she stays away from drugs, alcohol and such and such) |
52,958 | 1,435 | 97 | 2,465 | 3,276 | Les éclairs et les booms s'arrêtèrent alors que les étudiants s'éloignaient du tas de métal démonté qui était autrefois le Chevalier. Bientôt un silence tendu s'installa dans la cafétéria. Leurs yeux se tournèrent vers la Thisa accroupie. C'était évident qu'elle était derrière tout ça, vu qu'elle était la plus proche de la pile qui n'était pas face à elle.
Le son des applaudissements résonnait dans toute la région, et tous les yeux tournaient vers la source. C'était Henrietta, et elle n'avait pas l'air contente. Un garçon et une fille marchaient côte à côte à côté d'elle. Ils étaient les deux lieutenants de Winston Chill, et ils n'avaient plus l'air heureux d'être avec Henrietta comme avec eux.
Les quatre gouvernants présents et les représentants se sont réunis devant la foule. Jason a mis une Louise groggy à terre et s'est croisé les bras. "D'accord, alors, quelqu'un va s'embêter à me dire ce qui s'est passé ici?"
Henrietta s'est exprimée en ces termes: "Michael tirait ses cascades habituelles, finissait par mettre la fille en colère et elle a fait sortir un grand chevalier en métal. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. pour la défense. Cette chose n'attaquerait pas à moins d'être attaquée, donc essayer de la faire tomber était inutile ; elle n'aurait rien fait ».
La représentante de Winston a vu Michael. "Je t'avais prévenu d'arrêter de faire ça, Michael. Finalement, quelque chose comme ça allait arriver si vous gardiez vos petites farces en place."
Le garçon s'est serré les pieds et a regardé loin coupablement. Anderson et Lietman ont pris leur place respectivement à droite et à gauche. Jason s'est ébranlé la tête. "Cela ne change toujours pas le fait que la fille l'a perdu et. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Eh bien, a fait sortir ce truc. Même Lietman avec toute sa stupidité à la tête chaude n'utiliserait pas ses capacités pour évacuer. Mais cette fille l'a fait."
Henrietta n'a rien dit. Il avait raison, bien sûr. Elle s'approcha de Thisa et la fixa, une main sur la hanche. "Écoutez, je comprends que vous étiez en colère, en fait, beaucoup de gens sont ennuyés quand Michael tire des trucs comme ça, mais l'une des premières choses que tout le monde ici qui gagne des capacités doit comprendre est ceci: Jamais, jamais être hostile avec vos pouvoirs à moins que ce soit un défi formel avec des témoins et des duels. J'espère que vous réalisez que vous pourriez tuer quelqu'un avec vos capacités."
"Il suffit d'une petite glissade pour étouffer la vie de quelqu'un après tout."
Le représentant du garçon s'est adressé à Louise. « Eh bien, Maréchal, vous êtes chargé de dispenser la justice ici quand les dirigeants sont impliqués. Quel est votre verdict?"
Louise, une expression fatiguée sur son visage, s'est dirigée vers Thisa et a demandé à Michael de se présenter. Le garçon sauta et courut vers l'avant, évidemment effrayé par la petite fille. Henrietta secoua la tête, comme si elle essayait de se débarrasser de souvenirs désagréables et se retirait à l'approche de Louise.
"Bonjour, petite. Mon nom est Louise Sophoro. Aujourd'hui, je serai votre juge, jury et bourreau. Ravie de vous rencontrer, dit-elle dans un tirage ennuyeux. | Name: Saoji Makami
Gender: Male
Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are.
Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything.
Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals.
Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school. |
52,959 | 1,435 | 98 | 2,465 | 3,276 | Notant comment la conversation entre les leaders de la région, Harold a rapidement observé comment tous les deux respectaient, et craignait peut-être le glissement d'une fille qui marchait vers Thisa en ce moment. (Elle est **tiny**... ça ne finira pas bien...). Harold soupirait légèrement à lui-même, avant qu'il ne marche ébranlé devant la Thisa accroupie. Son cœur courait avec cette décision, mais il n'abandonnait pas Thisa comme ça. Et même s'il ne pouvait soulever qu'une partie de son fardeau, il le ferait de toute façon. (Car tel est le devoir, l'honneur et le plaisir des vrais amis).
Harold toussait une fois, juste après que Louis ait dit ce qu'elle était à Thisa, et aussi calmement que possible, marchait directement sur son chemin. "Ahm.... je m'excuse d'être une ennuie Mme... Louise? Je ne suis malheureusement pas au courant de votre nom de famille, et en tant que tel travaillera avec ce que j'ai déjà obtenu. Cependant, Mme Louise, je ne suis pas en mesure de vous permettre d'accorder une peine sur Thisa seule. De plus, cet incident impliquait à la fois moi-même... » Harold resserra les yeux sur Michael, les yeux lavés de déplaisir et même de colère : «... et l'enfant** qui se tient à côté de la *blondie* ». Harold n'était pas du tout content de Leitman ou Michael. Ils avaient été les principales raisons au-delà de lui-même qui avait invoqué la colère de Thia. Ils étaient également responsables de cette situation, et le fait que ce soi-disant *chef* punissait Thisa vient d'allumer une passion qu'Harold ressentait rarement de nos jours. Sa passion pour la vengeance et sa passion pour la responsabilité. Pour Harold, ces deux-là méritaient non seulement une punition, mais encore une punition pire que Thisa. Ils seraient le **cause** de la situation. (Peut-être, s'ils n'ont pas agi comme des petits enfants, on n'aurait pas eu à faire face à cette situation.)).............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Harold a pris une décision un peu hâtive, mais il avait l'impression qu'il devait l'appuyer. "Mme Louise, que diriez-vous d'abandonner mon ordinateur portable en échange d'une partie de la punition de Thisa aussi?" Harold s'est senti arraché une partie de son âme de sa poitrine à l'époque. Il avait l'impression d'avoir trahi son meilleur ami. Mais il avait un autre meilleur ami, et il pensait que son premier serait comprendre à sa détresse ici. Il espérait aussi que Thisa irait bien après cela. Ce ne serait pas bien pour lui si son premier ami depuis longtemps devait... bien... tout sauf rester avec lui vraiment. De plus, ce n'est pas comme si Harold avait une connaissance préalable de toutes les règles, écrites ou non, à l'école. Ce ** était ** étonnamment son premier jour ici encore. | Name: Saoji Makami
Gender: Male
Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are.
Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything.
Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals.
Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school. |
52,960 | 1,435 | 99 | 554 | 1,584 | Celle-ci a gardé les yeux fermés jusqu'au début du « procès » hâtivement commencé tout ce qui a été dit était vrai... le chevalier était défensif même si elle-même ne le voulait pas. Ce n'est pas elle qui a tout commencé, c'était Micheal et ses tours d'ombre. Le problème est en fin de compte Thisa elle-même était celle qui a convoqué le chevalier, c'est elle qui a déstabilisé la cafétéria, c'est vraiment elle qui a augmenté toute la situation à une bataille complète. Ceci attendait le verdict sans parole, s'attendant au pire comme elle le méritait, quand Harold... Harold de tous les gens s'est intensifié. Elle sentit sa présence avant d'entendre sa voix, la même qui la convainquit alors qu'elle était dans un état de rage pour mettre fin au conflit. Thisa a regardé vers Harold, il était debout devant Louise, même un nouveau venu comme Thisa connaissait la réputation de Louise, c'était difficile de ne pas le faire. Ses yeux s'élargissaient alors qu'elle réalisait qu'Harold essayait de se blâmer, oh non, non, non, il ne pouvait pas le mériter.
Avec un grognement Thisa se leva jusqu'à ses pieds, c'était dur, ses jambes se sentaient comme du plomb et elle craignait qu'elle ne s'écroule à une seconde de l'avis, mais elle devait arrêter Harold. Elle s'embrasa plus près, mais elle était trop tard Thisa recula au barrage des mots jetés par Louise, il dut blesser Harold... il le fallait tout simplement. Elle a atteint Harold et a tiré son bras vers elle, "Ne faites rien, c'est tout ce que je demande. N'essayez pas de vous punir pour moi, je ne veux pas ça. S'il te plaît." C'est Harold qui a lâché la tête à Louise : "Faites ce qu'il faut pour moi." C'était ça, propre, simple et direct comme ça. Mentir ne signifiait rien, pas du moins avec une impitoyable comme Louise... | Name: Saoji Makami
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Personality: Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are.
Talent: Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything.
Ability: Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals.
Bio: Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school. |
52,961 | 1,435 | 100 | 1,046 | 4,333 | Belle pensait que ses yeux s'élargissaient à la vue.
Tant de personnages intéressants. - Muse a chanté.
Quelque chose comme ça... Elle est revenue.
**"Hm?!"** Belle a pratiquement crié quand Poppy lui a demandé en elle a voulu _go_ voir ce qui s'est passé. Elle secoua la tête avec ferveur. **"Non. Je vais bien regarder d'ici."** Elle a répliqué avec franchise, se tournant pour regarder Poppy, essayant de mesurer les émotions de Poppy. Effrayée, confuse, curieuse... Un petit sourire grandit sur les lèvres de Belle alors qu'elle écoutait les chants du cœur dans la pièce.
Si elle était saine d'esprit, elle aurait probablement couru avec ces chansons de cœur effrayantes et tristes qui se sont produites tout autour d'elle. Ils parlaient de mauvais souvenirs et d'une force de la nature plus forte que la plupart. Elle aurait dû partir, mais elle s'est sentie obligée de rester et d'être témoin de tout ça. Elle l'écrirait dans son journal plus tard et l'utiliserait pour quelque chose. Elle ne savait pas, mais toutes les expériences méritaient d'être conservées. Eh bien, il y avait aussi le fait que ses genoux tremblaient ainsi, et elle ne pouvait pas se mettre debout beaucoup moins courir... | **Name:** Isabelle "Belle" Freyone
**Age:** 17
**Gender:** Female
**Personality:** Belle is known to be the loner. She does enjoy the company of others, but for whatever reason she will often times run off on her own to do her own thing. Not much is known about what she does but all know that it usually has something to do with the fine arts. She will often times lock herself up in her room to work on something, or even one of the classrooms, and will stay there for days.
_Fine Arts_: Belle is what one would call a crazed artist. Whether it's painting, drawing, music, or literature, Belle has dabbled in it all. She will often times become 'enlightened' by her 'Muse' and leave suddenly to go work on something.
_Muse_: Belle has an imaginary friend she calls Muse who talks to her and gives her ideas. He's mostly just a voice inside her head but sometimes he appears to give her characters inspiration or inspiration for a drawing, or a music piece.
_Paint/Sing_: Belle can use paint, ink, or her voice to inspire an emotion. She throws paint/ink onto someone and they suddenly are overcome by a certain emotion, be it sadness, fear or happiness. She can also do this through song. (Credit to idea goes to my good friend 'FaithRose')
_Listen_: Belle has very good ears and can hear whether or not someone is being honest. She can use this skill, along with another similar skill, to ascertain the intentions of someone.
_Heart's Song_: Belle can feel/hear the heart's song of the people around her. Through this, she can know if someone is sad, happy, or feeling vindictive. She can also hear these songs from anywhere in the school within about a 5 mile radius. Sometimes it can be a blessing and sometimes a curse and she finds it very hard to zero in on a certain song.
Belle grew up in an abusive home. She, herself, was never physically abused but she definitely was mentally abused in many ways. Her father was an alcoholic and would often beat her mother and blame Belle for it, saying she was the reason he had to do this to her.
The only way Belle was able to cope was when she ran away from home. That day, she found an abandoned home with books, art and writing aplenty. There, she met Him, her Muse. He stood in the door way, standing tall like a King and greeted her. He played games with her, made her feel like a princess. They played and played and played. That day, her parents found her, but since she has found ways to sneak out to this place and play with her Muse. Eventually, he even followed her home.
Since, Belle has been shipped off to Wales, to attend a school her grandfather suggested to her mother. She, and Muse, seem to like there but tend to keep to themselves for the most part.
Belle dislikes technology and will avoid it if at all possible but she does use a laptop for some of her writing and has a cell phone for practical purposes. |
52,962 | 1,435 | 101 | 2,176 | 944 | La poussière s'était installée assez rapidement, et le chaos transitoire avait cédé la place à une relative quiétude. ( son front et élargit ses yeux à la reconnaissance des deux personnages à l'honneur, étant encombré par le quintette du Règne: (et (les étrangers qu'il avait rencontrés ce matin, les deux qui l'ont assez bien frappé (et assez damné rapidement, aussi), et étaient maintenant dans un problème apparemment gargantuen. Il semblerait que le titan était de leur faire, et même s'il ne voulait pas juger prématurément, tout semblait être de leur faute. Ont-ils abusé de leurs pouvoirs?
Ses doigts s'affaiblissaient sur son crucifix et le laissèrent partir à contrecœur, mais son comportement caractéristiquement doux était parti: le sien était un schowl vrai et laid.
_"Elle rend son jugement comme le Marshall des Chevaliers de Salomon,"_ Cadwal sourit, se référant à Louise. _"Pour une petite fille comme elle, d'exercer une telle autorité dans sa voix et d'avoir cette autorité respectée par -- c'est sanglant brutal. Je rirais, je voulais rire, mais..."_
C'était une lutte légère pour rester sérieux dans des situations comme celles-ci chaque fois que le chevalier fantôme livrait son commentaire ridicule. Peut-être que Tim en avait besoin pour se détendre ; son schowl s'est détendu en quelque chose de plus doux comme le snicker fantomatique résonnait à l'intérieur de son esprit. | ##Timothy “Tim” Aquinas##
!( "Timothy")
An unassuming youth with pale skin, brown hair and emerald eyes, Timothy is lean and rather thin. Thin-framed eyeglasses sit upon the bridge of his nose, windows to eyes that brighten up in a charming, childlike way when he smiles. He stands at a good 6’0” tall, and prefers simple clothing: many of his shirts are black or grey and without print, and the ones that do have only minimalistic designs. His pants and other apparel are equally unassuming. But never is he seen without his only apparent accessory: a small pendant in the shape of an elaborate Celtic crucifix of silver, hanging from his neck by a chain.
Described by Cadwal as having a "cherub's melody," Timothy has a deceptively effeminate voice.
**Age:** 16
**Gender:** Male
*“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your Name give glory.”*
The foremost thing one might notice about Timothy is his zeal. A devout Catholic, he is well-read in the Bible and zealous. And unlike some others, Timothy has taken the teachings of the Scripture to heart, making him a genuinely friendly and caring person. Love his neighbor, love his enemy? Timothy most certainly does. Honest and loyal, his care for the well-being of others extends to the spiritual: he is convinced that those of heathen faiths – especially the People of the Book But Do Not Believe – and true unbelievers must be enlightened sooner or later. Then there are the Ones Who Come in His Name but Twist His Words, like Westboro, which he finds especially despicable.
Timothy is especially fond of literature, especially medieval history. He knows full well how Duke Enrique of Savoy invaded Monferatto from the Duke of Mantua as he had run out of patience with waiting for Emperor Rudolf of the Holy Roman Empire to answer his petition to have the mentioned territory transferred to the custody of his daughter, Margherita, as she was kicked out of the Mantuan Duke’s court for not having sired a child for her husband, the Duke’s late brother, before he died. Always hungry for more knowledge, his learning of this subject which he most adores is supplemented by the Holy Ghosts whom he summons and who are more than willing to answer his many, many questions. They may also be the reason why his favorite video game is Medieval II: Total War.
Quite softspoken, the mildness of his words is such that people are often left cynically wondering whether or not Timothy is mocking them. The sincerity with which he prays before eating his meals is viewed by some as merely an exaggeration: a mockery of those who practice Christianity. However, Timothy does not practice deceit. What he does is honest.
He believes his unique ability to summon fallen Crusaders is given to him by God.
*Esoteric Knowledge:* Timothy is well-read in obscure history books, and can regurgitate most of what he has learned, knowledge extracted from the literary works of people Like E.B Sledge, Sir Arthur Lloyd, and Peter H. Wilson. But, ever humble, Timothy only shares what he knows when the situation calls for it.
*Communicatio Larvali:* Timothy can communicate with summoned Holy Ghosts telepathically, surmounting any distance and time and in pure thought, eliminating the language barrier. Cadwal is a special case, and is an exception to the rule.
_Legiones Ecclesiae:_ At his command, Timothy can call forth Holy Ghosts of the most proactive members of the Church-Militant, namely, Crusaders. Having had this unique gift since early childhood, he has improved the ability in that he can keep indefinitely one Holy Ghost and dispel them at his whim. With a whispered plea and holding a holy symbol of Christianity (like a cross, or his pendant), Timothy beckons the departed souls of those who killed and died in the name of Christ from the ether and into the worldly earth. Fading into existence, they are then at the summoner's beck and call. However, the summoned are picked at random: Timothy does not yet have the ability to call specific people.
_Holy Ghosts_ are the summoned spirits of Christian martyrs. These can be an unknown Crusader or even someone famous like Joan of Arc. Partly transparent, hued an otherworldly blue, and possessed of bright, glowing eyes, these entities are twice as strong and fast as a man and immune to pain – but not harm. While they are ghosts in a sense, they are still shackled to following the laws of physics. However, they do not need their spectral organs to live as they are already dead. Therefore, a bullet is most effective at tearing a Holy Ghost's tendons than holing their heart.
Maintaining a Holy Ghost is done automatically by the soul but at the expense of the body. Timothy is completely alright with one summoned, but is easily winded when he has summoned two. At three and four, he is forced to sit down, with him being pale at the latter. Having five summoned simultaneously will knock him to deathly unconsciousness and will take heavy tolls on his health. While Timothy can keep one Holy Ghost indefinitely, having two or more will strain Timothy's soul so much that after fifteen minutes, they will be forcibly dispelled.
Holy Ghosts are summoned with what they had on their person the moment of their death. While her visit could potentially be a very enlightening experience, Joan of Arc would not fight at her fullest since she wore a dress during her death at the pyre. Crusaders who died in battle are more valuable in that they are usually in full gear when summoned. However, all are prized and valuable relics of the past, and some of them possess ancient knowledge no longer available in the present.
It would appear that Holy Ghosts have lost much of their personality during their centuries in limbo. What they haven't lost, however, is hatred of the heathen, the unbeliever, and the heretic.
Holy Ghosts, being soul-bound to their summoner, are able to communicate with Tim telepathically in pure thoughts, defeating language barriers.
Holy Ghosts can be seen, heard and touched by other people. However, they don't feel much due to their slightly incorporeal properties. They mimic the natural body temperature of a human being, but have got no odor of their own.
_Cadwal of Godwyn_ is a deceased English Crusader knight who perished in the First Crusade, struck down by an arrow to his thigh, knocking him off his horse, that subsequently became gangrenous and from which he did not recover. Acting as a sort of guardian angel, even he himself is not sure what is exactly at work as he shares his mind and soul with Timothy, acting as the boy's second conscience and trying to steer him towards the right path.
Cadwal "sleeps," becoming completely inactive for four hours each day. This is to relieve some of the stress of Timothy's soul from having to maintain another thought-form. Cadwal does his best to time this with Timothy's regular sleeping hours.
Born to two middle-class parents as the middle child of a litter of two boys and one girl, there isn't much to say about Timothy, considering his overall and overwhelming averageness which is offset only by his unique and (as he believes) God-given ability. While he was baptized, going to Church was never something routine for his family. Therefore, he sees his powers as a gift from God when they emerged when he was six years old.
Like many children, he thought up an imaginary friend. It was a knight, and his young mind could only describe it as "blue" and "like glass." When he was alone, he would play with the knight, and started a little game with his older brother and younger sister when he introduced the knight to them, and they made their own imaginary friends. Little did Timothy know, however, that his siblings' imagined creations were far different to what he had, for as time went on, the knight's responses became purely his own, and Timothy slowly lost the need to parrot them. Like another person living in his head, the knight would comment on day-to-day life, and when the young Timothy eyed upon a Bible, the knight energetically pleaded the boy to read it.
As little Tim read, his young mind was full of questions even from the starting book of Genesis. He would ask the knight in his head, who formally introduced himself as Cadwal of Godwyn, to explain it all for him, and he spent so many sleepless nights doing this sort of cooperative storytelling that his mother became worried at his lack of sleep and consulted a physician. On his third grade of elementary school, his family had to move elsewhere, and he was saddened by the sudden loss of friends; but Cadwal was always there and would never leave his mind. Upon his insistence, his father took him to Church one day, and was deeply happy at finally worshiping at a proper place.
As he became older and thus more aware of the sheer unnaturality of his unique ability, Tim wondered if he could do more with it. Praying to God, and after consulting Cadwal, he tried to call out an angel to advise him on what to do when his parents were divorcing. However, the only being that faded into existence was not a magnificent scion of Heaven, but a short-lasting, flickering blue ghost of a woman in armor. Timothy could not but gasp "Who are you?" at the figure, who replied with a sagely "Who I am is not important. But your faith in God is," before fading back into nothingness.
Encouraged by Cadwal, Timothy was henceforth convinced of his being blessed. Ever since then, he has been practicing and perfecting this unique ability of his by prayer and meditation.
Speaking with wizened words, Timothy prevented his parents' divorce by driving them to tears as he preached about the sanctity and inviolability of the oaths a couple takes in their marriage ceremony, with the help of his two beloved siblings.
Drowning in early adolescent male hormones, Timothy wanted to masturbate once (just to try it) but was halted by Cadwal (whom he thought was sleeping), who lectured him fiercely of the value of the "seed" and how it must not be wasted. |
52,963 | 1,435 | 102 | 156 | 2,749 | Pour expliquer Poppy est toutes sortes de confusion: elle est inconsciente, mais rusée; intelligent, mais manque de bon sens; amicale, mais plus gênante qu'une mauvaise tenue d'une nuit et beaucoup d'autres paradoxes qui pourraient être utilisés pour la décrire. Donc, il serait difficile d'expliquer comment Poppy n'a pas tout à fait saisi la situation qui se passait sous ses yeux. Les choses lui ont fait mal. Elle n'avait pas peur, même s'il était clair que tout le monde était, et peut-être qu'elle ne comprenait pas tout à fait ce qui avait causé la peur palpable dans la pièce. Les gens se sont évanouis à mesure qu'elle changeait rapidement de cap, ses yeux ne s'arrêtant pas sur une personne pendant plus de quelques secondes avant de s'incliner vers la suivante. Peut-être qu'elle a eu du mal à traiter tout le désordre chaotique? Mais, il y avait une chose à dire: _elle était nerveuse._
Pas le nerveux comme elle l'avait été auparavant; ce n'était que de petits flits de son anxiété et de sa surpensation. Ça, c'était une horrible hurlure dans son estomac et une maladie qui roulait dans son cœur. Pendant une petite minute, Poppy avait peur qu'elle vomisse sur toute sa pizza – et, mon Dieu, pas sur la pizza. Sa jambe rebondit de haut en bas avec de l'énergie agitée, la table vibrant avec les mouvements – ou peut-être c'était de Belles tremblant qui n'avait pas tout à fait fait passé les sens de Poppy, mais elle était beaucoup trop préoccupée par la sensation de malchance pour y prêter beaucoup d'attention. Peut-être que pour s'inquiéter, Poppy devrait se concentrer davantage sur Belle? Oui, c'est ce qu'elle ferait.
Poppy se penche vers l'avant et fouette une main à Belle, pas vraiment essayer de la frapper, mais d'attirer son attention avec le mouvement. Sa main tombe à plat sur la table et elle mord la lèvre, se tortillant le corps avec appréhension.
Ça va? C'est, euh, ok pour avoir peur, tu sais....Les mutters Poppy, bien que de quoi avoir peur était perdu sur elle.
Peut-être que c'était cette Louise. Mais qu'est-ce que ça change pour Poppy? Il était préférable qu'elle reste juste une spectateur: à l'extérieur, en regardant dedans. Comme toujours. Pourtant, une curiosité inébranlable s'accumulait à l'intérieur d'elle, voulant juste être libérée. Son désir d'être là serait peut-être mieux ignoré car son instinct intestinal lui criait de rester debout et de ne pas attirer l'attention sur elle-même. Poppy a agité ses doigts et a décidé de compter sur ses connaissances.
_Justice, n,: la qualité d'être juste et raisonnable_
Est-ce que cette Louise-girl correspond à cette description? Elle semblait volatile et, eh bien, la fille qui a dit "Tough-luck" quand tu t'es fait harceler dans les couloirs.
_Stéréotype (stériotype),n: une image ou une idée d'un type particulier de personne ou de chose, largement tenue mais fixe et sursimplifiée_
Poppy lui a peut-être donné un stéréotype. Elle pourrait être juste et raisonnable – qui était Poppy pour savoir? La blonde grinça sur sa lèvre jusqu'à ce qu'elle goûtât du cuivre, la mâchant tout en continuant à essayer de donner un sens à ce qui se passait. Elle a quand même tiré à blanc. | !( "Poppy O'Conner")
**Name:** Poppy O’Conner
**Age:** 16
**Gender:** Female
**Personality:** Poppy is an awkward girl who often says the wrong things when around people she doesn’t know well. When with friends, though, Poppy is loud, talkative, and, unfortunately, punny. She doesn’t understand the point of keeping things secret, so she has no qualms with saying exactly what is going on in her life or what of the likes if someone asks her. Poppy has the unfortunate habit of bottling up her emotions and, even when telling her “sob” story, keeps a straight face or shrugs it off when people ask her how she is feeling. The blonde has a hard time connecting with people on a personal level and when she attempts to express her sadness, she is often deterred by sympathetically distant responses. She is not particularly motivated to do anything and tries to find the easiest ways to do things. Her worst habit is procrastination and most of her work does not get done until the night before it’s due.
**Talent:**_ Learner_: Poppy learns new things with relative ease and has a near perfect memory where she can store all the new information. She dabbles in most genres of information and knows many random facts.
**Ability**: _Know-It-All_: By pressing her hand anywhere on a book, or anything that holds information, she can absorb the information and remember it completely. This gives her a higher level of intelligence than most. Due to absorbing psychology books and pamphlets, Poppy can easily read people by their body language. If an animal is sick? She can check for any symptoms of the million of diseases and illnesses in her knowledge. However, after absorbing too much information, Poppy gets queasy and dizzy; if she goes past that, though she never has so far, she would probably die.
Poppy is an American and was born on an Air Force base in Florida. Her father is in the military and she has had to move around a lot for his work. Her parents were always busy with work – not that Poppy minded, because when they weren’t, the family was always hanging out – and so Poppy took up the habit of reading constantly. Because of her father’s work, Poppy’s dad would get deployed many times and Poppy would be stuck with her mother.
It wasn’t that Poppy didn’t like her mother, in fact, Poppy adored her mother...that is before her alcoholism came back after ten years of sobriety (she quit before Poppy was born). Her mother spiraled into a pit of depression and, in turn, Poppy too had begun to feel depressed. Later on, she was diagnosed with depression and anxiety and was prescribed medicine to take. Poppy, often than not, does not take her medicine because “it makes her feel funny.”
One day, when Poppy was fourteen and her father was home from deployment, the blonde girl came home to her mother crying in her bedroom, drunk as per usual, and attempting to call a rehab facility. Not knowing what to do, Poppy attempted to call her dad to help her, but he wasn’t picking up. After the police came (one of the rehab centers had called the cops on her mom to make sure she wasn’t harming herself) and Poppy finally managed to get a hold of her dad, everything just froze for Poppy. Her mother went to rehab until the week before Poppy’s fifteenth birthday, but that wasn’t what the problem was for Poppy. She discovered that, in her time of need, she was having a hard time connecting with her friends. They would tell her that “it would be alright” and that “at least your mom is getting better” but that didn’t satisfy Poppy – they felt distant.
After her mom was released, Poppy’s dad got a new job in Wales and the O’Conner family jumped at the chance to go for it was “a new start.”
Other: Poppy is terrified of not being able to control herself (therefore, she stays away from drugs, alcohol and such and such) |
52,964 | 1,435 | 103 | 1,046 | 4,333 | Belle clignait quand elle sentait une main sur son épaule et regardait Poppy en regardant son écureuil nerveusement. Elle a demandé si Belle allait bien...
Muse sniffa un peu, sachant exactement ce qui était dans l'esprit de Belle.
Elle sourit doucement et répondit à Poppy, **"Merci."** Un petit merci, juste pour faire savoir à Poppy qu'elle était heureuse de son aide. Elle ne voulait pas dire qu'elle allait bien, quelque chose sur le ton de Poppy lui a dit que pour Poppy, Belle avait besoin d'avoir peur. Comme si l'acte d'avoir peur a aidé Poppy d'une façon ou d'une autre.
C'était un peu... attachant. Elle avait vraiment besoin de faire un article sur Poppy d'une façon ou d'une autre. La fille était beaucoup trop intéressante. Surtout parce qu'elle ne l'était pas. Elle était normale, plus normale que la plupart des gens dans la pièce, mais cela en soi l'a rendue spéciale. En étant normale, elle était spéciale. Et une pensée intéressante.
**"Peut-être qu'on devrait partir? Ça me met mal à l'aise."** Belle agita, en envoyant à Poppy un regard maladroit, comme pour lui montrer son manque de confort. **"Je ne me sens plus bien d'être ici."** Elle a menti, se tournant vers Poppy, ses bras tirés sur ses genoux et ses jambes serrées ensemble, signe d'insécurité. Elle a tiré son corps dans un peu, écroulé. Les gens ont toujours essayé de s'intégrer dans le moins d'espace possible lorsqu'ils étaient effrayés ou nerveux. Comme si j'essayais d'échapper à la situation de cette façon. Au moins, c'était ce que sa bouche avait toujours fait.
Tilting sa tête vers le bas, Belle a continué, **"J'ai vraiment... Je veux vraiment partir."** À Belle, elle mentait. Mais quelque part au fond, elle savait que c'était ses vrais sentiments, mais c'était la seule façon de s'y prendre. Faites comme si c'était une histoire et elle n'était qu'un personnage créé par un être plus grand là-bas, un auteur, un esprit. | **Name:** Isabelle "Belle" Freyone
**Age:** 17
**Gender:** Female
**Personality:** Belle is known to be the loner. She does enjoy the company of others, but for whatever reason she will often times run off on her own to do her own thing. Not much is known about what she does but all know that it usually has something to do with the fine arts. She will often times lock herself up in her room to work on something, or even one of the classrooms, and will stay there for days.
_Fine Arts_: Belle is what one would call a crazed artist. Whether it's painting, drawing, music, or literature, Belle has dabbled in it all. She will often times become 'enlightened' by her 'Muse' and leave suddenly to go work on something.
_Muse_: Belle has an imaginary friend she calls Muse who talks to her and gives her ideas. He's mostly just a voice inside her head but sometimes he appears to give her characters inspiration or inspiration for a drawing, or a music piece.
_Paint/Sing_: Belle can use paint, ink, or her voice to inspire an emotion. She throws paint/ink onto someone and they suddenly are overcome by a certain emotion, be it sadness, fear or happiness. She can also do this through song. (Credit to idea goes to my good friend 'FaithRose')
_Listen_: Belle has very good ears and can hear whether or not someone is being honest. She can use this skill, along with another similar skill, to ascertain the intentions of someone.
_Heart's Song_: Belle can feel/hear the heart's song of the people around her. Through this, she can know if someone is sad, happy, or feeling vindictive. She can also hear these songs from anywhere in the school within about a 5 mile radius. Sometimes it can be a blessing and sometimes a curse and she finds it very hard to zero in on a certain song.
Belle grew up in an abusive home. She, herself, was never physically abused but she definitely was mentally abused in many ways. Her father was an alcoholic and would often beat her mother and blame Belle for it, saying she was the reason he had to do this to her.
The only way Belle was able to cope was when she ran away from home. That day, she found an abandoned home with books, art and writing aplenty. There, she met Him, her Muse. He stood in the door way, standing tall like a King and greeted her. He played games with her, made her feel like a princess. They played and played and played. That day, her parents found her, but since she has found ways to sneak out to this place and play with her Muse. Eventually, he even followed her home.
Since, Belle has been shipped off to Wales, to attend a school her grandfather suggested to her mother. She, and Muse, seem to like there but tend to keep to themselves for the most part.
Belle dislikes technology and will avoid it if at all possible but she does use a laptop for some of her writing and has a cell phone for practical purposes. |
52,965 | 1,435 | 104 | 2,465 | 3,276 | Harold prit une note du reste de la pièce, et ne souleva qu'un sourcil. Ce n'était pas comme s'il allait flipper plus. Il pouvait déjà dire qu'il était susceptible de se faire remettre le cul à lui, cuit, frit, *et* agité. Donc il n'y avait pas de raison de s'énerver. Mais le fait que Thisa essayait de défendre **him** a rendu la vie tellement plus confuse. Il voulait aider son ami, bien sûr. Mais c'est beaucoup plus difficile à faire quand l'ami essaie de vous empêcher de l'aider.* C'était aussi agaçant. Harold faisait enfin quelque chose et c'est maintenant qu'il doit se faire virer? Il voulait juste aider son meilleur ami! Et il serait damné s'il se repliait sur cette petite fille. Non, il ne courrait pas juste à cause de la façon dont il était foutu, juste parce que c'était une petite fille. Les petites filles peuvent automatiquement botter *au moins* deux fois plus de cul qu'une fille normale. Qui aussi, automatiquement peut botter deux fois plus de cul qu'un gars normal, etc. Donc, en gros, en tant que nerdy gars qui était plus faible que le gars normal... il a été fondamentalement baisé environ 8 fois plus. Merveilleux. Au moins les maths ont aidé la nervosité d'Harold une petite quantité.
Harold regarda par-dessus son épaule vers Thisa, qui tirait son bras en arrière et se disputait avec lui pour l'empêcher de défendre les deux. Il murmura auprès de Thisa, qui se tenait très près de lui et de tous, laissant un peu plus de mots privés : « Ceci, je ne suis pas en mesure de me désengager de ce combat en ce moment. Je suis ravi que vous semblez disposé à vous soucier de la santé et de la sécurité en tant que personne comme moi-même, mais je ne suis toujours pas en mesure de me retirer de cette Mme du moins, pas après les mots qu'elle nous a prononcés. » Harold resta ferme dans son désir. Il n'abandonnerait pas ici, et il ferait de son mieux pour les aider tous les deux. À ce titre, il est revenu devant elle, l'empêchant de Louise, et Louise d'elle. "Et je ne m'en éloignerai pas. Vous ne le souhaitez peut-être pas Thisa, mais en tant qu'ami, je ne peux pas vous permettre de souffrir sans au moins essayer de vous assiéger, et si possible, rendre votre fardeau plus léger. Même si cela signifie que je dois en partager une partie moi-même." Harold lui a donné un petit sourire nerveux et s'est retourné vers Louise après un moment de réflexion.
Quand Harold reprit les paroles de Louise, il formula les meilleures réponses qu'il pouvait pour qui il était: «Ahm....Mme Louise, même si elle était la seule personne à l'avoir utilisée...» Harold se servit de citations de doigts, car il n'avait aucune idée de ce que c'était: «capacité»....pour des intentions violentes, c'est aussi bien que l'enfant utilisait ce que je peux supposer être le sien en toute sécurité, à des fins de harcèlement sexuel. Est-ce que vous dites vraiment qu'une femme se tenant elle-même et son corps protégé contre de telles agressions? Elle, elle-même, profitait d'une heure normale de déjeuner, quand il a commencé toute cette liaison en s'éloignant les jambes de son écharpe sans avertissement. » Harold a fait de son mieux pour défendre Thisa et ses actions, essayant évidemment de les montrer dans un type de réaction logique et normal de lumière. Non pas qu'il savait à quel point Michael faisait des choses comme ça. Il faisait de son mieux avec ce qu'il avait sur la main. Puis il est passé à lui-même. « De même, M. Lietman, lui-même a été absorbé dans sa volonté de combattre, ignorant complètement les signes évidents de stress que Thisa tenait, et s'engageant à obtenir son *boss* pour jouer le juge. Vous voulez que je vous explique pourquoi je n'ai rien fait pour l'aider? Il est simple: Thisa est plus que capable de prendre soin d'elle-même, et d'insinuer que je ne crois pas que, et en tant que telle aurait dû la citer *protégée sans citation, est insultant pour moi. Ce n'est pas comme si chaque homme ou femme ici était incapable de se défendre, et en tant que tel il n'est pas au devoir d'un autre d'essayer d'être des héros naïfs ou quelque chose du genre. » Harold était sur un rouleau avec ses arguments. Il s'en foutait qu'ils ne soient pas les meilleurs, ne le laissaient pas gagner, etc. Il allait juste les défendre. Il n'allait pas se battre, et une bataille verbale était malheureusement son meilleur terrain de jeu à part le jeu, le piratage, etc. Ils n'ont pas compté ici.
Harold a finalement conclu son argumentation en ces termes : « Et Mme Louise, vous semblez manquer d'un détail très évident et clé sur la raison pour laquelle je ne ferais rien. Je suis pour la plupart inutile dans le monde réel actuellement. Et je l'admets de tout cœur, car si vous ne connaissez pas vos propres fautes, et si vous acceptez qu'elles existent, alors vous n'êtes pas prêt à faire face à toute situation. De plus, je ne suis pas à la hauteur d'une situation comme celle-ci. Je manque de talent ou de capacité pour aider à empêcher l'enfant de harceler sexuellement Thisa, et je ne possède pas la force nécessaire pour tenir M. Lietman loin d'elle. La plus haute de toutes les capacités que je tiens, se trouve de parler à la Machine qu'elle a construit. C'était donc le seul endroit réel où je serais capable d'aider à gérer la situation. Et je ne veux pas jouer un...." Citations de doigts ""Knight dans une armure brillante", mais je veux aider mon ami de toute façon que je peux maintenant. Pour l'instant, c'est un moment où je pourrais l'aider encore une fois. » Harold a conclu, espérant qu'il **n'a pas** aggraver la situation. | Name: Saoji Makami
Gender: Male
Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are.
Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything.
Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals.
Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school. |
52,966 | 1,435 | 105 | 554 | 1,584 | Harold essayait vraiment, Thisa pouvait respecter cet acte en soi... mais il allait à l'encontre de ce qu'elle voulait, pour être honnête ce qui s'est passé était les ligues mieux que ce qu'elle attendait, toujours pas grand. À ce moment-là, ses émotions se sont normalisées, elle a été capable de penser clairement à nouveau bien qu'en aucun cas gaie, Thisa est restée très sombre. Elle a légèrement poussé Harold hors de la route après lui avoir dit quelques mots : « Vous avez essayé, et merci, mais je dois parler pour moi-même. » Thisa se tenait une fois de plus devant Louise.
Normalement, elle aurait été terrorisée pour parler face à face avec le maréchal elle-même, mais après les événements récents Thisa ne pouvait pas rassembler une seule trace d'émotion forte, à son tour cela a donné une sorte de courage. Elle regarda Louise dans les yeux, respira profondément, puis commença : « Je ne veux pas en débattre, il n'y a rien à débattre, il y a des dizaines de témoins qui ont vu la même chose, et je suis d'accord avec eux. J'ai... un tempérament quand je suis poussé, ce n'est pas une excuse comme je devrais être en contrôle peu importe, j'ai appelé mon chevalier par colère, il a été convoqué dans l'intention de nuire. Je réalise que j'ai enfreint les lois et que la punition est juste. J'ai cependant deux demandes malgré le résultat, un Harold n'est pas blâmé pour quelque action que ce soit, ou inaction de sa part. »
"Deuxièmement, je dois être celui qui restaure la cafétéria." Ceci a pointé sur le tas de métal qui a été utilisé pour animer sa machine. "Un facteur de ma capacité est une fois qu'une machine est dissemblée tout ce qui a été utilisé dans sa création revient à sa forme originale, comme vous pouvez voir tout est comment il était avant. Je veux personnellement trouver les propriétaires de chaque objet personnel pour le retourner, je veux aussi stocker tous les articles de cafétéria comme les plateaux, et argenterie de retour à son endroit approprié. C'est mon bordel et je crois qu'il est inutile de dire que je dois le nettoyer." Celle-ci s'inclina la tête : « Au-delà de ce qui est bien sûr le jugement que vous jugerez bon, je veux, si possible, que mes deux demandes soient satisfaites. » Elle ferma la bouche et recula. Thisa a eu la suspension que peu importe ce qu'elle dit Louise allait juste la frapper vers le bas, et elle mentalement préparée pour cela. | Name: Saoji Makami
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Personality: Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are.
Talent: Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything.
Ability: Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals.
Bio: Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school. |
52,967 | 1,435 | 106 | 2,465 | 3,276 | Harold s'est rendu compte qu'il avait été mal battu. Il a peut-être pu essayer de continuer, mais il n'y aurait pas eu de raison. Il avait oublié que Thisa avait une volonté propre, et que ce n'était pas juste un jeu normal. C'était ce jeu horrible appelé "Réalité", et il y était nul. Ce n'était pas seulement un CNP qui avait besoin de protection ou d'assistance, ou quoi que ce soit à ce sujet. C'était une autre joueuse, et elle savait au moins ce qu'elle faisait. Quand elle le poussa doucement sur le côté, Harold s'inclina la tête en sourdine, et retourna en chuchotant : « Je m'excuse Thisa. » Avant qu'il ne s'éloigne d'elle.
Après un moment, il a écouté les demandes de Thisa, et était généralement prêt à protester une fois de plus, mais il y a pensé mieux. Il avait déjà irrespectueux sa propre liberté et autorité sur sa vie, et il devrait accepter son propre infantement en retour.
Après que Louise eut souligné à quel point il avait jeté de côté Thisa, Harold sentit ses émotions s'évanouir une fois de plus. Il était de retour à la normale, eh bien, normal pour Harold de toute façon, et en tant que tel ferait de son mieux pour ne pas faire une autre scène. Il est retourné silencieusement à sa routine "Stare and Wait" normale, et l'a tourné sur Louise, en attendant son verdict après son argumentation avec elle....argumentation, peut-être pas le mot tout à fait approprié pour l'affaire, mais Harold n'était pas prêt pour trouver le bon. Il a donné un autre petit soupir, et s'est joint à ce qu'il faisait. | Name: Saoji Makami
Gender: Male
Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are.
Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything.
Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals.
Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school. |
52,968 | 1,435 | 107 | 554 | 1,584 | Harold s'est senti assez stupide quand il a entendu ce qu'était la punition. (Je suppose que je pensais juste que ce serait un peu plus dur en fonction de la façon dont la foule a répondu...). C'est à ce moment-là qu'Harold s'est rendu compte qu'il avait été dupé par la population de cette école. Harold était soudainement beaucoup plus mécontent de la vie. Mais il n'a fait que secouer la tête sur le côté et a sourcillé un sourcil à la question de Louise et à l'état de Lietman respectivement. Il s'est rendu compte que Louise l'avait vraiment laissé hors de la punition, et bien qu'il ait été soulagé à ce sujet, il n'était pas sûr aussi s'il devait aider Thisa ou non. Surtout avec le nettoyage. Elle pourrait faire la partie sociale. Harold était toujours le même trou du cul égocentrique sous toute cette aspiration. (Oh bien. Je suppose que je vais juste utaliser mes possibilités de la même façon que je l'ai toujours...). Et en tant que tel, il a senti que Thisa était susceptible de réaliser que Harold a un peu de stries de procrastination quand il est venu à un travail majeur. Ça, et qu'il détestait socialiser. Avec une passion brûlante.
Il a pourtant fait un sourire sombre à Louise. Surpris de ce qu'elle pourrait faire avec juste un toucher, un peu craintif de ce qu'elle lui ferait si jamais il l'énerverait vraiment, et à quel point relativement légère elle punirait Thisa après qu'elle ait été très forte dans cet événement sans nom. Harold n'était pas sûr de ce qu'il ressentait. Peut-être qu'il devrait aussi chercher le club de discussion ici... ça pourrait lui faire du bien à l'avenir. | Name: Saoji Makami
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Personality: Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are.
Talent: Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything.
Ability: Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals.
Bio: Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school. |
52,969 | 1,435 | 108 | 2,176 | 944 | Un pas en avant, et la voix impitoyable de Cadwal sonna immédiatement à l'intérieur (esprit.
_"N'aidez pas ( ( sont punis."_
Mais Tim s'est aventuré, mais il ne pouvait s'empêcher de se trouver d'accord. Il n'avait pas encore fait avancer son autre pied, mais quand il l'a fait, ce n'était pas pour faire un autre pas.
"Mais quoi?"_
"Eh, jamais pensé. Vous avez raison,"_ le garçon a concédé.
C'est donc alors que, au lendemain du conflit, et en l'absence de tout ce qui est particulièrement intentionnel à faire, Timothy Aquinas regarda de près et découvrit un distributeur à proximité. Passant au-dessus d'un petit morceau de débris et se débarrassant d'un peu d'argent, il s'en procura une canette froide de Nescafé, qu'il ouvrit rapidement et arracha. L'amertume du café s'est bien mélangée avec la douceur de l'arôme artificiel, comme toujours. Que Dieu bénisse Nestlé pour cette boisson addictive.
"C'est la troisième boîte aujourd'hui," a commenté Cadwal. "Tu n'es pas accro à la caféine maintenant, n'est-ce pas?"_
Regarde autour de toi, Cadwal. Tout est en désordre."_ Il a pris une gorgée. "Le café me calme."_
"Uh-huh," "Le chevalier fantôme a dit cryptiquement. De toute façon, ne retournez-vous pas dans vos quartiers bientôt? Tout semble résolu."_
"Pas encore. J'ai un peu envie d'aller un peu plus loin. Peut-être parler à ces deux-là."_ | ##Timothy “Tim” Aquinas##
!( "Timothy")
An unassuming youth with pale skin, brown hair and emerald eyes, Timothy is lean and rather thin. Thin-framed eyeglasses sit upon the bridge of his nose, windows to eyes that brighten up in a charming, childlike way when he smiles. He stands at a good 6’0” tall, and prefers simple clothing: many of his shirts are black or grey and without print, and the ones that do have only minimalistic designs. His pants and other apparel are equally unassuming. But never is he seen without his only apparent accessory: a small pendant in the shape of an elaborate Celtic crucifix of silver, hanging from his neck by a chain.
Described by Cadwal as having a "cherub's melody," Timothy has a deceptively effeminate voice.
**Age:** 16
**Gender:** Male
*“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your Name give glory.”*
The foremost thing one might notice about Timothy is his zeal. A devout Catholic, he is well-read in the Bible and zealous. And unlike some others, Timothy has taken the teachings of the Scripture to heart, making him a genuinely friendly and caring person. Love his neighbor, love his enemy? Timothy most certainly does. Honest and loyal, his care for the well-being of others extends to the spiritual: he is convinced that those of heathen faiths – especially the People of the Book But Do Not Believe – and true unbelievers must be enlightened sooner or later. Then there are the Ones Who Come in His Name but Twist His Words, like Westboro, which he finds especially despicable.
Timothy is especially fond of literature, especially medieval history. He knows full well how Duke Enrique of Savoy invaded Monferatto from the Duke of Mantua as he had run out of patience with waiting for Emperor Rudolf of the Holy Roman Empire to answer his petition to have the mentioned territory transferred to the custody of his daughter, Margherita, as she was kicked out of the Mantuan Duke’s court for not having sired a child for her husband, the Duke’s late brother, before he died. Always hungry for more knowledge, his learning of this subject which he most adores is supplemented by the Holy Ghosts whom he summons and who are more than willing to answer his many, many questions. They may also be the reason why his favorite video game is Medieval II: Total War.
Quite softspoken, the mildness of his words is such that people are often left cynically wondering whether or not Timothy is mocking them. The sincerity with which he prays before eating his meals is viewed by some as merely an exaggeration: a mockery of those who practice Christianity. However, Timothy does not practice deceit. What he does is honest.
He believes his unique ability to summon fallen Crusaders is given to him by God.
*Esoteric Knowledge:* Timothy is well-read in obscure history books, and can regurgitate most of what he has learned, knowledge extracted from the literary works of people Like E.B Sledge, Sir Arthur Lloyd, and Peter H. Wilson. But, ever humble, Timothy only shares what he knows when the situation calls for it.
*Communicatio Larvali:* Timothy can communicate with summoned Holy Ghosts telepathically, surmounting any distance and time and in pure thought, eliminating the language barrier. Cadwal is a special case, and is an exception to the rule.
_Legiones Ecclesiae:_ At his command, Timothy can call forth Holy Ghosts of the most proactive members of the Church-Militant, namely, Crusaders. Having had this unique gift since early childhood, he has improved the ability in that he can keep indefinitely one Holy Ghost and dispel them at his whim. With a whispered plea and holding a holy symbol of Christianity (like a cross, or his pendant), Timothy beckons the departed souls of those who killed and died in the name of Christ from the ether and into the worldly earth. Fading into existence, they are then at the summoner's beck and call. However, the summoned are picked at random: Timothy does not yet have the ability to call specific people.
_Holy Ghosts_ are the summoned spirits of Christian martyrs. These can be an unknown Crusader or even someone famous like Joan of Arc. Partly transparent, hued an otherworldly blue, and possessed of bright, glowing eyes, these entities are twice as strong and fast as a man and immune to pain – but not harm. While they are ghosts in a sense, they are still shackled to following the laws of physics. However, they do not need their spectral organs to live as they are already dead. Therefore, a bullet is most effective at tearing a Holy Ghost's tendons than holing their heart.
Maintaining a Holy Ghost is done automatically by the soul but at the expense of the body. Timothy is completely alright with one summoned, but is easily winded when he has summoned two. At three and four, he is forced to sit down, with him being pale at the latter. Having five summoned simultaneously will knock him to deathly unconsciousness and will take heavy tolls on his health. While Timothy can keep one Holy Ghost indefinitely, having two or more will strain Timothy's soul so much that after fifteen minutes, they will be forcibly dispelled.
Holy Ghosts are summoned with what they had on their person the moment of their death. While her visit could potentially be a very enlightening experience, Joan of Arc would not fight at her fullest since she wore a dress during her death at the pyre. Crusaders who died in battle are more valuable in that they are usually in full gear when summoned. However, all are prized and valuable relics of the past, and some of them possess ancient knowledge no longer available in the present.
It would appear that Holy Ghosts have lost much of their personality during their centuries in limbo. What they haven't lost, however, is hatred of the heathen, the unbeliever, and the heretic.
Holy Ghosts, being soul-bound to their summoner, are able to communicate with Tim telepathically in pure thoughts, defeating language barriers.
Holy Ghosts can be seen, heard and touched by other people. However, they don't feel much due to their slightly incorporeal properties. They mimic the natural body temperature of a human being, but have got no odor of their own.
_Cadwal of Godwyn_ is a deceased English Crusader knight who perished in the First Crusade, struck down by an arrow to his thigh, knocking him off his horse, that subsequently became gangrenous and from which he did not recover. Acting as a sort of guardian angel, even he himself is not sure what is exactly at work as he shares his mind and soul with Timothy, acting as the boy's second conscience and trying to steer him towards the right path.
Cadwal "sleeps," becoming completely inactive for four hours each day. This is to relieve some of the stress of Timothy's soul from having to maintain another thought-form. Cadwal does his best to time this with Timothy's regular sleeping hours.
Born to two middle-class parents as the middle child of a litter of two boys and one girl, there isn't much to say about Timothy, considering his overall and overwhelming averageness which is offset only by his unique and (as he believes) God-given ability. While he was baptized, going to Church was never something routine for his family. Therefore, he sees his powers as a gift from God when they emerged when he was six years old.
Like many children, he thought up an imaginary friend. It was a knight, and his young mind could only describe it as "blue" and "like glass." When he was alone, he would play with the knight, and started a little game with his older brother and younger sister when he introduced the knight to them, and they made their own imaginary friends. Little did Timothy know, however, that his siblings' imagined creations were far different to what he had, for as time went on, the knight's responses became purely his own, and Timothy slowly lost the need to parrot them. Like another person living in his head, the knight would comment on day-to-day life, and when the young Timothy eyed upon a Bible, the knight energetically pleaded the boy to read it.
As little Tim read, his young mind was full of questions even from the starting book of Genesis. He would ask the knight in his head, who formally introduced himself as Cadwal of Godwyn, to explain it all for him, and he spent so many sleepless nights doing this sort of cooperative storytelling that his mother became worried at his lack of sleep and consulted a physician. On his third grade of elementary school, his family had to move elsewhere, and he was saddened by the sudden loss of friends; but Cadwal was always there and would never leave his mind. Upon his insistence, his father took him to Church one day, and was deeply happy at finally worshiping at a proper place.
As he became older and thus more aware of the sheer unnaturality of his unique ability, Tim wondered if he could do more with it. Praying to God, and after consulting Cadwal, he tried to call out an angel to advise him on what to do when his parents were divorcing. However, the only being that faded into existence was not a magnificent scion of Heaven, but a short-lasting, flickering blue ghost of a woman in armor. Timothy could not but gasp "Who are you?" at the figure, who replied with a sagely "Who I am is not important. But your faith in God is," before fading back into nothingness.
Encouraged by Cadwal, Timothy was henceforth convinced of his being blessed. Ever since then, he has been practicing and perfecting this unique ability of his by prayer and meditation.
Speaking with wizened words, Timothy prevented his parents' divorce by driving them to tears as he preached about the sanctity and inviolability of the oaths a couple takes in their marriage ceremony, with the help of his two beloved siblings.
Drowning in early adolescent male hormones, Timothy wanted to masturbate once (just to try it) but was halted by Cadwal (whom he thought was sleeping), who lectured him fiercely of the value of the "seed" and how it must not be wasted. |
52,970 | 1,435 | 109 | 554 | 1,584 | Harold hoche et sourit légèrement à Thisa. "Ce n'était pas un problème pour moi d'essayer de vous aider. Je m'excuse de ne pas l'avoir fait avant quand cela aurait été le mieux, et de ne pas respecter vos souhaits. C'est mon propre échec qui a causé ça, et en tant que tel, je vais vous aider à nettoyer la cafétéria. Et ne vous inquiétez pas trop de votre état vestimentaire en ce moment, je doute que quelqu'un qui n'était pas un pervers ait été occupé par le drame d'avant." Harold remarqua son état et se mit à rougir et à garder les yeux éloignés du sol en tout temps. Il s'inclina également une fois de plus à sa suggestion, même pas par étapes par le changement soudain de caractère. Harold lui-même secouait encore de l'affrontement, et cela durerait probablement un peu plus longtemps.
Tout en gardant son esprit hors de ce qui vient de se produire et ce que les autres auraient pu penser, Harold sentit une petite quantité de son énergie nerveuse s'estomper. Il aiderait Thisa, trouverait sa chambre, et s'installerait peut-être un peu. Vérifier son ordinateur portable serait un événement clé dans les heures suivantes. Il a pris la plupart des objets métalliques aléatoires qui avaient été utilisés pour construire le Chevalier, et les a placés sur une table sur le côté, permettant un meilleur nettoyage de la zone endommagée. Une fois que cela a été fait, il a rapidement saisi son ordinateur portable, l'a placé à côté de son sac, et mis les affaires de la paire pour être prêt à partir quand ils ont prévu de partir. Après-midi, il attendait le retour de Thisa pour qu'ils puissent commencer à nettoyer cette zone. | Name: Saoji Makami
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Personality: Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are.
Talent: Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything.
Ability: Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals.
Bio: Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school. |
52,971 | 1,435 | 110 | 2,176 | 944 | ( s'était en effet réalisé sur ses décisions et s'était brouillé, bavardant un peu avec ses compagnons de présence, Nescafé à la main. Ses enquêtes portaient, pour la plupart, sur la façon dont la cafétéria était devenue exactement une zone de guerre. Apparemment, l'un des dirigeants, un homme du nom de Michael, avait agi comme un pervers autour (et, par conséquent, l'a frappé comme une bombe atomique -- ce qui l'a un peu surpris. Elle n'avait pas l'air d'être à première vue une fille avec un tel tempérament.
Mais maintenant, il avait fini son verre, et donc il a demandé un dernier regard sur le délinquant et elle (avant de quitter l'établissement. En fouillant la boîte, il s'en débarrassait aussi vite qu'il marchait jusqu'aux dortoirs.
"Quel jour," dit-il fatigué, alors qu'il fermait la porte derrière lui. "Tirer avantage de mon cœur était une chose, faire un champ de bataille de l'école était une autre."
Le lit soupirait, un son queer "pomf" s'échappant du matelas, tandis que le garçon fatigué plisait sur lui face vers le haut.
"Au moins, la journée est finie."_ Cadwal encouragé. "Je me sens fatiguée moi-même. Hm, je pense que je vais juste me fermer les yeux tout de suite."_
-- Encore aussi tôt? Tim, jouissant de l'intimité, a donné une voix physique à ses réponses à Cadwal.
"Je ne dors pas huit heures comme vous, et suivre votre horaire de sommeil est une douleur dans le cul. Bonne nuit, mon garçon."_
Son esprit, à ce moment même, devint alors eerly calme, et manque de présence. | ##Timothy “Tim” Aquinas##
!( "Timothy")
An unassuming youth with pale skin, brown hair and emerald eyes, Timothy is lean and rather thin. Thin-framed eyeglasses sit upon the bridge of his nose, windows to eyes that brighten up in a charming, childlike way when he smiles. He stands at a good 6’0” tall, and prefers simple clothing: many of his shirts are black or grey and without print, and the ones that do have only minimalistic designs. His pants and other apparel are equally unassuming. But never is he seen without his only apparent accessory: a small pendant in the shape of an elaborate Celtic crucifix of silver, hanging from his neck by a chain.
Described by Cadwal as having a "cherub's melody," Timothy has a deceptively effeminate voice.
**Age:** 16
**Gender:** Male
*“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your Name give glory.”*
The foremost thing one might notice about Timothy is his zeal. A devout Catholic, he is well-read in the Bible and zealous. And unlike some others, Timothy has taken the teachings of the Scripture to heart, making him a genuinely friendly and caring person. Love his neighbor, love his enemy? Timothy most certainly does. Honest and loyal, his care for the well-being of others extends to the spiritual: he is convinced that those of heathen faiths – especially the People of the Book But Do Not Believe – and true unbelievers must be enlightened sooner or later. Then there are the Ones Who Come in His Name but Twist His Words, like Westboro, which he finds especially despicable.
Timothy is especially fond of literature, especially medieval history. He knows full well how Duke Enrique of Savoy invaded Monferatto from the Duke of Mantua as he had run out of patience with waiting for Emperor Rudolf of the Holy Roman Empire to answer his petition to have the mentioned territory transferred to the custody of his daughter, Margherita, as she was kicked out of the Mantuan Duke’s court for not having sired a child for her husband, the Duke’s late brother, before he died. Always hungry for more knowledge, his learning of this subject which he most adores is supplemented by the Holy Ghosts whom he summons and who are more than willing to answer his many, many questions. They may also be the reason why his favorite video game is Medieval II: Total War.
Quite softspoken, the mildness of his words is such that people are often left cynically wondering whether or not Timothy is mocking them. The sincerity with which he prays before eating his meals is viewed by some as merely an exaggeration: a mockery of those who practice Christianity. However, Timothy does not practice deceit. What he does is honest.
He believes his unique ability to summon fallen Crusaders is given to him by God.
*Esoteric Knowledge:* Timothy is well-read in obscure history books, and can regurgitate most of what he has learned, knowledge extracted from the literary works of people Like E.B Sledge, Sir Arthur Lloyd, and Peter H. Wilson. But, ever humble, Timothy only shares what he knows when the situation calls for it.
*Communicatio Larvali:* Timothy can communicate with summoned Holy Ghosts telepathically, surmounting any distance and time and in pure thought, eliminating the language barrier. Cadwal is a special case, and is an exception to the rule.
_Legiones Ecclesiae:_ At his command, Timothy can call forth Holy Ghosts of the most proactive members of the Church-Militant, namely, Crusaders. Having had this unique gift since early childhood, he has improved the ability in that he can keep indefinitely one Holy Ghost and dispel them at his whim. With a whispered plea and holding a holy symbol of Christianity (like a cross, or his pendant), Timothy beckons the departed souls of those who killed and died in the name of Christ from the ether and into the worldly earth. Fading into existence, they are then at the summoner's beck and call. However, the summoned are picked at random: Timothy does not yet have the ability to call specific people.
_Holy Ghosts_ are the summoned spirits of Christian martyrs. These can be an unknown Crusader or even someone famous like Joan of Arc. Partly transparent, hued an otherworldly blue, and possessed of bright, glowing eyes, these entities are twice as strong and fast as a man and immune to pain – but not harm. While they are ghosts in a sense, they are still shackled to following the laws of physics. However, they do not need their spectral organs to live as they are already dead. Therefore, a bullet is most effective at tearing a Holy Ghost's tendons than holing their heart.
Maintaining a Holy Ghost is done automatically by the soul but at the expense of the body. Timothy is completely alright with one summoned, but is easily winded when he has summoned two. At three and four, he is forced to sit down, with him being pale at the latter. Having five summoned simultaneously will knock him to deathly unconsciousness and will take heavy tolls on his health. While Timothy can keep one Holy Ghost indefinitely, having two or more will strain Timothy's soul so much that after fifteen minutes, they will be forcibly dispelled.
Holy Ghosts are summoned with what they had on their person the moment of their death. While her visit could potentially be a very enlightening experience, Joan of Arc would not fight at her fullest since she wore a dress during her death at the pyre. Crusaders who died in battle are more valuable in that they are usually in full gear when summoned. However, all are prized and valuable relics of the past, and some of them possess ancient knowledge no longer available in the present.
It would appear that Holy Ghosts have lost much of their personality during their centuries in limbo. What they haven't lost, however, is hatred of the heathen, the unbeliever, and the heretic.
Holy Ghosts, being soul-bound to their summoner, are able to communicate with Tim telepathically in pure thoughts, defeating language barriers.
Holy Ghosts can be seen, heard and touched by other people. However, they don't feel much due to their slightly incorporeal properties. They mimic the natural body temperature of a human being, but have got no odor of their own.
_Cadwal of Godwyn_ is a deceased English Crusader knight who perished in the First Crusade, struck down by an arrow to his thigh, knocking him off his horse, that subsequently became gangrenous and from which he did not recover. Acting as a sort of guardian angel, even he himself is not sure what is exactly at work as he shares his mind and soul with Timothy, acting as the boy's second conscience and trying to steer him towards the right path.
Cadwal "sleeps," becoming completely inactive for four hours each day. This is to relieve some of the stress of Timothy's soul from having to maintain another thought-form. Cadwal does his best to time this with Timothy's regular sleeping hours.
Born to two middle-class parents as the middle child of a litter of two boys and one girl, there isn't much to say about Timothy, considering his overall and overwhelming averageness which is offset only by his unique and (as he believes) God-given ability. While he was baptized, going to Church was never something routine for his family. Therefore, he sees his powers as a gift from God when they emerged when he was six years old.
Like many children, he thought up an imaginary friend. It was a knight, and his young mind could only describe it as "blue" and "like glass." When he was alone, he would play with the knight, and started a little game with his older brother and younger sister when he introduced the knight to them, and they made their own imaginary friends. Little did Timothy know, however, that his siblings' imagined creations were far different to what he had, for as time went on, the knight's responses became purely his own, and Timothy slowly lost the need to parrot them. Like another person living in his head, the knight would comment on day-to-day life, and when the young Timothy eyed upon a Bible, the knight energetically pleaded the boy to read it.
As little Tim read, his young mind was full of questions even from the starting book of Genesis. He would ask the knight in his head, who formally introduced himself as Cadwal of Godwyn, to explain it all for him, and he spent so many sleepless nights doing this sort of cooperative storytelling that his mother became worried at his lack of sleep and consulted a physician. On his third grade of elementary school, his family had to move elsewhere, and he was saddened by the sudden loss of friends; but Cadwal was always there and would never leave his mind. Upon his insistence, his father took him to Church one day, and was deeply happy at finally worshiping at a proper place.
As he became older and thus more aware of the sheer unnaturality of his unique ability, Tim wondered if he could do more with it. Praying to God, and after consulting Cadwal, he tried to call out an angel to advise him on what to do when his parents were divorcing. However, the only being that faded into existence was not a magnificent scion of Heaven, but a short-lasting, flickering blue ghost of a woman in armor. Timothy could not but gasp "Who are you?" at the figure, who replied with a sagely "Who I am is not important. But your faith in God is," before fading back into nothingness.
Encouraged by Cadwal, Timothy was henceforth convinced of his being blessed. Ever since then, he has been practicing and perfecting this unique ability of his by prayer and meditation.
Speaking with wizened words, Timothy prevented his parents' divorce by driving them to tears as he preached about the sanctity and inviolability of the oaths a couple takes in their marriage ceremony, with the help of his two beloved siblings.
Drowning in early adolescent male hormones, Timothy wanted to masturbate once (just to try it) but was halted by Cadwal (whom he thought was sleeping), who lectured him fiercely of the value of the "seed" and how it must not be wasted. |
52,972 | 1,435 | 111 | 156 | 2,749 | Poppy a ressenti la colère à travers elle: _pas l'agression sexuelle?_ Ha, c'était risible.
_L'agression sexuelle est tout type de contact ou de comportement sexuel qui se produit sans le consentement explicite du destinataire. Selon la définition de l'agression sexuelle, les activités sexuelles sont les rapports sexuels forcés, la sodomie forcée, l'agression d'enfants, l'inceste, le vol** et la tentative de viol._
Peut-être auraient-ils dû mettre davantage l'accent sur le caressement. Même si ce n'était pas fait avec l'intention sexuelle, c'était toujours un contact sexuel. Mais Poppy ne dirait rien. Non, pas encore, d'autant plus que cette fille n'a pas été trop mal d'une punition. Cependant, il faut noter, que si ce type d'ombre jamais fait ce tour sur Poppy, elle élèverait plus d'enfer que cela. Oui, elle chercherait même cette Louise et si elle ne faisait rien, elle irait voir les autorités pour s'assurer qu'il a été expulsé. Ou, du moins, c'est ce que Poppy se disait. Comme il n'a pas fait le tour sur elle, et la blonde était tout à fait sûre qu'il a appris sa leçon et ne le fera jamais, personne ne saurait jamais sa réaction. Poppy ne connaissait probablement même pas sa réaction.
Soupirant, Poppy sourit à Belle et hoche la tête, flagellant légèrement. Ouais, euh, laisse aller quelque part. La bibliothèque, peut-être?... Elle était prompte à ajouter,... Seulement si tu veux que je veux dire, on n'a pas besoin d'y aller, je suis d'accord avec quoi que ce soit. Vraiment.
Sans attendre une réponse, Poppy a saisi sa pizza et une serviette – sage choix – et s'est levée, mais pas avant de frapper la chaise à l'envers avec la force de sa position. Elle s'est brouillée pour le soulever sur ses jambes et son fond s'est heurté à la table derrière elle, blessant son os arrière dans le processus.
Poppy a pleuré, debout et largué la chaise, lui frottant la plaie derrière. | !( "Poppy O'Conner")
**Name:** Poppy O’Conner
**Age:** 16
**Gender:** Female
**Personality:** Poppy is an awkward girl who often says the wrong things when around people she doesn’t know well. When with friends, though, Poppy is loud, talkative, and, unfortunately, punny. She doesn’t understand the point of keeping things secret, so she has no qualms with saying exactly what is going on in her life or what of the likes if someone asks her. Poppy has the unfortunate habit of bottling up her emotions and, even when telling her “sob” story, keeps a straight face or shrugs it off when people ask her how she is feeling. The blonde has a hard time connecting with people on a personal level and when she attempts to express her sadness, she is often deterred by sympathetically distant responses. She is not particularly motivated to do anything and tries to find the easiest ways to do things. Her worst habit is procrastination and most of her work does not get done until the night before it’s due.
**Talent:**_ Learner_: Poppy learns new things with relative ease and has a near perfect memory where she can store all the new information. She dabbles in most genres of information and knows many random facts.
**Ability**: _Know-It-All_: By pressing her hand anywhere on a book, or anything that holds information, she can absorb the information and remember it completely. This gives her a higher level of intelligence than most. Due to absorbing psychology books and pamphlets, Poppy can easily read people by their body language. If an animal is sick? She can check for any symptoms of the million of diseases and illnesses in her knowledge. However, after absorbing too much information, Poppy gets queasy and dizzy; if she goes past that, though she never has so far, she would probably die.
Poppy is an American and was born on an Air Force base in Florida. Her father is in the military and she has had to move around a lot for his work. Her parents were always busy with work – not that Poppy minded, because when they weren’t, the family was always hanging out – and so Poppy took up the habit of reading constantly. Because of her father’s work, Poppy’s dad would get deployed many times and Poppy would be stuck with her mother.
It wasn’t that Poppy didn’t like her mother, in fact, Poppy adored her mother...that is before her alcoholism came back after ten years of sobriety (she quit before Poppy was born). Her mother spiraled into a pit of depression and, in turn, Poppy too had begun to feel depressed. Later on, she was diagnosed with depression and anxiety and was prescribed medicine to take. Poppy, often than not, does not take her medicine because “it makes her feel funny.”
One day, when Poppy was fourteen and her father was home from deployment, the blonde girl came home to her mother crying in her bedroom, drunk as per usual, and attempting to call a rehab facility. Not knowing what to do, Poppy attempted to call her dad to help her, but he wasn’t picking up. After the police came (one of the rehab centers had called the cops on her mom to make sure she wasn’t harming herself) and Poppy finally managed to get a hold of her dad, everything just froze for Poppy. Her mother went to rehab until the week before Poppy’s fifteenth birthday, but that wasn’t what the problem was for Poppy. She discovered that, in her time of need, she was having a hard time connecting with her friends. They would tell her that “it would be alright” and that “at least your mom is getting better” but that didn’t satisfy Poppy – they felt distant.
After her mom was released, Poppy’s dad got a new job in Wales and the O’Conner family jumped at the chance to go for it was “a new start.”
Other: Poppy is terrified of not being able to control herself (therefore, she stays away from drugs, alcohol and such and such) |
52,973 | 1,435 | 112 | 1,046 | 4,333 | Belle avait regardé les événements avant eux quand elle a entendu un changement distinct dans Poppy's Heart Song. En la regardant, elle a remarqué une expression intéressante sur le visage de la fille. Qu'est-ce que ça voulait dire? Belle n'en avait aucune idée. Pourquoi Poppy serait si en colère contre quelque chose comme ça?
_Les cœurs humains sont des choses si bizarres._ Muse soupira.
- Vous pouvez le répéter.
Et si on allait dans ma chambre? Tu as dit que tu étais intéressé par mon travail et je dois passer par cette vieille classe de toute façon et récupérer mon dernier travail."** Belle a offert, snicker doucement aux actions de Poppy. Peu de temps après, ses snickers se sont transformés en gloussements soufflés. Ses yeux se fermèrent et se mirent à arroser pendant qu'elle tenait ses côtés, blessant comme ils étaient.
**"Tu es le meilleur."** Belle a parlé à travers ses rires, heureux qu'elle ait rencontré cette personne. "Désolé de rire de toi. Ça va?"** Elle demanda, incapable d'enlever le petit sourire sur son visage alors qu'elle regardait vers Belle. Elle s'asseyait encore dans son siège, ses jambes se croisaient et ses mains dans ses genoux. | **Name:** Isabelle "Belle" Freyone
**Age:** 17
**Gender:** Female
**Personality:** Belle is known to be the loner. She does enjoy the company of others, but for whatever reason she will often times run off on her own to do her own thing. Not much is known about what she does but all know that it usually has something to do with the fine arts. She will often times lock herself up in her room to work on something, or even one of the classrooms, and will stay there for days.
_Fine Arts_: Belle is what one would call a crazed artist. Whether it's painting, drawing, music, or literature, Belle has dabbled in it all. She will often times become 'enlightened' by her 'Muse' and leave suddenly to go work on something.
_Muse_: Belle has an imaginary friend she calls Muse who talks to her and gives her ideas. He's mostly just a voice inside her head but sometimes he appears to give her characters inspiration or inspiration for a drawing, or a music piece.
_Paint/Sing_: Belle can use paint, ink, or her voice to inspire an emotion. She throws paint/ink onto someone and they suddenly are overcome by a certain emotion, be it sadness, fear or happiness. She can also do this through song. (Credit to idea goes to my good friend 'FaithRose')
_Listen_: Belle has very good ears and can hear whether or not someone is being honest. She can use this skill, along with another similar skill, to ascertain the intentions of someone.
_Heart's Song_: Belle can feel/hear the heart's song of the people around her. Through this, she can know if someone is sad, happy, or feeling vindictive. She can also hear these songs from anywhere in the school within about a 5 mile radius. Sometimes it can be a blessing and sometimes a curse and she finds it very hard to zero in on a certain song.
Belle grew up in an abusive home. She, herself, was never physically abused but she definitely was mentally abused in many ways. Her father was an alcoholic and would often beat her mother and blame Belle for it, saying she was the reason he had to do this to her.
The only way Belle was able to cope was when she ran away from home. That day, she found an abandoned home with books, art and writing aplenty. There, she met Him, her Muse. He stood in the door way, standing tall like a King and greeted her. He played games with her, made her feel like a princess. They played and played and played. That day, her parents found her, but since she has found ways to sneak out to this place and play with her Muse. Eventually, he even followed her home.
Since, Belle has been shipped off to Wales, to attend a school her grandfather suggested to her mother. She, and Muse, seem to like there but tend to keep to themselves for the most part.
Belle dislikes technology and will avoid it if at all possible but she does use a laptop for some of her writing and has a cell phone for practical purposes. |
52,974 | 1,435 | 113 | 156 | 2,749 | Le visage de Poppy est plus brillant que jamais. Mec, pourquoi a-t-elle toujours dû se tromper d'elle-même? Poppy sourit et voulut que la rougeur s'en aille, même s'il restait beaucoup de temps... au moins assez de temps pour Belle pour voir. Pour changer la situation, Poppy a saisi la main de Belle et a commencé à la tirer vers les dortoirs.
Tu as des chiens? Je n'aime pas, mais j'aime les chiens. En fait, je suis plus un chat-personne. Mais les chiens sont cool aussi. Toutes les créatures de Dieu et tout, donc, euh, ouais. C'est ta chambre ici? Ou est-il ici? Euh, ou, euh, ici? Poppy ne pouvait pas s'arrêter. Les mots n'arrêtaient pas de venir et de venir, encore et encore.
"Damn." Poppy murmura sous son souffle, baissant sur son pied si vite que Belle courut dans son dos. Poppy était le plus lourd des deux, cependant, et donc ils ont renversé au sol avec Poppy sur le dessus.
La première pensée qui est entrée dans l'esprit de Poppy était: _ merde, merde, merde, merde._ La suivante? - Mon Dieu, je l'écrase. - Et la dernière pensée? - Sa joue est chaude. - Et c'était le cas. Il était incroyablement chaud sur les lèvres de Poppy, comme une fournaise brûlant à travers la chair rose et Poppy sentit comme ses lèvres se blottis sous une couverture, près d'une cheminée, avec une tasse pleine de chocolat chaud. Poppy était tellement préoccupée par la chaleur, qu'elle a oublié qu'elle écrase une pauvre fille sous elle. | !( "Poppy O'Conner")
**Name:** Poppy O’Conner
**Age:** 16
**Gender:** Female
**Personality:** Poppy is an awkward girl who often says the wrong things when around people she doesn’t know well. When with friends, though, Poppy is loud, talkative, and, unfortunately, punny. She doesn’t understand the point of keeping things secret, so she has no qualms with saying exactly what is going on in her life or what of the likes if someone asks her. Poppy has the unfortunate habit of bottling up her emotions and, even when telling her “sob” story, keeps a straight face or shrugs it off when people ask her how she is feeling. The blonde has a hard time connecting with people on a personal level and when she attempts to express her sadness, she is often deterred by sympathetically distant responses. She is not particularly motivated to do anything and tries to find the easiest ways to do things. Her worst habit is procrastination and most of her work does not get done until the night before it’s due.
**Talent:**_ Learner_: Poppy learns new things with relative ease and has a near perfect memory where she can store all the new information. She dabbles in most genres of information and knows many random facts.
**Ability**: _Know-It-All_: By pressing her hand anywhere on a book, or anything that holds information, she can absorb the information and remember it completely. This gives her a higher level of intelligence than most. Due to absorbing psychology books and pamphlets, Poppy can easily read people by their body language. If an animal is sick? She can check for any symptoms of the million of diseases and illnesses in her knowledge. However, after absorbing too much information, Poppy gets queasy and dizzy; if she goes past that, though she never has so far, she would probably die.
Poppy is an American and was born on an Air Force base in Florida. Her father is in the military and she has had to move around a lot for his work. Her parents were always busy with work – not that Poppy minded, because when they weren’t, the family was always hanging out – and so Poppy took up the habit of reading constantly. Because of her father’s work, Poppy’s dad would get deployed many times and Poppy would be stuck with her mother.
It wasn’t that Poppy didn’t like her mother, in fact, Poppy adored her mother...that is before her alcoholism came back after ten years of sobriety (she quit before Poppy was born). Her mother spiraled into a pit of depression and, in turn, Poppy too had begun to feel depressed. Later on, she was diagnosed with depression and anxiety and was prescribed medicine to take. Poppy, often than not, does not take her medicine because “it makes her feel funny.”
One day, when Poppy was fourteen and her father was home from deployment, the blonde girl came home to her mother crying in her bedroom, drunk as per usual, and attempting to call a rehab facility. Not knowing what to do, Poppy attempted to call her dad to help her, but he wasn’t picking up. After the police came (one of the rehab centers had called the cops on her mom to make sure she wasn’t harming herself) and Poppy finally managed to get a hold of her dad, everything just froze for Poppy. Her mother went to rehab until the week before Poppy’s fifteenth birthday, but that wasn’t what the problem was for Poppy. She discovered that, in her time of need, she was having a hard time connecting with her friends. They would tell her that “it would be alright” and that “at least your mom is getting better” but that didn’t satisfy Poppy – they felt distant.
After her mom was released, Poppy’s dad got a new job in Wales and the O’Conner family jumped at the chance to go for it was “a new start.”
Other: Poppy is terrified of not being able to control herself (therefore, she stays away from drugs, alcohol and such and such) |
52,975 | 1,435 | 114 | 1,046 | 4,333 | Elle méritait en quelque sorte d'être arrêtée après avoir poussé Poppy sur le siège plus tôt, mais cela ne l'a pas empêchée d'être un peu choquée par elle. Elle s'est branlée comme Poppy, en parlant de tout ce qu'elle pouvait. Elle n'a même pas laissé de place à Belle pour commenter. Non, elle n'avait pas d'animaux. Non pas que ça ne lui ennuie pas d'en avoir un. Elle n'a jamais eu l'occasion de faire grand-chose pour en obtenir un. Elle devait se demander si l'école les avait autorisés. Elle pourrait avoir un chat...
Étant dans un état d'insouciance, Belle n'a pas vu Poppy venir du tout alors qu'ils s'écroulaient tous les deux au sol, Poppy sur le dessus. Elle clignait alors que sa tête était poussée sur le côté, quelque chose de chaud assis dessus. **"Ow..."** Elle bourdonnait, bourdonnant légèrement. **"Vous avez certainement un moyen de garder les choses intéressantes."** Elle a plaisanté, sa voix déformée par la position qu'elle occupait. On aurait dit qu'elle avait presque quelque chose dans la bouche.
Bien que, comme elle pensait à la position dans laquelle ils étaient, elle sentit la chaleur se lever jusqu'à ses joues. C'est ça, la chaleur de ses lèvres?
_En effet!_ Mused a crié, apparaissant devant Belle dans un flash d'ombre noire. Il était couché sur le sol à côté d'elle, seulement son visage ombreux visible pour elle.
** "Ahh... Ummm..."** Belle étourdit, ne sachant même pas ce qu'elle essayait de dire. La chaleur des lèvres de Poppy était plutôt comme elle s'attendait à ce qu'ils soient et bientôt l'image des lèvres et du visage de Poppy apparut soudainement dans sa tête. Les lèvres de pêche chaudes, la peau douce et éclatante. Elle a avalé un peu. On dirait que le temps ralentissait, comme s'ils avaient été là pour toujours, mais pas du tout.
- Bon sang, elle sent bon. - Belle a pensé assez angoissante, soupirant.
- Oh? Vraiment? J'aimerais pouvoir sentir. Hélas, tout ce que je peux faire, c'est regarder._ Muse répondit, sa voix semblait triste.
_Crochez-vous. Vous n'allez pas améliorer ça._
Bien sûr que je le suis! Je vous apporte le soulagement comique dont vous avez besoin!_
_Non. Non, vous ne l'êtes pas._
**"Tu n'es pas lourd ou quoi que ce soit, et ce n'est pas comme si je n'aimais pas t'avoir sur moi. Mais... Il n'est pas temps qu'on se lève?"** Elle a demandé, une expression embarrassante sur son visage rouge de betterave. | **Name:** Isabelle "Belle" Freyone
**Age:** 17
**Gender:** Female
**Personality:** Belle is known to be the loner. She does enjoy the company of others, but for whatever reason she will often times run off on her own to do her own thing. Not much is known about what she does but all know that it usually has something to do with the fine arts. She will often times lock herself up in her room to work on something, or even one of the classrooms, and will stay there for days.
_Fine Arts_: Belle is what one would call a crazed artist. Whether it's painting, drawing, music, or literature, Belle has dabbled in it all. She will often times become 'enlightened' by her 'Muse' and leave suddenly to go work on something.
_Muse_: Belle has an imaginary friend she calls Muse who talks to her and gives her ideas. He's mostly just a voice inside her head but sometimes he appears to give her characters inspiration or inspiration for a drawing, or a music piece.
_Paint/Sing_: Belle can use paint, ink, or her voice to inspire an emotion. She throws paint/ink onto someone and they suddenly are overcome by a certain emotion, be it sadness, fear or happiness. She can also do this through song. (Credit to idea goes to my good friend 'FaithRose')
_Listen_: Belle has very good ears and can hear whether or not someone is being honest. She can use this skill, along with another similar skill, to ascertain the intentions of someone.
_Heart's Song_: Belle can feel/hear the heart's song of the people around her. Through this, she can know if someone is sad, happy, or feeling vindictive. She can also hear these songs from anywhere in the school within about a 5 mile radius. Sometimes it can be a blessing and sometimes a curse and she finds it very hard to zero in on a certain song.
Belle grew up in an abusive home. She, herself, was never physically abused but she definitely was mentally abused in many ways. Her father was an alcoholic and would often beat her mother and blame Belle for it, saying she was the reason he had to do this to her.
The only way Belle was able to cope was when she ran away from home. That day, she found an abandoned home with books, art and writing aplenty. There, she met Him, her Muse. He stood in the door way, standing tall like a King and greeted her. He played games with her, made her feel like a princess. They played and played and played. That day, her parents found her, but since she has found ways to sneak out to this place and play with her Muse. Eventually, he even followed her home.
Since, Belle has been shipped off to Wales, to attend a school her grandfather suggested to her mother. She, and Muse, seem to like there but tend to keep to themselves for the most part.
Belle dislikes technology and will avoid it if at all possible but she does use a laptop for some of her writing and has a cell phone for practical purposes. |
52,976 | 1,435 | 115 | 156 | 2,749 | C'est ça, c'est ça, c'est ça, c'est ça, c'est ça, c'est ça, c'est ça, c'est ça, c'est ça, c'est ça, c'est ça, c'est ça, c'est ça, c'est ça, c'est ça, c'est ça, c'est ça, c'est ça, c'est ça, c'est ça, c'est ça, c'est ça, c'est ça, c'est ça, c'est ça, c'est ça, c'est ça, c'est ça, c'est ça? Elle a trébuché un peu, mais a réussi à se lever.
Comme c'est embarrassant. Elle vient de rencontrer cette fille et déjà elle s'est fait une idiote... plusieurs fois. Wow, après celui-ci, Poppy devrait probablement prendre un respirateur des gens. Oui, c'est sûr. Peut-être alors qu'elle sera capable de calmer son visage enflammé apparemment permanent. Poppy a inhalé et souri de façon dentelée, en glissant une main dans sa poche et en retirant un morceau de papier. Elle avait toujours du papier dans ses poches, elle n'a jamais jeté ses poubelles et elle devrait les nettoyer bientôt. Néanmoins, il est venu à portée de main. Poppy a griffonné quelque chose rapidement et l'a ensuite donné à Belle, en espérant qu'elle pourrait lire son poulet brouillé.
Il faut que j'y aille, et tout. Mais, appelez-moi, et nous pouvons, euh, traîner... et des trucs. Si tu veux, je veux dire, je ne vais pas te forcer à traîner avec moi, ce serait contreproductif et, euh, oui, donc, euh. Je devrais y aller. » Poppy sourit maladroitement, son sourcil se levant légèrement et elle fila sur son talon, s'éloignant de là où elle supposait que son dortoir serait. Elle n'a pas passé beaucoup de temps dans le dortoir; la plupart de son sommeil a même été fait dans la bibliothèque, après tout.
Il a fallu quelques minutes pour le trouver d'où elle a kidnappé les joues Belle – n'y pense pas, Poppy, tu vas juste te faire rougir! – et elle a enlevé ses clés de sa poche, en les balayant dans la serrure. La porte s'est ouverte et Poppy s'est immédiatement effondrée sur son lit. Chez moi, c'est gentil. | !( "Poppy O'Conner")
**Name:** Poppy O’Conner
**Age:** 16
**Gender:** Female
**Personality:** Poppy is an awkward girl who often says the wrong things when around people she doesn’t know well. When with friends, though, Poppy is loud, talkative, and, unfortunately, punny. She doesn’t understand the point of keeping things secret, so she has no qualms with saying exactly what is going on in her life or what of the likes if someone asks her. Poppy has the unfortunate habit of bottling up her emotions and, even when telling her “sob” story, keeps a straight face or shrugs it off when people ask her how she is feeling. The blonde has a hard time connecting with people on a personal level and when she attempts to express her sadness, she is often deterred by sympathetically distant responses. She is not particularly motivated to do anything and tries to find the easiest ways to do things. Her worst habit is procrastination and most of her work does not get done until the night before it’s due.
**Talent:**_ Learner_: Poppy learns new things with relative ease and has a near perfect memory where she can store all the new information. She dabbles in most genres of information and knows many random facts.
**Ability**: _Know-It-All_: By pressing her hand anywhere on a book, or anything that holds information, she can absorb the information and remember it completely. This gives her a higher level of intelligence than most. Due to absorbing psychology books and pamphlets, Poppy can easily read people by their body language. If an animal is sick? She can check for any symptoms of the million of diseases and illnesses in her knowledge. However, after absorbing too much information, Poppy gets queasy and dizzy; if she goes past that, though she never has so far, she would probably die.
Poppy is an American and was born on an Air Force base in Florida. Her father is in the military and she has had to move around a lot for his work. Her parents were always busy with work – not that Poppy minded, because when they weren’t, the family was always hanging out – and so Poppy took up the habit of reading constantly. Because of her father’s work, Poppy’s dad would get deployed many times and Poppy would be stuck with her mother.
It wasn’t that Poppy didn’t like her mother, in fact, Poppy adored her mother...that is before her alcoholism came back after ten years of sobriety (she quit before Poppy was born). Her mother spiraled into a pit of depression and, in turn, Poppy too had begun to feel depressed. Later on, she was diagnosed with depression and anxiety and was prescribed medicine to take. Poppy, often than not, does not take her medicine because “it makes her feel funny.”
One day, when Poppy was fourteen and her father was home from deployment, the blonde girl came home to her mother crying in her bedroom, drunk as per usual, and attempting to call a rehab facility. Not knowing what to do, Poppy attempted to call her dad to help her, but he wasn’t picking up. After the police came (one of the rehab centers had called the cops on her mom to make sure she wasn’t harming herself) and Poppy finally managed to get a hold of her dad, everything just froze for Poppy. Her mother went to rehab until the week before Poppy’s fifteenth birthday, but that wasn’t what the problem was for Poppy. She discovered that, in her time of need, she was having a hard time connecting with her friends. They would tell her that “it would be alright” and that “at least your mom is getting better” but that didn’t satisfy Poppy – they felt distant.
After her mom was released, Poppy’s dad got a new job in Wales and the O’Conner family jumped at the chance to go for it was “a new start.”
Other: Poppy is terrified of not being able to control herself (therefore, she stays away from drugs, alcohol and such and such) |
52,977 | 1,435 | 116 | 1,046 | 4,333 | Maintenant, j'aurais aimé ne pas lui avoir dit de s'en aller de moi. Belle pensa amèrement pendant qu'elle s'asseyait, regardant un peu.. vers le bas et dehors.
Je me demandais pourquoi tu as dit ça, Muse a répondu, la taquinant légèrement.
Belle secoua la tête et se leva, dépoussiérant la saleté de ses vêtements déjà sales qui se sentaient comme un effort gaspillé à ce stade. Poppy avait probablement des tas de peinture sur elle maintenant... elle devrait s'excuser pour ça plus tard. Soupirant, elle s'est tournée pour déverrouiller sa porte et entrer pour commencer un projet latéral avant d'aller se coucher.
Elle s'est retrouvée en train de dessiner des photos de cette fille tirant tout le métal ensemble. Elle se tenait au milieu d'une tempête de métal fondu, en pleurant. Belle n'avait pas vraiment voulu que ça se passe comme ça, c'est juste...
Bientôt, elle était habillée pour se coucher, une pièce de pyjama qu'elle avait eue de sa tante. Il y avait des canards colorés partout. Ce n'était pas exactement la chose la plus attrayante au monde, mais c'était chaud et confortable. Elle est restée couchée au lit pendant quelques heures, tout simplement rêverie de jour avant de dormir l'a prise dans sa longue étreinte. | **Name:** Isabelle "Belle" Freyone
**Age:** 17
**Gender:** Female
**Personality:** Belle is known to be the loner. She does enjoy the company of others, but for whatever reason she will often times run off on her own to do her own thing. Not much is known about what she does but all know that it usually has something to do with the fine arts. She will often times lock herself up in her room to work on something, or even one of the classrooms, and will stay there for days.
_Fine Arts_: Belle is what one would call a crazed artist. Whether it's painting, drawing, music, or literature, Belle has dabbled in it all. She will often times become 'enlightened' by her 'Muse' and leave suddenly to go work on something.
_Muse_: Belle has an imaginary friend she calls Muse who talks to her and gives her ideas. He's mostly just a voice inside her head but sometimes he appears to give her characters inspiration or inspiration for a drawing, or a music piece.
_Paint/Sing_: Belle can use paint, ink, or her voice to inspire an emotion. She throws paint/ink onto someone and they suddenly are overcome by a certain emotion, be it sadness, fear or happiness. She can also do this through song. (Credit to idea goes to my good friend 'FaithRose')
_Listen_: Belle has very good ears and can hear whether or not someone is being honest. She can use this skill, along with another similar skill, to ascertain the intentions of someone.
_Heart's Song_: Belle can feel/hear the heart's song of the people around her. Through this, she can know if someone is sad, happy, or feeling vindictive. She can also hear these songs from anywhere in the school within about a 5 mile radius. Sometimes it can be a blessing and sometimes a curse and she finds it very hard to zero in on a certain song.
Belle grew up in an abusive home. She, herself, was never physically abused but she definitely was mentally abused in many ways. Her father was an alcoholic and would often beat her mother and blame Belle for it, saying she was the reason he had to do this to her.
The only way Belle was able to cope was when she ran away from home. That day, she found an abandoned home with books, art and writing aplenty. There, she met Him, her Muse. He stood in the door way, standing tall like a King and greeted her. He played games with her, made her feel like a princess. They played and played and played. That day, her parents found her, but since she has found ways to sneak out to this place and play with her Muse. Eventually, he even followed her home.
Since, Belle has been shipped off to Wales, to attend a school her grandfather suggested to her mother. She, and Muse, seem to like there but tend to keep to themselves for the most part.
Belle dislikes technology and will avoid it if at all possible but she does use a laptop for some of her writing and has a cell phone for practical purposes. |
52,978 | 1,435 | 117 | 2,465 | 3,276 | C'était un peu plus tard dans la nuit maintenant, cependant, la plupart des gens ne dormaient pas réellement. D'autres s'habillaient, préparaient du matériel, préparaient des caméras, préparaient une guerre ou tiraient des paparazzis. Ils s'attendaient donc à ce que les portes soient ouvertes un par un en succession rapide.
L'un après l'autre, gracieuseté du Club 'Hide-and-Seek', la porte a été ouverte par des forces invisibles, exposant les gens à l'intérieur. Des throngs et d'énormes foules d'étudiants sont sortis excités des chambres, et se sont dirigés vers le complexe sportif #1.
Comme c'était la nuit, les élèves ont commencé activement à négliger leur utilisation des capacités dans les espaces publics, et des éclairs de lumière et une myriade de sons ont résonné à travers la nuit.
Temps jusqu'à la réunion: 1h : 00m : 00s | Name: Saoji Makami
Gender: Male
Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are.
Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything.
Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals.
Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school. |
52,979 | 1,435 | 118 | 2,176 | 944 | Les sables d'Israël cèdent la place alors que des centaines de chevaliers montés montèrent sur la dune et s'arrêtèrent sur sa crête. Des surpoings qui flottaient dans le vent du désert, la chaînette qu'ils obscurcissaient en partie brillait brillamment sous le soleil rude. Des marchettes immobiles, lourdement blindées comme leurs chevaliers, secouaient sous leurs rênes, et les lourdes gouvernails à l'avant de la formation plongeaient vers le bas comme des visages sombres observaient la vue ci-dessous : la milice Sarrasine avait engagé la leur tandis que la cavalerie légère de confiance relevée des terres bretonnes avait intercepté les chevaliers musulmans, empêchant une attaque de leurs homologues. Une demi-minute passa, et quand l'aile droite de la formation prit forme, le commandant de la compagnie, Cadwal de Godwyn, leva son épée haut de la main gauche et cria haut, sa voix se jetant sur les sons de fer en conflit:
"Frères-batteries! Les nobles guerriers de Dieu! Aujourd'hui, nous buvons de la coupe de gloire! CHARGE!"
C'était un court cri de ralliement, mais le bon discours avait été donné avant la bataille par Lord Godfrey. Et ainsi les chevaliers suivirent les rangs devant eux alors qu'ils commencèrent leur descente, lances couchées. Le vent fit des capes des surpoings de certains guerriers à mesure qu'ils gagnèrent de la vitesse, et comme l'ennemi grandissait à l'œil lorsque la distance se fermait, la peur fonda dans l'exaltation dans leurs cœurs lorsqu'ils acceptèrent ce qui allait venir. Cadwal, assez bien, a été celui qui a livré le premier coup : sa lance s'est brisée en attelles alors qu'elle s'est cambriolée à l'arrière d'un musulman sale. Et comme l'accusation a porté tout son poids sur les pauvres paysans dans les armes, l'ennemi a commencé à fuir dans la peur.
Le champ de bataille se reflétait sur les spectacles de Timothée au fur et à mesure qu'il les réglait. Un roulement de la roue du rouleau le zooma de la vue, et il ordonna à sa légère cavalerie de se retirer des plus lourds qu'ils harcelaient avec un clic de souris: peut-être un peu inutile, car la charge de ses chevaliers avait tellement brisé l'ennemi qu'elle libéra un bon nombre de sa milice de lances, dont une unité commençait automatiquement à harceler la cavalerie lourde musulmane.
Il regarda comme du sang brut et bidimensionnel arraché du cou sans tête d'un ennemi mourant et comme la fontaine rouge baignait le chevalier démonté qui a fait le meurtre, et le trouva bon. La bataille fut tout sauf gagnée, et il marcha aux portes de Jérusalem au tour suivant.
Portant des écouteurs dans le coin de sa chambre, Tim s'amusait avec Medieval II : Total War sur son ordinateur portable. | ##Timothy “Tim” Aquinas##
!( "Timothy")
An unassuming youth with pale skin, brown hair and emerald eyes, Timothy is lean and rather thin. Thin-framed eyeglasses sit upon the bridge of his nose, windows to eyes that brighten up in a charming, childlike way when he smiles. He stands at a good 6’0” tall, and prefers simple clothing: many of his shirts are black or grey and without print, and the ones that do have only minimalistic designs. His pants and other apparel are equally unassuming. But never is he seen without his only apparent accessory: a small pendant in the shape of an elaborate Celtic crucifix of silver, hanging from his neck by a chain.
Described by Cadwal as having a "cherub's melody," Timothy has a deceptively effeminate voice.
**Age:** 16
**Gender:** Male
*“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your Name give glory.”*
The foremost thing one might notice about Timothy is his zeal. A devout Catholic, he is well-read in the Bible and zealous. And unlike some others, Timothy has taken the teachings of the Scripture to heart, making him a genuinely friendly and caring person. Love his neighbor, love his enemy? Timothy most certainly does. Honest and loyal, his care for the well-being of others extends to the spiritual: he is convinced that those of heathen faiths – especially the People of the Book But Do Not Believe – and true unbelievers must be enlightened sooner or later. Then there are the Ones Who Come in His Name but Twist His Words, like Westboro, which he finds especially despicable.
Timothy is especially fond of literature, especially medieval history. He knows full well how Duke Enrique of Savoy invaded Monferatto from the Duke of Mantua as he had run out of patience with waiting for Emperor Rudolf of the Holy Roman Empire to answer his petition to have the mentioned territory transferred to the custody of his daughter, Margherita, as she was kicked out of the Mantuan Duke’s court for not having sired a child for her husband, the Duke’s late brother, before he died. Always hungry for more knowledge, his learning of this subject which he most adores is supplemented by the Holy Ghosts whom he summons and who are more than willing to answer his many, many questions. They may also be the reason why his favorite video game is Medieval II: Total War.
Quite softspoken, the mildness of his words is such that people are often left cynically wondering whether or not Timothy is mocking them. The sincerity with which he prays before eating his meals is viewed by some as merely an exaggeration: a mockery of those who practice Christianity. However, Timothy does not practice deceit. What he does is honest.
He believes his unique ability to summon fallen Crusaders is given to him by God.
*Esoteric Knowledge:* Timothy is well-read in obscure history books, and can regurgitate most of what he has learned, knowledge extracted from the literary works of people Like E.B Sledge, Sir Arthur Lloyd, and Peter H. Wilson. But, ever humble, Timothy only shares what he knows when the situation calls for it.
*Communicatio Larvali:* Timothy can communicate with summoned Holy Ghosts telepathically, surmounting any distance and time and in pure thought, eliminating the language barrier. Cadwal is a special case, and is an exception to the rule.
_Legiones Ecclesiae:_ At his command, Timothy can call forth Holy Ghosts of the most proactive members of the Church-Militant, namely, Crusaders. Having had this unique gift since early childhood, he has improved the ability in that he can keep indefinitely one Holy Ghost and dispel them at his whim. With a whispered plea and holding a holy symbol of Christianity (like a cross, or his pendant), Timothy beckons the departed souls of those who killed and died in the name of Christ from the ether and into the worldly earth. Fading into existence, they are then at the summoner's beck and call. However, the summoned are picked at random: Timothy does not yet have the ability to call specific people.
_Holy Ghosts_ are the summoned spirits of Christian martyrs. These can be an unknown Crusader or even someone famous like Joan of Arc. Partly transparent, hued an otherworldly blue, and possessed of bright, glowing eyes, these entities are twice as strong and fast as a man and immune to pain – but not harm. While they are ghosts in a sense, they are still shackled to following the laws of physics. However, they do not need their spectral organs to live as they are already dead. Therefore, a bullet is most effective at tearing a Holy Ghost's tendons than holing their heart.
Maintaining a Holy Ghost is done automatically by the soul but at the expense of the body. Timothy is completely alright with one summoned, but is easily winded when he has summoned two. At three and four, he is forced to sit down, with him being pale at the latter. Having five summoned simultaneously will knock him to deathly unconsciousness and will take heavy tolls on his health. While Timothy can keep one Holy Ghost indefinitely, having two or more will strain Timothy's soul so much that after fifteen minutes, they will be forcibly dispelled.
Holy Ghosts are summoned with what they had on their person the moment of their death. While her visit could potentially be a very enlightening experience, Joan of Arc would not fight at her fullest since she wore a dress during her death at the pyre. Crusaders who died in battle are more valuable in that they are usually in full gear when summoned. However, all are prized and valuable relics of the past, and some of them possess ancient knowledge no longer available in the present.
It would appear that Holy Ghosts have lost much of their personality during their centuries in limbo. What they haven't lost, however, is hatred of the heathen, the unbeliever, and the heretic.
Holy Ghosts, being soul-bound to their summoner, are able to communicate with Tim telepathically in pure thoughts, defeating language barriers.
Holy Ghosts can be seen, heard and touched by other people. However, they don't feel much due to their slightly incorporeal properties. They mimic the natural body temperature of a human being, but have got no odor of their own.
_Cadwal of Godwyn_ is a deceased English Crusader knight who perished in the First Crusade, struck down by an arrow to his thigh, knocking him off his horse, that subsequently became gangrenous and from which he did not recover. Acting as a sort of guardian angel, even he himself is not sure what is exactly at work as he shares his mind and soul with Timothy, acting as the boy's second conscience and trying to steer him towards the right path.
Cadwal "sleeps," becoming completely inactive for four hours each day. This is to relieve some of the stress of Timothy's soul from having to maintain another thought-form. Cadwal does his best to time this with Timothy's regular sleeping hours.
Born to two middle-class parents as the middle child of a litter of two boys and one girl, there isn't much to say about Timothy, considering his overall and overwhelming averageness which is offset only by his unique and (as he believes) God-given ability. While he was baptized, going to Church was never something routine for his family. Therefore, he sees his powers as a gift from God when they emerged when he was six years old.
Like many children, he thought up an imaginary friend. It was a knight, and his young mind could only describe it as "blue" and "like glass." When he was alone, he would play with the knight, and started a little game with his older brother and younger sister when he introduced the knight to them, and they made their own imaginary friends. Little did Timothy know, however, that his siblings' imagined creations were far different to what he had, for as time went on, the knight's responses became purely his own, and Timothy slowly lost the need to parrot them. Like another person living in his head, the knight would comment on day-to-day life, and when the young Timothy eyed upon a Bible, the knight energetically pleaded the boy to read it.
As little Tim read, his young mind was full of questions even from the starting book of Genesis. He would ask the knight in his head, who formally introduced himself as Cadwal of Godwyn, to explain it all for him, and he spent so many sleepless nights doing this sort of cooperative storytelling that his mother became worried at his lack of sleep and consulted a physician. On his third grade of elementary school, his family had to move elsewhere, and he was saddened by the sudden loss of friends; but Cadwal was always there and would never leave his mind. Upon his insistence, his father took him to Church one day, and was deeply happy at finally worshiping at a proper place.
As he became older and thus more aware of the sheer unnaturality of his unique ability, Tim wondered if he could do more with it. Praying to God, and after consulting Cadwal, he tried to call out an angel to advise him on what to do when his parents were divorcing. However, the only being that faded into existence was not a magnificent scion of Heaven, but a short-lasting, flickering blue ghost of a woman in armor. Timothy could not but gasp "Who are you?" at the figure, who replied with a sagely "Who I am is not important. But your faith in God is," before fading back into nothingness.
Encouraged by Cadwal, Timothy was henceforth convinced of his being blessed. Ever since then, he has been practicing and perfecting this unique ability of his by prayer and meditation.
Speaking with wizened words, Timothy prevented his parents' divorce by driving them to tears as he preached about the sanctity and inviolability of the oaths a couple takes in their marriage ceremony, with the help of his two beloved siblings.
Drowning in early adolescent male hormones, Timothy wanted to masturbate once (just to try it) but was halted by Cadwal (whom he thought was sleeping), who lectured him fiercely of the value of the "seed" and how it must not be wasted. |
52,980 | 1,435 | 119 | 554 | 1,584 | Harold s'en alla rapidement après que Thisa eut fini dans la cafétéria. Il a eu beaucoup de temps pour trouver son dortoir après tout. Comme Tim n'avait jamais fait le tour de lui montrer où c'était, il n'avait aucun indice sur l'endroit où il devait aller. Ainsi, il a commencé ses recherches.
Harold avait enfin trouvé le bon endroit après beaucoup de recherches... et, bien sûr, un peu de direction. Cependant, après s'être installé, installé son poste de travail dans sa chambre, et avait commencé à se détendre, il s'est rendu compte qu'il avait assez faim, et après l'événement dans la cafétéria, peut-être que cela avait un peu de sens. Cependant, maintenant, il a dû aller trouver plus de nourriture à cette heure. À ce titre, il a verrouillé sa chambre, pris sa clé, son téléphone et ses articles « hors-jeu » habituels, et s'est lancé dans une autre quête. Son ascenseur semblait être un jeu en ce moment, Harold pensait.
Il s'est rendu à l'extérieur, puis à une autre cafétéria. Rapidement, il a traversé la zone sur la zone. En regardant certains paysages, Harold était tout à fait en paix avec les heures relativement calmes et inhabitées du soir ici sur Campus. (Peut-être devrais-je penser à faire une promenade tous les soirs. C'est pas mal ici. Et ce sera probablement encore plus vrai vers minuit et tout).
Pendant qu'il se déplaçait dans l'une des zones de type cour à l'extérieur d'une cafétéria, Harold aurait pu jurer qu'il avait vu Thisa. Retraçant rapidement ses pas jusqu'au dernier endroit où il l'a vue, Harold se demandait si c'était vraiment Thisa. Ce n'était pas comme s'il connaissait toute la population de l'école. À cause de cela, Harold appela la fille: "Bonne soirée! Comment pouvez-vous faire cette belle nuit?" Il s'est calmement déplacé vers la fille, espérant qu'il n'est pas tombé sur lui comme un monstre ou quelque chose du genre. | Name: Saoji Makami
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Personality: Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are.
Talent: Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything.
Ability: Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals.
Bio: Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school. |
52,981 | 1,435 | 120 | 554 | 1,584 | Quand la fille qu'il pensait être Thisa n'a pas répondu, autre que le ronflement possible, Harold s'est demandé s'il y avait un problème avec elle. Décidant cette enquête guerrière, il s'approcha calmement de la fille endormie. Quand il se tenait juste à côté du banc, regardant vers le bas la fille endormie, Harold s'est rendu compte que la fille dormait. Et c'est pour ça qu'elle n'a pas répondu et qu'elle a remarqué son approche. Bien qu'il ait très bien semblé être Thisa, surtout en ce qui concerne l'écharpe et le manteau, Harold réserverait son jugement. Après tout, ce n'était pas comme si tous les deux avaient parlé de la famille ce jour-là. Peut-être qu'elle avait un frère, peut-être même un jumeau. Il ne le saurait pas encore. Il vaut mieux retenir jusqu'à ce qu'il ait au moins une certification de confiance.
En toute honnêteté, Harold a été légèrement amusé en regardant le futur-de-Thisa dormir. Normalement, il n'avait pas la chance d'observer une personne endormie, et elle était en toute honnêteté, ressemblant un peu à un chaton. Harold commençait aussi à envisager de repenser son état de santé mentale... mais encore une fois, la santé mentale n'est pas nécessaire!
Harold réfléchissait à ce qu'il fallait faire actuellement. Il pourrait laisser la fille dormir allongée, ici dans le froid... peut-être qu'il la laisserait aussi avoir un manteau ou une couverture... ou, il pourrait essayer de la réveiller. Ce serait assez grossier. Cependant, en même temps, Harold se demandait si elle avait vraiment voulu dormir aussi longtemps. Il était déjà dans les heures du soir, donc il était peu probable que l'on voudrait manquer dîner. De plus, ce n'était pas comme si elle avait apporté une couverture avec elle. Elle avait même utilisé son propre manteau comme une sorte de matelas! Si ça n'a pas dit "Je fais juste une sieste", Harold ne savait vraiment pas ce qu'il a fait. | Name: Saoji Makami
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Personality: Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are.
Talent: Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything.
Ability: Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals.
Bio: Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school. |
52,982 | 1,435 | 121 | 1,046 | 4,333 | Belle s'étirait dangereusement au-dessus de son lit, s'échappant du coin de sa bouche et baissant sur son couvre-lit quand le bruit d'une porte enclenchée s'ouvrait la réveilla avec un début. Elle a tiré de son lit, en criant,
"Je suis réveillée, je suis réveillée!"
Elle s'est cognée les lèvres un peu et a cligné, regardant autour. Ses yeux s'entrainèrent sur la porte ouverte, se lançant à cause de la lumière vive. Les bruits du couloir ont agressé sa chambre, provoquant une irritation soudaine avec elle.
Et j'étais là, en train de faire une belle sieste.
Il n'y avait rien de bien là-dedans... Muse lui répondit sérieusement, agitant sa tête noire ombreuse. Elle lui envoya un regard et secoua la tête.
"Bon, peu importe. Je suis réveillée maintenant..." Elle s'est évanouie avant d'atteindre et de frotter ses yeux fatigués. Belle n'était vraiment pas une personne de nuit, elle aimait son sommeil... Elle n'arrivait pas à dormir. Lentement, elle se leva de son lit et s'en alla dans le couloir, en sueurs et en crop top. Elle regarda d'un côté à l'autre, regardant les gens passer avec un visage vide avant de fermer lentement la porte et de retourner à son lit.
Elle a sorti son ordinateur portable de sous son lit et a commencé à continuer son dernier travail, "Devils' Fair." | **Name:** Isabelle "Belle" Freyone
**Age:** 17
**Gender:** Female
**Personality:** Belle is known to be the loner. She does enjoy the company of others, but for whatever reason she will often times run off on her own to do her own thing. Not much is known about what she does but all know that it usually has something to do with the fine arts. She will often times lock herself up in her room to work on something, or even one of the classrooms, and will stay there for days.
_Fine Arts_: Belle is what one would call a crazed artist. Whether it's painting, drawing, music, or literature, Belle has dabbled in it all. She will often times become 'enlightened' by her 'Muse' and leave suddenly to go work on something.
_Muse_: Belle has an imaginary friend she calls Muse who talks to her and gives her ideas. He's mostly just a voice inside her head but sometimes he appears to give her characters inspiration or inspiration for a drawing, or a music piece.
_Paint/Sing_: Belle can use paint, ink, or her voice to inspire an emotion. She throws paint/ink onto someone and they suddenly are overcome by a certain emotion, be it sadness, fear or happiness. She can also do this through song. (Credit to idea goes to my good friend 'FaithRose')
_Listen_: Belle has very good ears and can hear whether or not someone is being honest. She can use this skill, along with another similar skill, to ascertain the intentions of someone.
_Heart's Song_: Belle can feel/hear the heart's song of the people around her. Through this, she can know if someone is sad, happy, or feeling vindictive. She can also hear these songs from anywhere in the school within about a 5 mile radius. Sometimes it can be a blessing and sometimes a curse and she finds it very hard to zero in on a certain song.
Belle grew up in an abusive home. She, herself, was never physically abused but she definitely was mentally abused in many ways. Her father was an alcoholic and would often beat her mother and blame Belle for it, saying she was the reason he had to do this to her.
The only way Belle was able to cope was when she ran away from home. That day, she found an abandoned home with books, art and writing aplenty. There, she met Him, her Muse. He stood in the door way, standing tall like a King and greeted her. He played games with her, made her feel like a princess. They played and played and played. That day, her parents found her, but since she has found ways to sneak out to this place and play with her Muse. Eventually, he even followed her home.
Since, Belle has been shipped off to Wales, to attend a school her grandfather suggested to her mother. She, and Muse, seem to like there but tend to keep to themselves for the most part.
Belle dislikes technology and will avoid it if at all possible but she does use a laptop for some of her writing and has a cell phone for practical purposes. |
52,983 | 1,435 | 122 | 156 | 2,749 | La porte s'est ouverte, s'est heurtée au mur et a rebondi avant de s'enfoncer lentement. Poppy regarda avec surprise d'où elle était tombée sur le sol, ses douleurs au fond et sa couverture tordue autour de ses membres. Quand le choc s'est évanoui, elle a lutté pour lui arracher les couvertures, en se tapant sur le sol jusqu'à ce qu'elle réussisse finalement à les lancer.
Elle s'est cognée, debout, et a traversé la pièce jusqu'à la porte. En l'ouvrant dans son pantalon de pyjama Scooby-Doo et sa chemise grise surdimensionnée, Poppy s'est sentie embarrassée lorsqu'elle a établi un contact visuel avec un garçon qui passait. Néanmoins, elle a creusé sa main dans l'air et l'a fait signe.
Le garçon, avec un regard irrité et impatient sur son visage, engloutit la distance en deux marches, lui soupirant les yeux sur elle et croisant les bras. Quoi?
Poppy a demandé nerveusement, sentant l'animosité s'échapper de lui comme de l'eau d'un canard huilé.
"Comment ça se passe? Il a dit incrédulement et Poppy s'est cognée la tête sur le côté.
Quelle réunion?
La rencontre entre les gouvernants! — Il répondit, maintenant il voit clairement ce qu'il a fait quand il a broyé ses dents ensemble.
Poppy s'est rappelé avoir entendu quelque chose à ce sujet plus tôt, impliquant Henrietta et d'autres deux qu'elle n'avait pas eu la peine de se rappeler, et donc elle a hurlé, laissant le garçon aller sur son chemin. Elle a fermé la porte et a pensé qu'elle allait y aller, mais... Eh bien, les dirigeants semblent être assez violents allant par la réaction à cette jeune fille chevalier et Poppy ne voulait pas aller là-bas sans armes. Elle avait la tactique de l'art de la guerre dans sa tête plus tôt ce jour-là, mais elle devait être capable de se défendre.
"Hm, je pense..." Poppy a brouillé, brouillé à travers sa valise remplie de livres, brouillé autour jusqu'à ce qu'elle la trouve. C'est la première fois qu'il y a un problème.
C'était un livre qui enseignait aux autres comment s'auto-enseigner le karaté. Juste en badigeonnant ses doigts, l'eau invisible s'abattit sur son corps, l'embrassant avec l'Alaska elle-même et sa colonne vertébrale s'agrippait comme si des millions de chevaux le galopaient. Mais avec cette déplaisance vint la connaissance des positions et des coups de pied. Même si c'était une théorie, il valait mieux s'armer de quelque chose que de rien.
C'est l'heure d'y aller!
Poppy n'a même pas pris la peine de changer quand elle a glissé sur ses chaussures et sa veste, laissant son dortoir pour assister à la réunion.
J'ai l'impression que je vais le regretter.Elle a bourdonné alors que la porte claquait derrière elle. | !( "Poppy O'Conner")
**Name:** Poppy O’Conner
**Age:** 16
**Gender:** Female
**Personality:** Poppy is an awkward girl who often says the wrong things when around people she doesn’t know well. When with friends, though, Poppy is loud, talkative, and, unfortunately, punny. She doesn’t understand the point of keeping things secret, so she has no qualms with saying exactly what is going on in her life or what of the likes if someone asks her. Poppy has the unfortunate habit of bottling up her emotions and, even when telling her “sob” story, keeps a straight face or shrugs it off when people ask her how she is feeling. The blonde has a hard time connecting with people on a personal level and when she attempts to express her sadness, she is often deterred by sympathetically distant responses. She is not particularly motivated to do anything and tries to find the easiest ways to do things. Her worst habit is procrastination and most of her work does not get done until the night before it’s due.
**Talent:**_ Learner_: Poppy learns new things with relative ease and has a near perfect memory where she can store all the new information. She dabbles in most genres of information and knows many random facts.
**Ability**: _Know-It-All_: By pressing her hand anywhere on a book, or anything that holds information, she can absorb the information and remember it completely. This gives her a higher level of intelligence than most. Due to absorbing psychology books and pamphlets, Poppy can easily read people by their body language. If an animal is sick? She can check for any symptoms of the million of diseases and illnesses in her knowledge. However, after absorbing too much information, Poppy gets queasy and dizzy; if she goes past that, though she never has so far, she would probably die.
Poppy is an American and was born on an Air Force base in Florida. Her father is in the military and she has had to move around a lot for his work. Her parents were always busy with work – not that Poppy minded, because when they weren’t, the family was always hanging out – and so Poppy took up the habit of reading constantly. Because of her father’s work, Poppy’s dad would get deployed many times and Poppy would be stuck with her mother.
It wasn’t that Poppy didn’t like her mother, in fact, Poppy adored her mother...that is before her alcoholism came back after ten years of sobriety (she quit before Poppy was born). Her mother spiraled into a pit of depression and, in turn, Poppy too had begun to feel depressed. Later on, she was diagnosed with depression and anxiety and was prescribed medicine to take. Poppy, often than not, does not take her medicine because “it makes her feel funny.”
One day, when Poppy was fourteen and her father was home from deployment, the blonde girl came home to her mother crying in her bedroom, drunk as per usual, and attempting to call a rehab facility. Not knowing what to do, Poppy attempted to call her dad to help her, but he wasn’t picking up. After the police came (one of the rehab centers had called the cops on her mom to make sure she wasn’t harming herself) and Poppy finally managed to get a hold of her dad, everything just froze for Poppy. Her mother went to rehab until the week before Poppy’s fifteenth birthday, but that wasn’t what the problem was for Poppy. She discovered that, in her time of need, she was having a hard time connecting with her friends. They would tell her that “it would be alright” and that “at least your mom is getting better” but that didn’t satisfy Poppy – they felt distant.
After her mom was released, Poppy’s dad got a new job in Wales and the O’Conner family jumped at the chance to go for it was “a new start.”
Other: Poppy is terrified of not being able to control herself (therefore, she stays away from drugs, alcohol and such and such) |
52,984 | 1,435 | 123 | 2,176 | 944 | Heureusement, le rugissement de la bataille avait pris fin et à sa place, la musique légère de la carte de campagne caressait doucement les oreilles de Timothy. Ainsi, il a pu entendre les coups sur sa porte, et répondre correctement au frêle. Retiré de son ordinateur portable, et sans ses lunettes de marque, il a trouvé Aiden debout dans sa porte, bras croisés et le regardant avec impatience.
"Je me demandais où vous étiez," a dit l'invitée non invitée, plutôt émouvante.
-- Eh bien, maintenant vous savez.
"Pourquoi êtes-vous ici au lieu de là-bas? Allez, frérot, la rencontre va commencer! »
"Ah," la réalisation a élargi les yeux de Tim. "Ça."
"Oui, ça. Ça n'a aucun sens de rester dans ta chambre comme un solitaire, frérot, on doit y aller!"
"Je t'ai dit que je n'avais pas-ahh, sale Américain-!" Tim a trouvé son poignet saisi, et à peine réussi à attraper ses lunettes de la table d'entrée avant d'être traîné de force en bas. | ##Timothy “Tim” Aquinas##
!( "Timothy")
An unassuming youth with pale skin, brown hair and emerald eyes, Timothy is lean and rather thin. Thin-framed eyeglasses sit upon the bridge of his nose, windows to eyes that brighten up in a charming, childlike way when he smiles. He stands at a good 6’0” tall, and prefers simple clothing: many of his shirts are black or grey and without print, and the ones that do have only minimalistic designs. His pants and other apparel are equally unassuming. But never is he seen without his only apparent accessory: a small pendant in the shape of an elaborate Celtic crucifix of silver, hanging from his neck by a chain.
Described by Cadwal as having a "cherub's melody," Timothy has a deceptively effeminate voice.
**Age:** 16
**Gender:** Male
*“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your Name give glory.”*
The foremost thing one might notice about Timothy is his zeal. A devout Catholic, he is well-read in the Bible and zealous. And unlike some others, Timothy has taken the teachings of the Scripture to heart, making him a genuinely friendly and caring person. Love his neighbor, love his enemy? Timothy most certainly does. Honest and loyal, his care for the well-being of others extends to the spiritual: he is convinced that those of heathen faiths – especially the People of the Book But Do Not Believe – and true unbelievers must be enlightened sooner or later. Then there are the Ones Who Come in His Name but Twist His Words, like Westboro, which he finds especially despicable.
Timothy is especially fond of literature, especially medieval history. He knows full well how Duke Enrique of Savoy invaded Monferatto from the Duke of Mantua as he had run out of patience with waiting for Emperor Rudolf of the Holy Roman Empire to answer his petition to have the mentioned territory transferred to the custody of his daughter, Margherita, as she was kicked out of the Mantuan Duke’s court for not having sired a child for her husband, the Duke’s late brother, before he died. Always hungry for more knowledge, his learning of this subject which he most adores is supplemented by the Holy Ghosts whom he summons and who are more than willing to answer his many, many questions. They may also be the reason why his favorite video game is Medieval II: Total War.
Quite softspoken, the mildness of his words is such that people are often left cynically wondering whether or not Timothy is mocking them. The sincerity with which he prays before eating his meals is viewed by some as merely an exaggeration: a mockery of those who practice Christianity. However, Timothy does not practice deceit. What he does is honest.
He believes his unique ability to summon fallen Crusaders is given to him by God.
*Esoteric Knowledge:* Timothy is well-read in obscure history books, and can regurgitate most of what he has learned, knowledge extracted from the literary works of people Like E.B Sledge, Sir Arthur Lloyd, and Peter H. Wilson. But, ever humble, Timothy only shares what he knows when the situation calls for it.
*Communicatio Larvali:* Timothy can communicate with summoned Holy Ghosts telepathically, surmounting any distance and time and in pure thought, eliminating the language barrier. Cadwal is a special case, and is an exception to the rule.
_Legiones Ecclesiae:_ At his command, Timothy can call forth Holy Ghosts of the most proactive members of the Church-Militant, namely, Crusaders. Having had this unique gift since early childhood, he has improved the ability in that he can keep indefinitely one Holy Ghost and dispel them at his whim. With a whispered plea and holding a holy symbol of Christianity (like a cross, or his pendant), Timothy beckons the departed souls of those who killed and died in the name of Christ from the ether and into the worldly earth. Fading into existence, they are then at the summoner's beck and call. However, the summoned are picked at random: Timothy does not yet have the ability to call specific people.
_Holy Ghosts_ are the summoned spirits of Christian martyrs. These can be an unknown Crusader or even someone famous like Joan of Arc. Partly transparent, hued an otherworldly blue, and possessed of bright, glowing eyes, these entities are twice as strong and fast as a man and immune to pain – but not harm. While they are ghosts in a sense, they are still shackled to following the laws of physics. However, they do not need their spectral organs to live as they are already dead. Therefore, a bullet is most effective at tearing a Holy Ghost's tendons than holing their heart.
Maintaining a Holy Ghost is done automatically by the soul but at the expense of the body. Timothy is completely alright with one summoned, but is easily winded when he has summoned two. At three and four, he is forced to sit down, with him being pale at the latter. Having five summoned simultaneously will knock him to deathly unconsciousness and will take heavy tolls on his health. While Timothy can keep one Holy Ghost indefinitely, having two or more will strain Timothy's soul so much that after fifteen minutes, they will be forcibly dispelled.
Holy Ghosts are summoned with what they had on their person the moment of their death. While her visit could potentially be a very enlightening experience, Joan of Arc would not fight at her fullest since she wore a dress during her death at the pyre. Crusaders who died in battle are more valuable in that they are usually in full gear when summoned. However, all are prized and valuable relics of the past, and some of them possess ancient knowledge no longer available in the present.
It would appear that Holy Ghosts have lost much of their personality during their centuries in limbo. What they haven't lost, however, is hatred of the heathen, the unbeliever, and the heretic.
Holy Ghosts, being soul-bound to their summoner, are able to communicate with Tim telepathically in pure thoughts, defeating language barriers.
Holy Ghosts can be seen, heard and touched by other people. However, they don't feel much due to their slightly incorporeal properties. They mimic the natural body temperature of a human being, but have got no odor of their own.
_Cadwal of Godwyn_ is a deceased English Crusader knight who perished in the First Crusade, struck down by an arrow to his thigh, knocking him off his horse, that subsequently became gangrenous and from which he did not recover. Acting as a sort of guardian angel, even he himself is not sure what is exactly at work as he shares his mind and soul with Timothy, acting as the boy's second conscience and trying to steer him towards the right path.
Cadwal "sleeps," becoming completely inactive for four hours each day. This is to relieve some of the stress of Timothy's soul from having to maintain another thought-form. Cadwal does his best to time this with Timothy's regular sleeping hours.
Born to two middle-class parents as the middle child of a litter of two boys and one girl, there isn't much to say about Timothy, considering his overall and overwhelming averageness which is offset only by his unique and (as he believes) God-given ability. While he was baptized, going to Church was never something routine for his family. Therefore, he sees his powers as a gift from God when they emerged when he was six years old.
Like many children, he thought up an imaginary friend. It was a knight, and his young mind could only describe it as "blue" and "like glass." When he was alone, he would play with the knight, and started a little game with his older brother and younger sister when he introduced the knight to them, and they made their own imaginary friends. Little did Timothy know, however, that his siblings' imagined creations were far different to what he had, for as time went on, the knight's responses became purely his own, and Timothy slowly lost the need to parrot them. Like another person living in his head, the knight would comment on day-to-day life, and when the young Timothy eyed upon a Bible, the knight energetically pleaded the boy to read it.
As little Tim read, his young mind was full of questions even from the starting book of Genesis. He would ask the knight in his head, who formally introduced himself as Cadwal of Godwyn, to explain it all for him, and he spent so many sleepless nights doing this sort of cooperative storytelling that his mother became worried at his lack of sleep and consulted a physician. On his third grade of elementary school, his family had to move elsewhere, and he was saddened by the sudden loss of friends; but Cadwal was always there and would never leave his mind. Upon his insistence, his father took him to Church one day, and was deeply happy at finally worshiping at a proper place.
As he became older and thus more aware of the sheer unnaturality of his unique ability, Tim wondered if he could do more with it. Praying to God, and after consulting Cadwal, he tried to call out an angel to advise him on what to do when his parents were divorcing. However, the only being that faded into existence was not a magnificent scion of Heaven, but a short-lasting, flickering blue ghost of a woman in armor. Timothy could not but gasp "Who are you?" at the figure, who replied with a sagely "Who I am is not important. But your faith in God is," before fading back into nothingness.
Encouraged by Cadwal, Timothy was henceforth convinced of his being blessed. Ever since then, he has been practicing and perfecting this unique ability of his by prayer and meditation.
Speaking with wizened words, Timothy prevented his parents' divorce by driving them to tears as he preached about the sanctity and inviolability of the oaths a couple takes in their marriage ceremony, with the help of his two beloved siblings.
Drowning in early adolescent male hormones, Timothy wanted to masturbate once (just to try it) but was halted by Cadwal (whom he thought was sleeping), who lectured him fiercely of the value of the "seed" and how it must not be wasted. |
52,985 | 1,435 | 124 | 2,465 | 3,276 | Au terrain de football #1 trente minutes avant la réunion, un spectacle spectaculaire se déroulait. Comme c'était l'heure de la nuit, les élèves, qui ont dû régner dans le jour et s'empêcher d'utiliser leurs capacités, où aller tout-en-tout avec leurs capacités. Tout le terrain de football s'était transformé en une terre merveilleuse, tout droit sorti d'un conte de fées.
De grands arbres surplombant des centaines de mètres de haut sont apparus à la vie dans des endroits aléatoires. Les adolescents sautaient d'une branche à l'autre ou ils volaient simplement en boucles et en courbes à travers eux. Certains d'entre eux avaient des ailes brillantes de différentes formes: ailes papillons, ailes de chauve-souris, ailes d'anges blancs brillants. De grands animaux, tout droit sortis d'un livre de fantaisie, volaient sans entrave. Un papillon géant aussi grand qu'un immeuble d'appartements volait au-dessus de la zone, transportant des enfants qui sautaient tout droit de son dos avec des yelps excités. Un dragon volait bas et tournait en rond, portant une bande d'une personne qui dirigeait un orchestre compromis de centaines d'instruments flottants qui exsudaient des notes musicales éclatantes pendant qu'ils jouaient.
D'autres élèves nageaient dans une sphère géante d'eau flottant juste au-dessus de la forêt soudaine. Un Pegasus transportant un homme s'est effondré et a attrapé une personne aléatoire de temps en temps, et l'adolescent jetterait gaiement l'élève surpris directement dans le corps géant de l'eau.
Des araignées de glace et des piliers de feu dansaient du sol et se tournaient dans le ciel, et la foudre craquait et boomait en réponse suivie de tornades soudaines ou même d'une vague de marée occasionnelle venant de nulle part. Certaines régions ont neigeé, d'autres ont plu, d'autres ont été ensoleillées et lumineuses. Une aurore multicolore brille dans le ciel et plusieurs personnes glissent sur un pont en arc-en-ciel littéral.
Tout le champ ressemblait à un diorama de couleurs et de lumières. Les têtes et les corps jaillissaient du sol, les esprits et les apparitions devinrent soudain visibles et apparurent et disparurent à intervalles aléatoires. Rire, applaudir et crier pouvaient être entendus de partout où vous alliez. | Name: Saoji Makami
Gender: Male
Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are.
Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything.
Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals.
Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school. |
52,986 | 1,435 | 125 | 2,176 | 944 | La variété et l'intensité pures, les explosions de couleur et de lumière, ont secoué Timothy, et ses yeux élargis à la taille des assiettes de dîner. Les arbres qui atteignaient les étoiles continuaient de croître à sa gauche, et les étudiants qui planaient sur de magnifiques ailes d'ange décrivaient des boucles et des arcs dans l'air à sa droite. Il n'était pas sûr de l'expression faciale à prendre, telle était son incrédulité, et la nouveauté et l'intensité de ce qui se passait devant ses yeux le remplissaient d'excitation et de peur.
"Ainsi," il étendit ses bras, comme pour prendre tout le spectacle à leur portée et le comprimer en quelque chose de plus gérable, "est-ce ce que j'ai manqué?"
"Je vous l'ai dit, il n'y a aucun sens d'être un solitaire," un smug Aiden sourit. "Toujours troué dans ta chambre. Pourquoi, mec?"
"Eh bien," Timothy semblait encore ébloui, et ne regardait pas en arrière dans les yeux de sa connaissance. "La voix dans ma tête ne veut pas de moi ici."
"Voix dans ta tête? Ça veut dire que tu es un médium? Vous ne m'avez pas encore montré votre pouvoir."
Timothy s'est maudit mentalement pour avoir laissé l'indice sortir de sa langue. Regaining his focus, il renvoya le regard d'Aiden, se demandant s'il fallait ou non le renvoyer avec un autre mais intentionnel et ludique regard dans ses pouvoirs, mais finalement décider contre elle. Il lui a donc fallu un moment pour parler : "Vous le verrez quand le moment viendra."
Aiden a commencé à protester, mais il l'a coupé. "De toute façon," Timothy a pointé vers une bête saine en fourrure blanche immaculée alors qu'il marchait vers elle. "Je ne crois pas que j'ai jamais monté une licorne avant!" | ##Timothy “Tim” Aquinas##
!( "Timothy")
An unassuming youth with pale skin, brown hair and emerald eyes, Timothy is lean and rather thin. Thin-framed eyeglasses sit upon the bridge of his nose, windows to eyes that brighten up in a charming, childlike way when he smiles. He stands at a good 6’0” tall, and prefers simple clothing: many of his shirts are black or grey and without print, and the ones that do have only minimalistic designs. His pants and other apparel are equally unassuming. But never is he seen without his only apparent accessory: a small pendant in the shape of an elaborate Celtic crucifix of silver, hanging from his neck by a chain.
Described by Cadwal as having a "cherub's melody," Timothy has a deceptively effeminate voice.
**Age:** 16
**Gender:** Male
*“Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your Name give glory.”*
The foremost thing one might notice about Timothy is his zeal. A devout Catholic, he is well-read in the Bible and zealous. And unlike some others, Timothy has taken the teachings of the Scripture to heart, making him a genuinely friendly and caring person. Love his neighbor, love his enemy? Timothy most certainly does. Honest and loyal, his care for the well-being of others extends to the spiritual: he is convinced that those of heathen faiths – especially the People of the Book But Do Not Believe – and true unbelievers must be enlightened sooner or later. Then there are the Ones Who Come in His Name but Twist His Words, like Westboro, which he finds especially despicable.
Timothy is especially fond of literature, especially medieval history. He knows full well how Duke Enrique of Savoy invaded Monferatto from the Duke of Mantua as he had run out of patience with waiting for Emperor Rudolf of the Holy Roman Empire to answer his petition to have the mentioned territory transferred to the custody of his daughter, Margherita, as she was kicked out of the Mantuan Duke’s court for not having sired a child for her husband, the Duke’s late brother, before he died. Always hungry for more knowledge, his learning of this subject which he most adores is supplemented by the Holy Ghosts whom he summons and who are more than willing to answer his many, many questions. They may also be the reason why his favorite video game is Medieval II: Total War.
Quite softspoken, the mildness of his words is such that people are often left cynically wondering whether or not Timothy is mocking them. The sincerity with which he prays before eating his meals is viewed by some as merely an exaggeration: a mockery of those who practice Christianity. However, Timothy does not practice deceit. What he does is honest.
He believes his unique ability to summon fallen Crusaders is given to him by God.
*Esoteric Knowledge:* Timothy is well-read in obscure history books, and can regurgitate most of what he has learned, knowledge extracted from the literary works of people Like E.B Sledge, Sir Arthur Lloyd, and Peter H. Wilson. But, ever humble, Timothy only shares what he knows when the situation calls for it.
*Communicatio Larvali:* Timothy can communicate with summoned Holy Ghosts telepathically, surmounting any distance and time and in pure thought, eliminating the language barrier. Cadwal is a special case, and is an exception to the rule.
_Legiones Ecclesiae:_ At his command, Timothy can call forth Holy Ghosts of the most proactive members of the Church-Militant, namely, Crusaders. Having had this unique gift since early childhood, he has improved the ability in that he can keep indefinitely one Holy Ghost and dispel them at his whim. With a whispered plea and holding a holy symbol of Christianity (like a cross, or his pendant), Timothy beckons the departed souls of those who killed and died in the name of Christ from the ether and into the worldly earth. Fading into existence, they are then at the summoner's beck and call. However, the summoned are picked at random: Timothy does not yet have the ability to call specific people.
_Holy Ghosts_ are the summoned spirits of Christian martyrs. These can be an unknown Crusader or even someone famous like Joan of Arc. Partly transparent, hued an otherworldly blue, and possessed of bright, glowing eyes, these entities are twice as strong and fast as a man and immune to pain – but not harm. While they are ghosts in a sense, they are still shackled to following the laws of physics. However, they do not need their spectral organs to live as they are already dead. Therefore, a bullet is most effective at tearing a Holy Ghost's tendons than holing their heart.
Maintaining a Holy Ghost is done automatically by the soul but at the expense of the body. Timothy is completely alright with one summoned, but is easily winded when he has summoned two. At three and four, he is forced to sit down, with him being pale at the latter. Having five summoned simultaneously will knock him to deathly unconsciousness and will take heavy tolls on his health. While Timothy can keep one Holy Ghost indefinitely, having two or more will strain Timothy's soul so much that after fifteen minutes, they will be forcibly dispelled.
Holy Ghosts are summoned with what they had on their person the moment of their death. While her visit could potentially be a very enlightening experience, Joan of Arc would not fight at her fullest since she wore a dress during her death at the pyre. Crusaders who died in battle are more valuable in that they are usually in full gear when summoned. However, all are prized and valuable relics of the past, and some of them possess ancient knowledge no longer available in the present.
It would appear that Holy Ghosts have lost much of their personality during their centuries in limbo. What they haven't lost, however, is hatred of the heathen, the unbeliever, and the heretic.
Holy Ghosts, being soul-bound to their summoner, are able to communicate with Tim telepathically in pure thoughts, defeating language barriers.
Holy Ghosts can be seen, heard and touched by other people. However, they don't feel much due to their slightly incorporeal properties. They mimic the natural body temperature of a human being, but have got no odor of their own.
_Cadwal of Godwyn_ is a deceased English Crusader knight who perished in the First Crusade, struck down by an arrow to his thigh, knocking him off his horse, that subsequently became gangrenous and from which he did not recover. Acting as a sort of guardian angel, even he himself is not sure what is exactly at work as he shares his mind and soul with Timothy, acting as the boy's second conscience and trying to steer him towards the right path.
Cadwal "sleeps," becoming completely inactive for four hours each day. This is to relieve some of the stress of Timothy's soul from having to maintain another thought-form. Cadwal does his best to time this with Timothy's regular sleeping hours.
Born to two middle-class parents as the middle child of a litter of two boys and one girl, there isn't much to say about Timothy, considering his overall and overwhelming averageness which is offset only by his unique and (as he believes) God-given ability. While he was baptized, going to Church was never something routine for his family. Therefore, he sees his powers as a gift from God when they emerged when he was six years old.
Like many children, he thought up an imaginary friend. It was a knight, and his young mind could only describe it as "blue" and "like glass." When he was alone, he would play with the knight, and started a little game with his older brother and younger sister when he introduced the knight to them, and they made their own imaginary friends. Little did Timothy know, however, that his siblings' imagined creations were far different to what he had, for as time went on, the knight's responses became purely his own, and Timothy slowly lost the need to parrot them. Like another person living in his head, the knight would comment on day-to-day life, and when the young Timothy eyed upon a Bible, the knight energetically pleaded the boy to read it.
As little Tim read, his young mind was full of questions even from the starting book of Genesis. He would ask the knight in his head, who formally introduced himself as Cadwal of Godwyn, to explain it all for him, and he spent so many sleepless nights doing this sort of cooperative storytelling that his mother became worried at his lack of sleep and consulted a physician. On his third grade of elementary school, his family had to move elsewhere, and he was saddened by the sudden loss of friends; but Cadwal was always there and would never leave his mind. Upon his insistence, his father took him to Church one day, and was deeply happy at finally worshiping at a proper place.
As he became older and thus more aware of the sheer unnaturality of his unique ability, Tim wondered if he could do more with it. Praying to God, and after consulting Cadwal, he tried to call out an angel to advise him on what to do when his parents were divorcing. However, the only being that faded into existence was not a magnificent scion of Heaven, but a short-lasting, flickering blue ghost of a woman in armor. Timothy could not but gasp "Who are you?" at the figure, who replied with a sagely "Who I am is not important. But your faith in God is," before fading back into nothingness.
Encouraged by Cadwal, Timothy was henceforth convinced of his being blessed. Ever since then, he has been practicing and perfecting this unique ability of his by prayer and meditation.
Speaking with wizened words, Timothy prevented his parents' divorce by driving them to tears as he preached about the sanctity and inviolability of the oaths a couple takes in their marriage ceremony, with the help of his two beloved siblings.
Drowning in early adolescent male hormones, Timothy wanted to masturbate once (just to try it) but was halted by Cadwal (whom he thought was sleeping), who lectured him fiercely of the value of the "seed" and how it must not be wasted. |
52,987 | 1,435 | 126 | 2,465 | 3,276 | Soudain, une grande voix booma dans tout le champ.
"Louise Sophoro est arrivée!"
Tout de suite, les gens dans l'air se sont dégagés, comme si sur le signal. Une fois l'air complètement vide, quelque chose a commencé à se produire: Un seul bloc de pierre sombre est apparu dans l'air, rapidement suivi par un autre, puis un autre et puis un autre. Bientôt tout le ciel fut rempli de milliers de ces pierres sombres. Ils ont commencé à se réassembler, s'empilant les uns sur les autres, formant des tours, des murs, des contreforts, des parapets, des crénelations et des passerelles.
Quand ils ont fini, un grand château obsidien s'est posé sur le terrain, jetant une ombre sombre sur lui. Un étrange froid émaillé de la grande structure, qui a ignoré les vêtements ou les couvertures et vous a frappé à travers les os et saisi votre âme. Là, à la tour du centre, se trouvait une Louise très endormie. Elle s'habillait, bien sûr, dans le pyjama et le short court de spaghetti - pas qu'elle semblait s'en soucier. Louise était flanquée de deux gardes. L'un d'eux était responsable de la création du château.
"Oh mec, Sky Castle Oblivion me donne toujours les frissons quand je le vois," a commenté un étudiant aléatoire. Il regardait la grande structure avec un mélange d'admiration et de peur; il n'était pas le seul.
"Oui? Si la petite émission du consul Louise était la norme, nous verrons aussi les châteaux de la reine Henrietta et du roi Winston. » Les titres 'King' et 'Queen' n'ont pas dit sarcastiquement, pas quand il est venu aux gouvernants, et surtout pas après avoir vu leurs châteaux. Bien sûr, ils n'étaient pas des châteaux au sens strict du terme, comme les nouveaux venus le verraient bientôt.
Peu de temps après, une autre voix a été entendue, c'est tout aussi fort mais plus féminin.
"Winston Chill est arrivé!"
Il est sorti du terrain de football à côté d'eux. Il s'est levé, absurdement grand pour ce qu'il était; un porte-avions, complet avec des jets et des dragons et avec un drapeau hissé sur le pont de commandement. Il y avait des rangées de tourelles et de canons alignés sur le côté, mais ils n'étaient pas habités. Il a fait pour une vue intimidante, mais n'a pas tout à fait le même effet sur tout le monde que le Château Oblivion a eu, mais puis encore, il n'a pas besoin de.
Winston Chill lui-même était à l'avant-garde; il était un jeune homme aux cheveux bruns minces aux traits nobles, et portait un pantalon de jogging et un pull. Même de loin, il y avait quelque chose de vraiment charismatique chez le garçon. Il était le centre de l'attention, pas son 'Castle' et tout le monde semblait le reconnaître. Tout son groupe était aligné derrière lui en agitant les gens en bas.
"Haha! Je me suis toujours demandé d'où il venait, le "HMS Mars". Sérieusement, il garde le nom de son "Castle-Maker" secret, donc nous n'avons aucune idée de qui a fait la chose et comment."
"Ah, eh bien ce n'est qu'une de ses choses, "il y a un certain pouvoir dans le secret" c'est ce qu'il a dit."
L'élève au hasard est soupiré. Puis ils ont regardé avec un sourire attendu. "Maintenant. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Il était temps pour la reine Henrietta de se présenter, hein?"
"Oh mon garçon, c'est l'heure du canard."
Juste à ce moment, inopiné, un dragon est apparu. Non, appeler ça un dragon, c'était comme appeler le château de Louise une maison en briques, ou le porte-avions de Winston un bateau. Ce n'était pas un dragon ; c'était un béhémoth géant en forme de dragon!
Des écailles d'or, de grands yeux en or fondu et de grandes dents d'argent; un corps si grand qu'il a éclipsé tout ce qui l'a précédé, et une envergure qui a presque couvert toute l'école. Il a survolé les châteaux de Louise et Wintson parce qu'il n'y avait pas de place pour ça. Sur le dos était une acropole qui regardait le grec dans le design, avec une réplique du Parthénon d'Athéna à son centre même. Elle exsudait et une aura de pouvoir qui la rendait plus brillante que la normale.
"Et voilà, la Magna Divina. J'ai entendu dire que cela signifie Grand Divin en latin. Beaucoup de gens préfèrent l'appeler Smaug."
"Vous plaisantez? C'est bien plus gros que Smaug! »
Henrietta, bien sûr, était quelque part elle pouvait être vue: Sur la tête du grand dragon, en pyjama blanc fin et soyeux qui s'étendait sur ses pieds et une veste rouge foncé au-dessus. Bien qu'elle ait l'air de se réveiller, elle était toujours aussi belle, avec ses longs cheveux dorés volant dans le vent et ses yeux bleus regardant tout le monde. Avec ou sans préparation, elle serait toujours la personne la plus attrayante de l'école.
"Henrietta Fawkes est arrivée!"
Tout le monde a regardé ces trois en admiration, surtout les nouveaux venus. Il y avait quelque chose à propos de ces structures et des gens qu'ils transportaient qui se sentaient si puissants.
Un des nouveaux venus est tombé sur Timothy. "Oh, désolé pour ça. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Mais wow! Ces choses sont juste. C'est ce que j'ai dit. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Je me demande, si je deviens Règne, pourrais-je avoir un château comme ça? Je devrais peut-être lancer un défi. C'est ce que j'ai dit. ."
Avec la réunion de ces trois, la rencontre allait commencer. | Name: Saoji Makami
Gender: Male
Humble and wise. Knows how to choose his battles. Usually analyzes the behavior in those around him; and predicts the person they truly are.
Saoji found that he is able to persuade many unskilled individuals to his cause by telling them harsh truths about reality. "Unlocking the mind" as what others may call it. He is able to debate with someone until they finally give in and agrees with him. He believes that the world around them has been corrupted, therefore, he uses this as a means of making the world a better place. However, ever since attending the school, this task has been difficult for him. Everyone seems to have their own agenda, therefore, convincing them to change for the better has been a tough one. Also, if one individual's mind is strong enough, he is not able to convince them of anything.
Dream sequences - The ability to give an individual a dream like state if the individual is caught daydreaming or is asleep. Within these sequences, he can manipulate the dream into whatever he desires. Usually he would make someone dream of a world without evil and corruption. Sometimes, he may even joke around and manipulate one's own desires and use that against them in the real world. While giving the dream state, his pupils turn hazel and he becomes focused on the individuals.
Saoji Mikami, one of many students who has a superior sense of reasoning. Saoji grew up with a healthy set of parents, however, he considered himself the black sheep between his older brother and older sister. He clung to the shadows, paranoid of the violent world around him. He found that he was very passive, but when confronted, he becomes aggressive. He seems to know a bit of martial arts as well. Before attending the school, his father allowed him to have his most precious hand crafted sword made of a special material. When sticking to the shadows, Saoji keeps this sword on hand. He grew up believing that many around him were below him mentally, as if they've shown no proof of being smart to live safely. His father, unknowingly to him, had enemies. His father owned a growing company that many others wanted for themselves. Fortunately, his father was able to evade the assassination attempts but failed to keep Saoji safe since he was attending the school. Saoji is now aware that there was no way he could contact his family any longer, they were far away with no record of their whereabouts...Saoji is alone. His father's enemies started coming after him, therefore, he protects himself with the training his father gave him, his sword, and using the shadows to his advantage. He's not sure if the other students are aware of his secluded being, but if they are not...a potential dangers could threaten the entire school. |
52,988 | 1,435 | 127 | 156 | 2,749 | Le champ était grand et le chaos prospérait dedans. Poppy se trouva timidement en train de se déplacer dans l'endroit, en espérant qu'elle avait gagné une puissance plus froide au lieu d'insta-learn. Un petit dragon chinois comme quelque chose s'est retourné devant elle et a chevauché un haut de celui-ci était un garçon qui lui a hurlé dessus. Poppy sourit et agita, sentant un sentiment de désir de monter sur un monstre de dragon. Pas de chance, les écailles chatoyantes ont disparu de sa vue et dans les nuages. Les couleurs ont semblé exploser devant ses yeux et la vibration a frappé plus que jamais en présence des enseignants. En mordant sa lèvre, Poppy colombe dans un tas de neige à proximité et a commencé à faire un ange de la neige. C'est là qu'elle l'a vu.
Un château!
Un avion!
Un dragon de Dieu!
Poppy ne pouvait pas empêcher sa bouche de tomber. C'était la chose la plus importante qu'elle ait jamais vue et elle enviait Henrietta. Une partie de Poppy voulait rejoindre son gang ou n'importe quoi juste pour qu'elle puisse monter ce truc flippant! Des écailles d'or clignaient sur elle comme des richesses et des ailes taraudantes étendaient une telle distance que Poppy ne pouvait même pas estimer combien de temps il était. La blonde siffla sous son souffle et trébucha à ses pieds, frappant presque quelqu'un à côté d'elle. | !( "Poppy O'Conner")
**Name:** Poppy O’Conner
**Age:** 16
**Gender:** Female
**Personality:** Poppy is an awkward girl who often says the wrong things when around people she doesn’t know well. When with friends, though, Poppy is loud, talkative, and, unfortunately, punny. She doesn’t understand the point of keeping things secret, so she has no qualms with saying exactly what is going on in her life or what of the likes if someone asks her. Poppy has the unfortunate habit of bottling up her emotions and, even when telling her “sob” story, keeps a straight face or shrugs it off when people ask her how she is feeling. The blonde has a hard time connecting with people on a personal level and when she attempts to express her sadness, she is often deterred by sympathetically distant responses. She is not particularly motivated to do anything and tries to find the easiest ways to do things. Her worst habit is procrastination and most of her work does not get done until the night before it’s due.
**Talent:**_ Learner_: Poppy learns new things with relative ease and has a near perfect memory where she can store all the new information. She dabbles in most genres of information and knows many random facts.
**Ability**: _Know-It-All_: By pressing her hand anywhere on a book, or anything that holds information, she can absorb the information and remember it completely. This gives her a higher level of intelligence than most. Due to absorbing psychology books and pamphlets, Poppy can easily read people by their body language. If an animal is sick? She can check for any symptoms of the million of diseases and illnesses in her knowledge. However, after absorbing too much information, Poppy gets queasy and dizzy; if she goes past that, though she never has so far, she would probably die.
Poppy is an American and was born on an Air Force base in Florida. Her father is in the military and she has had to move around a lot for his work. Her parents were always busy with work – not that Poppy minded, because when they weren’t, the family was always hanging out – and so Poppy took up the habit of reading constantly. Because of her father’s work, Poppy’s dad would get deployed many times and Poppy would be stuck with her mother.
It wasn’t that Poppy didn’t like her mother, in fact, Poppy adored her mother...that is before her alcoholism came back after ten years of sobriety (she quit before Poppy was born). Her mother spiraled into a pit of depression and, in turn, Poppy too had begun to feel depressed. Later on, she was diagnosed with depression and anxiety and was prescribed medicine to take. Poppy, often than not, does not take her medicine because “it makes her feel funny.”
One day, when Poppy was fourteen and her father was home from deployment, the blonde girl came home to her mother crying in her bedroom, drunk as per usual, and attempting to call a rehab facility. Not knowing what to do, Poppy attempted to call her dad to help her, but he wasn’t picking up. After the police came (one of the rehab centers had called the cops on her mom to make sure she wasn’t harming herself) and Poppy finally managed to get a hold of her dad, everything just froze for Poppy. Her mother went to rehab until the week before Poppy’s fifteenth birthday, but that wasn’t what the problem was for Poppy. She discovered that, in her time of need, she was having a hard time connecting with her friends. They would tell her that “it would be alright” and that “at least your mom is getting better” but that didn’t satisfy Poppy – they felt distant.
After her mom was released, Poppy’s dad got a new job in Wales and the O’Conner family jumped at the chance to go for it was “a new start.”
Other: Poppy is terrified of not being able to control herself (therefore, she stays away from drugs, alcohol and such and such) |
52,989 | 1,436 | 0 | 1,855 | 720 | Dimanche Heure du déjeuner
Fin d'automne, Sol City
Le parc de Corona était une mer de feuilles dorées et le soleil pendait plus bas causant l'herbe que prendre un effet légèrement doré. Les plantes brillantes de l'été étaient mortes et ont été remplacées par les tonalités d'automne et la croûte de feuilles séchées sur les chemins sinueux de la promenade forestière.
Dans les villes vieux port l'ancien entrepôt appartements se distinguait brillamment dans le port, brique battu par des décennies de rudes conditions météorologiques et de peinture d'anciennes compagnies encore vaguement viables bien que beaucoup maintenant où appartements et magasins branchés..
Le temps avait commencé à se tourner lentement vers l'hiver, les nuits où se dessinent et le soleil Sat plus bas dans le ciel. Toujours Sol City était brillant, les lattes d'épices de citrouille vendues par les milliers dans les cafés et les lumières brillantes de Centre Point ont glissé visible pendant des miles malgré les saisons changeantes. | Marilania (Romus), Olympus
(double barreled, somewhat a name she hides)
Age: 27
Appearance: fairly Athletic, long straight Blonde and with a penchant for skirts she remained in good shape after professional sports, though now is quite abit off her competition times. Always wearing a silver necklace in the style of 3 moons linked together gifted from an old friend, and a fair sized diamond ring that belonged to her grandmother which she values above all other things.
She has a distinct knife wound scar on stomach she tries to downplay and looks much like her mother but has eyes nearly identical to her father in a fairly cold grey.
Sometimes seen in more normal clothes, other times wears a flight suit with range of patches from a few airlines and UK flag for work and vintage aviators picked up on her travels. Otherwise favours UK/European clothing brands and styles.
Distinct English Accent despite travels
Height: 5’5
Weight: 130 pounds
Driving, Mostly SUV and off roaders.
Exploring old ruins and local towns
Awful movies
Rock music
Crash landings
being a passenger
Deceptions, lies and intriques
Ultra packed locations
Cold weather/places
Long term ties to where she lives
Being judged for her Family name/appearance
Zodiac Sign: TAURUS
Special Talent: Able to make a Chocolate filled pancake with chocolate between two layers of pancake,
Very quick to adapt to new cities.
Profession: qualified pilot and Co Crew on a local cargo. Helicopters and short haul airline flights respectively. (also works in there small inner city office when not flying cago's and does general paperwork related to aircraft)
Bio/Personality: Daughter of an English wealthy family, her mother Maria raised her alone after her father Vesarian a captain and owner of a shipping enterprise involved in several less than above board jobs left her before she was born.
Raised on the family estate she was taught for her younger years quickly learning to be fluent in both Latin and English as an old family tradition dictated. Sent off to a private academy when she was barely in secondary education, she soon found her skills after an injury on running track in the swimming pool and won multiple awards in various championships. Though this time was not all easy, being away from family for so long, being abandoned as a child and a lack of a “home” took its toll and made her distant and also reserved.
Things turned round when she took a flying lesson for fun as part of the academies extracurricular programme; she soon took to it and passed her full license just before she was 18.
Returning home to her family, the manufacturing business was turning nasty and a rival firm moving meant her happy reunion was shortlived soon sucked into the internal battles, rivalries internal and external that had plagued the family for decades. Worse still when a mugging went wrong left her with a now scar she hides on her stomach she decided to try and find her own way and escape her family’s internal pull down into its darkside of wealth.
Meeting her step sister Victoria and her father just before she left was the final straw and headed off and worked for a mix of local airlines, helicopter taxi and other jobs before now taking a role at the Sol city Daedalus Airlines and settling down into a smaller but well-furnished top floor apartment in one of the outer districts.
Recently arrived into the city she has not got many ties to the place, renting everything out of habit from a pre furnished apartment, to an offroad SUV (land rover Discovery) on short term leases, never wanting long term ties to a place.
(Had to leave anchorage after a news article linked her father to legal arms trade in Africa and her and his name where linked by a investigative journalist. Headed to Sol city to take up a new work contract for local air freight company.)
Personality wise she is fairly confident, flirty but also takes a while to warm to people having moved about so much. Fairly easy going, slower to trust though and less willing to forgive. Not always wanting to get very close to people as less to deal with when she moves on. Maybe the new city will change her outlook or just be another stamp on the passport.
Caring but again takes time for that to happen after many moves, and too many people. Generally takes time for true self to evident.
Has very few personal effects with her bar the named jewellery as had been pretty nomadic since she was 18 ish, 9 years or thereabout.
Your character's favorite song:
The following is not required, but we strongly encourage you to at least put a little something. In the past we have found that when players get to know each other as real people, not just as names on a screen, it helps the longevity of the game. Seriously, please get to know your fellow players.
Tell us about yourself:
*Your age: 27
*What part of the world are you from? United Kingdom
*How many years have you been writing/roleplaying: 1-2 years offsite, 3 months on guild
*How often do you have time to post? Fairly Regularly, 2-3 times a week, maybe more at weekend
*Anything else you want to mention? Tea loving office dweller, i paint, do photography and self confessed a bit of a nerd on some things. I also collect wargames models.
"These are the things that make a good story great and good writers even greater." |
52,990 | 1,436 | 1 | 1,855 | 720 | Marinalia (Romus) Olympus
Old Harbour, dimanche matin
Se réveiller comme le soleil d'automne a glissé de l'ancien port et plusieurs bateaux où déployer des voiles et commencer à descendre la rivière Marinalia était encore s'habituer à l'appartement de l'entrepôt qu'elle avait loué juste près de la Marina. Il a été pré-meublé et assez générique, un grand salon muré de brique vieilli et cuisine à manger avec des colonnes en fonte dominées par les grandes fenêtres était assez accueillant, bien si vous avez vécu là un moment. 2 chambres et un maître en suite ont complété l'appartement, idéal si sa sœur a décidé de visiter comme elle l'a souvent fait, une salle de bains ne cause que des disputes interminables sur les douches.
Habillez-vous dans sa jupe normale et trouvez une veste rose pâle de piste du sol, jamais tout à fait celle de la famille comme elle se dirige vers le thé, il avait fallu ses jours pour trouver un bon magasin de thé dans la ville. Toujours athlétique depuis des années de natation, les cheveux blonds longs et les yeux gris distinctifs qu'elle n'était pas difficile à manquer à la piscine Marinalia a toujours apprécié faire quelques kilomètres un dimanche matin.
Jetant sur un manteau léger, un sac à bandoulière et une paire de bottes au-dessous du genou en équipe avec une paire de lunettes de soleil d'aviateur vintage, un peu de plus qu'elle a trouvé dans un marché il y a des années, ils ont équipé sa profession d'hélicoptères volants pour la Daedalus Airlines localement, nouveau contrat, nouvelle ville, appartement loué et un Landrover Discovery blanc garé au rez-de-chaussée, sûr qu'il a mangé une bonne bouchée de son salaire mais c'était sa seule véritable extravagance.
quitter le Luna Sports Facility
Il avait été une bonne baignade, 4 km et un smoothie plus tard la journée brillante à l'extérieur a pu terminer le séchage de ses cheveux, c'était une journée trop agréable à gaspiller avec un sèche-cheveux. Quelques-uns avaient remarqué sa silhouette, et l'une des dames avait tuté son petit ami. C'était toujours un coup de pouce de confiance à remarquer d'une bonne façon. En allant au vieux tribord pour un snack, une bonne baignade a toujours fait qu'il peckish.
L'ancien tribord
Le bar était calme, ils servaient surtout de la nourriture dans le déjeuner à l'équipe de début d'après-midi, un sac d'achat prêté contre la véranda de Bars balistrade de chansons de Swan, quelques disques pour son père, il s'ennuyait toujours lors de ses longs voyages, regardant le ciel au-dessus de Marinalia vu un hélicoptère familier voler au-dessus et venir à l'atterrissage à Centre Point. Avec une queue bleue et blanche peinte, l'un des membres de l'équipage de Finlande, il était avec eux depuis quelques années. Son drapeau britannique était bien peint sur la queue, car la compagnie aérienne permettait aux pilotes d'effectuer une petite personnalisation sur les avions.
Elle volait avec eux depuis quelques semaines, la paye était solide, Daedalus Airlines avait aussi offert un bon bonus car ils étaient à court d'équipages, mais maintenant on lui avait finalement assigné un aéronef permanent maintenant qu'elle avait passé les tests de vol et les vérifications de sécurité qui venaient toujours avec un nouveau contrat. | Marilania (Romus), Olympus
(double barreled, somewhat a name she hides)
Age: 27
Appearance: fairly Athletic, long straight Blonde and with a penchant for skirts she remained in good shape after professional sports, though now is quite abit off her competition times. Always wearing a silver necklace in the style of 3 moons linked together gifted from an old friend, and a fair sized diamond ring that belonged to her grandmother which she values above all other things.
She has a distinct knife wound scar on stomach she tries to downplay and looks much like her mother but has eyes nearly identical to her father in a fairly cold grey.
Sometimes seen in more normal clothes, other times wears a flight suit with range of patches from a few airlines and UK flag for work and vintage aviators picked up on her travels. Otherwise favours UK/European clothing brands and styles.
Distinct English Accent despite travels
Height: 5’5
Weight: 130 pounds
Driving, Mostly SUV and off roaders.
Exploring old ruins and local towns
Awful movies
Rock music
Crash landings
being a passenger
Deceptions, lies and intriques
Ultra packed locations
Cold weather/places
Long term ties to where she lives
Being judged for her Family name/appearance
Zodiac Sign: TAURUS
Special Talent: Able to make a Chocolate filled pancake with chocolate between two layers of pancake,
Very quick to adapt to new cities.
Profession: qualified pilot and Co Crew on a local cargo. Helicopters and short haul airline flights respectively. (also works in there small inner city office when not flying cago's and does general paperwork related to aircraft)
Bio/Personality: Daughter of an English wealthy family, her mother Maria raised her alone after her father Vesarian a captain and owner of a shipping enterprise involved in several less than above board jobs left her before she was born.
Raised on the family estate she was taught for her younger years quickly learning to be fluent in both Latin and English as an old family tradition dictated. Sent off to a private academy when she was barely in secondary education, she soon found her skills after an injury on running track in the swimming pool and won multiple awards in various championships. Though this time was not all easy, being away from family for so long, being abandoned as a child and a lack of a “home” took its toll and made her distant and also reserved.
Things turned round when she took a flying lesson for fun as part of the academies extracurricular programme; she soon took to it and passed her full license just before she was 18.
Returning home to her family, the manufacturing business was turning nasty and a rival firm moving meant her happy reunion was shortlived soon sucked into the internal battles, rivalries internal and external that had plagued the family for decades. Worse still when a mugging went wrong left her with a now scar she hides on her stomach she decided to try and find her own way and escape her family’s internal pull down into its darkside of wealth.
Meeting her step sister Victoria and her father just before she left was the final straw and headed off and worked for a mix of local airlines, helicopter taxi and other jobs before now taking a role at the Sol city Daedalus Airlines and settling down into a smaller but well-furnished top floor apartment in one of the outer districts.
Recently arrived into the city she has not got many ties to the place, renting everything out of habit from a pre furnished apartment, to an offroad SUV (land rover Discovery) on short term leases, never wanting long term ties to a place.
(Had to leave anchorage after a news article linked her father to legal arms trade in Africa and her and his name where linked by a investigative journalist. Headed to Sol city to take up a new work contract for local air freight company.)
Personality wise she is fairly confident, flirty but also takes a while to warm to people having moved about so much. Fairly easy going, slower to trust though and less willing to forgive. Not always wanting to get very close to people as less to deal with when she moves on. Maybe the new city will change her outlook or just be another stamp on the passport.
Caring but again takes time for that to happen after many moves, and too many people. Generally takes time for true self to evident.
Has very few personal effects with her bar the named jewellery as had been pretty nomadic since she was 18 ish, 9 years or thereabout.
Your character's favorite song:
The following is not required, but we strongly encourage you to at least put a little something. In the past we have found that when players get to know each other as real people, not just as names on a screen, it helps the longevity of the game. Seriously, please get to know your fellow players.
Tell us about yourself:
*Your age: 27
*What part of the world are you from? United Kingdom
*How many years have you been writing/roleplaying: 1-2 years offsite, 3 months on guild
*How often do you have time to post? Fairly Regularly, 2-3 times a week, maybe more at weekend
*Anything else you want to mention? Tea loving office dweller, i paint, do photography and self confessed a bit of a nerd on some things. I also collect wargames models.
"These are the things that make a good story great and good writers even greater." |
52,991 | 1,436 | 2 | 1,998 | 752 | Kei Kinzo
Avec un café chaud à la main Kei a lentement marché sur l'un des nombreux chemins pavés dans le parc de Corona. Il regarda que les feuilles jaunes d'or tombaient lentement des différents arbres autour de lui. Cela faisait partie de sa routine quotidienne, il avait déjà terminé ses cours pour la journée et n'avait rien d'autre à faire que perdre du temps à faire ce qu'il ressentait. Alors qu'il semble ennuyeux d'un point de vue extérieur, Kei a trouvé qu'il était l'une des parties les plus intéressantes de sa journée. Il a dû observer tous les gens autour de lui et prendre dans la beauté de Corona Park. C'était simple, et il aime les choses simples dans la vie. Prenant une gorgée de son café, il continua à marcher, marchant parfois sur une feuille, l'entendant croquer sous son poids. Ça devenait définitivement l'hiver. En montant sur un banc, il a pris place et a laissé sortir un soupir lourd. - Je m'ennuie... - Il a murmuré alors qu'il mettait son café à côté de lui. Malgré Kei aimant la vie simple, il s'ennuie toujours comme n'importe quelle autre personne et en ce moment, il s'ennuyait hors de son putain d'esprit. Il bougea les mains vers son écharpe et le tira légèrement au-dessus de sa bouche et retomba dans le banc. Voyant qu'il avait fini ses métiers plus tôt dans la matinée et qu'il n'y avait personne à la recherche d'armes de petit calibre, il était coincé dans un état d'ennui perpétuel. Avec ses yeux grands ouverts, il a appelé sa tête en arrière et a regardé vers le haut dans le ciel de l'après-midi..Le même ciel comme toujours, rien de différent.....Il a laissé sortir un autre soupir fort et profond, juste après avoir pris une profonde respiration et s'est levé. Il abandonna tout espoir d'attraper son café, s'assombrit la tête et descendit le reste du sentier pavé jusqu'à ce qu'il arrive à une sortie. Il était à peu près terminé pour la journée et était prêt à devenir un ermite dans sa maison pour le reste de la journée.
Heureusement, il a changé d'avis et a fait un détour le long du chemin de la maison pour aller s'entraîner pendant un petit moment pour changer d'humeur. Il descendit le reste de son café et jeta la tasse vide dans la poubelle alors qu'il se rendait au Luna Sports Facility. C'était calme une promenade, mais il l'a fait dans un délai raisonnable. Après avoir vérifié et obtenu ce dont il avait besoin, il a changé et est immédiatement allé nager, malgré le temps froid, il a voulu sauter dans l'eau froide pour rafraîchir son corps. En quelques tours, il sortit de la piscine et s'emmena au bar pour se faire un smoothie. Avec le smoothie à la main, il s'est trouvé un siège ouvert et s'est plié. Il a tiré son téléphone et a commencé à naviguer sur le web en profitant lentement de son smoothie. | Name: Kei Kinzo
Age: 21
Height: 178 cm or 5'11"
Weight: 82 kg or 180 lbs
Likes: Kind people, video games, cold weather, anime, manga, talking to people, technology, cars, fun activities, girls, cooking, good food, living comfortably, keeping things simple, guns, glasses.
Dislikes: Bad people, boring people, overly deep water, liars, school, unneeded details, cigarettes.
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Special Talent:
Kei doesn't have any extraordinary special talent, but what he is good at is video games, cars, and cooking. Aside from those three things he is about as average as a person can get in terms of other talents.
To avoid having to work for the rest of his life Kei decided on taking a job that would allow him to both have fun and make tons of money on a day to day basis, as such his profession lies in day trade, whether it be stocks or foreign currency he trades them all and makes a good amount of money doing it. Despite having an honest to good job, every now and again he is an arms dealer that lies within the grey area of legality.
Kei is probably an overly outgoing guy, he was always this way since a young age, he really didn't care who someone was or what kind of person they were as long as they were kind he was able to get along with them with ease. He is a simplistic thinker and hates when things are made overly complicated since there is no real reason for things to become harder than it already is. As such he does his best to simplify every aspect of his life without compromising his interests. While yes he would love to live as a god and not have to worry about bodily functions, but he would not go and get special surgery to get bodily functions removed. A trait that usually goes hand in hand with outgoing, is being kind and helpful. Kei does not lack that trait in any way you can say he is the epitome of a kind and outgoing guy even to a fault. Aside from all that Kei is the type of guy to try and get to know a random stranger in the street and hopefully become friends with said stranger for a lifetime, he cares that deeply for relationships.
Growing up Kei was always intelligent and methodical about everything he did, this carried all through his life even to now. That's one of the reasons he decided to become a day trade and arms dealer. He wanted a life of relative ease and comfort. While he does hate the idea of school he understands that somewhere down the line the diploma and education will benefit him and as such he is putting himself through school something that his parents always struggled to do as they could never afford to get him in, but with Kei coming into a fortune due to day trading and arms dealing, he has no problems affording the tuition costs for school, as such he puts himself through it all. While yes Kei is indeed richer than most people, he does not like to show it off because then he feels he is being a horrible person for doing so.
Your character's favorite song:
*Your age: 20
*Region: United States
*How many years have you been writing/roleplaying: 4-5 years
*How often do you have time to post?: Pretty much everyday unless stated otherwise
*Misc: I do attend university so sometimes the work load from that may cause me to go MIA for a day or two, but I will always give a heads up!
"These are the things that make a good story great and good writers even greater." |
52,992 | 1,436 | 3 | 1,817 | 177 | Le son d'un klaxon de train de marchandises de bâillonnement n'était rien de nouveau pour les habitants du sud-est de Sol-City. Pour la plupart, l'absence de bruit aurait été habituelle, même pour un dimanche après-midi. La base industrielle de Sol City commençait à peine à se préparer pour la semaine de travail à venir. Southside était l'une des sections les plus anciennes de la ville à côté du noyau urbain du centre-ville et les voies qui traversaient le nord connecté le long de la rivière tout, des fonderies de béton aux aciéries. Sans surprise, la plupart des logements étaient fermement col bleu et centrés sur la traînée principale du boulevard Southside qui a continué tout le chemin dans le centre-ville.
A deux pas d'une traversée, seulement quelques-uns des arrêts de la ligne principale étaient Apex Designs.
À l'extérieur de la porte de la baie ouverte, une Jeep Wrangler rouge a juste à peine sonné dans le magasin assez pour garder l'arrière hors du trottoir. La capuche était levée et diverses bouteilles de différents fluides étaient assises sur le sol à l'extérieur, toutes bien disposées. Sur une corde de make shift étirée sur l'avant du garage, les fenêtres en vinyle soft-top s'allongent dans les dernières bouffées de chaleur du soleil d'automne. Un chariot mécanique couvert dans de nombreux fabricants d'outils et sociétés de pièces.Des autocollants assis par l'ensemble et quelque part à l'intérieur de la boutique une radio saignée. Au-dessus de l'aile était assis une boisson énergétique en conserve humide avec condensation. Sous le véhicule, sur un rampant, couchez Joel Nicolosi, endormi.
La Jeep Wrangler était l'un des trois seuls véhicules que Joel avait achetés dans sa vie et était le plus jeune des trois qu'il possédait. Il l'a acheté pas loin de l'école secondaire afin de sortir sa première voiture de la catégorie des pilotes quotidiens. Après une décennie de propriété, il est passé de sa forme principalement de stock à des pneus plus grands, divers accessoires d'éclairage, une position élevée et son thème le plus inhabituel. La base rouge vif avait deux bandes noires qui couraient sur l'avant et les quartiers arrière avec deux plaques d'immatriculation à l'arrière : l'une sur le coin inférieur, la lecture standard d'enregistrement légal Sol-City, RAWR, et au centre du pneu de secours, un blanc et jaune, Jurassic Park i.n. C.R. 85 avec le logo T-Rex squelette.
Le poids de la traînée de fret qui s'approchait ébranlait doucement le sol et un œil clignait ouvert. Quand le conducteur sonna le klaxon pour la prochaine traversée, Joel regarda à blanc de nouveau dans le magasin. Le dimanche était normalement le jour où il aimait prendre soin de son propre équipement, dans ce cas en remettant le dessus sur la Jeep pour l'hiver et en changeant les huiles de boîte de transmission et de transfert. Au printemps, quand le sommet est sorti, il a fait les deux différentiels. C'était facile de se souvenir de cette façon. Cependant, il avait travaillé tout le samedi et la plupart de la nuit. La fatigue rattrapait, ou plutôt, avait complètement rattrapé quelque part vers 11h le passait. La chaleur sous le véhicule et la lumière douce de la lumière du soleil de chute avaient été juste droit de le mettre dans un coup de chat.
La petite boutique était à capacité avec trois véhicules. Devant, un S13 240SX le fixa sur des stands. Il s'était levé tard pour y travailler. Il y aurait de nouveaux moyeux à cinq lugs pour ce type, avec des coulisses, des coussinets, des rotors et un maître cylindre d'un 300ZX. Dans un coin, les nouvelles roues et les pneus étaient empilés et en attente. Ce serait une petite machine de rue intelligente quand c'était fait. Au-delà, une BMW X5 s'est levée sur son seul ascenseur. Joel détestait la voiture avec passion. Comme tous les X5's il avait une fuite de liquide de refroidissement et comme toutes les BMW était odieusement sur-enginé. Le labyrinthe spaghetti de tuyaux de refroidissement étaient une chienne et il pouvait attendre pour le sortir et charger au client une grosse somme pour ses ennuis. Enfin dans l'arrière de la boutique était assis une voiture de course 300ZX non perturbée en le regardant de derrière le 240- ce qui était une autre question entièrement.
Il bâillait et poussait un bain de poudre de protéines vide sous le bouchon d'évacuation sur la transmission et se mit à desserrer le bouchon de remplissage d'abord alors qu'il pensait à travailler toute la nuit et dormir pendant la journée lundi.
Joel's Shop Radio #1 | Name: Joel Nicolosi
Age: 32
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 185 lbs
+Conspiracy Theories
+Talk Radio
-Cold Weather
-Bad Grammar
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Special Talent: Legendary Alcohol Tolerance
Profession: Mechanic/Owner Apex Designs, a small, single-door garage, tucked away on the industrial Southside end of town with enough room for about three cars inside.
Joel is a man who views himself as someone not necessarily doing what they want to do in life, but doing what they're good at. He enjoys repairing the automotive woes of many of Sol City’s wealthy clientele. However, even though his work is considered some of the best in the city, he’s often equally known for his lengthy vacations and costly invoices. Additionally armed with a business degree that he earned off of an only briefly offered scholarship in his youth, he very carefully balances work, play and sometimes outright laziness. He keeps no set schedule and can be found in his shop sometimes at the most bizarre of hours.
Outwardly, Joel has a very arrogant aura that often turns off others. He’s been told that he’s “unapproachable” and though he likes the thought of being intimidating, sometimes he does feel a genuine desire to have deeper conversations. He enjoys flirting and being in some social venues, but often feels bored and out of place. He doesn’t consider himself extroverted. Interestingly, he tends to talk non-stop while working on vehicles and has his own crowd of conversational regulars, often the bored and retired older men of the city, that stop by just to see what he’s working on.
Joel is very aware of his eccentricities and has a warped sense of justice. He enjoys watching people that may have wronged him or refused his advice “get what they deserve” to the point of comedy. He likes that some may look down on him for his chosen profession, but at the same time wishes he was doing something else. He’s never satisfied for very long.
Favorite Song:
Tell us about yourself:
Age: 32
What part of the world are you from?: VA, USA
How many years have you been writing/roleplaying: Around 17
How often do you have time to post?: Usually 2-3 times per week, maybe more depending on my work schedule/other things.
Anything else you want to mention?:
I actually work a pretty cool job, but it does demand a lot of time out of me sometimes. I'm married and have three kids. Roleplay/Writing is one of my few surviving hobbies in adulthood next to working out and reading a book occasionally. I usually only have time to write one game at a time here on the Guild so this is it for now. I'm going to my level best to make sure its a winner. I try to take care of my players, so if you're reading this and thinking about joining, we'll be glad to have you. |
52,993 | 1,436 | 4 | 83 | 266 | En début de matinée, dimanche
Sasha se promena mélancolie autour du penthouse, foulant quelques clés d'ivoire sur le piano à queue à son passage. Est-ce qu'il s'est vraiment ennuyé? Assez ennuyé pour aller avec un des plans absurdes de Lupe. Non, bien sûr que non et une fois que cette baignoire de saindoux est revenue, il lui a dit où la coller. L'espionnage du dossier de manila lui a cependant donné une pause et ce sentiment de ronflement l'a dépassé; c'est ce sentiment d'infériorité qui lui a dit que s'il reculait à la dernière seconde, il cimentait au groupe qu'il n'était pas leur meilleur. Ce n'était pas vrai, dans son esprit Sasha était bien supérieur à ces deux crétins mentaux. Même si cela signifiait s'abaisser temporairement à leur niveau infantile il gagnerait sûrement ce jeu idiot, il serait le meilleur Undercover Normie et rappeler à ces bootlickers de leur place.
C'est il y a une semaine, peu de temps après l'arrestation de Lupe, que le Cubain pudgy a inventé le jeu autoclamé des rois. Le groupe haut sur Molly regardait T.V. tandis que Lupe épousa une histoire embellie de sa nuit singulière derrière les barreaux avant qu'il ne soit libéré. En réalité, le fils d'un sénateur a passé la nuit dans un bureau privé où la police et ses gardes du corps ont pris soin de ses caprices, tandis que les autres criminels présumés étaient soumis à une cellule de détention à l'étroit.
Comme... ce Mexicain encombrant venait me voir avec un shiv qui parlait en espagnol et j'ai mis un coup de poing dans le cul des homeboys. Lupe s'est exclamé triomphalement avant d'ajuster son bracelet de surveillance de la cheville.
Khorshid avait l'air impressionné et Sasha venait juste de rouler les yeux avant d'interjecter... Vos contes de fées pourraient embraser le plus lent parmi nous, mais nous savons tous les deux que vous venez de vous asseoir autour de farcer votre visage gras avec de la nourriture distributrice gratuite que le chef de la police a embrassé votre bulbe derrière.
Il a fallu quelques instants à Khorshid pour enregistrer l'insulte, mais il était trop cuit pour offrir une réplique. Lupe a poussé sa Sasha en infraction.
C'est un haricot à cordes. Je sais que tu as grandi en Russie en ramassant des navets... ou en distillant de la vodka... ou quoi que tu fasses. Mais ici, en Amérique, les choses sont rudes, comme avant que mon père soit élu sénateur, j'ai dû aller à l'école publique pour m'assurer que les électeurs stupides ne pensaient pas que notre famille était trop riche. Ça fait que la prison ressemble à une promenade à gâteau mon homme. Comme ces soi-disant professeurs n'étaient pas des bueno. Ils étaient toujours sur mon cas pour ne pas m'appliquer moi-même ou quelques absurdités. C'est comme s'ils ne savaient pas qui j'étais, mais je digresse. Sans vouloir te vexer, je ne pense pas que tu puisses le couper comme un Sasha moyen de tous les jours. Ce juste là, c'est la vie sur le dur... pas de mode impossible. Imaginez vivre dans un monde où vous deviez vivre dans vos moyens... avec des conséquences réelles... des choses étranges. Je déteste vous l'avouer, mais vous n'êtes pas sous couverture Normie... trop privilégié.
Sasha soupira, je sais que je vais vivre pour le regretter, mais qu'est-ce que tu racontes exactement? Qu'est-ce que Sous couverture Normie?
Sasha s'est redressé à l'heure actuelle et s'est rendu compte qu'un certain temps s'était écoulé alors qu'il se tenait en train de dynamiser les événements. Il a pris l'enveloppe de manila et a pêché un anneau de clé, un morceau d'itinéraire en papier étiqueté, une carte d'identité, un permis de conduire. Il a enroulé ses longs cheveux maintenant teints professionnellement brun clair entre ses doigts une habitude nerveuse enracinée depuis l'enfance avant de rassembler le courage de quitter le penthouse. Avant de partir, il regarda dans un miroir un admirateur de la transformation; sans son maquillage ou ses vêtements coûteux et portant une paire de lunettes, Sasha pouvait à peine se reconnaître. Alors qu'il s'est rendu malade de regarder cette plaine qui était le but du jeu après tout et de jouer il n'a pas été autorisé à être le style et le profilage Sasha Zhenya Kuznetsov plus. Pendant un an il devait être Jocelyn Darcy Bray un Américain moyen de tous les jours faisant son chemin dans la grande ville. Il a supprimé un bâillon alors qu'il se rendait à l'ascenseur.
Après-midi, dimanche :
Cela n'avait été que quelques heures, mais Jocelyn était déjà en train de revenir pour son ancienne vie; il a presque appelé cela démissionne après avoir vu ce que l'on appelait risiblement son logement. Il était impensable qu'un appartement d'une chambre dans l'une des parties les plus dépilées de la ville et un garish pourpre 2000 Dodge Neon étaient maintenant ses biens les plus remarquables, mais il a poussé la négativité hors de son esprit. Les choses n'étaient pas tout à fait terribles, elles n'étaient certainement pas comme au bon vieux temps car au moins il n'avait pas à trier à travers les poubelles. Comparativement à la plupart des gens Jocelyn avait une jambe en haut comme sa voiture, loyer, téléphone, électricité, et les factures de services publics étaient tous complétés par ses soi-disant amis et tout ce qu'il avait à faire était d'exister pendant un an sur le salaire moyen d'un ouvrier d'usine; bien qu'il n'aimait pas l'aide. L'idée a été balayée autour de lui devant travailler pour se soutenir, mais les têtes plus froides ont prévalu car il s'agissait d'un défi d'endurance après tout pas un massacre. Trouver une place à pied était une tâche épuisante et il est arrivé sur le Pot de café par accident, bien qu'il était bon de savoir qu'il ne conservait aucune des connaissances de survie de ses brèves années dans les Jeunes pionniers; cependant, cela réduirait peut-être son père (si l'homme misérable était encore en vie) grimace perpétuelle que s'il était jamais mis sur un ours sauvage, il projetait d'informer la bête impure de la science immortelle du marxisme-léninisme avant qu'il ne l'abatte vicieusement.
Il s'est branlé alors qu'il marchait à l'intérieur de l'établissement en espérant qu'ils pourraient au moins faire un bon expresso. | Max Sylvester Summerson
Age: 28, just.
Height: 5'11
Weight: 145 Ibs
Likes: Cigarettes, Cigars and Malt Whiskey; Fast Cars and Slow women; Coffee and Morning Mist; Working under the wing on a sunny day; Flying the plane in stormy weather; Lobster Thermidor and Pot Noodles; Letting off steam and Buckshot; Keats, Burns and Chaucer; Risk, Monopoly and DnD; Batting off of the wing of his plane; Big Dogs and sweeping up the runway; playing music loudly in a traffic jam.
Dislikes: Paying Taxes and Government Plane Inspectors; Large Airlines and Traffic Control; Electric Cars and Counting Pennies; Other Pilots and Other Mechanics; Daedalus and PanAm.
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Special Talent: Mental Arithmetic
Profession: Commercial Passenger/Cargo Pilot
Personality: A bit on the quiet side, when Max says something his voice demands attention, that said he's not an attention seeker by any stretch of the word. Despite that he is a fun loving, and creative individual when you've been around him enough, with a very genuine sense of life and openness. As of recently however he has become more irritable and moody, with the decline of his company and the loss of his one other employee. He lives his life in a state of barely satiated boredom, having relied on his own entertainment as his circle of friends is fairly scant. But when he is with people, people he likes, he likes to take part in good hearted mayhem. Max doesn't feel like he is above anyone, and that comes off in the way he speaks to people, this doesn't mean he won't speak up if he knows he's right.
Bio: To understand Max, one must take a trip back in time, to a time before he was born. Max's grandfather had emigrated from Germany to the United States in the Mid-30s, under his new, anglicized name Simon Summerson (previously Simone Zimmersonne). He had worked for Dornier as a technician at one of their engine works, and so had experience with motors and planes, as his engines went into Dornier's planes; the rise of the Nazi Party, however, convinced him to leave Germany. Quickly Simon found that his German Marks were worthless, and stuck in Britain as a young man with no credible references, he had to do petty work for petty cash. Once the war started however, he was drafted into the Airforce as a mechanic, and during desperate times he himself was forced to pilot fighters.
After the war, decorated and an ace, Simon made the final leg of his journey to America. There, on the cramped boat, he made the acquaintance of one Axel Suhlhoff (Anglicized to Axel Suhl), a German Catholic who managed to escape in the final months of the war to Spain. Both being native to south Germany, they stuck together; Axel had not come alone however, he traveled with his wife and children. And his sister, Mira (whom Simon later married). Upon arriving the group continued to travel together, and found a place to settle in Solaris County. There, with what funds they had left, opened a machine shop and worked on tractors and crop dusters. It was in the summer of 51, when the government was surplusing DC-3s, that year Summerson and Suhl entered the business of actual flying.
By the end of the 50s Suhl had passed away, but the company was in strong financial shape, the fleet had tripled to 9 planes by that time; making numerous flights every month under contract with state government. Summerson and Suhl continued to preform strongly for decades, hauling goods, mail and passengers and into and out of state. Plans for an air traffic control were drafted up and Martin, Simon's son, was acquiring finances when news arrived that Pan-America was opening a division on the west coast. Daedalus. Those plans of opening a terminal and getting the contract to traffic surrounding airspace were quickly put aside as an up hill battle ensured. Backed by the wealth of its mother company, Daedalus had established a large regional airport that quickly became international, state shifted its contracts with the newer airline and business began to dry up as a result of uncompetitive pricing of Daedalus deals.
During this time Max was being raised, his father had insisted Max and all his children go to public school, despite his considerable wealth. Max didn't do particularly well, nor did he do particularly poorly, he was an average student by all accounts, only really excelling in maths but not algebra. Max was considered one of the cool kids, but his choice of company never really expressed it. He tended towards hanging out with the "nerds", going so far that people called him King of the nerds, a title he begrudgingly accepted. In this time he got into bored games and maths championships, skipping out on parties and dating for a night of DnD or CoC. Not to say he's never had experience with with the other gender, but his experience is lacking. Upon graduation his father's connections easily found him a place in the state university, where mostly he kept his head down and did his work, all the while training to be a pilot. It had seemed as though he was the only one of his father's children who had any intention on joining the family business.
S&S slowly began to decline, and as did Martin's health, the once large fleet had to be sold off to cover medical expenses, and Daedalus tried numerous times to buy out the company to no avail.
Max assumed control of the company a week after his father's passing, by that point it was him, and one other pilot. And 9 silent DC-3s, the planes that his father had instructed him not to sell no matter what. Loyal customers continued to be loyal, keeping the company barely afloat, but the company never really operated at full capacity. Recently the other pilot left for a more lucrative contract at Daedalus, and Max carries out contracts very rarely, coasting on the money he was left by his father and his degree in Civil Engineering. Max resides in the large house that was once his family home, his siblings had all grown up and left, and the house was empty but for a few rooms. His mother continues to live with him, quietly assuming her duties as head of the house.
Your character's favorite song: |
52,994 | 1,436 | 5 | 869 | 41 | Le pot à café
Ren allaitait son café noir entre ses paumes tout en regardant par la fenêtre du Coffe Pot. Une fille lançait une brindille pour que son chien pourchasse sur l'herbe, presque trébuchant dans toutes les feuilles.
Le chien est une exagération, plus comme un museau. Ren pensa à lui-même, se rétrécissant les yeux, regardant vers le bas l'heureux voyou courant en allers et retours.
Ses livres médicaux pesaient lourdement sur le siège à côté de lui. Ren n'avait pas pu les ouvrir aujourd'hui, même s'il était en retard sur une mission. Il avait été réveillé par un message de colère de son père, Robert White, se plaignant de la raison pour laquelle Ren n'était pas rentré à la maison pour le week-end et qu'il avait voulu présenter Ren à un de ses nouveaux associés.
C'est toujours travailler, travailler, travailler avec cet homme. Une longue respiration a échappé aux lèvres de Ren. Il a continué à regarder par la fenêtre, et soudain un homme a attiré son attention. Il était assez grand, avec des cheveux noirs à jet et ce qui ressemblait à des yeux bleuâtres. Assis sur le banc du parc de Corona, l'homme se pencha en arrière et regarda le ciel. Ren sentit une piqûre de jalousie dans sa poitrine. L'homme avait l'air si insouciant. Une sensation que Ren a rarement éprouvée. Alors qu'il était perdu dans la pensée, l'homme s'est soudainement levé et a marché le long du sentier jusqu'à ce que les arbres obscurcissent la vision de Ren. En descendant le reste du café, Ren s'est mis aux pieds. En lui jetant son sac à l'épaule, laissant un bon pourboire au serveur, il quitta le café avec un regard aigre sur le visage. Sans remarquer l'homme brun poilu assis à quelques tables, buvant de l'espresso.
Ren n'avait pas envie de rentrer chez lui près du Riverside. Il l'aurait obtenu de son père comme cadeau d'anniversaire à 21 ans et l'endroit se sentait toujours étranger à lui. Il a sorti son téléphone, voyant comment ses mains tremblaient. Probablement juste le froid. Ren pensait à lui-même. Ignorant la façon dont son estomac a douloureusement tordu quand se souvientinig le regard insouciant sur le visage de cet homme étrange. Il avait juste besoin de quelque chose pour le réchauffer. Rien que le vieux tribord ne puisse réparer. Super, à peine 21 et qui sonnent déjà comme un alcoolique. Mais encore une fois, peut-être juste un verre...
L'ancien tribord
Ren s'est endormie dans un stand le plus loin à l'arrière, un verre à la main. En arpentant ses environs, il a remarqué une femme dans la cabine à côté de lui. Elle avait de longs cheveux blonds et portait une veste rose enfantine. Ren a reniflé, tout en prenant une gorgée de son verre. Tirant l'un de ses livres, qu'il était presque sûr d'être une brique déguisée, Ren espérait pouvoir terminer quelques chapitres dans l'atmosphère tranquille du bar avant que les ivrognes réguliers commencent à se pointer, faisant le bruit habituel.
Mention: | ℛen 𝒲hite
Age: 21
Height: 185 cm / 6’
Weight: 78 kg / 171 lbs
Likes: Coffee, lots of it. Drinking – he loves to forget all about who he is, but hates being vulnerable of spilling his thoughts to other people. Arguing, and being right.
Dislikes: Nosy people. Annoying people. People who think they’re better than him. Going to bed - Ren loves to sleep, but hates lying in bed alone with his thoughts.
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio. Birthday: November 1st.
Strengths: Resourceful, brave, passionate, stubborn, a true friend.
Weaknesses: Distrusting, jealous, secretive, violent.
Scorpio likes: Truth, facts, being right, longtime friends, teasing, a grand passion.
Scorpio dislikes: Dishonesty, revealing secrets, passive people.
Special Talent: Ren was taught to play the piano as a child, and is really good at it. Not that he wants anybody to know. He is also surprisingly good at dancing.
Profession: Studying to become a surgeon at the most prestigious university in the city.
Bio/Personality: Ren is the only child of a rich family. His father inherited a successful pharmaceutical company from his father again, earning them a fortune. Growing up in a big mansion Ren had lots of servants and maids around him, but rarely his parents - who were busy working. He has few friends and big time trust issues. He’s snarky, short tempered, grumpy and sulky when he doesn’t get his way. He’s smug, arrogant and believes himself to be better than most people. Secretly he just wants to be accepted for who he is instead of what he has and who his father is. He envies people who makes friends easy, and though he will never admit it he is drawn towards such people. Ren is struggling with his sexuality, not knowing what he identifies as. He tries to forget this by studying in most of his free time. As his father wanted, he’s in Med. School studying to become a surgeon, unsure of this is what he actually wants to do with his life.
Your character's favorite song: Written in the Water by Gin Wigmore. If you bring this up Ren will turn beet red and utterly deny ever having heard of the song.
Tell us about yourself:
*Your age: 22.
*What part of the world are you from? Norway.
*How many years have you been writing/roleplaying:
I’ve never roleplayed on a forum like this before, but I used to roleplay a bit with people online back in the day when msn was a thing (Online chat, kind of like Skype), lol. It consisted primarily of speed posting, so writing paragraphs will be a welcoming challenge. I would exclusively do fandom based RP’s, so RP with OC’s is new territory for me as well. I think it’s more challenging to come up with the concept of a whole person instead of just writing about a character you’re already familiar with, but hey, still equally as fun.
*How often do you have time to post? I’ll start by saying 2-4 times a week, but the way things are right now I’ll probably check in every day.
*Anything else you want to mention? What you do for a living? How much do you work a week? What do you enjoy doing besides writing?
I just finished my bachelor’s degree as a kindergarten teacher, but didn’t feel like going into the work field just yet, so now I’m studying a master’s degree in pedagogy. Other hobbies include watching movies and tv series, creative stuff like needle felting, drawing/painting, strumming clumsily on my ukulele and singing (guitar is too hard for me, lol.), etc. I play video games to a certain degree, but the games I can play is limited due to sever motion sickness if it’s a first person kind of game (I’ll almost throw up after 30 minutes of games like Mass Effect or such… (ಠ‿ಠ’) ).
BTW: During winter here in Norway it gets dark most of the day. Right now, we get about 8 hours of sunlight a day, but it gets worse (ಥ_ಥ) Because of this most of us suffer from winter depressions, including me. Hooray ʘ‿ʘ. So if I get down in a funk and needs to step back from obligations I will give a heads up. I don’t think this will become likely right now, but maybe it will when I have exams on top of everything else. We’ll see (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ.
PS: Sorry for the emoticon abuse. I find them too funny sometimes (´・ω・ `)(send help). |
52,995 | 1,436 | 6 | 1,855 | 720 | Marinalia (Romus) Olympus
The Old Starboard, dimanche après-midi
Marinalia a remarqué que le gars arrive dans le bar avec un plus grand sac de ce qui a été confirmé plus tard tome manuels de taille qui ferait des cales pratiques pour garder un petit avion de chargement en place. Il semblait le genre normal de passe-temps déjeuner dans le bar comme l'hiver était lentement sur son chemin, c'était un endroit chaud et assez amical trop prendre une bouchée à manger et un café ou un verre pour réchauffer le corps et l'âme.
Penser à se présenter à l'étranger, pourrait aussi bien être social et réconforter ce qui avait été une journée plutôt solitaire comme malgré les aspects sociaux, elle n'a pas encore gagné beaucoup d'amis en dehors du travail dans la ville de Sol. Jusqu'à ce que son téléphone sonne, Ivan, le contrôle de vol de Daedalus n'a jamais été un bon présage de votre jour de congé. Avec un buzz fort et un souffle court d'un
Dans un accent anglais distinct, celui qui, malgré les voyages dans le monde, n'avait pas encore pris plus que la trace la plus faible de ses multiples contrats a travaillé de l'Alaska à Rome, bien que ne essayant pas d'être fort son accent a rendu la convocation plus facile à ramasser parmi le buzz et le bruit de fond. Jouer légèrement avec un petit collier en argent avec 3 lunes pendant qu'elle parlait, un cadeau d'un vieil ami plusieurs années auparavant.
"Hé Ivan, quel est le problème?
J'ai hâte de... Oui, ça ira demain matin. J'ai bu du vin hier soir.
Tu sais que c'est mon jour de congé, la paperasse.
DC-7 à.. je connais im nouveau mais c'est vieux comme mes parents,. Si tu me donnes une OT sur le FLT.
Très bien. Prop temps alors, im off Rota, donne-moi au moins l'OT sur prop.
Marché conclu, cintre 12, à demain matin. tant que son chargement et son carburant sont prêts."
En raccrochant, Ivan s'était occupé d'elle et l'avait aidée quand elle a commencé, mais cet avion était des années 60, sa journée de paperasse facile s'était avérée être un aller-retour de 4 heures dans l'un des plus anciens avions de la flotte. Fiable mais le siège n'était certainement pas luxueux et le chauffage était presque alimenté par un hamster dans une roue.
Retour à l'homme qui avait probablement tout entendu et a enlevé ses avators vintage révélant ses yeux gris et souriant légèrement penché sur le petit diviseur et soupirant légèrement qu'elle était coincée sur le thé pour le reste de la journée. Il était certainement plus jeune qu'elle, bien qu'elle ait 27 ans, Marinlia a toujours essayé de s'occuper d'elle-même, beaucoup de sommeil et est resté en forme même après avoir terminé la natation semi-professionnelle avec au moins quelques km chaque week-end.
"Désolé à ce sujet, vous savez que le travail appelle toujours au pire moment. J'espère que je ne t'ai pas jeté de chez toi."
"Bon livre?"
En plaisantant légèrement, c'était un peu de bavardage mais elle s'ennuyait d'avoir simplement déménagé en ville, ne connaissant pas les lieux sociaux qu'il lui avait fallu un certain temps pour trouver le vieux tribord et quelques autres endroits qu'elle aimait. Les choses où se rafraîchir et beaucoup comme une promenade sonnait amusant dans sa tête, rester à l'intérieur et chaud devenait plus populaire au fur et à mesure que les saisons changeaient. | Marilania (Romus), Olympus
(double barreled, somewhat a name she hides)
Age: 27
Appearance: fairly Athletic, long straight Blonde and with a penchant for skirts she remained in good shape after professional sports, though now is quite abit off her competition times. Always wearing a silver necklace in the style of 3 moons linked together gifted from an old friend, and a fair sized diamond ring that belonged to her grandmother which she values above all other things.
She has a distinct knife wound scar on stomach she tries to downplay and looks much like her mother but has eyes nearly identical to her father in a fairly cold grey.
Sometimes seen in more normal clothes, other times wears a flight suit with range of patches from a few airlines and UK flag for work and vintage aviators picked up on her travels. Otherwise favours UK/European clothing brands and styles.
Distinct English Accent despite travels
Height: 5’5
Weight: 130 pounds
Driving, Mostly SUV and off roaders.
Exploring old ruins and local towns
Awful movies
Rock music
Crash landings
being a passenger
Deceptions, lies and intriques
Ultra packed locations
Cold weather/places
Long term ties to where she lives
Being judged for her Family name/appearance
Zodiac Sign: TAURUS
Special Talent: Able to make a Chocolate filled pancake with chocolate between two layers of pancake,
Very quick to adapt to new cities.
Profession: qualified pilot and Co Crew on a local cargo. Helicopters and short haul airline flights respectively. (also works in there small inner city office when not flying cago's and does general paperwork related to aircraft)
Bio/Personality: Daughter of an English wealthy family, her mother Maria raised her alone after her father Vesarian a captain and owner of a shipping enterprise involved in several less than above board jobs left her before she was born.
Raised on the family estate she was taught for her younger years quickly learning to be fluent in both Latin and English as an old family tradition dictated. Sent off to a private academy when she was barely in secondary education, she soon found her skills after an injury on running track in the swimming pool and won multiple awards in various championships. Though this time was not all easy, being away from family for so long, being abandoned as a child and a lack of a “home” took its toll and made her distant and also reserved.
Things turned round when she took a flying lesson for fun as part of the academies extracurricular programme; she soon took to it and passed her full license just before she was 18.
Returning home to her family, the manufacturing business was turning nasty and a rival firm moving meant her happy reunion was shortlived soon sucked into the internal battles, rivalries internal and external that had plagued the family for decades. Worse still when a mugging went wrong left her with a now scar she hides on her stomach she decided to try and find her own way and escape her family’s internal pull down into its darkside of wealth.
Meeting her step sister Victoria and her father just before she left was the final straw and headed off and worked for a mix of local airlines, helicopter taxi and other jobs before now taking a role at the Sol city Daedalus Airlines and settling down into a smaller but well-furnished top floor apartment in one of the outer districts.
Recently arrived into the city she has not got many ties to the place, renting everything out of habit from a pre furnished apartment, to an offroad SUV (land rover Discovery) on short term leases, never wanting long term ties to a place.
(Had to leave anchorage after a news article linked her father to legal arms trade in Africa and her and his name where linked by a investigative journalist. Headed to Sol city to take up a new work contract for local air freight company.)
Personality wise she is fairly confident, flirty but also takes a while to warm to people having moved about so much. Fairly easy going, slower to trust though and less willing to forgive. Not always wanting to get very close to people as less to deal with when she moves on. Maybe the new city will change her outlook or just be another stamp on the passport.
Caring but again takes time for that to happen after many moves, and too many people. Generally takes time for true self to evident.
Has very few personal effects with her bar the named jewellery as had been pretty nomadic since she was 18 ish, 9 years or thereabout.
Your character's favorite song:
The following is not required, but we strongly encourage you to at least put a little something. In the past we have found that when players get to know each other as real people, not just as names on a screen, it helps the longevity of the game. Seriously, please get to know your fellow players.
Tell us about yourself:
*Your age: 27
*What part of the world are you from? United Kingdom
*How many years have you been writing/roleplaying: 1-2 years offsite, 3 months on guild
*How often do you have time to post? Fairly Regularly, 2-3 times a week, maybe more at weekend
*Anything else you want to mention? Tea loving office dweller, i paint, do photography and self confessed a bit of a nerd on some things. I also collect wargames models.
"These are the things that make a good story great and good writers even greater." |
52,996 | 1,436 | 7 | 869 | 41 | La pharmacologie n'est pas si terrible. Ren a tourné une page.
Ça pourrait être très pratique de savoir comment empoisonner quelqu'un... qui s'en prend à lui-même.
Il commençait à se détendre. Cette boisson s'était transformée en quatre, et il se sentait cool comme un concombre en ce moment. Ren se brossait les cheveux de ses yeux, sur le point de tourner une page quand soudain il s'étonna de son focus par une chanson odieux jouant à haute voix. En regardant brusquement autour de lui, il a trouvé la source du bruit. La femme dans la cabine à côté de lui avait une fronce sur son visage quand elle regardait son téléphone, répondant d'une voix assez forte pour que tout le bar entende. Le mot DC-7 a sonné une cloche. Il s'est souvenu d'une conversation entre son grand-père et son père il y a longtemps. Quelque chose à propos des avions?
Ren a regardé la femme raccrocher le téléphone, sourcils sillonnant. Il a continué à regarder quand elle a enlevé ses lunettes de soleil - chose étrange à porter à l'intérieur. - et a rencontré son regard.
"Désolé à ce sujet, vous savez que le travail appelle toujours au pire moment. J'espère que je ne t'ai pas jeté de chez toi..."
"Bon livre?"
Ses yeux s'élargissent une seconde avant que Ren puisse composer son visage de nouveau dans un regard d'ennui. En regardant son livre et en se levant à nouveau pour reprendre pied, ses yeux se ferment sur le sien - Grey meeting brun. La bouche de la blonde se fronçait aux coins, les yeux scintillent d'amusement à sa propre blague. Comme c'est mature.
"Oui... Il a sucé sa dent. "Le livre est tellement enchanteur que j'avais besoin de quatre d'entre eux pour ne pas être trop excité." Sa main gestuelle vers les verres vides à côté de lui, se branlant à la femme. Ren ne savait pas pourquoi cette femme lui parlait. Peut-être qu'elle est perdue? "De toute façon, ne t'inquiète pas. Il faut plus qu'une sonnerie agaçante et un bavardage bruyant pour me jeter." Il s'est cogné. Soudain, sentant le besoin de se soulager, Ren se leva plus vite qu'il n'aurait dû. Le bar a commencé à tourner. Avec peu ou pas de petit-déjeuner, ces boissons l'ont frappé plus fort qu'ils n'auraient dû. Il se balançait un peu, prenant quelques pas pour se stabiliser et s'emparant du mur du banc reliant leurs cabines. Ren inhala lentement dans son nez, et s'enfuit dans les toilettes. Éviter le regard que la femme lui a envoyé.
À son retour, il y avait quelques gouttes d'eau dans le cou. Son visage avait l'air plus frais, comme s'il gaspillait de l'eau dessus. Le reste de son visage était vide. Il est retourné à la cabine où la femme était assise, et a coulé en face d'elle. "Alors, mademoiselle Aviator. Les yeux de Ren brillaient de malicieuseté. "Tu vas juste laisser Ivan te pousser comme ça pendant ta journée de congé?" | ℛen 𝒲hite
Age: 21
Height: 185 cm / 6’
Weight: 78 kg / 171 lbs
Likes: Coffee, lots of it. Drinking – he loves to forget all about who he is, but hates being vulnerable of spilling his thoughts to other people. Arguing, and being right.
Dislikes: Nosy people. Annoying people. People who think they’re better than him. Going to bed - Ren loves to sleep, but hates lying in bed alone with his thoughts.
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio. Birthday: November 1st.
Strengths: Resourceful, brave, passionate, stubborn, a true friend.
Weaknesses: Distrusting, jealous, secretive, violent.
Scorpio likes: Truth, facts, being right, longtime friends, teasing, a grand passion.
Scorpio dislikes: Dishonesty, revealing secrets, passive people.
Special Talent: Ren was taught to play the piano as a child, and is really good at it. Not that he wants anybody to know. He is also surprisingly good at dancing.
Profession: Studying to become a surgeon at the most prestigious university in the city.
Bio/Personality: Ren is the only child of a rich family. His father inherited a successful pharmaceutical company from his father again, earning them a fortune. Growing up in a big mansion Ren had lots of servants and maids around him, but rarely his parents - who were busy working. He has few friends and big time trust issues. He’s snarky, short tempered, grumpy and sulky when he doesn’t get his way. He’s smug, arrogant and believes himself to be better than most people. Secretly he just wants to be accepted for who he is instead of what he has and who his father is. He envies people who makes friends easy, and though he will never admit it he is drawn towards such people. Ren is struggling with his sexuality, not knowing what he identifies as. He tries to forget this by studying in most of his free time. As his father wanted, he’s in Med. School studying to become a surgeon, unsure of this is what he actually wants to do with his life.
Your character's favorite song: Written in the Water by Gin Wigmore. If you bring this up Ren will turn beet red and utterly deny ever having heard of the song.
Tell us about yourself:
*Your age: 22.
*What part of the world are you from? Norway.
*How many years have you been writing/roleplaying:
I’ve never roleplayed on a forum like this before, but I used to roleplay a bit with people online back in the day when msn was a thing (Online chat, kind of like Skype), lol. It consisted primarily of speed posting, so writing paragraphs will be a welcoming challenge. I would exclusively do fandom based RP’s, so RP with OC’s is new territory for me as well. I think it’s more challenging to come up with the concept of a whole person instead of just writing about a character you’re already familiar with, but hey, still equally as fun.
*How often do you have time to post? I’ll start by saying 2-4 times a week, but the way things are right now I’ll probably check in every day.
*Anything else you want to mention? What you do for a living? How much do you work a week? What do you enjoy doing besides writing?
I just finished my bachelor’s degree as a kindergarten teacher, but didn’t feel like going into the work field just yet, so now I’m studying a master’s degree in pedagogy. Other hobbies include watching movies and tv series, creative stuff like needle felting, drawing/painting, strumming clumsily on my ukulele and singing (guitar is too hard for me, lol.), etc. I play video games to a certain degree, but the games I can play is limited due to sever motion sickness if it’s a first person kind of game (I’ll almost throw up after 30 minutes of games like Mass Effect or such… (ಠ‿ಠ’) ).
BTW: During winter here in Norway it gets dark most of the day. Right now, we get about 8 hours of sunlight a day, but it gets worse (ಥ_ಥ) Because of this most of us suffer from winter depressions, including me. Hooray ʘ‿ʘ. So if I get down in a funk and needs to step back from obligations I will give a heads up. I don’t think this will become likely right now, but maybe it will when I have exams on top of everything else. We’ll see (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ.
PS: Sorry for the emoticon abuse. I find them too funny sometimes (´・ω・ `)(send help). |
52,997 | 1,436 | 8 | 1,855 | 720 | Marinalia (Romus) Olympus
The Old Starboard, dimanche après-midi
Le gars avait bu quelques verres pour être sûr, il semblait rencontrer son interprétation avec une légère attaque. Un commentaire plus précis. Bien qu'il ait bu quelques verres et qu'il ait probablement été moins inhibé. Il se demandait sans doute pourquoi elle l'avait même remarqué, à vrai dire, elle s'ennuyait et les promenades de Marinalia appréciaient d'essayer de connaître quelques habitants.
"Joyeux, non. Le moins que je puisse dire c'est le mien"
Le voyant légèrement décapiter et se diriger vers les toilettes, il n'était pas stable. J'ai dû boire quelques verres. Rire un peu comme il n'était pas stable et étranglé. De retour, il semblait être un peu plus confiant. C'est pas vrai. Peut-être trop.
De retour dans un accent anglais distinct qui était chaud mais mesuré.
"Marlin, bien que mademoiselle soit correcte. Oh, Ivan, oui, l'aviation. L'équipage de conduite, bon travail, je suis un peu nouveau pour que tu obtiennes toujours les mauvais boulots que personne d'autre ne veut.
C'est un peu traditionnel. Meilleur bureau au monde même s'il est attaché à un camionneur à piston de 50 ans "
Souriant légèrement. Et remarquer la taille des livres ne pouvait signifier qu'une des 3 professions, toutes assez bien payées et pas si facile à obtenir.
" donc. Ces livres font de vous un avocat, un médecin ou un comptable."
Un inconnu au hasard. Dans un bar, certaines personnes s'étonneraient de la trouver étrange, mais à quoi bon vivre dans une ville vivante comme Sol quand vous n'avez pas exploré et découvert de nouvelles choses.
En se souvenant de sa journée, il y avait un gars, plus jeune qu'elle a remarqué à la piscine, mais pas tout de suite, trop resserré dans son temps et essayant de garder un bon rythme, il avait l'air de dorloter plus vite. C'était différent de lui, j'avais l'air confiant. Relaxée, elle s'assurait comme quelqu'un qui n'avait pas de vrais soucis. | Marilania (Romus), Olympus
(double barreled, somewhat a name she hides)
Age: 27
Appearance: fairly Athletic, long straight Blonde and with a penchant for skirts she remained in good shape after professional sports, though now is quite abit off her competition times. Always wearing a silver necklace in the style of 3 moons linked together gifted from an old friend, and a fair sized diamond ring that belonged to her grandmother which she values above all other things.
She has a distinct knife wound scar on stomach she tries to downplay and looks much like her mother but has eyes nearly identical to her father in a fairly cold grey.
Sometimes seen in more normal clothes, other times wears a flight suit with range of patches from a few airlines and UK flag for work and vintage aviators picked up on her travels. Otherwise favours UK/European clothing brands and styles.
Distinct English Accent despite travels
Height: 5’5
Weight: 130 pounds
Driving, Mostly SUV and off roaders.
Exploring old ruins and local towns
Awful movies
Rock music
Crash landings
being a passenger
Deceptions, lies and intriques
Ultra packed locations
Cold weather/places
Long term ties to where she lives
Being judged for her Family name/appearance
Zodiac Sign: TAURUS
Special Talent: Able to make a Chocolate filled pancake with chocolate between two layers of pancake,
Very quick to adapt to new cities.
Profession: qualified pilot and Co Crew on a local cargo. Helicopters and short haul airline flights respectively. (also works in there small inner city office when not flying cago's and does general paperwork related to aircraft)
Bio/Personality: Daughter of an English wealthy family, her mother Maria raised her alone after her father Vesarian a captain and owner of a shipping enterprise involved in several less than above board jobs left her before she was born.
Raised on the family estate she was taught for her younger years quickly learning to be fluent in both Latin and English as an old family tradition dictated. Sent off to a private academy when she was barely in secondary education, she soon found her skills after an injury on running track in the swimming pool and won multiple awards in various championships. Though this time was not all easy, being away from family for so long, being abandoned as a child and a lack of a “home” took its toll and made her distant and also reserved.
Things turned round when she took a flying lesson for fun as part of the academies extracurricular programme; she soon took to it and passed her full license just before she was 18.
Returning home to her family, the manufacturing business was turning nasty and a rival firm moving meant her happy reunion was shortlived soon sucked into the internal battles, rivalries internal and external that had plagued the family for decades. Worse still when a mugging went wrong left her with a now scar she hides on her stomach she decided to try and find her own way and escape her family’s internal pull down into its darkside of wealth.
Meeting her step sister Victoria and her father just before she left was the final straw and headed off and worked for a mix of local airlines, helicopter taxi and other jobs before now taking a role at the Sol city Daedalus Airlines and settling down into a smaller but well-furnished top floor apartment in one of the outer districts.
Recently arrived into the city she has not got many ties to the place, renting everything out of habit from a pre furnished apartment, to an offroad SUV (land rover Discovery) on short term leases, never wanting long term ties to a place.
(Had to leave anchorage after a news article linked her father to legal arms trade in Africa and her and his name where linked by a investigative journalist. Headed to Sol city to take up a new work contract for local air freight company.)
Personality wise she is fairly confident, flirty but also takes a while to warm to people having moved about so much. Fairly easy going, slower to trust though and less willing to forgive. Not always wanting to get very close to people as less to deal with when she moves on. Maybe the new city will change her outlook or just be another stamp on the passport.
Caring but again takes time for that to happen after many moves, and too many people. Generally takes time for true self to evident.
Has very few personal effects with her bar the named jewellery as had been pretty nomadic since she was 18 ish, 9 years or thereabout.
Your character's favorite song:
The following is not required, but we strongly encourage you to at least put a little something. In the past we have found that when players get to know each other as real people, not just as names on a screen, it helps the longevity of the game. Seriously, please get to know your fellow players.
Tell us about yourself:
*Your age: 27
*What part of the world are you from? United Kingdom
*How many years have you been writing/roleplaying: 1-2 years offsite, 3 months on guild
*How often do you have time to post? Fairly Regularly, 2-3 times a week, maybe more at weekend
*Anything else you want to mention? Tea loving office dweller, i paint, do photography and self confessed a bit of a nerd on some things. I also collect wargames models.
"These are the things that make a good story great and good writers even greater." |
52,998 | 1,436 | 9 | 1,998 | 752 | Kei Kinzo
La journée était encore plus jeune que jamais même après avoir passé du temps à nager plusieurs fois et apprécié un smoothie ici et là, Kei s'est rendu compte qu'il ne faisait que tourner midi. Fondamentalement, il a encore eu une journée entière pour faire plus de choses. Après avoir nettoyé l'eau de chlore de la piscine dans les douches de gym, il s'est rafraîchi et redressé dans ses vêtements formels très décontractés, ajustant sa cravate pour être lâche, il est sorti du Luna Sports Facility et a respiré en profondeur. Il tendit ensuite les mains au-dessus de sa tête et ferma les yeux au milieu de l'étirement. Il était profondément réfléchi et n'a pas brisé la pose d'étirement pendant au moins trois bonnes minutes. Il pensait vraiment ce qu'il devait faire pour le reste de sa journée, il ne voulait vraiment pas finir par lui envoyer la journée. Il a enfin ouvert les yeux et a baissé les bras, il s'est senti rafraîchi et prêt à prendre le reste de la journée, il avait l'air bizarre pour les passants, mais ça n'a pas du tout ennuyé Kei. Comme son esprit était clair et rafraîchi, il avait besoin d'un verre de midi ainsi que d'une collation de midi à The Old Starboard.
Toutes choses considérées avant de se rendre à The Old Starboard, il a décidé de s'arrêter chez lui et de prendre sa voiture. La distance jusqu'à The Old Starboard était à droite sur la custode d'être accessible à pied, mais aussi d'être trop loin à pied. Heureusement, sa maison était en route pour The Old Starboard donc il a fait le voyage global pas mal du tout. Arrivé à la maison, il a ouvert son garage et a regardé entre ses deux voitures, c'était un choix difficile à faire, mais il a fini par aller pour son WRX STI, aller à une boîte de verrouillage sur son mur, il a froncé ses clés un peu avant de trouver la clé qui correspond à la serrure sur la boîte. Une fois dans la boîte, il a saisi la clé fob et les clés pour la voiture et a immédiatement fermé la boîte de verrouillage et l'a verrouillé. Avec les clés en main, il a déverrouillé la porte latérale du conducteur à sa voiture, s'est installé dans le siège et a immédiatement commencé la voiture. Le moteur rugissait à vie et illuminait le mur devant lui avec les phares lumineux LED. Il a déplacé la voiture en marche arrière et s'est retiré de son garage. Après avoir fermé la porte du garage derrière lui, il s'est immédiatement déplacé en première vitesse et a commencé son voyage à The Old Starboard.
La conduite n'a pas pris longtemps, il lui a peut-être fallu cinq minutes puisque la circulation était libre. Le stationnement était une brise car l'endroit n'était pas trop occupé et, en tant que tel, il était à l'intérieur du vieux tribord dans les secondes qui ont suivi son arrivée. En entrant par les portes, il a fait un scan rapide des locaux comme il le fait. Ce qui lui a immédiatement pris l'œil était deux personnes avec des niveaux variables de coloration aveuglante des cheveux. L'un semblait familier, il pensait avoir vu la femelle plus tôt à l'établissement de sport hors du coin de l'œil, mais il n'était pas sûr à cent pour cent. Quant au mâle qu'il ne savait rien de lui, il n'était qu'un étranger aux yeux de Kei. Il haussa les épaules et l'abeille se dirigea vers une table ouverte et prit place. Sans un instant, une serveuse l'attendait déjà et prenait déjà sa commande. C'est à ce moment-là que Kei s'est rendu compte qu'il n'était pas là pour s'asseoir, qu'il était là pour le bar. Se sentant un peu gêné, il a fait savoir à la serveuse et elle lui a souri et l'a rassuré que c'était bien. En s'excusant de la table, Kei se leva et se dirigea vers le bar où il signala au bar tendre. - Je prendrai juste un rhum et de la coke pour l'instant. -Le bar tendre hoche la tête et fait sortir immédiatement Kei de son ordre. Avec son rhum et sa coke à la main, il en prit une légère gorgée et écouta la musique ambiante qui jouait dans tout l'établissement. | Name: Kei Kinzo
Age: 21
Height: 178 cm or 5'11"
Weight: 82 kg or 180 lbs
Likes: Kind people, video games, cold weather, anime, manga, talking to people, technology, cars, fun activities, girls, cooking, good food, living comfortably, keeping things simple, guns, glasses.
Dislikes: Bad people, boring people, overly deep water, liars, school, unneeded details, cigarettes.
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Special Talent:
Kei doesn't have any extraordinary special talent, but what he is good at is video games, cars, and cooking. Aside from those three things he is about as average as a person can get in terms of other talents.
To avoid having to work for the rest of his life Kei decided on taking a job that would allow him to both have fun and make tons of money on a day to day basis, as such his profession lies in day trade, whether it be stocks or foreign currency he trades them all and makes a good amount of money doing it. Despite having an honest to good job, every now and again he is an arms dealer that lies within the grey area of legality.
Kei is probably an overly outgoing guy, he was always this way since a young age, he really didn't care who someone was or what kind of person they were as long as they were kind he was able to get along with them with ease. He is a simplistic thinker and hates when things are made overly complicated since there is no real reason for things to become harder than it already is. As such he does his best to simplify every aspect of his life without compromising his interests. While yes he would love to live as a god and not have to worry about bodily functions, but he would not go and get special surgery to get bodily functions removed. A trait that usually goes hand in hand with outgoing, is being kind and helpful. Kei does not lack that trait in any way you can say he is the epitome of a kind and outgoing guy even to a fault. Aside from all that Kei is the type of guy to try and get to know a random stranger in the street and hopefully become friends with said stranger for a lifetime, he cares that deeply for relationships.
Growing up Kei was always intelligent and methodical about everything he did, this carried all through his life even to now. That's one of the reasons he decided to become a day trade and arms dealer. He wanted a life of relative ease and comfort. While he does hate the idea of school he understands that somewhere down the line the diploma and education will benefit him and as such he is putting himself through school something that his parents always struggled to do as they could never afford to get him in, but with Kei coming into a fortune due to day trading and arms dealing, he has no problems affording the tuition costs for school, as such he puts himself through it all. While yes Kei is indeed richer than most people, he does not like to show it off because then he feels he is being a horrible person for doing so.
Your character's favorite song:
*Your age: 20
*Region: United States
*How many years have you been writing/roleplaying: 4-5 years
*How often do you have time to post?: Pretty much everyday unless stated otherwise
*Misc: I do attend university so sometimes the work load from that may cause me to go MIA for a day or two, but I will always give a heads up!
"These are the things that make a good story great and good writers even greater." |
52,999 | 1,436 | 10 | 628 | 45 | Kebi Carmen
Une toux aiguë et grossière était le premier signe de l'automne pour Kebi, c'est aussi ce qui l'a malheureusement réveillée du sommeil profond alors que sa gorge se rétrécissait autour du manque d'air qu'elle avait sous les couches et les couches de couvertures. Ils étaient poussiéreux et empruntés à des parents, mais la gardaient au chaud au moment venu, ce qui pour Kebi était meilleur que rien.
Elle a retourné les couvertures sur sa tête dans un huff de frustration apparente, pas tout à fait sûr de ce qui l'a fait se réveiller d'une si mauvaise humeur. « Eh bien, j'ai déjà oublié ce que ce rêve était à peu près cinq secondes juste après mon réveil. »
Comme d'habitude dans sa routine matinale, elle fixa le plafond avec un regard lointain dans ses yeux. Ce n'était pas comme si elle pouvait réellement voir le plafond lui-même, même si le flou du matin lui laissait les yeux, mais c'était agréable de se rassurer qu'elle n'était pas complètement aveugle. Il a fallu peut-être une bonne trentaine de minutes avant même qu'elle ne se retrouve en train de bouger un muscle et encore plus longtemps jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit réellement assise, prête à embrasser la réalité et à ne pas errer dans ses pensées post-aurore.
Assis, elle secoua la main à travers elle, et s'approcha de ses lunettes qui étaient à côté de feuilles de nouvelles blanches éparpillées sur son bureau. Le visage était suffisant pour lui rappeler l'article qu'elle devait faire avant demain. Photos, citations, entrevues, elle avait besoin de ces choses pour compléter ce que certains ont pu voir comme un petit projet d'école.
Comme typique, ne pas être payé était suffisant pour motiver Kebi à terminer son travail plus tôt que nécessaire. Elle a regardé l'heure sur son téléphone, pas du tout heureux qu'elle doive se lever et aller interagir avec le monde juste pour s'assurer qu'elle ait de l'argent à manger demain. "D'accord, donc, 9h00 pas mal, peut-être qu'on peut vraiment aller là où j'ai besoin d'être, et prendre quelques photos merdiques bien?"
Sans une seconde pensée, elle est allée à la salle de bain, rapidement prendre sa brosse à dents et se mettre au travail sur sa routine quotidienne du matin. Il n'a pas fallu du tout longtemps pour qu'elle sorte de la salle de bain avec ses cheveux dans un pain en désordre, portant un sweat à capuche surdimensionné et légèrement effilé avec des leggings et des bottes lactées. Tout casual, et très contrairement aux professionnels de son industrie, mais il devrait le faire.
Elle a pris son téléphone son casque, emballé son sac avec son appareil photo, ordinateur portable et portable, et sorti de son petit appartement à son Vespa dans le parking en bas.
Si quelqu'un pouvait dire à Kebi que c'était un nouveau venu à Sol City, la ville elle-même se sentait comme un labyrinthe, mais celle que Kebi n'avait aucun problème à explorer avec son fidèle Vespa. Cependant, souvent, elle se retrouvait pour demander des directions ici et là, et jusqu'à ce jour elle n'avait aucune idée exactement où quelque chose se trouvait, parfois même son propre appartement lui semblait étranger dans la grande immensité de la ville à venir.
En passant au-delà des sites de la ville, cependant, c'est pour être perdue le long du chemin, au moins elle a eu une belle vue, et au pire une native de la ville énervée lui dirait avec ingrat où elle devait aller. Bien sûr, aujourd'hui a dû être un de ces jours où elle a dû énerver plus de gens qu'elle ne le voulait. S'élancer dans le sud de la ville n'était pas quelque chose qu'elle faisait habituellement, en fait juste la vue de cela lui faisait sentir claustrophobe, quelque chose à ce sujet lui rappelait que la vie n'était pas toujours une brise facile comme cette ville semblait suggérer.
Quoi qu'il en soit, elle n'a pas pris la peine de changer de route dès qu'elle a vu le premier bâtiment délabré, il y avait quelque chose d'incroyable dans cette partie de la ville, caché loin de l'agitation et de la lueur d'autres parties, et pas aussi bien kempt. Kebi devait faire son rapport sur une enquête sur l'une des usines de Southside. Bien qu'il ne s'agisse pas d'une nouvelle nationale révolutionnaire qui fait la une des journaux, il y a eu des rumeurs de déversement illégal dans les eaux de Riverside par cette entreprise en particulier. La dernière fois qu'elle est venue ici pour les interviewer, elle a été grossièrement détournée, mais elle a été assurée que cette fois il pourrait y avoir quelque chose de plus succinct que les réponses originales qu'elle a obtenu.
Même s'il n'y en avait pas, elle avait toujours son appareil photo pour au moins se faufiler et, espérons-le, documenter toute preuve. Peut-être qu'elle avait des illusions de grandeur à propos de ce qu'elle trouverait dans cette usine, la rumeur aurait pu être juste concurrence essayant d'invoquer la concurrence par la diffamation. Kebi n'avait pas de vraie façon de savoir puisque sa propre source était anonyme et a été trouvée à travers le net comme d'habitude. Les locaux savaient-ils pour le petit Reddit où tout le monde s'est réuni pour parler de la ville? Elle s'est demandée un instant.
Au fur et à mesure que ses yeux commençaient à éclipser son environnement actuel, elle ne remarqua pas particulièrement son Vespa ralentissant progressivement et la poignée devenant de plus en plus instable dans son emprise. Elle aurait dû regarder si elle s'était trouvée dans une petite allée, ce n'était pas longtemps avant que son Vespa ait couru le phare d'abord dans un mur qui l'a fait simplement soulever seulement quelques pieds de son siège, mais juste assez pour la secouer éveillée.
Le phare s'est écrasé contre le mur dur, et Kebi a été laissé en arrière pour confirmer le pire. Ce n'était pas la seule chose endommagée, car elle a essayé de tourner la clé et a été laissée avec un moteur qui a refusé de démarrer. "Oh putain de super..." elle griffait entre ses dents alors qu'elle se tenait sur le côté et examinait l'extérieur du Vespa.
Comme prévu, elle ne savait rien sur la réparation de Vespa, et rien sur l'entretien non plus si c'était si rapide d'échouer sur elle maintenant de tous les temps. Elle a déjà déploré le fait qu'elle soit même venue dans une partie de la ville à laquelle elle n'avait même pas l'habitude.
Kebi a repéré un dépanneur à proximité, et a marché, demandant le magasin de réparation le plus proche qu'elle ait pu trouver. Pour une fois, une certaine chance lui est venue une fois que le propriétaire du magasin a confirmé qu'un magasin existait à quelques pâtés de maisons d'ici.
"Des designs A-Pex? C'est vrai?"
Elle a écrit le nom de la boutique comme si Apex n'était pas un mot dans son vocabulaire.
"Oui, si je pense que ça devrait être à quelques pâtés de maisons d'ici. Vous pourriez utiliser votre téléphone GPS pour le trouver."
"J'en suis sûr."
Revenant vers le Vespa, elle a déplacé les poignées dans son emprise, et a marché avec elle vers l'endroit où son téléphone pointait. Traîner le véhicule était une chose, mais le faire dériver constamment là où elle n'en avait pas besoin en était une autre. Coin rond après Coin Kebi a été en mesure de trouver Apex Designs qui pour elle était un dieuend avait ses pieds douloureux n'a pas été la première chose à l'échec elle.
"Juste quelques pâtés de maisons, hein? Tellement pour ça."
Elle est entrée dans le magasin, en faisant attention de ne pas laisser son Vespa frapper dans l'un des véhicules actuellement en cours de travail. Marcher juste assez près pour ne pas être à proximité d'une autre voiture, elle a utilisé le kiosque à coups de pied pour rendre le stand Vespa immobile avant de marcher plus loin pour voir si elle pouvait obtenir de l'aide.
"Bonjour?" Il y a quelqu'un? Un peu besoin d'aide avec mon Vespa... si vous les gars? Ou... des filles... ou une personne... peuvent réparer ce genre de chose...?"
Elle savait qu'elle ne faisait pas la meilleure impression, mais elle espérait que c'était suffisant pour attraper celui qui était à l'intérieur de l'attention de la boutique car aucun autre client ou employé ne semblait être là. | Name:
Kebari "Kebi" Carmen
Perhaps one too many acquaintances of hers have made allusions to Kebi looking like the "Asian' version of Velma from Scooby Doo. Of course, their words and not hers, suffice to say Kebi looks like any average girl her age, but she prides herself on looking or at least trying to look a little cuter. No one has ever gotten her real age correctly, and most still think she's some teen trying to illegally gain access to clubs around the city, and maybe it has something to do with her lack of driving skills, but the police have no trouble pulling her over and then asking for her 'Learner's License' as if she wasn't embarrassed enough. Kebi stands at at a fair 5'2 which really adds to her youthful persona which she has been trying to abandon for the last 5 or so years to no avail. Her hair curls just at the ends, whether it does that naturally is something Kebi will debate with you on if asked, and her glasses are almost always a mainstay of her appearance. Kebi will often say that she's one of the few who actually makes astigmatism look cute to some degree. Kebi is on more of the chubby side seeing as how she won't stop herself from overindulging in cute but small snacks, and she's a frequent customer to your local sweets novelty shop.
Video Games
The Internet
Riding her Vespa around town
Horror Movies
Long Movies
Big Dogs
Being mistaken as a teen
Social Media
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Special Talent: Kebi is quite the writer, even knowing that means...virtually nothing in this country's economy it was indeed the one thing that outlasted her beyond high school. This ties into her current profession as a journalist for a local paper (while also working part time as a retail associate), for her writing has been a passion since she was old enough to tell stories. She also works as a freelance writer when time allows, however her freelance writing can range from humorous short stories to erotic novels none of which she has to be ashamed of since it's all under various pseudonyms that can't be traced back to her. Ultimately, she hopes her greatest achievement is a full length fictional novel or some kind of investigative books that get her TV interviews and some actual acumen other than quirky underpaid columnist.
Profession: Columnist/Retail Associate/Freelance Writer/Blogger
Bio/Personality: Kebi is the obsessive type, always behind a computer screen or phone, and consistently observing the world around her. One might mistakenly see her as meek and quiet, however, she has a a keen eye for the world around her, that's she feels makes journalism a more pursuant career choice than that of anything else. Kebi is actually just....neurotic, a nervous ball of energy one moment, fixated on some small detail the next moment. She's secretive and elusive, never letting people in any more than she wants them to. Kebi has a vast array of knowledge at her disposal and is never without her phone or some odd quip about a particular subject. She can hold a conversation quite easily, it just seems that she always chooses her words wisely as if she'd suddenly be taken as an idiot or something.
She likes talking and she likes being around people, anxiety has never really been a problem for her as long as she could get in with the right people. There's a certain casual tone to her voice that makes it easy for other to talk to her, and she an incredible amount of dry and witty sarcasm to boot. However, most people will note that when it comes down to her profession, Kebi is absolutely unafraid to press the uncomfortable questions, she can needle into others heads quite easily, and knows how to examine and observe the character of another person.
She has a strong drive for order, and a stronger one for truth. However, that may be just what caused her to move halfway across the country and alienate herself from anyone she used to know. Above all, Kebi is obsessed with gossip and the value of public opinion. Back in high school she was most assuredly the one keeping tabs on who's who and what could increase her social acumen. She became a social pariah of sorts where even her half truths were taken at word. For a girl who had been mostly shy and ignored in middle school, the influence given to her in high school was just enough to get into her head.
Long before then she became wrapped up in internet fame, the type that came from silly prank videos, and being as vacuous and bone headed as possible on sites like Youtube. That fame may have only been internet lived but it was as real as it got for her. It gave her confidence, it made her who she was today. Often she would stir the pot with her own rendition of petty drama through internet communities. She wasn't seen as anything other than a troublemaker, and it got to the point where she was more concerned with starting drama to feed her fanbase than to have anything actually important to do or say.
Eventually, this all came to a halt, one joke a little too far, and one friend from the same posse that got her famous died by the hands of someone else during a supposed one of their pranks. Of course, law enforcement got involved and she was told to do nothing but sit pretty and act if she hadn't seen or known what had happened. It was one of those enlightening moments when she learned what the world really thought about her. She was just some lonely girl from high school who picked up some make up tips and had puberty work out for them, that everyone just saw her as some lummox who would eventually be fame hungry enough to do anything they asked.
She soon confessed, and that was just enough for her to completely escape conviction, after which she was content to erase all evidence of her existence on the internet and move far away from her hometown. Life has been hard since trying to survive on her own, but she's had a chance to reconnect with who she used to be, and quite honestly she's lucky enough not to have had any stalkers or threats against her since then.
Nowadays, she works under the name Kebi Carmen which is a pseudonym for her real Korean name. She hopes above all that no one recognizes her and that the internet has largely forgotten the girl with big glasses and the weird hair.
Your character's favorite song:
*Your age:
*What part of the world are you from?
*How many years have you been writing/roleplaying: 6 years???
I was on the Guild before it went down one Christmas, then I forgot my password to my old account so I just made a new, then I kinda quit for a few months earlier last year cause of some personal things.
*How often do you have time to post?
My schedule is pretty open I mean I can post consistently, the problem isn't time for me but motivation.
*Anything else you want to mention?
I like drawing as well, altho I wouldn't say im good enough to draw any OC's I make for RP's but if you ever do want to see my works just ask. I work a pretty lowly part time job, nothing to really say about it. I used to be a Graphic Design major in College but switched to Web Design lol, so I know a bit of Photoshop.
This character was inspired by all the damn Youtube drama videos I was watching today lol just gotta be honest with y'all lol |
Subsets and Splits