9 values
How Dare You! How Dare you do this to me. How Dare you stand there and let us be. You not wanting this marriage and working late is how this began. I now know this has to end. I have a responsibility to be strong and be there for our boys. They are human they are not toys. They want-they need their dad instead of wishing and being sad. How dare you do this to me and I go on and let this be. How dare you stay married to be all these years and stand back and watch my tears. I know you don't want me and I know this much is true I am stronger now instead of being blue. To tell you the truth I don't care anymore your lies and you I no longer stand for or adore. You stole my heart-my pride-my soul you are not a human you are just cold. You don't love me or want to be married -I don't know how many times I have to be told but I realize now you were being you just bitter and cold. How dare you do this to me and stand there and let this be. Do you feel pain or are you just mad for once in your cold life I want you to feel sad. Payback is hell and that is what you deserve and I hope you will feel pain and unwanted everyday in everyway. How dare you do this to me-I have to let go and I now know this is how it has to be. I will eventually need to pack up and leave. When we say our goodbyes I will be drying my eyes. How dare you wanting to leave I just have to realize we were never meant to be.
Listen Up Mom will you sit down To listen what I have to say We can be in the same room And be miles and miles away We are not a happy family anymore Do you think you fix this You can’t be Cause you are never home Do you still remember my face Do you think a father figure will help It won’t I already have one I don’t want another You can marry a million guys We still won’t be a happy family Do you notice I’m slipping away Do you notice the scars on my arms I’m going crazy stuff just so you will notice me But the thing is I just want my mom back I want my best friend I just want to go back Where I told you everything Is that possible All the tears I’ve cried I just want my mom back!
Listen Up Mom will you sit down To listen what I have to say We can be in the same room And be miles and miles away We are not a happy family anymore Do you think you fix this You can’t be Cause you are never home Do you still remember my face Do you think a father figure will help It won’t I already have one I don’t want another You can marry a million guys We still won’t be a happy family Do you notice I’m slipping away Do you notice the scars on my arms I’m going crazy stuff just so you will notice me But the thing is I just want my mom back I want my best friend I just want to go back Where I told you everything Is that possible All the tears I’ve cried I just want my mom back!
A Smile A smile is just a Gesture, That's made on one's face, What if the knew, All I needed was space? I NEED to breathe, NEED to get away, Don't know how much longer, I am here to stay. We had such fun, Used to laugh all day. You said you wouldn't leave, You said you would stay. But know you are gone, And I must force a smile, Because you had told me, It was just for a while. Now we are leaving, Leaving all our pasts here. Ditching the friends and the family, That have grown so dear. You tell me to be happy, To have fun for a while, But how can I have fun, When I can't find a smile?
I Guess It Didn't I know I should I wish I could Just let you know What must not show Another life That is filled with strife I said no but I guess what I meant did't really show he drugged me then hugged me and after that he stripped me of my dignity and stripped me of my confidence I know I should I wish I could Just let you know what must not show another life That is filled with strife I said no But I guess what I meant didn't really show that when a girl says no she really means no
The Ghost The ghost that hunts, but hasn't died. He left after only a short time. Never wrote or so I thought. Years pass and something tore him a part. I've always thought something wasn't right. She tells me my father isn't who I love. My little mind only cries. My little mind only hates. He left and never saw all the wondrous things that I've done. The ghost that hunts, but never died. I haven't heard a word in a long time. I'm sweet sixteen, but without the sweetness. For the past eight or nine years on my birthdays before I blow out the candles, I wish for his presence to join the room. Or maybe later to see him in a dream. I pray constantly for God to bring him back to me. I see my friends with both their mommy's and daddy's. I wonder maybe that could be me. Jealously isn't a pretty thing and I wish not to be. I tell them love for what you have, because the someone unfortunately doesn’t have a dad. The ghost that haunts, but still lives. Will you HELP ME FIND MY DAD!
Not Letting You Go Grip my hand Don’t ever let go, Just give me one more chance To let you know, I didn’t mean what I said And I never thought you’d be here, In an hospital bed, Lying cold, numb, almost dead, And I can't take it, Please pull through I know you can make it, Don’t leave me here Make me shed this tear You’re all I’ve got, Even if I appreciated it or not, You’ve always been there, Near or far apart, Even though I didn’t realize, You were in my heart, And I know you’re strong And to this fate you don’t belong, I need you here to comfort me, I need to you to fight, Don’t shut your eyes, Don’t fall into the light, Because if you go, my world will fall apart, And I’ll have a broken heart, And now as you lie here I know, I’ve always needed you, Right from the very start, And I’m not letting you go.
The Pain Shows When I look into your eyes, I see the pain you try to hide. You try to be tough, But the pain shows The hurting, And the suffering that this is causing you The pain shows Although you act as if nothing is wrong, The pain shows You try to be brave But the pain shows You try to hide the tears But the pain shows Who knew looking into your eyes would reveal so much pain
Does My Daddy Love Me? Does my daddy love me when he doesn't talk to me? Does my daddy love me when he doesn’t spend time with me? Does my daddy love me when he doesn't make me feel special? Does my daddy love me when he doesn’t call me see how I'm doing? Does my daddy love me when he hasn't been to my birthday in 7 years? Dose my daddy love me? Really? If so, how come he doesn't show it?
I'm A Sad Fairy She is very beautiful one of a kind she's normal and simple but she's hard to find she holds her anger in but she dreams of fantasy's she commits many sin's but seeks a true destiny she has beautiful long brown hair she lets it down at night she's in the starry sky and everywhere her presents makes light I see her in the mirror but in her eyes she holds fear
Bravado alone again, just another day dedicated to love ones missed. As I sit with an empty soul, not sad, not glad but pissed, thinking back on happier times when those who are gone hugged and kissed. But they're gone and the world still turns. I put up a bravado that I'm happy, but really my heart yearns for those better days trips to the beach and sun burns. Family get-togethers laughs and smile. Food collecting on our plates in piles and piles. But now all that piles up on my tears, most out of heartache but some come from fears. I could have hydrated an entire nation over the years. Yet I mask them with smiles that are hollow in hope that there will always be a better tomorrow. But until then you will forever see is my bravado.
Daughter Taken By Mothers Lies Have you any clue ? To the pain You have put Me through ? Pain so deep With in me. That at night When I finally Close my eye's To sleep I can hear My SOUL WEEP !
Involuntary Acceptance Even though We’re far apart You’ll always be In our heart He loved you then We love you now Kept from your life We don’t know how Perhaps one day A chance we’ll be given Until that time You’ll be missed where we’re liven We’ll hope for the best But expect the worst That you’ll change your mind For this we’ll thirst Whether you do or don’t We may never know But never forget We still love you so
Victim Of Poverty Poverty stricken youth jus trying to make a buck mom working two jobs and pops don't give a f**k daddy never comes around at night the only sound that can be heard are the sounds of the ghetto drug dealing, gang banging the sirens of the po po he finds himself posted on the corner slangin dope to him it seems like the only hope to finally get off the block or stay at a dead end job wit no raise so on the corner he stays high school dropout wit no time for class time at a desk could be spent in the spot making cash scarface dreams are clouding up his mind cocaine sales taking up his time greed has polluted his brain, spirit, and soul hatred and a heart as black as coal have takin over him what is he to do no one gives him an answer looking for a clue looking to the sky for some kind of sign all he can see is a life full of crime until the day the cops get him or his enemies catch him in the wrong hood wearin the wrong colors, throwin up the wrong signs if he could change things he'd do anything for a second chance times up he has a dance with the devil that's going to last an eternity another soul lost, but others see it as another victim of poverty.
Rain I sit and watch as the rain falls from a sky so dark and gray Is this life a crying sky if so, not even I can fight I'm tired of hurting I'm tired of tears I'm tired of being alone for all these years I want peace and I want love I want to break free to fly above!
The Face Of Sadness Its happened again. The moment when I thought nothing would go wrong, That everything would be alright, That there was nothing to worry about, That everything was perfect. But just like those other times, It didn't last. Another moment in life, Another piece to the puzzle. Slowly completing, And showing its face. The face that I've been longing to see. The face I was always aware of, The face I've been waiting for, The face I'm conscious of. Suddenly exposed into my eyes and heart. I stare motionless, Although expected, still surprised. Calmly, patiently, warmly, silently, soothingly, Able to realize that this is what I was sent to discover. Sent to vividly recognize what this is all about. Not a game but another rationally humanly way of living. Just another part I must adjust to. And when the end suddenly appears, Ill be proud to say that I learned something in life. Proud to say that I learned something thanks to you. Proud to say I saw the face and learned about it. Proud to say that that face was introduced by you, Fed by you, And lived by you.