True that, just learn and hop to another ship for a higher salary
like where
Can you help a fellow tunisian computer engineering student get a summer internship 😭
I heard that the market for SWE is really bad in the US, can you confirm this
Why not mention the company's name
Everything is bad right now
The whole economy is bad, and people are getting laid off and not finding jobs
SWE is mostly affected by inflation, and the second big reason is AI taking over most of the jobs
Hopefully, after US elections, everything will come back to normal, but it will take a couple of years at least before anything gets fixed
Are you in tunisia
Boycott Amazon
We had a caretaker with us for a very short period of time from Tunisia
On the surface everything seemed fine and above board but our oldest was completely not herself once we starting having this person in our home
Big emotions and an incredible amount of tears, our guts just felt like something was wrong
Finally our oldest shared that she had been hit in a pattern nearly every day she was with them (ankle, calf, back, arm) It’s concerning and worrisome that this even happened
We promptly removed the caregiver from our home and sadly will likely think again before hiring anyone from a country where child rearing is much more physical
I feel absolutely devastate we ever trusted this person with our children
Sidi Bou Said looks more like some southern Spanish cities because hundreds of thousands of Spanish Muslims (Moriscos) have been relocated to Tunisia a few centuries ago
Any update in your case